> Full Moon Fever: A MoonLight Prompt Collab > by TheLastBrunnenG > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1 Armor by TheWraithWriter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Armor by TheWraithWriter Nightmare-Moon could be called many things. Maniacal, manic, monstrous, psychotic, impulsive, obsessive, brooding, dark, sexy, fat ass. Those last two she actually had been called quite recently. The ever cheery and pro-organization Twilight had called her sexy. That had made her blush. The ever snacking and hypocritical Celestia had called her fat ass. That had made her blush as well. Have you looked behind yourself lately, Celestia? Wait, there’s no point because you cannot even see behind yourself. Nightmare thought with a smirk. Which was quickly turned into a frown. Why couldn’t I have thought of that earlier? Nightmare sighed. Stupid Celestia, calling my rump fat, when it is she who possesses the fattened behind. Stupid Twilight, calling me sexy, making me blush in front of stupid Celestia. Her frown deepened as she looked down and realized she was polishing her own hoof instead of her breastplate. Stupid trivial things distracting me. Obsessive was the one they liked to whisper now, the ones that weren’t Celestia or Twilight. So what if she would go into her tower, spending all day in there, polishing her armor? She needed to be presentable! “I am not obsessive,” Nightmare said to the air as she placed the breastplate aside and picked up her helmet, beginning to give it its fifth coat of polish. “You keep talking to yourself and ponies will start calling you crazy,” said a voice from a corner. For all her insistence on being unshakable, Nightmare jumped. She rounded on the source of the voice, horn lighting up as she prepared to smite the intruder. But the magic died down once she realized it was only Twilight. “Oh, hello,” Nightmare said, turning away from Twilight and back to her task. “Is that all I get? ‘Hello’?” Twilight asked in mock offence. “Hello, Twilight,” Nightmare said, giving the purple pony a little smile to indicate she wasn’t really upset. “Hello, Nighty, how are you this fine pre-dawn?” Twilight said as she trotted over to the larger mare. Nightmare blushed at the mention of her pet name, but then tilted her head at Twilight’s words. “Pre-dawn? I worked through the night?” Twilight nodded. “Yep. Again.” Nightmare frowned. “I am sorry, Twilight. We had a date, yes?” Twilight shrugged. “It’s alright, you can make it up to me next time.” she looked over Nightmare’s set of armor, all laid out on the floor before the alicorn. “Your armor looks good. All nice and polished.” “No,” Nightmare said as she picked the helmet up again. “It needs another polish.” Twilight’s next smile looked pained. “Nighty… have you even considered going outside without your armor on?” “Of course I have.” “And?” a bit of hopefulness there. “It was a foolish idea that was quickly discarded to make room for better ideas.” Twilight’s smile fell. “Nighty… I think it would be better if you stopped hiding inside this metal skin of yours.” Nightmare stopped her polishing and looked to Twilight. “Hiding? Do you mean to imply I live in fear of something and must hind from it? I am the Mistress of Nightmares and I-” Nightmare’s speech was cut short by Twilight pressing a hoof to her lips. “I know Nighty, I know. But you told me you were unhappy the nobles and commoners seemed afraid of you.” Nightmare pushed Twilight’s hoof away. “But I mean them no harm! They are simply too-” Twilight put her hoof back where it was. “I know that, Nighty, but some ponies have a little trouble understanding that when you insist on being dressed in full battle armor all the time.” Twilight sighed and removed her hoof. “Tomorrow, for me, will you leave all this here and just walk around with me?” Twilight asked softly. “Luna and Celestia can be there too, if it would help.” Nightmare frowned. “I would prefer it if I was not strutting around naked and venerable. But for you, Twilight? I will try it.” Twilight smiled. “Thank you. I can practically guarantee you’ll like the gardens more without lugging around all that metal all day.” “Perhaps, Twilight,” Nightmare said, looking at her helmet, a small smile forming on her muzzle. “Perhaps.” > 2 Slowly by ArguingPizza > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slowly by ArguingPizza For Twilight, chances to take a break and relax were relatively few and far between. Between her duties as a Princess, her ongoing studies in magic, as well as a certain…other project, it left little time for her to sit down and take a moment for herself. She was grateful, then, when she managed to find the time to have a cup of tea with Fluttershy at one of Ponyville’s small cafés. Sadly, her other friends had been unable to attend for various reasons, ranging from an insect infestation for Applejack, large pending orders for Pinkie Pie and Rarity, and being asked to assist Spitfire in overseeing Manehatten’s Water Lift for the Cloudsdale weather factories. Though she was disappointed that the rest of her friends couldn’t be there, Twilight was no less happy when Fluttershy arrived. The two exchanged a quick hug before choosing a small table in the café’s outdoor section. “Oh Twilight, it’s so good to see you again,” Fluttershy said with a smile, which Twilight returned brightly. “You too Fluttershy. How’s life in Ponyville been in the last few weeks?” “It’s been wonderful!” Fluttershy gushed excitedly, before quickly shrinking down again. “T-that’s not to say it’s been great because you’ve been gone, because it would’ve been even better if you’d been here, but please don’t think I’m trying to convince you to come back, unless that is you want to—“ “Fluttershy, would you like me to stop you?” Twilight asked with a raised eyebrow. Fluttershy clamped her mouth shut tightly and nodded. Twilight resisted the urge to giggle and motioned for a waiter. It was something she enjoyed about Ponyville: she might have been a Princess, but in this one small corner of Equestria, she was still Twilight Sparkle. Well…at least to most ponies in town. She could hardly blame the fillies and colts for being fascinated with the brand new Princess living just up the street. “Your Highness, Fluttershy,” the waitress, Wheat Grass, greeted them warmly. “How are you ladies doing today?” Fluttershy, having something to focus on other than trying not to accidentally possibly offend somepony maybe, peaked out from behind her mane. “I’m doing very well, thank you. How is Ms. Flappy doing?” Wheat Grass’s smile broadened, from the generic ‘server smile’ into a genuine one. “She’s doing much better, thanks to you. I really can’t thank you enough.” Fluttershy blushed and looked down in embarrassment. “Oh, I didn’t do much. I just wrapped her wing up nice and snug so it could heal right. Anypony could do that.” “Maybe, but I’d still like to repay you somehow.” Wheat Grass let her words hang in the air for a long moment before resuming her professional bearing. “In the meantime, what would you two like to drink?” Twilight and Fluttershy each gave their orders, and Wheat Grass quickly departed to let them peruse the menu. The moment they were alone again, Twilight shot her friend a devious grin. “Well, somepony made a new friend while I was away.” While many ponies thought her an island of innocent ignorance, Fluttershy was more than able to pick up on what Twilight was implying. Her face lit up like the setting sun, and she shook her head furiously. “O-oh no, its not like that at all!” she insisted. “I-I just helped her pet parrot after she broke her wing last week.” Twilight’s smirk didn’t waiver, but she let the matter drop to spare Fluttershy’s heart the strain of maintaining her entire blood supply in her cheeks. Her mercy was ‘rewarded’ with a teasing prod of Fluttershy’s own. “How are things coming with Nightmare Mo—“ Twilight leapt across the table and covered Fluttershy’s mouth with her hooves, panic in her eyes. “Don’t say her—“ “Mwuahahahahaha!” “—name,” Twilight finished lamely, her hooves and face, falling onto the table. Fluttershy looked around in confusion for the source of the downright maniacal laughter, but her focus quickly changed when the sky was engulfed in dark, foreboding storm clouds. The rolling thunderheads materialized from nothing, and swirled into a dark mass so deep it overpowered the noonday sun and bathed Ponyville in darkness. “Where is Our Beloved?” a voice boomed from everywhere and nowhere, all consuming and intangible as the wind. With a resigned sigh, Twilight raised a hoof and waved it about. “Right here, Moonie.” From on high, a figure of pure darkness descended to the ground. The figure slammed into the ground, a thunderbolt striking just behind it to punctuate the landing. The shadows around the figure slowly receded, revealing the imposing form of Nightmare Moon, the Reborn Darkness. “Twilight,” she whispered urgently, glancing around to see if anypony else had heard her pet name, “Not in front of the peasantry.” “For the hundredth time, Moonie,” Twilight repeated, louder this time to ensure the café’s other (terrified)customers had heard her, “They aren’t peasants, they’re subjects.” “Um, Twilight? That still sounds a little demeaning,” Fluttershy ventured. Twilight ignored her, instead deciding to continue berating her marefriend. “And why are you here, interrupting my lunch with Fluttershy?” Twilight demanded as she stood and pushed into Nightmare Moon’s personal space, somehow managing to look intimidating next to the alicorn who was nearly twice her size. Nightmare Moon dropped her gaze to the ground in shame, idly kicking a loose stone. “I…I missed you,” she said quietly, her tone easily likened to that of a kicked puppy. Twilight’s heart melted at the sight, and she quickly enveloped the larger mare in a hug. “I know, but we’ve talked about this. You need to get to know some ponies other than me, and I need to spend time with my other friends. Do you know this is the first time I’ve been back to Ponyville since your Rising?” Twilight said gently. Nightmare Moon nodded, unwilling to meet Twilight’s eyes. “I did, and I’m…I’m sorry. This was foolish of me.” Twilight lifted Nightmare Moon’s face with a hoof and forced her to look up. “No, it wasn’t foolish. It was actually kind of sweet, in a way.” Twilight lightly kissed her marefriend before releasing her. “But right now I would like for you to go back to Canterlot. If I’m not mistaken, Lieutenant Whisper Wind’s horror movie marathon is today. I think you’d enjoy it.” Twilight smiled supportively, which Nightmare Moon eventually returned. “Very well, I shall take my leave then. I—“ Nightmare Moon once again looked around suspiciously at the various ponies watching the exchange, before continuing in a whisper audible only to Twilight, “I love you.” Twilight’s eyes glistened for a split second before she closed them and gave her marefriend another quick peck. “I love you too, Moonie. Now, off with you. I’ll see you tonight.” Twilight punctuated her statement with a light slap of her wing on Nightmare Moon’s flank. It was quickly proven that black coats were not, in fact, 100% effective at hiding blushes. Like a rocket, Nightmare Moon departed the quiet village, leaving Twilight to retake her seat across from Fluttershy. As the clouds and shadows dispersed, Twilight watched the retreating form of her marefriend as she headed towards Canterlot. With a blissful, far away look, she turned to her friend. “To answer your question, Fluttershy, things with her are coming along. Slowly, but I think I’m making progress.” > 3 Lotion by Habanc > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lotion by Habanc "What are you wearing?" Nightmare Moon had asked her. Twilight was wearing her hair up in a ponytail, perched on her bed, cross-legged and nose deep in a book. She looked up at her. "Huh?" Followed her eye-line, she skimmed her hooves along her mane. "Oh, you mean my ponytail?" "Is that what it is called?" Nightmare asked, plopping herself on the bed. "Yup." Twilight shrugged. "I wasn't in the mood to brush my hair today, so I just did this instead." "I like it," Nightmare Moon surmised, before leaning her head against Twilight's shoulder. "Hmm, your coat is really soft today as well." She perked up. "Am I getting a surprise of sorts?" Twilight frowned. "I'm sorry, Nighty, but no. I just bought a new brand of lotion earlier." "Lotion for what, exactly?" "To make sure your coat and skin is hydrated and smooth," Twilight explained. "Most ponies don't want to be all dry and rough when they touch somepony else." "Oh." Nightmare had nodded. -~- In the present, Nightmare Moon sighed. Her bath had been wholly relaxing, but the sigh was bittersweet. As nice as it had been, she had to get out sometime. Standing up, she wobbled but ultimately found her balance. Moving aside the shower curtain, she stepped onto the tiled floor. Her hoof slid like greased butter, dropping her like a sack of potatoes. With the rest of her gangly lags flailing about, she collapsed into a yelping, soaked, rubber ducky shower curtain-wrapped mess. The door barged open seconds later. "What happened?!" Twilight cried. Two bottles of hydrating lotion clattered to the floor, hollow and empty. Nightmare Moon's head popped up from the wreckage, mane bound in a ponytail. > 4 Balcony by Knight of Lycaeus > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Balcony by Knight of Lycaeus Under the glow of the full moon perched high in the sky, the late hour ensured the streets of Ponyville were quiet and empty of its usual liveliness. The calm silence was broken by an inky shadow that passed through the beams of moonlight to land before an awe inspiring tree created from shining crystal, this, the home of the newest Equestrian Princess was like the streets, quiet and still. The inky shadow reformed to the shape of a tall mare whose feathered wings were shaped similar to those of a bat, a long horn protruded from her forehead its tip gleaming with razor sharpness; her form encased in full battlegear of pale blue. Her teal eyes lifted upwards towards the overhanging balcony that led into the personal chambers of the resident Princess. “Oh Twilight, Twilight” she called out in a silky tone out while weaving a small spell to ensure that only her intended recipient would hear her so as to not awaken the citizens of the small town. “Wherefore art thou Twilight?” Her call was answered mere moments later by an irate alicorn of lavender colouration. Her purple eyes were glaring deeply at late night intruder. “Nightmare, it is well past midnight!” She too had woven the same spell to keep the words between them but her volume was still effective to the Nightmare’s ears. “What’s worse is you quoting from a well-known romantic scene from one of the playwright Spear Shaker’s plays and in the completely wrong way!” Her intruder merely gave a sly smile, “Should such minor details be imposed upon matters of the heart? For what other ways is there to claim another’s heart but with the recitation of words from a master?” The mare on the balcony growled, “With your own words. Which is not an invitation to start! I told you I have no interest in looking for a coltfriend or marefriend!” With no flicker of light the onyx coated mare vanished only to appear once more by the irated alicorn whose glare merely intensified. “Oh? No interest whatsoever? Was the invitation for the play a lie then?” Her wing outstretched and gently began caressing the other mare. “Is it not customary for courtship to begin with events such as those?” Raising her own wing she brushed away the onyx wing, “Perhaps in your time but it was to allow you to catch up on things you’ve missed over the millennium. Luna was banished centuries before this play was written and it seemed to be a good starting point. Besides battlegear does not fit that play in the slightest, your appearance is more suited to be in Wagner’s play as a Valkyrie.” “Perhaps I am a Valkyrie” Nightmare purred, “It was the custom for one to be the dominant in the courtship, the stallion who would protect his mare.” Closing the gap to face the peeved Princess in the eyes, “Perhaps for the relationship of two mares there is one mare is the protector.” “Just leave!” Breaking contact with the visitor intent on reclaiming what sleep had been robbed from her by this late night encounter. To this the Nightmare reappeared once more in front of the Princess and pounced. A full deep kiss the Nightmare gave, the Princess startled yet made no move to leave its embrace. Instead she chose to deepen the kiss yet even as she did she felt the soft lips leaving her. “No hesitance have I sensed, that kiss you certainly enjoyed. You can’t fight this my dear Twilight.” purring out a final message before vanishing altogether. Behind she had left a Princess dazed and now unsure of the depths of her feelings for her once enemy. > 5 Grumpy by ultra1437 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Research by ultra1437 “Please?” Nightmare Moon curled a wing around her smaller, purple companion as they surveyed the stars from a large balcony. “Hmph.” Twilight Sparkle shifted away, huffing petulantly. “Come on, please?” Nightmare shifted closer again. “Don’t want to.” Twilight kept up her retreat, standing up. “Pretty please?” Nightmare was on her hooves now. “The physical appearance of the word please has no bearing on my decision.” Nightmare sighed at Twilight’s lengthy reply. “Pretty please with an extra hour of night on top?” Nightmare’s eyes betrayed her true feelings on the matter. “Getting better.” Twilight slowed down and turned to look back. “Pretty please with an extra hour of night and the librarians won’t bother you?” Nightmare showed her trump card morosely. “... Fine. What do you want?” Twilight made her return to Nightmare’s side. “To spend this glorious evening with you. That is all, I swear.” Nightmare wanted so much more, but she would take what she could get, for now. “Nothing… more?” Twilight had almost caught her, it seems. “Not unless you want to.” Not a lie, at least completely. “Fine. I’ll stay.” Nightmare held her shout of joy, settling for nuzzling Twilight’s cheek. “Why are you so grumpy around me?” Nightmare asked as she pulled back. “I… don’t know. I can’t describe it.” Twilight looked away, a small sadness taking her over as she slouched. “Try, for me, please?” Another nuzzle, this time against Twilight’s forehead. “Why?” Twilight pulled away slightly to look Nightmare in the eyes. “Because if I know why, I can help you be rid of that grumpiness, Miss Grumpypants.” A black hoof tapped Twilight’s muzzle softly. “We don’t wear pants.” Twilight shot her a flat look. “My joke still stands.” Nightmare chuckled lightly, drawing a wing against Twilight. “Okay, Okay. I’ll try.” Twilight took a deep breath. “Maybe it was from when we first met. You tried killing me; then when my friends and I beat you with the Elements, I had the feeling you weren’t gone. Not completely.” Twilight trembled slightly. “Then you returned. Not having taken over Luna, but as your own pony. That scared me far more than you know. But… you came to me of all the princesses to surrender yourself. To prove you weren’t going to take over the planet and cause eternal night.” Nightmare replied, “At first… at first I planned on doing just that. Somewhere along the way, I got distracted.” Her eyes sparkled. “By this beautiful, purple mare who’d defeated me the first time I came back. She had grown some wings and fit perfectly into her role as princess so well that I knew if I were to try, I would stand no chance, even without the Elements against me. So I improvised.” “You surrendered, and you were put into my custody, to make sure that you weren’t evil,” Twilight stated smartly. “I think the words Pinkie used were, ‘We gotta make sure she’s not the evil Queen Black Snooty we once knew. Once she’s good, then I can throw her a party!’” Both mares chuckled. Nightmare continued softly, “I know I harbor no grudge against anypony. I just wish to help you in any way I can.” Twilight jumped slightly. “I… think I know why I’m so grumpy around you now. I keep wanting to see you as evil. I keep wanting to see another great villain rise up for my friends and I to fight. These last few years of doing just that has made me antsy when there’s nothing going on. I keep expecting a fight, yet not getting one.” Nightmare asked, “We could spar?” Twilight shook her head. “No, other ponies would likely see that and think you’re attacking me.” “If you wish to relieve some tension, I could help with that, too.” Nightmare laughed once as she kept her eyes on the sky, refusing to look down at the pony in her wing. Twilight’s blush made her rival Philomena’s feathers. “No! I don’t need… that. I just need time to settle down and get used to your presence.” “I will wait as long as it takes, Twilight.” Nightmare lifted her wing before standing and walking away. Twilight felt as though she’d kicked Nightmare like a puppy. “We could…” Nightmare turned, her ears folding back. “No, Twilight. Do not force yourself to do anything for my sake. Come to me when you are ready. That is all I ask.” Nightmare turned back around, spread her wings and took off from the balcony. > 6 Kitten by Knight of Lycaeus > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kitten by Knight of Lycaeus “How was that possible? Music, the sound that is both wondrous and terrifying, how was it used for this? I have heard music, battle hymns sung in the heat of battle to channel mighty war spells but this….” said an alicorn with an onyx coat. Her companion, an alicorn with a lavender coat answered back, “It was just luck that she was flying over at the time. She’s not Pinkie so I’m certain she doesn’t have a sense for when ponies are looking for pets.” The onyx mare gave a frustrated stomp, “I have brought low creatures of great skill and might and yet one pegasus has brought me down with singing?” The mare gave a snort, “What form of foul magic has granted her such power?” Her companion only shook her head, “None, its just Fluttershy. The only unusual ability I’ve noted is her Stare which is able to calm down rowdy creatures. She just gets enthusiastic when somepony declares they are looking for a pet.” “A pet, yes! Why would you even suggest such pitiful creatures as pets? Why would you even suggest one to begin with?”, the onyx said turning to face her companion. Meeting her companion’s eyes the lavender mare answered, “Owning a pet can be rewarding, they are good at providing companionship which is something you need to work on is connecting with others. A pet is a place to start since besides myself and Luna you’ve refused to speak to anypony else. Pets in this day and age are not meant to intimidating hence the “pitiful” creatures as you described it are appropriate as pets.” “I have spoken with others….”, the onyx mare began. The lavender mare glared at her companion, “You scared them, even Fluttershy once she finished singing flew into her cottage. It took her animals and me several minutes for her to come outside again.” “The mare is skittish.” "That mare is my friend.” “Skittish is apt. I merely desired a powerful being as my pet.” “You wanted a black panther, it’s not even native to Equestria!” “The choice was perfect, with an onyx coat like mine and a predator much like I am!” “The idea was for us to help lessen other ponies’ fear of you not increase it.” “A small ball of white fluff is not a pet!” “It was a kitten, one that could use a good home.” The onyx mare broke eye contact and turned to leave, “If that is what passes for a pet then I will not take one in.” The lavender mare sighed, “A pet really a good way to help connect with other ponies.” “I will not take a kitten in” the onyx mare said in a finite tone that refused further arguments on the matter. A sound of rustling broke the growing tension and from the bush came a small deep grey pup made from wood. “It looks like an Everfree Timberwolf likely from some of the deeper parts of the Forest as I haven’t seen that colouration before.” said the lavender mare. The pup made its way over to the onyx mare who lifted it in her magic, “Not my first choice but it is an acceptable pet! I shall name you Nightfall. Her companion sighed, it seems the onyx mare was getting her dangerous pet after all. > 7 Onyx by lyra_lover777 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Onyx by lyra_lover777 Twilight huffed as she trotted up the mountain, a large cart of onyx being toted by a young earth pony colt. On the top of the mountain sat a half-finished castle, made of dark black onyx, sat, its coloring matching the eternal night sky. Nightmare Moon, Twilight's former enemy and present boss/lover, was shouting orders at the working ponies while she lounged on a tall throne made of pure amethyst. Twilight sighed at the sight of the beautiful mare. She soon reached the top, the panting colt behind her collapsing the second she used her magic to carry the load of onyx to a large pile of the stone. Twilight gave the colt a minute to rest before making him get up and go down the mountain to get another wagon full of onyx. Twilight trotted up to the amethyst throne in the unfinished throne room, the chair of her lover. She reported her findings and reports of the work ethic and quality of the worker ponies. Then Nightmare Moon floated Twilight onto her lap, kissing her deeply. No pony was around, so they kissed while the castle of onyx was built around them. > 8 Rose by ShinyMoon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rose by ShinyMoon “Nightmare? Nightmare?” yelled a lavender alicorn as she roamed the halls looking for said goddess. Twilight had already searched the throne room, the bakery and the baths (she knew how much Nightmare Moon loved to take long showers.) Twilight was getting a tad tired from searching for Nightmare, having been up all night working on a few new spells, she didn't get much sleep. She was surprised when she awoke to see her lover not still asleep beside her. Nightmare Moon wasn't known for being an early riser. This only made it hard for Twilight to wake her up. Sighing, Twilight trotted further through the halls intent on finding where the mischievous alicorn was hiding. She ended up in the Royal Gardens, the only place she hadn't thought to look. As she walked through the maze, she came across a secret passage. Peeking inside, Twilight saw the onyx coat of the person she was looking for, huddled over something that seem to enrapture her. If she weren't so taken with whatever it was, she would've heard Twilight come in. “Nighty? What are you doing all the way back here? And what’s that in your hooves?” asked Twilight, very curious as to what was going on. “T-Twilight?! W-What are you doing in here?” Nightmare stammered, startled at Twilight's sudden appearance. Her muzzle now bright red from hearing the lavender alicorn’s nickname for her. Her black coat wasn't so good at hiding blushes. Actually, it only made them even more pronounced. “I was looking all over the palace for you, only to find you here. I didn't know you liked flowers, Nighty,” said Twilight. “I...don’t actually like flowers,” came the meek reply. Unusual meekness for the proud and frightening Queen of Nightmares. “Then why are you in the garden?” Twilight’s curiosity started to get the better of her. Realizing this, Nightmare Moon knew she couldn't hide it from her any longer. Turning around so that her front was now facing Twilight, Nightmare revealed a very unique rose in her hooves. Twilight gasped at the rose. It was gorgeous, exotic and breath taking all together. The petals were onyx and appeared to be moving like the ethereal manes of the princesses. Inside the onyx petals were miniature stars, surrounded by what looked like miniature galaxies and the milky way. The stem was wispy but it did not bend from the weight of the flower, instead it added an air of grace to the already elegant flower. “It was meant for you, as a gift for being such a kind and loving pony. For helping me integrate into society, even though that process took some time. It took me months to grow this, having to ensure that there was enough energy so it would grow and blossom, flourish you could say. Too much energy, and the rose would literally explode; but too little, and it would wither and die instantly. I wasn't sure if you would like it-” Nightmare’s rant was cut off as she heard sobs above her. Raising her head, she saw Twilight with tears pouring from her eyes. “D-Do you not like it?” Nightmare asked, fearing the answer. “What’s it called?” sobbed Twilight, hardly getting any words to come out. “A Nebula Rose,” was Nightmare’s response before Twilight threw herself into her lover’s hooves. Sobbing harder, truly flattered that someone would do something like this for her. “Thank you, thank you,” whispered Twilight, “I love you so much.” Hearing this, Nightmare’s eyes widened, never had someone said they loved her. Her own eyes began to swell from the declaration. “You’re welcome,” she paused, ”...and I love you too.” > 9 Hammer by Knight of Lycaeus > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hammer by Knight of Lycaeus Sequel to Kitten Out in one of the fields surrounding Ponyville stood two alicorns, the onyx mare had a small pup curled on her back. “Okay, getting a pet does help with connecting with others especially others who also have pets. It might be a way to help you meet and know my friends in a better situation than what usually occurs.” Twilight said thinking of the past few attempts disasters of her friends to meet Nightmare Moon and the inevitable anger or fear that did result of said encounters, all the while staring at Nightfall on Nightmare’s back. “Speaking of talking to others, that is something you still need to work on.” “What help would I need? My speech is not entirely riddled with archaic grammar and words like Luna’s was” asked Nightmare Moon. Twilight sighed, “When speaking to me or Luna, you’re fine. Speaking to others you sound like you’re ready to smite them or you view them as inferior or you do both.” “I do not!” Nightmare Moon retorted. “Fluttershy” was the quick reply. Nightmare Moon shrank back a bit, “Oh right, your skittish friend. It is not my fault that mare jumps at the shadows or whatever frightens her.” Twilight rubbed her forehead feeling a building headache, “Not just her. Mayor Mare…. actually the entire populace of Ponyville and Canterlot all have heard you speak each sentence like it's a grand proclamation that you will smite them if they do not listen to you.” Nightmare Moon just grunted, “Fine, perhaps I do speak of smiting every pony down but is that not needed? We, as ponies who possess power and might must demonstrate this to those beneath us, is it not proper for those of our status for these shows of power?” “I told you when you were considering which animal to be your pet that intimidation and power are less necessary than it used to be. We, Equestria prefers to show diplomacy and a softer touch than the strong iron hooves that were needed over a millenium ago. There is less of a need to show power, here we try to emphasis equality when possible I realize there is a contradiction with how Equestria is still a monarchy but you have to understand that a great portion of the royal powers have been granted to others. This is why we have a Prime Minister who leads the elected body and who leads if all the Princesses are absent.” Nightmare snorted, “Fine yet you still have a pet that would in time strike fear into the hearts of all those beneath you.” “Who?” asked Twilight. “Your pet dragon, that purple one that follows you around.” Twilight sighed again, “He is not a pet, his name is Spike and he is my family, friend, assistant, and many more things than that. He is not my pet!” “Fine” Nightmare Moon grumbled, “So shall we need to do then?” “The same thing I started with for Luna, let’s begin with dialing back on the volume and the reckless displays of power.” > 10 Recalcitrant by ShinyMoon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Recalcitrant by ShinyMoon “Please.” “No.” “Please.” “I refuse.” “Oh please, oh please.” “For the last time Twilight Sparkle, I will not accompany you to that wretched festival,” came the irritated reply of a tall and dark alicorn laying on the bed. She was currently hidden beneath a bundle of blankets, trying to keep the light out. “But why,” whined Twilight, “I attended the Nightmare Night festival with you since you never celebrated it. Why can’t you just do me this one small favour?” “Oh, the answer is simple really,” Nightmare Moon paused before continuing, “I will not attend that stupid and insignificant Summersun Celebration which mainly revolves around that insidious ball of light just hanging idle in the sky. Sending down those rays of burning sunlight, making it hard to sleep the day away.” Her eyes narrowed as she said this. “And I do not wish to see that pompous white alicorn shining any brighter than usual.” “What? Celestia isn’t pompous,” Twilight said, defending her former mentor. “Oh but she is, those looks she always gives me when your back is turned. They display unbridled smugness. She knows I can never have what you two have because of your history together and she makes sure I’m reminded everyday,” replied Nightmare Moon. “You are so paranoid, Nightmare,” came the flat reply. “Maybe, but with good cause,” was the answer Twilight received. A moment of silence passed before it was broken. “So...will you come with me to the festival?” asked a hopeful Twilight. “No,” deadpanned Nightmare. “Gah!!” exclaimed Twilight, “you are so...so...so recalcitrant!!” “Beg your pardon?” asked Nightmare. “Recalcitrant, meaning uncooperative, difficult, defiant,” Twilight’s rant was interjected by the alicorn resting on the bed. “I know what it means and I am in no way...recalcitrant,” huffed Nightmare, turning her head to the side with arrogance being shown. Before Twilight could respond, she got an idea. A devilish smile forming on her face, Nightmare oblivious to it since her head was still turned. “Fine, don’t come,” said Twilight, turning around so Nightmare Moon wouldn’t see the sly smirk on her face. “Good, I’m glad you’ve finally seen reason. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’d like to get back to sle-” but her sentece was cut off. “I’ll just ask Luna to come with me, I did promise her day out with just the two of us. I know she will be so happy that our...date, is going to be sooner.” Twilight trotted to the door. 3...2- “Wait!! I’ll come with you, just...just don’t take Luna.” “Hehe, it always works,” Twilight thought to herself smugly. “I knew you would see it my way.” Relunctantly, Nightmare untangled herself from her cocoon blanket. With her head down in resignation, she muttered a weak “I hate you” as she passed Twilight. “Hm, you hate me? A little birdy told me you were dreaming otherwise, Nighty,” said Twilight as she nipped Nightmare Moon’s ear. Nighty silently cursed her traitorous black coat. > 11 Dictionary by Toratchi888 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dictionary by Toratchi888 “I hate you.” Nightmare Moon grinned. “I think that is not what you mean, Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight Sparkle, Element of Magic, glared at the Mare of Midnight. Stars twinkled behind the black-and-blue silhouette of Nightmare Moon in the deep velvet of the sky; the early crescent moon just peeked over the horizon, framing the Nightmare’s left side. It was a perfect night; a perfect night, moreover, that was RUINED BY A CERTAIN EVIL PONY! “I hate you.” Nightmare Moon’s grin did not falter. “You keep using that word—” Twilight snorted, lowered her head, and pawed the ground. “I KNOW WHAT IT MEANS!” Nightmare Moon’s grin softened into a smile. “Dear Twilight, we are not displeased by your words. In truth, your honesty is most endearing. Wouldst thou not join us in contemplation of the night’s wonders?” Twilight again snorted—though in disgust this time—and turned about. “Well, since you’ve decided to ruin my stargazing by thrusting yourself into my line of sight, I’ll just have to find somewhere else without you cluttering up the scenery.” At that, Nightmare Moon’s smile faltered, and her ears drooped. “Is that… how you see me?” she whispered. Twilight’s ears twitched, but she refused to turn around. After several moments of silence, a quiet rustling betrayed the Nightmare’s departure into the evening sky. Twilight looked up to peer at the stars, and stepped back in alarm when she saw a few of them begin to drip from the sky, as if they were raindrops… or tears. * * * “Hatred: Intense dislike.” Twilight sighed as she flipped shut Wordsmith’s Wonders of Language (Abridged), propped on the reading stand in the Library. She was relieved; she did understand hatred. Hadn’t she felt it when facing the enemies of Equestria with her friends? Sombra hated the light; that was easy to understand. Discord… well, he was more of a prankster, but he could inspire intense dislike by being incorrigible. Though Twilight didn’t… hate him. She frowned. She didn’t hate Sombra either. She didn’t hate Trixie, who was just a show-off, even if she turned Twilight’s world upside down twice. So… why did she hate Nightmare Moon? Just the thought of that Black Snooty… Twilight snapped a hoof down on the ground, frowning. Twilight was the only pony who had believed the prophecy. She had dutifully informed Princess Celestia, who hadn’t believed her; stars, was sent away from her beloved home of Canterlot for it! Yes, yes, she had made friends in Ponyville, but Twilight Sparkle loved nothing if not organization, and being sent away messed that up. And then, of course, the harrowing trek through the Everfree and the confrontation in the ancient castle, and… …and wasn’t it Nightmare Moon who brought her friends together? Twilight stamped again, though the force was missing. She had been happy when, on Nightmare Night that year, Princess Luna had returned to society and been welcomed by other ponies, and it had Twilight who helped her make a good impression. Twilight was proud to have helped the Princess, though Luna was not a close friend. But then… Then Nightmare Moon had somehow, beyond reason, manifested one night in Ponyville, looking for Twilight Sparkle. She had… The Nightmare had flirted with Twilight! In front of everypony! Had called her adorable, and so stroooong, and full of sparkle, like the stars of night… the very stars that had helped the Nightmare return. Twilight had done nothing but blush and squeak, and had run off in despair. It had taken more than a week for her to leave the library again, and the Nightmare had not reappeared since. Twilight had spent that week mulling over her feelings about the Nightmare, and she figured the Nightmare took on the mocking tone to cover her embarrassment over her defeat at the hands of Twilight’s friends; as such, Twilight figured the Nightmare hated her, so Twilight concluded she hated the Nightmare back. No, I hate you. Twilight glanced at the dictionary. Books don’t lie, not to me. I don’t like Nightmare Moon; really don’t like her. Must be hatred. Twilight glanced out of her front window. The stars continued to drip from the sky, and she heard a faint something just at the edge of hearing; it sounded like a rustle in the sky, but Twilight thought it might be… crying? Why would the Nightmare… cry? Surely Nightmare Moon, evil pony she was, wouldn’t… cry. Twilight could only imagine Nightmare Moon, resting on her knees, hiding in her room with the curtains drawn, little tears trickling down her snout, tiny sniffles— Twilight felt warmth building in her cheeks. Why am I blushing?! Twilight raised a hoof to her chest, inhaled, exhaled. She turned back to her dictionary, and opened it to “A”. Her eyes scanned the page quickly. …yup, thought so. Twilight tapped the page. “Adorable.” Twilight sat back on her haunches, staring blindly at her dictionary. She flipped to another page, this time under “L”. “Sad because of having no friends or company. Lonely.” Twilight thought back. Nightmare Moon had mocked her that time, but now, it seemed playful, not spiteful. Twilight also cringed at the way she had treated the Nightmare just an hour ago; she had called her a waste of space, when she was offered a… stargazing friend? Twilight covered her eyes with her foreleg. Sweet Celestia, how stupid can I get? I’ve been a fool. And like I said, books don’t lie: Nightmare Moon is… lonely. Twilight stared into the Nightmare’s dark eyes in her mind; unlike all those months ago, she could see beyond the teasing to the vulnerability. Twilight had spurned the Nightmare’s advance, when all that the dark pony had wanted was to be seen like Luna: a pure, soft moon. Twilight stood up. Maybe the Nightmare wouldn’t forgive her, but she had an idea how to apologize: her way. She grinned at the dictionary. * * * Nightmare Moon lay in a small glade north of Canterlot Castle. She rested on her crossed forelegs; occasionally, a small sniffle would drift through the clearing. Tiny trails of stardust flitted around her, carried by tiny starmotes like fireflies. Nightmare Moon favoured the glade it as a place to just be, without needing to be something: it was always quiet, always in shade thanks to the castle rising behind her. Nightmare Moon’s ears pricked at the soft sound of trotting hooves. Whoever the pony was, she wasn’t trying to be stealthy, but neither was she barging in. Nightmare Moon shook her head, wiping her eyes with her foreleg. Now that she was alert, she sensed unicorn magic as well. Turning, she started to find Twilight Sparkle emerging from a copse on the south side of the clearing. Nightmare Moon glanced past Twilight to the castle; it seemed obvious that Twilight had come from that way. Something floated along behind Twilight, carried by the unicorn’s magic. Twilight stopped about five strides away from Nightmare Moon; she let her package settle behind her, and her head dipped nervously. Nightmare Moon was curious, but wary all the same. “Twilight Sparkle. To what do we owe your visit? Hast thou found this humble glade more suitable to the viewing of the stars, since no trees might obstruct thy line of sight?” Twilight flinched, and Nightmare Moon sighed. “Twilight Sparkle, we understand thy fear of us. We are dangerous—or were, once—but we wish it were not what we are. Truly, we desire only to take our place among ponies, and work for the good of Equestria’s citizens. We hoped…” Nighmare Moon glanced up. “We hope that thou, the pony with the mark of the stars, might understand what it is like to be the moon: so high, so far away…” Twilight galloped over and hugged Nightmare Moon; the latter was very nearly knocked to her rump by the energetic tackle. “I’m sorry,” Twilight whispered. “You just… came on so strong that time, and I guess… I guess… it was just easier to pretend I hated you than to… to have feelings for somepony who… hurt my friends.” Nightmare Moon blinked over Twilight’s head. Then, tentatively, she reached up one hoof to stroke Twilight’s withers. “Twilight Sparkle, we forgive thy fear of us. We do not beg thy forgiveness; we only wish to earn it.” Twilight broke the embrace and turned her head to levitate the thing she had brought. “I can do better than that… Black Snooty.” She smirked slightly. Nightmare Moon grasped the object in her own magic. It was a box, wrapped in purple, with a blue ribbon tied in four around it. Twilight gave a cheesy grin before galloping off towards the castle. Nightmare Moon raised a hoof, but let it settle in perplexity before untying the ribbon. Inside the box was… a book. Nightmare Moon smirked at that; Twilight Sparkle was nothing if not a bibliophile. Nightmare Moon levitated the book before her, and read: “Wordsmith’s Wonders of Language (Abridged), Volume 10—Part of the Century of Language Project” Nightmare Moon flipped to the frontispiece, which said the dictionary was part of a project to catalogue and explain how the Equestrian languages had changed over the last century. “Oh, how thoughtful!” Nightmare Moon cooed. Certainly, the language of ponies had changed in a thousand years since Princess Luna had been banished to the moon; catching up on the last hundred years would be pretty easy— Nightmare Moon caught sight of a bookmark about a quarter of the way into the book. She flicked to the page, and noticed the letter reference was “Fr”. She quirked an eyebrow and skimmed the page, settling on the word Twilight had put a little crescent moon and star next to, and smiled. Friend. > 12 Runes by Pearple Prose > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Runes by Pearple Prose "Lunaaaaa..." a sweet voice sang playfully. "Come to bed, you silly mare!" I looked up from my desk to see Twilight poking her head around the door to my office, the endless rows of books lining the walls making it seem as if she were calling to me from the top of a deep pit. I rubbed at my tired eyes and smiled at her such that my fangs poked through my lips. Twilight loved that smile of mine. "My apologies, love," I said, rising to my hooves and wincing as an old injury on my leg burned briefly, "I just had a few papers to finish." "You always have papers to finish." Twilight curled her lip into a devilish and mildly flirty pout. "Queens often do." "You never used to have papers to finish," Twilight said, pushing the lacquered door open fully and sashaying her way into the room. Her long and graceful silks drifted across the carpet behind her. "So that begs the question: are there just more papers, or are you just getting old and tubby?" I winced. "Ouch. Thank you for hurting my feelings, dearest." "Someone has to keep you humble, Your Majesty." She stuck her tongue out at me. I swept my eyes across the remaining paperwork and took in none of it. "Is this because of my commenting on your posterior the other night?" Twilight sniffed. "I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about." "It's not my fault you're so sensitive." I flicked a long, black wing at her rump and relished the sharp eek! that followed. "See? It's a hair trigger down there." "That was a low blow." She smothered a smile and shot me a glare. "So we're equal, then." I stuck my tongue out, and got a playful slap in return. "Yeah, yeah." Twilight turned away and glanced across the bookshelves idly. Her damp mane was tied up messily, and she smelled of lavender. She had just come out of the shower, apparently. "How long are you going to be, Luna?" I swept a wing across my desk. "Strangely enough, I just finished." I stepped up behind my lover and lowered my head down to nibble at her ear and listen to her hum and laugh in delight. I enjoyed these brief pleasures in this uncertain world of ours. "You have so many books in this old castle," Twilight said distantly. I trailed kisses down her neck. "I'm an egghead, and even I don't know what half of these books are about." "I'm a busy mare," I said. My mane of stars brushed against Twilight's cheek. "And I'm quite the dabbler, as well." "Or maybe you're just a hoarder." I snorted. "Please. I prefer 'collector.'" Twilight giggled. "Well, you're quite the avid collector, then." She sighed. "I remember when I first saw the library here. I couldn't believe my eyes. So many books!" I heard her giggle to herself. "Spike wasn't impressed at all, though. Silly dragon." Immediately, the moment shattered, and I recoiled as cold terror swept down my spine. Twilight didn't notice - her eyes were strained shut in concentration. "Wait... No, that was... Who's Spike? You were with me... right?" Twilight shook her head and opened her eyes again. "Luna?" She looked back at me and her eyes widened. "Luna, what's wrong?" I blinked and realised that I had opened my wings and beared my teeth on reflex, and forced myself to stand normally despite the mild horror turning in my gut. "My apologies. Something you said just... brought back memories." Twilight blinked. "Oh. It's alright." She looked up at me in concern. "Are you sure you're okay? You look tense." I glanced over at a mirror on my desk and stared briefly into my own reptilian eyes, then turned and walked to the door. "I'm sure, dear. Shall we go to bed?" But when I turned around, Twilight was still peering at the shelves. "Mhm. Just a minute." "Twilight." "Yeah, I heard you." I stepped toward her. "Twilight, can you please-" "Hey," she said, "Did you know this book is in the wrong place?" And she lifted a hoof and tugged a very particular hardback out of its place. There was a loud crash and clunk of moving machinery, and the bookshelf that Twilight had been facing slid backwards and to the side. Ethereal light bathed Twilight in a silver hue as she stared disbelievingly into the hidden corridor. "Ah," I said, striding across the room towards her. "I was rather hoping you wouldn't find that." "Luna..." Twilight breathed. "What is this?" I stood behind her and followed her gaze up to the huge magic circle, inlaid with glowing runes that shifted and turned even as we watched. "It's..." I wasn't sure what to tell her. "No, wait, I can read these. This is... a containment field?" My injured leg twitched as I stared at my magical creation. "Exactly that." "But... What's it for? And why was it hidden here?" "Twilight." I lay my hoof on her shoulder. "We should go to sleep. I'll tell you all about it in the morning." Twilight didn't move. I called her name again: "Twilight?" I heard her giggle. "So, is this your little secret, then?" she said, in a sultry tone. "What?" "Don't you try and lie to me, Lulu." My leg twitched again. "I know you've been squeamish about something. Is this it?" "I'm sure I have no idea what you're talking about," I said with forced cheeriness. "What happens if I do this?" She put her hoof directly in the middle of the circle. "Ooh, it's warm." "I'd very much rather you didn't." "Oh?" She was loving every minute of this. It would normally be endearing, but right now it just fed my greatest fears. "Then what happens if I do this?" Her horn glowed. I didn't even have time to throw her out of the way before the seal came undone and golden, heavenly magic exploded into the room. I only just managed to avert my eyes as the power washed over me like a divine wave, and my horn burned black as I reforged the circle and banished the energy back to whence it came. The damage had already been done. "L-Luna?" A tiny voice spoke. Twilight stared at the seal and didn't turn around. I couldn't see her face. I didn't answer at first. I instead stepped aside and closed the hidden passageway, the weathered bookshelf sliding serenely back into place as if nothing had happened. "Luna? What happened? Where are you?" "I'm here, Twilight." She turned and looked at me. "You... You're not Luna," she stammered, stepping away from me. Her eyes were wide and terrified. "You're..." I felt the condemnation smash my heart in two. "Twilight, please." "Oh no." She took another step away from me. "This isn't right. We stopped you. You're gone. Why are you here. Please let me go." "It's all going to be okay." I stepped towards her gently, keeping my voice soft and calming. "I'm not going to hurt you." "Where are my friends? Where am I? I just want to go home." She was curled up on the floor, now, breathing in and out and in and out and in and she was hyperventilating and she was crying and all I wanted to do was scream in purest rage. But I didn't. Instead, I curled up around my broken lover, and stroked her mane until she was sobbing quietly into my midnight coat. "Princess Celestia? Is that you?" she whispered. It hurt. Oh by the gods, it hurt. "I'm here, Twilight. It'll all be okay." I took a deep breath, and brushed my hoof against the runes set into the back of Twilight's head. I'll get it right someday. > 13 Hammer (2) by lyra_lover777 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hammer (2) by lyra_lover777 Twilight shouted in glee as she smacked the head of Discord back into his little hole. She then used her hammer to hit the horned head of Tirek. Queen Chrysalis was the next villian to suffer the hammer's wrath. Then a head shaped like Nightmare Moon popped up. Twilight hesitated, and a bell went off, signaling that she had lost the game. Twilight slouched in defeat as Nightmare Moon wrapped her dark black wing around Twilight, smiling down at her. "Why do you have to be so hot, Nighty? If I hadn't hesitated, I could've won..." Nightmare Moon rolled her eyes as she folded her wings back behind her back. "This should not be that hard," said Nightmare Moon as she approached the whack-a-villian game. Nighty raised the hammer as she began, bashing King Sombra;s head back into the hole of which he came from Nighty easily whacked the head of the Maneiac and the head of Ahuizotl away. Then it began to become more challenging. Nighty was taken by surprise by the Sunset Shimmer head, and barely whacked it down. Then two heads, Discord and a chimera, popped up. Nightmare Moon barely whacked them both down. Then her head popped up. She hesitated and the bell went off, telling her she had lost. Nightmare Moon's eyes turned white as she screamed in rage, the whole building tipping sideways from the force of her scream. Nightmare Moon then raised the rubber hammer, changing it to solid metal, and destroyed the machine, still beating the scraps of the game long after it had been destroyed. Finally Nightmare Moon sighed and leaned back against the wall, all the ponies in the arcade staring at her. The owner approached Nighty warily. He then said, "You, umm, have to pay for the broken game." He pointed to the pile of metal at Nighty's hooves. Twilight was about to smile and summon the money from the royal vault when Nighty went into full rage mode. "YOU HAVE NO PLACE TO TELL ME WHAT TO DO, LOWLY SUBJECT!" screamed Nighty before she used her magic to hurl the owner to the other side of Equestria. Twilight rolled her eyes as she and Nighty left. "Now we will have to pay for another pony's injuries. Again." > 14 Sweet by Toratchi888 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweet by Toratchi888 Nightmare Moon glanced meekly at the ground before the Apple Family barn, prodding the remains of many litres’ worth of barrel-packed apples which were now little more than applesauce, loose staves, and hoops. Apple pulp dripped from her coat, as well as from the face of— “Blackie,” Twilight thundered, wiping a hoof across her sticky face, “what was that all about?!” Nightmare Moon looked up sheepishly. Before here stood Twilight Sparkle, her… guardian, for lack of a better term, and Applejack, bearer of the Element of Honesty and a close friend of Twilight Sparkle. Nightmare Moon glanced at Applejack; though she was frowning, Applejack did not appear to be feeling active hostility… yet. Probably since she was clean. “I… I am sorry, Twilight Sparkle,” she mumbled, “I was… hasty?” “…hasty.” Twilight’s look was pure disbelief. “Yes!” Nightmare Moon stood quickly, glancing abashedly at Applejack, whose frown had softened slightly. “I was… cooped up in the Castle for the last two days; Lady Celestia had required me to clean my quarters, but with all the dust and such, I was sneezing and banging into things and it took so long—” Twilight held up a hoof, stopping Nightmare Moon mid-flow. “Okay, okay, so you were cooped up. So… you thought…?” “I… I was enjoying my freedom through flight, and when I saw you below, I was just so happy…” Nightmare Moon again glanced at the remains of the apples, which appeared even sorrier now. Twilight sighed. “Blackie, look: I know you have even less idea than Luna about proper pony etiquette, but really: Dropping from the sky on a thunderbolt is assuredly not good form.” “Yes, Lady Sparkle.” Nightmare Moon bobbed her head docilely before turning to Applejack, who had yet to speak. “Lady Applejack, do you bear me enmity for my blunder? How may I compensate the loss of your harvest?” Applejack stroked her chin with her left hoof, eyes skyward as she thought. “Hmm… Well, beggin’ your pardon, Miss Nigh—Miss Moon, but, well, there ain’t much to be done about it.” “Oh, no! Please, I beg you, let me do something to compensate your! I know you take pride in your work, and surely working the land is hard! Please; I would not forgive myself if I could not—” “All right, all right!” Applejack brought her hoof down from her chin in a “stop” motion. “No need to plead, Miss Moon. I mean, there literally ain’t much to do; the apples are squished, and it’s apples we need. So…” Nighmare Moon perked up. “That’s it! I shall gather you more apples! Surely it is not so difficult!” Twilight’s hoof met her face, and her nose scrunched. Applejack snickered. “...Twilight Sparkle, I sense you are withholding your enthusiasm." NIghtmare Moon deadpanned. “Blackie,” Twilight sighed, “here at Sweet Apple Acres, the Earth Ponies buck every tree. No machines, no wings, no magic.” Nightmare Moon’s eyes widened. “I… oh, my… I had not… considered…” Applejack’s face became wry. “Welp, it took me a good two hours of buckin’ to get that much…” She frowned. “Hmm… And we’ll have to go farther, since we used all the trees on this plot…” She checked the sky; the sun was past its zenith. “Miss Moon, I tell ya, we need those apples right quick; I have to get them into the barn before sunset, or we’ll be behind schedule for tomorrow’s market.” “Show me the way, Lady Applejack!” Nighmare Moon reared on her back hooves. “I shall buck your apples post-haste!” “Well, let’s go!” Applejack reared and galloped into the barn, emerging with a can of red paint and a brush. She galloped off, Nightmare Moon cantering close behind. “Twilight! Can ya fix my barrels? Looks like they just burst instead o’ splinterin’; if ya can bring ‘em fixed and ready, we can load ‘em quick and be done!” Twilight rolled her eyes, but began picking up the broken barrels with her magic. * * * After about twenty minutes, Twilight had carefully repaired the barrels and was moving at a trot towards the west acres, a dozen barrels in her magical grip. Applejack had left daubs of paint at intervals, so Twilight was able to follow the path whenever it branched. She assumed she was about halfway to the new site, given the daubs lately were slightly more methodical now—cross-shaped, rather than just globs of paint. Twilight froze suddenly as she heard something rise from the orchards ahead of her. It was a wordless shout, but it sounded urgent. Twilight made off at a gallop towards the source of the sound, and was pleased somewhere in the back of her mind that she had grasped the sound’s origin at first try, since she didn’t miss a single daub of paint along the way even though she was only half looking. After a few minutes, she came to one particular plot, and— “I SAY, O APPLES: BUCK THYSELVES!” Twilight skidded ten hoof-lengths—her barrels continuing forward due to magical inertia—and came to a disbelieving stop as apples fell from their trees, Nightmare Moon’s amplified shout shaking the trees as thoroughly as a kick from Applejack’s hind legs. Twilight tried—she really tried—to say something intelligent about what she saw. But the only thing that came to mind was: “BLACKIIIIIIE! WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE!” * * * Applejack could not stop laughing as they trotted all the way back to the barn. “Oh, Twi, relax. Miss Moon was only tryin’ to help, and y’know, she did! She got them apples down right quick, we’re back up to quota; everythin’s gonna be all right. And besides, the language's changed; I'm sure she knows better now not t'go shoutin' 'buck' at high volume.” Twilight fumed, but said nothing as she too trotted along the orchard path. Nightmare Moon walked quickly several strides back, afraid to further irritate Twilight Sparkle. The now-full barrels bobbed in her wake, levitated by her magic. Applejack looked back and noticed both her companions were lagging. “Look, y’all seem to have to work some things out, so tell ya what; I’ll go on ahead and clear space for the barrels, y’all do what you have to.” Applejack switched to a canter and was soon out of sight down the road. Twilight sighed. “Come here, Blackie.” Nightmare Moon perked up and trotted to Twilight’s side. “Am I… Will Lady Applejack forgive me?” “Oh, Blackie, I think Applejack’s well beyond that now. You got her quota back, and made her laugh; I don’t think forgiveness is even an issue right now.” “That is good—” “However—” Twilight stopped, and Nightmare Moon jerked to a halt as well “—you must, MUST promise me: You will never drop out of the sky on a thunderbolt… unless it’s a Nightmare Night prank. And you ask me first.” Twilight couldn’t hide a little smirk. Nightmare Moon whinnied contentedly. “I promise, from now on, I shall present myself in a less unseemly fashion.” She tapped a hoof to her chin. “Do you suppose the Apple Family would accept an offering of gold as recompense? I did destroy some of their property, and I have a stipend from Lady Celestia…” “I don’t think that’s strictly necessary…” Twilight began to trot again, and Nightmare Moon restarted her quick walk. “But I think if you offered, Applejack would appreciate it. Ask her later.” Twilight jerked her head, and they quickened to a canter. * * * “Well, now, ain’t you two just lucky!” Applejack called as Twilight and Nightmare Moon came into view. “I just finished cleanin’ up, and look what survived Miss Moon’s landing!” Applejack held up a large apple on her right hoof: easily the size of four or five hooves, it had a deep red lustre and a jaunty leaf on the end of its stem. She held it carefully between her hooves and, tongue poking between her teeth with concentration, gave it a twist; it split perfectly down the middle. Applejack offered the two halves to Twilight and Nightmare Moon. “Y’all earned it, I think. Miss Moon, just set them barrels down by the barn-door; I’ll finish up here. Y’er dismissed, as it were.” Applejack stuck out a cheeky tongue. Nightmare Moon bowed low. “As you command, Lady Applejack,” she replied with a smile. Twilight smiled as well and levitated the apple pieces to her as Nightmare Moon deposited the barrels. Together, Twilight and Nightmare Moon moved to the shady side of the barn and lay down together, each chomping on their apple. Nightmare Moon looked sidelong at Twilight as they ate: Twilight was smiling widely, eyes closed as she enjoyed the flavour. A dribble of juice ran down Twilight’s chin. Impulsively, Nightmare Moon craned her neck quickly to her right and licked. Twilight jumped three hooves into the air with a shriek. “Wha-wha-wha-wha-wha—” She landed with a thud and turned to glare at Nightmare Moon, but froze when she saw the coy look in Nightmare Moon’s eyes. “I’m sorry if I startled you…” She fluttered her lashes. “There was some juice on your chin; I didn’t want you to get covered in applesauce twice in one day.” Twilight neighed. “Thank you, Blackie. That’s very—” she smiled “—sweet.” > 15 Research by FuzzyFurvert > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Research by Fuzzyfurvert “You girls go on ahead, I’ll be fine.” “If you’re sure, sugarcube.” Applejack tipped her hat back as the others turned back toward the castle’s main entrance and by extension, Ponyville. “I’ll drop off Spike back at the Librar - er, castle, I reckon.” Applejack blushed and rolled her shoulders where a gently snoring dragon assistant lay. Twilight smiled and waved the mention of her old home away. She was still in mourning, but this wasn’t the time to get misty eyed. The Castle of the Two Sisters still has secrets that it had yet to reveal and she was determined to keep searching until it was too dark to see. “Thanks, AJ, I appreciate that. I’m going to keep looking around and see what else I can dig up in these old ruins.” Twilight gave Applejack a confident smirk. “If it gets late, I can teleport back.” “Shoot, sugar! I didn’t think yer ranged improved that much!” Applejack laughed. “Alicorn powers must be something else.” “You got that right.” “C’mon Applejack, you’re slowing everypony down!” Rainbow Dash flipped in the air overhead and zipped out the door at the end of hall on the heels of Pinkie Pie and Rarity. Fluttershy waited nearby patiently until the earth pony turned and started trotting to catch up with the others. Twilight watched them go for a moment and drank in the quiet of the old ruins. She could taste the history on her tongue and smell the memories in each breath. The castle here bounced between idyllic relic of a bygone era and creepy shadow-infested hollow, but right now it felt warm and inviting in the later afternoon sun. Twilight spread her wings and flexed her feathers, letting them collect that light and warmth as she turned and let her hooves take her where they may. Exploring the castle had become a something of a consuming hobby in the weeks after Tirek’s defeat. She was still feeling out her new duties and the new castle was interesting, but it wasn’t home yet. So in her free time, she explored and studied and learned. Sometimes it was like the adventures of Daring Doo when she found some new trap or hidden passage, other times it was more like traditional ‘boring’ archeology. Twilight pulled in her wings as she entered one of the branching halls off of the main throne room. She stepped carefully over a marked tile that triggered a trapdoor slide and ducked under a partially fallen arch until she found herself just outside the old library. Twilight breathed in the scent of old books and dust but her hooves didn’t feel drawn to that treasure trove. She’d explored in there earlier and already had a stack of tomes prepared to accompany her back to her own castle for restoration and research. Instead, her hooves kept going past the library and deeper into what they had dubbed the ‘Control Wing.’ Twilight walked wide around a mechanized suit of armor and hopped over an open pit with the help of a wing flap. She paused at the intersection just beyond the pit and looked into the large room opposite her where the huge pipe organ that was connected to the hydraulic system that controlled many of the castle’s traps and puzzles. To the left was a mostly collapsed ballroom where they had come across the remnants of Tirek’s camp from when he was freshly escaped and laying low. To the right was the stairwell that lead up to the tower observatory where the Elements of Harmony had once been stored. And where she’d faced a goddess of the night and won. The room was empty now, so there wasn’t any real reason to go there. Perhaps she could find something in the ballroom? Perhaps Tirek had hidden something away in the rubble? “...” Twilight stopped at the threshold of the ballroom and looked up, her ears swiveling about. She was certain that she’d heard...something. It wasn’t unusual, the castle was falling apart with animals and plants slowly pulling the place down and the weird Everfree weather demolishing it in slow motion. Whatever it was didn’t repeat and the only thing she could hear was her own breathing and the whisper of a breeze in the hall. With a flick of her tail, Twilight turned and eased her way into the collapsed ballroom, her horn lighting her way. Bright magenta colored light illuminated the dark halls of the castle as the sun sank outside, only the tallest of the still standing stones bathed in its golden glow. Twilight emerged from the ballroom and shook the dust and grit from her mane as she tugged a lumpy, motheaten and filthy tapestry from the room behind her. “Another one for Rarity to restore. Not what I was looking for, but so what?” “...” Twilight dropped the cloth and whirled around, her horn glow amplifying to light the shadows around her. The stones glinted in the light but nothing moved or made a sound. That didn’t stop the short hairs that ran down Twilight’s neck and along her spine from standing on end. “Is somepony there?” Twilight turned slowly and fought to keep her breathing slow. It was probably just the wind or some Everfree creature out on a nightly stroll. She probably had no reason to be scared. Twilight smirked and giggled to herself, as she recalled the first time she’d been out in the dark in the Everfree. Pinkie’s silly advice to laugh in the face of fear had been effective then. And now she was a full fledged alicorn. What could conceivably harm her? She picked the tapestry back up with her telekinesis and folded it before letting it drop onto her back. She just needed to teleport back to town and she’d have enough time for a shower before dinner with Spike. Twilight started to charge her horn as she did the calculations in her mind to deposit herself and the cloth in her bathroom. *snap!* Twilight yelped. The arcane energies she’d collected thrashed in her horn, her careful calculations lost, until it burst out in a harmless flash. *flumph* She jumped and screeched, her hooves came down on the loose stones and the next thing Twilight knew she met the floor muzzle first. Her own groaning woke Twilight. She coughed dust and dirt out of her nostrils and immediately regretted the action when she felt suddenly light headed and she could feel blood flowing down her face. She was sore all over. Twilight grit her teeth and pushed herself to her hooves slowly. Nothing felt broken but she’d be best served if she had a doctor look her over. Assuming whatever had made that noise didn’t stop her. Twilight snapped her eyes open and lit her horn. The corridors where as dark and empty and silent as they had ever been. Shadows danced whenever she turned her head, but nothing looked out of place. She took a step and turned when something soft and scratchy brushed against her leg. She shrieked and dived away from it, rolling on her shoulder and bringing up her horn primed to blast whatever monster had come to claim her. In the magenta light of her horn no monster waited to pounce. No beast was primed to strike. The only thing in the hall besides herself and the stone was the old tapestry. It sat in a pile on the floor where she had dropped it and then backed into it blindly. “Fantastic, I’m just in here scaring myself to death. Not your best moment, Twilight…” Twilight sighed and switched her horn from deathbeam mode to illumination mode. “...” Twilight tried to swallow but her throat was dry. A soft breeze blew against her mane and she turn, very slowly and looked at the archway that lead to the stairs and beyond the Elements Chamber. The breeze stirred her mane again and for a moment, Twilight couldn’t shake the feeling that somepony had called her name. > 16 Advantageous by Kean > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Advantageous by Kean “No,” Twilight groaned before falling back onto the bed, using the wrist of a forehoof to pinch the bridge of her nose. “Not again.” Two sets of draconic eyes watched the exasperated alicorn from the foot of the bed. Twilight peeked at them from under the hoof before groaning again at the confirmation that there were, in fact, two Nightmare Moons standing there. It had been such a good plan: Make some friends, show the ponies that she wasn’t evil. Luna had been the first to approach and even befriend her. In hindsight, it wasn’t that surprising. They had shared a mind and body for quite some time. What was surprising was how fast Luna’s love for pranks had rubbed off on Nightmare. No pony in the castle was safe. This was their newest game: One would disguise themselves as the other – nearly perfectly – and force their victim to figure out who the real one was. Had they not always woken her up in the middle of the night, the prospect of deconstructing and studying the spells they used would certainly make her giddy. As it was, she only wanted to study one thing: the magic of sleep. “Moony, please, just come to bed. We can do this tomorrow. Or never again. Either works for me.” She held no hope that Nightmare would comply, but maybe that she’d forget or at least unconsciously shake her head or answer. Instead, both alicorns shook their heads in perfect synchronization. “That’s not creepy at all,” Twilight grumbled before resigning herself to her fate. She climbed off the foot of the bed and stood in front of the Nightmares. Visually, there was no difference between them. Each hair on either’s coat seemed to be in the exact same position, their manes and tails both flowed in perfect sync, and even their breathing matched the others. “If you do not want to continue, then simply admit defeat and we shall leave,” spoke both Nightmares, again in perfect sync. “Now that’s creepy.” Twilight walked between them, trailing her wings along their backs. Bodies feel exactly the same, so no illusion this time. Full transformation? That’s new… “But no,” Twilight said as she returned to her place in front of them. “I have a few ideas.” Slowly, she raised her muzzle until it was inches away from the right Nightmare’s. She watched for a reaction the entire time. If it was Luna, she’d certainly pull away, if it was Nightmare she’d surely protest the display of affection in front of another like she always did. Or they would do nothing but stare ahead without even the slightest increase in their breathing. “Well then,” Twilight sighed as she turned and moved back to the bed, swaying her hips far more than was necessary. “I seem to find myself in quite the advantageous situation. I’ve had a few, shall we say… experiments in mind for a while now.” She rolled onto her back in the middle of the bed and lit her horn. “And it would seem,” Twilight grinned, her voice becoming sultry as she deposited an alicorn on either side of her. “I have finally found the test subjects I need.” Surely her marefriend wouldn’t accept this. With the way she reacts to a simple nuzzle in public, surely she would break and reveal herself. Twilight kissed the alicorn on her left deeply. It was returned whole-heartedly and they only broke when breathing became a problem. Surely Luna would break and excuse herself to allow them privacy. She turned to the Nightmare on the right and kissed her as well. The exact same response was given. Of course, hypotheses are often wrong. -------------------------------------------------------- Sometime later, three alicorns lay flushed and panting on the bed. Twilight regained her senses first and grinned. Turning to the Nightmare on her left, she moved to kiss her. Before their lips could touch she raised her muzzle and kissed her on the bridge of her nose. “You’re Luna,” She stated. Black faded to blue as a grinning princess Luna rolled to her stomach. “How did you know?” Twilight nuzzled in to Nightmare’s neck, smiling. “Your tongues.” “Our tongues? But her transformation was exact! I made sure of it,” Nightmare grumbled into Twilight’s mane, eliciting a giggle from the smaller alicorn. “I didn’t say the physical aspect of them, now did I?” Twilight answered cryptically before turning to Luna and lighting her horn, a much different grin splitting her muzzle. “Now then, since you two deemed it necessary to wake me at such a late hour, I think I’ll finally get those transformation spells out of you. Luna, hold still. This won’t hurt… much.” A blue blur escaped through the balcony doors at a speed that would make Rainbow Dash jealous. “She was fun,” Twilight chuckled as she turned and laid back into Nightmare’s hooves. “But I’m surprised you let that happen.” “Consider it a gift.” Smiling, Nightmare kissed the top of her head. “She is not the only one who can see into a pony’s dreams.” With a blush and a nervous chuckle, Twilight nuzzled the black alicorn’s neck. “So you planned this?” “No, but I am nothing if not adaptable, my love. Though I do hope my better half has not stolen-” She was cut off by a deep kiss. Twilight brushed a hoof along Nightmare’s cheek as she pulled away and stared into her draconic eyes. “Never, Moony.” > 17 Chase by lyra_lover777 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chase by lyra_lover777 Twilight's eyes were wide open, her pupils retracting as she was backed into a thorn bush by the alter ego of Princess Luna, Nightmare Moon. Twilight then spread her wings, leaping into the air, thorns pricking her legs and wings. Nightmare Moon followed close behind. The pair twirled around in the air as Twilight dove through the branches of an old, grey oak. Nightmare followed her into the maze of spindly branches. Twilight quickly changed directions, using her smaller size to her advantage. Nightmare Moon tried to turn around, but got caught in the branches and thrashed about while Twilight sped off, landing on a far away cliff. Nightmare finally blasted the tree to bits with her magic, the ashy remains spreading in the wind as Nightmare shot through the air toward Twilight, tackling her. Nightmare Moon stopped, her body inches above Twilight, who was on her back. Both were breathing heavily, looking into each other's eyes. Their muzzles began to slowly inch towards each other until they were a millimeter apart. "Looks like you won this time, Nighty," said Twilight before pushing her lips to Nightmare's as they melted into each other. > 18 Structure by lyra_lover777 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Structure by lyra_lover777 Twilight and Nightmare Moon sat across from each other at a table. They were out at a restaurant on the streets of Canterlot. When Nightmare had returned a second time, they had captured her and had then begun to reform her. It was an arduous process. At least she wasn't destroying buildings any more. Over Twilight's time with her, Twilight had begun to feel a little something deep within her soul, like a tiny seed sprouting. Over the coming months, the seed sprouted into a beautiful flower inside of Twilight, growing under Twilight's love for Nightmare. When the secret slipped out one day, Nightmare Moon had fully accepted it. But after another month, Nightmare had repented, admitting her feelings for Twilight. It turned out Nightmare had had feelings for Twilight for a long time, but was to scared to admit it, even when Twilight had told her she had feelings for her. The pair had been announced as a couple a month later. Now, a month into their relationship, Nightmare was having doubts. Nightmare looked over at a couple, known as Jet Set and Upper Crust. They were staring and then stuck their snouts in the air. Nighty frowned and used her magic to make the two noble ponies trip and fall into a puddle of mud. Nighty laughed, clutching her sides. Twilight shook her head, rolling her eyes, as Nighty recovered. The pair soon finished their dinner, getting up as they trotted down the street towards the Canterlot Castle, the purple unicorn and black alicorn disappearing into the castle's open gates. ============================================================================ ==== Nighty leaned against Twilight as they stared out at the starry night sky. Twilight nuzzled Nighty's neck, who in turn placed a soft kiss on Twilight's cheek. In public Nightmare hated to show any kind of affection to her, but when they were alone, she let all her feelings out for Twilight. Twilight looked up into the alicon's eyes. They were troubled, lost in the dark sky as Nighty pondered something. Twilight furrowed her brow as she looked up at Nightmare Moon. "What's wrong?" was all Twilight said as she moved Nightmare's muzzle in front of her own. "What's bothering me? Uh, n-nothing, Twi." She tried to distract Twilight by nuzzling into her neck, but Twilight got to her hooves, staring down at the alicorn. "Tell me the truth. We both know your worse at lying than Applejack on April Foal's day," said Twi. Nighty sighed as she also got to her hooves. "I just have doubts about us. All it takes is one fight and were done for. Sometimes I wonder if you even like me anymore..." "Shut up." said Twilight, anger taking control of her features. "I love you, Nighty. Nothing will ever change that. All we need to do is build a solid base for our love. Then it will grow and build up a beautiful structure of the likes that nopony has ever seen. Don't doubt us. Because I don't." Nighty smiled sadly down at Twilight. "I love you too, Twilight." The two then softly pressed their lips together. The stars seemed to twinkle brighter as the two lovers left the world behind, flying into a world of their love and emotions. > 19 Structure (2) by Macho Madness > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Structure by Macho Madness The body, Equine or not, is a system like any other. It has certain orders and structures with in that are necessary for continued function. And if it has order and structure, it can be created. ------------------ Sparks danced across two metal spikes, cutting a slithering arc through the air. It's light cast an eerie glow on the dark basement, filled as it was with whirring and clanking from countless machines. In the corner, under the sterile white light of a single crystal lantern, sat Twilight Sparkle hunched over a microscope. Her hair was pulled back into a loose bun. Her coat was matted and had an unwashed shine to it. Beside her, a quill scratched furiously on a piece of parchment filled to the edges with mathematical formulas. "Ok. Mitosis seems to be proceeding about as predicted." She said as she sat up from the microscope, popping her neck repeatedly. "Slightly slower, but well within sustainable ranges." Reaching up with her hoof, she taps the lantern. It jingles quietly and it's light slowly fades out. With a kick, she rolls her chair from one table to another, her seat clacking loudly over the uneven floorboards. Reaching up into the darkness she taps another crystal, it's harsh light illuminating a blue metallic box. A multitude of cables and cords slithered from the box, winding into the darkness. With a tap and a spark from her horn, the top of the box melted away. A frigid cloud rolled slowly over the edges and frost began to cling to the rim. A grotesque mass of pulsing flesh, winding arcane symbols and jagged crystals floated gently out. "It means the body is ready for you," She said, kicking off and rolling towards the center of the room. When the light flicked on, it revealed a porcelain white Alicorn body, sitting with it's head bowed to the ground and the top of it's skull open and empty. A faint wisp of blue smoke trailed out of her ears for the barest of moments causing her whole body to shake. "Yes! I mean it this time! I install the persona matrix and you will be able to jump in almost immediately!" The wisp extended and gently caressed Twilight's chin, drawing little circles along her jawline. She shivers as she leaned into it and sighed happily. "Of course, Mistress." She turns to the awaiting skull and the mass floats quickly inside. The wires snap towards awaiting receptors on the inside and the whole thing settles in with a sharp hiss. Twilight stepped off her stool an wormed her way under the massive neck. With a heave and a grunt, she lifted the massive head up and propped it up with a large plank of wood. A jar filled with a clear, viscous liquid floated up and tipped it's contents out, filling the empty skull. With a jolt of energy from her horn, the flesh and bone began to knit together and close up the cavity. She walked back under the head and gently lowered down to the floor. Pulling a magnifying glass and some tweezers from the table beside her, she poked and prodded at the newly formed cranium. "Oh...kay!" she exclaimed as she tossed the objects aside. "It's read-!" Before she can finish her sentence she buckled over and clutched her head, screaming all the while. A deep blue miasma poured out from every orifice in her head, leaving behind a sickly black tar that dripped too the floor. The cloud crashed into the white pony and seeped in from where ever it can find purchase. The pristine white of the fur began to darken and soon only the faint outline of a pearly white moon remained amid a twisting sea of black. The eyes shot open and revealed two brilliant turquoise eyes, the slits barely visible. With sure steps, the massive creature stood up and brandished it's fangs in a menacing smile. "Very good, Twilight Sparkle," her velvet voice slithered out. "Your work seems to be holding up quite well this time." "T-thank you, Mistress," Twilight barely croaked out from the floor. One eye was stuck shut with the black tar, the other bloodshot from the strain. She shakily tried to stand and meet the gaze of her mistress, but collapsed with a pained grunt. The massive alicorn kneels down and gently cradled the weakened unicorn in her magic. "Do not struggle, Twilight. You have earned your rest." Twilight gently sagged onto Nightmare's back, wincing as her head touches down. "When you have recovered from this ordeal, we shall begin planning for the future." She said as she mounted the stairs out of the basement. Her form shrank and shifted, bones audibly cracking and shifting as she morphed into a much smaller body. "And what a future it will be, my dear student." She said with a terrible glint in her still reptilian eyes. "What a future, indeed." > 20 Bombardier by Toratchi888 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bombardier by Toratchi888 Twilight Sparkle lay on a cushion in the comfort of the Library’s main room. She was reading a thick book, propped on a hoof-high reading stand in front of her. Late afternoon sunlight poured in through the high windows. Of course, she would be reading a book, and a thick one at that, but this was one she hadn’t read before: a gift from the Canterlot Archives from Princess Celestia. The book had arrived in quite the dusty state, but thanks to Spike’s courageous sacrifice—actually, he had inhaled too soon after he flame-belched the book into the Library, sucking burning dust back into his mouth and nearly burned down the tree with the resulting back-backdraft—it was clean and readable. Spike was recovering the use of his sinuses in bed with a hot herbal infusion and a comic. Twilight flipped through the pages slowly; idly, in fact, for she was more distracted by Midnight Blue, formerly known as Nightmare Moon. Twilight held a turned page halfway in her magic as she considered Nightmare’s—now Midnight’s—eponymous coat: it was silky and (obviously) blue, compared to Luna’s slightly rougher and blacker fur. But something was missing from Midnight Blue’s look. Twilight flipped the page down and closed her eyes. What was it…? “Armour!” That was it; Nightmare Moon had been accoutred for war in her earliest appearances, with full barding. When she had re-manifested late on Nightmare Night—the same night Luna had been welcomed back by the Ponyvillians—she had discarded the armour in an effort to promote humility and oneness with other ponies; so far, it seemed to have succeeded somewhat. However… in Twilight’s mind, the strong, glamorous Nightmare Moon had diminished as Midnight Blue. Even though Twilight had grown close to the Mare of Midnight—discussing history, astronomy, and friendship in equal measure—Twilight was saddened that the mental strength of the mare was no longer physically reflected. “Hmm…” Twilight flipped another page, snorted as she sought her place, and began to skim. Abruptly, she stopped, and peered at the page. “‘Bombardier.’” She tapped the floor with her right hoof. She had never heard the word before. “Bom-bar-di-er. Uncommon polysyllabic composite; conclusion: ancient dialect.” She craned her neck to focus on the shelves behind her and levitated down a dictionary, Old World Equid Linguistics. She flipped it open to “B”. “‘Bomb, from the ancient Grecquine word for a booming noise; onomatopoeia. Bombas (irr./unkn.; see Lingua Franca et. al., Pre-Classical Grecquine 3rd ed., for etymology and history) were used to scare off marauding griffons and enemy pony-tribes in the ancient world.’ Hmm, and barding is a pony’s war-armour… so a bardier must be an old word for an armour-smith. Huh.” She rustled a page or two back, searching. “Hmm, no bardier. Must be too antiquated, or too rare.” She tapped her right hoof to her chin. She wanted Midnight Blue to be more imposing. She wanted the old Nightmare Moon back, the powerful, the sexy—assertive! Yes. Assertive. Twilight fanned her hoof in front of her muzzle. “Hmm. Bombardier… I have her armour downstairs; it’s beautifully crafted, it just needs… Aha!” She leaped up, grinning, and dashed out the door. * * * “Uh, Spike?” “Yeah, Rainbow Dash?” “Uh, what’s that banging sound under the tree? And why was Twilight running all around town earlier?” “Dunno. Twilight’s been down there for hours, screeching about ‘bombs’ and pony anatomy, or something weird like that.” “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” “…Spike?” “Yeah?” “I, uh, hear Pinkie’s got a new muffin recipe on the go; why don’t we go see…?” “‘kay!” * * * Midnight Blue made a graceful landing fifteen strides from the front door of Golden Oaks Library, pulling in her wings just before touchdown and prancing five strides to stop herself. Her trailing feathers brushed her Cutie Mark, a black halo on a white patch; against the glimmering blue of her coat, it was exceptionally noticeable. Midnight had taken only a few steps towards the door and lit her horn to pull the handle when it bounced open, revealing a bouncing Twilight Sparkle in the frame. “Hi, Midnight!” Twilight chirped. “Hello, Twilight,” Midnight replied warmly. “You appear most excitable.” “I got you a present! I hope you like it!” Midnight cocked her head as Twilight levitated parts of armour out from the Library’s main room. “My armour…” Midnight eyed the peytral. “You were studying it, were you not?” “Oh, yes, and I still am!” Twilight bounced around the pile. “But I had a thought; you see, it retains spells cast on it, so—” “Yes, I know that much, my dear.” Midnight walked closer. On inspection, Twilight appeared to have buffed out some of the more sinister glyphs etched into the armour plate, smoothing them and adding some crystalline scoring. “Have you been enchanting it to some purpose?” “Oh, well, a little, but I just wanted you to have some nice armour! I mean, you look so strong in armour, but it was a little scary the first couple of times, so I figured some nice, pretty armour—” Midnight held up her left hoof; Twilight was panting. “Dear, I understand.” Midnight smiled. “I’ll try it on.” Twilight grinned and levitated the croupiere; with Midnight’s direction (and a slight blush from Twilight, who could not avoid staring at Midnight’s Cutie Mark as the plate slid over her dock) Twilight fitted it into place. Midnight levitated her new hoof boots one at a time while Twilight fitted a sapphire-blue caparison, dotted with tiny diamonds like stars. As Midnight shifted her rump to test the fit, Twilight levitated the silvered peytral and made it snug, shifting the clasp over Midnight’s withers. Midnight lifted a hoof to inspect the boots; they were glossy black onyx, and slightly more functional than the regalia worn by the Princesses, but still quite pretty. “I thank you, dear—” She made to stomp a hoof to test the fit— “Stop!” Twilight cried. Midnight froze, her hoof poised to strike. “Ah, just, I figured maybe you should try them on a landing; I think they’ll still fit right, but might as well get it done all at once, right?” Midnight smiled. “Certainly, dear. Now…” “Um, actually, my friends are at Sugar Cube Corner, so could you maybe just hop over there and…?” “Oh, certainly! I shall show them my new fashion!” Midnight Blue rolled her shoulders and launched herself over the roofs. Twilight grinned as she heard Midnight’s voice float back through the air: “Dear friends of Twilight Sparkle—” followed by a thump of landing and a resounding *CRACKOW!* “AAAAAAAAH! IT’S NIGHTMARE MOON!” “RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!” “THE HORROR…!” Twilight spun around, dropped on her haunches, and raised her hooves to her chest. “Victory! I am Twilight Sparkle, bombardier: She who makes the loudest of loud accoutrements! For Science! Ahahaha—!” *K-K-K-KOW!* “TWILIGHT SPARKLE~!” “Gulp.” Twilight spun back around, caught a glimpse of Midnight Blue’s white-burning eyes, and promptly teleported. “I SHALL FIND YOU, CLEVER LITTLE FILLY! FEEL MY THUNDER!” * * * “Spike?” *CRACKOWwwww!* “Y-yeah, Rainbow?” “That was, like, magic thunder, right? Like a Rainboom without the Rain?” “Y-yeah.” *KKKKKKrakow…* “Midnight’s… totally… stolen my thunder.” > 21 Mercy by Knight of Lycaeus > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mercy by Knight of Lycaeus Sequel to Kitten and Hammer Twilight inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly going through her breathing exercises. "Okay, this is time for a real chance for some in pony experience." Nightmare Moon grumbled, "Fine, where then, here or Canterlot?" Twilight sighed, "Here. You're last appearance in Canterlot went badly...." Twilight rubbed her head hoping to stall any oncoming headaches, "No badly is too gentle, it was a disaster...." "I merely appeared and said a few things." Nightmare Moon supplied. "This was before we helped your grammar, you sounded worse than Luna did with a very thick Middle Equish voice and add in the booming Royal Canterlot Voice along with shadows acting like they were alive! This doesn't even count the darken skies, the thunder and lightning, or the appearance of shadows golems turning into Lunar Ponies!" Twilight yelled her voice rising. "Small display of power although you have forgotten my full regalia of battleplate and armaments." Nightmare Moon added. "That's exactly the problem! Celestia crafted a ward and then convinced Luna, Discord, and me to help supercharge it!" Twilight turn to glare at the onyx alicorn, "Place hoof, horn, hair, or magic near Mount Canterhorn and it's automatic banishment." "Is that not slightly excessive for Celestia?" "It is" Twilight said as she went through her breathing exercises again, "There are reasons but you're better off asking Celestia. Simply put it has to do with her past and her early reign." Twilight stopped glaring and starting walking towards town, "We're headed to the market. Please try to socialize and not smite everypony." Nightmare grunted, "No promises." Entering the Ponyville Market, Twilight turned to Nightmare and asked, "Okay. We should start with something simple. Which food stall?" "Any peasants.... ponies" Nightmare corrected seeing Twilight's glare. "Any ponies sell fruit?" Twilight nodded, "Many, we'll go see Applejack then." The two made their ways towards the Apple's stall. The entire trip felt uneasy to Twilight, it seems most ponies were still wary of Nightmare. She was glad when she finally spotted Applejack. Twilight nudged Nightmare, "Apple stall. Try to buy something." Nightmare walked up to the orange mare, "Peasant! Present a tithe for your Goddess!" Nightmare yelled as the skies darkened. Twilight sighed and trotted up to Nightmare and prodded her. "Not what we practiced, Alicorns are not viewed as Goddesses any more. We don't ask for tithes! And we certainly don't call the citizens PEASANTS!" Twilight yelled tried of repeated failures to clarify that last point to Nightmare. Applejack didn't flinch. "Reckon y'all need some help here. Wasn't as bad as last time though." "Sorry Applejack" Twilight said. Applejack shook her head, "No problems, Twi. Certainly loses bein' intimidatin' after a while." The other nearby ponies however did not agree with this statement. Predictably the Flowers Sisters fainted while a few farmers had filled small baskets with produce and were kneeling at Nightmare's hooves begging for her to spare them. "Y'all want help?" Applejack continued as the two alicorns glanced around them, "Would be good if y'all could talk an' not scare everypony else." Nightmare looked at the apple farmer, "Why have you not cowered like the rest?" Applejack shrugged, "I reckon between you and Luna bein' so fond of the same greeting. Life an' world messed by Discord. Fought off hundreds o' Changelings lookin' like mah friends and Ah. Beat off Sombra, Everfree vines, no good film-flams. Found foalhood nightmare Tirek's real an' fought him off an' just plain ol' Ponyville crazy. Got used to some o' it." Nightmare turned to Twilight, "What exactly do you do again?" Twilight had been slowly rubbing her forehead, "Doing the impossible it seems while dealing with beings that break mind and logic." Twilight turned to head back home, "Let's go Nightmare, we need more practice so you can stop scaring the populace. > 22 Mirage by lyra_lover777 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mirage by lyra_lover777 Twilight was slumped over Nightmare Moon's shoulder like a bag of flour. Nightmare was barely moving, slowly inching through the burning, whipping sand that was flying through the air. The wind-driven bits of sand hit Nightmare's coat like bullets, making her want to scream and cry. But she was to tired and too delirious to even speak. The pair had been riding in a chariot on their way to the Hive to talk with Queen Chrysalis about extending the peace treaty. They were also going to invite the Queen to their wedding. Then a hell of a sandstorm had picked up, tearing both pegasi guiding the chariot through the sky out of their harnesses. The two guards had then been whipped away, gone in a flash. Their chariot had begun to plummet. Nightmare tried to get out, but the flying sand was blinding, and she and Twilight became stuck as they plummeted through the air. Finally, only several seconds from hitting the ground, Nightmare had pulled free and tugged the small lavender alicorn out just in time. But one of the chariot's wheels nicked Twilight's wings, breaking it with a loud Snap. Twilight had quickly passed out from the pain, slumping onto the burning sand. Nightmare had draped her over her shoulder. The black alicorn had then began to trudge through the crazy sandstorm. Now, two hours later, Nightmare was at the point of collapse, and Twilight was no where nearer to waking up. Tears formed at Nighty's eyes at the hopelessness of the situation. She had no idea where they were going. They would never get home. They would never get married. She could keep moving on the ground and eventually collapse and get buried under the sands, suffocating herself and her lover, Twilight. Or she could try to take flight and get sucked away like those two guards had been sucked away, into the unknown. So when she saw a dark shape, she opened her eyes wide. It looked like a pony. Nighty pushed forward, picking up the pace, but still moving at the pace of a snail. When she finally reached the shape, it was Luna. Nighty scrunched her brow as she touched Luna, who was staring into space. She burst apart, a cloud of sand hitting Nighty in the face. She slowly wiped the sand from her eyes, looking around. A new Luna was a few steps away. Standing next to her was Celestia. Nighty reached out to tap Celestia on the shoulder. The two princess sisters burst apart into a pile of sand, reappearing behind Nighty. Now Cadence was with them. Nighty continued to tap them on the shoulder. Discord popped up. Then Tirek. Then Queen Chrysalis. Then Applejack. then Rarity. And on and on and on, until Nighty was screaming as a sea of ponies surrounded her. At the sound of the scream, the sea of ponies came to life, moving towards her, all their eyes black pits, giant fangs and snake-like tongues hanging from their mouths. Nighty crouched on the ground, shaking as she began to cry. Suddenly it was all over as Nighty got up, clutching her back. Nighty realized she had been in a mirage. Shde looked down to see what thing poked her in the back. During the mirage, Nightmare must have tipped Twilight off her back. When Nighty had been surrounded by the ponies, she had fallen on her back, onto Twilight's horn. This had awoken Twilight, who was moaning as she mumbled about water. Nighty placed Twilight on her back and trudged on. After ten minutes, another shape appeared. Nighty began to move away from it, thinking it was another mirage, but then it buzzed over to them. It was a changeling drone. His name was Swiper. He lead them through the sand strom, giving them protective suits. Changelings had no use for them since their hard shells protected them from the hurting sand. Nighty clutched Twilight to her chest as they followed Swiper out of the storm. They were alright. Nighty sighed. "Next time, can we teleport here?" Twilight moaned into Nighty's coat. "Who said there was a next time? I am never coming close to this desert ever again. > 23 Tumultuous by Toratchi888 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tumultuous by Toratchi888 “Thanks so much for coming over, Moona!” “It is my pleasure, Twilight Sparkle. When you said you needed a little help reorganizing your library, I—Oh, moon and stars! That is ever a large mess!” “Ehehe, yeah, um, I… got carried away…” “Eh? ‘Carried away?’” “Ah, yes, well, when I was a filly, I like to make book forts, you see…” “Book forts? How delightful! No bastion of knowledge could be greater than a fort of books commanded by Twilight Sparkle!” “Hahahaha! Oh, Moona! Well, I was feeling nostalgic, but I guess I have a ways to go with my engineering, since they all came tumbling down. And since I gave Spike the night off…” “Indeed. Now, how shall we organize them? I would guess, for you, either by letters or by subjects.” “Quite right. Now, normally I would have a checklist of all my books, but since I haven’t updated that in a while…” “No, no, dear Twilight, don’t overthink this! Let us start organization by lettering… THUSLY!” *STOMP!* *CRACKOW!* *thud-thud-thud-thud—” “MOONA! What are you—?” “IT IS THE CUSTOM OF THE ANCIENT PONIES TO MAKE MERRY WHILE THEY WORK! THIS IS THE ANCIENT AND MAJESTIC WORK-DANCE OF THE EARTH PONIES OF MICRO-PONIESIA! FEEL THE THUNDER OF INDUSTRY!” *STOMP!* *CRACKOW!* *thud-thud-thud-thud—” “Moona! Stop! You’re flinging books everywh—!” “DANCE, BOOKS! BUILD UP HIGH THE WALLS OF KNOWLEDGE, IMPREGNABLE BASTION OF WISDOM! JUMP AND DELIGHT FOR YOUR LIBRARIAN!” “MOONA, I KID YOU NOT, IF YOU KEEP ACTING LIKE AN INTRACTABLE GOAT—!” *creeeeeeeeeeeeeak…* “…” “…and those would be my shel—” *WHAM!* * * * *clatch, squeee…* “…Dash?” “Yeah, Spike?” “Why are Twilight and Nightmare Moon buried under a pile of books and shelving?” “Dunno, squirt; maybe the weight of history is too much for ‘em! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!” “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” “Let’s go get muffins.” “‘kay.” *squeee, clatch* * * * “mwuna…” “wuhu, twiwigh…?” “mext wime, wet’s wust woose ou fooves.” “ ‘fay…” > 24 Onyx (2) by TheMusicalBoy93 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Onyx by TheMusicalBoy93 Twilight clutched the black pebble in her magic, her purple aura flickering frantically around the onyx pendant she held clutched to her chest. It was her final safeguard. Her friends had done all they could to try and rescue her. May Celestia bless their immortal souls for their valiant efforts. But, alas, it had not been enough. Nightmare Moon was far stronger than Twilight remembered. Luna had succumbed, once more, to the disdain and hatred that had plagued her heart a thousand years ago, giving way to the beast that was the Mare in the Moon. Twilight kissed the small onyx memento, remembering the brave princess who gave it to her before… Black onyx is said to offer resistance and perseverance in times of need. Never mind her friends were gone. Never mind her mentor was nothing more than ashes. Never mind the sun never rose, and the night reigned on for eternity. As long as she was strong, Nightmare Moon would never win. She may beat, torture and violate the Princess of Friendship as much as she wished. But the Mare in the Moon would never break her. She would never steal her love. Maybe, one day, she can even bring Luna back. It happened once before. Maybe the inner strength her onyx necklace gave her could help save the princess she once cared for. It kept the nightmares out of her head at night. It kept her lust suppressed. It helped her control her bad habits. Maybe, if she could seduce Nightmare Moon long enough, she could slip it around her captor’s neck, and… The light burns whenever she opens the door. But the sneer on her lips burns even more. Luna. Please. Come back. How can you expect her to love you like this? Please. Don’t take away the last ounce of harmony Twilight has left. Love cannot be taken. Love should not be taken. Please. Come back. Onyx… please help me. I choose you. > 25 Disparity by lyra_lover777 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disparity by lyra_lover777 "You-you want to get married!" Twilight stared down at the three subjects knelled before her. One was a unicorn, the next a dragon, and the last a draconequus. The trio cringed at the blunt words. Nightmare poked Twilight on her left wing, her brow scrunched. "Isn't our relationship different too?" Nighty asked, her teal pupils digging into Twilight's soul. Memories flashed across Twilight's mind. Twilight and her friends cowered as they stared up at the gigantic black alicorn that was staring them down. Nightmare Moon had returned a second time Nightmare was locked up in a hanging metal cage, her sparkling star mane flat and wet from Nightmare's own tears. Twilight felt something in her heart as she watched the crying alicorn, like a tiny tug on her heart. Twilight sat in front of Nighty's cage, giving her a proposition. If she would let Twilight reform her, she could be free. Hours passed as Twilight sat in front of Nighty's cage, going through hundreds of candles. Then it was the fateful day. The bronze key swung from a necklace on Twilight's neck. Twilight unlocked the cage, Nightmare not bursting free and scorching a hole in the wall, but jumping out a following behind Twilight like a good alicorn. Many months as Nighty learned the new customs and traditions. And over that time the little tug when she had seen Nightmare crying transformed into a giant pull, like a whaler-pony had struck a harpoon in her chest and a thousand ponies were pulling it, tugging her towards Nightmare. The one starry night when the pull became to much and Twilight mashed her lips frantically onto Nighty's And then Nighty pushed back. A year later, bells ringing as Twilight trotted up the aisle with her father in a flowing lavender wedding gown. Nightmare was waiting, Celestia behind her. Celestia wiped a tear as Twilight stood next to her fillyfriend, soon to be her spouse. And now here they sat, taking over the Common Pleas Court for the day. "Darling, please don't make this awkward." Rarity said as she trotted closer to Twilight. Since the marriage of Twilight and Nighty, Twilight and her friends had never even spoke a word to each other. They had become distant the second Twi had announced her relationship with Nighty. "I-i'm sorry. I guess our relationships aren't that different," Twilight said. "Twi, please?" Twilight looked down on Spike, who had grown considerably over the three years since Nighty's return. She had even grown distant with her foster brother and once number-one assistant. And then Discord looked up at her, a yellow halo forming above his head and angel wings sprouting from his back as he looked into Twilight's eyes, pleading. "I-i-." Twilight looked frantically over the three. "It just isn't law! And how many relationships like yours do you know of?" said Twilight. "Thunderlane, Flitter, and Cloudchaser," stated Rarity. "Colgate, Berry Punch and Carrot Top," said Spike. "Trixie, Prince Blueblood, and Garble," said Discord as he bounced up and down on a beach ball. Rarity was about to list another, but Twilight halted them. "Okay, I get your point," said Twilight as she pulled out a mound of papers and letters, along with several scrolls. After ten minutes, she placed the heap of paper off to the side. "According to the law, it is not against the law to have a relationship like yours. It does not even state the possibility of a marriage of this kind. However, if you are all sure of this, you will need to sign this form." Twilight floated the paper up for all three to see. All three were at the foot of the throne in seconds. Twilight floated them each a pen. All three quickly signed. Twilight smiled a she got of the throne, giving a bewildered Rarity a hug. "I hope we can be friends again." Twilight whispered into Rarity's mane.Rarity beamed and smiled, wanting to tell the other old friends the news. The Mane Six were getting back together! Twilight returned to her throne after giving Spike a tight hug and shaking hoof/paw with Discord. Twilight smiled a she watched her friends leave. She sighed and leaned back into her throne. Nighty called out "Next!" A group of six ponies galloped into the throne room, hopeful looks on their faces. Twilight huffed "Let me guess, you want to get married?" All six nodded enthusiastically. Twilight and Nighty rolled their eyes. "Here we go again," whispered Twilight before returning her attention to the six ponies in front of her, putting on a show winning smile. > 26 Melt by hockeygoalie1992 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Melt by hockeygoalie1992 She was beautiful, truly a sight to behold. From her lavender coat to her purple and pink striped mane to her starburst cutie mark, even with the slight pudge in her stomach, Nightmare Moon had never laid eyes on a mare quite like Twilight Sparkle. She had her own grace, her own special way of things that just made the Queen of the Night’s stomach do backflips. Oh, but that was only scratching the surface. She was brilliant, talented, unparalleled in magic among modern ponies. Even Nightmare Moon was forced to give pause and silent praise the object of her affection during their confrontation. Strong, determined, and so very gifted. It had been then that her decision was made: Twilight Sparkle would be hers. Before sending her detestable sister to the surface of the sun, a fitting repayment for the thousand year imprisonment on her beloved moon, Nightmare Moon lauded Celestia for how well she had taught her student, thanking her for preparing such a lovely, delectable welcome home gift. If only she wasn’t so devoted to her teacher, Twilight Sparkle would be ruling Equestria at her side. She would share her bed and have all the love and affection a pony could dream. But she was stubborn, impressively so. She hardened her heart, doing her best to block out her suitor’s advances during her nightly visits to her suite – her personal prison. Still, that stubbornness was attractive. Like dangling a carrot in front of Nightmare Moon’s muzzle and telling her that she couldn’t have it. As she gazed upon Twilight Sparkle, watching as she read through a book on transmutation; a fine piece of work, even if Starswirl had been more interested in studying the Elements of Harmony than devoting his full attention to the subject. Nightmare Moon had, naturally, provided it, giving her highest recommendations. For a split second, Twilight’s ears twitched and her eyes lit up eagerly before she managed to regain control of her excitement long enough to school her expression and coldly thank Nightmare Moon, turning away to ignore her and focus on the ancient tome. She had been engrossed in that book for three nights. At least she appreciated the gift, even if she didn’t view it as such and audaciously maintained a bubble barrier to keep her suitor away. Nightmare Moon sighed, dispelling the aforementioned barrier with ease. It was all a formality, really, only Celestia or that damnable Discord could match her in terms of magical prowess. Though, Twilight came closer than any unicorn since Starswirl himself. “Go away,” came the usual greeting, though with noticeably weaker vitriol. Anypony else would have begged for a swift end should they dare speak to her in such a manner, but Nightmare Moon kept her temper in check. Her objections weren’t as strong this night, be thankful for small victories. Ignoring the slight, Nightmare Moon approached her captive, trailing a wing across her withers, delighting in the way Twilight shivered at her touch, her breath catching in her little chest. She could deny it all she wanted, for as long as she could, but Twilight would soon succumb to her love. “Nay,” Nightmare Moon purred, dipping her head to blow lightly against the younger mare’s ear. She nipped at the purple furred tip, giving a fanged grin at the way Twilight let loose a shuddering breath, tilting her head back and closing her eyes in bliss. Her mouth could say ‘no,’ she was free to do so. But there was no way to hide the way her body reacted to pleasure. Somewhere within her, buried deep, Twilight was opening up to her advances. Nightmare Moon wrapped her powerful wings around Twilight and ran her tongue up her soon-to-be lover’s ear, ending with a kiss when she reached the tip and slowly working her way down again. Twilight writhed and whimpered with every touch, trying in vain to push away and escape her downy prison. “You will love me,” Nightmare whispered confidently. “You will give into your desires someday, returning my kisses and touch with passion and love equal to mine for you. It can be today, it can be tomorrow, it can be next century. It makes no difference to me, my beloved little Sparkle,” she lifted a hoof and forced Twilight’s head to turn so that she could steal a kiss to that adorable purple snout. Pressing her snout against Twilight’s, their lips almost touching, Nightmare completed her vow. “I will melt the ice in which you have encased your heart! You will be mine!” She sealed it with a kiss, reveling in the way Twilight struggled for a moment before finally giving in and letting her have her way. Yes. Twilight Sparkle would surrender to her love, far sooner than she realized. Nightmare Moon’s conquest would be complete once she had captured Twilight’s heart. It was only a matter of time. > 27 Raven by Knight of Lycaeus > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Raven by Knight of Lycaeus A soft caw drew my attention from the night sky. I was outside on the crystalline balcony of my new home, watching the night sky in hopes of calming myself down. The past week has been…. difficult, it wasn’t easy watching Tirek’s magic destroy the Library. My new home seems so vast, so quiet, so…. empty. I turned my focus towards the soft caws and there on the railing sat a dark figure. A small bird, a raven with its feathers of glossy black and deep midnight blue, the sharp silver beak and talons, and piercing blue eyes. I knew that bird although it had been several years since I last saw it. The first time I ever laid eyes on that bird was back when I was still a student living in Canterlot. Even as a small filly, I’ve always enjoyed stargazing. The relaxing nature of watching the stars slowly drift across the sky night after night. The first time I saw the raven was very much like what was happening now; a soft caw had drawn my attention away from the wondrous night sky to find a raven sitting on the railing. Back then I did not know where the raven came from or why. It was strange watching the raven; the ponies of Canterlot treated the raven in vastly different ways. The Solar Ponies and by extension the Solar Guard if they chanced upon the raven sitting on my railing after it staying late into the night and into the dawn of a new day, would simply attack the bird or if they were Guards then weapons were favoured. To them they would give the bird no quarter, although some of the kinder ones merely sought to catch it rather than resort to running their blade through. The rarer Lunar Ponies instead seemed to almost revere the bird; its appearance to them was seen as a sign of luck and good fortune. I would not learn the reason behind this discrepancy for many years. What I eventually did learn was that the raven, a carrion eater was seen as a harbinger of death by Solars. For them the raven inspired fear, it was the messenger from Beyond and it bode to whoever received it or looked at one nothing but ill omen. The Lunars instead saw them as a messenger from their goddess; she had disappeared from this world many years ago. But the Lunars had hopes and the belief that one day she would return, to be the recipient of a visit from a raven was a good omen. The last time I had seen this raven was just before my departure from Canterlot, on that last visit the raven seemed more content than I had ever seen it before. It was on this visit that I learned, I learned about the discrepancy between the beliefs of Solars and Lunars. It was on this visit I learned who the raven was. I smiled now; I thought I had lost her several years ago. Now it seems I had not; it seems she had been biding her time. Now was the time for her return, I watched as the raven grew in size and shape, I watched as the bird became a pony. The mare who had been with me for so long watching and guarding from the shadows, the mare I knew I wanted to spend my life with had finally stepped out of the shadows. > 28 Nightmares by lyra_lover777 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nightmares by lyra_lover777 Sequel to "Disparity" Twilight was curled up next to Nightmare in a darkly painted carriage that was being pulled by a team of five stallions. Nighty looked down at her lover, smiling slowly as she stroked Twilight's mane. They were headed to Ponyville to meet up with Twilight's old friends before the wedding of Disparity, aka the wedding of Discord, Spike, and Rarity. As Nighty smiled, looking down at her lovely wife. She had no clue what was raging inside of Twilight's head. Twilight was laying next to Nighty, snoring softly, a small smile plastered to her lips. Nighty was nuzzling her softly, planting quick kisses along her neck and cheeks. Suddenly a whistle was heard outside, and the whole carriage toppled. Nighty smashed into Twilight, turning into a large puddle of black ink, coating Twilight's side. Twilight screamed as the five stallions harnessed to the carriage bucked mid-air, stuck in the air from the collapse of the carriage. Suddenly all five exploded into clouds of green dust, making Twilight buck and scream. The green cloud of dust coated her lungs, making it impossible to breathe. As Twilight heaved and wheezed, a dark shape stood over her, a dagger drawn. Just before the dagger hit home, Twilight jerked awake, bucking Nighty in the face as she flopped around, screaming. Nighty recovered from her blow to the face, quickly scooping Twilight in a tight hug, hushing her as she rocked Twi gently. After another fifteen minutes, Twilight was fast asleep. Nighty looked out the front window at the five stallions, their muscles taut in the moonlight as they galloped hard. They were probably only a few hours away from Ponyville. Meanwhile, Twilight was back in the realm of dreams. Twilight was alone, standing on a white, puffy cloud. Her wings were spread as a soft breeze blew over her, ruffling her mane and feathers. She sighed as she leaped from the cloud, soaring slowly as she circled, a smile plastered to her face. She swooped and flew through a wispy cloud, which dissolved around her body, tickling her. As Twilight danced about in the air in a tickle fit, other clouds hit her, making her laugh so hard she lost all concentration. Suddenly she began to plummet as the sky flashed with lightning, dark clouds forming everywhere. Now instead of clouds hitting her, zaps of lightning were smacking into her, making her scream in pain as she was jolted. Twilight managed a glance below. A giant lake was beneath her. As Twilight flailed in the air, the zaps of lightning increasing speed and painfulness by a wagon load, a giant whirlpool formed in the lake, waiting to swallow her up. A second before Twilight hit the lake's surface, she jolted awake, as if hit by another lightning bolt. She jerked her way out the front window, rolling onto the dirt path as she spasmed around, screaming frantically. Nighty stopped the carriage, swooping out of their ride to pick up the shaking Twilight. She wrapped Twi in her wings before setting her on her back. They then got back into the carriage. As they continued on, the sun peeked above the horizion. After another minute, they crossed a tall hill, and Ponyville was seen, shining in the early morning light. "I'm coming home," Twilight said, her eyes wide open as she waited to be in the streets she loved so much, to see the ponies she had missed so much. And all with Nighty. With Nighty. Forever. > 29 Provocation by Kean > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Provocation by Kean ”This is quite sudden…” Chalk scratched across cold stone, connecting the end of the circle to the beginning, the sound echoed through the empty chamber with a sense of finality. ”Or perhaps not. I take it your time with Celestia went well?” Teal eyes, one bearing a dragon’s pupil, scanned the completed circle, searching the runes, lines, and what lay in its center for any flaw. Even the slightest imperfection in her spellwork would cause unexpected, potentially catastrophic results. Satisfied, she nodded, to both the circle, and the question. “Better than I could have imagined, yes. She agrees that this is the best course as well.” ”You know there are risks.” She nodded. ”And yet, you will go through with this?” Another nod. “You were once my desires made flesh. Recent developments prove well enough that is no longer the case, which could become problematic. If ridding myself of you is the solution, then so be it. I will accept the risks.” ”You say that but…” She chuckled and shook her head, a small smile beginning to form. ”She will be quite upset with you.” “Of course she will be. At first,” She muttered and stared at and through a gem almost the size of her head. She spun it in her magic, allowing her to see through every angle. Like the recently made ritual circle, it was flawless. “But she will come to understand. I will not allow this problem to harm her either. Now, if you have no objections?” ”Of course. Though I think you should begin before she figures out where we are.“ The double doors leading to the chamber strained against their hinges and the magic welding them shut before slamming back into place. Through the doors she could hear a mare yelling. The words were indecipherable, but the tone was clear. And it wasn’t happy. ”Too late,” she said with a grin. “It is no problem, she will not get through until I allow her.” She lit her horn and began to feed magic into the circle. ”You do not know her very well. I would advise haste." The doors shuddered again, this time splitting apart just enough for the scowling visage of a lavender alicorn to be seen. The walls groaned in protest, begging for the hinges to be allowed to do their job, else they were likely to just give up against Twilight Sparkle’s assault. “Luna! Open this door! I swear to your sister that I’ll tear it apart!” ”Oh stars is she angry! You best hope this works, for both our sakes.” The walls finally gave way, allowing the heavy wooden doors they supported to fall against the floor with a deafening crash. Before the enraged alicorn could step hoof inside the chamber, there was a surge of magic, a cry of pain, a blinding flash, and then silence. -------------------------------------------------------- Let it be known that looking directly into the epicenter of an arcane explosion is never a good idea. Of course, that wasn’t the first time I’ve done it, and it wouldn’t be the last. The moment princess Celestia told me what they were up to, I had rushed down here to… well, I’m not exactly sure. “Subvert wards placed by Luna only to be momentarily blinded” certainly wasn’t anywhere on my list of ideas though. I recovered before she did. Whatever Luna did must have taken a lot out of her because she didn’t even get a chance to react before I was on her. I didn’t strike her or pin her, though I did consider it. Instead, I fixed her with my best glare. “What did you do?” I asked through gritted teeth. I was absolutely seething and my magic was still flowing through my horn, held in check for the moment. She didn’t respond immediately. Instead she surrounded a gem in her magic and floated it up between us. Staring at the rolling black fog inside through its clear shell, she spoke. “I hated her. Even when she came back and sought forgiveness, I could not stop hating her.” I wasn’t entirely sure if she was even talking to me. “She deserved none of my ire, of course.” The gem moved from between us to hover over the center of the still glowing circle I had seen when I first entered. “She was but a manifestation of my desires. I desired a friend and she came, I desired to be more like Celestia, she gave me a matching image, I desired power, she gave it to me, I desired a second chance… “She released the gem, which shattered against the ground, releasing the fog which hovered over something in the center of the circle. I attempted to repair the gem, to force what could only be Nightmare back into the container, but Luna’s magic buffeted mine away. “And she gave me something to shift the blame to. “However, she desired you. I do not.” I stopped myself from attacking her and pushed my anger to the back of my mind. Something was wrong. Her demeanor, the way she was speaking: she was too calm. And her little speech seemed to be designed to get a rise out of me. She wanted me distracted. Even without hindsight that much was obvious to me. But there was nothing else in the room besides us and the circle which had lost is glow. “But why do this?” I gestured toward the circle and shattered gem. Something seemed to be missing, but I couldn’t put my hoof on it. “Why get rid of her? Why not let me take her? Find a way that she could live separate from you?” “But, Twilight…” Even in the low light I could see the corners of her lips begin to rise, her eyes shine. I knew that look – from both of them – far too well. Yep, that’s it: I’m going to kill them. All three of them! I’ll find a way to raise that blasted sun and damned moon on my own! And then- Hooves and wings surrounded me, blocking my view of Luna, though from the snickering I could tell she was still there. A familiar voice said, “She did,” and a very familiar tongue stopped my revenge plans in their tracks. They could wait. > 30 Seven Deadly Sins: Wrath by Myrandall > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seven Deadly Sins: Wrath by Myrandall “For the last time, Nighty, she’s not going to hurt you!” “She was imprisoned in her own body for over a thousand years, and you think she just conveniently forgot that it was I who did that to her?!” Nightmare Moon replied, a scared look on her face. Twilight and Nightmare were standing in the Nightmare’s bedroom, in front of a large mirror that took up most of a wall. The curtains in front of the room’s stately windows were drawn halfway, keeping most of the sunshine out. It gave the room a dark and gloomy feel. Just the way she liked it. “Well, no, but Celestia told me Luna was always very forgiving… And since her return I don’t get the impress-” “Oh, please! You said yourself you’ve hardly gotten to know her since. And I know what feelings first emerged when she and I were severed by your... magic. You might expect somepony’s first real feelings after a banishment to be relief, or joy at finally being free again. ” Nightmare turned away from Twilight and looked at herself in the mirror, a look of sorrow in her eyes. “It wasn’t. Did you know what I felt as I was torn from her body?” She turned to face a puzzled Twilight again. “It was hatred.” she said. “Pure hatred for my being. In that moment I felt nothing but her desire to obliterate me. To cease my existence in return for what I had put her through.” The Nightmare dropped her head. “She wanted to end me, Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight opened her mouth to say something. Something to comfort her beloved, to tell her she was wrong. Something, anything, to convince her that Luna’s invitation wasn’t some sort of hour of reckoning. But she couldn’t. She just stood there, mouth wordlessly agape. It had been four weeks since Nightmare Moon had first shown up in Twilight’s dreams. It had been three weeks since they had the courage to confess their mutual love for each other. It had been two weeks since Twilight’s plea to Celestia to give dreaded Nightmare a second chance. It had been one week since Celestia had come to a decision. Luna hadn’t left her chambers since. Nightmare sighed. “No point in staying here. She’d just come to get her vengeance in my dreams if I don’t go to her. I won’t have anypony saying I didn’t face her with my head held high.” she said as she headed for the door. Twilight finally closed her mouth and followed. Nightmare was right. She didn’t know Luna. As escort of six batponies of Luna’s Royal Guard stood waiting outside, stoic looks on their faces. The alicorns were escorted to the palace’s ballroom, where Luna’s scroll had instructed her to come. As they approached the great doors at the end of the hallway Nightmare’s pace became hesitant. Four of the escort’s guards walked behind them now, blocking the way back. The other two took up positions at either side of the doors. Nightmare stopped a few feet in front of them. “Twilight?” “I’m here.” Nightmare swallowed. “Whatever happens... Know that I love you.” Before Twilight could reply, Nightmare nodded at the guards at the doors to let her in. They pushed the great doors open to reveal the dark ballroom. The curtains in the room were drawn completely, almost entirely blocking the setting sun’s rays. About half the candles in the ballroom’s great chandelier were lit, illuminating the figure beneath it. Luna was sitting on a simple wooden chair on the opposite end of a small square table, facing an empty chair. Nightmare slowly stepped inside. The doors quickly closed behind her with a echoing slam. She swallowed again and raised her head. This was it. She approached the monarch of the night. “Be seated.” Luna said in a clam but stern voice. Nightmare sat down in the empty chair. Luna looked her right in the eyes. “Art thou afraid?” Nightmare remained silent. “Good.” Silence fell over the two alicorns. Their eyes never left the other’s. Nightmare shook a little as Luna suddenly broke the silence. “Art thou ready for thine defeat?” she asked, as she floated a rectangular shape from behind her chair onto the table. Nightmare broke her gaze from Luna’s unsettling stare to look at the item she’d placed before them. It was a thin cardboard container. There was an inscription on top in a large font. A single word. Scrabble > 31 Seven Deadly Sins: Pride by Macho Madness > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seven Deadly Sins: Pride by Macho Madness 2:13 Pride is much like a disease of the mind. It saps your reasoning and inhibitions, leaving a fool believing themselves a wise. 2:14 Judge not your own virtues, instead let others judge you. Lest you be brought low by your own hubris. -Book of Noontide She walked confidently over the uneven cobblestone streets Her hoof steps echoed like a faintly ringing bell off the stark stone and wood walls that shot up and curved over her. In the little gaps of the walls she could see a distorted vision of a city, lights twinkling like stars in the windows. In the looming shadows of the unmarked streets, little pools of light shone down from warped streetlamps. Faint whispers crawled just at the edge of hearing; allowing themselves to be heard but never understood. "Are you sure this is ok, Twilight?" She heard Spike say in the back of her head. "Luna told you not to go walking with out her." Twilight smiled knowingly. "I'll be fine, Spike. I went walking in the in-between already. If I can do that, I can walk actual dreams just fine." She continued walking in silence, though she could hear Spike muttering something mixed in with the whispers. Eventually, the walls around her crumbled away revealing a rolling and idyllic countryside, the grasses and flowers swept by silent winds. In the far distance, silhouetted by the moon, two ponies sat shoulder to shoulder under a tree perched atop a hill. With a hop, Twilight dived into the ground. Her passing was marked only by gentle rippling as if on the surface of a lake. Moments later, her head pokes through the ground on a smaller mound just behind the couple. She carefully and quietly climbs out of the ground. She gently creeps up the hill, the evening dew clinging to her belly as she slides low to the ground. When she pokes her head over the crux of the little knoll, she stops, laying down quietly watching but not listening to the dreamer. The head he heads of the two ponies whipped around, both emitting a blood curdling snap that cut through the silence. Their reptilian eyes were of the brightest turquoise, bringing back a fear Twilight hoped she would never feel again. "Hello, Twilight, my old friend," the Ponies said, their voice deep in her head. Stumbling backwards, Twilight rolled down the hill and tried to scramble away as quickly as possible. "Spike! Cut it now!" she shouted at the top of her lungs, her eyes wide as she peered over her shoulder. Behind her, the ponies both were twisting in horrid and grotesque ways. Bones snapped and broke through the skin letting acrid black smoke pour out into the air. "Spike!" She shouted again, but no answer came. A blue and black mass whipped around her back leg and drug her to the ground, her chin slamming down with a bone rattling thud. She rolled over and looked back at what held her. A twisting miasma of darkness slithered along the ground: a single stark eye opened in the center. "Quite bold of you, little Twilight, to roam my realms with no protection." A silken voice echoed in he head. "N-n-nightmare moon!?" Twilight stuttered out, "We destroyed you!" A husky laugh rolled through her mind while the mass in front of he shook with laughter. "Do you think yourself so mighty as to destroy that which a god could not?" She tried to speak, but it came out only as a gurgled squawk as more black tendril's wrapped around her neck. She scrabbled franticly at her throat, desperate to free her self. "Wake now, Twilight. I have plans for you." She heard as the light faded from her eyes and her body was dragged into the nightmare's own. > 32 Seven Deadly Sins: Gluttony by Toratchi888 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seven Deadly Sins: Gluttony aka Twilight’s Kingdom Come: A Seven Deadly Sins Story by Toratchi888 “You are not serious.” Princess Celestia stared at the hole in the ground. Easily ten long strides across, in the weak dawn’s light it appeared to have infinite depth. It also looked scorched, like a fire had bored straight down. Celestia shivered as she considered it, before turning to the pony beside her. “Are you?” Standing to Celestia’s left, Princess Luna nodded. “I fear it is so, Sister. We observed Twilight Sparkle by chance just before dawn; she rent the earth, smote it fiercely with her magic.” The Royal Sisters turned about to face Twilight’s friends and Spike. “This is perplexing and grave,” Celestia said. “Do any of you know what Twilight might be doing?” The Mane Six looked between each other, their expressions ranging between confusion and guilt. “Beggin’ yer pardon, Highness,” Applejack said, “but Twilight’s been a little put out ever since… well, that thing with Tirek.” “Yeah, we nailed him good and sent him packing, but Twilight’s been mopey ever since!” Rainbow Dash put in. “She seemed happy enough whenever we asked her, but, um, I guess we didn’t want to pry too much,” Fluttershy added, hiding as always behind her mane. “I knew something wasn’t right when she didn’t have any cake at any of my parties!” Pinkie screeched. “It was chocolate cake, too! NOBODY says no to chocolate!” “She seemed so dreadful last night,” Rarity pointed out finally. “She wouldn’t talk to us at all…” Spike simply cried, huddled against Applejack’s flank. “It is your doing, of course,” thundered a voice from everywhere and nowhere. The Mane Six sprang back-to-back, searching; Celestia and Luna looked to the west horizon. Eyes narrowed, they say what the others did not: an amorphous black cloud, flitting its way down, as though it had come from the last sliver of the moon on the horizon. The cloud touched down and, in the blink of an eye— “NIGHTMARE MOON! RUN FOR YOU LIVES!” Pinkie shouted. She jumped up, but Rainbow Dash and Applejack grabbed her mane and tail in their mouths and pulled her down. “Charming,” the dark horse deadpanned. “Thou art not welcome here, villain,” Luna proclaimed, swishing her tail. “I know. Does it goad you to know you can do aught but welcome me?” Luna snorted and pawed the ground. “You uncouth black b—” “Luna! Be civil,” Celestia hissed. Luna snorted again in contempt. “Nightmare Moon,” Celestia said sternly, “why are you here?” Nightmare Moon smirked. “Princess Celestia. I know where Twilight has gone. You do too, if you’ll but admit it.” “…Tartarus,” Celestia murmured. The other ponies gasped. “Why would she go there?” Celestia demanded. “As I said, it is your doing,” Nightmare Moon replied. “I have observed Twilight much of late. Her friends—” she drew back her lips, revealing her fangs “—have guessed correctly that she is moping because of Lord Tirek. COME NOW, CELESTIA,” she shouted, causing everyone but Celestia to flinch back, “ARE YOU TRULY THIS DENSE?! You put the weight of this nation on your student’s shoulders. For all you ‘tests’, Twilight is untested in the matters of such gravity as Tirek! You gave her the magical power of four alicorns and set her to battle against the whole power of your subjects! ARE YOU MAD?!” Luna made to spring forward. “Bridle thy tongue, Nightma—” At a flashing glare from Nightmare Moon, Luna stumbled back. “Shut up,” the Nightmare snapped, before transferring her glare back to Celestia. “You put her on a pedestal, raised her to a lofty height, and then everything was taken away: ultimate power; the physical representation of her Element; her precious Library, HER HOME!” Nightmare Moon reared up and slammed her forehooves into the ground. “She has gone to Tartarus, to steal Tirek’s knowledge in order to regain what she has lost.” * * * Following Nightmare Moon’s pronouncement, the Mane Six and Luna had screamed and clamoured in outrage and denial. Throughout, only Celestia and Nightmare Moon had sat, unmoving, until the other ponies’ anger was spent. “I shall retrieve Twilight Sparkle,” Nightmare Moon had announced. “Thou shalt do no such thing!” Luna had retorted, before Celestia had yanked Luna roughly behind her with magic. “Luna, your scorn for the one who wronged you—Nightmare Moon—is blinding your reason.” Celestia stared Nightmare Moon in the eye. “Why should we trust you?” Nightmare Moon had leered before replying, “Twilight Sparkle has become an ethereal being in order to bypass Cerberus; of you, only the Princesses might enter Tartarus, and even then, it would hardly be safe. You don’t mind if I risk myself in a reckless displays of power, do you?” Nightmare Moon turned away. “But there is also this: Twilight Sparkle and her friends defeated me. I want to see if Twilight has matured any since our first encounter, to see if that victory was not simply luck and fate.” She turned back, glaring. “Is that enough?” The ponies remained silent. “You would risk yourself for Twilight, to see how strong she is?” Celestia reiterated. Nightmare Moon walked away, towards the hole. “If she is not strong enough right now to avoid the peril of Tirek, you will all suffer on her return. …I shall not allow that.” * * * Nightmare Moon opens her eyes. She is an ethereal being, her form and colour merely a suggestion. I sense old malice. Is this Tirek’s doing? She casts about, deciphering her surroundings: She is within a vast library. Books are piled high in heaps and mounds, and shelves stretch to the sky and over the horizon. In the center of the library is a vast circular sorting floor. A purple pony gallops to and fro, yanking books from their shelves with hooves and magic, tearing through them—literally: pages went flying and drifting from the force of her frantic handling—before tossing them aside. All about her an icy black rain falls; unnoticed by the manic pony, the water seeped up, slowly flooding the library. Nightmare Moon trots towards the sorting floor, pausing at the edge. “Hello, Twilight Sparkle.” “Shut up,” Twilight snaps, “I’m reading.” “Twilight Sparkle, you are ensnared,” Nightmare Moon says, walking forward slowly. Thirty long strides separate the two alicorns, and Nightmare Moon is wary of the malice she feels. “Yeah, I’m reading! It’s what happens when you have good books!” Twilight retorts, tossing the book and calling up another. “They do not seem so good to me, if you are so casually throwing them away.” “I need to find it!” Twilight screeches. “What do you seek, Twilgiht Sparkle?” “She wants my power,” replies a deep voice from the void. “Tirek had it,” Twilight mutters, calling up another book. “Power. That’s what it’s all about, right? Power, power, Princess power…” “Tirek,” Nightmare Moon speaks to the emptiness, “release Twilight.” “Ha! Do not presume, little Nightmare,” the voice replies. “Precious Twilight came down here hoping to steal my secrets. What a little glutton for knowledge she is, don’t you think? Knowledge and power; she understands, they are one and the same. “Well, I might be imprisoned and weak, but I know a trick or two. She wanted in my mind? I let her in, but I showed her only what she wanted to see. My knowledge? Hah. She is a slave to knowledge. Tartarus has granted her vice form; she will drown in it.” “TWILIGHT SPARKLE!” Nightmare Moon shouts. “You disgust me! I thought you a worthy opponent, a challenge to the power of the Nightmare. Now you wallow in forbidden knowledge, sobbing over the past! Pathetic! Perhaps I shall leave you here to drown in your Twilight springs to her feet, fiery red and black energy flooding her eyes. “Ramash, atluk, ki’il mana raptuk!” Twilight conjures a great burning lion, which roars and bounds for Nightmare Moon! Chanting in Ancient Tongues! “Dolquist, menalé, izim ram p’tuk!” Nightmare Moon conjures the form of a stallion around her; as the lion descends, she wheels about and bucks the lion straight in the face. The stallion and lion explode. “Twilight Sparkle, come now; I have haunted the night for longer than you can imagine. I too know the tongues of evil; you cannot hope to match—” A geyser of flame belches from beneath Nightmare Moon; she disappears in a puff of smoke, reappearing off to Twilight’s left. “Nice try!” Nightmare Moon describes a circle with her horn; it flashes blue, and a flurry of icicles shoot forth. Twilight blasts through them with fingers of lightning; Nightmare Moon conjures a pillar of stone. “Desist, Twilight! This contest of spells shall avail you not!” Twilight does not heed; she leaps into the air and emits blasts of pure magic. Nightmare Moon takes wing as well, dodging and wheeling. “DOST THOU NOT SEE, TWILIGHT SPARKLE, THE DANGER OF THE ALL-CONSUMING QUEST FOR KNOWLEDGE?! LOOK TO YOURSELF, AND CONSIDER WHAT BECAME OF LUNA… OF ME!” Nightmare Moon spins about, wings outstretched. “TWILIGHT SPARKLE, DO YOU NOT SEE YOU ARE ABANDONING THOSE WHO LOVE YOU?!” Twilight shrieks and flies straight at Nightmare Moon, a meteoric streak of black and red— —and impales the Nightmare on her horn. * * * “Well, Twilight Sparkle… I know… it was no accident… that you defeated me. Though—” Nightmare Moon smiles wryly “—it seems this time… you were the one… possessed by evil…” She laughs chokingly. Twilight Sparkle collapses on her haunches, her hooves pressed to her muzzle, her eyes wide with horror. The unnatural black and red aura has left her, and tears gather at the corners of her eyes. The library—the symbol of Twilight’s desire—has gone; the two ponies sit at the gate of Tartarus, Cerberus stepping aside to permit egress, growling all the while. “N-no… no… don’t die…” Twilight chokes out, “please… please don’t die… I’m sorry… I’m sorry…!” Nightmare Moon sighs. “It cannot be taken back, Twilight. I foresee long and arduous repentance for what you have done. I wish… I could have saved you sooner… but the fear of those you love kept me away… I hope… you have avoided my fate… “Perhaps… I shall see you… in your dreams… At least… I can do this for you: when this Nightmare fades… yours will, too…” The world goes white… * * * …and Twilight appeared before her friends. Cradled close in her hooves, the body of a dark alicorn, a black beauty. Shorn of war-barding, her soul relieved of its burden, the one known as Nightmare Moon lay in repose, her features tranquil, her life and soul fled. Twilight wailed to the sky. > 33 Seven Deadly Sins: Envy by Knight of Lycaeus > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seven Deadly Sins: Envy by Knight of Lycaeus A silent watcher that’s what I am and it seems that is all I would ever be. I have been watching her for years and even Luna’s ‘cleansing’ of me only weakened me. Fools! These foolish ponies believe that I am gone from this world! I am a Goddess! Those foolish ponies see their those insignificant Sisters as their leaders, it disgusts me. What power do they have? A pittance compared to mine! Not even that Solar mare would last beyond her end, but I will endure and I have endured. I who was once worshipped by all and even now with many of my followers gone I am still worshipped by those who live in the dark as their Goddess. I am not so easily destroyed even by the Elements of Harmony. I sighed. I am one of the oldest beings on this sphere, I was here long before Luna and her sister was…. It seemed so easy; I would use Luna as my host to reclaim my lost physical form and assert my dominance once more, to step outside of the shadows again and to be worshipped as I once was. To be worshipped again as the Dark Goddess, the Harbinger of Nightmares, the true Goddess of the Night. I sighed again, the feeling of anger I was familiar with but envy I was not! It was a feeling only those lesser than I should feel. Yet here I was a silent observer filled with anger and envy, envious of those fine shrines and monuments to their pathetic rulers while mine laid in ruin Where was the proper respect that should have been accorded to me as a true Goddess? Gone! My followers dead or scattered, now my only worshippers remaining are those who adhere to the old ways. I had so few followers remain…. Silently growled even as hopped from perch to perch following her along, continuing to think of my glorious plan. The plan to restore myself to my former glory seemed so easy then she stepped in. I had spied upon her from afar during the nights I sent a splitter of my power from the Moon. A small filly and student to the Princess had certainly piqued my interest. Yet as I observed her, she seemed so unremarkable. It was not until I witnessed her might in the mystical arts did she intrigue me again. What power! What strength! Anger welled up in me even as I followed her on silent wings, stalking her as a hunter stalks its prey. She could have been mine yet I could not have her! Even when I Walked her dreams and placed myself as her object of affections she spurned me, she spurned me time and time again. She held out against my spells of compulsion, my generous temptations, she had out against the finest gifts I could offer and she spurned me! Here I was the eternal silent watcher while a storm of violent emotions rages in my heart yet even as these emotions raged I could only give her respect. Respect for so few dared to ever disobey my desires and even fewer lived for doing so. Respect for her strength and fortitude for withstanding against the temptation of a Goddess. I was filled with rage and anger at her paramour; she was an ageless alicorn who chose a mere mortal as her lover! She spurned me, a Goddess, for a mortal! If she was mine she could have true immortality, true power and yet she spurned me.... I should not have feelings of envy, yet I could hold nothing but that feeling, I could feel nothing but envy for the mortal who captured her heart. I may have patience and eternity on my side but it seems she would never be mine…. > 34 Seven Deadly Sins: Sloth by Habanc > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seven Deadly Sins: Sloth by Habanc Editor's Note: While "Sloth" is a standalone prompt submission, it's also a continuation of Habanc's one-shot story "Tatters". I trip on my own hoof, and fall down the stairs. I smash my face into the steps, my hooves and shoulders being run ragged over the jaws of the staircase. Gravity hauls the rest of my body over, bending my back like putty. My limbs flail uncontrollably, getting pulled and crushed underneath me. My hip lands on the edge of the base step, and I swear I hear something pop, before rolling forward like a ragdoll. Somewhere along the floor of Golden Oaks, I come to a stop. My thoughts become slow and lethargic. I’m reluctant to move. Ow. It wasn’t a particularly long thought, nothing compared to a wail of agony or even a cry of moderate pain. I react like somepony had pinched me, feeling the discomfort with mild disgust. The sensations, shooting through my body, grasping my face, flooding my mind, they are annoying. This floor is annoying, the stairs are annoying, being annoyed is annoying. As I remain tangled along the floor, I groan, waiting for the sensations to throb away. I suppose I should get up and make sure that nothing is broken, but maybe it could wait a few minutes. The fact that moving could bring more irritating pain serves as a wonderful excuse. It has been a week or so since I returned from Canterlot. I had been living there to keep up with my royal duties, but it was suggested that I recuperate at home for a while. Recuperating from what, exactly? Luna. A few days back, thinking that name would’ve made me tear up. Now… now I just don’t care. We were friends for a long time. By friends, I mean ponies that clearly had fallen in love with each other but were both too afraid to make a move. By a long time, I mean that Fluttershy had recommended that I ask her out. I don’t know. She was sad, Celestia and her had just gotten into a huge fight, so I went to confront Luna. She mumbled some stuff about feeling underappreciated and worthless, and I tried to comfort her. Needless to say, she didn’t take it very well. I guess that’s not what she wanted. Emotions are dumb. So much for that love story. It’s all a bunch of lies, anyway. Why should years of admiration and respect matter if it can be choked out in a few minutes? I shouldn’t even bother answering the question. It’s not worth it. My right hindleg jolts in pain, and I grimace to keep it at bay. I’m annoyed again. I would much rather go back to my numbness that had me swathed for the past– past... I don’t know how long. I claw my way up, grunting and heaving as derelict muscles strain. Something in my hindleg feels odd, but I can stand on it, if barely. It’s probably not that bad then. The rest of me – my head, my chest, my shoulders – tingles with a steady stream of discomfort. I charge my horn briefly and let loose a wave of analgesics. It was perhaps too much – I didn’t really bother to figure out the right dosage for a pony my size. Limping into the kitchen, I look around. Dirty dishes are everywhere, cereal boxes strewn about. There’s a revolting smell coming from somewhere. The floor is crumbly and off-white, my hooves sticking as I make my way across. Sitting down at the table, I sigh and zone out across the room. A clock on the wall reads four-thirty in the morning. Huh. I suppose that means I ate some time ago. The last two days have been a fever dream, at best. Conscious, unconscious, it all meshes together like dirt in water. What’s left is a sludge that’s difficult to move through and oh-so-tempting to give up in. I remember a lot of staring up at the ceiling. The plain, wooden scene, painted slightly different were it night or day. Time wasn’t much of an object. It was all a lot of staring until I grew tired, sleeping restlessly, and staring up at the ceiling again. Like a buoy, I dipped through the surface so often that I forgot where I was most of the time. I can tell you, a voice whispers in my head. Right, her again. Perceptive as always, Twilight. I feel a layer of grime begin to settle in over my body. If I ever decide to look into a mirror, I think my mane would be a modern art exhibit. The buildup of mucus in my tear ducts remains, and my mouth tastes stale and old. Laying my head down on the table, I look out across the room. Cupboards are left open, tin cans sit idle and ajar, cold coffee rests in its pot. Do you hate her? Nightmare interrupts. Time passes. Twilight, I’m waiting for an answer. I don’t know. Do you love her? … I don’t know. Come now, surely that weak heart of yours has something to say. Not really. Look at you. Rendered to a mess by our own Luna breaking your heart. I suppose so. Don’t you have some fillies to scare, Nightmare? I’m scaring one right now. I sigh. Why are you here? Just let me be. I simply wanted to see if there was any way I could assist you. Right. I see. Evil, heartless exiles enjoy spending their free time helping others. Do you doubt me? Yeah. With a flash and a pop, she’s sitting across the table from me. I drag my head across the wooden surface to get a decent look at her. Void black coat, sapphire, ethereal mane, piercing eyes, long, slim body, yep, everything except her champron, peytral, and boots. Au naturel, it seems. Like what you see? You’re still in my head? Of course. How could I resist listening in on such inner turmoil? Oh, good. I don’t think I’ve said a word for a few days, and I’m not really in the mood to change that. A moment passes. Does my charge still infect your thoughts? The look on her face is surprisingly earnest. Yeah. I mean, I really did love her. I thought we could be together forever, as cheesy as that sounds. I wanted nothing more than to be with her any chance I had. And… hah. Wait, why am I telling her this? Oh, come now, don’t be so blind. Your heart is literally trying to tear itself apart, and whether you realize it or not, you’re begging to talk to somepony about it. Probably. Do you want her back? What if she hadn’t broken your heart? I don’t know. ...Maybe? I’m not sure. If I could have her back, I don’t think I would. The memory is still there. And yet, you still want to be loved. Who doesn’t? You know, Twilight, your little Luna isn’t the only one who can give you what you seek. I ignore her, closing my eyes. I could teach you so much. I turn my head away. Ponies think of me as entirely evil, but you know better, don’t you? All ponies have good in them. Even I. I can show you what you deserve. My hooves press over my ears. You’re so strong, so powerful, but even the best of us need a shoulder to rest on. Life hasn’t been kind recently. You’ve been used by your princesses so much, gaining little in return. I could give you more. Why not have that shoulder be somepony even stronger than you? I clench my teeth together until they grind like millstones. If love and support is what you seek, even I can give you it better than Luna could. Consider yourself lucky that you didn’t have to stoop so low as to her. “Stop.” I mutter. My voice sounds like it’s being run through a rusty pipe. Oh, isn’t that cute? We’re speaking now. Tell me, are these the first words you’ve said since she turned you away? Sitting up straight, I glare at her. “Don’t you talk about her like that, you insect.” Nightmare Moon rises from her seat. So you do still care about her? Come on, Twilight, make up your mind. It’s not polite to keep me waiting. “What does it matter to you?” I snarl, kicking back my seat. The remnant pain in my leg roars back to life, before I suffocate it with another wash of painkillers. She sashays over, looking down on me like an errant foal. You matter, of course. The power that you don’t even understand the depth of, I can help you unlock it. She pushes my chin up with a hoof, and brings her lips in close. All you have to do is let me in. Her scent makes my knees buckle. What it is, I can hardly place. It’s like a venomous nectar, sweet, tempting, enslaving, and it preys on my weaknesses. I want to be taken, to be touched, to be empowered. I want her, my neurons scream. The analgesics clouding my brain don’t make it much easier. Her lips touch mine, and for a moment, I succumb to it. There is passion, deep within there. Her hooves hold my face gently, and the kiss is delivered with the utmost care. Her venom courses through my veins, slowing my heartbeat, warming my soul. Then it burns. Like the unholy flames of Tartarus, it is unnatural in its creation and damnable in every sense of the word. I can feel it everywhere, running across me like a wildfire at the height of dry season. It scorches and chars, shrouding my eyes until the cry, raking my throat hoarse. Filth, detestment, and regret pile up faster than my euphoria can weave its webs. Shoving her away, I break off from Nightmare Moon, spitting out whatever I can. The heat remains, bubbling up higher and higher, inches from spilling over. I am steaming, roaring, my tunnel vision focused on nothing but her. Horror and disgust creates balloon animals with my insides. Everything churns and screams and fights and wails, like a creature branded with sinful iron. “You… You…” I pant. I raise a hoof, leveling it with her eyes. “I will make you burn for what you’ve done, for what you’ve said, you pathetic worm.” I spat out on the floor, ridding myself of the last of her infectious taste. Nightmare Moon laughed. “I’m afraid it’s too late.” Roaring, I swing a whip of magic at her, cleaving the table in two. Splinters burst like a grenade, spraying the room along with eldritch smoke. She pops across the room, giving me a coy smirk that, I now realize, had always been there. My magic comes to me easier than it ever had before. No matter the quantity, it’s simply there, waiting to be sacrificed in droves like cult fanatics. With it, I let loose the strongest spell I know. Ira Solaris tears across the room, ripping up the linoleum tiles and floorboards beneath like grains of sand. Every glass object shatters and serves as shrapnel. The cabinets tear off their hinges, falling like twigs, the ceiling cracks and groans. A golden wave of energy scorches the air it rides upon as it flares out towards Nightmare Moon. It hits the back wall and goes straight through. Six feet in diameter, everything is scorched black. A smoke detector blares. I look around, stumbling from the drain, but she is nowhere. She is gone. The room is utterly destroyed, sink spraying water from its cleaved piping, a giant hole in both the wall and the floor. My my, Twilight, what have you done here? You… You were right there. Hmm? Oh, Twilight, don’t be ridiculous. I’m banished, remember? Are we seeing things again? As I fall back, all I can hear is her laughter, fading away into oblivion. > 35 Seven Deadly Sins: Greed by Kean > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seven Deadly Sins: Greed by Kean I have, for as long as memory serves – since before I was even given a name – known greed. The act of taking anything and everything for one’s self. One such as myself – desire given material form – was often equated with avarice. To say this to be untrue would be folly; to say it was accurate, just as much so. For even though I am desire, I had none of my own. Wealth? What need does one such as I have for money? Power? I am immortal; infinite. I have no need for power. Fame? Even without name I was on the tongues of many. Companionship? Well… There was always someone with desire and the will to obtain what they wanted. I had companions – perhaps more than you can count. And I know you can count to some high numbers. These desires I would fulfill. Never did I give them what they wanted. No, I but gave them the means to achieve their goals. A stallion wanted wealth; I burned ideas into his mind. A mare wanted fame; I shunted her into the eyes of all. A pony wanted power; I gave of myself what wouldn’t kill them outright. What they did past that influence were their own actions. Always, though, they would want more: Money turned to land, to life, to kingdoms. Fame turned to love, to followers, to control. Power turned to conflict, to destruction, to war. Far and few between would be satisfied with my first gift, but I gave to each readily, for that was my role in this world. For as long as I remember, I gave freely and asked nothing. I watched peasants, soldiers, and kings and queens alike succumb to their avarice. Pony, griffin, deer, dragon, gods and goddesses, all had desire for more, and all paid for their greed. In the end, they always did. My cycle would not be broken for millennia. Why am I telling you this? Perhaps I am frightened or perhaps so you may understand my hesitance. I do not know. I broke my rule of not giving what was desired for a single mare. She, too, gave everything she could and received just as much as I. Her desires were genuine, at the time: She wanted a companion – no, she had a companion. She wanted a friend: Someone to appreciate her; one who asked and expected nothing of her. Was I foolish for believing that we shared a kinship? That she would never ask anything of me? Perhaps. Of course, knowing they always wanted more did nothing to remove my blinders. Was it foolish to attempt to help her obtain the love of the ponies by giving her a form matching her companion’s? Even after she had, perhaps unknowingly, betrayed my trust? Was it foolish to bind myself to her when she desired power? Was it foolish for me to allow the blame to fall upon my name instead of hers? No. How can I say that so surely? I have had nothing but time to think, recently. I had never known what it was to want. Before her I never knew what it was like to have, for I had nothing. Yet, through both our mistakes, I had, for the first time, gained something: A name. Something so small, so mundane, that it is taken for granted by most. But it is mine. The one thing that I can say is mine that I cannot – will not – give. That was enough, for a time. But I soon found myself wanting more: Revenge, a proper place in the world, and, what I then felt I was owed for what I had given: everything. I certainly had the will, and when we returned, the means to do so. It seems giving a being such as myself something they desired – even as small as it was – only made them more aware of what they didn’t have – and what they wanted. I knew what would happen – I’d seen it happen enough, of course. But I was blinded by my own greed. I started with her, the one who had given me my name. When we returned, her body became mine. I bound the one being still alive that could stop me and then went for her subjects. Whether they accepted it or not, they were mine. The city, the castle, the ponies, the kingdom, the world: I would have it all and share it with none. Again, I knew what would happen, yet I still fought it. Imagine if you had nothing and suddenly you had the power to gain everything. What would you not do in order to keep that power? Though, I believe that question should remain rhetorical. You have shown, relatively speaking, what you would – or rather, would not – do. Imagine the surprise when I saw the desires of the one who would defeat me before she did so: She did it not for fame, not to advance her status, not to take my place, but for others – one more so than the rest, but for all of them none the less. And what did she ask in return? Nothing. She channeled the magic of the world and wielded it against me for the sole purpose of protecting the world she lived in. And so she could continue to read. That was, admittedly, odd. I wanted, since that day, to speak with her, to know her properly. Of course, that was the problem: I wanted. I had thought – maybe even hoped – that whatever was done to unbind myself enough for Luna to regain control would perhaps return me to normal. Remove my desires. I suppose I did not deserve that, after all I had done. And so I lived in fear of giving even the slightest thought to them. I suppressed my own ability to see other’s desires because it made me think of my own. I all but blocked myself from the outside world, still inside her body. Then she came here. Spoke with you, to you. That destroyed any barrier I had made for myself surer than if a negation ring were put on my horn. I did not need to reach out to know Luna’s desires: Forgiveness, acceptance. I found myself looking at yours. Hoping beyond all that I was not wrong once again. Though, I will admit, part of me wanted to be wrong. Were my- Equestria’s savior the same as the rest, I could at least find someon- something else to focus on. You wanted to help. Not because she was the Princess, not because it would make you look good to others, not because it would give you power. You wanted – or perhaps hoped – for something in return, but I could not fault you for seeking her friendship. I will admit, I was surprised – elated, but surprised when you agreed to speak with me, after I had talked with her, at length, about, well, many things: Apologies, my fears, my, ah, interest in you. I was not surprised to receive your forgiveness and offer of friendship. Again, elated, but not surprised. Again, that was enough. And again, I began to want more. So, again, I barricaded myself away. I would not allow my avarice to control me again. But she forced me out of my self-imposed prison, forced me to explain why I would shut myself away. Then she gave me an ultimatum: Be locked away in the recesses of her mind forever – she has both her power and my own; I didn’t doubt she could accomplish that – or attempt to assuage my fears and speak with you. -------------------------------------------------------- “So that is why I am here today,” Nightmare finished. Her eyes were locked on the lavender alicorn seated on the throne in front of her, ignoring the few ponies still in the room. Most had fled the moment Luna’s coat begun to shift to black. Twilight simply stared for a moment, her jaw slightly slack. It was all she could do, really. Even her brain needed time to process everything Nightmare had said. Slowly, as if it were an unconscious timer, her mouth closed. She had kept her eyes on the black alicorn the entire time and only now did she notice that there were still a few ponies in her throne room. She felt the urge to smile at how much easier that could make everything, but hid it behind an impassive stare. A question was asked, if not directly, but an answer would not come without more information. “Nightmare, that is… a lot to take in. Honestly, I am still processing some of it, but there is one thing I need to ask: If my answer to your unasked question were to be ‘no’, what would you do?” “How do you mean?” “Would you attempt to force it to change through any means? Be they threat, physical, mental, emotional-“ The glare Nightmare Moon gave her was almost enough for the smile to shatter her indifferent mask. “I would leave you be and hope that what I have said here did not destroy one of the few friendships I have.” When she turned to leave, Twilight did smile. “And yet, you were afraid. Afraid that you would do whatever it took to get what you wanted. It’s good that you’d be willing to walk away, because I’m sure you’ll be hearing ‘no’ a bit more often.” Stifling the giggle when Nightmare stopped mid-step was hard, but Twilight managed as she stepped down to stand in front of Nightmare. The giggle did escape at the perplexed look on the dark mare’s face. “You’re afraid your greed will once again control your actions, yet you’re so easily going to give up on your prize? To answer your question properly…“ Twilight placed a soft kiss against Nightmare’s lips. Trying, and failing, to hide her grin at the feeling of the larger alicorn tensing up. Oh sure, her own reactions to her own actions would follow, as soon as her brain caught up with current events. But for now she was content to watch Nightmare’s mouth attempt to form words. At least, until she heard the throne room doors open and close, along with the hooves galloping against the crystal floor. See? Much easier than telling everypony themselves. The sound seemed to snap Nightmare out of her stupor and she looked at her with a small smile that slowly morphed into a grin she knew well enough from both Luna and Pinkie. “No. Whatever it is: no.” “But if we are to be together, then surely the Castle is mine as well?” “No.” “A wing?” “No.” “A floor?” “No.” “A tower?” “No!” > 36 Seven Deadly Sins: Lust by TheLastBrunnenG > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seven Deadly Sins: Lust by TheLastBrunnenG The following story might skirt the Teen rating a little. I'd layered the Tree of Harmony with wards so thick and arcane even Starswirl would've pulled his beard out trying to dispel even the least of them. But not Her. She walked right through them, through these halls - my halls - and found me in my study, nose in a book and completely unaware. "Whore!" she spits, leering down at me. "I smell Celestia's stench on every inch of you. You reek of that worthless day-nag. Did she at least make you a harem-filly? Or were you hers alone? Faithful student, faithful servant, faithful slut…" On my back and snarling, I call up what I hope is enough power to crater the whole Tree and take Nightmare with me. I may be an alicorn but I'm no goddess; before I can unleash what I've built up she slaps it away effortlessly with a spark from her horn and a frigid laugh. "Pathetic. And to think I almost feared confronting you, Twilight the legendary, Twilight the perfect." She leans in close and whispers, "You are mine now, Twilight Sparkle," even closer, "and I will use what is mine," now just an eyelash away, "and I will start by tasting what your precious sun-hag never had the horn to try." Before I can shout or fight or fly she's on me, muzzle on mine, and in her mouth my scream doesn't echo. I flail and twist but even unarmored her hooves are steely and keeping me pinned like a collector's butterfly. Her teeth rake my lips and I despise myself when my struggling turns weak and half-hearted. Nightmare sinks down, barrel to barrel with her prize, and I disgust myself when my lips spread wide and weak and willing for her. Her tongue slips around and over and past mine, and as she snakes her slippery way down my throat even my revulsion fades: I can hate myself in the morning. Forget want, right now I need this, and she knows it. She pulls back off the kiss too suddenly, grinning, licking her lips, teeth glistening like little star-white predators. I start to plead, to beg, but she holds my muzzle shut with an inky black hoof. I'm glad, I think, because I don't want to know whether I'd have begged her to stop or… or not to stop. Nightmare descends again, agonizingly, achingly slowly. "So tender," she hisses, lips tugging on my neck. "So pure," she whispers, tongue tracing down my barrel. "So delicious," she sighs, teeth nipping down my flank. I'm shaking horn to hooves and she looks up at me, unblinking eyes meeting mine. "Do you tremble because you despair, little alicorn?" she says as she pauses. I'm trapped under her, wings unfurled, flat on my back and shivering, anticipating, exposed to the world and to Her. Nightmare glances down and my traitor tail twitches madly because I know what's coming. She looks back up and smirks, head sinking lower, slowly, slowly, and she murmurs, "or because you want this, reason and shame be damned?" Time freezes for an aching second before she bites. I snap my head away from her hoof and scream, howling to the moon and the Moon, blind with pain and need and lust, and I'm close, so very, very close, and… No! "Merciful heavens, Twilight, I have wounded thee!" says a voice too gentle, too worried, too whole-heartedly concerned to be Nightmare. No! No, no, no, I was so close… "Fie!" cries Luna's voice from Nightmare's mouth, "I have drawn thy blood!" Nightmare's horn flashes and the glamour drops, her coal-black coat fading to an all-too-familiar midnight blue as the illusion crumbles. "Hold a moment," Luna mumbles, "I shall heal thy wound." "No," I plead, "It's okay, Luna, please, you can…" but the moment is gone. A healing wave of feather-gentle warmth washes over me, a pitifully far cry from the cliff-dive my body was dying for. I lay there panting and it takes everything I can muster not to scream in frustration and disappointment and pent-up lust for what Luna can't do for me. "This… This game of playing-roles, this fell illusion, Twilight - they worry me." Luna sighs and lets her great shimmering eyes do the pleading for her. "I beg thee, let us forget this vile thing and revel in it no longer. Ask not the transformation of me again, but let us retire to thy bed, my love, and sleep, and speak no more of it." I sit up and kiss her too-gently on her nose. She smiles and I pull her in for a hug. "Of course, Luna. It's no problem," I lie, "I have everything I want right here in my hooves." Luna is everything I could want and nothing I need. What I needed, I destroyed, that night in the old Sisters' Castle in the Everfree. Luna uses the same transformation she'd used to such great effect that first Nightmare Night, but only because I beg her to, promising it'll work out, that I'm only asking her to add a little spice to our love life. It's not enough, not the same. It's never the same, never enough. Life with Luna is a dream. I wish it were a nightmare. I wish she were my Nightmare. > 37 Fangs by Toratchi888 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fangs by Toratchi888 Fangs Nightmare Moon loomed over Twilight Sparkle, the latter of whom was trembling in a corner of her new throne room. Luna’s light trickled in from a high window behind the Nightmare, wavering sickly where it struck Nightmare Moon’s glossy, onyx-black hide. Weird patterns danced on the crystal dome above the two mares, reflected up from Nightmare Moon’s croupiere and flanchards. “Twilight Sparkle,” Nightmare purred. She smirked, lips drawing back from curved incisors that ran down to her chin. Those fangs glinted in the moon-light, the tiniest drops of saliva shining on their tips like diamonds. “How… did you find me?” Twilight whispered. “Oh, a little black birdie told me.” Nightmare waved her left hoof dismissively. “But, dear Twilight, it’s not as though I could have never found you.” Nightmare frowned, her slit eyes narrowing further behind her champron. “You DO realize your gigantic crystal-tree castle is shaped like your Cutie Mark, don’t you?” Despite her peril, Twilight Sparkle could do aught but lay a hoof across her muzzle and sigh. “Quite.” “Quite, indeed,” Nightmare snorted. “You have no idea why I’m here, do you?” “I can guess!” Twilight lifted her chin defiantly, but Nightmare Moon could not miss the fear in her eyes. “I know my friends and I purged you with the Elements of Harmony, and now that the Elements are gone, you’ve come back to—” her voice wavered “—to… to kill me.” Nightmare Moon peered down at Twilight. She swished her tail. “You are most incorrect.” Twilight’s eyes widened hugely. “Ahhhhh.” The corner of Nightmare’s mouth ticked up. “You must be frantically wondering, ‘What could I have missed?’ Is it not so, Twilight Sparkle?” Without waiting for an answer, Nightmare Moon turned about and raised her head to peer at the high window. Scintillating bursts of moon-light danced off her peytral, champron, and hoof boots. Twilight’s head began to bob very slightly, following the starbursts as Nightmare Moon spoke: “Firstly, while you are correct—you did ‘purge’ Luna of me—you did not purge me from me. I am; you cannot change that. Though—” she craned her neck left, smirking at Twilight, “—it seems keeping this form was a stroke of good luck; you are certainly affected.” Nightmare Moon swung her head back around; Twilight followed the arc of Nightmare Moon’s neck before her eyes returned to the patterns on the crystal walls. “Secondly, you assumed that purging me would have… what? Destroyed me? Banished me? Ridded Equestria of me?” Nightmare sighed. “Oh, silly filly. I am the Nightmare; I am as old as the first dreamer, and I shall remain until the world is no more.” Nightmare Moon sniffed slightly at that, but when she resumed, her voice held no tremor. “Thirdly—and this seems to be the worst thing you overlooked—you assumed that I was gone and could not come back. That was your worst mistake—or it would be, if I was speaking from your perspective… and if I wished you harm.” Twilight whimpered at the word “harm.” Nightmare Moon gave a gusty sigh of frustration. “Twilight Sparkle,” Nightmare said sternly, rounding on Twilight, “you pride yourself on your intelligence, but now, with your life on the line, you are frozen into inaction. Am I so much more dreadful than Tirek that you now cower before me in your own home and castle? “Tell me, Twilight Sparkle: Do you believe for one moment that I, in fact, am so stupid as to have forgotten our last encounter, where you baited me into wasting my strength twice: once, when you tricked me into a frontal assault, leaving the Elements of Harmony unguarded; and again, when I allowed myself to gloat over the seeming impossibility of six random ponies harnessing their might? Do you think perhaps I might have learned not to gloat when I have you at my mercy?” Twilight thrust her head down and put both her forelegs over her eyes, shaking. Nightmare Moon’s next sigh was more of a growl. “Twilight Sparkle,” she grated out. “Answer me immediately: Do you want me to kill you?” Twilight’s head snapped up, but—though she worked her jaw—no words came out. “Answer me!” “O-o-of course not…” Nightmare Moon turned about again. “Of course not. Why would you want to die?” Twilight could not see Nightmare Moon’s face, but when Nightmare Moon spoke again, Twilight could hear a smile in the other’s voice: “Happily for you, I offer you something besides death and enmity: I offer you knowledge.” Twilight leaped to her feet with a gasp. “Y-y-you want to… teach me?!” “Well…” Nightmare Moon lazily turned about to face Twilight again. “I admit, I’m curious about you, little pony; you have such great potential yet. But I’m not so sure… You were quite terrified of me.” She spoke with the tone of a mare soothing her restless foal. “I… uh… ehehe…” Twilight blushed. Nightmare Moon raised an eyebrow. “My, my… what a reversal. Tell me, Twilight Sparkle: Is the idea of new knowledge really all it takes to—” she smirked “—get in your good books?” Twilight’s blush engulfed her whole face, and she bent her heard, hiding behind her mane. Nightmare Moon walked to Twilight and bent her neck, peering at Twilight’s face. “I have millennia of knowledge,” she whispered, “knowledge lost from ponydom over time; knowledge gleaned from the far reaches of pony civilization; knowledge that has bled through the dreamscape and the nightmare reaches into my unconscious mind. It is greater in its scope than what you could ever learn from Celestia AND Luna put together. “You, on the other hand, are the Element of Magic, the most gifted unicorn in generations; you are as bright as the sun to my second sight,” Nightmare continued, as she circled Twilight. “Indeed, even if I had wanted to, I could not have killed you; my magic was void after you ripped me from Luna. I need you—neigh, I desire you, just as you desire me, Twilight Sparkle. “Will you risk it?” she hissed from behind Twilight, her voice a seductive caress. “Will you give yourself to me, to be known to me as you shall know me?” “Y-y-yes…” Twilight whispered. Nightmare Moon’s lips parted, and she let out a breath as she returned to Twilight’s front. “There is one thing you will do for me,” she said, her voice resonant, strong… dangerous, “one thing that will put your trust in me. You might live to regret it, and yet my soul would be forfeit should I ever turn on you afterwards. Will you risk this?” Twilight squeaked out a “yes.” “Good,” Nightmare smiled. She bent her muzzle between Twilight’s withers and left shoulder—“Then your magic… is mine.” —and sunk in her fangs. > 38 Trickery by Toratchi888 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trickery by Toratchi888 Sequel to "Fangs" Twilight Sparkle moaned, squirming weakly in her bed. Nightmare Moon straddled her, kneeling on her forelegs, pressing her elbows onto Twilight’s shoulders and leering at her prey; her fangs shone brightly in the near-dark of Twilight’s bedchamber. The fangs were about the only thing she could definitely see; everything else was hidden in shadow, except for the Nightmare’s body. Where weak moonlight filtered through the window, it seemed to flow into Nightmare Moon’s body like mist, only to… seep out at the seams. Nightmare Moon was less a silhouette and more a luminous outline, like someone had sketched a goddess, using fireflies as the ink. Nightmare Moon chuckled, bringing her muzzle to Twilight’s neck. “Come now, Twilight.” Twilight moaned again, louder. “I thought this is what you wanted.” “I… You… You’re… Everyone… has become suspicious… I’m too tired during the day, never as happy as I should be…” “Dearest Twilight,” Nightmare Moon rose to her full height, her words shocked, “are you suggesting you are not happy with the knowledge I am giving you? With our arrangement?” “Nightmare…” Twilight whispered. “You’re… taking over… my life…” Nightmare Moon frowned in the dark; Twilight could hear it in her voice. “Twilight Sparkle, you agreed to this: You would allow me to sleep beneath your castle; you would allow me to remain undisturbed; you would not reveal my return until we were ready to present ourselves; and you would allow me to siphon your magic once in each phase of the moon until I had replenished my reserves. In exchange, I would protect you during the night, and teach you the things I have learned. And in time…” Nightmare Moon leaned in again, tickling Twilight’s ear with her breath. “In time, you will unlock your full potential as an alicorn. You could even challenge Celestia. Imagine: Princess Twilight Sparkle, Ruler of the Unified Equestria. You would be on equal footing with your dear sister-in-law Cadance, and your brother Prince Shining.” Twilight began to cry, silently. “I’m so… empty… Cadance, Shining, Princess Celestia, Spike, my friends… don’t understand… I’ve changed so much, seen so much. I have so much duty, but no responsibilities. And when Tirek… he took everything… There’s this pit in my stomach… in my soul… you’re clawing into it…” Twilight squirmed yet again, pushing Nightmare Moon’s face away from hers, and squinted. “Nightmare… you tricked me… now I see what you’re doing… You want… Luna’s place… You want me to fill your heart… like I want to fill mine…” Nightmare Moon stiffened, but a throaty, amused, almost girlish chuckle escaped her. “And, dear Twilight, do you think I cannot see what you desire?” Her voice dropped to the merest whisper. “You. Want. What. Celestia. Has.” Twilight moaned loudly, despair echoing through the room. “Noooo…” “Twilight Sparkle,” Nightmare Moon said, harshly, “you are an adult. You have desires, you have responsibilities, you have vices. You are ashamed of what you desire; you are ashamed for having ‘given in to the darkness.’” Nightmare Moon rose again, her wings flashing out; Twilight covered her face, so bright were the ethereal feathers to her tired eyes. “Twilight,” Nightmare Moon continued, less harsh but still sternly, “I will not deny that I covet the high seat of Equestria. I covet what Luna has: power, respect, fear… a sister.” Twilight peeked through her forelegs, which widened their gap involuntarily as she saw what appeared to be a single diamond fall from the Nightmare’s head… from her eye. A tear, made of moon-light. “Our desires are the same, Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight felt Nightmare Moon’s weight lift, saw her moon-light form vanish into glimmering mist. “I need you just as you need me; I said so before.” The voice came from just behind Twilight’s head; Twilight went rigid. Can you say “no”? I can’t… Fangs sank into Twilight’s body just above her left shoulder, as they had four times before. Twilight’s mind fell into oblivion. > 39 Subterfuge by Toratchi888 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subterfuge by Toratchi888 Sequel to "Fangs" and "Trickery" The sky was clear: not only of clouds, but of the moon yet-to-rise. A single black shadow moved between earth and twinkling stars. This shadow also glittered faintly, and whispered like smoke. The smoke-cloud zigzagged through the air; it’s destination: Canterlot Castle. The night-guards on the battlements took no notice of the cloud as it flittered down into a paved, three-sided inner courtyard. As the cloud touched the earth beneath the end-wall, it swirled and gained substance, revealing a larger-than-average black-bodied alicorn carrying a regular-sized lavender alicorn, the latter slung across the former’s back. “Awake, Twilight Sparkle,” Nightmare Moon hissed. “We have arrived amid the ivory towers of your youth.” She tapped her left hoof twice on the ground. “Up.” Twilight Sparkle pushed her forelegs into Nightmare Moon’s right flank and slid down her left. When she landed on her haunches, Twilight remained hunched. “I believe I said ‘up’; that would be ‘down,’” Nightmare Moon stated archly. Twilight did not reply. “Rise, Twilight.” Twilight pushed herself upright, trembling only slightly before steadying all four hooves. “Why are we here?” she whispered. Nightmare Moon ignored her. Twilight frowned. “Look at me.” Nightmare Moon whipped her head around sharply, glaring into Twilight’s eyes, their muzzles all but touching. Twilight’s own eyes narrowed minutely, exhaustion pushing her beyond caring. After a moment, Nightmare Moon smirked and withdrew her head slightly. “My, my; after all this, you still have a strong spine in you.” She faced forward. “Come.” Nightmare Moon began to walk, away from the rear courtyard wall and towards the open side. Twilight followed a heartbeat later, head low. “Nightmare, why are we here?” “You know, I promised you knowledge; you ought not look the gift-horse in the mouth.” Nightmare Moon turned about and moved closer to Twilight. She reached her head down and began to softly but firmly lick Twilight’s neck above her shoulder, running her tongue over two small punctures. Twilight fell to her haunches, eyes screwed shut, something like a whine and a sigh escaping between her lips. “Does that feel better?” Nightmare asked quietly. Twilight sighed in response. “Good.” For a moment, Nightmare Moon’s face softened, but Twilight missed it as her eyes were still closed. Nightmare Moon turned about and swatted Twilight’s left flank with her tail. “Move, Twilight Sparkle; we have work to do.” Nightmare Moon began walking again, faster than before, and Twilight had to trot to keep up, falling in at the Nightmare’s left flank. “This is a night for subterfuge, Twilight Sparkle. Tonight, you will take the first step in fulfilling your true power.” “But, Nightmare, why are we sneaking around? I mean, if I’m going to ascend, shouldn’t I share it with Princess—” Nightmare Moon glanced back at Twilight before turning about and dropping to her knees. “Twilight, this is about you. You know Celestia will not understand. That is why we are here now; Celestia will be asleep.” “But what about Princess Luna?” Nightmare Moon snorted daintily. “Like as not, she will be busy with the Night Court—notice how the moon has yet to rise? It seems she has more than a few petitioners this night; this is a good chance to avoid her: even if she is awake and active, she will be distracted. Come; let us not waste time.” * * * “Here we are.” Twilight swallowed as she sat peering around the darkened corridor before the Canterlot Archives. “And why are we here? In the dead of night? Unannounced?” Twilight asked flatly, her ears mirroring her voice. “I recalled something recently,” Nightmare Moon replied calmly, “something fragmentary, a memory of my time shared with Luna. It’s vague, but it has to do with unicorn magic, its ebbs and flows.” Twilight’s ears snapped forward; Nightmare Moon smiled at that. “Aha, that’s all it took.” Nightmare Moon stepped forward and placed her right hoof on the right-side to the Archives; she stroked it, and it opened with but a whisper. “Enter.” Twilight rose, and took a deep breath. “Mmm, dust, ink, paper.” She trotted through the doors; Nightmare Moon followed, and closed the doors with her magic. “So, this book…?” Twilight was already trotting around the stacks, looking left and right, a faint purple light bobbing on the tip of her horn to illuminate the books’ spines as she skimmed them. She pulled one out with her magic, peered at it, and put it back, disinterested. “Is it…” Twilight stopped moving, then slowly turned to face Nightmare Moon, who remained standing impassive by the doors. Twilight walked back towards the Nightmare, ears flat. “Nightmare, come on. We’re here, so we might as well do this. What are we looking for?” “It is a spell of magical enhancement and replenishment.” Twilight tapped her left hoof. “Okay… I guess since you’ve been using my magic, that’s kind of obvious in retrospect—” “It is forbidden, of course.” Twilight’s ears snapped forward, and her eyes widened in surprise. She raised a haunch. “Oh, and why’s that?” The Nightmare stepped forward. “Because, like all magic, it has its price. There are many methods to increase magic, but they all boil down to two ways: One is to take more of the user’s own life; the drastic increase of the basic unicorn casting technique. The other is to take life from others.” Twilight skittered back at that and fell on her rump. “W-w-what?! But that’s—That’s exactly what Tirek did to us!” “True,” Nightmare Moon replied coolly. “Bu-bu-but it’s wrong!” Twilight cried. “And yet Tirek achieved power.” Nightmare Moon stalked forward, nostrils flaring, forcing Twilight to scuttle back into a stack of books. “Do you think his desires are so far removed from yours? Are you different?” Twilight’s eyes snapped into narrow focus. She grimaced, pushed her way upright, and set her jaw. Lines of power—mainly purple, but with wisps of other colours—trickled across her body and into her horn. “I’ve had enough of you,” she growled. “I don’t care anymore. You won’t make me turn against the ponies I admire most! Nightmare Mooooooon!” For an interminable instant, Nightmare Moon stared into Twilight’s eyes; then, she lowered her head and turned away. “Well done, Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight’s magic instantly dissolved in a puff of smoke. “What?” “Art thou not great? Art thou not unlike thy mentor, Celestia? Art thou not Princess Twilight Sparkle, alicorn, Element of Magic? Hast thou not the strength of mind, will, and body to defeat any challenge? And yet, thou art a depressive, moping little filly, allowing one such as I to drain her. WHY?!” Twilight blinked. “But… how… Of course I would be down! You’ve been stealing my—” “NEIGH, FOAL!” Nightmare Moon’s voice echoed. “I have not." “But you said you would trade knowledge for my magic!” “I lied.” Twilight sank to her belly. “Well, in truth, I fibbed. No, Twilight Sparkle, I was not stealing your magic. I took but small amounts; truly small, only such that you would feel it. But the greatest drain on your magic was yourself.” Nightmare Moon turned back to face Twilight. “The truth is, you are empty, are you not? You faced Tirek, stopped him as he stole the life from ponies. You took in the majesty of four alicorns and pitted it against the power of every pony within this nation. And Discord,” she added disgustedly. “And you had to give it all up to a conqueror, before you could claim the Rainbow Power, something yet greater than the Elements of Harmony. “And where are you now? Your precious library a smoking ruin. A cold castle made of glass. Who supports you? Celestia and Luna, sisters, they rule the skies; dear Cadance, she spreads love, and has a stallion by her side, your own brother Prince Shining. “What is your domain, Twilight Sparkle? Are you the Princess of Friendship? How will you spread this magic… with no one by your side to love you?” Twilight began to cry. “Do I speak truth, Twilight Sparkle? Do you long for one to stand by your side?” “Yes…” “And then, there is the Nightmare Moon. What is my domain, I wonder? What shall I rule and covet and nurture? For whom… shall I be strong? “Twilight Sparkle, I am no longer evil, but I am not anchored by love. I will not deny, and I never did: I want what Luna has. She coveted what Celestia had. You too coveted what Celestia had; it is what made you strive for greatness. You need only somepony by your side. “Will you let me bear you up to greatness? Will you tame the heart of darkness, and release the Nightmare?” Twilight looked up. Nightmare Moon regarded her before slowly turning away. “Consider one thing, Twilight: When I first appeared to you and began to drink your magic, the moon was a waxing crescent. Like the moon, my power was small, but it was ready to grow. Throughout these last two moon-cycles, my power has grown with you. “Tonight, you will see the waning crescent. Like the fading moon-light, my hold over you has diminished through your realization. My last caress to you tonight—a nuzzling, to lick your wounds—was all I could give back to you… for now. “Consider my words, Twilight. I promised to take your trust and not betray it; it was a test for me as it was for you. It is in your power to decide whether either of us pass.” Nightmare Moon faded from sight, leaving Twilight alone. * * * Late that night, the tiny sliver of the moon passed by one of the Archive’s windows. A second moon—though in truth, a dark-bodied alicorn—entered the Royal Archives and skittered when she noticed she was not alone: a small lavender alicorn lay upon the floor. “…Twilight Sparkle? Pray thee, what bringest thou here among these dusty shelves? Dost thou also desire the deep quiet? We are delighted, if perplexed, to welcome thee.” “Princess Luna… I need to talk to you.” > 40 Mask by lyra_lover777 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mask by lyra_lover777 Nightmare Moon paced in her room, looking down at the party taking place below. Hundreds of sparkling magical lights illuminated the Masquerade Ball. Hundreds of ponies danced and talked below, masks hiding all their features. It was a perfect night for Nighty to find a pony to dance with. Nighty stopped her pacing and her horn glowed blue as she thought of her perfect mask would look like. She sat there for a half hour, until she opened her eyes and a beautiful black mask plopped down on the bed in front of her. Nighty surveyed the mask. The black mask had hundreds of tiny diamonds on it that would sparkle like stars in the magical light below. Several small fake horns, like ones on dragons, twirled on its top edges. Her horn was wrapped in a thin teal fabric, clipped on with a chunk of black onyx. She fixtated her wings on her back to make them look like they were fake clip on ones. She then shrunk her size until she was as tall a princess Cadence, still tall, but not total alicorn height. To finish it off, she wrapped a draped midnight blue dress around her, pinning the front together with a shiny black onyx clasp the shape of a star burst. Fixing the mask onto her face, she smiled, small black heels flashing around her hooves as she clopped down the stairs, ready for a night of fun. ============================================================================================= Nighty slowly made her way through the crowd, ducking under the giant beak of a stork mask. She then skittered to a stop to avoid smashing into a young stallion wearing a zebra mask. The only way she could tell it was a stallion was by the way he dressed. He wore a tight black tuxedo. He stepped towards her, taking her hoof as if to kiss it. Nighty shrunk back, pushing him away as she galloped away from him. She kept going until she found a more secluded part of the gardens where a few couples roamed and a small group sat, staring at the night sky. She almost hit a tree as she trotted down the path. With a flash of her horn she enlarged the eye holes so she could actually see. Nighty was wandering around, convinced that she had lost out, that all the good mares had gone home for the night, when she spotted her. She moved slowly towards Nighty who seemed to be in a trance. The mare was wrapped in orange silks, a mask of a tiger plastered to her face. The fierce mask of a tiger seemed to have no place on this beautiful mare. Her body was curvy yet slim at the same time. It made Nighty lick her lips involuntarily. The mare's mane, horn, and tail were wrapped in black and orange fabric which drifted around in the night breeze. The two moved closer to each other, smiling under their masks. "Hello," said Nighty. She had disguised her voice. It was a little higher than normal. The mare pretended to be about to kiss Nighty's hoof when instead she took Nighty's hoof and whisked her away into the crowd, laughing as she twirled them both around. Nighty was taken by surprise but soon regained her composure and flipped the roles around. Now the tiger mare was the one being swung around. She was screaming in delight as Nighty tossed her a few feet into the air before catching her. They danced until they dropped, literally. The pair, exhausted, crawled under a weeping willow, far away from the loud sounds of the Masquerade. They lay next to each other, their breathing that had been hard and fast slowing before returning to normal. Nighty flipped onto her side, surprised to find the tiger mare's masked muzzle inches from hers. The mare inched towards her. They both lifted their masks so their lips could touch. Soon Nighty had rolled the mare onto her back and was assaulting her mouth hungrily. But when Nighty drew back, the silks and mask of the mare had fallen away. Hers had also fallen to the ground. "P-princess Twilight?!" Nighty said, shocked. The lavender alicorn quickly took of, swooping away across the garden before she was gone from view. The only thing left of her was her mask, laying discarded at Nighty's hooves. Nighty gingerly picked up the mask, her surprise fading. Nighty sighed as she let the mask go. It twirled in the soft breeze, landing in a small crick. The mask sunk, the orange fabric of it becoming mud-stained and wet as Nighty trudged home, slouched and disappointed. > 41 Rapture by toratchi888 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rapture by toratchi888 Darkness is Beauty, Beauty is Magic, Act 1 She is beautiful… * * * The assembled citizens of Ponyville waited eagerly for the climax of the Summer Sun Celebration. Fluttershy waited in the wings with her choir of birds, and Rarity was on the balcony, ready to draw open the curtains to the dawn. Twilight Sparkle stood among the crowd on the floor, outwardly calm (betraying little of her irritation) as Pinkie Pie prattled on about parties. Twilight knew Applejack and Rainbow Dash were nearby. Twilight’s right hoof twitched. Just breathe. It’s almost dawn; Princess Celestia isn’t far. Just make it through the next few minutes; if Princess Celestia is right and you’re wrong, you won’t be eaten by the Nightmare Moon. That is good. You’ll have the rest of your life to study the legend of the Mare in the Moon. Safely. In Canterlot. With books. …and if you’re right, and Princess Celestia is wrong… …Well, the worst that will happen is… …slavery. ...eternal night. …okay. The murmurs of the crowd-ponies swelled with excitement as Mayor Mare mounted the dais and took the podium. “Fillies and colts, mares and gentle stallions! Tonight we remember the victory of the Light over the Darkness, and thank our graceful ruler for her benevolence! “Without further ado, I humbly present Princess Celestia!” The bird-choir sang out joyfully, and the curtain fell back— * * * The room plunged into darkness. Ponies gasped and murmured. “What’n the hay?” Twilight heard Applejack mutter. Twilight ignored the crowd, her eyes fixed on the balcony: Instead of the golden rays of Celestia’s sun, a black shape curled about itself before resolving into the suggestion of a pony. In the depths of this dark cloud, two brightly glowing eyes opened with exquisite slowness. Rarity squealed in fright and hid behind the curtain; Fluttershy cowered behind her wings, her bird choir mimicking her. The pony’s form slid from the shadows, coalescing into a graceful mare, tall like Celestia, with a midnight-black coat illuminated by starlight. Those same few stars’ light shimmered on the mare’s wings and glistened on her ebony horn. She was barded for war: A sleek silver champron framed her eyes, startlingly blue against the black of her body and slit like a dragon’s. Malicious intelligence danced within them, and also arrogant amusement. Her peytral too was smooth and silver, and as Twilight squinted, she could barely make out black runes etched upon it, dancing before her eyes. On her hooves were war-boots, smooth and blue like sapphires, curled in the ancient symbol of the fleur-de-lis. Frontal armour only, head and body; no flanchards and no croupiere, and no criniere for her neck. She must always face her foe head-on… Terrifying. Twilight completed her analysis of the Mare’s armour before noticing her Cutie Mark. It was striking like nothing else: A white patch that Twilight could just make out as hundreds of tiny, overlapping starbursts, fairly glittering with magic to Twilight’s sight; and a black halo, the center of the circle hollow but perhaps filled halfway from its edge. Twilight swayed, looking into the mare’s eyes… …and the mare gazed back. She is beautiful… …I am Nightmare Moon. * * * Dear Princess Celestia, As your faithful student, I have studied the wonders of Magic since I was a filly. Magic has inspired me; it is who I am. But I never expected… to find magic in a legendary terror. If this is the Nightmare Moon… if she is my nightmare… …would that I never awake from my Rapture. > 42 Eternity by Kinght of Lycaeus > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eternity by Knight of Lycaeus The site I had chosen for this was perfect, secluded and hidden far from even the prying eyes of their so-called leaders. In my eyes mortals were merely pitiful creatures nothing more than pests living brief, meaningless lives that were remembered one minute and forgotten the next. I have lived lives beyond their reckoning and every mortal was the same, who cares for the colour of their pelt or what damn name they bear? An ironic notion for what I was preparing to do. I looked to the stone platform I had raised and the prone form of a mare lying in an intricate spell circle in front of me. How unremarkable she seemed and alike she was to all the other pathetic mortals, yet somehow she intrigues me…. for a mortal, an insignificant creature, to not immediately succumb to the darkness that dwells within the hearts of all beings…. fascinating. I had thought little of her and why should I, a Goddess spare her any thoughts. She was nothing more than a passing curiosity. I have destroyed many and yet she resisted even my most tempting and irresistible offer, so rare that a mortal would dare disobey me and live. In my long existence I have brought low the elder and the youth, the hale and the bereft, male and female, all manners of mortals. I poisoned their stupid minds with promises of wealth and power and how readily they all fall to the never-ending greed lurking in their feeble hearts. I even brought low one of the so-called mighty alicorns and I watched as she destroyed all that their pitiful existence had built. It truly was a pleasure watching every worthless mortal destroying their own world to quench their everlasting lust; they were so feeble, so weak. I let out a dark chuckle as I moved about to complete my work, Oh how low even the mightiest would go all for promises of even a sliver of power. So weak, so worthless and here I wanted one to serve me at my side for all of eternity, irony at its finest. I first spied upon her when bested the last fool I had tempted. An intriguing mortal for once, even more so as tales of her exploits grew, it was then I decided what her new role shall be. She was a useless creature who had been chosen to serve me and yet mortals were fragile and she would not last for long in my service so some minor adjustments were necessary. I scoffed at this thought, the alterations I had planned were drawn from the most primal magic this world has and yet I was proven true. Mortals living their bland, menaingless lives have forgotten even the most basic of primal magic, for they would cower before its might branding it dark or forbidden. A final inspection of my retinue of shadow golems to ensure that each were armed and poised to bar any possible intruders ensured that I was ready to begin the ritual. The moon was gone this night and the stars were dim, the conditions could not have been more perfect. A smirk crossed my visage, failure meant nothing more than losing another of the bland mass, intriguing as she might be, but success would bring something different. Success meant that after this I would have her as my own. Mine to command for all of eternity; her old life was gone only her life at my side awaited her. I allowed the smirk to fade as I pulled out a series of smoky coloured crystals that were inspected over slowly before placing each of them on plinths surrounding the ritual site, ignoring the sorrowful wails coming from each crystal, A sealed flask was brought forth and opened allowing the metallic smell to escape. Carefully I poured the blood onto each rune etched into the stone platform that I had raised to serve as the base for this little ritual. The ritual grounds set I allowed myself a small smile before I began, mortal life essence were such simple items to obtain and yet with the proper spells they were so potent. The smile grew wider as I remembered the dying screams of the mortals I stole the essences from; perhaps I shall tempt my next victim with the promise of teaching primal magic. It would certainly be a far more entertaining sight to behold as the ancient magic ravaged the world once more. One final inspection to confirm that the other items, namely all manners of horns, hooves, wings, and bones the simple tools nature granted mortals to channel their magic, were likewise in place and I was ready to begin; chanting out words in a language so ancient that only a few on this sphere even remember. I still bore the likeness from the last fool I had led astray; the body of an alicorn was not one I would have preferred but workable for my needs. I brought my magic to the tip of my sharp horn and slowly began channeling magic that few would have ever seen. I neared the end of my chant as I reached the apex of my magic and with a swift motion I rammed the tip through the prone mare’s heart. I could hear the loud cries from her as the magic slowly took hold, such pleasurable sounds that screams made. I found I had indulged too little of the dying wails of mortal as of late. After nearly a minute I raised my head and removed my horn from the still screaming mare whose body now began shaking and convulsing. I knew most of the effects would not occur just yet but already I could see the effect taking hold. In brief flashes I noted that the mare’s mark had changed, the magenta star bore a dark crescent in its center. I settled down to rest for it had been too long since my last use of such primal magic. Watching the mare bound within the spell circle, I smile for I knew that come dawn her life in my eternal servitude would begin. > 43 Jaded by lyra_lover777 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jaded by lyra_lover777 Nightmare Moon groaned as she collapsed on the couch, her eyelids fluttering closed as she began to heavily snore. The sound tore through out the house, waking Nighty's daughter. Nighty was fast asleep as a small filly bounded out of her room, a blue floral nightgown on, trailing on the floor behind her. Twilight rubbed her groggy eyes, getting out of bed at the sound of the snores. She peeked out of the room to see her daughter pounce on her mother's chest. The filly screamed in joy as Nighty threw her off, screaming in surprise. Twilight laughed a s\she trotted over to her filly. "Now, Twilight Crescent, let your mother sleep and go to bed." Twilight said. Twilight Crescent sighed and began to trudge towards her bedroom. All of the sudden Nighty sprung from the couch, tackling the small alicorn. Nighty was a real alicorn, so it had passed down to Twilight Crescent. Twilight C. screamed in mirth as her mother smashed into her, tackling her. They rolled around, play fighting. Twilight S. giggled happily at their fighting . But soon Nighty stuck out a hoof, tripping Twilight S. and making her fall into their play fight. Soon all three were rolling around on the floor, laughing. But soon Nighty screamed "Stop, stop!" as both Twilights attacked her, viciously tickling her. All three were tired. Nighty wrapped her wings around both and pulled them close. Soon all three ponies were snoring on the floor, hugging each other as they slept on. > 44 Blood by SeanofTheDead > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blood by SeanofTheDead The blood, there had been so much blood. It was what dominated Nightmare's memories of that day. The day everything had gone wrong. She sat beside Twilight's bed feeling forlorn and useless, waiting for her love to awaken. She had done this since the 'incident' as it was being dubbed by Celestia and Luna. It had been three weeks since something dark and powerful had entered her, in an attempt to take possession of her mind. It had, and she had been forced to watch as this darkness went on a rampage through Canterlot destroying the city and terrorizing the inhabitants. Until Twilight had caught up to her that is. Nightmare had watched as the dark THING had struck her down. She had felt Twilight's warm blood coat her hooves, and was forced to watch and feel every blow as though she was the one in control as Twilight, her love, was beaten until she had coughed up blood, her ribs sticking through her flesh in places, the fluids forming puddles beneath her. She hadn't raised a hoof to Nightmare, and the whole time she had been begging her to fight it, to take back control of her body. Then she had begged for her to stop. that had been the breaking point for Nightmare, Twilight had thought she was in control. that she had been the entire time. That the love they shared had been a meaningless lie. That had been the point that Celestia showed up; just in time to watch as Nightmare wrested control from the darkness within her and drove it out. The instant that Celestia saw the dark shape fly from Nightmare's body, she put two and two together. Celestia’s rage towards the being that would cause such a thing to happen to both her new friend and her faithful student nearly drove her mad. That day was being heralded as The Day of Two Suns. While Celestia had been busy dealing with the evil being, Nightmare had taken Twilights broken form to the hospital where she now lay; where Nightmare had been since she had brought Twilight here, and where she would stay until Twilight recovered. She had the blood of her true love on her hooves, , and for the moment, she could only wait, hoping and praying that it could be washed clean. > 45 Ensorcellment by lyra_lover777 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ensorcellment by lyra_lover777 Twilight leaned against Nightmare, snuggling into her side as she breathed in Nighty's unique smell. She smelled sweet and fruity with a splash minty-ness. Nighty nuzzled Twilight back, sighing into her mane. They were both tired from a long day of debates and treaty making. All they wanted was the other. Twilight pressed her mouth against Nighty's, her tongue rapidly exploring it. Nighty was taken aback but pushed back. They kissed for a while before breaking apart and laying on the grass, wrapping their wings around the other. They stared up at the night sky, the stars twinkling brightly above. Twilight seemed as if in a trance as she stared up at the night sky. It was one of the clearest nights all year, and Twilight wanted to take in every drop of beauty. Nighty smiled down at Twilight and moved her hoof mid-air. Suddenly a star shifted a few centimeters in the sky. It was really millions of miles in space, but it didn't look like much from down there. Twilight pointed excitedly. "Canterous Majorous just moved!" Nighty smiled again as she moved Canterous Majorous farther, towards Gallopous Minorous. Twilight gasped in awe as the pinpricks of light collided, exploding into giant balls of light, lighting up the night sky. Nighty enveloped Twilight in another kiss as the explosion continued on. Meanwhile, back on earth... "Run for your lives! The north star is moving towards the sun! They are going to collide!" a man screamed, his fake pony ears wiggling about frantically. "We need a Conversion Bureau!" a woman screamed, her Fluttershy wings falling off her back as she ran out of the building. Suddenly the two stars exploded, and Brony Con 2015 was lit up with the most spectacular light before becoming engulfed in flames. > 46 Hurricane by Starfall13 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hurricane by Starfall13 The chilly wind whipped a mane of blue, pink, and purple. Twilight Sparkle sighed on the balcony built into her tree/library. She had finished reading the books Celestia had assigned her for the day. After organizing the library with Spike for about three hours, she read for a while till that too bored her, which was severely strange. After the baby drake went over to his crush's house, she didn't know what to do with herself. Her ears perked and she turned to see her touch down. Perhaps this was what she was waiting for. Two icy blue dragon eyes gazed at her in the darkness, "Hello Twilight." "Nightmare" "You refuse to have more then a two minute conversation with me and I want to know why", said the black alicorn with a slight bit of aggravation. Patience didn't seem to work into her mindset today. She wanted to figure out why Sparkle never seemed happy when she came out to see her. Twilight's eyes went wide for a second before she went back to the totally fake, cold facade that didn't seem to fit her, "I have n-nothing to say to you." Applejack would have smelled the lie from a mile away but Nightmare Moon was not the Element of Honesty. Maybe the Element of Magic still felt a bit uneasy around her. Even though she liked stargazing, she preferred not to do it for the rest of her life. No, she didn't hate her, sort of fear her? Well sadly that might be true. In a flash the lavender mare found herself pinned to the ground. Hair made of constellations frantically flowed like rushing rapids. Armor gleamed in the moonlight. Lightning echoed out of nowhere, Luna and Nightmare probably enjoyed the crack of it in their ears. Her eyes glowed white and she shouted in a deafening volume, "THOU WON'T IGNORE US ANY LONGER! THOU WILL FACE OUR WRATH FOR GIVING US THE COLD SHOULDER!" Almost automatically, the unicorn's ears pushed against her head in a desperate attempt to keep their ability to function. It was a wonder that the dead had not awoken hungry for brains. Also the poor balcony now had its own hoof-shaped indent. Any birds living in the tree quickly soared out including Owlicious who eyed the scene before going wherever owls go. A pinpoint of light started growing brighter and bigger on the tip of a black horn, aimed at the trapped chest of the one who wronged her. However, the blow never hit the target. Magenta eyes opened, glanced up confused, and in less then a second the owner of them was free to move. The tall pony turned away, teeth gritted, water forming in her own vision. Nightmare Moon tried to will away the sign that she had emotions. In her head Nightmare called herself a wicked pony, not getting that she was just craving for one emotion all ponies want. Her mane was slowly returning to its normal speed, but at the rate she was grinding her fangs, she would have to gum her food for the rest of her enternal life. Oh right, a mortal, she was bawling in front of a mortal. That only partially got through to her. A hoof pulled her towards the magical being that she just didn't want to see right now. No words were spoken about the alicorn of shadows who was blubbering like a filly. That was one thing the "alicorn of shadows" was grateful for. Twilight looked at her, studying her like a tome. Crying? This hadn't been what she expected from her. Maybe she had forgotten that old saying about judging a book by its cover. When purple lips spoke, "I don't know what to think about you. You visit every night just to try and talk to me. Maybe you just want a friend. Is that what you want?" "Wanting got me nowhere but the Moon. I wish for what I can't have", answered the ageless mare regretfully. The Nightmare's own ears splayed back, "This was stupid, Lets just forget we ever spoke" She got ready to take off, all of her confidence was smoldering ash. What was the point in trying to make friends or something more? Obviously she was just wasting her time and Twilight's as well. A tug at her tail halted her flight. She was spun around and met with a kiss. Twilight Sparkle sheepishly smiled with a cute blush, "Stay please, Spike is over at Rarity's and I can't stand to be alone tonight." The unicorn giggled, "I guess having friends can rub off on you." Actually the unicorn had no idea why she had kissed this pony and how the alicorn would react. Somehow she wasn't over thinking any of it. This pony in front of her was lonely but lovely. Her black coat looked and felt like silk. While they would have to discuss about the battle gear she was adorning, it was elegant in its own right. Her eyes were cerelean, a stunning color trying to fight for dominance in the black of the night. That was about all she had, adjectives made everything sound so much better. On Nightmare's end, she was plain shocked. Staring blankly while she tried to respond or remember how to. This pony had just stolen a kiss from her. Surely this mare was out of her skull. The waterworks started up again but she was hushed by Twilight, "No more of that." After a minute or two of sniffling and cooing, all was silent. The dark mare was wordlessly pulled into the bedroom. She stared at tiny basket on the floor where said baby dragon most likely slept till her attention drifted back to the unicorn. Soon after much persuasion from Miss Sparkle she climbed into bed. Warm, it was warm under the sheets. She draped a wing over her lover or whatever she was because she was still kinda lost on where they stood. The small pony was the little spoon and the mare of night was the big one. "Goodnight, Nighty", yawned Twi. Grinning at the tiny bit of red she saw dusting black cheeks. "Goodnight little spark", whispered Nightmare who carefully gave her a minuscule nip on her ear with her fangs. The purple mare almost purred. Twilight was snuggled up with her love. For once sleep came as quick as Rainbow Dash. Twi loved this pony who brought her together with her friends even if it wasn't on purpose. Even if her Nighty could get as angry as a hurricane, she was sure she could tame the storm. > 47 Serf by lyra_lover777 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Serf by lyra_lover777 Twilight Sparkle, once rejoiced as one of the highest students of Princess Celestia, grunted as she pulled the heavy cart full of pumpkins across the fields towards the manor, her back hurting, feeling as though a thousand razors were cutting her to pieces. But it was nothing compared to what she was forced to do every night for her mistress. After twenty minutes of trudging, Twilight finally collapsed in front o f the store house, passing out the second she was unhitched from the wagon. Twilight was laying by a small ice cold stream. She stared into the reflective waters and achingly touched the water's surface. The almost silver water closed around her hoof, giving it a refreshing feeling. But when she tried to pull away, the river froze into a stream of solid silver, closing around her hoof. Twilight screamed and shot her magic through her horn at the silver, but it did not do anything. She jumped a foot in the air and felt her hoof give slightly. Twilight kept jumping, but it wasn't enough. She needed more altitude. She needed to fly. Suddenly lavender wings sprouted from Twilight's back as her horn and legs grew. She took off, rocketing into the sky, leaving the silver stream behind in a flash as she zig-zagged around the skies, her purple and pink trail flowing behind her as she spiraled and spun. Twilight's eyes flittered open to see the other slaves crowded around her, cowering in fear. She slowly got to her hooves. She felt taller than before. She felt two objects shift on her back. She looked at her spine to see two prodigious wings laying there, glimmering in the dying light. But then a few of the slaves squeaked as loud buzzing could be heard. Now-alicorn Twilight turned her head to see Mistress Nightmare Moon swooping towards her, rage on her face. "You are late, lowly servant, for our nightly sessions!" Mistress Nighty screamed. Then Twilight jumped into the air, smiling triumphantly. "I will not be your toy. No, not any more." She glared at Nighty before swooping away. Free. Free. No longer bound to her. No longer her serf. That Night... Nighty looked out at the night sky, the permanent frown that had always been set on her face somehow curving even farther to the ground, as if its gravitational pull had increased. Over the many years she had lived here, many serfs had pleasured her and caught her eye. But none as much as that naughty Twilight Sparkle. She forced her to do what she had forced her to do as punishment for stealing food from the warehouse for herself. After a few days she should have stopped, but Twilight was curvy, beautiful, smart...Everything. I need to find that serf, my sparkle. Nightmare thought. She quickly wrote a letter to her highest servant, Penny Pocket, telling him that he now owned the manor. She then swooped out her window frame, taking off in search of her missing serf. > 48 Dangerous by SeanofTheDead > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dangerous by SeanofTheDead Nightmare couldn't believe her luck when she had been sentenced to reformation by Celestia and Luna. She had thought that they would banish her to the moon again. In truth she had Twilight Sparkle to thank for her light sentence. She remembered that she had used Discord as an example that reformation was possible. And now here she was, a free mare. She was currently in the custody of Twilight, but free none the less. She had of course planned to escape and wreak havoc upon Equestria. But she had decided to lull everypony into a false state of security first. Celestia had warned her first, that Twilight was in fact a VERY dangerous mare. She had scoffed internally but made sure to let her know that she wouldn't be battling Twilight anytime soon. Yet for some strange reason Celestia had only laughed. That had been five months ago. She was in fact surprised to find that Twilight enjoyed magical experiments and books even more than Nightmare herself. It had come as a bit of a shock when she had caught herself enjoying the time she spent with the young alicorn, and she had immediately redoubled her efforts to plan her escape and Celestias destruction. Yet she found herself missing Twilight's company more and more as the days wore on, turning to weeks, eventually being unable to focus on her plans and being completely disinterested in them in their entirety. And so here she was standing in front of Twilight in Twilight's bedroom, shuffling her hooves as Twilight gave her a scrutinizing look. She had confessed to planning Equestria's downfall, and had given her everything. The reasons for her doing so she had come to truly understand when she had woken up in a sweat after a "compromising" dream involving the adorkable princess. "Well I can honestly say I'm not all that surprised. Discord also went against his reformation at first. But considering that you just handed me everything...I guess you have taken it to heart." Twilight said as her look changed to one of happiness. " I guess I'll just go to bed now and- Twilight's words were cut off as Nightmare enveloped her in an impromptu hug and pressed their lips together. As they broke their kiss Nightmare looked at Twilight to read her expression. Twilight's face was flushed, and she was breathing heavily. "Well I wasn't expecting your reasons for becoming reformed to be...well...me., but I will say this. I missed you too. I was going to tell you in a more romantic setting than this though," Twilight said with a giggle. Nightmare blushed and said "Twilight Sparkle would it be alright if I slept here this night?" blushing even more when Twilight giggled. "Yes Nightmare, you may," Twilight said as she walked to her bed with more hip swaying than was necessary. And so Nightmare lay with Twilight curled against her barrel, smiling happily as she nuzzled against her. She started slightly as she remembered what Celestia had said about Twilight. She smiled to herself and thought ,You were right after all Celestia, Twilight Sparkle is indeed a very dangerous mare. > 49 Help by Toratchi888 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Help by Toratchi888 Epilogue to "Fangs," "Trickery," and "Subterfuge" Dusk’s shadows stretch across Equestria. Long fingers of darkness reach from lofty Canterlot over humble Ponyville. Within that ivory palace, confrontation with a princess awaits. Slinking in the spaces of shadow, a black cloud like smoke weaves its way from its hiding place towards fair Canterlot, and the fair mare within. Unusually, both day and night guards line the battlements; more unusually, their eyes are fixed on the horizon, ignoring all signs of movement below the walls of noble Canterlot. The shadow slips within the castle’s precincts… * * * Nightmare Moon coalesced out of her cloud of smoke, skulking in what little shadow remained in Canterlot’s inner courtyard; the same in which she had arrived with Twilight but one month prior. Nopony had seen Twilight Sparkle in Ponyville since then, though Nightmare Moon had spied on Twilight’s friends and learned they had visited a few times, mainly to reunite Twilight with Spike and reassure them both that they were being taken care of. Nightmare Moon peered around, ears swivelling. She heard not a sound from the Royal Guards; they stood fixed in place. Nor was there even a hint of breeze, or birdsong, or the chirrup of insects; all was silent and still. Suddenly, Nightmare Moon’s ears snapped forward. She heard the clip-clop of hooves rising from the broad stairs hidden below the level of the courtyard’s floor. The steps were measured, their owners walking calmly, possibly two abreast. Princess Cadance and Princess Celestia’s heads appeared below ground level, rising with their bodies. Cadance moved left, while Celestia moved right, flanking and facing the path. Yet another set of hoofbeats sounded, and Princess Luna came into view. She paused at the top of the stairs, staring intently into the shadows for several heartbeats, before she moved to stand at her sister’s left hoof. A final set of hoofbeats signalled the arrival of the final princess: Twilight Sparkle. She walked slowly and with great care, placing her hooves nicely with each step. As she cleared the lip of the stairs, the other Princesses closed ranks, such that Celestia, Luna, and Cadance backed Twilight shoulder-to-shoulder. Nightmare Moon observed Twilight from her hiding place: Twilight stood with shoulders stooped, and she had bags under her eyes. Still, despite her obvious weariness, her eyes were still bright with Twilight’s famed intelligence. Nightmare Moon stepped slowly from the shadows, ever step measured, the nicety of her steps a concession to peaceable intentions. The alicorns stared at each other, measuring intent. After a moment, Celestia raised her chin a fraction. Twilight, sensing the motion, turns about. “Call us if you have need, my faithful student,” said Celestia, reserving a slight frown for Nightmare Moon. “Be thou true to thine own self, Twilight Sparkle,” said Luna, with a glance at the Nightmare. Cadance broke ranks for a moment. She lowered her head, and touched her horn to Twilight’s. A brief azure flare of magic flowed up Cadance’s horn and into Twilight’s; Twilight rolled her wings open and closed, straightening slightly with the motion. The three princesses gave a last look towards Nightmare Moon, before making their way down the stairs; Nightmare Moon heard them take the right-hand path, just as she had with Twilight the month before. As the hoofbeats faded, Twilight turned to face her Nightmare. Nightmare Moon gazed levelly at Twilight, and she returned the gaze with equanimity. A heartbeat, and Nightmare Moon dipped her head, closed her eyes, and lit her horn; her magic surrounded her champron, which lifted from her head to settle beside her right forehoof. Free of its confinement, Nightmare’s mane puffed out, bobbing like a cloud around her head. Twilight chuckled quietly, snorting once as she did. Nightmare Moon’s eyes narrowed before she blinked and tilted her head. “Well, I’m glad you’re laughing, though I fail to see what’s funny.” “Hahaha, your hair’s all poofy like Pinkie’s! That head-armour… Rarity wouldn’t be caught dead with hair like that! If she could see you…!” Twilight sunk to the ground, chuckling all the while. After a moment, Nightmare Moon lifted her champron with her magic and spun it to one side. Seeing her reflection, she chuckled as well. As their mirth died, Nightmare Moon replaced her champron on the ground and gave her full attention to the now-standing Twilight Sparkle. “Well, my dear, I can say you look much more beautiful when I can see your face clearly.” “As opposed, I assume, to bearing down on me and making me your blood-slave in the pale moon-light,” Twilight responded drily. “Ah. Quite…” “You received the vision I sent you. Obviously.” “Yes…” Nightmare pawed the ground. “You have decided, then.” “I talked with Luna, and Celestia, and Cadance, and my friends. I don’t know if they completely understood… what you put me through.” Nightmare Moon blew, a slight tilt of her head betraying her nervousness. “You have an ironic sense of pomp, Twilight Sparkle; choosing the place of our arrival for my little subterfuge…” Twilight’s face closed, became serious. “Nightmare, let’s not mince words. I understand you’re trying to find your place. I believe you truly want to be somepony, and be someone’s special somepony.” “Truly.” “You say you tried to help me, to show me my weakness and my strength. But you did it through lies and trickery.” “But did not my plans, the lunar phases, show—” “Nightmare, cut the crap.” Nightmare’s head snapped up. Twilight glared at her. “You had me going with your moon-phase mumbo-jumbo. Congratulations. The lunar-phases have power, yes; Luna admits as much. But she told me—and I’m relieved—that it’s only as much power as you believe in. You gave me the key to be free of your power when you told me the trick you used, the matching of your schedule to the phases. “For months now, I’ve been isolated. That hurt me and it hurt my friends. I bear my own measure of responsibility for my actions, but that does not excuse yours. As a princess… I am within my rights to punish you, of course.” Nightmare cowered, shrinking in on herself. “How will I deal with you? Shall I pardon you? Build you up? Welcome you in? Perhaps you would fear my anger… if I wished you harm." Nightmare peeked up at that, a puzzled frown crossing her face. “Nightmare Moon, you pride yourself for your cleverness, but now, in the face of one angry pony, you shrivel in despair. Do you think a Princess is so wrathful that you should know fear?” Nightmare Moon’s eyes widened. “Tell me, Nightmare: Do you want me to be friends with you?” Nightmare Moon’s mouth dropped open. Twilight smiled. “Oh? Is an offer of friendship all it takes”—she trots forward, until her face is close to Nightmare’s—“to defang the Mare in the Moon?” Twilight blew gently, touching Nightmare’s muzzle briefly with her own and staring into the larger mare’s eyes. “I am Princess of Friendship. And you need a friend. So perhaps it is I… who can help you.” * * * Twilight opens her wings, closes her eyes, and lights her horn. In the courtyard below, Celestia, Luna, and Cadance touch horns and invoke their magic. In the east, the Moon rises, a halo like Twilight’s Cutie Mark framing it. Twilight lifts Nightmare Moon’s head with a hoof, and together they turn east. Above them, the stars spread out, glittering diamonds against a velvet sky. The Royal Guard, as one, lift their horns to the sky and send a glowing wave of magic into the sky, which shimmers and twinkles like star-light. “The night-light holds no terror, nor the realm of dreaming pain. Sun and Moon and Stars; Love and Tolerance and Friendship.” Twilight raises a hoof to place on Nightmare Moon’s shoulder. “The Nightmare is over; together, we shall find a new name for you, and you will help me spread the Magic of Friendship.” Nightmare Moon smiles. “Thank you, Twilight. I’d like that. I will be… your help.” > 50 Dat Ass by Toratchi888 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dat Ass by Toratchi888 Twilight Sparkle stood in her kitchen. Bright afternoon sunlight streamed in, framing her visitor: A large, void-black alicorn, who would have been immediately recognizable to anyone in Ponyville despite being shorn of her armour. Said black alicorn—Nightmare Moon—was at that moment seated on her haunches, using one of Twilight’s better cushions (let it not be said Twilight was a bad host; she had many books on etiquette), sipping tea. Nightmare sipped tea rather like Luna sipped tea—eyes closed, teacup floating daintily just to the right of her muzzle, a thimble-full of good cream swirled delicately to mix—and Twilight swung her body to face the door, grinding her teeth as she considered this tea-drinking fact. Of course, surely, Nightmare Moon must have known how this would infuriate Twilight Sparkle: Twilight was famous friends with Princess Luna, having helped her reclaim civil interaction with the pony-folk; Princess Luna returned the favour by aiding Twilight in her stargazing, and always brought the best tea to keep them warm at night. And now, to imply that Nightmare Moon had been watching Twilight Sparkle for months, and was Twilight’s friend, and that Luna was something more than just a friend, and that Nightmare Moon wanted to be something more— “Let me get this straight,” Twilight hissed. “You tried to bathe the land in eternal night. “You banished Princess Celestia for a night. “You tried to hurt me and my friends, and scared us witless in the Everfree Forest. “You tried to destroy the Elements of Harmony. “You laughed at our pain. “You’ve been following me for months, watching me—” Twilight swung her head around just as Nightmare Moon brought her tea to her lips, one eye closed, one eye peering appraisingly at Twilight’s dock. Twilight’s mouth dropped open, blood rushing to her face and her snout scrunching as her eyes narrowed in fury. Twilight spun about, glaring into Nightmare Moon’s one open eye. “And now you want to be my marefriend?!” “Hey, Twilight?” Spike poked his head into the kitchen doorway. “There’s a customer—” A flash of purple light, and Nightmare Moon’s teacup smacked into Spike’s face and perched on his snout. He reached up a clawed hand, carefully gripped it by the handle, and lifted it off his face before he slipped out of sight. * * * Spike heard Nightmare Moon say something, too quietly to decipher, but— * * * “THAT IS THE MOST ASININE THING I’VE EVER HEARD!” * * * Purple light burst through Golden Oaks Library like an explosion. Violet-black smoke billowed throughout the tree, sending the single patron—Colgate—galloping out the door. Spike cradled the teacup as he hid on the lowest bookshelf. * * * After a few minutes, Spike poked his head into the kitchen again, teacup still clutched in his clawed hands. Twilight Sparkle sat in the kitchen, panting, eyes crossed, stroking her tail as it wrapped around her. On the other side of the table, burned into the floor: Twilight’s Cutie Mark. A lone black feather spun lazily above the scorched wood. * * * Nightmare Moon blinked, and peered around. Barren grey rock stretched as far as her eyes could see. Stars twinkled above her and over the horizon. She pawed the ground, and stared over the horizon at a blue-and-green orb hanging in the void, far away but clear to her sight. For a long time, she contemplated the spectacle in silence. As the veil of night slid across the face of Equestria, she voiced but one thought: “I wonder which part of ‘Twilight, you are charming and have a beautiful tail; I love you; be mine’ she found asinine…” > 51 Insipid by lyra_lover777 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Insipid by lyra_lover777 "D-dear, umm, do you have any sense of taste?" The hall fell silent as everypony in attendance to the Gala watched Nightmare Moon, newly reformed, leaning over Rarity, who was shrinking back from the alicorn, who was now turning deep red. "How. Dare. You. Insult. ME!!!" Nighty glared at Rarity before using her magic to flip Rarity's golden crown off her head, flipping it into the bowl of grape jello. "But-but who wears a litle black dress to the Gala. It's-it's tasteless!" Rarity shouted. Red poured by the bucket full onto Nighty's face. She ripped Rarity's beautiful lavender dress by the seams, the thread unravelling as the majestic gown broke apart. The fabric floated to the ground at Rarity's hooves, the last piece landing on her back. "HOW DARE YOU DESTROY MY DRESS!" Rarity leaped at Nighty, only to be restrained by her coltfriend Fancy Pants and Applejack, while Twilight and Rainbow Dash held Nighty back. "I'll spend all night with you if you calm down," Twilight cooed in Nighty's ear. Fancy Pants said the same thing, except much more graphic. Soon both ponies were blushing as their counterparts drew away from them. As the pair exited the banquet early to avoid more tussles between the two, the two shared whispered insults. "Insipid." "Atrocious." "Bland." "Fat." This last one had Rarity gasping in horror as Nighty giggled softly. Suddenly Rarity tackled Nighty into the bushes, were screams and hollers of pain could be heard form both. Fancy and Twilight shared a glance before both rolling their eyes and retrieving their beloved. > 52 Hail and Farewell by Knight of Lycaeus > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hail and Farewell by Knight of Lycaeus To my friends and to my family, how strange it feels and how…. difficult this is to write. To write a letter biding all of you a final farewell was never something I wanted to do nor could I have imagined being something I would ever have to do. I could write endlessly about this, but words verbal or written could never convey or express the depths of how sorry I am to be leaving all of you. It is known that there are some things in life that cannot be changed and yet Ponies are known for change, for their control and command over their world. Yet as we know not everything can be changed, we too face the pall of illness and the touch of death; another thing that we accept as unchanging is the thing that binds us together and that leads us on our road in life, what we call fate or destiny. This metaphysical, intangible concept we believe to be set but I know that it is not. For me to have disappeared was something I never would have done and I regret that my disappearance will be your last memory of me. But please, despite what has happened do not seek revenge no matter how tempting or appealing the idea is but instead mourn for me, cry for me, but above all remember the memories we have made and our time together. A being whose age goes beyond what I could reckon, whose age spans nearly all of creation has taken me; what magic she used upon me is something I do not understand and could not even begin to comprehend. It is this magic which pulls me away from you and no matter how much I would wish to trade it all just to be with all of you one last time, I know it will not be so. I wish that there was a way to reverse time, for things to change, for things to be different, but I know that will not come to past. For that I am sorry. I am sorry I could find no way to return to you and that is my lasting regret, that I will likely never see or speak to anyone of you ever again. In this last letter I express my sorrow, my anger, my grief, and my regret. My sorrow that our separation will last forever. My anger for what has been forced upon me. My grief in knowing that now I could not even join you in the end, that I will never enter the Eternal Realms. My regret that I will never be among you once more and that I was forced to speak my last words through a letter rather than in person. Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, you five were the friends I never dreamed I would ever have. Thank you for showing me the magic of friendship, I will treasure it always, farewell my friends. Spike, my companion, my rock, my biggest supporter, all these and more. We have been together since the day you hatched and I am sorry for leaving you so soon. I love you and farewell my brother, my son. Celestia, my loving and guiding light. You were my mentor in all things magic and in many things besides, for that I will always be grateful. Farewell Celestia and thank you for everything. Luna, our time together was brief. I never knew you as well as it could have been but from what time we spent together, I will treasure that forever. Farewell Luna. Cadance, my big sister always ready with advice, comfort, and laughter. I will miss all of that but thank you for being there especially when I was younger, farewell my sister. Shining Armour, always my protector even when I thought it was silly. I loved our times together and the adventures we made, thank you for everything and farewell BBBFF. My parents, words fail to articulate my thoughts on this and fail to articulate my words to you. I love you both and I always will, I am sorry I had to leave like this and that I could never return. I love you both and thank you for everything. A dark purple unicorn slowly wiped away the tears that had been pooling in her eyes as she wrote this one final letter. She was careful to ensure her tears would not stain this last letter. To write the letter had been difficult but it was necessary. It would never answer everything but perhaps it would help provide some closure. Standing up she looked across the valley and could see Canterlot off in the distance, the slowly setting sun half-hidden behind the magnificent city. Summoning her magic she sent the letter to Celestia and breathed in deep to steady herself. Military and military history was always more Shining’s thing but she had picked up on a few things here and there. Gathering her magic, her horn coated in a magenta light tinged with black and with a burst recreated her cutie mark in the sky. She had made it significantly larger and more lasting than necessary to ensure it could be seen for afar. The tradition of using one’s magic to recreate their cutie marks in the sky was once common among unicorns as a formal salute which had fallen out of use in favour of the current one. Twilight could feel a strong sharp tug from within and knew she had to answer to the magic pulling away at her. With one last glance to the setting sun, she turned away. She turned away from Canterlot and her old life and turned to follow the pull of the powerful magic tethered to her, to face the dark of the void and her new life under her mistress. > 53 Adorable by Toratchi888 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adorable by Toratchi888 Lightning and thunder crashed through Ponyville, sending its costumed denizens fleeing in abject terror. Their screams and cries resounded in the main square, flung far on sudden winds from the north. Twilight Sparkle vanished her Star-Swirl the Bearded costume and galloped towards the source of the wind, with Princess Luna (unclad) taking wing to follower her; Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie followed in their wake, quickly meeting up at a run (or in Rainbow Dash’s case, in flight). “Hey, Princess Luna,” Rainbow Dash called, “you trying to scare everybody again?” “Neigh, Rainbow Dash, ‘tis not so,” Luna replied. “As the festivities were drawing to a close, We presumed the ponies would wish their entertainments to cease for the nonce; We have pranked nopony of late.” “Then what’n the hay could be causin’ this ruckus?” Applejack called. “MAYBE IT’S THE REAL NIGHTMARE MOON! THE CURSE OF NIGHTMARE NIGHT—!” Pinkie Pie tripped over her own hooves, flying dock over withers and rolling with a “ba-ba-bacaw!” until Twilight caught her in her magic, righted her with a flip, and vanished her chicken costume; she vanished the others' costumes too. “TWILIGHT SPARKLE!” boomed a voice like thunder. Twilight and her companions skidded or fluttered to a stop, settling together back to back and peering around. “That almost sounded like…” Twilight narrowed her eyes and lit her horn, projecting purple light by which to see. Storm-clouds appeared around Twilight’s group, and malicious laughter echoed around them. In a flash, a black alicorn appeared before them, girded as for war. Twilight and her friends shrank back, but Luna stepped forward and pointed a hoof in accusation at the interloper. “NIGHTMARE MOON!” she boomed, wings snapped open wide, the Royal Canterlot Voice carrying the name like a pronouncement of doom. “I WAS RIGHT!” “Shaddap, Pinkie!” “Tarnation…” “LUUUUUNAAAAA, DEAREST, HOW ARE YOU KEEPING?” Nightmare Moon boomed in reply, mirroring Luna’s stance and delivery. “SILENCE, WRETCHED CREATURE!” “THOU SHALT NOT SILENCE THE NIGHTMAAAAAAAAAAAARE!!!!” The force of Nightmare Moon’s retort began to blow Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie away, and even Luna struggled to remain in place. Twilight focussed her energy, and with a “zzz-boff-poff!” she teleported behind Nightmare Moon. The black alicorn spun about, but Twilight shot a beam from her horn; Nightmare Moon danced back with the aid of her wings, but the beam struck one of her thunderclouds. The beam ricocheted between the half-dozen clouds, which suddenly burst into a liquid wave, drenching the Nightmare. The black mare blinked rapidly, stunned, and shook weakly before rounding on Twilight, eyes blazing as she stepped forward. “You miserable little—!” She checked her step, blinked rapidly again, then— “Ah… AH… ATCHOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!” The force of her sneeze sent Twilight Sparkle airborne, flailing and screaming off towards the horizon, and snapped Nightmare Moon head over rump to smack into the ground. Rainbow Dash streaked past, catching Twilight on her downward trajectory, and bore her back to her friends. Twilight was hyperventilating, but quickly regained her composure as she saw Nightmare Moon’s unconscious state. Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Luna approached cautiously, bodies low and ready to spring. “…I think she’s out of it,” Applejack observed. “So now what do we do with her?” Rainbow Dash asked. “…I’m going to have to take her home with me,” Twilight sighed. “WHAT?!” Luna, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash cried in unison. “SLUMBER PARTY!!!!” “PINKIE PIE!” * * * “Good grief, darling, you don’t seriously mean to…?” “She’s helpless, Rarity! Nopony would take her in, would they? Does she deserve to suffer?” “Rarity, ain’t no way Twi’s gonna leave this one alone; might as well indulge her.” “Oh, very well. Twilight, darling, promise you won’t let her trick you, or let her out of your sight, hmm?” “I promise, Rarity. I’ll be writing Princess Celestia as soon as Spike gets back, and Princess Luna promised to return and check up on me as soon as she straightened things out with Mayor Mare.” “Very well, dear. Now, I suppose the rest of us had better go check on those little fillies, and sweet Fluttershy. I know Sweetie Belle means well, but leaving those three in the Boutique… Come along, Applejack. Surely Rainbow Dash has eaten Pinkie Pie and the Cakes out of stock by now; we’d best collect them before we see to our sisters…” *Clip-clop, clip-clop, clip-clop, clip-clop…* *squeee, clatch* Nightmare Moon groaned, stirring. She cracked her eyes and peered around. She was inside a home; that much was obvious by its furnishings. Or maybe not. She blinked, clearing her gummy eyes, and stared again. Bookshelves lined the walls, and there were a couple reading stands and desks here and there. A library? She pawed at herself; she was lying on her right side on a cushion—perhaps a little small for a pony her size—and her hindquarters were covered by a blanket, lying lengthwise across her flank. I suppose it’s better my hindquarters aren’t cold—Wait, WHY AM I HERE? “WHO HAS ABDUCTED THE NIGHTMARE?!” “Ah, you’re awake!” Nightmare rolled onto her left side to see the owner of the voice, who was behind her. Twilight Sparkle appeared, beaming, from a kitchen, a bowl of something steaming and smelling of delicious herbs clutched in her magic, a wooden spoon spinning along the rim. Nightmare Moon narrowed her eyes. “Twilight Sparkle, the engineer of our downfall. Atchoo! Yet again.” She sighed. “Dost thou bring to us the poisoned hemlock, for to end our misery?” Twilight’s face fell into perplexity before she brightened again, giggling. “What are you talking about? Hemlock’s no cure for a cold.” “A what now?” Nightmare Moon deadpanned. “Well, I presume you were lying in wait during the festivities, so you might not have been keeping warm—oh, yes, I put your armour up so it wouldn’t get damaged; I haven’t had time to polish it yet—and you got drenched by the thunderheads when we, ah, met earlier tonight, so I decided to bring you home!” Twilight’s beaming face changed not one bit. Nightmare Moon snorted. “So. What now? Atchoo!” Twilight’s smile altered ever so slightly; it was disconcerting. “Soup.” Nightmare Moon’s eyes widened a little. “Ah, methinks not, thank you kind—” The wooden spoon was shoved unceremoniously into Nightmare Moon’s mouth. She made a muffled “hmph!” sound before swallowing. “I shall have you know, Twilight Spark—hmph!—I do not condone this—HMPH!—you foalish!—HMMMPH! STOP FEEDING ME AT ONCE!!!!” “Too late; that was the last of it.” Twilight chuckled, levitating the bowl and spoon back into the kitchen. Nightmare Moon began breathing heavily, her exhalations coming as fierce snorts. “Twilight Sparkle,” she hissed, “thou art a fool indeed if thou thinkest thine intellect and thy peasant soups shall defeat the Immortal Nightmare.” “Well, my intellect, plus some Valerian Root, Chamomile, Hops, Passion Flower, and a few bits of Wild Lettuce and a few drops of Cider Infusion for taste. And more than a few years of tricks for caring for a cranky little dragon.” Twilight’s smile softened as she made her way up the nearby stairwell to her loft. “So it’s bedtime for the Immortal Nightmare; pleasant dreams.” Nightmare Moon struggled to rise, but she slumped to the cushion and whinnied weakly. “Drat… I… Twilight Sparkle… you…” As warmth stole over her, Nightmare Moon’s last coherent thought was: Uh… Maybe this isn’t so bad… * * * Twilight smiled, watching Nightmare Moon as she snuggled under the blankets Twilight had fetched, snoring softly. It was absolutely adorable. > 54 Trollestia by SeanOfTheDead > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trollestia by SeanOfTheDead Twilight had been having the worst day EVER. Today had started well enough with her and her crush/reformee Nightmare Moon simply walking through Whitetail Woods having a good time when they had come across a prepared picnic just sitting out in the open. After they had curiously approached it they had discovered that it had been given to them! While Nightmare was skeptical upon figuring out that the giver of this gift was not named, Twilight had opened the picnic basket already. Which considering she hadn't expected the cupcakes inside to be living (or have functioning arms and legs) this was a big mistake. They all began singing to them: Twilight and Nightmare sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G, first comes love, then comes- The adorable abominations never got to finish their song however because Twilight had figured out where they had come from. And she had begun blasting them one by one, making them scream(and explode) as they tried (and ultimately failed) to escape the alicorns wrath. As the last cupcake whose name was (apparently) Tim, held his dying brother in his arms he spoke to Twilight. "You monster, Jerry was still a boy...he had never held a fritter in his arms...never got to know the love of a good cookie... he deserved to live his life to the fullest! And now he can't because you explodey lasered him... how could you? " Nightmare had tears in her eyes as he spoke. "Because SHE sent you here," Twilight said venom in her voice, "because she RUINED everything I had planned for today. And you helped. Goodbye." And with that she rid the world of apparently a rather horrid (and disturbing) race of creatures. (It would later be discovered that they had plans to overthrow the ruler of Equestria via obesity.) "Twilight You know who sent those cupcakes?" Nightmare asked. "Yes. There is only one pony with enough magic, and knowledge of cake and pranks, who can do something like this...Trollestia." "Twilight...do you...have feelings for me? Is that why you destroyed them? Did you WIPE OUT an entire new race of beings for me?" ..."Yes." "How lovely!" Nightmare said as she scooped the smaller mare into her forelegs and kissed her. Trollestia watched the scene from her dimension and smiled. "You are welcome Twilight." She said as she turned away from that screen to face her troops. "Creepy Singing Cupcake Brigades numbers three through eight you have your orders." But that is a story for a different prompt. > 55 Impoverished by lyra_lover777 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Impoverished by lyra_lover777 Sequel to "Serf" of the Servant series Twilight Sparkle was crawling through the thick brush. Twigs and leaves had become ensnared in her mane, and her body was caked in mud and dirt. After another minute of crawling, she stopped, falling onto her stomach as she tried to wet her dry and chapped lips, groaning for water. She violently tore a tan twig out of her hair, a small piece of her tresses caught along its length. Her stomach rumbled with a vengeance. She opened her light saddle bags that she had picked up from a town a week ago. Inside was no water and one piece of stale bread. She engulfed the bread in one giant bite, rolling onto her back. She was still unsatisfied. It was deep into the night. She looked up at the full moon through a hole in the bush she was hiding under. Suddenly the moon became covered by a dark figure that flapped noisily through the sky, speeding like a bullet. It was Nightmare. Twilight scrambled into another, bigger bush that would cover her entire body. But it was a thorn bush, and screeched as she tried to escape the sharp talons of the plant. Her blood curdling screams could be heard by Nightmare, who swooped down from the starry sky towards her. Twilight screamed even louder as the dark alicorn landed next to her, smiling. "Hello." > 56 Fire by KibaWR > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fire by KibaWR Fire. That's all there was. Just fire and flames and destruction, and she was the one who had started it. Why did she decide to put the peaceful town of Ponyville on fire? She didn't even know and, quite frankly, didn't care. Whatever the reason was though they deserved it. They had denied her er dream twice now so now they were paying the price for it. How dare they shun and ignore her beautiful realm of the night! Now those ignorant ponies were burning up in an inferno that was worthy of the sun they so obviously worship. Well, some were. Most of them had already perished in the blaze. A mare with a once snow-white coat laid in the burning ruins of what was once her home, ashes of all kinds of fabric danced in the searing hot air around her. A pegasus was lying on the ground, impaled by a timber beam that had shot her out of the sky when a building collapsed near her. She had been dead before she even lost altitude. Inside what was once the Ponyville bakery laid the scorched corpse of an earth pony mare. On her face was a wicked smile. Her mind had been unable to process what was going on so she had done the only thing she could before the flames claimed her too. Laughing. She laughed and laughed like a maniac as the world burned to ashes around her. On the edge of the two, two more corpses laid in what was once a beautiful apple orchard, a pegasus mare and another earth pony mare. Both had tried to help some animals that called the orchard their home to flee from the oncoming inferno. Alas, they were too slow. Wrapped in the hooves of the pegasus was the carcass of a bunny and next to the earth pony laid the skeleton of a dog. The only animals they were able to get before the inferno arrived. As the town burned, she looked around herself with a wicked grin on her face. She walked through the burning streets, the fire unable to touch her. Every scream, every desperate cry for help, every last breath drawn, it all was music to her ears. She reached an old oak tree in the middle of Ponyville. Like everything else in this doomed town it was on fire, burning with such intensity that it was a miracle it was still standing, especially given that it had been hollowed out to serve as the towns library. The door to the library stood open and in it she could see another pony standing. Her fur was black from the fire and even burned away entirely at some parts of her body. Still, somehow she got the feeling that this pony was supposed to be purple... The should-be-purple pony looked at her and their eyes met. Surprisingly, the mares eyes held no anger, no wrath, no hate as they looked at the being who had just set her home on fire and killed her friends with it. They held nothing but sadness... endless, endless sadness. The mares lips formed a single word. One single last word before the tree she called her home gave a sickening cracking noise and collapsed right onto the mare... “Why?....” - - - - - - Her breath was heavy and her coat was drenched in a layer of cold sweat as she shot awake. For a moment she swore she could still feel the heat of the fire on her coat but then a soft breeze blew into the room through an open window, making her shiver as it blew over her wet fur. The cold seemed to calm her mind far enough for her to register where she was. In a bedroom. In Ponyville. Inside Golden Oaks Library. Inside the home she shared with Twil... “Twilight!” She panicked when that name entered her mind. “Twilight? Twilight!” A groan caught her ears and pulled her attention to her right where a young purple alicorn mare slowly rose into a sitting position on her bed. “N-Night?.. What's wrong?... Why are you...” That's as far as she got as she suddenly found a pair of black-coated hooves wrapped around her neck. “You're alive... Y-You're still alive!” Nightmare Moon then buried her face in Twilights chest fur and began to sob heavily. Twilight was confused by what her marefriend was talking about, but right now, comforting her came first. So put a hoof on the black mares head and stroked her gently. “Shhh...” she said in a soft voice. “Don't cry... It's okay now...” Despite her best efforts, Twilight had little luck with calming her lover down again. Eventually though, Nightmare ran out of tears and pulled away from the younger alicorn. “I... I had a dream, Twilight... A horrible dream i-in which I set Ponyville on fire....” Nightmare looked down, avoiding Twilights eyes. “It was terrible... Everypony died and... and I enjoyed it! I enjoyed watching them die! I enjoyed listening to them screaming as they died in the flames! I... I enjoyed seeing all your friends and loved ones die a horrible flaming death!” Now Nightmare met Twilights. The younger mares look was filled with terror at first but that look soon got replaced by one of love and sympathy. “Night...” Now it was Twilight who wrapped her hooves around her lovers neck, pulling her in for a close hug. Nightmare sighed and allowed her eyes to close, feeling Twilights touch draining her panic right out of her. “It was just a dream, Night... a bad dream and nothing more.” “...Twilight?” “Hm?” “Can you... keep holding me until I'm asleep again?...” The purple alicorn could only giggle softly at the request her lover and former Queen of Nightmares made. “Of course...” she replied as both mares laid down on the bed again, never breaking their embrace. “Thank you...” “You're welcome...Good night, Moony.” “Good night... my little spark.” > 57 Cupcakes by Kean > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cupcakes by Kean Cupcakes is the continuation (sequel?) of Greed, both of which are prequels to Provocation. “Perhaps I could have the eastern wing?” “I already said that you can’t have a wing.” Honestly, I didn’t know if she was being serious, if she was showing me that she would accept being denied something she wanted without a problem, or if she was playing with me. “You can have a room.” She tilted her head to the side and her ear twitched as if she were listening to someone whisper into it. “Two rooms,” Nightmare said with a grin. Yeah, she was playing with me. “You can have a broom closet.” Two can play at this game. She frowned for a moment, but with another twitch of her ear, her smile returned. “Very well then, a single room is acceptable.” Too easy. I wasn’t sure why she’d need a room here, but if giving her one got her to stop attempting to acquire parts of my castle, then I was happy to oblige. “I shall allow you to return to your duties then,” She said while looking around the throne room with a smirk. Probably at knowing she scared away the few ponies that were here before she arrived. “I think I will search for the proper room in the…“ She trailed off and looked toward the throne room door, ears twitching. “Do you hear that? “I don’t hear anything, Nightmare,” I said after a moment. “If you’re trying to distract me for another one of your games I-“ “Hush,” She whispered, her eyes still locked on the door. “Something is coming.” I listened for a few moments longer. Hearing nothing again, I opened my mouth to speak, only to hear a clack of hooves on crystal. It wasn’t the normal sound of somepony walking; it was as if all four hooves were landing at the same time followed by a pause that got shorter each time, as if whoever it was was speeding up. It took me a second to realize what it was. Oh no… Nightmare turned to look at me then. Either she had heard me gasp, or she had seen the flash of magic when I summoned a shield around myself. “Twilight, what-“ “I’ll explain in a minute. Just, ah, it would be better if you ducked.” ”What is going on? Why-“ That’s as far as she got before the doors swung open with a resounding boom as they met the walls and admitted a pink blur, which just missed plowing into Nightmare. I wasn’t surprised when it shot right for me. I wasn’t surprised when it impacted against my shield, revealing the pony it truly was. I wasn’t surprised to see that Pinkie’s blue eyes were wide or that she sported a face-splitting grin. These were, of course, normal when dealing with her. I was surprised to feel something bump against my hooves. Before I could look to see what it was, she had her forehooves around my neck in a hug. This would, again, be normal when Pinkie was involved. Except for the fact that the shield I had surrounded myself with was solid and made to be non-pliable. But I decided to let that slide – better for my health that way – and it seemed the shield finally realized its mistake, reformed into a bubble around me, and rejected her, throwing her to the ceiling. I looked up to make sure she wouldn’t be hurt. I didn’t waste any thought process on what I saw. She was splayed out, back against the ceiling, all four legs spread and tail straight. An expected position, considering she had been ejected backwards. But she wasn’t coming down; she wasn’t even holding on to anything. It was like she was just stuck and looking down at me expectantly. But I ignored that. I did not clear room in my schedule to weep for the laws of physics and I certainly didn’t come up with fifteen different reasons why what she was doing was just wrong . Nope. Because that would be silly. Turning my attention away from her, I looked down at what she left at my hooves. Somehow, she had managed to get a baking tray with two large cupcakes through my shield – a shield which had stopped me from becoming one with a mountain. One of the cupcakes had my name on it, the other Nightmare’s. They had been baked to be shaped like hearts and in-between them lay a plus symbol. Subtle, Pinkie was not. I dropped my shield and looked to Nightmare, who was staring up at Pinkie with her confusion evident on her face. Pinkie was still lying on the ceiling, looking at me expectantly. “So did you finally tell her ab-“ I cut her off. “No, I was going to before you showed up.” If she cared that I cut her off, she didn’t show it. “Oh! But I had an achy shoulder and a twitchy wrist! If you didn’t- “ She gasped. “Then she-“ “Yes, a few minutes ago,” I interrupted again with a smile. “So that means-“ Gravity took its sweet time realizing something was wrong, but it eventually caught up to Pinkie and pulled her back down from the ceiling. It didn’t last long, though. She arrested her momentum inches from the ground and landed softly on all fours next to Nightmare, whose mouth was moving in attempt to form a question, yet it seemed no words would come. “Yes, Pinkie, she feels the same way.” I didn’t mean to be rude by interrupting her, but I knew what would happen if I allowed Pinkie’s proverbial ball to start rolling. She didn’t seem bothered by it, thankfully, but she was now staring at me, a grin still splitting her muzzle and she was, for lack of a better word, vibrating. She seemed to be asking me a question with only her eyes. I don’t want to say that Pinkie is predictable, but… “Yes, Pinkie, we’ll be there. Sugarcube Corner? In an hour?” She really is, sometimes. With a cheer, she flung herself at Nightmare, wrapped her forehooves around the alicorn’s neck, and used her as a pivot in order to launch herself back out the throne room doors, which closed in her wake. The doors slamming shut seemed to knock Nightmare out of her thoughts. She looked at the doors, and then turned to me. “What, ah, what just happened?” “Pinkie Pie.” I’m sure those two words did nothing to assuage her confusion, but she would have to come to understand that they were the only two words needed. She seemed ready to question it, but shut her mouth before saying anything. She looked between the cupcakes and me for a moment before she at on her haunches. She smiled and asked, “’Finally tell me about’ what?” “Ah-ha, about that, umm…“ I tried to smile, but even without a mirror I know it was sheepish. I levitated her cupcake to her, using that to buy some time. I heard her mutter ‘Moonie?’ as she read the name Pinkie had written on it. “I, ah, may have known I had a crush on you for a while now. Pinkie figured it out, and made me admit it, if only to myself. And she had to keep it to herself, which is why she was like… that. This time, anyway.” “Oh? And how long ago was this?” “After the fifth night we talked.” I winced when I saw her eyes widen. “That was almost a year ago,” She almost whispered. “And then I…” She trailed off before shaking her head and chuckling. “I am a fool.” “Then I’m a fool, too. When you, ah, disappeared and didn't answer any letter I’d sent you, I thought that it was because I offended you in some way, even though Luna assured me otherwise. I should have-“ She moved and cut me off with a nuzzle, which I happily leaned into. “I’m sorry, I should have told you instead of always leaving it for ‘next time’,” I said with a sigh. “No, Twilight, it is I who should be sorry, for running and hiding like a foal.” I smiled and leaned into her. We stayed like that for a while, just enjoying each other’s presence. Of course, all good things must come to an end. “We should get going to Pinkie’s,” I said, pulling myself away. She draped a wing over my back and pulled me close as we began walking. “So… ‘Moonie’, huh?” I asked with a grin as we stepped past her cupcake. With a thought I sent both to the kitchens. “I like it.” > 58 Shame by Fuzzyfurvert > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shame by Fuzzyfurvert Sequel to Research. “Were there this many stairs here last time? This staircase seems unnecessarily long.” Twilight chuckled nervously to herself as she crept up the long spiral stairs to the Elements’ Chamber in the castle of the two sisters. No matter how much giggling she’d done, the feeling of being watched wouldn’t abate and her knees grew increasingly shaky. Her horn’s glow banished the shadows, but only so far as the eternally receding curve of the crumbling stone wall to her left. The stairs climbed on into a dark inversion of Tartarus as the cool air of the evening gave way to the outright cold of an autumn night. The only sounds were Twilight’s own breathing and the soft clap of her hooves on stone. The stairs kept going. Twilight’s legs were beginning to protest. Had the stairs been this long before, when she’d ran up them to find the Elements of Harmony all those years ago? Had it only been four years? It felt like forever ago. Was she on the right staircase? This couldn’t be right. There should have been a landing by now. Twilight slowed and sucked in a deep breath of the chill air. It made her chest burn and took her mind off her legs for a moment. This is wrong. This can’t be right. Did I walk into a trap of some sort that keeps you walking in place forever? What if I can’t get out of it? How long would it take the others to notice I’m gone and then find me? Twilight felt her breathing quicken in lockstep with her heartrate. She was just slowing to a complete stop when the landing she’d been seeking rounded the corner and teased her with a place to rest her hooves. She let out a sudden laugh, the tension gone for a moment as she spied her destination, and she galloped the remaining steps and leapt on to the landing with all the force and sudden joy of a foal in a field of rain puddles. “Aha!” Twilight laughed again and dropped into a seated position to catch her breath. The large chamber beyond the landing stretched away into darkness, swallowed by the night. Twilight knew large bay windows lined the chamber and part of the roof was collapsed and open to the outside, but she saw no stars or the moon. She did feel much more a breeze here and leaves, dry and spread out on the wide floor of the chamber rustled faintly. “There are...er, where...eight support pillars. The third pillar on the right side is collapsed, broken into seven pieces.” She recited quietly as the memories of that fateful day out in her mind. “There is a dias at the opposite end of the room, raised one step. It takes a full three seconds at full gallop to cover the distance from here to the dias. Call it...thirty yards, which is structurally consistent with the ballroom on the ground floor.” Her voice sounded flat. Absorbed by the absolute darkness of night as greedily as the futile glow from her horn was. “There is a stand on the dias that rests in a sunken base. It should still be surrounded by the rubble of the false Elements of Harmony that Nightma…” Twilight swallowed dryly. “Nightmare Moon destroyed.” Twilight picked herself up and pushed more power into her horn to form a glowing orb of light that could be directed independently. Then she created three more and sent all four out into the room to spread her illumination as much as she could. She stood at the door and watched her tiny lights float along like giant fireflies. They drifted past the broken windows and fallen ceiling, their pinpoints of light picking out and casting deeper shadows as they went. It was filled with more leaves that shivered under the touch of a cold autumn breeze, but the room was as she had left it all those years previous. There was even a hint of dark stain to the stone tile where the manifest power of the Elements had struck Nightmare Moon down. Twilight stayed well away from the spot as she relived the moment of her greatest triumph. She could remember the voices of her friends, the overwhelming presence of a mad goddess and her own madness as she started to charge that same goddess armed with nothing but her horn and a wild guess at the villainess’ goad-ableness. It paid off in the long run. In a single fell swoop Princess Luna was returned to the world and Twilight and her friends were named heroes. Changelings and Chaos Spirits and power mad Centurians were nothing after that, really. She sighed and hung her head for a moment before turning around. “I guess it was nothing. I’ve spent the better part of the night just scaring myself. I need to go get that tapestry I left downstairs and get home before they girls come searching.” Twilight snuffed her witchlights one by one as she headed back toward the entrance, her hoofsteps echoing against the floor. She paused as she released the last light and was plunged once more into total darkness. Leaves rustled as the breeze picked up and the hair on her neck and spine rose to stand on end. Twilight shivered in the cold and then froze. Her hoof steps were still echoing through the chamber. The wind turned frigid as swirling dust devils of dead leaves blew past her. When it died down again a moment later, her breath misted into a little puff of condensation. Her heart thudded in her chest and her blood pulsed loudly in her ears as she turned and looked back into the empty room. Her horn light barely illuminated further than her hoof could reach. The night loomed over her like a silent and impenetrable weight, hungry for all the light and sound she could feed it. “He..hell..o?” Twilight tried to hold the clatter of her teeth back unsuccessfully. “Is somepony there?” The rustle and crunch of dead leaves was her only answer. Rarity was just going to have to wait on that musty old tapestry. She fired up her horn and ran the calculations for mass and distance and the rotation speed of the planet. It wasn’t as precise as she liked, but the end point for her teleportation spell was within an acceptable walking distance of her castle in Ponyville. She opened the rift in reality and let herself be pulled through. It took a moment for the world to right itself, but in that moment just as she passed from the logical and measurable plane of existence to the realms of arcane energies, Twilight saw a black blot in the vague shape of a pony there in the room with her. She saw it and as soon as she crashed into the dumpsters behind Sugar Cube Corner, she knew it had seen her in return. > 59 Fall of the Sun, Rise of the Moon by superpony55 (prompts Color, Games, and Song) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fall of the Sun, Rise of the Moon by superpony55 An AU trilogy comprised of the prompts Color, Games, and Song, in order. Preface 1000 years ago, Princess Luna turned into Nightmare Moon and tried to make the night last forever. Celestia, using the Elements of Harmony, tried to banish her sister to the moon but ended up killing her. 1000 years later, Celestia's student Twilight Sparkle advanced far enough in her studies to become a Princess. Or that's what every pony thought. Celestia knew her student would make a good ruler of Equestria, and planned to flee on the 1000th day of the 1000th year. When this happened, she left the young Princess of Magic and Night to rule Equestria. But Twilight was not completely ready, and the truth of what happened 1000 years ago came out. The Fall began. The day lasted an entire month as Twilight and her guards struggled to keep Equestria alive. Now, Twilight was trying to fix the mess the Fall had made, and was the sole ruler of Equestria. She did not know the other Elements of Harmony other than Rainbow Dash, who along with Shining Armor and a stallion called Mare Moon (who was the reincarnation of Nightmare Moon) are her bodyguards and knights. Color This is the first in the Fall of the Sun, Rise of the Moon AU. Princess Twilight Sparkle, the Ruler of Equestria, sat at a table with her trusted bodyguards and knights - Rainbow Dash, Shining Armor, and Mare Moon. The others were discussing the Fall of Celestia, but Moon was bored. He'd heard everything possible about the Fall, heck, he'd been there. Plus, it was a kind of embarrassing thing to think about when you were named after the cause of it all. Luna. Nightmare Moon. Same pony, didn't make much of a difference. It didn't matter what she was called, what mattered was what she'd done. Moon sighed a bit to himself. Not only was he named after the Sun Breaker (which meant there was a huge uproar when his Princess had chosen him as a bodyguard), but he was named Mare to top it off. How would a mare like to be named Stallion? Princess Twilight, Princess of Magic and the Night, was bored as well. Why did Rainbow and Shining find it necessary to discuss the Fall? They all knew the story - Princess Luna turned into Nightmare Moon; Celestia tried to banish her to the moon but it backfired and killed Luna; Celestia held herself together as long as possible but on the eve of the 1000th year she fled, leaving their new Princess to rule Equestria; Equestria was pretty much destroyed during the month-long day that Twilight spent trying to fix everything. Twilight sighed, wishing she could pull out a book. But that would have been impolite. She caught Moon's eye and smiled sympathetically. "The night needs more color." Twilight's head shot up, and she and Moon glanced at each other in confusion. "Huh?" "The night," said Rainbow again. "It needs more color." Twilight blinked and cocked her head. "Erm... why?" "Because," said Rainbow, "ponies are scared of the night because it's too dark to see anything. They don't know what's in there. But if it was colorful..." Twilight rolled her eyes. "Actually, ponies are scared of the night because of Princess Luna, the Sun Breaker. They are afraid of her and what she represents. She is what started the Fall in the first place." Shining Armor shook his head. "They're afraid of the night because they got used to the day during the Longest Day. Since it lasted what would have been a month, the night now seems strange to them." Moon seemed to be lost in thought. Finally, he spoke up. "It's because ponies need something to fear," he said quietly. Twilight gave him a small smile, but Rainbow rolled her eyes. "I still think the night needs more color." Twilight sighed. "I'll see what I can do." Games This is the second in the Fall of the Sun, Rise of the Moon AU "So... how are you going to make the night more colorful?" Knight Mare Moon asked Princess Twilight Sparkle, eyebrow raised. She giggled. "I'm not." "No?" "Yes." They grinned at each other. "Good job keeping you composure during that meeting, by the way," said Moon conversationally. "You too. I could tell how much you wanted to hit Rainbow Dash when you got in that argument," Twilight replied. "I would never hurt a girl! As long as she was on my side." "Rainbow sure wasn't on your side in that argument," Twilight pointed out. Moon shrugged. "Well, she's not evil." "Good thing, too. I don't want to think about how horrible it would be to have a Rainboom against us." "Well, it would probably-" "I said I didn't want to think about it!" Twilight protested. Moon grinned. "...be pretty bad." Twilight flicked him with magic, and he thudded into the wall. "Moon!" Meanwhile outside, Shining and Rainbow were listening in. "Those two and their games," Shining commented. "I can't believe she won't do anything about the night!" Rainbow complained. Thud. "We... should probably go in there, shouldn't we." "Yeah." Song This is the third in the Fall of the Sun, Rise of the Moon AU Twilight was pacing nervously, waiting for Moon to wake up. Finally, after a few hours, Moon's eyes opened, and he stared at the ceiling. "What happened?" Twilight rushed over to him. "Moon! You hit your head when I accidently flicked you into a wall. I am so so so so sorry!" "...Mom?" Twilight paused. "Yes, Mare Moon." The words felt uncomfortable on her lips. "Mom, I had a horrible dream. Celly took my doll and then I turned into a monster. I turned into a monster." Moon was shivering. Twilight paused for a moment. Who was Celly? "It was just a dream, don't worry." "I am a monster, Mommy. I'm sorry. Tell Celly I'm sorry. Tell her I was just jealous. It wasn't her fault." "I... I'll tell her." Twilight took a shaky breath. Was Moon reliving his past? As far as she knew, he never knew his mother, and knew nopony named Celly. "Tell Celly I'm alive. Tell Celly Luna is still in here. Tell Celestia the Nightmare has not taken over completely." Twilight stood there in shock. Her eyes widened, and her breath became quicker. "Mommy?" Moon whispered. "Will you sing me a lullaby?" Twilight looked over at Moon with sorrow in her eyes, and sang what Celestia had told her was Luna's favorite lullaby. "The darkness falls, The moonlight calls, Leaving us alone together. Feel the strength, Don't hesitate, You won't be alone forever. The night calls out to you As the day calls out to me. Fly through the cool night air, To you, the nighttime is key. Don't worry, a nightmare is merely a dream, Relax and drink in the moonbeam. The nightmare is only inside your head. You mean so much to me my moon, You can spend time with others soon. Even if you would like to be alone instead. The night calls out to you As the day calls out to me. Fly through the cool night air, To you, the nighttime is key." Moon relaxed, and fell asleep with a smile on his face. Twilight left the room with dread settling into her stomach. What just happened? > 60 Comfort by Knight of Lycaeus > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comfort by Knight of Lycaeus Twilight walked through the dim hallways of Canterlot Castle looking for Nightmare Moon, the dark coated alicorn had suddenly appeared in the castle a few weeks ago and nopony knew why. Even Luna was confused as to how Nightmare Moon had manifested as a separate being. It wasn’t until the combined efforts of Luna and Twilight had managed to coax the dark alicorn into divulging some things about herself. What they learned was that Nightmare Moon was the name of the persona that Luna had created but the dark alicorn once had a different name, a name that from a language so old the only being who had any hopes of pronouncing it correctly was Discord. It had turned out that she was a being who was likely as old as Discord and who had lent her powers to Luna when she was seeking it. It took some more time before the dark alicorn agreed to keep with the name that Luna had given her alternative persona rather than attempting to translate her old name. Nightmare Moon’s reappearance had been quickly noticed by the residents of the castle which had been the source of some panic before the Triarchy reassured the staff and Guards that she wasn’t there to harm anypony. Unfortunately most were still uneasy or skittish around the mare especially given what had happened before. As well Nightmare Moon also had the tendency to disappear for hours on end and with noponies having any idea where she had disappeared to or why she would do so. This led to what Twilight was doing at the moment; she was trying to find where the elusive alicorn hidden herself when she vanished for hours. Twilight had very little to begin her search but scouring Canterlot Castle was a start. After a couple hours of fruitless search Twilight decided that the mare was likely not in Canterlot. After thinking some options over, she prepared herself and teleported straight to the Everfree Castle. The old castle had changed a little since her last visit there. The castle remained uninhabited but because of her recent research trips Twilight and her friends had made some efforts to clean up some of the castle. It was here that Twilight had teleported to, straight to the entrance hall. Here she began her search again when she could hear the faints sounds of what may have been music. She knew there was an old organ piano in the basement but the sounds were likely not from an organ piano, she concentrate and tried to listen more carefully and from this she learned that it was likely singing she heard. She slowly followed the singing to one of the higher balconies that still remained in good condition, while much of the castle was in shambles the tower and the balcony the singing came from were still sturdy and as she climbed higher the singing slowly grew louder. At the top, Twilight gently pushed open a door to find Nightmare Moon singing a mournful song. The words that she could hear were in a language she did not understand. The singing sounded wonderful and Twilight sat there to listen as the song climbed towards its climax. Sometime later the song finished and its singer turned to look on who had found her here in this old castle. Nightmare Moon’s eyes locked with Twilight’s and she gave a deep sigh trying to hold back the tears pooling in her eyes, Twilight knew she had many questions she wanted to ask the sorrowful mare but this wasn’t the time for that. She moved herself next to the dark alicorn and gave her a firm hug; the dark alicorn flinched before relaxing into the hug and there the two stayed in a quiet embrace. > 61 Confectionery by SeanofTheDead > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Confectionery by SeanofTheDead There had been so many of them.....They were so rude, and annoying, and had such delicious sprinkles. The swarm of Creepy Singing Cupcake Brigades had moved quickly and without mercy exposing everyponies' love interests without mercy. Lyra had been the first to fall as the Cupcakes described in excruciating detail exactly what she wanted to do to her best friend Bon-Bon. As well as what she hoped her friends Cutie Mark meant. Luna was taken down as Big Macintosh was told what she thought his name meant. Rainbow was felled as Spitfire was told that Rainbow had been fantasizing of and that she had dreams that only had three things in them. Spitfire, licking, and frozen vegetables. Twilight had thought she had saved Equestria from the menace that now had taken control of Ponyville. Twilight was still fighting (her romantic interests already having been exposed by the creatures) she tore into their ranks without a moments hesitation screaming a hearty battle cry, their creepy cupcakeyness having no effect on her what-so-ever. Nightmare Moon asked them what flavor they were before devouring entire legions of her foes. But there were just too many for the alicorns to continue. Nightmare was due to die from Diabetes any moment, when their savior came. Uttering the least heroic battle cry Creation has ever known. Gods looked down upon the sight before them and wept for how the mighty hero was now behaving, and promptly facepalmed upon hearing her war shout. "CAKE!!!!!! MINE!!!!!!!!" The invading forces that escaped the following carnage (carnage that made Nightmare Moon almost throw up her recently acquired 'cupcake baby') would forever describe it as the most amazing thing ever witnessed by sapient life. It was so horrific and terrible yet epic and awesome that well over half of the Cupcake Menace died from simply witnessing it. Nightmare Moon was tackled by a completely overwhelmed Twilight Sparkle (again nearly throwing up the aforementioned confectionery infant) as Twilight screamed for Nightmare to (and it was quoted as such) give her foals. Twas indeed a sight to behold. The celebration that was held with their subsequent defeat, was such that bards still sing of it. And the brave mare who had the foresight to go on a diet two weeks before the disaster, making the Cupcake vermin appear as an irresistible treat. And the sacrifice she made as she gave up having a toned plot, all for her subjects. Three months later Nightmare Moon gave birth to the first Cupcake/pony hybrid. The first of... The Confectioneries. But that is a story for another prompt. > 62 Precocious by ultra1437 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Precocious by ultra1437 “So, was it worth all this fighting?” Nightmare asked as they watched their little daughter, Nebula, start running around the room, chasing after Philomena. Celestia made sure that the phoenix knew not to harm the little one, but didn’t mind if the two played together. “What do you mean?” Twilight replied. Nightmare looked out a nearby window, sunset quickly approaching. “This.” She motioned to herself, then to Twilight, and finally to the little filly and phoenix that played nearby. “All of this. Us. Nebula.” Twilight’s mind brought dozens upon dozens of memories back. Nightmare showing up again, surrendering to Twilight. Luna unhappy about Nightmare’s continued survival. Being chosen to reform the ex-villain. Graduation day and Nightmare’s proclamation as a ‘normal’ pony. Discovering the ridicule and discrimination that had hounded Nightmare for months and months after her ‘supposed reformation’. Luna finally relenting and forgiving Nightmare. A cry brought her back to reality as Philomena finally got caught by the little pegasus, losing a single fiery feather to the foal’s mouth. Philomena, instinctively going to retaliate, was drawn into a hug from the little foal and Nebula offered her the feather back. It seemed not even a phoenix could withstand those pleading little eyes. Then her mind turned to more secretive memories. Comforting a distraught Nightmare after a particularly bad day. A suggestion for something to eat. Going out and having hard cider. Waking up the next morning entangled with her previous ‘student’, totally at peace. An awkward period leading from friendship to dating. Kisses stolen in supposed secrecy. Dating leading to an announcement of a royal wedding. Absolute outrage from Canterlot’s nobility, and both their names slung through the mud. The wedding held in Ponyville’s castle instead. Nightmare’s wing wrapped around Twilight, who flexed one in return and mixed her feathers with Nightmare’s. Looking up, she smiled as Nightmare sighed contentedly watching their daughter play and learn. A warm feeling suffused her heart as more recent memories came to light. Wanting a foal. Conceive or adopt? Arguments for and against, on both sides. Nightmare relenting and searching local orphanages. Finding one little infant who captured two hearts with one giggle. “Absolutely.” > 63 Science by Knight of Lycaeus > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Science by Knight of Lycaeus Spike sighed. He had been watching from the entrance of Twilight’s larger laboratory or as he preferred to call it, “Avoid at All Costs”. The Crystal Oaks came into existence about half a year ago and already the basement was a giant mess due to the science lab. A few short weeks after moving into the palace Twilight had gathered everything to setup a brand new lab that dominated a good portion of the expansive basement. There was now a distinct lack of space as everything was crammed between solid machines of unknown functions, tables filled with flasks and beakers, not to mention the copious amount of paper plastered to the wall in organized lines. In the center of all that chaos was a frantic, disheveled Twilight running to and fro from machine to machine that printed an endless array of information. Spike sighed again, he didn’t mind being her assistant but…. he was not in favour of being the subject of the tests that Twilight could create in this newer, larger lab. Still he had to keep some eye on Twilight so that an experiment didn’t go completely awry….. Spike shuddered at the memories of all the failed experiments, no one wanted to be reminded of the Alchemical horrors she accidentally made one time. Twilight had the lab and now she just needed the outfit to complete the look and Spike had considered asking around to have a labcoat and goggles made for Twilight who was still frantically running from machine to machine. It would perfect, it was almost Nightmare Night and Twilight could go this year as a mad scientist instead of the usual wizard. Speaking of Nightmare Night, they now had Nightmare Moon as their houseguest. Nightmare Moon had mysterious appeared a few months ago and proceeded to frighten everypony with her return. Spike had noticed that once everypony else got over their shock of seeing that Nightmare Moon had returned and they had stopped trying to imprison her that things had changed. Twilight would spend a lot of time with Nightmare Moon and not just to help her integrate into Equestrian society but other times too. Spike didn’t know why exactly but he had some suspicions about them but no proof. Speaking of the dark Alicorn, she had just walked down into the basement and had noticed Spike sitting at the edge of the so called “Laboratory” as Twilight would put it or “Avoid at All Costs” as Spike would put it. Frankly to Nightmare Moon a “lab” was more akin to a place to mix potions, ointments, and infusions, more for the practice of Alchemy than “Science” as Twilight had described to her when she had been given the tour of the Crystal Oaks. It seems that much had changed since she had last freely walked the mortal realms. “How long has she been at this?” Nightmare Moon asked. “There’s only one clock in this place and it’s in there…. Since I’m not going in and I can’t see it, I guess a few hours.” Spike responded. Nightmare Moon sighed. “I really should not have given her something new to study. I did not realize how…. passionate she would be about having an opportunity to study a truly immortal being.” Spike shrugged. “She’s been interested for a long time, probably since she met Celestia. But no Alicorns are truly immortal, except you for some reason.” Nightmare turned to look at the Dragon, “Has Twilight not explained this to you?” Seeing Spike shake his head she continued, “I am not an Alicorn, I possess the form of one but I am not one.” Spike looked confused and seeing this Nightmare attempted to clarify, “I am a being older than this sphere; the only being even near me in age that I am still aware of being present in this realm is that Chimera, Discord. I choose to bear the form of an Alicorn because I prefer this form yet I could also be any species I wish to be.” Spike gave an unsteady nod, “Right, okay…. makes sense….” Nightmare Moon sighed and shook her head slightly, “I would explain this in greater detail but I believe that stopping Twilight Sparkle’s research would be more important at the moment?” Spike nodded. “I really don’t want to be reminded of certain…. incidents….” Nightmare Moon nodded and began to head inside the “lab” before she noticed that a claw was holding onto one of her forelegs. She stopped to see Spike who had pleading look on his face, “You really don’t want to go in. Once you step in, you’re not leaving. Samples are one thing, you in there is another. Just do something from here…. or maybe flame-lettering Celestia is the better idea.” Nightmare Moon shook her leg to dislodge the Dragon, “Do not try to dissuade me, I will enter this room and deal with this.” Spike sighed. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” Spike then turned and left the basement. Nightmare Moon stepped forward into the other Alicorn’s storm of machines and notes, “Good evening Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight did not noticed until she bumped in the dark alicorn, “Oh…. Hello, Nightmare Moon.” Twilight blinked. “Wait…. You’re in here…. The lab! Perfect, could I ask you to help in so-“ Twilight was cut off by a dark aura of magic keeping her muzzle closed. “I do not believe this is how one treats their houseguests,” Nightmare Moon said calmly. Twilight slowly nodded. “Good, now I will remove my magic.” The magic around her muzzle faded then Twilight asked, “I would like for your help in my research on immortality, please.” Nightmare shook her head, “The samples are enough. We do not need immortality to be fully understood lest some corrupt mortals would lay their stake on your research. I gave you some samples in good faith but I knew that it is likely what you may find in the samples will inconclusive at best but it will have to do.” Twilight sighed. “You’re right. I just don’t like leaving a mystery open when I know it’s possible to be solved.” “Perhaps one day it will be. Today however I was sent by your Familiar Spike to convince you to leave this room lest you subject the citizens to more “monstrous creations” as he had so called it once.” Twilight sighed again, “I probably should. Although this isn’t the first time he’s asked me to leave the lab....” “The day has grown late so perhaps we could join your Familiar for dinner,” Nightmare suggested. “I believe there is something that will interest you tonight once the stars are out.” Twilight asked as she led them out of the basement lab, “What is there that will be out tonight? I wasn’t aware of any astral events tonight.” Nightmare Moon smiled, “You shall see, Twilight Sparkle.” > 64 Pool by Kean > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pool by Kean “What do you mean ‘I could have sworn she was into you, Luna’, Cadance? And what’s with all the bits?” After ponies in Ponyville had found out that Nightmare and I were seeing each other, I decided to at least tell the princesses personally, if only so they didn’t overact to rumors that already had already begun spreading. I didn’t need them kicking my doors down because they heard Nightmare had me under her thrall, which was one reason Nightmare elected to stay behind. I also wanted to check on something. When I got to the castle, I was told that Celestia, Luna, and Cadance were in Celestia’s chambers. Upon arriving, I found them talking around a circular which was covered in bits, bags of what I presumed to be bits, and various gems and baubles. When I asked Cadance to explain what she said, all three clammed up and suddenly found the floors and walls very interesting. I’d never seen Celestia speechless before. For minutes, silence reigned. Celesta’s mouth was moving all the while, trying to come up with something, but it seemed no words would come. Luna finally looked at me and saved her. “It is a betting pool, Twilight,” Luna said “Yes, just a betting pool,” Cadance agreed. Celestia nodded. “Oh? What are we betting on?” I asked after sitting on my haunches across from Cadance. At that, Luna and Cadance joined Celestia in mouthing words, but producing none. I sat, waiting with a pleasant and patient smile. After five minutes of silence, I picked up a large ruby with my magic and began to examine it from all sides. It was flawless. “This is awfully valuable to be used in just a regular bet,” I said offhandedly while polishing the gem on my coat. “It must be something awfully important to warrant such a large amount.” Silence took its hold once again as I looked at each of them. “You already know, don’t you?” Celestia asked at last. “Mmhmm, the guards talk. The former Captain talks to his sister, as well.” ”And you are not upset?” Luna ventured after finally finding her words. “Oh no, I’m absolutely livid,” I replied, maintain my pleasant smile. “But what I don’t understand is how the guards became a part of this.” Luna and Celestia looked at each other, then hung their heads. “It started as a joke, a fake wager between Luna and I. Some of the staff overhead and it got out of hoof from there. We should have put a stop to it immediately, but we got caught up in it. I am so, so sorry, Twilight.” “As am I,” Luna added. “And you? What do you have to do with this?” I asked, turning to Cadance. “They asked me if I knew who it was. I didn’t give them an answer, but I did add to the pool. I’m sorry.” She hung her head as well, which was good, as none of them could see smirk I had trouble fighting as I stood. “I can’t believe you three!” I shouted. ”Starting and encouraging a betting pool on my love life!” I turned to Celestia. “How would you feel if I got ponies to bet on the next time you’re captured, defeated, or otherwise rendered useless? “Or Luna, how would you feel if I had them bet on the next time you relapse into the Royal Canterlot Voice and cause the entire room to go deaf and flee?” I turned away from their wide eyes with a sneer. It was the only thing I could morph my smirk into in time. “Cadance… well, Shining will have some words for you, I’m sure,” I said, still facing away. “Tell me, who ended up winning?” “A new recruit, a stallion by the name Dream Deceiver. We can return each bet to their respective owners, if you’d like, Twilight. It isn’t – “ “No, they won. It’s only fair.” I cut her off. It wouldn’t do to have them back out now. “I assume there’s a teleportation circle etched into that table?” Luna nodded when I looked over my shoulder. I charged my own teleport and said, “Send it.” Before releasing the spell. I arrived back in my chambers in my castle in Ponyville a few moments later. The pile of bits arrived just after me, on top of me. When I managed to get my head out of the pile, I was met with Nightmare’s grinning visage. “A truly wonderful performance, Twilight! Just the right amount of indignation and hurt, I couldn’t have done it better myself.” She pulled me out of the pile and into a kiss. When we broke, and I got my breath back, I laughed. “They deserved it.” I snickered. “But ‘Dream Deceiver’? Really?” She shrugged. “Luna would know most, if not all of my aliases, so I had to come up with something on the spot. It worked, didn’t it?” I nodded. “Now then, what shall we do with all of this?” She gestured to the pile. “Well, I was thinking we could either fill a pool with the bits and just swim in them.” She gave me a disapproving look and bopped my nose with her hoof. “Hey, I wasn’t finished! We could do that or put it all somewhere safe and use it as an emergency fund. Ponyville hasn’t had a disaster in a few weeks, we’re due for one, I think.” She kissed where she had hit my nose and smiled. “A much better idea.” > 65 Dissident by Knight of Lycaeus > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dissident by Knight of Lycaeus “I promise to you that I shall use just a single lightning bolt and that will be all.” Nightmare said. Twilight who was sitting next to her sighed, “Nightmare, you’re not hurling lightning in any number against the Diarchs.” Nightmare snorted, “Why not? The lone bolt would not kill them, it would not even faze them either. For me to achieve even a minor injury there would need at least a dozen. Perhaps more would be better.” Twilight resisted the overwhelming urge to facehoof and calmly informed Nightmare, “Regardless of how many of these hypothetical lightning bolts you want to hurl at the ruling government, the point remains is that we don’t need the populace to form a lynch mob…. again.” Nightmare was unfazed by Twilight’s implied threat, “Lynch mob, is that what you called that ramble? The gathered Ponies barely qualified as a small group not to mention that the use of pitchforks and torches are not particularly threatening.” Twilight began to pace hoping it would achieve the effect of keeping her calm, “Look we’ve worked hard to help your public image so that the public won’t want to have you imprisoned or banished for past crimes. So please no overthrowing the current government, no matter how much you disagree with them.” “Perhaps if I was treated with proper respect as due for my station,” Nightmare growled with increasing volume. Twilight stopped pacing and looked at the growling Alicorn, “Is that what this is all about? Look I’ve explained to you that you already have a following, a dedicated one at that. Second, Ponies don’t know the old deities any more so they don’t worship them I know you’re upset about that but you could go be a Goddess to the Lunar Ponies who still revere you as one. That’s one title Celestia and Luna don’t hold claim to.” Nightmare stopped growling, “Fine. They do not have that title because both of them refuse to bear it but I shall continue to bear it proudly!” Twilight sighed again, “Again, as I explained earlier. You’re immortal deity from around the time of Creation, Luna and Celestia are significantly younger than you.” Nightmare smiled but Twilight quickly interjected, “And no, that doesn’t give you authority over them, Equestria is their nation to rule, it is a different thing from what you used to rule.” “Fine, but are there any means for me to do something to them?” Nightmare asked. Twilight tapped her chin before smiling, “You know there is one. I sure you remember Celestia’s little prank on you.” “Oh, you mean that little jest, the little trick?” Twilight nodded, “Yes. Small tricks, pranks should be fine. Perhaps you could get revenge on Celestia that way.” Nightmare grinned, “I believe I may have some ideas.” What Twilight did not know at the time is that she inadvertently ignited the spark to a mass prank war that would engulf Canterlot for the next month. Unfortunately a victor has yet to be agreed upon. > 66 Dark by Kean > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dark by Kean Editor's note: Warning - gore and dark subject matters ahead. Twilight gasped and turned her head away from the talon running under her chin. She tried to see who was touching her, but her vision was black. Someone had blindfolded her. “Ah, you’re finally awake,” Said a male voice. “And are you quite comfortable, princess?” “W-where am I? Who are you?” She asked. Twilight made to remove the blindfold with her magic, but when called upon, none even reached her horn. “Why can’t I use my magic?!” “Where you are is unimportant,” He said casually. “Who I am is as well. Let’s just say my superiors want to know more about you alicorns before making some important decisions. Since you are the newest and youngest, they figured you would know – “ “I don’t know anything! I’ve only just become an alicorn, and I’m not even sure how!” “We assumed as much. Not to worry, we’ll both be learning a lot,” He chuckled. “As for your magic, well, we can’t just have you teleporting away now, can we? We know that even powerful unicorns are able to break negation rings placed on the horn. Build up enough charge and poof, you have pieces of inscribed shrapnel. “Now, that certainly wouldn’t do. So our shamans came up with this.” He tapped a talon against something metallic around her neck. “This collar will attract, absorb, and collect any magic the wearer attempts to channel, and will even siphon off a bit of their passive magic!” He said gleefully. “It was made specifically for one of you, and has fail safes inscribed so it won’t be overcharged. Isn’t it just wonderful?” Twilight’s hooves shot for the back of the collar, to search for the clasp, but were stopped by the wood of the table she had been placed on. Before she could lift her head or adjust herself to reach it, both fore hooves were grabbed and forced out to their respective sides. “Ah-ah, now where would the fun in that be?” When he paused, Twilight could hear steps coming toward her and others milling about around her. She opened her mouth to plead with him, but the words died in her throat, replaced instead by a scream as she felt something puncture through her left leg, pinning it to the wooden table. Even her scream was cut short, muffled by something being forced between her teeth. “Chew on that for a bit, if you wouldn’t mind. We wouldn’t want you biting through your tongue. Although, that is a thought… Oh, sorry, I thought the cloth we used would absorb the tears. No matter, you can live with a bit of wet fur, right?” Nightmare, Celestia, Luna, Shiny, please – “Now then, since you can’t use your magic,” He cut off her thoughts, taunting from above her. “You won’t need this, will you?” She felt him pull down on her horn. In an attempt to relieve the tension, she tilted her head back with his pull, only to feel the base press against something. “Oh, right! You’re a fellow researcher! Of course you’d make it easier for us to obtain study materials!” A heavy weight pushed on her horn then. She felt then heard the crack. The gag couldn’t muffle her scream. -------------------------------------------------------- “We’ve waited long enough! It’s been a week, and still no word from Twilight,” Nightmare fumed while she paced in front of both Celestia and Luna in a private chamber. “We need to – “ “Nightmare,” Celestia said calmly. “We have discussed this for the past two days. There is nothing we could do to find her without instigating a war.” “Something I am beginning to believe that they are trying to bait us into,” Luna muttered. “I shouldn’t have allowed her to go alone,” Nightmare growled. “We sent her with a squad – “ “Your guards are incompetent at best, Celestia,” Nightmare spat. “Upon my return they fled at the mere sight of me and allowed me to enter your throne room, with pause only caused by the doors. Whether or not you could match me means nothing, we’d have destroyed Canterlot had I been looking to fight you again. You’ll excuse me If I believe they are competent enough to protect anything.” Luna sighed. “Enough of this. We cannot send anyone to look for her, lest they perceive it a slight against them.” “’We?’” Nightmare muttered, a grin beginning to form. She turned and made to leave. “Where are you going?” Celestia asked. Nightmare smiled at her over her shoulder. “I am going to the Griffin Kingdoms. I, a common citizen of Equestria – as your nobility so vocally protested my becoming a princess – will be there to see how they have changed and grown this past millennium.” Nightmare laughed as she pulled the door open with her magic. “If I am there for anything else, well, what would the princesses know about a common pony’s agenda?” -------------------------------------------------------- How long had she been here? Weeks, months? Twilight didn’t know. The blindfold had been removed some time ago to, “Make sure she was reacting properly.” after she had stopped screaming at the pain they had been inflicting. Day in and day out all she knew was pain. Whether it be from cuts, broken bones, tests done on what was left of her horn, drugs to test an alicorn’s reaction to them, even burns. She couldn’t see out of her left eye – she was certain it was gone – and couldn’t even feel the left side of her face. All the while she held on to two things: She wanted the pain to stop. One way or another. Death would be a glorious reprieve from this hell. Even most of her revenge fantasies ended up with her dying, one way or another. She had tried, once, just lying there, breathing only enough that her chest wouldn’t noticeably move and giving no outward reaction to the pain, to see if they’d think her dead. That’s when they burned her face. The second was that Nightmare – she had given up on anypony else – would find her. She knew it was a foal’s fantasy that her knight in shining armor would save her, but fantasy was all she had left. Another cut, this one on her right flank. A griffin walked by with a circular portion of her flank – her cutie mark. A slight widening of the eye was all she gave them. It would grow back, in time. She’d learned that much, at least. -------------------------------------------------------- As time went on, despair gave way to anger and hatred. Instead of her fantasies ending with her bleeding out from her wounds along with everyone in the lab, she began replacing herself with them. They’ll miss something eventually. Forget to clamp my hooves back down, extend their neck close enough to my face, move the collar enough for the clasp to get caught on something. They are griffins, beasts, they are not perfect. They will make a mistake. When they do, I will drag them to Tarterus myself. Piece by fucking piece. When a griffin shaman sent electricity coursing through her body causing her back to arch, pulling all limbs taught against the chains binding her, she did not scream. She looked the observers each in the eye. The manic grin splitting her muzzle compared little to the laughter ringing throughout the room. -------------------------------------------------------- Light tinted her vision orange through her one remaining eyelid. This was nothing new, of course. They’d always had a light on her. What was new was the warmth. Did I finally die? She thought, trying hard to fight the smile creeping its way onto her muzzle. Cracking her eye open, she found that Elysium was, in fact, pitch black. Elysium shifted and turned its teal draconic eye to hers. Ah, not Elysium. More beautiful, anyway. The bindings were quickly shattered, leaving only the shackles around her hooves. Nightmare slowly sat her up and made sure she was steady before speaking. “Twilight – “ Twilight cut her off with a hoof to her lips. She sat like that for a moment, shifting her head from side to side. With a sigh, she opened her mouth, but gave no words. They wouldn’t be coherent, anyway. Whatever composure Nightmare had left after boring a hole through several miles of earth, several robust defensive wards, tearing through the previous inhabitants of the lab, and seeing Twilight on a bloodied table, bound and scarred, fled at the sight of her marefriend’s tongue. Or, at least, what was left of it. “I – hold a moment,” Nightmare said, choking back a sob. She lowered her horn to Twilight’s forehead and, after a brief flash, pulled away. “I have linked our minds, you should be able to – “ Thoughts, nothing more than jumbled emotions, flooded Nightmare’s mind. There was no happiness, no elation, no kindness, just anger, despair, and pure, un-bridled hatred. They passed as soon as they were felt and Twilight’s mind became clear, calmed. Nightmare shivered. “What did they do to you?” Twilight ignored the question. She liked to think it was a rhetorical question. It would always be a rhetorical question, as far as she was concerned. Instead she pulled her lips into what she remembered could pass as a smile. ”I knew you would come for me.” “I – “Nightmare started to press the question but the look in Twilight’s eye stopped her. ”Of course I would. I’ve been searching since you disappeared a year ago.” She pulled Twilight into a hug and held her. Twilight’s forelegs remained limp at her side. “But why are you in this condition? Your alicorn magic, it should be healing you.” ”It is, slowly. This damned collar is absorbing most of my magic. I can’t really move my limbs. Take it off?” Twilight’s voice was calm, flat. She was keeping her emotions in check while linked with Nightmare. The moment the clasp was undone, Twilight went silent. Even as bones began to fuse back together or otherwise reform, the most noise she made was a grunt. After a few minutes of silence, Nightmare began inspecting the collar. Even holding it in her hooves, she could feel it trying to drain her. She lit her horn, intent on destroying another object that had caused Twilight so much pain. “Don’t,” Twilight rasped. Looking over, Nightmare saw that all but the worst wounds and scars had either already healed or had begun to. The left side of her face was still a scarred mess. “Why not?” Twilight was silent a few minutes longer, her eye on the collar. She licked her lips to wet them, her tongue was an odd shape, her magic still working to repair the damage. “I want it,” She simply said. “Could you get my horn? It should be somewhere over there.” She gestured behind herself with her head. “I’ll hold on to the collar.” Twilight held out a hoof. Nightmare stared at her, trying to read Twilight’s thoughts through their link. A broken mind was generally a mess of broken thoughts and random emotion, but at least some information could be gleaned from it all. Twilight’s mind was perfectly calm, clear. Even her roiling emotions, which were being betrayed by her face, were unable to be read. With a sigh, Nightmare hoofed the collar over. The slight shiver Twilight gave – whether from excitement or fear, she couldn’t tell – did not go unnoticed. With her free hoof, Nightmare lifted Twilight’s chin. “I do not need to know your plan – I’m not sure I even want to know it. I’m sure you’ve had plenty of time to come up with it.” Twilight tried to lower her head, but Nightmare kept her looking in her eyes. “But you will speak to me about this.” Twilight stared back for a few moments, defiance in her eye. Even in her state, she couldn’t hold it. She nodded as best she could with her head being held up. Nightmare placed a gentle kiss on her lips before walking past her, out of her vision. Twilight ignored the collar. Whether Nightmare would approve of her plan or not didn’t bother her, but she still didn’t want her to know. Instead, she searched what was left of the room. Nightmare spared nothing in her destruction. Desks, walls, lab equipment, gem and magic powered machines, all were destroyed. She let her thought slip for just a moment before regaining control, but knew that Nightmare felt how touched she was that somepony would do that for her. In a far corner were the griffins of the lab. Or, for most of them, what was left. She saw the rise and fall of one of their chests and smiled. Containing her thoughts and emotions was hard. Not hopping off the table and tearing them apart would be so much harder. “Did you find it yet?” She asked to distract herself. “Yes,” Nightmare said as she approached, Twilight’s horn in tow in her magic. She gestured to the horn. “They kept it healthy, at least. We should be able to reattach it with minimal trouble, though you may just want to let your magic repair it. It may not be perfect.” “I don’t need it to be perfect. I just need it to work,” Twilight growled. With another sigh, Nightmare pressed the jagged base to the stub that was still on Twilight’s head. As soon as the edges connected, Twilight’s magic flared and fused the two together. What would make a hearty stallion squeal only made Twilight’s eye twitch slightly. As soon as it was reconnected, Twilight’s horn flashed and she severed the mental link. No longer needing to hide her thoughts, she turned to the collar and enveloped it in her magic. There were only so many ways to absorb magic; she just needed to find how it did it. So focused on the many enchantments and inscriptions was she, that she didn’t notice Nightmare climbing onto the table behind her until she was pulled into a hug, with Nightmare laying her head on top of hers, right next to her blazing horn. “Talk,” Nightmare said simply. Twilight was quiet for a few minutes while she worked on modifying a few enchantments and burning new inscriptions into the collar. “A collar,” She finally began. “It is an accessory for a pet, like a dog, either for aesthetic purposes, or to show ownership. They called me a ‘pet project’ a number of times. Fitting, really.” She rolled the collar in her magic once more before sliding out of Nightmare’s hold and stepping onto the floor. “A dog can be the most loyal pet there can be. You can even discipline it – cause it pain – and it will still be loyal.” She settled the collar back on her neck and shivered. Even her newly mended wings twitched in excitement. Nightmare watched as she took a shaky step forward, then another surer step, to where the griffins lay. “But, if you’re not careful, eventually the dog gets sick of it. It remembers every last thing you did to it. Every last yell, every last tap on the nose, every last slap on the rump, every last cut, injection, broken bone, and burn you gave it.” Twilight’s voice became a growl as she finished. The collar flared to life as Twilight’s horn lit up. Instead of absorbing what she channeled, it offered what it stole. All the magic she’d tried to force out in anger, fear, and hatred was at her beck and call. An ethereal eye formed where her missing one was – it wouldn’t do to have poor depth perception. She rolled it a few times before locking her gaze on the griffin that was still alive. Seeing this, Nightmare stepped off the table. “And, eventually –“The griffin squawked in protest as he was hoisted in her magic. Turned to face her, she could see the fear in his eyes. She grinned. “– The dog bites. Come now, I’ve learned so much. I think it’s time for my test.” > 67 First Among Equals by Toratchi888 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- First Among Equals by Toratchi888 First Among Equals {primus inter pares} Darkness is Beauty, Beauty is Magic, Act 2 “Will you join me?” * * * Twilight? Twilight? “TWILIGHT!” “Ah!” Twilight shook her head and glanced around quickly. Nightmare Moon had vanished. “Applejack.” “I see you’ve rejoined us.” Applejack tilted her head in concern. “Y’all look mighty… stunned, I guess. You were starin’ at that Nightmare Moon pretty hard…” “Ah! Yes! Nightmare Moon!” Twilight spun about and galloped for the entrance of the celebration hall, weaving or barging through groups of chattering ponies. “…What’n the hay was that all about?” “Let’s follow her and find out!” Rainbow Dash took wing and darted after her. Applejack sighed and cantered off, calling to Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie to follow. * * * “No, no, no, no, NO!” Twilight yanked books from their shelves in the Library with telekinesis, dumping them after glancing at their titles. “Why has nopony organized this place?! Even alphabetically—!” “Hey, egghead!” Twilight paused, an orbit of half-a-dozen books forming around her as she held them in her magic’s grasp. Rainbow Dash hovered into the Library, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Fluttershy following behind; Fluttershy closed the door quietly behind her. “I don’t recall inviting you in…” Twilight floated the books into a neat stack… next to the twenty in a haphazard pile. “Door was open, sugarcube; ‘sides, this is a public library.” “So, spill, Twilight!” Rainbow Dash zipped right into Twilight’s face, muzzles touching. Twilight grimaced. “Spill what?” “You didn’t seem all that surprised when Nightmare Moon popped out of the shadows! You were staring at her the whole time, even!” Rainbow hovered back, pointing a hoof at Twilight. “And you just so happened to show up here today—yesterday!—out of the blue Are you a spy?!” Applejack trotted forward and flicked Rainbow Dash’s barrel with her tail, scowling. “Calm down, Rainbow Dash; I’m sure Twilight ain’t no spy. I mean—” she turned to Twilight “—you were sent by the Princess to oversee the Celebration, am I right?” Twilight nodded. “And I’m doubtful that Princess Celestia would choose somepony who was gonna sabotage an important holiday. So… That means you were expectin’ Nightmare Moon, but nopony else was.” Twilight pawed the ground. “I tried to warn the Princess, but she didn’t take my warning seriously. This is the one-thousandth year of Nightmare Moon’s banishment; there was a prophecy that she would escape tonight. The Princess sent me here instead of letting me finish my research; I was looking for a reference to the Elements of Harmony, but this place is—” “Found it!” Pinkie Pie held up a slim royal blue volume trimmed with gold laurel leaves. “Where was it?!” Twilight spun and wrested the book from Pinkie’s grasp with her magic. Pinkie blinked. “Well, it was under ‘E’, y’know?” Twilight stared for a long moment before shaking her head minutely and opening the book. “Elements of Harmony: Reference Guide.” Twilight skimmed the guide, flipping each page if a section header sounded unsatisfactory. “Hmm… Plenty of hypotheticals on magical transference and harmonics, but—while I love a good theory—this isn’t something we can use in our current predicament satisfactorily…” “Egghead say what?” “Not much oats in the mix to chew on, sugar.” “Oh, gotcha, AJ.” “I love oats! And barley! And cake—” “I know my critters like oats sometimes…” “Darlings, they’re imaginary oats…” Twilight shut the book with a snap. “Not much to go on. The five—well, six—Elements of Harmony can stop Nightmare Moon, but harnessing them… finding them…” “Well, sugarcube, where’re they at?” * * * “So, Twilight…” Applejack scratched her neck with her hoof. The six ponies were—aside from Rainbow Dash, who flitted above—walking in single-file down the main path of the Everfree Forest. They had not been walking too long—over a thousand strides, perhaps—but even thus early in their travels, the darkness of night deepened within the Forest, and Fluttershy—walking third in line—shied from every sound. Though the path was plain, the trees seemed to lean in, menacing any traveller who thought of straying. Twilight turned her head around and left to look back at Applejack as they walked; behind herself, Applejack, and Fluttershy, Rarity walked on calmly—if alert—and Pinkie Pie brought up the rear, her prancing gait at odds with the gloom of the night. “Yes?” “Um, I’m hopin’ you got a plan or something, because, well… I mean, you’re the only one who’s been researching Nightmare Moon, so…” Twilight faced forward again. “I think we’ll be lucky to find the Elements, let alone use them, but… Well, here’s the thing: The powerful princess who banished Nightmare Moon wielded all six Elements of Harmony. The five known qualities of Harmony are Honesty, Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, and Loyalty. The sixth is unknown, but is stated to reveal itself when the other five are awoken.” Silence returned as they continued on for a hundred strides more, before the forest broke onto a plateau, with a cliff above them and a ravine to the right, flanking the path. Twilight stopped. The others stopped as well, and Rainbow Dash dropped to hover at head-height. “I think we can only reasonably expect to find some clue in the Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters as to the location of the Elements, then report back to Princess Celestia.” “If we can find her.” Applejack double-tapped the ground with her hoof. “I’m surprised she didn’t show up when Nightmare Moon did. I’m hopin’ she wasn’t, y’know, captured or something’ like that.” “Maaaaaybeeee she was caaaaaptureeeeed by the Everfreeeee Fooooooorest!” Rainbow slunk to the ground, pretending to sneak. “You know once a pony goes in, they never come baaaaaaaaack!” Applejack swatted at Rainbow Dash, but the pegasus laughed and swooped above her head. “Rainbow Dash, stop that nonsense!” Rainbow blew a raspberry and danced just out of reach; Applejack turned to buck the pegasus, who again flittered back. “RAINBOW DASH, Imma teach you some manner!” Applejack leaped at Rainbow Dash; the latter zipped aside, and Applejack landed hard a few feet from the ravine. Twilight cantered towards the bickering mares. “Applejack, Rainbow Dash, stop it! With the cliff and—” *CRACK!* A chunk of mountain dropped from the cliff above them. Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash retreated back the way they had come, shrieking. (Apart from Rainbow Dash, who is—naturally—too cool to shriek.) “Look out, Twilight!” Applejack tackled Twilight, but the thunderous rockslide took them over the ravine regardless. As plumes of dust rose, the night—which to that point had been deep and threatening—now became smothering like pitch. The remaining mares on the cliff-side called out to Twilight and Applejack. * * * “Well—” said Twilight as she and Applejack dangled about three pony’s lengths below the lip of the ravine, hanging on to a protruding tree-root, “—this is a nice mess you’ve gotten us into, Applejack.” Clods of earth fell from around the root. “I’m mighty sorry, Twilight.” Twilight sighed, looking up into blackness. “…I can’t see the others.” “RAINBOW DASH! MOVE YER RUMP AN’ GIVE US A LIFT!” … … “RAINBOW DASH! Y’ALL DON’T IGNORE ME NOW! THIS IS YER FAULT TOO!” Twilight closed her eyes and swivelled her ears. “Hmm… I can hear them… but it’s like they’re under water… We can’t be all that far down; Applejack, I can—” The root shook alarmingly. “I’m really, truly sorry, Twilight. We ain’t getting’ outta here right now. I’ll drop down—I’m an Earth Pony, after all, and a tough gal—and y’all can come back for me later!” “Applejack, wait, you—!” Applejack let go with a shout of “Applelooooosaaaaaaaaa—!” “HURG!” Twilight summoned her magic to envelop Applejack, catching her before she fell too far and steadying her descent. Twilight heard a muffled thud below. “Hey, Twilight! Where’s AJ?” Rainbow Dash peeked her head over the lip of the ravine, the air suddenly clear above her. “Rainbow… Help me up.” Rainbow Dash complied, lifting Twilight easily and depositing her a few strides from the ravine. Twilight about-faced and peered cautiously over the edge. “Applejack! You all right?” “I am, Twi,” came the faint reply. “Thanks muchly, I—” “APPLEJACK, you’re a dummy!” Twilight shouted. “I was about to say I could lift you up to the cliff-face and get Rainbow Dash to pick me up—just like she did! Dropping off the cliff wasn’t smart; that was foal-hardy! And now we can’t see you! Just hole up there and wait for us to get back!” The faintest, most contrite “Okay…” floated up from Applejack. “Uh, shouldn’t we get her now?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Let her be,” Twilight sighed. “Maybe she’ll learn something. Like, to ignore you, or not jump off cliffs. Let’s go.” * * * Twilight Sparkle and company—now minus Applejack—continued down the ever-darkening path for another thousand-odd strides. Their faces were sullen, except for Fluttershy, who was even more skittish than before; Rainbow Dash often looked back with a mixture of concern and annoyance, whereas Twilight’s looks were pure irritation. The path broke into a small glade, and they spread abreast of the path through unspoken consent, slowing to a stop. “Y’know, Twilight…” Rainbow Dash swooped to hover in front of Twilight, forcing an irritated huff from the purple unicorn as her vision was filled with blue feathers. “I’m starting to think, maybe we should go back for Applejack.” “We haven’t time, Rainbow Dash,” Twilight growled. “Time is critical.” Rainbow Dash’s nostrils flared. “I get that, egghead, but leaving Applejack in a hole in the ground—” “It’s her own fault!” Twilight stamped down with her hoof. Rainbow Dash dropped to all fours, wings spread and breath snorting. “So, what? You ditch someone when they mess up? Is that how you Canterlot snobs—” “KYAAAA!” Rarity’s cry interrupted Twilight and Rainbow Dash’s argument. They whirled, seeking the source of danger. An answering roar, a physical wave of sound that raised the ponies’ hair on their backs; and from the darkness charged a red-and-tan, lion-headed, dragon-winged, scorpion-tailed beast. “And that would be a manticore…” Twilight noted flatly. A rainbow blur shot forward towards the manticore, only to be deflected up and over with a frustrated cry. “…I think we should RUN!” Twilight shouted. She split right at the gallop, while Rarity and Pinkie Pie split left. Unfortunately, that left— Twilight heard the rising cry of terror behind her; turning at full pelt, she saw Fluttershy remained in the path of the manticore’s wrath. “FLUTTERSHY! IF YOU CAN’T FIGHT, RUN!” Fluttershy simply quaked in fear, her pupils contracted to pinpricks. The manticore was a few strides away— With a roar of “UooooooooooAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH—!” Twilight gathered as much ambient magic she could pull from the forest in a moment. The manticore turned on the run and targeted Twilight. “FLUTTERSHY, HAY, MOVE! YOU’RE IN THE WAY!” Fluttershy screamed and bolted, back down the path. “IF YOU FIND APPLEJACK, GIVE MY REGARDS!” Twilight added, before lowering her head to the oncoming threat. “And as for you…” she muttered. * * * A blast of light shook the glade, and a heavy red-and-tan shape hurtled northward above the canopy with an ever-diminishing roar. A thud!, and another distant roar dwindled into silence. Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash returned to find Twilight huffing and sweating. “Dang, Twilight, you look like you finished the Running of the Leaves six times back-to-back.” “Fluttershy… gone…” Twilight panted. “Yes, I hope she is safe,” Rarity said, fidgeting. “Poor dear…” “I… she… always… so… use—” Twilight looked between the remaining ponies’ faces; their eyes darkened at Twilight’s words, so she changed tack. “Anyway, whatever. Eyes up, ponies; we’re down two sets of eyes and hooves, so we’d better—” “KYAAAAAAAAAA!” Another ear-splitting shriek from Rarity, who keeled over in a faint. Twilight looked around properly, and her face grew pale under her fur. The trees had come to life. As unsettling as they had appeared in the dimness, now faces leered out of knots and holes, strange eyes shone in the dark, and gnarled limbs reached out for them. A moaning, rustling, creaking drone permeated the air. “Um… um… Uh, how many trees d’you think you guys… um… y’know, can you handle?” Rainbow Dash had backed her hindquarters into Twilight’s flank. “‘Cause, y’know, I don’t wanna get in your way or anything…” Pinkie Pie burst out laughing; Dash spun around, wings again outstretched, back bristling. “And what’s so funny, Pinkie?!” “Oh, Dashie! They’re just trees! They can’t hurt you; just watch! See: Pinkie began to bounce around, humming a tune, her poofy hair jumping in time to her rhythm, and she launched into a song: “When I was a little filly, and the sun was going dooooooooown…” “Tell me she’s not…” Twilight put a hoof to her face. “The darkness and the shadows, they would always make me froooooooown…” “She is,” Rarity murmured, stirring. “I'd hide under my pillow from what I thought I saw But Granny Pie said that wasn't the way to deal with fears at all!” “So what is?!” Dash exclaimed. “She said, ‘Pinkie, you gotta stand up tall; learn to face your fears. You'll see that they can't hurt you, just laugh to make them disappear.’ “So, giggle at the ghostie Guffaw at the grossie Crack up at the creepy Whoop it up with the weepy Chortle at the kooky Snortle at the spooky—” You have no friends. Those words groaned out of the forest, slow and full of menace. Pinkie froze in mid-bounce, wildly staring around for their source. Look how Twilight abandoned Applejack and Fluttershy. You are next. Pinkie began to whimper. “What the hay?!” Rainbow Dash hurried to Pinkie’s side, waving a hoof before her eyes. “Pinkie? You in there?” Ignore her, just like Twilight ignores you. Your other friends are next. Pinkie Pie’s hair—normally as vivacious as its owner—straightened and drooped as Pinkie settled on her belly, covering her head with her hooves. The trees seemed to reach out, to draw her into the dark— Twilight sighed. She gathered magic at the tip of her horn and sent a blossom of light into the trees. The shadows, the faces, the groping limbs; all receded until the grove was surrounded by nothing more than old, sad, leafless trees. “Don’t leave me…” Pinkie whimpered. “What’re we gonna do?” Rainbow muttered to Twilight as the latter trotted up. “I don’t know. Pinkie doesn’t seem cut out for this, either. I’d send her back after Fluttershy, but she seems too… fragile. Like Fluttershy, come to that, but… too… childish.” Pinkie Pie let out another whimper as tears rolled from her eyes. “Oh, good heavens, Twilight, what call is there for that kind of talk! She’s frightened!” Rarity also sunk to her stomach—carefully pushing small stones and clods of dirt out of the way first—to embrace Pinkie Pie. Twilight sighed again. “She can stay or go back, but coming with us will be more dangerous than anything. I think she should go.” Pinkie Pie sniffled, squeezed Rarity back, got up, and began to trudge back the way she came. “We’re running out of time.” Twilight flicked her tail and pointed her snout onward. * * * Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity stood before a river. Of course, this statement ignores the reality of thrashing white waves more than five strides in height and whirlpools formed between their troughs. “Dear me, that looks dreadful…” “It’s a river, Rarity, and not that wide either. What do you think, Rainbow Dash—about fifteen strides?” “Yeah, I wouldn’t even break a sweat crossing it.” “Darling, are you sure? I mean… Water is fine when it’s heated in a bath, but I don’t fancy a swim right now…” “Are you i-i-implying I might drop you? Just who do you think—” “Rainbow, darling, did I ever say I thought you’d drop me… or Twilight? No, dear; perish the thought. I only meant to say, it’s been a long day; I wouldn’t want you to tire yourself further by carrying both of us. Maybe we should find a crossing of—” A plume of water erupted before the three ponies, drenching them with a cold spray. “…Rarity?” “Yes, NOW I am wet, thank you, Rainbow Dash.” The three ponies eyed the source of their soaking: A purple river serpent with an adroitly-styled orange mane slicked back off his head and a matching droopy moustache— “Oh, my word!” Rarity’s eyes went wide. “I am ruuuuuuuiiiiiined!” the serpent wailed, slamming down onto the riverbank. The extant half of his moustache—the left side—bobbed as his head landed. “Darling, whatever happened?!” Rarity trotted up to the serpent, extending a hoof. The serpent bent a claw in front of her to touch. “Well! What was I doing but minding my own business, when out of nowhere this tacky purple cloud spurts out of the forest and—AAAAWWWWWWW!” he howled, “it cut off my moustache! WOE IS MEEEEEEEEE!” He thrashed about, drenching Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash, who had remained several strides behind Rarity; they looked at each other in annoyance, dripping water. “How atrocious! Who would do such a thing, and to a… serpent… of such style and grace! I mean, look at your hair, good sir! Such a chic pompadour…” she cooed. "I knowwwwww!" the serpent cried. “Such shiny, well-tended scales and claws…” "I KNOWWWWWW!" “And to ruin the effect by cutting off your moustache! I cannot permit such a crime against fabulosity!” “Rarity…” Twilight growled softly. Rarity leaned forward under the serpent’s jaw, teeth out. “What are you—OW!” Rarity plucked a scale from his breast. “I simply must redress this! I know it’s not much, but I think my tail…” She tilted her head to position the sharp section of scale over her hindquarters. “You WHAT?!” the serpent shrieked. “Your tail?! What makes you think I’d prefer a ponytail to a moustache?! It’s purple! I’M PURPLE! THAT WOULD BE SO… TACKY! What is it with purple tacky things today?! AAAAARGH!” Rarity’s jaw dropped; the scale in her mouth did likewise as she stared at the serpent, who dove under the waves. Twilight and Rainbow Dash walked up slowly. “Well, um… At least he didn’t say—” The serpent’s head popped back up. “Keep your tail, Purple! At least it hides your fat flank!” Rarity’s pupils shrank to nothing, and she keeled over. “—you’re fat.” Twilight nudged Rarity. “Rainbow Dash, pick her up and settle her over there.” She jutted her chin vaguely to her left. “Uh… sure…” Rainbow Dash lifted Rarity gently and hovered her over to the cleanest patch of leaves she could see, concealed by a low bush. When she turned back, Rainbow Dash saw Twilight with eyes closed and a glow spreading from her horn to her body. With a twinkle, Twilight disappeared from the near-side and reappeared on the far bank of the river. Rainbow Dash zipped across. “I didn’t know you could do that.” “Neither did I. Let’s go.” * * * After yet another two-thousand strides, Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash emerged into a shroud of fog and arrived at— “Another chasm?! Rainbow Dash, you’d better not—” “Hey, egghead, that first time wasn’t—” They both stopped abruptly. The fog cleared almost miraculously, showing a broken bridge over the chasm, and ever-so-faintly in the distance… “Rainbow Dash, your eyesight’s better than mine. Does that look like a castle to you?” Rainbow Dash nodded. “Yup; think so.” “Good. Could you see about getting the bridge back up?” “What, can’t you just magic it back?” “I can’t see the end of the bridge. If you can haul it back up, I could help you tie it off.” “Fine.” Rainbow Dash jumped, did a 180 twist, and dove into the chasm. She freely fell along the line of the ropes and boards until she spotted the end of the bridge. She flared her wings, righted herself, and hovered. Scooping a snapped rope in her teeth, she pulled, gaining altitude with smooth, hard wing-flaps until she reached the far side of the chasm. She settled on the edge and pulled at the rope. “Okay, so if I can just get this set, Twilight can—” Rainbow Dash… Rainbow Dash nearly dropped the rope. She made a sloppy knot around an anchor post before whipping around, bristling. “Who’s there?!” Fog rolled in over Rainbow Dash. “Hey!” came a faint call from across the chasm. “Rainbow Dash?!” Rainbow Dash… “Show yourself!” Out of the fog glided three dark ponies, two stallions flanking a mare. They were uniformly black, with yellow eyes and blue manes; Rainbow Dash tilted her head, perplexed, until she saw how their skin “stretched” and eyes twinkled, and realized they were— “Flying suits? Hey, are you guys…?” “Hello, Rainbow Dash,” the mare replied, smiling. “We are the Shadowbolts, the greatest flying team in the Everfree Forest.” “Oh, hey, that’s cool.” “We’ve heard of your reputation, Rainbow Dash. We are few, we Shadowbolts, but we admit only the very best to our ranks. We are used to this darkness, you see, but our routines still dazzle.” The Shadowbolt mare chuckled. “Well, now, that’s cool and all,” Rainbow Dash said, turning, “but I have to fix this—” Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash stopped, one hoof raised to step. The Shadowbolt mare stepped forward, circling Dash until she was face-to-face. Join us. Rainbow Dash lowered her hoof. “Uh… sure…” “Rainbow Dash!” came a faint call from across the bridge. “Rainbow Dash!” Rainbow Dash ignored the call, falling in with the Shadowbolts. * * * The fog cleared just enough for Twilight to see Rainbow Dash turn tail and join three black pegasi across the chasm. They disappeared into the fog. “RAINBOW DASH! TRAITOR! HOW DARE YOU ABANDON ME?!” Twilight’s voice echoed around the chasm, through the forest, up from under the earth. In the echoes, she heard snippets of other voices— Foal-hardy useless childish fat traitor Not to listen to you give her my regards send her back throw her over there do it yourself Twilight shook her head, gathered her energy, and summoned her magic. She blasted across the chasm and took off running. It’s up to me, now. Foal-hardy useless childish fat traitor Not to listen to you give her my regards send her back throw her over there do it yourself * * * Twilight galloped and galloped. She seemed to make no progress towards the castle in the distance; it remained as far as ever. Still she persisted. It’s all up to me, now. Me. I have to do it. It’s me. I found it, I’ll finish it. Nightmare Moon… After what seemed like a full night of running—ten thousand strides or more—Twilight broke out of the fog and stood before a dark, decrepit castle. The drawbridge was down, the gate raised like a maw. Twilight trotted across the bridge and under the gate, which slammed shut behind her. In the darkness ahead of her, a tiny pinprick of light appeared, which then hurtled towards her. Twilight stared as around her the hallway seemed to recede while the light came closer. It was almost atop her— When she opened her eyes, she was in a destroyed throne room. On the far side, on a dais, a single chair stood, canted to the left. Above, holes in the roof showed the Moon, enormous in a starless sky. And around the base of the chair-- “The Elements of Harmony…” Twilight whispered, taking a step forward. My precious Twilight… Twilight peered around. “Who’s there?” You know. From behind the chair poured a cloud of purple smoke, like starlight trapped in tar. It coalesced into a tall pony shape, with blue armour on its head, chest, and hooves. “Nightmare Moon.” “So, Twilight Sparkle, you solved the riddle and found me. I am pleased.” Nightmare Moon smiled, showing off long, pointed incisors. She looked about dramatically. “But where are your friends? Did they not join you?” “What about them?” Twilight asked flatly. “I’m here, and I’m enough to—” “Do what, exactly?” Nightmare replied drily. “I’m an ancient magical creature who was only defeated by the Elements of Harmony, and I count one, two, three… Oh, look: six Elements, one Pony. I win,” she deadpanned. Twilight stomped. “I don’t have to beat you! I have to tell Princess—” “Dear Princess Celestia will not be joining us any time soon, my dear; that I can promise you.” Nightmare Moon turned slightly, presenting herself broadside. “Now, Twilight Sparkle, let us talk about… your primacy.” “My what, now?” “Dear Twilight Sparkle, you came in search of the Elements with a band of… companions? To seek the power to defeat me; did you not? But along the way, you discovered they weren’t… up to the task, yes? “Did they come as friends? Perhaps. It could be that they had the best intentions at heart, but their frailty has cost you time in coming here, yes? Not to mention a headache. “But look, you found something important in the coming here, did you not? Did Applejack show you that foolishness has no place in important matters? That faintness of heart only burdens the strong, like with Fluttershy? Or that childishness restrains the mature, not freeing them like Pinkie Pie? Or even that loyalty is not absolute, as you found with Rainbow Dash?” Twilight snout scrunched angrily, and she snorted. “You don’t know—” “Actually, I do. I was there every time, Twilight.” Nightmare Moon’s voice dropped seductively. “I preyed on their insecurities, throwing obstacles in your path and theirs. They were nothing… well, no; they were useful in showing you how their notions are nothing compared to mine. “You are superior, Twilight Sparkle. You understood the threat and power I represent, when even your mentor did not. You are above altruism, empathy, trust; even honesty is a tool to move you forward. I fancy you, Twilight Sparkle; I did the moment I laid eyes on you. “And now… your pride—and a tiny nudge of my hypnotic power; I am not above cheating to get what I want—have led you here. Your ‘friends’—hahahahaha, how I laugh at that—have not abandoned you: You. Left. Them. “I am all you have now… because you… are mine.” In her best imitation of Rarity, Twilight’s jaw dropped and her pupils shrank in terror. * * * So, Twilight Sparkle, first among ponies… Will you join me? > 68 Astromancy by Toratchi888 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Astromancy by Toratchi888 “Spiiiiike…” Twilight groaned, trotting as slowly as was possible without turning into a trudging walk, jingling the bells on her tall wizard’s hat and making her long white beard and star-painted robes wobble ever so slightly. She barely lifted her head to the decorated stalls around her—decked with spiders, bats, stars, and ghosts—or looked at their costumed occupants, such was her apparent misery. Spike swayed on her back, dressed up like a Diamond Dog. “Oh, come on, Twilight! Pinkie’s always good for a laugh!” “Ugh, Spike, look: I know I promised Pinkie AND Princess Celestia both that I would try to be more open-minded about Pinkie’s… Pinkie-ness… but look, even if Pinkie’s Pinkie Sense does work—and I admit, it does something—I doubt that using it is going to give her the power of crystallomancy.” “Huh?” Twilight stopped, craning her neck around at her passenger. “Predictive crystal-gazing. The reason we’re going to see Pinkie in the first place?” “Oh, right.” Spike had the good grace to look sheepish. Twilight rolled her eyes. ““Well, here we are.” She stood before a small tent, purple-pink with half-drawn curtains and a trio of jaunty yellow balloons in place of the top-post pennant. It looked like something from Saddle Arabia. Spike hopped down, drawing a small bit-bag from his pocket. “I have the bits.” “Is that the sound of Spike the Dragon I hear?” The voice which had spoken had a “mysterious” quantity to it… if by “mysterious” one meant “stereotypical wise pony.” Though in the case of the tent’s occupant, it was more along the lines of “wise-cracking.” “Hello, Madame Pinkie!” Spike replied cheerfully, trotting through the tent flaps. Twilight followed slowly. Inside the tent, the only light available—in addition to the ambiance provided by lanterns on stalls outside—were two pairs of candles, secured in the puddles of their own wax to either of two tall, thin, square-topped pedestal tables. At a central round table sat a bright-pink mare. She wore a purple and grey silk jacket, as well as a white turban wrapped in a “V”, with the cloth’s end dangling down the mare’s left side, in the center of which was a deep purple stone and a white feather. The mare sat with her hooves together, eyes hooded. Before her on the table was a round object, probably about the size of two or three hooves, covered with a pink cloth. “Come in, come in!” Pinkie intoned, an amused smile playing about her lips. “Welcome to Madame Pinkie’s House of Fortune. Two bits the price; your fortune, so nice.” “Hahaha, you’ve been spending time with Zecora, haven’t you, Madame Pinkie?” Spike giggled, bowing. “Hello, Madame Pinkie,” Twilight added, smiling politely as she could. “Would you like to go first, Twilight?” Pinkie asked, gesturing to the cushion. She’s taking this quite seriously. She’s actually sat still since we arrived. Suppose I can play along… “Thank you.” Twilight took a seat on a grey cushion, opposite Pinkie; Spike stood on Twilight’s left, looking eager. Pinkie slowly grasped the pink cloth in her hoof, lifted it minutely, then whipped it off. Spike gasped in awe, and the corner of Twilight’s mouth cocked up. The crystal ball was perfectly smooth and midnight-blue. “That is a lovely ball, Madame Pinkie.” “Thank you, Twilight. I asked Princess Luna if they had anything suitable on which I might gaze, to tell ponies their fortunes; she was most happy to lend me this.” Pinkie touched the crystal with one hoof, carefully. “It is set.” She drew back her hoof and gazed into its depths. “Gaze with me, Twilight, so we may both see what lies ahead.” Twilight peered at the orb, looking at it thoroughly. It indeed looked totally unblemished. Twilight gave a start when, inexplicably, there started to swirl inside it… smoke? And were those… stars? The outline was… equine…? Pinkie’s left ear twitched. Then her right. Her forelegs wobbled back and forth, as though a wave passed from one to the other through her body: left to right, then back. She wobbled upright, involuntarily, like a snake, and her chattered a half-dozen times as her pupils contracted… …before she finally jumped, legs splayed, and let loose a mighty “SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE!” as confetti popped from nowhere behind her, swirling briefly into the shape of a large pony before falling to earth. Pinkie thumped down onto her rump, panting. “Woweeeeeee!” “Not-another-doozy, not-another-doozy, not-another-doozy…” Twilight muttered rapidly through clenched teeth. “Twiiiilight…” Pinkie intoned. “In your futuuuuure… I seeeee…” Twilight covered her face with both fore-hooves, peeking between them. “…a tall, dark stranger; it must be!” … “BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Spike fell on his back, rolling and clutching his sides in his hysterics. “H-hey, Twilight… Maybe… maybe it’s Nightmare… Moon… AHAHAHAHA! ‘Cause it’s… Nightmare Niiiiight…!” Twilight snorted. “Thanks, Spike.” Twilight turned a small smile on Pinkie. “I guess if Spike’s amused by all that, it’s worth the two bits.” Twilight bent down to retrieve the bit-bag from Spike, who was still chortling on the floor, and plopped it on the table. “I have to get going; you don’t mind watching him, do you?” “Not at all,” Pinkie replied, her smile huge. “I mean, I don’t usually stare into dragons to predict the future, but maybe if we stare into a really big diamond—” Spike’s laughter died instantly, and he sprung onto the table, fumbling in his pockets. “I have a little diamond I was saving for a snack! Maybe we can use that—” * * * Twilight trotted out of Madame Pinkie’s tent and down a darker side street. She avoided most of the other revellers, keeping her head low, giving polite, absent nods to the few ponies who caught her eye. Eventually, she found herself away from the main square, where the lanterns and revellers were few. She removed her hat and robes, and set them down on a low stone garden-wall. She sighed. Quiet. I hope Spike and Pinkie have a good time. I don’t know about Spike, but I just can’t get behind Pinkie and her predictions and senses. She stared up into the night sky. A tall, dark stranger. Maybe it’s Nightmare Moon! Twilight blew gently. Not a chance. “Not a chance,” she repeated aloud. “Princess Luna definitively proved last Nightmare Night that she’s just Luna. I don’t care what Pinkie saw in her crystal ball; the Elements of Harmony definitely got rid of Nightmare Moon for good!” She blinked. Was that…? In the spaces between the stars, something like dust—glittering dust, like the light that shimmered in the Princesses’ manes—seemed to seep, drawing out a pattern in the sky. Twilight blinked again. A horn? A head held high, mane swirling? She lidded her eyes, peering up. The stars twinkled quickly, quickened under her gaze. For the briefest instant, a flash in the sky, the Mare in the Moon— It was gone. Twilight gasped. “…no. No.” She shook her head, blinking a few more times. One single star shone brighter than all the others… …then vanished. “…okay, I’m betting that was just a prank. It’s probably Luna making an entrance.” She turned back towards town. “I’m no more likely to meet her than any other tall, dark stranger—” Stranger? Not hardly, my dear Twilight Sparkle. Twilight stopped dead. And there before her was the Mare in the Moon, in all her dark, armoured glory. A tiny salt-stick floated in her midnight-blue aura; she drew it slowly down her muzzle, licking it slowly. “Trick or Treat, Twilight Sparkle,” she grinned, showing her fangs. “Want to share the night?” > 69 Ocean's End by Knight of Lycaeus > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ocean's End by Knight of Lycaeus Twilight opened her eyes to find herself standing on barren lands. As she looked around trying to find her bearings she realized the term barren was not quite accurate. Barren meant that there was nothing around however as she looked and walked around she could see the last, faded remnants of civilizations long gone. All around her were rubble and burnt shells of what were likely once buildings. Even the earth itself bore signs of destruction, the lands were heavily cracked and here and there lava could be seen rising from beneath. There was no water, no life; everywhere she turned she could not find any flora or fauna. Truly she was alone here, the only living being. She attempted to look upwards but the skies above were a blinding white, however briefly she could a glimpse of the Sun. Carefully she attempted to look upwards again. What she did see was that the Sun was huge, larger than she had ever seen it before. The Sun hung low in the sky burning orange instead of the usual yellow. The light was bright, even brief glances of the sky was painful; out of reflex she blinked as the light became difficult to bear. Twilight opened her eyes to find herself in a lush meadow; the scenery was more akin to what she saw every day. Confused by the change of scenery she frantically looked around until she felt a hoof rest on her shoulder, and she turned to see Nightmare Moon behind her. “Greetings Twilight,” Nightmare said. Twilight turned herself around to look at the other Alicorn before firing off a rapid series of questions, “Nightmare? What happened? What did I just see? Where was that? Where are we?” Nightmare leaned down to nuzzle Twilight briefly cutting off the rapid questioning, “Calm yourself Twilight, I am here. As to where we are, the answer is simple for this is the Realm of Dreams. Those are the simplest questions that I can answer. As for your other questions, that is something that will take sufficiently more time to explain.” Twilight nodded, “I would like to know. So please, what happened? I saw this wasteland an-” Nightmare wrapped a wing around Twilight, “Please calm yourself and I will explain what has happened. I am well aware of what you had seen Twilight for I see it often.” “Wait, what?” Twilight asked. Nightmare tightened her hug, “Please Twilight I can explain, but I need time.” Twilight nodded and tried to settle down. “You know of my past, more than most have learned of before.” Nightmare sighed, “I am ancient and you know this. I have been around since almost the dawn of Creation and for that reason I see that place often. As someone so closely tied to Creation, I am immortal in the truest sense and for that reason I will live to see this world die as the Sun destroys itself. In my long life I have seen many civilizations on this world and others rising up and burn away. While this world’s end is far away it does not mean I do not dream of it.” “Then why did I see it too?” Twilight asked. Nightmare sighed again, “My magic is powerful and even though I have taken on a physical form I still retain much of my power. Those who become close to me are over time affected by my powers, one of those side-effects is that these individuals sometimes glimpse something that there should not see. Even though you have ascended beyond most others, you are still affected by this. This is one of the reasons why those I have lent my power or allowed myself to become close to are often driven mad. A mortal, no matter how powerful should never see the mind of an immortal. Mortals perceive the world in a linear fashion; they do so because their minds cannot handle the stress of seeing or knowing beyond this.” “But as an immortal you see more than that, much more.” Twilight added as started putting the puzzle together. “Where we see time and this world as being one way, almost like a stream; an immortal sees all of them together like an ocean.” “You are close as there are some inaccuracies, but that knowledge remains the purview of immortals. But you could say that immortals perceive the world as more akin to an ocean, I have seen the ocean’s ends regardless of far they stretch in time or space. All immortals are capable of seeing what was and what may be, the difference is only in how we see it; for some of us this ability is more controlled, but mine is tied to Dreams and thus not something I can easily contain to myself.” Nightmare removed her wing away from Twilight, “This is the reason why I have allowed so few to ever become close to me. Over the millenniums I have learnt how harsh my visions of what was and what may be are to mortals. So many have shunned me after learning of this truth, I doubt that this time should be any different. Farewell Twilight.” Nightmare turned away and began making her way to the edge of the Realm of Dreams where it would easiest to leave this world once more. Nightmare however was stopped by a pair of hooves who tried their best to wrap around her barrel, “Nightmare, please you don’t need to go anywhere.” Nightmare sighed deeply, “You would still follow me even though you know the risks of doing so?” Twilight got off Nightmare’s back and walked around to look at her, “I would. The risks may be high, but I don’t want you to leave. You may have driven others, but it was during one of those incidents that I met you for the first time. You helped bring my friends and I together and without confronting Luna in the depths of her madness I would have never met you.” Nightmare shook her head, “That should not be a reason for me to remain. I am dangerous to mortals, both through my power and the effect I have on mortals. I should not have returned to the mortal plane nor should I have allowed myself to become so close to one.” “I think you should have. You told me before that there almost no immortals on the mortal plane. You have been alone for so long and I think maybe that’s why you find it difficult to remain here. The term ocean could refer to something that is vast, in a way you are in an ocean. Lost adrift in an ocean, far away from any close companionship over the fear of the risks that may come and from what you just told me is that you have been alone for a long time.” “How could I allow myself close companionship when mortals are so fragile, unable to cope or understand the burdens an immortal carries?” Nightmare asked. “That may be the case, but I have learned from Celestia and Luna is that one way they cope with their long lives is to maintain close companionship. It keeps them here, grounded in this world and not just lost alone because there is no one around to be there for them. I may not be here as long as you will be Nightmare, but I want to be here for you now. I have a theory and I may be wrong, but perhaps your negative influence over others in the Realm of Dreams occurs because you are closely tied to what you are, the force you were from the dawn of Creation.” Twilight walked over to nuzzle Nightmare, “This is only theory as there are only two immortals that I know of, but if we went with analogy from earlier about you being adrift on an ocean then maybe the ocean is not only time and space, but also your powers. You’ve become lost among them without a solid, defined identity, but maybe I could help bring you to shore and be more grounded to this plane. You would be less tied to what you are and will be more able to express who you are. So please Nightmare, stay here with me.” Nightmare returned the nuzzle with one of her own, “You know the risks, but if you truly wish to try then yes Twilight, I will stay.” > 70 Death by Kean > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Death by Kean Part two of the 'Broken' series. Sequel to 'Dark'. WARNING: gore and dark imagery ahead. ”You know, when I heard you had returned and were in Canterlot, I was worried. When Celestia sent word that you were coming here to speak to me, I was afraid. Even after you told me of your… interest in me, I didn’t let my guard down. I thought you were just trying to find an easy way to get your revenge and stab me in the back.” Twilight smiled up at Nightmare her kind, innocent eyes shimmering in the day’s dying light. -------------------------------------------------------- Nightmare heard Twilight let out a frustrated growl. Twilight’s ex-captor-turned-captive had passed out from the pain being inflicted upon him. Again. The first time he’d lost consciousness, Twilight had searched what was left of the lab for any of the drugs they’d used on her to keep her awake, but Nightmare had been thorough in the destruction of the room and left little standing or usable other than the table Twilight had been on. It was upon that table that the Griffin lay, forelegs outstretched and pinned to it, punctured by jagged pieces of metal torn from the machines once used to study and monitor the Alicorn now sitting on him, straddling his chest. Twilight had taken to shocking him out of unconsciousness – literally. Twilight’s collar glowed and a deep purple aura surrounded her horn. “Twilight, wait,” Nightmare said before she could release the spell. With a snarl, Twilight turned her cold, almost lifeless eye to her. After a slight shudder, Nightmare continued. “We cannot stay here, Twilight.” Twilight stared for a few moments longer before her eye softened in recognition. “Then go,” she muttered, waving her away with a hoof. “I think I’ll stay here for a week, or a month, or two.” She shrugged. “However long I can make his body hold out.” “You don’t understand, Twilight. We can not stay here. Your brother-“ “Shining is here?” “- along with Celestia and Luna, yes. They have surrounded this town – this facility in a shield. They gave me three days to find you before they collapse it in on itself, crushing everything inside of it. It was made to teleport you to them upon touching your magical signature, but… ” Nightmare gestured toward the supports on the ceiling. “If possible, I didn’t want to risk you being harmed more than you may have been.” “How long did it take you to find me here?” Twilight asked calmly. “Find you?” Nightmare blinked at Twilight’s sudden shift in tone. “After I arrived, not long. Perhaps an hour. To do that?” Nightmare gestured to the hole above them. “Judging by the sunlight’s angle, about half the day has passed.” Twilight smiled faintly but remained silent, inspecting a shackle on the wrist of her foreleg. -------------------------------------------------------- ”Well,” Nightmare chuckled. “You were right to fear me.” “I wasn’t afraid of you. Well, not exactly.” She turned away and scuffed a hoof against the crystal balcony they were sitting on. Looking out over Ponyville, she continued, “I was more afraid of the consequences of a fight between us. Not who would win or lose – I believe, if necessary, I could bring an end to the fight.” “Your confidence is quite an endearing trait, but do not presume you would so easily win-“ “I didn’t say either of us would win or lose, just that, if I had no other choice, I could bring it to an end. But they – “Twilight gestured to the town below them. “ – What could any of them do if we fought here? I could only do so much to protect them while defending myself.” She sighed. “I don’t want anyone to be dragged into something they have no stake in.” -------------------------------------------------------- “What about the rest of the Griffins? How will they react?” Twilight asked, breaking the long silence. Nightmare sighed and visibly sagged. “This is an independent facility. It is not even part of the Griffin territories. They receive no funding from their crown, only what is acquired by their workers. From what we understand, they were trying to degrade our already deteriorating relations with the Kingdoms and instigate a war between us.” “Clever. Should they ever be found out, they’re able to shift the blame.” Twilight laughed and turned her attention back to her captor. “Of course, that also means they won’t be able to retaliate to anything done here without admitting having knowledge of what was happening...” She released the spell she’d been holding, sending electricity surging through the Griffin’s body. When his muscles finally stopped their spasms, she hung her head, looking directly into his eyes. “I’m not sure if you could hear us while you were out, but it seems our time is going to have to be cut short.” She chuckled as he began to struggle, succeeding in only making the gashes in his forelegs wider and longer. She lit her horn and the collar lit up along with it, the shackles on each foreleg becoming enveloped in a deep purple aura. “I had planned on saving this for last – I had so many plans, “ she huffed. “Guess we’ll have to see how many we can get through before you give out, then.” Twilight sat back and watched with a grin as long, thin strands of magic began to form, connected to the shackles. The magic formed and hardened into five long, jagged talons, a cruel mockery of what had been used on her so many times. “I had originally planned to use the keratin from my hooves for these,” Twilight said off-handedly, waving her forehoof. “But then I realized there wouldn’t be much mobility with them.” To demonstrate, she curled each talon one-by-one down around the hoof. “And this way, I can control each of them separately. “Now,” Twilight said all too calmly. Leaning down to look in the Griffin’s eyes, she stroked a talon down his cheek. Even from across the room, Nightmare could smell the burning flesh as the magic easily burned through his skin. “I hope you can appreciate the irony of-“ The Griffin’s head darted forward, embedding his beak into Twilight’s neck. Nightmare’s magic flared, but a dark chuckle from Twilight stopped her casting. “Alright,” Twilight growled and dug her talons into each side of his face. She slammed his head back onto the table, ripping his beak from her neck. Her magic flared and the hole began to sew itself closed. “Enough pretense.” She began to rend down his face, easily searing through his flesh and, incidentally, severing the gag. With his screams no longer being muffled, a vicious grin split Twilight’s muzzle. “I’m going to enjoy this so much more than I should.” -------------------------------------------------------- “Eviscerated” was the word Nightmare decided she’d use if ever she had to tell anyone what happened to the Griffin scientist in the following eight hours. Normally meticulous and careful in all she did, Twilight set to her task with fervent fury, tearing at flesh wherever she could dig the magic talons in and shattering bones whenever they got in her way. All before reforming the bones and stitching the wounds back up to the point where he wouldn’t bleed out. All so she could do it again. The second time she had ground the bones in his hind legs to dust, he passed out again. Twilight only growled and dug the talons into each side of his chest before channeling electricity through them. When the moon reached its apex in the sky, hovering just above the tunnel Nightmare had made, the Griffin’s body finally gave out. Striking him didn’t work, shocking him didn’t work, and tearing a bone from his foreleg didn’t work. Twilight even tore his chest open and used the talons to attempt to manually restart his heart, searing and crushing it in the process. She seemed more upset that she couldn’t revive him than that he needed to be revived. With a huff, she climbed off of what was now essentially a biology class dissection project, onto the floor, and shook what blood hadn’t dried from her coat and wings. “I was able to deal with this for how long? A year? And he doesn’t even have the decency to last a day?” Twilight groused. She turned to Nightmare, who had taken to lying on her belly in an area cleared of debris, watching the whole thing impassively. “So seeing that doesn’t bother you?” “Not so much, no.” Twilight laughed, the distress in her voice barely contained. “I guess the stories they used to tell about you weren’t entirely false.” “Twilight,” Nightmare sighed, a small smile forming. “I have been alive for a very long time – possibly longer than Discord. Though it’d be better if he didn’t know that. Knowing him, he’d attempt to find out and, if it were true, possibly attempt to change it.” Nightmare chuckled, but her smile faded. “I have seen many things, Twilight. I saw the dragons rend and tear each other apart for impeding on one another’s territory, over a few baubles, over mates, or even just because they could. I saw their might and bodies shape the land until they had no choice but to come together, lest they became extinct. “I watched the Centauran tribes constantly fight and die until they did die out, all to prove whose magic was stronger, whose artifacts held more power. I saw countless villages of various races drained of emotion by the Changelings until all that remained were their baser instincts, leaving them but empty husks; cruel mockeries of what they once were.” Nightmare looked into Twilight’s eye, her gaze turning hard. “Before Celestia and Luna, I witnessed the three pony tribes fight, kidnap, torture, and kill each other to learn the other race’s secrets. And I assisted in an attempt to bring about an eternal night, which would have resulted in the deaths of countless souls. “So no, Twilight Sparkle, death does not affect me in the ways it might others.” Nightmare’s visage softened. “But,” she continued, her voice subdued. “It does affect me – I wouldn’t be able to call myself a pony if it didn’t. And I quite like being a pony. It does not bother me that you ended his life. It doesn’t bother me how you went about it, either. “It is what led you to feel the need to set yourself to the task with such ferocity, such anger, that bothers me. I may not have been with you long before…” she gestured around the room with a hoof. “This, but I am worried that there is not much, if any, of that mare left.” Silence reigned for a long while, with Twilight staring off to the side, her mouth moving unconsciously as she thought and Nightmare silently watching her. “So what happens now?” Twilight blinked at her own soft spoken question, as if she hadn’t meant for it to actually come out. Nightmare raised an eyebrow. “Now we leave and get you some rest and see to your recovery.” “No, I mean, what happens – wait, leave?! As in leave the entire… facility, as you called it?” “Yes, removing oneself from a location is generally how one leaves it.” “No,” Twilight growled, her hackles rising. “There were more than who was down here; I’m not just going to leave.” She turned, aiming for a better angle on the entrance Nightmare had made. As she stepped, though, her leg went limp along with the rest of her body. Nightmare enveloped her in her magic, preventing her from hitting the floor. She set Twilight upright, but even after she regained her footing, Nightmare held her. “Your magic has healed most of your wounds, Twilight, but your body is still weak. You must rest.” Twilight’s talons dug into the ground and Nightmare mentally braced herself. Twilight’s collar flared with her horn, feeding her with whatever magic she commanded it in attempt to teleport out of, negate, dispel, reverse, or overpower Nightmare’s magic. Nightmare matched her easily, watching impassively as she struggled. “Nightmare, I have to do this. I need to-“ “To what?” Nightmare snapped, rising to her hooves.” Leaving here in your state, and in a blind rage, would simply lead to you being captured again – or worse! Your magic is strong, yes, but your body is not yet recovered. You are immortal, yes, but you are not invincible.” Twilight stared back at her, defiance clear in her eye. Nightmare sighed. “Let us leave, Twilight, your brother – the shield – will do what is-“ “They don’t deserve that!” Twilight cried out. A flash of light erupted from her horn, as blinding as the sun on a clear day in the desert. Nightmare lost her concentration for a moment as she turned to shield her eyes, only to find herself on her back with Twilight standing over her, straddling her. Looking up at her, Nightmare could only equate what she saw on Twilight’s face and in her eye to a feral beast, its claws searing through the ground on either side of her head. It took only a moment for Twilight’s eye to widen in realization and tears to well up in it. The talons fractured and dissipated into the air as she stopped channeling their spell and her collar and horn lost their glow. She hung her head and spoke, her voice wavering. “Shiny doesn’t deserve that. He came here to save me – to protect me. “If he sees what they did to me – if he even suspects it – he’ll collapse that shield for the same reason I tortured that griffin. I don’t want him to feel that, Nightmare. I don’t want him to get pulled into this anymore than he already has. I can do it – I want to do it.” Nightmare smiled softly and brushed a hoof through Twilight’s mane before running it along her cheek to wipe the tears. “Very well. You will stay here, with me, for the entirety of tomorrow and rest. Day and night. I will do what I can to aid in your recovery.” She chuckled as Twilight collapsed on top of her, wrapped her hooves around her neck and buried her muzzle in it. “Promise me that you’re not just going to wait until I fall asleep and drag me out,” said Twilight’s muffled voice. Nightmare gently lifted her in her magic and rolled on to her belly, setting Twilight next to her. “I swear, I will do no more than watch over you.” Twilight pressed herself close to the larger alicorn and the moment her head rested against Nightmare, she was out. -------------------------------------------------------- Twilight chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of her head with a hoof. “But that’s not why I asked you here. Sorry, I got a little off track.” She’d turned away to hide her blush, but the twitching of her wings betrayed her. “I’ve enjoyed talking with you these past few weeks and, if the offer of… courtship, was it? If it’s still open, I would love to take you up on it.” Twilight looked back at her with a soft and hopeful, if a bit apologetic smile. -------------------------------------------------------- Twilight stirred against her side, whimpering and shaking. Nightmare draped a wing over her and pulled her close, causing Twilight to curl tighter against her. She then laid her tail over the young alicorn’s flanks and curled her neck around Twilight as best she could. I cannot safeguard your dreams; it is not my realm. I cannot safeguard your body; there is no longer a need. I cannot safeguard your mind; you do not want me to share your pain. Nightmare gently brushed away more tears with the tip of her wing. “Then, should you allow me,” she whispered. “I shall safeguard your heart. Even for all you have been through, it has remained strong. I will not allow you to lose that." > 71 Alcohol by Draven Eclipse > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alcohol by Draven Eclipse Twilight Sparkle hates Ponyville. Well okay she doesn’t really hate Ponyville, but at the moment she wanted nothing to do with the unassuming town. She thought that when she was told she could hold court in her new castle, that it would be a simple affair. She got along well with the townsponies and it was by and large the friendliest town she had ever been to. So naturally she assumed that things would go at a more relaxed pace. Not as much bickering and whining as the Canterlot nobles. She was wrong, she was so very wrong. In fact, after a thorough study of all of the past times she had been proven wrong, this one was seventeen point two Twilightyears™ ahead of the pack. They somehow seemed to think that just because Twilight lived there, that they would get special treatment and have her bypass decisions previously decided upon by Celestia or Mayor Ivory Scroll. Which did not help her relation with the Mayor in the least bit. Where before they had a friendly relationship, it had devolved down to offical meetings and strained politeness. But that wasn’t even the worst of it. They attempted to schmooze her, trying to get on her good side before bringing up issues of land disputes with their neighbors. It was when things got hurtful is when she really grew to understand the true disdain her BBBFF had of court proceedings in the Crystal Empire. She had started a relationship with Roseluck. Everything the mare did was seemingly innocent at first glance. Then Twilight discovered that the over the course of several months, that she was attempting to abuse their relationship to get funding for an expansion on her flower business. That was the first and last romantic adventure Twilight decided she would ever have until she was married. Her parents would be proud. No she only had one true love now, the sweat nectar of life, alcohol. This wasn’t the dainty wines that Rarity loved to sip on as she read romance novels. Nope, Twilight wouldn’t settle for anything less than rock gut whiskey and mead. She hadn’t even considered alcohol until she met for peace talks with a Minotuar Viking Chief whose people were preying on small costal villages. Part of the agreement was that the Princess who headed up the peace talks would be required to join in on traditional Viking bonding ceremony. Which boiled down to a week long afair of drinking as much alcohol as you could and hunting the biggest prey you could find in the wild. Which lead to Twilights lovely new Ursa fur blanket….and carpet in her room. Now was not the time for reminiscing on fond memories however. She had a particularly trying day and she was now going to perform her greatest magic trick, making an entire cask of mead disappear. Twilight was well into said cask when the doors to her audience chamber burst open. Standing in the doorway was none other than Nightmare Moon. “MUAHAHAHAHA, I HAVE WAITED MANY YEARS FOR THIS MOMENT TWILIGHT SPARKLE!” Twilight stared at the dark alicorn and finished off the rest of her mug before smashing it on the floor and filling up a new one. “What the buck do you want? Can’t you read the sign, court is closed for today. Go bother somepony else with your nonsense,” snapped the irritated and inebriated mare. “I SHALL NOT WAIT PRINCESS, I SHALL CLAIM YOUR THRONE AND YOUR LANDS FOR MY OWN! AND THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO TO STOP ME!” Nightmare gloated before breaking into another wave of maniacal laughter. “You want my throne and lands? Fine, take them and shut up” she said as she launched her crown at Nightmare Moon, causing it to bounce off of her head. Nightmare was reasonably confused as her nemesis went back to drinking her beverage, which judging by the scent and the impressive pile of smash wooden mugs, was mead. She was expecting an epic duel to the death, or at least submission. Instead, all she was yelled at and everything she came here for. Something was wrong. “Are uh…. You okay?” she asked tentatively. Drink. Smash. Drink. “No I am not okaaaaay, I just spent the last fifteen hours listening to the townsponies argue and demand the most inane and self centered things. Then treat me like I’m the bad pony when I tell them no!” This was awkward. Nightmare did not really handle awkward well. Civil Wars? Easy. Corrupting the weak minded? Foals play. Flower arrangement ceremonies? Just try and stop her. But awkward situations? You’d have better results from a pack of chewing gum. “Do you uh…um” Nightmare struggled to think to something to say, “Do you want to talk about it?” Before she could even blink, Nightmare found herself sitting on the spacious throne beside the mare in question and a flagon of mead shoved into her hooves. Then Twilight began to rant. Five hours and three casks later… “An thash why thosh ponnies can just kiss my purple princess posterior” Twilight slurred, with a satisfactory smirk on her face. “Yeeeeeah you go girls” Nightmare whooped as she tried to figure out which one of the Twilights said that or if all of them said that. Since when were there more than one of her? Twilight smiled at the encouragement. Nightmare was such a good listener. She had never felt so comfortable talking to somepony before. Sure she had Celestia to talk to, but even then she always felt nervous about disappointing her. With Nightmare, it was just so easy. “Sho Moonie, how are you here? I kinna member makin your face go boom” Twilight giggled as she added pantomimed the elements hitting Nightmare Moon. She even slumped over and pretneded to be dead. Nightmare proceeded to choke on her drink at the rather embarrasing nickname. And did her best not to laugh at the younger mares acting skills, it was a hard fought battle. “Not sure if you figured it out, but those things don’t actually kill. One minute I was in Lunas body, next I was a in the stupid forest growing a body. Its weird, considering I was really just a part of Luna. Just laying on the floor gave me a lot of time to think. Figured I’d just get rid of you as soon as I could. Found out you were a princess and it made things pretty interesting, if I could take over you…er your lands, I’d have a nice start to take over Equestria.” “I she” Twilight nodded sagely, “howsh that workin out fer ya?” “It’s not exactly going to plan…I was expecting some big climatic battle to the death…or at least surrender. A battle that ponies would speak of for generations” Nightmare sighed, “Instead I got…this.” Twilight hummed and she thought to herself. She certainly didn’t feel like fighting right now, not after having such a good time. But on the other hoof, it wasn’t fair that she had helped out Twilight by listening to her problems. Something had to be done, but what? It was then that a sly grin made its way across her face. “Moonie, come with me. We can totally have an epic battle” Twilight said, jumping off the throne and stumbling down the hallway. Nightmare was reluctant, but followed the stumbling mare. She even had to press up against her to stop the mare from falling over occasionally. Twilight lead them to a large door and motioned for her to enter. Nightmare did so with slight apprehension, pushing the door open and walking inside. The room was large and the carpet felt very soft under her hooves. It was clearly someponies bedroom. And the carpet seemed like she was walking on the sky itself. She couldn’t help but gasp at the realization she was standing on the fur that once belong to an Ursa Major. While an impressive room, she couldn’t figure out how they would have an epic battle in here. There was not even enough room. When she heard the door locking behind her, she turned around to face Twilight whose face couldn’t be described as anything other than predatory. “Yes thish room if perfect for our battle, I hope you’re ready Moonie” “Twilight, how can we battle in here? There isn’t enough roo-“ she started before being tackled to the bed with lips pressed against her own. Thus ended the Great Nightmare rebellion. The shortest rebellion in the history of Equestria. Nightmare even got her wish, Ponyville ponies would definitely remember that battle for years to come. > 72 Astonishment by Kean > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Astonishment by Kean Part 3 of the "Broken" series Shining Armor sat atop a hill overlooking the town Twilight was being held in watching the last vestiges of moonlight filtered through his shield, his horn glowing dimly. Even in the dying light he could still make out the crater Nightmare Moon had made on the edge of the town. Seeing her dive from on high like a meteor, bathed in fire and fury, had him awestruck. Feeling that fury – that power – even from such a distance, had left him shaken. By the time he’d recovered his wits and erected a shield around the town, she was gone, burrowed deep into the earth. When the shield was raised, there was no panic as they had expected. Instead, every Griffin made toward the center of the town, as if it were a designated rally point. He had noted, in what little time he had to inspect them, that there seemed to be no civilians. There certainly weren’t any children. This was, beyond a doubt, a military facility hiding behind the façade of a standard town. As the moon was finally laid to rest, he turned at the sound of hoofsteps to see Princess Celestia approaching. She had foregone her usual attire, leaving her crown, hoofshoes, and torc back in Canterlot. Instead she wore a set of brilliant golden armor. From her hooves to the top of her neck, overlapping plates covered her. Even the leading edges of her wings were protected. She wore no helmet, but even with her face unobstructed, her best kind smile was still intimidating. He was more than sure it was all for show: A way to tell anyone who saw her that she was not there as a diplomat, not there to entertain dignitaries, and not there to be bargained with, without saying a word. She stopped at his side, her horn glowing faintly, but said nothing. He turned his attention back to the shield. Modifying the spell to teleport Twilight to them when her magical signature came into contact with it had been Luna’s idea. His had been to simply have the shield collapse upon itself until it hit her, ignoring anything else alive or not, and have it surround her, and then pull her directly to them, through anything in its path. Celestia had been the one to suggest collapsing it and everything inside it. As former Captain of her royal guard, Shining Armor knew that Celestia was powerful. He knew that she would likely do anything to protect her kingdom, her ponies. But she had said it in a tone as cold as ice and hard as steel. He had never seen her – or anyone – look and sound so vindictive and couldn’t help but wonder if some of it was aimed at herself for being unable to act for so long. She had also taken the duty of powering his spell while he kept the framework solid. Griffin shamans tapped into the world’s leylines to perform their magic, so they had a near limitless supply so long as their bodies and minds held out. Even patching minor damage over the past two days had begun to tire Shining Armor. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Celestia’s magic flare for moment before returning to its dim glow. The sun rose without any fanfare, the morning light illuminating the empty town. Shining Armor sighed. “That’s three days.” “You don’t need to be the one to do this, Shining Armor,” Celestia said, her voice soft with a hint of sorrow. Neither turned their gaze away from the town. “No, I don’t have to be. But she’s my sister, so I will.” Shining Armor’s voice was firm, resolute. “I’ll give Nightmare five more minutes.” Luna would wake soon, as would their other “guest”. Best to do it quick. “Nightmare knew her timeframe.” Instead of simply staring, Shining began to look over the town once again to pass the time. Looking at it, it was a perfect rendition of a town, as if it were a hobbyist’s model. Split into four in a circle surrounding a central building, on one side was a residential district. On one side of that was a market district, fit with stores, stands, and everything else a merchant might use to peddle their goods. On the other side was a business district fitted with buildings of mismatched heights, giving the impression that some were either more important or required more workers than the others. Interspersed between the three were buildings and shops of the others. The fourth slice contained what would house the “upper class” citizens, if there were any. Gilded buildings, each one more grandiose than the last, filled the area. The central building, larger than even the most grandiose of the upper district and flanked by a tall tower on either side now housed the entirety of the town, when they weren’t attempting to break through the shield. He and the Princesses were sure that no actually one used any buildings outside of the residential area; that the rest was just for show. Still, if Nightmare hadn’t… ‘Persuaded’ the king’s advisors into giving up their information to her about this place, we’d never have suspected it, Shining thought with a sigh. His magic flared in preparation of altering the dimensions of such a massive shield, but paused before he even began. A ping came from his connection to the shield, a signal that someone was being teleported. He couldn’t stop the relieved smile that spread across his muzzle. She had actually found Twilight. -------------------------------------------------------- “Thank you for not asking me to go back with you – or taking me back – yesterday, Nightmare,” Twilight said as she stood and stretched. The room was empty except for the two of them and the broken machinery. Everything else had been buried, incinerated, or otherwise destroyed. “Of course,” Nightmare replied, nuzzling into Twilight’s neck. “I promised I would only watch over you, didn’t I?” “Yeah, but I also remember you saying that I should rest.” Twilight chuckled. “It didn’t take you long to throw that idea out… “She trailed off at Nightmare’s smug grin. “What?” “You are more relaxed, are you not? You are certainly at least much more calm.” “T-that’s beside the point, “Twilight sputtered, turning to hide her blush. “And I’m only calm because I’ve pretty much sealed off my anger. Probably not healthy for any length of time, but I didn’t want to risk losing it with you again. Seriously, you could probably say anything and I wouldn’t even be able to get angry about it,” Twilight chuckled nervously. “Twilight…” Nightmare saw the last vestiges of moonlight fade from the top of the hole and sighed. “The sun will rise soon. I will ask you only once more, as it will be your last chance: Will you leave with me?” Twilight ruffled her wings and shook her head. “Very well, but promise me that, should become weak or feel that you are becoming overwhelmed, you will make contact with the shield and escape.” Twilight grinned. “Don’t worry, I already planned for that. What I need to do for it, though… Please apologize to Shiny for me. He’s not going to like it…” -------------------------------------------------------- Nightmare appeared with a pop and immediately heard Shining Armor ask, “Where is she?” She blinked the remaining spots from her eyes before focusing them on him. “Still inside. She… elected to stay behind.” “What? Why? Is she alright, is she hurt?” “She is… alive. “ “Then why didn’t you bring her here with you?!” He shouted and turned back toward he town. “Whatever, it doesn’t matter, I’ll get her out.” Just as he prepared to shrink the shield, bolt of deep purple magic fired like a flare out of the crater. It impacted the shield and Shining fell to his belly, clutching his head and writhing in pain. Even Celestia’s head bowed against the unexpected power. Both of their horns lost their glow. Nightmare watched as the shield flickered before becoming a deep purple tinged with black. She chuckled. “If it’s any consolation, she asked me to apologize to you for her for that. I’m sure if she’d known you were assisting with it, that the apology would extend to you as well, Celestia.” Celestia scowled at her, Nightmare just shrugged. “That was Twilight?” Shining groaned as he rose to his hooves. “How? If she can do that then why wasn’t she able to escape?” Hearing hoofsteps behind her, Nightmare turned to see Luna approaching wearing pale silver armor identical to Celestia’s. Luna said nothing so Nightmare turned back to Shining and sighed. “When I found her, she was strapped to a table, her horn broken off…” She told them everything she’d seen and done, excluding parts of the second day and what little Twilight had told her they’d done to her and what she’d been able to infer. If Twilight wanted them to know, she’d tell them herself. When she finished, all their eyes were wide in astonishment. Shining’s gaze quickly hardened. He turned and began marching toward the town. “Where are you going?” Nightmare asked. “To get her out. I’ll drag her back here, if I have to,” Shining replied without stopping, his voice firm. Luna laughed in disbelief. “She overpowered both you and my sister and wrestled control of your shield without trouble. What makes you believe you will be able to ‘drag her back’?” “We weren’t expecting it. I will be-“ “She overpowered me.” Nightmare said. “And I was prepared. Your going in there will do more harm than good, Shining Armor. Should any harm come to you, who do you think she will blame? What do you think will happen then?” “So what am I supposed to do?” Shining snapped and turned. “Sit here and watch and leave her alone in there with them?!” “I would say that we are leaving them in there with her, but yes, that is exactly what you should do. She is angry, Shining Armor. She is unstable, dragging her out and back to Equestria may be the right thing to do, but it is not the best. Let her have her revenge, let her rid herself of at least some of that anger.” Her visage turned soft. “Then, when she is finished, we will be here for her. She is not broken, not completely; she is not lost to us.” Shining slumped, hung his head in defeat, and nodded. Nightmare turned her gaze on both Luna and Celestia. Both nodded in agreement. Satisfied, she moved past them and approached the fifth of the group. The Griffin stood alone and off to the side watching the town. He wore only a set of ornate talon guards, leaving the rest of his body unprotected; a testament to the arrogance in his belief that he could not be harmed here. She stopped beside him, not bothering to look at him as she spoke. “King Skytalon, I have said it before and I will again: You do not belong here.” “And as I have said before,” He replied, his voice deep, his words spoken as if he were speaking down to a lesser. “Whether they are part of my kingdom or not, they are Griffins, my people. I will see them punished properly.” “Do you honestly think that we believe you? That you knew nothing about this place? We are not fools.” “And yet,” he chuckled. “You have no proof. Even your kin did not go to war with us over this. So while you may not believe me, it seems those in power do.” Nightmare laughed, low and dark. “Celestia and Luna did not invade or wage war due to potential civilian casualties on both sides. They know as well as I that you only lead us here because, otherwise, your head would roll. As for proof? If I believed for even a moment that going to war would not harm Twilight’s psyche more than you already have, I would rip your mind apart and tear the memories out in an instant, just as I did to your advisors.” “Ah, so it is the young alicorn that is keeping my mind intact? I will have to thank her.” A flash of light erupted in the residential area of the town, blinding all on the hill momentarily. When the light subsided, nothing was left standing. There was no earth quaking force, no sound, no warning. One moment the buildings stood, the next they were rubble. A purple streak blurred across to the business district. Up and down the alleyways and streets Twilight flew, collecting an increasing trail of Griffins that had apparently been hiding. When she finished her search, she flew as high as the shield would allow her. The Griffins, of which Nightmare counted twenty, were held in her magic in a line. As one, their wings expanded to their full lengths. As one, twenty sets of wings were sheared off and fell to the ground. Even with the distance between them, Nightmare could hear their screams faintly. One by one each Griffin fell to the ground, limp, the only indication that Twilight had done anything being her movement and splattering of red on the shield. When the last Griffin impacted the ground, the Business district met the same fate as the residential. Twilight then moved on to the market. Nightmare grinned wide, bearing her fangs, when the King took a step back, it only widened. “You believe yourself to be untouchable. You believe that, since you will with get away with this that you will be able to do anything. And I am so very glad that you do. Because when you decide that one, petty, perceived slight is finally enough and you do decided to engage Equestria, I will be there. “And I’m sure I speak for Twilight as well when I say that we will so enjoy crushing every foolish Griffin that chooses to follow you.” The left tower flanking the central building cracked and spit in two as Twilight flew straight up it, her magical talons each leaving a purple streak behind her and whenever she swung at a Griffin as she passed, cutting though them with ease. Those that didn’t die fell with the tower as Twilight broke through the top and flew into the top of the second tower. Other than the dust settling and Griffins leaving the main complex, armed and ready to retaliate against Twilight’s rampage, it was silent. Then a scream, magically amplified, rent the air. A Griffin flew out of one of the tower windows, followed by Twilight. By the bright purple colors and what she could make out of the ornate designs on his cloak, he was likely one of, if not the head of the complex. His wings spread, then snapped shut before he swung back toward the tower. Upon reaching the vertex of the swing, a sickening crack resounded through the air and he went limp. A dark, sadistic chuckle came from Twilight and Nightmare saw Luna, Celestia, and Shining Armor tense. Then the shield began to collapse and Twilight flew to the top and touched it before disappearing. Nightmare turned and began to move toward where Twilight would arrive and couldn’t help but grin as the King stood motionless, staring as the town was crushed from all side. He was tensed, likely to stop himself from shaking. His tail, however, continued to flick back and forth nervously. Twilight appeared crouched low, wings spread, and growling, her breathing coming out in pants. Only Nightmare and Shining made to move to her, but when her eye, wild and unfocused, fell on him, he paused. Slowly, her wings folded at her sides and her eye focused on him. “Twily, are you okay?” A pointless question, but Nightmare couldn’t fault him. “You look – I mean, Nightmare told us how she found you, but – “ “I’m fine, Shiny.” “But-“ he stepped closer and raised a hoof to touch the bare skin on the left side of Twilight’s face. Most of the scarring was gone, but she still had no feeling on that half. She gently lowered his hoof with her own and smiled softly. “I’m fine, really.” “But what was that?” He threw a hoof out, pointing to where the town used to be, now just a purple bubble draining dust and dirt from a hole in the bottom into a crater where the town used to be. “And that?” He finished, pointing to the metallic collar around her neck. “The results of an experiment.” “Twily-“ She wrapped his neck in a hug. “Thank you for coming here. It means more than you know. “ Shining hesitated for a moment, another question on his tongue before sighing and returning the hug. “Of course, you’re welcome.” Twilight looked over his shoulder at Celestia and Luna and smiled. “Thank you both, too.” Luna acknowledged it with a nod, but Celestia said, “Twilight, I apologize for how long it took us. We couldn’t-“ “Don’t,” Twilight sighed and released her brother. “Nightmare told me everything. I understand.” She chuckled lightly. “I hope I didn’t hurt either of you too much when I took control of the shield.” Both simply shook their heads in response, but Celestia shot another scowl at Nightmare. Nightmare just smiled innocently. Twilight’s gaze eventually fell on the Griffin King, still standing away from the group, scowling at them. His scowl only deepened when Twilight approached him with Nightmare against her side, supporting her weak legs. “I never did get to thank you for the feast you set up for my escort and I,” Twilight said casually. Before he could reply, she continued. “Though that’s probably how you got me here in the first place. I spent some time trying to figure out which dish or drink you must have poisoned-“ Nightmare fought hard to keep the grin off her face as the King’s hackles rose and scowl deepened even further at the offense, and that Twilight didn’t bow or even address him. “This is all you have to say? Petty insults on my chefs? I will tell you as I have told your kin: I had nothing to do with your capture and imprisonment,” He growled back. Twilight laughed, but lowered her voice. “So, all the times the researchers were told to report their findings to the King, they weren’t referring to you? And when the head told me that, ‘The King will have your head for this’, before I threw him through the window, that you are not the King he was referring to?” Twilight chuckled as his talons dug into the earth. “Now, now, you wouldn’t want to attack me here, with proper witnesses, would you? “Just stand there and keep looking indignant, wouldn’t want them to think something might be wrong. Yeah, just like that, perfect.” Twilight’s raised her voice enough for the others hear again. “I haven’t been able to figure it out yet; everything tasted like rotting garbage.” With that, Twilight turned away, Nightmare leading her away from the group. “This is insulting!” Skytalon shouted. “Celestia, this is how you allow your apprentices to act toward royalty?!” Celestia regarded him for a moment before looking around. “According to you, this land is not claimed by any race. It has no hierarchy and no laws. That being said, I see no royalty here, only five ponies and a griffin. She has done nothing wrong, perhaps besides being a little rude, but under the circumstances – and as I am not her mother – I will let it pass.” She turned her gaze back to the King. “Unless you wish to claim this land as your own. Then I may scold her.” Skytalon made to reply but quickly caught his tongue. After fuming for a time he glared at Celestia. “No, it is not part of our territories. But, this will not be the last time we speak of this.” A loud, mocking laugh came from Luna. “Please, do bring it up during our next meeting. I would love to see how both councils react to the knowledge that you nearly dammed your people for the sake of your pride.” After attempting to sputter a reply, Skytalon took flight, leaving the five ponies to themselves. “Right,” Celestia sighed. “We should return to Canterlot. I’m sure Cadance and Blueblood are close to losing their minds by now. Twilight?” Celestia called as she approached her. Twilight turned her head, but didn’t shout back. Stopping next to her, Celestia asked, “The skin on your face has healed, but I assume the nerves are still dead?” Twilight nodded. Celestia smiled and lit her horn. “I should be able to repair the damage when we get back, it’s the least I can do for you.” In a flash of sunlight, the five ponies disappeared, on their way back to Canterlot. > 73 Crazy by Kean > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crazy by Kean "Pinkie, tell me again why you woke me up in the middle of the bucking night and dragged me to Twilight's castle?!" Rainbow Dash groused. "Because, silly," Pinkie bounced. Her voice was actually bouncy. Dash groaned as Pinkie lowered her voice, whispering conspiratorially. "Twilight's been acting really weird whenever she's around Nightmare Moon. She's always running off to see her, she walks really close to her when they're together." Pinkie sidled up next to Dash, rubbing against her side for emphasis. "And she's always unfocused when Nightmare's around." Pinkie's irises moved to opposite sides of her eyes "And she's always sighing like this." she sighed dreamily. Quickly, her eyes shot back to Dash and her visage turned stern, determined. "Twilight is never unfocused! It's our duty as her friends to find out what's going on and to make sure Black Snooty doesn't have her under some sort of spell to make her all crazy!" Pinkie exclaimed triumphantly. "I saw Nightmare go into her castle earlier and she still hasn't come out. We're going to find out why." "Pinkie-" "Now," Pinkie said as she clambered onto Rainbow's back. "Lift me up to that window with the light coming out of it." "Why don't I just fly up there and look myself?" Dash grumbled as she adjusted her wings. "Well, they're probably not looking out the window-" "Right, so just let me-" "But! When you see something out of the corner of your eye, what's more likely to catch your attention, something still or something moving, like wings flapping?" Dash sputtered for a moment before sighing. She had to give her that one. "That actually makes sense. For as much as your entire idea makes sense, at least." "Exactly!" Pinkie patted Dash on the head. "Just leave all the thinking to me, Dashie, and I'll get you through unscathed!" Dash didn't respond, but took solace in the surprised squeal from the mare on her back as she launched herself straight up without warning. Stopping abruptly, with Pinkie's head just above the bottom of the window, Dash asked, "Well? See anything?" Pinkie hummed for a moment. "Not really, the light's coming from a candle, but I can't see- oh! There's Nightmare Moon. She's on a bed, this must be a guest room. Pretty snazzy for a guest room, too. "Wait, I can hear someone else. It sounds like Twilight, but I've never..." Dash fidgeted as Pinkie trailer off into silence. A few moments later, she felt Pinkir tug her mane up, and rose high enough to see into the window. A moment later, she shot to the ground and shook Pinkie off her back, blushing furiously. "Well, I guess you were right, Nightmare is definitely driving her crazy," Dash chuckled uneasily. "Yep! I'm always right! You'd think ponies would understand that by now," Pinkie giggled and started to bounce back toward Sugar Cube Corner. Dash looked back up at the window, then to Pinkie, before setting off back toward the town, intent on finding a pony who knew a memory wiping spell. Or at least one who knew of a drink with the same potency. > 74 I See Stars (I See Fire) by Toratchi888 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I See Stars by Toratchi888 To the tune of I See Fire by Ed Sheeran. I See Stars O misty eye of the moon high above Keep careful watch o’er my foolish love And should the sky be filled with sunlight or stars Keep watching over from afar * If this is to end in chaos, then we shall all fall together When you see my hunger, You make as to fly— Calling out, “Twilight, O! Stand fast and we will Rise above the world into The sky…” And if we shall fall tonight, Then we shall both fall together; Raise the moon and stars For the last time. Calling out, “Twilight, O! Mystery, magic; Let the Nightmare bear you on The dreaming tide; Let the darkness cover you inside.” Now I see stars; Great shining beacons I see stars; Flooding the night I see stars~: Turning, they beckon. I see stars~ to Lead me aright. And I hope that you will fill my sight. ** Now as the moon shines on me, So the sun shines the same. There is a force upon me, And it burns like a flame. Calling out, “Nightmare, O! Rise from the darkness; For the new world dawning now is nigh; Let the dreams of lovers lift you high~” I can’t see stars; Clouded and hidden Can’t see stars; Something awry. I can’t see stars~ Fears come unbidden. Can’t see stars~ Peril is nigh. But as I lose hope I hear the cry; It says: Remember, Twilight: You can Count on my love; On wings of dark emotion I will Lift you above And though the sky is falling down to Crash into my lonely town and There is chaos all around, I Hear my people screaming out: Now we see stars Hovering over! We see stars Shining and free. Now we see stars~; Darkness receding. We see stars~; Love on the breeze! Now I see stars~ Oh, you know I see the stars are burning~! Stars~ Now I see stars~ Feel her heat upon my skin~! Stars~ Now I see stars~ Nightmare Mooooooon~! Stars~ Now we see stars rise over all And fill the sky. > 75 Persecution by Knight of Lycaeus > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Persecution by Knight of Lycaeus “What is this place?” Twilight asked looking around trying to finding her bearings after exiting a teleport from Nightmare. She had been in her home waiting for Nightmare to return, what she did not anticipate was Nightmare whisking her off to some unknown place. Looking around she could that she was standing on a weathered stone platform that still looked in fairly good condition in spite of its suspected age. There were a few small bushes and sparse trees around the stone platform, but beyond that there did not seem to be much else. “Long ago this place was of great significance to me,” Nightmare replied as she moved ahead through the thick foliage. “This is merely the entrance; the actual destination is just ahead.” Twilight followed behind her as Nightmare led the way through a winding path of roughly laid stones that form cut through the thick foliage. “I would have appreciated a warning that you were going to take me somewhere,” Twilight commented. “There is something I wish to show you unfortunately I had thought the date would be later not sooner. Had we waited then it would have been some time more before this happens again. I do apologize for not forewarning you, but I believe you may appreciate what you shall see.” Nightmare said calmly in response to Twilight’s comment. Twilight looked ahead to see that the trees were gone and that the ground was lined with even more stone however these stones were of a darker colouration than the ones she had seen earlier. She felt a hoof rest on her back and she paused to see that she and Nightmare were standing overlooking a deep valley. Nightmare indicated towards the valley. Down below Twilight could see a thick forest and towards the center of the valley the trees were broken up the presence of a few columns of dark stone rising up from below. “Is that building below us in the valley a temple or a shrine?” Twilight asked. “The spires I can see remind me of images I’ve seen of old temples.” “It was a temple, a temple dedicated to me.” Nightmare said. “I thought you said all of your temples and shrines were gone destroyed by others in the centuries since you left this sphere,” Twilight said as she looked at her companion. Nightmare shook her head, “This is the last that remain. At its peak it was the grandest temple dedicated to me. However it is of another greater significance, this was the last sanctum. My followers were never well liked by other outsiders and in the wake of my fall from power they took it upon themselves to hunt my followers to their very last.” “So they all fled here,” Twilight commented. “Although why here? Is there something special about this place?” Nightmare nodded, “This temple was well hidden, more than another. By teleportation we have bypassed the defences around this sacred place. To reach here one needs to find the entrance which in itself is well hidden, but as well one needed a guide who could bring them through a long tunnel that devours light. The darkness and hidden pitfalls made navigation difficult, as well approach from above was likewise well guarded. Not even teleportation magics work here, the unusual rock this valley is hidden behind not to mention the copious numbers of runes would destroy anyone who attempts to do so, but the only exception is my magic that is able to bypass the protections.” “The last of your followers fled here, to the last safe place they had,” Twilight commented. “I know that at least a few small colonies have survived and are now the ones who have pledged to serve Luna as her Lunar Guards.” Nightmare nodded and began leading the way down into the valley. “Those who serve in the Lunar Guards are a small number of the already small population. There were always so few Lunars when compared to how numerous the Solars are; my worshippers were mostly Lunars although a few outsiders such as a few sympathetic Solars did join us.” “So what makes tonight so special?” Twilight asked as they walked deeper in the dark valley. “The moon almost never shines in here; the way this place was built prevented the moon form shining down too often. One may be able to glimpse the moon once during the whole year and on that one night a year; it is a time of celebration dedicated to their patron Goddess. However what is even rarer is seeing the Moon is directly overhead reflecting an almost golden light, that event occurs perhaps once every ten years or so. On those special years when the light reflected down is an almost golden it makes the temple shine. There is a special crystal which gathers the rare moonlight and uses it bring light to the temples and that rare night more moonlight can be gathered to store for the years to come.” “That’s tonight?” Twilight asked guessing to why Nightmare seemed so hurried to bring her here. “Indeed it is, but there is something more,” Nightmare commented. “Look ahead of us, there you shall see why I wish to bring you here tonight.” Twilight looked up to realize that ahead was a dim light and rounding the last turn in the path she could now see why. The temple that Nightmare had pointed out could been seen n the distance, but before here were stone buildings crafted out of the same dark materials used elsewhere. The streets were filled with Ponies, but not ones that she usually saw. “I never thought about visiting a place like this, but from what I can see, I would think that this is one of the Lunar colonies.” Twilight said as she saw that all the Ponies with darken colours and slit eyes. Nightmare smiled, “Not a colony, no this is the Lunar city, the capital if you prefer. A place founded by the Lunars who fled to escape persecution. Allow me to welcome you to the Lunaris Sanctuarium and we are here for their annual festival to the Moon. However as you have guessed, tonight is particularly special as tonight is that special night and my return has prompted for a grander celebration than what would be usually held. This is a special festival held in honour of the Moon,, but also in honour of their Patron and their Goddess. I wished to show you this place, lost that it has been to the world, so come so that we may enjoy this night.” > 76 Frozen by Kean > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frozen by Kean Twilight sat just inside the exit to the balcony attached to her bedroom, her eye pressed against the eyepiece of her telescope. “Luna really outdid herself tonight,” she muttered to herself. It didn’t surprise her, Luna made sure that this night, every year, that the skies were clear. The moon, ever present in the sky was dimmed in comparison to the stars, each one belonging to a constellation brighter than the others. Her stargazing was interrupted by a dull thud just underneath the balcony. Probably just a pile of snow falling off the roof, she thought as she stepped onto the balcony, into the crisp winter night air. No pony in their right mind would be out here. It’s got to be below freezing! Shivering, she looked down over the railing. At the top of the steps leading to the castle’s main entrance, she could just make out the shape of a pony lying in the snow. With a gasp, she teleported herself just before the doors and pulled them open. She quickly summoned a gust of wind to clear the snow off the landing and the pony. She could only stare at the pony lying there. Nightmare Moon was on her side, one forehoof bent and extended, eyes nearly closed, lips quivering. Her entire body was shaking, shivering in a vain attempt to preserve some of its heat. Looking out over the snow covered path leading to the castle, she could see hoofprints leading back toward Ponyville. Why would she walk? Her internal question was answered by something pressed against the underside of Nightmare’s wing, pushing a few feathers up. Luna and Celestia had believed that Nightmare Moon wasn’t destroyed by the Elements, but as she had not shown so much as a feather after Luna had been restored, they’d had no reason to search her out. She attempted to lift the wing out of the way, thinking the item could possibly a weapon of some sort, but the wing wouldn’t budge, held firm against Nightmare’s body. Lifting Nightmare gently in in her magic, she pulled her into the castle and shut the doors before teleporting them both back to her room, where her fireplace was already lit, providing her warmth while she stargazed. She set the shivering alicorn in front of the hearth and laid across from her after covering her with the coverings from her bed. Twilight sighed as Nightmare’s eyes fully closed and weighed her options. I could contact Celestia. But that would involve waking Spike and if I’ve learned anything over the years, that’s an effort in futility. Besides, she hasn’t done anything to warrant involving the Princesses. I could let her recover here, but… She watched Nightmare silently, attempting to come up with a good reason to not allow her to stay. When five minutes passed with no reasonable reason in sight and Nightmare still shivering, she stood and lifted the blankets before settling next to her and placing them back over both of them, to aid in the recovery of Nightmare’s body heat with her own. Fifteen minutes passed before Nightmare’s shivering stopped and a full hour before she stirred, her eyes half-lidded and unfocused. “Good, you’re awake,” Twilight sighed. “Are you feeling okay?” Nightmare regarded her out of the corner of her eye, though she showed no recognition and she didn’t speak directly to Twilight. “I could certainly feel better, but as I have not been frozen as an ice sculpture, I cannot complain.” She turned her head, eyes scanning the room, never focusing on anything. “Would you be so kind as to tell me where I am?” Twilight cocked her head and raised an eyebrow. Maybe she wasn’t okay. “You passed out outside of my castle –“ “Ah…” “– You were freezing, so I brought you to my room to warm you up.” Nightmare’s eyes widened and focused. Twilight prepared a teleport before continuing. “Why did you come here anyway?” Nightmare tensed for only a moment before relaxing. With a sigh she said, “I have been… watching you for a time.” At Twilight’s confused look, she quickly added, “Not in that way, I assure you. More so I have been admiring you.” Nightmare sighed. “That sounds no better does it?” Twilight shifted uncomfortably. “No, it doesn’t. But I think I understand what you mean. Still, why did you come here?” “I noticed that you were spending this night alone and thought perhaps you might welcome company.” Twilight blinked at that. Even with Nightmare being at most half-conscious, it had been nice just laying with the black alicorn. “But why did you walk here? It’s the middle of winter, the dead of night, and it’s freezing. You couldn’t have thought it was a good idea to walk?” Nightmare turned away and chuckled. “I have spent most of my time apart from Luna recovering in a mist form. Would you believe me if I said I got lost in my thoughts?” She laughed. “To think I would be brought low twice by the elements.” “Then why didn’t you fly? Or come in that form?” Nightmare said nothing, but shifted her wing and tucked her head under it. Seeing the softness in Nightmare’s eye caused Twilight to drop the framework of her teleport from her mind as she extracted the item – a small rectangular tan box bound in crossed purple silk, tied in a bow in the center – and set it between Twilight’s hooves. “Either would have made carrying this difficult.” Twilight started to ask why she hadn’t carried it with magic when hers simply slipped off the box. “A small oversight, glaringly obvious in hindsight,” Nightmare chuckled. Twilight stared at the box for a moment before asking, “But why bring anything at all?” “Is it not tradition to give others a gift on this day?” “Yeah, but I don’t –“ Nightmare cut her off. “I do not expect anything in exchange.” Twilight nodded before carefully untying the bow and slipping the silk off the box. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Nightmare pointedly looking straight ahead. Inside the box was a worn, leather bound tome. It had no title or author on the cover. “What is this?” She asked, nearly quivering with excitement. It looked old, it smelled old. “It is a written account of the Unification of the Three Tribes, from someone who was there.” Nightmare said, her eye darting back and forth between Twilight and the wall ahead of them. Twilight stared at the book for a moment longer before replacing the lid and setting it off to the side. She’d need to make sure it was properly protected before even beginning to read it. She stared at Nightmare for a few moments before a small smile formed. “You wrote it, didn’t you?” Still looking ahead, Nightmare nodded. She tensed when she felt Twilight nuzzled the base of her neck. “Thank you, it’s wonderful,” Twilight said after pulling away. They laid there in silence for a while, listening to the crackling of the fire. Finally, Twilight spoke sleepily. “This was nice, Nightmare, thank you for coming tonight.” With a smile, Nightmare said, “Thank you for allowing me to stay.” “And Nightmare?” Twilight continued with a yawn. “Hmm?” Twilight laid her head across Nightmare’s hooves. “Happy Hearth’s Warming.” Nightmare gently laid her neck across Twilight’s. “Happy Hearth’s Warming, Twilight.” > 77 Eidolon by Auramane > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eidolon by Auramane Twilight ’s head hung low as she numbly made her way through her cell door at the gesture of a guard. She stood just inside the doorway, not moving until she heard the metallic clang of the door swinging shut. Soon afterwards, the hollow clicking sound of the guard’s horseshoes faded into the distance. Doors thrown open. Walking, eyes to the ground, being directed by her guard. A command, telling him to leave. His swift departure. An order to look up. The green tinged eyes. The slitted pupils. She took a deep, shuddering breath, and plodded over to her cot. It was little more than a slab of wood with sheets on it, but it was better than the stone floor. She laid down on it and squeezed her eyes shut, trying to forget what had just transpired. Sharp teeth. Talking. Directions. Laughter. She hiccuped, burying her face into her covers. It wasn’t fair. Nothing was fair. She was sobbing, tears streaming down her face. Laughter becoming a roar. A bright light shone through Twilight’s sheets, through her closed eyelids. She winced, remaining quiet. She expected to hear her door opening, the empty sound of armoured shoes hitting the floor, but none of that came. Instead, she heard a voice she had never expected to hear again. Blurred vision. More laughter. She was shaking. A pointing hoof. The flick of a tail. A bed. “Twilight, is that you? came the questioning voice of her former mentor. The one who had picked her to be her student when she was a child. The one who had always stood by her. The one who had promised to save them all. The one who had failed. Fear and disgust welling up inside her. Mouth dry. Ears pinned to her head. Running. Caught. She was always caught. She peaked her head out from her covers, her frozen in place. She gaped at the Apparition before her, unable to say anything, unable to do anything. More laughter. A blur of movement. Blinding pain. Sobbing. A Bed. Twilight simply stared numbly. What stood before her wasn’t Celestia. It was a poor imitation at best. She was small, the height of a regular pony. She glowed with a soft, golden light, almost like sunlight. It had been a long while since she had seen sunlight. Tears. Wailing. Screaming. Orders. Pain. A Bed. “Twilight,” said not-Celestia with a sigh of relief. “Oh, my student. You are alive. I don’t believe it. After I failed... I didn’t know what would happen to you.” Twilight remained silent. She stared at the Apparition, scanning for any imperfections, anything that was out of place. Black. A tail. A moon. Soft. A Bed. “Can... can you talk? What did she do to you? Twilight!” Her voice grew in volume, but Twilight simply stared. She couldn’t find anything. Nothing was wrong. It was a picture perfect Celestia. Sweating. Eyes squeezing shut. Groaning. Light. "Is it actually you?" murmured Twilight. Celestia smiled, relief playing across her face. She opened her mouth as if to reply, but before she could begin, Twilight continued, "How can you be here? I—I watched you fall. She knocked you out of the sky! You can't be here!" Hot. Crumpled sheets. Panting. Sticky. Celestia winced, and opened her mouth again, trying to speak. Twilight cut her off. "No! You can't be here! If you're here, y-you should have been able to do something. You should have been able to do anything…" Twilight trailed off, looking at the ground. She clenched her jaw and squeezed her eyes shut once again. Laboured breathing. Gritting teeth. Pressure. Subjugation. "Twilight, I—" began the Spectre, before she cut herself off. There was an uncomfortable pause between them for a few seconds. Neither moved. After what felt like hours, the Spectre spoke up again. "This wasn't how it was supposed to happen…" She hung her head in an eerie mirror of Twilight herself. "It just… I couldn't…" Her teeth ground against each other, and she squeezed her eyes closed. After a few moments of silence, she let out a hollow chuckle. "I can't even cry anymore." Exhausting. Humiliating. Purring. Sobbing. Leaving. The Guard is approaching. Picking her up. Silence reigned between them again, neither willing to look at the other. Eventually, Twilight spoke again. "You should leave," she said. There was no emotion in her voice, no sadness, no anger. Nothing. Celestia flinched. Twilight continued. "It's not like you can do anything. If you could, you would. I'm stuck here. There's no point in her finding you here." Celestia gaped at her. She shook her head. "No, I won't leave y—" "Just go!" yelled Twilight, slamming the ground with her hoof. She turned away and stormed back to her cot, facing away from the Apparition. Nothing happened for a few seconds. Twilight was about to turn back to her, when she heard a choked sob, and the unnatural light left her cell. She curled up beneath her covers. She should be crying right now. Instead she just felt numb. Bereft. Empty. Cold. > 78 Carpe Noctem by Kean > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carpe Noctem by Kean Twilight groaned, blinking white spots from her eyes. Even through her eyelids, the magic released from the Elements had been nearly blinding. Looking over her shoulder, she winced at the long gouge in her right side, torn by Nightmare Moon’s horn. Not the smartest idea, charging at a mad goddess, She thought, sighing inwardly at the blood running from the wound. Should’ve teleported sooner. Can’t be helped now. Need to get this fixed up. Maybe one of them knows… Twilight’s thoughts trailed off as she looked to the five ponies behind her, suspended in the air, moving slowly. Each of their elements were still glowing brightly, pulsing as they fed more magic into the spell. A growl and the sound of rattling chains brought her attention back to where Nightmare Moon had been standing before the elements had been unleashed. In her place, a black mist, barely contained in the shape of a pony writhed, thrashing against rune-inscribed chains that bound it to the floor. Slowly, cautiously she approached the form, vision wavering and breath shallow. She glanced back at her wound which was still bleeding profusely and, with a grunt, continued staggering toward the writhing mist. She’s fighting the elements… She lit her horn, forming the framework for a simple, yet powerful bolt of magic. I’ll go into shock before they finish on their own, maybe even bleed out… At the sound of a loud clop, the consequence of catching herself after stumbling, Nightmare Moon’s head snapped to face her, her draconic eyes thinning as they focused on her. “Kill me if you desire, but my soul will no longer be tarnished by you wretched ponies.” Her voice, disjointed from her lips, was hoarse and low, cold and angry, yet still full of prideful arrogance. Twilight stared at her for a few moments before replying, her voice labored. “I don’t want to kill you… hate me if you want… but I don’t want to die, either.” She fell to one knee, barely catching herself from fainting. Nightmare laughed, taunting Twilight as the magic around her horn faded. “I will take solace in knowing that the one who defeated me will die before me, at least.” Twilight was silent for a while, only the sound of her panting indicating that she was still alive. She broke the silence with a chuckle and a small shake of her head. “Do you still want to live, Nightmare?” She asked, her voice subdued. Nightmare growled as another pulse came from the elements, pulling the chains tighter against her form, seemingly siphoning the mist as it flowed off her. “Speak if you have some way out of this, girl,” Nightmare hissed. “A pact,” Twilight said quietly, simply. Nightmare chuckled. “And what makes you believe you are worthy of performing such a long forgotten, sacred act with one such as myself?” “Worthy or not, I don’t want to die… and neither do you. Either swallow your pride… or we both die here.” “A pact or death?” Nightmare mused. “Pact or death.” “Surely, since you know of the act, then you know that it always comes at a cost,” Nightmare said, a sadistic mirth rising in her voice. “I will be bound to you, of course, but what will be taken from you, I wonder?” Twilight ignored the taunt, instead raising her head to look into Nightmare’s eyes. “Your answer, Nightmare. A pact or death?” The bound Alicorn stared back, eyes stern. Slowly, she nodded in resignation. “Very well, a pact shall be made.” With that, Twilight closed her eyes and turned her magic inward, delving deep inside herself in search of what some unicorns called their spark, essence, their center of power, even their soul. What it was called didn’t matter to her; it was the only thing that would keep her alive. So she clutched it in her magic like a dragon would a boulder made of pure gold and pulled. She groaned and finally dropped onto her other knee as she felt the energy leave her. She moved her own magic toward Nightmare’s. It wasn’t hard to find. Even being bound and drained by the elements, the amount of magic she was putting out was impossible to miss. She hesitated at the last moment, pulling away. “Why do you delay, little pony? Are you afraid? Do you desire death?” Nightmare growled. “I read once… s-swear… t-to me that you won’t take anything… that you won’t… t-try to take over,” Twilight rasped, panting. “Clever,” Nightmare chuckled. “Very well, I will not-“ “Swear it!” “I swear on my life, my magic, my very being, I will take no more than what is offered – ” Twilight shuddered as she felt Nightmare’s essence envelope her own, overpowering her as Nightmare continued to speak, her voice never losing any of its spite. “ – enforced by the Old Gods and under penalty of death, I bind myself to this pony, my pact-partner.” Nightmare’s power receded as the two merged, balancing with Twilight’s. “Their pain will be my own and mine, theirs. As they fall, so too shall we.” Twilight gasped and rose to her hooves as her vitality returned. “Their strength and magic will be my own and mine, theirs. As they rise, so too shall we.” Twilight felt through her new connection to Nightmare, blocking out the rest of the goddess’s intonement. The Elements hadn’t stopped draining her. They wouldn’t until she was no more; a problem now that she was bound to Nightmare. She controls the moon and even she can’t overpower them. The moon… “What are you doing? Free me or we both die, foal!” Nightmare shouted, thrashing against the chains once again. Twilight ignored her, muttering to herself, “The sun is magic, right? Areas where sunlight has been focused, either by Celestia or other magical means are generally filled with raw, unstable magic...” She ran through her connection with Nightmare again, latching on to her connection to the moon. Another connection gave her pause, fighting for control, but she overpowered it, and seized control of the night. “The moon is always in raw sunlight, unfiltered by any atmosphere. “Nightmare, I’m sorry, but this is probably going to hurt. A lot.” “What are you-“ Nightmare’s question was cut off as she screamed and her world went white. Twilight stared directly, unblinking, at the moonlight – she’d read it called moonfire once. An apt name, she thought – with a small grin. She could feel the heat burning Nightmare through their connection. It would hurt, but as most of it was directed at the chains binding her, it wouldn’t kill her or even damage her physically. Barely counts as revenge for the situation she put me in, She thought with a chuckle. She turned at the sound of five sets of hooves clopping against the ground, then turned back to Nightmare and cut her connection to the moon when she felt the last of the resistance fade. Pulling her magic back, she paused at the power that had been fighting her and cut it loose, unbinding it from Nightmare Moon. Twilight only stared ahead when she heard Nightmare approaching. She only blinked as she felt the growling mare’s breath on her face. She grinned at Nightmare’s sigh. “You are a fool, pony,” Nightmare said, voice subdued. Twilight shrugged. “Better to be alive and a fool than dead and a genius, right?” With silence reigning for a few moments, Twilight listened to the sounds of the six ponies – five behind her and one behind Nightmare – in the room, each at varying degrees of recovery. Nightmare spoke again, voice still low. “The transference of my magic released the seal on Celestia. She will be here shortly.” “And she’ll be here for sure, for Luna. We should go.” “I will need to remember to keep my memories from you in the future. You wish to leave?” “I just… want a little more time to deal with this –” Twilight gestured to her face. “ – before seeing her again. She won’t be happy with our… arrangement. Or the consequences of it, I think.” “And she will know where to find you?” Nightmare asked, turning her with a wing, guiding her. Twilight chuckled. “There’s only maybe three – no, four places I’d go to. Only one I can reliably get to from here. And besides,“ Twilight snickered. ”Fluttershy’s awake already.” A small squeak. “Irregular breathing. Tell Celestia I’m at the Library, okay?” Building the framework for a teleport, she elbowed Nightmare. “Guide me. I don’t want to end up inside a tree after all of that.” > 79 Pool by palaikai > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pool by palaikai Following story references some events from this prompt, though it's not required reading. Salt Block Saloon was one of those places that you went to after you'd been thrown out of or barred from everywhere else in town; it was dank, it was dingy, and the drinks were better for burning a hole in your stomach lining than quenching your thirst. The Wild West décor wasn't my thing either. Of course, you could be forgiven for being a mite jumpy with a blunderbuss – loaded or not – in grabbing distance of every nutcase this side of Ghastly Gorge. The batwing doors flapped open gingerly – or at least, the person entering the bar was doing so very gingerly – and we recoiled instinctively from the shards of sunlight that probed deeply into our beloved darkness; it wasn't so much the light itself that we were reacting to, though that was certainly irritant enough to those of who were habitual creatures of the night, but the depressing revelation we were being made to face: it was early afternoon, it was a beautiful day out, and we were doing our level best to blot out that reality and replace it with a drunken haze. A girl approached and took the empty stool next to me; she was young, fresh-faced, and my eyebrow raised in interest as my gaze swept her entire petite frame in record time. No, that sort of interest. Well, not entirely, though that mauve skirt and teal blouse accentuated a rather slim, attractive figure. I'm suddenly aware that, with my raven hair and monastral dress, I probably look like I'm on my way to the grimmest, Gothest rave ever. She didn't look the sort to frequent this type of establishment; she sat rather formally, square-shouldered and straight-backed, and her mulberry eyes, so naturally inquisitive-looking, were studiously avoiding making contact with anyone or anything. Not even the barkeep attempting to take her order. Can't blame her, considering the clientèle this place attracted. “Cider, please,” she said in a cultured accent that sounded familiar to me, but one that I hadn't had the pleasure of hearing in a long time. My drink-fuelled mind tried to join the dots, but … well, it was exactly like trying to join the dots after you'd spent most of the day pouring colourless, volatile liquids into your body in an attempt to blot out every mistake you'd made. “I'll get that,” I said to the barkeep, throwing a couple of gold coins onto the counter, while flashing the girl an insouciant grin who merely frowned at me in response. “You're not from around here, are you, new girl?” What can I say? Even when you're half-sozzled, some people just inspire you to bring your A-Game. “No,” she replied, taking a small sip of her cider and, I guessed from the upward quirk of her lips and slight incline of her head, finding it acceptable. This far from Apple Country, no one orders cider; I'm surprised they even have it in stock here, and to be honest, I find it surprising anyone wants to order it. Horrible, gloopy, sugary stuff. Give me a sharp, charcoal-filtered creamy vodka any day of the week. Most days of the week. Okay, every day of the week. Give me a break. I'm bored and lonely. “So.” That's as far as I get before my brain decides to go AWOL, possibly in the direction of the clacking balls of the pool table behind us; I never have a problem starting a conversation normally, but this girl with indigo hair, streaked through with pink and purple, is making it difficult for me to find the words. Is it the fact that she looks so innocent, but is trying not to show it? Like a young girl forced into the role of a woman? I wonder if she's even old enough to be in here. It's not the kind of place that pays much heed to crazy notions like age-appropriateness, nor have I ever heard of anyone being asked for identification in all the long years I've been coming here. How many years is it now? Feels like a frickin' thousand of them at this stage. Exile's no fun, let me tell you. I bring out the big guns. “My name's Nightmare Moon. What's yours?” “Twilight Sparkle,” she said. She hesitates for a moment before extending a lean, purple hand in my direction. “Nice to meet you, Miss Moon.” I stifle a slobbering, drunken laugh while taking her hand in my own. “Miss Moon is my mother. Most people 'round these parts call me Moony. They find Nightmare Moon to be a bit of a mouthful, especially after a few mouthfuls, if you know what I mean?” “I can imagine,” Twilight Sparkle said, quickly taking in the diverse array of patrons drowning their sorrows at the bar, the ghost of a smile flashing across her delicate, youthful face. “Nice to meet you … Moony.” “What brings you out this way? All the way from … Canterlot?” “Work.” She takes a sip of her drink. I'm starting to think that this girl isn't in the mood to be hit on by some random, older stranger in a bar. But then, why would she be in here in the first place? No one loves cider that much. “Work, huh? What do you do for a living?” Her upper lip twitches slightly and her shoulders sag ever so slightly. “Forget I asked,” I said, deciding to cut my losses. She isn't that cute, anyway, though I'm a trifle irked at the money I've just wasted. “I'm here to see you,” said Twilight Sparkle, running a hand through her hair and turning her head in my direction for perhaps the first time in the conversation. “I'm filling in for Luna at Canterlot High School while she's on sabbatical, and Celestia thought it might be time for you to return in order to ease some of the burden we're under.” “What happened to Luna?” I asked, my face contorting into a frown. I'd barely thought about my two sisters since they'd kicked me out of CHS when they'd finally got sick of my loutish behaviour. I'd been scraping a living as a part-time tutor out here in the boondocks, not expecting to ever hear from them again. And now, Celestia herself had sent this perky young thing to rescue me? I was almost flattered. Did she think I would be enticed more by the offer coming from Twilight Sparkle in person rather than a simple 'phone call? Oh, sweet Celestia, you know me too well. “She, uh.” It was clear that Twilight Sparkle was fishing around for her best diplomatic tone. “The stress has been getting to her a lot lately, and she had a bit of a nervous breakdown after, um, an incident involving an exchange student. She's out of the hospital, though, and recovering well at home, but it'll still be months before she can be declared fit enough to return to work.” “Huh.” I wasn't sure what I was feeling. It was no secret that I'd always been jealous of my more popular sisters, and truth be told I'd thought plenty of times how wonderful it would be if they were out of the way and I could run the school the way I wanted to. Now that something was up with Luna, I was possibly feeling a little bit … sad? Guilty? Like I was somehow responsible, stupid as that idea was? That, if I'd been there sharing the hardship, my dear little sister wouldn't have cracked? “Are you all right?” It surprised me how warm and wet her eyes had become at that moment. Twilight Sparkle wasn't just being polite, she actually did care about people, even complete strangers. I felt a knot blossom in my stomach, my body's way of letting me know when I'd been a jerk; my clumsy pick-up attempts just felt crass in the face of all this now, and as surely as I know anything I knew that the girl was way out of my league. Still. If I accepted my sweet sister's offer, I'd be working alongside Miss Sparkle every day and I'd get the chance to lower her to my level. “I'm fine,” I finally said, slamming my glass down on the moist bar top. “So. When do we leave?” “Are you sure you don't want to take a couple of days to think about it? I mean, it's probably a lot to take in,” said Twilight Sparkle. My eyes quickly roved over Twilight Sparkle's lithe form once more. “Oh, I've definitely made up my mind.” > 80 Audacious by Auramane > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Audacious by Auramane Sequel to "Eidolon" Twilight lay alone on the cold stone ground. Her breathing was ragged. She didn’t know how longs she had been lying there. Everything hurt. Thrown through the door. Fire burning in the hearth. Warm. She shivered, her mane in disarray about her head. This wasn’t her usual cell. It was darker, somehow. She squeezed her eyes shut, biting her lip. Her back felt like it was on fire, lines of pain running across it in every direction. Half-lidded green eyes. Familiar. A smirk. Hissing in pain, she pushed herself to her feet. Her legs throbbed, and the pain in her back reached new heights. Scabs that had just started to form cracked, causing new blood to trickle out. She shook on her feet but remained standing. Her eyes cracked open and looked around the room, squinting in the darkness. It was completely bare, save for a small wooden pallet and a blanket. Flickering shadows. Hunger. Lying down. A bed. She hobbled over to the small pallet and collapsed onto it. It was rough. It creaked and groaned beneath her. She didn’t care about that. Crumpled sheets. Laboured breathing. Disgust. She feebly pulled the blankets over herself, shivering once again in the frigid air. She panted loudly, fighting to stay conscious. Her eyelids were heavy. Bitter. Detached. Mechanical. She trembled beneath the blanket, teeth clenched and eyes wide open. Anything to stay awake. Fake. She didn’t regret what she had done. She wasn’t glad she had done it either. She was numb. Numb from the pain. Numb from the encounters. Her eyelids were becoming heavier. She shook her head, trying to wake herself up. Long. Longer than usual. Tiring. Panting breaths. Sweat. It was probably a mistake. She didn’t even know how she had got here. She had been delirious with pain when the guards had left her here. Anger. Hopelessness. Despair. She was so tired. A bite. Just as her eyes were fluttering closed, a piercing, bright light shone through them. She started, and then hissed, first in surprise, then in pain from the sudden movement. She was there. Again. The failure. Screaming. A metallic taste. Red. Flying. A wall. Pain. The two stared at each other from across the confines of the cell. The Spectre glowed brightly with a strange light, her expression one of immeasurable sadness. “Oh, Twilight...” she murmured. Twilight didn’t respond immediately. Silence hung between them. Guards grabbing her. Yelling. Threats. Screaming. Green eyes. Betrayal. “I thought I told you to leave,” whispered Twilight, still lying curled up under her sheet. The Spectre’s ears flattened to her head and she shuffled her hooves. After a moment’s pause, she slowly replied, “Twilight, I... I couldn’t leave you here alone.” She snorted. “Could have fooled me.” The Spectre winced. “You were angry at me. I thought that if you knew, you wo—“ “I would what? Shout at you some more? Oh, give me a break, you are dead!” Twilight closed her eyes and took a deep breath. After a few seconds of silence, she opened them again, and stared directly into the Spectre’s eyes. “So you didn’t leave. You stayed and watched me fall.” She paused. “Just like you I guess. Though a little slower, I suppose.” Pain. Crying. Begging. Bargaining. Red. The Spectre grit its teeth and looked down to the ground. Pushed herself off of the pallet and rose shakily to her hooves before continuing. “What, are you thinking that I’ll rise up and defeat the evil queen or something?” She laughed hollowly. “Sorry to get your hopes up.” Slicing. Bruising. Slapping. Sobbing. “I’m done,” she said, her voice empty. “I did what I did because I thought she might kill me. I’m as done as I can be. So why aren’t you?” The Spectre said nothing, but simply winced, averting its eyes from Twilight’s abused form. “Why are you still here?” “Twilight, please—“ “Why are you still here?” Being dragged through the halls. Handled roughly. Scraping against the floor. The Spectre stood stock still, her lips pursed. It stared at Twilight, and she stared back. After what felt like hours, it bowed its head, seeking to escape from Twilight’s gaze. “I thought... I hoped...” “Hoped?” asked Twilight. “What, was I right? You thought I was going to lead some kind of rebellion or something? I mean, I suppose I did just hurt her, but I did that so she would kill me. I’m not fighting to free everyone.” At the mention of killing, the Spectre flinched again. Twilight giggled. “What? Shocked? I don’t blame you, I probably would be too. No way to tell, but I’m at least ninety-five percent sure that I’ve snapped at this point and you’re just a hallucination.” Rattling keys. Creaking hinges. She stomped her hoof against the ground, her eyes watering in pain. “I just... don’t want to be here anymore...” Twilight opened her mouth again as if to continue, but no sound came out. She looked around helplessly for a few seconds before she simply slumped back down onto her pallet. The Spectre stepped forward, making for Twilight. It had taken two steps when she had suddenly looked up at it. Her eyes, filled with anger, with pain, with helplessness. It paused, biting its lip. Slowly, it hung its head and turned away from Twilight. Twilight did nothing, simply stayed slumped on her makeshift bed. Being thrown inside. Crashing against the unforgiving stone. The door locking behind her. Still facing away from her, the Spectre spoke again. “She won’t... she won’t kill you.” Twilight looked up at it slowly. “What?” “She won’t,” continued the the Spectre. “She can’t. She’s... obsessed with you, Twilight. I don’t think she can let you go.” Twilight sat up straighter, wincing in pain. “Stop!” she called out weakly. “What are you saying?” “Goodbye, Twilight,” whispered the Spectre. It turned back to her and smiled wryly, its eyes filled with sadness. “You’ve been so brave...” And then she was gone. Alone. > 81 Cold by Kean > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cold by Kean Sequel to Carpe Noctem “Are you alright?” Twilight asked quietly, eyes closed and pawed softly at the mattress beneath her. “I meant to ask before we left, or on the way, but I just wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible.” She turned to the sound of Nightmare Moon’s magic and the rustling of her wings. A few moments passed before Nightmare Moon spoke with a sigh. “The Elements have left their mark upon me, but other than that, I am physically fine.” “Their ‘mark’?” Twilight cocked her head. “I don’t understand. Are you hurt?” “No.” Another sigh accompanied another rustle of wings. “Where the chains laid upon me, the fur has become… discolored. White. No magic that I have attempted will restore it, nor has shifting my form. It is purely aesthetic and thus, I am fine.” She chuckled. “It is a small price to pay to cheat death. Yours, though… you do not seem bothered much by your loss.” “I-” Twilight turned away and laid her head on her forelegs. “It just hasn’t hit me yet, I guess. I’ve been keeping my mind busy, trying not to think about it.” She chuckled. Even to her own ears, it sounded empty. “I mean, of the pacts I’ve read about, ponies have had limbs, organs, their voice, their mind, even their magic taken from them. Compared to them, I’d say I got off easy… right?” She let out a short, dry laugh at Nightmare Moon’s silence. “I-“ “Twilight, are you up here?” Twilight turned her head toward the sound of Celestia’s voice, the sound of her hoofshoes alerting her that the princess had reached the top of the stairs. She laid her head between her hooves, a feeling of dread welling up inside her. “Your friends had told me that you were hurt and had left with Nightmare Moon.” Celestia’s voice was flat, even. “I am happy to see that the former is no longer the case, but why have you allied yourself with this monster, Twilight?” Twilight shifted uncomfortably where she lay. “She’s not a monster. She might not be an upstanding pony, but she isn’t a monster, princess. And I’m with her because I had no other choice.” “Do not attempt to dodge the question, Twilight, why are you with the creature that possessed my sister and drove her mad?” Twilight felt her hackles rise as the dread in her stomach shifted to anger. She lifted her head and turned toward Celestia, staring at her through unseeing eyes. “I am with her because I did what I had to do to live, Princess,” Twilight growled as memories, no more than fleeting images, began to fill her thoughts. She closed her eyes at the sound of Celestia’s gasp. “That mark… Twilight, you didn’t-“ Twilight continued, her voice low. “Nightmare Moon didn’t… she didn’t possess Luna. Luna… she was upset. Every time she tried to speak with you, you either ignored her or brushed her off, always putting matters of the state before her. When the two of you started seeing each other only at morning and dusk, she began to feel abandoned. She… “ “ She... loved you. She needed you. Not her advisors, not her guards, not her co-ruler. She needed you, Celestia, her sister. But you did nothing but brush her off time and time again.” Twilight spoke through gritted teeth. “In the end, she cried out into the night, and the night answered.” Twilight shuddered as she reigned in the anger building inside her. “Imagine how it must have felt to have this creature she didn’t know, a creature that didn’t even know or have any obligation to her, offer her comfort when her own flesh and blood ignored her. Can you say with a straight face that you wouldn’t put your trust in someone like that?” Twilight sighed at Celestia’s silence. “In the end, she asked for Nightmare Moon’s assistance, asked for her power. What was given by both was given freely. Was it foolish on their part? Maybe, but if you’re looking to place the blame, you hold as much of it as either of them. “The three of you made mistakes, and maybe I made one too by making a pact with Nightmare Moon, but Luna is back now. You should go, Princess. Try to make amends with her.” Twilight lowered her head, laying it between her hooves which clenched the sheets, her body shaking both in anger and fear. “I- I will not-“Twilight shuddered, hearing her mentor’s voice break before Nightmare Moon cut her off. “Celestia, you know of the empathetic link between pact-partners. I suggest you to do as she says and go tend to your sister. I would also advise you to not tell Luna what you have learned from this Fool Pony. That information should have been kept even from her, but I am still adjusting and my mental block slipped.” Silence reigned for a while, causing Twilight to raise her head in Celestia’s direction. Finally, Celestia broke the silence with a sigh. “Very well. Twilight, I will make arrangements for you to stay here as long as you want. Just… know that you will always be welcome back in the castle. I will keep in touch.” “Princess?” She heard Celestia pause on the steps. “Would you take Spike with you? I don’t want him to have to go, but… I don’t know how well I can take care of him right now.” Celestia breathed a sigh of relief, causing Twilight to cock her head to the side. “Of course,” Celestia said softly and continued down the stairs. She turned toward Nightmare Moon as she approached the bed. “I did not mean for you to get upset. I am not used to keeping my emotions in check, away from another pony. But I must say, your reaction surprised me. After digging through your memories, I wouldn’t expect such vitriol toward anyone from you, let alone your mentor, your princess.” Twilight slumped and moved to the head of the bed, lifting the cover with her magic. “As much as no one else gets to see or wants to admit it, she is also a pony. And my friend. Ponies are allowed to make mistakes, so long as they try to correct them… she told me that.” She laid down, pulling the cover over her. “I didn’t say what I did out of hate or spite; I wanted her to know what she did and how she could avoid doing it again. Now, if you don’t mind, I’d like to get some sleep.” “You did not strike me as one who slept during the day.” “I’m sorry, but I’ve spent the better part of the last three days up worrying about your return, dealing with the Summer Sun Celebration, running around a forest, dealing with, well, you, and I just all but said that my mentor was as cold-hearted as she thought you were,” Twilight snapped back. “I am physically and mentally exhausted; I don’t think a bit of sleep is too much to ask.” A chuckle and a gentle gust of air were soon followed by the sound of Nightmare Moon’s hoofsteps fading down the stairs. -------------------------------------------------------- Hours later found Nightmare laying on a couch in the main room of the library, watching as yet another pony peered through a window, only to flee upon seeing her. It had been entertaining at first: A pony would enter the library, oblivious to her presence, before galloping right back out the door. The cries of terror had begun to grate on her nerves, so she’d barred the door. Which lead to more ponies looking in to investigate why the library was closed, which, in turn, lead to another fleeing in terror. A vicious circle… Nightmare thought with a grin. Her grin soon faded when a heavy weight settled in her chest, pulling her attention from the flight of the most recent pony. Sighing in recognition of the feeling, she rose from the couch and made toward the stairs. The feeling of overwhelming despair was something she had become well accustomed to. It seems the realization has finally sunk in. Amazing that she was able to keep it at bay for so long. Slowly, quietly, she ascended the stairs. Soft sobbing greeted her just outside the doorway to the bedroom. Sticking her head through the doorway, she saw Twilight lying with her head to the foot of the bed, a book held open between her forehooves. Even from the entrance, she could see Twilight’s clouded eyes desperately attempting to scan the pages as her magic turned them. Rising on silent wings, she landed beside the bed. The twitch of an ear and the jerking of her head up from the tear stained book told Nightmare that she had heard her landing. Still, she didn’t turn toward her, instead bowing her head and choking back another sob. Nightmare sat on her haunches as Twilight began to speak. “I… I can’t- nothing I’ve tried will let me see it. How am I supposed to read – how am I supposed to study magic if I can’t even see the damn spell forms or read the theories?” Nightmare gently lifted the tome in her magic. “Magic is supposed to be my talent… How am I supposed to learn or improve if I can’t see the effects or what I’m casting at?” When one must perform a blind teleport, the caster should first surround themselves in a shield denser than the expected- “I know that already… wait, what?” Nightmare couldn’t help but chuckle at Twilight’s wide eyes as she turned to face her. “As yours is mine, my knowledge is also your own. What you know, I will know. What I learn, you will learn.” “That’s amazing! But, I couldn’t ask you to study everything for me, it would take up so much of your time and-“ “Dry your tears, Fool Pony.” Nightmare grinned at Twilight’s cocked head and confused expression. “I know more than any of these books could teach you. There is much that I know that I am sure has been forbidden to be written or distributed. Shadow magic, dark magic, magic of the mind; all forbidden even before our banisment. You need only ask and the knowledge will be given.” The sense of overwhelming joy was not a feeling Nightmare was very experienced with. The feeling of being hugged, even less so. Still, as Twilight pulled her close and nuzzled against her neck, she gently laid a wing over her, enjoying the touch of another pony. Slowly, Twilight backed off, her head bowed and blushing. “Sorry, I just… you have no idea how much it means to me that I can continue my studies.” Twilight laughed softly. “Actually, I guess you do. Still… thank you.” Nightmare nodded in an automatic response. “No thanks are necessary. Go back to your rest, Fool- “ “Twilight,” Twilight interrupted. “You keep calling me ‘Fool Pony’. My name is Twilight, and I know you know that by now.” Nightmare laughed and made her way to the stairs leading down from the loft. “Very well, Twilight. I will leave you to your rest, then.” “You don’t have to leave.” Nightmare paused at the top of the stairs. “I know that you were uncomfortable down there. I felt it when I woke up. If you want, we could share the bed.” Nightmare blinked at the suggestion, silently weighing her options. It wasn’t a hard decision, watching ponies flee had quickly lost its charm. Being close to another pony hadn’t been bad, either, she decided. Hesitantly, she climbed into the side opposite of Twilight, facing away from the unicorn. “Thank you again, Nightmare.” “As I said, your gratitude is unnecessary. But you are welcome none the less.” > 82 Birth by Knight of Lycaeus > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Birth by Knight of Lycaeus Sequel to "Persecution" “If I had known how easily you were entranced by the revelation of knowledge especially those that have been largely lost to the ages then our first meeting would have ended quite differently,” Nightmare commented in a teasing tone as she took stock of the wandering gaze of her fellow Alicorn. Twilight’s ears perked up at this and she broke her gaze from observing and examining the city and citizens around her and turned to face the smirking Alicorn standing next to her. “This is a rare chance to be in the hidden colonies although that's not to say I haven't heard about them. I’ve heard of them as many Ponies have before, but it’s almost hard to believe they do exist in spite of knowing that Lunar Ponies do walk among us. From what little I’ve heard many of these places are closed to outsiders,” Twilight said as her gaze left the other Alicorn and began examining and comparing the city to ones she knew. Nightmare’s smirked faded as she gave a sad smile, “As unfortunate as that may be, it was necessary for the Lunars to seclude themselves from the world. Though I have not walked this world in many millenniums I have far too often heard of the persecution that Lunar Ponies faced from others believing them to be the spawns of demons, monsters, or beasts. If not for their seclusion it very likely they would not have weathered through the turbulent years of confusion and upheavals, although I am glad that Luna has taken them as integral members of her staff and her Court and perhaps one day these cities will open their days to outsiders.” Twilight returned her focus towards Nightmare and gave her a brief nod, “That is more than just hope as I know that since Luna’s return I have seen more and more of Equestrian society learning about and sometimes interacting with Lunar Ponies.” As their conversation finished Twilight allowed herself to get swept up by the festival going on around her and from the sounds and general feeling of those around her, she could tell that the festival was quite light and there quite a bit of chatter from the denizens enjoying themselves especially so as their Goddess had returned and deemed fit to join them on this special night. That was until the crowds slowly quieted down even the foals had gone quiet, the crowd had turned to face a slightly elevated dais that was situated just before a large and imposing statue; the statue depicted a Pony, a darkly coloured mare in full armour who looked much like an Alicorn except for the noticable curve of her horn and the absence of feathered wings, but instead she possessed long leathery wings. Slowly the growing silence was broken by the slow movements of a Pony who slowly climbed onto the elevated dais before the gathered festival goers. The stallion who had walked out was rather thin, his coat dull with age and at places his fur was rough and patchy from uneven growth, his Mark was difficult to see clearly among the milling crowd and by the angle that he faced the gathered crowd. Contrasting his generally unkempt appearance was the highly polished necklace he wore, the necklace was a braid of various coloured threads woven around each other and threaded through smooth stones carved into delicate shapes. “Ah, excellent there is indeed one of them here tonight,” Nightmare said breaking Twilight’s observation study of the newly arrived stallion. “One of them?” Twilight asked only to for Nightmare asking for her to be silent. ‘Before you ask, this is indeed telepathy and well within my abilities. It would be possible to teach you how it is done, but that should wait. Right not it would be best for you to remain quiet and listen, Ponies such as he who walked before us are important among the community. He is of importance and I think the closest translation of what he is would be Echoer, an Echoer would be the equivalent of one of your storytellers and like the Solar races each of the Lunar races refer to their own differently and an Echoer is for example the term for a Thestral storyteller, all storytellers tend to be well regarded for their speaking skills and given the nature of the language it can be quite challenging,’ said Nightmare. Twilight nodded in understanding before asking, ‘ Okay, that does sound interesting although I have two questions. What do you mean by the nature of the language and how would I be able to understand him as translation spells rely on linking the knowledge of two language to help create understanding of speech and writing and the language of the Lunar Ponies are largely unknown.’ Nightmare lit her horn and Twilight could feel the soft touch of some subtle magic although she was having some difficulties determining its intent. At this time the stallion standing before them began to speak, his voice belied his frail appearance as there was strength, richness, and calm comfort backing his voice. “Tonight, I spin a tale to you all. A tale heard many times before yet we should do well to never forget-,” said the Thestral stallion. Twilight’s eyes widen before she turned away from the stallion to face Nightmare, ‘How? That spell you just cast, that was a language spell! That’s how I can understand him.’ Nightmare gave a subtle nod, ‘It is a language spell of a sort although you are more or less correct. Nevertheless you should be able to hear his words as they were intended to sound yet still understand them in the Equestrian you are familiar with. The language of the Lunar Ponies is remarkably different from the Equestrian you speak, it is a more tonal language and there are more subtle nuances to the tongue however our written language pales in comparison. It is more of the circumstances that shaped the two languages, Lunar Ponies relied more verbal communication and thus our written works are few. Those that exist were written either by the few sympathetic Solars or Lunars who had embraced more of the outside world. They have painstakingly done all they could to transcribe the Lunar language on paper although the language there is still greatly limited. Now please, I will answer more questions after the Echoer has finished.’ Twilight nodded and returned her focus to the rhythmic speech of the standing Thestral. Tonight, I spin a tale to you all. A tale heard many times before yet we should do well to never forget, but always remember its importance. This tale I bring to all of you on this night reminds of us not only where we came from, but also our duties and obligations. It is a story that we all have passed from our ancestors and it is one of most important stories. I tell you all this tale now in the same manner that I was told and so that you may one day pass on to those who come after. Our tale begins long before this world, long before most everything existed. In these early days of only the forces that governs our world existed. Yet one sought to change that and with the force it wielded, many worlds teeming life were brought to exist and forevermore shall this one be known as the Creator, the Shaper of Worlds and the Architect of Life. The Creator however was not alone for another being who existed was our Goddess, she who existed long before Creation and will exist long after the Creator’s work fades away. Our Goddess is the Night and all that it defines and encompasses. There came a time when She Who Is Night and All Its Domains came to fashion for Herself beings that would tend to Her and serve our Her will. From the darkness of the void the Night created Her First Servants as they would be known forevermore. One with webbed wings of starlight was known as the Hunter, with whom was charged as Her envoy among the Stars. Another with curved horn of deepest shadows was known as the Wayfarer and was charged to find and protect the Secrets of the World keeping them safe from those who would use them unwisely. To the Keeper, claws sharper and harder than the keenest blade and strong eyes were granted so that the Realm of Dreams would remain well protected from intruders. The Warden was given a shimmering coat that reflected and absorbed all light so it would be able to unveil the lurking nightmares that would come to haunt and feast upon the world. With their gifts the First Servants met their task with great fervour and upheld the Goddess in the highest respect, but despite their work for their Goddess none had yet to meet Her except in the briefest moment of Their Creation. Hearing the pleas of the First Servants to meet Her once more the Goddess took upon Herself one more task and the Goddess then took form with features similar to her First Servants. Her First Servants welcomed Her warmly into this world and in return they were granted more Servants alike in features to the First Servants they were to created to aid. Thus is the story of our Creation, of how our Goddess created herself and her First Servants. > 83 Storytelling by Kean > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Storytelling by Kean Sequel to Cold, final entry in the "Pact" series Twilight held her breath, feeling waves of magic flow over her face. She released a frustrated growl as the magic seemed to just slide off instead of taking hold. “It’s been weeks.” She kicked at the floor, scuffing the wood. “No matter what we’ve tried, nothing works,” She moaned, hanging her head. “I can’t even hide it behind illusions; they fade as quickly as I can cast them.” “The gods will not be cheated of your sacrifice so easily, Twilight.” Twilight scoffed at Nightmare’s remark, choosing instead to begin pacing an already well-worn path and continuing to talk to herself. “I could bind my sight to an object… no, I tried that with an illusion already. When I tried transformation for the first time, I could see for a moment, right?” Nightmare knew well enough that she wasn’t actually asking her. “But that would mean constantly transforming just my eyes. Requires too much focus; too much magic… Maybe there’s a loophole, or some way out of the pact…” She stopped her pacing, feeling anxiety well up inside Nightmare. She faced the alicorn, her confusion evident on her face, if not through their connection. “What? What do you know?” An image of gold and sapphire flashed through her mind before Nightmare could reel it back. “I… come. Sit,” Nightmare said with a sigh. Carefully, Twilight approached the divan where Nightmare sat, the layout of the library’s main floor burned into her mind through constant trial-and-error navigation. Five paces forward, divan is just below chest, lift up- no, that’s Nightmare. As soon as she situated herself, she felt Nightmare tentatively lay a wing over her withers. She suppressed a giggle when Nightmare tensed at her leaning against the larger mare. Still, she frowned as the wing tight4ened slightly around her, Nightmare’s anxiety only becoming more apparent. “I do know of a way to return you sight. I was wary to tell you because you may find the means unacceptable.” She paused and Twilight felt her shift uncomfortably. “No, that is a lie. I fear that you will find them acceptable.” “What, would I have to replace my eyes with somepony else’s?” Twilight chuckled. “I already thought of that, and no, I won’t be doing that.” “It is far simpler than that, I’m afraid. Tell me, do you know of the first dragon bound solely to the land?” Silence fell while Twilight relaxed further against Nightmare, sifting through her memories. “Yeah, it’s a foal’s story. The dragon was greedy, scavenging and pillaging any gold or items that had value for its hoard until it crossed the wrong pony and had its wings taken from it and its hoard all but destroyed. It’s meant to teach foals the dangers of avarice. But it’s just a story; a legend.” “Oh? And I suppose Luna and I are just legends as well?” “That’s different. Your story was based on… wait, are you saying that it’s true?” “Well, no. Not entirely as you have been told, at least. Many legends have some truth to them. All started with the proper wording, emotions, and inflections, but as they were passed down orally to the young, much was lost until only the core remained. In this case, only that a dragon made a mistake and lost its wings was retained.” “But how would you know? You couldn’t have-“The gold and sapphire image filled her mind again, this time in focus; detailed: A dragon, shimmering in the fading sunlight flooding a cave. Its maw a shining gold, long, crystalline sapphires extending up from its upper jaw as if they were a crown. Every golden scale, tipped with sapphire, and embedded with gems along its lithe, powerful body shimmered. Behind each shoulder ran a long, black trail: the only thing marring the pristine beast. “You knew him?” Twilight asked in awe. “Her. And not so much, no. She was a legend even in those times. A dragon that was not openly hostile to those who showed her no hostility; A dragon that did not show even the slightest interest in building a hoard?” Nightmare chuckled. “It was unheard of. Many ventured to her dwelling. Many questioned her about her hoard. None received answers. Few thought to question her about her wings. Of those few even fewer received an answer.” “But you did,” Twilight stated, her curiosity bubbling up. Twilight felt her finally relax and sigh, as if resigned to her fate. “Even my memories are susceptible to the passage of time. I cannot recall names or locations, but yes, I can tell you the story which she told me, but whether it is true or not, I cannot say…” Twilight nudged her. “You’re stalling.” “Yes, I suppose I am,” Nightmare sighed. “Just… promise me that, when it is finished, you will not make a rash decision.” “When have you seen me do anything without thinking about it first?” “Need I remind you why we’re both here?” “I- that was- hmph! Fine, I’ll think about it first,” Twilight conceded. Twilight felt Nightmare’s barrel expand; heard the slow release of air from her nose as she settled herself. When she spoke again, her voice was distant, low, and monotone; inflectionless. -------------------------------------------------------- Even deep within in the forest where I once hunted, I could see it, smell it: the burning of wood, the stench of death. Columns of smoke rising high above the tree line, marring the beauty of the sky, led me to a village nestled just on the northern edge of my forest. There was no panic, as I had expected. No ponies running for water, or their weapons at my approach. Instead, they lined the roads, eyes wide, forever set to watch their home burn around them. You ponies only provide a satisfying taste when fresh; alive. So I ignored the corpses. Still, where there are ponies, there are gems and gold. So foolish to use something so precious, so beautiful, as a trade good, though it does make acquiring them much easier for us. I suppose I cannot fault you. I had finished sifting through the wreckage of my third house when I felt something slip under a scale, pressing against the skin of my neck. I was foolish, careless. I stood silent and still. Had the pony thought it was I who had done this, I would already be dead. He wanted my help, he’d said. Wanted revenge. He didn’t take my word; he wasn’t stupid. He demanded a pact; wanted the speed of my wings. In return, I would keep anything we found the on the raiders and anything left in the village upon our return. What was I to do? I could already feel the blade slicing my skin with what little pressure he had on it, it would surely cut through easily. I accepted. I will say one thing: You ponies are quite stout when set on a goal. When the pact was complete, our souls merged, he found himself with only two legs: one hind and one fore on opposite sides. Still, he did not whine like a foal. He climbed upon my back and we set off. He was a foraging, he told me, when the village had been attacked. He was leagues deep in the forest, unable to assist or die with his kin. Some would call him fortunate. Others would call him a coward. I said nothing; it was unimportant to the task. For three days we searched. For three days we found nothing. Whatever had raided his village was intelligent enough to cover their tracks and hide their scents. He was wary of me the entire time. He was right to be. On the fourth day, the search bearing no fruit and wasting time I could have otherwise been using to build my hoard, I betrayed him; devoured him. He knew that I had broken our pact before I even made a move against him, as his missing limbs had been returned. Even so, the emotions filling him from the betrayal only made the delectable taste sweeter. Only in the morning when made to take my leave did I realize my folly. The pact had been broken; the gods had taken pledge from me. The same runes that marked his missing legs now marred my hide and I knew: I would never again take to the skies. The forest I spoke of no longer exists; I made sure of that. With nowhere left to hide, those responsible for starting the chain leading to my loss were easily found; easily crushed. I claimed my reward and returned to my hoard. Everything I had collected over my centuries of life, I burned; melted into slag before bathing myself in it. Why? Perhaps it was anger, or perhaps it was penance. I cannot tell you. I was quite mad. -------------------------------------------------------- Nightmare finished with a sigh and Twilight felt her lean back against the back of the divan. “That’s it? She didn’t say anything else?" “Nothing but a few threats to get out of her dwelling before she ate me,” Nightmare chuckled nervously. “I see… “Twilight mused, turning to bodily face Nightmare. “So all I’d have to do is find some way to have you break our pact…” Locking down her emotions behind a mental barrier, she stepped over Nightmare and placed her forehooves over her shoulders. She grinned, feeling Nightmare’s breathing speed up; at the worry building up through their connection. “Thank you for telling me how easy it would be to regain my sight,” She continued, her voice low. “But, you are the fool this time.” She pressed her lips firmly against Nightmare’s, smiling as the alicorn’s breath caught. She pulled away, laughing at the confusion filling their connection. “After all you’ve done to help me, after all you’ve taught me, did you really think I’d want you to do that? I know what you pledged; I’d never ask anyone to do that.” Twilight sighed contentedly, laying her head on Nightmare’s chest as she wrapped her in hooves and wings. They laid there in silence for a while, with Nightmare finally broke it, asking, “What will you do about your sight now?” “I don’t know. I’ll think of something.” “And if nothing works?” “I-“Twilight paused. “At least you’ll still be here, right?” “Of course.” > 84 Prank by Kean > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prank by Kean "So, who wants to go first?" Celestia's question was met with silence from the empty throne room. Perhaps "empty" was the wrong word, as a few maids roamed the room, polishing the floors and washing down the windows, while her usual guards stood at theirs posts at the entrance and on either side of the raised dais on which she sat. But, they were not as they should have been: their bodies shimmered and wavered, as if they were non-corporeal; ghosts. However, three very real, very corporeal alicorns sat in front of the dais. On the left sat a soaked and disgruntled Nightmare Moon, her ethereal mane waterlogged and hanging down the side of her face, covering one eye. Next to her sat Luna, stock still and stoic, except for the slight upward curve of her lips that betrayed her mirth. And finally, there was Twilight, currently succeeding in avoiding Celestia's gaze with her own, but utterly failing to hide the glances she kept taking of Nightmare. "Twilight?" Celestia kept her voice even, as always, but still Twilight startled, her wings twitching nervously. "Y-yes, princess?" Celestia sighed inwardly at the use of her title. She won't look at me, won't call me by name... The culprit was obvious enough, but it would be wrong to not at least hear her out. But first... "Would I be right to assume that you at least know how we ended up here?" Twilight fidgeted and stared at the floor as she shuffled her forehooves. "Yes, Princess." "And would I be correct in assuming that you don't know how to get us back? At least, not at the moment?" "Yes, Princess," Twilight answered as if condemning herself to death. Celestia sighed once again. Some things would never change. "Do you know how you brought us here? Would you be able to bring something from our... side to this one?" Twilight blinked before rubbing her chin with a hoof. “It depends on what It is. I’d also need to know what it looks like and where it is. Not just a description, I would actually have to know it or be able to see it.” “That shouldn’t be a problem.” Celestia smiled. “I just need something from my chambers: The small cabinet by my bed. The one behind the nightstand. The one locked with enchantments that I caught a certain over-curious filly trying to dispel one night.” Twilight ducked her head and nodded. “Yeah, I know the one. I’ll need a second.” A full minute passed before the aura around Twilight’s horn faded. It was strange, Celestia thought, because, from what she remembered from being transported here, it had been instant. One moment she had been ready to greet the guards outside the dining hall before breakfast, the next; they had been translucent and unresponsive. “Your wards are stopping me from teleporting it here, but it should be on this plane now.” Twilight’s reserved voice brought her from her musing. She nodded and, with a flash, the cabinet appeared beside her. “Thank you, Twilight,” She said. Seeing, and choosing to ignore, Luna raise an eyebrow, she dispelled the enchantments surrounding the cabinet and levitated out a single glass tumbler and a bottle of amber liquid, a stylized Griffin, reared up on its hind legs and spitting fire painted on the side of it. “A gift, from a Griffin ambassador some two hundred years ago,” Celestia chuckled, filling the glass half way. “I’m thinking this will be worth opening it for. Since none of you volunteered to speak, however, I think Twilight should start.” With a grimace, Twilight looked to Luna and Nightmare. Luna continued to stare ahead, stoic and unresponsive. Nightmare shrugged and nodded. Sighing, Twilight began, “As you know, ever since my last trip through the mirror, I have been studying the possibility of other alternate dimensions.” Celestia nodded for her to continue. “I haven’t gotten anywhere on that, but I did find out that there are different… not dimensions, but planes, I guess. Alternate planes that mirror our world, but are different. “Using myself as an anchor point to bring them back, I sent crystals enchanted to record their surroundings through. Sometimes the difference was minor. Maybe light reflects off of surfaces slightly differently, resulting in colors being off. Or it could be a minute or so ahead or behind the time here. Or, at the other end of the extremes, I found one where everything was on fire. “Twilight shrugged. “The only constants were that, unless I sent it there, nothing could be affected by what was on the other side, and that they were always uninhabited.” “And with you being here, you have no anchor which to pull us back to,” Celestia proffered, refilling her glass for the third time. “Right.” “And, exactly, did we get here?” Nightmare cleared her throat. “I was assisting Twilight at the time, helping her record the data the crystals brought back.” “And distracting me every chance you got,” Twilight muttered with a grin. Nightmare grinned right back at her. “What can I say? The way you get when you’re researching something new is just far too… alluring.” Luna, finally showing that she hadn’t become a statue, rolled eyes. Before she could say anything, Celestia cut in. “So Nightmare distracted you and you miscast the spell?” Celestia grinned, refilling the glass once again. “And here I thought I did well in teaching you proper focus, Twilight.” “Wait- no- I- That’s not what happened!” Twilight sputtered. “Well, not exactly…” She sighed and composed herself. “I figured out that I could set parameters – “ ”Parameters?” What are you getting at, Twilight? “– for planes I could send the crystals to. Before casting the spell, I can specify what I want the plane to be like: Change the gravity, how magic works, the temperature, the speed at which time passes, relative to our plane, and so on. I could even make a portal to one exactly like our world.” For the first time, Twilight met Celestia’s eyes, her expression serious. “If I ever needed a private place to talk to someone about something important, without worrying about interruptions.” Oh… She looked away again, grinning, blushing, glancing at Nightmare. “Or other things, but you get the point. “As for how I miscast the spell, well, I had actually wanted to get some work done, so I sent Nightmare to get some more crystals and, well, Luna, would you like to explain?” Luna huffed. “It was meant to be a practical joke. A bucket of water placed above the door, set to dump its contents when the door opened. Twilight has been quite boring lately, having her nose buried in dusty old tomes for days on end. I sought to shock some life back into her.” “Only, from where I see the carpet is wet, it was not Twilight the water landed on?” Celestia proffered, suppressing a laugh and hiding her smile behind the glass. “No,” Nightmare growled. “I heard her shout and, when I looked up, the way her mane and tail were laying, the way the morning sun shone off her wet fur…” Twilight cleared her head with a shake, but it did nothing to remove her still deepening blush. “I had prepared to send another crystal through, here, and, distracted as I was, I wasn’t thinking and accidentally added another parameter: Alicorn.” “And so it pulled all of us through instead of just you and Nightmare.” Twilight nodded. Celestia took another drink, noting that the bottle was only a fourth empty. She turned back to the group, lips tight, holding in her laughter. Nightmare took advantage of the silence. “Had I known it was so easy to hold your attention, I’d have kept my mane wet more often. I may have to make it permanently so.” Celestia could have sworn she heard her student’s mind grind to a halt. Twilight sat stock still, her eyes distant, and wings twitching. A short chortle escaped, signaling the breaking of her dam. Luna waving her hoof in front of Twilight’s face only to receive no response solidified it. “Oh dear, I think I broke her,” Nightmare laughed and levitated Twilight on to her back before turning to leave. “I will have to turn her on again.” “I‘m still not entirely acquainted with modern terms, but I believe the phrase would be “Turn her off and on again.”” Luna said, eyebrow cocked. “Yes, that too,” Nightmare called back over her shoulder as she exited the throne room. Celestia watched the two leave with a smile before turning to Luna. “Luna?” “Yes, sister?” “Would you accompany me to my chambers? I believe it will be some time before Twilight figures this out and I would like to speak with about something.” Celestia offered her sister a genuine smile. A smile that shifted to a grin as she raised the bottle. Shaking it gently, she said, “I wouldn’t mind having someone to drink with, either.” -------------------------------------------------------- Panting, Twilight smiled, feeling Nightmare wrap her hooves around her chest and pull her close, her back against her chest. She shuddered as Nightmare nipped gently at her ear. “Is this where you tell me that you really should get to work on finding us a way back?” Twilight chuckled and rolled over to face Nightmare. “I know how to get us back.” She grinned at the confusion evident on Nightmare’s face. “We were never stuck here. C’mon, you know better than to think I wouldn’t be as careful as possible when dealing with something like this.” “Then why are we here?” “Well, I wasn’t lying when I said it was for ‘other things’. Like what we just used it for.” She kissed Nightmare gently on the chin. “It was supposed to be for Hearts and Hooves day, but when I saw the chance – had an excuse to bring both Luna and Celestia, I decided to take it.” Nightmare placed a kiss on her forehead. “Again, why are we here. Not that I am complaining, but you could have just as easily brought the two of them here.” Twilight laid her head on Nightmare’s chest. “When I was younger, Celestia used to tell me stories about a mare. A mare who was kind and caring, strong and brave, intelligent and silly. A mare who was just as beautiful as she could be fearsome. She said that she balanced her. I had the feeling that she idealized the mare; loved her. But when I asked Celestia what happened to her, all she would say was that she ‘drove her away’.” Twilight sighed as Nightmare began to run a hoof through her mane. “Last year, we spent Hearts and Hooves day together. Not together together, but neither of us had someone to be with, so we kept each other company. I had all but forgotten about the mare she used to tell me about, but she started talking about her again, about how she wasn’t able to – and still couldn’t – find a way to tell her how she felt, it sort of just clicked in my head.” “Luna?” Twilight nodded. “So in the span of a few moments, using Luna’s failed prank, you came up with this plan to have them alone together for an undefined amount of time?” Nightmare chuckled. “Remind me to hire you to plan my next uprising.” Twilight lightly hit Nightmare’s chest. “No, I’ve had the idea for a while now, I just took a gamble.” “Oh? What about the Flaming Griffin whiskey?” She shrugged. “Lucky break?” “And do you believe Celestia knows that you gave her this chance?” Twilight nodded. “I think so. But I’m more worried about how Luna will react. Do you think she-“ She was interrupted by a long, pleasured moan echoing throughout the castle. Twilight ducked her head against Nightmare’s chest, shaking from holding in her laughter. “O-okay, new param-parameter: Limited auditory distance.” The sound faded as a bubble surrounded them, Nightmare’s horn glowing faintly. After regaining control of herself, Twilight pressed her lips to Nightmare’s before rolling her onto her back. Lying atop her, she grinned down at the dark mare. “As I said, this was originally meant for our Hearts and Hooves day.” She leaned down to whisper in Nightmare’s ear. “But if you’d like to… test anything out…” Twilight smiled as Nightmare’s breathing increased in speed. “Anything?” “Mmm-hmm.” She gently kissed Nightmare’s cheek. “There are toys in the dresser on your left. Ropes, whips, blindfolds, gags, and more in the one on your right.” She pressed her lips against Nightmare’s again, gently parting them with her tongue. She shifted her hind leg and pulled away grinning at the sound and feel of her breath catching. “And spells?” Nightmare asked, panting softly. “As long as you teach them to me afterwards.” Nightmare wrapped Twilight in wings and hooves, pulling the smaller mare into a deep kiss. > 85 Moral by auramane > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Moral by auramane Moral; Noun: Principles or habits with respect to ethically right or wrong conduct. ------------------------------------------------ Twilight's face soured as she stepped up towards the edge of the pit. She peered down into the depths, straining her eyes for any hint of a bottom. There was nothing. Just like the last 12 times she had looked. No pony truly knew if Tartarus had a bottom. She sighed, and once again, turned away from the edge and trudged back. With a groan of frustration, she slumped onto the ground and affixed it with a tired glare. After a few moments, she shook her head and turned her gaze to the black box hovering above her head, wrapped in her sparkling aura. She glowered at it. "All your fault," she grumbled, pushing herself to her hooves. The box hovered above her, almost mocking her indecision. She rubbed her eyes and grimaced. What should I do? Luna doesn't even know I have her, Princess Celestia told me to get rid of her. The essence of this monster is right here, and I could remove her forever! But... Could I really do that? To anypony? Whatever she may have done or wants to do, she is still a sapient creature. Can I condemn her to an eternity of imprisonment, no hope of change, freedom or reprieve? Would it even be eternity? She is technically an alicorn, but she's just a consciousness, not a full pony... An interesting question— —Focus. Not the time. Celestia has always been adamant about not doing harm. It's why she never taught me any combat magic. Why would she want me to do this? I suppose I'm not really harming her technically, but still... —wait, could this be some kind of test? Maybe she doesn't actually want me to do it, she wants me to show compassion! That must be it, she would never ask me to do this to anypony, no matter their crime! But maybe she's testing something else. My resolve? My loyalty? It... doesn't really seem like her. The princess wouldn't really make me do this, would she? Twilight groaned and shook her head. It was too much, there wasn't enough information. It just doesn't feel right. She grit her teeth and stormed back up to the edge of the pit, the box following behind her. She stood resolutely on the lip, gazing down one final time into the black depths. I have to make a choice. > 86 Winter by Toratchi888 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Winter by Toratchi888 Winter The dark and terrifying creature formerly known—okay, somewhat less terrifying but still known—as Nightmare Moon laid in the darkness at the bottom of the stairs leading down from the Golden Oaks Library Reading Room into Twilight’s basement laboratory. Her eyes alone glinted in the weak ambient light as she looked up the stairs. The door at the head of the stairs was cracked open slightly; not enough to allow a pony to push her hoof or snout through, but enough to allow Twilight to call down whenever she felt she had ignored her guest for too long. She shook her head, allowing it to drift down to her crossed hooves, but snorted and lifted her head once again as she heard conversation upstairs; her star-studded, ethereal mane swirled about her unclad body as she moved. “…see you and Night—er, Aster tomorrow morning, then, sugarcube?” “Absolutely! I can’t wait to show her Winter Wrap Up! Do you know she’s never seen it before?” “Aha, well, neither had you when you first came, Twi, so I guess that’ll be somethin’ special for the both of ya. Anyhow, I’ll take my leave.” The door clicked shut; Nightmare—Aster—heard a thump of saddlebags dropping to the floor. She discorporated into a starry mist—the same substance as her mane—and slithered up the steps and through the door. She rose up behind Twilight—who had levitated several scrolls from her bags—and coalesced. “I take it the apple farmer still fears me.” Twilight jumped, but relaxed when she spun around and saw her guest behind her. “Goodness, Asteris! Why do you always do that?” Aster smirked. “It’s too easy to get a start from you, Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight frowned. “Not that—I’m used to that. I mean, why do you always talk down to my friends? You don’t really do it to me anymore…” Aster blinked, then turned her head away. “I… They do it, too! They still think of me in the old way…” “I think it’s just a habit,” Twilight replied, turning slightly to float her scrolls onto the librarian’s desk. “It’s why we wanted to change your name, right?” “Asteris Creperii,” she muttered with what might have been a sneer. “At least I’ve been upgraded to a Star, even if I’m still an Unknown Quantity.” Twilight pouted. “I thought it… suited you. I know it’s old Roano-Grequine, but…” Aster blinked and pawed the ground. “I don’t… hate the name.” Twilight cocked her head. “Really?” Aster narrowed her eyes. “I just—I don’t care! Your friends can act however they like; it’s fine with me!” Twilight shook her head. “Asteris, you’ll get to know them better; give them time. I tell them the same thing: get to know each other. You’re… you’re really…” Aster snorted. “What? Dark, broody, inscrutable—” “Thoughtful.” Aster’s self-deprecating invectives cut short at that. “‘Thoughtful?!’” Aster rolled her eyes. “Sweet merciful stars, Twilight Sparkle! ‘Thoughtful?’” Twilight skittered back. “Um, I don’t mean… um… I…” Aster rolled her eyes again. “I, um… Anyway, I have to get going; I have to head to Rarity’s to, uh… check the fit of my vest.” Twilight trotted upstairs. “What vest?” Aster called after her. “My All-Team Coordinator Vest!” Twilight replied. She trotted to the landing, the gold-trimmed green-and-blue vest floating beside her and sparkling in her magic glow. Aster snorted. “Twinkle, twinkle, Twilight Star. Shiny little shirt, isn’t it?” Twilight blushed. “Rarity has a talent for using gems, after all, and she did make the vest for me two years ago.” Aster blinked. “Two years? You’ve been here that long? Good grief…” Twilight frowned and made her way down the stairs. “Aster… I really don’t understand why you can’t just… make friends.” Aster sneered. “I guess I’m just not a pretty pony princess like you.” Twilight’s frown deepened. “Anyway, I’ll be out for a little while, and so will Spike. The Library’s closed today, so you… shouldn’t be disturbed.” Twilight levitated her saddlebags from where she had left them, folded the vest neatly into the left-hand bag, strapped the bags on, and trotted to the door. Opening it, she paused a moment, her head half-turned back as though to look over her shoulder; then she left, shutting the door behind her. Aster’s eyes narrowed at the closed door. “…she doesn’t have a scarf…” She glanced about, taking in the main library room. “Hmm…” She snorted. “I suppose the Princess of the Library would look in a book to find a solution to her problems…” Having spent the better part of the last two years as Twilight’s guest, Aster had—however unwillingly—learned a little bit about practical library service. Though the sorting system… Aster moved to the center of the room, giving the circular reading seat to her left a small berth. She pointed her hindquarters at the door—glancing over her shoulder and sparking her magic to lock it as an afterthought—and faced her head towards the inner library shelves. Aster shut her eyes and lit up her horn. Tendrils of magic reached around her and began to pull books out. They began to swirl around her, slowly at first and then faster. Aster’s eyes snapped open, lit white by her magic. Books began to fly past her face just slowly enough to skim their titles. Useless ones flew back to their shelves, while crafting books settled beside her on the reading seat. When she had a dozen crafting books settled, she toned down her magic and leisurely floated them up before her. She skimmed the titles with her non-magicked eyes, frowning as she concentrated. “Knitting,” she snorted. Sounds like something the apple-farming grandma would do on a Sunday night in front of the fire. …suppose that would be cozy… Aster floated the several books on knitting onto a shelf set aside for “returns,” plus a book on Neighponese folding-paper crafts that had escaped her notice before. “Hmm… The Beginner’s Guide to Crochet by Threadloop.”Aster flipped open the cover page.“‘Welcome to the wonderful world of crocheting! With this book you will learn the basics of crochet, including abbreviations, terminology, working in rounds, and basic stitches such as the single crochet, double crochet, and treble crochet. There are also exercise patterns with which to practice, including wash-cloths, hats, and scarves.’” Aster flipped to the exercise patterns, skipping the wash-cloths and hats. After perusing a few scarf patterns—turning them down for, variously, being too fancy or too difficult—she found one she liked. “This one will be just right. It looks like it would be warm, and I suppose it’s pretty. “Now I need… …supplies.” She sighed. “Guess I have to go out.” * * * Aster braved the trek through town in the cold air to retrieve crochet supplies. Actually, that’s a lie; she went discorporal and invisible, and teleported to her destinations. First, she went to Sofas & Quills, reasoning that if they sold quills, they might sell other crafting or stationary supplies. Alas, it was not to be; Davenport only sold Sofas and Quills at Sofas & Quills, though he tried to sell her a nice sofa on which to crochet. She glared at him and vanished, next reappearing at the Ponyville Hardware Store. Sadly, the Hardware Store—while well-stocked with bolts and screws, flashlights, brooms, pliers, and various other goods—it did not possess crochet supplies. Aster only gave a moderate glare at the clerk before disappearing again. * * * Aster floated above Carousel Boutique an agitated, invisible cloud. Mentally gritting her teeth, and swallowing her pride, she reappeared herself at the front door and rang the bell. “The door is open! Please come in!” Aster pushed open the door and entered. Rarity appeared a moment later from behind a screen. “Ah, Asteris! What an unexpected… How are you? What can I do for you here at Carousel Boutique?” Aster gazed away. “Crochet.” “Hmm, I don’t get too much call for crochet’d items hereabouts, but I find it a delightful pastime. I’d be happy to make you some—” “I’M crocheting,” Aster retorted as her gaze snapped back to Rarity. “Oh! Well, I have plenty of crocheting supplies! What are you looking for in particular? I have many different hooks—” Rarity trotted to the back of the shop and opened several drawers, floating up a clutch of crochet hooks. Aster walked forward warily. “This is a large hook, excellent for large, loose stitches—like you would see in a Spring or Autumn blanket—and it’s lovely solid silver with the little sapphire in the pommel. “If you want a really tight stitch you want a small hook like this gem! This is a very small steel hook used mostly for making small stitches, perfect for doily making, and finished with a lovely chrome shine! “And if you come this way I can show you my yarn and thread supply! See here; I have everything from size 30 crochet thread—which is the smallest I carry without getting into sewing threads of course—up to yarn weighted 8. Over there is a heavy and very warm yarn, but it can be a bit tricky to work with. And this is the Whitetail Warm and Soft brand, perfect for winter blankets!” “Pardon—” Aster began as even more equipment began floating up. “And over here are stitch markers, particularly useful when you are working of continuous rounds. I have many different colours here, and many of them are made of different material! For example, these ones here are aluminum with a pink metallic finish on them, and these are platinum here! Aren’t they just darling?! Oh, and would you like to see the yardage counters I have? They are right this way! This will help you keep track of how much yarn you’re using, and how much you have left! “Do you have a pattern in mind? If not, I have plenty of magazines and books with patterns in them over here! Of course, I’m sure with you staying with Twilight in the library you have at least browsed some of the books she; but if you haven’t found any you like in there, feel free to look in those books over there. What about instructional books? Do you need any of those? If you do they are all here, ranging from your first ever project to very complex ones for professionals!” “I’m making a scarf!” Aster blurted, just below a yell. “Ooh,” Rarity squealed, “a winter scarf! How romantic! What does your pattern say you need for yarn and hook size?” “6.00mm hook, weight-4 yarn.” “Well, that’s common enough. And who is it for, if I may inquire?” “…Twilight.” “Ah.” Rarity stopped mid-stride, supplies hovering about her expectantly. She cleared away much of the creative detritus as she made a delicate little cough. “Twilight, you say? Indeed. Curious…” “What’s that?” Aster growled. “Oh, no, nothing, darling! I meant nothing by it. What colours do you need?” “It needs to match that vest you made her. For the Winter Cleanup thing.” Rarity’s mouth dropped open very slightly. Aster’s eyes narrowed dangerously. “What?!” Aster snapped “N-nothing at all, darling! I know the vest well; her All-Team Coordinator vest, for Winter Wrap-Up.” “That’s the thing.” “Yes, of course! I’m quite proud of the piece, and I think Twilight is as well. Let me get all that for you…” * * * With Rarity’s enthusiasm reigned in, Aster was able to exit the Boutique within a few minutes with her purchases. Rarity kindly agreed to allow Aster to deliver payment within the week, since—obviously—Aster had to pay Rarity without arousing Twilight’s curiosity. Returned at last to the Library, Aster sat down with her supplies and her book in the basement. “I’ll work all night if I have to…” she muttered. “And if that froufrou unicorn can do this with magic, I can certainly do it as well. Now, to start…” * * * “So, first I have to make a slip knot. Done.Okay. Chain… what’s that? Oh, that’s easy enough. Wait… I have to do how many?!” * * * “Hmm… now what does that mean? Now I have to double…Oh, this is getting tricky. I yarn over, then put my hook through there… is that right? Hmm… I don’t think I did that right. Start again… * * * “Okay, there’s one! Wow, I have to do that again in the same spot? I’m not sure I’m reading this right, but okay…” * * * “Now I do that in each stitch?! Sigh… This is going to take a while…” “Aster!” “What?” “Are you okay? I hear you muttering down there.” “I’m fine! I’m… just reading… aloud.” “Okay, that’s fine. There’s some food if you want it.” “Fine.” * * * “Oh, I put five in that one? Will that fit? …there it goes. Now I do WHAT?! Get. In. There! There! Okay, now I’m at the end of the round. How do I change colours? Oh, that’s easy. Now I chain up, and do that all over again… * * * “…change colours, and now only one double crochet all around. Hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm—DONE!” Aster lifted the product of her work before her, a slightly manic grin on her face as she ran her eyes over the scarf. It was ruffled, the folds undulating over each other along the length of the scarf. Its design was also roughly concentric, with pale yellow in a double row at the center, two green rows around that, and blue rows in the outermost rings. Aster’s head snapped around as a soft knock sounded at the upstairs door. “Aster? It’s almost dawn. I have hot oats for breakfast, if you’re ready.” Aster discorporated and slowly floated up to the door. She opened it with her magic and flowed past Twilight, who turned as Aster reappeared in solid form in the middle of the library. “Aster, you were down there all night talking to yourself; are you okay?” Aster faced Twilight and levitated the scarf around the latter’s neck. “I made you a scarf to go with your vest, b-b-because I don’t want you to catch cold. It’s not like I care or anything! It would just be inconvenient to find another place to live, is all.” Aster turned away, her cheeks darkening under her fur with a blush. Twilight gaped in amazement, then smiled. She trotted over behind her desk and levitated something up. Aster peered at the shape as it unfolded and wrapped around her neck: It was a long, rectangular scarf made of black velvet, with small silver tassels at the ends and innumerable small stones dotted along its length. Aster’s eyes widened as she took it in. “T-T-Twilight, did you…?” “I had Rarity make it for you,” Twilight replied softly. “This is your first Winter Wrap-Up, and I wanted it to be special for you like it was for me. I guess we were both thinking how to make it special for each other.” Aster pawed the scarf, lost for words. “…thank you, Twilight.” Twilight smiled again. “Let’s get some breakfast, and go wrap up Winter.” “Like a scarf,” Aster smirked. They both laughed. > 87 Pointless by Kean > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pointless by Kean I couldn’t do anything but stare in disbelief as Nightmare Moon shattered the Elements. Ignoring her cackling taunts, I looked behind me, hoping beyond hope that my new friends were on their way to help. They weren’t. Either they had fled, thinking that I was destroyed by Nightmare Moon’s magic, or they couldn’t locate where she’d taken me. Either way, it didn’t matter: I was alone with a mad goddess. I turned back in time to see her start to stalk toward me, her muzzle curled in a victorious smirk. I tried to turn to run, but my body wouldn’t listen. I tried to build my magic into an attack, or at least another teleport, but the spells fled my mind before I could release them. When she reached me, all I could do was close my eyes and wait for the end. Hearing her hoofsteps come to a stop in front of me and the soft feathers of a wing lift my chin, I chanced a look at her. Eyes hard, but with a soft smile, she looked down at me and whispered, “Relax…” I blinked, staring up at the moon through the decaying ceiling. Even this room couldn’t withstand the test of time, but at least the bed was soft. Probably made out of clouds, I mused with a smile. How I had gotten to the bed didn’t matter. All that mattered was that I was safe, out of the reach of Nightmare Moon. I felt the bed shift ever so slightly around me and found myself looking up at the afore mentioned dark mare. She had removed her helmet, allowing her astral mane to flow freely, creating a stunning backdrop to her face. I stared silently into her eyes. Gone was the anger, the hatred that seemed to fuel her. She smiled, mesmerizing me with her now soft, caring eyes. It was wrong – something was wrong, but I couldn’t stop myself from wrapping a hoof around her neck at the base and slowly, gently running it up the back of her neck. Her black fur, which I had assumed was some form of firm, protective enchantment, surprised me. Each hair that brushed against my own, brushed against my skin, was softer than anything I’d ever felt. Her head dipped lower as my hoof rose, her lips meeting my own when it brushed through her mane. The cloud bed, her fur, neither had anything on her mane, which I could only describe as running my hoof through liquid silk. I felt as though I was in a trance, my hoof gently stroking the back of her head, even as I knew I shouldn’t be. I felt her lips part, her tongue gently caressing my lips, asking for admission; a request which I happily granted. A forehoof snaked around the back of my head and we held each other in the kiss until we needed air. She pulled away, both of us panting. Something in the back of my mind kept trying to tell me something wasn’t right. With a grin, she leaned back down, placing kisses on my neck, down my chest, along my belly, leaving cowlicks whenever she decided to use her tongue as well. Something was wrong, but I didn’t care. Ecstasy took control as I looked down at her. Aroused with desire, I nodded to the unasked question and couldn’t help but writhe at even the first touch. Whether it was her experience, or my own lack thereof, my body felt like it was on fire and I knew I wouldn’t last long. A hoof across my barrel told me that she did as well. My eyes clenched shut pre-emptively and I gasped… …Only for them to snap open, staring up at the canopy of my four-poster bed. Panting and lying in a pool of already cooling sweat, I looked around the crystal walls of my chambers. Another dream… Sighing, I rolled myself off the bed and removed the coverings with my magic. Rolling them up, I tossed them in a nearby hamper before remaking the bed with fresh sheets. A well-known routine by me now, I climbed back in to bed and stared at the canopy once again, lost in thought. Ever since Tirek, ever since holding all the alicorn magic – Luna’s specifically, I guessed – I’d been having these dreams. They didn’t always start the same way, but they always ended with Nightmare Moon and I together somehow. While I wouldn’t say that they were exactly terrible, they were a bit disconcerting. I tried every spell I could think of to keep them at bay: Wards around my room and bed, clearing my mind – both through my own will and with magic – before I fell asleep. Everything I could do ended up being pointless and a waste of time and energy. Even Luna had been powerless to stop them when I asked her to watch over my dreams. “She – if it truly is Nightmare – is hiding your dreams from my sight. At best, I could wake you physically. Do not worry, though. There is very little she can do to you unless you allow it,” is what she told me. Yet, still Nightmare Moon comes to me in the night, in my dreams. I’d be lying to myself if I said I wasn’t worried about her possessing me. But I’d also be lying if I said I could resist the touch of that mare. > 88 Squirrels by Kean > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Squirrels by Kean Part 4 in the "Broken" series ”You know, I’ve been wondering… How did you manage to return?” Twilight asked, her head resting on Nightmare’s chest. Since the likelihood that Nightmare lodging in town wouldn’t cause at least a few problems was next to none, Twilight had offered to let her stay in her castle, finding only after the arrangements were made that the Tree had included bedrooms for her, her friends, and Spike, but no proper guest rooms. At least, that was the excuse they went with. “Thinking about it, when we used the Elements on you, I’m sure I felt them tear you from Luna. And then, well… “Twilight rubbed her chin. “Nothing,” She finished lamely. Nightmare chuckled. “Would you believe that I broke free from Tartarus? That I fought my way out from the deepest pit, destroying any who dared attempt to stop me, and even fooled the guardian Cerberus?” Giggling, Twilight shook her head. “Nope.” “And why not?” “Because Cerberus isn’t outside pawing at the castle doors for me to let him in so he can take you back. And yes, I said ‘pawing’. I know him – sort of. Well enough that he wouldn’t just break down the doors to my home. I think.” “Oh my, my love is so powerful that she even tames denizens of Tartarus?” Nightmare swooned. “I shall have to remember to remain on my best behavior.” Her actions earned her a swat on the chest. “Stop that. I’m serious, I want to know.” Twilight grinned cheekily. “And Cerberus isn’t a ‘denizen of Tartarus’. He stands guard outside the gates.” Nightmare shook her head, smiling down at her. “Very well, though my return does involve Tartarus, if not in such a fantastical way…” -------------------------------------------------------- Lying on Celestia’s bed, her head resting on Nightmare’s shoulder, Twilight winced, feeling Celestia’s magic manipulate what little was left of the nerves in her left cheek. “Healing” was too kind a word for what was essentially fusing together the pieces of tissue, perineurium, and axons that hadn’t been completely burned away. When they had returned, Luna had gone to relieve Cadance and Blueblood and take over day court for Celestia, who had “chosen to stay behind a bit longer on their joint impromptu ‘sabbatical’”. Due to the unplanned nature of their being there, Cadance and Shining Armor had had to immediately return to the Crystal Empire, though they were both told that they would more than likely be needed again, and to be ready. With a sigh, Celestia sat back on her haunches, the light from her horn fading. “I have repaired what was left. There wasn’t much, and even my magic cannot create something from nothing. You will likely not have full feeling.” Twilight sighed, feeling Nightmare brush a wingtip along the exposed skin on her face, feeling it only from the top of her cheek to the top of her jaw line. Still, she smiled. “That feels wonderful. Thank you, Celestia.” “I shouldn’t have waited so long. The moment you didn’t return, I should have-“ “Celestia, stop.” Twilight turned to face the sullen mare. “I told you: I understand. You had limited options and none of them were acceptable.” She smiled lightly at the arched eyebrow the comment received. “I thought about it while I was resting with Nightmare.” Closing her eye and laying her head on her forehooves, she spoke low but firmly. “You could have gone to war on the notion that they had taken me – with only minor evidence to support your claim. Of course, the guard and the military would undoubtedly follow you, but who’s to say how long it would have taken to get to me? Assuming I was found, how many would have died? And if I wasn’t found, ponies would begin to question if it even was the Griffins that took me. Eventually, you would have to give up, wasting the lives that had been lost. I know that you wouldn’t be okay with either and I wouldn’t find either acceptable.” She paused and opened her eye, looking expectantly at Celestia. When the princess nodded mutely, she continued. “You could have come yourself, of course, but what would you have done? Demanded that the king return me? He denied any involvement even staring me in the face; he would have done the same to you. Would you have begun destroying towns and cities until you found me? Even Nightmare couldn’t find me until she ripped the information out of one of the king’s advisor’s minds. The first would be pointless and would only lead toward war. Can you say that you would be okay with the second?” “Yes,” Celestia stated firmly. “Of course n-” Twilight blinked and jerked her head up, mouth agape, staring at Celestia. “What?” Celestia smiled sadly. “The loss of life would be regrettable, yes, but it would be acceptable, to me, if it lead to your return.” She raised a hoof to forestall Twilight’s objections. “You are my student and friend. You have done much for me and Equestria: You brought my sister back to me when I could not, you defeated not one, but two of my greatest adversaries where I was powerless and you’ve defended Equestria multiple times, putting yourself in harm’s way to do so. “But even without any of that, you are family to me.” She raised her gaze to Nightmare before returning to Twilight. “And I and should do whatever is necessary to protect my family.” Twilight continued to stare silently, her outburst against Nightmare replaying in her mind. “’Shiny doesn’t deserve that…’” She repeated softly. A prodding wing from Nightmare snapped her out of it, her unfocused eye returning to Celestia. “Thank you, Celestia. I understand. I wouldn’t want you to do it, but I understand…” -------------------------------------------------------- Laying her head back, Nightmare sighed and began idly running a hoof through Twilight’s mane. “You are right to say that you felt the Elements tear me from Luna. Or at least you felt them try. Luna did not simply borrow my power or take on my form; we merged. Completely. She was me as much as I was her. To separate one would have meant death for one, if not both of us, and I do not believe that the Elements are capable of taking life. “I’m still not entirely sure of this, but I believe they attempted to ‘balance’ Luna instead. Most of her anger was… subdued; locked away inside her mind. And I went with it.” Twilight gasped. “That’s terrible! How could they do that? Did Luna know?” “It wasn’t so bad. I was not entirely aware the entire time. I knew somewhat what had happened, but, for the most part, I would compare it to a long nap with short moments of lucidity. And while I would have much preferred being conscious and active, it was certainly preferable to being banished again. As for Luna having knowledge of my continued existence?” Nightmare shrugged. “She did nothing about it that I can remember. “But I will spare you the details of the half-memories from the time. When Tirek resurfaced…” Nightmare shuddered. “Just the thought of him puts a foul taste in my mouth.” She paused and smacked her lips before grinning down at Twilight, who in turn, stared back, head cocked slightly to the side. “I may need something to remove the taste before I can continue…” It might have been a bit mean to bribe the young alicorn, but the way her eyes darted around the room, presumably searching for a drink to give her, before her ear twitched when she realized what Nightmare had meant, and the way she ducked her head with a nervous smile while her eyes jumped between Nightmare’s and the bed, even after having been together for weeks, always made it worth it. -------------------------------------------------------- “So does that mean that if – when Skytalon finds a way to force us into a war, can I count on you to assist me with dealing with it, in any capacity I might need you?” She felt Nightmare shift, but Celestia spoke first, her gaze unsure. “Of course, but you can’t possibly already have a plan. We’ve only been here a few hours.” Twilight smirked. “No plans, no. But I had a lot of time to think back there and, while most of those ideas aren’t exactly feasible, I do still have a few. I still need to test whether or not what I still have is even theoretically possible, of course, but all of them will require more magic than I have at my disposal.” She touched the collar still around her neck. “Even with this.” “You have plans, but how do you know you will be able to act on them? They could very easily attack tomorrow,” Nightmare countered. “They could, but they won’t.” Twilight shrugged. “They are Griffins. And, while it tends to cause problems, their pride and honor is legendary. Even if Skytalon has no honor himself, the council, the soldiers, and even the general population won’t even act without at least a spoken declaration.” Shaking her head, Nightmare smirked. “Why did I even begin to think you hadn’t thought this through?” Her horn surrounded in a cyan aura, she asked, “Celestia, when is the next meeting between our councils?” “We meet in a month.” “I want it recorded.” Celestia arched an eyebrow. “Of course, our scribes will make a record of everything said.” “No,” Nightmare grinned, a crystal filled with magic matching her aura materializing in front of her. With a burst of magic, an image matching Nightmare’s view appeared above it. With another pulse of magic, Celestia’s mane began to flow and Nightmare’s voice emanated from the gem. ”I want it recorded.” -------------------------------------------------------- Nightmare smiled softly as Twilight pulled away with a contented sigh, eyes still closed and returned her head to Nightmare’s chest. She licked her lips and began running her hoof through Twilight’s mane again. “Much better. Now, where was I again?” “Tirek,” Twilight muttered. “Ah, yes. He isn’t important.” “But you said-” Twilight blinked, staring up at her before pouting. “You didn’t have to do that…” “No, perhaps not-” Nightmare grinned down at her. “-But you’re cute when you’re flustered.” “I- that’s not-” Twilight sputtered indignantly before letting out a frustrated groan. “Just get on with it.” “Very well,” Nightmare chuckled. “As much as it pains me to commend her for anything, it was Celestia’s plan, the transference of all the alicorn magic, that finally broke the elements’ hold on me. I am a being of magic and, with Luna in full control of herself, I was hers to give.” -------------------------------------------------------- With a sigh, Twilight pulled herself off the bed, Nightmare close at her side, wary of the slight wobble still in her step. She smiled gratefully up at Nightmare before turning to the door. “We should get going.” “You’re leaving?” Celestia asked. “There are plenty of rooms available in the castle, if you’d like to stay.” Twilight shook her head. “Thank you for offering, but no. I want to start preparing as soon as possible. And I want to let at least my friends know I’m back.” Twilight paused before turning toward Celestia. “Speaking of which, how much does everypony know?” “Your friends know that you were taken by the Griffins during your visit.” Celestia chuckled at Twilight’s questioning gaze. “Suffice it to say that it is difficult to sleep or even think when your guards are chasing Pinkie Pie while Rainbow Dash beats on your door, demanding answers.” Twilight turned away with a small smile, but said nothing. “As for everypony else…” Celestia sighed, her shoulders sagging. “We said that you stayed in the Kingdoms to learn more of their customs and culture.” Twilight nodded, but again, said nothing. Nightmare gently raised Twilight’s head with a wing, looking down at her, her gaze soft. “As much as I’m sure you’d be loath to do so, you should consider removing that collar; perhaps consider leaving it here in Celestia’s care.” Twilight pulled her head away, shaking it profusely. Nightmare sighed. “It is likely to raise questions.” Twilight’s horn lit, her lavender aura surrounding the collar. The sides began to thin out and flatten against her neck, falling until it rested over her shoulders, while the front followed suit, elongating and curving down against her chest. With a pulse of magic, a starburst indent appeared in the center of the front, the metal around her neck thickening as the metal shifted. When she finished modifying the collar and released it from her magic, the indent was flooded with lavender magic. When it filled, the magic took on a reflective sheen, imitating a gem, while the collar itself shifted to brushed silver. “There. No one will question a torc, right?” Twilight asked with a smug grin. “All of you have one, so it shouldn’t be surprising that I have one too, right?” Celestia and Nightmare traded wary glances. “Very well,” Nightmare sighed. “There is still the matter of your face, since you are set on keeping this hidden. Perhaps an illusion?” “Yeah, that’d be simple enough.” Twilight brushed a hoof against her torc. She blinked and looked at Celestia. “Celestia, are the royal armorers on duty?” “They are. I can send for them, if you’d like.” Twilight glanced out the window, noting that the sun had moved well past its apex, on its way toward the horizon. “Could you have them meet me in a few hours? There’s something I need to do first.” “Of course. I will tell them to meet you in your old study an hour before sundown.” Twilight nodded. “That’ll be fine, thank you. Also, is the meditation room we used to use still available? The one that’s warded to keep magic from getting in or out?” “It is,” Celestia said with a wry smile. “The wards should still be strong enough to maintain their barrier, but please do not test them. We don’t need the staff panicking. Again.” “That was one time,” Twilight huffed. “And you told me to test them,” She added with a soft smile, starting toward the doors. She paused, her magic surrounding a handle. “Thank you again, Celestia. For everything.” Her smile turned to a grin. “And make sure to tell the armorers to be willing to get creative.” She chuckled and continued out of the room, looking up at Nightmare. “You’re good with mind magic, right?” -------------------------------------------------------- ”When you received Luna’s magic, you also received me.” Nightmare laughed at Twilight’s wide-eyed stare. “Believe me; I was as surprised as you. Waking up in your mind was… jarring, to say the least.” She gently stroked Twilight’s neck. “I will say, coming from Luna’s mind, your memories were refreshingly sharp and focused.” “My memories?” Twilight squeaked. “You searched through my memories without my permission?” “I promise you, I did not pry on anything intimate or embarrassing, but, as far as I knew, you were to become my new host. I wanted to know how you might react to my presence should I reveal myself to you.” “You could have just talked to me.” “I could have-” Nightmare nodded. “- but, as I recall, you had your hooves full at the time. I doubt you would have welcomed the distraction during your flight into a mountain.” Twilight shuddered against her. “That’s… fair, I guess.” She blinked, her ears perking up. “Does that mean I gave you to Tirek when I gave him all the alicorn magic?” “No,” Nightmare said softly. “Whereas I was part of Luna, and thus part of her magic, you and I were not bonded in the same way. You contained me, but did not control me. But, at the same time, I could do nothing to help you.” She grinned and resumed stroking Twilight’s neck. “And believe me, had I the ability at the time, I would have done anything I could to help you remove the last centaur from this plane.” -------------------------------------------------------- The meditation room was a simple affair: circular and empty except for four pillars arrayed in a square in the center of the room, fitted with a single inward facing iron sconce that provided light by way of blue mage-fire. Twilight was sitting on her haunches in the center, facing Nightmare, who stood across from her. “Twilight, explain to me again why we’re here.” Twilight opened her mouth to speak. “This time without sounding like a mad pony.” Twilight groaned in frustration. “Okay, look. You’re good with mind magic, right? Illusions, manipulation, making ponies think that something is happening when it actually isn’t?” Nightmare nodded slowly. “I want you to make me feel fear.” Nightmare leveled her with a flat stare. “So, you want me to make you believe that you fear me?” “No, I wouldn’t-… no.” Twilight rubbed her chin in thought. “How about something that even the most irrational pony wouldn’t fear?” “So, a rabbit?” “No,” Twilight snickered. “We both know that rabbits can be Tartarus-spawn.” “Very well,” Twilight heard Nightmare reluctantly say before her horn was surrounded in her sapphire aura and she disappeared in a flash. -------------------------------------------------------- I rubbed away the spots from my eye, unprepared for Nightmare’s spell. Looking back to where she stood, I found that she was gone, in her place, a group of… squirrels. She’d made a scurry of squirrels. I wanted to fall over laughing as I watched them hop around in front of me, their tiny little paws clacking against the stone floor. There was no way that any pony would be afraid of them, even if those tiny claws could dig into my flesh and tear it from my bones. I blinked. That wasn’t right. They are squirrels; docile. And even if they decided to attack me, I could do nothing as they swarmed over me, claws and teeth tearing wherever they could get a hold. I stopped myself from taking an involuntary step away and shook my head, trying to get the image of one of them holding my eye, its teeth poised to bite into it, out of my head. I knew they weren’t real, knew that nothing could happen to me, but I still couldn’t stop myself from shaking. Clenching my eye shut, I stepped forward toward where Nightmare had been standing, my hooves passing through the illusions without trouble. As I moved through them, I could feel their claws scratching at my legs, could feel them climbing on me. Everything inside me was telling me to run, to bolt through the doors and find somewhere where they couldn’t get to me and curl up. I pressed on for what felt like hours until I finally felt something unyielding. Looking up, I saw Nightmare looking down at me worriedly. Still shaking, I nuzzled into her chest, laughing. “That was…” “Too much?” She asked, her hoof running through my mane. “No.” I grinned and looked back up at her. “It was perfect. Teach me.” -------------------------------------------------------- ”When you unlocked the Tree’s gift and, in turn, released everypony’s magic, I could not return to Luna. The laws of Tartarus would not allow me to enter and rules of the world supersede any rules we set upon ourselves, even through magic. “Yet, even though I was free, I was weak, unable to even maintain a simple pony form, let alone this one. And so, I hid within the Everfree to recover.” “Why the Everfree forest? Why not somewhere safe?” “And where would you have suggested that would not have caused panic had I been discovered? No, the forest was safe enough and has plenty of untapped magic that I could siphon to hasten my recovery.” Nightmare’s visage darkened. “I will admit, I was quite angry in the months it took me to recover and I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t been planning some sort of revenge against Celestia, Luna, and… well, you.” Nightmare caught Twilight’s chin with the tip of a wing as she tried to duck her head, muttering apologies. She smiled softly down at her. “There’s no need for that. Any ill will I harbored in that time has been forgotten.” She leaned down and pressed her lips against Twilight’s, holding the kiss until she felt the smaller mare relax before pulling away and wrapping her in her wings and hooves. “After all, how could I hold a grudge against the mare who returned my freedom?” -------------------------------------------------------- Silence is a funny thing: It can be calming or foreboding, it can be a sign of acceptance or condemnation, but, most of all, it gives you time to think. To think on what you’ve just said, on what you’ve done, on what’s happened. Whether you want to or not. I had been doing my best to keep myself distracted, to keep myself focused on anything other than the past year. But with nothing left to focus on, nothing to even say as Nightmare absorbed my plans for the spell… Silence is a terrible thing. “Twilight-“ “Hey.” My voice was calm, low. “You said before that I was immortal, but not invincible. That means I can die, right?” She stared at me and before she stopped herself, I could see the answer in her narrowed eyes. “Why?” Her voice was even, colder than I’d ever heard from her. “I don’t…” I searched for anything to say, to hide my reason. In hindsight, it was simple: ‘I want to know how careful I should be.’ Of course, hindsight is always twenty-twenty. “I don’t know how I’ll deal with… well, everything. Right now, I’m focused, but when this is all over… I don’t know. What if it drives me insane? What if… I just want to know if it’s an option.” Even before I finished and she began to approach me, I expected her anger. I expected her to be upset. I didn’t expect my vision to snap to the right or pain to flare across the freshly healed nerves in my face. I turned back in time to see her lower her hoof, her face hard, eyes filled with anger. She continued to advance on me and I started backing away. “You would dare,” She growled. I felt my flank hit one of the pillars. Still, she didn’t stop. I found myself on my hind legs, pinned between her and the pillar before she finally stopped. “After all we went through, all I, Luna, your brother and even Celestia did to recover you, you would dare ask if it was possible to end your own life?” “I-“ She drove her hoof against the pillar behind me. I heard the stone crack. “Don’t. I spent the entire last year worried, searching. I ran myself ragged, sleeping only when I could not continue, eating only when this body would give out if I hadn’t. I broke-“ “You don’t under-“ She hit the pillar again and I felt the entire thing shudder from the blow. Just like the squirrels, I was certain that she wouldn’t actually harm me. Yet, again, I could not stop myself from shaking as her slitted eyes bore into my own. I tried to teleport away, only for the spell to be interrupted by her grinding her horn painfully against mine. “I broke one of the few rules of magic that I have respected for millennia, violating another creature’s mind to find you. Had I known that you would make it all worthless…” She let out a pained laugh and rested her forehead against mine, her anger visibly fading as she sagged. “Had I known, I still would have come for you. Because you are the reason I am no longer bound to Luna. Because I owe you. Because I love you.” I felt her magic begin to flow. So close to my horn, I could tell that it was the same spell she’d used to link our minds when she first found me. I tried to pull away, but she stayed with me, the back of my head against the pillar. “You say that you don’t know how you will handle the memories. I asked you before to speak to me about what happened. I ask you now to share them with me.” Staring into her already shimmering eyes, I knew that she wouldn’t force the issue if I said no. Despite that, or maybe because of it, I reluctantly lowered my mental barriers and mirrored her spell. I immediately regretted it. The researchers had said, many times, in the beginning that everything they did to me was an experiment: Tests for them to learn more about alicorn magic and physiology. I chose to call it that as well for a reason. By the end, when my captors started flaying skin from different parts of my body just to see where it would heal faster, when they reached into my mouth and tore out most of my tongue and I laid there hoping that, for once, I’d be allowed to choke to death on my own blood, even they couldn’t hide behind the pretense of ‘research’. I hadn’t told her much, hadn’t said anything to anyone else. Not because I didn’t want her to know what had happened, but because I didn’t want anyone to have to experience it, even second-hoof. When I felt her quivering against me, saw her breaking down as she experienced everything through my memories, I was prepared to break our connection again. But, again, I was interrupted, this time by her lips pressed against mine. It was a desperate kiss: Desperate for some form of comfort, desperate to know that I – that somepony – was there for her. And as I wrapped my forehooves around her neck, brushing my tongue against her lips, something in the back of my mind wondered if the first time I kissed her in the lab, after recovering my wits, was just as desperate. I heard her laugh in my head, her voice pained even in thought. ”Oh, believe me, it was. Except, I’m not dragging you down to the flo-“ I pulled away from the kiss to see a teasing smile on her muzzle. Even that seemed off, to me. She rested her forehead against mine again, panting lightly, still shaking. “I will not stop you from seeking the answer yourself. As much as it would pain me, I would not be so selfish as to stop you if you found it necessary to take your own life,” She whispered almost inaudibly. “But, I ask you to share this burden with me, allow me to carry some of the weight. And if, when this is over, you find that there is no other option… Then, I will answer you.” -------------------------------------------------------- The month leading up to the council meeting was thankfully uneventful. My friends had greeted me in my castle that night. How they knew I was returning baffled me until I saw the cake Pinkie had baked waiting in the dining room. What surprised me the most, though, was how quickly Rarity saw through my illusion. It shouldn’t have: she would be the one to notice a minute difference, even if it was just my left eye being a few centimeters off from where it had been when I left. Honestly, it made it easier, made me have to explain – in minor detail – what had happened to them and what was likely to happen. By the time they left that night, I don’t think I’d managed to convince any of them that any participation by me in the coming conflict was a good idea or even necessary. Still, Dash agreed to help me with my agility in the air and Applejack with my physical endurance. Would it have been better to learn from a royal guard or soldier? Probably. But I wanted to limit the chance that it would get out that I was training for combat. -------------------------------------------------------- A month later, Nightmare and I were lying in bed, her on her back with me lying on top of her. With how busy the two of us had been, planning and working with Celestia and Luna to bolster the most likely avenues of attack, nights were the only time we had for the pleasure of being alone together, being able to push everything else out of our minds, to just block out everything that wasn’t us, if only for a time. I sighed, content to just lay there wrapped in her hooves. I felt the magical disturbance, the air by the nightstand vacating as something was being forced into existence where it once occupied. With a muted pop, a scroll bearing Celestia’s seal appeared on the nightstand, a gem filled with golden magic clinking against another filled with purple and sapphire as it came to rest on the nightstand. > 89 Sour by Pearple Prose > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sour by Pearple Prose Twilight woke up in the darkness, and she was cold. It was a deep coldness that she felt – a coldness that permeated her skin and bones and deadened her limbs 'till she could no longer feel the downy softness of her pillow against her coat. These cold winter nights tend to get pretty nasty, Twilight figured. She reached out and fumbled, blindly, for her duvet, but she felt nothing. Twilight frowned, opened her eyes, and lit her horn. Or, at least, she tried to. She couldn't feel her magic, and her horn did not ignite. She could no longer hear Spike's deep, throaty snoring. Twilight got to her hooves. She was lying on the floor, although it was certainly not her floor. Ear cocked, she heard the sound of running water (although the sound was subtly off, in a way she couldn't quite put her hoof on) in the distance, and began to walk. Her hoofsteps clacked against the stone beneath her, but the echoes were deadened in the vast silence that surrounded her. Twilight did not know where she is, but she did not feel scared. She just felt tired, and alone. The darkness began to recede, as she walked, or perhaps it was being replaced. Stars grew, in this void, and they watched her silently as she passed. Judging. Knowing. Their light was harsh, and it hurt Twilight's eyes, but she knew that they did not hate her. If anything, it was the opposite. She knew lots of things, now that she really thought about it. She just hadn't been in the right frame of mind to realise it until now. The echoes of her footsteps grew louder. The stars bled blue blood and it seeped through the sky until it was stained the colour of night. The moon rose. Twilight walked on. Eventually, Twilight could see a tiny island, in the centre of a huge sea, and she was walking on a bridge. The moon's light was soft, softer than the stars, at the very least. Twilight could see her now. She was standing there, waiting. Smiling. It began to rain. The rain was heavy and sunk into her coat. "So," she said, as Twilight approached. "You've returned. Welcome home." Twilight's voice was flat, when she spoke. "Thanks. Although, I don't think I ever really left." The other mare's teeth flashed white against her deep, dark coat. "You're a good thinker." Twilight shrugged. "I assume you're just buttering me up so that I slip into your trap easier, or whatever this is." "Why would you assume that?" she asked. She seemed almost genuinely hurt by it. She was a good liar. "Because..." Twilight frowned. She couldn't remember. It had been so long ago, hadn't it? The other mare noticed her distress, and she draped a great wing across Twilight's back. Twilight didn't notice her when she moved, but accepted the gesture grudgingly. "I understand. Sharp minds need to rest, you know, and that's exactly why you're here." "But I was just sleeping." "You were. You still are, technically, but you won't be waking up any time soon." Silence, for a moment. "I'm sorry." "I don't think you are." "And yet I am." Her eyes glowed a deep teal. Her irises were thin slits, the eyes of a predator, but they held no malice when Twilight looked into them. Only regret, and sadness, and something else that Twilight had forgotten. "Is that so hard to believe?" "Perhaps," Twilight said. "But you don't act like I remembered you do." The mare shook her head, and offered a forsaken smile. "That wasn't really me. My image was taken in vain. She asked me for it, and I could not refuse. I do not resent her for it." "You should," Twilight told her, neither approving nor disapproving. "But I cannot. I love her too much," the Nightmare said. "And you, as well. Are you satisfied with how you left things?" Twilight pondered. Her hooves shook, and her bones creaked, and her back ached under the weight of her wings. "Not really, no. But I'm a hard pony to satisfy. A lot of things were left undone, and a lot of things were done that I shouldn't have, and in the end I wonder how things might have gone. Ponies left me behind. I left ponies behind. Things that seemed constant were not so. Things that seemed like a fleeting pain would last forever. And yet, despite it all, I do not wish to go back and undo all I have wrought." Twilight shook her head. "But you know all this, don't you?" The Nightmare smiled. She did know. She was perhaps the only one who ever would. Twilight stepped closer on trembling and unsteady hooves. The true Mare of the Night smiled widely and accepted the little purple alicorn into her embrace. "I love you," Twilight whispered. "And I love you too. I always will." The sound of rushing water grew louder. Nightmare Moon held Twilight Sparkle close, and the darkness flooded them both. It was warm, and Twilight sighed. She was satisfied. > 90 Wanderer by Knight of Lycaeus > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wanderer by Knight of Lycaeus Darkness, thick and deep with an almost oppressive force bore down on the small light attempting to drive it back with little success. Despite this the owner of the small light pushed onward relying on what little light there was to guide her way. In the end her perseverance was rewarded by the treasure she sought. “Hello Nightmare,” Twilight greeted as walked close by the dark Alicorn who was nearly invisible in the darkness of the chamber. “You followed me again,” Nightmare commented her eyes never moving away from the wall she was studying. “I thought you would be like most others and that surely you would have left the matter behind and abandoned me by now.” “I’m not them Nightmare, I’m myself and I choose to follow and find you,“ Twilight said as she gently nudged the other Alicorn. “Although I must admit this time it took me longer than usual to determine where you’ve gone off to.” Nightmare sighed softly and closed her eyes, “I choose to leave Twilight Sparkle. There is no reason for you to find me.” Twilight shook her head even while realizing how pointless the gesture was in the darkness, “Yet each time you leave you return again and when I think you will stay the cycle begins again. There is more to why you choose to leave; you’ve lived in Ponyville for nearly a year before vanishing.” “I remained in Ponyville to regain myself, nothing more, nothing less,” Nightmare said. “If that was the case then you would have found a quiet place; a place where nopony would recognize you for who you are and yet you chose to stay in the same town that you first made your appearance.” Nightmare ran her hoof over the wall in front of her and with a small click a few alcoves around the room opened allowing small amount of moonlight to enter the chamber. “Very well, if it is answers you seek then it is answers you shall find.” Nightmare turned to face Twilight, “Allow me first to ask a question of my own. Every time that you find me is there something about that place that always holds true?” Twilight tapped her chin with a hoof thinking back to each instance, “Wherever you go it seems like there’s no pattern, all the places you’ve visited are far from each other. Yet no matter where that place is I always find you in dark chambers and every place I’ve been to, are marked by signs and sigil that represent the night.” Nightmare nodded, “Indeed.” Nightmare began to pace around the perimeter of the room, “My journeys are not aimless as they may seem though they are indeed far reaching.” Nightmare sighed, “I travel to these far off places not to sate my desire to see this world for I have done that many times over. The truth is I travel to find myself.” “Find yourself?” Twilight asked. “Find yourself in what way?” “It is not my identity that I seek for I am sure of myself and who I am. You know that I have lived a long life and these places I visit are places that were built by Ponies and other beings from long gone to worship me. You know a little of my nature do you not?” Twilight nodded, “You’ve mentioned it a few times. You’ve discussed a little about how you’re something else, and that you’re not the same as the Alicorns that govern Equestria and the Crystal Empire. You mentioned being something more.” Nightmare stopped her pacing and moved over to another wall and with another click a hole opened in the ceiling further illuminating the room. “Take a glance around this chamber. This was one of the greatest dedications that Ponies have made to worship me. I am in nature much like the Chaos Serpent, Discord. We are both beings that are closely tied to the forces that govern this universe even more so than your fellow Princesses.” Twilight walked over to one of the reliefs and she could see the immense detail that went into each piece. “I assume what you are has something to do with why you travel so much.” Nightmare sighed again, “I am not whole; in times long ago I lost myself to my powers and descended into madness. It is one of the greatest limits on our power, Discord and myself could be more closely defined as the physical forms of the forces of this world. In essence we could be considered the avatars of what people long ago once thought were divine. For them the forces of this world were governed by divine beings alike in form, but far greater in power. Returning to my earlier point, in my madness I split myself granting power to those who served me well and to those who I tempted to follow my guidance.” “In doing so you left your magic behind and your magic was more than just power, but a part of yourself,” Twilight concluded as she left the wall to walk over to where Nightmare was standing. “It makes sense now, your nature means your being and your magic are closely tied.” Nightmare wrapped a wing around Twilight, “Finally one who understands. It has been a long time since one has understood what I am. But that is the truth to my wanderings; it is not for pleasure, but to regain all that I was. The Realm of Dreams and Nightmares is not Luna’s alone, she is gifted yet I hold far stronger power over that domain. It is in the Realm of Dreams and Nightmares that I sometimes see fleeting glimpses of what had happened long before and I journey there in search of what I left behind. That is what drives me each time to leave and find what I had once lost. My reason for remaining in Ponyville is simple; Ponyville holds a stronger concentration of my own splintered magic for Luna possessed my powers for quite a time before she revealed herself in her new guise.” Twilight leaned into the larger Alicorn, “How many more places are there?” “That I am uncertain, I lost myself in madness for centuries and I am certain that in my madness I splintered my magic many times over granting slivers of power to living beings and artifacts alike. It could be a long time before I regain all that was once mine.” “Then let me help you,” Twilight said. “You said most of these places were likely old temples, so we could try and find those lost places. Your magic must have a unique signature I could isolate and use to help find more of them. This way you don’t have to rely on seeing small glimpse every now and again.” “Isolating my magic’s signature is not easy Twilight for I and others have tried, yet if you believe it can be done than perhaps it can be done. Nevertheless I am grateful for the offer of assistance and I would welcome the aid in finding what once had been lost.” > 91 Lord of the Rings by Kean > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lord of the Rings by Kean My faithful student, Enclosed within this scroll, you will find a single golden ring. What it’s for and what it does doesn’t matter. What matters is that it is an artifact of great evil and must be destroyed. Your task is this: Return it to Mount Doom and cast it into the fires from which it was forged. Really: It’s that simple. Regards, Celestia P.S. Take Nightmare with you. She’s been bothering Luna almost non-stop for the past few weeks. We believe that she needs to get out more and this is the perfect opportunity. Twilight stared at the letter, then the ring laying on the table, then the letter again, ignoring Nightmare, who was reading over her shoulder, and Spike, who wouldn’t take his eyes off the small gold band. “Mount Doom? That’s over one thousand leagues away!” Twilight groused. “And it’s in the Badlands. Changeling territories. Why couldn’t she just…” Twilight sighed, resigned to her fate. “Fine. With flight and teleporting, it should only take us about two weeks back and forth if we don’t-“ “No.” She turned to Nightmare, pulling the ring away from Spike with her magic. “’No’?” “We must walk,” Nightmare said resolutely. Twilight picked Spike up in her magic and tossed him in a closet before locking it for attempting to vault over her to get at the ring. “Walk? No, that would take weeks, if not months, to get there if we walk. Flying would be faster.” “It is not about getting there, Twilight, it is about the journey.” Nightmare nodded at her own words. “And besides, your friends will no doubt want to go with you and not all of them can fly.” “I- but-” Twilight let out an exacerbated groan. “Fine. But don’t complain to me that your legs hurt half way there.” -------------------------------------------------------- Twilight was… somewhere within the Everfree. Applejack had lead her away from the group, taking her to a small ruin that must have been blasted away from the old castle. She sighed, leveling a blank stare at the farmer as she demanded Twilight give her the ring. “And what, exactly, are you going to do with it? You’re an earth pony; you can’t use its magic, and you don’t have anything it could fit on to wear it,” She stated, unamused. “The most you could do with it is use it as a paperweight.” “I don’t wanna use it,” Applejack stated as if it were the dumbest thing she’d heard. “I’m gonna sell it. That there ring is gold, innit? It could keep my family fed for years! We could even hire a few extra ponies year round and not have to worry about money. So just give it here.” “You- you think-” Twilight shook her head, holding back laughter. Applejack was normally always level-headed, but when it came to her family… “You want to sell it based on its value in gold? A bit has more pure gold in it than this. And, seeing as it’s an ancient evil artifact, anypony who does know what it is would probably just steal it from you anyway.” Twilight shrugged. “Steal it, or kill you, and then steal it.” Twilight left it at that, only acknowledging Applejack’s apology with a nod, intent on finding the source of the sound of rushing water. She heard what sounded like a fight as she neared the source, a river, but ignored it. It was probably just Rarity trying to blast Rainbow for her taunts again, or Nightmare attempting to subdue Pinkie because she was driving her mad. Again. Either way, it wasn’t important. What was important was finding a way across the river. Teleportation was out – Nightmare would sense it. Flight was out – Rainbow might see her. Luckily, someone had left a boat on shore on the side she was on. A boat. Who in their right mind goes boating in the Everfree? At the sound of Nightmare calling her name, she stopped questioning her luck and galloped toward it. With a push of magic and a leap, she landed in the boat, another push putting her halfway across. She grinned inwardly, seeing Nightmare standing on the shore. I’ll just get far enough into the forest that she can’t sense me, teleport out, and fly the rest-“ Her thoughts were cut off by as the boat rocked with a solid thud. She turned to see Nightmare folding her wings, a triumphant smile on her muzzle. “That’s not- You said no flying!” “Ah, but I did not fly. I simply made myself lighter, jumped, and glided,” Nightmare replied smugly. “That’s the same thing!” Twilight stamped her hoof in frustration. “You can’t just…“ Feeling wetness on her fur, she looked down to see that she had put her hoof through the wood and water was starting to flood in. “Son of a…” -------------------------------------------------------- Twilight stood alongside Nightmare, staring over a cliff at a column of ponies marching through the Badlands, armed to the teeth with spears, bows, and armor. “You’re telling me that they’re all mercenaries, hired by the changelings, with the promise of wealth and power?” “Yes.” “And that the only reason that the changelings are mobilizing and gathering an army is because they know we have the ring, and they want to stop us from using or destroying it?” “Yes.” “So, then, are you going to admit that it’s your fault that so many are going to die in a war because you won’t let me fly? Because this would be over by now if I did. What exactly does this thing do, anyway?” “It is said that it holds many abilities. Most notably that it can control those who wear others like it. But it also increases the wears innate magical power it also-“ “Well, I don’t really need that. I could just blast anything that tried to threaten Equestria until it gave up at this point. And if that doesn’t work, there’s always the-” Twilight smacked her face with a hoof. “We could have just used the Elements on it…” “-renders the wearer invisible,” Nightmare finished without missing a beat. “Oh, well, that’s just amazing, isn’t it? I know at least twelve different spells to make myself invisible, and none of those include the ones that are in the restricted archives in Canterlot!” Twilight shouted, not caring if the ponies below heard. “I can make every part of my body transparent, I could make my fur perfectly mimic the colors of my surroundings, or I could make my fur not reflect or absorb any light. And that doesn’t even begin to get into what I could do with illusions. So far, this thing is on par with a fourth year foal at Celestia’s school.” “It’s also said that it’s possessed, that it has its own will,” Nightmare proffered. Twilight lifted the ring to her muzzle. “Hey there, ring, how’s it going? What’s that?” She raised the ring to her ear, nodding to it. “Uh-huh, uh-huh. What’s that? You always wished you could fly?” She turned the ring toward Nightmare, staring at her through it, her eyes narrow. Nightmare was silent for a while, focusing on the marching ponies. “Twilight…” Nightmare muttered. “Hmm?” “My legs hurt.” -------------------------------------------------------- Twilight stared up at her changeling captor, now hovering a few inches above the floor with the aid of a sword surrounded by a sapphire aura through its barrel. She blinked and it fell, revealing Nightmare standing behind it. Nightmare lifted her to her hooves with one of her own and looked down at her, worry evident on her face. “Are you well?” Twilight bristled. “I was paralyzed by a giant spider, wrapped in a cocoon, and captured by changelings. What do you think?” She calmed quickly, seeing Nightmare hang her head. She stepped forward and gently nuzzled her cheek. “Sorry. Thank you for rescuing me.” Nightmare nodded with a small smile. “Of course. Though I wouldn’t have had to had you not listened to Spike instead of me.” Twilight groaned, dragging a hoof down her face. “How was I supposed to know he wanted the ring that badly?” “He is a dragon. The ring is a golden magical artifact. The signs were there.” Twilight conceded her point with a nod. “We are close to our goal. We should procure some armor so we can make the rest of the trip unnoticed.” Twilight stared at the recently deceased changeling. “Changelings use their carapace for protection, they don’t make armor.” -------------------------------------------------------- “This is stupid.” “Shh.” “This isn’t going to work.” “Shh.” “You had to stitch three of them together to fit you!” “So?” “They’re going to notice you.” “Shh. We are close.” “We’re going to die.” -------------------------------------------------------- “Wipe that grin off your face. Just because it worked doesn’t make it any less stupid.” -------------------------------------------------------- Twilight stared over the precipice, looking down into the fires of Mount Doom, the ring held over the undulating magma. “You know what?” She turned to face Nightmare. “After all this, I think I’ll keep it.” She laughed at Nightmare’s questioning stare before placing the ring on her horn and disappearing. “And the next time there’s a problem that being invisible would simplify? I’m sending you. And I’m going to make you have to do it while glowing!” Nightmare moved to intercept her, but felt something land on, then jump off her back. She looked up to see Spike vaulting over her yelling, “Mine!” He stopped in mid-air, grasping Twilight’s invisible head before opening his mouth wide and biting down. Twilight cried out and flung him off her head, the ring slipping off her horn, stuck between Spike’s teeth. “Twilight, help!” He screamed as Twilight watched impassively as he flew over edge, into the magma. “You’re a dragon. You’ll be fine.” There was a pause. “Oh, yeah.” Twilight sighed. “Whatever. Let’s just go home.” As she turned to leave, the entire mountain began to shake. “Oh, come on!” “This is gonna be awesome!” -------------------------------------------------------- Twilight and Nightmare stood watching the magma swallow the entire side of the mountain except for the outcropping they occupied. Spike floated by, waving as he lazily swam through the magma on his back. Twilight sighed, shaking the ash and soot from her wings, only for them to be recoated almost immediately. Even if they hadn’t been weighed down, the air was too turbulent to even take off. “We could teleport,” Nightmare proffered. Twilight turned on her, but calmed quickly, sagging. What’s the point? “No, you wanted to do this without teleporting or flying. We can wait this out.” She moved to the edge of the outcropping and laid down. Nightmare laid next to her. “So we wait here for death?” Twilight looked over her shoulder before shrugging. “It shouldn’t reach us before it starts to cool. Unless something falls on us, we’ll be fine. If it gets close, we can teleport.” She leaned against Nightmare, watching the magma swallow everything in its path. Sometime later, Twilight blinked wearily, feeling something dig gently but securely into her shoulders. She looked up to see a large creature above her, its large wings powering through the turbulence. Rainbow Dash peeked over the side, grinning. Twilight followed the powerful legs down from the creature’s body and sighed, seeing the gleaming golden talons. She looked behind her at Nightmare, also being carried by a Griffin. “Now I see the reason why we don’t want to go to war with you.” The Griffin carrying Twilight looked over her shoulder at Rainbow who shrugged. “You’re actually allowed to use your bucking wings!” > 92 Regret by Knight of Lycaeus > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Regret by Knight of Lycaeus The concept of tracing magical signatures was not new; it was often counted on as a reliable means of finding a magical artifact or being. However as Twilight learned through testing was that as distinctive as Nightmare’s magic was it was also impossible to trace even if the magic was standing right next to her. This led to the hypothesis that Nightmare’s magic repelled attempts to find it magically and this was the crux of the issue. Instead of continuing what seemed to be a fruitless endeavor Twilight had decided that visiting a few key locations that were important in old worship of Nightmare could help her find something else for the scanning spells to trace. The Grand Library of the Lunaris Sanctuarium proved useful in this regard despite the limited number of written works and even fewer that were written in a tongue that she could read. "An unusual place you have taken us although I believe you have not stated where exactly we are. Yet something of this lonely place is familiar albeit akin to a faded memory," commented Nightmare. "I thought it might be," Twilight said as she led the way through the winding pathways, "what little I have been able to decipher from the books in the Grand Library of Lunaris Sanctuarium is that this place was once one of the important centers for worship. Although I have to admit none of the books I’ve translated mention what exactly this place is." Nightmare nodded as she glanced over the walls and ceilings for even the slightest hint of what this place once was, "I do admit to also feeling a sense of frustration however that stems from not knowing why this place feels so familiar for me.” The two continued down the winding pathway to find a large stone archway. The arch itself was carved of seemingly plain dark stone. It wasn’t until they were closer that they could see the intricate detailing etched carefully into the stone. Twilight formed a small ball of light with her magic to better allow her to examine the fine detail work. "It's here; these are the same style of carvings that was in the other place I found you at. Between these two places I think these must have been a language that was used by worshipers," Twilight said as she moved her hoof over the carved symbols. Suddenly there was an audible thump and she turned to find Nightmare collapsed over the threshold of the archway. Twilight quickly made her way to the fallen Alicorn and from a quick examination Nightmare seemed to be fine. "Leave her," spoke an unknown voice behind her. Twilight who had been ready to cast some diagnostic spells now turned to the source of the voice, her horn lit with a spell ready to drive off the intruder if necessary; only to find herself looking at nothing, but the stony walls. "Where are you?" Twilight asked as she quickly formed a shield before readying herself with another spell. While there were some things that she had expected to find in this abandoned place another being was not among those. "Here I am," boomed the voice as it stepped into the light of Twilight's spell. The unknown voice turned out to be a Pony with a darker grey colouration who was tall and lean with fangs and silted eyes. Across the Pony’s back was a shimmering cloak held together by a brooch of silver fashioned into the shape of the Moon. "A Lunar Pony? Here?" Twilight asked as she glanced over the intruder and noted there were three long sharp claws protruding from each hoof. "I thought all of you had long abandoned this place." The Pony shook its head, "Though I resemble one, I am no Lunar. Now peace young one, I mean thee no harm for my concern is for my Goddess." The term Goddess was not used to refer to Nightmare in most instances except by some of her most devout followers. So hearing the Pony use the term Twilight reluctantly dimmed her spell as the unknown Pony bent down and laid a hoof on Nightmare and as its hoof lowered it softly began glowing with magic. Not long after Nightmare began to stir and Twilight bent down to help Nightmare rise to her hooves. Once she was standing up properly the unknown Pony backed away slowly before lowering himself into a deep bow. “My Goddess,” the Pony said slowly. Nightmare looked over the bowing Pony, “Keeper, you still live.” “Your name is Keeper?” Twilight asked, “That name…. You’re one of the ones from lore of the Lunars, one of the First Servants.” Keeper rose from its bow and turned its head to Twilight, “I am although a name I do not have, it is merely what the Lunars have called me in years long past.” “I must admit that finding you still alive is unusual. I had thought that you and your brethren had long perished or vanished from this world,” Nightmare said. Keeper sighed and lowered into another deep bow, “There is a tale there. Please forgive my failures my Goddess.” “Explain,” Nightmare said flatly. Keeper remained in a deep bow as it carefully began to speak, “When my brethren and I realized that you had disappeared from this plane we argued amongst ourselves and the result of our argument scattered us to the four winds and I know not where they are now. However in doing so we made a grave error, your disappearance diminished our powers and separating weakened us even further. My continuing duties then weaken me even more; I bound myself to the magic of this place to save myself. In doing so I could do little when my followers were persecuted by those who despised Lunars.” “Your followers, do you mean the Lunars who resemble yourself, the Caligo Ponies?” Twilight asked. “Indeed. In days long past there were my followers and those who granted me the address I now use.” “What you speak of is troubling,” said Nightmare as she walked over to loom over the bowed Pony. “Yet, you did well in maintaining the Dreaming Realms,” Nightmare said as she helped Keeper stand. “You are forgiven for your failures. “I thought Luna guarded the Dreaming Realms,” Twilight said. “I have heard stories from some of the Ponies in Ponyville that Luna had visited and helped them in their dreams and I do recall one time that Luna did visit me in my dreams. “The young Equestrian Princess has done well in proving herself as an adequate guardian yet the Dreaming Realms itself is under my purview,” Keeper said. Keeper turned back to face Nightmare and raised a hoof. Nightmare nodded and placed her hoof over the Keeper’s. Both began to chant in an ancient tongue, an almost primal sound rose from their chanting and gradually Keeper began to fade from the world becoming more transparent. Nightmare on the other hoof seemed to stand straighter and taller. “My Goddess,” Keeper said, “before I leave I must impart one last thing. Please remain quiet for this and keep this with you.” Closing its eyes, “The future is unclear yet I can see that your return was not unexpected for I had anticipated your return. However your return marks the beginning of something bigger.” Keeper opened its eyes, “Ancients are stirring once more, both of thee prepare thyself for what is to come.” > 93 Dressage by Knight of Lycaeus > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dressage by Knight of Lycaeus Down below in one of the practice fields around Canterlot Castle where pairs of colourfully garbed Ponies in working in tandem. One would signal to their partner through magic, hoof, or wing and other would respond with carefully practiced movements that fell in step with the signal changes. "Such a strange sight, Twilight Sparkle and I understand not why this is counted among the great physical feats once truly prized by all. Feats of strength and skill I can understand and appreciate, but what mockery is this odd ritual?" Twilight sighed as she looked away from the practice field. "To be honest Nightmare, I don't understand this either, my expertise is in many academic fields including magic and science, but not anything involving physical abilities." Nightmare grinned and flared her wings wide preparing to leap from their lofty view, "Then I shall go down there and show them true strength and skill! Not the mockery that you Ponies now claim as equal to the contests of old." Quickly Twilight threw up a barrier before Nightmare could jump. "Regardless of your thoughts or mine, it is considered an acceptable sport." Nightmare snorted and walked back to sit next to Twilight, "I could have still gone there and shown them the importance of true strength and skill! Yet you must stop me?" "I really don't need to add to the list of collateral and property damage, not to mention the number of hospital bills and visits," Twilight said as she led Nightmare away from the view of the practice field "The gladiatorial arena was fine!" Nightmare roared flaring her wings again ready to try and take flight again despite the presence of the barrier. "If these 'Guards' had shown more skill then we need not worry so much on recovery." Twilight wrapped a wing around Nightmare and with a pop, she and Nightmare vanished. They reappeared in a different part of the castle far removed from the practice field. Unfortunately pulling an unwilling passenger such as Nightmare through the teleport was difficult and it wasn't smooth and instead of landing upright both of them collapsed into a pile at their destination. Twilight stood up and turned to glare at Nightmare, "Okay, you don’t like it as it doesn't match your ideals of a proper athletic contest. I don’t like it either for different reasons, but it is regardless of my dislike or yours it part of ancient Unicorn traditions. Thankfully the event has gotten better over time and less degrading." Nightmare stood up and stretched her wings wide, "Oh and how is what we saw less degrading?" Twilight conjured a pair of Unicorns, "The event began long ago in the early years of the Kingdom of Unicornia. The wealthy wanted impressive ways to get around and were not above using 'lower' class Unicorns to do so." One of the Unicorns dressed in finery climbed on the back of the other Unicorn who began walking. "As many Unicorns made homes on mountaintops it wasn't always easy for carts and carriages to climb the rough pathways. So they made a habit of having 'lower' class Unicorns act as their 'steeds'." The walking Unicorn changed steps and began walking in a more complex pattern. "At some point some decided that wasn't enough and began training their 'steed' to respond to certain commands and signals and this became a runaway mess as each noble tried to outdo the other with their well-trained 'steed'. Eventually one of the monarchs finally put an end to this and the old system was replaced by more conventional carts and carriages." Nightmare just stared, "If it was abolished then how this mockery to proper contests remained? How have the so-called monarchs of Equestria allowed this to infringe on the greatness of the contests of skill and strength?" "A few complained about the law infringing on their culture and heritage and one eventually turned it into a sporting event where things were more regimented," Twilight answered. "One of the key changes that allowed it to continue was the change of the position of rider to signaler, much less degrading. Dressage is considered a highly prized event among the older nobility along with fine sport of fencing and that's why most dressage competitors are Unicorns and those who aren't Unicorns are either related or have close ties to a Unicorn House." Nightmare nodded, "Ah, so that's the history behind that mockery." Twilight sighed in relief, "Good, so now you know why it's important at least from cultural standpoint. Dressage is important for some Unicorns and because of them that it is placed so highly." Nightmare nodded before her eyes lit up and she gave a wide smirk, "Perhaps I should learn some things about this 'dressage' so that these Ponies would then bow to my will!" Twilight groaned and sighed, this was going to be a long talk trying to dissuade Nightmare from her plan. > 94 Tied by Toratchi888 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tied by Toratchi888 Darkness is Beauty, Beauty is Magic, Act 3 Rarity lay behind a bush, sobbing in time to the rush of the river nearby. Of all the nerve… I offer to help that miserable serpent—offer of myself, even!—and what do I get for my generosity? “HE CALLED ME FAAAAAAT!” she wailed. “He—and that Twilight Sparkle! Ohh, ohh, ohh!” “Sheeeeeesh,” intoned a deadpan voice from up the path, “think you can yell any louder? I don’t think Princess Celestia heard you… wherever she is.” Rarity peeked over the bush to see Pinkie Pie, hair deflated, eyes puffy from crying, frowning as she dragged Fluttershy along with her. “I found her.” Pinkie flicked her foreleg, and Fluttershy stumbled to her belly, whimpering. “I figured, maybe the child can lead the children, or something. Or maybe it would be best to drag her along until we found Twilight and everyone again.” Fluttershy whimpered again, covering her face with her hooves. “Fluttershy,” Pinkie grumbled, “I don’t have the energy to deal with this from you right now. Or you, Queen of Drama, so let’s just figure out what—” A rainbow-accented blue blur rocketed through the sky, down through the canopy, and into the river, blasting water everywhere. The three ponies near the bank were drenched. “Why do I have to be fat AND wet today?!” Rarity wailed. Pinkie blew at her bangs vainly. “Stupid hair.” Fluttershy began crying silently. A rainbow-maned head popped from the river. Gasping, Rainbow Dash pulled herself up the shallow bank and collapsed, wheezing. “Stupid… bucking… Shadowbolts…” “Say whaaaat?” Pinkie asked blankly. “Top fliers… in the forest… they took me… deep in the trees… blindfolded me… spun me around… said it was part of… initiation… then they… gave the boot. Literally!” Dash fluttered up, shaking water from her wings, her breath back and her tone indignant. “They actually booted me all the way over here. ME! Rainbow Awesome Dash!” “Awesome, Dash.” Pinkie rolled her eyes. “Mighty fine landing, pardner. Keep at it; maybe y’all can do a stunt by the lake next summer.” Applejack trotted out of the shadows to join her friends, who turned to face her. “So, cowpoke, you made it out of that hole, eh? And without wings.” Rainbow smirked. “One hundred and twenty-seven attempts. Yes; I counted. Thank you for makin’ an ass outta me back there, Rainbow Dash. Next time ya pull a stunt like that, I will chuck y’all down a well and plug the hole with a barrel of cider, just to torment you, ya hear?” “Weeeell, maybe you should have taken Twilight’s advice and not listened to me in the first place.” “Are y’all mental, Rainbow Dash?” Applejack trotted right up to Rainbow Dash, who had dropped a hoof’s length to stare down her friend. “Rather than save us, y’all just stood around up on that cliff. That kinda betrayal in a time of need ain’t nothin’ I can accommodate, ya hear me?” “Don’t you go there!” Dash growled through gritted teeth. “First Twilight, now you. I’m a lot of things—a hotheaded idiot and an over-competitive jerk, but I am NOT. A. TRAITOR!” she screamed into Applejack’s face. “And I ain’t no fool, even if doin’ the right thing means I have to suffer because of it. But I ain’t gonna pull no punches either if’n someone like you needs to be put in her place.” “Oh, this is shameful!” Rarity put in, fanning herself with a leaf. “We’re all supposed to be friends, darlings; what on earth has gotten us so put out?” “Riiiight, because right now, I’m sure the fact that you’re having a body-image crisis beats the Queen Meanie roving around the Everfree.” Pinkie stuck out her tongue at Rarity. “Girls…” Fluttershy whined. “Oh, don’t you start!” Pinkie snapped, rounding on the yellow pegasus. “How dare you?!” Rarity seethed, trotting around to face Pinkie Pie. A blast of light engulfed the clearing; rays of light—looking so solid you might touch them—formed a halo, almost a tunnel from a point downstream. A ball of light grew in size as it came closer. The ponies squinted into the glare. They could just make out a tall pony-shape… The light faded; in its place stood the incorporeal form of… “Princess Celestia!” they cried in unison. They all dropped to their bellies in supplication. “Peace, my little ponies,” she replied, the ghost of an echo-voice behind her. “Rise. We must address the danger to our realm.” The ponies rose, standing as they were accustomed. “Yer Highness, I don’t think we got much time. Twilight’s long gone, so… if you could just tell us quick… Where did you go before Nightmare Moon showed up? How’d you disappear?” “And how did you get back?” Rarity added. “At the moment of raising the sun, I transcend this world for just a moment; in effect, the sun and I are as one. Depending on my mood—among other things—the sunrise, or sunset, can vary in substance. “Since the tone of the Summer Sun Celebration is triumphal and glorious, my transcendence is particularly powerful on that occasion.” “Wait a moment, Yer Highness! If yer so powerful during the Summer Sun Celebration, shouldn’t it be foal’s play to break through the night?” “Yeah! If you’re all, like, super-powerful, shouldn’t something as awesome as the Summer Sun rising be like, I dunno, super-special-awesome powerful?” “Could you put that as a percentage, darling?” Rarity interjected snidely. “It would be much more refined.” “It seems that, when I transcended, Nightmare Moon chose that moment to bring all of her power to bear, drawing the Curtain of Night across the land. As I was one with the Sun, and not tied to the land or the physical world at that moment, I was stuck. I have spent all my time and energy since pushing through the Curtain of Night, and I have just now been partly successful.” “An’ that’s why you’re all ghostlike.” “Correct, Applejack. This is but a fraction of my power; I can project this image of light into the world to speak to you. I fear we have not much time; my body continues to put pressure on the Curtain of Night while my mind reaches out to you, but—” “Relax, Your Highness,” Rainbow Dash cut it, “we’ll take care of Nightmare Moon no problem!” “Really, Dash?” Pinkie drawled. “And how do you figure we’ll be able to take down Black Snooty? By being more conceited than her?” “I don’t want to face any more mean, nasty creatures tonight… or ever…” Fluttershy whispered. “Well, that’s a given,” Pinkie retorted sullenly. “I’m not sure we’re the best ponies for the job…” Applejack hung her head. The others mumbled general agreement, heads also hanging, shame writ across their faces. A hoof beneath Applejack’s chin lifted her head. Applejack stared into Princess Celestia’s eyes. There was no judgement there, only peaceful understanding and what Applejack could only describe as maternal encouragement. “You know your own limits, Applejack, and have no time for that which hinders or hides the truth. Now, learn to be open and accepting of the faults of others, even as you seek the truth and remain forthright and honest.” Celestia turned to Fluttershy, to whom she walked, draping an ethereal wing over the shaking pegasus mare. “You know your weaknesses, and they are many. But you know your great strength is within; the ability to keep going for your friends, for those who depend on you. On this kindness many will depend.” Celestia turned to Pinkie Pie, combing a hoof through the straight pink hair and flipping it until it bounced freely. Pinkie felt the beginnings of a smile on her face. “A child in heart is no fool. It takes great courage to laugh in the face of danger, of fear, of sorrow; to see the best in everyone. Let none set you aside lightly, or send you away when they hurt; let them send for you instead.” Celestia went next to Rarity, smoothing her coat and mane until they were less unruly than they were. “A willing, giving soul like yours cannot be so easily tossed aside. Do not throw yourself away, nor let others cast you off. But give freely, as your generous nature allows.” Finally, Celestia stood before Rainbow Dash, who fluttered to the ground, pawing nervously. Celestia winked. “No one can do it alone. Even though sometimes we feel betrayed, everyone needs someone to be there for them. Friends, family; the loyal.” The five friends looked between each other, their eyes shining, small smiles forming. * * * “Uh, guys…? She touched us. How—?” Pinkie gasped. “She’s GONE!” They all peered rapidly about. “So she has, darling.” Rarity tapped her chin. “I hope nothing is amiss, wherever she is…” “We can’t worry about that right now. We gotta go help Twilight!” Applejack turned to the river and trotted towards it, poised to make a leap across. “Um, AJ…” Applejack turned back to Rainbow Dash, who rubbed her forelegs together. “Dash…” Applejack said softly. “I know it hurt, the things she said. But I think… Twilight is hurting more. Dontcha think she deserves another chance?” Rainbow Dash tilted her head. “…yeah. Celestia knows, I’ve had a few of those myself…” “All right, y’all! Let’s save Twilight and kick that Nightmare Moon square back into the stars!” * * * Twilight Sparkle languished at the foot the throne’s dais, Nightmare Moon perched on the throne, peering down at the unicorn as she flipped one of the five stone balls containing the Elements of Harmony up and down with her hoof. “Twilight Sparkle,” Nightmare Moon said soothingly, “you seem distressed, my dear. Won’t you confide in me?” “This is no life…” Twilight whispered. “Twilight, dear, don’t fret. Just as soon as I have firmly secured the Curtain of Night across the land, I will make you my first and best servant, second to no—” “I would rather be second or last in a small town like Ponyville, surrounded by friends, than be first under you,” Twilight whispered back fiercely. Nightmare Moon’s snout twitched. “What?” she asked flatly, flinging the stone to the floor. “You disrespectful foal…” she hissed. Her eyes lit up blue. The same glow appeared in Twilight’s eyes. She struggled to her feet, turning to face the throne. “If you’re going to be difficult, I’ll expedite this. Kneel.” Slowly, unwillingly, Twilight prostrated herself before the foot of the dais. “Say. You. Will. Be. Mine.” “I—” “Now, that ain’t no way to treat a pony!” rang out a voice from the entrance of the hall. Nightmare Moon and Twilight—the former’s grip on the latter slipping with the intrusion—looked to the entranceway to face their interrupters. “Applejack… Fluttershy… Pinkie Pie… Rarity… Rainbow Dash…” A tear crept down Twilight’s cheek. “It’s too late… I can’t get the Elements…” “We aren’t here for the Elements, dummy!” Rainbow Dash shouted. “We’re here for you, darling.” “Yup! Queen Meanie isn’t going to get you as long as we’re around.” “Um, for the record, I don’t want to fight, but, um… You’re a friend, so, um… here we are…” Applejack strode forward a pace. “That’s the long and the short of it, sugarcube. Y’ain’t getting’ rid of us. Elements of Harmony or not, we aren’t gonna let you be alone.” “Girls—!” Twilight sobbed out. “Cute,” Nightmare Moon deadpanned. “What, have you discovered some kind of magic in friendship?” Twilight’s head snapped up, her eyes ablaze. White light sparked from the five stones, flying out and shooting for the five ponies standing in the entranceway. “Friendship is a wonderful and magical thing, Yer Snootiness! Friends are people you can rely on to keep your secrets and tell ya the truth.” A short peytral of yellow gold, with an orange apple fixed to the center, appeared around Applejack’s neck as she spoke. “Friends are people who will never fail to be kind to you.” Fluttershy received a pink butterfly on her peytral. “Friends are the best for having super-duper fun parties, and laughing with!” Pinkie Pie’s peytral formed around a blue balloon. “Friends will give of themselves, no matter the cost.” Rarity’s peytral pendant became a purple diamond. “Friends are those who are going to be there for you. Always.” Rainbow Dash’s jewel took the shape of a red lightning bolt in her peytral. Twilight rose into the air, the shapes of her five friends’ Cutie Marks flying about her before they merged into one huge six-pointed star, which contracted into a gold tiara with a magenta star on Twilight’s head. Her five friends charged forward to her side. “FRIENDSHIP! IS! MAGIC!!!!!!!!!” A torrent of rainbow energy burst forth from around the six ponies, flying up before hurtling down onto Nightmare Moon. Fool. I see your heart, Twilight Sparkle. Yes, you believe your friends will carry you, and perhaps they will. But for your impudence… you will carry ME! The rainbow torrent, shot through with dark patches, reversed to smash into Twilight and scatter her friends. Light blazed through the throne room as the Sun rose, and Princess Celestia appeared. “I came as soon as I felt the Curtain of Night weaken. Twilight—” Celestia stopped short. She paced slowly towards Twilight, who was huddled in the middle of the room. Applejack and the others also approached. Twilight’s eyes and horn were solid black. Your guilt has tied you to me, Twilight Sparkle, hissed forth the voice of Nightmare Moon, causing everyone but Celestia and Twilight to jump back. Now… we shall be together. FOREVER… > 95 Date by Macho Madness > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date by Macho Madness With a sharp scratch, the needle fell and gained traction on the record. The gentle and quiet notes of a piano filtered out of the gramophone horn. “I hope you like, it Luna,” Twilight said, a blush overtaking her. “I’m sure I will, dear Twilight. You are precise and talented. A perfect mix of traits for a pianist. Now come,” Luna said as she patted a spot in the large mattress next to her. “Join me and let us indulge in each other's company. Twilight blushed at the implications. She gingerly stepped over the ring of candles and made her way across the mattress. It took her no time to find a comfortable spot next to the larger mare. Luna draped a wing over Twilight’s back and used it to pull her closer. “I said we should indulge, Twilight.” Her eyes suggested it was more than simple indulgence she wanted. Twilight desperately wanted to reciprocate, but the situation kept her from doing so. The reason Luna was here, in her home, returned unbidden. ”I do believe I have a plan for that brat of a princess, Twilight,” The Nightmare said. Twilight nodded and continued to work on the glyphs in front of her. “If I wish to retake the body that is rightfully mine, we need her distracted and relaxed. Two things she rarely ever achieved. Naturally wary and high strung, she makes a difficult foe to trick.” “Of course mistress.” Twilight said absentmindedly as the voice continued. “But she is also indulgent, when given the chance. You shall giver her that chance. Invite her to your home for a week of rest and relaxation. She is most likely quite harried by the constant hunt for corruption Celestia has her on, no?” The Nightmare said. “She has insinuated as such pretty often in our letters, Mistress,” Twilight said. “But how would we distract her?” “She has a proclivity for younger mares.” The Nightmare said, it’s voice dripping with innuendo. “H-how young are we talking?” Twilight said. “You are at the perfect age, Twilight. 16. Barely at the cusp of adulthood. Awkward but confident. Talented and intelligent.” The Nightmare’s laugh echoed through Twilight’s head sending an icy chill through her body. “Why, I would not be surprised if that fool mare wanted to rut you already!” A nip at her ear jolted Twilight back into reality. She shrunk into the mattress with Luna looming over her. The alicorn’s steamy breath washing over her face. “What has you so preoccupied Twilight Sparkle? Am I not attentive enough?” Twilight looked away, her face on fire. “That’s not it, Luna.” She searched for excuses. “Overwhelmed then?” Luna asked. “I have that effect on girls,” She whispered into Twilight’s ear. Twilight’s entire body shivered with the implications. She could smell her own arousal on the air. The look of supreme confidence on Luna’s face said she could as well. A hoof gently guided her chin towards Luna and the Alicorn pressed her lips to Twilight’s. She could feel Luna’s tongue try to force it’s way into her own mouth. She acquiesced and opened up. And all hell broke loose. A spark from Twilight’s horn ignited the mattress they were on in a blue flame. In a blink of an eye, the whole thing was consumed as fuel for the glyph below it. She felt the spell lock her entire body in place. The wide eyed look of a rabbit trapped by a hound suggested that it had trapped Luna as well. A muffled cry was quickly silenced as a deluge of black tar spilled from Twilight’s throat. small globules leaked from their locked mouths dripping off their chins only to be suspended in the air by the glyph’s power. Tears welled up in Twilight’s eyes as her chest burned from lack of air. She thrashed against the spell as best as she could, her instincts taking over. A flash of light, and the spell finally lost power. Twilight scrambled backwards, hacking up black tar tinged with dark red. A soul rattling laugh echoed through the room. Twilight looked up to find Luna looming over her again, standing at full height. But her turquoise eyes were gone. Only the black on blue of her mistress remained. > 96 Tasty Murder by Macho Madness > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tasty Murder by Macho Madness Continuation of "Date". “As always, Twilight Sparkle, your skill with magic impresses me.” Nightmare Moon said as she flexed Luna’s limbs. Twilight’s bedroom was a disaster zone. Melted wax sprayed the shelves and books, her very expensive Double Queen bed is a small smouldering pile of ash and her grandmother’s gramophone is little more than splinters embedded in the wall. A trail of blood, bile and tar extends from the center of the room to the edges, ending at her own face. She really needed to find a better way to hide The Mistress other than in her own body. It was starting to take a toll. She wiped the remains of The Nightmare’s passage from her chin and looked to her Mistress reborn. “So it worked?” She croaked out. “Yes, our plan was successful. I have complete control her flesh, and Luna is buried away in the deepest reaches of her mind.” Nightmare Moon sneered, admiring a hoof. Twilight slumped against the wall, her breath heavy. “Good. Not sure I could do anything to help keep her under control right now anyway. Hiding your presence takes a lot out of me.” She panted. “There is one thing you need to do still, Twilight Sparkle.” The Nightmare said. “I will serve as best as I can, Mistress” Twilight said, the bags under her eyes darkening with just the thought of more magic. A glowing turquoise rod clattered to the ground in front of her. ’A lode-stick? What does she need with one of those?’ “I am in no condition to perform enchantment, Mistress.” Twilight said keeping her head low. “I am su- “Suffering from Acute Magic Fatigue. Yes, Twilight Sparkle. This is a fact that even a foal could divine from your state.” The Nightmare sighed. “You need only your two hooves for this deed.” Twilight nodded and fumbled with the rod. “I’ll do my best,” she said. Nightmare Moon laid down on her belly and lowered her chin to the ground. “Drive the rod through Luna’s skull.” She said through her toothy smile. The rod clattered to the ground a second time as Twilight shrieked. “What?!” “I need this body’s magic to challenge Celestia, but the body itself is a liability. I cannot suppress my host completely and permanently.” Nightmare moon’s forked tongue ran along her glittering canines. “But I can take the fool’s magic with me when I flee her in the moment of death.” “Why didn’t you tell me!? I can’t kill you-her... either of you!” Twilight said. “This is why, child. You would not have gone through with the plan if you knew the implications of it!” The Nightmare snarled. “Of course! I-” “SIlence!” Nightmare Moon bellowed. Books fell from the shelves from the force of her voice. Twilight shrunk into the wall as best as she could and clutched the glowing rod to her chest. “You will do as I say. You hitched yourself to my wagon when you pieced me back together in the Everfree.” A choked sob erupted from Twilight. “P-please…” she whispered. The sly smile that her mistress wore so often returned. “I see now. You wanted what Luna was offering, didn’t you?” Twilight’s eyes shot open. “You could not help but quiver when you thought of this body’s terrifying power. Of her exquisite musculature on top of you. Exploring you.” “Shut up,” Twilight whispered, crawling into a tighter ball. “You wanted Luna to make you her’s. You wanted to be her little slu-” “Shut up!” Twilight sprung into action, faster than Nightmare Moon could think possible from such a bookish girl. The spike drove home, a wet splurt filling the room with the smell of copper. And yet, she missed. It had gone through Luna’s throat. Below her, she heard a gurgling cry. Nightmare Moon’s eyes held wide eyed fear. Except they were white on turquoise. > 97 Dreamer by Kean > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dreamer by Kean Sequel to "Pointless". Before, Nightmare’s “visits” had been intermittent – a few nights here and there, but never consistent. But for the past few weeks, she had invaded my dreams every night. I groaned, pulling against the restraints on my forelegs, Nightmare at the foot of my bed, once again pushing me toward the edge. I won’t deny that, even in a dream, sex was a good stress reliever, but the constant stimulation kept my waking mind and body from actually resting, leaving me exhausted during the day. Whether that was her plan or not, I didn’t know, but I had to stop it. “Nightmare…” I moaned, shifting my hind legs to get her attention. Stopping her was hard, her vibrant teal eyes looking up at me expectantly, a soft smile on her muzzle. She didn’t answer; she rarely even spoke after starting. With a sigh, I laid my head back and closed my eyes. When I opened them, we were sitting across from her, surrounded by white space – I didn’t want to give her anything else to work with. Though from the shocked, almost panicked look on her face, I doubt she was even thinking about doing anything. “There,” I sighed. “Now, tell me-” She began to scurry backwards, barely managing to keep herself upright. “H-h-how?” She sputtered, trying to maintain her footing. “Nightmare, calm down,” I said as gently as I could over her floundering. “Just calm down. Luna taught me the basics of lucid dreaming. I’m not going to do anything to you; I just want to ask you why you’re doing this.” She seemed to relax a bit, regaining most of her composure, but still eyeing me warily. I chuckled, a bit uneasily. “We weren’t sure it would work, since I didn’t have any chance to practice.” She looked around the empty white space, never moving enough to take me out of her periphery. “It shows,” She muttered. “Hey! If you had left me alone for a few days, I’d be better at it,” I huffed. “Now tell me why you’ve been bothering me.” “’Bothering’ you?” She arched an eyebrow, a slight grin forming on her lips. “I would never have guessed it was a bother from the sounds you make.” I felt my cheeks flush. “You know what I mean! Just answer the question.” Her grin faded and she sighed, her head sagging. “I am what I am, Twilight Sparkle: A nightmare; a creature created from fear. To fear something, there must be memory of it. Without memory, I do not exist. There are so few who remember me and, with my defeat, even fewer who fear me. But you, you have strong, recent memories of me. “I admit, I planned on potentially driving you insane from inside your mind, leaving thoughts in your subconscious,” She said with a devious grin. “But never has someone been so… receptive to my dream manipulations. To be remembered from a single dream so vividly after days? If I tried to make you fear me, you’d learn; forget. So, I took a different route, one that you’d enjoy and remember.” She lifted her head up to look into my eyes. I couldn’t blame her for wanting to survive, and I didn’t exactly hate the way she went about it. Still… “You could have tried talking to me, explaining this to me instead of just, well, forcing it on me.” “And if I tried that first, how quickly would you have searched for a way to expel me from your mind?” She scoffed. “No, I weighed my options and chose the most likely route of survival.” I sighed. “So I can expect you to continue to do this?” Nightmare went silent at that, obviously considering her responses. Finally, she sat, head bowed. “Only if it is what you want. It is obvious that you will eventually learn to repel me if I continue to force this on you. If you allow me, I would continue to reside in your mind.” She tucked her head lower, and I could see a light blush through her black fur. “I have come to enjoy your company, if only for the physical comfort.” My tail and wings twitched involuntarily as she finished. “I can’t honestly say I don’t enjoy it, either. But first, I need you to tell me something only you and Luna would know.” She stared at me quizzically, and I chuckled. “She wants to make sure you’re actually you, and not some other nightmare.” I shrugged. Nightmare shook her head with a grin. “Six hundred twenty-four thousand three hundred forty-five.” She shrugged at my blank stare. “The number of rocks we threw at Equus from the moon before we got bored.” I could only nod at that. I closed my eyes and relaxed, focusing on my body. -------------------------------------------------------- I reopened my eyes and stared at the canopy of my bed for a moment before turning to look at the clock. I’d only been out for fifteen minutes. Sitting up, I looked over to Luna, lying across the room with a faint blush. Apparently, I hadn’t been quiet in my sleep. Good to know for the future. When she noticed that I was up, she stood. “You woke yourself. I take it everything went well?” Luna asked, still avoiding looking at me. I nodded. “Yeah.” “And her proof?” “Does the number six hundred twenty-four thousand three hundred forty-five mean anything to you?” She groaned, dragging a hoof down her face. “Of course she would use that…” I laughed and opened my mind. Feeling a light warmth surround me as if I was being held, I smiled and laid back down. > 98 Hazard by Kean > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hazard by Kean I sigh as I leave Ponyville Town Hall and make my way toward my crystal palace. Ever since the palace literally rose from the ground, a few nobles have moved here from Canterlot. In every meeting I’ve been to, my word has been above Mayor Mare’s – unless, of course, I say otherwise. I don’t want to take her town from her, but the nobles seem dead set on it. Everything I say is law to them, unless it leads to either causing some sort of problem for them – I honestly don’t understand how Celestia and Luna put up with them – or it relates to Nightmare Moon. No matter what I say, they seem to think that her residing in my castle will either drop their property value or dissuade others from moving here. No matter how I try to convince them, they believe her to be a hazard and search for ways to convince me of it. In an attempt to destroy my trust in her, they said she was a deceiver; that she lied to Luna and used her. She showed me those memories, with Luna’s permission. Luna had been the one to approach her. Never once did she lie to Luna; she told her exactly what would and could happen should she accept her power. Of course, I would never tell the nobles that. It’s not my place. If they want it to become public knowledge, Luna and Nightmare would be the one to tell ponies. In an attempt to destroy my love for her, they said she was a betrayer; that she’d betrayed all of ponykind and that she would have no problem doing the same to me. But, before Luna, she never had any loyalty or obligations to any pony. Except for the few that had approached her, she was ostracized from pony society. The only pony that she could have possibly betrayed is Luna, but they have shown me that their plan on their return was made and agreed upon by the two of them. Approaching my new castle, I charge a teleport, not wanting to walk the long halls. Releasing it, I feel myself being pulled and appear outside the doors to my chambers. I gently, silently open them and find Nightmare in bed already, sleeping. I carefully, silently approach our bed. In an attempt to have her exiled, they petitioned Celestia and Luna, stating that she was a devil: a demon spawned in the darkest depths of Tarterus. Reaching the bed, I see a wet stain on the pillow her head is on, and a streak of matted fur running down the cheek not against it. Carefully, softly I climb into the bed. I nuzzle her cheek, gently clearing the tears with my muzzle and she pulls me close, tight against her in her sleep. I lay my head on the base of her neck, just above her chest. After a while, she stops shaking, stops sobbing in her sleep. When I arrived to dispute it, the nobles asked me if I could prove that she wasn’t a demon. Thankfully, Luna was there to laugh them out of the throne room, as I didn’t have an answer at the time. Nightmare would never willingly show any vulnerability to any pony, even me. But as I fall asleep against her and feel the last few hitches from her sobbing, I realize how simple the answer was: Devils never cry. > 99 Songs by Maexam > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Songs by Maexam Author's Note: The following songs have nothing to do with each other. No matter if they're from the same movie. Also, in all songs, the characters are Anthros. In the Peak of The Night Nightmare Moon At the peak of the night I was turning and panting And the nightmare I had Was as bad as can be It scared me out of my coat A corpse falling apart! Then I opened my eyes And the Nightmare was me! I was once the most powerful mare in Equestria When the Royals betrayed me They made a mistake! My prophecy made each each of them pay But one little mare got away! Little Twilight beware! The Nightmare's awaaaaaaake! At the peak of the Night Darkness will find her! At the peak of the Night Just before Daaaawun! Revenge Will be sweet When the spell Is complete! At the peak of the Night She'll be gone! I can feel it! My power Is slowly returning! Tie my armor And a dash of perfume For that smell! As the pieces fall into place I'll see her crawl before me! Do svidanya Andromeda! Fare weeeell! At the peak of the Night Terror will strike her! *Terror's the least I can do!* At the peak of the Night Darkness will brew! (Ooh!) Soon She will feel That her Nightmares Are real! At the peak of the Night She'll be through! At the peak of the Night Darkness will find her! *Find her!*(Ooh!) At the peak of the Night Terror comes true! *Doom her!* My dear Here's a sign! It's the end Of the line! At the peak of the Night... At the peak of the Night! Come my Shadowbolts! Rise for your Mistress Let your evil shine! Find her now Yes! Fly ever faster At the peak of the Night... At the peak of the Night... At the peak of the Night... SHE'LL BE MIIIINE!!! (Original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ald_rV6l53w) -------------------------------------------- Dreamland's Light Twilight Andromeda Sparkle So many times Out there I've seen A happy pair Of lover Walking in the Night They had this sort of glow Around them It almost looked Like Dreamland's Light I know I'll never know That strange Yet loving glow! Tough I can fool myself All Night! No being as hideous As myself! Was ever meant For Dreamland's Light! But suddenly A Black Angel Has smiled at me! And kissed my cheek Without a trace of fright! I dare to think that she... May even care for me! And as the moon Goes up tonight... Somehow the darkness Feels so warm! I think this might be Dreamland's Liiiiiiiiiight! (A sensational overload of bells ringing) (Original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-410BTCbj-A) --------------------------------------------- Nightfire Nightmare Moon "Confiteor Faustus Omnipotentis Beate Faustus Sempre Presentis Beato Amoré Archangeló Sanctis Apostolis Omnibus Sanctis" Beata Faustus... You know I am a righteous Mare Of my night realm I am justly proud "Et tibit Pater" Beata Faustus! You know I'm so much stronger than The common Vulgar Weak And simple crowd! "Quia peccavi nimis!" Then tell me Faustus! Why do I see her dancing there Why her smoldering beauty Burns my soul?! "Cogitatione!" I feel her I see her! The Moon Caught in her purple hair! It's sending me Out of all controoooll! "Verbo et opere!" Like Fire! Nightfire! This fire In my coat! This burning! Desire Is turning me To Sin! It's not my fault "Mea culpa" I'm not to blame "Mea culpa" It was that little mare The one that set this flame! "Mea maxima culpa!" It's not my fault! In n Her plans "Mea culpa" She made temptation So much stronger Than a Pony! "Mea maxima culpa" Forgive me Faustus Don't let this Unicorn Cast her spell Don't let her magic Bind my flesh and Soul! Destroy Twilight Sparkle! And let her taste the fire of Tartarus! Or else let her be mine And mine alooone! ** Knock, knock Guard: Queen Nightmare Moon, the Unicorn has escaped. Nightmare: What?! Guard: She's nowhere in the Cathedral! She's gone. Nightmare: But how... I- Nevermind. Get out you incompetent! I'll find her. I'll find her even if I have to freeze down all of Equestria! ** Nightmare Nightfire! Cool fire! Now Unicorn It's your turn! Choose me Or Your fire! Be mine Or you will BURN! "Kyrie Eleison" Goddess have mercy on her "Kyrie Eleison" Goddess have mercy on me "Kyrie Eleison" But she will be mine! Or She Will BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURN!!! (Original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ih4qSCrtj14) -------------------------------------------- Twilight: What great kindness, is hiding there. Although at first she seemed so rude and mean! Now I know, that it's not like that. And I wonder why at first I didn't see it. Nightmare: She looked this way, it seemed to me. And when we touched she didn't even flinched! It can not be. I shall ignore it. But she has never looked at me like that before. Twilight: Iiiiit's so new and exciting! How could I imagine she could be like thaaaaaaat! Sheeeeeee's no alluring princess! But there's something about her that I hadn't seen before! Lumiere: Nobody thought! Miss Pots: It's such a blessing! Clocksworg: Nobody dreamed! Miss Pots: How it would be! Lumiere: That when they joined something incredible was the result! Miss Pots: That is so rare! All three: We have to hope, that it stays so. And It may be possible that there's something else in there! Clocksworg: It may be possible that there's something else in there. Chip: What? Miss Pots: It may be possible that there's something else in there. Chip: What is it mama? Miss Pots: Shhh. I'll tell you when you're older. (Original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3pCW29JtqRE) --------------------------------------- We Are One Nightmare Moon As you go through life You'll see There's just so much That we Don't comprehend And the only thing we know Is things don't always go The way we want But you'll see everynight That we'll never turn on you! When it seems All your Dreams Turn to smooooke! We will all be right Filled with hope And filled with pride! We are more than we are We are One! "Family Family We are one Family Family We are one!" Filly Twilight If the're so much I must be... Can I still Be myself? The way I wish? Can I trust in my heart and soul? Or am I Just a part Of a bigger picture? Nightmare Moon Even those Among the stars Are with us as we Move on Your voyage has only begun! Tears of pain Tears of joy! One thing NOTHING can destroy... It's our bond Deep inside We are One! "Family Family We are one Family Family We are one!" Nightmare Moon We are One You and I! We are like The Night and Stars! One family Under the Moon! All the wisdom to lead! All the courage that you need You will find When you seeeee We are One! "Nightmare: That's who you'll be. For as long as you live here. I'm sure you'll understand somenight." (Original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eyG0Jw62dPU) > 100 {PLACEHOLDER FOR PROMPT 100} > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nothing to see here! Move along, move along... > 101 Possession by Noctus Noxia > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Possession by Noctus Noxia The pale, silvery light of Luna's moon shone through the window of the tree house. Twilight Sparkle sat at her desk, a book opened. Only a candle was her companion. Its flame shone golden and warm. It softly trembled in the wind. Twilight was reading through her old history book. The mare's eyes rested on the page with its colourful image. Two Alicorns, who were arguing. Twilight whispered the words of the tale: „The elder sister tried to reason with her. But the bitterness in the young one's heart had transformed her into a wicked mare of darkness: Nightmare Moon! She vowed, that she would shroud the land into eternal darkness.“ Twilight was so foccussed on reading her tale, that she did not really focus on her environment. In the candle's lights shadows danced over the wall. Twilight's own shadow was stretched, until it was thrown against the wall. It grew and grew, starting to shapeshift. Out of Twilight's shadow came a black alicorn with long, feathered, batshaped wings. Her cyan eyes glowed mischievous as they rested on the unicorn. A violet tongue slided over the lips. Perfect. The shadow dashed away and floated around. It creeped over the celling and flew over Twilight. A black hoof went down and it squeezed the flame, making the candle go out. „Hu?“ Twilight whirled around. „Who is there?“ She jumped from her seat and her horn flared purple. „Show yourself!“ Soft, high-pitched, clear laughter filled the air, making Twilight shiver. This can not be good. „So we meet again.“ Out of the shadows stepped a pitchblack mare, clad in a silvery-blue armour. Cyan eyes flickered amused and again this long, violet tongue slided out. „Twilight Sparkle.“ The mare pronounced her name with a little hiss. Twilight lowered her head. „Nightmare Moon!“, she called and got into a charging position, „What do you want?“ Nightmare chuckled amused and turned her head so one eye looked at the unicorn. Her blue mane floated around her, twisting and shimmering. „Oh, I did not meant any offense“, she said, „I just came here to get a little taste of Celestia's famous star pupil myself.“ W-what? Twilight was taken aback and confused. She stumbled backwards and rose a brow. „What do you mean?“ Nightmare Moon slowly came closer. Her hooves barley made any sound on the wooden floor. Her hips followed every step, swinging from right to left, her tail following. Her neck to danced from one side to the other and she kept smiling. „A pony of your stature must have had the best of the best as a companion“, she said, „But it seems that one part nopony has ever seen of you.“ Again this disgusting lick over her maw. Twilight shuddered. If I do not go nuts completely, I would say, she is flirting with me. But why? Angrily the mare hided her precious marehood from the view. „Oh, no!“, she shouted, „You can forget that! Don't you even dare to come closer.“ Nightmare Moon sighted low. Her ears twitched. „Such a pity“, she mumbled, „I wanted to do it the easy way.“ Her eyes flashed and with a sadistic grin she showed her teeth. „Looks like you beg for the hard way.“ Twilight panicked. Nightmare Moon became blackish purple mist and floated around her. „What...what are you doing?“, shouted Twilight. The dark mare flew closer and closer, until the mist enwrapped itself around her. Twilight yelled in panic and rose to her hindlegs. Blackish chains shot after her legs and neck, pushing her down. The mare was sweating and shivering. She fell to her knees. Darkness creeped into her heart and poured out of her veins. Slowly Nightmare Moon rose to her feet. Twilight Sparkle now was in her possession. A black unicorn with an elegant mane, red marks in the strands. Nightmare Moon sat down and sniffed. She lifted an hoof and ran over the slender body. Inside of her Twilight was struggling. „Stop it!“, she whimpered, „Please!“ „I haven't even started.“ Nightmare Moon slowly started to enjoy herself. Inside her Twilight seemed to cringle with fear and disgust. Nightmare Moon chuckled and bared her fangs. Such a crying whelp. It had hardly began. There was plenty of time. Plenty of time to discover everything. Twilight let out a sound that could be a cry. Nightmare Moon ignored her and kept enjoying herself, licking and touching her host body, enjoying the reactions and of course Twilight's outbrust of panic, fear and disgust. Her mane and tail swirled around her, reacting to every movement. Heat filled her body together with pure, wild lust. Finally, when Twilight thought, she could bear it no longer, Nightmare Moon released her from her dark grip. The unicorn fell down. The dark mare towered above her. Twilight was crying. „That was dreadful“, she whispered. Nightmare Moon chuckled. Her tail swipped over Twilight's head as she turned around. „Better prepare for meeting me again. Maybe then you prefer the easy way." > 102 Fever by Noctus Noxia > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fever by Noctus Noxia Her head thundered. Twilight laid in her bed, her forehead drowned in the pillow. Her ears twitched and her wings laid feeble over the edges of the bed. It was a cold night, but for Twilight it was awkwardly warm. She felt uncomfortable and uneasy. The mare's throat was dry and the whole world was a blur. "Twilight, you really look dreadful", found Spike. Her faithful assistance had spend the whole day with cooling her forehead and giving her bitter tasting tea. He laid his claws on her skin and mumbled shocked: "You are glowing!" He withdraw his paw. "Twilight, you have fever!" The Alicorn looked up at her friend's face. "Not only any fever", she whispered and her glance directed itself towards the moon in the sky. It was full, a huge, silver coin. "I have Full Moon Fever", she added urgently. Spike scratched his head. "Full Moon Fever?", he repeated, "I have never head of it. Are you sure it is not just a flu?" Twilight furiously shook her head. "No", she panted, "It is Full Moon Fever." Spike looked at her as if he doubted her. Maybe the fever had taken away Twilight's senses. "Sure?", he responded. The Alicorn coughed and her head jerked forwards. "Full Moon Fever", she repeated, "I am sure." The moon began to glow. Winds pull at the carpets and the window banged against the wall. Twilight lifted her head and her eyes widened. What is going on? "Spike", she said slowly and sat up, "Get out of the room." "But....!", he protested. "I said, get out!", snapped Twilight furiously, "Fetch help!" The dragon pressed his claws on his head and sprinted out of the room, his tail wobbling. The Alicorn watched smoke appearing in front of her. It shapeshifted and became a large, black mare, cladded in silver armor. Her cyan eyes gleemed pleased and her mane shivered around her. Twilight put her ears back and furrowed her brow. "Nightmare Moon", she hissed. The mare tried to look fierce, but another cough made her tumble, "How did you get in here and what do you want?" Nightmare Moon smiled caringly and caressed her cheek with her mane. "Oh, poor Twilight", she whispered with a smooth voice, "You summoned me here. Full Moon Fever is something my kind react to. Usually another Nightmare Force would come, but when I recognised your voice, I decided to take care of you in person." "And how can you help me?" Suspiciously Twilight watched Nightmare Moon's mist-like tail and mane, wrapping itself around her neck and ankles and pushing her towards the mare of darkness. A snout nuzzled her and she felt the tip of a wet tongue on her neck. Nightmare replied: "I can cure you, but I want something in exchange." "And what?", grumbled Twilight. The dark mare turned her chin towards her and smiled. She breathed: "A kiss." Well, what do I have to lose? Twilight leaned forward and kissed Nightmare Moon on the lips. Their kiss was soft as if it was the first one. Nightmare Moon tasted bitter like peppermint and something seemed to sting Twilight's skin. Thousands of tiny moths. Their horns touched. Nightmare Moon closed her eyes. Her horn flared. Twilight felt a cool prickle on her forehead. The fever was gone. They separated. "Thanks", mumbled Twilight and blushed, "I think." Nightmare Moon jerked her head upwards and chuckled. "It has been a pleasure, Twi." Her wings opened and she shot back into the nightsky. Twilight placed her cheek on the sims and thought, if one could summon Nightmare Moon with Full Moon Fever, she wanted to get sick more often. > 103 Songs Part 2 by Maexam > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Songs Part 2 by Maexam (Original:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFHw1HZTGzM&list=FLz5817lNu7tQVCB1wFpcmkw&index=225 ) Dreams Will Find a Way (Love Will Find a Way) Twilight: In a perfect Dream One we've never known! We would never need To face the Sun alone They can have this land We'll dream up our own! I may not be brave, or strong or smart But somewhere in my secret mind I know! Dreams will find a way Anywhere I dream I'm home! If you are there besides me Like Dark! Merging with the Light Somehow we'll come through! Now that I found you... Dreams will find a way Nightmare Moon: I was terrified Now I realize! Love is never wrong! And so, it gives us dreams There's a perfect world Right behind your eyes! Both: And if only they could see it to! The perfect world I dream with you They'd know! Dreams will find a way! Anywhere we dream We're home! If we are there together Like Dark! Merging with the Light Somehow we'll come through! Now that I foud you Dreams will find a way I KNOW DREAMS WILL FIND A WAY!!! ------------------------------ (Original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AO92hKsEYaU) Just Wanna Dream With You (Just Wanna Be With You) Nightmare: I got a lot of things That I have to dream of! All this distractions Our future round the corner! We're being pulled! Both: A hundred different dreams! Nightmare: But whatever happens Both: I know I've got YOU! Nightmare: You're in my dreams You're in my heart! Both: It dosen't matter what we dream Nightmare: We'll be alright! Both: Even if we're miles apart! ALL I wanna do! Is dream with you! Dream with you! There's nothing we can't do! Just wanna dream with you Only you! No matter where dreams take us! Nothing can break us apart! (Nightmare: You know it's true!) I just wanna dream with you! Nightmare: You know how dreams can be They change through out the night! Both: I'ts sunny Then raining But it's aright! Twilight: A mare like you-u Both: Always makes it easy! Nightmare: I know that you love me Both: Every time! Through every up Through every down! You know I'll always be around! Through anything You can count on me! ALL I wanna do! Is dream with you Dream with you-u! There's nothing we can't do! Just wanna dream with you Only you! No matter where dreams take us! Nothing can break us apart! (Nightmare: You know it's true!) I just wanna dream with you! I just wanna dream with you! ------------------------------ (Original:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIlu5rNfulE) A Whole New Dream (A Whole New World) Nightmare Moon: I can show you a world That's shining Sparkling Splendid! Tell me, my princess Now when did you last let you heart Decide? I can open your mind! Take you wonder by wonder! Crossing bridges and mountains On an always changing dream! A whole new dream! A new fantastic point of view! No one to tell us no! Or where to go! Or say that it's impoossible! Princess Twilight A whole new dream! An alluring place I've never knew But now from way up here! It's crystal clear! That now I'm in A whole new dream! With you Nightmare Moon: Now I`m in a whole new dream With you! Princess Twilight: Unbelievable sights! Indescribable feelings! Soaring Falling Freewheling Through an endless starlit sky! A whole new dream! (Nightmare: Don't you dare close your e-eyes) A hudred thousand things to dream off! (Nightmare: Hold your breath! It gets better!) Both: We're like a shooting star! We've come so far! Twilight: We can't go back To where we used to be! (Nightmare: A whole new dream!) Every turn a surprise Nightmare: With new horizons every turn! Both: We'll chase them anywhere! There's time to spare! Nightmare: Let me share This whole new dream With you! (Instrumental) (Nightmare: OOOOooo) (Instrumental) P. Twilight: A whole new dre-eam! (Nightmare: A whole new dream!) Nightmare: A new fantastic point of view! Both: No one to tell us no! Or where to go! P. Twilight: Or say! That it's impoossible! Nightmare: A whole new dream! (P. Twilight: Every turn a surpri-i-ise) With new horizons every turn! Both: We'll chase them anywhere! There's time to spare! P. Twilight: Anywhere! Nightmare: There's ti-ime to spare! P. Twilight Let me share Nightmare: This whole new dream With you You! (P. Twilight: Uu-u-uu-u!) P. Twilight: A whole new dream! Nightmare: A whole new dream P. Twilight: That's where we'll be-e-e! Nightmare Where We will be-e P. Twilight: A thrilling chase Nightmare: A wonderful place Both: For you and ME!!! ------------------------------ (Original:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQ-brMrLHLI) You are the the one in my dreams (You are the music in me) (With the special acting of: Princess Cadence and the rest of The Mane Six!) P. Cadence: Na, na, na, na! Na, na, na, na! Ye-eah! You are the one in my dreams! You know the words "Dreams are wonderful"? Makes you listen! There's a reason P. Twilight + Cadence: When we dream There's a chance we'll find A little laughter Or a great adventure! P. Twilight + Nightmare Moon You're my Harmony! You're my peace of Spirit! Resonating in my so-oul! P. Twilight: A single shine! (N.M: Single shine) Above all others! P. Twilight + Nightmare That no shadow can obscure! Nightmare Moon: Hmmm! You're pulling me! P. Twilight: When I see my favorite dream I know that we are one! Nightmare Moon: Oh! You are the one in my dreams! Yeah! They're living in both of us! P. Twilight: And they've brought us here...! Because (N.M: Because) P. Twilight + Nightmare You are the one in my dreams! Na, na, na, na (N.M: Ooh!) Na, na, na, na! (N.M: Yeah, yeah, yeah!) Na, na, na, na! You are the one in my dreams! P. Twilight: It's like I knew you before we met (N.M: Before we met) Can't explain (N.M: Oo-ho!) There's no name (N.M: No name!) (Both: For it!) P. Twilight + Nightmare I'm saying you words I never said! Nightmare: And it's so easy! (P.T: So easy!) Because you see (P.T: I see!) the real me! P.Twi + N.Moon: As I am! You understa-and! And that's more than I ever hoped for! P. Twi: To see our shine! (N.M: See our shine!) Above all others! P.Twi + N.Moon: And no! I'm not alo-one! P.Twi: Oh! I dream about you! (N.M: Oh yeah!) P.Twi + N.Moon: When I see my favorite dream I know that we are one! (N.M: Yeah! Oh!) You are the one in my dreams! They're living in both of us! And they've brought us here! (N.M: Because!) You are the one in my dreams! (Mane Six: Dre-e-e-ams! Together we're gonna si-ing! (N.M: Yeah!) We've got the power to say N.M: What we feel P.Twi: What we feel! N.Moon: Connected for life! P.Twi: Can't keep it All insi-ide! Oohho! (N.M: Oh yeah!) Mane Six: Na, na, na, na (P.Twi: Oh yeah!) Na, na, na, na (P.Twi: O-oh yeah!) N.Moon: Yeah, yeah, yeah! (M. Six: Na, na, na, na) All: You are the one in my dreams! Mane Six: Na, na, na, na! (P.Twi: Oh yeah!) Na, na, na, na! (P.Twi: OH! YEAH!) All: You are the in my dreams! Mane Six: When I see my favorite dream (N.M: Favorite dream) I know that we are one! (P.Twi: We are o-one!) (N.M: Oh) All: You are the one in my dreams! (N.M: YEAH!) They're living in all of us They've brought us here because (P.Twi: Here because!) You are the one in my dreams! Mane Six: Na, na, na, na! (P.Twi: Oh yeah)(N.M: O-o-ho-o!) Na, na, na, na! (P.Twi: O-oh ye-e-a-ah!) All: YOU ARE THE ONE IN MY DRE-EA-AMS! Nightmare Moon: Yeah! ------------------------------ (Original:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1TVLCrLd8A) Every Dream (Everyday) (With the special acting of: Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadence, Queen Chrysalis and the rest of The Mane Six! Who will be referred to as "Chorus") N.Moon: Once in a dre-am Means we can make it real So I believe that you and me Should do it here and now! P.Twi: Make it last forever And never let it e-e-end N.Moon: It's our turn And I lo-ove What we ha-a-a-ave! Both: Becasue this dreams are really all we have! N.Moon: Every dream Of our lives P.Twi: Wanna be right here Standing by your side! N.Moon: Gotta try! Both: While we're alive! And keep the faith N.Moon: Every Drea-a-am Both: From right now! Gonna use our voices and sing out loud! P.Twi: Take my hand! N.Moon: Toghether we Will celebra-a-ate (P.Twi: Celebrate!) Ho-o, every drea-a-a-a-am!!! P.Twi: It's said that we should follo-o-ow N.M: And chase down what we dream P.Twi: But if we get lost and lose ourselves N.Moon: What does it really mean? (P.Twi: Ho-o-o-oh!) P.Twi: No matter where we go (N.M: Oh yeah!) N.M: It starts right here and no-o-ow! P.Twi: There's more to life Both: When we listen To our hearts and dre-e-eams! And because of you I've got the strength To try-y-y! Yeah, yeah, yeah!!! Every dream! Of our li-i-ives! Wanna be right here P.Twi: Standing by your side! Both: Gotta try! While we're alive! And keep the fa-a-a-aith! P.Twi: Hooo!!! N.M: Every drea-am! From right now! Gonna use our voices and sing out loud! P.Twi: Take my hand Both: Toghether we! Will celebraaaaaate P.Twi: Ho-oh, every drea-amm!!! N.Moon: We'll make it come true We'll do it right here Together ! P.Twi: It's better like that! And we're stronger now! Than ever! N.Moon: We're not gonna fa-ail! Both: 'Cause we get to choose That's how it's gonna be-e-e! N.Moon: Every dram Of our lives P.Twi: Wanna be right here Standing by your si-ide N.Moon: Gotta try While were alive Both: And keep the fa-a-a-aith! KEEP THE FA-AITH!!! Chorus+P.Twi+N.Moon: Every dream! Of our li-i-ives! Wanna be rightr here Standing by your side! Gotta try! While we're alive! And keep the fa-a-a-aith (P.Twi: HO!) Every drea-am! From right no-o-ow! Gonna use our voices and sing out loud!!! N.Moon: Take my ha-and! (P.Twi: Take my hand!) Chrous+P.Twi+N.Moon: Toghether we! WILL CELEBAAAAAAAAAAATE!!! Every dream!!! Live every dream! P.Twi: Ho-o! Every dream! (Chorus: Love every dream!) Ho!! Every dream! (Chorus: Live every dream!) N.Moon: Na! Na! Every dream! (Chorus: Love every dream!) Oh, yeah, yeah! P.Twi: I'm singing every dream! Every dream (x17) N.Moon: Every dream! P.Twi: Every Dreeeeaaaaam! (N.Moon: Yeah) Ha, ha Ha, ha (N.Moon: Hyeah) > 104 Guardian by Maexam > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Guardian by Maexam {Anthro} {Saint Seiya crossover} Prelude: The crows were carrying Diana far into the sky. The more time passed, the farther she was. If Twilight didn’t do anything, she would lose her. According to the Crow Saint, Blueblood, The Great Master had ordered that Diana was to be taken to the Sanctuary. Whatever she had planned for Diana, could not be good. She could not allow Blueblood and his crows to take her away! “Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! Fool! There’s nothing you can do! This mare in beyond your reach!” She heard how Blueblood taunted her. But she ignored him and kept running after the crows. She knew she couldn’t give up. Not until her queen, her goddess was safe. “*pant, pant*” Twilight ran after the black birds until she reached a border of the chasm. “*They’re getting too far away* I must do something!” She then ran and jumped on a wall of the mountain and then she jumped up while focusing her Cosmo. “Lend me your strength, Alicorn! Alicorn Ryu Sei Ken!”, she cried. And she launched her attack. Unleashing countless balls of light that had a trail of light behind them. The lights hit the crows, causing them to let go of the ropes and also tearing a few ones. That, in turn, made Diana begin to free fall towards the abyss along with Twilight. “*Oh no!*” Twilight then grabbed Diana’s waist with one arm and tried to use the other one to stop their fall. Unfortunately, they were falling too fast. Thus, when Twilight applied the necessary pressure on her arm… “Argh!”, she cried in pain. “I broke my arm!” Her arm was now bleeding quite a bit. But she didn’t have the time to worry about that now. For she saw that her charge was about to fall down to the valley at the bottom of the mountain. “No!” Twilight used her left arm and quickly grabbed Diana by her left wrist. “It’s… a Guardian’s duty… to protect Nightmare Moon!”, she reminded herself, tough she was in severe pain. Just then, while Twilight was trying to bring Diana back up, Blueblood appeared. “He, he. I’ll throw them both down!”, he said to himself. Twilight then tried as hard as she could to bring Diana and herself back up. And just as Blueblood’s kick was about to connect, she managed to do it. Thus, making Blueblood miss his mark. Twilight then took the chance to trip him, making him fall into a platform a few meters below. Twilight then held Diana close to her. Making sure that, although unconscious, she was okay. And she looked at Diana with a worry and care filled eyes. “*She looks so beautiful…*” Although Twilight would never admit it, she had long ago developed a crush on her beloved Queen. But she would never say anything to her. Because, even though she wanted to be so much more with Diana, her Queen was a goddess incarnated and she was a mortal. So, she chose to guard her and simply be by her side. Wanting nothing more than protecting her and being whatever her Queen needed her to be. She was then snapped out of her thoughts by Blueblood. “Ahh! Twilight, please, help me!” “Blueblood, we’ll continue this another time. Ask your crown to help you!” “Hey! Twilight wait! Twilight!” Just as Twilight was about to leave with her charge, she heard a very familiar voice. “Twilight! Don’t think this is over!” “Huh? Where have I heard that voice?” The, a mare wearing the Opiucus Cloth and an Amazoness mask appeared. “!!! Trixie! It’s you!” “I have come for the rematch.” “Ah. Trixie! I’m thank you for coming to help me. Please give me a hand here!” “Blueblood, don’t think life is so easy! You can do it by yourself!” “Damn it! You think you’re so funny!” “Twilight. If I were you, I wouldn’t let us live. You’re such a softie! Huh. You’ll never change. You will always be the same.” “*Damn it! I can’t use my right arm. And I always had problems with Trixie!*” “The blame of all this is of your personality. Twilight, this time, you’re trapped!” “Twilight! You won’t escape! He, he, he, he, he, he!” “You have a rock solid wall behind you. And in front of you, a valley about 300 meters bellow here.” Twilight stepped back until her Cloth’s back made contact with the mountain’s wall. She was nervous and, honestly, worried and scared. Not for herself, no. But for Diana. “The only option you have left is to either attack me or Blueblood. It’s your choice!” “Pony feathers. I don’t know what to do. I can’t use my left arm. And I have to protect Diana.” “Twilight! Leave that mare to Blueblood and fight with me once again!” “I can’t do that! This lady is a Queen! And she represents something very precious to me!” “Very precious?” Trixie seethed to herself. She could feel her jealousy increasing, making her blood boil and her body tremble slightly as a result. At that moment, Twilight heard a voice from a much closer source. “The stars are beautiful…” Twilight then looked at Diana with slight surprise and care. “Diana, you’re awake!” Diana shifted a little and looked up. Relieved to hear and see her beloved Guardian. “Ah, Twilight, is it you?” “You shouldn’t have woken up yet. This is worse for you, than for anyone else.” “I must be heavy Twilight.” she said, trying to relieve Twilight of some of the burden. “But I am your Guardian!” “*As dutiful as always.*”, Diana thought with a slight smile. “Ah. You’re right, of course.” Both, Trixie and Blueblood looked on. Blueblood in confusion and annoyance. And Trixie in rage and jealousy. “Trixie, don’t just stay there watching!” “Shut up!! I know!” Seeing that mare and Twilight so close to each other made her scream internally. She wanted nothing more than to separate them. And if Twilight couldn’t be hers, then no one would have her. “Diana, would you mind if we risked ourselves in an all or nothing?” Diana smiled. “Twilight, I trust you with my life.” “Damn it all! Die both of you!” “Don’t move Trixie! Wait!” Twilight then returned her look to Diana. “Diana, hold on tight to me. And don’t you dare let go.” Diana nodded, still smiling, and did as Twilight told her, while laying her muzzle on one of her Guardian’s breasts., Which caused Twilight to blush slightly. Twilight then began to walk closer to the edge of the abyss. “*gasp!*” “What?!” Both villains exclaimed at what they were seeing. Once at the edge, Twilight took one last look to her charge. Then, she jumped high in the air. “HYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!” Both then fell into the darkness. And all the time, Twilight held Diana tightly in a way that Diana would be protected and she would take the brunt of the impact. “Wha! How could she do that?! It suicide to jump from this height! They’ll surely die!” “*sigh* Twilight. She always acts like that. But seeing her fall into the dark like that, it’s like watching a shooting star.” “C’mon! This isn’t the time for poetry! Let’s go after them!” Trixie looked at Blueblood with irritation. “Do you want to jump as well?” “Of course not! I’m not that stupid!” “If you’re really not that stupid, then wait for the Sun in the morning! Because of you go there now, you won’t be able to find them!” “You’ve got a point there.” “After all, not even a Saint can escape unharmed from such a jump from this height. They’ll never be able to get out!” “Very good Trixie! Now you’re using your brain!” “And you look like you never use yours!” “Huh?!” Trixie then looked at the abyss below. “*Twilight. You were the only one to see my face apart from my family. Before, I had two choices. But now I have no other choice but to kill you. I’ll kill Twilight. And separate her from that mare!* In the morning Trixie woke up first. She decided to leave Blueblood behind, so she could deal with things in her own way She begun jumping down, from platform to platform. ‘*Twilight, if you get out of this one alive, you will always remember me*”. Our scene then changes. Diana opened her eyes. She looked around and was confused by her surroundings. She apparently was in a small field of flowers on one the mountains platforms. Then she fully woke up. And all of last night’s events returned to her. And with them, her worry for her Guardian. She looked around desperately, trying to find her. Then, she spotted her, lying on the rocks, unconscious. She got up and ran as fast as her legs could carry her to her Guardian’s side. Once she arrived, she kneeled down and partially loomed over her Twilight. She saw slight trail of blood going down Twilight’s left cheek. And she cleaned it up with one of her fingers. It was fitting really, now that she thought about it. She was the reincarnation on Nightmare Moon, the Alicorn Goddess of the Night. And Twilight was the Alicorn Saint. The Saint of the Stars. Thus, it was fitting that Twilight was her Guardian. She wondered briefly if their destinies were always entwined. If they were crossed at some point or if they were only parallel. Always together, but never meeting each other. She then saw another trail of blood of Twilight’s cheek. And again, she cleaned it up. “Thank you Twilight. You protected me. And now I’ll protect you.” Diana began to tear a bit. “I’m so sorry, my dearest Twilight! All of this was my fault!” Lost in the moment, Diana began to lower her muzzle. She was about to kiss her Guardian when, seemingly out of nowhere, Trixie appeared from a platform a little above of where Twilight and Diana were. “Well! Isn’t this sweet. I think I’m going to cry!” Diana the turned to face the mare that, while she didn’t hate her, she honestly couldn’t stand her. She had heard from Twilight about her previous encounters with this mare. From what she had understood, Trixie was obsessed with Twilight. She wanted to have a relationship with Twilight, but she wanted to kill her at the same time. Besides, Twilight was hers and hers alone. “Frankly, all of this mushy stuff is making me nauseous!” Trixie then jumped from the platform to where the pair was. “Now, be a good little mare and hand Twilight over to me. I’ll give her the coup de grace!” Diana looked at Twilight. Then at Trixie. And, with determination clear in her eyes and voice, she said: “Don’t worry. I’ll protect you, my dearest Twilight!” “How are you going to protect her?! Move out of the way!” “I will not!”, answered Diana, while positioning herself in front of Twilight completely, so as to shield her. “I really hate to do this, but you’ll have to go to the Tartarus with her!” Instead of showing fear and standing aside, like Trixie expected, she placed her right hand on Twilight’s broken arm. “Prepare yourself for the worst!” Then, callings of crows were heard. Trixie looked up in slight surprise and in extreme annoyance as she saw Blueblood descending to where they were. “Ha, ha, ha, ha. Trixie, I’m tired of your little soap opera. I was ordered by the Master to bring back the mare. So step aside and let me do my job!” “I don’t believe this!” “Thank you. I will remember your name when the Master’s praising me.” Blueblood then went to where Diana and Twilight were. “And now Miss Selene, let me escort you to the Sanctuary.” “I’m sorry to reject your offer, but I’m afraid we won’t be going this time. But don’t worry. Once Twilight’s recovered, we’ll make her a visit. In the mean time, please send our regards to the Master.”, she said, while gazing at her Guardian with a care and love filled eyes. “Wha?! We don’t have time for that looser to get better!” The fact that Blueblood had called her Twilight a looser made Diana’s anger grow. “Here, I’ll just finish her off right now!” “Hold it, bird brain! Twilight in mine!” Again, Diana’s anger grew. “*How dare you call Twilight yours?! And when you’re attempting to kill her no less!*” “Your mission is to take the mare back. So do it!” “You’ve got a point there. Besides, it looks like she’s done for anyway, so you can kill her anyway you want Trixie. And now Miss, I won’t tolerate any more games.” Diana didn’t pay any attention to those two. She was more focused on something she was feeling inside of herself, deep within her soul. It was a warm and gentle, yet fierce and protective energy. It was her Cosmo. And that Cosmo was so big, that it was flowing out of her. “W-what is this Cosmo?!”, asked Blueblood in fear and confusion. Diana’s azure and white colored Cosmo increased even more. “What is this?! I’m feeling a powerful Cosmo emanating from this mare!! “*What is this?! I had never felt something so strong before! It’s not coming from Twilight and certainly not from Blueblood. It’s something bigger. Far bigger than the Universe itself. I don’t think that anyone of the Gold Saints has such a strong Cosmo. Don’t tell me… that this mare…is...*” “It’s not possible that I’m being so greatly overwhelmed by this mare! But this Cosmo! It’s impossible! I can’t move my body!” Diana then stood up and, with the authority one would expect from a Queen or from a Goddess, she said: “Return now to the Sanctuary!”, she said, tough she was clearly aware that the Crow Saint could not move, due to her own Cosmo forbidding it. “I-I would… if I could move!” “Return to the Sanctuary and tell the Master that if she wishes to speak to Us or to Ours, she is to come here herself. We will not run or hide. There’s no inconvenience!” “Don’t be ridiculous! The Master will never come to see you!” Diana released Blueblood’s body. “Ahrg! The Mater is there to aid Nightmare Moon. But in reality, she’s the one that commands the Saints. 88 Saints are under her command! She’s the head of the Saints!” Blueblood then whistled to call his crows. “My beloved children! Attack her! Attack her! Kill the insolent witch!” All of Blueblood’s crows launched themselves towards Diana, ready to fulfill their master’s orders. However, when they were about to reach Diana, she merely raised her arms a bit. Then, as if commanded by an unseen force, all of the crows calmed down and gathered around Diana’s feet. “What in the Tartarus?!”, said Blueblood, astonished at what he had just seen. He tried to call them with a whistle again but, instead of obeying, they attacked Blueblood. “What?! What are you doing?! Stop! Stop! STOP!!!” The crowns then dispersed. Barely able to move, Blueblood tried to make sense of what was happening. “Why?! Why would the crows I raised from hatchlings turn against me?!” Then, Trixie finally understood. “*She’s Nightmare Moon!*” “Damn it! You’re a demon! Raaaaaahhh!!!”, screamed an enraged Blueblood, as he launched himself against Diana, ready to try and kill her. But, before Blueblood could reach Diana, a great, powerful and familiar Cosmo emerged from behind Diana. “*Could it be?!*”, thought Diana, with hope. And her hopes were proven true when she turned around and saw Twilight, standing there, fully healed and ready for battle, despite her Cloth still being mostly destroyed. But what surprised not only Diana, but Blueblood and Trixie as well, was the powerful Cosmo emanating from Twilight. Diana had never before seen or felt Twilight release such a powerful and intense Cosmo. Twilight then opened her eyes. And they were completely white. Ablaze with power. She positioned herself to attack and, behind her, her Cosmo condensed and took on a form. The form of a great and majestic Alicorn. Her constellation. Next, her Cloth began to glow. It grew and expanded. Once the light vanished, Twilight’s new Cloth shocked everyone. The destroyed Cloth had disappeared. And in its place was a new one that looked, in Diana’s opinion, majestic. The new Cloth was purple colored and had a few black borders in some pieces. The Cloth’s purple color was a couple of shades darker than Twilight’s coat. It consisted in a pair of Sabatons that had one small wing on the back of each one and that reached a bit above her ankles, followed by a pair of Greaves with black borders that reached just past her knees and Cuisses that reached her tights. Then came a Tasset that also had black borders and a Belt that had and emblem that had a small Alicorn engraved in it in silver. Next was the Breastplate. One that, Diana thought, highlights her features nicely. It covered almost all of her torso, except for a very small part on her belly. The Gauntlets were lacking the upper parts of the fingers and had silver colored knots on each of the fingers. They looked ready to beat something. Her Vambraces covered from her wrist to her shoulders. Twilight’s new helmet began a little above her neck’s base, allowing her purple with a pink streak mane to flow freely and went all the way to the top of her head on the back. The upper part of the helmet cover almost all of her head, except here her horn was and her eyes. The helmet left exposed the front of her neck, lower muzzle and about half of her upper muzzle. It had the perfect shape of an Alicorn’s head. Completing the ensemble, were a pair of angel like wings on the Cloth’s back that had their outer part purple colored and their inner part colored a light pink. All were astonished by her new looks and by her power. However, Blueblood recovered and was about to attempt to continue his assault on Diana. But, before he could, Twilight quickly went in between them and delivered an upward kick to Blueblood’s muzzle, breaking part of his cloth and a few teeth, which in turn made him spit some blood and also knocking him unconscious. “Don’t you dare try to attack Diana.”, said Twilight protectively with a power and anger charged voice. Twilight’s gaze softened and returned to their normal selves, tough her power didn’t decreased at all. Nor did her aura. She turned around to face her Queen. Her secret love. “Diana, are you alright?” “Y-yes. But, how?” “I’m not sure. All I knew is that, while I was unconscious, I could feel a Cosmo that could only be yours. And I also heard you saying my names a few times.” Diana blushed slightly at this, tough she quickly hided it. Wha neither of them knew, was that, while Diana was busy dealing with Blueblood and Trixie, the Cosmo that was emanating from her healed all of Twilight’s injuries. As well as it had reconstructed Twilight’s Cloth. And it was all due to their bond. “Finally!” Trixie then took the chance that Twilight was distracted and charged towards her. Diana placed herself in front of Twilight. “I won’t let you lay a single finger on her.” Diana then felt a firm yet gentle hand on her left shoulder. She recognized it as her Guardian’s. She looked at Twilight and said mare gave her a reassuring nod and look. Diana took a step back and allowed Twilight to deal with this as she saw fit. As soon as she got close enough, Trixie launched her signature move. “Shandã Kurou!”, she cried. Attempting to hit Twilight. But Twilight simply grabbed her hand and stopped her attack as if it was nothing. “What?!” “Stop this already Trixie. You can’t win. Stop this and go home!” “Shut up!”, exclaimed Trixie after Twilight let go of her and she jumped 10 meters backwards. “I already told you! You saw my face. Now I have to kill you!” Trixie charged once again. “*sigh* You leave me no choice.” Twilight then did the positions with her arms that had become so familiar to her. And when the technique was ready, she launched it. “Alicorn Ryu Sei Ken!” Due to her new found power, Twilight’s attack far surpassed the one she had before. Thus, when the attack made a direct hit on Trixie, said mare’s Cloth was obliterated and she was sent slamming into the wall behind her with strength big enough to create a medium sized crater and breaking several of Trixie’s bones. Also knocking her out cold. Twilight then turned to Diana and, with kind eyes and a gentle smile, she said: “Now that this is over, why don’t we go home?” Diana smiled. “That sounds great. But, what about them?”, said Diana. Pointing to their fallen enemies. Twilight then pointed hand towards both of them and, with a simple thought and a flick of her horn, they were nowhere to be seen. “What did you do?” “I teleported them to the hospital. Had I done otherwise, I would have been just as bad as the ones we’re facing against. Diana’s smile grew. Although she was more powerful than before, her beloved Guardian hadn’t changed at all. “Now then”, said Twilight, while surprising Diana, who let an adorable squeak, and getting her into her arms. Making it look like she was carrying Diana in bridal style. This, of course, caused both mares to blush. “Shall we go?” Diana smiled again. And, while laying her muzzle on the crook of her Twilight’s neck, she responded softly. “Yes. We shall.” Twilight then used her Cloth’s wings to take off and carry them home. And, during the trip, they, unknowingly, shared the same thought. “*Someday...someday, I’ll have the courage to tell her how much I love her.*” THE END