> At This Very Moment, Equestria Burns > by The Guardian and Friends > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Well, Well, Well, Avatar > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Avatar and his men rushed in the sacred room of the Balance Serpent. They quickly gathered the Order, Chaos, and Balance serpent statued and placed them in the correct holes in the ground. "Now," said the Balance Serpent, "place the eyes of the Serpent before my statue." The Avatar obeyed. He grabbed the glowing blue Order eye and the glowing red Chaos eye. The Avatar placed them on the golden pedestal that was in front of the gray Serpent statue. "Slay me," commanded the voice of the Balance Serpent, "slay me with the Serpent Sword, and send my soul back into the Void!" The Avatar obeyed once again, grabbing his bright green sword and smashing the statue into pieces. Random explosions scattered the room, probably from the lightning storms that caused the Avatar and his men to lose their armor in the beginning of their journey into the Serpent Isle. He was teleported into the void, floating in mid air. He witnessed the blue and yellow snakes quarreling on total domination of the Universe, which they probably didn't know was causing the Universe to unravel and be torn apart by Order and Chaos instead of saving it. The Balance snake rushed in to stop the fight. The other snakes wrapped around the celestial orange serpent. "There, we are done." said the orange Balance Serpent. "Balance is restored." "Serpent Isle, Britannia, your Earth, the entire Universe: all are saved. Worry not about your friend, Dupre. He sacrificed himself to save the entire universe, and now he is one with us, and content." "Goodbye, Avatar. We thank you." The Serpent finally stopped. The Avatar was proud of himself. He saved the entire universe, filled with other worlds he could explore. He could go back to Earth and live a peaceful life, or he could live in Britannia from now on and maybe marry a woman and start a family. His thoughts were interrupted by a voice he dreaded to hear. "Well, Well, Well, Avatar." The Guardian boomed. "You have managed to thwart me once again. By restoring balance where once chaos reigned, you have saved your accursed world." "But now, here you are, poised at the edge of eternity. Where would you go? Back to Britannia? To Earth?" It was like the Guardian was reading his mind. A red hand reached out and grabbed him. "Perhaps you would join me on another world altogether! We do have a score to settle." Thunder rolled. The Avatar could see nothing, being in the grasp of the Guardian's red hand. "You have been a thorn on my side for far too long, Avatar." The Guardian said. The Avatar could hear some type of portal opening up. "I was going to send you to my now dominated world of Pagan. But you would just manage to escape and thwart my plans again, Avatar. But I shall send you to a world that I am soon going to conquer. Your mind will go mad with the stupidity of this world. Your two worlds will be crushed; Britannia first, then...Earth." Avatar could now see a glowing red pentagram in front of him, with the Guardian's hand out. "I shall parade you before their conquered peoples as the fallen idol of a pathetic ideal." The Guardian dumped Avatar down from his hand. The Avatar screamed in terror as he fell down into a pool of water. "I banish you to the world of Equestria. No one, I mean, nopony here knows of the Avatar. Good luck, Avatar, for I shall burn Earth and Britannia down to the core." At This Very Moment, Equestria Burns Written by Guardian and Babs A young fishermare was on his boat. He had caught lots of fish minutes ago, but he wanted to see if he could get that giant fish that was rumored in town. They said it was so huge, you could feed an entire family of six for a week! The fishermare had his hook in the water. He was determined to get that fish, no matter how long it took. As soon as he was done thinking, he felt something grab the hook. He caught something big! He quickly reeled it in to see what he got. He hoped it was the legendary fish everypony said was lurking in these waters. He finally got the thing to the surface. But it was no fish. It was an unconscious stallion! The hook was wedged in his hoof, and the spot was bleeding profusely. "Oh my Celestia!" The fishemare exclaimed to himself. "I need to get him to a hospital, and fast!" He quickly grabbed the stallion to the boat. He could see the unconious pony was wearing a white silky robe, with a black sword attatched to a brown leather belt. The Avatar coughed out water. He expected to see a dark, twisted world that The Guardian placed him in. He did say "Your mind will go mad with the stupidity of this world." or something like that. But it was sunny and nice. The weather was just right, and he could breath fresh air instead of the smog he was expecting. "Are you ok, sir?" A voice asked behind him. The Avatar got up slowly. "Yeah, I'm ok. Only injury I see is a hook injected on my han-han.." He didn't see his normal hand. It was a hoof of a horse or pony. He checked himself all around. "I turned into a white horse!" "That's what we all are. Ponies. The only horses in Equestria is from Saddle Arabia!" The fishermare said. "No matter, do you have a bandage to heal my wound?" The Avatar asked. "Why yes, it's in my first aid kit." The fishermare grabbed a white box with a red cross on it. He grabbed a bandage. "Can you take the hook out of my hoof?" "Certainly." He did so. The Avatar held a yell in him, trying to not cause a scene. The fishermare put a bandage on his hoof. "Thanks. Where exactly am I?" "You're in Ponyville! The best little town in Equestria!" "Ponyville..." The Avatar said to himself. "So you're telling me, that this land is filled with talking ponies?" "Yup! We get an occasional zebra and dragon every once in a while, but this IS called Ponyville." "Do you have a king or queen ruling this nation?" "We have Princess Celestia and Luna here!" The fishermare explained. "Princess? How can a Princess rule? I thought you had to be a king or queen to rule!" "I thought so too. It's just normal here, I guess. Would you like me to take you to them?" "Certainly! Show me the way!" The Avatar said happily.