> Sunscreen and Jet Planes > by lyra_lover777 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Sunscreen and Jet Planes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chrysalis huffed while she and Twilight sat next to each other on The Ponyville Express. They were heading to the airport in Las Pegasus, where they would take off to Cozemane, a Mexipony island. The couple was earning many stares. They were both royalty, after all. But it was getting a bit annoying. Especially when a new rider boarded and screamed at the sight of her. Chrysalis rolled her eyes as the conductor had to pull the screaming pony to her seat, which was across from their's. She scrunched herself up in the corner, her eyes wide and fearful. Twilight was reading a travel-guide to Cozemane. She was so deep into the book that Chrysalis doubted that Twilight would notice if the world blew up. Chrysalis smiled. Time to have some fun. "Uhh, Twilight?" said Chrysalis, a mischievous smile crossing her muzzle. Twilight mumbled something unintelligible. "The Princesses just died, Tirek is back, and Spike just got his growth spurt and is terrorizing Ponyville. Oh, and he just ate all your friends." said Chrysalis, holding back giggles. "Uhh-huh. You got a pet flamingo? You know they have flamingos in Mexipony..." Chrysalis fell over laughing. It was so much fun to prank Twilight. While she was having her fit, one of her legs accidentally hit the guide book. It sailed out the the window, landing in a passing pond. "Chryssy!" screamed Twilight. "That was an expensive book!" Chrysalis was still laughing. She was rolling on the floor. She rolled towards the scared pony's seat. The pony screamed in fright and jumped out the window, grabbing onto a passing tree. When Chrysalis finally recovered, they had reached the Las Pegasus train station. === Chrysalis huffed as she waited in line. It seemed to stretch on for eternity, snaking and looping around itself. Time was passing endlessly, all being wasted by the ponies (and non-ponies) in this eternal line. Chrysalis began tapping her hoof impatiently. She looked down at Twilight and said "Twi, how much longer do we have to wait? We've been in this line for eternity!" Twilight looked up at her lover."Umm, Chryssy? It's only been a minute." Chrysalis slumped and sighed, defeated. It took twenty minutes to reach the end of the line. To Chrysalis, it had felt like eternity times one thousand. But it had only been twenty minutes. The brown security pony looked up at Chrysalis, his brow scrunched as he looked at Chrysalis. Chrysalis stared back, saying "Have you never seen a changeling before, or are you just racist? Huh? Cause I am really in the mood for some torturing..." The earth pony guard quickly hurried them along to the next guard, a young, light pink earth pony. She scanned Twilight with one of those metal/bomb detector tubes, passing her on quickly. But when it was Chrysalis's turn, the guard pony kept poking her tube through the holes in Chrysalis's carapace. It was disgustingly uncomfortable, and it was all Chrysalis could do not to smack the pony on the muzzle. Soon they finally made it out of security. Chrysalis and Twsilight had to gallop, their bags already dropped off, to reach the gate in time. A minute after they boarded the jet, the gate closed. The two sighed in relief. Twilight took the window seat, sliding in easily. Chrysalis attempted to sit down next to her alicorn lover, who had pulled out a book on pets. Chrysalis huffed as her large rump would not fit in the seat. Now, a big rump was not a bad thing all the time, but it was today. She tried every angle and position, but she just couldn't wedge herself in. A young red pegasus mare, a flight attendant, trotted over to the struggling changeling. She wore a little jean vest with the airline's name scribbled across it, and a small golden badge on her chest read "Forward Flight." She tapped Chrysalis on the shoulder lightly. The changeling queen turned around, an angry growl displayed on her black muzzle, making Forward jump back a little. "Umm, Miss, would you like to move to the seats for, umm, bigger ponies?" She pointed to a row of three seats. Two were occupied by gigantic ponies. They giant ponies had regular sized pony legs and heads, but their bellies were bigger than the sun. If they did not have seat belts on, the couple would have probably floated up in the air like giant pony balloons. Queen Chrysalis turned to Forward Flight, her face red and hot. "HOW. DARE. YOU. CALL. ME. FATTTTTTTTTTTTTT!" She lunged at Forward, the pegasus screaming in horror as she was tackled by a giant changeling. In the end the couple got kicked off the jet after Chrysalis broke Forward's nose and right foreleg. The pair stood in the parking lot. Twilight was powering up her teleportation spell. "Wait." said Chrysalis. "Now you tell me we could have TELEPORTED there the whole time!?" Twilight nodded shyly. Chrysalis screamed profanities and curses, letting all her anger out before taking Twilight's hoof and teleporting off to Cozemane, Mexipony. === Twiligth huffed as Chrysalis beat up the hotel manager. Chrysalis had booked the hotel, and she had accidentally booked it for the summer in twenty-three years. When the hotel manager had refused to give them a room since they were all occupied, she had begun to beat him up. Chrysalis finally dropped the now broken hotel manager, who had a horrid nose bleed. This hotel was the only one in Cozemane, so they would be sleeping in the streets. After several hours of shopping and trotting around, the couple found a very rundown motel. When they got to their rooms, Twilight screamed so loudly that the windows shattered. (They were already mostly broken anyways.) Hundreds of tiny star spiders were crawling over the beds. Twilight brushed them off, wincing. When the beds were brushed off, all that was there were two ratty blankets and some rusty springs. the couple got their bits back and opted to sleep on the streets instead. === Twilight sighed as she leaned back into her towel, the warm sun beating off her lavender coat. She turned over so her back could get some sun. All of the sudden she heard screams coming from the towel next to her. She quickly became alert, looking for danger. But what she saw instead was so funny that Twilight's sides would hurt for days. Queen Chrysalis had a bottle of sunscreen in her hooves. She was drenched in white lotion. It was dripping off her body, pooling in the sand. Chrysalis accidentally squirted the cursed bottle again, the white paste entering her eyes. She screamed and rolled around while Twilight also rolled around, but from laughter instead off pain. When Queen Chrysalis recovered, she glared at the bottle. "How dare you defy me, sunscreen! I will have you executed!" Twilight, who was recovering from her laughing fit, fell over again, grabbing her sides. Chrysalis hated sunscreen. Twilight then prompted Chrysalis to get up, dragging the changeling to the ocean against her will. When the couple reached the water, they both sighed and leaned into it. The waves washed the cursed paste from her carapace, letting it swirl in with the foamy waves. Suddenly Twilight plunged Chrysalis's head underwater, giggling. When her lover submerged, she was seething and harnessed the power of the sea, creating a typhoon-size wave, letting it hit Twilight. Chrysalis laughed as her lover was washed under the water. But when Twilight wasn't coming up, Chrysalis dove into the waves in search for the alicorn. She found Twilight's leg and pulled, pulling all of Twilight onto the shore. Chrysalis picked her up to see if she was breathing, which she was. Twilight opened her eyes, her muzzle inches away from Chrysalis's. They leaned in and mashed their lips together passionately. When they broke apart, they looked down at the large crowd that had formed, drenched form the titan wave. The two lovers blushed profusely. Then a young colt holding a bottle of sunscreen stepped forward. Chrysalis saw the cursed bottle and dropped Twilight, soaring away into the clouds. Chrysalis REALLY hated sunscreen.