My Apple Pie

by manuccia

First published

Soarin' gets a visit from Spitfire on Hearts and Hooves Day

It is Hearts and Hooves Day and no matter what he does Soarin' feels empty inside. That is until a certain mare shows up at his door.

My Apple Pie

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It was a warm spring day in Cloudsdale, and Soarin was flying home from yet another day at Flight school. As he glided through the bustling city his sense were assaulted with the sickly sweet scent of candies and pastries; and idle chatter as the navy blue maned pegasus flew by Cloudsdale's many crowded cafes. On any normal day Soarin's thoughts would dominated by his favorite food, Apple pie. But today wasn't just any day. Today was Hearts and Hooves Day, and on this day his thoughts were focused on a certain fiery maned mare.

I've known Spitfire since I was little; I still remember how we met.

'Nopony really liked me, I was last pony in my class to get my cutie mark, and last one to learn how to fly.' He thought of one day in particular:


It was in ordinary Tuesday afternoon, Soarin' was sitting down outside of the schoolhouse getting ready to eat lunch. As he quickly opened his lunch, and out found that his mom had packed him his favorite food, a big piece of Apple Pie. At this moment Soarin' was in heaven and nothing could ruin his happiness. That is everything until he saw Thunder Strike, the class bully, fast approaching him. 'What could he possibly want', Soarin nervously thought to himself.

"Hey blank flank, what have got there", he spat out.

"Ohhhh... nothing really. Just my lunch." Soarin' nervously stammered out.

"Aww isn't that cute", Thunder responded sarcastically as he picked up Soarin's lunch.

"Just leave me alone Thunder." Soarin' nearly yelled, as he tried to reach for his lunch but was unable due to his inability to fly.

"Oh, you want this, well go get it!" Thunder yelled as he threw it over the side of the floating city.

Soarin' just dropped his head in defeat and he could hear Thunder laughing at him. Soarin' was about to run home, when a yellow coated filly flew up between him and Thunder.

"Leave him alone you big bully!" Spitfire yelled. Soarin' just sat in astonishment as a complete stranger stood up for him. He recognized the filly, she was new to the class, her name was Spitfire if he remembered correctly. When he finally came out of his trance he noticed that Thunder had left and Spitfire was standing in front of him.

"Hey there my name is, Spitfire, what's your name?" Spitfire asked with a grin on her face.

"Ohhh, my name is Soarin.'" He said while looking at his fore hooves.

"Why was he making fun of you?" Spitfire asked.

"It's because everypony thinks I weird and I have no friends." He weakly replied

"Why don't you have any friends?" She inquired.

"Is it because you don't have your cutie mark yet?" She asked as she pointed to his flank.

"That and because I haven't learned to fly yet" he said as his ears drooped. He expected Spitfire to start making fun of him, but what she did surprised him.

Putting a hoof on his shoulder she said, "Well I can teach you how to fly."

Soarin' perked up a bit and looked at Spirfire. "You would really do that?" Soarin' wearily asked.

"Of course, anything for a friend", she said.

Spitfire spent the rest of the day teaching Soarin' how to fly. After they were done, he sped home to tell his mom about the new friend he had made.

Over the years, he and Spitfire would everything together, from studying with each other to going to Wonderbolt shows. They really became the best of friends. After all the years he began to fall for the mare.


'I just wish I was brave enough to tell her how I feel about her, maybe she just might give me a chance'. Soarin' thought.

As Soarin touched down at his front porch he thought, 'who am I kidding I am going chicken out like I always do' he hung his head as he enter the modestly sized cloudhouse near the edge of the city. As he entered the kitchen he was greeted by the sweet smell of a fresh baked Apple pie. His mouth watered as he stared at the golden-brown delicacy sitting on the counter top. He sped over to the steaming pie mouth agape and spied a note perched right next to the pie.


Your father and I are going to the Golden Pegasus in Canterlot tonight. Sorry for not letting you know sooner, I baked you a fresh Apple pie just how you like it. We should be home around 10 pm. I hope you enjoy your evening.



Soarin' picked up the pie and flew over to the kitchen table, and right as he was about to greedily dig into the apple delicacy. When he heard somepony knocking on the front door. 'Ugh...who could that possible be...' he pondered as his hesitantly trotted to the front door. *knock* *knock* "I'm coming", he said unenthusiastically.

Soarin' slowly opened the front door, and was greeted by a beautiful yellow coated mare. "Ummm... hi Spitfire.." Soarin' stammered.

"Hey, Soarin', what's up?" she asked him.

"Oh, nothing much. Would you like to come in?" he asked as he pawed sheepishly at the cloud porch.

"I would love to" Spitfire happily said as they walked into the kitchen. "Don't you have any plans for Hearts and Hooves day Soarin?"

Soarin thought for a moment and quickly stated, "uh not really". The pair entered the kitchen and sat down at the table.

Spitfire smirked when she saw the pie sitting in front for Soarin, "looks like you have an important date with an Apple pie" she jokingly said.

"Uhh yeah... I guess" he said, "I was about to eat before you arrived, would you like some?" he asked as he stared into Spitfire's amber eyes.

"I haven't eaten today, so yeah I could go for some pie" Spitfire simply stated. Soarin got up and trotted over to a cabinet and grabbed two plates and a chefs knife before returning to the table. He used the knife to precisely cut the pie in half, placing half one of the plates giving it to Spitfire. He took the other half for himself.

As Spitfire began to eat, all Soarin' could do is stare at the mare that sat across from him. 'She is the most beautiful mare I have ever seen', he thought as he stared into the mare's mesmerizing amber eyes. 'We have known each other since we were foals. She is my closest friend, and she she has always stood up for me. She even helped me learn how to fly. He sighed as he looked at the white fluffy floor. 'I am never going to have to courage to tell her'

Spitfire noticing Soarin' peculiar behavior she stopped eating and asked him, "Hey, Soar, what's wrong?"

Soarin' snapped his head up, and looked at Spitfire. "Ohhh.... nothing's wrong.... what would make you think something is wrong" he nervously said as he was suddenly interested in his front hooves.

"I have known you since we were foals Soarin'. You haven't even touched your pie and in all the time I have known you, you have never ignored pie" she flatly stated. "Now please tell me what's wrong, your my friend and I want to help" she pleaded as she looked at him with sympathetic eyes.

Soarin' looked up at Spitfire, "well I uhh... its just because..." Soarin stammered as he tried to find the right words. Taking a deep breath, he stated "I really like somepony, but I am afraid to tell them how I feel about them. I mean I have been trying to tell them for months now, but I am never brave enough", Soarin looked down at his hooves with a defeated look on his face.

Spitfire carefully studied Soarin' before saying, "Soarin, if you really care about this pony you should tell them".

"But what if..." Soarin was cut off.

"No what ifs. You are a great friend. I mean it when I say anypony would be lucky to be with you" she said with a reassuring smile and wink.

Soarin sat there processing what he just heard, 'does she already know? he frantically thought. 'Well it's now or never, and closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Spitfire... can I ask you something".

"Anything, Soarin" she reassured him.

"It's just that you have been a great friend to me, you always stood up for me and it's Hearts and Hooves day and.....",

'Now or never'.

"I really like you, Spitfire, and I wanted know if you would like to my special somepony.... would you like to be my apple pie?" Soarin nervously asked. Fearing the worst.

Spitfire simply smiled at the stallion siting across from her, one that made Soarin's heart melt. She slowly stood up and walked over to Soarin drawing him into hug, which he gladly returned. She gave him a peck on the cheek. Then whispered into his ear.

"I would love to".

My Apple Pie - Part 2

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The Sun was slowly rising over the horizon. Soarin’ was beginning to awake from his slumber. He slowly opens his eyes and finds he is not in his bed, but laying on a cloud out in the open. ‘What am I doing out here? Why am I not in my bed?’ He asked himself trying to remember why he is out here. ‘Did I fly in my sleep again?’ Soarin’ was beginning to get nervous. ‘But that was an amazing dream. I finally asked Spitfire out, and she said yes. Too bad it was just a dream.’ As he was replaying his dream in his head he tried to stand up, but found he was unable to. As he tried to move he felt something warm press against his chest. ‘What is that?’ Looking down he saw a sleeping Spitfire wrapped in his hooves. She was nuzzled in to his chest and he could feel her soft rhythmic breathing. A grin began to grow on Soarin’s face at the sight of the sleeping mare in his hooves. ‘It wasn’t a dream. I did it, I really did it.’ All Soarin’ could do is smile at the golden mare never wanting this moment to end.

After a few moments Soarin’ looked back at the rising sun and slightly began to panic. ‘Oh no, I am supposed to be in class right now. This is not good, what do I do!?!’ He began to think at a mile a minute. ‘Maybe if I get up now I can eat breakfast and then I can book it to class and get there on time. No, I can eat on the way. Or I could….’ As Soarin’s thoughts rambled on he felt the resting mare tighten her grip around him. He looked down at the mare; she now had her head resting on Soarin’s shoulder. ‘You know what, who cares about class. We both graduate in a month; I guess we can miss one day.’ Soarin’ began to run his hoof through Spitfire yellow and orange mane and saw a smile grow on her face.

As they were laying there Soarin’ began to hear Spitfire mumbling something in her sleep while she was nuzzling Soarin’ shoulder. ‘She must be having a good dream.’ Soarin’ chuckled. ‘I wonder what she is dreaming about.’ He asked himself as moved his ear down to her muzzle.

“… I love you Soarin’….”

Soarin began to tear up at Spitfire’s comment. He whispered in her ear, “I love you too, Spitfire.” He planted a small kiss on Spitfire’s forehead. Spitfire began to stir and slowly began to wake from her slumber.

Spitfire slowly opened her eyes and looked up into Soarin’s emerald eyes. “Morning Soar,” she said softly.

“Morning ‘Fire.” Soarin’ said as he slowly moved his muzzle down to Spitfire until their lips meet in a short, but sweet kiss.

Spitfire looked a Soarin’ with a smirk on her face. “Woah Soarin’, we just started dating yesterday.” She said playfully.

Soarin’s expression went flat. ‘Oh no, oh no, oh no….” He began to sweat and thinking of all the horrible ways this situation could end. “Ohh… I… I’m s-s-sorry about the Spitfire. I guess I… I wasn’t thinking and… and….” He rambled nervously.

Spitfire put a hoof over his mouth to stop his rambling. “It’s ok Soarin’. I was just joking.” Soarin’ breathed a sigh of relief. After a few seconds Spitfire removed her hoof and planted a kiss on his lips. “I had a wonderful time last night.”

“I did too.” Soarin’ said. “I’ve always loved watching the sunset and I am glad I got to share it with you.” Soarin’ said as he buried his muzzle into Spitfire’s mane. “Hey, Spitfire can I ask you something.” Soarin’ asked as moved his so he was looking into Spitfire’s amber eyes.

“Sure, what is it?” She asked tilting her head to the side.

Soarin’ thought for a second looking for the right words. “Why did you come to my house yesterday?”

“I wanted to talk to you.” She explained. “I saw that you looked upset in school yesterday and I wanted to make sure you were ok.” Both of the ponies thought back on the previous day. A smirk grew on Spitfire’s face. “You looked so nervous yesterday.” Spitfire said with a slight chuckle.

“I have never been so nervous in my life.” Soarin’ confessed as Spitfire buried her muzzle in Soarin’s neck. That was the truth, Soarin’ had never been that nervous in his entire life. “Hey, ‘Fire.”

“Yeah, Soarin’” Moving her head so she could look into Soarin’s eyes.

“Can we stay like this for a while?” He asked with a sheepish smile. Spitfire simply nodded and rested her head back on Soarin’s neck. Soarin’ began to think about the mare in his embrace and why he loved her. ‘She has always been there for me. She was my first real friend, and now she is my special somepony.’ Sun continued to rise and Cloudsdale was abuzz with activity, but the two ponies didn’t care. The only thing that mattered to Soarin’ was the mare in his embrace, and for Spitfire it was the Pegasus she was cuddled up with. They were in their own world and they were happy.

“I love you Spitfire.”

“I love you too Soarin’.”

The two ponies began to think to the future. They knew no matter what life threw at them they would they would have each other.

Two years later

Soarin’ and Spitfire both achieved their foalhood dreams of joining the Wonderbolts. It was Hearts and Hooves day and Soarin’ was washing up in the Wonderbolts’ locker room. Soarin’ was excited for tonight, and had a special night planed for Spitfire. Soarin’ quickly finished washing himself and after he hung up his uniform in his locker he took off towards his home. It was a short flight from the Wonderbolts’ practice field to his home and as he approached his house he saw Spitfire waiting for him. As Soarin’ approached her, she turned and smiled at him.

Soarin’ landed next the mare. “Ready for tonight?” Soarin asked.

Spitfire nodded and gently nuzzled the stallion. Both of the ponies entered the small house and Soarin’ led them into the kitchen. As they entered and Spitfire saw two apple pies sitting on the counter and one was in the shape of the heart. Spitfire sat down at the table as Soarin’ went and grabbed the heart shaped pie.

“I made this pie for you.” He said giving the pie to the mare.

“What about you?” Spitfire asked.

Soarin’ grabbed the other pie off the counter and sat down across from Spitfire. “Don't worry. I have this one, I hope you enjoy it.”

“Thanks Soarin’.” Spitfire said. Soarin’ watched as Spitfire began to dig into the sweet apple delicacy. After a few bites she found a small black box. She pulled out the object and studied it. “What is this Soarin’?” She inquired.

“Why don’t you open it?” He Said with a growing smile on his face.

Spitfire gave Soarin’ a confused look and slowly opened the box. In the box she saw a gold necklace and a charm in the shape and winged lightning bolt exactly like Soarin’s cutie mark. Soarin’ got up from his seat and trotted over to Spitfire. Spitfire was constantly switching her gaze from the necklace to the stallion next to her. She knew what this meant and she couldn’t believe it. Soarin’ was getting nervous. ‘Is she going to say no? What if she doesn’t want to marry me?’ The what ifs flooded Soarin’s mind. He closed his eyes expecting the worst. After a few moments of silence he felt himself being tackled to the floor of his cloud home. He opened his eyes and saw the mare had him in a loving hug.

“Yes Soarin’. Yes I will marry you.” She said as she brought him into a passionate kiss. After they finished their pies. they enjoyed the rest of their night together. All Soarin’ could think about is the future he has to look forward to with Spitfire. He was going to spend the rest of life with the mare of his dreams. His Spitfire, his apple pie.