An Old Friend From the Movie Franchise

by CrypticMetaphor

First published

Celestia & Luna receive a visit from a wise being from their past

Celestia has been prepping for this day for quite sometime. The day an old old friend was to drop by. The wise and powerful Yogurt lands in Canterlot and catches up with the princesses and sees how the other is doing and holding up with their successful brand.

"Oy, traffic was murder."

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The day had been quite relaxing in terms of royal business. There had only been a minor hooffull of paperwork and day court was decently quiet enough. Though the solar princess was in a bit of a tizzy, she had set about to make everything just perfect for the arrival of an old friend. This friend in question had known and practically raised the two sisters in their youth well into adulthood before he went off for many a few years. The solar monarch was busy dusting her room and coughed after she inhaled a cobweb. Her mane and coat were marred with dirt and her tail was out of sorts. A knocking at the door alerted Celestia to the arrival of her sister.

“Tia,” she looked at her sister in mild shock, “you look like you’ve taken the place of the royal chimney sweep.”

Celestia looked over to her sister and cleared her throat, “Oh…sorry Luna, I’ve just been too busy making everything just so for his arrival today.”

Luna shook her head, “Sister, you know he doesn’t ask for much when he gets here. He loves just seeing us, you know that.”

“I know,” she lowered her duster, “It’s just that he’s been gone for a long time that I want his first visit after all these years to be an experience.”

Luna hugged her sister, “Be at ease, he’s not picky,” she looked to the side, “much…”

A loud thunder crack alerted the sisters to a vessel coming out of a wormhole that soon snapped shut. The vessel in question resembled a modified Oldsmobile Cutlass with a V8 Engine roaring under its hood. A pair of chrome wings and three hyper jets on its backend propelled it toward the royal landing pad. It started doing passes over the castle prepping for a landing as Celestia and Luna ran to the pad and awaited the vessel. After one final pass the Cutlass levitated above the pad and touched down flawlessly. The front door opened as a small humanoid creature emerged. To some, it would look like a gold skinned goblin with white hair wearing green robes with gold trim. The being was muttering as he pulled a wooden cane from the front seat and then shut the door.

“Ah, finally,” the creature mused with a mild accent, “I can stretch my legs. Honestly they need to build seat warmers in this thing.”

Luna’s face lit up as she trotted happily over to the being, “Master Yogurt!”

Yogurt turned his head and smiled warmly as he shuffled toward Luna with his arms open, “Ah, Luna my bubala ,” Luna bent down as the three creatures hugged, “Now come on, come on, let me get a look at ya.”

Luna stopped hugging the small creature and did a small twirl as Yogurt nodded, “Just as I always said, you ate your greens and grew up into a healthy mare.”

Celestia cleared her throat nervously and Yogurt’s smile vanished, “Celestia, what in the world happened to you? You look like you lost a fight with a Rancor.”

Celestia blushed with embarrassment, “I was just tidying up in preparation for your arrival.”

Yogurt shook his head with a small smile, “Celestia, still as responsible as ever. Come now, give Yogurt a hug.”

Celestia smiled and hugged her old friend.

“Well I can say this about the two of you,” Yogurt chuckled, “Celestia is still the taller one.”

Luna scrunched her face as she levitated Yogurt onto her back.

Soon they were trotting through the halls and eventually they were all in Celestia’s room.

Celestia had cleaned herself and joined them quickly.

Yogurt sat cross legged on the floor, his cane across his lap as he stared at the royal sisters.

Luna smiled and she munched on a doughnut while Yogurt had some coffee in front of him, “So Master, how was your trip over?”

Yogurt clicked his tongue and waved a hand in the air, “Oy, don’t even get me started. First I come to a toll booth at the west end wormhole. I mean honestly if they are so desperate for money, do some fundraisers or use this newfangled Paetron ya shlameels,” he sipped his coffee and nodded, “now that’s a good cup of coffee. But how’ve my two bubala’s been doing?”

Celestia smiled, “Quite well, the kingdom is at peace and nothing out of the ordinary has happened recently.”

Luna nodded, “Well except Throbulator, the pony of Headaches from the fourth dimension.”

“Oh I hated that guy,” Yogurt waved his hand in the air, “always; always on about the whole I’ll take over your world with my mental powers.”

Celestia nodded, “Tell me about it.”

Luna pursed her lips, “So how goes business.”

Yogurt shook his head in disappointment, “Well It’s not as great as I wished. Kids these days with their pop culture and vampire movies, no one knows how to make a decent comedy film anymore. I mean the Spaceballs sequel is still in limbo,” he smirked, “But on the lighter side, thanks to TV repeats and on-demand, our franchise’s following is growing.”

Celestia smiled warmly, “that’s great.”

Yogurt nodded and pointed at them, “Which is another thing. I’m proud of you two in more ways than one. You remembered my teachings well. Your franchise is growing massively. And not only that, but fan-art, fanfictions, even fan toys, your brand is succeeding quite well. But to be honest after that debacle with season 3,” he raised both of his hands, “I almost gave up hope. But you did it right with season 4! Though I have to ask,” he sipped his coffee, “have you ever considered firing Hasbro?”

Celestia looked at the viewer, “Understand? We employ them.”

Celestia addressed Yogurt, “Well they are the ones releasing our soon to be two movies.”

Yogurt pursed his lips, “But humans, really?”

Luna shrugged, “To be honest when I wrote the screenplay for the first one it seemed good at the time. Plus Sunset was originally going to be the main character in the show.”

“But that was a wise course of action,” Yogurt pointed and nodded at Luna, “make her the movie exclusive. Gives more incentive to see the films and then buy them on DVD.”

Celestia nodded, “Just wait until the second one hits theaters, it’s a tad darker.”

“Is that even possible?”

Luna smirked, “Pie can bribe many producers.”

Yogurt nodded, “Amen, now,” he raised his coffee cup, “to the future of the franchises!”

They clinked cups before sipping.

Yogurt then added, “Oh by the way, you two haven’t gotten rusty using da Schwartz have you?”

Celestia levitated the coffee pot over to herself without her horn firing up. While Luna levitated a coffee creamer to Yogurt.