> Gazing at the Sky > by Fullmetal Pony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Test Day! Part 1 > --------------------------------------------------------------------------         Okay. Quill? Check. Inkwell? Check. Scratch parchment? Check. Ugh, why does it feel like I’m forgetting something? Star kept shifting his focus from where he was walking to what was in his saddle bags. Probably not the best idea given that he was in a crowded Canterlot building. Not just any Canterlot building though, it was the Bureau of Inter-Equestrain affairs. It was quite the impressive building with marble pillars and walls adorned with neat little curios from around the world. Star had been quite tempted to oggle over the Neighponese armory collection the building sported, but be had more important matters to deal with today.         Just remember your breathing exercises Star. You’ll be fine, you know this stuff. You’ve been studying for this test for months... I didn’t forget any forms did I?!  Star quickly looked through his bag again and saw that everything appeared to be in order. Appears to be... oh, I know I’m forgetting something! Darn! I don’t have enough time to check my hotel room again. If Star did have time, it would have been his third sweep of the room. However, his ambassador exam was in fifteen minutes, and in terms of worry priority being late topped missing trinkets.         Oh crap! I didn’t forget Zecora’s anti-sneezing medication did I!? Now in a pure panic, Star shifted through his bag, searching for the herbs Zecora had been kind enough to give him for only a few bits. He would not be sneezing during the test. Discord and Nightmare Moon could burst into the exam on the back of a raging Ursa Major and it still wouldn’t be as bad as Star sneezing in the middle of it. Despite having made great friends through his little allergies, he still had a great fear of those in high standing finding out about his condition. Even in the best case scenario, if Star sneezed in the middle of the test they’d probably have to restart it at a later date. Nothing messes up a test like a stallion turning into a ma- Star’s thoughts were cut off by him bumping into to something... or rather somepony.         “The nerve!” The white stallion complained. “Watch where you are walking, peasant!”         “Sorry!” Star said as his face went from its normal brown color to pure white. He’d just bumped into the most egotistical stuck-up jerk in all of Canterlot, probably all of Equestria, maybe even the world.         “Ugh, you do realize I’m royalty, right?” Prince Blueblood snorted at Star. “Why Aunt Celestia even asks me to go to these places is beyond me!”         “I... I’m very sorry, your highness,” Star said as he timidly backed away from the Prince.         “What’s your name commoner? Be quick with your answer!” “S-s-star G-gazer, your highness.” “Well,” Blueblood pushed back his mane as he spoke, “Star, you'd best watch yourself. Canterlot does not tolerate your kind of unsophistication. I suggest you make haste with whatever business you have here and leave before you offend somepony else.” “Yes,” Star said as he gritted his teeth and bowed to the Prince. “Thank you for the advice, your highness.” “You’d best remember it!” Blueblood trotted away in a huff. How in the name of Celestia does a jerk like that get born into royalty!? Star now stomped down the halls of the bureau to the room where the test was being held. I thought the stories about him were bad, but pain in the neck does not even begin to describe him! Signs were now popping up leading to the exam room. Forget it Star, get your mind back in order. Star stopped stomping and went back to trotting normally. Who cares if Blueblood is the jerk everypony says he is? You just had the bad luck of running into him. Star spotted the room and galloped over to it. He had three minutes left until the exam started. You’ll probably never see the jerk agai- “Do you mind?” Blueblood said as Star bumped into him again. “Oh, it’s you. To think Aunt Celestia would let an uncouth urchin like you take this exam. I fear for the integrity of this establishment.” “I, um...” Damn it! Did I fall into a nightmare or something? “Prince Blueblood, step aside please,” said a gruff tall stallion. His coat was grey and his mane was black. A third eye was on his flank and was partially covered by his wings. “Name?” he asked Star. “Gazer, Star, sir.” Holy crap! It’s Iron Wing! I’ve only seen pictures of him in texts when he mitigated the first dragon migration! He.. he’s the personal ambassador to the Princesses! “Forms?” Iron said in a grizzled tone. “Y-yes,” Star replied as he pulled out the paperwork from his bag, “rif hrf srr.” Iron did a quick look over the forms and then nodded at Star. “Very orderly, a good start kid.”         “T-thank you Sir Wing!” Star excitedly said. Did... did Iron Wing just compliment me? “Don’t live up to your name though.” Iron interrupted Star’s reverie. “You still gotta take a test. Now take a seat.”         “Why even compliment him, Sir Wing?” Blueblood said as he slouched back into a chair at the front of the room. “Anypony with eyes can see he’s clearly a peasant trying to act like he’s entitled.”         Star trotted to any empty desk as Iron responded to Blueblood. Star couldn’t hear the whole conversation, but he did pick up Iron scowling at Blueblood. That cheered Star up a little. As he took his seat, got all his supplies out, and looked around the room. There were around twenty other applicants, a good majority of which were unicorns. There were also unicorns lining the walls, proctors most likely. As the clock on the wall dinged nine o’clock, Iron stepped to the front of the room.         “Welcome!” His volume was at near-royal canterlot voice levels. “Today you are all gathered here so that we may determine which of you is the best of the herd. This is no simple task you are undertaking today! Should you pass this exam, you, like myself, will be given the responsibility of sharing and delegating Equestria’s interests with the world. Every word you say and every action you take will be a reflection not only of yourself, but of Equestria as a whole. Keep that in mind as you take this exam. One small mistake can have huge repercussions!” Iron smiled a little. “I’ve burnt my flank enough times to know that for a fact.”         Star tried as hard as he could to stifle his laugh (everypony in the room was trying to). Iron then gestured a hoof over to Blueblood. “As is tradition, to ensure these exams are royally sanctioned, today his royal highness...” Star could have sworn he say Iron’s face scrunch up a little, “Prince Blueblood will be monitoring our exams today!” As Iron spoke, sheets of paper covered in various aura flew down to each of the applicants’ desks. “You will have two hours to complete the exam. Check to make sure all information on your packet is correct before you begin. You may use the restroom, but you must be accompanied by a proctor. You have two hours starting now!” ~~~ The sound of quills on parchment was practically the only sound in the room. There was a light cough here and there as well. There’d also been a slight freakout by one of the unicorn applicants. Blueblood had carelessly been walking down one of the room’s aisles and his tail had knocked over the poor unicorn’s inkwell. She’d broken down into tears and Blueblood hadn’t even apologized. Luckily, a proctor was able to perform a “spilt milk” spell and fixed the exam. It had been fortunate that the ink had spilled onto a blank page of the exam, otherwise all the unicorn’s answers would have been swept away as well. It just made Star want to finish the exam faster and get away from Blueblood. Star didn’t finish the exam first (he always waited for somepony else to turn in their exam first), but he was at least one of first ten to do so. With a shaking hoof, he’d turned in his exam. But just before he made it to the door, Blueblood stopped him. “I’ll have you know that all applicants must pass my admission as well,” he whispered to Star. “Between you and the unicorn foal, I have good mind to fail all you applicants!” Star was about to snap. “You...” Before Star could finish his insult, Blueblood spun around and hit Star in the face with his tail. Unfortunately,  Blueblood’s tail flick perfectly tickled Star’s nose. He felt the sneeze coming on immediately. He blotted out of the room. "Ah..." Crap! Crap! Crap! The no good son of hydra! He had to be lying, right? Er! It doesn’t matter, I need to find a place to hi- Star instantly spotted a darkened room, lept into it, and bucked the door to close it. Just as the door shut behind him, he produced a sneeze. A stallion had jumped into the room, but a mare had landed on the floor. “Oww!” she complained. “Great, just great! At least I didn’t sneeze where anypony saw me.” Star got up and examined her now-female body for any scrapes or bruises. “Everything seems fine...” Star then felt something wet on her side. “Except for my bag.” Star chucked off her bag and saw a large black stain developing on it. “Crap!” She quickly pulled out her books and other material as she searched for the broken inkwell. “It’s all that jerk’s fault!” Star found the broken inkwell and slowly pulled out the jagged pieces with her hooves. A case of good planning had put the inkwell next to scratch parchment, which had been the only thing damaged by the ink. Well, the only thing damaged aside from the bag itself. “Damn it!” Star cussed as her longer mane fell over her glasses. “I’m gonna need to get a new bag now!” Star sighed as she used the rest of the scratch parchment to clean up as much of the ink that was left in the bag. As she cleaned the bag, her thoughts went back to the exam. Blueblood was just being the idiot. There’s no way anypony would let him actually decide who passes the exam. Star finished cleaning the bag as best as she could and collected her stuff back into it. She sighed as she got began to trot back into the halls of the bureau. I just have to wait and see. For now I need to get a new bag and find a place where it’s safe to sneeze. Star rounded a corner and bumped into somepony. Oh Celestia bucking damnit! “Why do ponies keep-” Blueblood angrily turned around, but his voice lost its anger as he saw Star, “bumping into me.” “I, uh...” What did I do wrong? What? I don’t deserve this! Star started to back away. “Ah,” Blueblood said as he slicked back his mane, “I see you recognize me. I can’t really blame you though, I’m the prince everypony knows. Never-the-less,” Blueblood did a small bow, “I am Prince Blueblood. May I ask what your name is?” “You already know my n-” Star stopped. Crap! I’m a mare right now! Great, I have to introduce myself again to to this creatin! “I... I...” “Oh, no need to be intimidated. I know all the ponies say it’s hard to be around a living legend like myself, but I only ask for your name.” “It’s Cloudy... Cloudy Sky,” Star mumbled. Why the buck does he care what my name is? Probably gonna try and have me exiled too. “I see, and what brings you to this...” Blueblood scrunched his face as he looked around the crowded bureau, “tacky place?” Screw it! He can’t recognize me right now! I’m gonna give him a piece of my mind! “Well I was here to support my brother, but he seemed really mad about something.” “If I may ask, what is your brother’s name?” “Star Gazer.” Star shot daggers at Blueblood, but the pompous pony didn’t seem to notice. “Ah yes, the uncouth pegasus,” Blueblood mused as he tapped a hoof to his muzzle. “No offense, but your brother is quite the brat.” I am going to beat the everloving crap out of him! I don’t care if I get sent to the moon for it! “Well, my brother was working really hard for that position. It’d be a shame if he didn’t get the job for such a...” Star nearly let one fly on Blueblood, “simple mistake.” “I suppose you’re right. Actually,” Blueblood trotted a little closer, “I think he’d make a great ambassador.” “Yes, I’m sure you’re a great a- wait what?” Star’s glasses nearly fell off from the doubletake she did. “Well, I’m assuming that if you came with him today that if he became an ambassador you’d have to be in Canterlot a lot more too.” “I... I suppose.” Did I miss something? Did Celestia finally zap the annoying out of him? “Well, I think your brother and the rest of the applicants are in good standing then.” “R-really?” Star was so excited, she didn’t notice Blueblood getting closer to her. “Yes, on one condition.” Blueblood was looming over Star now. “What’s that?” Star eyed him suspiciously. Great, he’s probably gonna ask me to degrade myself. “I would like to cordially invite you to dinner.” Blueblood flashed Star a smile that just made her want to punch him more... if he wasn’t trying to hold back throwing up. “Wh... what did you just say?!” “I suppose it is a bit unnatural for a prince to ask a commoner out, but you deserve a better life than whatever it is you live with your brother. So I’ll cut you a deal, go to dinner with me and your brother passes his exam. Know that I wouldn’t be saying this unless it was to a mare I found incredibly ravishing.” Star tasted the pumpkin muffin she’d had for breakfast in the back of her mouth. Her mind was split between beating Blueblood until he made Discord look handsome and puking on the marbled floor. Dear Luna! It’s worse than with Big Mac! At least Big Mac was a friend! Blueblood... he... he... BUCK! Why?! Why did he have to be the one to proctor the exam?! “I, uh, I’m busy tonight.” “That’s really a shame,” Blueblood sighed as he pushed his mane back in a flamboyant manner, “without a good meal with a pretty mare by my side I may have to disapprove of all the applicants.” “You can’t do that!” Star screamed. Everypony walking the halls looked at her and Blueblood. “Ah, you’ve got some fire in you, I like that in a mare. Well, my offer still stands. If you’re up for it and you want you brother to pass, I’ll be waiting for you at Le Hoof at seven tonight. I can’t wait to see what you wear.” Blueblood gave her a kiss on the cheek then trotted off and left Star standing there. She barely made to the restroom. She had really liked that pumpkin muffin too. “Ugh!” Star wiped her mouth as she stood over the toilet. “I’m gonna kill him! That self-entitled, spoiled...” Star quickly rubbed her hoof back and forth along her cheek, trying to eradicate Blueblood’s taint. “That pervert! I... I...” “Um,” a stallion’s voice broke Star’s ranting, “mam, do you need some help?” “I’m fine!” “Well, it’s just that... you’re kind of in the stallion’s room.” “Oh for the love of Celelstia!” Star brought a wing to her nose and tickled her nostrils. There was a sneeze and then an angry male pegasus stormed out of the stall. “You see any mares here?!” “N-no!” The small stallion inched back and left the bathroom, leaving Star alone in the bathroom. “Crap, I must have freaked him out.” Star slumped down on the tiled floor. “What am I gonna do now?”          > Test Day! Part 2: Preparation > --------------------------------------------------------------------------         Darn! I can’t poison him at dinner, not until I get his approval. Star fumed as he walked out of the bureau. How am I even going to find something to wear? “Argh!” This would be so much easier if Rarity was here! Star trotted down the steps and passed by the large statue in front of the bureau. It was quite a nice statue made of marble and silver. It was a globe with a group of ponies heading out from the point on the globe that symbolized Equestria. As Star passed it, he heard a small cry. He moved over to the other side of the statue and saw the unicorn who’d had the meltdown during the exam. Her coat was peach colored and her mane was blonde with green lines streaking through it. A crisscrossing tangle of green lines adorned her flank. She was curled up and sniffling. “You okay?” Star timidly asked. “Oh, just go away!” She cried. “I don’t want to talk to anypony... not after that... that...” She broke down in sobs. Star patted her with a wing. “Trust me, I wanted to slug that jerk too.” “He treated you horribly also?” The unicorn looked up at him with tear-filled eyes. “Horrible doesn’t even begin to describe it. First I lightly bumped into him and I had to bow in apology, then he threatens to cancel the entire exam because of his mistakes, and then that damn foal asked me to dinner!” “Wait, dinner?” The unicorn’s face turned from sadness to confusion. “Er, sorry, I just got a little caught up in what a pain Blueblood is,” Star partially lied. “I meant to say he had the nerve to ask my sister out to dinner, even after she told him how mad I was.” “Tch, Blueblood is thick about everything that doesn’t tick him off, there’s a very narrow line between the two.” The unicorn backed away, wiped away any remaining tears she had, and held out a hoof. “I’m Dream Weaver. Sorry, I must look like a mess right now.” Star grasped the hoof and shook it. “No problem, trust me, I’ve seen mares in much worse states.” I do own a mirror after all. “Nice to meet you Dream, I’m Star Gazer.” “Odd how ponies meet each other under the strangest circumstances, isn’t it?” Dream mused. “Oh, I definitely have experience in that department as well.” That had to have been the weirdest week of my life. Star thought as he recalled when his gender troubles first started. “Well, nice to know I’m not the only pony who wants to kick Blueblood’s flank.” She forced a small smile onto her face. “I think the entire kingdom wants to do that. Although...” Star furrowed his brow. “There’s that dinner thing.” “Your sister’s not really gonna go to dinner with him, is she?” “I- she doesn’t want to, nopony would want to. But it may be the only way to get that moron to pass our exams. If it means getting everypony to get past Blueblood, I’ll do it.” “Wow,” Dream let her mouth gape. “You and your sister would really be willing to do that for me? For all the applicants? Darn!” Dream slammed a hoof to the ground. “I really wish there was some way to help.” “Well...” Star awkwardly looked around. “My sister’s not the best on dates, even in the best circumstances... plus, she’s got nothing to wear.” “Hmm,” Dream brought a hoof to her face. “I’ve got it! I know a few ponies in town who could help. Plus, I could give her some pointers on how to manipulate the buck out of that slime.” “I...I like the sound of this.” The manipulating part’s a little scary, but oh, do I want to give Blueblood his comeuppance. “So where is your sister right now and what time is the dinner?” “The dinner’s at seven and my sister...” Star’s eyes nervously looked up at the sky for a second. “She, uh, had a little fit about the whole thing and went back to the the Mareiot, it’s where we’re staying right now.” “Okay,” Dream nodded as she spoke, “do you think you can meet again in a hour?” “Here?” Star asked. “I think this’ll work.” Dream tapped a hoof against the statute. “I just need to find the ponies who can help and then we can get started. Sound like a plan?” “Sounds good!” Star smiled a little. Star unfolded his wings as he was about to speed off. “Oh! What’s your sister’s name?” Dream stopped him just before he took off. “It’s, um, Cloudy Sky.” Star never liked using the alias. “We’re, uh, twins so we look a lot alike.” “Okay, I’ll see you in an hour.” Dream smiled at him before her horn was surrounded in an aura and she teleported away in a flash of light. “I hate reintroducing myself,” Star sighed before he took to the skies and flew back to his hotel. He quickly passed through the lobby and up to his room. He unlocked his room’s door and quickly shut it behind him. “Crud!” Star threw off his saddlebags and starting searching through his luggage bag. “Neither Blueblood nor Dream saw my cutie mark so at least I don’t need to change that part. Hmm, I better switch glasses though.” Star rifled through his suitcase and pulled out the girliest thing he owned; a pink glasses case that held a pair of rounded glasses. He liked his square glasses, but almost no mare wore square glasses. Star sighed some more. “I’m gonna need a drink after this.” He replaced his square glasses with the rounded ones. He started walking over to the bathroom. “Come on Star.” He brought a wing to his nose and sneezed. “It’s just gonna be a dinner,” Star said as she passed into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. She picked up her brush and started trying to straighten her mane. “Oh, who am I kidding? I’m not gonna need a drink after this, I’m gonna need every drink in Canterlot!” A knock at the door brought Star out of her lamentations. “Oh buck! He didn’t figure out where I was staying, did he?” Star nervously trotted over to her door and looked in the peephole. To her relief, Star saw that the unruly prince wasn’t on the other side. Rather it was... “Dream Weaver?” Star asked as she opened the door. Why is she here? It hasn’t even been thirty minutes. “Oh,” Dream held out a hoof, “you must be Cloudy. Wow,” she looked Cloudy up and down, “your brother wasn’t kidding about the twin thing. Is he here?” “Um no,” Star nervously replied as she shook Dream’s hoof. “He got so flustered that he, uh, just flew off as soon as he told me the plan... I hope he doesn’t do something stupid.” “Eh, stallions’ll be stallions.” Dream shrugged. “Ah, a good scrap never hurt anypony,” came a voice. “I remember how I used to be quite the rapscallious colt.” Star peaked out of her room to see where the voice was coming from. When she saw the voice’s source, her mouth nearly hit the floor in surprise. A white unicorn stallion with a blue mane, an accompanying blue mustache,  three crowns for a cutie mark, and a suit was standing in the hall. “Y-you’re...” Star quivered. “Facnypants.” The stallion walked forward and a small bow to Star. “It’s a honor to meet you madam.” “I...” Holy crap! He’s Fancypants! Everypony knows him! What’s he doing here?! “The, uh, honor is all mine. It’s not every day that you meet such a well known pony.” “I assure you, what you’ve heard of me is just a vast exaggeration. You and your brother sound like much more chivalrous ponies anyway.” Fancypants’s tone alone could have made mares swoon and made stallions jealous. “I... I’m just trying to do what I want to do. But I never thought I’d be getting help from you.” Star looked over at Dream. “Why didn’t you say the pony you were looking for was Fancypants?!” “He’s an old friend of my family,” Dream replied. “When I mentioned our predicament, he was...” “More than happy to help,” Fancypants finished Dream’s sentence. “I have also had more than my fair share of run-ins with that ruffian of a prince. I’m still quite displeased with him for the way he treated my lover at the last social we attended.” “Oh,” Dream frowned, “not Liz! She’s such a kind mare. He didn’t insult her weight did he? Everypony knows how emotional she is about that.” “I wish he had only been that uncouth.” Fancy looked away from Dream and back at Star. “But we have more pressing issues to deal with.” “I was actually kind of wondering about that.” Star turned to Dream. “I thought we were going to meet at the statue.” “We were,” Dream replied. “But when I was looking for Fancypants, I found out he was at the Mareriot.” “I do own the chain after all,” Fancypants interjected. “Anyway,” Dream continued, “after I found him, I thought it would be faster to just check if you were here. We’ve only got five hours until dinner. Between finding a dress and giving you pointers, we should just barely make it.” “Well then,” Fancypants said as his horn started to glow. “It’s a bit of a trip, but I know the best dressmaker in Equestria.” “Wait!” Star cried out. “I’m not good with telepo-” The trio was gone in a flash. ~~~ “Hmm,” Rarity mused as she looked over the designs for her new fashions. “Should I go with amber or crystal for this dress?” She flipped through her sketchbook as she floated different types of gems next to each one of her drawings. “Perhaps a combination will...” A loud crackle and a flash of light interrupted her thought process. “Don’t tell me Sweetie and her friends tried something again,” Rarity pouted as she trotted away from her dressmaking area and made her way to the hall. She nearly collided with a brown pegasus. “Star?!” “Bathroom!” Star zoomed past her and into one of her house’s bathrooms. She emerged a few minutes later. “Ugh! Screw magic!”   “Star, what in Equestria are you doing here?” Rarity asked as she trotted over to the mare to help steady her. “I thought you were in Canterlot with that exam thing.” “I was, but then...” Star’s face turned into a scowl. “Blueblood!” “That whelp?!” Rarity’s face blanched. “Oh good, you know him!” Star said as Rarity helped her downstairs. “‘Cause I kind of need your help.” “I’m not sure how much I can help you with Blueblood. Did I ever tell you the time at the Gala when he- Fancypants?!” Rarity’s eyes went wide in surprise when she saw the stallion and an unfamiliar unicorn standing in the middle of her shop. “Ah, Rarity, jolly good to see you again,” Fancypants said with a smile. “Although, I wish our meeting had been on a better terms. But it is good to see you already know this young lady. You see, we are in need of your assistance.” “St- Cloudy,” Rarity looked back at Star, “could you update me a bit on the situation?”         Star sighed a little. “Yes, I might get sick again though.” ~~~         “That brute!” Rarity stomped a hoof to the ground. “No offense Cloudy, but to act like an uncaring jerk to me and and a deviant pervert to you is just too much! You can’t honestly be thinking of doing this, right?!”         “If it was just my exam, I’d have beaten the everloving mercy out of Blueblood.” Star’s eyes softened as she turned and looked over at Dream. “But that’s not the case, everypony’s exam is on the line.”         “You really are a gentleco- mare! A gentle caring mare,” Rarity corrected herself, as Fancypants and Dream raised the eyebrows at her. “Um, anyway what do you need? A mallet? An ugly stick? Some blunt weapon I’d usually never suggest?”         “I...” Star’s face turned red. “I need a dress, not too frilly, please?”         “Oh...” It was Rarity’s turn to blush. “Yes, certainly. I can see where problems would arise there. I’ll, uh, get you something very basic. I think a simple black gown will do.” Rarity’s horn lit up and a black dress flew over towards the group. “I also have a few shoes and earrings you could wear.”         “I guess the shoes are unavoidable.” Star brought a hoof up to her ear. “You’re not touching the ears though. I want as few marks left by this as possible.”         “Right,” Rarity replied. She bit her lip a little. “There’s one other thing. I’m going to need to measure you again.”         Star timidly stepped over to the raised platform that was partially enclosed by three mirrors. “I’m gonna go through much worse tonight anyway.” ~~~ “Wow!” Dream exclaimed as she looked over Star. Star was currently in the black dress, with a beautifully styled mane, and shoes that matched the dress perfectly and accentuated her figure. Star was naturally redder than Big Mac’s coat. “Cloudy, you really look amazing, shame it’s being wasted on such a pig.” “I...” Star looked at herself in the mirror and her eyes went crooked for second. “I know.”  Her eyes fell and she looked away from the mirrors. “Hey,” Dream patted her on the back, “I know it’s hard to go through this, but don’t worry.” Dream gave Star a wink. “I’ll give you some pointers on how make this night Blueblood’s worst.” Dream I just wish you could know the whole story behind this. Star kept her thoughts to herself and just uttered a meak, “Thanks.” “I’m willing to help too,” Rarity spoke up. “Trust me, if you somehow managed to court Blueblood’s interests, then he must be more lovey-dovey over you than I can even imagine.” “That really doesn’t help, Rarity,” Star said with a frown. “What I think she means,” Dream interjected, “is that he’s head over hooves for you. He may have the exams, but you have his heart. Let’s put it on a skewers, make him squirm on his own accord.” Dream started rifling through her saddle bag and pulled out a camera. “Who know, if you get him to do something really bad, I could get a picture of it and use it as blackmail.” Star giggled a little. “Remind me not to get on your bad side, Dream.” “Anyway,” Fancypants looked over at Rarity, “how much will this all be?” “Oh don’t worry about it, Cloudy is a good friend and I’d be willing to pay you to see that swine get his just desserts,” Rarity replied. “Although, if you get any photos that’ll be a good enough payment as well.” “I see.” Fancypants looked out one of the Boutique’s windows and saw that the sun was beginning to set. “Well, as a personal payment, feel free to stop by my abode any time for a spot of tea.” “I...” Rarity looked like she was about to faint out of amazement. “I don’t know what to say.” “It’s just tea, dear,” Fancypants replied as his horn started to glow and he looked over at the Star and Dream. “Well, I think we all want to get this over with as fast as possible. Shall we be off?” “Okay,” Dream said with a determined look. “Let’s give that prince a dinner he’ll never forget!” “Right,” said Star in a weak tone. In a flash, all three of them were gone, leaving one very concerned unicorn. “I should probably ask Twilight if there’s a memory erasing spell,” Rarity quivered. > Test Day! Finale: Date Night > --------------------------------------------------------------------------         “You look magnificent,” Blueblood said with a grin that would wilt flowers. “You almost look as good as me.”         Star was glad she’d already been sick twice today, otherwise she’d be losing whatever was left in her stomach. “Oh why thank you... my prince.” Just remember Dream’s pointers! Get him enamored and he’ll do whatever I want... oh sweet Celestia! Why am I thinking like that?! I’m a stallion!         “Well, shall we clear out the rest of the restaurant?” Blueblood looked around Le Hoof. It was packed, but then again, it was the place to be. Celebrities, nobles, and even the Princesses themselves were said to dine here. One usually needed to make reservations months in advance to get in and even then you still needed a shipload of bits to get through dinner. Blueblood must have thrown his weight around to get in, as had Fancypants to get himself and Dream a table. Star couldn’t currently see them, but they said they’d be somewhere where they could watch the dinner unfold.         “Oh Blueblood,” Star cringed a little as she cooed, “the atmosphere makes everything so much better though. I mean, it’d be great if we were alone, but with other ponies around it helps... highlight your status.” Hmm, wonder if I could incite a mob to beat the snot out of him.         “I see your point. I suppose it does take others to show how amazing I am. With all these hussy mares here, I could say the same for you.” Blueblood trotted over and sniffed Star’s mane. She nearly passed out. “Strange, I feel I’ve smelled that perfume before.” Blueblood shuddered a little. “It reminds me of... uncleanliness.”         “Oh, I’m sorry, my prince.” Every word Star uttered made her want to rip out her vocal cords. “Perhaps some food will clear up the smell?”         “Anything for you, my dear.” Blueblood stomped a hoof and a skinny unicorn matradee instantly rushed to greet them.         “Ah, P-prince Blueblood, r-right this way,” the matradee stuttered as he led Blueblood and Star to their table. The duo proceeded to take their seats. There was an awkward silence as Star just gazed at her menu while Blueblood gazed at her.         “Well?” Blueblood broke the silence.         “Well what?” Star replied.         “Aren’t you going to ask me about myself?” As Blueblood spoke he flexed a little in the white tux he was wearing.         “Oh my prince, everypony already knows so much about you.” Time to get some dirt on him. “There’s hardly a secret to you.”         Blueblood sighed a little. “The pain of being royalty. It’s only natural that everypony knows of my greatness. Though I suppose...”         “Yes...” Star’s eyes started to fill with delight.         “I suppose I should tell you that my favorite place in all of Canterlot is the royal library.”         “Really?” Ha! He’s secretly an egghead! So much for the macho man shtick. “Yes,” Blueblood said as he pushed back his hair. “I love going there, expelling all those ‘scholars’, and having the whole place to myself. They have quite comfy chairs there.” Star nearly facehoofed. I should have known that was too good to be true. Star’s brooding was broken by a waiter approaching the table. “What can I get for you to drink this evening?” The waiter asked.  “I’ll have your most expensive bottle of champagne... and I’ll be buying the rest of your wine stock to take home as well.” The waiter’s face turned white for a second, but he gritted his teeth. “An... an excellent choice sire, and what will the lady of the evening be drinking?” “The strongest thing you’ve got!” “A fine choice madam,” the waiter flashed Star a sympathetic look. “One sunshine liquor then.” With that, the waiter rushed off. “A mare with such a fine taste in drinks,” Blueblood mused. “You just keep getting more and more fascinating.” Star’s eyes nearly rolled to the back of her head. But then, out of the corner of her eye, she spotted Dream and Fancypants. They were holed up in a corner of the restaurant. Star noticed that Dream’s horn was glowing and that a cable was running from her table across the restaurant to Star’s. Good, the table’s bugged. I just need him to say or do something embarrassing. A glass filled with ice flew in front of Star. It began to be filled with an amber liquid that seemed to glow as it fell onto the ice. “Your drinks, sire and madam,” The waiter unicorn said as he finished pouring Star’s and Blueblood’s drinks. “Are you ready to order?” “I’ll have the jewel of canterlot salad,” Blueblood said as he slammed his menu into the waiter. “I’ll, um, just have the lunar casserole, please,” said Star. “That dish is quite big, madam,” the waiter said as he began to levitate Star’s menu away from her. “She said she wants the casserole, give her the casserole,” Blueblood complained. “Or do I need to talk to management about customer satisfaction?” “N-n-no sire.” The waiter began to sweat. “T-that won’t be necessary. I... I’ll place your order right away!” “Good. Also, for dessert we’ll be having the amore souffle.” “Impeccable taste as always sire.” Star could have sworn she saw the waiter scowl as he turned to place the order. “So, I’ve told you about me. Now I want to hear about you.” The stare Blueblood was giving Star made her skin crawl.   “Oh, um...” Star took a sip of her drink; it felt like her mouth was on fire. She started to violently cough. “Sorry *cough* this drink is really *cough* good! You should *hack* try it!” “Not familiar with magically enchanted drinks, are we?” A glow surrounded Star’s glass as it floated over to Blueblood, who took a sip of it. “This one has a particular edge to it, it’s enchanted by aunt Celestia herself.” “Oh, well,” Star smiled a little deviously, “you should have it then. You seem to know the drinks so much better than I do.” Geez! I only had a sip and that made the room spin. If he has the whole thing then I’m sure to get something embarassing out of him. “You’re too kind, Cloudy,” Blueblood said with glazed over eyes. “I really think you’re the girl for me... something wrong? You look a little pale.” “I, uh, just think the drink got to me. It really was a good idea for you to drink it.” Ugh! There won’t be enough bleach in the world to remove this horror. “Oh don’t worry about that, I’m sure we’ll have plenty of time to get you used to Canterlot once you move in with me.” Star laughed like a madpony. It was lucky that when Star laughed as a mare it came out as a giggle, otherwise Blueblood might have thought something was up. Ha! After tonight, Cloudy will just be the one that got away. A broken heart will do Blueblood some good. Shame I won’t be around to see it. As Star was thinking this, the food arrived. Despite all the horror this night contained, Star couldn’t help but admire the food. If there was one thing Star could get behind, it was good food, and this was the best food in all Canterlot, probably all of Equestria. Star dug into it without any care. Eating was at least an excuse to temporarily get away from Blueblood. Plus, Blueblood had just said Star had to go to dinner with him, he never said anything about how Star behaved. “Oh... oh my,” Blueblood said as Star chowed down on her food. “You, um, certainly have an appetite.” “Oh yeah,” Star replied with her mouth half full of food. “That’s not a problem is it?” “Er, uh...” Star was happy to see Blueblood wiggling in his seat a little. “It is no problem at all. Your... tenacity to eat just highlights how voluptuous you really are. I’ll teach you some proper manners sometimes. I’m sure your crassness just comes from your home life.” Star stopped eating for a second. “About that, you weren’t really going to fail my brother and all the other applicants were you?” Come on! Say you were just bluffing so I can smack you! “Well those who pass the exam need the royal seal of approval, and since I presided over the exam, that responsibility is also mine. Honestly though, I think you should just leave your brother in the dirt where he belongs. You can live with me in the palace and live like a princess. One day, when you marry me, you will be an actual one.” Star nearly choked on her casserole. “Marriage?! I... *hack* think it’s a bit soon for that!” “Well I can’t have that guard captain showing me up. He and his little foal of a princess think they’ll have the best wedding in all of Canterlot. Did you know I haven’t even gotten an invitation yet?” Oh, seems I’ve found a nerve. “Why don’t you tell me more about it?” Blueblood slicked his mane back again. “It’s this stuck up captain of the guard, Shining something whatever, everypony in Canterlot has been making such a big deal out of it. It’s not even for another month and all I hear is ‘shining this’ or ‘Cadence that’. Nopony even noticed the new statue I had erected in the royal garden. They’re all too enchanted by this stupid spectacle of a wedding, and the bride she...” Star swore she saw a nerve visible on Blueblood’s head. “Something wrong?” This should be good. “She used to foalsit me.” Blueblood took a swig of both the liquor and his own drink. “It’s not something I like to think about. Aside from aunt Celestia and aunt Luna, she’s the only pony I have to fully respect. It’s just weird for me to have to bow to somepony, they usually all bow to me. When I think that she only holds the same standing as me...” Blueblood slammed a hoof on the table. “She irritates me almost as much as that hussy from Ponyville!” “Hmm?” Star raised an eyebrow. “Yes! That’s right, that’s where that horrible smell come from!” Blueblood glared at Star. “Tell me you didn’t go to Ponyville for that dress?” “Well one of my good friends made it, she’s really a generous unicorn. She didn’t even...” “She’s a cur! An uncivilized brute who had no idea how to treat a stallion.” The other patrons of the restaurant were staring at Blueblood now. “I can’t believe you’d sully yourself by wearing one of that foal’s dresses. Her stink is all over you!” Blueblood slipped back into his chair and took another sip of his drink. “You look better without the dress anyway.” That’s it! He’s insulted Dream, degraded me, and now he’s shamed Rarity! Star looked down at her empty plate. Damn! I don’t have any food to throw at him! Er! The way he’s talked about me behind my back is also so... so... An idea hit Star. It was the perfect idea and she was willing to suffer for it. “Oh Blueblood, I’m sorry, I just thought you’d like the dress. I’ll go take it off right now.” Star got up to go use the bathroom. As she did, Blueblood graced a hoof over her flank. “I can’t wait to see your cutie mark.” His voice could have made flies pass out. “Oh... yes, I’m sure you’ll like it.” Star quickly walked past Fancypants and Dream’s table and signalled for Dream to follow her to the bathroom. ~~~ “That rotten scoundrel!” Star yelled in the bathroom. “Take it easy, Cloudy.” Dream patted Star on the back. “You’re almost done. Also, the Princess he mentioned, I...” “No!” Star yelled. “He’s gone too far! Nopony and I mean nopony lambastes Rarity like that! Not after what she helped me through!” “What exactly did she help you with?” Star sighed as she looked around the bathroom. “You know, I really hate having to go in here. It just feels wrong, I don’t belong in this place.” “I know Canterlot can be intimidating for out of town ponies, but aside from a few jerks like Blueblood, it’s not that bad,” Dream said as she gave Star another pat. “Dream, you don’t get it. I haven’t been completely honest with you. Buck, I’m sorry, but I’m gonna fix that all right now.” Star started taking off her dress. “What are you talking about?” “You’ll see in a second,” Star said as she handed off her dress to dream. “Do you still have your camera?” “Yeah, but could you just explain what you’re going to do?” As she spoke, Dream magicked the dress into her purse and levitated out her camera. “You’re making me a little nervous.” “Don’t worry,” Star said as she opened the bathroom door. “You’re gonna pass your exam... I’m just never going to be able to show my face in Canterlot again.” “Cloudy, wait!” The door slammed before Dream could stop her. “Oh Cloudy, don’t do something stupid.” Dream rushed out the door. ~~~ “I know you’re supposed to be dressed up for a place like this,” Blueblood said as he ogled over Star’s body. “But seeing you walk around naturally just makes you look all the more attractive.” “I’m sure it does,” Star said in the best seductive tone she could as she trotted closer to Blueblood. “I’m sorry.” “About what?” “I’ve probably been acting very unladylike tonight, but I’m willing to make it up to you.” Star kept getting closer to Blueblood. “How so?” Blueblood’s face started to get dotted with red. “I’ll tell you a secret and give you a treat too.” Star was now face to face with Blueblood. The prince didn’t notice her grab the pepper shaker. “I like the sound of this.” Star looked out the corner of her eye and saw that all the patrons were looking at them. Dream had her camera ready. “I’m sure you do.” Star looked over at Dream. “Now!” Star poured the pepper over both of them. “Cloudy? What in Equestria are you do-” Blueblood was interrupted by a sneeze and then he felt something touching his lips. He backed away with a stunned look on his face. “Oh yes, I knew I picked the right one with you Cloudy. You really are the mare of my...” Blueblood’s face went from stunned to horrified as he saw who had kissed me. “Hey Blueblood,” Star scowled, “my name isn’t Cloudy. It’s Star and I’m no mare!” “But... but you... I...” Blueblood looked like he was about to faint. Star rushed up and grabbed him by the collar. “Now you listen to me. Remember Dream? The unicorn you made cry in the exam!?” Star pointed his free hoof at Dream. “She’s got pictures of everything.” “You... you wouldn’t! If those pictures get out your reputation will be just as ruined as mine will be!” “Passing this exam is my life goal!  I’ve got nothing to lose!” Star increased his grip on Blueblood’s collar. “But... you can’t...” Blueblood had now lost all his bravado. “Oh yes I can! The only reason I didn’t beat you up before was because it wasn’t just my exam on the line. Now, are you gonna pass those exams or am I gonna have to show where your love interests really lie?” “No! Please! I... fine!” Blueblood snorted as Star released his grip on him. “You’ve forced my hand. I won’t forget this though!” Blueblood galloped out of the restaurant in a huff. Star trotted over to Dream and Fancypants. “I’m sorry.” “Cloudy... I’m mean Star. I... I’m confused!” Dream’s eyes went crooked for a second. “I know Dream, I’m really sorry.” “No, it’s just that this is...” Dream’s face reddened. “What you said in the bathroom makes a lot more sense now.” “That is quite a, er, remarkable skill you have there.” Even Fancypants seemed a little flabbergasted at the whole ordeal. “I’m a bit curious as to how such a skill was acquired.” “Ask Rarity about it sometime over that tea you promised.” “Oh dear, Rarity knew about this the whole time? Yet you were willing to wear that dress for the sake of the other applicants? You really are quite the gentlecolt.” “Well,” Star let out a big breath, “I’m just glad those who passed the exam are now sure to become ambassadors, right Dream?” “Yeah... just one question though.” “What?” “Were you really a mare the whole time? It wasn’t just an illusion?” “I- atchoo!” Star was back to her mare form. “You tell me. Do the eyelashes or the... other things look fake to you?” “I’ll take your word for it. Plus, I think I got a good enough look at you while you were getting fitted.” Star’s face reddened at the comment. However, a waiter walked up to break the awkwardness. “Um, madam- I mean sir, uh, whatever you want to go with.” The waiter naturally looked a little flustered.  “You are the first pony Le Hoof has ever seen show up Blueblood. He often frequents our establishment. Needless to say, he hasn’t been the best for business. So in honor of your services tonight, we’ll be floating your bill, and you and your friends may enjoy the souffle.” The crowd erupted into cheers and claps, now that the wet cloth that was Blueblood was gone. “Wow, you took care of Blueblood and you get a free dinner.” Dream wrapped a hoof around Star’s shoulder. “Guess it really is your lucky night.” “Guess so, wish I could have heard the stories Blueblood had about his foalsitter. I’d pay any price for those.” “Hmm, maybe you could ask her yourself,” Dream let go of Star and tapped a hoof to her chin. “What do you mean?” “It’s what I wanted to tell you in the bathroom.” Dream’s horn glowed and a piece of very fancy looking parchment flew out of her bag. “I don’t have a special somepony to go with, but I’d love to go with you as a friend. Consider it my way of thanking you for everything you’ve done. Plus, it’ll be a good way to celebrate become ambassadors, hopefully.” Star pushed back her glasses and read the parchment that was floating in front of her. “Dear Dream Weaver, you are cordially invited to the Royal Wedding of Shinning Armor and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. You are allowed to bring one other guest. Attire is formal. Reception to follow ceremony.” Star pushed the letter aside and looked at Dream. “Seriously?” “Yup.” Dream nodded. “Jolly good!” Fancypants smiled. “I’m sure you two will make the wedding even more delightful. I can’t wait to see you there.” His horn began to glow. “But now that tonight’s fun is over, I must go to tend to Fleur. See you at the wedding. Oh and enjoy the souffle.” In a flash, Fancypants was gone. Just as he left, the souffle arrived. “Wow,” Dream drooled a little, but she brushed it away with a hoof. “Sorry, I have a thing for sweets.” “Stop by Ponyville sometime then.” Star smiled as she took a bite out of the souffle. “I know a pony who makes the best desserts.” “I’ll have to make a visit then.” Dream smiled back at Star. “Still can’t believe I’m going to a Royal Wedding,” Star mused. “Nervous?” “Eh,” Star took another bite of the souffle, “what’s the worst that could happen?” ~~~ Next time... “For the love of Celestia!” Star yelled as the shower water fell down on him. “Get out!” “I just want to be with you, that’s all,” Cloudy said as she moved to embrace Star. > Seeing Stars Part 1: Change of Plans > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Guh, how do mares deal with this?” Star shifted her dress around as she sat next to Dream. “The dress is too long to walk around in and it keeps getting tangled in my hooves .”         “Sorry Star,” Dream said as she used her magic to untangle Star’s dress. “But my parents flipped when I said I’d be bringing a stallion to the wedding. I even told them you weren’t my coltfriend or anything, but they just kept yelling.”         Star sighed. “I should have just brought a suit to change into after we got here.”         “It’d work if my parents weren’t here.” Dream looked across the aisle at her two unicorn parents; a grey stallion with a white mustache and a pink mare with a yellow mane. “My dad should just change his name to hard a–” Before Dream could finish, the doors to the hall opened and Cadance walked in. “Wow, she looks amazing. What I’d give to have a gown like that.” “What is she muttering?” Star wondered. “I bet she’s just having some pre-marriage nervousness.” “You’re probably right, if I was getting married with this large of a crowd, I’d probably be a little nervous too.” Star watched Cadance walk by. Her white gown, golden hoof shoes, and shining tiara cemented the regal feel of the wedding. Shining Armor’s quite the lucky stallion. Star looked up at the stage where the groom, along with Celestia and the bridesmaids, was standing. Geez, dude looks absolutely awestruck. Can’t really blame him though. Odd that Twilight never really brought him up. Still... Star looked over the wedding’s bridesmaids. He’s got a good ensemble. “Jealous?” Dream teased. “I think you’d have to be crazy not to be jealous,” Star said as Celestia started the ceremony. “I’m just happy Twilight and her friends could help with the ceremony. They’ll probably be the best bridesmaids ever.”         “From the stories you’ve told me, they really do sound nice.” Dream blushed a little. “A shame I only got to meet Pinkie, she can be a little crazy though.”         “Heh, you should have seen how I acted around her before well...” Star passed a hoof over her dress. “This.”         Dream giggled a little. “Come on Cloudy, you wear the dress well.”         “You’re a cruel mare Dream,” Star playfully replied. Then he looked back at the stage. “Although, it’s strange. I see all of Twilight’s friends, but where’s...”         “Stop!” Twilight’s voice yelled from the back of the room. Star and Dream, along with everypony else turned around to see Twilight and...         “Cadance?!” Star and Dream said simultaneously as Cadance walked down the aisle to face the other Cadance.         “You confused?” Star asked Dream.         “I don’t think you’re the weirdest thing I’ve seen anymore.”         “Hey! Just cause I turn into a mare doesn’t make–” Star was interrupted by a burst of green magic at the front of the room. Suddenly, in one Cadance’s place, there was now a horrific looking creature. It had a black body and legs that looked like burnt wood. Its horn was warped and crooked, like a disfigured tree limb. Bug-like wings sprouted out of its back and its mane looked like it was made out of spider webs. The eyes were the worst part. They were like a pony’s, only over the normal pupil was a reptilian slit. “And now I’m terrified,” Dream said while instinctively backing away. “My changelings will devour all of Equestrai’s love!” said the terrifying creature as it came face to face with Cadence. “They’ll never get the chance!” Cadence screamed back at the monster. “Shining Armor’s protection spell will keep them from ever reaching us!” “Is that a good thing?” Star asked Dream. “I don’t know, but hopefully it means that–” Dream was cut off by the monster. The monster jumped to the front to stand by Shining Armor. “Even now my minions are chipping away at it.” “That’s not good.” Star started to back away towards the door. “Really not good,” Dream started to follow. “Mom! Dad!” She whispered as loud as possible. “Let’s get out of he–” Dream was interrupted this time by a blazing light. Celestia was making her move. “Holy crap!” Star hit the ground out of fear. “Dream get down! This can’t be good!” Dream and her family hit the deck too. Star then heard a thud. Celestia was on the ground. “No!” Star looked up in horror as the monster flew into the air and gloated over her victory. Star saw Celestia whispering to the girls before they rushed out the door. The monster laughed maniacally. “Dream!” Star yelled at her friend. “I think it’s time we–” There was a terrible shattering sound. Star and everypony else watched as the dome that was protecting Canterlot broke into millions of little pieces. “Oh crap.” Star was caught in a stream of ponies fleeing the hall. “Dream!” She yelled while trying not to get trampled. “Damn it! Dream!” In the ocean of panicked ponies, it was impossible to find her friend. “Crap! I need to get out of here!” Star went with the flow of the crowd and fled the hall. The streets were in chaos. All around, demonic creatures were falling from the skies and attacking anypony they saw. It was like something out of a horror novel. Star just ran. But the dress was her undoing and after a few minutes of running, it tripped her up. She fell, but a hoof was extended to her. “Thanks,” Star said as the hoof helped her up. “I was really worried for a... second.” Star saw that she had been helped up by herself. “W-what?” Her double just gave her a sadistic grin as it advanced closer to her. “S-stay back!” Star yelled at the doppelganger. “I-I’m warning you!” The copy kept advancing. “Okay fine! That’s how you want to play it! Too bad I know I’m not that strong when I look like that!” Star brought a feather to her nose and sneezed. Darn! Rarity worked hard on the dress!  The destroyed dress fell to Star’s side as he landed a swift upcut to the imposter who smacked into a nearby wall. “Ha! That’ll show you to mess with... me.” Star now saw he was surrounded by dozens of the demonic creatures. Star backed over to the wall as they encircled him. “Heh, um, we can talk this out, right?” The creatures kept getting closer. They had him completely covered, he couldn’t even use his wings to escape. They all lunged at him simultaneously. “Oh buck.” He closed his eyes. Star was whacked in the side by something. His world went dark for a few minutes. When he next opened his eyes he saw that his double was on top of him. He pushed her off and noticed that all the other monsters were gone. “What... what happened?” “Muh,” the double cried. “Oh crap! It’s still alive!” Star backed away from the imposter as it slowly opened its eyes. They were exactly like his, only the pupils were slitted. “You...” It even had Star’s voice. “You...” It was starting to get up. “Now look, I don’t want any t-” “You saved me!” The mare jumped on Star. “Oh thank you so much! I saw all those monsters surrounding us, but then I passed out. Thank you so much for fighting them off! My hero!” She bent down and kissed Star on the mouth. Star’s eyes nearly popped out of his head. He pushed her off and tried to crawl away. “Ugh! Mouthwash! I need mouthwash! I thought it couldn’t be any worse than Blueblood!” Star fought back all his urges to throw up. “Celestia! Luna! Somepony! What did I do to deserve that?!” “Oh, I’m sorry mister,” mare-Star said. “I guess I just got a little caught up in the moment.” She trotted closer to Star. “I’m just glad such a big strong stallion saved me.” She nuzzled Star. In response, his eyes turned to the back of his head for a second. “Star!” Dream broke Star out of his blackout. “Star! She galloped over to him. Her dress was now ripped and torn in places. She had a few scatches of her own, but overall, she looked fine. “Thank goodness! When I lost you in the hall I was so– huh?” Dream did a doubletake between Star and mare-Star. “Geez, I must have really bumped my head, am I seeing double?” “I wish,” Star said as he looked back at his double. “I’m still me, but she thinks she’s me as a mare, and that I saved her.” “She’s not one of those things is she?” “I think she is.” “But...” Dream looked to the sky. “I saw them all get blasted away. It was actually pretty cool. Shining Armor and Princess Cadance...” “Dream! We have bigger issues to deal with. For whatever reason, she’s not attacking me any more... at least not in the physical way.” “What do you mean?” “Star, right?” Mare-Star cuddled next to Star. “Who’s this cheap looking mare?” “Cheap looking?” Dream’s face contorted in anger. “Why I should...” Before Dream could finish, the loudspeakers over Canterlot blazed to life. “Attention citizens!” came Celestia’s voice through the speakers. “The threat to Canterlot and Equestria has been defeated! Today is a joyous day not only for this reason, but also for the wedding of my niece Cadance and her husband-to-be Shining Armor. While the ceremony was disrupted before, it will proceed in a few hours. I invite all of Canterlot to attend this festive occasion. However, in light of this recent attack, I also invite anypony who needs medical aid to the castle. My sister will be there to help.” “That sounds like a plan,” Mare-Star said as she rubbed her head. “I think I might have gotten hit or something.” Star and Dream looked at each other than back at mare-Star. “You don’t remember anything?” Dream asked. “Nope!” Mare-Star said with a smile. “Not even my name.” “Let’s just go with Cloudy for now.” “Aw Dream, come on!” Star complained. “Don’t encourage her!” “Mr. Star,” Cloudy looked up at Star with puppy dog eyes, “do you not like the name?” “Ugh,” Star started walking in the castle’s direction, “let’s just go get this all resolved.” The castle was overflowing with ponies. Most just had minor scratches, but a few looked pretty beaten up. “Oh my,” Cloudy said as she brought a hoof to her face. “Did those monsters do all of this?” “You tell me,” Star said as he trotted to where all the other ponies were heading. She’s probably trying to trick me. Some evil monster after my blood! I can’t let my guard d–  Cloudy nuzzled him again. “G-get off me!” “Sorry Mr. Star, it’s just that when you walk you look so... dazzling.” “Pfft,” Dream chucked. “This is too rich. Star, I think you found the perfect mare.” “Just... just shut up Dream.” Star’s face was tinged red. “This is weirding me the buck out. Hopefully Princess Luna can sort everything out.” The trio entered into the courtyard. Luna was currently floating in the middle of the courtyard, trying to help out ponies recover from their wounds. “Do not worry citizens! I shall tend to as best I can!” Luna’s horn glowed more and her aura surrounded more injured ponies. Star, Dream, and Cloudy walked over to Luna and Star gave her a hoof a poke. “I am busy at the moment. I shall get to you so– Star?” Luna looked down at the trio. “It is good to see you again, I hope your gender issues are not being too cumbersome.” Luna noticed Cloudy. “I think I spoke too soon. Forgive me, I must be more tired than I thought, but it appears I am seeing you as both a mare and a stallion.” “Princess,” Star sighed, “I wish you were just tired. But she’s here, and she’s in love with me.” Star shivered as he spoke. “How in Equestria did this happen?” Luna stopped using her magic and floated down to the trio. “I was being attacked by those monsters and one of them looked like me as a mare, but I caught it off guard and gave it a good smack,” Star explained. “Then they surrounded me.” Star pointed a hoof at Cloudy. “She flew into me into and when I came to, all of them were gone except her.” “I see,” Luna replied. “I was asleep for most of the commotion, but sister informed me of what happened. It seems that all the changelings were blasted out of Equestria, except in this case.” Luna bent down and glared at Cloudy, who hugged Star tight. “Her eyes are definitely those of a changeling, but I do not see what she can gain from keeping up this ruse.” Luna’s glare sharpened. “Changelings feed off the love of others, I do not know what she is trying with you, but I won’t allow her to hurt any of my subjects!” Luna’s horn started to glow. “P-please Princess! I-I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Cloudy stuttered and hugged Star tighter. “T-those monsters were scary! If it hadn’t been for Mr. Star, I... I...” Cloudy cried into Star’s shoulder. “This is most curious.” Luna’s horn stopped glowing. “I do not sense any malevolence in her. You said you hit her, correct?” Star looked down at the crying mare and back at the Princess. “I mean, I was scared and she was trying to hurt me back then... I acted on instinct!” “But it was just one strike?” “Well she also hit a wall afterwards.” “Hmm,” Luna tapped a hoof to her face. “Most likely she lost her memory.” “Yes,” Cloudy sniffled, “I don’t remember anything except for those horrible creatures surrounding us and Mr. Star standing firm against them. It was so...” Cloudy moved her face closer to Star’s. “Ahh!” Star jumped up into the air. “Why does she keep trying to kiss me?!” “Changelings, by nature, thrive on love,” Luna explained. “She may look like a pony, but even now, some of her basic instincts remain.” “What do we do with her then?” Dream asked. “Fear not!” Luna took a bold pose. “My sister and I shall handle her. It would be cruel to send her back to the other changelings as she is now, but she can’t be allowed to roam free either. I do apologize for any awkwardness this may have caused though.” Luna looked at Star. “You have no idea Princess,” Star replied. “It is no problem. We know you already must go through a lot of odd moments. I shall spare you a few.” “Thank you Princess.” Star bowed his head and then started to fly away from the Princess. “Will you not be staying for the wedding?” Luna asked. “Unfortunately, no. It’s been a very long day and I need some rest. I don’t think I could survive a party in this state, especially if Pinkie’s there.” “Well, I wish you well then,” Luna replied. “See ya at work,” Dream said with a wave. “Mr. Star!” Cloudy tried to fly after him, but Luna’s magic held her down. “Wait! Don’t go! I want ot know more about you! I want to be with you, please!” Star took to the sky and flew off at fast speed. “Don’t go!” Star couldn’t see it, but it sounded like Cloudy was crying. “Shh, child.” Luna bent down to look at Cloudy. “It’ll be fine, ponies will treat you much better than changelings did.” “But... but Mr. Star,” Cloudy hiccupped as tears rolled down her face. “Hey,” Dream patted Cloudy with a hoof, “he lives in Canterlot and works with me. I’m sure you’ll see him around.” “Shut up, hussy.” ~~~ Star slumped into his hotel room. Normally, he'd just fly back to Ponyville, but since he'd be in Canterlot for the whole weekend anyway, he had decided to stay at the Mareriot again. It was nice that Fancy offered him a discounted rate. But right now, all he wanted was a good drink and some sleep. “Ugh, I’m never going to any Royal Weddings again!” He went to his fridge and pulled out a bottle of cider. He didn’t even bother pouring it in a glass. He walked over to a chair and slumped in it. “Guh, I can’t believe one of those things tried to imitate me and then came onto me. That’s just... ugh!” Star knocked back half of the bottle in one gulp. “That is wrong on so many levels! She couldn’t even act like me! I don’t act that girly when I’m like that, right?” Star asked the empty room. “Hmm, still felt a little bad when she cried though.” Star brought a hoof to his head. “Guh, what am I thinking? I shouldn’t feel bad, she’s an evil succubus that thrives on love... maybe I should hook her up with Blueblood.”  With a little laugh, Star chucked the empty bottle in the trash and went to his bedroom. “It was just a bad, very weird day. Wonder if anypony else will have any strange stories at work on Tuesday. Oh well,” Star yawned as he lied down on his bed and pulled up the covers, “I’m just glad we get tomorrow off. I’m gonna need to recuperate.” Star dozed off into slumberland. ~~~         Star felt much better in the morning. It was always nice to have an extra day to sleep in and Star had definitely need the rest. He sat up in his bed, stretched his wings, and got out of his bed. “Hmm, wonder what I should do today? I think I’ll go to that nice cafe, read a book, or maybe do a little work there.” Star scratched his head and realized his mane was in disarray, as it was want to do while he slept. “Shower seems like the first order of business.”         Star trotted over to his bathroom and stepped into his shower. “Why do the simple things in life always feel so good?”         “I guess a shower is pretty nice,” Cloudy said.         “You bet your...” Star’s eyes bugged out. Cloudy was standing in his bathroom.         “For the love of Celestia!” Star yelled as the shower water fell down on him. “Get out!”         “I just want to be with you, that’s all,” Cloudy said. She then moved to embrace Star. Star in turn punched a hole through the bathroom window and flew at top speed away from the nightmare he’d awakened to.         She was in my room! What is she was in my bed?! Wrong! Wrong, wrong, wrong! This has to be a prank or someth– “Dream! She must have wanted to play a prank on me. That’s it!” Star sped off towards his destination.         “Oh dear.” Cloudy looked at the hole Star had made in the room. “I knew I should have just made breakfast.” Cloudy unfurled her wings and rushed out through the hole. She didn’t notice that the mirror behind her was now dark and pulsating.         A pair of eyes with both normal and reptilian pupils appeared in the mirror. “It seems I still have a drone in Equestria. Excellent, she can collect love from that foalish stallion and then Equestria will tremble before their new queen! Muhahaha!” > Seeing Stars Part 2: I'm not doing that > --------------------------------------------------------------------------         Dream wasn’t happy. She hated being stuck at her parent’s house. She was an adult mare for Celestia’s sake. So what if there’d been a massive invasion of Equestria? It was over now and she just wanted to unwind from the whole mess. But no, her parents had to be overprotective freaks and force her to stay with them.         “Dad! It’s fine! Can I at least go back to my house and get my stuff?” She looked over at her father, pulling the best fake puppy dog eyes she could.         “Absolutely not! You saw those creatures, what if one of them were to attack you? How do you think your mother and I would feel?”         “For crying out loud, Dad, I’m old enough to be a mother. I think I can take care of myself!”         “That’s the other thing. I’ve been looking around and I think I’ve found the perfect husband for you.”         “Really? Are you bucking real? You’re bringing this up now?! That does it!” Dream’s horn started to glow.         “Young lady, you are not teleporting!”         “Don’t care Dad, can’t hear y–”                  “Ahhhhhhhh...”  Something broke Dream’s concentration and she dropped the spell. “Did you hear that?”         “Now what are you blathering ab–”         “AHHHHHHH...” Dream’s father stopped when he heard the noise too. “What in Equestria is that?” “Sounds kinda like somepony screaming... oh crap.” Dream’s face went white. The screaming got louder as an object in the distance got closer to the house. “Is that a pony?” Dream’s father squinted his eyes at the incoming object as it got closer and closer and was upon the house almost instantly. “What is blazes is he do–” “AHHHHHHHHHHH!” Star burst through the window and fell into the room. “Star?” Dream looked at the pegasus as he shook glass shards off his coat. He rushed over her and glared at her with a maddened expression. “You! You did this!” “Did what?” “Unleashed an unholy tartarus-spawn on me! Not funny!” Star said the last two words between clenched teeth. “What? You mean Cloudy? Star, it’s fine, I honestly feel a little bad for her.” “It is not fine!” Star pushed his face into Dream’s. “If you recall, she’s an evil monster that feeds on love and is trying to... to...” Star’s face turned green. “You’re sick.” He backed away and leaned on a couch for support. “Star, really, if you’d just seen her at the party, you’d understand. She saw Princess Cadance dancing with Shinning Armor and just started crying like a foal. Even Princess Celestia felt a little bad for her.” “Tch, that blast to the head must have fried her brains. So, you fell for her sob story and then what?” Dream looked at the ground. “I might have told her where she could reach you.” “Thanks Dream, thanks a lot.” Star’s voice dripped with sarcasm. “What if she’d killed me? Made me a slave, huh? Would you still feel bad for her then?” “Honestly Star, I really don’t think she remembers any of it. She’s just a mare who lost her way and well... she thinks you can help her.” By now, Dream’s father had recovered. “What is going on? Who are you?” Star ignored Dream’s father and kept his paranoid eyes on Dream. “I don’t believe this. She’s tricked you! I should have known, if that one monster could trick everypony into thinking she was a princess, what’s to stop another one from tricking you into thinking she’s a mare who lost her way?” “Star, it’s not like that...” Dream’s eyes turned to the right. “And I think you should just treat her nicely until we can figure out a solution.” “Your solution could have gotten me killed. I actually kind of wish that happened now, since she walked in on me in. The. Damn. Shower!” “Why is a shower such a big deal? It’s not like we normally wear clothes anyway.” “You wanna know why?” Star brought a feather to his nose and sneezed. “This is why!” she yelled. “W-what?!” Dream’s father coughed. “Ms. Cloudy? What in Equestria are you doing here and where did that ruffian stallion go?” “I am that stallion! Guh, you’ve been such an over-protective jerk of your daughter that I’ve had to come here to meet you like this!” “What?! But I... daughter...” His eyes rolled to the back of his head and he hit the ground. “And you!” Star turned her attention back to Dream. “We are going to go to the Princess right now and have this all sorted out!” “But Star...” “No buts! I don’t care what that monster said to you, she is a changeling and trying to seduce me! Now come on!” “Um, Star.” “What?!” “Behind you.” Dream pointed a hoof to something behind Star. Star turned around and saw herself. Only this version was crying. “So that’s it?” Cloudy cried. “I’m just a monster to you? I... I’m not even the real thing am I?” “Cloudy...” Dream started to trot over to the distraught pegasus. “It’s not–” “Yes it is! Well, you don’t have to deal with me anymore! I’m going back to whereever I came from!” Cloudy dashed out of the room and into the sky. “Look what you did now!” Dream complained. “What I did?!” Star thrusted a hoof at Dream. “You’re the one who just couldn’t let the Princesses deal with it. If you hadn’t sent her to my hotel this wouldn’t have happened. She’d be in some dungeon, away from any other potential vi–” A hoof smacked Star across the face. She looked back and saw Dream in tears. “You’re really a jerk sometimes Star!” Her horn flashed bright and then she was gone. Star was now alone save for an unconscious father. She stomped her hooves to the ground in frustration. “What is bucking going on?!” “Lost love it seems,” a voice called out. Star turned around to see a pink alicorn with multi hued hair. Star bowed immediately. “Princess Cadance! A thousand apologies... I... I’ve been stressed lately.” “I can see why... Aunt Luna has told me some interesting stories about you.” Star slowly got up and looked and the Princess. “W-why are you here though? I thought you’d be on a honeymoon by now.” “I would be, but something has been bothering me since the party last night.” Cadance looked at the hole in the window. “My special talent lies in love and I can tell when it’s genuine. She really did love you.” “But she’s me! Do you know how wrong that is?!” “Well, I did have an evil queen take my form and try to steal my husband.” “Oh...” Star looked down and kicked her hooves. “Yeah, that. Sorry.” “It’s fine, but even if ‘Cloudy’ was a changeling, she still has a broken heart now. We’ve got to fix it.” “How do we do that?” “Well... maybe you could just cu–” “No.” “Couldn’t you ju–” “No.” Cadance rubbed her forehead. “Okay, well do you have any plans?” Star sighed deeply. “Let’s just find her and tell her the truth. I’ll apologize and tell her everything, okay?” “Sounds like a plan...” Cadance shifted her eyes down. “We should probably hurry.” Cadance trotted out through the door and took to the sky. Star followed. “How are we gonna find her?” Cadance’s horn glowed. “I may not be as powerful as my aunts, but I’ve still got a few tricks.” Cadance increased her speed. “C’mon, she’s already covered a lot of ground.” Star picked up her speed as well. At least I can fly faster like this. ~~~         Cloudy was sobbing by the edge of a lake in a forest. One of her wings had lost its feathers and turned black and insect-like. “Why is this happening to me?!”         “It’s changeling nature to be loved for only a short amount of time and then fade back to our original forms,” a voice echoed throughout the forest.         “W-who said that?”         “Child.” The lake bubbled for a second and turned black and reflective. “It is I, your queen.” Two green eyeballs appeared on the lake and glared at Cloudy. The mare backed away from them. “Why do you shy away? I am your queen and you could be the hero of the hive.”         “W-what?”         The eyes softened a little. “You’re the last drone in Equestria, we’re all weak and beaten. We need love to recover, love you can give us.”         Cloudy’s ears drooped. “Then I’m a failure, Mr. Star doesn’t love me, he thinks I’m... I’m...” She broke down into sobs again.         “What is the matter with you?” Chrysalis asked, but all she got were more sobs in response. “Stop it! I did not raise a sniveling whelp like this! Cease you incessant crying and bring me that foal’s love!”         “No! Cloudy yelled. “Mr. Star is mine! You stupid hussy, get your own stallion!”         The eyes went wide for a second, then they narrowed and brimmed with rage. “Those detestable ponies have done something to you. How dare they corrupt one of my drones!” The lake bubbled rapidly and turned green. “Child, you belong to me! I can’t fix everything right now, but go back to you original form! I command you!” A tendril of green energy wrapped itself around Cloudy’s leg and began encircling her whole body. “N-no! Stay away! Somepony! Anypony!” A tear fell down her cheek. “Star!” ~~~         “So is she close?” Star asked as they zoomed down to the forest.         “Yes.” Cadance brought a hoof to her head. “She’s not doing well, we better hurry.” She landed at the edge of the forest.         Star landed beside her and corked an eyebrow. “I thought you you said we needed to hurry.”         “We do, but we need to handle this gently.” Cadance trotted into the forest.         It didn’t take long to find where Cloudy had gone. Cadance held up a hoof when they reached a lake in the middle of the forest. Somepony was crying nearby, but they couldn’t see them. “She’s close,” Cadance whispered. The crying stopped. “Who’s there?” A voice sniffled. It kinda sounded like Star when she was a mare, but it was somewhat distorted. Star nervously trotted forward. “Cloudy... it’s me.” “S-star?” Cloudy stuttered from wherever she was hiding. “Just go away! Please let me just be here alone, I won’t be around long without love or the hive anyway.” “Cloudy, look, I... I said some pretty bad things back there. I was wrong, but understand, when I saw those things before, I was scared. Scared that I would get hurt, or that my friends would.” The bushes near Star and Cadance rustled. A forlorn looking changeling emerged from the foliage. “I really am frightening like this, aren’t I? Cadance trotted over and gave Cloudy a nuzzle. “It is okay, what matters is how you feel, not how you look.” She looked directly at Cloudy’s compound eyes. “You really did love him, didn’t you?” “I... I don’t really know anymore. This all came from a huge misunderstanding and...” Cloudy looked over at Star. “I must have made things very uncomfortable.” “Um...” Star’s face reddened. “Yeah, well, I mean, how would you feel if a female version on you was coming on to you?” Cloudy looked over her body. “I don’t really think I even have a gender right now.” “That’s...” Star trailed as her mind swam, “just making a bizarre situation even more confusing.” Cloudy chuckled a little, it wasn’t the most pleasant sound though. “A transforming pegasus, a changeling who lost her way, and a Princess. We must all be a sight.” Star sighed. “You have no idea Cloudy. Oddity seems to follow me wherever I go.” Cloudy started walking over to Star. “So do you still think I’m a monster?” “No, you’re a scared mare and I just got caught in the mi–” Star was interrupted by Cloudy hugging her. “B-but I’m still freaked about the whole ‘girl-me in love with me’ thing!” “I know that now silly.” Cloudy flashed Star a fanged smile, it was still friendly though. Then a green aura started to envelope her. “How about something different?” In a flash, Cloudy’s form had changed to that of Dream’s. “This better?” She bent down and gave Star a kiss on the cheek.” Star jumped up and backed right into a tree. “T-that is n-not better! For Luna’s sakes, I’m a girl right now! And Dream is just a friend!” “Are you sure?” Cloudy teased while keeping Dream’s form. “Yes!” Cloudy smiled a little. “You need to just relax a little Star, but I still think you’re a good friend.” “I don’t mean to interrupt,” Cadance stepped forward, “but what are you going to do now?” Cloudy reverted to her changeling form. “If it’s possible, I’d like to stay in Canterlot for a little. Maybe I could eventually work to make things more peaceful between changelings and ponies.” “I’m sure Aunt Celestia will be happy to hear that. There’s just one thing, when you go out, it might be best not to look like a changeling for a little. Ponies are probably a little freaked out right now.” “Right.” There was another green flash and Cloudy assumed a new form. She had Dream’s body, Star’s hair (in mare form), but neither wings nor a horn. She appeared to be just an Earth Pony. Although, she did have quite a sense of humor; two mirrors graced her flank. She looked over at Star. “Again, sorry for all the trouble. But maybe... we can all just hang out for fun someday?” “That sounds fine,” Star replied. “Well then, shall we be on our way?” Cadance’s horn started to glow. “I think I’ll just fly back Princess.” Star patted her stomach. “I don’t mix well with teleportation.” “If you say so.” Cadance’s horn glowed brighter. “Star...” Cloudy looked up at Star. “I’m sure you’ll find a real special somepony someday.” She and Cadance then disappeared. Star looked around the now empty forest. “Heh, maybe someday. For now, I’m getting some drinks and counseling.” Star then flew off back to her hotel. “I think I’m gonna need more than an extra day of rest.” > Special: CMC > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Star couldn’t tell if it was the light creeping through his shutters or the shouting that woke him up, but either way his sleep had been interrupted. He blinked his eyes as he tried to remember what he’d been dreaming about. Then again, he almost never remembered his dreams when he woke up, aside from maybe an odd collection of bizarre images that never matched up. However, he didn’t have time to dawdle on his dreams as the shouting still continued.   “Star! Star!” called a voice from outside. Star pushed open his wooden shutters to look down toward the dusty Appleloosa street. Standing outside was a yellow earth pony. He had green eyes about the same color as Star’s and a mane that looked a little long to belong to a colt. But his defining characteristic was his brown hat that was a little too big for him given his age. “C’mon Star, get up!”   “Ugh,” Star rubbed his eyes a little before looking down, “Braeburn? Is that you?”   “Of course it’s me,” the colt yelled up at Star. “Ah swear, you’re blind without your glasses.”   “Ha-ha,” Star replied as he walked back to the nightstand by his bed to fetch his glasses. “Funny coming from the pony that can’t stand to be seen without his hat.”   “Hey, leave ma hat outa this!” Braeburn reached up and readjusted his hat while he spoke.   Star stuck his head out the window again and looked down, now fully able to see the colt below. He was also able to see that dawn had just broken. Usually, Appleloosa sunrises were pretty, but right now the sky just looked grey with a half-sphere of yellow filling part of the horizon. “Ugh, it’s too early. What do you want Braeburn?”   “Don’t ya remember? Today’s exploring day! Ah finally got a day off from helpin Pa with the orchard and you and Swift Lasso promised ya’d go explorin with me!”   Star was still coming out sleep, so his mind was still a little fuzzy. But then he recalled that he’d made the promise a few weeks ago. “But why are you here so early?” Star yelled down to the pony.   “Because,” a mischievous smile was now on Braeburn’s face, “we’re going to go explore the outback.”   “The outback!?” Star yelled in surprise and fear.   “Shhhh!!” Braeburn raised a hoof to his face, a signal for Star to silence himself. “Ya wanna wake up everypony in town and ruin the exploration?” “Okay-okay I’m coming.” Star tiptoed around his room and gathered up what’d he’d need for a day or exploration and placed them in his saddlebags. Satisfied with his supplies, he drifted out the window and down to the street. Star looked up and down the street when he noticed Braeburn was the only pony outside. “Where is Swift anywa-” Before Star could finish his sentence, there was a bright flash between him and Braeburn and then a light blue unicorn with a slightly darker mane was standing in-between them.   “Oh, heya Swift, was wondering when you’d show up.” Braeburn didn’t seem surprised at his friend’s sudden appearance. Star was on the opposite end of reactions and had nearly fallen flat on his flank.   “Geez Swift! Ya nearly scared me outta my skin!” Star said with a flustered face.   “Heh, sorry, Ah just love trying that out. It’s is so cool! Ya two have no idea what you’re missing,” Swift Lasso apologized.   “I think I’m fine with my wings, besides the skies are cooler!” Star replied enthusiastically.   “And A’m happy being able to grow stuff, recon that’s why Ah got this.” Braeburn gestured to the apple cutie mark on his flank. Out of the trio, he was the only one to have earned his cutie mark. Both Star and Swift were still blank flanks. “Hey, maybe today the exploration will help ya get ya’ll’s cutie marks.”   “Braeburn, remember the last ‘cutie marks’ we got on one of your explorations?” Star said in a slightly exasperated and nervous voice. “Don’t talk about that! I still think I’ve got thorns in my side from last time.” Swift rubbed his flank, remembering the hours all three of them had spent picking thorns out of each other’s sides after they’d fallen into a cactus patch.   “Ya’ll are both just being sore!” Braeburn stomped the ground in playful frustration. “Besides, if ya’ll didn’t want to come ya’d have just stayed in your beds.”   “Okay fine, ya got us. Can we get going now?” Swift complained.   “Sure thing!” Braeburn replied with a smile. “Now here’s a little treat to sweeten the deal.” He stuck his muzzle into his saddle bag and pulled out two apples. “Freshly picked!” “Swift,” Star turned to look at his unicorn friend, “I think he’s got us pretty indebted to him now.” “There ya go again using fancy words,” Swift said as he munch on his apple. “How ya were born in Appleloosa Ah’ll never know.” “They’re not that fancy,” Star retorted. “Ah still think you get your fancy mumbo jumbo  from your Pa, what with him being a... er, what was it called again?” Swift tapped his chin trying to wring the correct word out of his head. “Patenter, he made sure other ponies didn’t steal other ponies ideas,” Star explained. “Um,” Braeburn turned around, “how exactly do ya steal an idea, isn’t an idea just a neat thought?” “Well...” Star stopped trotting and brought a hoof to his muzzle. “I don’t know the really specific stuff, but say your family came up with a new way to water its trees. Wouldn’t ya want to make sure nopony else used that method without your permission.” “Ah suppose ya have a point there. Still seems a little silly though.” Braeburn took a step forward toward the sun. “Enough daddling, let’s go. “Fine,” said both the cowpony’s friends. ~~~         The grey began to clear up and the true Appleloosa sunrise appeared on the horizon. Its streaks of purple, pink, and yellow painted the desert as well as the three ponies that wandered through it.         “Brae, how much water did you bring?” Star asked, his eyes on Braeburn’s saddlebag.         Braeburn gave a small sigh. “Why do ya have to worry so much Star? Ah mean for crying out loud, ma family has been pioneers for generations.” He turned his head around and opened up his saddlebag, revealing multiple bottles and bags of food. “Of course Ah came prepared!”         Star stretched his lips into an awkward smile and scratched his mane. “Heh, yeah... right.” He let out a bit of nervous laughter. “Still a little sleepy.”         “Ah swear Star,” said Swift, “you and a Ursa Major could pull off quite the sleeping contest.” Swift’s eyes widened when he noticed something in Braeburn’s bag. “Brae... what’s the net and rope for?”         Braeburn’s lips turned down for a second, but then rebounded to their usual smile. “Darn, Ah wanted to keep it a secret till we were further out. See...” He reached into his bag and pulled out just a part of the huge net. “Swift, Ah’m really hoping you’re right about Majors sleeping a lot.”         Star pupils sunk into his green eyes, he did a rapid turn, and started back the way he came. “Leaving now! Have fun being torn apart by a Major!”         Braeburn rushed up and blocked Star’s path. “Now just hold up a second Star. Ah looked through ma granpa’s journals and he was able to catch one.”         “The same granpa that thought bunny pajamas and polka dots would help apples grow?” Star retorted.         Braebrun’s face reddened. “Ah told you! Granpa Harrison was trying use ma Granny Smith’s techniques on regular apples!”         Swift raised an eyebrow a little. “Um... Ah still don’t really get that either.”         “Er!” Braeburn stomped a hoof to the ground, it wasn’t playful this time. “Look, Ah read ma granpa’s journal. It’s simple, ya just need this net and a little backup. It’ll be easy. Besides, think of the cool cutie marks you’ll get for it.”         Swift ran a hoof over his chin. “He’s got a point there.”         “You two are insane!” Star nursed his head with a hoof, there was only so much recklessness he could take. “Have fun getting mauled, I’ll stick to reading about Ursa Majors.” Star then began his walk back home. “Ah wouldn’t do that if Ah were ya,” said Braeburn. “Forgot to mention, we’re in buffalo territory now. Other thing ma granpa wrote in his journal was the traveling routes of buffalo. Ah memorized them just in case something like this happened.” Star had Braeburn in his hooves in an instant. “Are you crazy?! I know your parents told you the stories about the buffalo too! You don’t go into their lands unless you have a death wish!” Star’s eyes darted away from Braeburn and into the surrounding landscape. “They’re probably watching us right now, just waiting for the chance to get us.” Braeburn just calmly pushed Star’s hooves off his shoulders. “It’s fine, we’re on a route that’s been guaranteed as safe for ponies to cross. You’d be amazed what a few gems can get ya. However, take one hoof off the path and you’ll be spending the rest of the night with the buffalo.” Star’s wings flared up in response. “I’ll fl—” “Ah wouldn’t recommend that either,” Braeburn calmly stated. “Buffalo are very strict about their deals. ‘Your hooves don’t leave the path’ is what the deal said.” “Brae...” Star gritted his teeth. “You idiot.” His wings drooped and he walked forward. “Aw, lighten up,” Braeburn gave Star a playful slap on the back. “It’s an adventure. The Major will just be a little bonus. Besides, if things look really bad, Swift here can just teleport us out.” “Yep!” Swift smiled. “I need to find less insane friends,” Star muttered. Braeburn trotted ahead to lead the group. “You’d be boring if ya didn’t have us!” “I’d at least be alive at the end of the day.” ~~~         The area around Appleloosa, while not very friendly to life, still held a natural beauty to it. Huge cliffs extended high into the heavens, plateaus seemed to defy nature and twist into every conceivable form imaginable, rocks glistened with the precious materials they were made of. Even under the burning sun, the desert teemed with ancient art.         The three colts traversed all of this, crossing gorges, scaling cliff faces, and treading through the rivers that carved the land. Through a combination of magic, wings, and intuition, they made it through all that the land threw at them.         After the river, they came to a rest by its banks. At this point, the desert gave way to a vast canyon. The cliffs stretched high above the river and provided some much needed shade.         Braeburn laid back and gazed up at the now clear blue sky. “Whew, that was close. Nice work you guys.”         “Well, ya got us through the last pull,” Swift commented as he shook off the water in his coat.         “It was your rope that Ah was pulling on though,” Braeburn replied. “Besides, the proof is in the flank.”         “What are ya...” Swift’s eyes narrowed and slowly traced their way to his flank. What started out as a small crack in his lips turned into an enormous grin. Swift started literally bouncing with joy. A lasso covered in a faint aura had traced itself onto Swift’s flank. “Ah did it! Ah got my cutie mark!”         Suddenly, Swift stopped his bouncing and gazed at the raging river they’d just crossed. “Ma mom lied when she said it’s easy to get one.”         “Amen to that,” Star said while he rested on his side. “Let’s not do that again... please?”         “Well...” Braeburn shifted his hat to block out the sun. “Ah thought this way was best since granpa said buffalo patrol the other way at this time.”         “I’ll risk buffalo before doing that again,” said Star. He got up, readjusted his bags and glasses, and looked toward Braeburn. “So fearless leader, what’s the next trial?” he sarcastically droned.         “Staying quiet,” Braeburn replied. “Majors may be known for sleeping a lot, but if ya drop a needle near their dens their morning breath will be the least of your worries.” Brae trotted to the right where the rocks looked cracked and yellow rather than red like like the rest of the canyon.“Where the cliffs shift and even the rocks quiver, the beast dwells.” He took a step forward. “This is it, remember be quiet.”         Swift trotted ahead with Braeburn. “Whoa.” In front of the three colts lied a vast branch of the canyon that was filled to the brim with holes or varying sizes. Some were not much bigger than a well-built stallion, yet others looked like they could fit a small town within them. “This is amazing. Ah’d be just fine exploring the caves.”         “You’re in luck then,” Braeburn smiled. “We’ll have to explore them if we want to find a Major.”         “Wait,” Star spoke up. “I don’t want to do this.”         “What?” the other two deadpanned.         “Look Star, I know Brae was a little underhanded in getting us here, but we made it this far. Why turn back now?” Swift asked.         Star didn’t face Swift, but rather Braeburn. “You said we’d get our cutie marks by going with you, right?”         Braeburn trotted over and put a hoof over Swift’s neck. “Yep! Swift here is proof Ah was right, ya can’t fault me on that.” He flashed Star a cocky grin that screamed ‘In your face!’         “That’s my point,” Star sighed. “Say everything goes according to plan? We capture a Major, I earn my cutie mark for it, and then what?”         “We head back home... this about getting the Major back with us?” Braeburn asked. “Cause if ya do get a cutie mark for that we can just use that as proof or...”         “Brae.” Star stomped a hoof to the ground. “That’s my point. If my parents see that, they’ll figure out what we did and we’ll get in trouble.”         For a second, both Swift and Braeburn were silent, then they both let out a fit of laughter. Star turned about a dozen different shades of red.         “Whew!” Braeburn wiped a tear out of his eye. “That’s what you’re worried about? Our parents’ll probably be mad at us anyway we spin it, what’s the harm in getting a cutie mark out of it?”         “It’s my mark and I decide what I get,” Star replied. His eyes sharpened and he gave Braeburn the best imitation of his father’s glare that he could. “We’ve had fun, but I don’t want to get my mark this way.”         Braeburn also focused himself to combat Star’s glare. “You’re being ridiculous. If you’re so against getting a mark this way, of course you w—”         The pebbles around them moved on their own. There was a noise, like distant thunder that rumbled around them. The pebbles moved again.         Swift’s eyes moved away from the rocks and over to Braeburn. “B-brae...”         Sweat formed on Braeburn’s forehead as he continued to watch the rocks. “We... we weren’t that close the caves though.”         “B-brae,” Star shook, “w-what if they moved?”         “Star... w-why are you right?” Swift stuttered.         There was more rumbling and then it came into view. They saw its nose first, followed by its long and horrible rows of sharp teeth. Even in the day, it glimmered with the colors of the night. It looked mad.         “N-now guys,” Braeburn said without a speck of his normal bravado, “d-don’t move. Just be quiet and s-stay...”         “Raaaahhhhh!” The beast’s roar echoed through the canyon and sent boulders tumbling into the nearby river.         Star took the air instantly. “The caves! Get to the caves!” He led the charge at blinding speed to get to the smallest entrance. He dared to look back and saw the beast was gaining on Swift. Braeburn was already at the cave entrance. “B-brae, you’re g-gonna owe me a lot more than a-adventuring.”         “Star, w-what are y-you...” Before Braeburn could finish, Star was off, barreling right at the beast.         Star zoomed past Swift. He brought his wings to a sudden halt and unleashed the full force of the sudden stop on the beast’s snout. It blinked as it randomly swiped its paws while it staggered through the hit.         Star went to zoom back to the cave, but saw that Swift still hadn’t moved. “Swift! Get your flank in g—” A paw clocked him in the left wing and sent him hurtling to the ground.         However, a faint glow kept him from making impact. His left wing felt like it was on fire. “Star! I’m sorry I... I...” Swift cried out.         “Just... get to... the cave,” Star said through gritted teeth. By now, the beast was starting to recover. It continued to shake the canyon as it pursued them.         “Hold on Star!” There was a bright flash of light and then the world became even more dark than it had been in the canyon. Star suddenly felt very ill and the hay biscuits he’d eaten on the journey to the caves didn’t agree with him much now. “Sorry, I know teleporting is rough on y—”         A giant midnight blue paw reached out and nearly smashed the two colts to bits.         “Get deeper into the caves!” Braeburn yelled, even though Swift was already galloping at full speed into the darkness.         There was more rumbling behind them. Suddenly, there was the sound as if the moon had fallen on the canyon. Swift lost his balance and dropped the spell he was using to levitate Star. Then, just as suddenly as it came, the noise stopped and the cave became deathly silent.         “Is... is everypony okay?” Braeburn nervously asked as he trotted in the darkness to where he assumed his friends were. His hoof caught on something and he hit the cold ground with a thud.         “Ow!” said two voices.         “Swift, that you?” Braeburn asked.         In response, a small ball of light appeared and illuminated the two colt’s faces. “Yeah,” said Swift.         “W-what about Star?”         “Could somepony turn on the lights?” came a raspy voice.         Swift turned up the power on his spell and revealed his pegasus friend lying on the ground. His left wing was twisted at an odd angle though. “Thanks,” Star croaked.         “Oh my gosh!” Swift rushed over to his injured friend. “Star, I’m sorry! I just froze up and I didn’t know what to do an—”         Star got up and pushed a hoof into Swift’s mouth. “It’s okay. Don’t panic, we need your horn.” Star removed his hoof from Swift’s mouth and pointed at Swift’s horn. “We need to find an ex-Ugh!” Star’s wing twitched and dropped limply to his side. “Ow! That thing really messed up my wing.”         “Okay, Ah think Ah’m done with adventuring, let’s just get home,” Braeburn said, his voice now shaky and timid. “Swift, lead the way. Star, your wing looks out of commision, but how’s the rest of ya holding up?”         Star tapped all his hooves to the ground. “I think I’m good save for the wing. Crud, my parents are gonna kill me. For now, let’s just get out of here.”         “Amen to that,” said Swift. He glared over at Braeburn. “We’re not going on anymore Major hunts.”         “Look!” Braeburn yelled. “Ah know Ah made a mistake! Ya don’t need to rub it in! Ah just... Ah just wanted to have a little fun.” He pulled a leg back and and kicked a small rock that rattled as it shot against the cave walls. “Darn it! We didn’t even see a Major!”         “What?” Star and Swift asked simultaneously.         “Ma granpa’s journal had a few illustrations too. That thing was an Ursa Minor, not a Major.”         “You. Are. Insane!” Swift said through gritted teeth. “No wonder that hat is always crooked, ya haven’t got a head to put it on!”         “Ah said Ah was sorry!” Braeburn retorted. Something glinted in the darkness. “‘Sides, Ah think Ah just found the exit.”         “Good, the sooner I get home, the better,” said Star.         Swift and Braeburn galloped forward while Star slowly trotted to the light as to not disturb his wing. For some reason, the two colts in the lead stopped. “Guys? What’s... wrong...” Star’s ears drooped when he saw that the light was coming from a large hole hundreds of feet above them. “Oh crud.”         “Lets just stay calm,” Braeburn quivered. “This can’t be the only exit.” He twisted his neck and looked back at his pegasus friend. “Star, why don’t ya take a rest here and see how bad your wing is? We’ll go check for some other exits.”         Star trotted forward and eased himself against some rocks, being careful to not let anything disturb his wing. “Sounds good, just be careful.”         “We’ll be back in a second,” Braeburn replied. He switched direction and disappeared along with Swift into the darkness of the cave. Only the light coming from Swift’s horn was still visible to Star and even that eventually faded into the depths of the cave.         Star slowly shifted his saddlebags off and got a closer look at his wing. Where it should have gone down, it instead twisted right at a sharp angle. “Shoot, it’s definitely busted.” He tried to pull the wing down a little, but only succeed in yiping in pain. “Okay, lets not do that,” he sighed. He leaned back a little and made himself as comfortable as he could on the rocks. “Well, might as well get comfortable.” He tapped one of the rocks. “I’m gonna be grounded for a while.”         Swift and Braeburn returned a few minutes later. The drooping ears and downcast eyes weren’t a good sign. “You don’t look good,” said Star.         “Star... how bad is your wing?” Swift quivered.         “Not good,” Star replied, “why?”         His friends’ faces darkened. “We’ve got trouble,” Braeburn croaked. “That darn Ursa took out most of the exits.” He turned his head up towards the hole in the cave. “That may be the only way out.”         “But my wing got busted,” Star replied as his heart started to race.         “Ah know.” Braeburn shivered a little. He then put his attention on Swift. “What about teleporting?”         “Ah... Ah can’t,” Swift trembled. “Maybe if Ah could see the top of the hole, but if Ah can’t see it, Ah could mess up and that...” He pointed his eyes straight into the ground. “That’d be bad.” He looked back up at the hole. “Ah’ve never even teleported that far before.” His lips turned downward. “If we fell Ah... Ah...” He fell to his haunches curled up. “Oh Celestia, we’re stuck.” “We... we’re not stuck!” Braeburn rasped. “Ah... Ah’m sure we’ll find a way out.” His eyes dashed between his two friends and then they locked on Swift’s cutie mark and then his horn. “That’s it!” “What?” Star asked. “Swift’s cutie mark is obviously for using magic and his rope. He can just send the rope up and use it to pull us up!” Braeburn’s ears perked up a little at the thought of his plan. “Ah still need to see whatever Ah’d be tying my rope too,” Swift replied. “Plus, it’s still really far to levitate. One wrong move and... Ah don’t want to think about it.” “Oh.” Braeburn’s ears drooped again, but Star’s perked up. Star pushed himself to his hooves. “Wait, we may not be able to get ourselves out, but maybe we can alert somepony else.” He pointed a hoof at the hole. “Swift, think ya can send up a magic blast or something?” “Well...” Swift nervously tapped a hoof to his chin. “If it’s just magic aimed straight up, I can try.” He trotted forward until he was directly under the hole, took a deep breath, and ignited his horn. At first, his horn glowed like it did when he used it as a light, but the aura around it began to coalesce at the tip and formed a sphere. He gritted his teeth and then sent the sphere flying straight up. It zoomed right out of the hole and into the sky where it exploded in a flash of blue sparks. Swift lied down and took a deep breath. “Okay, that work?” “Ah think that’s the best we can hope for,” said Braeburn as he readjusted his hat. His eyes traced over his friends. “Now what?” “We wait,” Star solemnly stated. ~~~         “I win,” Star droned as he used a rock to carve an x into a three by three grid.         “Hooray,” Swift duly replied. “Ya won best forty-two out of eighty-one.” He glanced up at the hole again and looked out at the night sky. “What time do ya think it is?”         Starn narrowed his eyes and looked up at the night sky and noticed the faint orange tinges near a part of the hole. “Probably a little past dinner time. What do you think Brae? Brae?” Star had to swivel his head a bit before he located the cowpony. He was a few feet away from them and curled up. “Guess he fell asleep.”         “Yeah,” Swift commentated. “Can’t blame him, there’s only so much tic tac toe and charades a pony can take.”         “Hmm...” Star tapped his chin. “Swift, ya think you could send up another flare? It’d probably be brighter now.”         “Sure, no pro—”         “What’s the point!” Braeburn’s form heaved. “Nopony will find us. Nopony is stupid enough to come here!”         Star trotted a little closer to Braeburn. “Brae, you’re awake?”         Braeburn instantly got to his hooves and nearly slammed straight into Star’s face. His face was flushed red and tears ran down his cheeks. “Of course Ah’m awake. How could anypony sleep when they know they’ve doomed them and their friends!?”         “Brae...” Swift quivered, “It’s no—”         “Not what?!” Braeburn shot back. “Not that bad? It is! Nopony has come through here in at least a hundred years, even the buffalo know not to come here. Ah... Ah just wanted to go explo... explor...” Braeburn devolved into a cacophony of sobs. Swift trotted over and placed a hoof on Brae’s back. He looked up at Star with wet eyes. “Star... what are we gonna do? Braeburn was the bravest pony and knew and...” Tears started rolling down Swift’s face as well. “Ah wanna go home!” “Guys...” Star felt tears start flowing down his face too. He bit his lip and held them back though. “Look I know it looks bad, but we’ve got through worse. We crossed rivers, survived Celestia knows how many cacti, we even outran an Ursa Minor. How many ponies have done that?” “So?” Braeburn sobbed. “Look what Ah got ya guys into for doing that!” His form slumped further. “Ah don’t know what to do.” “Shall we sing?” Star said. “What?” Both his friends looked at him with puffy eyes. “I know it’s silly, and that my singing will probably deafen both of ya, but it’s better than just giving up.” “You’ve lost it,” Swift moaned. Star sucked in his breath and began: On the earth and under the sun I planted a seed and a tale was spun The ground swelled and the grass grew I planted more seeds which gave way to bloom Braeburn stopped his sobbing and looked at his friend. “Star what are ya doing?”         Under a meadow, I found a river         I reached out and asked it to deliver         A future of gold and silver and green         In my eyes I saw that dream         “Wait,” Swift ceased crying and turned his attention to Star. “Ah know this song, mom used to sing it when Ah was a foal.”         Star paused his singing and looked at his friends. “Told ya it was silly.” He flashed them a meek grin. “I could use some accompaniment though.”         Swift’s lip quivered for a second before he joined in:         The stars swelled and the moon grew         I took my dream and passed it on to you         Braeburn sucked up his runny nose and readjusted his hat. “You two are the silliest ponies I know.” He then joined the accompaniment:         My time passed and eventually yours shall too...         Thus, three young colts sang a simple lullaby and eventually fell on their backs and gazed up at the stars.         Braeburn raised a hoof up and pointed to a collection of stars near the edge of the hole. “That looks like a big ol’ soup ladle.”         “That looks like somepony’s head,” said Swift as he too raised a hoof and pointed at the stars.         Star squinted his eyes and tried to look for a constellation, but part of it got blocked by a cloud. “Shoot, I can’t make anything out, can’t I just say they look nice?” Braeburn and Swift chuckled a little. Star turned a little red. “What’s so funny?”         “Well,” Braeburn said between laughs, “star gazing is in your name, ya think you’d have an eye for these things.” He fell back to laughing with Swift.         Star turned more red and looked back up at the sky. I’ll show them! He looked up and noticed an odd looking collection of stars that only seemed half formed. “Ah-ha! Take a look at that!” Star jabbed a hoof up at the odd constellation.         “Star...” Swift muttered.         “Yes, I know,” Star replied, placing a hoof on his chest for added bravado, “it’s really neat, right?”         “Star, those ain’t stars,” Braeburn got up but kept his eyes on the hole. “Then what...” Before Star could finish, something fell from whatever was above them and hit the ground, but also remained attached to whatever had thrown it down. “Sweet Celestia, a rope!” Indeed, before the three of them was a rope fashioned into a lasso at the end. Suddenly, two more ropes fell down the hole. “Oh ma stars!” Braeburn exclaimed. “We’re saved!” “Please do not wait,” came a voice from above. “Wrap those ropes around yourselves so we can pull you up. We’ don’t wish to stay here for long.” “Ya don’t need to ask twice.” Swift rushed forward and secured himself into one of the ropes. Braeburn followed and finally Star tied himself in, but was careful not to disturb his wing. They were quickly pulled out of the cave and into the night. Star took a deep breath and looked up at the visage of the mare in the moon. Nightmare Moon can come back for all I care, this night is the greatest thing I’ve ever felt. He then returned to his senses and remembered the ponies that had saved his and his friends’ lives. “Thank you so...” He was looking directly into the snout of a huge buffalo. “Much,” he squeaked. The three colts were surrounded by three large buffalo. Sweet Celestia! They’re gonna hogtie us and take us back to their village and... He gulped. Stampede us. “You and your friends have been very foolish, youngling,” the biggest buffalo snorted. “Only the dumbest of calves would dare venture here.” “I... I...” Star quivered. However, Braeburn rushed in front of him and Swift and stood his ground before the buffalo. “Now look, Ah know we were dumb, but if you’re gonna punish somepony, then take me. It’s ma fault we got into this mess!” All three buffalo blinked and then let out deep billowing laughs. “Ha! Youngling,” said the biggest one, “I don’t know what tales you’ve been told, but even we don’t punish young ponies who are too stupid for their own good.” The buffalo let out more laughter. “We find your own kind have so much more fitting methods of straightening you out.” “So you’re not gonna take us away?” Swift dared to ask. “Oh, we’ll take you away,” said the biggest buffalo with a wicked grin. Braeburn nearly fell back in the hole. “We will take you right back to your homes and let you ponies deal with this.” He leaned closer to Star. Star could feel the heat from the buffalo’s nostrils on his coat. “You are injured.” He bent down. “You ponies truly are a stupid race. You can’t make the trip on your own.” “Are you serious?” Star asked. “About the stupidity? Yes,” the buffalo bluntly replied. “Now hop on Cloudy Star.” Star nodded and got on the buffalo’s back. Surprisingly, buffalo fur was quite soft. “Um, you were a little off, but how’d ya know my name?” The buffalo turned its head but continued trotting. “Are you ponies not named for those bizarre flank etchings you all seem to have?” “What are you...” Star turned around and saw in the moonlight a star, not in the sky, but on his flank and partially covered by a cloud. “My cutie mark! I got it!” Braeburn chuckled a little. “Heh, guess ya musta gotten it while were were singing and we didn’t notice.” “That singing of yours, while not particularly desirable, coupled with that bizarre light was what allowed us to find you,” said one of the buffalo. “You ponies seem to like taking our ideas as well, we thought you were part of the herd until we realized no one used those lyrics and tunes.” “Thank Star here then,” said Swift. “If it hadn’t been for him, well... ya said it yourself, you’d have never found us.” “Hmm,” mused the biggest buffalo. “I have seen many of my own people face similar situations. However, left in the darkness, they succumbed to their fears and lost themselves. Perhaps some of you ponies do have backbones when the time calls for it.” ~~~         The sun was just beginning to rise when the group made it back to Appleloosa. The buffalo carrying Star stopped at the town’s outskirts and bent down. “We will leave you to get back the rest of the way on your own.”         “Thank you so much,” all three colts replied.         “All we ask is that you not mention this to anyone in your town, we’ll be watching to make sure of that. Also, if you are foolish enough to ever venture out like that again, know that help will not come from us again.” The biggest buffalo then turned back to his peers. “Let us go, we have been away from the herd for long enough.” All three of them then galloped away in a cloud of dust, leaving three dazed colts in their wake.         “Guys...” said Braeburn. “Ya think if we told the truth anypony would believe us?”         “Not a chance,” Star and Swift simultaneously replied.         “Besides,” Star cautioned, “no matter what, we’re still in for the grounding of our lives.” Star glanced back at his bent wing. “Literally in my case.”         All three of them had a good laugh. They took deep breaths and trotted back into town. It was said that on that day, the sound of spankings echoed throughout Appleloosa. The three colts were known for weeks afterwards as the ponies with two cuties marks, as the hoof prints left quite nasty bruises. Star vowed he’d never get tangled up with anything crazy again.         He would later imagine that vow was a curse of some sort.   > Cloudy Skies on the Rim: Mondays > --------------------------------------------------------------------------         Brrrrrinnggg Brrrrrinnnngg Brrriiiiiiii— Star slammed a hoof on his alarm clock to shut it off.         “One of these days I’m going to chuck it out the window,” he mumbled. Slouching out of bed, he didn’t bother to grab his glasses as he made his way to the bathroom. He stood by the stall and turned the water on and waited until it was hot before he entered it.         Almost instantly, he perked up and even managed to smile a little. Some ponies had coffee, some ponies had sugar, but for Star, a nice hot shower was what got him up in the morning. It took away his fatigue, loosened up any kinks sleep had brought on, got his mane wet so that it licked the nape of his neck...         Wait, my mane isn’t that... Star turned around and got a look at her mane. “Celestia damnit, not again!” She hastily turned upward and allowed some water to clog her nose. One sneeze later and Star was back to normal. He grabbed his shampoo and proceeded to lather his now short mane with it. Ugh, I need to stop sneezing in my sleep. ~~~ A quick breakfast of oats and tea later, Star was off on his daily commute to Canterlot for work. On occasion, he’d fly over for the exercise, but then again, it was Monday. Sitting on the train, he unfurl his copy of the newspaper and scanned the pages for any interesting stories.         Hmm, plans for an eclipse? That sounds interesting, Star mused to himself as he read through the article. We never did get those before Princess Luna returned. He hastily finished the article and moved onto the next one. He smiled a little when he saw a picture of a familiar purple dragon, albeit a bit bigger than Star last remembered Spike being. Hmm, didn’t think Spike would be going on that migration thing again... practically announced it on the loudspeakers that the dragons there were jerks.  Star placed a hoof to his chin and examined the article about the annual dragon migration a little closer. No mention of Neighponese dragons attending it. Star re-read the article. Actually, there isn’t anything about the actual migration except for what Spike said about it. Don’t we at least have estimates on the dragons flying over the country? The paper yielded no results. Star got up and made his way to the snack car. The train did have good chai tea after all. Giant fire breathing reptilians are flying over Equestria and we don’t even know how many, Star mulled as he entered the snack car. Luckily, a satisfying drink took his mind off dragons and back to work. Hope it’s not just paperwork today. ~~~         Star grabbed his saddlebags and made his way off the train. However, his descent off was interrupted by a rather ecstatic unicorn. “Good morning Star!” Dream beamed. “Have a good weekend?” “Aside from a few allergies, yes,” Star replied. “I’m assuming you had a good one as well given how bouncy you are?” Seriously, you’re giving Pinkie a run for her money. “Oh, well my weekend was normal, but I’m really pumped up for is at work!” Star’s jaw dropped. “Um, Dream, every day after work, you always complain about filing, or your office, or the political forecast, or the potted plants looking a little dry. That’s all doubled on a Monday.” Star’s ears drooped. “Please tell me I didn’t fall into an alternate dimension?” “I think you’ve had one too many magical mishaps,” Dream joked. Star turned a little red. “Okay, well, I went into to work a little early so I could snag a few complimentary donuts before Early Bird got to them. Seriously, every day with him! Anyway, the boss was there too, said he was glad I was in early ‘cause we had a big day ahead of us,” she said with a wide smile. “Why are you happy about that?” Star moped. “Last time Iron Wing said we had big day, he sent us to Royal Guard Boot Camp to ‘teach us field expertise.’” Star made air quotes with his wings to emphasize the point. “I recall sleeping for half a day and not being able to move after that and I recall you nearly drowning in mud.” “Don’t be such a spoilsport,” Dream teased. “Besides, Wing already told me what’s going on.” “Care to enlighten me?” “And ruin the surprise?” Dream pulled back in mock repulsion. “Oh no, you’ll see when we get there. I told Wing you’d love it!” If this involves Changelings, I’m going to kill her. Star shuddered a little before joining Dream on the short trot over to the office. ~~~         “Alright everypony,” Iron Wing said in his normal growl. “Today we’re starting a big job, handed down by the Princesses themselves!” Everypony in the office, Star and Dream included, murmured about this announcement. They were effectively silenced by Iron Wing yelling, “Attention!”         “Now, if you’re done with your pointless babble, I’ve got business to show you,” Wing continued. He quickly lifted the paper sheet behind him to reveal another sheet which had a dragon breathing fire directly at the camera. “First off, I never want to be the unlucky foal that took this picture. Second, if you hadn’t guessed already, this is a dragon! Now, what do we know about dragons?” After a few moments of silence, somepony said, “They lay eggs.” “Good! Kindergarten is actually still useful for something,” Wing replied. “Anypony else?” “They’ve got a lifespan anywhere between eight hundred and a thousand years.” “Great! First grade can keep its funding too!” said Wing. “Lets see if second grade stays too!” “The migration is coming up,” Star said nervously. “Well would you look at that,” Wing enthusiastically stated. “Somepony here actually deserves a diploma!” Wing flipped to another sheet to show a congregation of dragons filling the sky. “As Gazer here pointed out, we’ve got the annual migration coming up. You know what we’ve done with it? Jack!” “Here comes the monologue,” Dream joked. And there goes my hearing for the rest of the week, Star thought. “Well, the Princesses decided to do something about it! Equestria almighty, are you going to enjoy this! In an attempt to better understand dragon culture, we’re going to be sending some teams to the migration this year. Congratulations! You all just went from ambassadors to spies!” Wing took a deep breath and relished in the moment. “Reminds me of Staliongrad.” “Um, sir,” came a voice from the back of the crowd. Star recognized the nasalness of it as Early Bird’s. “I thought relations with dragons, at least regarding the migration, were rough?” “They are!” Wing said with an almost giddy smile. “That’s what makes this a big job. You’re gonna have to observe the migration up close and not get caught while doing it.” “Sir, no offense, but a bunch of ponies kinda stand out in a dragon migration,” Early Bird replied. Wing’s smile changed into a wicked grin. “Who said anything about ponies going?” Confusion spread like a wave through the crowd. Dream chuckled a little. Wing tapped on a suitcase next to him, which opened up and displayed four medallions crafted out of some sort of crystal-like rock. Star’s left ear twitched a little. “Why does those things feel... familiar?” “How can it feel familiar?” Dream asked. “You haven’t even touched it. Although...” Dream glanced over at the medallions with a mischievous grin. “Something does seem up with them.” “If you two are done making dinner plans, maybe I can tell you what they are,” Wing growled. Dream and Star both shut up. “Guess you have some unicorn ancestry in you Gazer.” He trotted over to the suitcase and gingerly picked up one of the medallions with a wing. “These little babies are loaded up with enough magic take down an Ursa Major!” “So they’re defenses against dragon attacks?” somepony asked. “Did I say it was Q and A time?” Wing yelled. “Anypony with enough of a brain can defend themselves from dragons. Getting close to them is a whole ‘nother story.” Wing’s eyes settled on Dream. “Weaver! Front and center!” “Yes sir!” Dream ecstatically replied. She marched forward towards Wing. When she was within reach of his wings, he shot the one holding the medallion over to her and slammed the medallion onto her neck. He then instantly pulled on a pair of sunglasses. There was a flash of light and, for a second, Star thought he’d been transported into an oven. The heat disappeared as fast as it came though. When Star’s vision returned, he noticed that he, along with anypony else in the front of the crowd, was slightly singed. Some slight burns were nothing compared to what Star saw next though. Standing in front of the crowd was Wing, a little singed as well, and a pink dragon with long green and yellow spines that was about the height of a full grown pony. “Happy birthday firebreather! You just turned one!” Wing practically screamed. “Whoa, was not expecting that,” said the dragon with a familiar playful voice. She raised one of her arms and flexed its claw. “Huh, that’s kinda neat.” She looked back up at Wing. “Can we just not do the burning thing again?” “Deal with it!” Wing replied. “You got flames inside you now anyway!” He then turned over to the crowd. By now, most of their mouths had punched through the floor and into the first floor lobby. “Knew I should have brought my camera. Anyway, as you can see, the Princesses have been nice enough to cook up some party costumes for us. Things will last today and through the migration. We’ve got spots to fill, so who wants to go?” Nopony instantly raised their hooves or wings. “Did I mention those who stay are getting the mountains of paperwork we have to handle to get this job off the ground?” Almost everyponies’ hooves shot up. Star’s, on on the contrary, stayed down. I think I have enough transformation hijinks for a lifetime. He watched Swift Breeze and Morning Glory go up for medallions. This time he closed his eyes before the flash came. When he opened them, his colleagues had been replaced by two adolescent dragons. He also noticed that Breeze had wings while Glory didn’t.  Still... He glanced over at Dream, who was currently running a claw over her opposite arm and gawking at her scales. That’s some pretty weird magic. Wonder if she was joking about the burning. Wait, do dragons even feel heat? Guh, we need better tex— “Oof!” Dream fell and scratched one of her claws all the way down Star’s left leg. “Ow!” Star recoiled back and examined his leg, noting that Dream’s claws had broken his skin in a few spots. “Darn it Dream! What’d ya do that for?” “Oh!” Dream frowned and nervously wrapped her claws around her tail. “Sorry, I just wanted to try walking over... guess I have to practice with using two legs.” She shook one leg around playfully. “I’m still really sorry about cutting you though.” Star sighed. “I guess it’s not too bad, I just need get it bandaged up.” He gingerly set his leg down and looked over Dream. “Well, this is definitely a surprise. Walking aside, how’s the spell working out?” Dream twisted her head and glanced at her tail. “Kinda weird having such a fat tail, like you’ve got an extra leg. Hmm, speaking of spells, I wonder if I can do magic.” Dream closed her eyes and concentrated. “Huh, it sorta feels like when I use magic only... uh-oh.” Star raised an eyebrow. “Dream what’s...” Dream clasped a hand over her mouth and her cheeks inflated. Star rapidly turned to Wing, who was holding the last medallion and walking over to them. “Sir, I think...” Star stopped and his eyes went wide. Dream’s current posture reminded him of what Spike looked like when he was about to send a le— “Oh crap!” Star’s wings flared out and he leaped into the air just as a jet of flame shot out from Dream’s mouth and incinerated the spot where Star had been standing. Unfortunately, Star leapt a little too high and banged right into ceiling. He fell to the ground with a loud thud. “Oops,” Dream whimpered. ~~~ Star blearily opened one eye. Ugh, I hate mondays. He slowly stood up and nearly fell down again. Luckily, a pair of claws held him up. “Woah,” Dream said. “Careful, you hit your head pretty hard... sorry.” “Well, I’m definitely calling in a sick day now.” Star raised a hoof and rubbed his head with it. Only instead of massaging his head, he scratched it. “Huh? Dream, why are scratching my head? ” “Um, anyway Star,” Dream said nervously. “This morning, remember how I said I told the boss that’d you’d love this job... welllll, the medallions also help get rid of any immediate injuries.” She looked down at the floor. “Plus, he was gonna smack one on you anyway!” “Dream what are you talking abou...” Star noticed that Dream was holding him up with both her claws. Slowly, he brought his hoof down and was met with brown scaly claw. That claw, along with his other one, began to throttle Dream. “You idiot! I have enough body problems as it is! I don’t need scales on the list as wel—” Star froze and noticed the tone of his voice. His pupils turned into tiny dots and he slowly focussed back on the dragon he was holding. “Dream, what type of dragon am I?” “A winged one.” Dream nervously answered. She wasn’t looking directly at Star. “What gender of dragon am I?” Star growled. “Um... well...” Dream squirmed a little. “I guess it’s not a good time to mention you sneezed twice while you were out and stayed the same?” “Sorry about this mess Gazer!” Wing’s strong hoof smacked into his back. “Was gonna surprise you and get a laugh, but then tables turned on me! Last medallion must have been junky!” “Well how do I get rid of it?” Star asked desperately as she clawed at her silver chest. “As I said,” Wing sighed, “spell lasts today until the end of the migration. You got those frilly scales for until Friday! Tell ya what, you pull this job off and I give you a promotion and a tell you about the time I was in Amesterdanehill. I’ll even buy you a drink!” The brown and silver dragon just grumbled, “Frickin’ Mondays.” > Cloudy Skies on the Rim: Exploration and Abduction > --------------------------------------------------------------------------         “It’s not that bad,” Dream said. Both she and Star were currently walking— if you can call multiple stumbles and shuffling walking— through Canterlot’s streets. They got a few looks, but then again, adolescent dragons making their way down the road and falling every couple of steps tended to draw attention.         “Dream,” Star pouted, “ignoring the fact that we can’t even walk straight, I’m really not looking forward to being found out by real dragons and then roasted alive! Getting stuck as a girl just tops off this cake.”         “Well...uh...” Dream mentally flailed for a something to say. “You don’t need your glasses.”         “Oh joy, I’ll be able to see with 20/20 vision as flames consume me. Thanks Dream,” Star sarcastically droned.         “Well, you’re stuck with it, so deal,” Dream chided. She then unfurled the piece of paper that was crumpled in her right claw and looked at it. “Now where is this place?”         Star glanced over at the paper and noted the directions listed on it as well as the red arrows drawn over the Canterlot map. “You’re sure it’s in this part of town?” All around them, the sound of hammers, saws, and roaring fires filled the air, along with a somehow pleasant burning smell. “I’ve never heard of a restaurant in the industrial sector. I’ve never even heard of this ‘Sparkler’s’ place either.         “Hmm,” Dream mused, “neither have I. Maybe it’s one of the boss’s old hangouts. That’s probably how he got tickets for free meals there.” Dream turned left at an intersection and craned her head up. “It should be around here somewhere.”         “Wait...” Star squinted her eyes and scanned the end of the street. He enthusiastically pointed a talon at a corner shop. “There it is!” He then focused back on his extended talon. “That’s freaky.”         “It’s neat!” Dream smiled. “It’s like having a spell at the end of your hooves.”         “Don’t try anything with magic!” Star yelled. “You’ll end up burning down half the city.”         “That was an accident! C’mon, you’re not just a little curious about it?”         “No, ponies don’t breathe fire.”         “Well,” Dream said with a smug grin, “you heard the boss, we’re not ponies right now, we’re dragons. So until you snort flames, you’re not getting lunch.” Dream reached into her pack and pulled out the tickets for lunch.         “I hate you Dream, I hate you so much,” Star sulked. She took a deep breath and focused. She felt a bubbling sensation in her stomach which quickly crawled up her throat. I’m blaming Dream for the inferno. She opened her mouth and let out a rather large blech.         Dream stood there for a second, before a grin spread across her face, fully showing off her sharp teeth. She started laughing, lost her balance, and rolled on the ground. “Good job Star, you managed to make the air smell a little more burnt,” she wheezed between laughs. Star turned beet red. “S-shut up! I’m glad I can’t do it! At least I didn’t nearly kill somepony!” Dream pushed herself off the ground and took a breath to compose herself. “Fine fine. Guess it’s just easier for me since it’s a lot like channeling magic.” Dream’s eyes then lit up with curiosity. “Ooh! Try flying at least!” “What am I, your pet?” Star’s stomach grumbled as well. “Fine.” She looked back at her wings and gave them a few flaps. When she didn’t lift off the ground she pushed them faster. However, while she managed to get off of the ground, she instantly did a one-eighty and fell on her head. “Ow!” Dream stopped smiling and helped pick up her friend. “What happened?” “Er!” Star fumed, little jets of smoke coming out of her nose. “My center of gravity is off!” She lunged forward and grabbed one of the meal tickets. “Darn it, this is all your fault!” “Star...” “No! Don’t say anything! I am eating and then I’m going home, you have fun with your stupid migration!” Star then stomped off to the shop, leaving Dream alone in the street. “I just thought it’d be fun,” she whimpered. “Ah, bummer, your friend sounded lame anyway,” came a voice from a nearby ally. Out of its shadows came a lanky red dragon. “Not much my style anyway.” “I dunno boss,” said another dragon, this one purple and green with yellow spines covering his eyes. “She looked pretty good to me. When do you ever see silver on an underbelly?” “Heh-heh, well, I know where you were looking,” the red dragon cackled. “Like you were doing anything different with this one,” replied the purple dragon. The red one shot out a wing and smacked the purple one in the face. Then he focused back on Dream, who was shaking a little. “Don’t listen to him, he couldn’t get his mind off mating if he tried. Anyway, what’s a girl like you doing in this namby-pamby stink-hole?” “I... I’m j-just resting a bit... before the migration!” Dream flailed. Oh Celestia, they’re gonna roast me! “Huh,” the red dragon mused. “We’re pretty much here for the same reason.” He glared back at the purple dragon. “Some idiot decided to stuff himself with gems before we left and was too loaded down to make it all the way.” “Shut up Garble!” The purple dragon raised its tail in brought it down on Garble’s. “Ow! Blister you son of a...” Grable lunged at Blister and they both started to quarrel with each other. Dream slowly backed away. “Well... I should probably be going.” Garble pinned Blister down and shoved his aside. He then rushed over to Dream and used his tail to block her path. “Hey-hey, didn’t mean to offend. We’re all just a little pent up from the migration is all. You know how it is, right?” “L-look, I’m not r-really sure I want to go now,” Dream stuttered. “I s-should really get back to my friend.” “Why? She’ll be at the migration too. She’s even got wings; I see you don’t.” Garble playfully slapped at Dream’s back. Dream let out a little yelp. “Let me guess, you’re from the east, right?”         Dream just shook.         Garble didn’t seem to notice. “My pal and I are from the north. Haven’t got a lot of females up there. So...” He moved in a little closer. “How about I give you a free ride?”         “H-how about you...” Dream quivered. “Back off!” She sent a small flame right at Garble’s face. It looked a little blackened, but he just gave her a smiled that showed of his jagged teeth.         “Ooh, feisty.” He took hold of her claw. “That’s a good fire you got there.” He spread out his wings and leaped into the sky. “This is gonna be a fun.” He turned and looked at Blister, who had finally regained his footing. “Come on, we’re leaving this lame town and joining the rest of the group. We might actually enjoy the migration this year.”         Dream squirmed and thrashed in Garble’s iron grip. She sent out spouts of flame, each weaker than the last to no avail. When she dared look down, she saw she was far above the city. Instead of struggling, she now grasped at Garble’s claw and shivered.         “Don’t be scared,” said Garble. “We’ll be there before you know it.”         “Help,” Dream cried. ~~~         Guh, stupid Dream, stupid dragons, stupid stomach! Star’s stomach grumbled again. “Shut up!”         She stomped into the store. “Oi! I need a ta...” Hundreds of gems and diamonds sparkled around her. “...ble.”         “Hello?” came a sophisticated voice from the back of the store. “Is somepony there?”         “No,” Star said as she turned around. “Sorry, I must have the wrong place.” Darn it! I knew those directions were wrong! Screw it, I’ll just get lunch at somewhere I know.          “Oh, that’s a shame,” said the voice. “Do you need help with directions? I could... Oh!” The sound of hooves rapidly hitting ground came from behind Star. Suddenly, her claw was being shaken enthusiastically by a beige hoof. The hoof in question belonged to an equally beige unicorn with a purple and magenta mane. “You must be one of Wingy’s employees! First off, let me say that what you’re doing is just great! Second, you can have your pick of whatever you want here! Almost forgot, I’m Sparkler, pleasure to meet you...” She paused and waited for Star’s response.         “Um... what?” Star replied.         “Well, I assumed since you have the meal ticket, you’re working for Wingy,” Sparkler explained. “Besides, I haven’t had a dragon in here since little Spikey-wikey left.”         Star distinctly recalled a few library visits in which he’d overheard Spike gushing about the nickname to Twilight. “Do you... have any relatives in Ponyville?”         “Indeed!” Sparkler smiled. “My cousin lives there. Why just last week, she sent me an order for forty sets of rubies, can you believe that? Are you a customer of hers too? Ooh!” she squealed. “This is so exciting! Please tell me your name!”         Star backed up and nearly fell on her tail. “S-star... can you watch it on the personal space?”         “I’m sorry dear.” Sparkler bowed her head and backed away a little. “I just get a little over dramatic sometimes.”         I think it’s genetic. Star sighed. “Well, it’s great meeting Rarity’s extended family, but I’m looking for lunch, not jewlery.”         Sparkler chuckled.         “What’s funny?” Star snorted.         “Well, it seems Wingy didn’t give you a full breakdown of dragons. Jewelry is you lunch.”         “What?” Star deadpanned.         “Lets see...” Sparkler’s horn lit up. “If I remember correctly, Spikey-wikey just loved starting off with these!” Two pieces of turquoise and a sizeable emerald floated over to Star.         “What?” Star repeated.         “I know, I know,” said Sparkle as she vainly waved a hoof. “They’d do much better as earrings or part of a necklace, but Spikey-wikey always said they were good. A shame, that emerald goes perfect with your eyes.”         “Let me get this straight.” Star took a deep breath. “You want me to eat these?”         “It is what dragons like.”         Star picked the rocks and jewel from out of the air and held them in her claws. They were just as solid as they looked. “These are rocks.”         “Not just any rocks!” Sparkler drew back her face in mock horror. “These are some of the finest gems in Equestria. Elegance and class run in my family’s blood you know. We would have nothing less than the utmost best. Please, try them, I’m sure you’ll love it!”         “Well...” Star eyed the emerald that reflected back her own image. She took note of her sharp teeth. But more than that, she noticed how succulent the gem looked. It was perfectly sculpted and before that it’d been shaped exquisitely by the earth through hundreds of years.         “I think that’s a yes.” Sparkler’s horn lit up again and a small cloth flew over and dabbed the drool that had accumulated around Star’s lips. “A little class doesn’t hurt either though.” “Oh.” Star turned a little red. “I’m just a little hungry and this looks really good.” Star ran her forked tongue over her lips. “Well, I guess a bite couldn’t hurt.” She raised up the emerald with one claw and brought it over to her mouth. However, she paused before taking a bite and looked at Sparkler. “This won’t break my teeth?” “Sweetie, Spikey-wikey was tearing through granite with his gums.” “Okay.” Star gulped. “Here goes nothing.” She opened her mouth again and bit down on the gem. Her eyes then went wide. “Oh my gosh! This is amazing! It’s so crisp and juicy! How is an emerald juicy?” “Couldn’t tell you,” Sparkler said with a smile. “Hmm, maybe I should ask Wingy to cook me up one of those medallions so I can find out.” She then focussed back on Star. “Anyway, how’s the...” All the stones, had disappeared out of Star’s claws. “...gems.” “Amazing!” Star happily exclaimed. “You gotta let me try the rubies, or maybe the sapphires. Ooh! What about diamond? Or Obsidian! Maybe even...” A hoof fell on her mouth. “Careful darling,” Sparkler chided. “Don’t get carried away. I don’t know how authentic those medallions make you, but if you’re even close to full dragon, you don’t want to get too greedy.” Images of a peaceful morning being disrupted by a fifty foot monster flashed through Star’s mind. A shiver ran down her spine as she imagined the beast being brown and silver rather than purple and green. “Right.” Star’s stomach grumbled a little. “I’m still a little hungry though. Would you mind getting me some gems? You probably know what’s good better than I do.” “Why thank you, dear,” Sparkler said with a smile. “Anyway, let me get you the smorgasbord. You’ll probably also need some stuff for the road from what Wingy said.” “Thanks,” Star said with a smile. ~~~         An hour or so later, Star emerged from the shop carrying a rather hefty bag. “Ah, that hit the spot.” She happily rubbed her stomach a little.         “Wait!” Sparkler called out as she rushed out of the store. She ran over to Star, levitating a small piece of paper. “You had another ticket. Was a friend supposed to meet you?”         “Oh...” Star frowned a little. “My friend and I had a bit of a fight right before we got here... I may have gotten a little mad.” Hope I didn’t upset her too much.         “Dear, my advice would be to make amends.” Sparkler then somehow smiled. “Besides, I’m sure she’ll feel better after a good meal.”         “Right, I’d better go look for her. Just hold onto that ticket if she shows up, she’ll probably be your second dragon customer today. Thanks again Sparkler.”         “Anytime dear, and when you’re back to normal, come in and buy some jewels to wear rather than eat.”         Star awkwardly chuckled. “Right.”         “And make sure to say hi to Spikey-wikey for me.” ~~~         “Um, yeah, I’m here to see a Ms. Weaver,” Star said to the receptionist at the apartment complex.         “She hasn’t checked back from work,” replied the receptionist.         “Has a pink dragon with green and yellow spines come through?”         “Sorry, we don’t have any dragons here...” The receptionist tapped her hoof. “Actually, you’re the first dragon I’ve seen since Princess Celestia’s student left town.”         “I see, well, if you see that dragon or Dream just tell her Star said he’s sorry.”         “Can’t dragons send stuff with their flame?”         “I think the only thing that would accomplish would be making myself sick.”         “Okay, I’ll keep the message for her. Have a nice day.”         “Thanks.” Star turned around and left.         She quickly made her way to the train station and waited for her trip back to Ponyville. She shuffled her feet as she did, however, they kept catching and tearing up the wooden platform. Star sighed and went to sit on a bench, but even that felt a little off. Can’t even sit right. This is gonna be a rough week.         Her wings flapped a little. Crap, how am I gonna get up to my house? ~~~         The sun was beginning to sink into the western horizon by the time the train made it to Ponyville. Star got off and stretched, producing a few audible cracks. Okay, I’m really gonna need some help with this. She sighed. Probably gonna have to go to the spa.          She was so distracted with figuring out how to deal with her body that she didn’t see the shape in front of her. “Oof!” Star tripped and fell right onto the ground. “Should have seen that coming.” She felt something flail under her. She jumped up and hovered in the air for a second before crashing back down. She’d perfectly crushed a small purple and green dragon. “Oh my gosh! Spike! I didn’t mean to do that!” She helped him up and kept him balanced. Spike used a claw to massage his head. “Wha huh?” His eyes went wide when he saw Star. “Whoa! Another dragon! What brings you to Ponyville?” “Spike, it—” “You already know my name? Heh, I knew my awesomeness would one day make me famous.” He grinned a little. Star resisted the urge to facepalm. “Spike it’s—” “Let me guess, you’re here cause you heard I was going on the migration and wanted to accompany me. Already got that talk from Twilight. Don’t get me wrong, other dragons are nice, bu—” This time, Star did facepalm. “Spike it’s Star.” “What?” “I’m Star,” Star grumbled. “My boss and my friend thought it’d be a fun joke to send me to the migration with everypony else.” “How come you sound like...” Spike awkwardly wrung his tail. “They didn’t think my other issues would mess with the spell. So now I’m stuck like this for the rest of the week.” Star looked at Spike wringing his tail. “How do you sit with that thing anyway?” “I... uh... well,” Spike stuttered. “Okay, this is weird.” “Preaching to the choir,” Star sighed. “Oh yeah, Sparkler says hi.” Spike’s eyes lit up with delight. “You saw Sparky? Wow, I loved it when Twilight saved up enough to buy me something from there. Did she give you good stuff? She did, right?” “Yeah, actually...” Star walked over and picked up the bag she’d dropped when she falled. She reached in and pulled out an amber colored crystalline rock. “I didn’t want to be rude, but she kept saying I’d love garnet, but the stuff’s not for me.” “You kidding?” Spike happily took the gem and ate it in one bite. “I love garnet!” “No way, the beryls are the best!” Star argued. “Heh, you just haven’t developed better tastes,” Spike chuckled. “Although, this does beat having nopony to talk to about gems.” “Well, I’ll be here ‘till Friday.” “You’re not going on the migration?” “No,” Star sighed. “Look at me Spike, like you said, I don’t even know what gems are good. The other dragons would sniff me out in an instant.” “Didn’t you say your boss did this? So isn’t it part of your job?” “I didn’t ask for this.” Star crossed her arms. She then looked down and dropped them. “Er, my claws keep doing that. What did I even just do?” “You crossed your arms.” “Ponies don’t cross their arms. We don’t even have those. See Spike? I just can’t get used to this.” She flapped her wings. “Probably gonna spend the rest of the day trying to get  up to my house.” “Oh yeah, you got wings! Lucky,” Spike exclaimed. “Twilight did a little research and it sounds like it’ll hurt when I get mine.” Star looked back at her wings. “Sorry Spike. Guess the wings stay no matter what I look like.” “Well, I’m still going on the migration tomorrow morning.” Spike turned around to leave. “If you need help with anything, just ask me before that.” “Thanks Spike.” Star turned to leave as well. “Good luck, you’ll probably do better than I did.” “Hey don’t be too harsh on yourself. You got me fooled.” “See ya.” Star waved and then made her way to her home... or rather below her home. “Okay.” Star glanced up at the cloud and the sky that separated her from it. She raised her bag and grabbed it with her teeth. “Just got remember the basics... maybe if I get on all fours, it’ll be more like normal.” She crouched down and adjusted her stance until she was about as close as she could get to a pony’s posture. “Well, that’s step one.” She looked up again and then back at her wings. “Now on to step two.” She took slow and careful flaps at first, just enough to cause a slight breeze. Then she picked up her speed, causing the grass around her to rustle. Gravity started losing its hold on her and she began to rise. “Okay, got airborne. Just gotta go straight up.” She kept her wings going at the same speed and got higher and higher. She smiled as her house was just a few feet away from her. Finally, she crested over the cloud and got a view of her house. “Yes! I did it!” She shifted her wings a little and tried to move forward. “Now I just need to...” Her tail cut through the currents her wings were generating and she turned into a floating rock. “Nononono!” She rapidly flailed her claws and managed to catch onto the edge of the cloud. She looked down and gulped. “Oh crap, oh crap! Gotta get up!” She grasped the cloud with both her claws and pulled with all her might. She raised herself up and then collapsed on the cloud. “Thank you!” she wheezed at the setting sun and the rising moon. “Thank you Celestia! Thank you Luna! Thank you whoever’s listening!” Star then realized she was resting on her cloud. “Wait...” She dropped her bag and pushed herself up. “I’m a dragon, but I can still walk on cloud... hmm. Maybe I’ll ask Spike tomorrow morning or when he gets back about that.” She reached out and grabbed the bag with a claw. Her eyes then went wide and she frowned. “How am I gonna get down?”