> Lil' Farmer > by Dying Hope > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Ah'm Apple Bloom > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Little Farmer By Dying Hope Chapter One – Ah’m Apple Bloom Hello everyone. Ah’m Apple Bloom. Ah live in an apple farm named ‘Sweet Apple Acers’. Ah live with my big sister, Apple Jack, my big brother, Big Macintosh and my Grandmother, Granny Smith. Ah love my family, Especially Apple Jack. She is beautiful, hardworking, kind, sweet and strong. And best of all, She is the best sister ah could ever ask fer. I love her. She died yesterday. Ah don’t know why. And no one is goin’ ta tell me! Tears started welling up in mah eyes. Ah didn’t want to cry; Ah’ve gotta show mah big sis that Ah’m a strong and big pony just as she was! Ah wiped the small, single tear that had somehow managed to escape mah screaming bloodshot eyes. Ah bit my lower lip. “Oh, Apple Jack, Please tell me, yer lil’ sis, why did you leave us, big ol’ sis?” Ah looked up at the skies. What is she doing now? Where is she? Did she go to the Heaven? Well, Ah’m sure that she did. Even if she didn’t, Ah would go to the Hell fer her to live her afterlife in peace. Ah pushed mah frozen hands into the pockets of mah yellow raincoat. Mah dear AJ had bought it fer me. It smelled like her. Ah felt sick. Ah had to go home. Some may think it’s funny that me and mah big sis share… *sighs* Ah mean, used to share a room. Actually, it was so fun. She used to tell me awesome stories about her adventures with her cool friends named: Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. Then we had a ‘pillow fight’ which was always awesome even though Apple Jack always won. Then she would say ‘Goodnight mah lil’ farmer’, kiss mah forehead and go in her bed to sleep. Ah really miss those days… Ah ran to our room without sayin’ hello to my family. Ah only care fer AJ, as she always did fer me. Ah kicked the door open and ran to AJ’s closet. Ah pulled out her hat and wore it. Then I pulled out one of her dresses randomly. It was a cute, long and soft black dress. Ah hugged it and smelled it. It smelled like AJ. Ah smiled and cried. Cried and cried and cried. After what seemed like hours, Ah stopped crying. Ah got up and started taking off my own clothes and put on Apple Jack’s dress. Ah looked at myself in the mirror. It was really beautiful. Ah heard some voices. Someone was talking to Granny Smith. Ah tried to recognize the voice. It kind of sounded like… “Silver Spoon?!” Ah gasped. > Silver Spoon?! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Two – Silver Spoon?! “Silver Spoon?!” The little Apple Bloom gasped in great surprise. Why in Equestria was she here? “Great; All Ah needed in this misery was a mean bully to tease me.” She grumbled, frowning. “Apple Bloom?” Silver Spoon said softly as she knocked her classmate’s room politely. Her voice was different this time. It was kind and sweet. “C-come in…” The farm girl said sniffing a little bit. Silver Spoon ran in her room and hugged her suddenly; leaving the taller girl confused. “I really missed you Apple Bloom!” She said, smiling warmly. “Ohhhh Really? Are ya sayin’ that ya missed me? B-but I thought you hated me!” Apple Bloom said. “That totally not true! I never said that I hated you!” Silver Spoon said innocently. “Well then why did ya’ll tease me and mah friends back there in school?” Apple Bloom said, shouting a little. “Well, I-…” Silver Spoon said nervously, playing with her fingers “I-I’m so sorry Apple Bloom.” She said with all her heart “I-… I am an orphan. I live with Diamond Tiara… She told me that if I don’t bully the blank flanks, she would…” She gulped “Tell everyone and then throw me out of her house to an orphanage!” Silver Spoon broke down into tears. “Awww don’t ya cry, Ah am here for ya!” Apple Bloom put her hand on Silver Spoon’s shoulder. “Why does she do that?” She asked while wiping Silver Spoon’s tears. “I really don’t know; sorry Apple Bloom.” Silver Spoon sighed. “Do not be sorry, Sugar cube!” Apple Bloom stood up. “Would you like ta drink somethin’ fer now?” “Sure! A glass of water, please.” Said Silver Spoon, smiling once more while watching the girl leave the room. “Thank you Apple Bloom…” She said softly, not wanting anyone to hear her. A few minutes later, Apple Bloom ran upstairs with glee; carrying a glass of water and a lot of delicious treats - all containing apples – for her new friend. She opened the door of her room only to reveal Silver Spoon sleeping on Apple Jack’s bed peacefully, a relived smile plastered on her face. Apple Bloom sighed. She remembered Apple Jack again. She put the water and food on the floor and went to her bed. “Ah wish you could be mah sis.” She sighed. “Apple Jack would love to have you in the family” And she fell asleep. Big Macintosh was puzzled. Why those girls don’t make a single noise? Well, that’s strange. He thought. I really should check up on them. And he got up from his bed. He took a look at his room before going out: a small room with an old, uncomfortable bed at the corner. His clothes were thrown in some really random places. “Ow!” he gasped. He started cleaning his room, completely forgetting about the girls’ strange silence. > Loss > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Three – Loss “Apple Bloom! Apple Bloom wake up!” Apple Bloom opened her orange eyes to see Granny Smith. “Ohkayohkay Granny, Ah’m already up…” Apple Bloom yelled with her closed eyes. Then, she turned away from the elder woman and fell back to her dreamland. “Apple Bloom Ah said WAKE UP!” Big Macintosh opened the door to her room in anger. He was sweating hardly – as a result of hours of deep, room cleaning – and he seemed off mood at the moment. “’Kay ‘kay ‘kay!” Apple Bloom jumped out of her bed quickly, shocked at his big brother’s yelling. She must have done something really, REALLY bad to make him angry like this. “Why in Equestria are you wearin’ Apple Jack’s dress?” Big Mac said with his voice a little lower this time. “Ah-… Uhm…” She noticed Silver Spoon’s absence. “Where is Silver Spoon?” she changed the subject; hopeful that he will not notice. “She said somethin’ ‘bout having to go to…” Big Mac said “…’Dia’s’ house? Who is this ‘Dia’ Apple Bloom?” He was confused. The town ponies sure had weird names! All ‘bout fancy an’ stuff. “Diamond Tiara” Apple Bloom ran out of the farm, hoping that she wasn’t so late. She was going to ask her, and Silver Spoon was going to answer her. She sure wanted to be her sister too. “No, no, no, no, no, no, NO! Ah can’t be late! Ah Can’t!” She used all the willpower in herself to run to the town. “Hey Apple Bloom! We’ve got something to tell you!” Sweetie Belle waved her hand for Apple Bloom while standing beside Scootaloo and... “Silver Spoon?” Apple Bloom was surprised. What is she doing here? Silver Spoon only looked away in silence. “Apple Bloom…” Scootaloo sighed and put her hand on her country friend’s shoulder. “We…” “We are not friends anymore! We don’t want you! Silver Spoon came and told us that you told her that you always hated us! And now, she is our friend, instead of you!” Sweetie Belle stuck out her tongue. And turned her back. “Let’s go girls.” Silver Spoon walked away with Sweetie and Scoots, heads held high. Apple Bloom couldn’t move. Not only she lost a sister, she now lost all of her friends! Ad all she could do was to stand there and watch them go away. After a few minutes, she started walking back to farm, crying silently and talking to herself. > Apple Sorrow > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Four – Apple Sorrow “Do you think she will hate us?” Sweetie Belle whispered worriedly to Scootaloo and Silver Spoon. “Of course she won’t! Just imagine how we all laugh when we tell her that it was all a prank.” Scootaloo replayed, smiling warmly to her friends. “You’re right” Sweetie Belle smiled back. Silver Spoon didn’t say a single word at all. I just hope she doesn’t do something silly that we all regret. She thought. Apple Bloom cried and cried and cried. She wasn’t really looking where she was going either. She was thinking of how worthless she was. She had just let her friends leave her so easily. Carrot Top - Or Golden Harvest - was riding on a car she had invented on top speed. She wasn’t wearning her glasses and she did’nt saw Apple Bloom walking. And when she did, it was too late... “APPLE BLOOM” Carrot Top’s screams of sorrow was all the girl could hear before she fell to her eternal sleep.