
by The A I

First published

a covenant assault carrier enters equestrian airspace after a confrontation with a small fleet of human vessels and, after a talk with all 4 princesses over an arrangement, become a major defense for equestria.

the song of retribution finds its self and its crew in equestrian airspace after having its slip-space drive damaged by human vessels and managed to escape mostly intact. having lost almost all ways to contact its fleet, or any other ship, the ship master contacts the sentient creatures on the ground and asks to meet their leaders/leader. the 4 princesses of equestria meet the ship-master and make a deal. supplies for major defensive backup.
(will see where it goes from there.readers ideas shall help decide what happens at certain chapters.)


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Steadily, a large covenant ship glides towards a small fleet of human vessels, its ship-master planning to assault and destroy them. This ship is the covenant assault carrier "song of retribution" and is captained by ship-master frol. (Do not know what the ship-masters real name is. wiki isn't useful with this.)

It was on its way to essentially restock on troops after it had deployed all 7000 of its troops onto a planet inhabited by humans with a large industrial facility, leaving it with a purely elite crew and a couple of scarabs. Its on this restock course that its sensors picked up this supply fleet merely 125 miles away as they exited slip-space.

A group of 30 frigates open fire on the Song Of Retribution and taking its shields down with their almost constant assault of mac fire and missile strikes. The 5346 meter long assault carrier retaliated with plasma cannons, torpedoes and pulse laser turrets, rapidly destroying a 3rd of the frigates. As if out of no where large slip-space signals appear behind the frigates as many more human vessels arrive to help their fellow soldiers. Taking the sensible option, ship master frol has his crew take the Song Of Retribution into slip-space to escape their enemy.

However as they did so, multiple mac blasts destroys the slip space core, forcing the elites on board to eject it into space before it destroys them. A the slip-space core explodes, it opens an unstable portal which leads to a undiscovered location. Seeing this as their only hope of survival, ship-master frol sends their ship into said portal.
inside the retribution

"Ship master!" A elite with blue minor armor calls out from a console as he turns to face the elite in golden assault armor who is sitting in a chair with a small console built into the arm rest. The chair is blue and stands on one "leg" witch is attached to the floor in the middle of the command center. orange and green glowing buttons sit upon the armrest tops of the chair.

"Is the anomaly safe to enter?" The ship-master asks the minor.

"Its the safest way out of this battle sir. But its unstable." The minor reports.

"If its the way we will get out of this alive, I am willing to enter it at minimal crew damage brother." The ship master replies.

"we don't know whats on the other side brother. Are you sure this is wise?" A blue honor guard in zealot armor asks the ship-master.

"If it saves our brothers from a non Honorable death at the hands of the humans, yes. I do this not for the gods, but for our brothers." The ship-master responds with a hint of pride in his voice.

The operators steer the ship towards the unstable portal witch now shines many colors and use the full power of the repulsor engines to drive them through it at incredible speeds. The 2118 meter wide ship barely making it through the portal as it starts to collapse behind them.
meanwhile in equestria

Twilight sits and looks through her very powerful telescope, taking notes as she observes a strange shape just beyond the atmosphere glow all the colors of the rainbow as a strange object zooms out of it, bright blue light at its back propelling it onward. A frown etches itself onto her face as she sees this and is about to send her notes to the other princesses when one speaks from behind her.

"We see thou have also spotted the strange anomaly in our sky. We were in hope that thou would know what it may be. Tis not of our control and gives off a strange energy, not magic but something just as powerful." The blue alicorn of the night informs Twilight, startling her at first.

The shocked face of twilight turns to see a very serious looking Luna as they both then gaze up at the Song Of Retribution.
back on the retribution.

"Status report!" The ship-master asks.

"Very little damage ship-master. though our communications have been destroyed beyond repair. no casualties and slight damage to the shield generators!" A minor replies.

"Very good. now. where are we brother? i do not recognize this planet." The ship-master replies.

"We have no information on the planet brother, other than is habitable we no nothing about where we have found ourselves." One of the 5 honor guards in the room says calmly.

"I want a scan of the planet as soon as possible. i want those shield generators fully repaired within the hour." The ship-master commands.
10 minutes later.

"The planet is inhabited by a multitude of very basic civilizations. As well as this though, a strange energy seems to emanate from the planet." One of the minors call out from behind one of the consoles.

"Like a shield or cloaking device brother?" The ship-master asks worriedly.

"Negative ship-master. i have never seen an energy signature like this. what is your command?" The same minor replies.

"Enter the atmosphere, we shall attempt to gain contact with the nearest sentient species. bring up a hologram of the closest main settlement." He commands.

The Retribution enters the atmosphere with a rumble. In the front of the room a holographic projector shows the landscape and a city on the side of a mountain. Next to the hologram is another hologram of 3 equine-oid creatures. One with a horn on its head, one with a pair of wings on its back and what is the closest to a normal equine with neither wings or horn.

"These are the inhabitants? How did they create such a structure as this city without being able to hold anything as a tool?" An honor guard asks, not expecting or receiving an answer.
twilight's library. (yes this is based in between season 3 finale and season 4 finale)

"Princess Luna, its heading towards canterlot... WAIT! ITS HEADING TOWARDS CANTERLOT!" Twilight yells in panic as the retribution enters the atmosphere and towards canterlot.

"Come with me Twilight. we must warn my sister!" Luna says and teleports herself and Twilight to Canterlot.
canterlot. Celestia`s private chambers.

"SISTER! we have direst news!" Luna starts of nearly using the canterlot voice on her sister.

the now wide awake Celestia jumps out of bed with panic and immediately calms when she sees Luna and Twilight there.

"What is it this time Lulu?" Celestia yawns.

"Something very big is heading straight to canterlot as we speak! It seemingly arrived out of an anomaly just outside our atmosphere!" Luna replies in a panic.

Celestia suddenly gets serious and says "Show me". this prompts Luna to teleport all three of them to the front of Canterlot, where a mass of smooth, reflective blue mass slowly hovers towards canterlot, however it gradually comes to a halt and a small cylindrical object lands in a puff of dry dirt directly in front of them.

In front of them a strange device opens up its sides in 4 equal sides and a white sphere is raised out the center of it. before they can react a hologram of the ship-master appears in front of them.

"Hello equine creatures. I am frol, the ship-master of the Song Of Retribution. We will not harm you or your species unless attacked. I merely wish to speak with your leaders to form a state of peace. Unless they choose to be hostile, in which case your entire species will be wiped from the face of this planet. However I hope it hoes not come to that." The hologram finishes and waits for a reply.

"I am princess Celestia, of the diarchy of equestria. My sister, princess Luna and i are the rulers of equestria. Although i do have doubts about your threat, i would like to speak with you to ensure you will not harm any of my little ponies." Celestia says, being diplomatic.

"I will be there shortly then" The ship-master replies to Celestia through the hologram and then shuts it off.

"Prepare a phantom to transport me and 5 honor guard to meet this princess Celestia. If i can secure peace with their king then we will hopefully be welcome without causing too much distress." The ship-master says as he stands from his chair, followed by the 3 honor guards in the room and meet 2 more outside the room.

Once they reach the cargo bay, a phantom hovers over to them and activates its gravity lift. the 6 elites step into it one at a time and are lifted into the phantom by the blue energy.
on the ground with celestia, Luna and twilight

"Princess celestia, how are they going to get down here? I mean, i estimate that its about a mile off of the ground." Twilight asks confused.

As if to answer her question, a purple object with silver on its base and white glowing in a small ring on either side of it glides from the side of the ship and towards them and hovers in front of them within 5 seconds of it being spotted.

A bright blue light shines from the bottom of the object in a cylinder as 6 bipedal beings descend onto the ground. One of them celestia recognizes as ship-master frol.

"Ship-master frol, its good too meet face to face. But before we start our peace talk, what are you, where are you from, why are you here and what is that thing above us?" Celestia asks.

"We are sangheili, but most other races just call us elites. We are from the planet sanghelios. as to why we are here, our slip-space drive detonated opening a portal into an unexplored part of space which we entered to save my entire crews lives from being destroyed by a human fleet. My ship, which is above us is the Song Of Retribution. A very powerful space faring vessel built for combat. We are now unable to contact any other vessel and i am hoping to open up some sort of trading program. Our supplies wont last forever and your military technology is next to nothing. To be blunt, every race on your planet is very primitive. So i propose a deal. We will defend your country and help you military wise, and in return all i ask for is food and water supplies so my brothers and sisters don't starve." The ship-master says somewhat proudly.

"As good of a deal that sounds, id first need to know how many of your people are on board your ship first. and then we are a peaceful nation, We try to avoid war. However with relations to both diamond dogs and gryphons decreasing, we could use some help if war is declared." Celestia comments.

"There are 7000 of us on board the retribution. Would you like a demonstration of the military strength we hold?" The ship-master asks.

Celestia gasps at the huge amount of elites on the ship, and then nods her head and asks for a demonstration of some of their weaponry.

With a simple order, a plasma torpedo is fired into a shield that celestia puts up as a target, and smashes through it with ease and continues onward in a straight line, leaving blue traces of smoke in its wake.

Next a plasma cannon fifes with an almost identical result, then the laser pulse turret fires and cuts a perfect circle through her shield.

"I would give a demonstration of the energy projector but, that damages atmospheres , as well as glasses the ground it hits. So yes, you have seen our power. What do you say to my offer?"

"Ship-master! something of equine nature is using some sort of active camouflage to the north, 3 meters." An honor guard whispers to him.

In the blink of an eye, ship-master Frol has drawn his energy sword and lifted the offending unicorn, prince blue blood, off the ground by his horn and prepares to kill him.

"Cur! Why do you pointlessly hide like a coward!? If your race has so little honor as to hide from a threat then we will leave this place in ruins!"

"GET OFF OF ME YOU BRUTE! You dare threaten the prince of equestria!?" Blue blood all but shouts.

"Your insults are just as pathetic as your life and title. Scum such as you are not worthy of a ship masters presence! Yet alone a title!" One of the 5 honor guards says as all 5 raise their own energy swords to face the now terrified prince.

"We will drive off all of your countries threats, if you lets us kill this scum. think of it as an optional bonus for both our sake, this one wouldn't be worthy of a grunts slave." The ship-master growls.

The 3 shocked princesses watch as Blue-bloods life is threatened, and celestia cant help but respond with, "Let us think about this further. We shall discuss this tomorrow."

"Auntie! HOW DARE YOU EVEN THINK OF LETTING THESE MONSTROSITIES KILL - ERK!" Blue-bloods yell is cut short as an energy sword slices through his lower intestines, killing him very quickly.

Pulling his energy sword out of the carcass of Blue-blood, Frol turns the blade off and faces the princesses. "What do you do with your dishonored dead?" after receiving no answer, he gives one last order, before returning to his ship and exiting the atmosphere. "destroy the body, a plasma cannon shot will disintegrate him with ease."

The Song Of Retribution soon vanishes, firing off a singular plasma cannon before leaving the atmosphere and 3 horrified princesses behind them.