> Pinkie Pie: My Little Pony - Summer Camp > by Ponyess > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Lunatic Dream: 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- All of a sudden, I noticed Luna Lulamoon; our Princess of the night, as she landed before me. “Greetings, Pinkie Pie. Nice to see you!” she spoke, in her more dreamlike voice. “Hiya, Luna. Likewise. Some time since you visited me!” I responded in an uncharacteristically unhyper voice. “Yes, I know. You certainly did fulfill my missions for you in an outstanding fashion, even if we can’t speak of these events to any Pony or otherwise. With a few exceptions!” she prompted. “If they knew, would they ever trust me with anything! I understand that some things are not to be known. I hope this is one of your more happy visits. Even if I would still perform my very best either way!” I responded. “This will go well with your calling. I want you to spread some joy to the citizens of Philiedelphia; I trust you know how to go there, like no other Pony. Your friends will be with you on this occasion, so you don’t have to do it alone. As a matter of fact, you will need their cooperation and they will be notified!” she continued. “Philadelphia? This is why you need me on this quest, I hope this is like the Convention you had me setting up earlier!” I suggested. “Oh yes, the Convention. I heard it was a blast, in every sense of the word. This is the spirit I was after; even if it will be different, this time!” she explained, in a more excited voice. This is when I noticed Rarity walking in on us with a set of strange looking suits I kind of recognized from my earlier adventure at the Canterlot High. “Welcome to the party!” Luna exclaimed. “I take it, she is just on time now?” I suggested. “Thank you, Princess Luna!” Rarity responded. “Right on the mark; quite punctual, as ever!” Luna confirmed. “These suits are part of my mission, I take it!” I responded. “This will be glorious!” Rarity exclaimed; in a more excited tone, along with Luna. “Exactly. A different party, from your previous once. It is called Summer Camp!” Luna pointed out. “This is where you need my help; as beautiful as these suits are, they will never fit the participants of your camp. I can fix that for you. I take it, this is why you invited me to this party, Luna?” Twilight sparkle interrupted, as she entered the room. “Well said, my dear new fellow Princess. It would never have been the same without you. I am so happy Celestia picked you out. I think you have just the spell we need for this to work. Besides, you are the one best versed with the participants of the party. I hope you don’t mind the pun, Pinkie Pie. I know you were there and lifted the roof in their latest edition of their party at Canterlot High. I know they will never forget your efforts!” Luna pointed out. “You know how I love a good pun, Luna!” I responded. “Time for a small demonstration; in order to see if the spell does what you are expecting, Luna!” Twilight put forth, her horn aglow; just before she sapped the first suit, making it glow brightly for a moment; leaving only a slight gloss to the rubbery fabric. “This does look about right; try it on, Pinkie Pie!” Luna responded. While I picked up the first stocking; Twilight Sparkle sapped the next suit with her magic, giving the same result. Only this was a different suit, intended for a human to wear. While I slipped the stockings on, pulling them all the way up; she sapped the second suit, with the same result as with the previous two. Once I had pulled the stockings all the way up; I picked up the gloves, even if they do look like a pair of stockings; just for my forelegs, which kind of is the point. The difference is that I have to use only one hoof as I pull it up the other leg. Then I picked up the final piece of the suit, pulling it on. Now I look as if I was wearing a shiny black bathing suit and four stockings in matching colour and material. “This feels odd, but discomforting familiar!” I exclaimed; just before the enchanted suit took hold of me, and her spell kicked in. My premonition soon proved me right, as I felt my legs tighten up and grow thinner; before I felt a strange urge to stand up on my hind hooves in a manner only too similar to how I had been at the High-school not too far back. “I feel as if I was going back to Canterlot High, all over again!” I exclaimed, as I rose to my hind hooves; as they changed into the more human looking feet, in a pair of what passed for shoes. My stockings had apparently changed me into a Human girl; looking like I had been looking, once I had gone through the gate. My stockings, or rather stockings and gloves still reaching to just an inch from my body, while the suit covered my body nicely. I had been given a strange flashback, in the midst of my friends. I guess I didn’t mind. “I do still recall that trip, the arrival was hard on me. At least I managed to bring the crown back and complete the mission. Although I made a few friends along the way; even if I guess it felt as if I had known them already, even if they had not known it as I met them!” Twilight responded. “We all recall the event, even if the memory is more vivid to some of us!” Luna expressed, as she winked at me; while responding to Twilight’s point. “That is exactly how we looked, back at the time. Even if we never wore suits quite like these. I kind of look forwards to seeing you like this, by tomorrow!” Twilight pointed out, just as Rainbow Dash sneaked into the room. “Oh, is that how you looked, back at Canterlot High; Twilight and Pinkie?” Rainbow Dash inquired; with a very curious smirk, on her face. “We all did. You and all the rest too, even if it was another you, Rainbow!” I teased back. “You are going to be the weather manager on the project, Rainbow Dash. I guess you are going to enjoy the new uniform, the old Shadowbolt suit you saw me wearing, even if that was before you helped me with my emotional problems. Rarity will have the honour and joy to create it for you!” Luna put forth. “Sounds like fun, even if it will take some of my free time!” Rainbow pondered. “I am afraid that can’t be helped!” Luna expressed. “Besides, Twilight and I will have our hands and hooves full!” I pointed out. “Greetings, Applejack and Fluttershy. Welcome to our little group!” Luna greeted the final two Ponies. “Howdy, Princess Luna. Nice to see ya. What d’ya have in mind for me, then?” Applejack inquired. “Since you are good with apples, you will take care of a small orchard for me!” Luna explained. “What would I do for you this time?” Fluttershy pondered, quietly. “Firstly, the critters on and around the grounds; where I asked Pinkie Pie to have a Camp, will need care. After that, Rainbow Dash may require some assistance with the weather, from time to time; you did prove yourself highly qualified at it. There may be a few minor details, aside from this; if the needs arises!” Luna pointed out. “I guess I couldn’t expect that to escape you, Princess Luna. You are after all guarding our dreams; aside from the small detail with a report most likely reaching you, in the royal Castle?” Fluttershy pondered, in her shy voice. > A New Day: 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apparently, I do have a job to do, a new mission. Thankfully, I did not have to haste off with an early breakfast, this time. I still do recall every instant and every tiny detail of the dream. Of course I love Luna, we all love our Princess of the night and warder of all bad dreams. She just has a strange and unorthodox way of telling us certain things. Don’t let my behaviour at Nightmare Night fool you, that is tradition and I love a good fright. Something told me Rarity would be awaiting me and so would Twilight Sparkle. If I had not known better, I would have agreed if you told me the notion was feeling contrived, but Luna had hinted towards them being there, waiting for me. I don’t like doubting her, when she asked me to trust her. I had walked down the stairs in my usual manner, casting glances at the various framed pictures along the way before I reached the edge of the flight of stairs. Once down I found Dazzle Cake at the counter. Since it is her café as much as it is Carrot Cake’s since it belongs to the family, it wasn’t any surprise on me. “Good morning Mrs. Cake. I am going to Rarity. I will be out for a while!” I exclaimed in my characteristically hyper manner as I passed her on my way out, only stopping for an instant, opening the door, greeted by the chimes. “Morning, Pinkie. Thanks for the heads up!” Mrs. Cake responded, just before I left the café. I enjoy the walk from the café to the boutique, in part due to the warm sunshine, which would have been a surprise if it wasn’t there, but also all my friends I greeted and sheered up along the way. Although I know most of them are cheered up, just by seeing me in town, maybe I shouldn’t blame them. Several minutes later I approached the boutique, slipping in, only to be greeted by the chimes, before I noticed Rarity was indeed waiting for me, with Twilight Sparkle by her side with a cup of tea. “Greetings, Pinkie Pie. Hope you would enjoy a cup of tea with us!” Rarity hailed me the instant the door closed behind me. “Hiya, Pinkie. It is delicious, you know!” Twilight Sparkle echoed, a moment later. “Hiya, Rarity and Twilight. Time for a cup of tea with my friends, of course. I wouldn’t miss it for the world, you know. Besides, I think there is a topic we need to discuss!” I responded with a silly smile. “Are you by chance referring to the dream last night? I have started to create a suit for that occasion!” Rarity pointed out. “I already enchanted your suit, Pinkie Pie. Luna told me to!” Twilight explained. “She clearly can be both effective and convincing, when she wants something done. Our lovely Princess Luna!” I pondered. “You did, then I have to try it on, right away. I am so nervosited!” I exclaimed, before I could gather myself. “Yes, that would be interesting!” Twilight responded, to the point. “I have it right here, I am curious to see how this will come out, even as I have created the suit for you myself!” Rarity put forth. “Since you already created my suit, I will put it on right away, while you are looking. Even if I have the impression you already have seen it on, in the presence of Luna!” I pondered as Rarity presented me with the suit. “Are you talking of the dream I had last night?” Twilight offered, nodding towards Rarity. “That is why we are all here, right now!” Rarity responded. By now I slipped my hind hooves into the stockings, left and right, carefully pulling them up with my mouth. Then I continued with my fore hooves, slipping them into the respective gloves, even if they currently do look almost identical to my other stockings. From there, I moved on to the suit, slowly slipping into it, one hoof at a time, pulling it up. Once I had put on the ensemble, something changed. The black rubber is still the same sheen, but I felt an urge to stand up, just like at Canterlot High. I noticed that the suit tightened up, giving me a new definition. My hind quarters turned into human looking legs with feet, while my fore legs took on the chape of arms with hands. The suit taking the form of what looks like a bathing suit, hiding a pair of orb like jigglies without any hint to my nibbles I knew had to be hidden under the black rubber. “The trims came out exactly the way I recall from my dream!” Twilight pointed out. “Looks exquisite!” Rarity exclaimed. “Is that the latest fashion at Canterlot High?” Sweetie Belle enquired in a squeaky voice as she slipped down the stairs, stopping half way down. “We thought you were sleeping, Sweetie Belle!” Rarity pointed out in response with a strange look over her face. “Yes, this will be the latest fashion at Canterlot High, since Pinkie Pie will go there shortly in order to spread some joy to the students there!” Twilight responded in a more sober and to the point tone of voice. “Actually, Luna entrusted me with a very important task, spreading some joy at the other side of the gate. These Humans needs some fun, just as we Ponies do, you know!” I explained in a matter of fact voice, like when I explained how serious party planning is. “I love Luna, she is my Princess. She helped me, when I was about to ruin it for both Rarity and myself. Giving me the perspective, so that I could do what was right. I am certain you recall the Dolphin Saphire Shore Always sees in her dreams!” Sweetie Belle puts forth. “Do not ever remind me, that was a tough day for me. Although you did save the day in the end!” Rarity responded. “I have a few details to tend to. I take it you can handle the suits, while I move the plans towards fruition. I’ll see you two, and the rest of our friends, when I am back!” I interjected. “Since Luna hoofed me all the required designs, I can make the rest of the suits you will need, Pinkie Pie!” Rarity promised. “I have the required spells, I will enchant all the suits for your needs, Pinkie!” Twilight continued. “Some new friends need to learn how to properly pony around!” I pointed out as I walked out the door, before I built up some speed, running towards the Sweet Apple Acres, where I intended to open up my patented rift, to where I was going off to next. Half a mile on the run I realised, just how strange it felt like, running at best speed as a Human. I never did run, just a slow jog at best. Just as I guess I made a few Ponies look my way, not that it bothered me, I love Ponies look my way. As Commedian, I have to face the laughter and stares, that was more of Flutter Shy’s problem. Of course, it did feel much faster now, on my two feet, as opposed to on all four hooves I usually did as I galloped. Thankfully, I made it safely into the barn, where I had intended. Guess I am still a fast runner, even if I wasn’t quite as fast as I was when I stalked Rainbow Dash around on the one occasion. Not that speed is critical, I just wanted to have the shop up and running. Sorry, pun is intended. Climbing to the floor intended was enjoyable and easy. Maybe I had expected it, subconsciously. Once I had gotten up to the top, I opened up my rift, stepping through. On the other side, in a small room in the basement in Philadelphia. There is none here, just as I had predicted. I walked out, closed the door behind myself. --- --- --- > A Poster’s Promise: 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I had found a new posted on the bulletin board. The promise did excite me, even if the starting point did come off as odd. I had read the address several times over, just to see if I could pinpoint where it was. The fee for a month did feel fairly moderate in my eyes. A Summercamp, that did sound like fun. Food, clothes, sleeping space and everything I could come up with was stated to be readily available at the came site. What I couldn’t find, is the details on how they were to transport us all to the site. It isn’t as if there could be any farm close by. Not in the middle of Philadelphia city. I had managed to gather the funds for what I had in mind, so I walked to the address and followed the description, ending up by the door of a small room in the basement of an office building. “Hiya, I take it you are here for the Summercamp!” the girl in strange looking rubbery garments enquired in a hyper voice, bubbling over with enthusiasm. “Yeah, I hope this is what we were promised. Not that I had anything better to do, but still!” I responded. “I am Diana Pie. I am certain this will be just as fun as you could possibly imagine. I will guide you to the meeting in a moment!” she responded. “Diana Pie? That is an odd and rather unusual name? Still, if you can guide me to the camp!” I responded. “I guess it could be around here. No rock farms in the city, I take it. I will explain the details, once we are at the camp!” Diana reasoned. “Diana isn’t exactly unheard of, but Pie? No farms of any kind, rock or otherwise, we are in the middle of Philadelphia, you know. I guess I could wait a few more minutes for the explanation. My name is; Alex Hill!” I responded. “Alex Hill? Don’t worry, I will explain and this will be your best summer yet!” she assured me. “I guess it could be, but you are not going to remember my name, when the next guy comes around!” I put forth. “I wouldn’t bet on it, if I were you!” she threatened, but with a smile all over her, as if she knew something she did not let on. “There is something you are not telling me!” I responded, only to be interrupted by a small group of people showing. “Hiya and welcome, I am Diana Pie, your guide to the Summercamp I know you are dying to be on, right now. In just a moment, I will take you there!” she pointed out. “That is Diana?” a girl exploded. “Diana is my name, yes. Right this way!” she explained, pushing up the door I had been looking at. They apparently followed us down the rabbit hole. The small looking room appears to be much larger than I could have anticipated. I knew the room couldn’t have been quite as large as this Diana had made it out to be. “Just a few hundred yards to where we are going. I would be pleased if you have the fee ready on arrival!” she then informed us. To my surprise, I realised we had walked right into what appears to be a barn. “Girls to the right and boys to the left. You will find your respective suit in the box. Just put it on and I will be right with you. Just make sure to choose carefully, the doors are marked, green border is quadruped suits, just so you know!” Diana explained. “Then I will go on the left!” I pondered, seeing the other guys following me, looking curiously at the doors of the boxes we passed. “This looks interesting!” I thought, looking at the outline of the next pony image on the door I was standing before. What I see is a mare, even if I didn’t recognise the signs right away. “There is something odd about these Ponies I see depicted on each of these doors. If I did not know better, I would claim that they are from a show I knew my younger sister used to love watching before!” I pondered under my breath, hoping none actually overhearing me speaking my thoughts out aloud. “My friend designed them!” Diana exclaimed from over my shoulder. “Wait, if your name is Diana, your full name is Pinkamena Diana Pie, known as Pinkie Pie, right? I knew I have heard of you from somewhere!” I mumbled. “Then you know my friend, Raity as well, I take it!” she just declared. “If you are talking of the white Unicorn fashionista, owning the Carousel boutique, then I know her. Only too well. My sister used to say that she wanted to be just like her. Imprtant and making her very own fashions!” I responded with a crooked sly smile spreading over my face. Since we are here and I have been paid, it isn’t a problem if you recognise me. As a matter of fact, it may be favourable to a large extent, even!” she responded. “From that perspective, did Twilight enchant or in any other way enhance these suits for our benefit with her magic?” I enquired, knowing the answer all too well before I even heard myself pronouncing the first word. “If she had not done it, these would merely be boring garments out of regularly fabrics. What’s the fun in that? Now you can fully experience what you came here for!” she pointed out. “So if I put this suit on, I can experience what it is like to be a Mare, as opposed to be a Girl or a Boy? I guess this would be fascination. Guess I will get value for the fee!” I responded, closing the box door behind me, picking up the thick rubber garment she had placed here for me, before I came here. “If you want to experience how it is to be a Quadruped Mare, this suit should be exactly what you asked for!” she informed me with a giggle and a smile spreading out all over her face. “Then you know what I am looking at, what my desires are. From the looks, could you just help me with the final details? I fear I will be incapable or reaching my back, once I wear the suit!” I pondered, unzipping the back, then slipping my right foot on, feeling it slide down to the edge. “Don’t worry, I know it only too well. I hope you will enjoy being the Pony, just as much as I enjoy being the girl!” she pointed out, still smiling. “Then you used to be a Mare, living in Ponyville?” I continued, looking up at her in her strange suit. “Yes, I used to be a Mare Pony, living in Ponyville. You will see how much fun it could be, once you slip into the suit. Don’t worry, I will help you with the sipper” she pronounced. I had felt my feet slip down into the suit, now slipping my arms in, into the suit. Feeling the slick, slippery material slide over the skin of my arms. As my hands had reached the end, I feel the rubber cover my hand, my fingers all the way to the tips. It is tight, much tighter than I had dared to expect, even if I don’t feel any actual pressure on my body. “Time to sip it up, right?” I enquired. “Yeah, it is!” she responded as she pulled the sipper up from just over where my tail is about to sprout, all the way up to where my mane will be, even if I had no idea, just yet. “That felt strange, but by no means uncomfortable!” I responded, feeling the sipper seal the suit up. Once the sipper had been done, the suit claimed me and fused to my skin. I could feel the slight breeze on my rump as I bent forwards. My hands changing into hooves before they even hit the ground. Just the same, my legs changed in order to allow for my hind hooves as I fell over. Standing on all fours, I felt my tain grow from what had been the end of my spine, while the hairs grew along the length. What had been my hair now slowly changed into a full Pony mane and my ears changed as they moved up to the top of my head. Mere minutes later, I am ready to trot off. --- --- --- > My New Suit and a New Me: 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I had taken the left passage to the boys’ side. If I had known what she meant, would I still have taken to the left, or even asked for a refund and wanted to go home? The blue suit is on the floor, just as expected. This is the suit I will be wearing all day. I had expected to take it off before I have a shower, which I was expecting as well. A single full body suit. The sipper is apparently on the back of the suit, the rest is just plain smooth, but it looks as if it should be fitting me well enough. None had looked twice, as I walked off to the box, or when I entered in order to try on the suit. Should I have been surprised, or revulsed? Since I had not come for sex, I guess I was just happy to see that the suit is flat both up and down. If no such details had been put in, I didn’t need to worry any would ask it of me. The one thing I would have to ask, or be asked for is to pull the sipper up. Not that I mind, it is just something I need done. Once I had pulled the sipper down, I notice that the surface inside is smooth and slippery rubber, looking and feeling identical to what the outer surface was. Holding the suit up with my right and left hand, I found it fairly light. With a light grip on both shoulders and keeping the suit open, I soon managed to slip my right foot in, feeling it slide dow and into the leg of the suit. As I pull my foot down past the knee, I feel the rubber contracting around me as if it was eagerly swallowing me, which is a strange notion when you refer to a suit. Once my foot slipped further I noticed how it touches my skin all the way up my thigh and to the edges of my toes, including between each and every toe. It is as if it had been molded for me exclusively, which I know couldn’t be true. Placing my right foot firmly on the floor of the box, before I pull the suit down and slip my left foot into the suit, pushing it down while pulling the suit back up until I feel the rubber tightly around my mound. Now I pull the suit up further, before I slip my right hand into the sleave of the suit, noticing the slippery sensation and tightness around my arm as my hand had reached the elbow. The sensations are identical, just as the reaction from the suit. Since it is too late to turn back now, I simply slip my left hand into the suit, using my now fully covered right hand since it is all I have available to me. Feeling the suit covering my body all the way up to my chest, I quickly insert my head, quickly enveloped by the remainder of the tight rubber. Now, all that remains to do is to pull the sipper up, but I realise it is impossible, I just am not quite flexible enough to reach the sipper with either my right or left hand. Looking up in hope to find the next guy to exchange helping hands. If I can’t pull the sipper up, I doubt that any of them could either. The suit did not quite reveal who is inside, which felt good. Once I had gotten to the next box, I found a guy in a red suit. At least it looks as if it is a guy, so I will address him as such, just as I expected him to address me as one. “Could you help me pulling up my sipper? I can’t quite reach it, just as I doubt you could reach your own!” I pondered as I saw the face of what looks like a metallic bloody red Pony standing before me. “I guess I could help you with that. I just had not quite gotten to the point where I realised that I am incapable of reaching my sipper on my own suit!” he responded. “Thanks!” I responded and moved up to the wall, presenting my back. “You are quite welcome!” he said as he pulled the sipper up, then presented his own back to me. “Well, so are you!” I responded and pulled his sipper up, feeling a slight snap as I got him sealed in. Now I realised that the sipper slowly faded away and fused into the rubber, while the suit tightened up nd fused to my features. What surprised me is the small details, like my jigglies slowly melting away. Then I noticed how my mound turned into a sheath, like that of a Pony. “Woah!” I uttered in shock. “Dude, this is radical. Guess she hadn’t promised more than she could live up to!” he responded as he heard my exclamation. At this time, my legs had already adapted to my new hooves. Lifting my hands up, I noticed they were slowly turning into hooves as well, even if my pose never did push me over on all fours, as opposed to what happened to all the once choosing the quadruped suits with the green rim on their plaques. “I guess it is time to explore the Mares?” he suggested with a more excited voice than I had expected. “Oh yeah, I guess we have to explore the opportunity!” I responded as I followed him back towards where the Mares were. Walking like this was kind of like tiptoeing, like in ballerina slippers. Yet, as an Anthropomorphic Pony, it wasn’t just surprisingly easy, it felt natural. Once I set my eyes on the Girl who had presented herself as Diana Pie, I realised she was looking striking and surprisingly like me and the Stallion I had just helped to sip his sipper in order to get the suit on. The one thing about her is the suit she is wearing, it keeps her looking like a regular girl, but now it is obvious that she is a Pony, just like us. She just has a very different suit. the suit had made her look and move like a girl. To my surprise, I realised just how exciting is looking she is, but if that had been all, as I feel something I though I could never have felt. There is nothing to cover what I felt. Since I had found myself a Pony, a Stallion. Even in her Human looking garments, she still is a Mare, underneath. Was it the surprise that opened me up for the experience? Then it hit me, my red friend was feeling the same things. If he was male before he came or not, I have no idea, but that wouldn’t matter, apparently. Either that, or I had not known myself quite as well as I thought. Only now I am nude, there is little to nothing I could do, in order to hide my feelings. Ponies are commonly nude in Ponyville, where he came from, guess she was used to it. Question is how she was to react, if she was to see us being all excited over and by her. I just had to make my best, not to act upon my feelings, even if they were easy to see. I am after all wearing my feelings on my sleeve, as the expression goes, but so does every other Pony. Maybe I shouldn’t be embarrassed. I can’t analyse the situation, or my feelings. I know what I feel. I just don’t know how to react on what I felt. Besides, if I feel excited and attracted by her, how many of the other Stallions would feel the same? --- --- --- > Suit Me Up: 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I had slipped my clothes off, before I picked up the suit. Now my shirt and pants lay on the floor, since there is nothing I could place them on. Then I had slipped my shoes and socks off, slipping the socks into my shoes for convenience. My underpants hidded inside of my pants. I did hope none was looking at me now, I am not comfortable with nudity at all. I don’t like seeing people nude, even if I could enjoy seeing a pretty girl nude, if I had the hots for her. In which case it is my feelings and excitement covering the nudity, thus keeping me safe from most of the embarrassment. I had just picked up the red suit from the black floor, holding it in my hands, critically examining it. Apparently the suit I had chosen is metallic bloody red. What I can never see on the suit is the fact that this was an Anthropomorphic one, as opposed to the quadruped version, but they were all in boxes where the border of the plaques is green, as Diana had explained earlier. I had the smooth rubber suit, the only clear feature a long sipper along the back of my suit. Although I can see arms, legs and head. The hands even have detailed fingers, while the feet come with equally detailed toes, for some strange reason. She never had explained these details, maybe they are inconsequential. If they are merely there to make the suit comfortable on me, before the changes had occurred. Holding the suit with my right hand as I unzip the suit in the back. I let go of the sipper with my left hand, before I take a good grip of the suit with both hands, holding it open and slip my right foot in and down the slick material, feeling it contract firmly around me all the way down. At the end, I feel it around my entire leg, foot and between my toes. I set my foot down carefully and lift my left foot in order to continue, pushing it in and down along the interior of the suit. For a moment it felt slippery and wet as it contracts around me. I feel the same tightness as with my right foot, no difference, both sides are clearly identical, and why not. As I placed my left foot on the floor, I realised that it is rubber, rather than plastic or painted wood or concrete as I had expected. Just as it isn’t a trick of the light, or an effect of the lack of light that made it look black. I feel a strange softness and elasticity to the floor. Curious. Not quite what I had expected, but then, what had I expected from the description on the poster. I was quite happy I had followed the instructions, going here. I know some may be disappointed, feeling as if she had not lived up to her promises, but personally, she had given more than I had read into the short text on the poster I had found. Naturally, I have not yet felt the full force of the suit or felt the full effect of what she had just given me. I may have paid her the fee she had asked of me, which is a very small price for what I have been given. At least, it is what I see right now. Pulling the suit up and slipping my right hand into it, feeling my hand and fingers slipping in as if eagerly swallowed by the sleeve on the right side. Why did I have these strange images in my head? I feel as if the inside of the suit is wet, as if it had been salivating, or possibly been excited. The suit contracted so tight, there was no air left inside. Once I had slipped my left hand into the suit, I feel a new and strange sensation, as my bro is pushing towards the inner surface of the rubber the suit had been made out of, I realise it is transforming into an equine counterpart, only it is clearly not a male one. I had slipped into a mare suit, apparently, I had chosen to do so by my own choice. I had not been coaxed into it or tricked to do so. There was no outside to tell me which side to choose, I had willingly and eagerly chosen this side. Now I am to live by it and experience the effects and consequences of my choices. Despite my best efforts and intentions, there is no chance I could reach my own back in order to sip the suit I wear, I will have to ask for help. Incidentally, Diana was standing right outside my box. It is as if she knew I need help with the suit, although I could assume she had a finger in the design, she had chosen it for our benefit, for all I knew. “Could you lend me a hand, I need some help with the sipper. I know I am nowhere as flexible as to pull it up by myself. But you already knew that, right?” I put forth. “Certainly. As to your question, the sipper was placed there in order to be out of sight and out of mind, which means it is very hard to reach. You do look great in a mare suit!” she responded, placing her right hand on the small of my back, slowly pulling the sipper up, thus sealing me in within the confines of the rubber suit. “Thanks for the help, Diana. Why do I all of a sudden have a feeling you know who I am? “You are quite welcome, Bro. Well, I guess Sis is more appropriate, for as long as you are with me on my little Summercamp. Hope you will enjoy your suit of choice as much as it was intended. I could as well point out that Rarity did help me with these suits!” she responded with a crooked grin and a strangely amused giggle to her voice. “When you say Rarity, are you talking of the Unicorn known as Rarity? The mare who owns the Carousel Boutique?” I enquired. “None other. She certainly is good enough a friend to ask for such a favour, I think. Considering, I hope you will enjoy to be a mare for the duration, not that there are any differences, but you will get a few new experiences while you are here!” she confirmed. “You mean to say that I am an actual mare, not just a mere resemblance of one on the outside? Now, that is certainly an interesting revelation!” I pointed out. “I would suggest you explore it, I know you are going to like it, unless you regret your choices coming here. In which case you are out of luck, but I have the feeling you knew what you were doing, so you will enjoy yourself here!” she assured me firmly and decisively. “This is going to be one Hell of a ride. I just can’t write home about it, explaining or even telling any one about it?” I responded. “It is up to you, what you make out of it. If you made a bad call, I can’t save the day, once the call was made. I will never stop you, so if you choose to write home, it will be your sanity on the line. I would still advice against telling others about what you experienced here. Although I wouldn’t mind if you were boasting of how much fun you had!” she pointed out. --- --- ---