
by Aqua_Breeze

First published

When your daughter would be seen as an enemy of Equestria, what would you do to keep her true identity a secret?

Twilight finds a young pegasus filly in the Everfree Forest after a visit to Zecora one night. When the filly disguise is finally dropped, what is revealed is a wingless changeling. After hearing the changelings story, Twilight decides to take pity on her and, unofficially, adopt her as a daughter.

How far is the princess of friendship willing to go to keep her new daughters true identity a secret?
What is she willing to risk to give her new daughter the best life possible?
What would she be willing to do if the truth should ever get out?

Inspired by Past Sins, written by Pen Stroke


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The Everfree Forest is not known for being fun to walk through. It is dark at all times of the day, the creatures that live within are not very friendly, and even the plants seem to have a vendetta against ponykind. It is in this very forest that the princess of friendship, Twilight Sparkle, finds herself after a visit to a good friend. She was heading home with some herbs for research when she saw a strange light flickering in the distance. Pure curiosity drove her to check it out. As she got closer to the light, Twilight could see that it was a campfire... somepony was out here for whatever reason.

"Hello?" Twilight said.

There was no response, but there was movement nearby. A nearby bush caught Twilight's attention as it suddenly swayed in the absence of wind.

"Who's there?" Twilight asked.

Instead of getting a response, Twilight was met with the appearance of a filly. As a blue pegasus filly made its way into sight, Twilight felt a mix between worry and fear. Why was a filly out here in this dangerous place? Why was she being so quiet? Where were her parents? These questions kept running through Twilights mind until the filly broke the silence and finally spoke up.

"Who are you?" The filly asked.

"My name is Twilight Sparkle," Twilight said cautiously, "What's your name?".

"I don't have a name," The filly said.

"Your parents didn't give you a name?" Twilight asked, quite baffled.

"Don't have any parents, either," The filly said.

By this point, Twilight was more than just confused. If this filly didn't have any parents, that would mean she's been living alone in this forest. However, even adults have trouble in this forest, so how a filly could live here for however long was something Twilight just could not understand. One thing she did know, however, was that she couldn't just leave this filly out here any longer.

"Are you aware that there are other ponies living nearby?" Twilight asked.

"You mean in that town outside of the forest?" The filly asked.

"Yes, that's right," Twilight said, "But... if you know about it, why are you all the way out here?".

"I just wanna be left alone, like I have been my whole life," The filly said.

"Living in solitude isn't a good life, trust me," Twilight said, "And living in solitude in this place is even worse".

"It's not that bad," The filly said.

"Look, why don't you come back with me and see what it's like to be around others?" Twilight offered, "You never know... you might like it".

"I appreciate the offer, but I'm fine right here," The filly said.

"Just give it a day," Twilight said.

It was obvious the filly was trying to hide something at this point, and Twilight wanted to know what.

"It really is better for me out here all alone," The filly said.

"And how do you figure that when you've never tried to even say hello?" Twilight asked.

"You wouldn't understand even if I told you," The filly said.

"Try me," Twilight challenged.

"You're not going to leave me alone, are you?" The filly asked.

"You got that right," Twilight said, "Now tell me why you think living alone out here is better than being around other ponies and making friends".

"Fine, but you had your chance to get away," The filly said.

Before Twilight could another word, the filly was consumed by green flames. After only a few brief seconds, the flames vanished, revealing a single changeling drone where there was once a filly. Twilight nearly fell backwards at the sudden appearance of one of Equestrias most dangerous enemies. However, she could not bring herself to attack. She was curious, she wanted to know why a lone changeling was out here like this. Perhaps, she could even get some information about any possible danger to Ponyville.

"Funny, I expected you to run," The changeling said.

"You gave me a little fright, but that doesn't matter right now," Twilight said, "What is a single changeling doing out here? Recon for your hive or something?".

"I don't have a hive anymore," The changeling said.

"You're bluffing," Twilight said accusingly.

"I've been out here for the past year and a half on my own," The changeling said, "Besides, if I was on a spy mission, why would I be where ponies don't want to be?".

"Ok, you got a point there," Twilight admitted, "And you say you've been out here for a year and a half?".

"That's right," The changeling said.

"Tell me, where you in Canterlot during the failed invasion back then?" Twilight asked.

"That's the last time I was able to be around my swarm," The changeling said.

"So, Chrysalis' hive no longer exists?" Twilight asked.

"I'm sure it is thriving once more, but my former queen has no desire to keep a changeling with no wings around," The changeling said, "I'd only be a weak link".

"You don't have wings?" Twilight asked, her curiosity now greater than ever.

"I lost them shortly after I crashed after that blast of magic sent me flying out of control," The changeling said, turning its back to Twilight.

"I can only imagine that didn't feel too good," Twilight said, starting to feel slightly sorry for the wingless changeling.

"Worst pain ever," The changeling said, turning to face Twilight again.

"So, how do you survive all the way out in this forest?" Twilight asked.

"I go to the tree line every day to feed," The changeling said, "It's never much, but it's just enough to live with".

She knew what she was dealing with, but Twilight just couldn't help but feel pity towards the changeling. Even though the changelings are enemies of Equestria, Twilight felt like helping this one out and befriending it. She knew the law forbade it, but something inside her that it was the better choice in this case.

"Why don't you come live with me?" Twilight offered.

"Why would I do that?" The changeling asked.

"Everypony deserves a chance at forgiveness, and as the princess of friendship, I'm willing to give you that very chance," Twilight said.

"And why should I trust you?" The changeling asked.

"What have you got to lose?" Twilight asked, "Besides, wouldn't you like to live a better life than this?".

"What about the others?" The changeling asked.

"I know from my own experience at the royal wedding your hive almost ruined that you can hold your disguise as long as you have a steady flow of love," Twilight said, "So who said anypony else has to know?".

The changeling sat down and pondered the offer. If it accepted, it might actually be able to live a nice life again. But what if Twilight was lying? What if she just wanted to give other ponies a chance at revenge for the events at the royal wedding? She seemed sincere enough, but would she really keep her word?

"How do I know I can trust you?" The changeling asked.

"I'm willing to break the law to give you a chance at a good life," Twilight said.

"And why is that?" The changeling asked, "What do you stand to gain with this risk?".

"The knowledge that I was able to take somepony from a horrible life and give them a life worth actually living," Twilight said, "Even if that pony is really a changeling".

"You're expecting something from me, I can tell," The changeling said.

"All I ask is that you not bring harm to anypony," Twilight said.

The changeling gave the offer a little more thought. It did seem like Twilights offer and expectations were sincere enough. It appeared as though she really just wanted to help. And she was even willing to commit treason to give that help. Is this because she's the princess of friendship? Could it possibly be that she really was willing to risk everything just to help one changeling drone? Well, what did the drone really have to lose? It had no hive, no wings, no real life. If Twilight was going to lead the drone to its death, perhaps that wouldn't be all that bad.

"Fine, I accept," The changeling said, "But would it bother you too much if I stayed out here for the night?".

"Wouldn't you prefer to sleep inside where it's warm and safe?" Twilight asked.

"Well, I guess that does sound nice," The changeling said.

"You can ride on my back if you don't want to walk," Twilight offered.

With that said, the changeling quickly put up its disguise and climbed on Twilights back.

"You said you don't have a name, right?" Twilight asked.

"Only queens have names," The changeling said.

"Well, if you're going to be living among other ponies, you'll need a name," Twilight said, "And I think I've got the perfect one".

"What is it?" The changeling asked.

"I think I'll call you Aurora because your mane and tail reminds me of an aurora in a way," Twilight said.

"I like that name, thanks," Aurora said.

The pair remained silent the rest of the way to Twilights castle. The whole way, Twilight questioned what exactly she was doing. Why did she feel the need to risk execution for this one drone? No matter what the reason, she had made the offer, and was still going through with it. Once she reached her castle, there would be no turning back. Twilight didn't seem to care, however, so long as she could, for whatever reason, help this drone live a good life.

Brother, meet sister

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"You're up rather ear-" Spike said before cutting himself off.

It surprised Spike when he thought he heard Twilight in the kitchen this early in the morning. His surprise turned to fear when he saw a changeling in the kitchen instead. The changeling hadn't seemed to take notice of Spike, so without saying anything, he turned and headed right for Twilights room. When he arrived, he opened the door as quietly as possible, fearing what could happen if the changeling found him because of any noise. He tiptoed over to Twilight, looking behind himself every few seconds to make sure he wasn't being watched.

"Twilight, wake up," Spike said, gently shaking Twilight.

"Just a few more minutes, Spike," Twilight said groggily.

"Not just a few minutes, Twilight," Spike said, "There's a changeling here".

"That's nice, Spike," Twilight said, "Now, just let me sleep".

Spike wasn't about to leave with Twilight like this. He figured the best way to wake her up was to shake her harder. He grabbed her shoulders and began to shake Twilight to the point of making her look like a bobble head. Needless to say, Twilight did not take to kindly to her alarm this morning.

"That's eno-" Twilight said before Spike placed both claws over her muzzle in an attempt to muffle her.

"Quiet, it might hear you," Spike said.

"What might hear me?" Twilight asked while moving Spike away with her magic.

"The changeling," Spike said.

"Changeling?" Twilight asked.

"Yea, it was down in the kitchen a few minutes ago," Spike said, "I don't know where it is now, though. I came to get you as soon as I saw it".

"Sounds like you met Aurora," Twilight said.

"Who?" Spike asked, obviously baffled.

"Aurora, the newest member of this makeshift family," Twilight said, "I found her on my way back from Zecoras last night. She's harmless, don't worry".

"What are you talking about?" Spike asked.

"Come with me," Twilight said, yawning.

As Twilight headed for the kitchen, Spike followed while hiding behind her. When the duo got to the kitchen, they did indeed find a changeling. Twilight immediately knew it was Aurora after she noticed the lack of wings.

"Aurora, come here for a second," Twilight called out.

Not aware of Twilight and Spike, Aurora got startled when Twilight called for her. As a result of being startled, she fell backwards, spilling a bowl filled with cold pancake batter all over her chitin. As she got up, she could hear Twilight trying quite hard to hold back laughter at the sight of a changeling covered in pancake batter. Not really understanding, Aurora mistook the giggles for anger, and cowered away with her ears splayed back and her face betraying her fear.

"I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to make a mess... honest," Aurora said, her voice trembling, "I just got scared and I kinda tipped the bowl on myself when I fell. I uh... I'll clean it up, I promise".

"I'm not mad, I just thought that was funny," Twilight said, walking over with Spike still hiding behind her.

"Funny? Like a joke?" Aurora asked.

"I guess you could put it that way," Twilight said.

"Oh... well, I'm still very sorry," Aurora said.

"It's alright, we'll clean it up," Twilight said, "Besides, I'm kind of at fault for startling you in the first place".

"Who's that behind you?" Aurora asked, finally taking notice of Spike.

"That's my number one assistant, Spike," Twilight said, suddenly sidestepping to put Spike out in the open, "Say hello, Spike".

"Um... hi?" Spike said nervously.

"She's not going to hurt you, Spike," Twilight said.

"But, she's a changeling!" Spike said, causing Auroras ears to splay back again and a sad expression to cross her face.

"I am very much aware of this, Spike," Twilight said, "But, for all intents and purposes, she's also your sister now".

"That's a joke, right?" Spike asked.

"No, it's not," Twilight said.

"But, Twilight, she's... she's a monster!" Spike said, raising his voice.

"She's not a monster. She's wingless and hiveless, and was fending for herself when I found her, so I took her in" Twilight said, slightly irritated, "And I want you to apologize right now".

"You're not honestly telling me you believed her story, are you?" Spike asked.

"Yes, I did believe her," Twilight said, her voice growing in irritation, "Now, apologize".

"Don't see why I should," Spike said.

"Because I said you should, that's why," Twilight scolded, "Now, are you going to apologize? Or do you want to be grounded for once?".

"Alright, fine," Spike said, throwing his arms up in the air in defeat, "I'm... I'm sorry, alright?".

"No you're not," Aurora said somberly, "But I guess it's ok. Not like I should expect to be liked anyway".

"Get this mess cleaned up and get some breakfast ready, Spike," Twilight said, a hint on disappointment in her voice, "I've got something to deal with".

"As long as it gets me away from her, that's fine," Spike said, earning him an angry glare from Twilight.

With that, Twilight wrapped her right wing around the sad changeling and guided her out of the kitchen.

"Sorry about that, I honestly didn't expect him to be so mean," Twilight said.

"It's... alright," Aurora said quietly.

"It's not alright," Twilight said, "Being a little cautious... I can excuse that. That kind of behavior back there, though, is unacceptable, and I'm sorry he did that".

"Really, it's fine," Aurora said, "I really shouldn't expect to be liked right away by anypony like I was with you".

"Yet it still hurts you," Twilight pointed out.

"Well, yea," Aurora admitted, "I was kind of expecting others to be as accepting as you at first. Guess I was wrong".

"Like you or not, he's just gotta accept that you're a member of this family now," Twilight said.

"But Twilight," Spike said.

"But nothing, Spike!" Twilight yelled, "The way you acted back there was completely unacceptable!".

"Don't you remember what the changelings did at your brothers wedding?" Spike asked.

"Yes, I do remember," Twilight said, "But that's no excuse".

"What do you want to do, huh?" Spike asked, "Just accept a changeling and giving it no thought at all?".

"You know very well that's not what I expect," Twilight said, "What I want is for you to keep your prejudice to yourself at least talk to her nicely... not call her a monster right to her face for no reason".

"Why did you even bring her here anyway?" Spike asked, "Do you really, honestly believe her sob story?".

"She's wingless, she was living alone in the Everfree forest, and she's done nothing but be nice this whole time," Twilight said, "I'd say her story has some credit on the first two points alone, the third just adds to that credit right now".

"How does living in the Everfree Forest mean she's good?" Spike asked.

"If she was on a mission or whatever, do you think she'd want to keep distance between herself and ponies?" Twilight asked.

"Well... alright, so you got a point there," Spike said, "That still doesn't change the fact that she's a changeling".

"No, it doesn't," Twilight said, "But it also doesn't mean you should treat her with such prejudice when she, herself, has done nothing but be nice. I mean, she thought I was mad at her for spilling batter when I startled her earlier... not what I would expect from something that wants to bring us harm".

"Well... I..." Spike said before sighing in defeat.

"Look, just apologize, and make it sincere this time," Twilight said, "Remember, changelings can taste emotions".

"Fine, I'll be right back," Spike said.

"Oh, and just so you know, you ARE grounded for a week," Twilight said.

Making friends

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"You ready to meet my other friends?" Twilight asked.

"I uh... I guess so," Aurora said.

"Don't worry, they won't be mean like Spike was earlier," Twilight said.

The morning had gone pretty bad. First, Spike found Aurora before Twilight could introduce her properly. Then he ended up letting his prejudice take over just before breakfast, and got himself grounded for the first time in his life. Having this as her first meeting with Ponyville residents, Aurora was obviously a little more hesitant to meet others. She'd have her disguise up, yes, but that did little to calm her unease. Instead of trying to talk some confidence into Aurora, Twilight instead decided to add shyness to the backstory she'd made up so the changeling could stand a chance at the good life Twilight promised her.

As they walked, Twilight and Aurora got some interested looks from other ponies in the streets. Nopony knew the pegasus filly, so the looks were to be expected. It didn't take the two long to reach their first destination: Sugarcube Corner. Twilight wanted to get the introduction with Ponyvilles very own living hyperactive pink mystery out of the way as soon as possible. As they entered the sweet shop, they were greeted by none other than the living mystery herself.

"Heya Twilight!" Pinkie Pie yelled, causing Aurora to shrink away, "Who's this? A new pony? I've never seen you before, so you must be new. My name's Pinkie Pie, what's yours?".

"Enough, Pinkie, you're scaring her," Twilight said.

"Oh, my bad," Pinkie Pie said, "I didn't mean to scare ya, I just love meeting new ponies. Oh, and since you're new, that means I get to throw you a 'Welcome to Ponyville' party!".

"Enough already!" Twilight yelled, causing Pinkie to plop down and sit motionless, "This is Aurora, my... uh, daughter".

"I didn't know you were a mother!" Pinkie Pie yelled, "Why didn't you tell me?".

"I found her on my way back from Zecoras last night," Twilight said, "She was in pretty bad shape, and all alone, so I took her to the castle and let her spend the night. When I found out she'd lost her parents to a Timberwolf attack, I decided to adopt and give her a new home".

"You lost your parents?" Pinkie Pie asked, her mane now deflated, "That's soooooo sad. But don't worry, you got Twilight to look after you now, and the bestest foalsitter in all of Ponyville as well".

"I appreciate the offer, but I don't think it'll be necessary," Twilight said, "Anyway, now that that's over, I think we'll be on our way. I want to introduce her to everypony else before night falls".

"Alrighty then!" Pinkie Pie said before digging a cookie out of her mane, "Oh, and take this".

"Um... thanks," Aurora said softly, taking the cookie.

The next stop was Carousel Boutique, where they'd meet Rarity. Aurora had long since devoured her cookie, thoroughly enjoying every bite. It didn't take much for Twilight to figure out where a good chunk of her bits would be going from now on, but she didn't seem to mind too much... yet.

Before Twilight could knock, Rarity opened the door to leave. It was spa day for her and Fluttershy, and she hated being late. Spa day would be an interesting way to mark off two introductions, Twilight thought.

"Oh, hello there, Twilight," Rarity said, "I was just heading over to the spa to meet with Fluttershy, wanna come?".

"I don't see why not, as long as you mind a tagalong," Twilight said.

"Well, why would I ask if it would bother me, darling?" Rarity said before taking notice of Aurora, "Or do you mean this cute little filly?".

"Rarity, I'd like you to meet Aurora," Twilight said, "As of last night, she is my daughter".

"Your... daughter?" Rarity asked, "I had no idea you were interested in being a mother, Twilight. But no matter, I'm always here should you need any help".

"I appreciate it," Twilight said.

"So, what got you interested in being a mother?" Rarity asked, "If you don't mind me asking, that is".

"I think I'll wait till we get to the spa for that part, I don't want to repeat myself so much," Twilight said.

"Then let us get going," Rarity said before starting off towards the spa.

Very little was said on the trip. It was a well known fact that when Twilight wanted something done a certain way, it would get done that way, or not at all. Rarity wanted so badly to know the story Twilight was holding on to, but she also knew she'd just have to wait. When they finally arrived at the spa, Rarity offered to pay for both Twilight and Aurora. When Twilight tried to politely turn down the offer, Rarity insisted and paid anyway. Twilight hated favors like that, she always felt like she'd have to repay the deed somehow. Either way, the trio were soon taken to where Fluttershy was waiting. As soon as she saw Aurora, Fluttershy couldn't help but fly over and push both Twilight and Rarity aside so she could meet the filly. Auroras shyness showed immediately as she cowered behind Twilight as quickly as she possibly could. She wasn't used to such a greeting, so it scared her a little.

"She's not going to hurt you, don't worry," Twilight said, "This is Fluttershy, she's a really good friend of mine. Fluttershy, this is Aurora, my daughter".

"Your daughter?" Fluttershy asked, "I didn't know you had a daughter. When did this happen?".

As the spa ponies set to work, Twilight explained the story just like she had with Pinkie Pie. Just like earlier, she brought up the fake Timberwolf attack that claimed the lives of the parents that never existed. Being the caring souls that they are, both Fluttershy and Rarity were deeply sympathetic when they heard that bit.

"You poor thing," Fluttershy said, lacking better words.

"Indeed, Out of all the things I've heard today, that is the worst possible thing," Rarity said, "But don't you worry, darling, we'll be more than happy to help you out. If you ever need somepony to talk to, and Twilight's not there, you can always come to me".

"Thanks... that, uh... that means a lot," Aurora said softly.

"Well whatever are friends for, darling?" Rarity asked redundantly.

After the spa visit, Twilight and Aurora were both feeling like brand new ponies, so full of life and energy in their now young feeling bodies. They both said their good byes to Rarity and Fluttershy before heading off the Sweet Apple Acres. Twilight admittedly wanted that to be her last stop, but they could seem to find neither hide nor hair of a certain rainbow maned pegasus. That didn't last long, however, as they were stopped dead in their tracks by something colorful crashing into the ground. Twilight knew both from experience, and sight, that the object could only be one thing.

"Rainbow, you ok?" Twilight asked, a tad worried.

"All expect my pride," Rainbow said, groaning.

"Well, get up already, I have somepony I'd like you to meet," Twilight said.

"And who... would that be?" Rainbow Dash asked, rolling over.

"This is Aurora," Twilight said, "Try not to act too surprised... but she's my daughter".

"Your daughter huh?" Rainbow Dash asked, "I never saw that coming".

"Yes, well I found her all alone on my way back from Zecoras last night. Apparently, she'd lost her parents to a Timberwolf attack in the Everfree Forest, so I decided to help her out and take her under my wing... no pun intended".

"What were a family of pegasi doing in the Everfree?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Well, my dad uh... kinda broke his wing, and we got a little lost," Aurora said, her changeling brain kicking into overdrive with a quick excuse.

"Well, that sucks..." Rainbow Dash said.

"She needs a good home, so I decided to give her one," Twilight said.

"I guess the title 'Princess of Friendship' really suits ya, egghead," Rainbow Dash said.

"Yes, well... just... be nice to her," Twilight said, "She's kinda shy".

"Heh, no worries there," Rainbow Dash said, "So uh... where ya headed?".

"I was just going to introduce her to Applejack and the crusaders," Twilight said, "Assuming we can find them, that is".

"Well, have fun with that, I guess," Rainbow Dash said, "I'm off to try out some more stunts".

"Don't go crashing too many times," Twilight said.

"That was just a fluke," Rainbow Dash said before turning and flying away.

"Hey Applejack," Twilight said.

"How ya doing today, Twi?" Applejack asked.

"It's just another day," Twilight said.

"I got some work ta do if your bored," Applejack said.

"Actually, I was wanting to introduce to my daughter, Aurora," Twilight said.

The sudden shock from hearing Twilight refer to another pony as her own daughter made Applejack miss the tree she was about to buck, and fall flat on her belly.

"Ah'm sorry, but did ya just say daughter?" Applejack asked, pushing herself off the ground.

"Yes, I did," Twilight said before stepping to the side, revealing the filly behind her.

"Well then, ain't that an interesting surprise," Applejack said, "Where'd ya find her?".

As Twilight began to tell her story for, hopefully, the last time today, Aurora tried to stay hidden... had to give some credit to her story. What surprised Twilight the most was how she was able to convince Applejack, Ponyvilles living lie detector, that she was telling the truth. Now, she was fully confident that Auroras secret could stay hidden.

"Ah can't even begin to imagine something like that," Applejack said, "Poor thing".

"She just needs some friends, so I've been introducing her to everypony else today," Twilight said.

"Applebloom and the other crusaders will be back in a little bit, it's about time fer them ta start heading home anyway," Applejack said, "Why not stick around till they get back? Ah think you'd like them".

"I don't see why not," Twilight said, "Besides, it'll be good for Aurora to have some friends her own age".

While Waiting, Twilight felt like trying to help out. She wasn't a real apple bucker, and tended to end up being pelt by apples on the head. Applejack and Aurora couldn't help but laugh when Twilight caught a apple right on her horn. After about half an hour, Applebloom finally showed up, looking quite exhausted. Aurora didn't even take notice of her until she said something. Aurora had opened up slightly around Applejack, but tried to shrink into hiding when she finally took notice of Applebloom.

"Hey sis, who's that?" Applebloom asked, pointing her left hoof at a now empty spot.

"Who's who?" Applejack asked.

"Ah may be tired, but ah know there was a filly right there," Applebloom said, looking around rather confused.

"Oh, ya must mean Aurora," Applejack said, "Ah think ya might have scared her".

"Ah didn't mean to," Applebloom said apologetically.

"It's nothing to worry about, she's just a little shy is all," Twilight said, walking over to the hiding filly, "Come on out. She won't hurt you, I promise".

As Aurora slowly came out from her little hiding spot, Applebloom walked over to say hi.

"My name's Applebloom," Applebloom said, "What's yours?".

"It's um... Aurora," Aurora said quietly.

"Nice ta meet ya, Aurora," Applebloom said.

"Um... nice to uh... to meet you to," Aurora said quietly.

"Ah ain't that terrifying am ah?" Applebloom asked.

"Well uh... not really, no," Aurora said, her voice fading slightly.

"Why don't you two go and have some fun?" Twilight asked.

"Come on, ah'll show ya the clubhouse," Applebloom said.

"Is that alright?" Aurora asked sheepishly.

"It's fine," Twilight said, "Just try to open up a little bit. Applebloom won't hurt you, I promise".

"Well... ok then, I guess," Aurora said quietly.

"Come on, then," Applebloom said, "And don't worry, ah don't bite".

"Cute kid," Applejack said, "Sucks what happened to her parents, though".

"I hate it for her, I really do," Twilight said, "But right now, I'm just happy to see her make some friends... shy as she is".

"That's ta be expected though when something that tragic happens so suddenly," Applejack said, "But, she's in good hooves with you, and ah know the crusaders will be good to her as well".

"Anyway, I have something to take care of back home," Twilight said, "You wouldn't mind watching her for a bit, would you?".

"Wouldn't bother me one bit," Applejack said, "And I'll bring her home before it gets dark, I promise".

"Thanks," Twilight said.

As Twilight started heading off, her thoughts were filled with bad possibilities. She pushed them away, knowing full well that she couldn't keep Aurora by her side every second of the day. Besides, right now, she needed to focus on Spike. Surely once he heard how the day went, he'd at least consider changing how he thought. That hope, however, died when Twilight saw the one thing she didn't want to see today sitting right outside her castle: princess Celestias royal chariot.

Twilights cake

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As Twilight got closer to her castle, she kept thinking of just turning around and walking away. She couldn't just stay away from her castle forever, though, so she kept walking onward. After she opened the door and walked in, she tried to keep her composure, not sure which corner would be hiding her former mentor. Only thing she was sure of is that if she got out of this, Spike was going to come dangerously close to being dinner. It didn't take much longer for her to find Celestia in a hallway, walking right towards her. Suddenly, Twilight summoned up all the courage she had.

"Hello, Princess," Twilight said, bowing, "Sorry for any messes... I didn't know you were coming".

"Yes, well I am here because I need to talk with you," Celestia said.

"About what?" Twilight asked.

"I got quite a troubling letter from Spike earlier," Celestia said, "He said you were knowingly allowing a changeling, an enemy of Equestria, roam free around Ponyville. Care to tell me what that's all about?".

"Changeling?" Twilight asked, "He's probably talking about Aurora".

"Who?" Celestia asked.

"I found a pegasus filly just outside the Everfree Forest last night on my way back from a friend who lives there," Twilight explained, "When I asked if she was ok, she looked terrified. Naturally, I asked what was wrong. I wanted to help her out".

"And what did she tell you?" Celestia asked.

"Apparently, her father injured his wing somehow during the flight and they ended up landing in the Everfree Forest," Twilight explained, "And that's when a small pack of timberwolves found them... I think you can figure out what comes next".

"So, then you figured you'd bring the filly here to help her," Celestia said, "Am I correct?".

"Spot on, actually," Twilight said.

"Then tell me why Spike called this filly a changeling," Celestia demanded.

"My guess would be jealousy," Twilight said, "Kind of like when I first brought Owlowiscious into our little family of sorts".

"I'm afraid I don't understand what you're talking about," Celestia said.

"I know I've told you about Owlowiscious," Twilight said, "Well, when Spike first met Owlowiscious, he thought I was replacing him. He ended up trying to get me to believe my little owl friend was haphazardly leaving dead mice and rats in the library".

"And how does that relate here?" Celestia asked.

"He went to extremes before when he got jealous," Twilight said, "And I think that's what's going on this time".

"Did he not learn the first time?" Celestia asked.

"I thought he did," Twilight said, "But, I guess I was wrong".

The pair remained silent for some time after that. Celestia went over and over in her head what Twilight was telling her, trying to really understand it. Spike is a baby dragon, and his race is driven by greed in their later stages of life, so the story did not seem like a lie, but Celestia just couldn't think of why Spike would use the word "Changeling" when sending that letter. More importantly, why did he feel the need to involve Celestia? Something did seem a little off, but Twilight wouldn't lie about something like this... would she?

"Princess?" Twilight said, breaking the silence.

"Sorry, I was lost in thought," Celestia said.

"On what?" Twilight asked.

"Can you think of any plausible reason why Spike would want me to get involved?" Celestia asked.

"The only reason I can think of is that he thinks you might try and force me to give Aurora up or something like that," Twilight said.

"Unless I have a reason to, you can rest assured that won't happen," Celestia said.

"I never thought you to be heartless," Twilight said.

"However, where is the filly in question?" Celestia asked.

"She's with the Crusaders," Twilight said, "I figured it'd be good for her to meet others as soon as possible and make some friends".

"Having friends is something she'll need if she has truly lost her parents," Celestia said, "It will help that wound heal greatly".

"And it'd just be good for her to make friends for the sake of having friends," Twilight said.

"So, can you honestly say for sure there are no changelings, to your knowledge, living in Ponyville?" Celestia asked.

"A hundred and ten percent, yes," Twilight said.

"Very well," Celestia said, "I trust you Twilight. You have never lied to me before, so I have no reason to doubt what you've said".

"And sorry about you getting dragged into all this," Twilight said, "I'll do my best to make sure it doesn't happen again".

"I'll hold you to that, Twilight," Celestia said, "Oh, and one more thing".

"What is it?" Twilight asked.

"Is there any chance I might see this filly any time soon?" Celestia asked.

"Not for a little while," Twilight said, "I want her to get used to everypony here in Ponyville first".

"I guess I can't fault you for that," Celestia said, "Though I would like to meet this filly eventually".

"And you will, don't worry," Twilight said, "Not like I can keep her away from her good aunt Celestia forever".

"So I'm aunt now?" Celestia asked.

"Well, grandma just doesn't sound right," Twilight said jokingly.

After the two shared a good laugh, Celestia got up to leave. She was leaving this situation in Twilight's hooves. After Twilight watched the royal chariot fly off, she walked right back inside and yelled Spikes name as loud as she possibly could. Needless to say, this summoned the baby dragon immediately... though he had hopes for a different outcome than what he was being greeted with now: a very angry Twilight.

"What's this about a letter?" Twilight asked.

"I sent princess Celestia a letter letting her know what going on," Spike admitted, "She manage to talk some sense into you?".

"If you mean did she take Aurora away, the answer is no," Twilight said, "And you wanna know something else?".

"Um... maybe?" Spike said.

"I had to lie," Twilight said.

"You actually-" Spike said before being cut off.

"Shut up and let me finish!" Twilight yelled, causing Spike to cower back a tad, "I had to lie right to princess Celestias face to keep her from taking Aurora away. That's something I never thought I'd have to do, but you didn't give me much room there, so I'm going to explain one thing: if you EVER pull a stunt like that again, you're not going to like the end result. You Understand that?".

"Um... well-" Spike said before being cut off.

"Do you understand, or do you not!?" Twilight yelled, "It's a yes or no question, Spike!".

"Yea, I get it," Spike said.

"Then are we going to have this discussion again?" Twilight asked.

"No," Spike said.

"See to it we don't," Twilight said, "Oh, and by the way, you've gotten yourself another week of being grounded".

Before Spike could say another word, Twilight turned and walked away fuming. All she wanted was for Aurora to have a chance at a good life, and Spike was making that near impossible. As soon as she got into her room, she swiftly locked the door, plopped down on her bed, and, with the heartache now getting to her, cried herself to sleep.

First day of school

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"But I don't wanna be stuck in a classroom all day," Aurora whined, "I wanna have fun, play with my friends".

"And where do you think they'll be today?" Twilight asked rhetorically, "Besides, it'll only be for a few hours, and you can play with the crusaders after".

"But-" Aurora said before being cut off.

"No buts, this isn't up for debate," Twilight said, "Now, finish your pancakes and get ready. You don't be late on your first day, do you?".

"No, I guess not," Aurora said quietly.

It had been a couple of days since Celestas visit, and things were finally turning back to normal. Spike still didn't like Aurora, but, not wanting to further incur Twilights wraith, tolerated her. When Applebloom introduced Aurora to the other crusaders, they were overjoyed to have another member in their little group, as well as a new friend. Admittedly, Aurora felt a little weird being around other ponies without being looked up with hate or despise, but it also brought her great comfort... and a belly that never seemed to empty now.

After finishing her last pancake, Aurora went to her room to pack whatever she could possibly need for her first day of school. Not being used to saddlebags, Aurora found herself walking kind of awkwardly with them. After a couple of minor adjustments from Twilight, the saddlebags fit just good enough for the filly to walk straight. After saying good bye to Spike, the two headed right for school.

"Do I really have to do this?" Aurora asked.

"For the last time, this is not for debate," Twilight said.

"But it just sounds so boring," Aurora said.

"If you don't try it, you'll never know if you like it or not," Twilight said, "Plus, whatever happened to being masters of adaptation?".

"Boring situations are a bit hard to adapt to unless the pony we're imitating likes the dullness for whatever reason," Aurora explained, "Put me in a situation of high stress and risk, and I'll do great. Put me in a boring classroom, and I don't know what'll happen".

"I'm not gonna get a note on your first day I hope," Twilight said.

"Well... I'll try," Aurora said.

"You'd better behave," Twilight said as they approached the school, "Now, go on in, introduce yourself, and try to have some fun".

With that, Twilight gave Aurora a quick nuzzle before the filly walked into the school. Once inside, Cheerilee waved Aurora over and, after telling the rest of the class to sit down, asked Aurora if she would introduce herself to the others. As Aurora looked over the rest of the class, her small legs began to shake slightly. Even the sight of her friends, the crusaders, did nothing to calm her. Before, when meeting other ponies one at a time, she just acted nervous and shy. Now that she was faced with a classroom full of fillies and colts, her nervousness was very much real. Not saying a single word, she cowered backwards slowly, keeping her head slightly lowered towards the ground. It was obvious she couldn't get a word out, so one of the crusaders went up to speak in her place.

"Her name is Aurora, and she lives with Twilight," Scootaloo said, "She's a little bit shy at first, but she's really nice and friendly once you get to know her".

"There's no need to be afraid, I promise," Cheerilee said, walking towards the filly, "If it helps, though, why don't we sit you beside one of the crusaders. You seem to be good friends with them already".

"Um... ok, I guess," Aurora said quietly.

With that, Scootaloo walked back to her seat, followed shortly by Aurora. After asking the student sitting beside Scootaloo to move, Aurora sat down beside her friend. It gave her a little comfort knowing she had a friend there with her, but she was still nervous as ever. It wouldn't be long, however, before Aurora found out just how cruel some ponies can be.

Recess couldn't have come soon enough. Aurora was growing quite bored with the real lack of anything entertaining that normally accompanied the first day of school. As the magic word was said, the fillies and colts rushed out to the schoolyard to actually have some fun. With a little encouragement from her friends, Aurora soon followed. Once outside, she took in everything that was going on. There were fillies and colts actually enjoying themselves. For whatever reason, Twilight hadn't mentioned recess when explaining how school worked yesterday... maybe she just forgot. Either way, Aurora and the crusaders set to work having fun for the first time in the day. Their fun didn't last very long, however, as a couple of very familiar faces, ones they didn't want to see, began getting closer.

"Well now, looks like we've got another blank flank," The pink filly said.

"Not only that, but who in Equestria styles your mane?" The silver filly asked, "It looks ridiculous".

"Hey! Leave her alone you guys!" Scootaloo said, getting to her hoover rather quickly.

"What? She can't stand up for herself?" The filly asked.

"Figures," The silver filly said, shaking her head, "How can such a scaredy cat stand up for herself? I guess it's good she has you losers to take up for her".

"Yea, she wouldn't last long otherwise," The pink filly said.

"I said, leave her alone," Scootaloo said, obviously getting ticked off.

"And what are you gonna do if we don't, huh?" The pink filly asked.

"Come on, Scoots, they ain't worth it," Applebloom said, trying to calm her orange pegasus friend.

"Not worth it, huh?" The pink filly asked, "Scared of us or something?".

That's all it took for Scootaloo to snap. Before anypony could stop her, an orange hoof flew out and collided with the muzzle of the pink filly, knocking her down. All the fillies and colts nearby stopped what they were doing, flabbergasted at the sudden scene. Without even thinking, the orange pegasus struck out at the silver filly as well, just barely missing her as she ducked down. Fueled by her own anger, the filly didn't even notice anypony else walking over until her name was called out in a quite unpleasant tone.

"Scootaloo, come with me, right now," Cheerilee said sternly.

Without argument, Scootaloo quickly relented. She did enough for the day, and she didn't want to get into any more trouble. As the orange pegasus was lead inside alongside the pink filly whom she gave a bloody muzzle, the rest couldn't help but stand there with shock.

After the final bell rang, fillies and colts rushed out the door, happy to be free from school. As the crusaders left, Aurora noticed one filly still sitting down at her desk: Scootaloo. After giving The pink filly, who Aurora found out was known as Diamond Tiara, a bloody nose, Scootaloo had to serve some detention after school got out. Other than Twilight, Aurora hadn't had another pony take up for in close to the same manner. She knew it'd be a little boring, but Aurora suggested the group wait for their pegasus friend so she wouldn't have to walk home alone. The other two didn't even try to protest.

After what felt like an eternity, Scootaloo finally emerged from the classroom. She hadn't been expecting her friends to wait for her, but it was a nice comfort to see them nonetheless.

"Ah'm gonna be honest, Scoots, ah never knew ya had it in ya," Applebloom said.

"Me neither," Sweetie Belle said, "I know she had it coming, but I still didn't expect you to actually hit her in the schoolyard".

"Yea, well... I've have enough of those two picking on my friends," Scootaloo said, "I guess I kinda lost control, though".

"I hate you had to get in trouble, but thanks," Aurora said.

"Don't worry about it," Scootaloo said.

"So, uh... ah guess ya gotta get home, don't ya?" Applebloom asked.

"Yea, I'll uh... I'll see you girls tomorrow," Scootaloo said before starting her walk home.

"You think you can leave just like that?" Aurora asked, catching up with her friend, "We'll walk with you. You're our friend, after all, and I don't like to leave friends alone like that".

"Thanks Aurora," Scootaloo said.

Wasting no time, the other two fillies quickly caught up and the group started heading off together. It was obvious Scootaloo was going to be grounded, but that didn't mean she had to head home on her own.

Lesson preperations

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"Anything interesting happen today?" Twilight asked.

"Well, I met the school bullies... if that counts," Aurora said.

"I'd say that counts," Twilight said, trying to hide her worry, "They weren't too mean, were they?".

"They were pretty rotten," Aurora said.

"Well, they're only like that to get a reaction out of you," Twilight said, "So long as you ignore them, they'll stop eventually".

"They got a reaction alright," Aurora said, "A punch to the face, to be exact".

"You wanna run that by me one more time?" Twilight asked, quite alarmed.

"Not by me," Aurora said, "Scootaloo just didn't want them picking on me like that... so she stood up and punching one of them right in the face. Gave her a bloody muzzle".

"She is so much like Rainbow, it's scary at times," Twilight said, "Still, I'm pretty sure you won't see her except at school for a few days now".

"I know that, and it's not fair," Aurora, "She just wanted to help, and all it did was get her in trouble".

"Violence just isn't the answer," Twilight said, "Still, it's good to know you have good friends who are willing to help you out... even if it means getting in trouble for doing so".

"I wish it didn't have to be that way," Aurora said.

"Anyway... anything else interesting happen?" Twilight asked.

"Other than that, the day was boring," Aurora said, "Even crusading was boring today".

"Well, I do hope being bored gave you an appetite at least," Twilight said.

Over the past couple of days, Twilight had found out that Changelings can't actually survive on just love alone. While not as much a necessity for them as it is for real ponies, Changelings do actually need physical food to help keep their energy up. Spike believed it to just be part of a ruse, but didn't say anything, as doing so would only incur more of Twilights anger.

The next morning came a little too quickly. Another day, another eventual meet up with the school bullies. While she wasn't looking forward to meeting Diamond Tiara and her partner in crime, Silver Spoon, Aurora was at least glad that she could be around her friends. And today, she even had a little surprise that she wrapped up and stuck in her saddlebags before heading downstairs for breakfast.

Once downstairs, the overwhelming smell of Spikes pancakes filled Auroras muzzle. As she entered the kitchen, she saw Twilight and Spike already enjoying some of the delicious, fluffy disks. Not about to let Spike and Twilight enjoy every bite, Aurora quickly snatched up a few pancakes and set to drown them in syrup.

"You know they can't swim, right?" Twilight asked rhetorically.

"They can swim alright," Aurora said, taking her seat, "They'll be swimming right into my belly soon".

"You're crazy," Twilight said, chuckling at the remark.

"It adds personality," Aurora said, stuffing her mouth, "Donth thou aree?".

"Don't talk with your mouth full," Twilight said.

"Sorry," Aurora said, ears falling as she swallowed.

"Finish up and get ready for school, you crazy thing," Twilight said, trying not to laugh.

As soon as she finished off her last pancake, Aurora walked up to her room, grabbed her saddlebags, and walked right back down towards the main door. She wanted to walk to school on her own today, and, after enough whining, she got her way. As she walked, she met up with Scootaloo, who was also alone.

"Hey, Scoots," Aurora said, walking over.

"Oh, uh... hey, Aurora," Scootaloo said, obviously caught off guard.

"So... I uh... I wanted to say thanks," Aurora said.

"For what?" Scootaloo asked.

"Standing up for me yesterday," Aurora said.

"Like I said, she had it coming for a long time now," Scootaloo said, "Plus, you're still new here... you didn't need her picking on you like that".

"And that reminds, I got something for you," Aurora said, stopping and reaching into her saddlebags.

"You didn't have to get me anything," Scootaloo said, "A simple 'thank you' is really enough".

"Well... still, here," Aurora said, holding out a cookie, "Spike made them last night, but they're still good".

"Heh... thanks," Scootaloo said, taking the cookie.

The school day had been about as exciting as yesterday, only with some work thrown in today. Auroras first encounter with schoolwork, and she hated it. During recess, the crusaders, and Aurora, were able to play without interruption, and they enjoyed the nice little break. However, once class resumed, Diamond felt like tempting fate once more. She decided to take a seat right beside Aurora for what she had planned. Aurora didn't exactly want to be sitting beside the pink filly, but she figured if she just concentrated on her work, she should make it till school was over.

As soon as Cheerilee turned her back to the class, a spitball flew across the room. Before Cheerilee could turned around completely, Diamond set the straw, and a couple wads of paper she had used down right in front of Aurora. Aurora had no time at all to react and get rid of the evidence that was planted right there in plain sight.

"So... trying to be funny, Aurora?" Cheerilee asked.

"It wasn't me though," Aurora pleaded.

"Oh really?" Cheerilee asked, walking over, "And I guess those papers wads can grow wings and fly across the room, am I right?".

"Really, I swear I didn't do it," Aurora pleaded.

"Front of the class, now," Cheerilee said, swiping the straw and paper wads.

Defeated, Aurora slunk slowly to the front, away from the crusaders. As she swapped seats with a colt in the front row, she began to plan a little payback. She hoped Twilight would believe she didn't actually do it, and that she could avoid getting in trouble for something she honestly didn't do. As class went on, Aurora focused as much as she could while also planning more payback. She had to come up with something good. By the time class ended, she still had nothing good in mind. Before leaving, she was given a note to take home. She knew how easy it would be for Twilight to hear about the note should it go missing, so she kept it.

"Really? Interrupting class?" Twilight asked, annoyed.

"It really wasn't me, though," Aurora said, "Diamond Tiara sat beside me after recess. I thought I could ignore her and focus on class till school was over. Then she goes and shoots a spitball at Cheerilee, and I got blamed for it because she put the straw and a couple paper wads on my desk too fast".

"And nopony said anything to help you?" Twilight asked.

"I don't know if they were afraid of ratting out Diamond, or if they just didn't want to help, or whatever," Aurora said.

"Or maybe it's because you are possibly guilty," Twilight pointed out.

"I'm innocent though, I swear," Aurora pleaded.

"Unless you can give me anything that backs you up, then you're grounded for a couple days," Twilight said.

"Oh, come on," Aurora said, "Do you really think I'd do that? I mean really... spitballs? Not my thing".

"If that's the only argument you've got, it's not gonna help," Twilight said.

"But-" Aurora said before being cut off.

"No buts, you're grounded," Twilight said, "As soon as you finish up your homework, I want you to go right to your room. And if I catch you trying to sneak out, you're in even more trouble".

Defeated for the second time today, Aurora slunk over to a nearby table and sat down. She unloaded what little homework she had to work on. Now, she really had some motivation for payback. Not only did she get blamed in class, she was now grounded as well because of a certain pink filly.

"A little past midnight," Aurora said to herself as she looked at her clock, "Twilight should be asleep for sure by this point".

Aurora rolled out of bed and snuck out through her window into the moonlit roads. She looked behind herself to find she was truly alone at the moment. Now was the time. She walked through Ponyville, scanning each house for Diamond Tiara. She still didn't know what exactly she was going to do, but she didn't let that stop her.

Aurora was growing slightly tired by the time she managed to find Diamond Tiaras house. It didn't take much effort to find the right room to sneak into. As she silently walked over to the sleeping pink filly, she hatched a good plan at last. She wanted Diamond to know what it was like to be the victim for once. She couldn't do that right now, however, so she'd need a curse for the next day. She needed something that would humiliate the filly to no end, allowing her to get an indirect taste of her own medicine. As she lit up her horn, she concentrated on the curse, fixing it up, with such immense concentration that it almost hurt, so nopony could tell it was a curse if they ran any kind of scan. After she was done, she smiled.

"You were once the bully, now you'll be dropped a few pegs," Aurora whispered to herself before turning and heading home.

Turning tables

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The day had started out as usual. As Aurora finished off her breakfast, she readied herself for the day. After that curse she placed last night, the changeling was confident that she'd get more than a few good laughs today. After saying good bye to Twilight, Aurora took off towards school.

Upon arriving at school, Aurora took notice of the fact that Diamond Tiara had yet to show up. She was told to take a seat in the front row today, but didn't bother to argue. Just before class started, Diamond Tiara finally walked in with her muzzle aimed slightly in the air. After the pink filly took her seat, Cheerilee began the lesson for the day. The time seemed to tick by ever so slowly, and Aurora was just waiting it out. Her revenge would soon play out, but not before recess.

As the class let out to the playground, Aurora finally joined in with her friends. She wasn't allowed to play with them for the next couple of days, so she tried to milk the opportunity dry now. The group settled for a simple game of catch that turned into a little more than simple as time went on.

"So, how much trouble did ya get in?" Applebloom asked.

"I'm just grounded for a couple of days, nothing too bad," Aurora said.

"So, we're down two crusaders now," Applebloom said before the ball smacked her in the face.

"You're supposed to catch it with your hooves, not your face" Scootaloo said.

"Ah'll get ya back fer that one," Applebloom said before tossing the ball to Aurora.

As the ball flew through the air, Aurora got the sudden urge to pull a stunt while catching it. As it quickly grew closer, not that it had much distance to travel anyway, Aurora lifted up onto her front hooves in a handstand. The others didn't have time to say anything as the ball soon got struck between Auroras back legs. As she leaned backwards, she used her front legs to jump slightly and managed to actually catch the ball a second time... in her front hooves this time, though. The whole maneuver left her friends at a loss for words.

"I didn't actually expect that to work," Aurora said to herself.

"Nice catch," Sweetie Belle said.

"Thanks," Aurora said sheepishly.

"Where'd ya learn ta do that anyway?" Applebloom asked.

"Isn't it obvious?" Scootaloo asked, "She's taking lessons from Rainbow".

"Nopony taught me, actually," Aurora said.

"Wait, really?" Scootaloo asked.

"Really, I just practice," Aurora said.

"Think you could teach me some time?" Scootaloo asked.

"Soon as we're both not grounded anymore, sure," Aurora said.

Soon, the bell rung, telling the students to get back to class. Having not heard anything related to roaring laughter yet, Aurora was starting to wonder if her spell was actually going to work or not. She didn't worry too much, she was patient today. As she took her seat, class started back up. Again, time seemed to move at a snails pace. Not having access to her magic at the current moment, Aurora couldn't even vaguely attempt to speed up the curse she had placed last night, and started to wonder if it would actually work. Before long, however, her thoughts were interrupted, as a faint sound came from behind her. It sounded kind of like water hitting the floor. Upon hearing this noise, a smile slowly crept across Auroras muzzle as she mentally counted down how long she thought it would take for the room to become filled with laughter.

5... 4... 3... 2...

"Is... is she really..." One colt asked before taking notice of the actual situation, "Sweet Celestia, she is! Diamond Tiara's wetting herself!".

"That'll teach you what it's like to picked on for once," Aurora said to herself as the room very quickly became filled with laughter.

"Stop laughing!" Diamond Tiara cried out, "It was just an accident, and it's not funny! Please, just stop laughing already!".

"That's more than enough, class!" Cheerilee called out as she walked over to the now crying pink filly.

As Cheerilee lead Diamond out of the room, the laughter continued. Aurora had to quickly stop laughing as it was causing her to lose too much focus on her disguise. Luckily for her, nopony seemed to take notice when part of her disguise was shed for a few seconds as the changeling fought the urge to continue laughing. Across the room, the crusaders were having the best laugh of their lives. Scootaloo was actually laughing so hard, she was almost crying. Diamond Tiara had bullied the trio for so long, it felt great to finally turn the tables for once.

"Ah had no idea Diamond Tiara was such a foal," Applebloom said.

"She's been picking on us for so long," Scootaloo said, "But now, we have something to use against her".

"I wonder how hard it is to put together diapers," Sweetie Belle thought out loud, "Seems like somepony'll need a few".

"Oh, that would just make this whole thing even better," Aurora said.

It made Aurora feel good to see her friends in such a good mood when bringing up Diamond Tiara. With this new curse in place, Aurora was confident that she and her friends wouldn't be a target anymore. For the first time in her life, she was able to use her Changeling magic to bring a little happiness to those around her, and it felt great.

Checkmate of the mind

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"You want any help?" Aurora asked.

Aurora had finished her homework a couple of hours ago and was starting to get slightly bored. There wasn't much to do, so she figured she'd help out Spike with re-shelving. Not only would it give her something to do, it might even give her the perfect opportunity to earn the dragons trust. Spike didn't seem to take notice of the Changeling, or just didn't care about her presence, as was obvious from his lack of a response.

The books were all stacked nicely in alphabetical stacks. Spike didn't need to move back and forth as much with his new unofficial assistant. Aurora grabbed the next book in her magic and starting hovering it over to Spike. Instead of the thanks she was expecting, she just got a glare as Spike took the book and turned to put it in its place. After a couple more books, Spike started to wonder why Aurora was so willing to help him.

"Alright, what do you want?" Spike asked, slightly irritated.

"I just wanted to help," Aurora said, "Is that so bad?".

"And what do you want me to do in return?" Spike asked.

"A simple 'Thank you' would be nice," Aurora said.

"Well... thanks," Spike said, "Now what do you REALLY want?".

"I don't expect any favors if that's what you're getting at," Aurora said.

"Sure..." Spike said, ever so suspicious.

"Look, I know I'm a Changeling, but I can't really change that," Aurora said.

"And?" Spike asked, raising an eyebrow.

"It's your only excuse for how you treat me," Aurora said, "I brushed it off at first, but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt".

"It's all the reason I need," Spike said.

"So, you don't care that I haven't done ANYTHING wrong?" Aurora asked.

"Last time any of Twilights friends trusted a Changeling, they ended up turning against her," Spike said, "You're just simply biding your time".

"Even she trusts me though," Aurora said, "So that argument is invalid".

"No it's not," Spike said, "You want everypony to trust you so they won't be able to react fast enough when you call in your friends".

"I don't belong to a hive any more," Aurora said, "My lack of wings just makes me a weak link".

"You're gonna have to try harder than that," Spike said, picking up another book.

"I could just copy Twilight if I was a real threat," Aurora said, "Walk right up to Celestia while looking like Twilight, then use her feelings for Twilight and turn them into a weapon to take her and Luna both out".

"You wouldn't make it halfway to Canterlot before Twilight got to you," Spike said as he placed the book on the shelf.

"Who said I'd have to travel while she was awake?" Aurora asked.

"And what would you do when she did get to you?" Spike asked.

"With both princesses as my prisoners, I'd be able to get her to surrender," Aurora said.

"And what gives you that idea?" Spike asked.

"You think she'd risk the life of either princess, let alone both at once?" Aurora asked.

"Good point," Spike said.

"Now that you can see how easy it would be for me to take over, are you surprised that I haven't?" Aurora asked.

Twilight had spent a good chunk of the afternoon taking a casual flight with Rainbow Dash. Now, she was home. As she headed towards her library, she was unaware of the surprise waiting for her. As she opened the doors to the library, she noticed that every shelf had books on it. This sight, however, was quickly replaced with that of a little dragon and a Changeling focused on a game of chess in the center of the library.

"So, who's winning?" Twilight asked, causing both Spike and Aurora to jump.

"Oh, uh... hi... Twilight," Spike said, obviously nervous.

"Being a Changeling doesn't seem to help me in chess all that much," Aurora admitted, "I just can't seem to win a single game".

"I'd like a rook back," Spike said as he moved his last pawn to a space on Auroras side of the board.

"Oh come on!" Aurora cried out, "That's the sixth game in a row".

"Don't just throw your prince out so early, and you might stand a little bit of a chance," Spike said.

"Either of you hungry?" Twilight asked.

"Now that you mention it," Aurora said, "I could go for a little something".

"Well, then you best hurry if you want the good bits, sis," Spike said as he started for the kitchen.

"Hey! Get back here!" Aurora called out as she gave chase.

"Did... did he just call Aurora his sister?" Twilight asked herself, slightly stunned.

Changeling winter

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"Morning, Twilight," Spike said as a very sleepy Twilight walked into the kitchen.

"Good morning, Spike," Twilight said, yawning.

"Aurora still not awake?" Spike asked.

"I guess not," Twilight said.

"Well, when she does wake up, I hope she enjoys the snow," Spike said.

"Rainbow said snow wasn't planned till next weekend," Twilight said, groaning.

"Well, there's snow on the ground right now," Spike said.

"Wanna go wake your sister?" Twilight asked, "I'm too tired this morning".

"Eh, sure... why not," Spike said, "Pancakes are done anyway, and she'll hate to let hers get cold".

"I'll be waiting right here for you two," Twilight said.

It had been almost a month since Spike started warming up to Aurora. By now, he was even comfortable calling the Changeling his sister. It had begun to get to the point where Twilight could see some of her own brother coming out in Spike. However, this isn't to say the two were always nice to each other. From time to time, the two would end up getting on the other's nerves. Had Twilight been a regular mother, she'd have tried to stop it every time, but she always just sat back and let the two of them sort it out. If it ever got too violent, she'd step in, but it had yet to get to that point. The most common thing Spike would use to make Aurora mad was his air horn. If Aurora ever slept in late, Spike would use his air horn to wake her up... and today was going to be no exception.

As Spike entered Aurora's room, he dropped his air horn, and ran right out. His sudden running didn't seem to phase Twilight. She'd told herself that he'd managed to make Aurora mad again and was now being chased. When Spike ran into the kitchen, a new startled expression on his face, and without Aurora right behind him, Twilight knew something was up... and something told her she wasn't going to like the news.

"Everything alright, Spike?" Twilight asked.

"Aurora's room... missing... strange green thing... hurry," Spike said, trying not to panic.

Twilight was right, she wasn't going to like this news at all. She quickly got to her hooves and about literally flew up to Aurora's room. When she walked in, she saw that Aurora's bed was completely encased in a cocoon. Panicking, Twilight ran over to figure out what was going on. The last time she'd seen a Changeling cocoon was during the invasion a little over a year and a half ago... and it was strong enough to hold Princess Celestia perfectly still. Maternal instinct kicked into overdrive upon seeing Aurora, motionless, and Twilight threw everything she possibly could at the cocoon to try and break it open. Spike, worried for his sister, even tried his dragon breath... with no success. The cocoon was sealed shut, and was not going to open.

"That thing is... indestructible," Spike pointed out.

"There has to be a way to get it open, there just has to be!" Twilight yelled as she bucked the cocoon.

"I hope she's not... well, you know," Spike said, fighting back tears, "I hope she's ok in there".

"She's not dead... she can't be," Twilight said, fighting back tears of her own, "She just can't be!".

Twilight gave the cocoon another hard buck... and again, nothing happened... that Twilight or Spike noticed anyway. As the two finally began to accept that Aurora might actually be dead, a sickening sound shot across the room. Neither of the two took notice of the sound... they were too lost in their grief. They wouldn't be for much longer, though.

"Are... you two ok?" Aurora asked groggily.

"Yea... we're fine, Aurora," Twilight said before jerking her head up, "Wait a second... Aurora?".

"Yea, it's me," Aurora said.

"But you... the cocoon... you were," Twilight mumbled.

"We thought you were dead," Spike said.

"I'm very much alive," Aurora said, "I was just starting to drift into a nice hibernation slumber when you two started to give me a headache. I did everything I could to open up my cocoon to tell you guys to stop... but they're not easy to open till spring comes".

"Hibernation?" Twilight asked, baffled, "Changelings hibernate?".

"We freeze during winter if we stay outside a cocoon for too long," Aurora stated.

"You're kidding, right?" Twilight asked, "Please tell me that's a joke".

"No, it's not a joke," Aurora said.

"Can't you just use your disguise to stay warm?" Spike asked.

"Possibly, but I don't know," Aurora said, "I've never tried it, so I just formed my cocoon instead".

"Well, now's as a good time as any to try," Twilight said, "I won't be able to keep this secret much longer if you go into hibernation. If this gets out too soon...".

Aurora got the hint and put up on her disguise.

"I'm still cold," Aurora said.

"Yes, well you haven't had enough time to warm up," Twilight said, "Let's go have breakfast in front of a nice, warm fire this morning... shall we?".

Not only Spike grown quite close to Aurora over the past month, but he had even taken her on as his little apprentice of sorts when it came to making food. She'd shown quite an interest in making food, and wouldn't stop bugging Spike till he agreed to try and teach her how to make certain dishes. She'd quickly grown into a great helper around the kitchen... and even made some good food when she got the chance to rule over the kitchen. Yet another thing the two did as siblings was bicker over who got what at times. The most common thing to bicker over was who got to rule over the kitchen for the day till Twilight decided they just switch off every day. Today was Aurora's day.

"Not bad, but still not as good as mine," Spike boasted.

"Your pancakes are always so plain," Aurora argued, "At least I add a little touch of something to mine".

"Really you two?" Twilight asked, "Can we go one day without fighting over who makes the best food?".

"He started it," Aurora said.

"I didn't start anything, I was just pointing out a simple fact," Spike said defensively, "And I didn't say they're horrible... just that mine are better".

"Both of you make good food," Twilight said.

"Who's is better?" Aurora asked.

"Well, on one hoof, Aurora, you do like to add some tasty variety to your dishes," Twilight said, "But on the other hoof, I've lived with Spike for so long that I've grown to enjoy his very plain dishes. I can't really say either is better cause both of you make good food".

"Afraid of playing favorites?" Spike asked.

"Not true at all, and you know it!" Twilight yelled, "I simply want you both to know that, in my opinion, you both make good food... just using two different techniques".

"Eh... fine, I guess," Spike said.

"Now finish up already," Twilight said, "Aurora's never been awake when it's snowed... so, I kinda wanna introduce her to it".

Real friends

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"What do you mean 'what's a snowball fight'?" Scootaloo asked.

"My parents always kept me inside when it snowed," Aurora explained, "So I never got to experience any winter games".

"Wow, that sucks," Scootaloo said.

"Well, don't worry, we'll teach ya," Applebloom said.

"Does that mean what I think it does?" Sweetie Belle asked.


Over the past twenty four hours, Aurora was able to confirm that her disguise allowed for her to survive winter without hibernating. This fact made her very happy because now she could see what winter was actually like... and she'd be doing it with her friends. Twilight also asked Rarity make Aurora a nice winter outfit so she'd be able to stay warm while playing outside... a request the posh unicorn could not possibly say no to. The design was tailored to Aurora's two favorite colors: midnight blue, and aquamarine. Now, all nice and cozy, Aurora was going to learn from the crusaders what ponies do during winter.

"So, you just throw balls of snow at each other?" Aurora asked.

"Well... yea," Applebloom said, "Sometimes ponies build walls and fight that way, but we just try to keep outta the way of any flying snowballs".

"So... simple, but it does kinda sound fun," Aurora said before taking a snowball to the face.

"Score!" Scootaloo called out.

"Don't celebrate too fast," Aurora said before tossing a snowball towards her pegasus friend, "Catch!".

All it ever takes is one thrown snowball and then a war breaks out. Cold, white spheres flew through the air here, there, and everywhere as the crusaders went about having a good snowball fight. Sometimes a snowball would miss the intended target, and another random pony would become a victim. After a few minutes, a random snowball hit Aurora in the back of the head... but the other crusaders were all in front of her. When she turned to see who the offender is, she saw a little purple dragon holding a snowball in his left claw. A grin creped across Aurora's muzzle as she got her own snowball ready to meet Spike's face. Now, there was five in the snowball fight... but, the more the merrier.

After almost an hour, the five friends were finally starting to become exhausted, and a little hungry. While the original crusader trio wanted to go to Sugarcube Corner, Aurora wanted to head back to the castle. She wanted to see if her friends could enjoy her food. It wasn't her kitchen day, but she didn't care. She'd take the kitchen by force if she had to. What she really wanted to do was try out a new recipe she'd come up with just yesterday. She'd figured at the time that if she could survive without hibernating, that she should come up with some winter specialty dishes.

"This is really good!" Applebloom said.

"What'd you say this is again?" Scootaloo asked.

"Cinnamon apple soup," Aurora said.

"Well, it's amazing," Scootaloo said, "And I'm not just saying that because I'm your friend, I really do mean it".

"If you make food like this all the time, I'm surprised you haven't gotten your cutie mark yet," Sweetie Belle said, "It seems like this is your special talent after all".

A cutie mark... something Aurora knew she'd never actually get. Changelings only ever get cutie marks if the pony they disguise themselves as has one. Being disguised as a blank flank filly, however, meant that she'd never get a cutie mark of her own. Kind of ironic seeing as she's a cutie mark crusader.

"And ya say ya came up with this on your own?" Applebloom asked.

"Yea," Aurora said, "Just a little idea that popped into my head yesterday. I've been waiting to actually make it".

"Yea, well just remember that you owe me a day," Spike said.

"Yea, yea, whatever," Aurora said, rolling her eyes.

"So, what do you do after we finish this?" Scootaloo asked.

"Well, we could show Aurora how to ice skate," Sweetie Belle said.

"Yea, we could," Scootaloo said, "Provided Applebloom here doesn't try ice skating on her belly this time".

"Ya said we'd forget about that!" Applebloom cried out.

"Look on the bright side," Aurora said, "You'll probably have a belly sliding buddy with me around".

Applebloom just huffed and turned her back to the others.

Learning how to fight with snowballs is easy, learning how to skate on ice... not so much. Aurora tried and tried to keep her balance, but never could. She eventually tried using her wings to balance, and it worked for a bit. She had broken her previous record of staying upright now. As she was making a very tight turn, she stretched out her right wing to try and keep herself heavier on the side she wasn't turning in on. She didn't move fast enough, however, and collapsed right onto her left wing. As she slid across the ice, she couldn't help but cry out. It only made sense for her friends to rush over and help her.

"Ya alright!?" Applebloom asked, obviously worried.

"Not really," Aurora cried, "I just fell flat on my wing".

"Well, that can only feel good," Scootaloo said sarcastically, earning her scornful stares from the others.

"Ya can at least get up, right?" Applebloom asked.

"Not with these ice skates," Sweetie Belle said before using her magic to take Aurora's ice skates off her hooves.

As soon as the first skate was off, Sweetie Belle froze, her eyes widening at the sight before her. When the pain flew through Aurora's body, her focus faltered, and her disguise was starting to fail as a result.

"Sweetie Belle, what's wrong?" Applebloom asked.

"Look at her hoof," Sweetie Belle said, obviously afraid.

"What about-" Applebloom said, cutting herself off at the new sight.

After taking notice of her own chitin hoof, Aurora went into panic mode. She took off the other skates as quickly as she could so she could run back to the castle with ease. Upon arriving at the castle, she ran up to her room, shut and locked the door, plopped down on her bed and started to cry. She forgot completely about the pain in her side, and focused on what had just happened. Her disguise had started to slip, and now her friends knew the truth. She could only come up with one possible outcome for this: the crusaders would now be too afraid to be around her... and that alone hurt worse than the pain in her side.

"Aurora, you in there?" Called a familiar voice from the hallway.

After seeing Aurora's chitin hoof, the crusaders ran towards where Twilight was supposed to be for the day to let her know what was going on. They were scared because they thought Aurora had been filly napped and that another Changeling invasion was on it's way. After hearing what happened, Twilight just sighed. It wasn't Aurora's fault that her secret was now known by three more ponies, but it was still frustrating all the same. However, Twilight knew she'd have to tell the three fillies the truth if there was any chance of Aurora keeping them as friends.

"Aurora, come on, open up," Twilight called as she knocked on the door again.

There was an audible click as the door unlocked. No sooner had the opened, had it slammed shut, however. As soon as Aurora had opened the door, she was greeted with the faces of her friends, and it scared her. She didn't have enough time to lock the door before took a hold of the handle and twisted it, making it impossible for the lock to move into place. As the door swung open, Aurora began to run, but was caught in Twilight's magic. Her friends wanted to talk to her, and Twilight was going to see to it that they had the chance. Defeated, Aurora sat down and stared right at the floor.

"How's uh... how's the wing?" Scootaloo asked.

No response.

"Can we uh... can we see what ya really look like?" Applebloom asked.

Again, no response.

"Look, Twilight told us what's going on," Sweetie Belle said, "And to be honest... it's actually kind of cool".

That caught Aurora's attention, and she looked up with tears flowing from her eyes.

"You're just saying that cause Twilight's right there, aren't you?" Aurora asked between sobs.

"Changeling or not, you're one of us," Scootaloo said, "Yea, we were scared at first, but that's just cause we thought the real you had been filly napped".

"But then Twilight told us ya've been a Changeling all along," Applebloom said, "And that means ya are the real Aurora... and our friend".

No response was given as Aurora just stared back at the floor.

"Changeling or not, you're one of us, a crusader, and one of the best friends any of us have ever had," Scootaloo said, "And that's never gonna change, got it?".

"You... you really mean that?" Aurora asked between sobs.

"Yes, I mean it," Scootaloo said.

"As do I," Applebloom said.

"And don't forget about me," Sweetie Belle said.

"Just stop crying already and get over here," Scootaloo said.

Aurora could help it. As a smile began to creep along her muzzle, she slid over to the three fillies. When she got close enough, they all wrapped her up in a tight embrace. They weren't going anywhere, and neither was the friendship bond they all shared.

"Thanks so much, girls," Aurora said, "I uh... this really means a lot to me".

"Once a crusader, always a crusader," Scootaloo said.

"Now, would it be too much ta ask fer some more cinnamon apple soup?" Applebloom asked.

As she walked down to the kitchen with the others, she couldn't help but carry a big smile on her muzzle. Her friends were there, willing to accept her being a Changeling. It was obvious they still cared about her based on the love energy she was being flooded with. This was the happiest she'd ever been, even more so than when Twilight took her in, even more so than when Spike finally accepted her as his sister. She still had her friends, and, no matter what, that wasn't ever going to change.

Home for the holidays

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A week had passed since Aurora revealed her true self to her friends. All three of them made a Pinkie promise not to tell anypony else, much to the relief of both Twilight and Aurora. As of yet, nopony else showed any signs of having found out. Though this meant she was still lying to everypony else she met in Equestria... at least she didn't have to lie to her three closest friends anymore. One big lying streak was coming up soon, however: lying to keep her identity from the rest of Twilight's, and her, family.

As the train pulled into Canterlot station, Aurora could finally look upon the city without fear of being attacked. Boy, did the city look beautiful when you weren't trying to take it over. Aurora found it hard to believe that almost two years ago, she was helping in the assault of this city. The sight of it and it's inhabitants moving around, all cheerful and ready for Hearth's Warming, made her want to cry.

"You ok, Aurora?" Twilight asked, fully aware of what was going on.

"Had the invasion almost two years ago succeeded, these ponies would've been slaves to my old hive," Aurora said softly, "I just can't stand the thought of almost ridding these ponies of such joy".

"And that's a good thing," Twilight said, pulling Aurora close.

"Yea... I suppose so," Aurora said.

"So, after my family meets you, what's the first thing you wanna do?" Twilight asked.

"Well... could we maybe go shopping?" Aurora suggested.

"For yourself?" Twilight asked, "Or others?".

"Well, I don't really know what the others like so... myself," Aurora said sheepishly.

"Well, I suppose a little souvenir shopping wouldn't hurt," Twilight said.

"Thanks," Aurora said, hugging Twilight tightly.

"Aurora... kinda... need to... breathe," Twilight said as Aurora's hug threatened to asphyxiate her.

"Sorry," Aurora said, letting go of Twilight, "Mom".

Twilight was speechless. Normally, Aurora would just call Twilight by name... but now she'd just called Twilight mom. A warm, fuzzy feeling crept over Twilight as she took in that one simple word... a word that seemed to hold a lot of power at the moment. Aurora decided to break the awkward silence that had come between them, a tad concerned all of a sudden.

"You ok?" Aurora asked.

"Yea, I'm fine," Twilight said, "It's just... you've never called me mom before".

"You're practically leaking sadness," Aurora said, "And to be honest, it tastes awful".

"I'm not sad... I'm actually quite happy," Twilight said.

"I don't remember happiness tasting so bad," Aurora said, "So, are you sure you're ok?".

"Yes, I promise," Twilight said.

"Well, hello there, Twilight," Twilight's mom said as she looked upon her daughter, "Do come in, you must be freezing out there".

"Twily!" Shining Armor called out as he ran over to greet his sister.

"Hey there, BBBFF," Twilight said, nuzzling her brother's neck.

"Twilight, dear... who's this little filly?" Twilight's mom asked as she took notice of Aurora.

"Oh, that's right," Twilight said, turning around, "Mom, shining... I'd like for you to meet Aurora, she's my daughter".

"Da... da... daughter?" Twilight mom asked, obviously confused.

"Now hold on just a second," Shining Armor said sternly, "I've been an uncle, and never knew it... for how long?".

"Almost a month and a half at this point," Twilight said, "But I'll get to that later... it's a bit of a touchy subject for her".

"Almost a month and a half, and you never told me," Shining Armor said.

"Well, to be fair, you never mentioned your wedding until a few days prior," Twilight said.

"Well, let's go say hello to the others," Twilight's mom said, "I'm sure your father will be happy to know about this little filly".

"Can I get some earplugs first?" Shining Armor asked jokingly.

Twilight just walks off, shaking her head at her brother's question. As the trio enters the living room, Cadence is deep in conversation with Twilight's dad. As Twilight walked in, she was greeted, and then questioned almost immediately about the filly that walked by her side. As soon as Twilight said the word "daughter", a very audible squee came from Cadence.

"I can't believe it, Twilight's a mother," Cadence said, clapping her hooves, "Oh, you have gotta let me foalsit at least once for you".

"She's a tad old for that," Twilight pointed out.

"Well, I guess it was worth a shot," Cadence said, "I just kinda miss being your foalsitter, and figured I'd maybe get a second chance with this little cutie".

"You'll have plenty of time to do that in about seven more months," Shining Armor said.

"I thought you said we were saving that," Cadence said.

"Saving what?" Twilight's mom asked.

"Well, I'm three months pregnant tomorrow," Cadence admitted.

"Serious? More grandfoals?" Twilight's mom asked.

"We were going to announce it on Hearth's Warming," Shining Armor said, "But with Twilight's big announcement, I felt this was really the best time".

"We;;, I'm really happy for both of you," Twilight said, "Congratulations".

"Thanks, sis," Shining Armor said.

"Alright, enough with the mushy stuff," Aurora said, "I'm kinda hungry".

"Right, well, dinner is almost ready," Twilight's mom said, "It'll be about ten more minutes".

"And while we're on the topic of food, would it be alright if I made something for you all to try?" Aurora asked.

"Well... I suppose that would be alright," Twilight's mom said, "Just, don't destroy the kitchen".

"And what did you call this stuff?" Cadence asked.

"Cinnamon apple soup," Aurora said, not even trying to hide her pride, "My signature dish".

"Well, I must say, it's amazing," Cadence said.

"Indeed, you seem to be very good with food," Twilight's mom said.

"That she is," Twilight said, "I'm actually surprised she hasn't gotten some kind of culinary cutie mark yet with how good she is".

"If it's not too much to ask, could you send me some of your custom recipes some time?" Twilight's mom asked, "I'd love to try them out".

"Of course," Aurora said.

The rest of dinner just settled into dull conversation as time went on. Aurora, bored of the break in the action, excused herself from the table and went to go take a nap. Twilight followed, knowing full well what would happen if Aurora fell asleep in the wrong room. When she got to her room, it looked completely untouched... and it make Twilight cringe slightly. She was a little bit of a girly filly back then, and it showed in the fact that almost everything was pink or had some kind of girlish design on it. Aurora could help but burst out laughing when she finally realized it was really Twilight's.

"Be glad I don't decorate this way any more," Twilight said, "Else, you're room might just look the same".

"Present time!" Aurora called out as she ran into the living room.

"Geez, slow down there Rainbow Dash," Twilight teased.

"Oh, come now, Twilight, you weren't any different at her age," Twilight's mom said.

"And the house managed to survive your energy," Twilight's dad said, "So I'm sure it survive hers".

Twilight was a little concerned for Aurora, as she didn't think the Changeling would be getting anything from the others. What she didn't know was that while she took a little nap with Aurora the previous day, everypony else went out to get an extra present. As the present were hoofed out, the first went right to the little Changeling. It wasn't a big present, but she didn't care. When she opened it up, she found a beautiful silver necklace with a sterling silver snowflake pendant. After saying thanks to the gift giver, Cadence, she put the necklace around her neck. It fit perfectly, and she absolutely loved it. Though Aurora got more presents than she and Twilight had expected her to, one thing outshined each one: she was with family. One thing was certain, Aurora's first Hearth's Warming couldn't possibly get any more perfect.

Good bye winter

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“Wake up, it’s winter wrap up time,” Twilight said.

Winter had come and was now getting kicked out today. As soon as Twilight brought up the subject of the day, Aurora sprung from her bed, excited to start wrapping up winter. A week ago, Rainbow Dash promised to let Aurora try out with the weather team. After landing on the ground with a thud, Aurora put on her disguise… which has a cutie mark now.

After Aurora and Twilight got back to Ponyville, the other crusaders called a meeting to help Aurora figure out what cutie mark Aurora should have. They knew she’d have to give herself a cutie mark, and, as a trio dedicated to helping others get their cutie marks, they each drew up some designs for Aurora based around her special talent in making amazing food. While the designs were all poorly drawn, Aurora was able to figure them out and find the one that she felt fit her best: a bowl of soup with three hearts floating above. It took her a few tries, but she eventually got the hang of putting up her disguise with her cutie mark on it perfectly. The crusaders wouldn’t let her go home till she got the hang of it, mostly because they were afraid of what would happen if she got it wrong and Diamond Tiara managed to take notice.

“So, you excited for today?” Twilight asked.

“Of course!” Aurora exclaimed, “Not only do I get to fly practically all day, but I get to learn how to handle the weather”.

“Just remember not to push yourself,” Twilight said, “If you start to feel tired, just let Rainbow know. She won’t give you a hard time about it because she still sees you as a filly”.

“Don’t worry, I don’t want to risk revealing myself again,” Aurora said.

“Good, now go get some breakfast and then head on out,” Twilight said.

There was so much snow to clear, so many tasks that needed to be done. As Aurora flew above the snow towards town hall, she began to wonder how all this could be done in a single day. As she got closer, Rainbow Dash came into view, and Aurora flew right down to her side.

“Hey there, kiddo,” Rainbow Dash said, “You ready for this?”.

“I was born ready,” Aurora said.

“That’s just the attitude I’m looking for,” Rainbow Dash said, “Just follow my lead, kid, and you’ll do fine”.

“Alright everypony, listen up,” Twilight called out, catching everypony’s attention, “Last year, we wrapped up winter with amazing efficiency. This year, however, let’s see if we can bring in spring early. You all know what you’re supposed to do, now get with your team leaders and head out!”.

“Come on, kid, let’s go,” Rainbow Dash said before taking off.

Aurora took off, excited to get started. As she flew alongside Rainbow, she was shown how to kick the clouds so they’d evaporate instantly. Kicking clouds like Rainbow was a difficult thing to learn, but she eventually got the hang of it and was soon getting rid of clouds left and right with ease. Next up was transporting snow up to Cloudsdale. It was slow, and kind of boring, but it had to be done. Because she had the body of a filly, Aurora had to stay in Ponyville… oh how she hated that. She wanted to help, but Rainbow wasn’t going to risk letting her get hospitalized… or worse. She was tasked with loading snow into the carts as they approached.

“Wouldn’t it be faster if you had another helper?” Aurora asked.

“I appreciate you wanting to help like this, but I am NOT going to explain to Twilight why you’re having to be moved up to Pony general,” Rainbow Dash said, “Now, just help with loading these carts”.

“Who says I’d even get hurt?” Aurora asked while loading up one of the carts.

“You’re a filly,” Rainbow Dash said while loading up the same cart, “No offence, but you’re just not strong enough to make it even halfway to Cloudsdale”.

“It’s just not fair,” Aurora mumbled under her breath.

“Say, you like the Wonderbolts?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“I’ve heard of them,” Aurora said, “But I don’t really know anything about them”.

“Boy, are you in for a treat, then,” Rainbow Dash said while loading up another cart, “If you can finish this up without complaining anymore, I’ll talk to Twilight about taking you to their next airshow up in Canterlot”.

“Well… alright then,” Aurora said after finishing loading the current cart.

Aurora kept to her word, and not a single complaint or argument was heard the rest of the day. Though she didn’t look at all like she was having as much fun as earlier, she wanted to go see that airshow.

The day was coming to a close, as was winter. As each group finished their assigned task, they made their way to town hall. Twilight made her way up to the podium as the final group merged in.

“Well everypony, I have to say, great job this year. Each and every single one of you performed with speed and intensity and completed your tasks with amazing efficiency. You all worked together as a team, and offered a helping hoof when somepony needed a little help. We may have to wait till tomorrow to say hello to spring, but that’s alright,” Twilight said, “Now, all of you, go home and get some rest. When spring hits, we need to be ready to make it the best spring ever!”.

With that, the ponies started to disperse and head home. Rainbow and Aurora stayed behind to wait for Twilight. They didn’t have to wait long, though.

“She didn’t give you any trouble, did she?” Twilight asked.

“Well, for starters, she about made us late with getting rid of the clouds, refused to help with snow transportation, got argumentative when I asked for help with guiding in the southern birds,” Rainbow Dash said, “Honestly, I don’t see how you get her to do anything”.

“Well then… what happened to-“ Twilight said before being cut off.

“And to top it all off, she doesn’t know the Wonderbolts,” Rainbow Dash said, “So, because she was such a great help and didn’t complain or argue even once, I figured I’d take her to see the next airshow in Canterlot next month… if that’s ok with you”.

“Wait, what?” Twilight asked, “I thought you said she was an awful helper… where’d this come from?”.

“It’s called sarcasm, Twi,” Rainbow Dash said.

Twilight just turned her head and blushed a little, embarrassed at the missing the obvious.

“So, can I go?” Aurora asked, “Please?”.

“Well, I guess it couldn’t hurt,” Twilight said, “So long as you stay out of trouble between now and then”.

“Yes!” Aurora yelled, “Thank you!”.

All good things must come to an end

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“Morning, Spike,” Twilight said as she walked into the kitchen.

“You’re up pretty darn late today, Twilight,” Spike said.

“I know, I know,” Twilight said, “Aurora already head out for the day?”.

“And left me to clean up her rather large mess,” Spike said.

“Well, it IS your kitchen day,” Twilight pointed out.

“Oh, and Princess Celestia said she’ll be coming over for a visit around noon,” Spike said.

“Did she say why?” Twilight asked.

“She said she wants to come for a friendly visit for once,” Spike said.

“And Aurora knows, right?” Twilight asked.

“She was already gone when I got the letter,” Spike said.

“Then go and find her!” Twilight yelled, “She always drops her disguise when she comes home. If Princess Celestia were to see her as a changeling… well, I don’t even want to think about it”.

“Are you ever going to tell her the truth?” Spike asked.

“It’s not time yet!” Twilight yelled, “Now, please go find Aurora and tell her to stay disguised when she comes home today”.

With that, Spike flew out of the castle. The first place he’d go to check for Aurora would be the crusaders’ clubhouse.

Spike spent a couple hours looking for the crusaders around Ponyville, only to find them at Sugarcube corner… typical. As he approached, Pinkie Pie jumped in his way.

“Heya, Spike!” Pinkie said, “What are you doing today? Come to try our new super cherry supreme deluxe milkshake?”.

“Actually, I just need to tell Aurora something,” Spike said.

“You can tell her while you wait,” Pinkie said, “I’ll be back shortly”.

“Howdy, Spike,” Applebloom said as Spike walked over.

“Hey there, girls,” Spike said.

“Hey, Spike, have you tried the new cherry milkshake yet?” Aurora asked, “It’s really good”.

“Pinkie’s getting one for me,” Spike said, “But I’m only here to tell you that Princess Celestia is coming for a visit today, and that Twilight wants you to stay disguised when you go home today”.

“Ya haven’t told Princess Celestia?” Applebloom asked.

“Twilight’s waiting till she can prove, without a smidgen of a doubt, that I’m not like,” Aurora said before looking around to make sure nopony was within earshot, “Other changelings”.

“I just hope it works out,” Sweetie Belle, “I don’t want you to be taken away”.

“Don’t worry, Twilight knows what she’s doing,” Aurora said.

“Here you go, Spike!” Pinkie called out, scaring the poor dragon.

“Thanks, Pinkie,” Spike said, “It sure looks pretty good”.

“Oh, you’re welcome,” Pinkie said before bouncing away.

The whole time Spike was gone, Twilight spent getting ready for Celestia’s visit. She kept telling herself it was going to be alright, but couldn’t shake the feeling that something might go wrong. She hoped she was just worrying about nothing. Eventually, there was a knock at the main door. As Twilight opened it, she saw Celestia and immediately bowed, only to be raised back up.

“There is to be none of that today, Twilight,” Celestia said, “I want to visit and be treated as a regular pony for once”.

“Oh, um… alright,” Twilight said sheepishly.

“May I come in?” Celestia asked.

“Of course!” Twilight exclaimed as she stepped to the side.

“So, how about a tour?” Celestia asked, “I do not believe I’ve seen the whole castle yet”.

“Well… ok, follow me, then,” Twilight said.

Twilight skipped the first floor entirely, knowing that Celestia didn’t need to be told about anything on the first floor. The second floor was dedicated to her friends. Each room held treasures from their adventures together. Each room was also enchanted so only Twilight and her friends could go inside.

“The first room is Rainbow’s,” Twilight said, opening the loyalty door, “All the rooms have the element crystalized in the center of the room. Rainbow’s is made from a rather large ruby”.

“So, do each room’s walls use the same coloration as the ponies they’re for?” Celestia asked.

“Yes, they do,” Twilight said, “You wouldn’t believe how much magic it took to change the wall colors just within the rooms and not have them leak outside at all”.

“I can only imagine it wore you out to no end,” Celestia said, chuckling a little.

As the tour continued, Twilight was able to proudly show off each room. She had taken great care in making each and every aspect of the rooms perfect, sometimes even changing up something her friends had done.

As the tour neared its end, Twilight started to feel more relieved. It looked as if everything was in the clear, but that wouldn’t last much longer. As Celestia walked out into the main hallway, something bumped into her. As she looked down, she saw a very terrified changeling.

“Uh oh,” Aurora said to herself.

Without saying anything, Celestia wrapped the changeling in an aura and lifted her off the ground.

“Going after Twilight, are you?” Celestia asked sternly, narrowing her eyes.

Aurora just gulped.

“Actually, princess, she’s not coming after me,” Twilight said.

“What do you mean?” Celestia asked.

“Well… that’s uh… that’s Aurora,” Twilight admitted, “My daughter”.

“Now, hold on a second,” Celestia said, “Did you just say this changeling is your daughter?”.

Twilight just nodded nervously.

“I thought your daughter was a pegasus,” Celestia said.

“Go ahead,” Twilight said.

Taking the cue, Aurora put up her disguise.

“How long have you known?” Celestia asked.

“Since I found her in the Everfree Forest a few months ago,” Twilight admitted.

“So, then when Spike sent me that letter about you letting a changeling roam free around Ponyville,” Celestia started.

“He wasn’t really jealous,” Twilight said.

“And you… lied to me? Right to my face?” Celestia asked.

Twilight just nodded.

“Why?” Celestia asked sternly.

“I couldn’t let you know just yet,” Twilight said, “You’d have never let her stay”.

“I would’ve worked with you if you’d have told me then and there,” Celestia said, “But instead, you chose to lie and give unauthorized shelter to an enemy of Equestria. In other words, you’re a… a… a traitor”.

Twilight reeled back, as if the words had physically hurt her.

“What did this changeling tell you?” Celestia asked.

Twilight just hung her head, trying to ignore eye contact.

“Twilight Sparkle, I asked you a question, and you’d best answer me,” Celestia said, obviously losing her patience.

“She… she was alone,” Twilight said, “She doesn’t have a hive to go back to, she was barely scraping by on whatever love energy she could gather from the tree line”.

“And you believed it?” Celestia asked.

“Well, she was all alone, and deep enough in the Everfree Forest to not be some scout or anything,” Twilight said, “Also, she wasn’t anywhere near Ponyville, so she wasn’t infiltrating”.

“Giving it free access to Ponyville gives it a free ticket to spy,” Celestia said.

“I just wanted to give her a chance,” Twilight said.

“Then you should’ve been honest with me,” Celestia said.

Twilight just hung her head again.

“I never, ever wanted to do this, but you give me no choice,” Celestia said, “Twilight Sparkle, you stand before me now, charged with giving unauthorized shelter to a known enemy of Equestria. As such, you are hereby stripped of your title, princess of Equestria, and are under arrest for treason”.


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“Can I trust that’ll you’ll follow me back to the castle?” Celestia asked.

“Yea, we’ll come,” Twilight said.

“Good, because I’d hate to have to drag you back,” Celestia said as she opened the main door.

As Celestia lead Twilight and Aurora to the castle, she kept trying to convince herself that this wasn’t happening. About halfway, her thoughts were broken when Aurora asked her a question.

“So, what’s going to happen to mom?” Aurora asked.

“She’ll be given a trial, and thus a chance to claim innocence and go free,” Celestia said, “However… if she should lose the trial, which is very possible, then… well, she’ll…”.

“I’ll be executed,” Twilight said.

“You can’t just banish her or something?” Aurora asked, “Not that that’s good either, but it’s better than killing her”.

“The only punishment for treason is death,” Celestia said, “Anything else is considered lenient”.

“What’ll happen to Aurora afterwards?” Twilight asked.

“It… or she, my mistake, will be escorted to the Equestrian border as soon as you’re nice and cozy in the dungeon,” Celestia said, “What happens after that is up to her”.

“Wait, you won’t let us stay together?” Aurora asked.

“I can’t,” Celestia said.

“And why not?” Twilight asked harshly.

“She doesn’t belong here, Twilight,” Celestia said, “She was allowed to live here illegally, and, as such, shall be sent home as soon as possible”.

“So, just like that, huh?” Twilight asked, “Not even enough heart to let me spend my last days with my own daughter?”.

“She’s not your daughter, Twilight,” Celestia said.

“I look at her as my daughter, and she looks at me as her mother,” Twilight pointed out, “Tell me how that doesn’t make me her mother”.

“Regardless, she is still to be sent home as soon as possible,” Celestia said.

“But she doesn’t have a home outside of Equestria,” Twilight stated.

“And that may be, but it won’t dictate what I do,” Celestia said.

“She was barely scraping by in Equestria!” Twilight yelled, “If you send her away with no good destination, you’ll just be sending her to die!”.

“The beings that live outside Equestria can’t take up my thoughts, Twilight,” Celestia said sternly.

“So that’s it, huh?” Twilight asked, “Just set her outside Equestria, and forget all about her?”.

“Do… do I at least get to say good bye?” Aurora asked.

“I suppose you can,” Celestia said.

“Could you at least give her some direction?” Twilight asked, “Or are you really that cold?”.

“If she wishes to live that badly, she’ll find her way,” Celestia said, “But once she is on the other side of the border, her safety and well-being is of no concern to me. She is also an Equestrian enemy, she’s lucky I’m letting her live at all”.

“Then this is where we stop!” Twilight growled, “I don’t like that you won’t even let me spend my last few days alive with her… but to not even care whether she lives or dies alone is where I have to draw the line”.

Celestia could barely open her muzzle when Twilight interrupted.

“Don’t even say a word right now!” Twilight growled, “Even if you did let me spend my last days alive with Aurora, you’d still send her to die alone without even a second thought! If this is really going to be your attitude, then so be it I guess. However, if you want to take her and send her to die out there all alone, then you’ll have to put me down first… right here, right now”.

“Very well, Twilight, you win,” Celestia said, obviously defeated, “You have my word that she’ll be taken somewhere where she can survive”.

“And how do I know I can trust your word when nopony else knows? When nopony will be there to make sure you hold to your word?” Twilight asked.

“Integrity,” Celestia said, “You may think me a tyrant, but that does not mean I will go back on my word. I have not before, and will not start now”.

“Nothing but words without any meaning,” Twilight said.

“Very well, if you do not trust me, then surely you can trust Luna,” Celestia said, “If you so desire, you can speak with her about this issue tonight while you sleep”.

“Let it be known that no restraint will hold me if I find out you went back on your word,” Twilight growled.

It didn’t take much longer to reach the castle. Once at the main entrance, Celestia lead the way to the guard barracks. Though nothing was said during the walk, Aurora stayed as close to Twilight as possible. As soon as the trio reached the guard barracks, Celestia called for two sets of restraints. When the guard came back, he had with him two void rings, two sets of wing clamps, and two sets of hoofcuffs. It didn’t take any effort to properly restrain Twilight, but Aurora was a different story. She was afraid, and she wanted to prolong her time with Twilight as much as possible. It took a little coaxing, but Twilight eventually got Aurora to just relent.

Void rings are black rings that are placed upon the base of a unicorn’s horn to prevent them from casting any spells. Any attempt to cast a spell with the ring on would result in a shock that would last until the unicorn gave up and stopped trying to cast the spell, and the shock would also increase in intensity over time. While void rings were sold in the civilian market as a way of preventing dangerous outbursts from unicorn foals, they were nothing compared to the rings used by the guard. Unlike civilian void rings, those used by the guard came enchanted with the nasty side effect of inflicting a lethal shock to the wearer should they, or anypony but the one who clasped the ring on the offender, attempt to remove the ring. Until now, that was the only known side effect.

As soon as Celestia clasped the void ring around the base of Aurora’s horn, the changeling started to twitch. After only a few brief seconds, it became obvious that the ring was hurting her. She started to itch the ring violently, as if doing so would help the pain, and cried out in pain while begging for the ring to be removed. Celestia, believing this to just be an act, stood where she was and watched. Twilight, however, was overwhelmed by her motherly instinct.

“What are you doing just standing there!?” Twilight yelled, “Can you not see that ring is hurting her!?”.

“Void rings are meant to prevent the flow of magic,” Celestia said, “They only cause pain like this should the wearer attempt to cast a spell with one on”.

“But it’s not even stopping!” Twilight yelled, “That should tell you something’s wrong!”.

“Her magic must be kept in check, Twilight,” Celestia said sternly.

“Please, just take it off already,” Twilight pleaded, “You’re the only one who can take it off of her… please… just, please”.

“And what’s to stop her from casting spells once I remove the ring?” Celestia asked.

“Me, that’s what,” Twilight said, “She’ll listen to me if I tell her not to use her magic”.

“As well, how can you say she’s not going to send something my way the second the seal is broken?” Celestia asked.

Instead of replying, Twilight did the one thing Celestia would have never expected her to ever do. She reared up on her hind legs and pushed herself forward, her fore hooves making harsh contact with the base of Celestia’s neck. In complete shock, Celestia wasn’t able to keep herself from stumbling backwards onto her flank. All the currently present guards immediately jumped Twilight, but where swiftly shaken off as Twilight made her way over to Celestia.

“Take the ring off of her horn, or you’ll have more to worry about than whatever weak spell she could cast in her state!” Twilight growled, “And that’s not a threat, that’s a promise”.

Twilight was no longer just a powerful unicorn, she was an alicorn now. While her being an alicorn did wonders for her magic ability, it also augmented her physical strength as well. By the time enough guards Arrived to even start to successfully hold her down, Twilight would have been able to inflict serious injury upon the princess of the sun. Now fully aware that Twilight was very much willing to fight, but wanting to avoid such conflict, Celestia got up and went about unclasping the void ring that sat upon the base of Aurora’s horn. Twilight immediately moved to Aurora’s side as fast as her shackled legs would take her.

“While her horn is being allowed to go untendered, her wings and legs are not,” Celestia said.

“No need to worry about her wings,” Twilight growled, “She doesn’t even have any as a changeling”.

Now, taking notice of Aurora’s lack of wings, Celestia moved right on the hoofcuffs. It only took a few seconds, but now Aurora’s legs were properly restrained. Well, at least she wasn’t in pain anymore. As soon as Celestia called off the guards who had arrived to help, she lead Twilight and Aurora down into the dungeon. Twilight refused to even glance over at Celestia the whole way, instead keeping her attention focused solely on Aurora, who had finally stopped crying halfway through the trip.

As soon as the trio reached the dungeon, Celestia opened up the first cell and ushered Twilight inside. Before entering the cell, Twilight pulled Aurora into a tight embrace. Aurora tried to hold back her tears, but was unsuccessful as they started to flow freely after only about half a minute.

“I don’t wanna go,” Aurora said, obviously crying again at this point, “I don’t wanna say good bye”.

“Neither do I, sweetheart,” Twilight said, trying her best to hold back her own tears, “But it just can’t be helped, I suppose. Don’t worry though, you’ll be fine”.

“I’m not worried,” Aurora said, still crying, “I just… I just don’t wanna leave you”.

“No matter where you are, Aurora, just remember one thing,” Twilight said, pulling away a tad and holding a hoof to where she felt Aurora’s heart would be, “I’ll always be right here. Never forget that, and I’ll always be right by your side”.

“I know,” Aurora said, “I just… I’m still gonna miss you”.

The sound of Celestia clearing her throat told Twilight that it was time now. She’d said her good bye, now it was time to go into her cell. The cell door did not shut behind Twilight, as it was expected to. Instead, Celestia picked up Aurora and placed her inside the cell by Twilight’s side.

“I thought you said you were taking her away,” Twilight said, obviously baffled.

“It still confuses how you can show such compassion for a changeling,” Celestia said, “However, it is obvious that separating you two would be unjust at this point. I never expected you to hit me at all, but it just goes to show that you and this changeling are very close… so much so that you are willing to throw away your own life to help her. She will be taken to another village outside of Equestria after your trial, but, knowing what I do now, it would unjust for me to do so now like I had originally planned”.

“Think you, princess,” Twilight said, “I may not like this whole situation, or even you at the moment, but… think you”.

Seeking answers

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Celestia sat just outside the dungeon entrance for the longest time, her mind consumed with thoughts of the day’s events. She tried to convince herself that none of it was real, that it was just some horrible nightmare, but it was in vain. She took one last look towards the dungeon, sighed, and walked away. She was obviously upset, but it was just something that she would have to live with. As she walked, she began to wonder if perhaps Luna could offer some resolve. As Celestia entered the throne room, Luna took immediate notice of her sister’s dampened mood.

“Sister? Is everything alright?” Luna asked.

“Nothing is alright,” Celestia said.

“Whatever is wrong?” Luna asked.

“I just had to arrest Twilight for treason,” Celestia said.

“Twilight Sparkle? Treason?” Luna asked, obviously shocked.

“Do you remember me telling you about her adopting a pegasus filly a few months ago?” Celestia asked.

“Yes, I do,” Luna said, “But how is that treasonous?”.

“Turns out that she was hiding a changeling by having it disguise itself as a pegasus filly,” Celestia said, “Even went so far as to lie right to my face to keep this hidden”.

“And you can confirm this is actually Twilight Sparkle, right?” Luna asked.

“Nothing happened when I cut off her magic,” Celestia said, “So I’m fairly certain it’s really her”.

“Surely she had a reason,” Luna said.

“There is never an excuse for treason,” Celestia said.

“And I understand that, sister,” Luna said, “But, perhaps she had an intent to use this to benefit Equestria”.

“And she couldn’t just let me know right up front?” Celestia asked.

“Perhaps she felt you wouldn’t let her go through with her plan because of how serious a threat changelings are seen as,” Luna said, “Or perhaps she felt it best to give this changeling a chance of some sort without you keeping watch over its every action”.

“I am Equestria’s co-ruler alongside you, it is kind of my duty to watch over those that might pose a threat to my citizens,” Celestia said.

“If somepony is watch your every action, it puts pressure on you to do the right thing,” Luna pointed out, “However, it takes more honest willpower to behave when you are alone and nopony is there to judge how you act and what you do”.

“This much is true,” Celestia admitted, “Oh Luna, what should I do?”.

“I think you should take another day off to go back to Ponyville and ask them about this changeling’s behavior,” Luna suggested, “They’ll give you the most honest of answers”.

“And then what?” Celestia asked, “I fail to see how exactly that would help”.

“If the general attitude is positive, I feel you should let Twilight and the changeling go free,” Luna said, “And perhaps announce this whole ordeal as a trial”.

“Are you honestly telling me that I should lie to my own citizens?” Celestia asked, “Tell them that I’ve been in the loop this whole time, but that I’ve been letting the changeling prove that she can behave under Equestrian law without plotting to take over?”.

“It may sound wrong, but who’s to say that anypony but you, I, and Twilight have to know the real truth?” Luna asked.

“I’m not sure that’s the best course of action,” Celestia said.

“It is ultimately up to you, sister,” Luna said, “I am merely offering some advice”.

Celestia tried to sleep through the night with Luna’s word heavy on her mind. On one hoof, if it worked, it would do so with spectacular results. However, should anypony find out the truth, it could lead to a rebellion. In the end, the decision came down to how much she was willing to risk for Twilight’s sake. In the end, the decision was plain and obvious. In the end, Celestia had decided to go through with Luna’s suggested plan.

As Celestia raised the sun into the sky, she thought about what the day was going to bring. What would be the ratio of good reports compared to bad reports? She hoped the majority of reports would be good reports. She didn’t enjoy the thought of lying to her citizens, but she knew this was the best choice. After making sure Luna was alright handling more of her extended shift, Celestia flew down towards Ponyville.

First place she went was Twilight’s castle. She’d need to speak with Twilight’s friends first and foremost. Spike offered to make a meal for the princess, but was instead asked to go and retrieve Twilight’s friends for a meeting. As soon as Spike was gone, Celestia fixed herself a simple breakfast snack to hold herself over. She didn’t have to wait but about half an hour, if that. Now that everypony was there for the meeting, it was time to break out the truth.

“I’m going to just jump straight into the matter at hoof,” Celestia said, “I am sure you are all aware of Twilight taking in a filly some months back, but what I desire to know is how she has acted day in and day out”.

“That’s a mighty strange question,” Applejack said, “But ah mean, she’s been real good”.

“Indeed, she has,” Rarity said, “She’s also been a great friend to the crusaders”.

“She’s also pretty helpful when you need it,” Rainbow Dash said, “She was actually a great help during winter wrap up this year”.

“So nothing strange? Nothing you wouldn’t expect a pegasus filly to do?” Celestia asked.

“Well, not really,” Applejack said, “Why do ya ask?”

“Because, she’s not a filly,” Celestia said, “She’s not even a pony”.

“Not a pony?” Applejack asked.

“Twilight said she wasn’t ready to tell you that just yet,” Spike said.

“And when exactly was she planning on telling me the truth?” Celestia asked.

“As soon as she felt she could make a good enough case in Aurora’s favor,” Spike said, “To prove that she’s not a threat”.

“Not a threat?” Applejack asked, “What do ya mean by that?”.

“You mean you haven’t figured it out yet?” Spike asked, “Aurora’s a changeling”.

“How long ago did ya find that out?” Applejack asked.

“I found out yesterday when I came to visit,” Celestia said.

“Twilight and I have known the whole time,” Spike said.

“So she’s been letting a changeling hang with mah sister, and not once bothered to let me know?” Applejack asked, anger rising in her voice.

“And that’s why,” Spike pointed out, “If you’d have known, would you have let her?”.

“Well, no,” Applejack said, “Changelings can’t be trusted, we learned that the hard way”.

“I felt the same way at first, but then she explained to me just how easy it’d be to turn into Twilight and take over,” Spike said, “She knows how to go about it as well, even told me step by step how to go about it. But she’s not even tried, and not because she cares about Twilight, but because she’s not like other changelings”.

“Ya mean she ain’t done it yet,” Applejack said.

“No, I mean she’s not going to because she’s not like other changelings,” Spike said.

“Alright you two, that’s enough!” Celestia yelled, “I believe I got what I came for. Go enjoy the rest of your day, everypony”.

It had been a long day for Celestia as she went from house to house, asking everypony in Ponyville about Aurora. As she headed back to the castle, she went over every piece of information she’d received. Overall, the majority of Ponyville were fine with Aurora being a changeling, telling stories of how she’d helped them in some way or another, how they didn’t feel she wanted to hurt anypony, and, generally, how unlike other known changelings she was. The ponies who had a sour attitude about Aurora being a changeling were the school bullies, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, ponies who didn’t like her just because she was affiliated with Twilight, and ponies who felt like Aurora was just biding her time for an attack later on. Weighing in the weight of each opinion, Celestia felt she finally had an answer.

While landing at the castle, Celestia set the sun for the night. She was too lost in thought after setting the sun that she didn’t even notice her own sister standing right beside her, eager for the results. Celestia didn’t have enough time to move far before she was startled by her sister greeting her.

“How was your trip, sister?” Luna asked.

“It went over well, Luna,” Celestia said, “And I’ve made up my mind now”.

“Do tell,” Luna said.

“Would you mind accompanying me to the dungeon?” Celestia asked as she opened the main door of the castle, “It’s time for Equestria to greet its first ever Changeling citizen”.

“I am glad you took my advice,” Luna said, “Now, how do you plan to explain it?”.

“She was under careful watch from me the whole time, and I feel now that she has earned her citizenship,” Celestia said, “I only hope the truth doesn’t come back to haunt me later on”.

“It won’t, don’t you worry” Luna said, “Now, lead the way”.


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The dungeon was cold and gloomy. The only light came from the torches that clung to the walls. Aurora, still weak from the void ring earlier, couldn’t manage to put up her disguise. Twilight, concerned for the changeling, held Aurora as best she could with the hoofcuffs still secured, trying to keep the changeling as warm as possible. The two sat, almost motionless, for what felt like hours before Aurora broke the silence. Without Celestia getting in the way, the whole situation finally sank in, and Aurora couldn’t help but cry.

“I’m sorry,” Aurora said between sobs, “I’m so sorry”.

“What in Equestria do you have to be sorry for?” Twilight asked.

“This whole situation… it’s my fault,” Aurora said.

“What are you talking about?” Twilight asked, “None of this is your fault. I brought it on myself”.

“If I’d have just kept my disguise up when I got home, you’d be fine,” Aurora said, “But I couldn’t even do that, and now-“.

“Don’t you start thinking like that,” Twilight said, “Celestia didn’t arrive like she normally would, she didn’t have your chariot with her, so you thought she’d left already. Had I been uninformed of the situation, I’d have thought the same thing”.

“I should’ve kept up my disguise until I could be sure, though,” Aurora said.

“I don’t want you blaming yourself for something that’s not your fault,” Twilight said, “So stop it already, alright?”.

“Sorry,” Aurora said, “I just… I just don’t wanna say good bye”.

“I know, sweetheart, I know,” Twilight said, “And believe me, I don’t either. But right now, how about we change the subject? I don’t like it when you’re crying”.

“But… what is there to talk about?” Aurora asked.

Twilight and Aurora sat there and talk for a good while. They talked about all the fun things that Aurora had been able to do, told some jokes that were really just rather lame… anything to make Aurora smile and laugh. The fun was cut short, however, when Aurora came to realize just how hungry she was. Her belly was doing quite well, it was her love reserves that were empty. Twilight picked up on Aurora’s sudden fear and started to worry.

“Aurora, what’s wrong?” Twilight asked.

“I… I’m kinda hungry,” Aurora said.

“We’ll get some food soon,” Twilight said after letting out a sigh of relief.

“No, I’m hungry for love,” Aurora said, “And I’m not getting any from you”.

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked.

“I mean what I just said,” Aurora said, “I’m not getting any love energy from you… or, well, any emotional energy for that matter”.

“But that’s… that’s impossible,” Twilight said, “How is that possible?”.

“I don’t know, but it is,” Aurora said, “And I-“

“The ring!” Twilight shouted.

“What are you talking about?” Aurora asked.

“Void rings are supposed to prevent unicorns, or alicorns in my case, from casting spells,” Twilight explained, “It doesn’t hurt me at all, as with any other unicorn, or alicorn I guess, who doesn’t attempt to cast a spell with one on, but you sounded like you were being killed”.

“Well, that’s cause it hurt,” Aurora said.

“I know it did, but that isn’t the point,” Twilight said, “I think that having it clamped down on your horn cut off your ability to absorb emotional energy”.

“You can fix that, right?” Aurora asked.

“Without doing some research, I haven’t the slightest clue how,” Twilight said, swallowing loudly, “Or if it’s even possible to fix this”.

“So… then you’re saying I’m just gonna starve down here no matter what you do?” Aurora asked.

“I’m not gonna let that happen,” Twilight said, “Next time a guard comes down, I’ll ask for Luna. I don’t trust Celestia to help with this right now”.

“And I don’t really blame you,” Came a voice from behind Twilight.

The sudden third voice caused both Twilight and Aurora to jump. As Twilight tried to turn, the rear hoofcuffs reached their limit and forced her to stumble and fall flat on her belly. With some help from Aurora, Twilight got back up and walked over to the bars to see who spoke up… only to find the very pony she’d wanted to talk to.

“How long have you been there?” Twilight asked.

“Long enough to know what you want to know about,” Luna said, “And, believe it or not, I already have the answer”.

“You need to show me how to do research that fast,” Twilight said.

“My sister does not know this, but I was once friends with a changeling queen a couple hundred years before my imprisonment in the moon,” Luna said, “And I can tell you that Chrysalis’ hive shouldn’t represent all changelings”.

“We can talk about that later,” Twilight said, “What’s going on with Aurora, and how can we fix it?”.

“You were correct when you said the void ring did this,” Luna confirmed, “But, there is no such thing as a permanent fix for it”.

“Please tell me that’s some cruel joke,” Twilight said.

“I’m afraid it is not,” Luna said, “But, this doesn’t spell certain doom”.

“How so?” Twilight asked.

“Mana crystals,” Luna said, “Fill one up with love energy, and have her hold it up to her horn. Think of it as a medication”.

“I’ve heard that love can be a great medicine, but that's just ridiculous,” Twilight said, “So, how would I focus love energy into a mana crystal? I’ve never had to use one before”.

“When charging a mana crystal, you need to hold it up to your horn and focus on the energy with which you wish to fill it,” Luna said, “To fill it with love energy, you need only focus on something you love… like this changeling you have taken in”.

“Her name is Aurora,” Twilight said.

“Where did she get that name?” Luna asked.

“Her mane and tail when she’s a pegasus filly look kind of like an aurora in a way,” Twilight said.

“When she has her strength back, I’ll have to see that for myself,” Luna said.

Luna left a little while ago to get some mana crystals and a few blankets for Twilight and Aurora. Before leaving, however, Luna got rid of Twilight’s wing clamps so that she could wrap her wings around Aurora, allowing her to more efficiently keep the changeling warm for now. Upon returning, Luna noticed the two sleeping ever so soundly, Aurora snuggled kind of cutely under Twilight’s left wing. It felt wrong to wake them, so Luna levitated one of the blankets over as slowly as possible so as to not disturb the sleeping duo. As the blanket fell upon Twilight, however, she jumped.

“I’m sorry, Twilight, I did not mean to startle you,” Luna said.

“It’s alright,” Twilight said while yawning, “Thanks for the blanket”.

“I couldn’t rest well tonight knowing you were down here freezing,” Luna said before levitating over the mana crystals, “Oh, and here’s some mana crystals for you. I took the pleasure of charging them for you”.

“Thanks a lot,” Twilight said before picking up one of the crystals and taking it to Aurora, “This means so much to me”.

Aurora was somehow still asleep, but that wasn’t going to last long. Twilight shook the changeling slightly, causing her to finally wake up. After yawning, Aurora was greeted by a full mana crystal. She wasted no time in snatching it up and holding it up to her horn as Luna said she should, and was immediately rewarded with a fresh, delicious flow of love energy. The look on her face told Twilight all she wanted to know.

“So, how exactly does that work?” Twilight asked.

“The love energy is absorbed through the horn just like pure mana when a charged crystal comes into contact with the horn of a magic user of any species,” Luna explained, “Normally, a changeling’s horn would absorb that energy automatically, but a changeling who has been voided is unable to absorb love energy naturally”.

“But, how does it work exactly?” Twilight asked.

“The horn treats the love energy as pure mana,” Luna explained.

“Thanks, mom,” Aurora said as she walked over, “It tasted a little different, but it was still good”.

“You should be thanking Princess Luna, not me,” Twilight said, “She’s the one who charged those crystals, after all”.

“Oh, well… thanks,” Aurora said.

“You are quite welcome,” Luna said before levitating over a couple more blankets, “It’s going to get cold tonight, these will help”.

With that, Luna turned and walked off to start handling her nightly duties in the dreamscape. Twilight and Aurora set out the blankets and wrapped up in them for the night. Even though she did not need Twilight for warmth anymore, Aurora still wanted to sleep under her wing where she felt safe. Now, all snuggled together, Twilight and Aurora fell asleep for the night, unaware of what the following day would bring.

First ever changeling citizen

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“I can assure you Twilight and Aurora will love to hear this news,” Luna said.

“Have you been down to see them?” Celestia asked.

“While you were sleeping last night,” Luna said.

“And what happened?” Celestia asked.

“I went to simply talk for a little bit, but that didn’t happen as I had to switch to helping them out,” Luna said.

“You didn’t,” Celestia said.

“They’re still in their cell, don’t worry,” Luna said, much to Celestia’s relief, “But there’s something you need to be aware of”.

“What is it?” Celestia asked.

“That void ring you used on Aurora yesterday disabled her natural ability to absorb love energy,” Luna said, “She can still get love energy, but she has to use mana crystals to do so now”.

“Twilight no doubt hates me for that,” Celestia said softly, “Though, I don’t suppose I can blame her”.

“You and Twilight are going never going to be as close as you once were,” Luna said.

“I know that,” Celestia said, “I don’t like it, but I’ll have to live with it”.

“Also, sister, why did you not give them something to cover up in like a blanket or something?” Luna asked, “Twilight can survive in the cold of the dungeon, but Aurora can’t unless she can take on the form of an adult creature with a comfy coat like us… or hibernates”.

“Hibernates?” Celestia asked.

“Changelings hibernate when they don’t have a different form to rely on for warmth,” Luna explained, “Their chitin may be tough, but it’s not weather resistant”.

“Interesting,” Celestia said.

The rest of the walk was rather uneventful. When Celestia and Luna arrived at Twilight and Aurora’s cell, Twilight put herself between Aurora and the bars. There was no way she was going to let Aurora be taken away now that she knew how disabled the changeling was. She flared up her wings to let Celestia know not to try anything.

“Do not fret, Twilight, No harm shall come to Aurora,” Luna said, “You have my word”.

“Instead, you are both going home to Ponyville tomorrow,” Celestia said.

“Wait… what?” Twilight asked, lowering her wings and cocking her head to the side.

“I took a visit to Ponyville earlier to ask about Aurora’s behavior,” Celestia said, “The majority of the ponies in Ponyville don’t seem to care that Aurora is a changeling, and, from what they’ve told me, she is most assuredly different from other changelings”.

“So, they’re willing to accept her for who she is and look past what she is?” Twilight asked.

“Yes, though I do ask that you keep in mind only your friends know the real truth,” Celestia said, “In order to protect your good name, I had to tell everypony else that I was letting Aurora stay in Ponyville as a trial for citizenship”.

“My good name? You’re actually concerned about my reputation?” Twilight asked.

“Luna was the one that talked me into lying for this cause,” Celestia said, “Pray that you do not make me regret it”.

Celestia, Luna, Twilight, and Aurora had a long night handling all the legal business to get Aurora her citizenship. After the citizenship hassle, the group took a trip by the royal adoption bureau so Twilight could claim official parental custody of Aurora. Now that everything was legally taken care of, it was time for the sun to come up, and breakfast as well.

“So, um… would it be alright if I made breakfast today?” Aurora asked.

“Well, what do you say, Twilight?” Celestia asked.

“I think it’d be good to let her make breakfast today,” Twilight said, “She’s pretty good at it”.

“Well alright then,” Celestia said before leading Aurora into the kitchen.

Twilight was a little wary of letting Aurora go with Celestia without her, but Luna was able to calm her down. It didn’t take too long for a nice, warm breakfast to come out to soon be devoured by three hungry alicorns and a changeling. Aurora whipped up some cinnamon rolls, her newest signature breakfast food.. As they came out, their fresh smell filled the air. Twilight knew exactly what was coming, but Celestia and Luna were in for a surprise.

“These are really good,” Luna said, “Twilight wasn’t joking when she said you were good at this”.

“Thanks,” Aurora said, “There is one thing I add, though, that you can’t really get elsewhere. I think it gives it the best flavor”.

“And you wouldn’t mind sharing that, would you?” Luna asked.

“Love,” Aurora said, “When I make food, I make it for friends and family, not profit, so I put care and attention into my work. I want every meal to be something special, and I won’t settle for any less”.

“Well, it definitely works for you, that’s for sure,” Luna said.

“I have to agree,” Celestia said, finishing off her last bite.

With breakfast all cleaned up, it was now time for the grand announcement. As the group headed out toward the main balcony, however, Twilight started to worry about how other ponies would actually react when Aurora was revealed to them. Canterlot was ground zero almost two years ago, so there was bound to be plenty of ponies who weren’t going to like this news. Some would probably act all pissed off but not do anything, but Twilight was worried about the ones who would react violently. It was going to be an interesting day for sure.

“Welcome, mares and gentlestallions!” Celestia called out, “I have called you here today in hopes that you would welcome, with me, Equestria’s first ever changeling citizen! She has been under trial for the past couple of months in order to earn this privilege, and I believe she has done enough to prove herself!”.

“My sister and I are still well aware of what changelings did almost two years ago!” Luna called out, “But, it is our hope that, beginning with the changeling known as Aurora, Equestria can start to form alliances with other hives!”.

“So, that’s all I am now?” Aurora whispered to Twilight, “Just a political tool?”.

“This is just a speech to hopefully get you accepted more easily,” Twilight whispered, “I’m not gonna let them use you like that, though, don’t worry”.

“And so now, if I may ask, would you, great citizens of Canterlot, join me in welcoming Aurora, Equestria’s first ever changeling citizen!?” Celestia called out.

Just as Twilight had expected, there wasn’t really anypony willing to say anything, but there were plenty that didn’t look too pleased. Both Celestia and Luna took notice of the crowd’s silent reaction, and Twilight and Aurora’s sudden spike in worry.

“Let it be known that, since she is an Equestrian citizen, Aurora is protected by the same laws as all of you!” Celestia called out, “You do not have to agree with our decision, but we ask that you do so without violence! Anypony who brings harm to Aurora will be punished justly, according to the law!”.

Home, sweet home

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Twilight and Aurora decided to fly back to Ponyville from the back of the castle in order to avoid as many ponies from Canterlot as possible. There were a few pegasi flying around, but they kept their distance… well, except for one.

“Hey guys!” Called the pegasus.

“Rainbow? What are you doing all the way up here?” Twilight asked.

“I just happened to see you while out and about,” Rainbow Dash said, “So, what’s up?”.

“Heading home,” Twilight said.

“Well, when you get back, you might want to stay away from Applejack,” Rainbow Dash said, “She’s not gonna be too happy to see you”.

“I guess I can’t blame her,” Twilight said, “Whether she likes it or not, though, Aurora’s here to stay, and there’s no way she can keep Applebloom from hanging out with her”.

“She’ll try, though,” Rainbow Dash said.

“What about Rarity?” Twilight asked.

“She doesn’t like being lied to, like the rest of us,” Rainbow Dash said, “But, she isn’t willing to try keeping Sweetie Belle from her friends, even if one of those friends is a changeling”.

“Well, I’m glad for that at least,” Twilight said, “And I do want to apologize for lying like that. I just wanted to give Aurora a fair chance at a good life, and I didn’t think she’d get that if you knew”.

“Don’t sweet it, Twi,” Rainbow Dash said, “Spike already explained all of that”.

“We still good for the Wonderbolts airshow next weekend?” Aurora asked.

“Of course,” Rainbow Dash said.

“I hope you don’t mind me tagging along as well,” Twilight said, “Celestia announced Aurora’s citizenship earlier, and there wasn’t a single pony who looked pleased about it. I know it sounds like I’m being overprotective, but I’d feel much better if I was there in case somepony gets any ideas”.

“Anypony messes with her, they’ll be messing with me,” Rainbow Dash said, “But, if you wanna tag along, I guess that’d be alright”.

Twilight and Aurora had finally settled back into their castle. Spike was excited to see both of them, and was now making both of them a good meal. While waiting on her food, Twilight focused on charging the mana crystals Luna had given to her. After a couple of failed attempts, she finally got the hang of it, and began filling each crystal to the brim with love energy as Spike brought out her and Aurora’s meals.

“What are you doing?” Spike asked.

“Filling these mana crystals with love energy for Aurora,” Twilight said, “After what happened at the castle, Aurora can’t absorb the energy naturally anymore, so she has to use these now”.

“What exactly happened?” Spike asked.

“As per protocol, Celestia gave both of us void rings,” Twilight said, “It only stopped me from casting any spells, but permanently disabled Aurora”.

“Protocol for what?” Spike asked.

“I guess she forgot to mention she arrested me a couple of days ago,” Twilight said.

“I guess I should’ve seen that coming,” Spike said.

“Well, let’s just not talk about it, ok?” Twilight asked, taking a bit of the sandwich in front of her.

“Hey, no problem there,” Spike said.

“So, what have we missed?” Aurora asked, finishing off her last bite.

“First off, did you even taste that meal?” Spike asked, “And secondly, you haven’t missed much”.

“I tasted it, it was ok,” Aurora said, “Nothing like my food, though”.

“We’re not getting into that right now,” Twilight said.

“Hey there, Applejack,” Twilight said as she walked over.

“Well, look who it is,” Applejack said.

“Yea, it’s me,” Twilight said, “The big, bad liar”.

“First thing’s first,” Applejack said, “And Ah do hope ya can forgive me fer this”.

The strike came a little too fast. As Applejack’s right hoof made contact, Twilight stumbled backwards and fell flat on her flank.

“I guess I kind of deserved that,” Twilight said.

“Ya may be mah friend, Twi,” Applejack said, “But ya put my family in danger one more time, and ya will have made a dangerous enemy”.

“I know ‘I’m sorry’ won’t help,” Twilight said, “But please understand that I don’t like lying to my friends. I just wanted her to have a fair chance”.

“Then ya let me know next time,” Applejack said, “Gonna be honest, Twi, if ah had found Aurora without her disguise around Applebloom before yesterday, ya wouldn’t be seeing her afterwards”.

“I… I guess I just didn’t think about that,” Twilight said, “I promise though that I’ll let you girls know first thing next time”.

“That had better be a Pinkie promise,” Applejack said.

“Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye,” Twilight said as she went about the motions of the sacred Pinkie promise.

“Now, ah was talking ta Applebloom about this whole ordeal,” Applejack said, “And, much as ah don’t like her being round a changeling, they are friends. Plus, she’s too determined for me ta keep her away from Aurora”.

“I heard from Rainbow that you would try to keep them separated,” Twilight said, “But, I’m so happy you reconsidered”.

“Ya had best hope ah don’t ever have ta regret it, either,” Applejack said.

The day had been quite long. After talking to Applejack, Twilight decided to head over to Sugarcube corner for a little snack. Along the way, she'd expected others to come up and talk to her about Aurora, but she just got just the opposite. Some ponies came up to say hello, and a few had asked what had happened to Aurora, but it mostly just a usual stroll through Ponyville. When she got to Sugarcube corner, however, the situation changed drastically as the pony known as "Filthy Rich" approached with a not-so-friendly expression on his face.

Well, it was obvious who one of Twilight's enemies is going to be now. Mr. Rich has a grudge against changelings because his family were victims during the failed invasion almost two years ago. The current conversation consisted of him trying to get Twilight to send Aurora away from Equestria altogether. He did everything from trying to bribe Twilight to passing off subtle threats, but none of it worked.

"As long as you let that beast stay here, Ponyville will never be safe," Mr. Rich said, "But don't you worry your pretty little horned head, I'll help you get over her mind control and get rid of her for you".

With that, Mr. Rich turned and left. Twilight wanted to let Mr. Rich have the chance to see Aurora for who she really is: not a threat, so she let all those words slide away. She simply pushed the whole thing to the back of her mind and went over to the counter to order a milkshake.

Dear Princess Celestia,

I would like to report that Aurora's return to Ponyville has been met with mostly open hooves. I am also really glad she can now walk around Ponyville without her disguise if she wants to. Her friends, the crusaders, were really excited when they saw her today. It makes me happy to know she has such good friends that aren't willing to judge her because she's a changeling. All my friends are also willing to accept her for what, and who, she is... and are even willing to forgive me for hiding the truth from them.

Now, I do want to bring to your attention that there are certainly ponies who are going to react a little violently to Aurora being a full Equestrian citizen. I know of one down here in Ponyville, an Earth Pony by the name of Filthy Rich. I want to give him the chance to change his mind and see Aurora for who she really is, so I request that you keep him in mind but not act against him just yet. If anything does happen to come up with him, I'll be sure to let you know as soon as I find Spike.

I would also like to request a few more mana crystals. The ones Princess Luna gave me are fine, but it's kind of annoying have to recharge them so often.

Twilight Sparkle