> Phoenix Wright, Pony at Law > by Shukumei > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Phoenix Rises > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a bright, sunny day in Ponyville and everything was beautiful, peaceful, and serene. All except Sweet Apple Acres where the cider making competition was in full swing, set to determine whether the Apple family or the fast-talking Flim Flam brothers would claim exclusive rights to sell cider in Ponyville. The rules were simple. The Apple family had donated their apples to the competition and the team that produced the most barrels of the sweet beverage would claim the victory and the sales rights for all of Ponyville, and Sweet Apple Acres itself! The crowd of thirsty ponies waited with bated breath to see just who would walk away victorious. The Apples with their traditional and loving hoof-made family recipe, or the newcomers with their fancy magic-powered contraption. The Flim Flam brothers had started sweating bullets. Those Apple family bumpkins had recruited a team of ponies to assist in the cider-making competition and it was clear the increased production would easily outstrip their machine before the hour was up. "We've gotta do something, Flim!" One brother said to the other, panic in his voice. "No worries. We'll just turn up the juice." the two brothers directed their magic toward the machine, throwing it's mechanism into overdrive. The apple-retrieval mechanism began sucking up whole trees instead of just apples. Suddenly, a clear, confident voice rang out over the crowd of assembled ponies. "OBJECTION!" And every eye there gathered turned toward the source, the crowd parting to reveal a deep-blue pony with his black mane slicked back. He walked to the front of the crowd, his familiar scales cutie mark identifying him as the town's most famous attourney. Phoenix Wright. "Ms. Mayor. I hereby charge that the Flim Flam brothers should be disqualified from the competition." The two brothers looked at each other in disbelief and spoke in unison. "On what grounds?" "On the grounds of theft!" The crowd gasped at the dramatic accusation. Everypony there knew of Mr. Wright's penchant for over-the-top displays but still, it was hard not to go along with him once he got rolling. "That is a very serious accusation, Mr. Wright." The mayor said with gravity in her voice. "I hope you have some evidence to back it up?" Phoenix scoffed. "The evidence is right before your eyes! Look! The Apple family clearly and generously allowed the challengers to use their apples to create their cider. Those were the explicit terms of the arrangement. Their APPLES." Phoenix emphasized the last word. "They said nothing, however, about allowing the Flim Flam brothers to uproot and use their TREES in their cider!" Again a gasp from the crowd as Phoenix rested his case. "Hey! Tha's right!" Applejack piped in. "We Apples have worked hard planting an' tending those trees since they were saplings! What makes you reckon you can just up an' pull 'em outta the ground like that?" Applebloom added her two bits. "Yeah! I say we sue 'em for damages!" Big Mac was livid and everypony was surprised to hear the unbridled anger in his voice as he added his enraged contribution to the argument. "Yyyyup." "Sounds like the crowd has gone sour." Flam said to his brother, looking worried. "I think it's about time we packed up shop and took this show on the road." And with that, and a little magic nudge, the giant machine turned about and chugged out of Ponyville forever. The crowd cheered as they saw the tail end of the two con artists, none louder than the apple family. Granny Smith herself approached Phoenix. "Thank you, Mr. Wright. I don't know how to thank you for all you've done today. Please. Allow me to pay you for your services." The blue stallion looked slightly affronted at the notion. "My dear Granny Smith. I wouldn't hear of it. I did what I did today, not in the interest of you or your farm or even your family. Today justice was served, and that is all the payment I need." And with that, the stallion turned and galloped off into the sunset, back in the direction of Ponyville. "That pony is amazing." Applejack whispered to herself as she watched him leave. "I just wonder why he left without buying any cider. I mean, why was he here in the first place if he didn't want cider?" Phoenix returned to his apartment a few hours later and settled down with a tall glass of cider. Applejack had chased him down and insisted that he be given a barrel of their finest as thank you for his hard work in defense of justice. The warm cider slid down his throat as he drank deep, grateful in hindsight that the earth pony had caught his blunder and foisted the gift upon him. After all, he had left dramatically without even collecting the object of his visit to the farm in the first place. He was just about to drain the glass when there was a knock at the door. He rose and crossed the room and answered it to find a small pink and yellow filly standing on his welcome mat. "Mr. Wright. I hope I'm not disturbing you." Fluttershy said. "Not at all, my dear. What can I do for you?" "Well. You see. A minotaur named Iron Will is suing me for non-payment for a seminar I took. He promised a satisfaction guarantee that if I wasn't satisfied I wouldn't have to pay. Now it seems he thinks that my standing up to him and refusing to pay is proof the seminar worked and is adamant that he be payed. I was wondering if you would represent me. That is... If you don't mind. You're probably busy..." The shy mare trailed off. "Not at all, ma'am. I would be happy to assist you." "Thank you, Mr. Wright. I don't have a lot of money but I could pay you in installments if that would be alright." "That will be fine. After all. I'm not in it for the money. I'm a servant of justice."