> An Album of Amat! > by lyra_lover777 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1 Beach: Chrylight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight sighed as she leaned back into the sand, the warmth of the sun beating off her coat.Twilight earned many stares, as she was a princess and all, but the pony, wait, non-pony, next to her was receiving even more stares. "Ugh!!" screamed Chrysalis as she squirted sunscreen in her eyes. "Make it stop!" The queen of the changelings was drenched in white lotion, screaming and cursing. Twilight smiled as Chrysalis screamed "How dare you defy me, sun screen! I will have you executed!" Twilight giggled as Chrysalis wiped the lotion from her eyes. The queen murmured about cursed sun screen as Twilight prompted her to get up. Chrysalis sighed as she followed Twilight into the ocean waves. It washed away the cursed white paste from her shell and wings. She sighed as she sank into the cool water. All of the sudden Twilight pushed Chrysalis's head underwater, giggling. When Chrysalis recovered, she used her magic to harness the power of the sea and made a typhoon wave crash onto Twilight. Chrysalis looked around to see Twilight not coming up from underwater. Chrysalis frantically splashed around and dove under the water to find her lover. When she found Twilight's leg, she pulled it out onto the shore, where a large crowd of ponies stood, gawking and drenched from Chrysalis's mighty wave. Twilight groggily opened her eyes and saw Chrysalis's face right in front of her own, smiling down at her. Twilight pressed her lips softly to Chrysalis's. When they pulled apart, they smiled. But then a young colt holding a bottle of sunscreen trotted over to them. Chrysalis saw the sun screen and screamed, dropping Twilight and flying up into the clouds. > 2 The Wedding Trilogy: Octascratch > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You have been invited to Vinyl Scratch and Neon Lights's wedding. It is at three PM sharp, on Sunday at the Canterlot Castle. We would enjoy if you came! "Humph," Octavia grunted. "I know me and Neon are cousins, but barely!" she whined. "Why are you so worked up?!" asked one of Octavia's best friends, Carrot Top. Carrot wasn't that bad, she just didn't get the emotional side of things sometimes. "Well, she can't just go and barge in there! They used to date!" Colgate, another one of Octavia's best friends, replied. "Thank you, Colgy. I just feel...unsure." "About what?" Amethyst Star, the last of Octavia's best friends, said. "Well, just...I don't know if I ever got over her." "Really!?" Carrot replied. "But you broke up, like, two years ago!" "Shush, Carrot. Let the ponies who actually have feelings and aren't virgin handle this," Colgate snapped. "Oh, be easy on her," Amethyst said. "It's hard to find straight colts in Ponyville." "Actually I'm not virgin anymore," Carrot piped up. "You see, I was delivering some carrots to Gizmo Pointdexter..." "You did it with Gizmo Pointdexter!?" Colgate screeched, horrified. "Oh, you girls are no help at all." With that, Octavia downed the last of her wine and left the room, which was Colgate's bedroom. She could hear Amethyst following her, along with the other two farther back, still bickering. Amethyst appeared and leaned in close to Octavia. "Go," was all she whispered before pushing Octy out the front door. === Octavia was clad in a lacy dark gray number that floated around her like ethereal smoke. She was trotting up the steps of the castle into the church where the wedding was to take place. Amethyst and her other two friends had also joined her after Octavia's inquiry. She couldn't go without them. Amethyst strode next to her, wearing a tight, light purple cocktail dress. Her body was laden with pounds of jewelry of her own making. Carrot wore a simple light yellow dress. The simplicity was what made it nice and unique. Colgate wore a light blue dress with several white stripes zig zagging across it. She also wore a simple gold necklace, made by Amethyst. The quartet entered the church. Most of the guests were already there. They sat down towards the back with Octavia's brother, Arpeggio. Soon the service started. Princess Cadence was overseeing the affair, having traveled all the way from The Crystal Empire to head such a wonderful union. Yeah, Wonderful. Sure. Octavia thought, snorting. The two ponies to be married were dressed at the edge of dressed up. Neon Lights wore a leather tux, and Vinyl, oh sweet Vinyl, wore a tight white cocktail dress that hugged her curves perfectly. She even kept her trademark glasses on. Octavia was lost in thought but was brought out from it when Cadence shouted "Any objections? Speak now, or forever hold your peace." Octavia fidgeted with her hooves. No pony said or did anything, only kept perfectly still. Cadence was about to continue when Octavia slowly rose to her hooves. "What are you doing?!" Colgate, Carrot, and Arpeggio whispered harshly at the same time. And Amethyst smiled triumphantly like she had just won an important battle or argument. "I do!" Octavia shouted, her voice ringing through the giant room. === Weightless. That's how she felt. Her dress flapped around her as everypony in the vincity stared at her, digging into her, asking her why she had stood up, declaring a statement to a question that should never be answered. The silence attempted to swallow her in its hollowness. It had to have been at least a minute, and her legs were starting to ache. No one had moved yet except her brother, who was preparing to scold her harshly. Carrot Top had fainted in shock, along with several others in attendance. Colgate was among the many that was absolutely silent, still processing the words that had come forth from her friend's mouth. And Amethyst sat there, the cocky smile still tugging the sides of her mouth up. The silence was broken by a solemn pink alicorn, who murmured, "What have you said?" "I do," Octavia yelled, the sound echoing throughout the cathedral. Arpeggio attempted to tug his sister down into her seat, but Amethyst knocked his hoof out of the way. She glared at him, and he backed off despite the uneasiness he still had towards the situation. Princess Cadence looked around at the assembled group, who were starting to come around. "That's not fair!" somepony yelped. "Yeah! They love each other! They should be together!" another pony shouted. Exactly. Me and her. Octavia thought. Princess Cadence scanned the crowd thoughtfully. "I'm sorry, but it is in accordance to the ancient rules of our land. She has objected, and so she has ten days to prove to both that their marriage is not supposed to be. NO magic allowed." Collective groans from the crowd hinted at their disgust with the law. But they understood it. Everypony began to file out, displeased that they would probably have to travel back out here in only ten days time. Soon only Octavia, the to be married couple, and the medics, who were picking up the last of the fainted ponies, were left. Vinyl stormed down the steps of the altar, rushing towards Octavia. She swung her hoof, barely missing as Octavia ducked under the pew. "Ya-you!" Vinyl whimpered. She sat on her rump, tears running down her face. "Why?" she murmured. "WHY?!" "Because I love you." "Then if you really did, then why did you stand up? Why not be happy for me?" "Because I can't live without you. Look at the wreck I've become without you. Out of the orchestra, not even on the top five hundred most influential musicians of the year since you've been gone! When we were together, I used to place on top. Every. Single. Time!" Both quieted, breathing rapidly. Octavia looked up at Vinyl, who had scrunched herself up into a ball. "I need you Vinyl. You're my inspiration, my lifebloo-" But she was cut off when Neon Lights swooped down from above, picking Vinyl up and kissing her gently, forcing a few weak giggles from the alabaster unicorn. The DJ was put down softly on a pew a few rows in front of Octavia, who had become distracted by Vinyl's swooping curves. "Hey, you," Neon chuckled, his cheeks flushed. He was obviously very annoyed with the gray earth pony before him. "You don't get to talk to her. You just had your chance. Scram, earthie." "Ah, you don't need to even make the effort, Neo! There's no chance she'll convince me!" "I know Vins, but better safe than sorry, ya know?" "I know." The two lovers shared a moment of passionate kissing while Octavia recoiled slightly. "I was so ready for a post wedding night tonight..." Neon whispered lustfully in Vinyl's ear. "Sto-op! She's still here!" Vinyl giggled as her stallion tackled her, nuzzling her gently. How am I ever going to compete with that? Octavia thought. Her hope plummeted into a dark, swirling abyss of depression as she slunk away as the couple continued their heated makeout session. === The shattering effect that overcame Octavia's entire being made her quiver, made her tremble and want to die. And she realized she could very easily end it. With a knife, a noose, jumping off of her apartment... But before those things became options she had to at least try once more to get Vinyl back to her. "Oh, Vinyl...." But it was hopeless. She had tried to pick herself up constantly for the past two days. She had barely been able to wobble back to apartment before she had become to cracked, to shattered. Octavia, on the third day of uncontrollable shaking, finally coaxed herself out of bed for just something to eat. She ate a decent meal, a few pieces of wheat toast with butter. At least it was better than the few small morsels she had been scavenging from around her room for the past few days. She put on a crisp bow tie, looking outside. Twilight was approaching. The perfect time for a serenade. She picked up her cello, its case as black as the steadily darkening night. She knew it was either run or stay, for her heart pounded to fast and hard for her to idly make her way to the abode of "Vins", quote of "Neo." Ugh. The nicknames. Octavia did a quick sweep through with her comb, but taming her wild bedhead was impossible without a proper wetting, Without the time or drive to go in the shower(she probably stank as well), Octavia proceeded down the steps of her apartment and out into the cobblestone streets, where she fled into a full out gallop. After a few minutes of twisting through the streets, she found the home of her former fillyfriend and her current significant other. They lived rather close due to the fact that they both wanted to live in the rather compact Canterlot Music District, for all three were musicians through and through, She saw the balcony, where Vinyl sat, distracted as she spun a record on her hoof absentmindedly. Neon Lights seemed to be gone for the moment, and Octavia took this opportunity. She pulled out her cello, its glossy wood a bit dusty from its lack of use in the previous days. Her bow struck the strings, and Vinyl's head instinctively turned towards the melody that wafted to her ears on the light breeze. Octavia, a single tear rolling down her face, began to sing, to sing a song that came from the bottom of her heart. It poured out of her, totally unexpected. "We could've had it alllllll, ah alllllllllll, rollin' in the deeeeeeeeeeeee-e-ep." Vinyl, her mouth wide open. watched as Octavia began to break down in front of her, tears rolling down her face. "You had my heart insiiiiiiiiiiiide of your ho-o-oof, but you played it, but you played it, to the beat." Vinyl was obviously experiencing mixed emotions from the performance. She looked as though she wanted to cry, scream, and forgive all at the same time. Octavia struck the bow wildly, her voice breaking as her bow frayed, a few of the strings snapping. Soon Octavia was a puddle of sadness seeping into the ground, the wreckage of a once elegant cello splayed around her. Vinyl had a single tear running down her cheek. Both of their souls had cracked, cracked in half. They had broken each others, and no matter how much they wanted, there wasn't a plausible solution of how to fix the damage. Vinyl whispered one word, one single word. "Love." Octavia looked up, her countenance one of pure grief. "You." > 3 Dice: Foalcon Group Prompt Collab > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The two mares, one tall and gray like a windswept, churning sea , the other short, rather plump, and a faded lavender tone, made their way towards a sea of blinking lights and cawing laughter. The gray pegasus, named Ditzy Doo, looked down at her lover and daughter. It was an interesting relationship, and it earned them many a caw and cackle as well as scowls and frowns. Incest they would shout. Foalconies they would rant. But they blocked them out, living their rather interesting relationship to the fullest. Dinky smiled up at her mom, and nuzzled her affectionately. It was an action that they did as often as breathing. They were constantly comforting each other, constantly trying to keep each other cheerful and trying not to fall into the dark abyss that was depression. You see, Dinky’s father had died almost two years ago in a horrible accident while he was heading to Canterlot to visit his mother and father. He was caught in the crossfire of a gang fight, and was mortally injured. He only lived for an hour in the hospital before he passed away. The two then found their love for each other in the aftershocks of his death; they leaned on each other for support, helping each other to try and banish the dark feelings inside themselves at the same time. Their affectionate kisses turned from comforting to passionate to heated until one night it went a step past motherly love. But the two never stepped back over that confining line, and both doubted either would. But now the duo had arrived at the doors of the Trottingham Casino. The two had moved right away to a city far from their old residence, Ponyville, after the death of their husband/father. The town of Ponyville reminded them too much of him, and both doubted that they would have made it if they had not relocated to the village of Trottingham. Ditzy Doo, not paying attention as she tried to press down her growing lust for Dinky, accidentally walked right into one of the guests of the Casino that was departing. They both toppled, and Ditzy Doo righted herself with her wings before losing control and smashing a noticeable hole in the Casino wall. The vendor frowned at them when they approached the entrance. Ditzy hoofed over some extra bits for the wall and then showed him a special card she had gained from the owner, a dear friend of hers, that allowed her and Dinky, underage as she was, into the gambling facility for free. The vendor growled but pushed the doors open for them. The two thanked him, the guard grunting in response. The two had begun to frequent this certain spot. They had at least been here twice this month, and another ten times in the months before. Dinky was worried her mother was developing an addiction, but she hadn’t been able to corner her about it yet. The two sped over to a table in a shadowy corner where a shady looking mare worked. He was the only one there, and in his hooves were two dice and a deck of cards. The somber mare brightened immediately at the sight of the two specific customers, and quickly set up the dice and cards as the two neared the table. “Greetings, Chip Flip,” Ditzy remarked as she and her lover took two seats around the gambling table. Chip Flip smiled at them, and gave Dinky the dice. The blonde filly smiled as she let them go to roll across the table, turning end on end. > 4 Onyx: Moonlight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight huffed as she trotted up the mountain, a large cart of onyx being toted by a young earth pony colt behind her. On the top of the mountain sat a half-finished castle, made of dark black onyx, sat, its coloring matching the eternal night sky. Nightmare Moon, Twilight's former enemy and present boss/lover, was shouting orders at the working ponies while she lounged on a tall throne made of pure amethyst. Twilight sighed at the sight of the beautiful mare. She soon reached the top, the panting colt behind her collapsing the second she used her magic to carry the load of onyx to a large pile of the stone. Twilight gave the colt a minute to rest before making him get up and go down the mountain to get another wagon full of the murky stone. Twilight trotted up to the amethyst throne in the unfinished throne room, the chair of her lover. She reported her findings and reports of the work ethic and quality of the worker ponies. Then Nightmare Moon floated Twilight onto her lap, kissing her deeply. No pony was around, so they kissed while the castle of onyx was built around them. > 5 Windows: Lunestia > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia rubbed her groggy eyes as she opened her eyes. Her sister was next to her, tongue lolling out, her hoof in Celestia's... Celestia jumped, screeching and galloping out of the room as her sister opened her eyes, wondering why her hoof was so wet. Celestia pushed past her guards, knocking them over as she reached her throne room. She shut and locked the giant wooden doors and collapsed on her throne. She took a brush that was laying in her bedroom and teleported it to her throne room. She brushed out her matted fur and mane as she shook her head quietly. Celestia knew she had always felt a bit attracted to Luna. But last night, while she and her sister were sipping mugs of cider, it must have come out. Celestia felt a leap of joy in her heart when she realized her sister liked her back, but it quickly was dismissed, Celestia sighing and slouching farther into her throne. She then heard shouts and collective gasps coming from the hallway, where the stained glass windows were lined up. She knew that the windows recorded special events, such as the Elements of Harmony's defeat of Discord and Nightmare Moon. They did so without any help from anypony, and they could not be removed. So when Celestia opened her throne room doors to see a crowd of ponies crowded around a new stained glass window, she wondered what it was. When the ponies around the new window saw her coming , they either bowed or galloped away screaming. Celestia looked confused as she approached the new window. Her mouth fell open. On it were Celestia and Luna, actively doing dirty deeds to each other. Making out, hugging, Celestia standing over Luna, her... Celestia screamed as she summoned a sledge hammer and smashed the window to pieces. But the window was undestructable, and Celestia furiously struck the window time and time again until she collapsed of exhaustion. Celestia REALLY hated windows. > 6 Windigo: Chrylight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A young changeling princess stood in front of a white marble altar. A withering changeling, an old adviser of the crown, surveyed her and her thirteen brothers and sisters, all potential heirs to the throne. The fourteen's mother and father had both recently passed away in a tragic battle in the jungles of Zebrica trying to find a better source of love than from the meager four thousand diamond dogs that they lived next to. The Hive was barely surviving with such a small source, and the structure of the Hive was creaking like rotten wood ready to snap in half. When that happened, the Hive would become a total anarchy as changelings fought for a helping of love bigger than what they were receiving, The Hive had been on the brink of collapsing when the king and queen left to find new love sources in Zebrica. Their deaths had just sped up the hasty decline into the fiery destruction of order in the Hive. The princess buzzed her wings for a moment, stretching them but keeping her hooves planted on the ground. The old geezer of a changeling reached forward with his magic, for he had been blessed with a horn like the royals(and the princes and princesses themselves.) He continued, enveloping a small velvet bag, in which twenty chips sat, waiting to be drawn. His voice, creaky and dry, echoed in the massive chamber. "Each possible heir to the throne must choose a figurine from the bag. Each tile depicts a specific specie of vicious animal or monster. The first heir to return to the Hive with the head or heads of their chosen beast will become the new king or queen of the Hive as well as choose five advisers and a spouse from their batch of siblings. The leftover heirs will then be properly disposed of." Each sibling nodded in agreement to the ancient tradition. When it was young Chrysalis' turn (who was the smallest and weakest), she nodded heartily. "The oldest must go first," the adviser muttered, walking over to the front of the line where Chrysalis' oldest brother, Prince Mothball, stood proudly. There was seven princes and seven princesses. Each stood in their place in line. Chrysalis was at the very end of the straight line. Chrysalis watched as Mothball used his hoof to fish around in the bag. No magic was allowed, but it wouldn't change anything either way. Each monster had about the same ferocity. Mothball finally settled on a figure. His hoof exited the bag, clutching a mottled brown figurine. It was a carved representation of a four headed hydra. He smiled triumphantly. The adviser shuffled through a pile of yellowing guide books, pulling out one labeled "Hydra." But Prince Mothball refused the booklet, his cockiness getting in the way of his brain. Her oldest sister, Princess Grub, quickly picked her figurine. She pulled out manticore, its scorpion like tail chipped from rough handling in the past. She quickly accepted her pamphlet when it was put in front of her, and she galloped out the doors at the other end of the chamber. Prince Mothball had already left the place minutes ago. The adviser went down the line quickly, as each sibling was eager to start on their quest. Each also received a magically enhanced map of the positions of every other sibling. Foul play was allowed. If and when only seven heirs were left, then it would resort back to the oldest becoming the king or queen, and so on and so forth. Soon the second youngest was speeding down the hall, a booklet on Ursa majors in his grasp. Chrysalis smiled kindly up at the elderly adviser, who smiled warmly back. He had always had a soft spot for the youngest of the bunch, even though it might have been mostly out of pity for her weak demeanor and lack of strength. Chrysalis knew that there was only seven figures left. She had always had a bit of a better sense of touch, sight, smell, taste, and hearing than her siblings (though it might have been given to her because her lack of strength.) She felt the long body of what had to be a Tatzlwurm. She quickly pushed her hoof away from that one, knowing that facing a creature such as that was imminent death. She felt around, avoiding the body of a chimera, and felt a smooth figure. She decided to chance it and pulled it out. It was a frosty white color, strands of clay streaked white flying off of its frame. "Ah, our close cousins the windigos. By far the most changeling like and the most intelligent creature in this bag. Be wary, young ling." Chrysalis nodded, and set of at a brisk canter, bursting out of the doors. The adviser spilled the last six figures onto the table. He picked up the Tatzlwurm, remembering the cheating of one of the past advisers that made him an adviser and not a king. He sighed, stuffing the statues back into their bag and carrying the bag back to a dusty storeroom, setting it down on a place on a crooked shelf where it had sat for many a century. === Twilight Sparkle sighed as she pressed her snout against the chilled glass window, looking out onto the vast tundra. Soon, her breath clouded the window and she was forced to wipe it away to be able to see again. The winds drove lines into the snow and ice, and smacked against the building, trying to flatten it. Young Twilight, a filly on a quest or sorts, wanted to go out and investigate possibly the biggest scientific discovery in the past century, but here she was, stuck behind glass and iron walls "to protect her." She looked over at the other ponies lounging around in the base. There was Brainsmart, a young earth pony colt who literally could do equations in seconds in his mind. A pegasus mare, about her mom's age, named Blustery was curled up on a cot since she had contracted a cold. Another pony, an aged unicorn named Ice Cube, sat in another corner, drawing shapes on the foggy window with his wrinkled hoof. All the smart and strong ponies were out studying the ice caverns a few miles away, searching for the mythical beings that had supposedly died out when the fire of friendship shredded them to pieces so many centuries ago. But Twilight had been waiting here for over a month, doing nothing except the occasional short expedition into the frigid wastelands for a few hours. She had only gotten to research in one of the caverns once, and that had been for only an hour. Twilight wasn't normally one to be daring, but this was insane. Over a month trapped in a flimsy metal building being harassed by the winds? Not any more. Twilight slowly donned a furry parka, as well as a scarf and boots and earmuffs. She pushed Ice Cube aside, who was trying to stop her, and sped out the door. She spotted a sled and several mushing dogs in a few heated kennels. She freed them, hitching them up to the dogsled. She then yelped at them, cracking the whip against their backs. The mutts barked and sped off into the snow, which flurried around the lavender filly as she rode across the icy tundra. > 7 Hero: Octascratch > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "What do you mean?!" Vinyl screeched, her earbuds that had been stringed around her neck slipping and clattering to the floor. "I-i'm sick of it!" Octavia said, collapsing on the old, worn couch. "But why?" Vinyl said. She realized her outburst hadn't helped one bit, and she calmed down, ponied up, and snuggled against Octavia. "Hmm?" "It's just, well-" Octavia started before getting to her hooves, making Vinyl fall off the couch. "Oww!" Vinyl whined, but Octavia was already gone, gone in her mind, as she kept talking. "-Well, I hate the publicity! I may be a noble, but all these innumerable dinners and galas and art openings and auctions and-and it's just to much!" "But ponies look up to you! You're like their-their role model, their-" Vinyl was ready to keep talking, but Octavia had already left. "Real mature, Octy!" Vinyl shouted, pursuing her marefriend into their bedroom. Octy had locked the door. Vinyl pounded on it insistently, anger coursing though he rveins as she heard Octavia unlock her cello case. The bow struck the strings, a harsh whisper emitting. But then it became a tearing noise, and splitting wood. Now Vinyl was scared. She raced through the house, retrieving a tarnished key from under the sink, and rushed back to the door, unlocking it with a click. Octy lay on the ground, the remains of her cello only shreds around her. She was balling, tears rolling down her face. All the anger left Vinyl, and she picked her way across the valley of wooden shreds to her weeping love. She nuzzled against Octy, breathing in her smell. "I-i just couldn't take it," Octavia whimpered. Vinyl nodded solemnly. "-You were their hero, Octy, Their hero." > 8 Travel: Chrylight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chrysalis huffed as she and Twilight stood in what seemed to be an endless line. Chrysalis was tapping her hoof impatiently as the line slowly began to move, but stopped after several seconds. Chrysalis groaned as Twilight looked up at her. "It's not that much longer. Maybe twenty minutes, and we'll be out of this line." said Twilight Chrysalis looked down at her lavender lover, who was smiling up at her. She huffed. "But we've been in this line for eternity." "Chryssy?" Chrysalis looked down at Twilight. "Its only been a minute." the unicorn said. Chrysalis slumped as they moved a few centimeters forward. She hated traveling. After what seemed like an endless amount of time, the couple reached the end of the line. The security pony scrunched his brow at Chrysalis. "Have you never seen a changeling before? Or are you just racist?" Chrysalis asked the security guard. The security guard rushed them along to another pony, who was scanning them with those metal-bomb detector things. She kept poking her tube through Chrysalis's holes. It was all Chrysalis could do to not slap the guard pony. When they got out of security, the couple arrived at the gate. They got there just on time and boarded the plane. They got to their seats. Twilight took the window seat after putting her bags above them. Chrysalis tried to sit down next to her, but her giant body wouldn't fit. She tried every position and angle, but couldn't wedge herself into the chair. Then one of the flight attendees trotted over to the struggling changeling. The attendant, named Forward Flight, asked Chrysalis"Would you like to move to the seats for, umm, bigger ponies?" She pointed to a row of three seats where two ponies that were bigger than the sun sat, their legs dwarfed by their giant stomachs. Chrysalis glared down at the pegasus mare. "How. Dare .You. Call. Me. FATTTTTTTTTTT!" She surged forward, tackling the attendant, who screamed. In the end the couple got kicked off the get after Chrysalis gave Forward Flight a bloody nose and a broken hoof. Twilight started to summon her teleportation spell as the two stood outside the airport. Chrysalis asked "Wait, so the whole time you could have TELEPORTED us there!?" Twilight nodded shyly and Chrysalis screamed and cursed and huffed before finally giving in, taking Twilight's hoof as they flashed away to the Mexipony island called Cozemane.