> Princess Pinkie > by Wonder > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Aurora > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “It doesn't work like that Pinkie.” Twilight said exasperated. The pink pony had been following her all day, repeatedly asking her about princesses. Mainly on how to be one herself. “You don't just become a princess.” There was a noticeable deflation in Pinkies mane. “But what about you Twi?” Pinkie said in a low voice. “what do you mean?” “You became a princess, so why can't I?” Pinkie kicked absent-mindedly at the floor of the crystal castle. “First of all, it wasn't that simple. I had to do a lot before I earned the right to become an alicorn. Secondly, why are you invested in becoming a princess.” Pinkie's mane inflated again. “Isn't it obvious Twi. I can throw awesome parties now, but imagine if I had 'princessy' magic to help me. I could make the best parties in all of Equestria. Maybe even better than Rainbow's birthaversary!” Twilight rolled her eyes. Of course she would only be thinking about having fun. “Magic isn't only about having fun Pinkie. There is a lot more to it than that. There's also a level of responsibility to it. Alicorn magic is a great deal more powerful than normal unicorn magic. Most ponies would not be able to handle the burden.” “Come on Twilight. Pleeeaaase! I wanna be a princess!” A wide grin spread across the ponies face. “I'll be super careful.” She began hopping up and down on the spot. “It doesn't work like that!” The alicorn barked. “I already told you Pinkie, I can't just turn you into a princess. I don't even know how I became one in the first place, all I know is that Celestia did some spell on me an-” “OF COURSE!” Pinkie screeched before disappearing in a cloud of smoke, leaving a dust outline of her body. In the distance she could hear a faint. “Thanks Twi.” The lavender alicorn sighed. “That pony never learns." Pinkie bounced through Ponyville, wearing a grin wider than any she had ever worn before. It was actually kind of scary. She bounced over to the spot where Twilight had first become a princess. Ponies were rarely bothered by her antics anymore, mostly because of how often they happened. Pinkie stopped in the middle of the road, staring intently at the dirt before her. She stayed like this for several minutes before looking up at the sky. “Oh, of course! Silly me, she became a princess in the sky, then floated to the ground.” A few ponies looked at her, confused. It always made ponies nervous when the party pony started talking to herself. Pinkie pie galloped over to a nearby bush and pulled out a small trampoline. Good thing I have trampolines hidden around Ponyville in case of trampoline emergencies. She thought to herself. Pulling the trampoline behind her, she went back to the 'Princess zone' as she liked to call it. With one quick motion she hopped onto the trampoline, jumping repeatedly on it. With each jump, she went higher, until she was soon reaching just above the houses. Nearby ponies stopped to watch, expecting another one of Pinkie's surprises, mainly not wanting to be caught off guard. Soon Pinkie was within reach of the clouds, which just so happened to be where Rainbow Dash was taking another one of her naps. Hearing the noise from below her, she looked over the side of her cloud, only to see her pink friend's face right next to her. “Oh, hey Dashy! What ar-” She dropped back down to the ground, before bouncing back up again. “I didn't think you would be napping so late in the morni-” She dropped back down again. “Pinkie, what are you doing?” Rainbow asked sceptically. The last time Pinkie had done something like this, had been when Gilda was here. “Oh, I'm just trying to reach that spot in the sky.” She responded, pointing a few meters above the Rainbow's head. “Only a few more meters to go. Don't worry about it.” Pinkie fell back down. “...What's so good about that part of the sky?” Rainbow asked. If Pinkie was going to mess with her sky, she wanted to know about it. Pinkie came back up. “Don't you remember. That's where Twilight became a princess.” Pinkie smiled. Down again. “...And you want to do what?” Rainbow was really confused now. She looked to the ground and saw that a large crowd had gathered. Pinkie vaulted up into the air yet again, only a meter away from her goal. “Shh, it's a secret.” She whispered to the cyan pegasus before falling back down to the trampoline. Pinkie tensed her hind legs and pushed off with all her strength. She launched into the air, a contrail of pink following her, before she reach the spot in the sky she had been aiming for. She disappeared in a blinding flash of pink and white, leaving only an empty space of sky where she had been. Rainbow just stared in awe at what had just happened before her brain kicked back into gear. Pinkie disappeared! Where in the name of Celestia did she go? Rainbow looked down at the crowd below expecting them to know what had transpired, but all she saw was open mouths and shocked expressions. A few ponies looked at each other not knowing what to say. From the back of the crowd, a grey mare with a golden mane and mismatched eyes yelled. “Yay, go Pinkie Pie, that was amazing!” She started stomping her hooves. A few followed her example and soon everypony was hoofing their approval of her trick. None of them knew what she had done, but it was impressive none the less. “What do you mean she just vanished!” Twilight shrieked. “She couldn't have just disappeared!” A few hours had passed since Pinkie disappeared. Many of the ponies that had seen it happen were in a frenzy. The party pony had never been gone for so long before, and everypony terrified. “It's like I said, I was watching her jump on one of her bouncy things, and there was a flash of light. She just... wasn't there anymore. Like when you teleport!” She pointed at Twilight. “I doubt she can do that, Dash. Although, this is Pinkie we're talking about.” The rest of Twilight's friends were standing in a semi-circle around her. “Only higher level unicorns can cast teleportation spells, much less an earth pony.” Applejack raised an eyebrow. “Look ya'll. I don't think we're gonna find her by just talkin'. Now I suggest we all sleep on this and continue tomorrow. She might even come back by then.” Applejack said optimistically. “Not a chance AJ! You guys can sleep. I'm going to search for Pinkie.” The cyan pegasus flew off, her trademark rainbow contrail following her. The all watched until she was out of sight before talking again. Rarity looked around the group. “I don't know about you girls, but I do need my beauty sleep. We can search for Pinkie tomorrow.” “Ah still have a mighty lot of work to finish at the farm.” “Oh, um. I need to go home and feed Angel... but I can stay... if you want, that is.” Fluttershy whispered the last part.” “Well I guess its decided then.” Twilight chirped. “We will meet back here tomorrow morning to continue the search.” Twilight was having one of her favourite dreams. She was back in Canterlot, sitting next to Celestia and Luna, on a throne of her own. Sitting before the three alicorns was a crowd of nobles, enjoying the party that had been thrown for them. The three princesses watched over the ponies, smiling to themselves. Most ponies don't realise they're dreaming but Twilight almost always knew and managed to shape her dreams. That's probably Luna's influence. Twilight got excited as her favourite part of her dream came up. As they all watched, princess Celestia stoop up from her throne, clearing her throat. In an instant all eyes were on the princess, watching with baited breath. Twilight turned to see Luna, who was chuckling to herself. Great! Just perfect. Luna was invading her dreams again. Twilight had noticed a while ago that Luna would appear in her dreams on occasion, usually to entertain herself. “Ladies and gentle colts.” Celestia's voice rang through the hall. “I suppose you are all wondering why you are here.” Luna leaned over to Twilight and giggled. “Oh, I think I know.” Twilight responded by glaring at her. “It's nothing to be ashamed of. Many ponies dream of this... just not as much as you.” Luna went into another fit of giggles. Celestia continued. “I have an announcement to make to all of you.” She smiled at her subjects. “I would like to introduce you all to my fiancée. Twilight Sparkle." A cheer erupted from the crowd. Luna laughed even harder. “Oh Faust, this never gets old, Twilight. Although maybe next time you should change the setting, maybe have an evil villain to defea-” Her eyes widened. “Something is wrong!” The lunar princess scanned the great hall. Twilight looked at Luna. “What's wrong Princess.” “I do not know, Twilight . I just felt a presence... Tia? Is that you?” They both looked at the Celestia from the dream. But she only stood there smiling at the crowd. Luna walked over to her sister, her head tilted. She raised her hoof in front of the dream figures eyes, waving it to get her attention. The alabaster alicorn didn't respond. She then poked Celestia's flank. Celestia's coat rippled like water. “Twilight! Get behind me! Something is not right here.” Twilight obeyed, standing a meter behind the lunar goddess. Celestia's form began to morph. The body shortened slightly, her coat going a light shade of red, almost pink. Her muzzle shortened, as did her mane. In a blinding flash of blue, Celestia completely disappeared and in her place stood-” Twilight woke up. She sat up in her bed, her head spinning from the sudden movement. “Wow. That was... strange.” Twilight rubbed the back of her head. “Tell me about! I didn't know you like Celestia that much!” A voice giggled to her right. “What! Who's there?” Twilight looked around her room but didn't see anything. It was too dark. “Pinkie, is that you? Where are you?” Twilight rubbed her eyes. “Hehe, here silly.” The party pony appeared in a flash of blue. “That was really fun. We should do that again. Oh oh. Maybe next time you can fall in love with Luna! Won't that be fun?” Twilight tried to take her friends words in but all she could do was stare. Before her stood pinkie. But she wasn't the Pinkie that Twilight knew. She was almost as tall as Celestia! On her sides were two folded wing. Twilight looked up to Pinkie's head. She had a horn! “What have you done with Pinkie Pie!” Twilight jumped from her bead, her winged outstretched, horn charged for an attack. The pink alicorn chuckled. “I'm right here silly.” Twilight only glared at her. Pinkie was capable of many strange things, but this was ridiculous. Maybe it was a changeling? “Prove it.” The pink alicorn smiled. “Sure thing Twi.” The alicorn bounced over to Twilight. Who's horn grew even brighter. “Don't get any closer!” Pinkie stopped. “Ok, I'm going to ask you a question that only Pinkie will know the answer to.” Twilight thought to herself before continuing. “What did Pinkie give me for my last birthday.” “...Are you sure you want me to say that Twi?” Pinkie shifted uncomfortably. “Ha! I knew it. I knew you wouldn't know.” Twilight smiled smugly. “It's not that. It's just... Do you really want so many people to find out?” “What are you talking about?” “Well, it's just that, people will read this and then they will know and they will tell their friends, who will tell their friends, who will tell their friends-” “Do you know the answer or not?” Twilight frowned. What is she talking about? “Um, ok then.” Pinkie cleared her throat. “Well, first I gave you that cupcake, which you said you liked. Then there was that book of pranks, I didn't really know what to get you. But then we found out that Celestia wouldn't be able to make it to your party and you were so sad, so I tried to cheer you up, but you were still sad so I-” “OK! Ok. Your the real Pinkie.” Twilights eyes opened in realisation. “Your Pinkie! H-h-how did you become a princess!” Pinkie chuckled. “It was easy. I went to that spacey cloudy place that Celestia took you. Then all those projection things popped up, and then I met this mare. She was funny.” Twilight could only stare. “Uh, Twi? Are you ok?” Twilight continued to stare. How could this happen? How did Pinkie do this? So if Pinkie is a princess, that makes her the princess of laughter? Will I have to share my castle? Twilights mind was reeling with questions. She was broken from her reverie, when a loud bang shook the castle. Both alicorns looked towards the door of Twilight's room, where the noise had emanated from. There was another bang. This time it was closer. Pinkie stood behind Twilight, hiding behind her friend. The doors to Twilight's room shook, before being completely blown off their hinges. Twilight readied a spell to defend herself from the attacker. The dust and smoke cleared. There stood another two alicorns. Both of them had offensive spells at the ready. “Twilight.” Its was Celestia who spoke. “Step away from Pinkie.” Out of instinct, Twilight obeyed her teacher... ex-teacher. She still kept getting that wrong. Pinkie looked at the princesses, confused. “Uh, what's going on?” Twilight was also confused. “What are you doing princess? That's Pinkie.” It was Luna who responded. “It is not, Twilight. It may have her body but it is not your friend. I would remember that presence anywhere. It is the Nightmare.” She snarled at the last word. “what are you talking about? We defeated you, er I mean, Nightmare Moon, she's gone.” “You may have beaten it, but it cannot be destroyed. It is an entity of fear and hatred and now it has taken control of your friend.” Luna glared at Pinkie. “I will not let you win this time, beast." “You can't be ser-” Twilight was interrupted by a chorus a chuckles. She turned towards Pinkie and saw a strange expression on Pinkie's face. One she had never seen before. There was a feeling of contempt in her eyes. Her smile wasn't its usual happy one. It was cruel. “Well I wasn't expecting such a welcome back party.” Pinkie's voice was different as well. Like when Discord had altered them, it carried malice. “It is glad that you still remember me, dear Luna.” Celestia moved to Pinkie's left, Luna moving to the right. “We cannot allow you to leave this room Pinkie.” Celestia shouted. The pink alicorn laughed. “You cannot expect to beat me. I am Nightmare Mo-no, that doesn't seem right anymore, does it? I am... Aurora!” She laughed madly. “It does not matter what you call yourself, know that you will not survive this day.” Twilight's eyes widened in fear for her friend. Aurora looked at the two princesses on either side of her. “You will not harm me. If you attack me, you will harm your precious little elements of harmony. You will not atta-” At the same time Luna and Celestia shot out a bolt of arcane magic. The pink alicorn jump back, both beams of magic barely missing her. "I guess you would be willing." Celestia leapt forward to tackle Aurora. The pink alicorn disappeared in a flash of blue and in her place stood Luna. Celestia ran into her sister, both of them hit the ground hard. "I seriously thought you two would have more to offer in a fight." The two alicorns untangled themselves and stood up. Luna glared at Aurora, her eyes full of contempt. "You will not leave this place you abomination." Luna flared her wings and charged at her. Aurora flew into the air to dodge. Celestia, at the same time, fire an attack which slammed into the roof, causing it to crack in multiple places. "You really have gotten bad at fighting. That was no where near me." Luna was already charging at her again, whilst Celestia was circling to Aurora's left. Aurora dodge Luna again, this time countering with a swift kick to her ribs. Luna was sent flying across the room. Twilight looked at the battle in shock and awe. Celestia was now behind Aurora, who was fully focused on Luna. The solar goddess charged her horn and sent a blast of magic hurtling toward the pink alicorn, who without even turning, promptly folded her wings and dropped to the ground. The spell once again, slammed into the roof. "Is that honestly your plan. Distract me with your sister and hope I don't notice you sneaking behind me?" "Close enough." Celestia grinned. Aurora looked at her with pity. "You really have gotten weak in your old age. Our last fight was glorious. This is just... sad." Aurora heard a small crack. She turned behind her, but Luna was still crumpled on the floor. She heard it again. Aurora returned her attention back to Celestia. "In my age I have not gotten weaker. Only wiser. Which is why we will win." "Wiser? If you are wiser, than why have I-" Another cracking noise could be heard. Aurora's ears twitched trying to figure out where the noise was emanating from. "What are you up to. Distract me with noises? Is that your master plan?" Aurora heard a crack again, this time she heard where it had come from. Aurora looked above her and saw a network of cracks in the ceiling. She looked behind her to see Luna over at the wall, smiling. The dark alicorn had her left hind leg raised behind her. "No, this was our master plan." Luna tapped the crystal wall behind her. The castle shook as the cracks on the roof spread. Aurora stared in fear as the roof above her fell, sending boulders of crystal down upon her. Twilight watched as the pink alicorn was buried in a pile of crystal rubble. Everything was still for several minutes. Luna and Celestia stared at the rubble waiting, and stood ready to attack when the pile began to move. A hoof shot out of the rubble soon followed by another, as Aurora began to pull herself out. When her head was free, Luna and Celestia fire a bolt of magic at the pink alicorn. Both hit Aurora. Her scream was so loud it broke glass. Twilight covered her ears with her hooves, but she could still hear the scream. The scream soon ended and when she looked back up, Celestia and Luna were looking down at the body in front of them. “She is breathing sister. I can no longer sense the nightmare within her.” Luna announced. Celestia sighed. “That is good to know.” At their feet lied Pinkie. She no longer had wings or a horn and had returned to her normal size. The party pony grunted. “...Well that sucked.” She winced in pain. "Did you really have to bring the house down? I mean parties sure, but not in a battle." Twilight galloped to her side, wrapping Pinkie in a vice like hug. “Your okay! I was so worried.” Twilight had tears in her eyes. “I was expecting something more.” Pinkie whimpered. “What are you talking about Pinkie?! Why would you want more of that?!” “Not the nightmare Twi. I was expecting a better ending. He could have at least planned a bit more.” Pinkie smiled. “What are you talking about Pinkie? Planned what?” “The story silly.” Twilight dropped Pinkie on the floor with a thud. I'm done with this. I need to sleep. Celestia tapped Twilight on her wither. "I am sorry about the roof Twilight. I will send some crystal ponies to repair it in the morning, but for now, me and my sister must return to Canterlot. As for you miss Pie, I must ask that you refrain from doing anything this drastic in the future." "Aww, fine." Pinkie whined. Celestia smiled at Twilight before leaving with her sister. Twilight slept in her bed with a large smile on her face. She sat on her throne in Canterlot with Celestia by her side. The party before her was full of happy ponies, all enjoying the music and dancing. Celestia stood up and cleared her throat to get the attention of everypony. On the other side of Celestia, Twilight could see Luna grinning. Is she ever not in my dream?! "Do not worry Twilight. I am not here to make fun this time. I just wish to convey a message. That is all." Twilight paused her dream, which thoroughly impressed Luna. "Can you make it quick, I actually want to finish my dream for once." "If that is what you wish. My sister and I wished to warn you about your friend Pinkie Pie. Just keep a close eye on her. She is a very... talented mare, but she doesn't know how to restrain herself. Just keep her from doing anything to harmful. Anyway, you have a dream to get back to, so I'll take my leave." Luna's expression changed as her dream version returned. "Finally, back to my dream." Twilight resumed her dream and listened intently to Celestia. "I a glad so many of you have attended this auspicious occasion. It is with great pleasure that I introduce to you all, my fiancé, Twilight Sparkle."