On Call and Battle Ready

by Solum

First published

Spike is finished with his training. He returns home, but for how long before Equestria needs him?

I'm back and I'm pretty sure you guys have some questions. Yes, I deleted 'Toughen up buttercup'. Why? Because it really wasn't going where I wanted it to and it was sloppy and everything was just a mess. I could have kept it but it was really bad. I know some of you liked it, but really? Come on. It was shit. If you read that story, forget it, it didn't happen. Anyways, I'm trying again. Hopefully I can make this one more... neat, but to be honest, I really don't have a game plan for this story. So, if you want to message me suggestions, go right ahead.

So, some of you know the story already: Spike signs up for a special forces training program, it's gonna take one year to complete, Spike has moment with Twi, Twi has conflict with self, Spike talks to Rarity, Rarity is sad, Spike leaves on train, everypony is sad, Spike gets to bootcamp, finds out it's hard, processing, meeting the drill instructors, yelling, yah-dah yah-dah yah-dah (The rest is a sticky mess). Feel free to imagine your own 'Spike's bootcamp experience'. But the year is up and Spike is now an official soldier of the Equestiran Guard. Our tale begins on the train ride home where Spike battles himself.


Enjoy, if you will...


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A year. What a year. I'm so glad it's over. But for how bad it was, I can admit that the training helped me out a lot. Ha, just wait until Rarity sees me... Rarity, It's been so long. Will she recognize me? Hell, I wouldn't be able to recognize myself. But with all the change, am I even myself? Change. I once heard it was a great thing, I think most would agree. But to what degree can the change be overwhelming? Spike paused. Am I'm thinking too deeply into this?

The train lightly bounced on the track. Spike's allies chatted but he drowned out their voices as he thought. Spike relieved a great weight from his chest when he completed his training, but still bared stress. He had no idea what his friends back in Ponyville would think about the 'new' Spike.

Maybe I'm not that different from when I started. Maybe I haven't changed at all... Okay, no, that's not true. I've definitely changed. I know I'm a hell of a lot stronger... and smarter... and more skilled with a weapon...

The train came to a screeching halt, causing Spike to glance out the window. He saw ponies walking around with their heads held high and wearing fancy cloths.

"Canterlot!" The conductor called.

A group of former bunkmates stood up and exited the car. One patted Spike on the shoulder, Spike looked up at him.

"See you around, Rector." Spike smiled and nodded. The title was given to him after he showed dominance of his group.

When the group left the train, the doors closed and the conductor spoke up again.

"Next stop, Ponyville!"

Spike shivered at hearing the word. It would seem that a year wouldn't be too long to be away from home but when you miss it as much as Spike, it seems like ages have past. His mind floated to a bright summer's day in his home town. Spike remembers the soft soil of the dirt roads, the lush fields of grass, and the ol' oak tree... well, that's gone for good, but still worth thinking about.

Spike took a deep breath and sighed, he could wait to see the quaint little town he grew up in. What ever sight seeing it may be, it will have to wait 'til tomorrow. Spike grimly reminded himself. By the time I get to the station it will be dark.

His attitude saddened a bit but he saw the silver lining. He may not be able to look around tonight, but he has a full day tomorrow.

Spike came back down to earth and looked around the train car. All the seats were empty. He knew most of his colleagues left at Canterlot but he didn't realize he was the only one left on the train. The low hum of the train calmed Spike. He felt the car jump again.

Spike stood up and opened his widow, the cool evening air poured over his face. It's been awhile since Spike had the chance to enjoy the little things. He sat back down and rested his eyes. It's going to be at least another three hours until he's home, better get some sleep.

The doors of the crystal castle swung slowly open and a familiar purple alicorn walked in. Once inside, she slumped against the door, forcing it to close. It had been an extremely busy day for Princess Twilight and her friends. As if dealing with the rebel clans of the diamond dog and the pesky timber wolf attacks weren't enough, she also had to think about the Prench threatening to invade the western coast line. Since she was the Princess of friendship, Celestia entrusted Twilight to write an agreeable peace treaty while she attempted to call off their forces.

All of Equestria was on edge with enemy ships wiring just outside of its borders. This is the closest the two nations have been to war in two hundred years, to say Twilight was nervous about being the one to propose a solution in favor of both countries would be an understatement. Tomorrow was the day the treaty was going to be showcased, but Twilight was only halfway done with the first draft. If she was going to get this thing finished, she would have to pull an all-nighter.

Twilight hurried to her study and fished out the incomplete treaty. The long scroll opened up and fell down the backside of her desk. Twilight thought a moment and then began to write. She rubbed her chin and zoned out. For some odd reason, she felt like she was forgetting something. Something very important...

Spike woke to the yell of the conductor.

"Last stop of the night, Ponyville!"

Spike sat up and rubbed his eyes. Picking up his bag, he stood up and climbed out of the train cab. On the way out the conductor thanked him and bid him farewell. When Spike stepped of the train, the doors shut behind him and the engine inched forwards, picking up speed slowly. The smoke cleared and Spike turned around with a big smile on his face, expecting six other faces smiling back at him. But much to his disappointment, he found the station was deserted.

Spike was confused, he walked around the empty platform hoping his old friend were just hiding from him. He looked at the clock, the train was right on time. Why didn't they show up? Spike felt truly alone, but he surged it off.

They probably just forgot, no big deal. Nopony is prefect.

The light at the station flickered, contrasting the dark night sky. Spike scratched at his chin and threw his luggage over his shoulder.

Well, that's okay. I'll see them tomorrow anyways.

Spike walked off the station's platform and made his way through the dimly lit streets. His memories came flooding back to him as he passed Sugercube Corner and Rarity's boutique. He walked until he came to the huge tree-like castle, he was finally home. He reached out for the door handle, but it didn't budge.

Spike bent down to a rock sitting next to the door and picked it up, reveling a gold key laying in the grass. He shook his head as he picked up the key.

Right in the same spot as usual. It seems Twilight hasn't changed much.

Spike unlocked the door and stepped inside, locking it back up behind him. He was going to shout out to Twilight but stopped himself by remembering that it was midnight. Spike quietly set his things down at the foot of the stairs. He looked around the library, it looks as if Twilight's expanded her arsenal of boring books. Spike chuckled at the alicorn's interest in "Advanced Thermodynamics II".

Spike noticed a light coming from Twilight's study. Strange, she would only be up at this hour if she had some hardcore studying to do. Maybe that's why she wasn't at the train station. Spike opened the door to the study slowly and peeked in. He saw the purple mare fast asleep, drooling on her desk. He smiled at the sight. Walked into the room and carefully picked the princess up. He wasn't going to leave her like this.

Spike blew out the desk side candle and exited the study with the sleeping mare in his arms. Twilight shifted in his embrace, murmuring into his shoulder. He climbed the steps and made his way to her room. Spike kicked the door open and slipped her into her bed. He pulled the covers over her body as she grinned in her sleep.

Spike was about to leave her room but Twilight moaning his name stopped him. He turned to the peaceful alicorn and thought. Yes, he could go back to his room and sleep alone, but he can't remember the last time he slept in Twilight's bed. And he really didn't feel like being alone tonight.

I'm sure she won't mind.

Spike slipped out of his uniform and crawled under the covers of Twilight's bed. He turn away from Twilight and got comfortable. Spike was startled when Twilight snuggled up to his back. Her skin felt soothing to him, He smiled warmly.

"Goodnight, Twilight." Spike whispered.

He closed his eyes and fell into the best sleep he's had in years.

Friendly Fire

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The sun's rays shined in through the open window of Twilight's room. The bright orange beams illuminated the sleeping mare's face, cause her to wake up. Twilight groaned at the light and tucked her head underneath the sheets. While she was still drowsy, her memories of the previous night came slowly back to her. Her hands glided around her mattress.

Odd, I don't remember going to bed yesterday.

Her eye went wide in horror as her hands hit a solid body on the other end of her bed. She flew out of the cover with such speed that the entire mattress shifted off the bed frame, dropping the bed intruder to the ground with a thud.

Spike's eyes shot open as the bed underneath him gave way. He threw his hands down to break the fall but his reflexes aren't as perfect in the morning. Spike's face hit the hardwood floor, splitting his lip. He found himself in a panic as he sprang to his feet, he tried to calm down. But even on solid ground Spike was in dismay, for the sheets were still wrapped around his head. And trying to figure out what's going on while blind isn't going to work out very well.

A high-pitched scream rang in Spike's ears while he struggled with the bed sheets.

Twilight's fears were correct! There was a stranger in her house! In her BED! The intruder fumbled around the room while trying to untangle himself, if Twilight was going to strike, she would have to do it now while her attacker was disoriented.

She quickly charged up her magic...

Spike was about to shred the sheets with his claws when he heard a strange buzzing sound and it was getting louder. The next thing he knew he was in the air again...

Twilight sent her assailant flying with a powerful stunning spell. The air bound stranger hit her bedroom door with enough force to detach it from its hinges. The intruder and the door sailed out into the hallway.

Twilight cooled off a bit and slowly went to go investigate. She cautiously poked her head out of her doorframe to see the broken door and the lump of sheets laying still in the middle of the hallway. That spell was a bit strong, strong enough to incapacitate anypony. Just to be safe, Twilight grabbed a nearby broom and inched closer to the intruder.

Spike groaned and rubbed his head.

What the hell hit me?

Whatever it was, it seemed to untie him from the bed sheet's death grip. Spike rolled over and pushed the sheets off of him. He looked around, wondering how he ended up in the hallway. Spike answered his own question when he saw the door to Twilight's room laying in pieces.

"Who are you?" A voice call to him. "And what are you doing in my castle?"

Spike turned to a disheveled alicorn tightly gripping a broom.

Twilight blushed as she saw the half-naked body of the purple colored drake in front of her. His arms were bulging and his abs were toned nicely... not the worst looking guy to wake up in bed with... But something was off. It was rare to see a purple dragon around Ponyville and her mind quickly thought of the only purple dragon she knew.

Oh no, please don't be...

"Spike?" She questioned.

The young drake smiled and nodded. "The one and only."

The mare dropped the broom to cup her mouth. Tears ran down her cheeks as she fell to her knees. "I've missed you so much." Her words trembled on her lips. Spike was quick to embrace her. She cried softly into his shoulder. "I was so lonely."

"Shush shush, I'm here now, Twilight." Spike whispered. "I'm here to stay."

Twilight hugged him back and squeezed against his warm body. They stayed like that until Twilight slowed her tears. She realized what that important thing was yesterday. She spoke softly.

"I'm sorry we forgot to greet you at the station." Spike stayed silent. "I was just so busy yesterday and-and I wish I would have remembered."

"It's okay, Twilight, It's okay." His voice soothed her nerves. "I know you guy were busy with some sort of phenomena." Spike chuckled. "I forgive you."

Twilight pulled away from the hug and looked into his eyes. She smiled. "Thank you, Spike." She glanced down at his exposed chest laughed nervously. "I see you've changed."

Spike and Twilight both got dressed and ready for the day, Spike wore his military uniform since none of his older cloths fit him anymore. Twilight offered to make breakfast but Spike waved her away from the stovetop and insisted that he would. When Twilight retorted, Spike told her that people have been cooking for him for a year now and he was sick of it. She found his reasoning to be adequate and didn't persist to protest. The exact opposite was her case, she was tired of cooking for herself and would mostly go out to eat, to the disappointment of her thighs...

Spike prepared a wonderful meal and brought two plates of it to the dining room table. Over breakfast, Spike told about his time in the special force's training camp. Twilight knew the soldiers coming out of that corps were tough, but after hearing some of the stuff they go through she couldn't believe the little kid she knew made it through all of it. Not only did he make it, but, from what she heard, he excelled in it. No wonder he wasn't knock unconscious when she blasted him... he's one hard son of a bitch!

They finished their plates, Twilight moaned as Spike got up. He picked up both of their dishes and made his way to the kitchen.

"Spike." He turned to Twilight. "Thank you, it was delicious." He bowed and laughed.

When he returned Twilight stood up and hugged him again. They parted, she giggled. "The others will want to see you." Spike tilted his head. "Do you mind writing some letters?"

He grinned at her. "Not at all."

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Dearest Friends,

I thank all of you for helping me out yesterday. If you wouldn't have been there, it would have taken hours to fend off those diamond dogs, even longer for the timberwolves. I know every one of us were too busy to remember this, but Spike is back. He came on a train yesterday and we all forgot about him. Now don't feel too guilty, Spike already knows how preoccupied we were and can understand why we weren't able to make it. He wants to see you all in person and he knows you want to see him, too. So, at two o'clock, Spike and I will walk down to Sugarcube Corner. I hope you all find the time to do so as well.

~Twilight Sparkle

Rarity folded up the letter and shrunk back into her seat.

"Spikey's back? Already?" She counted the days back in her head. "How could I have forgotten?"

"Who are you talking to my dear?" Fancy Pants called from the living room.

"Just myself, Fancy!" Rarity replied. She rubbed her temples and looked at her closet. She better start getting ready now if she was going to make it on time.

"Oh my." Fluttershy gasped when she read the letter. "Poor little Spike was at the train station all by himself?"

She looked at the clock, she had more than enough time to get ready. She hurried to her bedroom.

"I better tell him I'm sorry."

"Oh, I knew I shouldn't have gone to sleep early!" Rainbow Dash spat angrily.

I knew I was missing something yesterday. I knew it! Dash blamed herself. If she hadn't gone to bed so early last night, Spike wouldn't have been left alone at the station. Dash's anger died as cried, she could remember how bad loneliness felt.

"Shoot." Apple Jack put down the scroll and wiped the sweat off her fore head. "Big mac, Ah'm gonna to need ya to watch th' farm for the rest of th' day."

Macintosh crossed his arms and squinted at her.

"It's important, Spike's back 'n Ah wanna see 'um." Apple Jack put on her pouty-face and stared at her brother. "Please? Can ya do that fer me?"

Big Mac sighed. "Eeyup. UMPH!" His ribs were squeezed as Apple Jack hugged him.

"Thank ya kindly, big brother." She giggled and ran off to the farm house to get ready.

Macintosh rolled his eyes and returned to his work. "She owes me big fer this..."

Pinkie was on her lunch break when she was approached by the mailpony.

"Letter here for a Ms. Pie." It was more of a question than a statement.

Pinkie looked up from her cupcake and smiled. "About time, my whole body has been shaking all day!" She snatched the letter while the mailpony backed away slowly.

Pinkie read the letter and stopped, her hair deflated a little.

"Oh no, we forgot Spike yesterday." She worked up a smile as her hair bounced back. "But no worries, I throw a super party for him. It will be a 'Sorry for abandoning you at the train station, Spike' party!" Pinkie flailed her arms for emphasis.

She ran back to the kitchen and begged Mrs. Cake to get off early today. After five whole minutes of annoying persuading, Mrs. Cake gave in, promising that Pinkie could leave at one o'clock.

"Spike, Are you ready?!" Twilight yelled from downstairs. She heard his footsteps as he made his way to the stairs.

"Yep, I'm good."

Twilight and Spike walked threw the streets, waving to anypony who would wave back... Which was everypony. Spike was receiving a variety of looks from passing mares. Some were shocked that the dragon was so grown up now, Some were happy smiles to see an old friend was back in his home town, and the most common, lustful bedroom eyes, which Twilight countered with an angry glare.

They arrived at Sugarcube Corner and stepped inside. It was pretty slow, it was past lunch time and dinner is still a couple of hours away. Spike wiped his feet on the doormat and accompanied Twilight to the register. Mrs. Cake gasped behind the counter as she saw the pair.

"My, my, Spike? Is that you?" She said with a grin.

"Yes, ma'am." Spike nodded. "Just arrived yesterday."

"Gee, no wonder Pinkie wanted to get off early." Mrs. Cake rolled her eyes. "Can I get you dearies anything."

"No, thank you." Twilight spoke up. "We just had breakfast."

"Suit yourselves. Your friends told me to point you in their direction." Mrs. Cake pointed to the far corner booth. "That way."

Spike and Twilight turned to a booth filled with five mares waving them down.

"Is that Spike?" Dash whispered to the group while waving.

"I-it would seem so." Rarity answered with the same volume.

The group stopped waving and stared at Spike as he walked toward them.

"He looks so... so-" AJ started.

"Grown up." Rarity stated.

"Confident." Fluttershy added.

"Awesome." Rainbow squeaked.

"Hunkified?" Pinkie finished.

"...Yea..." The group agreed.

Spike and Twilight were about halfway to the table when Pinkie jumped from the booth and shot towards Spike, wrapping him in a tight hug. Spike was surprised by how fast she could move. He returned her hug as she nuzzled into his chest. One by one the group at the table stood up and ran over to Spike. Spike felt five more pairs of arms embrace him, causing him to feel happier than he's ever been in over a year. The warmth of their bodies made him shed a lone joyful tear.

"We're so sorry about yesterday, Spike." Fluttershy said softly, the others hummed in agreement.

Spike choked back the feels. "It's-it's alright guys. I know you all were busy."

Pinkie pulled back and looked at him. "You forgive us right?"

Spike smiled back. "I forgive you, Pinkie. All of you."

After another minute of snuggling the group finally let Spike go and sat back down at the booth. Spike was forced to sit in the middle.

"-So I get blamed for it, making me the center of that ass-chewing!" The six friends laughed at Spike's misfortune as he groaned at the memory. He was very animated while telling his bootcamp stories and it would at most time leave him out of breath by the end of the tale. Spike breathed heavily and sat back in his seat. "I don't even remember how many miles I ran that night."

"Wow, Spike." Apple Jack said. "Ah can't believe how tough they were on ya."

"Well, they have to." Spike replied. "If you're gonna survive this world, you have to be strong." The table nodded at this, it was sadly true.

"Y-you don't have to fight in any wars, do you?" Fluttershy asked, fearing the answer.

Spike solemnly looked down. "Well, maybe. I'm waiting for official orders from Celestia." His friends feared the worst of this. If Spike went to war, he could be hurt... or worst. The group couldn't think of the worst case scenario. "Don't worry, guys. No war, no orders."

At that moment Spike burped out a puff of green smoke. A scroll dropped down in the center of the table. All but Spike gasped, he picked it up without hesitation. He opened it up and then closed it again.

"It's for you, Twilight." Spike handed it to her.

Twilight reached out in confusion. "That's strange. What could Celestia want?"

She opened it and read silently.

Dear Spike,

Please give this to Twilight. Thanks. ;)

Dear Princess Twilight,

I've sent this letter to remind you that our meeting with the emperor of Prance is starting soon... In fifteen minute to be exact. Anyway, I hope you've finished the peace treaty because you need to bring that, too. Just a reminder, pupil, just a reminder...


Twilight's eyes snapped open and her jaw dropped. "OH NO, OH NO!"

The table stared at her as she sprang from the booth. "What's a'matter, sugar cube?" Aj asked with concern.

Twilight whipped around to face the group of puzzled friends. "Imsorryguys, gotta-go! Spike, behomebeforedark! BYE!"

With a flash Twilight was gone, leaving five confused mares and one dragon scratching their heads.

"I wonder what Celestia wanted..." Fluttershy stated.

"I'm not sure." Spike said. "But whatever it was, it must have been damn important."

Twilight teleported herself to the crystal library and immediately ran to her study, swearing all the way. She shoved the door out of her way and slid into her seat, quickly grabbing a quill and dabbing it. She furiously wrote on the scroll in front of her. She tied up all the loose ends and wrote a quick conclusion. Rolling up the parchment, Twilight bolted out of the library, not bothering to close the door behind her.

She spread her wings and took off with enough speed to create a small crater in the dirt. Canterlot was too far to teleport, she was going to have to pull a Rainbow Dash if she was going to make it.

The foreign country meeting room of the Palace was dead quiet, except the clock on the wall that ticked louder in the silence. Celestia watched Pérez, the emperor of Prance, nervously. She rubbed her hands together and looked at the clock. Twilight has never been this late before.

"I grow tired of zis, Celestia." Pérez said with an accent. He lightly tapped the large table with his fingers. "When is zis student of yours going to arrive?"

"Patience, Pérez." Celestia replied as calmly as she could. "I'm sure any second-"

The double doors to the room swung open, reviling a sweating Twilight. "HERE! I'm *gasp* here." She bent down and rested her hands on her knees. Celestia and Pérez stared at the mare in shock.

Pérez stood up and recoiled. "Is zat your student?"

Celestia didn't bother to reply.

Twilight held up the treaty. "I *pant* got it. The... the peace treaty. Here." She placed it in front of the emperor and unrolled it.

Pérez squinted at the paper and sat back down. Twilight slowly stumbled her way over to Celestia's side and sat down. She crossed her arms on the table and buried her head into it, breathing loudly.

"Cutting it a bit close, I see." Celestia scowled through a fake grin.

"Celestia," Twilight retorted. "With all due respect, I'm too tired for your bullshit right now."

Celestia decided to ignore the smart-ass comment, returning her focus to the emperor. He was silently reading the document with one eyebrow raised and mouthing the words as he went. His fingers trailed the scroll with his reading. Twilight looked up and saw what he was doing, she began to sweat again. For she remembered the fresh ink hadn't dried completely yet. The emperor's hand then came up to rub his chin, leaving a big black smudge on his face. Celestia and Twilight's eyes went wide, Celestia looked down at Twilight, who smiled sheepishly back.

They stared in horror as Pérez scratched his nose, then his cheeks and forehead. Before long, his entire face was covered in black stains. The Prench guards saw what had happened and began to giggle. Pérez looked up from the scroll and glared at his chuckling guards.

"What?" He demanded. "What are you all laughing at?"

"Uh, Major." One said through his giggles. "I zink you have somezing on your face."

The emperor was confused, something on his face? He looked down at his silver gauntlets to see the horrendous reflection. Pérez saw the ink on his hands and cried out in rage.

"OH!" He yelled. "You zink you can mak a mockery out of me with zis phony PEACE TREATY!"

The emperor tried to rub the ink off with his sleeve, but failed. He grabbed the treaty and tore it in half, the two pieces were then crumpled up and spiked at the ground.

"You want ze war, Celestia?!" He spat. "You will get ZE WAR!"

With that, Pérez turned and left the palace, spitting on the floor as he exited. The Prench guards followed their leader while laughing their asses off. The doors to the meeting room closed softly, leaving Twilight alone with the Sun Goddess.

Celestia had her head in her hands. She paused and sighed deeply.

"Twilight, I gave you one job, ONE FUCKING JOB!"

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Spike sat at the booth with his chin resting on his hand. It was amazing how much he missed over the past year. While listening to the idle talk between friends, Spike noticed the Rarity kept looking away form him. This wouldn't usually bother him, but she would only do it when he returned her glance. Throughout the two hours the group spent at the table, Rarity never made eye-contact with him.

"-the animals just haven't been the same since Angel died." Fluttershy said sadly, looking down at her lap. "and I miss him, too."

Spike rubbed her back gently. He didn't bother saying anything, the damage of losing a friend was already done. After a minute of silent crying, Fluttershy looked up to him.

"I just feel like I could have saved him." Her lip quivered.

"Fluttershy," Spike placed his hand on her cheek and made her look at him. "You did everything you could, he was an old rabbit. Everything dies eventually."

Fluttershy nodded and wiped her eyes. "Oh, I know, Spike."

Spike smiled warmly, causing Fluttershy to smile back. Returning his attention back to the group, Spike spoke up. "Well, I know we all want to sit here and talk all day, but I have a itch to scratch."

Apple Jack tilted her head. "What'd ya have in mind?"

"Well, this is my first day off in a entire year and I don't want to spend it inside." Spike grinned. "It's been so long, maybe you guys could show me around."

The five friends beamed at this news. They stood up from the table and grabbed Spike from his arms, leading him out of the Sugarcube corner.

"I specifically said, 'Twilight, be sure to have this treaty done on time and be at the meeting at an appropriate hour,' and what do you do?!"

Twilight sat with her head in her hands. "I-I got it done... it was just not my best work." Her words died a little at the end. Twilight didn't know how to feel, Celestia had never yelled at her before. But the yelling was nothing compared to the glooming danger that she help put over Equestria's head. If things don't simmer down with the Prench, Equestria will be at war for the first time in centuries. And it would be mostly her fault...

"Not your best work? Not your best work?!" Celestia looked like she was going to explode, her eyes glowed white and her hair turned yellow. The Royal Guards saw the transformation and quickly left the room.

But Celestia looked down at her fear struck student, she saw her error for going to anger so quickly. Celestia sat back down and sighed, her eyes and hair losing color. Slumping into the big chair and tapping her fingertips together, her mind was moving a mile a minute.

"We have a problem, Twilight." Celestia stated calmly, Twilight kept her gaze on her. "A problem that I have not had to deal with for a long time. The Prench ships sit just out of earshot of our homeland, their cannons awaiting orders from a man that wants war. In these dark times we must stay collected." Twilight nodded at her. "You must go, Twilight. I have a lot of planning to do and I don't need you here."

Twilight couldn't find any words to say. She left the room in silence.

The doors closed and Celestia sighed again. A minute in the quiet and Celestia's ears fluttered. She turned her chair around.

"For being a bat pony, you are oddly loud, Sargent Echo"

A dark blue stallion stepped out of the shadows. His silver spiked hair almost shined in the candle light. "Well, I guess that's why I find it easier to distant myself from the target."

Celestia gave the young soldier a smug look for a second, it dissipated quickly after. "Tell me, Echo, do you think the emperor is bluffing?"

Echo played with the crystal amulet that hung around his neck. "The Prench king was always a difficult read, but does a Goddess really need a mortal's opinion?"

"Sometimes I enjoy the second viewpoint." She watched him as he took a seat next to her, kicking his feet up on the table as he sat back. He seemed very laid back for being on the brink of all-out war. His glowing red eyes shifted to Celestia.

"I say you can never truly know what's going on in that head of his, we'd better keep an eye on him." Echo gave the best advice he could think of.

Celestia stood up and started to walk away. "Come with me, Echo. I have a special mission for you."

Echo raised an eyebrow, but compiled.

After walking around for a few hours, Spike remembered he had to be home before dark. The five friends moaned at Twilight's orders. He walked each of them home and received four hugs and four kisses on the cheeks. The last one he dropped off on the way back to the library was Rarity, who gave him a simple goodbye. He didn't want her to get off that easily, he had to stop her.

"Rarity, wait." She turned to an opened armed Spike. "I don't get a hug?"

She shifted in her feet and shook her head. "I'm sorry, Spike, but I can't."

Spike was confused, his arms dropped to his sides. "Wait, why not? Is something wrong?"

"No, everything is fine, Spike. I just can't hug you." Rarity said, looking down at her feet.

Spike's ear fins drooped. "I-I don't understand."

"Spike, I'm married." She looked up watery eyes. "I can't... just can't." Rarity turned and quickly went inside the boutique.

Spike stood alone out in the street. "Married?..." Spike couldn't help feeling abandoned by his crush. She had moved on, without him. He started the long walk home with a new dark cloud looming over his head. He would have liked to talk to her, but right now all he wanted was to get home so he could cry in private.

I was gone for too long.

Twilight gently landed in front of her castle. Even when so far from Celestia, she could still feel her teacher's disappointment. She was about to unlock the door when she saw Spike walking solemnly towards her. His head was hung low as he walked, he looked just as miserable as she was. Spike didn't notice Twilight until he was right in front of her. Upon seeing her, he snapped upright and quickly put on a grin.

"Twilight, you're back!" He ran up and hugged her. She returned the embrace and stepped back, looking him in the eyes. "What's the matter, what'd Celestia want?"

She avoided his gaze. "I'll explain later, Spike. How did your day go?"

Spike rubbed the back of his head. "Well, up to the last point, it was going perfectly."

Twilight met his stare again. "What happened?"

"Uh, it's Rarity." Twilight's eyes widened.

"Spike, I'm so sorry." She rubbed his shoulders. "I should have told you beforehand she was married."

Spike nodded slowly. "It's fine, Twilight. I'm happy for her." They both saw through that lie, she didn't call him on it though.

They were both silent for awhile before Twilight thought of a solution. "Spike?"


"It's still pretty early." Spike gave her a puzzled look. "You wanna go talk about our problems over some drinks?"

He paused, then smiled. "Alcoholic drinks?"

"Yes." Twilight giggled.

Spike offered a hand to her. "I would love to."

Twilight blushed at the gesture, but accepted his hand none the less. They turned from the house and walked back into town together.


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Echo flew high over Ponyville, searching for the library. Celestia told him it would be easy to spot. Echo remembered her directions.

"It's a big ass crystal tree. It's literally impossible to miss."

He chuckled at how burnt out Celestia is. But she was right, Echo saw the castle of 'friendship' sitting just on the outskirts of town. He descended to the front step of the huge library and knocked on the double doors. While waiting for some pony to answer the door, He noticed that all the windows on this side of the building were dark.

He stepped back from the door and looked again. They can be asleep now, it only ten o'clock. Echo floated up to the top windows and looked in.

"Princess Twilight?" he said quietly, hoping someone would turn on a light. "Private Spike?" flying around the building, Echo came to the conclusion that they weren't home.

But that's strange, where could they be at this time?

Twilight and Spike arrived at the local pub to spot a few drinks. They walked inside to see the tables crowded, as per usual. Thankfully, the music in the bar was low enough to talk over. As they took some empty seat at the bar, a skinnier fellow took their order of drinks. Spike was going with hard liquor while Twilight ordered a fruity martini. Spike laughed at her for this, but Twilight changed the subject by calling him a alcoholic.

Spike decided to tell her what happened to make him upset first. He told her about when she left in a hurry, how the others caught him up to what went down when he was gone. He talked about how they walked up and down the streets of Ponyville, looking at all the new shops that popped up around town. Spike truly enjoyed the day with his friends, it was when he dropped off Rarity at her house that the bomb was dropped him.

"She told me she was married and," Spike paused, sadness developing on his face. "She just left after that. No hug at all."

"I'm really sorry, Spike." Twilight hugged one of his arms, trying to comfort. "I meant to tell you sooner, truly."

Spike took another drink from the whiskey bottle, sighing heavily. "It's okay. The news was going to crush me either way." He stopped to look at Twilight. "So, why were you down in the dumps today?"

"Oh, right." She remembered. "You know how the Prench are sitting out over by the east shore?"


"Well, about three days ago, Celestia ordered me to write a peace treaty to help calm down their forces. Today, Celestia and I had a meeting with the Prench emperor... and things didn't go as well as planned." Twilight shifted nervously.

Spike saw her discomfort. "I'm guessing he didn't agree with the terms?"

"It wasn't the terms per say he didn't agree with, I kind of didn't get done with writing them."

"Oh, so that's why you were in such a hurry today." Spike took another drink.

"Indeed. The rough draft I had was sitting at home and the meeting was going to take place any minute." Twilight explained. "So, when I left you guys at the Sugarcube Corner, I had to get home, write the rest of the treaty and hightail it all the way to Canterlot." Twilight continued the story exactly how it took place, but before she finished, Spike was laughing into the table. She couldn't help but giggle a little herself.

"Spike!" She smacked his chest light heartedly. "This is serious, I might have just started a war!"

Wiping the tears from his eyes, Spike toned down his laughter to a chuckle. "Sorry, I can't help it. But boy, if it's not the funniest way I've heard someone start a war."

Twilight's smile disappeared, grabbing his attention. "But, what will happen if this is a war? I'll be responsible for who knows how many ponies' deaths and most importantly, your departure."

It was now Spike's turn to comfort his friend. "I'm sure everything will turn out okay, Twilight. The emperor will probably see that he was acting a bit brash and eventually call off his fleet."

"But he said-"

"Yes, I know what he said." Spike smiled. "But threats are just threat, nothing more."

Twilight nodded. "I just don't want to lose you again."

Blushing, Spike tapped his drink against hers. "You never lost me, Twilight. And you never will." He downed another swig. "Now, come on, drink. I Don't want to be the only one trying to get wasted over here."

Twilight rolled her eyes and giggled. She finished off her martini and ordered another one.

Echo tapped his chin in thought. If they weren't here, then they must be out... and the only places still open are the bars, that was probably his best bet. Echo turned from the doors and walked into town.

After a few minutes of walking he came to the center of town. Looking around at all the pubs, he was surprised. Usually the smaller towns didn't have so many bars.

Well, better get started, Celestia's not going to wait all night.

The empty bottle of whiskey hit the table, Spike burped loudly. He threw his arms up and gave a "WOO!".

Twilight found herself impressed that he could drink so much and not pass out. "You're lucky you're not a pony, or you'd be dead right now."

"Yuh, bein' a dragon has a lot of perks." Spike nodded and said with a slur. "But I do believe I've hit my limit."

"Well, that's good." Twilight laughed. "We wouldn't want to drag your ass all the way home."

He grinned at her. "Shit, who says we have to go home?"

"We certainly can't stay out all night." Twilight retorted.

"Can't we?" He raised an eyebrow.

She rolled her eye. "Okay, smart guy. How would we stay out for the rest of the night?"

Scratching his chin, Spike leaned back. "Well, the bar doesn't close for at least another couple hours." He pondered some more. "And it isn't that cold out... Yeah! We could like sleep on a hill under the stars or something."

"Really?" Twilight criticized. "You want to sleep outside?"

"Oh, don't look at me like that, it would be fun!" He tried to defend his plan.

"Uh-huh." Twilight glanced at the bar's clock. "Okay, big guy. Let's get back home, it's way pass your bedtime." She jeered with a smile.

"Bedtime?" Spike laughed. "I'm too old for a bedtime."

Twilight stuck out her tongue playfully. "Maybe you should act like it."

Spike drew back clumsily, throwing his hand over his forehead and putting on his saddest face. "Oh! Oh, I'm hurt now, Twi." He's acting was clearly being fabricated. "I'm gone for an entire year and this is how you treat me? And you the Princess of friendship?"

"Oh, stow the bellyache, Mrs. Dramatic." She stood from the bar stool and placed a hand on his shoulder, ushering him up. "Come on, Spike, it's late. Get up."

"Nooo..." Refusing lazily, Spike moaned as he was forced up. "I don't wanna."

"Yea, yea." Twilight let him lean on her for support. "We have to get back and put you to bed."

Muffling a laugh, Spike booped her nose. "You have to get me in bed." He let out his giggles making Twilight blush deeply.

Shaking the red off her cheeks, Twilight steadied him. "Ha, ha." She said sarcastically. "Get moving, goofy."

Twilight forced Spike forward and they slowly began making their way through the crowds of other inebriated pony-folk. Spike found himself saying and waving goodbye to all the ponies in the bar before Twilight managed to get him out the door. As they came outside, Spike slipped out of her grip. To her dismay, he felt there was a need to play 'Catch the drunk dragon before he breaks something' before they retired for the night. However, the chase didn't last long after Spike tried vaulting a park bench and face-planting into the dirt. Twilight was going to laugh, and then yell at him, but he had fallen asleep before she caught up to him.

Giggling, Twilight dragged him home, stopping every once in awhile to scold his unconscious body.

Echo stumbled out of the bar in a haze.

"Well, he's not in THAT bar." He laughed to himself. "I know... 'cause I checked."

His words were slurred and he felt little emotion towards his current mission. What he did show emotion for right now was some munchies. Rubbing his empty stomach, Echo thought back to what went wrong.

Okay, so ordering that drink wasn't too smart, that's were it started... And accepting that hit from the 'special cigarette' wasn't good either...or the second hit... or the third. But I got this, OK... Step one; get munchies. Step two; eat said munchies. Step three; get Spike and bring him to Celestia... And make sure not to look any guards in the eye.

With his mental list he set off towards the nearest 24/7 minimart.


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The big door to the library cracked ajar. Another shove from the purple mare make it swing all the way open. Grunting, Twilight dragged the sleeping dragon inside and closed the door behind him. She looked down at Spike and smiled, however much she wanted to yell at him for his foolishness, she could never keep a straight face at his adorable, boyish innocence. Although Spike was a little over the top today she had to admit, she had a pretty good time tonight. That was always one thing she always missed about his company, no one could make her laugh quite the way she did around him.

She bent down and grabbed his wrists, better get him to the couch. Managing to get Spike to and on top of the living room couch, Twilight went to the kitchen for a late night snack... Well, early morning snack to be technical.

Echo smushed his face against the glass door of the minimart and moaned in agony, the sweet treats taunting him from the other side. Rubbing his empty stomach, Echo thought.

How can they be closed so early? He glanced at his watch with haste. One A.M. isn't that early, right?

"Damn you, cruel fate!" He cried out while reaching for the sky. His hands wrapped around his belly again as he looked down. As his clouded mind started searching for a solution, he talked to himself. "If only there was a way to get this door out of the way..."

"Hey there, stranger." A man called from a dark alley next to the store. Echo slowly looked in the skinny stallion's direction, his brain still working out his hunger problem. "I understand your'e having some slight troubles, eh?"

Echo didn't answer, simply going back to pressing his nose against the glass widows of the store. The man blankly stared at Echo, clearly waiting for an answer.

"If we could... some how... get this door." Echo motioned with both of his hands at the locked barrier. He paused to scratch his chin. "... Over to the side... I... I could get in." He used his hands to emphasize his plan as the light yellow stallion watched with concern. "But the door... the door is locked..."

The man emerged from the shadows of the alleyway and cleared his throat, once again catching the eyes of Echo.

"If I could make a suggestion, my good man?" Echo didn't respond again, but it looked as if he was at least listening. "It seems like you're confused and can't get your thoughts straight, yes?"

He nodded and took a step closer to the man. "How did you know?"

"Wild guess." The man rolled his eyes. "Now, listen good sir, I have a remedy for all your problems."

With starry eyes, Echo smiled and cupped his cheeks. "You do?"

"Yes, sir-y." The red maned man pulled out a little neatly wrapped bag, Echo push forward to look at the magical substance.

But then Echo shrunk back sadly. "Sorry sir, but I don't have any money."

The yellow stallion grinned and chuckled. "Oh, that's okay. First one's on the house."

Spike stirred on the couch and slowly opened his eyelids. He had a funny taste in his mouth and his head hurt a little. Although he was looking around the room, he didn't take any of it in, making him look a second time. He saw that he was back at home, though not sure how. Siting up, he saw the warm glow from the kitchen.

"Twilight?" He waited for an answer. "Twilight!?"

"Yes?" Twilight responded as she entered the living room. "What is it, Spike?"

"Oh, okay." As far as he could tell, she didn't seem too intoxicated. "I was just making sure you were still with me."

She came and sat down next to him, hugging his shoulder slightly. "I'll away be there for you, Spike."

He couldn't help but blush and smile back at her. "Thank you, T-"

Before Spike finished his sentiment, a grey bat pony smashed through an overhead window, collided with the top of a nearby coffee table and landed in front of them in a heap of limbs and glass shards. In his arms, he carried a wide variety of candy bars and chips and he wore a military uniform. As Twilight and Spike began to process the entry of the stallion, his eyes shot open. It was odd how glazed his pupils were and they knew his mind was probably long gone. The strange pony looked around the room with distress until he saw the couple sitting on the couch.

"Are you Spike?" Echo said as he blinked rapidly.

Spike glanced at Twilight for a moment before he returned to the dazed stallion. "Uh, yes?" Spike was surprised that an obvious officer would be so unprofessional, especially in front of other military personnel.

Echo grinned and sprung to his feet. "Finally! I've been all over town trying to find you and then some things happened at the bar and you weren't there so I decided to have some fun but I think I might have gotten a little high and I needed snacks because I'm not going to tell you that Celestia wants to see you right away on an empty stoma-"

"Wait, what?!" Twilight stopped the man's rambling. "Celestia is calling for Spike? What for?"

Echo started to jitter as he held up his hands to his mouth. "Oh, I'm not suppose to say because she told me it was super secretive and like STUPID important." Echo snapped his attention back to Spike. "-But yea, you're suppose to secretly come with me for a-" He stopped and looked around the room again. He brought his voice to a whisper. "-Super secret mission."

"A mission?" Twilight and Spike both questioned.

Echo jumped back from Twilight and gasped. "H-how did you find out? That was suppose to be a secret!"

Twilight sighed, turning to Spike. "How are you going to see the Princess now? You can barely stand, let alone fly all the way to Canterlot."

Spike waved her off. "Pfft, I can fly just fine."

She shook her head back at him. "Spike, you still have a slur; you are in no condition to fly anywhere."

Rubbing his chin, Spike thought. "Maybe you're right, but what about Celestia?"

"I'm sure she can wait until tomorrow." Her attention went back to Echo, who, with the brief pause, ate the last of his snacks. There was a pile of wrappers surrounding his feet.

"So, is it cool if I crash here or-" A scroll suddenly appeared in Echo's face, he caught it before it hit the ground. He looked at it in awe and rubbed it. "Oh, hey. Check it out, a magic scroll. Wow, the Princesses only sends stuff like this if they're really-" He unraveled the paper and the scroll came to life, shooting out magic beams around the living room. A bright bubble formed at the scroll and expanded, engulfing the three people in the room.

With a flash of light, the group found themselves in a different setting. The Palace, to be exact. Twilight and Spike's stares fell upon two annoyed looking Princesses.


Dark Gloom

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Spike could only feel the anger in the room, with it was the heat that was also radiating from Celestia. He couldn't hear the rant she was spilling, mostly because his brain was too busy trying to recover from this hellish headache. For all Spike knew, she could just be mad at a servant for spilling her dinner on her favorite rug or something.

Spike heard Twilight say something, she was just about as coherent as Celestia... by that I mean not coherent at all. Although Spike had a good hunch that Twilight's comment was intended to calm the Princess, it did not... opposite actually. Celestia's mane changed to a bright yellow and the room continued to burn. She somehow was able to yell louder than before, which didn't help Spike with his ability to understand what she was saying. Luna was abnormally silent throughout her sister's yelling. All she did was stare angrily at Twilight.

Spike looked over to the officer who was looking for him. I think Celestia called him Ego? Really? Ego? Must have been a little asshole growing up to be stuck with a name like that. From what Spike saw, the dazed pony had about the same self awareness as him... Which is pretty impressive coming from a man who, not even twenty minutes ago, was talking to his own helmet. 'Ego' blinked slowly as he stared into the Princess's intense glow...

Oh right. Celestia.

Spike returned his focus to the sun goddess. It was worse than he thought, but luckly, she was starting to dim down a bit. Still having an inch to scratch, Spike raised his claw slowly. After a while, Celestia took notice to the annoying waving appendage. Her expression softened a bit as she stared at Spike.

"What is it, Spike?" Her voice was clammed but still had a shape edge.

Spike's face twisted, as if he was surprised that she addressed him. "...Oh, I have a question."

Celestia cupped her forehead in her fingers and sighed. "Yes, I already knew that." She fell back into her throne, exhausted from scolding for so long. Her mane returned back to it's original color, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "What is your question?"

"Why were you summoning me?" Spike asked. "Especially so late in the evening?"

"Well, I could have had you here sooner if somepony hadn't gotten HIGH on his mission..." A glass flask appeared in front of Echo. "Echo, be a dear and open your maw for your princess."

Echo squinted at the bottle of strange liquid and shrugged. He didn't actually hear Celestia's order, he was just thirsty. Snatching the flask from thin air and popping of the cap, Echo swigged the potion. Even from a distance, Spike saw his eyes shoot open and instantly clear. He shook his head and rubbed his eyes.

"Huh-wha?" Echo looked around, fear quickly swelling in his expression. His gaze came to the princess's. "...shit..." He stood quickly and bowed. "Princess, my sincerest apologies. I did not expect such a conclusion to such an easy-"

"Save it, Sir Echo." Celestia was not taking his excuses now. "I will deal with you later." Echo shifted uneasily.

Luna spoke up from her seat. "Spike, the reason we called you here is for your orders."

Spike's eye widened with confusion. "Orders?! I'm barely out of basic, how could I have orders already?"

"I'm afraid we have a dire problem that need to be fix immediately." Luna's poser swayed a little. "We need you stationed in Prance as soon as possible. You are the only one we could trust with this mission."

"What of the other warriors?" Twilight chipped in, stepping closer to the thrones. "Certainly, I'm not the most qualified candidate, right?" The sister's adverted their eyes from her. "Right?"

Standing from her spot, Celestia sighed again. "I'm sorry, Princess Twilight, but this matter is no concern of yours." Celestia's horn glowed, causing Twilight to slowly float.

"No! Wait!" She cried, trying to wiggle from the magic grip. "SPIKE!"

"You are dismissed, Twilight." Celeste's horn flashed.

"SP-" Twilight was gone.

"Twilight!" Spike tried reaching out to her but only caught empty space. He quickly spun on his heels. "What's the meaning of this?! Where did you teleport her to?"

"Settle Spike, Twilight is safe at home, I assure you." Celestia sat again. "Echo, you are also free to carry on. This meeting will continue privately." The bat pony snapped a salute and turned, exiting the room with haste.

"Why?" Spike's words cut through the air. "With all due respect, Princess, I demand some damn good explaining."

"Understood, and you will receive it." A chair popped up from behind Spike. "We might be here a while."

"-IKE!" Twilight felt the familiar tug of gravity again. Almost by pure habit, she opened her wings and slowly descended.

Twilight looked around to find that she had been placed back into her crystal castle. Instantly she started to panic. While speeding to her room to pack, she could only worry about what Celestia's plans with Spike were. She knew that the conflict with the Prench was a definite factor, but what exactly was she sending him to do?

Twilight flew up the steps with a lightning speed. If she was going to help Spike, she was going to have to meet him halfway to the east coast. Her magic was not strong enough to teleport to him right now and she would bet every penny she owned that Celestia is sending him to the northeastern front. The coastal fortifications over there were the first line of defense if the Prench ever tried to advance. The last time Twilight checked, Celestia needed extra troops along the beaches and that's exactly where she would find Spike.

The purple mare ran through the already busted down door and started packing. She magiced her essentials (mostly scrolls and extra ink) into a bag and made her way to the exit of her home. One more quick check to make sure she had everything and she was on her way in record time!

Twilight opened the door and froze, a shadowy figure stood just outside of the light given off the doorway.

"Going somewhere..." The dark stranger breathed out heavily, a trail of fog lingered along side his words. "Princess?"

Twilight stepped back into her home, a bead of sweat formed on her temple. Her instincts made her body tremble. She moved to slam the door but the figure moved with a quickness that surprised her. Falling backwards, Twilight retreated in fear. His hand locked the door open, she had seen this nightmare before. The stranger had a permanent black smoke that followed his movement. The shadow pushed the door open and lurched closer to the princess.

His breath as cold as his voice, the intruder spoke, "Mind if an old friend stops by for a visit?"

Twilight took a defensive stance and charged her horn, aimed and fired a powerful blast at the dark fog. The purple bolt flew right through the smoke, making it disappear. Twilight scanned the room nervously, his presence was still weighing down on her. He was too quick for her, especially in the dark.

"Now now." A echo filled the room. "Is that any way to treat a guest?"

"What do you want with me?!" Twilight cried.

A cold whisper filled her ears. "It's not what I want from you..."

Twilight felt a painful grip wrap around her horn. She screamed in agony and was brought to her knees. She opened her eyes wide to the owner of the powerful grasp. Panning up to see the dark king in his true form, she squeaked fearfully at his twisted smile.

"It's what I will have from your kingdom!" His arm cranked to the side. With a quick flick of his wrist, Twilight's horn snapped at the base.

Purple glowing shards and tears of pain, together, fell to the floor.

Whence Evil Comes Pt. 1

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Spike found his hate for trains has doubled over the years... Mostly due to the fact that he had been riding them a lot lately, and for longer periods of time. He shuddered at all the times the girls traveled to the Crystal Empire, all of which Spike was forced to tag along. The girls were always difficult to keep up with; being Equestria's defenders from the supernatural was nothing less than a stressful traveling job... And even then it's being put simply.

The cab shook slightly, spilling coffee on the table in front of him.

"Dammit!" Echo cussed as he pulled the papers away from the spill.

Spike grabbed the cup and quickly turned it up right, a useless attempt to stop the liquid. The cup had emptied out onto several maps of Prance and strongholds. Echo tugged the maps from under the coffee and held them out above the table, he scowled at Spike from behind the soaked pages.

Spike shrunk back from Echo's stare, smiling nervously.

"You just had to have your caffeine, didn't you?" He hypothetically asked.

"My apologies, sir." Spike took a nearby rag and began cleaning the mess. "I'm not used to being up this late."

Echo sighed, decompressing a bit. Once Spike finished wiping, he laid the maps back down. There was a pause in the private room as Echo rubbed his scalp. "In here it's fine, but if mistakes are made out there-" He pointed out the window at nothing. Echo dropped his arm and paused again. Spike could sense the fear and sadness in his voice. The overhead light casted a shadow over his crimson eyes but Spike knew just how much worry the darkness hid. "Lives, families, homes, lost. Understand?"

Spike nodded solemnly. "Yes sir."

"Please, enough with the formalities." Lightening the mood, Echo chuckled. "I barely outrank you to begin with." He brought his focus back to the map.

Spike looked at the paper as well.

"You remember our orders, correct?" Echo didn't bother to look up as he spoke.

"Uh, yes. Yes I do." Spike reached into his jacket, pulling out a check list. "I even took notes."

"Very well." To be honest, Echo couldn't say the same for himself. "Go over them again... out loud... Just in case you missed anything."

"Aye..." Spike raised an eyebrow at his partner, but shrugged and cleared his throat. "The train will take us all the way to a small town on the east coast called... Hayward?" He dragged his claw across the map, following the railroad. "From there we're going to have to hoof it to the pier. It's about two klicks east of the train station."

Echo followed along on the map and nodded. "Right, right. Then what?"

"Once we're at the pier, there should be a small vessel waiting for us. The Windlass under command of one Captain J.P. Jones. The Princess said we'll have another briefing there for updated information."

The table was quiet for a while as the two stared at the maps. Echo sat back to think. He had been under pressure before but nothing could compare to the stress of possible war. Was he ready for a mission like this? Certainly Celestia thinks so... but that didn't promise his success. Echo stood from the table and reached for his coat.

"Going outside?" Spike guessed with concern.

"Uh, yeah." Echo turned into his jacket. He glanced at Spike from the doorway. "I need a cigarette real quick. I'll be back."

"You okay?" Spike stopped him.

Peeking back through the open door, Echo nodded. "I'm fine... Just need a break, that's all."

The door clicked shut, leaving Spike to himself. Now that he thought of it, solitude was and oddity to him. He has been accompanied for a while now by at least the public... But now walls secluded him. The silence was relaxing, while at the same time strange. Spike took this time to look over his supplies. It would be a good idea to know what his inventory was packing.

Unzipping the large rucksack, he caught a scroll that fell out. Spike rolled his eyes at Celestia's packing technic's. She was lucky he didn't open his luggage in a crowded station or something... Damn letter would've been swept away in no time. He opened the scroll and read to himself.

Dear Spike,

Just to help you with organizing, I made a list of the materials this bag contains... Plus I got bored waiting for your arrival. Anyways, before you, you will find:

~ One pair of custom combat boots (the ones you're used to)

~ Your standard stealth uniform (plus a spare)

~ One pair of black gloves

~ Three pairs of skivvies (pairs of black socks included)

~ One survival pack (just in case)

~ One collapsible bow (with fifteen arrows)

~ One dagger

~ And one custom smithed sword

"Aww, for real?!" Spike set the scroll down and felt his way through the sack. His claws found their prize, he slid the sword out carefully and gaped at it's beauty. The holster hid the blade from sight. As he unsheathed the sword, Spike flinched. The blade radiated a light green.

Wow. When Celestia enchants something, she goes all out.

Spike stared in awe for a bit before he laid the sword on the table, picking up the letter once again.

I hope these items help you on your mission. I recommend stopping along the way to buy yourself necessary toiletries. Good luck, Spike, and do me a favor... Come back alive. I'd hate to lose a warrior of your potential.

P.S. If you're wondering about the sword, it's a gift. From me to you. It was smithed to fit your hands and I added the finishing touch. A spell that detects threats, like a Pinkie sense. (in a sense)

Spike looked up from the letter and squinted at the blade. "Odd."

It's glows your favorite color when you near evil doers, for your safety. Keep your eyes peeled.

~Princess Celestia.



The cool air rushed through Echo's hair. The caboose gave him just enough wind to feel relaxed while also not disturbing his cigarette. He took a drag and puffed it into the steady breeze. His sight drifted into the darkness. Smoking was the only thing keeping him awake right now.

Another drag.

Echo tried not to focus on anything, to give his mind a rest. But movement on the tracks broke his peace. Behind the train, it looks to be another trailing it... and gaining speed. It worried him that the front light of this train was out, as if it was trying to sneak up on them. Never a good sign.

As the dark train approached, Echo could make it out better. Not quite visible, he squinted harder. Echo place his cigarette to his lips, but stopped. Instead, he held it to his side, letting the wind feed the flame. He watched the tip glow. A wisp and the cigarette was gone. An arrow had pegged it to the wall behind him.

"I guess the smoke deck is secured then."

Whence Evil Comes Pt. 2

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Rise, princess...

Death is worth the witness.

A chill woke Twilight from her slumber. Her eye lids were heavy and she could only stir from her resting place. Nothing registered to her but the throb pulsing from her horn. Her strength built as she began to panic. She fought hard to open her eyes. A horrified groan far from Twilight's recognition escaped her lips. The pain continued to beat at the front of her skull. This was bad, this was bad! She had to... GET... UP... Another Another moan came out, her mouth would not form the words.

Struggle, mortal. Your body fails you.

Her surroundings slowly came to her; she was laying on her side in the dark. Fetal position with her forehead soaking in a lukewarm goo. Where was she, what in the world happened?! She needed to get up, she couldn't. Her limbs barely responded.

"...oooow..." She gasped. "unnng...!"

In her struggle, Twilight managed to flip herself over. She now laid face down in what she could only guess was her own blood. Too weak to move, she couldn't help but breath in the liquid. Blood. Get. UP...

Drink in the surrender... The return will only serve you harm.

She was drowning! Sickly warmth slid up her airway. Where was her strength?! She couldn't summon the will to lift her head from death. She couldn't die like this. She would not allow it!

With the last of her stamina, she concentrated it. One of her wings grabbed the air and pushed against it. With the lift, Twilight found herself back on her side. Oxygen could now be felt, she choke and sputtered. Maybe she needed more sleep... She gave in and fell.

Your resistance impresses me, princess. But this nightmare will settle... and you will be consumed.

Spike slipped into some light armor as fast as he could and made his way to the back of the train. He kept his sword in his grip, no stopping to see it was continuously getting brighter. The back door of the caboose was approaching but before Spike could reach it, the handle turned and it swung wide open.

"INCOMING!" Echo shouted mid-dive.

Spike instantly followed suit, hitting the floor for cover. With a split second to spare, a projectile tore through the back of the cab. It flew over the pair and landed with a thud behind Spike. He looked back to see a black steel ball and chain. The ball snapped loudly and sprouted jagged metal arms, the chain began to tighten.

"Move! MOVE!" Spike warned.

Echo looked up and saw the ball gain speed again. He rolled again, avoiding the sharp hooks as the device slammed into the back wall.

"FUCK!" Echo quickly got up but stayed low. He glanced at Spike. "Stay down! I need to find out who these fuckers are."

Spike nodded, he wasn't planning on standing up anytime soon anyways. In the back cab there was a private bar (if you got the train to yourself, you might as well roll in luxury). Echo peeped out from his cover and quickly ducked behind the bar. He found some hard cider a table cloth... All he needed. Echo crawled back to his spot for another glimpse of the pursuers. He followed the chain into the darkness. They were slowing the train down!

"They're closing in, Spike!" Echo lit the mollie and grinned. "Let's see how they handle the heat!"

With a grunt, Echo through the improvised molotov as hard as he could. The wind carried it to the target. The small trail of light exploded in the face of the attackers, illuminating the night sky.

"Holy. Shit."

Spike and Echo starred back at the army of changlings hovering overhead, all battle dressed and ready for blood. They were everywhere. The light from the molotov faded quickly, leaving the two blind and the enemy, once again, hidden.

Echo motioned to Spike. "Okay, let's just slowly-"

The shattering of glass and the whizzing of arrows cut through the air.

"Fuck it! RUN, GUY!"

The two bolted to the front of the cab as it got pelted. Spike could only hope he didn't get hit. Pure adrenaline pumped through the dragon, so much so that he didn't realize the busted door under his feet. With Spike leading, the pair made it into the second train car. The arrows had stopped though, the car was silent.

The train jarred as it suddenly lost speed. Spike tripped, flying face first into the front of the cab. Echo managed to cling to a nearby pole and steadied himself against the jolt. The lights flickered, the train shook and groaned.

"What was that?" Spike asked, trying to rub the pain off his face.

"I have no clue." Echo could feel the train slow further. "But I'm sure we'll know soon enough."

The conductor was puzzled, his engine never had problems before. The stallion looked at his speed again... Still dropping. Dammit, If he had to make a pitstop to fix this, he was going to be late. The Princess specifically told him that this cargo was imperative to national security. He couldn't be late, less he wants a sun goddess angry at him... he shuddered.

In the hope of speeding up the train; the conductor shoveled another load of coal in. He could hear the engine work harder, but still didn't accelerate... odd.

"I must say, you are a very honorable conductor." A voice hissed behind him. The stallion turned to see the dark silhouettes leaning in the doorway. "But we'll take it from here."

There was another jolt from the train, the screech of metal on metal. Echo's ears twitched.

"That's OUR brakes." He motioned towards the front of the train. "What does that conductor think he's doing!"

Spike turned to the door, opening it quickly. "Let's go! I got a plan."

Echo passed by Spike and into the next car. He looked back to see Spike standing over the connecting steel beams and rods. Spike took a deep breath in and spit hot fire out. The metal connections grew weak from the heat; with a quick swipe of his claws, Spike cut the dead weight from the rest of the train. The back cabs faded into the darkness as the changlings reeled in their empty catch.

Spike turned back to Echo and nodded. "Let's get this mission back on track."... He mentally face palmed at the pun.

Ugh... That was terrible.


"Halt there, Dragon!" The pair's attention to a group of changeling soldiers with their bows raised. Spike's eye's wondered to a nearby coffee table, now he waited and hoped for a window of opportunity. "If you come peacefully, there won't be a need for... casualties." The soldier finished with a toothy smirk.

3...4... Shit, don't like the odds here.

Echo could sense the dragon thinking, he was going to make a move. He focused his vision and kept Spike in his peripherals.

Spike slowly raised his hands in surrender, trying to buy himself more valuable time. With the beat of his heart, the time crept. He heard not a word as the soldiers slowly approached.

"That's it, keep those claws up!" They inches forward cautiously. "You too, bat!"

Echo complied, hoping Spike would make his move.

Mind went blank, Spike feels the track over him. The wheels contact with the metal rack.

Wait for it. One more step... Wait.

A screech rang out again, the car jolted once again. Mid-step, the soldiers were caught off guard and stumbled. Time flashed before Spike, he saw the table tipped slightly. Eye's went wide.

Thank you, lady luck.

With his new-found speed, Spike took to the air. Echo saw the advance and used the given momentum as well, bolting towards their attackers.

With one fluid motion, Spike flicked his tail up, taking the small table from it's spot and hurling it at the changelings. Recovering only to receive a face full of coffee table, the group found themselves on the floor. The leader, being the one who suffered the blow, was knocked out cold. The others looked up just in time to see an adrenaline-pumped dragon upon them.

Spike reached for one of them, lifting him as if he was weightless. He cried out as the claws dug into his collarbones. The changeling was quickly thrown out of a nearby, shattering window. Echo being close behind, pounced one the third soldier. Making him short work was easy, Echo's blade found a neck exposed.

Echo and Spike searched for the last enemy only to catch a glimpse of him escaping through the front of the train.

"Fire! Three down, fire!"

Echo spread his wings. "UP! Keep away from the windows!"

The pair zipped to the ceiling just in time. Another wave of arrows came down on the train cab, destroying the innards within seconds. Echo and Spike clung upside down to the roof, just out of the line of fire. They hung for dear life for a solid minute before there was a flash of green light.

"STOP!" A loud female voice screeched. "YOU IDIOTS!"

In a intant, the arrows seised. Spike blinked, listening closely. Echo did the same, confused on the halted fire. He looked back at Spike and pointed to the back exit of the train. Spike nodded in response, Echo's hand held up three fingers. With each bob, he counted down. On one they both soared. Shooting out of the back of the cab, they hoped for a swift escape.

Two big nets interrupted the thoughts. Spike and Echo caught the net with their wings and landed hard at the changeling's feet...

Bad News

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Spike laid there, knowing there were eyes upon him. Almost afraid to look up, he cocked his head to the side and watched the darkness. Echo shifted in Spike's peripherals.

"Uhh..." Echo moaned. "Fuck."

Spike saw the night slither, Light buzzing of wings heard closing in. The sounds stopped just out of the light's reach. He felt the shadows watching him now. His claws quickly went to work on the threads that where binding him. Spike tried to stay calm, panic would only bring death.

"Well, look what the hoard has brought to me now." A voice hissed. Spike recognized her growl from anywhere.

"Sorry for ruining the mission, boys," She spoke again, "But you're services are needed elsewhere."

"I know It's you, Chrysalis." Spike grunted from beneath the heavy ropes. " Show yourself when you speak."

The Queen laughed beyond sight. "Oh, come now. Is that any way to talk to your soon to be queen?"

"Fuck.. Y-you." Echo managed to chuckle. "Do you think we would ever serve-"

"Silence, bat!" She interrupted. Her voice was firm but nonthreatening. Echo did not move. " It has come to my attention that you two 'warriors' are on a quest for peace, you will not find it. This nation WILL go to war, I'll see to that."

Spike sawed through the net unnoticed, link by link he could feel the rope start to give way. From out of the darkness queen Chrysalis emerged. She looked just as evil as she did all those years ago. She smiled down on them, looking first to Echo.

"I need somepony to run a little errand for me." She said. "Somepony to start a little uproar..."

"What are you talking about?" Echo spat. He struggled under the ropes, once again failing to break free.

Chrysalis grinned and her crooked horn flared up in green. "Equestria is on the brink of all out war. Tensions are high... All it need is a little push." She emphasized as a ghastly glow wrapped itself around Echo.

He jolted in pain, clenching his jaw to fight the urge to scream. A headache crept slowly in. He was losing control. Then he saw the queen's plans play out, over and over as if being brainwashed. But he couldn't give in just yet, he had to warn the only one stronger than him.

"S-Spike...!" He breathed through throbs of pain. "You. MUST... St-stop. M-Me! I'm. HEAD-ing.. EAST! STOP ME!" His words became less and less coherent, sentences replaced with muffled screams and pained gasps.

Spike watched in horror. His effort to break free doubled. Suddenly the screams stopped, concluding Echo's self control. Chrysalis bellowed with laughter as her horn brighten again. The net holding Echo down came undone, letting him rise to his feet. His face held little emotion. Everything was gone other than his eyes were wide, giving him an almost frightful look.

"Fly, my little puppet." The queen snarled. "And don't stop until the job is done."

Echo's eyes flashed, he shuddered slightly. "Yes my queen." He spoke solid, in a voice that wasn't his.

Echo turned away from her and spread his wings. Spike, frantically breaking the last of his ties, shot to his feet and dashed to tackle him from the sky.

"DOWN, DRAGON!" Chrysalis shrieked. A bolt of magic flew from her horn and hit Spike straight in the chest, throwing him to the ground once again.

The pain from the bolt instantly enraged him. He shook out of the tumble and planted his feet on solid ground. Rearing back, he let his anger out in the form of liquid fire, spewing into the darkness. The heat illuminated the mob of shocked changelings, setting the front lines ablaze. The untouched hoard took to the sky in fear. Although the mob was in dismay, their queen remained calm and smiling.

"Come, my children. Our work here is done." Chrysalis mocked from a safe distance. "Let the timberwolves sort out the rest."

With that the changelings were gone, leaving the burnt brethren and Spike alone in the flickering light. Spike quickly turned his attention to the direction Echo took off but he was nowhere to be seen in the night sky.

Spike huffed, things were going wrong in a hurry and there was no way he was going to keep the piece on his own. He hopped up to the wrecked train cab in search for some ink and a piece of paper.

Twilight woke to the faint sounds of a familiar voice. In her weakness she couldn't make out what they were saying.

"Call... Help." She croaked, barely able to lift her head to see who it was.

"TWILIGHT!" Rainbow Dash screamed in panic. She quickly kneeled to her side. "Oh my gosh, what happened?!"

Twilight lost a lot of blood. Other than that and her horn was missing, she was perfectly fine. Good thing her sense of humor was intact...

"W-water..." A low groan escaped her lips.

Rainbow didn't wait around for and more instructions, zooming off and returning not even twenty seconds later. "Here ya go, Twilight. Sorry for the wait." She dropped a small bucket of water next to her friend's head. "Can you move at all?" Worry sept into her words. Rainbow knelt again.

"I think so." Twilight groaned. She tried her best to sit up but her body was a lot heavier than she remembered.

"Here." Rainbow Dash held the bucket up, allowing Twilight to drink. She got a few good gulps before Rainbow spoke up again. "Twilight, what happened to your horn?"

There was a pause while she swallowed. "Sombra... He's back... I don't know how." Rainbow Dash's eyes lit up at the name. She had questions but they could wait. "Help me up, please."

"Twi," Rainbow started. "You're in no shape to move. You could hurt yourself even more."

"I'm fine." Despite her protest, Rainbow still helped her friend to her feet. "Equestria is in trouble, we need to warn the princesses." Twilight took another drink of water. "I need to get the girls together. I'm going to bandage myself up."

"I can't leave you here alone." Rainbow stated firmly. Twilight pushed off to get to her first aid kit.

"Go, Dash." Twilight said hoping her stubbornness outweighed Rainbow's. "We have no time for you to be worrying about me."

Rainbow Dash sighed. She was right, if King Sombra was back, Equestria was in extreme danger. "Fine. But be careful, I'll be back in a flash."

"Thank you, Rainbow." Twilight smiled. She watched as Rainbow bolted out of the castle. Turning and continuing to slowly walk to the supplies she thought of Spike.

I hope he's doing alright.

Spike rummaged through the remains of the destroyed cab. He managed to find his bag untouched, a role of scrolls, and some ink Echo was taking with. He donned his gear and made a fire with the scraps of wood. Sitting down in the dirt to begin writing his letter.

Dear Princess Celestia

I am sorry to inform you that our mission to the east coast was compromised. The Queen of the changelings has returned and has successfully brain washed my partner Echo. Before his turning, Echo informed me to stop him before he gets to the trench. His words and the queen's indicate a potential assassination, leading to outrage and war. I am currently stranded in the middle of the Everfree forest and requesting an extraction. I will hold out to the best of my abilities and await for further instruction. Be wary, the queen still lives.


Spike rolled the letter in his palm and casted his fire onto it. The letter whisked away into the night sky. All he could do now is wait for a response. He watched the darkness intensely, ready for something to attack. He could only see the shadows of trees dancing with the flames. Something about the woods was alive. It watched Spike just as he watched it. He listened closely, but the forest was deafening.

The crackle from the fire was the only sound to accompany him.

The balcony of the castle was the best for views. Luna could look upon her subjects as they gazed at her night sky. She made it beautiful every night, highly skilled in her art. Her inner peace would not last for long, though... It never did.

"Sister." A voice called to her. It held a nervousness that she hadn't heard in a long time.

"Yes, dearest?" Luna turned to face her big sister. Celestia stood before her, a tattered scroll in hand.

Luna didn't need to hear Celestia say anything. The look on her face was enough to know it was bad news.

Taking One For the Team

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It had been a long night for Spike. His thoughts of another ambush kept him in constant fear. Unfortunately, his lack of security meant he wouldn't sleep a wink. He had gotten a response from Celestia a few hours ago. Nothing was ordered of him and the contents of her letter mostly said help was on the way. Spike tried nodding off again, hoping this time he could at least an hour of rest.

He had taken it upon himself to keep a fire going. Pieces of the ruined cabin were removed and used for fuel. The slow crackling being the only thing comforting Spike. It was hardly of any other use since the sun was now peaking over the horizon. Spike groaned, knowing the night was lost to his failure.

If I even see that bug again... He thought in annoyance. Evil actions filled his mind. Every idea had been a new and entertaining punishment for the wicked queen.

Spike's ears twitched ant an incoming sound. Many beats in the wind, he craned his neck to see the source. On approach was a small flock of Pegasi, each donned royal armor. It was a relief to see some allies, though he wanted to run and hide in his shame. Embarrassment aside, he smiled.

"Soldier!" One of them called out. Half of the group split off and landed a few yards from him while the others watched from the sky. There were at least twenty in the squad, mostly female. From the look of them they were a support class for the foot soldiers in the royal army. He trained with them briefly during his bootcamp. Archers and light blades men every one. The grounded half made a light jog towards him, looks of concern painted on their faces.

"Are you alright, dragon?" The high ranking officer in the front asked. Her armor danced with brilliant colors if gold and silver. She removed her helmet, showing not only respect for the spec ops dragon but also reassuring she meant no further harm. Now that her helmet no longer hid her face, Spike could see her dark blue hair, messy and flowing, and the sparking white of her coat.

"Tired and hungry, ma'am." Spike spoke, croaking slightly. "But mostly intact."

"Good to hear." She motioned her squad to stand down. "You must be Spike, where is your escort?"

"Taken, ma'am, in a sence." Spike's head fell from the captain's gaze. "He was brainwashed by the changling queen and set on a course to the east. We have to stop him."

"Yes, yes. I hear you brother. But for now you need rest and food." The caption nodded to a man in the back holding many satchels and bags. He hesitated for a moment, then quickly scurried to Spike's side. He was about a foot shorter than Spike, but made up the lack of height for muscles. "Make sure the lad gets an extra ration, looks as if he's had a bad night."

"Yes, ma'am." The bag boy replied.

Given to Spike was a loaf of bread, two apples and two rectangles of something he didn't have time to identify before he scarfed them down.

“Luna was informed you and Sir Echo didn’t check in last night and when neither of you sent a letter as to why; she got a little suspicious.” The Captain explained. She opened her bag and pulled up a little stack of papers. “We’re here to help you complete your mission.”

“Ma’am, what of Echo?” Spike asked, wiping crumps for the corner of his mouth. “He was the head of this whole operation.”

“His capture has been noted, even considered linked with our mission.” The Captain handed Spike the arrangement of papers and pictures. He opened the first of he documents and was greeted with a portrait of the French emperor himself.

“Vern Faure. I've already been informed of our goal. But what does the emperor have to do with getting to the East coast?” Spike scoffed. The document had various info of the target, his warship, High Queen, was posted far of the east coast of Equestria. "A target to eliminate?"

“Negative, soldier.” Her dark gold eyes pierced his scales. Spike had a cold shiver run through his core. “The princesses have canceled you're current mission for this one.”

A realization came over him as he’s sighed.

"Orders to defend him.”

"That is correct, Sir Spike." The captain donned her helmet. "And we're your strike force."

The Sun was just peaking over the horizon. Echo had been flying all night, yet he still felt his wings carry him onward. His limbs pleaded for rest, but only continued against his urge to stop. All attempts resulted in a massive headache.

“Egh!” Echo strained to shake himself out of it. Trying desperately to gain control of anything again.

‘Why must you be so difficult?’ A sickly voice rang out through his head, as if an intercom system was installed without his consent.

‘The young bat want-to-be sets out to disobey an order from his new queen?’ It jeered.

“I...can't...keep...g-going.” he struggled to talk, not knowing if he was speaking out loud or within his mind.

There was a sense of control regained. Echo slowed his flying and began to descend.

"I suppose you're no worth to me dead." The low voice croaked.

Echo collapsed to the forest floor upon landing. The muscles in his wings burned. Echo could only breath heavily as he looked around in the darkness.

"Where... Are you taking me?" He asked, almost not wanting to know.

"You're a pawn, a servant to the Queen." The voice growled. "Your body is on a route that doesn't concern you."

"Damn you bugs." Echo breathed. He began planning a way out of whatever it was the voice had tasked for him. If he could find a way to injure himself, there might be a chance to put a damper in things and with any luck, buy Spike some time to catch up. There were trees and big stones that surrounded the clearing he landed in but they were all too far to make a run towards them. His controller had a tight leash on his movements.

If I could just make it close enough to the tree line, a nice throw into a tree would be all I need to break a wing. Echo kept his thoughts to the back of his mind; in case the voice was listening in.

"Wait." the low voice spoke up.

Echo cleared his throat nervously. "W-what is It?"

"Quiet!" It snapped. Echo's head quipped around involuntarily and his ears focused on the sky.

Now that it was pointed out, Echo started to hear it too. A faint female voice yelling his name. It called over and over, each time coming closer and becoming louder. The voice was noticeably silent now.

"Princess Luna?" Echo couldn't believe how fast she was able to catch up with him. How did she even have a clue where he was? "HEL-!"

"YOU FOOL!" As Echo tried to cry out, his head quickly swelled with pain. Even in agony, his body refused to fall. Instead, his legs carried him to the edge of the forest where they anchored themselves in some brush. "You will let her pass or I will turn your mind to mush! Do you understand?"

Echo decided not to respond, eyeing up a nearby stump. The second his controller dropped their guard, he will plant that stump squarely into his back. Echo steadied his mind to accomplish just this if nothing else.

Luna scanned the early morning sky. Judging by her speed, she should have caught up toEcho by now.

"ECHO!" She shouted. She stopped to look around. "Dammit! How did I lose his signal?"

Her horn flared up as she scanned the sky again.

"It was If he landed..." She scanned again and glanced down to the trees. "In the forest?"

Luna could see the potential for a trap. Devious was the enemy for this kind of tactic, but it wouldn't be unexpected nor uncommon. She weighed the risk of landing and going after Echo on foot but she would be going to battle blind. She didn't know the size nor the capability of a hidden attack and with her as a lone rescue party, they would most likely find an easy victory. She noted the location and began to fly off.

"I'm sorry, lieutenant ." She spoke somberly. "I will be back to free you, I promise."

Echo's heart hurt to see his princess fly away so defeated. On the other hand, his confidence restored in his plan to break himself. He couldn't have his captures getting off the hook so easily.

"Good, very good Princess." The voice chuckled. Echo felt the chanson his mind loosen. "She had me scared for a little-"

"AAAH!" Echo screamed as he flexed and snatched his body back from the trance. With all his might and with every fiber he could muster; Echo dove himself back-first into the stump. Hearing a blood-curling 'snap' as he landed on one of his wings, Echo winced in pain but quickly felt joy in accomplishment. Joy was short lived unfortunately.

"IMBECILE!" The voice bellowed in anger. "What have you done?!"

Even through the added pain of the mental chains tightening back up, Echo still found himself snickering.

"Whoops," He laughed to himself. "Looks like I'm grounded for a few days."

There was a deafening silence as Echo came down from the adrenaline high. He wanted to reach for his wing but was frozen in place. Waiting for a response was making him nervous. Each second of quiet rattled his soul more than the last.

"Very well, bat." The voice hissed. "We'll have it your way."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Echo asked trying to hide his fear.

It was now the voice's turn to laugh but instead it gave only a command.
