> Typewriter > by Limelight02 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Do's Little Sis > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Her hooves clicked as she walked down the cobblestone path. The filly turned onto a different path and entered a forest she knew to be Everfree Forest. She happily pranced down the path and looked at all the plants and treetops. She stopped at a handmade bench and sat down on it. She pulled out a notebook and carefully wrote. I have entered what was suspected to be a hideout for many dangerous plants and animals. Everywhere I look there could be something that could kill me. I have to stay alert or my life could soon be over. This treasure may not be worth it, but quitting would be the last thing I would do. She shoved her pencil back through the rings that held it together and got up from the bench. She wondered around the forest and came across a pond. She yanked her notebook back out and scribbled down more. I am now only a few yards away from my target. The only problem is there is a swamp in front of me filled with acid. There is no way to cross. My hoof slipped and a rock flew into the swamp. The splash caused acid to fall behind me and practically dug my grave. I tugged on branch and used it to swing over to the trunk. I unwrapped my hooves from the branch and threw myself at the swamp. I landed inches from it's deadly banks and shoved myself away with my hind hooves. One step closer to the treasure. She put the notebook in her saddle bag and walked deeper into the forest. After about an hour, she found a small, rundown cottage. She walked in and inside was another pony. "Hiya, Do!" "Typewriter, you're back! How's your story coming along?" Typewriter handed Daring Do her notebook. She read through the note and smiled. "Looks good. I've gotta fly." "Back by supper?" "OK, sis. Whatever." She flew out the door as Typewriter sat down in front of her sister's typewriter. I walked through a small doorway. The only way I could see was by the few torches lining the walls. This was it. If the treasure was anywhere, it would be here. Finding the treasure could mean my life could completely change forever. I pushed a door open and on the other side was a small box. I walked over to it and carefully lifted off the lid. Inside was exactly what I had come for. I pulled out the little bag and poured the content on my hooves. Boots creeped up my legs and a sword lay between my legs. I picked it up and it shrunk to a knife. I shoved it in my boot and walked out of the building. I came to the swamp and simply walked over it. These magic boots and sword were so worth it. Typewriter leaned back in her chair and blew part of her mane out of her face. She tapped her hoof on her chin and pulled down the cover for the desk. She watched as the clock ticked to five o'clock and her stomach growled. She leaned her head down so her chin almost touched her stomach. "We're waiting 'til Do gets home, tummy. No questions asked." Typewriter walked over to a window next to the door and started at the small clearing in the forest. "We can just wait here until Do gets home." She sat down on a stool and swung her legs as her elbows rested on the windowsill. Her hooves sat under her chin. Once and awhile her gaze would turn to the clock. She watched it turn to seven and then eight o'clock. She got up and went upstairs to her room. She grabbed one of her teddy bears and snuggled under the covers. She kept staring out of her dark window until she fell asleep. When she woke up she ran downstairs. Daring Do was sitting at the desk, groggily trying to keep her eyes open. "Where were you last night? You know I can't cook. I wasn't able to have anything for supper!" Do pulled down the case for the desk and said with a yawn, "I was working on a new case and I didn't have time to come home. Found what might be a giant water serpent." They both walked into the kitchen. Do made herself a cup of coffee and Typewriter wanted a bowl of cereal. Typewriter reached up to the shelf and Do helped her grab it. "I don't need your help." Typewriter crossed her arms and took the box of cereal. She stepped on her chair and poured the cereal into her bowl. As she did, bits of cereal flew all over the table and floor. Do walked over to the sink and wet down a dish towel. She scrubbed the milk was on the floor and threw away the bits of cereal. "Typewriter, I'm sorry. I know I made a promise and I didn't keep it." "Do, it's OK. I'm just sad that I haven't finished my story yet." "Come on, I'll help you finish." Typewriter's face lit up as she and her big sister sat down at the typewriter. The keys clicked as Typewriter hit each one with her hooves. I have now began my journey home. How I wish my sister could see me now. This treasure is worth nothing compared to her. I will keep the boots and I am going to give her the magic sword as a birthday present. Nothing will be able to describe the look on her face when she gets it. Nothing can describe the feeling I will have as she takes it from my hooves. All I can say is I love her.