> Laughter or Darkness > by Starlitomega > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Romp in the Castle. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- And that’s done. Luna set the quill next to a flickering candle on her desk. Hours had passed since she started writing that evening, a fact made clear by the painful tingling as she rose from her seat. Luna's quarters  were by no means 'normal', but they didn't exactly have a royal feel to them either. She did not care to display fancy baubles or knick-knacks. Apart from a bed, her royal cushion, a wardrobe, and some extravagant curtains, she did not have much in the way of decorations, giving her room a spartan feel.  Stretching her legs to get her blood flowing again, Luna quickly decided to look out at the city to ensure its safety. Her hooves echoed softly against the marble floor as she made her way out onto the balcony. Taking a deep breath of the cool night air, the tension that had built up inside her vanished instantly. There seems to be a prevailing wind from the east tonight. Being mostly made of wood, the looking glass on her balcony had stood the test of time fairly well. Sure, it had been reinforced by magic, but mahogany usually only lasted a couple hundred years, even with such an enchantment. The only explanation for its immaculate condition had to be careful cleaning and maintenance during her absence. Peering through the lens, she scanned the streets and rooftops for potential danger. Pegasi on the weather team moved clouds in for morning showers above the Canterlot skyline. The streets were empty, well illustrated by the absence of the telltale clopping of hooves that would accompany anypony who would be out for a stroll. All in all, another quiet Canterlot night as usual. "Whatcha doin?" Luna didn't jump. Jumping in fright was something normal ponies did. Luna just reacted swiftly. So swiftly, in fact, that she fell against the railing on her balcony. "M-Miss Pie?" Luna asked incredulously. Behind her on the balcony stood a familiar pink pony with unruly hair and a prizewinning smile. Pinkie gasped in response. "Me? Miss pie? No way! Especially if it's cherry," she said, licking her lips with a dreamy smile. Luna frowned, unamused. “That's not what I mea—never mind. What brings you here to Canterlot... trespassing in my quarters... past all of the armed guards?” Pinkie's lips curled into an infectious, yet innocent smile. “I played hide and seek with them, but they aren't very good. I also forgot to tell them we were playing.” Luna raised an eyebrow in bewilderment. "You came all the way to Canterlot to play hide and seek with the guards?" "Nuh-uh. I just got side-tracked. I actually came to see you,” Pinkie explained, pointing a hoof at the princess.  “It's been awhile since the Chuckle-lot Show, and I wanted to see if you still smiled.” Luna rolled her eyes and walked back inside her quarters. "That hardly seems like an adequate reason to break into the castle,” Luna said, before returning to her desk. “I'm afraid I can't entertain you tonight. I have much to do." "And what exactly do you have to do?" Pinkie asked suspiciously. Luna struggled for an appropriate excuse, her eyes darting around the room for any scapegoat she could find. "I need to... uhh... fill out these reports," she said, holding up the papers she had finished earlier for Pinkie to see. The pink pony walked over and snatched the papers out of her hooves, causing Luna to flinch. "Wait a minute... these reports are all finished! Do you know what this means?" Busted... "I'm afraid not, Miss Pie..." "You have a magical report fairy!" Pinkie exclaimed, tossing the papers wildly into the air. "You should convince it to help Twilight sometime. This also means you have plenty of time to play with me." Staring at the scattered papers drifting to the floor, Luna sighed. "Okay, I give. What did you have in mind?" Pinkie bounced by the door excitedly. “Let’s go explore the castle!” Lighting her horn, the princess collected the scattered papers with her magic. “I know the castle inside out. I doubt there’s much left for me to discover." "Then we make our own fun! Come on, just try, please?" Pinkie pleaded, dancing in place. "Really, Miss Pie, we shouldn't be doing anything that might disrupt the guards..." Luna's voice trailed off as the pink pony stared at her with wide and bright blue eyes and trembling lips. "Alright," Luna sighed in resignation. "I suppose it couldn't hurt to go for a walk." Pinkie bounced happily in place. "Yay! This is going to be so fun!" Nighttime at the castle meant no crowds, but fewer, more strategically placed guards. Pinkie stealthily poked her head around the corner, apparently having memorized all their locations. "Forgive my ignorance, but why are we sneaking around our very own castle?” Luna asked with a huff. A pink hoof covered her mouth abruptly.  "Because it's fun," Pinkie whispered. Luna rolled her eyes and reluctantly followed. The pair weaved their way through the pillars and hallways, avoiding the diligent, yet sorely out-classed guards. Sniffing the air, Pinkie pivoted her head in seemingly random directions, searching for who knows what. "I think this is it," Pinkie whispered, before diving toward a door with a glimmering light beneath it, knocking it open. Luna shook her head and followed the pink mare inside. "Congratulations, Miss Pie. You found the kitchen,” Luna announced sarcastically, throwing out her hoof for effect. Pinkie scrambled to a nearby cabinet and pulled out a heavy bag of flour, hoisting it above her head like a triumphant hunter. "It's cookie time!" Luna stared at Pinkie, her eyes half-lidded in annoyance. "You came all the way to Canterlot just to bake cookies?" Pinkie shook her head dismissively. "Of course not! I came here to make you smile. I just chose cookies because they're dee-lish, and because I forgot to bring marbles to roll under the guards’ hooves." Luna cringed. She thought back to the nights leading up to the Chuckle-lot Show. The last thing they needed was to have the castle's psychiatrist swamped by guards with low self-esteem having been made a fool of single-hoofedly by such a simple pony... again. "Does this oven have a timer?" Luna snapped back to reality. A pair of blue eyes stared back at her questioningly. While Luna had spaced out, Pinkie apparently gathered and mixed everything she needed to make cookies. "Oh! Uhhh, no. The head cook uses his own timer." Reaching into the bowl with a spoon, Pinkie scooped out pile after gooey pile of cookie dough, slamming them on the cookie sheet. "That's alright. I'll just watch them like a bird," Pinkie said as she stared at the oven. "Like a hawk," Luna corrected. Pinkie turned to look at Luna. "Huh?" "I think you meant ‘watch them like a hawk’,” she repeated. Pinkie shook her head. "Silly Luna, haven't you ever heard of bird watchers?" How can she be so wrong and still manage to be right? Luna thought Pinkie’s feat of sneaking past the guards earlier was impressive enough. Sneaking back to her royal chambers with the pink pony and a giant, garishly colored bowl filled with freshly baked cookies was downright silly. And yet, they managed to do so, following Pinkie's lead, of course. Luna and Pinkie sat against the side of the bed, nursing stomachs full of chocolate chip cookies and trading stories. "Twilight thought we were doomed, but crazily enough, Miss Harshwhinny was at the spa getting a massage the whole time! Twilight worries too much." Luna nodded in agreement. "My sister says much of the same. Still, there is no replacement for due diligence. Perhaps it's for the best that she has friends like you to take her mind off of her studies now and then." Pinkie fell quiet. She seemed preoccupied, distant perhaps? Luna couldn't tell. Many ponies were open books to her, but Pinkie was quite different. "Who are your friends?" the pink mare asked abruptly. Luna's mind came to a screeching halt at the unusual question. "W-well, I do have Tiberius," she said, pointing a hoof toward her pet possum. “That's a pet, not a friend. Pets can’t do the things friends do, like read a book, or throw waterballoons at seagulls." "I suppose that's true," Luna admitted, dodging Pinkie's insensitivity to beach wildlife. "My sister and I are quite close now. I trust her with my issues." "But she's your sister. Don't you have any regular friends?" Pinkie asked, turning to look at the princess. Luna's nights were mostly consumed by her duties. Duties she didn't really have to perform, but chose to anyway. "I suppose the closest friend I have is Twilight Sparkle, though we don't see each other much," Luna answered after some thought. Pinkie’s ears folded back. "You need more friends. You don't smile enough," she said as she reached up and tugged at the edge of Luna's mouth gently. It had been quite awhile since a pony touched her in such an informal manner. Indeed, some ponies offered her large sums of bits to touch her, a few of them even deluded enough to believe that doing so would bring them good luck, or cure impossible diseases. And here was a simple earth pony, touching her as if she were anypony on the street. Not in reverence, not for greed, but simply to say she should smile more. "I suppose you're right," Luna admitted. Pinkie's eyes brightened. "Can I be your new friend? I can show you so much cool stuff! I can put a smile on your face like chalk on a sidewalk!" A small smile crested Luna’s features. "I suppose we could give such an arrangement a chance.” The pink pony squealed, leaping to her hooves. "Yay! I'm friends with Princess Luna! This is so great! We're going to do so many fun things together!" Luna cleared her throat. “There is just one small problem.” Pinkie stopped her frenetic bouncing in mid-air, hovering in place for moment before hitting the ground softly. "Problem? What kinda problem?” "I don't really know what friends do," Luna admitted sheepishly. Pinkie waved dismissively. "Pssh. Easy peasy lemon squeezy. Friends just hang out and talk, play pranks on other ponies, throw marshmallows at birds..." It's probably for the best if I don't ask too much about that last suggestion. Luna gave a forced smile. "Right. Well, the very next time I think of a friendship activity for us to do, I shall pass a note along." Pinkie Pie snorted in a way that Luna could only describe as happy, yet ominous. "Don't be silly, Luna. I'll take us on a friendship quest next weekend!" Uh-oh. I should think of something quickly. “I'm afraid that's not possible. You see, I have a uhhhh..." Luna's eye's danced wildly until they rested upon her own hooves, before blurting out, "I have a hooficure next weekend!" "Oh, goody! I could use one myself,” Pinkie replied, holding up her hooves. “You have no clue what digging holes does to your hoofsies!" Drat! Perhaps it would be better to simply give in to her request. Maybe she'll find me so uninteresting that she won't come back. Lifting the calendar off the wall, Luna flipped it open to a random page. "Whoops. I completely messed up. My hooficure isn't next weekend, it's tomorrow. Silly me. I suppose I'm free after all." Pinkie let out a joyous squeal, clopping her hooves together. "Yes! We're going to have so much fun! You'll see!" I can only imagine... Stretching her hooves high above her head, Pinkie yawned deeply as she made her way to Luna’s bedside and plopped down onto the floor. "Those cookies sure were delicious, but I think I'm too pooped to party anymore tonight. Good night, Luna," Pinkie said as she closed her eyes. Luna narrowed her eyes at the pink mare. "And just what do you think you're doing?" Pinkie's eyes fluttered open. "It's a slumber party. Duh!” she stated matter-of-factually  “Can't have a slumber party without the slumber." "I would be remiss if I made a guest sleep on the floor. You may use my cushion for the night," Luna said, gesturing toward her royal pillow. "Thank you! I don't mind sleeping on the floor, but it's always nice to have something soft to lay on." Luna watched as Pinkie trotted over to her cushion, spun around in place three times, and then laid down, shutting her eyes. Ponies all over Equestria would pay thousands of bits for the privilege of sleeping on one of the royal sisters’ cushions. Few ponies even knew what they looked like, but just knowing they existed was enough to form a mystique about them. Some rumors claimed they were filled with clouds shaped by the finest weather ponies in Equestria. Others claimed they were actually filled with magic made corporeal. Goose feathers. Plain goose feathers collected from the royal geese that lived by the royal river running through the royal garden. It was quite irritating to Luna how something became much more mysterious and desirable simply by adding that word—royal—to it. The geese that supplied the material for her pillows? No different than any other goose that honked, squawked, or strutted around like a self-important noble. The true nature of her royal pillow aside, the truth was, plenty of ponies would give up quite a lot to sit where Pinkie sat right this very moment, and yet, she didn't grovel. She didn't placate, she didn't tiptoe, beat around the bush, or step lightly around Luna. At a time in her life where every word was put under scrutiny and not a single pony that she surrounded herself with seemed genuine, that meant quite a lot to her. Luna walked out on her balcony to her looking glass and peered out at the streets. Just as every night for the last five hundred and twenty-three days, nothing was wrong. Perhaps a little change might be good for her. "Good night, Pinkie Pie," Luna whispered under her breath. Stepping out of her quarters, Luna began her morning trek to the dining hall as usual. "Good morning, sister."                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Luna turned back to the voice, slowing her pace to allow her sister to catch up. "Good morning, Celie. Sleep well?"                                                                                                                                                 Celestia nodded. "I did, in fact... despite being interrupted by a letter from Twilight.” Celestia paused, a grin creeping up her lips. “You had company last night.”   Luna paled. "I-It's, it's not what you think!" Celestia giggled and shook her hoof. "It's alright. I know it was just Pinkie Pie. Quite frankly, I'm glad she visited. I must admit I’m a little disappointed she didn’t drop off a slice of cake for me though." As the pair of ponies approached the dining hall, two guards stationed at the entrance pushed the doors open allowing them through. The dining hall looked pretty much like what ponies expected an opulent room built for royalty would look like. Floors of marble stretched out for more than a hundred feet, pillars lined either side of the room, banners hung from the ceiling depicting "The Celestial Sisters" every twenty five feet or so. Truth be told, Luna didn't quite understand the artist's depiction of her of her sister. The rail-thin depiction and strange art style seemed unusual to her. Especially given the flank on her sister. Right. I've been awake for less than twenty minutes and I'm pondering the proper portrayal of my sister's butt. Fantastic. The only other items to note were the ridiculously oversized dining room table and the stained glass windows that lined either side. It was morning, well after Celestia had done her part in raising the sun, but the paltry amount of sunlight streaming through the windows seemed to spit in the face of her sister's efforts of bringing forth morning. "We must be due for a storm," Celestia commented. Luna nodded. "The pegasi were hard at work during the night in preparation. Doesn't seem worth it to raise the sun on a day like today, does it?" The princess took her seat at the table, firing a smirk at her sister. "Do you feel that way when the clouds cover the moon at night?" Celestia fired back. Luna smiled. "Touché." Two hoofmaidens entered, carrying trays with Luna and Celestia's dinner and breakfast respectively. Luna smiled and nodded appreciatively toward her server. "Thank you." Celestia’s hoofmaiden placed her trays on the table as well, but left her hoof on the cloche cover.  "Princess, we found something in the fridge this morning. We were going to throw it out to be safe, but the chef insisted we send it to you." The server pulled off the top to reveal a rather large slice of yellow cake with white frosting and strawberries. A card sat next to it. "From PP, to PC," Celestia read out loud.   "Looks like you got your wish after all,” Luna said with a sly grin. "Tell the chef he made the right choice. Thank you." The hoof maiden smiled and walked out the door, leaving the sisters to themselves. Using her magic, Celestia snatched a fork and cut off a piece of the cake. Celestia hummed contently. "Mmm. If Pinkie Pie's insistence on being your friend means more cake for me, I'm all for it," she said around a mouthful of the spongy food. "Don't get too attached," Luna said dryly. Celestia quickly downed her bite of cake. "What do you mean?" Luna pushed the food around her plate disinterestedly. "I mean, I'm probably going to step up patrols next weekend. She won't find it as easy to sneak in as she did last night." It was then that Luna saw it. Celestia bore a frown. It wasn't any normal frown either. It was a special frown that she'd only seen when they discussed her progress since being freed from the grips of Nightmare Moon. "Luna. Far be it for me to decide how you should live, but maybe this would be a step in the right direction," Celestia stated, wiping her mouth with a napkin. "And just what is that supposed to mean?" Luna asked, leveling a glare at her sister. Celestia calmly spoke with her eyes shut. "It means that you sit in your room and never meet anypony. You've done little in the way of socializing since your return. If anypony can teach you what it means to make friends or have fun, it's probably Pinkie Pie." Luna scowled and picked away at her dinner. "Maybe I'm just not meant to be a social butterfly like you. It's not like many ponies are out during the night anyway." Celestia looked up at her with a smile. "You might be surprised..." > The Evolution of Parties... One Thousand Years Later. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Four letter word for a source of heat. Hmph, that's easy. Fire." Luna scribbled in the word and moved to the next item on her crossword puzzle. "Nine letter word for a reptile that enjoys humid climates. That's a little tougher..." "Alligator." Luna clicked her tongue. "Ah, of course it is. Where is my head tonight?" Luna started filling in the word before stopping abruptly. She looked to her left and saw Pinkie Pie standing next to her wearing saddlebags and an expectant smile on her face. She made it past the extra guards. Somehow, I'm not surprised. Turning in her seat, Luna looked down at the excited pony. "Good evening, Miss Pie. It seems you made good on your threat to return this weekend." "Uh huh! But you must've forgotten. You don't look like you're ready to go at all," Pinkie complained, pointing an accusatory hoof at the princess. Luna raised her eyebrow. "Go? Go where?" "A party of course! This is gonna be so fun!" Dropping her pencil, Luna sighed. "If I don't go with you, you'll just stay here and bug me all night, won't you?" Shedding her saddlebags, Pinkie started rummaging through them, littering the floor with random junk. "Bug? I don't think I have any bugs. What kind of bug did you want?" Luna left her seat with a tired sigh. "Never mind, let's just go." As Luna suspected, the streets of Canterlot had been nearly deserted, barring a few stragglers. After all, any sane pony would be at home, resting after a strenuous day of work or play. She followed her companion until they reached a peculiar building. In the industrial district of Canterlot, nothing in particular stood out about this place. It was just a warehouse, much like the others on this street. Well, excepting that the building itself seemed to be shaking and lights filled the windows like a magic showdown from ancient times. “Miss Pie, the ground trembles beneath me. Is this building the cause?" Luna asked as she stood on shaky hooves. "Yuppers! That's called bass. It gets inside you and makes you all wobbly and then you dance to the music," Pinkie explained, bouncing towards the entrance. Luna eyed her companion warily. "I'm not sure I want something inside me that makes me wobble. Are you sure this is safe?" "Of course I'm sure." Pinkie strolled up to a gruff-looking bouncer covering the door and dropped a few bits in his hoof. "That's the cover for me and Royal Whatsit behind me." The bouncer’s shades fell off his face as he did a double take at the alicorn. "P-P-Princess Luna?" Ignoring the dumbfounded stallion, Luna followed Pinkie inside. She was immediately hit by a wave of sounds and lights she had never encountered in all her years. The inside of the building looked very different from the outside. So different, Luna thought she might have entered a portal. The inside was well-maintained with shiny, glittery walls, and decorations that she had never seen before, though she vaguely recognized something called a “strobe light” that she had previously seen at the wedding of Shining Armor and Princess Cadence. Ponies in the building bounced, swayed, and moved in seizure-like patterns. In front of the crowd stood a large, mechanical contraption atop a raised platform. The machine looked like some sort of altar, which everypony in the building seemed to be worshiping. Looking closer, she could barely make out a pony behind the altar, looking for all the world as if she was engaged in a session of homicidal semaphore. "Pinkie Pie, we demand an explanation!" Luna shouted above the din of the music. Pinkie rolled her eyes. "It's a party, duh! Ponies get together and dance together and have a good time together!" "Perhaps our idea of a ‘good time’ is a bit antiquated!" Luna yelled back. "Don't worry! Just get out there on the floor and move with the music! You'll fit right in! Oh, I almost forgot!" Pinkie reached into her saddlebags and yanked out several items. Before Luna could react, Pinkie placed some necklaces—one of which was a pacifier on a rope—around her neck. "What, pray tell, are these?!" Luna asked, batting the trinkets with her hoof. Pinkie wrapped a multitude of similar necklaces around her own neck. "They're made of candy! Just eat it whenever you want! You should really make them last through the night though! Oh, and don't be surprised if somepony takes a bite or two off your necklace!" Clutching her new necklaces possessively, Luna fired dirty looks at the ponies around her. For all intents and purposes, she might as well have been on another planet. She had no clue how she was supposed to “move with the music”, and given the way the other ponies were dancing, she wasn't sure if they knew either. A loud, booming voice echoed through the building. "Hey there, ponies of Canterlot! This town always seems so boring and stuffy!" Luna's eyes flew to the amplified voice, belonging to the pony behind the altar. It wasn’t easy to see in the unusual lighting, but she could faintly make out a unicorn with a white coat and blue mane wearing sunglasses. "Let's show these lame nobles how a real party goes! Party all night, and sleep all day!" Luna froze in place. She couldn't believe her ears. These ponies were celebrating the night. Her night. She barely had time to revel in it when she felt a tugging on her hoof. "Come on! Follow me!" Pinkie coaxed. Still in shock, Luna obeyed. She followed the pink pony through the crowd until they made it to the altar. The raised platform was a large mass of wires, buttons, lights, and of course, blinding movement. It was only now that Luna could tell that the “altar” was, in fact, a much larger and much more intimidating version of what they called a “DJ table” at the Canterlot wedding. Pinkie pulled at Luna to shake her back to the present. "Hey! When the music cuts out, I want you to say really loudly..." Pinkie leaned in and whispered something in her ear. Raising her eyebrows questioningly at Pinkie, Luna only received a nod and smile. The music hit a low note and stopped abruptly. The mass of ponies stopped their wild dancing and turned, looking toward her. Princess Luna reeled back momentarily as Pinkie thrust a microphone into her face. Then, she leaned forward and tightened her diaphragm like she had been trained so many years ago when addressing her subjects. "The night shall last forever!" As the last echoes of her proclamation in the Royal Canterlot Voice petered out, the music kicked in again with a loud and heavy boom, this time even stronger than before, nearly knocking Luna to the ground. Regaining her balance, Luna put her hooves on the railing overlooking the crowd just as the building drowned out in a sea of cheers. The unicorn reclaimed her microphone. "That's right, fillies and gentlecolts! We have the OG princess of the night bouncing up in here! Show her some love and move to that beat, suckas!" The crowd went wild chanting Luna's name, filling the building with cheers. Looking down from the stage, she finally understood. The ponies were dancing as one; the music washed over them like waves at the beach, and the one behind the “altar” was responsible for orchestrating the madness. She started laughing in joy and looked down at her pink companion with a broad grin. "I understand now, Pinkie! I really do!" Pinkie smiled back and flipped the candy pacifier into her mouth. "It was absolutely incredible! The ponies moved in ways I never would have imagined! The music was... well, it was barely something I could call music, but it still flowed through me like a wave of energy. I’ve never experienced anything like it before!" Celestia sat at the dining room table, listening to Luna gush over the night's events. She had nibbled at her breakfast here and there, but mostly enjoyed hearing her sister's recap of the wild party. "It sounds like you met the ponies I told you about, after all." Luna cocked her head to one side. "I beg your pardon?" "Remember when I told you there were ponies who played through the night and you laughed at me?" Celestia asked, pointing her fork at Luna. "Ohhh. Of course. I’m sorry I didn’t believe you. It just seems so different now than it was back then." Celestia dropped her fork, leaving a clean plate at the table, and rose to her hooves. "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. It's important now and then to walk among those we serve so we remember why we serve them in the first place." Luna nodded. "Yes... it's just been rather hard. I find myself questioning their motives and conjuring up the worst-case scenarios. It’s still difficult to trust that they accept me." Celestia closed her eyes and nodded softly. "One step at a time, little sister. One step at a time." > Is it Better to Forget? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Of Celestia's duties, she cherished one most of all. Once a week, the mailpony would drop off a sack of letters for her to read.   Some of the correspondences were requests from somepony in their kingdom, or tirades thought up by an insane mind with too much time on their hooves. However, most of them were letters thanking her and Luna for their hard work. She loved to sit in the light of the early morning sun and read about how they were able to touch the lives of so many ponies in a positive way. After all, they were entrusted with the care of their subjects. Today though, something was breaking her concentration. "You may come out anytime you wish," Celestia said in a calm voice. Though she appeared to be reading, the alicorn stared up from her letter at the balcony through her peripheral view. Two pink hooves reached up from the bottom, wrapping themselves around the rail. With a quick swing, Pinkie did a front flip through the air, landing on the balcony, standing on her rear legs with her front legs held skyward in a triumphant pose. "Ta-da!" Celestia finally raised her head from the letter in front of her and looked up at the pink pony. "Many ponies find eavesdropping to be very rude." Pinkie's ears folded as she fell onto all four of her hooves. "Awww. I wasn't eavesdropping. I was listening, waiting for the perfect time to ask you a question. It's always important to catch ponies at the right time ya know." Celestia shifted the pile of letters in front of her aside. "I see. I'm not sure exactly when a good time would be, so you should probably just ask." Pinkie Pie sat down, her smile instantly vanishing. "Some ponies say I do things I'm not supposed to, or that I don't understand things I should, like not walking on tables while eating." Smiling inwardly, Celestia recalled her visit to Ponyville, and the way Pinkie had snatched away a cupcake which had been placed upon her own plate. Of course, everypony at the function nearly had a coronary, but Celestia enjoyed seeing a pony full of such vigor, and innocence. "You are a bit unorthodox at times, yes. Is there something that's troubling you?" Hanging her head, Pinkie sighed. The tip of her mane threatened to touch the floor. "I may have gotten into an argument with Twilight, and she might be a bit angry with me." Celestia rubbed a hoof upon her chin in feigned ignorance. "Hmm. I assume this fight had something to do with my sister, correct?" Pinkie nodded. Celestia smiled. "I see. Luna spoke at length about her outing with you. She was shocked and thrilled that ponies enjoyed the night... her night." "She was?" Pinkie asked, her eyes glimmering hopefully. "Yes, she was. I myself couldn't help but notice you spending more time with her as of late. Is there any particular reason for that?" Celestia asked, curling her lips into a coy smirk. "I'm not sure I can tell you. It wouldn't be 'proper'." Pinkie crossed her hooves, growling that last word. Celestia nodded knowingly. "Ahhh. Well, I'm not Twilight, and I don't make a habit of getting angry at my subjects. You may tell me what troubles you so." Pinkie peered up at Celestia with a pout. "I... like Luna. Ever since I helped her with the Chuckle-lot show, I've been thinking about her every day! I want to know her better. Her favorite flower, favorite color, favorite cake frosting..." "...And Twilight thought that wasn't 'proper'?" Celestia asked, furrowing her brow. Pinkie frowned, nodding her head slightly. Leaving her cushion, Celestia walked over to the morose pony, and placed a hoof on her shoulder. "In that case, I would suggest you get to know my sister better. Start slow, and know going in that she has spent many years alone. She is a good-hearted pony, but I fear she has spent too much time away from her subjects. Perhaps you can be the one to bring her back to us." Pinkie scrunched her nose. "You mean, you're not mad?" Celestia pressed a hoof against her lips, suppressing a chuckle. "Of course not, my little pony. Whatever you and my sister choose to do are up to you two. Might I make a suggestion?" Hopping up suddenly, Pinkie put her hooves together, prostrating herself before the princess. "Oh! Please, please, please!" Celestia let out a gentle laugh at Pinkie's enthusiasm. "Her birthday is coming up soon. Perhaps you could find something for her?" Puzzlement crossed the precocious pony's face. "Oh, wow... what do you get a princess for her birthday?" Celestia averted her eyes, staring out her balcony with a knowing smile. "It's quite a conundrum, isn't it? We can, and have received pretty much everything we've ever wanted from our subjects. If you do feel so strongly toward her, I believe you'll find an answer." Pinkie Pie nodded slowly, lost in thought. "This is a toughie! I might have to think for days on this!" Celestia cleared her throat. "Think on it as much as you like, but maybe you should do so somewhere more appropriate than my private chambers?" "Oh! Right! Thanks for the advice!" Pinkie shouted as she backed up towards the balcony railing. "Bye!" Celestia gasped as Pinkie somersaulted over the ledge. Her tower was more than three hundred feet high up from the castle. The edge Pinkie jumped off from? More than a two thousand foot drop into the valley below. She sprang into action and charged forward, frantically looking for the falling pony. "Wheeee!" Celestia fell backwards, startled as Pinkie flew past her, suspended in the air and floating away on a bunch of balloons far too few to lift a pony of her size, to say nothing of where she had them stashed in the first place. "I suppose that's why Twilight’s notes about studying her odd behavior ended so abruptly." Fresh from a bath and energized after a restful day's sleep, Luna paced in a circle. Officially, her duties didn't start until sundown, though she still did much during the day regardless. Today, she wouldn't get the chance. Pinkie had told her to be ready to leave by four in the afternoon. Maybe she wanted to bring me someplace that would be closed during the night? A restaurant, perhaps? Her self-absorbed speculation was brought to an end by the slamming of a door. Luna pivoted on her hooves in time to see Pinkie Pie pushing against the door. "Problem?" Luna asked, raising her eyebrows. "I got sloppy!" Pinkie explained, gasping for air. Suddenly, thunderous knocking emanated from the other side of the door. "Princess Luna! We have an intruder! May I come in?" Luna locked eyes with Pinkie Pie. "Yes you may, captain." The door flew open and the captain, clad in royal armor, burst in. He looked around the room, scanning for the intruder, scrutinizing every detail of Luna's chambers from his spot at the doorway." "I... think I lost her." Luna nodded. "I'm afraid you did. Better luck next time, Captain." The guard bowed apologetically. "I'm sorry, Your Highness. I will leave you in peace." Luna watched the guard close the door behind him and waited until his footsteps were too quiet to hear. "Okay, you can come down now." Pinkie hopped down from her perch above the door. How she managed to keep a foothold on the half inch moulding was something Luna decided not to think too much about.   Pinkie wiped a bead of sweat from her forehead and let out a tired breath. "That was close! I never realised how many guards were on patrol during the day!" Luna sighed. "We have to stop this someday. The guards have started rumors of a ghost pony running through our halls." Princess Luna stared up at the building skeptically. "This is where you're taking me?" Pinkie stopped and nodded. "Yup! Let's go!" Luna followed the pink pony inside, very reluctantly. Every step they took made Luna more and more uneasy. When she entered the sterile and sparse lobby, the feeling became much more potent, despite the smiling mare behind the desk. After Luna's banishment, Celestia worked quickly to bury the unsavory or darker aspects of Luna's abilities. One such talent she had was sussing out the feelings of ponies around her. She couldn't read their minds per se, but she could get a general understanding of how they were feeling. Some emotions were stronger than others, such as joy or despair. She had learned over the years how to tune it out so it didn't overwhelm her. At times though, she found the feelings too strong to filter out. This building stank of despair. Every step forward Luna took felt like wading through a rotting swamp. It had been a long time since she had been bombarded by emotions as strong and numerous as these. She feared they would overcome her if she were not careful, and so in the darkness of despair, she clung to light. Joy. Unbridled and wild joy trailed off of Pinkie Pie. Luna failed to notice it before, having kept her head clear of these emotions, but feeling all of this despair around her made Pinkie shine like a lantern in the dark. Luna followed her through the building, clinging to each hoofstep as if it were a beacon at the end of a tunnel. Luna suddenly realized why standing so close was a bad idea as Pinkie spun around abruptly, causing their muzzles to collide. "Sorry. I didn't mean to stand quite that close." Luna said as she rubbed her nose gingerly. "S'alright!" Pinkie said, shaking off the hit. Are you ready?" Luna shrugged. "I guess. I don't even know what we're doing here." "Just follow my lead." Pinkie turned back around to a set of double doors. Luna felt an immense source of despair behind them. The feeling was so strong that she could scarcely believe it came from one pony. Pinkie wiped her hooves through her unruly mane and took a deep breath. "Showtime." Lunging forward, Pinkie exploded through the doors, making a sound much like a party favor. Confetti drifted through the air as she held a triumphant pose. "Hey, my little ponies! Your Auntie Pinkie Pie is here!" The sound of cheering and shouting hit them both as happy foals swarmed Pinkie. "Hi, Aunt Pinkie! I wrote a poem just for you!" "I made a balloon animal doggy all by myself!" "I helped the ponies in the cafeteria make cupcakes like you told me! They were great!" The stench of sadness and despair vanished like a flash in the pan. Bright cheery smiles adorned the foal's faces, and in the middle of this chaotic joy stood Pinkie Pie. The walls of this room were painted with bright pastel colors.scattered throughout were various toys and games, clearly meant to take one's mind off of the hardships these ponies faced. Sunlight shined in through the windows brightening the already white room. Of course, no amount of posters or crayons could disguise the machines in the room which were constant reminders of the situation these ponies lived in. "Hey everypony! I brought a very special pony with me today!" Pinkie gently lowered the foals to the ground and gestured towards Luna, her hoof outstretched in royal introduction. "Fillies and Gentlecolts, I present to you: Princess Luna!" The alicorn gasped and stumbled backwards as the excitable foals turned their sights upon her. Before Luna could register what happened, foals immediately swarmed and scaled her tall figure. "Omigosh! It really is her!" "Princess Luna! I really like your mane!" “Yeah! It’s so shiny and cool!” "Could you lift a wagon with your magic?" Pinkie mercifully stepped in, calming the excitable foals down. "Now, now, everypony. She needs some time to adjust. This is still scary and new to her." "Yes, Aunt Pinkie," the foals said in unison, giving Luna a bit of breathing room. Pinkie clapped her hooves together and bounced into the room. "C'mon everypony, I'll show you how to make party poppers!" After a few hours of crafts, Pinkie had sufficiently worn the little fillies and colts down, dwindling their energy. Some of the younger foals had already given up and lay on the ground, snoozing happily.   "The evil king cried out, 'No! Not into the pit, it burns!' Hammerhoof pushed him into the portal and watched as the king disappeared forever." The foals that hadn't yet fallen victim to fatigue stared at Luna in rapt attention as she read the same story she was told so many years ago when she too was a foal. It fascinated her how so many real events and stories were lost in time over the years, but so many stories like this one somehow survived the test of time, relatively intact as well. While she read, her eyes drifted off to the side of the room where Pinkie spoke to one of the nurses. The nurse shook her head slowly and Pinkie's head hung low. "Princess Luna?" The alicorn shook her head and stared down at the foal tapping her leg. "Yes, my child?" She asked, peering over the massive book in her hooves. "Is everything okay? You stopped reading." Luna smiled down at the foal. "Right. Hammerhoof rushed over to the maiden and sprinkled the miracle water on her face, as the court wizard instructed him to." Luna continued reading the story, but every chance she could get, she sneaked a quick peek at the morose Pinkie Pie, doing her best to stay hidden. "Bye Aunt Pinkie! Bye Princess Luna!" The foals waved the ponies off from the lobby of the hospital. True to Pinkie's nature and mission in life, everyone, including the staff, now wore a bright shining smile. "Bye, everypony! I'll be back soon, don't you worry!" Pinkie reassured them. Luna followed her outside into the cool evening air. As they walked away from the hospital, the joyful emotions faded as well. It was then that she realized that even Pinkie's own joy had nearly vanished. Luna's eyes darted around until she spied a bench. "Come, Pinkie Pie. We must talk." Pinkie nodded excitedly with her usual cheery smile. "Okay!" Both ponies walked over to the park bench and took a seat. "Tell me what troubles you so." Sitting on the bench, Pinkie dangled her rear legs off, kicking them idly. "Trouble? I'm not in trouble." Luna sighed. "You know that's not what I meant. I can see through your mask. I know something is wrong." Pinkie lowered her head and looked away. "Oh." Having finished it's descent below the horizon, the sun faded from view. The brilliant shades of purple, pink, and orange dissipated, giving way to darkness. Luna focused her mind on that distant point in the heavens and lit her horn. Climbing slowly above the treeline, the moon spread its gentle glow across the land. "I assume it has to do with the conversation you had with the nurse," Luna guessed, trying to prod the pink pony further. Pinkie nodded. "As the sun must give way for the night, we too must meet our own sunset someday." Pinkie's gaze rested on the ground, her mane lying limp upon her head. "But, it's always the same time between night and day. What if the sun set five minutes after it woke up?" Luna nodded solemnly. "I see your point." They sat in the quiet of the night, listening to the creatures beginning their nocturnal songs. "His name was Crosswind." Luna's ears perked up. "I beg your pardon?" "The pony who died. His name was Crosswind. He was a goofy little pegasus who thought my mane was cotton candy the first time he saw me," Pinkie said, laughing quietly. "He wanted to be the best weather pony in Cloudsdale. I brought Rainbow Dash to see him one day and she showed him how to make lightning." "Are you going to tell Rainbow Dash what happened?" Luna asked. Pinkie shook her head. "No. I hope she forgot about him. That seems like a bad thing to say, doesn't it?" Pinkie asked, raising her head to look Luna in the eyes. "I'm not sure I follow." Pinkie sighed and rubbed her hooves together nervously. "Everypony should be remembered. I think everypony in Equestria should know about Crosswind... but if they did, that would make them feel bad. I don't think he would want anypony to feel bad. I hope Rainbow Dash forgot. I hope she doesn't have to think about it." Death was a concept Luna stopped pondering ages ago. It had been so long since she let a pony get so close that she hadn't the need to think on it. Pinkie sighed. "Sometimes I wonder if it would be better or worse if everypony forgot me when I die." Leaning over, Luna placed a hoof upon the pink pony's shoulder. "I am quite sure ponies would have a hard time forgetting somepony like you. When the time comes though, I'm sure your memory will bring a smile to their face. Though your loss might bring great pain, your memory will no doubt bring smiles to everypony whose spirit you have touched." Sometimes when dealing with ponies, Luna found there was a right and a wrong thing to say. The soft smile Pinkie gave her made it clear it was very much the right thing. The pink mare leaned her head on Luna's shoulder, sighing contently. > Guardian > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luna stared out from her tower, looking into the quiet Canterlot night. Most ponies were asleep at this hour, but only one occupied her mind. When ponies needed assistance in their dreams, the hair on Luna's back would start to itch. From that point forward, it would be a simple matter of focusing her thoughts on the sensation to track the dreamer down. At times, however, she went into a pony's dream without being called. In such cases, all she needed to do was concentrate on the pony in question and let herself drift away. I wonder how Pinkie Pie fares tonight. Given the events of the day, Luna told herself that she was just going to visit Pinkie to ensure the stresses of their day hadn't carried over into her dreams. Pinkie's smile. A loud and cheerful laugh. Eyes which saw the world in childlike wonder. Luna focused her mind, and dreamed of Pinkie. Fog rested on the ground and stretched forward as far as Luna could see. Trees grew high into the sky, crowding out what little light the moon offered. Wind gently brushed through her mane, yet didn’t make a sound. This isn't right. Luna rarely found herself in somepony's dreams. She was supposed to be in charge here. She tried to meld with the scenery and disappear, but she remained solid. It was almost as if the world was not Pinkie's after all. Terrific. I suppose I'm stuck here for now. Something in her peripheral caught Luna's eye. She hid behind a nearby tree and spied upon the unknown object. In the distance, she saw a figure walking through the forest. Luna moved towards the pony, trying to remain unnoticed. As she placed a hoof down, she cringed as the leaves beneath the trees crunched and crackled under her step, echoing loudly throughout the forest. The mysterious figure stopped for a moment and turned her head. An innocent giggle cut through the quiet night. She knows I'm here now, I suppose. The pony marched deeper into the forest while Luna followed. Had it been minutes, or hours since they first started walking? Time had lost all meaning.   The pony came to a halt in front of two trees. A stained glass painting stretched between the trees like a spider's web. Adorning the painting was none other than Pinkie Pie, the epitome of laughter and joy. The pony started walking slowly toward the painting. It was only now that Luna realized that the pony had a strip of cloth wrapped around her head, covering her eyes. Luna quickly raised her hoof at the pony. "W-wait!" She marched forward heedlessly. The window shattered into countless pieces, raining shards all over the pony. Despite the dangerous shower of glass, the blindfolded pony made it through without a cut. Luna followed the figure through as well, being careful not to step on the glass. Where did she go? The pony had vanished. Luna didn't remember when, but at some point, she had lost track of her. Suddenly, the smell of a fire hit her nose. Maybe she's waiting for me. Luna walked forward through the trees until a cave seemed to appear before her. She walked inside disregarding any potential danger. The smell of fire grew stronger, causing her nose to itch. A sneeze threatened to shatter the calm of the night, but never came. The cave twisted and turned, and soon the light of the fire played on the cave's walls, making shadows dance around her. Luna turned the last corner and finally caught up to the pony. It looked like Pinkie Pie, but definitely wasn't. The stance in which the pony sat didn't match Pinkie's. Her hair flowed down her neck and shoulders, straight and formal. A closer look at her face confirmed that a piece of cloth did indeed cover her eyes. She sat in front of a bonfire, which seemed to have been burning for hours now. "Pinkie Pie?" The pony lifted her head toward Luna, but not directly at her. "I'm not Pinkie Pie. My name is Pinkamena." Pinkamena? Why would she want to be called that?" "If I'm not mistaken, Pinkamena is Pinkie Pie's birth name," Luna retorted. The pony smiled. It wasn't a smile that lit up the room like Pinkie's. It was a calming smile, much like one a mother would offer her child. "This is true, yet we are different. I am Pinkie's guardian. When the toll of life weighs too heavily, I carry her forward." Luna had encountered these “guardians” in dreams before. They took the burden when a pony faced a difficult time. That way, they could be free to sleep and dream without fear or consequence. It also answered the question of why she was trapped in the dream. "I see," Luna replied. "I suppose tonight would be one such night. Perhaps you are the reason I was not summoned in the first place." Pinkamena gestured to a rock next to the fire. "Please, have a seat, Your Majesty." Luna did as she was asked, unclear as to how exactly Pinkamena knew where the rock was. "I take it Pinkie will awaken without any knowledge of our time together." Pinkamena nodded. "I art her, and she art I, yet we are both separate. This is how it must be." Luna watched the fire dance and sat in the silence of the cave. If Pinkamena was an extension of Pinkie Pie, she sure didn't share Pinkie's love for idle discussion. Insects buzzed around them in the orange lighting of the cave, flitting around the bonfire. Luna watched as a moth strayed too close and ignited, falling into the fire. "What an asinine creature." Pinkamena raised her head questioningly. "The moth," Luna said. "It seems to have no regard for its own life. It flies into fire willingly and without care." "Hmmm. Perhaps you're looking at the situation wrong," Pinkamena suggested. "What?" Pinkamena lifted her hooves toward the fire, taking in its warmth. "Perhaps the moth would rather die in the warmth of the light, than live in the cold of the dark." Luna found it difficult to ascribe such a deep thought process to what was clearly a simple act of self termination. It didn't stop her from pondering on it longer than she should, though. Pinkamena hummed for a moment and looked toward Luna. "I believe I should share a secret with you. Something Pinkie would not be eager to disclose." "From what I understand about Pinkie Pie, a Pinkie Promise is not to be broken," Luna stated. Pinkamena shrugged. "I never made a Pinkie Promise. Sometimes being a good guardian does not mean following your charge's wishes. Pinkie has been watching you for quite some time now. She had hoped that you would seek her out after the guidance she provided you during the Chuckle-Lot show. Since then, she has been debating the best way to get your attention." Luna was genuinely curious now. She was afraid that Pinkie had still nursed some sore feelings after their argument. Calling Pinkie a mere clown and implying that Luna was above self humiliation, even for a laugh, obviously didn't sit right with the pink pony. "Why would she be trying to get my attention?" Pinkamena pulled out a pouch of something that looked like dust and spread it into the fire. Colorful flames shot up, nearly licking the cave ceiling. "She is infatuated with you. She finds you a subject of admiration.... and of sympathy." Luna nearly fell off her rock. "Wait, are you saying… Pinkie Pie is courting me?" Pinkamena nodded. Oh my, and here I am encouraging the behavior by going on these friendship outings. "Pinkamena, if what you say is true, then this is most distressing. I don't think I am quite ready for a relationship, nor is she ready for the trials of dating a princess, not to mention—" "Luna, you presume too much. I am not the one courting you," Pinkamena explained. "This is for you and Pinkie Pie to come to terms with." Luna nodded and rose to her hooves. "You're right. Just as a warning, you might be quite busy soon if she doesn't take rejection well." Pinkamena shrugged. "It makes no difference to me. I exist to comfort and shield her, and I will do so no matter what comes. When you walk out of this cave you will awaken in darkness. One day you will make a choice. You can choose to live in the cold safety of the darkness, or you can risk getting burned living in the light. I wonder which you will choose?" > Waking in Darkness > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luna gasped for air as she abruptly returned to the waking world. Though her eyes were open, she saw nothing but enveloping darkness. What in the... Where am I?" Panic began to set in, and her breaths became quick and shallow. As her head turned in every direction, she spotted a line of light below her. Without hesitation, she charged towards it. "Whoa!" Luna flew forward, her hooves flailing through the air. "Oof!" After hitting the ground face first in a rather un-princess-like manner, Luna found her footing and turned around to inspect her former prison. How in Equestria did I end up in my closet? Luna slammed the door shut and suppressed a blush.  Pushing the embarrassment aside, she refocused on the dream, Pinkamena’s parting words still echoing in her mind. So many questions had presented themselves, not the least of which being how she felt about Pinkie Pie.  It's been quite awhile since I've had the chance to court somepony. Luna wasn’t exactly a novice at the game of love, but to say she was an expert on the subject would be far overselling her actual experience. Before I do anything else, I should probably find out how society does so in this day and age. A burst of milk sprayed out of Celestia’s nose. Her sinuses burned and she coughed powerfully, trying to force out the milk that had gone down her windpipe. "Excu—ack!—se me?"  Celestia asked incredulously, fishing out the spoon she had just dropped into her cereal. "I asked, ‘When was the last time you've been with somepony?’" Celestia seemed stricken by Luna's question—enough so that she simply laid her spoon off to the side after rescuing it. “It's been quite a long time, I'm afraid. Is there some reason you wish to know about my romantic life, or lack thereof?” Luna nodded. “I wish to know how relationships are commonly approached in this era. Are ponies still required to wear special underwear during a date?” Celestia covered her mouth with a hoof in a futile attempt to stifle her laughter. “Oh my! I'd forgotten all about those silly things! Oh, no no no. These days, ponies are free to date in a—shall we say—more casual manner. Is there any reason you've suddenly struck upon the subject of romance?” Luna bit the inside of her cheek. She had trusted her sister with so many secrets since her return, and not once had that trust been misplaced. Regardless, Luna felt this was something she should keep close to her chest. “You say I should strive to understand my subjects better. Understanding how they live and socialize with one another is part of that,” Luna explained. Celestia seemed to visibly shrink. “Oh... of course. Well, that is admirable then.” Luna sighed inwardly, relieved that her sister seemed satisfied with the answer. A pang of guilt still struck her though as she never enjoyed lying to her sister. “The night guard assures us that the patrols in the city are back to normal after the outbreak of feather flu.” Lying on her bed, Luna sighed out of boredom. Listening to the night captain prattle on about mundanities such as these made her want to pass out. Of course, last time she did that, the night captain spent a week in speech therapy. The truth of the matter was, tonight Luna's mind strayed elsewhere. “What of the intruder that was spotted in the castle last weekend?” At this, the guard recoiled. “We locked down the castle tight, Your Highness. Unfortunately, the intruder slipped through.” Seeing a pony clad in armor, cowering like a foal with their hooves in the cookie jar, amused Luna far more than she thought it would. “I deeply apologize and take full responsibility, Your Highness.” Luna waved her hoof casually. “It's quite alright, Captain. Just be more alert in the fut—” The door to the meeting room slammed open. Luna sat up and her eyes flew toward it as a lone pony walked through. “Twilight Sparkle. It’s good to see you, though I must admit to being more than a little puzzled by the timing of your visit,” Luna said, noting the moon hanging in the night sky. Twilight laughed nervously, a cracking grin adorning her face. “I guess it is a little late. I've just had something driving me crazy lately, and I had to come warn you.” Luna looked to the captain and nodded. Taking the hint, he quickly left her quarters, allowing them to continue their discussion in privacy. “Warn me? Is something wrong? If you need assistance, my sister and I ca—” Twilight waved her hooves frantically. “No, no! It's nothing like that. There's just something you should know.” “Very well. What is it that I should know?” Luna asked. “Well, it happened a couple of days ago. Pinkie Pie came over and started telling me some cah-raazy stuff.” Twilight spun her hoof around her head and rolled her eyes. “What ‘crazy stuff’ did she say, exactly?” Twilight put a hoof on her chest and laughed. “I don't know where she got this ridiculous idea, but she said—heh, heh, heh, oh boy—that she wanted to take you on a date." Luna knew enough about ponies and their body language to see right through the alicorn standing before her. She might have been laughing and acting as if the entire situation was humorous, but it was clear that Twilight was quite nervous. “I see. I'm not sure you needed to bother yourself warning me about this,” Luna said. Twilight lunged forward, putting her face uncomfortably close to Luna's. “I just thought it would be best if you knew ahead of time so you would be ready if she did do something like, I don't know, ask you on a date. Best to let her off easy. Can't be seen dating a common pony like Pinkie, you know?” Luna nodded hesitantly. "Right... If I may, why exactly is that important?" Twilight's nervous smile vanished, replaced with a more dangerous veneer. "Because it's not proper, of course! I mean, what would ponies say if they even caught wind of a pony like Pinkie Pie trying to ask you out? It would be nuts!" Luna studied her sister's protégé carefully. Everything about this encounter seemed… off, rubbing her the wrong way. Nevertheless, she decided it would be best to play along. “Right. I understand. It would not do to look improper to our subjects. Thank you for the warning, Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight smiled, the tension seemingly leaving her in an instant. "Of course! I'll just be on my way back to Ponyville then. Good night, Princess Luna." “Good ni—” The door to her chambers shut abruptly, causing Luna to jump, “—ght, Twilight Sparkle…” What the hay just happened? Given Celestia’s recount of what she referred to as the "Lesson Zero Incident", Luna knew that the brand new princess could be a bit erratic at times, but never without purpose. If Twilight was acting so erratic, there had to be a reason. Just what stake do you have in this, Sparkle? Two days had passed since Twilight's unusual visit to the castle. Since their conversation that night, Luna had been dreading the weekend. She wasn't sure what Pinkie wanted of her, based on their recent outings. It had been a very long time since Luna had even pondered the concept of love—so long, in fact, that she wasn't sure she’d even recognize what form those feelings would take. "Where are we going tonight?" questioned a bubbly voice. Luna cocked her head to the doorway where Pinkie stood. "I'm not sure you'll enjoy what I have planned." "Try me," Pinkie replied, flashing a daring smile. "Very well." Luna left her seat and concentrated on her destination, seeing it in her minds eye. Her horn sparked and in an instant, they both disappeared. The wind howled in Luna's face, its biting cold stinging her eyes and forcing her to squint. Everywhere she looked, the world was white with chaos. "It may seem strange, but this place is very comforting to me!" Luna shouted above the roar of the wind. She looked down to her side and recoiled. There, on the snow-covered ground, Pinkie lay curled up in a tight ball, shivering in a desperate attempt to stay warm. Seeing this, Luna gasped and quickly conjured a protective shield around them. Another spell soon followed, rapidly spreading warmth throughout the shield. The snow encapsulated within the bubble quickly melted, exposing the craggy rock beneath them. "Pinkie Pie, are you alright?" Luna asked, kneeling down next to her. The pink pony unfurled herself and shakily rose to her hooves. The thin smile on her lips did little to ease Luna's worry. "You should have told me to pack for cold weather," Pinkie said with a rattled laugh. "Forgive me. I've been here so many times that I no longer think about the cold. I sometimes come here when the stress of being around others becomes too great," Luna explained. "Where are we, anyway?" Pinkie asked, looking around her. Luna's horn ignited and fired a spell through the shield. The falling snow parted and dissipated around the powerful beam. Mere inches away from them stood the edge of a cliff. Pinkie gasped and threw her hooves around Luna's leg, backing fearfully away from the ledge. "We're on a mountain!" Luna nodded. "Indeed." "But… why do you come here? It's so cold, and it's really dangerous! I can understand sitting in the fridge if you're hot, but I—huff—don't understand—huff." Pinkie's voice trailed off. "The air here is much thinner than what you are accustomed to. You should breathe deeply, and speak less," Luna said. She closed her eyes and lifted her head high. She couldn't feel the wind battering her face as usual, or the cool snow falling into her mane, but it still gave her a sense of comfort. "Sometimes when I am around my subjects, I feel I don't belong among them. Life picks up and hurls ponies through a maelstrom of chaos. Not I. I remain steadfast through the storm." Above the roaring wind, silence took hold. Luna didn't know if she had, or even could, adequately explain how she felt about this place. "That's awful." Pinkie's voice had lost its bubbly enthusiasm. She sounded as if she were on the verge of tears. Luna lowered her head. "What do you mean?" Pinkie's head hung sadly as she let go of Luna. "It's like you want to be lonely—like you don't want to be part of the snow." "I suppose you're right," Luna admitted. They fell silent again. The alicorn pondered Pinkie's words. "Is this because you were..." Luna looked at Pinkie. The pink mare clearly wanted her to fill in the gap, but Luna waited for her to finish her thought. "...Ya know... Nightmare Moon?" Luna sighed. Long had she dreaded that name. It stirred up so many emotions from deep within. So many times she regretted her past; the malicious being, which the darkness in her heart had let her become. "I suppose it is." That answer seemed to satisfy Pinkie for the moment. This night thus far had been a very different affair from their previous outings. Pinkie seemed lost in thought, hanging on every word Luna said. "Can you show me?" Luna looked down at Pinkie questioningly. "What?" "Nightmare Moon. I saw her during Nightmare Night, but I was too busy running away. I'd like to see her." It seemed like a simple request, but given what Luna knew of Pinkie's feelings toward her, it had taken on a different light. She looked at the pink pony with apprehension. "Are you sure?" Pinkie gave a slight nod, her eyes giving an air of both eagerness and doubt. Luna focused her thoughts. She felt her form change, becoming taller and casting a much more imposing silhouette. Her eyes flashed in pain for a moment, and when she opened them again, her vision had changed. She blinked a couple times and looked down at the pony beside her. Pinkie now seemed much smaller compared to her, but what caught Luna’s attention were her eyes. Fear. Why wouldn't Pinkie be afraid? Luna now carried the visage of a thousand year old boogeyman meant to keep foals in line. "I apologize if I frighte—huh?" Luna reeled in shock as Pinkie wrapped her hooves around her leg. The pink pony clung to her like a foal would a teddy bear at bedtime. "Pinkie? Are you well?" Raising her head, the Pinkie stared up at Luna with a sad expression. "Y-you looked lonely..." Luna dropped her disguise and gently prised Pinkie's hooves away. "I'm fine.  I haven't had any need to think of Nightmare Moon for quite awhile." "Oh." Wind screamed and howled around them as they fell silent. This trip to the mountain was unlike any of other. The white noise and frigid conditions usually drowned out her senses, allowing her to retreat within herself. This time, a magical shield and artificial heat killed the chaotic atmosphere. "It's a bit warm in here," Luna remarked offhandedly. "Mmmhmmm," Pinkie agreed. Luna stared out at the chaotic winter storm, thinking upon Pinkie's words. Her ears perked up as a rattling noise caught her ear. Looking beside her, Luna saw the pink pony digging through her saddlebags, her front legs and head buried inside them. "Uhh, need some help?" the alicorn offered. "No thanks! I should be goo—woah! Help!" Pinkie slipped, falling into the pouch she had been rummaging through. Luna sighed in exasperation, trying not to think about how Pinkie's entire body fit into the small pouch. Her horn glowed as she raised the bags into the air and overturned them. The pink pony came tumbling out, holding a bottle of blue liquid, two cups, and wearing a pair of shutter shades. Pinkie giggled and pushed the bottle towards Luna. "Here, hold this." Numbly, Luna did as she was told and stared as the earth pony walked over to the edge of the bubble, stuck out the cups, and scooped up two generous piles of snow. Balancing the cups on her nose, Pinkie walked back to Luna and reclaimed her bottle of mysterious blue liquid. Luna raised an eyebrow as the party pony then poured a generous amount of blue liquid over the snow. "What in Equestria are you doing?" Luna asked. She jumped backwards as Pinkie suddenly thrust one of the cups at her. "Snow cones, silly! Bubblegum flavor!" Pinkie announced happily. Luna narrowed her eyes at Pinkie. "Snow cones... really?" Pinkie nodded furiously in between bites of her treat. "Yup!" With a sigh, Luna accepted the snow cone and stared at Pinkie. "I can't wait to tell my sister about the time I ate a snow cone on the coldest summit in Equestria." Pinkie smiled that endearing smile of hers—eyes closed, mouth wide, and a set of pearly white teeth brilliant enough to see in the dark. This time, however, they were slightly tinged blue. Suddenly, Luna's world screeched to a halt. Time slowed as realization washed over her like a tidal wave. This trip was meant to be Luna's way of sharing something important with Pinkie. Instead, it illustrated just how isolated she had become. Luna felt like a steadfast monument in a snowstorm. While she would be content with watching the ponies go about their lives around her, Pinkie would take the first opportunity to gather up and socialize with as many of them as she could. Staring at her snow cone, she realized how succinctly it illustrated the differences between them. Pinkie didn't need to simply watch the snow fall around her. All she had to do was gather it up and enjoy it. "Did I put too much syrup in it?" Pinkie asked, slush clinging to her chin. Luna snapped out of her epiphany. Her eyes drifted over to her questioning companion. "No, not at all. I was just thinking about something, that's all." Pinkie scoffed. "Don't think about it, eat it! Sheesh. Only you and Twilight could have existential breakdowns over a snow cone." "I suppose it would be better if I wolfed it down like you, wouldn't it?" Luna asked, glaring at her companion. She quickly jammed her mouth into the snow cone, rubbing it vigorously in her face. "There. Is that better?" Pinkie stared up at her, a hoof covering her mouth as she tried to hold back laughter. It was in vain, of course. Pinkie fell to the ground, clutching her stomach, as she giggled at the blue slush all over Luna's muzzle. > Dinner and Laundry > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "We believe the griffons won't be stupid enough to pull something at the festival, but extra guards have been posted just in case." The captain's words might have echoed in her chambers, but they did not warrant Luna’s attention. "Do you think she would be pleased if I wore a pink ribbon in my mane?" Luna asked, her eyes locked on the mirror. The captain twitched nervously and started backing away. "I, uh... I..." "No, you're right. Pink doesn't really fit with my coloring, now does it?" Luna pulled the ribbon out before the captain could give a coherent answer. "Perhaps a purple bow?" The captain gulped. "I-I'm not sure I'm qualified to—" "Ah, of course.” Luna tossed the bow on the floor, her eyes falling upon another ribbon which stuck out from the rest. “That one will be perfect!" The captain’s eyes nervously drifted back and forth between the princess and the door to her chambers. “Yes, this will do nicely,” Luna said, holding the dark blue strand of ribbon up to her hair. Moving slowly to the door, the captain reached out for the knob. "Ummm, that about sums up the report. If you'll excuse me, Your Highness, I... left the kitchen on in the stove!" Luna turned just in time to see the door slam as the captain beat a hasty retreat. She rolled her eyes and turned back to the mirror. I thought he would never leave. Appreciating the choice of color for another moment, Luna weaved the dark blue ribbon into her mane and tied it up in a neat bow. "I thought your mane was made of glitter, or magic... maybe glittery magic?" Spinning around, she spotted Pinkie—tied to no more than twelve balloons—floating down onto her balcony. Luna stared wistfully as the balloons floated off into the sky, knowing she wouldn't get a proper explanation of how such a thing was possible. "My mane is indeed enhanced with my natural magic, but it is still solid enough to hold as much as any normal pony's would." "Oooh, neat." Luna stepped away from the mirror. "I assume you chose an activity for us this time." "Sure did! It's gonna be fantasteriffic!" Pinkie exclaimed, bouncing in place. “Care to reveal what that may be?” At this, Pinkie merely giggled, making it abundantly clear that Luna would know only when Pinkie wanted her to. The alicorn smirked. “A mystery date? Alright, then. I'm up for a good surprise anyway.” Luna had been to a few restaurants since her return, and this one seemed fairly standard at first glance. Generic paintings lined the walls, and the lighting seemed just dark enough to make for a rather intimate setting. What she hadn't seen in a restaurant before now, was the small decorative cauldron in the middle of the table.  "Pinkie Pie, might I ask why there is a burning can of liquid underneath this cauldron?" Pinkie licked her lips as the waiter dropped off a plate of bread in front of her. "Because fondue, silly." Grinning sheepishly, Luna lifted her head from the table to allow the waiter to place her plate as well. "Right. That word again..." Expertly spearing a piece of bread with her skewer, Pinkie placed the end of it on her nose and balanced it. Luna cocked an eyebrow at her companion, but said nothing. Instead, she merely watched as Pinkie tilted her neck back and quickly snapped forward, sending the skewer flying into the air.Luna's gaze drifted in an upwards arch as the utensil landed with a soft gloop into the mixture, handle up. With a wink, Pinkie snatched it out of the pot and wolfed the cheese-coated bread down in a single gulp. Luna scrunched her nose at Pinkie’s unusual display. “So.... this is how one fondues?” Pinkie giggled around a mouthful of cheese. Swallowing quickly, she aimed her skewer at another helpless chunk of bread. "Nononono. You don’t fondue, silly. Fondue is basically just melted cheese. You’re supposed to dip your food in it." "I see. What about this pot?" Luna asked, pointing to a smaller cauldron at the other side of the table. "That's chocolate," Pinkie explained. That's for dessert." Looking back at the big pot, Luna bit her lips. "So I should start with this one then?" Pinkie nodded enthusiastically. "Yup! Just go for it." Luna's horn ignited, and she lifted it from the table. She pierced a chunk of bread and slowly lowered it into a warm, cheesy fate. "How long should I leave it in there?" she asked, warily eyeing the submerged skewer as bubbles rose to the surface. Pinkie thrusted her skewer, like a knight valiantly trying to fell a great beast. "As long as you want! I wouldn’t leave it in there too long, though, or it might get wrinkly. That's why I don't stay in the bathtub any longer than three hours and forty-seven minutes." Rather than try to explain the difference between skin and bread, Luna opted to swirl her spear around a few times, and lifted it out. Gooey cheese trailed off her bread, dripping into the cauldron. "It's not hot, is it? I can just eat it?" "Hmmmph?" Pinkie mumbled with a glob of cheese in her mouth. Luna rolled her eyes. "Oh, right. Silly me." She daintily placed her teeth on the cheese-coated bread and slid it off of the skewer. "Oh, my," Luna mumbled around the gooey cheese. Suddenly, her eyes widened. It was creamy... ...It was smooth... ...And it had just a touch of garlic. She chewed it thoroughly, enjoying the opposing textures of the bread and the cheese. "This is delicious!” "You like it?" asked Pinkie hopefully. "I do! I do, indeed!" Luna nearly shouted, spearing another piece. “Perhaps I should take you everywhere I go. You could be my… my royal taste tester!” Pinkie beamed at Luna, the faintest hint of a blush playing on her cheeks. "We spent hours on that rail car getting back to Ponyville. Lemme tell ya, don't ever count on Rarity to catch you," Pinkie said, spinning a half-eaten chunk of bread on her plate. Luna, too, had gotten her fill for the night. She had been content to sit back in her chair and let Pinkie regale her with tales of their friends’ exploits and escapades. Small talk wasn’t one of Luna’s strong suits. She found most examples of such to be painfully boring and drab. Of course, most of her experience with idle gossip stemmed from pompous nobles in stuffy settings. She found Pinkie’s chit chat to be much more palatable. Unfortunately, the conversation eventually hit a lull as Pinkie’s eyes fell onto her plate, seemingly having run out of things to say.  A sly grin crept across Luna’s face as she decided to try something that might throw her companion off-guard. "Pinkie Pie,” Luna spoke up, leaning forward in her seat, “do you ever think about love?” It seemed like an innocent enough question, but Pinkie's reaction was far from subtle. "Oh, uhhh… sometimes. But then I start thinking about icing, or when one of my friends’ birthdays is coming up." Luna valued her ability to read body language even more than her own magic. Knowing when a pony was lying came in handy more times than she could count, especially when it came to matters of diplomacy. She smiled inwardly as Pinkie's face lit up like a pinball table with blushes and evasive glances. "What about you?" Pinkie asked. "Hmmm. I hardly think it's fair of me to tell the truth when you've told a lie," Luna said, smirking at the pink mare. Pinkie went rigid, and her blush intensified. "How did you... okay, you got me." "You don't have to say if you don't want to," Luna said, offering her a way out. Pinkie fidgeted nervously in her seat, staring at her plate. "No, s'alright. Sometimes I do. I've seen some of the ponies in Ponyville going out together, or holding hooves in the park. I have a lot of friends, but sometimes when they don't know I'm around they say things like, 'Pinkie is nice in small doses' or 'A little Pinkie goes a long way', and I think that maybe I'll never have somepony who can stand being around me for longer than a party," Pinkie confessed, staring wistfully down at the table. Luna's jaw fell slack. "Are you serious? Your friends actually say that about you?" Pinkie leaned forward, waving her hooves frantically. "No, no, no. They don't say it when they think I'm around, and they're usually joking, but it's true. I know ponies can't stand being around me too long." Remorsefully, Luna watched Pinkie idly spin the few remaining crumbs on her plate. The pony's smile had diminished quite drastically. "I don't think that's true at all." Pinkie looked up from her plate. "Huh?" Luna lifted her head as if she were making a royal proclamation. "I find you're quite easy to be around. When you're with your friends, you do tend to be quite excitable, but what about other times? Do you not enjoy a quiet night in with a book?" "Sure I do," Pinkie replied, her voice rising slightly. "And bubble baths?" Luna continued. "Well, yeah, who doesn't?" Pinkie asked, shrugging her shoulders. "Then I think the answer is clear. You only act so eccentric because you're excited to be with your friends and to see them smile. At home, away from the crowd, I bet you're a mare like most, who just wishes to enjoy life," Luna stated with an air of finality. A crimson blush returned to Pinkie's cheeks, deeper and brighter than ever.  "Awww shucks. I guess you're right. I think that should get you a reward." Pinkie speared a slice of apple and dipped it in the chocolate fondue pot. She pulled it out and pushed it toward Luna's mouth. Unfortunately, her aim proved a bit off as she bumped the alicorn's nose, leaving a small glob of chocolate. Pinkie giggled and snorted as Luna crossed her eyes staring at the chocolate. "Oops! You got a little something on your nose!" Luna smirked at Pinkie and lunged forward, snatching the apple slice off of the skewer. Reaching into the first fondue pot of cheese with her hoof, she scooped up a large glob of it and flung it toward Pinkie. "Hmhmhmhm ha, ha, ha! It looks like you have some on your face as well!" Closing her eyes, Luna leaned back in her chair, satisfied she had won the battle. She didn't sit still very long however, as she felt a hot sticky substance flow down her head and mane. Loud gasps echoed through the restaurant as Luna opened her eyes to Pinkie standing on the table, holding the fondue pot upside down over her head. The audacity of what the pink pony had done was not lost on Luna. She felt her blood boiling as she stared back at Pinkie. That is, until she saw her eyes. It wasn't maliciousness, arrogance, anger, or even ill will that she saw in those eyes. It was innocence, and a touch of mischief. Pinkie just put her trust in Luna by trying to treat her as more than just a royal title. There clearly was only one way to respond. Using her magic, Luna lifted three fondue pots from nearby tables and overturned them over Pinkie's head. “Uh oh…” Pinkie blinked several times as the viscous cheese coated her entire body. Everyone in the restaurant jumped as Pinkie fell onto the table, kicking and laughing. "Hee, hee, hee! That was a good one! My friends thought I was cheesy before! Wait till they see me now!" Luna giggled into her hoof. "Pinkie Pie, I do believe you are what they commonly refer to as, 'a goof'." After paying their bill, the nearby patron’s bills, and leaving a very large tip for cleaning, Pinkie and Luna left the restaurant and walked through the Canterlot streets. Following the street lamps, they got quite a few odd looks, still being coated in cheese. Luckily they were nearing the castle where a hot bath could fix that particular problem. "It's a shame Celie wasn't there with us. I would love to have dumped a pot of cheese on her too," Luna lamented. "Yeah, she doesn't have nearly enough yellow in her mane!" Pinkie agreed, giggling in the process. "Well, we're here. I'll have a guard prepare a bath for you," Luna said, gesturing toward the castle gate. Pinkie shook her head and backed up sheepishly. "No thanks. I'll be fine until I get back to Ponyville. I had a stupenderriffic time tonight." "Wait!" Luna called out to the quickly retreating pony. "I... never told you what I thought about love. Remember?" Pinkie halted in her tracks and turned around. "Don't worry! I think I already know," Pinkie said, giving her a wink. Luna watched as Pinkie trotted off into the night. Smiling across the table, Luna cleared her throat. "What flavor is it this week?" Celestia licked her lips and removed the cloche cover. "Ooooh. Pineapple Upside-Down Cake!" the elder alicorn said gleefully. Luna giggled at her sister's sheer excitement and returned to her own plate of steamed carrots. She lifted a report with her magic which had been left by the night captain about staff changes, reading what she could between bites. "Princess Luna calls for extra cheese, please." Luna looked up from the report and raised her eyebrows. "I beg your pardon?" Igniting her horn, Celestia moved the morning's newspaper across the table where Luna could see. The front page story featured a picture of her and Pinkie Pie in the restaurant, absolutely covered in cheese. "Sounds like you two had quite a bit of fun last night," Celestia said, pulling the paper back. Luna felt a blush spread across her cheeks. "We might have gotten just a little bit carried away." "I'm just glad I wasn't there. I'm certain Pinkie Pie would have targeted me first," Celestia remarked, folding the paper up and putting it to the side. "You have no idea..." Luna awoke to the sound of her chamber doors slamming open. I was just dozing off too! Sitting up in bed, Luna tossed off her covers and reached for her slumber mask. "It's been awhile since I've vaporized anypony. Just let me remove this real quick so I'll know whose name goes on the tombstone." Lifting the mask up, Luna saw an angry Twilight Sparkle holding a newspaper aloft with her magic. "Before you 'vaporize' me, Princess, perhaps you'd like to tell me just what in the hay this is about?" Luna looked down at the paper and the now familiar picture of her and Pinkie covered in cheese. She cut her eyes at Twilight. "Honestly, I don't have to explain myself to anypony, not even you. Since you've gone to the trouble of waking me up just as I was finally asleep, I'll simply say it was a friendship outing between me and Pinkie Pie, and that's all there is to it." Luna put her mask back on and fell back into bed. "Is that how Pinkie Pie sees it?" Luna sighed and sat back up. "I don't know how she sees it. It really doesn't matter how she sees it. Pinkie Pie has been a good friend as of late, and I enjoy spending time with her." Twilight removed Luna's mask with her magic and pushed the paper back toward her. "The ponies at the restaurant certainly think it's more than just friendship, and I'm sure Pinkie Pie does too. This needs to stop!" Growling in frustration, Luna tossed the paper into the air and blasted it with a bolt of magic sending shreds of paper raining down. "Why do you care so much about this, Twilight? Haven't you got anything better to do?' The purple mare stumbled backwards in surprise by Luna's outburst, but pulled herself together. "I do. I have lots of things to do that don't involve defending who you choose to date!" Twilight sighed and began collecting the left over paper with her magic. "Maybe you haven't given this much thought, either." "And just what exactly is that supposed to mean?" Luna asked, cutting a nasty glare at Twilight. "I mean, you have an incredibly long lifespan. Pinkie doesn't. If you two do become close, could you stand to see her grow old? One day she won't be able to bounce and cartwheel everywhere she goes. Would you be ready for that?" Luna slumped back in her bed. A sudden rush of memories came crashing upon her. Names and faces from days gone by assaulted her. She recalled the time she and Celestia played keep away with Starswirl the Bearded's hat. The night when Celestia put superglue on Thunderhoof's hammer and they got put in timeout for an hour. In the end they agreed an hour was worth watching the normally stoic guard lose his cool and smash several statues. Luna also remembered the incident when she fell off of the castle's parapet. She was still young, so she didn't quite have the flight instinct down. Her hoofmaiden at the time, Tenderheart, treated her scrapes and gave her a gentle kiss on the forehead. She watched them die, one by one, leaving a void in her heart each time. It was a void she filled with darkness, and over time it consumed her along with despair. One day, you'll wake up and she won't. It'll be Heartsong all over again. More sleepless nights; more childish anger; more hate and suffering. Raise the moon, do paperwork, lower the moon, eat dinner, sleep, rinse and repeat. There's an unmistakable comfort in routine—a comfort Pinkie Pie tore away when she fell into Luna’s life. In the end, was it really worth it? Was the momentary happiness really worth the inevitable anguish? "You're right," Luna admitted. Twilight's magic faltered while holding the paper shreds, letting them flutter to the ground. "Wait, what?" Luna sighed, running a hoof idly along her comforter. "I couldn't stand to see her... like that, nor do I think I could stand to lose another." “Another?” Twilight looked at her curiously. “Another what?” "Nothing you should concern yourself with. You win, Twilight Sparkle. Pinkie and I will no longer have our excursions. If there's nothing else, I would ask that you leave me to sleep." "Oh, right! Okay. I'll just leave you to it then." Twilight grabbed the shredded paper and dumped it into the trashcan on her way to the door. "Good nigh—" Twilight's eyes flew to the window. "Err, day I guess." Luna said nothing. She simply turned away from the door and pulled the comforter over her head. What in Equestria am I going to tell Pinkie? There was nothing she could say. No excuse would be tight enough to withstand Pinkie's logic. She only had one choice. Push the pony away. > The Darkness Comes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Hey Luna!” It had finally come. The moment Luna had been dreading the entire week had finally arrived. She hated hearing that bubbly voice, didn't want to see that happy smile beaming back at her, and certainly didn't look forward to what she had to do.  "Good evening, Miss Pie," the alicorn muttered, barely above a whisper. Seated at her desk, she kept her eyes focused on the report in front of her, steadily scribbling away on the page. Pinkie giggled and snorted. "Silly! I thought we were past all that Miss and Mister nonsense! Just call me Pinkie! What fun stuff did you have planned for us tonight?" "I have nothing fun planned for us," Luna remarked, keeping her eyes on the report in front of her. Pinkie sidled up to the princess and lightly jabbed her in the side. "Oh! Well, we can do something quiet here at the castle if that's what you want." Luna lowered her quill, turning to stare at Pinkie coldly. "I have no plans. I'm going to sit here quietly and do my paperwork, and you are going back to Ponyville." Pinkie's ears fell flat. "Oh. So maybe next weekend then? I mean, we're still friends, right?" asked the pink pony, her voice losing its usual bubbliness. Luna turned in her seat and narrowed her brow at Pinkie. "Do you take me for a fool? I know what you're playing at. Did you think you would come in and sweep me off of my hooves? I'm not a simple pony who's going to be swayed by your cheap party favors." Pinkie's mane fell flat on her head. "I... I just wanted to help... and you know, get to know you better." Luna laughed in the morose pony's face. "You? Help me? I am your elder by more than a millennium. I don't need help from an airheaded simpleton like you." Pinkie backed up in fear, her eyes filling with tears. "What's going on? Why are you acting like this? You can't be Luna! You must be some kind of evil changeling!" Time to twist the knife. "What's that? Do you think I'm being mean? Allow me to show you what mean is." Luna left her seat and walked up to Pinkie, staring the nervous pony down. "You serve no purpose in this world. Look at me," Luna commanded. She twisted her lips into a smile, waiting for Pinkie's eyes—filled with fear and pain—to connect with her own. "See this smile?" Luna changed it to a hateful scowl. "Smiles mean nothing  in this world. They come and go like the wind." Pinkie shook her head, this time with anger burning in her eyes as she stared back at Luna. "No! You're wrong! Ponies feel better when they smile!" She tried putting on a brave smile in retaliation. Luna lowered her head next to Pinkie's. "Face it. Smiles are just as useless in this world as you are." Pinkie shook her head in disbelief. "No! This isn't who you are! I'm not leaving until I find out what's going on!" I didn't really want to do this... "Smiling didn't stop Crosswind from dying, did it?" Pinkie's mouth fell open, betrayal apparent on her face. Luna clapped her hooves and two guards entered from the balcony. "Guards, Miss Pie and I have nothing left to discuss. Escort her out of the castle immediately," Luna commanded. The guards obediently wrapped a hoof around both of Pinkies forelegs and started dragging her out. Luna averted her gaze as best as she could, but before Pinkie had fully left the room, they locked eyes one last time; tears streamed down Pinkie's cheeks. Luna breathed a sigh of relief as the door slammed shut, and left her desk to stand out on the balcony. Each step she took felt heavier than the last. This is what you wanted. Now you can enjoy your nights as you had before, without interruption. Lying to herself wasn't something Luna enjoyed, and no amount of justification would stop it from being anything other than a lie. She had set herself free... or at least, that was the narrative she had weaved, and yet she felt more imprisoned than ever. Just when she was supposed to be enjoying her freedom, her mind turned to Pinkie. "What's wrong, sister?" Luna looked up from her untouched plate. "Nothing.” "I couldn't help but notice there wasn't a slice of cake today," remarked the elder sister. "I thought I told you not to get used to it," Luna grumbled, pushing her plate away. "I can only assume something happened between you and Pinkie Pie," Celestia reasoned out loud. "That would be a fair assessment," muttered Luna. Celestia speared a pancake with her fork and took a dainty nibble. "I suppose that's why you haven't eaten anything... and why you look guilty." Luna leapt from her chair, slamming her hooves on the table. "We do not look guilty!" Celestia cleared her throat. "You slipped into 'we' again." Since her return, Luna took speech therapy to sound more "modern", but when she lost her cool, her speech usually reverted as well. She stamped her hooves angrily on the table again and pushed her chair away. "I don't have to sit here and take these accusations! I'll be off to my room, thank you very much!" "But you haven't even eaten anything!" Celestia protested, standing up from her chair. "I am not hungry!" Just before stepping out of the dining hall, Luna glanced back one last time to see Celestia's face, filled with worry. All she wanted was to forget about what happened—to get back to her room and think on something else. Luna quickly decided she would apologize to her sister later when everything calmed down. It was three in the afternoon when she got the message to come to Ponyville. One long-distance teleport later, Luna found herself in front of Sugarcube Corner. She bolted past the two guards standing by the doorway and ran for the stairs, doing her best to ignore the crying family huddled in the lobby. Her hooves carried her swiftly down the hall to the door on the left. In Pinkie's room there were several things that simply did not belong, such as the guards and a gurney, but they weren't the first thing to catch her eye. Hanging from a beam above Pinkie's bed was a noose. Luna stumbled backwards when she looked back at the pony-shaped object underneath the sheet on the gurney. No! You foolish... how could you?! "Princess Luna..." She knew that voice very well. The tone, however, was grave. Luna spun around and saw Celestia in the doorway, her eyes burning in barely-contained rage. "She left a note. She said somepony finally showed her how useless she was, how her life meant nothing. I would have words with you." Luna backpedaled in fear. She stumbled into something behind her and heard a loud crash. Looking back, she saw the gurney tipped over, and a lifeless Pinkie Pie lying on the ground. No! Luna charged a spell and disappeared in a flash. She opened her eyes to the cold comfort of her quarters. You've done something terrible, haven't you? Luna's breathing stopped abruptly. She hadn't heard that voice in a long time. It sent chills down her spine. "Go away! I'm not talking to you!" Go away? You fool. I never left! I'll always be here. I'm always waiting for you to slip up. "What do you mean?" Luna asked. You honestly think you're reformed. As if you could be mended overnight. You deluded fool. I can scarcely believe we're the same pony. Luna clapped her hooves over her ears. "I'm nothing like you! You're a spiteful villainous witch!" A spiteful witch born from the darkness in your heart. Funnily enough, there was one pony who knew exactly how to help you. Who was willing to 'put the time in', as they say. Too bad you killed her! "Shut up! Leave me alone!" Luna demanded, covering her ears with her hooves. Luna's senses heightened in an instant. She felt the approach of three alicorns. “Cadance, Twilight, and... my sister.” They're coming for you, Luna. They're here to stop you... to stop us. Luna felt her heart go cold. Her eyes changed, and a surge of power rushed to her horn. Where Luna once stood, a villain had now taken her place, and her lips moved against her wishes. "The darkness has come." Luna felt herself being pushed to the side, making way for the dominant personality. What will they do to us? “Does it matter? We fight.” What if we lose? Nightmare Moon's lips curled into a smile. “Then we return to the darkness. You like it there. Being around these ponies made you soft, made you feel. The darkness will be your home.” Luna cried out as the last vestiges of her will disappeared, swallowed by despair. > Trail of Despair > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "No!" Luna gasped, bolting upright in bed. Her heart pounded inside her chest, like a prisoner slamming itself against its cage. That voice she had dreaded for so long echoed in her mind. She jumped out of her bed and galloped through the door. "Guards," she commanded without looking back, "if my sister asks, I'm off to Ponyville." Running as fast as she could, Luna leapt out of one of the castle's open windows. She flapped her wings to gain altitude and cast a teleportation spell. Bystanders scattered like leaves as Luna appeared in the air in front of Sugarcube Corner and landed, skidding to a halt. Ignoring the surprised looks of the ponies around her, she marched into the sweet shop. "Good afternoon. Welcome to Sugarcub— oh my!" A motherly pony from behind the counter stepped out and bowed. "Princess Luna! We had no idea you would be visiting!" "You are Mrs. Cake, I assume. I apologize, but I am in a hurry. I must speak with Pinkie Pie." Mrs. Cake's face fell. "I'm sorry, but I don't know where she is. She left here earlier without a word. The poor dear was quite upset. I don't know where she went." Luna turned and walked out without another word. Though Ponyville was a small town, it was still positively huge if you were trying to find one pony. I guess I have no choice. Luna closed her eyes and let her senses awaken. There were many conflicting emotions battering around in a town like this, but she was soon able to untangle them. She quickly found a trail of depression. She jumped to her hooves and followed it. Twisting and turning, the scent led her through back alleys and tight spots she could barely squeeze through. She didn't want anypony else to see her… or perhaps she didn't want to see anypony else. Luna galloped away from town, past the outskirts of Ponyville. The plains gave way to tall grass, and soon, trees as she followed the scent into Whitetail Woods. No other scents with her. She must be alone. I have to find her, quickly! She flapped her wings and left the ground, hoping she could cover the distance quicker. Putting her flight skills to the test, she zigzagged through the trees and foliage. The scent got stronger and she flew even faster, disregarding her own safety. There she is!  The trees grew further apart, allowing Luna to see through them. She gasped when she saw Pinkie sitting on the edge of a cliff. She slammed her hooves into the ground and skidded to a halt. "Pinkie Pie! You musn't!" she cried out. Deep ruts of dirt formed where Luna's hooves had dragged through the soil. Pinkie turned slowly. Her hair lay flat, and her face lacked the smile that made her the mare everypony knew and loved. "What are you doing here?" Pinkie asked, her voice flat—lacking the spark she normally had. "Pinkie, don't do it!" Luna pleaded. Pinkie stared at Luna quizzically, and then turned her head to face the rocky cliff in front of her. Her eyes widened, and her mouth twisted in disgust. "You think I would... over you? Hah! You're not worth it! You're just a... a snobby princess! I have rocks I care about more than you!" Luna recoiled at Pinkie's outburst. Okay, I probably had that coming. "I'm sorry, Pinkie. I had a dream—no, a nightmare—where you had... taken your own life. I fell to the darkness in my heart. I thought I had lost you," Luna said as she approached Pinkie and lay a hoof upon her shoulder. "Go away!" Luna flinched as the pink mare lashed out, striking her hoof away. "I'm useless! You said it yourself! Everypony else has special talents that actually mean something! Not me! Not old Pinkie Pie! Applejack grows food, Twilight studies magic and saves the world, Rainbow Dash makes the weather. I just make ponies smile. You can't eat a smile, It doesn't save the world, it can't control the weather. I might as well not even exist. Who needs a dumb party pony anyw—" "Stop it!" Luna grabbed Pinkie by the shoulders, forcing her eyes open in shock. Seeing that she finally had Pinkie's attention, Luna drew a heavy breath. "There has been much pain and suffering in my life, but to this day the times that meant the most were when Celestia and I were smiling. So many ponies rely on smiling to get by in life, even when their life is coming to an end, like... like Crosswind." Pinkie stared at her. So many emotions played on the mare's face, the most prominent being hope. "Then... why did you say that stuff? Why did you want me to go away?" Luna hung her head. "I realized why you had spent so much time with me. My thoughts soon turned to you more often than I care to admit. I was told having such a relationship would be wrong. Most importantly, I was scared." Pinkie raised her hoof to Luna's side. "Scared? What do you mean?" The last barrier had fallen. Luna gathered her courage to find the words she had never given to anypony else. "I hate being around other ponies." Pinkie's ears flattened on top of her head. "But... why?" "I have been alone for a very long time,” Luna admitted. "It's easier to just be by myself. I'm always afraid when I'm with other ponies. What if I say the wrong thing? What will they think of me? Do they still see me as a horrible monster that eats other ponies? I simply don't know. Given how I've handled our relationship, I believe it's true." Luna lowered her head and closed her eyes. “That’s not true!” Luna lifted her head and met the pink pony’s fierce gaze. “Nopony thinks you’re a monster. We danced with you at parties. The foals at the hospital didn’t think you were a monster! You're a princess. Everypony loves you!" "Maybe I'm tired of being a princess," Luna fired back. "Ponies only like me because I am royalty. As if such a word gilded everything in gold. Truth be told, that's why I enjoyed our time together." Pinkie stared at her curiously. "I mean to say, you don't treat me like a princess. You don't bow down like a dog. You dare to touch or hug me without asking permission first. You see me as I am: a pony." Pinkie sat down on the grass, idly scratching the ground, perhaps out of nervousness, or maybe just to occupy herself. "I don't think anypony should be treated like their job. I wouldn't like it if somepony treated me like a cake, or a streamer." Luna sat down in front of Pinkie, attracting the pony's wary gaze. "I have been advised repeatedly that this is not perhaps the best idea, but I would continue to see you, if you wish. Maybe in a more romantic capacity." Pinkie's eyes shifted away. "I don't know. You said a lot of mean things last night. I thought..." tears filled Pinkie's eyes, "I thought I was useless." Luna slowly lifted her head. "You're not useless. I could think of no other way to make you leave. Truth be told, I didn't try. I thought to send you away and never think of you again. I grossly underestimated how impossible that would be.  When I dreamt of your passing, I fell to the darkness in my heart once again.” Luna extended her hoof toward the pink pony. "It's time I stopped hiding in the darkness, and I know you're just the pony to guide me."   Pinkie looked at Luna's hoof, her expression unreadable. "I know I'm not smart like my friends are. Sometimes I sit down and concentrate really really hard and just end up daydreaming... but I need some time to think." Luna watched in shock as Pinkie turned away and sat down at the edge of the cliff. She stared at her hoof, still outstretched, and slowly pulled it back. 'No' wasn't a word Luna was accustomed to hearing, and yet, that's exactly what Pinkie said by turning her back. Pinkie's willingness to treat her like any other pony was the one thing Luna enjoyed the most of her recent companion. And now it was the trait which hurt her the most. Unfurling her wings, Luna turned and took to the sky. While it would have been a simple matter to teleport back to the castle, the evening air flowing through her mane gave her a calming sensation. Seeing Pinkie alive and well eased her anguish, but her heart still felt like a lead weight. > Jolity Forever Shown, Path of Joy, So Few Have Known > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Should I send the salad back to the kitchen, Your Highness?" Luna looked up from her plate at the hoofmaiden hovering over her. Gingerly, she pushed it away and sighed. "Yes, please. Offer an apology to the chef on my behalf as well." The hoofmaiden nodded, gave her a sympathetic smile, and removed the plate. Luna turned and stared out the windows at the early morning sun. "I assume things are still not well between you and Pinkie Pie," Celestia said. Luna frowned, but kept her eyes on the window. "Am I really that easy to read?" Celestia nodded, eyes closed and head held high in a stoic manner. "No... no they're not." Luna's head hit the dining table. "As ridiculous as it sounds, I have begun to lose sleep over this." "I don't think it sounds ridiculous at all," Celestia stated, pushing her empty plate to the side. “These last few weeks showed a remarkable change in you. To be truthful, I was quite happy to see you so... so lively." Luna held her hoof up above the table. "Indeed. As we both know all too well though, I found a way to mess it up." She whistled, and her hoof slowly came crashing down upon the table as she mimicked the sounds of an explosion with her mouth. "There’s really no need for dramatics. Nopony's perfect. Remember when I reprimanded Twilight for trying to point out the false Cadence's behavior?" Celestia asked, wiping her mouth with a napkin. "Peh. A mere bump in the road for a perfectionist like you. Now I, on the other hoof… I know how to royally screw something up." "I think you're being a bit too hard on yourself.” Celestia raised an eyebrow curiously. “How exactly did you end up driving Pinkie away?" Luna started tracing circles on the table with her hoof. "It wasn't hard, really. I just said that smiles were useless." "Oh... I see..." "And that she was useless..." "Anything else?" Luna covered her face with her hooves. "I had the guards drag her out." Celestia whistled. "You don't do anything half-way, do you?" "No," came the muffled reply. “You did offer an apology…” Celestia leaned across the table, narrowing her eyes at her sister. “didn't you?” Luna nodded and lifted her head from the table. "She said she needed time to think. Can you believe it? She's making me—a princess—wait!" Celestia chuckled. "I thought you would have learned by now that titles are meaningless to her." "Sister," Luna began, clutching her chest, "I think my heart hurts." Celestia disappeared in a wink. Luna sat up and looked all over the room to see where she had gone. A bright flash from her left and a soft hoof upon her shoulder gave away the answer. "Come, little sister. I have procured us a bucket of cookie dough from the kitchen. I decree that we shall go to my quarters and demolish it together," Celestia announced, holding her hoof out in dramatic form. Luna rolled her eyes. "It always goes back to dessert with you, doesn't it?" Celestia lightly bonked Luna over the head with a wooden spoon. "Hey! Enough chit chat! Are you coming or not?" Luna snatched a nearby spoon with her magic, as well. "Can't let you eat all of that by yourself. The tabloids would start calling you the Roly Poly Princess." Much of Luna's week had been spent moping around the castle. She kept busy when she could, but oftentimes her mind would wander back to Pinkie Pie. The weekend had finally come. Luna eagerly awaited what would surely be a quick exchange of apologies, and then another adventure. The minutes ticked by, soon turning to hours. Having already finished her reports, she switched to crossword puzzles... which quickly devolved into nervous pacing around her quarters. With each hour that passed, so too did Luna's optimism. She couldn't recall exactly when she had decided to lie down. In truth, she didn't even feel the slightest bit tired. She simply lay there, staring blankly at the ceiling. This is nonsense. I've not really gotten to know her. I shouldn't be afflicted like this! Tossing and turning, Luna couldn't seem to find a sweet spot that would let her rest. The heart doesn't need to make sense. That's not it's job, an old voice echoed in her head. Long ago, when she and Celestia ruled together without a thousand years keeping them apart, Luna confided in her sister about a relationship she had with a mare working in the castle. She was a simple earth pony, gifted in the ways of gardening and song. Luna often stared at her from a courtyard window, offering the occasional smile. The two of them hit it off, and they quickly became good friends. As time went on, their friendship started to blossom into something… more. Luna wrestled with herself, trying to untangle her own emotions but finding that it became harder the more she struggled. In her mind, being in a position of royalty, becoming romantically involved with one of her own subjects could hardly be considered appropriate. "It doesn't make sense!" was Luna's objection to Celestia. "She's just an earth pony, and I'm a princess!" Her sister had laughed. Not the usual reserved laughter, which she saved for nobles and the like, but a more casual, filly-like chuckle that had always slightly irritated Luna. "The heart doesn't need to make sense. That's not it's job." Luna stewed on her sister’s words, mulling them over in her head. "Lulu, are you alright?" Upon hearing Celestia’s voice, Luna slowly sat up in bed, letting the memories fade. "I'm fine. Why do you ask?" Celestia pointed her hoof toward the open window. "Oh, ponyfeathers!" Luna exclaimed. She focused on the moon and lit her horn, demanding it give way for the sun. "She didn't come tonight, I assume." Luna shook her head. Celestia crossed the room in two elegant strides and pulled her sister into a hug. "Give her time. It's not like we're going anywhere." Luna smiled a fragile smile and looked up at her sister. "Here, I brought you a glass of milk. I thought it might help you sleep," Celestia said. "You know milk doesn't actually help ponies fall asleep, right?" "This one will," Celestia said, exuding an air of confidence. Luna rolled her eyes, tipped the glass back, and took a few sips. "Before all of this, I had never heard of fondue; I didn't realize ponies volunteered at hospitals, brightening the days of sick foals; I certainly had no clue that ponies packed themselves into a building and danced until morning," Luna said, leaning into her sister's broad and strong side. "There are many things you have yet to experience. That's why I hated seeing you cooped up in the castle for so long—never leaving your room, always writing reports or fiddling with your telescope," Celestia rattled off. "Ugh, is this going to turn into a lecture?" Luna asked, covering her face with her hooves. "No, no lectures," Celestia giggled. "I just wish to see you live life a bit more." "I understa—" Luna's words were interrupted by a mighty yawn. Suddenly, she felt a little dizzy and decided to lay down. "Why am I so... sleepy all... of a sudden?" Luna asked, slurring her words quite a bit. Celestia stood up and pulled out a green leaf with blue tips. "It's called 'Luna's Yawn', and it's another wonder of this world you have yet to experience... until now, of course." Luna's eyelids drooped lower and lower, until they softly shut. "Get you back... for this..." she mumbled, as the world slowly faded away. Luna stood up against her own volition. Once again, she found herself in a dream. Given the events of the past two weeks, it wasn't hard to tell whose dream it belonged to. Hmmm. I wonder... Focusing on her form, she melted into the floor. In a split second, she reshaped herself back into usual self.    So, I'm not stuck this time. I should probably see why I was summoned here before leaving. With a spark of the horn and nary a second thought, she teleported herself to what should have been the host of the dream. Instead, she found herself in darkness. The murky nothingness was so thick, she couldn't see her own hoof in front of her face. Even igniting her horn caused no change in the darkness. "Hello? Is anypony there?" she called out as she stepped forward through the fog. From behind her, a light started to glow. She turned, hoping to find its source. What in Equestria? Before her were three rooms floating in the darkness, and inside each one, a small pink filly with straight hair. Despite being the same pony in each room, their faces told very different stories. Three scenes. Three Pinkie Pies. Three emotions. Knowing her task, she stepped toward the room to her left. The distance between her and the room seemed to lengthen until finally the entire world disappeared in a brilliant flash of white. When Luna opened her eyes, she realized she was now inside the scene. It was a classroom with all the trappings necessary to teach young foals. Several small wood grain desks lined the room. Bookcases and posters covered some of the walls, and on the opposite side, a window where the sun shined through. None of this however, was as prominent as the angry filly sitting by the corner with her hooves crossed. Luna had never been great with children, but it wasn't by choice. She had always wanted to be a mentor to younger ponies. Doing so is a bit difficult though when you are, for all intents and purposes, a literal bogeyman. "Hello there, little one. What's your name?" Luna asked as she approached the filly. "My name's Pinkamena, and I'm mad!" the tiny pony squeaked out. It took every ounce of willpower for Luna not to laugh or smile at the very non-threatening filly. "Pinkamena? That's a pretty name. You’re mad? Is there something the matter?" Luna asked. The little filly nodded furiously. "You bet there is! Two jerks called me names during recess and pushed me into the mud. All because I'm pink instead of gray like the other rock farmers around here! I'll get them back somehow!" Ahhh, I see. Pinkamena has been shattered. The anger here represents the anger she feels toward me and my callous actions.  I suppose I inflicted more harm than I intended. Knowing what she had to do, Luna walked to the angry little pony's side and sat down next to her. "I see. I don't think you should do that at all." Pinkamena stared at her suspiciously. "Why not? You're not trying to trick me, are you?" Luna shook her head. "No. Not at all. You see, Pinkamena, anger is like fire. You can put it out, or you can make it grow. Sure, making them pay might make you happy in the short term, but in the end, all you're doing is spreading anger and hate. Do you feel good right now?" Pinkamena shifted nervously and shook her head. "No. I feel bad. It hurts." "Exactly. Spreading anger and hate feels good at first, but in the end, it just feels bad because you have to be angry to spread anger." "So... what should I do?" the filly asked, tilting her head in confusion. "Spread happiness instead. Try to make everyone happy." Pinkamena looked up hesitantly. "Even to jerk ponies who don't deserve it?" Letting out a small giggle, Luna draped a wing over the little filly. "Especially to jerk ponies who don't deserve it. It might put out the anger in their hearts, too." Pinkamena's frown softened, and soon formed a thin line. "Okay... I'll try." Luna stood up against her will. Turning away from the filly, she walked to the opposite side of the room until it faded into darkness. Once again she turned around only to find that the leftmost scene had vanished. Now only two remained. Wasting no time, she walked to the middle scene until it stretched out once again. Once the flash of light vanished, she found herself in Sugarcube Corner—the lobby, to be specific. Luna approached the sobbing filly sitting in the middle of the room. "Hello there, little one. What's your name?" The little filly tried her best to stop sobbing long enough to answer. Gently rubbing her eyes with her tiny hooves she looked up at Luna. "M-my name is—hic—Pinkamena,” she stuttered, hiccuping through her words. Luna knelt down in front of the filly and tried her best motherly voice. "So tell me, Pinkamena, why are you crying?" Pinkamena started again, this time a little softer. "I told everypony I was going to throw a party for them, and they all said yes, but nopony came!" Rejection. That is the curse I have stricken this one with. Luna sat down next to Pinkamena and lay a wing over her back. "Sometimes, Pinkamena, ponies say or do things which aren't very nice. That doesn't necessarily make them a bad pony. Sometimes... we all make mistakes," Luna said with a twinge of guilt. "Bu-but how will I know if they're good ponies or not?" Luna knelt closer to the filly and stroked her mane. "Trust in yourself to know the difference in real friends and fake friends. Real friends should be forgiven. Fake friends should avoided." Pinkamena's crying slowed."O-okay..." Luna smiled at the filly. "In the meantime, it seems since nopony showed up, you have these cakes and pies all to yourself." Pinkamena managed a smile and a giggle. "I guess you're right. Do you wanna stay?" The alicorn shook her head. "I would love to, but I have to help another little pony much like you." Pinkamena nodded. "Okay. Good luck!" Once again, Luna stood up and walked to the back of the room as darkness took hold. Turning around once more, she saw the final scene. Anxious to repair the damage she had caused, Luna turned and walked into the room as white enveloped her. Another room, another Pinkamena. It was clearly a bedroom, given away by the large bed in the middle with a balloon engraved on the headboard. She could see little else except a wardrobe and a nightstand with a lamp on it, thanks to the nearly pitch black room. Slowly she walked over to the bed and saw a small pink filly lying under the covers. Her mane was straight and her mouth formed a frown. "Hello, little one. What's your name?" "Pinkamena," the pony answered lifelessly. "Is there something wrong, Pinkamena?" Luna asked. The filly turned over, away from Luna. "I don't want to live anymore." Luna's eyes widened and she gasped out loud. "But... why not?" Pinkamena sighed and turned back to face the alicorn. "Because I'm worthless. I don't do anything. I don't have a talent like other ponies. I just throw useless parties." Despair. I had hoped to have alleviated this one with our last conversation. Looking at the lifeless pony lying in bed brought a tear to Luna's eye. "Parties aren't useless, and neither are you." Pinkamena turned in her bed again. "You seem like a nice enough pony, but you're wasting your breath. I'm just a worthless party animal, and it's all I'll ever be." Luna pursed her lips in frustration. Nothing is ever easy with her, is it? Words weren't enough the last time she saw Pinkie Pie, and it was clear they wouldn't be enough here. She had to find some way to show the filly what she meant. Glancing around the room, she couldn't spy much of anything that would help make it clear to Pinkamena. She continued scanning the room until her eyes rested upon a window. Ah-hah! Looking back at the bed, Luna flared up her horn and plucked Pinkamena from it. She expected a struggle, but received none. The filly sat limply in Luna's magical grasp as she trotted to the window. Slowly, Luna lowered the pony to the floor. Pinkamena made no attempt to run or even move. She was content to sit there and stare sadly at Luna. "Why did you pull me out of bed?" Luna threw open the curtains, letting the moonlight pour into the dark room. "Tell me, what do you see?" Pinkamena rolled her eyes. "The moon, duh." Shaking her head, Luna pointed out the window. "What else do you see?" Biting her lip, Pinkamena stared out once more. "The stars?" Luna nodded. "Exactly. Now, follow my hoof carefully." Slowly, and with expert precision, Luna moved her hoof across the night sky until it rested upon one star in particular. "This one. What is different about this star?" "Ummm..." Pinkamena stared at the star closely, her eyes twinkling in the moonlight. "It looks brighter." Nodding her head, Luna smiled at the filly. "Exactly. This star is actually the brightest one in the sky. Seaponies, explorers, griffons, any number of creatures who might find themselves lost know about this star. It's very important, because they know this star always leads north. Pinkamena, you are this star." "Huh?" "Your spirit, your happiness, your cheerfulness, it's a light that others look to when times seem their darkest." Luna placed a hoof on Pinkamena's back, edging her closer to the window. "When ponies are down, when they have a bad day, or maybe when they just feel bored, you act as a guiding light for them. Pinkamena, you are their brightest star. It's a big responsibility, and not one somepony would take lightly, but it's the one you were destined for." Luna reached down with a hoof and slowly pulled the filly's head until their eyes met. "Always shine, Pinkamena. Everyone is counting on you, even if they know it or not." The little filly stared at her in reverence. A small thin smile graced her lips and bright blue eyes twinkled in the moonlight. Once more did Luna stand to leave. As the room faded, this time it went white, her hooves making no sound upon the stark floor. "Thank you, Your Highness." The familiar voice called out from behind Luna. She turned and saw Pinkamena once more, this time a full grown mare once again, standing in what appeared to be a sanctuary of sorts. Gilded tapestries hung from the walls and pews lined the room from front to back. "I'm... sorry I hurt you like that," Luna said. The pink mare stepped forward, still wearing the blindfold from the first time they met. "I... no, we would have healed over time, but your efforts have greatly expedited the process. At least now, I can help Pinkie again." Having said her peace, Pinkamena walked to a nearby pew and sat down. Luna watched patiently as the pony started humming a soothing melody. The alicorn's eyes wandered around the room. She had seen a sanctuary like this before once or twice. "Where am I?" Pinkamena abruptly stopped her humming. "This is the spirit cradle. Pinkie's essence lies behind the doors to the front." The spirit cradle. Of course. There wouldn't be many barriers right now, given her vulnerable state. "Are you going to see it?" Pinkamena asked.   Luna bit the inside of her cheek. When she was first learning about dreams, Starswirl cautioned her not to approach a pony's spirit. Despite the wizened pony's advice, Luna had, on a few occasions, observed a few. She took a few hesitant steps to the door.  Relax, Luna. You've done this before. Her self assurances were hollow in the fact the Pinkie was an Element of Harmony. Each time she had seen a spirit, it had been quite an experience. With a spirit as strong as Pinkie or her friends, it might be dangerous. Giving one last look to Pinkamena behind her, Luna turned and pulled the heavy double doors open, revealing a light brighter than any she had seen before. The light faded from view and darkness took hold once again. Amidst the blackness stood out a colorful pink. In the middle of the room, held aloft in a sphere of energy, Luna saw a pink shadow. Approaching the sphere, she found it hard to keep moving. It felt like a fire which burned too hot, holding her at bay. Unlike a fire, the sensation holding her back was not pain. It was, instead, a power the likes of which she had never felt before. A nova of energy exploded outward from the orb without warning. The sheer power and suddenness of the energy blast threw Luna back on her hind legs. Summoning all of her strength, she held fast through the barrage and planted her hooves back onto the floor. Her stomach lurched and her head swam while she tried to regain her focus. Perhaps this wasn't a good idea, after all... Another nova fired from the sphere. Luna leaned forward, anticipating the blast. Right before impact, Luna felt something call out to her. It wasn't a voice; there were no words. Luna simply felt the plea. The ring of energy hit her again. Her mane flew about wildly and her knees buckled, but she remained steadfast. The blast simply wasn't as powerful as before. "Wha-what?" The plea came again. Her ears swiveled as she tried to understand what was being asked of her. "Let go?" Another ring of energy fired from the sphere. This time, Luna focused on the plea. As the shockwave closed in, she clamped her eyes shut and placed her trust into Pinkie. Judging where it was when she shut them, Luna knew when the nova would hit. Three… Two… One. Fighting the urge to brace herself, Luna gritted her teeth instead. But the blast never came. Opening her eyes, she realized that the shockwave had already passed. The sphere dimmed slightly, and the erratic pulsing slowed. Step by step, Luna approached the sphere. With each pulse, she felt an odd sensation. With each step, her fear dwindled. Layer by layer, she felt her personality strip away. Her doubts, the paranoia she had regarding other ponies, the latent feelings of resentment, they all sloughed off like broken armor. Luna came to a halt within hoof’s reach of the sphere. Some part of her—the last rational voice she had left—warned her she may never come back from this. At this point, however, that voice was but a whisper. Observing a spirit and touching them are two completely different beasts, yet she had ceased caring. Slowly, she raised her hoof and touched the sphere. I was born a vibrant speck of pink Among the dismal gray, Hoping for a smile, Praying for the day Joy would come my way With a small yawn, Luna's eyes fluttered open. Surrounded by warmth, she couldn't help but smile. The soothing lullaby being caused her to shiver in delight. It slowly dawned on her that she was quite small. A fact made clear by the large pony holding her gently in their hooves. She raised her eyes until they met with her caretaker. Pinkamena. A scant few minutes ago, Luna helped put the broken guardian back together, and now she herself lay nestled in those gentle hooves. Raising a hoof toward Pinkamena's face, Luna realized it belonged not to a full grown mare, but to a foal. Looking down, she finally noticed that she had, in fact, been transformed into a foal—something that would have bothered her in any other situation. At this moment, however, she was content to simply enjoy the experience. Well, she was, until she noticed her own swishing tail. She studied its movements, watching it sway left, then right, and then left again. Quickly, she snagged it and dragged it into her mouth, chewing on it contentedly. Sitting in Pinkamena's embrace and listening to her gentle humming made her feel safe… protected. All of the barriers which had been erected over the years were gone, leaving Luna at her most vulnerable. And yet, she had never felt safer in her entire life. Letting out another, smaller yawn, Luna felt her eyelids droop as Pinkamena continued her song. Through the haze of comfort and joy, Luna thought the song sounded very similar to the one Pinkamena hummed in their previous encounter. The last thing she felt was a gentle hoof stroking her head as sleep overcame her. "Wake up, little sister..." Feelings of comfort and joy echoed in Luna's mind as her eyelids slowly rose. Celestia sat at the foot of her bed, bearing a serene smile. "Good morning, big sister." "Evening," Celestia corrected her. "I didn't really want to wake you, but sundown is coming soon. You seemed like you were having a wonderful dream." Realizing she was still wearing a dumb grin, Luna blushed. "Oh by the stars, sister, it was absolutely wonderful. She let me touch her spirit." Celestia's eyes widened in shock. "But I thought Starswirl said never to do that!" Luna nodded. "He did, and I know why. It was... powerful. Stronger than any spirit I've ever encountered. It sheared away every vestige of my personality until naught was left but a foal. She cradled me, protected me. It felt like true freedom." "I see. That does sound wonderful. I hate that I had to wake you." Celesta looked out the window at the lowering sun. "Do you think she will forgive you?" "She already has." Still overwhelmed by the experience in her dream, Luna reached over and pulled her sister close, wrapping the elder alicorn into a hug. "It's been awhile since we've had time to ourselves, away from our responsibilities. I never seem to have time to say how much I love you, big sister. Thank you for watching over me since my return to Equestria." Luna's heart fell as Celestia looked away. "Sister, what's wrong?" Tears started down her sister’s face as a small sob escaped her lips. "How can you say that after I sent you away for so long?" Luna reached out and pulled her sister's head back. "Because you had to do it, and let’s be fair here: I was no longer in control. You held the rule of Equestria for a thousand years in my absence and still welcomed me back. That is why I can say how much I love and admire you." A smile broke through the tears as Celestia hugged her sister back. "I love you too." > Sugar Rush > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Though she was quite sure Pinkie had forgiven her, Luna spent the rest of her week worrying. Despite the wonderful experience she had in touching Pinkie's very essence, it did little to change the fact that their relationship was still in jeopardy. The biting loneliness and guilt forced her to seek out Celestia more often than usual to keep herself occupied. "Ummm... Hi." It was barely four in the afternoon and Luna had just awoken from her slumber not even an hour ago. Turning in her seat, she saw Pinkie Pie standing in her room. The pink pony's smile did not shine as bright it usually would, and her voice was much quieter. With nothing terribly poetic to say, Luna decided to stick with the basics. "Hi." Silence built between them as they stared at each other awkwardly. "Am I Miss Pie, or am I Pinkie Pie? I don't really want to be Miss Pie anymore..." Luna stepped out of her chair and gently nuzzled the skittish pony. "You needn't worry. You're Pinkie Pie." The pink pony's smile widened as she leaned into the affectionate gesture. I expected you later tonight, to be honest. I suppose you wanted to do something during the daylight hours? Pinkie swayed left and right, wearing a coy smile. "You could say that..." "My... word." Staring in disbelief, Luna couldn't quite comprehend where Pinkie had taken her. Of course she had seen candy before, especially on Nightmare Night, but she had never been to an actual candy shop. Pastel colors seemed to jump from every nook and cranny of the store. The walls were dotted with brightly colored polka dots and mostly obscured by shelves and racks of candy and toys. On a nearby pegboard hung plush toys of famous figures, such as the Wonderbolts and Sapphire Shores, or Princess Celestia and… herself. Grabbing the toy with her magic, she stared at the effigy of herself. It had a mane made of shimmering blue and glittery fabric, and two buttons for eyes. Cute… I guess. The pony working the counter seemed quite flustered. Anytime her guests looked away, she would try and fix her hair, or straighten her tail. "It's really quite the honor to have you here, Your Majesty," the cream-colored mare managed to spit out. "Don't worry, Bon Bon! She's not here on official business. We're just here for candy! Speaking of..." Luna jumped as Pinkie appeared next to her almost instantaneously. "...find anything you like?" Luna brushed off the shock and looked toward a row of clear boxes, filled with what looked like colored pebbles. "What exactly are these?" "Grape, lemon, orange, blueberry, strawberry, raspberry, sarsaparilla, and lemon lime flavored jelly beans," Pinkie explained, pointing to each canister. Luna's eyes narrowed suspiciously. "Wait, did you say sarsaparilla? How in Equestria do you make a jelly bean taste like sarsaparilla?" "I dunno, but they totally dooo!" Pinkie exclaimed, bouncing in place. Luna turned to Bon Bon. "We must have some of these immediately!" "Ummm, the bag is right next to the canisters," Bon Bon said.  Luna stared at her for a moment until her eyes rested on the roll of plastic bags. Swiping one with her magic, she opened it and stared at the wall of candy. "So we just pick what we want?" Nodding furiously, Pinkie began scooping up large quantities of gumballs and jelly beans. "Yup! She weighs everything and then charges based on how heavy it is." "I usually weigh Pinkie when she comes in the door and just weigh her again before she leaves, but she's been remarkably well-behaved lately," Bon Bon explained. "A sound business decision," Luna agreed, having seen Pinkie's lack of self control first-hand. Pinkie took off like a rocket, appearing next to Bon Bon at the counter. "Oooh! Did you get any energy drinks in?" she asked, wagging her tongue. "Sure did," Bon Bon said, reaching under the counter and pulling out six cans. "Didn't get many, though, so they won't last lon—" "We'll take ‘em!" Pinkie proclaimed, grabbing them all and dropping them in her bag. Luna turned, scooped one out, and looked at the label. "'Face Punch Energy'. Why would we want to drink something that wishes to threaten us?" Pinkie chuckled and seized the can back from Luna’s grasp. "It just means it's powerful stuff! You'll see." After leaving the candy shop, Pinkie practically dragged Luna to Sweet Apple Acres, where they planned to share their bounty with Applejack and Apple Bloom. Unfortunately, they were nowhere to be found, not even by the lake where they would normally retreat to on such a hot day. Not wanting to wait a minute longer, they plopped down beneath the shade of a nearby apple tree and began rummaging through their haul, with only the gentle sound of the lake and each other for company.   "Okay, drink time!" Pinkie announced. Pulling out the energy drinks, she hoofed one off to Luna. "I'm not so sure about this..." Pinkie popped the top off her can. "Don't be such a baby. It's totally fine!" Luna's eyes burned at Pinkie's statement. She stared at her companion with ferocity and determination. "We are not a baby! We'll show you!" Both ponies drank deeply of their beverage. For Luna, it was once again unlike anything she had experienced. The drink had the pleasant fizziness of a soda, but had a kick she was quite unfamiliar with. "That is quite strong," Luna noted, smacking her lips. "Yup! It's Face Punch Energy! Wa-pow!" Pinkie exclaimed, punching the air emphatically. "Are you sure it's safe for us to partake in this after having so many sweets, as well?" Luna asked suspiciously. "Psh, of course it is! I mean, what's the worst that could happen? We get a little excited. Big deal." "If you say so..." the princess responded hesitantly, tilting the can back for another sip. "PINKIE PIE! I FEEL LIKE I COULD STRANGLE AN URSA WITH MY BARE HOOVES!" Pinkie paid little attention to Luna’s proclamation, as she was busy jumping from limb to limb in an apple tree to reach the very top. "Wheee! We should do something like fight crime, or build a boat, or fly to Canterlot, or enter a race, or run for benevolent dictator of the world!" Luna giggled with a tiny modicum of self-awareness. "I don't think that's an open position! We simply must do something though!" Pinkie, having reached the top of the tree, struck a pose. "Idea!" The pink pony jumped off the tree and did a cannonball into the lake, splashing water everywhere and soaking Luna. "We should go pranking!" Pinkie screamed as she burst through the surface of the lake. Wiping the wet hair out of her face, Luna fired her horn at Pinkie, lifting her out of the lake with magic. "Pranks! Of course! That will be most enjoyable! Come, Pink Menace, our pranking awaits!" Slowpoke was a pony who had a certain reputation. Apart from being an older pony, he was insufferable. He was the kind of pony who would criticize every little detail of anything he came across, including gifts. He was also rude, and a bit of slob. Pinkie didn't like him because he didn't give out treats on Nightmare Night, and that, in her mind, was unforgivable. Who in their right mind could refuse to give innocent little foals candy one night of the year, to say nothing of giving her candy? At this particular moment, however, Pinkie stared at him intently from the safety of a nearby bush. Slowpoke considered himself to be the best fisherpony in all of Equestria. Today, like most days, Slowpoke sat at the end of a pier, his line cast into one of the biggest lakes in White Tail Woods. Pinkie's ears twitched at the sound of a gentle disturbance of the water. Slowpoke, much like his namesake, lifted his pole with as little effort as possible. With a quick jerk of the pole, he started reeling in the line. Suddenly, the rod went taut, nearly dragging him off the pier. "Woah!" Slowpoke cried out. He finally sat up, taking the prospective catch seriously. "This... this thing must be huge! It must be Del Lago! The legendary fish of White Tail Woods!" Pinkie snickered to herself from her hiding place as the unpleasant pony reeled in his catch. Another strong tug nearly dragged the older pony into the water. "Oh no you don't! Wait till the other ponies see you! They won't laugh at me any more!" Slowpoke put all of his considerable weight into one last pull. A striking figure of blue emerged from the water forcefully, glimmering in the evening sun. "HOW DARE YOU INTERRUPT OUR SCUBA DIVING SESSION?!" Slowpoke stared at the lunar princess clinging to his line in disbelief. "I-I'm sorry, P-Princess! I wa-was just doing some fishing and I—" "YOU WHAT? YOU THOUGHT TO MAKE A FOOL OF US?!" Slowpoke screamed and let go of his rod, dropping the princess back into the water. Pinkie fell to the ground, kicking her legs in laughter as he ran away faster than she'd ever seen him move before. Luna emerged from the water once again, dripping wet and smiling mischievously. . "AND BUY SOME CANDY FOR NIGHTMARE NIGHT THIS YEAR, YOU LOUSY DEGENERATE!" Pinkie rose to her hooves slowly, still caught in the midst of a massive laughing fit. "Oh my gosh! Did you see him run? He was like, whoosh!" Luna chuckled heartily, shaking the excess water out of her mane. "I'm glad he has a strong heart. I thought he would keel over on the spot." "You are a natural prankster, my dear princess," Pinkie said. "And you are a natural goof!" Luna replied, giving Pinkie's hoof a bump. After a solid five hours of pranking and rabble-rousing, Pinkie and Luna stumbled back into the princesses’ private chambers. "Ugh, now I see why you referred to it as a crash," Luna said, standing on her hooves shakily. "Yeah, it's not fun at all," Pinkie commiserated through a yawn. Placing a hoof on the bed, Luna steadied herself. "I believe we should call it a night." Pinkie nodded in agreement. "Yeah… but before I go, I have something for you." The pink mare pulled out the bag of leftover candy. "More candy? I don't think I could eat anymore right now,” the alicorn said, letting her tongue droop from her mouth. "Not for now… for later. You seemed to really like the jelly beans." Luna smiled. The fact that Pinkie had managed to save some candy for her showed an incredible amount of restraint from the otherwise unruly party pony.   "Alright, I'm heading back to Ponyville,” Pinkie announced through tired and slurred speech. Luna stared as she stumbled to the door. "Please, wait." Pinkie's ears pivoted, and her legs locked up. "Huh?" "I don't think you should go home. You could stay here with me tonight... if you’d like." A spark ignited in Pinkie's eyes. "Really?" Luna hopped into her bed and gave it a pat. "Sure, I can't exactly let you walk home in your condition." A tired grin graced Pinkie's face. She trudged over to the bed, stumbling like a newborn filly. Gently, she placed her front hooves on the bed and hopped up. Slowly, she lay down next to Luna, scooting closer until their bodies touched. Unbidden, Pinkie grabbed Luna's hoof and wrapped it around her warm, pink body. "Good night, Luna," Pinkie muttered as she drifted off. Luna smiled. She reached over and ran her hoof through Pinkie's frizzy mane. To say it had been awhile since Luna had slept next to a pony would be an understatement. Your bedroom is kinda dull. Heartsong’s words echoed in Luna’s mind. Without a second thought, she turned to the pony next to her and scoffed. "And what exactly is that supposed to mean?" "I don't know! You're a princess! Aren't you supposed to have exotic statues or something? I mean, the most exciting thing about your room is the bed," Heartsong said, patting the mattress. Reaching over, Luna pulled the red colored mare close to her, enjoying her body heat. "Being a princess is dull." "Maybe, but it doesn't have to be. Haven't you received some gifts or tributes or something over the years to put on display?" "Hmmm. I think I see the problem." Heartsong turned, looking Luna in the eye. "Oh?" "I think you've got the wrong idea. You see, because I am a princess, I'm always a princess. I'm never a pony. I do, in fact, receive gifts. They're always rubbish old things that regular ponies find remarkable. The last time I went to the kingdom of the griffons, they presented me with a vase, sculpted in the traditional way which involves using only their talons, and hundreds of hours of labor." "Yeah, so where is it?" Heartsong asked, craning her neck around the room to spot the item in question. "I tossed it out the window. It made quite an amusing crash," Luna said with a devilish grin. "Griffin pottery does look absolutely dreadful," Heartsong sympathized. "My point is, I haven't received anything I would deem worthy of placing in my room. It's all the same old boring royalty junk. Even the artists here at the castle make unimpressive filth. Take those tapestries in the main hall, for instance. Misshapen and crude figures with spindly little legs. What a crock." Heartsong pulled away from Luna and cast her eyes at the far wall. She hemmed and hawed a moment, gaining Luna's attention. "And just what are you looking at?" the princess asked. "Potential. I think right between your wardrobe and the door to the balcony, you could put a bookshelf." Luna eyed the empty spot Heartsong had gestured to, and held a hoof to her chin. "A bookshelf. That actually wouldn't be such a bad idea, if I could find a book worth reading. These texts about ancient magicians and the origins of Equestria are far better than any medicinal sleep aid the apothecary is capable of mixing up." "You're impossible to please," Heartsong said through a gentle laugh. Luna moved her mouth close to Heartsong's until less than an inch remained between them. "You somehow find a way." > Twilight Has a Burr Forcibly Removed From Her Saddle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sugarcube Corner stood as a shining example of earth pony strength. Running a bakery is hard work, full stop. Add to that the pressure of raising a set of energetic twins and it crosses the line into miracle territory. Knowing where Pinkie fit into this family was yet another complication Luna hadn't quite figured out. She took the time to marvel at just how much ponies could do when they set their hearts and minds to it.   Her ruminations aside, Luna's presence in the sweetshop wearing an elegant, yet simple light blue dress sent a message not lost on the patrons or owners of the establishment. This was a date. The older pony behind the counter nervously cleared her throat. "Are you sure you wouldn't like to take a seat, Your Highness?" Mr. and Mrs. Cake seemed friendly enough, and given the way Pinkie talked about them with near godlike reverence, they were—in all likelihood—good-hearted ponies. At this instance however, they were behaving as if a princess-shaped bomb had been placed in the lobby of their shop. "I appreciate your concern, Mrs. Cake, but Pinkie said she wouldn't be long," Luna explained, offering a sincere smile. "I'm fine with standing until she returns." "Oh... okay, Your Highness. Just, uhh, let us know if you need anything," Mrs. Cake replied, seemingly satisfied enough with the response to go back to pretending like she wasn't staring at Luna. The ringing of the doorbell echoed in the cozy shop. Everypony looked to the front door, if for no other reason than to have an excuse to stop staring at the lunar princess. "Hi, Mrs. Cake. I was just wondering if that order I left earlier was don—" Oh no. Of all ponies that had to appear now, why her? Twilight Sparkle came to a screeching halt halfway to the counter. "Woah... Princess Luna. Funny seeing you here of all places... in a dress..." Luna oftentimes thought about how her sister would handle the uncomfortable situations she found herself in. The alicorn decided she would try her hoof at Celestia's uncanny ability to remain stoic and non-plussed in even the most awkward circumstances. "Yes... I am here... in a dress." Twilight nodded slowly. "Riiight... doesn't that seem a bit suspicious? Like you're prepared to go on a date or something?" "Perhaps It's most probable that I am about to go on a date," Luna suggested. She finally met eyes with Twilight, determined to stare her down. The purple pony let out an uneasy laugh. "Gee, that's funny, because the only pony you could be picking up on a date here would be Pinkie Pie, and we both decided how ridiculous that would be." Mrs. Cake stepped from behind the counter, her face turning red. "And what exactly is that supposed to me—" Luna held up a firm hoof, silencing the older pony. "Wrong, Twilight Sparkle. You decided it was ridiculous. You decided it wasn't 'proper'. I withheld my judgement, and upon further consideration, determined that I would indeed pursue a relationship with Pinkie Pie. Quite frankly, I don't know why you're so invested in this." Twilight's eyes narrowed angrily. "I'm trying to do what's best for Equestria, and for you. Ponies will think you're a... a common floozy for dating a pony like Pinkie Pie!"   Anger flared behind Luna's eyes. She lowered her head and dug her hooves into the hardwood floor like an animal preparing to charge. "I don't care what they, or you for that matter, think about who I choose to date! This is my life, my choice. You are not in any position to tell me how to live it!" Poking herself in the chest, Twilight scoffed and looked around the entire shop. "Oh yes! Make me the bad pony here! I don't know if you realize it or not, but there are proper procedures and policies when it comes to dating royalty. You can't go dating anypony on the street just because you feel like it!" Luna cut her eyes, shooting a venomous glare at the purple alicorn. "Are you calling me a street urchin? Is that it? Do enlighten us, then, about Cadance and your brother. How did that go? Did they follow the ‘proper’ procedures’, or is Cadance a floozy too? How about your brother?" “Don't you dare talk about my brother like that!" Twilight yelled, her horn sparking with a purple charge. Luna smirked at her opponent. "Why not? You don't like it when the rules apply to you or your family? Tell me then: why is it that I'm not allowed to court Pinkie Pie, yet your brother can sleep his way to a marriage without telling his little sister until the day before!" "Shut up!" Twilight gritted her teeth and fired the bolt she was holding. Luna quickly fired a charge of her own in answer. "Stop!" Raising her head at the familiar voice, Luna gasped when she opened her eyes. Pinkie stood between them, hooves outstretched both ways, clearly calling for an end to the violence. When the blasts connected, Pinkie spasmed violently as the magic flowed through her. Luna watched on in horror as a belch of smoke escaped the mare's lips before finally slumping to the ground. "Pinkie Pie!" In a single stride, Luna dashed to the unconscious pony’s side, scooping Pinkie up in her hooves. "Pinkie? Pinkie! Pinkie, wake up!" Luna gently shook the pink pony in an attempt to rouse her. Pinkie remained silent.  "Hospital! I have to get her to the hospital!" Luna shouted frantically. She took to her hooves and picked the pony up with her magic. "Wait!" Twilight shouted as she charged toward them. "I-I may have a spell, or, or... please, let me help!" Luna glared at Twilight. She concentrated a single malevolent thought toward the alicorn. A precisely-aimed blast weaved its way around the tables and chairs until it found its mark, sending Twilight flying into the wall behind her. The purple pony crumpled to the ground in an unconscious heap. "You have done enough!" You can't choose your family. This was a saying that had long haunted Celestia. To be fair, it was a phrase that reared its ugly head very rarely. When it did come up, though, it always did so in a tiring manner. One which required a patient hoof, a good ear, and a swift response. Celestia sat patiently and listened to every word her sister had to say. Luna described exactly what was said, and what was done, after which she returned to doting on the unconscious Pinkie Pie. She knew Twilight could become unhinged at times, but even this seemed overboard, given the circumstances. Stepping into the waiting room, Celestia was greeted by worried faces. Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Applejack sat huddled with Twilight. Fresh tears and worried eyes pleaded with Celestia to go easy on her. But there could be no leniency. "Twilight Sparkle!" she shouted, her voice making the group of ponies jump in fright. Twilight looked up at her with streams of tears streaming down her face. "P-Princess Celestia, please—" "Outside! Now!" Celestia teleported instantly, without giving Twilight or her friends a chance at rebuttal. The sun peaked just above the horizon, coloring the skies in shades of purple and orange. On a day like today, ponies would usually be bustling through the streets, preparing to go home. However, the incident seemed to drop a pallor over the town, leaving the main thoroughfare deserted. On the bright side, it at least meant there were no ponies around for what she had to do. "Princess Celestia, I know what I did was wrong, but I—" Twilight's words were silenced by a firm hoof across her cheek. She stumbled on her hooves, left in shock by the strike. She worked her jaw for a moment before looking up at her mentor in disbelief. "Twilight Sparkle! What were you thinking? Antagonizing my sister, vilifying your friend, assaulting Luna with a magic attack. This is not the kind of conduct I, nor anypony else in Equestria, expects of you! Have you any defense against these egregious actions?" Twilight regained her balance, gently rubbing her cheek. As her head drifted downwards, she spoke in a muted tone. "I... I thought it wasn't fair..." Celestia craned her neck downwards, trying to hear her student’s words. "Excuse me?" "I said it's not fair!" Twilight shouted, her head jerking back up. Her eyes burned in anger. "Why is it that Pinkie Pie can date Luna and there's no problems, but when it comes to me and you..." Twilight choked on a sob as the tears started flowing once more. Celestia sighed and shook her head. She stepped over to the crying pony and slowly draped her wing over Twilight's side. "So that's what this is about." Celestia curled up on the ground and pulled Twilight close to her chest. "Twilight, I think you misunderstood me." "I don't see how,” Twilight said between sobs. “You made it perfectly clear." "When I said it wouldn't be proper for us to date, I didn't mean it in a societal way. I meant it in a very different way." "Wh-what do you mean?" Twilight asked, trying to dry her eyes. "I do love you, Twilight, more than you'll ever know. Ever since you started your first day at my school, I've felt a special bond toward you. I love you, Twilight. I love you like a mother loves her daughter." "Huh?" Celestia lowered her neck onto Twilight's head, nuzzling her softly. "I think of you as the daughter I never had. I watched you grow up from a nervous and excitable foal, into a strong and powerful princess. I watched as you took every challenge thrown your way, and simply tossed each one to the side. It was no small measure of pride when you graduated from my academy. However, I knew, from that day forward, I would have to say goodbye and let you become the strong pony you were destined to be." Twilight looked up at Celestia, tears still welling in her eyes. "I... I never knew." "Of course not. What reason would I have to tell you? You had parents, and you earned your achievements by your own merits. I had no right to take credit for your accomplishments. Yet, I still do. That's why we can't be together. You are the daughter I never had, and apart from getting my sister back, watching you grow up has been one of the largest blessing I've ever had in my entire life." Twilight fell quiet. She adopted a squint, and her eyes moved rapidly from left to right. Celestia recognized this trait of hers. Twilight would fall into this behavior anytime she had a problem to work out, or an issue to resolve. She had seen the purple pony do so for countless complicated mathematical equations, among other academic conundrums. It wasn't long, however, until the squint vanished completely. "Princess.... will Pinkie be alright?" With a heavy sigh, Celestia pulled Twilight closer and placed a hoof around her. "I don't know, Twilight. If the blasts happened at the same time, they should cancel each other out, using her connection to the earth as a conduit." "A-and if th-they didn't?" Twilight stammered. Celestia wished telling a lie would help—that it could ease Twilight's guilt, but she knew lies like that would simply come back later. "Then the power will be multiplied two-fold. Under that stress, her heart might fail, or there could be internal bleeding. It could even disrupt her natural connection to the earth." Twilight lifted her head. Although clearly terrified to hear the truth, her eyes still pleaded for more. "Wha-what would that mean?" "Pinkie Pie would appear to be fine, but she would get weaker and weaker with each passing day, sleeping much more than usual.  About a month later, she'll fall asleep... and never wake again." Tears fell once again as Twilight started sobbing. "What have I done?" Luna sat patiently by Pinkie's side. The hospital chairs weren't very comfy, but comfort was the last thing on the alicorn's mind at the moment. Why does this have to happen? Why do ponies have to be such fragile creatures? Luna touched Pinkie's hoof, half expecting it to wrap around her own. Unfortunately, wishful thinking did little to change the reality of the situation. The scene played out again in her head. Pinkie's defiant stance between them, the blasts connecting with the earth pony... her slumped form hitting the ground. She pursed her lips and cried out in anger. "You idiot! Why did you do that? Why jump between us like that? What in Equestria did you hope to accomplish?" Luna didn't expect Pinkie to answer her. Truth be told, she didn't know why she was asking the questions in the first place. She already knew the answers. Pinkie abhorred fighting, especially among her friends. Throwing herself in the middle of an altercation was exactly how Pinkie resolved them. As usual, the plan worked, but this time, the cost could be immeasurable. Despite the severity of the situation, Luna couldn't help but smirk at the grin pasted on Pinkie's face. Adding the fact that she hadn't been summoned meant that if Pinkie was indeed dreaming, the dreams themselves clearly weren't very bad. Looking down, Luna grinned ruefully. "I hope you're at least enjoying your nap." "It was pretty good," Pinkie muttered through a yawn. Lifting her head, Luna's eyes flew to Pinkie's. "Pinkie Pie! You're alright!" The pink pony pointed her hooves into the air, still at the tail end of her yawn. She smiled and tilted her head curiously. "Of course I am, silly. I just took a nap, that's all." Luna looked down, her eyes filled with shame. "Uhh, actually, Twilight Sparkle and I accidentally hit you with our magic." Pinkie squinted, her eyes flitting in confusion. "You did? Ohhhhhh. So that's why I'm in the hospital. I thought I was having a surprise root canal." Luna wrapped her hooves around the pink pony and hugged her tight. "I'm sorry." "It's okay, really." Gentle knocking from the door forced the pair to end their hug prematurely. Luna cleared her throat, but kept her eyes on Pinkie. "Come in." Creaking softly, the door opened. Luna saw Pinkie retreat beneath the covers. She turned to see who it was that had come to visit. "I... I hope I'm not interrupting..." Standing in the doorway was Twilight Sparkle. Luna's hair raised in anger for a brief moment before she noticed the remorseful look on Twilight's face.   "You're not. You may enter," Luna spoke. Pinkie shifted in the bed, turning to the window. "I don't wanna talk to her." Luna turned back to Twilight. "She won't have to... I just... I have to make sure she's okay—that there won't be any lasting effects after what I did," the purple alicorn said. "After what we did," Luna corrected her. Twilight nodded and stepped slowly to the bed. Luna watched curiously as the purple pony pulled a book out of her saddlebags. With her eyes transfixed on the book, Twilight's horn ignited, and a slow, magical beam shimmered to life. The beam traced across the bed and its occupant several times before finally cutting off.   Twilight let out a sigh of relief. "Please... when she's better, tell Pinkie I'm—" Twilight's voice cracked as a sob escaped her throat. "I'm sorry." At this, Pinkie slowly turned in bed, peeking out from under the covers. "I-I was jealous that she had something I couldn't have," Twilight continued. "I thought I couldn't have what I wanted because what... no, who I wanted was a princess, but that wasn't it at all. Even if it was, I should have respected yours and Pinkie's choice, and kept my nose out of it." Luna nodded stoically. "I will tell her for you. Thank you." Laughing nervously, Twilight turned and made for the door. "I-I guess I'll be on my way. I've got a lot of studying to do to make this right. I'll need to go through all of my friendship reports with a fine-tooth comb. It might take days, or even weeks, to fix this." Twilight had barely made it a step away from the bed before two pink hooves grabbed and yanked her back into a vicious hug. "Nuh uh! No studying! We're gonna hug this out right now," Pinkie said, locking Twilight into a full body grip. "Ack! Okay, okay, Pinkie! I get it!"  Luna stifled a chuckle with her hoof. "And what are you laughing at? You're part of this, too!" Pinkie shouted, peering over Twilight's shoulder. Luna left her chair and turned to flee, but was just half a second too slow. Another hoof grabbed and pulled her in, officially making it a group hug. "Isn't this soooo much better than arguing and fighting?" Pinkie mused, holding her captives with an iron grip. "It's.... great," Twilight choked out, her cheeks bulging with effort. "Vision... fading… fast," Luna grunted out with what little air hadn't been forced out of her lungs. Walking into the waiting room, Twilight and Pinkie struggled to stay upright, thanks to the avalanche of support from their friends. "I better not hear of y'all firing your fancy magic at one another ever again!" scolded Applejack, rubbing her hoof on Twilight's head playfully. Rarity nodded in agreement. "Yes, no more of this barbaric treatment. We're all civilized ponies here." Luna smiled as the circle of friends exchanged well wishes and fears over what might have been... save for one; Rainbow Dash didn't seem as enthused as the others. She stood off to the side, wearing a paper-thin smile. "Welp, it's gettin’ late. Ah'm sure Granny and the rest of mah kin are wonderin' where Ah'm at," Applejack finally said, breaking up the impromptu get-together. "Oh my, I bet Angel is hungry! Oh no! All of the critters must be! I've gotta go, everypony!" Fluttershy shouted, darting out of the hospital. "It is rather late. No restaurant in town will have us now. Pinkie and I shall be off, too." Luna started charging a teleportation spell, but Twilight interrupted her. "Princess Luna, Pinkie Pie, I wanted to say... I'm sorry for ruining your date tonight." Pinkie stepped closer to Twilight and gently nuzzled her. "It's okay, Twi-twi. We'll have other dates. I'm just glad we're still friends." Twilight managed a small, but grateful smile. "Are you ready?" Luna asked, still holding the teleportation spell. Pinkie nodded furiously and bolted to Luna's side, her mane bouncing from the sudden stop. Waving frantically, they both vanished in a blinding flash. "Uhhh, why are we in a bush?" It was a reasonable question for Pinkie to ask. After all, Luna did just declare they were going home. Instead, a full-grown alicorn princess and an earth pony shared a bush right outside the hospital they were just standing in. "We're in a bush because I have a hunch," whispered Luna. "Oh. That makes sense!" Luna placed a hoof on Pinkie's mouth. "Quiet." They turned their eyes to the hospital entrance. Rarity walked out, no doubt headed for home. Twilight walked out next with a lifeless gait, her eyes and head aimed low to the ground.   "Poor Twilight," Pinkie muttered. "I hope she doesn't feel too bad." "Her pain is a necessity. She must learn that wielding such magic irresponsibly can have consequences, especially in public." Luna sighed with a heavy heart. "Not to say I'm without blame. This disaster falls upon my hooves, as well." Pinkie leaned into Luna, wearing a hopeful smile surely meant to alleviate her guilt. The hospital doors opened again, causing them to separate. Rainbow Dash galloped out into the night, her eyes focused dead ahead like a laser. "Hey, Twilight." The purple pony turned around, adopting a fake smile. "Hi, Rainbow. You headed home too, huh?" Rainbow laughed nervously. "Heh, heh, uhhh... not yet. I kinda wanted to talk to you." "Is something wrong? You've been acting kind of unusual all night." Rainbow Dash looked like she was about to keel over. Sweat poured off of her brow, and her face started to pale. "Listen, I... well, what I mean to say is..." "Rainbow, are you sure you're alright? You look like you've seen a gho—" Twilight gasped as the pegasus wrapped her up in a tight hug. "You idiot! I was so worried about you! When Mrs. Cake told me Luna blasted you at Sugarcube Corner, I was expecting to find nothing but a black smudge on the floor. And when Princess Celestia called you outside, I thought she was gonna turn you into a frog or something!" Twilight laughed and turned her head away. "Rainbow, it's not a big deal. I'm fine an—" "No, it's not fine!" Rainbow objected. Her eyes burned with resolve that even Luna could see from where she was standing. "I almost lost you today." Twilight seemed taken aback by the sincerity in Rainbow's voice. The pegasus took that moment to hug her once more, tighter this time. "I, uhhh, gotta go!" Rainbow shouted. She took the sky, leaving a blur in her wake. "Rainbow, wait!" Twilight shouted as she blasted off into the sky in pursuit. Once again, the night fell quiet. "Ooohhh. How did you know?" Pinkie asked. Luna stepped out of the bush, using her magic to gently remove the leaves from her dress. "I've seen Rainbow Dash's dreams multiple times… or rather, I should say nightmares, given what they usually entail. When I saw her in the waiting room tonight, I knew she would finally speak up. After their exchange, I imagine Rainbow's nightmares of rejection are unfounded." Pinkie sighed and planted her rump on the ground. She craned her neck up at the moon, and then back to Luna, giving her a rueful grin. "So much for our date." Luna placed a hoof on Pinkie's shoulder. "We don't need a restaurant to have a memorable night." Pinkie tilted her head at the alicorn. "Huh?" Luna said nothing in reply. Instead, she charged a teleportation spell. "So Rainbow Dash said, 'I bet you can't reach the top of that flagpole' and I was all like, 'you're on!' and quicker than anypony could blink, I went shoom! Straight to the top!" Pinkie exclaimed, clapping her hooves together. In lieu of a restaurant, Luna chose a more private venue for her and Pinkie's date. Together, they laid on Luna's bed, staring up at the ceiling. Between them sat a bowl, which had been full of fruit, and now had no other purpose than to show how little they cared to actually send it back. "What happened next?" Luna asked, her eyes still transfixed on the ceiling. "Rainbow laughed and flew away. She came back and put me back down five minutes later," Pinkie said, blowing the tip of her unruly mane away. "That hardly seems like a friendly thing to do. Why didn't she put you down before then?" "Rainbow said I need to learn to stop getting stuck on top of flagpoles." Luna narrowed her eyes. "Just.... how many times have you done that?" Pinkie put a hoof to her chin. "Uhhh, I think twice..." "That hardly sounds like a pattern to me." "No, no. It was twice this week," Pinkie corrected her. Luna sighed. The pink pony clearly wasn't dumb. She just seemed a bit... frivolous. Perhaps that's why Luna found herself drawn to Pinkie. Maybe she needed a bit of spontaneity in her life. The chance to be a bit silly. She is a princess, after all. Who would stop her? "Oh! I almost forgot!" Pinkie exclaimed. Luna watched curiously as Pinkie leaned off the side of the bed and rummaged through her saddlebags. "Found it!" Sitting back up, the pink pony thrust something toward her with both hooves. "Isn't this... a comic book?" Luna asked, taking it gingerly into her hooves. "I thought these were for foals." "Oh. Well, it's alright if you don't like it..." Pinkie said, her ears and smile drooping. There I go, judging books by their covers. "No, no, it's fine. Why don't we read it together?" Luna suggested. Pinkie's smile returned as fast as it had left. “Okay! I haven't read this one yet, so it'll be new to both of us.” Luna rolled over onto her stomach and placed the comic on the bed. Her hooves rested on the cover for a moment. It had a smooth feel she had never really experienced before. Somewhere between a magazine and a paperback book. Another first, I suppose. Not too hard to fault me for this, though, given how little princesses and comic books overlap. "You're not having another existential breakdown, are you?" Pinkie asked, wearing a small frown. Luna giggled, wrapping a hoof around the pink pony. "No, you needn't worry." Clearing her throat, she pushed the comic between them until they could both see it easily. "Deadeye and Flashpoint, issue one-oh-five: The Shot Heard 'Round the World." Pinkie snuggled up close as Luna turned the page. "The only way you'll stop the overload now is if you can shoot the core... something even you can't do, Faileye!" When Luna had first begun reading the comic, with every line she read, she did so with little enthusiasm. After just a few pages, she found herself putting more heart into her performance, nearly shouting the villain’s lines and adding a gruff tone to Deadeye's dialogue. "I'll hold these guys off! Shoot the core!" Pinkie urged, also reading Flashpoint’s lines in a gruff manner. Luna spoke again. "With only seconds to line up her shot, Deadeye holds her breath and places her hoof on the trigger!" Luna turned the page, only to realize she had now arrived at the back cover. Flipping it back open, she stared at the comic again. "What the...maybe they're stuck together?" Scrutinizing the pages carefully, she realized it was, indeed, the last page. "Pinkie Pie! We have been cheated! This book is not complete!" The pink pony giggled and turned the book over. "Yes it is, silly. See? This is issue one-oh-five. Next month they'll release issue on-oh-six and we'll see what happened." "You mean, there are one hundred and four more comics before this one? We must have them!" Luna shouted. "I thought comic books were 'for foals'," Pinkie said, sticking out her tongue. "Yes, you have reminded me of my words five times now. I said I was mistaken," Luna admitted, placing the comic on her nightstand. "I'm tired," Pinkie said in the midst of a long yawn. Luna smiled and extended a wing over the pink pony's back. "Then you should rest. It's been a long day for all of us." Pinkie nodded, rolled onto her back, and threw her hooves over the wing gently draped over her. "Good night, Luna," she mumbled. Pinkie’s breathing slowed as she seemed to shut off like a lamp. A smile crept up on Luna’s face as she stared at her companion. "Good night, Pinkie." The pink pony was quite a conundrum. By now, Luna had figured that, much like an ancient hooftrap, the more somepony tried to understand her, the more confused they would get. Dispelling all her eccentricities and reality stripping allusions, Pinkie really was driven by one single goal. Making ponies happy. As long as somepony understood that, the rest fell into place. Once she realized that, Luna finally knew why she adored Pinkie so much. She was a simple pony. In a world of complications, Luna adored simplicity. Wrapping a hoof around Pinkie's neck, she celebrated the harmonious simplicity by letting her eyelids slide shut as she drifted off to sleep. > Genuine > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blinking away the sleep from her eyes, Luna stirred, rousing from her slumber. Habitually… no. Instinctively, her body awoke to perform its duty. Her horn ignited in a burst of magic as she called out to the moon. Obeying her will, the celestial body rapidly descended, falling out of sight. Her royal duty complete, an unpleasant light crested the horizon, shining in on the couple. With a derisive snort, Luna fired a spell at her curtains and closed them, blocking out the intrusive sunlight. Turning over in bed, she squeezed closer to her sleeping companion. A shiver of excitement and pleasure coursed through Luna. Putting herself nose to nose with Pinkie, she smiled and draped her other soft, downy wing over Pinkie’s frizzy mane. I hope my sister won't be too disappointed that we won't be joining her for breakfast. Luna sighed, letting her eyes shut once again as she took in the gentle warmth emanating from Pinkie Pie. Stirring out of her slumber, Luna stretched her hooves as far as she could. Through bleary eyes she sat up in bed, ready to tackle the day. After a quick glance to her side, though, her heart sank just a bit. The spot next to her had been vacated, most likely hours before she had awoken. With a long sigh, Luna hung her legs over the side of her bed and hopped off. Starting for the door, she barely made it five steps before the growling of her stomach reminded her of the meal she had skipped. I might as well raid the fridge. I'm sure they put my dinner away when I didn't show. Walking into the corridor, a curious sound caught Luna's ear. It sounded like somepony panting with exertion. Quietly, she stalked down the hallway until she found the source of the noise: Celestia’s bedroom. Luna slowly pushed open the door in curiosity. Celestia, decked out in yellow and blue sweatbands, gasped in exhaustion. The elder alicorn was bent backwards, her front hooves touching the back of her rear legs, in what simply had to be one of the most uncomfortable positions Luna had ever seen in her entire life. "What in Equestria are you doing?" Luna shouted in the Royal Canterlot Voice. Celestia tumbled to the ground, moaning in pain. "I'm exercising, little sister. It might behoove you to try it sometime," Celestia fired back. "And what exactly brought this about?" Luna asked, offering her sister a hoof to pick herself up with. "That pink saboteur you've been seeing keeps leaving cake, and it’s starting to take its toll on the royal flank," Celestia complained, craning her neck to stare at her butt. "Don't be stupid. Your flank is the same size it was the day I was banished," Luna chided her, rolling her eyes. "No it isn't," Celestia argued. "It's fat!" "I never said it wasn't fat, just that it's the same size it was a millennia ago," Luna said, sticking her nose in the air. A quick and betrayed gasp followed. Luna had no time to react as a pillow smacked her square in the face, scattering feathers everywhere. "Problem, sister?" the younger alicorn asked, blowing away a stray feather. Celestia flung her sweatbands off angrily and harrumphed. "When Pinkie Pie's extravagant amount of sugar starts going to your hips, you'll come crawling back to exercise with me." Stifling a giggle with her hoof, Luna finally spoke up. "Relax, sister. I was just joking. The royal flank is as glorious as it ever has been. I don't suppose you saw Pinkie Pie this morning, did you?" Collecting the stray feathers with her magic, Celestia shook her head. "Nope. Neither did the guards. She's remarkably adept at not being caught." "One day we really should tell the guards it's okay for her to be here," Luna said. "Of course. When it ceases to be amusing. That's when we'll tell them. You have anything planned today, little sister?" Celestia asked. Luna turned and walked to the door. "Nothing in particular. Why?" "I was afraid you would forget. Tonight is the Path for Prosperity event. Luna groaned out loud. "Ugggh, really?" Celestia's mane bounced gently as she chuckled at Luna's response. "Yes, really. I know it's not the most thrilling event in the world, but try to act like you care at least a little bit this year." Lifting one of Celestia's discarded sweatbands with her magic, Luna fired it at back to its owner and turned to leave the room. "No promises!" Studying herself in the mirror was not a pastime Luna took part in often. Her outward appearance mattered very little, in fact. I'm a princess of Equestria! Who in their right mind is going to be stupid enough to call me out for looking under-dressed, anyway? Unfortunately, she knew as well as anyone that being a princess meant doing things she didn't care for. Even Celestia went out on quite a limb wearing a kimono to Twilight's coronation, earning her quite a few odd looks, and some strange articles from the press. To avoid any possible problems, Luna decided it would probably be best to wear something less controversial. Upon her sister's advice, Luna tried out a silver-sequined gown, brought in by none other than Rarity. Rather long and flowing, it felt almost like a bridal dress, but still had enough flexibility to move with her. She eyed herself in the mirror, moving and posing in different ways to see how it showed off her curves. It fits well enough, though I suppose I could try on something else, to be safe. Her eyes fell upon the other racks of dresses that had also been delivered to the castle in the name of variety. Screw it. I'm already in this one, and I don't feel like squeezing back out. Tossing a glance outside, she saw the beginnings of twilight showing in the sky; deep purples mixed with orange as the sun prepared for its setting. I sure hope this crowd is a little livelier than the one last year. We could have closed down the ballroom, put a bunch of doctors in there, called it a nursing home, and nopony would have thought twice. Luna turned and walked to the door, ready to face whatever the night would throw at her. "Sister, I need you to fetch one of the maidens for me." Celestia cracked a grin at Luna's expense. "Perhaps you wouldn't mind telling me what you need them for before I do?" Luna stood up from her chair and pointed a hoof at one of her eyes. "I was just going to trouble one of them to get an ice pick from the kitchen, so that I could perform a self-lobotomy." Rolling her eyes. Celestia let a chuckle escape her lips. "As amusing as that might be, I do still happen to love you, little sister, for who you are. A lobotomy might change that. Also, these nobles would probably expire at the first sight of blood." Luna smiled gratefully at her sister. Their little jokes were the only thing keeping them from falling asleep in sheer boredom. Sitting in their respective thrones in the ballroom, both sisters were forced to endure the worst of Canterlot's elite. Occasionally, one of the ponies would walk up and try to say something witty, or more often than not, show off their status in some way, which only caused Luna to grind her teeth more and more as the night went on. Oh no. Here comes another. An older mare with a brown coat and yellow mane—dressed in what the magazines most likely described as “the latest fashions”—approached the sisters with a smile. "Good evening, Your Highnesses. It sure is a lovely night tonight, is it not?" the mare asked. "Indeed it is," Celestia replied. The older mare feigned shock and let out a gasp. "Ahh, but where are my manners? I haven't introduced myself. My name is Withers Von Hooftrot the Third. Pleased to meet your acquaintance," she said, extending her hoof. Celestia shook it first. "Charmed, I'm sure," Luna said, shaking it next. Withers pulled out a photo and showed it to the sisters. "This is the estate where I live. We have lots of natural flowers growing there, not to mention ones I've planted personally on the grounds. I'm a third generation horticulturist with live plant nurseries in several cities of Equestria. We make annual donations to several charities benefiting the citizens of Canterlot," Mrs. Withers explained as she tucked the photo away. "That is very noble of you." Luna forced the words out of her mouth. The mere feeling of them running across her teeth made the alicorn want to gag. Yes. Very noble of you to not only exclude other cities from your donations, but then to also brag about it. Filth. "Excuse me, Mrs. Withers" Celestia spoke up, "I'd like to discuss something with my sister regarding further plans for tonight." Mrs. Withers tipped her fancy hat and gave a quick bow. "Yes, Your Highness. It was a pleasure to meet you both." Both sisters stared as the older pony sashayed back into the crowd to mingle with her fellow nobles. "Are you okay, Lulu?" Celestia asked. Luna shot a look to her sister. Her eyes smoldered and her lips curled in a disapproving manner. "Of course I am. Why do you ask?" "Because you look like you just swallowed a lemon," Celestia explained with a chuckle. The younger sister sighed and forced her jaw to relax. "My apologies, Celie. It's just that these nobles throw a mere pittance of their fortunes at a charity, claim it on their taxes, and then go to parties to celebrate the good they did. It makes me sick." Celestia leaned over in her chair and patted Luna's back softly. "I know, sister. You always were a good judge of a pony's character. Who keeps a photo of their house to show off to strangers, anyway?" Both sisters shared a quick laugh until the large doors at the far end of the hall opened. Luna's eyes flew to the door.. "Pinkie Pie!" Luna shouted out loud. The music ground to a halt, and several ponies in the crowd turned to look at the lunar princess curiously. "I mean uhhh, there will be pie! The ponies in the kitchen will have them out soon!" Several murmurs of approval spread through the audience, and the music started back up. Luna grabbed a nearby hoofmaiden and leaned into her ear. "Go to the kitchen and help the chefs get ten pies cooked immediately. Do this quickly, and a significant bonus awaits you all on your checks this week.” The hoofmaiden's eyes lit up, and with a quick salute, she vanished—no doubt to capitalize on Luna's generous offer. "I heard there was a party here tonight. I thought I'd come jump in and help out, but Rarity told me it was a different kind of party." Luna, no longer distracted by the hoofmaiden, or her pie-making scheme, finally got a good look at Pinkie Pie. Gone were the unruly curls from her mane. Instead, Pinkie's hair flowed around her neck and back like a pink waterfall. It gave the mare a more delicate, demure look. She wore a white dress with pink wavy patterns, and a simple white hat upon her head. Each of her hooves bore crystal shoes, no doubt from the Crystal Kingdom. Of course, none of this would look decent, were it not accompanied by Pinkie's bright blue eyes and pearly white smile, though the smile seemed a bit more subdued. Serene, even. "You look... stunning," Luna managed. Pinkie’s grin widened as the hints of a blush graced her features. "Awww, thanks! You look pretty good, yourself." "I thought you had little control over your hair," Luna said, gesturing to Pinkie’s new look. "What, this?" she asked, running a hoof through her flowing mane. "Twilight had to cast a spell to make it stay this way. She said it might not last long, though. She seemed really tired after casting it too." "I don't doubt it," Luna said in awe. "I'm afraid Rarity was correct. This isn't your kind of party. This is the kind of party where ponies stare at their own clothes while pretending not to stare at their own clothes, hoping somepony else will stare at their clothes." "Not to be rude or anything," Princess Celestia said, butting in between them, "but you didn't happen to bring anything for me... did you?" "Of course I did." Reaching into some part of her dress, Pinkie produced a small plastic tub and held it out for Celestia. "Here you go! It's lemon meringue." The elder alicorn’s eyes lit up as she grabbed the container with her magic. "Thank you. Now I just have to wait until these nobles are too busy to notice." Laughing through her hoof, Luna shook her head. "Honestly, sister. You can wait till after the party." Celestia's eyes watered and her lips curled downwards. Even her ears folded as she stared pitifully at Luna. "Oh, don't be such a foal. Fine. I'll run interference for you in few minutes," Luna relented. A small giggle escaped Pinkie's lips. "Do you find us amusing?" Luna asked, tossing her hair in mock indignation. "You two remind of my biggest bestest sister, Maud," Pinkie said.   "Excuse me, Your Highness." Luna, Celestia, and Pinkie all turned to the older pony. "Ahhh yes, Mrs.... what was it again?" "Withers," the pony said through clenched teeth. "Withers Von Hooftrot the Third. Pardon my interruption, but I was just wondering why after sending me away that you find this common pony so deserving of your time." Celestia leaned back in her throne and smiled. Luna's face couldn't have been more the opposite. Her eyes flared as her smile vanished. In it's place was a stern gaze, intent upon boring a hole right through the old pony's skull. "Pinkie Pie." "Yup!" the pink mare chirped happily. "How long and what temperature do you bake a chocolate cake for?" Luna asked. "Three hundred and fifty degrees for twenty-eight minutes." "And for high altitude?" "Three seventy-five for thirty to thirty-five minutes," Pinkie replied. Luna left her throne and start pacing around Withers, causing the pony to shrink back. "You see, Mrs. Withers, Pinkie Pie here is a baker. One of the best I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. She actually knows her vocation." Luna’s horn ignited suddenly, and from Withers’ pocket, she pulled the photo she’d been shown earlier. "You see, it doesn't take a third generation horticulturist to see that you have as much knowledge about plants as I do about griffon mating rituals." "I beg your pardon!" the old mare shouted as she snatched the picture back. "I'm not finished!" Luna snapped. "You see, in your vast knowledge of horticulture, you seem to have made a poor choice in planting black-eyed susans beneath the shade of an oak tree. black-eyed susans require lots of sun to thrive. To make matters worse, you have gone and planted a hosta in a bed in full sun exposure. Any minimum wage pony that works in a nursery could tell you that a hosta needs little sun, and even less rain." Withers looked at the photo again as realization hit her like a falling piano. Luna didn't give her a chance to dwell on it too long though. Instead, she put her face right next to the old mare's and gritted her teeth. "You see, if there's anything I cannot stand, it's a disingenuous pony. Pinkie might not be nobility, but if there's any word that could describe her, it would be genuine. I’ve seen your dreams, your avarice. I know the depths of your greed. In my opinion, as a princess of Equestria, caretaker of the night, and all those who dwell within it, I think you need to spend a little less time bragging, and a little more time being honest with yourself and others." Having said her peace, Luna sat down in her throne and gave a nasty glare to the cowering noble. "Ye-yes, Your Highness. I will take your words to heart," Mrs. Withers said as she turned and retreated back into the crowd.   A slow clap started from beside Luna. "You really don't do anything halfway." "Oh, put a cork in it, Celie," Luna said, shifting in her seat. Her ears swiveled as the band started playing a new song. A slower song... … a song meant for one specific purpose. "Pinkie Pie." "Mmmhmmm?" Luna left her seat and extended a hoof toward the pink mare. "I believe it's time I gave my sister the diversion I promised. Would you dance with me?" Pinkie's ears folded on top of her head, and her smile slackened just a tiny bit as she averted her eyes from Luna's. Once again, Pinkie had provided Luna with an unexpected surprise. "Is she being... shy?" "I don't know how to dance like this," Pinkie admitted as a blush broke out on her face. Every time they had been together, Luna felt like she was always one step behind Pinkie, just barely hanging on. Tonight, Luna had the upper hand. Reaching out with her hoof, she slowly turned Pinkie's head until their eyes connected once again. "It's okay. I'll show you how. Trust in me as I have trusted you. Please?" Pinkie's eyes darted here and there for a moment before she finally nodded and regained her brilliant smile. Together, they both walked out on the floor and stood awkwardly for a moment. Luna put her head on Pinkie's neck and waited until the pink mare followed suit. "Now, just follow my lead. We'll go slow," Luna whispered into her ear. In one smooth motion, she backed up slowly and then took one step to her left. Pinkie followed along, stumbling at first. Again, Luna took another step until they both fell into the rhythm. "It's quite a waste nopony has taught you to slow dance… until now," Luna said. Pinkie pressed more firmly against Luna’s neck.  "I don't ever let my parties slow down. Anytime they slow down, everypony goes home and I'm alone... again." "You must feel lonely a lot. It's quite disconcerting to feel alone even when you're surrounded by friends, isn't it?" Pinkie nodded. "How did you know?" Luna pulled back from Pinkie's neck and put her forehead to the pink mare's. "I know because sometimes I feel the same way." Pinkie fell silent. The pair of ponies continued their dance, oblivious to the others around them. "Luna?" Pinkie asked, pulling away from the alicorn for a moment. "Yes, Pinkie?" "How do you know so much about flowers and stuff?" Gently, Luna pulled Pinkie's head back onto her neck. "Usually when ponies say something like 'it was like a thousand years ago' they're just being hyperbolic. In my case, it couldn't be further from the truth. Before my fall from grace and subsequent banishment, I met a strange pony. An earth pony who kept the royal gardens looking the image of perfection as always." "I thought most of the ponies in Canterlot were unicorns," Pinkie said. "You are correct. Most of the ponies we employ are unicorns. However, anypony knows if you want a truly special gardener, you need an earth pony. They just have a special connection with the soil no unicorn or pegasi could hope to match."   "But you have a lot of ponies who work in the castle. Why was she so important?" Luna pulled Pinkie's head off of her neck and put their foreheads to each other. "Because she woke me up." Luna grinned. "I'm so confused," Pinkie said, looking at Luna to continue.   "One day, while I was sleeping through the morning, I heard a pony singing. I tried tuning her out, but it was no use. No matter what I did, I just couldn't sleep through it. So I sat up and prepared to throw open the window and shout at her to knock it off, when suddenly, I started hearing the song. It was a simple, but haunting melody. Not long after I started focusing on it, It brought about a calming sensation. Soon after, my head hit the pillow and next thing I knew, I had fallen asleep." "Wow. She sounds like a super duper good singer," Pinkie said, resting her head on Luna's neck once again. "She was. She was also an exceptional gardener. She taught me much about the flowers that grew in the castle gardens. She also taught me much about love." Luna and Pinkie continued their dance, oblivious to the crowd around them. Every breath Pinkie took led to a delightful exhale, and the pink pony's warm breath upon Luna's neck. "What happened to her?" Pinkie asked hesitantly. Luna sighed. Painful memories rushed back in a jumble, taunting her "She did not show for work one day. I thought her ill, so I put it out of my mind. Well, I tried to. We had a date that night and when she didn't show, I sent the guard to her home. They found her lying peacefully in her bed. Apparently it was a congenital heart defect which had gone undiagnosed for years." "I'm sorry," Pinkie squeaked out. Luna pulled back and placed a hoof upon Pinkie's lips. "Don't be. You did nothing wrong. Our time together may have been brief, but it was filled with smiles." The music slowly faded out as the song came to an end. Brought back to the moment, Luna realized all eyes had fallen on them. "I think we stand out too much." "Wanna go upstairs?" Pinkie offered. A blue hoof seized her, pulling the pink pony to the rear door. Just as Luna reached out, the door flew open and several hoofmaidens entered, carrying pies. "Good news, everypony. The pies have arrived. Feel free to help yourself to any of your choosing," Luna proclaimed. She started to walk out and stopped abruptly, wrapping her hoof around Pinkie. "Any pie but this one, of course." Luna threw a quick glance at Celestia who still had half a slice of cake in her gob. "That's it for your diversion. Good luck, sister!" Celestia's eyes went wide when she realized all of the ponies in the room were now staring at her. Canterlot's positioning as the highest city in all of Equestria was no accident. In fact, it was built with that purpose explicitly in mind. Its location allowed Celestia to scrutinize the kingdom for any sign of danger. This was precisely what Luna had been counting on when she set up a high-powered telescope for two on her balcony, pointed right at Ponyville. "I don't see her," Luna said from behind the telescope. "None of the lights are on in the library?" Pinkie asked. "Not even one.'' Luna moved the telescope slowly, scanning the sleepy village for her target. "Wait, I see her! She's sitting on a hill right outside of Ponyville... and she's not alone!" "Ooh! Ooh! Is it Rainbow Dash?" Pinkie guessed. "That is correct," Luna said with a sly smile. "Shall we begin?" Pinkie walked over to the other eyepiece and peered into it. "Yupperooni!" Looking in, she saw Rainbow Dash leaning in close to Twilight, wearing a provocative smile. Lighting her horn, Luna called upon a distant star. With but a mere thought, the star streaked down the night sky. As expected, Twilight pushed Rainbow Dash off of her and immediately produced a quill and scroll, eliciting laughs from both Pinkie and Luna "Looks like she took the bait," Pinkie said. "Indeed. I believe it's time to throw her for a loop, so to speak." Luna stopped the star's fall, forcing it to stop its descent. This time, she sent it flying in the opposite direction.Twilight stopped her frantic scribbling and let her jaw go slack. Rainbow Dash tried to put a wing around the alicorn, only to miss as Twilight ducked to pull out a sizable tome. "She's going to read a book?" Pinkie asked, looking out of the telescope a moment. "It's probably a book on stars," Luna replied. "Oh. Right." Luna reached out once again to the star speeding across the sky. An idea suddenly occurred to her, and her lips curled into a mischievous smile. Pinkie cocked an eyebrow in curiosity. A few seconds later, the star began to spiral in the air, creating large, sweeping circles in the night sky. "Ooh, what'd you do?" "I just applied a bit of what golf ponies would refer to as 'english'. I think it's a nice touch, personally." Twilight's mane seemed to pop out sending stray hairs in all directions. Frantically alternating between the book and scribbling, she looked more like a mental patient than a princess of Equestria. "Oops. I think you broke her," Pinkie said. "Perhaps I did go a little too far." Twilight was just in the beginning stages of her meltdown when her companion tackled her, sending the book, the scroll, and the quill flying. Surprising no one, Rainbow brought her lips to Twilight's. The alicorn tried reaching out for the quill from beneath the pegasus, but quickly relented, going limp. "Oh well. So much for that," Pinkie said, looking at Luna. "It appears Twilight has found something more compelling than the stars to occupy her tonight," Luna said. Pinkie yawned, her mouth stretching wider than what Luna thought possible for normal ponies. "Maybe we should retire for the night?" Luna suggested, pointing toward her bed. The pink pony nodded and walked over to it, collapsing onto the soft sheets. "You don't ever make your bed?" Pinkie asked. Curling up next to Pinkie, Luna smiled. "What's the point? It just gets messed up the next day." Giggling softly, Pinkie buried her face in Luna's stout chest."That's what I told my mom, but she said it wasn't a good reason." "Well, earth ponies can be dumb like that sometimes," Luna teased. Pinkie gasped, and glared at Luna. "Yeah, well… alicorns are snobs!" "Y-you mean all alicorns?" Luna asked, pouting fiercely. Pinkie gave a coy smile and wrapped a hoof around Luna. "Well... maybe not all alicorns." "Are you thinking of an alicorn in particular?" "Yup." "Tell me about her." Pinkie's attention turned to Luna's long, magical mane. Batting it gently, she couldn't stop a laugh escaping her lips. "Well, she's smart! So smart, even Twilight wants to hear her talk." "That's a little vague. Is there anything else about this alicorn that stands out?" Luna asked, egging the pony on. "Yeah. She's really pretty. Her mane sparkles and shines and her eyes shimmer in just the right ways." "Hmmm. I don't suppose there's anything else about this pony that catches your eye." Pinkie turned in bed and wrapped her hooves around Luna. "She's also really fun to cuddle! Like a giant stuffed teddy bear." Luna smiled looking down at Pinkie. Just then she heard a sound like a rubber band snapping. Suddenly, Luna's world was engulfed in pink. "I do believe the spell has worn off," Luna said in a muffled voice. "Looks that way!" Brushing aside Pinkie’s poofy mane, Luna smiled. "All good things must come to an end."   Pinkie's smile wavered for a moment. "You mean, you don't like my mane like this?" "Of course I do. I also like your mane straight. There's a value in scarcity. You see, everypony knows how you act and behave at parties. Not many ponies know what you are like afterwards. I enjoy seeing you with straight hair for the same reasons I enjoy seeing you outside of a party environment: because it is rare, and therefore special. Understand?" Luna asked. Pinkie stared back and smiled apologetically "No?" Luna smiled and brought her head close to Pinkie's. "In that case, trust in me and my words when I say I love you and your mane, no matter what." The alicorn closed her eyes, bringing her lips close to the pink mare's. Until she felt a hoof touch her lips. "Not yet," Pinkie said softly. Luna pulled back, almost in shock."D-did I do something wrong? Wasn’t this a proper moment for a... a kiss?" Luna asked. "Mmhmm." Pinkie nodded. "Just not yet." Luna nodded, still somewhat baffled. In lieu of the prize she really wanted, she settled for wrapping a hoof around her companion. "Pinkie Pie, if I were to have one wish, it would be that tomorrow when I wake up, I would find you lying next to me." Pinkie scrunched up close to Luna, smiled, and shut her eyes. "See you in the morning." Spreading her wings over the mare, Luna shifted until she felt comfortable enough to drift off. "See you in the morning, Pinkie Pie." > Laughter or Darkness > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A humid breeze danced through Luna's mane, setting it aflutter in the wind. Breaking waves upon the shore tickled her ears as waterfowl crowed and cawed in the sky. Opening her eyes, Luna found herself at the beach. Sand, sun, and ocean stretched as far as her eyes could see. Truly a picturesque setting. "Do you like it, sister?" The hair on Luna's back raised in equal parts fear and anger.  "You're no sister of mine, Nightmare Moon." The night-black alicorn, dressed in her regalia, shook her head admonishingly. Nightmare's shoes left light indentations in the sand as she paced around Luna. "Tsk, tsk, tsk. Your words wound me. They are not without truth, however. I suppose the truth is, I'm less of your sister, and more like your shadow. I am the embodiment of everything you reject. Still, it would be nice for a little appreciation. I thought you might like your final struggle to be in a more inspiring place than the darkness." "It's a bit premature to call victory before the battle starts, don't you think?" Luna taunted. Nightmare Moon's cackling drowned out the entire world. There was no hesitation, no doubt in that maniacal laugh. It chilled Luna to the bone. "Oh, I don't think it's premature at all. In fact, it's been a long time coming. You see, you've denied, thrown away, and disowned what makes you most powerful. You're afraid of the darkness. I thrive in the darkness. That is why my victory is already assured." Gritting her teeth, Luna fired a beam of energy straight for Nightmare's heart. The villain retaliated, meeting the beam with her own. The two streams of energy connected, sizzling in the air. The smell of ozone cut into the wind as their struggle raged on. "That won't work, 'Princess'," Nightmare taunted. "We are one and the same, which means our magic is also evenly matched." Both ponies ceased their attacks, ending the stalemate. An uneasy silence built between them as they stared into each other's eyes, looking for a moment of weakness. "I suppose there's only one way to resolve this then," Luna said, lowering herself into a fighting stance. "That's right... no magic, no tricks. Just you and I, and our iron hooves to settle this battle. I hope you brought an ice pack, sister!" In a flash, the black alicorn closed the distance between them in a long stride. With her hoof outstretched, she aimed right between Luna's eyes. Luna sidestepped the attack and grabbed Nightmare's hoof. In one fluid movement, she turned shifting her weight low, and threw Nightmare over her shoulder to the ground. "Urgh!" Nightmare looked up in time to see Luna's hoof coming straight for her head. She rolled to the right and jumped, latching onto her opponent. Holding Luna's left hoof in place, she pounded Luna in the face with her free hoof, landing three harsh blows. Dazed and stunned by the shock to her head, Luna barely found the strength to lash out with her other hoof, striking Nightmare square between the eyes, causing her to cry out. Both ponies stumbled back, trying to shake the pain from the vicious blows. Touching her lips softly, Luna looked down at her hoof and saw a streak of crimson, fresh from her mouth. Dream or not, it still hurt quite badly. "Take this!" Luna looked up in time to see Nightmare leaping into the air, headed straight for her. Luna rolled to the ground and kicked out, connecting with Nightmare's ribcage. A satisfying crack let her know the attack hit home. Nightmare didn't stay down long, however. She rose to her hooves and smiled at Luna. "Not bad. Not bad at all. I wonder how long you can keep it up." Luna wiped her lips, and spat onto the sand. "As long as I have to." The fight continued unabated. The raging alicorns swapped blow for blow, yet, only Luna showed any sign of slowing down. Lashing out with her right hoof, Luna realized she had made a mistake. Nightmare grabbed her foreleg and pivoted on her hind legs. With a short windup, she tossed Luna several yards away, head first into the sand. "Uggghhh," Luna groaned. She spit out a mouthful of red sand and rolled over, shooting a glare at the maniacal villain sneering down at her. I don't know how much more of this I can take... The sound of crunching sand made Luna's ears perk up. She craned her stiff neck around to see what could have made such a noise. "H-huh?" Behind her stood an earth pony with a long flowing mane and tail. With her pink coloring and blindfold, Luna had no trouble identifying the pony. Nightmare Moon shook her head, a bemused smile gracing her face. "Well, well, well. You seem a bit lost, Pinkie Pie. You thought you could just march in here and save your petty crush? If you're offering me your life, I'll have to take it." "You're making a big mistake," Luna said, rising to her hooves with a smile of her own. The pink pony took off like a shot, her hooves digging into and kicking out sand. Nightmare lowered her horn, preparing to skewer the charging mare. Less than a foot away, the pink pony jumped neatly over the dangerously sharp horn. As she sailed over Nightmare's head, she latched her back legs onto the alicorn's neck. Using her momentum, she did a front flip, lifting Nightmare off the ground and sending her sailing into the air. Luna and the pink pony watched as the alicorn flew through the air, flailing like a windmill. Luna flinched as Nightmare finally hit the ground, nearly thirty yards away, head first into the sand. The pink pony slowly raised her head at her opponent, still recovering from the throw. "My name is Pinkamena." "What in Equestria are you doing here?" Luna asked. Pinkamena turned, looking directly into Luna's eyes. "I'm here to help." "You have to get out of here! I don't know how, but she's gotten stronger!" Luna urged. Pinkamena shook her head. "No, she hasn't. She's weaker now than she's ever been. She knows you're getting better every day. She's making her move while she still can. Together we can defeat her." Pinkamena's words made sense. The desperation in Nightmare's actions only served to reinforce her claim. With renewed strength, Luna stood up and walked over to Pinkamena. Together, they stood defiantly at Nightmare Moon who had just extracted herself from the sand. "Let's stop her, once and for all," Luna said. Pinkamena nodded, and lowered herself to ground in a combative pose. "Thank you for coming on such short notice," Celestia said to her guests, leading them into Luna’s quarters. Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Rarity stood around Luna and Pinkie's comatose bodies lying on the bed. "How long have they been like this?" Twilight asked. "I'm not sure," Celestia replied. "I found them like this yesterday morning when Luna failed to lower the moon. I've never been proficient at dream magic, so I could not break through to see what exactly is happening, but I believe Luna has subconsciously called upon Pinkie's help to defeat Nightmare Moon." A collective gasp spread throughout the group. "Nightmare Moon? But I thought we already sent her butt packing!" Rainbow objected. Applejack pushed the hovering pegasus aside. "Yeah, how in tarnation could she come back?" "You did indeed defeat her physical form, but a spiritual form still resides in her heart, looking for the right moment of weakness." Celestia left her seat and placed a hoof upon Twilight's shoulder. "I called you here for an important reason. If Nightmare wins out, she could inhabit both of them.” “Both of them? How?” Rarity asked. “By calling Pinkie Pie into her dream, she’s opened a conduit that Nightmare Moon could travel through if she is victorious. I need all of you here to cleanse Pinkie Pie in case that happens, so that we may use the elements to remove Nightmare Moon once again." Twilight nodded and gently touched Pinkie's hoof. "I... I understand, princess." "Urgh!" Luna fought for air after a vicious body blow forced the oxygen out of her lungs. She had only  split-second to look up in time to see another hook headed straight for her head. "Not this time!" Pinkamena stepped in and grabbed Nightmare, bringing her front right knee into the villain's midsection and causing her to grunt in pain. For what felt like hours now, the three ponies engaged in a visceral fight, none of them backing down, yet all bearing wounds from the struggle. After many successive strikes, Luna's left eye had swollen shut from the painful hooks to the face. A crimson trickle played at the corner of her lips, staining the sand in several spots. Nightmare Moon fared no better. After a particularly nasty blow, the villain's helmet had shattered, cutting her right eye and blurring her vision. Were it not for her dark coloring, the bruising on her chest would have been obvious. Of the three, Pinkamena had the least damage, but a few stray blows here and there had opened a cut on the mare's cheek. The multitude of strikes had taken its toll on Luna's balance. She struggled to stay on her hooves, until she felt a strong hoof grab her. "We cannot afford to keep fighting like this," Pinkamena said. "I-I know," Luna replied, catching her breath. Both ponies watched as Nightmare Moon stood up, ready for another round. "Luna, when the time comes, do not hesitate," Pinkamena said, letting go of the alicorn slowly. Luna didn't know what the guardian meant by her words. She watched as Pinkamena marched forward against Nightmare, heedless of the danger. "Hey, you!" Pinkamena shouted. "I'm talking to you, you half-grown child!" A growl escaped Nightmare's lips as she opened her wings in anger. "What did you call me?" "I called you a child, an infant, an impudent adolescent who never bothered to grow up. Only a child could be stupid and petty enough to continue fighting for such a senseless cause as 'eternal night'," Pinkamena ranted. "Watch your tongue, peasant!" Nightmare shouted, venom dripping from her voice. "Why? Do you believe I have something to fear from you? I don't. I don't fear children who throw temper tantrums. I don't fear you." "You shut your mouth, you insolent flea! You will fear me!" Nightmare shouted. Her horn burst into a dark aura, grabbing Pinkamena by the neck. The pink pony struggled in Nightmare's grip, trying futilely to break the magical grasp. With a forceful slam, Pinkamena hit the sand. Raising her still body into the air, Nightmare smiled and tossed her to the side. "Worthless figmen—gah!" Nightmare cried out as burning pain enveloped her. She struggled through the powerful beam, and saw Luna bringing the full force of her magical capabilities to bear. Craning her neck through the agonizing pain, Nightmare fired a counter spell, nullifying the beam… but the damage had been done. Luna's lips curled up in satisfaction as she surveyed her nearly-broken opponent. Whatever armor she had left was severely cracked and damaged. Nightmare's own form had actually shrunk, diminished of its power. "A most impressive strategy, sister. I do have a little something planned, however, just for you." The sand, the sun, the sky… all of it vanished. A chill ran down Luna's back as a howling wind started. Snowflakes fell in sheets, and cold air stung her eyes. In just a few moments the beach had transformed fully into a blizzard. "What's the matter? I thought you liked it here," the voice taunted her. Luna held a hoof up to her eyes, squinting, as she tried to peer through the darkness. "I did like it here, but I was misguided… naive… just like you!" "Naive? Me? How dare you! I just showed you what you failed to see! These ponies hate you! They hate your night, they hate everything you are, and they hate everything you stand for! Oh sure, it's a thousand-year-old pity party now, but give it a hundred years or so. Things will go right back to the way they were. Face the truth, dear sister; we are creatures of the dark. This is where you belong." Those words rang in Luna's ears. Suddenly, it struck her. She closed her eyes and focused on the voice. In the midst of the chaos, she zeroed in on the venomous tongue, dripping with hate. "You're right." "What did you say?" Nightmare asked through the veil of snow. "I said, you're right. I've been so frightened of the darkness, so fearful of what I might do... what I might become." Cackling echoed around Luna. "That's strange. That almost sounds like you're starting to see the truth." Thinking back to the meditation lessons Celestia had given her, Luna drowned out the wind and snow. In her world, only two entities existed: her, and the shadow which stalked her for so long. "I have seen the truth. I am the ruler of the night. For far too long I've stood idly by and let you run rampant, terrorizing innocents. This is my domain, my throne, and I'm through shirking my responsibility." Maniacal laughter cut through the blizzard, tapering off into a smug tone. "You're joking, right? Now you're ready to take back the night? It's too late. That power is now mine." Luna turned and fired a beam of light from her horn into the blizzard, nailing her target square in the chest and pinning her in the air. Nightmare Moon screeched, her voice reaching the far ends of the void as she struggled against Luna's onslaught. "Then I shall take it back!" Luna shouted as she closed the distance between them. "You see, Nightmare Moon, when I wake up, I'll be in the hooves of the one I love. That's what gives me the strength to fight, and what will allow me to banish you once and for all. Intensifying her beam, Luna put all her power behind the spell. Nightmare Moon cried out in agony as her form washed away slowly, becoming much smaller until she was just a few inches tall. "That pink meddler won't live forever! Just as before, something will separate you two! One day, when you're most vulnerable, I'll return, and then—" Luna put all her strength into the spell, sending the last pieces of the wicked mare drifting into the wind with a howl. "And then I'll defeat you again. I'll push you down every time you come back, because if there is one thing I am certain of, it is that the world has no need of a creature like you." The wind ceased its vicious howling and the snow came to a halt. Slowly, the blizzard faded as a white light engulfed the world. Luna's eyes scanned the void, searching desperately for her compatriot. Spotting a pink figure lying on the ground, she galloped as quickly as she could to the mare's side. "Pinkamena! Are you alright?" Luna asked, gently shaking the mare. The earth pony smiled and shakily rose to her hooves. Her mane was a mess, frizzing in every direction, and a few light bruises showed on her side from their struggle. "I-I'm fine. I knew you could defeat her." Luna pulled the mare close and nuzzled her softly. "Thank you. If it weren't for your aid, I don't know how differently these events may have transpired." Pinkamena smiled. “We should return before we are missed.” Luna nodded. “Right." Luna's horn burst into a blue aura. The dreamscape washed away, leaving the battlefield behind. Thump thump thump A rhythmic pounding caught Luna's attention as she roused from her sleep. She focused on the sound, letting it draw her back to the corporeal world. Slowly, she opened her eyes and saw—most prominently—pink. At some point during their struggle, Pinkie Pie had laid her head on Luna's chest. I knew I wouldn't wake up alone. Not this time. A flash of purple made Luna's head jerk up in surprise... and what a surprise it was. Twilight Sparkle, her friends, Celestia, and Cadance had apparently decided to take up residence in her quarters. The thumping, which had awoken Luna, came from none other than Twilight, as she nervously trotted back and forth in front of the bed. Twilight's nervous pacing aside, the other ponies were sound asleep, sitting in chairs brought from the assembly hall. Fluttershy in particular wielded an impressive line of drool, which stretched from the corner of her mouth onto Rarity's shoulder. Suddenly, Pinkie raised her head. Through bleary eyes, she stared at Luna for a moment as a smile flashed upon her face. The pink pony threw her hooves around Luna's neck, nuzzling the alicorn like a stuffed animal. "Pinkie, we are not alone," Luna whispered. Pinkie turned and looked at the ponies in the room, still oblivious to the fact that they had awoken. "Is this a surprise slumber party? I don't think I've ever had one of those." Twilight's head jerked up and she ceased her pacing. With a speed that would make even Rainbow raise her eyebrows, Twilight zoomed over to Celestia and shook her vigorously. "She's awake! C'mon, get up!" Twilight's shouting caused the other ponies to stir, as well. Before long, Luna found her bed swarmed by the crowd of anxious ponies. "We were so worried!" "Is Pinkie Pie alright?" "Did you two kick Nightmare Moon's flank?" Luna’s raised her hooves to silence them. "Okay, okay, one at a time please. I swear, you ponies act like fillies sometimes." "Sister," Celestia began, pushing the others aside. Her brow was creased in concern. "are you well?" "I'm fine, sister. Nightmare Moon's power was dwindling. She thought to make a final stand against me. As you can tell, though, she failed." Pushing through the crowd, Rainbow hovered over the bed. "What about Pinkie Pie?" "She helped me fight back against the tyrant." Pinkie's ears swiveled, her face scrunched in confusion. "I did?" Luna nodded, bringing her nose to Pinkie's. "Yes, you did. I am forever in your debt." Pinkie's eyes lit up in pride and happiness. A moment later, she opened her mouth wide, letting out a yawn. "I'm still kinda sleepy." Luna nodded, giving a yawn of her own. "Me too. That fighting really wore me out." "More sleep it is, then!" Pinkie announced, letting her head fall upon Luna's chest once again.   "Sounds splendid." "But... you two have been asleep for two days now! It's time to wake up!" Celestia protested, pushing forward a box of pastries. "I even brought doughnuts!" Using her magic, Luna grabbed one of the doughnuts from the box and tossed it onto Celestia's horn. "Later, sis." Without another word, Luna closed her eyes as the audience of ponies gathered round stared in confusion. As they started shuffling out the door, something hit Luna. "Sister, wait!" Celestia and the others halted in their tracks. "Yes?" Luna raised a hoof and pointed between her wardrobe and the balcony. "When I awaken, have the guards bring in a bookshelf and place it there. Something… pink." Celestia smiled and with a nod walked out the room. "Are you gonna eat that?" said a voice from outside her room. "Rainbow Dash! There's a whole box of doughnuts here! Why do you want the one on Celestia's horn?" Twilight shouted. "I dunno." Luna gripped Pinkie just a little bit tighter. “And they all think you're weird…” she muttered. > Epilogue - Best Birthday Gift Ever! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Hurry! Double time, cadet!" A young, vibrant recruit, new to the royal guard, galloped down the regal halls of the castle. His gilded hooves moved in a blur as he ran with every ounce of strength he could muster. Every few steps, he would glance behind him at the approaching mob, his eyes growing wider each time. "Captain! I don't think I'm gonna make it!" His superior officer reached out from behind the makeshift barricade. "Silver Shoes! They're right behind you!" "Captaaain!" Iron Strike pulled his hoof back as the cadet fell to the mob behind him.  His wailing echoed throughout the halls as the horde smothered him bodily. Not content with having the young recruit as their plaything, a few members of the rabble glanced up at the captain, still peering over the dining room table he and his unit we're forced to use for cover. "Gentlecolts," Iron Strike started, "I think our time is up." His subordinates visibly trembled as the echoing hoofsteps came closer and closer to their position. "Captain! What do we do?" a younger soldier pleaded. "Fun!" Their eyes shot up at the pink pony, balancing precariously on the edge of the table. "Fun!" "Fun!" "Fun!" Three more of the pink troublemakers joined in, jumping on the first one's back until they stood atop one another, a tower of mischief. The captain removed his helmet, placing it over his heart. "Celestia, have mercy on our souls." The tower of Pinkies predictably lost their footing, falling on the captain and his soldiers. Several more pink ponies hopped over the table, smothering the guard ponies in pink and fuzzy manes. Celestia threw open the giant double doors and barged into the room with several Pinkie's in hot pursuit. "It's Mutiny! Regicide! A coup!" The solar princess stared in horror as a Pinkie skidded and ducked in front of her with a mischievous grin. With no time to react, the princess tripped over the living trip hazard and tumbled to the ground. She had just enough time to shake off the impact before a pot of melted cheese oozed down her head. "My beautiful mane!" she wailed. "Luna! I know this is your fault! I'll get you for this! No desserts for a million years! No, a billion!" A fort of pillows would not be many ponies' first choice for stability or security, but it would certainly halt or lessen the impact of hyper-energetic mares, which is what Luna and Pinkie wanted out of their protective shelter. They stared through several peep holes at the ensuing chaos around them. "My sister doesn’t take being covered in fondue as well as I did," Luna noted. "I hope there's some left when they're done. Just looking at all that cheese is making me hungry," Pinkie said. Upon her chest was a name tag with the words 'real Pinkie' written in marker. "It does look delicious," Luna added, staring longingly at the cheese oozing down her sister's snow-white body. "Luna, look out!" Pinkie screamed. Alas, it was too late. A group of Pinkies had apparently noticed the fort of pillows and decided it would be fun to jump into it. What followed was a catastrophe of feathers, cloth, and pink as the pair of ponies were trounced and trampled by the throng of Pinkies. Their attention span being what it was, they soon tired of the pillow fort and galloped off to find fun elsewhere. Her mane disheveled and head still reeling from the sudden attack, Luna stared at her companion. Pinkie looked worried, downright devastated. Tears started at the edges of her eyes. "Oh no! My nametag! Not again! How will I know if I'm the real Pinkie Pie or not?" Reaching over, Luna lifted the pink mare's chin up and smiled. "Do not worry. I have no trouble discerning you from these copies. I would have to be a poor marefriend indeed if I couldn't tell you apart." Pinkie's smile returned, beaming brightly. She reached around Luna's neck and gave her a gentle hug. The alicorn started to pull away, but Pinkie pulled back, leaning into Luna's ear. "Happy birthday. I have a very special gift for you." Letting go of Pinkie's embrace, Luna tilted her head. "Oh?" Pinkie said nothing. She darted in and kissed Luna on the lips. The alicorn's eyes lit in surprise, but she soon melted into the gesture, letting her back hit the floor. Suddenly, the entire world disappeared and it was just the two of them, locked in an intimate embrace. The two ponies battled for dominance as they explored each other's mouths until the need for oxygen forced them apart, a taste of cinnamon lingered on Luna's lips. "But I thought..." "That I didn't want to the other night?" Pinkie finished. "Of course I did... but I wanted to give you a birthday gift that nopony else could give you. A kiss, from me. It can only be given, not taken, and no one can give you that kiss but me." Luna smiled. "So you did find something only you could give me. Very commendable, Pinkie Pie." They fell silent for a moment, their eyes returning to the chaos around them. Luna bit her lip and turned back to her partner, eagerly watching the drama unfold. "Out of curiosity... that wasn't the only gift you had for me... was it?" "Pshhh, of course not!" Pinkie said. "There's a four layer cake in your room and a Lamborghini on the front lawn of the castle." Luna barely had time enough to catch the key tossed her way. "A lambor-what?" "Shhh! Watch this! They just found the sugar in the kitchen!" Pinkie squealed in delight. On her birthday, Luna could have made arrangements to go anywhere. To any beach, or even a five-star restaurant. Sitting in their ruined pillow fort with the one she loved, while the castle was under siege, was the only place she wanted to be right now. "Do you think Twilight will be upset when she finds out we used the mirror pool again?" A light chuckle escaped Luna's lips. "I doubt she'll find out. I sent her and Rainbow Dash to a seaside resort." Pinkie sighed contentedly, leaning into Luna's side. "I love you, Pinkie Pie," she said, pulling the pony close for a nuzzle. "Love you too, Luna."