Princess Luna is in your bed

by Vinyl-ScratchDJ17

First published

A middle aged man comes home to find Luna in his bed

I thought today was just going to be one of those regular boring, uneventful days, but boy was I wrong when I came home, and found a certain someone, or should I say somepony sleeping in my bed. Either I've been drugged, or someone switched my mushrooms from lunch today, at work, with those shroom things that make you hallucinate things. But I can just say that today didn't go as planned. This is a knock off of the story Princess Celestia is in your bed remember to leave a like, and or a comment.

What a surprise

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Today, I had a feeling that something wasn't right when I woke up this morning to get ready for work. It was a usual morning, and nothing special, but I felt today was going to be different. Everyday I wake up, and I get ready to go to my job as an architect. Yes I design houses, and stuff like that for a living, and I actually make quite a lot of money from it too. Fifty dollars an hour that is, and I work from nine to five, bringing in a whopping eight hours of work. I work five days a week, and there are four weeks in a month, and I get my paycheck at the end of each one. So I make a lump sum of Eight-thousand dollars every month, coming to be a grand total of ninety-six-thousand dollars a year.

Anyway, I go to work for eight long hours doing projects of my own, and helping put together buildings, and other various establishments for my boss. But I mostly design houses to fill in empty vacant lots spewed around town. It's really quite fun to do, When you get down to it, you're helping make a home for people to live in so hey won't have to live on the streets, or worry about not having a home. After work, I used to go to my friend Damien's place to hang out before going home, but he moved a few years back. I still have my friend Lucas to depend on, but his house is very messy, so he'll usually stop by my place often. Oh, did I mention that my name is John? John Marston actually. I'm twenty-two, and yes my parents named me after a fictional game character, from the game called "Red Dead Redemption."

After work, I find myself walking home, because my damn truck wouldn't start, and had to be towed away. The tow truck driver wouldn't let me ride with him because it's against the policy, which I think is a load of bull crap. Also, it's the middle of summer when the weather is really hot, so now I'm dragging myself along now in this sweltering heat. The sun's hot rays burn my back, and head, and my chest feels heavy due to it being humid since it had rained just the other day, making the air very moist. I live twelve blocks from my work, and I have only gone three so far on my journey home, so that means I'm going to be walking the distance I just walked three times over. So this is a start of how my day became so not normal.

When I finally get home, I walk up to the front door, and I fish out the ring keys in my pocket. I flip the silver, and gold stained colored keys untill I get to the one that has an "H" in sharpie on it. "H" meaning house, for house key. I stick the key in the lock, and I turn it right, then to the left, and I pull them out, then I turn the door knob, and I push the door open, over the home sweet home mat. I take off my shoes, as I close the door behind me, then I go to sit on the couch to see something very off. The back door in the kitchen was wide open. Next to the couch, there is a red stained, round, oak wood end table, and behind it, I have a bat hidden, so only I knew it was there just for cases like this.

I grab the steel bat by the handle which has been wrapped in zebra decorated duct tape. I swing it over my shoulder as if I were ready to swing it at the ball, and make a homerun. I head to the door, and look out to the backyard which is very small. It's about the size of the average master bedroom. twenty feet one way, and fifteen the other. There's not much, but a small round eating table with three chairs, a grill, and bushes that line the brick fences. I only look for a second because as soon as I stepped out there, I met the gloriousness of overbearing, heat. I close the door, then I travel through the rest of the two bedroom house. The first bedroom which is a guest bedroom, was empty of living things, and so was the bathroom, but the room I slept in gave me the shocker of a life time. There she was, in all of her glory, sleeping in my bed. Princess Luna.

I stop at the doorway of the room, staring at her, wondering how she's even real. I can tell that she is due to the fact that the mane, and tail of a plushie don't binge like the actual Luna, and the fact that she is snoring, as her mouth opens, and closes with each breath. I'm so lost right now, that I lose my grip on the bat as my arms drop to my sides, and the bat lands on the hardwood floor with a loud thud. I only know her name since I happen to be a brony, but not like some who obsess over it. Not saying it's bad, cause it's not. Princess Luna goes from laying on her stomach, to rolling onto her left side. She moans a little as she turns over, then she stretches, and makes a long, and quiet yawn. Then she speaks.

"Uuuhhhgg! Just five more minutes Celestia?" She groans even more, as she rolls onto her back, her wings extended out.

I'm surprised the bat hitting the floor like that didn't wake her up. Oh wait. It did. She turns back onto her stomach, and looks around tiredly, as she smacks her lips a bit. I'm still just standing there dumbfounded that she's actually real, and living, and sleeping in my bed! Then, as if she realizes she's not where she's supposed to be, her eyes shoot open, and she gasps, jumping off the bed, and rushing over to the window, and she uses her magic to move the curtains out of the way so she can see outside. I just can't believe what I'm seeing, then a certain ringing tone, pulls me out of my trance. I feel a vibration in my pants, it's my phone ringing.

Who could be calling now? But the sound of it, also had attracted the attention of Luna, who's head turns around quickly, as her ears swivel and turn, trying to pinpoint where the sound came from.

"Who goes there?!" She shouts as she spots me standing in the doorway.

"Uhh...," Is all that comes out of my mouth.

"Where am I? I demand to know!" She shouts again, almost using the Canterlot voice, as she makes her way over to me. I stand there motionless, as I search for words to say, but when I try to speak, it all gets caught up in my throat so all that comes out, is stuttering. "Well? Out with it! Why hast thou not spoken yet?" She's now glaring at me only standing about two feet away.

"" Is all I manage to get out, and I feel sort of faint that Luna happens to be my favorite character, and she's yelling in my face. But then she gasps again, then she shuts her eyes, and hangs her head low, as she sits down on the white carpeted floor. "I-Is something the matter?" I take a step closer to her, and soon I see tears streaming down her face. By now, the ringing and vibrating of the phone had stopped thankfully.

"It' sister." I can hear the sadness in her voice, and I can tell she's in a tight situation right now.

"Well, what happened?" I ask, finally regaining my ability to speak. I walk over to her, and I kneel down so we're at eye level. "You can tell me." I say reassuringly, and I put a hand on her shoulder. She opens her eyes, and looks at me, and I can just see all the pain she is going through.

"M-my sister...banned me here. birthday." She closes her eyes, again as tears continue to roll down her face.

"What? Why would she do that?"

"Well. I asked her if I could have the moon up just for today, and she said yes. but yesterday, she changed her mind, and I got really mad, and shot a spell at her, and she thought I was becoming Nightmare moon again, so she banned me here," Luna says softly, trying to regain her composure, and sniffling here and there. I can't help it, so I wrap my arms around her.

"I-I don't know what to say," I reply sadly, knowing that Celestia broke a promise, and then pissed Luna off enough for her to do that, then send her away on her birthday. That's just downright cruel. She yawns again. "You seem tired Luna. You should go back to sleep." I say letting go of her.

"I suppose you're right, but, how did you know my name?" A look of confusion, and puzzlement takes over her face, as she tilts her head to the right.

"Oh, that's your name? Oh I just called you that by those markings on your flank, and the word luna is latin for moon, so I guess it's a lucky guess, I guess." Wow. Nice going there John. I guess I have always been a good liar, and right now, my lying skills decided to kick in, and saved my but.

"So it seems." She smiles slightly, and gets back up.

"You can sleep on my bed again if you want." I say standing up as well.

"Oh that's your bed? I can't take your bed from you. I mustn't." She closes her eyes and shakes her head before looking back at me. She rounds out to be five and a a quarter feet, and I'm just about six, so Celestia must be just a bit taller than me.

"Look, you're not taking it, you're just temporarily sleeping in it," I say smiling.

"Oh...I still can't do this to you though." she replies with a sweet tone in her voice.

"OKay, well there is a guest bedroom just down the hall. You could use the bed in there." I point back to the hall with a thumb.

"Deal." She begins walking out of the room, and as I lead her to the guest bedroom, I hear a low rumble when we get to the door. "Oops. Guess I'm a little hungry." She says blushing, as she holds a forehoof to her stomach.

"Okay, you just lay down, and I'll get you something to eat okay?" I say, opening the door to the guest bedroom.

"Are you sure? You seem to be doing a lot for me, even though I'm not from this world, and that we just met."

"It's no problem okay? Just stop worrying." I lead her into the room, and she lays down onto the bed, causing it to spring a bit from her weight. "I will be right back." I say as I leave the room, and I head to the kitchen to find something to feed my new guest. The thought of Luna being in my house is still messing with my brain, and It's getting annoying since my brain is telling me she isn't really there. I manage to push that thought out, as I open the fridge. It's content are, an almost empty gallon of milk, a half full jug of orange juice, leftover meatloaf from last night, a few bottles of canada dry ginger ale, a carton of eggs, and the thing I'm looking for. An un-open bag of fruits and vegetables. I pull the big bag out, and I rip it open, by tearing one of those small round holes for ventilation, open.

I walk to the other side of the kitchen, and I grab a bowl from a glass door cupboard. I take two apples, and carrots from the bag, and I put them in the large bowl. Then I fish out a banana which there were only four in here, and I grab a head of broccoli. I don't know how much she eats, but this will be a start. I will get her more if she wants. I put the bag back in the fridge, and I make my way back to the guest bedroom and to my surprise, she isn't in there. I search anywhere in the room where she may have been, which would be just out in the plain and the open, so why did I even bother to search? I mean seriously! Where is a pony of Luna's size going to hide in a small room like this? I really need to start thinking more.

Told you she wasn't real.

Oh shut up stupid brain.

No, I won't shut up, and I never will because she isn't real!

Yes she is!

No she isn't!!

Yes she is!

NO...She isn't.

YES, infinity, times infinity and beyond, no pass ups!!



Then I leave the room, and I walk back to my room and she's there again thank god. But she said she didn't want to be in my bed. She just sits there, staring at the ground from what I can tell. I knock on the door frame to get her attention. She turns her head to me, and I see her sadness again, but then I see it turn back to happy when she sees me. I walk over to the bed, and I sit next to her, and I hand her the bowl. I found that bag of fruits and veggies in the meat and produce aisle the last time I went shopping. I put it in my cart to go bring it back, but then I forgot to and I ended up buying it, so I guess it's a good thing I did. She reaches her forelegs out to take the bowl, and I hold onto it until I know she has a good grip on it.

"Y-you didn't have to."

"Well you were hungry, and I'm not going to let any guest of mine starve to death. It's common courtesy to do the right thing when possible isn't it?"

"You're right, but I still don't know why you're helping me. Who knows. I could have had means to kill you."

"Luna, A sweet mare as such as yourself, I know you wouldn't ever do that. After that Nightmare moon incident you told me about." She looks at me, and smiles before taking an apple in her magic and taking a bite.

"You really think that?" She says after finishing her bite of the apple. "Nopony has ever said anything like that to me before." She says smiling at me. I smile back as I watch her finish her food. "Thank you it was delicious..." She says trailing off. It takes me a second to realize it, but when I do I notice I never told her my name yet.

"Oh! Sorry! The name is John. John Marston." I hold out a hand for her to shake, and she gladly takes it in her hoof.

"Nice to meet you, John Marston of earth." She says giggling a bit, then she lays down on the bed, this time, the right way unlike before. Then she moves against the wall, and taps the spot next to her on the bed. I grab the white bowl, filled with apple cores, a banana peel, and I put it on the dresser by the bed.

"I thought you didn't want to take my bed." I say jokingly.

"I'm not. That's why we're sharing it" She smiles up at me. I stare at her wondering why she wants me to do this because it's just weird. I like Luna and all, but that's too far. "Come on just lay down." Her horn glows, then the same blue aura surrounds me, and I'm forced to lay on the bed. She puts a foreleg over me, and snuggles herself close, and nuzzles my cheek. She closes her eyes, and soon she falls asleep, still holding me. I can feel her breath on my face, and it's cool, and smells like apples, and the fresh night sky. I let this pony princess into my house, and now she wants to sleep with me already, and we have only known each other for thirty minutes! Hell if I knew I could win girls this fast, then I'd take over the playboy mansion!

Well isn't this just a great predicament you got yourself into John? Well this is what you get, now you have to deal with it. Just great. I know my life isn't special in anyway possible, nor does anything good ever happen. But there have been a few times where I thought the most messed up thing has happened to me, but this...this takes the cake. Coming home to find Luna in my bed, then I welcome her with open arms, but I never meant for it to end up like this. I was hoping for it to just be a temporary thing until she goes back, but I guess she wants more than that from me. I know Luna happens to be my favorite character from the show, but I would never bring it this far if we ever were to meet, and her being alicorn, there really is nothing I can do to stop her.

I lay there motionless, trying to forget that she's here, but it's kind of hard when I can feel her breath on my neck, and how close she's cuddling herself to me, plus her foreleg puts some weight on my chest, so it's really hard to pretend right now. I guess I'll just try to have to make the best out of this situation, and hope for the better, and that she doesn't try to do anything further to me. I have been waiting countless years for something good to come into my life. This is it. Well partially anyway. She moves around a bit, and she moves to lay her head on my chest. I can feel her mane as it brushes across my torso. I know this is weird, but it's got it's own little unexpected cute side to it. I am a little worried this might turn into a real life clopfic thing. I can't bring myself to kiss a girl, let alone a princess.

She begins to snore a little, and from what I hear, she has a cute snore, and so far it really is. I can't help but smile a little when she makes a soft little moan. Not the kind of moan you would make during sex, the kind of moan that says you're content. A small smile spreads across her face, which much have been contagious, because now I'm smiling. I put my arms around her, and she moves her head into a more comfortable position on my chest, and soon, I too begin to fall asleep. I'm not sure if when I wake up I hope that this is a dream or not. I mean I don't want it to be because Princess Luna is here in my home, yet I want it to be a dream because this got awkward really fast. When I do wake up, I come to find she isn't laying on me anymore, telling me it was a dream until...

"Good morning sleepy head." I turn my head to see Luna smiling at me, and her blue eyes shimmer in the light. Okay, so I guess my theory of being drugged or something like that was wrong, and now I just slept with Princess Luna. Th's still bad enough, but thank god I don't have a girlfriend or that would make this situation much more worse for me. Oh well.

"Good morning." I reply stretching, and letting out a long yawn, making Luna yawn right after. "Wait. Did you say morning?" I ask, suddenly, turning to face her.

"I wish it was night though." She says sighing.

"Ugh, what time is it?" I groan, as I try to pull my phone out of my pocket. I fumble as I try to squeeze my fingers into the tight pocket. "Ah, there you are you devil!" I remark, triumphantly, as I click the button on the top, and the small iphone warms up slightly, and the screen comes to life. And all those little icons pop up one after another on the screen.

"If I may ask, what is that device you are holding?" Luna asks, tapping my arm once with a hoof. I look at the small numbers at the top right portion of the screen, and they say 8:25am. I gasp at the fact I work in under an hour. I have to get ready, and walk my way to work while trying to tend to Luna. I sit up in an instant, with my legs over the side of the bed. "What ever be the matter?" Luna, gets up, and moves to sit next to me. She rests her head on my shoulder, and nuzzles my cheek.

"I'm going to be late for work, that's what." I get up so fast, I can feel my head getting dizzy, and I lose my balance, and due to this I can hear Luna giggling a bit. "I have to get dressed, then I...well I can skip breakfast for today, then I have to walk twelve blocks o get to work, and I only have..." I say checking my phone again. 8:29am. "Thirty-one minutes to do so." I quickly pull open the dresser drawer in the middle on the three, and I grab the first pair of pants, and shirt I can get my hands on.

"Is there anything I may do to help?" Luna asks, standing up from the bed, next to me.

"Not as of now, but thanks for the offer." I close the drawer, and I head out of the room, and into the bathroom. I lock the door behind me, so Luna's curious eyes don't wander in as I get dressed. As fast as possible, I get my current clothes off, and put on my new ones which are a pair of jeans, and a key lime green t-shirt, which takes me about five minutes I am guessing. It shouldn't have taken me that long to get dressed, because, it usually only takes me two minutes to get dressed. Then I hear a knock on the door.

"Are you okay in there?" I hear Luna's voice say from the other side of the door.

"Yes, I'm quite fine." I say opening the door as I finish getting dressed.

"Are you sure? You seem rather stressed." She says, following me to the living room. I turn back to face her, as I reach the foyer.

"Luna, hunny, please, I'm fine." I say as calmly as possible, but coming off as really nervously. Then, she grabs me, and pulls me into a hug, her head on my shoulder, leaning on my head. "Wh-why are you hugging me?"

"You called me hunny." She says, letting go, with a big smile across her face.

"I did? I didn't." I shake my head, as I lean over to put my read nike's on.

"Do not lie to me, for I know the truth!" Then I watch as my other shoe glows with dark blue light, and moves itself onto my foot.

"No, I'm serious, did I, or did I not say it?" I ask, by the door, ready to leave.

Before she can answer, my phone goes off again, just vibrating this time. I pull my phone out again, and I check the text. As I read I come to find, it says I'm...fired. I sigh deeply, and I walk over to the couch, and I sit, putting my face in my hands. I begin to ponder over the fact of why I got fired, and I can't find a single reason. I look around the room, and I don't see Luna anywhere. She must have gone back to bed, and I think I should too, to get rid of this stress. I sigh again, getting up from the couch. I make my way over to the room, and I come to find the door closed. I shrug it off, and as I enter the room, and I see Luna on the bed, softly crying into the pillow.

"Hey, what's the matter?" I ask worryingly, and I sit on the bed by her.

"I-I thought liked me." She says quietly.

"I do like you, I just didn't know if I said hunny or not. Okay?" I take my hand, and I begin stroking her silky blue mane.

"B-but you did." She sighs, and looks down. I didn't mean to hurt her, I just didn't know if I said that word or not. I want to cheer her up, and my mind gives me a way to do so. It's gonna be awkward but too bad. I lay down on my side, facing her, and I put my arms around her, and I hold her close again.

"It's okay Luna. I'm still your friend." I continue rubbing her mane, and thens he pushes her self into me, and holds me, "Is there something you want to tell me Luna, to get off of your mind?" I ask looking down to her, and she nods, with her eyes closed. "What is it then?"

" you...John." She says looking up to me, with pleading eyes, and the fur on her cheeks are stained with tears. "it's silly of me to have loved you, for I fear you don't feel the same about me."

"Look, Luna. We're friends okay? I don't love you yet because we just met, but maybe we can work up to it."...Wait. Did, I just say what I think I just said? Well now I'm fucked cause I can't take that back.

"I want you to love me John. Could you do that for me? I've never felt what it's like to be loved, or liked in anyway." She sighs, laying her head against my chest again. Why does she want e so bad? I just let her stay here till she goes back to Equestria.

"Ok. I guess it wouldn't hurt to try." I smiles down at her. But man, now I'm in an even worse situation than before. I really need to learn when, and when not to speak, and what to, and what not to say when I speak.

"Y-you would really do that for me?" She looks back at me again, with a smile on her face.

"Consider it a birthday gift from me to you." I say, as I brush some of her mane out of her eyes.

"Thank you John!" She holds me tighter in her forelegs, hugging me, so I do the same. When we pull away she's smiling more than I have seen her smile yet. It's nice I made her happy, but why are things going this far? Why does it feel, that I like it? Then she pushes herself against me, locking her lips with mine. At first, I was shocked, then I felt angry, but I don't want to push her away, she has had enough of that. Then I feel content, and happy. My favorite character from my favorite show is here in my house, and wants me to love her. Why has it taken me this long to realize it? So you know what I do? I kiss her back, and we kiss for about five seconds before pulling away.

"I love you so much John."

"I love you too Luna." Tears well up in her eyes, ans she buries the side of her face in my chest as to not impale me with her horn.

"You don't know how long I've waited for someone to say those words to me!" She's full out crying now, as my shirt becomes soaked with tears, where her head is at. I cradle her head in my arms as she hold onto me tight.

"Hey, it's okay. I love you." I lift her chin up in my hand so she can see me.

"Do you really? Even though I'm not your species?" She asks worryingly, as if I were lying.

"Luna. It doesn't matter who or what you are when it comes to love. All that matters is that you love each other." I say, taking a hand and rubbing her cheek.

I don't know what is going on with me. My body is at war with itself over this whole situation. Deep down inside I get this feeling of wanting to love her, while the rest of me is saying to tell her no, but the wanting to love her part is winning so far. Somehow, it's also making me feel good, while my brain is telling me this is wrong, and I just don't know what to do, so basically my body is acting on whatever instinct it has right at this moment. Basically from what information that Luna has given me is that Celestia banished her here as punishment for attacking her, when she said Luna could have the moon up for her birthday. I'm thankful to have Luna here with me, but the sad story behind it, has really been getting to me.

"I just wish somepony else felt the same." Luna says sighing.

"By that you mean your sister right?" She simply nods.

"You're a good kisser by the way." She smiles a she nuzzles my cheek.

"I am?"

"Yes you are, my darling."

"I've never kissed a girl in my life before, and when you kissed me, I didn't know what to feel at first, so it was a crappy kiss I gave o my opinion." I reply shrugging my shoulders.

"Well, maybe if you actually tried, then who knows how good you may be." She says, rubbing my shoulder, while biting her lip.

"What are you saying?"

"I just thought maybe you'd like to..try again?"

"Luna. To be honest, I don't know. It kind of felt weird to do it." I take a hand and rubbing the back of my neck.

" don't love me?"

"No, I do, but I just wasn't prepared for this. You know. Coming home, finding a talking pony in my house, and falling in love with her in under twenty-four hours. Plus, in this world, it's deeply frowned upon to fall in love with another species."

"But you said it doesn't matter who or what you are." She says shakingly, and now I wish I hand't of said that.

"I know, but it's just getting in the way. I'm not saying I don't want to love you, but with originally having these beliefs, it makes it kind of hard, but I'm trying to ignore it."

"I...I understand." She sniffles once, and looks away from me. Now look, I did it gain. I tell the girl I love her, then I tell her it's hard for me to love her. What kind of evil demon has taken possession over me?

"Luna, please don't take it that way." I put a reassuring hand on her shoulder to try and calm her.

"It was wrong of me to just come here, and expect you to love me." She sheds a ter, and begins to get up. "I see now, that I only cause you stress, and agony, so I'm just gonna go." She's sitting up now, and begins to scoot over to the edge of the bed. Now, no only does my mind decide, I, in my own consciousness decide.

"Luna, please wait!" I plead, reaching a hand out to her. She stops, but doesn't turn to look at me.

"What now?" She asks, her head low, with a deep sigh.

I grab her, and I somehow pull her towards me, and I turn her around, and I push my lips into hers. I close my eyes, as I kiss her, and I hear her gasp at first, as she tries to pull away, but then, she soon utters a small sigh of relief, and kisses me back. I do love her. Never thought I'd hear myself saying that I fell in love with a My little Pony character, but I did, and I like it. Guess that makes two things in common me and Luna have. She said I was a good kisser, even though it was my first time, and by assuming she hasn't had a lover, that she hasn't had a real experience either. Luna pulls me into her, and I do the same, as we kiss for once again, god knows how long we kissed for, but I enjoyed every second of it, and I knew she felt the same.

"I love you Luna, and I always will."

The end...