> Discord to the Power of Pi (e) > by Art Luckyman > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Discord to the Power of Pi (e) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord to the Power of Pi (e) Written by Art Luckyman Our story begins with Pinkie Pie skipping and humming to herself "the Flim Flam brothers song" when she bumps into something tube-like and brown. When she gets back up she discovers that it’s Discord that she bumped into. Discord then says, "Why, hello there Pinkie Pie. Fancy meeting you here.” "Well, hiya Discord. How are you today?" Pinkie says as she waves to Discord "I’m doing well; thank you Pinkie for asking. ...Well… you see…" Discord looks nervous and so Pinkie says with concern, "Is something wrong buddy?" Then Discord smirks and says, "Well my dear Pinkamena. I am trying to branch out from my friendship with Fluttershy. So I went to my thinking tree and thought ‘why not spend time with good ol’ Pinkie Pie?" Pinkie looks concerned and says, "Well, I don’t know…" Then Discord puts on a performance of languish to Pinkie "Oh how that makes me ache inside. And to think two ‘friends’ that both could exhibit the element of laughter cannot be together, oh how that splits me in two." Pinkie Pie feeling guilty, then says reluctantly "Well, I was on my way to babysit the Cakes. And I can always use the hel…" Just as Pinkie is about to say the last syllable, Discord explodes with joy and "Thankyouthank youthankyou"’s So Pinkie Pie and Discord go to Sugarcube Corner for babysitting when Mr. Cake says, “Why hello there Pinkie Piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie…”before he faints. Then Mrs. Cake asks terrified “W-What is he doing here?!” Pinkie gestures to Discord and says “Well princess Celestia wanted us to release him because she thought he could be reformed and…” “I mean what is he doing in our bakery?” as Mr. Cake wakes to say while hugging his wife “Please don’t hurt us or make our stuff come to life!” then Discord says “Now why in Equestria would I want to hurt you? I am reformed after all.” then murmurs to himself “though living cutlery would be humorous.” then Pinkie says “I invited him.” with pride. “We’re both here to babysit Pound and Pumpkin together.” “As friends!” Discord interrupts. Then Mr. Cake reluctantly says “Well… Okay” “All we can hope for is the best Carrot. Now we really need to get going” says Mrs. Cake. “Oh my gosh you’re right!” The Cakes say goodbye with “Be responsible Pinkie!” Then Pinkie yells back “Don’t worry about me!”with the “me” echoing. So Pinkie and Discord go upstairs to begin babysitting. Pinkie feels a little at peace with the foals asleep and expresses that with a sigh. Until Discord asks “So what exactly are we supposed to be doing?" “Well, it’s our job as responsible babysitters to ensure that these babies are happy and healthy." Pinkie says as seriously as silly Pinkie Pie would say “and remaining responsible is as difficult as they come. I should know from experience.” But then suddenly the babies wake up and start crying. Discord looks nervous and he looks to Pinkie frantically and then she exclaims “Nobody panic! Discord watch them while I get some flour!" Then Discord says “Flour! Why would you need flour?" As Pinkie runs out the room and returns. Pinkie then dumps flour on herself and the foals giggle and are cooperative for their care. “Ooh! Neat trick." Discord says with a grin, then proceeds to make more flour appear and says “Shall I have more ready?" Pinkie gets ready and brings them their food for the evening: organic hay. But after they're finished eating and Pinkie burps them, the foals suddenly feel full of energy to Pinkie's chagrin as she says "Oh no! Not again!" Pound then goes to knock down all of the plastic spice containers while Pumpkin uses her magic to get a wooden spoon to suck on and then pursues toward self-levitation. Pinkie begins to get stressed as Discord grins malevolently and says "Ooh hoo hoo. I like these kids a lot." Pinkie pie then comes up with an idea, she grabs Pumpkin in her elbows and then takes out a lasso and says “Good thing Applejack was willing to teach me this.” Pinkie then lassos Pound, and is led through the bakery: up, down, and in all directions, which leads Pinkie to yell “Woo-Hoo! Giddy up little Pound Cake!” to which the twins promptly repeat in giggles “Giddy up”. After a few minutes, Pinkie finally manages to get control of Pound’s wild flight and steers him to the nursery. Pinkie closes the door behind them with her tail, as they crash into some stuffed animals for Pumpkin to chew on. Discord then teleports in filled with glee saying "Oh ho hoho. I really like these kids a lot. You know, I think that could be a game!" "Now wait just a second here mister! This isn't about 'games' this is about responsibility." Pinkie says angrily. "Then let me be responsible for these wonderful foals,” Discord says as he pinch Pound’s cheek affectionately “while you clean up downstairs." Pinkie glares at him suspiciously then happily says “Okey-dokey-lokey!” before she bounces down the stairs while Discord wickedly says “Now that we’re alone, let’s have some fun.” Pinkie, after finished cleaning heads back upstairs humming her “Smile smile smile song” but when she arrives back in the nursery, she is flabbergasted to discover Pound and Pumpkin wearing red jumpsuits and sky blue spiky hair. Pinkie is shocked with her jaw wide open and then Discord comes out of her mouth and delightfully says “Oh, how it fills my heart with bliss to see these foals playing with their newest gifts” Discord then leaps out of Pinkie’s mouth so she can says angrily “What are you talking about Discord?” “Young Pinkamena! Don’t you think that there is more concern in these young foals than me?” Pinkie then runs toward Pumpkin, nervous to what she’ll encounter. Pinkie sees that Pumpkin’s horn is glowing in multiple colors (meaning the young filly is using chaotic magic) Pinkie nervously notices Pumpkin is chewing on the fabric of the floor itself. Pinkie, out of fear and desperation says “No No Pumpkin! you shouldn’t suck on floors!” Pinkie takes the floor out of Pumpkin’s mouth to which Pumpkin begins to cry to. Until Pinkie gives Pumpkin a pacifier and then her chaos magic stops glowing, and Pinkie lets out a sigh of relief for the second, until she remembers Pound. As he punches a wall and the debris mashes on a nearby Button Mash. Discord then appears and says “That was unexpected!” to which Pinkie glares at Discord in shame and then Discord makes the debris disappear. Pinkie then puts Pound in a makeshift cage and tapes it to the ground with duct tape, Discord then says “Oh! Isn’t this so much fun?” "FUN!? FUN!? This is exhausting for me! It's hard enough to take care of these babies! But you! You Mr, are exhausting me down to the bone!" "But Pinkamena, the three of us are having so much fun together." Discord says confidently " Besides, isn't it your desire to see everybody is happy all the time?" "Well... Yeah... I think it is..." With this Pinkie feels distraught between her own desires for everybody to be happy and always have fun, and being responsible. And with that, the Cakes’ final words to her begin to echo, reverberating for the effect of then and now. "Be responsible Pinkie!" And with that Pinkie regains her composure and returns to the conversation to confront Discord. “DISCORD!” Pinkie yelled! “I am tired of putting up with your shenanigans! It makes me want my hooves to stomp!” “Say can we do this rhyme? It adds more toward my romp.” Discord then pulls a red and white tophat the size of his head from the ground and then says "Well My Little Pony, the littler ponies and I are having so much fun. So why in Equestria would you want our fun to become none?" "Well I just realized that fun is always good and fun. But eventually there must come a time where the fun is done.” Pinkie confidently says. “because it is our duty to be absolutely responsible.” “Well! Why can’t eternal pleasure be a little plausible?” then Discord says immaturely “Why can’t it happen?” Discord’s hat then turns into a bonnet and then he screams “Why? Why? Why?” To which Pinkie cleverly responds with “We have to make sure these babies don’t die. Now stop all this madness, or else I’ll tell Fluttershy.” What happened next? Well in Ponyville I think, Discord’s form and confidence suddenly began to shrink. Discord then turned the Cake babies back to their adorable foal forms. And then Pinkie asks “Was that so troublesome? Now let’s see if we can get them to sleep from this fun.” “Pinkie Pie! We’re back!” said Mr. Cake as they walk through the door with Twilight. “Oh! I hope everything is alright” Mrs. Cake nervously says. Pinkie and Discord walk downstairs and shush the Cakes to say that the foals are asleep. Twilight surprised says “Wow Pinkie! How did you manage to take care of Discord, Pound Cake, and Pumpkin Cake?” “Well! it was a loooooooooooooooooooot of work!”, than Discord transforms to a black and white cat with his hat back on and says “Well I thought we had the cat’s hat” concluding the story on Discord’s head in an iris wipe.