Providing for the Clutch

by Blissey1

First published

Queen Chrysalis indulges in some carnivorous pregnancy cravings.

Queen Chrysalis is with eggs. Much like a pregnant mare, she requires much more sustenance than usual to provide for the new life growing within her.

Fortunately for her, one of her drones have just captured a pony...
warning: vore

cover art by StormBlaze-Pegasus.

Pregnancy Cravings

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Sky Line propelled himself through the sky with another flap of his large, red wings, the wind whistling through his fiery orange mane. At these speeds and altitude, it would normally be difficult to see much detail on the ground below, but his special pair of flight goggles allowed him to still see clearly. And being able to clearly see the ground below him was very important for what he was here to do.

Most ponies, when asked about professions for pegasi, immediately thought weather related jobs. While it was true that the majority of pegasus ponies found work in the Equestrian meteorological industry, their capability for flight also made them perfectly suited for work in a number of other fields. One of those fields was cartography. What better ponies to make maps than those that could literally get a bird’s eye view of the land? And that was the route Sky Line had chosen for himself, that of an amaetuer cartographer. As his cutie mark, a rough map with a dotted line snaking through it, would attest, he was fairly good at it.

He was currently flying high over the border between the Everfree Forest and the Badlands. The simple fact that the two even shared a direct border, the lush green of the Everfree abruptly giving way to the dead, dusty oranges and reds of the Badlands, was testament to just how unnatural the Everfree Forest was. He was only making a quick, preliminary sweep of the area to allow himself to get a feel for the place. Actual measurements and map making wouldn’t begin until later.

As he sped by, he suddenly thought he saw something odd in the forest below. He pivoted his wings forward to break his momentum and fell into a series of lazy circles in the air as he tried to spot what it was that had caught his attention.

He saw what it was that had caught his attention after only a few circles. A short ways in from the Everfree border, he spotted a small clearing, within which stood some sort of tall, black object. He at first thought it the burnt out husk of an old tree, but the growth around it showed no signs of there ever having been a fire.

He hovered in place for a short while, wondering if he should go down and investigate. He knew how dangerous the Everfree Forest could be, but if this thing could serve as a potential landmark, it was important he got a better look at it. He knew the proper thing to do would be to just make a mental note of it and come back later when he began the actual map making, but, he had to admit, he was very curious to get a closer look…

His curiosity finally won out against his better judgment. He arrowed down towards the small clearing. As he approached, he noticed the black object seemed to be a pillar of some kind, with green marking etched along the sides of it. He had never seen anything quite like it.

He carefully touched down near the pillar, but didn’t immediately turn to examine it. He remained perfectly still, wings still unfurled and muscles tensed to launch him back into the air at a moments notice. The only parts of him that moved were his head and his ears, examining his surroundings to make sure it was safe. A minute passed, then two. Nothing out of the ordinary occurred and he began to relax. Convinced he was alone, he pulled his goggles down over his snout to dangle on his neck and turned to examine the pillar more closely.

He thought it was stone at first, but now that he looked more closely, he realized that was not the case. He gently put a hoof to it. The black material was hard, but seemed porous, like some kind of petrified wood. The green material along the sides of it was also hard, and semi transparent as well. It seemed to be some kind of hardened resin or maybe glass. As he examined them, he realized that the green markings weren’t as random as he initially thought. He was able to pick out a kind of order to them, like they were words in a language he didn’t recognize.

He was becoming increasingly certain that, whatever this thing was, it wasn’t a natural occurrence. Something had purposely built it here.

He heard the snap of a branch behind him. There was barely time for him to pivot his ears backwards before he felt something slam into the back of his head and everything went dark.

Sky's eyes slowly fluttered open. “Hmmm… mmm... Hmmm? MMMMM!?” They shot wide open the rest of the way when he realized that he was unable to open his mouth and that wherever he was, it was nearly pitch black. He tried to scramble to his hooves and quickly found that, in addition to his muzzle being bound shut, his hooves were bound together and his wings were stuck to his sides.

He flailed about for a short time, trying to break free of his bonds, before realizing the futility of it and holding still. He just laid their hyperventilating while his eyes wildly darted about until finally he forced himself to squeeze them shut. He had been out in the wilds on his own enough to know that, as bad as his current situation seemed, panicking would only make things worse.

As he tried to bring his breathing under control, he did a mental check of his condition. Aside from a dull, throbbing ache on the back of his head, he didn’t seem to be injured in any way. That boded well. Whoever had captured him wanted him in good condition, for whatever reason. He shifted his legs about, this time in a more deliberate, less frantic way, to get a feel for his bonds. Whatever was holding them together, it wasn’t rope. It felt more like they were glued or cemented together by some substance. He stretched his legs out and gave a mental sigh of relief that at least his front legs and rear legs weren’t bound together. A quick twitch of his wings revealed the same situation; they seemed to be somehow glued against his body.

He opened his eyes to try and see anything he could of his surroundings. It really was as dark as he had first seen, but if he squinted, he could just barely make out what seemed to be some small spires jutting down from up above. Since it felt like he was lying on natural stone, he surmised that those were stalactites. Which meant he was in some kind of cave. He couldn’t help but let a bit of panic rise up again. Pegasi generally hated being underground, and Sky was no exception.

His examinations were brought to an abrupt end when a doorway he hadn’t noticed opened up, letting a dim green light flood into the room. It was no daylight, but it was still bright enough to force him to close his eyes which had become acclimated to the near complete darkness he had been in.

“Oh, good, you’re awake,” called out a strangely raspy voice.

He slowly opened one eye to see a pony like figure silhouetted against the greenish light shining in through the door. Details slowly made themselves more apparent as his vision adjusted to the light. Sky first noticed a horn on the figure’s head, a pair of solid green eyes, and a vicious smirk on its face, a pair of fangs clearly visible. He then noticed the matte black chitin covering its body, the diaphanous wings on its back, the holes in its leg…

Sky’s panic returned in full force. This was one of those creatures that had attacked Canterlot a year or so back! His mind scrambled for the name… Changelings! He had been captured by Changelings! His fear left him paralyzed as the creature approached him.

The changeling let out a raspy chuckle. “You’re a smart one, holding still for us. This is so much more difficult when they struggle.” The changeling raised his hoof over Sky’s face and he closed his eyes and braced himself. But the hoof only gently came down on the side of his muzzle. He opened his eyes again to see the changeling looking down at him with a slightly disappointed frown. “Personally, I like it when they struggle, but you lucked out. The queen specifically requested that you not be hurt when we bring you to her.” The changeling leaned down closer to Sky and his grin returned, this time with a hint of sadistic anticipation. “She has something very special planned for you, little pony!”

Sky looked to where the changeling’s hoof met his face. In the dim light, he was now able to make out what it was binding his mouth shut; a green, resin like substance, no doubt the same substance that had been on that black pillar outside. As he watched, a green goop leaked out of some of the holes on the changeling’s leg and dripped down onto the hardened green material on his face. The goop glowed green for a moment and then took on the same resinous sheen as the material coating his muzzle.

The changeling gave a mighty tug and, his hoof now securely connected to Sky’s muzzle, yanked the pegasus upright. His other eye no longer resting against the ground, Sky now noticed there was a second changeling on his other side. The other changeling repeated the same procedure, but with the green material around his barrel that was gluing his wings shut.

Now secured on both sides, the two changelings moved forwards, dragging Sky along between them out of his chamber.

They exited out into a cave, and the first thing Sky noticed was a large cluster of glowing green crystals on the cave wall directly opposite the door to his chamber. A quick glance up and down the passage they had entered showed more of these same crystals, the only source of light in these underground caves. None of the clusters were nearly as large as the one just outside the chamber he had been in, however, and some corner of his mind that wasn’t panicking wondered if that was done on purpose, to temporarily blind their captives upon opening the door.

His captors turned left upon leaving his cell and dragged him down the passageway. Being dragged along wasn’t nearly so bad as Sky had feared it would be. Even though his legs were completely bound, the two changeling were actually supporting quite a bit of his weight and the floor of the cave, or hive, he supposed it should be called, was surprisingly smooth. It was actually calming enough for him to bring his thoughts under control and properly assess his situation.

The two changelings escorting him were actually half a head shorter than he was. Of course, this wasn’t too surprising to him; he had always been on the large side, especially for a pegasus. He was confident that, were his legs not bound, he could overtake the two changelings. Not that it would do him much good. They had already passed by enough branches in the tunnel to make his head spin. And even if he did know how to reach the surface, it wasn’t likely he’d be able to make it. He was able to occasionally see faintly glowing, multifaceted green eyes staring back at him from side tunnels that they passed. There were many more changelings here than just the two beside him, more than enough to subdue him should he try to escape. The only positive thing about this whole situation was that their queen apparently wanted him in good health, but even that might turn out to be a negative. His mind raced to try and think why they would want him unharmed. What if they only wanted him in good health so they could use him for some nefarious purpose?

His pondering was brought to a halt as he and his guard approached a large set of doors made of some kind of green material. There were two changeling standing guard in front of it, larger than the two beside him and wearing some kind of armor. Sky’s eyes widened slightly with the realization that this must be the queen’s chamber. Sky and his two escorts halted in front of the doors and simply stood there silently, then at some unheard signal the two armored changelings opened both sides of the door simultaneously. Sky was dragged inside by his captors and forced into a sitting position, and with a quick flash of magic the two changeling detached their hold on the material binding him. The chamber was much larger than the tunnel had been, and the meager light produced by the crystals adorning the walls left the far end of the chamber in darkness. His heart was pounding in his chest now, and his ears swiveled backwards as he heard the door close behind him.

“Here is the pony that was captured earlier today, my queen,” the changeling to his left said.

“My my my…” came a sultry voice from the darkness ahead of Sky. Then he saw them. A pair of eyes staring back at him from the darkness. Not the solid green, multifaceted eyes the rest of the changelings had, but green irises surrounding narrow, slit pupils, the kind of eyes one would expect to see on a snake or a dragon. The eyes of a predator. Then they began moving forwards and Sky started shaking in place as the changeling queen entered the light.

She was taller than he was, closer to the size of one of the princesses. She moved with an easy, sinuous elegance of one with absolute confidence in their authority. He would call it beautiful, even attractive, if she were a pony, but this creature was no pony. Her black carapace, jagged horn, and hole filled legs and wings were enough evidence of that.

“When I heard that one of my drones had made a prime catch, I thought that they were exaggerating, but I see now that that is not the case,” she said as she approached Sky, her gaze appraising him as though he were a slab of meat. She stepped right up to him and only had to tilt her head down slightly to look him in the eyes. “Goodness, you’re big for a pegasus!” She stepped to his side, and though Sky tried to turn his head to follow her, his terror was so great his body refused to obey him. He took a sharp intake of breath through his nose when he felt a cold, chitinous hoof touch the middle of his back right above his wings. “Hmm, very well muscled…” she said as she dragged her hoof down his spine. She continued her circuit around him before stopping in front of him once again. “Yes, I believe you should be more than adequate!”

She stepped back slightly and locked her gaze with his for a few moments, then her eyes widened in mock surprise. “Oh, but I can see from your eyes that you have so many questions for us! So please-” her horn suddenly lit up, and a green jolt of magic shot forth. Sky reflexively shut his eyes and braced himself. He felt it impact his muzzle, and to his surprise, felt the green substance binding his mouth melt away. He opened his eyes and looked down in wonder at his now freed mouth, then back at the queen, who was smiling expectantly at him. “Ask away,” was all she said.

For a while, Sky was only able to open and close his mouth like a fish out of water, his mind too scattered to actually say anything. Then came all the questions at once. “Who… I… how…” After another few moments, he finally managed to settle on a single question. “I'll be more t-than adequate f-for what?”

The queen chuckled, a chuckle that held no mirth behind it. “Yes, I suppose you do at least deserve a proper explanation of your new purpose in life. You see, you have come to the hive at a very special time. I… am with egg,” she said as she turned slightly to the side. Sky managed to tear his gaze away from her face, and saw that she did indeed seem to be pregnant, her belly hanging low and slightly bulging out past her legs on either side. “I do not give live birth like ponies do,” she continued, “But I do share at least one thing in common with a pregnant mare.” She turned back to face Sky with a wicked grin that sent a chill down his spine. “Having this new life growing within me makes me absolutely ravenous! I require much more sustenance than I normally do, and that, my little pony, is where you come in.”

Sky stared back at her in silence for a few moments. “S-so… so you want me to… cook for you?” He paused a moment, then his eyes bulged out and he frantically shook his head. “B-b-but I can’t cook!” he stammered. “I mean, I-I know basic food preparation for wilderness survival, but I couldn’t cook anything f-fit for a queen!” He blinked. “Or… or do you mean you want me to help gather food?” He again rapidly shook his head. “I am good at wilderness food gathering, but surely your own changelings can… they can…” he trailed off as he noticed that the queen was again chuckling at him.

“No, no, no, you foolish little pony,” the queen said as she shook her head, then centered her gaze back on him. “You are not going to cook food or gather food…” She put a hoof under his chin to lift his head up and brought her own head down so that there was only inches between them, then gave him one of the most terrifying smiles he had ever seen. “You are the food.”

He barely had time to process what she had just said before she lunged forward and her muzzle smashed up against his. Her long, serpentine tongue quickly darted past his lips before he could react and began exploring his mouth.

Sky was in a state of shock. She had said he was going to eat him… and now she was making out with him? His mind was struggling to make sense of it when he remembered something he had heard at some point, that these changelings could somehow feed on emotions, particularly love. Was that what the changeling queen had meant? That she was going to feed on his emotions? His love?

He focused on those green eyes now inches from his own, eyes which didn’t seem nearly so terrifying anymore. Maybe… maybe this wasn’t going to be so bad afterall…

After being on overdrive since he woke up, his mind finally started slowing down, his body relaxing. He allowed himself to slump forward into the kiss and forget about the future for the moment, to just focus on the present and enjoy himself.

He couldn’t help but focus on how strange her tongue felt writhing about in his mouth. He had lain with mares before, but the changeling queen’s tongue was nothing like the broad, flat tongue of a pony. It was much thinner and longer, almost like a snake, and incredibly quick and agile. It almost seemed like it was in all parts of his mouth at once. He was vaguely aware of the changeling queen laying down on her side to bring them more level with each other, the hoof under his chin shifting to the side of his face as she did so. He tried sticking his tongue into her mouth to do some exploration of his own, but her own tongue deftly prevented his entry. When he persisted in trying, her tongue actually wrapped around his own to stop it.

He gave up trying and closed his eyes, allowing her to set the pace as she would. Her hoof shifted again, now going from the side of his face to the back of his head, gently pushing him forward into her kiss. Under her skilled manipulation, time seemed to melt away along with all his worries and fears over his situation. His only focus was on the present, on the strange creature taking his love, and the warmth of her kiss seeming to envelope him…

His eyes creaked open a tad, then quickly shot open the rest of the way. Half of his muzzle was in her mouth! He urgently tried to pull back, but her hoof on the back of his head held him in place. The corners of her mouth curled upwards in a malicious grin, then she opened her maw impossibly wide and lunged forward and everything became soft, wet darkness.

Queen Chrysalis could see the shock written on the pony’s face, and a couldn’t help but let a smile sneak onto hers. Her ruse was up, but that just meant that it was time to jump to her favorite part. She opened her mouth wide, slipping her tongue out from the stallion’s mouth as she did so, and lunged forward, engulfing most of the pony’s head. He began struggling, but with a quick mental command, the two drones that had brought him to her were once again at his sides, holding him still so that their queen could take her time with her meal.

Chrysalis couldn’t help but let out a delighted moan, and used her hoof on the back of his head to shove him deeper down her gullet as she gave a loud, powerful gulp, her neck stretching out to accept her meal. It had been so long since she had had a pony, she had forgotten how delicious they were! She normally had to devour her own drones for sustenance when she was pregnant, and while they certainly provided enough nutrition for her, they didn’t have much of any flavor to speak of. But this pony was simply divine! The ever delectable meaty taste of his flesh, the saltiness of the cold sweat he was covered in, and a somewhat earthy flavor that reminded her of the outdoors after a fresh rainstorm combined with the terror rolling off of him in waves to create a sensation that was almost too much for the changeling queen. Her eyes rolled upwards into her head as she greedily wolfed down more of the pony, her almost ecstatic moaning interrupted only by the noisy gluks and glurks of her gulping him down. She silently lamented to herself that it was only while she was with egg that her body became elastic enough to accommodate such a meal.

The pony was quickly sucked down all the way up to his shoulder, her cheeks bulging outwards, when Chrysalis had a devious idea. She brought her head and neck down flat against the ground, forcing the pony to fall to his side along with her. The queen shifted her neck so that it was as straight as possible, and one of the changelings holding the pony down went to the pony’s backside and started pushing. Chrysalis lay there, allowing her drone to do most of the work of shoving her meal down her throat, only occasionally swallowing to hasten the pony’s descent to his final destination. She wanted to drag it on as long as she could to savor the pony’s flavor and the mortal terror he was giving off, and slowly, ever so slowly, more and more of the pony was pushed into her maw. His wings, forelegs, and barrel, inches by inches, vanished past her lips.

When his cutie mark reached her mouth, Chrysalis mentally commanded her drones to stop. She craned her head straight up into the air, exposing her bulging neck, the form of the pony easily recognizable through the tightly stretched skin. Both drones quickly began rubbing and massaging her neck to help the pony slide down faster. Between her drones, the force of gravity, and her own languid gulping, the pony’s cutie mark, flanks, and legs were all slowly sucked down into throat. Her already gravid belly was beginning to distend outwards even more by the time the pony’s hind hooves finally passed between her lips and she was able to shut her mouth. Finally, after what seemed entirely too quick to her but no doubt seemed an eternity to her meal, she slurped up the pony's tail and a few more gulps sent him the rest of the way down into her stomach.

“Aaaahhhh!~” She let out an immensely satisfied sigh and allowed her head to fall back to rest on the ground, her tongue lolling out of her mouth and her mane sprawled out on the floor around her. “By the First Egg, that was amazing!” she said as she rested both of her forehooves on her enormous gut, which was writhing and bulging about with the struggles of her prey. She looked towards her two drones. “Who was it again that captured this pony?”

“Veraxus from squad eight, my queen.” one of the drones replied.

“Well, Veraxus is going to be rewarded very handsomely!” Chrysalis replied. A lecherous grin overtook her face. “Perhaps he would like a private audience with his queen…” She rolled over slightly onto her back as much as her heavy, bulging belly would allow, one of her hind legs sticking up into the air, and looked down at her stomach, which was still violently shifting about. “Why do you struggle so, little pony?” she asked with a malicious smile. “You are going to help create over a hundred new lives! You should be happy about your fate!”

The pony’s response was a particularly strong kick against the walls of his prison, causing the side of Chrysalis’ belly to noticeably bulge outwards even further. The Queen’s eyes widened in surprise, and a moment later her cheeks puffed out for just a moment before a tremendous belch forced its way out of her mouth along with a large, red feather, which gently floated down towards the ground. The loss of excess air cause her gut to cling to the pony even tighter, making his form more easily visible within her belly and constricting her meal’s struggles. She chuckled quietly to herself. “I do love a fighter…”

Now that her prey’s struggles were restricted and she had expelled all the excess air, she carefully ran her hooves across her still tremendous belly. She could tell, based on years worth of experience, that her stomach could still stretch out farther, that she still had room for more. She wasn’t still hungry by any means; the pony had more than taken care of that. But, as Queen, it was her duty to provide as much nourishment as she could for the eggs growing within her, which meant shoving as much food down her gullet as she could possibly handle.

She looked towards her two drones, standing silently by her head for further instruction, and on a whim picked the one on her left. She looked at him a moment before speaking. “Maris, is it?” she asked.

The changeling stood even straighter upon being addressed. “Yes, my queen?”

“That pony was very delicious and quite filling, but mommy is still feeling a tad peckish. Would you like to contribute yourself to the new clutch?” she said.

Maris’ jaw fell open and he stared at his queen in shock. This state lasted only a moment before he regained his composure and bowed low, his horn touching the floor. “O-of course, my queen! It would be an honor!”

Chrysalis smiled back at him, having expected that answer. Unlike the hapless pony she had just devoured, her drone would not truly meet his end within her stomach. As his body was broken down into nutrients for her, his mind and soul would be transferred to one of the eggs growing within her womb, and he would be reborn as a brand new nymph. All of her changelings knew this, and were more than willing sacrifice themselves in order to ensure the health of the next generation of changelings.

She still always asked them first, even though they always said yes. She owed her changelings at least that much courtesy.

Chrysalis reached out a hoof and gently placed it along Maris’ cheek. “Thank you, my child,” she said. “I will be sure that the nursery takes special care of your new egg.” And with that, she opened her mouth wide.

Maris, an ecstatic grin on his face, quickly turned around and gently stuck one of his hind legs into her maw so it was pressing against the back of her throat. Chrysalis swallowed, pulling him backwards slightly, and he lifted up his other hind leg and placed it in her mouth as well.

Unlike with the pony, Chrysalis had no desire to prolong the process with one of her own changelings. Maris did all he could to shove himself down her gullet, and between that and loud, powerful gulps that pulled him down inches at a time, it was no time at all before only his head and front legs remained exposed to the outside world. Chrysalis paused and lovingly brought a hoof up to rest against his cheek and, knowing he would not be seeing his queen again for quite a while, Maris nuzzled up against it and grasped it tightly in his own hooves. They held like this a moment, then Maris angled his head so that his horn wouldn’t get in the way and, with a few more powerful swallows, Chrysalis sent him the rest of the way down to join the pony within her stomach.

Her obscenely bloated belly now had two noticeably different lumps in it, one slightly larger than the other. Unlike the larger one, which still shifted about slightly, the smaller lay still, the changeling gladly accepting his fate. Chrysalis brought both forehooves down to the smaller lump and gently caressed it. “Thank you, Maris. That was exactly what I needed.” She couldn’t help but let a fang filled smile spread over her face at the joyous, content feelings she received over their mental link in response.

She lay her head back against the ground and closed her eyes, content to bask in the feeling of being so very full and the knowledge that she was providing so well for the new life growing within her. The only thing preventing her from being perfectly content was the feeling of a pair of eyes staring at her. She quickly opened her eyes and looked up, just in time to see the remain changeling jerk his longing gaze away from her belly and go back to looking straight ahead.

Chrysalis smirked. “Novus? Is there something you’d like to say?”

Novus nervously looked back to her. “I… I just… A-are you sure you’re full, my queen? You do not require any more sustenance?”

Chrysalis’ smirk grew into a grin. She knew exactly what he actually wanted to ask her, but decided to play ignorant. “Yes, Novus, I am quite full now. Thank you for asking.”

Novus’ shoulders seemed to slump down along with his head. “I-I see. You’re welcome, my queen.”

Chrysalis chuckled. “Oh, Novus, don’t look so depressed!” she said. “I promise that next it is time for me to feed, you’ll be the first one I call upon.”

Much like Maris, Novus’ jaw fell to the ground. “Truly!? T-thank you, my queen! I do not know what to say, I-”

She silenced him with a wave of her hoof. “Then do not say anything!” She looked to him with a grin. “If you truly wish to convey your appreciation for your queen, then come around here and rub my belly.”

Novus eagerly nodded and quickly went around to her enormous midsection. The fact that her stomach was bigger than he was did nothing to deter him and he went to his task with gusto, enthusiastically rubbing and kneading her distended belly. Chrysalis again closed her eyes and lay there for a time, doing nothing but enjoying the the belly rubs her changeling was giving her. He really was quite good, and if he occasionally forwent rubbing in favor of giving her bulging gut a full body hug, she didn’t mind.

She lazily opened her eyes on a whim and noticed something laying on the ground near her head. She shifted her head towards it, and saw that it was a large, red feather, the only remaining piece of her meal. She opened her mouth slightly and her tongue snaked out towards the feather, wrapped around it, and pulled it back in. She was delighted to find it still had some of the pony’s flavor on it, and suckled on it like a piece of candy for a few moments before swallowing it down to join its owner.

As Chrysalis lay there in contentment, a strange noise somewhere between the purring of a cat and the buzzing of a wasp began emanating from deep within her chest and her hind leg that was sticking up into the air started twitching slightly. Between the ministrations of her changeling and the quiet gurgling noises of her stomach starting to work on her meal, her eyes slowly closed and she drifted off into a deep, satisfied sleep.