> Master's Little Pet > by Shadow Bolt > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Master, You're Back > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1: Master, You’re Back Celestia’s sun was high above Equestria. If somepony had a watch, it would be around noon. The sky was clear of clouds, to some ponies it was the perfect day to be outside. A carriage rolling up the road towards Canterlot, the capitol city of Equestria, with its two passengers as their journey back home was almost over. “Look Cadance, we’re finally home,” said the newly crowned prince Shining Armor, as he woke his wife from her nap as their carriage was passing through the gates of Canterlot. Cadance let out a yawn that Shining Armor thought was cute, “It’s good to back, I can’t wait to be back home and relax” as she looked out the window to see the sights. The newlywed couples have returned from their honeymoon and were now on their way to the castle to relax after the long trip. Both looked around to see all the citizens passing by, some even waved to the couple. Both prince and princess noticed many construction ponies were hard at work fixing up a lot of shops and homes that were severely damaged. “Did something happen while we were gone?” asked Cadance. “Not sure,” said her husband, “It could be that their still repairing after the invasion.” Cadance cringed at the memory of that terrible day. “I guess there was more damage to the city than we thought.” After some time has passed, the couple’s carriage was pulling up to the castle gates. The look of the castle put them in shock. “What happened here?!” asked Cadance. “I don’t know,” said Shining Armor as they saw the castle was as severely damaged as the buildings they passed moments ago. “All I know is that the castle didn’t look like that when we left.” They saw the castle had multiple holes in the walls and on the roof and many of the windows were shattered. “Do you think everypony is alright?” Cadance was worrying about her aunts. “Don’t worry, honey,” he said as he comforted her, “I’m sure that everything’s fine.” The carriage finally stopped at the entrance. The driver got off and opened the door as he bowed before them. They got out of the carriage and grabbed their bags. The driver closed the door, then got back on his seat and drove the carriage away. The couple walked up the stairs as Shining Armor was carrying their bags with his magic. They walked through the hallway watching all the servants and maids. They would bow as the couple passed them by and then returned to cleaning up the castle as if nothing’s happened. This gave the couple a state of calm, but Cadance was still worried about her aunts. Shining Armor sensed his wife feelings and nuzzled up to her, as he tried to calm her down. “Listen, why don’t we drop off our bags at you’re- I mean OUR room and then we will look for Princess Celestia and Luna, I’m sure they can tell us about what happened here.” “Your right,” she said, as she was feeling less tense about the situation. She could always count on her husband to calm her down. Soon enough, they were standing outside Cadance’s room. She felt a little strange knowing that it was no longer just her room, but it was now her and her husband’s room. She opened the door and was about to enter until she felt being lifted in the air. She noticed that she was covered in a light rose aura. She turned to look at her husband wondering what he was doing. Shining then stood on his hind hooves, then his aura faded away and her husband’s fore hooves were now holding Cadance. “Dear, what are you doing?” “What do you mean? I’m carrying my wife over the threshold since its tradition.” Before Cadance could reply she was silenced by Shining Armor’s lips. She didn’t give resistance as his tongue was invading her mouth. She closed her eyes and gave out a moan, letting him know that she was enjoying the kiss. With her eyes still closed, she could tell that she was moving as her husband was walking towards their room. He kept the kiss as he walked up to their bed and gently lowered his beloved wife on the bed. The kiss went on for a few seconds before Shining Armor pulled away, leaving Cadance in a state of bliss wanting more. She opened her eyes to see her husband lowering their bags next to the closet and then he started walking off. “Where are off to honey? Come back to bed.” “Sorry dear, but nature calls. I’ve been holding it in for a long time,” he said as he was walking towards the built in bathroom in their room. “Why don’t you start unpacking and then will find my aunt-in-laws? Huh, it still feels weird calling Princess Celestia and Luna my aunts. “Well hurry on back, It’s not right to leave your beautiful wife all alone.” As she got up, she turned away from Shining Armor and started shaking her plot at him. His cheeks quickly blushed as he dashed towards the bathroom, she could hear the door lock. Cadance let out a giggle from the look of her husband’s face as she was teasing him. She always liked teasing him back when they were dating. She kept giggling, as she started unpacking. It didn’t take long for her to finish unpacking as she was now levitating the bags towards the closet. She used her magic to open the door, but the knob didn’t turn. That’s strange she tried opening the door again and again the knob didn’t turn. What’s going on here? Why doesn’t the door want to open as she was getting a little frustrated as she tried repeatedly, but the door wouldn’t open no matter how hard she turned or pulled. She then looked at the door to see what the problem was. Upon closer examination, she saw that the door was locked. She felt a little silly thinking that something so simple was the cause of her problem. I can’t believe that I was getting so frustrated that I didn’t see that the door was locked as she used her magic, she heard a *click* letting her know that the door was now unlock. She slowly turned the knob, this time the knob was moving. As she opened the door, a thought popped in her head, I don’t remember locking the closet door. She looked at the now open closet and smelled something foul coming from the inside. This caused her to gag, What is that smell? As she used her hoof to cover her nose, hoping to block out the smell. She then noticed something in the dark at the bottom of the closet, she turned her head towards the floor. “AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!” was all she could say as she saw an unconscious pony lying on the floor. Why is there a pony locked in my closet? How long has the poor thing been in there? I truly hope that it’s not dead. Apparently her scream woke the pony up as it started stirring. Thank Auntie Celestia, the poor thing is still alive. The pony opened its eyes and then used its hooves to shield them from the light. After having some time to adjust, the pony lowered its hooves to see who opened the door. Its eyes were only half opened as it looked at Princess Cadance. “M-M-Master?” the pony said in a groaned voice. From the tone of voice, Cadance was able to figure out that the pony is a stallion. What did he call me? As she wondered, what the stallion had just said. The stallion got up slowly, falling to the ground a few times before he was finally standing up. He then took another look at Cadance with his eyes still half closed. After a few seconds the stallion eyes opened wide and had a big smile on his face and said, “Master, you’re back!” He then jumped up and started giving Cadance a big hug. “I missed Master sooooo much. Did Master miss me too?” Did he just call me master? Was all Cadance was thinking as she was still shocked that the stallion that was in her closet was now hugging her as tightly as one of Twilight’s friends. “What happened, Master? Master said that Master was only going to be gone for a little bit. I waited so long for Master to come back that I lost track of time,” he said as he kept hugging her. Cadance was confused about what the mystery stallion was saying. Why does he keep calling me master? “I was worried that something happened to Master, or that Master had forgotten about me,” he said as he tightened his hug, “but now, that’s no longer the case because Masters back!” his head was nuzzling Cadance’s neck as he finished his sentence. She then felt him being yanked away, she looked to see him floating upside down in a pink aura. “Cadance, are you alright? I heard you screaming and saw this stallion attacking you,” she turned to see Shining Armor behind her with his horn glowing. “I’m fine honey, I just found this stallion lying in my closet and just took me by surprise.” He then walked up next to her as he kept staring angrily at the stallion that was getting frisky with wife. “Alright you, what were you doing hiding in my wife’s closet?” Cadance looked again at the stallion as she finally got a good look at him in the light. The stallion was a unicorn, she noticed that his horn was filed to a point. His coat was aqua blue and his mane and tail were red. Closer examination she was shock to see something she didn’t noticed before. The stallion was dangerously skinny, he was so skinny that she was able to see his ribs poking out. She also noticed the stallion had a partially swollen black eye on his right. She noticed from his good left eye that his eye color was green. She was in a state of disbelief that she didn’t snap out of it until she heard the stallions in whisper like voice so that Shining Armor could only barely hear him, “Master, what is he still doing here? Master said he wasn’t going to be a bother anymore.” “Cadance, who is this guy, and what is he saying to you?” “I have no idea who is he is or what he’s talking about,” she responded. The stallion didn’t say anything, but he kept staring at Cadance. After a few seconds he said still in a whisper, “Oooohhhhhhh, I get it Master,” he winked with good eye and then he looked at Shining Armor and said, “I am just a simple cleaning servant. I’m in charge of cleaning the mast-princess’s room. I was tidying up her closet when the door closed and locked behind me. I tried to open it but there was no knob and I couldn’t use my magic to open it.” Shining Armor looked at the stallion, not believing a word he’s saying. “I tried to break the door down, but there wasn’t enough space in the closet for me to build up the momentum to break it,” he continued his make believe story, giving Shining Armor a big smile thinking that it was working. “Thank you for letting me out, now if you’ll excuse me I’m way behind on my schedule. So if you could let me down, I’d be very grateful.” Shining’s face was nose to nose in front of the stallion, “Nice try buddy. Maybe some time in the dungeon will help you out with telling the truth,” he started walking out the room. The stallion looked at Cadance and tried his hardest to motion her closer. Seeing that he was no threat, Cadance cautiously leaned closer to him. He then whispered to her ear, “Don’t worry Master, I won’t tell him anything. Master’s secret will be safe with me.” He then started moving away as Shining was pulling him with his magic, “Come on you.” Before the stallion was out of Cadance’s sight he gave her a wink and said, “Don’t worry, I’ll be fine,” and a few seconds later, Cadance no longer saw him. Cadance simply stood there again in disbelief over the events of her return, “Just what in Auntie’s name is going on?” > I Love Master, So Much > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2: I Love Master, So Much While every part of the castle looked wondrous to anypony that’s been inside, except there is one part of the castle that isn’t. Through a door there is a spiral staircase leading deep underground, the only light source were the torches hanging on the walls. While the hallways up above had plenty of furniture, expensive pieces of art, and the windows that reach up to the ceiling. The hallways underground did not. No pieces of art or furniture were around, nothing but bricks stacked on top of each other with the only thing on them were the torches and the cobwebs on the ceilings. This hallway leads to a room that not many ponies know about, mostly because this place hasn’t been used in years. That place is the Canterlot Dungeon. For Princess Cadance, this is the first time she has ever been down here. She was walking down the corridor that would lead her to her destination. Each hoof step brought out a puff of dust as she looked at the cobwebs that covered the hallways. Since being under Celestia and Luna’s reign, Equestria has been in an age of peace, love, and harmony for over a thousand years. Because of this, there was no reason to clean the dungeon. Cadance felt uncomfortable as she continued walking. Up above there was the feeling of happiness, light, and a feeling of welcome to all who visit. There was none of that feeling down here in this dark and gloomy place. Eventually Cadance finally made it to the dungeon. A lone guard stood beside a steel door. The door was rusted and had a slide to see whoever was on the other side, at the moment it was closed. Cadance walked up to the door, the guard upon seeing Cadance bowed. “You may rise, tell me what you have learned about our visitor?” she asked. The guard stood up, “Yes your highness. So far nothing, the prisoner hasn’t said anything since we brought him here. It seems our techniques aren’t working on him. If he wasn’t already in bad condition, we would have used… other means.” She nodded, “Open the door,” she said. The princess’s request made the guard uneasy, “With all due respect Princess, I think that would be unwise. We don’t know how dangerous he is or what he was doing hiding in your chambers. It would be dangerous for you to be alone with him. For all we know, he could be an assassin sent here to kill you.” “I appreciate your concern, but I think I can take care of myself.” “Are you sure Princess?” he said. He didn’t like talking back to the princess, but it’s all the guards duty to protect the princesses. “We don’t want anything to happen to you like last time.” Cadance knew what he was talking about. Again it’s a memory that she would choose to forget, “I understand your thoughts for my safety,” she didn’t think it wouldn’t have to do this, but it looks like she was going to have to use the ‘princess card’ on him. “Open the door and let me enter, that is an order.” The guard was about to object, but Cadance gave him ‘the look’. The way she had her eyebrows lowered would have anypony obey out of the feeling of disappointment. It wasn’t as good as Princess Celestia’s ‘look’, but it still got the job done. “Of course, your highness,” the guard opened the door and Cadance walked in. “I apologize your highness, but regulations order me to close the door for anyone that enters in order to keep prisoners from escaping.” “I understand,” was all she said. “If you wish I can have the slide open to keep an eye on you.” “Thanks, but that will not be necessary,” she said thinking that the prisoner wouldn’t talk to her if they were being watched. “Yes, your highness,” as he closed the door. It took time for Cadance’s eyes to adjust to the darkness for her to see her surroundings. She noticed that the cell was big, round, and empty of furniture. The only thing she was able to see was a stack of hay on the other side of the cell. On top of the stack of hay was the mysterious stallion that was in her room, sleeping in peace. Time to get some answers, she decided to go with a gentle route to interrogate, “Hello, sorry to disturb you, but I wanted to ask you a few questions.” The stallion opened his eyes and lifted his head towards Cadance. A few seconds for his eyes to adjust, he was able to see who was talking to him. Upon seeing Cadance, the stallion smiled, “Masters here to see me.” He slowly tried standing up, as Cadance saw his legs were shaking. Now that the stallion was standing he started running towards Cadance, “I’m coming, Master.” About halfway, he tripped and landed face first on the ground. Cadance could hear the stallion groaning and mumbling incoherently as he lay there motionless. After what seemed like a minutes, Cadance noticed that the stallion was not getting up nor was he moving at all. Poor thing, he probably doesn’t have the strength to move Cadance started walking towards the stallion. As she was getting closer, she could hear the stallion incoherent mumbling notifying her that he was still conscious. Cadance was now standing in front of the face down stallion, she then used her magic to lift the stallion off the ground. She could see that the stallion had a nullifying ring on his horn, preventing him from using magic. Once the stallion’s legs were in standing position, she released the levitation spell and he was now standing on his own. He immediately started hugging Cadance again, “Thank you, Master.” Why does he keep hugging me and calling me master? “Master, came to see me. I’m so happy,” he said as he kept hugging Cadance. “Don’t worry, Master. I didn’t tell them anything,” he finally let go and stood there in front of Cadance with a smile on his face. “Is Master proud of me?” Cadance feeling she needed to say something to the stallion that was waiting for her to answer. “Um….. Yes?” “Master is proud of me, I’m so happy,” his gripped tightened when he heard Cadance praise him. Let’s see if I can finally get some answers as Cadance was thinking of what question she should ask first. “Why were you in my closet?” The stallion looked at her with a confused look on her face, “Doesn't Master remember? Master put me in the closet to keep me safe.” “What is your name?” Again, the stallion was confused once again, “Master, are you alright? It’s me, Razor Sharp, Masters Little Pet.” Pet? Cadance was more confused from his answer. Razor’s stared at Cadance for a few seconds, then his face turn from confusion to sadness, “Did Master forget about me?” his eyes were starting to tear up. Cadance was now trying to think about what to do with Razor. I have to say something to him Cadance thought carefully of what to say, “Of… course I didn’t forget you,” her right hoof was rubbing Razor’s left cheek, “How could I forget a face like that.” Cadance’s answer seemed to have worked, since Razor’s was no longer sad, but happy again. He walked up to her and started nuzzling his head on her chest, “I knew Master wouldn’t forget about me.” Okay, it seems that I was able to fix that misunderstanding, but so far I still haven’t learned much from him except his name. I still don’t know why he keeps calling me master. I have to make sure the next question I ask won’t cause another upset. She used her hoof to push Razor back, he seemed to understand and didn’t object. “Razor, why do you keep calling me master?” “Because Master is my master,” he quickly answered. Well that didn’t go as I wanted it as she mentally facehoofed she tried a different approach, “Do you know my name?” “Of course I know Masters name, Master.” “What is Masters name?” Razor smile went away from her question, “I can’t say Master’s name.” “Why not?” she asked. “Because Master gets mad when I call Master by Masters name. Master ordered me to never to call Master by Masters name. If I’m his master then he will do what I tell him to “As your master, you’ll do whatever I tell you to correct? “Of course, Master.” “No matter, what I tell you to do?” “Yes, Master.” “Then tell me, what is Masters name?” Razor was feeling nervous from Cadance’s command, but since she ordered him, he had to obey, “Yes, M-M-Master……….. C-C-C-Chrysalis.” Chrysalis?! How hearing that name caused Cadance’s blood to boil. The name hit her brain like venom as memories of that fateful day came flooding back, when Equestria was almost conquered by an army of changelings, led by their queen, Chrysalis. How she had kidnapped Cadance and left her to rot in the mines, while she pretended to be her, and how she almost lost the love of her life to that monster. Now it all makes sense. He thinks I’m Chrysalis in disguise, who appears to be this stallion’s master the look on Cadance’s face was nothing but a face of pure anger. Razor seeing Cadance’s face, thinking that he made his master angry, started cowering in front of her. He lowered his body, his legs were shaking as he started walking backwards. Cadance looked down and saw the look on his face, the look of extreme fear. Seeing her looking at him, made Razor more terrified as he kept walking away from Cadance, “I’m sorry, Master. I didn’t mean to make Master angry. I only did what Master told me to do.” Cadance was feeling bad about herself, in her moment of anger toward Chrysalis, Razor thought that her anger was towards him instead. She started walking towards Razor. Seeing this, Razor tried walked faster, but his back hooves tripped and he fell to the floor. He tried getting up but couldn’t from exhaustion and fear as Cadance was getting closer. He then curled up into a ball and waited whatever punishment comes to him. Cadance couldn’t believe what she was seeing, a stallion afraid of her. She’s seen her share of ponies showing signs of fear whenever in the presence of Princess Celestia and Luna, but this was probably the first time someone was afraid of her. She got along well with her subjects and they never showed fear towards her and here was Razor, completely petrified of her. No, not afraid of me, but of Chrysalis. He mistook my anger of her and thought that my anger was towards him. He thinks that I, meaning Chrysalis, am angry at him. Now Cadance was thinking how she could fix Razor’s misunderstanding. She raised her hoof and brought it towards him. Instinctually Razor brought out his hooves, covering his face and closed his eyes. He waited for his punishment…..only for nothing to happen. After a few seconds of waiting for his master’s punch, instead he felt a hoof gently rubbing his cheek. He opened his eyes to see his masters face. Her face was not of anger, but of compassion. She said in a calm tone, “Don’t worry, I’m not going to hurt you. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” “M-Masters not angry at me?” he pleaded. “I’m not angry at you,” she replied. Razor once again got up and hugged Cadance, this time she returned the hug to make him feel better. He tightened his hug and said, “I love you, Master.” Cadance was couldn’t believe what Razor Edge just said. The thought that someone loving Chrysalis was a thought that couldn’t be possible Unless? It all makes sense now. She must have captured him and put him under a spell making him love her, and then she would be able to feed on his love for her. As Cadance was deep in thought, she almost didn’t see that Razor’s head was getting closer to hers as he was trying to kiss her. As his lips got closer, Cadance turned her head away from him. Seeing his master turn away from him, Razors face went from happy to sad instantly. Cadance saw the change of his expressions as he let go from his hug and was now staring at the floor with tears in his eyes. “I’m sorry, Master. I forgot that I can’t kiss Master without permission,” he turned around and started walking away from her. As he walked away, Cadance was able to hear him mumble something, “Master, hates me now.” Cadance was now feeling bad about herself, she accidentally hurt Razor’s feelings once again. I have to fix this she started walking towards him. Razor was lost in his sadness, that he didn’t hear Cadance walking up to him. He didn’t even notice her until he felt something touch his cheek, he looked and smiled as he saw his master kiss his cheek. Cadance saw the look on his face and pulled back. Before she could raise her head, she felt Razor’s hooves wrapped around her neck and his head nuzzling hers. She then felt Razor kiss her cheek and then went back to nuzzling her head. She decided to let him continue while she used the opportunity to use her magic. I’ll just use my magic to undo whatever spell Chrysalis has him under and then everything will be back to normal. A little heart pop out of her horn and flew to Razor’s head, it then made contact and a bright light shined from where the heart landed. Cadance then lifted her head letting Razor know as he let go and stood there in front of the princess. She looked at him, “What are your feelings towards me?” she asked to see that her spell work. Razor tilted his head with a look of confusion on his face for a few seconds, then it was replaced with a smile and said, “As I said, I love Master.” What?! Cadance couldn’t believe her ears, she thought that her spell had worked. He must be under a more powerful spell than I thought. She then tried another spell to undo Chrysalis’s magic. Razor felt some tingling from Cadance’s attempts to free him from his master’s spell, “That tickles, Master.” Cadance tried another spell and another, but her spells were met with the same results. After many attempts Cadance came to a grim conclusion He’s not under any spell, he really does loves Chrysalis. Cadance took all that she learned since meeting Razor in her room and put the pieces together. The way he talked, the way he reacted by her expressions, his personality, and of course the condition of his body all led up to her to conclude that there was no way his love couldn’t be actual love towards the changeling queen, but some sort of twisted relationship from the result of trauma and manipulation. Who knows what kind of terrible things that MONSTER did to his mind for him to be like this? “Master?” he said, breaking Cadance’s thoughts. “Yes?” she replied. “What’s going to happen to me now?” he had the look of concern on his face. Cadance was also thinking about what to do with him now. She thought about telling him the truth about everything. How she wasn’t Chrysalis, the invasion had failed, and that Chrysalis was longer around. She then looked at him, seeing the face of worry all over his face. She quickly thought against it. There’s no telling what would happen to his psyche if I tell him the truth. I better just play along until I figure out on how to deal with this as delicately as I can. “I will get started on getting you out of here and put you in one of the guest rooms. I’ll make sure that your well taken care of.” “M-Master means, I don’t have to hide anymore?” “No, you won’t have to worry about hiding anymore.” “Can’t I stay with Master…in Master's room?” “I…. don’t think that would be a good idea. We wouldn’t want anypony to get suspicious of us now, do we?” “Master has a point,” he nodded, “Master is always right.” “We can’t let anyone know about us right,” she winked. “But won’t Master need me when it’s time to sleep?” “It would be strange to have someone in my room besides my husband, isn’t it?” “Oh,” He looked down with a frown on his face, “Master did marry him after all.” “Are you alright?” she asked. He looked up with a smile, “Yes Master, I understand. Master must keep up appearances so no one will expect the invasion.” “Exactly,” she lied, “can’t let anyone know about the invasion,” she brought her hoof to her mouth to make a shush expression. “That’s why I have to keep pretending that I don’t know you and you have to do the same.” “Yes Master, but I’ll get lonely if I’m not with Master after sometime and Master needs me too. Master needs to be fed to keep Master's strength up.” “I’ll see what I can do, but for now you keep pretending that you don’t know me. For now you’re my new servant like you said.” She started walking towards the door, “Now I’ll go talk to the princesses to see about your release and get you the proper care you need.” She was stopped as Razor started hugging her again, “Master always takes good care of me. Master is so kind to me.” Cadance knew that wasn’t true. From knowing how Chrysalis is towards others, the way Razor reacted when he thought he angered his master, and of course the black eye he has on the right side of his face. Feeling sympathy for him, she returned the hug.” “I love Master, so much,” he said as his head nuzzled against Cadance’s chest.” “And….um… Master loves you too,” she said to comfort him. It seemed to work as she felt his grip tightened and his tail was wagging back and forth. She stood there for a few seconds before she heard the sound of snoring. She looked down and saw that Razor Edge had fallen asleep, while he was still hugging Cadance. He must be exhausted after this whole ordeal and from his body’s condition. She used her magic and levitated Razor to the pile of hay that was used for a bed and gently brought him down. She then walked up to door and knocked three times. The slide opened up the guard looked in, “I’m ready to leave, open the door,” she said. The guard closed the slide and opened the door. Cadance walked out and the guard quickly closed the door behind her. “Did you learn anything, your highness?” “Yes I did,” she said, but wasn’t going tell the guard what she learned. “I need to speak with my aunts, do you happened to know where they are?” “Last I heard before coming here, they were in the throne room.” “Thank you,” she said, “you may return to your duties.” “Yes, your highness,” he saluted and walked back to his post and stood by the door. Cadance started the walk back upstairs. She walked in silence as her head was filled with what she learned moments ago. I need to speak with auntie Celestia and Luna and tell them about what I’ve learned. They’ll know what to do, Razor Sharp needs help and I’ll make sure he gets it. > Master Is My Angel > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3: Master Is My Angel What happened while we were gone? Cadance asked herself as she walked through the hallways towards the throne room. She noticed the windows were blown away, furniture were either knocked over or destroyed, and there where scorched marks on the floors and walls. The servants were cleaning up the mess as she passed them by, they would immediately bow and then resume their duties after she passed them. Cadance thought about asking one of the servants about what happened, but she decided that could wait as she needed to talk to the princesses about what she’s learned about the stallion know as Razor Sharp. She approached the doors to the throne room, two unicorn guards standing at both ends saw the princess and bowed. Cadance simply nodded at them and they stood up. “Are my aunts here?” she asked. “Only Princess Celestia, your highness,” said one guard. “Your husband is also in there too,” said the other. “Thank you,” she said. The guards used their horns and opened the door. The doors closed as soon as she walked in, what she saw left her speechless. The throne room looked like a war zone. The windows were completely destroyed, the pillars were cracked, huge holes in the ceiling, and a huge crater below the biggest hole in the middle of the room. What the Tartarus happened here?! She started walking to the other side of the room while looking at her surroundings. She looked towards the throne to see Shining Armor and Princess Celestia talking to each other. They didn’t noticed that she was in the room until they heard her hoofsteps. “There you are, honey,” said her husband as he kissed her cheek, “I was wondering where you went. Princess Celestia was just telling me about what happened while we were gone.” Cadance looked at her aunt and her eyes widened seeing the state her aunt was in. She saw that Celestia had multiple bruises all over her body and she was wrapped in many bandages. She saw how were right wing was completely covered in bandages and could see some bloodstains. Cadance had never seen her aunt in this state ever. She didn’t even look like this during the invasion, whatever happened that resulted in making Princess Celestia looking the way she is had to be insanely powerful. After staring at her aunt for what seemed like minutes, she finally snapped out of it, “Are you alright, Auntie Celestia?” “I’m perfectly fine my niece. Don’t be fooled by my appearance, I look worse than I am.” To prove her point she wrapped Cadance with her left wing and hugged her. “I should be able to remove the bandages in a day or two. You know us alicorns, we heal faster than the average pony. “What happened here?” she gestured towards the whole room. “We had an…. incident.” “Apparently some kind of fire monster attacked Canterlot,” said Shining Armor, “it destroyed many buildings and injured practically the entire royal guard. It was extremely powerful that it took the combine power of Princess Celestia, Luna, my sister, and her friends to finally destroy it.” Cadance was surprised to hear this. To hear that something that powerful almost destroyed Canterlot, something that was more powerful than her aunts was hard to believe. She was relieved to hear that it was taken care of and it sounded like it was never going to return. “Yes, it has been a frantic couple of days but everything is going to be fine. Everypony is working hard in repairing the city and it will be only a matter of time before everything is back to normal. I only hope that nothing else happens until then. The majority of the royal guard are still injured and it will take time for them to recover….some longer than others,” she finished with a frown, “But enough about that, how was your honeymoon? I bet you two had a wonderful time.” “Yes it was a wonderful couple of weeks, but it is good to be back home.” “I’m sure it is, anyway I believe Shining Armor was telling me about a certain surprise you found in your room.” “Yes, your highness,” he said, “my wife had found a stallion hiding in her closet. Once she opened the door, he immediately attacked her so quickly she didn’t know what to do. Luckily I was able to apprehend the assassin before he could do anything to her,” he wrapped his hoof around her. “We haven’t been able to get anything out of him since I arrested him. Right now, he’s in the dungeon, while I’m trying to think about my next move. I can say that he was an amateur since he was caught too easily and had a bogus cover story. Besides that, it seems that his loyalty to whoever he’s working for is strong since our tactics doesn’t seem to faze him.” “That is troubling news,” said Celestia rubbing her chin with her hoof. “He must have snucked in during all the chaos and waited for you both to return. You’re sure there is no way to get him to cooperate with us?” “That seems to be the case, Princess. With your permission, I recommend using other methods in getting him to talk.” “Are you recommending torture, Shining Armor?” “I am your highness. If it’s the only the way in finding out who he is and who’s he working for then that is my suggestion.” Princess Cadance eyes widened from hearing what her husband was recommending to do. The thought of Razor being tortured in his weakened state made her uneasy. She decided to speak out about what she knows, “His name is Razor Sharp.” Both Shining Armor’s and Princess Celestia’s eyes were now on Cadance, “And how do you know that?” asked Princess Celestia. “Because, he told me his name when I asked him.” “When was that?” “When I went down to the dungeon.” “You went down to the dungeon?!” said Shining Armor, “Did you at least have a guard accompany you?” “No, I went down by myself and confronted him without anyone with me.” “Why would you do that? He already tried to assassinate you once, why would allow him the opportunity to try again?” Cadance knew how overprotective Shining Armor would get. He always wanted someone by her side, keeping her safe, which made her happy seeing how much he cared about her well-being. Most likely, his over protectiveness has doubled after the events of what everypony referred to as the Black Wedding. She nuzzled up to him, “I figured he wouldn’t talk to me if there was someone watching us and it turned that I was right.” “So what did you find out about him?” asked Princess Celestia. “Well first off, I found out that he isn’t an assassin.” “And you believed him?” said Shining Armor, “It’s not like everypony say’s they’re criminals once arrested.” “I do believe him since he trusts me.” “And why does he trust you?” “Because he thinks that I’m his master.” Cadance could see the confusion and surprised looks from their faces. Given if she was in the same position, she would look the same as her aunt and husband. “I don’t understand, why are you his master?” asked Princess Celestia. “It’s…complicated. While I am his master, I’m really not.” “I think you need to start at the beginning, honey,” said Shining Armor. Cadance let out a sigh. She knew that bringing up the Black Wedding would upset her husband, but she needed to in order for them both to understand. “You remember the…incident a couple of weeks ago?” The look on his face showed that he remembered, “Of course, I remember. The day where I almost married a power hungry insect that was bent on world domination disguised as the love of my life. Cadance wished that she could stop but she had to continue, “Well it seems, that while Queen Chrysalis’s subjects were outside the barrier, she wasn’t alone.” “You mean?” Princess Celestia was getting the pieces together. She nodded, “Yes, Queen Chrysalis is Razor Sharp’s master.” If Princess Celestia and Shining Armor weren’t surprised before they would be now, “You’re saying that ugly creature was keeping pony in this castle as a slave?” Shining Armor tune had changed from suspicion to sympathy. He knew what it was like when he was under the Queens control. He was basically a puppet and she was the puppet master. Now hearing that he wasn’t the only one that suffered the same fate, he felt sorry for the stallion. “He actually refers to himself as a pet than a slave,” His wife corrected him. “I believe that Queen Chrysalis was using him as a food source to drain him of his love for her.” “She must have put him under a spell, like she did with Shining Armor,” theorized Princess Celestia. Shining Armor nodded at her theory, “Princess Celestia has to be right, it makes sense.” “I thought the same thing too,” said Cadance, “so I used my magic to break whatever spell she had on him. The first time, it didn’t work. After trying multiple times, nothing happened. As it turns out, he’s not under any spell.” “But that doesn’t make any sense, if he wasn’t under a spell than why would he be serving her?” he asked. “That’s because she didn’t use magic to make him her servant, she did it the old fashion way.” “What do you mean?” asked her aunt. “I think she…tortured him until she broke his mind.” Once again, both Shining Armor couldn’t believed what they heard. Princess Celestia took the news even harder. Being the princess, it’s her sole duty to protect all her subjects. With her motherly personality she views all her subjects as her children. The thought that one of her children was tortured until their mind was broken, that left nothing but a shell sworn to serve the one that had broken it in the first place. She always had that naïve thought that Equestria was the perfect place in the world. Of course, that thought was ripped away after the recent events and now once again another incident showed how wrong she was. “Are you absolutely sure about this, Cadance?” Celestia hoped that it wasn’t true, but she knew the answer already. “I can’t say with a 100% if it’s true or not, but from how he reacted during our conversation it might seem liked that’s the case.” “So what did he do when you told him that you’re the real Cadance and his so called master was blasted to the other side of Equestria?” asked Shining Armor. “Well….you see, the thing is…I didn’t tell him.” “Why didn’t you tell him the truth?!” “I couldn’t, the way he reacted from our conversation, showed that he has a very fragile mind. If I had told him the truth, who knows what would have happened, he could have had a mental breakdown. I couldn’t do that to someone who has already suffered enough. So for now, I’m pretending to be his master until I can figure out some way to help him.” “So, to sum everything up,” said Princess Celestia, “we have a pony locked in the dungeon that was tortured by the queen of the changelings into becoming her pet so she could feed on him and right now he thinks you’re his master in disguise.” Cadance nodded, “That’s right auntie, what do you think we should do?” Celestia brought rubbed a hoof under chin as she thought on how to solve this problem. “This is quite a dilemma, if you keep up this charade the longer it goes the chance that he’ll discover the truth, but if we tell him the truth who knows how he’ll take the news. You’re in a difficult situation my niece, a situation that seems that only you can solve. What do you want to do?” “I want to help him auntie. So for now, I’m going to keep pretending that I’m Queen Chrysalis. While I’m pretending, I’m going to see if I can get the help he needs to repair the damage that she caused, and once he’s fully recovered I’ll reveal the truth. Hopefully with the help he’s gotten the news won’t bother him and he’ll be able to live his life as a normal stallion and not as someone’s pet.” “Very well, you have my blessing. I can see that you’re very determined in this, I can see that Razor Sharp is in good hooves,” she smiled. Princess Celestia couldn’t be more proud of her niece than in this moment. She could tell that she was going to do great things when the time comes. “Thank you, auntie Celestia. The first thing that needs to be done is to release him from the dungeon and then I want him set up in one of the guest rooms. I’ll be with him so he can be comfortable in his surroundings. While I’m looking after him, I want the servants to bring some food to his room. From the looks of it, he hasn’t eaten in a long time and he needs the nourishment.” Celestia nodded her head, “Consider it done. I’ll have one the guards release him and escort him to his room. I’ll notify the chefs to whip something up and have one of the servants deliver it to his room.” “Alright, I’ll meet him once he’s in his room,” Cadance started walking out of the throne room but the she stopped, “Oh, I want to make sure that no one knows about this. For now, we’ll keep his identify a secret between us,” she looked at Princess Celestia, “I think auntie Luna should be brought up to speed about the situation when she wakes up. As far as anypony knows, Razor is my new servant.” “I will let Luna know when she’s up,” said Princess Celestia. Cadance nodded and walked out the room. Shining Armor then followed, the recent events since returning home was too much for him to process. While he was proud of his wife in helping someone who needed it, part of him didn’t like the situation. He was still suspicious about Chrysalis’s so-called pet. He was going to keep a close eye on Razor Sharp for his sake and Cadance’s. “Wow, this room is big,” Razor was standing in his new room after one of the guards escorted him and left him. He was astonished at how luxurious the room is. There was a dresser that had a mirror on top, a door that led to a bathroom that had a shower and bathtub, a queen-size bed with the softest blankets that anypony could ask for, and it even had a balcony that overlook the city. By the time he was released, the moon had just risen. He walked outside to admire the view. He looked outside with his good eye and saw the shining lights of the city. He did notice from the distance that some of the buildings were badly damaged, curiosity had him wonder what had happened, but he pushed that thought away to admire the city. “The city is beautiful….but not as beautiful as Master.” “Ahem,” he heard somepony behind him, he turned a gave a warm smile to his visitor. “Master!” “I thought I heard someone talking about me,” said his master in disguise standing outside the door. He quickly ran up to her and gave her a big hug. After about a minute, he let her go. “I missed Master,” he said. “And I missed you too,” she said. She walked into his room as she closed the door and got on the bed. She patted the stop next to her, Razor quickly got on the bed too. He leaned against his master, nuzzling her side. He wished that his master would take off her disguise as he loved feeling her smooth surface, but he knew that she needed to stay in disguise so she can hide her identity. She used her wing to push him away that he looked up at her. “Hold still,” she said. Before he knew, he felt something cold pressed against the right side of his face. He saw it was an ice pack being levitated by his master. He obeyed her command as he sat still while his master was treating his eye. As everpony knows, the quickest way to get rid of a black eye is to put ice on it. The time it takes for the bruising to go away depends on how serious the injury is. The average time it takes to heal is between five to fourteen days during treatment. However, since Razor’s injury wasn’t treated it was still black and swollen. He sat in silence as his master was treating the injury she gave him the last time he saw her when she locked in him in her closet. He could already feel the swelling on his face slowly going away. Master truly cares for me. I’m so lucky to have Master by my side. The room remained silent until there was a knock on the door. “Come in,” said his master. The door opened and he saw a pony in a maid uniform pushing a cart. “As you requested, your highness,” said the servant as she bowed. “Thank you, that will be all,” she said. The servant got up and walked out of the room as she closed the door behind her. “Here you go my pet,” she said as she levitated the cover off the cart and the ice pack off his face. What Razor saw underneath made his mouth water. He saw a big pile of food, there was so much food that it could feed a small family. There were sandwiches, apples, hayburgers, bananas, grapes, oranges and a few cupcakes. He was so lost in admiring the food that he didn’t noticed that he was drooling. He was brought back to his senses when his master spoke, “You look famished. Eat up, this is all for you.” Razor didn’t waste any time as he started eating everything in his site. He didn’t show any restraint or any table manners as he filled his small belly. For Cadance she watched Razor eat like a manticore. She didn’t know if he ate that way because he didn’t have any table manners afteror because the fact that he was starving. Either way, she sat in silence as Razor kept eating everything until there wasn’t anything left. He lied on the bed with a look of satisfaction on his face, “Thank you, Master. That was the most delicious food I’ve ever had.” “Only the best for my pet,” she said as she placed the ice pack back on his face. Silence once again consumed the room as Cadance continued treating his face while Razor was too full to move. “Is Master hungry?” he said as he sat back up, “Master must be famished since the last time Master fed,” he staring brining his face closer to her face. “T-That won’t be necessary,” she said, “I’ve already had my fill today…but thank you for the offer.” “Okay,” he said. He continued staring at her face as he admired her beauty. Before long, he started yawning. “Oh, poor thing. You must be tired after everything that’s happened today,” she got off the bed and was getting ready to leave the room, “I’ll let you get some rest. I’ll see you in the morning.” As soon as she took a step, she felt something grabbing her from behind. She turned her head to see Razor holding on to her with a sad look on his face. “Can’t I stay with Master?” “I already told you, that not possible. It would be suspicious if you’re in the same room with my husband.” “W-What if I stay under Masters bed? I promise not to make a sound or I could stay in the closet like before,” his body started shivering. “The answer is no,” she said sternly, “I know that you want to be by my side but I have to maintain my appearance with my husband. You understand, don’t you?” “I understand, Master.” Even though he understood perfectly, Razor still didn’t like it. He wanted to be with his master all the time like always. His master could see that he was still upset, “Now, how about you give me a big hug before you go to sleep?” Razor didn’t need to be asked twice as he wrapped his hooves around his master and gave her the biggest hug he could. Cadance was used to getting hugs when she was still a foalsitter. She remembered that little Twilight Sparkle would always give the biggest hugs out of all of them. Her thoughts went out to her new sister in law, as she wondered what she’s doing now. She decided that she would schedule to spend more time with sister in law and talk about what’s been going with her life. They stayed locked in their embrace until Cadance finally let go, “Now get some sleep, I’ll see you in the morning.” “Yes, Master.” Cadance walked out the door, she looked at Razor with a smile before she closed the door. Razor jumped in bed as it didn’t take long before his eyelids started getting heavy. The bed felt so comfortable that he was out in less than a minute. His last thoughts before losing consciousness were of his loving master. How she defended and treated him with such kindness. It was her kindness, that he loved so much about her. Master is so loving and perfect. Master is my angel.