The Belle tolls for love

by Deathsia

First published

Cheerilee finds herself stuck in the middle of a relationship with Sweetie Belle...

Cheerilee finds herself stuck in the middle of a relationship with Sweetie Belle and now must figure out if this relationship is worth the risk...

One drink too many

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A white unicorn sat at her desk listening intently to her teachers words as she always had as Cheerilee taught the class basic mathematics today and the dark purple earth pony was nearing the end of her lecture as she turned to face the class now.

“Now remember class, this evening is the annual summer sun celebration school party. If you haven't done so yet, please give me your permission slips to attend the event before you leave the classroom or I’m afraid you won't be able to attend.” Cheerilee said in a chipper tone she always had when she spoke just before the school belle rang.


“What do you mean you won't be able to come to the party tonight?” Sweetie Belle said incredulously to her two friends who looked at her with dismayed expressions as they left the school building.

“Sorreh Sweetie Belle, but Applejack needs meh to help her get ready for the summer sun celebration and since we are in charge of the food and all, she needs all the help she can get.” Applebloom replied in a matter of fact tone.

“Don't even get me started on trying to get my parents permission...” Scootaloo replied in a annoyed tone.

“Then I won't go either. No point in going if my two best friends aren't with me.” Sweetie Belle replied with a warm smile.

“Ya miss the train to smartville or somethin? That thar party is one of the most fun a filly our age can go to! You'd be plum silly to shrug it off like that!” Applebloom exclaimed in a semi-shocked tone.

“Yeah, I heard that last year, they had a Pegasus pony there doing magic tricks and that's way past cool since unicorns are usually the only ones able to do that stuff!” Scootaloo exclaimed chiming in after Applebloom.

“You sure?” Sweetie Belle asked in a unsure tone. She didn't want to go to a party without her friends but if they were okay with it she wouldn't mind as much.

“Ah'm more than sure. Go on and have fun!” Applebloom exclaimed with a wide grin.

“Just make sure you give us all the details when you get back okay?” Scootaloo said as she waved to Sweetie Belle and walked down the path to her home as did Applebloom.

“I sure will!” Sweetie Belle called back and gave a small squee of excitement. She was very happy she could still go and that her friends were okay with it to boot.



Sweetie Belle walked into the school now and was taken back by the sudden change in scenery. Instead of the usual lines of desks, there were snack tables filled with drinks,sweets, and party favors. Ribbons now hung from just about every part of the classroom now and fillys and colts alike were talking and dancing in the middle of the room as upbeat pop music roared throughout the room.

“Wow!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed as she looked around. This was nothing like she expected it to be. The unicorn now could see why her friends insisted she go now and boy was she glad they did!

“And then I said, is that a cutie mark or a tar stain?” An all too familiar voice asked aloud to which Sweetie Belle scowled as she looked to her left to see Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon talking so loudly they could clearly be heard over the music. She decided to ignore them however and went over to see Cheerilee whom was sitting in a corner watching the fillies and colts dance.

“Hey Cheerilee! Why aren't you dancing and having fun?” Sweetie Belle asked in a curious tone which snapped the earth pony from her gaze to look at the filly.

“Oh, I never dance at these parties. I'm a terrible dancer anyways.” Cheerilee replied with a nervous smile.

“Nonsense! Come on, dance with me! Have some fun!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed enthusiastically taking Cheerilee by the hoof to the middle of the room and began to dance with her.

“Oh dear, I'm not sure I can Sweetie Belle. This is so embarrassing.” Cheerilee said as she looked around herself blushing.

“Embarrassing? Your in a school surrounded by fillies and colts. What's so embarrassing about that?” Sweetie Belle asked as she continued to dance with the dark purple earth pony.

“It's not as simple as that Sweetie Belle.”Cheerilee replied in a slightly quieter tone.

“Not sure i'm getting the big picture here.” Sweetie Belle replied in a confused tone.

“I'm parched, could you get me and you some drinks?” Cheerilee asked making a quick attempt to change the subject.

“Okay. Go take a seat miss Cheerilee, i'll be right back!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed as she rushed over to to punch bowl and scowled upon seeing Diamond Tiara and Silver spoon in front of it.

“What do you want blank flank?” Diamond Tiara asked with a sneer.

“I was going to get a drink for me and my friend.” Sweetie Belle replied still scowling at the two fillies with a subtle wink.

“Humph, then take these. We don't need your blank flanky hooves touching the punch bowl.” Diamond Tiara said with a wink of her own as she handed a cup carrier to the filly with two cups of punch in it with her mouth.

“Thanks...I guess.” Sweetie Belle replied through gritted teeth as she carried the drinks over to the table she saw Cheerilee at.

You think she suspects anything?

Not a chance! This is going to be the best prank ever!

Sweetie Belle sat down at the table and took a drink out with her hoof as did Cheerilee and both began to drink from them taking small swigs at first. “So why did you say it was embarrassing to be dancing in front of everypony?” Sweetie Belle asked curiously.

“It's nothing, really.” Cheerilee replied with an uncomfortable look and took another drink from her cup.

“Well it must be something. Oh I got it! Your afraid that the fillies and colts with tell their parents if they see you dancing badly?” Sweetie Belle asked as she took another drink from her cup.

“Yes, of course, heh.” Cheerilee replied forcing a lighthearted laugh at first which turned into a full one much to her own shock. “Hmm, that's odd. I'm feeling a little dizzy. Must be all the flashing lights and music. I'm going to go outside for some fresh air.” Cheerilee replied and downed the rest of the glass before walking towards the door but she seemed to be having trouble making it there as she stumbled slightly which caused Sweetie Belle to give a worried glance, down her own glass, and follow her.


The wind felt great against the unicorn's face as it blew past. Though now she was starting to feel a little dizzy herself and for some strange reason, in a very goofy mood. “Wow, what was in that punch Cheerilee? It's making me feel funny. Hehe!” Sweetie Belle called out to the dark purple earth pony whom turned around and looked at her behind the school now.

“I suspect somepony spiked our glasses of punch with alcohol.” Cheerilee replied as she stumbled over to Sweetie Belle.

“Is that what as in there? Wow, I want some more! Haha!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed as she stumbled along and fell to the grass laughing loudly. “I wonder where those two snotty fillies got that stuff?” Sweetie Belle asked with a light hiccup a few moments after laughing.

“Sn-Snotty phillies?” Cheerilee asked as she slurred slightly now. She was beginning to regret downing the entire glass of punch now though her mind was quickly becoming cloudy.

“Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoony! Who the hay else would I be talking about?” Sweetie Belle replied with a smirk as she rolled onto her back and looked up at the night sky.

“I'm going to marchin in there and...” Cheerilee began to say only to trail off as she looked at Sweetie Belle now on her back with her underside showing.

“March in there and what? Thank them?” Sweetie Belle replied with a smirk then noticed Cheerilee staring at her. “Why you staring at me like that for? Do ish got something on mysh belly?” Sweetie Belle asked as she slurred her words.

“No, I was justsh admiring you is all.” Cheerilee replied as she stumbled over to Sweetie Belle and fell haphazardly onto the grass next to her.

“Admiring me? Ha, you are a sillysh pony missh Cheerilee!” Sweetie Belle replied with a giggle.

“Maybe ish am, but that doesn't make you any less good looking.” Cheerilee replied with a smirk.

“Not so baftish looking yourself.” Sweetie Belle replied with a smirk as she scooted over next to Cheerilee and began to run a hoof along her underside much to the earth pony's shock.

“Wh-what are youish doing?” Cheerilee asked in a unsure tone as the filly's hoof ran along her underside.

“Something ish always wanted to try ever since I saw my sister doin it with Applejack.” Sweetie Belle replied with a giggle as her hoof traveled lower and lower until...

Cheerilee's eyes shot wide in alarm as the unicorn's hoof ran over her mound and began to part her lips, but between the cloudiness of her mind and the waves of pleasure surging through her body now as Sweetie Belle's hoof began to probe her, any and all resistance she had was lost as she arched up and moaned out. “F-Faster Sweetie Belle...” Cheerilee managed to moan out to which the filly began to thrust her hoof in and out of her now soaking wet slit at a much faster pace much to Cheerilee's delight.

“Wow, I've been hoofing you for less than a few minuets and your soaking wet.” Sweetie Belle remarked as she continued to pleasure her teacher.

“H-How do you know so much?” Cheerilee managed to ask between moans. Her climax was coming on quickly and she was finding it harder and harder to maintain a conversation now.

“Twilight's library.” Sweetie Belle replied simply as she began to lower her head towards the earth pony's wet treat and began to lap at her clit as she continued to hoof her which drove Cheerilee wild and over the edge as she arched up and humped into the unicorn's hoof as her vagina clamped down on Sweetie Belle's hoof, began to spasm, and gush all over filly's hoof, and the grass.

“Me next!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed as she climbed on top of Cheerilee and stopped just short of her chest,turned about face, lifted her tail, and lowered her dripping cunt down within reach of Cheerilee's mouth.

Cheerilee's first instinct was to give her the same treatment but realized far too quickly that her hoof would rip the filly's cunt apart. So instead she put a hoof on each side of the filly's hindquarters, and dove her face into the Sweetie Belle's wet treat earning a high pitched moan from the filly.

Unlike the earth pony, this unicorn didn't hold back in letting it be known she was enjoying herself as she gave loud moans and hugged Cheerilee's underside hard. “N-Not so loud. Somepony might hear us.” Cheerilee's said in a panicked tone as she ripped her face away to say this before she returned to feasting on the filly's puffy white pussy lips and inner walls.

Try as she might, the unicorn couldn't contain her cries of pleasure so she looked for something to fill her mouth with so-to-speak so she couldn't be heard. Due to her size difference with the mare she couldn't reach Cheerilee's slit, but she could reach her teats. Upon locking her lips onto a single teat Cheerilee moaned into Sweetie Belle's slit and continued to eat her out feeling her own pleasure rise up again as the unicorn sucked her left teat and even bit down hard on it as she continued to moan loudly but was muffled thanks to her mouth being around Cheerilee's teat.

Being the inexperienced filly she was it didn't take Sweetie Belle long at all to reach climax at which point she bit down as hard as she could on Cheerilee's teat which caused the earth pony's own climax to hit her due to the stimulation from the unicorn's teeth and mouth.

By the time both ponies had rode out their respective climaxes, Cheerilee's chest and face was soaked and the grass between her legs had a decent sized puddle in it. But neither could move to clean up their messes as the two passed out on the spot nearly simultaneously and snored the night away unknown to anypony as the party went on and ended that night.



Cheerilee and Sweetie Belle's eyes opened about the same time as the two somehow managed to snuggle one another in their sleep. At first nothing happened, then as if the two had been zapped by a bolt of electricity the two let out a panicked scream as they jumped away from each other looking panicked and scared.

“Wh-what the hay happened last night?!” Sweetie Belle asked in a panicked tone as the images of last nights events passed through her head like a blur. Though a blur it was more than obvious what the two had done.

“Dear Celestia, what have I done?! I've slept with a filly!” Cheerilee exclaimed in a panicked tone as she stood to all four hooves and began to pace back and forth.

“How the hay could this happen?!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed in a panicked tone.

“I-I don't know!” Cheerilee exclaimed in the same panicked tone until it came to her. “Wait, you said that Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon gave you those drinks last night right?” Cheerilee asked still looking panicked and trying to figure out what happened.

“Y-Yeah! Do you think those two had something to do with it?” Sweetie Belle asked in a worried tone.

“Y-Yes, I think they spiked our drinks with Alcohol. And judging by how drunk the drink got me, I’d assume they were a very strong brand.” Cheerilee remarked then looked at Sweetie Belle with a panicked expression. “Are you feeling okay? Nothing is wrong?” Cheerilee asked in a concerned tone as she looked over Sweetie Belle now.

“I-I'm fine. What's wrong now?” Sweetie Belle asked in a fearful tone thinking something worse had happened.

“I was just worried about you. After all, if that alcohol was strong enough to get me drunk, then it was clearly strong enough to do a number on you and possibly worse sense you are much young and smaller than me.” Cheerilee said in a concerned tone as she continued to look over the filly.

“I-I'm fine. Really!” Sweetie Belle stuttered at which point Cheerilee stopped looking over her, took a deep breath and sighed loudly.

“I-I can't believe I slept with you though. I thought I had control over my urges...looks like being drunk taught me otherwise.” Cheerilee remarked then let out a sigh.

“Wait, so that's the real reason why you were embarrassed and nervous around the others at the party last night?” Sweetie Belle said in a shocked tone upon realization of this statement.

Cheerilee looked at Sweetie Belle and sighed. “Yes. I've always been attracted to those younger than myself. Listen Sweetie Belle, you can't tell anypony about what we did last night. It could cost me my teaching license. I'm not supposed to have relationships with students.” Cheerilee replied and looked about herself.

“Duh! I'm not even a full grown mare and I know this. Don't worry. I won't say a word.” Sweetie Belle replied and sighed as she looked about herself. “I wonder what time it is.” Sweetie Belle remarked thoughtfully as she looked up at the sky which shown the sun just rising into the sky now.

“I'd take a guess and say sometime around six or seven in the morning.” Cheerilee replied looking up at the sky now as well. “I guess I better take you over to your sister's house. Otherwise questions will arise as to where you were last night.” Cheerilee said after a few moments of her initial reply, stood to all four hooves and began to walk away at which point Sweetie Belle go up herself and followed her.


“So umm, just how much of last night do you remember miss Cheerilee?” Sweetie Belle asked with a blush.

“Enough to haunt me for the rest of my life.” Cheerilee replied simply.

“Was I that bad?” Sweetie Belle asked in a depressed tone as she flattened her ears.

“N-No, you were great, I mean, ugh, I can't believe I’m being asked by a filly how well she performed during sex.” Cheerilee replied with a facehoofing gesture as they continued down the path towards Rarity's house until she came to a dead halt at which point Sweetie Belle did as well. “Wait, why are you so curious anyways?” Cheerilee asked as she turned to look at the unicorn.

“Well, umm, even though I was sort of out of it, I kind of enjoyed it. Is it bad that I enjoyed it?” Sweetie Belle replied with a blush.

“Well, no. after all, all fillies and colts experiment at one point with each other in their lives. It is after all how we learn when not in the classroom.” Cheerilee replied, sighed, and scratched the back of her head nervously.

“So umm, can we do it again sometime?” Sweetie Belle asked in such a meek tone with a cute, yet innocent expression that would give even Fluttershy a run for her money.

If Cheerilee's jaw could physically hit the ground, it would have at this point. “Of course not! Do you realize just how much trouble I would get in if we were caught?” Cheerilee replied after a few moments having managed to recover from her stunned state at the filly's outlandish question.

If we are caught!” Sweetie Belle countered with a mischievous grin.

If? If is good...” Cheerilee replied thoughtfully until she shook her head in an attempt to shake the idea from her mind. “No,no,no! I won't succumb to this! I'm taking you back to Rarity's and we will pretend this never happened, is that clear young filly?” Cheerilee replied in a stern tone.

“Okay...” Sweetie Belle replied in a depressed tone. True as it was that she was tempted to blackmail her teacher into this, she didn't have it in her to do such a thing.


The two ponies we now just outside of Rarity's home and by the looks of it the mare wasn't awake as of yet. “I'll do the talking Sweetie Belle, you just sit back and agree to whatever I say, okay?” Cheerilee said as she rose a hoof to knock only for the filly to stop her. “Something the matter?” Cheerilee asked curiously though she had a good idea of what it was.

“It's just that, well, your the first pony to take an interest in me like that. What is only because you were drunk that you even did anything with me or was it...?” Sweetie Belle said trailing off feeling her words falter.

Upon hearing this Cheerilee gave a heavy sigh, knelled down, and placed a hoof on the filly's cheek looking into her eyes. “Listen, It's hard for you to understand I know, but what a pony does when they are drunk is not always what they would do if they weren't. I would be lying my flank off if I said I didn't enjoy last night, but we can't do this again Sweetie Belle. Maybe in a few years when your older, but for now, lets just pretend this never happened okay?” Cheerilee said in a soft tone.

“Okay.” Sweetie Belle replied followed by a sigh.

Cheerilee then stood back up only for Sweetie Belle to tap on her leg again which caused the earth pony to look down at her again.

“Umm, can I at least get a kiss?” Sweetie Belle asked in a meek tone that would once again give Fluttershy a run for her money.

Cheerilee looked at her for a few moments longer before she looked at the door again then back to Sweetie Belle, then back to the door again and once again at Sweetie Belle. “Oh, what the hay...” Cheerilee remarked thoughtfully, knelled down once again, and locked lips with the filly.

From the moment the earth pony and unicorn's lips locked a flame ignited between them and it took every fiber of Cheerilee's willpower not to tackle the filly here and now as she broke the kiss, gave a soft smile, and knocked on the door. “Why the hay did I just do that for?” Cheerilee thought to herself in a annoyed tone. She didn't expect the filly to kiss her so passionately though, but regardless, she now found herself tempted to take the filly up on her offer. The temptation vanished though like a gust of wind blowing a pile of test out of sight as Rarity's face emerged from within the door frame.

“Sweetie Belle! There you are! I was so worried about you!” Rarity exclaimed as she hugged her younger sister tightly.

“I'm fine, really! Stop hugging me so tightly! Your going to smother me to death!” Sweetie Belle's muffled voice could be heard exclaiming from behind the mare.

“You see, Sweetie Belle wasn't feeling well and so I took her to my doctor to get cheeked out.” Cheerilee explained just as she had rehearsed it in her mind.

“Why didn't you bring her back home after that or at least contact me?” Rarity asked in a curious tone as she looked over at the earth pony.

“Well I would have of course, but speaking as by the time we got out of the doctors office it was well past two in the morning, I felt it would be best to let her stay with me for the night and contact you in the morning.” Cheerilee replied quickly having expected this kind of response.

“I see. Well thank you for taking care of my little sister Cheerilee. I certainly hope she wasn't any trouble.” Rarity replied with a warm smile.

“No trouble at all.” Cheerilee replied with a warm smile of her own.

“Well, thank you again.” Rarity replied then looked at Sweetie Belle. “Lets get you inside and make you some breakfast.” Rarity said to her little sister as she turned around and walked inside.

“I'll see you in a few hours Sweetie Belle.” Cheerilee said to the filly who nodded silently as the door closed behind her.

“Which is just enough time for me to get these nonsense ideas out of my mind.” Cheerilee remarked quietly to herself as she headed back for the school.


So what's next?

Next, I make you into a full grown mare with this little toy right here...

Oh Cheerilee...


Cheerilee's day dream was cut short by the ringing of the school bell as she mentally kicked herself for allowing herself to slip into such a day dream in the first place. Fillies and colts filed into the classroom along with Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Applebloom who seemed to be arguing as they walked in.

“I already told you. Nothing happened. The party was fun, but nothing special happened.” Sweetie Belle insisted in an annoyed tone.

“Ah beg to differ, ah've been hearin all mornin about the stuff that happned during the party last night and you have been actin a might odd since we met this mornin. Ah'm beginnin to wonder if ya went at all” Applebloom replied in a curious tone.

“Yeah, just what were you up to last night if you weren't there?” Scootaloo chimed in at which point Sweetie Belle's face went slightly pale as she gave Cheerilee a passing glance before once again insisting she went to the party and nothing happened that was too grand.

Cheerilee then stepped up to the three fillies and put on her best smile. “Listen up you three. Lets not get into any fights now. Sweetie Belle was at the party last night and I can vouch for this since I was there as well.” Cheerilee said trying to keep a strait face as she said this.

“Hey Miss Cheerilee, where did you go last night? Last I saw you left the party followed by Sweetie Belle.” A colt said at which point Cheerilee's chest turned ice cold.

“Wait, you two left the party? Why?” Scootaloo asked curiously.

Sweetie Belle and Cheerilee both gave each other a fleeting panicked look before the earth pony regained her composure. “I simply left to get some fresh air and Sweetie Belle was a dear and followed me to make sure I was alright. We came back in though later that evening I assure you.” Cheerilee said after a few moments trying her best to keep a strait face once again and then recalled why she had done so in the first place.

“Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, front and center!” Cheerilee exclaimed in a stern tone at which point the two fillies walked to the front of the classroom.

“Y-yes miss Cheerilee?” Diamond Tiara asked in a worried tone with an expression to match it.

“You two fillies are in serious trouble. You spiked Sweetie Belle and my punch last night. Thankfully Sweetie Belle was alright, but I will be having a stern talk with your parents after school.” Cheerilee said looking at the two with a glare whom were now looking pale and worried.

The rest of class went on as normally as any could despite the awkward start to it.
Sweetie Belle however could not help but stare at Cheerilee in a dreamy kind of fashion. Something had changed in her. Though she wasn't quite sure what it was yet, she knew it had something to do with Cheerilee. The young filly couldn't help but look at her teacher now in a whole new light. Every move she made, the way her flanks swayed as she walked to one end of the chalk board and to the other, her smile, it was enough to drive the filly crazy though she somehow managed to keep it together despite the unfamiliar feelings she was now feeling towards her teacher.

the school bell had once again rung signaling the end of class at which point all the fillies and colts filed out of the classroom with the except of three fillies.

“I'll be right behind you guys, I just need to ask Cheerilee a few things okay?” Sweetie Belle said in a chipper tone.

“Alright, see you in a little bit.” Scootaloo replied and ran out the door followed closely by Applebloom.

“Is something the matter Sweetie Belle?” Cheerilee asked curiously.

“Ever since that kiss you gave me this morning, I can't stop thinking about you...” Sweetie Belle said in a sad tone as she looked at the earth pony whom was now sitting down on the floor in front of her.

Cheerilee gave a heavy sigh and motioned for the filly to sit down next to her. “I'm sorry, I shouldn't have kissed you. I should have known it would give you the wrong idea.” Cheerilee said in a soft tone as she felt the guilt swelling up inside her.

“Is it? I don't know what I’m feeling, but it doesn't feel wrong. I just...” Sweetie Belle began to say but trailed off trying to find her words before continuing. “Whenever I’m close to you, I feel safe. Like I know nothing bad will ever happen to me when I’m close to you...” Sweetie Belle said in a soft tone as she nuzzled against Cheerilee's side.

“Sweetie Belle, I think you might be jumping the fence a little. You can't possibly feel this way after one night of messing around and a kiss.” Cheerilee replied trying to figure out the best way to let the filly down easy.

“Well, maybe it's been a little longer than that...” Sweetie Belle admitted as she shifted herself slightly in a nervous fashion.

“Wait, you've been feeling this way about me a lot longer?” Cheerilee asked in a stunned tone.

“Y-Yes.” Sweetie Belle replied with a slight stutter.

“How long?” Cheerilee asked curiously.

“S-Since last summer during that pool party.” Sweetie Belle replied in a soft tone.

Upon hearing this Cheerilee gave a heavy sigh. “Listen, I know how you must be feeling right now, but the feeling will pass. You're young and you're growing up, but we can't be a couple Sweetie Belle, surely you understand why.” Cheerilee replied in the kindest tone she could muster.

“But I want to be! I want us to be a couple, I want us to be together! I thought that if I asked Diamond Tiara to spike the drinks it would-!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed on as she began to ramble on only to cut herself off mid-sentence, gasp in shock realizing she had just blurted out something hadn't meant to, and slam both hooves over her mouth as Cheerilee's expression went wide with shock.

“You asked Diamond Tiara to spike our drinks?! Sweetie Belle, how could you even do such a thing?!” Cheerilee asked in a shocked yet upset tone as she looked at the filly who was now cowering slightly.

“I didn't know that would happen! She told me that it would just make a pony act funny and tell the truth! She never said it would make me and you act like grade-A goofballs! I just wanted to know how you felt about me!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed defensively in a panicked tone.

Upon hearing this Cheerilee's expression lightened greatly as she let out a sigh. “So, you never intended to get me drunk?” Cheerilee asked in curiously to which Sweetie Belle shook her head.

“I wasn't even supposed to drink the stuff. She told me before the party that mine didn't have any of the stuff in it.” Sweetie Belle replied and let out a sigh.

“Well at least I know you didn't get me drunk on purpose, but Sweetie Belle, you should know better than to trust a filly who has a track record of picking on you.” Cheerilee replied in a gentle yet scolding tone.

“I know, but I just had to find out ya know?” Sweetie Belle replied and nuzzled against her again.

“I understand, but Sweetie Belle, don't make me say this like a broken record. You know we can't be together.” Cheerilee replied though the more she said it, the more she wanted to say the exact opposite. That kiss she gave her now haunted her thoughts and just like a ghost every time the memory came to mind, it sent a shiver down the earth pony's back along with feelings she was constantly trying to fight off.

“We could keep it a secret, no pony has to know.” Sweetie Belle replied in a soft tone as she nuzzled her affectionately once again only for the earth pony to stand up and look down at her.

“Sweetie Belle, we've been over this! If we were caught, I would stand to lose a lot more than my teaching license!” Cheerilee exclaimed dramatically.

“I know, but if we were smart about it, we could keep a secret.” Sweetie Belle replied with a half smile.

“And prey tell, how would we do such a thing? Not that I’m agreeing to anything.” Cheerilee replied in a mildly curious tone. “ I wonder if this could work? She may have a point, if we are smart about it we could-What are you doing Cheerilee?! Why are you even hearing her out? You should just send the filly on her way and be done with it!” Cheerilee thought to herself dramatically as she mentally kicked herself as the proverbial angel and devil argued on her shoulders as the earth pony waged war within her mind unknown to the filly.

“Well, summer is coming up. You could tell my sister that you are keeping me over for summer school to help me keep my grades up.” Sweetie Belle said in a suggesting tone.
“That just might work.” The proverbial devil said to her.

“No! If she is caught with Sweetie Belle, it would cost her more than her teaching career!” The proverbial angel countered.

“Can we at least try? If things don't change by the end of summer we can call the whole thing off.” Sweetie Belle said with a puppy dog look that would give the mare a heart attack if it were psychically possible due to how cute she was at the moment.

Both the proverbial angel and devil stared at her, gripped their chests and fell on each of her shoulders. “You can't fight that much cuteness...” The proverbial devil said in a strained tone.

“She wins, she wins! Just make her stop being so cute!” The proverbial excitement in a strained tone.

Cheerilee gave a heavy sigh, facehoofed, and groaned upon seeing this look. “ win.” Cheerilee said in a defeated tone at which point Sweetie Belle hugged her tightly.

“Thank you, thank you! You won't regret it!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed with joy and ran out the door.

“What in Equestria have I got myself into?” Cheerilee asked herself dismally as she shook her head slowly, walked to her desk and began to grade papers...

School can't teach this!

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The first day of summer was now upon Ponyville and though Cheerilee is usually happy to see summer come, she found herself more worked up nervous than ever as she sat in her classroom finishing up the last of her paperwork and waiting for Sweetie Belle to return with Rarity to “explain to her” why she would be staying with her on the weekends. At first she thought she should just call the whole thing off, tell Rarity something completely different than what she had told Sweetie Belle she would say and sort things out with her later, but then again she didn't want to disappoint the young filly.

Though these reasons seemed to be weak and feeble excuses at best, a bigger reason for even agreeing to this weighed on the earth pony's mind, a lingering fear that should couldn't quite shake. She had slept with Sweetie Belle. This in itself was more than enough blackmail material to make her hold to her end of the bargain. Though she honestly didn't think Sweetie Belle would use such a card against her, she couldn't shake the lingering fear, which was the true reason behind her agreeing to this in the first place.

The earth pony had a well laid out plan she hadn't told the filly which she planned to play out once this whole thing began. Humor her, take her out on a few “dates”, and let her down easy. Above all, she wanted to avoid another event like the night of the summer sun celebration party. Once was more than enough to cause the mare to feel like dirt for doing something like this with a filly who barely knows the concept of love, much less the concept of pleasuring another pony.

Yet that kiss she never should have gave the unicorn still haunted her. Why had she done it? What would posses her to even consider doing it in the first place? Cheerilee was attracted to ponies younger than her for sure, but not this young! If Sweetie Belle was at least a few years older she would have possibly given the idea a little more consideration. At least then she would be sure that the filly had the right idea of what she was really feeling and possibly more experience with the more intimate parts of a relationship being a perk.

The school door opened which snapped the earth pony from her thoughts and brought her rehearsed statement to the front of her mind now as Rarity and Sweetie Belle walked through the door and stood in front of her.

“You wanted to see me and Sweetie Belle?” Rarity asked in a polite tone.

“Ahem, yes. You see, Sweetie Belle's grades have been faltering during the course of the year, primarily in math.” Cheerilee said in a firm yet soft tone.

“I see.” Rarity replied as she gave her younger sister a disapproving look before looking back at the earth pony.

“She's a very bright filly and I know if given the right environment, she could flourish in her studies.” Cheerilee followed up looking at Sweetie Belle now whom blushed slightly as she looked at her smiling.

“What do you propose? I simply can not stand back and let my sister's education go to the dogs.” Rarity replied with a slightly dramatic pose as she said this.

“Neither can I Rarity, which is why I would like to offer to educate her on weekends over the summer. Help her improve her skills in math and possibly other subjects.” Cheerilee replied looking at Rarity once again.

Rarity placed a hoof in thought upon hearing this. It was up to Rarity at this point and the earth pony would be lying to herself if she said she didn't hope she would decline her offer and save her a lot of grief in the upcoming months.

“Please Rarity? I really want to stay with miss Cheerilee!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed suddenly and without warning which caused the earth pony to nearly lose her composure on the spot in fear of her cover being blown.

“You're very enthusiastic about wanting to get your grades up aren't you?” Rarity replied with a grin much to Cheerilee's relief and gave a slight chuckle to herself. Of course she didn't suspect anything. Why would she? The earth pony now felt very stupid for letting her mind jump to conclusions so quickly, though she couldn't help but feel slightly paranoid. This after all was nothing more than a staged front so Sweetie Belle could “date her”.

“Well, with that kind of enthusiasm, we wouldn't want to dampen it now would we?” Cheerilee's chimed in now in an attempt to drive the idea home and at the same time kicked herself mentally for doing such a thing. A few moments ago she was hoping the unicorn would decline her offer and now she was being an absolute hypocrite to herself by egging on the idea now.

“I suppose not. Very well, shall I bring her by here every Friday?” Rarity asked curiously at which point Sweetie Belle could barely contain her excitement and joy.

“No need, I will come by and pick her up.” Cheerilee replied with a warm smile.



The earth pony was on pins and needles now as she walked up to Rarity's home trying to calm her nerves as she knocked on the door. “Come one Cheerilee, you can you do this. Just take her out on a few play dates, nothing special. She's not old enough to understand the real meaning of dating anyways.” Cheerilee thought to herself as if to reassure herself as she waited for the unicorn to answer.

A few moments later the door swung open revealing Rarity whom smiled at her. “How are you doing this evening Cheerilee?” Rarity asked in a polite tone.

“I'm doing as good as anypony can.” Cheerilee replied with a weak smile.

“You look a little pale, is something the matter darling?” Rarity asked in a concerned tone noticing the earth pony was sweating slightly at the moment.

“N-No, I’m fine. It's just been a long day. Is Sweetie Belle home right now?” Cheerilee lied forcing herself to smile even more now.

“Oh yes, let me go get her for you.” The unicorn replied, turned about face, walked down the hall, could be heard calling for Sweetie Belle, and returned a few moments later reappeared with the filly at her side who looked excited to see her.

“She's been talking about you all week. I simply have not seen her so happy to learn before. You must be a really great teacher.” Rarity remarked as Sweetie Belle ran up to her and stood at her side.

“Th-Thank you” Cheerilee replied stuttering slightly now at which point Rarity's expression once again became concerned.

“Are you sure you okay darling? We could wait another week if your feeling under the weather.” Rarity said allowing a warm smile to wash over her face.

“Come on Cheerilee, Lets go!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed impatiently as she fidgeted on the spot.

“Oh, no. I'm fine, really. I'll be sure to have her back by Sunday evening.” Cheerilee replied trying her best to maintain her composure.

“Very Well, see you in a couple days Sweetie Belle.” Rarity replied to the earth pony, gave her little sister a hug, turned around, and closed to the door behind her.

No sooner the door had closed Sweetie Belle began to nuzzle against Cheerilee's size which caused the earth pony to look around in alarm and gently push her away. “N-Not in public Sweetie Belle!” Cheerilee exclaimed in a low whisper.

“Sorry, I'm just so excited for my first ever date!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed in a whisper as well.

“Y-Yes, well, let us be on our way.” Cheerilee replied in a uneasy tone and began to walk down the path followed closely by Sweetie Belle.


“Filly Tuesdays? This is a foal's restaurant!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed in an outraged tone as she glared at Cheerilee.

“Well, umm, I thought it would make a nice first date...” Cheerilee replied with a nervous smile but the filly's expression did not change and in fact became even more sour.

“I may be young, but I’m not stupid. Are you even taking this dating thing seriously?” Sweetie Belle replied in a sour tone still glaring at the earth pony.

“Okay, so she's smarter than I gave her credit for...” Cheerilee thought to herself dismally as she sighed aloud. “Okay, so where would you suggest we go?” Cheerilee asked in a soft tone.

“Let me see...” Sweetie Belle replied trailing off as she pulled a paper out of her saddle pack she had with and looked over it.

Cheerilee glanced over it and felt her chest grow cold. It was a complete list of dating ideas she had written down apparently and most of them were far from foalish. “Okay, so she's a lot smarter than I gave her credit for.” Cheerilee thought to herself with a facehoofing gesture as the filly scanned the paper on the ground.

“I got it!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed suddenly as her eyes lit up and pointed a hoof at a line on the paper signally for the earth pony to read it.

“Mareion cafe.” Cheerilee said as she read the line aloud then looked at Sweetie Belle. “You want to go there?” Cheerilee asked feeling relief wash over her. True as it was it wasn't the cheapest restaurant in town, but it was far from the most expensive and well within her budget.

“Yeah, see I did a lot of research on this during the week and I wanted to make sure that the places I chose were places that not many ponies we know go to and make sure they weren't too expensive either.” Sweetie Belle replied as she beamed with pride in her own cleverness.

“How did you manage to find all these places without traveling all around town?” Cheerilee asked looking positively stunned at the filly's well thought out list of dating spots.

“The Library.” Sweetie Belle replied simply with a shifty eyed look.

“Okay, so she's a whole lot smarter than I gave her credit for...” Cheerilee remarked to herself quietly as the two left the Filly Tuesdays restaurant and headed in the opposite direction.


“What ya want sally?” A unicorn asked whom wore a light apron with a pen and paper levitated in front of her as the two sat at a small table in the cafe.

“Hmm, I guess the rose leaf special would be nice.” Cheerilee responded with a smile as she placed the menu down on the table at which point the unicorn scribbled onto her notepad than looked at the filly.

“And what would the little one like? I hear the filly surprise is always tasty.” The unicorn remarked in a childish tone to Sweetie Belle whom scowled at her from behind the menu in front of her face at the moment.

“I'll have the mare's delight.” Sweetie Belle replied simply which caused the unicorn to stare blankly at her for a moment before regaining her composure.

“That meal is a little big and I don't think a filly like yourself could...” The unicorn began to say only to trail off as Sweetie Belle lowered the menu looking at her with a glare at which point she turned her gaze to Cheerilee as if to ask for approval.

“It's fine.” Cheerilee replied with a nervous smile at which point the unicorn nodded, scribbled down onto her paper, and then looked at the two once again.

“And what would you like to drink?” The unicorn asked looking at Cheerilee now.

“A nice glass of apple juice, strong.” Cheerilee said putting an emphasis on the word “strong” to give the hint to the waitress whom scribbled down onto the paper then looked at the filly.

“And what would you like to drink little missy?” The unicorn asked with a soft smile.

“I'll drink what she's drinking.” Sweetie Belle replied simply at which point the unicorn gave Cheerilee yet another look but this time with a worried expression.

“O-Okay, but umm, make hers weak.” Cheerilee replied hoping the filly wouldn't catch onto the word play she was using as the unicorn scribbled down on the paper once again looking relieved somewhat, turned around and walked away.

“Hey, phil! I need a special, a wet dream, a heavy weight apple juice, and a lightweight apple juice.” The unicorn called out as she walked away.

Cheerilee gave a heavy sigh as looked over around the room. No pony in this cafe she knew or recognized. Sweetie Belle sure did pick a good location. “So, umm. How was your week?” Cheerilee asked trying to break the awkward silence between them now.

“Boring until now.” Sweetie Belle replied with a sweet smile and batted her eyelashes at the mare.

“Is she...flirting with me? Dear Celestia, what have I got myself into?” Cheerilee thought to herself in a dreading tone though she kept her expression still smiling as she attempted to continue the conversation. “So, you do anything with Scootaloo and Applebloom during the week? You three seem to do everything together.” Cheerilee replied as she looked around the room once again though this time she was looking for the waitress. She just wanted something to calm her nerves and the drink she ordered would do the job nicely. While she knew it wasn't going to get her drunk, she knew it was more than enough to calm her nerves.

“Yeah, we tried to earn our cutie marks a few days ago by helping Fluttershy take care of her animals, turns out that wasn't our special talent though and somehow we managed to get covered in tree sap...again.” Sweetie Belle replied ending her response on a sour note.

“How did you three manage that?” Cheerilee asked with a slight giggle happy that the conversation had taken a much more comfortable direction now.

“Well, Applebloom was trying to help some squirrels make a home in a tree, so Scootaloo had an idea. Why not make a hole for them. Turns out that wasn't the best idea.” Sweetie Belle replied sounding annoyed as she recalled the events.

“Well, I'm sure you'll find your special talent eventually.” Cheerilee replied just as the unicorn returned with their drinks. The unicorn hesitated for a moment however as she eyed both glasses which looked identical, shrugged, and set each glass down in front of the two.

Cheerilee quickly placed a straw in the drink and began to sip from it as did Sweetie Belle from her own. At first she hadn't noticed but it soon it was apparent. Her drink didn't have that taste a alcoholic drink would normally have and groaned in frustration. “Figures, somepony got my order wrong.” Cheerilee remarked in an annoyed tone aloud as Sweetie Belle down her entire glass in a one shot.

“Wow, thirsty are we?” Cheerilee remarked with a smile looking at Sweetie Belle whom gave a healthy belch.

“Yeah, we had been walking around so much and it made me so thirsty, but the apple juice tasted kind of odd.” Sweetie Belle replied looking at the drink curiously.

“Odd? What do you mean, odd?” Cheerilee asked as her heart dropped to the pit of her stomach. “Oh please don't tell me that air-headed unicorn didn't do what I think she did!” Cheerilee thought to herself in a panicked tone.

“I don't know. It was probably just the cafe's way of making apple juice though. I'm so used to drinking the the apple juice at Applebloom's house that I really don't drink much else other than there stuff.” Sweetie Belle replied with a smirk.

“Maybe...” Cheerilee replied as she looked around herself for the unicorn, but she was no where to be found. “Of all times to be no where to be seen.” Cheerilee remarked to herself in an annoyed tone.

“So, you were talking about how you and your friends were trying to find your special talents, anything else you want to share?” Cheerilee asked as she took another sip from her apple juice.

“Well there was this one time that we tried applebucking for a week strait. My hooves were so sore after that!” Sweetie Belle replied with a giggle along with a slightly dreamy expression.

“Uh-huh...anything else?” Cheerilee asked in a worried tone taking note of the filly's sudden change in facial expression.

“Well there was this one time...this one time...umm, wow that's funny, I can't seem to remember what I was going to say, hehe!” Sweetie Belle replied with a giggle.

“I'm going to kill me a waitress...” Cheerilee thought to herself in a pissed off tone as she stood up from the table suddenly and looked around.

“Where are you going? Come on! This is a d-!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed much to Cheerilee's horror as she quickly rushed over to the filly and hushed her before she could get her final word out.

“Sweetie Belle, listen to me dear, you've accidentally been given an alcoholic beverage. Try to keep your voice down. I'll get our food to go and we'll get you back to my place.” Cheerilee said in a whisper to Sweetie Belle whose eyes widened in shock upon hearing this.

At this point and time the unicorn was now walking up to the two with their food and gulped slightly upon seeing the earth pony's glare. “Something I can help you with sally?” The unicorn asked in a nervous tone having a good idea of what had happened.

“Yeah, you can start with giving me a good reason why I shouldn't sue this cafe for giving this filly an alcoholic beverage.” Cheerilee replied in a pissed off tone with an expression to match it.

“Okay, okay. Calm down sally. I'm sure we can work out something right?” The unicorn replied with a nervous expression.


Cheerilee helped the stumbling drunk filly through the front door to her home. While the drink she ordered wouldn't affect her so much due to her being an adult mare, for a filly Sweetie Belle's age and size however, it was like giving the filly a drink strong enough to knock a mare Cheerilee's size and age for a loop.

“I'm so sorry about this Sweetie Belle! I never meant for you to get that drink.” Cheerilee said to the unicorn who couldn't help but laugh and giggle at just about everything.

“Why you sorry for? This is fun! It's just like that night before, except you were acting funny too and now I’m acting funny again. Hehe, I feel funny too!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed in a drunken tone as Cheerilee helped her to the living room and sat her down on the chair.

“Here, eat some of the meal you ordered at the cafe. Get some solid food in you or I guarantee you'll regret feeling this way in a few hours.” Cheerilee said in a reassuring tone as she handed the unicorn the to-go box.

“Okay, I'll eat some food.” Sweetie Belle replied as Cheerilee turned around and began to walk towards the kitchen only to halt upon hearing a whistle from the filly which caused her to groan in annoyance to herself.

“Okay, need to find those sober up pills I bought a few months ago.” Cheerilee remarked aloud to herself as she scanned the contents of her kitchen only for the bottle to read in nice big letters” DO NOT GIVE TO FOALS” at which point Cheerilee chucked the bottle against the wall in frustration. “Just great! Now I have to deal with a drunk filly for the rest of the night untill she passes out.” Cheerilee remarked to herself in an annoyed tone.

This was not going as she had planned at all, first she tries to take her out to a simple restaurant only for the Sweetie Belle to question what she was doing, then she gets her drunk at the cafe. “Wonderful start to your plan Cheerilee.” The earth pony remarked aloud to herself in a sarcastic tone with an eye roll gesture only to hear a clatter coming from the living room.

Cheerilee quickly dropped what she was doing and rushed to the living room to see food on the floor and Sweetie Belle laughing nearly hysterically now. “Ha,ha,ha! I tried to levitate the box with magic and I made it fall on the floor then I went a fell off the chair when I tried to pick it up! Hehe, too funny!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed between laughs much to Cheerilee's relief and annoyance.

Now she had a mess to clean up too along with making sure Sweetie Belle didn't do anything too stupid until the effects of the alcohol wore off. “Please, at least try not to break anything.” Cheerilee said in a pleading tone as she helped the unicorn to her hooves and sat her back on the chair.

“Don't worry Cheerilee, I won't break your heart!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed with a smirk as she gave the earth pony a peck on the cheek before she could pull away.

“How did you get the word heart out of-” Cheerilee began to ask only to cut herself off with a sigh and a slow head shaking gesture when she realized it was nothing more than the ramblings of a drunk pony. “I need a drink, I'll be right back Sweetie Belle.” Cheerilee said a few moments after her cut off sentence and once again left the room and entered the kitchen.

“Don't think it matters too much if I drink a little bit around her, not like she'd care or notice in the state she's in anyways...” Cheerilee remarked in a dismal tone as she reached a hoof into her fridge only to halt herself. “Wait, this is exactly how I ended up sleeping with her last time, we both were drunk.” Cheerilee thought to herself in a panicked, instead grabbed one of her non-alcoholic drinks, placed it into one of her cup carriers, and returned to the living room only to drop it to the floor with a clatter at the sight that beheld her.

Sweetie Belle was now laying on her back, legs spread, and playing with herself. “Sw-Sweetie Belle! C-Compose yourself! That's not how a filly should act!” Cheerilee exclaimed in shock stuttering slightly as she spoke as she yanked her gaze from the filly's lower regions and looked at her directly.

“But I can't help it! I feel so, umm, what's the word ...” Sweetie Belle replied as she trailed off with a soft moan.

“Horny.” Cheerilee replied in a mellow yet annoyed tone.

“Hehe, you said horny! That's funny because I have a horn on my head!” Sweetie Belle replied with a giggle.

“What in Equestria am I going to do with you?” Cheerilee asked aloud with a sigh as she walked over and forced the filly to stop playing with herself, sat her upright, picked up her drink which thankfully had not spilt due to having a lid on it, walked over to the chair next to Sweetie Belle, sat down, popped the lid on the bottle, and took a drink from it.

“Buck me!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed followed by a giggle which made the earth pony's face turn a shade darker than her normal color as she blushed.

“That is out of the question! I already made that mistake once, I will not do so again!” Cheerilee exclaimed in an upset tone.

“So you don't like me then?” Sweetie Belle replied in a sad tone with an expression to match it.

The earth pony then let out a deep sigh upon hearing this as she ran a hoof through her mane. “How to explain this? Look, I think your a wonderful filly, but I’m not attracted to you.” Cheerilee replied though that statement wasn't entirely true and she knew it.

“Why not?” Sweetie Belle asked in the same sad tone looking at Cheerilee now intently.

“You're far too young for one thing.” Cheerilee replied in a soft tone trying to make sure she didn't cause the filly too much grief.

“So if I was older you would be attracted to me?” Sweetie Belle asked curiously.

“Well, yes and no. If you were older, I would have given this relationship a little more thought, but given the circumstances, I’m afraid there's no way I can do anything with you.” Cheerilee replied in a soft tone.

“I bet it doesn't help that I’m acting like a stupid pony right now...” Sweetie Belle replied and sighed.

“Looks like she's finally sobering up...thank Celestia for small favors.” Cheerilee thought to herself in a relieved tone. “Oh sweetheart, you aren't being stupid. It was that unicorn at the cafe who was stupid when she gave you that drink.” Cheerilee replied in a reassuring tone as she got off her chair, sat next to Sweetie Belle in hers, lifted the filly up, and sat her in her lap in order to better comfort the unicorn.

“My head is starting to hurt and I’m not feeling silly anymore.” Sweetie Belle said in a whimpering yet quiet tone as she nuzzled against Cheerilee who simply stroked her mane gently.

“It's called a hang-over dear. It happens usually when a pony has a little too much to drink. It will pass, but until it does you are going to feel a little sick and sad.” Cheerilee replied in a comforting tone as she continued to stroke the unicorn's mane.

“Ohh, I don't think I want to drink that stuff ever again...” Sweetie Belle remarked with a groan as she held her stomach.

“At least not till your older I would hope.” Cheerilee remarked with a giggle.

“I don't think I would drink that stuff even then. It makes me do silly things.” Sweetie Belle replied with a giggle of her own.

“Do you really need help with doing silly things? Last I heard, you and your friends get into enough trouble and that's without drinking alcohol.” Cheerilee replied with a smirk.

“H-Hey, that's mean.” Sweetie Belle whined with a hurt expression.

“No, this is mean.” Cheerilee replied and began to tickle the filly who began to burst out laughing.

“H-Hey! Don't tickle me!” Sweetie Belle managed to exclaimed between laughs though she didn't seem to mind it too much as she flailed and laughed as the earth pony continued with her tickle torture for a little longer than stopped to let the filly catch her breath.

“Feeling better now?” Cheerilee asked with a smirk.

“Not really...” Sweetie Belle replied with a slightly pale expression and gave a sudden gag.

“Oh dear.” Cheerilee remarked in a dreading tone, quickly put the filly on her back, and made a mad dash for the bathroom before the filly spilled her guts all over the place.

“I think I'm gonna...Hmphrk!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed and began to vomit all over the bathroom floor as the earth pony rushed her in there only to realize she was too late as the filly spilled the contents of her stomach onto the floor.

Cheerilee could only set the filly down and do what she could to comfort the unicorn as she gasped for air between retches and vomited again. “Blast it all, some help I was. I was just trying to make you feel better, now look at you. Poor filly.” Cheerilee remarked in a guilty tone as Sweetie Belle huffed and puffed.

“It's not your fault Miss just...hmphrk!” Sweetie Belle began to said only to trail off as she vomited again for a short time then gasped for air once again. “Wanted to make me feel better.” Sweetie Belle manged to say in a breathless tone.

“I'm sorry you had to go through this though. If I had paid more attention to how my apple juice tasted, I would have known that you had gotten mine instead.” Cheerilee replied in a soft tone still feeling very guilty for what happened.

“So much for our first date huh?” Sweetie Belle replied with a sigh as she sat on her rump and looked at Cheerilee now with a saddened expression.

“Sweetie Belle, I have a confession to make.” Cheerilee replied and took a deep breath. She couldn't keep up this act any longer. Despite the grand plan she had laid out for her to let her down easy, she just couldn't stand to put the filly through anymore of these kind of things. “I never really intended to try and date you.” Cheerilee replied as she ran a hoof through her mane taking a deep breath and sighing.

“I sort of figured that out when you told me I was too young for you.” Sweetie Belle replied as she scratched the back of her head with a hoof with a saddened expression looking as if shew was on the brink of tears now.

“I'm sorry for making you think otherwise, it's just that I was worried that you might try and blackmail me with what happened during the summer sun celebration school party.” Cheerilee confessed as she put a hoof around the filly.

“So you really never liked me. It was just an act.” Sweetie Belle sad in a depressed tone as she moved Cheerilee's hoof from around her and stood up.

“Sweetie Belle, someday you will meet a nice pony, one who will like you for who are and one who's your age.” Cheerilee said trying to comfort the unicorn but she already could tell she was failing miserably at this with one look at Sweetie Belle's eyes which were brimming with tears now.

“You just acted like you cared about me.” Sweetie Belle replied seemingly ignoring the earth pony's statement.

“Sweetie Belle, I-” Cheerilee said as she walked over to put a hoof around the filly again only for her to knock it away in an aggressive manner.

“How dare you?!” Sweetie Belle shrieked angrily at the earth pony who could only recoil slightly from the sudden shout to the face as the unicorn darted from the bathroom and moments later a door could be heard slamming shut which caused Cheerilee's expression to go from sad to alarmed.

“Sweetie Belle? Where are you? Sweetie Belle?!” Cheerilee asked as she looked around the front room frantically for the filly and the rest of her home but she was no where to be found. “She must have ran out of the house!” Cheerilee thought to herself dramatically as she ran for the front door and looked around in a panic for the filly but could not see her in the dark. The moon now hung high and this was a part of Ponyville she knew Sweetie Belle was not familiar with.

Cheerilee then began to run down the streets frantically searching for the filly trying to find her before something bad happened to her.


Fanning the flame within

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Sweetie Belle now sat on a bench in the park shivering slightly. She was lost and she had no idea which way was home or even the way back to Cheerilee's house now. Not that she really cared. “How could she do this to me? She just went along with it because she thought I would blackmail her? What kind of pony does she take me for?!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed aloud angrily as tears flooded from her eyes.

The filly sat there on the bench for a few moments longer before a gust of wind blew by which made her shiver and curl up into a ball in order to try and keep her now freezing hooves warm. “Maybe I am too young, but that doesn't mean that what I feel for her isn't real does it?” Sweetie Belle asked herself aloud with a sniffle as yet another gust of wind blew past causing her to shiver even more violently now. She couldn't stay here, she had to find a spot that would at least shield her from the cold winds.

Though summer meant warm days, it also meant cold nights and Sweetie Belle was beginning to regret running out of Cheerilee's home now as she searched for a secluded spot which would prevent the cold summer night winds from hitting her.

Finally though, she found a spot that was at least better than sitting on the bench. It was a small little part of the park that was surrounded by thick bushes which she figured was a right side better than being in the middle of everything. Above all right though, one thought was on her mind. “I want to go home.” Sweetie Belle remarked with a sigh and shivered slightly now.


A certain purple unicorn lay sound asleep in her bed until an abrupt and loud knocking snapped her awake. “Who in Equestria would be awake this time of night?” Twilight thought to herself in a drowsy tone as she went to the front door and opened it to see a very panicked and worried looking Cheerilee.

“Twilight, I need your help!” Cheerilee exclaimed in a panicked tone much to the purple unicorn's confusion.


“So let me get this strait, Sweetie Belle was staying with you because you were helping her study for math and then she got upset and ran out the door when she couldn't solve a math problem?” Twilight asked in a skeptic tone as the two mares searched through the part of town that Cheerilee lived in.

“Y-Yes.” Cheerilee lied. There was no way she could tell her the real reason, she would never understand.

“Forgive me, but I have trouble believing it was something as simple as a math problem that would cause Sweetie Belle to rush out the door like that. And why didn't you contact Rarity first. I think she would like to know that her sister is missing!” Twilight exclaimed dramatically as the two walked by the park now.

“I-I couldn't.” Cheerilee replied as she looked around.

“Why not? This is sounding more fishy by the minuet Cheerilee. What are you hiding?” Twilight asked looking at the mare now with a curious look now.

“Lets just find her! I don't know what I would do if she-” Cheerilee began to exclaim only for Twilight to appear in front of her in a flash of magic halting her in her tracks.

“I wasn't born yesterday ya know! You're hiding something, something you don't want anypony to know. Now spill it! What really happened Cheerilee?” Twilight asked in a stern tone. She knew something fishy was going on and she wanted to find out what exactly.

“We don't have time to be talking Twilight! The longer we stand here, the longer Sweetie Belle is out here in this freezing cold night!” Cheerilee exclaimed and walked past her only for the unicorn to appear in front of her in yet another flash of magic.

“If you won't tell me what's really going on then I'm going to go get Rarity. She deserves to know what's happening anyways.” Twilight said in a threatening tone.

“No, you can't! Your the only pony I can trust!” Cheerilee exclaimed in a panicked tone looking at the unicorn now.

“Then tell me! What's so bad that you don't want Sweetie Belle's only sister to know about?! If you trust me so much then tell me for pony's sake!” Twilight exclaimed in an aggravated tone.

Cheerilee stared at Twilight for a short time as if debating on whether to tell her and without warning tears began to flood from her eyes. “It's all my fault...” Cheerilee said in a teary tone as her voice cracked.

“What's all your fault?” Twilight asked looking completely confused now as to what the earth pony was referring to.

“I've been a terrible pony Twilight, I've done things with her I shouldn't have.” Cheerilee replied in a soft tone as she put her head on the ground and sobbed quietly to herself.

“What the hay do you mean things you shouldn't have?” Twilight asked in a confused yet concerned tone.

“It all started that night of the summer sun celebration school party, Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara spiked our drinks and we both got very drunk and...” Cheerilee began to say but trailed off.

“Did what?” Twilight asked though she had a good idea and hoped she was wrong.

“I-I-I slept with her Twilight! I don't know why or how we ended up doing what we did, but that's not the worst part.” Cheerilee replied looking as if she was in full blown sobs now.

“Okay, so what could be worse than sleeping with a filly two times younger than your age?” Twilight asked in an shocked tone. Part of her was now disgusted with the very sight of this mare in front of her now, but the other part pitied her. She always knew that Cheerilee was into pony's younger than herself, but she didn't think that she would go this young. Yet for some reason she couldn't be upset at her. She of course knew why this was the case but she would rather forget that part of her past.

“I think she's in love with me.” Cheerilee replied in a soft tone.

“In love with you? A filly her age?! Lets think rationally here!” Twilight exclaimed in an annoyed tone. Now she was starting to get upset with her. It was as if she was making excuses now.

“Oh come on Twilight! You honestly think I would say that if I didn't think it to be so? I saw it in her eyes! The same look you gave me many years ago!” Cheerilee exclaimed feeling her temper rise now as well.

“I was five years older than her, I think that qualifies me to be a little more mature in that field that her.” Twilight replied in the same annoyed tone with a glare now.

“Of come the buck on Twilight. You and me both know that fillies mature quicker than colts in the emotional field.” Cheerilee replied countering with a glare of her own.

Twilight wanted to argue this more but she knew that they had more pressing matters to attend to and that was finding Sweetie Belle. “Be glad we have a history Cheerilee. Because if we didn't, I wouldn't hesitate to have you thrown into Canterlot prison. Now come on, we have a foal to find.” Twilight replied in a threatening tone as she turned around and began to head into the park while memories played out in her mind.


“How can you even say such a thing?! After all we've been through? After all we've done?!” Twilight exclaimed with tears in her eyes along with a hurt expression.

“Twilight, I'm sorry. But you and I both know it would never work out. Think about it. If they found out about me and you, I would not only lose my teaching license, but also my life. I can't risk that! Not even for you...” Cheerilee replied with a sigh.

“Who cares what ponies think?! I love you Cheerilee!” Twilight exclaimed as she ran over and hugged the earth pony tightly.

“I'm sorry Twilight, I love you too, but the risk is too great. I'm being transferred to Ponyville later this month and there is no way we can keep this going and keep it a secret. It would become more than obvious something is going on if we kept on seeing each other in secret.” Cheerilee replied and gave a deep sigh.


“You really hurt me, you know?” Twilight remarked after a few moments as the two searched through the park now.

“Yes. I can't begin to say how sorry I am for that.” Cheerilee replied in a soft tone.

“So are you going to run away again?” Twilight asked as she looked behind a few bushes while Cheerilee search some others a few feet away from her.

“Is that what you think I did? Twilight, I had no other choice. Surely you understand.” Cheerilee replied in a slight offended tone.

“I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that, it just came out.” Twilight replied in a guilty tone along with a sigh.

“I know you didn't Twilight, for now lets just focus on finding Sweetie Belle.” Cheerilee replied as yet another gust of wind blew throughout the park causing both mares to shiver violently.

“I just hope you learned your lesson...” Twilight remarked aloud to which the earth pony knew exactly what she was referring to.

About thirty minuets later Twilight was just about to tell Cheerilee that they needed to get help in order to find the filly when a rustling sound came from behind a cluster of bushes to her right. Curious, the unicorn slowly walked in that direction. “Sweetie Belle? You there?” Twilight asked in a soft tone as she walked up to the bushes and parted them to see the white unicorn shivering and shuddering violently which caused Twilight's eyes to widen in both alarm and relief.

“Cheerilee, I found her!” Twilight called out at which point a thundering of hooves could be heard and the earth pony came into view mere seconds later.

“Thank Celestia she's okay!” Cheerilee exclaimed in relief as she reached in and lifted the filly up who was still shuddering violently. “She's cold as ice! We've got to warm her up!” Cheerilee remarked in a worried tone as she held the filly tightly.

“I'll teleport us back to your house.” Twilight replied, channeled magic into her horn, and in the next moment the three disappeared in a flash of magic.


Sweetie Belle lay in Cheerilee's bedroom snugged warming in her blankets but still was shivering slightly as Cheerilee ran a hoof through her mane with a worried expression. “And that's everything that's happened so far.” Cheerilee said in a matter-of-fact tone looking at Twilight now whom was scanning the contents of Sweetie Belle's saddle packs.

“Well, the saddle packs don't lie. You should see some of the stuff she has in here. Many of the books in here are actually from my library. She must have grabbed them when I wasn't looking.” Twilight remarked as she looked over the titles of the books.

“What books did she take?” Cheerilee asked curiously as she left the white unicorn's side and looked at the books Twilight was looking through.

“Lets see, we got, Dating for foals, how to break the ice when dating somepony your own sex, popular locations within Ponyville to take your date, and...!” Twilight began to say only to trail off now with a crimson red blush.

“What's the title of the last one Twilight?” Cheerilee asked curiously wondering why the mare had suddenly stopped naming the titles of the books.

“How to please your mate, a rookie's guide to sex. How the hay did she get this one?! That's in the adult section of the library and I put an age restriction spell on it myself! Only spike and me can get through that spell unless the pony is an adult.” Twilight remarked in shock until her eyes lit in with a glare. “I'm going to skin that dragon! No wonder he was acting so odd two weeks days ago!” Twilight exclaimed in a pissed off tone as she put two and two together as to why Spike was acting the way he was on the the same day she recalled seeing Sweetie Belle in the library.

“Well that explains how she knew how to make me, umm, erm...never mind.” Cheerilee began to say only to stop herself mid-sentence through her recollection upon seeing Twilight's expression.

“Wh-Where am I?” Sweetie Belle asked in a weak tone at which point Cheerilee rushed to her side and smiled at her.

“You're safe, don't worry.” Cheerilee said in a soft tone as she ran a hoof through Sweetie Belle's mane again.

“Cheerilee?” Sweetie Belle asked in the same weak tone.

“Yes, it's me. I'm so sorry for doing this to you. If only I had said no from the beginning, this would have never happened.” Cheerilee replied as tears of guilt swelled in her eyes and drifted down her cheeks.

“No, it's my fault. You're right, I'm too young to date you and I acted so stupid. I should have known you were putting on an act, but I thought that maybe I stood a chance.” Sweetie Belle replied still sounding weak, but less so now.

“Sweetie Belle I...” Cheerilee began to say but trailed off. Once again that kiss she gave her was haunting her thoughts and feelings.

“What is it?” Sweetie Belle asked looking at her now taking note of the fact the earth pony was biting her lower lip now as if she was hiding something.

Twilight looked at the two now and also took note of Cheerilee's behavior and sighed with a soft smile as she looked at the two.

Looking at Cheerilee now, how she was caring for Sweetie Belle, it was suddenly so clear, she would never let anything happen to her, she would never let any harm come to her, she would be there always to look after and care for her.

Of all the mates Sweetie Belle could have, this pony, this mare, a pony two times her age, was the only pony she cared about as deeply as I had.

As insane as it sounded to me, the very thought of Sweetie Belle choosing to be with Cheerilee, the very thought that this filly could possibly be attracted and fall for a pony twice her age, it was almost unbelievable. Yet here she was, doing her best to put on a brave face, doing her best to hide the fact she was deeply in love with this mare. Looking at these two now, how they looked at one another, how it was more than obvious they cared for one another deeply yet neither would admit it, it made me realize just what kind of insane world I was living in. I suppose that in an insane world, this was the sanest choice for the both of them.

“Twilight? Is something the matter?” Cheerilee asked curiously taking note of Twilight's sudden motion to leave the room which point the purple unicorn stopped and sighed.

“You never learn, do you?” Twilight replied with a half smile.

Cheerilee of course knew exactly what the purple unicorn was referring to. “Twilight, you can't possibly think that I...” Cheerilee began to say but trailed off as Sweetie Belle placed a hoof on her cheek which caused her to look back at the white unicorns face allowing the unicorn to leave the room completely.

“What did she mean by that miss Cheerilee?” Sweetie Belle asked curiously to which the earth pony sighed.

“It means she knows me better than I know myself. Would you excuse me for a few moments?” Cheerilee replied, stood up, and left the room to join Twilight whom was sitting in a chair in her living room.

“How could you tell?” Cheerilee asked in a soft tone which caused Twilight whom was staring at the fireplace which she had ignited herself up to this point to look at her.

“You honestly think that after all those years we spent together, that I didn't get to know you that well?” Twilight asked with a smirk.

“Well, a pony can change.” Cheerilee replied with a smirk of her own.

“True as that might be, you sure as hay didn't learn from your mistakes. You're still are falling for the young ones.” Twilight replied and looked back at the fireplace.

“I never meant to, what I mean to say is...” Cheerilee began to say but trailed off as she was having trouble finding the words.

“Save it, you and me both know that you care about her more than you let on.” Twilight replied as she turned to look at her again, stood up from the chair, and walked over to the earth pony. “The million bit questions is, is she worth the risk?” Twilight asked in a soft tone.

“I-I don't know. She is after all, younger than you were when we first met. She seems to know what she's feeling, but I can't help but wonder if she really does.” Cheerilee replied and let out a deep sigh a few moments later.

“In the two years I’ve lived in Ponyville, I've gotten to know Sweetie Belle fairly well. She's not so good at hiding her feelings. When she was in the library two weeks ago, she spoke of a pony she had a serious crush on but wouldn't say who. I just assumed it was one of her classmates. Now I realize it was you.” Twilight replied walking up to Cheerilee and smiled warmly at her. “Don't worry, your secret is safe with me. Just do me one favor, don't buck things up this time, okay?” Twilight said a few moments after her initial statement, walked past the earth pony, opened the door, and left the house closing the door behind her.

Cheerilee stood there stunned for a short time, unable to quite process what just happened. Then without warning something clicked. Twilight had just agreed to help her keep this relationship a secret. There was one problem however, she wasn't exactly sure how she felt about Sweetie Belle, but she knew how to find out.

Cheerilee then walked back into her bedroom to see Sweetie Belle still awake and waiting for her to return. “Cheerilee, I just wanted to say how sorry I am. I never meant to make you worry about me so much.” Sweetie Belle said in the same weak tone.

“Don't worry about it. I'm not upset with you, it was after all, my fault. If I had been honest with you from the beginning, this would have never happened.” Cheerilee replied followed by a sigh as she walked up to the bed, climbed on top, and laid next to Sweetie Belle whom turned to face her on the other side of the bed.

“I sort of knew the whole time, but I kept telling myself that you really did care about me like I did you. I was so happy to have a chance to date you that I ignored everything telling me otherwise. But when you told me yourself to my face, I couldn't accept it, so I ran away.” Sweetie Belle replied as tears dripped down her cheeks now.

“I've done my own share of running away. Just not in the literal sense.” Cheerilee replied in a soft tone as she ran a hoof along Sweetie Belle's cheek, wiping away tears as she looked into her eyes.

“What do you mean?” Sweetie Belle asked with an confused expression now.

“I thought I knew how I felt about you, I thought I could just leave things as they were. But that kiss I gave you a week ago. That kiss haunts me, makes me question my feelings for you. So I thought, maybe one more, just to see if the same flame that once burned inside us during that kiss, was really what I felt.” Cheerilee replied at which point Sweetie Belle's expression became more confused if possible.

“Huh?!” Sweetie Belle replied with expression that said “What the hay are you talking about?!” which made Cheerilee giggle and sigh.

“I keep forgetting that things like that will go over your head for sometime. Let me put it in terms you'll understand.” Cheerilee replied, put a hoof on her chin, and sighed as she tried to figure out a way to say the same thing but in a way the filly would understand. “I want to find out if what we felt when we kissed two weeks ago really meant anything. So I would like to kiss you once more.” Cheerilee said a few moments later at which point Sweetie Belle's expression changed from confused to one of understanding.

“Well why didn't you say so?” Sweetie Belle replied with a giggle, leaned in, and locked lips with the mare.

As if by magic, that same feeling, that flame that burned so brightly between the two during that kiss a week ago, suddenly reignited full force. One kiss turned into two, two kisses turned into four, and before the two realized it their hooves were running through each others manes as they made out on Cheerilee's bed only for Cheerilee to stop abruptly much to the unicorn's dismay.

“Why..did you...stop?” Sweetie Belle asked in a breathless tone.

“Two reasons.” Cheerilee replied in the same breathless tone as she regained her composure and fought her urges away before continuing to speak. “For one thing, your not feeling so well. Secondly, it's four in the morning and we both need sleep.” Cheerilee replied with a smile.

“So, how do you feel about me?” Sweetie Belle asked curiously as the mare got under the sheets and snuggled next to her.

“Hmm, I’ll put it this way, I’m willing to give this relationship of ours a real chance now.” Cheerilee replied with a smirk and gave the filly a peck on the cheek.

“Really?! No acting this time?” Sweetie Belle exclaimed as her eyes lit up with joy.

“No acting this time. I'm going to give you a real chance with me Sweetie Belle. Just remember, no pony can know. Not for a few years at least.” Cheerilee replied in a soft tone followed by a yawn.

“I understand, And Miss Cheerilee.” Sweetie Belle replied trailing off on purpose.

“Yes sweetheart?” Cheerilee asked in a drowsy tone.

“Thank you for giving me this chance.” Sweetie Belle said in a whispering tone, kissed her on the cheek, and nuzzled her affectionately before giving a yawn of her own and closing her eyes.

Cheerilee looked down at the filly whom laid close to her now and ran a hoof though her mane gently as she slept peacefully now in her hooves. “I won't buck things up this time Twilight. I promise.” Cheerilee thought to herself in a soft tone before she closed her own eyes and drifted off into a pleasant sleep.

A gamble worth taking

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Cheerilee opened her eyes in a drowsy manner as she looked to her right expecting to see a sleeping filly next to her and was surprised to find that she was not there. It was at this point and time a smell hit the earth pony's nostrils which caused her to sit upright in alarm. “Fire!” Cheerilee exclaimed in a panicked tone, jumped out of bed, nearly tripped over her own hooves as she rushed to the source of the smoke only to stop and stare in shock at Sweetie Belle whom was apparently trying to cook breakfast but failing miserably which was made more than apparent by the burnt food on the table.

“Good morning Cheerilee!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed with an enthusiastic smile.

Cheerilee looked at the smiling filly and didn't have the heart to be upset with her though she still groaned in annoyance at the mess in front of her, walked over to the table and stared blankly for a moment at a glass with black stuff in it. “Um, Sweetie Belle, what's this?” Cheerilee asked in an uneasy tone as she turned to look at the filly.

“Juice!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed with a smirk.

“You burned juice? How in Equestria did you manage that?” Cheerilee asked in a stunned tone.

Upon hearing this Sweetie Belle gave a depressed sigh. “Yeah, I know. Everything is burnt. I tried to make you breakfast, but everything I cook seems to catch on fire for some strange reason...” Sweetie Belle remarked with a frown.

“But how did you manage to burn juice?” Cheerilee asked once again unable to get past how the filly was able to burn juice.


Sweetie Belle attempted to levitate the cup of juice with magic only for the juice inside the cup to suddenly catch on fire much to the filly's horror. “Ah! It's not supposed to do that! Why is it doing that?!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed in a panicked tone.


“You don't wanna know...” Sweetie Belle replied with a scowl as she hopped down from the chair and to the floor.

“Sweetie Belle, you should be in bed. You were looking worse for ware last night and I want to make sure you get plenty of rest.” Cheerilee replied as her concern for the filly came back fresh to her mind from the events of last night.

“I'm fine, really!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed enthusiastically, but gave a mighty cough afterwords which didn't sound healthy by any means.

“Sorry, but I’m putting my hoof down on this one. You need rest.” Cheerilee replied with a stern look at the filly whom gave a weak smile followed by a sigh.

“Fine.” Sweetie Belle replied with a scowl as she walked past Cheerilee and out of the kitchen.

With the unicorn no longer a major concern to her she now looked at the kitchen which was a huge mess now and groaned as she flattened her ears in dismay as she began to clean up the mess the filly had made.


Cheerilee walked into her bedroom with a tray of food in her mouth and set it down on the bed in front of the filly whom smiled at her. “Hows breakfast in bed sound?” Cheerilee asked with a warm smile as she gave the unicorn a peck on the cheek.

“Sounds great, but I was hoping for something a little more sweet than oatmeal.” Sweetie Belle replied with a smirk and a wink which caused the mare to blush slightly.

“Don't get ahead of yourself now. Just because I said I would give this relationship of ours a chance doesn't mean I'll be messing around with you right and left. After all, there's more to a relationship than just sex.” Cheerilee remarked with a smirk as she leaned in a gave the filly a kiss on the lips this time around.

“I know. I just like making you blush.” Sweetie Belle replied with a smirk and began to eat her oatmeal.

“You naughty filly.” Cheerilee remarked in a jeering tone, turned around, and purposely left her tail up as she left the room giving the unsuspecting filly an eyeful much to her own shock which forced Sweetie Belle to blush herself.

“Hey, no teasing!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed in an annoyed tone but smirked all the same which made Cheerilee giggle to herself with the guilty satisfaction that she got revenge on the filly for making her blush a few moments before.

The environment in Cheerilee's home now felt entirely different to the mare now. No longer would she have to watch herself in doors with Sweetie Belle around. This thought in itself filled the earth pony with a giddy excitement as she squealed silently to herself while making her way back to the kitchen to make her own breakfast.

“I never thought I could feel this way again. The last time if felt this way while in my own house was many years ago.” Cheerilee remarked out loud to herself thoughtfully with a smirk as she began to make herself a bowl of oatmeal.


“Any plans for today?” Cheerilee asked as she gave the purple unicorn a kiss as the two lay in her bed in Canterlot.

“Let me see, I have a report to study for on the use of modern day unicorn magic, basic transformation spells, advanced teleportiaton, advanced levitation, the history of unicorns and their origins, the history oi mid-evil era magic, and how to hatch a dragon egg.” Twilight replied with a smile at which point the earth pony frowned.

“That's a whole lot to study on. Guess we won't have much time to spend together today.” Cheerilee replied and sighed.

“We have time now.” Twilight replied as she ran a hoof along the earth pony's body under the blankets, stopped just short of her mound, and teased her by running her hoof back and forth just above in a gently stroking motion.

“You are such a tease! I would love to rock your world right now, but I need to get ready to teach class today, so maybe later we can have some us time okay?” Cheerilee replied with a smirk as she moved the blankets off her and Twilight, got off the bed, and began to walk away lifting her tail up which allowed the unicorn to stare at her prize.

“I can't wait.” Twilight replied as she got out of bed herself and used her magic to brush her mane down.


“Good times...” Cheerilee remarked to herself with a smirk then placed a hoof on her chin in thought. “Sweetie Belle does act a little like Twilight did, maybe that's why I’m attracted to her?” Cheerilee thought to herself curiously as she finished making the bowl of oatmeal and made her way back to the bedroom to see that Sweetie Belle had already finished her bowl.

“Do I really have to stay in bed all day?” Sweetie Belle asked with a puppy dog eye look that Cheerilee knew she couldn't compete with.

“That's not fair. You know I can't resist that much cuteness.” Cheerilee remarked with a smirk as she jumped onto the bed and began to eat her breakfast.

“Well do I?” Sweetie Belle asked once again not letting the subject drop.

“We'll see how you are feeling in a few hours.” Cheerilee replied simply as and took another bite from her oatmeal.

“Can you at least get my books for me?” Sweetie Belle asked in a sweet tone.

“Sure.” Cheerilee replied, moved her bowl to the side, got off the bed, walked over to where the unicorn's saddle pack was, picked it up, set it down in front of her, and got back on the bed.

The unicorn rummaged through her saddle pack and finally found the book she was looking for. “Ah, there is it!” Sweetie Belle remarked with a smirk, took the book out, opened it up, and began to read from it.

Curious as to what book the filly chose to read, Cheerilee glanced over at the pages, and went slightly wide-eyed in shock. “I thought Twilight would have taken that book back.” Cheerilee remarked to herself with a blush as she looked away.

“Twilight snooped through my saddle pack?” Sweetie Belle asked in a shocked yet worried tone.

“Yeah, she helped me find you last night. I told her everything that happened between us till now.” Cheerilee replied as she pushed the bowl of oatmeal to the side to look at the filly whom now was pale as a ghost.

“But if she knows then...” Sweetie Belle replied in a worried tone at which point Cheerilee smiled at her.

“Don't worry, she said she wouldn't tell anypony. Besides, me and her have a history ourselves.” Cheerilee replied in a reassuring tone.

“Wait, you and Twilight? Since when?” Sweetie Belle asked curiously.

“Well I once taught in Canterlot and she was about five years older than you when we met..” Cheerilee began to say as she recalled the events of how her and Twilight met.


I was fresh and new to teaching at that time. Barely older than what Twilight is now. I had never known love, much less any kind of romance nor did I really care. I did know one thing though, I loved teaching and this was my dream come true.

“Welcome class to your first day at Canterlot school of gifted unicorns!” Cheerilee exclaimed with a enthusiastic smile as she looked around the room at all the filly's and colts who sat before her.

I'm sure you wondering how a earth pony could possibly teach at a school for unicorns. Well, my parents were both unicorns but I was born an earth pony, since both my mother and father had great standing with the school, they allowed me to teach the first and second years due to them rarely ever needing to do anything practical in their first and second years. It was mostly studying books all day.

“Please take out your books and turn to page-” Cheerilee began to say only for a purple unicorn to come barreling into the classroom huffing and puffing. “S-Sorry I’m late! I was up all night studying and I overslept.” The purple unicorn said in a breathless tone.

“Studying? But the first class had just started today.” Cheerilee replied in a confused tone.

“I know, I just wanted to be prepared.” The purple unicorn replied with a smile.

“I like that kind of dedication in a filly. What's your name?” Cheerilee replied with a warm smile.

“Twilight Sparkle” The purple unicorn replied making sure to show off her pride in her enthusiasm.

“Well Miss Sparkle, take your seat. The class has just begun.” Cheerilee replied at which point Twilight turned around, ran to one of the desks, and quickly took a seat.

Did I know then that I had just met what would have been my first love? Ha, I wish! I would have been better prepared for the days to follow if I had, that's for sure.

It would be more than a year later though until I had finally fallen for her though. I suppose I should skip to those days to save you a boring tale.



Class started and ended as it always had, but this time Twilight had stayed behind the class.

“Something the matter miss sparkle?” Cheerilee asked in a polite tone.

“Yes, I need some help with this spell I’ve been studying. The execution sounds simple, but every time I try, it blows up in my face, literally.” Twilight replied with a scowl as her ears flattened in annoyance.

“I'm afraid I can't help you miss sparkle. I'm not a unicorn. Perhaps miss periwinkle can help you. She's just down the hall.” Cheerilee replied with a frown as she continued to grade papers.

“No, see that's just it. The spell says that having a partner will help increase the odds of success. And it doesn't say it has to be a unicorn.” Twilight replied as she took the spell book out and placed it on the table in front of her.

Cheerilee quickly scanned the contents of the book and looked back at the unicorn with a concerned look. “Twilight, this spell is highly advanced for a unicorn your age. It's no wonder it blows up in your face. Just be glad it hasn't done worse. How about you try to practice a spell less difficult and more in your skill range?” Cheerilee replied as she took a book out and placed it next to the one the purple unicorn had set on the desk.

“Oh come on! I know you can help me make this work!” Twilight exclaimed in a pleading tone as she made a puppy dog eye look.

Every time that filly made that face, it always spelled trouble...


“Okay, So what do I do?” Cheerilee asked curiously as the two stood in the school magic lab.

“You just need to stand there and hold my hoof as I cast the spell.” Twilight replied as she put her hoof on Cheerilee's.

“That's it?” Cheerilee asked incredulously.

“Yeah, the book says that being in contact with your partner will help you keep the spell steady.” Twilight replied and began to channel magic into her horn. At first the spell seemed to be working, but then...


The two ponies waved their hooves in front of their faces as they coughed and choked on the smoke that now filled the room. “I don't get it! It said as long as my partner is willing, the spell should work!” Twilight exclaimed in frusation.

“Twilight, does it define what the word partner means in the use of this spell?” Cheerilee asked curiously.

“Not really, it just says that your partner must be willing and consent to the spell.” Twilight replied in a confused tone.

I knew from the start that this spell was too advanced for her, but how she was describing the partner in this spell, it sounded more like a lover type of partner rather than your run of the mill lab buddy.

“Twilight, I think your biggest problem with this spell is that you are misinterpreting the context of the word partner.” Cheerilee remarked as she looked at the book once again to read over the contents of the spell.

“Wait, it means that kind of partner?” Twilight replied with a wide-eyed expression along with a fierce blush.

“I think so. Everything else you have done to execute this spell looks to be in order. It's common mistake Twilight. Even the most skilled of unicorns can goof up a spell due to a misinterpretation of a word in the spell. Don't worry about it.” Cheerilee replied with a reassuring smile as she looked at the purple unicorn.

“Don't worry about it? But miss Cheerilee, this spell is required to pass the Canterlot college exams!” Twilight exclaimed in a panicked tone.

“Collage exams? Twilight, your barely into your second year of magic. Collage is well over five years away.” Cheerilee remarked with a chuckle as she walked over to the purple unicorn and placed a hoof on her shoulder.

“I believe in being well prepared.” Twilight replied in a matter-of-face tone.

“Well, unless you have a coltfriend, I don't think this is going to be possible right now.” Cheerilee stated simply trying to encourage the filly to drop the idea for now.

“Hmm...” Twilight said aloud thoughtfully as she placed a hoof on her chin and looked to be deep in thought.

“Uh-oh. This can't end well.”
Or at least that's what I thought at the time. Over the course of the year me and Twilight had become good friends despite our age differences. We had a common interest, a thirst for knowledge. This common interest allowed us to get to know one another better than I’d rather admit.

So I knew that when Twilight got her mind set on doing something, come tartarus or high water, she was going to figure out a way to make it happen. The only trouble was, her solutions were not always the best ones. Despite her vast knowledge in magic and her gift for learning spells so quickly, she lacked in the common sense department when she became like this.

“I got it!” Twilight exclaimed in a triumphant tone as her eyes lit up in excitement.

“Here it comes...what is it going to be this time? Crazy magic machine? Time travel theories?” Cheerilee thought to herself in a dreading tone.

“I'll date you!” Twilight exclaimed enthusiastically.

I believe the term comes to mind”My body was not ready!” because of how I reacted when she had made this suggestion. I had never dated a single pony in my life, much less considered it, and for Twilight to drop a something like this one me so unexpectedly, it knocked my mind for a loop.

If Cheerilee's face could go any redder right now it could most likely be mistaken for a chilly pepper as the earth pony's mouth hung agape in both stunned stupor and shock until she managed to snap herself out of it. “Out of the question! You can't just date me! There are two fundamental problems with that!” Cheerilee exclaimed in a slightly higher pitched tone than her normal range.

“Which are?” Twilight asked curiously.

“The first one being that I am an adult mare and you are a teenage filly! That in itself is reason enough!” Cheerilee exclaimed still sounding a little higher than her usual tone but was slowly drifting back to her normal tone as her nerves calmed down. “Secondly, I'm your teacher. It's unethical for a teacher to date their student.” Cheerilee said a few moments after her initial statement feeling her nerves finally reach a norm again.

“It wouldn't have to be real dating, just kind of like a play date. That way we can fulfill the requirements for the spell!” Twilight replied with a smirk.

“Twilight, I don't think a spell can be fooled that easily. Why don't we just drop the idea of doing this spell for now and try something else?” Cheerilee said in a suggesting tone as she walked over to the book and closed it.

“Okay.” Twilight replied along with a heavy sigh and left the room shortly after with the book being levitated behind her by magic.

I knew Twilight wouldn't give up on trying to master a spell that easily and I feared the worst for what she might try to achieve the spell. Little did I know what was to come however...


The next morning before I left my home I saw a single letter sitting just in front of my door in front of my door. Curiously I opened it.

A special world for you and me
A special bond one cannot see
It wraps us up in its cocoon
And holds us fiercely in its womb.

nestling us to the fold
Like silken thread it holds us fast
Bonds like this are meant to last.

And though at times a thread may break
Its fingers spread like fine spun gold
Gently A new one forms in its wake
To bind us closer and keep us strong
In a special world, where we belong

From your secret admirer.

To say I was taken back was an understatement. Never before had I received a love poem before, much less had a secret admirer. It sent my heart aflutter. I wondered who it could have been. Was it the good looking stallion down the hall from me who taught magic levitation? Or was it somepony else I had met and knew? Regardless, I was in a great mood when I went in to teach class.

“Somepony is in a good mood this morning.” Twilight remarked with a grin as she walked into class.

“Oh, well. I got a letter this morning from a secret admirer. It was so heartfelt and sweet. I wonder who it could be?” Cheerilee replied with a smirk.

“No idea. Maybe it's somepony you know?” Twilight replied and sat down at her desk as the other students sat down.

The rest of the day for me went as they normally had though my heart was sent for another whirl when I went into the teachers lounge and found yet another letter addressed to me in my mailbox.

If I could have just one wish,
I would wish to wake up everyday
to the sound of your breath on my neck,
the warmth of your lips on my cheek,
the touch of your hooves on my skin,
and the feel of your heart beating with mine...
Knowing that I could never find that feeling
with anyone other than you.

Your secret admirer

I could barely believe it. It was official now, somepony in this school had the hots for me. My mind drifted to each and every stallion I met in this school. I wondered who it could possibly be.


The days to follow had me receiving one letter after another one a weekly bases. Every Friday to be exact. Every time a letter would come in me and Twilight would talk and debate on which stallion it could possibly be. I felt like I was a teenage filly waiting for her knew mane curler kit to come in every Friday. Every letter set my heart aflutter, made me want to meet this secret admirer of mine in pony even more.

“It's driving me crazy! Who is it?! He knows so much about me, yet I don't know who he is! Is it blue blood? Ralph? Oh good gracious! I can't take the pressure! I wish he'd arrange to meet with me already!” Cheerilee exclaimed in a excited tone as Twilight and her sat in her home in the living toom as they had made a habit of doing for the last few months to talk about the letters.

“Who says it has to be a stallion?” Twilight asked curiously.

This question caused Cheerilee to pause for a moment. “Wait, you think they could be a mare?” Cheerilee asked in a shocked tone. She hadn't thought of this.

“I don't know, maybe? But if it was a mare, how would you react?” Twilight asked curiously.

“I-I don't know. I mean, I guess I wouldn't mind. I just never really gave it much thought.” Cheerilee replied truthfully.

I never really had given the idea of my secret admirer being a mare a thought. After all, I assumed it to be a stallion since most of the staff were stallions.

“Just be careful miss Cheerilee. I read a book on ponies who are attracted to pony's the same gender as themselves. And you could hurt them real bad if you reacted badly if they turned out to be a mare.” Twilight replied in a cautioning tone.

“Well I suppose I would give them a sporting chance at the least. Though I never really thought about being attracted to a mare.” Cheerilee replied once again truthfully.

“Well get to thinking! You don't want to make a scene if they turn out to be a mare. I need to get back home now, see you next week and nice talking with you miss Cheerilee!” Twilight exclaimed with a smile as she left through the front door.

I took Twilight's words to heart and seriously thought about it all day. What would it be like dating a mare? Would I be able to do it? Would I even be attracted to her? These questions and more filled my mind and I barely was able to get to sleep at a decent hour that night because of this deep debate within myself.



Cheerilee came home one Friday afternoon and felt her heart skip a beat upon seeing yet another letter in front of her. By now she didn't care if it was a mare or stallion, she just wanted to know who it was!

To my darling rose, it is time we met.

Meet me in the Canterlot magic lab after your class ends this Friday.

Your secret admirer

To say I was excited would be a drastic understatement. This mystery pony seemed to know so much about me and told me I knew them very well so I was sure it was a match made in heaven.



Cheerilee couldn't wait for class to end and nearly jumped for joy once the school belle had rung. The earth pony was nearly to the door following the class when Twilight nearly ran into her. “Oh! Very Sorry Twilight! I have somewhere I need to be.” Cheerilee replied in an apologetic tone as she quickly ran past her and didn't even give the unicorn a chance to reply as she made her way down the hall and to the magic lab.

Unlike most times, there wasn't a single light on in the lab. The earth pony attempted to find a light switch yet couldn't find one.

“Hello Cheerilee.” A voice said in the darkness yet she couldn't quite figure out where it was coming from or who it was. It seemed to be slightly distorted.

“H-Hello?” Cheerilee asked in a nervous tone. The fact that she was now standing in the middle of a dark room with a mysterious pony who might be a psychopathic killer now raked against the back of her mind.

“I've been waiting for this day a long time.” The voice replied at which point the door slowly closed behind the earth pony putting her in complete darkness.

Now she was very scared and the idea of being in the room with a killer now weighed heavily on her mind. “C-Could you please turn on a light so I can see you face?” Cheerilee asked nervously as she stepped forward blindly into the darkness.

“In due time, but first, I want to you to walk a little closer. Don't worry, I won't hurt you. In fact that's the last thing I would ever want to do to a beautiful mare such as yourself. I just like to keep the mystery going a little longer.” The voice replied which put the earth pony's mind at ease somewhat, at least they didn't want to hurt her or at least she hoped that was the case as she took a few more cautious steps forward .

“Your letters were wonderful by the way. But I have to ask, how do you know so much about me?” Cheerilee asked as she strained her eyes to see in the dark yet she couldn't make out anything except a faint silhouette in front of her.

“I've known you for a long time Cheerilee, two years to be exact. We are good friends you and I, and I hoped we could be more.” The voice replied as they walked up the earth pony and ran a hoof along Cheerilee's mane now.

“Let me see your face.” Cheerilee replied with a curious expression as she strained her eyes to see the face in front of her yet she couldn't make out much more than a horn and mane.

“Okay, but first...” The voice trailed off and locked lips with the mare.

From the moment we locked lips I could tell it was a mare I was kissing, but I didn't care. I was lost in a state of complete bliss. My first real kiss, it was all I had imaged it to be a more. However, nothing could prepare me for what was to to come next.

As the mystery pony and Cheerilee kissed passionately their horn began to glow brightly which illuminated the room quite well though Cheerilee didn't notice this at first. She was too lost in the kiss the two were sharing to even care.

Once they had broken the kiss however Cheerilee's eyes slowly fluttered open in a dreamy fashion and was finally able to see her secret admirers face now clearly at which point her expression turned from dreamy to alarmed.

I couldn't believe my eyes,right before me, in front of my very eyes now, stood Twilight Sparkle.

“Tw-Tw-Twilight?! Your my secret admirer?!” Cheerilee exclaimed in disbelief.

“Um, surprise?” Twilight replied in a meek tone with a deep blush.

“All those letters? Every single one of them was you?” Cheerilee asked still unable to fully register was was happening.

“Yeah.” Twilight replied in the same meek tone as she ran a hoof through her hair in a shy manner.

The earth pony now paced back and forth in the room still trying to regain her composure. “All this time you even were talking to me about them. And you acted like you had no idea?” Cheerilee asked in a shocked tone to which the purple unicorn nodded. “Twilight, I knew you were keen on mastering that spell, but this is taking it too far! You're messing with a pony's feelings here!” Cheerilee exclaimed in a slightly hurt tone now.

“There was no spell.” Twilight replied simply.

Upon hearing this I could have sworn my brain had just broke.

“What? But I saw the book, it had all the details in it and...” Cheerilee replied still trying to figure out what she was talking about. “You created a fake book? Why?” Cheerilee asked in complete confusion now.

“To try and get you to date me. The whole spell was nothing more than a staged act to try and become your fillyfriend.” Twilight replied in a soft tone as she walked up to Cheerilee.

“And when that turned to the letters?” Cheerilee replied in a confirming tone finally putting the pieces of this jigsaw puzzle together in her head to get a clear picture.

“I never meant to mess with feelings, because I care about you miss Cheerilee.” Twilight said as she leaned in towards the earth pony and gave her a quick peck on the lips before she could turn away. “More than you realize.” Twilight said in a quiet yet compassionate tone.

It was now at the point in my life I found myself conflicted. One the one hoof, I was willing to say “Buck it!” and leave this unicorn in the room alone without a second thought. But on the other hoof, she was bearing her heart to me and all those letters she had sent to me over the course of this year, every single one of them made my heart flutter.

She had told me so much about herself in those letters, bared her heart to me in them as she was now. The conflict within me was enough to drive any sane mare crazy. Fortunately for me, I was past the point of sane now or at least that's how I saw it as I locked lips with the mare once again, no longer caring. Something inside me had changed, no, snapped. I saw this mare in a whole new light now.


“And the rest is history.” Cheerilee said as she finished recalling how she had met Twilight. Though her story seemed to take forever, it took barely ten minuets to tell the tale to Sweetie Belle whom was listening with utmost interest.

“Aw, you stopped just as you were getting to the good part!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed in a disappointed tone.

“Oh come now, do you really want to hear how I messed around with Twilight when I could just show you.” Cheerilee remarked with a mischievous grin as she got under the blankets herself, snuggled up close to Sweetie Belle, and ran a hoof over he mound causing the unicorn to give a sharp moan.

“I said..we wouldn't be messing around right and left.” Sweetie Belle replied and gave yet another sharp moan as Cheerilee gently ran her hoof along the unicorn's clit in a smooth back and forth motion.

“I did say that, but I didn't say we wouldn't be doing any messing around at all, did I?” Cheerilee replied with a grin as she leaned in and kissed the unicorn squarely on the lips to which she quickly returned the kiss.

“Oh Cheerilee...” Sweetie Belle said between moans and kisses as the earth pony continued to massage her clit increasing the pleasure coursing through her body more and more with each smooth motion along it.

Without warning Cheerilee flung the covers off the two of them, scooted herself down, and repositioned herself right over the unicorn's now soaking wet puffy white pussy lips.”What are you waiting for?” Sweetie Belle asked in an annoyed tone having expected the mare to go to town on her cunt no sooner she got down there only for her to just stare at her with a grin.

“I just had an idea.” Cheerilee replied with a smirk as she quickly jumped off the bed, could be heard rummaging under it, and reappeared with a box.

“A box?” Sweetie Belle asked in annoyance feeling her pleasurable state slowly slip away now.

“Surely a pony such as yourself keeps a few toys fore herself to have fun with.” Cheerilee replied with a smirk as she lifted the lid up revealing several toys which among many included a vibrator, beads, and a love egg.

Sweetie Belle's eyes lit in in realization of what these toys were and smirked. “Well, I did grab one of Rarity's toys awhile back, but I couldn't fit the whole thing inside. It was too big.” Sweetie Belle admitted with a blush.

“Then I suggest this one.” Cheerilee said taking out the love egg and slowly pushed it inside the unicorn whom gave a sharp and loud moan.

“W-Wow. This feels incredible.” Sweetie Belle remarked in a pleasured tone.

“If you like it now, just wait till I turn it on.” Cheerilee replied with a smirk and flicked the switch on the other end of the toy.

“Holy horsefeathers!” Sweetie Belle shrieked at the top of her lungs as the top came to life inside and vibrated which caused her to arch up and cry out in pure lustful bliss nearly climaxing on the spot.

Cheerilee couldn't help but laugh at the filly's reaction. “You enjoying your first time with a toy that fits?” Cheerilee asked in a jeering tone as the unicorn continued to arch up ever so often and moan out.

“En-Enjoying it? I- I Love it!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed between moans feeling her pleasure skyrocket non-stop pushing her close and closer to her orgasm by the second.

“Good to hear.” Cheerilee replied with a smirk leaned in and began to slowly suckle the unicorn's teats which sent the filly over the edge giving a mighty cry of pleasure as the inner walls of her cunt clamped down on the love egg and began to milk it as she rode out her climax effectively creating a decent sized puddle on the bed between her legs and soaking her own tail in her juices.

“That...was...great!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed between pants as she basked in her own afterglow, chest heaving, every limb on her body feeling like jelly, and barely able to see strait.

“If you like the toy so much, it's yours.” Cheerilee said in a soft tone as she leaned in, kissed the unicorn on the lips, and slowly removed the love egg from Sweetie Belle's pussy which caused the filly to give a slight moan into their kiss as it slipped out of her.

“I don't know. That toy is probably very expensive. I can't accept it.” Sweetie Belle replied in unsure tone.

“Don't worry about it sweetheart. Besides, it'll give you something to do when your away from me during the week when you need some release and I’m not there to give it to you.” Cheerilee replied with a smile.

“Wow, really? Thank you so much miss Cheerilee!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed locking lips with the mare once more however this time the two continued to kiss more and more running their hooves through each others manes until Sweetie Belle broke the kiss and slowly moved down on the mare much to Cheerilee's excitement.

“You know this makes the first time we've done this together and are both sober.” Cheerilee remarked followed by a sharp moan as the unicorn suckled her left teat.

“I am never drinking that stuff again.” Sweetie Belle remarked with a giggle before she moved down even farther and finally found her prize. Instead of inserting her hoof like last time however, she decided to taste the mare herself as she run her tongue long the dark purple mare's mound which caused Cheerilee to bit her lip in anticipation.

Without warning the filly dipped her tongue into the earth pony's dripping sex causing her to arch back and moan out as the filly began her tongue work. “Dear Celestia! Sweetie Belle, where did you get so good?!” Cheerilee exclaimed between moans as each wave of pleasure coursed through her body causing it to light up like a match each time Sweetie Belle's tongue ran along her inner walls.

“See that book over there?” Sweetie Belle said having taken a break from pleasuring Cheerilee to point at the open book laying on the right side of the bed then resumed her tongue treatment.

“I should have-uhh! known...” Cheerilee replied giving a sudden cry of sexual bliss mid-sentence as her climax came closer and closer with each passing moment.

Sweetie Belle ran her tongue into Cheerilee's soaking wet slit tasting every inch she could reach with her tongue and savored every last drop of her juices as she reached a hoof behind herself and began to masturbate.

“Let me help you with that.” Cheerilee remarked taking note of the filly's attempt to pleasure herself at the time she was pleasuring her, picked up the love egg, gently pushed it between her puffy white pussy lips and flicked it on again. Upon the device being turned on the white unicorn arched her hindquarters up to the air and moan into the earth pony's cunt creating a whole new set of sensations to course through the mare's body earning loud moans from her.

If somepony were to be watching the two right now they would see Cheerilee clamping onto her pillow under her head with a expression of pure sexual bliss along with Sweetie Belles face buried deep between her legs which were kicking and tensing up ever so often now.

Little did the two know however that a certain purple unicorn was in fact watching this private time of theirs.

I watched the two go at it for nearly an hour. It was like my own personal little show. If the two had known I had placed a magic orb that would transmit everything that happened in that room to me, well, they would probably never forgive me. Of course this wasn't my reason for keeping an eye on them. I had to make sure that what they had was real. And by the looks of the passion between these two, it was more than just lust. It was love. It wasn't until I finished riding out my own orgasm that I had shamelessly achieved by watching the two go at it while I played with myself did I shut the magical object down permanently. Thought it was a gamble placing the magical object in there, I don't regret it. It was worth it.

I'm such a naughty mare...

The silent protector

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Rarity lay unconscious on the floor now with Twilight standing over her with a manikin leg as Cheerilee stood in front of Sweetie Belle protecting her. “Tw-Twilight?! What have you done?!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed in horror.

“Cheerilee, grab Sweetie Belle and run!” Twilight exclaimed in a panicked tone.

“But Twilight, what about you?” Cheerilee asked in a worried tone as she lifted Sweetie Belle up and put the filly onto her back.

“Don't worry about me, I'll sort things out here! Now go!” Twilight exclaimed at which point Cheerilee dashed from the carousel boutique as fast as her hooves could carry her.

How could things have come to this? What have I become? It all felt so unreal. As I stared at my best friend whom I had just knocked unconscious I realized one horrifying fact. When she woke up she would still know what happened, Sweetie Belle and Cheerilee wouldn't be safe, not as long as this unicorn was alive...

Could I really do it? Could I kill one of my best friends to protect them? And would I be able to stop there? After all, the others would start asking questions. Would I have to kill them too? Maybe I should start from when I began...when I decided I would protect the two at all costs. Even if it meant my own life.

The day I decided I would become...




I woke up earlier the next morning as I always did. I would have a book ready to be read every morning usually, but this morning was different. This morning I had something more important to do. I had to make sure Cheerilee had learned from her past mistakes. Looking back and seeing it from an adult mare's point of view I see now she wasn't running away. She really had no choice.

She had let her defenses down in public, let me act towards her in ways she shouldn't have allowed. Because of this, questions began to arise. It soon grew to the point that in order to protect us both, she had to leave me. She truly did it because she loved me so, even if it hurt more than anything in my life. I didn't know why exactly I had taken a sudden profound interest in Cheerilee and Sweetie Belle's relationship. Perhaps it was because it reminded me so much of the relationship we shared.

Regardless, I felt a old part of me that I had tucked away in the back of my mind resurface, a part of me I thought I had buried forever, unearth itself from my subconscious and burst to life within me. This part of me I both loathed and loved. It was this part of me that allowed me to push Cheerilee to the point of no return that day many years ago, to love me as I did her.

“Hey Twilight, Where are you going?” Spike asked curiously as Twilight began to head for the door.

“I'm going to get a little fresh air. Hold down the fort till I get back okay?” Twilight replied with a smile.

Twilight then left the library and teleported close to Cheerilee's house. “They should be waking up anytime now.” Twilight thought to herself as she sat and waited for the two to wake up.

Sure enough a few minuets later, Cheerilee had walked out of her front door to pick up the newspaper off the lawn and walked back inside.

I decided to take a risk a get a closer look so I sneaked over to the home and peered in through the window.


“Morning Sweetheart, did you sleep well?” Cheerilee asked with a smile as she walked back into the bedroom, got back onto the bed, and curled up next to the filly.

“Yeah, I’m feeling a whole lot better today too.” Sweetie Belle replied, stretched her limbs, yawned loudly before jumping out of bed, and began to leave the room.

“You aren't going to try and make breakfast again are you?” Cheerilee asked with a smirk which caused the filly's ears to flatten in annoyance as she turned around and looked at her.

“um, no?” Sweetie Belle replied with a guilty expression again.

“Why don't we go out to eat instead? I heard there's a wonderful restaurant in town that serves the most delicious oatmeal.” Cheerilee said in a suggesting tone to which Sweetie Belle's expression lit up with excitement.


I watched the two leave Cheerilee's house and stayed close to them but they never saw me. It was then I saw it, Cheerilee's tail was firmly wrapped around Sweetie Belle's as they walked towards the restaurant. Strike one Cheerilee, two more to go.

“You never learn do you? Ugh!” Twilight remarked aloud in annoyance only to slam her hooves over her mouth in a panic fearing they had heard her.

Luckily for me they hadn't, but it was more then obvious to me now that Cheerilee hadn't learned to keep a lid on her affections in public. This fact worried me. I couldn't bare to see her have to leave again. Not only would it break Cheerilee's heart to do so yet again, it would destroy Sweetie Belle. Being so young, she would never understand why Cheerilee had to do such a thing. I barely understood at the time and I was five years older than her.

I decided to follow them a little longer in secret before I let my presence be known, however my cover would be blown before I had meant for it to be thanks to a certain pink friend of mine.

“Hi Twilight! Why you following Cheerilee and Sweetie Belle in secret for? Are you being a spy like-mmmhph,dreumph,umgph!” Pinkie Pie began to exclaim only for Twilight to stuff a hoof in her mouth to shut the rambling pink mare up.

“Pinkie Pie, do you always have to be so loud?!” Twilight hissed only to notice Cheerilee and Sweetie Belle now walking towards them at which point the purple unicorn yanked her hoof out of the pink mare's mouth and smiled at the two.

“Oh hey Twilight. What brings you out here?” Sweetie Belle asked curiously.

“Oh you know, just enjoying the fresh air.” Twilight replied with a nervous smile.

“But Twilight, weren't you just foll-OW!” Pinkie Pie began to saw only to get a swift hoof to the nose which caused her to hold it with a teary-eyed look.

Looking back, I think I may have been a little too harsh on her. She was after all being Pinkie Pie, but a swift hoof to the nose was the only way I knew of to shut her up at the time.

“Sorry Pinkie! I thought I saw a bumble bee on your nose!” Twilight exclaimed feigning a guilty look as she turned to look at Pinkie Pie's nose now which was bleeding slightly now from the blow.

“It's okay Twilight, I know you wouldn't hit me on purpose!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed in a nasally tone.

Okay, now I felt like dirt.

“Let me just take a look at that.” Twilight replied no longer feigning guilt now as she looked over Pinkie Pie's nose.

“Don't worry about me Twilight! I'll be fine! I'll just get it looked at by nurse Redheart. It's actully pretty funny! You thought I had a bumble bee on my nose haha!” Pinkie Pie replied as she turned around and skipped away as if nothing had happened.

Drive the proverbial guilt knife deeper into my chest why don't ya?

Soon after Pinkie Pie was out of sight Twilight turned to look at Sweetie Belle and Cheerilee again whom were still standing there. “So where are you two off too?” Twilight asked with a smile trying to get rid of the awkward atmosphere now.

“Well, me and Sweetie Belle are off to the unicorn buffet for some breakfast. Would you care to come along?” Cheerilee asked curiously with a warm smile.

I couldn't have asked for a better excuse to keep an eye on these two.

“Sounds great, I'm starved!” The purple unicorn exclaimed as she rubbed her stomach.

“But Cheerilee, I wanted this to be a date.” Sweetie Belle whined as she looked at the earth pony with a pouty expression.

Looks like Cheerilee wasn't the only one who needed to learn a lesson or two.

“Sweetie Belle, I don't think it's such a good idea for you to say that so openly.” Twilight remarked looking about herself now. Thankfully, no pony was around to hear her say this.

“Twilight is right Sweetheart. We need to keep our relationship a secret and it would be blown if you said something like that with everypony around.” Cheerilee said agreeing with the mare.

“Speaking of keeping things a secret, you sure are doing a poor job of it at the moment.” Twilight remarked in a sour tone as she pointed a hoof at Cheerilee's tail which was still wrapped around Sweetie Belle's.

“Ops.” Cheerilee replied with a blush as she let go of the filly's tail and gave a nervous giggle.

“It'll be a lot more than a simple ops if you two get busted.” Twilight replied in a knowing yet stern tone.

“Twilight, I am well aware of this. You don't need to be so protective of me and Sweetie Belle. I've learned from my past mistakes and I think we can handle ourselves.” Cheerilee replied in an annoyed tone as she gave the purple unicorn an annoyed look.

I seriously beg to differ with that statement.

“Sorry, I didn't mean to be so over protecting, I just wanted to make sure you two can stay happy.” Twilight replied truthfully.

“I appreciate the concern Twilight. Really, I do, but please try to trust in my judgment. Lets get going shall we?” Cheerilee replied, turned around, and began to walk down the path again with Sweetie Belle at her side.

That's just the problem Cheerilee, I don't.


As the three stepped into the buffet they could see many ponies walking about getting different foods from the serving counters along with rows and rows of tables, picnic blankets, and small bar style chairs with round tables.

“Cheerilee, this place looks rather expensive, are you sure you can afford all three of us?” Twilight asked in a worried tone.

“Nonsense, this place is well within my budget. Besides, I want Sweetie Belle to try out their oatmeal. I know she will just love it!” Cheerilee exclaimed with a smile as she leaned down and gave the filly a subtle gentle nuzzle to the cheek.

Not subtle enough if you ask me, strike two Cheerilee. One more and I’ll really have to step in.

Cheerilee decided that one of the picnic blanket areas would do them just nicely as she pointed a hoof in that direction after she had paid for each of their meals. The three walked over to one of to one of the picnic blanket areas, set their saddle packs down, and went to the serving trays to pick up their food.

Once the three had their food they went back to the picnic area they set their saddle packs at and began to eat.

“So Cheerilee told me how you two dated a few years ago. Did you really trick her into dating you like that?” Sweetie Belle asked curiously.

“Oh good grief, you told her how we met?” Twilight replied with a light laugh feigning ignorance.

“Well, she asked and I didn't want to lie to her you know.” Cheerilee replied with light laugh of her own.

“I wouldn't really call it tricking her per-say, but yes I did use a few under hoofed methods to win her over.” Twilight replied with a slight blush as she looked at Cheerilee now.

If there was an award for the drastic understatement of the century, that sentence would have won it hooves down.

“Sounds a lot like tricking her to me. A fake book, the letters, and the whole making her go crazy, head over hooves, in love with the mystery pony who turned out to be you, sounds a whole lot like tricking to me.” Sweetie Belle replied in an unconvinced tone.

Holy horsefeathers! This filly is a whole lot smarter than I gave her credit for! I'll need to watch myself a whole lot more from here on out from now on...

“Okay, you got me. I did trick her, but I only did it because I cared about her.” Twilight replied in a guilty tone to which Cheerilee gave a light laugh.

“What's so funny?” Sweetie Belle asked curiously looking at the earth pony now as she took a bite of her food before responding.

“It's just funny to me is all. Here we are. My ex-fillyfriend, me, and my current fillyfriend talking about how she won me over.” Cheerilee replied with a giggle.

Twilight quickly gave a panicked look about herself and realized that Cheerilee had chosen a rather secluded spot with no ponies within hearing distance and let out a sigh of relief.

I'll just call that one a foul.

“You need to be a little more careful Cheerilee. I know there are no ponies around to hear us, but you never know who might walk by.” Twilight remarked in a cautioning tone.

“You're being paranoid Twilight. I told you to trust my judgment. I chose this spot because I knew Sweetie Belle had questions for you and no pony was close by.” Cheerilee replied with a smile.

“So why did you two break up anyways? Did you two not love each other enough?” Sweetie Belle then asked at which point an awkward silence ensued.

Filly's ask the darnedest things... That was a question I would rather not answer.

“Sweetie Belle, it wasn't that we didn't love each enough. It was just that...” Cheerilee began to say but trailed off as she looked at Twilight whom wore the same saddened expression she did.

You just had to leave it up to me to answer, didn't you?

“Things got complicated.” Twilight replied in a soft tone hoping she would accept that answer.

“How complicated?” Sweetie Belle asked curiously while taking note of the depressing atmosphere.

Twilight let out a deep sigh upon hearing this and ran a hoof though her mane. “We nearly got found out. I'm sure you already know this, but I wasn't exactly old enough to be dating a mare Cheerilee's age at the time.” Twilight replied feeling herself become more and more depressed by the minuet.

“How did you almost get found out?” The filly asked simply.

This was where I put my hoof down, it was painful enough to recall these memories, but those days that lead to the end of our relationship I wanted to forget forever.

“It's kind of hard to go into detail on that Sweetie Belle. Those days are ones I would rather not remember.” Twilight replied honestly.

“You see Sweetheart, I wasn't exactly cautious with Twilight. And when ponies began to question what was going on between me and her, I did the only thing I knew of that would silence the questions, and protect us.” Cheerilee replied in a saddened tone with a sigh of her own.

“What did you do?” Sweetie Belle asked in an uneasy tone. The filly by now had a good idea these questions were ones she probably shouldn't be asking, but she had to know.

“She left.” Twilight replied simply in a soft tone as a silent tear streaked down her cheek.

Saying those two simple words, it felt like somepony had taken a knife, jabbed it into my heart, and began to twist and grind it against me.

“I'm sorry Twilight. I didn't mean to upset you or Cheerilee. I just wanted to know.” Sweetie Belle said in a sweet tone as she walked over and hugged Twilight.

“I know.” Twilight replied simply as she put a hoof around the filly and gently ran it through her mane.

“It must have hurt so much. I feel so mean for making you remember all that. Can you ever forgive me?” Sweetie Belle asked with a teary-eyed expression now as she looked up at the purple unicorn.

Such a wonderful filly. So emotionally mature and wise beyond her years, yet still so naive and young. It almost made me jealous of Cheerilee. Almost...

“There's nothing to be sorry for Sweetie Belle. It's not your fault after all.” Twilight replied with a weak smile as she wiped her nose with a soft sniffle and looked into the filly's eyes then at Cheerilee whom reached over, picked up the filly, and kissed the filly on the on the lips which once again caused the unicorn to look around in a panic and be thankful no one was looking in their general direction.

“Don't worry Sweetheart, you did nothing wrong.” Cheerilee said in a soft tone.

Strike three Cheerilee, You never learn do you?

“Can I talk to you alone Cheerilee?” Twilight asked in a stern tone to which Cheerilee nodded silently, put Sweetie Belle down and followed her to the side of the restaurant area away from the filly and everypony.

“Cheerilee! You can't be doing that in public! Talking is one thing, but kissing her is the quickest way to get busted!” Twilight exclaimed in a panicked tone which caused Cheerilee to give a guilty look.

“Sorry Twilight, I knew it was a risk, but-” “But nothing! Do you want to have to leave her?!” Twilight exclaimed dramatically cutting off Cheerilee and caused the mare to be taken back along with a heavy sigh.

“No, I don't.” Cheerilee replied simply but an air of sadness could be heard in her voice as she spoke now.

“Then use that brain of yours! You can't kiss her in public, you can't flirt with her in public, you can't do anything that looks remotely like those things!” Twilight exclaimed dramatically and gave a sigh as she regained her composure. “I know you want to show you care for her, but you can't be so public about it.” Twilight said in a much calmer tone a few moments after her hushed shouts at the mare taking note of her looking more and more guilty with each word.

“I understand. Thank you Twilight. You are absolutely right. I need to be more careful with her in public.” Cheerilee replied in a low tone along with a sigh as she looked over at Sweetie Belle whom was eating her food still.

Looking at Cheerilee now, I felt responsible for her becoming the mare she is today. If not for me, she would not be in this situation now. I'm the one who set her on this path. At least that's how I felt. In my mind I knew otherwise. It was her choice to date a filly younger than her. But no matter what your head tells you, sometimes you heart can override your better judgment. I could only hope she would take my words to heart.

I wasn't done yet however, I had one more thing I needed to know. I looked over at Sweetie Belle now and immediately felt sick to my stomach. I could only hope what I was about to put this filly through was right, even though it felt so wrong...

A risk not worth taking

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Cheerilee ran as fast as her hooves could carry her with Sweetie Belle clinging to her mane. “What are we going to do?!” Sweetie Belle asked in a panicked tone as the earth pony came to a stop in front of her house, quickly opened the door, ran to her room, set the filly down, grabbed a suitcase out, and began to throw things into it.

“Pack your things Sweetie Belle. We're leaving.” Cheerilee replied in a hasty tone as she continued to throw things into her suitcase.

“But what about my friends? What about Rarity?” Sweetie Belle asked in a worried tone which caused the earth pony to stop what she was doing, stare at her, and sigh.

“Your right, I can't force you to leave. But I have to. So I'm giving you a choice Sweetie Belle. A choice I never gave Twilight. Do you want to come with me or stay here?” Cheerilee asked in a soft tone as she walked up to Sweetie Belle, knelt down, and placed a hoof on her cheek as she looked into her eyes.

“If I stay here, I won't see you again will I?” Sweetie Belle asked as tears drifted down her cheeks now.

“No, I'm afraid not. I know this choice is unfair and I feel so badly for making you chose so quickly, but we don't have much time. So I’ll ask once more, do you want to stay or go with me?” Cheerilee asked as she ran a hoof through Sweetie Belle's mane now.

“Can you give me a little bit to think about it?” Sweetie Belle asked in a soft tone at which point Cheerilee glanced up at the clock and sighed.

“I'll give you one hour. It's the most I have to give before I absolutely must leave town. I'll pack your things as well in a separate suitcase in case you decide to come with.” Cheerilee replied and resumed packing her things.

The filly looked at her lover and sighed as she thought things over. “How did it come to this? I was so careful! How did Rarity find out?” Sweetie Belle asked herself in a sad tone as she recalled how things began.



The start of a new week had begun for me. Though I was sad to have to leave Cheerilee and go back to my sister's house. I understood why I couldn't stay. I did my best to remain happy though, despite being forced to be away from the mare I loved.

“Hey, Sweetie Belle! How did those math tutorin lessons go?” Applebloom asked curiously as Sweetie Belle walked up to her two friends.

“Math tutoring lessons?” Sweetie Belle replied in a confused tone at first until she recalled the lie she had told the two. “Oh yeah, those! They we're great! I learned a whole lot” Sweetie Belle exclaimed with a mischievous grin as she recalled the weekend.

I learned a whole lot alright, how to make Cheerilee scream, how to make her beg for me to push her to that orgasm, and how to use that little toy she gave me. Of course I couldn't tell them, but hey, a filly can day dream can't she?

“You seem really happy about being forced to study math. I would go crazy if I was forced to do that!” Scootaloo exclaimed with a cringing gesture.

“Just because ya don't wanna be learnin stuff, don't mean the rest of us don't.” Applebloom chimed in with a slightly annoyed tone at the orange Pegasus's reaction.

“Hey, I didn't say I didn't like learning. I just said I don't want to be forced to learn anymore than I have to.” Scootaloo replied defensively.

“Well, school can't teach everything ya know?” Applebloom replied with a smile.

“Applebloom's right Scootaloo. You can't learn everything in the classroom.” Sweetie Belle chimed in with a smile of her own.

If I had a bit for every time that statement rang true in bed with Cheerilee during the weekend, I’d be set for life.

“Well we go the whole week crusaders, any ideas on how to get our cutie marks?” Applebloom asked as she looked at the other two.

By now, I had given up on finding my special talent. The way I saw it, it would show itself sooner or later.

Okay maybe that's a lie, I hadn't given up, but I wasn't in a hurry either. I was having fun with my friends and that's all that really mattered to me right now.

“Hmm...i got it!” Scootaloo exclaimed with a exited look as her eyes lit up.


“Brilliant plan Scootaloo. Now how about making a plan on finding us a way down from this maple tree!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed in annoyance as she hugged the side of the tree not daring to look down.

“Ah reckon makin that slingshot shoot us a little to the left here was a tad overboard Scootaloo.” Applebloom remarked in a uneasy tone as she hugged the back of Sweetie Belle.

“A little?! She launched us fifty feet away from the intended trajectory!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed in annoyance to this observation.

“What are you? A dictionary?!” Scootaloo exclaimed in annoyance as she held onto Applebloom's backside.

She always said that when I said words she didn't understand. It was a little annoying, but I didn't taken it as an insult. I'm smarter than most ponies realize. A fact I take pride in. not that anypony would notice though. All they care about is my singing voice. Who the hay gets their cutie mark for singing anyways?

“Who the hay cares! Just figure out how to get us the hay down!” Applebloom exclaimed in annoyance.

“How did you three get up there?” A voice in a worried tone asked which all three recognized immediately looked down and saw Cheerilee.

“Well ya see, Scootaloo had this here idea of us gettin our cutie marks for being flyin acrobats so we figured we would fling ourselves onto that trampoline, trouble was that Scootaloo didn't point the consarned slingshot in the right direction and we ended up in this here tree.” Applebloom called down to the earth pony who facehoofed at this.

I felt so embarrassed right now. Here I was sitting in the middle of a tree and my lover was going to have to save my flank. All because I couldn't use the common sense to say it wasn't a good idea. Sometimes I hate not having my cutie mark, I really do. It's very easy to loose sight of what might be a bad idea when the idea of getting your cutie mark is top on your priority list.

“Hold on, I’ll go get Rainbow Dash.” Cheerilee called up to the three galloped out of sight a few moments later.

“Oh great, Rainbow Dash is going to think I’m so lame now!” Scootaloo exclaimed as she facehoofed.

“At least you don't have to worry about explaining why you thought this was a good idea in bed later!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed without thinking.

“What the hay is that supposed to mean Sweetie Belle?” Applebloom asked in a confused tone.

“Yeah, what are you talking about?” Scootaloo chimed in with an equally confused expression.

Ops, me and my big mouth. Good thing they had no idea I was talking about Cheerilee, I would have blown our cover. Thank Celestia for small favors...

“Rarity always asks me how my day was every night. We have our little sister chat time every night before we go to sleep.” Sweetie Belle lied biting her lip and being thankful they couldn't see the guilty expression on her face now.

“Oh, that explains it then.” Applebloom replied in a understanding tone now.

“Oh, well I guess that makes sense then.” Scootaloo chimed in.

How am I going to explain this one to Cheerilee this weekend? Sure it's a week away, but she won't forget this. Not after the worried look I saw on her face when she saw me up here.

Moments later Rainbow Dash could be seen flying up to the three and stopped short of them in the tree. “Do you three ever think things through completely?” Rainbow Dash asked with a smirk as she picked up each filly one at a time and set them down in front of Cheerilee.

“Thanks for the help Rainbow Dash.” Applebloom called out as the cyan blue Pegasus left sight as the sun began to set.

“I think ah'm done crusadin for the day fillies. Ah'm gonna head home. See ya!” Applebloom exclaimed giving a wave as she trotted off in the direction of her home.

“Same here, catch ya later Sweetie Belle!” Scootaloo exclaimed as she hopped onto her scooter and sped off.

“Are you okay Sweetie Belle? You didn't hurt yourself did you?” Cheerilee asked in concerned tone as she looked over Sweetie Belle now.

“I’m fine, really.” Sweetie Belle replied in a mildly annoyed tone as the earth pony looked over her.

While her concern for me was touching, she reminded me a lot of my older sister. She was always so overprotective of me. And it would always annoy me.

“I just wanted to make sure you alright. You had me worried sick about you. What in Celestia possessed you to launch yourself from a slingshot anyways?” Cheerilee replied in a soft tone as she knelled down, hugged, and nuzzled her affectionately.

Taking note of Twilight's concern for Cheerilee's lack of common sense in keeping her affections a secret in public yesterday I of course gave a panicked look around myself and felt silly afterward for doing so since no pony was around to see.

Upon this realization I felt myself suddenly become very mischievous. The kind of naughty feeling you get when you have the urge to do something you know is a bad idea but want to do it anyways just to see if you can get away with it.

“That's good to hear. Please don't do anything that dangerous again.” Cheerilee said broke the hug and looked into Sweetie Belle's eyes with a smile.

Without warning the unicorn tackled the earth pony who instantly fell to her side in shock. “Sweetie Belle! Why would you do that? That was very- Sw-Sweetie Belle!” Cheerilee began to say in a scolding tone as the unicorn backed off her only to have her sentence cut short as the filly dove her face under Cheerilee's tail as she lay on her side and began to eat the mare out in the middle of the forest.

I knew she would resist at first, but I knew she wouldn't for long.

Cheerilee at first attempted to scoot herself away as she gave panicked looks about herself. “Sw-Sweetie Belle! Not here!” Cheerilee exclaimed in a panicked tone and bit her lip hard with a muffled moan as a wave of pleasure surged through her body as the filly's tongue ran along her clit.

That little noise she had just made told me she losing her ability to resist me. Now I just had to drive her to the point of no return.

Sweetie Belle dipped her tongue deep within Cheerilee's moistening slit in hopes she would stop trying to scoot away from her while the mare once again gave a panicked look about herself once again resisting the urge to cry out in pleasure.

Cheerilee gave one last look about herself and let out a sigh of relief realizing that no pony was around in the sky or on the ground. Unable to resist any longer, Cheerilee placed a hoof on Sweetie Belle's head and moaned out.

Bingo. I finally had her. Cheerilee learned the hard way over the weekend that I was very dominate for a filly my age. While I knew not to push things too far, it always gave me a guilty pleasure to put her in situations she wasn't comfortable with. I still laugh to myself at Twilight face yesterday.


“So, lets lighten the mood shall we?” Cheerilee said with a smile as her and Twilight sat back down at the picnic blanket.

“Okay.” Sweetie Belle replied with a mischievous grin as she reached behind Cheerilee's tail and ran a hoof along her clit causing the earth pony to suddenly stand up in alarm and stare at Sweetie Belle with a crimson red blush while Twilight looked as if her brain had not yet processed what the filly had just done.

“Sweetie Belle! Not in public!” Cheerilee exclaimed in a hushed alarmed voice.

“What in Equestria were you thinking?!” Twilight exclaimed in a panicked tone as she looked around herself once again in a panicked tone once her brain seemed to fully register what had just happened.

“I'll tell you what she was thinking. This little troublemaker right here has taken a liking to making me blush in public.” Cheerilee remarked with a smirk at the filly who could only giggle insanely to herself.

“Sweetie Belle, you can't be doing those kind of things. Do you understand me?” Twilight said in a cautioning tone to the filly.

“Oh come on Twilight, I'm not stupid you know. Do you really think I would have done that if other ponies were looking at us?” Sweetie Belle asked with a smirk.

“I think she's developed a fetish for doing things like that to me in public Twilight. This isn't the first time.” Cheerilee whispered in Twilight's ear so that the filly couldn't hear her.

“You mean she's done things like this before?” Twilight asked incredulously.

“Unfortunately yes. Yesterday, I took her over to nurse Redheart's office just to get her cough checked out and she purposely flicked her tail in the same spot she had just touched a few moments ago, and with nurse Redheart less than two feet from us with her backside turned to us. I can't tell you how hard it was to explain to her why I was blushing so hard.” Cheerilee said in a matter of fact tone.

“That's a very dangerous fetish...” Twilight remarked in a concerned tone.

“What's a fetish?” Sweetie Belle asked innocently.


They of course told me what a fetish was. It sounded kind of funny though. They had such a hard time explaining it to me, but I got the general idea. Of course they were only half right. My “fetish” as they call it wasn't making Cheerilee blush in public. It was doing naughty things to her in public and getting away with it. Though I agree with Twilight, given our situation, it is a very dangerous fetish.

Cheerilee continued to lay on her side and moan out as the night sky now was looming over the two. For some reason this position she was in now was more erotic to her than being on her back. From this position she could see the filly's tongue flicking in and out of her wet slit easily, she didn't have to strain her neck down to see the action now. “Oh Sweetie Belle...make me cum...uhh!” Cheerilee moaned out as she flung her head back for a moment losing herself in the pleasure before looking back at the filly as she went to town on her.

Sweetie Belle darted her tongue in and out of her lovers cunt, suckled on her clit, and reinserted her tongue inside the mare's dark purple slit. She could feel her vaginal muscles flexing around her tongue. She could tell that her lover was very close now. The thrill of eating her out in the forest like this, the fact that at any moment somepony might see them, it was a rush for the filly and made her soaking wet knowing this very fact as she drove her lover down the final stretch focusing on her g-spot now with her tongue which caused the earth pony to arch up and cry out as her climax came crashing down on her and rode out her climax moaning out as each wave rocked her body.

“Is somepony there?” A voice called out from a distance in the darkness.

My chest went ice cold upon hearing this voice.

“Sweetie Belle, hide!” Cheerilee whispered in a panicked tone.

I didn't hesitate and quickly ran for the closest bush and hid in it preying the mystery pony had not seen me.

“Y-Yes, was I disturbing you?” Cheerilee called back a few moments after she made sure Sweetie Belle was out of sight.

“Not at all miss. It's just my job to keep an eye out for ponies in this neck of the woods. This is after all very close to the everfree forest. Are you hurt miss?” An unicorn pony asked as he walked into view and shined the light from his horn on her.

“Hurt? No, I-I was...” Cheerilee began to say but trailed off.

“I heard moaning so I figured somepony might be hurt.” The unicorn replied with a smile as he shined the light over in the direction of the bushes Sweetie Belle was hiding in.

My heart was beating so hard I feared it would explode out of my chest. It seemed as if he couldn't see me in the bushes but I didn't know if he could or not. Once he had moved the light away from the spot I hid in was relieved but not by much.

“Well, um, you see, I was...” Cheerilee once again began but trailed off with a blush.

The unicorn shined the light once again at where she lay, took note of the fact her legs and grass around them were wet along with the musky smell that not hit his nostrils, and chuckled aloud. “Heh, I'm terribly sorry miss. I didn't mean to interrupt a mare's private time, but you should pick a better spot to enjoy yourself at. This part of the forest isn't always safe.” The unicorn replied with a smirk.

“I-I understand. So I’m not in any kind of trouble am I?” Cheerilee replied feeling herself slightly relieved not but still nervous.

“Not at all miss. I come a crossed couples coming out here all the time to mes around this time of night. As long as they aren't causing trouble, the most I can do is recommend them to pick a safer place and let them finish up their business.” The unicorn replied as he shined the light around once more which grazed over the spot where Sweetie Belle was hiding once again but didn't remain their long at all this time. “Have a good evening miss.” The unicorn said a few moments after his sweep before he turned around, walked away, and was out of sight after a few moments.

Cheerilee made sure that the unicorn was clearly out of sight before she gave Sweetie Belle the all clear to come from her hiding place. “That was too close!” Cheerilee remarked as ran a hoof through her mane.

“Sorry miss Cheerilee. I almost got us busted.” Sweetie Belle said in a sad tone as the folded her ears.

I felt terrible. Not only had I risked exposing our relationship, but I had put Cheerilee through a mortifying experience.

“It's okay Sweetheart, just try to learn from this and not repeat the same mistake. I’m sure you will understand when I say we can't leave the forest together now.” Cheerilee replied in a soft tone as she gave the filly a passionate kiss before she turned about face and began to walk away.

“Yeah, I do. See you later miss Cheerilee.” Sweetie Belle called out in a hushed tone and walked in the other direction towards the outside of the forest.

Lesson learned. I am never doing anything to her in public ever again. This is one fetish I am better off without. It's a risk not worth taking.


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Cheerilee continued to pack things into the suit case as Sweetie Belle watched still trying to figure out which to decide. On the one hoof she wanted more than anything to stay with Cheerilee, but on the other hoof, she didn't know if she could leave all she knew behind.

Despite all her smarts, her wisdom, and all she knew at the time. She had never felt more helpless and confused in all her life. She knew what had just happened, Rarity had found them out, saw Twilight knock her sister unconscious, and knew that Cheerilee had no choice in what she had to do now. She knew that the two would lose everything once they had left. The key difference was:

she had a choice.

She could choose to stay here, she would lose the love of her life, but she could keep the life she had. Though it would never be the same again without Cheerilee, she could choose to stay here, pick up the pieces of her shattered heart, and try to move on.


She could choose to go with Cheerilee, keep the love of her life, but leave everything behind, and attempt to make a new life elsewhere. She had no idea where they would go, but she trusted Cheerilee and knew she would make sure the new life they had was as good as this one. Or at least try to.

The unicorn glanced up at the clock and felt her heart drop into the pit of her stomach. “Ten minuets left...” Sweetie Belle thought to herself in a sad tone. Where had the time gone? It surely didn't feel as if an hour had nearly already passed.

“Maybe my first mistake was when I told Scootaloo and Applebloom. Of course I had no choice but to tell them. They had after all seen me messing around with Cheerilee nearly two months ago and I couldn't lie to my best friends could I? Did they tell her? No, they wouldn't. They swore on their honor as a crusader not to say anything.” Sweetie Belle thought to herself as she recalled the events that lead up to her two friends finding out...



Four months had passed since that horrifying ordeal in the forest, yet that night still haunted my memories and made me more paranoid of my surroundings than ever when I was with Cheerilee. Looking back I suppose that paranoia was a good thing considering it helped me make sure Cheerilee didn't do anything rash in public.

I think it had an effect on Cheerilee too though. She was far less affectionate with me in public ever since that night. Though there were still a few times I had to remind her to be careful. The more time I spent around Cheerilee, the more I felt like the mature mare in this relationship. I suppose that's a good thing. After all, I wasn't around her all the time. So when I spent time with my friends I could behave like a filly again.

Today however I was spending time with Cheerilee again. It was our last weekend together before the end of summer break and we knew our time together would become very limited after this weekend. so we wanted to make it a day and night to remember.

“That was the most delicious meal I’ve ever eaten! You really went all out this time miss Cheerilee!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed with a wide grin as the two walked away from one of the most expensive restaurants in town.

“Well, we wanted to make this a day to remember didn't we?” Cheerilee replied with a warm smile at the smiling filly only to cringe slightly at her saddle pack which had barely ten bit left in it as the two made a right turn down one street and began to walk down another towards Cheerilee's house.

“The day's not over yet.” Sweetie Belle remarked with a smirk and a wink which caused the earth pony to blush slightly.

Sweetie Belle looked at the earth pony now as they took yet another right turn towards Cheerilee's house. To the filly's shock she couldn't quite place the feeling. Unlike the many times she looked at the mare now. Something had changed in the way she looked. It wasn't any kind of physical change, yet somehow she looked different to her.

Somehow I felt different around Cheerilee. I didn't feel like a filly around her. Maybe it was because she treated me like a mare instead of a filly when we spent time together and not just in bed. I felt like I could tell her anything, do anything. No, it was more than that. For the first time in my life ever since I began to this relationship with her...

I realized just how much she meant to me. The moment I realized this, the moment I managed to figure out why she looked different to me now, I felt my eyes begin to fill with tears of joy.

As the two stopped in front Cheerilee's house the earth pony looked down and noticed the filly had begun crying. “What's wrong Sweetie Belle?” Cheerilee asked in a concerned tone as she knelled down and placed a hoof on the filly's cheek wiping away tears.

“Nothing's wrong.” Sweetie Belle replied allowing a smile to wash over her face as she wiped her own tears away and looked back at her.

“So why the waterworks then?” Cheerilee asked in a soft tone.

“I just love you so much. I don't know what I would do without you.” The unicorn replied with a sniffle as she managed to kill waterworks and look at her.

Upon hearing these words Cheerilee's eyes teared up as well, but unlike the filly she didn't start crying. “I love you too Sweetie Belle.” Cheerilee replied in a soft tone as she ran a hoof though her mane, stood up, opened the door to her house, and motioned for the filly to follow her inside.

I think that was the first time we said the words “I love you” to one another. I had wondered why we hadn't said them sooner. Maybe we were afraid? Regardless, I felt light as a feather now. As if some kind of weight on my mind and body had been lifted as I followed Cheerilee inside.

Cheerilee closed the door behind her, locked it, and motioned for Sweetie Belle to follow her to her room not saying a word, though it was more than obvious what was on the earth pony's mind right now.

I think we both were thinking the same thing right now. After finally telling each other how we truly felt, we wanted to make sure each other knew it. And what better way to say “I love you” than to make her lover scream them as she climaxes all over your face. At least that's how I saw it as I followed her to the bedroom already wet with anticipation.

Cheerilee climbed onto the bed and lay on her side now as Sweetie Belle walked into the room. The filly stood in place in the doorway for a few moments now just to admire her beauty.

How in Equestria did I get so lucky?

“So are you going to join me or just stare at my flank all day?” Cheerilee remarked in a lustful tone which snapped the unicorn out of her gaze.

“Of all the ponies in Equestria, why did you choose me?” Sweetie Belle asked in a soft tone as she climbed on the bed, snuggled close to her, and ran a hoof through the earth pony's mane as she looked into her eyes.

“If memory serves me correctly, I believe you chose me.” Cheerilee replied with a smirk as she leaned in and locked lips with the unicorn.

Typical Cheerilee, always one to not give me a direct answer. Oh well, not that it really mattered to me.

The two pony's continued to kiss each other, each one not letting up as each others tongue assaulted each others mouths while Cheerilee ran a hoof along Sweetie Belle's underside, slowly making her way down. Though the filly couldn't do the same, she gave her best effort despite their size differences.

“I wish I was bigger.” Sweetie Belle remarked between kisses as she reached as far as her hoof could go which was no farther than Cheerilee's stomach.

Cheerilee gave a soft giggle upon hearing this, stopped kissing her and looked into her eyes as her hoof went lower and lower only to stop just short of the filly's mound and rise back up again until it rested on her stomach at which point she began to caress it. “I like you just the way you are. Besides, you'll grow in time. All ponies do.” Cheerilee replied in a soft tone before she resumed kissing her. The earth pony was in no rush to push things along faster than she wanted to. They had all day after all and she wanted to savor this moment with her lover as long as possible before things really started to heat up.

Instead of giving up however, the filly had an idea. Taking note of her hind hooves being closer she decided to use them as well while she focused on running her forehooves along Cheerilee's upper body, her right hind hoof began to run along Cheerilee's lower belly and though she hadn't tried this before she was quickly getting the hang of using her hind hooves. Soon enough her hind right hoof found it's mark which caused the earth pony to give a soft moan into their kissing as it grazed over her mound.

Cheerilee quickly found her body heating up with each stroke against her lower regions. Though the earth pony wanted to savor the moment a little longer, she knew this impatient filly didn't want to wait for things to heat up. “Already getting down to business are we?” Cheerilee remarked with a giggle as she began to run her hoof down the filly's underside until it found her mound causing the unicorn to moan out.

“You know me miss Cheerilee. Can't wait for my cutie mark and sure as hay can't wait to make you feel good.” Sweetie Belle replied with a giggle of her own before she locked lips with the mare once again.

(Play “Madonna - Forbidden Love” now)

Sweetie Belle continued to make out with her lover for a little longer before she began to make her way down Cheerilee's body giving soft kisses along her body causing the mare to bit her lower lip in anticipation. The filly stopped the short of Cheerilee's teats and began to kiss them gingerly earning soft moans from the mare as she looked at her with each ginger kiss before she ran her tongue long them which caused the earth pony to give a sharp moan as Sweetie Belle's tongue grazed along the tip of her left teat in an upward fashion and slowly trailed her tongue back down over it once again before she took it into her mouth and suckled it still making she she was looking to see her lover's reactions.

Seeing Cheerilee's face as she moaned out as I suckled her teats, knowing I was making her writhe in ecstasy, it filled my heart with so much joy I thought I would explode. I wanted to make sure she knew I cared for her. The last few months were the best of my life, I got to know Cheerilee so much and the more I got to know her, the more it lead up to this moment. The moment when I was able to truly show her how much I loved her.

Sweetie Belle continued to suckle her teats making sure not to go too fast, but not to slow either. She wanted to savor her lover's reactions.

“Sw-Sweetie Belle! Uhh!” Cheerilee moaned out as she arched back with each suckle to her teats. The filly then went back to running her tongue along the mare's teats but instead of continuing to focus on them she moved lower now making sure to run her tongue along her body until she reached Cheerilee's now soaking wet slit.

However instead of diving in head first as she had so many times before over the summer, the unicorn instead planted gentle kisses along the mares mound as she ran her hooves along Cheerilee's legs in a sensual manner.

Between the books Twilight had lent me over the summer and my experiences with Cheerilee. I knew exactly what I was doing. I had learned so much and everything I had learned, everything I knew in how to please a partner, I was letting it all out now.

Slowly the filly began to switch from gentle kisses to slow yet forceful licks along Cheerilee's cunt until she finally edged her tongue inside which caused her lover to arch up and moan her name out once again.

Sweetie Belle then began to run her tongue along Cheerilee's inner walls slowly but not too slowly as she continued to run her hooves along Cheerilee's legs which tensed up and kicked at random times. All the while Sweetie Belle never stopped looking at Cheerilee's face making sure she was making sure her lover was enjoying herself.

“Dear Celestia,mmmph! Faster Sweetie Belle...uhh...please make me cum.” Cheerilee managed to moan out unable to take it any longer. While the mare loved fact that Sweetie Belle was doing her best to savor the moment her body was now craving for release.

“Tell me you love me.” Sweetie Belle said with a smirk as she continued her slow pleasurable licks inside the earth pony's love tunnel.

“I love you so much Sweetie Belle, please don't make me wait any longer!” Cheerilee practically screamed out.

I would have made her cum anyways, but hearing her say those words again helped me decided to give her that release a little sooner than I had intended to.

Upon hearing these words, Sweetie Belle moved her mouth up as she continued to lick at her slit until she came a crossed Cheerilee's clit. The filly then bit down hard which caused the earth pony to arch back and give a mighty “Yeeesssss!” as she came hard.

Sweetie Belle wasn't done however as she dove her face back into Cheerilee's cunt and ran her tongue inside savoring her lover's orgasmic juices as they gushed along her tongue, past it, and dribbled down onto the bed. The filly continued to pleasure her lover, feeling her vaginal muscles flex against her tongue with each wave of her orgasm that rocked the mares body until it slowly began to subside leaving Cheerilee huffing and puffing loudly at which point the unicorn crawled up next to her and locked lips with the mare kissing her passionately.

Cheerilee could taste herself in the filly's mouth as her tongue darted inside of the filly's mouth whose tongue returned the favor. “It's time I returned the favor.” Cheerilee remarked in a soft tone as she slowly made her way down the filly's body giving Sweetie Belle's underside gentle kisses as she moved along her underside until she found the filly's puffy white pussy lips. “I'm gonna rock your world.” Cheerilee remarked with a smirk just before she dove her tongue inside the filly's cunt causing the unicorn to cry out.

She then lifted the filly's hindquarters up a little more which left Sweetie Belle slightly hunched over now which her rump vertically strait now. This position was exactly the pose she wanted her lover in for the treatment she was about to give her. The earth pony then gently parted the filly's puffy white pussy lips exposing her sensitive pink flesh and ran her tongue along it making sure to keep the filly's pussy lips parted as she continued to eat her out dipping her tongue into the filly's now exposed hole.

“Holy horsefeathers, don't stop!” Sweetie Belle moaned out in ecstasy as she bucked her hindquarters into Cheerilee's mouth each time she dipped her tongue in.

Somehow from the position I was now in, it felt as if her tongue was going deeper inside me than it ever had before. Each time she retracted her tongue, I felt a chill that I normally didn't feel down there. It somehow made it that much more pleasurable each time I felt the warmth of her tongue dip inside me. I didn't know if it was just the position or the fact she had my inner walls exposed in such a fashion. There was one thing I knew though, I was on cloud nine.

Sweetie Belle moaned out without a care now feeling the pleasure mount inside her body growing closer and closer to her own climax with each flick of Cheerilee's tongue. Without warning however, Cheerilee allowed the filly's rump to flop onto the bed before she went down on her again, this time however focusing solely on the filly's clit for the short time before she turned her body around, scooted forward, put her left leg under Sweetie Belle's right leg and pressed her slit up against hers.

“Why did you stop?” Sweetie Belle asked in a breathless tone as Cheerilee made some final adjustments to her position.

“Trust me, you're going to love this.” Cheerilee replied with a smirk and began to grind against the filly's cunt with her own.

This was an entirely new experience for the young filly. Each time the earth pony ground her body against the filly's, Sweetie Belle could feel Cheerilee's wetness and warmth against her. The best part of this feeling however was each time Cheerilee would grind against her, their pussy lips would part and for a brief moment each time she could feel part of her slit slide inside Cheerilee before slipped out and grind against her clit.

The filly soon picked up on this and began to return the favor as she pushed her cunt against Cheerilee's causing waves of pleasure to surge through the earth pony's body as well.

I could feel my climax closing it. It wouldn’t be much longer before my cunt gushed all over my lover's. Judging by the look on her face it wouldn't be long her to have one of her own either.

“I love you Cheerilee!” Sweetie Belle screamed at the top of her lungs as her climax hit her body hard and her pussy began to spasm as it gushed it's love juices all over Cheerilee's slit. Feeling Sweetie Belle's cunt gush it's juices all over hers pushed the earth pony over the edged as she began to ride out her second orgasm.

After her orgasm had finally fully subsided Cheerilee crawled back up and snuggled against Sweetie Belle now. “I love you Sweetie Belle.” Cheerilee whispered as she nuzzled against the filly affectionately whom returned it with an affectionate nuzzle of her own.

“I love you too Cheerilee.” Sweetie Belle whispered back as the two enjoyed their afterglow.

It wouldn't be until a few days later my friends would confront me with what they saw. To say it was hard enough to explain to Applebloom and Scootaloo how I felt about Cheerilee and getting them to understand this was hard . Getting them to keep their mouths shut about it however was a lot easier.

I still don't know how Rarity found out though...I don't want to think it was either of my two best friends, but I just don't know when I look back...



“Okay, hour is up. Once again, I’m sorry to force you to make such a choice, but I’ll ask once more. Do you want to come with me or stay here?” Cheerilee asked as she knelled down and put a hoof on the filly's cheek.

“Cheerilee, I love you more than anything in the world, of course I will.” Sweetie Belle replied after a few more moments having finally come to her decision.

Come what may, I won't leave her now, not ever. She's my world and I'll be banished to the moon by Celestia herself before I leave her and even then I would find my way back to her.

Cheerilee handled Sweetie Belle a suitcase style saddle pack with all her things in it, but just before the two made it to the door a single letter popped in front of their faces and floated down in front of them.

Curiously Cheerilee lifted the small scroll up and opened it.

To Cheerilee and Sweetie Belle,

I thought I would let you both know that I have everything taken care of with Rarity. Don't worry, she's just fine, but it will be a long time before you can even see her. I have special plans for her, and with luck, it won't take too long to make her see things my way.

The only downside to this is that you will have to stay off the radar until I send word. I won't go into details for now, but suffice it to say that if you were to walk up to anypony in town and ask about Rarity, they wouldn't even know she exists. We are the only three who are immune to this spell I have cast.

Don't worry about contacting me though, I have magical trackers on you both and I know where you two are at all times. Good luck and I'll see you both soon hopefully.

Twilight Sparkle

Cheerilee finished reading out the letter and felt a ping of dread in her chest. “If she's going to do what I think she is...” Cheerilee remarked aloud in a knowing tone.

“What is she going to do to my sister?” Sweetie Belle asked in a concerned tone at which point Cheerilee knelled down and looked at the filly.

“Don't you worry about it. She's not going to hurt her if that's what you thinking. Now lets get going, the train to Fillydephia leaves in an hour, with luck we can buy our tickets and be on the next train.” Cheerilee replied with a soft smile, stood up, opened the door, and walked out of the house closely followed by Sweetie Belle. “I hope you know what you are doing Twilight, this will end very badly if you fail to do what I think you are doing...” Cheerilee thought to herself in a worried tone as the two made their way towards the Ponyville train station...

The diaries of a mad Pegasus part 1

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Rarity opened hers and immediately placed a hoof over her head and rubbed it. “What in Equestria happened? The last thing I remember...” Rarity began to say but trailed off as her memories came back to her full force.


“Stop away from my sister you sick mare!” Rarity roared as she barreled down on Cheerilee whom stood in front of Sweetie Belle now.

“Please Rarity, try to understand!” Cheerilee exclaimed in a desperate tone the fear clear in her voice.

“Oh I understand alright, you are a sick and twisted mare who gets her kicks from molesting unsuspecting fillies! Now back away from her or you won't live to regret it!” Rarity exclaimed as she grew closer and closer only for Sweetie Belle to jump from behind Cheerilee and stand in front of her.

“Sweetie Belle, don't try to protect me. I don't want anything to happen to you.” Cheerilee said in a panicked tone as the filly walked up to Rarity stopping her older sister just short of the earth pony.

“Move aside Sweetie Belle, I'm not upset with you. But this mare, she knew what she was doing, she knew what she was doing every time she...” Rarity trailed off unable to say the words as her rage filled her more than ever.

“So did I! Stop treating me like I’m a foal! I'm practically a teenager for pony's sake! I love Cheerilee! So bucking deal with it!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed in a pissed off tone with an expression to match it which caused the mare to be taken back at first but her sister's words.

“Don't worry Sweetie Belle, after I deal with this mare, we'll get you some real help and you'll see exactly what she had done to you.” Rarity said in a soft tone to her younger sister before she moved her to the side with magic and prepared to charge only for Twilight to appear in front of her.

“Rarity, What's going on?! I heard shouts on my way to Fluttershy's house.” Twilight asked in a worried tone at which point the unicorn pointed a shaking hoof at Cheerilee.

“This mare right here, she messed with Sweetie Belle! She-She...” Rarity attempted to say only to trail off feeling her words become overpowered by her sheer rage.

“I understand.” Twilight replied in a solemn tone as she looked over at Cheerilee.


“The last thing I remember is being hit over the head hard, was it Sweetie Belle? I've got to find that sick mare and save my sister!” Rarity thought to herself in a worried tone thinking her sister had done something rash only to reach out to touch her doorknob and feel a sharp and painful jolt prick her hoof causing her to recoil.

“What in Equestria?!” Rarity exclaimed in alarm as she looked at her doorknob, attempted to reach out and touch it again only to get the same jolt cause her to recoil again.

It was at this point and time that Twilight appeared in the room behind her in a flash of magic. “Hello Rarity.” Twilight said in a soft tone at which point the unicorn whirled around and looked at her much to the unicorn's relief.

“Thank Celestia, Twilight. I'm trapped in here.” Rarity said in a urgent tone.

“I know.” Twilight replied simply.

“And I think Sweetie Belle is running away with Cheerilee!” Rarity continued as she walked up to Twilight.

“She is.” Twilight replied simply.

“Well, what are you waiting for Twilight?! Teleport us out of here! We have to stop them!” Rarity exclaimed as she shook Twilight slightly thought he purple unicorns expression did not change.

“I'm afraid I can't do that Rarity.” Twilight replied simply once again which sent the white unicorn's mind spiraling into confusion.

“Why? Are you trapped in here too?” Rarity asked in a confused tone.

“No, I just can't let you leave, not yet anyways.” Twilight replied in the same simple tone.

Upon hearing this, the unicorn's chest went ice cold though the confusion still remained. “Wh-What do you mean Twilight?” Rarity asked in a slightly scared tone now trying to figure out what her friend was acting the way she was.

“I can't let you leave until you understand...” Twilight replied simply trailing off on purpose as her horn glowed for a few moments and Scootaloo appeared in a flash of magic next to her. “Why Cheerilee and Sweetie Belle love each other.” Twilight replied in the same simple tone, neither anger or sad.

“Wh-What?! You can't be serious Twilight! I will never understand what goes through that sick mare's mind!” Rarity exclaimed in an outraged tone then looked at Scootaloo. “Why is she here?” Rarity asked curiously.

“She's here to help you understand why Cheerilee and Sweetie Belle love each so much.” Twilight replied in the same simple tone as she turned around and began to pace around the white unicorn now. “I'm going to break you Rarity. Just as I did Cheerilee many, many years ago.” Twilight continued as she paced around the white unicorn who couldn't believe what she was hearing.

“Wh-What?!” Rarity asked incredulously as she stared at the purple unicorn in disbelief.

“I know what you are thinking right now, she's lost it, one book too many right? I hate to disappoint you, but I am very sane right now.” Twilight said allowing a grin to appear on her face.

“Given the circumstances, I beg to differ. You still haven't explained why Scootaloo is here.” Rarity replied in a skeptic tone as she looked at the orange Pegasus whom didn't look scared as she was. In fact, she was smiling! “Why isn't she scared? Wasn't she brought her against her will? Did Twilight put a spell on her?” Rarity thought to herself in a worried tone before she switched her gaze back to Twilight whom was still pacing around her.

“She's here to help you see why Cheerilee and Sweetie Belle love each other so much.” Twilight replied simply still grinning at the mare.

“You can't be serious! How could you put a spell on an innocent filly like that!” Rarity exclaimed finally figuring she had the full picture of what this twisted unicorn had planned for her now.

“Spell? Ha! I'm here of my own free will Rarity.” Scootaloo said now speaking up with a smirk.

“Of course you wouldn't know if she put a spell on your darling.” Rarity replied in soft tone before she resumed looking at Twilight. “If you think for one second, that I would ever let you force me to lay a hoof on this filly, you are even sicker than Cheerilee, Twilight Sparkle!” Rarity exclaimed in an outraged tone.

“Oh Rarity, lighten up. I would never force one of my best friends to do something they didn't want to. No, by the end of your time here, you will be unable to keep your hooves off her. And by your own will might I add.” Twilight replied with a smirk.

“Are you even listening to yourself speak?! You need help Twilight Sparkle! Besides, somepony will come looking for me sooner or later!” Rarity exclaimed in a pissed off tone.

“Oh no they won't. You're familiar with multidimensional portal spells right? I took that spell a step farther. Anypony outside of this house, has no idea that you even exist anymore.” Twilight replied her grin seemingly becoming wider now if possible.

“So you've trapped me in another dimension within this house with a filly under your spell and expect me to mess with her?” Rarity replied still trying to wrap her head around what was happening.

“How many times do I have to tell you Rarity? I'm not under any kind of spell and unlike you, I can leave anytime I want!” Scootaloo exclaimed with a smirk.

“She's right Rarity, Scootaloo is not under any kind of spell. Me and her have something in common, we both messed with mares much older than ourselves and managed to get them to fall head over hooves in love with us.” Twilight replied still smirking.

“You can't expect me to believe such nonsense!” Rarity exclaimed in an outraged tone still clearly unconvinced.

“You want to be doubting tomcolt, fine. Tell me Rarity, why do you think Rainbow Dash has been spending so much time with me the last two months?” Scootaloo asked with a smirk.

“She was helping you to learn how to fly of course.” Rarity replied in a matter-of-fact tone at which point Scootaloo made a buzzer sound with voice as her grin grew even wider.

“No Rarity, it's because she's mine. My little sex slave.” Scootaloo replied with a smirk.

Rarity stared blankly in disbelief looking as if her brain had broken for a few moments before she shook her head. “Very well played Twilight, but I’m sure that is nothing more than a well rehearsed story you programed into her mind when you put her under your spell.” Rarity remarked in a snooty tone.

“You give me far too much credit Rarity.” Twilight replied with a giggle.

“And I thought Rainbow Dash was slow to catch on.” Scootaloo remarked with a giggle of her own.

“Tell you what, I’ll give you proof. You and I both know that multidimensional spells have one weak point. Any spell cast within them or outside of them is removed once the caster leaves the said dimension. There is no possible way to overcome this as not even Celestia herself has been able to do so. I'll leave you two alone for awhile and don't worry about food, I enchanted your refrigerator to automatically generate an endless supply of your favorite meals.” Twilight replied and disappeared in a flash of magic.

Please forgive me Rarity, I hate having to do this to you, but there is no other way...

Rarity quickly turned her gaze to Scootaloo expecting to see a sudden change in behavior from the filly yet it did not change. She still sat there smiling at her. “How are you feeling Scootaloo?” Rarity asked curiously.

“Me? Oh I’m fine, thanks. Listen, I know this seems very mean of Twilight, but she really only wants Sweetie Belle and Cheerilee to be happy. You wouldn't even be here if I hadn't told you by mistake, so I’m sorry.” Scootaloo replied in a genuine tone.

“So it really wasn't a spell? You really did...oh my gosh! Rainbow Dash is as sick as Cheerilee and Twilight?!” Rarity exclaimed in a horrified tone.

Upon hearing this Scootaloo facehoofed with a groan. “You still don't get it do you?” Scootaloo replied in an annoyed tone.

“What's there to get? You and Sweetie Belle have been victims of sick and twisted mares.” Rarity replied in a sympathetic tone at which point the orange Pegasus facehoofed once again this time so hard she rubbed her forehead with a wince having hit it so hard.

“No, that's not it at all. I was the one who-” Scootaloo began to say only for Rarity to cut her off by hugging her suddenly. “Don't you worry about it Scootaloo, I’ll find a way to get us out of here.” Rarity said in a sympathetic tone which caused the Pegasus to tense up as she was getting sick and tired of this.

“I was the one who seduced Rainbow Dash you purple maned, stuck up, mule!” Scootaloo blurted out in an pissed off tone as she pushed away Rarity and walked to the other side of the room and sighed.

“It didn't start out that way though...I just wanted her to know how much I idolized her. Then things sort of spiraled out of control. I started to get feelings for her. Do I regret sleeping with Rainbow Dash? No way! It was a fantasy I had imaged since I was old enough to know what the term clopping really meant and became aware of myself as a growing filly. I just wish she loved me back. Now, instead of a lover, I have a sex slave who will do anything I ask. It wasn't what I wanted at all.” Scootaloo replied in a depressed tone as she recalled the events that led up to this day and told them to Rarity...



It just started out as something simple, I only wanted her to know how much I idolized her. So I thought up one plan after the other. None seemed to work. And after the event in that tree, I thought she would never understand. Then as if by chance, it happened.

“R-Really?!” Scootaloo exclaimed unable to contain her excitement as her idol stood before her.

“Yeah, I figured you could use a few lessons from a pro. So I’m gonna teach ya all I know. With luck, you'll be soaring through the skies by the end of the week.” Rainbow Dash replied with a smirk.

“So when do we start?!” Scootaloo exclaimed hoping up and down now.

“How does now sound?” the cyan blue Pegasus replied at which point Scootaloo could no longer contain her appreciation and hugged the cyan blue Pegasus tightly.

“Thank you so much Rainbow Dash!” Scootaloo exclaimed as she hugged her tightly.

“Heh, no problem kid.” Rainbow Dash replied and gently pushed the filly away. “Okay so first off is take off lessons. Pay attention kid, a Pegasus's starting position is key for a successful take off.” Rainbow Dash said as she turned around, bent over, and made her signature take off position and flung her tail up in preparation to take off.

I didn't mean to stare, but it was just “there” right in front of my face now. I knew it wasn't intentional on her part, but I couldn't help it. Without thinking I started leaning in towards her cyan blue lips. It was so enticing. My fantasies were clearly overpowering my better judgment at this point.

Scootaloo's face was barely a few inches away now as she slowly began to edge a tongue out towards her prize.

Just one little taste couldn't hurt right?

However just before Scootaloo's tongue could touch the cyan blue Pegasus's pussy, she took off from the ground with a mighty beat of her wings taking up vertically. “And that's how you take off from the ground!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed from the skies as she flew around for a few moments before she landed right next to the filly Pegasus noticing she had a “staring into space” expression on her face at the moment. “Hey, weren't you paying attention kid?” Rainbow Dash asked in an annoyed tone clearly unaware of what the filly had just attempted to do.

“What? Huh? Oh yeah! I was, but I don't think I can take off like that.” Scootaloo replied finally snapping herself out of her blank expression.

I hadn't payed attention at all. I mentally kicked myself for letting my fantasies cause me to completely ignore my idol's first ever flying lesson to me. I redoubled my efforts in keeping my mind out of the gutter as I looked at her now.

“Hm, maybe the vertical take off approach is a little advanced for you. Guess we'll start you off with the rookie's running start method.” Rainbow Dash remarked aloud thoughtfully then took different type of take off position. This position had her wings spread out horizontally with her bent over once again tail in the air. “Okay, so this method requires you to get a running start. Remember to keep your wings extended.” Rainbow Dash said in a matter-of-fact tone.

Don't stare at it, don't stare at it...

“Now, from here, you just start running forward making sure to flap your wings quickly but not too quickly. This is meant to give you some loft and get the wind under your wings.” Rainbow Dash continued unaware of the filly's uncomfortable blush.

Stop staring at her cunt you featherbrain! Your idol is right here trying to teach you how to fly!

Scootaloo shook her head very quickly now and made sure to focus her attention on the cyan blue Pegasus's pose now and made her best effort at keeping her eyes off what lie under Rainbow Dash's tail. “Got it!” Scootaloo exclaimed in a confident tone even though she had barely heard what she had said.

“Alright, watch me and then you try.” Rainbow Dash replied giving a brief look back to the filly before she began to run along the ground flapping her wings at a moderate pace now. “You should be able to feel the wind under your wings at random times which might even take off you off the ground a little!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed aloud making sure the filly could hear her as she picked up even more speed now.

Without her hindquarters right in front of me now I was able to give my idol my full attention now. I took note of everything she had said up to this point.

“It might be hard for a first timer to tell, but you gotta pick the exact moment when you feel the wind under your feathers and then...” Rainbow Dash exclaimed aloud trailing off on purpose waiting for that exact moment herself before she gave a mighty beat of her wings and took off from the ground going strait at first before she slowly took a vertical climb which slowly turned into an mid-air back-flip and landed next to Scootaloo a few moments later.

“Now you try!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed enthusiastically.

“O-Okay!” Scootaloo exclaimed in a not so confident tone as she did her best to take the pose her idol had earlier despite not being able to recall everything said had said.

“No,no,no! Your wings are spread out all wrong! Weren't you paying attention?” Rainbow Dash remarked in an annoyed tone as she reached her hooves out and began to level the filly's wings out.

It took every ounce of willpower in my body not to moan out as she touched my wings. I don't think she realized it, but the way she was handling my wings felt very pleasurable to me. The most that escaped my lips was a feeble whimper.

“You okay kid? You look kind of flushed.” Rainbow Dash asked in a concerned tone at the filly's expression now as she stopped adjusting the filly's wings to look at her now.

“I-I'm fine!” Scootaloo replied in a much higher tone than she intended to reply in.

“Okay, well let me adjust your left wing now.” Rainbow Dash replied with a smile as she walked around the filly and began to adjust it.

Once again it took everything in me now to moan out. I swear if my idol were to look under my tail right now, my hind legs would probably be damp right now. Heck, I knew they were. I could feel my juices leaking down my inner thighs and down my hind legs right now.

“There we go! Now you're ready!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she finished adjusting the filly's wings. “Ready, set, go!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed enthusiastically yet the filly didn't take off in a running start.

Unknown to my idol, my body was still recovering from this pleasurable experience. She had shoved me so close I could have swore I was going to gush in front of her but she stopped just before I reached that point. Thank Celestia for small favors.

“Come kid, get to running! We don't have all day!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed in annoyance.

“G-give me a second.” Scootaloo replied breathlessly.

“You don't need to be nervous kid, this is a learning experience! Now come on, get moving!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed and gave the filly a playful swat to the hindquarters only for the filly to give an orgasmic cry as she fell to chest.

That did it, she just had to swat my clit didn't she? I knew she hadn't meant to, but I couldn't stop my body now at this point. All I could do was shamelessly let my body ride out it climax and worry about explaining it after it was over. I felt so mortified.

“Whoa! I didn't think I hit you that hard! Are you okay? I'm so sorry!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed in a panicked tone thinking she had just injured the filly rushing over to her to help her up still completely oblivious to the steadily growing puddle of filly juice that was forming just neath the orange Pegasus's tail.

All I could do was dig my face into the dirt to muffle my orgasmic cries as each wave of my orgasm rocked my body.

“Hey, kid, come on. Get up would ya?” Rainbow said in a concerned tone as she forcefully helped the filly up at which point Scootaloo stood to all four hooves shakily. It was then the cyan blue Pegasus noticed it. A small wet spot in the grass where the filly once lay.

“That doesn't look like pee...” Rainbow Dash remarked softly to herself in a stunned tone as she leaned down, gave a sniff to the small puddle, recoiled, and snorted a few times in an effort to expel the scene from her nostrils. “That sure as hay don't smell like pee.” Rainbow Dash remarked in a stunned tone at which point she saw the orange Pegasus's flushed face at which point everything clicked and the Pegasus went beat red.

I was at a loss for words. I had no idea what to say at this point. I could only stare at my idol as her brain properly processed what had just happened.

“Um, wow. Uh, sorry kid. I didn't mean to make you gush all over the grass like that. I mean, oh geez!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she slammed a hoof over her face, ran it down, and sighed. “Stupid, stupid, stupid! I should have remembered that a filly's wings are really sensitive at your age!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she whacked herself over the head with a hoof.

I could tell she was feeling really bad right now and it wasn't even her fault. Okay, maybe it was “a little” her fault, but it's not like she knew what she was doing. I had to say something to make her feel better, but what?

“It-It's okay Rainbow Dash. I-I kind of liked it.” Scootaloo said stuttering slightly only to regret it moments later and facehoofed.

Very subtle Scoots! Next time just tell her you want to make out with her! Ugh!

“You what?! Oh, no,no,no,no! This isn't happening!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed in a panicked tone as she paced back and forth now.

“I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean it like that!” Scootaloo exclaimed in a panicked tone.

“Oh come the hay on kid! You think I was born yesterday?!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed in a still very panicked tone, but now it held an air of annoyance in it.

I could feel everything spiraling out of control. I didn't know what to do, what to say.

“O-Okay! I kind of like you. Please don't be mad at me!” Scootaloo exclaimed feeling tears swell in her eyes now.

Upon seeing Scootaloo's teary eyed expression the cyan blue Pegasus felt terrible. Her she was, spazing out over what had just happened, and it was all because this filly had a crush on her. As flattering as it was, she wasn't a foal fiddler. She had to put a stop to it here and now.

“L-Listen kid, I’m flattered that you have a crush on me, but you know I way to old for you right?” Rainbow Dash replied hoping she was talking sense into the filly.

I was crushed, but I understood.

“Y-Yes.” Scootaloo replied with a slight stutter.

“Okay, well I think we are done for now. Lets say we pick this up in a week or so okay?” Rainbow dash replied and took off from the ground leaving the filly standing there alone.

So much for flying by the end of the week. And it was all because my stupid body couldn’t keep itself under control around her. I hated myself so much right now. How could I have screwed up things so badly?



A week had passed and now I was ready to learn how to fly again. I was sure I could keep my body under control this time around. However, much to my disappointment. Every time I asked her about the flying lessons, she thought up some kind of thing she had to go do and would dart off before I could utter another word.

A few more days of trying later it had become more than obvious...

I had scared her away from me forever. She wouldn't teach me to fly now, heck she wouldn't bother to exchange more than a few words with me. It tore me to pieces, my idol, the one pony in all of Equestria I cared about more than anything, wanted nothing to do with me now.

I had to think of something to get her to at least talk to me again, something, anything. Then it occurred to me,

I had to learn how to fly.

The diaries of a mad Pegasus part 2

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The unicorn just stared at the filly, mouth agape, trying to process what she had just been told. “But I don't understand. How did end up with her as your sex slave.” Rarity asked in a shocked tone. She didn't really want to believe the filly, but her curiosity was getting the better of her.

“Well, I was bent on impressing my idol, so I went to the only pony I knew of in town who had access to information on learning how to fly.” Scootaloo replied as she continued to recall her memories of what lead up to that day...



Scootaloo opened the door to Twilight's library and walked in looking around for the purple unicorn only see her number one assistant putting books up in the shelves. “Hey Spike, where's Twilight? I need to ask her where to find a few books.” Scootaloo asked in a polite tone.

“Oh, she's in the back. Been back there a lot the past few months. I wonder what she's doing back there?” Spike replied thoughtfully as the orange Pegasus made her way to the back of the room however stopped short of the door open hearing the purple unicorn talking to herself.

“No,no,no! That won't work! How the hay am I ever going to test Sweetie Belle and Cheerilee's love for one another without really hurting them?!” Twilight exclaimed in frustration.

“Say what?!” Scootaloo blurted out without meaning to at which point Twilight whirled around with a panicked look on her face.

“Please don't tell me you heard what I think you did.” Twilight remarked in a dreading tone.

“Oh I heard alright. What the hay are you talking about Twilight?” Scootaloo asked with an inquiring stare at the unicorn.

She tried to cover it up at first, but once she figured out I wasn't convinced and didn't believe a word coming out of her mouth, she spilled it. She told me how she found out Cheerilee and Sweetie Belle slept together, how she had promised to keep a secret, and how she was trying to find out a safe way to test their love for one another without hurting them.

I had no idea why she was telling me all this. Perhaps she just had to get it out of her system. Twilight after all, was never that great at keeping secrets.

“Wow, Cheerilee and Sweetie Belle an item? Who would have thought. Lucky filly!” Scootaloo exclaimed with a cocky grin.

“More lucky than she realizes...” Twilight remarked thoughtfully, apathy clear in her voice as she spoke now.

“So why do you want to test them anyways? Don't you trust them?” Scootaloo asked curiously.

“Oh I trust them, it's just I don't trust their bodies.” Twilight replied at which point the filly gave a confused expression blurting out “huh?!” without thinking.

“Oh sorry, what I mean is, the two seem to love one another but I don't know that for sure. So I wanted to test Sweetie Belle, see if what she was feeling for Cheerilee is real or if she's just physically attracted to her, the problem is, I know what I want to do, but not how to do it.” Twilight replied in a concerned tone.

“What do you want to do?” Scootaloo replied with a curious expression now.

“Tempt her. See if she slips up or not. Now you see where the problem is.” Twilight replied in a annoyed tone before she turned about face and walked back to her desk.

While I had a decent idea of what was going on, I still couldn't quite understand how Sweetie Belle could fall for a pony much older than her. That is, until it occurred to me...

I had a crush on Rainbow Dash. I had fantasized about her nearly every night for the last year. Once I realized this I realized one more thing,

Me and Sweetie Belle weren't so different. We both have crushes on mares much older than us. Sweetie Belle however had managed to convince her crush to be with her.

It was then it hit me, I could use this to my advantage. The gears were quickly whirling in my brain right now forming a plan as I stared at the purple unicorn whom was just now turning back around to look at me.

“So, that we have that matter cleared up. You can't tell anypony about this okay? Promise me.” Twilight said in a concerned tone.

Wow, you just fell right into my hooves Twilight and you didn't know it.

“Okay, I promise not to tell a single pony as long as you promise to help me get with Rainbow Dash.” Scootaloo replied with a smirk at which Twilight's ears flattened upon realizing she had just fell right into the filly's hooves.

“How in Equestria do you expect me to do that?!” Twilight exclaimed with a annoyed look then her expression changed as if her brain froze for a few moments before a smirk washed over her face. “I like how you think Scootaloo. Maybe we can help each other.” Twilight said a few minuets with a mischievous grin.

Me and Twilight plotted for nearly the rest of the day until we both settled on a good plan to tempt Sweetie Belle without hurting her and how to get Rainbow Dash to fall for me. I was amazed at how well she had thought out the plan to get me and Rainbow Dash together. It was as if she had done something like this before.

First thing was first however, my end of the bargain. I had to tempt Sweetie Belle but not seduce her. If she gave in, I was told it was okay to go hog wild with her, but if she prevailed and resisted me then I was to leave her alone.

I had no problem with doing either honestly. I always found Sweetie Belle kind of hot and if I got lucky with her, great for me, if not, then it wasn't any loss to me. After all, my objective was my idol and not Sweetie Belle.



School was due to start next Monday, I only had one shot at this if I wanted to be able to test her before school started. If I waited till after it had it would be much harder to get her alone with homework and all taking up her time. I woke up earlier than usual and dashed down the street towards Applebloom's house on my scooter. As made my way to her house, I caught a glimpse of my idol in the skies. She was doing her job as a weather Pegasus as she moved clouds around while she kicked others out.

“I'll be with you soon Rainbow Dash.” Scootaloo remarked aloud with a smile before she turned her attention to the road in front of her and sped down the path towards apple acres.

“Hey Scootaloo! What brings ya over here this time in the mornin?” Applebloom asked as she performed her morning chores.

“I just figured I would come over and help ya out then we could go out crusading, just the two of us.” Scootaloo replied with a smile.

“Sounds like a plan to meh, course it won't be the same without Sweetie Belle.” Applebloom replied with a slight frown as she said this.

“We can go pick her up from miss Cheerilee's later.” Scootaloo suggest as she began to help the farm pony with her morning chores.

“But she's doin those tutorin lessons with Cheerilee. Ah don't think she would be able to come with us. She's probably learnin a whole lot.”

She's learning a whole lot alright, but it wasn't math.

“I'm sure miss Cheerilee won't mind. It's the last weekend before school starts after all.” Scootaloo replied with a smirk.

“Can't hurt to ask ah guess. The worst she can say to us is that she can't come out to play.” Applebloom replied as she feed the chickens. Then grinned mischievously at the Pegasus. “Hey Scootaloo, ah think ah see a relative of yours in here.” Applebloom remarked with a smirk.

“Huh? Where?” Scootaloo asked curiously until it hit her. “Not funny...” The orange Pegasus remarked with a scowl as the farm pony held her sides laughing.

If it we weren't such great friends Applebloom, I would sock you so hard your future foals would feel it...


The day was half over by now and by now me and Applebloom were at Cheerilee's house but no matter how much we knocked no pony answered.

“That's odd, they should be home right now. Where could they be?” Applebloom asked curiously until a faint cry caught both fillies ears in fact it was so faint that they would not have heard it hyad they not been quiet at the moment.

“You hear that Applebloom?” Scootaloo asked curiously.

“Yeah, sounded like Sweetie Belle, what the hay is goin on in thar?” Applebloom asked with a curious expression.

I had a good idea, but I wanted to be sure.

“Follow me.” Scootaloo said and ran to the side of the house followed closely by the farm pony.

The two soon stood outside what Scootaloo assumed to be Cheerilee's bed room window. The curtains weren't closed but then again this part of the house that was not for everypony to see either.

“Give me a hoof up.” Scootaloo said to which the farm pony did so.

Well it wasn't Cheerilee's bedroom window, but it was the bathroom connected to it and the door to her bedroom was wide open. Open making sure my eyes weren't playing tricks on me I immediately went beat red. I had a clear view of Cheerilee's face buried between Sweetie Belle's hunches and I knew what she was doing to her.

“Lucky filly.” Scootaloo remarked to herself with a smirk.

“What the hay are ya talkin about thar Scootaloo....! what the hay?!” Applebloom exclaimed a few moments after her first statement as she felt something warm begin to dribble onto her nose.

“Would you keep your voice down?! I don't want them to hear us!” Scootaloo hissed in annoyance before she looked back through the window only for the farm pony to let her drop suddenly. “What the hay was that for?!” Scootaloo exclaimed in an annoyed tone as she rubbed her now sore rump.

“Leakin ya juices on mah face, that's what!” Applebloom retorted as she wiped her nose off in disgust.

“My juices?” Scootaloo replied in a confused tone until she realized what the farm pony was talking about.

Ops, I didn't realize that the action had got me “that” excited.

“Now ya care to tell meh what's so nice to be lookin at in thar that it would cause ya to get all hot and bothered?” Applebloom asked in an annoyed tone.

By the way Applebloom was talking she clearly was sexually aware as well so there wasn't any way I could lie to her. Should have realized this sooner though when I look back. She was raised on a farm after all and she probably witnessed animals doing it before I even knew what the word “Clopping” really meant.

“I think it's better if I just let you see it for yourself, but you can't tell anypony okay?” Scootaloo replied to which Applebloom nodded though she wasn't sure what she meant by it.

Scootaloo then gave Applebloom a hoof up so she got a clear view at which point the farm pony gave a audible gasp. “Holy Horseapples covered in caramel! They're hoof knockin!” Applebloom exclaimed in a shocked tone yet she couldn't tear her eyes away.

“I said keep it down! They might hear us!” Scootaloo exclaimed in a hushed panicked tone.

“Oh right, sorreh.” Applebloom replied sheepishly still looking in at the action.

I couldn't help but blush as the farm pony began leaking herself, but unlike her I had no problem with staring at her moistening slit...

Oh what the hay!

The farm pony nearly lost her balance as she felt a tongue brush against her now sensitive clit. “The hay you doin down thar?!” Applebloom exclaimed in a annoyed tone.

“Just shut the hay up and enjoy the show while I get you off.” Scootaloo replied with a smirk and resumed her tongue treatment on the farm pony.

“M-Mah barn door don't swing that way though!” Applebloom managed to sputter out though she made no sign of resistance.

“Don't have to, I’m not asking you to give me the same treatment, so just enjoy it.” Scootaloo replied once more before she dove her mouth back into the farm pony's cunt.

I believe the term comes to mind “Barn door doesn't swing that way, but will make exceptions” due to how she was acting now.



“Y-You can skip that part...” Rarity remarked stuttering slight now with a light blush on her face.

“You sure?” Scootaloo asked with a smirk.

“I'm positive.” Rarity replied still blushing slightly.

“Only fools are positive.” Scootaloo countered with a smirk.

“Are you sure?” Rarity replied with a smirk of her own.

“I’m positive!” Scootaloo replied smirking for a little while longer before she facehoofed while Rarity gave her first real laugh since she woke up in here. “I fell for it, I should I have known!” Scootaloo remarked in a dismayed tone at first then began to laugh along with Rarity continued to laugh a little while longer until they managed to stop laughing.

“Okay, Okay, I'll skip that part.” Scootaloo replied with a grin and continued after her little event with Applebloom.



So after Applebloom,ahem, “finished up”, I cleaned off my face with the nearest thing I could find which was non-other than my own tail.

“We don't speak of this ever again, got it?” Applebloom said in a breathless tone as her chest heaved up and down.

“Sure, sure.” Scootaloo replied with a smirk as and coughed the words “Closet lesbian” aloud much to the farm pony's annoyance but she let it go.

“So why the hay is Sweetie Belle hoof knockin with Cheerilee for?” Applebloom asked curiously.

“Not sure, maybe we should ask her?” Scootaloo replied in s suggesting tone.

“Yeah, ah reckon that would be best. Course we'll have to wait till she gets back from Cheerilee's. Ah don't wanna be askin her such things with the mare she was hoof knockin with.” Applebloom replied in a matter-of-fact tone.

I couldn't have asked for a better excuse to get in close and personal with her and with Applebloom here as my unwitting backup, I was a shoo-in to land her alone and test her.



“You saw me doing what with Cheerilee?!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed in both shock and horror.

“Hey, don't worry about it. We won't tell anypony. We just want to know why you were messing around with her is all.” Scootaloo replied in an attempt to calm the unicorn's nerves as the three sat in their clubhouse.

Sweetie Belle took and deep breath and sighed. “It's because I love her.” Sweetie Belle replied in a soft tone.

“Love her? But she's way older than ya and not to mention she's a mare!” Applebloom exclaimed in in an apprehensive tone.

“Says the filly who allowed me to eat her out while she watched the two go at it.” Scootaloo piped up much to the farm pony's fury.

“Ah though we agreed to never speak of this again?” Applebloom remarked as she narrowed her eyes at the Pegasus in a menacing manner.

Yipe! Okay, mental note: DO NOT speak of things to Applebloom she specifically said she didn't want mentioned ever again...

Who the hay am I kidding? Sweet revenge for all those chicken jokes.

“Okay, Sorry! I won't mention it again.” Scootaloo replied defensively and a few moments later coughed the words “Closet lesbian” aloud much to the farm pony's annoyance.

“One of these days Scootaloo, one of these days, pow, right in the snout!” Applebloom exclaimed making a punching gesture into her left hoof with her right as she glared at the Pegasus who just grinned ear to ear at her.

“So will you promise not to tell anypony? I don't want to lose her, she's everything to me...” Sweetie Belle said a few moments after Applebloom's gesture which caused both fillies to look at their friend who wore a teary-eyed worried expression.

Looking at Sweetie Belle's face now, it nearly made me want to ditch the whole plan and just tell Twilight a lie. Problem was though, she might be able to tell if I’m lying so I couldn't risk it. I couldn't risk losing the chance to be with my idol.

“Okay Sweetie Belle. Ah promise.” Applebloom replied as she walked over and hugged the unicorn. “Though ah don't understand why ya is head over hooves for this mare, ah respect ya decision and ah'm behind ya all the way.” Applebloom said a few moments after her initial response as she hugged the filly.

“Thanks Applebloom, this means a lot to me.” Sweetie Belle replied with a sniffle.

“No problem! Ah swear on mah honor as a crusader not to mention a lick of this to anypony!” Applebloom exclaimed with a saluting gesture only to go wide-eyed as she looked outside the window to the setting sun. “Oh hayseed! Ah need to get back home! See ya later y'all!” Applebloom exclaimed as she ran out the door to the clubhouse.

I couldn't have planned this better if I tried. Heck, I didn't plan this at all. Applebloom leaving at the exact moment she had was pure luck. Now I just had to hope my luck hadn't run out.

“What about you Scootaloo? You promise not to tell anypony?” Sweetie Belle asked in a soft tone.

This was it, time to put on the heat.

“I guess I could, but I want to try some of that stuff out I saw you doing with Cheerilee.” Scootaloo replied with a mischievous grin.

“Wh-What?!” Sweetie Bell replied in a confused tone with a blush.

“Did I stutter? I said I would keep it a secret as long as you do some of the stuff I saw you doing with miss Cheerilee.” Scootaloo replied allowing her grin to become even larger if possible as she walked up to the unicorn and ran a hoof through her mane in a sensual manner.

Sweetie Belle looked at Scootaloo with a worried expression now as if she was debating on if she should do this or not.

Come on Sweetie Belle, say no, say no...

“O-Okay.” Sweetie Belle replied in an uneasy tone.


“Awesome! Okay, I’ll get on my back and I want you to do what Cheerilee was doing to you a couple says ago.” Scootaloo replied as she lay on her back and presented herself to the unicorn.

Come on Sweetie Belle, you haven't crossed the point of no return yet. Just say you can't.

Sweetie Belle slowly walked towards Scootaloo, lay down in front of her and edged her hoof out slowly and hesitantly towards the orange Pegasus's pussy lips as she leaned in.

It's not too late Sweetie Belle, just retract your hoof and pull your head away...

Sweetie Belle was now dangerously close now with her face now, so close in fact the Pegasus could feel her nervous rapid breathing as she drew closer until she abruptly recoiled away. “I-I'm sorry Scootaloo! I can't! Cheerilee would never forgive me! Can't you just promise not to say anything? Please?” Sweetie Belle asked in the most pleading tone she could muster.

Well done Sweetie Belle. I knew you could do it!

“Okay, I promise.” Scootaloo replied with a warm smile now as she walked up to Sweetie Belle and hugged her.

What a buzz kill. Oh well, I couldn't be prouder of my best friend now.

“Why would you do that to me? I told you I loved her.” Sweetie Belle remarked tears flowing freely from her eyes now as she hugged her friend.

Hearing her voice now, even though Twilight told me not to tell her. I just wanted to spill it. But I held strong.

“Sorry Sweetie Belle. I guess I was just being a featherbrain.” Scootaloo replied softly as she broke the hug and looked into her friends eyes now.

“I almost...I almost cheated on her with you.” Sweetie Belle managed to choke out between tears as she looked at Scootaloo with a hurt expression.

Buck it, not even my idol was worth the amount of pain I put my friend though just now.

“Sweetie Belle, I have a confession to make. Twilight put me up to this.” Scootaloo replied in a soft tone as she ran a hoof though her own mane now.

“Why would she do that?” Sweetie Belle asked in confusion.

“She wanted to test you, make sure you really loved Cheerilee and it just wasn't some kind of lust thing with you.” Scootaloo replied explaining farther.

“Why would you agree to do something like this?” Sweetie Belle asked as she wiped the tears from her eyes now.

I suppose it was best she know the reason behind my motive to agree to this.

“Because, she said she would get me together with Rainbow Dash.” Scootaloo confessed followed by a heavy sigh.

I expected Sweetie Belle to hate my guts right now about. Heck, she has every right to. I messed with her feelings and tempted her, all just for a shot to get with my idol.

Much to the Pegasus's shock however Sweetie Belle giggled. “I should have known.” Sweetie Belle replied with a weak smile.

Wait, what?!

“Don't look so surprised Scoots, I knew you had the hots for Rainbow Dash since last summer. And I’ll bet my allowance Applebloom knows too.” Sweetie Belle replied allowing her to give a full smile.

Was I “that” obvious with how I felt towards her?

“That was still very mean of you to do though.” Sweetie Belle remarked with a frown as she said this.

“I know, but we do crazy things for the ponies we love don't we?” Scootaloo replied sheepishly as she scratched the back of her head.

“I guess we do.” Sweetie Belle replied giving a thoughtful glance outside the clubhouse window.

I wouldn't call that the best save in Equestria, more like last minute tie of some sort.

Wait, why am I even keeping score?

“Well, I gotta get home. See you later Scootaloo.” Sweetie Belle replied with a smile as she left the club house leaving the Pegasus alone.

Now that I held my end of the bargain, it was time for Twilight to hold hers. And after I just put my best friend through...

She better have a “party cannon proof” revised plan of what we had plotted for me or there will be tartarus to pay...

The diaries of a mad Pegasus part 3

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“So did it work?” Rarity asked without thinking. “Why in Equestria did I just ask that? This is surely an elaborate made up story Twilight put her up to I’m sure!” Rarity thought to herself though she couldn't fully convince herself that what this Pegasus was saying wasn't true.

Upon hearing this question tears escaped the filly's eyes. “Well, yes and no. I guess it should have, but I was a feather brain.” Scootaloo replied as she continued to recall what happened.



Instead of heading home I went strait back to Twilight's library. Not like my parents would have cared anyways. My mother was a drunk and my father was the reason I hated stallions. How could my father be the reason behind me going lesbian?

Think about it and I’m sure you'll figure it out...

Anyways, I had a bone to pick with Twilight. She promised me that this idea wouldn't hurt Sweetie Belle and while I’m not expert, tears and crying were tall tell signs that it did “Hurt her”.

“Hey, what brings you this evening? You already test her?” Twilight asked with a smile only for it to vanish as her eyes fell upon the filly's pissed off expression.

“Yeah, I did and she passed with flying colors.” Scootaloo replied, ears flat, with a narrow eyed glare at the purple unicorn.

“So why are you so upset then?” Twilight asked curiously though she had a good idea.

“You could have cost me my friendship with Sweetie Belle, that's what!” Scootaloo exclaimed loudly not caring who heard her right now.

“Oh.” Twilight replied guiltily as her own ears flattened with a frown.

“I thought she would hate my guts for all time after that stunt. You should have seen the look on her face. She forgave me after I said I was sorry, but I know she's still mad at me.” Scootaloo replied still glaring at the unicorn.

I of course didn't tell her that I blew her cover, but she didn't need to know that.

“I thought you knew the risks when you signed up for this.” Twilight replied as she turned around and walked over to a book shelf, took out a book, and began to look over it.

Truth be told, I did but I didn't, if that makes any sense.

“I thought I did.” Scootaloo replied then sighed as she ran a hoof through her mane.

“Well Sweetie Belle forgave you right? Then you have nothing to worry about. Now let's see about getting you with Rainbow Dash now.” Twilight replied with a warm smile as she pulled out a scroll which she had scribbled down the plan onto.

“This plan better work without a hitch.” Scootaloo remarked sourly as she looked over the plan with the purple unicorn.

“As long as you follow it down to the letter it will, trust me.” Twilight replied with a smirk.

After your plan with Sweetie Belle Twilight, I'm not so sure anymore.



After the first day of School let out I left the classroom as usual with Applebloom, but Sweetie Belle wasn't with. We of course knew why at this point, but Cheerilee wasn't aware we knew and we figured it was best to leave it that way.

Soon after we left the school, I told Applebloom I couldn't hang out with her today and went off to perform step one of Twilight's plan. According to Twilight, if all went according to plan, she would be mine by the end of the day.

I could only hope she was right.


“You sure this will work Twilight?” Scootaloo asked curiously as she hid in the bushes while Twilight stood in the open.

“Positive!” Twilight replied with a smirk, walked away from the bushes, and called for Rainbow Dash whom was taking a nap in the clouds above now.

“Hey Twilight! What's up?” Rainbow Dash asked with a cheerful smile as she landed on the ground next to the purple unicorn.

“I was just wondering, why aren't you with Scootaloo today. Last I heard you promised to teach her how to fly.” Twilight replied in a concerned tone.

Upon hearing this, the cyan blue Pegasus's ears flattened and her expression suddenly became nervous. “Oh well, heh. I've just been real busy as of late.” Rainbow Dash replied nervously.

“Busy?” Twilight replied in a skeptic tone with a raised eyebrow.

“Yeah, ya know. Doing stuff.” Rainbow Dash replied looking rather pale right now.

“Uh-huh.” The purple unicorn replied in an unconvinced tone which made the cyan blue Pegasus even more nervous.

“Okay, I admit it! I've been avoiding her. I'm a terrible pony I know, but I can't help it!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she put her head to the grass and slammed both hooves over her face.

“Why?” Twilight replied curiously.

I knew she was just playing stupid at this point. I already told her what happened between me and Rainbow Dash a week ago. This was part of the plan though.

“I kind of, sort of, got her off without meaning too. I was just adjusting her wings! Then she told me that she had a crush on me. I kind of panicked and flew off. I really meant to only wait a week and teach her again, but every time I see her, I get all wigged out around her! I'm not a foal fiddler Twilight, I swear!” Rainbow Dash replied in a panicked tone expecting the purple unicorn to be giving her a look of pure disgust at this point, yet to her shock she only smiled at her.

“Is that all?” Twilight asked still smiling at the cyan blue Pegasus who could only stare at her in confusion now.

“What do you mean, is that all? That's a big deal Twilight!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed sounding slightly offended at the purple unicorn's lack of sympathy at the moment.

“Not really. So what if she has a crush on you. I find it kind of cute actually.” Twilight replied with a smirk.

“Cute? Cute?! Twilight, I think your missing the point here. She has a crush on me, I can't teach her now that I know she'll be staring at my flank every time I take a pose to show her how to take off!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed in a annoyed tone now as she paced back and forth.

“So what if she stares. As long as she is learning how to fly, then that's all that matters right?” Twilight replied still smiling at the Pegasus.

Wait, is she playing mind games with her?

“Maybe, but it's embarrassing! I mean how would you like it if Sweetie Belle stared at what's under your tail every time you turned around to teach her how to cast a spell?” Rainbow Dash countered still sounding unconvinced.

“The way I see it, if it helps her learn, then she can stare at it all day for all I care. As long as she's learning is all that matters to me.” Twilight replied in a matter-of-fact tone.

“Wait, so I should encourage her to stare?” Rainbow Dash replied in a confused tone.

“I didn't say that. But if it helps her learn, then what better reward to encourage her to learn than to let her have some eye-candy? It's not like she's actually touching you.” Twilight replied with a smirk and a wink.

Yep, she's messing with her head. That kind of ticked me off a little. I didn't want to trick my idol into wanting to be with me, but I did my best to trust in Twilight's plan.

“I suppose you got a point. Still, it's weird having a filly younger than you stare at something you would think a stallion would ya know?” Rainbow Dash replied in an unsure tone but at least she seemed to be going along with the idea now.

“She's a growing filly Rainbow. She's stared at more than just your flank.” Twilight replied as she placed a hoof on the mare's shoulder.

“You think?” The cyan blue Pegasus asked sounding less nervous with the idea now.

“Yeah, I even caught her staring at mine earlier today when I spoke to her. The key is to not make a big deal out of it.” Twilight replied as she lowered her hoof, turned around, and began to walk away.

That was a lie, I never stared at her flank!

Okay,maybe once or twice...

“I guess I can teach her to fly now. Thanks Twilight! Your a lifesaver!” Rainbow Dash called out to the purple unicorn as she walked away towards were Scootaloo was hiding.

“You're up scoots. Just follow the plan and she'll be yours by sundown.” Twilight whispered as she walked past Scootaloo's hiding place.

That was my cue to pop from my hiding place after she was out of sight.

Scootaloo waited for Twilight to be out of sight before she dashed from the bushes putting on the act that Twilight had told her to put on. “I found you!” Scootaloo exclaimed as she feigned looking about for her friends in confusion. “Applebloom? Sweetie Belle?” Scootaloo asked still feigning confusion and then looked at Rainbow Dash whom was walking up to her now.

“Hey kid, how's it hanging?” Rainbow Dash asked in a slightly nervous tone.

“I'm doing great. Listen, I’m sorry for scaring you with my silly crush.” Scootaloo replied truthfully.

I really did feel terrible for scaring her like that.

“No sweat kid. Listen, I’m sorry for wigging out like I did. It was wrong of me to avoid you like I did just because you had a crush on me.” Rainbow Dash replied with a genuine smile now.

Hearing her say this really meant a lot to me.

“It's okay Rainbow Dash. I just wish I had better control over my stupid body at the time.” Scootaloo replied followed by a sigh only for the cyan blue Pegasus to place a hoof on her shoulder which caused her to look up at her idol.

“Don't sweat it kid. You're a growing filly. Things like that are bound to happen. So how about we pick up those flying lessons again?” Rainbow Dash replied as she watched the filly's eyes light up with excitement.

“Really?! Thank you so much! I'll do my best to pay attention this time!” Scootaloo exclaimed in excitement.

At this point, Twilight's plan was completely shot out of my mind and was replaced with my dream to fly. Looking back, I suppose this is the point where things started to go south.

“Alright, so lets pick up where we left off last time. Take off lessons.” Rainbow Dash replied as she walked to the center of the field followed by the orange Pegasus.

“Alright, now watch me closely and...” Rainbow Dash said took her take off position and trailed off as she looked behind herself noticing the filly once again entranced by what lie under tail. “Pay attention!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed in an annoyed tone with a blush which caused the filly to snap her gaze from the cyan blue Pegasus's hindquarters and look at her with a crimson red blush.

“S-Sorry!” Scootaloo exclaimed in a slightly panicked tone realizing that Rainbow Dash had seen what she was staring at.

“Geez kid, you know it's not polite to stare right?” Rainbow Dash replied in an annoyed tone then sighed. “Listen, you can stare all you want after you get off the ground, deal?” Rainbow Dash said a few moments after her initial statement barely able to believe the words coming out of her mouth. “Just remember what Twilight told you Rainbow, give her something to look forward to and she'll learn even faster.” Rainbow Dash thought to herself in an attempt to reenforce her confidence in the fact that this was a good idea.

I barely could believe what my ears were hearing. Did my idol just say I could stare at her hindquarters all I wanted to after I was able to take off from the ground?

“O-Okay!” Scootaloo exclaimed in a shocked yet excited tone and focused all her attention on her idol's take off pose now.

“Now then, back to the lessons.” Rainbow Dash replied as she resumed her take off pose. “Keep your wings flat and extended, from here, you just start running forward making sure to flap your wings quickly but not too quickly. This is meant to give you some loft and get the wind under your wings.” Rainbow Dash said in a matter-of-fact tone then burst into a run.

“From here, you gotta pick the exact moment when you feel the wind under your feathers and then...” Rainbow Dash exclaimed trailing off as she once again took off from the ground, made a mid-air flip, and landed right next to the filly. “Now you try.” Rainbow Dash replied with a smile.

“Okay!” Scootaloo exclaimed confidently this time around.

I had made sure to study every detail of the take off pose my idol had this time around and I couldn't be more proud of myself as I looked at her approving nod at my take off pose.

“Alright, you got the take off pose down kid, now it's time for the execution!” Rainbow Dash replied with a smirk. “Wow, Twilight was right. This kind of stuff really works!” Rainbow Dash thought to herself in shock at how quickly the filly was able to nail the take off position so well this time around.

To say I was nervous right now would be a drastic understatement. Being able to stare at my idol's hindquarters was the last thing on my mind at the present moment. What made me so nervous right now was possibly screwing up and falling flat on my face in front of my idol.

“Ready, set, go!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed ethusatically.

The filly hesitated at first but only at first and burst into flat out run making sure to follow her idol's instructions down to the letter.

I did exactly as Rainbow Dash had instructed and waited for the exact moment when I felt the wind under my wings and gave a mighty beat of my wings.

At first it looked as if the Pegasus had successfully managed to take off, but then she began to tip forward in the air, hit the grass hard, and skidded a few feet before she got back to all fours wearily. “Horseapples!” Scootaloo exclaimed in frustration as she stomped the ground angrily with her right front hoof.

“Hey, there's no call for such language kid, you gave it your best shot.” Rainbow Dash replied in a reassuring tone as she walked up next to the filly and placed a hoof on her shoulder.

My best shot wasn't good enough. No where good enough. My idol deserved a top class flier. And by Celestia, I was going to give her a first class flier!

Scootaloo whacked the cyan blue Pegasus's hoof away, took her take off pose again, and took off running again. “I know I can do this!” Scootaloo exclaimed aloud to herself as she ran as fast as her hooves would care her now as she waited for the exact moment again, found it, and attempted to take off again.

At first I thought I had done it, but then my face hit the grass again. I wasn't about to give up however. I knew I had improved somewhat because I stayed in the air a little longer than I did the last time. So I took my take off pose again and tried again...

and again...

and again...

“Hey kid, enough already! Your going to really hurt yourself! Take a break and we can try again tomorrow. I didn't know staring at my flank was so important to you.” Rainbow Dash replied trying to comfort the filly.

“This isn't about staring at your cunt! This is about me being what I am! I'm a Pegasus! Other ponies my age are already flying and I’m tired of being the only one who can't!” Scootaloo exclaimed flashing a glare at her idol for a moment before she took her take off pose again and burst into yet another run.

I was so pissed off at myself. I couldn't help it. I knew I could do it, I just knew it. Looking back I might have blurted out something I hadn't meant to, but no way you can change the past right?

Scootaloo looked up at the skies now as she ran as fast as her hooves could carry her. The sun was starting to set. “The sky is where I belong...Celestia guide my wings!” Scootaloo exclaimed in a fierce tone as she waited for that exact moment again.

Even though I had done this more times than I could count by now, something felt different this time, like something inside was telling me”You're going to do this time!”. This kind of feeling filled my entire being now and that's when I felt it, the exact moment. I gave a mighty beat of my wings at that precise moment.

The orange Pegasus's hooves left the ground as she took off successfully this time and began to soar through the air. “Whoo-hoo! Yeah!” Scootaloo exclaimed with a joyful victory shout to follow.

I could barely believe it. I was flying, I was really flying!

“Way to go kid!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed joyfully as she took off from the ground herself and flew along side of the orange Pegasus.

“This is so awesome! I'm flying! I'm really flying!” Scootaloo exclaimed joyfully.

“Congrats kid.” Rainbow Dash replied giving the orange Pegasus a pat on the back which caused her to swerve slightly and panic at first but she regained herself before she fell out of the sky.

“Um, Rainbow Dash?” Scootaloo asked after a few moments upon the realization of one important thing.

“What's up sport?” Rainbow Dash asked curiously.

“How do I land?” Scootaloo asked nervously.

“Ops.” Rainbow Dash remarked as she scratched the back of her head sheepishly.

Ops? What's ops? You can teach me how to land from here right?” Scootaloo replied feeling herself grow more nervous by the minuet.

“Just follow me, it's less painful to crash land into a cloud than the ground.” Rainbow Dash replied and banked left.

“Crash land? Your joking right?...right?” Scootaloo replied in a slightly panicked tone as she followed her idol to her house.

“omph, ow, eep, ouch!” Scootaloo exclaimed as she comically skidded to a halt in front of Rainbow Dash's cloud home.

“Welcome to my house kid.” Rainbow Dash said with a smile as she helped to the filly to all four hooves.

“Wow...” Scootaloo remarked in awe upon getting a decent look at her idol's house.

“It's nothing too fancy. There are cloud homes much better than mine.” Rainbow Dash replied modestly.

It was the first time I had ever seen my idol's house close up and it blew me away. I had seen it from afar many times before, but seeing it up close, it just left me stunned, almost unable to believe I was standing on the doorsteps to my idol's house...

The diaries of a mad Pegasus part 4

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“If this is going where I think it is, you can still those parts.” Rarity remarked in an uneasy tone.

“I can't. If I do, you will never understand why Rainbow Dash is the way she is towards me now.” Scootaloo replied in a matter-of-fact tone.

“F-Fine. Just try not to be too graphical.” Rarity replied with a blush.



“Come on in.” Rainbow Dash said as she opened the front door to her house and made a welcoming gesture to the filly.

It took everything I had in me not to squeal like a lame fan-filly as I walked past my idol and into her house.

“This is so cool. I've never seen the inside of a cloud home before.” Scootaloo remarked in awe as she looked around.

The inside of Rainbow Dash's home consisted of cloud made furniture, an end table, and a book shelf that was filled with every single book of the Daring Doo book series. “Daring Doo? I never took you for an egghead Rainbow Dash.” Scootaloo remarked with a smirk.

“Hey, don't knock them till you read them kid.” Rainbow Dash replied defensively in a slightly annoyed tone as she walked past the filly, sat down on one of her cloud chairs, took out a book, and began to read it. “Take a load off you're hooves kid. I'll take you home later this evening.” Rainbow Dash remarked as she put her hind hooves up on a cloud made hoofstool and began to read from her book.

“Sounds cool to me.” Scootaloo replied still feeling very exited as she sat down and looked around some more.

I took in my surroundings still barely able to believe I was in my idol's house. That is until my eyes fell upon my idol once again...

I knew she wasn't doing it on purpose, but her legs were wide open as she read her Daring Doo book which gave me a perfect view of her flower. I tried to look away, but I couldn't stop staring.

Rainbow Dash gave a slow glance from behind her book and noticed the filly was once again staring at what lay between her legs and felt herself grow hot around the cheeks. “Remember what Twilight told you Rainbow, don't make a big deal out of it. She flew after all. Just let her stare at it. No harm in just staring right?” Rainbow Dash thought to herself in a nervous tone as she resumed reading though she felt very uncomfortable right now.

I continued to stare at my prize feeling myself grow wetter by the moment. I soon realized my body was screaming for me to touch it, but I resisted it.

After a few more minuets of silence, Rainbow Dash gave another slow glance from behind her book and noticed the filly was still staring between her legs. “She's still staring? Geez, I thought she would have stopped staring by now.” Rainbow Dash thought to herself in a uneasy tone then did a double take as something caught her eye. “Wait a second, is...she...clopping?!” Rainbow Dash thought to herself dramatically as she felt her blush grow ten fold upon this realization and attempted to resume reading her book only to find herself somehow able to hear a very soft moaning now when she couldn't before.

I couldn't control myself, my body had a mind of it's own as my hoof trailed my clit doing my best to contain my moans.

“Just ignore it Rainbow, just ignore it. She's a growing filly right? After all, every pony needs some kind of outlet at some point right?” Rainbow Dash thought to herself as she once again attempted to read her book again only to hear a slightly louder moan escape the filly's lips which caused her ear to twitch slightly upon hearing this. “Celestia buck it all, I can't read like this!” Rainbow Dash thought to herself dramatically and was about to slam the book down only to halt herself before she began feeling a twinge of guilt ping inside her.

“If I over react again like last time, she might do something rash.” Rainbow Dash thought to herself and let out a silent sigh. “I'll just let her finish up and talk calmly to her about it afterwords.” Rainbow Dash thought to herself and attempted to resume reading.

I counted my blessings that my idol hadn't noticed my shameless act as my hoof strokes became more erratic and my muffled moans become louder with each passing moment. I imaged my face between her legs right now, tasting her, making her writhe in pleasure.

Though the cyan blue Pegasus continued to act as if she was unaware of the filly's actions at the moment, she couldn't help but shift uncomfortably in her chair as a musky scent began to fill the air. “I hope she finishes up soon, I don't know how much longer I can take this...!” Rainbow Dash thought to herself in a nervous tone then went wide eyed as felt a dampness under her flank now as she shifted in her seat. “Am I getting wet?!” The cyan blue Pegasus thought to herself in a mortified tone.

At first I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me as my hoof strokes continued to become more and more erratic. But I realized all too quickly my eyes weren't playing tricks on me. My idol's slit was actually growing wet before my very eyes. Did she know I was clopping to her right now? If so, why hadn't she called me on it already? And why is she getting aroused herself? Is she enjoying me clopping to her?

Regardless if she was aware of me or not, seeing my idol's slit leaking before my eyes was too much for me to bare as I began to quickly stroke my clit now pushing my body to it's climax which I shamelessly and uncontrollably cried out as it hit me full force.

This was it, I was busted.

Rainbow Dash finally placed the book down in front of her looking flushed herself and staring at the filly now as she lay slumped in the cloud chair now as her pussy gushed it's juices onto the cyan blue Pegasus's cloud chair.

“Could you be any louder?” Rainbow Dash asked in a slightly higher pitch than her normal tone.

“I-I-I'm so sorry Rainbow Dash! I couldn't control myself!” Scootaloo managed to exclaimed between huffs and puffs.

The cyan blue Pegasus ran a hoof through her mane and sighed heavily upon hearing this. “Listen, don't sweat it kid. The towels are in my bathroom, just clean up your mess after you recover.” Rainbow Dash replied, sighed again, stood up, left the room, and retreated to her bedroom.

I think about this time my brain froze. Did my idol just brush me clopping to her in the same room off as nothing? I guess she had left the room to avoid an awkward conversation.

Regardless, after I had recovered from my orgasm, I slid off the chair and made my way to Rainbow Dash's bathroom to get the towels to clean up after myself.

It was then I heard it.

It was barely audible but I knew what I had heard. Curiously, I slowly crept from the bathroom towards my idol's room. The door was left ajar so she must have been in a hurry. I peeked through the crack in the door frame and gave a audible gasp at the sight that met my eyes.

The cyan blue Pegasus gave a soft moan as she run a hoof along her cyan blue lips. “I can't believe I’m doing this.” Rainbow Dash remarked in a hushed tone arching up slightly as a wave of pleasure coursed through her body.

I think it was about now that something in me “snapped”. Before I knew what I was doing, I pushed her door wide open and walked in which caused my idol to panic, grab her cloud pillows and fling them over her.

“Dear Celestia, you ever heard of privacy kid?!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed with a crimson red blush on her face now.

I acted as if I hadn't heard a word of what she had just said as I jumped on her bed and crawled up next to her. She of course scooted away no sooner I grew close but I wouldn't let up. It was as if I was possessed and something else was controlling my actions at this point.

“K-Kid, back off! Your starting to creep me out!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed in a slightly panicked tone as she backed up more and more with each inch the filly moved closer to her until she fell backwards off her own bed with her flank laying against the side of the bed vertically.

There it was, right in front of my eyes now. The object of all my fantasies.

I leaned in now, dove my face between her hunches, and jabbed my tongue inside her, finally getting the taste of my idol I had fantasized about getting for the last year.

The cyan blue Pegasus cried out in shock now as she felt the filly's tongue assault her and attempted to scoot away only for Scootaloo to hold her firmly in place as she had her fill of the mare's juices. The position she was now in left her little room to use her wings to get away due to her backside being up against the bed.

The worst part to the cyan blue Pegasus wasn't the fact the filly was violating her. It was the fact that it was this very event she was just fantasizing about before the filly walked in that weighed on the mare's mind now. She was fighting every urge in her body to give in now.

“Sc-Scootaloo! St-Stop it!” Rainbow Dash shrieked in a frantic tone as she continued to try to get away futility tears in her eyes now.

I looked into my idol's eyes and at that exact moment, what ever had been possessing me vanished.

Scootaloo abruptly yanked her face from between Rainbow Dash's hunches, let out of her flanks, and backed away looking completely horrified now. “Wh-What was I doing?!” Scootaloo exclaimed in a horrified tone as she sat with her back to the headboard of her idol's bed.

I knew exactly what I had done but I couldn't believe it. I had just forced myself on my idol and violated her. What had I become? How could I let my fantasies override my judgment?

Rainbow Dash slowly got back to all four hooves and stared at Scootaloo still in shock over what had just happened. “She looks like she just saw a ghost. Did she even know what she was doing?” Rainbow Dash thought to herself curiously as she continued to look at the filly who was hyperventilating now as she stared seemingly into space still wearing the same horrified expression.

“Sc-Scootaloo....breath slower kid!” The cyan blue Pegasus managed to choke after a few minuets feeling her concern for the filly override her shock as she took note of how Scootaloo was behaving now.

I began to feel light headed, the room began to spin, and then at some point I think I passed out.



“If there was a word for how I felt about myself then, it wasn't in the equestrian dictionary. I had raped my idol, the pony I idolized, the pony I looked up to so much.”Scootaloo remarked in a sad tone as she wiped tears from her eyes fighting back the urge to sob.

“I can only imagine how you felt.” Rarity replied in a saddened yet stunned tone.

“No, you can't! You can't even begin to imagine what it felt like!” Scootaloo nearly shrieked at the white unicorn before she gasped in shock of her on actions and sighed.

“There's no way this can be an act. No filly can think up such a detailed story and behave as she was now unless it was real.” Rarity thought to herself in a sad tone. She finally believed what this filly was telling her. As hard as it was to swallow, this wasn't an elaborately made up lie. “Y-You don't have to continue if you don't want to.” Rarity said after a few moments aloud in a soft tone.

“N-No, it's okay. Just let me calm down.” Scootaloo replied as she wiped her eyes and sniffled.

“Let me get us something to eat.” Rarity said with a smile, stood up, walked into her kitchen, took a few daisy sandwiches out, and gasped in shock at first as two more magically appeared in there place before she remembered that Twilight had enchanted her fridge to give her an endless supply of food.

Rarity then walked back to the front room of her house, sat down next to the filly, and set both sandwiches down in front of them. “It must have been hard on you.” Rarity remarked in a sympathetic tone and took a bite of her sandwich.

“Yeah, it was.” Scootaloo replied in a soft tone, lifted up her own sandwich, and took a bite from it.

“Well, when you feel up to it, you can continue to tell me what happened. After all, we have nothing but time to talk thanks to Twilight.” Rarity replied ending her sentence on a sour note upon the mention of the purple unicorn.

“She just wants you to understand how Cheerilee and Sweetie Belle can love one another. She's not as crazy as she acts, believe me.” Scootaloo replied just before she took another bite of her sandwich.

Upon hearing this Rarity felt herself tense up as her rage began to fill again but she managed to suppress with with a heavy sigh. “There are better ways to help a pony see things their way than locking them in a house with a filly and expect them to fool around with her.” Rarity replied, the apathy clear in her voice as she spoke now as she did her best to suppress her anger.

“She wouldn't be doing this to you if she knew of any other way.” Scootaloo replied in an attempt to defend the purple unicorn's actions.

This topic was making the unicorn more ticked off by the moment so she deiced to change the topic. “Enough about Twilight darling, do you feel up to telling me the rest of your story?” Rarity asked doing her best to sound genuinely interested in hearing the rest even though she only wanted to change the topic.

“Yeah.” Scootaloo replied as she began to recall what happened next...



I opened my eyes wearily. At first I thought it was all a nightmare, that none of it really happened. But as I became more aware of my surroundings, it was more than obvious it was no nightmare.

It had really happened.

“Welcome back to the real world kid.” Rainbow Dash remarked with a smile.

“Did I really? Oh my gosh I did! I'm so sorry!” Scootaloo exclaimed in a panicked tone sitting upright quickly only for the cyan blue Pegasus to force her to lay back down.

“Calm down kid or you'll go into another panic attack.” Rainbow Dash replied in a concerned tone.

Was she acting like none of it ever happened? I didn't know, but I felt terrible right now. Like something vile that should be squashed on the spot.

“I'm a terrible pony.” Scootaloo remarked quietly after a few minuets of awkward silence.

“Hey, we all make mistakes. Live and learn right kid?” Rainbow Dash replied in a reassuring tone.

How could she act like it was nothing? I had just raped her for Celestia's sake! I didn't know why I was getting so angry at her right now. Maybe I wanted her to hate me for what I did. She had every right to after all.

“But I forced myself on you. I-I...” Scootaloo began to say only to trail off unable to bring herself to say the words.

“Kid, don't sweat it. We all make mistakes.” Rainbow Dash replied in a soft tone as she placed a hoof on her shoulder only for the Pegasus to yank away from her and glare at her.

“Stop acting like this is bucking nothing! I-I raped you! Hate me!” Scootaloo exclaimed in a pissed off tone.

“Your right, I should hate you right now. I should throw you out of my window and let you fend for yourself, you can fly now right?” Rainbow Dash replied dropping her supporting tone and looking at Scootaloo with a hurt expression now.

“So why not do it? Throw me out the window!” Scootaloo exclaimed as she sat upright again and stared at her.

I didn't know what I was saying to be honest. I guess I was hoping she would do it. With how I felt about myself right now, I wouldn't have bothered to even open my wings if she had.

“Don't be such a featherbrain, I couldn't do that.” Rainbow Dash replied in the soft tone still looking at the filly with a hurt expression.

“Why not?! Do it! Throw me out the window! Hate me, hate me blast you!” Scootaloo shrieked as she flung herself at the mare and began to beat at her side only for the mare to wrap her hooves around the filly and hug her tightly.

I repeated the words “hate me” so many times I can't begin to even count. My punches weren't even strong to begin with and the more I repeated the words, the more I felt my anger be replaced with grief. I soon found myself sobbing the words into her chest. Yet she never struck me, never yelled at me, she just held me.

“Why don't you hate me?” Scootaloo managed to choke out between sobs now looking up at her idol.

“Because I really don't think you knew what you were doing.” Rainbow Dash replied in a soft tone as she bit her lip as if to hide something.

The look on my idol's face gave me a gut feeling she was hiding something. So I decided to dig a little so to speak.

“Is there something else? Did I do something else?” Scootaloo asked in a soft tone as she moved herself away from the cyan blue Pegasus to get a decent look at her now.

“N-No, it's not that.” Rainbow Dash replied without thinking, went slightly wide-eyed, and sighed.

“Then what is it?” Scootaloo asked curiously as she wiped her nose with another sniffle.

“It's nothing.” The cyan blue Pegasus replied looking away now.

My mind began to race with possible horrible things I could have possibly done to her. I had to know what she was hiding.

“If I did anything else to you, please tell me.” Scootaloo replied in a worried tone.

“Kid, drop it. It's nothing. Lets just get you home.” Rainbow Dash replied as she jumped off the bed and began to walk towards the door only for the orange Pegasus to run in front of her and block her way.

“Tell me! What did I do?!” Scootaloo exclaimed in a panicked tone.

“It wasn't anything you did kid, it was me!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed in annoyance only to once again go wide-eyed as if she said something she hadn't meant to.

Wait, what? If it wasn't anything I did, why is she acting as if it was so bad?

“What do you mean? What did you do?” Scootaloo asked in a confused tone.

“N-Nothing. Look, just drop it kid.” Rainbow Dash replied as she attempted to walk past the filly only for her to block her path again.

I still thought it was something I had done that she was just protecting me from. So I wasn't about to let her leave until she told me.

“If your trying to protect me from feeling any worse about myself, it's too late for that, so out with it.” Scootaloo replied looking into the cyan blue Pegasus's eyes now.

“I just said it was nothing you did kid. Just drop it!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed in a heated tone and attempted to move past her again only for her to block her path yet again.

“Quit lying! I know it was something I did! Now tell me, what did I do to you?!” Scootaloo nearly shrieked now.

“Fine, you really want to know?! It was you clopping to me, that's what! If you hadn't been clopping to me in the first place I would have never been in here fantasizing about-!” Rainbow Dash began to exclaim only for her to cut herself off mid-sentence and go pale.

The thought that went though my mind at this moment was “Hold on a second here, what the heck did she mean by that?” and I wanted to find out.

“About what?” Scootaloo asked feeling her curiosity peaked.

The cyan blue Pegasus stared at the filly now as an awkward silence ensued between the two for sometime until she finally spoke. “It was wrong of me. I shouldn't have been...” Rainbow Dash said in a soft tone trailing off now as looked down at her floor.

“Shouldn't have been what?” The orange Pegasus asked trying to push to get the cyan blue Pegasus to spill it. Instead however, another awkward silence ensued before she spoke up again.

“It wasn't initial at first, it just sort of popped in my head and stuck itself there. I couldn't get it out of my head once it was there.” Rainbow Dash replied in a guilty tone and sighed as she ran a hoof through her mane.

Okay now she was just dancing around the the topic and that annoyed me a little.

“What was it about?” Scootaloo asked curiously.

Upon hearing this the cyan blue Pegasus ran her hoof though her mane once again and sighed. “It was about you okay?” Rainbow Dash replied, walked over to her bed, sat on the edge of it, and put both hooves on her face. “I'm such a lame featherbrain.” Rainbow Dash remarked after a few moments with a sigh while Scootaloo just stared at her idol with a dumbfounded expression.

I think it was about this time my brain broke. My idol was fantasizing about me? I could barely believe it.

“What was it about?” Scootaloo asked aloud without thinking as she walked up to the bed and sat next to her.

“Geez kid, really?” Rainbow Dash replied with a blush and sighed. “Fine, it was about you coming in and dominating me.” Rainbow Dash replied as she ran her hoof through her mane again.

“You mean I wasn't hurting you? You were willing?” Scootaloo replied in a hopeful tone.

“Not at first, but I was getting there.” Rainbow Dash replied with a half smile until she abruptly slammed both hooves on her face again. “I can't believe I'm having this conversation.” Rainbow Dash remarked dismally.

It was at this point I wondered if I should take a gamble or not. Despite what had just happened, despite the fact I still felt bad for what I did, I was now debating on whether or not I should act.

“So, um, if I were to try and come onto you right now, would you resist me?” The filly asked without think at which point Rainbow Dash yanked her face from her hooves and stared at the orange Pegasus.

“I hope you're joking.” Rainbow Dash replied in a worried tone.

It was now or never. I could only hope my gut feeling was right.

Without warning Scootaloo groped the cyan blue Pegasus's mound and began to kiss her chest much to Rainbow Dash's shock. “K-Kid, what the hay are you doing?!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed in a panicked tone as Scootaloo continued to kiss along her lower stomach and rub her hoof against the cyan blue Pegasus's clit.

“Buck,Buck,Buck!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed in a panicked tone before she let out a defeated moan finally giving in to the filly's assault and slowly laid herself back onto the bed.

Looks like my gut feeling was right. She secretly wanted me to dominate her. This was a huge relief for me and allowed me to fully enjoy myself now as I continued to grope my idol and kiss her lower chest.

“Buck,buck,buck!” Rainbow Dash managed to choke out between pleasurable moans as she filly slowly went down on her idol and began to lick her moistening slit.

“You're such a dirty mouthed pony Dashy.” Scootaloo remarked with a smirk before she dipped her tongue into the mares cyan blue pussy lips which caused the Pegasus to arch up and moan out.

I could only image what was going through my idol's mind at the moment as I made her hump into my face involuntarily at random times. All the while I made sure she couldn't scoot away from me. She tried to a few times, but I held onto her hunches firmly making sure she couldn't escape my tongue.

This seemed to make her moan out even more as if she really enjoyed not being in control. I thought I would take a gamble and see if I could take it a step farther.

“You're a filly fiddler, aren't you Dashy?” Scootaloo asked with a lustful grin before she dove her tongue back into her idol's dripping cunt tasting ever inch of her inner walls.

“I'm such a filly fiddler, uhh, buck,buck,buck!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed once again cursing multiple times as she moaned out once again.

This was it, I had broke her. She was mine now. I could make her say or do anything I wanted now. It was all my fantasies coming true.

Scootaloo continued her assault on the cyan blue Pegasus's snatch grinning ear to ear paying close attention to Rainbow Dash's breathing which was becoming more erratic now.

She was very close now, I could tell.

Scootaloo then abruptly stopped her pleasurable assault on the mare who looked down at her now with a desperate expression. “W-Why did you stop?” Rainbow Dash asked in a breathless tone.

“Say, I'm a dirty filly fiddler.” Scootaloo replied with a grin.

“I'm a dirty filly fiddler.” Rainbow Dash replied in a breathless tone.

“Say it like you mean it.” Scootaloo replied with a smirk as she gave the cyan blue Pegasus a teasing lick against her clit causing her to bite her lip hard feeling herself so close now.

“I'm a dirty filly fiddler.” The cyan blue Pegasus replied with a little more effort now.

“I said say it like you mean it!” Scootaloo exclaimed giving the cyan blue Pegasus another teasing lick.

“I'm a dirty filly fiddler!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed nearly at the top of her lungs now unable to take the teasing any longer at which point the orange Pegasus leaned forward now focusing solely on her clit, nibbling and sucking on it which pushed the mare over the edge causing her to cry out as she came.

Scootaloo then climbed onto the bed, motioned for her idol to scoot back so that her head rested on the headboard of her bed, climbed on top of her, placed each one of her hind hooves on each side of the cyan blue Pegasus's head with her orange puffy slit hovering right above her now, put her forehooves on the head of the bed, and looked down at her.

“Eat out me out, you dirty filly fiddler.” Scootaloo said in a lustful tone to her idol whom folded her ears back now but she obeyed her.

The filly moaned out in pure bliss as she felt her idol's tongue begin to assault her orange flower. She could feel it dipping inside her, reaching ever inch of her inner walls. “Th-That's it, eat me out like the dirty filly fiddler you are!” Scootaloo exclaimed between moans as Rainbow Dash continued to run her tongue around inside the filly's now dripping slit.

I felt so bad for treating my idol like this, but if this is how she wanted it, I would gladly treat her this way.

Scootaloo could feel her orgasm closing in now, her body was heating up, and it wouldn't be long before she came all over her idol's face just as she had done in so many of her fantasies. “Tell me you want my filly juices.” Scootaloo said in a lustful tone as she moaned out, when the cyan blue Pegasus didn't reply however she reached down and held her face with both hooves looking at her now.

“Tell me you want my filly juices, you dirty filly fiddler!” Scootaloo exclaimed in a fierce tone causing the cyan blue Pegasus to flinch slightly.

At first I thought I had taken it too far. I felt a ping of guilt in my chest start to swell up as I looked into my idol's eyes now. But just before I could apologize she spoke up.

“I want your filly juices!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed in a desperate tone at which point Scootaloo smiled at her and allowed her to continue to eat her out.

“If you want them so badly you dirty filly fiddler, you can have every last drop!” Scootaloo exclaimed moments before her orgasm came crashing down on her body which caused her puffy orange pussy to spasm and gush it's juices all over her idol's face whom quickly lapped at her slit now attempting to get as much as possible into her mouth before the filly's legs gave way and she collapsed on top of the cyan blue Pegasus and rolled over to her side huffing and puffing.

“I...can't..believe I just did that.” Rainbow dash remarked breathlessly before she turned her head to look at Scootaloo with a slightly worried expression.

“That was so awesome!” Scootaloo managed to exclaim between huffs and puffs as her chest heaved.

“There's no going back now is there?” Rainbow Dash asked aloud looking up at the ceiling of her bedroom now.

“Nope, but that doesn't matter does it?” Scootaloo replied as she nuzzled her head against her idol whom ran a hoof through the filly's mane still not looking at the ceiling.

“Guess not.” The cyan blue Pegasus replied in a thoughtful tone.

“And you're mine forever right?” Scootaloo replied as she planted a kiss on the cyan blue Pegasus's cheek whom finally looked at her at this point.

“Y-Yes. I've gone past the point of no return now. I'm yours forever.” Rainbow Dash replied in a soft tone looking at her now.

“Good.” Scootaloo remarked with a giggle.



“It wouldn't till nearly a month later until I realized she didn't love me back. She only stayed with me because she thought she didn't have any choice. I should have followed Twilight's plan, but I was a featherbrain and completely spaced it. Now she will never love me.” Scootaloo remarked followed by a sigh.

Rarity was now torn. On the one hoof she wanted to feel sorry for the filly, but on the other she still couldn't accept the idea that a mare could love a filly and this in her mind was proof. Yet she couldn't shake the torn feeling. “I guess, maybe it just wasn't meant to be.” Rarity replied slowly choosing her words carefully while at the same time trying to be supportive to the filly.

“Maybe, but I know that Cheerilee loves Sweetie Belle. And that's why I told you what happened with me and Rainbow Dash. Do you understand now Rarity?” Scootaloo replied looking at the unicorn now with a hopeful expression now.

“I'm sorry to say that while I do feel sorry for you Scootaloo, you've told me nothing that proves Cheerilee could see my little sister as anything more than a sex toy.” Rarity replied allowing some of her anger to slip into her words as she spoke now.

“Ugh! This is going to take longer than I thought.” Scootaloo remarked with a facehoofing gesture and a sigh...

Sweetie Belle's Lament

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A day by now had past and Rarity found herself unable to sleep though Scootaloo had managed to and by the time the filly had woken up the mare's eyes were bloodshot and fatigued as she walked Scootaloo walk down stairs from her bedroom. “Morning Rarity, how did you...sleep?” Scootaloo asked trailing off slightly as her eyes fell upon the unicorn.

“I didn't, but thanks for asking.” Rarity replied as she now was sewing a dress together. “I suppose I should count my blessings that I have a good supply of fabric in my house to keep me busy.” The unicorn remarked aloud in a tired tone as she continued to focus on making her dress.

“You could always ask Twilight to enchant the fabric to replicate itself like the food.” Scootaloo replied in a friendly tone only for the unicorn to suddenly rip a hole in her dress and tense up.

“Please don't mention that unicorn's name around me. It bad enough she has be trapped in my own home like some criminal.” Rarity replied gritting her teeth between words as she spoke.

“This isn't some kind of prison Rarity. Twilight told me she would give you anything you want.” Scootaloo replied trying her best to comfort the unicorn.

“Anything? She can let me out here then.” Rarity replied in an aggravated tone as she resumed sewing again still not looking behind herself.

“Except that.” Scootaloo replied as she flattened her ears with an saddened expression.

“I thought so.” Rarity replied in a huffy tone as she began to fix the hole she made in her dress.

Another hour past now and Scootaloo was really starting to worry about the unicorn. “You really should sleep Rarity. It's not healthy for a pony to stay up all night and all day.” Scootaloo remarked in a concerned tone.

“Thank you for your concern darling, but I simply can not sleep. I'm too furious with a certain unicorn to be able to sleep.” Rarity replied doing her best to sound polite but in her state of mind she couldn't have come a crossed ruder if she tried.

It was at this point Twilight appeared in a flash of magic in the room. “So, how are you two doing?” Twilight asked in a chipper tone.


Hearing the purple unicorn's voice caused Rarity to tear the dress she was working on in two with her magic which caused both ponies to flatten their ears and look at her. “Not so good...” Scootaloo replied in a apprehensive tone with a worried expression.

“Rarity, you look terrible.” Twilight remarked in a concerned tone as Rarity turned around to look at her.

“Do I? Well, it's not as if you would care.” Rarity replied sourly as she walked up the purple unicorn.

“Rarity, that was mean of you to say.” Twilight replied in a hurt tone with an expression to match it.

“Do I look like I give a flying buck?!” Rarity exclaimed flashing a glare as she shouted into the purple unicorn's face.

Upon hearing this Twilight's jaw dropped while Scootaloo looked as if her brain had frozen. Rarity had NEVER cursed in her life. She would often say that she was above such language. And to hear her friend say this and in such a rude manner to her sent the purple unicorn's mind reeling.

“R-Rarity, you need sleep.” Twilight replied after a few awkward moments in the same concerned tone.

Upon hearing this Rarity's left ear gave a double twitch along her with right eye. “Sleep? Sleep you say? Prey tell, how am I supposed to sleep when my little sister is most likely being violated by a filly fiddler at the moment Twilight?! Tell me, hmm?! Go ahead!” Rarity roared still barely than a foot away from the purple unicorn's face as she shouted these words.

“She's not unwilling if that's what your thinking! She choose to be with Cheerilee! Get that through your thick skull!” Twilight exclaimed finally getting tired of being shouted at now.

“Get out of my sight Twilight Sparkle! Get out of my sight before I do something I will regret!” Rarity exclaimed as she levitated a manikin next to her with a threatening glare.

“Okay,Okay...fine, I'll go.” Twilight replied in a cautious tone backing away slowly now then looked at Scootaloo. “Try to help her get some sleep. She isn't her self right now, I’ll be back in a day or so.” Twilight whispered to the filly before she disappeared in a flash of magic.

“R-Rarity, she's gone. You can put the manikin down now.” Scootaloo said in a cautious tone of her own as she walked up to the white unicorn who was shaking from head to hooves at the moment.

Without warning Rarity let the object drop, fell to her underside, and began to sob loudly. “Look at me! I've been reduced to vulgar language and petty threats!” Rarity exclaimed between sobs as the filly walked over and placed a hoof on her shoulder.

“It-It's going to be okay Rarity, you're just really tired is all. All you need is a good night's sleep and you'll be yourself again.” The filly replied in a supportive tone doing her best to comfort the mare now.

“I can't sleep, not as long as my little sister is out there with that, that filly fiddler!” Rarity exclaimed between sobs.

“Oh Rarity...If only you could understand...” Scootaloo thought with a sigh as she continued to be supportive of the mare.



Sweetie Belle looked out her window as the seemingly endless fields and trees passed by in blurs with a hoof resting on Cheerilee's. “I wonder what Twilight is doing to help Rarity understand?” Sweetie Belle thought to herself curiously and sighed aloud.

“Are you okay Sweetie Belle?” Cheerilee asked in a concerned tone as she looked down at her lover who looked saddened.

“Sort of.” Sweetie Belle replied honestly.

“Are you having second thoughts? If so, I can ask the conductor to let you stay on the train for the return trip.” Cheerilee replied in a soft tone as she rubbed the filly's hoof gently as she looked at her.

“No, I'm not having second thoughts. It's just that I'm worried about Rarity is all.” Sweetie Belle replied and sighed again.

“She'll be just fine sweetheart, Twilight would never do anything to hurt her.” Cheerilee replied in a supportive tone as she gave the filly a soft hug.

“I know, I just can't help but worry about her.” Sweetie Belle replied in a soft tone as she recalled the days that lead up to them being exposed...



School was back in full swing now and even though it was hard to be away from my love, I could at least see her every day when I went to school. I would always stay after class once school was out to give her a kiss and possibly a little more each day after class. Today though, I think I went a little overboard.

“Sw-Sweetie Belle! Not here! We can't do it here!” Cheerilee exclaimed in panicked tone as the filly groped the earth pony's mound and suckled her teats for a few moments longer before she finally let up and stopped panting loudly.

“S-Sorry. I lost control of myself.” Sweetie Belle replied breathlessly as she regain her composure.

It had been one month and three weeks now since we had done anything and my body was screaming for intimate contact with my lover. The gift she gave me helped, but in my mind, it was nothing more than a tease compared to her touch.

“It's okay. Listen, maybe you can ask Rarity if you could stay with me this weekend? Just tell her it's a Cram session and I’m sure she'll say yes.” Cheerilee replied with a wink as she walked towards the door and opened for her.

Cram session. I couldn't help but giggle at her choice of words. It would be a cram session alright. Cramming my hoof inside her, cramming my face between her hunches, oh yeah, it would be a real good “cram session”.


“I'm sorry Sweetie Belle, but I can not allow that.” Rarity replied with a frown.

“Why?” Sweetie Belle asked in a whiny tone.

“Did you already forget that you promised me you would help me with sizing the filly sized dresses for my new foal clothing line this weekend? I admire your enthusiasm for learning darling, but this set of dresses must be done before the end of the month and I can't do it without you.” Rarity replied in a matter-of-fact tone.

“Oh right, sorry.” Sweetie Belle replied in a guilty tone as her ears flattened in dismay.

I had completely spaced I had promised to help my big sister with her new clothing line this weekend. Couldn't haven picked worse timing to agree to this if I tried.

“Oh and umm, Sweetie Belle. I was cleaning up your room this morning and I found something rather interesting under your bedsheets. Would you care to explain to me where you got this?” Rarity asked with an inquiring look as she hovered Cheerilee's gift to the filly before her eyes at which point she went beat red.

My chest went ice cold as my eyes fell upon the love egg. I had forgotten to hide it after I was done with it last night. My mind was blank, I had no idea of what to tell her.

“I-I-I....” Sweetie Belle stammered before she trailed off unable to think up a good reason.

“Well? I'm waiting for an answer young filly.” Rarity replied as her tone became more stern as she spoke now.

I had to think of something to tell her. My mind was racing so fast right now and I could have swore my heart was ready to burst from my chest as it thumped against my ribcage.

Then I got an idea, not a very good idea, but it would at least keep Rarity from figuring out that Cheerilee had given it to me.

“I-I-I stole it from Cheerilee's house when she wasn't looking.” Sweetie Belle lied.

“Stole it? Sweetie Belle, do you even have any idea what this is used for?” Rarity asked curiously looking at the filly with a disapproving stare now.

“Y-Yes...I know all too well.” Sweetie Belle replied without meaning to say those exact words as a crimson red blush formed on her face upon realizing what she had just said.

It took the unicorn a few moments to catch on, but once she had she suddenly let the toy drop to the ground with her magic looking slightly pale now. “Ahem, well. I want you to return this to Cheerilee immediately. I understand that you're a growing filly, but nothing excuses theft. And I want you to come right back afterward, do you hear me?” Rarity replied in a matter-of-fact tone with a stern look despite the fact she still looked pale at the moment.

As Sweetie Belle picked up the toy in preparation to take it back to Cheerilee's house she could hear her sister muttering something to the degree of “I touched that thing with my hooves.” Along with an audible shutter.


Cheerilee's face went slightly pale as the filly told her what happened but sounded relieved when she heard what she had told her sister. “I should have given you something less erotic. I'm sorry you had to lie Sweetheart.” Cheerilee remarked with a sigh as she took the toy inside followed by the filly whom closed the door behind her.

As long as Rarity didn't find out about us, I was more than happy to “Take one for the team”.

“I can't stay either, even before she confronted me about the toy, I forgot I had promised her that I would help her with her foal dress line this weekend.” Sweetie Belle replied followed by a sigh.

“Well shoot, I was hoping for some alone time.” Cheerilee replied with a frown.

“Me too...” Sweetie Belle replied and sighed once again.

An silence ensued between the two for a short time before Sweetie Belle finally spoke up. “I guess I should go. My sister will wonder where I am if I take too long.” Sweetie Belle replied, turned around, and began to leave only for Cheerilee to whirl her around and lock lips with her.

I immediately found my hindquarters growing soaking wet no sooner I locked lips with my lover, but just before I lost control she broke the kiss.

“I want you so badly right now.” Sweetie Belle remarked in a breathless tone with a dreamy expression as the earth pony retracted her face from the filly's lips.

“The feeling is mutual, but Rarity is waiting for you is she not?” Cheerilee replied as she fanned her face with a hoof as if to cool herself off.

If there was one time that I wished Cheerilee would disregard Twilight's warnings and make love to me, this was it. Unfortunately for me, her resolve was a lot stronger than mine now.

“Yeah, she is. This sucks!” Sweetie Belle remarked as she stomped a hoof to the floor in sexual frustration.

“There's always next weekend.” Cheerilee replied with a smirk as she opened the door the the unicorn.

Next weekend, sure. Providing Rarity didn't ground me for the next month because I “stole Cheerilee's toy”...


“I'm what?!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed in a horrified tone as Rarity ran the measuring tape over her flanks and sides.

“You heard me young filly. I had a chat with Cheerilee yesterday and we both agreed it was best all round. You're grounded.” Rarity replied in a matter-of-fact tone.

Just my luck, my body had been screaming for my lover's touch for the last month and a half and now I would have to wait even longer before I could feel her tongue between my legs. I hated being treated like a filly.

“B-But what about Cheerilee's lessons? She said she wanted to help me improve on math and other stuff more during the weekends.” Sweetie Belle replied in a pleading tone hoping to find a loophole in her punishment.

“Don't worry about that darling, I spoke with Cheerilee about that as well and we agreed she could come over her and tutor you still on the weekends. I would never let your punishment come in the way of giving you a education.” Rarity replied with a smile.

Just what was Cheerilee thinking? There was no way we could find any time to make love with my sister in the house. Even if we did it in my room, I’m a far cry from the most quiet filly in Ponyville when I have a tongue between my legs.

“Well don't get all too excited at once darling, I didn't have to let her come over and tutor you.” Rarity remarked with a slight frown at the filly's lack of joy in light of this news.

“Thank you Rarity. This means a lot to me.” Sweetie Belle finally replied with a teary eyed expression now.

“You really want to get a good education don't you?” Rarity replied with a smile as she continued to measure the filly.

Thought my big sister didn't know why I was emotional right now. It meant a lot to me that she was letting me spend time with Cheerilee. Even if it wasn't for the reasons she thought it was...



I could have swore my heart skipped a beat as I heard a knock at the door. I didn't know why I was so nervous. Maybe I was afraid I wouldn't be able to control myself, even with my sister around. Maybe it was that I was worried Cheerilee would let down her defenses around her.

Regardless, I was a nervous wreck as my big sister answered the door and let Cheerilee inside who had two saddle packs filled with books.

“Hello Cheerilee. Good to see you.” Rarity said motioning for the earth pony to walk in the house.

“Good to see you too Rarity.” Cheerilee replied with a warm smile and looked at the filly whom looked nervous as ever. “Hello Sweetie Belle, are we ready to learn?” Cheerilee asked with a smile.

At first I couldn't utter a single word, my nerves felt like they were shot now but I managed a feeble nod at the very least.

“Sweetie Belle? Are you okay? You're sweating.” Rarity asked in a concerned tone.

“Oh I'm fine! It's just so hot in here.” Sweetie Belle replied quickly with a nervous giggle.

“Oh that's my fault. You see Cheerilee, I'm heating up some fire rubies for my latest dress. For them to shine at their best, they need to be heated for several hours before you can cool them.” Rarity replied with a sheepish smile.

“It's quite alright Rarity. I'm sure they will look absolutely dazzling by the time you're done with them.” Cheerilee replied with a soft smile.

Upon hearing the word “Dazzling” the mare's eyes lit up in alarm. “Oh goodness! I forgot the dazzle stones! If I don't apply them exactly thirty minuets before the fire rubies, the entire dress will be ruined!” Rarity exclaimed looking back at her dress, ran over to her desk, grabbed her saddle pack, ran for the door, and stopped to look at Cheerilee. “Cheerilee, would you be a darling and watch Sweetie Belle for me while I go out for a few hours?” Rarity asked in a rushed tone.

“Of course. I am here to tutor her after all.” Cheerilee replied with a warm smile.

“Thank you so much! I'll be back in a few hours Sweetie Belle, try not to break anything while I’m gone.” Rarity replied in the same hurried tone before she rushed out the door forgetting to even close it behind her.

As my sister ran out of sight I could feel a nervous feeling begin to swell up in my chest, but it was a good kind of nervous feeling. No sooner my sister was out of sight, Cheerilee kicked the door shut, knelled down, and began to make out with me.

“We'll have to make this quick, no telling when your sister will come back.” Cheerilee remarked between kisses as she lost her hooving and fell on top of the filly somewhat.

“O-Okay!” Sweetie Belle replied between kisses as she felt her hindquarters grow soaking wet in a matter of moments no sooner the kissing had began.

The room was blazing hot, our fur and manes quickly became matted down as our hooves trailed over each others bodies. I don't know how much time had passed now since we had begun, but I knew one thing.

I wanted to taste my lover again.

“Lay on your back.” Sweetie Belle said in a breathless tone to which Cheerilee obeyed without question.

I dove my mouth into her love tunnel without a second thought and jabbed my tongue inside her. The mixture of sweat and her juices filled my mouth now as I continued to make my lover moan out.

“Sweet Celestia, mmmph! It's been too long since I’ve had that lovely tongue of yours between my legs.” Cheerilee managed to say between moans as her body humped into the filly's face involuntarily as she continued her pleasurable assault between the earth ponies hunches.

Between the heat in the room right now and my own juices leaking down my hind legs, I couldn't wait for my turn. First thing, first however. Making my lover gush her love juices all over my face.

“I love you so much Sweetie Belle!” Cheerilee moaned out as she came hard giving a orgasmic cry that was probably much too loud, but neither of them cared as Sweetie Belle went to town on the mare's now gushing slit, lapping at it in an attempt to get as much of her orgasmic juices in her mouth as possible.

“I'm back, the store was out of-” Rarity's voice come from behind the two only to be cut off by the sight that beheld her now.

As if on impulse I literally jumped away from Cheerilee's wet slit and stared at my sister whom seemed to be frozen in place mouth agape, and unable to speak.

My worst fears were now becoming a reality before my very eyes, there was no way I could pass off what she had just saw as nothing. I couldn't speak, I couldn't move, I couldn't even think. All I could do was stare at my sister right now.

Cheerilee's face went as pale as it could possibly go as she caught her breath, stood up to all four hooves, and stood in place.

“” Rarity asked in a very slow yet stunned tone.

It seemed like her brain was finally catching up with what her eyes had seen now. My however still hadn't recovered.

“R-Rarity.” Cheerilee began to say only for Rarity's gaze to snap in her direction.

“Oh I understand alright, you are a sick and twisted mare who gets her kicks from molesting unsuspecting fillies! Now back away from her or you won't live to regret it" Rarity exclaimed as she grew closer and closer only for Sweetie Belle to jump from behind Cheerilee and stand in front of her.

It was at this point as I saw my sister barreling down on my lover with hostile intent that my brain finally kicked back into full gear and I flung myself in front of my lover.

“Sweetie Belle, don't try to protect me. I don't want anything to happen to you.” Cheerilee said in a panicked tone as the filly walked up to Rarity stopping her older sister just short of the earth pony.

“Move aside Sweetie Belle, I'm not upset with you. But this mare, she knew what she was doing, she knew what she was doing every time she...” Rarity trailed off unable to say the words as her rage filled her more than ever.

My entire body was shaking, my heart seemed to threaten to explode from my chest, and my chest felt ice cold, but I stood firm. No way in Equestria was I about to allow anypony to harm my lover.

Not even my blood sister!

“So did I! Stop treating me like I’m a foal! I'm practically a teenager for pony's sake! I love Cheerilee! So bucking deal with it!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed in a pissed off tone with an expression to match it which caused the mare to be taken back at first but her sister's words.

“Don't worry Sweetie Belle, after I deal with this mare, we'll get you some real help and you'll see exactly what she had done to you.” Rarity said in a soft tone to her younger sister before she moved her to the side with magic and prepared to charge.

I attempted to get back in front of my sister to stop her again, but she was already into a full gallop. I could only watch in horror as my heart dropped to the pit of my stomach at the impending harm that was about to befall my lover.

Then as if by chance, Twilight appeared right in front of her. I didn't know how she knew what had happened, but I was forever grateful to her as a mild relief washed over me.

“Rarity, What's going on?! I heard shouts on my way to Fluttershy's house.” Twilight asked in a worried tone at which point the unicorn pointed a shaking hoof at Cheerilee.

“This mare right here, she messed with Sweetie Belle! She-She...” Rarity attempted to say only to trail off feeling her words become overpowered by her sheer rage.

“I understand.” Twilight replied in a solemn tone as she looked over at Cheerilee.

At first I had thought that Twilight had betrayed us, but much to my shock she levitated an object unknown to my sister and cracked her over the back of the head knocking her out.

“Tw-Twilight?! What have you done?!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed in horror.

At first I had thought Twilight had just murdered my sister before my eyes, but then I noticed she was still breathing and felt yet another rush of mild relief wash over me.

“Cheerilee, grab Sweetie Belle and run!” Twilight exclaimed in a panicked tone.

“But Twilight, what about you?” Cheerilee asked in a worried tone as she lifted Sweetie Belle up and put the filly onto her back.

“Don't worry about me, I'll sort things out here! Now go!” Twilight exclaimed at which point Cheerilee dashed from the carousel boutique as fast as her hooves could carry her.

I guess looking back at it now. Our biggest mistake was doing it in my sister's house...



The orange Pegasus now sat next to a sleeping Rarity and gave a sigh of relief. “She must have cried herself to sleep...” Scootaloo remarked thoughtfully as she stood up, walked into the kitchen, and grabbed a daisy sandwich out. “If it weren't for my big mouth, she wouldn't have even ran back to her house and we wouldn't even be here right now.” Scootaloo remarked sourly with a sigh.


Scootaloo and Applebloom ran about the path now laughing and playing until their eyes fell upon a very rushed and hurried Rarity. “Hey Rarity, what's got ya in such a hurry?” Applebloom asked curiously at which point Rarity stopped to look at the two smiling fillies.

“Oh, I’m off to get some dazzle stones for my newest dress.” Rarity replied with a smile and decided to take a moment to catch her breath as she spoke with fillies.

“Can Sweetie Belle come out to play?” Scootaloo asked curiously.

“Sorry Scootaloo, she's grounded for stealing from Cheerilee. Such a wonderful mare that Cheerilee is, she volunteered to take care of her while I went out for the gems I needed.” Rarity replied with a smile.

“Oh, She's probably taking real good care of her right now.” Scootaloo remarked with a giggle only to get a hoof to the side by the farm pony.

“What's that supposed to mean?” Rarity asked looking at the orange Pegasus curiously now.

“N-Nothin! Just Scootaloo bein a featherbrain is all!” Applebloom exclaimed nervously at which point Rarity's attention was yanked to the farm pony.

“Is there something I should know about Cheerilee and Sweetie Belle?” Rarity asked in a concerned tone.

“Nope, nothing at all. It's not like their messing around or anything.” Scootaloo replied nervously only to get another hoof to the side from the farm pony.

Upon hearing this, Rarity's face went slightly pale. “Of course not.” Rarity replied in a nervous tone of her own now as she turned about face and began to head back in the direction of her house.

“Uh, Rarity. The gem store is the other way.” Applebloom said in a nervous tone.

“I know, I just forgot something at home is all.” Rarity replied as she began to run back home.

“You featherbrain! Now Rarity is fixin to bust the two while their hoof knockin!” Applebloom exclaimed as she gave the orange Pegasus a swift whack to the back of her head.

“What makes you think their doing it anyways?” Scootaloo replied in a skeptic tone.

“Ya don't use your eyes do ya? The looks on the two's faces the last week or so have had that, we need to get a room, look to em! And they just got time alone when Rarity left the house.” Applebloom replied and facehoofed.

“Oh horseapples! They're gonna get busted!” Scootaloo exclaimed in a panicked tone.

“Quick as a whip ain't ya?” Applebloom replied in a sarcastic tone.

“What do we do?!” Scootaloo exclaimed as she paced back and forth now in a frantic manner.

“Ah don't know! Ah'm thinkin!” Applebloom replied as she tapped her chin in a nervous manner.

It was then it hit the orange Pegasus. “Twilight! She'll know what to do!” Scootaloo exclaimed suddenly.

“Somethin get loose in that noggin of yours? How is tellin Twilight gonna help?!” Applebloom asked in a panicked tone.

“I can't explain now! I'll be back soon!” Scootaloo exclaimed as she made her take off pose she had been taunt, burst into a run, and took off shakily to the skies.


The purple unicorn was shelving books in her room right now when out of no where an orange blur came blasting through her open window and crashed right into her causing every book in the room to fall off the bookshelves.

“For Celestia's sake Rainbow, stop doing that!” Twilight exclaimed angrily as her head popped up from beneath a pile of books only to gasp in shock as the filly's head popped from beneath the pile of books next to her. “Scootaloo? What in Equestria are you thinking?!” Twilight exclaimed in an annoyed tone until her eyes fell upon the filly's pale and panicked expression.

“Twilight, we got a big problem!” Scootaloo exclaimed in a panicked tone.


“Next thing I know she's running over an idea to get me to fool with Rarity...” Scootaloo remarked aloud with a scowl. This was the last idea on the filly's mind at the moment though. She had hopped that Rarity would warm up to the idea of being okay with Sweetie Belle and Cheerilee's relation by telling her what happened between her and her idol which bombshelled.

“I may end up having to get her to mess with me after all...” Scootaloo thought to herself and sighed as she took a bite of her sandwich.

It's gonna be a long week...

A not so great plan

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Scootaloo walked up to Rarity who was still sleeping soundly now and sighed. “Sorry Rarity, but I’m doing this for Sweetie Belle.” Scootaloo said aloud even though the unicorn was sound asleep and couldn't hear her.

The filly had a plan, possibly not the best one, but she figured it was better than nothing. Scootaloo laid down right in front of Rarity, lifted her tail up, and used her hind hooves to move the sleeping mare's right hoof until it was resting on her mound. “Now I just gotta act like I’m asleep when she wakes up, she'll freak out, and then I tell her I didn't mind it.” Scootaloo thought to herself trying her best to think through this plan as well as possible. She wasn't a pro at mind games, but she thought this one would at least make the unicorn think she had “hidden urges” and try to play off that idea.

“I feel like horseapples for doing this to her...” Scootaloo thought to herself and let out a sigh and waited for the unicorn to wake up.



The filly now snoozed loudly having dozed off in her own boredom unaware that Rarity was waking up now.


No sooner Rarity gave her high pitched scream the Pegasus literally catapulted off the floor and looked down at Rarity whom was staring at her hoof and it took a few moments for the filly to remember her plan as she attempted to calm herself now while she slowly hovered to the floor and landed in front of her.

“What is it Rarity? You scared the hay out of me!” Scootaloo exclaimed in an annoyed tone.

“Don't you play coy with me! You're trying to mess with my head aren't you? All part of Twilight's plan no doubt!” Rarity exclaimed in a pissed off tone as she stood up and glared at the filly.

“Crud. She was onto me before I even could start messing with her head.” Scootaloo thought to herself in a guilty tone.

“Where is she? I'll give her a peace of my mind and then some! To put you up this, how dare she!” Rarity exclaimed in a pissed off tone as she looked about herself.

“Well, at least she's not going psycho-mare on me, so she's at least herself again...somewhat.” Scootaloo thought to herself feeling relived slightly now as she walked up to Rarity. “It wasn't her plan Rarity. It was mine.” Scootaloo confessed followed by a heavy sigh.

“Y-Yours?” Rarity replied with a stunned expression.

“Yeah, mine. I thought if I could make you think you had hidden urges, you would warm up to the idea of Cheerilee and Sweetie Belle's relationship.” Scootaloo replied expecting the mare to become pissed off at her.

“Come to think of it, that plan did seem a little too simple for Twilight.” Rarity remarked aloud thoughtfully before she facehoofed and sighed.

“Sorry Rarity.” The orange Pegasus replied in a genuine tone as she lowered her head in shame.

“Go upstairs young filly. I don't want to see you for the rest of the day.” Rarity replied in a upset tone.

“Your not the boss of me.” Scootaloo replied snapping her head up with a glare at the unicorn. True as it was she felt bad for trying to play mind games with Rarity, she wasn't about to let her boss her around either.

“I'm your elder, so yes I am. Go upstairs, now!” Rarity replied in a heated tone feeling her temper rise.

“News flash Rarity, you aren't my mother!” Scootaloo exclaimed in a pissed off tone clearly becoming pissed off now herself.

“Well if your mother were here right now, I bet she would tell you the same thing!” Rarity roared with a glare.

“She'd be too busy drinking herself into a alcoholic comma to bother to care!” Scootaloo roared back tears swelling in her eyes now feeling her anger immediately being replaced with grief.

Upon hearing these words the unicorn's anger vanished on the spot and was replaced with guilt. “I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hit a soft spot.” Rarity remarked after a few moments and sighed.

“Yeah, well you did.” Scootaloo replied in a soft tone as she sat onto her rump and wiped the tears from her eyes.

“S-sure you father would do...” Rarity began to say only for the filly to flash her a glare thought this glare wasn't directed towards her, not completely at least.

“My father...” Scootaloo remarked aloud the apathy so thick in her voice it could be cut with a knife.

“You spoke of him when you told me about you and and Rainbow, but you didn't tell me much about him. Why would be be the reason for you hating stallions so much?” Rarity asked curiously as the filly stood up and walked away from her now.

“Do I really have to spell it out for you?” Scootaloo replied as she turned about face and looked at Rarity now tears streaming from her eyes.

“You can't possibly mean...!” Rarity began to say only to trail off with a gasp as her mind trailed off the possibilities.

“How the hay do you think I know so much about sex? Every night I go home, I prey to Celestia he's not home.” Scootaloo replied doing her best not to break down in front of the unicorn.

“How could a father do that to their foal?” Rarity asked in a stunned tone.

The filly however ignored her question and continued. “Every night I see him in my nightmares. And that's the nights when he's not even home. Because if he is...” The orange Pegasus continued and trailed off recalling flashes before her eyes.

No daddy please!

Stop it daddy!

Pl-Please, it hurts!

Suck it up and take it like a mare!

“You can't image the horrors that await me the nights he is home, but maybe if I told you, maybe then, you might understand the difference between ponies like him and ponies like Cheerilee.” Scootaloo remarked after a few moments wiping her nose with a sniffle along with her eyes.

“Y-You don't have to.” Rarity replied stuttering slight now. She really didn't want to hear the gruesome things that a pony was capable of.

“Well guess what, your gonna hear anyways!” Scootaloo nearly shrieked at the unicorn as she walked up to her now. “Imagine forcing a broomstick handle through a tiny hole in the wall.” Scootaloo said in a quivering tone and when the unicorn didn't show any signs of doing so she shrieked”do it!” at her at which point Rarity nodded in a way of saying she was now picturing it.

“Now picture that hole in the wall cracking, being forced wider as you force it in there, being torn and destroyed. That's how it feels every night he forces himself on me...every bucking night!” Scootaloo shrieked at the unicorn.

Rarity by now was looking positively horrified. She didn't want to hear anymore, but one question weighed on her mind now. “How come no pony has noticed by now?” Rarity asked in a scared tone not wanting to know but unable to help herself.

Upon hearing this a sarcastic smile appeared on the filly's face. “Glad you asked, he's a unicorn and take a wild guess what his special talent is, go ahead and guess!” Scootaloo exclaimed expecting the unicorn to respond now.

“I-I can't think of anything.” Rarity stuttered.

“Oh this will make you laugh, his special talent is healing, so every night, after he's done with me, left me on the floor bleeding and sobbing, he used his magic to make it as if it never happened, but the scars remain, they just can't be seen. I feel them, every waking hour of the day.” Scootaloo replied tears flowing from her eyes now as if somepony had turned a faucet on and left it running.

“Why wait till now to tell somepony?” Rarity asked in a soft tone as she walked up to the Pegasus now.

“You don't think I haven't tried?! But without physical evidence, they can't prove anything. So he gets away with it. You want to know a real sick and twisted pony who gets their kicks from molesting unsuspecting fillies Rarity? Meet my bucking dad!” Scootaloo exclaimed, walked away from the unicorn, and lay on the floor crying silently to herself now.

Despite the fact Rarity wanted to argue this, she couldn't bring herself to as she walked up next to Scootaloo and put a hoof around the filly.



Cheerilee and Sweetie Belle walked into their new home in Fillydephia and set their saddle packs down. “I'll look for work first thing tomorrow. It should be easy since I have a few friends in town who owe me a favor or two.” Cheerilee said aloud followed by a sigh as she sat on her bed in their one bedroom apartment.

“Cheerilee, why do I feel so sad when I should be happy right now?” Sweetie Belle asked as she jumped on the bed next to the earth pony who immediately wrapped her hooves around her and held her tightly.

“Oh Sweetheart, this is perfectly normal, but things will get better, I promise.” Cheerilee said in a soft tone as she leaned down and gave the filly a peck on the cheek.

“I hope so.” Sweetie Belle replied in a saddened tone as a tear streaked down her cheek.

As the two ponies embraced one another Twilight appeared in a flash of magic in the room which caused the two to yank away from one another in alarm.

“Don't panic, it's just me.” Twilight replied with a smile which nearly vanished upon looking at the two. “So, how are you two holding up?” Twilight asked curiously though she was pretty sure she knew the answer.

“How do you think? We just had to leave everything we have ever known behind.” Cheerilee replied sourly with her ears flattened now.

“Dumb question, I know, but I couldn't help but ask.” Twilight replied as she ran a hoof through her mane followed by a sigh.

“Is my sister okay?” Sweetie Belle asked with a worried expression now.

“She's just fine Sweetie Belle, but it's taking her time to adjust to her knew living quarters.” Twilight replied hoping to put the filly's worries to rest somewhat.

“New living quarters?” Cheerilee remarked aloud with a raised eyebrow.

“Remember when I said in my letter that if you asked anypony in town about Rarity, they wouldn't know she even exists? “ Twilight replied waiting for the two to nod before continuing. “Well, I moved Rarity's home to a different dimension.” Twilight replied which caused Cheerilee and Sweetie Belle's expression's to become alarmed.

“Twilight, are you out of your mind?! That's forbidden magic your using there and not to mention incredibly advanced! One wrong move and you could plummet Rarity's home into an endless void!” Cheerilee exclaimed dramatically.

“Yes, Cheerilee, lets cause poor Sweetie Belle to go into a panic attack over worst case scenarios.” Twilight remarked in a sarcastic tone with an eye-rolling gesture as she pointed a hoof at Sweetie Belle whom was now shaking.

“Rarity's going to be shot into an endless void?!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed in a panicked tone as she continued to shake uncontrollably.

“Oh, no she won't Sweetheart. She'll be just fine.” Cheerilee said in a soft tone as she held Sweetie Belle tightly now.

“She's going to be just fine Sweetie Belle, I know what I’m doing.” Twilight replied confidently with a expression to match it. These words seemed to calm the filly somewhat but she still shook a little as the earth pony rocked her back and forth as she held her in an attempt to calm her.

“O-Okay. I trust you Twilight.” Sweetie Belle replied after a few moments looking much calmer now.

“Now as I was saying before somepony jumped to conclusions, I put her home in an alternate dimension with Scootaloo in hopes she could warm her up to the idea of your relationship.” Twilight continued stopping for a moment to let the two take in what she had said.

“You honestly expect Rarity to fool with Scootaloo? Twilight, you've had some wild plans in the past, but this takes the cake! You can't expect a pony who feels so strongly about being against adult pony and filly relationships to suddenly mess with a filly. And what about Scootaloo? Does she even realize what she's gotten herself into? “ Cheerilee asked with a glare at the unicorn now whom once again rolled her eyes and sighed.

“Once again jumping to conclusions. No, I don't expect Rarity to mess with Scootaloo. And Scootaloo is more aware of what's going on than you think. In fact, she was the one who volunteered to help me when I told her about what had happened after I came back to my library. She was the one who alerted me to Rarity finding you two out after all.” Twilight replied allowing a smile to wash over her face now as she spoke.

“How could Scootaloo possibly know about us?” Cheerilee asked in a shocked tone.

“Scootaloo and Applebloom saw us fooling around just before school started, so I told them everything and made them promise not to tell anypony.” Sweetie Belle said speaking up now in response to Cheerilee's question which was directed at the purple unicorn.

It was at this point however that the filly now remembered what Scootaloo had told her and felt her anger rise up very quickly as she gently moved Cheerilee's hooves from around her and walked up to the unicorn now. “I got a bone to pick with you!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed with a glare as she glared at the purple unicorn now.

“What did I do?” Twilight asked in an apprehensive tone clearly unaware of the filly's knowledge in her “test” she put Scootaloo up to giving her.

“You had Scootaloo tempt me in some kind of stupid test! How dare you!” Sweetie Belle nearly shrieked at the purple unicorn whom was now folding her ears back with an guilty expression now.

“You what?!” Cheerilee exclaimed in an outraged tone and was now glaring at the unicorn as well.

“I-I had to be sure you two loved each other. Believe me, if there was a better way, I would have thought of it!” Twilight exclaimed in a defensive tone as the filly and earth pony now stood next to one another glaring at her.

“Twilight Sparkle, because we are in debt to you for helping us, I will not beat the bucking hay out of you for what you put Sweetie Belle through. I however, would kindly request you leave now and not come back for a while.” Cheerilee said looking at the unicorn now as her right front hoof began grinding against the floorboards.

“Geez, first Rarity and now you two. This just isn't my week.” Twilight remarked sourly before she disappeared in a flash of magic leaving the two alone now.

“Is my sister going to be okay?” Sweetie Belle asked after a few moments after her anger had subsided.

Upon hearing this Cheerilee let out a sigh as if to calm herself a bit more before she replied. “Yes, she will. Twilight may not be the best at forming plans, but she is unrivaled in her usage of magic among unicorns.”



Scootaloo by now had fully calmed down and was her old self again at the very least. Though after their conversation, they hadn't spoken very much.

“Rarity, I have an idea.” Scootaloo said suddenly which broke the silence between the two which caused Rarity to stop sewing again to look at the filly.

“An idea?” Rarity replied with a curious glance.

“Yeah, you see, all Twilight wants you to do is mess around with me right?” Scootaloo replied as she began to walk towards the unicorn.

“Yes...” The unicorn replied slowly. She didn't like where this idea was going already.

“Well, if you pretended to enjoy fooling around with me, she might fall for it and let you out.” Scootaloo replied with a smirk.

“That would still require me to...” Rarity began to say but trailed off going slightly pale now.

“Touch me, yeah, but think about it Rarity, if you acted like you were having fun with me, and Twilight saw us, she would definitely let you out!” Scootaloo exclaimed excitedly.

“Assuming this plan actually worked and I could even bring myself to touching you without getting sick to my stomach, you do realize I would still go and rescue my sister right?” Rarity replied in a hesitant tone. She didn't like this idea at all, no, she hated it, but if she could manage to at least get Twilight to see her doing something, she could possibly put on a valiant act, and go save her sister.

“Yeah...but I've done all I can. I'm not going to do some under-hoofed thing like force myself on you. If you want to be thick headed and not get the big picture, I can't make you see it.” Scootaloo replied ending her response on a sour note.

“I'll forget you called me thick headed.” Rarity replied in an annoyed tone as she walked up to the filly now.

“So you in?” Scootaloo asked curiously.

“Lets get this over with.” Rarity replied as she ran a hoof through her mane and sighed nervously.

“Alright! I'll just lay down over here and let you do what ever.” Scootaloo replied with a smirk, walked a few feet away, and presented herself to the unicorn who was looking three shades of green at the moment.

“Wh-What should I do?” Rarity asked in an uneasy tone as she knelled down and hesitantly scooted towards the filly.

“What ever your comfortable with.” Scootaloo replied as she used her forehooves to half her upper body level which gave her a good look at the unicorn.

“I'm not comfortable with doing anything.” Rarity replied which earned an annoyed groan from the filly.

“Fine, just start with touching me with your hoof and we'll work on the act from there.” Scootaloo replied in an slightly annoyed tone.

The unicorn hesitantly reached a hoof out coming close to touching the filly's mound only to suddenly yank it back. A few tries later and the orange Pegasus was starting to get annoyed.

“Do you want to get out of here or not?” Scootaloo asked in a clearly annoyed tone which prompted the unicorn to look at her for a few moments with a uneasy expression before she resumed looking at the filly's slit.

“Your going to enjoy this, aren't you?” Rarity asked in an uneasy tone as she once again looked up at the filly who was smiling at her.

“Well, duh. Just because you can't enjoy yourself, doesn't mean I can't. Besides, it wouldn't look very convincing to Twilight if I just sat her like a featherbrain while you messed with me.” Scootaloo replied with a smirk.

“Wonderful.” Rarity remarked sarcastically in the same nervous tone as she attempted to reach a hoof out again only to halt upon seeing the filly's beginning to moisten and lightly leak now.

“What are you waiting for? Winter wrap up?” Scootaloo asked impatiently.

“For Celestia's sake, shut up! This is hard enough for me as it is without hearing a young filly's voice!” Rarity exclaimed in an annoyed tone as she attempted to reach forward again.

“You do realize that once you start messing with me, I won't be quiet anyways right?” Scootaloo remarked with a giggle only for the unicorn to abruptly stand up and walk away.

“I can't do this. Not even acting.” Rarity remarked aloud now as she ran a hoof through her mane in an attempt to wipe the sweat from her forehead.

“Just great.” Scootaloo remarked sourly, stood up, and began to walk upstairs.

“Where are you going?” Rarity asked curiously taking note of the filly's sudden movement up the stairs.

“To take care of the itch between my hunches that you couldn't scratch!” Scootaloo exclaimed aloud in a annoyed tone before she slammed the upstairs door behind her.

Okay, it's going to be a VERY LONG week....

Time stops for no mare

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Twilight appeared in Rarity's house in a flash of magic and looked around. “Where's Scootaloo?” Twilight asked curiously.

“She's upstairs.” Rarity replied as she continued sewing though the anger in her was clearly heard.

“Sleeping?” Twilight asked curiously.

“No, she's scratching an itch I couldn't scratch.” Rarity replied giving a violent shudder after she had said this.

“Wait, so she tried to get you to mess with her?” Twilight asked in a shocked tone.

“Don't sound so shocked Twilight Sparkle, it was after all your plan was it not?” Rarity replied, turned around, and glared at the purple unicorn.

“What? No! I asked Scootaloo to help me warm you up to the idea of Cheerilee and Sweetie Belle's relationship, not get you to fool around with her!” Twilight exclaimed in an offended tone.

“Ha, what a load of hay!” Rarity exclaimed with a sarcastic laugh. “I'm onto to you Twilight Sparkle, you think that if Scootaloo takes credit for all your failed plans, I won't be upset with you for locking me in this place!” Rarity exclaimed as she walked up to the unicorn and attempted to slap her only for Twilight to halt her hoof with her magic.

“I knew you were stubborn Rarity, but this is just down right stupid! I never told Scootaloo to tempt you, get that through your thick skull!” Twilight exclaimed in an aggravated tone as she forced Rarity's hoof to the floor with her magic, turned around and walked away.

“Oh really? If memory serves, your exact words were and I quote, by the end of my time here, I will be unable to keep my hooves off her. And by my own will.” Rarity replied making sure to make a mock version of Twilight's voice as she quoted the purple unicorn.

“I was just screwing with your head when I said that! I never actually meant that, geez!” Twilight retorted with a facehoofing gesture and and groan.

“Well stop screwing with my head, stop the mind games, and let me out of here!” Rarity exclaimed loudly.

“Would you two try not to kill each other for five minutes?! I'm trying to clop up here!” Scootaloo's voice roared from upstairs followed by a loud slam which caused both unicorn's to snap their gaze to the stairs and then look at one another as an awkward silence ensued.

“She sounds sexually frustrated.” Twilight remarked aloud apprehensively as Rarity turned about face and resumed sewing as if to ignore her comment.

“She's a growing filly, it's to be expected.” Rarity replied simply as she continued to sew her dress.

“At least she's trying to be civil now.” Twilight thought to herself and sighed. “Listen, I know it feels like I’ve betrayed you for some kind of filly fiddler, but that's not true.” Twilight said as she walked up next to the white unicorn whom continued to sew.

“Really? Because how things are looking right now, it looks exactly like that.” Rarity replied in a resentful tone.

Upon hearing this the unicorn ran a hoof through her mane and sighed. “Your still one of my best friends Rarity. I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't care.” Twilight replied in a soft tone.

“What's the end game Twilight? Drive me so mad with isolation that I crack? Get Scootaloo to convert me into a sick and twisted filly fiddler? What is it? At least be honest with me.” Rarity replied looking at Twilight now with a glare.

“I'm hoping that you can see the world from Cheerilee and Sweetie Belle's point of view.” Twilight replied in a soft tone along with a warm smile before she walked away from the unicorn.

“Twilight, that will never happen. I will never understand how Cheerilee thinks.” Rarity replied in the same soft tone now feeling taken back by how Twilight was acting now.

“If you can't understand how Cheerilee thinks, then try to understand how your sister thinks.” Twilight replied as she turned around and looked at the unicorn again.

“Sweetie Belle has no idea what she wants right now. She's too young. And Cheerilee is taking advantage of her.” Rarity replied as she felt her anger begin to rise again.

“She's in love Rarity. Why can't you see this?” Twilight replied as she frowned slightly now.

“Just leave me be Twilight. Leave me to this Celestia forsaken prison of yours.” Rarity replied in a hurt tone before she turned around and resumed sewing.

Twilight gave a sigh and looked over at Rarity's supply of fabric which was running low now, channeled magic into her horn, and conjured up a huge supply of fabrics in multiple colors. “This isn't a prison Rarity. Anything you want, I will give you.” Twilight said in a soft tone before she turned around and began to walk away.

“I want to see my sister.” Rarity said aloud which caused the unicorn to stop channeling magic into her horn in preparation to teleport out, turn around, smile at Rarity, channel magic into her horn once again, and conjure up a large mirror on the right side of her room.

“That mirror will let you see your sister at any time. Just remember, you may not always like what you see.” Twilight replied with a smile, turned around, began to walk away, and stopped as if she remembered something. “Oh and try not to break it. I can't conjure magical objects like that every five seconds you know.” Twilight replied in a chipper tone before she teleported out of the unicorn's home.

The unicorn continued to sew a little longer before she looked over at the mirror. “It's probably just a normal mirror.” Rarity remarked aloud sourly before she resumed sewing.



Scootaloo came down stairs looking in much better mood now and noticed the large supply of fabric along with the mirror now. “Looks like Twilight resupplied your sewing supplies.” Scootaloo remarked in a chipper tone as she walked over next to Rarity.

“I suppose I should be grateful.” Rarity replied in a annoyed tone as she continued to sew.

“What are you making?” The filly asked taking note of what the unicorn was making now didn't resemble a dress.

“Bedsheets.” Rarity replied simply.

“Why would you need to- Oh...” Scootaloo began to say until she caught on mid-sentence and blushed furiously as she folded her ears in embarrassment.

“No offense to you darling, but I don't care to sleep in your, ahem, fluids.” Rarity replied feeling her voice go a slightly higher pitch now as she said this.

“None taken. Say, what's this?” Scootaloo replied as her eyes fell upon the mirror.

“A gift from Twilight, she says it will let me see Sweetie Belle at anytime.” Rarity replied simply as she continued to sew.

“Really? Awesome!” Scootaloo replied as she walked up to it and looked into it. “How does it work?” Scootaloo asked curiously as nothing seemed to be happening. All the filly could see at the moment was her reflection.

“She didn't say.” Rarity replied simply not looking away from her sewing machine now.

“I wonder if it's voice activated.” Scootaloo remarked aloud thoughtfully as she placed a hoof on her chin thinking for some time until her eyes lit up. “I got it, show me Sweetie Belle.” Scootaloo said in a demanding tone.

Curiously and against the unicorn's better judgment she gave a curious glance over to the mirror yet nothing had changed. “humph, as I thought. Nothing more than a simple mirror.” Rarity remarked to herself sourly.

Scootaloo continued to look into it hoping something with happen for a little longer until she was able to ready to give up when suddenly the mirror sparked to life and flashed brightly for a moment before displaying a room inside it that showed Sweetie Belle and Cheerilee cuddling on a bed. “Hey, Rarity, it works! Check this out!” Scootaloo exclaimed in an excited tone.

Before the unicorn knew what she was doing she walked over and looked into the mirror herself and immediately found herself boiling over with fury as she looked on. She soon could hear voices coming from the mirror now as if in an echo of themselves.

“I miss Rarity.” Sweetie Belle said in a sad tone as she nuzzled against Cheerilee's chest.

“I know. Twilight is doing all she can. With luck she'll understand how we feel about each other very soon.” Cheerilee replied in a soft tone.

“Why can't she understand now? Can't she see how much we love each other?” Sweetie Belle replied with a sniffle.

“Some ponies just have a hard time seeing things as we do sweetheart.” Cheerilee replied as she ran a hoof through the filly's mane.

“I'm shocked to see that sick mare doing anything with my little sister other than messing with her. She'll start touching her any moment no doubt.” Rarity remarked in a resentful tone as she looked on which earned an audible annoyed groan of frustration from the Pegasus as she facehoofed.

“Would you just look at them? Does Cheerilee look like she's trying to make a move on her?!” Scootaloo exclaimed in an aggravated tone.

“Lets get some sleep. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow.” Cheerilee said in a soft tone before she gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek, nuzzled against her and closed her eyes.

“Okay. I love you Cheerilee.” Sweetie Belle replied in a soft tone as she nuzzled against Cheerilee's chest, gave a soft sigh, and closed her eyes.

“I love you too Sweetie Belle.” Cheerilee replied in a soft tone.

Nothing more could be heard coming from the mirror now except soft sounds of the two ponies inhaling and exhaling as they slept soundly now.

“Now does that look like a sick and twisted mare who likes to molest unsuspecting fillies to you?” Scootaloo asked with a warm smile as she looked at the unicorn now.

Rarity continued to stare a little longer now before she finally spoke. “This proves nothing.” Rarity remarked in a resentful tone before she turned around, walked back over to her sewing machine and resumed working on her bedsheets much to the filly's annoyance.

“You're hopeless.” Scootaloo remarked under her breath and gave an aggravated sigh as she walked to the kitchen to grab something to eat unaware of a certain unicorn's thoughts would soon create an inner conflict with her in the years to come the more she saw her sister in that mirror.



Rarity had learned all to quickly that time flows differently in the dimension she was now in as years literally passed yet Sweetie Belle and Cheerilee had barely gone through a month. At first she thought it might be a fake illusion, but over the course of five years, she came to understand this was not the case after being told nearly twenty times over by Twilight each time she came over.

“For each year that passes here, a week passes in Equestria.” Those words confused the mare at first due to the fact that she watched Sweetie Belle and Cheerilee walk around Fillydephia in real time. She soon just simply accepted things as they were and it became a whole lot easier for the unicorn to handle.

“Rarity, I barely see you sewing anymore. What's your deal? You've done nothing but watch Sweetie Belle and Cheerilee for the past year practically. It's kind of creepy actually.” A teenage Scootaloo remarked in annoyance.

“I don't understand, why isn't she touching her every time she gets a moment alone with my sister? These past five weeks that have passed in Equestria, she has done nothing more than kiss her on the lips behind closed doors.” Rarity remarked aloud in confusion.

“I don't know, maybe it's because they are in bucking love?! Geez, five years in this dimension and you still haven't figured that out?” Scootaloo remarked aloud with a facehoof, walked away, and into the kitchen.

The unicorn continued to stare on still unable to figure her out. “I don't understand...” Rarity remarked aloud in a frustrated tone after a few more moments before she finally stood up, went into the kitchen, and got something of her own to eat.

“Scootaloo, I’ve been meaning to ask, Twilight said you could leave at anytime right?” Rarity asked curiously as she grabbed herself a daisy sandwich from the fridge with her magic.

“Yeah, so?” Scootaloo replied with a mouth full of food, sputtering a few pieces of food from her mouth as she spoke now.

“It's more than obvious by now that I will never do anything with you as an underage filly I would think, so why haven't you left?” Rarity asked curiously as she took a bite from her food.

“Two reasons.” Scootaloo replied sputtering food out once again before she swallowed her mouth full of food to speak clearly. “For one, I ain't about to leave you alone in this dimension. And two, if you think I’m going to go back to my house where my father is most likely waiting for me, you're out of your bucking mind.” Scootaloo replied before she took another bite of her food.

“Do you have to speak so crudely?” Rarity remarked in an slightly annoyed tone.

“Sorry.” Scootaloo replied once again sputtering food from her mouth as she spoke before she left the kitchen.

“Teenagers...” Rarity remarked with a facehoofing gesture before she took another bite of food, walked out of the kitchen, and sat in front of the mirror again.

It was at this moment Twilight appeared in a flash of magic and went slightly wide-eyed as a teenage Scootaloo walked up to her. “Heya Twi. How's it hanging? Why ya looking at me like that?” Scootaloo asked curiously.

“Heh, I forgot time passes differently in this dimension for a few moments.” Twilight replied sheepishly as she scratched the back of her head with a giggle before her attention was yanked to Rarity.

“She barely moves away from that thing. The only time I see her leave that thing is when she goes to get something to eat or go upstairs to sleep. And she's constantly expecting Cheerilee to get fresh with Sweetie Belle. I'm no bucking expert, but that ain't healthy.” Scootaloo remarked in a worried tone taking note of the unicorn's gaze upon the mare.

“Yeah, I would have to agree Scootaloo.” Twilight replied in a thoughtful tone before she walked over to her friend.

“Hello Twilight.” Rarity replied simply not looking away from the mirror and took a bite of her sandwich.

“Scootaloo tells me that you barely ever move away from this mirror, you barely sew anymore, and are constantly expecting Cheerilee to mess with Sweetie Belle.” Twilight replied in a concerned tone.

“Yes, I am trying to catch her in the act.” Rarity replied in a distracted tone.

“The act? Rarity, they are trying to make a new life for themselves because of you finding them out. Frankly, I’m not shocked they haven’t yet! Cheerilee's been working two different jobs for the last month to keep a roof over her and Sweetie Belle's head.” Twilight remarked in annoyance.

“Say what you like Twilight. I'm simply waiting for the moment when they do to prove myself right.” Rarity replied still not looking away.

Twilight simply groaned in annoyance and walked back over next to Scootaloo taking note of how the Pegasus was looking at her. “You okay? You can still leave anytime you know.” Twilight said in a concerned tone.

“I can't leave her Twilight. She doesn't act like it now, but without me here, I think she might really lose it.” Scootaloo replied then looked at Twilight. “Can't you let her go? Its more than bucking obvious she won't fool around with me. The plan failed Twilight.”

“Not yet it hasn't. We still have five years.” Twilight replied with a smirk.

“Come on Twilight, I’m worried sick about her, if she loses it completely I don't know what I’d...” Scootaloo began to say only to trail off as she looked back over at the white unicorn who continued to watch the mirror.

Twilight blinked several times in realization at why the Pegasus was acting before she spoke. “You've fallen in love with her, haven't you?” Twilight remarked in a soft tone which caused the Pegasus to snap her gaze over to Twilight.

“What? No, I mean, I can't. Rainbow Dash is still waiting on me.” Scootaloo replied with a slight blush now.

“Sometimes, it's best to grow up and let go of your fantasies Scootaloo.” Twilight replied in a soft tone as she placed a hoof on the Pegasus's shoulder.

“Let go of my fantasies? What you do you mean?” Scootaloo asked in a confused tone.

“Don't play dumb Scoots, I knew that Rainbow Dash was a closet filly fiddler from the start. She just needed a nudge in your direction. She doesn't love you and you know it. Perhaps if you followed my plan it might have worked out differently, but you can't change the past. So grow up and let go of the fantasy that she may one day love you back already.” Twilight replied with a knowing look in her eyes.

“Don't play mind games with me Twilight, unlike Rarity, I won't hesitate to buck you upside the head.” Scootaloo replied with a glare now.

“I wasn't playing-ugh! You two really are a match made in heaven, both thinking I’m some kind of master mind game player.” Twilight replied in an annoyed tone before she turned around, walked away, and disappeared in a flash of magic.

Scootaloo turned to look at Rarity once more and sighed. “I'm such a bucking hopeless romantic.” Scootaloo thought to herself as she facehoofed with a sigh.

Rarity's dilemma

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Rarity had barely spent time doing anything but watching the mirror now, she barely ate, she barely slept, she had somehow become obsessed with trying to prove herself right. Why she was so obsessed with proving herself right, not even she truly knew. The unicorn did know one thing however, the fact that Cheerilee and Sweetie Belle were behaving like a “Normal couple” bugged the living hay out of her. She couldn't accept it, no, she wouldn't accept it. She would wait for the moment when Cheerilee messed with Sweetie Belle, just so she could be proved right.

What did shock the unicorn more than anything however thus far however, was the fact that Sweetie Belle, despite her age, was able to take care of herself while Cheerilee was out at work. Though she did have a habit of burning food a lot. “I had no idea she was so capable of taking care of herself.” Rarity remarked the first time she saw this.

Today however, the unicorn continued to watch as she always did as Cheerilee walked into the house after a day's work.

“I'm home!” Cheerilee exclaimed with a smile which prompt Sweetie Belle to come rushing from the kitchen and rush to kiss her lover at which point Cheerilee knelled down and locked lips with her.

What happened next however caused Rarity's jaw to drop in shock.

Sweetie Belle then playfully tackled Cheerilee to the floor and proceeded to grope the mare as she began to suckle the earth pony's teats in an attempt to get her riled up.

“What the hay is this nonsense?! There's no way my innocent little sister would prompt such a thing!” Rarity roared at the mirror. The unicorn however was in for yet another shock that would send her mind reeling in confusion.

“Sw-Sweetie Belle! Not now!” Cheerilee exclaimed in a semi-panicked tone as she gently pushed the filly away with a great deal of effort.

“Oh come on!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed in frustration.

“Don't give me that attitude, you know as well as I do that we planned on studying today.” Cheerilee replied in a stern tone as she stood up to all four hooves and walked past an sexually frustrated filly.

“But it's been nearly a month and a half since we made love, I’m going crazy over here!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed in annoyance.

“Trust me when I say the feeling is mutual, but most days I get back home from work, I just want to rest. My job here isn't nearly as simple as teaching a class here, it's requires me to move heavy objects around all day and speaking as I’m not a unicorn, I have to use my own brute strength rather than magic.” Cheerilee replied as she took a few books out and set them on the small table in their room.

“What kind of backwards sick world am I watching? This surely can't be real!” Rarity exclaimed aloud in disbelief.

“What happened?” Scootaloo asked curiously having taken note of the unicorn's outbursts

“Sw-Sweetie Belle attempted to make a move on Cheerilee, no, it's not real, I’m watching some kind of fake!” Rarity exclaimed as she stood up, walked away, and for the first time in nearly a year began to sew again.

Scootaloo then gave a glance over at the mirror out of curiosity.

“I'm Sorry Cheerilee, it's just been so long since I’ve felt your touch, I want it so badly.” Sweetie Belle said in a apologetic tone as she sat on the table next to her lover.

Cheerilee gave a soft sigh and smiled at the filly now. “Tell you what, I've got a weekend off coming up. We can go out on a date this weekend and when we come back that evening...” Cheerilee replied giving a mischievous smirk now.

“Alright, but you better not be sleeping all day. I'm looking forward to this.” Sweetie Belle replied in a slightly annoyed tone despite the smirk on her face now.

“Well, I know where I’m gonna be sitting in a couple months.” Scootaloo remarked with a smirk as she walked next to the unicorn which caused Rarity to flash her a glare that would give Fluttershy's “Stare” a run for it's money and then some!

Upon seeing this glare the Pegasus immediately cowered slightly now and gave an audible gulp. “On second thought, I think I’ll spend those couple days reading some books of yours.” Scootaloo remarked in a very nervous tone as she slowly backed away.

“Can't a filly catch a break? It's not my fault you don't keep any juicy magazines in this house. How's a filly supposed to enjoy herself around here?” Scootaloo remarked under her breath in annoyance.

“What was that?” Rarity asked in threatening yet lighthearted tone.

“N-Nothing!” Scootaloo replied in a slightly panicked tone. “Rainbow's gonna be ridden ragged when I get out of here...” Scootaloo thought to herself in an annoyed tone, looked at Rarity for a few minutes, and sighed. “Buck Rainbow, Twilight's right...for once” Scootaloo remarked aloud though in a soft enough tone that Rarity had not overheard.

It's time to grow up, let go of my fantasies, and look at what's in front of me...



Scootaloo dedicated as much time as possible trying to get closer to Rarity over the past year and succeeded, yet the unicorn remained completely oblivious to the Pegasus's true feelings. The filly preferred it this way, for now.

“For me?!” Scootaloo exclaimed in shock and disbelief at the beautiful dress that the unicorn now levitated before her eyes.

“Yes. After all, I have had nothing better to do than make dresses darling.” Rarity replied with a warm smile.

“Wow, this is, wow.” Scootaloo remarked aloud with a blush as she looked over the dress.

“I would very much like to see you in it.” Rarity replied at which point the Pegasus could have sworn her heart had skipped a beat.

“R-Really?” Scootaloo asked blushing furiously now.

“Of course Darling. I always love to see the results of my work. You know this.” Rarity replied as she turned away from the Pegasus and began to sew again.

“Of course.” Scootaloo replied in a depressed tone feeling her heart plummet upon realizing the unicorn didn't mean anything by what she had just said as she walked to the other side of the room to put the dress on.

“Something wrong darling?” Rarity asked curiously taking note of the filly's lack of enthusiasm now.

“No, it's nothing.” Scootaloo replied in the same depressed tone as she flung the dress over her head and fitted her wings into the slots stitched into the sides of her dress.

Rarity wanted to press the topic a little more, but she thought better of it as she continued to sew and allow the filly to put the dress on.

“Well, take a look.” Scootaloo said a few minutes later as she gave the unicorn a tap on the shoulder which prompted her to turn around and look at her work.

The unicorn was no where near prepared for what she saw as she looked on at the dress Scootaloo now wore which sent her heart aflutter. “W-Wow...” Rarity remarked aloud in a stunned tone as the filly stood in a bright velvet blue dress. It took a few moments longer before she managed to regain her composure. “Well, give it a twirl darling.” Rarity said a few moments after her stunned response.

The filly then gave a slow turn in a three hundred and sixty degree fashion which sent the unicorn's heart yet again aflutter. “So how do I look?” Scootaloo asked with a soft blush now which snapped the unicorn out of her stupor.

“F-Fine darling. I'm going to see how my sister's doing.” Rarity replied in a hurried tone as she walked past the Pegasus and sat down in front of the mirror which sparked to life once again. “It's just a dress Rarity, it's your work. Yet, why did I suddenly feel like that towards her? It doesn't matter, it was just a dress! Stop making such a big deal out of it.” Rarity thought to herself in a scolding tone as the mirror began to show Sweetie Belle and Cheerilee once again.

“What the hay is her deal? She wants to see me in this dress and then acts like she hates it?” Scootaloo thought to herself in an annoyed tone as she took the dress off, gently tossed it to the side of the room, and walked into the kitchen to get something to eat.

Scootaloo returned from getting her sandwich and once again noticed Rarity watching the mirror. “It's been nearly a year since she's even bothered to look at that thing. I hope she doesn't go back to how she was before.” The Pegasus remarked aloud with a sigh just before she took a bite of her sandwich only nearly choke on it as the house gave a mighty rumble before it settled.

“What in Equestria?” Rarity remarked in alarm as she looked about herself.


“Ah!” Twilight cried out as she placed a hoof on her horn which was throbbing in agony at the moment before the pain slowly subsided.

“Twilight? What's wrong? You okay?” Spike asked in a concerned tone as he walked over to the purple unicorn.

“I-I'm fine Spike. Thanks for asking.” Twilight replied in a breathless tone. “This isn't good. I've been maintaining the spell for far too long.” The unicorn thought to herself in a worried tone as looked out her window with a worried expression now.


“I'm no unicorn, but that didn't seem like a good thing.” Scootaloo remarked aloud in an uneasy tone as she looked about herself.

“It's most likely nothing darling. Magical fluctuations are uncommon, but not life threatening.” Rarity remarked aloud not taking her eyes from the mirror.

“I hope you're right.” Scootaloo replied in the same uneasy tone.



Scootaloo walked down stairs to once see Rarity in front of the mirror. “Geez, she's like a bucking poison joke addict with that thing.” Scootaloo remarked in an annoyed tone as she walked to Rarity and sat next to her.

“You're watching them sleep? Rarity, you just getting bucking creepy now with this.” Scootaloo said in an concerned tone.

“I'm trying to understand them. Leave me be.” Rarity replied in a distracted tone.

“Understand them? I can't believe I’m saying this but, buck understanding them! This isn't healthy for you Rarity!” Scootaloo exclaimed as she attempted to move the unicorn away from the mirror only for Rarity to shove her away with magic.

“I have to understand them!” Rarity shrieked in a near hysterical tone now as Scootaloo got back to all four hooves now.

“For Celestia's sake Rarity, you're obsessed! Get away from the mirror!” Scootaloo exclaimed in a worried tone as she once again attempted to move the unicorn away from the mirror, but this time choose to lift her up into the air only to have Rarity wiggle her way out of her grip, hit the floor, and sit right in front of the mirror again.

Scootaloo landed behind Rarity now feeling her worry and and anger nearing it's breaking point now. “I can't bare to see you like this anymore!” Scootaloo exclaimed, flew over to one of Rarity's manikins, yanked a leg off, and chucked it at the mirror just above Rarity's head shattering it before her very eyes.

“What have you done?! Now I will never understand them!” Rarity shrieked as she whirled around and glared at the Pegasus.

Scootaloo then walked up the unicorn, put each of her forehooves on Rarity's shoulders, and shook her but not harshly as she spoke. “There are things more important than watching your sister every waking moment of the day!” The Pegasus exclaimed in a fierce tone only for the unicorn to yank away from her.

“You don't understand!” Rarity exclaimed as she walked away from her now.

“What don't I understand” Scootaloo asked as she walked up to her, whirled her around and exclaimed the words “Tell me!” in a fierce tone to her face.

“You didn't get ponynapped and held against your will so you could be converted you into a filly fiddler by a twisted unicorn!” Rarity exclaimed in a pissed off tone.

“Twilight may be many things, but she would never do that! She brought you here so you could understand, not convert you!” Scootaloo exclaimed trying to defend the purple unicorn while at the same time talk sense into the hysterical mare.

“You didn't see her ignore this mare, that mare, and come after you!” Rarity retorted in a hysterical tone with a glare as tears streamed from her eyes now which left an awkward silence between the two.

“For Celestia's sake Rarity, is that what you think she did?” Scootaloo asked in a stunned tone as tears swelled in her eyes as another awkward silence ensued for a short time before the unicorn finally spoke.

“I-I don't know.” Rarity replied as she moved the filly's hooves from her shoulders once again and walked away.

“Rarity, stop obsessing over Cheerilee and Sweetie Belle's relationship and take a look at what's in front of you.” Scootaloo replied her voice cracking as she spoke now.

“What are you saying?” Rarity asked as she turned around and looked at the Pegasus with a confused look.

Scootaloo then walked up to the unicorn and placed a hoof on her cheek.“Me, Rarity. I-I love you.” Scootaloo replied, stuttering as she spoke now.

“Y-You love me?” Rarity replied in a shocked tone as her eyes grew wide now as she slowly leaned in without realizing it and locked lips with the Pegasus only to yank away a mere few seconds later. “I-I can't!” Rarity exclaimed as she turned away from the Pegasus to walk away only for Scootaloo to place a hoof on her shoulder which caused her to stop in place and look back at her.

“Rarity, I'm nearly a full grown mare now. It's okay. You won't be a filly fiddler, I promise.” Scootaloo said in a soft tone as she slowly turned the mare around and locked lips with her once again. This time however Rarity didn't resist and melted into her kisses with the Pegasus.

Another violent rumbling however caused both ponies to stop their kissing and look about themselves as the entire house shook now and didn't seem to be letting up anytime soon. “Wh-What's happening Rarity?” Scootaloo asked in a worried tone.

“I-I don't know!” Rarity exclaimed in looking about herself as the house continued to shake violently.

It was at this point Twilight appeared in there house in a flash of magic. “Thank Celestia you two are okay!” Twilight exclaimed in a worried tone.

“Twilight, what the buck is going on here?!” Scootaloo asked in a panicked tone.

“The spell is falling apart, if I don't get this house back to Equestria's dimension now, all three of us will be shot into an endless void!” Twilight exclaimed as she began to focus magic into her horn now.

“Scootaloo, in case we don't make it, I just want to say-” Rarity began to say only for Scootaloo to place a hoof on her mouth silencing the mare with a knowing teary eyed look.

The house gave another violent shake now as objects began to fall off their sides and the entire house seemed to tilt which caused Scootaloo to be flung to the other side of the room where she clung onto a wall lamp to keep herself from falling down now.

“Twilight, I don't mean to rush you darling, but hurry the buck up!” Rarity exclaimed speaking the first part of her sentence in a semi-calm tone while shrieking the second part.

“I'm casting as fast as I can!” Twilight exclaimed in a panicked tone as she focused all her effort into casting the spell.

Twilight's horn grew brighter and brighter now as magical sparks began to sputter from it and a few moments later a giant wave of purple magical energy surged throughout the entire home.


Rarity opened her eyes wearily and looked about herself now. “Did it work?” Rarity thought to herself as she slowly stood on all four hooves and looked around her home.

Must to her delight, she could now see ponies walking about outside her windows which was a sure sign she had succeeded though the purple unicorn was just regaining consciousness herself. “Scootaloo? Where are you?” Rarity asked in a worried tone as she looked around for the nearly adult aged pony only to spot a filly in the corner of her room.

“Oh, my head. What the hay happened?...!” Scootaloo remarked in an dazed tone until she realized the room looked a little larger now, no, she was smaller. Quickly the Pegasus ran over to the shattered remains of the mirror and looked at her reflection. She was a filly again.

“Oh, I'm never doing that again...” Twilight remarked aloud with a groan as she rubbed her now throbbing horn.

“What the buck gives Twilight?!” Scootaloo exclaimed in a pissed off tone which caused Twilight's attention to be yanked towards the filly.

“Yes, please explain.” Rarity chimed in now wanting to know as well why Scootaloo was a filly again.

“I-I don't know. It must have something to do with the effects of the spell when I removed you from this dimension's knowledge.” Twilight replied honestly trying to figure this out herself.

“I don't speak egghead!” Scootaloo exclaimed in a pissed off tone. This was clearly pissing her off and Twilight knew it.

“There is not simple way to put it Scootaloo. I can't explain why you turned back into a filly again when the house came back here.” Twilight replied once again honestly still trying to figure out what the deal was until she looked at Rarity at which point something “clicked”.

“So that's it!” Twilight exclaimed suddenly as her eyes lit up.

“What is it?” Rarity asked curiously.

“Okay, so when I put you and Scootaloo in another dimension, because of the nature of the spell, both of you were removed from existence in this dimension.” Twilight said in a matter of fact tone waiting for the two to process this before she continued.

“I'm not following.” Rarity relied in a confused tone.

“Okay, well this is where it gets tricky, you see because of the nature of the spell when I cast it, the dimension held sort of a freeze frame photo version of you two, just before the spell was cast. This freeze frame held every physical aspect of you two at the time before you left this dimension. So it only stands to reason that when you returned here, it reverted you two to the age it freeze framed you two at.” Twilight said in a matter-of-fact tone.

“And you chose just now to tell me this?” Scootaloo asked in a pissed off tone.

“Did the magic book tell you this?” Rarity chimed in with an equally pissed off tone.

“The part of the book that explain that was a little vague on the details, I really don't know what happened. I just made up that theory because it at least made sense.” Twilight admitted after a few minutes of silence which was met with facehoofing gestures from both ponies.

“So how much time has passed in Equestria?” Rarity asked curiously.

“Roughly two months.” Twilight replied at which point Rarity sighed.

It was at this point and time however a starting truth hit Rarity like a ton of bricks. Scootaloo was a filly again.

“Rarity...” Scootaloo said in a soft tone as she walked up to the mare reached up and placed a hoof on her cheek.

“I can't believe this happened though, if I wouldn't get in big trouble, I would make an report on the effects of multidimensional trav-!” Twilight began to say only to cut herself off mid-sentence at the sight that beheld her now.

Rarity reached up and placed a hoof on the filly's that lay on her cheek as tears flowed from both pony's eyes now. “I'm sorry.” Rarity remarked aloud in a soft tone.

“I understand.” Scootaloo replied in the same soft tone with a weak teary smile, walked past Twilight, and out the front door.

“Your plan failed Twilight. Now leave me be, I have packing to do so I can find my sister.” Rarity said in a still tone as if she was holding back tears.

“Rarity, you can't fool me. I saw-” “I said, leave me be!” Twilight began to say only for Rarity to cut her off nearly shrieking what she had said.

“Alright.” Twilight replied in a soft tone, walked out the front door, and closed it behind her.

Once alone the white unicorn fell to her underside, slammed both hooves on her face, and began to sob loudly...

Through the looking glass

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Days had passed now yet Rarity had still not packed a single thing. She spent most days now sobbing silently to herself as held a photograph she had taken of an near adulthood Scootaloo which was taken a mere few days before she made her that dress. It was then a knock on the door caused the unicorn to look up, wipe her puffy eyes, and opened it which revealed Applebloom in the doorway.

“Hey Rarity. Ah heard from Scootaloo what happened.” Applebloom said in a soft tone as she walked inside.

“She told you everything?” Rarity asked with a sniffle.

“Well, maybe not everything, but she told meh how y'all confessed ya feelins for one another and then the house started goin all crazy. She stayed with meh for the weekend after all.” Applebloom replied as she sat down on the floor not very far from the unicorn whom closed the door now, walked up to her, and sat down.

“Scootaloo also told me that you and her were the first to see my little sister and Cheerilee...” Rarity replied only to trail off, yet this time she didn't feel anger, rather she couldn't place the feeling. It was somewhere between sad and angry yet she couldn't place where. This caused her even more confusion if possible.

“Yeah, and we agreed to keep it a secret, ah was only protecting Sweetie Belle.” Applebloom replied in a soft tone with a weak smile.

“I can't believe I’m asking this but, do you know what love is?” Rarity asked curiously.

“Of course ah do, ah love mah family with all mah heart.” Applebloom replied with a giggle.

“Not that kind of love, the other kind. The kind you feel towards another pony.” Rarity replied feeling more and more stupid by the minute for asking this question. “Of course she doesn't know. She's only a filly.” Rarity thought to herself dismally.

“Oh. Yeah, ah know that kind of love too.” Applebloom remarked in a soft tone though this time her voice had an air of sadness about it.

“You sound as if you've been hurt.” Rarity remarked taking note of the sadness in the filly's voice.

“You could say that. Course she don't even know...! ah mean, oh horseapples!” Applebloom exclaimed slamming her hooves over her face with a deep red blush.

“And who might that this mystery filly be?” Rarity asked who couldn't help but giggle at the filly's embarrassment.

“She's not a filly.” Applebloom replied simply which sent the unicorn's mind reeling once again.

“What is it with these filly's and their attraction to mares older than them?!” Rarity thought herself in a annoyed tone before she spoke. “Okay, so who's the mare?” Rarity asked in a soft tone.

“Fl-Fluttershy.” Applebloom replied even though she stuttered the name as she spoke it.

“I hate to disappoint you Applebloom, but I'm fairly sure Fluttershy isn't into young filly's.” Rarity replied in a comforting tone before she abruptly facehoofed. “I can't believe I just said that.” Rarity said in a dismal tone a few moments after she facehoofed.

“Ah know. Ah'll just wait till ah'm older. Not all ponies can be like Cheerilee and Rainbow Dash.” Applebloom replied allowing herself to smile once again.

“Cheerilee...” Rarity remarked aloud still unable to place why she was feeling the way she was.

“You seem confused.” Applebloom remarked wisely as she looked at the unicorn's expression now which looked conflicted.

“You could say that.” Rarity replied as she stood up, walked to the side of her room, and placed a hoof on the a picture of her and Sweetie Belle with an thoughtful expression now.

“Do ya love her?” Applebloom asked after a short period of silence which caught the unicorn off guard.

“My sister? Of course I do.” Rarity replied quickly.

“No, ah mean Scootaloo. Do ya love her?” Applebloom asked curiously as she walked up next to the unicorn.

Upon hearing this question, Rarity let out a long winded sigh yet didn't say anything which allowed a awkward silence to ensue. That is, until Applebloom tapped her side which caused the unicorn to look down and see the filly holding a drinking glass. “Are you thirsty?” Rarity asked curiously as she looked at the filly in confusion.

“Nah, ah want ya to look through it.” Applebloom replied with a smirk.

“What good would that do me?” Rarity asked still trying to make sense of the filly's request.

“Just do it for pony's sake. Then look ah meh through it.” Applebloom replied in a slightly annoyed tone.

“Alright, but I don't see where you are going with this.” Rarity replied in an unsure tone as she levitated the glass with her magic and looked at the filly. To her eyes now the filly looked distorted and and warped.

“Well, how do ah look?” Applebloom asked with a smirk.

“Absolutely ridiculous darling.” Rarity replied and couldn't help but giggle slightly now at how the farm pony looked.

“Okay, now ah want ya to look at meh without the drinkin glass for a moment, then look at meh through it again.” Applebloom replied to which the unicorn gave an annoyed sigh and lowered the looking glass.

“Now this is how ah look to the average pony right?” Applebloom remarked as Rarity looked at her normally.

“Where are you going with this Applebloom?” Rarity asked impatiently.

“Okay, now look at meh through the drinkin glass again.” Applebloom instructed the unicorn to which she did so once again.

“I really don't see where you are going with this.” Rarity remarked aloud at Applebloom whom looked once again distorted before her eyes.

“Now I look plum silly right? But ah’m still meh. Ya see where ah'm goin with this?” Applebloom asked now in a hopeful tone.

“Not really.” Rarity replied truthfully.

“Just because ah look different to ponies, doesn't change who ah am. Ah'm still the same farm pony no matter how ya look at meh.” Applebloom replied in a matter-of-fact tone.

“This is true, but how does this have anything to do with how I feel towards Scootaloo?” Rarity asked still not getting the full picture.

“Ah'm gettin to that.” Applebloom replied as she walked up to the photograph of the near adult Scootaloo, carried it over to her, placed it on the floor next to her hooves, grabbed a picture of her, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, and placed it next to that one.

“Now, picture yourself lookin at Scootaloo through the lookin glass when ya look at this version of her, then picture yourself lookin at her normal with this one.” Applebloom said in a instructive tone pointing at the near adult version of Scootaloo then at the filly version of her.

Rarity looked at the near adult version of Scootaloo now then looked at the filly version then back to the near adult version and it suddenly fell together in her mind as she placed a hoof over her mouth looking teary-eyed. “Ah see ya got it now. No matter how Scootaloo looks, she's still the same pony.” Applebloom remarked with a smile.

“How could I have been so blind?” Rarity remarked in a soft tone then looked at Applebloom. “But she's till just a filly. I don't think I could bring myself to even kiss her like this.” Rarity replied looking at the farm pony now.

“That's where mah wisdom ends. Sorreh Rarity, but ah can't teach ya how to get past that little hurdle, ya will have to figure it out for yourself. Course maybe you could ask Cheerilee, that is if ya can resist stompin her face into the ground first.” Applebloom replied, turned around, and began to walk away.

“Where are you off to?” Rarity asked curiously.

“Gonna head off and see if Scootaloo is at the clubhouse course she might be home right now.” Applebloom replied with a smile before she left the unicorn's house and closed the door behind her.

At first the unicorn didn't react. She just stood in place trying to collect herself. “The mind of a filly is a wondrous thing.” Rarity remarked aloud thoughtfully after a few moments as she looked out her window noticing the sun was setting at which point Rarity's expression went wide with alarm and the unicorn rushed to Scootaloo's house.


Rarity walked towards the house where Scootaloo had mentioned she lived and immediately noticed a Pegasus sitting on the porch, passed out, with an empty wine bottle laying next to her. “That would be Scootaloo's mother...” Rarity remarked aloud with a heavy sigh as she walked up to the Pegasus and shook her awake.

“Uh, who's there? Is that you bobby?” The drunken Pegasus asked in a slurred tone.

“Hello, my name is Rarity. I'm a friend of Scootaloo's. Is she here?” Rarity replied trying her best to be polite despite the fact the Pegasus looking at her as if she was repulsive.

“Buck if I know. Go away, I’m trying to sleep here.” The Pegasus replied and promptly passed out once again.

Instead of leaving however, Rarity opened the front door with magic and walked in. The entire house was deathly quiet except for a faint sound that seemed to be coming from upstairs. Curiously the unicorn walked up the steps as the sound became louder and louder and more clear. Rarity cautiously walked up to the room where the sound became clear as day. A loud slapping sound could be heard coming from within the room even though the door was closed along with a grunting sound and a faint whimper.

For some reason she hesitated to open the door. Perhaps it was fear for what she might find beyond the door. Perhaps it was her thinking it was just her being overly paranoid. Regardless, she hesitated just the same. That is, until an more than obvious pained cry came from within the room which belonged to none other than Scootaloo.

Rarity didn't hesitate any longer now as she blasted the door off it's hinges revealing a sobbing Scootaloo with a gag in her mouth along with a unicorn nearly half way buried inside her whom promptly pulled out of the filly upon seeing the door being blasted down.

“Who the buck are you?!” The stallion asked in an outraged tone as he stared at the unicorn.

“Step away from Scootaloo this instant you,you, foul creature!” Rarity exclaimed at the top of her lungs filled with an unspeakable rage right now.

“Afraid I can't do that.” The stallion replied with a sneer as he used his magic to fling Scootaloo in front of him as a shield the moment he saw Rarity's horn glowing. “Ah, Ah, ah. We wouldn't want anything to happen to little scoots, would we?” The stallion asked from behind the filly with a light chuckle.

Rarity looked into Scootaloo's tear filled eyes now and could hear a faint dripping in the room now. Curiously and against her better judgment she glanced downward towards the filly's vagina and noticed a steady flow of semen dripping from it. This very sight disgusted the unicorn and filled her with even more rage now. “Let her go.” Rarity said as she gave the stallion a deathly glare through gritted teeth.

“Sorry, can't do that sweet cheeks and I can's let you go either for that matter.” The stallion replied as the doorway behind her suddenly disappeared leaving a solid wall behind her now.

“How can you do this to your own daughter?!” Rarity exclaimed unable to hold the question back any longer.

“Who's this mule Scoots? You been whoring out on side on me?!” The stallion exclaimed as he shook the quivering filly who shook her head quickly in response still sobbing silently.

“I asked you a bucking question!” Rarity nearly shrieked in response to the stallion seemingly ignoring her question.

“I don't have to explain myself to you, but I’ll humor ya. Me and Scoots have an understanding. She gives me all the flank I want and I will make sure she looks pretty the next day for school. Isn't that right scoots?” The stallion replied and gave the filly a violent shake with his magic which caused her to nod quickly.

“You're a contemptible creature who doesn't deserve to live!” Rarity exclaimed loudly then noticed Scootaloo whom was starting to look frantic and shouted muffled words as her eyes trailed up above the unicorn.

Rarity followed the filly's line of sight just in time to see a knife hovering just above her head and used her own magic to stop it just before it could impale her backside.

“Damn mule, you warned her didn't you?!” The stallion exclaimed in outraged tone, flung the filly to the wall, charged at Rarity, and tackled her into the wall.

“Get off me!” Rarity shrieked as she kicked and bucked against the stallion though she couldn't seem to get him off her as he struck back at her and much to the unicorn's horror held her down with his magic.

“Ha, I'm gonna get me some mare flank!” The stallion exclaimed with a smirk as he used his magic to spread Rarity's legs wide open.

Despite Rarity's magical skills, it was clear the stallions was more powerful than hers. Rarity could only look on in horror as the stallion penetrated her.”Let me go! Stop it!” Rarity shrieked as she tried to fight against the stallion in vain.

“Hey, Dad!” Scootaloo's voice pipped up which caused the stallion and Rarity to yank their gaze in the direction of Scootaloo whom was charging at the stallion now wings spread, knife in mouth, giving a rage filled cry between gritted teeth as she impaled the stallion squarely in the neck which caused him to go flying off of Rarity and be slammed against the wall a mere second later.

Scootaloo then jumped off the stallion and stared at him as he took fast short breaths now staring back at her. “Fade away into my nightmares where you belong, you monster.” Scootaloo said in a pissed off tone as the stallions steady fast short breaths began to slow and eventually stopped.

Rarity slowly stood to all four hooves, walked over to Scootaloo, and placed her hooves around the filly who immediately fell to her knees sobbing loudly now as she held onto Rarity's forehooves with her own as she sobbed.


Police stallions and mares now flooded the house on the end of this block all chattering and talking amongst one another as a doctor pony looked over Rarity. “Well, aside from some vaginal tearing, your in fit shape Rarity. I can arrange therapy for you if needed.” The stallion said in a comforting tone as she put his stethoscope away and looked at her.

“N-No, that won't be needed. How is Scootaloo doing?” Rarity asked curiously, the concern in her voice clear as day now.

“As well as any filly can be. She's a little worse off than you psychically, but beyond that, she's fit as a fiddle. Poor filly, she's endured years of sexual abuse from her father, Celestia knows how much of a mental impact that's had on her.” The stallion remarked in a saddened tone.

“I wish I had known sooner. I could have saved her from this years ago.” Rarity replied in a guilty tone.

“Don't blame yourself miss Rarity, no pony could have known.” The stallion replied and sighed before he spoke again. “Filly fiddlers, sick and twisted ponies, the lot of em.” The stallion remarked in a sour tone as he walked away to speak with the police ponies.

“Not all of them.” Rarity remarked softly with a thoughtful expression now.

It was at this point Applebloom and Twilight came rushing up to the scene. “Rarity, I heard what happened, are you okay?!” Twilight asked in a panicked tone.

“I'll be fine.” Rarity replied in a soft tone and looked over towards Scootaloo whom was talking to police ponies now. “She's got no where to go now. There's no way foal protection services will allow her to stay here. I can't bear to see her given to some random family.” Rarity remarked in a soft tone.

“I'll go talk to the police ponies and see what I can do.” Twilight replied with a soft smile.

“Are ya sure you are okay?” Applebloom asked curiously in a concerned tone.

“I'm fine Applebloom, though I do want to thank you. If you hadn't given me the advice you had, I would have never thought to come here and find her. You opened my eyes to a new world.” Rarity replied with a soft smile only to get a confused look from the filly.

“Uh, Rarity, ya sure ya are okay?” Applebloom asked in a concerned tone.

“Of course darling, why?” Rarity asked curiously confused by the filly's question.

“Well, ah've been with Applejack all day. So ah couldn't have given ya any advice. Oh horseapples! Ah gotta get back to the farm! It's in the middle of the night and they don't know ah left!” Applebloom replied and quickly ran off leaving the unicorn confused all to hell until it occurred to her.

“Twilight!” Rarity exclaimed quietly as she hit the ground in annoyance.

At this very moment the purple unicorn was making her way back over to where she sat.

“Good news Rarity, they've agreed to grant you full custody.” Twilight said with a warm smile which vanished upon looking at the white unicorn's glare.

“You made me think you were Applebloom!” Rarity exclaimed in a pissed off tone.

“Yeah I did, but it was the only way you would listen to me. I knew how you felt about Scootaloo, and I knew Applebloom had known about Cheerilee and Sweetie Belle when I talked to the two a month or so ago, so I knew you would at least hear her out.” Twilight confessed and ran a hoof though her mane nervously.

At first it looked as if the white unicorn was ready to wallop the purple unicorn as tensed up in front of her now. However much to Twilight's shock and relief, Rarity abruptly hugged her tightly. “Looks like your plan worked after all Twilight.” Rarity remarked softly as she hugged her friend.

“To be honest I thought it had failed until now.” Twilight replied truthfully with a giggle.



Cheerilee and Sweetie Belle were laying on their bed now basking in their afterglow of love making when Twilight and Rarity appeared in the room in a flash of magic which caused both ponies to look up in alarm.

“Step away from my sister if you would.” Rarity said in a calm yet stern tone.

“Twilight, why did you bring her here for?!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed in outraged tone.

“Quiet Sweetie Belle.” Rarity said flashing the filly a stern look as Cheerilee slowly and cautiously got off the bed and walked towards her.

“Do your worst, but nothing will stop me from loving Sweetie Belle.” Cheerilee said in a solemn tone as she shut her eyes expecting the unicorn to beat the living crap out of her.

“No, I won't let you!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed, jumped off the bed, and charged forward only for Twilight to halt her with her magic. “You stinking mule! You betrayed us!” Sweetie Belle shrieked with tears in her eyes now.

“You have foalnapped with my sister, touched her in ways that most ponies would see as vile and cruel, and.....!” Rarity said trailing off dramatically at which point Cheerilee expected some sort of beating to occur.

However much to Cheerilee and Sweetie Belle's shock and confusion, the unicorn hugged her tightly. “Shown her that you truly love her more than anything in this world.” Rarity said in a soft tone as she hugged the earth pony, broke the hug and smiled at her.

“Can you ever forgive a foalish mare for forcing you to leave everything you knew behind?” Rarity asked in a soft tone at which point Twilight stopped holding Sweetie Belle back with her magic.

“Of course.” Cheerilee replied as a smile of her own washed over her face then looked at Twilight. “Well Twilight, it seems as if your plan worked. Well done.” Cheerilee remarked with a smile.

“Actually, my plan failed miserably, it was Scootaloo who really should take credit for helping Rarity see the world differently, I merely just gave her some friendly advice.” Twilight replied modestly.

“Speaking of which.” Rarity remarked with a smirk and used her magic to open the front door which revealed Scootaloo whom rushed in, tackled Sweetie Belle, and hugged her tightly.

“I missed you, you living dictionary!” Scootaloo exclaimed with a giggle as she hugged her friend.

“I missed you too, featherbrain.” Sweetie Belle replied along with a giggle of her own then looked up at Rarity and Twilight. “Does this mean we can come back home now?” The filly asked curiously with a hopeful expression.

“Yes, it does. Oh and little sis...” Rarity replied trailing off as if waiting for the filly to look at her. “Hooves off my fillyfriend.” Rarity remarked with a smirk.

“Ha,ha, okay!” Sweetie Belle replied along with a light laugh.

“Fillyfriend?” Cheerilee remarked with a surprised expression.

“Don't look so shocked Cheerilee. After all, we live in the same world now.” Rarity remarked with a warm smile.

“I suppose so.” Cheerilee replied as she looked down at Sweetie Belle whom was nuzzling her side at the moment.