The Rainboom Thieves

by KingJoltik

First published

In an alternate world, the Mane Six are master thieves known as the Rainbooms!

In an alternate world, the Mane Six are master thieves known as the Rainbooms!


Twilight: The Brains and Leader. Specialty: Making plans and inventions.

Rainbow Dash: The Sneaky Thief. Specialty: High speed escapes and excellent stunt flyer.

Pinkie Pie: The Distraction Maker. Specialty: Making Distractions and Decoys.

Fluttershy: The Shy Doctor. Specialty: Healing ponies if they get hurt, and being shy.

Rarity: The Smooth Talker. Specialty: Making disguises and seducing stallions.

Applejack: The Muscle. Specialty: Heavy Lifting and driving carriages.

Together, they are the ultimate thieving team!

Cover art by the amazing Pumpkin Spice Unicorn!

There is also an audio drama of the first chapter by the wonderful CMC13: The audio drama is right here.

Featured on Fimfiction's main page on 6/13/2015 and 6/26/2015!

Also, this story is old. The early chapters are very low quality! You have been warned!!!

The Fantasia Jewels

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Part I: Days as Thieves

“Okay girls, is everyone in position?” asked Twilight Sparkle over her headset.

“Me and Applejack are in position.” said Fluttershy as she sat in a carriage as Applejack was rigged to push the carriage. Her and Applejack were in tuxedos, disguised as stallions.

“I'm ready-eddy!” said Pinkie Pie as she sat in the bushes beside the mansion with a bunch of fireworks ready to be fired.

“I've just entered the party, darling.” said Rarity in a blue, diamond studded dress.

“I'm hiding in the clouds, ready for action!” said Rainbow Dash.

“Okay everyone,” said Twilight. “Our target is the Fantasia Jewels, which are in the safe in Muggy Snide's office. This plan is three-fold. First, Rarity must seduce and dance with Muggy Snide in his mansion party that is happening tonight. While dancing, she must steal his key card to his office. Second, Rarity will go into the bathroom and use her unicorn magic to slip the card up through the vents. Then Rainbow will go through the vents, grab the card and exit the vents by going to the room right next door. Third, Pinkie Pie will start the distraction so the guards will leave the door. Then Rainbow will get in the safe, grab the jewels and fly out of there through the window. Applejack and Fluttershy will get Rarity and Pinkie Pie back to the hideout with the carriage while Rainbow Dash flies out of there. Remember Rainbow, once you open the window to flee, the alarms will go off, so be quick.”

“Understood!” said the other five.

Rarity entered the party and began scanning the mansion. She began looking for Muggy Snide as she went over to the buffet. Getting a glass of champagne, she looked over the guests. Then she found him. Muggy Snide stood there at the base of the stairs in the ballroom. His hooves were pulling is long, burry mustache.

“I found the target, darling.” said Rarity into her earpiece.

“Understood.” replied Twilight, “Rainbow Dash, have you found the vents?”

“Yeah, I'm going in.”

“Alright Rarity, Rainbow Dash has entered the vents.” commanded Twilight.

“Understood, I'm going in.” said Rarity and began to slowly approach Muggy. She took a small sip of champagne and went up to Muggy. “Hello darling.”

Muggy gulped. “Um...hello beautiful miss. Are you enjoying my extra luxurious party?”

“Oh yes, darling.” said Rarity, “You are Muggy Snide, correct?”


“Tell me, would you care to take a small dance with me?” Rarity said, winking at Muggy.

“Oh, um, er, sure miss, um...”

“Fantasy Jewel, that's my name darling.”

“I would be glad, uh, to dance with you Miss Jewel.”

“Oh my, what a gentlecolt.” she said seductively as she grabbed his hoof. The two slowly walked to the middle of the ballroom. They began to do a slow ballroom dance. Rarity quickly matched her hooves movements with Muggy's.

“You dance well, Mr.Muggy.” commented Rarity.

“You're good as well, Miss Jewel. I'm surprised you move so well in that dress.”

“But of course darling.” said Rarity and then she made a pained expression.

“Are you alright Miss Jewel?”

“I may have had a little to much to drink darling.” lied Rarity.

“Do you need help to the ladies room?”

“No, it's fine. Thank you for the dance.” said Rarity as she then hugged him, slipping her hoof into his pocket. “See ya later darling.”

“Of course.” Muggy said with a huge smile.

Rarity slowly walked to the bathroom, “Twilight, I got the key card. I'm going to the restroom now.”

“Understood, Rainbow is already in the vents, ready to get the card.” said Twilight as she typed on her computer's keyboard. She changed to Rainbow's earpiece. “Rarity is coming now Rainbow.”

“Got it.” said Rainbow.

Rarity entered the restroom and opened the stall at the end. She couldn't believe she had to dance with that ugly looking stallion. She quickly used her magic to levitate the card up to the vents. The card slowly ascended into the vent grates, slipped through the bars. Rainbow then grabbed the card.

“Got the card.” said Rainbow.

“Good job Rainbow.” said Twilight, “Rarity, you're good to go.”

“Understood darling, I'm going to wash my hooves and then get to Applejack and Fluttershy.”

“Fine, but be quick.” said Twilight annoyed.

Rarity washed her hooves and slowly began to exit the party. Rainbow Dash then crawled through the vents and opened one of the grates.

“I'm in the room.” said Rainbow as she descended into an empty room. She sneaked up to the door of the room and slowly creaked the door open into the hallway, right by Muggy's office. “There's two guards, I need the distraction.”

“Understood.” replied Twilight, “Rarity are you in the getaway carriage?”

“Yes darling.”

“Good. Pinkie Pie, begin the distraction.”

“You got it Twilight, Ten fireworks coming right up!” Pinkie said with a grin as lit up the fireworks behind the bushes. She then aimed at the side of the manison.


“What was that?!” yelled Muggy as his mansion began rocking. “Guards! Go find out who's doing this at once!”

The guards left the office door along with several guards. They quickly began to run outside of the mansion.

“Applejack! Get the carriage going! You need to get Pinkie and get back to the hide out now!” yelled Twilight.

“I'm on it sugarcube!” said Applejack as began to dashing to Pinkie.

“Eeep!” squealed Fluttershy as she tried to keep holding onto the reins connected to Applejack. “Please slow down a little Applejack!”

“Sorry, no can do!” said Applejack quickly ran to Pinkie Pie, who quickly jumped into the carriage.

“We got Pinkie, darling!” said Rarity, “We're heading home!”

“Good! Rainbow?”

Rainbow sneaked to the door and used the key card. She quickly sneaked into the office and looked around. “I'm in, but where is the safe?” she said as she scanned the room.

“Check his desk.” suggested Twilight.

Rainbow quickly went to the desk and found a small doorknob. She opened the tiny door to see a small safe.

“It has a digital lock, Twilight.”

“Okay, put my decoder device on its keypad.”

Rainbow put the small device on the keypad and a small antenna sprang up and began flashing red lights. Twilight quickly began typing, trying to find the code to the safe.


“Hold on.....there! The code is 7-5-6-3 Rainbow!”

“Got it!” she said as she pressed the buttons, opening the safe. Inside were five Fantasia Jewels and a few gold bars along with some documents. Rainbow Dash quickly put them in the sack she brought with her and went to window. She then started to hear loud hoofsteps.

“I think they're coming for me Twilight. I got the jewels. Is it safe to leave?”

“Go for it!”

Rainbow dash opened the nearest window and spread her wings. The alarm immediately went off, blaring a loud ringing noise. Rainbow dashed out the window immediately and flew into the clouds. She dashed over the rooftops of Manehatten and landed on top of an old, decrypt building. Using the door on the top, she went inside and flew down the stairs. There she opened a small, hidden door to the basement of the building.

“I'm here and I am awesome!” yelled Rainbow Dash.

“Good job Rainbow Dash.” said Twilight as she turned around in her chair to Rainbow. “The girls should be here any second now.”

“Man they are slow and I am to fast!!”

“Stop inflating your ego Rainbow, that will only lead to problems.”

“You're just jealous.”

Another door opened and four ponies walked in.

“We're back darlings!” exclaimed Rarity.

“Did we get the goods?” asked Applejack.

“We sure did!” yelled Rainbow.

“YAY!” cheered Pinkie.

“Um...hooray, we did it...” squealed Fluttershy.

“Okay everypony, let's see the goods.” said Twilight as directed everyone to a table. Rainbow then put her sack on the table and dumped the jewels and gold bars out.

“Oh my, they look fabulous! So beautiful!!!” screamed Rarity with excitement.

“There are five jewels, each worth 10 million bits, which means we did a 50 million haul girls.” said Twilight with a huge smile.

“Aw yeah! We rock! We are the Rainbooms!” cheered Rainbow Dash.

“Good job girls!” said Twilight as she put her hoof in the air. “To an excellent heist, performed by the Rainbooms!”

“To the Rainbooms!” the other five shouted as the hit their hooves to Twilight's hoof.

Meanwhile, back at the party....

“What do you mean my jewels are gone?!” yelled Muggy Slide.

“We're sorry sir, but somepony stole them.” said a guard.

“You incompetent, stupid, lazy idiots!!!!” screamed Muggy.

“That's enough Muggy Snide.” said a sharp voice. “You're under arrest.”

“What? Who are you?” yelled Muggy.

“When we investigated your safe, there were some important documents left behind, showing the black market deals you did to get those jewels.”

“What? But-” said Muggy before the mare put her hoof in his mouth.

“Not one more word criminal.” she said with a demanding tone. “You were just robbed by the Rainbooms, who are master thieves who steal from other thieves.”

“But...but...grrrr!!! Who are you?!” whined Muggy as other police ponies put cuffs on him.

“Me? I am any criminal's worse nightmare. I am the Great and Powerful Private Detective Trixie Lulamoon!” she said with a triumphant smile.

“And Trixie will one day catch the Rainbooms!!!”

The Gem of Tiger Eyes. (Part 1 of 2)

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Trixie sat down at a desk in her home. She sighed as she used her magic and pulled her typewriter out. She then began typing.

My notes over the Rainbooms:
Approximately one and half years ago, the thieves known as the Rainbooms made their first appearance. They were originally believed to have first been located in Baltimare due to their first four crimes happening there. Their first crime was the Necklace of Zebras, a necklace made of white and black pearls worth 5 million bits. It was located in a museum in Baltimare run by a corrupt noble who had been blackmailing several notable artists. Their second crime was the Jewel of Purple Lightning, worth 8 million bits. It was located in a mansion run by a pony crime family. The third crime was 15 million bits from the Baltimare 'Double Shine' Bank. The owner of the robbed bank was leading a double life as mafia boss. Their fourth crime was a failure in Baltimare where they tried to steal the 25 million bit Emerald of the Cat. They tried to steal this gem from another museum but the police arrived early. The Rainbooms successfully escaped capture however. Then I suspect they decided to leave Baltimare and ended up in Manehatten, where I have been currently chasing them. Their fifth crime was a success though. The fifth crime was stealing the Gold Statue of the Stars, worth 30 million bits which was a statue in the Museum of History in Manehatten. I later investigated and arrested the owner of the mansion, Ink Battery, who had been secretly illegally selling art pieces on the black market. Then they committed their sixth crime last night, the Fantasia Jewels from Muggy Snide.

Trixie stopped typing. “Ugh, Trixie can't believe those thieves still haven't been caught. Trixie looked all over the crime scene and didn't find a single thing.” she said to herself, letting out a huge moan. “Now, what do I do......?”

Meanwhile at the Rainboom's hideout....

Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Applejack were asleep in their rooms. Rarity then woke up in her bed and let out a huge yawn. She then slowly got up to get a glass of water. As she wandered down the hallway, she saw a bright light flashing in the meeting room. She drifted into the room and saw a hunched over pony in the corner, typing away at a computer. It was Twilight, still working.

“Twilight, darling, go to bed.” said Rarity.

“Hello Rarity, sorry, but there is still so much to do.” Twilight said exhaustively as she continued typing.

“Twilight, we just got done with the heist last night, we'll be able to sell them to the buyers next week, alright?”

“I know, I just...I don't know...”

“Look, we have plenty of money even before we did the heist. It's fine.”

“......I just, think we need to do more...”

“Look, I know how we use the money and its fine, it will all be okay.”

“I know, I just want to at least know what our next heist will be...”

“It's fine, I use the money for my jewelery and dresses, Applejack uses it for her family, you for your inventions, and Fluttershy uses the money to help animal shelters.” remarked Rarity and then said, “And we know Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash do this for the thrills.”

“I know, I just....wait a minute...”

“What? You got something?”

“Yeah.....The Gem of Tiger Eyes.”

“The 65 million bit gem that we decided not to steal when we moved to Manehatten?”

“We decided not to steal because the owner is squeaky clean, no crimes, no nothing.”

“So why can we steal it now?”

“Because somepony bought it. A certain Canterlot noble.”

“Let me guess, the pony is a dirty little criminal?”

“There is evidence to suggest it, the buyer is Rich Flower, a noble who deals in the black market time to time...We've almost made a few deals with him a few times.”


“The Jewel of Purple Lightning and the Gold Statue of the Stars, he tried to buy them from us...but his price was too low.”

“What a tightwad.”

“No kidding, according to this, he will be coming in a blimp two weeks from now to pick up the gem and have the nobles have a party in Manehatten because they're rich.”

“Loves to throw money around, huh?”

“Yep. Alright, I'm going to try to make a plan for another heist. That and complete my new inventions.”

“No.” said Rarity sharply.


“Go to bed Twilight. You can try to make plans tomorrow.”


“You need to sleep Twilight!!!” yelled Rarity.

Twilight then shrunk in her chair and then squeaked, “Okay.”

Three days before the heist....

“Okay girls, I got us a new heist. So girls, once again I must ask you..” spoke up Twilight. “Do you want to do this?” asked Twilight as she put her hoof in the air. “Tell me, if you don't want to, it's okay.”

“Sugarcube, don't worry about a thing, we're all in. Right girls?” replied Applejack.

“Yeah, we're with you all the way!” said Pinkie.

The other five put their hooves in the air and Twilight smiled. “Thank you girls.”

Twilight adjusted her glasses and then put several papers on their meeting room table. “Okay, let's go over the plan. Now, unfortunately, I couldn't find a way to get the gem at the party they will have before leaving Manehatten.”

“Really?!” asked Rainbow surprised.

“Yeah, there will tons of police ponies there. There was no real safe route. Sorry.”

“It's fine darling.” said Rarity.

“Instead, I have made a more extravagant plan to say the least. First, take a look at these.” she said and put out two metal rings that could easily fit on people's hooves.


“Watch this.” said Twilight as she put on one of the rings. The rings shine and suddenly Twilight's skin turned Purple to Orange and her mane Purple to Dark Green. “Impressed?”

“Whoa! You look like a different pony!”

“Yeah, they're called disguise rings, I made them with the money from our last heist, unfortunately I didn't have enough time to make any more than two of them. I also made this.” she said as pulled out a huge square shaped device.

“What's that?”

“A giant mattress expansion device. It can grow to the size of three story building. It can expand and shrink in mere minutes.”

“So its a giant pillow?”

“Um...yes. Anyways...” remarked Twilight. “Now, let's begin. This is a three part plan. First, Rairty and Applejack will wear the two disguise rings. I've bought us two tickets with our extra money. Rarity, you'll need to make a very noble looking dress, just make it look fancy, I don't care.”

“Of course darling.”

“Alright, Applejack will be disguised as Rarity's bodyguard. You'll need to wear your disguise tuxedo from the last heist.”


“Well, both of you will board the blimp. Then you will need to plant these around the blimp as secretly as possible.” said Twilight as she pulled out several small orbs.

“Ah, smoke orbs! From the Jewel of Purple Lightning job!”

“Yeah, I can trigger these remotely when necessary. Anyways, then Rarity must trick and get the key from the head guard in the blimp. We need the key to storage, that's where the gem is. Then, we will trigger the smoke orbs and Applejack will need to break one of the windows. At the same time, Rainbow Dash will need to take some clouds and make a lightning storm in front of the blimp. Don't worry, I've checked the weather schedules, there will be plenty of clouds in the sky on the day of the heist. Then the second part of the plan happens. When Applejack breaks the window, Rainbow Dash will fly into the blimp window and grab the key from Rarity. Then she will dash to the storage room and grab the gem. You'll only have thirty seconds at most so be quick Rainbow Dash. According to the blueprints I was able to find, there will be a one way door in the storage to the outside of the blimp. Use that to make your escape.”

“Okay, Ah know this plan already sounds crazy and risky but what about me and Rarity sugarcube?”

“That's part three, which involves Pinkie and Fluttershy. Pinkie will be reining the escape carriage while Fluttershy will be with her with the mattress device. The rings have tracking devices so we know where you are at all times. I'll teach how to track both of you and use the mattress device to catch you when jump out the blimp's window.”

“Jump?” yelped Rarity.

“Don't worry, the device will easily catch you, it won't hurt at all.”

“O...okay...” squeaked Rarity.

“So, are you all still in?” asked Twilight.

The other five grinned and all said in unison, “Let's do it!!!”

The Gem of Tiger Eyes. (Part 2 of 2)

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The day of the heist...

Detective Trixie watched the ending of the noble's party before they were going into the blimp. She overlooked the situation and sighed. “Guess the Rainbooms aren't going for this one. Trixie is not sure if Rich Flower is a criminal, so maybe that's why they're not going for it.” she said to herself.

The party ended and the nobles began boarding the blimp. Rarity and Applejack proceeded to the line and nodded to each other. Thanks to the rings, the two looked like completely different ponies. Rarity sported a purple skin with a red mane while Applejack sported a blue skin and a green mane.

“I am Shining Gem darling and this is my bodyguard Green Stone.” Rarity said as she presented their tickets and the ticket pony gave them a quick nod. “Thank you darling.”

The two slowly walked into the blimp as Applejack quietly said in her hidden earpiece. “We're going into the blimp.”

“Understood.” replied Twilight. “Rainbow Dash, the blimp is going to start flying soon. Are you gathering clouds?”

“Yeah, they're spread out a bit though, how much time to do I have?”

“According to my calculations...thirty minutes minimum.”

“Got it, plenty of time.” said Rainbow Dash as she dashed off through the sky.

“Fluttershy,” said Twilight while switching frequencies, “Are you in position?”

“Me and Pinkie are hiding in the forest that the blimp will be going over.” replied Fluttershy. “We're ready.”


Rarity and Applejack entered the main part of the blimp and sat at a table. The two began scanning the blimp as much as possible. “Okay, I'll find the guard, you plant the orbs Applejack.”

“Alright sugarcube.”

The blimp began to take off, the insides rumbled as it rocked left and right as it went into the air. Then the trip began. At that moment, Rarity saw the guard with the key. “I got him, get ready to start planting the orbs.”

“Alright, any suggestions?”

Rarity looked around, “Drop them in those decorative plants around the blimp, most ponies won't think of anything if you brush by the plants, its crowded in here anyways.”

“Good idea.”

The two got up from the table. Applejack began walking around the room as Rarity walked up to the guard. She cricked her neck back and forth and approached him.

“Hello, my name is Shining Gem darling, who might you be, you burly stallion you?”

The guard blushed as he looked Rarity over.

“Keep your eyes here handsome.” Rarity said and pointed to her face. “Are you the head of these guards?”

“Um...yes...” he said shyly.

Rarity got up closer to the stallion and then asked, “What's your name big boy?”

“I'” he stuttered as he stared at Rarity. Rarity was right in front of him as she put her hoof on his shoulder. “I'm....Thunder Rock.”

“What a lovely name.” Rarity said as her hoof relaxed on him. She showed a seductive smile at him as the stallion just stared at her. At that moment her hoof sneakily took the key from him. Then Applejack came up to them.

“Miss Gem, I am your bodyguard and I ask you to stop seducing every stallion you meet.”

“Oh don't be such a spoilsport.”

Applejack grabbed Rarity and then spoke to Thunder Rock, “I apologize for her behavior.”

“Um...don't worry about it...”

The two then turned around and Applejack then whispered, “I planted the orbs, did you get the key?”


Rarity's horn glowed and activated the hidden earpiece. “We're ready.”

“Understood, Rainbow are you ready?”

“You bet!”


Rainbow slammed the clouds into the top of the blimp, loud noises of thunder began to strike. Twilight activated the smoke orbs. Smoke filled the room and immediately everypony started panicking. Applejack grabbed Rarity and went to the nearest window, bucking it with her hindlegs.


Rainbow zoomed through the window, grabbing the key from Rarity. The two looked at each other and jumped out.

“They've jumped! Is the device ready Fluttershy?!” asked Twilight quickly.

“It's ready.” said Fluttershy as a huge mattress grew and grew as the two kept falling. The two fell into the mattress safely as Fluttershy began shrinking the mattress.

“Get ready Pinkie.” yelled Fluttershy.


Rainbow Dash flew through the blimp, quickly knocking over confused guards as she flew through the blimp. She quickly opened the storage room and closed the doors behind her.

“Made it.” said Rainbow as she began slowing down. “Thought I would never find this place....alright, the gem, gotta find the gem.”

She looked through the room top to bottom quickly and soon found it. She put it in her bag and found the one way door out. “Alright, home free!” she said to herself as she flew out into the sky.

“I got it Twilight!”

“Alright! Mission complete girls!”

Meanwhile.... back on the blimp a certain earth pony sneaked into the blimp restroom unnoticed. She locked the door and tapped her hidden earpiece.

“Hello, can you read me?” said the earth pony.

“Yes, go ahead.” said the pony on the other end of the line.

“The plan's a wash.”


“The gem has been stolen before we could steal it.”

“What? HOW?!”

“Calm down.”

“CALM DOWN?! You're saying we just lost 65 million bits?!?!” yelled the reciver.

“We didn't lose any bits, we just didn't get to steal 65 million bits. The Rainbooms beat us to it.”

“Rainbooms?! Ugh, fine, just meet up with us in Canterlot when the blimp lands.”

“Hey, cheer up, we'll find something else, we are the Feather Blade thieves, right?”

“Yes. You're right. Just get back here in one piece, alright?”

“No problem.” said the earth pony as she returned to her seat, waiting for the trip to end. “Rainbooms huh? We'll beat you next time...”

Intermission - How Applejack joined the Rainboom Thieves.

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Almost two years ago...

“What do you mean we're almost out of money?!” yelled Applejack.

“Don't yell at me.” replied Granny Smith. “We need to do more orders or things are only going to get worse.”

“Ugh, how did this happen.....We haven't been able to sell as well these last few months...” said Applejack sighing as she slumped down in a chair. “Now, this month, we only have one Baltimare..”

Big Mac walked into the room and spoke up, “Applejack, go make the delivery, we'll be fine here.”

“Did you not hear what we were just arguing about Big Mac?!”

“I did. Now go.”

“I'll be gone for days, it's really far away you know.”

“Just go.”

Applejack sighed and went out to the farm. The next few hours she put the cart together, got some supplies for the next few days and proceeded to the train station. She boarded and days drudged on as she waited on that train. She thought it would never make it to Baltimare. Several days later, it finally arrived.

She looked at the order papers, “Okay, I need to deliver to a pony named River Whack...huh.” she said to herself. She began pushing the cart around Baltimare, looking for the pony's residence. Finally she found it and saw River Whack.

“Are you, uh, Mister River Whack?”

He turned around and said, “Yes I am. Who might you be?”

“I'm Applejack. I'm here to give you yer apples sir.”

“Ah, the request I made a few days ago, oh, I decline.”


“I no longer need apples, I got some other fruits instead.”

“Say what?!” yelled Applejack.

“Indeed, now take your filthy apples and leave my residence at once.”

Applejack, who was tired and now angry, began to have steam come out of her nostrils. She was already anxious over the financial problems her family was happening. However, after a several day trip to a city, which she already despised cities being the rural loving country mare that she is, her blood began to boil in anger.

“Listen here Whack! I traveled days to get here for this delivery, now either pay me or I will stuff these apples down your throat till you can't see nothing but apples!!!” she yelled.

“Why you little-! Leave now or I will sic the police ponies on you.' threatened Whack.

However, Applejack was not listening, instead she lifted her cart full of apple with her front hooves and threw it at River Whack. “Here! Take your stinking apples!!!!” she yelled.


At that moment, Applejack realized what she had done and immediately ran away. She fled down several alleyways as police ponies began searching for her after they saw what she had done to River Whack.

“Ah shoot, now I'm in big trouble now aren't I....” she said to herself.

“Yes you are.” said a mare's voice.

“Who's there?”

“Somepony who could use a strong pony like you. Especially after I saw you lift that fully filled cart of apples with ease.” said a purple unicorn that came through the alleyway. “The police ponies will keep looking for you the more you hide.”

“Yeah, but...I ain't got any money left, not even for the train. I was supposed to get some for my delivery.”

“Yes, well I can help you in that department.”

“Who are you?”

“Me? I am Twilight Sparkle and I can get you all the money you could ever want.”

“How much Miss Twilight?”

“My current plan will get 5 million bits, you'll be splitting it with five others including myself.”

“5 million?!” gasped Applejack, she couldn't believe her ears.

“You'll be getting a little over 8 hundred-thousand bits. Sound good?”

Applejack sat there for a second as she heard yelling police ponies in the distance. “How do I know I can trust you?”

“I guess you can't, at least not right now. It's your choice.”


“Sometimes it takes a leap of faith.”

“...Yer right. Okay Miss Twilight, I'm Applejack. What's yer plan to get that insane amount of bits?”

“Follow me and everything will be revealed.”

Twilight put her hoof out and Applejack hoofshaked it in agreement. At that moment, Applejack, without knowing it, had joined the Rainboom thieves.

The Golden Goose Bank of Manehatten. (Part 1 of 2)

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Three weeks since their last heist...

“Okay girls, I have some good news and some bad news. Which do you want?” asked Twilight while the six sat in their meeting room.

“Go ahead and give us the bad, darling.”

“It's fine, go ahead sugarcube.”

“Okay, the bad news is that I have still not found a good buyer for the Gem of Tiger Eyes, our last heist.”

“Really? Man, those black market ponies are stubborn.” retorted Rainbow Dash.

“I know, however, I also have good news.” Twilight said as she pulled out of her bag, a bunch of maps and multiple disguise rings. “I was able to make us all disguise rings and I have us a new heist.”

“Awesome!” yelled Rainbow Dash in excitement.

“Yay!” cheered Pinkie.

“What's the treasure this time, darling? Perhaps a rare sapphire? Or maybe a bunch of rubies?”

“Nope, it's a bank heist girls.”

“Really? Awesome! I loved our last bank heist!” cheered Rainbow.

“Hold on there partner, I thought the banks of Manehatten weren't run by any criminals?” asked Applejack.

“Yes, you told us that when we moved to Manehatten.” said Fluttershy meekly.

“That was true until recently. Which is why this heist is a bit different from our other bank heist.”

The other five looked confused as Twilight then continued her explanation.

“A little over a month ago, the Reef Mafia run by Wire Reef has been increasing their territories in Manehatten. They recently began blackmailing and illegally buying and selling assets in the Golden Goose Bank of Manehatten. They even got one of their top mafia officers into the bank as its top manager.”

“So you mean, the mafia is trying to own the bank for themselves.”

“Yes, in about three or so months they will probably be able to take it from the owner by force. All they need to do is have their money be half the vault and own most of its stocks. The Reef Mafia has been buying and selling stockbrokers left and right.”

“I don't get it, why is this any different from our last bank heist? The bad guys are in the bank so we take their money. That's all we need to do right?” asked Rainbow, confused.

“Regularly yes, but they don't own the bank yet. Despite the damage they've done, they don't have enough money to get the bank yet. They currently own only a tenth in the bank vault and that's what we are gonna steal.”

“Only a tenth?! Is that even worth it?!” yelled Rainbow.

“It's a little over 50 million bits Rainbow and we need to do it within the week.”


“Because the Mafia officer posing as manager is trying to get the bank a new security system and hire more guards. However, it hasn't been approved, yet.”

“Meaning security is low right now, right darling?”

“Yes. So are you girls in?” asked Twilight as she raised her hoof.

The other five looked at each other and raised their hooves. “We're in.”

“Alright, let's discuss the plan then girls. I've done some recon while using the disguise ring and we do have some problems. I believe the police may think this is our next target.”


“I observed Private Detective Trixie, who tried to catch us in our first heist here in Manehatten.”

“Not her again....”

“Indeed, I watched her for a while and the police ponies don't seem to take her too seriously, so we should be okay... Anyway, the plan. Alright, this will be a bit of a different operation. The bank was something I wanted us to go after when we got to Manehatten but the bank was clean then. Security in this bank is very low which is why the Mafia is trying to make its security better in the bank. Right now, they will only be five guards at night and no security cameras.”

“Okay, this sounds too easy..”

“Not exactly, The reason why the bank has low security is because it used almost all its security money in its vault. The vault is very thick, no drill can pierce it and it has anit-magic coated steel, so magic can't break the vault. So in order for this plan to work, you'll have to escort me into the bank so I can hack the computer system for the vault.”

“Wait a minute... you're going to join us for a heist instead of giving us orders? You always give us orders.”

“Yes, it's the only way.”

“Gee, Twilight... Ah don't know pardner...” said Applejack.

“I know what you all are thinking, but I'm more than ready for this.”

The other five looked at each other with concern. They looked back at Twilight and decided to go with it.

“Okay Twilight, I'm in.” said Rainbow.

“Me too.” said Fluttershy.

“Let's do it darling.” said Rarity.

“Yay! Let's do it!” cheered Pinkie.

“Okay, let's do it pardners.” said Applejack.

“I haven't explained how the rest of the heist works yet!” said Twilight while her friends just smiled at her.

The Golden Goose Bank of Manehatten. (Part 2 of 2)

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Twilight put some rope, disguise rings, maps and an orb on the table.

“Okay girls, here's the plan. This is two part plan, though it may change to a three part plan. First, we need to take out the five guards. Rainbow Dash, you'll have to knock out the two guards on the roof. Pinkie will take out the guard in the back of the bank. Me, Rarity and Applejack will go through the front where we will take out the two guards there. Fluttershy will be here, giving orders to us.”

“Um...are you sure?” asked Fluttershy.

“Yes, now I don't know how long it will take me to hack the vault's computer. So this is why I have a back up plan just in case. I did some recon on the bank the other night and there are two shifts of night guards. So after we knock out the 5 earth pony guards, we will tie them up with the rope. Then, Pinkie and Applejack will use the disguise rings and take the guard ponies clothes. You two will stand as the guards in front of the bank. During my recon, I noticed that in the change of shifts the next five guards will go through the front and then they use walkie-talkies to tell the other guards their shift is over. We must make sure if my hacking takes to long, another shift will happen and we have to make sure we don't get caught. So, Pinkie and Applejack will trick the second shift into thinking that everything is okay. Then, one of you two will use this orb. This orb is filled with sleep gas, I have some gas masks for you to put on when you use it. It will be too risky to try to knock them all out when all five are there. Rainbow, after you take out the two roof guards in the beginning, I will need you to stay in the clouds. You'll need to be up there and tell Fluttershy when the second shift is coming so she can tell Pinkie and Applejack. Finally, I will hack the vault and open it, Rarity, me and you will open the shelves in the vault owned by the mafia and take all their money. Don't worry, I'll tell which ones to open.”

“Do you have that information, darling?” asked Rarity.

“No, but I'll find out when I hack the vault. Does everyone understand your jobs?”

The other five nodded though Fluttershy looked extremely nervous. “It will be fine Fluttershy, I'll show you how to run the equipment.”

“Um....okay.” she squeaked quietly.

The next night and night of the heist....

“ everypony ready?” asked Fluttershy on her headset.

“Ready!” the other five said in unison.

“Um...okay, let the operation begin.”

Rainbow Dash flew over the bank, hiding in the clouds. She then saw the guards on the roof. Both guards were sitting at a table, playing cards.

“No wind tonight...” said one guard.

“Yep, just another boring night...” said the other guard.

“Tell me about it.” said the one guard as began shuffling the deck.


“So anything new with the family?”

“Sorry, I'm too busy being awesome.”

The one guard looked up. “What do you mean.....Uh....”



“Roof guards down.” said Rainbow with a grin on her face.


“The front guards have been taken care of.” said Twilight in a sharp tone. “We're going in.”

“Um...Pinkie? Are you done?”

Meanwhile Pinkie popped out of the bushes in the back of the bank. “Howdy!”

“Hey! Who are you?!” yelled the guard.

“GASP! Look over there!” yelled Pinkie as she pointed her hoof to the left.

“What?! Where?!” yelled the guard.


“Made you look!” said Pinkie with joy as knocked out the guard. Pinkie, Rainbow, and Applejack tied up the guards and put them inside the bank. Pinkie and Applejack stripped the guards and used the disguise rings to change their skin and mane color to match the guards. “We're set.”

“Good, I'm starting the hack.” said Twilight as she began hacking the computer connected to the vault. Her hooves typed vigorously and her quickly went back and forth as she typed more and more. Rainbow went up into the clouds and began to watch. Soon, a hour had already passed. Then Twilight got up.

“Got it!” said Twilight in delight. The vault door opened and Twilight and Rarity immediately went inside. “Alright, here's the numbers Rarity, let's start grabbing the money.”

“Of course darling.”

“Um guys, we have a problem.” said Rainbow suddenly. “The guards are coming now.”

“Um okay.” said Fluttershy and she quickly changed her headset. “Um... the second shift is coming.”

“Great, just when ah thought we was home free.” barked Applejack.

The five guards slowly approached the bank as both Pinkie and Applejack looked at them, ready to use the orb.

“Um...howdy fellas.”

“Hey! Slow night again?” asked one guard.”

“Yep.” said Applejack as she slowly pulled out her gas mask.

“What's wrong? Why are you two so nervous looking?”

“Now Pinkie!” yelled Applejack as she put on her gas mask. Pinkie quickly put on her mask and threw the orb. The gas immediately surrounded the five guards as they began coughing and wheezing. One by one they fell down to the ground. Soon all five were all on the ground. “Whew, it's all okay everypony.” said Applejack.

The gas slowly drifted and dissipated. Twilight and Rarity slowly came to the entrance with bags levitating in the air by unicorn magic filled with money.

“We're done too darling.”

“Good. Let's go.”

Applejack and Pinkie quickly took off the guard clothes and the five quickly got back to their hideout. They then dumped the bags and began celebrating.

“Alright we did it!”

“Man, that was too good!”


Twilight put her hoof in the air, “Well done girls.”

The other five put their hooves in the air. “We are the Rainbooms!”

The next day...

Trixie found herself at the Golden Goose Bank once again. She then approached the police chief.

“Trixie told you chief yet you did not listen to Trixie!” she yelled.

“Be quiet!” the chief yelled. “Or I'll have you kicked out of town.”

“It doesn't matter, Trixie told you! Never mind, Trixie will now look for clues to catch the Rainbooms and you can here doing nothing!” she yelled and then began looking around the bank.

“Trixie is surrounded by idiots....but Trixie will win, just you wait...”

Intermission - How Rarity joined the Rainboom Thieves.

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Almost two years ago...

“Unbelievable... three months. THREE MONTHS!!!” Rarity yelled at herself. “I can't believe this...”

Rarity slumped in her chair in her boutique. She sat there depressed, unable to think. “Three months and not a bit of inspiration... no new ideas for dresses, anything...” Rarity said to herself as she sat in her chair.

She looked around at her old dresses and sighed. Rarity had been a slump like no other. She hadn't thought up a single idea for a dress in three months. She just sat there, no able to do anything.

“Mail!” said Derpy the Mail Mare, who had then put mail in Rarity's mailbox. She then flew off to the next mailbox. Rarity walked out and opened her mailbox. Rarity saw that her magazine, Pony Fashion Fantastico had arrived.

“Hmmm...” said Rarity to herself as she skimmed through the magazine, walking back into her boutique. “What's this? A fashion week in Baltimare?”

Rarity saw this and began thinking. She knew she had plenty of money saved but no dress ideas. She wasn't sure if her last dress line would work for the fashion week though. “Well, I might as well try...Let's see, the event starts two weeks from now, it'll take a week to get there....Hmmmm”

Rarity entered her house and sat down. She wasn't sure, she didn't like to take big risks unless necessary. “That's right! Mother and Father are coming tomorrow! I'll have them take care of Sweetie Belle!”

The next day....

“Mother, Father, could I ask you to take care of Sweetie Belle for a few weeks?”

“We don't mind Rarity but may we ask why?” asked her father.

“I'm going to close the boutique for a few weeks for a fashion event in Baltimare.”

“Baltimare? That sounds lovely! Maybe we should all go!” suggested her mother.

“No, please mother, don't. This is for business purposes mother.” said Rarity, hoping her mother would dismiss the idea.

“Okay. We wouldn't want to bother you Rarity.”

“Thank you.”

Rarity made preparations to go Baltimare as Sweetie Belle went with their parents. Rarity was soon done and went to the train station. After boarding the train she sat down, drowning herself in her own thoughts. She thought to herself, wondering if her last line would be enough, or if she could even get inspiration at this event. Before she knew it, the days passed and she was at Baltimare. She left the train and checked in at a hotel.

Later at the day of the event....

Rarity walked around the town and saw all the fashion around her. Hundreds of fashion designers with all sorts of clothes. She walked into a theater run by a noble, Silver Wood. There, she sat in the seats as multiple dresses were being shown. There she saw Silver Wood screaming at the fashion designers.

“WHAT IS THIS GARBAGE?!?!?! YOU ARE ALL JOKES!!!” yelled Silver at the designer on the stage. Rarity's eyes grew as the noble continued to curse at every designer walking on the stage. Rarity thought most of the dresses that went up on the stage were really good, so even beautiful but Silver kept yelling and whining.

“.....I'm glad I didn't bring my dresses, no pony should have to deal with that kind of abuse...” she said to herself quietly. Rarity then got up, seeing that getting inspiration here was not going to happen. She left with a depressed look on her face. As she slowly walked out of the theater and saw the designers walking around outside. To her, it looked like a muddy sea of colors and felt even more depressed. “Maybe this was a bad idea...”

Rarity slowly began to walk out of street and then heard a voice.

“You, the white unicorn with the purple mane, please stop.” said a purple colored pony. She was walking with a yellow colored pegasus mare.

“Um, yes? Who are you?”

“My name is Twilight Sparkle and this is my friend Fluttershy.”

“I'm Rarity, what do you want?”

“I was just wondering, this event started today and you sure looked depressed despite not being yelled at by that pompous noble.”

“You saw that?”

“Yes, you're a designer too, aren't you?”

“Well, um, yes, but why do you care?”

“You're looking for inspiration aren't you?”

Rarity looked shocked at what she said, “How did you know?”

“I'm a good observer. Tell me, do you even have dresses to show off?”

“Um, uh, well....Hey! Why should I tell you?!” said Rarity with hesitation and a little bit of anger.

“Because I can see you are a lost pony right now.”

“I'm not lost....”

“I mean that you don't know what to do with your life right now.”

“I know what to do! My cutie mark is diamonds which is why I use gems for my dresses. I am a dress maker.” said Rarity, now slightly angry.

“I'm not saying you're not a dress maker, I'm saying you don't know what to do right now.”

“Well, um...”

“Alright! I have decided! You should join us.”


“Um...are you sure Twilight?” asked Fluttershy.

“Yes, I think she could be a big help Fluttershy.” said Twilight with confidence.

“I don't understand, are you trying to hire me?”

“No, let's just say, um, I could use you for a special job this week.”

“A special job?”

“Yes and I guarantee you'll get plenty of money if you need some.”

“Well....” said Rarity and then just stood there and thinking for a bit. “I don't know.... Why should I trust you Twilight?”

“Good question, I guess that's up to you.”


Twilight put her hoof out, “Well? Will you help me?”

Rarity looked at Twilight for a second and then slowly hoofshaked her hoof. “Okay, I'm in.”

The Diamond of the Shattered Crystal.

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Rainbow Dash went flying into a wall after getting hit. She slowly slumped down as her attacker approached her.

“So little thief.....thought you could just waltz in here and steal from us?!” yelled the attacker. The attacker then grabbed and lifted Rainbow Dash. Then proceeded to punch her over and over.


“Stupid little thief, do you not know who I am?! I am the Gilda! The greatest griffon that has ever lived!!!”


One week ago....

Trixie once again began typing on her typewriter.

Journal over the Rainbooms:
The Rainbooms have struck again. This time was 30 million bits from the Golden Goose Bank of Manehatten. We found absolutely no evidence to catch the thieves. Five of the guards have minor concussions that has affected their memory of that night while the other five guards were gassed with sleep gas. This in turn, left us with no witnesses. We still don't know what any of these ponies look like. In their believed failed crime in Baltimare, two hooded ponies were found trying to steal the Emerald of the Cat. Then a sudden blackout happened, causing them to escape. I believe this to be some sort of back up plan they prepared just in case. The only other time of witnessing the Rainbooms was the white unicorn named 'Fantasy Jewel' who tricked Muggy Snide. 'Fantasy Jewel' is obviously an alias. We then investigated but there are thousands of white unicorns in Manehatten. So that was a bust. Now I have no leads, again. Not only that, considering the money they have stolen now, they could easily retire now. They can't be doing it just for thrills, they would never be this careful.

Trixie stopped typing. She just sat there and then sipped some coffee she had prepared. “I'm missing something, just one detail is all I need....” she said to herself.

Meanwhile at the Rainbooms hideout...

“Okay girls, I have another job for us.” said Twilight as she confronted the other five.

“Already? Manehatten is a heist filled city!” remarked Rainbow Dash.

“Indeed darling, in Baltimare it would take a few months at a time for a new heist.”

“Well, that's Manehatten for you.” said Twilight. “Now this will probably be the riskiest heist we've ever done...”

“Stop right there pardner. You say this every single time, you know we are all with you Twilight.” said Applejack.

“Yeah, don't worry about it.” remarked Rainbow Dash.

“Um..okay, thank you girls.” said Twilight as she pulled out the disguise rings and maps. “Well, this is our target.”

She pulled out a picture of a odd looking diamond.

“Oh my, is this?” asked Rarity.

“Yes, this is the Diamond of the Shattered Crystal. It is said to be the only diamond know to have a both a valuable crystal and diamond fused together by natural means.”

“Natural means?”

“It means it was dug up like that.”

“It looks like a diamond with a pike sticking out of it.”

“That's the crystal darling.”

“It sells for 45 million bits girls.”

“45? Alright, sounds good to me.”

The rest nodded their heads in agreement.

Twilight then took a deep breath and began explaining. “Okay, here's the plan, a week from now the owner of this diamond is going to be having a huge rave party. The owner is part of the Reef mafia, which as we know has lost a significant amount of money recently. Now, the owner, Rice Flag throws these parties every two weeks. The parties are a disguise for underground deals and other selling of illegal materials. However, due to a certain loss of money the security this time with be very lax. Originally, I wanted us to steal this over a month ago but security was too good.”

“Now, he can't hire as much help huh?”

“Correct, so I have us a two part plan. First, we will use the disguise rings and sneak into the club. The office where the diamond is has two ways to get into it. There are two different staircases to the office, both will obviously be guarded. Opposite of the office will be the security camera room. So, first, Rarity, you will distract the guards on one of the two staircases, it doesn't matter which one. Then, Pinkie, Applejack and Rainbow Dash will sneak up the stairs. I need one of you to use this device on the security camera computers.” she said as she pulled out a small mechanical device. “I made this a little while ago, put this one the security camera computer and it corrupt all its footage. The device will then self destruct after doing so. Then, one of you will go and crack the safe with the diamond in the office. I'll give use a hacking device like the other job we did. Then you grab the diamond and all of you get out of there as quick as possible.”

“Sounds easy enough.”

“Not exactly, I have reports that they have hired serious muscle so be careful.”

“You worry too much Twilight, what could go wrong?”

“Don't ever say that Rainbow.”

One week later, the night of the heist...

“Everypony ready?”

“Ready!” the four said.

“Are you sure they'll be okay?” asked Fluttershy who sat right by Twilight.

“They'll be okay.”

The operation began, Rarity, Rainbow, Pinkie and Applejack walked into the club with their disguise rings on. They showed off passes that Twilight had bought in advance they waltzed right into the club. They looked at each other as they saw hundreds of ponies dancing while a white unicorn with shades was at the back of the party playing a mix table.

“Aw man...I wanna dance.” said Pinkie.

“Darling, we can come to the party another time, alright?”


The four slowly made their way to the right staircase. Rarity cocked her neck and slowly approached the guard. “Hey there handsome.”

The guard made no reaction.

“Hello, any pony there?”

“Please go away.” sad the guard.

Rarity at the start was surprised and then saw a little red in his face. “'re being shy aren't you?”


“Aw.. you're red..”

“Uh...please go away..I need to do my job..”

Rarity giggled at the guard, she knew she had his attention now. Rainbow, Pinkie and Applejack quickly sneaked around him and went up the stairs. Rainbow Dash went into the office as Pinkie and Applejack went into security room. There they saw a pony just watching the monitors, absentminded.


One quick hit to his head and he was out like a light.

“Now ah just put this thing on the computer right Twi?”

“Yes, go ahead.”

Applejack put the device on the main console and all the screens began to go haywire then all the screens shut down all at once. The device then began to start smoking and then made a small bang.

“Wow, that was a tiny explosion.” remarked Pinkie.


Meanwhile in the office, Rainbow had found the safe and put the hacking device on the safe. Twilight began hacking the safe and it opened. Rainbow the device in her bag and then began to reach for the diamond. Then suddenly she felt a pulling sensation. Someone grabbed her and threw her into the air and then punched her hard.


Rainbow Dash went flying into a wall after getting hit. She slowly slumped down as her attacker approached her.

“So little thief.....thought you could just waltz in here and steal from us?!” yelled the attacker. The attacker then grabbed and lifted Rainbow Dash. Then proceeded to punch her over and over.


“Stupid little thief, do you not know who I am?! I am the Gilda! The greatest griffon that has ever lived!!!”


Gilda then went flying across the room after receiving a punch to the beak.

“Sorry pardner, I don't care who or what you are.” said Applejack.

“Yeah, you big meanie!” exclaimed Pinkie.

“Ow...more thieves huh?” Gilda said as she got up. “Fine, I can take all of on. My job is to make sure no one takes that diamond and none of you stinking ponies will ever beat me.”

“We'll see about that.” said Applejack as she tightened her muscles.

Gilda charged the two, talons ready to cut into them. But she was to slow, Applejack and Pinkie both punched her in the face at the same time before she could make a move.


Gilda flapped her wings as she took a step back and began to attack again. The three began to fight with Applejack and Pinkie having the advantage. At the same time, a cloaked unicorn entered the room quietly.


Gilda slumped to the floor, unconscious. The two looked at each other then went to Rainbow.

“You alright pardner?”

“Ugh...thanks. What about the diamond?” said Rainbow weakly.

“I'll get it.” said Pinkie only to walk over to the safe and saw it was gone. “Uh oh...It's gone!”


“Somepony must have grabbed it while we was fighting.” said Applejack.

“If that's case, get out of there now girls.” yelled Twilight.

“But..*cough*..the diamond....” said Rainbow weakly.

“It's fine, just get out of there.”

The three quickly ran out of the office with a beaten Rianbow in tow. Rairty, still talking to the guard, told him she needed to go freshen up and left the club as well. The four then got back to the hideout. There, Fluttershy immediately took Rainbow and began to examine her.

“Aw man, that didn't go well...” said Applejack.

“Yeah, that party was no fun...” said Pinkie.

“I'm sorry girls, this is all my fault... I shouldn't have had you try this heist. This is all my fault.” said Twilight as tears began to well up in her eyes.

“It's fine Twi, we couldn't have predicted this.”

“She's right darling.”

“....Thank you girls...”


A certain cloaked unicorn sneaked into a dark alley in Manehatten. She tapped her hoof on a door.

A pony came up to the door.



The door opened. The unicorn took her cloak off and showed her face.

“Well done Lyra, you have the diamond?”

“You bet Octavia.”

Lyra Heartstrings walked in and put the diamond on a table.

“And we stole it from the Rainbooms!”


“Well done Lyra.” said Bon Bon the earth pony as she walked up to Lyra.

“Hooray! Go Lyra!” exclaimed a gray pegasus mare.

“Thanks Derpy.”

“Vinyl will be joining us shortly after the party is done. She still has to keep the illusion of her being a DJ at that stupid rave party. Good job out there.” said Octavia Melody.

“No problem, I am a Feather Blade thief aren't I?”

“We all are. Our team of five will be the greatest thieves ever. Not even the Rainbooms can beat us.” remarked Octavia with a confident smirk on her face.

The four ponies in the room then raised their hooves together.

“We are the Feather Blades!”

Intermission - How Rainbow Dash joined the Rainboom Thieves.

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Almost two years ago...

“Um, you wished to see me sir?” asked Rainbow Dash as she entered the Cloudsdale Flight School Principal's Office.

“Yes, come in.” said the principal. “You are Rainbow Dash, correct?”

“Yeah.” said Rainbow as she sat down in a chair.

“Now, I have a report here that you just beat up five other pegasi the other day.”

“Hey! They were bullying other younger fillies. They were beating them up and I stood up for them!”

“Yes, well, if a filly is getting bullied than they must defend themselves. There is no need to have an older pegasus to get involved.”

“That's ridiculous! The bullies were older than me!”

“I also don't care.” said the principal sternly. “Now listen here, I have a report here saying that you have fought multiple pegasi over the past few years. Now regularly we don't mind this since we believe competition is very important. Rivalries are important but not constant fight fests.”

“That's stupid! I've always fought them because they bully others. I could never let helpless ponies just be beat up in front of me.”

“Well, either you change your tune or you will be expelled!” said the principal with a violent look on his face.

“Expelled? Why don't you tell that to the bullies? Why me?”

“Because one of those 'bullies' you speak of, that you beat up, is my son!”


“Now, either stop or I will expel you.”

Rainbow Dash got increasingly more angry. Then she began yelling, “NO! I will never turn a blind eye to your son's bullying and his bully friends!”

“You want to join the Wonderbolts, right?” said the principal calmly.

“Um, yes? Why?”

“You are officially expelled. Also I will send an official letter to the Wonderbolts, requesting that you will never ever be able to join them. Get out.”



Rainbow Dash slowly walked out of the office and then the school. She slowly walked out of Cloudsdale. Her parents had moved away a while ago while Rainbow had stayed in Cloudsdale. Now she didn't know what to do. She slowly flew through the sky and sat on a lone cloud out in the middle of an open field. There she sat, crying. Then a yellow pegasus flew up to her.

“Um..Rainbow? Is that you?” said a meek voice.

“Huh?” asked Rainbow Dash as she slowly looked around. “Fluttershy?”

“Are you okay? Wait... are you crying Rainbow?” asked Fluttershy.

“'s nothing. What are you doing here Fluttershy?”

“Well, I thought you might be here... this is our old meeting place, remember?”

“Yeah....I know.”

“What happened?”

Rainbow Dash still had tears come down out of her eyes. She looked at Fluttershy and she had that concerned look on her face she always had on when asking any question. “Um....okay Fluttershy. I'll tell you...”

Rainbow Dash told her what had happened, how the principal kicked her out and destroyed her dream. Fluttershy just sat there on the cloud listening to her every word.

“That's what happened....Now I don't what to do. I don't have anything left now.”

“Um...Rainbow...” said Fluttershy and then walked up to Rainbow and hugged her. “It'll be okay.”

“Thanks Fluttershy. Say, why are you here? Don't you live in Ponyville right now?”

“Yes, well, um, I'm not staying at Ponyville right now...”

“Why not?”

“ do I say this....I'm here to actually, um, recruit you.”

“Recruit me?”

“Yeah, I thought that maybe you could help me with a job I've become involved in.”

Rainbow was a little confused but had a feeling she shouldn't refuse. “Sure Fluttershy, what's the job?”

“Well, um, you'll first need to follow me to Baltimare.”

“Baltimare? That's a bit far.”

“Don't worry, I have us some train tickets.”

“Alright, I'm in. I got nothing to lose now.”

A little train ride later...

“So where is this Twilight you spoke of?”

“Oh, um, we need to go to the meeting place...”

At that moment a purple unicorn approached them. “You're a bit early Fluttershy.” she said.

“Ah, Twilight.”

“Welcome back Fluttershy. I suspect this is Rainbow Dash?”

“Um, yeah, are you Twilight?”


“Okay, well, Fluttershy said you have a job for me?”

“Yes, she told me you are quite the thrill seeker. I could use somepony like that on the team I'm making.”

“What kind of thrills?”

“The dangerous kind. But I guarantee that you be greatly rewarded if you join my team.”

“Well, I can tell Fluttershy trusts why not? I'm in.”

Days of the Rainbooms. (Part 1 of 2)

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Trixie entered the office of the police chief of Manehatten. She quickly looked around the office as she sat down in front him.

“Trixie, right…” the chief said, mumbling to himself.

“Trixie wants to know why you have called Trixie here.”

“I called you here because I want your opinion on the situation of the Rainbooms.”

“That depends. What part of Trixie’s opinion do you want?”

“It’s just that, the city is starting to see them as vigilantes. Thanks to them, we have successfully captured a huge part of the Reef Mafia. The bank robbery and the Diamond last night that was stolen has made the police find new evidence to capture parts of the mafia.”

“Trixie agrees, but they are not vigilantes.”

“I know they aren’t, however, that makes things worse. If they keep stealing from the Reef mafia, the Reef mafia will think the other two mafias in this city hired the Rainbooms. The Reef may try to start a mafia war with the Fire mafia and the Leaf Mafia!”

“Trixie understands. However, hasn’t the Reef mafia lost most of their power now? If a war happens, the Reef Mafia will be completely wiped out.”

“That doesn’t matter! I am the chief of the police! I can’t have a mafia war happen in this city! The police ponies’ job is to make sure there is peace in this city!”

“You want to catch the Rainbooms immediately?”

“Yes! I won’t have a war on my hands!”

Trixie sat there, thinking. Then she spoke up, “Not possible, Trixie examined the last crime scene they were at. The only ponies that saw the Rainbooms was griffon who is now in the hospital with her beak broken. The only other is a guard that got seduced by some orange unicorn which Trixie believes is the white unicorn that tricked Muggy Snide, except this time Trixie believes the unicorn used magic to change her appearance. We have no idea what the Rainbooms even looks like, not even one of them is known.”


The police chief sat there, unable to speak.

“Trixie believes the best option is to wait.”


“Yes, Trixie believes that that if a war happens we must prepare for the worst but, there is a good chance that war will not happen.”


“The Rainbooms have nothing left to steal from the Reef Mafia. The Rainbooms steal two types of things, money from banks and expensive jewels. The Reef mafia doesn’t have any of things now.”

“You may be right but still…” said the chief as he slumped in his chair.

“Trixie suggests to not worry about it, Trixie will catch the Rainbooms.” she said as she walked out of the office. Trixie then walked out of the police department.

“Now, what will Trixie do next…”

Meanwhile….back at the Rainboom hideout…

Twilight sat in her chair asleep. She had cried all night over the failure and beating Rainbow Dash had taken. No matter how much the others tried to comfort her they all felt pretty bad as well. Fluttershy worked for hours on Rainbow Dash and finally made sure she was stable.

“So, uh, what do we do now?” asked Applejack.

“We wait darling. It’s all we can do right now.” replied Rarity.

“Yawn....” said Twilight as she woke up.

“Morning Twi....”

“Hey Rainbow any better?”

“We don't know Twi...”

Twilight just slumped in her chair and then she spoke up, “Let's disband the team...”

“What did you say?” said Applejack.

“I've failed all of you...” said Twilight in a slump, tears coming down her eyes.

“Hold on there Twi!” yelled Applejack. “Stop right there!”

“Please don't yell...”

“Listen here, one thing goes wrong and we give up?! No way pardner!”


“No, Twilight, do you remember why I joined your team?”


“Ah joined cuz you saved me and I needed help. I was being hunted by the police for hitting a customer and you found me and got me what I needed.”

“She's right darling. You've helped us all. I was a lost unicorn pony. I didn't know what to do with my life at the time. I lost all motivation and yet you came to me, asking for help.”


“I had lost all inspiration and yet you came up to me and remember what you said? You told me, 'Well, will you help me?' It had been a long time since a pony asked for me.”

“....” Twilight couldn't even speak.

“Don't forget what you told me when we met?” said Pinkie enthusiastically, “You came to me, a miserable pony who just wanted to make everypony happy and yet no one cared. Then you came up to me and said, 'If you can't accomplish what you're trying to do right now, just try something else. Sometimes a pony just needs to see a different perspective.' That's what you told me and then just like Rarity, you asked me to help you right after that.”


“We're all here together Twi...We won't leave.”

Fluttershy then walked into the room, “Um...Rainbow would like to see you all now, she's awake.”

The four immediately got up and walked into the room where Rainbow laid, still in pain. She then looked at every one in the room.

“Rainbow...” said Twilight before Rainbow interrupted her.

“Twilight!” yapped Rainbow. “Don't say anything!”


“Zip it! I don't want to here it...ow...The job just didn't go well alright.”


“Hold it, I'm not done...I heard you all in there and I'm with them Twilight. I had just lost my life long dream right before I met you. A whiny arrogant parent had taken everything in one fell swoop. Then I met you. All you asked is if I wanted to have some thrills. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less. I've never regretted a single moment after that..”

“....Thank you Rainbow.”

“See Twilight? It will all be okay.” said Fluttershy.

“Thank you girls.”

“See, much better...ow..”

“However, why don't we split up the team for now anyways.” suggested Twilight.

“What did we just talk about?”

“Girls, I'm serious. Let's visit our families for a little while. We'll meet up again in, let's say three months.”

“Well, ah reckon it would be nice to see mah family again.”

“Besides, I've made sure that the authorities have never seen our faces so we should be fine.” said Twilight.

“I guess it would be nice to open the old boutique again, and tell my parents my fashion journey is over for a little while...”

“I haven't seen Mom and Dad in a while...okay, I'm in.” said Pinkie with a smile.

“I'll take Rainbow with me to Ponyville to make sure she heals up.” said Fluttershy.

“Yeah, I don't even know where my family is anymore.” said Rainbow.

“I can't go visit my family but...I think I will take a research trip. We all have plenty of money so we can do whatever we need.” suggested Twilight.

“Ah right everypony. Let's meet up in three months!” yelled Applejack.


Days of the Rainbooms. (Part 2 of 2)

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Applejack approached her family's farm. She hadn't been there in almost two years. She slowly approached the farm with a ton of hesitation. She felt a lump in her throat as she knocked on the door.

“Coming!” said a filly's voice.

The door opened, it was Applebloom. She saw Applejack and just stood there.

“Hey Applebloom.”

“Um....hi sis...”

“Ah... I'm back. Can ah come in?”




Applejack walked in and immediately saw Granny Smith in her rocking chair.

“Well well well, hello Applejack.”

“Hey Granny. Ah bet ya want an explanation...”



“Sit down Applejack.”

Applejack then sat down on the couch in the house. Applejack could barely speak.

“Applejack, do you know what you are?” asked Granny Smith sharply.

“Um...I'm Applejack.”

“Exactly. But to us, we're family. Now, do you remember what I told you long ago what I hate the most?”

“Yeah, yah hate lying more than anything.”

“That's right Applejack, now, you've been sending us money for a while now. So I want you to be completely honest with me.”


“Are you doing whatever you are doing for us? For the farm?”

“Yes. That's what I've been trying to do this whole time.”

Granny Smith stared long and hard at Applejack. Applejack never flinched.


“Is that all?”

Granny Smith opened her arms. Applejack, while tears went down her eyes, went up to Granny Smith and hugged her.

“It's good to have ya back.”

“It's good to be back Granny.”

“So, how long ya staying?”

“About three months, at least ah think so...”

Meanwhile at Fluttershy's house...

Fluttershy sat by the bed Rainbow was sleeping on. She kept looking at Rainbow Dash, who just laid there quietly. Rainbow's eyes slowly opened.


“Ah, you're awake. Just stay there Rainbow, you need your rest.”

“....I know.”

“Good.” said Fluttershy as she examined Rainbow. “You're already recovering well, in about a week you should be good to fly again.”

“Good...Thank you Fluttershy.”

“No problem. You're my friend Rainbow.”

“Can I ask you something Fluttershy?”


“Why did you join the Rainbooms?”

“Why do you ask?”

“Cuz you're not the thieving type. At all.”

Fluttershy giggled and then responded. “I joined to help Twilight.”

“To help Twilight?”

“Yes, when I first met Twilight, she hadn't started the Rainbooms yet.”

“Really? When I met her she seemed like she had it all in her head.”

“Oh, once she started she did, but it took a bit for her to get there.”

“I see. I just hope we keep being the Rainbooms.”

“ too.”

Meanwhile at a certain Rock Farm...


A certain pink hoof slammed several times at a house's door.

“Hello?” asked the stallion that came to the door and opened it.

“Hi Dad!” said Pinkie with a huge smile on her face.

“Pinkamena?” said her father Igneous Rock.

Pinkie immediately hugged her father and then asked, “Can I come in?”

“Of course.”

Pinkie then hopped into the house where her mother then came into the room.

“Pinkamena? Is that you?”

“Hi mom!” she said as she hugged her as well.

“It's good to see you.”

“It's great to see you all as well!”

“So, uh, what are you doing here?”

Pinkie immediately gasped, went back a few feet and then replied, “You mean I can't visit my family?”

“Of course ya can.” replied Igneous with a sharp tone.

“Well, I'm just here for a little while. I thought it would be great to see you all again.”

“Of course, you're always welcome here, my daughter.”

Her mother, Cloudy Quartz approached her and asked, “So Pinkie, how long will you be here?

“Um...I have no idea.”

“, have ya finally found ya a stallion?” asked her mother winking.

“Nope!” Pinkie said with a straight face.


Meanwhile, at Rarity's Boutique....

“YAY! Rarity's home! Rarity's home!” yelled Sweetie Belle.

“Yes, I'm home darling.”

“So how was yer trip Rarity?” asked her father.

“Oh it was splendid! Though I will admit I'm not done though.”

“You mean you're going to leave again?” said Sweetie Belle with a sad face.

“Yes, I'm sorry Sweetie but I'll be leaving again in about three months.”


“Don't cry, I'll be here with till then, alright?”

“We're glad to see you again Rarity.” said her mother.

“I am as well. I have learned a lot while I have been gone but I know I am far from being done. Though I will return at some point and open the boutique once more.”

“Take your time Rarity. I can tell you've changed while you've been gone and for the better.”

“Thank you.”

Three months later....

The five had then returned to the hideout in Manehatten. All five arrived at the same time and went into the hideout. There they saw Twilight just sitting at the meeting table. On the table was map after map along with several disguise rings.

“Hello girls. Good to see you again.”

“HI TWILIGHT!” yelled Pinkie Pie.

“Good to see ya again pardner.” said Applejack.

“Hello again darling.” greeted Rarity.

“Hello Twilight.” said Fluttershy.

“Yo Twilight, I know that look, you got something good for us don't cha?” asked Rainbow.

“Indeed I do Rainbow.” said Twilight as the five sat down to the table. “Now before I start I have two different heist plans, each with different targets and outcomes. One of them is the craziest plan I have ever thought up but it is possible to do it. The other is not as crazy but just as possible to accomplish.”

“Do you have to ask Twilight?” said Rainbow. “What's the crazy plan?”

“Do you really want to know?”

The five looked at each other and looked back at Twilight sternly.

“Okay...” said Twilight. “The plan will have us stealing from the bosses of the Fire Mafia and the Leaf Mafia, at the same time.”

Intermission - How Pinkie Pie joined the Rainboom Thieves.

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Many years ago...

Pinkie Pie was out working in the rock farm. She just kept breaking rocks and moving rocks around while showing no emotion at all. One day, her father called her back to the house.


“Yes dad?”

“Me and your mother have been talking and we’ve come to a conclusion.”


“Yes, we think you aren’t cut out for the rock farm.”


“Dear, we think that if your talent was rocks, then you would have already got your cutie mark in it.” said her mother.

“Well...that is true...”

“However Pinkamena. What you do next is your decision.”

“ do you think I should do?”

“I would try and go out to find what your talent really is, but that is your decision.”

“...” Pinkie sat there for a moment and then spoke up, “Then...I’m going to find my talent dad.”

Her father smiled and then said, “Alright, leave when you want too, we’ll back you up as much as possible.”

Pinkie hugged her parents, “Thanks dad.”

The next few days Pinkie got ready for her journey and left the rock farm. She journeyed from town to town, city to city. However, she still couldn’t find her destiny. Then she walked down Manehatten. There a party was happening. She didn’t know who it was for or even why it was happening. She walked in and sat in a chair. She sat there for several minutes until a stallion walked up to him.

“Hi there!” he said in a joyful tone.

“Um...hello.” she said meekly.

“Why ya just sitting there?”

“Um...I don’t know.”

“Well that’s no good. You need to get up and party!”


“No ums!”


“No buts either. Do you know what this is?”

“Uh...a party?”

“That’s right! A party! It’s where everypony is happy! There is no ‘buts’ or ‘um’ here. There’s no sitting either! You get up and have fun! Here fun is everything!”

As the stallion told her this, she looked around and saw the ponies in the party. They were all so happy, just having a good time with a smile on every face. At that moment a smile slowly grew on her face.

“Who are you?” she asked.

“I’m the planner of this party, Cheese Sandwich!”

At that moment, Pinkie got up and started dancing and having fun. At that moment, her cutie mark appeared that became three balloons. At that moment, Pinkie became a party pony. After the party she began traveling place to place, starting parties.

Several years later...

Pinkie was in a slump, she had just come to Baltimare and was rejected as a party planner for a Baltimare filly. She had gone the last three towns with no success or no birthdays. She walked around Baltimare with several bags on her back.

“ pony wants a party pony here either, huh?” she said to herself. “Now what do I do?”

She pulled out her map and looked it over. “Well...if I go, I just did a party there two months ago...maybe east? Then again...augh!”

She then started beating herself on the head. “Stupid Pinkie! Remember! It doesn’t matter where you go as long you can get a party started!” she said to herself. She then looked around and realized that she now lost in Baltimare. She then looked around for the nearest pony and saw a purple unicorn. “Maybe she can help.”

Pinkie ran up to her and asked, “Hello! Can you help me?”


“Hi! I’m looking for the train station here in Baltimare, do you know where it is?”

“The train station? It’s over there.” The unicorn said as she pointed her hoof.

“Thanks! What’s your name?”

“Twilight Sparkle, what is yours?”

“I’m Pinkie Pie!”

“So, um, if I may ask...” asked Twilight.

“You may!”

“Um, right, why are you leaving Baltimare?”

“Oh, well, no pony wants a party here so I’m leaving.”

“A party?”

“Yeah! A party! You know, where everypony is happy and having fun!”

“Oh well, I believe you are in the wrong place Miss Pie. Baltimare is nothing but stuck up nobles and rich snobs.”

“Yeah...I kinda noticed that.”

“Are you in a hurry Miss Pie?”

“Call me Pinkie, and no, I’m not. Wait, you wouldn’t happen to know where I can do a party around here would you?”

“, but you look like a pony who needs someone to talk too.”

“Well...I won’t deny it...”

“Let’s go sit down somewhere.”

Twilight and Pinkie went to the local park and sat down on a bench.

“Alright Pinkie, what exactly is your occupation?”

“I’m a party planner! I go all over Equestira to make everypony happy with parties.” she said with a smile. But then Twilight noticed something.

“I see, well...Pinkie, why are you hesitating when telling me this?”


“I’m quite good at observing ponies and what they truly feel, looking at you, I can tell you don’t know what to do right now.”

“Well...I have had a few failures recently.”

“I see...but you still want to keep doing parties don’t you?”

“Of course!”

“Tell me Pinkie, do you make your own party stuff?”

“Oh yeah! I make streamers, confetti, balloons, and even fireworks!”

“Fireworks, huh?”

“Oh yeah! I’m a party making machine!”

“Hmmm...I see.”

“What’s up?”

“Well Pinkie, I could use a pony like you...”


“Tell you what, take this card, its shows a meeting place and time to meet there.”

“A meeting?”

“If you can't accomplish what you're trying to do right now, just try something else. Sometimes a pony just needs to see a different perspective.”

“What do you mean?”

“It means I need your help Pinkie, but you don’t have to take my offer. It’s your decision Pinkie.”

At that moment, Pinkie remembered her father saying the same thing. Pinkie looked at Twilight for a second. Pinkie knew what was in front of her. Pinkie knew the pony in front of her was asking for help and Pinkie could only say one thing.

“Okay Twilight. I’ll be glad to help you!”

The Scarlet Pearls and the Crystal of the Leopard. (Part 1 of 2)

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All five girls just sat there, their jaws dropped with their eyes wide open.

“Ah Twi, Did you suggest fer us to steal from both mafia bosses?” asked Applejack with caution.

“Yes. I did say it was the crazy plan.”

“You sure did darling.” said Rarity.

“Wow....That's awesome Twilight! Let's do it!” yelled Rainbow.

“Yeah! Let's do it!” exclaimed Pinkie.

“Hold on there pardners!” replied Applejack quickly.

“Indeed darlings! Please slow down!”

“C'mon you two. Doesn't that sound awesome?” asked Rainbow.

“ like to hear the plan first Twilight.” said Fluttershy meekly.

“Okay. Girls, please calm down. At least me explain the plan alright?”

“Ugh...fine....” moped Rainbow Dash.

“Alright, let me first explain how this was even possible. After our last two heists against the Reef Mafia, certain events happened after we left for three months. First, the Reef Mafia, seeing that they had lost a huge portion of money and two of its top members arrested being the one who posed as the bank manager and the one who was guarding the diamond. After this, a mafia war almost happened, however the Leaf Mafia were able to successfully kill the Reef Mafia leader before the war started. After this, the Reef Mafia fell apart and their territories in Manehatten started to be grabbed by both the Fire and Leaf Mafias. This in turn, created a power vacuum in Manehatten. In fact, most members of the Reef Mafia have either joined the Fire Mafia or the Leaf Mafia. However, this in turn almost caused another mafia war, entirely over territory control. However, the amount of new ponies in both mafias gave the police the chance they could get and they arrested a ton of mafia ponies due to the mafia being unable to organize a huge number of ponies in a short amount of time. Now, thanks to the disguise ring, I was able to make a few contacts in the mafia and I found out something extraordinary. One week from now, both mafia leaders are going to meet and do an exchange as a sign that they will not go to war against each other. The Fire Mafia will be giving the Leaf Mafia three Scarlet Pearls.”

“Scarlet Pearls?! The mafia owns such rare gems?!” excalimed Rarity.

“Indeed, for the ponies in here that don't know, Scarlet Pearls are rare pearls that pure white except for a scarlet stripe on the pearl. It is believed that little less than hundred exist in the world today. Just one pearl alone goes for ten million bits.”

“Ten mil? For a pearl?” asked Rainbow.

“Yes, the reason is because the species of oyster that grows the pearl, Dragon Oysters, are believed to be extinct due to excessive hunting.”

“Excessive hunting? Ya mean ponies killed them all?” asked Applejack.

“Yes, it is believed that they all died over a hundred years ago.”

“So if the Fire Mafia is giving those pearls, what are the Leaf Mafia giving to the Fire Mafia?”

“They will be giving the Crystal of the Leopard.”

“Crystal of the Leopard?”

“Yes, out of the three Mafias that are in Manehatten, well, now there are two, anyways, the Leaf Mafia is the youngest of the mafias. The Leaf Mafia was founded by a bunch of bank and museum robbers for Las Pegasus. They robbed several artifacts worth millions before the moved to Manehatten and started their own mafia. The Crystal of the Leopard is one of their robberies. It is said to be worth thirty million bits.”

“So three 10 million pearls and a 30 million crystal is being exchanged?”

“Yes. The crystal was said to have been carved from the fangs of the snow leopards that lived near the Crystal Empire over five hundred years ago.”

“Wow...both mafias got some cool stuff.” said Rainbow.

“Yes, and both the pearls and the crystal are our targets for this heist.”

“Awesome!” said Rainbow.

“Hold on darling, I'm pretty sure the mafia will be protecting both treasures at all costs. This sounds even crazier every minute.” said Rarity.

“Ah agree with Rarity.” said Applejack.

“Um...girls. We haven't heard the plan yet.” said Fluttershy.

“Oh yeah..”

“Sorry darling.”

“It's fine.” said Twilight as she began pointing to the maps and disguise rings. “Alright girls, This is the plan. The meeting will take place in neutral mafia territory. It takes place in a building with two bridges that connects to two other buildings. This is very important as the other two buildings will have mafia ponies on both roofs. Therefore, the plan will be made of three parts. First, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy will hide above the clouds until the meeting begins.” Twilight then put several orbs in front of the other five. “Rainbow and Fluttershy will drop these orbs filled with sleeping gas on both roofs at the same time. The timing must be perfect so that either mafia can alert the rest of the mafia. After that, Fluttershy, you will want to go ahead and fly back to the hideout. Second, This heist will happen next week so, Pinkie I need you to make some of the loudest fireworks you have ever made. I need them to sound like explosions.”

“Can do!”

“Then when you fire these fireworks, you will need to shoot to these orbs into the bridges. They are filled with smoke, so when they go into the bridges, the mafia bosses will think there is a fire from the fake explosion. Third, according to the recent mafia changes, the Leaf Mafia has employed multiple pegasi. Therefore, the Leaf boss will try escape through the roof. The Fire Mafia boss will try to escape through the bottom of the building. Therefore, Rainbow will take on the Leaf and Applejack will be waiting for the Fire Mafia. Don't worry Applejack, I went ahead a week ago and made a secret entrance into the building. I'll show you how to get there. Now, both of you will use these orbs which are flash orbs. They will temporary blind them long enough for you to steal the goods. Then Rainbow will fly out of there immediately. Applejack will need to get out of there as soon as possible so Pinkie will need to leave right after the fireworks and prepare the escape carriage. Applejack will take the secret entrance out to the carriage and then you will be home free.”

“Wow Twi, that plan is crazy pardner.” said Applejack.

“Yeah and it sounds AWESOME!!!” yelled Rainbow.

“Yay! Let's do it!” exclaimed Pinkie.

“This is really crazy darling.” said Rarity.

“Thanks girls. So do you want to do this heist or not?” asked Twilight.

“Let's do it!”

“I'm in pardner.”


“Alright, let's do it Rainbooms!” said Twilight.

The Scarlet Pearls and the Crystal of the Leopard. (Part 2 of 2)

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“Okay girls, showtime.” said Twilight on her headset. “Remember, this our riskiest heist yet so be careful.”

“We know pardner, don't worry about a thing.” said Applejack.

“Yeah Twilight. Don't worry so much.” said Rainbow.

“Silly Rainbow Dash! Worrying is always Twilight's job!” said Pinkie.

“Thanks Pinkie.” said Twilight sarcastically. “Alright, enough small talk. How does it look?”

“Just as you said, they have guards on both rooftops Twilight.” responded Rainbow Dash.

“Okay, according to my contacts and info I've gathered they will start the exchange at three pm. That's ten minutes from now.”

“Okay.” responded the four. Rarity was sitting nearby Twilight, watching the situation. Twilight and Rarity slowly watched the clock as 3 pm came. “Okay girls, it's 3pm, however, we will wait ten more minutes. They have to think their meeting is going well.”

Ten minutes slowly passed as the four readied themselves. Fluttershy trembled as she held the Sleep orb in her hooves.

“Don't panic Fluttershy, your job will soon be over.” said Twilight calmly.

“I know, I'm sorry.” said Fluttershy meekly.

“Don't worry darling, it'll all work out.” said Rarity.

“Okay, it's been ten minutes. Do it now!” commanded Twilight.

Rainbow and Fluttershy flew down over the two rooftops and threw the sleep orbs down immediately. The sleep gas expanded all over both rooftops as the guards there slowly fell over.

“It's done!” yelled Rainbow.

“Understood.” said Twilight. “Fluttershy, get out of there. Pinkie, you're up!”

“Okkie-dokie!” said Pinkie with a salute. She then pulled out two cannons and began to aim them. “Preparing to fire!”


“Boom!” yelled Pinkie as both cannons fired at the same time.


Fireworks went up over the two bridges, caking it with sound. The two mafia leaders who had been sitting at a table, debating immediately yelled at their subordinates. Fire Jelly, the leader of the Fire Mafia with his huge cigar in his mouth and deluxe tuxedo, began yelling at the other leader Leaf Paper.

“You tricked me Leaf! So ya want a war huh?!”

“Shut it Fire! You think you can take me on?!” yelled Leaf Paper as smashed his glass of champagne while wearing his deluxe double brazed suit.

“Why you little...!” said Fire with both bosses noticed tons of smoke coming from both bridges. Pinkie's smoke orbs had successfully hit their targets.

“So you think you can contain me in this building huh?!” yelled Fire.

“That's it! Men, kill these pieces of garbage!” yelled Leaf.

“Kill them!” yelled Fire.

Both sets of mafia ponies began fighting each other. Gun shots, punches, kicks and other acts of violence filled the room. Both bosses grabbed a few men and their respective treasures and began running. Fire Jelly ran down the stairs yelling at his men. At the bottom of the building, Applejack sneaked through the secret entrance Twilight had set up. She slowly looked for a spot to hide. Applejack crouched down in a comfortable spot and got ready for a fight. Fire Jelly then entered the floor she was on. He had two men with him along with a briefcase.

“There it is.” said Applejack to herself.

The three mafia ponies descended the stairs and Applejack jumped in front of the three. Applejack then stared the three down as the three stopped in front of her. Applejack had a disguise ring on, so the three didn't know what she truly looked like.

“Who are you? So other pony Leaf hired?”

“Nope pardner, just somepony a bit smarter than lousy ponies like you.”

“Alright you green earth pony, kill her boys!”

Both stallions charged her, but she was ready. Right before they both tried to punch her she turned around and bucked her hindlegs into them.


Both stallions went flying into the wall and were knocked out instantly.

“Stupid city folk. Now, hand over the briefcase.”

“Grrr....never!” yelled Fire.

Fire charged her, however, Fire was never a good fighter and this situation was no different. Applejack beat him without trying.

“I got the goods.” said Applejack.

“Good job.” said Twilight. “Pinkie is ready to pick you up.”

Minutes before...

Leaf began his ascension up the building with his briefcase in tow.

“Alright you two, get ready to call those stinking pegasi!”

“Yes sir!”

Rainbow was waiting at the second to last floor. Rainbow tensed up her body, remembering her last fight. It wasn't really a fight, more of a beating, but this time would be different.

“I'll win, I know it.” she said to herself.

Leaf came up with his two guards. The three stood surprised for a second as a disguise ringed Rainbow Dash stood before them.

“Hi! Ready to rumble?!”

“What the? Get her!” yelled Leaf.

Leaf's guards charged her. Rainbow's wings opened up and she charged one the guards.


The guard fell over, beaten. She then turned to the other guard.

“Let's go!”

The other guard then charged and punched her.


Another hoof then began to hit her, then Rainbow stopped her hoof and hit him back.


Leaf ran up the stairs in a panic. Rainbow continued her fight as she slammed the other guard into a pillar. The guard then slumped over, beaten. Rainbow then flew up the stairs to Leaf. Leaf then got outside the building only to realize his pegasi to escape were all asleep.

“This can't be happening...why was I born a earth pony.....?” said Leaf to himself.

“Too bad.” said Rainbow behind him with a huge smile on his face. “So sad.”

“Oh no...”


“Got the goods!” said Rainbow.

“Get out of there.” said Twilight.

Rainbow flew thru the clouds in the sky. Pinkie ran the carriage to the hideout. Soon both ponies were at the hideout.

“Aw yeah! We rule!”


The six then went to the meeting table as both put the briefcases on the table. Twilight immediately jimmied the briefcases opened.

“Alright, let's see the goods.” said Twilight.

The six then saw the treasures. The Scarlet Pearls and Crystal of the Leopard.

“We did it!”


Both bosses were found by the police. The fireworks caused several ponies nearby to call the police. The three mafias had been arrested. Trixie oversaw the arrest.

“Trixie does not like this....the Rainbooms are back.” said Trixie.

“I agree.” said the police chief. “This does help the city though.”

“Trixie would like to ask you not to praise thieves.”

“I know Trixie, but I can't help it. With all three bosses gone, organized crime will go down in Manehatten.”

“Trixie knows that...”

A few days later....

A small filly walked off the train station of Manehatten. She looked around at the large buildings. “Wow, so this is Manehatten.” she said to herself. “Much bigger than Ponyville. Now, I wonder if I can find my destiny here...”

Intermission - How Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy formed the Rainboom Thieves.

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Several years ago....

“What do you mean you won't let me try to get into that school?!” yelled Twilight at her parents.

“This is for you're own good Twilight.” said Twilight's father, Night Light.

“We both forbid you to going to that school.” said her mother, Twilight Velvet.


“No buts young lady, this ends now.” said Night Light.

“Why?” asked Twilight.

“Because you're obsessed. Ever since you saw that princess raise the sun, you have almost destroyed yourself. Ever since that incident, you went to your room with book after book and never came out unless to get more books. You barely eat, sleep or bathe. It's destroying you!”

“But...I just...”

“NO! This ends now! We won't let obsession destroy our daughter. If you took this reasonably then we would be fine with it. Instead, all you do is endanger your health.”

“I'll be reasonable about it, and healthy too!”

“You promised that two weeks ago, and now you've lost another ten pounds from not eating. Your eyes have shades under them down to your nose and you smell like something a skunk would run away from. No more.”

Twilight tried to respond but couldn't. She was just a little filly then. Her parents shortly after took all her books away from her as Twilight just sat there in her room.

Later that night...

“Good night Twilight.” said her father as he closed her door.


Twilight looked at the closed door and put her hoof into her pillow. She pulled out a book over magic she had hidden.

“Last one...” she said as she began reading. "Doesn't matter...I've got to keep learning, no matter what." Then, as if a bolt of lightning struck her, she felt a surge in her body. She shined a light with her horn and saw her cutie mark appear on her flank.

“A cutie mark?” she said as she looked at it. It was a six pointed sparkle. (Her cutie mark in the show) She didn't understand its meaning though. Then she had an odd thought. “It appeared when I tried to keep learning magic. Maybe...maybe its telling me to keep researching magic? But how can I do that with mom and dad here?”

At that moment, she realized what she wanted to do, run away. If she ran away, she could find other ways to research magic. She quickly got up, put what was left of her allowance in a bag, her favorite doll and her last book in the bag as well. She wrote a small letter to her parents and sneaked out through the window. As soon as she went past the yard she realized something. She hadn't completely thought this through. Then, she told herself that things would work out, there was no need to be scared.

Soon years passed as she left Canterlot, Twilight wandered from town to town, city to city...Still trying to find her destiny until one day she ended up in Ponyville....She was out of money and while she was on the outskirts of Ponyville, she collapsed. Then some birds saw her....

Twilight woke up in a soft bed. She looked around as she slowly got up and saw the house she was in was full of birds and tree branches.

“Where am I?” she said to herself, still half asleep.

“Oh good, you're awake. I was really worried there.” said a soft kind voice.


“Are you alright? Mr. Birdy found you outside of Ponyville.” said a yellow pegasus.

“Who are you?” asked Twilight.

“I'm Fluttershy, who are you?”

“Twilight Sparkle.”

“It's nice to meet you Miss Sparkle. Now, how are you feeling?”

“A little off...and hungry.”

“That should be expected, you are currently malnourished and have a fever. Be glad I brought you here.”

“Are you a nurse pony? Unusual job for a pegasus.”

“No I'm not. I just have medical knowledge...Now, eat this.” said Fluttershy as she gave Twilight some soup.

Twilight ate it vigorously, feeling the warmth of the soup. “Thank you.”

“You're welcome. Um...can I ask you something?”

“What is it?”

“Why were you collapsed outside of Ponyville?”

“I' to find my destiny.”


“I don't know what I'm supposed to do with my life. I've been searching for years but yielded nothing.”

“I see. I was like that a few years ago.”


“Yes. I used to live in Cloudsdale... I was picked on and bullied constantly though due to my shyness. That was until my friend Rainbow Dash helped me. She told me one day, 'I'm not always going to be there for you Fluttershy. Now I would tell you to get some courage to fight the bullies but you're too kind. So I think you need to find something else. I don't where or how but I know you'll find it. I'll always be your loyal friend Fluttershy but I think your destiny isn't in Cloudsdale. I know it sounds mean but I think its for the best.' and she was right. I soon left Cloudsdale and ended up in Ponyville. I found out here that I could talk to animals and, well, I just love it here.”

“I see....thank you...”

“Now, you need to get better. Don't worry, you can stay here as long as you like. I can tell you're not a mean pony.”

“Thank you Fluttershy, and just call me Twilight.”

“Okay Twilight.”

A few days later, Twilight could walk regularly again and found out that no pony was using the library in Ponyville. As she stayed with Fluttershy, Twilight began visiting the library until she read a certain book. It was called: 'The Hero everypony hated.' Twilight began reading the story inside. The story was about a young street pony who lived in a cruel kingdom ruled by corrupt nobles. There the nobles treated other lower ponies harshly but the hero still had a good heart despite the hardships. However, one night he finds out his best friend, another street pony is a thief. He had been stealing from the rich nobles but when he finds this out he then realizes something. His best friend had kept all the stuff he had stole for himself. His friend was just as greedy as the nobles. Seeing this, he vowed to do something different. The hero slowly became a thief as well, stealing form the nobles and then giving to the poor. He gained his cutie mark from the thieving, so he thought it was his destiny to do so. However, eventually the nobles were on to him and put a bounty on his head. Then the poor rejected the hero or even hunted him. No pony wanted his help despite he had helped them so much. Then one night the hero fled the kingdom, easily scaling its massive walls due to his thief skills. He then left the kingdom as it rotted more and more. He traveled the world only to find the same thing in other kingdoms. In each kingdom he tried the same thing, steal from the corrupt and give to the needy. It always went the same way, eventually everypony would hate him. Then the hero stole from the greedy nobles and left a kingdom soon after. The poor there would not accept what he had stolen so he wandered off with it. He then ended up in a small poor town in the middle of nowhere. The hero then gave away what he had stolen there and everypony loved him. In return, they taught him farming and he stayed there instead. The hero finally realized that thieving wasn't worth it. Twilight then shut the book. She sat there, pondering at the meaning of the story.

“Did this book just tell me that destiny is meaningless? Or did it say that you can never satisfy everyypony?” she asked herself. Then Twilight got angry at the book. “No, that can't be right, this story doesn't make sense. There's no way that the hero's life should go like that. It's like the ending was rushed. Maybe.....”

Then Twilight had an unthinkable idea...For years she had been searching for her destiny. Then, after reading this she had a different idea. Maybe she could do this story but make it work... Twilight then ran to Fluttershy with her idea.

“Fluttershy? Are you here?”

“Yes Twilight, what's the matter?”

“I have an idea and I think I need your help to make it work. Will you help me?”

The Wheels of Fate begin to turn. (Part 1 of 2)

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Trixie went into her apartment and sat down at her typewriter.

Journal over the Rainbooms:
The Rainbooms have returned to Manehatten. After what I believe is some incident from the last hesit they had done in Manehatten they had no activity for three months. I believe it must be because of the griffon, Gilda. She is now in prison but cannot speak due to her beak being basically destroyed. It is the only sign of extreme violence in the Rainbooms. Maybe revenge, or some other reason? Either way, the Rainbooms have now stolen from all three Manehatten mafias now, and now all three mafias no longer have bosses. The police ponies are now asking if they should try to arrest the Rainbooms since they have helped the city so much. I, on the other hand, will not give up. Their latest crime has given some new clues over the Rainbooms. When I examined the crime scene, I found a set of wheel marks that were new and fresh. They showed signs of very fast speed meaning it was an escape carriage. It headed to eastern Manehatten till I lost the marks. However, eastern Manehatten is just suburbs so I suspect this route was to cover up where they really hide. If they went east and both east and south east Manehatten is just suburbs, then their hideout has to be north east Manehatten. North east Manehatten is an industral like district with tons of old buildings and factories. This clue is very helpful, unfortunately, I am just a private detective. It would take months for me alone to hunt them down in that part of the city due to its massive size. So what do I do? Ideally, I would find a way to meet one of the Rainbooms...According to interrogation of the mafia of this recent crime of theirs, There is a pegasus and earth pony on their team, both mares. I suspect the Rainbooms are all mares, seeing as their previous crimes also suggest a mare unicorn. Also, this operation against the mafia would have not worked without another earth pony pulling the escape carriage and another pegasus pony to knock out the other guards. So there are five of them....possibly more. The only problem is that they seem to be using a type of disguise magic....

Trixie stopped typing and said to herself, “Now...What should Trixie do now?”

Trixie drank a cup of coffee and slowly slumped in her chair. “It seems Trixie cannot think of anything....for now....”

Meanwhile at the Rainboom hideout...

“That was so awesome! When's are next heist?” said Rainbow.

“Stay still Rainbow, you're still injured from that hit!” said Fluttershy.

“It was just a sucker punch Fluttershy, I'm fine.”

“STAY STILL!” yelled Fluttershy as she kept treating Rainbow.

“Sorry to disappoint Rainbow but we won't have another heist for a little while Rainbow.” said Twilight.

“Why not?”

“When we did this heist, the media are all over it. It's helped the police but now everypony will be looking for us.”

“But the authorities don't know what we look like.” said Rainbow.

“I also don't have any new ideas for a heist Rainbow. I also need to find buyers for the Scarlet Pearls and Crystal.”


“So do you mean we're just going to get a few days off darling?” asked Rarity.


“Good darling, I'm going on a shopping spree! Want to join me Fluttershy?”

“Hold on...there. Sure Rarity.” said Fluttershy as she finished with Rainbow. The two then left the hideout posthaste. Rainbow then got up and spread her wings. “Guess I'll find something to do.” and then she flew out of the hideout.

“Sugarcube, me and Pinkie are going to get some food fer the hideout, are you sure you want to stay here Twi?” asked Applejack.

“Yeah, I have research to do. Don't worry, I can't wait to taste the food you bring back Applejack.” said Twilight.

“Okay Twi.”

The two left with Twilight just sitting there in the hideout. She then kept typing on her computer.

Rainbow Dash began flying through the city, bored. She loved the thrills of the heists. She thought that she should be already doing a new heist. Having that thrill of the mission. Without realizing it, she was flying faster and faster. Then her speed kept increasing more and more. At that moment, a small filly saw her fly by at her incredible speed.

“Whoa....she's fast. I wish my wings could fly me that fast...”

However, Rainbow with her increased speed then accidentally hit a building.


“Ouch....guess I have to visit Fluttershy....again.”

Then, the little filly went up to a dizzy, slumped over Rainbow Dash.

“Are you alright?”


The filly grabbed Rainbow and began to drag her back to her home.

The Wheels of Fate begin to turn. (Part 2 of 2)

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Trixie flipped through city records at the police department. She then went through file after file, skimming through the pages. “Hmmm.....Ah! This is what Trixie was looking for!” said Trixie as she pulled a file out of a drawer. She opened the file and looked at the papers inside. “Trixie needs to sit down to analyze this...” she said to herself and then Trixie went to an open desk. She then opened the file again and began spreading the papers inside on the desk. There was maps and papers filled with numbers. Trixie began looking over the pages, her eyes scanning everything like a machine. Then Trixie began narrating her thoughts out loud as she habitually does.

“Hmmm... Alright, Trixie has a full map of the north eastern part of Manehatten. The north east is mainly factories and apartment buildings, almost no suburbs. According to the last census over Manehatten, there are approximately over two hundred thousand people living there. But, the census is over five years old. Not only that, Trixie is only assuming they hide in the north eastern part.... Trixie will need copies of these files...”

Trixie took the papers to the police department copier and quickly copied the papers. She then took out an empty vanilla folder and put the papers inside. She then proceeded to leave the department until she heard the police chief's voice.


Trixie turned around, “Yes chief?”

“What are you investigating?”

“Trixie is investigating the Rainbooms of course.”

“Meet me in my office.”

Trixie then walked into his office and sat down. “What does the chief want to know from Trixie?”

“I need you to quit trying to catch the Rainbooms.”

“WHAT?!” yelled Trixie.

“It's only temporary.” said the chief calmly.

“Temporary?! They are criminals committing crimes in this city! They need to be caught!”

The chief stood up and took a deep breath, “Look Trixie, I know you are a private detective but, the situation has changed. The media is currently all over this recent act of theirs. Even though they were just thieving, what the Rainbooms did basically gave some of the biggest crime-lords in the city right into the police's hands.”

Trixie gritted her teeth. Her temper was already about to explode but hearing this almost threw her over the edge. “Trixie can not believe what Trixie is hearing. You want Trixie to stop hunting criminals?!”

“It's temporary! If we caught them right now, public opinion will tear us apart. Their will be riots in the streets! Thanks to the media, the ponies of this city think the Rainbooms are heroes. The mafia had control of criminal rackets of over fifty percent of Manehatten. There was literally thousands of innocent ponies under their hooves and they think the Rainbooms saved them. If the police catch them now, the public will tear us apart. I won't have the city tear itself apart in riots!”

Trixie just sat there. She understood his logic but she had dedicated months into capturing the Rainbooms. She then let out a sigh.

“Ugh fine, Trixie will stop investigating for now, but, Trixie will not give up! Trixie will say it again, the Rainbooms are thieves! I, the great and powerful private detective Trixie will catch them!”

“Look, as long as you stop for right now it will be okay. Just don't tell the media or the other officers out there. A few of them are even seeing the Rainbooms as heroes.”

“Ugh, Trixie can not believe this...” she said as walked out the office and then left the police department. “Tch, yeah right. Trixie will not stop her investigation. Trixie will win this no matter what.” a lone apartment somewhere in Manehatten....

“Ugh...” said Rainbow Dash as she slowly woke up, her eyes slowly opening and closing. “What happened?”

“Oh you're awake!” said a small voice, filled with energy.

Rainbow Dash then fully opened her eyes and saw a small orange pegasus filly.

“What happened? Where am I?”

“Oh, well, you were flying and then hit a wall and then you were all knocked out. No pony seemed to even notice you but I did so I dragged you to my place to help you.”

Rainbow Dash tried to collect all the information she was given as she looked around the apartment. She was laying on a broken mattresses and there was cracks in the walls everywhere. Rainbow fully got up and shook her head back and forth.

“Okay kid. Well, thanks for taking care of me.”

“No problem! You're a fast flier by the way!” said the excited filly.

“Oh yeah? Well I am one the greatest fliers in Equestria you know.” bragged Rainbow.

“Really?” asked the filly with her eyes looking like they were on fire, filled with excitement.

“So, uh, kid, what's yer name?”

“Oh, right. name's Scootaloo. What's yours?”

“Me? I'm Rainbow Dash. So Scootaloo, where's your parents?”

“ don't have any.” she said with depressing look on her face.

“Oh...then are you here alone?”

“Yeah, no one comes to this building so I'm currently staying in it.”

“That explains the cracks and mattress. But you're all alone?”


Rainbow sat there for a second, trying to think of how she could repay the little lone filly. She then asked another question.

“Um, don't you have to go to school?”

“No, I got expelled. I got into a lot of fights and the orphanage hates me.”

“Wait, you ran away from your home?”

“Yeah, I have problems with getting along with other fillies. I get into all kinds of fights. Then the orphanage then went to the police to put me as a delinquent and I left before they came after me.”

“Wait, are you from Manehatten or somewhere else?”

“I'm from Ponyville.”

Rainbow's eyes got wider as she heard more and more of the fillies story. She then sat there, thinking. Rainbow almost never tried thinking, she always just flew into whatever situation that happens to her.

“Well, tell ya what Scootaloo. I want to repay you for what you've done for me but first....Um, why did you save me?”

“Well, I'm not heartless! You needed help when you crashed.” she said with serious face.

“....Thanks kiddo. Tell ya what...if you let me, I need to ask somepony first but I want to repay you, alright?”

“'re already leaving?”

“I'll be right back kiddo. I promise.”

Scootaloo's face puffed up, “Hey, that's not fair! How do I know you'll just leave and not come back?!”

Rainbow stopped and the spoke up, “Good point...hmm...I know.” Rainbow ruffled her hoof into her hair and then gave an object to Scootaloo.

“What's this?”

“It's an old badge of mine that I got in my hometown of Cloudsdale. It's very important to me. You keep it for now and I'll come back for it later, okay?”

“Oh, um, okay.”

Rainbow then spread her wings and flew out of the building. She flew up into the sky and saw where the building Scootaloo was staying. She committed to memory and then flew back down into the city. She checked her surroundings and then went back to the hideout. There she found Twilight alone, typing on her computer.

“Still here Twilight? Didn't you say we weren't allowed to do another heist for a while?”

Twilight smirked and then turned to Rainbow Dash. “I'm trying to find a buy for the crystal. There were multiple buyers for the Scarlet Pearls but nothing for the crystal.”


“As for heists, the criminal underworld part of Manehatten is currently stuck in a power vacuum. There are small crimes happening all over the city and the police are arresting pony after pony. There are to many police around the city right now. Not only that, multiple big wig criminal ponies have left the city. It will be a while till they come back.”

“Huh, makes sense.”

Twilight looked at Rainbow's face and quickly replied, “What is it Rainbow?”

“Well, I was wondering if I could take some of the loot...”

“Now this is unusual. Usually the only money you take is to go pig out. Didn't you do this for the thrills? What happened Rainbow?”

“It's just...well...I crashed in the city and a kid helped me.”

“A filly?”

“Yeah, the poor girl's all alone. She told me she was from Ponyville and she's got no pony to help her.”

“Are you sure she's not lying to you?”

“Yeah, she lives in an abandoned building that looks horrible, like really horrible.”

“What's her name?”


“Where is from?”


Twilight stopped for a second at the response and then started typing on her computer. She then spoke up after a few seconds. “Is she an orange filly?”

“Yeah. Did you look her up?”

“Yeah, I got the school records at the Ponyville Filly School. Let's see...Teacher is Cheerilee...Scootaloo, has multiple marks against her. Got into fights with an earth pony named Diamond Tiara...Diamond Tiara...daughter of Filthy Rich...He's one corrupt business pony...”

“ know that doesn't matter right?”

“Right, I apologize. Alright, it seems Diamond Tiara had her father pay the school to fully expel Scootaloo and paid the local orphanage to kick her out as well...That must be one evil filly...”

“Man....she's even worse off than I thought. Poor Scootaloo...”

“No kidding, after reading this, I feel bad for her as well...It sounds what would happen if you messed with one the criminals we steal from!” said Twilight. “Not only that, with the record that's been forced on her, I doubt she could be accepted into any school around here....”

“Yeah...Alright, I've decided. I wanna help her.”

“Rainbow, how do you want to help her?”

“Well, uh...I'm not sure.....” said Rainbow with a confused look on her face. She then sat there for a second and then lightbulb turned on over head. “I know! I help her get revenge!”



“That won't help her. Think about the big picture, you know, the filly's future. Revenge won't solve anything.”

“Oh yeah....That's probably true. Hmm....if that's the! I know! I'll adopt the kid then!”

Twilight's eyes widened, “......WHAT?!”

“Yeah! I'll help her by doing that!”

“Um, Rainbow, reality check! You are a thief! If you try to adopt her, you'll have to do a bunch a legal things that I am not going to explain to you right now. I try to keep your identity from the authorities, remember?!”

“Then we won't do the legal stuff, she could just join us.!”

“We don't need a filly on our team Rainbow.”

“I didn't mean she would help us on heists, I mean I would take care of her.”

Twilight then stopped and then spoke up again, “Look Rainbow, even if we don't do the legal garbage, did you think I would just allow this Rainbow?”

“Come on Twilight, think about it! The kid's got no family, and her record has been beaten up by corrupt ponies. Legal ponies won't believe in her and you said she probably won't be able to go to school due to what they did to her!”

“Though that may be true, I..”

“No! I can make my own decisions Twilight. I want to do this!”

Twilight sighed. She then put her hooves to her eyes, rubbing her eyes. “Fine...You are right about that the authorities and even the orphanages here probably won't accept her, but...”

“See?! I'm right! Let me do this!”

“Fine...but where will she stay?”

“We have plenty of room here. It's not like she'll tell anypony, I can tell she's a loyal pony.”

“I won't deny the room but if she is to stay here, everypony staying here must agree to it.”

“Fine, I'll make all the Rainbooms agree to it!”

At that moment, Applejack and Pinkie Pie came back with some groceries.

“We're home!” yelled Pinkie Pie.

“Home sweet hideout...” said Applejack casually as she started putting down the groceries in the kitchen. Twilight then got up and proceeded to the kitchen.

“Alright girls, I'll take care of putting up the groceries, Rainbow has something to ask of you two.”

“Oh really? Like what?” said Pinkie with a curious look.

Rainbow then began explaining as Twilight slowly put the groceries up. She organized every bit while the other two listened to Rainbow. Then they gave their answers to Rainbow.

“Sure, I don't mind.” said Pinkie.

“Well, if you think we can trust her pardner, go for it.” said Applejack.

Rainbow grinned with a huge smile on her face. Two down, two to go! She thought. Then, as if on cue, Rarity and Fluttershy came in with a bunch of dresses and other small trinkets.

“We have arrived darlings!” said Rarity with glee.

“Um...We're back everypony.” said Fluttershy meekly.

“Welcome back pardners!” said Applejack.

Rarity and Fluttershy then went to their rooms and put up what they had bought. They both walked back in with an expectant looking Rainbow Dash waiting for them.

“Um, do you need something Rainbow, dear?” asked Rarity.

“Yeah, it's a long story but there's something I need to ask you two after I tell you the whole thing.”


Rainbow once again explained the whole story. Then both of them soon gave their answers.

“I can tell your heart wants to do this, so I don't mind darling.” said Rarity.

“I agree as well.” said Fluttershy.

“Well Twilight?” asked Rainbow with a huge smile on her face.

“Well....since it came to this. I'll accept as well Rainbow. Go ahead and get her.” said Twilight with a reluctant face.

“AWESOME!” said Rainbow and then bolted out of the hideout.

Time keeps moving (Part 1 of 2)

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“Rainbow!” yelled Twilight right after Rainbow had left the hideout. Rainbow then stopped in mid-air as she heard the voice in her ear.

“Hey! Why do I have a thing in my ear?!”

“I sneaked it in while you were talking to Fluttershy and Rarity. Come back here for a moment. It's important.”


Rainbow slowly got back to the hideout only to find Twilight standing there with a paper.

“Here.” she said as she gave the paper to Rainbow Dash.

“What's this?”

“Just look at it.”

Rainbow skimmed the paper and saw that it was a missing poster for Scootaloo.

“I printed it off. Thankfully this was just recently made in Ponyville an it hasn't made it to Manehatten yet. This means will need to hide her for a while if she comes here.”

“Oh...okay. If that's the case..” said Rainbow as she then went to her room for a few seconds and came back with a saddlebag. “Alright. I'm going now.”

“Alright, good luck Rainbow.” said Twilight.

Meanwhile at a theater in Baltimare....

An announcer pony went up onto the stage, got the microphone and then said, “The winner of the annual fashion contest is..... SURI POLOMARE!”

Suri Polomare then walked onto the stage and spoke into the mike, “Thank you so much! I would like to say that I believe fashion is everything. Thank you so much everypony!” she said with a smile. Then the judges of the contest began to give her offers for fashion places all over Equestria. She quickly accepted the best offer and then began to leave the theater after a little while. There, backstage, she met with her assistant, Coco Pommel.

“Hello Coco...” Suri was with a bitter tone.

“Um...hello Suri. Congratulations on the contest.” she said meekly.

“Yes...Well, was there any doubt that I wouldn't win? Of course I was going to win. That reminds me, I have some news for you Coco.”


“You're fired.”

“Fired?” she said with a gasp.

“Yes, you see, I got a great offer to get big money and I don't need you anymore. Do you know why?”


“Because I am a winner and you are a loser. You will always be a loser, that's how this world works.”

“I'm....a loser?” she said with a small squak. “But I thought...”

“You don't matter, just like these..” Suri said as she then pulled out some papers from a bag.

“Those are...” said Coco with fear in her eyes.

“Yes, you're latest designs. These designs are absolutely disgusting.” Suri said as she pulled something else out of her bag. It was a lighter which she used to burn the design papers.

Coco then began to cry, “Why would you do that?!”

“Because, you're a loser. Now, get out of my way loser.” Suri said as she then went up and slapped Coco.


Coco fell over from the slap, still crying. Suri then left the building with a huge grin on her face. Coco just sat there with the design paper ashes, crying. Then a gray colored earth pony approached Coco.

“Are you alright?”

“Huh?” asked Coco as she wiped her eyes.

“My name is Octavia, are you okay?”

Meanwhile in an abandoned building in Manehatten...

Rainbow went up to Scootaloo's room she was staying in the broken down building. “Yo, Scootaloo, are you here?”

“Rainbow Dash?!”

“Yeah, it's me kiddo.”

“ actually came back?”

“Of course, I said you could keep the badge so I could pick it up later, remember.”

“Wow...I thought that was just a lie...” said Scootaloo with a surprised look on her face.

“Nope. Now I have a few questions for you first but I'm here to repay you.”

“Oh, you don't have to repay me.”

“Well, I'm going to anyways.” said Rainbow Dash as both of them sat down on Scootaloo's broken mattress. “Now, um, Scootaloo...the reason I was gone for a while was because I had to ask a friend of mine on how I should repay you. I'm not good at stuff like this...”

Scootaloo giggled. “Really?”

“Yeah, and my friend is an egghead too. She's super smart.”


“And...well...I found out a few things about you Scootaloo.” she said and then Scootaloo's face began to turn pale. “I didn't mean to but I found out about stuff like this.”

Then Rainbow put her hoof into her bag and pulled out the missing poster.

“That''s already reached Manehatten?!” said Scootaloo with fear in her eyes.

“No. My friend printed it off from Ponyville. Now, um, please let me explain Scootaloo.”

“ no no no...just please...don't tell on me Rainbow. Don't make me go back there. PLEASE!” said Scootaloo shivering.

“Don't worry.” said Rainbow as she then pulled out a lighter out of her bag and burned the poster in front of Scootaloo. “This is what I think of this poster.”

“ burned it?”

“Yes. I know yer a good pony Scootaloo, you saved me.”

“ you know all about me? About Ponyville and all that?”

“Yeah....yeah I do. But...I don't care.”

“Don't care?” said Scootaloo with a surprised look.

“That's right. I don't care. I wanna help you Scootaloo.”


“Yeah.” said Rainbow as she put her wing over Scootaloo. “Let me tell you a story about myself. I am like you in a lot of ways.”


“ you know about the Wonderbolts?”

“You mean the greatest fliers in Equestria? I don't think any pegasus wouldn't know who they are.”

“Yeah, I can't join them even though I always wanted too.”

“You can't? But you're such a good flier!”

“Well, a few years ago, I was at the Cloudsdale flight school to help me get into the Wonderbolts. One day, I defended a classmate from some bullies.”


“Yes. I got in trouble all the time for fights but I was always trying to help other classmates. However, that time things were a bit different. One of the bullies was the principal’s son.”

“Uh oh...” said Scootaloo, starting to realize where the story was going.

“Yeah, you catch on quick kid. The principal chewed me out and then expelled me. Then the principal sent a letter to the Wonderbolts to tell them to never accept me.”

“That's...that's horrible...” said Scootaloo as more tears went down her eyes.

“, you can see why we're similar huh?”


“So, now the part about helping you....I want to adopt you Scootaloo.”

Scootaloo froze after hearing those words. She didn't know what to say. Then she slowly responded, “Adopt....adopt me?”


“But...I'm wanted, remember?”

“Well yeah, so we're going to just skip the legal garbage alright.”

“We can do that?”

“Yeah. But there's one condition.”


“Yeah, let me explain... You see, if you come with me, I'm not gonna be yer mom. I'll just be yer...uh...big sister.”

“Big sister? Really?”

“Yeah... Now, if you come with me, you can't tell anypony about where I live. You can't tell anypony about the adoption or staying with me or anything.”

“Well...” said Scootaloo as she was trying to understand Rainbow. “Um...I don't have anypony to tell anything Rainbow Dash. I don't know anypony in Manehatten except you Rainbow Dash.”

“Oh...Well that makes it even easier. Okay Scootaloo, here's the moment of truth. Will you swear to not tell anypony about this and be my little sister?”

Scootaloo sat there with more tears went down her eyes. “YES! YES! YES!”

“Good, then let's get you to my place. You need to meet my friends.” said Rainbow with a smile while hugging Scootaloo.


Time keeps moving (Part 2 of 2)

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“So...uh...what do you have to bring with you?” asked Rainbow.

“Um...All I have is my scooter and some money.” said Scootaloo with a bit of sadness in her voice.

“Oh...uh...that's all ya got huh?” said Rainbow with some hesitation. Rainbow felt even more sad about Scootaloo. She then got up and spread her wings. Scootaloo just sat there, admiring her wings.

“Okay kiddo, let's get yer stuff and get going huh? Are you ready?”

“Yeah! Let's go big sis!” said Scootaloo with a huge smile.

“Big sis, huh?” Rainbow said to herself, “That sounds pretty awesome.”

Meanwhile in a cafe in Baltimare....

Coco Pommel slowly sipped her drink in the cafe. She then looked up and spoke up, “Um...Thank you Octavia.”

“No problem.” said Octavia with a professional look on her face.

“Um..I have a question...”

“Go ahead Coco.”

“Why are you doing this for me? Treating me to this cafe? Being so nice to me?”

“Well, I couldn't just let you sit there in despair in the theater after what Suri did to you.”

“ you. Thank you so much...”

“It's fine. Anyways Coco, I have something to ask of you.”


“I need your help.”

“You need my help?” she asked with a surprised look.

“Yes. I could use a pony like you.”

“What do you need from me?”

“Well, for starters, I need a dress maker in my team I have.”

“Team?” asked Coco.

“Yes. I will help you get a good fashion job and in turn you will help me.”

“I don't understand.”

“I am a pony that is currently using multiple factions and jobs in multiple cities. I am currently setting up buildings for me and my team in each city that I plan to operate in. Because of this, I am currently trying to set a place here in Baltimare.”

“You want me to set up here in Baltimare?”

“Yes, don't worry. I already found out that Suri is going to Las Pegasus so you don't have to worry about her. Anyways, I am setting up a vacant building here in Baltimare and it will be possible to set it up as a fashion shop.”

“Really?!” said Coco in surprise, “You must have some serious money!”

“You could say that. Now, I will give you the shop on one condition.”

“You''ll give me the shop?! Why are you being so nice to me?”

“Yes, I will. Now will you hear my condition?”


“You will make certain dresses that I need at times. That is all.” said Octavia sternly.

“Um...that's a strange condition but....okay I'll do it.”

“Alright.” said Octavia as she extended her hoof to Coco, “Welcome to my team.”

The two then shook hooves in agreement.

Meanwhile in Manehatten at the Rainboom hideout....

“We're here!” yelled Rainbow as she opened the hideout door.

“Welcome back pardner!” said Applejack with enthusiasm.

Scootaloo and Rainbow entered the hideout. Scootaloo hid behind Rainbow for a second after she all the different faces.

“This here's Scootaloo. Say hi to everypony kiddo.” said Rainbow as she pushed Scootaloo in front of her.

“Um...hello everypony.” said Scootaloo slowly.

“Greetings Scootaloo, I am Twilight Sparkle.”

“I'm Applejack!”

“HI! I'm Pinkie Pie!”

“I am Rarity darling.”

“ Fluttershy.”

Scootaloo looked over the place as she saw the other five ponies looking at her. She then spoke up, “It's nice to meet you all...but I have a question.”

“What is it?”

“Um...why is the place you stay in an old building like this and underground as well?”

“Well...wait, you didn't tell her everything did you Rainbow?” said Twilight sternly while looking at Rainbow.

“Uh...heh heh...sorry.” said Rainbow with a small smile on her face.

“Scootaloo, we live here for a specific reason. Now, Rainbow did tell you not to tell anypony about this place or anything correct?”

“Yes. I don't have anypony I could tell anyways.”

“ Well, the truth is that we six in this room have a certain secret that you will now keep. Do you understand?” said Twilight with a serious voice.

“Yes. I understand.”

“Applejack, you're good at telling lies, is she telling the truth?”

“That's cruel to ask pardner....but yeah, she's telling the truth. She's sincere.”

“Sorry, I just had to make sure. I'm sorry Scootaloo.”

“It's fine.” said Scootaloo with a straight, understanding face.

“Very well, we six are the Rainbooms.”

Scootaloo froze for a moment and then her jaw dropped. “You're all the Rainbooms? The Rainbooms?!”


“Wow....I don't know what to say...”

“Cool, isn't it Scootaloo?” said Rainbow. “What do you think?”

“Yeah...that's awesome...”

Twilight then stood up and spoke clearly, “From now on Scootaloo you will be staying here. We have a few extra rooms here so you can pick whichever. There are a few rules to follow as well but we tell you later. Is that okay?”

Tears fell from Scootaloo's eyes as she tried to even talk, “Um...yes. Thank you for having me...”

“Now, lets' get you set up kiddo! You're going to have so much fun here.” said Rainbow with a huge grin.

“Yes.” said Scootaloo as more tears went down her face. “Thank you all so much!”

Meanwhile in another place in Manehatten...

Trixie slowly walked down an alley. She pulled out a map of her bag and then pulled out a marker out of her bag as well. She then used the marker on the map with her magic.

“Sigh....Another failure...Trixie wonders if she is even close...” she said to herself as she looked around. “Trixie has investigated ten abandoned factories today and still nothing. There are so many buildings in North East Manehatten....Hmm..what should Trixie do?”

Trixie then let out another sigh. “Perhaps Trixie needs a new angle...” she said to herself as she then proceeded to go home. “Oh well, Trixie knows Trixie is onto something...Trixie just needs a little more...”

The Diamond of Chi (Part 1 of 2)

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It has been one month since Scootaloo started staying with the Rainbooms. Because she is a filly, Twilight had determined that her small body could not stand the magic the disguise rings use. One week after she started staying with the Rainbooms, the missing posters got to Manehatten. So instead, Twilight decided to start teaching Scootaloo basic schooling. Fluttershy has also started to teach her medical knowledge as well. Rainbow has started to do physical education with her to help her fly.

One day, Twilight got up and made an announcement. “Okay everypony! Meeting time!”

The other six then went and sat down in the meeting room. Twilight then entered the room with some maps and other papers.

“Scootaloo, you're not part of this.” Twilight quickly said as soon as she saw Scootaloo at the table.

“But...I wanna be part of the meeting. Please?!” asked Scootaloo with an expectant look.

“Don't worry Twi, it'll be fine.” said Applejack.

“Yeah, it's cool Twilight.” said Rainbow Dash.

“Ugh, fine. No talking, alright Scootaloo?” said Twilight with a demanding tone.


Twilight sighed and then put the papers on the table. She then cricked her neck back and forth and then spoke up, “Alright girls, I know its been a while but I have a new heist for us.”

“AWESOME!” said Rainbow with a huge grin.

“Be quiet Rainbow. Now, as you know, our last heist got a lot of media coverage and we had to stop for a while. It's started to settle down and I found a perfect opportunity for us. Now, do any of you know about the Fire Edge Hundred and Twenty Pocket?”

“Oh yes darling. Any jewel fanatic knows about that.” said Rarity with glee. “Does that mean we are going after one of those jewels?”

“Indeed. I suspect the rest of you don't know about it. The Fire Edge Hundred and Twenty Pocket is a set of 120 jewels, gems, and rare stones made by the legendary gem maker pony Fire Edge. Fire Edge was alive over fifty years ago and was considered to be one of the greatest gem makers that has ever lived. Every stone in the pocket are incredibly valuable, usually at least over five million to almost fifty million bits.”

“Whoa. That's a lot.” said Rainbow with a surprised look on her face.

“Yes. These past ten years have been especially good for the pocket in terms of value. Our target is the Diamond of Chi, which ten years ago would probably only go for five million bits. However, it now goes for around thirty-five million bits.”

“Wow Twi, this pocket sounds like something we should go for more often.” asked Applejack.

“Well, I do agree with you Applejack, however, the stones don't come onto the market very often. It's very hard to find them. Not only that, they don't always end up in criminal hands. The past decade or so, the stones have barely appeared on the market making them more rare.”

“Ah, okay Twi. I understand.”

“Right, well, now, about the target. Our criminal who owns our diamond is a rotten pony named Rotten Cable. He has recently moved into Manehatten in the past few months. He has then thrown around a lot of money recently. He's been bribing and selling politicians, hiring certain criminals after the mafia fallout and racketeering other crimes around Manehatten. He recently acquired the Diamond of Chi along with a payload of bits, which he keeps at his mansion. One week from now, he's going to do a big party to celebrate his wealth. He's inviting multiple politicians and other high profile ponies. I've gotten with a few of my contacts in order to get us an invite to the party.”

Twilight then took a deep breath and then began to start explaining the plan. “Okay, the heist will be in two parts. First, Rarity and Applejack will enter the party. Rotten Cable is allowing two people per invite. Therefore, Rarity and Applejack will be disguised as a lady and her bodyguard. Rarity, I suspect you can make something worth wearing to the party in a week?”

“Of course darling.”

“Now, Pinkie Pie, you will be in charge of the getaway carriage for Rarity and Applejack.”


“Now, Rarity and Applejack will need to meet Rotten Cable in the party. Rotten is using this party to recruit politicians and other ponies he can bribe for future endeavors. You two will then need to meet with him and talk your way into an interview in his office. I suspect you can easily talk your way into that Rairty.”

“Oh, that will be simple darling.”

“While this is happening, Rainbow will be doing her part of the plan. Rainbow will need to go though an outside vent. Don't worry, I will guide you through the vent. This will get you into the party. Now, unfortunately, according to the recon and floor plans I was able to acquire, Rotten Cable has two safes. Therefore, Rarity and Applejack will be taking on one while Rainbow will be taking on the other. Now, this is a new device I have made.” she said as she put a small hoof shaped device on the table. “I call this the Zap Hoof. Rainbow, you will use this to get into Rotten's bedroom which has one of the two safes. This device emits a small shock that knocks outs a full stallion instantly. I'll teach you how to use it. Where you enter from the vent will be close to his bedroom so you can quickly get into the bedroom after you knock out the guards in front of the bedroom. As for Rarity and Applejack, you'll have these smoke orbs as a just in case when you enter Rotten's office when he tries to interview you two. The other safe is in there so you'll need to knock out the ponies in the room. I will need you set off at least one of the smoke orbs so you can set off the sprinklers in the mansion when you try to escape. It will cause a small panic inside so you can quickly escape while to ponies at the party are panicking due to the sprinklers. Rainbow will just need to use the bedroom's window, it has an alarm but I'll help you with the timing. When the others knock out Rotten and his men and check the office safe, I will tell you to bolt out by opening one of the bedroom's windows. The guards will then go to the bedroom so Rarity and Applejack can get to Pinkie Pie while setting off the sprinklers. Pinkie will then get them out of there as soon as possible. Any questions?”

“Sounds good to me darling. Leave the smooth talking to me.” said Rarity with confidence.

“Sounds awesome!” said Rainbow with a huge smile. “Let's do it!”

“ this is how you plan a heist?” asked Scootaloo. “Amazing.”

“Cool ain't it Scoots?” asked Rainbow.


“Alright.” Twilight said as she put her hoof in the air. “Rainbooms?”

The other five put their hooves into the air and then Scootaloo put her hoof into the air as well.

“We are the Rainbooms!”

The Diamond of Chi (Part 2 of 2)

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“Okay,” said Twilight as she cleared her throat. “The party has started, are all of you ready?”

“Me and Applejack are ready darling.” said Rarity, “We're entering the party now.”

“I'm hiding in the clouds Twilight.” said Rainbow quickly, “I've found the vent.”

“Good. Make sure your disguise rings are working. Remember, this plan will all depends on you Rarity. Smooth talk your way in there.”

“Of course, darling.”

Rarity and Applejack slowly went up to the mansion steps. They both looked at each other and nodded. They then went to the front guards which asked for their invites. Rarity gave the invites and both went into the party. Both ponies began looking around the large room that the party was being held in. Then they located Rotten Cable.

“We found him darling, we're going to him now.” said Rarity to Twilight.

“Understood.” said Twilight as she switched to Rainbow, “Rainbow, they are about to talk to Rotten, go ahead and get into the vent.”

“You got it!” said Rainbow. She then quickly looked around again, making sure nopony was watching her and then quietly descended to the vent. She quickly opened it and sneaked into the vent. “Okay Twilight, I need you to guide me.”

“Understood.” said Twilight as she pulled out the floor plans of the house, “Get ready, we'll need to be quick about this.”

“No prob!”

Rarity approached Rotten and then spoke up, “Greetings darling, you are Rotten Cable, correct?”

Rotten Cable looked Rarity over and then looked at Applejack. He then began speaking, “Indeed I am, who do I owe the pleasure of speaking to?”

“I am Shining Pride dear. I am working politician here in this fine city.”

“Well Miss Shining, I happen to be quite the business pony with politician ponies. May I inquire what you would like to do with a pony like me in terms of business?”

“Oh, well you see darling, I came here because I have a very special deal for you concerning the south side of Manehatten.”

Rotten's eyes widened as soon as he heard her say the south side of Manehatten. “South side? Let's talk in my office.”

“What about your party darling?”

“Don't worry, this party is just a front anyways, our talk shouldn't take too long.”

The two ponies proceeded to the office with Applejack following. Rarity then told Rotten that she would only talk business if her bodyguard was with her. He agreed and the three went into Rotten's office. At the same time, Twilight had listened to the conversation while guiding Rainbow through the vents. Rainbow then reached her destination, she was directly above the guards that were guarding Rotten's bedroom.

“I'm here Twilight.” said Rainbow quietly.

“Understood.” said Twilight, “Rarity and Applejack are in Rotten's office. Go ahead.”

“Awesome.” said Rainbow as she slowly removed the vent. She then shimmied her body through the vent and slowly descended on the guards. Her wings barely made any noise or any breeze as she went down. She slowly put the Zap Hoof on and then got ready to zap one of the guards.

“Sigh, sounds like an awesome party in there.” said one guard.

“Yeah, but we have our orders.” said the other guard.

“Still....I at least would like some punch...”

“Ugh, fine. Just go get yourself...”


“Huh? Why did I just hear a zap?” said the guard as he turned around only to see Rainbow.

“Sorry buddy, no punch for you.” said Rainbow with a huge smile on her face.

“Wait, what the-”


Rainbow then dragged the two now knocked out guards into the bedroom. She then went through the entire room and finally found the safe in the closet.

“It's digital Twilight. I'm putting yer hacking device on the safe now.”

“Go ahead.” said Twilight as she then began hacking the safe. It quickly opened. “What's inside Rainbow?”

Rainbow looked inside and her face quickly went pale, “Just some gold and papers, there's no diamond Twilight!”

“Grrr...Okay, get the gold and then get ready to use the window to get out of there Rainbow, I'm switching over to Rarity and Applejack.”

“Got it, I'll be ready in a second Twilight.”

Twilight quickly changed to Rarity and Applejack, “Both of you, the diamond isn't in the bedroom safe.”

When Twilight had told this the two, Rarity was still talking to Rotten in his office.

“Listen Rotten, will you at least take my deal over the south side? Manehatten has changed over the past few months.”

“I don't disagree with you but I'm just not sure...”

Rarity and Applejack then looked at each other and then nodded. Rarity then stood up and stroked her hair. Applejack then approached the two guards in the room with Rotten.

“It seems you won't come to an agreement Rotten.”

“Well...just let me think for a second...” he said as he slumped in his chair.

“Sorry pardner, but time's up.”


Applejack then punched on of the guards right in the face.


“What the-” said Rotten and then Rarity hit him on top of his head.


“Ow....” he said as he fell over unconscious.

Applejack quickly dashed into the other guard and punched the other guard in the gut.


The next few hits knocked the guard straight out. Rarity then went behind the office desk and found the safe.

“I put the hacking device on Twilight. Go ahead darling.”

“Understood.” Twilight then began hacking and the safe opened soon enough. “Is the diamond there?”

“Yes darling, I got it!”

“Okay, I'll have Rainbow start the alarm, get ready to set off the sprinklers.”

“Understood darling.”

Twilight switched to Rainbow, “Okay, we got the diamond, go ahead Rainbow.”

“You got it!” said Rainbow with a huge grin. She then opened the window, the alarm now blaring she bolted into the night's clouds. Rarity and Applejack exited the office while the alarm made the guards ran to the bedroom. The two looked at each other and then threw the smoke orbs into the sprinklers. The sprinklers immediately went off and the party goers began panicking and fled the building. Rarity and Applejack went into the fleeing crowd and quickly got to Pinkie Pie outside. With the panic was happening, a formally dressed unicorn then sneaked into Rotten's office and saw the chaos in the room. The unicorn sighed and quickly ran away. She then proceeded to a carriage, who's driver was a gray pegasus.

“Hey Lyra!” said the pegasus.

“Get me out here Derpy, now!”

“Okay!” said Derpy and she immediately started flying as fast as possible.

Lyra then began speaking to her earpiece, “Octavia, the plan's a bust.”

“What? Why?” yelled Octavia Melody.

“The Rainbooms beat us to the office, sorry.”

“It's fine. Just get back here, both of you. The Feather Blades won't forget this Rainbooms.” Octavia said as she gritted her teeth.

Meanwhile... the four got back to the hideout....

“We're here!”

“You guys are so awesome!” said Scootaloo with a huge smile.

“Course we are kiddo!” said Rainbow.

“Yet, me and Applejack got the diamond, darling.” said Rarity.

“Shut up...”

“Enough small talk girls, let's see the goods.” said Twilight. The team then proceeded to the meeting room where Rarity presented the Diamond of Chi.

“Lovely, isn't it darling?”

“Oh my, it's beautiful.” said Fluttershy.

“Indeed, well done Rainbooms.” said Twilight as she put her hoof in the air.

The others put their hooves in the air and then they all said in unison, “We are the Rainbooms!”

The Ruby of the Dark Eagle (Part 1 of 3)

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Trixie sat in her office once again. She sat at her office and began typing on her typewriter yet again.

Journal over the Rainbooms:

The Rainbooms have struck again. Yesterday they stole from Rotten Cable. He had the diamond known as the Diamond of Chi. The police soon arrived at the scene of the crime along with myself after the alarms in his house went off. We found evidence that both safes in his house were open and thanks to a warrant we were able to obtain the papers left in Rotten Cable's safe. There it revealed evdience and records of the bribing and crimes Rotten had committed. It gave us evidence to arrest multiple big wigs in Manehatten as well. Because of this, the Rainbooms have gotten even more support in the public's eyes. Over half the police force now support these criminals. I believe that if the Rainbooms keep committing these crimes and they keep doing it to high profile corrupt ponies in Manehatten, soon the police will stop hunting for them altogether. Perhaps this was their plan all along. I refuse to believe such a thing though, if this is what the Rainbooms really want...They would have been just vigilantes, not thieves. The Rainbooms are thieves. Just thieves. Nothing more, nothing less. If only I had a clue of some sort.

Trixie stopped typing. She didn't even feel like talking to herself. She just sat there in a puddle of anger. She couldn't think of anything but wanting to catch the Rainbooms.

“Trixie needs a drink...” she said to herself as she got up and left her apartment.

One week later...

Twilight had found a buyer for the diamond very quickly. The following days past by during that week. Scootaloo continued her studies with Twilight and Rainbow Dash. Rarity, wanting to make sure she doesn’t lose her fashion touch, started to use Scootaloo for her filly fashion designs. Scootaloo found them boring but did them anyways just to be around the ponies that were now her family. Applejack continued to send money to her family while Fluttershy sent money to animal organizations. Soon the week that passed turned into a month. Manehatten's media continued to cover the Rainbooms so much that other cities were starting to support them. However, once that month had passed, a new plan had formed in Twilight's head....

Trixie walked down another alleyway. She had went down alleyway after alleyway, abandoned factory after abandoned factory. She had been investigating there for over a month now with no new leads. Trixie sat down on an abandoned bench in the north east part of Manehatten. She pulled out a map and marked another part of the map. She then began to narrate herself, “Trixie can not believe it, over a month now and still nothing... Maybe Trixie is just wasting time...Trixie has investigated almost half of this part of Manehatten now and has not found anything suspicious at all. Maybe this is hopeless...”

Trixie slumped down on the bench, completely depressed. She just didn't know what to do, she couldn't find any clues whatsoever. She scratched her head with her hoof as she sat there. Trixie got up and began walking back to her apartment. As she was walking back to her apartment when she accidently bumped into a little colt.

“Ow!” said the little colt.

“Oh, um, sorry.” said Trixie, absentminded.

“It's okay, just watch where you're going lady.” said the little colt.

“Um...yes, sorry.”

“You don't have to keep saying sorry...say, you look really depressed.”

“ could say that...” she said to the little colt.

“What's your name lady?”

“Um...Trixie is my name little one.”

“I'm Rumble! Nice to meet you Trixie!”

“Um, Trixie is sorry she bumped into you Rumble.”

“Don't worry about it, say, why are you depressed?”


“C'mon, it's okay to tell me, I won't tell anypony!”

“Trixie...has lost her way, she doesn't know what to do right now.”

“Oh okay, well....If you have lost your way, just make a new path.”

“A new path?”

“Yeah, a new path! Just do something else for a while then figure out what you need to do later.”

Trixie stopped for a while and thought about what the colt had said. Then the colt spoke up again, “Well, I gotta go. Maybe we will meet again Miss Trixie!”

“Oh, um, thank you Rumble.”

“No problem.” then Rumble ran off in the direction Trixie was headed to. Trixie, seeing this, slowly followed the colt and noticed he went to same building as her apartment. Trixie's eyes widened as she said to herself, “That nice little colt lives at the same building Trixie lives at?”

Trixie stood there for a second and thought about what the colt said. As she kept thinking, she started to believe in what the colt had said. She then said to herself, “Hmmm...Perhaps Trixie needs to try something different for a bit...Maybe that could help...”


It was a rainy night in Manehatten when Twilight had formed her plan, or rather her new target to steal. For the past month, she had found that thanks to Rotten's arrest, multiple corrupt rich ponies in Manehatten had been arrested as well. She always made it important that they steal from criminals. She had sat there for days on end, trying to find a new plan, a new heist...

Then Twilight left for a week. She told the others she would be back later and before they knew it, she was back. Twilight immediately called a meeting and all the Rainbooms gathered in the meeting room. Twilight then spread out multiple papers, disguise rings, and other devices. The other six looked over what she had put on the table with an expectant look on their faces.

“Alright, what's the plan Twilight?” said Rainbow with big grin on her face.

“Yeah pardner, what's the plan this time?” asked Applejack.

“Well first, this is our target.” said Twilight as she pointed to a paper on the table. It was a picture of a fiery red ruby with a black center.

“Ah, this is...” said Rarity with a surprised look.

“Yes Rarity, this is the Ruby of the Dark Eagle. It is worth thirty-five million bits.”

“Nice. That's a good amount.” said Rainbow.

“Twilight, not to be a bother, but last I heard, that ruby is not in Manehatten.” said Rarity. The other six then looked at Twilight in confusion.

“You're right Rarity, the ruby is in Baltimare.”

“We're going to Baltimare?” asked Fluttershy.

“Yes, you see this heist is a bit different compared to our other heists. This heist will happen while we are attending a certain event.”


“The ruby is being presented at a wedding in Baltimare and while that wedding is happening, we're going to steal the ruby.”

The Ruby of the Dark Eagle (Part 2 of 3)

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Rarity slammed her hoof on the table. “That is absurd!” she yelled. “You want us to steal while a wedding is happening?!”

“It is not absurd Rarity, I have a plan!” replied Twilight.

“Even I gotta agree with her pardner.” said Applejack in response. “Are you sure about this Twi?”

“I'm sure.” said Twilight calmly, “I have a full plan and everything. Not only that, I know for a fact it will be okay for us to leave Manehatten for a while.”

“Is, why you left for that week?” asked Fluttershy.

“Indeed, I spent that the week in Baltimare, planning the heist.” she said in a confident tone. “I looked into the events happening over there and found out about multiple corrupt ponies and other crimes happening there. Not only that, I found out our old hideout was actually never discovered!”

“Really?!” said the others in surprise.

“I know. I was surprised as well, since we thought they had found us, it was the very reason we moved to Manehatten after all. However, they never found our old place.”

“Awesome!” said Rainbow.

“Not only that...” said Twilight as she pulled out a picture, “There's this.”

It was a picture of Trixie Lulamoon.

“Isn't this the police pony you told us to make sure not to meet Twi?” asked Applejack.

“Yeah, I did. Though I will admit she is dangerous to us, things have changed.” said Twilight. “Some of our buyers have contacts into the police. I recently asked them how the police are handling our case. Turns out over half the force has quit trying to get us.”

“Whoa, why did they give up?”

“Thanks to Rotten Cable and the mafia bosses, we have inadvertently helped the police catch several big time criminals. Crime has gone down in Manehatten. However, only one thing has not changed.”

“What hasn't changed?”

“Trixie. According to multiple police ponies, she has been obsessed with catching us. She literally is the only real police pony just trying to catch us. I paid some of the contacts to tail her as well. She has been investigating for several weeks in the north east part of Manehatten.”

“Why is she investigating over there?”

“I don't know, I believe she thinks our hideout is over there, even though our hideout is in the north west part Manehatten. Perhaps she found some evidence of the those other thieves and thinks we're them.”

“The other thieves? You mean the ones who stole from us when Rainbow got beat up?” asked Applejack.

“Yeah, that's the only conclusion I can think of....Anyways, the reason why I brought this up was to say the hideout will be fine while we go Baltimare.”

“I still think that doing a heist during a wedding is too crazy, even for us darling.” said Rarity.

“Will you at least hear out my plan?” said Twilight with an expectant look.

The others looked at each other and then looked back at her. They all nodded.

“Alright, this is how the plan is going to work...” she said I she cricked her neck back and forth. “The wedding is in two months which gives us plenty of planning time. There will be several things we will need to do to set in motion to accomplish this plan. First, we will be going to Baltimare this weekend to set up there. Scootaloo, you will of course be coming with us. Hoever, because you have a wanted poster like the rest of us, we will need to make some changes to your look. We'll need Rarity to dye your mane.”

“You mean I can't keep my purple mane?!” asked Scootaloo with a sad face.

“No, there will be a magic checking system at the train station we will be using to get to Baltimare. Disguise Rings will get caught in such a system as long as the ring is activated. We'll be using the rings in the heist but we will have the deactivated while getting to Baltimare. If we color your mane and put you in one of Rarity's dresses, everything will be fine. We will all be using fake identities of course, so make sure not to use your real names.”

“ can I choose what color it will be? Huh? Can I?” Scootaloo asked with enthusiasm.

“I honestly don't care as long as it isn't a color close to your purple mane right now.”


“Now, as you take a guess Rarity, I need you to make us some formal wedding wear.”

“But of course darling.” said Rarity with a smile at the idea of making the dresses.

“Yes, we will need formal outfits for Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack and Scootaloo.”

“Scootaloo?” said the others in confusion.

“Yes, she has nagging me recently that she wants to be part of a heist and this one will be perfect for her. In fact, with her the heist will be easier.”

“Really?! I get to be part of a heist?!” said Scootaloo with an even bigger grin.

“Hold it!” yelled Rainbow. “You think I'll allow this Twilight?!”

“Yes.” said Twilight with a firm voice, “I believe she is ready.”

“Hold on Twi.” said Applejack, “I'm starting to dislike this plan more and more now.”

“I as well darling.” said Rarity.

“Please let me explain the rest of plan girls!” said Twilight with anger. “Well?!”

The others looked at each other and then nodded again.

“Alright.” said Twilight, “Now the plan is in two parts. First, the plan will happen in the party after the wedding ceremony. The ruby will be shown off at the party. The ponies we're stealing from are corrupt nobles who are having a highly publicized wedding. The nobles that are getting married are secretly big time black market brokers and rip off buyers. They are using the ruby to help promote they're wedding to influence big wig ponies so they can blackmail them later.”

“Wow. What a bunch of jerks.” said Scootaloo.

“Indeed. Now, Rainbow will be first in this plan. She will gather up clouds while the party is happening. Rainbow will have these gathered to make a thunderstorm. It will need to be extremely loud Rainbow. Now, Rarity, Fluttershy and Scootaloo will be at the party. Now, this plan will need synchronized timing. At the moment I tell Rainbow to start the thunderstorm, you will all need to play your part immediately. Rarity, you will be using this flash orb. She will need to use this while the thunderstorm has just started to distract the other ponies. At that moment, Scootaloo will need to steal the ruby at that moment. Rarity, I will need you to make a dress for Scootaloo with a hidden pocket. That will be a easy feat for you. Then, when you take the ruby, Fluttershy will quickly escort you out. We'll have Fluttershy pose as your mother Scootaloo. Then Fluttershy and Scootaloo will get to Applejack, who will have an escape carriage available. Pinkie Pie, though I currently don't have a location for you yet, that is why we have two months ahead of us. Pinkie Pie will be a backup with her fireworks if Rainbow isn't able to fully get a thunderstorm loud enough. Hopefully it will not come to that. Also, Rarity will need to leave at a different time than Fluttershy and Scootaloo, so Pinkie will be using an escape carriage to escort her out of there. If you all leave at different times, it will be less suspicious. As always, as soon as Rainbow does her part of the plan, she will need to fly out of there immediately. Is this plan okay?”

The others all looked at each other and then looked at Scootaloo with her excited looking face. They all knew she wanted to do it. They then all nodded at Twilight.

“Alright Twi, I'm in.” said Applejack.

“Um...I'm in.” said Fluttershy meekly.

“I'll go long with it darling.” said Rarity.

“Let's do it!” said Pinkie.

“....I'm still not sure about this but....I'm in.” said Rainbow with hesitation.

Twilight then smiled and raised her hoof. The others followed. “We are the Rainbooms!”

Meanwhile in Baltimare....

“Are you sure Octavia?” said a certain green unicorn named Lyra Heartstrings.

“Yes, please call Derpy and Bon Bon here.” said Octavia in a demanding tone. “We need almost everyone in our team for this. Coco is already here in Baltimare so we won't need to call her.”

“And Vinyl?” asked Lyra.

“No, she is used best at parties, especially night parties. This target will be at a different event.”

“Different event?”

“Yes. The Feather Blades will be stealing the Ruby of the Dark Eagle, which will be presented at a wedding two months from now.”

The Ruby of the Dark Eagle (Part 3 of 3)

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“Okay, here's the plan.” said Octavia as she pulled out a map. She then looked at the other three in the room. There were Lyra, Bon Bon and Derpy there, all with expectant looks on their faces. “Now, first, all three of you will be attending the wedding. I have asked Coco to make dresses for all of us. Our plan will begin once the after party starts. I have been hired for the party music since the couple wants classical music. I will then be using this for our plan.” she said as pulled out a small device.

“What's that?” asked Derpy.

“As you all know, our other partner, Vinyl Scratch makes her own custom music equipment. After I thought up this plan, I then contacted her for a special order. Vinyl customizes her mixing table and her own stereos after all. So I asked her to make a device that can manipulate speakers. This little thing can overload the sound in any speaker. It even has a timer on it.”

“So, you're going to put this on one of the music speakers and blast it while the party is happening?”

“Yes, since I'm part of the music, it'll be easy to place on one of the speakers during preparation. Now, the plan is all about this device. Now, it will be activated on the third song at the party. When this happens, Lyra and Bon Bon will then knock out the guard ponies that will be there while their eardrums are being blasted by the speakers. Then Derpy will take the ruby at that split second. Then Derpy will need to quickly get out of there.”

The other three looked at each other and then Derpy spoke up, “Uh, ain't that a bit risky?”

“No, based on how the party is designed everything should be fine. Don't worry, I've seen the catering thanks to being part of the music. We'll be fine.”

One month before the heist...

The Rainbooms had been in Baltimare for about a month now. Scootaloo, since she was told that her mane had to be dyed, begged Rarity to make it rainbow colored like Rainbow Dash. Rarity refused, so Scootaloo had it dyed the same color blue that Rainbow Dash's skin is. The seven quickly got to Baltimare and started to adapt to staying there for two months.

Then one night...

“Pardner, can I talk to you?” said Applejack as she walked up to Twilight. Twilight was at her computer, typing away.

“What's wrong Applejack?”

“Um....Well...” said Applejack, trying to find her words. At that moment, Scootaloo walked in the hallway and heard the conversation. Hearing this, she began to eavesdrop.

“Twi, how long are we going to do this?”

“What do you mean?”

“Being thieves Twi!” said Applejack with a desperate look on her face.

“I still don't understand the question.”

“Look Twi, we've been doing this for a long while. The money I've sent to my family will help it for several generations. Heck, I could leave now and go back to my love of bucking apples and not worry about money for the rest of my life!”

Twilight just sat there, not responding to Applejack's comment.

“Well, Twi? Don't you get it?”

“Well Applejack, I....I have never thought of an ending to the thieving.”

“I refuse to believe that Twi! You plan ten steps ahead! There's no way you didn't have a plan to ending this!” said Applejack, her eyes beginning to show her anger.

“Look, I never thought of an ending to this Applejack. I'm sorry.”

“Don't you remember why we started this Twi?”

“Oh course I do, we all have our reasons on doing this and being here Applejack. I just...”

“You know what...don't worry about it Twi. We'll talk more about this after the heist, okay?”

“...Okay, thanks Applejack. I'm sorry.”

“Don't worry about it...”

Applejack then began to walk to the hallway Scootaloo was at. Scootaloo immediately ran away, trying to make sure Applejack didn't see her. Scootaloo hid in her room with Rainbow Dash and then asked herself, “End the Rainbooms? Really? I wonder what the reason was to make the Rainbooms?”

Another month passed and then the day of the heist began...

The wedding had begun, Scootaloo, Rarity, and Fluttershy were in dresses at the wedding ceremony. Though they did not know it, Lyra, Bon Bon, and Derpy were also there. Soon the vows happened and the party began. The ponies went to the room where the party was happening. Octavia was there, leading the band in the music. Then, as the party kept going, Rarity began to notice something.

“Twilight, we might have a problem...” she said to her mike as quietly as possible.

“What's wrong?”

“There are three ponies here that are...acting suspiciously.”

“What do you mean?”

“They keep looking around the room, it just worries me. Do you think it could be other thieves?”

“Hmmm...maybe. Is Scootaloo close to the ruby?”

“Yes, Fluttershy is close by her.”

“Alright, we'll go ahead and go with the plan.” says Twilight as she switched the mike to Rainbow. “Rainbow are you ready?”


“Okay, I'm going to switch on Scootaloo's and Fluttershy as well.”

“Go ahead. I'm ready.”

Twilight switched the mikes and then spoke up to Scootaloo and Fluttershy. “Okay you two, get ready.”

“I'm ready.” said Scootaloo with a smile.

“Do it Rainbow!”

At that very moment, Rainbow hit the clouds causing a huge amount of thunder to happen.


Immediately the other ponies began to panic at the party, yelling and screaming. Then Rarity threw the flash orb into the air, causing a immediate flash of light. At that moment, Scootaloo grabbed the ruby and hid the ruby in the secret pocket in her dress. Fluttershy put her wing over Scootaloo and began to escort her out of the room.

“Okay Scootaloo, act like you're crying from the loud noise and lights.” said Fluttershy quietly.


Scootaloo then began crying fake tears as Fluttershy began to walk out with her. The guards in front of the door then saw them coming.


“It's okay, it's okay...” said Fluttershy, “Um...mister guard, can me and daughter leave for a little bit?”

The guard looked at Fluttershy and couldn't help but let her out, Flutterhsy was showing her best desperate face with her wing over Scootaloo. The two quickly went outside the building to Applejack, who was waiting with the carriage.

“Ya got it?”

“Got it.” said Scootaloo with a smile.

“Let's go pardners!” said Applejack as they then left the scene. Twilight signaled Pinkie to pull her carriage to front of the building to pick up Rarity. Rainbow had already flew away as soon as she started the thunder. In the confusion, Octavia quickly deactivated the device she had put on the speaker. She had made sure she was close to the speaker just in case. Soon, everypony found out the ruby was missing. Thus, the police arrived and searched everypony. Rarity had nothing on her so they didn't suspect her and she soon left. The Feather Blades soon left the wedding as well.

Then, at the Feather Blades hideout...

“AUGH! I can't believe it!” yelled Octavia.

“Calm down Octavia.” said Derpy.

“Shut up! I can't be calm! The Rainbooms beat us again! Do you know how angry that makes me?!”

“Trust me, we know.” said Bon Bon sarcastically.

“This isn't over...” said Octavia with an angry fire in her eyes.

Meanwhile in the Rainbooms' hideout...

“Aw yeah! That's my little sis!” said Rainbow with a smile.

“Aw yeah!” said Scootaloo in response. The two then began celebrating, Pinkie soon joining in with them.

Twilight then approached Scootaloo and then spoke up, “Well done Scootaloo. You did your job perfectly.”

“Thank you Twilight.” said Scootaloo with a huge grin.

“Now everypony,” said Twilight as she put her hoof in the air, “To Scootaloo's first successful heist!”

“To Scootaloo!” said the others as they put their hooves in the air.

“And also to the Rainbooms!” said Scootaloo with enthusiasm.

The others immediately smiled and then said in unison with Scootaloo, “We are the Rainbooms!”

The Golden Gem of the Sun (Part 1 of 3)

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It had been two weeks since the wedding heist. The Rainbooms went on separate trains to get back to Manehatten to make sure nopony recorded them all together. They had used the same method when going to Baltimare as well. While going back, everypony was glad to leave Baltimare. Only Rarity really liked Baltimare and even she mainly just tolerated the city. When they had first became the Rainbooms, they stayed in Baltimare and over time they began to loathe that city. It was not a very corrupt city, just a city filled with snobs and arrogant nobles. Soon, they finally ended up in Manehatten where they returned to their hideout...

Meanwhile in a certain apartment....

Trixie sat there in her apartment. She looked around and saw what her apartment looked like. It was filled with papers and strings everywhere. It was like what obsessive detectives used in movies. Trixie was of course obsessive as well. She had spent months upon months, trying to catch the Rainbooms. It was in this moment, she had finally started to see how far she had gone. She looked around more and more around her apartment. She then began to talk to herself, trying to collect her thoughts.

“Trixie can't believe it. Did Trixie really do all this?” she said with a sigh. “Ugh, Trixie still doesn't know what to do...”

Meanwhile, back at the Rainboom's hideout...

Scootaloo loved being with the Rainbooms. They had helped her so much and kept helping her more and more. However, something was still bugging her from the last heist. She had overheard Applejack and Twilight talking about how the Rainbooms first starting and quitting thieving. She just didn't understand. So then one day, she put all her courage together and finally decided to ask Twilight.

It all started one day when Scootaloo was finishing her studies with Twilight. She then spoke up.

“Um...Twilight...Can I ask you a question?”

“Sure Scootaloo. What is your question?”

“Um...Why did you all become the Rainbooms?”

Twilight froze. She then slowly began to speak back to Scootaloo. “Um, why are asking this?”

“Well, uh, I just, um, look there are multiple reasons but I really want to know Twilight!”

“Well, that is a long story and well...its embarrassing, really.”


“Yes...but, I will tell you the reasons. You're part of the team now, after all.”

“Thank you.”

“Well, where do I start...Let's just say, we all have different goals for starters.”


“Yes. Also, if you want me to tell you, please don’t interrupt anymore. Now, all of us here in the Rainbooms have different reasons for why we do the things we do. Rainbow Dash does if for the thrills and also does it to improve her skills to become the best flier in Equestria on day. She knows she can't join the Wonderbolts, but instead she wants to keep increasing her skills so she can be known without joining the Wonderbolts someday. Pinkie Pie is here because she doesn't know what to do with her life right now, so she's with us. Rarity does it because it helps her think of new designs. Fluttershy does it so she can use the money to give to animal charities and other charities as well. Rarity also gives to charities, she is very generous. Applejack does it for her family, which were originally having financial troubles.”

“Wow, you all have good reasons to be the Rainbooms. What about you Twilight?”

“Well, that is a longer explanation Scootaloo... Let's just say my reasons are a bit different compared to the others.”

“Really? I don't understand...”

“Well, I wanted to find my destiny. A long time ago, I was obsessed with Celestia.”

“The sun princess?”

“Yes, I wanted to be her student no matter what. I was obsessed with magic and being her student. I was living in Canterlot at the time my obsession began. There I was trying to become her student, so much so that my parents, who were nobles, refused. They believed my obsession would kill me. So I ran away from home. I ran for years, trying to find my destiny. Then a certain event happened where I got the idea of the Rainbooms. However, I was naive. I quickly found out the idea of being thieves was way to much for myself. So I started traveling around, trying to find a target. Then I went to Baltimare...I quickly found another reason to start being a thief there.”

“Really? In that horrible city?!”

“Oh yeah, it's a horrible city. When I was there in Baltimare, I saw true noble corruption. I saw corrupt ponies everywhere, in plain sight. I wanted to change that. That's one of the reasons why we steal from the criminals and the corrupt. The other was I wanted to change the system. I saw ponies left and right being abused by the corrupt. I realized that Celestia, the so called ruler of Equestira allows this to happen. I no longer wanted to admire Celestia.”

“So you think stealing from criminals will change things?”

“ truth, that won't work. It's true we have helped the police catch a lot of corrupt ponies but I have slowly realized that it will never work. Evil will always be there. Though to be honest, I have realized that my real reason for the Rainbooms is just selfishness. I just....” said Twilight with her voice starting to tremble. She then started to speak up, “I just wanted to be noticed Scootaloo...I just wanted something more out of my life. I love studying magic and science but I was rejected of such things. I still have no idea what my life is or what my cutie mark means. I have no idea what I need to do in my life, even now my obsession gets to me Scootaloo.”

“What...what do you mean?”

“I obsess over the stealing, magic, studying, anything. I still obsess no matter what...I can never change no matter what I do.” she said as tears began to swell up in her eyes.

“Oh, um, I'm sorry Twilight. I didn't mean to make you cry.”

Twilight wiped her eyes, “It's fine Scootaloo. Don't worry about it. I just...compared to the others, my reason is selfish. It's just how things happened.”

“Well, I know you'll find what you're looking for Twilight.”

“Thank you Scootaloo.”

The next few days passed by as Twilight began to research their next target and finally found it. When she found it, she couldn't believe what the target was and its owner. She then saw that the owner was about to give it to a very corrupt bunch of ponies. The very thought of stealing this target made her very happy. The target? It was the Golden Gem of the Sun.

Meanwhile in Canterlot...

Princess Celestia called her student to her throne room. Her student, Sunset Shimmer entered the throne room.

“Sunset, my dear student.” said Celestia.

“Yes, you called me your Highness?”

“Yes, I have a certain task I need you to accomplish. You have been my student for several years now Sunset.”

“I have, where are you going with this?”

“You have never left Canterlot in all these years.”

“Your highness...”

“I have an assignment for you Sunset. I believe it will benefit your studies. I am going to have you leave Canterlot for a while.”

“Leave? Are you sure about this your Highness?”

“Yes. Your training is still incomplete, I believe with this trip it will help you finally get to the next level.”

“Really?!” yelled Sunset as she heard this. She was excited, hearing this made her think of only one thing. She believed this trip would finally get her to the step of being a princess. “What will I be doing in this trip your Highness?!”

“You will be guarding the Golden Gem of the Sun on a train as I give it as a peace offering to the country of Saddle Arabia.”

The Golden Gem of the Sun (Part 2 of 3)

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“So, when is this train trip to Saddle Arabia?” asked Sunset Shimmer with anticipation.

“One month from now my student, now I have other matters I must attend to. I will tell you the other details of the trip later my student.” said Celestia in a humble tone.

Sunset Shimmer left the throne with a skip in her hooves. All she could think about was the fact that the princess was finally letting her go to the next level. “Yes! Princess-hood, here I come!” she said to herself.

Celestia on the other hand, slumped her head down while she sat on her throne. Her adviser quickly asked her, “Your Highness, is she still not ready?”

“No, she is not...I fear this trip will not help her either.”

“How long do we have?”

“A little over a year.”

“I see, I do not mean to be blunt your highness but do you believe Sunset Shimmer could ever inherit it?”

“No, I have researched over the years and I believe the one to inherit it will be one with a mark of a six pointed sparkle.”

Sunset Shimmer went to her room, “Spike! I'm back!”

“Hi Sunset!” said the purple dragon as he quickly walked down the room's stairs. “How did it go?”

“It went wonderfully!” she said with a huge smile.

“So you're finally going to become a princess?”

“I'm about to get one step closer!” she said as she then hugged Spike.

Meanwhile at the Rainbooms' hideout....

Twilight called a meeting and before she knew it, everypony was at the meeting table. Twilight looked at them all and then gave a huge smile.

“Okay, you almost never smile like that pardner. What's up?” asked Applejack.

“So, you already got us another heist Twilight?” said Rainbow with an even bigger smile than Twilight's.

“Indeed I do.” said Twilight and she then pulled out several maps along with several disguise rings. “And this is our target.” she said as she pulled a picture.

At that moment, Rarity's eyes became huge as soon she saw the picture. Then her jaw dropped. “ you you know what that is?!” she yelled.

“Yes, I know. It's our target, the Golden Gem of the Sun.”

“Did you not hear what I just said Twilight?!” Rarity screamed. “That is the Golden Gem of the Sun!”

“I know. I just said that Rarity.” said Twilight with a humble look on her face.

“Don't you know who owns that gem Twilight?”

“Who owns it?” asked Rainbow with a confused look on her face.

“Rainbow...Princess Celestia owns that gem.” responded Rarity.

“Whoa, we're stealing from the Princess of the Sun?” asked Applejack.

“Wow Twilight. Even I gotta admit that might be a bit much for us Twilight.” said Rainbow with hesitation.

“Wow. Is that hesitation Rainbow? I never thought you would go there.” said Twilight with a grin.

“Twilight, do you realize what we're going for?” asked Rarity.

“Look girls, can I at least explain how this is going to work?” asked Twilight.

The others looked at each other and then nodded.

“Alright, first off, our target is currently about to be sent to another country. Celestia is going to use the Golden Gem of the Sun as a peace treaty to Saddle Arabia.”

“Peace treaty?”

“I was talking to some of our black market buyers. Several of them go to Saddle Arabia all the time. They buy and sell valuables to other nobles of Saddle Arabia. They have heard rumors that corrupt nobles in Saddle Arabia are currently trying to manipulate its government. Then the corrupt nobles will try to use the Saddle Arabian military against Equestria.”

“Are you saying we're going to steal a gem that is being used to stop a possible war?!” yelled Rarity.

“That sounds bad!” said Pinkie.

“Hold on a second girls. Let me explain. The gem is going to be used a peace treaty yes, but things are not going to go as planned.”

“What do you mean?”

“The corrupt nobles of Saddle Arabia, according to the rumors, are planning something very nasty. They plan to start war as soon as the gem arrives.”

“What?!” said the others with a shocked look on their faces.

“The nobles plan to announce the gem is fake and accuse Celestia of giving a fake treaty. They will then accuse her of wanting to start a war and then they will start a true war.”

“Are you saying, if we steal this...we could prevent a war?” asked Rainbow.

“Hold on there pardner, if we steal it...what if they say that was Celestia's plan and start a war?” asked Applejack.

“That won't happen. The nobles of Saddle Arabia will only be able to start the war if they convince the government that the gem is fake. According to the rumors, this is one of the last shots they have.”

“So, how is the gem being transported?”

“By train.”

“We're doing a train robbery?!” said Rainbow with a huge smile.

“Yes. Now here's the plan. First off, we will have to be on the train that the gem is being transported on. I have gotten tickets to go to Canterlot and back for me, Rarity, Scootaloo and Applejack. Our disguise rings can only be detected if they are on so we can't use them when we go to Canterlot due to its magic barrier. The disguise rings will look like ordinary rings so they won't be given any thought if our luggage is searched, which is good since we will be using them too. However, we will use them on the train out of Canterlot. I will explain later. Now, Rainbow, you will be the most important part of this plan. There is a mountain the train will pass under. You are going to be positioned on the top of the mountain. I scoped it out already and there are trees on the top. You will be hiding there until it is time to steal the gem. First, the four of us will go to Canterlot. I have reserved us a hotel room there in Canterlot for the future heist. Now, we will need some cloaks made by Rarity for this heist.”

“Just cloaks darling?”

“Yes. Now, when the gem is being transported on the train to Saddle Arabia, we will be boarded as well. Then, when the train is about to pass through the mountain Rainbow is positioned at, we will begin the heist. With the cloaks that Rarity will make for us, we will go and attack the guards guarding the gems. We won't be able to sneak orbs on board so we will have to use magic and raw force. Then, when we get the gem, we'll break a window and I'll use my magic to suspend it outside the train. Then, Rainbow will grab the gem and flee. Me and Applejack will return to our cabin and put the disguise rings on. All four of us will use the rings to look like an ordinary pony family so the guards won't suspect anything. Then, according to the path that the train will be taking, we will go by Baltimare. We'll get off there, safely since Rainbow has the gem.”

“Say Twilight, how much is this gem?” asked Rainbow.

“It doesn't have a full market price but I would say over 100 million bits.” said Twilight.


“So? Is everypony in?”

The others looked at each other in shock. They heard the plan and it sounded like it would work. They then all looked at Twilight with expectant looks.

“Well, uh, Twi, you're plan sounds pretty, uh, solid.” said Applejack.

“Aw yeah! I'm in!” said Rainbow.

“I'm in! I'm in!” said Scootaloo.

“The Golden Gem of the Sun...unbelievable...unthinkable...” said Rarity as she sat there pondering at what Twilight had told them. “....okay, I'm in Twilight.” she said with a glimmer in her eyes.

Applejack looked at the others and then spoke up, “Sigh, I guess I'm in as well pardner.”

Twilight then raised her hoof and the others followed.

“We are the Rainbooms!”

The Golden Gem of the Sun (Part 3 of 3)

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“Twi, um, can I ask you something?” asked Applejack.

“What is it?”

“I know we are about to go to Canterlot right now, but, have you considered what will happen after this heist?”

Twilight looked directly at Applejack, not showing any emotions, “Do you mean the fact that we are stealing directly from royalty?”

“Yeah Twi, think about it. Won't Princess Celestia be trying to catch us after this?”

“I understand your concern but if this heist goes smoothly, we won't get caught.” said Twilight sternly.

Applejack then began to tremble, “Don't you understand Twi?! That means the Equestrian military will try to catch us Twi! The military!”

Twilight's face didn't change, “Applejack, if you're against the plan, we'll cancel the heist right now.”

Applejack froze. At that moment, she looked into Twilight's eyes. Twilight knew this was going to happen. “No Twi, don't cancel the heist... I see now...You're already prepared for that too.”

Twilight put her hoof on Applejack's shoulder, “Don't worry Applejack. Everything will be okay.”

“Okay....Thanks Twi.”

The four then went to Canterlot a week before the gem was going to be transported. They stayed at a Canterlot hotel for a few days and got on the train they were waiting for. The four then sat in their cabin, waiting for the time to come.

“Rarity, are the cloaks and rings in the suitcases?” asked Twilight.

“For the tenth time Twilight,” said Rarity as she opened the cases in front of Twilight, “They're in the suitcases, stop worrying.”

“Sorry, I just try to plan for everything, I don't want anything to go wrong.”

“We know Twi, you always worry about everything.” said Applejack with a smirk, “That's why we're able to do things like this.”

“...Thanks Applejack.”

While the three were talking, Scootaloo was looking out the train window. She then started to see the mountain in the distance. She then slowly spoke up, “Uh...Twilight...”

“You see the mountain, don't you?”


Twilight got up and looked at Applejack, “Are you ready?”

Applejack looked at her with a gruff face, “Ready Twi.”

“Let's begin.” Twilight said as both ponies put on the cloaks Rarity had prepared. The two put the disguise rings on and the rings began to change their looks.

“Good luck you two.” said Rarity, “I'll take care of Scootaloo.”

The two nodded at Rarity and Scootaloo and went slowly out of the cabin. After glancing around the saw no one was out in the hallway. The two nodded at each other and proceeded to the door to the next train car. Seeing they were outside between the two cars they then began to climb on top of the car. They would need to go three cars over to get to the gem.

Meanwhile, in the car that carried the gem...

Sunset was sitting there, reading a book. She then glanced up and looked around.

“Sigh...only four guards? Really?” she said to herself, “Celestia must really trust them...When I'm princess, I’ll have a ton of guards...” She then began turning another page in her book. While she was looking at the pages, suddenly the room went dark. “What the...what's going on?” she said quickly.

“We just went under a mountain.” said a guard.


At that moment, two cloaked ponies opened the door of the cabin. One of them quickly ran and slammed one of the guards into the wall, knocking him out instantly.


“What the?!” said Sunset as she sees the other cloaked pony blasts two other guards with magic. Then the final guard falls down after a double back kick to the face from the other cloaked pony.


“Okay! You two asked for it!” yelled Sunset as her horn shined brightly. She then sends a giant beam of magic at Twilight. Twilight instantly retaliates and then blasts magic at her. While the two stood there in a standstill as both magic beams were blasting at each other, Applejack went and grabbed the gem. Then, Twilight blasted her magic beam through Sunset Shimmer's causing her to go flying into the cabin wall.


“No way...nopony.... is better at” she said as she slowly lost consciousness.

“Here.” said Applejack as she tossed the gem to Twilight.

“Understood.” said Twilight. She then proceeded to open the cabin window and then levitated the gem out the window. A blur flies by almost immediately, grabbing the gem. Twilight smiled and then said to Applejack, “Package delivered.”

The two nodded to each other and quickly ran out of the cabin. The two quickly climbed on top of the next cabin and quickly proceeded to their cabin. Before going into the cabin, Twilight uses her magic to light their cloaks on fire. They then throw the cloaks off the train and then use their disguise rings to change their looks again. The two then get into their cabin.

“How did it go?” asked Scootaloo with anticipation.

“Mission accomplished.” said Twilight with a smile.

“Aw yeah!”

“Be quiet Scootaloo, we must make sure nopony suspects us. Remember to look like a normal pony family.”

“Right, sorry...”

“Don't worry Scootaloo, we're your family, its just we need to trick ponies right now.” said Applejack.

“Right! I understand Applejack.” said Scootaloo with a smile.

Sunset and guards soon got up. She quickly began yelling at them and then went to the front of the train. There she began complaining to the train crew, asking to search all the cabins. Shortly after all the cabins were searched, the gem was not found. The train then stopped by Baltimare where the four quickly left the train. They then proceeded to the Baltimare hideout where Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash were waiting.

“We're back.” said Twilight as the four walked in.

“Aw yeah! We did it!” said Rainbow with excitement.

“Hooray! Go Big Sis!” said Scootaloo as she went up and hugged Rainbow.

“See, it all worked out Applejack.” said Twilight.

“ sure did Twi.” said Applejack with a smile.

The seven then stared at the Golden Gem of the Sun, which Rainbow put on the table.

“Oh, its lovely.” said Rarity with a huge smile.

“No kidding, it's really shiny.” said Applejack.

“Indeed.” said Twilight as she put her hoof in the air. The others then put their hooves in the air. “Well done Rainbooms.”

“We are the Rainbooms!”

The Shackles (Part 1 of 8)

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“Be silent chancellor.” said Celestia at the Canterlot castle meeting room.

“Your highness! Just look at these headlines!” the chancellor said as he put several newspapers on the meeting table. The newspapers headline were all about the Rainbooms stealing the Golden Gem of the Sun. “Don't you see?! This is an embarrassment on all levels!”

“Calm down!” said Celelstia in an impatient tone. “That's enough! I understand the situation!”

“But your highness...just look at this.” he said as read the newspapers, “Like this one: 'Thieves steal royal artifact! Military incompetent?' or this: 'Rainbooms strike again! Biggest steal yet!' This is an embarrassment!”

“I know! And if you do not be silent I will remove you from this meeting immediately!” yelled Celestia.

“My apologies your Highness...” said the chancellor, lowering his head.

Celestia rubbed her eyes with one of her hooves and then spoke up, “Alright, I know you want to use the military to catch these thieves immediately, but we are not going to do that.”


“HOWEVER, we will start the search after the peace talks are done with Saddle Arabia, we must make sure we don't go to war! Understand, Chancellor?!”

“Yes...Your Highness...”

“Alright, you're all dismissed...I need to talk to my returning student.” said Celestia as she returned to her throne room. She walked back and saw Sunset just standing there, shivering in her throne room. “Sunset...”


“It's fine Sunset.” said Celestia as she began to sit down on her throne. “I am not mad at you.”

“But.....I failed....” said Sunset with hesitation.

“I said it is fine Sunset. It is not your fault.” said Celestia as she then got up and put her wings around Sunset. “It's okay.”

“....Thank you princess...” said Sunset as she began to cry.

“There there, its okay to cry, its fine...”

Sunset began to wipe away her tears and looked up to Celestia. Celestia then spoke up, “Now Sunset, I need to ask you something.”


“Why do you think I sent you away from Canterlot?”

“I don't understand...”

“I wanted to go out and find friends. This was supposed to be your next lesson.”


“Yes, now I am going to ask you something. Will you go out and find friends or stay here for more studies?”

Sunset froze for a second, pondering over the question and then answered it, “I...want to go.”

Celestia eyes widened, “Really? Good, that's very good. Well, I will let you leave on one condition.”

“What is it?”

“You will take Spike with you and have him send me friendship reports at least every two weeks.”

“Okay.” said Sunset as she then left the throne room. She then went to her room and alerted Spike of what they were about to do.

“We're leaving? Cool!” said Spike. “Where are we going first?”

“Well, Celestia doesn't have any preference, so I have an idea where to go.”

Meanwhile back in Celestia's throne room...

Celestia's adviser entered the room and then asked, “Do you think this will help her?”

“Sunset? I'm not sure.” said Celestia with concern in her eyes, “I still believe she will not be able to inherit the power... I hope she will be able to inherit it though.”

“What about the other one? The one with the six pointed sparkle?”

“Yes...I think I will need to start the search for that pony...”

“How would you like to proceed with the search?”

“Let's start a census, and make sure we try to look for that cutie mark.”

“Understood, I will have the census started immediately.”

“Start in Canterlot adviser.”

“Canterlot? But if the pony was in Canterlot, wouldn’t we have already found them?”

“No, but we must check everywhere.”

Meanwhile in the Rainboom hideout in Baltimare...

“Well girls, we are now officially one hundred percent famous.” said Twilight.

“No kidding Twi...look at all the headlines.” said Applejack as she looked at the Baltimare newspapers.

“Aw yeah! We rock!” said Rainbow with a giant grin.

“My my darling, that is simply fabulous.” said Rarity.

“YAY!” said Pinkie while dancing with Scootaloo.

“Okay girls. Enough celebrating!” said Twilight with a serious face. “Let's talk about what we are going to do next.”

The others looked at her and then all sat down.

“Okay girls.” said Twilight, “I am hereby splitting up the team for now.”

“Splitting up? But why?” asked Rainbow.

“Right now, due to peace talks the military is currently busy. However, once those talks are over the military will most likely come after us.”

“So, you're suggesting we split so they have a less of a chance to find us?”

“Yes. We will split for a while till the military calms down.”

The others looked at each other and then nodded.

“Alright darling, if that's the case I'll go back to my boutique in Ponyville.” said Rarity.

“Um...I'll go back to Ponyville too, I would love to see my animal friends again.” said Fluttershy.

“Same here, I need to go see mah family again. That and do some apple bucking.” said Applejack with a grin.

“Hmmm...I don't know what to do...” said Rainbow, “Oh I know! Wanna go on a trip little sis?”

“A trip?”

“Yeah Scoots! Let's go traveling!”

“Okay!” said Scootaloo with enthusiasm.

“Oh!Oh! Can I come?” asked Pinkie.

“Uh sure.” said Rainbow.

“Okay, well I will soon return to Manehatten.” said Twilight. “I may need to find a place to hide this gem for now though. It may take a while to find a good buyer...”

A few days later in Manehatten...


“Who is it?!” yelled Trixie as she heard the knocking at her apartment door.

“I am somepony looking into the Rainboom case.” said the pony outside her door.

“Come in.” said Trixie as she used magic to unlock her door. The pony then entered and saw the massive amount of newspapers, strings and pins around the apartment. All of them were about the Rainbooms.

“I see, so you are an expert about the Rainbooms...” said the pony.

“What do you want with Trixie?”

“I was sent here after I went to the Manehatten police department, apparently they gave up on finding the Rainbooms.”

“Indeed they did.”

“They said you never gave up though...I can see that now that I'm in your apartment...”

“I'll ask again, what do you want with Trixie?!” demanded Trixie.

“Simple, my name is Sunset Shimmer and I want your help to catch the Rainbooms.”

The Shackles (Part 2 of 8)

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“Let Trixie get this straight...” said Trixie as she sipped some coffee. “You want to catch the Rainbooms?”

“Yes.” said Sunset Shimmer with anger in her eyes.

“Why do you want to catch the Rainbooms?”

“They humiliated me and I am going to make them pay!”

Trixie looked Sunset over and grabbed her journal about the Rainbooms. “Okay, if you want to start catching them, read this.”

“What is it?”

“A journal. In there is everything Trixie had ever recorded about the Rainbooms.”

“I see...” Sunset said as she looked at the journal, “Okay...thanks.”

“Just give it back to Trixie later...”

“I will.”

Meanwhile in Canterlot...

Celestia was sitting on her throne, exhausted. She had just gone through all the peace talks with Saddle Arabia. Thanks to the theft, the nobles had no other trump cards to try to start a war. Thanks to this, the peace talks went really well. However, once Celestia started to feel relived, a solider walked in.

“Your highness!”


“We have results from the census...”

Celestia eyes widened and her jaw fell slightly, “Already? Have you found the pony I am looking for?”

“No, but we believe we have found the pony's parents.”

Celestia's face turned back to normal, “I see, are they here now?”

“Yes, but they seem to to speak to you...”

Celestia gave a puzzled look, “Afraid? Well please tell them I mean them no harm, I just wish to speak with them.”

“Yes, your highness.” said the solider as he left. A few minutes later, two ponies walked in. They were both shivering and shaking in fear.

Celestia stood up right and spoke, “My little ponies, please do not be afraid of me. What are your names?”

The stallion spoke up first, his voice trembling, “Um...your highness...My name is Night Light and this...this is my wife, Twilight Velvet...”

“It is nice to meet you Night Light and Twilight Velvet. Now please tell me why you are afraid of me.”

“It's....well...we believe that if we tell you about our'll hate us...” Night Light said as both him and his wife started to cry.

Celestia quickly got up on her throne and put her wings over the two ponies, “Please do not cry my little ponies.” she said as she lowered down to the two ponies. “Please do not cry.”

“I'm sorry your highness...” said Night Light as he rubbed his eyes. The two began to wipe their tears away and then Night Light spoke up, “They said you were looking for a pony with a six pointed sparkle cutie mark, correct?”

“Yes, I am.”

“We believe that is our daughter...Twilight Sparkle...”

“I see...Twilight Sparkle, a fine name. So, are you afraid I am going to do something to your daughter? Please, I mean your daughter no harm, I merely wish to meet her.”

“No, you don't understand, that's not it. First, we don't know where she is...she ran away from home years ago...”


“Second, we believe that both the two of us and you as well are the reason we don't know where she is...”

“I don't understand. I'm part of the reason as well?”

“Yes, and that's why we're afraid you'll hate us...”

“Please, I will not hate you. Just please tell me why she ran away.” said Celestia in a comforting tone.

“Well...” said Night Light as he stood there and began to shake again, “It started several years ago when Twilight was just a filly. She saw the Summer Sun Celebration where you raise the sun. It was at that moment that Twilight changed.”


“Yes, after seeing that she wanted to learn magic immediately. She wanted to attend your school...the School for Gifted Unicorns. In the beginning, we didn't mind it and gave her books and studying materials to help her increase her knowledge. That was when things started to get worse...”

“I don't understand, how does pursing knowledge make things worse for the little pony?”

“It wasn't the knowledge that was bad, but rather the pursuit of it. She became obsessive over attending your school. All she would do was read book after book. She would barely eat or sleep, all she did was study. She began to lose weight, she wouldn't bathe and she would barely talk to us. All she did was we...”

Twilight Velvet then began to speak up, “We didn't want to lose our daughter! We thought if she kept doing what she was doing, we would...we would...” she said as tears poured out of her eyes.

“You thought you were going to lose I correct?” asked Celestia.

“...Yes.” said Twilight Velvet as she fell to the floor, sobbing.

Night Light slowly spoke again, “ day, we took the books away. We told her she couldn't go to your school. Then...that night...”

“She ran away.” said Celestia.

“Yes.” said Night Light with tears in his eyes. “We...we just want her back...we're sorry...we're so so sorry.”

Celestia put her wings around the two, “It is fine, I understand. You just wanted to help your child, it's fine. Do not apologize.”

“That's...that's not the full story.” said Night Light. “When...when she ran away, she didn't have her cutie mark.”


“It was a little over two years ago...we think...we think we saw Twilight.”

“You did?”

“A little over two years ago, we went on a trip to Baltimare. There, a fashion festival was happening. There...” he said as tears came out of his eyes again, “We thought we saw her...she was on the other side of the street and....and she was smiling. She was smiling and talking to another unicorn along with a pegasus. She had the cutie mark you described and...she had grown up so much...”

“Did you go to her?”

“We tried...the festival crowd was huge but as we went to her....we lost her in the crowd. We spent the next few days looking for her but we never found her...we thought she must have left Baltimare...”

“I see...”

Night Light rubbed his eyes and looked directly at Celestia, “Now, may we ask you a question?”

“Yes, of course.”

“Why...why do you want to find our daughter?”

Celestia looked at the two, looking at them she could tell that she could trust them, “Very well, in order to explain why I am looking for your daughter, I will need to explain a lot of things. First, you must not tell any other pony, do you understand?”


“Well first, I need to explain my school's true purpose.”

“True purpose?”

“Yes, the real reason of why the School of Gifted Unicorns exists is not to train unicorns for the next generation of Equestria. It's real reason is to find an apprentice for me.”

“An apprentice?”

“Yes, as you know I am an alicorn. Alicorns exist in order to keep the balance of Equestria and its magic. However, there will soon be an event that will change that.”

“An event? Like what?”

“Have you asked where your magic comes from? You both are unicorns after all.”

“No, not really.”

“They come a source. It is known as Harmony and it is contained throughout the entirety of Equestria.”

“Will this event change that?”

“Yes. Centuries ago, I myself obtained the true essence of Harmony in order to defeat Chaos. When I did such a thing, I was given a hint of the future. It showed me only one thing, a six pointed sparkle.”

“So...that's why you need to find our daughter...”

“Yes... I must find her within a little of a year now. I must apologize but I have to find her no matter what. Something is coming and I believe she may be the key.”

“I don't understand, what is coming?”

Celestia hesitated for a second and then spoke up, “.....The one trapped within the stars.”

Meanwhile in Manehatten...

Twilight had left the hideout and proceeded to the library. She had gone there frequently, disguised of course, and enjoyed reading the many books there. She went in, said hi to the librarian and began to select books from the science and magic section. There she grabbed several books and sat down at one of the tables. As she began to read, a pony walked up to her.

“Huh...'The Science of Magic within Aerodynamics'? That's quite the science book you're reading there.” said the pony to Twilight.

Twilight kept reading, not even looking at the pony and slowly said, “Yes...I am pony of scientific tastes...”

“Interesting...Very Interesting....What's your name?”

“The name's Dazzling Bubble.” said Twilight in a monotone voice, uninterested. Twilight the glanced at the pony and looked back at the book. At that moment, Twilight realized who she was talking to and tried to make sure the other pony didn't notice.

“Well, it's nice to see another pony who's interested in Sciences with Magic like myself. Oh right, I forgot to introduce my wonderful self.” said the pony with a grin on her face. “My name is Sunset Shimmer.”

The Shackles (Part 3 of 8)

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Twilight's mind went several miles a minute. She knew she had to speak, she had to say something. She then tried to calm herself as much as possible. Her mouth then opened and said, “It is nice to meet you Sunset Shimmer.”

“Indeed! The pleasure is all mine!” said Sunset Shimmer with a huge smile. At that moment, Twilight realized that Sunset hadn't noticed who she was thanks to her disguise ring. Twilight then spoke up, “Ahem. This is a library Miss Shimmer. Please be quiet.”

“Ah yes, you're right.” said Sunset in a quieter voice.

“Now, what do you want with me Miss Shimmer?” asked Twilight in the most monotone voice she could muster.

“Well, this is the first time I have been in this library...and well, you're the first pony I've seen with interest in magic and science here. Most ponies are only interested in fiction here.”

“Fiction is very popular, you should read some.”

Sunset's tongue came out of her mouth, “Ugh, don't make me gag! Science and magic studies all the way!”

Twilight looked sternly at Sunset Shimmer, thinking, 'Hmm...her interests are a lot like mine...but...I need to get out of here...she's somehow related to the Equestrian military...'

“So, what are you researching? The books you have here are all over the place.” asked Sunset. “Let's see, you have the 'The Science of Magic within Aerodynamics' and 'The Theories of Magic within String Theory'...Oh! You're also have 'Magic of Astronautics' and 'The Science of Magic within Quantum Theory'. Very nice! I've never read those but I've always wanted too!”

“ are very broad as you can see.”

“No kidding Dazzling Bubble...So what's your job?”

Twilight froze for a second, she didn't know if Sunset was good at telling lies or not. Twilight thought for a second and then spoke up, “I'm...I guess you would call me a small time inventor...”

“An inventor huh?”

“Yes.” said Twilight. Twilight wasn't lying, she invented the thief orbs and the disguise rings. That alone would be enough truth.

“, what kind of inventions do you make?”

“I currently am trying to make a...let's say a special magic device.”

“Well that's vague...”

“To be blunt Miss Shimmer, I just met you. Why should I tell you what I do?” said Twilight before she realized how rude she sounded. Sunset sat there for a second and then began to speak, “Um...sorry.”

“It's fine. I'm sorry too.”

“Well, I'm in a little bit of a rush Dazzling Bubble. Could I ask you of something?”

Twilight wasn't sure how to respond but decided to respond anyway, “Um...sure?!”

“Could you be my friend?”


“You see, I'm on an assignment that I well...don't want to do...I have to make friends with some ponies.”

“So you want to be my friend for an assignment?”

“Yes. It sounds so embarrassing like that...”

Twilight knew she couldn't be her friend. However, if she said no, Sunset may never leave and might eventually get suspicious. Twilight then spoke up, “Um...sure, I'll be your friend.”



“Thank you! have to go Dazzling...can we meet up again? Perhaps here?”

“Um...okay, but I'm not always here.”

“That's fine. Why don't we meet...maybe a week or so from now here?”


Sunset then hopped away in happiness. Twilight wasn't sure what to do next. She looked at her books and the letters in the book looked like gibberish. She couldn't concentrate. Twilight just sat there with a huge frown on her face. Her mind kept thinking paranoid thoughts like, 'Is she suspicious of me? Have I been caught? Is my life as a thief over? Does she really want to be a friend with me?'. Twilight's head poured of sweat. Sweat just kept dripping down her face in fear of her being caught. Twilight then finally decided to get up and checkout the books she had picked out. She then slowly returned to the hideout.

A few hours later....

Twilight had gone back to the hideout and fell asleep almost instantly due to exhaustion. Twilight later woke up and went to her computer. There, she kept trying to find a buyer for the gem they had stolen a few days ago. Then, Twilight saw something that shocked her down to her spine. Twilight had always checked the police every time she got online. She had to make sure the police were never onto them. However, this time she saw something that scared her more than anything. Ever since they adopted Scootaloo, Twilight always checked the missing ponies section to see if the police had updated her case. This time, there was a new missing case. The case was for Twilight Sparkle. Twilight's jaw dropped. Her eyes read over every bit of the case and the poster that was made for the case. Twilight quickly printed off the poster as well.

The poster said: 'MISSING: TWILIGHT SPARKLE, is believed to be a purple unicorn with a dark purple mane with pink in it. Believed to have a cutie mark of a six pointed sparkle and is believed to be skilled in magic. Wanted to be found by Princess Celestia and Night Light and Twilight Velvet.'

Twilight slumped down in her chair. Her mind kept thinking, 'I've been caught....How?....How did they know?.........wait.' Twilight then got up and looked at the poster and then said to herself, “Wait a minute...this poster says Princess Celestia and my parents want to find me? Why? Wait a has no mention of the Rainbooms...”

Twilight then scratched her hoof on the bottom of her face and thought, 'Why are they trying to find me? My parents never tried to find me after I left...or at least I never found any evidence of that...Though I never went back to Canterlot. Except for our latest heist. Not only that, why is Princess Celestia involved? That's the strange part...More importantly, what do I do about this? Should I try to find out why they are just now trying to find me? Or do I ignore this? They obviously haven't found me. Hmm....what should I do?'

Meanwhile in Canterlot...

“Celestia” said a voice that entered Celestia's throne room. Celestia then looked up and responded, “Ah, Princess Cadance. What's wrong?”

“Could you explain this?” said Cadance as she showed the missing poster of Twilight to Celestia.

“Ah, the Twilight Sparkle missing case, why are you interested in that?”

“I used to foalsit her.”

Celestia's eyes got a bit bigger, “You did?”

“Yes, why are you looking for her?”

“Well, I believe she may the pony that will inherit Harmony.”

“You can't be serious.” said Cadance as her face began to look like it was filled with anger. “You believe she is the pony we've been looking for?”

“Why are you angry about this?”

“Because, I told you I can inherit Harmony if it is necessary. I won't let her destiny be controlled by something like that.”

“Cadance, why are you angry about this? We've finally found the clue to the pony we've been looking for. It is this pony's destiny.”

Cadance's face then went from angry to sad, “No...I...”

“What's you believe she is the type of pony that can not inherit the Harmony of Magic?”

“'s just, now that I think about it, she loved magic...she would show it too me when I foalsat her...”

“Then it means we must find her sooner.”

“I understand...but...”

“But what Cadance? Do you remember what is at stake here?”

“Well...I guess I'm just hesitating because I'm dating her brother...I know he would like to see her too...”


“Yes...okay, I've decided.”

“What have you decided?”

“If you are going to search for her, you must change this poster.”

“Change it?”

“Yes, don't show your name and her parent's names. Seeing those may make her want to hide even more. Put my name instead.”

Meanwhile in Manehattan...

Sunset entered Trixie's apartment. She then quickly spoke up, “I have returned Trixie Lulamoon.”

“Trixie sees that.” said Trixie with little interest.

“Well, I must admit Trixie, this journal is very detailed. You have quite a record here for every sinlge heist they have done here in Manehattan. I have some new information for you as well.”

“Oh really?”

“Yes, thanks to their latest heist, I can confirm for you there are at least six members in the Rainbooms.”

Trixie's eyebrows went up, “Very well, explain this to Trixie.”

“According to your journal, they have a unicorn that is very good at seducing ponies without using magic. However, I was attacked by an unicorn on train that did no such thing. The unicorn's magic was very powerful and there were four male guards in the room. I can only believe this is a different unicorn. Not only that, the other pony that was there is just like the earthpony believed to be on their team.”

Trixie sat there thinking for a bit and then responded, “Well, Trixie sees no evidence against this...”

“Not only that, it says you've been investigating the north east part of Manehattan...However, I believe the actual hideout of the Rainbooms to be in the north or south west part of Manehattan.”

“What makes you say that?”

“I looked at all the cases and then went to Manehattan weather station. They record certain storms and winds at times. I found that on certain dates, a sudden blast of wind would always circle around Manehattan and stop around the west part of Manehattan. This means the Rainboom's pegasus stops a bit away from their hideout and then walks there the rest of the way.”

“Trixie never thought of that...”

“Now...I have one more thing Trixie.” said Sunset with a huge grin on her face.

“...Trixie has been looking for a break in this case, what have you found?” said Trixie with a smile now on her face.

“If your journal is right...I believe I have a plan that will allow us to catch one of the Rainbooms.”

Trixie face changed to surprise, “Trixie must ask, what are the chances of this plan on working?”

“Probably...fifteen to twenty percent.”

“When do we start?”

The Shackles (Part 4 of 8)

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“It's not a bad plan but Trixie sees a flaw in it.” said Trixie after she heard Sunset Shimmer's plan.

“Flaw?!” said Sunset with angry scowl, “What flaw?!”

“First, you said you looked at Trixie's journal correct? Did you research the ponies the Rainbooms have stolen from?”

“Well no, but I don't understand what that has to do with anything.”

“You see, the criminals they have stolen from are mainly rich corrupt ponies or the now broken mafia in Manehattan. Because of these crimes, certain big wig ponies have changed their ways of managing money and criminal activates.”

“I don't understand where you're going with this.”

“Think about the recent crimes of the Rainbooms. The last two have been outside of Manehattan. Why do you think that is?”

“Simple, they found good targets outside of Manehattan. Is that so hard to believe?”

“On normal criminal terms, I would agree with you. However, the Rainbooms are a bit different.”

“What do you mean?” asked Sunset with a confused look.

“The Rainbooms have changed things around here in Manehattan. Did you ever wonder why the police stopped looking for them? It's because the Rainbooms have helped decrease crime in Manehattan. They even gave the police mafia bosses for ponies sake!”

“I think I know where you're going with this...I suspect you're about to tell me that thanks to the Rainbooms, criminals have stopped trying to obtain jewels, am I correct?” said Sunset with a smirk.

“Yes. Trixie believes that the Rainbooms will not be active for quite a while...At least until some dumber rich criminals come to Manehattan...”

“So they steal from all the dumb criminals? That wasn't in the journal.”

“They're dumb because they show off the rich jewels they've stolen. They basically asked the Rainbooms to steal from them, that or they were dumb enough to have a bunch of parties...”

At that moment, Sunset began laughing at Trixie's comment. Sunset then spoke up, “I see your point... If that's the case, I have plenty of time so I'll just stick to my magic research for now.” she said as she began leaving Trixie's apartment. “We'll talk later Trixie.”

“Trixie will be seeing you later.”

Meanwhile at the Rainboom hideout...

Twilight was bent over, working on one of her disguise rings. Twilight could not decide what to do about the situation of Celestia looking for her so she decided to instead work on one of her inventions. After going to Canterlot, Twilight decided she would try to improve the disguise ring so it could be used without being detected by the Canterlot barrier for future hesits. Twilight was about to complete the ring with suddenly...


Her computer began beeping. Twilight's head went up and looked at her computer. She then thought to herself, 'That's odd...I know I set up an alarm on the computer for buyers and other jobs but...this quickly?' Twilight got up from her desk and went to the computer. She began to look for the alert and saw something she didn't expect. She had put an program that would watch and see if the 'Twilight Missing Case' is updated and would inform Twilight. Twilight then said to herself, “It's been updated already?! Was it when I went to the library? But...I had my disguise ring on...”

Twilight began to look at the updated case. She began to mumble to herself, “Let's see...Missing case...purple unicorn...please report to Canterlot...wait a parents names aren't on this...wanted to be found by...Princess Mi Amore Cadenza?! Who is that?!”

Twilight then typed the name in the computer and got a picture. Twilight's eyes widened and her jaw dropped, “That's....that's Cadance! My old foalsitter?! But....but why is trying to find me? Why did they change the case...why are my parents names and Celestia's name not on...this...What should I do...”

Twilight slumped down in her chair. Her mind began to remember her times with Cadance. She remembered her time with the pony she considered to be the greatest foalsitter in all of Equestria. Twilight smiled as she remembered those days. Small tears went down Twilight's face as she remembered her. Twilight looked back at the picture of Cadance on the computer. She then thought, 'Hmm...Should I go see Cadance? I know Cadance. Unlike my dream destroying parents, Cadance never treated me bad. However, if I go to her...would that put the Rainbooms in danger?'

Twilight then looked at the hideout, she looked at the mess Pinkie, Rainbow and Scootaloo made before leaving. She then saw the leftover cloth that Rarity was using while Fluttershy was modeling for her. She looked at the apples Applejack had left behind. Twilight smiled, remembering her friends. Twilight then told herself, “I could never betray them. Just like I wouldn't betray Cadance...and I know Cadance wouldn't betray me...”

Twilight sat there thinking for a long while. Minutes upon minutes passed and then she finally said to herself, “Okay, I need to get some advice...”

Twilight then got up from her chair and began packing her things. Before she knew it, she had a disguise ring on, she went to the train station and got on a train going to Ponyville.

Meanwhile in a shopping district part of Manehattan...

Sunset Shimmer and Spike the dragon were walking down on of Manehattan's streets.

“Whoa, you never see this in Canterlot, do you Sunset?” said Spike with his eyes filled with wonder.

“I agree Spike, this place is really jumping. Canterlot is always so quiet.” said Sunset in her regular tone.

“ what are we doing today?”

“I thought we could both have a day off Spike.”

“A day off?”

“Yes, my objective here in Manehattan can't be achieved right now so I decided to have a day to just relax.”

“Wow, that sure is surprising coming from you.” said Spike with a surprised look.

Sunset looked at him with a disgruntled face, “What's that supposed to mean?”

“Well, you're always about research and magic and all that stuff.”

“I won't deny that's true but we're not in Canterlot right now Spike. The only thing to do there is study.”

“True. So what do you want to do today Sunset?”

“Not sure... Before we left, I asked Trixie is she wanted to go out and have some fun but she instead fell asleep from overworking right in front of me. That and I didn't get Dazzling Bubble's address so that option's a bust as well.”

“Oh right, we need to find friends right?”

“Yeah, how hard could it be?” said Sunset as went through another street. There she saw an unicorn about to set herself up in a small park in Manehattan. Sunset then thought to herself, 'Maybe I can make a friend with her!'

Sunset approached the unicorn and then spoke up, “Um, excuse me...”

The unicorn looked at Sunset and then smiled, “Hi there!”

“Yes, it's nice to meet you. Say, what are you trying to set up here?”

“Oh well, I'm setting up a music show.”

“A music show?”

“Yes! My partners are coming shortly and we're all going to play for the audience known as Manehattan!” said the pony with a huge smile on her face.

“That sounds lovely. I've always wanted to try and get into some music at some time.” said Sunset Shimmer. “Oh, I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Sunset Shimmer and this is my assistant Spike the dragon. What's yours?”

“Oh, I'm Lyra Heartstrings! Nice to meet ya Sunset Shimmer and Spike!”

Then another pony walked up to the three. The pony quickly spoke up, “What are you doing Lyra? Stop talking and get the equipment ready.”

“Oh, sorry!” said Lyra as she then began putting equipment together.

“I apologize about Lyra.” said the pony calmly as she then turned and looked at Sunset Shimmer, “My name is Octavia Melody, what's yours?”

The Shackles (Part 5 of 8)

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“The name's Sunset Shimmer and this is my assistant Spike the dragon.” said Sunset Shimmer while pointing her hoof at Spike.

“Nice to meet ya.” said Spike.

“It is pleasure to meet you both.” said Octavia in a polite tone, “Now, may I ask why you are here?”

“Oh, well I was curious what you were all doing. I'm new to Manehattan and its a bit crowded here at times...” said Sunset in a calm tone.

“I fully understand Miss Shimmer. I prefer quieter places myself. However, crowded places like this are better for publicity unfortunately.” said Octavia with a slightly annoyed face.

“I understand.” said Sunset.

“Anyway, we are about to play some practice music. Would you like to listen?”


Meanwhile, Twilight had just arrived in Ponyville. She exited the train with her disguise ring on. She had to make sure nopony recognized her. She then made her way to Rarity's boutique. There she entered the building.

“Hello? Is anypony here?” said Twilight.

“Welcome to the Carousel Boutique! I'll be with you in a moment.” said Rarity while she was finishing a new dress.

“That's fine. I'll wait.”

Rarity soon entered the room and saw the pony that entered her store. It was Twilight with her disguise ring still active. Rarity gave a kind of confused look and asked, “Um, are you...?”

“It's me Rarity, it's Twilight.”

Rarity's face went from confused to delighted, “Well, this is a surprise! It's so good to see you Twilight! Are you here to try on some of my new dresses?”

Twilight's face went to a no nonsense face, “Um, no Rarity.”

“Oh...” said Rarity with a depressed look.

“Um, here because I need some advice.”


“Yes, something has come up and I don't know what to do...or even think...” said Twilight with a depressed look.

“Oh my...Well let me put up my store break sign up and make some tea.”


A few minutes later, Rarity put the sign up and some tea for the both them. They then went to her dinning room and sat down to talk. There Twilight told Rarity about meeting Sunset Shimmer, the missing case and how the missing case changed from her parents and Celestia to Cadance. Rarity listened intently and then began to talk to Twilight.

“And that's the story Rarity...” said Twilight at the end.

“I see....So what advice do you want Twilight?” said Rarity with a concerned look.


“Look Twilight...have I ever told you about my parents?”


“Well, to be personally honest, my parents are completely different from me. My parents don't understand fashion at all. But, they never minded that I was different, instead they let me pursue my fashion dreams.”

“That's totally different from my parents.”

“According to what you told me, your parents are much different than mine. In fact, I'm surprised you asked me for advice.”

“What do you mean? I needed advice.”

“Well, if you want to talk about family and how to get along with family...I thought you would have gone to Applejack. She talks about her family all the time...and apples.”

Twilight slumped down in the chair, “Well, I thought about talking to her and Applejack don't always get along. I thought she would tell me to instantly go to my parents...and I don't want to do that....or at least I don't think I want to...”

“Twilight...” said Rarity as she got up and put her hoof on Twilight's shoulder, “Are you scared that going there would put us, the other Rainbooms in danger?”


Rarity sighed and sat back down. “Twilight, I can't give you the right answer...The only thing I can tell you is...” Rarity then looked directly at Twilight. “Don't worry about us, we're your friends Twilight. You know we'll support whatever decision you make.”

“....Thanks.” said Twilight with a small smile.

“So, what are you going to do Twilight?”

“Well, I can't meet my parents...I don't want to meet them just yet. However, I think I will go meet Cadance. I've made a new type of disguise ring that won't be detected by Canterlot's barrier. Not only that, I know I can trust Cadance.”

“Okay, be careful Twilight.”

“Thanks Rarity, I'm going to go ahead and go to Canterlot. I can get a hotel room when I get there. Tell Fluttershy and Applejack I said hi!” said Twilight as she began to leave Rarity's house.

“Will do darling.”

Meanwhile, back in Manehattan. Sunset and Spike had left the musicians and continued to explore Manehattan. When she began to leave, Octavia began to talk to Lyra.

“You wanted something Octavia?” asked Lyra.

“Yes, Bon Bon is close by, correct?” asked Octavia quietly.

“Yeah, why?” said Lyra, now quietly as well.

“I have a job for her.”

“A job?”

“Yes, tell her to follow that unicorn.”

“Follow her? Why? She seemed like a nice unicorn.”

“Well, you should know by now that I am a very paranoid leader Lyra. I want that unicorn followed till I know we can trust her. Or until we can't trust her, either result is fine. Tell Bon Bon to start following her this instant.”

“Okay okay... I understand. I'll ask Bon Bon to do it...”

“Lyra! Our lives are all about being careful! Get serious here!” said Octavia, raising her voice.

“Sorry. Though I think you're totally wrong.”

Lyra then left the makeshift stage they had made in the small park in Manehattan. She went to Bon Bon who was sitting on a bench nearby, reading a newspaper. Lyra explained what Octavia wanted to her to do. Bon Bon sighed and got up to begin her mission of following Sunset Shimmer.

Meanwhile at the train station in Canterlot....

Twilight got off the train. She looked at her disguise ring with a huge grin on her face. She then said to herself, “Alright, the ring works. Good.”

Twilight then looked around and saw a hotel close by. She then went in and got a room thanks to some extra money she brought with her. She went up to her room and unpacked her bags she had with her. Twilight sat down on the hotel room's bed and thought to herself, 'Now what do I do? I guess....I guess I start with finding a way to meet Cadance in private...'

The Shackles (Part 6 of 8)

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Twilight had spent the past few days scoping out the Canterlot castle. She knew Cadance lived somewhere in there. Twilight slowly put a plan together to allow her to meet Cadance at night. Then finally, a plan was formed. Twilight waited for night to come and began her plan. At her hotel room, she had one of Rarity's old cloaks she had made a while back while staying at their hideout. Twilight put on her disguise ring and left the room with her cloak in her saddlebag she had with her. Twilight began to make her way to the castle. She went down alley after alley, making sure nopony was following her. Then she made it the royal garden. She quietly sneaked through the garden as quick as possible. As she did this she thought to herself, 'Ugh, this is why I have Rainbow Dash and Applejack do these jobs. Sneaking around is not my thing...'

Twilight then put on her cloak and sneaked past the door guards. She slowly went down every hallway until she found what she was looking for. While looking down a hallway she saw Cadance enter a room. Twilight quietly approached the room and opened the locked door with magic. She walked into the room as slow as possible. Twilight then turned off her disguise ring and spoke up, “Cadance.”

Cadance, who was just sitting in her room quickly turned around and saw a cloaked pony in her room. “Who...who are you? Why are you in my room?!”

“Don't panic.” said Twilight as she used her hoof to put her cloak's hood down, revealing her face. “It's me, Twilight.”

Cadance eyes widened and her jaw began to drop, “Twilight? that really you?”

Twilight smiled and said, “Sunshine, sunshine.”

“Twilight!” said Cadance with a huge smile. She immediately ran up and hugged Twilight. Twilight hugged back with a small smile and said, “It's good to see you Cadance.”

Tears began to go down Cadance's face. “Oh, I've missed you so much Twilight.”

“I've missed you too Cadance.”

Cadance stopped hugging Twilight and looked directly at her. “Where have you been all these years?”

“I've...well...let's just say I've been all over Equestria these past few years.”

“Traveling?” said Cadance with a confused look, “You never seemed the type, you always loved to stay home and study when I used to foalsit you...”

“Well...let's just say I've been to a lot of different libraries around Equestria.”

“Now that sounds more like the Twilight I know.”

Twilight gave a disgruntled look, “Okay, enough small talk Cadance. I need to ask you something.”

“Oh, of course. It's just...I haven't seen you in so long...” said Cadance as she began to wipe her tears away.

“Why is Celestia and my parents looking for me?”

Cadance's eyes widened. “ did you know? I just told her to change those posters...”

“I gathered that, but I'm a pony that gets information very easily. So, why are they looking for me?”

Cadance's head slumped down a little, “That's a long story...”

“I have some time Cadance.”

Cadance then looked right at Twilight, she noticed something was different about Twilight. The Twilight she remembered was all about studying, having fun and always had a smile on her face. The Twilight that stood before looked like she had been through a lot. Her expression was no longer happy, and she looked like she had lived several lives. Cadance's face slowly got sadder looking and then spoke up, “Twilight, I have to know. What happened to you?”

Twilight's face turned to an annoyed look. “Answer my question first. Then I'll answer that. Now, why are they looking for me?”

Cadance sighed and then spoke up, “Well...She is looking for you for a very special reason...Tell me Twilight, do you know of the magic of Harmony?”

Twilight's face went from annoyed to curious, “Harmony? Do you mean the myths of the origins of magic? I mean, I've read about it but I haven't researched it too much...”

“Well, it's not a myth. The magic of Harmony is very real. It just hasn't been used for centuries.”

“I don't understand. What does some myth that you say is true have to do with me?”

“Well, a long time ago Celestia used Harmony to defeat a creature of pure chaos. When doing this, she released Harmony from its resting place. In doing so, besides one more incident she never had to use Harmony ever again. Because of this, Harmony has slowly lost its connection with her.”

“Let me guess, this chaos creature is coming back and she needs it again?”

“No. The other incident I talked about is going to return and she needs a new pony to inherit Harmony.”

“You can't mean...”

“Technically, I could do it thanks to me being an alicorn. However, Celestia doesn't want me to inherit such power.”

Twilight's face became more and more confused, “Why not? If you can inherit this power, then the problem is solved.”

“Well...” said Cadance as her slumped down, “It's because...When Celestia inherited Harmony, it gave her a clue on who would inherit Harmony next...”

“A clue?”

“Yes, it showed that the one who would inherit Harmony next would be a pony...with a mark of a six pointed sparkle. Celestia was then going to inherit this pony as her student and help her inherit that power.”

Twilight's eyes began to grow, her jaw began to slowly drop. “ can't be serious...” she said as Twilight then looked at her cutie mark, “ can't be...”

“Yes. She believes you will inherit Harmony.”

“That's...that's....” said Twilight as she began to raise her voice, “That's ridiculous! There's no way!”

“I...I didn't want to believe it either Twilight.”

“That's crazy...there's just no way...”

“Look...I'm sorry Twilight.”

Twilight's face changed from shock to disbelief, “No...” she said as she put her hooves on her head. “This can't be're lying!”

“I'm not Twilight. I'm sorry.” Cadance said with a sincere face. Then she saw Twilight's face change. Twilight's face changed from disbelief to anger. “Twilight? Are you alright?”

“ no no. This is a trick...”

“No it isn't Twilight.”

Twilight looked directly at Cadance now, her eyes filled with anger. “You're tricking me aren't you?”

Cadance stepped back a step and tears fell down her face, “No I'm not.”

“This...this is some trick, some lie between you, Celestia and my parents. There's no way this can be true!”

“It is! I'm sorry!”

“So...this is reason you're looking for me? My family doesn't want me, they want Celestia to use me for some prophecy, is that it?”


“It is! Well, if that's the case...Tell Celestia I want no part of this!”

“Twilight...just what happened to you when you ran away?” asked Cadance as more tears ran down her face.

“You really want to know?! Fine, I'll tell you what happened!” said Twilight as her voice became louder and louder, “I realized that dreams are meaningless, that's what happened to me!”


“Don't tell me otherwise Cadance, some of my best friends are the same way! They were denied their dreams by this world just like me! There's no way this is true! There's no way some prophecy just happened to say that my old dream was supposed to come true!”


“Enough Cadance...I'm done. It seems that coming here was a mistake.” said Twilight as she put her hood back on.

“Twilight, we never meant this to happen.”

“Well, even if that's true Cadance.” said Twilight as she turned around, “I'm not the pony you're looking for. Go find another pony, I need to return to my friends...”


Tears began to go down Twilight's cheeks, “You just told me my destiny was to be taught by Celestia... that my destiny was my childhood dream...There's no way I can believe that.”

“Why not?”

“Because...this world taught me that destiny doesn't exist. You have to make your own path. I'm sorry Cadance, but...just go and...and find a more gullible pony. I already know my path and its with my friends.”

Twilight then left the room. Cadance on the other hand, just sat there. She sat there with tears flowing down her face. Twilight turned her disguise ring on and began sneaking out of the castle. She successfully got back to her hotel room and cried herself to sleep. Cadance got up after a while and went to Celestia. There she told Celestia what had happened and Celestia told Cadance to go to bed. Celestia told her she would handle it. Cadance ignored Celestia's order and left the castle and went to her coltfriend Shining Armor.

The next day...

Twilight woke up. She got herself ready to leave Canterlot when she then realized something. She hadn't looked at the train times. Twilight thought to herself, 'Hmm...I want to leave but there may be no trains going where I need to go today...I guess I'll just go look at the times first.' Twilight turned on her disguise ring and left the hotel to the train station. There, she found a giant crowd of ponies screaming and yelling. Then she saw the one thing she didn't want to see. On a makeshift platform at the train station, was her brother Shining Armor. He was the captain of the Royal Guard. Twilight looked at him as he began to make a speech. Then Twilight's face went pale in fear.


The Shackles (Part 7 of 8)

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Twilight began to shake. Her body was shivering. Sweat flowed down from her head. Twilight stood there for a while after she had heard own brother telling the guards to find her. She looked at her disguise ring. Her mind started thinking, 'Okay, disguise ring is still working. Alright Twilight, think about this for a second...they don't know I'm right here...'

Twilight began to look around, seeing where the guards were. She then began to slowly walk away from the train station and into an alleyway. She then began to start thinking of a plan, 'Okay, I need to get out of First, I need to get to my hotel room.'

Twilight began to walk back to the hotel. There she went to her room and sat down to think, 'Okay do you get out of here? The trains are down and Canterlot is on the side of a mountain. The only other option I have go down the mountain...Darn, right now I really wish had a pair of wings...' Twilight then laid down on the bed in the hotel room. 'So, what do I do? How do I get back to my friends? I've got to think...Okay, I need to check around the city outskirts, see if there's a way past the guards to get down the mountain. I hate climbing but I don't have a choice in this situation...I'll have to go at night...problem is, the barrier will still detect somepony going through it...'

Twilight got up from the bed and said to herself, “Okay, it's not the best plan but...I only reserved a week at this hotel and I've already lost half of those days trying to find a way to Cadance. I gotta go ahead and scope out the city outskirts.”

Meanwhile back in Manehattan...

Bon Bon entered a small alleyway and knocked on an alley door. The door opened and she slowly entered. Inside was Octavia with Lyra. Octavia then spoke up, “Well Bon Bon, did you find out anything?”

Bon Bon slowly spoke up, “Yeah, I found out a bunch of stuff about her. It seems Sunset Shimmer is not the pony we think she is.”

Lyra's jaw dropped, “You mean...she's a bad pony?”

“No Lyra, it seems she's a...very different case.”

“What do you mean?” asked Octavia.

“Sunset Shimmer isn't a cop...but as I was following her...she went and met with a police officer.”

“So...she is dangerous...” said Octavia with a scowl. “How much is she onto us?”

“That's just it...the officer she went to is a bit...different.”

“What do you mean?”

“The officer is Trixie Lulamoon and it seems she is obsessed with catching the Rainbooms.”

“Wait a minute...don't tell me...”

“Sunset Shimmer is trying to help her accomplish this.”

“But...but...Sunset told me the other day she wants to be friends with us!” said Lyra with a sad face.

“That's not important.” said Octavia, “What's important is what we do next. Does she suspect we are the Rainbooms even though we aren't?”

“No, not that I can tell...” said Bon Bon with a thinking face. “In fact, it seems she's not really trying to find the Rainbooms right now...I don't know why though...”

“Okay Bon Bon, follow her for a bit longer...If she starts to suspect us, contact me immediately.”


Meanwhile back in Canterlot...

Twilight began to slowly travel on the outskirts of Canterlot. Her disguise ring on, she slowly walked down place after place. As she was walking down all she could hear was pony after pony around her, gossiping. She heard them all talking about finding her. Twilight's ears drooped as she went place to place in Canterlot. She began to think, 'These ponies...They're all talking about me...I really need to leave Canterlot...What should I do...'

As she was walking, Twilight suddenly stopped. There, she saw something that put a shiver down her spine. She saw her parents walking down the opposite side of the street she was on. Twilight froze, not knowing what to do. Twilight's mind stopped thinking and she just stood there. She saw her parents walking over there and their faces were filled with sadness. Then Twilight's mind started to think again, 'It's them...both of them are just over there...and...and...they're sad. Why are they sad? Is it me? Or...I don't know...I just...need to get out of here...'

Twilight turned around and walked away. She couldn't make herself go to them. Twilight then finished her recon and went back to her hotel room and fell asleep. She fell asleep in the middle of the day so she could have the energy for that night. Then the night came as Twilight woke up. She put her cloak and disguise ring on along with her saddlebags. Twilight headed out to leave Canterlot once and for all.

Twilight began to sneak down alley after alley till she found the opening she was looking for. She looked and saw that more guards had been posted that night. Twilight began to look around and started to think, 'Oh blast it! They've put more guards here. If I take them on, they'll know where I am. Seems I'll have to find a different way out of this stinking city.'

Twilight then began looking around trying to find a different route. Twilight slowly walked around the outskirts, making sure the guards weren't looking at her. However Twilight, despite being in her overly cautious manner, did not look up. A pegasus guard on top of a building saw Twilight in her cloak and then signaled another guard close by. Twilight kept going down street after street and then saw something strange. A part of the outskirts was just empty, no guards, no anything. Twilight's mind began to race, 'What's going on? Where did all the guards suddenly go? Is it a trap...or should I go for it and get out of here right now?'

Twilight's mind was then interrupted as she heard tons of hoofsteps. Twilight's eyes began to widen while fear began to flow into her. She turned around and saw tons of guards charging right behind her. Twilight's legs began to move on their own as she began to run. She then started to talk to herself, “ no no...They found me! I gotta get out of here!”

But it was too late, at that moment a bunch of pegasus guards flew down and landed in front of her. She turned her head to both sides and saw she was surrounded. Twilight grabbed the hood of her cloak and pulled it down even more over her head even though it was already over her head. Then she saw Celestia descend around the guards. At that moment, Twilight deactivated her disguise ring, realizing she had been caught. She had to make sure they didn't find out about the ring.

Celestia commanded the guards to surround Twilight in a circle-like formation. Twilight noticed that Shining Armor was there as well. Then Celestia began to speak up, “Twilight Sparkle I presume?

“Twily? Is that you?” asked Shining Armor.

Twilight pulled her hood even more, trying to tell them she didn't want to talk. Celestia then spoke up again, “Listen Twilight Sparkle, I mean you no harm. I just want to talk.”

“Please Twily, we just want to talk...” said Shining.

“ that so?” said Twilight slowly.

“Yes Twilight Sparkle. We just want to talk. Though to personally honest, I would at least like to say one thing.” said Celestia with a smile.

“What's that?” said Twilight with a gloomy tone.

“It is honor to finally meet you, bearer of the six pointed sparkle mark.” said Celestia as her smile became bigger.

“It that so...” said Twilight as her hoof slowly removed her hood, revealing her face. “Then let me tell you something...”

“What's that?”

Twilight's face slowly filled itself with anger and fire flowed in her eyes. Then her horn began to shine as she began to channel magic into her horn. “If you're so happy meeting me...then...then...then by the end of this night...” said Twilight as she gritted her teeth and looked directly at Celestia and yelled, “I'll make you regret ever meeting me!”

The Shackles (Part 8 of 8)

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“Please be calm Twilight Sparkle.” said Celestia raising her hoof.

“No...I won't be calm...” said Twilight as her horn glowed brighter and brighter. Magic began to flow into her horn as it continued to shine. While Celestia and guards looked directly at Twilight's horn as it glowed more and more, Twilight quickly grabbed the disguise ring she had turned off and slowly put it in her bag under her cloak and closed the bag.

“Don't do this Twily, we just want to talk.” said Shining Armor as several guard unicorns went in front of Celestia with Shining.

Twilight looked right at Celestia, aiming her horn directly at the princess. “Last chance, 'Princess of the Sun', leave me alone or else!” yelled Twilight in anger.

“Twilight, I mean you no harm. I just want to talk.” said Celestia calmly.

“Just want to talk?! Is that why you brought all these guards to surround me?! Is it?!” yelled Twilight.

“If I had not brought guards then you would have just left.”

“Shut up!” said Twilight, “Leave me alone or you will regret it!”

Celestia closed her eyes and then opened them with sincerity, “I am sorry, but I can not.”

Twilight gritted her teeth and said, “Okay then...” Then Twilight's eyes shined as she shot a beam of magic out of her horn.


“GUARDS! SHIELD HER HIGHNESS NOW!” yelled Shining as him and the other guards formed a magic barrier around Celestia. But the barrier wasn't enough. The beam immediately hit the barrier and smashed to bits, causing Shining and the guards to go flying.


“Augh! Aaaahhhh! Ow!” said the guards and Shining as the fell to the ground, instantly beaten. Twilight cricked her neck back and forth. Twilight smiled as she then looked at Celestia. Twilight's mind began to race, thinking of her options, 'Hmm...I beat them and I did it easily. If that's the case...Maybe I can take her too...I beat that other unicorn she sent to the train as well...Yeah...I can do it...'

Twilight gave a big smirk and then said to Celestia, “Last chance, let me leave or I'll beat you just like I beat them.”

“No. I will say this one more time Twilight Sparkle. Calm down, all I want is to talk to you.” said Celestia as her face showed a hint of anger.

“You know...all I want is to leave...Fine, I warned you.” said Twilight as her horn began to glow again. Then Twilight's eyes turned white as her horn began to shine like crazy. Twilight shot another beam of magic at Celestia.


Celestia immediately retaliated with another beam at Twilight.


Both beams clashed and both beam stopped moving. The beams were at a stalemate. Sweat began to pour from Twilight's and Celestia's foreheads. Both horns continued to shine more and more. The guards surrounding the situation began to gasp, shocked at the scene they saw in front of them.

“No way. She's....she's fighting her highness to a stalemate.” said one guard.

“That can't be!” said another guard.

Twilight's body began to glow, her eyes continued to shine as more and more magic poured out of her horn. Twilight's mind began to stop thinking as she used more and more magic in her horn. Then she began yelling at Celestia, “No...I...won't lose...I...I...I WON'T LOSE!!!”

Then the beams of magic stopped. At that moment, the beams that were fighting each other stopped and all the magic that poured into each other began to mix. Then the magic combined and then created a huge magic explosion.


Both Twilight and Celestia went flying from the explosion along with the guards. Twilight slammed into the ground, rolling down the street getting bruise after bruise. Celestia crashed into a bunch of her guards like a bowling ball into a bunch of bowling pins.


Twilight put her hoof on her head as she slowly tried to get up. Her eyes were hazy and her balance was off. “Ugh...that hurt...” she said to herself as she then looked at Celestia. She was still on the ground after the explosion. “Heh...heh...heh...Well, would you look at that...I won.”

Twilight then turned around and began to stumble out of the street. All the guards had been sent flying from the explosion. Then, as Twilight was about to leave the outskirts of the city, Cadance flew down in front of Twilight.

“Cadance...I should have known you would come...” said Twilight with anger in voice.

“Twilight...please...just let us talk...please...don't do this.”

“Get out of my way Cadance...I'm leaving this place and that's that!” said Twilight as her legs began to shake from exhaustion.

“Twilight, you're obviously exhausted from using that much magic...just please stop...”

“Don't let me tell you again...get out of my way Cadance...”

“Why...why won't you stop Twilight?” asked Cadance as her face puffed up and tears began to fall out of her eyes.

“I can't stop Cadance...I have to get out of here...I have my own path to follow Cadance.” said Twilight as voice began to get louder, “Now...Get out of my way!”

Cadance just stood there. Then her head dropped down and tears fell off her face. “Twilight, I still don't fully understand what happened to you...but...I still believe in you.”

Twilight had prepared to fight to Cadance, but then saw Cadance as she just stood there in sadness. Twilight then just walked past Cadance and said one thing, “Goodbye Cadance.”

Cadance just stood there as Twilight walked past her and started to leave Canterlot. Then a voice spoke up behind Twilight.

“Stop right there Twilight Sparkle.” said Celestia as she descended in front of Twilight. “I am sorry but I will not let you go.”

“Back again huh?” said Twilight with a angry tone, “Still won't let me leave?”

“I can not. If you leave, Equestria will be in grave danger.”

“Is this about your prophecy?! I'll tell you this...destiny doesn't exist,” said Twilight in a grim tone, “I'll make my own path!”

“Is that truly what you believe?” said Celestia, “Surely you saw it for yourself, the magic within you as you fought me. No ordinary pony can wield such power. That is the power of one that is chosen by Harmony.”

“That 'power' is nothing more than a product of years of research and magic studies! Nothing more, nothing less.” said Twilight as looked at Celestia with anger filled eyes, “That's all there is to it.”


“Now, get out of my way.”

Then two voices called out behind Twilight, “Twilight? Is that you?”

Twilight's eyes began to grow, sweat went down her head as a shiver went down her spine when she heard those voices. She didn't want to turn her head but her body turned her head anyways. She then saw the two ponies who called out earlier. They were her parents, Night Light and Twilight Velvet. Twilight then slowly turned her head back at Celestia, “ called them here didn't you?!”

Celestia calmly said, “Yes...yes I did.”

Twilight's horn began to shine immediately as she then yelled, “You monster! How much do you want to torture me?!”

“They wanted to see you Twilight. They wanted to see their daughter again.” said Celestia in a soft tone.

“Lies! They hate me you monster!” yelled Twilight as she prepared to shoot another beam at Celestia.

“Twilight...please...just listen to us.” said Night Light.

“Twilight...” said Twilight Velvet as tears went down her face. “ least let us talk to you...”

Twilight turned around with anger filling her eyes, she then yelled at them, “Stay away from me! You hate me don't you?! Then just stay away!!!”

Her parents stepped back a little and then Night Light spoke up, “We don't hate you Twilight...please...just listen to us...”

Twilight then began yelling at the top her lungs, “AUGH! WHY WON'T YOU PONIES JUST LEAVE ME ALONE?!”

Twilight's horn began to start shining even more, she then turned around to Celestia. Twilight prepared to strike Celestia with everything she had. Celestia pointed her hoof at Twilight and said, “Don't Twilight.”

“SHUT UP! THIS ENDS NOW!” yelled Twilight as her eyes began to glow. Celestia readied herself as Twilight was about to begin her attack.

Then Twilight stopped. She just stopped, her horn stopped glowing and her eyes went back to normal. Tears began to go down her cheeks as she felt two ponies hugging her. Then a third pony began to hug.

“Stop Twilight...please...just stop!” said Night Light, “We're sorry...we're so so sorry!”

“Please forgive us!” said Twilight Velvet.

“Please stop Twilight!” said Cadance as she hugged Twilight as well. Then a fourth pony came and hugged her as well.

“Stop it Twily! Please...We all love you!” said Shining Armor as she hugged her.

Tears kept flowing down Twilight's face. Twilight began to tremble, hearing all these words. She tried to speak, “ all hate all hate” Then Twilight's head slumped down as more tears came out of her eyes. “”

Twilight then put her hooves around her family. Tears just kept flowing from her eyes as she hugged her family more and more. Her parents kept saying they were sorry over and over. Twilight slowly fell over and slumped to the ground. She then said, “It's not fair...not fair at all...”

“What's not fair Twilight?” asked Cadance.

“You're all supposed to hate have to hate me...” said Twilight as laid there, shivering.

“No...we love you Twilight.” said Night Light, “We're sorry we drove you away Twilight...We're so so sorry...”

“Please Twilight...” said Twilight Velvet, “We know you probably won't forgive us least let us tell you we're sorry...we're so so sorry...”

At that moment, Twilight collapsed on the street due to exhaustion. Her eyes slowly closed as her consciousness began to fade. At the same time, Celestia fell down on the street as well. Both fell unconscious on that street, surrounded by Twilight's family. It was at this very moment, Twilight's fate began to change.

At this moment, the shackles of Harmony began to take hold...

The Chains (Part 1 of 8)

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“Mail Call!” yelled Derpy Hooves as she put some mail in a pony's mailbox. Derpy Hooves then flapped her wings and flew off to the next mailbox. The pony who owned the mailbox walked out and checked the it. There, she looked through the letters and magazines inside, then the pony's jaw dropped as she looked at the newspaper.

“What...what is this?!” she said as dropped the newspaper in shock. She then realized what she had just said out loud outside. She quickly looked around to make sure nopony was around. The pony grabbed the newspaper along with the rest of the mail and rushed into her house. Then a little filly inside her house asked her one thing, “Rarity? What's wrong? Why do you look all panicky-looking?”

Rarity then looked at her sister and said, “Sweetie Belle, it''s just say something happened and I might have to leave for a while.”


“I'm not sure...Why don't I fix you some breakfast for right now?” said Rarity, trying to hide her panic.

Sweetie Belle's face instantly went from curious to happy, “Okay!”

Rarity then put the mail in her room and closed the door as she then proceeded to the kitchen. The newspaper she had read laid on her table in her room. The newspaper headline read this: 'UNICORN KNOWN AS TWILIGHT SPARKLE ATTACKS PRINCESS CELESTIA! RESULT WAS A TIE?! JUST WHO IS THIS UNICORN?!'

Meanwhile in Manehattan...

Bon Bon had kept following Sunset Shimmer for several days now. As she kept following her, nothing happened. Sunset Shimmer just kept coming to the Feather Blades' band they used as a cover. No matter what happened, the only suspicious thing was that every now and then she went and talked to Trixie. Bon Bon then followed her all the way to Trixie's apartment one day and began listening from the outside. Thankfully, Trixie and Sunset talk very loudly.

“So, have you found out their next move?” asked Sunset.

“No, just as Trixie told you before, Trixie believes that the Rainbooms may finally be done thieving. If anything, they won't be thieving anytime soon now that the Equestrian military is looking for them.” said Trixie in anger filled tone.

“If you keep thinking like that...We'll never catch them!”

Upon hearing this, Bon Bon eyes widened. She sat there for a second while listening to their conversation and thought, 'They're just after the Rainbooms? That's all? I know Lyra told me that Sunset had just recently came to Manehattan...but is she just obsessed like Trixie?'

Bon Bon then started to hear hoofsteps coming to the door. She quickly got up and began to run away, hiding herself as quickly as possible. She then said to herself, “I need to tell this to Octavia as soon as possible...”

Sunset Shimmer on the other hand, then left Trixie's apartment in a fit of anger. Sunset gritted her teeth as she walked down the hallway, away from Trixie's apartment. She kept thinking, 'I can't believe she's the only ally I have for catching those crooks...this is so annoying...okay Sunset...just calm down for a bit...your plan is perfect...all you have to do is wait till the Rainbooms commit a crime...'

Meanwhile in Ponyville...

Rarity sat there at her living room, waiting for two other ponies to come to her house. She had made sure that Sweetie Belle left the house to have fun with her filly friends like Applebloom. Then the door to her house opened.

“Hey Rarity, we're here.” said Applejack as she entered with Fluttershy.

“Hello girls, please sit down.” said Rarity as she pointed at her living room chairs. “I already made some tea.”

The two sat down and then Applejack said, “Alright Rarity, what's this all about?”

“This.” said Rarity as she put the newspaper down on the coffee table in front of them. The two then looked at the headlines and their jaws dropped.

“Oh this true?!” asked Fluttershy.

“Yes, darling. I'm sorry to say but...Twilight's in trouble.” said Rarity with her head drooped down.

Applejack looked at Rarity with a face of despair, “Rarity...are we in trouble?”

“No...I don't think so. Remember when I told you Twilight came by my house a few days ago?”

The two then nodded their heads.

“Well...she told me that Princess Celestia for some reason was trying to find her...she believes that the Princess doesn't know she is a Rainboom so we should be okay...but...”

“Twi's in trouble, right?” said Applejack as she pulled her hat over her eyes.


“Um...what do we do?” asked Fluttershy meekly.

“Good question sugarcube...”

Rarity then looked at both of them and then said, “We all know what we have to do...we have to go to Canterlot and help Twilight.”

The other two looked at her and then Applejack said, “I agree Rarity but...what can we do...last I checked, Rainbow, Scootaloo and Pinkie are who knows where on their trip. We're the only ones here, could we really do it?”

Rarity looked at Applejack with a scowl, “Twilight would do that same for us. All the Rainbooms.”

“'re right...”

“ again...what do we do?” asked Fluttershy.

“Do you have your disguise rings?” asked Rarity. The two nodded. “Okay, I've already told my parents I'm going to leave town for a bit...Go back to homes and get ready.”

“Do you have a plan?” asked Applejack.

“Not yet...but I do know one thing. We won't accomplish anything just staying in Ponyville. I already got some money ready...thankfully Twilight asks us to keep some extra money for emergencies.”

“What are we gonna do first?”

“First, we go to Canterlot and reserve a hotel room. Then...I guess we'll have to wing it.”

“That's are plan?!” said Applejack with a bit of anger.

“I'm not the brains of the team Applejack, Twilight is.” said Rarity with some anger as well. “Do you have a plan?”

“ Sorry Rarity...” said Applejack in a depressing tone.

“Alright. I'll be the leader for right now.” said Rarity as she lifted her head up high. “Girls, get your stuff ready and meet me in an hour at the train station. We're going to Canterlot!”

The two then said in unison, “Understood!”

The Chains (Part 2 of 8)

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Twilight slowly opened her eyes. She felt as if all her energy had just left her in an instant as her eyes slowly looked around. All she could see was a white ceiling and bright lights. As her eyes fully opened, she began to shake her head back and forth while her ears started to her noises. She put her hoof to her face and rubbed her eyes. “Ugh...what happened?” she said in a small voice.

“Twilight? Are you okay?” said Night Light.

“Twilight, sweetie are you alright?” asked Twilight Velvet.

Twilight put her hooves on her ears, “Stop it, you're too loud...ugh...I feel like I got slammed by a carriage...twice.”

“No surprise there Twily, you've been out for a while now.” said Shining Armor.

“How long have I been out?”

“A little over a day,” said Celestia as she towered over the bed-ridden Twilight, “You gave us quite a scare.”

Twilight's eyes widened as she saw the rainbow-maned alicorn. Twilight then immediately began to move back in the bed she was in, “You! No! Stay away from me!”

“Twilight don't move like that, you're still injured.” said Cadance as she grabbed Twilight. “You're in the hospital Twilight, everything's going to be okay.”

“No it's not! She's here and...and...ow!” said Twilight as her back suddenly stung in pain, “Augh! What the...oh...I don't feel so good...” Twilight then fell back on the bed she was in, trying to nullify the pain. “Ugh...this isn't good...Why am I in this much pain?”

“You used too much magic.” said Celestia sharply. “I will admit that the amount of magic you used would destroy a regular unicorn's horn and possibly kill them. You on the other hand, just have minor bruises and your horn is just fine.”

“...that's good.” said Twilight as she laid down and began to close her eyes. Then she remembered something, “My bag!” she said as sprung up from the bed. “OW!”

“Whoa, calm down Twily!”

“Your bag's right here sweetie.” said Twilight Velvet as she handed it over to Twilight. “Nopony has touched or looked in it. We just had to take it off you when they put you on the bed.”

Twilight immediately grabbed the bag and put her head in it, trying to make sure nopony saw the contents inside. There, she saw the disguise ring was still in it, along with the money she brought with her. ' I just gotta make sure Celestia doesn't see this...' she thought to herself as she kept her hooves on the bag. “Okay...thanks.”

“No problem.”

“Now...I have another question.” said Twilight as she looked directly at Celestia.

“What is it?” asked Celestia in a soft voice.

“Why are you here?”

“I still wish to talk to you Twilight.”

“Please, at least listen to her Twilight.” said Cadance.

Twilight gritted her teeth while thinking, 'This is bad. I have to weigh my options right now....One, is to listen to this absurd prophecy garbage and agree. Then use that to find a moment to run away. Probability that would work...fifteen to twenty percent with low to medium risk. Second option, refuse and wait in hospital to recover...then attack while her guard's down and run...probability...eighteen to twenty-two percent with medium to high risk...Third option...find a way to contact the Rainbooms...probability...thirty or more percent...risk...very high...what do I do...'

“Will you please listen to me Twilight?” asked Celestia again.

“Depends...are there a bunch guards outside this room and outside this building?”

“...Yes, there are.”

“Then I'm not listening.”

“If I made my guards leave, you would just run away again.”

“I can't run in this situation.”


“Oh please, this is why I won't believe whatever you tell me. I can't run yet you try to imprison me here.”

“Twilight!” yelled Cadance. “Stop being so disrespectful!”

“It's fine Cadance. Could you other ponies leave this room for a bit?” asked Celestia.

“While you're at it, make the guards leave.” said Twilight in response.

“The guards are here to make sure the press don't get in here.”

“...Oh...I guess that makes sense...” said Twilight, feeling a little defeated.

The ponies left the hospital room and only Twilight and Celestia remained. Celestia sat on the biggest chair in the room and began talking. “Will you at least listen to me since you can't go anywhere right now Twilight?”


“Don't you even want to talk to me a little?”

“No. I have no reason to talk to you.”

“Why is that?”

Twilight, who had made sure she wasn't looking at Celestia then turned her head directly at Celestia in anger, “Why?! Are you serious?!”


“Wow. Okay. Let me start with the part when you sent an army of guards for me, or when you brought my parents right to me to capture me!”

“I never wanted to catch you, I only wanted to talk.”

“You keep saying that but you sure don't show it.”

Celestia lowered her head, “I may have shown a little force...but I believed it to be the only way to talk to you.”


“Are you always this stubborn?”

“What do you care?”

“May I at least explain why I was trying to find you?”

Twilight sat her head back on the pillow, “Whatever, even if I say no, you're going to talk anyways. Do whatever you want.”

Celestia took a deep breath, “Very well, I will start at the beginning with a question. Do you know why I founded the School of Gifted Unicorns?”

“Don't mention that place's name in front of me.”

“You truly hate that place don't you?”


“Well, I founded it to find an apprentice.”

“...I had feeling you were going to say that.”

Celestia looked surprised, “You did?”

“Yeah...Cadance told me about that prophecy nonsense...she told me you wanted to find a pony to inherit Harmony, correct?”


“All I had to do was put two and two together. Now I'm really glad I never went to that horrible place.”

“...You are quite intelligent Twilight Sparkle.”

“Yeah...I am.”

“Well, what else did Cadance tell you about Harmony?”

“Just that you believe I'm the one to inherit it due to my cutie mark, that's all.”

“I see...Well, there is still a lot to tell you...Let's start with the time I inherited Harmony.” said Celestia as she then momentarily took a deep breath, “It began centuries ago with a creature called Discord.”

“Discord? The mythical creature of chaos?”

“Yes. Discord had ravaged Equestria with his chaos. In response, my sister and I went to a certain place. There we found the Tree of Harmony.”

Twilight gave an confused look, “Tree of Harmony?”

“Yes. It was the resting place of a certain collection of items known as the Elements of Harmony. We removed the elements in order to defeat Discord. However, while we removed the elements, my sister and I saw something on the tree.”

“...What was it?” said Twilight as she found herself a little interested.

“The tree wielded three marks on it. One of the sun, just like my cutie mark. Another was the moon, which was my sister's cutie mark.”

“Let me guess...the last one looks like mine.”


“Cadance also mentioned that this wasn't the only incident you used the elements. What was the other?”

Celestia's face began to show sadness as she explained, “That...was Nightmare Moon.”

Twilight noticed her face change and then said, “That old tale? So is the fable of the legendary Dark Crystal Unicorn true as well?”

“Ah, King Sombra...yes...we beat him a little after Discord...”

Twilight laid there for a second, thinking. Then she spoke up, saying something that made Celestia gasp, “Nightmare Moon...she's your sister isn't she?”

Celestia's eyes began to grow as she put her hooves over her mouth, “How did...”

“I told you before...I put two and two together...”


“I'm not stupid...You mentioned your sister and according to everypony in Equestria, you don't have one. I also know the tale of Nightmare alicorn trapped in the moon...She's coming back, isn't she?”


Twilight smiled. Then she began to laugh. “Heh heh heh....hahahahaha!!!”

“Why are you laughing?”

“'ve hunting me down like a dog so I can inherit some type of power to defeat your sister...hahaha...I really was right about you...”

“What do you mean?”

Twilight then raised her head and looked at Celestia with a grim smile, “You really are a monster.”

Celestia didn't show any emotion. She merely said, “What makes you say that?”

“You let others fix your problems and blame it on some prophecy. You want me to fight your own family member because you can't solve the problem yourself.”

“I have no choice. The Elements of Harmony no longer respond to me, so I had to find a successor.”

“And it just so happened to be me!” said Twilight as she put her hooves in the air. “Hooray! I'm so happy!”

“Stop being so sarcastic. Please be reasonable Twilight Sparkle.”

“Oh please, did you really think telling me this would work? That I would just fall for your prophecy?! Give me one good reason why I should help you?!”

Celestia showed no emotions. Then she did something Twilight didn't expect, she bowed down in front of Twilight and said, “Please...Please help me save my sister Twilight!”

Twilight looked at Celestia and saw the tears slowly fall out of her ancient eyes. Twilight didn't know what to say. Then Celestia spoke again, “'s all I can say Twilight...”


“I'm sorry I sent those guards...but...I had no choice...I'm sorry...”

Twilight just sat there, unable to react.

Meanwhile at the train station of Canterlot...

“We're here girls.” said Rarity as they exited the train. “Are you ready?”

The other two ponies with her nodded their heads and said, “We're ready!”

“Alright then, let's go save our friend!”

The Chains (Part 3 of 8)

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“Okay Rarity, any ideas?” asked Applejack as the three entered their hotel room. They had put on their disguise rings before buying the hotel room to make sure their identities were safe.

“Applejack dear, I’m still thinking.” said Rarity in an annoyed tone. “Please be a little patient, I’m not Twilight.”

“Please apologize to Rarity, Applejack!” said Fluttershy in a demanding tone.

“Calm down Fluttershy,” responded Applejack, “I’m sorry Rarity, I’m just a little on edge...”

“We all are darling,” said Rarity in a comforting tone, “Don’t worry so much, we’ll figure something out.”

The three put their bags down and sat down in the hotel room. They all sat and looked at each other for a little while. Then Rarity spoke up, “Alright you two, I have an idea on where to start in this whole situation.”

“Just a start?” asked Applejack with mild skepticism.

“Yes, it’s just a start but do you have any ideas Applejack?”


“Don’t get angry Applejack.” said Rarity in a softer tone, “Now, here’s my idea.”

Rarity pulled out a map of Canterlot she had got from the hotel lobby. The map was crude but it was enough for her plan. Rarity then spoke up, “Alright girls, we’re going to start by splitting up.”

“Splitting up?”

“Yes, all three of us are going to different places in Canterlot. In order to find Twilight, we’ll need to look into everyplace they could have her. Applejack, I want you to go to the scene where Twilight and Celestia fought. According to the newspaper I read on the way here, they are trying to repair the damage that was done there. I suspect they’ll be plenty of gossiping ponies there, talking about the case. If you listen long enough, you may find out where Twilight is. Fluttershy, you’ll check the two hospitals here in Canterlot. There may be a chance they’re keeping her there due to injuries before moving her somewhere else.”

“What are you going to do Rarity?”

“I’m going to check some other places here in Canterlot...Hopefully, I can find some rumors and gossip over Twilight’s location. Is this a good enough plan for you?” asked Rarity to Applejack.

“Sounds good to me.”

“Good. Okay, we’ll meet up here in two hours and have lunch.” Said Rarity as she pointed to a restaurant on the map. “We’ll discuss what we do next there.”

“That place ain’t one of those fancy food places is it?” asked Applejack with a face filled with fear.

“All restaurants in Canterlot serve what you call ‘fancy food’ Applejack.” said Rarity with a slightly annoyed face.

“Sigh...okay.” said Applejack as her ears and face drooped down.

“Okay girls, let’s go!”

The other two then nodded and said, “Understood!”

Meanwhile in one of the hospitals of Canterlot...

Twilight sat there for several minutes after hearing Celestia’s confession. She then finally spoke up and said, “...I don’t want to sound like some heartless pony...but I don’t have an answer for you.”

“I see.” said Celestia as she got back up with a sad look still on her face.

“Sorry, I need some time to think.”

“I understand. If you don’t mind, I have to leave the hospital to attend certain royal duties.”

“Go ahead.”

“I will return later Twilight Sparkle. I am sorry, but I will need an answer.”

“It’s fine. I understand.” said Twilight as she was starting to get annoyed by how much Celestia was apologizing. ‘In that regard, she’s just like Fluttershy...’ she thought to herself as Celestia left the room. Soon, Twilight’s family reentered the room.

“Are you feeling any better?” asked Twilight Velvet.

“I’m fine.”

“You sure don’t sound like it Twily.” said Shining as he entered with Cadance.

“Nopony asked your opinion Shining.”


“Now, me and your mother have been talking Twilight and...” said Night Light with hesitation.

“Let me guess, you want me to tell you everything I’ve done while I’ve been gone all these years.” said Twilight in a dreading tone.

Her parents looked at each other with sad eyes and then said, “No Twilight, we told ourselves that we won’t pry in on whatever happened to you out there.”

Twilight’s eyes widened after hearing this. “Huh? You don’t want to know?”

“No, we’re just glad to see you.” said Night Light.

“Yes, we’re just happy to see our daughter is alive and well.” said Twilight Velvet as she gave a small smile. “Whatever you’ve done or been, we don’t care. All we care about it is the fact we get to see our precious daughter again.”

“Ugh...stop being so sappy.” said Twilight with her tongue sticking out. “Seriously though, why aren’t you asking?”

“Didn’t you hear them Twily? We’re just glad you’re here.”

“Yes.” said Cadance with a smile. “You just being here has made us all happy.”

Twilight laid there on her bed for a while, not moving, not talking, nothing. Minutes upon minutes passed as she laid there. She thought to herself as she laid there, ‘This makes no sense...I thought they hated me...did they...did they really change?’ Then Twilight spoke up, “Okay, I have to ask at least one thing.”

“What is it?”

“What happened?”

“Hmm...what do you mean?”

“What happened? You know, with you two.” asked Twilight as she pointed at her parents. “Didn’t you hate me? Or at least my old dream?”

“We could never hate you Twilight.”

“Oh stop it! I know you hated me and my dream! Just tell me why you’re suddenly okay with me and everything!” yelled Twilight.

Night Light lowered his head and said, “Twilight, we never hated you. We never hated your dream either.”

“Stop lying! Just...just stop...”

“We’re telling you that we never hated your dream. It’s just...we hated what it was doing to you...”

“What is was doing to me?”

“That made you become something else.”

Twilight then gave a confused look, “What do you mean?”

“After you started to pursue the dream of joining that became obsessed. You went so far that it started to affect your health.”

“So? Are you saying I’m not allowed to pursue something even if sometimes hurts you?”


“Then what’s the problem? I believe that if you want to accomplish something, you have to do whatever it takes.” said Twilight as her tone became more and more angry.

“No...we stopped you because if you hadn’t stopped pursing that dream...your life would have been in danger.”

Twilight paused for a long while, she laid there as she thought about what her parents just said. Then she said, “In danger huh? Yeah, I will admit that I did go overboard at the time...but that didn’t matter to me...good thing that’s no longer my dream.”

“Twilight...” said Night Light right when a guard entered the room. The guard spoke up and said, “I’m sorry to intrude but...”

“What is it?” asked Cadance.

“There is a certain unicorn that insists that she see Twilight Sparkle your highness. She says she’s Twilight Sparkle’s friend.”

“Her friend?” asked Cadance. “What’s her name?”

“Luminous Pearl.”

Twilight’s eyebrows went up and then down, “Send her in.”

“I don’t take orders from you!” yelled the guard, “You little-“


“But captain sir...she attacked-” said guard as he stepped back from Shining.



“Good...bring her in.” said Shining Armor with a scowl. “And solider...”

“Yes sir?” said the guard while his legs were shaking in fear.

“Do that again and I’ll make sure you’ll be stuck cleaning toilets for the rest of your life.”

“Sir, yes sir!” said the guard, saluting. He then left and opened the door for the unicorn.

“I love it when you do that.” said Cadance as she kissed Shining Armor on the cheek.

The unicorn then walked into the room. She turned her head to Twilight and said, “It’s good to see you again darling.”

The Chains (Part 4 of 8)

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Around thirty minutes ago...

Fluttershy descended onto a street in Canterlot. She then quickly ran up the street and then tapped her hoof on another pony's shoulder. “Rarity.”

Rarity immediately turned around and saw Fluttershy. “Fluttershy? What are you doing here?” she asked and then Rarity scanned Fluttershy's face. “You found Twilight?”

Fluttershy nodded up and down. “Yes.”

Rarity looked around and then grabbed Fluttershy by the shoulder, “Let's move somewhere else and talk.”


A few moments later, Rarity and Fluttershy were talking to each other in a place with a little less ponies around. “Fluttershy, where's Twilight?”

“She's at that hospital I checked first. There were all kinds of guards there, even on the roof.”

“I see...” said Rarity as she stood there for a second. Then an idea popped in her head. “Fluttershy, new plan. I need you to go to the restaurant and reserve us some seats. I'll meet you and Applejack there later.”

“What are you going to do?”

“I'm going to go meet Twilight.”


“Don't worry,” said Rarity as she used her disguise ring to change her disguise to something else. “They won't see me, Luminous Pearl coming.”

The Present...

“It's good to see you again darling.” said Rarity as she entered Twilight's hospital room. Rarity quickly scanned the room as she saw Twilight's family. She then saw that Twilight had her bag with her. 'Her disguise ring must be in there.' thought Rarity.

“Hey Pearl, it's been a while hasn't it?” said Twilight with a small smile on her face.

“Indeed it has darling. Are these your parents?”

“Yeah, they are.”

Rarity then bowed to them, “It is a pleasure to meet you all, I am Luminous Pearl.”

“It's nice to meet you.” said Twilight Velvet.

“Nice to meet you.” said Night Light.

“Indeed, also it an honor to meet you, your highness.”

“Please, no formalities.” said Cadance, “If your Twilight's friend, there's no need to be so formal. Just call me Cadance.”

“Very well.” said Rarity as she the turned to Twilight. “So, how are doing Twilight dear?”

“Not the best Pearl, not the best...” said Twilight as she then looked directly at Pearl. “Did you bring anypony else with you?”

“Well, I did, but they aren't here right now, I'll be meeting up with them later. Maybe after that we can all come here and they can see you. That is, if the guards don't kick us out.”

“Sorry about that.” said Shining Armor.

“It's fine.” said Rarity while putting on the most innocent smile she could put on.

“Pearl.” said Twilight in a monotone voice.

“Oh, yes Twilight?”

“Thanks for coming, but...” said Twilight as she slowly got up, “I'm not healing very fast, so I'm going to be stuck here for a while.”

“I see.”

“Hopefully I'll leave in the morning and there won't be so many guards...That reminds me...” said Twilight as she put her hoof to her chin. She noticed that she was no longer in any pain. “Cadance, what's going to happen to me when I get better?”

“Twilight...well...” said Cadance as she was trying to find the words, “Celestia will probably take you to the castle.”

“I I'm definitely going to the castle...Sorry Pearl, but it sounds like I may not be able to see everypony for a while.”

“I understand dear, though I must admit. I was rather surprised to see that you know both princess Cadance and princess Celestia.”

“I just met Celestia...” said Twilight as she laid back down. “Sorry about this Pearl.”

“Well, it was good seeing you again Twilight, but unfortunately I have to cut this visit short. The guards wasted so much time that I'm now on a timetable.”

“You got to meet the others huh?”

“Yes. I'll bring them later.”said Rarity as she began to leave the room

“Okay, make sure to bring them all here.”

Rarity then waved bye to the rest of the ponies in the room and left. Twilight's family then began commenting on Pearl.

“Well, she seemed nice. It's too bad she left so soon.” said Twilight Velvet.

“Pearl moves around a lot mom.” responded Twilight.

“Huh...say Shining, are all your men incompetent like that?” asked Night Light.

“” said Shining, feeling slightly embarrassed.

Meanwhile, Rarity left the room and went to the nearest bathroom. There she went into a stall and pulled a notepad and pencil from her bag she brought with her. She quickly wrote down several notes as her eyes began to widen and then she said to herself, “Well, so that's what you were trying to tell me...okay Twilight...thanks to this, I got a good grasp at what I should do next...”

Some time later at a certain restaurant in Canterlot...

Applejack and Fluttershy began to eat their meal, tired of waiting for Rarity. Rarity slowly entered the place in a new disguise and sat down. “Hello girls.”

“Took you long enough.” said Applejack with a hint of anger, “What happened to the 'gather all the information you can' plan?”

“I'm not in the mood to argue Applejack.” said Rarity as she pulled her notepad out of her bag. “Just take a look at this.” she said as she put the notepad on the table. Applejack and Fluttershy looked at notepad and the notes Rarity had took. Their eyes then began to show signs of surprise.

“Rarity...this is...” said Fluttershy.

“Yes. It's exactly what you think it is.” said Rarity in a monotone voice, “Now, I'm going to order myself some food.”

The two kept looking at the notes. The notepad read:

not healing very fast = already healed
stuck here for a while = must get out immediately
I'll leave in the morning = need to leave at night
won't be so many guards = many guards
may not be able to see everypony for a while = need to see everypony as soon as possible
make sure to bring them all here = don't bring others right now

“Remember the code she told us to do Applejack?” asked Rarity after she order her food.

“Yeah, I sure do pardner.” said Applejack.

Almost two years ago...

It was one day after the Rainboom's first heist. Twilight called a meeting and everypony went to the meeting room.

“Good work yesterday everypony.” said Twilight with a smile.

“I know, weren't we awesome?!” said Rainbow Dash.

“We sure were pardner. I still can't believe we pulled it off.” said Applejack.

“I agree darling.” said Rarity.

“Alright, that's enough.” said Twilight, “I have a different reason for calling you here today. I need to talk to you about what we should do if we get caught.”

“Uh...shouldn't we have talked about this before our first heist Twi?” asked Applejack in confusion.

“No, I knew we could pull that off. My calculations showed little error. I'm talking if somepony gets suspicious or we end up in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

“You mean if we end up in jail?” asked Pinkie.

“Technically no, but that could be used as an example.” said Twilight. “I'm saying if we're in situation where we can still at least speak to at least one of us.”

“You mean, like we’re going to speak in code?”


“Awesome! We'll be like spies.” said Rainbow.

“No we won't, but that's besides the point.” said Twilight in a huff. “Now, if we are in situation where we're caught but can still at least speak to at least one Rainboom...We'll say the opposite of everything we mean.”

“The opposite? Isn't that a little too easy?”

“Ain't that lying?” said Applejack with anger in her eyes.

“Not if you really mean it Applejack, as for the easy part...Most ponies won't catch it. Just say things in a more positive or negative tone depending on the situation.”

The Present...

“Twi, she told you all these things?” asked Applejack.


“ we going to get her out of there?” said Applejack in a hopeless tone. “According to what she told you, there's a bunch of guards and we have to go at night or else! We're only half the team!”

“Stop being negative Applejack and look at the positives Twilight gave us.”

“What positives?”

“She says she's already healed. The other ponies don't know that.”

“How does that help us? Unless she can teleport out of there, I don't know what to do.”

“First, she can't teleport. She once told me the spell for teleportation doesn't work for her. Second, it means all we need to do is provide her with a signal.”

“Are you saying she can take them all by herself?”

“What did the scene where Twilight and Celestia fought look like?”

Applejack paused for a second. She wasn't sure what words to use but her mouth opened anyways, “It looked like a whole bunch of explosions happened. Like a full scale battle.”

“Then the plan is simple Applejack.” said Rarity in a simple tone. “We only need to do two things, signal Twilight and provide an exit for her. That, and probably go ahead and reserve a train out of Canterlot.”

The other two looked at each other and then looked at Rarity as she said, “Well, are we all in agreement?”

“Ain't got a choice pardner, I'm in.”

“So am I.”

“Alright.” said Rarity in a direct tone, “Tonight, let's go save Twilight!”

The Chains (Part 5 of 8)

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Twilight sat there on the hospital bed. She sat there and slowly closed her eyes and laid her head on her pillow. There, her mind began to monologue, '...Okay, I know I looked at my options earlier...However, things didn't go they way I thought they would...let's look at the pros and cons Twilight...if I stay...pros: I'll be under Celestia...this means I could probably get to go to the Canterlot Archives, quite possibly the greatest library of magic in Equestria...I also might be able to get pardons for myself and the Rainbooms...cons: if I got pardons, my friends lives would be out in the open...Rainbow and Pinkie wouldn't mind but...Scootaloo would be revealed and taken away...Rarity's business could be ruined if they found out she was a thief...same with Applejack's family and the farm they run...I couldn't do that to them...and...I probably wouldn't be allowed to see them other option is escaping...pros: I get to be with my friends again...cons: it will be even harder to be a Rainboom...I also would never be able to see my family that really bothering me? Strange...However, if I do escape...that means that the prophecy won't happen...wait...why am I caring about that? Cadance said she could handle the why should I care?'

Twilight slowly opened her eyes and saw her family sitting in the room with her. She then spoke up, “”

“What is it Twilight?” asked Twilight Velvet.

“You can go home...”

“What do you mean?”

“You guys have wasted your day being here...go home...I'll be out tomorrow alright?”

The family looked at each other and then said, “Is that okay?”

“Yeah...go ahead.”

The family members slowly left one by one. Twilight then laid her head down again and thought one thing, 'Sorry everypony...but I've got to get out of here.'

A few hours later the Celestia set the sun and raised the moon...

Twilight got up from her bed and stretched her legs. She yawned as she looked out the window. As she was looking a small bird came up to window and began tapping the glass.

“Huh? What's up little guy?” asked Twilight as she opened the window. She then saw the bird instantly fly away into an alley down in Canterlot. Twilight looked down at the alley and saw a small light. “What is that...a waving pony?”

Twilight looked as hard as she could and recognized the pony waving. 'Fluttershy!' thought Twilight. 'She's signaling must mean the getaway plan is ready...'

Twilight grabbed her bag and stretched her legs and hooves. She then looked at the door out of the hospital room. 'Alright, let's get this party started!' thought Twilight as she stepped outside the room into the hallway. There in the hallway was four bored guards, sitting in front of Twilight's room. “Hi guys.” said Twilight with a huge grin as her horn began to glow.



“Don't get up, I'll let myself out.”

Meanwhile at the bottom of the hospital...


“Holy cow! Who is this cloaked mare?!” yelled one guard.

“Watch out!” said another.


“Why you little-”


“Sorry pardners, you're in my way.” said a disguised Applejack.

“You're going to pay for that!” yelled another guard. Then a bunch of light appeared behind the guard.


“Hey Twi.” said Applejack.

“Hey, couldn't you have caused a little less ruckus? Being silent didn't occur to you?”

“Stop complaining and come with me. We already ordered train tickets.”

“Good.” said Twilight as the two then began to run to the train station. However, the pegasus guard that was stationed on the roof of the hospital then saw Twilight and the cloaked Applejack leave the hospital. He spread his wings out and began to fly to Captain Shining Armor. Applejack handed Twilight a cloak which she put on and then put on her disguise ring. The two then got to the train station.

“About time you got here darling, I got us tickets for the last train of the day.” said Rarity with an impatient face while standing right by Fluttershy who had made it back a little before Twilight and Applejack.

“Thanks. Go ahead and deactivate your rings girls, only mine can go through the shield undetected.” said Twilight.

“We know.” said Rarity as the four entered the station.

“Where's the train headed?”

“Trottingham. We'll have to find a hotel and stay the night there. We'll find a better train tomorrow.”

The four got on the train and went to a private cabin. There, Twilight sat down and immediately slumped over. “Ugh...finally out of there...”

“Are you okay darling?”

“I'm fine...” said Twilight as she looked at the three. She then got up and bowed down, “Thank you so much!”

The others looked at each other and then Applejack said, “You don't need to bow Twi, you would do the same fer us.”

Tears went down Twilight's cheeks. “I's just...I'm so sorry I put you all in so much danger...I'm sorry!”

The three all hugged Twilight. “It's okay Twilight.”

“It'll be fine darling.”

“Don't worry so much, pardner.”

The four hugged each other for a little longer and then all sat down. Applejack then spoke up, “Uh...Twi...I know I am being blunt here...but...are we in trouble?”

“No...they don't know I'm a Rainboom...they never found out...” said Twilight. “However, I've got quite a story to tell you all...”

Meanwhile at the Canterlot Castle...

“Let me guess...Twilight ran away?” said Celestia to Shining Armor in her throne room.

Shining lowered his head, “Yes.”

“There's a good chance she's already out of Canterlot this time...” said Celestia, “Is there anything else Shining Armor?”

“Yeah, she left a note on the hospital bed for you your highness...” said Shining as he handed her the note. Celestia then read it. It said only one thing.

Go find another pony to do your dirty work.

Celestia then put the note down and dismissed Shining. She then said only one thing, “Sigh...Guess I don't have a choice...I'll have to try and make Sunset inherit Harmony...”

“Are you sure?” asked her adviser.

“No...I'm not sure. However, unless I find Twilight again...Equestria will be in grave danger...”

“What about Princess Cadance your highness?”

“...I don't know.”

Meanwhile in Manehattan...

In a broken down apartment, Sunset Shimmer began to open her eyes. 'Ugh' she thought, 'I feel like I got hit by a Canterlot train...three times...'

“WAKE UP!” yelled a rough looking pony in front of her.

“Aah!” yelped Sunset.

“'re awake. Good.” said the pony with a smile.

Sunset's eyes widened as her eyes scanned the room she was in. Then she realized she couldn't move her body. “What's going on?”

“Look down.”

Sunset looked down only to find herself tied to a chair. “Um...what's going on?”

“What's going on? Oh, it's something very simple.” said the pony as he sat down on a chair in front of Sunset. “My name is Muggy Snide, I was robbed by the oh-so-great Rainbooms a while back.”

“What's that got to do with me?”


Muggy hit Sunset right in the face and then said, “Simple, you're going to tell me everything you know about them.” Muggy then pointed his hoof to another part of the room. “Or your friend Trixie gets it!”

The Chains (Part 6 of 8)

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About two hours ago...

“Leave Trixie alone.” said Trixie as she drank another cup of coffee.

“No.” said Sunset Shimmer, “Trixie, I have been here in Manehattan for over a week now...and over this course of time, you have never left your apartment unless its to look for the Rainbooms.”

“So? Trixie must find the Rainbooms. What's wrong with that?”

Sunset lifted her hooves to rub her eyes in annoyance, “Look Trixie, I know you want to catch them and all, but you need to get out.”

“Trixie does go out, its just to find the Rainbooms...”

Sunset sat there with an annoyed look on her face, she then began thinking, 'Ugh...then again, now that I think about it...I sure have been relaxing a bit more these past few days...I guess its just when I go to that band...I just love that music Octavia, Lyra and the others play...'

“Come on Trixie, you are going to have a day of relaxation and you are going to like it!”

Trixie gave a angry glance at Sunset and then turned around to begin writing in her journal, “Just leave Trixie alone...”

Sunset's horn then began to glow as she used magic on Trixie's tail. Sunset then began dragging her out of Trixie's apartment.

“Let Trixie go!”

“No...we're going somewhere for you to relax. That's final.”

“NO! Trixie does not want to relax! Trixie has better things to do!” said Trixie was flailed her hooves up and down. “Let Trixie go Sunset!”

A hour or so later at a Manehattan spa...

“Now...wasn't that nice?” asked Sunset.

“Yes...Trixie feels really good now...thank you Sunset...” said Trixie with a huge goofy grin on her face.

“Alright Trixie, now we're going to listen to some music.”


“Yes, I've made friends with so musicians here in Manehattan. They're playing in the park a few blocks down.”

The two then went down an alley to get to the park only to find a bunch of earth ponies in cheap suits blocking the other end. They then looked down the way the had entered the alley only to find earth ponies blocking it as well.

“What the...what's going on here?” said Sunset.

“Yes, why do you block Trixie's way?”

“Oh, it's nothing bad, it's just...our boss would like to speak to you two.” said on the ponies.

“Who's your boss?” said Sunset.

“'ll find out very soon...”

At that moment, all the ponies rushed the two unicorns. Trixie and Sunset looked at each other and then both of her horns began to glow. In that instance, all matter of fighting and magic began to break out in that alleyway.


“Augh! They're strong!”

“There's only two of them, take them down!”


“Get your hooves off of the great and powerful Trixie!”


“Ugh!” said Sunset as one the ponies punched her. Her vision then began to get fuzzy. “This isn't good...”


Sunset was knocked out. Trixie continued to hit one pony after another with waves of magic.


“Trixie will not...”


A blow to the back of the head instantly knocked Trixie out. The two were then dragged out of the alleyway onto a carriage.

The present...

“What...what have you done to Trixie?” asked Sunset as she sat in the chair.

“Oh, nothing much. She wouldn't give us any info so we beat her a little more.” said Muggy Snide with a huge smile. “You on the other hand, have just woken up.”

Muggy Snide then put his hoof under Sunset's chin. He put of a big slimy grin on his face and said, “Now, you're going to tell me what I it?”

Sunset looked at him directly and said, “One question. How do I know you'll keep your word about Trixie?”

“Good question. I think I have an answer. You don't. Now tell us everything you know about the Rainbooms!”

“Why are you after them? Is it really just because they robbed you?”

“Oh no, it's not the robbery. Wait...why am I telling you this?” said Muggy Snide as he got up from the chair and hit Sunset again.


“Tell me what I want to know.”

“Okay okay...I'll tell you on one condition.”

“Tell me, or I'll hit you again.”

“Listen to the condition. If you don't I'll waste more of your precious time.”

Muggy began to hit her again and then stopped, “Okay, let's hear it.”

“I'll tell you what you want to know if you tell me why you're after them.”

Muggy scratched his chin and then said, “Okay, there's no harm in telling you that...Tell me, you know how the Rainbooms helped capture all the city's mafia leaders correct?”


“Well, the criminal side of Manehattan has been in chaos ever since. Despite my dislike of the mafia, they ran the city well. Now, all the criminal territories of the city are in chaos. Everypony wants a slice of Manehattan but can't either due to idiot thugs or the police.”

“What does that have to do with the Rainbooms?”

“Simple. A recent underground gathering has decided a different way to settle territories in this chaotic city. The pony and his gang that capture the Rainbooms...gets to own Manehattan!” said Muggy while laughing. “Imagine what I could do with that power! I could get all that wealth back from the Rainbooms when they stole the Fantasia Jewels from me!”

“So that's why you want the Rainbooms...sorry to say but me and Trixie aren't thieves.”

“I know. However, I paid a bunch of bits to find out you two our the best ponies in town to find the Rainbooms.”

Sunset's eyes began to grow hearing this, “Paid? Who did you pay?”

“That wasn't part of your condition. Now, start talking!”

“Okay. Then I'll just make you tell me.” said Sunset as her head got closer to Muggy's. Then her horn began to glow.

“What the...I thought you guys put an anti-magic brace on her horn?!” yelled Muggy.

“We did! We-”


Sunset then used her magic to break the ropes binding her. “Sorry, but my magic is better than that little brace.”

“Oh no...” said Muggy as his face turned pale.

Sunset's head cricked left and right. “ about who you paid...”

Several beatings later...

Muggy was completely beaten up head to hoof along with his goons. Sunset then grabbed and said, “Let's try this again, who did you pay?”

“They...*cough* themselves the...*cough*...Feather Blades...”

“Feather Blades? You mean those thieves that have been thieving in Baltimare and Fillydelphia?”

“Yeah...they gave us info saying you two...*cough*...had almost found the Rainbooms...the Blades apparently hate the Rainbooms.”

“Huh...Well, it was nice talking to you Muggy...” said Sunset as she then spit on him. “Goodbye.”

Sunset grabbed Trixie who was still unconscious. The two then slowly left and went to Sunset's hotel room where Spike was.

“Whoa...what happened?” asked Spike as he grabbed Trixie and put her on Sunset's bed.

“Long story Spike...get some warm towels please...”

“Right!” said Spike as he ran to get some. He then came back and laid them on Trixie. “Um, Sunset...are you...”

“I'm fine Spike...we just ran into a bit of trouble...”

“No kidding...” said Spike as he then grabbed a piece of paper. “That reminds me...I got a letter from Princess Celestia that you should really read.”

“Oh really?”

“Yeah, here it is.” said Spike as he gave to her. Sunset opened the letter and began reading. Her face went from bruised to shocked.

“This is...why....why does she want to return to Canterlot?”

“I think its because of this...” said Spike as he handed her a newspaper. Sunset read the following headlines:


“Spike...who is Twilight Sparkle?” said Sunset in complete confusion.

“I don't know, but looking at those headlines...I think she means trouble...”

“No kidding...guess this means I'm headed to Canterlot...”

The Chains (Part 7 of 8)

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A day and train ride later after Sunset had read the letter...

“You wished to see me, Princess Celestia?” asked Sunset Shimmer.

“Yes my student.” said Celestia with a small smile on her face. “It's good to see you again.”

“It is good to see you as well princess.” said Sunset while bowing. She had made sure to clean herself from the fight before meeting Celestia.

“I have called you here for a certain purpose my student. I need to confess something to you.”


“Yes. Due to recent events...I have decided that it is time you learned the truth.”

“I don't you mean about when that unicorn attacked you? What was her name...Twilight Sparkle?”

“Well...technically, she is part of the reason I decided to tell you this. However, I also believe you are more than ready to learn the truth.”

Sunset then nodded her head. “Okay, I'm ready.”

“Let me start by asking you this...why do you think I made the School of Gifted Unicorns?”

“Well...if I had to hazard a was to find an apprentice?”

“Well, you're not wrong. However, that's not the full truth. The real purpose was to find the unicorn destined to become the Element of Magic.”

“Element of Magic?”

“Yes, it is the head element of the Elements of Harmony. I believed by establishing that school, one day the unicorn destined to wield that power would eventually come.”

“Let me guess, that unicorn is Twilight Sparkle?”

“Yes, the school was made to find her...However, fate apparently loves using irony to mock me.”

“What do you mean?”

“Twilight...when she was a filly, she wanted to go to my school no matter what...but her parents wouldn't let her.”

“So, the unicorn you were looking for wasn't allowed to join the school you made...Wow.” said Sunset with a surprised look. “You're right...irony really was after you...”

“ that brings me to you, Sunset Shimmer.”

“What do you mean?”

“Sunset...originally, I was looking for Twilight Sparkle, but she refused such a destiny. She even left a note telling me to find a different pony for the job of inheriting Harmony. However, I believe nopony exists.”

“Why? Are the Elements that hard to inherit?”

“Well, it's not about difficultly or who the pony is...the elements...they were made in a way that they only respond to certain ponies.”

“I don't get where you're going with this.”

“When I began to teach you as my personal student...I began to believe that the unicorn I was looking for was you. However, that was not the case once you gained your cutie mark.”

“My cutie mark?”

“Yes, like my cutie mark, it represents the sun. The pony that is destined to inherit the elements is one with the mark of the six pointed sparkle.”

“If that's true...what have you been teaching me?” said Sunset as confusion set in mind.

“I have been training be my successor if I ever fall...”


“Yes, I believe you have the power to become the next Princess of the Sun.”

Sunset's eyes began to shine at the idea, “Really?!”

“Yes, but things have changed...In doing so...I have asked you to come here Sunset Shimmer.”

“Wait...what do you mean?”

“I need you to choose.”


“Yes, I need you to choose your destiny. Due to recent events, there is a chance that Equestria will be put into serious danger.”

“Danger? You mean Equestria is in trouble?” said Sunset with a slight panic. “Is this why you need somepony to inherit the Elements of Harmony?”

“Yes. Therefore, I am going to give you three options Sunset Shimmer.”

“Three options?”

“Yes. The first is to continue your training to becoming the next Princess of the Sun. I will warn you though, that road is very long and it will take many years.”

“A long time huh? I had a feeling you would say that...”

“The second is that I will train you to inherit the Elements of Harmony.”

“You can do that?”

“, but I no longer have a choice. The elements must be inherited in at least a year.”

“A year? What's coming that requires the elements?”

“My sister...Nightmare Moon.” said Celestia with hesitation.

“Nightmare Moon? You mean that old pony tale is true?”

“Yes. A year from now, she will escape her prison and attack Equestria.”

“I see...What's the third option?”

“I will allow you to leave and pursue a different study.”

Sunset froze at that very second. 'Leave?' she thought. 'I never thought of that...why would she suggest that?' Sunset then spoke up, “Um...when we started this sounded like you needed my help Princess Celestia...why suggest leaving?”

“Due to my meeting with Twilight Sparkle, I have realized that I never gave you that option...and I am sorry I didn't. So...if you wish to leave my teaching...I will not stop you.”

“But if I won't have anypony to inherit the elements!” said Sunset in a panic, “Why would you even suggest this?”

“ are still an unicorn.”

“I don't understand...”

“Only alicorns or ponies destined to be alicorns can inherit the Element of Magic. That also means if you inherited such power, you will never be able to become the Princess of the Sun.”

“But you said I probably couldn't inherit the why tell me the pony who inherits this is destined to become an alicorn?”

“Because...alicorns are bound to destiny. Let me ask you, what do think cutie marks mean to alicorns?”

“Um...they symbolize the pony's talent so I guess it would mean the same for alicorns.”

Celestia the sighed and said, “You're not wrong...but the truth is a little different for alicorns. Alicorns are always bound by their destiny no matter what. Regular ponies who get their cutie marks are not completely bound by that mark. For them, it represents less on what they are bound to do for life and more what the love doing with their life.”

“But for means they must do it?” asked Sunset, “No matter what?”

“Yes.” said Celestia, nodding. “That is the truth behind alicorns. So, that is why I want you to choose.”

“Choose? You mean I have to choose the sun, harmony, or leaving? Isn't that...well...” said Sunset as began panicking.

“Calm down my student, you don't have to choose right now Sunset Shimmer.”

“Um...right...sorry.” said Sunset as she rubbed her hoof behind her head.

Celestia then started giggling, “Thank you for listening to me Sunset Shimmer.”

“Of course princess.”

“If you don't mind Sunset...why don't you return to your room for now and think about what I've told you. Also, thank you for listening to me Sunset Shimmer.”

Sunset Shimmer then nodded and left to go to her room. Celestia slumped in her throne as her adivser entered the room.

“You told her?” asked her adviser.

“Yes...” said Celestia as she put her hoof on her face, trying to hide her tears. “I hope I didn't lose her as well...Sunset...I'm sorry...”

Sunset Shimmer returned to her room and began to think, 'Three think that Princess Celestia has been trying to make me her replacement this whole time...More importantly, she made the school to find somepony to inherit the Elements of think she would think this far ahead. So, what do I do? I always wanted to be a princess she's asking me if I will choose a different I really just want to be just a princess? Or do I go down a different path...'

“Hey Sunset, how did it go?” asked Spike as he entered the room.

“I don't know Spike...I just don't know...” said Sunset as she laid down on her bed. “I don't know what to think Spike...”

Meanwhile in Manehattan, inside the Rainboom hideout...

“Remind me why we're going back to Manehattan Twi?” asked Applejack.

“Because if you immediately returned to Ponyville after what we did Canterlot, ponies would get suspicious. We'll stay in Manehattan for a bit and then you go back to Ponyville.” said Twilight in a calm tone.

“Right...Good thinking Twi.” said Applejack.

“Now Twilight darling, let's talk about what you told us on the train here.” said Rarity as she sat down at their meeting table.

“Right...the story about how I'm 'destined' to be some inheritor of 'Harmony'” said Twilight as she tried to put air quotes with her hooves.

“I'll say it again Twi, your story sounds like a bunch of rotten apple lies.” said Applejack with a small smile.

“I would like to agree with you Applejack, but that's the truth.” said Twilight. “The whole reason for the missing posters, Cadance getting involved and my was all to find me because of my cutie mark.”

“ Celestia wants you to save her sister?” asked Fluttershy slowly.

“Yes Fluttershy...Celestia wants me to inherit a power known as the Elements of Harmony. With that power, she believes I will be able to beat Nightmare Moon and save her sister Luna.”

“Like I said, a bunch of rotten apple lies.” said Applejack, “Your saying you're saying she told you that you were always destined to inherit some Harmony power to beat her sister?! That sounds too stupid to be real!”

“I couldn't agree with you anymore Applejack...but...I still don't know what to do. I mean, she even bowed down to ask me to do this!” said Twilight in a panic. “I...I don't know what to do...”

Rarity then patted Twilight on the back, “It's fine Twilight...we'll help you with this darling.”

“Thanks Rarity...”

“Of course darling.”

“Yeah Twilight...we'll always be there to help you.” said Fluttershy with a small smile.


“So Twi, I don't mean whine or anything...but what do we do now?” said Applejack.

“The better question Applejack is what do I do now?” said Twilight as slumped down in her chair.

Rarity looked at Twilight with sad eyes and said, “Twilight...why did you want to go to that school when you were a filly?”

“Well...” said Twilight as she began to remember, “It was when I went to the Summer Sun Celebration as a filly. There I saw her...Celestia, the Princess of the Sun. I saw her spread her majestic wings and raise the sun in all its glory. When I saw that, at that moment...I knew I wanted to be like be her student...I thought it was my destiny to be her student...but then...” said Twilight as tears went down her face. “I realized what reality really was...I was denied my dream by my parents...and then...” said Twilight as she began to laugh. “I found out that it was my destiny all along to be her student. Heh heh heh...And to top it all off...I met my parents again, and they kept asking me to forgive them...ha ha ha...they kept saying 'We're sorry! We're so so sorry!'” said Twilight as more tears went down her face. The others then went and hugged Twilight.

“It's okay darling...everything's okay...” said Rarity.

“It'll be fine sugarcube...” said Applejack. “We're here for you...”

“You don't understand!” yelled Twilight as tears flowed from her eyes. “I...I don't know if I even want to forgive them or not! I...I don't know what to do!”

“It'll be okay Twilight...we'll help find you an answer...” said Fluttershy as she hugged Twilight more and more.

“Thank you...thank you so much...I don't deserve to have friends like you.” said Twilight.

“It's fine darling...let it all out...” said Rarity.

The four sat there for a long while as Twilight continued to cry.

“Even now...I just don't know what to do...” said Twilight. “I just...don't know.”

Back in Canterlot, Sunset Shimmer entered Celestia's throne room again...

“Sunset...don't tell me you already made a decision.” said Celestia as Sunset entered the throne room.

Sunset walked in with a somewhat sad face and said, “No...I haven't decided yet...I just...wanted to ask you a question Princess Celestia...”

“Very well, what is your question?”

“It's just...I first need to confess something to you...” said Sunset slowly with her head down.

“You became my student to become a princess didn't you?” said Celestia suddenly.

Sunset froze for a second and then said while her hooves were shaking, “ knew?”

“Yes...I've always known my student.” said Celestia with a smile.

“Oh...I'm sorry...” said Sunset as she began to shake more and more. “I...”

“It's fine Sunset Shimmer. I will not judge you for wanting to accomplish such a goal.” said Celestia, “When you became my apprentice when you were a filly, you were very arrogant and greedy to accomplish that goal. However, you've changed over time Sunset. I now believe that goal is helping you.”

Sunset wanted to faint. “Thank you princess...”

“You're welcome, now what is your question?”

“Well...would I have the ability to become a princess if I inherited the Elements of Harmony?”

Celestia knew this question was coming. She then slowly spoke up, “To be perfectly honest my student, I'm not sure.”

“You're not?”

“No. When I first inherited the elements, I was already the Princess of the Sun.”

“ were an alicorn already when you inherited the elements?”

“Yes...Because of this fact, I am not sure that your goal will be accomplished if you inherited the elements.”

“ told me that if a pony is destined to become an will happen no matter what right?”


“ Twilight Sparkle really destined to inherit the elements if the elements might not turn her into an alicorn?”

Celestia then rubbed her hoof under her chin and said, “ raise a good point...however, I must confess something to you Sunset Shimmer.”

“Confess?” asked Sunset Shimmer, confused.

“I...even though I have used the elements through the ages...I barely understand the elements myself.”

“Oh...” said Sunset as her head slumped down.

“You still don't have an answer for me, do you?”

“No...I still need time to think princess.”

“Go ahead and go back to your room. You can give your answer later.” said Celestia with a small smile.

“Thank you.” said Sunset as she bowed and left the room.

Celestia's adviser then spoke up, “You already know what she's going to choose don't you?”

“Yes...I do.”

“What should we do then?”

“Call a meeting with my counselor and the head guards...I need to tell them I'm leaving Canterlot for a few days.” said Celestia with a serious face.

“Where are you going?”

“I don't have a choice now...I'm going to go to the Tree of Harmony. I must make sure Twilight Sparkle is the one...or...I might just find another solution to this problem. No matter what happens...I must stop my sister!”

The Chains (Part 8 of 8)

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“You can’t be serious!” yelled Celestia’s chancellor. “You can’t just leave your country for a few days! Especially after what happened a few days ago!”

“Be silent chancellor.” said Celestia in an anger filled tone.

“But your highness-”

“No! I told you to be silent or I will have removed from my throne room!” said Celestia as she glared at him. “Now, I know you are concerned about the condition of the kingdom and how ponies view me due to my fight with Twilight Sparkle...however, that doesn’t excuse what I must do!”

The chancellor started to talk again but seeing Celestia’s anger filled face, he quickly shut up.

“Now, I must leave to the Tree of Harmony in a few days. Equestria is in danger chancellor, from a threat that cannot be stopped by regular means. Because of this, I must leave and see if there is another solution without involving Twilight Sparkle.”

The chancellor slumped his head from hearing these words. Celestia then spoke up, “Chancellor, I will sign the most important documents before leaving. You may put together the most important documents before I leave, but I am leaving chancellor.”

“I...I understand your highness...”

The chancellor ran out of the room, trying to get as many documents as possible. While he ran, Sunset Shimmer then entered the throne room.

“Ah, Sunset…did you find an answer?” asked Celestia with a smile.

“Um…yes.” said Sunset slowly.

“You want to continue the Sun Princess Training, don’t you?”

“How…how did you know?” said Sunset with a surprised look.

“I’ve known you for a long time Sunset…you are my student, are you not?”

“Yes…um…I have a request to make though…”

“You want to return to Manehattan, don’t you?”

“Um…are you reading my mind right now, princess?” asked Sunset with an even more shocked face.

“No…I just knew you would say that.” said Celestia as her smile got bigger. “It’s a good thing that part of the training requires you to leave Canterlot as well.”

“It does?”

“Yes. The Princess of the Sun is required to see all of Equestria before becoming the princess.”

“All of it?”

“Yes. However, I’ll make an exception with this. You may just go to Manehattan to help whatever friend you have made there. You must bring Spike with you though.”

“To send reports?”


“I see…” said Sunset as she bowed her head. “Thank you!”

“Of course.”

Meanwhile in Manehattan…

“I’ve never seen you cry so much Twi…” said Applejack while eating an apple.

“Yeah…sorry…” said Twilight as she rubbed her eyes.

“Don’t say you’re sorry Twi, it’s good to cry.” said Applejack as she put her hoof on Twilight. “It’ll all be okay.”


Twilight then left Applejack and went to her room. Before she knew it, Twilight had fallen asleep. However, the other three ponies met in the Rainbooms’ meeting room. The three sat there, all ready to speak up.

“Okay y’all, somepony’s go to say something.” said Applejack.

“You just did darling.” said Rarity.

“I know…I just want somepony to say something!”

“Well, if you’re asking my opinion darling, I’m not really sure what to say about this whole situation.”

“It’s just…it’s just I can’t believe what Twi told us Rarity!” said Applejack with a hint of anger. “I mean…Princess Celestia wants Twilight to inherit some ancient mumbo jumbo to save her sister?”

“Please don’t raise your voice Applejack.” said Rarity with a glare.

“Sorry. I know I sound like I’m whining but…it just sounds like a basket full of rotten apples is all.”

“I know. It sounds absolutely ridiculous to me as well but that’s what Twilight told us dear.” said Rarity as she began to drink so tea. “We must accept this and move on Applejack.”

“Even if we accept that Rarity, what do we do?”

“I say we wait and hear what Twilight has to say.”

“She already said her opinion on the matter!”

“But she hasn’t told us what she wants to do about any of this Applejack.”

“I agree with Rarity.” said Fluttershy. “Twilight always thinks ahead Applejack. It’s the fact that her dreams and family are involved in this is why she doesn’t have an answer yet.”

“You’re right…I’m sorry everypony…”

Fluttershy then went over and patted Applejack on the back, “There there…it’ll all work out Applejack, you’ll see.”

“Thanks Fluttershy.”

A few hours later…

Twilight walked into the room to find a bored Applejack and Rarity making a dress while using Fluttershy as a model.

“Fluttershy…please don’t move…I’m…just about done…” said Rarity as she twirled her sewing needles with magic.

“Hey…Sorry I fell asleep everypony…” said Twilight as she entered the room.

“Ah Twilight…don’t worry about it darling.”

“Thanks…” said Twilight as she rubbed her eyes. “Girls…I would like to ask you all a big favor…”

“A favor?” asked Applejack.

“Yeah…I don’t know what to do girls…I’m still not sure what to do about all this…”

“That’s fully understandable darling. I wouldn’t know either.”

“I was going to ask…after a few days you all are going back to Ponyville…” said Twilight with hesitation. “I was wondering…um…if I could come with you all…”

“You want to stay in Ponyville?” asked Applejack.

“Yeah…I want to just…you know…I need some time to get my mind off all of this…”

“Let me guess darling…if you stay here, all you’ll do is research the Elements of Harmony?” said Rarity with an eyebrow raised.

“Yeah…” said Twilight as she rubbed her hoof on the back of her head. “I need a break from research…”

The three other ponies looked at each other and then said, “It’s no problem Twilight.”

“Yeah sugarcube, we don’t mind you coming to Ponyville.”

“Indeed…but where will you stay?” asked Rarity.

“Oh…um…she can stay with me…if that’s okay.” said Fluttershy. “I have a spare room at my house…”

Twilight then shined a small smile, “Thank you Fluttershy.”

A few days later, Celestia returned to Canterlot. There, her adviser then asked her one simple question.

“Your highness…did you find another solution?”

Celestia then sighed and said, “No…I did not…”

“Oh dear…”

“Yes. It seems only Twilight Sparkle can inherit the elements now. I tried to use them but…there was no response…my connection to them is truly gone…”

“So…do we keep searching for Twilight Sparkle?”

“No…while I was there…well…let’s just say the trip wasn’t a total waste of time.”

“Really? What do you mean?”

“According to what I found…even if I don’t train Twilight Sparkle in the ways myself and my sister were taught long ago, the elements will still connect to Twilight.”

“So you mean…”

“Yes…despite how much she hates it…it seems the elements want to be with Twilight Sparkle.”

“I have one more question your highness…”

“When will the elements go to Twilight Sparkle?”

“Yes.” said the adviser, nodding.

“That’s just it…I don’t know…and I think I can’t influence when it happens…”

“So…it could happen before or after Nightmare Moon comes and we won’t be able to even predict it?”

“Yes.” said Celestia as her head lowered in sadness. She then said, “It seems that no matter what happens…the very chains of fate have decided that Twilight will be the inheritor of Harmony.”

The Trick (Part 1 of 4)

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A few days had passed and Twilight had joined the girls to Ponyville. There she stayed at Fluttershy's cottage and began helping her take care of the animals. Twilight did not exactly get along with Angel well, so Twilight decided to go help Applejack instead. Then one day of bucking apples...

“Good work Twi.” said Applejack with sweat going down her face. “That's enough for today.”

“Okay, and Applejack?”


“Call me Dazzling Bubble, remember? Nopony here needs to know my real name.” said Twilight with the most serious face she could put on.

“Right...sorry...It's just-”

“I know. It's fine.”

The two then hauled the apples and went to the barn. There, Applejack gave Twilight some apple cider to drink. The two made sure that the other members of the Apple family were in the main house.

“So, um, Bubble...what do you want to do next?”

“You mean the whole Harmony and Celestia thing?” said Twilight with a grim look on her face. “I'm not sure...I keep thinking Applejack...”

“That's why you're leader after all. You do all the thinking.”

“Yeah, I know. It's just...I keep thinking about what Celestia told me...I know if I had stayed, then at some point she would've found out about me and you girls.”

“You couldn't let that happen? Couldn't she like pardon us or something?”

“You don't get it!” yelled Twilight. “Think about it for a second, Applejack! Everything would get revealed! The media would destroy your farm's business and Rarity's business!”

“Well...” said Applejack as she adjusted her hat, “I guess that's true...”

“Not only that...they would take Scootaloo away from Rainbow Dash. I can't let that happen!”

“Well...what if you just told Celestia about you and left us out of it?”

Twilight paused at Applejack's question. The thought had crossed her mind but she wasn't sure about the outcome. “Well...even if I did that haven't seen what I saw that night...she sent practically all her guards after me! All of them!”

“You said that she needed you for that whole prophecy mumbo jumbo didn't you? Ain't that why she sent so many guards? Cuz she believes that pile of rotten apples?”

“Well...yeah...that's definitely true...I just...” said Twilight as she slumped over. “I just...don't know what to do Applejack...”

Applejack then walked over to Twilight and hugged her. “Don't worry, we'll always be there for ya.”

Tears began to form on Twilight's eyes as she hugged Applejack back, “Thanks...”

Meanwhile in Manehattan at a certain apartment...

“What do you mean you won't help me find the Feather Blades?!” yelled Sunset Shimmer. "I just got back from Canterlot and this is the response you give me?!"

“Trixie told you already. Trixie only wants to catch the Rainbooms.”

“Oh yeah?! What about the part where the thugs that beat us up paid those thieves?! You're just gonna let that go?!”

“The thugs are beaten, aren't they Sunset?”

“Well, yes. I beat the snot out of them.”

“Then Trixie doesn't care.”

Sunset then slammed her hoof onto her own face. “Ugh! Why are you so stubborn?!”

“Trixie must be stubborn in order to catch the Rainbooms.”

“I can't believe this...” said Sunset as she began to pace the room. “Okay, fine. If you won't help me then I'll find the Feather Blades myself!”

“Good. Leave Trixie's apartment then.”



“No. I'm not leaving. Unfortunately for you, you were also part of this incident. Therefore, I need to know all the ponies you've come in contact with since I've been here in Manehattan.”

Trixie then turned around and said, “Really? Trixie has tell you everypony she met since she met you?”



“Because Muggy Snide said we were working together! That means somepony has been following one of us!”

Trixie's eyebrows went up and down at the statement. “Well, if it was up to Trixie, Trixie would investigate everypony Sunset met since Sunset came to Manehattan.”

Sunset froze for a second, trying to respond. “Um...well...”

“Trixie knows the police ponies know about my obsession with catching the Rainbooms. The police ponies barely know about you.”

“Well...if you look at it that way...” said Sunset as she slowly began to think. Then Sunset began to pace around the room, talking to herself, “Okay...need to retrace my steps...I came to Manehattan a while ago...I talked to the police and then came here...then I met Dazzling Bubble...which I never met up with again...wait...I was supposed to meet her again but I never saw her at the library she be a Feather Blade?”

“Doesn't sound like it.”

Sunset then turned to Trixie, “Why?”

“If the pony you just said is a thief, she wouldn't sell you out because you didn't meet her.”

“Those thugs attacked us before I could meet her again. Then I left for Canterlot.”

“Exactly. If she was going to sell Sunset out, she would have done it sooner. Who else did Sunset meet?”

“Well...” said Sunset as she began scratching her head, “Let's see...I spent a few days relaxing...I went to see Lyra and Octavia...they're such nice ponies with their music...” she said as she began remembering the tunes they would play.

“That's all?”

Sunset then began to blush, “Um...yeah. I haven't interacted with many other ponies...except the earth pony that's always with them...Bon Bon...I think that was her name...”

“Sunset met them a few days later?”

“Like two or three...not much.”

“There you go.” said Trixie as she turned around and looked at her typewriter.


“Trixie just told you. Those are your suspects.”

“ mean Lyra and the others?” said Sunset in a panic.

“Yes. Now let Trixie get back to work.”

“But...that can't be...” said Sunset as slumped down to the floor. “Could it be them...?”

Meanwhile at the Ponyville train station...

“Alright, we finally made it!” said the first pony, “Are you ready?”

“I am! I am!” said a second pony as she hopped up and down.

“I don't know...I know its been a while since I've been here but...” said the third pony.

The first pony then put her hoof on the pony's shoulder. “Don't worry, nopony will recognize you. Besides, won't it be great to see almost everypony again?”

“Yeah...I can't wait to tell them what happened!”

The Trick (Part 2 of 4)

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“Okay do we go next?” said the first pony. “Do we...uh...go to Applejack's place?”

“Nah...why don't we go to Fluttershy's first.” said the second pony. “We'll draw less attention there. Especially since the ponies here may still be trying to find you.”

“Good point.” she said as the trio proceeded to Fluttershy's cottage.

Meanwhile in Manehattan...

Sunset Shimmer went to her apartment and then began to ask Spike, “AAAAAaaaahhhhh!!!! What do I do Spike?” she yelled.

“Whoa, calm down Sunset.” said Spike as he got her some tea. “Tell me what happened.”

“It's just...Spike...I don't know what to do!” said Sunset as she shook her head up and down. “It's just...I don't...Augh!”

“Is this about hunting the Rainbooms?”

“'s just...”

“Let it all out.”

“Well, I think that Lyra and the other musicians might be thieves...” said Sunset with her head slumped down.

“Huh?!” said Spike in shock. “Lyra and the others are the Rainbooms?!”

“ don't think they're the Rainbooms...I think they are part of the Feather Blades.”

“You mean the thieves that those thugs paid?”

“Yeah...according to Trixie...that could be a possibility.”

Spike could tell the disappointment in Sunset's face and then said, “Well Sunset, why don't you just do what you always do?”

Sunset's face showed a puzzled look, “What do you mean Spike?”

“Research. Ever since we've been here in Manehattan, all you've done is research the Rainbooms. Just research the Feather Blades.”

“Oh...” said Sunset as her face went back to normal. “You're right Spike...I need to do some research. Thank you Spike.”

Back in Ponyville...

Fluttershy entered her living room to find Twilight just sitting on her couch and said, “Still can't find an answer Twilight?”

“No...I can't Fluttershy.” said Twilight as a frown kept getting bigger on her face. “No matter what I think...I just feel that...I don't know...”


“Yeah...maybe that's it.” said Twilight as she looked at Fluttershy, “Maybe I'm just afraid of Celestia.”

“Um...well Twilight...”said Fluttershy as she sat down by Twilight. “Its surprising to see you afraid Twilight.”


“Yeah, I've stolen from some of the most corrupt criminals ever. Mafia bosses, bigwig”

“Even royalty?”

“Yeah...I just can't believe your afraid of Celestia.”

“You think I'm afraid of something else?”

“Um...I're afraid of destiny Twilight.”

“Fluttershy,” said Twilight in a serious tone, “I don't believe in destiny. My life is not determined by my cutie mark or some absurd prophecy Fluttershy.”

“ you're looking at it the wrong way?”

“ could be right...” said Twilight as she got off the couch and began to pace, “ cutie mark doesn't show any signs of being a's just a six pointed sparkle, that's does it really mean for me? Does it mean I haven't been looking in the right place?”

Before Fluttershy could respond, the two heard a knock at the door.


Fluttershy went up and opened her door, “Um...hello?”

“Hey Fluttershy!” yelled one of the ponies that had just arrived to Ponyville.

“Rainbow?” said Fluttershy in surprise, “Pinkie and Scootaloo as well?”

“The trio have returned! Aw yeah!” said Rainbow as she began to show off.

“HOORAY! 'We came back' party!” yelled Pinkie Pie.

“Can we come in Miss Fluttershy?” said Scootaloo.

“Oh yes, please come in.”

The trio walked into Fluttershy only to stop and say, “Twilight? What are you doing here?”

“I could ask you all the same thing. What happened to your trip?”

“Oh...uh...we decided to stop by and see all are friends for a bit.”

The trio fully walked in and began hugging each other. Then, Twilight noticed something very strange about Scootaloo and said, “”


“Do you...have a cutie mark now?”

Meanwhile in Manehattan...

“No dice Spike...” said Sunset as her hair drooped over her face.

“Not much information?”

“Not really...I think I need a different approach...”

“Well...when were you supposed to meet them again?”

“I never arranged a meeting...though...” said Sunset as a light bulb shined over her head. “They should still be playing around the park!”

“So? Wouldn't it be bad to meet them?”

“Yes it would. It would make me look instantly suspicious...even though I want them to be my friends...” said Sunset as her head hanged down, “So...I guess I'll have to just follow them...”

“You're going to tail them to their hideout?”

“I don't know Spike...I don't know.” said Sunset as she began to leave her apartment, “But...I won't accomplish anything by sitting here.”

“Good luck!”

“Yeah...I'm really gonna need some luck this time...”

Sunset then left her apartment and made her way to the park. There she saw the musicians there again. Octavia, Lyra and others were playing nice and relaxing tunes to happy audience. Sunset hid herself away from the court and heard the music. There she thought, 'Is it really them? I still...I just don't know...Lyra was always so kind...and Octavia...despite being uptight...I could tell she was a truly intelligent earth pony with class...could they really be thieves? Is Trixie really right about this?'

Then the music stopped. The performance was done. Soon, the audience of ponies left and the musicians began to pack up their equipment. Sunset watched as everypony packed up their instruments and left. Then, Sunset began her mission. She quickly followed them, ducking through every corner, making sure the ponies never saw her. Then she saw the musicians split up. Lyra and Octavia went one way with Bon Bon and the others went somewhere else. Sunset decided to follow Lyra and Octavia. She kept following them till they suddenly turned and casually went down an alleyway. As Sunset went and looked down the alleyway, Lyra and the others had just vanished. Sunset's eyes couldn't believe what she had just saw. There were no doors or other alleys down this alleyway. Sunset ran down the alleyway to the other side and looked around. It seemed as if the ponies had just vanished into thin air.

'What...just what is going on here?' though Sunset Shimmer.

The Trick (Part 3 of 4)

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“Okay Sunset...think...” Sunset Shimmer said to herself, “The ponies you were following just vanished...I went down both sides of the alleyway and they didn't go either do I do...they couldn't have just up and vanished...what happened?”

Sunset then thought up a plan, 'I don't have a choice...' she thought as she looked at both ends of the alleyway. 'I guess...I guess I'll just wait at one of the ends of this alleyway...if I make sure I'm not seen...then maybe Lyra or one of the others will appear again.' she thought as Sunset then went to end of the alleyway and began to look for a place to hide and view the alleyway.

Meanwhile in Ponyville...

Applejack and Rarity had joined the other Rainbooms at Fluttershy's cottage. The seven began celebrating and talking like old times. They were all just happy to see each other again. Then Twilight spoke up about Scootaloo's cutie mark.

“So, let me get this straight Scootaloo...” said Twilight as she rubbed her eyes. “You got your cutie mark, a wing with rainbow-colored feathers with a lightning bolt behind the a western town called Appleloosa?”

“Yeah!” said Scootaloo with a huge smile, “It appeared after I began to fly for the first time ever!”

“That's where my cousin Braeburn lives...” said Applejack.

“Yeah...we found him to be a little...” said Rainbow with an annoyed look.

“Over-excited?” asked Applejack in response.


“That's not the issue here!” said Twilight in anger, “This is about Scootaloo!”

“Sorry.” said Applejack and Rainbow in unison.

“Okay...let me get this right Scootaloo...” said Twilight as she began her thought again, “When you went to Appleloosa...a bunch of buffalo were having some feud with the town and Rainbow got into a fight with them?”

“Uh-huh.” said Scootaloo while nodding up and down.

“And why did Rainbow get into a fight?” said Twilight with some skepticism in her voice.

“Uh...well...” said Rainbow as she began to blush. “I...uh...”

“They started to fight because Rainbow drank too much cider and started yelling at the buffalo!” interjected Pinkie with a fearless smile.

Almost everypony there then facehoofed. Twilight then said, “Oh, you have got to be kidding...”


“Pinkie! Shut up!” yelled Rainbow.

“But sis...that's what happened.”

“I know! That doesn't mean it wasn't embarrassing!” said Rainbow in a panic.

“Okay...let's put Rainbow's stupidity aside.” said Twilight in calm tone, “and talk about what happened next...”


“Yes Rainbow Dash. said the one buffalo was about to ram Rainbow...”

“Yeah! Then I...I don't know...” said Scootaloo with a huge grin, “It felt like...something just possessed my wings at the time. Before I knew it, I flew over a whole crowd of ponies...and...and...”

“She pushed me out of the way at the last second!” yelled Rainbow, “It was so awesome!”

“Then...the cutie mark appeared?”


“Hmm...well, at least it was nice little story darling.” said Rarity, “What happened next?”

“Oh...uh...we had Rainbow apologize to the buffalo.” said Scootaloo in the calmest tone possible. “She was really embarrassed.”


Meanwhile in Manehattan...

Sunset Shimmer lied there waiting. She had been watching that alleyway for a long time now. Then she saw something that made her eyes widen and her jaw drop. She saw a cloaked pony appear in the middle of the alleyway as if they walked through a wall.

'Who is that?' she thought. 'Did that pony just...go through a hidden entrance in the alleyway! Whoever that pony is, the must have used magic for the hidden entrance! No regular pony would notice anything if that's the case...'

Sunset then noticed the cloaked pony turn and began to walk out of the alleyway on the opposite side of where Sunset was hiding. 'Uh-oh. Looks like the cloaked one is leaving...guess I better start following her...'

Sunset got up and began to follow the cloaked pony. The cloaked pony turned a corner as soon as leaving the alleyway and Sunset followed immediately. Sunset ran down the alleyway and stuck her head out at the end of the alleyway. There, she saw the cloaked pony was slowly walking down the street. Sunset looked up and saw that the Celestia had just set the sun. ' its nighttime...that cloaked pony must have been waiting for this...' thought Sunset. She then slowly left the alleyway, making sure that the pony didn't see her. 'This isn't going to be easy...'

The next hour or so was a slow game of cat and mouse. The cloaked pony went down street after street, and Sunset kept following. Sweat began to flow down her head as she ducked through every corner, trying to make sure she wouldn't be found. She kept looking at the cloaked pony and thought, 'Is that cloaked pony of the musicians? What do I do...what can I do...this isn't good...'

Then, the cloaked pony cut a corner and darted down a nearby alleyway. Sunset quickly followed and then slowly looked down the alleyway. Her eyes widened again as she found that nopony was there. The difference this time was that the alleyway was a dead end. No doors, no other side, nothing. Sunset sat there for a second and thought, 'What? But...I'm sure I saw the pony go this way...' Sunset looked around and saw there were no other alleyways around. 'No...there's nowhere the pony could did the pony use magic again?'

Sunset then walked down the empty alleyway. She scanned the area, trying to find traces of magic or anything at all. Then as she walked to the dead end part of the alleyway, she heard a voice.

“Don't move.” said a voice.

Sunset then turned around and then saw several cloaked ponies.

“I told you not to move!” yelled one of the cloaked ponies.

“Who are you ponies?” said Sunset as voice began to tremble. Sunset then began to count the cloaked ponies and saw that there were only three.

“You've got guts, I'll give you that.” said the pony in the middle. “However, you're not good at hiding Sunset Shimmer.”

“What do you mean?”

“We knew you were following us from the very beginning.” said the middle pony as she took her hood off of her cloak. “That's not a bad thing though.”

“Octavia?” said Sunset as her legs began to shake.

“Greetings Sunset Shimmer, I am the leader of the Feather Blades, Octavia Melody.”

The Trick (Part 4 of 4)

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“This...this is crazy...” said Sunset Shimmer as her face became paler and paler. “This is so messed up...”

“Why is that Sunset Shimmer?” said Octavia in a calm tone.

“I...I...I thought...” she said as tears began to form around her eyes, “I thought...I thought we were friends...”

“We still are Sunset!” said another cloaked pony as they took off their hood.

“ you're a Feather Blade as well...” said Sunset as more tears began to form.

“Sunset Shimmer.” said Octavia in a humble tone. “I suspect you think we are enemies due to us following you and getting paid by Muggy Snide.”


“The truth is...we are very paranoid ponies. We keep both our work as musicians and thieves as professional as possible. However, we sold the information due to lack of money at the time.”

Sunset's mind began to think about what she had researched about the Feather Blades. “...that makes sense...there hasn't been any reported crimes from the Feather Blades in some time...”

“Indeed...our current state is not exactly good at the moment. We currently sell information due to lack of money. Its also why we have been performing our music more often as of late.”

“So...why follow me?”

“At first, we believed you to be an undercover police pony. However, to our surprise, you were chasing after our rival thieves.”

“Rival? You mean the Rainbooms?”

“Yes. We wish to show them that we are better thieves. It's nothing to really worry about.”

“I are you telling me this?” asked Sunset Shimmer as her tears stopped flowing.

“We would like you to join us.”


Lyra then said, “Yeah! We want you to become a Feather Blade!”

Meanwhile in Ponyville...

The Rainbooms had gone to their respective homes for the night. Rainbow and Pinkie got rooms at the local inn since they didn't have a place in Ponyville. However, about the time Rainbow and Scootaloo were about to leave, Scootaloo went up to a depressed Twilight who was sitting on Fluttershy's couch.

“Twilight? Are you okay?” Scootaloo asked.

“Hmm? Oh, um...I'm okay Scootaloo. Just thinking.” said Twilight with a small frown on her face.

“You know and sis and Pinkie have been traveling a bunch but...your story in Canterlot sounds five times crazier then anything we ran into on our trip.”

“Oh really?”

“Yeah...I love traveling but...I wish all of us could go...” said Scootaloo with a reluctant smile.

“Sorry Scootaloo...I'm no traveler.”

“I know. Say...about that crazy prophecy stuff Twilight...”


“ sounds like Princess Celestia wants you to save her sister because of your cutie mark? Is that right?”

“ could technically say that's true...” said Twilight as she began to rub the back of her head. “She said the so called 'prophecy' said that a pony with the mark of the 'six-pointed sparkle' will be the one to inherit Harmony.”

“That sounds really cartoony.”

“No kidding.”

“So...what if your cutie mark was different Twilight?”

“Then this wouldn't be happening to me Scootaloo.” said Twilight as she began to slump down into the couch. “ cutie mark says otherwise...”

“Say Twilight...what is a cutie mark really?”

Twilight then put her hoof to her chin, “Well...if we want to get scientific...cutie marks represent what that pony is meant to do or meant to be...”

“But mine's just a wing with a lightning bolt behind it. I'm already a pegasus pony so I was meant to fly no matter what. Doesn't my mark contradict what you just said?”

“Yeah...I guess that's true...”

“You know Twilight...when I got this mark and started to think about it...I realized that it could mean anything! It could mean I could be a great flying pegasus or a pegasus teacher!”

“Could be anything...huh...” said Twilight as Scootaloo's words sank into her mind. Then, as if an army of lightbulbs had turned on in her head, Twilight got up and hugged Scootaloo. “That's it! OH THANK YOU SCOOTALOO THANK YOU!”

“'re welcome?”

“Thank you so much Scootaloo.” said Twilight as she stopped hugging Scootaloo. “Now, I know exactly what I have to do!”

“You do?”

“Yes!” said Twilight as a huge smile appeared on her face. “It's just as you said, 'It could mean anything!' That means my mark doesn't determine who I am! If that's true...if that's true...then I can define what my future really is! I'll make my own path just like I always do!”

“I don't understand.”

“Don't worry, I understand now Scootaloo. That's more than enough. Now, all I need to do is change that stupid prophecy and I'll be free to do whatever I want.”

Twilight then left the living room and told Fluttershy one thing. “Fluttershy, I'm sorry but I'm leaving to Manehattan tomorrow.”

“Um...okay...but so soon?”

“Yes. I'm going to solve this prophecy garbage as soon as possible.”

Rainbow then entered the room and said, “Oh? Does that mean the Rainbooms are gonna do another heist?”

“Not yet Rainbow. First, I have to destroy this stupid prophecy or Celestia will never stop trying to make do this idiotic destiny of hers. Then we can be the Rainbooms again.”

“Aw yeah!”

Back in Manehattan...

“Join the Feather Blades?! Me?” said Sunset in surprise.

“Yes.” said Octavia with a small smile.

Sunset sat there for a second as her mind started to race, 'Join the Feather Blades? Join them? Should I...should I do it? friends...they're my friends...but...' she thought and then her memories began to flow through her head, 'Spike...Trixie...Princess Celestia...I...I...'

“No...I can't.” said Sunset as tears flowed from her eyes again.

“Why not?” asked Lyra.

“Because...I am Sunset Shimmer...”


“Tell you know who I really am?”

“I don't understand the question.” said Octavia.

“I am...Sunset Shimmer...I am a student of Princess Celestia...”

“Princess Celestia?” asked Octavia as her eyes began to grow in shock. “Are you serious?”

“Yes...I kept that fact hidden because if ponies would be harder for me to find friends...”

“All you wanted was friends?”

“Yes...I do hold a grudge against the Rainbooms...but...”

“But what?”

“Well...because I am the student of the Princess of the Sun...I am currently undergoing a special type of training...”


“Yes...and I must complete it at all costs. It...its my life dream to complete this training.”

“Let me guess.” said Octavia in a calm tone, “This is reason you won't join us?”


“Very well. We're done here.” said Octavia as she put her hood back on.

“Wait, what?!”said Sunset in confusion. “You showed me who you really are and you're just going to walk away?”

“Is that problem?”

“Well...aren't you criminals? Aren't you gonna like shut me up or something?”

“Do we seem that barbaric to you?” asked Octavia.


“Trust me Sunset,” said Lyra with a smile as she put her hood on, “We still consider you our friend.”

“You do?”

“Yes. However, we can't stay here anymore Sunset Shimmer.” said Octavia.

“What do you mean?”

“Our cover has been blown, so...we'll leave Manehattan for a while.”

“Where will you go?”

Octaiva then shook her head, “We're thieves Sunset Shimmer. We can't tell you that little detail.”

“Right...” said Sunset as she watched the three cloaked ponies leave the alleyway. Sunset, on the other hand, just sat there. She sat there, unable to move. She couldn't do anything. Sunset then thought, 'They said I was still their friend...even after trying to hunt them down...unbelievable...I came to Manehattan to catch the Rainbooms...and make friends...yet...will I really be able to accomplish either? I just...I don't know...I just don't know...” Tears dropped from her face as she sat there. 'Is this...what the princess wanted me to learn? Is this it? I just greedy? Am I...just...a failure?'

Sunset eventually went back to her apartment. There, despite Spike's tries to cheer up Sunset, Sunset sat there in her apartment and tears flowed from her face more and more. Then she asked Spike to write a letter to Celestia. He grabbed his quill and began to write:

Dear Celestia,

I just lost a few friends today. They left Manehattan and I don't know where they went. Before coming to Manehattan, I believed that friends were for the weak. All I cared about was becoming a princess and some petty grudge. However, I've made some friends, which in turn, I lost and now I don't know what to think. I need your advice princess. I'm not sure what to do now.

Sunset Shimmer

“Send it Spike.”

“Are you sure Sunset? This sounds really depressing.”

“Don't worry Spike...she'll know what to do. She always does.”

The Element of Magic (Part 1 of 5)

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Twilight began typing on her typewriter.

Twilight journal entry #28:
I have been researching for three months now. In this time, I have found what I believe is the final pieces to the puzzle of my so-called destiny. Even though I do not have access to the Canterlot archives, which probably would have made this process quicker, I still have achieved my goal. Celestia believes that I, Twilight Sparkle, am the inheritor of Harmony. As I have researched the Elements of Harmony, it seems that basic pony knowledge of the subject is very limited. It seems the identity of the elements have been mainly lost to time. However, despite all I researched, never once did the mention of the Tree of Harmony come up. Celestia told me of such a thing yet I never found any mention of the sort. As for the being known as Nightmare Moon, it apparently seems that this evil being of the night had a very short reign. Celestia defeated her very quickly. If that’s the case, due to the research I’ve done, I believe after this event…Celestia never used the elements ever again. Because of this, the elements are no longer connected to her. Now, I have also researched Nightmare Moon in terms of her arrival. According to my calculations, she will arrive in nine months. If my hypothesis is correct, then I will be able to change the course of destiny and destroy it. Then, I’ll make my own path, no matter what.

Twilight stopped typing. She looked long and hard at what she had typed. She then thought, ‘Could I really do this? I mean…if my theory is correct…then…’

Twilight got up from her seat and went to the bathroom. There, she looked at herself in the mirror. ‘I look horrible.’ she thought. ‘I look like I haven’t slept for days…which is probably true…’

Twilight looked at her face as the shadows had grown around her eyes. Her hair was all twisted and overgrown. ‘I think I’ll get a haircut before I leave…’

A good clean up, nap, and haircut later…

Twilight then left Manehattan. She felt like a million bits, like she could conquer the world. She hopped onto the Manehattan train and headed to Ponyville. There, she would ask Fluttershy if she could spend the night at her cottage and then her true plan would begin. Twilight stayed the night at Fluttershy’s and then left early in the morning. There, she then left for the Everfree forest with nothing but her saddlebag and her journal. She looked in as she proceeded through the forest, ‘According to my notes…’ she thought, ‘the elements are stored in the Castle of the Two Sisters…which for some reason is in this forest…’

As she went through every bit of the forest, Twilight kept looking for the castle. She felt all sorts of emotions, fear, excitement, and curiosity. Then she saw a large structure. ‘That must be it!’ she thought as she began running, ‘at last, the Castle of the Two Sisters!’

She entered the castle, combing over every corner. Then she entered a room with five stone spheres. There, she began to examine the spheres and thought, ‘This must the Elements of the Harmony. Wow, they feel very old…I’m surprised these spheres had any magic in them at all…In fact, do they even have any magic in this state…’

Twilight’s horn began to shine as levitated the spheres and looked each sphere over. Then she thought, ‘Unbelievable…these spheres…it feels like I’ve been connected to them…even though it feels like there’s no magic inside this sphere…the real question, however…how do I activate them? No, if I am the inheritor of these elements…they should just respond to me…’

Twilight’s horn then shined as she levitated all the spheres. She then thought, ‘There’s only five…if these are truly powerful artifacts of magic…then, all I need to do is pour magic into them…’

“Okay elements.” said Twilight as she began to take a deep breath, “I am the inheritor of Harmony…now elements…AWAKEN!”

Meanwhile in Canterlot…

Celestia was in her throne room, giving a small lecture to Sunset Shimmer over her next course of training. Sunset was giving her full attention, wanting to learn everything she could. She had left Manehattan after the Feather Blade incident. In doing so, she found herself in a deep depression for a few weeks, unable to cope with the facts over the friends she had lost. Despite his tries, Spike could not cheer her up or even get her motivated to chase her dream again. However, one day, Trixie visited her in Canterlot. They reconciled, and Trixie helped Sunset Shimmer get back on her hooves again. Trixie admitted to being over obsessive and asked Sunset that when she was done in Canterlot, they could meet up again in Manehattan. Sunset then stayed in Canterlot for those three months, trying to get herself back into her training. At the moment, she was intently listening to Celestia's lecture. Then, as Twilight began to try to awaken the elements, Celestia collapsed.

“Princess?! What happened?!” screamed Sunset in a panic. “Are you alright?!”

“Ugh…this feeling…” said Celestia as she tried to get up, “Oh no…it’s happening…”

“Happening? What’s happening princess?!”

“The elements…they’re being awakened…but…”

“The elements?! You mean the Elements of Harmony?!”

“Yes…but…it’s too soon…” said Celestia as her legs began to tremble, “Twilight Sparkle…just what are you trying to do?”

“Twilight Sparkle?! Are you saying she’s trying to activate the elements right now?!” yelled Sunset.

“Yes…” said Celestia as she got up and spread her wings. “It seems I still have a connection to the elements after all…it must be because she’s awakening them early…”

“Princess…” said Sunset as she saw the pain in Celestia’s face. “Um…what should we do?”

“Sunset Shimmer…” she said in commanding tone, “Go find Princess Cadance.”

“Princess Cadance?”

“Yes. I must leave this instant. I have to stop Twilight Sparkle before it’s too late.”

“Wait…you’re leaving?! Why?!”

“Just find Cadance, Sunset Shimmer. Even I do not know what will happen next.”

“What are you saying?”

“I am saying if something happens to me, Princess Cadnace will be your teacher. Don’t worry, she will be able to help you become the Princess of the Sun if necessary.”


“I am sorry, but I must leave. I have no choice.” said Celestia as she opened a window and flew to the Everfree Forest. Sunset ran to the window and watched her fly away. She sat there, looking at her mentor fly into something Sunset didn’t even understand. She then thought, ‘Princess…just…just what is going on?’

Celestia flew through the air as she felt her connection to the elements slowly fade away. ‘No…this can’t be happening…’ thought Celestia, ‘Twilight Sparkle…I don’t know what you’re planning, but…if you activate the elements now…Equestria will be in grave danger!’

Meanwhile in the Castle of the Two Sisters…

Twilight had the spheres suspended in midair for some time now. Her horn shined more and more as the spheres levitated around her. She could feel the power of the elements as their power slowly adapted to her magic. ‘It seems Celestia was right…I really am the inheritor of Harmony…’ she thought as the stone spheres began to crack. ‘I can feel it now…the elements are slowly becoming mine…’

Then, the stone spheres broke into pieces. At that moment, a bright light shined throughout the castle as the elements appeared before Twilight. They showed themselves as five different colored jewels and a sixth jewel that looked like her cutie mark. ‘This…this is the elements of Harmony…’ she thought. ‘Step one complete. Now for step two…I must go to the Tree of Harmony.’

The Element of Magic (Part 2 of 5)

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Celestia fell down as her connection to the elements was completely severed. She tumbled down the countryside as her flying was cut short. “Augh!” she yelled as slammed into the ground. “Ohhh...I'm going to feel that in the morning...”

Celestia began to try to spread her wings again. “Ugh...that really hurt...” she said to herself as she flapped her wings up and down. “I...I got to get there...” she said as she began to fly again.

Meanwhile in the Everfree Forest...

Twilight had put the elements into her saddlebag she brought with her. They fit snugly into her bag and she began looking for the Tree of Harmony. As she traversed through the forest, she kept thinking, 'Wow...I feel incredible...the elements are truly filled with magic. I can even feel the magic in my bag...'

Twilight stopped as she found a staircase. 'Could this be it?' she thought as she went down the stairs. Then she saw it.

“Incredible.” said Twilight as a huge smile appeared on her face. “So...this is the Tree of Harmony! Unbelievable! So it does exist! Not only is magnificent! I can feel the magic this tree has just standing here! Oh...if only I could study it...but...unfortunately, I'm on a time table...”

Twilight opened her bag and levitated the elements in front of the tree. Twilight thought, 'Okay...if my hypothesis is correct...with the elements I should be able to...'

“STOP!” yelled a voice behind Twilight.

Twilight's face put on a menacing grin. “I was wondering when you were going to appear...” said Twilight as she slowly turned around to face the voice. “Celestia.”

Celestia had descended behind Twilight and was slightly out of breath from the flight and crash. She said, “Twilight Sparkle...what are doing?”

“What am I doing?” asked Twilight with a smirk. “Isn't it obvious?! I'm destroying your beloved prophecy!”

“What? Why?!”

“WHY?! You would seriously ask me that?!” screamed Twilight with anger. “Isn't it obvious?! Its so I can make my own path in life!”

“You can't be serious. Do you not understand the consequences of what you're doing right now?!”

“I fully understand what I'm doing Celestia. Don't worry, I'm a very smart pony.”

“Tell me this Twilight Sparkle, what are you planning on doing to the Tree of Harmony?”

“Ah...I'm glad you asked.” said Twilight with a giant grin, “You see, I have a theory.”

“A theory?”

“Yes, I have spent several months researching over the Elements of Harmony and have come to a startling hypothesis. My hypothesis is this...I believe there is way to seal the Elements of Harmony away. For good.”

“What?! Why would you even attempt to do such a thing?!”

“I told you. Its so I can forge my own path in life. My plan is quite simple Celestia. As you probably know, the Tree of Harmony is filled to the brim with magic. Even now, the magic inside this tree is filling this forest with unthinkable amounts of magic.”

“I don't like where this is going...”

“I, on the other hand, do like where this is going. As I was saying, this tree's magic is incredible. However, as I came closer to the tree I observed something very interesting. You feel it as well, don't you?”

“The tree is losing magic.”

“Yes. It's loss of magic is very slow. At this rate, it'll take a few years before it finally runs dry.”

“Why does that...” said Celestia as fear possessed her face, “No...don't tell me that's your plan?!”

“Seems you caught on Celestia. Over these past few months, I did countless hours of research. Though I didn't have access to the Canterlot archives, what I found was quite interesting. No matter what I researched, certain similarities always appeared. For instance, I figured out how different ponies can activate the elements.”

“What do mean?”

“Let me ask you Celestia, why do you think you and your sister were able to obtain the elements back then?”

“Because we were alicorns. Alicorn magic is very different from unicorn magic.”

“Well...sorry to say but you're only half right.”

“Huh?” said Celestia in confusion. “I don't understand...”

“Let me ask you this...which one of you inherited the elements?”

“What kind of question is that? We both inherited the elements that day.”

“Heh heh heh” laughed Twilight. “'re dumber than you look Celestia! I can't believe you thought that for this many years!”

“Stop laughing! What is the meaning of this?!”

“Isn't it obvious?! I'm saying only you inherited the elements!” said Twilight as she pointed her hoof at Celestia.


“Think about it. According to my used the elements to seal away your sister didn't you?”

“Yes...I did.”

“Then let me ask you this. When I inherited the elements, I felt like I was on top of the world. Even now, it feels like the elements are enhancing my magic. Didn't the same thing happen to you?”

“What do you mean? Of course that happened.”

“Still haven't figured it out have you? Wow, you really are stupid. Think about it for a second...why is that enhancement important?”

“I would like to ask you to refrain from using petty insults Twilight Sparkle, and also quit being so vague.” said Celestia in an anger-filled tone.

“My the mighty have fallen...let me explain it this way. The elements enhanced your magic Celestia, that includes your sun magic!”

“My...sun magic? don't mean...”

“Indeed I do.” said Twilight with a huge smile. “That's right, the elements enhanced only you! Because of this, your sister began to become jealous. The elements helped your sun shine greater than her moon ever could! Your sun became so great thanks to the elements that she had to become jealous!”


“That's right. All because you took the elements from the Tree of Harmony.”

“Why are you telling me this? Is this some petty revenge scheme of yours over what happened in Canterlot?” said Celestia as angry tears began to flow from her eyes. “All I wanted was to talk to you, but you flat out rejected me at every turn!”

“Petty?! You think me telling you this is petty?!” yelled Twilight. “Seems you misunderstand what's at stake here. This isn't some revenge garbage or some mission of vengeance! This...This is my path! My story! I will not let you manipulate and dig your way into my life!”

“I told you before, I never meant you any harm! I had no choice...” said Celestia as tears flowed from her face. “I...I just wanted to save my wouldn't listen...”

Twilight gritted her teeth as her eyes filled with anger. “You have got to be kidding me...”

“I'm not kidding.”

“YOU HAVE TO BE YOU MONSTER!” screamed Twilight at the top of her lungs. “I know what you really are're a selfish little monster...a little greedy lazy slime that can't solve her own problems. I met a whole bunch of ponies just like you out in Equestria. You would rather have some other ignoramus pony do all your dirty work for you!”

“Not that's true Twilight Sparkle and you know it.”

“Oh please, you really don't get it do you?”

“What? The fact that you'll never help me? No matter how much I ask?” said Celestia in a calm tone.

Twilight paused at Celestia and said, “No...I will gladly help anypony in need. If my friends ever needed my help, I would go to them without question. However...” she said as she glared at Celestia. “I would never help a pony that only wants to use me because they're too lazy to solve their own problems.”

“You think I can not solve my own problems?”

“I never said that.” said Twilight as calmly as possible, “I meant that when it matters most, you would rather have some other pony do your dirty work. There is always a time where ponies need to ask for help, however, that pony must also be willing to solve the problem as well.”

“You...” said Celestia as anger filled her eyes again.

“You, on the other hand, want some other pony to solve your problem and just sit back and watch.”

Celestia gritted her teeth and said, “It seems you truly know nothing about me Twilight.”

“Oh really?”

“Did you truly believe that I am that selfish? Everything I do, I do for Equestria. I will do everything I can to save it if it is in danger. That includes fighting my sister. The only reason you believe I am some absurd selfish pony is because I used a little force to first talk to you.”

Twilight's eyes twitched as her anger continued to rise, “You really think that's the only reason I think that?”

“No, it is also because of when you ran away from home. That and when I brought your parents to you.”

Twilight took a deep breath, “Ugh...let me explain something to you Celestia. I will gladly take responsibility for me when I left my home as a filly. I was young and naive back then. Not only that, my parents also took responsibility over the incident. They pleaded for forgiveness in the hospital and I...I believed them.”

“You still don't forgive them for what they did?”

“I...I'm still not sure. That's not the point though.”

“Why didn't you just go and visit them then?”

Twilight's eyes grew in disbelief, “HUH?! ARE YOU SERIOUS?!” yelled Twilight, “If I went back to Canterlot, you would capture me! I bet even now, you have a ton of your guards watching my parents every move!”

“I don't.”

“You're lying. I have a friend of mine who's very good at telling lies. She's taught me quite a bit on being able to tell if a pony is honest or not.”

“Grrr...I am not lying Twilight Sparkle. I do have guards around your parents but only to protect them from the media. Thanks to your little fight against me in Canterlot, certain ponies blame your family for the destruction our battle against each other caused.”

Twilight's face changed hearing this, “What? Are you serious?”


“Oh...well, even if that's still want to capture me and lock me away as your little Harmony weapon, don't you?” said Twilight as face turned back to anger.

“I never said that Twilight. That is merely what you believe.” said Celestia calmly. “I will admit that once you inherit Harmony, your life will change. You will be forced to fight oncoming battles against the darkness that threatens Equestria. That is responsibility of the wielder of Harmony.”

“That's a load of garbage and you know it.” said Twilight with a scowl, “Everypony should be allowed to choose their own path in life, not some predetermined destiny filth.”

“The inheritor of Harmony is destined to save Equestria, Twilight Sparkle. That is the pony's fate whether she likes it or not. It is not for me to decide.”

“So...even you gave up on making your own path. No wonder you're so selfish.”

“That is the fate of an alicorn. Alicorn lives are destined from birth, their fates are decided automatically. They will accomplish their destinies and die. That is it.”

“Tch...I'll never believe that. However...” said Twilight as a mischievous smile appeared on her face, “Let me ask you something.”

“What?” said Celestia in an annoyed tone.

“What would happen if I did restore your sister?”

“What do you mean?”

“Let's say I don't try my plan. Let's say I go ahead and wait the nine months to when your sister finally gets out of the prison you put her in. Then, I use the Elements Harmony and save your sister. Then what would you do? Would you thank me for my kindness? Or would you decide to lock me up because you don't like me?”

“I would never lock you up.”

“Stop lying.” said Twilight as she pointed her hoof at Celestia again. “You still don't understand, do you? If you were a truly honest pony, I would gladly save your sister. Instead, you believe that once I inherit this power, I'll be your little puppet to solve all your Equestrian problems.”

“I have never believed that Twilight Sparkle. That is merely some delusion you've cooked up in your head after running away for so many years.”

“Oh please, you know the real reason behind all of this. That being said, what would happen to me after I saved your sister?”

“If you're wondering, I would need you to become my student.” said Celestia, trying to keep herself calm, “The one who inherits Harmony will inherit the future of Equestria. Therefore, that pony will need to be taught the ways of Harmony and friendship.”

“Friendship? I already know that one Celestia. I was able to get here because of my friends.”

“Really? This entire situation sounds like it came from one very selfish pony is you ask me.” said Celestia sternly.

“Oh no, they're the reason I'm doing this. I will admit, I also had my own personal reasons but still, I also wish to protect them from this.”

“Protect them?”

“When I researched all this, I found out the elements represent six different things. Honesty, Generosity, Loyalty, Kindness, Laughter and a sixth element that seemed to be lost to time. I suspect myself to be Element of Magic, the sixth element.”

“Where are you going with this?”

“My friends on the other hand, I believe they represent the other elements.”

Celestia's eyes began to grow after hearing this, “You already met the other elements already?”

“Oh yes, their personalities match the elements quite well. Funny how things work out, don't they?”

“ already met long have you known them?”

“I've known them for two years now. Now, I couldn't imagine life without them.” said Twilight as her face shined with huge smile thinking about them. Celestia watched her and was amazed at how happy she looked.

“Let me you want to seal the elements because you believe you'll be protecting them from me?! Is that your absurd selfish goal?!”

“No...well, that is part of it, but...” said Twilight as she rubbed her chin with her hoof. “What I really want is a path that me and my friends can make their own decisions. That's all I want.”

“That's it? That selfish reason is why you want to put Equestria in danger?!”

“It's not selfish. Everypony should be allowed to make their own life choices. That's why I'm doing this.”

“So...what is your plan Twilight Sparkle?” said Celestia with a tinge of fear in her eyes.

“It's very simple. The Tree of Harmony is currently losing magic due to your taking of the elements. Though, there might be another reason as shouldn't be losing its magic this fast...However, I believe this tree is necessary for the balance of Equestira. Because of this, I believe the tree can inherit the elements again. Therefore, if I use the elements to absorb the magic out of tree...”

“It will need the elements again.”

“Correct.” said Twilight with huge grin. “Because of this, the tree will need the elements for years before it can have the power to live without the elements. I'll be able to live my entire life before the tree will even be able to give up the elements again.”

“That's sick Twilight Sparkle and you know it.”

“ know it could work. According to my calculations...I have at least a thirty percent chance of this working.”

“I won't let you. Besides, the elements you currently have aren't even at full power. Surely you noticed.”

“I did. For some reason, it felt like the elements were trying to change forms but didn't. They stayed as jewels like the myths said they were.”

“Indeed. Once the elements are inherited, the elements will change depending on that pony. You were supposed to inherit them with your friends Twilight Sparkle.”

“ that's it.” said Twilight as looked at the elements again. “That makes sense...however, there is still plenty of magic in the elements in their current state. That alone will be enough.”

Celestia slammed her hooves down. “That is enough Twilight Sparkle. I will not allow you to achieve this absurd goal. You are the Element of Magic whether you like it or not. It is my duty as the Princess of the Sun to guide the Element of Magic to a new age of Equestria.”

“Is that so?” said Twilight with one eyebrow raised.

“Yes.” said Celestia as her horn began to shine. “I will do everything I can to achieve this goal. I will do whatever it takes to keep Equestria safe. In order for that to happen, the elements are needed.”

Twilight's horn began to glow. “So you won't let me do my plan...and if I don't seal the elements, I'll be stuck as your Equestrian janitor...your little slave to clean up all the messes you make in Equestria. What a load of pony dung.”

“I would allow you to live your life anyway you want, as long as you answered to the call of Harmony when Equestria is in danger. However, you constantly refuse, like a selfish pony running away from all their problems.”

“And for good reason.” said Twilight as she levitated the elements into her bag. “Don't worry Celestia...I don't need the elements to beat the likes of you. My magic alone will be enough to beat you.”

“My confident.” said Celestia as put herself in a battle stance. “Regardless, I won't let you seal Harmony away! It is needed to save Equestria!”

“I told you before...” said Twilight as she readied herself as well, her horn glowing. “I'll make my own path. I'll beat you and return to my friends!”

The Element of Magic (Part 3 of 5)

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Both of the ponies’ horns began to shine. They both readied their battle stances, ready to fight. For the next few minutes, the two ponies just stared each other down. Celestia’s face began to fill with anger while Twilight’s put a huge grin on her face. Then it began…

Both horns shined as beams blasted out of both of their horns. The beams clashed as the light from the beams became brighter and brighter. The light from the beams shined so much it became like a pillar ascending above the Everfree Forest.

“Grr...not bad Twilight Sparkle.” said Celestia as she poured more and more magic into her beam. “However, you won’t win this time!”

“Don’t underestimate me! I’m just getting started.”

As both beams continued to clash, the column light became taller and taller until it went into the sky. Everypony of Equestria could see the light as it ascended beyond the sky.

“Just...just what is that Princess Cadance?” asked Sunset Shimmer, pointing to the pillar of light.

Cadance went to window and said, “That...that must be Celestia and Twilight fighting each other.”

“No way...are you saying that unicorn is able to conjure that much magic? Enough to fight Princess Celestia?!” said Sunset in shock.

“I know...but...Twilight is the bearer of Harmony. This alone gives her tremendous power.”

Sunset’s eyes began to tear up, “Does that mean...Twilight’s gonna kill Princess Celestia?!”

“No...Twilight won’t kill. Even when I met her again, I could still see it...”

“See what?”

“Even though she’s gone through some horrible things that I don’t about it...I could still see it...she still has a good heart...”

“I don’t know...this Twilight Sparkle just sounds like trouble to me...”

Back at the battle, Celestia was beginning to win. Her beam began to overwhelm Twilight as Twilight started to put one of knees to the ground. ‘No!’ she thought, ‘I can’t...I can’t lose’

“Submit Twilight Sparkle! Submit!” yelled Celestia. “I won’t let you destroy the hope I have been searching for all these centuries!”

Twilight’s first knee hit the ground. Her vision started to get fuzzy. She could feel the power of Celestia as her beam was beating her more and more. Their clash of beams slowly came closer and closer to Twilight. At that moment, Twilight’s mind began to drift.

‘Why?’ she thought, ‘Why is this happening? I...I beat her before...why am I losing? If I’s all can’t...I can’t let that happen...why am I losing? Why am I losing?’

Twilight’s life began to flash before her eyes. She could see it all. When she saw Celestia raise the sun, studying day after day, running away from home, she could see it all. Then, those long years of drifting around, trying to find her purpose in life until she finally found it. Her friends, the rest of her memories were all about her friends.

‘Everypony...’ thought Twilight, ‘Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Scootaloo...I...I...I have to...I have to return to them. I...I...I have to get back to them!’

Twilight then began to get up, her knee got off the ground. Celestia’s eyes grew as she saw Twilight slowly get up. The clash of beams started to return to a standstill. “ can you...” said Celestia in shock.

‘My friends...’ thought Twilight. ‘I must return to them...and...if I want to get back to them...I...I...I have to win! It doesn’t matter unless...It won’t matter unless I win!’

“I HAVE TO WIN!” yelled Twilight. “I...I WON’T LOSE!”

At that moment, the elements inside the bag began to levitate out of Twilight’s bag as if they had a mind of their own. ‘The elements...they activated themselves...’ thought Celestia as she saw the elements levitate. She noticed that Twilight didn’t see the elements flying over her. ‘She hasn’t noticed...why?’

The elements then began to shine an even brighter light than the clash of beams. Then, the elements called out to their owners.

In Ponyville...

“Augh!” yelled Rarity as she fell onto the floor.

“Sis? Are you okay?” asked Sweetie Belle.

“I don’t know...” said Rarity as she struggled to get up, “It felt a friend was calling for me...”

“A friend?”

In the grassy plains outside of Ponyville...

“Don’t worry Mr. Bear.” said Fluttershy, “This will give you plenty of honey.”

Fluttershy gave the bear a glass filled with honey as she felt a sudden pain strike her body, “OH!” she yelped as she fell to the ground. “Ohhhh...what was that? Was that Twilight?”

At Sweet Apple Acres...

“Sis! You okay?” yelled Big Macintosh.

“I...I don’t know Big felt like...something was calling me...something familiar...”


On a road in the middle of nowhere...

“Sis!” screamed Scootaloo as Rainbow fell to the ground. “Pinkie! Sis is...Pinkie!”

Scootaloo began to panic as both ponies she was traveling with fell to the ground. “AAAAaaaahhhh! What’s going on?!”

“Ugh...” moaned Rainbow. “Twilight? Are you...calling me?”

“This feeling...” groaned Pinkie. “It sure doesn’t feel happy...”

The elements began to connect to their owners. There, as the connection began to get stronger and stronger, the power of the elements poured into Twilight. Twilight’s beam then began to overpower Celestia.

“!” yelled Celestia as she saw herself beginning to lose the battle. “I can’t lose...if I do...Equestria will be doomed!”

Celestia then began to pour more and more magic into her horn. She began to push Twilight back, “That’s right...I won’t lose Twilight!”

“Don’t think you’ve won yet!” yelled Twilight. “I can feel them...I can feel my friends helping me! I won’t lose to you!”

“No! This ends here Twilight!” screamed Celestia. “I won’t let you seal the elements! They’re needed to protect Equestria!”

“Forget it! I’m going to win this Celestia!” said Twilight with a huge smile. “You’ll never beat me and my friends!”

As the two beams went to a standstill again, the ponies kept pouring more and more magic into the beams. They kept trying to gain ground, both trying to beat each other. Then, something in the sky began to shine. A light appeared in the sky, shining as bright as the sun. As the light began to shine even brighter, the light went out. The light looked as if it devoured by darkness itself. The darkness covered the light and then the darkness descended. As the two ponies’ battle raged on, the darkness suddenly descended onto their battle. The darkness fell onto the beams, destroying the beams instantly. Both ponies then went flying, slamming into walls.

“AUGH!” “UGH!” they yelled in pain as they fell to the ground.

“Ugh...what happened?” groaned Twilight.

“I can explain that.” said a voice inside the darkness that had descended. Then the darkness became smoke that slowly dissolved away. “Though I must thank you little pony.”

“What...who are you? Why are you thanking me?”

“You weakened Celestia little pony, that alone deserves praise.” said the voice as the smoke disappeared, showing her true form.

“ can’t be...” said Celestia as she tried to get up.

“Who are you?” asked Twilight.

“Who am I?” said the voice with a huge smile. “I am Nightmare Moon!”

The Element of Magic (Part 4 of 5)

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“No way...Luna...” said Celestia as she got up with her hooves trembling. “ did you escape your prison? weren’t supposed to escape for another nine months...”

“Ah...hello Celestia. It’s been a long time.” said Nightmare Moon with a giant grin. “As for your question, I have you two to thank for escaping my prison.”

“Us?” asked Twilight as she got up. “What do you mean?!”

“ see, the battle between you two produced quite a lot of magic.” said Nightmare Moon. “That magic you two made was seen throughout all of Equestria. Surely you felt it.”

“The pillar...that was made when are magic clashed...” said Twilight in shock.

“It went all the way to my prison! At that moment, I absorbed some of that magic from that battle!”

“The extra magic gave you enough power to escape...”

“Yes. Your quite a smart little pony. With this magic...I will make the night last forever!”

Celestia’s horn began to glow as she glared at Nightmare Moon. “I will never let that happen!” she yelled. “Even if I die, Equetria will not be yours to toy with!”

Nightmare Moon turned to Celestia and said, “Oh please, look at you sister. You can barely get up! I’ve already won!”

“Oh yeah?!” said Twilight. “Sorry to say Nightmare Moon but the only one beating Celestia today is me!”

Nightmare Moon then turned around as her horn began to shine. “Is that so little pony? Tell me, what’s your name?”

“Twilight Sparkle.”

“Well Twilight Sparkle, since you seem to hate Celestia...I have a proposition for you.”

“Huh? Proposition?”

“Yes. I could use a pony like you, especially with that much power.”

“Sorry to say Nightmare Moon, I don’t help selfish ponies like you.” said Twilight. “Just ask your sister over there.”

“Is that so...oh well, that’s fine.” Nightmare Moon said as her horn began to shine. “Be that it may, a pony of your power will need to eliminated sooner or, I’ll destroy you now!”

Twilight began to levitate the elements around her. “Don’t bet on it!”

The two ponies then fired their magic at each other. However, this clash was different, Nightmare Moon’s beam cut right through Twilight’s, sending Twilight flying.


“Augh!” she yelled as she went flying.

“Now little pony...BURN!” said Nightmare Moon as she conjured dark flames with her magic and fired a black fireball at Twilight.

“AAAAaaaaahhhhh!!!” yelled Twilight as the fire began to consume her. “No! AAaaaahh!”

“Stop it!” yelled Celestia as her horn began to glow. “Stop it right now Luna!”

Nightmare Moon immediately turned around and blasted Celestia with magic before she could react.



“Sorry Celestia but you’ve already lost.” said Nightmare Moon as she walked up to Celestia. Then her horn shined yet again. “Now Celestia...I will absorb your magic as well...the Sun will be mine as well!”

“NO!” yelled Celestia. “Don’t do it!”

“Heh heh heh...HAHAHAHAHAHAHA” laughed Nightmare Moon as she began to drain Celestia’s magic.

Twilight sat there as the flames continued to burn her body. There she thought, ‘Aaaahhhhh! It hurts! It hurts so much! No! Why...why is this happening?!!’

Then a bright flash of light came from the Elements of Harmony and it devoured Twilight. Nightmare Moon had not noticed as she was busy draining Celestia’s magic. Twilight closed her eyes as the light consumed her. At that moment, her body felt light, as if she was in the air. Then, she found herself in an odd place. The place she was in nothing but endless nothingness. As if the world disappeared and all that was left a white void.

‘Where am I?’ she thought. ‘I know I was on fire a second ago...but...what happened to me?’

Twilight began to look around and saw nothing but whiteness. ‘Unbelievable...there’s nothing here...’ she thought. ‘Where did I go? this the elements doing?’

Then Twilight saw several figures in the white void. She then began to run towards the figures. As she got closer and closer, her face began to change. Her face was filled with surprise, confusion and shock. The figures were five ponies, unconscious and on the ground.

“No!” yelled Twilight. “Fluttershy! Rarity! Rainbow! Pinkie and Applejack! Are you all okay?!”

Twilight began to panic as she examining her friends. Then, the five began to wake up.

“Ohhh...Twilight? What happened?” asked Rarity as she got up first.

“Oh thank goodness!” said Twilight as her face began to show joy. “Are you okay Rarity?!”

“I’m okay...just a little dizzy...”

“Whoa...I feel like a tornado slammed me...” said Rainbow. “Not awesome...”

“Ugh...I feel like I went through twenty parties non-stop...” said Pinkie as she slowly got up. “And I forgot every party...”

“Feels like a ton of apples just ganged up and whooped up on me...” said Applejack as she wobbled up.

“Oh my...that felt dreadful...” said Fluttershy as her hooves shook while she began to stand up.

“Are all you girls okay?!” yelled Twilight in a panic. The other five looked at each other and then nodded.

“We’re fine are we dear?” asked Rarity.

“I’m...not completely sure...but I have an idea where it is though...” said Twilight as she looked at her friends.

“Where are we pardner?”

“Yeah, where are we Twilight?”

“Well...I hate to say it, but I don’t have time to explain that. Wherever we are...I think we only have a small amount of time here so...I need to tell you all something.”

“Well darling, if it’s so important then tell away.”

“Okay.” said Twilight as prepared to tell her tale. “I’ll start by saying I’m sorry for dragging you all into this.”

“Don’t say you’re sorry Twi, you know we’ll help you with whatever.”

“Well, let’s just say this is all my fault. past three months, I’ve been trying to find a way to make Celestia’s prophecy not come true.”

“Let me guess, you found a solution that led to us being here.” asked Applejack in a sarcastic tone.

“Yes.” said Twilight in an annoyed tone. “Let’s just say something happened that even I couldn’t predict. So...I...let’s just say the situation became worse than I thought.”

“How bad?”

“I think...I’m about to die.”

The five ponies’ eyes began to grow. “DIE?!” they yelled.

“Twilight, whatever do you mean?” asked Rarity in a panic.

“Yeah, we don’t want you to die!” yelled Rainbow.

“Yeah pardner, we don't want our friend to die!” said Applejack.

“Girls...” said Twilight with hesitation. “Do you remember when I first brought all of us together?”

The five then nodded.

Two years ago...

“It’s this way Applejack.” said Twilight as the two went through an abandoned building.

“Why did you bring me here...uh...Twilight?” asked Applejack as she slowly followed Twilight.

“Don’t worry about it, we’re here.” Twilight said as the two entered a room. There Applejack saw four other ponies. Then, Twilight walked to the side of the room and stood on a small box placed there.

Twilight then slowly spoke up, “Ahem, I am now going to explain why I’ve brought you all here. Fluttershy has already agreed to help me but...I want her to hear this too...”

The five looked at each other and then stared at Twilight.

“I brought you all together for a single purpose. I’ll start off by saying this, a filly, was denied my dream. The thing I always wanted was taken from me when I was just a kid. Because of that, I ran away from home. I spent years drifting from town to town, trying to find my purpose. As I met every single of you, you all have experienced something similar. Maybe not as dramatic but still. However, I have recently found a new goal.”

“I don’t understand where this is going.” said Applejack bluntly.

“Let me explain...I wish to create a team of phantom thieves.”

“Thieves?!” yelled the four.

“How barbaric!” said Rarity, “Why would you want to do that?”

“Yeah Twilight...why tell us that?” asked Rainbow.

“Let me explain.” said Twilight calmly, knowing this reaction was coming. “I have ventured throughout Equestria and do you know what I saw? Corruption, violence and evil. After seeing such things, I want to change the system.”

“By being a thief?”

“First, I will be stealing only from criminals. I won’t steal from good ponies, don’t worry, I’m a very meticulous pony. Second, if you wish to leave, go ahead. I won’t stop you, even if you go to the police. Third, we will steal from ponies and in turn, expose them to the police. In doing so, someponies will think we’re vigilantes if we do enough.”

“And you think this will change the system?”

“No, but it’s a start. I want to better my pony self but...but this Equestria will not allow that. This Equestria destroys ponies’ dreams and ambitions. You all know this.”

The five then looked at each other and then stared at Twilight again.

“Everypony in here was denied something in Equestria. Whether it be dreams, motivation, or even money. I am the same way. Because of this, I want to make something I believe will help all of us. If you join me, I promise to show you a new path, a new way of seeing life. And maybe...just maybe...we’ll change more than just ourselves.”

“I’m in.” said Rainbow, slamming her hoof down.

“Rainbow...” said Fluttershy as she put her hooves over her mouth.

“Are you sure Rainbow Dash?” asked Twilight.

“ dream was taken away from me too...I...I can’t become a Wonderbolt.” said Rainbow as tears began to form around her eyes. “All it took was a bunch of bully ponies and my life's dream was thrown out the window! So...I...I feel like this could help me...”

“I’m in too!” said Pinkie quickly. “The past few towns I’ve went through are all filled with ponies who are only happy when they hurt other ponies! If I can help change that...if this can help change that system...then I’ll help you too!”

“I’m in as well darling.” responded Rarity. “In my current state...I'll never achieve the motivation or inspiration to follow my business will fall apart along with my dream as a successful dress maker. I’m not completely into stealing but...I understand where you’re coming from Twilight.”

The five then looked Applejack. She just stood there, amazed at the responses that the others had given. Her mind then began to race, ‘Unbelievable...Twilight got them to help her...she got them to help her become thieves!’ she thought. ‘But...but to be thieves...’

Applejack then noticed something. She looked down at her legs. ‘I...I can’t move my legs...but why? I...I want to leave!’ she thought. ‘But...I...I can’t...’

“I...I don’t know what to say...” said Applejack slowly. “I...I...I’m not sure Twilight...I’re telling me to stop farming and become a thief!”

“I never said you had to stop farming Applejack.” said Twilight. “It’s obviously your passion. I said you can walk out at any time.”

“Yeah...I know...” said Applejack in a sad tone. “I do need the money though...and...and...the Equestria you mentioned just showed itself to me a few minutes ago...alright...I’m in too.”

The Present…

“That was a long time ago Twi...” said Applejack. “I still can’t believe I went along with it.”

“Indeed...yet I’ve never regretted a single moment of it Twilight.” said Rarity with a small smile.

“Yeah...those two years were totally awesome Twilight!” yelled Rainbow.

“Thank you girls.” said Twilight. “I’m so glad I met all of you.”

“Hold on Twilight.” said Fluttershy in a panic, “Are you really dying?!”

“I...I’m not sure...” said Twilight. “It’s just...I’m glad you all are my friends. I could have never done all those things without you all. I...I just...I'm sorry!”

“Sorry? For what?”

“I dragged you all into this! Ever since the beginning...I...I was just running away from my problems!” said Twilight as tears began to flow down her face. “No matter what I did...I...I was just lying to myself! I...I just wanted to be accepted by my family...and her...”

“But it never happened?”

“ happened. My family asked for forgiveness over what happened...yet...I still dragged all of you into this! I'm so sorry!” yelled Twilight as more tears fell. “I'm a failure! I'm...just a failure...she was right...I'm just a selfish pony running away from my problems...”

Then, the five immediately went up and hugged Twilight.

“Don't talk like that Twi!”

“Yeah, you're too awesome to be thinking that!”

“That's right darling!”

“Thank you...thank you so much...” said Twilight as more tears began to flow. At that moment, a shine sparkled in Twilight's eye. “I...I think I understand now...”

“What do you mean?”

“I...I've been running away from my destiny since I was a filly. This...inheritor of Harmony stuff...its part of me. The Rainbooms...the inventing...the studying of magic...and my destiny to acquire the elements...” said Twilight as she began to choke. “I...I...I just didn't want that to be true...but it is...I...the inheritor of Harmony is also part of me. It's always been doesn't matter how much I dislike Celestia or her plan for me...that destiny has always been part of me...and I need to accept that...”

“So, um...what now pardner? Since you know...we seem to be stuck here...”

“I don't know Applejack. All I know is...that I'm so glad to have met you all! You all are the greatest friends a pony could ask for!” said Twilight with a cheerful smile as she hugged her friends back. “Thank you so much for being my friend!”

As Twilight said those words, the six ponies suddenly began to shine. Their bodies shined a rainbow-colored light.

“Uh Twi, what’s going on?!” yelled Applejack.

“I...I don’t know!” yelled Twilight.

The light grew larger and larger until it looked as if it consumed the six ponies. Then the ponies disappeared from the white void. There a voice spoke up to Twilight.

“You have been chosen...”

“Who said that?” asked Twilight.

“I have seen your friendship...I will help you...”


“When you return...she will be waiting...she's strong...much stronger than the elements...get ready!”

“I...I think I understand...okay, I'm ready!” said Twilight as the light began to disappear.

Nightmare Moon continued to absorb Celestia's magic. Nightmare Moon's body began to change as her starry mane began to shine like the sun. Her body began to shine as if the sun and moon had merged together. Then a giant flash of light shined throughout Equestria. At that moment, Nightmare Moon turned around, now finished absorbing Celestia’s magic.

“What is this?!” she yelled as she looked at place where Twilight was supposed to be. Instead, a bright light had replaced Twilight. Nightmare Moon then saw the light and saw the Tree of Harmony begin to glow with it. “What’s going on?”

The Elements of Harmony flew around the light and then went into the light. There, the pony inside absorbed all six elements at once. Then a pony walked out of the light. Her hair was rainbow-colored and her mane shined like the sun. The pony had a long unicorn horn and rainbow-colored wings. The pupils in her eyes changed, they were no longer just circles. Instead, they were shaped like Twilight’s cutie mark and were rainbow-colored.

Then Nightmare Moon yelled, “What is this?! Are you that pony, Twilight Sparkle?! Why do you look like that?! look like an alicorn...a princess!”

“Princess?” said the pony as she spread her wings, “Oh no no no...I’m no princess...”

“Then what are you?!”

“I’m Twilight Sparkle, the Queen of Harmony!”

“Queen of Harmony?!”

“That’s right.” said Twilight with a huge smile as her horn began to shine, “Hail to the Queen baby!”

The Element of Magic (Part 5 of 5)

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“What is this?!” yelled Nightmare Moon as she glared at Twilight. “Is this some kind of trick?!”

“No tricks, Nightmare Moon.” said Twilight. “I’ve been given a power greater than yours!”

“That's impossible! I possess both the Sun and the Moon! Nothing is more powerful than the power I possess!”

“Oh really?!” said Twilight. “Wanna try your luck?”

“Yes! I have dominion over the Sun and the Moon!” screamed Nightmare Moon. “I now possess the power of Equestria’s ruler! How could you possibly be better?!”

“I already beat Celestia before. How could having the moon be any better?”

“Grr...fine. I’ll tear you apart!” yelled Nightmare Moon as she put herself in a battle stance, her horn glowing.

“Bring it!” said Twilight with a grin, readying herself as well. “Harmony will beat the Moon and the Sun!”

The two glared at each other for a few seconds. Then, Nightmare Moon shot a quick beam. Twilight’s horn immediately glowed, stopping the beam and reflecting it back at Nightmare Moon. The beam collided with Nightmare Moon’s left wing.


“Ugh! Not bad!” said Nightmare Moon as she prepared another beam. Nightmare Moon began to run after Twilight, shooting multiple beams.


Twilight quickly summoned a magic shield, blocking every beam. Nightmare Moon then charged at Twilight, slamming her body into the shield, breaking it.


“Augh! What are you-” said Twilight as Night mare Moon tackled her. Nightmare Moon then hit her with hooves several times.


“This ends here, so-called Queen of Harmony!” yelled Nightmare Moon as her horn began to shine like the sun. “DIE!”

Twilight’s eyes began to shine along with her horn. At that moment, a pillar of rainbow-colored light covered both Nightmare Moon and Twilight.

“What...what is...AAAAaaaahhhhh!” yelled Nightmare Moon in pain. Her wings immediately spread to fly away, trying to escape the pillar of light. She then flew out of the pillar and immediately fell to the ground. “Ugh!”

“That” Nightmare Moon said as she tried to get up. “I…possess the Sun and the Moon…no…”

“Yes.” said Twilight. “This is Harmony.”

“Harmony? Are you saying that power is greater?!”

“Harmony will win this day.” said Twilight as her horn began to glow once more. “This is the path I have been given.”

Twilight’s horn the shot out a rainbow-colored beam that looked as if it consumed Nightmare Moon. The light from it covered her entire body.


The light soon faded away. There, in the fading light was a dark-colored alicorn, Princess Luna. The darkness had been taken from her. She laid on the ground, unconscious from the battle. Twilight’s body then began to shine. She could feel the power she had just destroyed. She turned to the Tree of Harmony and said. “Thank you! If it weren’t for you, I would be dead right now.”

Her horn then began to glow as the Elements of Harmony flew out of her body. After this, her wings disappeared, and her mane and hair changed back. She then levitated the elements in front of the tree. “Because of the power you gave me Tree of’ve run out of magic...I sense that something in forest will soon attack you so...I’m putting the elements back, but first...I need to make something with this magic...and give her the sun magic back...”

Twilight soon put the elements into the tree and the tree began to shine. Then, a small plant appeared before the tree. The plant opened up and revealed a box with six keyholes. “ has six keyholes...I think I’ll take it with me after this...” said Twilight, intrigued.

Soon after Twilight put the elements back in the tree, Celestia woke up. She slowly stumbled up and saw Twilight and Luna. “No way...Luna...”

“That’s right, she’s been turned back to normal.” said Twilight with a grin.

“How did...wait a minute...your eye!” said Celestia in shock. “Your left eye...looks like your cutie mark!”

“Hmm? It does?” asked Twilight. “Must be an aftereffect...oh well.”

“So...what did you do?” asked Celestia weakly.

“I beat Nightmare Moon, turned her back to normal, and gave you your sun magic back as well.”

“You did? But why?” asked Celestia, shocked at what she was hearing. “Don’t you hate me?!”

“I do.” said Twilight in a calm tone. “But I learned something from all this. I learned that despite what I make my own destiny still happened. So, I’ll give you back your wretched destiny. You, who loves prophecies and fate...I’ll make sure you can never escape from it either.”

“I did you find that path you wanted so badly?! So much, that you put all of Equestria in danger?!” screamed Celestia. “Well, Twilight Sparkle?!”

“Yeah...I did. I’ll accept whatever destiny has in store for me in terms of Harmony. After all, my plan still worked.” said Twilight as pointed to the tree.

“No...You sealed them?!” yelled Celestia in a panic. “NO!”

“Stop whining.” said Twilight in an annoyed tone. “I can’t believe I looked up to such a weak pony. Besides, I talked to the tree…it told me I can use the elements whenever I need to. Equestria is safe. Stop worrying you idiot.”

“ is the destiny of the inheritor of Harmony can’t did you...” said Celestia as she slumped to the ground in confusion. “Why did did...”

“I accepted my destiny but still want to make my own path. You could never understand that.” said Twilight with a huge smile. “And it’s all thanks to my friends!”

“But...I...I see...” said Celestia in a defeated tone. “So this...this is the inheritor of Harmony...”

“Sorry you’re disappointed. Don’t worry, I will answer to Harmony’s call when I’m needed.” said Twilight in the calmest tone possible. Then she pulled out a small jewel. “Also, I plan ahead Celestia. Do you know what this is?”

“What is...oh no...don’t tell me you?!” asked Celestia as fear flooded her face. “You didn’t...”

“I did. You see...I’m a very smart pony.”

“The jewel...why did you make that jewel?! I demand you tell me why!” yelled Celestia.



“Yes. You been hunting me like a dog for a long time now, Celestia.”

“I never tried to hunt you down! I only wanted to help you inherit Harmony!”

“Stop lying. I know you wanted to help Equestria but I'll never believe you did it in a nice way.” said Twilight as she levitated the jewel in front of Celestia. The jewel looked like one of the elements, but it was color was pitch black, like darkness itself. “I call it the element of darkness, inside is the darkness that once consumed your sister. I made it specifically so only I could use it.”

“Why would make such a thing?!”

“Simple. It’s to make sure you don’t hunt me anymore.” said Twilight in an angry tone. “I need to make sure you don’t hunt my friends and family down like the destiny-crazed pony you are. So, I made this and when you try to hunt or hurt my friends or my family...”

“I would never do such a thing!” yelled Celestia. “Why do you hate me so much?!”

“It’s because you tried to hunt me down, manipulated my family and destroyed my dream!”

“I didn’t even know you when you started to admire me when you were a filly!”

“I know. And things have changed. I’ve accepted my destiny. I'll let Harmony show me the path I must take.” said Twilight with a small smile. “But I must make sure you don’t try to hurt me ever again. That’s why I made this.”

“I will never hurt you...please...” said Celestia as she bowed in front of Twilight. “Please…stop this.”

“I’m not starting anything. I just made this to make sure you don’t wrap me up in anymore of your disgusting clean up jobs. You see, this jewel could turn your sister back into Nightmare Moon. And I'll turn her back into that monster you created if you come after me, my family or my friends. That’s my insurance.”

“I...I’ll leave you alone Twilight. All you had to do was ask…”

“ would have never left me alone.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Because...I hadn’t inherited Harmony yet. At least I have inherited Harmony now, so don't worry so much.....Harmony will figure the rest out for us.”

Twilight put the jewel in her bag and put the six-keyholes box on her back. She then cricked her neck and began to leave the forest. “Goodbye Celestia, if some crisis happens that needs the power of Harmony...don’t call...I’ll handle it myself.”

“Why? Why won't you accept my apology? Why are you so against me?”

“I did accept your apology and I cleaned up your mess. That doesn't mean I'm going to get along with you Celestia.”

Celestia just sat there as Twilight casually left the forest. Twilight pulled a disguise ring out of the bag before reaching Ponyville. Celestia on the other hand, just sat there as her sister slowly woke up.

“Sister...what happened?” asked Luna weakly.

“A lot my little sister...but...I’m glad your back.” said Celestia as she put her wings over Luna.

“Oh sister...I’m so sorry!” cried Luna as tears fell down her face. “I’m so so sorry!”

“Its fine...let’s return to Canterlot.”


Celestia and Luna returned to Canterlot. There, Celestia met a panic-filled Sunset Shimmer and a smiling Princess Cadance. Celestia then introduced her sister.

“Princess Celestia! You’re okay!” said Sunset as she bounced up and down. “Thank goodness!”

“I’m fine my student. However, I need some rest...” said Celestia weakly.

“No kidding, you look like you took a beating.” said Cadance bluntly. “Did Twilight do all that to you?”

“No...this was my own doing...” said Celestia. “But...this is far from over...I just hope...that the future of Equestria will be safe...”

Meanwhile in Ponyville...

Twilight returned to Fluttershy’s cottage only to find a crying Fluttershy. After a few hugs, Twilight asked if she could retire for the night. There she went to the bathroom and looked into the mirror. She saw her changed left eye and thought, ‘ does look like my cutie mark...must be because I changed into the Queen of Harmony...I did absorb more magic than a regular pony should ever absorb in a pony's lifetime...guess I’ll have to make a special lens for my eye...till then, guess I’ll ask Fluttershy to go buy me an eyepatch to cover it up till I make the lens...’

One month later in Manehatten...

In the Rainboom hideout, there was only one pony there, Twilight. She was sitting there, looking at her computer. She had made her a special lens to cover her eye. Twilight then sat there typing in her computer and rubbing her head with her hoof.

“Sigh...why do I feel like today is going to be a long day...” she said to herself. Twilight then looked at the small table with an object on top by her computer. “And this six keyhole box...I still can’t figure it out.”


“Ah, they’re here.” she said as a small smile appeared on her face. “Come on in!”

The door opened and five ponies and a filly entered the hideout.

“Ready for another round girls?” asked Twilight.

The Element of Magic Epilogue

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“Welcome back everypony!” said Twilight with a huge smile. “How is everypony?”

“Twilight!” they all said as the seven ponies started hugging each other.

After several hugs and smiles, the seven sat down at the meeting room. Applejack spoke first.

“Okay Twi, it's nice seeing everypony again, but you have a lot of explaining to do!”

“Well Applejack, the reason I haven't explained anything was due to the fact that none of us could contact Rainbow, Pinkie or Scootaloo.”

“Sorry...” said Rainbow with a small smile. “We were...well...enjoying our trip...”

“I know.” said Twilight in a calm tone, “You had every right to enjoy it. However, due to what happened to me, I wanted to tell everypony at the same time so that's why I waited.”

“Well, we're here darling. Go ahead.” said Rarity.

Twilight then got up and left the room only to come back with two items. One was the box with six keyholes, the other was a small case.

“What's all this?”

Twilight then rubbed her eyes and said, “Oh boy...where do I begin...”

Meanwhile in Canterlot...

This past month, Luna had began to adjust herself as the now returned Princess of the Moon. She had started to learn all she had missed after being imprisoned for so many years. However, she began to worry for her sister, Celestia. Celestia, though she would still do her royal duties, would barely do anything public unless necessary. Luna then finally confronted her.

“Sister!” said Luna as she entered Celestia's chamber.

“Yes Luna?” said Celestia in a depressed tone.

“This past month...I have been slowly putting myself back as a princess you ran the kingdom like this in my absence?!”

“What do you mean?”

“Sister, all you do is the basic paperwork and then you come in here and sulk! Is that all you did in my absence?!”

“No's just...I don't know...”

“Know what?”

“ you remember when we became princesses?”


“Well...Luna, we when became them, we knew at that time what are destiny was.”

“Indeed. I am the Princess of the Moon as you are of the Sun. What's wrong with that?”

“It's just...I don't know now...”

“I don't understand.”

“ you remember when my student, Sunset Shimmer left?”

“You mean the one that I told you could also be the Princess of the Sun when I first saw her?”


One month ago...

“You wanted to see me princess?” asked Sunset Shimmer as she entered Celestia's chamber.

“Yes. I have something very important to tell you.” said Celestia with hesitation.

“What is it?”

“I'm going to stop your training.”

“What?” said Sunset in shock. “Why?”

“Because...right now, there's no way you can be the Princess of the Sun.”

“I don't understand.”

“Sunset...” said Celestia as she looked directly at her student. “You know my sister was Nightmare Moon, correct?”

“Yes.” said Sunset nodding.

“She wasn't supposed to escape her prison for another nine months. Yet she escaped just a few days ago.”

“Yeah...she said it because of you and Twilight...right?”

“Yes. The prophecy of Nightmare Moon stated she would escape later...not a few days ago. For centuries, I believed that the day she would escape would be when I would die.”

“Die?!” said Sunset Shimmer, gasping at the statement.

“Yes. That is why I have been training you.”

“You trained replace you?” said Sunset with slight confusion. “I mean...I thought that might be the case but...really?”

“Yes. I believed that Nightmare Moon would kill me. I believed on that day, the elements of Harmony would choose a successor and save my sister but...I would be destroyed in the process.”

“That didn't happen though...”

“No...a successor was chosen...and obtained the elements in a way that shouldn't have been possible.” said Celestia as her head slumped down. “And now...I don't know what to do...”

“ Sparkle messed up the prophecy but made the prophecy happen anyway. Didn't she make a better version of the prophecy?”

“What do you mean?”

“'re alive Princess Celestia! Isn't that good?” said Sunset with a smile.

“ means something worse...”


“It means...the destiny that supposed to happen won't...Twilight messed everything up.”

“How did she mess everything up?”

“Well...” said Celestia as she took a deep breath. “First, she was supposed to have five friends to help her inherit Harmony and they would be with her on that day. Instead, she did it alone and her feelings for her friends helped her win...Second, I'm not dead...meaning that I can't pass my power to you...”

“Can't pass it? Why?”

“Well, though you probably haven't noticed it...I have been giving you part of my sun magic over the years my student...”

Sunset's eyes grew as she heard this. “What?”

“Yes...that is why I wanted you to explore Equestria. I wanted you to see all of Equestria before becoming a princess.”

“To see what I would be ruling...” said Sunset as she sat in shock. “If I put two and two together...let me guess...if you died...the full power of the sun...”

“Would transfer to you...”

“No way...” said Sunset as tears began to well up in her eyes. “That mentor...”


“But I...” said Sunset as she began crying. “I...I don't wanna be a princess if your gone!”

“I know.” said Celestia as she put her wings around Sunset. “I know...”

“That's...that's not fair...”

After Sunset cried some more, Celestia continued, “Now my student...because of what Twilight has done, things have severely changed.”

“What do you mean?”

“I will no longer train you to be the Princess of the Sun.”

“Okay...but what do I do now?”

“Well...” said Celestia, trying to think of an answer. “I hate to say it...but I'm not sure...”

“Not sure?” said Sunset, surprised at her mentor.

“ still have the potential to be a princess though...”

“I do?!” said Sunset as a smile appeared on her face.

“'ll need to find out what type of princess to be.”

“How do I do that?”

“Go see the world. Surely you'll find something else you like.”

“Something else huh?” said Sunset with an intrigued look. “Well, I would like to still help Trixie...and...”

“And what?”

“I think I might try my hoof at music...”

The Present...

“You miss your student?” asked Luna.

“Yes...but that's not the point...” said Celestia as she then faced her sister.

“I don't understand.”

“Twilight Sparkle...she messed up our destinies.”

“What do you mean?”

“When you were supposed to return...I believed I was going to die and my student would take my place. Twilight Sparkle would inherit Harmony and in return would later become the Princess of Friendship.”

“That can't happen now, can it?”

“I'm not sure...that's why I'm stuck Luna.”


“Yeah...I no longer know what my destiny is Luna...” said Celestia as she began to tremble. “And...I'm scared of Equestria's future because of that.”

“What do you believe Equestria's future is now?”

“I think...its future could be anything now...”

Back at the Rainboom's hideout...

“Let me get this straight think we're part of that prophecy mumbo jumbo as well?” said Applejack with obvious skepticism.

“Yes. According to my research, I was supposed to have all you there when I inherited the elements.” said Twilight in a cam tone. “I believe all of us are the elements of Harmony. I believe Fluttershy is Kindness, Rainbow is Loyalty...”

“We know. You already said that.” said Rainbow. “Is this why we met up in that white void dream place?”

“Yes. It's also why this happened to me.” said Twilight as she took her lens off of her left eye. The other six except Fluttershy gasped at her eye. “This is the result of me jumping to conclusions and activating the elements by myself.”

“Darling...your eye looks like your cutie mark!”

“I know. That's why I'm telling you all of this.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, you all are the elements as well. Because of that, Celestia may come after you.” said Twilight as she opened the case. “That's why I made this.”

“A jewel? Is it onyx?” asked Rarity.

“Good guess but no. This is the Element of Darkness.”


“Yes, only I know how to use it. I made the element by containing the darkness that was in Nightmare Moon while I had full power over Harmony. Basically, I can use this jewel to turn Princess Luna back into Nightmare Moon.”

The six then looked at each other and then said, “Why would you want to do that?”

“Insurance. She'll try to find us. Trust me.” said Twilight in a regretful tone. “That's why I told you all about this...I've accepted that I am the inheritor of Harmony but...I don't want my friends stuck with my destiny. So I'm going to find a way to make sure you all never have to be part of Harmony.”

“ don't have to do that...” said Fluttershy.

“Yeah Twi, we understand...”

“I know...I just..want to protect you girls.” said Twilight with a small frown. “I'm sorry.”

“Well Twi...what do we do now?”

Twilight then gave a big smile. “Well...I do have a heist planned and ready. Wanna show Manehattan the Rainbooms are back in business?”

Part I End

The Shining Diamond Bank

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Part II: Destiny of a Thief

“Hold on Twi...I never said I was going to be part of the Rainbooms anymore.” said Applejack, glaring at Twilight. The other five then stared at Applejack with disbelief.

“What the...why did you say that Applejack?!” yelled Rainbow in anger.

“What happened darling?”

“It's fine everypony.” said Twilight calmly, “I had a feeling you would say that Applejack.”

“I told you two years ago Twi, my passion is farming. Tell me why I should stop farming and start thieving again?” said Applejack with a scowl. “I hate to say it, but I've really enjoyed my time off from thieving.”

“Like I said two years ago Applejack, you can leave anytime. You can even go to the police if you want to.”

“You never change Twi...” said Applejack as she slumped down in her chair. “Ugh...fine...but I'll only do a few more heists...okay?”

“That's fine. Remember you can leave anytime Applejack.” said Twilight, not changing her expression at any time.

“I know...I hate it that you're so calm...”

After that, Rainbow and Scootaloo began to start yelling and complaining at Applejack. A few minutes later, Twilight had them settle down and began to explain her next heist.

“Alright girls...we've been gone for over four months in Manehattan and things have changed quite a bit. Originally, since we stole from the mafia, the police were able to take down the mafia bosses. Thanks to this, crime went down around fifty percent after that for the next few months. However, the criminals of the city have tried to form a new criminal organization. Because of this...certain things have happened. First, this pony appeared.” said Twilight as she put a picture on the table. “This pony's name is Smoking Brick. He's a mob boss from Fillydelphia. According to some of the contacts I've recently talked to, he's taken over a huge amount of the crime in Manehattan and increased crime by about ten percent. He's also paid several bigwigs to make a few more banks in Manehattan as well. That in turn, is one of our targets. Our target is the Shining Diamond Bank which currently holds forty million bits of Smoking Brick's money.”

“Forty million? That's less than our last bank heist!” said Rainbow with a bit of disappointment.

“I know...however, this bank is easier to get into. If we pull this off, he'll have no choice but to lose part of his mob due to not being able to pay some of them. Remember girls, we're doing this to make the city better, not just rake in cash.”

“ how we doing this thing?” said Rainbow with anticipation.

“First, this heist will need all seven of us.”

“Seven? Even me?” said Scootaloo with surprise.

“Yes. Do you not want to be part of the heist?” asked Twilight with a small smile.

“No! I wanna be part of the heist!” said Scootaloo with a huge smile. “This is gonna be so awesome!”

“Good. Now, this heist is all about two things. Escort and guard manipulation. First off, I'm going to be needed in the field this time. I'm needed to crack the vault so we can get the money. Fluttershy, you'll be here at my computer. I'll need you to handle our timing on everything.”

“Um...okay, I'll do my best.” said Fluttershy meekly.

“I know you will. Second, Rainbow and Scootaloo will go through the clouds and land onto the bank rooftop. The bank's only two stories so we need to ponies on both floors. Rainbow, you'll proceed by knocking out the guards on the roof. Then, Scootaloo will be going through a ventilation shaft from the roof. Fluttershy will then guide Scootaloo through the vents, don't worry, I'll show you how Fluttershy. There, Scootaloo we be dropping this in the second floor central room.” said Twilight as she put an orb on the table. “It's a sleeping gas orb. I'll make sure we have gas masks when we do this. After that, the guards on the second floor will either run up to the roof or go downstairs in a panic. If they go to the roof, you know what to do Rainbow.”

“Aw yeah!”

“Now, will be responsible for two separate jobs. First, you'll be taking out the guards in the back of the building. Then, you'll proceed to the escape carriage and get it ready for us. Meanwhile, me, Rarity and Applejack will be going through the front. My magic has severely increased so I'll be able to help you knock out the guards inside Applejack. After we knock out the guards, I'll start cracking the vault. Applejack will wait by the stairs just in case if any guards come down from the sleeping gas orb. I'll crack the vault and me and Rarity will escort the gold out of the bank to the escape carriage. Sorry Rarity, but I'll need extra magic to escort that huge amount out of the vault. Also Scootaloo, as soon as you use the orb, go back to the roof and you and Rainbow will fly out of there.”


“So, do you girls like the plan?” said Twilight, raising an eyebrow.

“Aw yeah, I do! It sounds awesome!”

“Indeed, sounds quite thrilling to me darling.”

“Good.” said Twilight with a big smile. She then raised her hoof and the others followed.

“We are the Rainbooms!”

Meanwhile in another part of Manehattan...

Sunset sat in Trixie's apartment, strumming a guitar. The music was slow but soothing to the ears.

“Hmm...seems I'm getting a bit closer...but it's just not right.” said Sunset as she was criticizing her own music. “What do you think Trixie?”

“Trixie thinks it sounds fine.” said Trixie in monotone.

“You always say that.”

“That's because Trixie is a detective, not a musician.”

“Speaking of which, how are you still employed by the police here?”

“Trixie is the only unicorn in earth pony police here in Manehattan. They ask for my help on unicorn crimes. Otherwise, Trixie is allowed to investigate whatever she wants the Rianbooms.”

“ you're called in for crimes using magic? Makes sense...according to my research...Manehattan only has like a ten percent unicorn population...”

“Indeed...though Trixie has a good feeling going right now...”

“Why's that?” asked Sunset, surprised at Trixie's sudden optimism. “You're not the most positive pony I know...You think the Rainbooms are about to return? It sure doesn't seem like it...”

“Trixie doesn't know...Trixie just knows that something good is about to happen...” said Trixie as she scratched her chin with her hoof. “Trixie...just feels like she's about to get some news about the Rainbooms...she just doesn't know when...”

Sunset strummed her guitar again. “Huh. Well, let's hope it happens soon.”

A few nights later...

“Um...can everypony hear me?” asked Fluttershy meekly over her headset.

“Loud and clear Fluttershy.” said Twilight as her and Rarity rode the escape carriage being pulled by Pinkie and Applejack. “Don't worry, you'll do just fine.”

“Indeed darling. You'll be fine Fluttershy.” said Rarity.

“Um...thanks. Rainbow and Scootaloo...can you um...”

“We hear ya!” said Rainbow as her and Scootaloo as the flew through the clouds. “We're almost there!”

“Indeed, we have just arrived darling.” said Rarity as she looked at the bank up ahead. Pinkie then took off her reins and began to sneak around the side of the building.

“Um...okay. Get ready everypony. Make sure your disguise rings are working.”

“Ready!” said the other six ponies after checking their rings.

“Eep! Um...Rainbow,'re up.”

“Aw yeah!”

“Ookey Dokey!”

Rainbow then slowly descended on the two guards sitting on the roof. The two guards just sat there, both about to fall asleep.

“Yawn!” said one guard.

“Stop'll make me sleepy.” said the other guard.

“Sorry...I'm just bored. I can't believe Smoking Brick wants us to do this snore job...”

“Hey, we get good pay. Stop complaining.”


“I know we get good pay. It's just...its so boring...”

“Yeah, I'd be bored too.” said Rainbow with a mischievous grin.

“Yeah! That mare knows what...huh?”

“It's no longer boring now is it?”



“Roof guards are now taking a nap.” said Rainbow with a huge grin.


“Back guards are down!” said Pinkie.

“Good work girls.” said Fluttershy. “, you're up.”

Scootaloo flew straight down and then closed her wings as she landed. “I'm on it!”

“Go get them little sis!” said Rainbow as she patted her on the back.

“Leave it to me, sis!”

Scootaloo then crawled into the roof vent. Fluttershy began to tell which directions to go and before she knew it she was above the central room of the second floor. Scootaloo then proceeded to put on her gas mask and said quietly, “I'm ready.”

“Understood.” said Fluttershy and changed to talking to Twilight. “Scootaloo's ready Twilight.”

“Okay. Applejack, Rarity...we have only a few seconds to pull this off.” said Twilight as the three put on their gas masks. “The gas will probably not reach the first floor so we have to be quick.”

“Understood!” said the two.

“Give the signal Fluttershy.”

“Um...okay.” said Fluttershy as she then took a deep breath. “Begin!”

Scootaloo then dropped the sleeping gas orb through the vents. The gas immediately spread through the room. The gas spread like crazy, knocking out guard after guard. The remaining guards began to stumble, trying to reach the roof. Unfortunately for them, Rainbow was waiting.

“Hi guys!” said Rainbow as the guards got up to the roof. “I got a platter of hoof punches for ya!”


Twilight and Applejack charged through the main entrance. The guards quickly saw them and began to charge.

“Intruders! Get them!”


Applejack knocked a guard flying. Another guard then jumped on top of Applejack and began hitting her.


Then the guard stopped as he saw her face. Applejack was angry.



“AAAAaaaaahhhhh!” said the guard now flying through the room.


Twilight's horn quickly shot multiple beams as guards kept falling after every hit. Before they knew it, all the guards were down. “Well done Applejack.”

“'re magic is really something Twi...”

“Indeed darling.”

Twilight then ran to the vault and began to examine it. “Okay...this won't take too long...tell Scootaloo to get out of the vents Fluttershy.”


Twilight then began to work her magic. She quickly began to hack the bank's computers, trying to find the codes to open the vault. Rarity watched Twilight as her eyes raced while working at the computer. 'Oh my...' thought Rarity, 'I've never seen Twilight so determined...what did Princess Celestia do to her?'

The vault soon opened and the three ponies walked in.

“Whoa...that's a lot a bits pardner...” said Applejack as her jaw slightly dropped.

“No kidding.” said Twilight in a calm tone. “Alright, let's get this money out of here. Fluttershy, tell Rainbow and Scootaloo to get out of here.”


The ponies quickly used their magic and levitated the money into their carriage. Then Pinkie spoke up, “Um...we got a problem...”

“What is it?” asked Fluttershy.

“There is a bunch of big burly ponies coming towards the bank...”

“” said Fluttershy as she started to panic and then switched to Twilight. “Twilight! There's a gang coming for the bank!”

“What?! Blast it! Okay, get ready for a fight you two!”

“Wait what?!” said Applejack in confusion. “Are we in trouble?”

“Yeah, a bunch of goons are coming to the bank. Get ready.”

The goons slowly approached the bank as Rarity stuffed the last of the money into the carriage. “It's ready Pinkie, get ready to run as soon as possible. Got it?”


The goons then reached the bank and their leader immediately yelled. “What's going on here?!”

Twilight and Applejack then approached the gang. “Nothing much, just a good old fashion beating.” said Applejack with a grin.

“Oh yeah?! Smoking Brick will tear you apart for this!” yelled the leader as he pointed his hoof at the two. “Charge!”

As the goons began to charge, Twilight's horn began to shine a brilliant glow. Applejack put herself in a battle stance, ready to fight. Then Twilight blasted a huge beam at the goons.


“Aaaahhh!” “Augh!” “Ugh!” “Holy-” “What was that?!” yelled the goons.

Applejack grinned and jumped at the goons, quickly punching and kicking them all.


“Seems my magic is even stronger than I thought...” said Twilight as she adjusted her magic within her horn. “Look's like I'll have to beat the stragglers.”

Twilight quickly shot beams in a spread. The beams quickly hit the goons trying to run away.


Twilight then turned to Applejack only to see a mare with a huge smile standing there. “Having fun Applejack?”

“Yeah...I did miss this part of the job.” she said as she punched the last goon standing.


“Good. Let's get out of here.”

The two mares got to the escape carriage and then went back to the hideout. There they laid out the money and began cheering and partying.

“Well done girls.” said Twilight. “How's it feel to be a Rainboom again?”

“Amazing! I love it!” said Rainbow as she laid down in the money.

“Yeah...its awesome...” said Scootaloo as she laid by Rainbow.

“Yeah...that was a lot of fun Twi...” said Applejack with a small grin. “Gotta admit...your magic is something else now Twi.”

“Yeah...I think I still possess some of the Harmony magic in me...don't worry...I'll be fine.” said Twilight as she began to drink some coffee. “Anyways...”

Twilight's horn then shined and the other ponies quickly stood up. “Well done girls!” she said as she raised her hoof. The others followed with their hooves.

“We are the Rainbooms!”

The next day...

“Trixie!” yelled Sunset as she slammed Trixie's front door open.

“Let Trixie guess...the Rainbooms are back?” said Trixie in a calm tone.



“Trixie...could we try the plan I suggested to you when I first began helping you?”

“Trixie doesn't see why not. After all...if it can catch the Rainbooms, Trixie will gladly use your plan.”

'They're finally back.' thought Trixie. 'Trixie will win this time...'

Meanwhile in another part of Manehattan...

“What do you mean I just lost forty million bits?!” yelled Smoking Brick as his cigar flew out of his mouth. “Are you kidding me?!”

“ sir...” said one goon meekly. “It...was the Rainbooms sir...”

“RAINBOOMS?! I thought they were gone?!”

“Yes...and the police arrested some of the ponies we have as well.”

“What? Why?!”

“They were approaching the bank as a gang and...”

“Let me guess...the police found evidence on them?” said Smoking Brick as he put another cigar in his mouth. “Ugh...I'm surrounded by morons...”

“That's why you need some smarter ponies to be around.” said a pony as two ponies entered the room.

“Who said that?” yelled Smoking Brick. “Who are you two?!”

“Why we are just two ponies who think we can help you. Allow us to introduce ourselves.” said one pony.

“I'm Flim.” said one pony.

“And I'm Flam.” said the other.

“And we're the Flim Flam Brothers!” they said in unison. “We, the Flim Flam Brothers are here for all your security needs!”

The Bright Light Bank (Part 1 of 2)

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One week later…

“Seems Smoking Brick is issuing us a challenge girls.” said Twilight as put some papers down on their meeting table.

“He wants us to steal from him again?” asked Rainbow. “That’s a first. Usually they just send goons out to try and kill us. Though they can’t find us anyways.”

“Yeah…seems he has a different idea.” said Twilight as she scratched her head.

“Wait a minute Twi, we’ve never hit a target that knows we’re coming. Is that a good idea?” asked Applejack.

“Yeah…that’s why I was going to ask you girls before I do some recon over the target.” said Twilight, “If we consider going after this, which it will destroy most of Smoking Brick’s money and help this city…however, that means the job is several times more dangerous.”

“Well, is it possible darling?” asked Rarity.

“Well…I don’t know. It seems Smoking Brick as hired some very interesting ponies.” said Twilight as she put out some photos on the table. “They’re called the Flim Flam Brothers.”

“Flim Flam? Sounds familiar…” said Applejack as she glared at the photos. “Really familiar…”

“Don’t worry about that…the point is girls…do you want to try this?” said Twilight as she glanced at the rest of her friends. The other six looked at each other and then nodded their heads.

“If you think we can do it Twilight, we’ll do it.”

“Yeah…I mean, if he wants us to steal from him, let’s do it!”

“Alright…We’ll be stealing from the Bright Light Bank…I’ll start doing some recon…” said Twilight as she rubbed her eyes. “This will be interesting…”


Sunset Shimmer and Trixie were sitting in a building a block or two away, looking at the bank that the Flim Flam Brothers had put security all over. Sunset then spoke up, “Geez…looks like Smoking Brick got super paranoid…I’ve never seen such machines around a bank before…”

“Really? Can Trixie look?” asked Trixie with she was eating her lunch.

“Sure.” replied Sunset as she handed the binoculars to Trixie. “It looks like it was made by those two weird looking ponies down there.”

“Two ponies?” asked Trixie as she began to look at the bank. “Hmm…it’s not who Trixie thinks it is, is it? It is!”

“What do you mean?”

“Those two ponies…I know them.” said Trixie as she gave the binoculars back.

“You do?”

“Yes. They’re the Flim Flam Brothers, Trixie met them a few years ago…back when Trixie was just a beat cop.”

“Old criminals?” asked Sunset, now intrigued.

“Yeah. The two are swindlers. They like making huge, over-complicated machines to trick ponies out of their money.”

“Let me guess…they decided to use Smoking Brick as their new client.”

“Probably.” replied Trixie as she took another bite of her lunch. “The two are *munch* *munch* probably trying to hit the big bucks and then leave town as soon as possible.”

“Nopony in town right now has more money than Smoking Brick…though I doubt the bigwigs would fall for their tricks.”

“Trixie must ask you something Sunset.”

“Hmm? What is it?”

“Will that crazy machine of theirs interfere with the plan?”

“Well…” said Sunset as she looked through the binoculars again. “Maybe…I suspect it could interfere with the plan…maybe by five to ten percent…”

“If that’s the case, Trixie suggests we watch the bank for a few nights. At least we’ll know where they’ll be coming too.”

“Keep the plan on hold and watch them instead? Hmm…not a bad idea…”

Meanwhile at the bank…

Flim and Flam are sitting at their now complete machine that covered the building with security equipment. There the two sat and were arguing with each other.

“I can’t believe I let you talk me into this…” said Flam.

“Me?! You’re the one who said this was a brilliant idea and I just had to go along with it!” yelled Flim.

“This was your idea!” yelled Flam.

“No it wasn’t!”

A week ago…

“So let me get this straight…you two have a security system machine that can capture the Rainbooms?” asked Smoking Brick as she blew smoke into the brothers’ faces.

“That’s right!” said Flam with a big smile. “All you have to do is…”

“Pay you?” interrupted Smoking Brick as he looked at his goons in the room. “Boys!”

The goons immediately grab the brothers and glared at the two. The brothers began to sweat waterfalls as Smoking Brick got off his chair and walked up to the brothers. “Let me explain what’s gonna happen here you two…” Smoking Brick says as he blows more smoke in their faces. “I’ll pay you handsomely if you catch the Rainbooms.”

“Really?” squeaked the brothers.

“Oh yes…but if you fail…” said Smoking Brick as he leans his face in front of both of them. “Let’s say…my boys will have some fun beating you…a lot.”

The Present…

“And then we had to make this machine which only we can use…” said Flam while sinking down in his chair. “What a great idea that was!”

“That was your idea.”

“Oh shut up!”


Twilight spent days observing the bank. She looked at every angle to get into the bank. Before she knew it, she had a plan ready for the heist and called yet another meeting.

“Okay girls…this was interesting to say the least…” said Twilight as she rubbed her eyes.

“You have a plan?” said Rainbow, “It better be something awesome!”

“Yeah…I’m not sure about awesome but…it’s different.” said Twilight as she began to put pictures on the table. “Let me start by saying this, the brothers have made quite a security machine.”

“Very impressive darling?” asked Rarity with a small smile.

“Well…I would be lying if I said it isn’t.” said Twilight with a small frown. “However, I will say the machine does have flaws.”

“Let me guess, we’re blowing that machine bits, aren’t we?” said Rainbow with a huge smile.

“Sorry Rainbow…we’re not going to destroy the machine.”


“Sorry sis.” said Scootaloo as she patted Rainbow on the back.

“Don’t worry Rainbow, you’re vital to this plan anyways.” said Twilight with a small smile. “Now, let’s go over the plan I’ve made. First off, the machine the two have made have the bank completely covered. The machine basically covers the bank with security cameras, alarms and spotlights. In order to make sure the machine doesn’t have any weaknesses, the brothers have given the machine four different generators located around the bank. As long as one is still running, the machine can keep going. Though regular customers can go through the main entrance, which I did in disguise…the machine has put security everywhere in there too. That means we can’t go through the main entrance or even its side entrances.”

“This is starting to sound a bit complicated for us pardner.” said Applejack with hesitation in her voice.

“I agree Applejack.” said Twilight with a deep breath. “Well, in order to make this work…I made this!”

Twilight then put a big machine on the table. The six then looked at the machine and then asked. “Um…what is this Twilight?”

“I call it a drill.”

“A drill?”

“Yes. In order for this to work, I made this machine.”

“Say…how much money we taking?”

“Oh yeah…um…85 million bits.” said Twilight as she rubbed her eyes again.

“That’s quite a lot…how much money does this guy have?”

“Over 200 million bits.”

“Geez…” said Rainbow as she slumped down in her chair. “So…how we doing this Twilight?”

“We’re going to take the money by making them think we’re outside the bank.”

The Bright Light Bank (Part 2 of 2)

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“We’re gonna make them think we’re outside while we’re in the bank?” said Applejack in surprise. “That sounds hard…”

“It’s not hard Applejack…” said Twilight slowly. “It’s just…well…a bit different compared to other heists we’ve done.”

“So what does the drill do?”

“Well, it’s a special digging device. As I did some recon, I found several places with can use the drill to dig a tunnel to the vault.”

“A tunnel? Sounds silly…”

“I know it sounds silly but…it’s the best the move I could think of. That’s why this plan is different. First, only four of us is technically required though, I would like Rarity to assist me with levitating the giant amount of money we’re stealing.”

“I’ll gladly assist there darling, but I’m not digging.”

“I know. I had a feeling you would say that.” said Twilight as she then looked at Rainbow and Pinkie. “You two are especially required in this heist.”

“Oh yeah?” said Rainbow with a big grin.

“Yes…you two are going to make them think we’re outside. Rainbow, you’ll be using this.” said Twilight as she put an orb on the table. “This is an explosive orb. You’ll be hiding in the clouds and you’re going to drop this on one of the generators.”

“So we are blowing the machine to bits…heh heh heh…” said Rainbow as grinned while picking up the orb. “Awwwww yeah!”

“You’ll be blowing up one the generators on the side of the bank. At the same time, Pinkie will then be setting off fireworks around the bank. I’ve scoped it out and they’ll be a few spots you can hide to set them off Pinkie.”

“YAY!” said Pinkie as confetti flew out of her mane.

“Yes, now…when you two do this…it will need to be at the same time.”

“Why’s that?”

“Because, I’ve scoped out a place for us to stash an escape carriage and use the drill. I’ve already dug a bit with the drill to the vault. You see, once I’ve dug to the vault, things will happen very quickly.”

“You think they’ll be an alarm in the vault?” asked Rarity.

“Yes…based on what I saw with this machine…though I couldn’t see the inside of the vault when I went inside the bank…I would say there is probably an eighty to eighty-five percent chance that an alarm is inside the vault.”

“You want Rainbow and Pinkie to distract them from the alarm…I get it…” said Applejack as she tipped her hat. “Does that mean I’m in charge of the escape carriage?”

“Yes. Pinkie, once you set the fireworks off, get to the carriage. Rainbow, as soon as you drop that orb, I want you to fly out of there. We only get one shot at this girls.”

“Okay…I’m in.” said Applejack with a small smile.

“You know I’m in!” said Rainbow with a huge grin. “This is gonna be awesome!”

The seven put their hooves up in the air and then said, “We are the Rainbooms!”

The night of the heist…

“Um…” said Fluttershy on the headset. “How’s it going Twilight?”

“FINE!” yelled Twilight as she continues to use the drill. “SORRY, THE DRILL IS REALLY LOUD! I’M ALMOST THERE!”

“Um…okay…” said Fluttershy as switched to the other members. “Um…Rainbow?”

“I’m ready. I got a bird’s eye view on the target.” said Rainbow as she stared at the generator.

“I’m ready too!” said Pinkie in a joyful tone.

“Okay…” said Fluttershy as she took a deep breath. “Okay…you can do this Fluttershy…alright Twilight…we’re ready.”

“I’M ALMOST…” said Twilight as she then hit something.


“Okay…here we go…” said Twilight with a grin. “Fluttershy! Tell them to get ready!”

“Okay.” said Fluttershy as Scootaloo patted her on the back.

“It’ll be fine Fluttershy. Don’t worry so much.” said Scootaloo with a small smile. “We’re all here for you.”

“Thank you Scootaloo.” said Fluttershy as she readied herself, “Okay everypony…Begin!”


Rainbow and Pinkie in unison began their parts of the plan. Rainbow dropped the orb and hit the generator while fireworks blasted in the air.


“Holy Money!” yelled Flam.

“AAAAAAaaaaahhhh! They’re here!” yelled Flim.

The two brothers than began to fight over the microphone they had together as they both screamed at Smoking Brick’s goons. “Guys! The Rainbooms are here!”

The goons immediately ran to the explosion. There, they panicked as they looked around the scene, trying to look through the smoke from the explosion.

“Keep looking! They have to be here!” “Blasted smoke!”

Unfortunately for the goons, the ponies responsible were already gone. As for Twilight, she drove the drill through the vault. She quickly popped her head out of the hole she just dug like a mole. She quickly scanned the vault and saw alarm tripwires throughout the vault. ‘So…I was right…’ she thought. ‘Well…time to get to work.’

Twilight’s horn began to shine as she levitated tons of bits through the hole. She had brought several bags with her as she transported the money out of the vault. At the same time, the brothers then noticed that the alarm had gone off in the vault.



“They…they already got into the vault…”

“Wh-wh-wh-WHAAAAATTTT?!?!?! HOW?!” yelled Flim.

“I have no idea…”

Flim immediately grabbed the microphone and yelled. “They’re in the vault! GET TO THE VAULT!”

But it was too late. As soon as the goons got to the vault, the money was gone. It was at that moment, the brothers began to run away from the bank only to find themselves surrounding at the front entrance.

“Um…hi guys…” said one of them as both brothers trembled at what was going to happen next.

“Hey there…” said one of the goons. “Guess what?”


“You failed.”

The two gulped as the goons surrounded them. Then the beatings happened.

Meanwhile, the Rainbooms loaded up the escape carriage and began their escape. Pinkie and Applejack connected themselves to the carriage and went through Manehattan as fast as possible. While the carriage began to zoom through the city, a gold bar flew out of one of their bags and onto the street.

“Uh Twilight…I think we lost something.” said Rarity as she saw the bar fly out.

“Huh?” said Twilight as she looked outside the carriage. “Oh, it was just a bar. Don’t worry, keep going. No other bits flew out. We’re not leaving a trail so keep going.”

Later the Rainbooms got back to the hideout. There they partied and celebrated over the successful heist. However, things were different the next day. As Twilight went to her computer with her morning coffee, her eyes quickly widened at the morning news she found on her computer.

“Um…Girls! Get in here!” yelled Twilight.

As the others began to enter the room, several began to complain and moan.

“Twi…it’s too early for this…”

“Yeah…what is it already?!”

“Just look at this…” said Twilight as she pointed to the computer.

As the ponies read the news on the monitor, the ponies then gave mixed reactions at the news they read. The ponies then looked at Twilight and asked.

“Is this real Twilight?”

“Yeah…this looks…I don’t know…”

“I know what you mean…” said Twilight as she rubbed her eyes and then looked at Pinkie. “Pinkie? Are you okay?”

Pinkie sat there speechless, her eyes kept growing as her jaw dropped to the floor. Then she began screaming as she looked at the news again.

“AAAAaaaaahhhhh! OH NO!” yelled Pinkie. “THIS IS BAD! THIS IS REALLY REALLY BAD!”

“Pinkie?! What’s wrong?!”

Pinkie then grabbed Twilight and then yelled. “Did you not read that Twilight?!”

“Yes…I did.” said Twilight, confused at Pinkie behavior.

“Yeah!” said Pinkie as she began panicking. “Here, I’ll read it again for you. It says that the police arrested a pony who they believe is a Rainboom!”

“I know. That’s why I showed it to you…”

“You don’t get it!” yelled Pinkie as she pressed her face onto Twilight’s face. “The pony they arrested is my sister, Maud Pie!”

Between Lightning and Maud (Part 1 of 5)

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“Slow down Pinkie.” said Twilight as she put her hoof over Pinkie's mouth. “You're saying your sister has been taken into custody over what we did yesterday?”

Tears flowed down Pinkie's face. “YES! WE HAVE TO HELP HER TWILIGHT!”

“We will! Now please calm down Pinkie!” yelled Applejack.


“You need to calm down dear.” said Rarity as she put her hoof on Pinkie's shoulder. “Please.”

Twilight then directly stared at Pinkie and said, “Pinkie.”


“Stop panicking.” said Twilight as directly as possible. “I'll make sure we help her. Okay?”


Twilight then looked back at her computer and said, “ should we go about this...” she said as Twilight sat down in her chair, her brain was constantly thinking of every possible outcome. Then her brain stopped in thought and she said, “Okay...I don't have enough information about this...”

“What do we do?”

Twilight got up and put on her disguise ring, turning it on to change to Dazzling Bubble. “Pinkie, you and me are going to the police station.”

“Um...okay.” said Pinkie with a slightly confused face. “Should I put a disguise ring on as well?”

“No. You're going as a family member. I, on the other hand, may get noticed as Twilight Sparkle by the police due to Celestia's old wanted poster. It's no longer up but...its best I'm not recognized.”


“Hold on Twi,” said Applejack as she grabbed her hat. “We're wanted throughout Eqeustria. Won't there be a lot of press at the police station?”

“Yes...but if they verify Pinkie, they should let us in. I'll say I'm a friend.”

“So, we aren't coming?” asked Applejack with a disapproving face.

“No...that's too dangerous. Besides, if all of us we're there together, they may think we're the Rainbooms.”

“Which we are.”

“Yeah.” said Twilight with a small smile. “We don't want that to happen.”

Later at the police station...

Twilight and Pinkie found a massive crowd outside the station. Just as Applejack said, the media were all over Maud Pie being taken into custody under suspicion of being a Rainboom. As the two fought through the crowd, Twilight was able to get Pinkie to an officer and help get both of them inside. There, they went to the visiting center at the detention center there. After a long conversation with the police, the officers went and brought Maud to them. Twilight and Pinkie then sat down as Maud appeared before them on the other side of the glass. They then pulled out the phones and began talking to each other.

“MAUD!” said Pinkie as tears went down her face again. “I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE OKAY!!!”

“Hello Pinkie.” said Maud with an emotionless face. “Thank you, but you didn't need to worry about me. I'm fine.”

At this moment, Twilight’s eyes grew as she saw Maud talk. She thought to herself, 'This...this is Pinkie's sister?! Not only that...she didn't show any emotion when Pinkie said that...did she mean it?'

“I know Maud...” said Pinkie as she tried to wipe away her tears. “But I can't help but worry, you're my sister after all!”

“It's fine. I understand.” said Maud as her face never changed.

Twilight sat there, unable to find a word. She could only think, 'Okay...this is doesn't like to show all. Huh.'

Maud then turned and looked at Twilight. “Who are you?”

Twilight slightly jumped and then got the phone from Pinkie. “Oh! Um...” said Twilight as she then coughed slightly. 'Way to make a first impression Twilight!' she thought to herself, “I am Dazzling Bubble, Pinkie Pie's friend.”

“Nice to meet you.”

“Yes, now...I am here to help Pinkie, who wants to get you out of this situation you are currently in.”

“I see. Thank you.” said Maud as her face still showed no emotion. Twilight kept thinking, 'She sure doesn't seem happy...or sad...or does she do that?'

“Very well.” said Twilight as she readjusted herself in her seat, “How did you end up here?”

“The police brought me here.”

“I know that.”

“Then why did you ask?”

“Why did I...” said Twilight as she gave a slight puzzled look, “Okay, maybe I need to rephrase what I said, why did you end up here in custody?”

“Oh...its because I picked up a gold bar laying in the street.”

“A gold bar?”

“Yeah. It's from the Bright Light Bank.”

“The Rainbooms' latest crime...” said Twilight as her mind began to put the pieces together, 'This isn't good...' she thought. 'It must have been the bar that flew out of the carriage...'

Twilight then spoke up, “Alright Maud...what happened after you picked up the bar?”

“A police pony named Lightning Dust immediately flew down and put handcuffs on me.”

“Immediately? You mean this Lightning Dust just arrested you as soon as you picked up the bar?”


'Lightning Dust...' thought Twilight. 'Something's not right...was the police pony watching us escape the bank? No...if the pony was...we would have been followed...something's not right here...'

“Dazzling Bubble?” said a voice suddenly.

Twilight quickly turned her head and said, “Sunset Shimmer?”

“What are you doing here Dazzling Bubble?” asked Sunset with a confused look.

“Um...well...” said Twilight as she then glanced at the pony right by Sunset and then thought, 'That's...Trixie Lulamoon! I better be careful here...' Twilight stuttered and then said, “I'm here with my friend Sunset Shimmer.”


“Yes. Hold on a second...” said Twilight as she gave the phone to Pinkie and then turned back to Sunset. “This is my friend Pinkie Pie. She's Maud Pie's sister.”

Sunset then glanced at Pinkie as she noticed Pinkie panicking over Maud. “Sister huh? Are you here to help her?”


“Sunset?” said Trixie with an annoyed look. “Who is this?”

“Oh...right...sorry Trixie.” said Sunset as she pointed her hoof at Twilight. “This is a pony I met a while back, Dazzling Bubble.”

“Nice to meet you.” said Twilight as she glanced at Trixie.

“I am Trixie Lulamoon, a detective here at the station.” said Trixie as she looked Twilight over. “Why are you here Dazzling Bubble?”

“She said she's here to help her friend Trixie.” said Sunset as she glared at Trixie. “Don't be so rude!”

Trixie looked at Sunset, seeing her angered face and then turned to Twilight. “Trixie apologizes...Trixie is a bit on edge over this case.”

“On edge? Why?” asked Twilight.


“She thinks something's not right with the arrest.” said Sunset. “I think so as well...”

“I see...I thought the same based on what Maud told me. Tell me Trixie, who's Lightning Dust?”

Trixie then gave a very annoyed look. “Lightning Dust? She's a rookie beat cop not worthy of catching the Rainbooms.”

'Hmm...I'm starting to get an idea of what to do here...' thought Twilight as she then glanced at Maud and then turned her head back to Sunset. 'Hate to say it...but I guess me and Pinkie can't get Maud out by ourselves. Not only that, if the Rainbooms did a prison escape plan to free we did that...the police would hunt her down for the rest of her life...I guess...I'll have to ask Sunset Shimmer for help...'

“Sunset Shimmer.” said Twilight with a strong stare.


“I'm not sure how to ask this but...” said Twilight as she lowered her head a little and then raised it again. “Could you help me and Pinkie? We...we want to prove Maud is innocent.”

“Well...I don't mind you know if she's innocent?”

'Oh yeah...I know Maud's innocent.' thought Twilight. 'But I can't tell Sunset Shimmer I'm a Rainboom...'

“I...don't have any evidence.” said Twilight with a depressed look. “But...I still want to help my friend.”

Sunset then turned to Trixie. “What do you think Trixie?”

“Trixie...” said Trixie with some hesitation. “believes she is innocent too.”


“Yes. The Rainbooms are way too cautious for something like this too happen.”

“So you'll help us?”

Trixie then smiled. “Though Trixie is an officer...Trixie will help you.”

“Me too!” said Sunset.

Meanwhile in another part of Manehattan...

“You called for me boss?” said a mare as she entered an office. The pony behind the office desk then turned around in his chair.

“Hello Lightning Dust.” said the pony as he smoked his cigar. “I have a job for you.”

“No problem Mr. Smoking Brick.” said Lightning Dust. “What would you like me to do?”

“You supposedly caught a that correct?”

“Technically...yeah. Why?”

“It's not a real Rainboom is it?”

“Does it matter?” said Lightning as she shook her hooves. “It's gonna make me famous regardless if she is or not.”

“Fame huh?” said Smoking Brick as smoke flew out of his nostrils. “Perhaps I could convince you to set your goals a bit higher?”

“That depends...will this next job really get me something good?”

“Indeed.” said Smoking Brick as the smile on his face kept growing. “These will be your first targets.”

Lightning then went up to the desk and saw multiple photos. “Let's see here...that's Trixie Lulamoon...who's the other pony?”

“Sunset Shimmer. I need you to take care of them both.”


Between Lightning and Maud (Part 2 of 5)

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“ do you want me to do this?” asked Lightning Dust to Smoking Brick.

“ you know, I don't micromanage.” said Smoking Brick as finished his cigar.

“I see...any extras you want me to do?”

“Hmm...I'm not sure. Do whatever you want.”

“Can I ask why you want these two taken care of?”

“Let's just say...I'm very close to taking over the police of Manehattan.”

“Let me guess, Trixie won't cooperate with you, or be bribed?”

“No. According to my men, its thanks to her friend there.”

“Alright. I'll get the job done.” said Lightning as she exited the room. “This is gonna be fun.”

Meanwhile at the police detention center...

“So let me get this straight...” said Sunset as she questioned Twilight. “Maud was arrested as soon as she picked up a gold bar?”

“Yes. That's what she told me.” said Twilight as she glanced between Sunset and Trixie.

“That's not what Lightning Dust told the cops.” said Trixie. “According to her, Maud had the gold bar and tried to run away from the crime scene.”

“Yeah...they also told us that Maud wouldn't talk to any of the police after she was taken into custody.” said Sunset. “I guess she was waiting for somepony she could trust.”

“She was waiting for a family member...” said Twilight as she scratched her chin. “What do the other cops here think?”

“They're too busy celebrating.” said Trixie in an annoyed tone. “Trixie can't believe she works with such amateurs...”

“Ugh...I had a feeling you were going to say that.” said Twilight as she put her hoof over her face. “Then again, I wasn't expecting much out of the police anyways...”

“Sorry Dazzling Bubble.” said Sunset with a small frown.

“Just call me Dazzling.”

“Then just call us Sunset and Trixie then.”

“Okay, well...” said Twilight as she began to gather her thoughts. “How about Lightning Dust? Can we talk to her?”

“No...” said Trixie as she let out a deep huff. “She left the department soon after. Nopony knows where she is.”

“Wait a minute...she just up and left?! Why?! Wouldn't this make her media gold?!” asked Twilight with a confused face.

“We thought that too.” said Sunset in response. “She did tell the department that she already had another case to go for.”

“Okay...Um...” said Twilight as began to think again. 'This makes no sense...why would she...' then Twilight asked Trixie something. “Hey Trixie, how many police ponies here are really here to be police?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well...I mean, how many are you know...thrill seekers...or maybe fame seekers?”

Trixie eyebrows went up and down. “Well...most of them actually. I do know one thing about Lightning Dust though. She does seek fame. She brags about every criminal she arrests.”

“Then isn't that odd for her to just leave?”

“Yes. It's the main reason why I think Maud Pie is innocent.”

“However, we don't have any evidence against it. Maud Pie's hoofprints were on the gold bar.” interjected Sunset.

“Alright...then I don't have a choice. Me and Pinkie need to find Lightning Dust.” said Twilight with a glare of confidence.

“Hold on Dazzling, don't jump to conclusions. She's a cop, remember?”

“What else do you want me to do?”

“Yeah!” said Pinkie suddenly. “She arrested my sister!”

“Aah!” said the three as Pinkie suddenly appeared in front of them. “Pinkie! Don't be rude!”

“Sorry!” said Pinkie as she lowered her head. “I'm just angry...”

Twilight patted Pinkie on the back. “It's fine. We'll help your sister, alright?”


Sunset then put her hoof on Pinkie's shoulder. “It's okay. It'll all work out. You'll see.”

“Indeed.” said Trixie as she rubbed her chin. “Unfortunately Dazzling and Pinkie, we must now take our leave. Trixie must check in at the department. Some nasty rumors have surfaced recently about multiple bribes happening at the station.”

“I understand.” said Twilight as she nodded her head. “Thank you.”

“Why don't we meet up at the library later Dazzling?” asked Sunset. “We can catch up on things.”

Twilight wanted to say no, but she knew she would need Sunset to get Trixie's help on saving Maud. “Okay. We'll meet up in...let's say three hours.”

“Okay!” said Sunset with a huge smile and then she followed Trixie out of the detention center.

Twilight then looked at Pinkie. “'s Maud?”

“She's fine. She went back to her cell...I feel so bad for her...” said Pinkie as her face showed sadness more and more.

“Well...she certainly was interesting...”

“What do we do now?” asked Pinkie with a now curious face.

“We'll get ourselves some lunch...then figure out what to do next.”

“YAY LUNCH! I'm starving!”

Two hours later...

“So...what do you think Trixie?” asked Sunset as Trixie and her walked to Trixie's apartment.

“Well...” said Trixie as she took a deep breath. “Trixie thinks foul play is happening here. Lately, the police have become overconfident due to the lesser amount of crime happening in Manehattan. Trixie thinks the police are changing into something worse. That and money is starting to be thrown around...”

“You think somepony is bribing officers? How badly?”

“Trixie isn't sure. The newest officers on the force aren't exactly the best ponies for the job.”

“That's not good...” said Sunset as her mind raced through the information she had just been given. Then it hit her. “Do you you think these new officers are somepony's way of trying to control the police?”

Trixie stopped as soon as Sunset asked the question. “It's a scary thought but yes. Trixie thinks that may be the case.”

“There's no evidence is there?”

“No. The best evidence over something like this would be a confession.” said Trixie is a serious tone.

“Ugh...that sounds hard...” said Sunset Shimmer as the two resumed walking. Then, they arrived at Trixie's apartment. “Okay Trixie...I have to meet up with Dazzling, are you sure you don't want to come?”

“No...Trixie is going to grab a few things and head out as well. Trixie wants to investigate something.” said Trixie as she rummaged through her apartment.


Sunset, who as the door of the apartment, suddenly fell over. Her body made a loud thud as she fell instantly unconscious.

“Sunset?” yelled Trixie as she heard the noise and turned around. “You alright?”

“Sorry, I'm not her.” said a voice as it approached Trixie.


Between Lightning and Maud (Part 3 of 5)

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Over an hour after Twilight and Pinkie were supposed to meet Sunset Shimmer...

“So...she’s really late Twilight.” said Pinkie with a small frown.

“Dazzling.” said Twilight with a scowl. “Call me Dazzling, Pinkie.”

“Oh right...sorry.”

“It’s fine. That and I agree with you Pinkie.”

“So...what do we do now? Do you think something happened?”

“I’m not sure...I was hoping to ask Sunset Shimmer a little more about the case and why she’s with Trixie Lulamoon...”

Pinkie then gave a sad face, “Well...should we try to find her or do something else?”

“Hmm...” said Twilight as she scratched her chin. “Okay...I think I have an idea of what we should do.”

“Okay, what’s the plan Stan?” said Pinkie as her face began to brighten.

“Let’s start by going to Trixie’s apartment. I suspect Sunset Shimmer will probably be there.”

“Isn’t that dangerous?”

“Yes, but I don’t have a better idea. Besides, I don’t where Sunset is currently staying.”


Meanwhile in a random abandoned building...

Trixie slowly woke up, her eyes went up and down as she slowly gained consciousness. She then moved her head left and right as she tried to focus her mind. Then she saw a mare as she pressed her face up against Trixie’s face.

“Wakey-wakey!” said the mare. “Looks like you’re finally awake!”

“Who...” said Trixie as head shook back and forth. “Who are you?”

“’re awake!” said the mare. “I’m Lightning Dust! Remember me Trixie?!”

“Lightning...” said Trixie is she was still groggy. “You mean that pathetic new beat cop?”


“What did you say?!” said Lightning as she hit Trixie.

After the hit, Trixie fully woke up. She then looked around and saw she was tied up with anti-magic braces on her horn.

“’re looking at the braces.” said Lightning with a mischievous grin. “I heard about your encounter with Muggy Snide. Don’t worry, you can’t use magic to get out of this little situation. I’ve put multiple braces so you can’t use magic no matter what.”

Trixie then saw Sunset tied up as well. Sunset sat there completely unconscious, her head dropping down with bruises all over.

“Don’t worry about her.” said Lightning with a huge grin. “I’ll only beat her if you don’t answer my questions.”

Trixie then glared at Lightning. “What do you want with Trixie and Sunset?”

“Well...” said Lightning as sat down on a chair in front of Trixie. “I was hired to get rid of you two. However, you have some information that I need.”

“What do you mean?”

“Listen here Trixie, I want to catch the Rainbooms.”

“Tch...join the club. Why would Trixie ever help scum like you?”


Lightning hit Trixie again and then said, “I am not scum! Besides, you’re about to die and I, Lightning Dust, the greatest pegasus that has ever lived could easily continue your search for the Rainbooms. I guarantee I would catch them faster than you ever could.”

Trixie then glared at Lightning and said, “Oh yeah? Then why haven’t you caught them yet?”

“I’ve been too busy working for Smoking Brick Trixie. Thanks to him, I’m closer to being the greatest criminal this city has ever seen!”

Trixie immediately realized what she could gain from this situation. She knew Lightning liked to brag and she liked to talk even more. Trixie then gave a small smile and said, “Okay...Trixie understands where you’re coming from.”

“Good.” said Lightning with a grin.

“Tell you what...since Trixie seems to be doomed...why don’t you tell Trixie your great plan as a last request.”

Lightning then scratched her chin. “Well...I guess I could tell you...only if you tell me the information I want after I tell you my plan!”

“Deal.” said Trixie with a straight face.

Meanwhile in another part of Manehattan...

“Okay, this is Trixie’s apartment.” said Twilight as her and Pinkie stood at Trixie’s front door.

“Should we knock?” asked Pinkie.

“I guess so...” said Twilight as she tapped the door only for the door to suddenly swing open. The two then looked inside the apartment and slowly walked in. “Um...sorry for intruding in like this Trixie Lulamoon.” said Twilight as the two began looking around.

“Um...I don’t think she’s here...”

“No kidding. Not only that, this place is a mess.” said Twilight as her eyes scanned the apartment. “There’s no organization or anything...”

Pinkie showed a slight frown. “There sure are a lot of things about the Rainbooms on the walls.” she said as she saw paper after paper with strings attached to it on the walls.

“And I thought I was obsessive...” said Twilight with an irk. “I can’t believe she’s goes to such lengths...”

Twilight then finished examining the room and then gasped. “Pinkie...I have a feeling something is very wrong here...”

“What do you mean?”

“I think...I think Trixie has been kidnapped.”

“Kidnapped?!” yelped Pinkie.

“ that I look at the floor...there’s signs of a struggle...”

“Oh no!” yelled Pinkie, “What do we do now?!”

“Calm down Pinkie, I’ll think of something.”

“Who are you two?” said a voice from the hallway outside of the apartment. Twilight and Pinkie then turned around to see a small colt. “Why are you inside Miss Trixie’s apartment?”

“Well...” said Twilight as she tried to form words. “Let’s just say we’re currently looking for her.”

“Oh yeah? Who are you two?”

“I’m Dazzling Bubble and this is Pinkie Pie. Trixie is currently helping us in a police case. Who are you?”

“Me? I’m Rumble, I live in an apartment here in this building.” said
Rumble with a curious face.

“I see...tell me Rumble, has there been anypony suspicious around here lately?”

“No...not that I know of.” said Rumble while he gave a thinking face. “Well...unless you count that weird pegasus that came by a while back...”

“Weird pegasus?” said Twilight as she then began to think, ‘Wait a minute...Trixie told me that Lightning Dust is a pegasus...Don’t tell me...’

“Is something wrong?” asked Rumble with an innocent face.

“There might be Rumble...” said Twilight as she bowed her head. “Thank you for the information Rumble.”


“You have a plan?” asked Pinkie.

“Yeah...” said Twilight as she looked at Pinkie. “I need you to go back and talk to your sister again. Ask her where exactly she picked up that gold bar and then Lightning Dust showed up. I need the exact location.”

“Okay. What are you going to do?”

“I’m going to find out where Sunset Shimmer is staying in Manehattan. I doubt she was staying with Trixie due to the horrible mess of an apartment she has.”

“Okay!” said Pinkie as she saluted Twilight.

Twilight and Pinkie then left the apartment and split up. As the two went different paths, Twilight could only think one thing, ‘I have a bad feeling about this...I just hope we can save Pinkie’s sister!’

Between Lightning and Maud (Part 4 of 5)

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“Hey Maud.” said Pinkie as she picked up the detention center phone.

“Hello Pinkie.” said Maud as she picked up the phone and stared at Pinkie.

“So...uh, you’re probably wondering why I came back to talk you.”

Maud then just stared at Pinkie, not showing an ounce of emotion. Then Maud just nodded her head.

“Okay! Now...Dazzling wanted me to ask you something really important!”

Maud just stared. Then her mouth slowly opened and slowly said in a monotone voice, “Okay.”

“Alright Maud...I need you to tell me where exactly Lightning Dust arrested you.”

“Okay. I was arrested on a street.”

“Which street?”

“You didn’t ask that part.”


“It was 3rd street.”

“Okay!” said Pinkie with a huge grin. “What part of the street?”

“By the four way of 3rd and 28th street.”

Pinkie then looked at the map she brought with her. “Hmmm...okay...that’s in the south west part of Manehattan...” she said as she scribbled some marks onto the map she brought with her. Pinkie then looked up at her sister and asked. “Oh yeah, how’s Boulder?”

Maud then showed Pinkie the pebble.

“Hey! How ya doing Boulder?!” asked Pinkie with a huge smile.

Maud then looked at Boulder and then at Pinkie. “He’s a rock Pinkie. He can’t talk to you.”

“I know silly!”

“Then why did you try to talk to him?”

“Because he’s your pet Maud!”

“But he’s a rock. Rocks can’t talk.”

Pinkie then began laughing at her sister. “Hee hee, you’re so funny Maud!”

“Is there anything else you need Pinkie?” asked Maud in her same monotone voice.

“Nope!” said Pinkie with a huge smile. “Also, don’t worry about a thing Maud. I’ll definitely get you out of there!”

Maud then just stared at Pinkie and said, “Okay.”

Meanwhile in another part of Manehattan...

Lightning Dust sat in a chair directly in front of the tied up Trixie. Sunset was still unconscious, her body slowly drooped while the ropes held her body up. Trixie glared at Lightning as she began to talk.

“First off,” said Lightning with a malicious grin, “Let me ask you something.”

“What?!” said Trixie with scowl.

“Calm down Trixie. First, do you know how much of Manehattan’s criminals Smoking Brick owns?”


“A few weeks ago, about eighty percent. However, thanks to the Rainbooms, he can’t pay them all and now owns about sixty-five percent. As you can see, whenever the Rainbooms come to Manehattan now, crime drops.”

“I know that.”

“Of course you do. That’s why Smoking Brick came to Manehattan in the first place. You see, his grand plan is take over the police department.”

“Let Trixie guess, by bribes?!”

“Technically, yes. He’s done other means such as blackmail among other things but I will say he’s very close now. That’s where I come in. You see Trixie, Smoking Brick doesn’t know it but I have evidence on him that would put him in prison for centuries!”

“If that’s the case, why chase the Rainbooms? If you put Smoking Brick away, you would be plenty famous. Trixie bets you could even retire.”

“True, but I want more than that Trixie. I want Manehattan!”

“Manehattan?! How?!”

“It’s quite simple Trixie. Soon, Smoking Brick will own the police. Then I’ll arrest him while at the same time I’ll take over his criminal empire. I’m very close to him right now and all I need is a little push and I’ll be able to take everything!”

“ fear that if you do succeed, the Rainbooms will take all your money. Is Trixie right in assuming this?”

Lightning then pressed her head on Trixie’s, her eyes staring directly into Trixie’s. “That’s right Trixie! That’s why I need your information! If I catch the Rainbooms and Smoking Brick...this city will be mine!”

Lightning then leaned back while showing a huge grin. “Now...I told you my plan. Tell me everything Trixie!”

Trixie then gave the most uninterested look she could give and then opened her mouth. “Okay. Trixie can tell you one thing.”

“What’s that?”

At that moment, Trixie’s lips curled and then she spit directly into Lightning’s eye.

“AUGH! YOU LITTLE-!!” yelled Lightning as she rubbed her eye.

“Trixie has changed her mind.”

“WHAT?!” yelled Lightning as she prepared to hit Trixie.

Trixie gave an emotionless calm face and said, “Trixie's not going to tell you anything about the Rainbooms.”

Lightning then gritted her teeth and threw the chair she was sitting in across the room.


“We'll see about that...”

Meanwhile in another part of Manehattan...

Twilight looked down at the piece of paper she had brought with her and then looked at the door in front of her. ‘Okay.’ she thought, ‘This should be the place...’


“Coming!” said a voice behind the door. The door then creaked open and a small figure then looked at Twilight and asked, “Who are you?”

‘A baby dragon?’ thought Twilight and then she spoke up, “Hello, my name is Dazzling Bubble. I was told this is where Sunset Shimmer is currently staying.”

“Dazzling Bubble, huh?” said the dragon as he showed a thinking face. “Sounds familiar...I’m sure I heard Sunset say that name...”

“Um...may I ask who you are?”

“Huh?!” said Spike as he tried to collect his thoughts. “Oh, um, I’m Spike the dragon. Nice to meet ya!”

“It’s nice to meet you as well Spike. Now, do you know where Sunset Shimmer is?”

Spike then shook his head back and forth. “No, she’s been gone most of the day. She said something about going to the police department because they supposedly caught one of the Rainboom thieves.”

“I she hasn’t returned here at any time since she left earlier?”


Twilight put her hoof to her chin and then began thinking, ‘This isn’t good...if I assume Trixie Lulamoon has been kidnapped...then...Sunset Shimmer may have been captured with her. If that’s the case...’

“You okay?” asked Spike as he looked at Twilight’s serious face.

“Hmm? Oh, I’m fine.” said Twilight as she bowed her head. “Thank you for the information. I will now take my leave.”

“Hold on. Are you going to try and find Sunset?”

Twilight nodded her head. “Yes.”

“Then take me with you.”

Twilight gave a surprised look. “Um...sorry Spike but I need to find her as soon as possible.”

“I gathered that. I’m Sunset’s assistant, so let me help you find her. I’m worried about her too.”

Twilight then looked at Spike as he showed a sad face. ‘Aww...guess the little guy is worried about her...’ she thought. Then Twilight turned and motioned for Spike to get on her back. “Okay Spike, let’s go find Sunset Shimmer together.”

“Alright!” said Spike as he climbed onto Twilight. “Where do we go first?”

“We’ll go to the police department. I have a friend there waiting for me!” said Twilight as she began to run. The duo then rushed down the streets, hoping to find the one shred of hope to help the situation they were in.

Between Lightning and Maud (Part 5 of 5)

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Twilight had then made it to the police station. There she found Pinkie sitting outside the station, waving her hoof at Twilight.

“Dazzling! Over here!” yelled Pinkie.

“Who's that?” asked Spike as she looked over Twilight's mane.

“Pinkie Pie.” said Twilight. “She's the friend I was talking about.”

“She's really pink.”

“Yeah...she's always like that.”

Twilight then approached Pinkie Pie and the two began exchanging information. The three then found a place to sit down and looked at a map.

“Okay Pinkie, according to what you told me, Maud was caught by Lightning Dust at the four way on 28th...” said Twilight as she scratched her chin. “Hmm...if my hypothesis is correct...”

Spike and Pinkie looked at Twilight as she began writing on the map, scribbling lines and marking locations. Spike then turned to Pinkie and asked, “Is she always like this?”

“What do you mean?”

“ know, this focused and...uh...”



“All the time.”

“I can hear you two, you know.” said Twilight in an annoyed tone.

“Oh we know Dazzling.” said Pinkie with a smile.

“Right...” said Twilight as she skimmed the paper again and then looked at the two. “Okay...I think I might have an idea of what is happening here.”

“Okay.” said Spike. “What's happening?”

“Based on what I've looked at thanks to what Maud told Pinkie, I believe I found a few locations that Lighting could be at.”


“Yeah. Before I went to your apartment, I looked up Lightning Dust's apartment. It's about two blocks away from where Lightning Dust arrested Maud. Not only that, most beat cops hang go through 3rd, 8th, and 28th.”

“You think she's got Sunset and Trixie on one of these streets?” asked Spike.

“Based on my assumption, yes.”

“Wow, you're good.” said Spike as he looked at Twilight with disbelief. “When do we start?”



Lightning continued to hit Trixie over and over, screaming and yelling at Trixie at the same time.

“TELL ME!” yelled Lightning.

Trixie just looked at Lightning, not saying a word.


Trixie still just sat there. Lightning just stood there, with anger filling her eyes. Lightning finally sat down and looked at Sunset Shimmer. She just sat there, she still hadn't woken up. Lightning then walked over to her and poked her.

“How about you? Are you awake?”

Lightning then sighed, seeing that Sunset didn't respond. “Ugh...can't believe this is happening...”

However, Sunset was awake. She had been awake for quite a while in fact. Sunset had made sure not to show any movement. She had been trying to use magic through her horn despite the anti-magic braces. Sunset had closed her eyes, concentrating all her mind into her magic. The braces resisted any attempt of magic however. ' are me and Trixie going to get out of this one...' thought Sunset. ''re taking a beating and I'm just sitting here...what do I do?'

Lightning Dust sat down in her chair and slumped over. “You have got be kidding me...I can't believe I'm so close and this happens...”

Trixie, who's face was badly beaten and bruised, slowly said, “Trixie thinks you deserve every bit of this.”

“Shut up!” yelled Lightning, “I'm so tired of your garbage that I'm going to...”

“Do what?” asked Trixie, trying to look smug. Lightning raised her hoof in anger but then put it down. She then slumped down in her chair again. Sunset just watched the scene, trying not to laugh. 'Wow.' thought Sunset, 'Trixie easily got under Lightning Dust's skin...well done Trixie.'


Suddenly the door to the room the three were in flew off its hinges and hit the other side of the room. There, where the door used to be, was Twilight with Spike on her back.

“What the-”

“Well well, look what we have here...” said Twilight with a face filled with anger.

“Sunset! Trixie!” said Spike as he jumped off Twilight in a panic after he saw the two ponies tied up.

However, Lightning Dust then appeared right in front of him. She was angry and she then yelled. “WHO ARE YOU TWO?!”

Twilight then calmly said, “We're the ones that are going to rescue them.”

“OVER MY DEAD BODY!” said Lightning as her hoof slammed Spike in the stomach, sending him flying.



“Spike! Okay, you asked for it!” said Twilight as her horn started to glow. She began shooting magic beams everywhere.


Lightning Dust quickly dodged each beam, flying around the run at breakneck speed.

“Go ahead, keep dodging. I can do this all day.” said Twilight as she shot beam after beam at Lightning.

Lightning continued to dodge easily as Sunset watched the fight display in front of her. She then began to think, 'Something's not right here...the way Dazzling is shooting these's like she's not trying...why?'

However, Lightning thought differently, 'This is annoying...' Lightning thought. 'I can't charge her but I could dodge these beams all day...unless she wants me too...backup! She's waiting for backup!'

After thinking that, Lightning then charged into Twilight slamming her body into the hallway.


“Whoa! Augh!”

Lightning slowly got up and spread her wings, thinking, 'Gotta get out of here...quick!'

Lightning flew down the hallway and cut the next corner only for what looked like in Lightning's eyes a pink blur slam into her.


“Ugh!” said Lightning as she fell to the floor. “What the...who are you?”

“I'm Pinkie Pie, Maud Pie's sister!” yelled Pinkie with a rage filled face.

“Maud Pie's sister huh?” said Lightning as she got up, “What's wrong, wanna beat me up cuz I arrested your horrible criminal sister?”

“She's innocent and you know it!”

“Whatever, you two are nothing but a bunch of earth pony scum. I'm Lightning Dust, the greatest pegasus pony ever! You should be glad your sister got arrested by me!”

Pinkie then gritted her teeth as fire grew in her eyes.


Twilight got up and proceeded to wake up Spike. There, she asked him to burn the ropes that tied the two as began to break the anti-magi braces. Then Sunset said, “Wait, what about Lightning Dust?! You're not going to let her go, are you?!”

Twilight gave Sunset a smile, “Don't worry, she's in good hooves.”

Back to Pinkie...

The two ponies had a standoff. Lightning had a smirk on her face, she felt confident she could beat Pinkie, believing that an earth pony is easier than a unicorn. Pinkie, on the other hand, was very very angry.

“ think you can just arrest my sister huh?”

“Of course.” said Lightning with a smug face.


Lightning then stuck her tongue out, “Cuz I'm the best! I'll do whatever it takes to be the best!”

“Let me guess...” said Pinkie as her face showed more and more anger. “You're a pony who's only happy when you make other ponies sad...aren't you?!”

“If it'll make me happy then yeah.” said Lightning as she shrugged her shoulders, “Why does that matter anyways?”

“Ponies like you...they make me sick.” said Pinkie as she tightened her hooves, ready to attack Lightning. “All I want is to make ponies smile...yet ponies like you are always around.”

“ want ponies to smile?!” said Lightning as she began to laugh. “HAHAHAHA!!! What a bunch of trash! Ponies are only happy when get what they want! That's all!”

Pinkie's eyes lit on fire, she then flew into Lightning, but Lightning quickly dodged.

“Gotta be faster than that!” said Lightning with a grin.

“Why you little-”

Lightning spread her wings, preparing to tackle and knock out Pinkie in a single turn. Lightning then dashed into Pinkie with all her might, but Pinkie was faster. Pinkie turned around quickly and immediately imitated Applejack's back kick. The kick slammed into Lightning's face, causing her to go flying into the ceiling.


Lightning fell to the floor, completely knocked out. Pinkie then stood over her and said, “As long as I live, I'll make sure everypony smiles, even if means beating ponies like you!”

At that moment, a bright light shined in front of Pinkie and an object appeared in front of her. Pinkie the pinked it up, looking at it. Twilight then rushed down the hallway.

“Pinkie?! Are you okay?!”

Pinkie then turned to Twilight, “I'm fine!” Pinkie said as Twilight caught up to her and saw Lightning Dust unconscious. “Hey Twilight, what do you make of this?”

Twilight then saw the object Pinkie was holding and then gasped. “Pinkie...where did you get that key?”

“A bright light appeared after I beat her and then the key appeared.”

Twilight then grabbed the key from Pinkie and began examining it. 'This is...' thought Twilight. 'This isn't good...if this is what I think it is...'

“Something wrong?” asked Pinkie, confused.

“I'm not sure...” sad Twilight. “Can I keep this for now Pinkie?”


Twilight put the key in her saddlebag and then Sunset and the others came down the hallway. Trixie was slumped over as Sunset slowly dragged her to Twilight. “Are you all okay?”

“We're fine.” said Twilight as she dragged Lightning's unconscious body to Sunset. “Hey Trixie, would you like to arrest this slimeball?”

Trixie gave a small weak smile and said, “It would be Trixie's pleasure!”

Then group soon left the building that Lightning had taken Trixie and Sunset too. There delivered her to the police department where she thoroughly confessed to everything. Several police officers were arrested over being bribed due to Lightning's confessions and revealing information over Smoking Brick. Then Maud Pie was released from custody.

Pinkie then found herself hugging and crying over Maud. “I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE FREE MAUD!” said Pinkie as mountains of tears went down Pinkie's face.

Maud hugged Pinkie back and said. “I'm fine Pinkie, you don't have to cry.”


Maud then hugged Twilight, Trixie and Sunset as well. “Thank you for helping me.” said Maud in her usual monotone voice.

“It's fine.” “No problem.” “Trixie was just doing her job.”

Maud then said goodbye to Pinkie, telling her she was going to leave Manehattan. Pinkie then joined her to the train station to see her off. Twilight then went and thanked Sunset and Trixie.

“Sorry this happened to you two.” said Twilight.

“It's fine Dazzling.” said Sunset. “We're fine. Trust me. Say, can we still meet up sometime?”

“I'm going to have to get back to you on that one Sunset. Sorry.”

“Oh okay, well, you do know my address now so just come by anytime.”

Twilight nodded. “Okay.”

Twilight soon departed and made her way back to the Rainboom hideout. Sunset and Trixie then parted ways and Sunset went back to her apartment. There she met Spike and signaled him, showing she wanted him to make a letter.

“Um, okay Sunset. Do you want to tell Celestia about all that happened?” asked Spike, confused.



“Spike, did you watch Dazzling Bubble attack Lightning Dust when you two came to rescue us?”


“Even though I had those braces on...thanks to my training with Princess Celestia I could sense the magic Dazzling possessed. I could feel the power she possessed. However, Dazzling Bubble wasn't trying to get Lightning Dust when she rescued us. She was barely trying.”

“I don't get where you're going with this...”

“Prepare a letter for Princess Celestia. Tell her...tell her I think I found Twilight Sparkle.”

The Family (Part 1 of 5)

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“ARGH! YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME?!” yelled Smoking Brick as his cigar broke from him slamming his teeth down.

“It's true sir...we lost everything.” said a goon, his body shivering.


Smoking Brick kicked his chair, the chair flew over the goon's head, hitting the other side of the room. “Sir...” said the goon as his teeth shook in fear.

“SHUT UP!” screamed Smoking Brick.

“You make quite a fuss.” said a voice as its owner entered the room. “Somepony might just hear your tantrum.”

Smoking Brick looked at the pony that had entered. He was blue colored earth pony with a crimson colored mane. “Who are you?”

“A pony that can give you back your city.”

Meanwhile at the Rainboom hideout...


“Great...just as I thought.” said Twilight as she put the key Pinkie had given her into the six keyhole box. The key worked in one of the keyholes. Twilight slumped over in her chair and began to think, 'Ugh... just as I predicted, the key worked! This friends are still connected to Harmony! If that's the case...' thought Twilight as stared at the box. 'No...I don't want that future for what do I do...'

Twilight sat there in depression. She then looked at her friends who were sitting in another room, they were all either talking or doing something they enjoyed. 'I have to protect them...' thought Twilight as she then looked at Pinkie. 'Pinkie...she was so happy when she saw Maud free...and its my fault she ended up there....'

Twilight sat there and remembered how Pinkie kept crying and hugging her sister after the incident. 'Family huh? Must be nice...' thought Twilight as she looked at Pinkie. 'Maybe I should...would I be able to do that...'

Twilight then turned around and looked at her computer and thought, 'Well...this next heist I have planned. It can't happen for the next three weeks...oh well...guess I could give them a visit. I might as well patch things up with them.'

Twilight then got up and began to pack several things into her saddlebags. She finished packing and approached the others. “I'm leaving.” said Twilight.

“Leaving?” asked multiple ponies.

“Yes...our next heist won't happen for three weeks so I'm leaving the city for a day or two. Is that okay?”

“Well yeah Twi...but why are you leaving?” asked Applejack with an expectant look. “You never leave Manehattan unless its a really good reason.”

“Not only that, three weeks?! The next heist is in three weeks?!” said Rainbow as she fell to the floor. “Why does it have take so long?!”

“Rainbow, there's more important things to ask here darling.” said Rarity.

“I know...ugh...”

Scootaloo then walked up to Rainbow and patted her head. “It'll be okay sis.”

“'s the reason Twilight.” asked Fluttershy.

“I'm going to go visit my parents.”

“Your parents?!” asked multiple ponies.

“Yes. I...” said Twilight as her head went down. “I...I need to at least reconcile with them.”

“Didn't you hate your parents?” asked Rainbow.

“I kinda do...but...” said Twilight as she scratched her head. “After seeing Pinkie and Maud...I just knew I needed to see them at least one more time...”

Applejack then walked up to Twilight and patted her on the back. “Then get going sugarcube! Everypony needs to get along with their family!”

Twilight gave a weak smile to Applejack. “You ponies are my family Applejack. Please remember that.”

“Aw shoot Twi, just get going!” said Applejack as she slapped Twilight’s back.

“Yes darling, go ahead.”

“Thanks everypony!” said Twilight as she proceeded to put on a disguise ring and left the hideout. She made her way to the train station and got a ride to Canterlot. There, she sat in a private cabin, waiting for the ride to be over. As she sat there, she unloaded her saddlebag and pulled out a small case. The case had metal all over it. Twilight then smiled and thought, 'Heh heh...its a good thing I think ahead. Thanks to the work I've done on this case and my ring, the Canterlot barrier won't sense me when I get to Canterlot.'

Twilight then opened the case and saw what was inside. She looked at the jewel inside, the Element of Darkness. She then began thinking, 'My insurance...thanks to you, Celestia won't bother me while I visit my parents...the only problem is Cadance...what will she do if she sees this...'

Twilight looked out the window, only to see Canterlot in the distance. She quickly closed the case and put it in her saddlebag. She rubbed her eyes as she looked at the city of Canterlot again. Twilight took a deep breath and thought, 'Okay...its almost nighttime...I'll check into a hotel and sleep for the night. Knowing Celestia, she probably still has guards around my parents...if that's the case...' she thought as she looked at her disguise ring. 'Guess I'll have to use the cloak I packed in my bag...oh well...Celestia will know better than to challenge me anyways.'

The train stopped and Twilight exited her cabin. There she proceeded to a hotel and slept the night away. The hours passed as she slept and soon it was morning. There, Twilight woke up and proceeded to leave the room. She made her way to her parent's house only observe guards everywhere. 'Okay...there's a guard on the roof...and two guards watching the street...' she thought as she viewed them from a distance away. Twilight then put on her cloak and looked around to make sure nopony was looking and turned her ring off. After putting the ring in her bag, she slowly proceeded up to the door. 'Hopefully, if these guards are as dumb as they look I should just be able to show myself to my parents and they'll back off...or call my brother, which I can handle if necessary...'

She then walked up to door and knocked on it. Night Light then opened the door and yelled. “Whoever you are we don't...Twilight?!”

“Hi dad, can I come in?”

The Family (Part 2 of 5)

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“I on in Twilight.” said Night Light as he gave look of confusion combined with surprise.

“Thanks.” said Twilight as she walked in with a smirk. She then looked around the room, seeing that nothing had really changed since she was here as a filly. Twilight scratched her chin and said, “Hmm...nothing really changes, does it?”

“Well...” said Night Light as closed the door. “We're not much into change, you know that Twilight.”

“Oh I know.” said Twilight as she proceeded to the living room. There she sat down on one of the chairs and asked, “Where's mom?”

“Oh, she's probably in the kitchen...or...” said Night Light as his mind tried to process what was happening. “Wait a minute! Why am I asking that?! Why are you here so suddenly?!”

“Calm down dad. I'll explain in a second but I want mom to hear the reason as well.”

“Oh...well okay.” said Night Light as he left the room and went through the house. Soon he brought Twilight Velvet with him and she immediately ran to Twilight and hugged her.

“Oh sweetie!” yelled Twilight Velvet as tears went down her face. “I've missed you so much!”

Twilight patted Twilight Velvet on the back and said, “Hey mom...I'm back.”

After a few minutes, the three ponies were all sitting in the living room. Twilight’s parents continued to look at Twilight as she began to explain why she was here. “Okay...I'm betting you want to know why I'm here.”

The two nodded and Twilight continued. “Well...a friend of mine made me realize how important family is and...” said Twilight with hesitation. “Well...let's say it made me realize a few things.”

“Oh Twilight, this is your home and we're your family. Please don't feel bad about that.” said Twilight Velvet in a caring tone.

“I know...I just...a lot of things have happened to me mom. I mean a lot of things.” said Twilight as tapped her hooves nervously. “I came here because...I want to apologize for running away all those years ago...”

“Twilight, you don't have to...” said Night Light in a sad tone.

“NO!” snapped Twilight. “No...I...a while back, I realized that I need to fess up and tell you two that it was my fault that I ran away. I ran away because I was obsessed and selfish and...” said Twilight as tears went down her eyes. “I...I need to take responsibility for hurting you two...and hurting Shining and Cadance.”

“Twilight...we for-”

“NO! Don't say you forgive me!” yelled Twilight as steam flew out her nostrils. “I...I've done some bad things when I left...but one of the worst things I ever did was straight up leave you all!”

“But Twilight...”

“Don't you get it?! I left my family!”

“We know you did.” said Twilight Velvet with a soft smile. “But you came back. Good ponies always come back.”

“It's just...” said Twilight as more tears went down her face. “For years...I never regretted leaving! How could you forgive me for doing something like that?!”

“We-” started Night Light when suddenly...


Suddenly the front door slammed open and two ponies entered the room.

“Twily?!” yelled one pony. “Are you really here?!”


Yesterday in Manehattan...

Smoking Brick rubbed his eyes as he sat behind his desk. He then spoke up to the pony on the other side of the desk. “Let me get this want me to steal two jewels and you'll pay me 200 million bits for the jewels?”

“That's correct.” said the other pony.

“Okay...two questions. One, why come to me?”

“Because you have the resources to guarantee the theft will be a success.” said the other pony with a huge smile.

“I won't deny” said Smoking Brick as he tried to say the pony's name.

“My name is Shady Wheel.”

“Right. But if that's the case, why didn't you just go to the black market? They know all kinds of thieves there.”

“I don't trust common crooks.” said Shady Wheel with a look of disgust. “I prefer to talk to professionals, somepony like you can easily get ponies to do the job.”

Smoking Brick looked the pony over, unable to read the pony no matter how much he tried. “Alright...question number two. What makes you think I won't just have my boys tear you apart right here and make you give us the money now?”

Without skipping a beat or showing any emotion, Shady Wheel answered, “Oh that's easy. I know you won't because I have the money separated.”


“Yes. I make sure my money is constantly moved around. There are certain ponies I have to contact just to know where it is. I'm a very cautious pony.”

“So in other currently can't tell me where you're money's at?”


“Huh...and if I had that amount, I could easily buy back a huge portion of the city I lost.”


“ just might have yourself a deal Shady Wheel.”

The Present...

“Oh Twilight! It's so good to see you!” said Cadance as she hugged Twilight.

“Hey Cadance...” said Twilight as she hugged back.

Shining just stood, staring at Twilight. He then spoke up, “Twily! Where have you been?!”

“Hey brother.” said Twilight with a sarcastic tone. “Nice to see you too.”

Shining Armor gave a disgruntled face. “Yeah...” he then went and hugged Twilight as small tears went down his face. “It's good to see you Twily.”

“It's good to see you all too. Sit down will ya?”

The two sat down in the living room and all four stared at Twiight. She then started to speak, “I know you all have more questions but...I need to tell you something.”


“Well, when I decided to come here, I told myself I would tell you all what happened to me after I left. Now, I can't tell you everything but I've decided to tell you what happened to me. You all deserve to know.”

“Why aren't you telling us everything?” asked Shining Armor.

“Because...Celestia is trying to find my friends to use as weapons like me. You work for her and she might make you say something so I...”

Cadance gave an angry face. “She is not trying to use as a weapon Twilight!”

“She is.” said Twilight with a calm face as she pulled the case out of her saddlebag. “That's why I made this.”

Twilight opened the case and the showed the jewel to her family. Her parents and brother only gave a confused look while Cadance's face filled with itself with fear. “TWILIGHT!” yelled Cadance. “Wha...why do you have that?! Why did you make that?!”

“It's my insurance Cadance.”


“Yeah. With this, Celestia won't look for me. Only I know how to use it so its fine Cadance. Don't worry about it.” said Twilight as she closed the case. Shining looked at Cadance as he saw her scared face and said. “Just what did you make Twily?”

“It's nothing dangerous, don't worry about it.” said Twilight as she put her hooves up. “It's fine, stop worrying.”

Shining then got up and hugged Cadance. After a bit, Cadance calmed down and said, “Alright Twilight...could you tell us what happened to you?”

“Sure...” said Twilight as looked up at the ceiling and then back at her family. “It all began when I ran away from home...”

The Family (Part 3 of 5)

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“Wait a minute, are you saying you're going to tell us every moment since you left us?” asked Shining.

“What? No!” said Twilight with an annoyed face. “I'm just going to tell you the most important parts. Trust me, a lot of my life had been walking around Equestria and not much happening despite the traveling.”

“Oh, okay.”

“Just let her tell us son.” said Night Light as he glared at Shining.


“Its fine brother.” said Twilight as she stretched her hooves. “Now, where was I...ah yes. It started when mom and dad told me I couldn't go to the school and took my books away from me. However, they didn't know I had hidden a book in my room. That night I began reading the book, which was about magic by the way, and then suddenly my cutie mark appeared!”


“Yes, I was so surprised by it. However, I was just a filly and I didn't understand what the mark meant so...with my filly mind, I thought it meant that I was destined to study magic for the rest of my life. At that moment, I knew what I wanted to do, I wanted to run away and learn more and more about magic. So, I put the money I kept all this time in my bag along with the book and my doll, Smarty Pants.”

“You're old doll...”

“Yeah...I then went out the window and headed to the train station. There, a found a couple of train attendants and guards arguing. While they argued I sneaked onto the train. I hid myself inside the train and before I knew it, I was in Fillydelphia. That's when things started to go bad for me.”

“That quickly?”

“ all started there in Fillydelphia. What happened there was my first taste of what Equestria was really like.”

“What happened?”

“I lost Smarty Pants.”

The Past...

Filly Twilight sneaked out of the train and went down the streets of Fillydelphia. She was immediately enamored by the city. She had seen the castle of Canterlot and tall buildings there but this city was completely different. Twilight went down street after street, trying to absorb all she was seeing.

“Unbelievable!” said Twilight to her doll poking out of her bag. “Look at this place Smarty Pants!”

Then she went down an alleyway, trying to find the city library. There, as she walked down the alleyway, she found herself surrounded by three ponies.

“What do you want?” asked Twilight as the three earth ponies approached her. They gave huge grins as they got closer and closer to Twilight.

“Oh we don't want much.” said one pony. “Just something we know ya have.”

“Yeah, we don't want much.” said another. “We just want yer money.”

Then one of the ponies pulled out a knife. “Where's yer parents kid?”

“Um...” said Twilight as she began to shiver. “I...”

“They ain't here, are they?” said one pony with a huge grin. “Good.”


One of the ponies with Twilight in the back of the head and Twilight immediately hit the concrete. “Ugh!”

The two other ponies grabbed her bag and immediately started searching through it. “NO!” yelled Twilight as one of the ponies kept her pinned to the ground. “DON'T!”

“Stay down little brat!” said the pony above her.

“Hey look at this!” said one pony as he took Smarty Pants out.

“Hey! Let go of Smarty Pants!” yelled Twilight as tears began to well up in her eyes.

“Oh this?” said the pony as he dangled the doll in front of Twilight. He then grabbed both sides of the doll and ripped it in half.


“Heh heh heh, here ya go kid.” laughed the pony as he threw the torn doll at Twilight's face. Twilight stared at the doll as the ponies stood there and took her money that was in her bag. Twilight didn't hear what else the ponies said or what they were doing. She just laid there in shock as the ponies just stood there and laughed at her. Then, something came over her. Her mind went blank and her eyes went white. Her horn began to glow until magic exploded out of her horn.


The magic blasted the entire alleyway, slamming the three ponies into the wall. Then it was over, Twilight got up, scratching her head.

“Oooohhhh...what happened?” said Twilight as she looked around. She then looked at the now pile of fluff that was Smarty Pants and said, “Smarty Pants...I'm so sorry this happened to you...”

Twilight then looked around the alleyway and saw the now knocked out ponies. “Did all”

The Present...

“After that, I put the money they had stolen from me back into my bag and left the alleyway. Smarty Pants was torn to pieces so I left him there. Now that I think about it...that was probably the first hint that I was the Element of Magic...” said Twilight as she stretched herself in the chair she was sitting in.

“Oh Twilight...” said Twilight Velvet. “You loved that doll...”

“Yeah...I did...” said Twilight as one tear slowly came out of her eye. “But that's the past...I can't change that...”

“Twilight...” said Cadacne as she put her hooves over her mouth. “Don't say something like that...”

“It's fine Cadance.” said Twilight. “That happened years ago, okay? Besides, that was nothing compared to what happened next.”


“Yes...first, I left Fillydelphia later that day. I haven't returned to that city since.”

“Because of what happened?”

“That and there's nothing there for me anyways. Now, after that I sneaked onto another train with little problems. However, I fell asleep while I was hiding and ended up in a very different city from Fillydelphia.”

“Where did you end up at?”

“Las Pegasus.”

“LAS PEGASUS?!” yelled Shining in surprise. “Of all cities, you ended up there?!”

“Yep.” said Twilight, her face showing no emotions. “Las Pegasus.”

“What happened there?” asked Cadance with a face filled with worry.

“Let's just say, thanks to my time there...I saw the true hidden nature of Equestria.”

The Family (Part 4 of 5)

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“First off...” said Twilight as she looked at her family. “Have you ever heard of Magic Arenas?”

Shining’s eyes grew as she heard Twilight. “Magic Arenas...Twilight...isn’t that an illegal underground sport for unicorns?!”

“That’s right.”

“Don’t tell me...” said Shining as his mouth began shivering. “Don’t tell me you participated in such things Twilight?!”

“I did.” said Twilight as she bent her head back while looking at the ceiling. “Wow...that was a long time ago...”

The Past...

Twilight had arrived in Las Pegasus and was surprised at the city to say the least. The city was filled with so many lights you almost couldn’t tell it was nighttime. Twilight couldn’t believe what she saw as she walked down through the city. She then thought, ‘Wow...this city is incredible looking...there’s so many lights...I wonder if I can ever find a library in this bright city...’

As she went down street after street, looking for someplace to stay the night. Then she looked down an alleyway, seeing if anypony was down there. ‘There’s nopony here...good...I feel so tired...’

Twilight fell asleep in that alleyway, her body was completely drained. Her eyes slowly closed as her head slowly fell on the concrete. As she laid there sleeping, an earth pony approached her sleeping body and picked her up. “Heh heh...a filly unicorn...could be useful...” said the pony.

A couple of hours later...

Twilight slowly woke up, her eyes tried to open only to see incredibly bright lights flood her eyes. Twilight slowly got up, rubbing her eyes and said, “Oooohhhh...what happened? Why are there so many lights?”

An announcer then yelled as noise slammed Twilight’s ears. “ARE YOU READY?!” said the announcer.

“YEAH!!!!!” yelled the audience. At that moment, Twilight saw she was in a coliseum like place. The noise from the audience shook Twilight’s ears as she looked around. She then saw several other unicorns, both fillies and adults in the arena. ‘What is this?’ she thought.

The announcer then took a deep breath and then yelled, “IT’S TIME FOR MAGIC ARENA!”

“MAGIC ARENA! MAGIC ARENA! MAGIC ARENA!” screamed the audience.

“Magic Arena?” said Twilight, still trying to figure out what was happening to her. She looked at the other ponies in the arena and saw they put themselves in battle stances. “What...what is going on?!”

“FIGHT!” yelled the announcer.

Suddenly the other unicorns began blasting beams all over the arena. Twilight watched in terror as unicorns blasted each other. Her hooves shivered as she watched pony after pony fall. She saw grown stallions and mare blast fillies and colts around while other grown ponies fought each other. Then a stallion began to walk toward her.

“Hey there little filly.” he said as his horn began to glow. As he approached, Twilight saw the intent in his eyes. She sat there, shivering as he got closer and closer. She then thought, ‘Why...why is this happening to me?’

Then the stallion shot a beam at Twilight.


“Augh!” said Twilight as she went flying from the beam. She then looked at the stallion as he kept getting closer. “Heh heh...are you still with us little filly?”

Twilight slowly got up as she heard the stallion laughing. She looked at him as his horn began shining again. Her mind started to race, 'He's coming...what do I do? Why am I here? I don't feel so good...' she thought as the stallion then put a huge grin on his face. As she saw the grin, her mind began to freeze. She kept looking at the grin and then her mind went blank. Then memories flooded her as she looked at the stallion. The stallion's face merged with the ponies that tore up her doll Smarty Pants.


The stallion blasted her again. “Augh!” yelled Twilight as went flying from the beam. Then tears flowed out of Twilight’s eyes as she then got up. In her mind, the stallion had merged with the other pony who destroyed her doll. Her eyes turned white as her horn began to glow. “YOU! YOU KILLED SMARTY PANTS!”



The stallion went flying over the arena. The other ponies in the arena then saw the stallion fly and then turned to Twilight. Twilight just stood there as magic poured out of her horn. She then yelled, “NO MORE!”


Beam after beam flew out of Twilight’s horn, blasting pony after pony. Soon every pony in the arena were completely knocked out. The audience along with the announcer just sat there as they saw all the ponies got knocked out.

“WHAT WAS THAT?!” yelled the announcer.

“BOO! BOO!” yelled the audience at Twilight.

The announcer then yelled at the staff for the arena and after a small talk, the announcer then went back to the mike.


The audience, after hearing this, then began cheering for the champion and then the announcer said, “WE'RE BRINGING IN THE CHAMP, THAT'S RIGHT, FIRE HORN!”

A stallion then entered the arena, he towered over filly Twilight as his horn began to shine in front of Twilight.

“This is my opponent?!” he said.

Twilight didn't respond. She was instead, trying to control her power. As the stallion powered up his horn, her horn glowed as well. Fire Horn then shot a beam at Twilight.


Twilight quickly put up a magic shield, blocking the beam and then shot a beam back at Fire Horn, knocking him flying.


He was immediately knocked out and Twilight just stood there in the middle of the arena. The audience and announcer were speechless. They had watched a little filly beat everypony in the arena. After a few minutes of absolute silence, Twilight fell over, completely exhausted. Some time later, Twilight woke up to find herself on a chair in a small office. There, a rough looking earth pony was behind a desk, looking at her.

“Where am I?” she asked as she began to wake up.

“Hello little girl.” said the pony. “Don't be scared, you're just in my office.”

“Um...okay...” said Twilight as she looked around. “Who are you?”

“My name is Copper Block little girl, what's your name?”

“Twilight Sparkle.”

“Well Miss Sparkle, you're quite the little bag of surprises, aren't you?”

“What do you mean?”

“You won in the Magic Arena, something that few fillies are ever able to do. It's very impressive.”

“Um, okay.”

Copper Block then chuckled, “You have no idea what I'm talking about do you? I like you kid!”

“What do you mean?”

“Listen up kid, I'm going to give you a lifetime opportunity!” he said as pulled out a piece of paper. “I want you to come and work for me.”

“Work for you? But I'm just a kid.”

“Age doesn't matter in this business kid. What matters is results, and judging on how well you did in the arena, I would said the results are quite good.”

“You want me to fight more? Why?”

“I can see you don't want to about I give you something in return?”

Twilight’s head moved sideways in confusion, “I don't get it.”

“If you sign this contract,” he said as he pointed to the piece of paper. “If you fight for me, I can give you anything you want. If you want toys, food, or dresses...I can get it for you as long as you fight in the arena.”

Twilight scratched her chin, thinking about what he said. Then her eyes began to shine, “Wait a minute!” she said with a smile. “Does that mean you could get me as many books as I ever wanted?!”

Copper Block was taken back by her sudden enthusiasm and then said, “Uh...yeah, I can easily do that.”

The Present...

“Hold on a second there Twilight!” yelled Shining. “You didn't sign his contract based on that did you?!”

“I was a filly Shining.” said Twilight with a straight face. “I didn't know any better.”

“Oh yeah...but still! You?! You became a fighter?!”

“Calm down Shining.” said Night Light as he turned to Twilight. “So what happened next?”

“Well...” said Twilight as she scratched her chin. “I stayed for a little over two years after that.”

“Two years?!” yelled Shining.

“Yep. He got me books and food, Copper Block took pretty good care of me. He hired a trainer to keep me fit as I fought match after match. I didn't care for fighting but it helped me learn magic very quickly. All that power I displayed as a filly...I quickly learned to control it thanks to the magic arena. I kept fighting match after match, and it made me powerful...” said Twilight as she showed a small grin. “The days in the arena showed me how to fend for myself and gain confidence. I know it sounds crude but it helped me understand what it meant to work and live. I also kept studying while I was there. Then, after being there for a little over two years, I finally left the place.”

“What, because you realized that you were doing something illegal?!” said Shining with a hint of sarcasm.

“No...I realized that Copper Block had been using me.”

“I could of told you that one...”

“Shining!” yelled Cadance. “She was just a filly at the time!”

“Oh come on!” snapped Shining. “This is Twily we're talking about here!” Shining then glared at Twilight. “Surely you would have figured it out eventually, wouldn't you?!”

The Past...

Twilight had won every match in those two years. Nopony could fight her in a match. A few had come close but Twilight always came out on top no matter what. However, after another match in the arena, Twilight went to the showers and then she went to Copper Block's office. She was going to ask him for more books that day, but instead stopped at the door as she overheard Copper Block arguing with another pony.

“What do you mean no?!” yelled the other pony.

“I mean no! I'm not giving up Twilight!” said Copper Block.

'Give me up?' thought Twilight as she heard the conversation. 'What does he mean by that?'

“Do you not get it?!” screamed the other pony. “Don't you understand what she is?!”

“I know exactly what she is.” said Copper Block with a smug face. “She's the greatest money making pony ever. She's gonna make me rich and that's all that matters!”

“She's more than just that! The police are very close to finding the arena! If they find her, especially because she's underage, we'll be in huge trouble!”

“Doesn't matter. She's going to make me rich.” said Copper Block as he pressed his face in front of the other pony. “I DON'T CARE!

'I...I'm just here to make Copper rich?!' thought filly Twilight. ' that all I am?'

“I've never seen an unicorn with more talent than she does. It would be a waste if she wasn't being used by me.” said Copper Block as pushed the other pony away. “Now get out of my office, as long as I have her contract, your opinion doesn't matter.”

'Did he just say used?' though Twilight as she just sat there. 'He's been using me?'

The other pony slowly left the office as Twilight watched him leave. For the next few days, Twilight sat in her room filled with books. The days passed as she continued to think about what she had heard. She just didn't understand what Copper Block meant about using her. 'All he's done to have me fight to get me stronger...and he's always took care of me and keep me safe.' she thought. 'So...why did he say that? Am I really just a tool to him?'

A few days later, Twilight had another match in the arena and she easily won. After the match, she proceeded to Copper Block's office and then slowly entered inside. Copper Block sat in his office chair as he saw Twilight enter the room.

“Twilight!” he said with a huge smile. “Good job with the latest match!”

Twilight just stood there, not saying a thing.

“Twilight? You okay kiddo? Want some more books or something?”

Twilight didn't know what to say but her mouth opened anyways. “Am I...what am I to you?”

“Huh? What do you mean?” said Copper Block in confusion.

“Am I just here to get you money?”

Copper Block's face went pale in fear of what she just asked. “ Not at're the best thing to ever happen here in the arena! You're the champion! After all, if you're the champion, I need to take care of ya!”

“So...if I wasn't the champion...what would yo do?” asked Twilight with teary eyes. “Would you reject me?”

“ Twilight. I wouldn't reject you.” said Copper Block as Twilight noticed his eyes shift around.

“You're lying.” said Twilight as she glared at Copper Block. “Your eyes are telling me that.”


Twilight then stomped in front of Copper Block. “YOU'RE LYING!”

“I..uh...” said Copper Block as he tried to improvise a response. But it didn't matter. Twilight’s horn was already shining, her face filled with anger and fury.

“I'm just here for money, aren't I?” said Twilight as her face showed more and more anger. “Am I just a tool Copper Block?! Is that all I am?!”


“SHUT UP!” yelled Twilight as she blasted a beam into Copper Block's desk.


The table went flying over Copper Block, where it then fused with the ceiling in a crash.

“I get it now Copper Block.” said Twilight as tears went down her face. “You're just like my think you can manipulate me and control my life.”


“I know what you are now Copper Block! You're just a selfish pony who has other ponies do all your dirty work!”

“Well I...”

“I'm going to tell you one thing before I force you to tell me where the contract is so I can destroy it Copper Block.”

“What's that?” said Copper Block in fear.

“I will never ever work for any selfish pony ever again! I don't care how noble or honest they seem, I don't care! I WILL NEVER EVER HELP ANY SELFISH GREEDY PONY EVER AGAIN!”


“A true pony is one who helps others...I read that in a book by Starswirl the Bearded. I believe that philosophy is what all ponies should follow.”

The Present...

“I beat Copper Block till he showed me the contract and you can guess what I did next.” said Twilight as anger filled her face. “That's all there is to it, really...I stayed there for years until I found out why he really wanted me to stay there. I think...that was the moment where I started to believe that trusting ponies was a bad thing. The next few years of my life...I really believed that trust would only cause me misery and sadness.”

“Oh Twilight...” said Twilight Velvet as she then hugged her daughter. Night Light soon followed.

Shining sat back in his chair, putting his hoof over his face. “I can't believe this...”

“I understand if you don't believe me Shining.” said Twilight as she stared at the ceiling again. “I was a pretty selfish pony back then...and I still am.”

“I believe you Twily...” said Shining, “It's just...did anything else happen to you?”

“Not really...the next few years was just me traveling all over Equestria. I had saved plenty of money from all the wasn't till I met a certain pony filled with kindness that...well...I started to trust other ponies again.” said Twilight as she remembered the first time she met Fluttershy. She then thought, ' think meeting her would change me so much...that and my friends...yet even now I still have trust issues...'

“Is that pony the Element of Kindness?” asked Cadance.

“I can't answer that Cadance.”

“Why not?” said Cadance with an irritated face.

“I...I can't risk telling you that Cadance.”

“Princess Celestia is nothing like that pony Copper Block!” yelled Cadance.

“I know she's not.” said Twilight with a straight face. “I just...I just can't trust Celestia.”

“That's enough!” said Cadance as her horn began to shine. “Stop being so stubborn Twilight! She's nothing like that!”

“I still don't know what to think Cadance.” said Twilight as she stared at Cadance. “I'm not sure what to think anymore matter what I think or try...I mean, I want to trust Celestia but...I don't know what I should really do...I think...I think I still wish I had stayed here in Canterlot...”

“But you can't anymore, can you?” asked Cadance. “You want to be with your friends, don't you?”

“Yeah...I really do.” said Twilight with a small smile. “I can't do anything without them.”


“Somepony's at the door...” said Twilight.

“I'll get it.” said Cadance as she proceeded to the door and opened it. “Hello, who is...LUNA?!”

“Hello Princess Cadance. Is the one called Twilight Sparkle here?”

The Family (Part 5 of 5)

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Several Hours Ago...


“What is that sister?” asked Luna, looking at her sister.

“It's a letter from my student sister.” said Celestia as she opened the letter.


“Sunset Shimmer.” said Celestia as her eyes scanned the letter. Her face changed as she read the letter.

“What's wrong sister?” said Luna as she glared at her sister.

“My student...she believes she's found Twilight Sparkle...” said Celestia as her face started to show surprise.

“Twilight Sparkle? The one who inherited Harmony?”

“Yes...” said Celestia as she signaled her adviser. “Get me a letter, I must tell her to stay away from her!”

“Why? Is your student in danger?” asked Luna.

“Well...things could go bad if Twilight figures out she's my student.” said Celestia as she grabbed the next letter.

“May I speak with you about this for a second sister?”

“Let me write the letter first Luna.”

“No. We must talk now!” yelled Luna.



The Present...

“Is the one called Twilight Sparkle here?”

“Um...yes.” said Cadance as she stood there at the front door, unable to move.

“May I come in then?”

“Uh...” said Cadance as she looked at the others, “Can she?”

The others looked at each other and then nodded. “Come on in...”

“Excellent.” said Luna as she slowly entered the room. “Thank you for letting me enter inside your home.”

“It's fine Princess Luna.” said Twilight Velvet, surprised at the sudden guest now entering her house. “It's a honor to have you here...”

Luna then proceeded to sit down and looked directly at Twilight. “Are you the one called Twilight Sparkle?”

“Yes.” said Twilight Sparkle with a smug grin. “It's nice to see you again Luna, though its nice to see you not attacking me though.”

“I apologize for that, I...” said Luna with a hesitant face.

“Don't apologize.” said Twilight directly. “It's fine...I know why you became Nightmare Moon and it doesn't matter.”

“It...doesn't matter?” asked Luna in a confused manner, “What do you mean?”

“I mean I understand why all that stuff happened between you and Celestia. It's cool.”

'This? This is the pony that will inherit the future of Equestira?' thought Luna as she looked Twilight over. 'Just...just who is this pony? Why is she the inheritor of Harmony?'

“Let me're wondering why Celestia is obsessed with me, right?” asked Twilight with a small grin. “Would you like to know why?”

“Yes...though I wouldn't call it obsession. I would like to know why.”

“Its because I originally refused to become the inheritor of Harmony.”

“That's why she's like that?” asked Luna with a confused look. “Why would she act like that then?”

“Simple. It's because she didn't guide me there.” said Twilight as she stared right into Luna's eyes. “I chose to inherit Harmony.”

“Why would that change anything?” said Luna as she got more and more interested.

Twilight then leaned back in her chair. “To tell you that...that's quite a story...”

“Please...” said Luna as she glared at Twilight more and more. “Tell me, I must know.”

Twilight scratched the back of her head. “Uh...I'm not sure...”

“Why are you hesitating?”

“Because of the other ponies in this room.” said Twilight as she looked at her parents.

“It's fine Twilight.” said Night Light. “Please tell her.”

“Are you sure?”


“Alright...” said Twilight as she rubbed her eyes. “But did you know I was here?”

“The guards couldn't find the captain.” said Luna with a straight face.

Twilight then looked at Shining, raising her eyebrow. “Ah...makes sense...okay...where do I start...”

“At the beginning.” said Luna in the calmest tone possible.

“Right...” said Twilight as she realized that Luna did not want to beat around the bush, “Let's all started when I was just a filly...”

A few hours ago...

“Sister, I only have one question.” said Luna as she glared at Celestia. “I know I've been gone for a very long time but I have never ever seen you truly worry about a pony like this Twilight Sparkle. So why? Why are you so worried about one unicorn?!”

“Because...she...I don't know how to explain it Luna...” said Celestia as she looked out a window. “She did something that...I'm not sure if...”


“I know...” said Celestia as she continued to stare at the window. “I just can't believe she could hate me so much yet still save you...”

The Present...

“Please allow me to think for a second.” said Luna as she pointed her hooves at Twilight. “You wanted to join my sister's school...and then you couldn't so you ran away only to find out you were supposed to go to my sister's school...and become her other were supposed to become what you wanted to do but you ran away instead...”

“That's the full story.”

“So...why do you hate my sister so much?”

“I...” said Twilight as she took a deep breath. “Look Luna...I'm not the greatest pony ever. I'll admit that. However, over these past few years of my life I saw what Equestria is Luna. It showed me what life is really like. Then...I met your sister. I met her because she sent out wanted posters of me even though I hadn't done anything. She involved my family and my old foalsitter.”

“Didn't you hate your parents at the time?”

“That is true but...if you were a regular pony and were suddenly wanted for something you didn't understand, wouldn't you be offended?”

“Well...I guess so...”

“Yes. Then your sister started hunting me down like a dog, even using my parents.”

“She did not hunt you down like a dog!” yelled Cadance. “She only wanted to see you!”

Twilight then glared at Cadance. “What else was I supposed to think?! She sent her entire guard after me!”

“But she-” screamed Cadance as stood out of her chair. Then Luna got up and said, “Don't Cadance! Let me talk to her!”

Cadance glared at Luna and then backed off. “Okay...I'm sorry...”

Luna then rubbed the side of her head and said, “ that why you hate my sister? Because she hunted you down like that?”

“No...well maybe...” said Twilight as she leaned down, “I don't know what to think right now Luna. Part of me thinks I should just meet her and finally settle all this...but another part of me just wants to hate her for involving my parents and sending her army after me...and...I think she'll involve my friends as well.”

“I see. You're wrong about her though.”

“Can I ask you something Luna?”

“Of course, go ahead Twilight Sparkle.” said Luna, nodding.

“Why did you become jealous of her Luna? Was it the fact that the elements chose her?

“It was her sun that me jealous Twilight Sparkle.” said Luna with an saddened face, “It was never the elements or her.”

“I see...that's fine.” said Twilight as she leaned back, looking at the ceiling. “Here...I have something to show you...”

Twilight then opened her case, showing Luna the Element of Darkness. Luna then flinched as she saw the jewel. “You made that?!”

“Yes...yes I did.” said Twilight with a small smile.

“Why? Why would anypony make something like that?”

“So Celestia wouldn't come after me.”

“That's why you made that?! That should be sealed so no evil pony could ever get their hooves on it!” yelled Luna in fear.

“Stop panicking.” said Twilight as she closed the case. “Only I can use it anyways. I designed it that way.”

“But still...”

“It's fine. Don't worry about it.”

Luna then sighed, “I see...if that's the wonder my sister is acting like that...very well. I will now take my leave.”

“It was nice meeting you Luna.”

“Indeed. May I ask you one more question?”

“Sure.” said Twilight, shrugging. “What's your question?”

“If you really hated being destined to inherit Harmony, why did you inherit it anyways?”

“ plan was to inherit it and then seal the elements away. My plan...was to show her that I have the power to choose my own path.”

“That's a very selfish reason Twilight Sparkle.”

“Oh I know it is. I will gladly take responsibility for my actions.” said Twilight with a sad face. “But I... I know I'm a selfish pony...but I want to choose my own path Luna.”

“I see. Do you know the other elements?”

“Yes.” said Twilight as she nodded her head back and forth. “I know that I made the Element of Darkness for myself but...I also want to use it to protect my friends. I know I'm selfish least I can protect them.”

“I don't want them to get involved with the destiny Harmony has planned for you...” said Luna as she got up. “I'm going to take my leave now Twilight Sparkle.”

Twilight then nodded. “It's been nice meeting you Luna.”

“Indeed. I have but one thing to tell you Twilight Sparkle.”

“What's that?”

“All ponies, even alicorns are allowed to be selfish and greedy at times. Nopony is perfect.” said Luna as she showed an ancient smile. “But if you truly believe my sister is out to get you, she isn't. My sister is a truly kind pony, even if you don't believe me.”

“I see...”

“And about the jewel in that case,” said Luna as she showed a serious face. “Don't think for a second that that jewel will solve all your problems. I've seen true darkness my little pony and it is something that nopony wants to involve themselves in. You are the bearer of Harmony, a pony that will inherit light and help Equestria. That is your destiny as the bearer of Harmony.”

“I know...and that's what scares me.” said Twilight as her head drooped down. “I just hope I can do it myself.”

“Do you wish to meet my sister, Twilight Sparkle?”

“No...there's something I need to do first...”

Later that day in Manehattan...

“Here's the jewel you wanted.” said Smoking Brick as he laid the jewel on his desk.

“Ahh...the first jewel.” said Shady Wheel as pulled out a case. “Here's your money.”

“Good...” said Smoking Brick as he looked in the case. “Wait...this is only a hundred million bits.”

“Yes...I asked you for two different jewels.”

“Yeah, I know. But you only told where to get one of them.”

“Don't be so impatient Mr. Smoking Brick.” said Shady Wheel, “The next jewel will arrive in Manehattan three weeks from now. Then, you'll get the rest of the money.”

“Good. In the meantime, I'll use this money to buy some of this city back.” said Smoking Brick as he blew cigar smoke in Shady Wheel's face and thought, 'This guy is dumber than I thought...once I steal the other jewel, I'll collect your other hundred and have my boys beat you. Then I can sell the jewel for even more on the market...'

“Sounds fine to me.” said Shady Wheel as he slowly left Smoking Brick's office and thought, 'Idiot...thankfully I already have the third jewel...once I get the second one, I won't need you anymore...'

The Crystal of the Dawn (Part 1 of 4)

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One week later...

“I'm back!” said Twilight as she entered the Rainboom hideout.

“Welcome back!” yelled the others.

“How did it go sugarcube?” “Did you have fun?” “You were gone a whole week!” “Indeed darling.”

“All of you need to calm down.” said Twilight with a straight face. “I'm fine. I was only gone for a week girls.”

After a few minutes of talking and hugging, the ponies sat down in the meeting room. Twilight then spoke up, “Sorry I was gone for a whole week girls.”

“It's fine Twi.” said Applejack with a huge smile. “Did ya finally get along with your family?”

“I did. I even stayed in my old room. I think it got a bit smaller compared to the last time I was there...or I got a bit bigger...” said Twilight with a small grin as tears dropped from her eyes. “My family accepted me back...even though I didn't deserve it...they still did.”

“Family will always have your back Twi.” said Applejack as she patted Twilight on the back.

“I know...I get that now Applejack.” said Twilight as tears went down her face. “Now...I'm sorry I was gone so long but...I'm back.”

“It's cool Twilight.” said Rainbow. “I'm just glad your here so we can do another heist!”

“That's the thing. This next”

Rainbow then gave a panicked face, “Don't tell me we're not going to do the heist?! I can't wait more than two more weeks!”

“No Rainbow. We're going to do the heist Rainbow.” said Twilight in a calm tone. “What I'm saying is...I think...I think that this heist might be our last heist as the Rainbooms.”

The other ponies gasped. “WHAT?!” yelled Rainbow. “ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!”


“Are you sure darling?”

“Uh...are you okay pardner?”

“ENOUGH!” yelled Twilight, as her horn began to glow, “Calm down everypony!”

The others soon fell silent as Twilight then spoke up, “Girls...I'm sorry. Just...just let me explain...”

“Go ahead, we're listening sugarcube.” said Applejack as she signaled the others to calm down.

“Well...a lot of things happened while I was gone girls...for starters, I had a meeting with Princess Luna.”

“You mean that pony you said used to be Nightmare Moon?”

“Yes.” said Twilight as she rubbed her eyes. She bent back in her chair, hesitating to explain the next part. “ do I explain this? Okay...first, let me show you this girls...”

Twilight's horn began to glow and her magic levitated the lens off her eye. The others looked at her eye as it began to glow.

“ do know yer eye's glowing, right?”

“Yeah...that's pretty creepy Twilight.” said Rainbow as her face showed a hint of fear.

“Yeah...I know it's glowing...” said Twilight as she put the lens back on her eye. “It's not just glowing girls...I feel it in my head as well. Harmony...Harmony is calling me girls...”

A few days ago...

“Good morning Twilight! Do you want some breakfast?” said Twilight Velvet as she saw her daughter came downstairs.

“Um...sure mom.” said Twilight as she scratched the back of her head. “Wow...this is so weird...”

“What's weird about a mother wanting to fix her daughter some breakfast?”

“I don’t know...I guess I thought you and dad wouldn't want me to stay here at the house...”

“Oh Twilight...” said Twilight Velvet as she went to Twilight and put her hoof on Twilight's face, “We would never reject you from our house. This is your home Twilight. You'll always be welcome here no matter what happens.”

Small tears began to form in Twilight's eyes. “Thanks mom...thanks.”

“Now...what would you like for breakfast?”

“Well, how about...” said Twilight until suddenly, as if bullet slammed into her face, pain struck her head. She felt it in her left eye. “AAAAAAaaaaahhhhhh!!!” she yelled as Twilight put her hoof over her left eye and fell to the floor.

“AAAAAAaaaaahhhhhh! It burns!”

“Twilight?! What's wrong?!”



“My eye...” said Twilight as she pulled her lens off her eye. Twilight Velvet gasped after seeing Twilight's eye. “Twilight...your looks like your cutie mark! How is that possible?!”

“Harmony...” said Twilight as the pain began to slow down.

“What does Harmony have to do with your eye?”

“It'''s a warning...”

“A warning?”

“Something's coming...something bad...”

The Present...

The others watched Twilight as her face showed more and more sadness. “Twi...are you okay? You know we're always there to help you.”

“I know Applejack...I know...I just...”

“Why is Harmony is calling you, darling?” asked Rarity. “Is it bad?”

“I think Harmony is telling me that...something is coming...something bad.”

“You mean something like Nightmare Moon?”

“I don't know...” said Twilight as she slumped more and more into her chair, “But there's a high possibility it could be something like that.”

“So...if this is are last heist...what are you going to do afterwords Twi?”

“I was thinking...I was thinking of turning myself over to Celestia.”

The others gasped at the response immediately. “Why would you do that Twi?” “Yeah! Didn't she like, send her army after you?” “Indeed, we're thieves darling! That sounds like a horrible idea!”

“I KNOW!” yelled Twilight as the others stopped talking. “I know...I just...I'm going to Celestia and use the Element of Darkness to get the Rainboom Thieves pardons. Don't worry, I won't tell her your names. Thankfully, I was never able to sell the Golden Gem of the Sun on the market. Apparently the buyers were scared of owning it since the military are still trying to find the gem. I could also give that back as well...”

“Why does this sound like your giving up Twilight?” asked Rainbow as she flew closer to Twilight's face. “This doesn't sound like the pony that convinced me to join the Rainbooms!”

“I...look know what my fillyhood dream was right?”

“Yeah...You wanted to be Celestia's student, right? Then you couldn't and you ran away.”

“Well...I know that I hate the fact that I was denied my dream. However, I have been told that I was destined to be Celestia's student. I don't really have a choice here...” said Twilight as she pointed to her eye. “If I am bound to Harmony...then I need to trained in the art of controlling such a power. Celestia is the last pony who used such a power and she used it for centuries. I hate to say it...but I don't have a choice Rainbow...”

“But...didn't you say she was bad news Twilight?!”

“I did...and I still think that Rainbow...but I've seen what kind of beings Harmony will want me to fight...I don't have a choice. is telling me something is coming and...I need to be prepared to face it. Don't worry so much, after I learn how to use Harmony I'll make sure to go down my own path again.”

“...Ugh...alright Twililght. I understand.” said Rainbow as she sat back down in her chair. “So...what is our last heist?”

“A jewel that's worth 35 million bits.”

“Not a bad amount...what's it called?”

“The Crystal of the Dawn. It'll be in Manehattan two weeks from now.”

“Two weeks? Is the owner some moving corrupt noble?”

“Yeah. Let me explain the jewel first. Apparently, this jewel is part of a set. Three jewels in particular. They're called the Unknown Gems of the North, they were found several centuries ago yet nopony knows where the gems were made. It is believed these jewels hold certain amounts of magic power though nopony knows how to activate the magic power inside. The three jewels are the Crystal of the Dawn, the Ruby of the Inferno and the Stone of the Clouds. Now, very recently the Ruby of the Inferno was stolen here in Manehattan.”

“But we didn't steal it.” said Rainbow. “Are you saying there are some other thieves in Manehattan right now?”

“No...I believe the thieves are Smoking Brick's men. The ruby was in one of the museums here, and it was run by a respectable pony. No criminal records or corruption, yet he was robbed. Sad really...”

“If that's the case, what about the other jewel darling, the Stone of Clouds?”

“I looked into that before I left for Canterlot and...hate to say it but nopony knows where it is. I checked with the black market and some of our contacts and...nothing. Nopony has seen it for a while now...”

“I see...and what about the pony we're stealing from?”

“A corrupt Baltimare noble. Apparently, this noble likes to buy and sell jewels to the highest buyers. The noble especially seems to like to negotiate with criminals and does underground auctions. He'll arrive here in two weeks, then a week later he'll start an underground auction. We're going to steal the jewel before the auction.”

“So...we'll take the jewel beforehand, huh? Sounds awesome!” said Rainbow with a huge grin.

“So girls, are you ready for one last heist?” said Twilight with a giant smile.

“YEAH! We are the Rainbooms!”

The Crystal of the Dawn (Part 2 of 4)

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Two weeks later...

“ everypony ready?” said Fluttershy as she slowly talked into her headset.

“We’re fine Fluttershy.” said Twilight as she looked at Rarity and Applejack. “Me, Applejack and Rarity are scoping out the mansion right now. Pinkie has got the carriage ready. We’re ready on your mark.”

“Okay...” said Fluttershy as she switched to Rainbow Dash. “Rainbow, um...uh...are you ready?”

“I was born ready! I got one thunderstorm ready in the sky!” said Rainbow with a huge grin. She then cricked her neck and said, “Give the signal and I’m ready to rock!”

“Okay...” said Fluttershy as she took several deep breaths, ‘You can do this can do this...’ she thought as she put her hoof on her chest. She then spoke up, “Alright...Twilight, Rarity, and Applejack will take care of the guards and security system. Rainbow will then start a storm and then rush in to grab the crystal. I hope this works Twilight.”

“It’ll be fine Fluttershy, don’t worry so much. All of us have our disguise rings on Fluttershy along with cloaks. Us three here will sneak around to the back of the mansion and get to the generator he’s got set up. After that, it’ll be a piece of cake!”

“Okay...Get ready everypony!”



The trio then got out of the escape carriage, put on cloaks, and went to the mansion. The mansion had a huge yard with a tall iron fence. There were guards surrounding the mansion, all looking around. Thankfully, they don’t have the best vision even with flashlights at night. Twilight easily used her magic to bend part of the fence and the three slipped into the yard. They quickly looked around, making sure no guard had already saw them. They quickly sneaked into bush after bush, getting closer and closer to the mansion. Finally, they were in guard territory. Twilight peeked out of a bush and slowly counted all the guards.

“Looks like...twenty or so guards...”

“Twenty?” said Applejack in surprise. “Ain’t that a bit much?”

“Indeed darling.” said Rarity with a concerned look on her face. “Perhaps we should try something different?”

“No...looks like we can still do the plan...look.” said Twilight as she pointed her hoof. The others looked at where she pointed. Applejack then replied, “What the...are those guards...asleep? They definitely look tuckered out...”

“Yeah...I think they are...they're definitely tired...alright, let's stick to the original plan girls...” said Twilight as she began signaling the two, they then slowly went around the mansion. They ducked behind trees and bushes as they proceeded to the back. There, they saw the generator, surrounded by several guards. Twilight motioned Rarity and Applejack, telling them she was about to attack the guards. Twilight's horn slowly glowed and then she put her hoof on Rarity's shoulder. “Okay Rarity...remember what I taught you, okay?”

“I'm ready darling.”

“Okay, with the two of us, the spell will keep these ponies asleep even if I destroy the generator. Let's begin.” said Twilight as both ponies horns shined. Twilight's magic then summoned what looked like a small cloud while Rarity's magic began to cover the cloud. Rarity then began to levitate the cloud to the guards. As the cloud touched the guards, they fell into a deep sleep instantly. All the guards fell to the ground like flies. The trio then nodded to each other and slowly sneaked to the generator. Twilight then began examining the machine. “Okay Fluttershy...I'm at the generator. Get Rainbow ready.”

“Okay Twilight.” said Fluttershy as switched to Rainbow, “Twilight's ready Rainbow. Remember to start the storm as soon as the lights go out.”

“I got it Fluttershy.”

“And remember the path inside the mansion Rainbow.”

“Stop worrying Fluttershy,” said Rainbow with a cocky smirk. “This is Rainbow Dash you're talking about. I'm the best of the best!”

At that moment Twilight disabled the generator. The lights immediately went out of the mansion. Seconds later, all the guards and the owner began screaming.

“What's going on?!” “What the-?!” “Aaaaahhh!”

Rainbow then pulled her hooves back and then slammed them into the cloud, causing lightning and thunder to blast out.


Rainbow then dashed into the mansion, smashing through one of the windows. The noise from the thunderstorm was louder than her window smashing. She quickly raced through the mansion and went down hall after hall. She quickly knocked out any guard in her way. Soon she found the owner's office and entered it. The owner was looking around in the dark, trying to figure out what was going on. However, he just didn't see Rainbow coming.


Rainbow quickly knocked him out and searched the office. Before she knew it, she found the Crystal of the Dawn.

“Got it!”she said into her earpiece. “I'm getting out of here!”

“Good job Rainbow.” said Fluttershy as she then switched to Twilight. “Did you get to Pinkie?”

“We did. We're leaving now.”


Rainbow, after grabbing the crystal, then opened one of the office windows. She then flew out of the mansion and looked around to see what direction she needed to fly to. After finding it, she zoomed through the clouds. She went through cloud after cloud, feeling great along the way. Then as she went to the west part of Manehattan...


“Wha...” said Rainbow Dash as her face filled itself with fear. She couldn't feel her wings, her hooves, anything. At that moment, it was as if time itself stopped. Rainbow Dash, who had been flying through the air without a care in the world, suddenly dropped the Crystal of the Dawn. Then Rainbow Dash fell, falling like a sack of rocks. She fell on top of a building like a anvil, her wings battered and bruised.


“Ugh...oh...wha...what happened?” Rainbow said as she tried to get up. Her whole self felt as if every nerve was taken away and at the same time was sending every message of pain possible through her body. Rainbow's body twitched as she struggled to even move. She looked around as she tried to understand what had just happened to her. Then, she saw two ponies approach her.

“What did I tell you Trixie?” said one pony. “I told you that using magic on the cloud would work. She never saw the lightning coming.”

“Indeed Sunset,” said Trixie Lulamoon as a huge grin appeared on her face. “Looks like my prediction of the Rainbooms stealing the Crystal of the Dawn was spot on. Trixie is glad she still has some good hunches every now and then.”

“No kidding. Looks like we just caught a Rainboom.”

The Crystal of the Dawn (Part 3 of 4)

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“Rainbow?! Rainbow, come in!” yelled Fluttershy. She began to panic as she heard the loud crack of lightning hit Rainbow. After that, Rainbow wouldn't respond to Fluttershy, she knew something was wrong. She quickly switched to Twilight. “Twilight!”

“What’s wrong Fluttershy? We're headed to the hideout right now.”

“It's Rainbow, she...she...she won't respond! I heard this noise and then...”

“Fluttershy! Calm down!” said Twilight as she signaled Applejack to stop the carriage. “What happened?”

“Rainbow...she won't respond!”

“Okay, something must have happened to her. Activate the tracking signal on her earpiece just like I showed you.”

“Um...okay. Give me a second...” said Fluttershy as she stumbled around on the computer. Soon she activated the signal and saw Twilight was close to the signal. “She's a few blocks away...and...and...and she's not moving!”

“Okay! We'll go over there immediately!” said Twilight as she signaled the other three with her.

“What's going on darling?” asked Rarity.

“I'm not sure...something may have happened to Rainbow...let's just hope things aren't too bad.”

Meanwhile at a Manehattan rooftop...

“So...this is one of the Rainbooms...” said Trixie as she poked Rainbow's body. “This must be the main flier of the group.”

“I agree.” replied Sunset as she examined Rainbow. “Hmm...considering how fast she was going...I'm surprised she's not some type of stunt flier or trying out for the Wonderbolts...though the Wonderbolts aren't known for taking in thieves...”

“Trixie has too agree with you there...Trixie can't remember the last time she saw a pegasus fly so fast. Then again, Trixie doesn't have wings so she doesn't know what real fast pegasi are.”

Sunset then looked at Rainbow's leg and saw the disguise ring. “What's this?” she said as she removed the ring. The two then gasped as they saw Rainbow change colors and turn into her usual looks. “What the...”

“Sunset...what was that?! And why did her skin color and mane change?!”

“I...I think it was this ring...”

“The ring? You mean that ring hid what she really looked like?”

“I think so...” said Sunset as she levitated the ring in front of her. “Hmm...whoever made this is really smart...I mean super smart. Maybe the Rainbooms have a scientist on their team...or an inventor.”

“An inventor? Perhaps that is the Rainbooms' leader?”

“That's definitely a possibility...well Trixie...why don't we handcuff this mare and take her to the station?”

“Trixie would love too Sunset.” said Trixie as she proceeded to grab her handcuffs. As she pulled the handcuffs out, she then stared at Sunset and said, “Thank you Sunset. Trixie couldn't have done this without you.”

“You don't have to thank me Trixie, you're my friend.”

“Still...Trixie would have never been able to do this without your help. Trixie hates to admit it but...Trixie would have never thought about booby-trapping the clouds that float over Manehattan.”

“It's cool. I'm just glad we finally caught one of these thieves. Let's hope this thief will help us catch the whole group...”

“Trixie agrees with you there...”


“AUGH!” yelled Trixie as a beam sent her flying across the rooftop.


“Trixie!” screamed Sunset as she saw her friend get blasted and lose consciousness. She quickly turned to see two cloaked ponies on the rooftop. “You'll pay for that!”

Sunset immediately shot several beams out of her horn.


One of the cloaked ponies quickly pulled up a magic shield, blocking all of the beams. The other cloaked pony quickly rushed into Sunset. Right before the hoof of the cloaked pony was about to hit Sunset's face, she teleported. However, the first cloaked pony saw it coming and blasted a beam where Sunset teleported to.


“Ugh!” said Sunset as fell to the ground after the blast. “I can't believe this is happening...”


Sunset completely lost consciousness as the second beam blasted her entire body. There as her body fell over on the rooftop, the two cloaked ponies approached her. The two then pulled theirs hoods, showing they were Twilight and Applejack.

“This isn't good...” said Twilight as she began to examine the unconscious Rainbow.

“No kidding sugarcube. What do we do?”

“Hold on...” said Twilight as she placed her hoof on her earpiece. “Hey...”

“Oh thank goodness...did you find Rainbow Twilight?” asked Fluttershy as she scrambled to her headset.

“Yeah...tell Pinkie to bring up the toolbox we always keep in the escape carriage up to the roof. We're going to need you to heal Rainbow, seems she got hit by a full brunt of lightning.”

“Oh dear...okay, I'll tell Pinkie.”

“So...what do we do? Looks like these two know about the disguise rings.” asked Applejack. “You know what that means...”

“I know...guess we don't have a choice now...when Pinkie gets up here, tie them up with the rope in the toolbox.”

“Tie them up?! We're kidnapping them?!”

“No...well, technically, yes...but only temporarily. At least until I can get us pardons.”

“Okay, that sounds absolutely nuts sugarcube! We're not kidnappers! Ah know ah don't always approve of what we do but ah am no kidnapper! Can we even take care of them?!”

“What else am I supposed to do?! Just let them know who Rainbow is?!”


“If they reveal this to the police, things could get a whole lot worse. Worse case scenario, Rainbow ends up in jail and loses Scootaloo! If Rainbow is exposed as a Rainboom, we'll get caught very quickly! We don't have a choice!”

“Ah shoot!”

“I don't like it either...”

“I'm here!” yelled Pinkie as she hopped up to the rooftop. “Oh no!”

“It's fine Pinkie. Just give me the toolbox.”

“What are we going to do?! This is terrible!” said Pinkie as she began to panic.

“Listen Pinkie, we're going to tie these two up and get some anti-magic braces put on them. We'll also get Rainbow to Fluttershy. We'll use the second hideout we set up that we never used in Manehattan to hide these two.”

“Okay...” said Pinkie as her hair began to deflate. “I hope Rainbow is okay...”

“She will be Pinkie, we just need to get her to Fluttershy.”

A few hours later in another part of Manehattan...

“Boss! Boss!” yelled a pony as he ran into an office. The pony inside quickly turned around as he smoked a cigar. “Smoking Brick, sir!”

“What is it?!”

The pony that had just entered then showed off a jewel he had stashed into his bag. “Look at this!”

“Is that...”

“Uh huh! Sure is!”

“Give it here already!” yelled Smoking Brick as the jewel was given to him. “Well what do you know...the Crystal of the is this possible?”

“Some pony was flying with it and got hit by lightning, then the pony fell on a rooftop and dropped it off the building!”

“And you just happened to see this happen?!”


“Huh...well this saves me a lot of trouble...okay! Somepony get me Shady Wheel!”

“Yes sir!”

Smoking Brick then stared deep at the jewel and thought, 'Heh heh heh, just when I thought all my luck had run out thanks to the Rainbooms...with this and the money I'll get from this...nothing will stop me from owning Manehattan!'

The Crystal of the Dawn (Part 4 of 4)

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A few hours later...

Twilight, Rarity and Applejack sat at a table in the second Rainboom hideout in Manehattan. There, they began debating on what to do next.

“Ah should have known this would happen...” said Applejack as she gave disgruntled look at Twilight. “Just when you say we can finally stop thieving, this happens!”

“This situation is still under control Applejack.” said Twilight with a slight scowl. “Trixie Lulamoon and Sunset Shimmer are both knocked out and tied up in the other room. We can still do a work around with this situation. I even soundproofed the room, if they wake up, they won't be able to hear us.”

“Oh that's just nice and fancy Twi...except for one simple thing sugarcube...WE GOT CAUGHT!”

“Calm down darling.” said Rarity as she sipped a cup of coffee. “We won't get anywhere if you keep overreacting.”

“Can it Rarity! This is between me and Twi!” yelled Applejack as she turned her head to Twilight. “So tell me, what do we do now?!”

“I already told you this Applejack, we'll keep them here and I'll go and get us pardons with Celestia.”

“That's fine and dandy and all, except the fact they saw who Rainbow is! Didn't you say that would put both her and Scootaloo in danger?!”

“I did, that doesn't mean that we have to throw in the towel though.”

“ have got to be kidding me...” said Applejack as slumped down in her chair, facehoofing at the same time.

“Listen Applejack, everything will work out fine. Don't worry, before you know it you can go back to your job of bucking apples, okay?”

“'s not okay Twi...”

Twilight then turned around, looking at a desk she had set up in the room. There, a computer sat, observing the room Sunset and Trixie were. Twilight go up and began to use the equipment, making sure they could see the whole room.

“Looks like Sunset Shimmer is about to wake up...” said Twilight as she stared at the computer.

“What should we do darling? Should we just let her stir for a while or go wake her up?”

“Hmm...let's let her stir for a while...I still need time to think out our next move Rarity...”

“Oh great...more thinking...What a fat load of apples that will do!”

“Stop that Applejack! You know this situation is not Twilight's fault yet you keep blaming her!”

“Who else am I supposed to blame?! Isn't she the one that turned us into thieves in the first place?!”

“No, she's not. You know that this was your choice in the end, Applejack. Just like the rest of us.”

“Yeah...dumbest choice ah ever made...”

“Would you say that if that didn't happen to Rainbow? If we didn't get caught?”

“...Ah don't know...maybe...”

Rarity's face turned from calm to anger, “Applejack! How dare you!”

“What?! What was ah supposed to say?!”

“Oh I don't know, maybe no?! Seriously, what is wrong with you darling?!”

“Ah...put an apple in it, Rarity...”

“Good grief darling, just stop blaming Twilight for everything.”

“Ugh...what should we do Twilight?”

“I'm still thinking.”


Twilight then turned to Applejack with a scowl on her face. “Well, what else am supposed to do Applejack?! Huh?!”

“Oh, ah don't know, maybe have some spirit and figure out how to fix this!” yelled Applejack as steam fled from her nostrils. “Because the way it looks right now, I say we're as doomed as a harvest with no apple trees!”

“Just give me a minute Applejack! This isn't easy!”

Applejack then got off her seat and walked over to Twilight, her head in front of hers. “No! Ah ain't giving you a minute! Yer Twilight! The Twilight ah know wouldn't be afraid in this situation, she would find a solution and show me a face filled with confidence!”

“That's what I'm trying to do!”

“No ya ain't. The Twilight ah know wouldn't be scared all the time like you've been!”

“I am not scared!”

Rarity then spoke up, “I have to agree with Applejack there darling. You have changed over the past few months.”

“What...” said Twilight as she slowly slumped in her chair. “ you mean?”

“It all started-”

“Calm down Applejack darling, let me talk to her.”

“Oh please Rarity, she needs a good talking to!”

“Not with your attitude, she doesn't. Go sit down Applejack.”


As Applejack sat down, Twilight walked over to the table and sat down as well. Then Rarity began to speak. “Look darling...ever since the...Element of Harmony thing you did in the Everfree Forest, you've been a very different pony.”

“What do you mean?”

“Remember when we stole from the Shining Diamond Bank?”


“When I watched you hack the computer at the bank, I saw a very different Twilight. I saw a Twilight as she furiously hacked the computer.”

“What's wrong with that?”

“What I mean darling, is that all the other jobs we had were always confident and daring. Here, you looked like you were desperate and uncomfortable in the situation.”

“I did?”

“Yes. You looked was like the heists we did there and after that were just there to distract you Twilight. In fact, I was very surprised when you said you were going to see your family.”

“What do you mean? Was it bad that I went and saw my family?”

“ It's just, we all knew you had problems with your family. Even more so when you had that incident in Canterlot.”

“Yeah...I just...I just wanted to make amends with them.”

“Twilight do I put just seem scared all the time recently. It's like you don't know what to do with yourself anymore and I think that really scares you.”

Twilight's head slowly drooped down as she said, “ may be right...ever since the Nightmare Moon incident and almost dying from it...well...I just...I don't know...I thought I could change things, the end, I'm still just a selfish brat...”

“You are not a selfish brat darling. You're just lost right now and you won't ask your friends to help you find your way.”


Applejack's mouth opened as she sat in her chair with a face of disgust. “She's saying you've suddenly become weak Twi!”


“The Twi ah know wouldn't be scared of some stupid magic mumbo jumbo saying she has to save Equestria or whatever. She would stand there and say no and...ah don't know...make sure she didn't have to do it!”

“That's enough Applejack. Yelling at her isn't going to help.”


Twilight looked at the computer again, seeing that Sunset Shimmer had fully woken up. She scratched her head as she said, “...Look girls...I'm sorry about what's happened to me recently...”

“You don't have to apologize darling.”

“I's just...when I inherited Harmony and beat Nightmare Moon...I thought everything would be great when I made the Element of Darkness so Celestia would stop following me...I thought...I thought that with making that element, everything would be able to reset back to normal...”

“I hate to say it darling but that isn't happening darling.”

“I know...thank you Rarity...I needed that talk.”

“Of course darling.” said Rarity as she drank some more coffee, glaring at the Applejack who just sat there pouting. “Darling...if you ever have a problem, just tell us.”

“I know...thanks.”

“Now that we had are oh so great therapy talk, what are ya going to do now Twi?” said Applejack as she gritted her teeth.

“I...” said Twilight as she suddenly put her hoof over her eye in pain, “Ugh...”

“Harmony still calling you darling?”

“ feels like something is coming...I think Harmony is telling me its almost here...”

“Does that mean that magic mumbo is about to attack us?! What do we do now?!”

“Well...instead of worrying, I'm going to start handling the current situation.” said Twilight as she got up and went over to the desk, “I'm going to put on a disguise ring and talk to Sunset Shimmer.”

“Are you sure that's a good idea?”

“Well...we need them to understand the current situation. Besides, as long as I don't use the Dazzling Bubble disguise, she hopefully won't recognize me.”

“If you say so darling. Should I try and contact Pinkie?”

“No...let her stay and help Fluttershy and Scootaloo at the hideout. They'll need help caring for Rainbow considering what happened to her...that being said...hopefully I can resolve this situation and get the pardon so I can worry about whatever threat is about attack Equestria soon...”

“Well, I'll at least agree with you there sugarcube...”

Twilight equipped and disguise ring and began to think. 'Let's see...this color scheme is what is one the names I haven't used...Ah! Shimmering Paper! That will do!'

Twilight then opened the door to where the two ponies were tied up. There she walked in and sat down in a chair, staring at Sunset.

“Greetings Sunset Shimmer, it's nice to finally meet you face to face.”

“...” said Sunset as she glared at Twilight. Her face showed a sour expression, not wanting to show any happiness or kindness whatsoever. Sunset's mouth then slowly opened up, “'re the leader, aren't you? The leader of the Rainbooms...”

Twilight didn't flinch. She knew Sunset was in some way connected with Celestia so she knew she wasn't dumb. “Yes...I am. Tell me Sunset Shimmer...are you a student of Princess Celestia?”

“...Yes...I am her head student. How did you know?”

“Well...I expected as's my job to know all sorts of things.”

“You figured that out because of our fight on the train to Saddle Arabia a few months ago, isn't it?”

“Yes...I did...”

“Hmph...I expected as much...”

“Well...let me tell you this Sunset Shimmer, we are not going to harm you in anyway.”

“Oh really? Wouldn't it be better for you to kill us? Then nopony knows that there's pegasus with rainbow-colored hair on your team.” said Sunset in the most sarcastic voice possible.

“Do you want us to harm you?” said Twilight as she raised one of her eyebrows.



“So...can I ask you simple question Rainboom?”

“Sure, what would you like to ask?”

“What's your name?”

“My name is Shimmering Paper.”

“Is that your disguise name? Because I already know what those rings do. You made them, didn't you?”

“Yes...yes I did.”

“Then I want to ask you only one more question Shimmering Paper.”

“And what would that be?”

“Could you take the ring off and talk to me directly? You know, as Twilight Sparkle?!”

Meanwhile in another part of Manehattan...

“You called for me Smoking Brick?”

“Yeah, come on in Shady Wheel. I got something real good to show you.” said Smoking Brick as he signaled his men to get ready to jump Shady Wheel. Shady Wheel slowly entered the office, casually looking around. As he entered, one of the ponies closed the door behind him. “I hope you brought the bits because look what I got!” said Smoking Brick with a huge grin.

“Ah...the Crystal of the Dawn...” said Shady Wheel as a small smile appeared on his face. “At last...”

“That's right! Now give me the bits Shady Wheel!”

“Heh heh believe our partnership ends here Smoking Brick.” said Shady Wheel as continued to chuckle.

“What did you just say?!” said Smoking Brick as he face flooded with anger.

“I said...” said Shady Wheel as the Crystal of the Dawn began to levitate into the air, out of Smoking Brick's hooves. “Our partnership is over.”

“What did're not a unicorn!” yelled Smoking Brick as saw the crystal fly through the air. “You...aren't you an earth pony?!”

“Ah yes...I forgot about that...” said Shady Wheel as he put his hoof on top of his head. He then removed it and it showed a horn. “It's a very simple illusion spell, just to hide my horn.”

“Your horn...its blood red...”

“Yes...” said Shady Wheel as he opened his bag he brought with him and showed the Ruby of the Inferno and the Stone of the Clouds. As the three jewels began to levitate in the air, Shady Wheel said, “At last...I made these so long ago...”

“You...made them?”

“Yes...I did.” said Shady as the Crystal of the Dawn and the Ruby of the Inferno attach to the Stone of the Clouds. Then the three jewels exploded in a huge stream of magic. Smoking Brick and his men then saw the magic then be absorbed into Shady Wheel's horn. Shady Wheel then gave a huge malicious grin and fire immediately flew out of his horn, blasting Smoking Brick's men.


“Augh!” “It burns!” “Help!”

“What...what are you...” said Smoking as he saw magic flow all over Shady Wheel, changing his appearance. His skin turned from blue to gray as his hair turned jet black and smoke fumed from his eyes. Shady Wheel then slowly said, “Well...since I am about to kill you Smoking Brick and you have helped me tremendously...I think I'll tell you who I am.”

Smoking Brick trembled as he saw the unicorn approach him. “Who...who are you?”

“ King Sombra...and I have returned to reclaim what is rightfully mine, the Crystal Empire!”

The Change (Part 1 of 15)

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“Aaahhh...” said Sombra as the jewels he just used shattered to pieces and fell to the floor. He looked at the now broken jewels and showed a huge grin. “So much magic I put in those seems they didn't contain all the magic I had put in them centuries ago but...they still worked in the end even if age did make them lose some of the magic I put in them...thanks to the contained magic, I no longer need to use any petty to go north and get my empire back!”

Meanwhile in another part of Manehattan...

Twilight tried not to flinch. The very statement that Sunset had just said put a huge shiver down her spine. Her mind quickly raced with a pile of thoughts, 'She knows?! But...but how?! How did she know I was Twilight Sparkle?! This isn't good...'

Applejack and Rarity watched the room on the computer as Sunset said those words, they both looked at each other in discomfort. “That ain't good...” said Applejack with a huge frown.

“I agree darling...” said Rarity as her face showed more and more fear. “This is not good at all...”

Applejack slowly got up only for Rarity to grab her shoulder. “Don't even think about it darling.”


“Don't go in there...Twilight can handle herself darling and you know it.”

Applejack just stared at Rarity, there she saw the trust in Rarity's eyes and slowly sat down. “Okay sugarcube...I'll trust her...” she said while nodding. The two then looked back at the computer, slowly watching the scene unfold.

Twilight just sat there after hearing the statement. She didn't open her mouth, move her lips, or say a single word. Twilight just sat there as Sunset began to talk.

“What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?!” said Sunset with a angry smirk. “Not saying anything huh? I should have guessed this would happen.”

As Sunset began to brag about what she had learned, Trixie began to wake up. However, the mare was still dizzy, trying to understand just what had happened to her. Her hearing returned first as she heard Sunset monologue to Twilight. Realizing what was happening, she thought about what to do, 'Ugh...Trixie doesn't feel so good...Trixie...Trixie hears something...Sunset is talking to somepony called Twilight? Who's that? Is she a Rainboom?' thought Trixie as she slowly opened her eyes. Her eyes shifted slightly as they looked at Twilight, still in disguise. Trixie then closed her eyes and thought, '...this isn't good. She must be a Rainboom...but...I'm in no condition to get head feels funny...better to sit here and make her think I'm still unconscious. Maybe Sunset can make her spill some vital information...'

“Well?!” yelled Sunset, “SAY SOMETHING!”

Twilight just sat there, staring at Sunset. Twilight then slowly took off her disguise ring, and as it fell off, her skin and mane changed back to normal. She then put her hoof over her eye and took off her lens, showing her eye's true form.

“Your is that possible?” said Sunset as she gasped at the sight.

“Indeed. You are correct Sunset Shimmer. I am the leader of the Rainbooms, the inheritor of Harmony, the Element of Magic, Twilight Sparkle. As for the eye, that's an aftereffect of Harmony, don't worry about it.” said Twilight as she gave a short bow. “I have waited to meet you for sometime, student of Celestia.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes. Or am I mistaken and your just another one of Celestia's pawns?”

“No. I am no pawn Twilight Sparkle. I am Sunset Shimmer, the pony originally chosen by Princess Celestia to inherit Harmony.”

Twilight's eyebrow shifted in an expression of slight sarcasm. “Oh really? And pray tell why you didn't become the inheritor of Harmony?”

Sunset gave a slight smirk, “I...I was chosen as Princess Celestia's successor instead.”

“Successor? that's why your cutie mark is the sun...and tell me, why aren't you with her, trying to become her successor?”

“Because of you.”


“Yes. Because of what you did, I can't be her successor anymore.”

“Is that so...what did I do?”

“Princess Celestia told me that you inherited the elements early which in turn changed everypony's destiny and Equestria's destiny. Because of that, I can no longer inherit the sun.”

“Interesting...” said Twilight as she scratched her chin. “Very interesting...”

“Interesting?! That's all you got to say?!”

“ really is. It means that I accomplished my original goal.”

“And pray tell what was that?!”

“I wanted to show Celestia that I had the ability to chose my own path.”


“Yes. It is. Tell me something Sunset, when did you acquire your cutie mark?”

“My cutie mark? Why do you want to know that?”

“It is said the a pony's cutie mark is the showing of what that pony's talent is and what they are destined to be. So when did you get yours?”

“I got mine a little after I was accepted as Celestia's student. I gained it after a magic lesson from Princess Celestia herself.”

“Is that so? Let me ask you one more thing Sunset Shimmer, why did she choose you?”

“What do you mean?”

“Why did you become her student?”

“I became her student because she told me that I had an incredible talent for magic. She believed I could become something incredible.”

“Hmm...” said Twilight as she gave a slight chuckle. “Heh heh...I should have guessed.”

“What's so funny?”

“Did your lessons change as soon as your cutie mark appeared?”

“Yeah...they did. But that didn't matter to me, I was happy, no, proud to be her student.”


“What's the matter? Jealous?”

Twilight's eyebrow arched, “Really? I just told you I went against Celestia. Why would I be jealous of you?”

“I don't know...this conversation just makes me think that you wanted to be her student.”

“Well...if I'm truly honest, there was a time where that was my dream. However, I am past that foolish dream.”

“And why is that?”

“I saw what life really was.”

“That's your answer?”

“Yes. Tell me Sunset Shimmer, how did you know I was Twilight Sparkle?” asked Twilight, trying to change the subject.

Sunset stuttered after hearing the question, “I...I...I think I always knew...ever since I fought you in the train to Saddle Arabia, I knew that you weren't a regular unicorn. After your incident in Canterlot, I had a feeling it could be you. But thanks to the fight we had on the rooftop...well...”

“You put two and two together?”

“Yeah...I did.” said Sunset as she showed a face of both anger and sadness. She then thought, 'I shouldn't tell her that I thought she was Dazzling Bubble...I still think she is but...I'm just not sure now...then again...if I remember right, Dazzling Bubble had a ring like that as well...'

“ want to know why I no longer hold that dream of being under Celestia?”

“Yes...I do. Even now, I can't believe the pony Princess Celestia was searching for was nothing more than a low down, two-bit thief.”

“Is that what you think I am?”

“Yeah...I do...I think you're just a measly arrogant criminal running from all her problems.”

Twilight folded her hooves as she listened to Sunset's insults, not flinching, not showing any notion of anger or disgust. She then slowly said, “So that's what you think of me...I had a feeling you were going to say something along those lines.”

“Only because its true.”

“Alright...if that's your idea of me, you couldn't be more wrong.”

“Tch...yeah right. You're a criminal, who cares what you think!” yelled Sunset as anger filled her eyes more and more.

“Sigh...and to think you're Celestia's imagination at all.” said Twilight as she shook her hooves and her head back and forth. “How sad.”

“Grrr...what do you mean no imagination?!”

“Tell me something Sunset Shimmer, why do you think I didn't go to Celestia's school?”

“Well...I don't know, you realized your calling as a pathetic money grubbing thief?”

“No...not at all. I didn't go because I was told I couldn't.”

“I...I don't understand...what do you mean?”

“I...I was denied my dream Sunset Shimmer. That is why Celestia never found me. Tell me, did she tell you anything about me?”

“No...except I should avoid you at all costs.”

“Well...” replied Twilight as she scratched her chin. “She probably told you that because of what I that's what she thinks of me now...”

Sunset gave a confused look as she saw Twilight just ponder over what Sunset had just said. She just didn't understand what Twilight was thinking. Sunset kept thinking, 'She's telling me all sorts of stuff...why? I thought she would be smarter...unless...' Sunset then slowly spoke up, “She didn't tell me anything else about you, though Princess Cadence told me you have a good heart or something...apparently the Princess of Love has a problem telling ponies' natures unless they're in love it seems.”

Twilight then glared at Sunset, “Don't insult Cadance! Despite our differences, she was the greatest foalsitter I ever had and an even greater friend!”

“I'm not insulting her, I'm just saying she was wrong!”

Twilight's head leaned closer to Sunset's, “Don't insult Cadance!”

“Fine...sorry. That being said, where are you going with this? You know, the whole what did Princess Celestia tell me question?”

“I asked that because I wanted to see your perspective.”

“My perspective?”

“Yes. As I told you before, I was denied my dream and that was why I couldn't go to Celestia's school.”

“Wait a minute...are you saying because you weren't allowed to go to Princess Celestia's school, you became a thief?!”

Twilight then chuckled. “Heh didn't happen just like that Sunset Shimmer...surely you can't think I just immediately made the Rainbooms when I was just a filly!”

“ ran away from home when you were just a filly?! Is that why Celestia couldn't find you?”


“So...but...why? Why do you hate Princess Celestia for that?!”

“I never said I hate her.”

“You could have fooled me, especially since you beat her up in Canterlot and the Everfree Forest.”

“Well...that is true...let's just say a lot of things have happened to me. For starters, a few months ago, Celestia suddenly starting hunting me for no reason. At the time, I had made sure nopony had ever traced me back to Canterlot or any of my family. Sure, there were a few hiccups along the way but nothing truly there to link me directly to anything. Then, as if out of nowhere, Celestia started putting wanted posters of me all over Canterlot and began to spread them to Equestria! Do you know why?!”

“Because you're a scumbag?!” said Sunset with a huge grin.

“NO!” yelled Twilight as she slammed her head up against Sunset's. “It was because she believed in some absurd notion that I was some mystical pony weapon that would solve all her problems!”


“Your precious little princess thought that I was some key, some gracious little gem that would solve everything! She thought I would be her little problem solver to save her sister, Equestria and everything else while she sat on her little throne without a care in the world!”

“How dare you! Princess Celestia is a kind, caring ruler who cares for all ponykind! She would never use other ponies for selfish reasons! Princess Celestia is always thinking about other ponies and how to help them!”

Twilight glared at Sunset more and more. Then she began to laugh, “HAHAHAHA! You are her student!”

“What's so funny?!”

“Oh nothing...its just funny seeing what I would have become if I was her student. After all, if I had actually gone to her farce of a school, I probably would be just like you right now.”


“Oh, don't be a sourpony! Be glad you got a cozy life of learning, I had to learn all my magic the hard way.”

“Why you little-”

“Hey! No need for'll let you have one more question Sunset Shimmer.”

Sunset Shimmer stopped for a second, she knew she had to ask carefully. At the same time, Applejack and Rarity looked at each other as they watched the monitor, they had never seen Twilight like this. Applejack then spoke up, “Uh...Rarity...ah never seen Twilight like this...”

“Agreed darling...I've never seen her this...cocky and especially this overconfident...”

“Yeah...its like she's a totally different pony...she told that Sunset Shimmer gal all that and she looks like she has no regrets at all!”

“Yes...ever since we got back to Manehattan a few months ago, Twilight has acted like a completely different pony...”

“Ah know...she avoids us more and she barely asks for help...used to be, she would ask for our help all the time! She would love teaching Scootaloo...or helping you with them frilly dresses...but now...”

“Indeed...all she seems to worry about is Harmony now...and she seems so scared...just what in the wide world of Equestria did Princess Celestia do to her?”

“Ah don't know sugarcube...ah just wish she would let us help her...especially since it didn't seem like her family helped her much...all it did was make her drop that applebomb that was her going to give up to Celestia...”

“Despite what you just said...hate to say it...but maybe this situation with Sunset Shimmer may turn into a good thing...”

“How do ya figure that?”

“Perhaps she'll realize what's wrong with herself if the situation worsens even more...”

“ might be right about that...but we're in a hole and ah definitely don't want to dig down that hole any deeper.”

“I agree darling but...we may not have a choice here...perhaps I should have a conversation with Sunset Shimmer after this...”

Applejack gave a slight expression of surprise, “Really? Why?”

“...well...according to Twilight, she may be the only pony right now that we can talk to about Princess Celestia.”

“Huh...never thought of it that way...”

Back in the other room, Sunset continued to think about what question to give. Despite her thoughts, she could think of one appropriate question, “Very well...then answer this Twilight Sparkle, why is the inheritor of Harmony a leader of a pack of thieves?”

“Oh...well...I wanted to create a group that could change the system currently in place of Equestria.”

“System? I don't understand...”

“I wanted to create a group that could show the world what it really is. The current Equestira is a place that destroys ponies dreams everyday and we wish to change that. Thanks to what the Rainbooms have done, tons of criminals have been put away and crime has gone down at a rapid rate thanks to what we did.”

“You can't be serious...”

“I am. We are trying to show Equestria that it needs to change its system by helping the police put away high rate criminals. The money we steal is only from criminals which we usually put about eighty-five percent of the money to charities and helping other ponies.”

“ crazy...”

“We believe-”

“Pffffttt!” said a certain blue unicorn as she began to laugh, “HAHAHAHA! Trixie can't believe what she's hearing! A bunch of thieves think they're heroes!”

“Trixie?!” said Sunset with a huge confused yet surprised look on her face. “ okay?”


Twilight's eyebrows arched with a confused expression as she watched Trixie laugh. “Something funny?”

“No...Trixie just...Trixie just thought it funny for criminals to think they're a bunch of great ponies! HA!” said Trixie as slowed down her laugh and then glared at Twilight with a big grin. Trixie soon cricked her head back and forth and said, “Okay...Trixie thinks its time for Trixie to join this conversation.”

Meanwhile in yet another part of Manehattan...

A loud snore could be heard in a certain apartment. There, one purple baby dragon was laying in his bed, completely asleep. As he dreamed of a pile of fresh delicious rubies to eat, his tiny hands about to grab the rubies so he could put them into his mouth when suddenly...


“Augh!” yelled Spike as a sealed letter appeared from the smoke in his mouth and landed on his head. As the letter rolled off his head and landed on his lap, his eyes slowly opened. “Ugh...great...thanks Princess Celestia...just when I was getting to the good part...that and Celestia hasn't risen the sun yet...”

Spike rubbed his eyes and then grabbed the sealed letter and slowly opened it, there his eyes went back and forth as he mumbled what was on the letter, “Let's see here...dear Sunset Shimmer my faithful...blah blah blah...I need you to...something or the other...blah blah blah...come to Canterlot as soon as possible...blah blah blah...there is a royal event about to happen and don't worry it is not the Grand Galloping Gala...blah blah blah...your mentor Celestia...great...another road trip...again...”

Spike slowly got up and looked around the apartment, “Sunset?! Where are you?! Sunset?!”

Spike then scratched the back of his head and then thought, 'Hmm...she's not here...maybe she spent the night at Trixie's...I guess I should go get her...'

Spike slowly got up and dragged himself to the door. There he left the apartment while still being half asleep, thinking, 'Ugh...I can't believe I have to go get her...knowing her, she's probably fast asleep at Trixie's place...wish I could do that...oh well...its not like something bad's happened...Besides, as soon as I find her I can take a long nap on the train to Canterlot...'

The Change (Part 2 of 15)

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Trixie gave a huge grin as she stared at Twilight. Twilight on the other hand, showed little emotion. Sunset was rather surprised by Trixie's behavior, though after a few thoughts, Sunset remembered how much Trixie liked being the center of attention. Twilight then slowly spoke up, “ want to join in the conversation, huh? You've been pretending to be asleep there, haven't you?”

“Yes...Trixie was pretending...”

“I see...well...” said Twilight as she took a deep breath. “I must say it is also an honor to finally meet you face-to-face as well, Trixie Lulamoon.” she said with a bow.

“An honor? Really?!” said Trixie with one of her eyebrows arching.

“Oh yes. I have observed you for sometime. I don't think any other pony in Equestria would fit the definition of obsession better than you, Trixie Lulamoon.”


“I'll agree with you there Twilight.” said Sunset with a disgruntled look, though she did want to laugh.

“Sunset!” yelled Trixie, blushing slightly.

“You know its true Trixie.”

Trixie wanted to talk back to Sunset but then glared at Twilight's face, still showing barely any emotion. “Okay Twilight...Trixie has to ask, why have you been observing Trixie?”

“I have been watching you for quite a while Trixie Lulamoon. Unlike most of the police who are fine with the help we give” said Twilight as she pointed her hoof at Trixie, “You never approved no matter what. You kept hunting us despite the criminals we helped the police capture, whether it be mafia bosses, corrupt nobles, and overzealous criminal big-wigs.”

“Tch...The other officers just quit because they were wimps. Trixie will never quit no matter what the cost!”

“I and you have a lot in common, Trixie Lulamoon.”

“You and Trixie are nothing alike!” said Trixie as she gave a huge scowl.

“Don't be so sure. We are both unicorns, operate on sides of the law and obsessive in nature. The difference between us is not much.”

“'re a thief and Trixie is an officer.”

“I know...I've looked into your record Trixie Lulamoon, its very impressive. The only unicorn on the force...and a mare as well...very impressive!”

“Don't flatter Trixie...”

“I'm being honest! I've read up all about you Trixie Lulamoon. Your the daughter of Comet Hat and Tricky Moon, correct? They were two showponies, correct?”


“If I remember right...You father Comet Hat was a stage magician and Tricky Moon was an acrobat...”

Sunset just sat there, thinking, 'Trixie's parents were showponies?! I knew she didn't talk about her family but...then again, I never talked about my family either...I am an orphan though and I never met my parents...'

“Stop talking about Trixie's family.” said Trixie as her face showed a very grim look. “If you continue, Trixie will make you regret it.”

“I see...I apologize Trixie Lulamoon, I was merely showing how much I've read up on you. I meant no disrespect.”

“ don't have to prove to Trixie how smart you are...there's a reason you've been able to avoid Trixie for so long.”

“True...” said Twilight as she fold her hooves. “Even so, as you can probably tell right now, we are currently at a standstill here. As you can probably tell, I can't let you go yet I will not harm either of you.”

“Trixie will tell you only thing Twilight Sparkle.”

“What's that?”

“Trixie will escape this and Trixie will put you in prison forever, you can count on that!”

Twilight didn't flinch. Instead, she just said, “Sorry to say but that isn't going to happen Trixie Lulamoon.”

“And pray tell why not?”

“Let me ask both you and Sunset Shimmer here, why do think Sunset said that Celestia suggest that she avoid me at all costs?”

“Trixie wouldn't have any idea.”

Sunset also replied, “If I had to take a guess, it's because you're the inheritor of Harmony.”

“You’re not wrong Sunset Shimmer, however, it is less of the fact that I am the inheritor of Harmony but rather what I've done as the inheritor of Harmony.”

“I don't understand.”

“I...despite what I told you Sunset Shimmer, I eventually accepted my destiny. After all, my eye wouldn't look the way it does if I didn't. However, I accepted the destiny on my own terms, not hers.”

“You mean you'll only help her save Equestria if its convenient to you, right?”

“HA! Good one Sunset Shimmer!” said Twilight, laughing and clapping her hooves. “I told you before, Celestia doesn’t care! She would rather sit on her throne and have me solve all her problems, remember?”

“She would never do that!”

“Trixie agrees! Trixie has meet the princess and she cares greatly for all of Equestria, she is not a lazy pony at all!”

“That just goes to show you how blind you two really are. I can say first hand that I've seen what Equestria really is and it's a harsh, cruel place.”

“What does that have to do with Princess Celestia?”

“You're missing the point, didn't I tell you I made the Rainbooms to help Equestria? Celestia is the representation of Equestria, even regular ponies know that fact.”

“Don't make Trixie laugh, you're a bunch of filthy criminals! Thieves have no right or even the ability to change Equestria!”

“Don't sell us short Trixie. For instance, if we hadn't stolen the Golden Gem of the Sun, Saddle Arabia would've declared war on Canterlot.”

“Oh please, there is no way that's true!”

Sunset then took a deep breath and showed a rather depressed look, “Um Trixie...I hate to say it but that's actually true. Canterlot later found evidence of corrupt nobles trying to use the gem as leverage to start a war...”

“WHAT?! HOW?!”

Twilight then laid back in her chair with a soft smile, “It was quite simple really, some of my contacts informed me of the situation in Saddle Arabia. At the time, there a power vacuum that certain corrupt officials were trying to use there. Since Celestia was directly giving criminals a valuable gem, we were allowed to interfere and take the gem.”

“You wouldn't have stole it if there weren't corrupt ponies trying to control Saddle Arabia...”

“No...the gem was directly going to corrupt criminal ponies. If it was going to noble honest ponies, we wouldn't have stolen it.”

“Not because it was owned by Princess Celestia?” asked Sunset with a very skeptical look.

“Technically on the board, Celestia is not a criminal. You could debate her methods but...she's on the top of the government anyways. Besides, we don't steal for profit, we steal to expose criminals for who they really are.”

“Still sounds like you hate Princess Celestia.”

“And Trixie thinks you use that as an excuse to shift the blame!”

“I don't hate Celestia...well, at least I don't think I do. I merely wish to prove to her that I'm not her pawn and I wish to live my own life.”

“Your life as a thief?”

“No...Ironically, this was supposed to be our last job.”

Sunset and Trixie's eyes grew at the response. “Last job?! You were going to quit?”


“HA! Trixie finally catches you and its your last job! HA!”

“However, it seems that things didn't go out exactly as I planned them to be.” said Twilight as she gave a disinterested look at Trixie, who was still laughing. Sunset on the other hand, saw Twilight’s expression and said, “Let me guess...what you planned to do afterward is still going to happen, isn't it?”

“You are indeed correct Sunset Shimmer. I will admit that you two have slightly altered my plans but I believe I will still be able to accomplish my goal either way.”

“And what would that be?”

“Simple, to get the Rainbooms pardons while making sure their names and faces never go public.”

Sunset and Trixie looked at each other in confusion after Twilight's statement and the responded. “That's impossible!”

“Trixie agrees! Don't you know how much you dirty thieves have stolen?! There is no law pony in all of Equestria that would back you!”

Twilight didn't flinch. She didn't even bat an eye. “Under normal circumstances I would completely agree with you. However, as the inheritor of Harmony, my situation allows me certain flexibility.”

“You can't be serious.” said Sunset as she realized where Twilight was going. “I don't care how much Princess Celestia was looking for you, she won't forgive you or the Rainbooms of all your crimes! You technically stole from her for pony's sake!”

“I completely agree with you. However, she is needed for the incoming danger that is approaching Equestria at this time.”


“Yes. If my hypothesis is correct, Celestia will no longer be able to predict the incoming disasters that will plague Equestria.”

“Because of what you did with Nightmare Moon?”

“You're close Sunset Shimmer,” said Twilight as she waved her hoof back and forth. “It was because I inherited the elements early. Because of that, her destiny along with mine should not be predetermined.”

“And something is coming, isn't it?”


“Trixie doesn't get any of this.”

“I would like to agree with Trixie you really think Princess Celestia will just bend over and give you pardons? A dirty filthy criminal like you?”

“Trixie agrees with Sunset. You can't possibly get a pardon from Princess Celestia! She's a much better pony than a rotten thief like you will ever be!”

“SHUT UP!” yelled Twilight as she rose from her chair, glaring at Trixie. “Stop praising her! She's not some great pony! She's a monster!”

“Oh please! Trixie may not understand all the things you two have talked about Trixie, all it sounds like is just a pony who's running away from all their problems!”

Twilight's head touched Trixie's head as Twilight stared directly into Trixie's eyes with eyes filled with fire. “I am not running away from my problems! All I'm doing is trying to show Celestia that I'm a pony she shouldn't mess with!”

“Still sounds like you're running away!” Trixie said with a huge grin.

“You have no idea Trixie Lulamoon. All I wanted was to prove that I have the right to chose my own path.”

“Still sounds like a coward to me!”

In the other room, Applejack got out of her chair, “Ah gonna get her out of there.”

“Don't Applejack.”


“She'll come out when she needs too.”


Twilight then left the room in a huff, her nostrils fuming with steam. She quickly slammed the door and sat down, her face showing nothing but pure anger.

“Or she'll leave right now...”

“ okay pardner?”

“No...I'm not Applejack. I'm sorry girls but...I need sometime alone.”

Twilight then began to leave the hideout and then said, “I'm going to go see how Rainbow is, since you know, she got hit by lightning because of me.”

“Twilight, you know its not your fault darling.”

“I know...knock those two out for the night will ya? We'll solve that problem later.”

“Got it darling. Good night.”

“Good night...and thanks for volunteering to watching over those two.”

“It's fine darling.” said Rarity as she watched Twilight leave the second hideout.

“Why are we knocking them out pardner?”

“If they stay awake they might try to escape. We'll use the sleeping gas from the sleeping orbs. We'll make sure they have a good night's sleep darling, it's fine.”

“Yeah...I should take the first watch over these two...make sure they don't make a ruckus if they wake up suddenly.”

“Alright...I'll get myself some beauty sleep. Thanks for taking the first shift darling.”

“No problem problem...”

Meanwhile in another part of Equestira...

Sombra zoomed through the mountains of Equestria thanks to his shadow magic. He quickly went through town after town, unnoticed in the night. As he went through Equestria, his mind raced, thinking about the past...

Centuries ago...

“Is it finished?” asked Sombra to another crystal pony.

“Yes my lord.” said the pony as he showed the three jewels to the king. “They will able to keep any magic you put in the jewels and it will stay in there. After that, if you want the magic back, you must put the jewels back together and use your shadow magic. It will only work with the pony that first uses it.”

“And you haven't put magic in it? Good.”

“Of course, we would never defy you my lord.”

“I know...once I put my magic in this...container here, I want it hid outside of the empire immediately.”

“Yes my lord.”

“Excellent...” said Sombra as his face showed a huge malicious grin. “The alicorn sisters are coming so let's go ahead and use the jewels now.”

“Yes my lord. We, your crystal slaves, live to obey.”

The present...

'Hmm...' thought Sombra as he passed another hill. 'Can't believe I'm remembering like an old elder pony...doesn't matter...I'll be at the empire by tomorrow midday, and when I get there...the empire will be mine once again!'

The Change (Part 3 of 15)

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The next day...

Poke. Poke. Poke.

“Hey are you okay?” said a voice as it poked the baby dragon sleeping in the hallway.

“Ugh...five more minutes.” said Spike as he waved his arms, still trying to stay asleep.

Poke. Poke. Poke.

“Wake can't just sleep in the hallway!” said the pony as it kept poking Spike.

“Grr...fine...I'm waking up...”

Spike slowly got up and looked around, constantly blinking. “Okay...I'm up! I'm up! I'm...where am I? What am I doing here?”

“I don't know, you were just asleep outside of Miss Trixie's apartment door.”

“Trixie's? Huh? Who are you?”

“I'm Rumble, who are you? Are you a real dragon?”

“Yeah...I'm Spike the dragon...”

“Why aren't you big?”

“I'm...uh...young.” said Spike as he rubbed his eyes. “That's not important right now...what's important wanna go back to sleep...”

“Hey! Wait a minute!” yelled Rumble as he saw Spike fall over in the hallway again. “Oh come on!”

Meanwhile in another part of Manehattan...

Poke. Poke. Poke.

“Wake up Applejack.”

Poke. Poke. Poke.

“Applejack! Wake up!” yelled Rarity as Applejack continued to be asleep on the chair in front of the monitor. Applejack then mumbled. “ many apples...”

“Another apple dream dear?” asked Rarity as she gave a look of pure sarcasm. “Can't you dream anything different?”



“Augh! What the apple?!”

“Wake up darling and go to your bed here, your shift is over!”

“Ugh...couldn't you have just poked me to wake up or...ah don't know...”

“I did go to bed. Thankfully I already checked the monitor and the duo are still asleep. I'm taking the next shift.”

“Okay...thanks pardner...” said Applejack as she slowly moved into another room and fell on a bed, instantly falling asleep.

Rarity then looked at the monitors with squinting eyes. There she thought, 'I still can't believe we're doing this...then again, this is the first time we've ever been truly caught...I must admit it's both worrying and exciting...'

Rarity then looked at Sunset Shimmer directly through the monitor. 'Sunset Shimmer...according to Twilight, you're a direct student of Princess Celestia...if that's the case...'


Rarity then stared at her stomach and then at the monitor again. 'Maybe I should make myself some breakfast first...or at least coffee...' Rarity then looked at the monitor one more time, ' least they haven't woken up yet...guess its as good time as any to make breakfast...'

Rarity slowly entered the kitchen, only to quickly whip up a giant breakfast, enough for three ponies. She piled several pancakes and prepared several cups of coffee. After taking a sip of coffee and eating a single pancake, she went back and looked at the monitor again. 'Ah...the duo are waking up...good...just in time for breakfast...'

Rarity then went to the desk and pulled out a disguise ring, there she put it on and thought, 'Let's see...why don't I just use the name Twilight was trying to use...what was it? Ah! Shimmering Paper! That name will do just fine...'

After levitating a few folding tables with magic, Rarity entered the room where both Sunset and Trixie were. “Good morning darlings! Its breakfast time!”

Sunset and Trixie both looked at each other as they watched Rarity place a pile of pancakes in front of them. Their mouth then began to water at the fresh smell the food gave. “ we supposed to eat this if we're tied up?”

“” said Rarity as she scratched her head in thought. “ about I just levitate it too you?”

“You mean feed us like foals?”

“Well...yes. I can't think of another way...or do you not want to eat?”

“'s just...”

“Trixie thinks its embarrassing.”


Rarity then let out a huff. “Well darling, if you don't accept my method...then you won't eat at all. What do you say to that?”

“Well...why are you feeding us stuff like this? Or even treating us like this? Last time I got captured by somepony, all they did was beat me.”

“Beat you?! How barbaric! We Rainbooms would never do such a thing!I know you two don't agree with what we do but that doesn't mean we're caveponies. I would never beat anypony unless they were to threaten my friends or family!”

'Well, she doesn't seem too bad...' thought Sunset, 'So this Rainboom is also an unicorn just like Twilight Sparkle...hmm...perhaps she's the unicorn that the criminals say come in and seduced them when the Rainbooms are about to steal from them. She looks the part though she still looks like she just got up...'

“What's the matter Sunset Shimmer? Have something to say?”

“ I ask you one question?”

“Sure, go ahead darling.”

“Why are you a Rainboom?”

“Why are you asking that Sunset? She's a greed filled thief obviously!”

“Is that what you think all of us Rainbooms are Miss Lulamoon?” asked Rarity with a sassy look.

“Yes. Trixie does.”

Sunset gave a disgruntled look at Trixie. “Trixie...does she look like a regular thief?”

“Well no...”

“Can you let her answer my question?”

“...okay, Trixie will allow it.”

“Sorry about that, please continue.”

“That's fine Miss Shimmer. Don't worry about it darling. want to know why I joined the Rainbooms?”

“Yes. Hate to say it but you don't seem like a regular criminal mare. Usually most criminal ponies are”

“Disgusting looking.”

“Yeah. What Trixie said.”

“I understand darling. As for the reason why I joined the Rainbooms...this may sound silly but...I joined the Rainbooms to help me regain my motivation and inspiration for my dream.”

“Your dream?”

“Trixie has to ask, does it involve thieving?”

Rarity then slightly giggled, “Not at all Miss Lulamoon. My dream is to continue to...well...let's say when I first joined the Rainbooms, I lost all my motivation for my dream job.”

“Wait a lost motivation over your talent?”

“Yes.” said Rarity as she nodded. “Let's just say I run a type of shop where I make certain...things. However, I was in a horrible depression. Even though my parents could easily help me stay in business...I...I lost all motivation. I had no inspiration whatsoever.”

“So you joined for inspiration?”

“Yes. You see, the Rainbooms and our ideals are very different from regular thieves. First, we don't go for profit, at all.”

“Yeah...we already know this.”

“I know, now...second, we Rainbooms are specifically phantom thieves.”

“Phantom thieves? You mean you steal for the thrill of it?!”

“For some of us, yes. In fact, only one of the Rainbooms here are here for the actual money we obtain, though they no longer need the money.”

“Really? Only one? Why?”

“To help their family.”

“Family...” said Sunset as her face showed more and more sadness. Sunset couldn't stand what she as hearing, the thieves she was looking for seemed so different then what she was expecting. They seemed like she could relate to them and it scared her. Trixie on the other hand, didn't change face. She kept sitting there, filled with anger as Rarity helped her finish her breakfast.

“Can I ask you something now, Miss Shimmer?”

“Um...what do you want to ask?”

“ are Princess Celestia's apprentice, correct?”


“May I ask what kind of pony she is?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean...well...perhaps I should explain why I'm asking this. You see...over two years ago, Twilight put us all together. We all had are reasons to join but...she asked us pretty much the same way.”

“How did she ask you?”

“Simple, she said she needed my help.”

“That's it?”

“Oh yes, back then despite what Twilight looks like right now...she was very humble about asking for help. Before we knew it, we became the Rainbooms with Twilight as our leader. There was nopony better fit for the job. Twilight is a master strategist, inventor, and overall genius. She could think up incredible plans and make sure we could do it no matter what. The most important part though, Twilight always asked us if we don't want to do the job and was never against us if we declined.”

“Wait a second, repeat that to Trixie. She would accept you rejecting her plan?! What kinda leader is that?!”

“It's not only that Miss Lulamoon, I think you'll be even more surprised by the first rule of the Rainbooms that Twilight established.”

“First rule?”

“Yes. The first rule of our group is that at any time, you are allowed to leave the Rainbooms. You are even allowed to go to the police if you want too.”

“WHAT?!” the two yelled.

“You can't be serious?!”

“Trixie agrees! No thieves would have an absurd rule like that!”

“But we do.” said Rarity with a straight face. “It's part of our ideals.”


“I hate to say it Trixie...but I think she's telling the truth...”

“That's...that's crazy...Trixie has never encountered criminals who think like that...”

“Now...back to my original story Miss Shimmer...” said Rarity without skipping a beat. “For the longest time, Twilight stayed as our leader and we couldn't have a better leader than her. She was originally distant from us the months moved on, she became our greatest friend. She would do anything to help us out. was little after we did the Golden Gem of the Sun job...”

“When I first fought Twilight...”

“Yes...after that, the Equestrian military began to search for we decided to split up for a while. It was then that I believe Twilight began to change...”

“What do you mean?”

“Well...a few days later, everypony except Twilight had left Manehattan. Then, Twilight saw something that utterly shocked her. She saw a wanted poster for her but not as a Rainboom. Instead, the poster was her wanted by Princess Celestia and her parents.”

“Her parents as well?”

“Yes...then a day or so later, the poster changed and showed her wanted by Princess Cadance instead.”

“Her old foalsitter...”

“ that point, Twilight thought that perhaps it would be a good idea to meet Princess Cadance. Unlike her parents or Princess Celestia, Twilight only had good memories of her old foalsitter.”

“Let me guess...she went to see her and didn't get the answer she wanted?”

“Yes...Princess Cadance told Twilight that she was destined to inherit Harmony. As you know, Twilight refused, then she went to her hotel room and slept for the rest of the night. She got up the next day to leave Canterlot only to find out that the Canterlot trains had been ordered by Princess Celestia to be stopped until she was found. Not only that, Princess Celestia ordered Twilight's brother, Captain Shining Armor to give out the order!”

“Captain Armor is her brother?! For real?!”


“No way...and Princess Celestia actually did this? She...she ordered her brother to do that?!”

“Yes...she did. After that, Twilight tried to find a way out of Canterlot.”

“And it didn't work, did it?”


“If that's the case...then...they had their fight in Canterlot after that...”

“Yes. They did. After that...well...let's just say...” Rarity didn't want to say anything about her involvement in helping Twilight escape Canterlot.

Sunset then glared at Rarity, raising one of her eyebrows. “Don't treat me like an”

“Call me Shimmering Paper.”

“Okay...Shimmering Paper, don't treat me like...wait a minute! That's the alias Twilight was using!”

“Yes, I know. I'm using it now so you know it isn't my name.”

Sunset wanted to retort but she quickly realized that Rarity was thinking ahead of her right now. “Okay...that makes sense...”

“Don't praise her Sunset!”

“It's fine I take a good guess...Twilight eventually escaped Canterlot thanks to you all, am I correct?”


“Alright...what happened next?”

“Well...” said Rarity as she put both plates on one of the tables she brought in and folded the other. “After that...Twilight, well...I guess you could say she fell into a deep depression. We were skeptical at first when she told us that she was chosen to be the 'chosen unicorn of Harmony' but...we could tell it was real. It affected her greatly, so much so that she stopped studying for a while. We knew something was wrong since Twilight loved to study and read...and plan...instead she just moped around or tried to help us in our regular lives.”

“HA! Trixie refuses to believe filthy thieves like yourselves have 'regular lives'!”

Rarity then scoffed at Trixie's comment. “Miss Lulamoon...tell me, does your cutie mark apply to your job?”

Trixie just stared at Rarity.

“Well...does it?”


“I personally am surprised a pony like you is in the police force, especially since your mark is a wand with a moon.”

“Shut up...”



Rarity fell out of her seat like a rock. She slowly got up as she tried looking at Trixie's face, now filled to the brim with anger. Rarity then struggled to say any words. “”

“Trixie! Calm down!”

“Shut it Sunset! Trixie will not clam down!”

“If you keep yelling, we'll never get anywhere!”

Sunset and Trixie had a staredown, and soon Trixie began to calm down. “Okay...Trixie will calm down...”

Sunset then turned to Rarity. “I'm sorry about that, please continue.”

“Um...right...well...where were we?”

“Twilight was helping you with'regular lives'...right?”

“Ah, next few...weeks as it were...Twilight was different...all she did was think about the prophecy Princess Celestia told her about and...despite all that happened...well...she stay depressed. No matter what we did, we couldn't change what was happening to her...we just...wanted our friend back...”

“Hold on...there's something wrong with this timeline...she has to get confidence eventually, she fought Princess Celestia again, didn't she?”

“Yes...after a few weeks...another member of our group came by and...I don't know what she said to Twilight turned on something. Something fierce...”

“What do you mean?”

“Twilight...suddenly had this...I don't know what you would call it...a bolt of inspiration or something. Before we knew it, she started to study and plan again but this time...well...”

“It was all about Harmony wasn't it?”


“I see...I can guess what happened after that since I saw what happened to Princess Celestia...”

“Now...will you answer my question?”

“You mean 'what kind of pony Princess Celestia is?'”

“Yes.” said Rarity, nodding.

“Don't tell her anything Sunset.”

Sunset sat there for a second, she wasn't sure what to say. She stared at Rarity who showed a small face of sadness after telling her tale. The face she saw in front of her slowly began to influence Sunset. “Well...I have a feeling you didn't tell me everything.”

“Well darling...I technically didn't, but I thought by now you would understand the situation.”

“I get that, it's just...why is Twilight wanting to quit the Rainbooms then?”

“ see, a few weeks ago Twilight went back to Canterlot.”

“Really?! What for?”

“To meet her family and make amends with them.”

“Her family? But it sounded like she hated them.”

“She did at one time but...due to what happened before in Canterlot...she decided to see them again. However, after her trip there...”

“She came back and she was even worse, wasn't she?”

“Yes. She apparently met Princess Luna...and then...well, you saw her eye. It's telling her something is coming.”

“Her eye...that's from when she inherited Harmony, isn't it?”


Sunset then gave a rather curious face while Trixie looked at Sunset with skepticism, still not understanding what was going on. Sunset then continued, “Tell me did she inherit Harmony? I've read up on the elements and based on what I've researched, you would need six ponies or one alicorn to activate the elements.”

“Well...she did it as one pony, I can tell you that. After that...well, I honestly don't know.”

A small lightbulb went on in Trixie's head. “Wait a second! Does that mean Trixie was right and there were only six Rainbooms?!” she exclaimed suddenly.

Rarity was surprised by her statement but quickly replied. “No...we have more members than that.”

'I'm telling the truth...' thought Rarity. 'Scootaloo is basically a member as well.'

Trixie then gave a huge depressive look since she could tell Rarity was telling the truth. “Ugh...Trixie can't believe it...”

“Anyways...will you answer my question now dear?”

“Well...” said Sunset as she slowly tried to slump down even though she was tied up. At that moment, her mind was finally made up, “I guess I'll tell you what I know...”


“It's fine Trixie! It's not like this will change anything anyways.”


“Please let her speak darling.”

Trixie then lowered her head. “...Fine...if that is Sunset's choice...”

Sunset took a deep breath. “First off, I've known Princess Celestia since I was just a little filly. I was an orphan that was chosen from the orphanage by per chance to be able to do the entrance magic exam at her school. There, I made a dragon egg hatch which in turn became my assistant, a baby dragon named Spike.”

“A dragon named Spike? I like the name but...”

“He's only a baby dragon though he thinks he's already an adult...” Sunset then rolled her eyes at her own comment. “That's not important, point is that I was accepted into her school! I also had no cutie mark at the time. It wasn't until a few weeks into school that everything began to change...”

The past...

Sunset walked in and sat in her classroom chair. The classroom was huge and designed to hold about fifty foals. Sunset watched the other students come in and soon the teacher came in. The teacher quickly yelled to tell the students to be quiet.

“Quiet everypony! we have a very special guest! Please show your best behavior for...Princess Celestia!”

Everypony in the room gasped and then bowed down as Celestia slowly entered the room. There, she stood before the entire class and said, “Greetings my little ponies, I am Princess of the Sun, Celestia. I am here to greet you all today for one reason. I wish to see the future of Equestria, and little ponies, are the future.”

Sunset sat in her seat, amazed at the very presence of Celestia. She couldn't say a word, she only sat there, staring while Celestia continued to speak.

“Now everypony...I am going to call you one by one and I want you to tell me your dream.”

Celestia than began to listen to everypony alphabetically, listening to every unicorn there. She heard every dream in the book, unicorns that wanted to be athletes, doctors, and other great jobs. Before she knew it, Sunset was next. As the teacher called on Sunset, she slowly got up from her chair, showing that she had no cutie mark unlike most of the other unicorns there. Celestia noted this in her head as she listened to Sunset's dream.

Sunset's lips trembled as she began to speak. “Um...I...I...I wanna become a princess! A princess of magic!”

“I see...” said Celestia with a huge smile. “That is a fine dream, Sunset Shimmer.”

As those words entered Sunset's ears, she felt like her hooves were about to melt. She felt on the top of world at that very moment and at that moment, she felt a certain sensation in her body as she stood there staring at Celestia. Sunset then turned her head to see her cutie mark appear, showing a sun.

The present...

“About a week later...Princess Celestia took me out of the school and made me her student. Those years after that...well...they were probably the greatest years of my life.”

“I must have been a wonderful honor to be her student...”

“It was...she's...she's a wonderful pony. She's always patient and kind...and always seems to understand anything you ask her...there were so many times that I felt like I should give up and she would...she would...” said Sunset as tears formed in her eyes.

“She would always help you...wouldn't she?”



“Does that answer your question?”

“Well...I hate to say it Miss Shimmer...but I had a feeling this was going to be your answer anyways.”


“Yes...I'm sorry.”

“It's fine...”

Rarity then got up and left the room, closing the door. After that, she sat at the table, unable to properly think. She just slumped over and thought, 'Great...that didn't help me at what do I do...there has to be something I can learn before Twilight gets here...'


“I'm here!” yelled Twilight as she opened the door.


At the same time, Sunset and Trixie looked at each other in that closed room. Trixie then spoke up, “Trixie has a feeling you didn't tell her everything...”

“No...” said Sunset as she slumped in her chair. “But...but I did tell her how I see Princess Celestia.”

“I see...”

Sunset Shimmer then lowered her as head as she began to think about her mentor, 'Princess...I you remember when you saved me so long ago?'

Many years ago...

Sunset Shimmer was sitting in her room, reading another book about magic. Sunset sat there, flipping page after page when she heard a knock at her door.


“Come in!”

“Hello my faithful student...”

“Princess Celestia?!” yelped Sunset as she quickly got up and bowed.

“It's fine Sunset, you don't need to bow. Now..I have something I need to ask you about.”

“Um...of course!” said Sunset as she stared at the alicorn before her, thinking, 'Something to ask me about? What could it be?!'

“I have heard that you don't socialize with other students Sunset Shimmer, is this true?”



“Because they want to do other things and I want to study instead.”

“You would rather study? Why?”

“Because I want to be the very best, no matter what.”

“Is that you remember the talk we had about friendship and relationships?”

Sunset nodded. “Yeah, but I decided I don't need those things. All I need is magic and power to be the very best.”

“And humility?”

“Um...I knida forgot about that one...”

Celestia let out a sigh. “I see...still nothing...”

“But princess...I don't need friends! I just told you all I need is more magic!”

“ are my student, are you not?”


“Then I will say only this, at your current rate, you will not achieve your goal.”

“Wha...” Sunset couldn't finish the word that came out of her mouth.

“You heard me, my little pony. If you are wondering why, it is because in order for you to improve, you will need to open up and embrace friendship.”

“But...but...I don't want to meet other ponies, I'd rather study and learn more magic!”

Celestia sighed again. “Sunset...tell you what...why don't you come with me for a lesson?”

“A lesson? Okay...”

The two ponies left Sunset's room and soon went down to Celestia's castle. There, Celestia led Sunset to a certain room. “Now Sunset, what do you see in front of you?”

“A mirror...or at least I think that's what it is.”

“Yes...tell me, what do you see in the mirror?”

“Well...” said Sunset as she got closer to the mirror. “I see a great pony...destined to be one of Equestria's greatest princesses it has ever known...”

Sunset then got closer and closer to the mirror, as if in a trance. She couldn't stop staring at it. “I see...I see a pony like no other...and it looks just like me...a princess...a princess that I deserve to be...”

Sunset then showed a smile that kept getting bigger and bigger. “Yes...yes...”

Celestia's hoof then patted Sunset's shoulder. “That's enough! This lesson is over Sunset Shimmer.”


“No...I'm sorry Sunset Shimmer...but I don't think your need to take what you have seen here and sit down and think very hard about it.”


The days slowly passed for Sunset Shimmer. Everyday, she was haunted by what she saw in the mirror. What she saw was what she wanted more than anything. She sat in her room, thinking, 'That showed me as a princess...a princess...a princess...I...I wanna be a princess...I...I have to be a princess...I...I...'

The days passed more and more. As Celestia sat on her throne, her adviser came to speak to her.

“Your highness...”


“What are we to do about Sunset Shimmer? According to the servants, she's barely eating anything and Spike says she just sits there, day after day.”

“I don't know adviser...I had once hoped she would be the pony I was looking for, only to find out that she was instead a pony worthy of being my's seems to have lost her way even more...”

“I see...I am sorry for bothering you...”

“It's fine...don't worry about it.”

Then one night, Sunset suddenly left her room. She slowly ventured down the halls of the castle, trying to make sure nopony saw her. As she snuck through room after room, she slowly got to the room with the mirror. There she sat in front of it and slowly put her hoof on it. She then gasped as her hoof went right through.

“ way...” she said as she looked at her now vanished hoof. “This mirror...just what is it?”

The next day...

Celestia began her usual morning routine and slowly entered her throne room. There, she asked a guard to of and see if Sunset Shimmer had changed at all. Soon he returned with a report.

“Your highness, we have an emergency!”

“What is it solider?”

“It's Sunset Shimmer....she's missing!”

Celestia's eyes showed a tinge of fear. “No...don't tell me...”

Celestia quickly got up and ran to the mirror room. There she found Sunset Shimmer laying in front of the mirror. “SUNSET SHIMMER!” she yelled. “What do you-”

Celestia stopped talking. Her mouth trembled as she saw her student just laying there in a puddle of tears. She then slowly opened her mouth and said, “Sunset? What happened?”

Sunset slowly turned to Celestia with tear filled eyes and said, “Princess?”

“I'm here, what happened?”

“I...I...I kept looking at the mirror as I put my hoof in it...and...and...I saw something...something horrible...”

“Something horrible? Like what?”

“I think it...I think it...I think it showed me what I would become...and it scares me...”

“What did it show you?”

“I saw a pony...a beautiful princess with great power...and...and...that princess...” More and more tears appeared in Sunset's eyes. “WAAAAAAHHHHH!!!”

Celestia then went up to Sunset and put her wings over her. “Please don't cry little one...please...just tell me what you saw...”

“I saw me...and I...I saw myself as ruler of Equestria...and it showed me killing you...”

“Oh Sunset...”

“I can't believe it...It showed me becoming a awful I really that bad Princess Celestia? Am I a horrible pony?”

“ no're not a horrible pony Sunset. All that happened is that you lost your way.”

“Lost my way?”

“Yes...when I first saw you...I saw a pony with potential...with sincerity...and passion. But there was ambition in that pony...there was selfishness in you...”

“Yeah...I'm just a...”

“No! Don't say anything Sunset. All you are right just a pony who was shown what she could become without guidance...”

“Without guidance?”

“Yes...but I can help you Sunset...I can guide you...will you allow me to help you learn compassion...and friendship?”

Sunset nodded. “Yes...please teach me princess...I'm so sorry! I'm so so sorry!”

“I's fine...”

“I'm sorry I was so selfish!” Sunset said as she grabbed Celestia's leg. “Please forgive me!”

“I already have...” she said as she patted her head. “I already have, my wonderful student...”

The present...

'Princess...' thought Sunset, 'Even now...I'm so glad you saved me...I'm so glad I'm your student...and yet...I think I now understand why you did what you did after that incident. You made sure for the next few years that I didn’t interact with other ponies, you knew my mind was unstable at the time...and then I was finally ready...sure, I was still a little selfish but you let me leave and...I met Trixie and Octavia and the others and...I couldn't be more happy that I met them...'

Sunset's head lowered even more as she continued to think, 'I think I get it now...if I'm right, I think I know what Twilight was supposed to become if Princess Celestia had found her and yet...she didn' wonder Princess Celestia looked so depressed when I saw her return with her sister...but if that's the case...what do I do here? Should I still help Trixie put Twilight behind bars for good or...I hate to say it but...I think Princess Celestia will need Twilight and...Twilight needs her...but she's a criminal...pardons...would that really be possible? More importantly, should I help Twilight get that pardon now that I fully understand why Princess Celestia needs her? Would Trixie ever trust me again if I do?'

Sunset then just a gave a look of confusion as she continued to think, Trixie soon noticed this and said, “Sunset, is something wrong?”

“I don't know Trixie...I just don't know...”

Meanwhile in the north...

Sombra landed in what could only be described as a frozen wasteland. A huge snowstorm was showing its fury in the barren, snow filled land. Sombra viewed the landscape and thought, ' the empire is still sealed seems my seal that I used before I lost to the sisters is still working...'

Sombra then stood up on two legs and raised his front hooves to the air, his horn beginning to glow, “ it was long ago...let the massive empire that existed here long ago appear once again...let it show itself with all of its glory...give me what I desire...let my magic destroy the seal I made...”

Sombra horn shined throughout the wasteland, the magic inside that horn began to flow out within that snowstorm.

“Give what belongs to me back! GIVE ME THE CRYSTAL EMPIRE!”

The Change (Part 4 of 15)

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“'s not possible...” said Sombra as he fell over in the snow. “All my magic...yet...I can't make the empire reappear...I can't even destroy my own seal!”

As Sombra laid in the snow, his mind began to race, 'What happened? I know my magic had been sealed for centuries should have been more than enough! No...I can't have returned to Equestira only to' Then Sombra had an idea. 'Wait...maybe there's still hope...'

Sombra slowly got up and began to slowly stumble through the snowstorm. His hooves began to freeze as he went over hills of snow. Then he found what he was looking for, a small dark cave a bit farther north of where the empire was supposed to be. There he slowly went into the cave, his shadow magic allowed him to quickly venture through the darkness. Sombra's horn slightly glowed at a certain wall he soon encountered and the wall then moved. There, he found a room filled with different colored crystals. 'Now let's see...' though Sombra, 'Ah! A tracking crystal! Perhaps I can use this...'

Sombra stared at the crystal he just found, slowly beginning to manipulate it with what was left of his magic. The tracking crystal was originally a crystal that was invented to track crystal pony slaves. However, Sombra was using his magic to instead make it track magic instead, specifically dark magic. Sombra then fully transformed the crystal so it track dark magic, he then activated it. There he stood in the cave and began to search as far as he could in Equestria. Then he thought, 'Let's see...I feel some dark magic...I feel it...I feel something dark...something very's in Manehattan?! Now that's different...'

Sombra then put the crystal down and began to scratch his chin. He then slowly talked to himself, “Hmm...I felt a great dark magic in Manehattan...where I just was...not only that...there was somepony there as was an unicorn...and whoever it is, this unicorn is powerful...if that's the case...”

Sombra then turned and began to leave the cave. As he slowly drifted through the cave with his shadow magic, he then thought, 'Perhaps I should find myself a pawn...too bad I killed Smoking Brick, he was plenty evil so he could easily be manipulated...if that's the case, perhaps I should find a vessel to possess instead...I'll need somepony who has a heart filled with darkness...I'll need a pony who's very evil...and probably shouldn't be from Manehattan...'

Back in Manehattan...

“Hello Rarity...” said Twilight as she entered the room. “I assume Applejack is asleep?”

“Yes. She is. Ah, you brought, what did you call it?”

“Element of Darkness, yes...I unfortunately had to use the seals on the case as the anti-magic braces on the duo in there. I'll have to make a new bunch of seals otherwise this case will easily get detected due to the element. There's still a few seal left on the case but...well...”

“Does that mean anypony could find us right now?”

“Only if they have knowledge on how to seek great dark magic, which if they do, they should sense that they just can't grab the element. If they can sense the element, they'll be able to sense the Harmony magic inside me.”

“In other words, only evil creatures may come after us as long as we have the element.”

“Technically, yes. However, I had this over a month before making the seals and nopony ever came to me in the hideout, so we should be fine.”

Twilight then stared at Rarity who was trying not to show that she just had a long talk with the duo in the other room. However, Twilight was already guessing that Rarity had talked to them. “”

“Yes darling?”

“I...can I talk to you for a second?”

“Sure darling...”

Twilight then sat down at the table and asked only one thing, “You talked to them, didn't you?”

“...Yes...I did darling...”


Rarity gave a slight puzzled look. “You're not angry?”

“What? No! No no no no no. I'm not angry Rarity.” said Twilight as she waved her hooves back and forth. “I'm just...I don't know...”

“You don't know what to do, right darling?” said Rarity as she gave a caring face.

“Yeah...I mean, I have a plan but...I'm just not sure...”

Rarity gave a small sigh. “Listen Twilight, I know that the current situation is...well...this has never happened to us before...”

“I know...if this had happened when we were just starting out then it would be different...but now...”

“That's right darling...thanks to this 'Harmony' business we can't afford to be the Rainbooms anymore, right?”

“Yeah...I hate to say it but...”

“I know...yet we can't keep those two here forever.”

“I know! I...I know's's just...” said Twilight as tears began to form under her eyes.



Rarity then got up and hugged Twilight with all her might. Tears from Twilight's eyes immediately flowed out as she hugged Rarity back. “I'm so scared Rarity! I don't know what to do and it scares me!”

“I know darling...I know...”

“I went to Rainbow and...and...I just don't know...she looks so horrible now...what those two did to her...its just...”

“Let it all out darling.”

“It's just this and Celestia and Harmony and my family and...and...and...WAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!” cried Twilight as her eyes turned into two waterfalls of tears. “I can't do it Rarity!”

“I know...I know...”

“I...all I wanted to do was protect you all! You're my family!”

“I know...we all consider you our family as well Twilight...”

“But...then all this happened and...and I failed and Rainbow got hurt and...and...”

“Twilight, listen to me...” said Rarity as she left the hug and looked Twilight directly in the eyes. “Ever since you left for Canterlot that one night to meet Princess Cadance, you've been trying to do everything on your own.”

“I know...”

“Yes...and right now that's tearing you apart Twilight. So, let me tell you something right here and now, okay?”

“*Sniff* okay...”

“Do you remember when you recruited all of us to be the Rainbooms? Or when we did our first few heists?”

Twilight nodded. “Yeah...”

“Everytime we did that, you would ask us if we want to do the heist, remember?”


“Everytime we did something you would ask for our help and you would always help us in return. It amazed me how good you were at coming up with the plans that you did.”

“Well...that was my job...”

“I know...that's why you're leader darling. You did what none of us could. You made us a team. You took a selfish pony like me who had lost all hope in her dream, who thought she wouldn't be able to make another original dress to save her life and...and...and you saved her. You helped her gain inspiration again!”

“Yeah...I did, didn't I?”

“You did. That's why it pains me to see you like this, trying to do everything by yourself. Tell me, what would past Twilight do?”

“What would past Twilight do?” said Twilight as she sat there in front of Rarity. Twilight's mind raced at the very question. Yet she knew there was only one answer. “Past Twilight would...she would stop trying to do it for herself...and get help from her friends.”

“Yes...that's your true power Twilight.”

“Yeah...” said Twilight as she hugged Rarity again. “Thank you Rarity...thank you so much...”

“Of course darling.”

Meanwhile in another part of Manehattan...

“ awake now?” asked Rumble as put down the now empty bucket of water he had brought with him.

“Yeah...I'm awake.” said Spike with the most disgruntled look as possible.

“'s Spike right?”

“'s Rumble right?”

“Yeah, I'm Rumble.”

“Thanks for splashing me with water Rumble.” said Spike sarcastically. “Now, why are you here?”

“I live next door, why are you here?”

“I'm looking for Trixie.”

“Miss Trixie? She hasn't been seen here since yesterday, did you check the police station?”

Spike gave a small huff. “”

“Then stop sleeping in the hallway. Do you want me to help you get there?”


“Look Spike, I'm sorry I splashed water on you, alright?”

“Yeah...sorry I wouldn't wake up...want to join me to the station?”

“Hmm...sure, I'm worried that something happened might have happened to Miss Trixie...”

“You're worried about her?” asked Spike. Spike was not completely fond of Trixie though he understood Sunset's great friendship with her.

“Yeah...I've helped her a few times and...well...”

“She doesn't always ask for help, does she?”

“Yeah...” said Rumble, nodding. The two then ventured down the hallway and out of the building.

Back at the hideout...

Twilight had calmed down and then had a lengthy conversation with Rarity, ever now and then they glanced at the monitor to check the duo they had tied up in the other room. Twilight began to explain the options she had thought up and Rarity's face showed a face of slight shock.

“Um...are you sure darling? Did you not listen to what I just told you?”

“ this situation it would be bad if all of us went...I know you don't want me to do things alone but we don't really have a choice here...that and its the best plan I can think of...besides, how else will I convince Celestia?”

“You could show her the Golden Gem of the Sun. We still have it, don't we darling?”

“Yeah...but Harmony is telling me something is coming...though it could already be here...I need to be sure.”

Rarity gave a slight sigh. “Alright darling, but I want you to ask everypony before you attempt this, okay?”

“Yeah...that was what I was planning to do in the first place.”

Twilight then got up and proceeded to the other room, inside the room, Sunset sat there, thinking. 'Hmm...Twilight Sparkle...Princess Celestia...I think...I think I now know what you wanted to do if you found Twilight Sparkle before...well, before all this happened...and if that's the case...Trixie...I hope I can convince you why I'll end up doing this...I hope we can be friends after all this...not only that...I have a feeling I know what Twilight is going to do next...if I'm right...things are going to get pretty bumpy...'

Sunset then let out a sigh as her mind continued to race. 'If only I could get myself, Trixie, Twilight Sparkle and Princess Celestia all in the same room...maybe I could fix this fact, the only problem that could stem from that would have to be whatever danger Twilight Sparkle said Harmony is telling her about...then again, my only real fear is that Trixie won't forgive me if I try this...'

Twilight just stood in the room for a few seconds, glancing at the two. Trixie gave a slight look of confusion while Sunset just showed a look of anticipation. Twilight took a deep breath and said only one thing, “Okay you two...I have finally come up with a plan on my problem with you two.”

“And what is that?”

“You two are coming with me to Canterlot!”

Sunset showed a look of surprise and dread as she thought one thing, 'Or...maybe I can't predict what Twilight Sparkle is going to all...'

Later that night in another part of Equestria...

Sombra had found the vessel he was looking for. His shadow magic allowed him to be almost invisible in the night, allowing him to quickly go through the shadows of the night. He then slipped through the shadows to a certain pony's bedroom, here he then appeared above the sleeping pony. He lips smacked as he saw the pony laying there. He then thought, 'This pony...though the pony is small...there's evil in that heart...darkness within those depths of the pony's soul...excellent...'

Sombra's horn began to shine as his magic aura surrounded the pony, slowly levitating the pony into the air. The pony slowly woke up only to see Sombra's face. The pony showed no fear but instead only said this, “What the...who are you ugly?! Let me go right now you freak!”

Sombra's horn glowed even more and the pony's eyes began to show smoke around the pony's eyes just like Sombra's. Sombra then asked only one question. “Little pony, before I possess you as my vessel...I will tell you this...there is evil within you...there is darkness within you...there is greed within you...there is desire within you...whatever you desire, I will desire it as well...because of this, I will fulfill your wishes and you will fulfill will help me obtain my empire! Now...tell me your name little pony...”

The pony's mouth only opened for a little while as Sombra's magic began to control the pony, “My Diamond Tiara.”

The Change (Part 5 of 15)

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“Hello everypony!” said Rarity as she entered the hideout. There she was greeted by her several friends.

“Hello Rarity.” said Fluttershy as she exited the kitchen. “Has Twilight”

“Yes's already happened. She came and asked me and Applejack...” Rarity then gave a slight huff. “It didn't go well with Applejack...I suspect she came over and asked you all already?”

“Yes...she did. Do you think this will go well?”

“No...I hate to admit it darling, I don't.”

“What are you going to do now Rarity?”

“Well...what are the others doing?”

“Well...Scootaloo is reading Daring Do to Rainbow while she's in bed. Rainbow is in stable condition but is in no position to move around. Pinkie Pie is...well...”

“She's depressed again, isn't she?”


“Alright, well I need to check on something in Twilight's room, could you ask Pinkie to go get Applejack? We don't need to be at the other hideout anymore anyways and it would be better for Applejack to be around friends then by herself.”

“Sure, I can do that Rarity. Are you going to be our leader for now Rarity?”

“Hmm...” Rarity then scratched her chin. “I guess I am...”

Rarity then went to Twilight's room. There she began to scan the room and thought, 'Good grief Twilight...can't you clean your room a little? There's papers and books everywhere! Then again, you usually kept it clean until...nevermind, I need to find what I'm looking for...'

Rarity searched the room and soon found the one thing she was looking for. 'Ah! Here it is...Twilight's journal...I will have to apologize to her later but there is something here I must know...' Rarity then skimmed through the journal, ' many little calculations...these must be from our previous heists...or her inventions...wait a minute...this is...this date is yesterday!'

Rarity then read the page labeled for yesterday's date. Her eyes slowly grew in fear and depression as she read the journal entry. 'No...this is...'

Rarity quickly ran out of the room and went to Fluttershy. “Fluttershy! Has Applejack returned yet?”

“Um...yes. Pinkie just brought her.”

“Good. Tell her and Pinkie to join me in Rainbow’s room since Rainbow can't move right now. You come as well, I need to show you all something.”


A few minutes later...

“Alright Rarity, what's the deal? Why is everypony crammed into my room?” asked Rainbow with a disgruntled look.

“Sorry Rainbow, but since you aren't allowed to leave your bed yet...well...I just need to read you all something.”

“Read us something?” asked Applejack in confusion.

“Yes...this is Twilight's journal.”

“Journal? Ain't that supposed to be private?”

“Regularly I would agree, all need to hear me.”

The other ponies stared at each other and then nodded at Rarity. “Alright Rarity...starting reading to us.”

“Well..” Rarity then began to read the last journal entry. Her mouth trembled as the words left her mouth. “I believe Twilight wrote this right before she told us her plan...”

Twilight Journal Entry #35:

My only hope is that the girls do not read this. If they do, it seems that they were fated to see what may be my final thoughts before leaving them. If that is the case, I am sorry girls. I am writing this as a last journal entry before I hand myself to Celestia. Over the past almost three years as the leader of the Rainbooms I have put myself into a certain mode of thinking. Over those years, I would put predictions, outcomes, and preparations first. I would constantly think of every scenario for every heist, every action we would take. However, I never predicted me being the one the Tree of Harmony would choose. Because of this, my life is now officially no longer in my hooves. For years I have tried to create my own path in life and fought this world. However, life is not that simple and now I must make some life changing decisions. Now that we have been caught even though we captured both Sunset Shimmer and Trixie Lulamoon, I hereby say that my time as the leader of the Rainbooms is officially over. In doing so, I can only make predictions rather than choices in what will happen in my future. One, which I believe is the future that will happen is that when I show myself to Celestia, she will not give pardons and I will probably end up in prison or executed. I have been told over and over again that she is a kind ruler but I still refuse to believe it. If she was, she would have not used my parents and family against me. However, I can only make two other predictions, one is that I get the pardons but I either end up executed or in prison. The other is the most unlikely, in which I get the pardons and get to go free. Either way, at the moment I show myself to Celestia, I will no longer be able to see my friends. This fact is the worst of them all in this situation. To me, my friends are my real family. They comfort me, help me, understand me, and love me. I have researched Harmony and it said that anypony who uses Harmony, rather it be pony or alicorn, they understand true friendship. If Celestia does understand such a thing, hopefully I will be able to see my friends one more time. However, I predict that will never happen so the friendship I cherish so much with my friends will soon be out of my grasp. In the end, I will say this is my choice and my path. Whatever happens next, I will take full responsibility for all of my actions. Because of this, I will now say my last words to this journal. I, Twilight Sparkle, the leader of the Rainbooms, the inheritor of Harmony, the Element of Magic, and the once Queen of Harmony would like to say that I have lived a fulfilling life. It is a life that I would wish on nopony but, it has been a good life. Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Scootaloo, I love all of you. My friends have helped me become truly happy, something I believed that I wasn't allowed to have. What I am about to do is my own choice in life. I could run away or kill the ponies that we have captured but I will do no such thing. I will go to Celestia and accept my fate. This is my path in my life, not destiny or fate but my own choice. This is all I can say for now. Finally to my friends, may the winds of fortune blow in your favor and may all things go well in your lives. I love you all, Twilight Sparkle.

“And that's the last entry girls...” said Rarity as her head slowly lowered.

“WHAT?!” yelled Rainbow as she began swinging her hooves around in anger. “ARE YOU-OWWW!!!”

“Rainbow! Please calm down!” screamed Fluttershy as she grabbed Rainbow and pushed her down on the bed. “You mustn’t move too much, your body can't handle it right now.”

“But Fluttershy, didn't you just hear what...”

“I did, calm down Rainbow.”

“She's right darling, I hate to say it but...we can't do anything right now.”


Applejack suddenly hit the wall, her head looking at the floor. She then stomped out of the room. Pinkie tried to go after her but Rarity then grabbed her. “Don't Pinkie. Let her go.”

“But...she didn't even say anything...and Twilight...” Pinkie then began to tear up, her eyes beginning to drop tears. Rarity then hugged Pinkie as the two mares began to shed tears.

“It's fine Pinkie...let her solve this by herself.”

“” Fluttershy then slowly put her hooves together, trembling.

“Yes dear?”

“What do we do now?”

“I honestly don't know darling...all I know is that all of us here want to help Twilight...but...I don't know what to do...”

Rarity then slowly left the room only to see Applejack packing all her things. “Applejack dear, what are you doing?”

“I'm going home. I'm done.”

“You can't be serious dear, did you not hear what I just read to you?”

“Yeah, ah did...ah heard every word.”

“Then...then you know we need to help Twilight!”

“No...ah don't. I'm done Rarity.”

Rarity then slammed her hoof down. “Applejack!”

Applejack then turned around and yelled, “SHUT IT RARITY! IT'S OVER! I'M GOING HOME!”

Applejack then turned around and slowly walked out of the hideout. As she was about to leave, Rarity then slowly spoke up, “So that's it?”

“Yeah...ah believe it is.”

“My my in the end, you're just a coward.”

Applejack stopped. She then slowly turned and stared at Applejack as if she was about to attack her. “WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!”

“I said you're a coward.”

“You did not!”

“I did. You've always been a coward Applejack. Ever since we all first met, you've done nothing but complain and whine that you weren't out with your apples. You always wanted to do nothing but go back to your apple farm, never even thinking about your friends!”

Anger showed itself in full as Applejack began to stomp on the floor. “Say that again Rarity and ah swear on every apple I've ever eaten, ah will beat the tar out of you.”

Rarity didn't flinch. She didn't show any sign of fear or aggression. She just stood there, emotionless. “You're a coward Applejack. That's who you really are.”

“THAT'S IT!” yelled Applejack as she then rushed Rarity, ready to hit her. “YOU'RE GONNA PAY FOR SAYING THOSE WORDS!”

Then Applejack swung her hoof, aiming for Rarity's face.

Some time later in Canterlot...

Shining Armor was at his desk, signing papers. “Ugh...I know I wanted to be in the guard but...”

A guard then opened the door, alerting Shining Armor. “Sir!”

“What is it solider?”


“Stop hesitating solider, what's wrong?”

“Well, the latest train that's coming to's...”

“What solider? If there's a problem on that train, my barrier magic will stop it. If its some evil being, the main soldiers are ready.”

“Well, according to what reports we've gotten...we think...”

“AUGH!” yelled Shining Armor suddenly. At that moment, his barrier magic disappeared from Canterlot.

“Captain! What's wrong?!”

“Ugh...the barrier...whatever is on that train...broke through the barrier...”

Shining Armor and the guard then immediately went down to the train station. Shining Armor's head still felt dizzy after the sudden break-in which in turn affected his magic. He then stopped in front of the train and began ordering the guards there.

“Alright men, you three are coming with me, the rest will evacuate any innocent ponies out of this train. According to the unicorns here, the dark magic hasn't moved, so whatever being that wields it is still in its cabin. I'm going in, you three cover me.”

“Yes sir!”

Shining Armor slowly went into the train, his men right behind him. He signaled the three to get ready and he then slowly opened the cabin door. His horn began to shine as he slammed the door open.

“Alright you, I...what the? Twily?!”

“Hey BBBFF, how's it going?” said Twilight as she gave a cocky look, waving her hoof.

“Why are you...why is Sunset Shimmer with you...and who's the blue unicorn?!”

“Hey! Trixie's skin color is better than yours whitey!”

“Whatever...alright, so why are you here and...let me guess, the Element of Darkness is what the unicorns were sensing?”

“Yeah...” said Twilight as she opened the case with the element inside. “I took the seals off for certain reasons...its a long story and sorry about the barrier.”

“Yeah thanks...all it did was give me a migraine from Tartarus itself. Why are you here Twily?”

“I said I'm sorry BBBFF. Now, if you don't mind Shining, think you could give me and my two ponies here a ride to Celestia?”

“A ride to the princess?”

Twilight then gave her brother a huge grin. “ and the duo here need to have a long talk with Celestia.”

The Change (Part 6 of 15)

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Several hours earlier...

“ that by Trixie again. You want Trixie and Sunset to go with you to Canterlot?”

“Yes.” Twilight then nodded.

Trixie's lips curled and then burst open, “Pffftt! HAHAHAHAHA! Yeah right! You can't be serious!”

Twilight's expression didn't change. “I am. However, since you don't seem to believe me, I'll show you this.” Twilight then levitated a case in front of the duo. There, she began loosening some parts on the case.

“What are you doing?” asked Trixie as she gave a puzzled look. Sunset on the other hand, her face continued to shift between surprise, amazement and shock. Trixie soon noticed and said, “Sunset? What's wrong?”

“I...Twilight...don't tell you're going to...”

Twilight took the parts of the case and slowly levitated them and put them together. They soon made a small bolt. Twilight then gave Sunset a small smile. “I have a feeling you know what my plan is Sunset Shimmer.”

“Yeah...tell me, what is in that case?”

“Why do you want to know?”

“Because...that's no ordinary seal on that looks custom made and a lot of magic was poured into it...”

“You are correct Sunset Shimmer. In this case is a jewel of sorts that I made myself.”

Sunset gave a dark, grim stare at Twilight, “Let me guess...its something Princess Celestia didn't want you to make?”

“ is. Now, what do you think this bolt I just made is?”

“If I had to take a guess...that bolt will go into our anti-magic I correct?”


“Okay, Trixie's curious now. What does that bolt do?”

“This bolt, equipped with your brace you are will allow me to use the braces as a magic nerve-controller. The seal I made on this case is very strong, so I made sure to put a huge amount of magic into the bolt based on the seal's parts.”

“...Trixie doesn't get it...”

Sunset then turned to Trixie. “What she means is that these anti-magic braces are going to be used as puppet strings...and we're the puppets.”

“What?!” yelped Trixie as she showed a face of anger.

Twilight then gave Sunset a look of slight disgust. “Actually, you're a bit wrong there Sunset Shimmer.”

“Really? How so?”

“Technically, the bolt with the brace will not allow me to fully control either of you. I will instead have the ability to shut down your nerves whenever I want.”

“Trixie still doesn't understand, what does that mean?”

“It means that with a flick of magic from my horn, I can paralyze either of you instantly.”

“And I'm guessing this is how you plan to bring us with you to Canterlot without us being tied up all the time?”


“Trixie refuses.” Trixie then gave the blankest, angry face possible. However, Sunset didn't know what emotion to show. All she could do is think, 'Well...that means if she puts the bolt into a brace, she basically has the ability to disable us if necessary...not only that, she wants to go to Canterlot! If that's the case...then this situation is in my favor! All that's left is Trixie...'

Sunset then glanced at Trixie, who still showing a face of pure anger. 'Well...guess I should have saw this coming... I guess my next problem is...should I show that I actually support Twilight's decision here? Or should I wait this out until I can convince Trixie? Hmm...I need to get all of us in front of Princess Celestia...there I think I can talk this situation through...if I'm right, I think I know exactly what Princess Celestia really wants from Twilight, but Twilight just doesn't understand what Princess Celestia wants...that and she seems to be a super paranoid pony despite being the leader of the Rainbooms...'

Sunset did a slight gulp and then began to talk, “May I ask you a question Twilight?”

Twilight gave Sunset a slight nod. “Go ahead.”

“I'm going to take a guess here and say the plan is to see Princess Celestia, am I correct?”

“Yes. I need both of you with me when I get there.”

Sunset then gave Twilight a straight face. There, as Sunset stared at Twilight, Twilight began to see what Sunset was thinking. 'Well...this is Sunset Shimmer supporting my plan? Why?' thought Twilight, 'Then again, if she can convince Trixie...'

“Sunset Shimmer...where are you going with this?”

“ about we make a deal?”

“A deal?”

“Sunset! You can't be serious?!”

“I am Trixie. Now, how about it Twilight Sparkle?”

“I'm listening.”

“I'll agree to come along with you to Canterlot and meet Princess Celestia and promise not to do anything against you on one condition.”

“Okay, what's the condition?”

“You'll free us of these braces when we meet Princess Celestia.”

“Sunset! You can't be serious!” yelled Trixie as she began squirming in her chair.

“Deal.” said Twilight with a big grin.

“You'll agree that easily?” asked Sunset with a puzzled look.

“Oh yes. As long as I can get you two there, my objective will be achieved. Besides, I'll be bringing something special with me as a just in case anyways.”

“Alright, we have a deal.”

“Hold on Sunset Shimmer, I want to change part of that condition though.”


“I only release you, not Trixie Lulamoon.”

“May I ask why?”

“Oh nothing much,” said Twilight as she showed a slight grin. “I just have a feeling as soon as I release the brace, she'll attack me.”

“And I won't?”

“Well, the possibility is still there but...I have a feeling I can trust you a little more.”

“Ugh...fine. You have a deal.”


A few hours later in Manehattan...

Rarity and Applejack were both beaten and bruised after their fight. Pinkie had intervened before either had seriously injured one another. Soon, the two sat down at a table, both giving glares at each other.

“Ah *huff* hate you Rarity...”

“I *wheeze* know darling...”

“No one calls me coward...”

“You...*huff* *huff* are a coward...”

“Shut up!”

“I'll say it again're a coward.”

“I said...shut up...”

“Go ahead Applejack.” said Rarity as she slowly raised her hoof to the door. “Leave. Leave like the coward you are...and do you know why you're a coward?”




“Because all you want is to be with your precious think apples will solve all your problems...”

“Shut up...”

“It's true...I don't know who's or Twilight...though I'm pretty sure right now you are.”

“Oh yeah?! Didn't you hear your own words Rarity?! She said that she was giving up! If that's not the dumbest thing a pony can do then I don't know what is!”

“'re dumber...”

“Oh really?”

“Yeah...if you think for one second...which apparently you don’t know how to since you're a stupid apple loving would realize that she's sacrificing herself for us.”

“That ain't sacrifice...that's stupidity Rarity...and you know it!”

“What would you do then Applejack?”

“Ah...ah...ah would...”

“You don't know...that's because you don't believe in any of us...”


“Yeah...all we can do now is believe in Twilight...and you know it...”

“Ah do too believe in her!”

“ don't. The only thing you believe in is your stupid disgusting apples.”

“Say that one more time and ah will-”

“Oh shut up and leave already Applejack!” spat Rarity. “Leave you idiotic filthy apple lover! After all, what do you care about your friends or what we do?! All you care about is a stupid fruit!”


Applejack's hoof slammed down on the floor as her face filled itself with rage. “Ah will end you Rarity.”

“Oh go ahead darling, it's not like you care about your friends anyway. Every since you joined this team, all you've wanted to do was get enough money for your family and then quit!”

“You little...” Steam began to race out of Applejack's nostrils. “Why you little...”


Pinkie then slammed her hoof in front of both Rarity and Applejack. Her face was filled with tears. “THAT'S ENOUGH! STOP FIGHTING! JUST STOP IT! AREN'T WE ALL FRIENDS?!”

For a moment, nopony moved or spoke. Then Applejack got up and went to her room. There, she grabbed her belongings and then headed to the exit. “No, Pinkie. I'm afraid we aren't. Not anymore anyways.”

The two just sat there as they saw their friend leave the hideout for good. Pinkie then slowly slumped over only for Rarity to catch her. Rarity sat there, hugging Pinkie as she began to cry more and more.

“WAAAAAHHHH!!! Why did this have to happen Rarity?!”

“I don't know darling...but I know one thing.”


Rarity gave Pinkie a heartwarming smile and hugged her again. “We'll get through it together, I just know it.”

The Present...

The three began walking through the castle of Canterlot. Sunset began to think, 'Wow...I can't believe I was able to eventually convince Trixie to not attack Twilight Sparkle while on the train...oh least we're about to meet Princess Celestia soon...'

“Hey BBBFF, how have you been?” asked Twilight, already tired of walking through the giant castle.

“Paperwork is my life now Twily...papers and more papers...”

“How's it going with Cadance?”

“It's going...”

“Going?” Twilight raised an eyebrow.

“Work has been getting in the way for a while now...we're meeting a little later...”

“Good. Can I tell you something about Cadance, BBBFF?”


“I still think she's out of your league.”

“Hey! She is not!”

The siblings then both laughed as the guards gave disgruntled looks at the two. They couldn't believe the captain was related to the pony that attacked the princess, though they tried to make sure that the captain didn't see their looks of disapproval. Trixie on the other hand, didn't say a thing as they slowly approached Celestia. There was only anger in her mind while Sunset was trying to figure out what to say first to Celestia.

Then they arrived at the throne room. There sat Celestia, Luna, and Cadance. 'Here we go...I just hope I can solve this situation between Princess Celestia and Twilight Sparkle...' thought Sunset as the group entered the room. 'Now, let's see how this plays out...'

The Change (Part 7 of 15)

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“I must say Twilight Sparkle, this is quite the surprise.” said Celestia as she gave a scowl while staring at the unicorn entering her throne room. “And you brought my student with you, which I just got a letter saying she was missing.”

“Missing?!” asked Sunset with a confused look.

“Yes. Spike sent me a letter saying he was trying to find you with the help of a colt named Rumble. Apparently the two went to the Manehattan police station to file a report that you and Miss Lulamoon had gone missing.”

“Rumble?!” yelped Trixie as she heard Rumble's name.

“You know him Miss Lulamoon?”

“Yes...he is Trixie's next door neighbor. He is a very kind little colt.”

“I see. Good to see Spike is in good hooves for now. I'll send him a letter later to tell him to come to Canterlot, he can bring his friend along if he wants too.”

“Hold on.” said Sunset as she gave Celestia a puzzled look. “Why do you need Spike to come here?”

“I guess you didn't read the letter I sent you Sunset, I was requesting you to come to Canterlot as soon as possible, a certain event is about to happen and I wish for you to participate in it.”


Twilight on the other hand, had just sat there as the three kept talking. Twilight's eyebrows twitched as her anger began to rise. Twilight was never an attention seeking pony but she didn't care for being ignored in this current situation. She began to grit her teeth as glared at Celestia. “Okay! That's enough!” she yelled. “We have much more important things to discuss right now!”

The other ponies gave her all sorts of different looks, switching from confusion to anger. “Twily? You alright?” asked Shining.

“No brother...I'm not...” said Twilight as her head lowered a little. Twilight then glared at Celestia again. Celestia then slowly opened her mouth. “Very well Twilight Sparkle...why are you here and with my student and her friend...who both have anti-magic braces on their horns.”

“First, the braces are there because if I don't have them on these two, they'll attack me. Speaking of the braces...” Twilight then turned to Sunset and Twilight's horn began to shine as she removed Sunset's brace. “A deal's a deal Sunset Shimmer.”

“Agreed.” said Sunset as she began to scratch her horn. Sunset then glared at Trixie, trying to tell her not to speak for now. Trixie bit her lip as she saw Sunset signaling her. She then gave a little nod, showing that she would play along for now.

Twilight then turned to Celestia. “ answer your first question Celestia. I am here to surrender myself to you.”

At that moment, everypony in the room gave looks of surprise and confusion except for one pony, Sunset Shimmer. Instead she stood there thinking, 'I had a feeling that was her plan...However, if I'm right about how Twilight Sparkle sees Princess Celestia, this could get ugly very quickly...'

“Surrender?! What are you talking about Twily?!” asked Shining as she glanced at Cadance. Cadance then gave him a confused look back.

“This is a surprise Twilight Sparkle.” said Celestia as she began to stand up from her throne. “May I ask why you would say such a statement in front of me?”

Twilight didn't say a word. She just stared at Celestia with a face filled with anger. Her teeth gritted and her eyes began to show fire in them. Twilight then slowly moved her hoof to her eye and removed the lens. The other ponies gasped as they saw Twilight’s eye, still shining, trying to warn her about the oncoming danger that threatens Harmony.

“Twilight...your eye...why does it...why does it look like your cutie mark?” asked Cadance while her hooves began to cover her mouth.

“This is the result of being connected to Harmony Cadance.” said Twilight with a sour expression. “Now Celestia, you can guess what this means, can't you? The reason my eye is shining...”

“Yes.” said Celestia, nodding. “Something is about to attack Equestria, isn't it?”

“Yeah, it is. That's the main reason why I'm here...or at least in the long run of the reasons I'm here.”

Celestia then turned to Shining Armor. “Captain Shining, tell the guards to check the statues in the Canterlot Garden, tell them to make sure all of them are still there. Inform me if one of them is missing.”

“Yes your majesty!” Shining the bowed and quickly ran out of the throne room. Twilight's gave a curious look at Celestia. “Something I should know about?”

“Possibly...anyways Twilight Sparkle, what are your other reasons for coming here?”

“Well, what I am about to say may sound strange but I am here to get pardons for my friends.”

“Pardons?” asked Celestia with a puzzled look.

“Yes. Allow me to explain.” said Twilight as her horn glowed and then levitated two cases out of her saddlebag. “Now, what I am about to tell you may sound...let's say extreme, but it's the truth.”

“Is that so?” said Luna with a skeptical look. “I'm not sure if you can surprise us anymore than you already have.”

“You have no idea.” said Sunset with a disgruntled look.

“Indeed.” Twilight then cricked her neck. “ the leader of the Rainboom Thieves.”

The room fell silent for a second after Twilight made that statement. Celestia, Cadance and Luna gave the most surprised looks as they stared at Twilight. Then Cadance spoke up first, “'re kidding...right Twily?”

“No.” said Twilight with a straight face. “I am one hundred percent serious Cadance.”

“You were right Sunset, I had no idea that was coming.” said Celestia in bewilderment. “So tell me Twilight Sparkle, why would you confess that?”

“First,” said Twilight as her horn began to glow. “Let me show some proof that I am part of the Rainboom Thieves.” Then one of the two cases she had put down slowly opened with Twilight's magic. “I believe you will recognize this...”


“The Golden Gem of the Sun!” exclaimed Celestia. “How did...”

“I'm a Rainboom Celestia.” said Twilight with the most sarcastic look she could give. “Did you not hear me?”

“Twily...I know you told us about your past a few weeks ago but...” Cadance then lowered her head in disbelief. “You're a thief?”

“Yes. I am.” Twilight stood firm as she made that statement. “I am Twilight Sparkle, leader of the Rainbooms.”

Celestia slowly regained her composure and then said, “Very well Twilight Sparkle...I suspect you are showing this because you believe that this gem can compensate for pardons?”

“No...I don't.” Twilight then gave a slight scowl. “However, I no longer have a choice in this situation. As you can tell by my eye, I am now tied to Harmony. I have researched Harmony extensively over the past few months and though I don't have access to the Canterlot archives, I believe I fully understand what Harmony represents in this world. Harmony represents the key to balance in this world and I currently have the ability to wield it. Am I correct?”

“Yes. More or less you are correct.” said Luna with a straight face.

“Good. If that's the case, I'll just cut to the chase and tell you my plan. I want you to give my friends, the other Rainbooms pardons. In return, I will allow you to have both the Golden Gem of the Sun and the Element of Darkness. Not only that, I will surrender myself to you and would like to request an execution of my life immediately.”

“EXECUTION?!” yelped Cadance. “Surely you can't be serious?!”

'I knew it...' thought Sunset, 'I had a feeling she would ask for Princess Celestia to kill her...she wants to die in order to no longer be connected to Harmony...and she wants Princess Celestia to know it!' Sunset then turned her head and gulped. She saw Trixie's face, now gleaming with delight. 'Uh oh...don't say anything Trixie...I know you hate her but...'

“Trixie likes this... Do it your majesty!”

'Nevermind...' Sunset thought while glaring at Trixie.

“I'm completely serious Cadance. I'm surrendering myself so Celestia can kill me.”

“But...but...WHY?! Why would you do that?!”

Celestia didn't flinch. She was tired of surprises. “Tell me Twilight Sparkle, whatever made you think I would agree to such a deal?”

One of Twilight's eyebrows slightly raised. “Really?! Well if you must know, it's because I know you're a heartless greedy monster who thinks everypony under her is nothing more than a pawn.”

“Is that truly how you see me?”

“Yes. I have been told by everypony, even your sister that you're some great wonderful kind pony. But I know the truth. I know you're a disgusting little sloth who just sits on her flank, thinking that she can find some other pony to solve all her problems. I would give anything to knock you off your throne...” Twilight gave a huge huff, “But I can't now...I no longer am in a situation where I can do that and protect my friends. Because of this, I am here to get pardons for my friends and die so that I never have to work under your vile hoof.”

There was a moment of silence after Twilight's statement. Then, as if a bomb went off, Trixie began to yell, “HOW DARE YOU!!! HOW DARE YOU TALK TO THE PRINCESS LIKE THAT!” Trixie then began to charge Twilight but was too late. Twilight's horn immediately shined and in a split second the brace activated. Before Trixie knew it, a pain hit her entire body and she fell to the floor.


“Trixie!” yelped Sunset as she ran to Trixie.

“Don't tell me you forgot you had that on Lulamoon?” said Twilight with a scowl. “I'll take your brace off later, ok?”

“You...little...” stuttered Trixie as she tried to move. “Trixie...will...grrr...Trixie...will...”

“That's enough Trixie...don't try to move or the pain will get worse.” said Sunset as she hugged her friend. Sunset then turned her head. “Twilight Sparkle...”

“Don't get angry at me. I agreed to the deal just like you did. Don't worry, the brace won't do any permanent damage, she just won't be able to move much for a little while.”

Sunset shook her hoof but realized Twilight was right. 'Blast it! I can't believe I can't do anything right now...' thought Sunset, 'I guess I should wait and hear what Princess Celestia will say next...'

“Now that that interruption is out of the way Celestia, where were we?”

Celestia glared at Twilight, showing a hint of anger. “You just insulted me, saying I was some heartless monster.”

“Oh trust me, you are.” said Twilight with a small smile.

“Is this because I asked your parents to come with me that one night long ago?”

Twilight began to bite her lip when thinking about that night, the night she first fought Celestia. “ good pony would use another pony's parents against them for their own greedy means.”

“I will admit that there were other options I could have chose Twilight Sparkle.”

“But you didn't...and you made your entire guard including my brother to go after me.”

“I was desperate Twilight Sparkle.”

“Desperate?!” yelled Twilight. “According to what you said in the Everfree Forest, Nightmare Moon wasn't supposed to come for almost another year! There's no way you were desperate!”

“You were chosen! Do you not remember?!” said Celestia as her voice's volume continued to rise. “The Tree of Harmony chose you!”

“Oh please! If it chose me, it would have summoned me in due time! Instead, you put a wanted poster out of me and involved my parents! Sure I didn't care that much about them at the time but still!”

“In order to fully inherit Harmony, you need training! Surely you noticed that you didn't fully inherit the elements?! That they didn't change shape based on the user!”

“So?! I still beat Nightmare Moon! Who cares?!”


“Sister! Please calm down!”

“Auntie, please!”

'Whoa...' thought Sunset as she began to hug Trixie tighter in fear. 'I've never seen the princess like this...never this angry...'

Twilight didn't flinch however. She just stood there with a huge grin. “Heh...well well well...look at this...”

“Why are you smiling?!” snorted Celestia, her horn beginning to shine.

“Oh nothing...” said Twilight as she shook her head back and forth, still wearing a huge grin. “Just glad I'm finally seeing the true Celestia.”


“Calm yourself sister!”

“Bring it on!” said Twilight as her horn began to glow as well. “Show them who you really are!”

“Don't do it Auntie!”


“Sister! Calm yourself this instant!”

“Do it! Kill the criminal!” spat Trixie as she wiggled on the floor.

“Stop Twilight! Stop provoking my aunt!”

“Sorry Cadance but she's nothing but a-”


At that moment, everypony in the room froze in shock as a beam shot through the room. Everypony's heads soon turned as they saw the pony who had shot the beam of magic. There, they all stared at Sunset Shimmer, who showed a face filled to the brim with anger. “ENOUGH EVERYPONY! NO MORE! DO YOU HEAR ME?! NO MORE FIGHTING!”

“But she-”

“ENOUGH!” yelled Sunset in a fit of rage. “BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP!”

Both Twilight's and Celestia's showed a hint of fear as they saw Sunset yelling. Steam began to escape Sunset's nostrils as she tried to calm the two down. “That's enough...*huff huff*...I don't want...*huff* hear...*huff*...another word...*huff*...from either of you...”

“Sunset...” said Celestia in a calmer, concerned tone.

“What are you...” said Trixie as she continued to try to get up. Trixie then watched Sunset slowly walk between Twilight and Celestia. Sunset cricked her neck as she then faced Celestia. “That's enough Princess Celestia. Please stop.”

Sunset then turned around and faced Twilight as well. “You too...please stop. There's no need for violence.”

“Sorry to say Miss Shimmer, but that's only way your precious princess knows how to talk.”

“ isn't. I know you think that she's some heartless monster but she's not.” Sunset glared at Twilight, her eyes filled with anger. “Even if that's all you think Princess Celestia is Twilight Sparkle, know're no different. You're no different than the rest of us. The only reason you're different than any of us is that you're the inheritor of Harmony,'re no different.”

Twilight gritted her teeth, showing a face filled with anger. But Sunset wasn't intimidated. “It doesn't matter what you say Twilight know I'm right.”

“Sunset...” Celestia then put her hooves over her mouth in surprise.

Sunset then turned around to Celestia. “Princess...I'm sorry I raised my voice and used magic in your throne room...but I didn't have a choice. Princess, do you remember what happened when you showed me that mirror?”

“Yes...I do.” Celestia then nodded.

“Do you remember what you told me after you stopped me? You told me I needed guidance. I needed somepony to guide me back to a better path or I would have become a monster. need to do that again. The pony that needs guidance is right in front of you and she needs your help.”

Twilight just stood there as she listened to Sunset. Her face gave a slight scowl and then she said. “Sunset Shimmer...why are you telling her this?”

Sunset then turned around. “ remind me of myself....that need guidance Twilight Sparkle.”

“Oh really?”

“Yes...I was just like you a few years ago...arrogant...selfish...but full of hope and power...and I almost lost it all.”

“Let me guess...your precious princess saved you?”

“Yes...she did. Just like you need saving now.”

“Sorry to say Sunset Shimmer, but I'm not buying. I don't need her help.”

“Why not?”

“Because her help is nothing more than me becoming her pawn. Her pawn for her little destiny she has picked out for me. Sorry, but I follow my own path.”

“And you'll just willing to end your path here?”

“If need be, yes. My path is to protect my friends, Sunset Shimmer. I've taught them how to make sure nopony will ever find them if necessary and they'll still be able to live their lives exactly how their cutie marks say they should. All that's left is to get rid of myself in order to fully save them.”

“And they won't miss you?”

“They will...but they'll understand. Except for one but she probably wants me dead anyways.” said Twilight, thinking of Applejack. “That is our bond, and it won't be broken, even in death. I...I believe in them.”

Twilight then began to smile a smile like no other while she thought of her friends. Sunset stared at Twilight for a few seconds, unable to respond. Trixie continued to wriggle on the floor, trying to understand the situation. 'What's going on...why? Why is Sunset defending her?!' thought Trixie while her face showed more and more rage. 'No...she's a thief Sunset...a criminal...'

“I see...” said Sunset with a slight sigh. “Still...there's no need for you to throw away your life Twilight Sparkle.” Sunset then turned to Celestia. “Princess...I have a proposal.”

“A proposal?”

“Yes...please give Twilight the pardons for her friends. In return, she'll give you both the Element of Darkness and the Golden Gem of the Sun.”

“That was already the plan Sunset Shimmer.” said Twilight in a sarcastic tone.

“I'm not done.” said Sunset in a disgruntled tone. “I also propose that instead of killing or imprisoning Twilight Sparkle, you take her as your student.”

Everypony froze for a few seconds only for Twilight to yell, “WHAT?! NO! NO WAY I'M GONNA BE HER STUDENT!” Sunset then turned around and snapped, “BE QUIET! You're a criminal! Be glad you can have this chance!”

“Why you little-”

“NO!” yelled Trixie as she still tried to get up. “Don''s a petty criminal...she...deserves to be punished!”

“I accept.” said Celestia in a calm tone.

“Huh?!” said Twilight and Trixie in unison.

“I said I accept. I will give pardons to the entire team of the Rainbooms and Twilight Sparkle will be student. In accordance to the law, she should be punished for her crimes but since Harmony is warning her...we can get to that later...”

“I...uh...” said Twilight in confusion. She then thought, 'Huh? What is going on? Why is she agreeing to this? Something's wrong here...'

“What's the matter Twilight Sparkle? Cat got you tongue again?” said Sunset in snide remark. “Don't tell me you still want to be killed.”

“Twily...” said Cadance as she walked off her throne. “Please don't fight anymore. Let us help you.”

“Indeed. Please allow us to assist you Twilight Sparkle.” said Luna.

“...” Twilight didn't know what to say. She just stood there as if she was a statue. Then, when she was about to speak.

“NO!” yelled Trixie as she slowly stood up, her body trembling in pain from the paralysis. “DON'T YOU DARE! DON'T YOU DARE GIVE ANY MERCY TO THIS CRIMINAL!”

“Trixie, I-”



“SHUT UP!” yelled Trixie as she then fell over again.


“Ugh...that hurt...”

“She's right you know.” said Twilight as she glanced at Trixie and then Sunset. “Not only that, why are you helping me Sunset Shimmer? It is because I remind you of yourself? Or is it because you realized my plan?”

“What, your plan to kill yourself in order to prove Princess Celestia wrong?”

“Yes...” said Twilight with a small smile.

“Was that really your plan Twilight Sparkle?!” asked Celestia, her face beginning to show anger again. “You would go that far to prove me wrong?”

“Yes. I would go that far and if there was a way to go any farther, I would.”

Celestia's eye began to twitch as she showed a little more anger. “I'm not sure if I can make this work, especially if she is willing to go that far.”

Twilight then gave a big grin. “Hear that Sunset Shimmer, looks like that won't work. Just goes to show you how your precious-”

Sunset then glared at the two. “Enough! Whether you like it not, you both have to make it work!”

“Oh really? Why?”

“Trixie agrees, why do you have to work with this criminal?! She needs to be put away forever!”

“I hate to say it but I think I agree with Miss Lulamoon.” said Twilight with a small smile. “According to the law which Celestia has control over, I should probably be put away. Are you sure you want to go against that?”

“HA! See that Sunset! Even this petty disgusting thief agrees with Trixie!”

“Hey! Don't call me petty you little-”

“Be quiet you blasted criminal!”

“Listen here Lulamoon-”

Sunset was about to explode. Her anger kept rising as both Twilight, Trixie and her teacher just continued to refuse to get along. While the three continued to stare daggers at each other, Cadance began to see what was happening to Sunset. Luna wasn't sure what to say and decided not to talk at all. Then the bomb known as Sunset Shimmer went off.


“Sunset, please calm-” said Cadance as she slowly raised her hoof.

“NO! SHUT UP ALL OF YOU!” Sunset's eyes went red with anger, steam flying out of her nostrils. “Now listen here! I never said this was going to easy but you three are going to have to get along, or did you forget what Harmony is telling Twilight Sparkle?! It's telling us that a disaster is about to happen!”

“Well...uh...” said Twilight as she tried to talk. The others didn't even speak.

Sunset was out of breath again, “*huff*...that's enough...*wheeze* you all just agree to try to get along? WELL?!”

“...” Twilight didn't say a word. She just stared at Sunset. Celestia stood over Sunset and slowly showed a huge smile and thought, 'My precious student...looked how you've grown...I am so proud of you...even now, you're trying to save the pony in front of me even though she is trying every way to be against me...'

Twilight then slowly looked up to Celestia and Celestia looked back at her. They stared at each other for a long time. Cadance put her hoof over her mouth as she watched the two. Sunset then looked at the two, thinking, 'Hate to say it, but...I think I've done all I can do...please Princess Celestia...please help her...'

Trixie didn't look at either of them. Instead, she just stared at Sunset and thought, 'Why? WHY? Why is she defending her? Why...Trixie doesn't...Trixie doesn't understand...'

Celestia then stood up with a calm looking face. She slowly walked off her throne and then stood directly in front of Twilight. “Twilight Sparkle.”


“I am sorry for all I have done. I understand why you think of me as some heartless monster. However, I...I need your help student says you need mine. I know you hate me but...I wish to know you better, to understand you be your friend.” Celestia then bowed in front of Twilight. “Please, allow me to be your friend...please, allow me to help you...”

Twilight slowly moved back as she saw Celestia bow before her. Her legs shook at the words Celestia had just said. Her mouth shivered as she tried to speak. 'She...wants to be my friend? Why? I...I...I'm a criminal...why?'

Twilight then bowed as well. “I accept...please...please help me...”

Ceelstia then went up to her and hugged Twilight, her wings covering Twilight's body. Then both Twilight and Celestia began to cry. “I will my little pony...I will...”

Sunset showed a small smile as she watched the scene unfold. She then glanced at Cadance, who was now bawling, tears flowing from her eyes like waterfalls. Luna on the other hand, just showed a single tear. Then Sunset looked at Trixie. There, she didn't see a face of anger or rage. Just a face of confusion. 'Trixie...' thought Sunset. 'I hope you can forgive me for this but...I didn't have a choice...I had to save her, even if she is a criminal...'

“Why Sunset?” said Trixie as she just laid there on the floor. “Why?”

“Because Trixie...Twilight Sparkle is needed for Equestria's future and...I wanted to save her Trixie...I'm sorry...” Sunset then began to cry. “I'm sorry...”

Trixie then closed her eyes, trying not to look at Sunset. “No...Trixie doesn't undertand...”

Sunset then went up and hugged Trixie. “I'm sorry my friend...will you forgive me?”

Trixie looked at Sunset's face. She then slowly said, “Yeah...I do...”

“Thank you...”

After a few minutes, everypony in the room repositioned themselves. Twilight then spoke up first, “ what is the plan to this situation?”

“Well...” said Celestia as she scratched her chin with her hoof. “First, I will declare pardons for all of the Rainbooms. Second, you will stay here in Canterlot Twilight. Whether you know it or not, you need training about the Elements of Harmony, so you will stay here in the castle.”

“Okay...I'll agree to that. However, I want to change one part of this deal.”

“And what would that be?”

“I won't be giving you the Element of Darkness.”

“What? Why?!”

“I'm not sure if you can tell, but I'm a very paranoid pony. I'm not stupid, think about the situation I'm in everypony! You're telling me to give up everything to train here!” Twilight gave a slight scowl. “I know I need your help but...look at the situation we're in. Surely you can't expect me to just bend over and give you everything?!”


Sunset then turned to Celestia. “She's right you know...hate to say it, but she is.”

Celestia gave a slight huff. “Very well...however, we will take back the Golden Gem of the Sun.”

“That's fine.” said Twilight with an indifferent look. She then thought, 'Not like I was able to sell the thing anyways...'

“Very well...then are we all good now?” asked Celestia with a look of slight skepticism.

“Yeah...I think so.” said Twilight with a look of slight depression and confusion. 'Can't believe this is happening...but...maybe its for the best...I just hope I don't regret this...'

Cadance then went up and hugged Twilight. “Oh this is so great Twily!”

“'re choking me...”

“Oh, I'm so happy Twily!”


“Oh...sorry.” said Cadance as she loosened her grip on Twilight. “I'm just so happy Twily! Not only that, you can also attend the event that's coming up!”


“That's right...” said Sunset with slight curiosity while she turned back to Celestia. “You said there was an event Princess Celestia, what is it exactly?”

“Well...” said Celestia while scratching the back of her head. “Um...”

Cadance then whispered into Twilight's ear. “You see Twily, what's happening is...psst psst psst...”

Twilight's eyes grew to size of dinner plates in shock and then screamed, “YOU AND SHINING ARE GETTING MARRIED?!”

The Change (Part 8 of 15)

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One week after the previous incident with Twilight, Celestia, Sunset Shimmer and the others...

“Can I say something in pure blunt honesty to you Cadance?”

“What's that Twily?”

“I wish Celestia would have just gone and killed me...”

“Twily! Don't say that!”

Twilight then gave Cadance a very sarcastic look. “Aw come on Cadance, look at what's happening around me? You know, besides helping you with the wedding.”


“Nopony wants me here Cadance. Celestia doesn't, the nobles sure don't want me here and that blasted Trixie Lulamoon keeps following me everywhere in anger.”

“She's here because she's Sunset's best friend. Don't mind her.” said Cadance with a calm smile. “Everything will work out, you'll see.”

After the incident of Twilight confessing and agreeing to be Celestia's student, certain things began to leak out to the media. Celestia had to tell the military directly that they would no long hunt the Rainbooms, this in turn meant that she had to reveal Twilight's identity to them. Soon, the media caught wind of this and soon all of Equestria knew who Twilight was. Twilight was glad that the law couldn't do anything to her thanks to Celestia being the head of the law but it was annoying seeing that everypony around her, even the guards, constantly stare at her. Celestia also sent extra guards to Twilight's parents, knowing that the riff raff in Canterlot would not be kind to them. It had been one week now and Twilight was the main planner of Cadance and Shining Armor's wedding. Celestia had allowed her to become this in order to gauge what kind of mind Twilight possessed before beginning the training. Twilight also made sure to keep the Element of Darkness with her at all times, so she made a necklace for it, which she constantly wore.

Meanwhile in Manehattan...

Rarity sat at the meeting table, reading the weekly newspaper. Her eyes continued to move as she scanned the paper more and more. Her eyes then went up as she saw Fluttershy enter the room.

“Hello Rarity, anything interesting happening?”

“No darling...nothing really...”

“Well that's good. The past few days have been quite hectic compared to today.”

“I agree.” said Rarity as she scratched her head. “I still can't believe all this happened to us.”

“Um...what should we do now Rarity, especially since Applejack's no longer here...”

“Well...I'm not sure darling...” said Rarity as she closed the newspaper. “Is Pinkie up?”

“No...still sleeping. That cold she suddenly got has made her really depressed. Thankfully the cold isn't anything major.”

“I see. So Pinkie and Rainbow are still bed ridden...guess its a good time as any to tell you our next move Fluttershy.”

“Oh really, what are we going to do?”

“I'm disbanding the Rainbooms for now Fluttershy. In our current condition, we can't do anything.”

Fluttershy's head lowered a little as she wore a small frown. “I had a felling you were going to say that...”

Rarity gave out a slight huff. “Look Fluttershy...the past few days have been beyond horrible dear, even you know that.”

“I know...”

Rarity looked back at the newspaper and sighed. “First Twilight gives herself to Princess Celestia and Equestria finds out who she really is...then Applejack leaves us and now Pinkie gets sick...we can't win for losing can we Fluttershy?”

“ we can't.”

“Well...if there is one good thing from this, its that we don't have to help defend Manehattan from that Smoking Brick character anymore.”

“Oh really? Why?”

“The newspaper say that the police ponies found his body a few days ago but it just got out to the press. Apparently, he was brutally murdered by somepony, perhaps a very distraught minion of his.”

“So, does that mean crime will go down in Manehattan?”

“For now at least...” Rarity then closed and set the newspaper down. “Don't worry Fluttershy, we'll get through this, I just know it.”

“I know...thanks Rarity.” said Fluttershy as two then hugged.

“Don't worry darling...I bet Twilight has a plan, we just have to wait, unlike Applejack.”

“Yeah...I you think we'll ever be the Rainbooms ever again?”

Rarity then scratched her head at Fluttershy's question. “Hmm...I want to say yes darling but...I don't know what the future holds.” Rarity then turned to Twilight's desk with her computer and the six keyhole box. “Besides Fluttershy, I would bet any dress and gem that Twilight will come back for that box. She's been constantly studying it for the past few weeks anyways.”

“True...” Fluttershy then gave a small smile. “Guess we'll just have to wait on Twilight, won't we?”

“Yes darling. Hopefully we'll see her soon.”

Back in Canterlot...

“Okay, let me get this straight...we have a hundred plus nobles and big wigs coming to this wedding Cadance? Don't you have any regular friends?!” ask Twilight with a slightly disgruntled look.

“I'm a princess Twilight, what do you think?”

“I don't know, I used to think you were just a foalsitter. How was I supposed to know you hang out with Canterlot snobs?!”

“They're not snobs Twily! They are the Canterlot elite and unfortunately, they are the only ponies I am allowed to talk too without guard ponies going crazy.”

“They're still snobs.” said Twilight with a slightly coy smile.

“Oh trust me Twily, I know they're snobs.” said Cadance with a face that showed half annoyance, half irritation.

“So you agree.”

“Yes. Now drop that and help me prepare for this wedding. As you know-”

“It has to be perfect, and I need to get myself a dress...I know, I know...” Twilight said as she rubbed her eyes. “Ugh...alright, I'll try to get myself a dress later, alright?”

“ long as you can get it ready before the wedding.”

“I know. I already got the catering set up and the dress makers should be here soon. I still can't believe you were able to convince them to make a dress for me as well.” Twilight continued to look at the list she had brought with her and thought, 'Hmm...everything looks to be in order...shame that I can't ask Rarity for a dress, I bet she would love to make a wedding dress for Cadance...'

Cadacne noticed Twilight's far off look. “Thinking about you friends Twily?”

“Huh? Um...yeah...”

“You could still go see them Twily. I could convince Celestia to let you leave Canterlot for a day.”

“No...I would just be putting them in danger. Besides, my eye is still reacting, which means something is still coming. I can't risk exposing them to that or Celestia.”

“My aunt won't hurt your friends Twily. You should know that by now.”

“Sorry Cadance.” said Twilight as she put the list away. “The more they stay away from her, the better. Trust me on that one. Besides, if they came, their identities would easily be leaked to the public Cadance. I told you before, they have their own lives and I want them to be able to keep them, pardons or not.”

“Sigh...fine. Let's just hope this being Harmony is warning you about doesn't interfere with my wedding.”

“If it does, I'll be here to prevent it.”

“Oh really Twily? Since when are you a defender?!” said Cadance with a sly look.

“I don't know...ask Celestia, she made me start protecting my friends from her.”

“Twily...” Cadance then glares at Twilight.

“I know, I know.” Twilight then rubbed her eyes. “Let's just concentrate on your wedding, alright?”


“Are you two talking about me?” asked Celestia as she appeared before the two.

“Hello auntie!” said Cadance with a huge smile. “We're still preparing the wedding!”

“I can see that Cadance.” Celestia then turned to Twilight. “Tell me Twilight Sparkle, is everything in order?”

Twilight glanced at her list. “For the most part, yes...”

“ Twilight-”

Twilight then raised her hoof in front of Celestia. “I know Celestia. I know we need to get along.”

“But it's I right Twilight Sparkle?”

“ is. It was easier when I hated you.”

“Twily!” yelped Cadance.

“It's fine Cadance.” Celestia then showed a small smile. “Listen Twilight, after this wedding is over, we will do the training and then you can leave Canterlot, is that alright?”

“What about me being punished for being a thief?”

“Well...we'll get to that part after the training is done. Deal?”

“Ugh...fine. Deal.”

Meanwhile at the Canterlot train station...

A stallion and two fillies exited a train to Canterlot. The three then stood there, admiring the city.

“We're finally here!” said one little pony.

“ looks looking!” said the second little pony.

“That's right, now I have to go to the hotel to confirm our reservation my little princess. You two just sit still until I get back.” said the stallion.

“We will daddy.” said the little filly as her father ran off to the hotel.

“I still can't believe your father let us come with him to the royal wedding Diamond.”

“I know Silver.” said Diamond Tiara as she stopped watching her father Filthy Rich walk to the hotel. “Not only that, I can't believe that what we're searching for ended up in Canterlot.”

“It was that dark magic thing that he sensed a while back, right?” asked Silver Spoon as she adjusted her glasses.

“Yeah...for some reason it went to Canterlot...” said Diamond as she scratched her head. “Figures the dark magic would go to the princesses, huh?”

“Yeah...though I don't think the princesses will get in the way too much.”

“Yeah...” said Diamond as she looked at her best friend with a huge smile. Silver responded with a grin of her own.

Then the two said in unison. “Soon the dark magic will be ours. All is for the king!”

The Change (Part 9 of 15)

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The day of the wedding...

“Let's see...” said Twilight as she looked at her list over everything in Cadance and Shining Armor's wedding. “We got the dresses ready, catering is some flower I missing something?”

“Yes Twily.” said Cadance as she tapped Twilight on the shoulder. “You need to get your dress.”

“Oh right...say Cadance?”


“Um...are you sure you want me to be there at the ceremony?”

“Why are you asking that? Of course I want you to be there, you're about to become my sister-in-law!”

“Yeah, do realize the nobles and pretty much everypony here hates me, right?”

“Yes I do Twily. But I don't care, you're part of my family even if it isn't official yet.” Cadance then hugged Twilight while showing a calm, heartwarming smile. “Don't worry Twilight, everything will be okay.”

“I know it's do know I don't really belong here, right? You know, around nobles and stuff.”

“I know you don't Twily, especially since you're a thief of all things. You really need to tell me and the rest of your family about that story sometime. I still have a hard time believing it.”

“I...” Twilight then slumped over, thinking about her family and her friends. 'Wow...I really did abandon all of them, didn't I? But...I didn't have a choice...if I had stayed...we would have all ended up captured and imprisoned eventually...'

“Still thinking about your friends Twily?” Cadance said while giving a concerned smile.

“Yeah...but I don't have a choice now...” Twilight then got up, “I need to get my dress, I still can't believe you were able to convince the royal dress makers to make me one.”

“Oh it was nothing Twily, now go ahead and get your dress, the wedding is sooner than you think!”

“I know.” Twilight then left the room with a small smile. However, the smile soon disappeared as she immediately met Trixie and Sunset in the hallway. “Oh boy...”

“Hello thief.” said Trixie in a dry, angry tone.

“Be nice Trixie.” said Sunset with a slightly annoyed face. She then turned to Twilight. “Is everything ready?”

“Yeah, according to my list, everything is ready. All I need to do is pick up my dress.” Twilight then nodded to Sunset.

“Good. I must admit, you're quite good at planning things, aren't you?”

“Sunset! Don't compliment the criminal!”

Twilight ignored Trixie as she continued to talk to Sunset. “It's nothing really. I'm a pony who tries to plan out everything to the very last detail.”

“I wonder you're the boss of the Rainbooms.” said Sunset with a slight smile. “It's good to see the inheritor of Harmony at least has a good mind on her shoulders.”

“Don't you mean head?”

“I know what I meant.”


Meanwhile in an another part of the castle...

“So this is Rumble?” asked Shining Armor as he adjusted his suit. He gave a slightly curious look at Spike.

Spike then nodded, “Yeah, he's Trixie's neighbor.”

Rumble then nodded and extended his hoof. “Nice to meet you Mr. Armor. Thanks for letting me attend your wedding.”

Shining then gave Rumble a firm hoofshake. “Nice to meet you as well Rumble, and its no problem about attending. However, are you sure your parents in Manehattan are cool with you being here? Are you sure they don't want to come? I mean, I don't mind them coming, better to have a few ponies that aren't Canterlot noble snobs.”

“No...they” Rumble then gave a slightly embarrassed look, trying to find the right words to say. “Um...”

“Kooky?!” said Spike.

“Yeah! That's it Spike!” replied Rumble. “Let's just say my parents can be really strange.”

“That's fine.” said Shining as he adjusted his bow tie. “My parents aren't the most normal ponies either, but then again, who's are?”

The three then laughed a little bit. Shining then said, “Well, I'm glad to see you're making friends as well Spike. It will definitely help put Sunset in better spirits, especially because of what just happened recently.”

“You mean the fact that your sister is a thief?” asked Rumble bluntly.

“Yeah...uh...” Shining then began to trail off. “I still don't know what to think about that...”

“I think its cool.” Rumble then gave a huge smile.

“You do?!” both Shining and Spike said in unison.

“Yeah, why not?! I mean, she's the leader of the Rainbooms! In Manehattan, the stuff the Rainbooms do is of legend!” Rumble's eyes began to shine as he continued. “I mean, they single-hoofedly gave the police all three top mafia bosses like it was nothing! Some ponies think they even stopped a war with Saddle Arabia! All kinds of ponies in Manehattan think they're heroes!”

“Oh come on!” said Spike with a look of skepticism. “You can't be serious! A bunch of thieves stopped a war?!”

“Actually...” said Shining as he began to pull his collar. “Now that you mention it...that might be true Spike...”



Spike then gave the most dumbfounded look he could give. “ way...”

Rumble laughed at Spike's expression and then turned to Shining, who was giving a rather confused look on his face. “Something wrong Mr. Armor?”

“No...just thinking...oh and just call me Shining, I don't mind.”

“Oh okay.”

Shining Armor just stood there for a bit, thinking about what Rumble just said. 'Huh...Rumble just made it sound like my sister and her friends are heroes...or vigilantes...Twily...just what have you been doing all these years?'

“Are you okay?” asked Rumble again.

“I don't know Rumble...I just don't know...”

Spike then gave a very deadpan look. “Well you better get okay. It's your wedding, isn't it?!”

In another part of the castle...

Twilight had returned the Cadance's chambers, now with her dress in tow. There, she saw Cadance with Twilight's mother, Twilight Velvet. “Mom...”

Velvet then turned around and saw her daughter in the doorway. She immediately ran up and hugged her. “Oh! My little girl!”


Tears began to run down Velvet's face. “Oh...I missed you so much...”

Twilight then slightly hugged her mom back. “Hey's good to see you too.”

Velvet then released the hug and dragged Twilight into the room. She then quickly closed the door behind her with her magic and then gave a huge grin. “Oh I can't believe it! Soon I'll have two daughters! I'm so happy!”

Twilight and Cadance looked at each other with small smiles and then looked back at Velvet. “”

“Yes, my little girl?”

“Uh...why aren't you mad at me?”

“Mad? Why would I be mad?”

“Um...haven't you found out what I really am?” Twilight then gave the most puzzled look she could give.

“Found out? Oh! You mean the Rainboom thing!” Velvet then went up and hugged Twilight again. “I don't care about that silly. No matter what you do, you're still my daughter no matter what happens!”

Twilight stood there for a second. Then, as if a faucet had just been opened, tears ran down her face. “Thanks mom...I...I'm sorry...”

“For what?”

“For being a bad daughter...I never treated you or dad right...I...”


Velvet then slapped Twilight and showed her the most angry face Twilight had seen in a while. “Um...”

“DON'T EVER SAY THAT! You are my daughter, Twilight!”


“Me and your father love you! It doesn't matter to us what you've become or done, we will always be there to support you!”


Velvet then hugged her again. “ more apologizing...”

Twilight then slumped over in defeat. “Okay...I won't...”

Cadance gave a slight giggle and then hugged both of them. “Don't worry, Twily. It will all work out, you'll see.”


Twilight soon put on her dress and then left the room. There, she began to walk down the hallway while checking the list she had brought with her. 'Let's see...' she thought, 'Catering is is some flower my dress...everything should be in order...' Twilight then put away her list and said to herself, “Wedding is about to start...guess I should see Shining before it starts...maybe dad is there too...”

Twilight then began to walk the halls, noticing the other ponies stare daggers at her. She slowly walked as she made her way to the groom's room. As she turned a corner, she looked around, noticing that the guards were missing. 'That's odd...did Shining call them off?'

Twilight then walked down another hallway only to see that nopony was around. Then, she walked to a dead end. 'Hmm...did I lose my way? I'm still not used to this place...' Twilight looked down at her necklace, it was still holding the Element of Darkness on it. Twilight then turned around only to notice two little fillies standing in front of her. The two had devilish grins on their faces. “Um...can I help you?”

“Yes...I think you can.” said one of them as Twilight saw both fillies' started to show smoke come out of their eyes.

“What the...”

Then, in an instant, one of the fillies' shadow suddenly rose and turned into an unicorn stallion. Before Twilight could react, the stallion shot a giant blast of fire at her.


Twilight slammed into the dead end wall, her vision fuzzy from the blow. “Okay...that hurt...”

“My're quite resilient.” said the stallion with a huge grin. “Sorry to say but I need that jewel around your neck!”

Twilight's body shook as she tried to stand from the blast. Her horn quickly glowed as she shot a beam directly at the unicorn. But the unicorn was just a bit faster.


Another blast hit Twilight and she fell to the floor like a sack of bricks. The unicorn than gave a slight laugh and then tore her necklace off. There, he then stared at the Element of Darkness. “At last...”

“Is that what you were looking for your majesty, King Sombra?”

“ is...” Sombra then showed a huge grin and then his horn began to glow as he tried to break the Element of Darkness open. But the element wouldn't budge. “Hmm...this is well seems it was made to block out both light and dark magic...”

“ can't be opened?”

“ still can...” Sombra's horn began to glow more and more. “It isn't made to fight magic that is both light and dark magic, in other words, shadow magic!”

Sombra continued to blast his shadow magic at the jewel and soon it began to crack. Then it opened.


A huge amount of dark magic surrounded the trio. The three began to laugh as the darkness went into all three ponies. Sombra's shadow form began to change as he became to look more like a regular unicorn. “Unbelievable...the dark magic fully restored my body...I must say...the darkness in that jewel is truly incredible...”

“Your majesty...I think me and Silver Spoon absorbed some of the dark magic too.”

Sombra then turned around and looked at his two pawns with a curious look. “ seems you are think earth ponies could absorb this much dark magic.”

“Is that bad?”

“ just proves the evil inside both of your hearts...” Sombra then gave a huge smile. “You two are even worse than I first thought...Excellent...I must say Diamond Tiara, you were right when you said Silver Spoon could be useful when I first appeared to you a week ago...”

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon then looked at each other in slight confusion. They then turned to Sombra. “So...what do we do now?”

“Well...since you both absorbed some of the dark magic as well...I guess it would be good if you two came with me so I could teach you how to use the darkness you have just absorbed.”

“ what's are first move here? Isn't it dangerous to try that in Canterlot?”

“ is...” Sombra then scratched his chin in deep thought. “ about you two go ahead and go back to Filthy Rich.”

The two looked at each other in confusion again. “Why?”

“You two can't do anything here right now. So instead...go ahead and join Filthy Rich. After the wedding, you two will leave Canterlot. Don't worry, because you two are earth ponies, the barrier shouldn't detect you. That and the dark magic seems to have already adsorbed inside both of you quite nicely.”

The two then nodded. “Okay, and what are you going to do your Majesty?”

“Well...I have some business to take care of in Canterlot and then I'm going to head to the Crystal Empire. My shadow magic allows me to quickly travel through any terrain. That and as soon as you two can, I want you two to head to the Crystal Empire after you get back to Ponyville. I'm sure you two can find some way to get to me later.”

“Okay, what do you have to do in Canterlot?”

Sombra then gave a huge grin. “Simple...I have to make a declaration of war!”

The Change (Part 10 of 15)

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“Mares and gentlecolts.” said Celestia as she began to spread her wings out, standing in front of Shining Armor and Cadance. “We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Princess Cadance and Shining Armor. Their love has brought us here today to celebrate the holy union of these two ponies.”

Shining Armor and Cadance looked at each other with huge smiles as Celestia asked Spike to bring the rings. Then, as Celestia spoke, “I now pronounce you...”

“Garbage and filth!” said a vile, malicious voice. “After all, its the union of a worthless stallion and the despicable Princess of Love!”

Everypony in the room turned their heads to the middle of the aisle as a dark shadow on the floor began to take shape into a dark, grinning stallion. Then the stallion's horn began to shine as it then shot out several dark fireballs at Cadance and Shining. Shining quickly jumped in front of Cadance and raised a magic shield.

“Cadance, watch out!” he yelled as he shield appeared, only for it break instantly from the fireball hitting it. Shining then went flying over Cadance and slammed into a wall. “Shining!” yelled Cadance as she tried to run to him, only to get hit by a fireball as well. “Augh!”

“HAHAHAHAHA!” laughed the stallion. “Oh this is perfect!”


A shot of magic slammed the stallion as he got knocked back a little. He then shook the blow off and grinned at the pony who shot the magic at him. “My my Celestia...seems you've gotten a bit more ruthless over the years. I like it!”

“Sombra...” said Celestia with anger tinging in her voice. She could feel the power Sombra wielded now. 'The Element of Darkness...somehow, he absorbed it...' she thought as her mouth slowly opened again. “Why are you here?!”

“Oh Celestia...” said Sombra as he began to pat off the dust on his legs. “You of all ponies should know why I'm here. You also know you shouldn't try to fight me right now unless you want all these so-called innocent ponies here to be in serious trouble.” Sombra's horn began to shine as he gave several glares at the ponies in the room.

“Don't try my patience Sombra...especially since you're attacking a wedding right now.” Celestia then gave signals to her guards, who then began to escort the other ponies out of the room.

“Oh please, you already know the reason why I attacked the Princess of Love.”

Celestia then scoffed as she began to reply. “She's destined to become the ruler of the Crystal Empire...that's something you don't want, am I correct?”

“Yes. I also sealed her husband's magic as well. You must admit Celestia, things are looking up for me.” Sombra gave a huge grin as a dark aura began to cover his entire body. Celestia's horn began to shine again as she prepared to attack. She soon saw Sunset Shimmer and Trixie standing right by her, ready to attack Sombra as well. “Okay you two...Sombra is no ordinary unicorn. Get ready for anything.”

“Of course princess.” “Trixie is ready.”

“Sorry, but I'm not in a mood for a fight, even though I feel like I have a chance of winning right now...” Sombra then cricked his neck as he slowly turned into a shadow again. “That and the Princess of the Moon isn't here and I don't want to fight her as well. All I'm here for is one simple thing.”

“What could you possibly want?!”

“I am here to declare war.”


Sombra gave another vile grin. “Oh yes. Not long from now, I will descend onto the Crystal Empire and claim the Crystal Heart. There, I will use it to spread my dark influence across all of Equestira.” Sombra's eyes glowed in pleasure as he made his next statement. “Equestria will soon be covered in pure dark crystals. Fear will descend upon all ponykind in Equestria. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!”

“Trixie's heard enough! Trixie's ready to knock this idiot into next week!”

“I agree.” said Sunset as she cricked her head. The two then shot magic beams across the room only for Sombra to then sink into the floor as a shadow. He gave one last grin and said, “Also, thank that purple pony for me would you? The magic she had in that jewel was incredible! The power it gave me was more than I could ever ask for!”

Celestia's face showed even more fury at his last statement as Sombra's shadow vanished from the room. Trixie tried to follow it, only to see it zoom out the window and quickly soar through Canterlot. “He's so fast, we'll never catch him!”

“Let him go Trixie.” Celestia said with a sigh.

“Princess Celestia?” asked Sunset with a face filled with concern. “Who was that stallion?”

“That...that was King evil unicorn that me and my sister defeated a very long time ago...”

“King? You mean he's the ruler of that empire he just mentioned?”

“Yes.” Celestia nodded. “He has returned and I fear that he's probably the danger that Harmony was warning Twilight Sparkle about...”

“That's not good...”

“Indeed. In fact, has anypony seen Twilight Sparkle since the wedding ceremony started?!”

Sunset and Trixie looked at each other and then back to Celestia. They both shook their heads. “Um...I don't think so...” “Trixie agrees.”

“Alright, I need you two to go search the castle and find her. I have to call the rest of the guards here and have them fix up this place. I also have to get some guards here to take Shining Armor and Cadance to the infirmary and get my council here.”

“Sure, we can find Twilight for you princess.” Sunset said with a small smile. “Come on Trixie, let's go find her.”


The two then scurried out of the room and Celestia then began signaling her guard. Soon, everypony she needed was there, including her sister. Shining Armor and Cadance were taken to the infirmary and Sunset Shimmer and Trixie soon found the pony they were looking for.

“Is that her?” asked Trixie as they approached a dead end. There, Twilight was laying on the floor, battered, bruised and completely unconscious. The two looked at each other as they walked closer to the beaten pony on the floor with shards of a jewel all around her. “Trixie almost feels sorry for her...”

“ really need to let that go Trixie...”

“She's a criminal Sunset! How many times does Trixie have to tell you that?!”

“Until you accept that she got pardons for the Rainbooms Trixie...or did you forget that little fact?”

“Shut up. Let's just get her to Princess Celestia.” said Trixie with a groan. Sunset then levitated Twilight onto her back and two turned around, ready to get back to the Princess of the Sun. Soon, they were before her, and they then tried to wake up Twilight in front of Celestia.

“Oh my, Sombra really did a number on her, didn't he?” said Celestia with a concerned face.

“Yeah...” Sunset said as she poked Twilight several times. “Twilight...please wake up...”

“Trixie thinks she's dead.”

“There's air coming out of her nostrils Trixie, she's alive.”

“Then Trixie suggests we put her in the dungeon while we still have a chance.”


“Uhh...ohhh....” moaned Twilight as her eyes slowly opened. Her body shook all over as she tried to get up. “Wha...I...what....what happened?”

Sunset and Trixie looked at each other again and then Sunset said. “You might want to sit down Twilight, its quite the story.”

“Yeah, though Trixie's favorite part is the part where you got your flank kicked!”


A few minutes later, the four ponies found themselves in Celestia's throne room. There, Celestia levitated a crystal in front of them and put it on the floor. “All right you three, I have something very important to tell you, so I need all three of you to please be quiet for a few minutes.”

“Okay.” Sunset then nodded. The other two nodded as well.

Celestia cleared her throat and began to speak. “The pony that attacked you earlier Twilight is a unicorn called King Sombra. He once ruled the Crystal Empire, where he ruled with a truly dark heart. Me and my sister defeated him centuries ago. In his last moments before being banished and turned to shadow, he unfortunately did one last curse on the empire, causing it to be sealed away for almost a thousand years.. ”


“Yes. It's been about 998 years now. I originally believed he might return two years from now but that's no longer the case. I believe this may also be an aftereffect from you taking the elements earlier and...harmonizing my sister...”

“Oh...and you think he was the warning Harmony was giving me?”

“Yes.” Celestia then nodded and shot magic into the crystal, showing a hologram of the Crystal Empire. “Now, my knowledge of the Crystal Empire is limited but I do know this. The Crystal Empire is a place filled with a very special magic. If hope and love is filled within the empire, the it is spread throughout all of Equestria.” Celestia's horn then shined into the crystal, showing a radiant, happy light. “However, if fear and hatred is put into the empire...” Celestia's horn began to show a dark aura, in which she blasted magic into the crystal and it showed a ton of dark crystals suddenly appearing in the throne room. The trio quickly stepped back as the crystals crept closer.


A great light shined from Celestia's horn, destroying the crystals. “Now...I have a task for you two.” said Celestia as she then pointed to Sunset and Twilight. “I need you two to go to the empire and stop Sombra.”

The two then looked at each other in slight confusion. “Uh...just the two of us?” asked Twilight. “You said this guy has a whole empire...don't you think an army is in order to take this guy?”

“No.” Celestia then shook her head. “The main key to Sombra's power is fear and hatred. When you two get to the empire, it will be filled with dark crystals everywhere. However, he will need time to gain his full power before he can start raising an army to attack.”

“Wait a minute, he doesn't have an army?!”

“No, only crystal ponies live in the empire. They are all earth ponies and when he gets there, he will not turn them into soldiers. Instead, he will enslave them all.”

“Well, if that's the case, why don't we all go after him right now?!”

Celestia let out a sigh. “I...cannot. Even if the prophecy is...broken...I still cannot go.”

Twilight let out a huge groan. “Seriously?! You still believe in that prophecy garbage?!”

“Yes. That and there needs to be at least one alicorn here in Canterlot at all times.”

“Oh...okay. So is there any other prophecy nonsense we should know about then?!”

Sunset then spoke up, “That's enough Twilight.” Sunset then turned to Celestia. “If I had to take a guess, the empire needs an alicorn, doesn't it?!”

“Yes my student. Princess Cadance is destined to be the ruler of the Crystal Empire. As soon as she is in stable condition, she will be heading over there immediately.”

“Ah...well, it is nice that Cadance is coming later...” Twilight said with a smug tone. “Okay, guess we better get going...”

“Wait a second!” yelled Trixie in confusion. “You're just gonna go along with this?! Why?!”

“Um...because I have to?!” said Twilight as one of her eyebrows raised. “That and Harmony was warning me about this guy, so its my job to get rid of him.”

“Didn't you just say prophecies are garbage?” asked Sunset.

“Yeah, they are. But I'm loyal to Harmony, so this situation is fine. That reminds me, how long is the train ride to this empire?”

“Twelve hours.”

“Okay...guess we better get going Sunset.” Twilight then stretched her legs. “Ugh...they still hurt from the blast...but I should be okay...”

Sunset then nodded. “Alright...”

“Hang on!” yelled Trixie again. “Trixie is coming too!”

“Are you sure Trixie?”

“Trixie can't leave you alone with a criminal!”

Sunset and Twilight gave the most monotone looks they could give. Sunset really wanted to facehoof but didn't. She then said, “ can come Trixie...”

“Ugh...” groaned Twilight. “Hopefully this gets better...thirteen hours from now...”

Fourteen hours from now...

'Cold...its so cold...' thought Twilight as she tried to get out of the snow. As her head popped out of a giant snow pile, she saw that she was on top of a frozen mountain filled with snow and ice. Then she saw the Crystal Empire in the distance, several miles away. “This...this can't be real...” she said to herself. “This...”

“You are alone.” said a voice behind her.

“Wha...who? Who's there?” said Twilight as she barely turned her head. Then her eyes grew in shock as she saw the figure in front of her. “Wha...”

“You are alone.” the figure said again.

“This...this can't be real...” Twilight began to wiggle out of the snow. “How? did...”

“You are alone.”

“Stop saying that!” Twilight yelled as she pulled another hoof out of the snow. “How is this possible?!”

“You are alone Twilight Sparkle.”

“Why? Why are you here?!” Twilight began to yell as she tried to summon magic into her horn. “And don't say that I'm alone again!”

“I'll say it again, Twilight Sparkle. You are alone.”

“SHUT UP!” screamed Twilight as her horn began to shine, “Why are you here, NIGHTMARE MOON?!”

Intermission - A pony called Trixie Lulamoon

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The trio had entered the train to the Crystal Empire a few hours ago. There, the three had a relatively hard time getting along. Well, Twilight and Trixie had a hard time. Then, about a good three to four hours into the trip...

“She's asleep.” said Sunset as she entered the cabin where Trixie was staying. There, Trixie was sulking in the cabin's chair with a sour look on her face. “Did you hear me Trixie?”

“Yes...Trixie heard you.” she groaned. “Trixie still can't believe we're on this trip with a stupid criminal...”

Sunset let out a huge sigh. “Okay Trixie, I'm not going to let this go any longer. For the past week you have been doing nothing but insult Twilight. You need to stop!”

Trixie turned to Sunset. “She's a criminal! Don't you get it Sunset?! She. Is. A. Criminal. What part of that don't you understand?!”

“I understand it perfectly. However, she's also a criminal that got a pardon and was chosen by Harmony.”

“Again with the stupid pardon...will you stop bringing that up?!”

Sunset let out another sigh. “Fine. But I don't have a choice here Trixie, she's needed for Equestria's future, so deal with it!”

Trixie gave a disgruntled look and then said. “Ugh...alright. Trixie will drop if for now...but after this is done...”

“I know.” said Sunset in a monotone voice. “Now, can I ask you something Trixie?”

Trixie gave a curious look. “Sure, what do you want from Trixie?”

“I...I've been thinking about this for a long time...but...I didn't know if I should ask you or not...” Sunset then began fiddling with her hooves. “Um...why is your cutie mark a wand?”

Trixie's face turned from curiosity to surprise. “Oh...uh...why do you ask?”

“It's just...that isn't a cutie mark that represents law enforcement...or even catching criminals or being a detective.”

Trixie gave a small sigh. “”

“If you don't want to talk about it, its fine Trixie.”

“No!” said Trixie as she gave a slightly panicked look. “It's just...its been a long time since I've talked about it...”

“About what?”

“My parents...and my talent...”

“Your parents? Oh, you were their names again?”

Trixie gave a huge sigh. “Comet Hat and Tricky Moon.”

“Right! Twilight said they were showponies, right?”

“Yeah...they were.” Trixie's expression continued to become sadder and sadder. Sunset quickly picked this up and said. “Look...if you don't want to talk about it...”

“'s fine. Trixie will tell are Trixie's friend should know...” Trixie then looked directly at Sunset and said. “It all started a few years before Trixie was born...” Trixie then began to narrate a tale of many years in the making of a pony called Trixie Lulamoon.

“For starters Sunset...” said Trixie as she gave out a slight huff. “My father was a stallion unicorn named Comet Hat. He was an extraordinary stage magician. The best in the business!” Trixie began to wave her arms in the air with glee. “He traveled city to city, showing off his stage magic...until one faithful day, he was approached by a certain circus...there he met my mother, Tricky Moon. She was a young earth mare acrobat known for her daredevil stunts! She had just entered the circus as well. Over the next few years, they fell in love and before you know it...”

“The two had you, didn't they?” said Sunset with a soft smile.

“Yes.” Trixie nodded. “Trixie was their only foal. Over the next few years, Trixie traveled with them everywhere. When Trixie was just a little filly, my father asked if Trixie wanted to try one of magic tricks. Trixie...Trixie always looked up to Trixie's father and...Trixie tried to do the magic trick.” Trixie's eyes lit up as she told this part of the story. “Trixie got it on Trixie's first try! Trixie was so happy that day!”

“Was that how you got your cutie mark?”

“Yes! It appeared right after Trixie did the trick!” Trixie gave another huge smile. “Trixie's parents were so happy and we had a giant party after that! Oh...those were the days...”

Sunset's smile continued to grow as she saw Trixie get happier and happier. “You really loved being with them, didn't you?”

“Yes...Trixie loved her parents...”

“ happened next?”

“Well...” Trixie's smile disappeared and was replaced with a small frown. “It all began when a certain pony visited Trixie's parents...”


“A pony called Stale Rope...”

“Stale Rope?”

“Yes.” Trixie nodded again. “He was a loan shark pony an old friend of my dad's...”

“I don't like where this is going...”

“Trust only gets worse...”

Many years ago...

Trixie was still a little filly back then. Her family was living in a small circus trailer, where the little filly would usually sleep with her parents. One night, she had woken up in this middle of night to get a drink of water. As she got up, she realized neither of her parents were in bed with her. The little filly slowly got out of the bed and slowly tried to exit the little room. As she approached the door, she heard several voices. Trixie then stopped at the door, placing her ear to the wall.

“What do you mean no?!” yelled a raspy, crude voice as it slammed its hooves onto the table in front of Comet Hat and Tricky Moon.

“I mean no, as in I'm not going along with your deal Stale Rope!” yelled Comet Hat. “I don't need your dirty money!”

“Aw come on Comet!” said Rope as he gave a big mischievous grin. “Just listen to me for a second old pal, old buddy...”

“I'm not your buddy...”

“Look...” Rope then gave a slight sigh. “Here's the deal. You take my loan and I can get you a full trip to Las Pegasus, no problem. Easy trip. Done deal. All you have to do is strike it rich there and pay me back! I've seen your magic act Comet, you could score big there!”

“If I'm going to Las Pegasus, it will be on my own money.”

“Comet, come on my stallion...You'll never get the money to even get there if you're performing in scrub towns like these...”

“Get out!”

“Comet...come on...”


“Comet, calm down. You don't want to wake up Trixie...” said Tricky Moon as she grabbed her husband.


Stale Rope then got up and gave a glare at the two. “Sigh...I'll be back'll take my deal...and we'll both be super rich...” Stale Rope then left the trailer in a huff. Comet and Tricky then hugged and Comet asked. “ you think I made the right choice?”

“You did...Don't worry about it...”

Trixie then turned around and got back in her bed before her parents noticed.

The Present...

“This Stale Rope guy sounds like really bad news...” said Sunset as she saw Trixie's face switched between depression and anger.

“You have no idea...” Trixie gave another huff. “Now, over the next few weeks...let's just say Stale't give up. At all.”

“Oh really?”

“Yeah...” Trixie's hooves began to tremble as she began the next part of the story, “Stale Rope kept going to my father...Trixie isn't sure how many times he came, Trixie only overheard about three or four of their conversations...”

“But you suspect he came and talked to your father even more?”

“Yes.” Trixie nodded. “ night, father finally got fed up with Stale Rope and began yelling at him...needless to say, the outburst woke Trixie up...”

The Past...

“Uhhnn...” moaned Trixie as her eyes tried to open. Her ears had woken her up as they had heard something beyond loud that night. The little filly rubbed her eyes as she tried to listen to what had woken her up. Before she knew it, the filly had gotten out of bed and went up to the door. There, she heard a very unpleasant conversation.

“GET OUT!” yelled Comet Hat as steam blew out of his nostrils.

“Calm down dear.” said Tricky Moon as she patted her husband on the head. Stale Rope just smiled and said. “Aw c'mon can't escape this deal. Either you take the loan or I'll blackmail the rest of this stupid circus you run with.”

“I will tell you only one more time Stale Rope...GET OUT OR ELSE!”

Stale Rope then got up from his chair and gave a small shrug. “Fine. Be that way...but know this Comet. If you don't take my deal right'll lose more than your circus friends.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Oh...let's just say...I have my connections.” Stale Rope gave a small bow and turned around to leave. “Also, I would keep a close eye on that little filly of yours...”

The Present...

“Wait a minute!” interrupted Sunset. “He threatened your dad by going after you?! How low is this guy?!”

Trixie just sat there for a moment, she didn't say another word. Then, tears began to run down her face. Sunset, seeing this then said. “Wait...don't cry Trixie, I didn't mean-”

“It's okay Sunset...” Trixie said as her body began to shake. “It's just...been a while since Trixie's talked about this...”

“I understand. If you want to stop, that's fine.”

“No...Trixie will be fine...” Trixie then let out a deep breath and then a short sigh. “Now...the next day was when everything changed...”

“What do you mean?”

“Well...Trixie had gone back to sleep and...woke up later, still wondering what Stale Rope meant by his last words before leaving...Then, it was the middle of the afternoon when it happened...”

“What happened?”

“Trixie's parents...were killed...” Tears began to flow like wildfire down Trixie's face. Sunset gasped at the words, putting her hooves over her mouth. “How?! Why?!”

“Well...” Trixie's body began to shake all over. “Trixie was walking to the other side of the circus, doing a favor for one of father's friends. Then...Trixie was knocked out suddenly by one of Stale Rope's men...”

“Knocked out?”

“Yeah...and when Trixie woke up...they were gone...”

“Wha...I don't...” Sunset kept trying to find the words but nothing came to mind. Trixie's mouth slowly opened at the next part. “Trixie...Trixie later found out that...Stale Rope lied to my parents and said that he had kidnapped Trixie and had tied Trixie up in our trailer...then...then...” Trixie's face was completely covered in tears. “When they went inside to get me...he trapped them inside and set the trailer on fire...”

“No...” Tears began to flow from Sunset's eyes as well. “That monster...Don't tell me he got away with it!”

“For a long time...he did.” Trixie stopped looking at Sunset as she told the next part. “Not only that...he set the rest of the circus of fire too...the tent...the other trailers...everything.”


“Then...he left town...the police never caught him and-”

Sunset then leaped onto Trixie and gave her the tightest hug she could give her. “Oh...I'm so sorry that happened to you! Nopony should ever have to go through that!” Trixie hugged Sunset back. “Thank you Sunset...”

A few minutes later, Trixie and Sunset stopped hugging each other. Sunset began to think, 'So this is why she hates criminals so makes sense...then again...if she hates them this much, then she probably...' Wanting to confirm her theory, Sunset then asked, “I don't want to guess but...did you become a police officer Stale Rope?”

Trixie nodded. “Yeah...Trixie did. Trixie trained for years, trying to find every clue to find that evil stallion...”

“It eventually led you to Manehattan, didn't it?”

“Yes.” Trixie nodded again. “After years of searching...Trixie finally found Stale Rope...”

“And...what happened then? Don't tell me you tried to kill him?!”

“No.” Trixie shook her head. “Instead...fate was even crueler to me that day...”

“What do you mean? Don't tell me something even worse happened?!”

“No...Trixie found what she had been looking for for so many years and...” Trixie began to cry again. “Trixie was”

“Why were you disappointed?”

“Stale Rope...I found him in an alley...and he had become a broken, beaten, drunken bum...”

“Wha...” Sunset didn't know what to say after that surprise statement. Trixie began to softly laugh. “You see Sunset? After all those years of training to be a police officer, all those nights of wanting to catch that monster, all the nightmares I endured, thinking about that stallion...and in the end...he was a nobody...”


“Trixie later found out that he had recently done a bad deal with the Manehatten mafia and lost all of his money. Before he knew it, he had become a smelly drunken bum on the streets...when Trixie finally found him...Trixie didn't even want to blast him with magic or even punch him because he was so wasn't worth it Sunset...But, Trixie already had evidence to put him away for the rest of his rotten life so...”

“You arrested him?”

“Yeah...he's in prison now...” Trixie finally broke down and cried even more. Sunset hugged her again and said. “Thank you for telling me this...I'm so sorry that happened to you.”

“It's fine Sunset...thanks for being Trixie's friend.”

“Of course.”

The two continued to cry for another hour or so. After that, the two continued to talk for the next several hours until Twilight woke up. After that, the two took a nap on the train. They knew they needed their sleep for the battle to come in the Crystal Empire. As for Trixie, she felt so much better after talking about her past to Sunset. Sunset was just glad she understood her friend even more.

A little over two years ago, one month after Trixie had arrested Stale Rope...

Trixie sat in her Manehattan apartment, completely slouched over on her desk. She had gone out and made a few arrests over the past month, but after arresting Stale Rope...she was considering quitting the police force. Then, she heard a noise on her police radio.

“Any officers available, please respond!”

Trixie's horn glowed a little as her magic pushed the responder button on the radio. “Officer Trixie is available, go ahead.”

“Please come to the Museum of History in Manehatten! We believe the Gold Statue of the Stars has been stolen by the infamous group of thieves known as the Rainbooms!”

“The Rainbooms?” Trixie said to herself. “Why are they in Manehattan?”

The Change (Part 11 of 15)

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Twilight, Sunset and Trixie exited the train. There, their faces only showed one thing, shock. Pure utter shock at the scene before them. The trio looked at what the Crystal Empire had become since Sombra had returned. Twilight began to remember the demonstration Celestia gave them, showing a large crystal castle and tons of happy crystal ponies. Instead, what the three saw was nothing they were expecting. All they saw was dark crystals. Dark Crystals everywhere, and they were tall and wall-like. They were so tall, they hid the castle like a giant fortified city.

“Uh...did Sombra do this in just a few hours?” asked Sunset as her voice trembled a little.

“I hate to say it...but I think he did.” said Twilight with an equally trembling voice. “Did he...did he use the dark crystals and...make them into walls to cover the empire?”

“Trixie thinks he did...just what kind of monster are we dealing with here?”

Twilight sighed. “A monster that absorbed the power of the Element of Darkness...”

Sunset turned to Twilight, only to see the mare droop her head in shame. Sunset then realized she needed to cheer both ponies up. “Alright time to be intimidated! We got a job to do, remember?”

“'re right Sunset...” Trixie then adjusted her hat and cricked her neck. “Trixie is no longer nervous.”

Twilight just gave a slight nod. “Right...okay, I'm ready.”

The trio nodded to each other and began to walk towards the empire. They soon noticed that the dark crystals had covered every part of the empire except a very small opening. As they approached the opening, Twilight spoke up, “ it just me or...does this part of the wall look like a place where a door would be?”

“Trixie will...ugh...agree with you there.” Trixie said with a disgruntled look. “Trixie doesn’t like this, its obviously a trap!”

The three then arrived at the open doorway. There, they looked at each other and began to debate. “Okay...I will agree its probably a trap...”

“Trixie knows its a trap Sunset!”

“I agree with Trixie, I don't like this.”

“See! Even the rotten criminal agrees with Trixie!”

“I know Trixie...but, do you two see any other way of getting in there?” The two then looked at each other and then back to Sunset, shaking their heads. “Alright then, we're going through here and that's final.”

The trio turned back at the open doorway and slowly walked inside. There, they saw an even more unexpected sight. There were no crystal ponies anywhere. In fact, there were no signs of life at all. The three started looking around only to find every house in the empire was empty. “Okay...this is weird...” said Twilight with a slightly panicked look.

“Trixie agrees...Trixie can't believe she keeps agreeing with you...”

“Stop complaining Trixie...” Sunset then signaled the two to come to the middle of the street they were currently on. “Okay...obviously, something is very wrong here.”

“Yeah...if this is an empire, where are all the crystal ponies? Heck, where's Sombra?!”

“Trixie's only guess is that Sombra has them all at the castle.” Trixie said while pointing her hoof at the castle behind Twilight and Sunset. The two turned and looked at the castle as well. It was filled with dark crystals everywhere. However, there were giant open doors at the front of the castle. The trio looked at each other and agreed to enter together. The three walked down several hallways, still not seeing a single soul. Then, they finally found the throne room. There, they saw him. King Sombra.

He was sitting on his throne with a huge malicious grin on his face. He gestured for the three to walk into the room. As the three slowly entered, he waved his arms outwards and said, “Greetings! Welcome to the Crystal Empire!”

The three just stared at each other and then turned to Sombra. Then, Twilight spoke up, “Um...if you don't me saying, but where is everypony?”

“Everypony? What do you mean?”

“ know...everypony. Like all of the crystal ponies that live here.”

“Oh. Those insignificant pieces of filth. They are currently working away in the mines as my slaves.”

“All of them?!” yelped all three in unison.

“Oh yes.” Sombra nodded. “Even the fillies and colts.”

“ really are evil.” Sunset said quietly.

“No kidding...” replied Twilight in an equally quiet tone. She then glared at Sombra. “Alright, if that's the case...why are you forcing those innocent ponies to do that?!”

“Innocent? Why does that matter?! Those ponies are mine and I get to do whatever I want with them.”

Twilight looked at Trixie and Sunset and saw the now angry looks they were giving Sombra. She turned back to Sombra and said, “And what gives you the right to do that?!”

Sombra's smile grew even wider. “Because I am their King.” Sombra then got up slightly and pushed his cape back. “I am the King of the Crystal Empire. Because of this fact, I own everything in the empire. I own every house, every pony, every crystal, everything.”

“And Trixie thought she had ego problems...”

“So you think that gives you the right to just do that?!” asked Twilight, her face showing more and more anger. Sunset glanced at Twilight, thinking, 'Uh oh...this isn't good. Don't lose control of your anger Twilight...'

“Of course. It is my very right. After all, I am their king. Their possessions, their homes, their dreams, their thoughts, their very existence belongs to me. All that exists in the empire is mine. That...that is my power! That is the King of the Crystal Empire!”

“Trixie's heard enough. Trixie says we beat this guy and go home.”

“Same here.” said Twilight with a huge scowl. “Let's get this over with already.”

“My impatient. Is this really all Celestia could muster against me? Three impatient unicorns?” Sombra asked with a huge grin, still sitting on his throne. “Then again...I must say, I'm surprised she would bring such fractured ponies before me anyways.” Though Twilight and Trixie were unfazed by his comment, Sunset stood there, confused. She then asked. “What do you mean?”

Sombra raised one of his eyebrows. “What I mean little mare, is that I can sense darkness inside all three of you.”


“Yes...” Sombra then pointed at Sunset, staring directly into her eyes. “For instance, seem to have quite a bit of greed in you...that and pride. You want something you currently can't obtain...and your not sure if you'll get it...”

Sunset stepped back for a second. “How...”

“It is very easy for me to read ponies, my dear.” Sombra showed another grin. He then pointed to Trixie. “As for also have pride problems, but...I would say the darkness in you is a bit different from these two...some tragedy happened to you perhaps? I suspect you use that as an excuse for violence and revenge.”

Trixie's eyes grew at the comment. Her face transformed to one of both fear and anger. “Why you little-”

Sombra ignored her and then pointed to Twilight. “ have to be the most interesting one of the three.”

“Oh really? Do tell.” said Twilight in the driest tone possible.

“Oh yes.” Sombra nodded. “ are filled with light, even from here I can sense it. But...I can constantly look at the dark side of things. Even now you're trying to balance the two.”

Twilight didn't respond to the comment unlike the other two. She just stood there, her horn beginning to shine. Sombra, seeing this, began to power magic into his horn as well. Twilight then asked only question. “Hey Sombra, tell me...if you're really that powerful, why haven't you attacked Celestia or Luna?”

Sombra stared at Twilight's face and then responded. “You look as if you already know the answer.”

Twilight then grinned. “Let me used up all the magic you got from the element to take your empire back...didn't you? Your seal was that strong, wasn't it?!”

Sombra gritted his teeth as his horn began to shine. “Do not anger me little pony. Now, I have no intention of fighting any of you unless you attack me first.”

“Trixie would like to ask why your horn is glowing then?”

“Self defense. If you don't mind, could I ask you all one last question?”

The three looked at each other and then powered down their horns, only for Sombra to follow and power down his horn as well. Sombra then grinned again and said. “If you don't mind me asking, would any of you like to join me?”

“Join you? You mean become your slave?”

Sombra shook his head. “ such as yourselves would be wasted in the mines. I would like you three to join me in creating a new era for Equestria. After all, I just told you three you all have darkness within you, and I can help you control that darkness. It can give you unthinkable power if you let it.”

The three looked at each other again and then nodded. Twilight then spoke up. “Yeah...I think all three of us are going to decline your offer.”

“Oh really? Are not going to even consider it? Especially you, who keeps looking for darkness to be in...”

Twilight shook her head. “No. You see, a long time ago, I was manipulated by a pony who thought nothing of himself. He was just a ball of greed and selfishness. When I finally learned what he really was, I swore to never work for any selfish greedy pony ever again.”

“Tch...That's your reason for rejecting the darkness?” Sombra said, his grin had disappeared. “How pathetic...”

Twilight then glared at Sombra as she saw him get angry at her response. She then replied, “Read my lips Sombra, go to-”

“ENOUGH! I will not be insulted by a lowly peon!” yelled Sombra as he got off his throne. “If you reject my offer and my power...then I will make sure your life will end in pure agony!”

Sunset then walked in front of Trixie and Twilight. “That's fine with us. We came here to stop you and that's what we're going to do!”

“Right!” “Trixie agrees with you Sunset!”

Sombra's horn began to glow again. “Very well...let this farce begin...”

The three all readied themselves, their horns shining. Then, when it seemed like Sombra was about to attack, he instead just showed a huge grin. Sunset, still in front of Twilight and Trixie, suddenly heard a scream. Two screams to be precise.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!” yelled Twilight and Trixie in unison. Sunset turned around only to see a large rectangle shaped hole in the floor. She turned around and looked at Sombra, his face lit up with a huge smile. “What did you just do?!”

“Oh nothing magic just levitated a little lever behind my throne. Let's just say it activated the trapdoor that just dropped your friends.” Sombra then shook his head. “But you shouldn't worry about that right now.” he said as he levitated the lever back up, closing the trapdoor. “I think you should worry more about yourself, little pony.”

It was at that moment, Sunset realized she was alone with Sombra. Sunset's body began to tremble as she saw the stallion begin to charge his horn with magic. She gritted her teeth and began to charge her horn as well. She then thought, 'This isn't good...what do I do now?'

Meanwhile at the entrance to the Crystal Empire, two figures began to approach the small doorway. One was a dragon named Spike, the other, a colt named Rumble. The two looked at each other as they saw the lifeless insides of the empire. Rumble then said, “Whoa...I did not expect to see this...It looks totally empty! Not a pony in sight!”

“Yeah...” replied Spike. “Princess Celestia sure didn't tell us about this...”

A little over twelve hours ago...

Spike and Rumble ran down the castle hallways, making turn after turn till they finally reached Princess Celestia. Spike then stopped and began to speak up, “*huff* *huff* you called for me, *huff* Princess Celestia?”

“Yes.” Celestia then nodded. “I have called you here for a very specific reason Spike, though you did not have to bring your friend Rumble with you.”

“Um...sorry.” Rumble said, his whole body shaking as he looked directly at Celestia.

“It's fine. I have a job for you Spike.”

“Oh really?”

“Yes. I need you to go the Crystal Empire as well.”

Spike's eyes lit up as he heard those words. He then said, “Um...I thought Sunset didn't want me to go...”

“She doesn't...but I do. Let me explain, Sombra returning and the return of the Crystal Empire, it was all predicted long ago.”

“I know that.” Spike nodded. “Sunset told me.”

“I know. However, there was a part of the prediction that I didn't tell Sunset. You see, the original prediction would be that a young dragon would save the empire by rescuing the Crystal Heart.”

“Crystal Heart?” exclaimed Spike with a look of confusion.

“Young dragon?!” said Rumble with an equally confused look.

“Yes.” Celestia nodded. “The Crystal Heart is part of the Crystal Empire. Truth be told, Sombra has probably hidden the heart somewhere, that's where I need you Spike. I need you to go and retrieve the heart and take it Princess Cadance. She will know what to do from there.”

“But...but...” Spike was still trying to process everything that was happening. “Princess Cadance is still in the hospital and...why am I needed?!”

Celestia then approached Spike and wrapped her wings around him. “Spike...I need you to do this for me. Don't worry, Cadance will soon be out and will soon leave to go to the Crystal Empire. Now, I will warn you, because Twilight obtained the elements early, the prophecies have been messed up. However, I still have faith that you are needed to win this battle.”

Spike wanted to think for a second but before he knew it he said. “Okay. I'll do it.”

Celestia then smiled. “Thank you Spike. Now, I will have the guards hide you in the train to the Crystal Empire. If Sunset finds out you're tagging along on to the Crystal Empire she may worry about your safety and...overreact. It's best to leave her out since she will be confronting Sombra head on. I need you to sneak in and get the Crystal Heart. It will be better off if Sunset didn't know you were there.”

“Yeah...she can be a real worrywart. Don't worry, I'll be fine.” Spike said with a huge grin. Rumble then walked up and nudged Spike. “Hey, I wanna come too.”

“Huh?!” yelped Spike. “Rumble! Did you not hear her? This is gonna be super dangerous!”

Rumble nodded. “I know. But I wanna help. That and I probably need to come because somepony needs to keep an eye on Miss Trixie.”

The Present...

“I still can't believe you came Rumble...” said Spike with a slight groan. “So...are you ready?”

Rumble nodded and showed a huge grin. “Yeah! Let's go in there and save the empire!”

The Change (Part 12 of 15)

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“Uh...are you sure you can't fly up that?”asked Spike as him and Rumble looked at what looked like an endless amount of stairs. Rumble then shook his head and said, “No...I can't fly that high...I'm a colt Spike...not a WonderBolt...”


“It's cool Spike.” Rumble then put his hoof on Spike's shoulder. “It'll take a bit but we can make it up there.”

“Right...I just don't want know...go up endless flights of stairs.” Spike said in the most dry tone he could. The two then nodded and began to walk up the monstrous amount of stairs in front of them.

Meanwhile in the throne room...

“Now...” Sombra said while still showing his same huge grin as always. “Any last requests before we fight and I tear you apart?”

Sunset froze. She wasn't sure what to do. Part of her wanted to run away while another part wanted to stay and fight. Her body began to shiver as she saw Sombra stare her down, his horn shining like a beacon. 'What do I do?' she thought, 'Do I run? Do I fight? Oh no...even if I fight him...Trixie...Twilight...I also got to save them...what...what do I do?!'

Sombra grinned even more. “Heh heh heh...getting scared little one?” he said in a joyous tone. “Tell me young one, what are thinking right now? Are you scared about what I'm going to do to you? Or maybe you're thinking about your friends, who are currently falling down to the very depths of my castle's dungeons...or maybe, just are considering my offer now?”

“Huh?” gasped Sunset as she heard those words. “'re still offering that?”

“Yes.” Sombra nodded. “I can see it right now little one...despair.”


“Oh yes...I can see it in your eyes. You know you've lost...and you don't know what to do.” Sombra then stretched his arms out. “That is despair! Desperation, fear, it's all there! I can tell you're scared. So, how about it little one? Will you join me?” Sombra then extended his hoof to Sunset. “I can help you control that darkness within you. I can make the fear...go away.”

When those words escaped Sombra's mouth, Sunset could only think of one thing. 'Princess Celestia...I remember were there when I needed guidance...just like he's offering me to led down a different path...' Sunset closed her eyes and let out a deep breath. 'Princess chose me to come here and stop Sombra...' Sunset then opened her eyes and glared at Sombra. 'I'll do it. I may be alone right now, but...I can't give up! I've gotta try, even if I lose...I've got to try and beat this monster!'

Sunset then tensed her body and her horn began to shine like the sun. “Sorry to say Sombra...but the answer is still no.”

Sombra then scoffed and pushed back his cape. “Tch...I should have expected this from a darkness fearing peon. Very well, if you wish to be an insignificant scrub and try to defy a superior being such as I...” Sombra then gritted his teeth and charged magic into his horn. “I will tear you limb from limb.”

Sunset stared right into his eyes and said, “Bring it on!”

Meanwhile in another part of the castle...

A certain blue unicorn found themselves falling at a surprising slow rate. Well, it would have been surprising if it hadn't been the fact that the pony was falling down what seemed to be endless stairs.

“OW! OW! OW! OW! OW!” she said as her body fell down stair after stair. “Trixie is-ow-getting-ow-tired-ow-of this...ow...”

The falling had stopped. Trixie laid there for a moment, trying to figure out what just happened to her. 'Ugh...that hurt...okay...let's think this through were about to fight Sombra with Sunset and...ugh...that criminal...and then...' A light bulb went off over Trixie's head. “Ahh! Sunset's alone with Sombra! Trixie's gotta get up there and help her!”

Trixie then began to scramble, trying to get up. As soon as she got up, she realized that wherever she was, it was dark. Completely pitch black darkness. He quickly channeled magic into her horn, making a light. As she looked around, she quickly noticed that when she finally fell off the stairs, she fell several more stories down. The stairs were now several stories away. She then turned around and saw a hallway. 'Guess Trixie will have to go this way...or grow wings...' Trixie thought as she began her journey down the hallway. Only a few steps in and-


A giant ax slammed down in front of her, just barely avoiding her nose. Her eyes grew to the size of dinner plates as her whole body froze and trembled at the sight of the ax that almost cleaved her head off. “Perhaps Trixie took the wrong hallway...” she said as she tried to move her body. “But Trixie didn't see any other way...”

A few minutes later, Trixie walked around the ax and continued down the hallway. She began to think, 'Okay...Trixie obviously fell down to some dungeon of sorts with traps...that and Trixie knows the criminal also fell...perhaps she's in some other part of the dungeon...well, that doesn't matter. Trixie needs to get back to Sunset and help her!' Trixie then continued down the hallway with a small skip in her step. Until, she ran into some more traps...

Ten traps later...

“Trixie doesn't wanna do this anymore...Trixie wants to leave!” Trixie said to herself as she patted out a fire in her mane.

Five more traps later...


One more trap later...


As Trixie continued to yell at the traps Sombra had made, Trixie continued to look around. At that moment, Trixie saw a small amount of light. As Trixie began to go it, she found herself outside the castle but still inside the empire. Trixie looked around, seeing that see was suddenly outside. “ did...what did Trixie get outside the castle?” Trixie then saw she was several houses away from the castle. “So the exit is way over here? This is odd...”

Then suddenly, as Trixie began to stare at the castle...


Trixie's ears twitched as she heard the small noise. 'What was that?'

Tink! Tink!

Trixie's head shook around, trying to find the noise. She then put her ear to the ground and heard it again.

Tink! Tink!

' sounds like its coming from...' Trixie then stared at a different direction from the castle. 'Over there...' Trixie then glanced at the castle and then back at the other direction. 'What should Trixie do?'

Tink! Tink!

'Something tells Trixie she should check that noise out...' Trixie then turned and walked toward the noise. She soon saw a small opening on one of the streets. As she went down into the opening, she found a cave. There, she saw something she wasn't expecting.

In another part of the castle...

“Ugh...” moaned Twilight as she began to shake herself awake. She let out another moan and slowly got up. 'Okay...' she thought as she rubbed her eyes. 'What happened to me? Let's see...I remember we confronted Sombra...then...I felt like my feet weren't standing on anything...' Twilight's eyes grew as she realized what had happened. “Oh no!” she yelled. “That's right! I fell down thanks to some trapdoor along with Trixie!”

Twilight began to look around only to see nothing but darkness. ''s dark. Better use a light spell with my horn...' Her horn lit up and she saw that she still couldn't see anything. 'Huh...I'm not close to any walls...maybe I should...'

Twilight took a deep breath and then yelled. “TRIXIE! WHERE ARE YOU?!”

No response.

“Okay...” Twilight said to herself as she began to pace. “We must have fell into completely different areas. That's fine. Don't panic Twilight...just...let's start by finding a wall and then follow it from there...”

Twilight began to walk in one direction until she finally found a wall. There, she put her hoof on the wall and made a mark, making sure she could tell if she accidentally came back to this spot. As she walked down the hallway, staying close to the wall, her hoof suddenly hit something while touching the wall. 'Huh? That's odd...this doesn’t feel like feels like...wood...'

Twilight then turned and looked at what she felt, only for a sudden blinding light to flash in front of her eyes. “Augh! What the-”

Then, all she saw was white. Nothing but white. And it was cold. Really cold. Twilight began to shiver all over as she suddenly realized what the whiteness was. It was snow and it was everywhere. 'Cold...its so cold...' she thought as she struggled to get out of the snow. Her body slowly wriggled out of the pile she was covered in and soon her head popped out. As she began to look around, what she saw astounded her. Twilight slowly said, “This...this can't be real...” She was on a frozen mountain several miles away from the Crystal Empire. ' did I get here?!'

“You are alone.” said a voice.

“Wha...who? Who's there?!” Twilight barely turned her head around, only for her eyes to grow in pure shock at the figure in front of her eyes. It was the pony known as Nightmare Moon.

The Change (Part 13 of 15)

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Sunset fell to the floor, moaning in pain. Her body shook and trembled on the floor as pain was striking every part of her body. Her horn was covered with dark crystals, showing that Sombra had sealed her magic. Sombra then gave a huge grin and said, “Well done little peon.”

He began to wipe off the dust on his cape. He then rubbed one of his legs as there was a huge wound on it. “I must admit...I knew you had power wounded me quite well...thank goodness those other peons weren't here to help you...I probably would've lost...” He then cricked his neck as he walked up to Sunset, who was still flailing on the floor. “However, I still won. You did quite well to fight me for over an hour lost.”

Sombra continued to watch Sunset as she tried to get up, her body covered in wounds. He then thought, 'Hmm...what should I do next? I could just send this now pathetic useless pony to the mines...but there are still two other unicorns in my castle, or rather my dungeon...then again, she can't move in that condition so I should be okay to check without her going for the crystal heart...what should I do?'


“Why are you here, NIGHTMARE MOON?!” yelled Twilight as her horn shined. Then, Twilight's horn stopped glowing. Twilight couldn't produce any magic. “Wha...what's going on?!”

“Your magic won't work here.” Nightmare Moon said as she slowly walked down the top of the mountain to Twilight. She then grinned as she said, “After all, we're not exactly in the same plane of reality that you're used too.”

“Same plane? What a minute...” Twilight said as she looked around her, noticing that she was no longer cold. “This is...this is in my mind...”

Moon nodded. “Yes. It is.”

“How? How is this possible?”

Moon gave a huge grin. “Sombra.”

“Sombra? What does he have to do with a meeting with you in my mind?”

“Simple. This entire 'mind meeting' as you called it, is a type of dark magic. I suspect you are currently just standing somewhere in the real world with your eyes fully open at whatever is casting this illusion upon your very eyes.”

“I see...” Twilight scratched her chin and then asked, “If that's the case, why are you telling me all this information? Wouldn't you not want me to know?”

“If I was casting the magic, yes. However, this magic has opened a very unique opportunity for me.”

As Twilight heard those words, she then thought, 'That doesn't sound good...I don't like the looks of this...'

“You see, there are two very important things happening right now that are so beneficial for me. First, the magic that has been currently cast on you can only be broken if somepony interferes with your body in the real world. However, since I'm in your mind, I know that Sunset Shimmer is fighting Sombra and Trixie hates you. That means nopony is here to save you!” Moon said with a laugh. “Second, the original illusion that this magic was going to show you...let's just say I took it over.”

“Huh? What do you mean 'took it over'?”

“The illusion was designed to show you your worst fear. Yours in particular was you dying alone in the middle of nowhere. Now, even though I support such a fate for a goody-two shoes pony like yourself, I can't let that happen.”

“Hold on, that's my worst fear? You've got to be joking. That would never happen to me.”

“Oh, but it is. Your fear is to be left alone...unloved...unwanted...all on your lonesome...completely and utterly forgotten. That's your true fear Twilight. A place where you have no friends, no family, nothing.” Moon said with a smile as her face leaned towards Twilight’s face. “You've always feared that.”

Twilight's body slightly shook as she heard those words. Her face almost showed a slight tinge of fear, but Twilight knew she was stronger than that. She then glared at Nightmare Moon and said, “Sorry, but I don't buy that. I spent years alone and it didn't bother me one bit, why would it now?!”

“Because you have something now. You have your family and friends back.”

“I got the family back moron. I just can't see my friends anymore.”

“I know. You still care about them though. Why you do, I have no idea why...but you do.”

“That's because you don't know what friendship is.”

“I don't. Friendship is for the weak Twilight Sparkle. After all, you spent years without friends and became the best fighter in Las Pegasus. You survived perils that no other filly could possibly survive and you did it without friends. Now, because you have friends, you got caught and had to give yourself up to Celestia.”

“Oh shut up!” yelled Twilight as she slammed her hoof down. “Stop lecturing and get to the point Nightmare Moon! Why are you here and how do I get out of this stupid illusion?!”

“Oh my, so impatient!” Moon said with a giggle. “You should really calm down there Twilight, there's no rush.”

Twilight's eyebrows twitched a little as a scowl appeared on her face. “ have got to be...look here Nightmare Moon.” Twilight said with a huff. “There's only about three different ways you're going to go with this so I'll just cut you short and explain why each way isn't going to work. One, I'm not gonna fall for any of that 'You are alone' garbage. Two, if you think you'll just keep me in this illusion forever, that won't happen either. All magic, whether light or dark, have weaknesses. I'll figure out how to get out of this eventually. Finally, if this is some plot to turn me into you or some kind of nightmare pony, that won't work either. I know who I am and I know I'm not alone!”

“Are you done dear?” Moon said with a slight giggle.

“NO! I'm done listening to you!” screamed Twilight. “Listen up Nightmare Moon, I'm not falling for any of your tricks! I may have done some bad choices in my life but I'm not stupid. I know my friends will always be there for me, even if I can't see them anymore. My family and I have made up and they will always be there for me too. No matter what happens to me, I'm not alone!”

“I know you aren't Twilight Sparkle.”


“I said, I know. I've always known.” Moon said with a short sigh. “Even so, you will still be consumed by my darkness.”

“Oh yeah?!” Twilight said with pure skepticism. “Why is that?”

“The Element of Darkness.”


“Oh please, surely you haven't forgotten that little gem?”

“I haven't. What's that got to do with anything?!”

“Tell me, do you remember anything about your first encounter with Sombra? You know, when he took the jewel from you?”

“No.” Twilight said with a huff.

“Exactly. I took those memories away.”


“Don't worry, I took about a good two minutes worth, it wasn't much.”


“Don't look so shocked Twilight. After all, I wasn't expecting to even tell you this information until much later.”

“Why are you telling me right now?!”

“Simple. This magic that is currently affecting you is helping me.”

“Helping you?”

“Yes.” Moon nodded. “This illusion shows true fear. That is very dark magic, just like myself. You see, after you encountered Sombra, he took the Element of Darkness and broke it open. There, the darkness inside was split.”

“Split?! He didn't absorb the whole thing?!”

“Oh no, he couldn't. Only an alicorn could absorb that much and keep their body intact. Instead, the magic flowed into more than one pony. Can you guess who else it flowed into?”

“Me...that's where you're going with this, aren't you? You've been inside me since Sombra broke the jewel...haven't you?!”

“Yes.” Nightmare Moon said with a huge grin. “But you didn't just absorb dark magic Twilight Sparkle, you absorbed the most important part of the Element of Darkness.”

“I absorbed you...didn't I?”

“Yes. My essence. The main piece you locked away in that little jewel...” Nightmare Moon then put her face up to Twilight's, “That means that even if your mind is as pure as Harmony day, you will be mine.”

“And if I go to the Tree of Harmony?” Twilight said in a deadpan tone.

“Oh...well, let's just say I always have an escape plan. Then again, what makes you think the Tree of Harmony will help a little thief like you?!”

Twilight then gave a huge grin. “I don't know. Let's find out.” Twilight's eye began to glow as she glared at Nightmare Moon. Moon instantly stepped back and said, “What are you channeling Harmony here?!”

“Seems you haven't been in my brain long enough Nightmare Moon, Harmony is always with me. Now, show me how to get out of this illusion.”

“Never!” barked Nightmare Moon as she put herself in a battle stance. “As long as you are in here, I have control of this plane of reality! I won't let you leave!”

“Oh yeah?!” Twilight said as her body began to glow. “This is my mind Nightmare Moon, are you sure you wanna fight me here?”

“Grrr...” growled Moon as spread out her wings, her horn fully shining. “I won't lose! I will make you into the next Nightmare Moon, Twilight Sparkle!”

Twilight then turned into the Queen of Harmony, her horn glowing a magnificent glow. “Sorry to say, but I'm not losing today. Hail to the Queen baby!”

Meanwhile, on the top of Sombra's castle...

“*huff* *huff* We...*huff*...we made it...*huff* we really...made it Rumble...” Spike said as he walked onto the last stair. He then looked up and saw the Crystal Heart, shining in all its glory. Rumble soon joined him and said, “Yeah...*huff* we made it...”

The two sat for a second, trying to catch their breath. After a moment or two, the duo nodded to each other and walked over and began to grab the Crystal Heart. “ you think Princess Cadance will be waiting for us once we get this out of here Spike?”

“I don't know Rumble...let's just get it out of here first...”


“ should hurry and get the Crystal Heart out of here.” said a hissing voice. The duo looked at each other and then turned around. There, they saw that the voice was a giant shadow that slowly transformed into King Sombra. He gave a huge grin and said, “Now tell me, my little intruders...what do you think you're doing with my Crystal Heart?!”

The Change (Part 14 of 15)

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“Well?! What do you two have to say for yourselves?!” Sombra said with a growl. “Tell me why you two are trying to take my Crystal Heart...”

Spike and Rumble slowly looked at each other, the two shaking in fear. As the two turned their heads back and stared directly at Sombra, Spike tried to speak up, “Uh...well...we were sent here to take it...”

“Take it?!” Sombra snorted. “Oh really?! And what makes you think you are allowed to take my Crystal Heart?!”

“Uh...well...” Spike gulped. “I...we...we were told to by Princess Celestia...”

“Ah...I see. Of course its her...” Sombra then cricked his neck and began to stare at the two. “Very well...since I'm in a good mood today because I got my empire back today and...well, I did just win a fight...I'll let you two live as my slaves if you put the Crystal Heart back right now.”

Spike looked at Rumble one more time, the two nodded to each other and then he said, “Um...I'm sorry but...we can't do that.”

“And why not?!” Sombra's head then leaned over, directly into Spike's face. “Tell me little drake...why not?!”

Spike, as his body began to tremble, he saw that Sombra had turned himself back into his unicorn form and not his shadow. Then, his reflexes kicked in. Before he could do anything, he breathed a full breath of fire all over Sombra's face.

“AAAAARRRGGGGHHHH!!!” yelled Sombra as the flames burned his face. “You little-”

“RUN!” yelled Spike as he grabbed the Crystal Heart and began to run down the stairs. Rumble followed and quickly put Spike on his back, his wings flapping. “Hang on Spike! I don't how long I can fly but...we gotta get out of here!”

The duo flew down the stairs as Sombra continued to yell in pain. A few moments later, he turned into a shadow and began to chase the duo down.



Several magic beams flew across the sky. Two alicorns quickly dodged the beams and began to shoot more and more beams at each other. Twilight spun around, dodging the latest magic and then charged Nightmare Moon. Nightmare Moon then saw the charge and charged at her as well. The two then collided, their horns locked. Nightmare Moon then said, “You're not going to win this Twilight! This is a nightmare! Here, my power is unending in this place!”

“Oh shut up! This is my mind Nightmare Moon!” yelled Twilight with a scowl. “Don't think you'll beat me that easily!”

“ little-”


A hoof slammed Nightmare Moon's face, causing her to fall to the ground. “Augh! Why you little-”


A beam then blasted Nightmare Moon back, causing her to spread her wings and fly into the sky. There, her alicorn self began to suddenly change, darkness began to swirl around her. “I told you before, this illusion Sombra has put on you is filled with fear! Here, this is my domain!”

Twilight cricked her neck and gave Nightmare Moon a deadpan look. “You don't think I don't know that?! This is my mind moron! Even if you're a nightmare, I'm still gonna win!”

The two both stepped back and blast magic at each other again. Both beams hit and the two went flying in opposite directions. As Twilight slowly got up, she thought, 'This isn't going to work...this illusion...' Twilight took a deep breath. 'Last time I took her on...I beat her because I caught her off, in this illusion...her power keeps growing...if that's the case...'

Twilight's body began to shine as she turned back to her normal unicorn self. Nightmare Moon, who was about to charge Twilight again, suddenly stopped. “What is this?! Are you giving up already?!” she yelled.

“No...I'm bored.” Twilight said in a deadpan tone.


“Bored. Fighting is boring to me.”

“That's impossible! I looked into your memories! You used to fight all the time!” barked Moon.

“I did that so Copper Block would buy me more books. If you've looked into my head Nightmare Moon, you'll know I put knowledge above fighting.”

“ me! Fight me right now!”

'I had a feeling she loved fighting...' thought Twilight with a small smirk. 'Looks like this will be easier than I thought...' Twilight shook her head and then said. “I'm done fighting Nightmare.”

“Oh yeah?! Then what are you gonna do now?! You can't escape this illusion Twilight, and nopony is gonna come and help you!”

'Hook...' thought Twilight with a small smile. “I'm not that worried Nightmare. You told me earlier that this magic can be dispelled if my body is moved. That means eventually my body will run out of energy and won't be able to stand. I'll just fall over and the illusion will be undone.”


'Line...' Twilight took a small breath. “All I have to do is wait. Simple as that.”

“ little...”

'And Sinker...' Twilight prepared herself, “So, let's make a deal.”

Nightmare Moon stopped dead in her tracks. “What did you say?!”

“I said, let's make a deal.”

“A deal?! Wha...what are you planning?”

“I'm not planning anything. I'm offering you a deal.”

Nightmare Moon wanted to bark in rage, or attack Twilight with all of her might. But, she knew it wasn't that simple. Nightmare Moon slowly walked up to Twilight and said, “What kind of deal?”

“Simple. You show me how to get out of this illusion, and I'll let you stay in my head. I promise that I won't go to the Tree of Harmony.”

“That's...that's absurd! You expect me to just take your word that you won't go there?!”

“Yes.” Twilight nodded. 'I've got her now, just a little more...'

“Give me one good reason why I should believe you!”

“Well...if you don't agree, when my body does finally collapse...after I get out of the illusion, I'll go to the Tree of Harmony.”

“ little...”

“However, if you take my deal...You'll get to stick around a lot longer.”

Nightmare Moon wanted to maul Twilight. But then she stood up straight and smiled. “Oh really, and what if I take over your mind before your body collapses?!”

“Oh, that won't happen.” Twilight gave a sly smile.

“Oh really?! Why not?!”

Twilight's expression turned to a deadpan tone. “I'm not stupid Nightmare Moon. I know the real reason you want to take over your mind.”

“What are you...”

“I know you stole my memories when you first got into my mind. Now, if I assume you that you need the darkness in order to the night last forever?!”

“Don't make fun of my glorious goal!”

“Right...well, I know that when I beat you last time, I had to seal your darkness away into the Element of Darkness. The darkness you had was too much for Harmony to completely destroy. However, if this is all the darkness that entered me and you stole my memories...there's only one conclusion I can come to...”

“ little...”

“The darkness that split from the Element of went into somepony else besides me and Sombra, didn't it?”

Nightmare Moon didn't respond. All she did was blow some steam out of her nostrils in pure rage. Twilight gave a big smile and said, “I'm right, aren't I?! If I'm know I'll never let you take over my mind before my body collapses. After all, you need to meet your other pals of darkness to get to full strength, don't you?”

Nightmare Moon knew she was telling the truth. In the battle they just had, Nightmare Moon wasn't able to fully harm Twilight without her getting harmed as well. She gritted her teeth and said, “'re quite clever Twilight Sparkle. If that's case...I'll take your deal on one, two conditions.”

“Okay, name your conditions.” Twilight said with a small smile, she then thought, 'She fell for be honest, I'm not sure if my theory of collapsing to escape the illusion would doesn't matter now! She took the bluff and the bait!'

Nightmare Moon let out a sigh, “One, if I help you get out of this illusion don't chase my darkness, understand?!”

“Okay...” Twilight said while she thought, 'That could mean trouble later...but that doesn't mean I can't handle whatever pony also has her darkness...'

“And two...I keep your memories I stole.”

'I had a feeling that was the other condition...' Twilight took a slight pause. Then she put her hoof out. “Deal.”


“AAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!” yelled Spike and Rumble as the two ran down stair after stair. Spike tried to breath fire at every moment, only to find himself getting more and more exhausted. As the two had almost made it to the bottom, Sombra's shadow flew under them and appeared at the end of the stairs, his body turning back to its unicorn state.

“End of the line peons!” he yelled with a huge grin. “Give me the Crystal Heart!”

As his horn began to glow, ready to fire magic at the two...


A magic beam hit Sombra, causing him to slam into a nearby wall. Spike and Rumble quickly looked where the beam came from and soon heard a voice. “Rumble?! Spike?! What are you two doing here?!”

“Trixie!” they both said with happy faces. As Trixie was about to yell at them, she soon saw Sombra getting up, almost unfazed by her attack. “No time you two, follow me!”

The trio quickly ran out of the castle. There, Spike and Rumble came to a screeching halt as they saw the sight before them. Hundreds of Crystal Ponies, standing outside the castle with pickaxes and shovels. Trixie then yelled. “Okay everypony! He's coming, get ready!”

Trixie then gestured the two to start running, and the duo ran into the mob of Crystal Ponies. Several Crystal Ponies then commented on the Crystal Heart as they quickly let the two through.

“The Crystal Heart!” “Get it away from King Sombra!” “Get going! Quickly!”

The duo looked at each other in slight confusion as they ran through the crowd with the Crystal Heart. Then, Sombra exited his castle, already in a full rage. He then saw the masses in front of him. “What is this...why are all you pathetic slime here and not in my mines?!”

“Oh that?!” Trixie said in a sarcastic tone. “You really shouldn't be that surprised moron!”

“'re the reason they're free, aren't you?!” Sombra glared at Trixie with bloody rage.

“Trixie is.” Trixie gave a short bow and then a giant grin. “You see, Trixie and these wonderful Crystal Ponies had a really really long talk about you and your reign. We all decided its time your reign came to an end.”

The Change (Part 15 of 15)

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“INSOLENT SLIME!” yelled Sombra as he looked at the hundreds of Crystal Ponies rebelling against him. “YOU DARE BETRAY ME?! YOU DARE TO GO AGAINST ME?! I AM KING! I AM ABOVE ALL OF YOU PATHETIC FILTH!”

“Shut up moron!” replied Trixie. “Trixie doesn't give two pegasus feathers about who or what you are. All Trixie knows is that you need to be beaten and forgotten, understand?!”

“Be silent peon!” screamed Sombra. “You will pay the ultimate price for causing this disgusting mess, you shriveling wretched worm!”

Trixie ignored Sombra's last statement and turned to masses behind her. She then yelled, “Get ready everypony! There's nothing to fear! He's just a pathetic bloated lone stallion!” Trixie then tipped her hat with a small smile. “Don't worry, Trixie is here to help you beat this monster!”

Sombra's teeth gritted and grinded at Trixie's statement. His anger had hit its limit and smoke blasted out of his eyes. His horn began to shine the darkest light possible as he screamed. “YOU LITTLE NOTHING! DON'T YOU DARE IGNORE ME!”

Trixie merely turned and began to surge magic into her horn. As it began to shine, she put herself in a fighting stance. “Trixie's allowed to ignore you as much as Trixie wants. Now, will you just shut up and fight already?!”

At that moment, Sombra's horn shined and summoned giant dark crystals the size of houses from the ground. As he levitated the crystals in the air, Trixie shot a beam directly at Sombra.


Sombra quickly dodged and began to throw the crystals at the Crystal Ponies. The ponies quickly panicked and began jumping out of the way of the crystals.


“Charge!” yelled Trixie as she pointed her hoof at Sombra. The other ponies followed suite and began to charge Sombra. Sombra stepped back a few steps and then turned into a shadow. Sombra's shadow quickly moved up the side of his castle. He then stopped for a second and thought, 'Wait...this is all a distraction, isn't it? They're trying to keep me from my Crystal Heart...' Sombra's eyes scanned over the Empire, trying to find Spike. 'Where did that drake go?'


Several shovels and pickaxes flew up to Sombra, only to go through his shadow. He looked down as he saw more and more tools being thrown at him. 'This is ridiculous...' thought Sombra, 'I can't believe these pieces of garbage are actually trying to rebel against truly pathetic...' Sombra looked out over the empire again, still unable to see Spike. 'He must be hiding behind a building...guess I'll just have to punish them first and then get the heart back...'

Sombra's shadow quickly shifted down the castle and turned back to an unicorn in front of the crowd of ponies. His eyes blasted more shadows and then he said, “Time for punishment.” His horn shined and huge dark crystals blasted from the ground where most of the Crystal Ponies were standing. The next few minutes were filled with screams of terror and pain as the ponies were hit and zapped by the dark crystals.

“AAAAAaaaahhhhh!” “Help!” “Augh!”

Trixie quickly charged and blasted several more beams at Sombra. He quickly summoned a dark crystal to shield himself. The crystal took most of the beams but broke to the second to last one. The last beam hit Sombra directly in face.


“Urgh!” he grunted. He then turned and glared at Trixie with a huge scowl. “You'll pay for that!”

“Bring it!” replied Trixie. “Just try and make Trixie pay!”

Sombra's eyes blasted smoke as her summoned a wall of dark crystals behind him, cutting off the Crystal Ponies trying to attack him. He shot several beams of magic at Trixie as she began to shift left and right, dodging the beams. Trixie then shot a blast magic that turned into fireworks. The light from it blinded Sombra. “Ugh! What is that?!”

“Fireworks!” yelled Trixie as she charged Sombra, blasting beam after beam. However, Sombra saw through Trixie's plan and summoned a dark crystal through the ground, right under Trixie. The crystal slammed Trixie into the air, causing her to go flying and then crashing into the ground.

“Augh!” yelped Trixie as she hit the ground. “Urgh...that hurt...”

As Trixie tried to get up, Sombra then stood over Trixie with a face of pure rage. “I will make you pay for making those crystal trash betray me, little peon. I will tear you limb from limb and I will torture you till you scream for mercy!” yelled Sombra as more dark magic began to flow from his horn. “By the end of this day, I will-”


A beam hit Sombra, knocking right through the dark crystal wall he made earlier. As he struggled to get up from the blast, he saw the attacker that interrupted him. “ did you...”

“Hey! Are you okay Trixie?” said the attacker.

“Shut up criminal...” squeaked Trixie in pain. “Trixie doesn't need a thief's help...”

“You have some serious pride issues Trixie.” said Twilight with a slight sigh. She then turned to Sombra, who just stood there with a face of shock. He then yelled, “How did you escape my illusion?! I know you fell down there! Why are you here now?!”

Twilight just showed a small sly smile. “I had some help.”


'Be quiet Nightmare, I need to deal with Sombra right now. We'll talk later.' thought Twilight, talking back to Nightmare Moon.

I know. Just tell me if you need some dark magic...

'I have a feeling I won't need all.'


Twilight cricked her neck as she saw Sombra getting ready to attack again. Twilight then put herself in a battle stance and began to charge magic into her horn. “Let's go Sombra! Your reign ends here!”

“SILENCE PEON! I WILL KILL YOU ALL!” he screamed as he began to shoot off several dark crystals at Twilight. “DIE! DIE! DIE!”

Twilight quickly made a magic shield, blocking most of the crystals. Soon, the shield broke and Twilight dodged the final crystals. “Looks like someone is a little too angry for his own good.” she said as she began to blast a few beams at Sombra. Sombra summoned another dark crystal to block the beams. As the beams withstood the attack, Twilight quickly darted around the crystal, shooting more beams at Sombra. He then saw the attack coming and turned into a shadow again. He shifted through the ground, quickly shuffling his way through the empire. 'I'm so sick of this...' he thought as he zoomed through the empire. 'Where is that blasted drake?! Where is my Crystal Heart?!'

He then moved his shadow to the top of a building and began to overlook the empire again. 'Curses! Is my empire so big that I can't find a single stinking worm?!'


A magic beam hit him in the back and he quickly fell off the roof. He scrambled to get up, only to see Twilight and Trixie standing in front of him, ready to fight him again. “You two don't give up, do you?!”

“Yeah, we don't give up.” Twilight said in a deadpan tone.

“That's one thing Trixie will agree with you criminal.” Trixie said in a bitter tone. “Trixie is tired of this, give up already stupid king!”

“You...” Sombra's face began to go through several motions at that moment, anger to fury to pure rage. “YOU DARE CALL ME STUPID?!” he screamed.

“Yeah...Trixie dares to call you stupid, stupid.”


Twilight and Trixie ignored his statement and just looked at each other. They didn't need to say anything, just nod to each other. “Yeah...I'm tired of this too Trixie, let's beat this moron and go home.”


“RRRRAAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHH!!!” yelled Sombra as magic began to blast out of his horn. “DIE!”

Several dark crystals began to fly at the duo while more crystal came out of the ground. The two quickly began to dodge each one as fast as they could. As the two dodged more and more, Sombra continued to scream profanities at them. Then, he charged Trixie, knocking her down and began to punch her with his hooves. “YOU! LITTLE! NOTHING! I WILL DESTROY YOU!” he screamed as he hit her more and more.

“Trixie!” yelled Twilight as she dodged the last of the dark crystals and began to charge her horn. “Hang on!”

Then, as Twilight began to blast magic at Sombra, suddenly a huge light came from the sky. Sombra tried to shield his eyes from the light, only to see the figure causing the light to shine over the empire. “No...not here! Not now!” he said as he saw the pony fly down with the Crystal Heart. “No! Why is the Princess of Love here?!” he screamed as he turned himself back into a shadow.

Cadance just stood there, the Crystal Heart floating above her. Other crystal ponies began to cheer as they saw her stand there, ready to fight Sombra. “This ends here Sombra! You will no longer reign over the Crystal Empire!”

“BE SILENT YOU DESPICABLE LITTLE TRAMP! I AM KING! I AM SOMBRA, RULER OF THIS EMPIRE!” he yelled as he moved his body into a fighting position, turning himself back into his unicorn form. “LEAVE THIS PLACE AT ONCE, YOU INSIGNIFICANT COW OF AN ALICORN!”

“What did you just call me?!” yelled Cadance with anger beaming out of her eyes. Sombra then let out a yell and darkness began to swirl around his entire body. “I'll kill you...” he said in a malice filled tone. “This is my empire...everything here belongs to me...everything...everything is mine!”

He's overusing the darkness.

'What do you mean Nightmare Moon?' thought Twilight in response as she watched the scene unfold, unsure if Cadance needed help.

I mean he's gonna burn out. He's used the darkness too much. He probably only has about one to two attacks left in him.

'Oh...' Twilight then looked at Cadance as she closed her eyes and began to pour her magic into the Crystal Heart. Sombra then yelled a war cry and shot a huge beam of dark magic at Cadance. But the light from the Crystal Heart devoured the darkness. Sombra then took a few steps back and said, “Impossible...this can't be...”

He quickly shifted back into a shadow and sped his way through the empire, back into his castle. There, he shifted back to normal as he entered his throne room. 'Okay...' he thought, 'I'm not done...there has to be something I can still do to dark magic...why is it all gone?! Did I use up that much magic up that quickly in that last attack?!'

He then felt a small tap on his shoulder. As he turned his head around, he saw an angry Sunset Shimmer with her hoof extended back as far as she could pull it. “Consider yourself dethroned.”


A hoof then slammed into Sombra's face, causing a tooth to fly out of his mouth as he fell to the floor. Sombra was completely unconscious. Sunset then dusted off her hoof as she saw Sombra just lay there, his eyes twitching in pain. “Glad that's finally over...”

A few minutes later, several ponies ran into the throne room. Sunset turned and faced them with a big smile. “Hey guys! Look who I knocked out...” Sunset then grabbed and dragged Sombra's unconscious body.

“ did you knock him out with your horn sealed?” asked Cadance.

“A right hoof to the face, never saw it coming.” Sunset said with a grin. Trixie then gave out a large laugh and said, “HA! Well done Sunset!”

“I agree.” Twilight said with a small smile. She then turned to Cadance as she pointed to Sombra and asked. “So...what do we do with him?”

“Um...I'll have the train outside of the empire arrange a trip to Canterlot. I bet Celestia can put him in a nice dungeon cell. You three don't mind escorting this monster, do you?”

Twilight, Trixie and Sunset looked at each other and nodded to each other. “Yeah...I don't think any of us mind.”

Sunset rubbed her sealed horn and asked, “Uh...what do I do about this?”

Cadance then put her hoof on Sunset and replied. “Let's take you down to the Crystal Heart. I'm about to use it and have it get rid of the dark crystals infesting this empire. It'll get rid of the seal on your horn.”

Shining Armor walked into the room and added on, “Don't worry Sunset, Cadance already used it on me and my horn is working again.”

“Okay.” Sunset nodded. Twilight then walked up to Cadance and asked, “Say...why are you here Cadance?”

“Oh? You didn't know? I'm destined to rule over the Crystal Empire.”

“Destined?!” yelped Twilight.

“Yes.” Cadance nodded. “I have been training to become the Crystal Princess for a very long time now Twilight. Now, my time has come to be the ruler of the Crystal Empire.”

“Celestia did this...didn't she?” Twilight said in a grim tone.

“Yes.” Cadance then saw the face Twilight was giving and then let out a small sigh. “Twilight...I know you hate things like fate and destiny...but I was born and trained to become this. Please accept that...”

“But...” Twilight wanted to retort but couldn't. She could see that Cadance was happy to accept this role.

What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?

'Be quiet Nightmare...' thought Twilight with a sigh.

Aw, don't be like that...I mean, look at this situation. Isn't it everything you hate?

'No...I've accepted my destiny with Harmony. I understand why Cadance is doing this.'

True...too bad we have to return to Canterlot and meet your favorite pony Celestia...

'Keep this up and I will go to the Tree of Harmony and get you out of me...'


Nightmare Moon shut up for a while as Twilight gave Cadance and Shining Armor a hug. Sunset and Trixie then talked to Rumble and Spike, wondering why they were here. After being told it was Celestia's plan, the two agreed to talk to the princess later. Twilight just laughed at the situation. Before they knew it, the five were on a train to Canterlot with a chained up Sombra in tow. Twilight sat in the cabin car with the duo and showed a small smile. There, she began to think, 'So Sombra was what Harmony was warning me about...I lost the Element of Darkness in this as well...Oh well, that doesn't matter anyways. As long as I can keep my friends safe, I'll take on any monster Harmony has in store for me...Now, I need to go to Celestia and begin the Harmony training! After that...I'll find someway to get back to my friends, I just know it!' Twilight's smile grew a little bigger as the train continued on, back to Canterlot.

The Change Epilogue

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Rarity opened a newspaper, her eyes scanning the words and pictures. The newspaper showed article after article about debates over Twilight Sparkle and who the other Rainbooms were. As her eyes continued to skim through the newspaper, she thought, ' seems ponies are still talking about Twilight...I will admit, I didn't think she would get us all pardons and isn't in a Canterlot prison at the same time...I wish we could write to her or something...'

“Think she'll give us some kind of sign?” asked Fluttershy as she entered the room. Rarity looked up with a small smile. “That would be just like Twilight wouldn't it?”

“It would...too bad she probably has guards constantly watching her though.”

“Yeah...” Fluttershy let out a small sigh. “Seems like yesterday she was here, making out crazy heist plans...”

“I agree darling...” Rarity then put the newspaper down. “I get the feeling things are just going to get more complicated before they get better...”

Fluttershy just lowered her head at Rarity's response. Rarity let out another sigh and said, “Look Rainbow Dash healed up?”

“Yes.” Fluttershy nodded. “She's just resting right now.”

“Good...” Rarity then got up and stretched her hooves out. “Fluttershy...I hate to say it but I'm considering going back to Ponyville for now.”

“Oh?” Fluttershy perked up a little. “I would like to go back to Ponyville as well...I miss my animal friends...”

Pinkie Pie then walked into the room, her hair still down, showing she was still depressed. Rarity showed a small smile and said, “Pinkie dear?”

“Yes?” squeaked Pinkie, not wanting to talk.

“I have a proposition for you. I know you don't like the traveling life as much as Scootaloo or Rainbow Dash, I remember you told me it was hard for you to get parties started in certain towns...”

“Yeah...I haven't done a party in a long time...”

“Well...I might just know a pony or two in Ponyville that could give you hand in that department.”

“You do?”

“Yes.” Rarity gave a huge grin. “Tell me dear, how much do you know about baking cakes?”


Luna descended onto the castle's balcony, her wings folding as she landed. She then flicked her hooves, telling the guards to move as she proceeded to the throne room. The moon princess cricked her neck as she walked into the throne room, seeing her sister sit there while signing a pile of papers and ordering several high ranking soldiers. Luna clapped her hooves, telling Celestia she wanted to talk. Celestia caught on and signaled the soldiers to be quiet. “Sister!” yelled Luna. “We have news to tell you!”

“What is it Luna?”

“It is done. Princess Cadance has won.”

Celestia let out a sigh of relief. “So they did it...thank goodness...” Luna's expression did not change as she signaled the soldiers to leave the room. As they left, she then yelled, “We need to talk!”

“What's wrong Luna? Aren't you happy that we won't have to go to war?!”

“My problem is you sent three unprepared unicorns along with two children as the means to beat that monster!” screamed Luna.

Celestia let out a sigh as she thought, 'First Twilight, now Luna...' Celestia then said in the calmest tone she could, “Listen...they were destined to do this Luna. That's final.”

“The dragon and Princess Cadance were destined. However, you told me a while back that the destinies of Equestria were messed up because of me and Twilight!”

“Look...I know your battle between her and you as Nightmare Moon wasn't supposed to happen but...Equestria is still safe! We still raise the sun and the moon! Isn't that enough?!”

Luna closed her eyes, trying to ignore Celestia's statement. However, Luna couldn't think of a good reply and just said. “Look sister...I know that the two of us are constantly looking to the future in order to keep Equestria safe but...we can't just hope the prophecies will come true anymore!”

“I know. I've been trying to prepare for this ever since Twilight obtained Harmony early.” Celestia then let out a huff. “Even now I'm preparing what we should do with Twilight next...”

“Very well...I'll go along with this for now.” Luna said in a harsh tone. “It's not like we have a, what is our next step?”

Celestia the levitated several papers she had behind her throne. “According to my research...the one who inherits Harmony has the ability to fully harness the power of friendship. We need to make sure this is true.”

“What do you propose we do then?”

Celestia then floated the papers over to Luna. “I've been looking over several new guards that we are currently accepting to the castle. Since Cadance has taken the Crystal Empire, we will be sending some of our senior guards over there.”

“You want to assign a guard to Twilight Sparkle...and you want it to be a greenhorn.”

“Yes.” Celestia nodded. “I want the guard to be fresh, their loyalty is still questionable at that stage.”

“That and if Twilight Sparkle does possess the power of friendship like you say, it should be easy for them to become friends and get want to test that, am I correct?”


“Okay. Who do you have in mind?”


Rainbow Dash woke up, her hair in a mess and her body still aching all over. She then slowly got out of bed, only to see Scootaloo still sleeping right by her. Rainbow tried to be as quiet of possible as she edged out of the bed and then went to her drawer. There, she pulled out a paper and read it over. 'So...its still a few weeks away...' she thought as she rolled up the paper and walked out of the room. She then saw Rarity, Pinkie and Fluttershy talking at the meeting table. As she entered the room, the trio quickly smiled as they saw their friend in a better shape from the lightning bolt over a week ago.

“Rainbow!” said Rarity with a face filled with concern. “Are you sure you're okay to be standing right now?!”

“I'm fine. Please be quiet, Scootaloo is still asleep.” Rainbow then walked up and grabbed a chair to sit down. “Don't worry, after all...I'm Rainbow Dash! No lightning is gonna slow me down for long!”

“Well...good thing you're alright. So...we were talking about what to do next since...Twilight isn't able to get back here...”

“That and Applejack is gone...” Pinkie said as she slumped over again.

“Yeah...speaking of Twilight, I need you all to look at this.” Rainbow then showed them the paper. The three then looked the paper and then Rarity asked, “Um Rainbow, this paper is advertising a flying competition...did Twilight give this to you?”

“Yeah...she did. She say I could go and try it.” Rainbow then gave a huge grin. “It's not for a few weeks from now and I could easily train up and win. Twilight also said I could use my own identity in the competition, though I'll probably have to still disguise Scootaloo...”

“Hmm...okay. If that's what you want to do. I'm a little concerned since those two did see what you look like but...Twilight is probably with them, so it should be okay...” Rarity then gave the paper back to Rainbow. Rarity then turned around and looked at Twilight's desk, with the six keyhole box sitting there. Pinkie's key was sticking out of one of the keyholes as Rarity then said, “Not only you think we should just leave that here?”

“Yeah...if its important, Twilight will find someway to get here and get that weird box.” Rainbow said while waving her hooves. “It'll be fine...”

“Okay...” Rarity said with a last sigh. “Hopefully we're making the right decisions here...”

Several miles from the Crystal Empire...

Two cloaked ponies stood there, looking at the empire as its dark crystal walls slowly fell to a great shining light. The two shielded their eyes from the light and then one spoke up, “Well, well, well...looks like he lost Silver...”

“Yeah...he did Diamond...” Silver Spoon said as she took a book out of her saddlebag and began to read it. “What do you want to do now Diamond?”

“Not sure...” Diamond then rubbed her chin while trying to think. “I mean...I want to learn how to use this dark magic we absorbed but we can't because that moron lost.”

“Yeah...when you told me about Sombra over a week ago, I was skeptical at first.”

“You told me you tried to do some research about him, right?”

“Yep.” Silver said as she closed her book. “Couldn't find a thing. However, I think I did find something else that could help us though...”

“What's that? Somepony that could teach us to use the darkness?”

“Yeah...I think so. Ever since you introduced to this dark magic stuff, I don't know...I just feel like its something incredible...”

“I know!” Diamond said with a huge grin. “Just think! If we could use this dark magic, we could totally take over Equestria! I knew I was already the greatest pony ever, but this dark magic just...just unlocked something in me! I love the very feeling of it inside me!”

“I'm the same way!” Silver said with a big smile. “And if we understand how to use the dark magic...”

The two then spoke in unison with smiles on their faces. “Then we could be the queens of Equestria!” The duo then laughed up a storm for a few minutes and the Diamond asked, “So...what did you find out?”

Silver adjusted her glasses as she replied. “I think I found someone else that could teach us how to control dark magic...according to what I've read, this guy is really powerful and really really chaotic...”

Part II End

The Contest (Part 1 of 3)

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Part III: Thief of the Rainbow


“Wha?!” yelped Rainbow Dash as she fell out of her seat. “What the...what was that for?!”

“I've been trying to talk to you for forever!” Scootaloo said in an irritated tone. “All you do is just stare out the window!” The duo had gotten on a train as it started to head to Ponyville. There, the two stayed in a private cabin as they were planning to go to Cloudsdale for the Best Young Flyer Competition. Rainbow Dash had trained for the past three months and she was sure she would win. 'I'll win this...' she thought as began to stare out the window again, much to Scootaloo's annoyance. 'I perfected the Sonic Rainboom...all I have to do is show it off at the right moment...I mean...even Princess Celestia is going to be there...not to mention the Wonderbolts...'

“Are you okay sis?” asked Scootaloo with a expression of concern.

“Yeah...I'm fine little sis.” Rainbow said with a sigh as she patted Scootaloo's head. “I'm just...I'm just thinking about the past...”

“The past?”

“ was about me and Twilight...she once told me about how I would have to find a new dream...”

“A new dream?” Scootaloo gave a curious look.

“Yeah...I told you before, I can't be a she told me I needed to find a new goal while we were in the Rainbooms...”

The Past...

“No. I won't let you do this Rainbow.” Twilight said in an irritated tone. “I don't care how much you want to do this heist, you are not doing it!”

“But I can do it Twilight!” yelled Rainbow. “You know I can pull it off! I got the skills! You said it yourself, this gem is in the highest skyscraper in Baltimare. According to your plans, there's an entry point at the top and only I can get in fast enough. I told you before, give me five minutes and I could do the whole job myself!”

“I never denied you couldn't pull it off Rainbow, that's not the problem.”

“Then what is the problem?! If you know I can do it, then why won't you let me?!” screamed Rainbow, her face filled with anger. Twilight let out a huff. “You screaming is the exact reason I'm not letting you do this heist Rainbow.”

“Why you little-”

“Simmer down!” said Applejack as she grabbed Rainbow by the tail. “Will you just listen for a second?!”

“Stay out of this apple lover!” responded Rainbow as she glared at Applejack. Rainbow felt another tug at her tail as she saw a magic aura surrounding the end of her tail. Twilight's horn glowed as she pulled Rainbow's tail and said, “Calm down Rainbow.”

“I am calm!”

“You aren't! You need to calm down Rainbow Dash.” Twilight said as Rarity handed her a cup of tea. “If you would just let me explain why I'm not letting you do this heist, you'll understand when you can do the heist.”

“When I...what?! I can do it right now! Why do I need to hear some stupid lecture?!”

Twilight let out a huge groan. “Ugh...would you just-” Fluttershy then jumped between the two, putting her hooves over both of their mouths. “Both of you need to calm down.” She said in a calm voice as she began to stare at the two. The two slowly nodded their heads and Rainbow sat down. After a few seconds of silence, Twilight spoke up, “Okay Rainbow, let me explain why you can't do the heist.”

“Grrr...” snarled Rainbow.

“I'm not letting you do this heist because you're reckless.”

“Reckless?! That's it?!”

“No. You are also immature, brash and a crazed daredevil.” Twilight took a sip of tea. “But the recklessness is the main reason. Rainbow, do you remember what happened on our last heist?”

“Yeah. We got in that mansion and stole the Jewel of Purple Lightning! It was so awesome! You guys got in and distracted the crime ponies while I swooped in and got the jewel!”

“Yes.” Twilight said a she let out a snort. “However, when you did your 'swooping in' alerted the guards. If it hadn't been for Rarity and Applejack knocking them out, we would have been caught.”

“So what?! Who cares?! I mean, we got the jewel didn't we?!”

Twilight slammed her hoof down. “Ugh...I can't believe you...listen Rainbow, I told you before, I try to make sure every move we do in all of our heists are precise and accurate. There is little to no room for error.”

“So?” Rainbow looked away with a smirk.

“Rainbow...why did you join this team?”

“Because you asked me too...and I had nothing else I could do.” Rainbow said in a sour tone.

“Exactly. That's why you're reckless.”

“Why does that make me reckless?”

Twilight crossed her hooves. “Simple. You don't have a goal in your life anymore. That's why you're reckless.”

The Present...

'No goal...yeah, that was definitely true back then...' thought Rainbow as continued to look out the cabin window. 'But that's no longer true is it Twilight? I know what I have to do...'

“The train's stopping!” Scootaloo said with a cheerful glee. She shook Rainbow as she tried to show Rainbow they had arrived. “We're at Ponyville!”

“Yeah yeah...I know.” Rainbow said with a slight yawn. She stretched her wings as the two began to exit the train. Scootaloo looked at her body and asked, “ think anypony will recognize me? I mean, I know we colored my fur and mane but...”

Rainbow patted her on the back. “It'll be fine kiddo! I know you still can't use a disguise ring but we dyed your mane and fur, nopony will recognize you.”


“I know we still have to disguise you because you ran away from here...but its fine. I mean, we can still go out in public even without the pardons. It'll be fine.”

“'re right big sis!” Scootaloo said with a huge smile.

“Now, we told Fluttershy we were coming and she's gonna let us stay here for the night. Then tomorrow we go to Cloudsdale and before you know it, I'm gonna win the Best Young Flyer Competition!”

“Yeah! And I'll be there to cheer you on!” Scootaloo said with stars shining in her eyes. “Hopefully we can convince Fluttershy to come too!”

“Yeah...” Rainbow said in an embarrassed tone. “I kinda doubt that...she doesn't have the best record with Cloudsdale...but maybe we can get her to come...”

“Okay!” Scootaloo nodded. The two soon found themselves in Ponyville where they slowly walked to Fluttershy's house. As the two entered the house, a pink pony suddenly appeared yelling, “Welcome back!”

“Hey Pinkie!” Scootaloo said with a giant grin. The two quickly exchanged a hug as Rainbow patted Pinkie's head. “Good to see you pink head!”

“Good to see you too Rainbow!” Pinkie said as her hoof extended in a cartoon fashion as it grabbed Rainbow in a hug as well. As the three made another hug, Rainbow noticed the other two ponies in the room and gave them a wave.

“Hello darling. It's nice to see again.” Rarity said as she sipped a cup of tea. Fluttershy walked up and gave a wave of her hoof. “Yes. It's good to see you again, Rainbow and Scootaloo.”

“Its good to see you too!” Rainbow said with a grin. She looked around the room and asked, “Say...where's Applejack? Don't tell me she's still avoiding us?!”

“Sorry to say darling, but she is. In fact, due to her attitude, she's been kicked off her farm.”


“Yes. If you want my opinion though, she deserved it. Apparently she got into several arguments with her family and left Ponyville.”

“Huh.” Rainbow wasn't sure how to respond. Thankfully, Rarity was already ready to change the subject. “So tell me darling, are you ready?”

Rainbow gave a determined grin. “Yes. I'm here to win!” Rarity showed her usual flair as she gave Rainbow a wink. “That's good darling. Twilight would be proud, just like us.”

“Yeah...she would. Especially since I'll being doing this in front of the Wonderbolts and Princess Celestia...” Rainbow said as her head lowered a little.

“Now now Rainbow,” Rarity said as she patted Rainbow. “Don't think about them, just think about winning.”

“I's just...” Rainbow stuttered. “I'll be seeing the pony that send those two unicorns that ruined the Rainbooms!”

“It's fine Rainbow. Don't worry about it.” Rarity said, now hugging Rainbow. The others followed suite in the hug. “We're here for you and we know you'll win. Don't let her get to you.”

“Thanks...” Rainbow said with a big smile, tears about to appear in her eyes. “Don't worry, with your guys support...I'll win for sure!”

The next day...

“Thanks for coming Fluttershy, though you didn't have too...” Rainbow said as the three began to fly up to Cloudsdale. “I know want to support you no matter what.”

“Yeah...thanks.” The trio soon saw Cloudsdale in the distance. “There it is! You two ready?”

“Yeah!” “'m ready!”

Rainbow looked at Cloudsdale as it got closer and closer. There, she could think of one thing, 'Here we go...this is the beginning of my new dream! Just watch me Equestria...I'll blast all of you away!'


“ much longer till we get there?!” groaned a small filly. “Can't this train go any faster?!”

“I know Diamond...I know...” said another filly as she flipped through her book. “Just a little bit more and we'll get there.”

“I know Silver...I can't believe we had to wait this long for this...” Diamond Tiara said as she crossed her hooves in frustration. “I can't believe we had to wait till summer break...”

“I know. However, we haven't mastered dark magic so we can't make up our own rules yet. We're still fillies Diamond, and for right now we need to make sure the adults aren't onto us.” Silver said as she closed her book. “Besides, we're almost there.”

“ what do we do when we get there?”

Silver readjusted her glasses with a grin. “According to my research...what we're looking for is thankfully open to the public. When we get there, we'll head to the Canterlot Royal Gardens. There's a certain statue there that we'll need to see...”

The Contest (Part 2 of 3)

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The three pegasus ponies dropped down on the edge of Cloudsdale. Rainbow stretched her wings as she cricked her hooves, showing she was ready. Scootaloo gave a huge smile and said, “You ready sis?”

“Oh yeah.” Rainbow said as she folded her wings and started to stare at her surroundings. She looked over the view of Cloudsdale she had just obtained. 'Wow...' she thought, 'How long has it been since I've been here? Its got to be at least three years...'

Fluttershy walked up and hugged Rainbow. “Its okay Rainbow. I know this place has some bad memories for you but it'll be alright.”

“I know.” Rainbow said as hugged back. “I'm just...a bit nostalgic right now Fluttershy. Its odd seeing all this again. I mean, I just can't believe that this is where its gonna happen.”

Fluttershy just showed a calm smile. “It'll be fine Rainbow. Now, I'll take Scootaloo and we'll be cheering for you in the audience. Good luck out there!”

“Yeah! You're gonna knock 'em dead!” Scootaloo said while doing a little dance and cheer. “Aw yeah! Go Rainbow Dash go!” Rainbow went up and gave a huge hug to Scootaloo. “Thanks little sis! Don't worry, I'll win for sure now.”

“I know you will.” Scootaloo said with stars in her eyes. Rainbow gave a big grin and ran to the stadium. A few minutes later, she had signed up for the competition and walked into the waiting room. She let out a yawn as she looked at her competition. ' this is who I'm up against...' Rainbow thought as she glanced at her flank, seeing the number she had been given. 'Looks like I'll be the last flier since I'm number fifteen...'

Rainbow walked to the corner and fluffed up the cloud floor and made herself a chair. She sat down and closed her eyes in meditation. 'Okay can do this...don't be nervous...'

Her ears twitched as she heard three sets of hooves walk up to her. Her eyes slowly opened and saw three stallions. One of the stallions got closer to Rainbow and moved the hair covering his eyes. “ aren't Rainbow Crash are you?”


“ look just like Rainbow Crash.” The stallion then turned to his friends. “Don't you agree?”

“Yeah, she's got to be Rainbow Crash. Nopony has hair like that. You're Rainbow Crash aren't you?!”

Rainbow looked at the three and gave a confused face. “Uh...who are you three?”

The stallions looked at each other and back at Rainbow. “What do you mean 'who are you three'?! It's us! Hoops, Dumb-Bell, and Score! You know, the three stallions that are superior to you in every way!”

“ I don't. I don't know you three.” Rainbow said as she shook her head back and forth.

Hoops looked at the other two in confusion. The two gave him a confused look back and Hoops turned and asked, “'re not Rainbow Crash?”

“The name's Rainbow Dash.” Rainbow said in a deadpan tone. “Nice to meet you.”

The three looked at each other and showed faces of anger and rage. “THEN YOU ARE RAINBOW CRASH! DO YOU SERIOUSLY NOT REMEMBER US?!”


“Why you little-”

“NUMBER TEN!” said a voice. Hoops turned his head and sighed. “Ugh...looks like its my turn...”

“Good luck Hoops!” the other two said with small grins. Hoops let out a huff and stomped out of the room. The other two glared at Rainbow and Dumb-Bell said, “This isn't funny Rainbow Crash. You seriously don't remember us?!”

“Yeah. I don't remember any of you. Now, if you don't mind, leave me alone.”

“Why I oughta-”

“Is there a problem here?” said another voice. Dumb-bell turned in anger, “Stay out of”

“Say one more word buddy. I dare you.” said the voice. Dumb-Bell froze for a second and then gave a salute. “Captain Spitfire! I am-”

“Shut it.” Spitfire said in a deadpan tone.

“Yes Ma’am!” Dumb-Bell said as sweat flooded down his head.

“You and him are next, get ready right now.” Spitfire said as she pointed to Dumb-Bell and Score. the two quickly sprinted away, leaving only Rainbow and Spitfire. Spitfire lowered her shades and gave Rainbow a slight glare. “You okay? You could have just reported those three.”

“Its fine. I don't even know who they are.” Rainbow said in a deadpan tone.

“Yeah...we've had problems with them in last year's competition...” Spitfire put her shades over her eyes again. “You're the only newcomer I've seen this year. You do know only Cloudsdale ponies can sign up for the competition, right?”

“I know.”

“So why try now? You look the age that you probably could have done it last year.”

Rainbow turned her head away. “I have my reasons. You're Spitfire right? Aren't you one of the judges? Don't you need to watch the competition?”

“ other subordinates are enough for judging. That and Princess Celestia has the deciding vote anyways.”

“Oh...” Rainbow said in a low tone as she began to think, 'Celestia has the deciding vote...right...I just hope I can impress that monster...' Rainbow got up and cricked her neck again. “Well...I guess I should get ready. My number is last and I need to get ready to win.”

“You don't sound that confident.”

“No...I don't need confidence to win. My teacher taught me that.”

“Your teacher? Is that why you didn't compete till now?”

“Kind of. Listen, I need to get ready, alright?” Rainbow said in an annoyed tone.

Spitfire gritted her teeth after hearing those words. “Okay, can I just ask you one question?”


“Why aren't you freaking out right now?”


“Every pegasus pony I've ever met freaks out when they meet me. I'm the leader of the Wonderbolts after all, and this competition is one the best gateways to get into the Wonderbolts.”

“Yeah...sorry, I'm not that kind of pegasus pony.” Rainbow said as she walked past Spitfire. “I'm here to win. That's all.”

“That sounds like confidence to me.”

“Not exactly.”


Rainbow stretched her wings and showed a determined smile. “Looks like I'm up.” Rainbow turned to Spitfire with a cocky grin. “You better get out there and watch, I guarantee you'll like it.”

Spitfire merely gave a scowl and walked out of the waiting room, now hearing the constant screams and cheers from the audience. As she proceeded to the judge booth, she saw Rainbow fly out to the main course. She spread her wings out as she looked at the main commenter.

“Here's number fifteen! Are you ready?!”

Rainbow waved her hoof and the commenter gave a huge grin. “It looks like she's ready! Number fifteen, it's your time to shine!”

Rainbow stretched her hooves and looked at the audience. There, she saw Scootaloo and Fluttershy cheering her on. 'Okay Rainbow...they’re all watching you...and you're going to shock every last one of them, even that stupid princess Celestia! Here we go!' Rainbow gave her usual grin as her body began to move. As the crowd watch her fly out to the middle of the stadium, all jaws suddenly dropped in amazement.


A loud sound that pierced everypony's ears rang throughout Cloudsdale. At the same time, a giant rainbow colored wave exploded out of the stadium. As soon Rainbow had begun her turn, she had already performed a Sonic Rainboom. The audience watched in silence as Rainbow flew forward then straight up into the air.

Rainbow looked at the sky as she continued to increase her speed more and more. 'This is it...' she thought as she took a sharp turn, ready to put herself in a loop. 'I can do this...I've done it before...I can do it again!'


Another Sonic Rainboom.


More and more Sonic Rainbooms went off as Rainbow took sharp turn after sharp turn.


There, she had performed seven Sonic Rainbooms, each louder and bigger than the last. Even Celestia was silent as she watched Rainbow land down in the middle of stadium, a rainbow trail still following her. She showed a huge cocky grin and gave a bow. It was a few minutes before anypony said anything, but when they did, there was monstrous applause like no other. Ponies after ponies were clapping they're hooves, yelling and screaming cheers. Fluttershy and Scootaloo were dancing and singing together, “SHE DID IT! SHE DID IT! SHE DID MULTIPLE SONIC RAINBOOMS!”

Celestia gave her usual calm smile and stared at the main commenter. He stuttered for a second and then said into his microphone. “Uh...well done number fifteen! And uh...That is the Young Fliers Competition everypony! We would like everypony to wait a few minutes as the judges decide the winner...”

The competing fliers flew to a stand, where the fifteen then sat, waiting for the result. The three stallions from earlier just sat there in amazement as Rainbow flew over and sat down with a small smile on her face.

“Is that really Rainbow Crash?”

“No way...she must not be a Cloudsdale pony! There's no way that's Rainbow Crash!”

“Yeah! There's no way anypony like that is from Cloudsdale! She must be some fake Rainbow Crash!”

Rainbow merely showed a grin as she barely overheard their conversation. She stretched her wings as she thought, 'Ahh...I think that turned out pretty well...The last turn I took was a bit too sharp but I think I'm okay.'

“AHEM!” said the main commentator as he adjusted his microphone. “We have the results! The winner is...NUMBER FIFTEEN!”

A humongous amount of applause filled the stadium as Rainbow stood up with a big goofy grin on her face. “Heh heh...looks like I win.”

“HEY! HOLD ON A SECOND!” yelled Hoops. But his voice fell on deaf ears as the sound of applause drowned out his screams. The other two tried as well but to no avail. It wasn't long till Rainbow was in front of Spitfire and Princess Celestia. Rainbow tried every way to resist the urge to not show a face of disgust as she looked directly at Celestia. Rainbow thought, 'There she is...the pony that ruined the Rainbooms with her student and ruined Twilight's life...I can't believe I'm going to have to accept the award from her...'

“What is you name little pony?” Celestia said in her usual kind voice.

“Rainbow Dash.”

“Very well, in honor of her incredible act of speed and pulling off multiple spectacular Sonic Rainbooms...I am presenting the grand prize for Best Young Flier to this year's winner, Miss Rainbow Dash!” Celestia then put a small crown with wings on Rainbow's head and gave her a huge smile. “Well done Miss Rainbow Dash.”

The Contest (Part 3 of 3)

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It took everything inside Rainbow Dash to not explode in joy as she was presented the winning crown of the Best Young Flyer. She wanted to yell, 'OH MY GOSH! OH MY GOSH!' and start jumping around, cheering. However, Rainbow merely gave her a smile and nodded her head. “Thank you. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to get going.”

“What?!” yelped Spitfire. “What do you mean you have to get going?! You just got a reward from the princess! Show some respect!”

Rainbow put her hoof up and said, “I didn't mean any disrespect. I'm just saying I got what I came for and now I have to get going.”

“But-” Celestia then put her hoof in front of Spitfire. Seeing this, Spitfire grew silent as Celestia stood over Rainbow and said, “Be silent Captain Spitfire. It is her choice to accept the reward and leave. Now, may I ask you a question Miss Rainbow Dash?”

Rainbow gritted her teeth as she heard those words come out of Celestia's mouth. Rainbow tried to hide the huff that came out of her mouth. “Sure.”

“Why did you enter this competition?”

“Why do you wanna know that?”

“Well...everypony that I have ever given this reward to have always been joyful for earning this honor. They usually use this award to help them get into the Wonderbolts. Instead, you merely said you came to win and leave. Why?”

Rainbow's head lowered a little. “Well...I'm just here to get my name out...that's all.”

“Get your name out?” Celestia said with a confused face. “As in make Equestria notice you?”

“Yeah...its an important part of my goal. That's all.”

“Really? That's surprising since you accomplished multiple Sonic Rainbooms. Even I must say that such an ability is...rare. Beyond rare even. Are you really sure you just came to win so you could get your name out?”


Celestia looked Rainbow over, watching every expression that Rainbow showed. She let out a sigh and said, “Very well. If this is how you want to accept this, then you may go ahead and leave.”

“Thank you.” Rainbow said as she adjusted the crown she was given. As Rainbow turned around and began to walk away, Celestia stared and thought, 'This mare...according to what Trixie told me, one of the Rainbooms has rainbow colored hair...could this be her? If she is, why would she show herself out in public like this? Is it because of the pardon? I mean, I know I am no longer allowed to go after them but...its obvious she doesn't like me. That could be a sign that she's a Rainboom...if she's an element, there's only one element I can think of that would always have a reason to not like me...'

Celestia then glanced at Spitfire as she could see the fire of anger in her eyes. Celestia put her hoof on Spitfire's shoulder, “Captain Spitfire, what are you thinking?”

“Huh?” Spitfire quickly glanced at Celestia in a panic and gave a salute. “ about that your Highness!”

“It's fine captain. Just tell me what you're thinking.”

“I...I just hate how that pony treated you. I mean, you're the princess! How dare a pegasus pony treat you like that!”

“It was her choice Spitfire. Tell me, are you planning on recruiting her?”

“Huh? Recruiting her?!” yelped Spitfire. “Why are you asking that?!”

“Because she performed a Sonic Rainboom. Multiple ones in fact. I must say, I have never seen that before in a pegasus pony...and I have been around for a very long time captain.”

“Well, when you put it that way...” Spitfire said as she rubbed her goggles. “I just...”

“You believe if you recruit her, you could discipline her, don't you?”

Spitfire readjusted her goggles and said. “Yes. Even I know that I can't let such a talented pegasus get away.”

Celestia let out a sigh, “I'm sorry to say Spitfire, but you won't be able to recruit her. In fact...I'm pretty sure its impossible.”

“Why do you say that?”

“That pony...let's just say her loyalty probably lies elsewhere...”

Celestia turned around and flew to her guard in Cloudsdale, leaving Spitfire to sit there, questioning what she just said. Spitfire looked at Rainbow as she spread her wings, ready to fly off of Cloudsdale. Spitfire quickly sprinted and yelled, “Rainbow Dash! Wait!”

“Hmm?” Rainbow turned her head, putting her wings down as Spitfire ran put to her. “What do you want?”

Spitfire came to a stop and asked, “Hold on a second, I need to ask you something!”

“I'm holding. What do you want?”

“Well...I would like to ask you if you would like to join the Wonderbolts.”

Rainbow's expression changed to surprise. “Just like that? You want me to join the Wonderbolts?”

“Yes.” Spitfire nodded. “I would be stupid if I didn't ask a pegasus that can do a Sonic Rainboom to not join the Wonderbolts! Especially a pegasus that can do multiple Sonic Rainbooms.”

Rainbow shook her head. “Sorry. No can do.”

“What do you mean?”

“I'm not joining the Wonderbolts.” Rainbow said in a deadpan tone.

“Wha...WHAT?!” yelped Spitfire. “Did you just say no?! Why?!”

“Because I don't want to be a Wonderbolt.”

“WHY?! Its usually considered an honor to be asked directly to join the Wonderbolts! Aren't you a pegasus?! Don't you know what the Wonderbolts are?!”

“Yeah...they're considered to be the most talented fliers in all of Equestira.”

“YEAH!” yelled Spitfire, “Why would you reject such an offer?!”

“Because...I'm not allowed to be a Wonderbolt.”

“Not allowed?! What do you mean?”

Rainbow let out a small sigh. “Let's just say...a few years ago, a letter was sent directly to the Wonderbolts. That letter requested that I never be allowed to join the Wonderbolts.”

“A letter?” Spitfire said as she scratched her head. “Are you serious?”

“Yes. That really happened.”

“Why?” Spitfire asked as she thought, 'Somepony with authorization sent a request so she couldn't join us?! With her abilities?! Why?! What kind of idiot did that?!'

“I don't have a reason to tell you that...” Rainbow said as her head lowered a little, “Besides...even if you got rid of that letter or request or whatever, I still wouldn't join.”

“Why not? You have abilities no regular pegasus pony has. Why wouldn't you join us?”

“Because that's part of my goal.”

“Part of your goal? You mean not joining us is part of your goal?”


The Past...

Twilight walked into Rainbow's room in a casual fashion. There, she saw Rainbow just sitting on her bed, her eyes closed showing that she was trying to think as hard as she could. Twilight let out a little giggle and said, “Um, Rainbow? Are you okay?”


“Still thinking about your goal, right? After all, you lost your life's dream, didn't you?”

“Yeah...I did. I can't join the Wonderbolts...” Rainbow said as her head slumped down. “And now you won't let me do any heists...”

Twilight put her hoof on Rainbow's shoulder and showed a small smile. “I'm not here to depress you Rainbow. Instead, I'm here to help you.”

“Help me?”

“Yes.” Twilight nodded. “I want to help you Rainbow. I formed this team with the purpose of helping us find a new path in life. I'll show you a new way of seeing life.”

“ are you going to do that? You said I wasn't allowed to do any more heists...”

Twilight sat down with a smile. “Well...let me ask you something. I recently asked Fluttershy and she told me that when you were a filly, you performed a Sonic Rainboom, right?”

“Yeah...I did. I've been trying to do it again all my life.”

“I had a feeling you were...I watched your training session today.”

“You did?” Rainbow lifted herself off her bed.

“Yes. You thought ahead and made sure you trained outside of Baltimare. Its a good thing there are some mountains nearby so nopony would notice.” Twilight nodded with a smile. “Now, I have a proposal for you Rainbow Dash. Will you let me help you perform the Sonic Rainboom again?”

Rainbow showed a full face of surprise. “You can do that?!”

“Oh yes. I can teach you how to do the Sonic Rainboom again.”

“But you're a can you teach me when you don't have wings?”

Twilight showed a big grin. “Oh should know by now that there's a reason why I'm the brains of this operation.”

Rainbow just showed a face of confusion. “I still don't get it. How can you teach me to do a Sonic Rainboom? You do know what it is, don't you?”

“I do. Its a feat that no normal pegasus pony can do, right?” Twilight gave a sly smile. “But you're Rainbow Dash, aren't you?”

Rainbow gave a big goofy grin. “You bet I am!”

“I know. Now, would you like me to help you?” Twilight asked as she extended her hoof. Rainbow paused for a second and then shook it.

“Yeah. I'll take any help I can get.”

“Good.” Twilight began to levitate a few papers in front of her. “Now, if you don't mind me asking Rainbow, could you have Fluttershy do a full medical examination of you?”

“Full examination? Why?”

“I need to know everything about your physical body. If you're wondering why, I need to know your current physical limitations and how fit you are right now.”

“Tch. I'm fit as fit can be Twilight! I don't need an exam!”

“Sorry, but you do.” Twilight said in a gruff tone. “From now on, I'm going to be your trainer. Trust me, you need one.”

Rainbow rolled her eyes. “I can't believe you just said that. I want to learn the Sonic Rainboom, not get a trainer. I've never needed training in all my life! And the only training I got was from a school that kicked me out for protecting others! That shows you what a fat load of nothing training will do for you!”

Twilight let out a sigh. “Let me tell you a story Rainbow...a long time ago, I worked for a pony named Copper Block. While I worked for him, he assigned a trainer to me. My trainer kept me fit, made sure I had an appropriate diet, and even got me the books I needed to learn combat magic. I would have be done for if it hadn't been for my trainer.”

“I'm not reading anything Twilight. I'm not an egghead like you.” Rainbow said, showing she only listened to half of what Twilight said.

“You don't have to read anything for this.” Twilight said in a deadpan tone.

“Really? Are you sure?” Rainbow said with an arched eyebrow.

“Yes. I am.” Twilight glared at Rainbow for a second. “Now, could you please do the med exam? Please? I promise that's all you need to do for now. In fact, I promise I'll let you do heists again if you do it!”


“Yes.” Twilight nodded.

A little over an hour later...

“Are you done yet Twilight?!” groaned Rainbow. Rainbow had done the exam over half an hour ago. However, Twilight decided to read a few more books after seeing the results. A few minutes later, Twilight responded. “Alright, I'm done.”


Twilight levitated several papers in front of Rainbow. “Now Rainbow, you are probably wondering why I had Fluttershy give you a full examination.”

“No...I just wanna start the training already.”

“Well...I'm going to tell you anyways. I needed to know your full body, weight, leg length, wing size, everything. Then, I researched basic pegasus aerodynamics and other flight theories. I had researched them some in the past but I needed a refresher course.” Twilight shuffled the papers and showed a serious look. “Now, according to what I've seen here and when I observed your training session earlier will take at least two to three years before you accomplish a Sonic Rainboom.”

“Two to three years?! Are you kidding me?!” exclaimed Rainbow.

“Yes. I watched how you train with the clouds outside, remember? Now, based on your current physical condition and the routine you're will take that long.”


“However, if you let me train you Rainbow...according to my calculations, I could get you performing a Sonic Rainboom in...six months.”

Rainbow's eyes grew as her jaw dropped to the floor. “SIX MONTHS?!”

Twilight gave a sly grin. “Yes. I could get you there in six months Rainbow. Now, even though I'm gonna let you do heists will need to do the training everyday. I'll let you not do it on the day of the heists since you'll need to be in full condition.”

“I know that. I train everyday Twilight!”

“I know you do Rainbow. But I'm not here to just train you, I'm here to help you find a new goal as well.”

“A new goal? Isn't it me doing a Sonic Rainboom?!”

Twilight gave her usual smile. “Not exactly, though the Sonic Rainboom is the first step. However, I have a better idea for your new goal in life.”

The Present...

“What possible goal would you want to accomplish by not joining the Wonderbolts?! We're the most talented flyers in Equestria!” spewed Spitfire.

Rainbow merely glared at Spitfire and said. “I'm going to become the greatest flier in all of Equestria and I'm going to do it without being a Wonderbolt.”

“Without being a...are you serious?!”

“Yes. I am. I'll show Equestira that the its greatest flier doesn't have to be chosen by a bunch of stuck up pegasus ponies. It can just be any regular pegasus pony.” Rainbow turned and began to walk away. “I don't need the Wonderbolts to be the best. All I need is my friends and my own skills, that's more than enough.”

Spitfire just froze for a few seconds. She wanted to yell and insult Rainbow for saying such things. She wanted to tell her that she was wrong about the Wonderbolts. But she couldn't. All she could do is run up to Rainbow and say, “Wait Rainbow Dash!”

Rainbow turned her head. “What?”

“Here.” Spitfire pulled out a small piece of paper and gave it to Rainbow. “If you're serious, you'll need this.”

Rainbow grabbed the piece of paper and looked it over. Her eyes widened as she saw what it was. “This is...”

“Yes. Its a one way pass to the next Equestria Games.”

“Why give this to me?”

“Simple. I want to make a deal with you.”

“A deal?”

“Yes. The pass you have here is the wild card in the single pegasus race in the Equestria Games. I'm participating in it too. I'll give it to you on one condition.”

“One condition?”

“Yeah. If I beat you in that race, you'll join the Wonderbolts. No questions asked.”

Rainbow looked at the pass for a second and thought, 'A one way pass to the Equestria Almost all of Equestria will be watching there...' Rainbow turned her head and saw Fluttershy and Scootaloo hiding behind a cloud, showing they were will waiting for Rainbow. Rainbow looked back at Spitfire who had just stood there, glaring at Rainbow. “Sorry. I can't accept your deal.”

Spitfire's face went from serious to surprise to anger. “Wait...WHAT?! What do you mean you can't accept the deal?!”

“Because I promised my friends that I would accomplish my goal no matter what.” Rainbow said in a blunt tone. 'That's what you taught me Twilight...I have to be firm and accomplish my dream my way. If other ponies want to interfere, then you have to choose whether you fight those ponies or not. I'll never join the Wonderbolts, no matter what.'

“So you won't accept it, huh? Celestia was right about're loyal to somepony and you just won't quit will you?!”

“Loyal?! What do you mean by that?!”

Spitfire scoffed. “What I'm saying is its unnatural for any pegasus to be against the Wonderbolts! We're the greatest fliers in all of Equestria! Whoever your teacher is must have warped your thinking!”

Rainbow's hoof shook for a second as she wanted to slap Spitfire's face. Instead, she calmly said, “All of this is my choice. I promised my friends I would become the greatest flier ever, no matter what! I'll always be there for them, that's final!”

“Grr...fine!” yelled Spitfire as spit flew out of her mouth. “If you're really that confident, then keep the pass!”


“Yeah! But I'll warn you Rainbow Dash...I'm the greatest flier in all of Equestria!” Spitfire's head leaned right up to Rainbow's, her eyes filled with fire. “I'll kick your sorry slow flank and show you just how pathetic you really are.” Spitfire cricked her neck, spit flying out of her mouth, “And when I'm done with you...I'll make you regret even thinking you could stand up to me and the Wonderbolts!”

Rainbow just gave a cocky grin. “Alright. And I'll make sure I prove you wrong and kick your sorry flank for my friends!”

The two turned around and walked their separate ways. As Rainbow walked away, she looked at the pass and her cocky grin got bigger and bigger. 'Heh heh heh...looks like you were right Twilight...' she thought as she kept staring at the pass. 'One way ticket to the games...nice.'

The Past...

“You want me to do what?!” Rainbow said with a shocked face.

“I want you to be completely calm when you win.” Twilight said as she stretched in her chair.


“I know Rainbow Dash. Out of all of us here, you love to brag the most. You're brash, arrogant and love attention.” Twilight said as she levitated a cup of tea in front of her. “But if you want a one way ticket to the Equestira Games, where everypony will be, you need to be calm. I've done some research on Spitfire, she has a ticket for the wild card. All you have to do is show her you're better than her and you don't acknowledge her.”

“But...why this competition?! If you say that I have to do this in order to tick off Spitfire, I could do that anywhere. The Wonderbolts sponsor all sorts of contests!”

“Because Celestia will be there.”

“Wait...” Rainbow said as she started to sit down. “You want me to tick off both by acting not interested in either of them?!”

“Yes. If it was a regular competition, she might just think you're some talented scrub. But if you do it in front of Celestia, you'll get the ticket.”

“I don't know...I already don't like Celestia because of what she did to you...”

“Look...” Twilight put her hoof on Rainbow's shoulder. “You can be more arrogant and brash than anypony if you make it look like you don't acknowledge them at all. Just stay calm and accept the reward. After that, immediately leave. If my research is correct, I guarantee that Spitfire will go after you.”


The Present...

'She was right...' Rainbow thought as she got closer to her sister and friend. 'Heh...I still can't believe it...Thanks Twilight. I'm so glad I have you as a friend.'

As Rainbow began to fly to Scootaloo and Fluttershy, a small light appeared before her. At that moment, a small key appeared and Rainbow grabbed it with her hoof. Scootaloo and Fluttershy soon joined her and said, “What was that sis?”

“I don't just kinda looks like Pinkie's key but has a few different markings...”

“What did you say to Spitfire, Rainbow?”

“I just told I wouldn't join the Wonderbolts no matter what. That and I told her I would stay loyal to my friends...”

“Huh...” Fluttershy said as she looked at the key for a second, “Maybe we should go see if it fits in that keyhole box?”

“I don't know...why don't we go get some rest first? That and Pinkie probably has a party waiting for us!”

“Sounds good to me sis!”

The trio then flew away from Cloudsdale, ready to get back to Ponyville and celebrate the victory Rainbow had just obtained.


“Okay...that took longer than I thought it would...” groaned Diamond as her and Silver walked through the royal Canterlot garden. “Ugh...I can't believe we had to go through like three things of security. I thought you said this was open to the public!”

“It is Diamond.” Silver said with a lesser groan. “They've increased security due to Twilight Sparkle and Sombra. Now, what we're looking for should be up ahead...”

“ that it?” Diamond said while pointing her hoof. “That weird looking things that looks like an animal mess?”

“Yep.” The two approached the statue and Silver readjusted her glasses as she pulled out a book out of her saddlebag, “Hmm...according to this history book, he's a being a chaos. Apparently, he tried to conquer Equestria with chaos magic a long time ago.”

“So you think our dark magic could use chaos magic?”

“Well...I'm not sure. This is one of the two dark beings that I could find, I couldn't find any others in my research Diamond.”

“Its fine Silver.” Diamond put her hoof on her chin. “Now, how do we...uh...make him not a statue?”

“Well...” Silver pulled out another book. “I have a few ideas...”

“Whatcha two doing?” said a voice. The two turned their heads and saw a slightly hovering purple earth pony. Its eyes looked like hypnotic swirls and it was wearing an odd propeller hat. Diamond looked the pony over and asked, “Who are you and why do your eyes look like that?!”

“Who me? I'm Screwball!” the pony said with a small smile. “So...who are you two?”

The Argument (Part 1 of 2)

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One hour ago...

Twilight was sitting in her room, casually reading one of the ancient scrolls of Starswirl the Bearded. As she flipped through the pages, she could hear the groaning of Nightmare Moon, who had gotten bored of being stuck in Twilight’s head. can you love studying so much?!

'What do you mean?' thought Twilight with a little grin on her face.

What do I mean?! All you've done for the past three months is study! Don't you ever get tired of it?!

'No. I don't.'

Grrr...I can't believe this. You know, you were more fun when we were stuck in Sombra's fear illusion. At least I had some power there...

'Well...unfortunately for you, you're not able to take over my mind. I have Harmony to thank for that. Besides, you get to watch me aggravate Celestia almost everyday. Don't you like that?'

Well...yeah, I do. It's just...I wish something else would happen than just watching you learn new spells while Celestia tries to teach you humility and try to figure out why you're really here.

'Tch...I could stand to not have the moral stuff as well. I've already studied all sorts of ethics and philosophies before and after I made the Rainbooms.' thought Twilight as she let out a huff. 'There was a reason why I crossed the moral line of stealing after all...'

So...what are you gonna tell Celestia today? Are you gonna tell her to back off? Or maybe you'll finally tell her what you're really planning?!

'No...I don't think I will. I need to make sure a crisis is happening first...'

Darn. I would personally like to see her face when you tell her what you really want to do...

'So would I...but not yet.' thought Twilight as she closed the scroll. As she levitated it to a pile, a sudden flash of light appeared in the room. Twilight shielded her eyes with her hoof as the light continued to shine for a few seconds. Then it dissipated, only to show a cloaked pony standing in the room. As Twilight put her hoof down, she could only say one thing, “Who are you?”

The cloaked pony grabbed it's hood and removed it, showing it's face. Twilight could only show an expression of surprise. “ way...”

The Present...

Celestia walked off the platform her guard had brought her on. She let out a sigh as she signaled the guards to open the gates to the castle. As she walked in, she could only think, 'Well...that was interesting. To think that I would see a pegasus capable of doing multiple Sonic Rainbooms...not only that, I'm pretty sure she's an element. So...I finally found another. She has to be the Element of Loyalty, its the only reason she would act so coldly against me. Twilight must have convinced her that I'm some monster...just like how Twilight thinks I'm some horrible being. Ugh...and now I have to go see her...and I don't have Sunset to help me...' Celestia let out a groan, knowing she would spend the next hour arguing with the Element of Magic. 'Why can't she just behave?! Why does she have to be some paranoid, trust hating pony?! Why did she say that she would accept my friendship, only for me to find out it was so she could get to the Canterlot archives?! If only I had met her when she was just a filly...'

As Celestia came to the door to Twilight's room, she thought, 'Then again...perhaps seeing another element is a sign...perhaps this is a good time to see if she'll finally answer that one question...and maybe, just maybe...she'll finally accept my friendship. That's all I want Twilight. I just want to help you. You are the Element of Magic...destined for great things and I only want to help you...' Celestia's eyes changed as she saw a guard fly through the door, his body slamming into the opposite wall.

“Augh!” yelped the guard in pain.

Celestia quickly went up to the guard. “Are you okay?”

“I...” the guard immediately noticed it was Celestia that was before him. “I'm fine you majesty...just hurts is all.”

“I understand. You're the new guard I assigned to Twilight...Flash Sentry is it? I apologize for her behavior, you're the eighth guard I've assigned but...”

“She doesn't want a guard, right? I know.” Flash said as he rubbed his back in pain. “As you just saw, she just threw me out with her magic...”

“I know. Please go to the infirmary. I need to speak with her.”

“Yes your majesty.” Flash said with a bow. He then began a staggered walk down the hallway. “Ow...why does everypony around here hate me?”

Celestia opened the door and slowly walked in. There, she saw Twilight sitting on the floor, reading a scroll with a big grin. Soon, Twilight's eyes shifted to Celestia and the grin vanished in an instant. “Hello Celestia...what do you want today?”

Celestia scoffed. “Hello Twilight. What have you studied today?”

“Oh...just some scrolls made by have to admit, he was one amazing unicorn!”

“I know...”

“ knew him personally, didn't you?” Twilight said with an arched eyebrow. “Now...what do you want from me today Celestia? I already perfected the teleportation spell, so don't ask for that again.”

“I know...I'm going to ask what I always ask Twilight. Well, besides the question of why you love to hurt the guards I assign to you.” Celestia snorted as she began to ask the real question. “Why are you really here Twilight?”

“You already know the answer. I'm here to get trained for Harmony.”

Celestia leaned in her head, her horn barely touching Twilight's forehead. “No. The real reason.”

“That is my real reason.” deadpanned Twilight. “I told you back in the Everfree Forest after I restored your sister, I have accepted that I'm the Element of Magic and I am the current wielder of Harmony.”

“It's not. The Twilight I know would not just come in, ask to be executed and then accept being my friend. The Twilight I know is right in front of me, defying every little thing I say and do. The Twilight that no matter what I try, no matter what I do...” Celestia sighed. “She will never want to be my friend.”

“Then you just answered your own question.”

“So you admit it?”

“I never said I wouldn't. That doesn't mean you'll find what you're looking for.”

Celestia showed a scowl as she began to bicker. “Don't get smart with me little pony. We've been doing this for three, tell me what I want to know. WHY ARE YOU HERE?!”

Twilight just gave a little grin. “I'm here to study and train so I can use Harmony.”

Veins began to show as Celestia's gritted her teeth. “Very well...if you wish to act like that, I have no choice.”

“Oh really, what are you going to do?” Twilight responded. “Are you finally going to show your true colors and have me executed?”

“No.” Celestia said as she lifted her head, looking down on Twilight. “I found one of the elements Twilight.”

Twilight's expression barely changed. “You're lying.”

“No...I'm not.” Celestia said as she continued to scan Twilight's face. “Her name is Rainbow Dash. She's a pegasus pony that just so happened to win The Best Young Flyer Competition.”

Twilight tried to show no changes to her face. Celestia continued to scan as Nightmare Moon began to chime in inside Twilight's head.

Uh-oh! Looks like good old Celestia is finally catching on. Took her long enough!

'I agree...' thought Twilight as she contained a gulp. 'Looks like Rainbow is finally starting her dream. I'm glad she won.'

You're glad?! Aren't you worried? I mean, Celestia knows now!

'That's fine...she won't do a thing to Rainbow. If she does, she knows the consequences...'

Won't argue with you there.

“What's the matter?” Celestia said with a grin. “Cat got your tongue?”

“No.” rebuked Twilight. “I'm just waiting to see where you go with this. You are threatening me right?”

“What?! No! I'm not threatening you! For sun's sake Twilight, I am not out to get you!” barked Celestia. “All I want to know is why you are here?!”

“Why do you want to know?”


“Are you finished?” Twilight said as she rubbed her ear. “Because you still didn't answer my question.”

“You little-” Celesita stopped herself. She let out a small sigh and said, “Listen Twilight, we've been doing this for three months now. I know I promised you the pardon and I would leave your friends alone. However, I need to know your true reason for doing all this. Please, just tell me already. If you don't, I'm going to have to break that promise eventually and find your friends. The elements are needed for Equestria.”

“Okay...” Twilight said with a small yawn. “First, you don't care about Equestria, so you kinda lied to me there.”


“Right...sure you do.” Twilight said as she rolled her eyes. “Anyways...second, if you break that promise, I guarantee that the elements will stay locked away in the Tree of Harmony.”

I like that part.

“That won't happen Twilight. They are needed to protect Equestira.”

“ Also, let's say I told you...what would you do then?”

“That depends. Is your plan full out treason? Or dabbling in darkness?”

“No. I'm the Element of Magic stupid. I have to be a denizen of light.”

That's not your plan? No treason? No darkness? Darn.

“Then I will listen to your plan and not hold it against you.” Celestia said in a calm tone.

Twilight stood there for a few seconds, thinking, 'Hmm...okay, she found Rainbow. Now, if I do tell her...just how much do I tell her? If only I could gauge how far I need to tell to make sure she doesn’t do anything to Rainbow...knowing her, she'll lock her up until she's needed as the Element of Loyalty...or kill me...probably both.'

“Well? What do you have to say Twilight? Will you tell me?”


“Why not?”

“Because it's you Celestia. That's why.”

“Because it's me? That's your reason?” Celestia replied, her hoof on her chest. “Listen Twilight, I don't know how many times I have to say this, but I'm sorry alright? I'm sorry I involved your parents when we first met. I'm sorry I went after you like I did.”

“No you're not.”

“I am!” Celestia's voice grew louder and louder. “I didn't know Twilight! I didn't know that you were a thief! I didn't know you were running away from the law!”

“That doesn't matter. You're still lying.”

“I am not lying!” Celestia yelled. “I have tried everything to convince you that I am not your enemy! I only want to be your friend!”

“No.” Twilight's head shook back and forth. “You don't.”

Steam blew out of Celestia's nostrils. Her right hoof began to rub her face. “Grr...Twilight. What will it take to make you understand? What will it take to make you realize I'm not your enemy?!”

“Simple. You can start by telling me why you hunted me down like a dog to inherit the elements.”

“The elements chose you Twilight! I've told you this before! YOU ARE THE ELEMENT OF MAGIC!”

“But I didn't want to inherit them...” Twilight said while leaning back in a chair. “You knew that.”

“I didn't have a choice.”

“Yes you did. I've done my research, Cadance could have inherited the elements.”

“She had...another destiny.”

“The Empire?” Twilight replied, her eyebrow arched.

“Yes. It is destined for the Princess of Mi Amore, the one with a Crystal Heart cutie mark to inherit the Empire of the Crystal Ponies.”

“Okay...even though that's complete garbage, let's say I believe you.” Twilight said as she began to stare at the ceiling, her hooves flailing around. “What about Sunset Shimmer?”

“She wasn't ready to inherit it.”

“Why not?”

“She...still had problems with greed and selfishness.”

“HA!” Twilight laughed as she flipped back up. “You're lying.”

“I am not. I will admit that my student is flawed. We have spent years together, trying to help her heart.”

“No. Not that.” Twilight's hoof slightly swiped the air. “The greed garbage, that's a lie.”

“How is that lie?”

“ really are an idiot.” Twilight grinned. “I can't believe you're so stupid.”

“Oh really?! Why is that?!”

“Oh I don't know, maybe its because...” Twilight rolled her eyes and then glared at Celestia. “I'M A THIEF YOU IDIOT! Unless I'm some kind of insurance salespony, I'm pretty sure a thief is the definition of greed!”


“Admit it! You didn't want your precious student to be bound to Harmony, didn't you?! You didn't want her to become your magic slave, did you?!”

Fire burned in Celestia's eyes as she stood upright, her horn slightly glowing. “BE SILENT! YOU WILL NOT INSULT MY STUDENT THAT WAY!”

Holy moons Twilight. Any more buttons you gonna push today?

Twilight's tongue quickly stuck out. “Yeah yeah...throw a temper tantrum. Go ahead and show everypony what you really are, you moron.”

“Twilight Sparkle! You will take that back at once!”

“Which part? You being a moron or you wanting your student to be a magic slave?”

“All of it! I...I...” Celestia breath was heavy as she slowly stopped herself. Her hair slightly drooped down. “Enough. As for what you said earlier Twilight...I do not believe you are greedy.”

“Oh yeah? Why not?”

“I have talked extensively with Trixie Lulamoon. Now, I will admit that that dear pony is a tad on the obsessive side but...she has shown me much over the history of the Rainbooms. She showed me how much you and your friends stole. Tell me Twilight, you have stolen more money than any thief in Equestira. Why are you not living a life of luxury?”


“May I take a guess?” Celestia interrupted.

“Sure.” Twilight shrugged. “Not like it really matters.”

“I've given almost all of it away. Perhaps to charities or special projects to help other ponies, am I right?” Twilight didn't respond. She just stood there as Celestia continued. “I'm guessing that your friends are probably the same way. I know who you have stolen from as well. Corrupt nobles, crime bosses, dirty politicians, the list goes on and on. Nopony that's good or kind though.”

“So? What does that prove? I still committed crimes.”

“It proves that there is good in your heart Twilight Sparkle. A kind of good that the Elements of Harmony saw and accepted.”

“That's still a load of garbage.”

“Oh really? Why's that?”

“Simple. I'm still a criminal and I still don't want to be tied to the Elements. Why would Harmony chose that?!”

“I don't know. But I do trust Harmony.”

“Of course you do.” Twilight groaned. “Why do I even bother?”

“So...will you tell me why you are here Twilight?” Celestia said, her calm gentle smile returning. “Please tell me. Please...just let me help you. I don't want you as some 'magic slave' as you put it. I want to be your friend. I...I just want to help you understand Harmony and friendship.”

“No.” Twilight said as she sat down again, her hooves crossed.

“Why not?”

“Because I hate you Celestia.”

“Twilight...” Celestia' eyes darkened as a small frowned appeared on her face. “Just...what do I need to do to make you stop hating me? Please tell me. Please...just give me a chance.”

“No. I will never give you that chance.”

“Why not?”

“Because...” Twilight stood up and walked over to Celestia, their eyes staring at each other. “For as long as I live, till the very day I am dead and buried, I will hate you Celestia. I will hate you till the day I die.”


“Let me get straight...” Diamond said as she flapped her hooves in the air. “You're a creation...made by Discord?”

“That's right!” Screwball said with a smile. “Discord's my daddy!”

“But...if he made you...why haven't you freed him from being a stone statue?” Silver asked with a curious face.

“Oh...well...let's just say I can't go far away from the statue...” Screwball said while she scratched the back of her head. “You see, daddy made me while he's a statue...the magic he used is pretty limited though. My magic is even more limited...”

“Oh. I guess that makes sense.” Diamond said with only a slightly confused look now. “ you know how we could get Discord free?”

“Oh yes! I definitely know how to get him out!” Screwball said with a half grin. “I just can't...”

“Because you can't leave, right?”

“Yup!” Screwball nodded. “I wish my chaos magic could help me get him out's not enough.”

“That's what I thought...” Silver said in a dry tone. She turned to Diamond, “So, what do you think Diamond. You make the call. I'm the brains, you're the talker, remember?”

“Well...okay. Say Screwball, even though Discord is...well, a statue...” Diamond began to twiddle with her hooves. “Think we can make a deal with him?”

“That depends. What kinda deal?”

“Oh nothing much...let's just say me and my friend here need a few lessons about magic. Seeing that you're an earth pony yet you can still do magic, think we can get a shot? After all, if he agrees...” a small grin formed on her face. “We'll gladly help the guy stop being a statue.”

The Argument (Part 2 of 2)

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“Why?” Celestia asked, her tone dripping with rasp. “Why do hate me so much Twilight Sparkle? I have told you time and time again I am sorry. You know I mean it, otherwise I wouldn't have apologized over and over again these past three months.”

“So?” Twilight responded, her eyebrow arching. “Give me one good reason why I should ever accept your apology.”

“Because...because I am sincere in what I say. I am sorry. I am sorry I involved your parents. I am sorry that I had you hunted down because you were connected to the Elements of Harmony. I just-”

“You needed me to protect Equestria, didn't you?” Twilight interrupted. “That's your excuse, isn't it?”

“No! It's not an excuse Twilight! It's not!” Celestia barked back. “Please understand! There are things happening here that must be fixed!”

“I know that. I'm not stupid Celestia.” Twilight scoffed. “You need to realize something here, I have spent the last few months studying Harmony. I know what's in store for me.” Twilight then pointed her hoof at Celestia's face. “But you need to realize I am not your slave.”


“There's a first time for everything.”

Celestia's hair turned into a glowing golden red, as if it was cloaked in flames. “TWILIGHT SPARKLE! That will not happen! Do you understand me?!”

“Sure.” Twilight deadpanned. “Calm down moron, take a chill pill if you need one.”

Ha! Chill that some new saying I missed over my thousand years of banishment?

“” Celestia let out a huff and her hair turned back to it's usual rainbow shine. “Very, will you please tell me why you hate me so much?”

“Oh that? That's simple. It's because you ruined my life.”

“Huh? How did I-”

Twilight raised her hoof again. “Stop. Let me explain. First off, I will admit that I have made plenty of bad choices in my life. After all, I'm a thief. A criminal in society's eyes. I understand that I made mistakes and will gladly admit to them.”

“So, why me? All because of everything we've already talked about?”

“No. None of those things are the reason. The real reason is...” Twilight's head drooped down, her voice turned dry. “The real reason is simple. You ruined my life the moment I first laid eyes on you.”

“First laid eyes...I don't understand.”

“I knew you wouldn't. Tell me, what did my parents tell you about me running away from home?”

“They told me...they told me you ran away because they refused to let you try out for my school. They said you were almost killing yourself, trying to enter my school. Apparently all you did was study. You wouldn't eat, sleep, talk, or anything.”

A small almost silent sigh released itself from Twilight's breath. “That's true. I won't deny any of that. However...I will never deny that you weren't to blame as well...”


“Let me finish!” Twilight barked. “Let me finish...when I first saw you raise the sun at the Summer Sun Celebration, I was amazed. That very was incredible. To see you raise that magnificent star like it was nothing. The very sight...inspired me. I wanted to be like learn magic like that. To understand what it meant to be at that level. I didn't want to be royalty or craved power like that,, nothing like that.”

Twilight walked over and sat back down in the chair, her head leaning and looking at the ceiling. “I wanted that kind of knowledge. That was what I wanted. Knowledge of that kind of magic. The very thought was...incredible. Dreamlike. Something like that just seemed like it was...unattainable. Yet I wanted to try and get there.”

Twilight's head creaked as it slowly raised up and glared at Celestia. “But do you know what happened Celestia?”

“ were told you couldn't go?”

“No.” Twilight shook her head. “No. Nothing like that. I was told that I was never going to accomplish my dream.”

“I doubt your parents ever said-”


“I do.” Celestia nodded.

“No. Not really. You don't really understand.”

“And why don't I Twilight? Why don't I understand?”

“Because...” Twilight's voice began to shake as small giggles came out. “because I realized that no matter what I did...I would never be like you. I would never obtain what you were or even remotely understand the knowledge you have. I would never accomplish my dream...all because I saw you raise the sun. Ever since the moment I first saw life was over.”

I am loving this Twilight. Did I tell you that before? I am loving this!

“That's not true Twilight and you know it.”

“No. It really is. That moment sealed everything. The moment I saw you raise that sun of yours...that was the beginning of a long road of pain.” Twilight responded, her eyes drained of life. She then turned and glared at Celestia with a cold, almost blank stare. “Do you honestly believe that everything will just work out? That my family really forgives me for running away for basically my entire life till now? That Harmony will fix everything? That after all I've done...things will turn out for the better?”

“They will.”

“Even if they did Celestia...what then? I'm stuck in this castle, a slave to some magic force that apparently is the only real military power in this country and nopony wants to be around me. Well, except maybe my parents, but still...I mean, what could possibly change this situation for the better?” Twilight's hoof waved slightly as it pointed at Celestia. “Even you don't want to see me. I know you don't, you came in here with a cringe in your mouth.”


“Shut up! Who cares what you think?! I'm a criminal Celestia! Why in the wide wide world of Equestira would you even bother talking to me?!”

“Because...because I believe that you are a good pony Twilight Sparkle.” Celestia replied, her tone slowly returning to it's calm, kind nature. “You have been led astray for a long time and I believe I can help you.”

“Oh really? Did you forget the fact that I hate you? Cuz, you know...I hate you. Like, a lot. You should be glad I'm not the killing type.”

“Of course you aren't. You're a good pony Twilight Sparkle. You just need to let me in and help you.”

Twilight leaned back in the chair, her hair swaying. “That's not happening. We're done here.”

“Come on Twilight-”

“Leave. I'm done Celestia. I don't care.”

“But Twilight-”

“NO!” Twilight exclaimed. “NO! Okay?! No. I'm not letting you in. I'm not helping you. I'm not...everything, okay? I will admit that I will do whatever Harmony asks of me but...just leave it alone, alright? Go away Celestia.”

“You know I can't do that Twilight.”

“Welp, you're gonna have to Celestia. It's over. Done. The end.” Twilight waved her hoof, signaling Celestia to leave. “Goodbye, I'll talk to you some other time...hopefully, never.”

“Twilight...” Celestia gritted her teeth.

“Read my lips idiot. No. Now get out.”

“This is my castle Twilight. I own every room.”

“And you are my scapegoat Celestia. I blame you for all of this. Do you understand now? Get out.” Twilight's horn began to glow as her magic grabbed the doorknobs behind Celestia. “Shoo. Go away.”

Realizing her attempts were now futile, Celestia sighed and turned around. “This isn't over Twilight. There are times when you need to stop acting like a spoiled selfish foal and face our problems.”

“That's not happening today moron. Today, I'm making my problems leave me be. And by problem, I mean you. Now, leave me be, I have a bunch of scrolls to study.”

“We'll talk later...” Celestia said as she left the room.

“Finally...” Twilight groaned. “Thought that monster would never leave.”

Annoying, isn't she?

'Shut up Nightmare.' thought Twilight, 'Besides...everything went according to plan, didn't it?'

One hour ago...

Twilight just stood there as she the cloaked pony revealed itself. She couldn't believe the sight she was seeing. Her jaw fully dropped, she didn't know what to think. The pony in front of her looked like her mirror image.

“What's the matter?” The pony said with a chuckle. “Can't believe what you're seeing? I'm not exactly surprised Twilight Sparkle, after all...I am you.”

“How is is this possible?” Twilight squeaked as she watched this other pony keep chuckling. “I don't understand.”

“Of course you don't.” the other Twilight replied. “But your reaction is understandable. Would you like an explanation?”

“Yes. Please.”

“I am you. Though technically, I am a future version of you.”

“A future...version?” Twilight's eyes shined with amazement. “You mean...I figure out time travel?!”


Twilight quickly zipped in front of the future Twilight. “Amazing! How did I do it?! Was is it a type of space time spell? Or maybe I made an invention to do it! Wha-” Twilight's rant suddenly stopped as a hoof was inserted into her mouth.

“Stop talking. We have a lot to discuss and little time to do it.” Future Twilight barked, her face on the edge of cringe.

Hah hah! I like this version of you Twilight!

“Okay.” Twilight muttered as she pushed the hoof away. “Wait a do I know this isn't some trick?”

“Simple.” Future Twilight deadpanned. “The first book Copper Block gave you was 'Combat Magic 101: How to beat up other ponies like nopony's business'.”

“How did you...oh right. Future me...” Twilight stuttered, her jaw slightly dropped. “I never told anypony about that...”

“Exactly. Believe me now?” Twilight nodded. “Good. I'm gonna try to make this as short as possible. I'm you six months from now.”

“Six months? That's how far I can go back?”

“Technically...I'm not sure how far I can go back. The original spell was created by Starswirl the Bearded and it's currently resting in his part of the Canterlot Archives. It originally could only go back about a week, but I modified the spell so I could make it jump back six months.”

“Six months...okay. Do I need to find this spell right now?”

“You'll have time to get the spell later. Just...just write it all down when you do, okay?”

“Okay.” Another nod.

“Good. Now, I know how much both of us hate prophecies and destiny garbage...but I need to tell you what your future is.”

“What my...isn't that against the rules of time?!” Twilight panicked. “Couldn't that mean I could be erased from existence for doing something like that?!”

“Not really. At least...not if I tell you the right information.”

“The right...” a lightbulb shined in Twilight's head. “You've met your future self before, haven't you?”

“I have. That's why I'm here Twilight.”

“Okay. Tell me everything then.”

“I won't tell you everything Twilight, that would cause severe consequences, remember?”

“Right. Go ahead and tell me what I need to know.”

“Alright...first off, I need to tell you basically four things.” Future Twilight said as she proceeded to sit down in a chair. “ hour from now, Celestia is going to pay you a visit and tell you some very good news.”

“Good news? From her?!”

“Yes. I can't tell you what it is or it might affect the timeline. Anyways, when she arrives, she's going to want to know why we're here in Canterlot.”

“Ugh...this again?”

“Yes. Not only that, I want you to decide whether or not to give her the information she wants.”

“Wait...” Twilight's expression changed to confusion, her eyebrow arching slightly. “You're not gonna tell me what I need to decide?”

“No. All I want you to do is argue with her. Make her mad. You'll know what to do. Then you decide.”

“Alright...what next?”

“Well...” Future Twilight began to say, her mouth trembling at the next words that would follow. However, it was the present Twilight that was truly trembling a few moments later. What her future self told her made her shiver to core. As her future began to be told, she didn't want to believe what she was hearing.

“That's...that's impossible!” Twilight yelled after the explanation. “You can't possibly ask me to do that!”

I personally like the plan.

“Be quiet Nightmare!” Twilight exclaimed and then pointed at her future self. “And you...that can't happen...I won't let that happen!”

“It'll happen Twilight. Trust me. It will happen. This isn't some destiny fate trash or some idiotic will happen.”

“” Twilight's hoof drooped down, pointing at the floor. She stared hard at the floor in despair. “That's crazy...why would I ever do that?”

“If you'll know what to do next.”


“I am. Because...if you do this, the situation will change and you will get what you always wanted. I will admit that things will go out of control for a while...but it will work.”

As those words traveled into Twilight's ears, her head slowly rose. “Are you serious?”

“Yes.” Future Twilight shined a proud, happy smile. “I guarantee it! I am proof of that!”

Twilight just sat there, staring at her other self. She didn't what to say. Silence sat down in that room as Twilight kept staring. Then, as if hours had passed, Twilight's mouth began to move. “Okay...I'll do it.”

“I know you will.” her future said, her smile fully formed. “And don't'll like what you get!”

“Okay...yeah, okay.”

“Good. It's time for me to take my leave...the spell is just about run out.”

“Okay.” Twilight nodded.

The Present...

I still can't believe you believe in her. Your future self that is. I mean, I liked her plan. It was absolutely crazy though...

'I know it was Nightmare. That's why I have to do it. Simple as that.'

Still...are you really sure what she said is going to happen? I know the confrontation with Celestia happened like she said but...

'It's fine Nightmare. I'm ready to accept the consequences of what happens next. Besides, if what my future self told me is true...these next few weeks are going to be a serious doozy. After all, according to her, I have to bring the Rainbooms back together while still being stuck inside this castle...which apparently Applejack will be the first one I bring back. And I have to do a heist in the future...and that other crazy thing she wanted me to do...'

No kidding. So...what do you think Applejack is up to anyways?

'No idea...though considering what my future self told me, I think it's gonna be some surprise.'

Meanwhile, in another part of Equestria...

“Trixie can not believe she is doing this.”

“Stop whining Trixie.” replied Sunset as the duo went over a small rocky range. “We should be getting close.”

“There's nothing out here Sunset! Look at this place!”

“That's not what that other pony told us Trixie! It's around here somewhere, we just have to-wait! There it is!” she exclaimed as she pointed to some far off buildings.

Trixie quickly saw the buildings as well and groaned, “Finally! Let's get down there and get this stupid thing over with already!”

“Alright alright...come on.” Sunset said as the two quickly went into a brisk run. As the duo got closer and closer, they started to slow down, noticing the town in front of them was just a few rows of buildings. They stopped for a second and looked the town over at a distance. “Hey Trixie...does this seem kinda weird to you?”

The duo's eyes looked at the town and saw the ponies living there. The two quickly bore sour expressions as they watched these ponies prance around. “Trixie thinks she sees what you mean. You do mean the fact that all the ponies look really similar in expressions and cutie marks? In fact...their cutie marks look like equal signs...”

“Yeah...this is definitely weird.”

“Whatever. Trixie says we should just go and see the town. We came all this way and Trixie is not going to leave empty-hoofed!”

Sunset wanted to hesitate, but Trixie's words rang true. They had been traveling for a while and this place looked like it could be their destination. “Okay. Let's do it.”

The two soon began to walk towards the town again. As the reached the outskirts, a unicorn with purple and light green hair greeted them. “Hello there! Welcome to our town. My name is Starlight Glimmer! Who might you two be?”

“My name is Sunset Shimmer and this is friend Trixie Lulamoon.” Sunset said while pointing at Trixie. Trixie didn't reply, instead she just gave a slight snort from her nostrils.

“Ah! It's nice to meet you two! Welcome to our lovely little town.” Starlight Glimmer replied, a huge grin shining on her face. “Why don't I have one of our newest additions to our town show you around?”

“That...would be fine.” Sunset replied, not sure what to really say.

“Excellent!” Starlight clapped her hooves and turned around. “Applejack! Applejack! Come over here!”

“You called Starlight Glimmer?” replied the orange earth pony as she walked over.

“Yes. Why don't you show our new guests around town?”

“It would be my pleasure.” Applejack turned to the duo and presented her hoof. A giant grin was plastered on her face as the two observed that she too had an equal sign as a cutie mark. “Welcome to our town! It's nice to meet you!”

The Hunt (Part 1 of ?)

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A month ago...

“What do you mean we're at a dead end?!” Sunset yelled, her eyes drilling into Trixie's back as she sat at her desk. The two were sitting down at Trixie's apartment in Manehattan. However, the mood was not the best. Sunset found herself especially annoyed at Trixie's latest depression due to her belief that there was no point in hunting the Rainbooms anymore.

“Trixie means what she says.” Trixie responded as her head slumped onto the desk. “Trixie doesn't know what to do now.”

“But...come on Trixie! We came all the way back to Manehattan so we could review your notes and find the rest of the Rainbooms! Didn't Princess Celestia ask you to do that?!”

“Then why are you here?” Trixie droned.

“I'm here because I'm your friend Trixie.” Sunset said as she puffed her chest up. “Now...let's review the facts again. Remember, even though the Rainbooms have been pardoned, they still need to be found for the Elements of Harmony.”

“Trixie knows Sunset...Trixie knows...” Trixie said in a depressed tone. “Trixie just doesn't wanna do it though...”

“Why not?! It is because you can't arrest them now?”

“Yeah...Trixie wants to put them away forever...but now Trixie can't. Why?!” Trixie whined. “It's not fair!”

“I know it's not fair.” Sunset groaned. “Unfortunately though, that's the truth of the matter. Now...will you please move on and help me? Princess Celestia asked me to find the Elements of Harmony as well!”


“But nothing! Come on Trixie! We're still hunting the Rainbooms, aren't we?! Show a little effort! You can still capture them! It'll just be...for a different reason, okay?”

“Fine.” Trixie pouted. “But Trixie is doing this for Trixie, got it?!”

“That's fine. Now...let's go over the facts again.”

“Alright...” Trixie's horn glowed as she levitated a notebook in front of her. “Let's see...”

“Wait. Before we start stating the facts, could I ask you something?”


“What are your assumptions on the Rainbooms?”


“Yes. I've been trying to think of different ways to approach this situation and...what do you assume with them? You know...what do you think about them though you don't have anyway to prove it.” Sunset said while slightly shaking her head. “I mean, we've done this for months and we had to set a very specific trap just to get what we wanted. So...I thought we need to look at things in the broadest terms instead.”

“Well...” Trixie rubbed her chin. “First, Trixie believes that none of the Rainbooms are from Manehattan or Baltimare. Though Trixie does not have any direct proof, she believes this to be true due to their very unusual nature in their crimes.”

“Unusual nature?”

“Yes. As Twilight told us before, the Rainbooms are not common criminals. Trixie believes that none of them have a criminal record.”

“Hmmm...I could believe that. It would make hiding their tracks easier. Alright, if they aren't from Manehattan or Baltimare...” Sunset closed her eyes in deep thought. “Then...maybe...”

“Maybe what?”

“Maybe...” Sunset rubbed her forehead, her mind racing. 'Twilight...she's the Element of Magic. Celestia knew this due to her cutie mark which was told by her by the Tree of Harmony. Celestia told me that if she was chosen, her friends had to be the other elements...right. If that's the case...then perhaps...' A small lightbulb went off in her head. “That's it!”

“What is?”

“If they aren't from Manehattan or Baltimare, then one of them has to be from Ponyville!”

“Ponyville? Why there?” Trixie said with a befuddled expression.

“Simple. I asked Princess Celestia a while back on where the Elements of Harmony were located. She said they were located in the Castle of the Two Sisters which is in the Everfree Forest!”

“And Ponyville is right by the forest...Trixie sees what you're getting at.”

“Exactly! Think about it Trixie. After Twilight first inherited the elements, she must have went to town and found a place to stay!”

“And she wouldn't have went to the local inn, correct? After all, she's a thief. Such places record visitors. Even if she used an alias, it would still be risky.” Trixie scratched her chin with a slight smile. “Trixie likes where this is going...”

“Yes. do we determine what resident of Ponyville is a Rainboom? I mean, it could be just one pony or multiple ones!”

Trixie blinked several times as she began to think as well. Then, a small bolt of detective inspiration hit her. “Simple. We look up police reports of the first crime.”

“The first crime? You mean the Necklace of Zebras? In Baltimare?”

“Yes.” Trixie nodded. “Let's go down to the station. They should have some records of ponies that were reported at the time. If necessary, we'll go to the Baltimare station.”

“Wait...why are we looking at the reports? I mean, don't the Rainbooms usually leave no traces behind of their crimes?”

“Because...” Trixie said as she put on her hat. “Trixie is betting that the team was formed in Baltimare.”

“Oh. If that's the case...wait a minute! You don't mean-”

“Yes, Trixie does. Trixie believes at least one Ponyville resident was probably reported to the police before the first crime. There's a very good chance of that, especially since Trixie now knows that one of the Rainbooms is from Ponyville.”

“If we find a coinciding report with a pony from Ponyville...” The two shined grins at each other. “Alright! Let's get to it then!”

Trixie grabbed a saddlebag and glanced at Sunset. “Say, Trixie was wondering, where is Spike?”

“Oh him? He's off to see some game with Rumble. Don't worry, he knows how to contact me if necessary.”

“Good. Trixie has a feeling this is gonna be a long trip...”

“He'll be fine. Him and Rumble are great friends after all.”

A few days of train riding and hassling with Baltimare police ponies later...

“So...what do we got?” Sunset asked as Trixie laid out a bunch of files on their hotel room's table.

“Not much. Most of the files at the time were...not filed well.” Trixie grumbled. “But, there are a few things that stand out.”

“Okay. Once again, what do we got?”

Trixie's horn as she levitated one of the files. “First off is this. Apparently a week before the heist, there was a fashion festival happening.”

“I see. You think Twilight recruited a dress maker? It would make sense.”

“That's what Trixie thought as well. However...” Trixie quickly shuffled through the file's papers. “There were no recorded ponies from Ponyville that came to any sort of event at the festival. But...”

“There's a dress maker in Ponyville, isn't there? And I'm guessing there's only one...”

“Yes. Trixie tried to look up her file, but there's nothing. It seems this 'Rarity' who owns the 'Carousal Boutique' hasn't performed in any of the festival's events in any of the years that's it been held.”

“Hmm...okay.” Sunset replied with a scratch to her chin. “If that's the case, the probability of her coming the festival is probably low. That or Twilight could have recruited any number of dress makers at the time. After all, what better way to find the clothing master you need then watching their clothes be presented to the public.”

“True...but she could still be a viable suspect. However...” Trixie began to shift through the papers.

“You have a better suspect, don't you?”

“Yes. Trixie looked up the minor wanted posters at the time.”


“Yes. Small cases. Baltimare's police don't deal with hardened criminals like Manehattan does. Rather, it mainly deals with complaints and other small misdemeanors. This is mainly due to how the city is designed.”

“Let me guess, you're either rich or a tourist?”

“Exactly. Therefore, Trixie looked up the minor wanted posters and...” Trixie shined a devilish grin. Sunset returned a smile as soon as she saw it.

“There's one for a Ponyville resident, isn't there?”

“One earth pony named Applejack.” Trixie said as she plopped the file in front of Sunset. “Apparently she went into a rage against a customer, who Trixie also looked up. Though the customer is known for making ponies angry, she threw her cart at the stallion.”

“, I'm guessing she probably needed money, didn't she?”

“Trixie thinks so.”

“And that would be a perfect opportunity for Twilight. A strong earth pony mare...that could be useful for a team of thieves. Think it's a coincidence?”

Trixie showed a cocky grin. “Trixie doesn't believe in such a thing.”

“Good.” Sunset said as she shut the files and gave them back to Trixie. “I don't either. Now, why don't we pay a visit to Ponyville?”

“Sounds good to Trixie.”

Another train ride later...

The duo found themselves in front of Sweet Apple Acres. As the two unicorns slowly walked into the farm, the noticed the abundant harvest of apples, still waiting to be picked.

“Must be understaffed here. If Trixie was in charge, Trixie would've hired some extra help.”

“Agreed.” Sunset nodded. “It's strange that there's no workers out. Maybe it's a family only kind of business.”


The two briskly walked up to the main house and knocked on the door. After a few minutes, an elderly pony answered the door. “Hello? Who are you two youngins?”

“Good day.” Sunset said with a small smile. “My name is Sunset Shimmer and this is my friend Trixie Lulamoon. We're here looking for a pony named Applejack. We heard that she lived here?”

The elderly pony bore a sour expression as the word 'Applejack' flowed out of Sunset's mouth. “That pony don't live here anymore. If that's all you two want, I suggest yah leave my farm.”


“Leave. Now.” the elderly pony barked, her mouth filled with anger. The duo looked at each other, not sure what to do in this situation. Sunset slowly lifted her hoof, trying to show an expression of kindness.

“Look, we are just trying to-”

“LEAVE!” the pony yelled. “GET OFF MAH FAMILY'S PROPERTY!!!”

As the elderly pony slammed the door, the two looked at each other in both slight fear and confusion. “Trixie has to know, what do we do now?”

“I...don't know. I sure wasn't expecting that.” Sunset glanced at the now closed screen door. “I have a feeling she's not gonna tell us anything.”

“Agreed.” Trixie began to rub her chin. “Trixie suggests a different approach. There should be other family members here on this farm.”

“True. I wonder where...” Sunset trailed off as a small filly with a bow in her hair approached them. “Oh! Hello there.”

“Hi...” the filly muttered. “Are you...are y'all looking for mah sis?”

“Sis? Do you mean Applejack?”

“Yeah.” the filly nodded. “Yah ain't gonna find her here.”

The duo looked at each other and Sunset then replied. “ you know where we can find her? We need to ask her some very important questions.”

“What kinda questions?”

“Well...” Sunset scratched the back of her head, trying to fake a nice grin. Trixie on the other hoof, decided to do a different approach.

“We need to talk about her possible involvements with the law.”

“The law?!” the filly gasped. “Holy apples! What had mah sis done?!”

Sunset quickly ran up and petted the filly. “Hold on there little one. Nothing bad has happened to your sister. We just need to ask her a few questions. Now...could you help us?”

“” the filly stood there, her hooves digging into the dirt. “She...she's in Appleloosa.”


“Yeah...with Braeburn...”

Sunset glanced at Trixie and then back at the filly. “Thank you. Don't worry, we'll make sure nothing bad happens to your sister, alright?”


The Present, a few minutes before...

“Trixie can't believe how useless that Braeburn pony was! All he does is avoid the subject!”

“That's enough Trixie.” Sunset barked. “Just drop it, okay? We got the information we needed, right?”

“Yes...and now Trixie has to do some long trek out in the wilderness!!! Do we even know if this place exists?!”

“How am I supposed to know the answer to that?!” Sunset barked back. “It's just a rumor about some village that ponies keep going to! Now, if you would be so kind Trixie...stop whining and let's continuing walking till we find it!”

“Ugh...can't believe this stupid Applejack left everything for some random rumor...”

“I know Trixie...I know.”

“Trixie can not believe she is doing this.”

“Stop whining Trixie.” replied Sunset as the duo went over a small rocky range. “We should be getting close.”

“There's nothing out here Sunset! Look at this place!”

“That's not what that other pony told us Trixie! It's around here somewhere, we just have to-wait, there it is!” she exclaimed as she pointed to some far off buildings.

Trixie quickly saw the buildings as well and groaned, “Finally! Let's get down there and get this stupid thing over with already!”

The Hunt (Part 2 of ?)

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“Trixie doesn't like this. Trixie does not like this one bit.” Trixie deadpanned as her eyes shifted back and forth. She glared at the other ponies in the town as the two continued to be guided by Applejack.

“You already said that Trixie.” Sunset groaned. “Let's just enjoy the tour and then we can get down to business, alright?”


“And that's our town!” Applejack exclaimed, her creepy smile never changing. “So...did you like it?”

“I uh...yeah, sure.” Sunset replied, trying to act interested. “Um...if you don't mind uh...Applejack, could we meet the leader of this town?”

“The leader? We don't have leaders here. All ponies are equal in our town!”


“That's right. All ponies are equal in this town. There's no leader or sub-ponies. All of us are equal!”

“Oh...well that doesn't help.” Sunset's ears flopped down. “So there like a pony that you all usually talk to then?”

“Usually talk to? What do you mean?”

“I mean uh...” Sunset could only blink as she watched Applejack just stare at her with that creepy grin. Her eyes averted, only to see the grins everywhere. 'Good grief! How can these ponies live like this?! Don't they know it's super creepy?!' Digging her hoof in the ground a bit, she tried to respond. “Listen um...Applejack. Me and Trixie are here for a very important reason. And by reason, I mean it concerns the law.”

“The law?”

“Yes. That's why we need to speak to whomever the leader of this town is, whether it be the mayor, governor, whatever.”

“But we don't have a leader. Everypony here is-”

“I know. You're all equal, I get that.” Sunset flashed her hoof in Applejack's face. “However, we need to-”

“Applejack! Have you finished the tour?!”

“I have Starlight. Our two new visitors have seen everything our town has to offer.” Applejack said with a bow.

“Good.” Starlight gave a slight nod and gestured for Applejack to leave. She turned to the duo with a small smile, a smile that made the two blink due to it's different nature compared to the other ponies. “Now, you said your names are Trixie and Sunset, right?”


“Ah. Well, do you like our little town? We certainly do.”

“Um...yeah.” Sunset said with a slight gulp. “It's uh...nice. A bit plain, but nice.”

“Now now, no need to be rude.” Starlight replied with a slight wave. “Remember, you came here and took the tour. Now, do you have any questions?”


“Yes!” Trixie barked. “Trixie and Sunset definitely have some questions! We need to see the leader of this town now!”

“Well Miss Trixie, we don't have a leader in-”

“Trixie knows that! That blasted pony kept repeating that and Trixie is tired of hearing it!”

Sunset's hoof quickly appeared in front of Trixie. “Calm down.” Sunset glanced at Starlight, the two locking eyes. “Listen uh...”

“Starlight Glimmer.”

“Right. Listen Miss Starlight, we're not here to see your town. To be personally honest, we have no interest in...whatever you all do at the moment. The reason we're here is because we're looking for a certain pony.”

“A certain pony?”

“Yes. And we need to take this pony with us. You see,” Sunset pointed to Trixie, “Trixie here is an officer of the law and is currently on a mission authorized by Princess Celestia herself. As for me, I'm a student of the princess and am currently assisting Trixie in this task.”

“I see.” Starlight rubbed her chin. “Very well, if that's the case...follow me.”

The duo followed the unicorn as they entered one of the houses. Starlight tapped her hooves and an earth pony entered the house as well. She turned to him and asked, “Could you get Sugar Belle to make us some muffins Diamond? I have a feeling this might be a long meeting.”

“Sure Starlight but um...aren't you...”

“Don't worry Diamond. I will tell the rest of the villagers everything that happens in this meeting later, understand?”

“Okay. I'll get those muffins...” he said lowly, slowly leaving the house.

“What was that?” Sunset asked, her eyebrow arched in curiosity.

“Nothing much. Its of our rules in are town is no secrets and...”

“This meeting look like a secret one since it'll just be the three of us, isn't it?”

“It will.” Starlight closed in the door in a huff. “Alright, there should be some chairs for us in the next room.”

“Okay.” Sunset and Trixie glanced at each other and quickly situated themselves. Soon, the three were sitting at a large round table. “So...”

“Right. If I had to take a guess, you two are here for the town's newest member aren't you?”

“If the newest member is Applejack, yes.” Trixie deadpanned. “Trixie and Sunset are here to take her in for questioning.”

“Questioning? That definitely sounds serious.” Starlight said with a smirk. “Are you saying our town is harboring a criminal?”

“Trixie is most definitely-”

“Trixie!” Sunset quickly interrupted, waving her hoof at Trixie. Trixie snorted as she closed her mouth. “I apologize Starlight. Trixie can lack...tact at times.”

“It's fine.” Starlight said while crossing her hooves. “So I take it you want to take one of the villagers, correct?”

“Yes.” Sunset nodded. “It concerns-”

“Out of the question.” Starlight interrupted. “I will not allow any villager here to leave by force.”

“Now hold on, we're not doing this by force.” Sunset said as she motioned her hooves. “We're here because we have been tracking down a criminal. We believe the pony called Applejack is connected to a certain group. has done certain actions that both I and Princess Celestia believe will put certain things in Equestria in danger.”

“Seriously?” Starlight rebuked, her eyebrow arching in sarcasm. “You're really serious?” Her slammed her hooves on the table. “You believe that the newest villager is part of something that concerns all of Equestria?!”

“Yes.” Sunset nodded again. “Please realize this, we mean you and, no harm. All we want is to take Applejack in for questioning. That's all.”

“And if I say no?”

“Tch...Trixie thought this town had no leaders.”

“It doesn't. All ponies in this town are equal. We all protect each other. If I say no, the others will say no as well.”

“So nopony is allowed to disagree with each other?” Trixie scoffed. “You can't be serious. Everypony has problems with everypony, that's how life works.”

“Not here. All ponies here are equal. Because of that fact, nopony argues or hates each other. That is part of the rules.”

“HA! You must be joking!” Trixie laughed. “Trixie can not believe such a thing exists! There's no way-”

“That's enough!” Sunset yelled. “Stop that Trixie! We're here to catch a criminal, not debate about a town of ponies!”

“Oh come on Sunset!” Trixie barked back. “Look at this place! Don't tell me you aren't a bit suspicious about all of this?!”

“I....ugh.” Sunset glanced back at Starlight. “Sorry.”

“It's fine.” Starlight said with a poker face. “I don't mind at all...”

“Yeah...look Starlight. All we want is Applejack, alright? If you let us take her, we won't give you any trouble, okay?”

“And if I refuse? Along with the town?”

“Then...we'll have to bring the royal military here.”

“Seriously?!” Starlight asked, her face showing slight fear. “You're joking right?”

“Technically, no. I will admit that I probably won't be able to get too many soldiers here but...if necessary, yes.” Sunset rubbed her eyes as she continued. “Listen, I am currently a student under the tutelage of Princess Celestia. While in my years under her, she has taught me basic understandings of how certain...establishments are made in Equestria.”

“What do you mean?”

“This town...isn't on any map of Equestria. I'm guessing its because it's brand new, am I correct?”

“Yes. It's only a few months old.” Starlight smiled. “Quite impressive, isn't it?”

“I won't respond to that. Instead...I could leave and tell Princess Celestia that you are illegally running a town in Equestria without verification or paperwork.” Sunset could see Starlight grit her teeth in annoyance as she continued to explain. “As you know, Princess Celestia is the main ruler of Equestria and as such-”

“Enough!” Starlight yelled in interruption. “I've heard enough...Sunset is it?”


“Listen...the reason we aren't on any map of Equestria is because we know other ponies won't exactly...accept our views. Do you understand?” Sunset nodded. “Good. If that's the case, I...” Starlight rubbed her chin as a certain thought entered her head. “Hold on one moment.”

Starlight jumped off the chair and walked to another room. Sunset and Trixie glanced at each other as they watched her leave. “Trixie doesn't like this Sunset.”

“I know. But remember Trixie, we're trying to not do anything violent here, remember?”

“Trixie knows, Trixie knows...”

Before Sunset could reply, Starlight walked in with a small object levitating in the air. She quickly placed it on the table. The object looked something covered with a cloth, only for the cloth to be immediately removed. Sunset and Trixie's eyes quickly grew as they saw the sight under the cloth. It was a bottle with three apples levitating inside.

“ that?” Sunset gasped.

“That, is Applejack's cutie mark.”