
by TheJoker

First published

Ponyville maybe in the past has experienced... There fair share of fights, Tirek, Discord, Trixie. But nothing prepares any city, nation planet... for the swarm

The elements of harmony, not even the weapons of gods could stop what is coming to Equestria. The swarm, a unrelenting, unkillable, force of nature, Its origins are unknown, not even those of earth know of where it began. Luckily for Equestria thats not particularly what hit them, actually it barely made it to the planet itself.

WARNING: So far I do not have a editor so be light with the comments of grammar and so on, also this is a completely original concept slightly inspired by INFAMOUS and starcraft so you have been warned.

Well, I guess Im sort of a princess...

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War, its all I remember it's what I was born into, in a way you could say it is a metaphor for all that I've done. Here, to make it simple I will start from the beginning maybe you'll be slightly less confused, alright here goes nothing.

It was the end of the year, the year 2,205 was upon us of course I wasn't born then but, my mom and dad were both alive. They loved each other, my mom would tell me stories of how much they were in love, it was kinda sad really they... I'm getting off track anyways. They worked pretty close together, she worked as a manager at a company that developed medicines and cures for deadly diseases, He worked at a weapons company in the coolest part, The RnD he got to test all the badass weapons that the worlds military used, she managed things I guess. One day at my moms job they had been working on reverse engineering diseases to cure beings rather than infect but, something was wrong the man mixing the chemicals in the lab was not a worker in fact he had no records of ever being in the building. My mom noticed and went to stop but, before she could he had finished whatever he was making, he made a run with it.

My mom chased after him then people began to notice someone made it to a security breach alarm Suddenly all doors began to close, it was too late. The man had reached his destination, a Machine that automatically mass produced medicine and have it shipped out to hospitals almost immediately, with the doors on lock down there was no way to stop it from spreading. Whatever that man had made it was deadly and it had already started spreading throughout the city, according to my dad the man had made a horrible disease that still in a way plagues us. The man was arrested soon after but, the disease had already began spreading, eventually the disease was named; red death because of one of its symptoms caused skin to turn a red fleshy color and make that skin weak. It was a epidemic all around the world people were dying And no one could figure out even a way to slightly combat the disease. The people of that time had no hope, that was until people like me were discovered.

The most strange thing about the disease was that it took females of all age longer to die from it. There it was the weakness, the disease it so to say is almost like a monster who needs things to kill, in turn every time a women is infected they have a chance, a chance not to die but, a chance to live as something we now call 'The Queens'. The reason the woman survives is to create monsters and build armies under the control of the disease in other words the disease, red death requires conflict. If all humans are dead that ends so they created these queens, mutated human woman that have pale white skin, they all have similarities such as black hair, no human organs and genitals. The most interesting thing is the backpack-sized shell like organism that grows on there back it contains a series of tentacles most likely eight or nine. These tentacles allow the hatching of the diseases monsters and to create hoards and... Even swarms of them. 10 years ago earth was a war haven, all the Queens that had survived built armies fought eventually there were few humans, exactly 8 human men and nine Queens.

Eventually deciding they wanted to live they joined forces hoping to survive together, it was a good plan however earth was now a apocalypse full of wild monsters. The Queens and human men decided to leave earth taking the militaries biggest interplanetary travel ship they left earth in hope of finding a new planet. My mother was a surviving Queen my father died protecting her earlier in the war for earth, my mom tells me she was pregnant before the disease and was afraid because she had no... y' know she wouldn't be able to have but, miraculously I was born she still won't tell me now. I am now stuck on this giant ship waiting to find home I guess, I recently turned 12 Oh I guess I didn't mention I was born a Queen well... If my mom was a queen doesn't that make me a princess? Who knows. Anyways I can use my tentacles now, which is kinda cool I can use them to walk which is fun, I mean yeah its kinda strange but, mom does it so yeah. So now that your caught up here we are on the flagship home sweet home... right?

Sitting up from my bed I let out I long yawn, from my giant bed, mom said that I got one of the best rooms on the ship that included the best bed. Mom was across the room pulling certain things out of our closet, Giving my my eyes a rub I looked at her curiously.

"Whatchya doing?" I ask suddenly causing her to jump as she realized who it was she gave playful smile and walked over to me.

"Are you trying to give me a heart attack, silly?" she pushed me down on the bead and nuzzled me while tickling me. I couldn't help but, break into uncontrollable laughter.

"STOP, STOP stop please its too much hahaha!" I playfully screamed as she let go of me, still laughing a bit a she gave me a kiss on the head.

"You wanna know what I was doing?" She asked.

"yes please mah!" I said joking

"DO NOT call me mah! Anyways I was packing we might have a good one..." she started trailing off.

"We might have a home?!" I have shouted.

"Yes but, don't get your hopes up there is a lotta strange reading around the planet so we probably wont land." She said looking away.

"Hey mom?"


"What happens when we run out of fuel?"

"Well... hey would you look at that there it is." She said changing the subject to the beautiful planet out my window.

"Woah! Its so pretty." looking at the planet, it was green blue with clouds all over, we could see huge mountains and massive oceans.

"Alright I'm gonna go check with sergeant Johnson you stay right here Keira" she started to leave.

"WAIT one more hug?" I pleaded, quickly wrapping her arms around me she took off locking the door. They usually have me locked in my room especially after what happened with the weapons systems. I give a shudder as the memory fills my head, heading to the couch in front of the window I sit down and stare at the planet. It's so gorgeous healthy, I just imagine how it feels to touch ground and earth again well technically i've never touched ground but, the thought still interested me. Looking at that was enough to distract me from the giant asteroid heading straight for us... Wait what?! Looking out the window there is an asteroid the size of I don't think I've ever seen anything besides the flagship... I NEED TO TELL MOM. Running to the door I try to open it remembering it's locked. Dammit. I try banging on the door but, nothing not even a muff-


It was all I heard as the asteroid destroyed the hull of the ship, my room did what it was designed to do, It began locking down and then a metallic voice began to play.

"Hull integrity compromised, beginning escape pod procedures"

"N-No don't, Don't leave not yet!" I say shakily picking myself up but its too late, launching from the ship my room becomes some kind of space lifeboat. I am pulled into a chair of some kind as a seatbelt latches around me, I scream as I began to feel pressure build around me and heat I start to sweat in my simple red hoodie and sweatpants The pod finished locking the window on the back of the pod which I am facing I catch one last glimpse of the fiery ship as the pod door closes. Then I do something incredibly stupid I faint.


Twilight sparkle died... under pinkies weight as she carried through the everfree.

"You know for someone as fast and nimble as you pinkie your pretty darn heavy." Twilight complained.

"You took the bet Twi and I won fair and pinky square!" she sang in her usual high pitched voice. Twilight had lost a bet on the way to the everfree with pinkie who decided to tag along to inspect some kind of weird machine that had fell from the sky. The bet was to see stay silent longer and somehow, someway pinkie won. Twilight tried not to focus on pinkies weight and more the crater they had just entered there was a weird metal like canister about the size of a thermos. Strangely Twilight discovered it had equestrian written on it! It said probe 13-b, fascinated she took a step closer as she did a boom sound could be heard, almost as loud a sonic rainboom. Pinkie was the first to notice.

"HEY twilight look a shooting star! I wish for... rarity to have a big nose!"

"Wait no pinkie thats not a shooting star... Thats a-"


"What no! its a-" Twilight was interrupted again as the strange object hit the ground with a rumbling boom.

Red death has hit Equestria.... Well sort of....

cliffhanger... literaly

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"Landing process, succes-" The metallic AI began but, interrupted its voice with a shower of sparks.

"Ugh..." I release a painful grunt.

"Systems detecting nearby lifeforms." It spoke in a more distressed voice, at least the best a AI could get.

"Warning: detected lifeforms within range. 90 meters. 80 meters. 70. 60." As the countdown continued to decrease I began lift myself up from the debris. Releasing a quick gasp, then almost throwing my head in the direction of the window I saw two figures. My vision was really blurry from the impact I could barley make out a figure a lavender blur and a pink horse, maybe? I didn't care they were running towards the wreckage of my escape pod quickly, I ran out the emergency exit on the other side. It was just then I noticed my environment, It was a huge forest of some kind and as I ran through it I started to feel a strange like force around. Pushing it out of my mind I took on a sprint towards a bridge ahead that looked like it lead to outside the forest into some old structure. Whatever it was, it looks like my best chance to get away from whoever's chasing me. Ducking jumping and sliding under the constant barrage of branches and bushes, I finally felt kinda lucky to have the enhanced speed and endurance of a queen.

Looking back as I was running I saw that those blurs were catching up but here was the-


I let loose a loud scream as I fell to my death, apparently the second I had stepped on the bridge it collapsed. Holding my eyes shut hoping the pain would be quick and over fast... It never seemed to happen. Peeking my right eye open I realized I wasn't falling, looking up I saw a black tendril coming out of my back latching onto a root, and for the first time I then looked down seeing the gorge below me. I tried pulling myself up, then again I was only twelve I only got so much strength from being a queen. Looking around for something, for anything I could re-

"Hiya there!" She paused letting out a loud gasp. "Are you an... ALIEN!?" I ignored whatever she said I was to astounded at the fact that she was a pink... a pink talking... horse... "Heeelloo! Mister ali- oh wait are you a girl? would that make you a misses alien?" She stopped to let out another loud gasp. "WAIT if your a misses then you have a mister! Wheres the special somepony!"

"You can talk? You can talk... he hehe." I chuckled a little bit as I swayed back in forth in the gorge.

Then footsteps we- wait hoofsteps were coming along, and loud panting could be hear as a purple... I swear to god, If that is what I think it is I might as well just start barfing rainbows everywhere! There was a purple... a purple unicorn horse thing looking down on me, next to the pink horse. Quickly in on fast motion it shoved the pink one behind it, causing her to jump.

"Pinkie! stay away from that thing, it might be dangerous!" It spat out giving me a fearful glare. We kinda just stared for a bit, I was probably in the exact same situation as she was. All the sudden a explosion of pain shot through my leg, looking down revealed a large gash about ten inches long going down my leg. As the adrenaline of the moment washed over I began to bleed more furiously and the pain was really affecting the strength I was using to hold me up. Reluctantly I decided my best hope, was to ask these strange creatures for help, looking up I heard arguing I could barley make out a few word like: act natural, trust, and Celestia. Strange I'm not sure what Celestia means but, I really needed to trust them for now.

"Hello?" I half yelled up to them. In a few moments the purple one with the horn looked down suspiciously at me. "Hey, I know you barley know me and your probably a little scared but, If you don't help me up I think... I think I'm gonna bleed out..." I roughly spoke trailing off because of the pain.

"How do I know your not going to hurt us?" I asked eyeing me again.

"Please just..." I grunted louder this time as the pain kept increasing.

"Pinkie quick, help me find a long vine..." I could hardly make out what she was saying at this point since she left the edge of the gorge. After a few moments later there was a large rope-like vine thrown down towards me, I grabbed the rope the second it came into view. Slowly But, eventually somehow those tiny little horses pulled at this point however that wasn't my first question. In one final move I threw myself over the edge of the gorge with whatever strength I had left. Sitting up I finally got a good look at these things, one was a... pink horse, from what mom told me horses aren't usually pink so immediately that set of an alarm. She also had a funky looking, hair I mean mane.. I think thats what they're called. And lastly there was a strange mark on her backside, a few a balloons, weird. Then there was the purple one, She was pretty odd, just like the other horse she too had a mark on her butt, hers was a... firework? I didn't care that was the least of the strangest. The purple one had a horn... and a pair of wings. Well shit... either i'm knocked out from the crash landing or I'm dead, I hope its the latter. I think I'm in hell... thanks stupid space rock.

chocolate is my favorite

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Still staring at those two strange horses oddly, I sat up staring at the purple on specifically. I didn't trust her at all. Finally I took one last loo-

"O.M.G. TWILIGHT! She fainted! Oh no!! Oh no! What are we gonna do!!??" Pinkie screamed while running aimlessly in circles.

"PINKIE!!" Twilight finally got Pinkie to cease her screaming. "Would you stop trying to attract a timberwolve or something else!? We just need to stay calm and bring 'her' to a hospital, alright?"

"OOOHHH, why didn't you just say so twi?" She said as she began the trip home humming along the way.

"Pinkie wait."

"Whats up?" She said after bouncing back over to twilight.

"Do you mind taking... 'her' to the hospital? I have a letter to write." Twilight said with extra emphasize around her.

"Twilight! You just made me think of something!" She gasped excitedly.

"And what would that be?" She asked sarcastically already knowing the answer.

"If I stay with the alien at the hospital when she wakes up I can ask her if she wants to be friends! And then we can throw her a party! And then introduce her to everypony in ponyville! And then...."

"I get it, alright you take the alien to the hospital and explain to the nurses what happened." Twilight interjected.

"Okey-dokey-loki! Wait do I tell them about the spaceship?" She questioned tilting her head like a puppy.

"Well no, just tell them this is a special project of Celestia's and say it was injured." Twilight hated to lie but, This time she needed to. Luckily AJ wasn't here.

"I'll meet you there in a few minutes Pinkie..." Twilight trailed of staring at the ship that had crash landed.


Keira began to look around the huge white room she was in, she didn't remember how she got here. Looking all around she saw nothing but, white. Until she came across her mother sitting on the white floor staring into nothingness.

"Mom?" The expressionless being sat there staring. Keira after a few minutes had given up trying to talk to it, she simply sat next to it. Eventually the motionless being sprung to life, While scaring the living hell out of Keira, It looked at Keira grabbing her by the shoulders.

"Keira? Oh thank god your alive!" She spoke for the first time pulling Keira into a hug. "Alright don't talk, we don't have much time i'm going to explain to you something very important, ok?" All Keira gave was a simple nod.

"Good you know a lot about your powers almost everything but, there is one thing I never told you about... Every queens cells are made up of the disease that created us its what gives us our power but, it's also a virus its intentions are spread, evolve, kill understand?"

"ok..." Keira replied shakily.

"Now, since that's the diseases only goal it may... it may try to force you to began creating monsters it may give you a desire to kill to hunt to evolve but, do not listen to it! It will try to control you and everything you have!" She finished the sentence as an explosion rocked the white room somewhere in the background. "Keira I have to go," she stopped to give Keira a kiss on the forehead. "I love you, stay alive we will find you, oh and I forgot don't try to-" Her voice was cut off by another rocking explosion. Keira looked around as the white room began to collapse on her.

"AAAHHHH!!" She screamed once before the white began to fade.


Pinkie stared at the young alien curiously hoping soon she would wake up soon. While waiting she had baked a big chocolate cake for the alien, hoping it liked chocolate that is. Every once in a while the alien would move or toss and turn around, every time that had happened Pinkie would get even more excited. eventually a new figure entered the room, a large one at that.

"Oh hi, princess cake?"


Blackness began to turn to white as a light filled Keira's eyes, she turned again to the other side of the bed.

"Oh man, it was just a dream thank god i'm not actually stuck on a planet full of talking horses..." She said trying to drift back off to sleep when she heard a voice, one all to familiar.

"Well, nice of you to say but, we prefer ponies!" Opening my eyes I saw the same small pink horse from earlier and her purple friend. When I looked to the right I saw something a bit worrying. There was another horse, pony whatever, standing next to me but, she was much different from the two other ponies. This one was by far at least as tall as my mom and two times bigger than the other ponies, it was white and had a pair of wings and a horn like the purple one but, they were much bigger and obviously much stronger. It had a aura of kindness, yet at the same time a intimidating stare. It eyed me not saying anything.

"So, everypony? how 'bout that cake? Amiright!?" she asked obviously trying to calm the thick tension filling the room.

"What flavor?" Keira asked. The purple one muttered something like 'it can talk'.

"Well it's chocolate, oh man I should've asked what your favorite flavor was before you passed out."

"No, its alright chocolate happens to be my favorite."