Nazi Zombie Stories: (Part One) Kino Der Toten

by SCP Pinkamena

First published

When the world is gone how will you survive?

A small question: When the world as you know it ends...what will you do to save yourself?
[Authors Note] This is a Nazi Zombie thing I'm on a Zombie rush this week so I hope you get the picture and also, EVERYONE including those who should be ponies ARE HUMANS
NOTE: Swearing, blood, and minor gore. Quick Note: I will be making different stories depending on the map and vise versa, Now this is Kino Der Toten, Next will "Five" Featuring Spike, Princess Celestia, Nightmare Moon, and Zecora.

Acsend From Darkness

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No one really knows what happened that day. All they know is that some crazy lunatic came tried to conquer and failed. That's what happened but what happened after that no one would say for reason, because the ones who would tell the story disappeared without a trace. The ones to tell the story were taken, only four though, the only problem the other two were knocked out during the entire thing...

--Kino Der Toten (Theater of the Damned)--
"Wake up girls, somethings not right..." Twilight said as she stood up on the floor of what looked like an old mansion. Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and AppleJack all stood up next to Twilight and walked off to the door. Rainbow tugged on the door handle but it didn't move at all. AppleJack pulled her aside and kicked the door with all of her force, but it proved useless. "That's mighty strange. my kicks could shatter bones...if I wanted too." AppleJack said giving up. Twilight looked around and noticed some lights weren't on, except a blue vending machine. "Powers probably off." She said looking around. As she did she stepped on something that clicked under her boot. Twilight looked down and jumped at the sight of what she saw.


Rarity and Fluttershy woke in the library and noticed the mess around. Rarity looked for any sign of the other girls but only Fluttershy was found. "Where did those girls go off to?" Rarity asked herself. Fluttershy only yawned and fell back yo sleep, leaving Rarity on her own. Rarity called for Spike but even he wasn't around. Then she remembered that Spike was at the princesses aid until next Tuesday. "Maybe that Doctor fellow can help...I hope." Rarity said as she ran out of the Library.

--Kino Der Toten--
Twilight jumped at what clicked under her boot. She picked up a pistol. "Woah! Where did you get that?" Rainbow Dash said as she pulled the gun from her hands. "Uh...down there." Twiilght said as she pointing down to the floor. Three more pistols waited on the ground, waiting to picked up. AppleJack picked one up and held it. "Well its kinda comfy." She said as she held it in her hand. Pinkie picked one up and held it. "Hmmm I think I heard of these guns before, not sure." The only one left was to pick up a gun, again was Twilight. She felt so scared for picking the gun up. Not only that she was afraid of what she would do. She swallowed her pride and picked up the gun.

Rarity went all around town and came up with nothing. "How hard is it to find a flying blue box!" She screamed in the sky, and as if on cue, the blue box was forming behind her. "WOAH! ah, well, that was a tough ride!" The Docter said. "You bet Doc!" Derpy said falling out of the top of the box. Rarity stood and let them recover a bit and walked toward both of them. "Doctor! I need your help for a second." The Doctor followed and Rarity began the story of what happened to her friends.

--Kino Der Toten--
As Twilight picked up the gun she heard a small faint quire in the background of the mansion. The four girls looked around and heard dirt moving as if someone had a shovel. Then came boards pulled of the floor or what it sounded, moans and screams came everywhere. Twilight crawled in a corner. "I told you something bad was gonna happen!" She said as whimpered. Dash just shook her warning off. "O.K. who ever's out there come here!" She yelled as she brought the pistol up. She was expecting some burglar or someone, but what she saw shocked her in the same state as Twilight.

"Well, how do I put this? Your friends are gone." The Doctor said as he stopped typing on the TARDIS mainframe. Rarity took a deep breath to relax herself. She balled her hand into a fist. "What do you mean 'gone'?" She said with a fire in her eyes. The Doctor regained his balance and stood up. "Zip, nada, not there! You understand? They're gone not even in the same universe." Rarity stood up from the seat and yelled at him, and made her way to the exit.

--Kino Der Toten--
"Dash! Quit whining and get over here!" AppleJack said yelling at the other end of the room. Rainbow Dash and Twilight sat next to the blue vending machine looking at the scene before them. "Actually, I'm kinda thirsty. What about you Twi?" Dash said looking at the vending machine. Twilight looked at the machine and nodded in agreement. Rainbow stood up and got two bottles one for her and the other for Twilight. They both opened the bottles and took a sip from each before throwing to the floor. "Bleh! this tastes like fish!" Screamed Dash as she looked at Twilight. "This stuff is nasty!" She said trowing the bottle to the ground. Then for some reason, they found the strength to fight, and began firing away. "Well whats gotten into you?" AppleJack asked as she stepped to the door. "I don't know! Me and Twilight had this blue soda like stuff and now we want to fight!" Dash said as a shot whizzed through the air. AppleJack looked at the bottle on the floor that hadn't broke and read the ingredients. "Flour, sugar, starch, huh? Twilight, whats this 'Element 115' stuff?" Twilight looked at the bottle and took a quick sniff of the soda. "I don't know. Never heard of it." AppleJack took the bottle again and took the last sip. "That's some cider that,s gone bad." She said as she finished off the bottle.

--Der Riese--
"Rhictofen! Hurry!" Nikolia yelled as he shot zombies left and right. "I'm going as fast as I can Nikolai calm down! Takeo! get the windows!" He screamed from the console. Takeo ran to the window and started repairing it as fast as possible. Dempsy had the Wunderwaffe DG2 or as he called it the WonderWaffle, shot a crowd of zombies, and watched as their heads turn to fireworks. "WOOHOO! You die now maggot whores!" He cried as he ran to the teleporter. A glowing green light in the midst of the crowd could be seen and he ran toward it. "MAX AMMO!" A demonic voice called from the sky. "There you guys go! Ammo on the house!" Dempsy called. "Thank you Dempsy I needed it!" Nikolai called from the other side. "All the windows are fixed doctor." Takeo said as Rhictofen finished typing the console command. "Good, EVERYONE GET OVER HERE!" Rhictofen called. He pressed the button when all four were in the MDT, and teleported not to the pad in the middle of the area but instead a new place entirely.

What Just Happened?

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--Kino Der Toten--
Pinkie was shooting zombies from the ceiling and watching them fall over like pins. "HAHA you lose nasty rotten guy!" A semi hard rock music was heard by everyone, then followed by the same harmonic quire as before. "Again?! Really?!" Dash yelled at the sky. Twilight looked at the door behind her and then saw a faint glow of orange next to her. She toched the glass and a shock escaped from the rock behind the glass. "I guess this a rock." She said looking to see a zombie infront of her. She jumped five feet at the sight of it and brought the pistol up and without looking shot the gun as fast as possible. A weight was put on the front of her hand. She looked and it was dead but what caught her eye was a small glowing ball. She went to touch it but it disappeared in a green flash, and a voice called from the sky. "Kaboom" She looked at the zombies died in a fiery blaze. "Well that was convenient!" She yelled as the same rock music and quire happened again. They all looked at the pad where they came from and saw four men stand there now. "Great nooouhhh...huh?" Dempsy said as he stepped of the pad. "Um, uh, Rhictofen who are these girls?" Nikolai asked. "Your guess is as good as mine." He said back. Takeo said nothing and went to a window and started rebuilding it. The familiar sound snapped them out of their trance and got to work.

Dempsy started shooting at the zombies and ran toward the wall. He got a Olympian shotgun and fired away. "Hey zombie need a hand? Oh I'm sorry!" He yelled as the zombies fell over like dominoes. After his crude joke, he started hearing a laugh from above he looked up and saw someone hanging from the chandelier.

"That was a good one! 'Need a hand'! Hahahaha!" Pinkie said laughing from the ceiling. Dempsy looked at stared at her, and wondered to himself 'How the fuck did she get up there?' AppleJack saw Takeo fixing the windows himself and went over to help.

"No, I do not need a womans help to do a simple thing." Takeo said and a tick went off in AppleJack's head.

"Hehehehe, tell you what see those dead guys over there? I think your going to need all the help you can get." Takeo looked over her shoulder and nodded. She switched places with him and he took out some and then they swiched again. Nikolai looked and stood and that's all he did as he watched Rainbow Dash shoot zombies around. The only thought in his was 'Where can I get some Vodka?' Rhictofen was talking to Twilight as they both shot zombies away.

"So your the town scientist? Oh, how wunderbar!" He said jumping with delight.

"Well I wouldn't say that." She said as he opened the door.

"Oh, that Doctor! No help at all!" Rarity yelled as she entered the library. Fluttershy still sleeping, was talking in her sleep. Rarity sighed and sat down next her. "The...MDT...Time Travel...Beware..." Fluttershy mumbled in her sleep. Rarity was awe-struck at what Fluttershy was saying in her sleep. What kind of dream was Fluttershy of all people having? Rarity stood up without knowing that Fluttershy's head connected to the ground. "Owowowowow!" Fluttershy said as she got up right away.

"Fluttershy dear, What were talking about in your sleep? Something about Time travel, and something called the MDT, what were you dreaming about?" Rarity said demanding answers. Fluttershy looked her blankly, blinked and said

"What are talking about Rarity?" Rarity stood there in one spot.

"You mean you don't remember?" She asked.

"No I don't know what your talking about I've never heard of a thing called the MDT." Fluttershy stepped from the couch to Rarity and put her hand to her head to make sure she wasn't having a fever.

--Kino Der Toten(Five rounds later)--
AppleJack was at the box waiting for a weapon. The box produced a .44 Magnum she grabbed the weapon and loaded it. "Ah, southern hospitality." She said as she turned and shot a zombie from where she stood. Pinkie went to the box and stood waiting. A Monkey popped up and she took it with a smile.

"OOO! A monkey! I wonder what it does?" She said as turned the key and pressed the hat on top of its head.

"Your not Sam!" The Monkey said as she threw the monkey towards the zombies. The music the monkey played made the zombies go towards it and the when the music stopped the monkey said "Get ready for surprise!" Then the monkey exploded sending zombies arms and legs flying around. Dash was waiting at the box, waiting to get a weapon. The box produced a red cartoonish gun.

"Don't know what does...alright." She looked at the group of zombies coming toward her, she shot the gun and a green circle of energy came from the gun and destroyed most of their legs but mostly their arms. Dempsey was looking around and saw Takeo get surrounded by crawling zombies

"Come on Takeo! They're only crawlers!" He yelled from the stage of the theater.

"Hey purple haired girl could you come here for a moment?!" Rhictofen called from the teleporter. Twilight was unaware of what he had in stored for her though.

--Somewhere in Siberia, Russia, 1932--
"The Russian government has confirmed that a meteor has struck in the motherland. It is still unclear that the meteor, as reported by witnesses, is glowing a faint orange color. Other officials say that...this just in, it has been confirmed that the meteor is in fact glowing orange, the cause how ever, is still unknown." The Russian reported said on the radio.

"Element 115 has been officially located in Siberia, departing now." A voice from the com said.

"Gut there will probably be military in the area. Do what it is necessary to get the element." A German voice replied.

"Understood Dr. Maxis."

Back In Time! Part 1

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Dr. Maxis, leader of group 935, has raised enough money to finally work on his main experiment that he had hidden from his superiors. His assistants have volunteered to be subjects to his experiment. The following message is from Dr. Maxis. Please note that some of this content my not be suitable.

"Entry 1, My leaders have agreed to fund Group 935, and my assistants have agreed to be test subjects for my machine. I am calling the device the MDT, as for what it stands for when I am done with the device I will give it the proper abbreviation. Now I will test the device to see if it works."

A faint electronic crackle can be heard in the background as well as screaming.

"Test subject one has been destroyed due to the overload of electricity, so I will set the level to a more lower level. Will test subject two come to the pad!"

Once again, a faint electronic sound can be heard, but no screaming can be heard. "I am going to increase the field!" Dr. Maxis yelled as he raised the field by a small amount. Screaming can be heard as well as a faint explosion.

"*Sigh* Test subject two...has exploded and now the other subjects are questioning my device. I will make modifications to the MDT until then, I will leave this tape in hopes of it being persevered."

"I have found something that might help with the device. It is know as element 115. This will hopefully stabilize the device...will test subject 142 come to the pad!"

A switch is thrown and an electronic crackle is heard in the background along with a warping sound.

"Yes! It worked someone check the pad!" Dr. Maxis yelled.

"Sir it worked but...the test subject has turned inside out..." Someone said behind the recorder.

"Damn! The element must be too pure...try to make a concentrated version of the element."

"Yes Dr. Maxis."

--1931(Five months later)--
"We have made a more concentrated version of the element and we are now ready to try again."

The device alarms and a crackle can be heard with another warping sound. All is still silent until a cheering is heard in the background.

"I have received news that the test subject is alive...but the only problem is that he missing his left arm. I will not however call this a complete failure. There needs to be either more or less of the element. I will add more first and if that is too mu-what is it Samantha?"

"Can I have a lolli-pop Daddy?" A little girls' voice says next the recorder.

"Yes, here is money to the candy store, now Daddy is really busy. *Sigh* Now as I was saying I will add more of the element and if that does not work I will add less then what it is now."

"The Russians have confirmed that a meteorite has landed within they're boarders. I have sent someone to retrieve it in hopes of making a more stable version. In the time being I have added more of the element in the MDT. Will test subject 256 come to the pad!"

An alarm sounds and the machine is turned on. A warping sound is heard and another alarm goes off.

"Check the pad! Why is that blasted alarm going off! What do you mean the system overloaded?! Fix it then!"

The sound of a phone being hung can be heard.

"*Sigh* Along with the system being destroyed, the subject on the pad has not appeared. He must've died on the trip to the pad and his atoms split apart...oh well we can keep-"

An alarm rings.

"WHO TURNED IT ON?!" Dr. Maxis yelled.

The tapes here have been found so far. Until we find more tapes we will have to guess why the device he calls the MDT is turned on without his permission.


We have found more tapes of Dr. Maxis but it seems that there is a gap between the previous tapes and the tape now, we believe these tapes are from 1934.

"The MDT or 'Matter Displacement Teleporter' is now ready to be activated...My new assistant Dr. Richtofen has made some changes to the MDT, we are so close to finishing the device, I can feel it!"

"Dr. Maxis, we are ready to try again."

"O.K. Edward. Will subject 356 come to the pad."

A lever is thrown and the subject disappears, and a warping sound is heard. Cheering is heard again.

"Doctor, the subject according to the person watching the pad, is unharmed! We did it Doctor Maxis!" Edward said to Maxis next to the recorder.

"I will be the judge of that! Let me see the subject." Dr. Maxis said as he stepped away from the recorder.

The subject was like the others said, unharmed, but when the subject told Maxis what he had seen on the way to the pad, he said he had seen the future. He said he was in the year 1963, and the world was in shambles. The tapes you have heard where released to the public by the princess herself.

"Hmmm...It seems Daddy's work has been publicized...I can't have that." A feminine voice said before a warping sound was heard.

Let There Be Light! (Back In Time Part 2)

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[Authors Note] Some of you are probably wondering what happened in those fives waves. Well here is what in those five waves.

--Kino Der Toten(Wave 3)--
"So your the town scientist? Oh, how wunderbar!" He said jumping with delight.

"Well I wouldn't say that." She said as he opened the door. "What did you do to open the door?! Me and my friends tried opening it before and it wouldn't do anything!" Twilight said as she looked all around the door to make sure there wasn't a button or something on the door.

"Well, I don't know how these doors work either" Richtofen lied, "but, maybe it has to do with how many of these expar-er...I mean, creatures you kill and/or hit." He said as they made their way through the upper floor. Meanwhile, Dempsey and Rainbow Dash were talking about how they both got here.

-----Wave 4----

"You mean you were in 1939, then you time traveled here! Wow I wish I could do that." Rainbow Dash said as she and Dempsey both shot zombies with MPLs. He turned to say something when he brought up the gun infront of her face. She ducked and Dempsey took out four zombies on one magazine. Dash shot up with anger in her eyes. "Holler next time you do that!" She screamed in his ear but he didn't flinch.

"Sorry, being a ex-marine and a one-man army, I've kind of lost the habit of saying DUCK!" He said yelling the last word. "Besides, I've been through this shit more times than you have. I just want to get back to my family." He said as he looked at the mob of, what he counted to be five zombies, and riddled holes inside of them. Rainbow Dash didn't say anything, just standing there as he kept shooting. She put a hand on his shoulder.

"You didn't have to say that. You could've said 'Hey, look I'm sorry' you didn't have to make me feel bad and say you have a family." She said as her hand flopped to her side. " didn't have didn't-" She said as tears came to her eyes. Dempsey took out the remaining zombies and turned to her.

"Now your making me feel bad." He said with a chuckle, and looked her in the eye. "I'm sorry that that happen to you." Rainbow Dash took her hand and slapped him dead center of the side of his face. "OW! What the fuck?!" He yelled as he held his face in pain.

" we're even." She chuckled to herself. He turned to her and as she pulled down the side of her shirt to reveal a bruise on her shoulder. "That's what you get for punching me in the arm five minutes ago." She said with a smile and brought up the MPL with a dissatisfied clicking noise. "Oh shit." She mumbled under her breath as two more zombies came in. Dempsey got up fast and shot both of them to the ground.

"That's why we always check the mag first." He said tossing a full magazine to her. "If I were you I would save it for when you need it."

-----Wave 5----

"So, you mean to tell me that your from a farm? For a farm girl your built like third wive. She strong in arms though not legs." Nikolai said as he and Applejack stayed in the lobby holding things down.

"Yep! We have the best apples anywhere and we make the best cider." She said puffing her chest with pride. Nikolai looked over at her and got to shoot a quick two zombies and sat back down.

"Is cider like vodka? I've never heard of it." He said and her jaw dropped.

"Never heard of cider! Well, if we ever get back, I'll send you some considering your still here. Now that I think of it I've never heard of this vodka stuff." She said doing the same as him watching his jaw drop.

"Oh my god! Never heard of vodka! Well lucky you I have two shot glasses." He said as he poured a small bit for her and filled the other shot glass almost to the top. They both clicked the shot glasses together and drank them dry. They both put down the glasses Nikolai gasped a refreshing breath, while AppleJack the other hand gagged at the taste going down her throat.

"That stuffs strong! What is that?!" She said between gripping her throat from coughing.

"That's vodka!" Nikolai said as he finished his third shot. AppleJack took the bottle but couldn't read the label because it was in Russian. He saw right threw her and took the bottle. "If your wondering what it says, it says: 100% Vodka. Made in Russia" He said before taking a large drink from the bottle itself.

-----Wave 6----

Pinkie Pie and Takeo both repaired windows, the only difference was Pinkie Pie talked every second.

"So, how long have you been doing this? I just got got here like thirty minutes ago so I would say I've been doing this for thirty minutes. Is that sword real? Are you a samurai? Where do you come from?" She said as she was abruptly stopped by a hand on her mouth. Takeo took a deep breath.

"To answer your questions...I have been doing this for what feels like years. Yes the sword is real. No, I am not a samurai. And I come from China. Does that answer all of your questions?" He said as Pinkie Pie shook her head. He took his hand off her mouth and she took the katana from him and, like an expert, cut the head off a zombie. Takeo stood in amazement as she sheathed it back in his belt. She smiled and noticed a faint fog in the air.

" that supposed to be happening?" She said as Nikolai ran up the stairs. A demonic voice was heard in the sky.

"FETCH ME THEIR SOULS!" It said as it echoed off the walls. A bolt of lightning flashed in the next room over, and a demon dog appeared. It growled and launched toward Takeo, but Nikolai shot the dog mid-jump.

"Takeo! Stop sight seeing and start shooting the dogs!" Nikolai shouted across the room. Takeo pulled out his M14 and shot dogs as they were appearing towards him. Pinkie Pie was already somewhere else in the theater and went one room where it said 'Bathroom' in German, she tried to get to the other side but there where only two problems. She was on her own and there was a zombie dog in her way. She brought up the pistol that she still had, and fired one, two, three, shots before it started clicking.

"Really? Now?!" She said as the dog ran towards her. In her last desperate attempt to kill this dog, she brought out her knife and gave the dog a nice stab in the head. The dog exploded and all that was left was a small, glowing green box. She walked toward the and it disappeared in her wake.

"MAX AMMO!" The demonic voice said as she reloaded her gun and the fog cleared. The zombies started coming again till she heard the sound of electricity in the air. Growls were heard, and it wasn't the zombies in front of her. She looked to her side and saw a faint green smoke on the wall. she ran toward where Dempsey and Rainbow Dash were and ran outside where the Double-Tab Root Beer was and grabbed a small machine gun.

"Well, not prejudice against zombies, but oh well!" She said as she brought the gun up unaware that one of the smoke zombies was behind her. She started firing killing the zombies, then she turned and saw the toothy grin of the smoke zombie. She jumped over it and took note that more of them were climbing the walls. This one was like the others with only one problem it had no teeth and no claws like the others, and when it hit her instead of a five inch scratch, it was only a mild slap. She giggled a bit and got out a rope and tied it around its neck. "Your coming with me!" She said as she started killing the other smoke zombies. "Holy mother of all that's good, that smells horrible!" she quickly commented.

-----Wave 6(3 Minutes earlier)----

Richtofen and Twilight made there way to the make up room, and the realization hit Twilight harder than last time she fell of the shelf in the library. "This place is a old theater? How come I never saw that before?!" She said going up to the costumes. Richtofen, even though amused that she was a scientist like him, was rambling to himself.

"Because your dumkoff that's why you never noticed it." He said as he saw a faint glowing orange rock in the corner. "I found a piece of the meteor!" He cried and Twilight looked at what he found.

"Oh that's a meteor? I didn't know that. I already got one in the lobby I guess." Twilight said. She and Richtofen made there way to the stage after opening the door, and noticed a box over on the center stage.

"Oh, there it is! The box of wonders!" Richtofen said as he ran to the box and opened it. The Box made its same theme of 'Pop goes the Weasel', and for Richtofen produced a RPK. "Ah, what a slaughter it will be!" He said with delight. Twilight watched as the Box closed and she decided to take a spin. The Box spun through weapons and produced a Spas-12.

"I call shotgun!" She said taking the shotgun from the box. She giggled with delight at the fancy weapon in her hands. She was about to make another roll until the a electric sound was heard behind her. "Doctor whats going on...over...there?" She said as she looked up at the device in front of her and flipped at the site of the machine. "What in the world is that!" She said hugging the machine.

"That my dear is the MDT, that's how we got here, but via time travel, for some reason this time we have some company" He said gesturing toward Twilight, "so tell me, how did you get here?" This took Twilight back, she couldn't remember how she got here the only thing she remembers was that her and her friends were in the library talking about something then a flash of light came down and hit her, Pinkie, Rainbow Dash, and AppleJack, then they all appeared here.

"To be honest, I don't know...but there was like a lightning bolt somewhere when we got here." She said. Richtofen was already in the MDT and threw a switch and the MDT made a 'Power On' sound as he ran to the pad to link up the teleported he got down mid-run.

"NEIN! I AM DOWN!" He screamed as Twilight came to his aid. She shot them down with her shotgun and helped Richtofen up on his feet. "Did the voices tell you to save me?" He said teasing around with Twilights head. She chuckled a bit, and turned to face the horde behind her. He ran toward the pad and linked up with the MDT. "Run to the teleporter now! Twilight followed and everyone else, eventually came to the teleporter.

-----Wave 7----

"Pinkie what is that thing?" Rainbow Dash said looking down at the smoke zombie at Pinkies side.

"He's my new pet! His name is Franky!" She said as the zombie kept on hitting her legs. Everyone looked at her with a look of concern.

"Any way....time to go!" Richtofen said as he pressed the button to the MDT. All eight of the passengers were up in the projection room. Dempsey, Nikolai, and Takeo were throwing grenades out the projection window. Richtofen was at the Pack-A-Punch Machine. He put his RPK in the machine and it made its little jingle.

Friends, neighbors, ladies, gentlemen,
if you're feeling underpowered,
I'll help you make amends,
stick your weapon in the slot,
and let it change your luck,
few things in life are guaranteed,
but I promise this wont suck.
Punch your fists into the air,
and raise a rebel yell!
There's lotsa baduns out there
you need to send to hell.
With Pack-A-Punch I have a hunch,
your problems will be gone,
but if you end up on the ground,
sing a country western song.
Pack-A-Punch (everybody!),
Pack-A-Punch (yee-haw!),
Pack-A-Punch (everybody!),
Pack-A-Punch (yee-haw!),
Pack-A-Punch (WOOOOWOO!)

He got his weapon from the machine, the RPK was now the R115 Resonator. "Oh, its so beautiful!" He screamed as he picked up. AppleJack with her gun, the Python in the Pack-A-Punch as well and after the jingle it came out as the Cobra.

"O.K. this one is for you Granny." She said taking her new gun and putting it in the holster for now. A flash of lightning accord again and each person teleported into a different part of some where. They all eventually came back to the pad but in there time gone, four of them acquired movie reels.

"What was a movie reel doing in a little girls room?" Twilight said as she looked at Richtofen, who had required his in an old dentist office.

"I don't know Twi, but I am officially afraid of teddy bears." AppleJack said recovering from the nightmare-ish teddy bear room. Dempsey looked at her and was about to say but AppleJack put her hand up to stop him. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie looked at each other and shrugged off the idea. Pinkie looked down at the rope and noticed that her new 'pet' was gone.

"Where's Franky!" She screamed and looked all around the theater but she couldn't find him any where.

"Your ahem, pet probably died when the MDT was started." He simply said looking at the burn marks on the rope. The rope from the noose was black like it had been burned. Pinkie looked at him tears came to her eyes. Then she remembered Gummy her pet alligator. She turned back into her bubbly self and all eight of them set off again to kill zombies, until the bitter end.

End of Story on--

"Richtofen, I will make you pay if its the last thing I do!" A woman's voice said as she walked back into the temple.

End of Story one

Extra Chapter: Twilight Sparkle's Quotes

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"Look's like there's no power."
"I TOLD you something bad was gonna happen!"
"This. Is. Bad!"
"Oh, no, oh, not now!"

"You touch me again! I dare you!"
"The next time you see me, I'll have a gun to your head!"
"Oh, you did NOT hit me!"
"Tell you what, hit me, see what happens..."

"Oh god, I am running out of AMMO!"
"Well, friends I am running out, any spares?"
"Well, that clicking sound isn't good..."
"Oh sh-I mean shoot."

"Well, I tasted better..."

"Hold your horses, I'm coming to get ya!"
"Don't worry. I don't know what I'm doing!"
"Dempsey! Richtofen said you don't have a that possible?"

"When pistols don't do it, a shotgun will."
"First shot they wont see..."
"Small, lightweight, and effective!"
"Dear Princess Celestia..."
"Knives don't hurt...they KILL!"
"I've heard of Jim Bowey, now I know why he made the knife!"

"That. Horrible. BOX!"
"Box~you lied~~"
"This is a horrible weapon....maybe I should find a stick."
"This looks good enough..."
"I call shotgun!"
"It's so big! Shut up Rainbow!"

"A Ray gun? Really?"
"A Ray gun, it looks like a childs-oop, nevermind!"

"I will be the queen of thunder!"
"Fear me! I hold god in my hands!"
"A clap here, a clap there."
"Hmmm, I wish it shot lightning."

"Pack-A-Punch? sounds like a washed up band..."
"This is a weapon of great...everything!"
"My weapon will tell you to die, NOW!"

"Oh, no I'm seeing a white light, help me! Hurry!"
"Well this is then end....goodbye."
"Woah, I thought I heard grandpa for a second."

"Jugganog, really, really tasty!"
"Double tap root beer. Taste almost like apple cider."

Extra Chapter: Rainbow Dash Quotes

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"Well looks like no power."
"Shhh hear that?"
"Holy Crap! Zombies!"
"I guess Spike was right..."

"Hehe, C'MERE!!"
"Crush. Kill. Destroy. Repeat."
"They say, hit me once shame on me, hit me twice...I F*CKING KILL YOU!"
"You are made to die!"

"Eurgh...this stuff tastes like fish"
"Jugganog, the best tasting thing ever."
"Double Tap Root Beer, fast like me!"
"Speed Cola, fast like-wait a minute..."

"Shotgun of the gods!"
"Long distance. Me like."
"Tiny...I'm OK with it."

"Hmm...I'm feeling a little light."
"I need ammo fast!"
"Crap, nothing left!"
"C'mon I need a bullet!"

"You stupid box! Give me what I want!"
"Ow! I got a splinter..."
"You hear me, little girl! I will kill you if the boys don't kill you first!"
"Hehehehe 'Big'."

"I found a neat rock!"
"Woo hoo, another rock..."
"I hope its the last ro-hey! A sweet ass song!"

"Knives are made for fast kills, this is a really big knife so...yeah."
"The bigger a knife is, the deeper the cut!"
"Ah, Jim Bowey."

"This gun is awesome!"
"Feel the blunt force trama that is me!"
"Step one: Aim. Step two: Have fun!"
"I feel unstoppable!"

"The raygun is great."
"Hmm...what am I supossed to do throw it at 'em?"
"Why does it turn into circles not a laser?"

"Pack-A-Punch, I don't really see the whole point of giving your gun away and then picking it ba-Hey! Its Time to Kick ass!"
"It's shiny!"

"Time to paint the walls red.."
"Body parts will go flying!"

A/N: Ok these are Dash's queots, and for anyone who doesn't get the last one heres a hint

Extra Chapter: Applejack's Quotes

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"Listen 'ere pardner, zombies don't exist."
"Pow-wer? Whats a Pow-wer?"
"This place gives me the willies..."

"Holy sweet apples!"
"That, was to close... even for me."
"Holy sh-crud."
"Zombies. Wow... when spike said they were real, I didn't think he meant it."

"Hey zombies, guess what? KA-BOOM! Hahahaha!"
"When in doubt, kill 'em all!"

"This one's for you Granny..."
"Uh, yeah a little low on ammo."
"Hey, guys! I need ammo now!"
"No ammo, knew I should turned the gun on myself..."
"Celestia Dammit, No ammo."

"The stuff has juice type of taste don't it?"
"Where's some apple cider when you need it?"
"Woah...This stuff makes my hand quick...SHUT UP RD!"
"Keep Pinkie away from this stuff."

"This box, is like apple season...hard..."
"Oh ye of little faith..."
"A revolver? Hell ya!"
"Granny! Give me hope!"
"When all is lost, and the dead walk the Earth, I will be there... doing stuff...."

"Pack-A-Punch... well I hope you tell the truth."