> A beginning in a new life? > by Night_Striker > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > chapter 1 where i'm i and why am i in a dark forest? Edited > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My phones alarm went on, beside my ear, indicating it’s 6 am. “Yeah, it’s too early to get up now. I only need to be at school around 8:30,” I grumbled. But I know better than that, so I rise out of bed throwing on some clothes and trudged my way to a quick breakfast. I sat down in a chair, eating my sandwich, looking out the window. “At least there’s good weather- not like the weather is bad often, here in Sweden.” After the breakfast, I walked to the toilet room and brushed my teeth. I went to school and as usual, my classmates were acting as 5 years old and could not stay quiet for a fucking minute! I feel like I’m the only one with a brain in the group- some of them are okay, but yeah. After I had done what I must in school, I took the subway and then bus home- taking me roughly an hour. I mostly keep to myself, not often striking conversation with folks. When I got home I threw off my shoes, greeted my dog- she is very kind- and said a quick hello to my sister before clambering on the bed with my laptop. A few hours passed by. . . Right in the middle of watching Youtube videos on my computer with music in the background, my sister suddenly yelled, "MARTIN! Go walk the dog!" Sigh. . . “Yeah, I’ll get to it soon,” I stalled, though I knew it was not going to work. "No, the dog needs to go out Now!" she retorted. "OK, I'm on my way," I stood up, putting some heavier clothes on, taking my keys and heading out the door, while putting my shoes on and calling my dog, "Kiara time for a walk!" A moment later, I could hear my dog running through the house towards me. I grabbed the blue leash, tying it on her collar and headed out the door, taking the elevator down to the bottom of our apartment complex. As I walked out the doors, I inhaled the cold evening air and took a look toward the sky. The moon was a beautiful blue color, but it was sad that I could hardly see any stars in the sky. "Sigh, it's too bad that all this pollution in the air and the light from the buildings blocking most stars in the sky" I told no one in particular. Meanwhile, I was walking with my dog, or rather my family's dog, to a nearby forest and on my way back home. I don't know why, but the wind ALWAYS blows in my face with a distant force, slowing me down a bit. "Why does that happen to me so often when I'm coming up here?" I thought. When i was finally home, i took off my shoes and lie down and just relaxed a bit. after a while i went to brush my teeth and i went to sleep. I decided to dream something violence, in the way off guns shooting everywhere death and explosions and a few death cry because why not. I was running to cover and taking potshot of enemies. but awhile later i started discover something was wrong, i felt a small tingling sensation on my full body. I tried to wake up by open my eyes, but for some reason it doesn't work. Then i tried to move my body however, when i did just that there was a flash of light and "ooofffff. . . ouch that. . . was. . . something?" I said while i was putting myself in a sitting position and felt a little dizzy, and put my hand on to my. . . "okej why do i not feel any off my fingers on my hand? and why does it feel rounded" i thought and slowly open my eyes and in front of them was a hoof. I was looking at it completely blank. then i moved my head to look at the rest off my body. "it look's like i have been transformed to a pony? and i have a very dark blue almost black color on my body, my tail and mane have a very dark brown color also almost black" I took in everything and i don’t know how to react. "man once in a while life really like to just fuck everything up... sight""well it's not good to panic i may still be dreaming some how" i thought so i took up my hoof to my mouth and bite it. (not hard mind you i'm not that stupid)and yup no dream. "okej if this is not a dream and i'm in a pony body i should probably come up with a new name, and i got a feeling i know where i may be" I sitting there and trying to thought of a name until i took in my environment, i was in a very dark forest and one thing come to my head. "no time to stay put i need to get out off this forest" so i standing up and start to walk in a random direction, but while i was walking i started get a feeling that something was watching me. i stop to looking around me and there i saw 2 pair eyes looking straight at me. " 4 greenish glowing eye's yup time to run like the devil was right behind you!!" so i turns around and start running. My running wasn't the best, because i was not born to run on four legs, that did so i nearly tripped and that is the last thing i want to happen. My predators enemies most have notis. i saw them and the chasing have begun. I heard a wolf howl so i look back, and instead of two of them it was now six!!! "SHHIIITTTT WHY DOE'S THIS HAPPENING TO MEEEEE!!!????" One off the wolves tried to leap at me, i quickly turn right and as response i got a yelp from the timberwolf as i crashed into a tree. well isn't that ironic or what? suddenly i heard a shriek and i also saw black fire? "DAFUQ??"and i heard the wolves yelps but i ignore it and just keep going. after a while off non stop running, i finally could get a break. "dam what was that all about?" now that problem have got solved i could finally relax, so i lie down on the grass and just to try to collect my thought. "okej i somehow got teleported from my home, to a forest and if the timberwolves is something to go by then i must be in everfree forest. fuck, it's just has to be MY FUCKING LUCKY DAY ISN'T IT!?!?!?!?!?" sight. . . i stand up and looking around and i saw a river nearby. "well i can at least get something to drink hurray" i walking to the edge bent my head down and took a few gulps. i also saw my mirror image. "huh well good to know i'm a unicorn and i still have my brown green eye color! well more brown than green" "so i get to keep my eye color and my dark brown hair color as well almost" I heard a wingbeat nearby, so natural i turned that way. and what i saw was a phoenix? it was black colored and it's eyes was blue colored. "well that's something you don't see every day" the phoenix tilted its head and look intelligently at me. "I wonder if, eeeh worth a try" So i locked eye contact with it and said unsure. "do you understand me?" and it actually nod it's head as response. "okej I did not expect that to happen and maybe it can help me" i look to the sky but to no use "stupid trees blocking the sky ugghhhh..." I turn back to the bird and said the first thing on my head "you don't happen to know which way is out off this forest?" it spread out its wings flapping as it flew over my head and shriek as it went down stream. "okej only one thing to do, FOLLOW THAT PHONEIX!!!" and I went after it. after i don't know hours of following a possible and incredible rare Phoenix race. i finally reach the edge off the forest. "nice finally out off that stupid forest and i'm so going to return when I can DESTROY THOSE FUCKING WOLF'S WHITH FIRE" I looked up to the sky and was welcomed with a beautiful night sky, "well i'm not in sweden that's for sure and I am 100% that i'm in equestria" "well Luna did a good work whit the night" i heard a few wing beat and the sound of something landing nearby, so i turn to the location where i heard the sound and there was the same Phoenix sitting on a very convenient placed rock. "tack's for helping me out off that forest" the Phoenix squawk in respond. i saw it's have something on it's claw and made off gold. I took a quick look on my neck and yupp I did not have my necklace on. so i look back to the black Phoenix, and only did the obvious. "did you find that necklace in the forest?" the bird nod it's head and stretched it's claw out towards me, i don't know how but i used my magic to take the my necklace on. (and being completely unaware about it) "tack's and would you like to be my companion?" and to my surprise the Phoenix fly upp and landing on my back and squawk in response. "I fink i'm calling you shadow how does that sound shadow?" i said while turning my head towards Phoenix "squeak" was the only reply and i took it as a yes. "okej shadow my name is hmmmm.... Night_Striker" shadow just tilted hes or she head confused. Ignoring shadow for now i look around and found that, i was not far away from a very familiar village and all it's pink houses. "why do i get a feeling that i will regret when i encounter the pony folk's, eh whatever happens happen" I take a look around and find a place to sleep for the night. I walk up next to a tree, while shadow flies up to de tre off my back and landing on a branch. I lying down and slowly drift off to sleep. > chapter 2 a very weird way to greet a princess edited > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luna was Watching her Beautiful night, which is covered with hundreds of hundreds stars in the sky, and the moon was glowing in the night sky ash a beacon. But something is wrong, she got suddenly a disturbance in the Dream's realms. So she went in the dream's realm and as she passed rows after rows of doors, which belongs to all creatures how are as sleep. she finally stops at a door. it was dark brown color and has a odd handel which is made of metal. Luna picks up her right front hoof to pull the handle. but when her hoof made contact to the handle she got a shook off some kind. "what is this? who dares to denny i princess Luna to have access to your dream" While Luna said this, she have allready try use hers magick to break in, and failed but now she trying to use more to just get in this annoying door. The door in question got almost off the imaginary wall but it still hold, and now the door was open. "HUZZZZZZA your little trick did not work to keep me out, now let's see how this pony is how did not want oss to step in side" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Since I know i'm in equestria I decided i wanted something pony related because I don't want somepony or rather princess to discover that i'm not a pony, god know's what would happen, now the dream in question i'm having is pretty bloody. I use my magic to levitate a sword which is a viking's broadsword I use to have next to my bed, i was running killing zombie fied pony's smashing skulls ass blood and brian mathers flies off the power I use to strike on the stupid zombie. suddenly i felt a shake? around me and I think i heard a distant Huzza shout. "weird that have never happened before" a zombie tried to bite me but i just ignoring it and just use my sword to split it in half. "ehhh. what ever that was it cant be important, and DIE YOU STUPID FUCKING ZOMBIES!" and i whent to kill more zombies and cutting their head off because zombie logik. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- when Luna enter the door she saw a equestria, but this equestria was something she could never imagine to happen. she saw trees on fire buildings in ruins and possibly the worst in all dead ponies everywhere she looked. "who can possibly dream shusha horror full nightmare?, i must find the owner of the dream and fix it fast" so Luna started seek the owner to the dream, as she went she saw bodies everywhere, and some even have the head crushed. when she turned a corner off a building she got jumped at, she evaded and used her magic to get rid off the attacker. she shoot a beam at it and it got incinerated by hers magick. "what in faust nae was that finngs?" before Luna could find any more off the creature she heard a distinct crush off something in the distant. she turned to the whey she thinks she heard the sound and started walking that whey. after some walking she think she is hearing a voice well i think that was the last off those fuckers for now att least, "how is this pony? and why does he not sound to be scared? is this not a nightmare?" Luna keep walking closer to the owner to the voice, and when she finally could she the owner she could not believe hers eyes. in front of her was a unicorn stallion with a werry dark blue coat and his mane was almost black but you could see he got brown mane, and standing there holding a quite big sword and around him was bodies off those things, and the blood on the ground was like a small puddles here and there. Luna shaked hers head to keep focus. "eheem" that made the stallion start and jumped a little off the unprepared sound. "greetings subjekt i see you have a werry interesting dream i am princess Luna and who are you?" Luna asked in a calm but commanding voice. I got cut off guard when i heard someone cleaning their voice, I turned my head to my left there i saw no other than princess LUNA!!!??? "shit!!!! what is she doing in my dream wait how da fuck could she even enter my HEAD?!?! i'm still kind of awake but still att sleep" then i heard her say hello subjekt i am princess Luna and how are you? i took in a deep breath and relaxed and i looked eyes with Luna "hello princess my name is Night Striker and is it okay if I ask why you are here in my dream?" I asked. Luna face showed she was thinking how to answer my question, she later looked up and said "I felt a disturbance in the dreams realm and when i went to look what was the course of action it let me here, so tell me Night Striker do you know what the reason may be?" Luna got confused when she saw Night Striker hoof palm? is it that it they called it or is it something else. After i did a hoof palm. "off course she is here because she felt something is wrong ughhh should have expected that yelp better to answer then keeping a lady waiting" So looking up again i started to say "no i don't know what may cause the disturbance but i fink are time's running short but it was nice to meeting you Luna" luna was now fully confused "what do you men are time is running short?" but before luna could say something more the world collapsed and Night Striker was gone. she woke up looking out off the window and said out aloud. "night striker you are truly a mystery stallion i wonder when we will meet again" I woke up and saw shadow still standing on the branch "good morning shadow sleep well" i got a squawk as a reply "nice to hear you got a nice sleep at least" I look to the horizon and saw the sun slowly rise up "I wonder what today will bring us on for surprise" and with that said i stand up and starting walking to ponyville. shadow flyed to me and landed on my back. "yup this day may get interesting but god know what will happen" > chapter 3 pinkie's suprise > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm on my way to ponyville to possible find something to eat. But how am I going to even manage to pay for the food when i don't have any bits, i have this in mind as i walk on a road which is going through ponyville's park. when i was walking on the road shadow was suddenly pulling my mane to get my attention to something. "aouch!, shadow stop pulling my mane!" i said with a raised voice and faced shadow with not a happy look, shadow whoever just didn't bother to what I said and just looked at something in the distant. wondering what it is looking at, so i turned my head to see what have caught shadow's interest, and lying there was a small brown bag. i walking up to it and pick it up and shake it a bit and i could hear the sound money usually do, opening the bag and yupp in there was i would guess 6 bits. "how did this got here and haven't the owner, to the small bag even noticing it's gone?" checking about if the owner may still be a round. not have any luck "huh. . . looks like free money don't mind if i do" putting the bag in my mane and it some how manage to get stuck there without fall down to the ground. looking back to shadow i say "well looks like i got at least money to buy some snacks, and good work shadow" shadow nods it's head and i went back to keep heading down the road to ponyville. after walking for a while i finally got the Whole town in view, and in the distance i saw a crystal castle. "well now i know a bit more where i am related to the shows timeline and judging off the castle i'm possibly in the beginning of season 5" "well that is something you don't see every day" and with that said and done i just kept moving on, coss i can't stay there and just look eh. when i got half way to ponyville on the road i heard someone screaming "watch out!!" "ee va ooofff!!" i didn't manage to jump out off the way before gotta pony with a rainbow haired mane on me, rainbow looked down to how she had landed on and apparently it was a stallion she haven't seen before, so almost scared she have hurt this stranger she quickly got off him and said. "ooh i'm so terribly sorry for hitting you like that! i just lost my control and accidently landed on you!" I slowly raised my shelf to a sitting position "uuuggghhh. . . it's okay" "i'm really wait what?" she raised her head up and was not completely sure if she heard right. "I said it's okay i should have reacted faster" now i was pulling myself up to my hoof's "no i shouldn't lost control like that and i'm re-" I interrupted her before she could say something more "jess relax i said i am okej it no big deal i said it was okay and i accept your apology" rainbow relaxed and breathe out "okej if you say you okej cool and my name is Rainbow Dash" she said and extended her hoof out to me and i returned the gesture "the name is Night Striker nice to meet you Rainbow Dash" "Night Striker huh? that's a cool name, and are you new to ponyville? coss i don't remember seeing you around" Rainbow looking at him with a question look "yeah i'm new to ponyville, and i was actually on my way to get something to eat" I said with a quite unsure voice. "I can't believe she hasn't noticed shadow YET" i take a fast look but i don't see shadow anywhere "hey what are you looking for something" Rainbow saying with a suspicious look "va? me nah just taking in my environment" "if you say so" she still thinks i'm up to something. "ehhh you don't have to trust me i'm new to this place anyway, and i gonna get something to eat, so see ya" i said and starts walking to ponyville and i hear her running to me. "hey just because you are new doesn't it mean i don't trust you" says rainbow a bit insulted. "oh? really, i'm not dumb i can see if someone dont trusting me, (especially when they are pony´'s with giant eyes which betrays their facial feelings to someone" "you mean somepony Right?" "yeeeh yeeh whatever" i just completely ignore that small mistake i just did. "and by the way why are you following me?" Rainbow was taken aback by that question. "what me following you no it's you how is following me" i rolled my eyes and said back. "yeah right i started walking before you and you started to move quiet fast to try and catch up with me" "no i just figured out i got something to do and i thought you would like the company, coss you can't get any better company than Rainbow Dash, the faster flyer in equestria, but not only that i'm also know as a hero also" Rainbow said with alot of pride in her voice, me nah not so much. "good to know and now i feel just so much better to be escorted by a hero, hurray for me." i said with alot of saricasm and absolutely, 0 fucks given voice. Rainbow does not seem to approve of my acting about her being a big hero and all. "hey what is the big deal? do you not believe me or something, cause i'm one off Princess Twilight's best friends i will have you know" i stops for a second and that earned a grin from Rainbow but, the answer was something she didn't look for. "okej i'm just gonna say dise ones I. DONT. GIVE. A. FUCK. about that so there you have it" i said that werry clear to her to hear, and that left her with a gaping mouth and a look of disbelief. "how can you not care!?!" she said with a slightly sight with hostility and angry voice. "don't you really know how we are? me and my friend's whit the princess Twilight we are the barrier of element of harmony, does that say something to you?" i pretended to look at a watch and looked up to her and said "what? did you say something, cuz i was looking down at i dont give a DAMN what you say, so does that answer your question Rainy?" Rainbow does not like that nickname i gave her. "my name is not Rainy!! it's Rainbow Dash i say it again Rainbow Dash!!!" she flyed up and hovered in my face when she said those words and poked me with her hoof for each sentence she said. "geez relax, way are you so upset by i don't care you are possibly whit one off the 6 most important ponies in the hole equestria?" Rainbow relaxed and took a deep breath "yeah i guess everypony may not see it as a big deal, and sorry for yelling at you like that" "eeh its cool and it look's like we are in town" i took a look around i barely noticed that i walked in town. and far off to the left a saw a appel stand, and applejack behind the stand. stoping looking around i start walking to the appel stand and by me some snack to eat. Rainbow sees me walking and saying. "hey where you going?" i stops for a sekund and looking to rainbow "just gonna by some snack haven't had something in the morning" turning and heading back towards the stand. Applejack saw me coming towards hers stand and offer a friendly welcome "well howdy partner what can i get for you mr?" looking what she got on hers stand and i just went for the classic fing. "how much for two appels?" taking a moment to count the price. "I recun 3 bits sound good for yah?" "yeah sound good for me" pulling out the small bag hand hoofed her the bits, she gave me the appel's and i started go somewhere nice to sit, untill she said. "now hold their partner, i don't reckon you around ponyville before, are ya'l new here?" stops and facing applejack i simply said. "yes i'm new to-" i was interupted by you can possibly guess who. "HIYAAAA!!!!" i jumped aside by the surprise with pinkie pie coming absolutely no where to be sen. "Gaaaah!! PINKIE don't yah just jumping out off no where to new pony's" was applejacks scolding to pinkie. "OOOH! hello applejack i just wanted to say hello to this new pony here and, hey my name is pinkie pie, do you like partis? cuz i like parties and GASP, i just remembered i have something important to do see ya later Nighty" and she was gone even before i got to react. "sight, i'm sorry for my friend's action mr" appel take a look at me and i just was completely gone and was speaking something like this. "hur? när var hur i.... jag kan inte.. uuuggghhhh. det är bara pinkie kom i håg bara pinkie" applejack have the question look i just simply said. "i'm okej if you wonder and it was nice to meeting you applejack and my name is Night Striker by the way" "shoot i almost forgot to present myself, but it was nice to meet you to Night" i gave a small nod and walked away. "UUUGGGHHH i swear one day pinkie will be the death of me and how did she even know my name before we even met? ehh never mind" ignoring that encounter with pinkie for the first time i just found a place to sit down and eat my appel's. meanwhile Rainbow walks up to applejack "sup aj?" applejack looks to face the new voice and looks eye with Rainbow. "well howdy RD, what can i do for yah?" "me nah nothing but, have you meet the new pony in town that unicorn over there?" Rainbow shows with a hoof to point the direction to a unicorn stallion sitting and eating on his 2 appel. "yeh i have he did by a couple off appel from me, and why do you care anyway?" "naah just wondering what you two talked about" Applejack got a smug grin on hers face when Rainbow said that. Rainbow looked confused with aj's smile."hey why are you smiling?" "are you liking him? Rainbow" Rainbow was caught off guard by that question. "what me liking HIM? pufffhhh no way why do you asking anyway AJ?" "well you did wonder what we two talked about witch was nothing specific just a friendly greeting" applejack take a glance two wards Night and saw something very unexpected "hey Rainbow look at that bird next to Night does that not reminds you off celestia's pet bir philomena?" Rainbow looks towards where applejack hoof pointing and seeing Night next to a big werry dark phoenix "yeah that bird does looks like celestias pet phoenix" back to Night_Striker, i was just finishing my second appeal then i heard some wing beat and a landing sound next to me i turn and saw shadow standing there and looking at me, "oh there you are shadow, i was wondering where you went, but i fink you just have to do something right?" Shadow nod as in approval "humm i wonder if shadow is a boy or girl could be usefull to know" looking away from shadow i saw applejack and Rainbow looking at me, but att something next to me, taking glances between shadow and the girls it confirm my thought. when they saw i was looking back at them they quickly turned the glances ells where. "this is possibly going to be a normal fing for me isn't it?" i just closed my eyes and sighted. shadow turned it's head towards me again with a question glans. "it's nothing to worry about shadow" standing up i started walking a random direction, i felt shadow landing on my back and i dont paying any mind about that. applejack and rainbow saw night walking away towards ponyville's park "well AJ i got to go see ya!" "hey! Rainbow where do you fink you doing?" Rainbow stops for a moment to face applejack. "oh i'm just gonna keep a eye out on the new guy, too make sure he doesn't do anything bad yeh that" "now Rainbo-" but applejack didn't get to say that last part befor Rainbow turned and flyed away towards where Night was heading. "aww shoot" she said while throwing her hat on the ground, before instantly picking it up again. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ i found a nice place to rest on in this park, i am right now resting next to a tree and looking to the sky. "Dam it's sure is a nice day huh?" i said to no one specific. shadow was sitting on a branch above me and just keeping a eye out for trouble i believe. turning my glace back to the sky again i saw a single cloud in the sky? concentrating my look on just that specific cloud i believe i see a small rainbow colored tail? "wait a second, cloud+rainbow tail and it just happens to be the only cloud on the sky? . . . . you gotta be kidding me" shaking my head at the kelcee way Rainbow is spying on me. "ehh let's just live here be and she possibly will leave" ignoring Rainbow i just close my eyes and relax. shadow saw his friends look on a cloud just to happens to be the only one in the sky, and when he looked more concentrated on the cloud, he saw a rainbow mane and tail colored pegasus with a cyan colored fur looking at Night Striker. not liking what he sees he decided to do something about it. and with that he took off towards the cloud. Rainbow have spotted a lonely cloud and have be using it to spy on Night striker and his pet bird. she ahde follow them until they stayed by a tree. the black Phoenix flyed up to the tree and landing on a branch right above where night is resting under it. she saw night moving his head around and after i while he was shaking his head? why was he shaking his head? Rainbow just concluded that he was just thinking off something, but after a little while when Night looking like hes have fallen asleep. Hes phoenix suddenly took off and was heading to her? the black phoenix flyed right up to Rainbow and landed on a small patch off the cloud and just looking at her with these light blue eyes. saying something in the style she believed witch mean don't you dare try something funny or there will be a pain full future for you, look. Dash didn't really know how to react to this Phoenix, but she don't wanna make it more angry by not try any fing, so to try calming it down she did the only reasonable fing and spoke to it "woah relax shadow? right" the phoenix noded once "i don't know why you are giving the me that look but trust me i'm not gonna try any fing promise" Rainbow said while holding a hoof up in the air. shadow didn't trust the pegasus but he could always set her on fire if she tried something. so having his mind set he took of and flyed down back to the branch he was resting on, but keep an eye on that cyan pegasus if she would try anything to bring harm to his friend. Dash gave a relith sound when Shadow flyed back to his owner "geess whats up with that bird i was almost like it's Nights lifeguard or something" Rainbow decided she had enough of this crazy nees so she decided to fly home and relax a bit. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ i don't know how long i laid there and relaxed under the sun, until i felt something landing on my stomach, looking at it was a letter and it have a pink color on it and three balloons with light blue color. picking it up i open it and in it it says, hello you have been in invited to sugarcube corner and come there whenever you feel best and it's not a party made to you see yah! reading that again made me confused "why does pinkie pie says it’s not a party when its obviously is ehhh what ever might as well go there" so i got up and started walking towards sugarcube corner. i heard shadow took off and flying above me towards town. "I should really figure out if shadow is a girl or boy to i don't have to call it well it" I am now standing right in front of sugarcube corner and all lights is off "well it's now or never" with those thoughts in mind i open the door and got a huge scream off "surprise!!!" flinching a little off the high volume off the surprise skem from everypony here. looking up to the banner which says 'Welcome to Ponyville Night Striker' "Hiiiii! do you like yours surprise party?" i got started by the very loud voice next to my ear. "Gaaaaah! Pinkie don't speak so freaking loud in my EAR!!" Pinkie ignored my outburst and just keep asking "did you like the surprise tell me! tell me! tell me!" 'sight' "yes pinkie i like it, so are we gonna start this party or what?" and with that the party was in full spin. > chapter 4 staying in princess twilight's castle? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- everypony have fun in the party there was some dancing, mingling, or just playing pin the tail on the pony. i on the secondary was just eating a few cupcakes which was delicious and very good made, i took some off the bowl drinks and the don't seems to have any alcohol in them, which is okay for me. while i was sitting by my shelf, a unicorn mare with a white fur and purple curled mane and tail, was heading to me and took a seat in the chair right in front of me, she looked at me while i were dis question glance. "oh my apology deare for not asking but, do you mind me sitting here?" she ask with a little nervous voice coss i know Rarity dont want to appear rude. "no not at all it's nice to have company time to time" that earned me a smile from her and i looked around the party while drinking, i heard someone clearing their voice *Ehem* turning back to Rarity she seems to want to say something. "yes? what do you want mis?" "oh right i haven't introduced myself yet, my name is Rarity and what are yours sir?" "my name is Night Striker nice to meet you Rarity" i said while pulling my hoof out to her to shake, she smale and return the gesture and we shaked hoof. "my aren't you a gentlecolt, it's a shame it's not more off you out there" she says with a bit blucing? on her cheeks, just shrugging it off i return with a more reasonable answer to that question she did. "I'm quite sure there are more gentlecolt out there you haven't just met them, cos how should you earn friends when you are not respektfull, and i'm only respekt full if they show it back. cos if i didn't i would possibly have more enemies than friend, eh not that i care or any fing about that" Rarity have this quite shocked look when i said that last part. "excuse me darling but i think i may heard that last part wrong but did you say, you don't care about friends? coss i can't imagine a gentlecolt as you not having any friends around here" "oh she have no idea what i'm about to go through" "don't worry about it, i'm not that much off the social pony as you may fink but i like to keep to myself time to time and just relax, and it's my problem to deal with not yours so dont sweat it" Rarity dont know how to answer back but she decides beter taking his word for it, "well i guess i will taking your word for it, but if you don't mind i don't quite get your dialect do you mind where in equestria you are from?" Rarity asked with quiet intruding look. she sees Night getting deep in thought while he lover his head to fink. "shit!! how am i suppose answer that question i don't know any city or place in this world that may have swedish dialect, hmm i know!" looking up again to Rarity i begin my esques which i hopefully she will buy, "well i'm not quite sure where i was raised in equestria my parent and i didn't stay long in the same place, so i don't have that many friends cos we didn't stay long enough, and my parent was both earth ponies, so thats why i don't use magic to levitate my drink as you do, but they still learned me good enough so i do have a general understand off stuff, and i think that answer your question?" Rarity got a bit overwhelmed buy this information "how can somepony just accept something like this!! well it does answer a buns off questions i may have asked, but how can he be so under standing off so much well i think i should maeby say something" taking eye kontakt white Night a gain she began "well that was quite interesting story bu-" she didn't got to finish that sentence when she got interrupted by somepony. "there you are Rarity!" turning our glances to the pony how interupted her was no one than Twilight sparkel or should i say princess Twilight sparkle, she is a alicorn with a indigo fur and hers mane and tail are purple with a dark pink and slightly lighter color lines. (i'm not that good to describe colors and stuff so bear with me) "hello Twilight darling, now you know is not polite interrupting somepony when they are having a conversation" "oh! i'm so sorry for interrupting you two i hope it was nothing important" Twilight say with a rather embarrassed look Rarity was about to say something but i decided speck up to interrupt her "naa nothing important at all and by the way, nice to meet you Twilight or should i call you princess or both?" i say while holding out my hoof for her to shake. Rarity looks at me with a disapproving look, i just ignoring it "bitch please it's not that important, and i would rather not speak of that topic any way" "you can call me just Twilight, i'm still trying to get comparable with all this princess stuff" she says nonchalant. "but i'm rather qurious how come a unicorn like you don't using magic to levitate your drink? cos that is one off a few things all unicorns learn when young" Rarity just this moment to speak up "well to answer that question of yours Twilight is because Night Striker here family traveled a lot around equestria. and i guess he did newer got the chance to learn it or i'm i wrong?" now i got them both looking to me "geeeesh since when did i got the guy to throw all your godam question at ughhh!" "yeah thats pretty much one of the thing, but it explain some of it" i was about to take one more swing off my drink when i noticing it was empty. "well looks like my drink it out i will be right back" i say when i taking my leave to get more to my drink and a cupcake or two. the two girls watching when Night took his leave, Rarity decided now is good as any chans to tpeak girly stuff to begin with "so Twilight what do you think about Night then?" Twilight got cut off guard with that question, answer not quite sure how to answer that. "well he seems okay for a stallion, but" now Rarity got more interested what hers friend finks of this stallion. "but, what?" Rarity try to pry the answer out. "i don't really know how to say this he is friendly but he doesn't seems to care to some degree for some reason" now they both looking at Night when he finally got his plate filled with 6 cupcakes, and getting ready to head back to the table they are at. "well if you would ask me his mane doesn't look to bad maeby styling it a bit would not hurt and perhaps something else" Rarity concluded and seems to fink about something. Twilight seeing her look and having a pretty good idea what she may finking about. "you are not about asking him modeling for you on some stallion clothing are you" Raritys eyes got wide in realization and looking back to Twilight. "thats a wonderful idea Twilight! thanks for telling me it then i should possibly not come to mind" Twilight was about to say something when she got interrupted by somepony. "okej i'm back and i got some cupcake if you want some" glancing to Night again the girls saw he got quite a few cupcakes and took one each. Rarity taking this opportunity to say some things "that is werry kind off you Night, you truly knows how to treat a lady, except for some stallion whose name i have forgot" and she winking when she was done talking. i on the second hoof knows how she talking about but ignores it "no problem i just thought you girls wanted some coss i haven't seen you taking a bite off anything really" i finishing saying before i took a bite on my 3 cupcake off the day and glancing out the window and seeing that roughly half the day have past, and some off the party goers have already heading home or back to there own thing. "hey Night Striker where do you staying for tonight?" Twilight ask, looking to her i say with nonchalant voice "eh possibly sleeps under the star again, coss i don't have any where to stay or the bits to stay anywhere else" both Rarity and Twilight got surprised by that answer. "you can't be serious are you darling? coss i can't in magen how awful it would be to sleep in the night alone, but do you phere haps having a camping gear somewhere around?" "well i don't have a camping stuff or anything really just improvising when i slept in the night really" i stand up from my seat and heading out until Twilight decides to stop me buy going on font off me, and i just raising an eyebrow at her with a question maner. "well me and Rarity agrees on that you can't sleep in the cold night, and i got an ide that you should stay in my castle coss i have plenty of room and i barely using any off them" i stops and finking for a moment "hmm either i deny the offer and try slowly building a place off my own in the everfree forest or staying in a crystallized tree castle and learn magick from bocks there, the answer is clear you would be stupid if you denied a offer like this!!" "well thats werry kind of you but are you sure? i'm not going to be a burden to you?" Rarity stepped in and answered for Twilight on this one. "Night Striker i'm werry positive that you would not be a burden, you are very respectful stallion and i would take you in even though i don't have lots off place but it would be worth it, and i don't want you to say any fing else about this!" she says with a confident voice. "well i guess i take your offer for it, Twilight but on one condition" Twilight raising an eyebrow that even have a condition. "okej and what may that be exactly?" she says with interest. "that you don't try to do anything wid Shadow in any way you may find interesting or for some kind of study on it, and before you ask it is a phoenix and possibly the only one off it kind, can you follow that?" i say with a werry serious voice and my eyes says it whit a, 'if you dont you would with Luna was with you in that moment look' Rarity and Twilight both laughed at the same time and rolling on the ground, i just rolling my eyes and went out off the door. waiting outside to Twilight and Rarity i heard a flap of wing beat befor Shadow landed on my back and waiting outside the door with me. a few ponies was staring at Shadow when they pass by but didn't care or dare dont know which was more fitting at the moment and leaving us alone while waiting. "HOW FUCKING LONG IS IT GOING TO TAKE THEM TO CALM THE FUCK DOWWWN!!!!!?????" my patient started to run out coss seriously? it wasn't thatfuny. and after like 5min later they both come out and was feeling a little in bares buy that i was standing and waiting for them to come out, when they both looking up to possibly ask a question about what i said, there's eyes got wide and their mouth falling down when they saw Shadow sitting on my back and looking blankly at them and just shrugged at there reaction at him. bear in mind no one know hes gender get except pinkie cos its pinkie. Twilight and Rarity just stood there and staring at Shadow and i gave out a 'sight' and just shake my head side to side at this, so i coughed to get there attention, and they both snapped out of it and Twilight was the first to answer me. "i can't believe this! i just thought you just made a joke but here in front off me most be the most rarest phoenix in the world ever existed!! i just most dokument this quickly oh and-" a loude *eheem* sound coming from Night interrupted Twilight's line off thoughts and got hers at the sound. "Twilight didn't we just a agreement that you shouldi mean notdo just those thing for a few hours ago?" i said and said two specific word clearly for her to hear it, "eh he he right" she said with a nervous voice remembering how specific i detailed my not fret but close to it how serious i was in this. Rarity decides it was time for her to leave so she said hers goodbye to oss and went home to hers carousel boutique. with Rarity gone i looked back to Twilight and sak "well should we start heading to the castle or are we staying out here all day or what?" getting back to what was going on Twilight got back to the living world possibly finking off what have been happening at the moment. "right just follow me to the castle and we will be there no time" when Twilight stopped walking and looking back and saw i was still in place she asked "is something wrong Night?" i just looked at her and said the most obvious fing you could fink off "well one fing can't you i don't know teleport us three to the front off you castle instead of walking the whole way over there?" Twilight face hoofed at the realisation of how she did not think off that first, and that earned a grin from me. "ugh why didn't i think of that!" "well i guess you don't teleport on a daily casually and will possibly enjoy the scenery than missit by teleport everywhere" i said nonchalant. Twilight just shrug it off and went with it "right, now come close so i can teleport the two-" "you mean the three off oss right?" i gestured to Shadow on my back with my hoof. "right the three of us to the castle's front doors" and with that she concentrated and then it was a flash of light, being a little bit disorientating for being teleported for my first maeby second time off my time in equestria, Twilight announced. "welcome to my castle" and in front of us the doors open up with Twilights magic glowing a magenta on the two doors ass it open up, there inside was made of crystal "what a surprise right?" and it was a long coriod leading to different ways to the castle and a set of stairs leading to the higher levels of the castle. "so follow me and i will show you your guest room where you will stay" Twilight said and we said off a pair set off stairs before we reach a corridor with lots of doors left and right, until we stopped in front off a door and Twilight said. "this here is your room where you will stay and there is a bathroom for taking care off any basick need you would have and shush, and i will possibly sen spike to let you know when we are going to eat something before it's gettin too late" Twilight finished. "thanks and i will bear that in mind" Twilight just smiled and walked away after she said hers see ya soon, turning back to the door i open it with a hoof and the interior was nice with a decent big bed in the middle of the room with a desk near the window and in the corner to the left i see a second door possibly the bathroom, and Shadow felled it was time to get off my back and fly in side and landing on top a convenient placed wardrobe next to my bed, shuffling a little to myself at my companion and closed the door, and went to the head of the bead and laying down and relax, "i wonder what the coming days in this world gonna be like, or what do you fink Shadow?" i asked for no reason at all Shadow squawked a answer back and i just went with it, but for some reason it was not a positive one, "eh possibly just me being a bit paranoid" and with that i was out fast as a light, > chapter 5 Magick! or chaos? may be both? why tha fuck not > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So Spike, can you go and get our guest he's upstairs" "sure thing Twilight" Spike says and giving a smart salute and head to where Night Striker are staying. Shadow was keeping an eye out for that alicorn, he doesn't trust her by the way she reacted by seeing him, those crazy eyes she got when she looked at him made him feel uneasy, shadow heard his friend. He helped in the everfree forest saying something, it was distinct but he could hear it, and it sounds like Night was singing? "du gamla du fria du fjäl höga nord de tysta de glädje ricka köna jag vet att du är och för blir vad du var ja jag vill leva jag vill dö i norden ja jag vill leva jag vill dö i norden" that last part off the song caught Shadow off guard, a moment later there was a few knocks on the door, when no one answered the one behind the door open it a bit and ask out, "hey Twilight told me to get you to eat dinner with us" when spike didn't got an answer he open the door fully and saw that the pony was to get was a sleep, "sight, why dose this stuff happens me" he said low to himself, he walked up to the sleeping unicorn until he heard a 'squawk' sound coming over him "huh?" looking up he saw a black Phoenix staring at him "um hi there you dont mind me waking him up?" spike asked not sure why tho, the Phoenix flew down and landing next to the sleeping unicorn looking at his friend and back at the small dragon, Shadow then walked up to nights head and starting picking on him, spike don't know why the phoenix doing that but after 3 pecks the stallion just rushed up and glaring at his Phoenix, "Shadow! don't do that to wake me up damn that hurts" I noged the place he picked on, i heard someone clearing their voice next to the bed, and next to me was a small dragon or rather Spike, "um Twilight told me to get you we are about to eat some food" he said with little confidence in his voice, shaking off the rest off my tired nees i responded with "yeah sure just gotta go to the bathroom and i will come with you spike, oh and before you ask Twilight told me your name not that you was a dragon tho eh" and he saw the unicorn go to the door on the left side off the bed and went in. the rest of the day went uninvent full we ate had a small conversation, and ending up with twilight feeling embarrassed to forgot to tell about spike being a dragon and shush. Night came and everyone was asleep except me and Shadow. 'sight' Shadow looked at me with a question glance, i just spoke to him cos i know he understands me more than i do to him, "it's nothing Shadow just thinking off my family and what they may react to that they will celebrate my birthday without me. . ." Shadow looked out the window i had opened which is the one next to the desk in my room, but suddenly we felt something was wrong in the air and there was a flash of light and- "well well well what do we have her?" i heard a manly voice and i know exactly how it was. "i know who you are Discord and i don't feel to have you around" Discord appeared in front off me and Shadow wearing a baseball cap? and hawaii shirt and in his griffon claw he had a drink off martini. "well is that how you fanks a friend when he helped you out off your boring life in that just so wonderful chaos world now" he said with a smile on his face. Discord saw that he had my full attention but when he saw my eyes he don't quite know what to fink. "what did you say just a moment right now?" i asked now i'm not angry yet but i know perfectly well what he said but i dont know how i will play dis out, Discord just smiled and said "well i was the one who made you come to this world but i'm afraid that you won't be able to get back, cos i just by so happens to come across your world and saw your wonderful chaotic dreams, i finking off,hmm i do wonder what would happen if i took this boy to a world he doesn't just know about but also make wonderful chaos" he finished and flashed next to me, that was until he felt something did entstand right, now i'm not easy to make angry but when Discord felt the air got cooler and he also felt Dark magick coming from Night Striker and he slowly backed away, "now now. now isn't the time to be too hasty off us now if you-" Discord tried to teleport away but it didn't work cos i don't know how but i blocked his magick. "NO you listen to ME Discord, i did not only got teleported her by some unknown reason BUT also stuck HERE, i'm gonna show you why you should never make a human angry by being the resonto send me here" my eyes slowly started glowing with blue and yellow flame, Discord realise that he is actually in trouble and maybe even life threatening moment, "now i'm sure that the pri-" i cut him off again but this time my horn started glowing dark blue aura and my tail and mane started move a little off the intense power coming off me, "SHUT THA FUCK UP i have enough off you and now i'm gonna kill you a hundred times over to make you feel how ANGRY i'm right now and you will wish that you, NEVER made the mistake to tell me that you are the reason to all off this!!!" my voice was so loud that even rivals off Lunas candelot voice in comparison, when i was done speaking i shot a dark bolt off magick toward Discord, he fast ducked and barely got hit by the bolt but it passed him just inches from his head, the bolt hit the far wall but nothing happen discord was about to say something when he got hit by the spell i cast, it somehow went straight for him after it hit the wall and he could feel the pain from it, he falled down to the ground and grouting off the pain, and to Discors horror when he touched where he got hit he felt something wet and when he looked to his paw he saw blood. "Discord dis is a warning. If you ever plans to do anything or tell the princesses off me or fluttershy what happened with you" i bend my head down straight to Discord head "i will find you and kill youin the worst possible way i can imagine, have i made it clear" Discord looked to me with a truly horror on his face for the first time in his life, gulping he said "c-c-crystal" and with that my horn flared and there was a flash and Discord was gone, seeing that there was still blood on the floor i just used a little magick and just like that it was also gone, when all of that was done and Discord not around i passed out, ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ in the distant off Canterlot did Celestia woke up in a rush off her bed and looked to the far distant towards a village she knows werry well, moments later did her sister brake in to Celestia's bedchamber "TiA!" Luna said with a bit urgent in her voice, turning to look at hers sister, "yes lulu what is it?" she said some what tired off being so rudely woken up by that powerful magical energy she felt possibly hers sister also, "Tia did you also felt that powerful magick energy coming from ponyville?" Luna said a bit more calm now after what happened, "yes i did sister and i hope is not something bad, who ever poses shoush powerful magick we most make sure to meet that pony" Luna nods in agreement and decided to return to hers work to watch over the night, ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ "uuuggghhh my head" i say when i woke up, i slowly pulling myself up and set a hoof on my forehead, "what happened last night, and why do i feel like cutting Discord head off and putting it on the wall" i shakingly walks to the open window and close it, so no more cold air are coming in. Looking out the window i see that the moon haven't even gone down fully yet. "how long have i been passed out? and why can't i remember what happened, i know its something to do with Discord but what did he do to make me? angry. . . odd" i spoke low to my shelf, i heard a squawk coming from my left, and there i saw shadow wearing a frown? expression on his face? "shadow something happened last night didn't it?" shadow nods it's head, "uúughh okej thats it i just gona go with it this way" "shadow are you a boy?" shadow just looks confused by the question until he nods when he answered, "well now i don't have to call you it any more" Shadow just go with it and ignored me mostly for the part. I walk to the door to my room when it suddenly got blown open, by no one else than Fluttershy. "woah" I jumped backwards to avoid getting hit by the door. Fluttershy looking to me with a werry angry frown. "eeeh can i help you with something?" Fluttershy just walked straight up to my face and said. "HOW dare you HURT! my friend mister, just because he's different doesn't it means you can hurt him and injuring him badly!!" She screamed in my face and poked my chest. backing a bit and holding up my hoofs for my self defense, "woah woah, take it easy, who is your friend you claim i have hurt? cuss i don't remember hurting somepony, and if i did i'm sorry for doing so" fluttershy was still mad at me for who knows why possibly pinkie, after she calmed down she spoke, "My friend Discord come to by my cottage and was werry injured, i didn't know he could be this badly hurt but when i ask him who hurt him, he didn't want to say it first. That was until I manage to get him to talk and you was the pony he told me about" fluttershy looked to see what my reaction was but she just saw me staring blankly at her. "say what now? I don't even know how to levitate a freaking CUP, how am i supposed to hurt him when i can't even do magick????" i say with a slightly high voice but just to put my point through. fluttershy got this werry conflicted expression. "but but, if you can't do magick why did he told me about you then?" I just shrugged and went with it. "Dont ask me coss i have no clue and the only reason i can think off is if i did, hurt him it must be something WERRY seriously to me to get me do something like that" Fluttershy was about to say something but i have one thing to say she gonna say any thing "but do i look like i'm that kind of pony how would hurt somebody or somepony without a reason? no i'm not and i'm not angry or anything just out most blown by what he claims i have accomplis, how do you not know he hurt himself? and put the blame on somepony, just because chaos?" Fluttershy was quiet for a moment before she spoke "Well he have done it before and that isn't nice off him to do, well i’m sorry for me yelling at you Night Striker" i just waved it off. "Dont worry about it, no hard feelings and it nice to meet you miss?" i say while holding out my hoof. "oh! my name is Fluttershy and it's nice to meet you too Night" she said with a shy voice and shaking my hoof, "well i'm going now and i hope we can be friend?" i just went with this "yeah we can be friends if you want to it's no must and have a nice day?" i said the last part not sure really. Fluttershy smiled and we went out my door and said our goodbyes. "why does this keep happening to me? stupid murphy's law i didn't even said the words!!!" heading down stairs and i still do not believe that Twilight is a sleep, eh stuff happens. I come across a door i fink leads to all the books in this castle opening the door and yupp inside was a bunch of books, and in the corner i saw a sleeping Twilight, i laughed an little to my shelf at the typical Twilight reading until she falls asleep. i walking to one off the bookshelf and looking to witch book i want to read. "history of Equestria no, how to learn a pig to fly WTF?, how to make a stallion to- move on!, aha! here it is how to learn basics of magick" I took the book and went for the few couches in the room and took a seat. "okej now its time to see what its takes to levitate stuff. hmm, when it comes to levitate objects such as a rook you need to have high concentrations on it and imagine it to fly or that you just picking it up, but remember you can't make magic do as you wish it to but allow it to flow and letting the energi help you. okej i fink i'm trying this" so closing the book, and i place it on the table in front off me and did what the book said just imagine it to float and after a little while it did. my magickal aura is apparently black colored with a small hint of blue. "huh that was eas-" suddenly there was a flash of light and i waiting for my vision to fix it shelf and i was in a room, white walls and pillars and in front of me was. "IT'S JUST MY FUCKING LUCK ISN'T IT?????" in front of me was Celestia and Luna. Luna looked happy to see me and Celestia worn no expression at all and she then spoke to me "hello Night Striker i fink we have some things to speak about" "jag hatar mitt live (i hate my life)" > chapter 6 i'm screwd arent i? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia is looking at me with a raised brown to what i said, "I'm sorry but what did you say Night Striker?" "It's nothing princess. Really just speaking a bit loud to my shelf" that seems to be an acceptable answer to Celestia. "Werry well now to important matter can you explain to me why i sent a werry strong magical energy from you if you don't mind" she said with a friendly smile. "why do i get a feeling i'm going to the dungeons? well what happen happens" looking straight to Celestias eyes i say. "to be honest i don't know why, i don't know anything about using magick. and i just learned my shelf to levitate a book before you teleported me here" "oh? do you mind doing it again if you please" "well i can't say no can i?" Celestia giving me dis glance which say obey or go to the moon, or i'm just imagining it. Luna on the second hoof seems a bit conflicted with hers sisters stare on me. "well give me something to levitate then if its help or something" Celestia nods to a guard how laying down a sword? for me to use my magic on. "why does that sword look familiar to me" not going over the sword that much, I concentrate my magic to levitate it. meanwhile Celestia sees this stallion concentrating and sees his horn are having a dark blue magickal aura, but she and hers sister sees it changes from black and back to normal dark blue. "I sean's dark magick but some how dis stallion doesn't seems possessed by it, or does it have a different purpose?" I finally manage levitate the sword when something happened there was a flash of light and the sword in front of me looks exactly like my sword at home. "hur?" i just stared at the sword in front of me. but Luna sems taking an interest in the sword cos it doesnt looks like being made in equestrians. "Night Striker may i see at that sword" Luna ask with interest. Iooks at Luna then the sword and back "eh. . . sure" I say with a bit worry behind my words and giving my sword i'm sure off to Luna "hmm this sword why is it dull?" "coss i bought it that way because in sweden you aren't-" i was to slow to stop myself from saying those word and now the sister are staring me with more interest. "Hmm you said you are from sweden? i have never heard of that name before, do you mind telling us?" Celestia ask. "Shit! what do i do now. sighs i guess there is none" So taking a deep breath i looked to the two sisters. "well this was gonna happen sooner or later" Celestia and Luna looks confused at me Luna ask "and why is that Night Striker?" "first off my name is not Night Striker. My real name is Martin Jonsson and i use to be a human" Celestia and Luna looks at me a bit shocked by this news "well Martin if you are who you claims to be can you tell us how you got here then?" Celestia asked. "well i don't know how and why i got here but something tells me its all because of Discord" the two sisters spoke quiet to each chute and then Celestia light hershorn upp. After a little while there was a flash of light and Discord was in the rom in a bathtub? being completely oblivious to where he is. "Discord" Celestia said with not amused tone. Discord stopped scrubbing his horns and looked to Celestia. "Why Cely i didn't take you as an mare who likes looking at ponies who are taking a bath" Celestia keeping hers pokerface on while Luna is barely holding her from laughing. I just sitting there looking at Discord being unserious. "well Discord i fink you have something to explain to me and my sister about our guest here" Celestia motion with hers right wing two wards me. Discord looking to me and his face lost a bit off his color. "who might this pony be Celestia coss i haven't seen him befor" he says with a bit off a nevus voice. I raised an eyebrow at Discords un karakteristik behaviour "Discord it obvious that you hiding something and i can clearly see that you are scared off me?" the sisters took notice of that and Luna decides to bring that up "Discord why are you scared off Night Striker here? and what are you hiding" Discord makes a double take off me not remembering of the theret i did to him "Hiding what? oh right i forgot to mention that i have a meeting with Fluttershy so i will just go now" Discord made move to the door, when i stepped in front off his path. "Discord where do you fink you going?" i said while looking straight into his eyes. making an annoying look "going away from here" he motioned with his griffon claw and lion pawn round the room. "Discord me and my sister want to know why Night Striker claims that you have something to do with him being here" Celestia said in a strange tone. "So what i took him from his caotik world and bring him here to equestria to spread some more chaos so what?" Everyone feeling that an magick energy building up in the room and looking toward Night Striker where his horn is lit up white black energy. "so you are telling me that you are the reason i'm here? the werry reason i'm stuck here and forever? justso youcan have fun by watching me in this world?" My magick i have build up is almost at it peak and ready to fire at will. "Night striker stop this immediately!" Celestia commanded but I ignored her and have my eyes locked on Discord so she built up hers own magick fast seeing that i'm almost on it peek anyway. "guards seize him!" Luna commanded and 2 guards went for tackle me but got shocked by a feld round me i put up in nick of time. I fired my magick two wards Discor he wasn't prepared off the speed it come towards him holding up his claw and paw for the impakt, it didn't come. looking he saw that a yellow shield energy have absorbed the attack looking towards Night striker he saw that he have passed out. All three of he just looked to night laying there unconscious and being unsure what to do. "sister what should we do?" Luna asked. "i'm not sure but he's too dangerous to have run about" Looking to the guards that have been shocked coming back up, she ordered them to take Nigh striker to the dungeons and put a magick decibel ring on his horn. Celestia turned hers attention back to Discord and Luna did it to. "Discord you have allot to explain to us both" celestia said "And don't try to flee or you will be sealed into stone again" Luna said without a hint of concern for him. Discord getting a bit nervous for getting so much attention but he finally gave in. "werry well i guess i should explain what this about then, Night Striker or Martin as his real name is from a different world or dimension. i just so happens come by his world and i saw all the magnificent chaos it was giving out and i thought to my shelf. i should possibly bring one of these humans to our-" "THEE DID WHAT!" Luna shouted with hers royal voice. "Luna! calm down i'm sure we can fix this problem right Discord?" Celestia said Now Discord is werry nervous because he knows that it impossible to bring the human or Night Striker back to his world and not that Celestia would not like the answer it would come whit. "well he can't return back because it was just an accident that i come by his world and my look at the time it much bye!" Discord said fast and he was gone in a flash. The two sisters are sitting there shocked by the news they just got. Luna was the first to come to her senses. "sister i will be in my rom if you need me" The dark blue alicorn said as she went off to her room to rest. "your Highness" a guard said started Celestia a bit but she fast hold her face and shoved not much emotion. "yes?" she said "The prisoner woke up a while ago and started speaking something to himself in a language that we don't understand, but we did caught that he said something with your name and your sister" the guard said. Celestia stands up and address the guard "lead me to where you have placing him at hold" she ordered the guard nodded and lead the way to the dungeon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I just sit there in my cell thinking of what i should do, i think i may have thought aloud because some guards walked away after a while. "uuuggghhh varför händer det här mej det är som om jag är i en fanfick eller nåt från MLP" I said a bit loud to my shelf. Looking in my cell i noticed that i just have a blanket on a bed by the corner, and toilet by the corner and shadow looking at me by the window with an bagg with him holding it with his claws and wait what? i stared at shadow for a while to make sure i'm not imagining it. "Shadow what are you doing here?" i asked but ignoring me and dropping the bag in front off me and it sems have something in side. Looking between the bagg and shadow i walked to it and open it up, inside is a book whit says it's about magick. Picking it up with my hoof because i have a ring on my horn which neutralise my ability to use magick. And when i try to use it i get a shock from it with hurts ass FUCK!. But when i was about to test something i hear hoof steps coming towards me, so i quickly put it back in the bag and hide it under the bed and pulling the blanket round me and sitting in front of it to hide it better. Coming from the left side was a guards and "hello sun butt or aka Celestia" stopping in front off the my cell. "hello Night Striker" she said with her motherly tone to me i just roll my eyes and return the gesture. "hi princess" she look a bit troubled by my tone of voice how i speak to hear compare befor. "is there something wrong? you seem to be troubled by something" I stayed quiet to for a while to form a logickal answer "well I am actually. I usually don't get that easy angry and i think Discords chaos magick have influenced my magick and how i react to him in a different level then i would possibly normally" I answer calmly. "well i think i agree with you on that part but still. It's dont give you right to kill somepony even if they did wrong" she said the last part to try to make me feel guilty to try kill him like i care. She is staring at me to see if i give any reaction but my answer was not what she expected to hear. "I don't give a fuck off what you saying i already know what i did and i cant shanges what happen" I see her wearing a shocking expression that i dared to say that right to hears face and don't have even a hint of regretting what i said. "werry well den i hope you like your stay in the dungeon coss you will not be realised until you have changed your attitude two wards royalty goodbye" she said before walking away and shaking hers white wings off the frustration she held. When she and the guard was out off sight i begin to try move the ring with my hoof, i feel it being stuck on my horn i tried to spin it round and feeling it letting loose a little. Like 1h and 30 min later i finally got it off now to the book. > chapter 7 FUCK IT! i'm out off here > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It took me a few hours to learn how this fucking teleportation magic works and apparently it just to easy to cast well i haven't done it yet. So let's stop wasting time and get out of here! I closed my eyes to visualize the area to teleport to and i feel my magick get to work. ". . . wait i can feel my magick? when did that happen!" ignoring that bit of information i cast the spell. when i open my eyes again i find my shelf in an room. "hmm dark room stars decorating the ceiling and painted dark blue around the walls and a sleeping luna in her bed" I made a double take at the last part and staring at Luna sleeping and she looks so peaceful sleeping no care at all and i should stop being an weardo. I looking fast for a door to get out and finding it an glass door i open it stepping outside to the balcony and looking for where to go. When i was looking out of canterlot i noticed that a few guards was out and about. " I can't believe that it was that easy to escape the dungeon. well i could have been a bit more respect full to sunbutt but naah" spotting a nice place to teleport to i concentrated and begin the spell again. "why did i ended up in Lunas room anyway? meh i will figure that out maybe sometimes but now it's time to get out off here" and whit that i teleported. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ privet silver wing is one of Luna’s night guards and he was tasked to check on the prisoner in the dungeon and to give him the food. "I can't believe the guys made me! to go down and give the prisoners food, just because i lost a bet which i can't even remember i even agreed on! uugggghhhh. . . . this better end up interesting or something cause i'm not an maiden!" When silver arrived to the cell he noticed instantly that something wasn't right looking around he found it empty. "are my eyes playing whit me or are this the wrong cell?" doing a double take on the cell number "nope this is the right cell alright cell number 127 . . . . ." "shit! the prisoner have escaped!" silver shouted out loud and began running to deliver the news to the princess. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Celestia was sting on her throne and just finished the days curt off today and thought she could finally relax the rest of the day. Nope dient seems so the universe was going to give her that when one off hers guards come storming in and had urgent news. privet Lightning one off the unicorns guards come and addresses her. "what is it that is so urgent private Lightning that requires my immediate athens?" she said with her calm motherly tone to the private, he straightened himself up to a athensun pose before he addressed the solar princess. "ma'am one off Luna's guards named silver wing went to the dungeon to deliver the prisoners food when he detected that the prisoner was gone" Celestia blinked her eyes an bitt rapid when she got this bad news and surprised, that the prisoner have somehow managed to escape the dungeon from his cell "how did he escape! he barely could use magick and now he somehow managed to escape his cell in less than an few hours!" She saw that the guard was still standing there waiting for order. "guard i want all available guards to spread out canterlot and stop the prisoner before he getting any where else" The guard saluted and sprinted off back where he came from and to report the order out to the rest off the guard's. Celestia gave out a long sight and talked low to her shelf "this is absolutely not my day" she raised up and headed to hers room to a rest she desperately need. Mean while. Silver wing was patrolling with the rest off the guard's to find Night Striker the stallion that have escaped but nopony have seen him yet, It's laite and the sun is on it's way down though it's 3/4 off the day left before Luna will rise the glorious moon, put in it's rightful place in the sky. "i can't believe we haven't find him yet, how can an unicorn without any experience off magick or cutiemark even escape us this long!" Silver wing sighs off his partners complains, Night shade she was not happy about this they have basically flying around town eight times now and still got no lead, and night shade have been know to lose paisent fast when she get tired. "come on Night shade it’s not that bad we have at least found some news that he hasn't leaved town yet and that he hasn't eaten yet that the information we got" Silver tried to tell her to lighten up her mood, she has hoped to get into a fight or at least stop a criminal. Shade stared at Silver whit her dark green eyes which was very uncommon for therestal to have with an disapproved look on her face. "Silver stop even trying lighter up my mood it not like we just would happen stumble across hi-" she stopped talking when they heard some pony shouting off pain after a sound off barrels that was falling over. they both shared a look and dived to the location off the sound. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Night Striker have so far evaded guards from discover him by hiding in dark alleys and behind building and so on. i haven't managed to get out yeah coss i don't want to teleport out and accidentally teleport me down the ravine or something stupid, and to top it off i somehow manages to keep me hidden before some idiot crashed on some barrels that fall over and landed on me. And they were not empty the were filled with ale and wine and manages to land on my back, i did not have the time to react by jumping out off the way. I hope my back isn't broken, but it hurts like hell! I have managed to steal some food so i'm not on an empty stomach and hungry. I was about to remove the barrels that was over me when i heard an pare off wing beat coming my way. "shit! i need to come up with something fast or i will get back to that cell and possibly won't get out again" I tried to come up with something anything! Then i got it and just hopped it would work, i charged up my magick to the ide i have and just hope it would work. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Night shade was the first to come to the area where they have heard the sound come from, and after her was Silver wing the poor guy barely manages to keep up with her when they have figured out where the sound come from. "common silver i didn't fly that fast you know”she teased him. "uuugggghhh not the time shady" When they returned there athensun to the barrels they saw that somepony was under them and seemed to be hurt. "common we got to help that pony out shade said" she vas about to move to help but silver stopped her, by holding a hoof on hers shoulder. "hold on shade, we don't know who that pony is, it can i wen still be the prisoner" Silver said a bit urgent and was that a bit of concern in his eyes? Shade rolled her eyes. "what's that silver are you saying you are scared?" she says with a playful smile. "what? me are you kidding no-" he didn't got the chance to finish that sentence before they saw the pony or rather stallion showing himself. The stallion pushed the barrels off him and stared at the to guards. "what?" he said Silver and Shade took in the feature off the stallion he have a black coat white mane and tail and his eyes is brown colored. so they did the only logical fing "sir we heard some sounds coming from here, and would you happen to see some pony suspicious come around here?" silver asked. The stallion put a hoof to his chin while thinking. "no i haven't caouse i wass under some barrels that landed on my back, but what i do know is, that it just happen by accident, why do you asking if i may?" he says with a small hint off uneasy and irritation. Silver Wing stepped forth to the stallion and said firmly with a stolid face. "nothing that we can handel sir that you need to worry about, and i don't fink we got your name?" he said with a slight suspicious towards the dark unicorn stallion. The stallion in question raised an eyebrow and say with a simple voice " well if you must know my name is Night Shadow" "Night Shadow huh? i don't recognize that name by any off the ponies that lives here" Silver shoot back. "well maybe it's because i don't live in canterlot, and i'm just an simple tourist here and i hope i was somewhat to help" shadow said. "and if you don't mind i would like to be my way back for the night" he ends the talk and trotting away. shade walked up to silver and spoke with a slightly low volume so the strange stallion won't hear them "well he was some what a odd one wasn't he?" "sight, i don't know what you fink Shade but something tells me that. We may meet him more of than not" "oh? and why do you fink that" she said slightly intrigued by his mode switching. Silver didn't answer just looking to whee the mysterious pony went, after a while finking silver dechide they have wasted enough time. "common shade we still need to find the prisoner" And they flayed off to the sky to keep up the search. But Silver can't shake off that feeling that the stallion knowed more than what he gave. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I stopped a while after i'm sure that, i was far enough from the guard's i just met. "I can't believe that actually worked! how in hell did i manage that? eh it worked i better us this time to get the fuck outta here" After a very close call with the night guard's, i went off to try find i secured spot for me to teleport from. "But i'm not that sure how i even managed to pull a hallucination spell. i just come out of nowhere! eh either way i'm okay for now. " So with every thing crazy shorted out in my head and found an well hidden place. I charged up the teleport spell to get the fuck out of Canterlot and pray to god that no shitt storm happens for now. I imagine a place quite the way far away from this capital of equestria and i release the spell. after the blinding light i found my shelf with a few trees and. . . out of fucking nowhere a sword perched the ground inches from my head! blinking a few times i saw who's sword it is. "heh would you look at that my sword! and why does it have runes on it? and it appears it has been sharpened also? meh less works for me" I said a bit loud to my shelf. after i collected my sword and straped it in it shed i started walking out off here. After an while walking my sword started glowing like crazy! then there was a flash somewhere in the sky a bit far away and i think i heard someone screaming. "VAD I HELVETE!?!" "eeeh.... was that just me or did someone or somepony just screamed what a hell in swedish?" when i realised that someone or pony i don't know yet screamed in swedish it only means one thing for me. and like a bullet i started running to where the screaming come from and hoppe no guards heard it. > chapter 8 friends united > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some where in sweden. I finally got home after school, damn nothing have been as it use to be after I heard the news on tv and on facebook that my best friend have gone clueless gone. Allso not just that. It’s like he's birthday tomorrow and I don’t know what to do, but i can only hope that he's okej where ever he is. I plonked down, on my sofa in my room, and started playing something on my bass. when i started playing a bit off tones and music I saw my sword my friend and I bought in stockholm, starting glowing an odd light from it. “Whata? okej that’s is weird, why are my sword glowing like that?” Not really have anything else to do, I put my bass down and moved towards my sword and picked it up. When I did that I felt warmth coming from it. “Okej this is weird and why is this happening just to my sword? like seriously I don’t know what is happening here, but I guess I should draw it?” But when my hand touched the handle to my sword, there was suddenly a bright light of flash and the next fing I know i felt whegt less? Upon opening my eyes instantly I know I was falling. “ ssshhhiiittt!” The next thing I did was basically yelling out off my lungs the only thing that struck my thought. “FÖR I HELVETE!!!!!!!!!” Offfff! “uuuggghhhh that could have gone much better than this uuuuuuggghhh” The first fing that came to me was pain in my body, and when I whent to push myself up on my feet I suddenly felt unbalanced and crashed on my stomach again. My ears caught some noises coming from bushes and rotated to that direction? “Dafuq? okej sense when have I-” I stopped that trieloff fought and picked up my sword and draw it from it protection, and turning toward the busch and prepared for the worst. After a few minutes and out off the bushes appeared A fucking pony?? He looked at me and I noticed his sword and an familiar necklaces around his neck. He or that is what i think he looks like, open his mouth to speak but I spoke first to the punch. “´Who tha fuck are you? no nevermind don’t come close to me or I will cut that ugly face off yours head and tear you apart and..” Rasmus aren’t sure what more to say for now but trying to come up with anything. but still not leaving the eye contact with the pony or at least that what he fink it are. it’s eye’s suddenly got a bit larger as if it figure something out and then he did the unthinkable it said my name. “Rasmus? är det där du? och ta bort svärdet för fan du vill väll inte skada din bästa polare nu eller hur?” “That voice I know that voice! is it really? but he disappeared and” Just like that he know that was his friend, that have suddenly disappeared for an unknown reason. looking towards his friend he smiled. “Well now I know where you have been all days Martin” But the reaction I got was not what I intended his smile disappeared and he got this no time for bull shit face. I was about to question him about it when he spoke out. “Rasmus have you seen how you looks like?” I got totally confused when he said that. “What do you mean look at my shelf i’m still an hu-” And when i looked at my arm which i’m holding the sword whit was an hoof, a BLOODY HOOF!!!!??? That was not only it when my eyes moved after the hoof to the rest off the body, I saw I have been completely horse fied or is it pony fied? But what I did made notis off was my wings. WINGS!!! cool I wonder how I use them. But I got back to reality when i heard an “ahem” in front off me and returning my concentration towards my friend. “Well i see that you have noticed that you're not human, and I must say that pony form fitts you, dark red coat orange and yellow mane and tail, mostly short cuted. And the thestral wings is an nice touch. And your ears looks quiet sharp looking almost horn like.” “Wow thanks to pointing that out man, it’s not like I would like to figure that out shelf how i looks” I said with a sarcastic voice. “Anyway where are we? and why are we ponys?” I ask while looking around confused to try make sense of the situation I got into. Martin seemed to have something to say when his ears suddenly shot to the side as if catching something and got this worried look. “I will fill you in later but we gotta get outta here first so, common let's go!” He help me get on my fe-er hoof? and urging me to follow him to whatever we are heading to. I had A little problem with moving my feet-hoofs whatever! but thankfully he gave me some pointer out how to move in relative more easy than i did awhile ago. The forest we are in are quite peaceful but I don’t see what is worrying my friend so much. I thought about to speak to him but decided against it because whatever he was listening for. After I not sure like 1h walking we finally stopped next to an river going down wards to our right, so now I thought is time to ask him where the hell we are some where. “Hey Martin” My friend head turns to me and ask. “Rasmus what is it? I take a deep breath and ask the question i wanted to ask. “What have happen with you? and where are we?” I say while looking around the forest we are in it’s quite beautiful with the green lush trees. I hear my friend *sigh* and looking towards him. “Okej i’m just going to make this quick, you know the show my little pony?” “I nod as i know the show but I haven't seen any of it” “We are in that world but i don’t know if it exactly the same but so far it has kind of proven that right, so basicly i somehow manages to get out off the everfree forest without getting eaten.” “yeah yeah i get it you woke up in a forest met ponies horses whatever, but why are you fleeing from them if they are friendly?” Rasmus asked. ‘sigh’ “apparently Celestia aka ruler of this land with her sister Luna didn't like my way off action, against discord because he's the one that actually are the reason to send me here.” I did a double take. “Wait… who is dis discord and how do we punch him in the face!” I say determined to give this discord bastard for actually kidnaping my friend to this world. But my friend just waving it off with an hoof “Don't bother with him I doubt you would even get a hit on him right now, also he’s the spirit of chaos and he’s speeches is called drakonius” “Well what should we do now then?” I ask and looks around us just to make sure it’s only us. “Well we need to find an place to hide and come upp whit a name to you” he said. “Wait an new name? Why would I need an new name” I ask confused and don’t really know why I would need to do that. My friend gave and audible ‘sigh’ and turned to me and said firmly. “Well for starter my name is Night Striker to fit with pony could sure whit name, also Rasmus are not and pony name same ash Martin” “Okey so I need to come up with an name?” I asked not even sure what I would call my shelf. “You want me to come up with an name don’t you” Night said with a knowing look. I just gave him a nod to give him an go. while Martin or Night as I should call him now. Was thinking and I heard him grumbling a few names that didn’t quite sound to match me. But after a few min he looks like he got it and faced me. “What do you say about Fire Wing?” he says with an expectation look. “Sound good to me, also what are we doing now? we can't hide in the forest forever you know” Night gave out an ‘sight’ and the said. “Well they are just after me and not you man” he points out. “Right, so where do I come in the picture?” I ask a little lost to what my friend have for an ide. He puts a hoof underneath his jaw and finking. While he is finking I move my new lims. It’s an bit weird to move something on your back when you are so use to not having them. allso i’m not even sure how I even manages to do that. “Well first fing would be find a place to stay and train you so you can use those wings off you.” he says. Then I got one ide. “Hey we should train with our swords so we get’s better whit fighting and all.” I say and my friend nods in agreement. “Yes that is one thing I had in mind but c'mon we better get going” So night rises up and started walking in one direction. I quickly collected my shelf and followed after. “so” I begin to say to get my friends aten sun. “where are we going to stay somewhere, because you are wanted man and all that or should I say pony” I said the last part to strike some fun in it. but my friend just rolls his eyes and say. “well I was thinking that we could stay in an abandoned castle in the ever free and all that” I stopped moving and my friend kept walking for a bit, before he turned his head around and have one eyebrow raised. “I’m not going to wait for you just so you know” he says while he walk’s. I shaked my head and started catch up to my friend. “so you are saying we are going to live in an castel, that are in the most dangerous place in this hole place, as far you have told me and live there?” He just shrugs and answer with an yes “what you don’t gonna tell me you are scared or something?” I started laughing against that question. “phhhtttt you know me i’m not scared and i’m just surprised that you have changed and all that in an shushan short time!” We passed a few river banks on the way and my friend still looks quite tense about those guard I guess. “changed? in what way?” He ask me with confusion on his face. “well you kind of acting differently lately like a totally different person than your shelf” I pointed out. Night stopped for a second to fink over what i just said and gave out an audible ‘sigh’ “I guess I have lately haven’t I?” “yeah and how long is it two this castle off yours?” I asked slightly concerned that the night is about to begin soon. he turns around and start walking again. “an long time possibly i’m not even sure how long it’s left” “well it would be nice to know how long we have to go before we are there you know” I said. “yeah yeah but we will be there in time and if we are lucky we won’t meet any timberwolf in the way” he said and was that anger in his eyes? shrugging it off as if just something my mind played on me we kept walking. ___________________________________________________________________ Canterlot Celestia's bed chamber. Celestia haven’t rested the whole day and she have been worried that this pony named Night Striker are up to something. “to have so much magick power and not knowing how to use it are slightly worrying, and the night guards have still not found him. where could he ben somewhere? and what is he up to” she thinks to herself when she heard a knock on the door. “come in” she says without to look to who come in. Luna walks into her sister's room and close the door with her magick behind her magic. Luna walks next to her sister to watch out the window off to a familiar village off in the distant where an certain alicorn live with her friends. “have your guards found him yet?” Celestia ask her sister without breaking that look from the window. Luna gave out a heavy ‘sigh’ and shook her head with disappointment. “i’m afraid we still haven’t found him yet and how can an unicorn straight out disappear without a sign where he head to” she says with a small hint of fascination? in her voice. Celestia turns around to face the dark blue alicorn. “are you certain that none of the gard’s met somepony that might be just a slightly off?” Luna concentrate very hard to come up with something but to no success. “i’m afraid i’m have nothing sister. But I have got some reports that some guards heard somepony screaming something out that was coming from the forest when they went to investigate they found nothing” Celestia pondered that new she got and thinking on the location the forest is an where it is leading. Then her eyes goes wide with realization where he is heading somewhere. “hes going to our old home in the Everfree forest” Celestia spoke out and her sister just gave her a question eye gesture. looking back to the window again she says “what is he up to and what is he trying to accomplish with this” “I don’t know sister but we are going to have to stop him whatever it is” As she join her and looking out the window again and thinking to herself. “I hope we can face whatever he have in store for us” > chapter 9 this day just keep geting beter and beter... (part 1) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Uuugggghhh är vi där snart eller? Vi har typ gott i timmar nu utan att hitta det här slottet som vi skulle vara för ungefär jag vet inte hur länge sän” (are we there soon? we have been ealing now like for hours now without thinking this castle that we should benn to just about I don’t know how long ago) My friend whined behind me and i’m sure we are almost there. Yes we have been walking for quite a while now and we still haven’t rested yet. “Ta det lugnt, jag sa aldrig hur long tid det skulle ta för oss att komma ditt nu eller hur” (take it easy, I never said how long time it would take for us to get to the place now did I right) In response my friend just grumbled under his breath something that I can guess what he said. We kept walking for a while until we got to a rope bridge and on the other side we could see a castle. I turn my head toward my friend and say. “Well here we are, now we just need to get to the other side and find a decent place to stay” Firewing just shrugged his shoulders and wings at the same time possibly not realised what he just did and walked past me. “ Yeah yeah don’t need to tell me twice and can you like iduno use magick to get us some food? cause i’m getting a bit picky” He says while we walk over the bridge somewhat slowly cause we still don’t know how much stress it can take and better safe than sorry. “No I can’t cause I don’t even think I can do that or if it is even possible. And this isn’t World of Warcraft where mages can make food out of mana you know” Fire Wing suddenly stops and turn his head to the side and having one off his ears up as if listening to something. “Why did you-” he just raised one hoof up to quiet me down and say. “don’t you hear that growling coming off somewhere?” I stood there and got a feeling that something was staring at me. So I looked back and saw 6 eyes staring at me. I decided to keep calm and poked my friend, he looks at me and was about to say something when he saw the wolfs like creatures in the open slowly creeping to the bridge end. His eyes shoot up wide and ask in an hurry. “what tha hell is that!” and pointing to the timberwolf which was a bad thing to do. The wolf's know saw they have been spotted and made a run towards their prey. I saw they started running now and yells. “no time time to get off this bridge!!!” And we made a run for the end off the bridge my friend got first off whit the help off his wings to add more speed to his steps while I lacked behind him. he drew his sword to cut the rope when I get off the bridge. I got the gits off what he was planing and used my magic to get an levitating grip on my sword and when I finally got to the end off the bridge. The wolfs was nearly at us and there greenish glowing eyes widened when they saw us grin with the swords drawn and cut the rope on the sides off the bridge. they floated there for an seck in the air and they yelped when they falled down to the dark abyss below and the rope bridge smashing against the other side off the cliff and smashed to bits. My friend and I gasp for air into our lungs while trying to maintain our footing from that heart racing moment in our life. Fire wing spoke out “Next time just use your magic to blow those wolfs things to smitterin okay?” I just laughed at that really bad joke and finally collapsing to the ground while laughing like an idiot, and my friend just smiled to himself but I missed the worrying glans he had in his eyes and shaked it off when I come back to my bering.     “Sure next time i will make sure i have the magic knowledge to destroy wood with fire if that makes you happy” I say with a grin. Turning our heads to what is an head off us we see an old ruined castle, the castle towers you could see have collapsed by the years it has been here and have this ominous dark lighting on the whole thing as if to dare us to go in side off it. “So this are our base of operation huh?” Fire wing said with mild interest in his eyes. “Yes so common lets go inside and explore the place and see what we can find and if we are lucky maybe armor to boost it up” I started to walk to the castle mane gait that is old dark wood but fire wing had something else in mind. “Why would we need armor anyway? Is it really necessary and who are we hiding from any way?” I stop my approach to the gait and turn to my friend. “To be honest those guard that are following us are after me and they don’t know anything about you so i’m kind of the wanted criminal off us two. Allso i have no idea how this even happen but i know that we gonna be careful here in the Everfree forest. So to put it simply better safe than sorry” Fire wing gave an sight and looked me to the eyes and gave me a confident smile. “Well if thos fuckers are going for my bro i might as well give them hell while i’m at it and be side” he says while moving his wings on his back an bitt and sems to have an ide. “At least I get to have this cool wings” We give one and other a knowing look and nods. “All right then let's head inside and see what we can find” I say and open the door and we both heads inside -------------------------------------------------------------------- Mean while in Ponyville Twilight Castle meeting room -------------------------------------------------------------------- “So is every pony here?”  Twilight asked her friends that are gathered round the crystal table that appeared for some reason. When they all sat down in their respective chair and have an map projecting from it showing equestria and some neighbouring continent. “Yeah Twilight i’m sure every pony are here what was is it you wanted to talk with us about? because I have some moves i need to praktis down”  Rainbow dash said not so eager to hear what Twilight have gathered them for. “Well I-” twilight was about to tell when Rarity broke her off. “Rainbow darling ples i’m sure for whatever reason Twilight got here for it most be serious otherwise I believe she wouldn't have oss all here in an shusa short notice, and I do need get this over with because I have an important dress to be made for one off the Canterlot nobles there and I would like to have it done soon as possible” “Well I was abo-” Twilight tried again but once again being cut short. “Well it’s ain't just you sugarcube that need some work down and over with i need to get back to mah farm and help Mac. and I won’t let him over work himself again” Applejack said “Girls please can you be-” suddenly Pinkie cutt Twilight off. “GASP´GIRLS!! I JUST GOT THE GRATES IDE! WHAT IF-” “GIRLS!!” Twilight finally manage to get them all attenshun while accidentally scaring Fluttershy who flyed behind her chair off the sudden loud voice and giving off an small. “Eeeep” sound while doing it. “Oh sorry fluttershy” she says while putting her ears back on her head for scaring her. “Um it’s okay twilight” fluttershy reasoning making twilight relax an bitt. Getting back on track twilight making sure everypony was looking and she got there athenshun. “Okej girls the reason why i gathered you all hear is because off this letter” she shows the letter in her magical grip with the royal seal of the sun on it. “Soooo What? Read it now so we all can head out doing our own thing all ready!” Rainbow say clearly have lost her passion all ready. Twilight just rolled her eyes and continue “anyway it says that a pony named Night Stri-” “WAIT!!!” pinkie suddenly shouted making everypony started with the sudden loudshout. “As in Nighty? The guy who stayed in this castle Nighty?!?!” pinkie say while taping her hoof on the map. “Yes pinkie that Night” twilight confirmed while keep reading the next line. “It say that he was imprisoned in Canterlot castle” Then Rarity interrupt Twilight again before she could read the whole sentence. “Godnes me that kind gentlecolt? I can’t imagine what hi must have done to deserve shusa punishment as in getting in a filthy dungeon” putting extra empathy on the word filthy and shivering imagining being put in a dungeon. “Can I finish the letter Before you all start interrupting me?” Getting the message clear to her friends she continue.   “Ehem right so’ Night Striker was being imprisoned in Canterlot but later on the day he escaped by means we don’t know and he clearly wasn't skilled when it comes to magick, but me and my sister are trying to figure out where he is, but if you where to find him do not try to capture him he is now dem as a threat and proseed with caution. With shinsery your fellow princess Celestia” All off the girls was quiet trying to process what they have just heard when the door to the hall opening and spike comes running in. “TWILIGHT!!! Something is happening in the Everfree Forest!” he calls out. “What is it spike? What is happening in the Forest?” twilight says alarmed same goes for the rest for the girls. While Rainbow without question heads out immediately out the corridor with a rainbow trail after her. “I don’t know i was just out next to the park hanging out with Snips and Snails when suddenly we heard shouting from the forest” Twilight and the rest of her friends wasted no more time and start running out the castle.