Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat

by David Silver

First published

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

With his cutie mark earned, once David, now Silver Lining is eager to learn true magic and unlock its mysteries. Entering a new school, with most of his old friends departed for more practical jobs, Silver will have to rely on Celine(a miniature copy of Luna), and Night Watch(A bat pony/lunar pegasus) to steer him right as he enters the next phase of pony life as a young adult.

Will he survive his college years? Let's find out!

1 - Leaving the Nest

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"Are you certain you are ready?" asked Trixie, looking over Silver Lining with obvious uncertainty.

Silver bobbed his head, "I have my cutie mark, and I have my confidence. I haven't memorized all the symbols, but that's not nearly as important. I'll learn them as I put them to work." He flashed a gentle smile at Trixie, "I'll make you proud."

Trixie reached out a hoof and pulled Silver close, "Too late. Trixie may be an expert on how to be proud. She will not stop you from chasing your dreams."

Rough took Silver next, squeezing him firmly, "I'll miss you around here."

Silver nuzzled into the chest of his adoptive father, "And I'll miss you, but it's not that far! I'll be able to come home to visit just about any time."

Celine, the smaller, younger version of Luna, sat patiently hovering a satchel full of things just behind her. Night Watch whistled shrilly from the door, "Time to go!" The lunar pegasus turned and stalked off, leaving the front door open.

Silver detached from Rough Draft with a wriggle and smiled up at the two of them, struggling not to cry. There was no good reason to cry, as far as he could tell, but the drops fell hot and hard despite his logic. "I'll visit, and write. I love you both so much."

Celine gave a smirk, "And now you have the entire house to yourself." Rough turned dark at her tone as Trixie snorted. Celine gently nudged Silver with her snout, "Let's go and leave your lovely parents to some peace."

They were soon outside, joining Night Watch. Night tilted her head at Silver, "What's with the water works? You're not even leaving Canterlot."

Silver shrugged softly, "I'm awful at goodbyes, sorry." He gathered himself up and wiped his face with a fetlock before starting ahead with the mares behind him.

Celine perked an ear, "You took leaving behind your human family pretty well."

Now it was Night's turn, one of her tufted ears perking up, "Human family?"

Celine colored as she realized she may have spoken poorly, "In his game."

Night shook her head, then advanced on Silver, "Tell me, now. What are you?"

Silver swiveled an ear at Night, then back at Celine, "Well... you seem to be a friend I'm not getting rid of."

Night smiled, "Not until Princess Luna says otherwise."

Silver nodded, "Well, alright, but this is going to sound crazy. So, I wasn't born a pony."

"Duh," said Night.

Silver started a little, "Why duh?"

Night rolled a hoof in the air, "You're clumsy enough that you'd need to have brain damage to otherwise explain it. You lack even basic understanding of little social rules that anypony should know by your age. You were cramming your magic lessons into one year where most colts would start learning a lot younger but get to the practical things about now. Do you need more reasons?"

Silver fidgeted a little as he walked, "Yes?"

Night frowned then and bumped Silver from the side, "You're testing me. Fine. That artifact, the one you call a computer. I did my research. Technology like that just doesn't exist, to say nothing of the other things I found in that desk. The 'key board' was obviously not meant for hooves. Were you a griffon? Minotaur maybe? Diamond dog? Something with fingers." Click, "Oh duh. You were a human! Celine just said that. Which means... Are you an alien? Did your dad get inspired to write Humanway from meeting you?"

Celine shook her head slowly, "Your power of observation is impressive enough. I'm surprised Luna chose somepony quite so alert."

Night tilted her head at Celine, "What's that supposed to mean? What did you want? Some ditzy mare that wouldn't question all the dangling questions that Silver leaves behind? As if." She poked Silver in the side, "I'm still watching you. I'm going to keep on digging."

Silver smiled a little awkwardly, "That is comforting, in a way."

Night looked startled at the reply, "Comforting?"

Silver bobbed his head as he started climbing up the stairs towards the school he would call home, "You care about me, a lot, even if I am awkward sometimes. Thanks."

The school had a sign engraved in the marble slab above the door, 'Academy of Transcendent Flesh'. Silver looked up at the large chiseled sign, "That's not creepy at all. Fair enough name for a school about enhancement magic though."

They passed a few other ponies on their way to the registration offices. Every pony they passed wore a clearly-displayed heart crystal, each with a different color shining from within. Many were heart-shaped, one was a cylinder. Silver's heart crystal was a lavender-glowing sphere, dangling from around his neck on a silver chain. The other ponies scarcely afforded the three a glance, except one. A stallion with full robes and a long pointy hat was that one. He wore a yellow pyramid stone.

He held up a hoof at them, "Colts don't belong here," he said in a smooth cultured tone, "I'm afraid you've gotten lost. I'll show you out."

Silver was too surprised to react before Celine advanced, her wings spreading wide. "My stallion has been accepted at this academy! He has every right to be here."

The stallion raised a shaggy brow, "Has he?" He leaned in, looking Silver in the eyes, "I'm certain we'll meet again then." He straightened and trotted past them without another word.

Night shrugged softly. "You are awfully young," she pointed out. "If you didn't have your cutie mark, I wouldn't believe you were ready either. Even then, I know plenty of ponies that stay in grade school with their mark for a while."

Silver shook his head, "Like you? You hardly look older than me."

Night huffed defensively and turned away, "What would you know? You don't know how a lunar pegasus ages anyway."

Silver tilted his head then, "I didn't mean anything bad. I think you're pretty amazing. If you're young like me, that just makes you more amazing." He trotted onwards to the office, leaving a lightly blushing Night Watch behind.

They entered the office to find a bored-looking secretary. She was an earth pony and she smiled at them as they entered. "You must be Silver Lining," she said, "We received your letter last week."

Celine tilted her head, "How did you know that?"

She shook her head, "How else do you think an earth pony gets work at a magic academy? I make it my job to know these things. I have Silver's schedule right here." She grabbed a sheaf of paper in her mouth and set it on the desk between them. "Good luck!"

Silver picked up the papers with his magic as he asked, "I don't pick any classes?"

The earth pony mare shook her head, "Not for the first term. It's an introductory class. After that you can pick a specialty and get more say about your schedule." She produced a key next and set it on the counter, "This is for the dorm." She glanced at Celine, then Night, and back at Silver, "Should I know something?"

Celine took a proud stance, "I am his first wife."

The mare blinked softly, "A herd? How odd, and so young too." She fetched another key, then pointed at Night, "And her?"

Night Watch saluted with a wing, "Here on assignment, ma'am. Royal business. I have to keep an eye on Silver."

She rose her brows together, "He's not in trouble, is he?"

Night shook her head, "The opposite, I think. He caught Princess Luna's eye. I can't say more than that."

A third key was produced shortly, "Well, enjoy your stay, and welcome, but don't push yourself. Every unicorn learns at their own pace, and it's not a contest. We lose so many bright young things trying to 'keep up'."

Silver grabbed the keys with a swipe of a silver hand and offered one to Celine and another to Night. "Have a nice day, and thanks!"

When they were back in the hallway, Night nudged Silver, "You have no intention of listening to her."

Silver tilted his head, "Wrong, for once. I went into burnout once, and it sucked. I don't plan on pushing that hard."

"He does learn," said Night with a sly grin.

They soon arrived at the dormitories, and found the number that matched their keys. They entered to an odd sight. A stallion was staring into a mirror. Well, the back-half of him was a stallion, the front half was a griffon, but where the two met was anything but stable. Bird and horse parts fought for dominance as he stared intently.

"Huh?" said Silver eloquently, which was enough to break the stallion's concentration. With a snap, the stallion became a unicorn entirely and he put a hoof to his head.

"Ugh! I almost had it!" cried the stallion, "Who are you?"

Silver entered, allowing the two mares to follow him. "Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt. They gave me this room."

He tilted his head at the lot of them, "All of you? Celestia above! I enjoyed having a room to myself." He shrugged softly, "Name's Fast Change. Nice to meet you."

"That wasn't that fast," said Night.

Fast Change huffed, "I'm still working on that one! It's really hard mastering spells that leave you without your horn."

Silver seemed to think about that, "I never tried... well, I never tried any changing spell, yet. My name's Silver Lining."

Fast Change approached Silver and the mares, but his eyes were on Silver, his flank in particular, "What's that mark supposed to mean? It looks like a bunch of scribbles."

Silver took this chance to look at Fast's mark in return, seeing a pony with a blanket tossed over them, with their front part blue and the rear part pink. "They're notes. I'm hoping to research magic itself a little, besides learning spells."

Fast tilted his head, "Magic itself? What are you, Twilight Sparkle? Starswirl? You got big hooves to fill, little colt."

Celine stepped in front of Silver, "He's a stallion now."

Fast glanced at her, then Silver, then back, "So, you his mare?"

"Yes," said Celine without hesitation.

Fast looked to Night, who answered without being asked, "No."

"Hey, anyone that can stroll in here with a mare on the first day is doing something right," decided Fast with a shrug. "Don't worry, colt, I'll take you under wing and show you around. You just keep it quiet at night, some of us need sleep." He waggled his brows at Night then, "Meanwhile, if you--"

"I'm not looking," said Night, adjusting her glasses, "And you're not my type. Just pretend I'm not here."

Silver approached Fast, looking him over. He had soft yellow fur with a lighter creamy underbelly running up to under his snout. He was lanky of build and clever in his eyes. He didn't seem like a bad pony. "Nice to meet you, Fast Change. How long have you been here, at this school?"

Fast flashed a smile, "Two years, specialty in polymorph. I've got all the pony tribes down pat." Suddenly Fast was a pegasus, wings spread wide, "And I live up to my name."

Silver tilted his head, "How does that work? I mean, no horn, no magic."

"Wrong," said Fast, "Everypony has magic, horns are just good at externalizing it. The spell's already cast, so all I have to do is unravel it, and poof." He was a unicorn again, wings rapidly melting into his body as his horn jut free of his head, "Unicorn again."

Night's attention was roused, "Does that mean other ponies could learn magic?"

"No," said Fast, who rapidly become a lunar pegasus, "But I'll go for a flight wi--"

"Not interested," stated Night flatly.

Fast returned to his usual self with a huff, "Mares. How'd you score this fine slice of alicorn loveliness?"

Silver blushed faintly, "I... kind of asked for her."

Fast raised a brow, "I've tried asking, that doesn't always work. You're a lucky colt."

"Stallion," said Celine with rising impatience, stomping the ground.

Fast waved a hoof, "He's a freshpony, I get to call him a colt. It's all in good fun. You know I'm just messing with you, right?"

Silver gave a light smile, "You're alright. Can you show me some magic?"

Fast shook his head, "No can do. It's against the rules to tutor freshponies. How you handle introductory class is a big deal. Some ponies get sent home, and they want to keep it fair. I could get kicked out if I did." He turned away as he began to change, becoming a... female unicorn? "But if you're looking for fun?"

Silver recoiled with confusion, "Gender magic? I thought that was, you know, basically impossible."

Fast shook her back end lightly, "Is it? I must be just that amazing." She trotted away from them and settled on her bed. "If you can figure it out, I'll give you a prize." She became a he again, "Extra points if you figure out which I even am."

Celine grabbed Silver by the ear and hauled him over to another bed. Silver squeaked, going with her to save his ear from further pain.

"Don't think about it," said Celine, staring at him coldly.

Silver looked confused, was he thinking about it? Of course he was. He sighed softly, "You're more than enough for me. I... don't even know which he/she is under all that." He softly nuzzled her and they exchanged a kiss. "I can't wait for tomorrow! This is going to be fun!"

2 - Say Hello to the Professor

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Silver woke early the next day, eager and ready to go. He pranced into the shower and flicked the water on with a twist of a silvery hand before getting to washing. It was a curious thing, washing as a unicorn. He would stand largely still and let his silvery mental hands work the shampoo all over his form, only moving occasionally to expose more of himself to easier access. Celine arrived part way, sliding against him and starting to clean herself as well. The shower wasn't as large as the one back home, but they were comfortable enough together, and immobile, to make it work. The only awkward part came when she spread her wings wide and began to clean and preen them.

Preening wings was not a skill Silver had picked up yet, so he ducked out of the hot water to let her have the space needed to tend to her wings. Fast Change and Night Watch were seated on his bed, talking about something quietly. Silver shook out his body, sending water flying before he asked, "Good day, What's up?"

Night Watch looked over at Silver, "You're still wet, and we were just talking."

Silver grabbed a towel in his magic and began scrubbing himself down, "What about?"

Fast Change pointed up at a clock hanging on the wall, "You don't have time for chat. Class in five minutes."

Had he been in the shower that long? Silver tossed the towel aside and grabbed his saddlebags. After slipping them snugly into place and pulling the belt tight, he was out the door at a quick trot. Celine appeared halfway to class, wearing her much smaller bag. Silver bumped into her lightly, "You don't have to come with me."

"Don't have to, but want to," argued Celine. "Learning a few new spells couldn't hurt either."

Silver shook his head, "It's kind of odd how much respect is given to couples. I mean, I got into this school, not you, but they're letting you in just because we're together?"

Celine looked baffled, "They separate couples in your world? How awful. Even if I don't learn anything, I want to be there to support you." She leaned in and they shared a soft kiss in front of the class door before she nudged the door open with her magic.

Neither of them moved from that spot. Standing on two legs at the front of the classroom was one Lyra Heartstrings. She was smiling at the crowd of first-year students and had a light fuchsia glowing heart crystal in the shape of a wave. The color reminded Silver of Bon Bon's mane stripe. When the door opened, her yellow eyes moved towards it and spotted Silver and Celine. She gasped. "David! Come in here! Oh sweet Celestia, they didn't tell me you were attending!"

Her outburst shocked Silver from his paralysis and he walked into the room without the bounce of a trot, "Uh, hey Lyra. What are you doing here?"

Lyra swatted the blackboard, "Teaching an introduction class, obviously, which you're almost late for."

Silver nodded mutely as he slid into a seat, "I... get that, but when did you become a professor?"

Lyra's grin grew wider, "When Celestia heard what happened, she said 'You have a talent and should learn to use it responsibly'. She revised my punishment to learn and teach here, at this school. Isn't that great?!" She pointed up at her horn with a hoof, "No horn blocker for me."

Celine sat beside Silver, looking at Lyra guardedly, "And what of your marefriend, Sweetie Drops?"

Lyra's grin faltered, "Oh, uh, she didn't want to leave Ponyville and her shop..." Her grin returned as she swatted the board with a pointing stick held in her magic, "Alright class, let's get started!"

Lyra's name appeared on the board, "My name is Lyra Heartstrings. Like you all, I am also a student here, but I know enough to hold the introduction class, so you're stuck with me." She put out her tongue a moment, "I'll try to make this class fun and interesting, so don't be afraid of me. I want to help, so if you have a question, just ask!"

One mare in the back raised a hoof. Lyra pointed at her, "Yes?"

"When are we getting a real professor?" she asked in a bored tone.

Lyra's expression fell to a flat glare. "I'm professor enough to fail you and send you packing, so enough with that attitude." She brightened back into her usual smile, "Now I know you're all excited to learn crazy magic! I know I was! If you pay attention and study hard, you'll be able to do amazing things like this." Her horn flashed with an intricate pattern as her forelegs swelled with power. She grabbed the desk, shoving her hooves under its lip and lifting it off the ground easily for a moment before setting it back down. "Enhancement magic allows you to change and improve what's already there!" She gestured then to her hind legs, "You may have already noticed that I'm walking around oddly for a pony. A little magic can give us a bipedal stance once you learn how."

She strode up along the chalkboard, practically strutting with her bipedal motion, "Before we go too far into examples, there are several schools of study. You will be expected to choose one before the end of this class." Marks appeared on the board, showing a pony with ridiculously bulky limbs, "The first is personal enhancement. You'll learn how to take your dials and crank them to eleven! Run faster, be stronger, tougher, better! You'll make earth ponies cry in their oats when they see you coming." Another drawing appeared, showing two ponies, one a unicorn, the other in a cast, "The second is projected enhancement. This field of study lets you fix things in other ponies. It's as close as pony magic gets to outright healing, and you could save or dramatically improve lives with it." Another drawing appeared with a crude sketch of an alicorn with a lizard tail, "The third school is polymorphing. Learn how to be anything. Why limit yourself to pony anatomy when you can borrow from the world's many species? And those are your choices."

Silver glanced around, then raised a hoof.

"Yes, David?" asked Lyra

"Uh, Silver," corrected Silver, "Silver Lining. You said four? Where's the fourth one?"

Lyra squinted, "Did I? You must be hearing things. Those are the three I know about." She made an upward gesture with her baton, "Everypony stand up. We need to do assessments. I know you all passed the test or you wouldn't be here, but that doesn't mean it's not important for me to know where you stand, magically."

The class soon filed to one side of the room and Lyra set out the weights he recalled from the basic magic aptitude test. "This is not a contest," she said, "I know you're tired of hearing ponies say that. Of course it's a contest, but it's not one you can win. You will not be sent home based on how you do with this, nor do you get to skip a grade if you do great. We just need to know where you stand." She started down the line, having ponies lift each weight in turn until they couldn't. The average felt higher. Silver guessed it was about three-and-a-half, instead of the three the grade school unicorns got.

Silver went through the first two effortlessly, then that third one was up. He remembered the hard time he had, but he had more experience now. Instead of trying to wedge fingers under the heavy weight, he wrapped his magic around it, then contracted it until it was beneath the weight entirely. He lifted it uniformly with a soft grunt, getting it a few inches from the ground cleanly before putting it down. Silver smiled with personal triumph at the marked improvement, and went to try the fourth weight. Ugh, how heavy was that? He couldn't get it to even tremble, and soon gave up on it. "Three," announced Lyra, "Not bad, next!" And on it went. Two ponies could dislodge the fifth weight. It was so heavy that it shook the ground when they released it and Lyra seemed very impressed.

Silver huffed quietly. Who cared about raw power with magic, when subtle control could win the day? Or so he thought to himself.

Lyra ushered the class back to their seats before she started going down the columns, "Magic symbols! Go!" Silver winced softly. He still hadn't gotten them all down, and it showed on his turn. Just rote memorizing them wasn't his style.

Silver fidgeted as Lyra was about to move on past him, "Lyra?"

Lyra looked at him, "Yes? Don't look sad! You'll get plenty of chance to get those down."

Silver bobbed his head, "I can do all the symbols, but I don't have them memorized. Can I show them with a reference sheet?"

Lyra tilted her head, "Never heard a pony ask that before. Sure, why not."

Silver drew out his big sheet of paper and unfurled it, getting a few titters from his classmates before he quickly cycled through the symbols. With the patterns in front of him, he could easily transition from one to the next smoothly, even as he kicked himself mentally on the ones he had forgotten.

Lyra clapped her forehooves, "Very good. I thought you were totally lying about being able to do them all." She moved on to the next student after making a mark by Silver's name that he hoped was a good one.

Silver saw magic gather at the end of his snout and he was pulled to face Celine. She smiled at him. He guessed she was being supportive and he smiled back at her, warming a little.

"Alright!" announced Lyra as she returned to the front, "Last part, practical displays. With a show of hooves, who here has already cast and knows a true spell?" Lyra raised her own hoof. About one-fifth of the class raised a hoof, including Celine and Silver.

"Yeah! That means we get to go down to the gym. Everypony follow me," said Lyra excitedly as she fell forward to all fours and trotted from the room.

The class was soon following her through the school's corridors, descending deeper down some stairs before they came on a vast room where some ponies appeared to already be practicing spells. One started expanding rapidly as they arrived. With the sound of a whoopie cushion, the pony deflated almost as quickly, then flopped over exhaustedly.

Lyra gestured over at the pony, "Don't be like her. Always know the limits to your reserves. Now then." She pointed at a unicorn near the back of the crowd with a small nub of a horn, "Show us what you got."

The mare trotted up to the front of the class, smiling nervously at everyone before she unleashed a simple spell of only a few symbols. A shrill whistle sounded from her horn as magic escaped. With concentration, she seemed to be able to control its pitch, playing a little song before she retreated back into the crowd. "Very musical," said Lyra, bobbing her head, then pointing at Celine, "Let's see yours."

Celine trotted up and looked thoughtful before she took a slow breath. Her horn buzzed and strobed with a complex string of symbols as the light in the room dimmed noticeably. In the darkness, stars appeared above everypony's head. Lyra clapped eagerly, "Very nice! I guess any mare that can get David has to be good."

Celine's magic faded instantly as she spread her wings, "His name is Silver Lining."

Lyra waved dismissively with a hoof, "You next!"

Eventually it was Silver's turn and he looked around before glancing back at Lyra, "The spell's a little dangerous." He pulled out his notes on the fireball, shaking the sheaf lightly, "But I have it down pretty good."

Lyra rolled her eyes, "Hit us with your best shot."

Silver nodded hesitantly before he pulled the paper up to his snout and read off the patterns quickly before repeating it with his horn. The heat began to wash over him as that lovely sphere of flame erupted form his horn and hovered a short distance over his head. He raised it a bit higher, not wanting it near himself or his classmates. Using his silvery hands, he held it like an exceptionally large basketball.

Lyra tilted her head at it, "A basic light spell, not bad. Nice flame effect."

Silver shook his head, "It's not a flame effect." He pointed at an unoccupied portion of the gym and brought the silver hand down on it, ball of fire first. A violent explosion was the result, flame escaping from the confines of the ball that held it and scorching the stone floor in a wide circle. Silver smiled, breathing heavily. "That takes a lot out of me, but, within my reach."

Lyra tilted her head, "You shouldn't cast that ever again."

Silver frowned, "Why? That's my first spell. I made it myself."

"Made it?!" exclaimed Lyra. She advanced on Silver and bit him on the ear, "You might be a friend, but that doesn't excuse lies, David." Silver opened his mouth to complain but Lyra's magic clamped his snout shut, "Not another word. We'll talk about this after class... Next!" she pointed to another pony, inviting them up to show their magic.

3 - After Class

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Class had ended, and Silver was about to depart when Lyra caught his eye and gestured with a twist of her head for him to go with her. Silver shared a sidelong glance with Celine, and soon both were moving after Lyra. She led them both into the dorms and entered a room, locking the door behind them, "Alright, David, my man, you're--"

Celine shoved Lyra with her magic, "You're testing my patience. His name is Silver Lining. And nopony bites his ear like that unless it's me."

Lyra snorted, then burst into laughter, "You are the most adorable thing, but seriously, don't do that ever again." She locked eyes with Silver, "Do you have any idea how illegal it is for unicorns to research outright war spells? I'm talking research as in learn what's already there!" She reached out and bopped Silver gently on the nose, making him frown, "Did you really make that on your own? Bon Bon owes me some bits. Humans aren't magic my flank."

Silver's confusion seemed to lift as he nodded his head, "I did. I took the symbols related to heat and pressure and played with them until I got it just right."

Lyra's brows raised as one, "Damn, son, that's so dangerous! Trained wizards lock themselves in dark holes in case they explode when they try that. You never know what you're going to get." Her horn glowed as she reached into Silver's saddlebags, rooting about.

Silver squeaked softly and swatted impotently at the magic, "Stop that! What are you looking for?"

Lyra snatched Silver's notes and brought it over, eyes scanning it quickly, "Your writing is awful. What is all this?"

Celine bared her teeth. With a bright flash, Lyra was pinned to the ground under her magic, "Enough! Stop ignoring me." Celine grabbed the notes out of Lyra's limp magical grip and gave it back to Silver as she stomped up to Lyra, "It is only because I know Silver rather likes you that I don't become more angry. Explain yourself. I am his first wife, and will protect him."

Silver flushed gently at the accusation, true as it may be. "It's true, she is, and she will."

Lyra sat up as the magic lessened, "Hey, relax. I'm on your side. I just wanted to see what you wrote down, chill. I was friends with Mr. Human over there long before you were, first wife." She shook herself out, then looked back at Silver, "How are you going to have a herd with one mare, or are you hiding a few others?"

Celine put herself between Silver and Lyra, "We have not selected a second mare. I have my eyes on one, but I respect Silver's decision to be patient."

Silver moved up and gently nipped one of Celine's ears gently, "Thank you for that, and relax. I really don't think Lyra is out to get us."

"I'm not," agreed Lyra. "You have no idea how happy I am to run into you again. So how's the horn life treating you?"

Silver wobbled a hoof, "Mostly good. I have an enchanting wife, made some friends. Rough got married to Trixie--"

Lyra's eyes went wide, "Beatrix Lulamoon, and Rough Draft? Seriously? That's a crazy couple!"

Silver smiled, "They love each other dearly. Uh, and I got my cutie mark recently for making that spell." He turned to display his scribbled notes of a mark when a knocking came from the door.

Lyra tilted her head before rising to answer it. On the other side of the door was Night Watch. "Hi. Mind if I join?"

Lyra stepped aside after a glance at the other's nodding heads and Night Watch trotted in, kicking the door shut behind herself. She looked over Lyra, "Lyra Heartstrings. I have orders about you."

Lyra blinked softly, "Good ones?"

Night flashed a bright smile, "I was told to stop you if you try to seduce Silver."

Lyra went red in her cheeks, "What if he seduces me, huh, did you think of that...?"

Celine's wings popped out wide, "He wouldn't! I think..." Her wings began to fold back in as she looked at Silver with fresh doubts.

Soon all their heads were directed at Silver and he began to squirm. If the age difference were ignored, he still kind of dug Lyra's energy, and his growing appreciation for pony anatomy said she wasn't an awful looker. "I would only do that if you suggested her first, my first wife."

Celine jerked back, "W-what? You, I mean... Thank you... Does... that mean I can resume looking?"

Night Watch adjusted her glasses idly, "What were you discussing before I got here?"

Lyra gestured at Silver, "Do you know what he did?"

Night tilted her head a little, "Which? That he's an alien?" Lyra nodded. "That he's had his age restored by Princess Luna?" Lyra nodded. "Or do you mean his terrifically illegal spellcrafting?"

Lyra threw out her forearms wide, "All of those things, but mostly the last one. You're a night guard, right?" It was Night's turn to nod, "So why isn't he already arrested? Not that I'm complaining."

Night directed a wing at Silver, "I reported him immediately, as it is my duty. Princess Luna said to continue watching him, and that she would bring the matter up with her sister immediately. That is all I know. No order was given to take him in, so I didn't."

Celine leaned in close to Silver, whispering, "Does it mean that?"

Silver leaned into her in return, rubbing his snout against hers softly, "I have questions about that, later." He turned to Lyra, "How long will you be here, at this school?"

Lyra shrugged her shoulders, "Well I have to be here for a year and change. After that, it's up to me. I could stay on, or go back to Ponyville and try to patch things up with Bon Bon." Those shoulders sagged, "It's been kind of lonely."

Night Watch tapped at her chin lightly, "Forty percent odds she's hoping Silver will feel bad."

Lyra blinked at Night, "What's the other sixty?"

Night shrugged softly, "Thirty says you're genuinely sad, twenty says you're directing it at me or Celine, but that would be ineffective at best."

Lyra shook her head, "You're a crazy bat--"

Night's wings flared and she bared her sharp teeth, "I am not a bat..." she growled out.

Lyra put up her hooves quickly, "Sorry sorry! Geeze, I didn't mean that. Peace."

Night huffed softly, then opened the door, "Come on, we can't sit here in Lyra's room all night. Questions would be asked."

Silver and Celine trotted out shortly, with Night trailing behind. Lyra called out before the door closed, "See you tomorrow!"

As they made the short trip back to their own room, Celine asked, "Do you fancy her?"

Silver rolled his shoulders, "I was told not to, because she's older than me now."

Night pressed at her glasses with a wingtip, "That is not an answer."

Silver huffed, "Let me be crude then. If she offered a fling, I'd probably... be really tempted, but I'm not hunting for flings. If Celine nominated her, I'd probably not object. She's crazy, but mostly the good kind. She likes me, and she likes playing the same things I do. We can talk without either of us feeling awkward. As a minor bonus, she already knows my past and likes it."

Celine rubbed up against Silver's side, "You would get sad, later."

Silver lifted his shoulders, "Isn't that always the case? Somepony has to die first, awful as that is to think about."

Night huffed softly, "Topic change, have you considered what specialty you wish?"

Silver paused in front of their door, "I've considered, but not decided. Is there a rush?"

Night shook her head, "Got all term to think about it." She reached with a wing and opened the door as well as a hand would. She trotted in at an easy pace, followed by Celine, and finally Silver.

Fast Change was there, asleep, as a female pegasus. Silver wondered a little at how he knew she was currently a she. The shape of the snout was a hint, but a dozen other little markers seemed to be obvious. "I didn't think he/she could be asleep while doing that," remarked Silver.

Night glanced at them, then shrugged softly, "It's clearly their special talent. You saw their cutie mark, didn't you? A unicorn working within their talent can do some amazing things."

Silver suddenly pointed out, "You know Lyra's a huge roleplaying fan."

Night blinked owlishly through her glasses, "She is?"

Silver bobbed his head, "I ran for her at the con. She has a human sorcerer she's really proud of."

Night smiled guardedly, "Maybe I'll forgive her the bat comment, this once."

Silver gave Night a hug before he realized what he was doing. Night was warm, soft, and rigid as a board. As he took quick note of this, the world spun around him. He hit the ground solidly and was left staring at the ceiling. "I... feel like I actually deserved that one..."

Night huffed, "You did. Ask next time." She looked to Celine, "Sorry for dinging your stallion, but he didn't keep his hooves to himself."

Celine didn't seem upset about the assault, simply helping Silver back up to his hooves. Celine looked Night over appraisingly, "That was a very smooth takedown."

Night smiled with pride, "It's preferable to subdue ponies without harming them. We're not savages after all." She reached out a hoof and softly tapped Silver on the nose, "You're still awkward."

Silver blushed softly, "It's... true, but I try? Sorry."

Night waved a wing dismissively, "I'll forgive you if you set up a Humanway game. This time, you run it, and Lyra and I will play."

Celine shuffled a little, "Can I also play?"

Night tilted her head at Celine, "Do you know how?"

Celine shook her head with wilted ears and Silver moved to nuzzle her frown away, "Don't worry, I'll show you. We'll have a character for you made up in a jiff."

Night clapped her hooves together, "Great, three players it is."

"Four," came a voice. They glanced over to see Fast Change sitting up. She looked at them as she stretched her wings, "Count me in. I don't know how to play that kinda thing, but I've heard of it."

Silver nodded at Fast Change. Showing two players was about as hard as showing one, in the end. He clapped his hooves together and rubbed them softly. "I have a gaming group. I didn't think that'd happen."

4 - Settling in

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School began in earnest. Despite Lyra's antics in private, she was an eager and professional teacher, mostly, in public. The class pared down over the first week. "As some of you noticed," said Lyra, standing on two legs at the front of the class, "Some of your classmates are not here. A few of them were sent home, either of their own choice or because we, as a school, decided it wasn't a good fit. Most of them are in remedial classes for a few things." She tapped her hooves together, "Insufficient throughput, grace, or symbol memorization are things that have to be addressed before we get into the real stuff, and we're going to make sure they have it before they continue." She put her hooves on her hips and leaned forward, "I don't want to hear any of you ragging on them if you see them in the hallways. Some of the best wizards around needed help with the first few steps before they got into a good gallop. Alright? Cool." She sat down on a chair behind her desk, "For the rest of you, class begins now."

Silver was surprised, but delighted, to hear he wouldn't be put in a symbol memorization class. What a nightmare that could have been! He watched Lyra as she spoke, wondering if she had put in a good word for him. Lyra began describing a spell using the magic alphabet as she walked up and down the aisles. As she passed Silver, she dropped a scrap of paper on his page. Silver quickly unfurled it to reveal the spell written out clearly with little pattern marks, negating his need to memorize the letters. He flushed red, feeling thankful, and yet... Ugh, why did he need a handicap at all?

Lyra settled back into her seat, "This spell will help you bond with your heart crystal." She pointed to a pony with a heart-shaped crystal, "See how yours isn't glowing like some of the others? When magic is pushed through it, it gains its glow. This glow varies depending on who does the pushing, but is permanent. Its power also varies depending on who activated it."

Silver glanced down at his lavender heart crystal and his heart began to race. Twilight had activated his so long ago, trying to undo Lyra's mistake. He had a little slice of Twilight's magic dangling around his neck. The very idea of it was... exciting, and a little illicit. Did she realize the gift she had given him?

"Don't worry about not being at your best. The stone is tied to you, forever," continued Lyra as she hefted up her own stone, "As you gain experience and power, the stone will upgrade with you. It is the single most important tool to an enhancement wizard and you should treat it with all due respect." She waggled a hoof, "Which means don't use it as a paper-weight."

A soft scrape was heard as a student quickly grabbed hers off of her notebook, blushing guiltily. "Anyway," said Lyra, "I want you all to practice that spell and get a good feel for channeling power through it. Just like channeling practice with your horn, this is an important, if boring, step to becoming totally badass." She raised a hoof as her horn glowed and the hoof became a paw, and the arm attached to it became that of a diamond dog, "If you want this, you need this." She grabbed her heartstone in the new paw. "It is you, you are it. I can't repeat that enough times."

Silver raised a hoof.

"Yes?" asked Lyra, looking at Silver.

"I have a funny question..." said Silver with slightly shrunken confidence from all the eyes that settled on him, many with less than approval.

"Go on," said Lyra, making a twirling motion with a new finger. "I bet it's a good one."

Silver tilted his head, "I hope, but, uh... what are changelings? From what you've shown so far, any unicorn could learn their magic, and they don't even have the... You know?"

Lyra nodded slowly, "That is a very good question that I didn't expect to come up outside of Polymorph 101..." She slapped her paw against her other hoof, failing to make any satisfying clap. "Basically, any magic can be abused, some easier than others. Polymorph? Pretty abusable. Some ponies get a little drunk on the adoration they can get. If you can be what everyone wants to see, you start to forget what it's like to just be, you know, you?" She leaned back in her chair, making it squeak softly, "A long time ago a very talented polymorpher went down that road and didn't come back. She was the first changeling queen. When she got so full of herself, she ditched her heart stone, and lost her real heart. The nasty holes you see in changelings come from their insides being eaten out. Their hunger is constant, and when it's not fed, they go full cannibal mode on themselves."

Various ponies murmured around Silver as he shook his head, "What stops ponies from becoming changelings now?"

Lyra lifted her shoulders, "We try to teach them better, but, really? Anypony could fall. We keep a close eye on those who take the specialty." Her arm snapped back to normal, ending in a hoof again. "Me, enhancer. I like fingers, but I'm way too in love with my natural dashing appearance." She flashed her teeth brightly at the class, getting some soft groans in reply. "Everyone's a critic. Does that answer your question?"

Silver frowned softly in thought, "What if a changeling didn't have holes?"

Lyra smiled, "That's impossible, but if there was one, I think that means you could bring them back to being a normal pony if you put a heart crystal on them and showed them how. That's enough fairy tales for one day. Get to practicing." She clapped her hooves together twice with satisfying clops, "I expect to see all those stones shining by tomorrow."

Silver meandered towards the cafeteria with Celine trailing with him. Silver glanced towards her, "You don't have a heart crystal."

Celine shook her head, "Don't need one."

Silver tilted his head, "Why's that? I thought you'd be practicing with us."

Celine held up a hoof, "I'll be fine."

Silver let it drop for the moment, moving into the cafeteria. He piled foods up onto the tray, picking a little of many different foods to sample. He spotted what looked to be some ribs and grabbed it, setting in his plate with the rest of the otherwise vegetarian diet. When he arrived at an empty desk, Celine slid across from him, but her eyes were on his plate. "What?"

Celine pointed at the ribs, "Ponies don't eat that."

Silver fidgeted a little, "Don't, or can't?" With a surge of rebellion, he quickly lifted the ribs up and bit into it. The grease splattered over his muzzle as he worked the meat. His flat teeth were absolutely terrible at pulling the meat apart, but persistence let him get some off and soon he swallowed it. It had a lot of flavors he hadn't even realized he missed, but there was a little something off about it.

Celine made a face at him, "If you get gas? I'm kicking you out into the hallway."

Silver set the ribs down, and started on the far easier-to-consume sprouts, "I just wanted a taste. No harm in that, is there?"

Celine shook her head slowly, "I suppose not in your case..." She settled, her head resting on her hooves as she gazed at him, watching him eat. "We only have so long."

"Huh?" asked Silver, "Why the sudden down note? We have tons of time. We're too young to be even bringing that up." He huffed softly and lifted an apple into reach, crunching into it, mmm. "You last as long as I do, right?"

She smiled gently, "Of... course."

Silver dropped the apple from a limp mental grip. It bounced off his other food. "Oh god, what are you hiding?"

"Hello," said Night Watch as she suddenly parked herself at a ninety-degree angle from both of them. "You like ribs too? You gonna finish that?" She snatched Silver's ribs away and began devouring them eagerly. "Why are you two looking like that?"

Silver was staring at Celine intently, and Celine just looked away. "Guys?" asked Night, setting down the finished ribs and using a cloth to clean herself.

Celine suddenly stood up, "I have to go." And she hurried away from the table. Silver tried to stop her, but anxiety was not a friend to coordination, and he did little other than fall over instead of standing up. She was gone.

Silver looked where Celine had gone, doing little until Night's wings gently pulled him up back into his seat. "Equestria to Silver Lining."

Silver blinked softly, "Hey Night, sorry... I... Ugh. Did I piss off Celine?"

Night shook her head, "She didn't look angry."

Silver let out a slow sigh, "What did she look like?"

Night waved a wingtip at Silver, "That would be telling."

"It's for her!" exclaimed Silver. "I'm worried about her. Please, as a friend."

Night Watch sighed a little, "She looked like she remembered something very sad. So... topic shift." She gestured with her wings as much as Silver remembered doing with his hands and fingers as a human, "You know anypony who attends this college can't attend the Equestrian Games?"

Silver nodded mutely, but then a thought came and he clopped his hooves together, "Duh! We have to prepare!" He dashed for the door, with Night following a few steps behind.

"Prepare for what?" asked Night, adjusting her glasses as she went, "I want answers, Silver."

Silver ducked into the dorms, "Room first, then tell." They arrived shortly at their room. Nopony else was present, neither Celine nor Fast Change. Silver moved over to his bed and sat, "I've seen the future."

Night blinked slowly, "What?"

Silver bobbed his head, "I have never been more serious. Some time after the... uh, when are the Equestria Games?"

Night gestured forward, "Next week?"

Silver frowned, "I don't know exactly how long we have, but everyone's magic is going to be sucked up." He made a loud sucking noise, "Gone! It'll come back, but... Celine is magic. She's already preparing to die." He stomped the bed he was beside with a hoof, "I'm not letting it go like that. We have to hide."

"Hide from what?" asked Night, "I should report this to Princess Luna."

Night turned away, but Silver quickly put a hoof on her shoulder, "She already knows. What's important is keeping Celine safe."

Night shook her head, "And everypony else is worth nothing?"

Silver growled impotently, "They'll be saved by rainbows. They're fine!"

"Rainbows?" asked Night skeptically. She flopped on her haunches, "Are ponies going to die?"

Silver shook his head, "I don't think so. Only Celine is magic. Everyone else will just be tired for a little while. Please, will you help me?"

5 - Time to Hit the Books

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Silver strode through the school with Night at his side. They moved quietly until they reached the library, where Silver began to look around with darting eyes. "What are you looking for?" asked Night. "I can't help search if I don't know what to look for."

Silver pulled another book free to scan its cover and set it back, "There has to be some kind of enhancement that guards the magic of the target."

"Does there?" asked Night, though she started looking. She pulled books free with her talented wings and quickly looked over each before setting them back, "Are you sure magic works that way? Did that Tirek person ever fail to suck the magic out of a pony?"

"No," confessed Silver in a small voice, sinking to the ground, "No he didn't. Even earth ponies and pegasi were victims."

Night Watch shook her head lightly, "And you want to put up a spell, which is magic, to protect another magic spell from being gobbled up?" She put the book she had been looking through back on the shelf, "I don't think this approach is going to work."

Silver hung his head a little, "What do you suggest? Should we run? Maybe if we get far enough away from Equestria before it happens?"

Night tilted her head, "Maybe, or maybe Celine would pop like a bubble if you took her too far away from Luna." She leaned in, "And maybe you're the squire of the court and not suppose to be running away from Canterlot." She tapped the ground with a hoof, "And maybe..."

Silver sighed as he pushed up to his hooves, "Do you have an idea?"

Night nodded, "I do. First step, we should talk to Celine. She should know her limits, then we're making plans with a clue instead of guessing. That will raise the odds of our success considerably."

Silver smiled gently at Night, "You're right, of course. Sorry, this all feels so sudden, and it hasn't even happened yet. Before Celine, I just figured it would be a while of laying around feeling like crap, but now..."

Night tilted her head, "Now a pony all you care about is in danger." She raised a hoof, "Before it was just ponies you didn't know."

Silver frowned, "Nopony was hurt that I saw."

Night rolled her eyes behind her glasses, "That you saw. Just imagine a hospital without magic? Sure, for most ponies it will be uncomfortable, but for some, much worse. A unicorn visiting Cloudsdale at the time is going to feel a lot worse than tired. You've described a disaster." She took a moment to adjust those glasses, "I'm not blaming you. I don't understand how you saw what you saw, but if Luna already knows about it, you've done your part."

Silver shook himself out from head to tail, "Let's... find Celine. I can't save everypony, hell, I'm not even sure if I can save myself." He trotted from the library with Night following behind, but Celine was nowhere to be found. They eventually returned to the dorms.

Night sat by the door, "She'll probably be back tomorrow."

"What are the odds?" asked Silver, perking an ear at her.

Night seemed to consider that, "Forty percent."

Silver blinked, "That's... alarmingly low."

Night shrugged, "I call them as I see them. There is a twenty percent chance she doesn't return at all."

Silver cringed, "God, why? Why would she just up and leave like that?"

Night pointed at Silver, "To spare you doing what you're doing right now. If she has decided there just isn't a way out, leaving may be the next best option."

Silver's ears fell, "I hope that isn't what she did... Damn, there's a way out. There's always something we can do, if we can figure it out."

"You could sleep," came a tired voice before a male earth pony sat up in Fast Change's bed, rubbing sleep out of his eyes with a fetlock, "Oh hey Silver, Night. What are you two even talking about?"

"Nothing..." said Silver, looking away before hopping onto his own bed. It was so large and empty without Celine's presence.

Fast Change slipped from bed and moved towards Silver, changing smoothly to a facsimile of Celine along the way. Night scowled at her, but Fast stuck out her tongue in return before slipping up beside Silver and wrapping a wing around him.

Silver went rigid at the familiar sensation of Celine's wing. He craned his neck to see Celine beside him and smiled radiantly for a moment before it fell into a deep frown, "Hey."

Fast tilted her head, "'Hey'? Is that how you greet me?"

Silver softly batted at Fast's still-dangling heart crystal with a hoof, "Thanks for trying to cheer me up, but I need the real Celine, not a copy."

Fast snorted a little, "It was nice while it lasted. You really love her, huh?"

Silver perked an ear sharply, "Fast."

"That's the name," said Fast, bobbing her head.

Silver moved in place, turning to face Fast, "Did you feel that? My love?"

Fast blinked softly, "Sort of? When you looked at me at first, it was all warm and tingly, but it faded away when you realized your mistake."

Silver reached and poked the fake Celine in the chest, "You're falling. You're going to become a changeling if you keep this up."

Fast snorted softly, "What? No! I'm fine."

Silver shook his head, "I'm very serious. Show me what you really look like."

Fast squirmed in place, "I don't want to..."

Silver flashed a gentle smile, "Go on. Whatever you look like normally, it's still you. You're forgetting what it even means to be you."

Night, watching the conversation, added, "Like you have?"

Fast glanced at Night, then Silver, "You first. Let's see what you look like, then I'll show you mine."

Silver flipped his ears back, "I literally can't do that. I wasn't a pony at all. Luna changed that, and I've barely learned two spells so far! Come on, this isn't a contest."

Fast squirmed a little again before she nodded, "If you promise not to laugh or make fun?" When Silver nodded, she looked to Night, who soon nodded as well. "Fine, just this once. This doesn't get you the bonus!" Magic released away from Fast as she shrank rapidly, becoming a young mare with a stringy red mane, pale crimson fur, and bleached blue eyes. Her legs sat oddly under her, almost limp. "There, happy?"

Silver looked her over a moment, "I don't see much wrong with it, except you're a little slumped?"

Fast shrank a bit, "I can't help that... And what do you mean not much wrong?"

Silver tilted his head one way and the other, "I mean you're a pony. Nothing wrong with that. I've seen worse unicorns in my life. It's nice to meet you, for real, Fast Change."

Fast Change gave a half-smile as she wriggled in place, still slumped.

Night adjusted her glasses as she peered at Fast, "Your legs don't work."

Fast shrank as the words were said, "No... they don't. But I can have working legs when I'm somepony else."

Silver leaned forward and nuzzled Fast's cheek on a whim, "You're fine. Why not focus on an enhancement to fix that, instead of hiding yourself all the time?"

Fast flushed warm under her already red fur, "I... don't like being ugly. I like ponies looking at me and seeing a pretty pony, or mighty minotaur, or fierce dragon." She tilted her head at Silver, "Isn't this prettier?" She rapidly became a larger female unicorn with a delicately spiraled horn. Her fur was a lustrous purple and her mane a deep blue. As ponies went, she was putting off every signal of being a healthy and attractive unicorn. Even her eyes were dazzling as she looked at Silver hopefully.

Silver shuffled a little, "You do look pretty, both ways." He reached up and gently bopped her nose, "Go back to normal." She deflated under his hoof, returning to her less-glamorous self. "I'm going to give you what I wanted for most of my life."

Fast blinked, "What's that?"

Silver suddenly surged forward, tackling Fast to the bed and wrapping his hooves around her. She could do little to resist him, and was soon being embraced gently. "You are fine. You are a lovely person, and you deserve to be loved just as you are."

Fast's breath caught and Silver could feel her heart hasten, "You're just saying that..."

Silver shook his head, "It's true and I'm sticking to it." He squeezed her gently once more before sliding back in a shuffle, "Please don't forget it." He raised a brow, "That... reminds me though. Why a stallion half the time?"

Fast rolled upright with some effort, gently flushed, "Well, stallions are a bit more rare... It always felt nice when the mares would stare."

Night blinked owlishly, "Have you...?"

Fast smirked then, "Of course. Wouldn't you, if you could?"

Night flushed through her grey fur, "Maybe... Not if it meant becoming a changeling."

Silver pointed with a hoof to Fast's legs, "Have you tried becoming, you know, yourself, with working legs?"

Fast gave a slow blink, "That's so obvious that I feel like a complete idiot!" She changed subtly, then slipped from the bed, standing on her own legs and looking down at the formerly-betraying limbs, "I owe you one. A big one."

Silver waved a hoof, "Go back to bed, as yourself. I think everyone needs some sleep."

"Not even going to ask?" said Fast as she trotted back to her own bed and quickly slipped under the covers.

Silver tilted his head a little, "Ask what?"

"How I do it," replied Fast. "Just as well, I wasn't going to say."

Soon everypony had settled for the night, and sleep came gently. When Silver awoke, Fast was gone, Night was at the foot of his bed watching him, and Celine was nowhere in sight. Silver sighed deeply even as he frowned, "Don't suppose she stopped by while I was asleep?"

Night shook her head, "No such luck."

Silver slid to the floor and trotted for the shower, starting to prepare for a new day, "I can't really focus on much. Will I get in trouble if I skip class?"

Night shook her head, "Your friendship with Lyra has a seventy-five percent chance of negating that if you're only gone a day or two. You really should go anyway."

Silver emerged from the shower, toweling off with his magic, "I should... I guess I won't get much done laying around and feeling bad. Please, if you see Celine, tell her I love her so much and that we'll work through this, somehow, and to not run away again." He was soon gone to class, mind abuzz with much that had nothing to do with schoolwork.

Unseen by Silver, Night Watch slipped out of the room as soon as he had trotted far enough away. She headed towards the exit of the academy. Silver was far from the only pony with loved ones that needed to be warned about this.

6 - She Returns

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Silver returned to find none of his friends present. With a bit of a pout, but more of an angry stomping, he made his way to bed and flopped down, waiting impatiently for someone to return.

Fast Change was the first through the door. Though... he was a unicorn with brown and green colors, Silver spotted his cutie mark, which hadn't changed. Silver raised a hoof, "Hey Fast, already back to changing?"

"It's in the name" said Fast defensively. He nudged the door shut, then became her birth form before the red unicorn trotted over to Silver, "Since you seem to like it so much, here you go."

Silver reached out and gently ran a hoof over a cheek, "I like you well enough. You. Not your body. Speaking of you, tell me more about you. What'd you do before you got here? What do you want to do afterwards?"

Fast hopped up and flopped beside him, "There's not much to know... I was born out west, came here to study magic." She tilted her head, "It costs my parents a small fortune, but I'm going to pay them back."

Silver raised an ear, "Why'd it cost so much?"

Fast pulled her head back a little, "It's not obvious? They had to pay for me to live here, in Canterlot, long enough to earn my way in here. Private tests are hard to do, and the college doesn't send testers out past Canterlot, so that's about the only way you get in if you're not from here." She nudged Silver with a hoof, "Your turn."

Silver smiled gently, "Your parents sound like nice people, er, ponies. They obviously care about you."

Fast frowned, "I said, your turn. Tell me where you're from."

Silver held up his hooves in what he hoped was a placating fashion, "Not trying to avoid it, just saying. If I told you where I'm from, you'd cuff me over the ears and call me a liar."

Fast rolled over and moved a hoof over Silver's head, "I can do it now if you prefer? I'm being honest with you." She glanced around, "It's your turn. Be honest, or are you just trying to butter me up?"

Silver heard a bit of fearful guard there and took a slow breath, "Alright. I'm not from here." He swirled a hoof on the bed, "By here, I mean here, here. Equestria here." She hiked a brow, but said nothing. Silver continued, "My world is nothing but a fantasy, here, and this world is a fantasy, there. I ran away from a lot of problems, and now I'm dealing with a new set."

Fast rolled her shoulders, "So, is it better? Your old problems, or your new ones?"

Silver frowned at the thought a moment before he replied, "Some of each? You don't get to live without problems, wherever you are, I guess." He sank, head resting on his hooves, "Celine... You know her, right?"

Fast shook her head, "Come on now. We're roommates, how would I not know her? How'd you bag such a mare anyway?"

Silver smiled gently, "I don't deserve her, but she practically was pushed into my lap. Thinking of life without her..."

Fast put a hoof on his nose, "Why would you live without her? Is she sick? Is she moving away? If you two got in a fight, you better crawl with your belly on the ground and offer up your balls on a sandwich before you let her go."

Silver winced, but laughed, "If begging and pleading would do it, I'd be at her hooves right now. You could say she's sick, kinda. What's going to... ugh. I don't know exactly, but it's after the Equestria Games... and that's barely next week, right?"

Fast nodded, "Sure, I think? I don't pay much attention to it. They don't take kindly to enhancement unicorns showing up there, barring as emergency medics. What's that have to do with anything at all?"

Silver started to withdraw, going quiet and sullen. Fast leaned over and kissed him. It was a peck, but deepened quickly. She rolled him over and held him in her talented smooch until all he could feel and smell was her. She drew back with a light smile, "Did that work?"

Silver was flushed vivid through his brown cheeks as he gave a slow nod, "Do you... like me?"

Fast snorted softly, "Maybe a little... You looked so sad. Tell me. Did she find some other alicorn to hitch with?"

Silver frowned, "No, nothing like that... She's going to die. She's going to die and go away and never come back, because that's just how death works." He brought down a hoof on the bed in impotent fury, "She's going to die and leave me alone. All I'll have is her memories, and they'll never do what she did." Fresh tears began to fall down his snout as he punched the mattress, wailing at the bed as if it could be beaten into surrendering his Celine back to him. "I don't want to lose her. I don't want to live without her."

Fast rolled her ears back, "You're not... going to hurt yourself, are you? There are bett--"

"No!" barked out Silver, sitting up on his haunches, "No... Even if... it goes down like that, and my heart is ripped from my chest, I will stagger forwards. I made a promise, to myself, a long time ago. I'll only die when my life is ripped away from me. I'll never call the game early."

Fast gave a thin smile, "That's good, I think? Have you... thought about that kind of thing a lot?"

Silver sank back to his belly, "Sometimes, but I made a promise. I'm not going anywhere, but that doesn't mean I'll be happy. I can't even imagine being happy again if she goes away."

Fast settled a hoof on his head, rubbing it gently, "So... you do roleplaying games huh? When'd you start that?"

Silver flopped slowly onto his side, facing Fast, "When I was just a kid."

"You were a goat?" asked Fast dubiously.

"Er, foal," corrected Silver, "I learned about it from someone who didn't even show it to me that well, but the books were fascinating, and the idea of making stories worked well with me. I showed it to my friends, not knowing any of the rules." He fidgeted, pawing the bed with his hooves, "For a while, I was the storyteller of my neighborhood. I ran for a dozen children, uh, foals, weaving them through stories that I just kinda made up as I went."

Fast shook her head slowly, "Huh... surprised you didn't do more with that, you know, and less magic."

Silver smiled gently, "I did, where I came from. I was writing just before I came here."

Fast hopped down from the bed suddenly, stepping over to her side of the room and returning with a writing set floating over her head in her magic, "So why not now? Writing is obviously an important thing to you." She set down the quill and paper and inkwell before gesturing with a hoof, "Go on. Write. Write about how you're feeling, or about Celine if you like? Just write."

Silver slowly sat up, looking at the writing supplies, then to Fast. A gentle quirk of a smile played on his muzzle. "You can be really sweet, you know."

Fast shivered softly, then blinked. "Oh, uh..." She frowned then, and turned to walk away.

Silver blinked at the reaction, "What? Did I say something wrong? Fast Change!" He hopped over the writing tools and landed poorly, ending up on his face, "Ow." He snorted a giggle at his pain as he quickly scrambled back to his hooves, "Fast, what's wrong?"

Fast did not look at him, instead retreating to her bed, but Silver was not ready to give up. He was at the bed's side, "Fast? Come on. If I said something stupid, just call me dumb, don't turn away."

Fast shook her head quickly, "No... you didn't say anything wrong... I just..."

She trailed off and began to shut down as Silver had done himself so many times. Silver clambered onto the bed and threw caution to the wind. If Fast could do it, so could he! He pressed in and kissed her. It was a clumsy kiss, if well-intended. Fast burst into giggles and shoved him away, "Damn son, you are awful at that."

Silver nodded a little, "I... usually am kissed, not doing the kissing. So... what's wrong?"

Fast glanced around a moment before pointing at Silver, "I felt love, but I wasn't in a sexy body, or even trying to be sexy. I... this sounds stupid, but I was just trying to make you smile."

Silver tilted his head, "And you did. I felt... touched. I felt like you were being a really great friend." He sat up on his haunches and spread his hooves wide, "I felt like I was getting close."

Fast advanced, taking up the offered space and snuggling in against Silver, "You're a doofus."

Silver nestled with her, "I'm in great company."

Silver returned to his own bed, setting the writing implements aside. Fatigue was too great to really try writing. He prayed Celine, or even Night Watch, would be there in the morning.

When sleep came for him, it was not a gentle visitation.

He sat in an uncomfortable folding chair. There were only a few other ponies there, though there were many chairs. A priest, he assumed from the severe white and black clothes, droned softly but he couldn't make out the words. They weren't important. This was a funeral, and he couldn't remember whose it was.

As dreams do, he knew he had to stand up. He slowly approached the closed coffin. Following an urge that made sense in the world of dreams, he put a hoof against the coffin and threw it open. There was nothing inside. No corpse, no serene vision of death. The emptiness made his heart tighten as fear clutched at him. The priest, who had been a vague impression until then, wheeled on him, leaning in to shout in angry tones, "She was nothing! She has returned to nothing! At least a real person would become dust, but she was less than that. Do you feel sorry for her?" The priest's face, before hazily unimportant, was then brought into stark detail. It was his father, sneering with disdain bordering on contempt. Silver was paralyzed, tears running painfully in greasy gobs as his father circled him. "Do you feel pain for her, this figment? Maybe you deserve to die too!"

He was kicked, though he never saw his father move, and fell back into the coffin. His father leaned in over him, "It's what you deserve." The lid slammed down, and all was dark. For a time, it was silent save the sound of his sniffles and tears, but soon he heard something hitting the coffin. Soft thumps? They were burying him, right in her grave.

He awoke screaming in the darkness, with a pain he had never felt before stabbing at his chest.

7 - Good Morning

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Silver's head whipped around the room and settled on a pair of piercing eyes. "Good morning," said Luna from the darkness.

Silver threw off the covers with a mental shove and scrambled to his hooves, falling over in his hurry to be upright. "Luna? Where is Celine?"

"No hello?" asked Luna, then nodded slowly, "I understand. Your visions have proven true, as random and inconsequential as they seemed. I was able to help the one called Sweetie Belle as a result."

Silver managed to right himself, an ear perking, "For Whom--"

"--The Sweetie Bell Toils," finished Luna. "That was some time ago. We have watched, and the trials of Twilight Sparkle and her friends have come to light, though you missed a few." She shrugged softly, "This surprises us not."

Silver gave a slow nod, "That's good, mostly, but what about Celine?"

Luna gave a faint smile, "She has returned."

Silver looked around the room again. He could see the slumbering lump of Fast Change, and the dozing form of Night Watch, propped against a wall. "Returned where?"

Luna raised a hoof and tapped herself, "From where she came."

Silver's eyes went wide, "What? No! You lied! You said she would be with me until I died!"

Luna shook her head slowly, "I said until you were no more. Silver, the pony, must go away for a time. David, the human, must return."

"Why!?" shrieked Silver before he caught himself. He tried to marshal his rapid breath. He swallowed back another cry as moisture began to build in his eyes. "Why? Did I do something wrong? Haven't I been good?"

Luna extended a wing to slowly pet over Silver's head, "You have been very good."

"Then... why? Rrrg, I don't mean to sound like a broken record," said Silver, stomping the floor, "But I'm dying here. Why would you just stab me like this if I don't deserve it?"

Luna let out a slow breath, "Would that you had not woken so suddenly. I planned to show you there. In your vision, Tirek is stopped, but before that, we must surrender all faith and magic to Twilight."

Silver bobbed his head, "Then rainbows and everyone's happy."

Luna gestured vaguely with a wing, "But Celine is a part of my magic. If I do not take her back now, Tirek will rip her from me and consume her. If I do not give it to Twilight, she may not be strong enough to hold him at bay until the true solution comes to light. A whole life, even a false one, is no small feat." She leaned in closer, "It was a sacrifice, one that you have shown worth it."

Silver shuddered in place, "But... there wasn't another way? This is freaking Equestria! There's always another answer."

Luna placed a jeweled hoof on Silver's head, gently rubbing, "And sometimes, there is not. You have my sympathy."

"You have my love," said Silver as he trembled like a leaf. "Give her back..."

Luna shook her head, "I cannot. She is gone. We are v--"

She was interrupted by Silver throwing himself at her. He flailed his hooves at her, lightly buffeting her larger form in an impotent rage. He hadn't become any better at a brawl, and his strikes did little but tire him out. He sank against Luna, wailing muffedly. "I will speak to my sister," promised Luna, "Though your first change was outside the law, I am certain she will grant you a second, given the situation."

Silver jerked back, scrambling back towards his bed, "Don't take that too! Why are you taking everything from me?"

Luna advanced with him, "It is for your own good. When Tirek finds you, and we have no reason to assume he will not, he will consume the spell that gives you this form. You will not return properly to human, yet you will not be a pony. You will suffer terribly. Now, be still." She frowned, "Do not make me regret fulfilling your desire."

Silver blinked, "Desire? What desire? You're taking Celine, you're taking my body."

Luna held a hoof up, "But you will remain conscious. We did not forget this wish." A wave of her magic fell over Silver and he felt the body he had grown to adore be pulled apart. He tried to summon the silver hands, to ward her away, but they fell apart as his horn melted away. He fell to the floor, a strange, hairless version of Silver. He had but a nub of a tail, and his muscles felt weak. Everything felt wrong. "I will return when Tirek is defeated." And she was gone.

Silver cried quietly on the floor. It was still a week until the Games, then who knows how long before Tirek arrived? Why couldn't this wait until after Tirek first arrived?

Night was suddenly beside him, "Silver, what happened to you? Are you alright?"

Silver blinked and focused on her, "Luna..."

Night tilted her head, "What'd you do to get her to do this?" She made a face, then reached to heft him up in her wings. Her wings were as warm as they looked, and their fur tickled his exposed skin. She placed him back on the bed with a frown, "You don't even have a horn. I'll inform the school you went and got very sick." Night Watch gently tucked in Silver as he sniffled and squirmed. "Is this what you looked like when you first got here?"

Silver shook his head quickly, "No! I had hands, remember, and straight long legs. I'm a deformed pony, not a human." He squirmed under the sheets lightly, trying to move them with magic he no longer had, "I feel worse than naked."

Night gently pet over his mostly fur-free head, "Well it's still my job to watch you. You're not alone."

Silver gave a gentle smile, but the expression didn't last. "Celine, she's gone. Forever."

Night winced like she bit into something especially sour, "Forever? I... Sorry. Just, sorry... Are you OK?"

Silver raised a brow at her.

"Stupid question," admitted Night, "but I'm here. I'm going to get you a drink." She raised and trotted from the room lightly, leaving Silver to his dark thoughts.

Silver eventually fell back to sleep after getting his water. He dreamed of nothing, and awoke to find the room mostly empty, save Night Watch. She was rolling some dice on the ground gently, letting them tumble. Silver slowly rolled over himself onto his belly. He tried to snatch one of the dice with his silver hand, but he had no more silver hands. He reached out a naked hoof instead, "Can I see?"

Night lifted a die with a wing and brought it up to where Silver could get at it, and Silver began rolling it on the bed. "Good morning," said Night, "Feeling any better?"

"No," said Silver simply.

"Too bad," said Night. "You made a promise, and I'm holding you to it." She looked up at Silver's sour expression half-hiding under the covers. "Don't look at me like that. I'm not letting you hide under there forever. You said you'd run a game of Humanway, and you still have two players, three if we invite Lyra. She plays right?"

Silver nodded lightly, "She does. She..." He sighed softly, "No wonder Celine wanted me to get mares so quickly..."

Night twitched an ear lightly, "Well, you're not in a herd anymore, I guess?" She fidgeted, wings rubbing against one another, "That came out poorly."

Silver reached out, barely brushing one of Night's wings with a swat, "Welcome to the doofus club." His eyes closed, "I should have guessed. Celine wasn't a dork, she didn't... really belong."

Night looked increasingly uncomfortable for a moment before she sat up, "Let me get you another drink."

Silver tilted his head, "I'm fine. Sit." He pointed to a spot in front of his bed.

Night hesitated a moment, then sat, looking at Silver, "You're a sorry sight. You look like a pony recovering from a terminal illness."

Silver snorted weakly, "If it was terminal, you don't recover from it. Do I look that bad?"

Night raised a brow, "No offense, but yes. You look awful. Is this forever?"

Silver shook his head a bit and batted at the die, "It sounded like the Royal Sisters would reconsider after the, uh, event. Until then, I get to be a shadow of a pony, with no magic, no strength." He snorted gently, "No fur. I'm sorry to ask, but could you get some food? Thank you for staying with me."

Night flashed a light smile, "I'd say it was my job, but that would be a lie."

Silver tilted his head, "Huh? What do you mean? Isn't this Luna's direct assignment?"

"Was," said Night.

Silver glanced left and right, "I... don't understand. I'm not complaining. You're nice to have around, but why?"

Night gave a sad little smile, "She said, 'My guards are not seen in the upcoming trials. Flee and be safe. I will call for you when the time is right.' And most fled. I already told my family, but I'm not running."

"Why not?" asked Silver. "I mean, it may be a stupid question, but... I would, if I thought I could... if... I had someone to run with."

Night reached up with a wing, softly patting Silver on the head, "You're awkward, but I'm staying. Somepony has to watch over you, and that somepony is clearly not... her, so here I am."

The door swung open suddenly as Fast Change sauntered in wearing the skin of a griffon. He kicked the door shut, "Hey Night! You seen Silver around?"

Night pointed under the blanket where Silver was hiding. "Fast, I presume? You're doing better with the griffon form."

Fast quickly nodded, then looked over Night before moving quickly up to the bed and rearing up, flexing his talons, "Rawr! I'm hungry for little unicorn meat!"

Silver looked up at her from his blanket cave and snorted, giving half a giggle, "You can go back to your usual self."

Fast huffed and became her red self again, "Why are you hiding under there? And what's up with the super close shave?"

Silver's eyes fell a bit, "She's gone, forever. Luna took her, and most of what made me Silver."

Fast shook her head, "You look like Silver to me." She reached out and batted at Silver's dangling heart crystal, "Still glowing, still Silver. What do you mean gone though? I didn't think Princess Luna foalnapped people."

Night frowned, "She does not. Celine..." she wobbled a wing, "She and Luna were the same pony, mostly? Don't ask for specifics. They're one pony again."

Fast raised her brows as one, then scowled, "Well, dang." She suddenly hopped up onto the bed and squeezed Silver through his sheets, "You poor thing! How'd that get your horn cut off though? They find out you're a war caster?"

Silver tensed, but slowly relaxed into the hug. Being hugged was... "Thank you, but no. She said it was for my own good, until things settled down."

Night nodded her head, "So he's mostly bedridden until then."

Fast flashed a bright smile, "We'll keep you company." She looked to Night, "Is the game still on?"

Night nodded at Fast, "I made sure of it." She produced a slip of paper from her pouch, "I have your character ready."

Fast snatched the paper in her magic, "Lemme see." She looked it over curiously, "I don't know what all of this means, but it looks good to me."

Silver sat up and Fast glanced at him before bursting into loud laughter, falling off the bed with amusement about something. Silver tilted his head, "What? I didn't say anything."

Night stepped over and put her forehooves on the bed, rising up to see whatever Fast had looked at. Her face began to darken, "You're... exposed." She fell back down and turned away. Silver quickly drew the blanket tighter around his truly naked form, blushing brighter than he ever could with the brown fur in the way.

"You're both being a bit..." He bit the words back. He didn't want to dwell on Celine either. He said quietly, almost under his breath, "No one likes a whiner." He fidgeted a little in place, "I'll need some paper, big paper. I have some maps to make."

Night's expression brightened as she turned back to face Silver, "That's the spirit." She glanced away, then back, "I know it hurts."

Silver flinched, not expecting the topic change. Night continued, "I mean it. I lost my brother a long time ago... I had my parents, you have us, and your parents." She sat up on her haunches, "You should visit them."

Silver gave an uncertain smile, "I'm not sure either of them would really... understand? Rough's first love is who he just married. Trixie is... Trixie. I love them both, but..."

Night waved a wing, "You're being silly. They love you."

Silver smiled gently, "And I love them, which is why I won't bother them with it. This is practically their honeymoon, with me out of the house. I won't bring it crashing down with bad news."

Night slowly nodded, glancing at Fast. Fast nodded back at her, then turned to face Silver, "Well we already know about it, so don't be shy, right? You can whine and complain all you want, no hard feelings."

Silver winced, "I don't want to be a whiner."

Fast rolled her eyes. "Whine, go on. Night told me about you, how you run around trying to fix everypony's problems like you were Celestia herself. This time, shut up, and start whining."

Silver smiled gently, "I can't do both of those at once." He was softly bopped by one of Night's wings as Fast burst into laughter.

Fast put her hooves up on the bed, "Good to see you're not all out there. We're serious though, super serious. You want to talk? You need a hug? You got two mares." When Silver and Night began to flush dark, Fast tilted her head before it hit her, "Not like that! Unless you want that?"

8 - He Comes

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Time passed dully, livened up with time well-spent with his friends. Silver wasn't permitted to leave the room often, a fact that began to drive him a little crazy. The books they brought helped a little, and he read about magic he couldn't use or places he couldn't see.

One evening, while waiting for Night or Fast to return, a soft thump came from the door. Silver slipped to the floor and approached slowly. His legs refused to carry him quickly, and the chill of the air bit at him readily without the fur coat he had grown so used to. On the plus side, he got itchy a lot less often. He stared at the door a moment, but no magic hands would appear to throw it open. He grumbled as he reached for the knob with his mouth and pulled the door open. The moment the latch was free, the door fell inwards, shoving Silver back as the greyish form of Fast Change fell over into the room.

Silver squeaked loudly and rushed around the door to get to Fast, "What's wrong?"

"Found him," she said weakly.

Silver tried to haul her towards her bed. With their combined muted strength, they made slow progress. By the time Silver heaved her up onto the bed, he ended up collapsed against it. A quick glance confirmed that Fast's cutie mark was gone. "Are you OK?"

Fast snorted softly, "No, but I could be worse I guess."

Silver climbed up on the bed just to flop over onto it. His own bed felt like it was a thousand miles away. "How did you run into him? I didn't even think he'd be around yet."

Fast shrugged softly, "He was creeping around, uh... It's hard to remember much."

Silver flopped over to face Fast, "I'm glad you made it back."

Fast smiled at Silver, "As if I'd be pathetically weak without company?" Silver held out a hoof, and Fast met it, though they struck with insufficient force to make the clop sound.

Night arrived an hour later to find them napping. She quickly noticed Fast's drained colors, and the fact that they were sleeping on the covers instead of under them, and where did Fast's cutie mark go? She set the meal she had brought aside and approached the two, nudging them awake, "What's going on? Did you try giving Silver his magic back?"

Silver blinked, "Does that work?"

Fast snorted softly, "Doubt it. I ran into whatever it was." Fast made an uncertain gesture as she looked without moving her head up at Night, "When'd you get back?"

Night smiled nervously, "Just now... I should report this..." She stepped back, then paused, "Want some food?" She fed them first, tucking them into the sheets carefully afterwards before she quietly scurried off to find a princess.

Fast flashed a brief smile at Silver, "Got you under the blanket, and we're not doing anything."

Silver snorted softly. With concentrated effort he wiggled closer to Fast until their snouts touched, "There, how's that?" He shared her breath and could feel her warmth. It was good enough.

Night returned several hours later and stayed. She left only long enough to get food or water or take care of her other needs. She was their nurse and played the part diligently. They became cocooned in the room, hiding as time drifted by in the outside world. Their seclusion was interrupted one day when a wide-eyed mare shoved open the door, "The castle! The guards have been dispatched, the princesses taken! It's the end of Equestria!" The door slammed after her and her clopping steps retreated down the hall, likely to share the news onwards.

Night fidgeted in place before nudging Silver, "How confident are you in all this? Will it really work out?"

Silver smiled a moment before he replied, "Eighty percent chance."

Night seemed to relax, "Those are good odds... I still wish there was something I could be doing though. Not that I mind watching you two, but..."

Silver shook his head, "It's up to Twilight." He nudged his dangling lavender sphere, drawing comfort from the idea that some small part of Twilight was there with them in the room. "I should have made it a point to meet her again."

Night perked an ear at Silver, "I doubt she had that much time for foalsitting, but you could meet her now, after this is over?"

Silver sifted through his memories, "She did, for a while. That would have been fun, if I'd shown up in time for Twilight Time."

Night looked perplexed. She adjusted her glasses nervously, "So, what do you know about... after all this?"

Silver shook his head, "Nothing. Twilight gets a big ugly tower over the smoldering remains of her library, and that's the last episode I saw. I'll be flying blind, like everypony else."

Night frowned, "That can't make her happy. I never met her myself, but even I know she adores her books. So how long until that?"

Silver shrugged gently, "Dunno... Time scale is fuzzy at best. When I watched it, it all seemed instant, one event after the other, but there could be days or weeks between each thing.

They went quiet until Night went to slip out, "Be right back." She returned in record time, breathing heavily.

Fast perked an ear, "Huh?"

"Everypony!" exclaimed Night, "They're all drained."

Fast blinked slowly, "Everypony? What kind of monster is this? The academy has crazy good enhancers."

Silver shrugged softly, "More magic for him to devour." Silver looked towards the door, "Wonder why he didn't come in here?"

Night shook her head quickly, "Don't even say that! He might come back and get me." She folded her wings around herself as she flopped down. "This isn't right at all."

It wasn't until all their throats were parched and raspy that Night built up the courage to step out. She peered cautiously both ways in the hallway before she pulled the door shut. Her steps quickly retreated in a hurried gallop. She returned minutes later with a large pitcher of water and a tray of food balanced carefully on her wings. She set it all down on a dresser before moving back to the bed, "Enjoy it while it's here. With nopony preparing anything, things are going to start going bad after a while."

Silver frowned softly, "We should... help the others? They're just laying around, not being fed or watered." Silver slipped from the bed in a tumble of limbs before he fought his way to his hooves, "I'm weak but not drained like Fast. I can help. We can't, shouldn't, just hide in here."

Fast gave a thin smile, "Go get 'em. Just don't forget about me."

Silver smiled gently back at Fast, "I won't." He looked to Night, "You with me?"

Night bobbed her head, "I don't... think he'll come back. You're right, we should make sure the others aren't slowly dying out there."

Silver wobbled to the door. Night had it open with a twist of a wing and they were out into the hallway. Ponies were scattered around, grey and listless. Silver approached the first one, a young looking stallion, and rolled him over with some effort. "Hey, you OK?"

The stallion shook his head slowly. Silver nodded in return, "We have water. Drink." This was how the rest of the day went. Slowly they went through the academy, getting water into each pony they found. After they were hydrated, they started gathering them together, placing them side-by-side in the cafeteria. Silver ambled along slowly, feeling like he was being crushed under the weight of the pony he carried, but who else would do it? Well, there was Night. Undrained, she worked fast and diligently. Soon they had the entire population of the school in one miserable place. Night arrived with Fast on her back, setting her with the others, "Last one."

Silver nodded, looking thoughtful as he looked up and down the cafeteria, "There's room for more. We should check the city?"

Night shuddered and shook her head, "No! He's... probably still out there. Besides, if he sucks me dry, I won't be much help." She waved her wings lightly, "I'll take care of everypony here, but I'm not going outside. No way."

Silver turned to the exit, "I don't have much he could take. I'll go."

Silver walked, lacking the energy for a proper trot. He descended the stairs of the academy and gaped. Ponies littered the streets lifelessly in unorganized clumps. With a soft grunt, he fetched as large a mug as he could hold confidently with water, and began making the rounds. There was no way he could get these all back to the cafeteria, but he could water the city, as it were. It was long and difficult work. Silver's bones ached in a way he had forgotten since he used to be older, with some new pains thrown in to keep him on his toes, if he had toes.

If he didn't keep going, who would? He thrust the pain aside, accepting it as a price of living, and continued his meandering route through the city, bringing water and life to the ponies he found, at least until a loud thud stopped him. "Look, you missed one," came Discord's voice as a familiar lion's paw pointed at him. His eyes met Discord's a moment, pleading silently, though that proved to work about as well as it ever did as Tirek stepped into view.

Tirek moved forward, approaching Silver as he fell over himself trying to scramble away. "Easily fixed," said Tirek, grabbing the weakened Silver by the scruff of the neck and hefting him up. Silver felt a powerful suction that ran through his body, but Luna had left him with almost nothing. Tirek frowned, "This one had nothing." He tossed Silver aside and marched on, forgetting he was even there.

Silver crashed into the cobblestone and pain exploded through him. His weakened bones wailed in torment at the treatment and he could do little but cry quietly for a time. The pain faded to an angry but constant rumble, and he slowly fought his way to his hooves. He wanted to go back, find Night, hide with her and wait for it to all go past, but he could still see ponies laying in the street. He couldn't live with himself just ignoring them.

He recovered the mug he had dropped and filled it with water before approaching the next pony, wobbling dangerously with each step. The pony lapped gently at the water a moment before Silver moved on. There were so many of them...

Day turned to evening, then to night. With nopony around, the lights were dark. Silver tried to find more ponies, but fatigue, pain, and lack of vision conspired against him. He finally gave up and turned to head home, but he didn't know where home was. Overcome with fatigue, he sank to the ground and drank the rest of his water. Flopping over slowly onto the road, he closed his eyes. Tomorrow was another day.

9 - Rainbows Fix Everything

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It was on the evening of the third day. Silver had seen Tirek soar towards Ponyville and stopped by the academy to spread the news. Night Watch emerged with him, and he was not alone on that last day. As the sun grew heavy, great bursts of light flashed from the direction of Ponyville, far below the mountain city. Silver was a little excited. It would soon be over, at last.

It went quiet and still, and Silver sat watching the spot, waiting. He was not disappointed. The rainbows came. They washed over the city, restoring color and cutie marks to ponies all around him. Silver felt some of the power rushing into him and drew a ragged breath as his body greedily absorbed some of the pony magic, but it seemed unable to hold very much. As the color explosion faded, a last pulse went out. Silver's form seemed to latch onto it, and he grew furry again. A weight on his brow felt like a horn. He glanced at his cutie mark and found that it was still missing.

Night landed in front of him, "You're... what is that?" she raised a hoof to point at the top of his head.

Silver went cross-eyed trying to see it, "What?"

Night frowned, "You have one of his horns." She flared her wings wide, "That can't be good." She took off in a hurry, vanishing towards the castle.

Silver frowned as an alien power brewed within him. With single-minded intent, he marched towards the castle himself. "We have business," he said to nopony at all.

Silver found that the guards of the castle were still dizzy with joy at having their powers returned. They paid no mind to him as he walked through like he belonged there. Though Canterlot Castle was vast, he had patience, and soon found the darkened room that looked like Luna's, and smelled of Celine. He settled in a corner, and waited.

He wasn't sure how long he waited, but the door finally opened. Luna stepped in, mane fluttering with power. She nodded to her guards and closed the door with a sigh. She looked tired and ready for bed, and he let her lay down before he emerged from the shadows. "You're going to give her back."

Luna blinked, wide-eyed, "Human David?"

Silver frowned, "I'm not sure which name fits, but I am definitely not David. You have what belongs to me, several things, and you're going to give them over, now." He stomped the floor with a loud clop, "If you have any honor at all."

Luna shook her head slowly, "I can restore your cutie mark and your vigor, but you seem to have the latter already. Celine is gone."

"Liar!" shouted Silver before he pulled the ethereal chords. He began to separate Luna from her magic violently, drawing her magic with a powerful pull that became a waterfall of power from the alicorn to Silver. He grew before her, matching her size as power bristled through his true stallion of a body. Luna sagged to the bed, drained and tired. "Now she is with me. I'll figure out how to put her back together!" He turned away from Luna, his silvery mane and tail starting to waft without a breeze.

The door burst open to admit Night Watch, "Princess, Si-- Oh..." She shrank before the imposing figure of the empowered Silver.

Silver smiled, "I'm not here to hurt you. We're still friends, even if I am so very angry at Luna."

Night shook her head quickly, "Don't do this... You're a good pony."

Silver stuck the ground with both hooves, tearing the tile easily, "What has being a good pony got me? I never asked for much. I just want her back. The one that loved me!"

Night hunkered down with wings wide and her eyes on Silver's blazing eyes, "She chose to go, Silver. I was there..."

Silver blinked, deflating a little, "What? You... where? But you... you helped me search for her. Why?" His bewilderment turned into a deep scowl, "Why would you toy with me like the others!"

Night shook her head quickly, "They made me promise not to say, but she choose it. She didn't want to hurt you anymore."

Silver grit his teeth, trembling, "I could have found a way... We could have found our own rainbow." Tears began to fall from his eyes, "She took my chance away by throwing away faith in me. Twilight! Is that the only pony worth having faith in?" Silver collapsed, huge, but crying. "Aren't I worth a little?"

Night slowly approached Silver, "You are. You were amazing."

Silver frowned at Night, "You're saying that to distract me." He rose to his hooves, "I've already taken Luna's magic. There's no forgiveness for that. I'm a bad guy, just waiting for a rainbow to smash me to bits."

Luna's soft voice spoke up from behind Silver, "No, you are not." She rose up to her hooves shakily, fatigue showing in every movement. "The tiredness I feel doesn't come close to the hurt I've placed on your heart."

Silver growled softly as he spun on Luna, "Why did you do it then? Why won't you show me how to get her back?"

Luna glanced away, "She is gone, truly. If I had the power to bring her back, I would do so. The best I could offer is another that is like her, but you are a smart enough pony. You would know the difference."

Silver sank to his belly, the tension fleeing him. He released the magic, deflating back to being a pony as Luna swelled larger. "I would," said Silver, "I'm so angry that sometimes I think it'd be worth it..." He looked up at Luna, now towering over him, "You've been nothing but unending agony for me."

Luna reached out a hoof and softly pet over Silver's ears and cheeks, "We are... You tire of hearing our apologies. What can we do, in action, to make amends?"

Night crept up and put a hoof lightly on Silver's shoulder, "No offense, but that horn has to go. Nopony should have that kind of power."

Silver's ears fell, then he rose to his hooves, "For one, I will not be your squire."

Luna raised a brow, "Your promise?"

Silver shook his head, "Was voided when you destroyed me, twice. I owed you thirty years of the life you tore apart. You have nopony to blame but yourself."

Luna huffed softly, "Very well, though I feel Celestia will have words for you."

Silver snorted in return, "She can shove her wor--" Night bonked him lightly on the head, "Ugh." He wanted to be angry at Night, but she had done little truly to deserve it, though now that his attention was on her, "Night. I need complete honesty."

Night raised a brow, "I haven't given too much less than that."

"Fine," said Silver, glancing around, "Do you like me or not? If you don't, fine. I'm not going to go crazy either way, but I need to know."

Night flushed softly, "You're a good pony." Silver frowned at her, "I mean it! You threw yourself into the line of danger for others without hesitation. I can respect that kind of sense of duty. You're clever enough, and you run a decent game of Humanway, even if you are cheating."

Silver raised a brow, "Cheating?"

Night Watch rolled her eyes from behind her glasses, "You were a human. Cheating."

Silver snorted a little, "Do you want to be with me?"

Night began to shuffle in place, "This is not how I imagined this sort of thing would go..."

Silver shook his head, "I'm tired of beating around bushes and playing coy games. Night, will you be my first wife?"

Night's cheeks began to burn as her glasses fogged up. "Oh! Well, this is so sudden..." She shuffled in place, hooves scuffing the floor.

Luna asked, as she spread her wings, "How does this involve me?"

Silver looked to her with a quirk of a smile, "Is it not obvious? You would be our official witness, and I would ask that you release her to my care."

Night frowned, "But I am loyal to the Princess."

Silver gestured at Night with a hoof, "She won't go if you don't release her."

Luna took a slow breath before she moved a wing to raise Night's chin up to face her. "If you wish it, I will release you."

Night trembled softly, "Not fair..."

Silver nodded, "No excuses. It is your choice alone. If you say yes, I promise to protect you, and to cherish you. If you say no, I promise to leave you be and carry no animosity. This is your choice."

Night waved a wing at Silver, "Why not take Fast Change? She would practically leap at the chance!"

Silver settled on his haunches, "She is lovely, but she is not first wife material. I would trust you to manage affairs, and to select wisely. You know the odds, and I think you've grown to know me over this disaster. I can't think of a more responsible mare, that also makes my heart quicken, that I would want. Will you say yes?"

Luna stepped back into the conversation, asking, "What other boon would you request? I feel there is another coming."

Silver tilted his head, "Ah, first." He reached up, tapping at the unnatural horn, "I don't want that. Like Night said, nopony should have that power. I was very happy with my horn, and my cutie mark. Give them back."

Luna suddenly lashed out. Her hoof struck the horn at the base. Searing pain made Silver's body tremble before it hit the floor, furless and weak. "Be still." It was a useless command, with Silver curled in pain on the floor. Familiar magic flowed into him, and his foreign body felt at home again. Silver was back, and some of the abuse faded away. "You are restored."

Silver struggled back to his hooves, huffing for breath as he frowned. "You could have warned me. You did that on purpose." Luna did not deny it, and he huffed softly. "Night, I need your decision. My choices depend on if I make this journey alone, or with you at my side." He smiled gently, "Will you be mine?"

Night pulled a single twenty-sided die from her pouch and demonstrated it at the end of a wing. Silver raised a brow, "You're not going to roll that, are you?"

Night bobbed her head, "Old trick. Roll it, if you're sad about the results, then you know the truth." She let the die fall, clacking loudly on the broken tile floor as it bounced around to and fro, numbers spinning wildly with every landing. All eyes were focused on the little stone die as it tumbled and gyrated, carrying so much of the future on its uncaring surface.

10 - Putting her Hoof Down

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Night's hoof slapped down, trapping the almost-settled die against a smooth portion of the floor. Silver raised a brow at her. She leaned towards him, "First, a few questions."

Silver lifted a hoof a moment, then set it down, "Rolling that die was your idea, just to remind."

Night turned her muzzle up at Silver, "And these questions are mine too. First question, 'Why?'"

Silver rolled a hoof slowly, "Why... you? Why... the Luna thing? There's a lot of good whys."

Night settled down on the die, trapped under her hoof as she looked up at him, "I have time. Start with me. I'm not saying yes or no until I know what I'm getting into."

Luna raised a brow, "Must this take place in my room?"

Both Silver and Night glared at her before Silver looked back to Night, "Alright, why you. You're cute. You're smart. You're delightfully, refreshingly, stable."

"Stable?" asked Night.

Silver nodded, "Your quirks don't send you running off to do something insane or dangerous. To run down the list of other mares I've looked at, we have Lyra, who was quite willing to throw around magic she wasn't ready for. We have Fast Change, who's one hoof away from becoming a changeling, to say nothing of her really obvious nymphomania and outright need for attention. Hell, let's look at my adoptive mom. Trixie's wonderful, but she has a pride big enough to swallow this city and can go off the deep end if it comes down to proving why it's justified." He lifted a hoof to point at Night, "You start boiling things down to probabilities. That's adorable, and pretty harmless."

Night shook her head, "So I'm cute and not crazy? That's not sounding convincing."

Silver frowned, "There's more... You also don't mind a stallion that likes meat, also, you left off smart."

Night tilted her head, "Liking a little meat isn't that odd for a lunar pegasus."

Silver bobbed his head, "Which I am not. You didn't even think about it. You like a lot of things I like, and..." he wobbled a hoof, "I like you? It's hard to define that, but I'm happy when you're around, and just a little sad when you're not. I think of a future where I'm old and grey and you're old and grey with me and that hardly seems like a bad future to have." He took a slow breath, "So, will you?"

Night shook her head, "Not yet. More questions." She pointed with the hoof not holding down the die, gesturing at Silver, "Why now? Luna didn't do anything new to you, but suddenly here you are, attacking her, in her own room. Why?"

Silver's ears sunk a little, "I... just thought... Well, I felt like I could pull in magic, so, you know..."

"I don't know," said Night flatly, "Tell me."

Silver nodded slowly, "I thought if I could suck Celine out of Luna, I could fix it." He sank slowly to the floor, "When you told me it wasn't Luna's faith that was gone, but Celine's... it just... died. If..." Fresh tears began to fall as he pawed at the tile, "If... she decided to go, then... fine... I'm sorry I wasn't a good enough stallion for her to have faith in, to believe in." He looked at Night, blinking through the tears, "I hope I will do better with you."

Night started to look distinctly uncomfortable a moment before she nodded her head, "Princess Luna?"

Luna nodded at Night lightly, "Yes?"

Night pointed a hoof at Silver, "Are you aware this would-be assasssin spent the entire time while Tirek was here crawling around the city, tending to ponies too weak to even get water? Are you aware he carried ponies around, even when it looked so painful for him to do? Are you aware that, not knowing how long it would be, he pressed on, even when I was scared to go outside?"

Luna shook her head slowly, "I was not aware of this."

Night pulled the hoof with the die under it away, but there was no die, "That was a miscalculation on your part. You have lost what would have been a great squire, but you've given me what I hope will be an even greater stallion."

Silver's face lit up, and he rushed for her. They rubbed snouts together gently but eagerly as they lay, belly down, on the ground.

Luna gave a soft snort, "None of this excuses his attack. He still has penance to pay." She rose to her full height, wings spread wide, "I will not be left alone!" The two looked up at her with confusion as what she said creeped up on her and she began to darken through her already dark fur, "What we mean is..."

Silver sat up on his haunches, "Are you... jealous?"

Luna scowled, "I am not jealous, certainly not of you, once-human."

Silver stepped towards Luna, quietly rejoicing at muscles that obeyed his command without complaint. Luna went rigid as he came closer, which only grew worse when he leaned in. He gently nuzzled into her ribs and she jerked away, "What are you doing?"

Silver flashed a bright smile, "It all makes sense now."

"What does?" demanded Luna, turning with wings still extended. She was in a predatory stance, eyeing Silver as if he were a danger. "Speak clearly."

Silver approached her again, only to be softly bopped on the nose by Luna, "Speak first."

Silver snorted softly, "You're just as alone as I am. Maybe more so, since you've had longer to perfect the art."

Luna shook her head violently, "This is a lie! I am--" Silver moved in while she hotly defended herself and gently nuzzled into her ribs.

"You're as pretty as a full-moon night," he spoke gently.

Luna looked to Night sharply, "Restrain your stallion! He has clearly taken leave of his senses. We have caused nothing but pain for him at every turn, and yet he is here professing love."

Night shook her head slowly, "I... think he's being serious." She sat up, peering at the both of them with obvious confusion and thought in her eyes.

Silver wrapped his forelegs around Luna, only getting partially around her. "You deserve to be loved, just as you are."

Luna swatted at Silver with her wings, but it was half-hearted at best, "Stop that! I am the Princess of the Night. My subjects fear me... Even when I try to be with them. It is not... fate for me to be..." Her words came slower and slower as Silver began kissing and nibbling through her fur. "Stop it! You are not well! You should hate me!"

Silver paused a moment, "How can I hate you? You gave me Celine. You are Celine. Her love is in here." He poked Luna in the side, "Even if you keep saying no. If you didn't like me, you couldn't have made Celine."

Luna's feathers went on edge as she nudged Silver back an inch, only for him to advance immediately back on her. "It is at my hoof that you have known shame, ostracism, love, and the loss of it. I have seen you wail." She leaned in, coiling around to be nose-to-nose with Silver, "You are insane. There is no other reason I can fathom."

Night shook her head, "I think I understand."

Luna looked up at Night, "Please, share." She grunted as Silver snuggled into her, but she didn't shove him away again, "Quickly."

Night nodded then, "Alright. The way I see it, Silver seems to gravitate towards those who are themselves lonely." She pointed a wing at Luna, "You are almost the loneliest pony in Equestria. That colt he was with for that short time was terribly lonely. His parents, before they got together, were both very lonely ponies."

Luna pointed, "And you?"

Night flushed gently, "Married to my work..."

Silver provided, "Lonely."

Night huffed, "Fine, lonely. I didn't have a lot of off-duty friends until I warmed up to Silver. He's a big... lonely vortex, sucking in lonely ponies."

Luna growled softly, "I am not drawn to him! He is being drawn to me. Restrain him, Night Watch, or I will be forced to do so."

Silver let go of Luna and shuffled back a little away from her.

Night glanced at Silver before stating to Luna, "I think he's ready to go."

"Almost," said Silver. "I haven't finished collecting my favors."

Luna frowned, "I have forgiven your assault, to say nothing of this most recent intrusion on my person. What else do you want?"

Silver pointed at Luna, "A kiss, right on the lips."

Luna's wings went wide, "This is..." she huffed and leaned in, pressing her lips into Silver's roughly, almost violently. Silver found himself tilting backwards as Luna pressed against him. Soon he was on his back with Luna over him, the kiss deepening by the moment. Her teeth were felt as she began nibbling at him before she sealed the connection and his snout was invaded by her. This was far better than he could have hoped, and he just held onto her front as best he could, riding the sudden intense passion being poured into him.

Night blinked softly, as did the guards outside that had been gawking for some time. None of the three had ever seen Luna act this way. Luna pulled back with a soft breath. "Why?"

Silver smiled from underneath her, "That's a popular question... Can you stop hurting me, and just be happy?"

Luna snorted loudly, "I was trying to defend you!"

Silver summoned his silver hands, gently pressing Luna back on top of himself. He was certain she could have thrown off his gentle press, but she sank in against him. "I don't want a defender. I want you."

Luna shuddered before she shook her head. She scrambled off of Silver. "This is not natural. You are not natural."

Silver slowly rolled himself to a seated position, "I'm not a pony, as you painfully reminded me. I'm a broken human." He rose up and stepped towards Night, nuzzling her gently, "I'll find my happiness, if you let me. Just stop hurting me. Enough."

Luna snorted loudly, wings giving a flap, "Are you seducing me to curry favor?"

Silver buried his face in Night's soft hair, nuzzling through it and nipping softly at her neck, "I'm seducing you because you're a lonely, pretty, princess, and I'd much rather be a solution than a problem."

Luna struck a regal pose, chest puffed out, "Why didn't you say thus before? It has been some time since I took an official concubine."

Night's wings shot open, "You can't have my husband as your plaything!"

Luna looked confused then, "What is being offered? This is his idea, not mine."

Night pushed Silver away to foreleg's length, "Yes, what is being offered. Choose carefully."

Silver gestured at Night, "I'm offering for you to consider her, and for her to consider back. If you want it, first wife, I will approve of her."

Night's wings went stiff as her eyes went wide, slits drawing tight. "You did not just propose to the princess! There's a ninety percent chance that'll end poorly."

Luna took a slow breath, "This has been a long day. We will speak no further. You are dismissed. Guards, remove them from my chambers."

The lunar pegasi gestured outwards, and they came out without having to be taken. The door slowly shut behind them, leaving Luna to her privacy. Night raised a brow at Silver, "Am I going to have to get used to that?"

Silver shook his head, "If I make a pass at Celestia, you have my permission to grab me by the dangling parts and squeeze until I come to my senses."

Night snorted softly, "Duly noted... Let's get back to the dorms. Fast Change has to be out of her mind with worry."

11 - Back to Studying

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Night and Silver returned to an energized Fast. She greeted them with a grin and began hassling them for details without mercy. "Where were you? You look different. There's something definitely changed..."

Night looked away, seemingly unwilling to reply, so Silver took it on himself. "I asked for Night's hoof, and she gave it to me. She is my first wife."

Fast's eyes bulged, "What? You kinky bastard! You get her out of my sight for a second and you just grab her up?" Fast rapidly became a lunar pegasus as she advanced, putting nose to nose with Silver, "Wasn't I pretty enough?"

Silver raised a hoof, pushing Fast back gently, "You are, as yourself. I only have room in my heart for one lovely pegasus of the night. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but, as first wife--"

Fast shook her head, "Are you really starting a herd? Again?"

Silver raised a brow, "It... felt like the right thing to do. It was what Celine wanted, and, I dunno." He turned to face Night with a smile, "I know she'll make the right choice."

Night smiled back with a blush in her cheeks, "I think that was romantically awkward, just as I have come to expect."

Fast wove around Silver and approached Night, "So you're first wife?"

Night nodded slowly, "Yes. I'm going to need to read up on herding. My parents were monogamous, and so were my grandparents."

Fast waved a hoof, "What's to know? You pick any future wives, and he gives the yea or nay. So when do I get in?"

Silver barked out a laugh, "You're not subtle."

Fast huffed, "When have I been subtle before? Was I drunk?" She looked to Night pointedly, "I'm serious. He likes me just the way I am. Me, boring ol' me."

Night shook her head, "I'm not sure that's a good enough reason. Besides, being married means no more sleeping around."

Fast tensed a moment, "I... can handle that... It just means I'll have to borrow him a lot." She looked over her shoulders at Silver, "You can handle that, right?"

Silver began to warm quickly at Fast's implications, "I... would try my best?"

Fast nodded quickly, "See, there, now let me in!"

Night raised a hoof to bury her face in it, "I just got him and already you're preparing to break him. At least let us have our first week alone together."

Fast was suddenly male, though still a lunar pegasus. He spread his furry wings wide, "I'll spend some time with you too, of course."

Night shoved Fast back a step with her wings, "Enough! Fast... Please. One week. Now I'm tired." She trotted over to Silver's bed and began pulling off her saddlebag.

Despite the fact that the bag only covered a small portion of her barrel, Silver found the sight of her taking it off somehow a little... erotic. Fast suddenly burst into giggles. He looked towards Fast to see that her eyes were locked between Silver's legs and the increasing evidence of excitement. "One week," said Silver before he moved to join Night.

Fast returned to her birth form and retreated to her own bed, "Oh fine. I've waited this long. Don't keep me up with your wailing."

Silver slid onto his bed and helped Night get up with him. They shared their first night together making slow but loving advances. By the time they had faded off to sleep, both were sated and pleased with one another.

The next morning, Silver was up and ready for class. The academy had recovered quickly, and things were moving ahead at full pace. Despite Silver's desire to leap into study, his classmates had other ideas. When he first entered the room, it was dark.

The lights flared from a dozen unicorn horns, revealing a party in lurking. A sign hung overhead, 'Thanks Silver Lining!'. There was cake and punch and snacks aplenty. Lyra was there, apparently entirely OK with class being co-opted for the festivities. He finally met all of his classmates, though their names went by all too quickly for him. Names were still not his strength, but he enjoyed the party with soft smiles.

Lyra nudged him as he nibbled on the cake, "That was some top-tier work. How were you moving around anyway? You looked even worse than the rest of us."

Silver tilted his head at Lyra, "Luna sucked the magic out of me ahead of time, so there wasn't anything left to take."

Lyra shook her head, "Right, OK, but... how'd you move? I mean, when I didn't have any magic, I could barely think about moving, but you were trucking along."

Silver shrugged then, "Maybe it's the human in me? We've had millions of years of practice moving through the ages without any magic at all, from wee tiny creatures up to the clumsy bipeds of today."

Lyra poked him on the nose, "And onwards to the four-legged heroes of tomorrow."

Silver flushed gently, but didn't argue. The cake was delicious, though he couldn't quite place the flavor. "Oh, uh..."

Lyra hmmed, "Yeah?"

"I..." Silver shuffled slightly, "Kind of started a new herd."

Lyra's brows raised together, "Oh really? Who's the first wife?"

"Night Watch," replied Silver, watching Lyra for her reaction.

Lyra blurted out a laugh, "That nerd? She's a perfect fit for you." She advanced, hugging Silver firmly. "I hope you'll be happy."

Silver smiled a little at her, "Thank you, but I admit I'm surprised. You're not... you know?"

Lyra raised a brow, "Jealous? This mare knows when she messed up." She poked Silver lightly on his chest, "I did something really stupid, and now my dream stallion's half my age. I wouldn't say no if you swept me off my hooves, but I'm not going to chase you. You just be happy." She leaned in, rubbing nose to nose gently, "You deserve it."

Silver warmed from his head right on back to his flanks. "That... is surprisingly mature, and nice. Thank you, Lyra. That is possibly the nicest thing you could have said." He returned her hug, taking in her soft minty scent. It was only then that he realized he wasn't floored by females anymore. Cadance was right, he just had to get used to it.

The school day was fun, if not productive. When he returned to his dorm room, he found Night and Fast talking quietly on Fast's bed. Silver raised an ear at them both, "Are you plotting against me?"

Fast grinned, "Yes. You are doomed."

Night snorted and slid to the ground, "Nothing of the sort. How was school?"

Silver smiled as he set his things down, "It was fun. Everyone's happy to have their magic back, and they remember what I did while they were grey and useless. Lyra surprised me."

Night followed after Silver, nipping him on the ear. Her sharp teeth made the experience different from others, almost a thrill of danger as she worked the sensitive flesh with deadly fangs. Silver shuddered softly, "She took the news of the herd very well, and promised she wouldn't chase me."

Fast snorted from her bed, "Lyra, showing discretion? Maybe Tirek didn't return that part of her magic. We should get her checked out."

Night rolled her eyes from behind her glasses, "Don't be mean. Lyra's a nice mare. A little crazy, perhaps, but nice."

Silver pointed at Fast, "Like another mare we know."

Fast held up her hooves, "Hey, low blow!"

Silver leaned in towards Night, softly nuzzling her, "But I'll gladly come home to you."

Night warmed as she returned the affection, "You realize, you've made me a stay-at-home mare. I'm not sure how happy I am with that. I had a job, and I was very good at it."

Silver pinned his ears back, "I'm not trying to hold you here... I just didn't think you'd say yes if you felt beholden to Luna."

Night nudged Silver, pressing him onto their bed, "I said yes, that's my fault. So long as I know you won't be upset if I get another job, because I don't plan to lay around all day getting fat and bored."

Silver nodded at her, "Yes ma'am." As she climbed up after him, he glanced towards Fast before looking back at Night, "Does the missus wish her stallion's company?"

Night wriggled her nose lightly, "That's your fault."

Silver spent the evening expressing his sincerest apologies to Night with eager loving. Dawn broke on the second day of his new herd. School had returned to its full stride. Silver was, at last, permitted to start studying magic earnestly. He spent the day practicing spells and changing them, making furious notes of how the order and multiples of symbols affected the functions of the spells. Sure he was only allowed to play with a hoof-full of 'cantrips', but he found the work satisfying.

He was getting used to his domestic life. Night was an eager wife, and made him an eager husband. That evening, she allowed Fast, who had watched from afar, to join them. While Night was enthusiastic, Fast was insatiable, and Silver got very little sleep. When he fell from bed in the morning, blearily making his way to the shower, he grumbled, "I can see why polygamy eventually faded out." The warm water washed away some of the fatigue, but then there was Night, snuggling up against him in the shower as she washed with him. It suddenly seemed worthwhile.

In class, Lyra set a letter on Silver's desk. He lifted it in his silver hands and tore the envelope open.

Dear Silver Lining,

It has come to my attention that you played a small but earnest role during the Tirek incident. You deserve recognition for your efforts, and we have other things to discuss. Come to the castle this Saturday.

Your Princess,

Silver raised a brow at it, but couldn't think of much to do but to accept. He brought the letter back with him at the end of the day, showing it to Night and Fast.

Night frowned, "There's a fifty percent chance she'll ask you to become a court squire of your own volition."

Silver tilted his head, "What's the other fifty?"

Night sat on her haunches as she counted, "Twenty percent chance she'll force it, twenty percent chance she's decided to embrace your proposal to Luna. If she does that, you're effectively a squire anyway, being Luna's stallion. Almost any way I look at it, Celestia will not let you leave the castle without a collar around your neck with a leash hanging towards her."

Silver rubbed his neck with a hoof, "The only collar I'd want to wear is yours."

Night turned red, "I'm not into that!"

Fast volunteered, "I am. Want me to go shopping?"

Silver shook his head, "Seriously. Should I just not go?"

Night shook her head, "Not much of an option. You don't snub Celestia for an invitation. She's very nice when she likes you, but I've heard stories about what happens if you really manage to get her riled up."

Silver sank against Night, "What should I do then?"

Fast snorted softly, "Take it like a stallion?"

Night glared at Fast a moment before she nodded, "Crudely put, but accurate. Celestia has many reasons for keeping a short leash on you, several of them very good."

"Like what?" asked Silver with a bit of a pout.

Night adjusted her glasses as she looked over Silver, "Where to start. You hold alien technology. You are an alien. You design spells for fun. You design war spells for fun. You've driven her sister to distraction." Night waved a hoof lightly, "I'd be surprised if there was a princess in Equestria who didn't know you." A thought seemed to come to her, "I'd be surprised if there was a princess in Equestria who isn't there, at that meeting." As Silver seemed to wilt, Night wrapped her wings around him, "I'll go with you."

12 - Saturday

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Silver and Night walked side-by-side through the city. For most, business had resumed as if nothing had happened. Once in a while though, a pony would smile at Silver. There was no large fanfare or hero's welcome, but simply being welcomed felt like a... "It's different," he said.

Night perked one of her bat-like ears at Silver, "What is?"

Silver shrugged softly as they moved towards the castle, "I don't feel so much like a stranger in the city."

Night softly nudged against Silver, "You went through a lot of trouble for a stranger. I hear a lot of what happened while they were drained was a bit fuzzy, but at least your face seems to liven up ponies."

Silver smiled gently, "That's encouraging. Really, I mean that. Feeling welcomed really brightens things."

Night pointed at the castle as they came up to it, "Well try not to be too welcomed by the princesses. I just got you." She slowed to a stop. When Silver turned to her, she gave him a hard glare, "I know you know what it's like to lose somepony so quickly. Don't do that to me."

Silver winced as he fidgeted in place, "I'll do my best, honest. If they want to tie me up in the dungeon, I'll make sure they allow conjugal visits."

Night frowned, "Not funny. "

Silver shrugged, "You married me, you get the dry humor with it. Let's face destiny, together." They turned together and trotted up to the gate. The guards nodded at them, not barring the way as they stepped past into the spacious interior of Celestia's home.

Night had been partially correct. Three of four princesses presided. Twilight was nowhere to be seen, though Silver guessed she was dealing with her new tower. Cadance smiled brightly and approached them long before they arrived at the tastefully-arranged picnic. "Oh look at you!" She brought her wings around, grabbing Silver by the cheeks, "You look so much happier than before." Before Silver could get out much more than a mumble, her attention was on Night, grabbing her similarly, "And you're the one he caught? Or did you catch him?"

Feeling a sudden surge of confidence, Silver smiled, "She captured me with her enchanting beauty, and ensnared me with her innocence. I would have escaped if not for her iron-clad sense of duty that held me still."

Cadance's smile somehow deepened as she began to giggle, "You sound like Shining shortly after we became very special someponies. Come, you must tell us all about it over lunch." Cadance gave off a gentle presence, warmly welcoming them towards the neatly-pressed blanket covered in food. She made for a bright contrast to Luna, who glared at Silver as if he may have arrived to steal from her.

Celestia was serene and composed. As they arrived, she nodded her head lightly, "Good of you to join us. I trust you found your way easily?"

Night smiled gently, "I used to work for your sister, your majesty. I could get him here." She bowed low before Celestia, then Luna, and once more for Cadance.

Silver watched Night go, then shook his head, "If I did that, there's a good chance I'd fall over. I hope nodding is good enough." He dipped his head towards each of the three, though Luna turned away when it was her turn. He perked an ear at Luna, "Really?"

Luna frowned at him, "Verily."

Celestia cleared her throat, "Let us begin with acknowledging good deeds done. Once-human, now pony of my kingdom, you have acted in our best interest at almost every turn, even at personal cost. Though I doubt my ponies would have perished without your action, you spared them suffering and gave them succor and friendship when things were darkest." She spread her white wings wide, "I thank you, on their behalf. As a squire of the court, this would be expected of you, but I am told you are no longer that."

Silver glanced towards the petulant-looking Luna and back to Celestia. "Luna made a few... errors. By her own terms, she destroyed the life I had promised her. I bear no ill will towards her, but we... have to keep our word, right?"

Cadance nodded properly, though she looked like she was hiding something. Celestia was much more stoic in her soft agreement. "That is why I will offer, as prize for your efforts, the position. You will be paid handsomely as my servant, and given resources to continue your research. I hear you are quite the magic enthusiast."

Night's wings spread sharply, but she forced them back down, "You are very generous, your highness, but Silver wishes to be his own pony."

"Does he now?" asked Celestia, looking at Night, then Silver. "Silver is a good pony, a great pony. He wishes for the best for Equestria. At my side, he could accomplish great things for the betterment of all ponykind."

Silver shook his head, "I want to finish school. I'm not even fully adult until then."

Celestia gestured towards Luna, "Then why did you throw yourself at my sister? Surely you realize... If she accepts your hoof, should your first wife accept her, you could become intimately bound to the court. Everypony would know of it within days, most within hours."

Night huffed softly, "Which is why I will not accept her until then." She stomped a hoof, "If I don't invite her, there's nothing to discuss. The stallion can only approve."

Cadance held up her hooves, "So serious. We should calm down." She reached forward, picking up a tray with a slice of strawberry cake and offering it to Silver. He hadn't had strawberry cake in... he'd forgotten. He accepted the plate in his mental grip and nibbled on it. It was better than memory recalled! Cadance spoke as Silver devoured the cake eagerly, "I am delighted that Silver has found a good and true wife, that looks after his interests so keenly."

Luna winced as Cadance said that, shuffling in place.

Night smiled at Cadance, "Somepony has to watch this big brave idiot." She swatted Silver gently, then wrapped him in the same wing that struck him, pulling him close. "I swear he has no sense of self-preservation. He'd sit in a burning building if he thought doing so would save enough ponies."

Silver tilted his head, "Only ponies that mattered to me."

Night snorted, "You say that, but I've seen different." She fixed eyes with Cadance, "You seem to know him. What do you think?"

Cadance gave a warm expression, "I think he is becoming better. I can feel your love flowing both ways and it is delightful."

Silver perked his ears, then pointed at Luna, "What about her?"

Luna's wings shot out as she jumped into a defensive stance, "Dare you not!"

Cadance let out a slow sigh, then looked to Celestia, who nodded gently. Cadance nodded in return, "Luna--" She was tackled to the ground under Luna. It turned out that Cadance was no stranger to being tackled, and her pretty pink hooves went to work tickling Luna, driving her back in forced gales of laughter. "Luna has a huge, angry, crush," announced Cadance, smoothing her feathers.

Luna sat down heavily, "There are countless reasons this would not work."

Cadance developed a wiley expression as she looked to Luna, "Name them."

Luna snorted, "It was you, dear niece, that suggested against it, to start. He is of common birth, and she as well. She is first wife, where I would rightfully be. A secondary wife is no place for a princess. They are short-lived, and will be gone long before I." She reached out a wing and brushed it ever-so-softly across Silver's nose, making him sneeze, "It would end in heartache, even if the nobles were convinced not to riot in fury."

Celestia gave a slow nod, "Then we should tell them the truth."

"The truth?" echoed three ponies at once. Everypony but Cadance looked at Celestia with confusion.

Celestia pointed at Silver with a hoof, "Are you not a delegate of your people? Your work at learning our culture has been admirable, going so far as to choose a guard as your guide and prove that our people are romantically compatible." She swept a wing towards Luna, "It is hardly without precedent that either of us would spend some time being partners with a foreign dignitary, to help cement good relations. You would not be a member of his herd, as first wife or any other, but as a royal consort and contact."

Luna trembled as she shook her head, "That would be a lie! Sister!"

Celestia tilted her head, "Is it?" She looked to Silver, "Do your people intend to invade Equestria?"

Silver shook his head quickly, "Not that I'm aware of."

"Already, peace reigns," said Celestia.

Cadance grinned, "Will you share your technology with us?"

Silver nodded gently, "As much as I can?"

Cadance clapped her hooves, "Already we profit from trading of knowledge. You were very wise to open diplomatic channels with these 'humans', Auntie."

Luna thudded a hoof onto the soil, "He is not even human anymore! Who will believe that this... colt... is delegate of anything? The scandal that will spread should I lower myself to accompany this barely-stallion!"

Cadance looked over Silver appraisingly, "You're judging too quickly. This is the same 'colt' that fed half the city. This is the same 'colt' that challenged the nobles and rose despite it." She leaned towards Luna, "This is the same colt that has your heart in his hooves, and he's trying so hard to be gentle."

Luna darkened, though it was hard to see, "Niece, your impertinence tries me."

Celestia nodded once, "Then it is settled. We welcome you, Ambassador Silver Lining. Will you accept Princess Luna as your royal consort while you remain in our kingdom?"

Silver trembled in place, looking to Luna, then Night, trying to figure out what would be best to do. "May... I have a moment?" He rose on shaky feet and nipped at Night. She soon joined him and they quickly escaped across the yard to talk. Luna frowned and leaned in, whispering to the other princesses hotly, though her words were lost in the distance.

Night frowned sharply, "I knew it! She isn't going to give up until you're under her hoof."

Silver shrugged gently, "I don't get the idea Cadance or Celestia would ever hurt me intentionally."

Night waved a hoof, "Neither of them are offering to be consort. Sit." When Silver sat, she put a hoof somewhere very delicate and applied pressure, making Silver curl on himself, though pinned under her hoof as the pain built. "That's for even thinking of Celestia." She drew her hoof back, "Now answer me honestly. Do you want Luna?"

Silver did his best to recover from the abuse without outright rubbing himself. He could still feel the eyes of the other princesses on him intently. "I..."

13 - Luna Eclipse

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Silver nodded at Night, "I have this." He trotted away from her and she followed with a slightly worried expression. He returned to the gathering of princesses with a light smile.

Celestia nodded towards him, "Have you made your decision?"

"I have," said Silver, "And I accept your position of ambassador of human affairs."

Cadance and Celestia looked pleased, while Luna's expression was harder to read. "But," said Silver, "I will not accept Luna as part of the bargain. I have already made my offer to her, and she has heard it. If she wants me, she should approach me, not be ensnared in the machinations of well-meaning peers."

Cadance raised a brow, "Are you certain? This is what you've wanted for quite some time."

Silver shook his head, "If it means taking her against her will, it's not what either of us wants." He looked to Luna with a smile, "I'll be here, if and only if, you want it."

Cadance clapped her hooves softly, seemingly delighted at the romantic words. Celestia nodded with her stoic expression, "Very well. We'll work out the particulars, but we'll seal the deal now." She offered out a hoof, but at the wrong angle for bumping. Silver looked confused.

Night gently brushed his flank with a wing, "Kiss it."

"Oh!" Silver moved up and moved to kneel down. A few months in a pony body was still insufficient to master kneeling, and he fell forward, thumping lightly into Celestia before flopping over with a complete lack of grace. Luna burst into laughter at the sight as Cadance barely held in titters.

Night advanced to help gather Silver back up to his hooves, "Sorry, your majesty. He's still a clumsy oaf."

Celestia shook her head, "Think nothing of it. No harm done. Silver Lining."

Silver rolled up quickly with Night's gentle wings to help, "Yes?"

Celestia smiled gently, "I would ask you a few questions you are in a unique position to answer. Consider it your first task as ambassador."

Silver nodded, ears alert and directed at Celestia. This close she was terribly imposing, but he felt nothing but kindness from her. This didn't negate that he was small for a pony, and she was quite large. "What would you describe as the positive facets of pony society?"

Silver considered this a moment, "The first thing I noticed was how well the various tribes got along. It's not perfect, but my own people trip over incredibly subtle differences like colors and eye shapes or an accent. Heck, there have been wars over which invisible patron in the sky you paid heed to, but that was mostly a cover for resource-grabbing." He rolled his shoulders, "Compared to that, well." He pointed a hoof at Night, "I'm now married to this lovely mare, and she's not my tribe at all, but despite all the surprise about it, not a single question was raised about that fact. No one said 'You're a unicorn, why are you marrying a lunar pegasus?' Tribal unity is amazing. A pony is a pony."

Celestia nodded slowly, "You have not seen it all. There are places where that breaks down, but it warms my heart to hear you say that, and to be reminded how hard we've fought to reach this point. I am told you have been researching magic, a most ambitious plan for one who has only recently gained a horn to do it with. Can you show me what you've found?"

Silver considered this, "My signature spell isn't fit to show here, in the garden. It would burn these lovely flowers. But I have another." He sat still, closing his eyes and trying to remember the spell by rote. When that failed, he grunted and pulled out his notes from a saddlebag, "Pardon. Experimenting I like, memorizing patterns, not so much my thing. Here we go." He began playing the letters across his horn before his heart crystal exploded with colors. At first the colors seemed random, but they shone with the color of the magic of each pony it was pointed at, even non-unicorns, producing many rays of light that reached out towards the ponies in the area. Oddly, a bright green shaft reached out for one of the guards.

"Huh..." said Silver, looking at that guard. The eyes of the princesses followed the light as well. The guard started to look increasingly nervous, though he tried to remain stoic. "If you have something to admit, you should do it now," suggested Silver, "Celestia is a very forgiving sort, and I have no issue with your kind, if I'm right."

The guard's front shattered. His form was consumed in fire, revealing the black chitinous plate of a changeling. This was clearly not one of Nicole's, with the irregular round holes that penetrated it. Wings spread and it took off into the air, only to be trapped in a bubble. A white stallion stepped out from around the hedges, eyes locked on it and horn glowing with the magic that held the changeling.

Luna snorted softly, "And you thought you'd need him for Silver."

Silver recognized the white stallion's cutie mark as Shining Armor and smiled, "A pleasure to meet you, Shining."

Shining perked an ear at Silver, "Hey. We'll talk after I take care of this." He trotted off, dragging the floating changeling behind.

Celestia nodded towards the still glowing heart crystal, "How did you make that?"

Silver tapped his chin, "Well, they gave me a spell to imbue the crystal with your personal color, and they gave me a spell to make other things glow. Both were considered low-level introductory spells. I took the symbols of both and mashed them together." He pulled out some more paper, revealing jumbles of notes, "I would love keeping track on my computer, but it'll break eventually, and then everything will be lost. The nearest computer shop is a dimension away. I got a lot of... less-desirable results, but eventually I figured it out. The new spell taps into the heart crystal's ability to glow with personal magic and makes it visible." The glow faded along with his spell, his heart crystal returning to its lavender shade.

Celestia pointed at the dangling pendant, "Why does it glow that color? That is not your color. Your magic is clearly a pure silver."

Silver flipped his ears back, "Oh, well, back when I was under the effects of Lyra's eager, but poorly-formed, spell, Twilight tried to help me. I was wearing this, but I hadn't charged it with my own magic, because I had none. It became charged while Twilight exerted heavy magical power, trying to brute force the spell."

Cadance tilted her head, "I had wondered at that little thread."

Silver perked an ear, "What?"

Cadance gestured at Silver and his pendant, "You have a little thread running to it. Are you fond of Twilight?"

Silver flushed gently, "Not in that way! She is adorable though. Not nearly as adorable as Night Watch." He turned and nuzzled gently into Night's cheek.

Night snorted gently, "That was transparent, but I'll accept." She hugged him gently with her wings.

Silver turned his attention back to Luna, who appeared to be relaxing over the course of the discussion, "Luna."

She went rigid again, "Yes?"

Silver smiled, extending a hoof, "Will you be my royal consort, of your own volition? I would value your assistance and company."

Luna glanced around, at Cadance's eager expression, her sister's stoic look of expectation, and Silver's hopeful smile. She let out a slow breath before she brought Silver's hoof closer with her own and kissed it, "It would be a pleasure to serve as your guide in the courts. My duties prevent me from always being at your side, but time will be made."

Silver nodded slowly, "I wouldn't want to drag you away from your other affairs." He glanced at Night, then back at Luna, "Thank you." He felt dizzy and elated. That had worked better than he could have hoped for, barring Luna suddenly producing Celine again, this was good.

Night folded her wings tight as she looked over Luna, "I'm not sure how I feel about sharing my stallion with my ex-boss."

Silver wheeled on her and pounced on a sudden urge. They went down together as Silver bit at her neck and cheek softly with his blunt teeth. Her complaints became lost in a sudden intense bout of snuggling before the princesses, to Cadance's clear amusement. Celestia raised a brow, "Did you?"

Cadance shrugged, "Maybe a little. They're already in love, no harm, no foul."

When the spell ran its course, Silver and Night separated, both cherry red with embarrassment, but no further argument on either's lips. Silver looked at Cadance, "You are a very powerful pony."

Cadance smiled gently, "Me? I'm the least of the princesses." She waved the comment off.

Silver shook his head, "You are the most subtle. You can't make things explode or invade dreams, but when a pony falls under your magic, they don't want to escape."

Cadance nodded her head, "I can't create feelings from nothing. You two are simply easy targets because of your already-strong feelings. No hard feelings, I hope?"

Silver closed his legs shamefully, "Only one."

Cadance smirked, "It is nice to see a pony that admires my work."

Luna snorted softly, "You're being shameless, niece."

Cadance fixed her with a devious glare and Luna put up her hooves quickly, "I do not want a turn! I will not be made to act so in front of the guards. It's not proper."

Cadance shrugged, "Then I'll keep it to those who appreciate it."

Silver felt the urge rising in him again, but Night acted first, tackling him to the ground instead.

Celestia raised a fine brow, "I do have more questions for him, niece. While he appears to be enjoying himself, this is not good for doing business."

Cadance stopped toying with Silver, and soon he sat up with Night. Night huffed softly, "If you want to visit, later, maybe, but that's enough of that in this courtyard."

Cadance nodded her head but was otherwise silent. The shipping princess had made her presence felt, and looked pleased. Celestia gave a smile at Silver, "This may come as a surprise, but we already have a task for you."

Silver perked an ear, "You want me to research something?"

Celestia shook her head, "I feel you will do that without prompting from me. No, this is much more specific to your ambassadorial title."

Silver blinked slowly, "I thought... that was mostly for show?"

Celestia shook her head, "I would never make a position if there was no need for it. A second human has arrived, a male, like you. He is far younger, and quite distressed. He arrived in Appleloosa, but is scheduled to arrive tomorrow. I would like you to see to his comfort, as one of your people."

Silver went stiff. He hadn't expected to actually be an ambassador...

"I have every confidence in you," said Celestia with that soft smile of hers.

14 - Meeting the Moon

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With his official title of Ambassador, Celestia gave clearance for Silver to occupy a wing of the castle that had been serving little purpose but storing old momentos. He sat on a bed, larger than the ones given at the academy. Night sat beside him, and Fast was perched on a chair. Fast lifted an ear at the two, "So... how'd you pull this off?"

Night softly nudged against Silver, "He's interesting to Celestia, was charming to Cadance, maddeningly frustrating to Luna, and they conspired to collar him and tie him to the ground with the softest velvet they could find. He, of course, offered his neck and rolled over for them."

Fast shook her head, "I didn't know they were into that." She glanced at the door, then back at Silver directly, "Think you could squeeze me in? I like big mares."

Silver frowned a little, "This isn't about Luna. I specifically separated the two."

Fast raised a hoof, "And yet you grabbed both. You two going to make lunar unicorns? That'd be hot."

Night's wings flared out, "That is not how lunar pegasi happened!"

"Oh?" asked Fast, "How did they happen then? My history's a bit rusted."

Night sank to the bed's surface, "Rusty. If she gets a foal before I do, we're over."

Silver blinked softly, "I didn't even know you wanted one. I thought you wanted to get right back to work. I mean, you're...? What?"

Night grabbed Silver in her hooves and pulled him down against herself, "I will work until I get too fat not to. If I'm going to be a mom, I'd rather do it young, like my mother. She'll get to meet her grandfoals, and so will I."

Silver shivered a little before he began to bite softly at Night. Gentle nips about her neck and ears seemed to please her, "I have no objection to this. If you want a foal, I'll be the best father I can be. So... what do we do, besides what we've been doing?"

Night looked perplexed, "That's a very strange question. What else do you do? You wait until I am receptive and then you put a foal in there. How else are foals made?"

Fast squinted at Silver's confused expression, "How do humans do it?"

Silver lifted his shoulders, "They just keep doing it until it sticks. There are some ways to have a better idea when to do it, but it mostly boils down to luck."

Fast snickered softly, "We can do it that way. That sounds fun."

Night rolled her eyes before adjusting her glasses, "I will tell you when the time comes, since you have no idea what to look for. Tell Princess Luna that you do not wish to lay with her while she is receptive until you've done your duty to your first wife." She nudged his chin upwards with a wing, "If you take my position seriously."

Silver darted around that wing to kiss Night gently, "Without a doubt. You are my first. I, uh, may be a little ignorant of things. You're free to correct me."

Night wrinkled her nose, "As if I needed your permission for that." Her wings moved to his sides, teasing him into a giggling fit easily. Becoming a pony had not dulled his ticklishness. "One other thing. You're not getting out of classes with this. I will fetch your work and bring it to you." She slipped away, hopping to the floor, "Come on, Fast Change. You can help me find the right books." Soon both were gone, leaving Silver to consider the next day, and the human he would soon be meeting.

"What if they don't speak English?" asked Silver out loud, realizing that if the choice was truly random, there was a significant chance of grabbing someone who didn't comprehend him. He made a silent prayer to the universe itself that he would avoid that situation. The image danced in his mind of a Spanish or Chinese speaker he couldn't speak with, and was isolated from all the other ponies. No wonder they would react poorly!

A soft knock stirred him from his worries. With a glimmer of his magic, he opened the door to reveal a night guard. "The Princess is ready to see you."

Silver hopped off the bed and followed after the guard to Luna's room, a place he had been only once before. The guard did not enter, simply waving him forward. After he stepped into the gloomy chamber, the door shut quietly behind him. Luna sat across several cushions sideways. Her half-lidded gaze and the way her legs were just so... Silver wondered if she was trying to be attractive. Everything he knew of human come-ons came from the internet, and now there was an equine goddess giving it her best shot.

Silver gave a gentle smile, "It's early yet for the moon to rise, but here she lays, as enchanting as ever I have seen her." It was cheesy and thickly-laid, but it seemed to get a smile from Luna.

Luna gently patted the space in front of her, "Join me." Silver obeyed quickly, moving to sit in front of her. Luna put a strong hoof on him, guiding him to lay with her, belly to belly. "You have won me, again."

Silver shook his head, "The first time you forced yourself on me... and I learned what happiness could be... The second time, your sister tried to offer you to me, as a prize. The third time I held out a hoof, and you took it. Your sister was right about one thing, however."

Luna raised a brow lightly, looking slightly guarded, "Of what matter was that?"

Silver smiled nervously, "You are a prize. I hope we can put rough times behind us."

Luna colored faintly as she leaned in, kissing Silver between the eyes just under his horn. "My sister thinks she can control anypony with a gentle word. Why did you not take her offer and have me when the chance was given?"

Silver shook his head, "Because I don't want you that way. I want a fierce Luna, independent, and who does not feel she is obliged to ever tell me yes." Silver shrugged then, "You may be... out of touch? But I'm from another world entirely, so you still outrank me in experience."

Luna extended a hoof, covering Silver's mouth. "Enough with honeyed words. Speak plainly. Why do you favor us?"

Silver considered this question a moment, "I wasn't lying, you are enchanting. You have a grace all of your own. Even in anger, you... excite me?" Silver frowned, "I'm not that good at this. Are you sure I can't just compliment you, because you have a lot to compliment."

His admission of awkwardness seemed to relax Luna a little. She rolled over onto her back, "Are you speaking well so that our legs open to you, little stallion? You gatherer of mares, am I just another prize in your stable?"

Silver warmed softly, "It was... your idea that I start a herd."

"A lie!" said Luna a bit loudly before she poked him in the belly, "You requested me as first wife. That you did not expect agreement does not absolve it of being your idea."

Silver's ears flipped back at the shout before he climbed up to his hooves, "You're a little... large for me. I'm still a growing colt."

Luna rolled her eyes, "Are you not an enchanting wizard in training?"

Silver glanced around nervously, "I... wasn't looking up that kind of spell..."

Luna's horn began to glow as she grabbed a book off her shelf and tossed it open before Silver, "Read quickly."

Why did Luna have such a book? Silver wondered as he quickly flipped through it with his magic. Oh my. There were quite the number of... personal enhancements... to choose from. With a quick spell from Silver's horn, Luna gave a soft laugh.

"Typical stallion," she said in mocking tone.

Silver shrank back a little, "I'm not ashamed of my size, but you are large even for a pony, and I am still barely not a colt. I don't want to disappoint."

Luna waved a hoof lightly, "More stallions than you have believed a mighty lance was enough to please a mare. We shall judge you, harshly."

Silver moved up on Luna, and did his best. Luna was... different, than the other mares he had shared a bed with. He attributed some of her stillness to lingering fears, and tried to please her as best he was able. Soft nibbles and rubbing hooves made her breath quicken as motions drew little noises from her. When all was said and done, Luna seemed pleased enough, and Silver was exhausted. He flopped on her belly, panting breathlessly.

"Is that all?" asked Luna, squeezing him with her legs, "I have had lovers that could go the evening entire. You will need to work on your endurance if you are to be my consort."

Silver nuzzled her belly gently, "That will improve in time," he hoped, "Was I... good?"

Luna patted his head with a hoof, "Sufficient."

Silver flopped onto her again, groaning softly. Damned by faint praise indeed. Luna softly held him in the darkness, "You realize... my sister has left your cage open? She wonders how long you will sit there, with nothing to hold you in place."

Silver perked an ear, "What do you mean? I'm Ambassador now. Isn't that leash enough?"

Luna tapped Silver on his nose, "Dost thou know what an ambassador is?"

"A representative of one people to another?" asked Silver uncertainly.

"It is that," agreed Luna, "But it is also an admission that you are a citizen of your people. You are not beholden to Celestia, or anypony else but your people. If we don't like it, we can ask you to leave, but that is the extent of it."

Silver's ears fell, "But I want to be a citizen of Equestria."

Luna held up a hoof, "And there is how she crafts your cage well. She knows you enjoy it in there. An ambassador that is loyal to the hosting nation? Most nations would recall such an ambassador and send a new one, but your people have little choice. Celestia, have no doubt, intends to treat you entirely as an Equestrian citizen, which includes orders from her. If you obey them, this will please her. Unless you object, she has no reason not to continue on and on, as if you were part of her kingdom, even if she just set you free."

Silver looked confused for a moment, tail swaying slowly behind him, "Should I not follow her orders?"

Luna shrugged, "Just remember that you have the option." She pulled Silver up away from her hind legs and nuzzled nose-to-nose, "Keep the book. You have three mares to satisfy, and I demand improvements next time." Her magic lifted him onto his hooves and swatted his back end towards the door, "Begone."

Silver tucked the book away before looking back at her, hesitating a moment before he smiled, "I love you." He scurried off before he could receive any scorn due from his statement, but no such strike was coming. Luna sank into her pillows, considering the day's actions.

15 - We Come in Peace

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The next day, Silver and his herd, which officially included Fast and Night, sat at the Canterlot train terminal, awaiting their guest. The human wasn't hard to see, taller than all the ponies around himself, and Silver wasn't sure to be relieved or worried when the human stepped off the train sporting a Rainbow Dash T-shirt. Maybe the effect that hauled him over only worked on fans of the show? They appeared caucasian, slightly overweight, and maybe twenty years old? Silver wasn't certain. Guessing ages was never his strong point. They were definitely young, but looked old enough to have a drink without a parent's permission. He had a wispy beard going, and brown hair that ran to his shoulders. Overall, a very basic human, if the first Silver had seen in months.

Silver rose and approached him, his wives following shortly behind, "Hello!" he called out, "We're here to welcome you to Canterlot."

The human looked at Silver and his companions. "I don't recognize any of you. They didn't send anyone important? Nice bat pony though, real sweet look."

Night's wings flared out as anger flushed through her and Silver quickly spoke, "She is a lunar pegasus, and they prefer to be called that, though she is specifically Night Watch, though Night works. I am Silver Lining, and this is Fast Change." He gestured to each pony he introduced.

The human waved dismissively, "That's cool. Do I get to meet Celestia now, or Luna?" He seemed to consider a moment, "This is Canterlot, so Fleur lives here too."

Silver decided that worry was the correct response. "You may, in time, but I am the human ambassador, so you have to deal with me first, and the royal sisters only at their discretion. Was your trip pleasant?"

Fast leaned in, "He sure knows a lot of ponies' names."

Night whispered from the other side back, "Silver had the same knowledge, though he was less pushy with it."

The human advanced on them and suddenly began petting Silver across the skull. Fingers pressed against the base of his ears. It was a little rough, but... kind of nice. If not for the sudden wave of anxiety he felt at having another human so close without warning, Silver may have even liked it. The human spoke, "How'd you end up with that job? Are you a human expert pony? Your cutie mark doesn't have any humans on it. What is your cutie mark anyway? Looks like random lines."

Silver decided to play his cards straight, "I was human, like you, when I first arrived. I've... gone native, as it were. These are my wives that I am blessed with the fortune of having."

The human blinked, "Shit, really? I can get a harem?" That fact got through before the former human part did, "You were a human? Were you a brony? How'd you end up... Aw man, do all humans have to become ponies? Is that part of the rules?"

Night snorted softly, "Herds are not the normal family unit. If you are lucky, you will find one mare who favors your company. There is no law stating immigrants to Equestria have to become ponies, just follow the laws."

Silver nodded softly, "I k--" He was interrupted as those hands moved on. The human seemed to have absolutely no sense of personal space, and was inspecting Silver quite thoroughly. "Uh, can you... stop that?" He backpedaled and flopped over gracelessly. He decided to consider it a blessing this wasn't a pegasister with similar gropey hands or Night might begin hurting him.

The human hiked a thumb at himself, "I'm Jake." Jake flashed a big grin, "So, you're a unicorn. That mean you do magic?"

Silver quickly scrambled upright as he nodded, "It's my cutie mark, studying magic that is."

Jake gave a huh, "Did you have to earn that, or did it come with being a pony automatically?"

Silver summoned a silvery hand and tested a theory by offering it to Jake silently. Jake accepted the hand and shook it, proving he could see magic as Silver could. "Note, most ponies can't see magic unless it's very intense. Humans seem to be able to," he informed Jake. "And I had to earn my mark. I went to school and everything. I'm still in school, though it's a magic academy."

Jake let go of the magic construct as he gave a chuckle, "That's far out. So... when do I get to meet famous ponies?"

Fast Change gestured at Silver, "Here's the rescuer of Canterlot, isn't that famous enough?"

Jake gave a snort, "He wasn't in any of the shows."

Silver gave a light smile, "I know what you're talking about, but, please, remember that this is their world. They are people, with jobs and lives. They don't know they were on a show, and they're going to get creeped out by some alien rushing up to them talking about it like they should know."

Jake rolled a hand, "I'll be polite, I just want to see a pony I recognize."

Silver clopped his forehooves together, "You can meet my parents."

Jake looked confused, "But you were human, you said?"

Silver nodded, "Yes, but I have adoptive parents, after I became a colt." He turned and began walking, "One of them you'll definitely recognize."

The group began its journey through Canterlot, with Jake gawking at the landmarks just as much as Silver had on his first visit to the grand city. "It's a very impressive city, isn't it."

"You're not wearing pants," replied Jake.

He'd gone months without clothes without even noticing the fact, and Jake just reminded him of years of social conditioning. His tail fell in an effort of cover objectionable places as an uncontrollable blush darkened his face, "Ponies don't always wear clothes, though now that I'm an ambassador, I should look into some."

Jake gave a soft huh before suggesting, "Bet Rarity could do it."

"Who?" asked Fast Change.

"The Element of Generosity," answered Night Watch.

Silver looked over his shoulder at Jake, "She lives in Ponyville. A Canterlot seamstress or tailor would suffice. I'm not going to ask her to visit just for my sake."

Jake shrugged softly, "Why not? Dude, it's Rarity. Don't you want to meet her?"

They had arrived at Silver's old house, now his parents' home. "It's not about what I want. I am, and you are, just weird visiting aliens. If I see her on the street, I will smile and say hello, like a nice person, but I will not disrupt her life or stalk her."

Jake rolled his eyes, "Like she'd get mad at a job from a Canterlot noble."

Silver paused. Jake had a bit of a point there, still... "Let's say hello to my parents." He approached the door and knocked. It wasn't his home anymore, just walking in felt wrong.

After a moment, Rough Draft opened the door, "He-- Silver!" The brown earth pony grabbed Silver into a warm embrace. Silver decided fatherly hugs was on the acceptable list. After sharing a nuzzle, he turned, "You know Night Watch." She bowed her head, "And this is Fast Change." She nodded and raised a hoof. "And this tall person is Jake."

Jake raised a brow, "Don't recognize him either. Come on."

Rough looked Jake over, "Another human? I'm not adopting this one."

Silver smiled lightly, "You don't have to. One was already above the call of duty. Is Mom home?"

Rough turned his head back towards the inside, "Trixie! You have a visitor!"

Jake's expression lightened, "Now we're talking."

Trixie emerged moments later, smiling on sight of Silver and Night, then turning quizzical as she looked over Fast and Jake. "Trixie does not recognize everypony."

Jake burst into a laugh, "She even talks in the third person too!" He thrust a hand forward, "Nice to meet you, Trixie. I'm Jake."

Trixie nodded her head lightly, "Charmed." She made no motion to meet his hand. "Trixie had no idea humans were such fans of Trixie. Have you seen her perform?"

Jake nodded, "And get your flank handed to you by Twilight."

Silver winced at the words. Why would he bring that up?

Trixie trembled, but her expression remained pleasant as she gave a forced laugh, "Trixie and Twilight Sparkle have mended their rough history."

Silver entered the conversation, "Mom, Dad. I'm an ambassador now, for humans, including Jake." He gestured at Jake, "I'm going to bring him to the castle and get him a room in the human embassy wing until we find a more permanent place."

They exchanged friendly parting words, and he got a hug out of it from Trixie. If nothing else, getting to see his parents made the day worth waking up for, and Silver made a mental note that he should remember to stop in more often. They proceeded from there through the streets of Canterlot, heading towards the large castle that dominated the skyline. "So..." said Silver, "I heard you were having trouble in Appleloosa?"

Jake shrugged, "There wasn't anything out there other than Braeburn, and I'm not gay for him no matter how many memes there are. A bunch of dust, and apple trees."

Silver swiveled an ear back to him, "Gay relationships between males have negative social status, like back home. Between females seems to not even be noticeable. They just do it. I think it has something to do with the gender ratio. More females, less males."

Jake gave a soft pfft, "Ain't gay anyway. Why, hoping to get lucky?"

Silver stopped, peering at Jake, "Dude, really? I'm flanked by two amazing mares and you ask if I'm on the prowl for a piece of you? Seriously, you're joking."

Jake held up a hand, "Just messing with you. Next thing you tell me you're getting a piece of royal flank or something."

Silver turned back around and marched on, hoping to hide his new flush. No such luck, "Fuck, you are! Oh man, you got dibs on everything! Save some for me."

Silver passed the guards without challenge as he peeked over his shoulders, "Can you pretend this isn't a fantasy for a moment? You're not on a television show, you're on an alien world. I got what I got after being kicked in the balls repeatedly for some things that were my mistake, and some things that weren't. By and larg--"

Jake interrupted his speech, "Yeah yeah, I'll be polite. Oh hell naw." He stopped to admire a stained glass window of the Mane Six confronting Nightmare Moon. "They look way cooler in person."

Silver hung his head a moment, "Look, all I'm saying is that if you play your cards right, these ponies are ready to accept you. If you offend them, then this paradise can turn into a hell from which there really is no escape. Please, this way..."

He led the way as his wives pressed closer to whisper. Fast quietly said, "Are all humans like this? Uh, you excepted of course."

Silver shook his head, "We're just as different from one another as ponies can be. Let's try to be nice and maybe we can calm him down. He doesn't seem like a bad person, just... impolite?"

16 - Lodgings

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A guard arrived not long after they arrived at Silver's quarters. "Princess Luna is ready to see you."

Silver groaned at the timing of it, but Jake looked excited. "Can I go with you? I want to meet Luna."

Silver tensed as images flashed in his mind of how this could go, then an idea came to him. He grinned a little before nodding, "Follow me." He trotted out into the hallway with Jake following behind, and the guard leading the way to Luna's quarters. "To remind you, this is royalty. You should treat her like you would the President, if the President had the authority to have you killed or banished without a trial."

"Harsh," said Jake, "She wouldn't do that, right? She likes videogames and being liked by other ponies."

Gamer Luna? "She's only seen one video game, ever," advised Silver. "Just be polite."

They entered her room, with the guard waiting outside. Luna was in her pose that Silver had learned meant 'come over here and do as a stallion is built for.' He blushed at the open invitation even as Jake ogled the sight, "Uh, hi."

Luna rolled to her hooves quickly in alarm, "Who is this? Silver, my invitation to you does not extend to friends."

Jake pointed at himself, "I'm Jake, and you are best princess."

Luna gave a slow blink, "Thank you." She looked to Silver then, "Well?"

Silver gestured at Jake, "Jake is having a hard time learning the cultures and customs of Equestria. I know you can learn everything about a person with their consent, but can you give knowledge?"

Luna tilted her head slightly, "Celestia frowns on it. She says ponies should learn the old-fashioned way, so that they prize the information."

Jake pointed out, "I'm not a pony."

Silver nodded, "This is true. I doubt it will change his basic nature, but at least knowing the rules gives him the option of following them."

Luna raised a brow, appraising the new biped. A sly grin came over her, "Do you want to be?"

"Want to be what?" asked Jake.

"A pony. Perhaps a strong earth pony?" asked Luna. Silver knew this wasn't permitted, but kept this to himself. Luna might be testing him, or maybe she'd break the rules. Either way was her decision, not his.

"Seriously? Like Silver here?" asked Jake, pointing at Silver before patting him on the head, "My OC is a pegasus. Flying would be crazy awesome."

Luna set her head on her hooves, "Oh, do tell us of this 'Oh See' of yours."

Jake began to enthusiastically explain, "She's a--"

"She?" asked Luna with a raised brow.

Jake turned a little red, "Well... kinda, yeah? I mean, Equestria's run by mares, right?"

Luna nodded slowly, "Yes."

Jake flashed a smile, "So who wants to be the lesser sex?"

Luna raised a brow, "Would you not miss being male?"

Jake shrugged softly, "Let me have a mare before you zap me and we'll call it even."

Luna turned her head towards Silver, "Your friend is quite... interesting." Her attention slipped back towards Jake, "Converting genders requires a great deal of energy. Such a boon would have its prices. What would you give to become as you imagine?"

Jake frowned a little, "What'd Silver pay to become his OC?"

Silver raised a hoof, "My OC was Rough Draft, you met him before. This," He gestured at himself, "was made for me. I didn't design it."

Jake grinned all the wider, "You mean my OC exists? Dude, that's awesome. We can be, like, sisters or something."

Luna raised a brow, "Our question remains. Silver gave thirty years of his life for an equal feat of magic, though he has repaid the crown in blood and pain and continues to serve. We wonder if you would serve as faithfully?"

Jake fell to his knees, "I'll do anything for you, best princess."

Luna's voice whispered in Silver's mind, ~We think he knows not what he agrees to.~

Silver tried to think back, ~He probably has a very romantic vision of being your friend or lover.~

Luna smiled at Jake gently as her thoughts echoed for Silver, ~He doesn't seem that useful, and Celestia will chastise me most dearly if I strip away his species as I did you.~

Silver tapped a hoof on the ground, ~I'm not suggesting you do change him, or not. I do think he needs help learning before he gets himself put in jail forever.~

Luna set a hoof on her chin, "Very well, we have decided."

Jake stood up, "Really? Will you do it?"

Luna nodded, "Yes, on a condition to be met before we finalize the deal."

Jake raised his brows, "What would that be?"

Luna gestured out of her chamber, "You will attend a finishing school of etiquette. When you have learned how to stand before us with dignity, you will then decide what you want, and we will give it all due consideration."

Jake looked disappointed, but Luna continued, "This will give you a chance to learn the city, and its people. If you wish to call them sisters and brothers, you should know them. If you are unwilling to do even this, then you are not ready for the sacrifices I require." She turned her head to the door, "Take this one away, our business is done."

A night guard slipped into the room and began nudging Jake out, who wasn't ready to go. "Wait! I still want to talk with Luna!"

The guard had little sympathy, "She has dismissed you. Time to go." The guard was well-trained and fit, able to pry Jake's feet from the ground and hurry him into the hallway. The door closed behind them.

Luna gestured for Silver to step forward, which he did swiftly. She gently pet over his head with a hoof before softly tapping him, "Why did you bring him? I do not envy you if that is your ward."

Silver shrank a little, "I wasn't sure what else to do. I was hoping you had an idea."

Luna smiled, "I have several. It pleases me to know you trust me." She drew Silver up, curling around him. "If he has the same knowledge you do, he will be easily manipulated. I will send him to Twilight. She will adore the subject for her studies, and he will learn to acclimate in Ponyville. Perhaps she can divine how he came to be here." She whirled a hoof, "Or, we could throw him through the mirror portal. The human world there is close enough to yours that we should feel little guilt, and he will delight in the human versions of the ponies he fetishizes."

Silver wrinkled his nose as he cuddled with Luna, "I think the first one is the kinder of the two, and we could learn more from it. Were you really considering making him a pegasus?"

Luna tapped her chin, "If he was more polite and less groveling, perhaps. Making him female would require much more worth than I think I could take from him. Speaking of..." She rolled over onto her back, moving Silver into position, "You may begin."

Silver huffed loudly, "I am not your... sex toy..." He nipped at her belly, "I don't want that. I want to be a lover, and a friend."

Luna gave a low snarl before poking Silver, "It is your duty to pleasure me."

Silver shook his head, "Actually it's your job to pleasure me, but I don't want either. I... we were close, before. I want you, as you, as Luna. Not as a sex object, or to be a sex object." He slid down from her, blushing gently, "Though it does good on my self-image to know I'm good enough to be called on for that, I'd still rather have Luna as a friend than to be looked at with the same eye as a battery-operated toy."

Luna sat up slowly and looked at Silver, "You are a defiant colt."

Silver flashed a bright smile, "I am your defiant colt." He held up his forehooves, sitting up and balancing, "And I want a hug and conversation more than I want to mate with you."

Luna's expression cracked into a little smile, and she pulled him up, giving him that hug he requested. A matter popped into Silver's head, "My first wife, Night Watch, has specifically requested I give her a foal first. I... don't know what to look for, so..."

Luna tilted her head, "It is fortunate you spoke of this."

Silver's ears perked, "Are you, now? Soon? Oh god, have you had foals before?"

Luna shook her head, "Not in a very long time. Being banished does that."

Silver nodded hesitantly, "Would they also be alicorns?"

Luna's expression fell, "It is very unlikely, to say we have never witnessed an alicorn birth outside our own. Celestia and I remain unique. Any foal I birth will live a normal life, and die."

Silver went rigid, "Uh... this... is going to sound..." He flopped to the ground, unable to continue. Luna prodded him until he relented, "Did you make the lunar pegasi?"

"Make?" asked Luna, "In a fashion. They are my children."

Silver blinked, "No way."

Luna frowned, "Do you doubt my word?"

Silver shook his head quickly, "I mean, a whole species?"

Luna shrugged gently, "It was long long ago. My relation to any single lunar pegasus is faint at best."

Silver squirmed in place, "Did... you plan to make lunar unicorns?"

Luna flashed a smile, "Don't forget I know you. You have your own fetishes, though you sit on them and smother them, rather than thrust them in other's faces. Does that excite you, imagining my belly swelling with the result of your trysts?"

Silver's blush couldn't burn brighter. He didn't answer, but Luna thought he answered well enough. "Give your first wife her foal. It is her right to request it." She gestured at the door with a wing, "Begone."

Silver perked an ear, "We won't play today?"

"Begone," repeated Luna firmly, but she leaned in and kissed him between the eyes. "I will call when it is prudent."

Silver made his way back to his room at a relaxed pace. He didn't see Jake, nor was he in a special hurry to do so. When he pushed open the door to his room, he saw Fast sitting on his bed with a paper in front of her. She was grinning. Silver tilted his head at her as he approached, "What's up?"

Fast nudged the paper, "Homework for you."

Silver hopped up onto the bed beside Fast and began reading over the assignment, subconsciously rubbing alongside Fast. Besides being a ready snuggle target, she offered helpful advice when he hit rough parts of the classwork. He would earn his graduation, ambassadorial duties or not.

The next day, Luna sat beside Jake, "I have decided that you are worthy of a great honor."

Jake's eyes went wide, "Really? Am I going to be a knight?"

"Close," said Luna, "You will assist royalty, namely one Princess Twilight Sparkle."

"The Twilight?" asked Jake, getting excited.

"The one and only," agreed Luna with a smile, "She wishes to learn more of humans, their culture, and how they have entered Equestria. You will do your best to assist her while learning pony culture in Ponyville."

Jake clapped his hands together, "Great! That mean I get to meet the rest of the Mane Six?"

Luna nodded, "They are drawn to Twilight, so there is no way you can miss them. Do try to be polite. Twilight has enough trouble with her new abode. Also, I'm afraid I can't name you #1 assistant, as Spike, the dragon, already holds that honor."

Jake gave a dismissive wave, "Nah that's OK." He looked clearly distracted, envisioning meeting Twilight and the others. "When do I go?"

Luna extended a wing with a train ticket, "Now. Your train leaves in twenty minutes. Be prompt."

And so Jake was banished from Canterlot, with a big grin on his face.

17 - Welcome to Court

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With it being an option, Silver decided he wanted to see what court was all about. "I don't have to bring up anything," he told his herd, "I just want to see how it works."

Fast rolled her eyes, "Sounds dreadfully boring. Have you seen the kind of ponies that enjoy court? Don't become one of those."

Night nodded her head, "While I disagree with the why, I agree that court is no place for you. You will crumple like a house of cards when a noble starts with the pressure."

Silver raised an ear, "Is it that bad?"

Night wobbled a hoof, "One-third will want to chase you away from 'their' turf, one-third may want you, for pleasure or their personal ends, and another third will be glaring at you to make sure you don't get influenced and used by the other two thirds." She smiled, "You know one of them, nice enough stallion named Fancy Pants. Ah, and his wife, Fleur. They're practically saints of the elite, but even they don't regard lower-class ponies as the same as them."

Silver shrugged, "It can't hurt to watch, can it?"

Night huffed softly, "If you must, go at night. You and Luna may have rough patches, but she is clearly more ally than not. Celestia rarely intercedes when it comes to the elite, and if you get crushed under them, she won't help."

With agreement reached, they spent the rest of the day being together and working on his school assignments. As the sun dipped, a messenger knocked on the door. He surrendered a letter to Silver, who quickly opened it, "Huh, Jake sent a letter."

Hey Silver!

Twilight insisted I write 'my' ambassador a letter. Just because she had to do friendship reports doesn't mean I should have to. Anyway, Ponyville is great! All the ponies are here. Odd thing, I saw Bon Bon at her store, but no Lyra anywhere? Was that just in the show? Pinkie threw me a party and it was pretty crazy. Uh, Twilight's giving me lessons on managing books and etiquette. It's a bunch of... shit, she's watching me write and she doesn't look happy.

So! What was your human name, before you went Silver Lining? Or was that your name? Kind of an odd name. You know you didn't have to go full-pony to live here. They barely seem to care. I used to be a huge Fluttershy fan, but Pinkie is awesome! Rainbow's pretty cool too. I have a 'hoof ball' game scheduled with those two tomorrow.

Best Wishes,

Silver folded up the letter with a smile, "That's nice. Jake is really fitting in over at Ponyville."

Fast tilted her head, "Same human? How has he not started a riot?"

Silver shrugged as he fetched a fresh piece of paper, starting his reply, "Twilight must be a good influence on him, and he's probably starstruck around the Elements. He sounds like he's really enjoying himself though, so I'll mark it as a success." He quietly sketched his reply, explaining the extreme basics of how he arrived and eventually became Silver Lining, as well as wishing good luck to his fellow human. He folded it up, ready for sending. "Wonder if Twilight will send one."

"Straight to Celestia," replied Night. "She has no obligation to share her research with you. She probably forgot you were involved, outside of being an ambassador."

Silver frowned a little, "I really would like to know what pulled him, and me, into this world."

Fast shrugged, "Why, you want to go back?"

Silver shook his head quickly, "No! Heavens no. Leave you all behind?"

Fast frowned a little, "You've danced around the topic enough times. When you get back from your court-watching, you're going to tell me about your parents, the originals. You won't dream of leaving us, but your birth family? Pfft, not even a regret."

Silver frowned in return, but the expression washed away, "That's not true... I wonder about my mother, and my niece. I left an income stream, if they have any idea how to get to it. Even if they don't, it'll automatically pay some bills for... How long has it been? I bet it's still doing its thing. Hell, if I'm declared dead, there's a saving's account automatically growing over time they could, and probably will, plunder. I'd be shocked if that didn't happen."

Night tilted her head, "Do you have worries that aren't money related? You don't even consider money on this side."

Silver moved towards the door, "They didn't let me worry about too much else, besides, my niece is a genius in school, and artistically gifted. She'll make it. My only fear for her is her ability to self-start." He nudged the door open with his magic, "Want to come with me?"

Night wrinkled her nose, "I only visited night court to give a report, if I had to." Silver left Night and Fast behind, trotting through the halls towards the courtroom. The ponies were all quite well-dressed, and seemed to look him over with a clear disdain. He heard a soft whisper about his utter lack of fashion. Amusingly, none called him obscene for being nude, just... boring and blase. He slipped in with the crowd and looked around for a good spot in the amphitheatre-style seating. Luna stepped out and everypony rose for her. Taking the first seat he saw, Silver stood in front of it with the others. When Luna settled, they all sat back down.

Luna's eyes swept over the audience, seeming to notice a few particular ponies, one of which included Silver. He smiled at her, she frowned. He wondered if he had made a mistake. Court passed slowly, with most matters being... banal. This pony makes too much noise at night. That pony shines their lights too brightly for stargazing.

A familiar mare that Silver couldn't quite place stepped up to speak, "Your majesty. There is an uncouth barbarian in the hall."

Luna raised a brow, "Verily? Would thou kindly point them out?"

The mare pointed directly at Silver, making him go rigid. "That one accused my filly of scandalous activities, and we have yet to be redressed."

Silver suddenly remembered who it was. That crazy unicorn's mother. She had a name, and it had entirely fled him. He bemoaned his terrible recall, wondering how he could forget the name of the unicorn that tried to rape him.

Luna struck wood with a hoof with a loud bang, "Will Ambassador Silver Lining please step forward."

Silver rose up and trotted towards the front of the court amid surprised whispers and unabashed stares. Luna gave a faint smile, directed at the crowd, "We see this one has yet to be introduced. This is Silver Lining, ambassador of the humans."

The mare staggered back with wide eyes, "What's a human? What nation is this?" She clopped a hoof down, "I demand justice!"

Luna raised a brow lightly, "He is a diplomat, fully recognized by the crown. Would you have us cast him from Equestria?"

"Yes!" shrieked the mare, shaking with a naked fury.

Silver wasn't sure what he should do other than stand there, so that is exactly what he did.

The mare suddenly closed the distance. It was over in a bright flash, he had been struck across an eye by the incensed mare. Stunned gasps rippled through the court.

Luna was as calm as ever, "Would any argue that the lady has struck a diplomat without provocation on his part? This is a most serious crime." She leaned forward, "One that carries severe penalty."

The mare staggered back from Silver, who was rubbing at the bruise quietly. She stammered uselessly before she took a shaking breath, "I'm sorry."

Silver almost said it was alright, it was basically hardwired for him to say that to anyone that apologized, but Luna's voice whispered, ~She does not deserve your mercy. She has caused you and your parents grief. Let her suffer the error of her own making.~

Silver glanced about, then at the quivering noblemare. The gravity of her crime was clearly settling on her, and she was breaking down. "Why do you hate me?" asked Silver

The mare blinked at the unexpected question. "You accused my little girl of such terrible things!"

Silver shrugged, "And what if she did them? What if... I'm not lying? You are ready to throw me from my new home, and to hit me, for what? The court agreed with you and your foal, is that not enough? I have been denied whatever justice I sought, but that gives you leave to ch--"

"Enough," said Luna. "You are hereby banished from court for a duration of one month. You will pay the diplomat a standard recompense for striking him, and you will apologize. Such behavior is not suited to any pony elite."

She looked like she was ready to start seething, but she sank, "I'm sorry..." she slunk away back into the seats, only for a guard to direct her the rest of the way out of the room.

Luna nodded, "Will the next petitioner step forward?"

Silver got the impression he was dismissed and slipped back to his chair. A mare had moved to occupy the seat beside him. The unicorn mare smiled at him as he settled. The tension of the event must have caught up with him as his chest went tight, and he felt as much like crying as attacking something. Abruptly, parts of him started reacting in a wholly inappropriate way. He snapped his hindlegs shut and curled in place a little, trying to look small and hide the sight of anything wrong from everypony else.

Court passed torturously slowly as Silver wondered why he hadn't listened to his lovely wives and stayed away from it all. Eventually ponies began to filter out as Luna called the court adjourned. Silver waited patiently, still indecent, and hoping the rest of the noble ponies would leave, but that mare just... sat there. Eventually there was no one there at all but two night guards at the entrance, Silver, and that mare. The mare rose from her seat suddenly, and the anxiety doubled. His breath became rapid and his heart thundered in his ears. What was this? She stepped over him despite there being nopony else in the other direction, "Excuse me..."

Silver shook his head, "S'alright..." Oh god why couldn't she leave faster? What was that? He felt something brush-- It was her tail. She was doing it on purpose! The two remaining brain-cells he had in good repair banged against one another. This mare was in heat, or at least stunk like it, and she was coming on as heavy as a... metaphors failed him. "What do you want?"

She smiled at him, "I own significant holdings on the local mineral market. Wouldn't it be lovely if we combined our political capital?"

Silver's jaw fell. She was proposing a power play while suggesting something much more intimate with her body. "Uh, I'm... already married."

"Oh," she said, and she moved on as if nothing had happened at all, just primly walking away.

Silver slunk back to his room, darting from cover to cover. He confessed what happened to his wives the moment he got in. They were merciful, and the tension was soon released, at least after they got him to promise not to go to court again.

18 - Thank the Moon

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Silver trotted after the guard. He was fairly sure it was the same night guard as the other times, though he couldn't prove it. They all started to look similar when they wore that identical armor of their office. When he arrived at Luna's bedroom, he strode inside with a purpose.

Luna was upright, looking at him with... amusement? Silver became unsure, "Do you know why I asked to speak with you?"

Luna smiled, a devious smile that made Silver worry. "Speak plainly. Who is the better deceiver, my sister, or I?"

Silver tilted his head, "Is that a trick question? You both hav--"

"Plainly," interrupted Luna.

Silver let out a soft sigh, "Your sister has had more experience manipulating others."

Luna nodded, "And yet, my plan went well."

Silver perked an ear, "What plan?"

Luna moved. Behind her was a heavy and bulging bag. She gave it a kick and it fell over, spilling bits across the room in a small avalanche. "Celestia's fee for such a direct assault is quite heavy. It is only imposed on the richest of ponies, to remind them to mind their manners... This is yours."

Silver approached the coins hesitantly, reaching out to softly bat at one with a hoof, "I, uh, thank you... but, other than presiding at the time, how are you responsible?"

Luna leaned towards Silver, "My adorable little stallion. Who do you think put dreams of the court into both your minds? She succumbed first, head full of revenge and how she could gain it in my court. She was convinced, nay, obsessed with the idea that swift, old justice would be had if she could just get you in my court. I fed it, fueled that wicked hate."

Silver recoiled a little, "But... what if she would have cooled down on her own?"

Luna shrugged gently, "That is unlikely. I watched her for quite some time before this. You were trickier. Yours was a web of curiosity. My little pony, you would wander into a gaping maw if you became curious enough about what was inside."

Her tone was gentle, even affectionate, but Silver did not feel comforted by it. "You put me in the spotlight, again. I was hit... again."

Luna nodded slowly, "But this time, justice is yours. At long last, I have delivered."

Silver tensed, then let out a breath. Luna really did try to put things right. He smiled at her gently, "Please, next time, let embers die, so, uh, how much of her... I mean, is this a spring house she had to sell, or is she bankrupt?"

Luna raised a brow, "I confess, I did not do an accounting of her. She was most upset when she brought it in." With a wave of a hoof, she created an image showing Missus Plate moving forward with the sourest expression, a servant carrying the bag with effort.

Silver shook his head, "That's... Luna, I'm happy that you care for me. Heck, I'd be lying to say she didn't get a little of what she deserved, but this all was kind of mean."

Luna inclined an ear, "Are you upset?"

Silver smiled, moving up to nuzzle at Luna, "Far less than I was a few moments ago... I'm of mixed feelings, but I am... sure you were trying to do right by me, so that counts for a lot."

Luna gently returned the nuzzle a moment, "But?"

Silver huffed, "But... I try, really hard, not to be vindictive, which this was." He wanted to be morally upset about this, but the emotion refused to come to him. No, he kinda enjoyed the prank Luna did, even if it left him with a sore patch for a while. "Say, there was this mare. She was sitting beside me?"

Luna nodded, "I saw her. What of her?"

Silver shuffled, "She made, ugh, not sure how to say this, but she turned me on, OK? I think I smelled my first mare in heat."

Luna shook her head, "Impossible. She did not put out the signals."

Silver tilted his head in confusion, "I'm pretty sure I smelled it."

Luna waved a hoof dismissively, "A worn perfume, to fake a signal. The others were not present, though you do not know what to look for." Luna raised a brow slowly, "Did you accept her offer?"

"No!" exclaimed Silver, recoiling, "I ran out of there and back to my wives."

Luna nodded, "Good. I would have had less faith in you if an obvious trap was enough to seduce you."

Silver leaned forward, sniffing at Luna. He felt a similar reaction begin to rapidly build inside him. "Are you?"

Luna inclined an ear, "We are not here to dally this evening. We will wait until next time, after you have serviced your first wife."

Silver stomped a hoof on the ground, "That's kind of sexy, but I am more than a pair of balls with a loud mouth attached. When were you even going to ask my opinion?"

Luna shook her head, "If you said you didn't want it, you would be lying to me."

Silver raised a hoof, "And yet, as friends, you should still ask, because that's polite. I don't want to be a 'donor'. I'd want any life I made to be a willing and conscious act, to enter with love, for the mother and child, or children." He approached Luna, trying to nuzzle at her, but she danced out of the way.

Luna snorted, "For one who lived his life without love at all, you have the most romantic notions!"

Silver sat on his haunches. "Making up for lost time? Is it really that bad that I want us to be together, and not just rut?"

Luna scowled a moment before her expression returned to a more neutral form, "You should collect your money."

Silver conjured up his hands to start scooping the coins into the bag, "I will, but it doesn't change anything. I still want us to be equals, fuck politics."

"You can't breed politics," said Luna before her expression changed, perhaps finding that bit of memory, "Ah. You will not let this die, will you?"

Silver smiled then, "Like you let Misses Plate go away? We both have our stubborn streaks. I still love you despite yours."

Luna frowned thoughtfully, "Yes... Consult with your herd. Would they be truly happy to know their stallion courts me not as a consort, but actively chases after my hoof, trying to extract a confession of love?" Silver dug out a scrap of paper, and Luna snatched it from his mental grip, "What is this?"

Silver winced softly, "A spell..."

Luna raised a brow, "What manner of spell?"

Silver considered his options before saying, "One that, if it works when you use it, you wouldn't want to use it."

Luna peered at Silver a moment before moving the paper back where he could take control of it again. "Is this a spell you planned to use on me? Now is not the time, if you treasure your herd."

Silver quickly tucked the paper away before digging out another, "I'm not that organized. That is far from my special talent."

Luna looked at Silver with amusement, "When next you visit, come with a note from both your wives. It should explain their thoughts." A brow raised, "You will see that you are chasing... the moon, if you mind my saying. Go." She waved him off, "And take your money."

Silver stuffed the new paper away before turning his attention to the bag, It was heavier than it looked, and it looked pretty heavy. He managed to heft it up barely after some effort. Luna shook her head and opened the door with her magic, "Assist him with this."

A night guard stepped in and lifted it with frustrating ease. Silver followed after him, and soon they had returned to Silver's room. When the bag was set down, both Night and Fast peered at it.

Night approached curiously as the guard departed, "Is that what it sounds like?"

Silver nudged open the bag with his magic, exposing the countless coins within. "We're rich, I think?"

Fast rolled off the bed and hurried up beside Night to have her own look, "What on Equestria do you plan to do with it?"

Night frowned, "Where did you get it?"

Silver gestured towards the door, "Luna's work. She got it from the noble that was angry with me a while ago."

Night reached with her wings, digging through the coins, "You could buy a house, right here in Canterlot. You could do a lot of things." She plopped down, "What do you plan to do with it?"

Silver approached Night, rubbing his muzzle along her snout, "Whatever you suggest."

Night brightened, "That was the correct answer."

Fast giggled softly, "The stallion can learn. We should reward him so it sticks."

Silver held up his hooves, "You two know more about the Equestrian economy than I do. If this was my world, I know what I'd do with a ton of cash, and none of it applies here. I didn't really work for this money, so do what you want." He reached and poked Night in the side, "Just think of the future..."

Night flushed gently under her dark fur, "Of course I will... It's nice to know you're thinking about that."

Fast leaned in, whispering in one of Silver's ears, "She'll be ready in three days."

Silver went rigid as Night slapped Fast with a wing, "I was going to tell him, you awful pony."

Fast danced away with a laugh, "You're going to monopolize him for a day, consider that my payment."

Silver considered a moment before he nodded, "Related to that... I give full permission to smack me one if I say something hurtful."

Night raised a brow at Silver, "What'd you do now?"

Silver shook his head, "I didn't do anything, yet. I was talking with Luna, and she said to talk to you both. I've... been trying to pull her out of her shell. She really is a good pony under that rough exterior."

Fast flashed a grin, "Is she half the lay she looks like she is?"

Night rolled her eyes at Fast, "I know she is good. I served under her for some time. What do you mean?"

Silver wobbled a hoof before he circled around Night and Fast, "She seems to want a foal as bad as you do, Night. She's fine waiting until after you, but she eyes me like a source of the foal instead of a person. Any child I make, I want to be a father of, but she's all caught up on being princess of the night."

"She is princess of the night," pointed out Night Watch, adjusting her glasses, "She can't really change that."

Fast shook her head, "But she doesn't have to be, with Silver. He's not even a pony, up here." She tapped at her own head, "I bet he just sees a big sexy mare."

"I see a big, sexy, lonely mare," corrected Silver. "We were lovers once, as Celine."

Night let out a slow breath, closing her eyes a moment, "I know you loved Celine. But is Luna really Celine?"

Silver flopped over, his head resting at Night's hooves, "A little. I can see she really... wants to, but she keeps holding back. I think she's just afraid. I mean I'm afraid too! She can break me a dozen ways without trying very hard, and she has a temper."

Fast snorted as she tapped at Silver's noggin, "So why are you so hot to trot after her?"

"Because love is stupid," was Silver's reply. "I want to be her foal's father, not just her donor. I want to be her lover, not a servi... is stud a word?"

Night blinked through her glasses, "It's not often used in the way you just used it, but yes. She is using you as a stud."

Silver rolled over onto his back, legs in the air, "Well I don't want that. She can have that, but she has to have all of it. Am I a terrible husband?"

"Yes," said Fast, "But I forgive."

Night snorted at Fast before looking down at Silver, "It is grossly irresponsible. Luna will never consent to--"

"I'm not a commoner," said Silver, waving a hoof from his upside-down position, "I'm a diplomat of a foreign country."

Night frowned, "That may be good enough for other nobles, but Luna knows it's nonsense. You're asking her to be a secondary wife. Think! She already bristles under Celestia's shadow, and now you invite her to be shadowed in a marriage?"

Silver hadn't thought of it that way, "Oh..."

Fast looked upset by Night's words, "I wouldn't mind having her as a co-wife."

Night rolled her eyes at Fast, "Oh, that's good. You wouldn't mind Princess Luna being on equal hoofing with you. How magnanimous." She tapped Silver on the nose, "You are only one stallion, no matter how big your dreams. You plan to keep three mares happy, one of them bucking Luna?"

Silver flopped over, "I'd try."

Night took her glasses off, setting them on a dresser, "I'm sure you would, you dumb stallion."

Silver smiled nervously, "Will you let me try?"

Night leaned in over Silver's prone form and kissed his exposed cheek, "Big dumb idiot. You're going to get yourself hurt, again."

Silver turned his head to turn the cheek kiss into a proper exchange before he asked, "Will you help me?"

Night frowned, "I don't know how to do that. I'll let you throw yourself off this cliff you refuse to stop considering, but how can I help?"

Silver considered a moment, "How about you talk to Luna, mare to mare? Convince her we're not judging her, and that we respect her."

Night's wings extended, "I respect her enough not to ask her these questions."

Fast nudged up against Night, "Come on. Look at him. He's like a hurt puppy and we can help."

Night huffed, "Fine. I'll talk to her. I don't think this will work out as well as you hope, but I'll try. I'm seventy percent certain she'll ask me to step down to a secondary wife and let her take over." She nudged Silver, "You gave me that spot. You told me I was special."

Silver winced, suddenly feeling and looking awful, "I didn't change my mind. You're wonderful."

Night shrugged, "Then why put me in this situation? Luna won't be happy being secondary. You know she will ask, and what do I say? Do I say no? Because then she'll say no. Do I say yes? Then she takes over this herd."

Silver felt a pain growing in his chest. He didn't want to hurt Night, or Luna, but it was looking like a one or the other situation. How could he get both to be happy? More evidence of why herds faded in popularity, he decided.

19 - A Decision Unexpected

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Fast was practicing the form of a young yellow dragon in a mirror as she spoke, "The term's almost over. Have you decided on a specialty?"

Silver tapped his chin, "Well, my first urge was polymorph, because that looks pretty fun, but I'm actually growing pretty content with the shape I have, minor modifications aside. I don't need wings, and I have fingers of the mind, which is pretty cool."

Fast swiveled an ear while she had one, trying to hold her draconic shape but having limited success, "It's not for everyone."

Silver nodded, "That leaves enhancement, either internal or externally focused, which kind of feels like I'm choosing selfless or greedy."

Fast shrugged as she gave up on the transition, becoming her usual red-furred self, "Depends more on how you use it. It's harder to use external enhancement selfishly, sure, but if you use your internal enhancements to help other ponies, how is that more greedy?" She trotted over to Silver, going nose-to-nose. "Which would you feel better about?"

Silver pinned his ears, looking thoughtful. "Considering I'm pretty settled into the idea that I'll always be referring to my notes when doing a spell longer than a few symbols, internal seems... safer. I mean, would you feel right if your doctor came in holding a book of medical notes? They should have that memorized and ready to go."

Fast tilted her head a little, "How can you just dig out a new spell from the aether, but memorizing a spell makes you squeal?"

Silver smiled, "That's easy. I like experimenting, and taking notes while I do it isn't hard to do, but just memorizing? I forgot the name of the mare that attacked me, because that's how my brain works, and being a pony hasn't changed it." He leaned forward to lick Fast's cheek, "Internal enhancement it is."

Fast smiled gently, "You're welcome."

It seemed that the final exam of the term was far more flexible than Silver was used to seeing in a school. Lyra faced him, alone, in a room. She was smiling, "You have a few choices. You can show that you've mastered at least ten spells by rote of at least complexity level two. You can write a paper on the nature of enhancement magic to be reviewed by the professors, or..." Her eyes went half-lidded, "You could make a new spell. That last one's basically never used, but I have a feeling I know which you'll pick."

Silver blinked, could it be that easy? "How new does the spell have to be?"

Lyra tilted her head, "If it's an enhancement and it's not in our library, bang, it qualifies. The spell would then be added to the library, with credit to you, of course. It's quite the honor and blah blah blah." She twirled a hoof as she spoke.

Silver drew out the book that Luna had gave him, "I have a l--"

Lyra snatched the book out of his hand. Silver grumped, wondering why every mare he dealt with could just grab things out of his mental grip so easily. Lyra opened the book and quickly scanned across it before going red and slapping the book shut, "Where did you get this?"

Silver rolled his eyes, "As I was saying, I've been studying that and making variations. Luna gave it to me."

Lyra snorted, which turned into a full giggling bout, "Why would Luna give you this? This is Princess Luna we're talking about, right?"

Silver reached and took the book back from her, though it stuck in place a moment before Lyra decided to let it go to him. "The same. She's, uh, it's a little complicated."

Lyra raised a brow, "I won't pry into your personal business, but I'm flat-out horrified at what spell you made based on anything in that book."

Silver tapped a chin, "I was told a long time ago that gender-changing is something you can't do easily, but I think I found a loophole, at least for females."

Lyra gave a slow blink, "You're not a mare. How does that help you?"

Silver shrugged, "It doesn't. That doesn't mean I have to be greedy about it."

Lyra sat up on her hind legs, clapping her forehooves, "You have my interest."

Silver leaned forward, "Do I? Well." He flopped down and took out his notes, digging through them until he found the right one, "You can be the test subject."

Lyra lost most of her confidence quickly, glancing around, "Is this safe?"

Silver shrugged, "When is new magic safe? I'll be as careful as I can. Ready to try?"

Lyra set her jaw and took a braced stance before she said, "Hit me."

Silver reached out with a hoof and tapped her on the nose, "I hope I won't." His horn glowed as he followed his notes, weaving the spell that should have been a significant enhancement on a stallion and weaving it around Lyra to create what was not already there. Magic surged through him, flowing through his horn as the spell flared to bright, silvery life. Silver felt his reserves being drained significantly by the moment and he worried he may have bit off more than he could chew as he kept the channel open.

"This feels so weird," said Lyra, but she held still thankfully. Silver wasn't sure if he could handle it if Lyra budged from the spot. A hornache blossomed as magic continued to pour from him far more quickly than he'd have guessed in his plans. Maybe male anatomy required more magic than the matriarchal ponies gave credit for? He twisted a few letters quickly in his horn, launching a secondary spell and almost losing the first. Transitioning spells mid-way was tricky, but he could feel the strain lessening as he sent the magic through his heart crystal as a focus.

Suddenly, it was done. Silver sank to the floor, wheezing for breath. Lyra tilted her head at him, then dashed over to a full-size mirror nearby. Why wouldn't an enhancement testing room have one of those? "Sweet roses on a Sunday afternoon!" exclaimed Lyra as she ogled herself, or was it himself? She still looked and sounded the same everywhere except the one place it counted. "How'd you do that?"

Silver got an oat bar from his pack and voraciously devoured it before replying, voice shaky from the stress, "By not trying to replace your mare bits. They're in there, just hidden away."

Lyra did a slow spin in place, "Crazy! Well, that's a pass. You just have to write down the spell." She leaned forward, "Neatly. And then, you have to be able to undo it." She waggled her bottom, "I don't plan on going through the day with stallion bits, even if it would totally freak out the students after you."

Silver shook himself out before he released the magic. Lyra's heart crystal flashed, and the spell unwove almost instantly, returning Lyra to her usual self. "I wouldn't recommend that on a target without a crystal. Imagine tangling with that spell?"

Lyra shuddered, "No, thanks." She directed to a desk, "Get to writing."

Silver took longer than a unicorn had rights to ask, but eventually he had his spell neatly written out for inclusion in the academy library. Lyra looked over the paper before nodding, "Looks great! I think you're the youngest student to ever submit a spell to there. You'll be famous." She smiled, "Not that you weren't already for other things. You know what I mean." Suddenly, Lyra softly smooched Silver's cheeks. "You don't mind if I borrow that one, do you?" She never specified what she wanted the spell for, though several ideas floated through Silver's mind.

Silver trotted out of the exam room, walking past other hopeful students waiting their turn. He almost went head-first into a stallion with robes and a pointy hat. He had a triangle, no, pyramid stone, and it was yellow. He seemed familiar somehow to Silver.

"My new student," said the stallion, "I will enjoy breaking you of the notion that you are special."

Silver recoiled at the angry tone and aggressive stance, "Huh?"

The stallion's horn flashed a quick spell and Silver found himself unable to move, staring up at the stallion. "Allow me to simplify. I will be your first teacher on the exciting road of internal enhancement, but before you begin learning, I have to be convinced you're ready."

Silver tried to say something, but whatever spell was put on him prevented much movement of any kind other than breathing. His eyes were starting to water and sting a little.

The stallion gave a soft snort, "You can call me Professor Thetics. My specialty is the muscular and skeletal system. I hope you're ready for a little travel, because you're getting an assignment that sends your filthy self far outside these august walls."

Silver tried to speak, to wriggle, or to even blink, but he was paralyzed. "You can stop trying to wiggle," said Thetics, "I'll let you go when our conversation is through. Now pay attention, I know that's not a specialty of yours. I know you're a diplomat, but you chose to come to this school, and you're my student. No amount of diplomatic immunity protects you from me. You sicken me, using your position and contacts to advance so swiftly. You're not even subtle about it." He gestured at Silver, "You're not even a stallion. A colt, in our school, passing himself off as a real wizard. Did you bribe your examiner? I will have a conversation with Miss Heartstrings later. She's a trouble student all on her own, but I won't trouble you with her issues."

A few students began to gather, watching as Professor Thetics reamed the helpless student. It was like watching an accident happen, who could resist? "It was royalty, wasn't it? Don't think I haven't heard about your visits to the castle, and don't even try to start saying it was for 'diplomatic' affairs. This is my school and the students here will be here by merit, not decree of the crown!"

Silver began to get angry. There were a few spells he did know, and one of them started to form on his horn with quick precise shows of the magic letters. Heat began building quickly at the end of his horn as the ball of fire sprang to life. Once he had it, he didn't know what to do with it. Did he really want to throw it at this stallion? No... that would be beyond wrong.

Professor Thetic's eyes went wide before, with a twist of magic, he robbed Silver of consciousness. Even as Silver collapsed to the ground, the pressure holding the fire in place was released violently, sending heat and flames exploding in all directions. There was screaming and pain, but Silver couldn't see or hear any of it, even as his own flames singed his fur and flesh. This would not be a day soon forgotten.

20 - Up in Ash

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Silver woke to a stinging pain across much of his back and head. He cracked open an eye to see a white-furred mare dabbing him with something. Silver wondered for a moment if all nurses were born with white fur before he tried to move, but found his limbs were secured to the bed with thick straps.

"Are you awake?" asked the nurse. "You're alright, but you have to stay still."

"Why am I tied? Did I break something?" asked Silver worriedly.

The nurse shook her head, "All burns, no breaks. You're OK, but you're in a lot of trouble young colt."

Silver shook his head, "I don't remember what happened. I passed the test, then...?"

The nurse lifted her shoulders before resuming her dabbing. Whatever she was putting on Silver's back felt very cool and soothed the stings for the moment she touched but the relief faded almost instantly.

When she was finished, the nurse left quietly, and Silver was alone with his thoughts, trying to puzzle out why he was there. A knock came from the door twice before it swung open with a golden aura, revealing Celestia. She smiled gently, but the expression fell away to careful neutrality. "Are you awake?"

Silver nodded, "Yes, uh, why are you here? What burned me?"

Celestia frowned slightly, "We were hoping you would tell us a little about that. I have been told you were speaking with a professor when you conjured a ball of fire and set everything in the area ablaze, including yourself."

Silver swung his ears back. Being told of the events helped bring them back into focus, "I made the ball, but I didn't throw it! I wouldn't!"

Celestia looked... sad, the sort of expression a mother would offer to a poorly-behaving child, "But you did. Four ponies were hurried away for severe burns, the professor included. The damage to the school is not insignificant." She paused, "One of those caught, another student, may not survive the day."

Silver slumped onto the bed, "Is... I didn't mean..."

Celestia raised a hoof, "It is as much my own fault. You did not hide your ability to weave dangerous magic. You told me directly you could burn my flowers, and you have." She leaned forward, "My precious little ponies, my most beloved flowers."

Silver felt fresh tears build quickly. It was like his world was collapsing around him. "I'm so sorry! I didn't want for anypony to be hurt, not one!"

Celestia gave a slow nod, "I believe you." Silver began to relax a little as she continued, "But that does not change the facts. Murder with war magic is the one of the highest crimes a unicorn can commit. Your future hangs with the survival of that mare." She settled beside the bed, "One thing is quite clear."

Silver directed an ear at her, "What's that?"

"You are no longer welcome in that school," said Celestia, announcing the death blow for Silver's previously bright-looking education. "There are no words save a direct command that would get you back in, and the scorn you would receive would make the effort futile at best. Even if she survives, you are a warlock, a wizard of battle, and you will be feared as such."

Silver pulled against the straps holding him down, "He was holding me still with magic!"

Celestia raised a brow, "And that justifies such destructive power?"

Silver sagged, "No..."

Celestia gave a ghost of a smile, "You may yet prove a good pony." She rose to her hooves, "Pray your mistakes do not cause another to lose their chance at their destiny. I will return, when she is stable, or... beyond us." Celestia departed, steps silent on the tile.

Silver tried to summon his hands, but felt the congestion that implied he had a magic blocker on. This didn't surprise him after he had a moment to consider. He was a magical criminal, of course they blocked his magic. Stupid roleplaying! "Why did I have to make a fireball for my first spell," he groaned to no one.

A fresh knock came from the door before Fast and Night stepped in. Fast closed the door behind them with her magic and they took up positions at either side of his bed. Night looked... upset... She opened her mouth to speak a few times, but no words came out. She eventually looked to Fast.

Fast sighed softly, "Night doesn't know what being a unicorn is like." She reached a hoof and rested it on Silver's ribs, "I almost hurt myself with magic, and you pulled me away from that. I'm sorry I wasn't there to leap on you when you needed it."

Night clopped a hoof on the floor, "How could you?! Why would you use a spell like that in a school?! There's no good reason for it!"

Silver sagged in his restraints, saying nothing at all. What could he say?

Fast continued, "If they kick you out, I'm going with you. We're together now, right?"

Night peered at Fast a moment before she sighed, "I'm not going to be outdone by Fast Change. Silver Lining, tell us what happened."

They sat there, watching Silver say nothing. Fast reached out and began to prod him, "We're not leaving until you start talking." Silver grumbled and groaned, but Fast just kept on prodding until he relented.

"That teacher," started Silver, "he grabbed me in his magic so I couldn't move at all and just kept saying the most hateful things about how he'd make everything I did miserable. The fireball was one of the few spells I had memorized, unless I wanted to use the, uh, spell I passed the test with... I never threw it. I just... passed out."

Night threw her forelegs wide, seated on her hind, "What happens when a fireball isn't held anymore? A bunch of unicorns found out the hard way." She put her forelegs on the ground, "I'll fight for you, Silver, but this is bad, really bad."

Fast hopped up on the bed and looked over Silver, "Stop berating him. I think he knows he goofed up." She reached out and poked his burned back, making Silver wince and wriggle. "At least you're not burned too badly to feel that."

Night rose to her hooves, "I have ponies to see. We'll get through this, somehow." And she was off. Fast curled in next to Silver, and things became quiet.

A soft knock announced the arrival of Silver's next guest, Lyra. "Hey." She trotted up to the bed, "Didn't expect you here, Fast Change. You're looking awful snuggly."

Fast Change raised an ear before she went stiff. Suddenly she was a bright orange pegasus with unfurled wings, "Hey!"

Lyra tilted her head, "Don't change on my account."

Fast shook her head, "You surprised me, and why shouldn't I be here? I'--"

"In his herd?" asked Lyra, pointing at the restrained Silver, "Sorry about all this. He just finished acing the class test too. Those rotten bastards didn't even keep his spell. They threw it in the fireplace without even glancing at it." Lyra grinned slyly, "Which is why I made a copy before I turned it in."

Silver couldn't help but let a giggle escape. Lyra was good for the soul. Lyra hopped up onto the bed beside Fast and poked Silver, "Congratulations on passing school!"

Silver blinked, "What?"

Lyra tilted her head, "You're done, you passed. Nopony in Canterlot can question your ability to do magic. I mean, yeah, you might get your horn chopped off or thrown in jail or banished or whatever, but damn did you pass the hell out of that school."

Fast struck Lyra with one of her wings, which hurt them both about equally. Wings were sensitive instruments. "Don't tease him. I thought you were his friend."

Lyra rubbed her noggin where she had been hit, "What? I am! I'm being serious! The way I hear it, he threw magic that'd do a crown warlock proud. If he hadn't been ground zero for it, it would have been amazing!"

Silver cast his eyes downwards, "And a pony might die for it..."

Lyra wobbled a hoof, "Yeah, that part kinda sucks, seeing as they weren't a big bad monster or something. Well, I just wanted you to know I still think you're awesome, and thanks for the spell." She hopped down from the bed and trotted from the room.

As silence returned, Silver spoke to Fast, "Thanks for sticking around. I'm kind of surprised--"

His words were cut off as the door swung open violently without knocking. Trixie trotted in with a deep frown. She stormed the bed, "You have besmirched the fine name of Trixie! When ponies ask what kind of students Trixie teaches, they will think of dangerous brutes of wizards!" She slapped the bed with a hoof, "She told you... You weren't ready yet!" Her head sunk on the edge of the bed, starting to cry, "Why couldn't you just be a happy little foal for a little longer! Trixie would have taught you better than this..."

Silver opened his mouth with no words. He struggled against his bindings a moment, trying to reach Trixie, "I didn't mean to hurt you, or anyone! Please..."

Trixie looked up at Silver, "It is too late for such apologies. You are beyond Trixie's reach to help." She half-turned for the door, "She is happy to have had the chance, and sorry she failed so completely." With a bright flash, she was gone.

Fast, ignored but still present, gently rested her cheek on Silver's wet one. She held him close as he wept quietly for her.

The door was already open when another set of unicorn ponies arrived. Silver didn't recognize any of them. Fast stepped over Silver, spreading her wings defensively. The mare and stallion sat at the base of the bed, looking at the two quietly a moment.

The stallion spoke first, "She was so happy... She worked so hard to get in, and she was just mastering her first spell."

The mare frowned delicately, "What did she do to you? Why would you take her away from us, and her friends? She..." she sunk against the stallion's shoulders and they both went quiet.

Fast looked perplexed, "Was? Is she...?"

The stallion quickly shook his head, "She's still with us." He directed a hoof at Silver, "No thanks to you."

Silver flinched, but had nowhere to go. He could say sorry, but how much difference would that really make to them? He considered telling them he didn't mean it, but that felt like an insult even in his own head. "I hope she'll be OK..." he settled on.

They sat there for a while, just watching Silver and Fast and saying nothing at all. Eventually, they rose together and walked out into the hallway, the door closing gently behind them with their magic.

21 - The Sun Will Rise Again

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Time had passed. Silver and Fast had fallen asleep by the time a gentle knock was heard, then the door glowed with golden magic. Celestia returned, with Luna entering just behind her. Luna stepped up and, with a dark flash, Silver slumped to the bed, free of the ropes.

Celestia took up the other side of the bed, looking down at Silver as he quickly roused. Silver sat up, bumping into Fast's spread, protective wings. Was she still a pegasus? He nudged her gently, "Don't look like that at them. Down girl." Fast huffed, but become her usual unicorn self.

Luna nodded stiffly, "The blocker, if you please." Her tone was cold as ice. Celestia's horn lit with golden energy as she lifted the ring free of Silver's horn and tucked it away.

Silver looked to Celestia, "Is she, my schoolmate, going to be OK?"

Celestia glanced away, then back at Silver, "That has ceased to be a pressing issue."

Luna's wings went wide, "What a hateful way to say that, sister. She is well, and should recover, but there are other matters that are spiraling out of control." She lifted a hoof to point at Silver, "My sister was not aware you appeared in my court so shortly ago. News of your arrest has spread quickly."

Silver recoiled a little, "Is there an angry mob waiting for me?"

Luna shook her head, "On the contrary. It is known we have a diplomat under arrest."

Silver tilted his head a little, "So? I mean... I don't imagine humans are getting ready to outcry."

Celestia shook her head, "There are other nations. Equestria enjoys its power not only because of our control of the day and night, but our trust." She hung her head a little, "A trust that has been broken."

Luna nudged Celestia with a wing, "You are quick to accuse me of temper, but never have I caused such uproar as this! Sister, you knew he was no threat. Why did you do this?"

Celestia raised a hoof, looking ready to slam it down before it more limply fell, "Do not badger me, Luna. No matter how well-spoken and gentle of nature Silver has shown so far, he is still an alien with dangerous gifts. Gifts that have now been abused. I... thought to remove that gift from him, but gave myself a day to consider it."

Silver went pale around his snout as he backed up on the bed.

Luna scowled, "You would rend his horn? His actions were foalish, to be sure, but they were without malice. Others have performed greater acts with active intent without such barbarism." She raised a hoof to point at Silver, "He is faithful to an unhealthy point. If he thought it would make us pleased, he would probably kill himself to save us the trouble."

Silver raised a hoof, "Anything but that." The royal sisters cared little for his muted objection, as they faced one another.

Celestia stomped, breaking the tiles with her anger, "I am aware of this! I did not go ahead with this. It was a rash thought that I gave time to cool. Do not approach me with tales of this. Your own past is dark with such actions you did not let cool."

Luna swept a wing towards the hallway, "Is that what you will tell them? It was your idea, I will remind, to give him this shield. The very shield you swept aside while going for his throat. Who can trust you now? Even the minotaurs are nervous, ever have they been our allies. The dragons laugh openly at us, saying you have revealed your true colors at last."

Fast was silent. This involved matters far above her comprehension, and she huddled in close to Silver. Silver let his ears fall, "Is there something I could do?"

Luna pointed at Silver violently, "Even now he seeks to serve! Who is truly responsible for this? We should make an example of them."

Celestia frowned, "I will not have further pain this day. The only other that could be blamed is recovering from severe burns. Without extensive reconstruction, he would be disfigured for life." She looked to Silver, "It is nothing short of a wonder that you got away with as few burns as you did, considering how close you were to its release."

Silver sat up a little more, "Seriously, can I make a speech or something? I don--"

Luna scowled at Silver, "Enough. You have done enough for one day. Sleep."

Silver felt the pull of magic tugging at him and he struggled against it, "No! Don't..." He tried to focus his magic, but he had learned no sleep, or counter-sleep spells, and flopped onto the bed. His burning desire to be awake made his descent slow, his mind holding desperately even as his body immediately collapsed.

Fast put a hoof over Silver's fallen form, "Don't treat him like that. He respects you, both of you. He wants to help." When both cast angry glares at her, Fast suddenly exploded in size, becoming a manticore and snarling defensively at them.

Celestia gave a soft sigh, "Release the spell, there is no further harm to be done."

Luna let the spell go with an almost angry tug, "I wouldn't want to follow your example."

Celestia's expression became one of motherly disappointment, and Luna exploded in fury, "Do not look to me with that gaze! I am your sister, not one of your little ponies!" She moved a wing, nudging Silver upright again, "My apologies, Silver. You are still wounded, we thought to let you rest."

Silver shook off the fog that had been encroaching, "I am sorry, really. I didn't mean for... all this. I was wrong, completely. The teacher shouldn't have grabbed me, but that doesn't make what I did OK."

Luna snorted softly, "How eagerly he presents his belly. This. This is one of your little ponies."

Celestia shook her head, "Since we are all here, why don't you tell us exactly what happened, Silver?"

Silver considered a moment, "I just passed the test, and ran into the teacher. He was unhappy to see me. He used a spell that immobilized me and began to chastise me, about why I was there, and how I was using royalty to get ahead. I got angry and made that fireball, but I didn't release it. As soon as I had it, I didn't know what to do with it... I could have drawn off the heat slowly, if I had a few minutes to work with it, but I passed out. I must have been tired from the test... I don't know... But without me holding it together, you know the rest."

Luna nodded slowly, "What you did was wrong, but what was done to you was worse."

Silver tilted his head, "Why? I'm not hurt, besides what I did to myself."

Celestia sighed softly, "I ignored your immunity. You were held captive, and your magic blocked. Though your own nation is unable to complain, your condition was not private, nor your status. Others are becoming very upset."

Luna gave a soft snarl, "That professor should be tried for assault on a diplomat! It was entirely unwarranted and unprovoked. Laying a hoof on a student, with magic no less..."

Celestia gestured elsewhere in the building, "Callis Thetics is unconscious with severe wounds. He will not be attending trial for some time."

"He is fortunate," said Luna with a frown, then turned her gaze back on Silver, "Are you well, all things considered?"

"My back feels like it's still on fire," said Silver before he looked to Fast, "You... can stop being big and snarly now."

Fast shrunk back to her horny self, "Oh fine. Somepony has to be on equal footing with them, and it isn't going to be you."

Silver reached, pulling Fast in tight, "I'm pretty sure either of them could do terrible things to you if they wanted, but you are very brave." Fast relaxed under the embrace and compliment.

Celestia nodded at Luna, "Perhaps Silver's idea has merit. A quick speech from him may quell fears."

Luna snorted, "You are clearly losing your touch. Anything he says will be seen as something he was forced to say by his jailors. How do you propose we convince them of his sincerity?"

Silver moved to the edge of the bed, then slid down to the floor on wobbly legs, "I should apologize, on behalf of my people, and thank you for restraining me while my magic was surging."

Celestia smiled gently, "I think you may have struck on something there. I will approach after you say this and offer you an honorary position in the crown warlocks, to be instructed how to control such powers. You get to continue learning magic, and self-control."

Luna spread her wings, "I will personally oversee it."

Celestia looked like she disapproved, but she let Luna have it, "Very well. Luna, you should step forward then. It is well-known you look at him with favor at this point. It will be all the more believable you would offer it."

Silver tilted his head a bit, "Is it that obvious? A mare tried to have me strung up in Luna's court."

Luna nodded, "Tis true. While some ponies may have ascertained our warm relations, many have not. My plan remains the same."

Silver looked up at Celestia specifically, waiting until she returned his gaze. "Are you still... upset with me?"

Celestia looked sad. "The fact that you ask that means you care, but I would be lying to say I am not upset."

Silver didn't like the idea of Celestia being displeased with him. In many ways, she was the example on which all other good ponies should draw. "I'll do my best to calm everyone down. I really didn't want any of this." He trotted to the door, wincing as burned flesh was jostled along the way.

Silver almost collided with Night as she burst into the room.

"Silver!" exclaimed Night Watch, then looking past, "Your majesties! Wait, are you free now?"

Silver shook his head, "Do we still have the bag of bits?"

Night blinked owlishly, "Yes. I hadn't the chance to spend it yet. Why?"

Silver sat down, "Go fetch it."

Night looked at him skeptically, then left in a hurry.

Luna stepped up behind Silver, looming over his small form. "What manner of trickery are you planning? We can see it hatching."

Silver swiveled an ear back towards her, "Not trickery, just doing what's right."

With a glow, Luna hefted up Silver and Fast, "We should go. I will have Night Watch brought to the stage." Luna set Silver down gently on a wheeled cart where his sore back wouldn't rub against things, then set Fast behind the cart. "Your wife should transport you."

Fast grinned and began nudging Silver along with her magic, apparently having quite the good time of it. It didn't take long before they arrived at the stage where Celestia would raise the sun for special holidays that also doubled as a meeting place when the need arose. Celestia had departed to arrange for the crowd that would fill the place soon. Night Watch arrived shortly with the bag burdening her. She placed it beside Silver then sat with Fast, watching him.

Silver swallowed softly, trying to psyche himself up. Just pretend they're all players in a game, and he's the Game Master. He can give them a story worth hearing...

22 - Hello Canterlot

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The crowd that had gathered impressed Silver, but he tried not to focus on that. He told himself to think of them back as the cartoons they once were. They were players, they were cartoons, they were anything but real people right now. He pushed his mind into sales mode and reared up on the podium. "Good morning, Canterlot! I'm so glad to see so many ponies could make it out on such short notice."

The crowd wasn't entirely ponies. It seemed rumors had indeed been flying, as one full-sized dragon coiled at the end of the crowd, a few zebra were mixed through the crowd, two minotaurs he could spot easily, and even a diamond dog pack. All cartoons right now, yes, not people. "I'm sure many of you heard about what happened..."

A voice whispered in his mind, ~Two days ago.~

"Two days ago, but I want to set the record straight, and give a big thanks to those who prevented a bad situation from becoming worse," said Silver, getting into the swing of his spiel. Was he lying? Yes. Was it bad? No. At least, he didn't think so. The crowd seemed curious for the moment. Silver decided curious was a good emotion. "There I was, walking down the hallway when, snap. I had pushed myself too hard in my test, and my magic started flowing out of control. Thinking quickly," Silver dramatically gestured with his hooves, "Professor Thetics grabbed me in his magic! He knew I had been foolhardy and began reminding me that I needed more practice, and being friends with the princesses wouldn't get me any breaks in his class. He was tough, but fair, but while he was saying this, the magic didn't stop. He tried to cut the flow, but it was far too late. I exploded violently, and injured several, including the professor, who even now is still unconscious in the hospital."

Silver backed from the podium a moment, glancing away as if he were having some feelings about it. Maybe he was. He wasn't even sure anymore. "Thank you, Professor Thetics. If you weren't there, so many more could have been hurt. To those who were hurt anyway, my deepest apologies. To the staff of the school, who throw themselves in harm's way so that we can learn magic, you have my humblest of thanks."

The crowd was starting to react, murmuring about the bravery of that teacher.

"To that end!" said Silver, "I am donating this." He nudged the bag of bits forward. "I want Professor Thetics to receive a wing added to the school in his honor, to commemorate teachers who give their all, sometimes literally, for the best of their students. Thank you, Mister Thetics. I hope you know how much you are appreciated."

A polite round of clopping and stomping came from the crowd as one pony raised a hoof, "I heard you were locked away!" A chorus joined in questioning, looking to one another and back at Silver.

Silver nodded, "Of course I was! My magic was spiking dangerously. Celestia, Princess Celestia, came swiftly to my side and soothed the dangerous flow, but they couldn't know if I would spike up again or not. I stayed until it was definitely safe. Her decisive action kept me from hurting anypony else, or myself. I thought I felt it touch and go for a little there." A small part of Silver balked at all the pure, unfiltered, bullshit he was spewing. "But, it is with heavy heart that I must resign as a student. Despite the professor's sincerest efforts, I could be a hazard, and nopony deserves that kind of danger."

The crowd didn't need to know he was as good as kicked out already, though that hadn't been made official yet. They appeared to be eating it up. The general inability for Equestrians to detect lies was working to his benefit, and they seemed to be on his side. "To the ponies still injured, I waive my stipend towards their families until they are well again. It is no replacement for their loved ones, recovering in a hospital, but... it's all I have. I hope it will be taken in the spirit given, and I will trouble their loved ones no further."

~What are you doing?~ came Luna's voice, ~You are taking blame for everything.~

~A guilty man, er, pony confessing and pumping for a brighter future is a lot easier to explain than 'it's complicated'. Everypony's innocent but me,~ replied Silver silently before he opened his mouth, "I know some of you remember me, from Tirek's visit. I'm sorry my past with Canterlot is so checkered, but I love this city, from the bottom of my heart. I've found my wives here, and I want to raise my foals here. Canterlot, I am sorry I hurt you. Please forgive me." He held out a hoof towards Night, who joined him quietly. Fast appeared a moment later, galloping up and tackling the both of them.

Silver squirmed his way free with a nervous chuckle, "This is Fast Change, living up to her first name. I will be submitting to the watchful gaze of my wives until I have become a better pony, worthy of this great city. If you see me without one or both of them at my side for the next few months, you should call a guard and I will surrender to them."

The reaction was mixed at this request. The idea of having somepony so dangerous seemed to not sit well with them. Soft clops announced the approach of Luna, "That will not be necessary," she said, voice carrying easily without the podium's amplifying magic. "Silver Lining, present yourself."

Silver moved in front of Luna, standing up straight on his haunches. Luna reached out and pressed him to the ground, "Silver Lining, ambassador of the human people. Do you agree that your magic could be used for great harm?"

Silver nodded from his low position, "I do."

Luna nodded, "Do you wish to use this power for, or against, the people?"

Silver sat up suddenly, "For!"

Luna smiled, "Then I extend an invitation, to learn. You will be educated in the way of the warlocks. Your destructive magic will be reined in, to be used if, and only if, the well-being of Equestrian citizens demands it. Does this please you?"

Silver bobbed his head quickly, "I want to use my magic for good, for everyone. I don't want anypony hurt."

Luna turned to the crowd, "We will shape this colt. He stands before you raw and dangerous, but we will hone him, and he will wield his magic for the good of all. Let us put aside his mistakes as the fumblings of the foal he is. Even I have erred once. His actions are that of a guardian, not a vandal."

Silver waved a hoof, "Princess Luna, you're too much. This isn't about me. I didn't call all these ponies here for me."

The crowd got a little confused again at Silver's words until he continued, "I wanted to thank everypony that gave so much to get me here. This city, as a whole, has worked so hard to make me feel welcome. I'll do what I can to return the favor."

Celestia sat, drinking softly from a teacup before she looked back up at Silver and Luna, "That went well."

Silver nodded slowly, "I don't think they all went for it, but enough did. They'll be scared of me, or impressed, maybe both, depends on the pony, but most of them have entirely forgotten you two did anything remotely wrong."

Luna snorted, "I did nothing wrong to begin with."

Silver raised a brow, "You are illegally enchanting."

Luna frowned a moment, "I am... what?"

Celestia tilted her head slightly, "I do believe he complimented you, sister."

Luna extended her wings, only to settle them over Silver, "This pony is mine."

Celestia nodded, "I wouldn't dream of separating you two. His wives might have something else to say."

She looked over to said wives, who had been sitting there looking a bit cowed.

Fast tilted her head at Luna, "Do you share?"

Luna raised a brow high, "Pardon? Ah, you are the secondary wife." She pointed a wing at Night, "And you, the primary."

Night Watch made an almost-snarl, clearly intimidated, "I want to stay that way..."

Fast glanced at Night, then at Luna, and finally to Silver, "So?"

Luna tilted her head, "So? There can only be one first wife."

Fast shrugged, "So? You're not a wife. You're his consort. Stop acting like you don't love him and kiss him already."

Luna darkened subtly, "But we are not intimate!"

Fast snorted, "Oh please. You've let this stallion go balls deep and I've heard him describe you. You're as intimate as they get. Stop pretending and kiss the idiot already."

Luna looked to Night Watch with a challenging look, "Surely you would not approve of your stallion having feelings for his consort?"

Night glanced nervously at Celestia, who was watching everything between tea sips. "It's... a bit late for that. He has the feelings. He has too many of those, feelings that is. If you two can..." She waved a wing at Luna, "Have your feelings without the drama, I wouldn't complain."

Luna turned her gaze on Silver, "Well, this is your fault. What do you want?"

Silver smiled nervously, "I don't think I ever made that a secret? Will you be my mare, even if we are just consorts? I want to hear your worries and your triumphs. I want to make you happy." He looked over at his wives, "I may invite company. I, uh, know Fast's been practically biting at the bit."

Fast moved up quickly beside Silver, looking Luna over, "So?"

Luna snorted, "We will consider."

Celestia gave her subtle little smile, "My little sister can't keep her consorts straight."

Luna adopted a predatory pose, "Tia! That was not in the least amusing. May we remind you that it was your doing that brought calamity, that only he, consort or otherwise, deflected with his own name and goodwill."

Celestia raised a gold hoof, "Which would not be required if he didn't conjure hostile magic." She frowned a touch at Silver, "I have not forgotten that. We should speak of it. Why did you reach for such dangerous magic? Did you believe that teacher was a true danger?"

Silver took his turn to darken with shame, "No, I... It was stupid. I was wrong, just wrong."

Celestia shook her head, "How can I know you will not do it again? That is a very dangerous mind that reaches so readily for deadly tools when surprised."

Luna bristled, "He has apologized, and will train with the warlocks! There is no need for further chastising."

Celestia seemed to disagree. She took a gentle sip from her glass, "I would not trust Discord to not think certain ways. It is in--"

With a flash, Discord stepped out from behind Celestia, "Did I hear someone calling my name?"

Night and Fast both relocated behind Silver quickly. Silver raised a hoof, "Hey Discord."

Discord flashed a grin, "Ah, the pony who treats me like anypony else. Of course, he's not really a pony. So how's the horn treating you?"

"I kinda blew up the school I was in," admitted Silver, seeing little reason to lie with Discord involved.

His shaggy brows rose together, "Oh my my. I do hope no one was hurt?"

Celestia softly snorted, "We were just discussing that."

He sat down in mid-air, floating, "Well don't let me stop you! Wait..." He squinted at Silver, "I remember you! Tirek tossed you like an empty sack. I didn't recognize you before."

Silver cringed a little at the memory, "Yeah, thanks for that. You're feeling better now, after Twilight helped?"

Discord nodded before he frowned, "How did you know about that?"

Silver smiled, "I have my secrets, but don't sweat it. My magic's gone for that. Everything I could know has already happened. I won't tell C--" Silver found his lips had been sealed with a zipper. It was a very strange sensation. He conjured a silvery hand to undo it, but didn't try to speak again.

Celestia gave him a scathing look, "Control yourself, we have things to discuss." Discord zipped his own lips and went quiet, allowing Celestia to continue. She looked at Silver directly, "Your heart is a strange place, from what little I've heard Luna share. You desire great compassion and goodness, but carry depravity and violence seething beneath the surface. I want to believe the compassion is greater. You have been hurt by my ponies, and never sought revenge from them, but then you so quickly prepare a lethal defense to a very non-lethal attack. If you were truly a colt, it would be easier to forgive, but you are not."

Fast moved up beside Silver, "Stop beating him like that. He's sorry, he said so, and he means it. What's further telling him how much he messed up going to help?"

Luna directed a wing at Fast, "I agree. Silver has confessed wrongdoing, and moved to compensate. He will learn better control under my supervision. Love and tolerate, sister. Is that not your credo, or do we forget that the moment something dangerous appears?"

Celestia seemed displeased by Luna's words, "I will forgive you, assuming you speak for a pony you care for." She reached out a wing towards Silver, brushing the tips against his nose. He sneezed quickly. "You should have stayed a colt longer. You're cuter when you're innocent." She rose to her hooves, "Consider the matter closed, for now. I hope we never have to speak of it again."

Silver raised a hoof, "One thing. You'll want to bring Thetics up to speed on what I said about him. I doubt he'll mind that much being greeted as a hero and having me out of the school, but we don't want him disagreeing with what I said."

Celestia raised a brow, "Your ability to lie unabashedly is also concerning. I will see that the professor is spoken to. Good day." She departed quietly.

Discord flopped onto the cushion Celestia had been on, "Well, now that only the cool kids are left, let's play a game!"

Luna rose to her own hooves, "I too should return to my duties." And shortly she was gone.

Discord looked to the three ponies left, waggling his brows. Fast and Night looked nervous, but Silver approached, "Sure. What games do you like?"

As it turned out, Discord played a good hand of poker.

23 - Regrouping

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Fast rolled onto her side, "Did you have to give them all the bits? And your stipend too? Why are we rewarding a pony that deserves to be kicked in the flank?"

Night was more accepting of the situation, resting a wing on Silver's shoulder, "We can earn more bits, but not with heavy politics crashing around us." She pulled Silver in close and smooched him on either cheek, "I'm just glad you're safe."

Silver nuzzled gently with Night, "Glad to be home." He paused a moment before remarking lamely, "I passed the test."

Night snorted and bopped him lightly with a hoof, "You dork. So... was Luna serious? You're going to study with the warlocks?"

Silver lifted his shoulders, "I guess so. How different are they from the enhancers? I'd rather be studying that than how to... destroy things." He frowned sharply, looking suddenly uncomfortable.

Fast spotted the emotion and was on her hooves, approaching quickly, "What's wrong? We're here for you."

Silver sank to the floor, "It's stupid, but my father's words are coming back to haunt me."

"Rough Draft?" asked Night, "What'd he say?"

Silver shook his head, "Original, the human." Silver flopped over onto his side, "He used to call me Dave the Destroyer. I had quite the knack for accidentally breaking things when I was a kid. I hated that nickname so much. It still makes me angry to think about."

Fast winced, "You didn't mean to!"

"I never mean to!" retorted Silver before curling on himself. "Sorry, it's just the first time I almost broke living people."

Night leaned in and bit one of his ears with her sharp fangs. It was a nibble, that turned into a nursing on it. It was very distracting. Silver tried to hold onto his dark emotions, but Night's continued simple affection drove them out from between his mental hooves, leaving him feeling mostly numb, but vaguely comforted.

Fast was not to be outdone, and flopped down beside Silver, snuggling up against his side. "Forget him, he's a world away. We're here, with you."

Silver squirmed impotently under the cuddle assault of his wives, "He's not here, but his words are." He drew his head back, but Night followed after it. He sharply turned his head, kissing her on the lips. He enjoyed the way her body heated at the exchange.

When Night drew back, she smiled gently, "The father of my foal is no destroyer. You made a mistake, you will learn from it."

Silver flicked an ear, "Uh, speaking of that..."

Fast stuck out her tongue, "Still not telling. You're going to have to do it the human way and keep trying until it works."

Silver flushed gently, "No, not that, but..." He felt increasingly awkward and silenced himself by sharing a kiss with Fast. There was rarely such a thing as a gentle kiss with Fast. She soon had him tilted back and invaded his snout. Her passion was overwhelming, but exciting.

"But?" asked Night, tail swaying as she waited for the two to separate.

Silver nuzzled Fast gently, "But what do you two think about all this?"

Night wrinkled her nose, "I think you need to learn magic, it's what you do. Hay, it's your cutie mark. You just have to be taught some discipline." She took a moment adjusting her glasses, which was delay enough for Fast to roll Silver over suddenly and blow a loud trumpet on Silver's belly, making him squirm spastically and burst into giggles.

Night smirked at the two, "Well you're just going to have to be the best warlock you can be. Besides, it's a school like any other. You can study other magic on your own initiative."

Silver wriggled away from Fast's assault, laughter dying slowly, "Oh! Oh! I just remembered. Fast, I solved your mystery."

Fast tilted her head, "What now?"

Silver pointed at her, though still on the ground, "How you become a stallion. You never stop being a mare."

Fast flashed her flat teeth, "I knew you'd figure it out, and wasn't that much more fun than me just telling you?"

Silver shook his head, "But how do you do it so fast, and easily? I was just about tapped out when I did it once."

Night snorted, "What mare were you giving stallion bits to?!" She blinked, "It wasn't Luna was it!?"

Silver blinked back at her, "No! No... It was... actually the spell I turned in to pass the class."

Night flushed red, "But who'd you demonstrate on? They didn't just take you at your word, did they?"

Silver considered fibbing, but... no... "You remember Lyra? She was the examiner. She, uh, seemed to approve. She has the spell now."

Fast rolled over onto her back, laughing wildly at the news as Night went all the darker. Silver looked at the laughing Fast, "But that doesn't explain you."

Fast rolled back to her belly, then pointed a hoof at her flank, "Look again. It's my talent. Of course it's easier for me."

Silver looked. It hadn't changed, a pony with a blanket tossed over them, with their front part blue and the rear part pink. He considered it a moment, then it clicked, "It's pink in the back because you're always female, under it all, but you can look male, but also refers to your general shape-shifting trickery."

Fast held up a paw, "Bingo!" She was a cat, with a tail that broke into three half-way up.

Silver blinked, "Oh I remember those, from, uh... I forget the Equestrian name for Egypt."

"Anugypt," offered Night, "I've never been there myself.... wait, is it really called Egypt where you come from?"

Silver tilted his head, "A lot of names in Equestria are frighteningly similar. When it was all a fantasy it made enough sense."

Night gestured down, "Canterlot."

"Camelot," replied Silver.

Night frowned, "Manehattan?"

"Manhattan," replied Silver, "Though that was just one part of a larger city, instead of being the whole city."

Fast clapped her paws together, "My turn! Las Pegasus!"

"Los Angeles," said Silver as he stood up. "There's even a Humanville instead of a Ponyville. Enough names, I want to visit my parents, the ones here in Canterlot."

Fast became her old self, rising up with Night to join Silver. "We're with you."

All three headed out, trotting through the city swiftly to Silver's old place, but knocking on the door produced no results. Silver frowned as Night took wing, doing a circle around the building. When returned, she shook her head, "Empty. They moved."

Silver felt ill, "Did they really just... leave?"

Fast draped herself over Silver, but Silver was in no mood and squirmed away. He breathed heavily a moment, then forced himself to calmness, sitting.

Night shook her head, "Let's not get worked up over what could be nothing. This wasn't their house, it was Fancy and Fleur's. Maybe they took it back and they had to move."

Fast bobbed her head, "Put those royal contacts to use. I bet Luna could find them, and bring me along this time! No more excuses."

Silver peered at Fast before nodding at Night, "You're both right. Though since they're not here for me, if they lost the house, there's a good chance they didn't stick around. There's nothing for either of them, here. They could have gone home to Rough's old house." He frowned a little, "I wish they would have told me though."

They returned to the castle. Silver noticed that while some ponies offered a smile, some shied away. The way forward was suddenly blocked by a familiar pony.

"Hey," said Meadow Leaper. "Didn't forget about me, did you?"

Silver smiled broadly, "Meadow! How are things?"

Meadow waved a hoof vaguely, "You know how it is, not exploding."

Silver shrank a little, but Meadow laughed, "I'm just teasing you. I have my gym all set up! Will you be my first client?"

Silver blinked at this, "Me?"

Meadow gestured at the two mares beside Silver, "They can join too if they want. It was your idea, remember? It's time to stop being the clumsiest unicorn in the city."

Fast tilted her head, "What kind of client is he?"

Meadow jumped forward, leaping easily over all three to land behind them and spin about, "I'm going to show him how to move that fuzzy flank of his! We're going to run, we're going to climb... I think I'll even do some dancing." He tipped his head towards Night, "I'll let you have that honor."

Night flushed gently, then looked to Silver, "That sounds... educational."

Fast snorted, "That sounds fun."

Silver smiled skeptically, "That sounds like I'm outvoted."

Night nudged Silver with a hoof, "Don't do that. Do you want to go?"

Silver looked thoughtful, then nodded, "The foal in me says no, but the adult says yes. This is something I need, and I'm sure we can have some fun while we're at it."

Fast flashed a bright smile, "We're going to tone that flank of yours."

Night shook her head at Fast, "The way you say that..."

Celestia sat across from a small intimate table that had been set beside the patient's bed. She sipped from her tea gently, then lifted the glass to allow him a taste carefully. "You were very brave."

Callis Thetics blinked at Celestia, unsure why she was there. "I was?"

Celestia nodded softly, "How you controlled that surging colt. You know he applauded your efforts in front of the city." Sip. "He even made a very generous donation to see that you had a wing named after you. You saved many young ponies with your quick action."

Callis looked around. It had all happened so quickly. Was that what happened? That colt... "He didn't deserve to be in the school. He clearly wasn't ready to deal with such dangerous spells."

Celestia nodded, "Obviously an error has occured. He withdrew from the school and has been taken in by the warlocks for training. He is fine, and you are now a hero." Sip. "I will be watching you, to see how you perform and share it with others. Such a gentle touch you must have to have earned such fond remarks from Silver Lining."

Fond remarks? Callis didn't dare question Celestia. "A gentle touch, yes..."

"However did you come by that paralysis technique," Celestia asked. "It proved quite helpful in averting further disaster, but I can't imagine a teacher needing it often."

Callis went stiff, "Uh, of course not." He lied, badly. Celestia was sharper than most of her subjects.

"Of course not," agreed Celestia. "Normally, using such magic without permission would be grounds for assault." She smiled, "I'm so glad he spoke so well on your behalf." Sip.

24 - Our Own Lives

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Silver arrived back at the castle, but Fast did not follow them inside, "Catch you two later!" And she was off in a flash back out into the city.

Silver perked an ear towards her, "She forgot something?"

Night shook her head, "She's still in the academy you just finished leaving."

Silver gave a soft ah, "I forgot about that. Remind me to ask her how that's going. She was there when we first got there, maybe she's going to graduate soon?"

Night gave a noncommittal nod before nudging against Silver, "You forgot what I said too didn't you?"

Silver froze in place. He had no idea what Night Watch referred to.

Night rolled her eyes at his rigid form, "You're not in trouble, yet. I'm not going to lay around waiting to get all fat. I've been searching around town, and the train yard needed a night watchpony. I start two days from now. That OK?"

Silver perked an ear, "At night? Oh, well, I guess I don't even know when my new classes will be, but yeah, go ahead. This is important for you." He smiled gently, "You wouldn't stop me."

Night bared her fangs, "I might try, if I thought you'd get hurt."

Silver leaned in and kissed her on the nose, "You are my rock. Thank you."

Night snorted, "Compared to you two, maybe. Just don't do anything too rash in your new school. I'm pretty sure this is your last chance before you won't have anywhere left to turn." She extended a wing and draped it over Silver, pulling him tight with it. "I'm not sure how much pony biology you've picked up yet, but I will be needing you in about a year."

Silver snuggled up against Night. Her wing was so comfortable, and the rest of her delightful in contrast, "I don't plan on going anywhere, except to Luna's right now. I want to know where my folks ran off to."

Night let him go, trotting off towards their room after a parting kiss. Silver moved off towards Luna's quarters as Night's words sank in. About a year? "I'm going to be a father," he said to himself in a giddy tone.

One of the day guards raised a brow down at him and Silver flushed, "What? It's true..." The guard made no attempt to add to the one-sided conversation, so Silver rushed ahead, only for a hoof to snag around his withers from the side and pull him into a dark room. The door slammed shut behind him.

Silver let the magic flow, lighting the room in silvery light to reveal a night guard, a large female one with a frown. She nudged Silver lightly, "So you're the one that has Luna all lovestruck? You don't look that special."

Silver blinked softly as he took in her form. She was much larger than him, and her armor only made her more intimidating, to say nothing of her long fangs and slit eyes, no matter how much he derived a dirty thrill when his wife used them. "Hello? Have we met?"

"I should think not," spoke the guard before she nudged him again, "Stop bothering Luna. You are distracting her, and your... seed is beneath the all-mother's calibre. She can do better than you."

Silver flipped one ear back, "Isn't that up for her t--"

The guard advanced on Silver, knocking him over in his attempt to scramble away from her. "I am charged with her intimate safety. I tolerated it while she used you as a toy, but her season approaches, and I am not blind. She wishes to lay with you, and you don't have the manners to hold back your fertility."

Silver tried to scramble away from her, but her wings spread, keeping him penned in. "What do you mean, 'hold back?'" he asked, looking around for an escape route.

She snarled, fangs exposed, "How ignorant are you? Any proper consort would be gelded, and no threat to her, but you are clearly not. The gall of it sickens me, how you walk around so smugly."

Silver decided to play a dangerous card, "She has invited me to the warlocks. I'm a dangerous wizard that has to learn how to control their power. Besides, she is my consort, not the other way around."

She raised a brow high, "Is that so? I heard you did burn down part of a library. Well, go on, show me."

Silver shivered, "What do you mean, show you?"

The night guard shrugged her shoulders, "Show me. Make me get out of the way. Do whatever it takes. You have my consent, even blast me if you like."

Silver wasn't sure where this was going, but this time he would make a nice small showing that wouldn't injure half-a-dozen ponies. His horn sang the song of magic, and pain exploded through him. The heat barely had time to gather as he fell over backwards under the guard. She had her fangs in his neck, and she held him close. If it wasn't so painful, he'd almost think she was being affectionate. He wriggled under her, gasping for breath, but she clenched her jaw, driving those deadly teeth deeper, "Please..." Any magic he held was released in the shock, spell fizzling harmlessly.

The guard held him stock still with her teeth until he broke and began crying. Only then did she release him, "Pathetic." She sat up, licking the blood from her fangs, "You taste interesting, at least. Stay away from Princess Luna. She doesn't need sunny little ponies like you."

She opened the door with a wing and shoved Silver out into the hallway, falling over himself in a pile. The door closed as quickly. Silver sat up slowly, moving a hoof to feel over where he had been bitten. Two angry bumps were present under the fur. Was he really that sunny? After a moment of thought, he nodded. He was pretty sunny, at least on the exposed side. Angry night guard or not, he still had questions for Luna, and continued where he left off.

He soon arrived at her chambers and smiled at the guards stationed there, both male and similar-looking. "I'd like to speak with my consort please."

One huffed softly, "She is preparing to raise the moon."

"I can wait." Silver sat where he stood. Time passed slowly with nothing else to do, and the guards were no help, simply staring at him.

Luna emerged and was surprised to see him, "Silver. What are you doing here? Follow me, my duty calls." He did follow her as she strode out to a balcony nearby. He had never seen her perform the act in person. He had to squint against the intense magic that flowed from her form as she manipulated the heavens itself. The moon rose up into sight as stars began to shine across the sky.

Silver smiled a little, "A wonderful night."

Luna nodded, "Yes... But you don't see it often."

Silver shook his head, "You know me, everything. I've been up far into many nights."

Luna smiled gently, "That changed as you grew older, and did not revert when you became a pony. But we are not here to discuss the night. What brings you?"

Silver gestured out over Canterlot, "Can you find my parents, Rough Draft and Trixie Lulamoon? They appear to have moved out and I have no idea where to."

Luna leaned in towards Silver, "A grown stallion asks me to find his parents? Delightful."

Silver frowned, "Not funny."

Luna shrugged then, "Is it not true? I will ask around and see what can be discerned. I find it difficult to believe they would leave you without informing you. Your father in particular seemed very fond of you."

Silver huffed gently, looking out across the new night sky, "We sort of made each other. I hope he's happy with Trixie, wherever he is, and if... he doesn't want to talk to me anymore, that's fine. I just want to be sure they're both safe."

Luna rested a heavy hoof on Silver's shoulder, "We will look in-- What is that?" Silver began to ask what she was talking about when Luna's hoof moved to his bite marks and brushed the fur out of the way, "What happened to you?"

Silver glanced back into the hallway, "One of your guards does not approve of our... relationship. I think she was demonstrating she could take me out before I could blast her if need be."

Luna frowned, "You are still a diplomat." She brushed the fur, hiding the wound, "You are also a friend. You should not be assaulted in our castle. Why do you draw such violence to yourself?"

Silver shrank beneath her gaze, "I'm not doing it on purpose! They knew you were going to, uh, let me be with you while you were in heat."

Luna snorted, "We are civilized people. We do not go into 'heat' like beasts. That aside, yes, I had intended to call for you, as is my right to choose." She pointed at Silver, "You were bitten in a very specific way."

Silver looked back, but had no hope of seeing his own neck, "Back off or next time I'll aim a little to the left?"

Luna snorted, "No. There are few lunar pegasi that know the old challenges. I am fairly certain I know who did it. You will meet her soon enough."

Silver shuddered softly, "Is that... good?"

Luna shrugged, "If you want to become battle-ready, yes."

Silver held up his hooves, waving them, "I really don't!"

Luna let her head tilt a little, "Then you will not enjoy it, but you have agreed to train with the warlocks. She is an excellent one."

Silver frowned, "But she wasn't even a unicorn."

Luna spread her wings, "And you think only unicorns can use magic? It may not have the spells of unicorn magic, but magic she has, and she's very good at it. I wager you did not even see her move before she had you in her submission grip."

"It was crazy," agreed Silver, frowning at the memory.

"If she wanted," spoke Luna, walking back towards her room, "She could have killed you without a whisper escaping you. She is an earnest defender of the realm."

Silver trailed after Luna, "Alright, that's fine, but I've never seen ponies like this before. Where was she during Tirek, Discord, or even your return?"

Luna frowned, "An excellent question. Had I my way, I would let her work to protect the realm, but Celestia insists the warlocks are an emergency force, and gives responsibility to her student, and their friends."

She extended a wing, pointing out, "It's worked so far. The warlocks are dispatched, once in a while, to matters too... unseemly. Celestia protects her dear little filly and will not send her to deal with outright murders and equally vile crimes."

Silver blinked, "Tirek wasn't a joke. The changelings were also pretty serious."

Luna shrugged, "The changelings also came by surprise. Celestia herself even attempted to do battle, though your viewing of it was far shorter than the battle I recall. She lit the sky like a second sun in her fury, but there were too many changelings for her to handle alone. That... episode, as you call it was very inaccurate. It did not even show anything that I had done, as if I had simply slept through the affair."

Silver shook his head slowly as they reached Luna's quarters, "Did love really blast them all away at least?"

Luna flashed her teeth, fanged for the moment like any lunar pegasus, "It overwhelmed them. Many of them died, others were sent fleeing away from the city, their queen included. They were force fed until they could handle it no more."

Silver entered Luna's room behind her, "But what about Nicky? She has a lot of love focused on her all the time and she doesn't explode."

Luna raised a brow, "An excellent question. She is whole of body and pure of thought. My theory is that it is the theft of love that can turn it so ugly."

Silver suddenly smiled, "That reminds me! In school they, uh, Lyra, said that changelings could become ponies, if they were whole. Should we tell Nicky and her friends?"

Luna snorted softly, "So eager to remove what makes us uncomfortable? There are those that would see the lunar pegasi converted to much less-offensive solar ones, had they the choice. Nicky is comfortable and does no harm, why strip that from her?"

Silver flinched back, "I didn't mean it like that... I like Nicky. She's a nice mare, and if I could help, I wanted to. I like her, as a changeling or a pony."

Luna clopped a hoof on the ground, "Did I not decree it so? She is a pony. A pony that is just and right. Would that half the ponies in this city were half as good a pony as she."

Silver watched Luna settle on the cushions and moved up to apologize for bothering her in his own way.

As he moved to be with her, he asked, "Why even chance it? I'm still a foal, as far as movement is concerned. I want to learn more magic, and control, but I don't want to be attacked."

Luna huffed softly, "Must we discuss this now?"

Silver stopped, sitting on his haunches, "Yes. This is pretty important to me."

Luna sat up with a grunt of annoyance, "She is testing you. If you run from her, she will call you weak, and seek to have you banished from the warlocks. If you arrive on the first day despite her threats, she will respect you. As a friend, she has much to show you."

"As a friend," said Silver, "she will thrash me. She's a trained assassin! I'm a writer turned unicorn. I don't want to feel anypony's teeth but Night's."

"Not even mine?" asked Luna with a display of her pearly whites.

Silver shivered softly, "I could make exception for you, but that's beside the point. Besides, it will look awful."

Luna raised a brow, "How does thou mean?"

Silver gestured at his neck, "Anybody can see this. Some people are going to be watching if I seem to be being punished or treated poorly. A singe mark I can play off as my own fault with magic, but obvious physical injuries? Spells don't bite you in the neck."

Luna frowned delicately in thought, "We had not considered this fully. You are correct, the situation is delicate."

Silver waved a hoof, "On top of that, pretending it wasn't delicate, isn't my being uncomfortable enough, for once?"

Luna heard the pain being spoken and sagged a little, "I am doing it again." She patted a cushion with a hoof, "Come here."

Silver came to sit beside her and she began stroking across his mane and back with her hooves. "I am sorry. I will tell her to leave you alone, and the others that you are present for magic training, and that alone, until and unless you are ready for more."

Silver began to smile, leaning against the petting, "I'm sorry for whining about it, but thank you."

Luna snorted gently, "You should perhaps 'whine' more loudly. Enough, do you wish to retire, or...?"

Silver perked his ears, feeling better with the situation resolved. "When are we... you know?"

Luna smiled gently, "The chance is small now, but grows with each day. Come, let us roll the dice you are so fond of."

Silver did just that.

25 - A Visitor

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Silver staggered back into his room on an evening about a week later. Night was gone, likely doing her guardpony duty, but Fast awoke at his entry and looked to him. She frowned with concern and approached as he wobbled dangerously. "What happened?"

Silver smiled, "Nothing bad. Luna."

Fast tilted her head, "What... were you two doing that has you looking that roughed up?"

Silver shook his head, "Dunno. I, you know, finished, but it felt like I was being sucked inside out, but in all the best ways. I was terrified, but I didn't want it to end either. It felt important, like... I had to do all I could. So I dug deep and let my magic run wild, and it just kept... coming out."

Fast squinted at Silver a bit, "I'm glad you didn't kill yourself, the way you describe that." She lifted him up in her magic and brought him to the bed. "Was it like that with Night Watch?"

Silver blinked, "No? I mean... it was good, but not... that."

Fast rolled a hoof, "I'm guessing it isn't that way every time, or you would really be dead."

Silver curled on the bed. It was so soft. He felt the urge to just pass out. "I think I did it."

"Well you certainly did something!" agreed Fast.

Silver shuffled over and kissed Fast on the snout, "I mean with Luna. Time will tell."

Sleep descended on him for a time, but he was roused from his dreamless rest by knocking on the door. Fast was already headed for it. She pulled it open to reveal Professor Thetics. Silver was fully awake, his pulse hastening.

Fast frowned, but, Celestia bless her, she forced a smile, "What a pleasant surprise." Her eyes darted and she gave off all the tells of lying, "The savior of my dear husband."

Callis smiled brightly at Fast, radiating his own insincerity, "A pleasure, I'm sure. I came to speak to him."

Silver pushed himself upright despite the fatigue, "I'm right here."

Callis approached with a smile, with Fast scowling at his back dangerously. "My boy! The deans of the college were so impressed with your little speech. They thought you deserved a second chance."

Silver blinked, "What's the catch?" he said without thinking. He couldn't fathom why the school would dare invite him back.

Callis reared up, putting his forehooves on the bed and smiling at Silver, "They want a chance to examine you. You've broken almost every rule we have for development in unicorns. You're too young to be making spells, and yet, there you were, submitting one for your test. Your raw power is average at best, but you have precision, and a fearlessness that is aching to be tapped."

Silver rolled an ear back, "That sounds like I'd be more of a test subject than a student..."

Callis shook his head, "Perhaps a little, but you could go to the classes I know you want to go to. One does not cheat to be where they don't want to be."

Silver flushed, "I didn't ask her to!" Oh god, why did he say that? Silver cursed his pony body and its habits even as Callis grinned with triumph.

"Consider it water under the bridge," said Callis soothingly.

Silver shrank back from Callis, "They never looked at my spell. I heard they burned it."

Callis lifted his shoulders, "A regrettable mistake, but one of the students, one Lyra Heartstrings, still had a copy. It has been entered into the library, with credit, of course. Quite the interesting choice for a spell." He raised a brow at Silver, "Are you stallion-ruled?"

Fast seemed to bristle at the word, "Take that back!"

Silver glanced at her, then to Callis, "What is that?"

Callis sat on the floor, taking his hooves off the bed, "A pony, a stallion specifically, who is ruled by the urges of his male anatomy."

Silver considered it with his muggy mind. He did have a foal on the way, quite possibly two. He had two wives, and one consort, and felt no shame trying to find time to appreciate all three every day that he could. Maybe? "What if I am a little?"

Callis gestured at Silver, "I'm not judging." His voice implied he was judging with every syllable. "You are young, you may yet grow out of it. Still, it's an interesting development. I am told you made that little... fire spell. The surge."

Fast suddenly slipped between Callis and the bed, "Enough! He's exhausted and you're not welcome here. Stop pressuring him like he's still a student."

Callis held up his hooves, "Peace. I'm not attacking him. If he wants me to go, I'll go. We're just talking."

Silver nodded slowly, "Leave him. He hasn't done anything too bad." He gave a quirk of a smile, "Besides call me a slut."

Fast perked an ear, "A what? That a human word?"

"Stallion-ruled? Is there a female version?" asked Silver.

Fast wrinkled her nose, "I'm not here to expand your dirty language, unless it involves us alone."

Silver flopped onto his side, "So why you? I mean, you could have sent a neutral teacher, or even Lyra."

Callis snorted loudly, "They felt I knew you. You gave such a convincing speech they were convinced you would be more likely to agree if I approached you. Lyra is not a professor. She is a student. She has not yet graduated. Her teaching of the introductory class does not make her a professor. Did you get her to cheat for you as well?"

Silver frowned at that, "She was honest and forthright. She did not cheat or help me cheat. Why, you have the spell, don't you?"

Callis waved a hoof, "You could have gotten it from somewhere. Tell me, how did you make it?"

Silver suddenly grinned as a devious thought came to mind. It was devious enough to even fill him with a second wind, sitting up and looking down at Callis, "Why don't I show you. I can make a spell right now."

Callis blinked, "What, how? I don't have months to wait."

Silver waved a hoof, "Give me permission and sit still and I will show you a new spell." He pointed back at his cutie mark, "That's my specialty after all. I will make you the envy of all stallions."

Callis looked skeptical, "I have little problem in that regard... But I do wish to see what you can do, if anything. Very well, display your new spell. Just don't waste my time. If you can't do it, admit it."

Silver started pulling out his notes and Luna's book of entirely inappropriate spells. Oh what to do, what to do! He could mix and match spells in so many deliciously awful ways, not to hurt Callis, physically, but to make life awkward and embarrassing for a time. It hit him and he grinned, "I have it!" Why not combine the two spells he knew well and had the primitives worked out. He began to scribble quickly, comparing it to the other two spells, then adjusting it, going back and forth with his notes to make sure he had just the right number of each symbol, in the right order, to command the universe the way he wanted to. To Callis' credit, he sat there quite patiently for half an hour before Silver put his quill down, "Got it."

Callis blinked at Silver, "Already? Hmmph, just stringing two spells together is not sufficient. It must produce a unique effect."

Silver nodded, "Of course. This is entirely unique, so far I know." His horn began to glow silver as he focused on his own heart crystal. He could feel the warm presence of Twilight's magic helping his own magic, then he reached out to Callis' pyramid, giving himself access to Callis' body. "I'm ready to begin."

Callis nodded, "Proceed."

So trusting... Silver wondered if it was a good or bad mark for Callis. He began to play the letters methodically from the notes and he could feel magic being drawn from him. Silver was already glad he hooked to his own crystal beforehand, as his reserves were quite low and he felt fatigue building quickly. The bed suddenly shook as Fast sat beside him. Her horn leaned over and she tapped his with hers. He felt her magic begin to flow. He could feel her reserves made available and relief was quick. He drew greedily from this new source as he formed the spell, funneling its power into Callis, who had begun to squirm in place, but remained still overall.

It took a minute of work, but Silver finished with a smile, letting his horn cool down. "Done."

Callis looked himself over before he closed his eyes. Silver could see his horn glowing, but to no effect. "You've... enchanted me. In a very unclean fashion."

Silver shook his head, "What else did you expect from a stallion-ruled spellcrafter? It should wear off in a day or two, and is harmless."

Callis rose to his hooves, "But what is it? I recognize a fragment of it, but it isn't that."

Silver decided to toss subtlety out the window, "You remember that fireball, right?"

Callis nodded stiffly, "How could I not?"

Silver gestured down between Callis' hindlegs, "You have a portion of that power in your jewels. If you give it a way out, you'll explode. Now don't look at me like that. I don't mean a fiery explosion. I mean whatever comes out will be hot. You could probably start a brush fire if you lifted a leg against a tree."

Callis darkened and sputtered, "How crude!"

Silver shook his head, "Just don't lay with a mare. It would be very cruel."

Callis slapped the bed with a forehoof, "This is assault!"

Silver tilted his head, "How so? You asked for it, and you consented to it, and nopony has been injured." He pushed ahead the scrap of paper with the spell. "Here, if you need to check it."

Callis snatched the paper with his magic, "Undo it, now."

Silver flopped to the bed, "We warned you I was tired, and I meant it. I'm dead serious when I say I don't trust myself to do a bit more magic. It will fade on its own. You can feel the warmth, so you should know when it's gone."

Fast suddenly flopped onto Silver, laughing hysterically. Her laughter did little to calm Callis. He turned and fled the room. Fast was still laughing merrily, "You're going to teach me that, right? You have to!"

Silver felt his grip on the world weakening, "He took the spell," he murmured as he passed out.

Fast picked Silver up in her magic and soon they were both under the covers. She curled around him, affectionately and protectively. "You are more insane than you could ever know," she said to the sleeping Silver, before she joined him in a nap.

26 - Darkness

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Silver awoke to a dark, yet familiar, place. He stood up on nothing, looking around. He examined himself, and found he was still a young unicorn. "Hello?"

Words formed in the darkness, floating quietly, 'Are you happy?'

Silver tilted his head, "Wait wait, before I answer that. What does my answer do? Are you going to send me back if I answer the right, or wrong way?"

'Do you wish to return?' asked the words, the old question fading away.

"Not what I asked!" retorted Silver.

'You did not answer the question either.'

Silver settled on his belly, "I'm not trying to pick a fight. You've given me a unique opportunity... whoever you are. Can we do introductions? I'm Silver Lining, formerly David. You are?"

There was silence. Well, there was silence before, but now the letters had faded away as well, making Silver feel alone.

'My name carries no meaning, but you are welcome, Silver Lining.'

Silver nodded, "Alright. I can't force you to say, but, yes, thank you. I saw you brought one other over at least? He seems happy from his letters. Are you out to make people happy?"

'I expected less happiness. Your life is full of hardship, but you enjoy it.'

Silver tilted his head a little, "I'm going to assume I can be bluntly honest with a possible super-powerful entity of words, so, here goes. Sure, I get hurt and put in odd situations, but I also gained a family, and there are not zero, nay, three females that like what I'm packing, both upstairs and downstairs. Compared to my boring life before, or slow constant grinding pain? I'll take the spikes with the much higher spikes of pleasure and satisfaction."

'Do you wish to play a game?'

Silver frowned a little, "I feel threatened the way you... wrote that. Is this the kind of game where I end up hurt?"

'Perhaps. Do you desire power? Are you willing to suffer for it?'

Silver shook his head, "If you're offering to be, I dunno, the world's first alicorn stallion or something, deal's off unless I happen to figure it out on my own."

'It will be your actions alone. I can only open paths for you. Only your feet, or hooves, can walk along them.'

An ear perked, "What paths have you opened so far?"

'I gave you your reflection. I insured your future mother stayed in Manehattan when she had planned to depart on research a few days before you arrived. Is that not enough?'

Silver slowly nodded, "Did you take them away?"


Silver shook himself out, "You've been... honest, so far I can tell, which really isn't that far. Why are you interested in me?"


Silver blinked, "That was refreshingly blunt. So I'm a little fun experiment?"


Silver felt better, "Well, it's good to know where you stand. Just don't break your experiment. I'm a lot less fun dead or shattered. So, uh, you approve of what I've done so far?"

'You have made the world you entered more interesting slightly. You change things around yourself without thinking. The guardian of dreams is herself plagued with doubt. The guardian of the day has misstepped grossly, in full view of the world. Even the guardian of chance finds you odd. You could be a force of great good, or ill, but you stride firmly towards the middle, trying instead to just be a good person.'

Silver's eyes swept back and forth over the letters as they appeared, "Is that... bad? Trying to be a good pony that is."

'You could do so much more! You could be a master manipulator. Few would see through your lies. You could seek out ever greater magic, becoming known on the level of Star Swirl.'

"I could grab every mare that'll stand still and make the biggest harem around, but those all sound like awful ideas on one level or another," argued Silver. "Is it bad to find satisfaction? I'm getting better at magic, at my own pace."

'You have answered my questions. You are still alive. Do you wish another gift?'

Silver blinked, "What kind of gift?"

'What do you desire?'

What did he desire? Silver frowned in the thought of it. The last gift was his desk, which came exactly as he requested it. He suddenly wondered where it had gotten off to, but turned his thoughts back to the present.

"My father," he decided, "is a very sad person. He regrets his many decisions deeply, many of which include me. Can you make him happy?"

'I could bring him to you.'

Silver shivered softly, "No! No... dragging him abruptly to pony land seems like something he would not appreciate. Is there anything else you could do?"

'I can only open paths. He will not walk down them.'

Silver frowned a moment before it faded, "Alright, I... think I believe that. Fine, I'm going to be greedy then, and hope that doesn't offend. Can I be stronger? More specifically, can you increase my magic throughput to, I don't know, so I can lift level 4 instead of 3?"

'Are you that afraid to ask?'

Silver sank to his belly, "I'm trying to not be a jerk. Why? If I asked to be an alicorn stallion on par with Celestia, would you do it?"


Silver cringed back, wondering just how much disruption this entity could cause. "While that would be... cool, I wouldn't own my own life anymore. I would be thrust bodily before everyone and stared at no matter where I went or what I did."

'Are you not already?'

Silver frowned, "One moment of public speaking does not compare."

'You are still watched. You are still judged.'

Silver waved a hoof, "Well, fine. As tempting as living out a power fantasy is, I get the idea you'd only 'open the path', and that path would not be easy or safe. Would I even survive?"


Silver pointed at the letters, "See! No, how about the minor upgrade? How dangerous is that?"

'It will hurt. You will certainly survive.'

Silver smiled, "That sounds better than trying to be ruler of the world. Open that path."

'Are you certain?'

Silver considered a moment, pawing at the ground with his hooves. "I may regret it later, but yes, I am sure."

Silver suddenly awoke mid-step and crashed directly into a guard. He recognized her by her hiss. It was the angry night guard. She easily shoved him over and was on top of him, growling in his face, "Luna may have requested I not taste you again, but that doesn't give you leave to push me."

Silver squirmed under her, "I didn't mean to, sorry." He thought back to the conversation. Was this an open path? "Say, since I have you here..."

"I have you here," corrected the night guard, settling on Silver. "I cannot bite you, but there is no rule against pinning you for a small while."

Silver nodded, "Technically true. Luna--"

"Princess Luna, to you," ordered the angry female.

"She said you were very good at your magic. Does any of that translate to unicorns?" asked Silver.

She perked an ear, "Yes. Surely you have felt the magic within yourself before you channel through your horn?"

Silver quickly nodded, "Yes, all through me."

She bared her teeth, "Good, you're not too stupid. That is pony magic. All ponies have it. I suspect all species have it. The only difference is how it comes out."

Silver managed to squirm around so he was facing up instead of to the side, belly-to-belly with the female, "Can you show me how to get more of that?"

She turned her snout upwards, "Why should I? You are too much a coward to even train with us outside your safe books."

Silver considered this with a frown. "What if I did train with you? But there's a catch."

She snorted, "You don't want to chip a hoof?"

"Close," he confessed. "For appearance sake, I can't return home looking like I was killed. This is for Equestria, not me, not that I like being hurt."

She spread her wings wide, "I can hurt a pony in many ways that doesn't leave a bruise. Are you certain you are prepared for this?"

He didn't like the sound of that, but the path had been opened. It was up to him to put a hoof forward. He nodded. She suddenly stepped off of him and lifted him with her wings to a standing position, "Remember that you asked for this. I will not be kind. I will not be soft, but if you listen to me, you will grow." She bared her teeth, "You have Princess Luna's eye, and possibly more. I'll do what I can to make sure you're worthy of it."

Silver gave a hesitant nod, "Yes ma'am. Just don't, you know, kill me."

"I am First Harbinger Nightwing. You will refer to me as that, in its entirety," she said as she swept a wing wide. "Perhaps, if you prove you are worth not looking at like pond scum, you will earn a shorter name to say. Now, tell me. You've done those unicorn tests. How much can you lift. 2?"

Silver flushed a little in indignation, "Three, ma--" Nightwing began glaring at him. "Uh, First Harbinger Nightwing?"

Nightwing nodded, "Three. We have a three on the warlocks. We should be ashamed." She nudged him with a wing, making him wobble, "Be prepared. Tomorrow, I will begin breaking you, then putting you back together." She trotted off with a purpose, soon lost to the corridors of the castle.

Silver trotted back to his room, where Night Watch was waiting. She looked like she had just gotten in. He approached her quickly and nuzzled, "Hello there! How did your shift go?"

Night Watch smiled gently, "Caught a foal trying to sneak in. I brought him back to his mother, should have heard him bawling. I doubt he'll be back."

Silver circled around her, then conjured his hands, starting a gentle massage across her neck and withers, "Quiet other than that?"

She began to relax at the gentle attention, "All quiet on this front. Fast mentioned you were visited a few nights ago?"

Silver perked an ear, "Oh, yes, by the academy. They want me back."

She turned to face him with a raised brow, "And?"

Silver lifted his shoulders, "And... I didn't agree or disagree. I already made a big noise about joining the warlocks for training, so that would probably look very odd."

Night reached with a wing and prodded Silver on his snout, "So why not both? Learn some control and basics from the warlocks, then get back to the spell-studying you wanted to do anyway. Everypony wins then." She suddenly squinted, "You smell like a female and it's not Luna. Now you know I tolerate your dalliances with the princess, but I wi--"

"Easy there!" said Silver as he raised a hoof, "I was tackled by a big mean mare. She's going to teach me how to build my magic reserves."

Night snorted softly, "OK, but my statement stands. I don't want to hear about you laying with any other mares."

Silver quickly nodded, "I won't, promise. You three are more than enough for me." He tilted his head, "What would you do if I became an alicorn?"

Night blinked through her glasses, "What would I do if you grew a second head and began singing a diamond dog opera? I don't know, but it'd be about as likely. What on Equestria brought up that question? I have better odds than you, and they aren't good odds."

Silver smiled, "That is an amazing image you just painted." He moved forward and kissed a cheek, "Don't ever change."

27 - Reaching Deep Within

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Nightwing slowly circled around Silver. "Warmer," she ordered.

Silver let the already-furious magic within him build. He felt like he'd pass out from the heat building in his body. Nightwing had forced him to just channel the force without letting a bit of it out of his horn. A strap ran over his barrel that had a metal thermometer on it, showing how warm he was becoming.

Nightwing shook her head, "You're holding back. You should be able to get up another three notches." She moved to look him in the eyes, "Hold an image of a waterfall coming from your heart. Expand it, let that water free. Breath deep and hard."

Silver began to pant loudly, gulping in air while focusing on that image. The meter hesitantly bumped up a notch, but he was starting to see spots. He suddenly slumped, flopping to the ground in a tired pile.

Nightwing smiled, "You're getting somewhere."

Silver perked an ear, "Thank you."

Nightwing snorted softly, "You have five minutes. Drink, breathe, be ready to get back to work."

Silver did just that, gulping down water. His horn began to spark wildly as he let the magic free from inside him. Nightwing approached quickly, slapping her hoof against his horn, "Stop that. You need to learn how to hold more magic, so hold it." Silver groaned internally, but closed off the channel, remaining warm as he guzzled the cool water in the bucket.

Soon enough he was back to work, and so it went through the day. By the time Luna roused to raise the moon, he was barely reaching that third mark. Nightwing smiled at him, "Not one whine out of you. I thought it was just something you did naturally."

Silver frowned at the insult, shaking himself out, "No one likes a whiner."

"Too true," agreed Nightwing, "So maybe I can learn to like you. You still have that magic bottled up tight?"

Silver nodded. It felt like his insides were on fire. She pointed at an ingot on the ground, "Lift."

Silver tilted his head at the ingot, then let the magic go carefully, trying to not let the torrent escape too quickly. His horn sparked and fizzed as he forced the magic into the outer channels. His hands appeared at his will, and reached for the ingot, grabbing and tugging. It didn't move. He let more magic loose, and more, and... As his horn began to grow red with heat and a new pain lanced from it, the ingot was rudely shoved across the room, lifted a precious inch and thrown. It collided with the wall, leaving a large dent before it fell to the ground heavily. Silver flopped after it shortly. His horn hurt, to say nothing of the ache through his entire body.

"Congratulations," said Nightwing, "You're a weak four. Just keep practicing at it and we'll make you do it without pissing yourself with strain."

Silver limped out of the room, worn and tired. He meandered his way to the dining hall and collapsed into a chair. Only after he got some mashed potatoes in himself did he notice he was not alone in enjoying a meal. Celestia watched him quietly between sips of her tea.

"Hi," he offered.

Celestia smiled gently, "I see why Discord enjoys your presence."

Silver blinked, "I just say hi?"

Celestia lifted up a slice of cake in her magic, and brought it over to Silver. Silver took a bite out of it, then soon two more. It was delicious, and his body seemed to want it all, so it was soon gone. "You did, but you said it so naturally. I didn't feel like you expected something from me, for good or ill."

Silver licked over his lips, then tilted his head at Celestia, "If you don't mind my asking, what do you see when you look at me?"

Celestia perked an ear at him, "I see a young colt with alien eyes. I see a proud stallion who is eager to be a good husband to his wife." She seemed to consider, "I see a pony who is ready to challenge society, but desperately wants it to accept him."

Silver nodded slowly, "I suppose those are all true." He smiled, "Do you want a turn?"

Celestia nodded, "It's only fair." She sipped from her cup as she looked down at him.

Silver tapped his chin with a hoof, "I see a wise, but sometimes tired, ruler. I see a mother who fears for her children, but is also afraid of smothering them." He suddenly smiled, "I see a mare who is never treated as one."

Celestia recoiled a little. The last statement apparently struck a bit too close, and she gave a stiff nod, "I see we understand each other. My sister enjoys your company. I trust you are careful with her feelings?"

Silver gave a hesitant nod, "She takes charge much of the time, but I want her to be happy."

Celestia half-lid her eyes, gazing at Silver intensely a moment.

Silver squirmed a little, "I could be speaking far out of line, so feel free to throw a slice of cake at me if you want, but I already have two wives, and your sister. You're a--"

Pie splattered across Silver's face, gooey and warm.

He could hear Celestia speaking, "Don't think too much of yourself. Luna says you serve well as her consort, just keep that up."

Silver wiped his face off, first against the table, then he could see a napkin and finished the job, "I'm sorry! I didn't mean any insult."

Celestia sipped her tea, "It is a rare stallion that would even hint at the idea of bedding both princesses of the land. That would look quite awkward."

Silver changed topics suddenly, "I managed to rate a rank four in raw output today."

Celestia smiled like a proud parent, "Very good for you."

Silver pointed at Celestia, "What do you rate?"

Celestia raised a brow, "Do you know what the numbers mean?"

Silver shook his head, "Each one's heavier than the other."

She nodded primly before enjoying a cookie. "One order of magnitude. Going from three to four is quite the achievement. If this is your first time, I imagine you're quite sore."

Silver quickly bobbed his head, "Parts of me I didn't knew exist hurt right now."

Celestia smiled, "Don't give up, and eat more. You must be famished."

Silver realized she was right, and pulled over a big pile of vegetables to start chewing through eagerly, "So... what do you rate?"

Celestia shook her head, "It isn't fair to compare yourself to me."

Silver huffed softly, "So, what, are you a ten? I can handle being outclassed by you."

Celestia raised a gold-shod hoof, "It's not that easy. With regards to my talent, it is difficult to measure. The sun is quite heavy."

Silver thought back to his knowledge of celestial bodies and nodded in agreement, "Can't argue that. What about rocks and weights, like we do for the test?"

Celestia smiled, "Six."

Silver blinked softly. On one hand, er, hoof, he felt she should be higher, on the other, that was pretty high. "Did you have to practice too?"

Celestia nodded, "Oh my, yes. I may not look it, but I was a foal once too. I was a one once before."

Silver opened his mouth to comment on her age but thought better of it before it could emerge, "Thank you, for everything." He waved a hoof around, "This nation, this castle, and everything else that you've given me a chance to live in."

Celestia gave a warm smile, "You are enjoying being a pony?"

Silver nodded quickly, "Very much so." He clopped his hooves together, "That reminds me. Thetics visited me, saying the academy wanted me back. What are your thoughts?"

Celestia gestured at Silver, "It is your decision. I believe Luna would be disappointed if you left her warlocks so soon. Are you not enjoying your time with them?"

Silver considered that, "Well, the one I'm spending the most time with right now... We got off to a rough start. She seems alright, in hindsight. She's actually being supportive, and not just screaming at me."

Celestia leaned forward, "I will tell you a secret. Though my sister has quite a pair of lungs, she prefers quiet." She nodded as she leaned back to upright, "She would not tolerate a pony who screamed too often."

Silver fidgeted a moment before he nibbled on his food thoughtfully. He was still ravenously hungry, and the food tasted all the better for it. "Are you alright with me... being with Luna? Probably... you know?"

Celestia raised a brow, "She is my sister, not my foal. Speaking of which, if she feels it is well-timed to have a foal, that is her decision. I look for her safety, but I do not control her." She looked Silver over with greater intensity, "What you feel is much more telling."

Silver shrank a little, "Excited? Nervous... It'll be the first time I'll be a father. I've been an uncle before, and I think I'm not bad at that."

Celestia nodded, "Then you have little to fear. Luna has many servants who will see to the foal's immediate needs. Being a good uncle is exactly as the situation calls for."

"But it's not a niece or nephew," argued Silver, "They'll be my son or daughter, or both? What are the odds of twins? Do ponies have fraternal twins?" Silver stopped rambling when a white wing settled across his face, making him sneeze.

"You will have as many as you should have, no more or less," answered Celestia. "You will be fine."

Silver nodded slowly as the wing withdrew, "Sorry. I did mention I was excited. I mean, shouldn't I be? Two lovely mares are going to bear me foals soon." An ear shot upright, "Is, uh, birthing a complicated affair?"

Celestia gave a soft hmm, "Is it in your home?"

Silver wobbled a hoof, "I would normally get both of them to a doula for training and education, so it could go as smoothly as possible. A healthy female who is armed with the right knowledge and takes care of herself can get through it without too much fuss."

Celestia shook her head, "Luna already has servants who will see she is treated properly and well. Your wife, however..."

Silver's ears fell, "I gave away my money."

Celestia nodded, "You did, but you also serve faithfully for Equestria. I will not let her suffer for it. I'll assign a physician to watch over her."

Silver smiled hopefully, "Please try to get a kind one. She acts tough but I get the feeling she will get nervous once or twice. I can't imagine a first-time mother not doing so."

Celestia rose to her hooves, "Enjoy the remainder of your meal. It was a delight having a moment to speak to you alone." She moved to leave, but not before patting Silver on the head with a wing. "You are a good pony." He warmed inside at her words, and soon she was gone.

28 - Working Out

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Silver ambled along as quickly as he could, but it was never fast enough to satisfy Him. He was always there, a few paces behind, no matter how quickly Silver ran. He would trip Silver with sudden turns or a hoop held in the air, or bars. He didn't seem to care, so long as Silver kept being challenged.

"You are a horrible pony, Meadow," gasped out Silver as he sagged against some gym equipment, panting for breath.

"Don't say that," said Meadow as he closed the distance easily, "It's for your sake. Come on, aren't you having some fun?"

Silver raised a hoof, "Not that I'll ever admit!" He smiled then, pushing off to stand again, "Just getting tired. Please, let's continue."

Meadow Leaper led Silver over to a clear area, then set down a rubbery rod about twenty feet away from him. "You need to work on your coordination, so this should help. Run up as fast as you can, grab the rod in your teeth, then run back to the starting line. The faster you can do it, the better."

Silver could recall doing a similar game as a child, "I'm guessing using magic is out."

Meadow rolled his eyes, "Do I need to answer that?"

Silver huffed, "Fine." He lowered himself a little, then broke into a sprinting gallop. He lowered his head to grab at the rod and missed it entirely. This promised to be a long day.

After several hours of limited results, Meadow led Silver to the side for refreshments. "You're doing great!"

Silver tilted his head, "I am?"

Meadow looked confused, "You can't see it? You're definitely improving. You'll come back tomorrow right?"

Silver held up a hoof, "Got an appointment, day after?"

It was agreed and they enjoyed lunch together.

Silver returned to the castle, sore, but satisfied. It was a soreness he had earned, and he tried to keep a positive outlook on it. This didn't stop him from crashing onto his bed and falling asleep almost instantly. He was awoken by being squished. He wriggled and squeaked, soon finding he was under a large furry form he affectionately knew as Fast Change. Fast slipped off of him and as he rose up, she kissed him, knocking him back to the bed as she exchanged a heated greeting with him.

Silver went a soft red, but started to return the exchange, pulling her closer before they finally parted, "Good to see you too."

Fast smiled, "I'm a rating four now."

Silver tilted his head, "Me too."

Fast frowned, then clopped her hooves, "No you silly. I'm talking about magic rating, for complexities, not raw strength. I can legally use some of my magic on other ponies, if I want, and they consent."

Silver nuzzled her, "Congratulations! Wait, what's my rating?"

Fast shook her head, "You never finished first year, so you never got one. You're not really supposed to be using any magic on other ponies until you get tested."

Silver frowned a little, "Huh, well, guess it's a good thing I'm a diplomat, but I'm curious what I'd rate."

Fast shrugged before she snuggled up with Silver, "Don't know, don't care much. It's just legalese, and I already know you're great with spells, especially the ones you make up."

Silver rolled over onto Fast on a whim, inhaling her scent and reacting to it, "Fast, is it the right time?"

Fast perked an ear back at him, squirming under him, "Maybe, but I took a suppressant."

He blinked, "You're on birth control?"

"More like conception control?" argued Fast, "But yes. I'm not ready to be a mother, and my stallion rushed out and got two mares pregnant one right after the other. Do we need more foals right now?"

Silver went through the motions, suppressed or not. Her libido was as healthy as ever, and he enjoyed his time with her, "Are you doing it for us, or yourself?"

Fast arched her back and ground against Silver in return, "Both, silly stallion. I'm... not ready, you're not either. What if... she has twins? What if we both did? Imagine... that."

Silver couldn't argue. The idea of raising a room full of little needy colts and/or fillies was an intimidating one. They enjoyed their romp together, as she seemed to put out that enticing smell, suppressed or not. Unlike the stories he had read, Fast didn't seem any more sex-crazed than she usually was... but she was already pretty high up there, so maybe she was a poor example. Still, he could think of worse ways to spend an afternoon than congratulating Fast on her achievements with hours of snuggling mixed with intense but brief bouts of coupling.

After Fast had fallen asleep, Silver departed for a walk, and ended up at Luna's quarters. He wasn't much in the mood to 'play', but he visited her anyway.

Luna was there. She was making no effort to be specifically enticing, Silver noted. She was reading a book when he came in. He trotted over to her with a smile, "Luna, I apologize for starting with business, but have you heard anything about Trixie and Rough?"

Luna perked an ear, then set the book aside. She grabbed a sheaf of papers in her magic and brought it over. Quickly scanning her eyes over it, "My contacts last saw them headed for the train. They reported they appeared to be in a hurry, and they have not been seen since."

Silver frowned a little, "A hurry? Relatedly, where is my computer?"

Luna tapped the floor, "It was brought to the castle when you ceased to live with them. I'm afraid I know little else of their whereabouts."

Silver flopped onto his haunches, "I hope they're OK..."

Luna reached for Silver, petting over his head gently, "You look fatigued. I am going to put you to sleep."

Silver perked an ear, "Must you?"

Luna smiled, "I won't if you object."

Silver felt... good. Maybe Luna was learning. "Go ahead." The world fell away as he slipped into the dream world, falling upon Luna's cushions.

He sat up in the then-familiar darkness. "You called me back, already?"

'Your requests are boring and meek. You bore me.'

Silver's ears flopped back, "Sorry, how..."

'Enough,' wrote the writing, 'You are a waste of my time and my energy. I could be doing more interesting things than watch you slowly sort out your feeble issues. I'll just put you back where you started.'

Silver was suddenly David again, if naked and exposed.

'Besides, your family needs you. No one else in your family will work for your mother's fading grip on a house she couldn't afford. You will help her, forever.'

"B-but, my new family?" asked David.

'Not my concern. Celestia can watch them. Begone, back to Earth.'

The letters suddenly shattered as Luna stepped from the darkness, "What manner of strange dream is this?"

As the fog of dreams was lifted from David's head, he rapidly became Silver again, falling to all fours, "I'm glad to see you. I didn't realize it was a dream."

Luna frowned, "What did you think this was?"

Silver looked around, "I've been here twice before. This is where I was just before I came to Equestria."

Luna shook her head slowly, "It is similar to the astral plane. Celestia has spoken of it in private. Only beings of immense personal power can choose to enter such a place between worlds."

Silver tilted his head, "That makes sense. It asked me where I wanted to go, then sent me to Equestria."

Luna reached and ran her silver-shod hoof gently across Silver's mane, "I am glad it did, but what manner of being be this?"

Silver shrugged softly, "I asked for a name, it didn't give it. It seems... polite, most of the time. Really, it's given me everything I've asked for."

Luna raised a brow, "What did you request?"

Silver created an image of the rubber ball that once held his computer. Dreams were fun. "This, and..." He made a new image of himself standing beside Nightwing, being trained and eventually moving the rating four weight, "This."

Luna shook her head, "I do not understand. The first is truly a marvelous gift, but the second? Nightwing was already willing to train you. How was this given?"

Silver considered a moment, "Well, I didn't want to train with her, at first. I told the being that I wanted to be able to channel more magic, and he, or she, whatever, said that they'd open the path to doing so. When I woke up, I crashed right into Nightwing. I decided that was the opportunity and agreed to be trained."

Luna nodded slowly, "I am pleased to hear you are getting along with her. She is a dear friend of mine, and the thought of you two being enemies did not sit well with me. Still, your second request is quite small compared to the first. I would know the limit of this being, and if they work for good or ill."

Silver shrugged softly, "I don't know how to summon them, they summon me. They said they were bored. What should I ask for next time? I mean, I asked about becoming an alicorn and they seemed to respond as if it were possible, but difficult."

Luna's wings sharply extended, "You would be most unfitting ruler, pardon my saying."

Silver's ears wilted, "Ow, fine, be that way. You're not wrong, I don't think, but that was harsh."

Luna poked Silver on the nose, "Still, that would be an interesting test... If it can make you an immortal alicorn, then it would be a being of incalculable power."

Silver frowned a little, "Or I might just die. It opens paths, in its own words. My own hooves have to carry me. The path that leads to being like you or Celestia is certainly not an easy one. I would be surprised if it wasn't full of danger, likely lethal."

Luna raised a hoof, "And yet, the matter in which it presents itself and the ultimate result would tell us much of this." Suddenly she frowned, "Do you think it may be Discord?"

Silver tilted his head, "I don't know? He doesn't act like it's him, and I never saw him going to whole new dimensions, just all over the place on Equestria. We could ask?"

Luna nodded, "Do that. He seems warm towards you. If I were to broach the subject, he would evade me, even if he knew nothing. Now, sleep."

Silver felt the dream melt around him as it moved on to the next, and he was allowed to rest truly.

Luna departed from the dream smoothly and woke herself. She had much to speak with Celestia about and rose to do just that, leaving the slumbering form of Silver behind.

29 - Making Amends

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Silver strode alone through the streets. Without his wives around, more of the crowd shied away from him. He paid them little mind, carrying a large basket in the air, hoisted by a silvery hand only he could see. He ascended the stairs to the academy that had briefly been his home. He moved to the office he had begun his journey to higher education in. The earth pony was still there. She seemed surprised to see him.

"Oh, hello. You withdrew, didn't you?" she asked, "What's the basket for?"

Silver shook his head, "I'm not here for class. I did withdraw. Is Professor Thetics in?"

She nodded softly, pushing some papers around with a hoof until she found something, "He has a class finishing up. He's in room 209. Ten minutes, give or take."

"I'll wait," said Silver as he trotted out into the hallway, "Thanks!"

Silver quickly found the room and parked himself beside the door. He pulled down the basket to himself and sifted through it, hoping he had chosen correctly. The class let out shortly, with many ponies leaving the room. Silver used the basket to conceal his face. Despite his cutie mark on full display, this was oddly effective. Ponies. Once the class was emptied, he rose to his hooves and stepped in.

Professor Thetics was seated behind a desk, scribbling something. Without looking up, he said, "I'll see you tomorrow."

Silver shook his head as he approached the desk, "I'm not a student."

Callis' eyes shot up to lock on Silver as a scowl rapidly formed, "You! What are you doing here? Are you here to mock me, or attack me? I stand by my original statement, you are an unprepared and dangerous colt!"

"And you are right," said Silver, moving the basket over and setting it gently on Professor Thetics desk, "I'm sorry."

Callis Thetics took the basket out of Silver's grip with his own magic, "Is this to get me to sponsor your re-entry? Don't bother. They still want you. Bunch of fools, their eyes full of nonsense and easy acclaim."

Silver sat in front of the desk, "I mean it. I was awful, just awful. I never should have reacted the way I did, both times. You didn't do anything more than be a jerk." The teacher frowned. "And that is subjective," added Silver quickly. "I want to make it up to you, somehow."

Professor Thetics snorted, "I imagine asking you to leave is not one of the options?"

Silver rose to his hooves, "If you really want me to, I will, but I mean it, so if there's something a bit more?"

Callis sighed and set the basket down in front of himself. Easily he peeled away the sparkly wrapping and revealed the gift basket of candies and writing implements hidden within. His magic waved over the basket, likely inspecting it for enchantments.

Silver raised a hoof, "The quills are enchanted to run twice as long without running out... I looked it up and did it myself."

Callis cracked a soft smile, "So you can use your magic in a civilized fashion." He drew one of the quills out, dipped it in ink, then began to scribble with it, "The enchantment is a little sloppy, but not bad for a first year."

Silver smiled hopefully, tail swaying, "I really am sorry. You're not a bad pony, and I was pretty mean. Can we put that behind us?"

Callis pointed the wet quill at Silver, "You are still a cheater."

Silver's ears went back, "I really didn't ask her to. She cheated for me and I didn't even know until it was all over. I want to earn my achievements, not have them thrown at me for free."

As Silver's mouth opened mid 'free', a small chocolate ball landed on his tongue. He reflexively closed his mouth. Mmm, it was delicious.

Callis took one himself and chewed it thoughtfully, "Which test was administered?"

Silver thought back, "The tester put their heart crystal inside of my shoulder by a teleportation magic without telling me what they had done, and I had to identify it. I was able to figure out where it was, and how large it was, but forgot how large their heart crystal was, so I couldn't say what it was exactly."

Callis raised a brow, "You might have been ready next year, and we could have avoided a lot of trouble."

Silver shook his head quickly, "But I met my wife, this year. Either way, I don't want to be a cheater."

Callis nodded, "Well, alright, tell me what changed."

Silver blinked, "What?"

Callis waved the still wet quill at Silver, ink splattering a little, "I have changed something in you, identify it."

Silver felt a thrill of excitement and apprehension as he let his magic flow powerfully as Nightwing had shown. He found the blockage and snorted, "Is this revenge for my prank?"

Callis looked at him evenly without a word.

Silver flopped over, "You've stuffed a quill where it has no business being. I don't suppose you could take it out?"

Callis shook his head, "Fair is fair. I'll take it out when you visit tomorrow."

Silver rolled back upright, "I was wrong, but two wrongs don't make a right. Don't become what you don't like."

Professor Thetics frowned, "What a tongue. Fine." The quill vanished from inside Silver, "You have passed, legitimately."

Silver clopped his hooves together, but Thetics continued, "You are still a danger to ponies around you. Your mind is a devious place."

Silver nodded slowly, "I'm... still learning to be a good pony." He half-turned to the door, "If you need any help, send word to the human embassy."

Professor Thetics returned to his writing, but nibbled on some candy while doing so. Silver decided to accept this exchange as a good one, and left with a smile.

When Silver arrived at the embassy wing, a messenger was waiting for him. The pegasus extended a letter held in her feathers by some pegasus magic he did not understand. He accepted the letter and nodded as she fled to other deliveries.

Silver curiously tore open the seal and opened it. The writing was precise, but foreign.

Dear human,

Your talents are very dangerous to our own. Come to the Badlands, alone. Or take those delicious wives with you if you prefer. I'm certain we can find a use for them in the hive. Before you consider running off to your little princesses about this, your precious parents are our guests already, and if you don't come, they never leave, at least until they are emotionless husks.

Fondest Regards,
Queen Chrysalis

Silver dropped the letter in shock and anger. He grabbed it from where it fell and stormed to his room, where Night had been sleeping, but was quickly roused by his stomping.

"Huh, what's wrong?" she asked, reaching for the glasses on the nearby dresser and slipping them on. Silver offered her the letter and her eyes swept over it, "There's a hundred percent chance this is a trap."

Silver raised a brow, "I thought you leave off ten percent?"

Night tapped the paper with a wing, "Not this time. Come on. We should tell the princesses right away."

Silver looked less than certain, "What do you think they'll do? If we show up with a ton of guards they'll just hide, and maybe hurt Rough and Trixie."

Night frowned, "And if you go, they snatch you and we never see you again. How is that better?"

Silver tapped the ground as he thought, "What about... something smaller?"

Night raised a brow, "I'm listening."

Silver nodded, "The warlocks? They're smaller, less obvious, more stealthy. They could come with us without the changelings knowing at a glance."

Fast seemed to come around, "That makes sense enough, but you won't get them to move without Celestia's direct order. Even Luna can't unleash them on Equestria, a matter that does not please her one bit."

Silver considered approaching them directly, skipping Celestia entirely, but the thought crashed to a halt. No. He was done being a bad pony. "We will show her the letter, and explain, and hopefully she will understand."

Night softly rubbed her cheek against Silver's, "You have no idea how happy that makes me."

Silver looked... confused, "Huh? That's what you said."

Night set the paper aside, "Nothing. Let's go."

Silver could tell Night was hiding something, but he let it go, instead grabbing the letter and trotting with her through the castle to day court. Day court was held in the same place as night court, with Celestia presiding. There were many more ponies here, awake and doing business during the daylight hours. Celestia didn't even notice Silver coming in, not that he blamed her. He was just one pony among many.

He approached one of the more official-looking ponies, "Can you add me to the queue?"

She raised a brow, looking him over, "Ah, the Ambassador. Please, have a seat." She gestured to a row near the front, "The Princess is quite busy today but we'll see what we can do."

Silver and Night moved to settle and watch the ponies argue in front of Celestia about various things. Silver leaned in closer, "I hope you're not mad I'm breaking my promise."

Night perked a tufted ear, "What? Oh. It doesn't count if I'm next to you. If I hear you start going to court on your own, we'll both be on you."

Silver whispered, "Is this something we should parade in the open?"

Night shook her head, "We can ask for a private meeting, when it's our turn."

Silver dug through his pouch and pulled out his magic-color identifying spell. "I need to get an actual spell book," he said to himself as he played the magic faithfully. He put in a faint trickle of magic, so the light shafts that emerged were faint, even to his own eyes. Nopony else immediately turned to him, so he guessed it was working. Many colors reached from the crystal, but he only looked for one. Two of the ponies sitting there had a specific green hue going towards them and he frowned, leaning in towards Night.

"There are two possible changelings in here," he whispered.

Night wriggled her nose, "You were always perceptive. What do you want to do about it?"

Silver squirmed in place, considering possible actions. "We make it look innocent as possible, but we can't go accusing random ponies of being changelings or tackling them."

Night shook her head, peering at Silver through her glasses, "No, no we should not do that."

They waited impatiently, well, Silver was the more impatient of the two. Night's seeming calm only made him more agitated, though he struggled to keep it under control. When his name was called, he hopped to his hooves and trotted quickly up to the podium.

30 - Before Court

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"Announcing Silver Lining, Ambassador of the human nation," called out one of the mares as Silver took his place at the podium.

He looked towards Celestia, "A pleasure to see you, Princess Celestia. You had extended invitation to tea, but I have been most delinquent in accepting it."

Celestia tilted her head faintly. Silver hoped that she would easily pick up on his meaning, "Of course," she said, "You hadn't even need have waited for that. I will see you in the dining hall after sunset."

Was it that simple? It seemed to be. Silver strode to meet with Night and depart the court. His eyes glanced towards where he knew the changelings were. One of them was missing. Internally he worried if already the Queen was being made aware of his breaking of the letters of engagement. They escaped together into the hallway only to almost bump into a stallion with white fur and expensive taste in clothing.

Silver looked him over from top to bottom, "Prince Blue Blood?"

The stallion looked surprised, "I was not aware we had met. Did Auntie speak of me?" He flashed a charming smile at Silver and Night, "We are far overdue to meet. I am told you are quite the up-and-comer."

Silver smiled falsely, uncertain how close this pony would behave to the brief window provided in the show, "A pleasure! We were just scheduling a little, similarly overdue, meeting with the Princess."

Blue Blood nodded primly, "I heard. You don't mind if I come as well? We really should speak about how Equestria and the human nation can profit from one another." He cleared his throat, "Pardon for this gauche question, but does the human nation have a more specific title? I scarcely imagine 'pony nation' would be appropriate."

Silver nodded, opening his mouth to speak when Night gently bumped into him. She spoke, "We really should keep moving. There's so much to do before this evening."

"Oh I know," said Blue Blood in an understanding voice, "You must fetch the Ambassador some proper court attire."

Silver flushed faintly, wondering how he kept forgetting about something he lived the majority of his life with, "Do you have a suggestion?"

Blue Blood seemed to swell at the question, "I have several quality tailors and seamstresses." His horn glowed and a card emerged from a tiny little pouch, moving over to Silver. Silver accepted the card in his own silver magic and looked it over. "She lives here, in the castle. She is a true delight, and does my best suits. Tell her I sent you and she will see you are properly taken care of."

With business concluded, they moved to part ways, "See you two for supper time." And then he was gone.

Silver began to trot ahead, aiming to meet with this seamstress, "He was very pleasant. More than I'd expected."

Night followed after, "What did you expect? And where are we headed? The room's that way." She pointed back at their room with a wing.

Silver shook his head, "He's not wrong. I really should get something to wear when I go to formal functions."

They soon arrived in a modest space that easily rivaled Rarity's boutique for its singular focus on fashion. Silver looked around for the proprietor a moment, "Anyone at home?"

A unicorn mare with a pale olive coat and greyish-indigo mane stepped out, dressed finely and with a fine air. "Yes? Who--" She saw Silver and locked eyes on him, "I say, if it isn't Canterlot's most well-known nudist. What can Upper Crust do for you today, or are you simply lost?"

That name tickled at Silver's memory, but he couldn't quite place it. Was she a background pony? She did look familiar... "Prince Blue Blood sent me here to fix that exact problem."

Her guarded expression softened to a smile, "Of course I can do that. Come here, you adorable little colt. Upper Crust will make you presentable." Her horn glowed as Silver was plucked from the ground and brought over to stand between two stands of clothes. She began holding up various outfits to him, rejecting each almost as quickly as it was held up.

Night adjusted her glasses a moment before she asked, "How much is this going to be?"

Upper's expression darkened a little, "If you have to ask, you can't afford it."

Silver shook his head, "Whatever you provide will be worn by an ambassador, and I will be certain to tell everypony who treated me so well."

Upper broke into a smile, "However did you manage that position at such a young age." She selected a blue outfit and held it over Silver, "It complements your deep earthtones and your mane well, does it not?"

Silver examined himself in the nearby mirror. It didn't look bad at all. "It's good."

Upper quickly had him in it with her magic, "There you are. I will send an invoice. Good day."

Silver found his movements slightly restricted in the blue tuxedo front, but he did like the look, so he wore it out, "Thank you, Missus Crust."

Once he and Night were in the corridor, Night asked, "Was it me, or did she not actually tailor anything?"

Silver sat, "No, she didn't. I didn't see any cutting or sewing instruments either. I think she just sells clothes." He raised a hoof, looking at how his new top hung, "Surprisingly good fit, considering. So, how do you like it?" He did a slow turn for her.

Night smiled, "You're somehow even more adorable." They met in a gentle nose-rubbing before they moved back towards their own room, "So what are we going to tell Celestia, exactly?"

"The truth?" ventured Silver. "Though we'll want to caution her. She's not had good dealings with them, the changelings that is, in the past. I know they don't... have to be... evil, though Queen Chrysalis is not exactly the best place to start for looking for converts."

It was evening before long, and Fast returned home. She greeted each of them with a fond hug, "Hey guys! Why so serious-looking?" After she was handed the note she read it over quickly and frowned, "That's just awful. So when are we crashing in and rescuing them?"

Night raised a brow, "We are not doing that. We are going to Celestia. We already have an appointment."

Fast was suddenly garbed in a flowing gown, "Well don't leave me behind! I'm going with you."

Silver frowned a little, "You could make clothes? I could have saved some bits if you showed me that."

Fast directed a hoof at her concealed cutie mark, "Magic, not a spell. Conjuring cloth is a huge pain. I've tried doing it the hard way."

Night shook her head, "I suppose making anything out of nothing is not an easy task."

Silver stuck out his tongue lightly, "You really lucked out in cutie marks. All the spells you learn work with it. I mean, you get a spell down, and then your magic makes it so easy."

Fast pointed at Silver's mark, "And you take what should be years of work and do it in half an hour. I don't want to hear complaining, mister 'Oh I just slap spells around like it's nothing'. Please, you did not do poorly on the cutie mark front."

Night seemed to get uncomfortable, "I'm not sure mine does all that much..."

Silver lifted a hoof and pulled Night closer, hugging her, "Your cutie mark shows your amazing analytical mind, and your keen senses. I know you don't believe me, but I know. You see things most ponies just don't. When I was giving that speech to the crowd, what did you see?"

Night blinked softly, "I saw you were nervous, and your eyes darted around. You were not comfortable lying, but you were not bad at doing it anyway. Your voice hitched a few times too."

Silver nodded, "Exactly. Most of the crowd didn't see that, or they wouldn't have cheered with me. That is an amazing gift, and you shouldn't think otherwise."

Night smiled, looking placated, "We're just three talented ponies. Let's go greet the sun."

They trotted as one to the dining hall. A glance outside showed that the sun had just set, and the moon was already well on its way up. They arrived in the hall to see Celestia at the end of the table, with Luna to her right and Blue Blood to the left. All three heads turned towards them as they entered.

Silver spoke as inspiration came to him, "Truly it is twilight that brings you two together."

Luna opened her mouth before pausing, "Your humor amuses us."

Celestia gave a soft nod, "It's true. I am still thankful for Twilight bringing us back together."

Blue gestured to free seats, "Come and join us. We were just speaking about you."

Silver and his wives parked themselves lightly. Fast wasted no time grabbing some food and getting to eating happily, though an ear was perked towards the rest.

"Good things, I hope," said Silver with a smile.

Luna nodded, "Verily. We have learned much examining the artifacts you brought. Though much of it is beyond our immediate grasp, careful analysis provides clues to some... issues... that have vexed ponykind for some time."

Celestia looked to Silver directly, "You requested me directly. You have something you wanted to discuss?"

Silver lifted the note from his saddlebag and offered it to Celestia. Celestia quickly read it and a frown marred her pristine features. "I am very sorry."

Night raised a wing, "We want to deploy the warlocks in a careful strike to rescue them, without anypony getting hurt."

Blue raised a brow, "The warlocks? I say, when those brutes are involved, somepony is going to be hurt."

Luna scowled at Blue, "They are very well-trained soldiers. They will execute the mission in the parameters given."

Celestia gave a light nod, "I will grant this, only because you don't want to hurt with them. Rescue Silver's parents, but this should not be an attack."

Silver bobbed his head, "I don't want to attack them, just get Rough and Trixie back. Besides, even if Chrysalis may be a jerk, her people are just trying to feed themselves and follow orders. It's not a real excuse, but I don't feel good attacking ignorant people like that. If Nic--"

He could see Luna's magic solidly clamping his snout shut, preventing him from continuing. A moment of irritation gave way to relief. He'd almost said too much.

Luna spoke then, "I will brief the warlocks then. We'll rescue your parents as quickly as possible. Nopony deserves to be drained of their emotions."

Celestia tilted her head, "I would have you go with them."

Silver twitched his ears, "I... actually was going to do that anyway. Oh! I apologized to Thetics, for all the trouble."

Luna frowned, "Why would you apologize to him? He has caused you significant pain."

Celestia smiled gently, "That is his way."

Silver tilted his head, "Well, really, what'd he do? He held me still and said words I didn't like. That doesn't excuse my explosion, or... how I acted when he visited. It's not his fault I passed out before I could break up the fireball."

Fast snorted softly, "He deserved everything he got."

Luna shook her head, "You were put to sleep. You didn't pass out. The doctors were very specific."

Blue pushed to his hooves, "This conversation has gotten too heavy for me. Aunties, a pleasant evening to you both. A pleasure running into you again, Ambassador. We simply must meet in less formal surroundings." Soon he was gone.

Silver frowned in thought, "Who put me to sleep?"

Celestia raised a hoof, "Were you not aware? You thanked him for his quick action."

Silver flushed, "I... no. I could have disarmed that fireball, instead of hurting half a dozen ponies."

Night nudged Silver with a wing, "Before you go off the deep end, think of it from his perspective. A dangerously brash young colt suddenly conjures offensive magic. Just as you panicked, so did he. For all he knew, you were still making it bigger, and were a credible danger to the entire school."

Celestia watched Silver, but said nothing.

Silver let out a slow breath, "I already apologized. I'm not going to take it back. I shouldn't have made a fireball to get out of control in the first place. It's not important who's fault it was at this point. Let's focus on saving Rough and Trixie, not pointing hooves."

Fast licked her lips clean of some sauce before smirking, "Still think he got off light."

31 - With the Warlocks

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With permission given, Silver and his wives were soon on their way to the tower of the warlocks, with Luna striding before them. She rapped on the door twice before opening it with her magic. Inside was the organized clutter that Silver was growing used to seeing.

An aged unicorn stallion was in the entrance hallway, "Ah, Princess. We weren't expecting you. And guests? Hello again, Silver."

Silver tipped his head at the elder. He'd met Purple Quill a few days back, "Hey Purple. We're here on business."

"Indeed," spoke Luna, "Assemble a team of four. Extraction, minimal casualties, escort."

Purple hurried off into the depths of the tower, ascending spiraling stairs out of sight.

Night peered around at the books and training equipment curiously, "So this is where you were?"

Silver pointed at the heat measuring device, "That's where I sweated more than ever before."

Nightwing descended the stairs, "And I hope you have continued sweating, should you have any intention of being a real four."

Luna smiled and approached Nightwing swiftly. In a breach of decorum, Luna extended a wing and soon hugged Nightwing tightly.

Nightwing flushed, "We have guests, Luna, mind yourself." But she made no effort to escape the affectionate diarch.

Luna extended her other wing to gesture at the visitors, "It is nothing they have not seen. Their husband is already most familiar with me."

Nightwing frowned, "You don't need to remind me of that. Really, Princess, you could do better."

Luna stepped back, folding her wings tight, "I did not come for you to question my tastes. He has been a perfect gentlecolt to me, and now he requires your aid. His parents have been abducted by changelings."

Nightwing frowned, "That was a difficult day."

Luna nodded slowly, "Indeed. We take the fight back to them, but this is a rescue operation. Casualties are to be kept to a minimum."

While they spoke, three others came to join them. The other three were unicorns. Most of the warlocks were wielders of very dangerous spells and magic. Purple was one of the three, and he approached Silver directly, "I hope to see that talent of yours at least once during this."

Silver tilted his head, "If it helps rescue Trixie and Rough, sure."

The other two were mares. One was white, the other black, but they were otherwise almost identical.

Luna looked over the four before nodding, "Excellent choices. Yin and Yang here are stealth and infiltration experts. You've met Purple Quill, consider him the all-purpose tool. He knows more spells than you even know magic letters."

Silver flushed red. He never did memorize all those letters.

Luna looked to Nightwing, "And you've met Nightwing. She is also very skilled at being undetected, but is a fierce and silent combatant as well. If things go poorly, she will carve a path to safety if need be. You are in very capable hooves. I will not keep you longer. The mission is simple. Proceed to the Badlands with Silver and his herd. Retrieve Rough Draft and Trixie Lulamoon, return here. Harming changelings is not the goal." She moved to depart immediately, vanishing in a bright flash of magic.

Nightwing frowned at the non-warlocks, "I don't know why she wants us to bring you along. You'll make the operation much more complicated."

Silver shook his head, "We don't know which hive, and where, they were taken. The changelings want us and sent an invitation. We'll be bait, I guess, and you follow."

Yin frowned, turning her black snout at the group, "I can't say I approve of civilians being used as bait for changelings."

Yang shrugged her white shoulders, "They have already volunteered, and they are the ones the changelings want."

Nightwing, "Alright, let's get moving. The fastest way to the Badlands is to take the train to Dodge City, then we hoof it the rest of the way."

All seven of them filed out of the tower and were soon on their way, walking briskly to the train station. "This is where we split up," said Nightwing halfway there, "We don't need to be seen by spies, and you don't need to know our plans. Just be safe, and know we're watching."

Night Watch gave a sharp salute, though Fast was less certain, shying a bit closer to Silver. Silver nodded, "Alright. I'll do my best to be interesting bait I guess. I'm trusting in you all."

Soon he was in a small train cabin with Night and Fast, headed south. "Are you two OK?" he asked, looking towards them.

Fast shook her head, "No, but I'm still glad to not be left behind. Being a herd means standing together, even when it scares you."

Night smiled, "That's very sweet of you to say, Fast. I just hope none of this hurts the foal..."

Silver's eyes dipped down, looking at Night's belly. A flash of anger ran through him, unreasoning and instinctive. How dare these changelings cause even potential harm to his foals? He shook himself out of it before he tried to be reassuring, "It'll be OK, we'll all be there."

Night raised a hoof, booping Silver on the nose, "I can tell when you're nervous, but thank you."

Silver advanced, nuzzling with Night and Fast quietly for a moment. Being with them made everything seem alright. "I am a stupidly lucky man, er, stallion. My life has been a series of blessings, even before I came to Equestria."

Night raised a brow, "The way you talk about it, your life before coming here was a blighted wasteland."

Silver shook his head, "I try not to talk about it, but I've been a lucky person for a long time. I achieved many of my life goals before I was whisked away, and I don't regret that. Earth was not... bad to me, but Equestria definitely wins out. Afterall, Earth doesn't have you two."

Fast giggled and moved up, rubbing against Silver's side, "That was pretty corny. Keep it up."

Night set her glasses aside before she moved in, kissing Silver firmly. They passed the time to Dodge City pleasantly. Whatever trials may come, they had each other.

The train arrived two days later. In many ways, it was a little vacation, if they could just forget about where they were going and what they planned to do. This was easier said than done. Silver emerged onto the train platform, amazed at how much hotter it was than Canterlot. Night reacted most poorly, immediately starting to sweat and look uncomfortable.

Silver drew out a notebook. It was much better than his increasingly haphazard collection of scribbles. He flipped through it before he turned to Night, "I'm going to cast a spell. It should help."

Night quickly nodded, "Go ahead. I trust you."

Silver smiled at her vote of confidence, then wove the spell. A tiny cloud appeared over Night, providing scant shade. It was dark, and began to rain.

Night blinked softly, "Not bad..." The little raining cloud quickly depleted itself, however, leaving Night damp but unshielded from the sun as they walked through the city.

Fast shook her head, "Weather is so not your specialty. Leave it to the pegasi."

Night gave a fanged smile, "The water still helps. Thank you, Silver." She bumped into him then they proceeded. They stopped in at the general store, picking up some supplies to fill their saddlebags with. Water seemed a must, but food as well, and one large tent and a compass.

Equipped and ready, they strode out into the wilderness, following a road that should head into the Badlands. Fast glanced around, "I don't see them, haven't since before we got on the train."

Silver quickly glanced around, "That means they're doing their job." Or that they all abandoned them to their grisly fate, Silver considered, though decided it was unlikely.

The first day was mostly walking, only broken by meal breaks or to sleep when the sun went down. The second day had little else to break the monotony. On the dawn of the third day, he woke up to find Night on top of him, kissing him passionately, too passionately. She didn't normally have much interest in slipping him tongue, and yet his mouth was being invaded. He wriggled underneath her and nudged her back, "What's gotten into you?" He looked around. Fast wasn't there. "Where'd Fast go?"

Night shrugged softly and sat on her haunches, watching him.

Silver felt building apprehension, "I'm going to take a guess, and I don't want you freaking out if I'm wrong or right, but I think I'm looking at a changeling."

Night was engulfed in green flame, revealing a drone that hissed at Silver loudly.

Silver held up his hooves, "Easy there, I'm not here to fight. Your Queen called me."

The drone advanced, grabbing him at the leg in its teeth, tugging him. It hurt a little. Changeling mouths were not a good place for limbs to be. He moved where the drone led him, soon outside where his eyes went wide. There were at least two dozen drones surrounding the tent. He could see Fast and Night sprawled on the ground. Their hooves and mouths were sealed with green gunk that prevented them from running or speaking.

"I come in peace?" offered Silver in what sounded like a horrified squeak in his ears.

A changeling landed in front of Silver, quickly assuming the form of a delicately-shaped female unicorn, "Hello, human. It is good you know your place already. Your wives were less cooperative."

Silver's ears went back, but she continued before he could speak, "They are fine. I am Stand In, lieutenant of her majesty's forces. You will come with us, now."

She turned and began to lead the way. Seeing little alternative, Silver began to follow, looking over at his captive wives, "Can they come along?"

Stand In frowned. "Bring them," she hissed, and the small swarm moved quickly, hefting up Night and Fast and carrying them along.

They soon reached a small cave entrance, which became an impressively large cavern after a few bends and turns. The sound of insectoid buzzing filled Silver's ears, and whenever a changeling darted past, he recoiled with a lingering phobia of wasps, bees, and similar things kicking in.

Stand In spoke as they walked, "You should be honored. It is rare that outsiders visit while not sealed away in feeding pods. That may yet be your fate. I know little of what her majesty has planned for you."

Silver nodded softly, "I don't have much, inherently, against Changelings. I know what it's like being an unliked minority."

Stand In stopped and wheeled on Silver, scowling, "How dare you, a unicorn, speak of underprivileged minorities! You are the living example of the empowered elite, lording it over the world!"

Silver shrank back, "I wasn't always a unicorn..." It sounded lame even in his own ears.

Stand In snorted softly, "Yes yes, you are a 'human', whatever that is. We shall find out, even if we have to dissect you to puzzle out the pieces." She turned back around and marched purposefully into the hive.

32 - All Hail the Queen

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Silver followed after Stand, fretting over some recent life decisions along the way. He should have fought harder to leave his mares at home, but they weren't his mares. They made up their minds, and here they were. He took a soft breath and steeled himself, resolving to see this through to the best possible outcome. "You know," he said conversationally, "Fast Change is a huge fan of changelings."

Stand looked over her shoulder, "Really? I find that difficult to believe. She fought fiercely."

Did they really have a pitched battle that he slept through? "She is a loyal member of my herd, and was protecting herself and us without a thought, but it's true. If you'll let her go, I can show you."

Stand In turned around, "Let her go, as in leave the hive? Are you mad?"

Silver shook his head quickly, "No, I just mean so she can stand and speak, right here."

Stand peered at Silver a moment, "You best not be deceiving me." She waved a hoof, and Fast was set on the ground. They freed her of the gunk and she quickly scrambled to her hooves.

Silver advanced on Fast, giving her a soft nuzzling, "Fast, why don't you show them how good you are at changeling magic?"

Fast looked confused a moment, "Chang... Oh! I can do that. Bring your best and let's see who's better." Her expression turned to confidence as she looked at Stand In defiantly.

Stand In huffed, "I'll be your sparring partner. We'll start simple. Earth pony stallion." No sooner said than Stand In became a dark maroon earth pony stallion with a smiley-faced flower for a cutie mark. "Your turn."

Fast clopped her hooves even as she began to change, turning between one clop and the next, and she was a spitting image of Rough Draft. "Earth ponies are fun, so strong and durable."

Stand In gave a soft nod, "Alright, let's bring it up a step. Breezie." He became a she as she was engulfed in bright green flame and emerged as a tiny fluttering breezie.

Fast squinted, "You're skipping a few steps! Breezies are hard." She returned to her birth form, and her horn glowed powerfully as she focused on the change. With a stink of ozone and a loud crackle of power, she shrank down to match Stand. "Hello!" she squeaked in her tiny new voice.

Stand tilted her head one way, and the other, "Very good." She became a changeling again, "I already did unicorn. You do a changeling."

Silver felt a knot form in his belly, "No!" He leaped on Fast, pinning her to the ground with ease, her being so small at the moment. "Anything but that, please."

Stand scowled at Silver, "It was just getting interesting. Very well, I concede that wife has good taste. If she will behave, we will let her walk with you." She turned and prowled, remaining in changeling form.

Silver felt Fast become her usual size just before she shoved him off. She nudged him with a hoof, "That hurt."

Silver sat up quickly, "Sorry, I'm just... I'm afraid you might actually become one, if you tried."

Fast wrinkled her nose, "Well I didn't. Thank you for getting them to let me go." She moved to follow Stand, and Silver quickly caught up.

"To your left, you'll see the feeding pods. It's not too late for you to get a much closer look," spoke Stand In, indicating rows of pods. Most were empty, but a few were glowing a soft green, the heads of ponies visible within.

Silver shivered softly, "Do you need to be in a feeding pod to be useful? That drone that woke me up seemed quite eager to get a personal taste without it."

Fast raised a brow, "What do you mean by that?"

Stand In replied before Silver, "While it is, technically, possible for a lone changeling to feast on your pathetic love, the pods allow all of us to profit. That drone was being greedy, and will be punished." She whistled shrilly, and a drone descended from the swarm to stand in front of her. Stand In slapped the drone across its snout, "Don't do that again. Pods are for feeding everyone." The drone whimpered before retreating, tail between its legs.

Silver glanced around nervously, "You didn't put my parents in there, I hope?" Not that he had seen them.

Stand In shook her head, "Special guests." She gestured at a large sealed door of stone, "Here we are. Watch your mouth and say your prayers. Your life is in Her Majesty's hooves now." With an unseen prompting, the several members of the floating swarm approached, pulling the door open obediently, revealing their Queen perched on a soft cushion.

Chrysalis raised a brow at the group, "They're here? Without complications? Stand In, double rations."

Stand In beamed with delight, saluting and dashing off into the hive.

"Hi," said Silver. Smile and wave, it usually didn't hurt.

Chrysalis raised the other brow, the first falling, "So cheerful. As if your life didn't hang on my whim. Who is that beside you? She should be shackled."

Fast took half a step forward, becoming a large manticore as she advanced, "I am Fast Change, his wife. If you think about hurting him, I'll rip you apart."

Chrysalis laughed, a strange sound that echoed as if two ponies were speaking, "What nerve, what love! Put it aside. Your shape-shifting trickery is no match for mine. I, queen of the changelings." She rose to her perforated hooves, "When my agent first reported you in that nowhere town, I thought she had defected, or was drunk."

Silver rose a brow, "Where?"

Chrysalis tilted her head, "You didn't notice? You've had an uncanny knack for spotting my children since then. No matter. You did not reveal her, and she let you go. My agents later reported you came into contact with a rogue queen."

Silver was getting all the more confused, "You know about her?"

Chrysalis huffed, "Of course I know about her! As if she were nearly subtle enough. Harmless, but worthy of monitoring. You brought Luna's attention down on her, and yet, she still lives. She still smiles when you are mentioned. You have outed my children, yet protect another." She leaned forward, resting her head on her hooves, "Friend, or foe? You are almost as dangerous either way."

Silver squirmed a little, "I don't hate changelings. The one that was caught, I didn't even know he, or she, would be there. I offered them a chance to come clean."

Chrysalis shook her head, "Any good drone would rather die. They were wise to not accept your offer, as naively innocent as it seems to be, but your presence cost me a very talented captain. He had managed to remain hidden close to Celestia," she said the word with clear disdain, "for years."

Silver nodded slowly, "Well, I mean it. I have no beef with changelings for existing."

"No beef?" asked Chrysalis, "What a curious term. Minotaur or griffon in origin..." She looked to Fast Change, "You. What do you think?"

Fast shrugged her shoulders, "I think he's too damn nice. I don't know how one pony could be so allowing. I'm hopping mad that you have us, and our wife, captive." She became her usual unicorn self, "Could you give her back to us, kindly?"

Chrysalis considered this even as the swarm brought down Night and set her before the queen. "A bat pony? How rare. And a herd? I thought those went out of style a century ago."

Silver advanced a few steps, "She's a lunar pegasus, and, please?"

There was a bright flash, then there were two Night Watch's, and no queen. Both rushed to Silver before they seemed to notice each other and gave one another a shove.

"Get away from him, you shape-shifting demon!"

"I'm the real one, you're a changeling hussy!"

"Safeword," said Fast, looking almost bored.

The Night on the left said, "Tuna casserole." Then she leaped for Fast, hugging her and being hugged in return.

The Night Watch on the right frowned, and returned to being the Queen, "How did you know that would happen?"

Fast snorted, "You're not the only shapeshifter. Me and Night work out special keyphrases, just in case."

Silver wondered why he never learned a keyphrase, but put the question aside, "Alright, now that we're all introduced. What can I do for you?"

Chrysalis advanced, circling around Silver, "I want to feed my people, of course. We could start with your little herd, but you present a mystery worth digging into. How do you spot my children so easily?"

Silver shrugged a little, "It was obvious, to me. Their magic is a very specific shade of green, so is the flame when you change shapes."

"Flames?" asked Chrysalis, confused.

Silver cursed internally as he realized the flames were not normally visible. "I can see magic."

Chrysalis gave a slow nod, "And you can see changeling magic, and you just say what you see. Is it that easy?" Silver nodded. "I see. This is good."

Silver tilted his head, "What makes it good?"

Chrysalis suddenly pounced, pinning Silver to the ground and bearing her sharp teeth at him, "When you die, they won't replicate it, of course!"

Silver squealed like a filly as his surprised mind grasped randomly for a spell. His horn flashed, and a small cloud appeared over Chrysalis before starting to rain gently upon her. Chrysalis stepped free of him, laughing, "You truly are pathetic."

Night advanced, adjusting her glasses, "Where are his parents? We want to see them, now!"

Chrysalis looked towards Night, "And if I do not?"

Silver sat up, "I really don't think you want to do this." The Queen frowned at him, but he continued, "You just want what's good for your people. This whole... thing. You're desperate, and you're angry. Ponies have what you need to be healthy, but they won't give it up, so you demonize them in your head to make them out to be terrible people, so you can be terrible back at them, and not worry about it."

Chrysalis prodded Silver in the ribs, "Stop trying to analyze me. I happen to quite enjoy being malicious."

Silver shook his head quickly, "But what if there was a better way? Do you have to pull from a pony so hard that you damage them?"

Chrysalis's prod turned into a solid shove, "Who are you to lecture me!"

Fast stepped over him, "He is an official diplomat, with Celestia's ear, and Luna's heart."

Silver nodded in agreement, "I can't promise it, but would trying hurt?"

Chrysalis scowled, looking displeased at Silver's words, and yet, not stopping them yet. Silver hoped that meant she was considering them, and a peaceful solution may yet be reached.

"Let's look at Shining Armor," said Silver, "As an example. He's recovered quite well, and has plenty of love to share with his wife. You may be..." he wobbled a hoof, "Parasites, forgive the term, but you're sentient, and that means more. You don't have to damage your host."

33 - Peacebringer

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Chrysalis yawned wide, showing off her impressive fangs before she leveled a bored gaze at Silver, "Are you done? Your ideas bore me to tears."

Silver's ears fell. This wasn't how it was supposed to work.

She pointed at the three non-changelings, "Take them away, throw them in a pod. They'll be more useful there." A small cloud of changelings quickly swarmed into the room, grabbing the three. Night tried to fight them, throwing a changeling to the ground before whipping around to catch another in the mouth with a hoof, but for each she injured, three took their place, and she was soon pressed down under the mass.

Fast become a bear, throwing Changelings aside like rag dolls, but two could play that game. The changelings become great beetle-like creatures, wrestling with her evenly, but there were more of them than her, and they forced her to the ground.

Stand In landed before Silver, "I don't think I have to tackle you."

Silver shook his head, feeling hollow inside, "No."

Stand In smiled, "Good. This way. You know where we're going."

The door to Chrysalis' room slid shut once Silver and his herd were led out of it. Stand In glanced back, then leaned in, whispering in Silver's ear, "Your ideas did not bore me."

Silver twitched the ear, "I thought you ran off to get food?"

Stand In snorted and said nothing more as they marched through the hive back to the pods. "I have this," She said to the others, "Return to your duties immediately!"

The drones scattered, leaving Stand In alone with the three outsiders.

Fast hopped up to her hooves, "That was your last mistake!" She charged forward, only for Silver to get in the way. "Move it! I'll squish her like the bug she is."

Silver frowned at Fast, "The last 'friend' of mine to shove me out of the way stopped being much of a friend. Please trust me."

Fast bristled, but settled down.

Night was looking at Stand In with more curiosity, "What do you have in mind?"

Stand In smirked, "Right to business, good. Queen Chrysalis has cost us much. Before her we were hungry, but we survived. After her, we were exposed, and many died. The ponies know of us far too well, and living quietly has ceased to be as easy as once it was." She pointed at Silver, "You're not helping, and yet, you are helping. Confusing 'human', you may yet be our salvation."

Silver approached and sat on his haunches by Stand In, "Do others feel this way?"

Stand In raised a chitinous brow, "Of those capable of considering it, yes. The drones don't care. They have difficulty thinking beyond direct orders, poor saps."

Silver nodded slowly, "Alright, here's what we'll do."

Stand In huffed, "Now you have great plans?"

Silver nodded more quickly, "Yes! Listen. We have friends who will break into here and break us out. Bring us to Rough and Trixie, let them take us away. Once we're out, meet us, you and anyone else that wants out, and as many drones as you can reasonably liberate. Once you're in our custody, I'm extending my diplomatic rights to make you, uh, refugees, that's the word. Refugees of the human nation. We can then negotiate with Equestria for you to gain refugee status there."

Stand In peered at Silver quietly a moment, "That's insane, the good kind. Better than the cackling drivel that emerges from the 'Queen's' mouth. We are doomed if we stay, so you have our faith for now. You've been forthright so far."

Night slipped in closer to Silver, "She's not wrong, that's crazy."

Silver shrugged, "But is it illegal?"

Night shook her head, "Technically not? But they should be shipped out to your homeland immediately, which we can't do!"

Fast smiled, "Then we'll just have to make sure it works."

Silver nodded at Fast, "Exactly."

Stand In pointed down a tunnel, "If you're done whispering, this way." She lead the group past the feeding pods to a smaller room. It was dark and moist. As soon as they entered the place, Stand In backed out, "Wait here for your rescuers." The door slid shut with the sound of some kind of mechanism.

Silver and Fast both lit up their horns to see. The sudden muffled squeal of Trixie reached their ears, making them look up to where Trixie and Rough dangled by a length of the same green snot, bound in place. Rough appeared to be asleep, but woke up when Trixie began thrashing around.

Fast sprouted wings, becoming an alicorn, at least in shape. She quickly soared up to the captives and broke them loose. They fell immediately, but were caught by Night's surprisingly strong wings, set on the ground gently. Silver rushed up to the two with a broad smile, "I'm so glad to see you!" He then noticed they were still gagged and helped free them of the last of the green gunk.

Rough threw a leg over Silver, squeezing him, "You've returned the favor!"

Silver laughed in the hug, snuggling up to his pony-self/father happily, "You have no idea how worried I was."

Trixie shook herself off, "Trixie is glad to see you too, but are you not trapped just as she is?"

Silver moved to nuzzle up to Trixie next, "We have a plan."

Night pointed at Silver, "He has a plan. It's as crazy as his plans tends to be."

Fast nodded in agreement, "Well at least half of it should work out. We have backup, and they'll bust us out."

Rough perked a brown ear, "What kind of backup?"

Night adjusted her glasses, though one lens had shattered in the rough handling, "The warlocks."

Trixie recoiled, "The warlocks? They're practically a myth. You are joking with Trixie." She looked to Night, "I see you still have your babysitter, but who is that one?" she pointed at Fast.

Night frowned a little, "We're his herd, Mom."

Trixie went stiff, "What? This?" She looked back at Silver, "What happened after you were last spoken to? Are you still a magical pariah?"

Silver shook his head, "I got that squared away, mostly. I'm a diplomat, and we came to rescue you, with the warlocks, for real."

Rough Draft looked baffled, "I don't know who those are, but you sound confident in them, so let's wait."

He settled onto his belly, and Silver curled up beside him. The larger earth pony made him feel safe. Fast smiled at the sight, "You are too adorable with your dad. Oh, he's my dad too now. Hi Dad!"

Rough Draft looked up at the alicorn-shaped Fast Change, "Uh... I don't recognize what princess you are."

She shook off her wings, becoming a unicorn, "Sorry, shapes are my thing. I'm Fast Change. Nice to meet you both."

Trixie looked hesitant, "How do we know you're not a changeling spy?"

Silver waved a hoof meekly, "If she's a changeling spy, she already won. She has my heart."

Fast flashed her teeth, "I think that was a sweet thing to say. If I was a changeling, I would take my time with you, my little love stud."

Night cleared her throat, "Be that as it may. Silver withdrew from school, but was invited back. He is currently studying magic control with the warlocks."

Trixie looked shocked, but increasingly pleased, "Our colt, a warlock... Trixie didn't mess up after all."

Silver tilted his head at Trixie, "You never messed up. You were a great mother, and a teacher, even if I did end up going my own path at the end. I don't plan to stay with the warlocks. War isn't what I want to do."

Trixie leveled a hoof at the prone Silver, "Then no more fireballs. What possessed you to cast that spell, and where did you even find it?"

Night covered her face with a wing, "The moron made the spell, then got himself into deep water with it."

Trixie tilted her head, "When did you have time to research a spell? Did you even know it would work? Did you just... What?"

Fast waved a hoof, "Deep breaths. This is his thing, his talent. That stallion can slap together a spell in a stupidly short time."

Silver nodded slowly before drawing out his book of spells, "I still don't have all the symbols memorized, not my thing. I'll probably always be casting from a book, and I guess that is a significant handicap, but the flow, the... overall mechanic. I love it."

Trixie reached with her magic, gently taking the book when Silver let go and sitting down to read through it. "Your hornwriting is terrible, but these spells, Trixie admits that they appear solid."

Silver smiled, "Well we're stuck in here... how about I prove it. Do you have two spells memorized you can write down and I'll mash 'em together."

Trixie turned to a blank page, and Silver offered a quill. She tapped her chin a moment before jotting down two short spells, "Here you are." She smiled, "She would say make her proud, but you have already done that."

Silver warmed at her words, and took his book back, looking over the two spells curiously, "I see... light? A pattern, some sound... What do these do?"

Trixie tossed her mane, "Is it not obvious? The first is my show-starting fireworks. The second is my ursa major illusion. Simple spells."

Bobbing his head, Silver got directly to work, an idea hatching in his mind as he made wild scribbles on the paper, adding, then crossing out, just to add again. He referenced his older notes and cheat sheets on symbols before coming back and tweaking the spell some more. "Assuming the ursa major fits in like so..." he muttered to himself as he copied part of one spell into his new concoction. "And done! In theory. Sometimes it takes some tweaking afterwards."

Trixie raised a brow, "Show it to her. Trixie must see this with her own eyes."

Silver played the magical song over his horn before lights exploded from him. The motes arced upwards before brilliantly exploding a second time, revealing a picture of Trixie combating an ursa major. Each image was a different color, creating a fantastic spread of hues.

Trixie clopped her hooves together. There was little that could please her as easily as a grand display that featured herself. With a quick tear of magic, she took the page with the spell right out of Silver's book, "Trixie will keep this."

Rough Draft shook his head, "Unicorns. So you're happy with a horn?"

Silver nestled up with Rough gently, "I am, but I'm under no illusion that horny ponies are best ponies."

Fast burst into titters as Night rolled her eyes, "Well he married me and I am his first wife, so he's not entirely biased to unicorns."

Silver nodded at Night, "Night Watch is the rock of the herd. She holds us together and grounds us, when our unicorn quirks would otherwise make us float away or into trouble."

Trixie gave a soft smile, "That sounds like Rough Draft. He has been a perfect gentlecolt for Trixie, and helped ground her as well."

Rough Draft looked to Night Watch and they shared an understanding look between them. It wasn't always easy being the foundation of a household.

Fast flopped down, curling with Silver and Rough, "Nothing to do but wait."

And so they waited.

34 - Sudden Departure

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Eventually everypony there fell to slumber in a comfortable-enough pile. Their rest was interrupted an uncertain time later by a soft whisper.

"We have arrived."

Bleary eyes opened and heads craned, trying to find the source of it. A pony stepped away from the wall, suddenly not concealed against it. It was Yin. "We've secured an exit route. Be ready to move in exactly two minutes."

Yin's sudden surprise was a good way to get their blood moving, and soon they were upright and ready. Night nodded at Yin, "Should we be expecting anything?"

Yin shook her head, "Negative. We found a clean way through. It's almost as if they left a path for us. We've checked and double-checked for traps, looks clear." She quickly moved to the exit, rearing up and poking with her hooves a moment before her horn glowed. The door slid open quietly. "Operation begins."

They followed closely on Yin's heels, moving through narrow tunnels and corridors on their way through the changeling hive. The route Yin took was far less direct than their stroll through the center. She had them climbing ladders and crawling through tight places, all while hushing them if they began making any amount of noise. The route was clear of changelings, however, and forever and a moment later, they emerged out of a tiny hole into the darkness of the Badlands' evening.

Nightwing emerged from behind a rock nearby, "Everything went smoothly? Cake walk."

Yin smiled gently, some of her professional appearance washing away, "I wouldn't object to cake." From behind the rescued group, Yang suddenly appeared, "I will take some cake as well."

Silver raised a hoof, "Thanks for the save, but I've made things more complicated."

Nightwing scowled at Silver, "That appears to be your specialty. You sure you didn't get your cutie mark wrong?"

Purple Quill called out from above on a small rocky bluff, "Are we leaving?"

Silver shook his head, "A considerable portion of the changeling leadership is ready to defect. I promised them refugee status and escort to Equestria. They're tired of being Chrysalis' disposable shock troops for badly designed plans."

Yin looked perplexed, "Can he do that?"

Yang nodded, "Technically. He is a diplomat. A good one, if he secured that."

Trixie shook her head with amazement, "Trixie's colt is doing amazing things." She leaned over and whispered something in Rough's ear, making him go deep red.

Nightwing nodded, "Alright, what's the plan? What happened while you were in there?"

Fast advanced to explain that, "We were taken to the Queen, and she laughed right in poor Silver's face when he offered peace, but at least one of her leaders liked the sound of peace over the flank-kicking that they face every other time they deal with Equestria. She mentioned there were others, and they were supposed to meet us once we got out." She glanced around a little, "Not sure how long they'll take to get here.

Night squinted through her broken glasses, "I hear something."

Nightwing perked an ear, "Quiet." The group fell silent. The faint sound of buzzing was getting louder. She led the group swiftly under cover of the bluff and they waited. The sky became even darker as a worrying cloud of changelings moved into the area above the exit.

Queen Chrysalis landed lightly with a haughty expression, "Come on out. This little game is over."

None of them moved from their hiding places.

She frowned and gestured. Six changelings were dropped roughly to the ground, bound in the green goo and looking roughed up beside. "Your traitorous friends sang your plan as soon as sufficient... leverage... was applied. The game is up. As if Equestria would abide changelings, pheh."

Silver whispered to Nightwing, "Those six we have to rescue."

The sky suddenly lit up as a very familiar-looking fireball exploded in the center of the cloud, roasting many of the ready swarm. Silver blinked in surprise. When did anyone but him learn his fireball? There was little time to ponder this, as the swarm dispersed, many heading in the direction of the rocky bluff above where Purple Quill likely tossed it from, while others charged their hiding place. "Hard way it is," said the Queen, "I like the hard way."

Nightwing threw herself over the boulder that served as cover and spread her wings wide, "Come and get me, little bugs. I'll show you how I treat insects."

Yin and Yang simply faded away. Trixie popped up and let loose with a fantastic spray of fireworks and light, illuminating the battlefield and confusing some of the changelings in the process.

To Silver's dismay, Fast suddenly assumed the form of a changeling queen. He was relieved to see, at least, she had no holes. She strode from her cover confidently, "Swarm, to me! We will feast tonight as welcome guests of Equestria."

The drones' confusion was deep as they looked between the two available queens. Queen Chrysalis bared her fangs, "Imposter! Get her!" She pointed at Fast Change.

Fast Change pointed back, "I am whole and well-fed, clearly I am more fit to rule. Take that low-grade imposter away!"

The simple logic was agreeable to the drones, and they swarmed over Chrysalis, trying to secure her.

Nightwing didn't have any drones to fight. On one level, this disappointed her, on the other... She rushed forward and shattered the green binding circle on the six captives, "Time to go."

Purple Quill fell from above, landing beside the group. With a spell Silver could barely see, let alone grasp, the entire group vanished, Nightwing included. He realized there were no warlocks left in sight. "Uh, I think it's time to run!"

Chrysalis exploded in a shockwave of hostile green magic, sending the drones flying in all directions, "Fools! Half rations for the lot of you. They're getting away!"

Night spread her wings and grabbed Trixie, taking off with her.

Rough grabbed Silver in his mouth, tossing him up onto Rough's back and galloping off at full speed. Silver craned his neck to keep Fast in sight. She lifted from the ground on her insectoid wings, quickly catching up with much of the swarm following her.

Chrysalis, to put it mildly, was displeased. She pursued with rage boiling in her eyes, firing wildly with deadly green bolts of magic. Fast bobbed left, right, up and down, narrowly avoiding the shots. They were slowing, as was Chrysalis. The Queen sagged to the ground, weary and drained.

Fast flew up beside Rough and Silver, "She ain't so tough without a big dose of royal love, is she?"

Silver perked an ear, "I suppose not, or maybe it's the fact that you kind of took her swarm from her."

Rough didn't reply, focused on running away and huffing for breath.

Night swooped down from above, joining the group with Trixie held tightly in her hooves. Night smiled broadly, "That was amazing!"

Trixie nodded in agreement, "Spectacular, but you do not need to remain a changeling any longer, do you?"

Fast glanced up at the swarm overhead, "I think it'd be wise, until we get them somewhere safe, with some of those co-leaders."

They eventually slowed their retreat, with fatigue if no other reason. With Fast to guide them, the drones landed, and they managed a quick few hours of rest before they were up and moving again, headed north to safety.

As they emerged from the Badlands and approached Dodge City, the populace entered full panic mode. A swarm of changelings was not something to be taken lightly, and the good ponies of Dodge City ran about in a confused mess. Their panic only mildly lessened when the swarm arrived, but didn't attack. Fast ordered them to land, and soon there was an uneasy silence.

The sheriff trotted forward nervously, glancing between the swarm, the changeling queen, and the other ponies that had arrived with them.

Silver decided to take charge and play his part, trotting up to meet him, "Good stallion. I am Ambassador Silver Lining. These are refugees under my direct care. We're bringing them to Canterlot."

The sheriff looked down at the pint-sized diplomat, blinking, "Ah reckon ah have no idea what's going on anymore. How do I know you're not a bug too?"

Silver shrugged softly, "Going to have to take my word on that, but I'm very well spoken for a bug."

Trixie held out a hoof and suddenly she was bleeding slightly, red blood falling to the sandy ground, "We are not bugs. Allow the Great and Powerful Trixie past. We have business in Canterlot that cannot be delayed."

The display was another small shock to the already confused populace. Several ponies fell over. The sheriff was still standing, and pointed to the train station, "Best be on your way then, have a nice day."

Fast waved forward, "You guys take the train. No way will they let a swarm on board. Besides, we can fly." She pointed to the well, "Everyone, get a drink!" The swarm lined up and began to hydrate themselves. "We'll be out of your hairs in a bit. We'll fly to Canterlot."

Silver was hesitant about leaving Fast behind, but Night nudged him along, and soon they were on board the locomotive, chuggling along back to Canterlot.

About halfway there, napping, Silver was visited.

In his dream, Luna appeared, banishing his previous dreamscape harshly and plunging him into a simple dark field. "Silver! There is a changeling swarm at our gates, and they claim you sent them. What is the meaning of this?"

Silver reeled a little from the abrupt nature of Luna's appearance, "Huh? Oh... yeah. They're refugees."

Luna's wings shot wide, "All of them?! There is a queen with them, and the warlock has six more leaders."

So they did make it? "The queen is Fast Change, and yes, all of them. They're ready for peace."

Luna shook her head, "How can there be peace? They are predators, and we are their prey! Celestia will not agree to be feasted on by them, nor will I."

Silver reared up, holding up his hooves placatingly, "Just because they were bad under Queen Chrysalis' rule... They are sentient creatures, Luna, they can be taught. They can learn, and love, and feel. As you said yourself not long ago, are you so eager to destroy what makes you uncomfortable?"

Luna sagged, "I did say that. I did not think it would be used to explain an entire swarm in Canterlot!" Her wings folded against her back as she looked at him evenly.

Silver nodded slowly, "Well think of it this way. Every drone you see is one drone not under Chrysalis' control. Dodge City just got a lot safer, to say nothing of Equestria as a whole."

Luna advanced, touching noses with Silver, "Strange alien. What changes do you bring?" She vanished, and Silver woke up.

Silver looked out his window, seeing Canterlot slowly approaching as the train ascended the vast mountain that it was built on. Soon he'd have to face the music, and his gambit would come to a close, for good or ill.

35 - Diplomatic Responsibilities

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When they arrived in Canterlot, the city seemed paralyzed. Ponies moved timidly through the streets, eyeing the drones that stared back at them impassively. Trixie pulled Silver in for a parting kiss, "Before those hooligans dared to touch Trixie, we were planning to move to Rough Draft's home. They prevented us from telling you, as you may well imagine. You've gotten yourself in quite a position."

Rough Draft smiled, "And you'll get yourself right back out. We have faith in you."

They squeezed him between each other, then got back on the train to head down again. There was no time for tears, but that didn't stop them from falling anyway. Silver hated goodbyes. Silver turned back to Night Watch, "We'd better get to the castle before things get worse."

She reached forward with her wings and softly brushed away Silver's tears, "It's OK to cry."

"Don't say that," complained Silver as the tears got thicker, "There's no time for that right now."

Night gently wrapped Silver in her wings and hefted him up. Her strength continued to amaze Silver even as she trotted off with him. He accepted the gift she was giving, and allowed himself to let go in the safe cocoon she provided. They arrived swiftly at the gates, where she marched past the guards without challenge. She set Silver down just inside, "We can't have the star of the show not walking on his own hooves."

Silver smiled gently, shaking himself out and looking around, "Be right back." He dashed off to his room, returning with his new blue outfit, "There." Night nodded in approval before they moved together towards the court. It was day, though both Celestia and Luna were in attendance, trying to calm a full room of agitated and frightened ponies.

His approach was announced by a crier. The mare's shout rising above the crowd, "Announcing Ambassador Silver Lining, diplomat of the human nation." Suddenly, all eyes were on Silver.

Luna pointed, "The court recognizes Ambassador Silver Lining. Please step forward."

Silver descended towards the front of the court, feeling the burning pressure of the crowd. His ears picked up whispered musings, many of which sounded hostile and uncertain. "Your majesties, I bring good tidings today," spoke Silver as he got closer, going into sales pitch mode. "A great opportunity has arrived for Equestria, but also a favor that I must ask on behalf of my people."

Celestia raised a fine brow, "We are listening. We trust this involves our recent... guests."

Silver nodded as he hopped up onto a stool behind the testifying podium, elevating him into view. Darn little coltish body. "Long have ponies seen the changelings as one unified mass, wholly focused on their pain and discomfort. But this is not true. They are living, thinking creatures, capable of decisions, and they have made the right decision. Their Queen leads them to ruin, waging war with the might of Equestria at the cost of her people, and her people have had enough!" He waved a hoof at the crowd, "They want better. They want peace, and they're tired of following the orders of a tyrant that led both them, and their neighbors, to increasing violence."

Luna tapped the wood in front of herself, "We have seen evidence of thought in their queens, but you speak as if they could all be reasoned with. What proof do you bring of such a thing?"

Silver raised a hoof, "Before we get to that, I must announce that I have extended the status of refugee on these people. Pony or not, they are war-torn and tired. They deserve sanctuary and I intend to deliver it."

The crowd exploded in hot debate and shouts, only calming when Celestia unleashed the Royal Canterlot Voice upon them and struck with a magically-held gavel, "There will be order in my court!" She looked to Silver, frowning, "It is your right, as diplomat, to do so, but you have no sovereign soil upon which to house them."

Silver nodded, "Which is where I must throw myself on the generosity of our good neighbors of Equestria. The travel to the human nation is unwieldy, at best. Allow me an embassy, a building of its own, to house myself and the changelings, and it will be our responsibility that they be fed and safe."

Luna huffed softly as her voice echoed in Silver's mind, ~I preferred keeping you close. You never allow my plans to stand.~ "I motion we allow this. If the changelings have come of their own volition, they deserve a chance."

Silver thought back to Luna, ~Life happens, but don't think it means I love you any less. Moonbutt is best princess.~

Luna quirked a brow at his odd phrasing, but did not reply. Celestia nodded, "This may be true, but we have no evidence they have a volition. Ambassador, present your evidence."

Silver sat up a little, "I would call Stand In to present."

They looked confused a moment but Celestia called out, "Bring Stand In! Their presence is required."

Soft murmuring drifted through the crowd for the minute it took before the door opened and a familiar unicorn poked her head in. Her delicate lines were hard to miss, and she strode with a clear uncertainty towards Silver. Silver smiled at her gently, "This is Stand In. She is one of few Lieutenants for Queen Chrysalis, or I should say, was. Stand In, would you explain how the command structure of the changelings works, so your neighbors can better understand you?"

Stand In sat beside Silver, whispering, "You are entirely insane. Look at the hate in their eyes. I was a fool to follow you this far!"

Luna gave a gentle smile at Stand, "Please, share with us. We know so little of the changelings. Perhaps some knowledge would be a good first step towards acceptance."

Silver was pleasantly surprised by Luna's diplomatic entreaty, but nodded quickly, "Just so. Just say the truth, and let's put aside all the mystery and mistrust."

Stand In cleared her throat softly, then held her hoof high, "Very well. You are all aware of the Queen. Of ten thousand changeling births, one will be born with royal blood, capable of the greatest changeling magic and possessing the keenest mind. They can be prone to eccentricities, much like unicorns, but their personalities come in a wide range. We have had good queens and bad. Some kind, some malicious. Every hive will usually have but one queen, some rare ones have two. They are the heart of the hive, and its ruler. Kind monarchs will allow other queens born to be raised in peace, training them to take their own place in the event of age or disaster. Unkind rulers dispose of all competitors."

She lowered her hoof, "Below them are the leaders, like myself. While we often have ranks among ourselves, this is more regional, and has nothing to do with biology. We are capable of guiding the drones, and thinking for ourselves, but we do not make offspring. It is our job to support the Queen in her activities, but we are not forced to, biologically. Just as I stand here, today, with no queen, in this strange land."

She lowered her hoof again, "Below them, the breeders. It's unlikely anypony here has seen them. They service the queen and from them come the eggs. They are of very limited intelligence. There are no breeders with us today, as they live deep in the hive, do not fly, and have very little motivation save to win the Queen's favor."

The hoof came down to the ground, "And then, the drone. You know of them. Their intelligence varies somewhat. Some drones are almost as shrewd as leaders, but, as a whole, they are very simple creatures. They know what pain is, and they have a name, though it is often only used by their closest relations. They are not mindless, just... simple. Like a small foal that never grows past the stage. If they are treated with kindness, they will return it. If they are treated with anger, they will become angry beasts. Drones have a very difficult time disobeying the direct order of a leader or a queen, with a queen's order taking precedence." She looked to the rulers of the land, "I trust that helps?"

Celestia nodded, "It does. It is something of a relief to hear, and yet it pains me to know we used such overwhelming force on a feeling enemy."

Stand In smiled, "That was our mistake, for following a corrupt ruler. The Queen took very few leaders with her on her attack of Canterlot for good reason. We would have never agreed. To attack an unknown alicorn, madness. To leave behind the very skills that have allowed us survival for so long, ludicrous..." She dipped her head, "Most paid the ultimate price. Let us consider the debt paid."

Luna tilted her head, "If you have no Queen, how will you function?"

Stand In pointed up towards the exit, "There is a Queen. She awaits your approval."

The doors swung open to admit Fast Change, wearing her changeling body well. She strode, tall and confident, towards Celestia and Luna. She bowed her head at each, "Hello."

Luna blinked softly, "Fast Change? Is that you?"

Fast bobbed her head, "It is! I think I've found my calling. These changelings really need me. I can be their mother, and show them a better way."

Celestia shook her head, "Do you understand the mission you set for yourself? You are giving up much for this chance. Are you certain?"

Fast would not be dissuaded, "I'm one hundred and twenty percent sure! They need what I have. The poor things. I've been talking to the drones, and they're so miserable. Their last queen was just awful to them. They're so hopeful, praying that I'll be the nice queen they've been waiting for."

Luna raised a brow, "And you are resolved to be this good queen?"

Fast bobbed her head, spreading her transparent wings, "I will make them all good ponies, and treat them fairly."

She strode up to Silver, who felt tension building within him. She had a bad look in her alien eyes, and he could see the pain coming like a descending hammer. "Silver," she said, "You have been a good stallion, a great stallion... but this family needs me more. I can't be your mare and their mother at once." Silver's ears fell, but he tried to remain stoic, "I will treasure the time we had together. Night Watch will take good care of you." She leaned in and kissed him under each cheek as he trembled, fighting the urge to start crying before the gathered throng. He didn't want to lose Fast Change, but he didn't want to be a selfish jerk. His hooves softly tapped at the stool he was on, squirming in a largely silent agony. He knew letting her change would end poorly.

Unable to restrain himself, Silver said in a squeak, "I don't care if you are a changeling. I love you!"

Fast gently brushed away his tears with a fetlock, "And I love you too." She turned and walked away, leaving him sitting there.

36 - On the Care and Feeding of Changelings

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Luna struck her podium with a hoof, "Halt. We do not understand this. If Silver is willing to accept you as you are, why would you have your marriage annulled?"

Stand In raised a hoof, "I can answer that, at least biologically. We feed on love first, this makes relationships... tricky. While a drone, breeder, or even a leader could draw gently, the love of a Queen is more powerful. It will not be immediate, as your own Shining Armor can attest, but as Silver approaches Fast Change with love in his heart, he will feed her earnestly and deep every time they come together. Eventually, it will harm him. He will become confused, he will get migraines. Eventually, he will die. Because she loves him, she cannot allow him to love her."

Silver trembled in place, wondering if it wouldn't be worth it, to have his dear Fast Change.

Celestia shook her head, "I thought you were simply assuming the form?"

Fast Change gave a thin smile, "I can't be their mother if I don't take it to heart."

Luna let out a slow breath, "Be that as it may, it highlights another problem. How, Ambassador, do you propose to feed this new population?"

Silver shook himself out, "I have an idea for that! The changelings could pay ponies for their time."

Luna looked confused, "Go on?"

Silver nodded, "The changelings are great workers, and terrific at teamwork. They can earn bits working for ponies. In return, they can pay ponies bits to spend short amounts of time in their pods. Only willing ponies, only willing changelings. Assuming ponies are only allowed in for an hour or so at a time, everypony wins."

Celestia raised a brow, "Interesting... And what assurance do we have that only the willing would be used, and that no harm would befall them?"

Silver shrugged softly, "We must start with the assumption that our neighbors are good, or we can't have society. With... Fast Change as their queen, I can't imagine them being anything but... lovely." He wiped away the fresh tears on a fetlock, "Individuals who break the law should be punished, as with any assault."

Stand In spoke up again, "Ponies do not appear to suffer harm for approximately three hours. I would make it two, just in case a pony is sensitive. This would yield sufficient food, on average, for two drones or one leader." She looked to Fast Change. "Our queen, blessed be her chitin, may yet be fed with solid food, though she really should wean onto love, for the good of future eggs."

Celestia took her turn to take a deep breath, "You understand that you ask my people to be your food voluntarily. This does not sit well with me."

Silver tilted his head, "If a pony is born with thin blood and requires regular transfusions, is it a crime to give it to him?"

Celestia tilted her head, "I know of no such condition, but your comparison is valid. If I were to permit the building of a safe place for these changelings, how long would it take to construct these 'pods', and I trust you would not object to royal guards watching over them, for both of our safeties, lest rash ponies do you harm."

Silver felt somepony brush up behind him. He glanced and saw Night had taken up position behind him, and he felt a little better. He looked to Stand In, who replied, "Given our dire situation, we would be forced to cull a good portion of the drone populace to quickly create a bank of pods."

Fast's alien eyes went wide, "What? No! We musn't harm them. They are innocent." She stomped the ground with a hoof, "I won't stand for it."

Stand In smiled gently, "You will be a great Queen... But there is no way we can feed so many, so quickly. Some must die, so the rest may live..."

Fast sagged in place, "I should have left them behind..."

Silver snorted, "If you had, Chrysalis would be leading them to a far slower death. It's... uncomfortable to say the least, but we're doing the best we can."

Stand In nodded in agreement, "They will be remembered, their names engraved on the very pods they help construct. I would not suggest this if I knew another way."

Silver raised a hoof, "Would love make it easier?"

Stand In tilted his head, "Yes. It would require, if we are using those two hour segments as units, twelve segments per pod, or one full day. This could be taken more quickly in person, but that could harm the donor."

Silver shook his head, "I volunteer, but only if Fast Change takes it, and uses the magic."

Fast recoiled with a look of horror, "I don't want to hurt you!"

Silver smiled, "If it means I get to be with you again, I'll suffer it."

Night's fangs found his ear before she spoke, "Both of us will. We are your herd. Our stallion leads us ever to insanity, and I won't turn away now. We will feed you until the first pod is able to be made."

Stand In appeared to be doing math in her head, "That spares the lives of a hundred drones, but some will still need to perish."

Luna stomped a hoof, "Will this outsider, this ambassador of the human nation, outshine you all!? You, who call yourself the elite of Equestria?! Why is his herd the only to offer themselves wholly for the saving of lives, even as strange as a changeling?"

A guard stepped forward, "I have given my oath to protect the people of Equestria. If they will be our neighbors, that includes them. I offer myself to help them."

Another guard stepped forward, not to be outdone, followed by several more. A noble stood up, "If it can be assured that it's safe, I will personally give to the cause." The dam was broken. Soon nopony wanted to be the last volunteer, and most hooves were raised in solidarity.

Fast turned to face the audience, "You've done a great thing. Nopony deserves to die like that, even my little drones. I'll be sure to tell them how kind their new neighbors are." She bowed low before them.

Silver looked to Luna and Celestia, "Then we are in agreement?"

Celestia shook her head, "Your request for an embassy is denied."

Silver blinked softly, "What?"

Celestia gestured at Fast, "It will not be required. Fast Change, as a citizen of Equestria, I will charge you with the care, feeding, and education of these changelings. You will show them how to be model citizens, and you will report and help capture those who turn away from our laws."

Silver waved Fast over softly. When she drew closer, he spoke in a near whisper, "You know I do know a changeling queen, right?"

Fast snorted softly, "I bet they already have a life they wouldn't want to give up."

Silver grunted with frustration, "And you do?! Was I that terrible?"

Fast leaned in and kissed Silver. He felt power rush out through his lips and a throbbing sort of pleasure build within himself quickly. He never wanted to stop kissing her, but she drew away. "You were perfect." She smiled then to Night, and they exchanged a kiss as well. Silver could see Night's expression turn to shock, to pleasure, to disappointment as they broke apart. "I will miss sleeping next to you both." She turned and walked away, taking center stage again.

Night whispered in his ear, "It isn't fair."

Silver couldn't think of a good argument for it. He slumped back against Night. The discussion went on largely without his participation. They discussed location and hashed out laws about changeling feeding habits. Schedules were set, deals were finalized. Little of it felt like it mattered at all to Silver anymore. It all added up to him losing another wife. "Whoever said it is better to have love and lost is a damn jerk. It was a lot less painful just being alone."

Night wrapped her wings around him, and he buried his face into them, hiding from the world as the talks went on. He whispered back to her, "At least we're together. You'll never leave, right?"

Night smiled, baring her teeth, "They'll have to drag me away, and even then I'll find you again, you crazy stallion, father of my foals."

Silver rolled around in Night's comforting grip, nuzzling into her belly and thinking of the life he had put there. It seemed a warmer place to be than to consider the words of his past-wife, still talking firmly to the crowd.

He had done his best. At least someone was winning out of it.

~You can depart~ came the soft words of Luna. They had a curious inflection, and he realized she understood some of his pain. ~Go. You have done your part well.~

Silver slipped free of Night's wings and hopped to the ground, striding from the court quietly with Night following behind. The moment he got outside, bright flashes robbed him of vision. Ponies pressed in from all angles, asking questions in rapid-fire succession.

"Did you always know Fast Change was a changeling?"

"How can the ponies of the city rest well ever again?"

"Do they really drink blood?"

Silver growled softly before his horn lit up. Bright flashes of light escaped it before exploding into multi-colored spectacles of Trixie defeating the ursa major. "Enough!" He stomped a hoof, "The changelings are here. They won't hurt anypony, and they're not going away! Just... get used to it!"

Night's wings wrapped around him and lifted him from the ground easily, "He's had a very busy day, so please, we're leaving." She began to push through the crowd, casually tripping one stubborn reporter to the ground. Nopony was actually hurt, aside their pride, and Night escaped into the halls of the palace, trotting briskly towards their room. She gently set Silver to the ground, letting him walk on his own. "How do you feel?"

He moved to keep up with her, "Awful. Just... this feels odd to talk about with you..."

Night perked an ear, "Go on."

Silver shook his head, "She was the fire. She made me feel... alive. She forced me out of my shell, and I loved it. She warmed me when everything was cold."

Night smiled thinly, "Setting up a real camping trip? A nice solid bedrock to sit on, and a warm fire to be cozy beside?"

Silver shuddered, "It... kinda worked that way. I love you both." He slumped against a chair in the hallway, drawing in a snot-filled snort, "I don't know what to do."

Night moved up and nibbled his cheek, "I can be warm too... But I'll miss her. She wasn't just your fire." She flushed gently, "She... showed me how to love a mare, and a few things besides. She showed me how being... like that... didn't have to mean you were an unfaithful pony."

Silver crossed his forelegs, "She left us."

Night softly bonked Silver on the head, "That sounded like a pouty child."

Silver trembled, "What if I feel like a pouty child? What if I just want my mother to pick me up and tell me everything's going to be OK?"

Night suddenly snatched him up with her forelegs and squeezed him. "I'm not your mother, but it'll be OK."

It would have to do.

37 - It's a Pretty Night

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The sun had set, the moon had risen. Everything felt hollow and broken. Silver had barely touched the food offered. The princesses offered their congratulations and thanks for his part in the peace. They seemed to swell with anticipation and joy at the thought of true cohabitation and harmony with one of their old enemies.

They barely noticed as he slipped away. He wandered the halls of the castle, and found himself up on the roof. He'd never been up there before. The stars were twinkling gently up above, and the wind was cool and sharp. Silver trotted over to the edge, looking down at Canterlot, thinking of all the ponies that lived there. He thought of what he had done and seen since coming to this world.

He had met his pony self, who was now married and returned to his quiet life of reading with Trixie at his side.

He met Lyra, and the first taste of passionate love, though they never consummated it. He had wanted that mint-green unicorn, and her grounded friend, and they seemed to want him back. Violence and a local demigod put an end to that.

He met some good friends in grade school, though all had moved on to their adult lives. He wondered what had happened to the emotionally-crippled Tumble, and rubbed a spot where he had been beaten what felt like ages ago. He had helped them all leave, just as he made the wish that sent Lyra away. It was always his action.

He had forgotten Tirek, and he didn't protect Celine from his eventual arrival. She ran away, then she was gone, forever.

He had a fine school, a chance to be friends with Lyra, and he threw that away with a thoughtless spell. Maybe Rough and Trixie wouldn't have been captured...

But, of course, none that was as direct as when he didn't fight his wives about their coming. They had no business coming with him into that trap, and for his... neglect? abuse? Whatever it was, the world saw fit to snatch Fast away from him as punishment for the crime.

There he was. Another choice. Another bad choice. Maybe this world of magic and wonder just wasn't for him? The rainbows never seemed to arrive to save him, or teach him a lesson. The world seemed to wield a wicked spiked pole, while others got their rainbows. He was tired of feeling its bite across his snout.

Maybe it was time to take back his promise. Maybe it was time to break one last oath.

He looked over the edge and felt so little. It was painfully numb. A part of him wailed at the notion, screaming for him to consider what good remained. He had a wife, a pregnant wife that loved him. He had a mistress that also adored him, who also bore his seed. They would be so sad if he left, especially like this...

He was good at making people sad. It was a talent... He didn't remember stepping forward, only that the wind screamed in his ears and the ground was approaching far too quickly. He closed his eyes, not wanting to see it anymore. His tears trailed behind him, whisked away by the wind as he plummeted from the parapet. He struck something, but it wasn't nearly as hard or painful as he imagined. He heard the powerful flapping of wings and opened his eyes, seeing himself spread across Luna's back.

In an irrational fit of rage, he squirmed, "Let me choose my life! Everything is taken away from me. I'll put this one down myself!"

Luna's magic held him firmly as she raised high into the sky, and began to sing.


Silver squirmed atop Luna, curling on himself and weeping anew. Her words were like daggers. So gentle and soothing, and yet digging painfully into his soul. He said nothing as she carried him quietly through the night sky. Canterlot passed by underneath, unaware and uncaring of their moment.

As Luna's song began to come to its end, she landed in the hedge garden of the castle. It was dark, and they were alone. "I am not as blind as you would take me," said Luna as she gently set him to the ground. "But even I did not know your pain ran this deep. Rare is the pony that loses so much hope, that your way seems the correct one."

Silver sank in place, feeling guilty, so guilty. He had broken his sacred promise to himself, and almost caused more pain. "I... just want to stop hurting. I... I'm not a bad pony, so why do I keep getting the bad ending?"

Luna leaned in and nuzzled him gently. No words were said, and her presence warmed him. She settled before him, and they sat there in the dark.

Silver broke the silence first, "Do you hate me?"

Luna snorted gently, "There are easier ways of dealing with a falling nemesis than to catch them."

Silver quirked a smile, but it didn't last, "I must be disappointing, trying to run away like that." He nuzzled Luna's lower belly, "Would that I could be as strong as you, to endure."

Luna snorts, "If I thought you would withstand it, I would offer it to you."

Silver tilted his head, "What do you mean? Having wings?"

Luna wrinkled her nose, "Nay, you are male, and not destined for that besides." She gathered him up in her wings and rolled over onto her back. He was set on her belly. "I would gobble up your essence, and add it to the fragile one within me. You would start anew, truly."

Silver shuddered at the thought of it, "That would crush Night Watch, and what would be left of me?"

Luna tilted her head, "Not even a hint of fear of being gobbled? I usually get a stronger reaction."

Silver smiled at that, "I am not a true colt. You can gobble my backside if you want to."

Luna stuck out her tongue a moment, "You would still be you, at the core. It would take time for memories to return, for in the body of a foal there is no room for such thoughts. Poop, milk, warmth. That will be the extent of your life for a time, but you would grow past that, into an ungainly colt or filly, and your past life would return."

Silver smiled, "That... is more tempting than it should be, being your child and all, but, again, Night Watch."

Luna bopped Silver on the nose, "And yet you surrendered your life already? Perhaps this should not be a choice."

Silver shrank back, but his movements were slow. Some part of him thrilled at the idea of being so intimately bound to Luna, while the other quailed at the pain it would cause his perfect little Night Watch, and yet another jeered at the mess, watching cynically for Silver to mess up his life in a whole new direction. For every problem solved, new ones would be created. "What... would you do with Night Watch?"

Luna flicked a wing, "She would become my personal servant. I would watch over her and care for her. When our foals were born, she would wetnurse them all. She would raise you, ignorant of your past, not knowing she stared into the eyes of that lover who threw himself from the castle walls."

Silver recoiled violently, flopping over backwards. He wasn't sure which part of what she had said set him off so violently, but he shuddered in revulsion, starting to well up with a new wave of tears. "I just want to be happy... I don't want to leave her behind, crying, alone. She deserves better than that." He slammed a hoof into the ground, "She deserves so much better than that. It was my choice, again! I asked for her hoof. I took her away from the job she was so comfortable with. I exposed her to this new heartache. She wouldn't be hurting if it wasn't for me!" Silver threw himself away from Luna before flopping to the ground miserably. "I already had one restart, what will another change? That's just more... running."

Luna nodded slowly, "Do you tire of running?"

Silver nodded with a loud, sniffly snort.

Luna smiled wanly, "What goes one way, goes the other. There is another path." Silver winced at the word 'path', but she continued unabated. "I could give its essence to you. You would become my blood."

Silver tilted his head, "Why so eager to play with the essence of this child? Don't you care about its life? Its purpose?"

Luna poked Silver in the side, "I care about you more."

Silver wasn't sure what to think. Being more important to Luna than her unborn child seemed unreal. "Why? I'm just a pony. That's your child in there."

Luna shook her head, "You are more than that. You have an old spirit, and you ache to bring justice, to correct wrongs, in your own way. Fate, such as it is, has dealt you a cruel hand. I am quite old, and will become older still. Callous though it may be, I have time yet for more foals. The life of a beloved..." She leaned close, "Celestia has learned to say goodbye to her cherished ones. I have not learned that lesson, and I am uncertain I want to. What will it take to revive that fire of hope in you, and make you smile at life again? If being my child, in whole or part, will bring you back to me, restore that fire, you have but to ask. I know it is not money you seek. Magic you could learn on your own. You have shown no desire for political power. You want love. It is a simple desire."

Luna tilted her head one way, then the other, contemplating. "We could get your lover, Night Watch. She also looked up at the night sky, though her heart is not so heavy she considers what you did, she suffers as you do. Perhaps it was foolish of me to approach you without her." She spread her wings wide, then wrapped them around Silver. He felt the rush of teleportation magic and she withdrew her wings, revealing his bedroom. Night was curled on her bed, her glasses laying, shattered, on the floor. Her snout was stained with tears. His heart broke.

Silver galloped away from Luna, falling off the bed once before he succeeded in scrambling up its side and throwing himself onto Night. "I am so sorry! I am the worst stallion ever!"

Night rolled under him and soon they were hugging belly-to-belly, crying into one another's neck in the darkness of the room. Luna sat there, patiently watching them like a protective parent. However distantly, she was Night Watch's ancestor, so she had some right to the position. Her offers could wait until the tears were done. She had nothing but time.

Night bit into his neck with her sharp fangs, "Stupid stallion... where were you hiding? I needed you."

Silver squeezed her tightly, "I'm right here... We'll be together, forever. No matter what. I swear, and I'm so sorry. So sorry..."

Night pulled Silver all the tighter, feeling somehow as if she had almost lost him, "I love you," she whispered into an ear as she desperately held him close, "Don't leave me."

38 - You are Broken

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The sun rose across them, and they stirred. Night squinted across the room, but Silver could see what she looked at. Luna was still there, perched like a sphinx, watching over them. Silver tilted his head at Luna. "Thank you, for last night. I was being foalish. You can go to sleep now. You didn't have to wait here."

Luna shook her head and spread her wings, "You are lucid, good. You have invoked a law, a rare law that few across this world would disagree with, diplomat or not." She rose to her slender hooves, "You threw aside your life. It is only through my action that you yet live. You are broken, as you may tire of my saying, but this time, it is very official. Since you have discarded your life, it is mine, until such time that I believe you have the strength to hold dearly to the gift given you."

Night scrambled backwards, falling from the bed before she got back to her hooves quickly, "He did what?" She peered in Silver's direction, "You did what? Why? We still had each other."

Silver's ears fell as his betrayal was brought to light. "I'm sorry... I was being stupid. I don't want to discard anything more."

Luna shook her head, "You say that, but you did not change from a night's rest. I hereby strip your title and possessions. You are too sick to have either." She struck a hoof on the ground, "You are mine, come."

Night threw herself over Silver, moving quite quickly back onto the bed, "You can't have him! He's my broken stallion!"

Luna looked at Night levelly for a moment before she nodded, "Come then. I will have you both. You were once mine before."

Night nodded hesitantly, and soon had Silver up on her back. Silver shook his head numbly, "But... I'm fixed. I don't want to go anymore." He squeezed Night with his legs, "I just want to live, with my wife. My perfect wife."

Luna turned away, "It was a mistake to think to separate you two, and an unkindness to Night Watch, who has done little wrong." She strode away, and Night followed. "We should speak with my sister, lest I be invoking laws overturned. I will not make such a mistake twice."

Night whispered back to Silver, "You are... I don't even know. We have a future ahead of us, how could you think of throwing that away?"

Silver flinched atop her, "Please, I... I'm sorry. I want you. I want our foal. I want to live, and love."

They arrived in the dining hall. Celestia was taking breakfast, but looked up as Luna entered with Night and Silver.

Celestia looked them over, "Sister, you're heavy with something dark, and those behind you look worse."

Luna gestured back with a wing widely, "Our diplomat has thrown himself off the roof, casting his life away. He made no effort to save himself, and it appeared of his own volition. He confessed his feelings to us."

Celestia's expression soured with confusion and a little shock, but Luna continued, "His life is mine, by right of picking up what he has thrown aside. Is this law still in effect?"

Celestia looked to Silver directly, "Come here."

Night set Silver down, and he walked up to her shamefully. She brought down a white wing, striking him across the top of the head, "Life is too short and precious. Lives already pass far too quickly."

Silver brought a hoof to his sore head, "I know that! I'm better now."

Celestia shook her head, "It's far too late to declare yourself cured. The law was never overturned. Silver belongs to Luna, until she decides he is ready to live." She took a deep breath, "You are unfit to remain diplomat. Normally, I would send word to your people, but that is not possible. I blame myself. I should have seen the sorrow you held when you sat just beside us last night. I knew you were upset, but not the depth."

Luna gestured at Night, "I would claim her as well, to keep them together. Their love is true, as true as it can be. It would only hurt them both to be apart."

Night nodded quickly at this, "This stupid stallion is still mine. Just because he gave up doesn't mean I did."

Silver's ears flipped back, "I'm not giving up! It... was a moment. I'm over it. Can't we just move on?"

Luna shook her head, "Nay. Come."

Celestia took a soft sip of her tea, "Be gentle with them, dear sister. They need love, not scorn."

Luna lowered her wings, brushing over both ponies with her primaries, "Then this is good. I have love to give, even to 'stupid stallions'."

There was a rush of teleportation magic, and they were in Luna's chambers. Luna strode to her cushions and sprawled out on them. "I tire. It has been a long night. Come, rest with me." Soon both had curled up in front of her, and she wrapped hooves and wings about them, cradling them into her warmth, "We will make a new family."

Silver perked an ear, "What do you mean?"

Luna smiled, "If you are no longer diplomat, and you are mine, I can take you as I wish, and her as well."

Night perked her ears, then shivered, "You're going to take over, aren't you?"

Luna bit Night's ears softly, "Enough competition. Let us be a herd of equals, all mares side by side, equal in their superiority over their foalish husband."

Night flicked her ears back, "But... no? You are royalty! How can I stand beside you? Even if you bow to my word in private, the scandal and confusion in public would be overwhelming."

Luna bared her teeth, "I care little for politics, but we will not stand as such where others can see. We will be bonded in private, as creatures of the night should."

Silver rolled to his belly, "I'm not a creature of the night."

Luna looked at him pointedly, "I will fix that." Her eyes turned to Night Watch, "But I will have agreement. I will not override you now, not as I speak of unity. Let us share our love for him, with all his breaks. The public need never know."

Night flushed gently. To have the all-mother as a lover was a dirty dream, a taboo fantasy, yet, there it was, just... offered up. "I..." She frowned in thought. What would it mean to be secret herd mates? Could Luna be trusted to remain as equals, and could she trust herself to not bow before her whims as she felt the urge to do even then. She scuffed the ground. Being the rock was hard. Casting caution to the wind, she decided, "I agree."

Silver pinned his ears back, uncertain and a little frightened. "Night, that didn't sound like you. You're the center, my rock."

Night shoved him suddenly, "What if I'm tired of being a rock? I want to be loved fiercely. I want to not always be the one decisions hang on. I don't want to be the 'mature one' forever. Luna can be the mature one for a moment. Shut up and kiss me." She tackled him to the ground and they began to kiss. Despite the turmoil within him, her presence, her scent, and her passion woke up deeper parts within him, and he kissed her back, and hugged, and did a little more than that, until they fell asleep beside Luna.

He had thrown away his life, and Luna caught it. Now would begin a new chapter, written by her hooves.

39 - Fixing Him

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Silver's eyes came into focus. He was... awake. He knew it beyond even the faintest shadow of a doubt. Whatever world he was in, it was his. He slowly sat up on the pillow somepony had set him on. Luna was asleep, as was Night Watch, her glasses perched messily on her snout.

The scent in the air hinted that the two had thoroughly enjoyed one another's company. Silver tried to spread wings he didn't have, just to have the reality of that settle on him. He wasn't a prince. He was never a prince, or a princess. He'd never traveled the world, or taken dozens on dozens of wives. He was a young pony. A young... stupid pony that had just tried to throw his life away over nothing.

Tears welled up in his eyes and he began to sniffle in spite of himself, trying to hold back those emotions. He was awake. That was one thing he knew for sure, but there was so much more... So much. He didn't want to bother the mares in the room, but he saw little alternative to getting answers. "Night?" His voice surprised him. Even when he had turned back into Silver Lining, it was just that little off. He truly was Silver Lining. Silver Stars was dead, and never was.

Night stirred with a sleepy grumble. She sat up, which was enough to rouse Luna, and soon he had two pairs of eyes on him.

Silver looked between them. "First, Luna... Was that you?"

"You remember that much?" Luna perked her ears. "Most forget swiftly their dreams. Are you well?" While she spoke, Night adjusted her glasses to fit better. Silver smiled a little, remembering she used to do that more often. Did he forget in his dreams?

"I'm... Okay, let's go through this. I have about a lifetime and change in my head, or so it feels like." He pointed at Night. "We had a foal together... twice..."

Night went a bright cherry red. "In a row?"

"N-no... It's not that simple."

Luna reached with her magic, drawing Silver up against them. "You had many dreams, we should think. While you slept, I wove through the thick tangle of your thoughts. I dared not weave them with my own hooves for their intense complexity, so I simply laid them so you would see them, and work through them, yourself. Are you well?"

Silver licked over his lips. "None of it was real?" Luna shook her head. Silver's ears pinned back. "Not even a little?"

"As real as any dream can be, which is not very." Luna perked an ear. "But look inside yourself. Are you better?"

Silver wanted to panic, to thrash and flail, but he resisted. He cleared out his mind as Luna's gentle words commanded, and let out a slow breath. "I feel..." He opened his eyes. "I feel like I'll miss the dream... But I'm a kid again." Silver set a hoof on his chest. "I still have my... wonderful wife... I'm not going to scramble for what I don't have. I want to make the best of what I do, and try to make it better."

Night smiled as she leaned in. "No more hurting yourself?"

Ah, right. That was what got him there. "No! No... Lord no."

"Princess." Luna seemed confused at being called a lord.

"No, sorry, saying, a human saying." Silver smiled, expecting fangs, but they were gone. He was a unicorn. A normal unicorn, if one discounted the human soul residing in him. "Wait, does this mean?"

"It does. You are free to go, and to resume your duties, if you wish." Luna nodded firmly. "It would be a pleasure to have you back as a servant."

Silver felt conflict rise in his chest. He had learned so much of Luna, and her isolation, and the joy they could bring to one another, but to reach for her could hurt Night, or maybe thrill her? It felt like ages ago when they last talked about it. "Night?"

"Yes?" Night's ears twitched softly. "What's up?"

"How was your time, with Luna, while I was dreaming?"

Night sighed softly. "It was a pleasure to serve her, and to reside with her. I have always been loyal to her, but this was... different." She colored brightly. "Please don't be jealous! I didn't mean it in any way like that. You're my stallion!"

Silver bit his lower lip, a gesture he couldn't do easily without bleeding when he had fangs. "What if... I suggested we not let her go?"

Luna raised a brow high. "Young pony, you have no claim to me. Even my temporary claiming of your mate while you were recovering means nothing in return."

Night glanced between them. "Silver, you should be royally cheesed, not... doing that."

Silver looked between them, unsure what to say. "I learned a lot about you, Luna, in those dreams..."

Luna raised a brow. "Much of which was likely false. We are glad you are feeling better, but you can leave us now." She gently waved her hooves to dismiss them both. "A bright young soul as yourself has no need for the Night Mother any further."

With an intense wave of magic, they were evicted out to the hallway, their saddlebags landing nearby a moment later, then the door to her chambers slapped shut. After the briefest moment, it swung open a few inches. "He's cured!" came Luna's shout, then it closed.

The lunar ponies standing there nodded lightly. "Congratulations on your recovery. Are you taking your position back?"

Silver gathered himself up, taking his saddlebag in his magic and fitting it in place. "Night, I did a horrible thing, and you were the victim. I'm in your debt. What would you rather I did?"

Night leaned in and rubbed noses with him. "I want you to be happy, and doing what you can do and enjoy doing, just as you would want for me."

Silver brightly returned her smile. "I don't deserve you, but I'll work on fixing that." He turned to the guard. "Yes. I'll be taking the Ambassador position back. Have there been other human guests?"

The guard pointed down the hallway. "You'll want to talk to Princess Celestia. She would be up to date on any new humans. Welcome back, sir."

With head held high, Silver began to trot, only to slow, looking sidelong at his wife, pregnant... Could it be with the filly he saw? What of his colt? That colt was created in a situation that would never happened unless Silver really bent over backwards trying to make it happen, and even then, it seemed terribly unlikely. Clear Twilight may yet be, but Morning Glory, what hope was there for him?

"What are you looking at? Ugh, I'm a mess right now." Night settled and began brushing her fur out nervously and rapidly. "Is something wrong?"

Silver shook his head. "I'm wondering what could be, won't be, and may be."

Night raised a brow behind her thick glasses. "Wow, Luna really did a number on your head. Are you sure you're alright?"

Silver felt a moment, and knew without doubt... "I'm awake, and ready." Together they strode through the halls of the palace, to announce Silver's return. Ambassador Silver Lining would resume his functions. No prince, princess, half-human, or any other countless things. He hadn't bedded a worryingly large amount of the main six, or ever gotten that close to Twilight Sparkle.

Perhaps it was for the best?

40 - Before the Queen

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Silver nodded to the guards standing outside the sitting room. Celestia had concluded court, but the word had come swiftly that she would see him.

With Night at his side, he trotted into the room. "I've been here so many times, but I've lost track of how many were in my head, or for real, and how much difference that makes."

Night raised a brow, but paused to dip her head. "Your Majesty."

Celestia waved gently. "Rise. Silver Lining, you're looking bright and cheerful today. It warms my heart. To think we almost lost you to such tragedy..."

Silver flipped his ears back, remembering that had been so short a time ago, not the years it had felt. "It was a stupid... stupid mistake of mine. I want to live, for sure. In fact, I want to get right back to work." He took a step forward, smiling at Celestia. "If I can help humans who are lost, I want to, or any ponies I can help too."

Celestia floated over a cookie, held in her golden aura. It hovered right before Silver's snout and he looked cross-eyed at it. "What?"

"You're a good pony. Good ponies get cookies." She had a playful look on her face.

Silver let out a noise between a giggle and a chortle before he snapped it out of the air and chomped it down. "Gladly accepted. I..." How could he even bring up the nightmares he'd endured. Should he? "I'm not sure how much of what Luna showed me were my own dark thoughts, or if I saw snatches of the truth in it."

Night twitched an ear up. "She said it wasn't true."

"Not now, obviously..." Silver shook his head. "It's hard to explain." He looked back at Celestia. "I'm sorry, I must sound a little nuts."

Celestia shook her head. "You have received a dubious honor. To have your mind laid out bare for you to explore and find the truth within yourself is not something done lightly, and reserved for the most troubling of circumstances." She raised a hoof. "Luna obviously cares for you. Please, sit."

Silver hopped up onto a pillow quickly, with Night moving a little more reservedly. She looked to Silver. "Are you sure you're feeling alright?"

Silver bobbed his head. "I really do, I think. It's a lot to take in, but..."

Celestia set a saucer with a cup of tea before each of her guests. "You have the look of a pony ready to face his life. Tell me, do you know what life you plan to pursue?"

Silver licked his lips, thinking. "I want to help lost humans, or lost ponies. May I take my Ambassadorial title back?"

Celestia rolled a hoof. "It will not be a ceremonial badge you're asking for. I will not name you ambassador of the human world. It's an empty title at best, no. Instead, I would name you our ambassador to humanity. You would serve the crown." She placed a hoof at her chest. "Does that please you?"

Silver felt the urge to just say yes, but curbed it. He looked instead to Night Watch. "My beloved wife, what do you think? My life is your life, as I rudely forgot."

Night sat up, ears upright and twitching. "Would this make you happy?"

"It will be a challenge, I'm certain of it." Silver nodded swiftly. "But I'm ready to start earning my favors."

Night gave a gentle smile and leaned over, nuzzling her unicorn mate. "Then I'll stand at your side." She looked to Celestia. "May I make a request?"

"That's one."

Night went stiff a moment as the joke washed over her. "Let's go for two... May I be his guard? Officially, that is."

Celestia clopped her forehooves together. "A wife serving as guard to her husband? Now that's a romantic idea I'm sure Cadance would be tickled at. Please, I think it would make you both happier." She turned to look at Silver more directly. "I trust this meets your approval? As your guard, she has the right to be present at all times, even when others would be asked away."

Silver nodded quickly. "But I'll put you off duty when you're too large." Before Night's expression could become too sour, he leaned in. "I'll be taking it with you. We'll greet our daughter to the world together."

Night jerked back. "How can you know it'll be a filly?"

Silver bit his lips a moment. "I guess I don't, sorry, forget that."

Celestia raised a brow lightly. "Don't be quick to dismiss the dreams of your mate. He may know something. Regardless, rise, Ambassador Lining."

Silver scrambled to his hooves, still towered over even while standing.

She reached across the table and tapped her horn against either of his shoulders. "Welcome back to the court. May your duties find you well." She settled back where she had begun and nodded. "Will you resume your studies when you're able?"

Silver raised a hoof suddenly. "Oh god! You reminded me. I have to check something." He practically ripped out his spell journal, the original, not burned on some... No. He shook his head quickly, banishing that thought and getting to scribbling with a quill. He spun it around at Celestia. "Please, is this valid?"

Celestia tilted her head slowly. "It's backwards."

Silver blinked, turning it back to look at. It looked fine to him, but... "Backwards as in the letters are in the wrong order, or like someone held it in a mirror?"

"The latter."

Silver winced. He had the alphabet down backwards?! Still... it was better than not knowing it at all?

"How did you come to learn the unicorn alphabet in such a curious way?"

Silver tapped at the book. "I learned it in the dreams."

Night nudged Silver, almost knocking him over. "Silly boy. You can't read in dreams. You're lucky it's just backwards."

Silver recovered himself and folded the book shut. "It's still a major step forward from where I started. I'll untwist it with practice. Knowing them on my horn is the more important part." He rose and quickly moved to a clear area of the room before he conjured up his flaming shield with motions that felt familiar to him along his horn.

Celestia's eyes widened a moment. "Where did that spell come from?"

Silver would have answered, but found young unicorns had far less power in the waking world. The spell taxed him to exhaustion almost immediately, and he crumpled in place, the flame fading away impotently. He could dimly hear alarm in their voices, then felt someone picking him up, but he couldn't focus, or hear anything in specific. Sleep seemed more important, and he faded away.

41 - Pace Yourself

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Silver woke up in a clean and soft bed. The room was brightly lit, and Night Watch was slumped against the bed, where she apparently fell asleep waiting for him. He smiled at her, but didn't want to disturb her, likely needed, rest. He slipped from the bed and slowly stretched out, silently berating himself for knocking him out that way. He moved for a small mirror and sink and looked over his reborn face.

His horn looked intact, along with the rest of him. He splashed some water and used some magic to gather up some and started washing his face and mane, waking up and freshening. Despite that set back... "I am ready."

"Ready for what?" Night had woken up at some point, and was watching him. "Not to cast that spell again, I hope."

"Oh no! Ambassadors shouldn't need that." He turned to face Night with a smile. "I'm sorry for worrying you. I didn't know it would do that."

Night shook her head as she approached. "Celestia told me that was a full level over your head before you could keep that going for any amount of time. What was it? I saw fire, and Celestia said it was for war, but refused to give specifics."

Silver licked over his lips. "I designed it in my dreams. Luna said none of it was true at all, but that's obviously not entirely true."

Night raised a hoof over Silver's snout. "Leave it. No good ponies need to know a spell like that."

Silver drew his muzzle away. "I hopefully never will, but if some pony does, I'll have it written for them. I want to make a fresh copy of every spell I can memorize, once I get the mirror crossing under control, and have it added to the archives."

Night shook her head quickly. "Having a tool invites its problem. This is a solution to a problem I never want. Please." She leaned in slowly. "For me?"

Silver deflated under her pleading look and the little tremble of her lips. "You're manipulating me, and damn if it isn't working... You know I don't want to upset you..."

Night smiled gently. "Then that's settled. You already have two questionable spells to your name. Is that really the reputation you want?"

Silver shook his head. "No, no it really isn't... It just feels like a waste, even a crime, to let knowledge fade." He tilted his head. "What if I gave them to Celestia directly? She would know where to put them."

Night let out a little sigh and smiled. "Fine. I can live with that. Make your copies, and give them directly to the crown. Don't let another soul see them. Now, come on. If you're awake and feeling alright?"

Silver quickly nodded.

"Good, I want to see you outside for the first time in a while." She nuzzled him gently, then moved to fetch his bags and help get them on him before getting her own on. "I feel like celebrating. Your new position, you finishing Luna's treatment, take your pick." She led the way without pause, leading the two in a spirited trot out of the castle. "I'm surprised, but pleased, you were so eager to take this back on. There have been other humans, you know." She glanced over her shoulder. "They could use the help of someone who understands their point of view."

Silver brightly smiled as he kept pace with Night. "I'll be glad to do that. Are they here, in Canterlot?"

"Some, others have settled, more or less stably, in other places where they've found friends." She smiled. "Celestia wasn't about to uproot them if they found a place, afterall. You can send a letter to them, inviting contact, but if they're comfortable enough not coming here, they're probably doing alright. Good on them." She looked left and right before crossing a street. "You still like meat, right?"

"Of course."

"Good. I'm hungry for something that squealed once." She peeked back again. "Up for ribs?"

Silver suddenly remembered he was a unicorn, and not the lunar variety. "My memories say 'yes!' but will it hurt my unicorn body?"

Night waved it off. "Wouldn't be the first time you had it. Worst I remember is some gas." She turned to him. "You're sleeping in your own bed tonight."

Silver burst into sudden laughter. "If that's the worst I'll face, let the predatory feast commence."

Night flashed her fangs and eagerly led the way, only to run into Lyra walking along with a bag full of groceries. "Oh hey guys! It's been a while." She smiled her bright smile, waving at them. "Where are you two love bugs headed to?"

Silver tilted his head at Lyra, thinking back to how much had changed... "I'm fine, but I heard you should visit Bon Bon."

Lyra looked shocked, ears pinning back. "What? Really?! I... Really?"

Night glanced between them. "At least write her a letter, perhaps?"

"Y-yea, at least a letter..." She took a half step away. "At least..." And she was suddenly gone, vanishing into the crowd, clearly unsettled from the brief conversation.

Night tilted her head at Silver. "Did you dream something about her?"

Silver nodded quickly. "They were both miserable until Lyra went home, then they both got happy. I want them to be happy. They're both great ponies, who make each other happier. I'm almost certain Celestia would let her go home if she asked nicely."

Night chuckled softly. "She was being a good teacher and not causing trouble, she'd probably let her off for good behavior, if she asked, yes." She pointed ahead. "That's our stop. They cater to griffons, lunar pegasi, and anyone else that likes a bit of protein."

She had energy in her step as she led the way in. "Try not to sermonize everyone. Remember, they were just dreams. Some of it was your own subconscious playing with what you remembered. It may be right, or not, based on what you knew." She paused to peek at him. "For what it's worth? I agree. Those two will be happier together."

Silver nipped at her wagging tail. "You really are excited about this."

Night turned to him. "Tell me why I should be."

Silver knew a challenge when levied at him. "You lose two mates, one for a noble sacrifice, and the other for being a dummy. You at least got one of them back, and you're really eager to show off to everyone, including yourself, that you have your stallion back and plan to keep him."

She tapped him on the nose. "I knew you'd understand. Now no more tail nips. This is hardly a private place." She turned back for the restaurant. "We should both be on our best behavior as we stuff our faces."

Together, they were seen to a table and the aromatic meats were brought to them apparently a few different kinds, though Silver couldn't quite place what animal they were. Whatever they were, they were dead, cooked, and delicious, which meant it was time to eat, and they did.

"Excuse me?"

Silver looked up at the male voice and started. A human! An archetypal brony of the skinny variety, or so he thought. "Hello there! What brings you by?"

The human smiled nervously. "I usually eat here. They serve good food, um, sorry to bother, but I heard you used to be the human ambassador?"

Silver put a hoof on his chest. "I am again, though working from the other angle. Don't worry about that. How are you? Equestria treating you well?"

"I..." He rubbed behind his neck. "I didn't believe them, but there you are, eating ribs. I never saw another unicorn doing that before." His eyes wandered to Night. "Are you a human too?"

Night flashed her teeth. "Born and raised just the way you see."

"Oh! Um, congratulations?"

Silver nodded. "I'm a very lucky stallion. Are you alright? Don't be shy. I'm here to help."

"Really?" He sank down to one of the free cushions. "Well, thing is, I only saw this show, like, twice? I don't know a damn thing. I don't even know why I agreed to be here. I should have read the fine print..."

Silver smiled gently. "The Text is wily like that."

"Oh, you met him? Duh, of course you did..."

Silver put a hoof on the human's shoulder. "I know him. So, here you are, in Canterlot. This is the capital of Equestria, home of Celestia and Luna, the ruling sisters. They're alicorns, you see. I hope you don't mind if I eat while I give the breakdown?"

And that's just what he did, chewing and talking, usually not at once, as he ran down the basic history of Equestria.


"Oh, sure, but what part of that explains her?" He looked to Night.

Night spread her leathery wings wide. "We are the children of Luna, a creation of hers to watch the night, when other ponies would be sleeping. These days, we can be whatever we want, but watching and guarding is what comes naturally to us. Please refer to us as lunar pegasi. Not 'bat' ponies, unless you want to make a new enemy really quickly."

"Oh, sure." He smiled. "Lunar pony, got it."

In the end, the new human seemed far better for at least knowing where he was, though Silver was quite sure he'd see more of the man to get him properly integrated with pony society.

"Say, so, how'd you end up with hooves?"

Silver waved a forehoof lightly. "That's a long story... Possibly several. Ultimately, I showed up here in a weak state and took a way out when I saw one. I hope you make your decisions with your eyes open."

"Do you regret it then?"

"What? No! No. I've learned to love my life." He put a hoof at his chest. "Myself, my wife, and everything in it. It's worked out, just going at it the hard way."

The human reached for Silver. "May I?"

Silver's ears perked up. "Huh? Sure, but I'll note petting most ponies has rather serious connotations, unless you're already a good friend." He grinned. "Fortunately for you, you're literally in my care. I'd say that qualifies." He accepted the gentle petting across his ears and cheeks, then giggled as it turned into a tickle under his chin. "Cut that out," he demanded in the most non-demanding way.

That was the first and last contact with the human that evening. They enjoyed their meal, and Silver suggested to look them up at the castle, and they parted.

They returned to their suite. Despite Night's words, she corralled him towards her bed, and they didn't sleep much for an hour before she kicked him out to find his own bed.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

42 - Silver Helps Astor

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Silver gazed out the window of his office, watching a pony do yard work busily outside. "Who's on the schedule today?"

Night picked up a clipboard and flipped through it. "A mister Astor. They seemed eager to see you. Either a friendly sort or somepony in need of help."

"Either way." Silver smiled. "We'll be here for them. See them in. No need to keep them waiting any longer."

Night had the door open in a jiff. "Please, come inside. The Ambassador is ready for you."

As the door opened a man came to view, barely over five feet and five inches but heavily built. His eyes looked all around the place as if cataloguing every little thing he could spot as he entered the room. Perfectly round glasses decorated the not so round face, and behind those his hazel eyes were still analyzing his surroundings. He sported dark brown hair and, surprisingly a brown and copperish beard.

His clothes were pretty average making him somewhat forgettable at first glance. Mountain boots followed by denim pants, an old science fiction themed t-shirt under a very used and brownish leather coat, and while he had his hands in his pockets a silvery glint in his left wrist told about him wearing a wrist watch.

"Hello there!" Silver sat up in his seat and raised a hoof to wave at his new guest. Those clothes, which may have been forgettable in the human world, stood out on a human in ponyland and he drank it in. "Look at you. You're like a reminder of the old world. Please, come in, relax. I'm Silver Lining, the Ambassador for humans, here to help you out however I can."

“Ah, well… Nice to meet you Mr… Lining? I’m Astor and… huh…” the human said as he scratched the back of his head “...thanks? I’m still in the ‘I can’t believe I’m here’ phase so… I’m sorry if I’m a bit overwhelmed by everything” he said with a very heavy accent, betraying a non-english origin.

"Silver works fine, or Mr. Lining. It's a funny thing, since either way you're kind of going with my last name." He tilted his head. "I'm not your superior. I'm a friend, or I hope to be. Please, tell me about you, and have a seat." He gestured ahead at another chair. "You can start with how you got here."

Astor approached the chair carefully, looking for any structural damage or something before he slowly took seat. He seemed surprised by its sturdiness but decided to not be very vocal about it. “Alright then… It was during the night, I think. Or just very early,” he said while chuckling. “The thing is that I was the only one awake, just… err… playing some videogames before hitting the hay. Just as I was out of the computer I saw some lines of text just… floating there.” he explained making a vague gesture with his hand “At first I just ignored it. I mean a gaming binge after work in a dark room… You know what I mean, right?” he asked Silver with a small smirk.

Silver nodded softly. "Sure, but I imagine they were quite insistent on an answer. The Text is rarely happy until it's addressed directly." He reached for a carafe and his silvery magic grabbed it, pouring out a glass of juice and nudging it over towards Astor. "If you like. Do go on."

Astor nodded at Silver “Yeah. It was quite irritating. I mean I was taking…” he was saying as he coughed “...suffice to say, I was busy. But I finally gave in and talked to it. Didn’t trust it and I still think that Text is getting something from me without knowing… No one gives this kind of things for free” he said, a frown quickly appearing on his face “And it was always evading my questions and...” he stopped before getting more agitated, slowly inhaling and exhaling. “Sorry… It’s just… I should’ve taken it more seriously…”

Silver raised both of his forehooves to pat himself on the chest. "You're preaching to the choir there, but we're both here. So far as I can tell, The Text likes interesting things. He likes watching humans live, or die, in Equestria. Do well, or do horrible, both amuse him, and he's satisfied enough to grab another and see how they do." He wobbled a hoof. "Not much to do about that now, you're here. Have you found a home yet?"

Astor winced a bit and, again, scratched the back of his head “...Not really? I think I’ve been trying to get a grip on my emotions since I arrived and while the ponies have been pretty helpful… well…” he said as he played a bit with his hands “I’m not the most outgoing person and I just decided to observe them and learn the small things that don’t appear in the show. It’s just fascinating how they can thrive with their abilities and…” he stopped for a moment and looked at Silver raising a eyebrow “...wait… how did you…?” he said as he patted himself “I’m not going to sprout a tail and get all furry in time, right?” he asked Silver, some nervousness clearly in his voice.

Silver smiled brightly. "Only if that's what you sincerely want. Any pony, or otherwise, that tries to make you not human against your will is acting against the law." He held up a hoof. "You should get away from them as quickly as possible and look for one of the golden-armored guards, or me. I'm sure Night would break them in half."

"With pleasure." Night gave a grave nod.

“Are you native or ex-human too? Just curious,” Astor asked, before shaking his head. “See? I’m nervous, and curious and frustrated… I’m all over the place,” he said as he sighed, rubbing his temples. “I just can’t seem to focus on anything lately. It’s not the ponies mind you, but…”

Night adjusted her glasses. "Born and raised with fangs, I assure. You're not insulting me, if you're worried."

Silver quickly nodded. "Did I mention she's my wife? She's darling and amazing, but about you. It's perfectly alright to be confused right now. Hell, you're in a whole new world. It'd be much more alarming if you weren't surprised and a bit off balance by it. Just know, in this office, you're welcome and won't be judged. I'm here to help, not criticize." His ears twitched upwards. "Now, awkward question, but did you, you know, want to be a pony?"

Astor looked at Silver with a curious expression “You are serious, aren’t you?” he said before exhaling “I’ve doing some thinking, I can’t lie about that, but… Opposable thumbs, you know” he said while chuckling “I don’t know if I could live without them. If its a reversible process maybe I could try and feel it before making any final decision… that’s not counting if this… ‘visit to Equestria’ is a temporary thing or a more permanent one. The Text was always the pleaser of students answering all the questions and all that stuff,” he said with irony as he huffed angrily.

Silver giggled. "The way you're answering? No. I'd say get used to being here before you do any real consideration of species assignment. I dove in head first when I got here and Ugh, that was a painful journey. I did everything wrong. Please, you're fine as you are." He held up his hooves. "I'm sorry if I gave the idea you should change because you have to."

Astor smirked a bit. “Well I think being a nerd and a new species makes it better than back home. I mean with being relatively new here I must be at least more interesting than the average Joe,” he said as he laughed. “But I’m glad to know that I can be my primate human self. No offense,” he quickly said. “Problem is… I don’t really know where I fit in this society. As for now I’m unemployed, probably an illegal immigrant and… I don’t know,” he said while slumping on his chair. “Being interesting can’t carry you far in life, even here I suppose.”

Silver held up a hoof as the other landed. "No insult taken. Remember, I was human before too. No harm in being one. As one, you do stand out, and ponies get curious, especially here in Canterlot. In a smaller town they might get nervous, but here? Most of the unicorns assume you're supposed to be here, so they either come up and inspect, or ignore you, most likely the latter." He took a slow breath. "Now… employment. Tell me what you like to do?"

Astor laughed a bit “Well, what I don’t like to do? I like to learn and try about everything. I’ve been barista, potato farmer, university student and hell, I even worked on a construction business once. I really love geography, history and philosophy though. Blame Age of Empires for that. The Romans were just awesome” he said with glee in his voice “And while useless I know tons of other things that… well.. are useless here.” he explained as he scratches his head “I was aiming to be a geographer back home so…” he said as he shrugged his shoulders.

Silver returned the shrug. "Why do you think those are useless? There's room for somepony with any of those skills, even potato farming, though I doubt that's your real passion, so…" He leaned forward with a spreading smile. "What do you really love to do? If you could get paid to do something, what would you want that something to be?"

“Whoa, that’s food for thought… Hm…” Astor said as he scratched his beard “Well… I’m pretty passionate with city management… videogames. Yeah yeah, I know, pretty nerdy. But I got into geography because of that. City Planning. Man, that was really incredible to learn back in the uni…” he said with nostalgia in his voice “But for that I need to learn how… well.. everything works here. You would be surprised at how many things can affect the way a city can develop. The romans knew that and that’s why the build their humongous aqueducts... and here I go again. Sorry,” he said as he looked embarrassed by nerding out.

Silver shook his head quickly. "No, really, this is exactly where we should go. If you like the idea of helping a town grow, go with that! I'm serious. We could get you a job helping out in a town hall, let you see things from the inside. Learn, advance. Who knows, you could be the first human mayor in all of Equestria! Imagine that."

Astor looked downcast and chuckled a bit “Yeah, it would be great, right? But that’s thinking too big. I think I need to take step by step. Let’s see where this goes. For all we know Equestria plans their cities so beforehand that they thought of everything. It’s a nice thought though.”

Silver rolled a hoof softly. "Being a gopher in a town hall is too big? That's the definition of an introductory position, and if you don't like it, we can try another. You're not locked in or anything. Hay, you don't have a cutie mark, nobody can tell what you're supposed to be doing, use it to your advantage."

“That’s a good point… Huh, now that I think about it, should we just… you know… interfere with their society with human knowledge?” Astor asked Silver as he wiggled his eyebrows “You know, Prime Directive and all of that. City Planning it’s a pretty advanced thing back home and for what I’ve see in the show ponies aren’t the best at that with just a couple of exceptions.”

"True," said Silver with a slow nod. "But you wouldn't be there to turn their world upside down, just guide them gently. You can be like a benevolent little nerd god, providing answers where they might have otherwise gotten stuck and frustrated. Don't pull out the big guns unless the situation really calls for it and you're sure you can handle it."

“Oh man, do I need to pull a vulcan mindset and say things like ‘Your species aren’t prepared for that knowledge’?” Astor asked while laughing pretty loud after trying to talk as emotionless as he could. He didn’t sound very emotionless as he was already laughing before he could finish the phrase. “Bloody hell, that would be hilarious!”

Silver brightly smiled. "Good, focus on how absurd life can be at times. We'll work through this, if you want to work through this. On the other hoof." He switched hooves. "If you just want to do something quiet and out of the way, we'll arrange that. Want to be an ice cream vendor? Pretty sure we could arrange that."

“While ice cream is always a good answer, I think I’ll try to pick up where I left it on Earth and try to make my knowledge useful.” Astor said as he scratched his head yet again “I mean… it would be a shame to let all those years of study go to waste, and I’m pretty sure that I would end eating all the ice cream myself” he said as he patted his belly “I mean, who wouldn’t? But seriously… If I have to pass some tests again to show that I’m capable of working on that then I’ll do them. I’m not the best but I’ll be damned if I don't try my best at least” he said with determination.

Silver lifted a quill in his magic and made a quick scribble. "I'll jump the hoops for you, and tell you where you have to be. This will probably yank you away from Canterlot, but I'm at most a letter away for anything that comes to mind, and I mean that. I'm here to help."

Astor looked at Silver and, for the first time, managed a little smile. “You know, I thought that every person working on an office would be willing to grind anyone with the slow crawl of bureaucracy but… you’re a pretty swell guy Silver. I’m not much for friends myself but I can easily imagine both of us being just that. Just… don’t expect to write much. I tend to lose myself to books and all of that. Not a social guy when there is so much to learn.” He said with a laugh as he offered his hand for a handshake. “I hope this isn’t a social faux-pas here” he asked Silver while laughing.

Silver reached to place his hoof in Astor's offered hand. "Look, I was just like you, lost, alien, and a bit afraid. I'm just acting like I wish someone would have acted towards me. All you need is a friend, and that's exactly what I'm here for, to be that friend, and avoid the messy mistakes I went face-first into."

Astor shook Silver’s hoof with strength, but not enough to harm “Glad to have my back covered, but not happy to know that it’s thanks to your suffering. I hope it’s getting better for you.” he said with sincerity in his voice “And don’t worry, I’ll try to be friendly at least… and don’t give me that Yoda thing about trying” he said while laughing “Just remind me, if I ever got rich here, to invite you and your nearest family and friends to dinner… in the cheapest burger joint they have here” he said before laughing very loud “More food for less money. Once a year doesn’t hurt, right?”

Silver pointed at Night, who stood beside the door. "That's my wife there, and if you invite her to Hayburger, I doubt she'd refuse."

"That sounds especially good right about now." She rubbed her belly lightly before setting her hooves back down. "I'll remember this."

"Well, now you're stuck with it. One date at Hayburgers, when you have the money to afford it at least. Let's put that aside a moment." He drew his hoof back and set it down. "Did you have a family you left behind?"

Astor managed to pull a pretty neutral expression after hearing that question. “Yeah, both parents and a big sister. We all still lived in our house, in the middle of the countryland. Not nice for wifi signal, but it was home.” he sighed a bit “I already spent my grief the first moments I was here and noticed that this was the real deal. They can live well without me, but still miss them.” he said as he rubbed one of his eyes. “I just got something in my eye.. Really…” he said with a stoic expression on his face. “...is this question important or is it just for the record?”

Silver shook his head. "It's important, but not for any record. We can't pretend we just… poof and we're here. We came from places. I left some people behind too. I think about them too. It's alright to be sad about that." He clopped the top of the desk. "There's no shame in having a past. We learn a lot from it. It makes us who we are."

“I know. But it’s easier to carry on if I just don’t think about. I’ll worry about them on a later date. I’ll not forget my past but I need to look for the future” Astor said as he sighed “...the future I choose thanks to blindly answering some kind of floating text thing. One would think that after so many novels and that I would learn to be wary of such things, but nope…” he said as he rubbed his face. “... it gets easier?” he asked Silver. “Missing people from back home I mean… Sorry, I shouldn't ask that”

Silver nodded and waved for Night to come closer. When she was near, he drew her closer. "I've found new things. The old things… I miss them. I still think about them once in awhile, wondering how they're doing, but I've filled those gaping holes in my heart with wonderful and new things." He slipped from the chair and hugged Night tightly, suddenly a bit too emotional, much to her chagrin.

Astor looked at both ponies with a serious expression, his eyes drifting away as he thought about home. “I see. It sure beats just thinking about what we’ve lost. Not sure if I will manage to settle down as fine as you” he said as he leaned back on his chair. “You don’t strike me as a loner, but I’m a bit of a lone wolf and it makes any friendship hard to maintain” he explained as he grimaced a bit “Not everyone accepts that you like to spend more time with books. That’s one of the things I liked about the show, you know? Friendship and all that.” he shook his head “I can’t see myself like you are now, but who knows? How was that phrase… ‘never say never’?”

Silver looked up, ear perked. "Funny thing. When I was a person, I usually looked for quiet places. I was as close to a loner as you got, except when I had to sell something, or explain something, then I'd rant away." He turned and hopped back into their chair. "Sorry about that, but, really, just let it happen, relax. Like you said, never say never."

Astor chuckled as he cleaned his glasses, having a calming effect on him. “Bad habits die hard though. Nerds will always be nerds, no matter where we are… but maybe I’m wrong and this place is a land where miracles truly happen.” he said as he put his glasses on again. “As I said, I’ll try to be friendly and even get the habit of writing letters back so we stay in touch, but don’t expect amazing things like ‘befriending a whole town’. I’m not Pinkie Pie, you know?” he said with a small smirk on his face.

Silver stuck out his tongue. "No one is Pinkie Pie but Pinkie Pie. Maybe you'll run into her sometime? Wouldn't surprise me. She likes meeting new people, pony or not. After the Zecora thing, I think she got over meeting new species." He looked over Astor. "You do know there are nerdy ponies too right? You'll find your niche, I promise."

“Oh boy, the D&D crew in pony version. That would be really funny” Astor said as he laughed loudly “But ponies are not nerdy, they are adorkable. I mean they got those big eyes and… well, you know what I mean.” he said as he suddenly raised an eyebrow “...well, except maybe that really nerdy guy from the comics? are those even real here? Damn, I wish I picked my laptop… or maybe not. I don’t see sockets around here… huh…” he said as he ended mumbling to himself while scanning the room again.

Silver reached into a drawer and pulled out a velvet bag. He released it from his magic and a small bunch of colorful dice spread out onto the desk in a jumble. "You'll find your niche." He smiled gently, eyes shining. "If you keep your heart open, you'll find a few ponies curling up in there like they belong there, and before you know it… You'll know they're right."

“... I don’t know. I’m the one of the group that usually had the ones when I rolled for charisma” Astor said as he wiggled his eyebrows “C’mon, that was like the worst joke ever.” he said to Silver, then looking at Night “Bad jokes are a thing here, right?”

Night nodded. "You critically succeeded that attempt at poor humor." She flashed her bright fangs. "You'll fit in fine, just like Silver said. Just keep an open mind and don't shove ponies away when they start getting curious about who you are."

“Alright, I can do that” Astor said as he nodded “Maybe if I find a group I could introduce them to some of the stories from Earth. I bet a lot of ponies would enjoy the classic tale of Star Wars. With magic the force would have less impact, but…” he shook his head “At least I have enough material to start…”

Silver slapped the armrest of his chair. Why did ponies have armrests? They don't even have arms! "Man! Just tell the story. Replace 'force' with 'harmony' and they'll eat it up. I can't believe I never thought of that."

"Thought of what?" Night raised a curious brow.

“Just about telling the ponies the most famous story of tech fantasy in the last century, and by the looks of it the next one too” Astor explained “A story from long time ago… in a galaxy far far away…” he said as he gestured with his arm to an invisible horizon.

Night looked perplexed, and yet, interested… The remainder of their visit involved tales of derring-do, with knights infused with the very purpose of harmony, against the agents of discord that would throw all of the universe out of balance!

It was time well spent.

43 - Welcome to Ponyville

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Silver looked out the window, showing a scene breezing past quickly. "Did they say why he couldn't come to Canterlot?"

Night shook her head. "Nope, just that he wasn't comfortable, and, well, we're here to help, right?"

Silver nodded. "That we are. I hope he's alright. It'd be terrible if he was injured. They'd tell us that, right?"

Night lifted her shoulders. "You'd think, but I've learned to not assume these things. We'll be there soon. Get some sleep." She leaned over and nuzzled her stallion. "I'll let you know when we're there."

They were well on their way to meet their next human ward, and Silver didn't awaken until Night nudged him awake, already at the station. "He should be here to meet us. Try to look presentable."

Soon enough they were descending down the steps onto the station, looking for their human.

A tall, gangly, pale, nervous looking man with a greying beard and mohawk stood on the platform looking around aimlessly, quietly talking to himself, keeping up the same kind of internal monolog most people would keep track of silently, “Lunar pony, and brown unicorn, don’t call them bat ponies… Oh, there they are.”

“Hello,” he smiled and waved, “Are you Ambasador Lining and Night Watch? Thank you for coming to Ponyville I have… issues with the Sun. Being in a city ruled by the goddess of the Sun makes me… uncomfortable.”

He smiled and spread his arms with an an apologetic smile, “Maybe we could go somewhere we could talk? I'm on decent terms with the Cakes, so Sugar Cube Corner would work.”

Ponyville? Silver looked around, realizing that was exactly where they were. He paled a little. "Oh! Uh, well, Celestia's the gentlest, kindest pony you could know. She's a gentle giant, and I hope you work up the courage to say hello to her, eventually, but for now, here we are." He offered a hoof, shaking as it might be. "I'm glad you're getting along here."

“I don’t know as I’d call it ‘getting along’,” the man shrugged and frowned a bit, “But At least I’m washing dishes for food, and not eating out of the dumpster anymore. Can I go home? I didn’t ask to go to Ponyville. I asked to go to upstate New York. I have a friend there. She just finished her last radiation treatment, and I just got out of the nut-house. And we were gonna visit but neither of us had the funds, and then this magic writing on the wall asked me where I wanted to go… I’m rambling, sorry I do that.”

He shuffled uncomfortably for a second, “I brought enough stuff to be sent to the wrong place and forgot to bring my meds. What can ya do?”

Silver set his hoof down gently. "You're not bothering us, I promise. What sort of medication did you need? I don't think pony psychology is very far if it's involved with that." Some concern was in his voice, but not accusation. "We'll do our best, promise. Do you feel alright just this moment?"

“Oh yeah,” he nodded, “I’m not having an episode or anything. I’m just kinda decompressing all at once. Emotional stability of a ferret. But seriously, can you send me home?”

Silver shook his head. "Not within my power… I'm pretty sure there are some unicorns trying to figure that out, but I can think of a few possible problems in the way of that. Let's not focus there though. I'm here to make you as happy as you can be here. If we can get you back, we'll cross that bridge later." He turned to the side. "Are you missing anything, besides home?"

"Pretty much everything, I’m washing dishes for pastries, and I have no earthly idea where to go from here. Are there warehouses in equestria?” the mohawked human stopped walking suddenly and blurted out, “I’m Kiki by the way. Spelled k-i-k-i, but it’s pronounced like kie-kie. Mostly people… and ponies now, just call me Ki. Sorry, I forgot that part.”

"Oh sure." Silver reared up on his hind legs, standing as a human might, even if it's obvious that ponies were not meant to stand that way for long. "We have warehouses and most other things you can think of, just not all here, in Ponyville. This is a quiet and small place, mostly run by earth ponies."

Night nodded in quick agreement. "It's a little backwards. If you want more advancement, you're better off in a larger city."

“The reason I ask is that I always did warehouse work back home,” Ki nodded, “I’m pretty good at it. Wasn’t planning to stay in Ponyville too long anyway. It’s weird, when you recognize everyone… er… everypony around you when they have no idea who you are. Mostly because there’s no serialized entertainment based on you. Know what I mean?”

Silver quickly nodded. "This isn't the place to avoid that kind of feeling." He glanced off. "Every pony here is recognizable, even if just as a 'background' pony. It's unnerving. I had to admit to Celestia and Luna that I knew them that way. I felt too guilty just pretending I didn't know them." He settled down, seated on his haunches. "You remember Manehattan?"

“Too much like New York,” Ki shook his head sadly, “Don’t want to think about where I was trying to go. Is there a pony version of Atlanta? That would be ideal. Funny story, did you know anthro art freaks ponies out? Like seriously. I tried to sell some of my pen and ink drawings when I first got here. Ponies hate anthro more than bronies. It’s insanity!”

He actually managed a bit of a chuckle at the thought, then got somber again, “The worst thing is that Spright, and my brother, and pretty much everybody is going to assume I figured out a really clever way to kill myself. On the other hand, it’ll make closure easier I guess… I hate those damned words.”

Silver frowned a little bit. "That would make it awkward, which is one of the problems I see. If we all went galavanting back to Earth, we'd be a huge bunch of legally dead people trying to ram back into lives that don't have room for us anymore. The longer it takes, the worse that'd end up being, and there's no way to hurry it along." He lifted his shoulders. "Hey, how'd you end up here? How'd the Text get you?"

“I was lying on my pallet on the floor of my apartment, trying to pretend like I was asleep, you know, because sometimes that really does work,” Ki took a deep breath and let it out in a long sigh, “And on the back of my eyelids I saw these words, ‘Where do you want to go?’ At first I tried to ignore it and just go to sleep, but it was weird. Even though they were just words they seemed to press into my brain.”

Ki paused a minute to compose his next thought carefully, “At first I thought it was some kind of weird medication side effect. I mean, I don’t normally get hallucinations, but what else would I think, right? But then I opened my eye’s and it was almost like the words were still there, only I wasn’t, if that makes sense?”

Silver nodded quickly. "Sure. I guess I was lucky in a way. Damn thing just snatched me up going down the road, poof, dark room, words. There wasn't much doubt for me to have about it in that situation." He rubbed at his cheek with a hoof. "So what did you say?"

“Well,” Ki let out a laugh without even a trace of humor, “Keep in mind, I still wasn’t sure if this was dream, a medication based hallucination, or maybe I’d just finally taken the last turn down the road to crazy-ville. But for what-ever reason I decided to play along, and said, ‘I want to go to Spright’s house in upstate New York.’ I mean cause we were just talking about the price of train tickets the night before. And then it asked, ‘What do you want to take?’. And that’s where I fucked up. I mean, that’s where I twisted time and space and just fucked myself right in the ass.”

He stopped. He just stopped, consumed in a fit of laughing and sobbing words coming out garbled and seemingly at random.

Silver went bolt upright with concern as his charge broke down before him. "You alright?" His silvery magic gently wrapped about the man, trying to give him a reassuring squeeze. "You're among friends, promise. You're alright…"

“No, I’m not alright,” grief turned to anger with a lack of transition only bipolar disorder can allow, “And I know you mean well. But I’m not among friends. I had friends. And I traded them for my laptop, my sketch-pad, three changes of clothes, and my set of colored ballpoint pens. The laptop's been pretty much useless since the battery ran dead. I traded my whole life for three changes of clothes and some some office supplies, goddammit!”

Silver nodded softly. "I'm sorry, but there can be new friends, can't there?" He offered a hoof. "Can I be the first?" A little smile played over his snout. "We all make mistakes, but we're alive, so it can get better."

Ki made several awkward hand motions before settling on fist/hoof bump, “Yeah, we’re cool. And I know that life goes on, but I’m never going to stop being mad.”

His eyes took on a slightly disconcerting gleam, “Ima get those damned words. As soon as I figure out how to hurt words. I swear to god I’m gonna make those words pay for this.”

Silver meets fist with hoof. "I haven't figured out how to do that, if there's a way to do it. Wouldn't it be better to focus on making your life better, instead of getting back at something, no matter how much it deserves it?"

Ki gave another dry humorless laugh, “Who’s to say it has to be either/or? I’m not gonna be about to wander Equestria in my never ending quest for vengeance. Gods man, I’m not a super-villian! I’m gonna get me a nice quiet warehouse job. Maybe an apartment in a slightly seedy part of town. Or maybe really seedy. I get the feeling slightly seedy by pony standards would still not be quite seedy enough by my standards”

Night cocked her head a bit. "Why would a neighborhood being more seedy make it better to be in?"

Silver shook his head. "I couldn't say myself." He looked to Kiki. "But that's for our new friend to say."

“Well,” Ki gave a genuine honest smile, “You see, I’m what they would call an old-guard punk rocker, I’m sure it doesn’t mean anything to you, miss, but Ambassador Silver might have some notion of what I’m talking about. You see, we like to keep our vices close… but not TOO close, if you get my meaning.”

Silver gave a thoughtful little 'hm'. "I get the idea you'll be showing ponies more than they'll be showing you, once you get your feet under you again. Still, if that's what you're going for, this is not the right place by far.. As for Atlanta, I admit, never been there… We got Baltimare, Las Pegasus? Fillydelphia, but not the place to be unless you're a filly, unless you like that kind of attention, good and bad."

“Wait a minute,” Ki broke into an amused, but cynical laugh, “Are you saying Fillydelphia is actually a city of actual fillies. Like, literally?”

Night put a wing over her face. "It had a name before, but earned the current one when a tourist newsie took note of the gender ratio and wrote up a big inflammatory report about it for everypony that wanted to see it. City of the mares! Behold, Fillydelphia! Should have seen the rush of stallions that caused, and wouldn't you know it." She lowered her wing, peering at Kiki. "That made them annoyed, and Fillydelphia's reputation as a mare haven only got stronger."

Ki almost lost himself in bouts of hysterical laughter, “Gods in hell! That is SO priceless! I mean, seriously, ALMOST worth the price of admission. I promise you, sooner or later, some human is gonna go straight there and try to live out some kind of Anon-In-Equestria fantasy. That is going to happen. Just let me know when it does, cause Ima bring some pop-corn. But seriously, city of defensive pony-women? Nope, not for me. I’m not here to ship myself with all the Princesses or anything crazy like that. Gods, can you even imagine?”

Silver went stiff, glancing away. "Oh, yeah, ha ha, only in their dreams…"

Night peered at Silver doubtfully. "Are you hiding something from me?


"I heard yes." She suddenly tackled him to the ground. "What is it?!"

“Uh… still here…” Ki glanced around awkwardly, “Uh… I’m gonna walk over here. I can probably still hear you, but I can safely pretend not to. So it’s totally cool.”

Silver reached out towards Ki, "Wait. Night, you're being rude." He 'punished' her with a quick kiss, and they hugged.

She whispered in his ear softly, "I'll get an answer from you later, I promise that." Then stepped free of him, letting him roll upright.

“It’s totally cool, for real. All my conversations are awkward, and pants are always optional,” Ki shrugged and chuckled, “Two basic rules of my world.”

Silver shook himself lightly. "Pants are always optional, here in Equestria, so you're on the right path there, but they're used to creatures that have fur, so you're likely to amaze some people, you know… dangling?" He turned red a little. "You probably shouldn't get in that habit, please."

“What can I say, Ambassador? I go commando,” Ki broke into an impromptu little silly song and dance, “Like G.I. Joe or Rambo. Swingin through the trees. Tommyknocker tommy knockin on my knees. I say geeze. When I feel the breeze. In late December, makes my coconuts freeze….”

And just before he could become the first human in Equestria to initiate a musical number, Ki collapsed into a fit of uncontrollable giggles.”

Unbidden by name, a perky pink pony appeared. "I like him, he's silly."

Silver recoiled a little on recognizing Pinkie. "Ah, yes, that he is." His eyes quickly returned their focus on Ki. "You alright, man? Slap the ground once for yes, two for no."

Night raised a brow. "Is that a real thing?"

“I-I’m goo...good,” Ki stammered out between fits of laughter until he regained some level of composure, “I did that on a public train once, for real. Just as funny then.”

Silver coughed into a hoof. "I may be in the minority, but, overall, most ponies are delightfully innocent creatures. There are exceptions, but let's treat them like bright-eyed kids and they'll fit that profile more often than not."

"Hey!" Pinkie gave Silver a professional pout while Night just rolled her eyes.

“Okay, man,” Ki shook his head, “I’m not out to corrupt all the little ponies. Seriously, it’s a joke. Might run around without pants occasionally now that you told me it’s basically legal, but ONLY for humor purposes. I mean, just think about it, a human streaking through the middle of a Wonderbolts show. THAT would be funny. You know it would.”

Silver put a hoof to his face, somehow producing a clop from the motion. A little chuckle escaped despite himself. "While it would be amusing, that doesn't make it right. Let's be good examples of humanity."

"What's a humanity?" Despite being ignored, Pinkie was going nowhere.

“A humanity is horrible tribe of mostly bald sub-monkeys, Pinkie,” Ki helpfully provided with a straight face, “Humans are all a part of humanity. And just like there are tribes of ponies. There are different tribes of humanities. I’m a Mohawkian. You can tell by the mohawk,” he leaned in for a conspiratorial whisper, “I’m the last of the mohawkians.” He then turned preemptively towards Silver, “Human history. Prove I’m not right.”

Silver glared a moment. "Pinkie--"

"Gosh, how'd you get such a clever know it all as a friend? And to think he's been living and working in my house this entire time! Twilight'll love to talk to you, mister smart guy." She bobbed her head, completely won over.

Silver's head sank. "Right. Anyway, for real. I want to get you where you can be yourself in a way that you can be happy and the ponies around you can be happy."

Ki gave a serious cross wise look toward Silver, “I’ll have you know I have been nothing but friendly and helpful since I got here. You can ask Pinkie. The closest I came to any trouble at all was when I got caught eating out of the dumpster behind Sugar Cube Corner. And that was mostly just embarrassing for me.”

Pinkie stuck out her tongue. "That was kind of gross. If you wanted a snack, you just had to ask, silly!" She suddenly produced a cupcake and held it out to Ki as an offering. "We always have something to nibble on."

Silver glanced at Pinkie, then back at Ki, the situation spiraling out of his control. "Of course. I mean that, I do! I'm sure you are, or they would have kicked you out, and that'd make you both unhappy, but I don't think this is where you want to stop, if that makes sense?"

“Well, yeah,” Ki nodded, “Leaving Ponyville was always the plan. Sorry I got side-tracked. That happens. Sorry, it was the Fillydelphia thing. I just had to laugh. Been I a while since I did that. But, yeah, back on track. Not Fillydeplia. Not Ponyville. Wasn’t planning on Ponyville anyway, but since you seem to think I’ll some-how actually break the place… definitely not here. Hell, you’ve been here long enough to turn into a pony, so maybe you’re right and I will break the place. I already ruled out Manehattan so where does that leave that would have warehouses?”

"Baltimare," offered Night. "Vanhoover?"

“Vanhoover?” Ki cocked his head curiously, “Is that in Equestria’s version of Canada? Never mind… I can learn geography later, after hearing how literal Fillydelphia’s name is, I’m gonna steer clear of Baltimare. Any weirdly literal things I should be aware of concerning Vanhoover?”

Silver looked to Night, who shook her head. "Nothing that comes to my mind? What's a Canada?" She looked back at Silver. "Is that a human thing?"

Silver nodded quickly. "A nation up north, cold, mostly polite people. Famous for its moose, syrup and hockey."

Night smiled. "Well Vanhoover has all of those things!"

“So then the answer is… yes? It is Pony-Canada?” Ki looked back and forth between the two, “I’m normally not big on cold weather. But ‘ey, I heard it’s totally legal up there! Any chance you could help find me some warehouse work in those vicinities?”

Night nodded quickly. "I have some contacts in the guard circuits, and where there's a warehouse, there are guards. I can find out where there are openings. You wanted to do inventory control?"

“Actually, I’m more shipping and receiving. Keeping everything sorted, labeled, organized, and going to the right place,” Ki nodded slowly, “Most wouldn’t think it, but I’ve kinda got a real head for logistics. Also did a little programming and amateur game design, but I don’t see those being very usable job skills in Equestria.”

Night glanced at Silver, who nodded quickly. "Actually, computing is a fledgling field, but we're talking first generation stuff. Anything powerful enough to do what you'd consider a game probably involves magic at this point." He looked back to Night.

She smiled. "As for the warehouse, sure! You're living with Pinkie, right?"

"Yep!" Pinkie had not fled yet, glued to the conversation.

"So I can send a letter to you there, right?"

“Yeah, yeah,” Ki nodded, “That’ll work. One more question, Is there electricity in Equestria that could charge a lap-top? Piece of home and all.”

Silver thrust a hoof at Ki. "You're in luck! I brought my desktop. Once you get the cord to fit in the wall, it seemed to work fine. They're compatible with American standards, I kid you not, aside the whole size thing."

“No Shit?” Ki’s jaw dropped, “What are the chances? So I just gotta twist around the plug and make it fit? It CAN’T be that easy?”

Silver put a hoof to his chest. "Hey, I know that feeling. Out of everything I went through, that one just worked fine and I'm not going to question it. Take some time, bend the prongs right to get in there, and enjoy your laptop."

“Well, thanks,” Ki smiled and offer up a fist bump, “I appreciate you riding out here to look in on me. If nothing else, it was fun. I haven’t really been in much of a mood for fun lately. Which was really getting to my roommate to be honest.”

Silver reached up and tapped hoof to fist. "It was a pleasure meeting you, and I'm glad you had fun. Look, we're both a letter away. We'll look into that warehouse gig and get you started, house included. Equestria isn't what you asked for, but it isn't a bad place." He stood up. "Until then, take it easy."

“Oh, always,” Ki laughed, “Again thanks for the help. It won’t take me long to pack. Ponyville’s been good to me but..” He leaned close and whispered as quietly as he could, glancing nervously back at Pinkie, “I’m almost certain she watches me when I’m asleep.”

When they parted amiably, Silver turned to Night. "Let's get back, now."

Night looked at him curiously. "Why have you been looking at this town as if it were haunted..." Despite her words, she went to the ticket office to secure back to the city. "And what a strange human that one was. Just don't think you're escaping my questions so easily..."

44 - Silver Meets CJ

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Silver sat in his newly appointed office, getting comfy on his high-backed chair even as he pondered its existence. Sitting forward, as the pony body wanted to do, he wouldn't be using the back. There were parts of Equestria that still baffled him. "Night?" She looked to him sharply. "Let the first in for today. Let's get to business."

She smiled and nodded as she reached a wing out to the handle of the door and had it open easily. "Welcome to the office of Ambassador Lining. He's ready to see you."

“I still can’t believe I’m actually here,” CJ said as he walked into the office. “It just doesn’t seem possible.” CJ scratched at the back of his neck and scratched at the only thing he had brought with him, a simple chain necklace. “Oh, hey another pony. How are you, wait no. That’s not a good way to introduce myself. My name is CJ.” The tall human said while pulling up his coat.

Silver extended a hoof towards the human. "I'm Silver Lining, the Ambassador she referred to. Speaking of, she's Night Watch, my guard and lovely wife to whom no mare can hope to compare." His bold words of praise made her blush a bit, but she remained standing with proud stoicism. "I'm glad you came here today. It's important to get along in this pony world, and doing so as a human isn't always easy, is it?"

“You could say that,” CJ said while scratching the back of his head. “When I was offered to come here; I didn’t expect it to actually happen.” Looking around CJ tried to find something else to say. “I was never really good with words. Typing was more my style.” He then realized that Silver’s hoof was still extended and quickly took it. “Sorry, like I said, I’m not good in these situations.”

Silver gently shook the human's hand, even if that mostly involved him moving the hoof up and down and the human maintaining a grip. "Bro hooves are also acceptable. Relax. I know where you're coming from." He took the hoof back just to bat at one of his ears. "I wasn't born with these, or these." He clopped his hooves together. "Typing you say? Were you a writer, or a gamer?"

“Both actually, while I wasn’t the best at either I could hold my own.” With a smile CJ finally relaxed and got a good look around the room. “So you are a human too? You’ve moved on up in the world haven’t you?”

The room had assorted knickknacks, including some open gaming paraphernalia, like a big bag of spilled open dice next to a book of 'Humanway' and 'Ogres and Oubliettes' next to them.

He twitched his ears at his guest. "Up, down, sideways a little." He smiled. "I'm doing alright though. I was both of those before. I still write, but not the fiction I used to do. Do you have a home yet?"

“A home? um...uh, I haven’t thought that far ahead.” CJ started pacing back and forth. “Hehe, going from worrying about school to worrying about life in general kind of wasn’t on my mind when I agreed to this.” He looked over to Silver’s bag of dice, “I’m guessing you played D&D back home?”

Silver reached for a twenty-sided die and let it clatter to the desk. "And things like it. Were you a college student? What of?" He leaned forward. "School never worked out well for me, even here in ponyland."

“High school, well I was about to graduate. I probably should've thought about that before just agreeing to this. I mean, I could've at least asked a question or two.” CJ said as he picked up the dice. “I always wanted to learn how to play this. I never had the chance nor the desire to pursue it.”

Silver twitched just a little bit as he learned the youth of his guest. "Goodness. You must have a family that's worried about you. I'm so sorry…" He stopped there though, watching for responses from the curious human.

“Yeah, I think I really messed up here.” A frown crossed CJ’s face. “Do you think we can talk about something else? I don’t like thinking about my mistakes,” CJ turned towards the door. “How did you get this position anyway?”

"Christ almighty, that'd be a tale." If there was a doubt he was a human, that uniquely human phrase just might give him away. "I'm sorry for prying where it's not comfortable though. We're not here to chastise. I just want to know you, CJ, the real you, so I can help as best I can." He sat up a bit. "Want to try a game of Humanway? It's hilarious seeing what ponies think people might be like."

“Sure, I have absolutely no idea how to play though. I was more of a Fallout and X-Com kind of guy.” CJ said as he picked up the dice before he realized something “Do we use these for this?”

Silver bobbed his head quickly. "Yep, just like Dungeons and Dragons, with a special pony touch. Songs have an actual effect in game." He flashed a bright smile. "Say, have you seen unicorn magic yet?"

“When I got here I saw a unicorn levitating some cups. I thought it was cool and pointed out the glow around the cup. Everyone looked at me funny after that. Was that impolite or something?” CJ asked looking around while avoiding eye contact. “I really don’t want to have ponies hate me over a misunderstanding.”

Night smiled, her fangs displayed. "For ponies, we have to learn how to see magic, and it's not easy. It seems to come naturally to humans."

Silver nodded in quick agreement, then lit his horn with the silvery glow of his own magic. He lifted a glass and poured some orange juice into it before setting it right in front of CJ. "Not allergic to OJ, I hope? If not, please, enjoy. I'm here to answer your questions, so you won't insult either of us by asking."

“Thank you,” CJ then took the OJ and drank it in one gulp. “Sorry, I get thirsty when I’m stressed. I also pace a lot...like now.” CJ stopped his pacing that he didn’t notice until now. “As for questions I um… I don’t really have many.”

"That's a lie." Silver wagged a hoof. "You have a lot of questions, but you're not sure which to ask first, and what's polite to say. You're worried I'm judging you by everything you say. Relax." He hopped suddenly from his chair and circled his desk, now shorter than CJ by far. "See, I'm not that scary."

“You kind of are. If I get you mad then you could shank me with your horn. That’s why unicorns are badass!” CJ realized what he said and quickly covered his mouth. “I’m not allowed to curse, am I?”

Night shook her head with a soft tsking. "Afraid we'll have to throw him off the side."

"Night!" Silver stuck out his tongue at Night Watch. "She's joking, really! And I wouldn't prod someone with this thing." He raised a hoof to tap at his horn. "Besides, then there'd be blood pouring down on the top of my head. Let's avoid that and stick to being friends. Oh! Do you know Friendship is Magic?"

“I’ll answer that with another question. Is Lyra really crazy about humans?” CJ scratched the back of his head again. “So, in other words yes. I never told anyone about it though.”

Silver sat on his haunches and spread his hooves wide. "Welcome to it! Though a lot of fanon isn't true, but some of it is? Lyra has a fascination with bipedalism, but that goes for minotaurs as much as humans, elves, or anything else that stands on two legs." He landed with a soft clop. "I've met her, and Bon Bon, but remember! They're people, not stars. They don't want someone rushing up and gushing about how they did in some crazy alien show."

“Oh, I suppose that makes sense...um, do they you know, know?” CJ started pacing again, “I mean I’ve thought of the concept of being a star without my knowledge, but then I think ‘who would want to watch me?’ Then again there is that whole multiverse theory thing and...I’m rambling aren’t I?”

Silver smiled up at CJ. "You are, and there's nothing wrong with that. Hell, we may all be stars of our own stories. That's the way I heard it. I told Lyra about it, but she waved it off, which is probably for the best. Not like she could do much about it. I try not to bring it up anymore. What do you really do if someone tells you that? There's no good answer."

“My typical answer to something I don’t understand is just wave it off...I suppose that’s the only way to take it really.” CJ stopped pacing and looked down at Silver, “I know this is about me, but I just realized something. Who were you before all of this? If you don’t want to talk about it that’s fine, I’m just curious.”

Silver inclined his ears forward. "I was a middle-aged black man named David Silver." He leaned forward. "Now I'm a young unicorn called Silver Lining. Can you imagine why I'd call myself that?"

“I can guess, but they’re probably dead wrong and you’d laugh at the ideas so…” CJ’s voice died before he continued speaking and just stayed silent.

Silver shook his head. "Nope, not taking that." He rolled a hoof. "Go on, tell me. I promise not to laugh, but I want to hear."

“Alright, maybe you um… you found ways of making life work or finding the good in it and um… you always saw a ‘silver lining’?” CJ put his head in his hands, “Like I said stupid.”

He smiled. "That's not far off. I was in a very dark place. It was my own cloud, but I was given a new life, a new youth. I had years given to me, and that's a gift I can't put a price on. This new chance, that had to be a silver lining if there ever was going to be one."

“That’s poetic, I like it.” CJ said with a smile “I suppose that is a good reason to name yourself that. I suppose that raises another question, how?” He stared at Silver for a minute before realizing how abruptly he ended that sentence. “What I mean is how did you end up, you know, a unicorn?”

Silver smiled a little as he rose to his hooves and did a little turn, showing off his unicorn form. "I asked for it, ultimately. I embraced magic, got pretty messed up by it, and was given the chance to be a pony, took it. They asked what tribe I wanted to be, and I went for unicorn." He tapped his horn. "Figured it'd replace fingers, and it really kind of did."

“Hehe, I would've picked unicorn though I was more interested in chucking fireballs. I suppose that’s my inner crazy talking though.” CJ said with a laugh, “It’s nice to see that you could be so used to this already. I mean, how long could you have been here for? A year?”

Silver went silent a moment, thinking through that. How could he even hope to measure it with the dream time all mixed… "A while.... But you shouldn't be a unicorn for fireballs, please. For the most part, this is a peaceful world, with peaceful ponies. They're not always the nicest, but they rarely pick fights." He looked around. "I'll show you something if you promise to keep it a secret."

"Silver…" Night glared at him in reproach but he still smiled.

“One, I wasn’t going to chuck it at ponies, that’s barbaric! I was just going to use them just to start campfires with style. Even if I don’t go camping...now that I think about it that would be kind of pointless then.” CJ got lost in thought for a moment before snapping back to reality, “Sorry, What did you want to show me?”

Silver turned his head and his horn began to glow a bright silver as heat and light began to gather at the end of it. With the delicate play of magical notes, a ball of fire jumped into being, tightly contained and flickering with power. "Like this?"

“Yeah...Like that.” CJ said while entranced by the fire. “I don’t know why it’s so interesting to me. Before you call me a pyromaniac, I never cared for setting things on fire. I just liked watching the fire itself. It’s nice.”

The ball hovered higher a moment before exploding into dozens on dozens of Trixies with her hooves spread wide in celebration and her cape billowing. "The fireball was the first spell I got down, besides telekinesis, and that isn't really a spell, so no, I won't call you a pyro for it."

“Really? There goes my theory of it being all about emotions and intent.” CJ said while looking at the fading trixies. “That’s still incredible no matter what you tell me.”

He giggled, even if he was still being glared at by his wife. "The Trixie part I learned much later, from her, in fact. Let's not get distracted. Do you have a job yet?"

“Nope, this was the first place I came to actually. I figured I’d go and see the grand city of Canterlot before anything else. I’ve got to say, the show doesn’t do it justice.” CJ’s eyes widened. “WAIT! You met Trixie?”

Silver recoiled a bit at the outburst before his smile returned. "I'm going to hurt your head a little, but she's kind of my adopted mother." He put a hoof on his chest. "I inherited her silver mane and tail, no?"

CJ stared at Silver for a moment...two moments...a whole five minutes, “Talk about a mind fuck.” He said simply before going back to staring at Silver, “Do I even want to ask how that works?”

Silver took a small breath. "Well, alright, so there I was, a kind of disfigured human, warped by magic I shouldn't have been involved in, but there I was. Luna was over me, shaking her head at the mess. My OC was there, Rough Draft, and so was Trixie. I asked to be a pony, and I think Luna just took bits from either of them. I got my nice brown coat from Rough, and the bright silver from Trixie. And here I am, Silver Lining. I was put in Rough Draft's care, but Trixie was to teach me magic, and ended up becoming my guardian too after a while, so, there we are, mother Trixie."

“That’s quite a story, but you say your OC was there, correct? Does that mean everyone’s OCs are here or just some? I’d be both excited and scared to meet mine considering how I made his personality. Making someone you want to be rather than who you are sounded good at the time.” CJ said while he started to Pace again, “I don’t think meeting him would be as cool as I think it’d be.”

Silver tilted his head a bit. "Well, mine was, but how can I say if everyone's is or not? We'd have to start hunting down every human's OC, if they even have one. Do you?" He suddenly smiled at the thought. "Tell me about them."

“Well his name is Iron Clad, an ex-guard who now adventures for a living. He kept his guard armor and adventures with two others. Sugar, an earth pony, and Silk, a changeling. I have a long story about him in my mind, but from what you’ve said so far it’s not happening, and I’m thankful for that.”

Silver lifted his shoulders. "If they existed in a basic Equestria, they might be around, though I imagine any changeling would be hard to spot by definition."

Night nodded softly. "Though we've met a few."

Silver pointed at Night. "True. You probably noticed a lot of construction on the west side of town? New changeling hive."

“That’s what that was? I thought some of those building materials looked weird. I guess changelings and Equestrians are getting along here though so that’s a good sign.” CJ said with a smile. “I always kind of pitied them for what they had to do to live. At least, if they really do only feed off of emotion.”

Night looked a bit shocked, looking back and forth between CJ and Silver. "Um, sorry to interrupt, but how did you know where the hive was going up?"

Silver twitched his ears about. "Huh? Oh, uh… lucky guess?" The look he got from Night suggested she wasn't buying that for a second. "Anyway! We have a hive, but it's only one hive. Most of them are still not on good terms."

“That’s too bad. May I ask why? Is it because of that canterlot invasion, or does it run deeper than that?” CJ asked with genuine curiosity.

Night lifted her shoulders. "Most of them are under Queen Chrysalis, and she sees ponies as a food source and little more than that, which makes being friends hard. The ones in the city have a new queen, one who loves ponies, so they should turn out better."

“Oh, I figured there’d be more than 2 changeling hives…” CJ’s voice wandered off before he snapped back to attention. “I suppose I shouldn’t take headcanons as an actual source here. Not like I really knew of many anyway.”

Silver shrugged. "Maybe there are, just being quiet enough to not be noticed. If they never did anything out of place, how would we find them in the end?"

“Asking another changeling hive nicely? I’m pretty sure they’d evolve to be able to identify each other when disguised. It would be pretty detrimental to be hurting your friends,” CJ reasoned.

Silver chuckled. "I'm sure changelings of the same hive could work out a password to give to others, and if they're not of the same hive, what makes them a friend? Ants will murder each other in droves if they're from different hives, who's to say? Anywho, we're not here to find changelings today." He spread his hooves. "We're here for you. So, tell me, what part of Equestria are you most excited about?"

“Oh, where to begin? This entire place is beyond what I’d imagined already, and you’re saying I have an option on where I go?” CJ started getting really excited, “I want to see more of Canterlot, visit Ponyville of course, check out Appleloosa, etc. I just want to see it all!”

Silver giggled. "That is a very brony answer if ever I heard one. There's a lot to this world." He leaned back a little. "You're so young… I almost want you to go to school, but you wouldn't fit in at a pony school, at least not a primary one, and they don't do secondary schools very often unless for very technical positions, magic, or advanced weather management." He raised a brow. "I doubt any of those sound that interesting?"

“Nope, and I never minded school. You go to one where people do the nasty in a stairwell you kind of stop caring about what people say or do. Before you say anything, I’m not exaggerating, that happened. Still, I was only a few months from going to college.” CJ thought for a moment, “I don’t suppose the age for being a cop is lower here, is it?”

Silver blinked with obvious surprise. "You want to be a policeman? They have those in the larger cities, you know, Manehatten or the like, uh, Baltimare…" He glanced to Night for help and she sat up.

"Fillydelphia and Las Pegasus are both large metropolises and would have a police force."

Silver nodded. "Exactly. Is that want you want to do?"

“Yes, sir. I’ve wanted to be a cop since I got into high school. I’d rather not say my reasoning as most people would say that I’m an attention seeker for it. It’ s really what I want to do though.” CJ said with a smile. “I’ve even taken a class or two on the techniques they use.”

Silver tilted his head. "I think you'd be better off starting softly and getting your footing before taking such an… involved? Look, ponies are usually nice people, but they're strong, and if one tries to shove past you, you're going to get knocked over, pretty much guaranteed, doubly if they're an earth pony? You're going down. Now make that an outlaw that's desperate to get away."

“Let me tell you part of why I always wanted to be a cop real quick. I put myself in danger so another won't have to. If I don’t do it then someone else would and they might end up paying a price they wouldn’t have had to.” CJ said very seriously, “I don’t care if someone is stronger than me. I only care that people are safe.”

Night nodded. "I can respect that outlook on life, but you have to learn how to take that risk, first. You're no good if you just get laid out and then the bad guy's free to hurt someone else." She spread her wings wide. "But, if you want to learn, we have classes for police and guards. It's going to hurt, fair warning, but you'll be ready to protect and serve if you pass."

“If you get me in then I’ll do my best. I might not be the most athletic, but I can change that really quickly if I just cut out the junk food I suppose…” CJ’s eyes widened, “There is no soda here, is there?”

Silver tapped his chin. "They have soda, from bars. Canned or bottled soda you won't find as often. But if you serve in a major city, then you may run into it." He smiled. "I'll see about getting you a position in an academy. Learn how to do law enforcement, and if you really like it, then you can get a job."

“You’re really willing to do that for me? That seems really nice considering you just met me.” CJ shook his head. “Sorry, I’m a little paranoid when it comes to people.”

Night pointed at Silver. "He is the Ambassador to humans."

"And I am an ex-human." Silver offered a hoof up at CJ. "We have to stick together, right? I'm here to help, and see that you get along well here."

“I suppose that makes sense. Um...do you think that maybe...uh...you know what nevermind.” CJ said before looking over to Night, “I never properly greeted you ma'am, I apologize.”

Silver lowered his hoof, only for Night to offer hers instead. "Pleasure to meet you, CJ. I am Night Watch. I am a lunar pony." She twitched her tufted ears. "We're a little rare, but you'll run into others of us, to be certain, especially if you like guard duty."

“That was one of the most adorable things I’ve seen since I’ve come here.” CJ said with a grin. “I hope to meet more like you for certain.” CJ took Night’s hoof and shook it with more confidence than he did with Silver’s.

Night flashed her fangs. "You're lucky I understand your situation. Many ponies get confused if you call them 'cute' out of the blue. Imagine if I called you cute all of a sudden?" She leaned forward. "Not that you aren't cute, for a human."

“Silver, your wife is flirting with me.” CJ said with a grin. “No, but I was calling your ear twitch thing cute. Also I’d take the random compliment with a smile and be on my way. I don’t get many compliments,”

Silver raised a hoof. "You just got one. I bet you got them before and didn't notice it." He nodded softly. "Let me start pulling those strings. We'll get you into that academy. Just promise to keep in touch, alright? Even if something happens that's embarrassing, remember, I'm here to help, not judge."

“God, don’t play therapist with me. That’s my job most of the time.” CJ said while walking towards the door. “It was nice meeting you two...um...I don’t suppose you can point me towards those crystal caves under Canterlot. I kind of want to have a look at them.”

Night flickered her ears. "Caves?"

Silver knew what he referred to. "I don't think those are supposed to be public, but I'll ask into it. For now, enjoy the town." He went back around the desk and pulled out a bag of bits about the size of a fist. "Take this, get a room and something tasty to nibble on. You're our guest. We'll get you started."

CJ eyed the bag for a moment before shaking his head again, “I don’t mean to be rude, but I don’t take charity unless I’m desperate. It’s weird for me to get things instead of give them. Well Christmas is a different story, but we’re not talking about holidays.”

Silver pushed the bag forward. "Merry Chrismahannakwanzamastide!" It glowed the soft silver of his magic as he smiled at his guest, apparently adamant.

CJ sighed before taking the bag and removing a few bits before tossing the rest back, “Just enough for food...hopefully.”

Silver gathered up the bag and tucked it away. "I know you have your pride, and I want you to keep it, but if things get rough, call on me. You're not just a new adult, you're a damn alien in a whole new world. Things can get rough, and it isn't a bad mark on your part to get some help."

With that said, they said their farewells, leaving Silver alone with Night. "I think that went well."

Night tilted her head. "If he doesn't mess up. Did you see him? He could get hurt."

Silver pointed at himself. "How often does telling me logically not to hurt myself work?"

Night rolled her eyes. "Humans…"

45 - Silver Meets a Firecracker

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Silver sat on a balcony, the soft warm breeze of the afternoon wafting through the pelts of him and his wife. "This is nice. We should do more interviews out here."

Night waved a hoof. "Maybe for a change of pace, but there are proprieties to uphold, so, no, we won't be doing this every day." She thrust a hoof out over the city of Canterlot below. "Besides, do you really want to be in view all the time?"

"I suppose not. So who are we seeing today?"

Night lifted a clipboard into view. "Well, it seems they declined to give out their names, citing personal reasons. They should be waiting just outside."

Silver tilted his head a bit. "Really? I hope they haven't already been harmed." His tone got a bit worried. "Well let's not keep them waiting, let them in."

Night saluted with a wing and trotted to the door, pulling it open with a deft twist. "Do come in, the Ambassador is ready for you."

The voice that came in reply sounded terribly unsure, and, if Silver was honest to himself, somewhat wrong. “D-d-thanks.”

Night kept her face schooled and stepped aside to give Silver a grasp of the newcomer. As he did so, his eyebrows rose a touch. This was the first person he met that had accepted being turned into a pony.

The young stallion smiled uneasily, brushing his flashy orange mane before taking a few steps in. “Err… where?” He motioned a purple hoof to the desk and chairs.

Silver hopped down from his seat, regarding his visitor intently. "Hello and welcome. I'm Silver Lining, the Ambassador Night mentioned, but Silver, or Lining, Mister Lining, Ambassador, whatever you prefer." His eyes stayed on the stallion, watching for reactions. "Please, come and relax."

The visitor kept up the smile, though it strained on the corners of his mouth. His ears twitched, the tuft of fur at the ends standing straight up. “Err… Silver, d-that’s fine?” he asked without meeting either ponies’ eyes. “You help… anyone?”

Silver bobbed his head. "I'm here to be helpful, but are you… Or were you human?" He tilted his head a little.

Night nudged Silver and pointed at the newcomer's eyes as she made a soft click, trying to get his attention with mixed success.

The purple stallion sighed and hung his head. “Used to.” His face scrunched up, and his lips moved against, but the words that he uttered weren’t any either Silver or Night knew.

Silver took a slow step forward, only to be kicked in the side. Night leaned in with a harsh whisper, "his eyes!" Blinking, he looked back from her to him and noticed it at last, those slit eyes.

"Oh, well, that isn't so important." He smiled brightly. "I didn't catch that? I'm sorry, Night distracted me a little. I don't think I introduced her." He waved towards Night. "This is Night Watch, my wonderful wife."

At first, the stallion jolted, as if surprised to have been heard. His cat-like eyes, as orange as his mane, darted between the two, before his expression softened a bit. “Nice to meet you.”

Night nodded. "A pleasure." She glanced sidelong at Silver. "As much as he thinks it means nothing, I have to ask…" She rolled a hoof slowly. "Are you lunar?"

Silver coughed softly. "You're assuming he even knows what that is."

Instead of the reply they expected, they saw the stallion’s cheeks turned a purple so dark it seemed nearly black. He shrunk on himself, and groaned as he brought a hoof to his forehead. “Can you explain… slowly? I’m… not a native speaker.”

Silver put up a hoof in front of Night. "It's alright," he started slowly. "We didn't mean to hurry you." He sat then, trying to make himself a smaller presence. "What do you talk, besides English?"

“...French. I didn’t think ponies wouldn’t speak it...” He pulled a bitter grimace. “Didn’t think a lot… So, huh, lunar?”

Silver smiled. "I wonder how similar Prench would be… Let's put that aside. Lunar means ponies that belong to Luna." He pointed to the sky. "The moon princess. Have you heard of her?"

He kept a neutral face. “I watched the show.”

Silver bobbed his head, looking quite relieved. "Oh good. Then you know where you are? This is Canterlot."

“Figured.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “It’s just… not quite the same, right? On the way… someone called me bat-pony.” A nervous laugh rang in the room. “The way they said it though...didn’t sound like a compliment.”

Night scowled at the mention and advanced. "Who said that? Don't ever let a pony tell that to your face." She flashed her fangs in a low rolling growl. "Describe them--"

Silver gently pulled her back. "Easy there. We're here for him, not to punish would-be racists."

The stallion’s eyes widened. Something flickered in his gaze, like a switch turned off, and he looked down. “Damn it… Just… great. Just what I needed on top of...”

Under their eyes, the stallion’s mouth clamped shut. The words had slipped past him.

Silver reached out, but didn't dare touch the stallion. "Please, you're safe here, and among friends. Don't be scared or upset." He tried to think of something witty to say, but just gave a little smile, which would have to suffice.

It seemed to have, for the lunar pony’s shoulders slumped as the tension left his muscles. “Yeah.. okay… Can you help me?”

Silver quickly bobbed his head. "I'm going to try my best. I've been where you are, lost and afraid and alone, and it's not fun." He ran a hoof along his snout. "Did I miss your name?"

The stallion tore his orange gaze away from Night Watch, then scratched the side of his face. “Err… no… I just… my real name felt weird... ” He motioned to his ears and his tail swished. “For this. A-and I was trying to, huh, fit in.”

His weak chuckle died out on his own, and the stallion sighed again.

“No clue what to pick though.” His hoof ran across his mane. “Been stuck on ‘Halloween’ since I saw the colors.”

Silver considered that a moment. "Halloween isn't a holiday here, so you may confuse some, but how about… Autumn Colors?"

The stallion looked deadpan. “A bit blunt, no?”

Night lifted a hoof. "Pumpkin Spice. You're like a spice, interesting and exotic. Nothing wrong with that."

For a second, the still nameless pony mouthed the words. “Spice? Well...” He blew out a strand of orange mane out of his face. “Can’t deny the pumpkin part. I… I guess that’d be fine… Would it be… like… absolute? Err, forever?”

Silver pointed at himself. "It's your name, you get to decide. I was David Silver, and took the name Silver Lining after becoming a pony. Speaking of which…" He leaned in a little. "How did it happen? Did you want it to?"

The newly-dubbed Pumpkin shifted on his hooves. “W-w-w-well… It kinda fascinated me… a-a-and I figured… it’d be easier this way,” he stuttered. “You know… I don’t like sticking out.”

Silver's expression softened. "I know that feeling. We're like brothers." A little chuckle escaped him, almost a giggle in tone. "Please, I mean it. I ran to ponydom too, and it's worked out well for me, so far. It's had its pains, no doubt… I'm happy with it now."

“Brothers? C-cool...” Pumpkin rubbed his front legs together. “So, huh, hypo… hypothetically, you wouldn’t throw me out if I...”

Pumpkin swallowed, and his breath shuddered. With a sniffle, he fell onto his rump. A choked sob blocked the way for any more words and made them more like whinnies.

Silver's expression collapsed with worry and sympathy as Pumpkin fell. "Oh, no no. It's alright." He stepped forward with uncertain steps. "It'll be alright, really. We're not throwing you out, promise."

Night tilted her head a little, looking questioning, but not moving to action, just watching.

The snort Pumpkin made sounded bitter, and the scowl on his face betrayed his inner feelings. “Happened last night...” He bit out a word, with such venom the two others could only think of it as a swear. “Last thing I expected. Maybe a rejection, but not actually...”

Silver threw caution to the wind and reached around Pumpkin, trying to gather him up in a bit of a hug as he moved in as close as two ponies could be. "Shhh, I'm so sorry you've had to go through this, but you came to the right place. No more of that. None."

Sighing, Pumpkin rested his chin against Silver’s shoulder. But when he opened his mouth to talk, he suddenly stiffened, and tried to get out of the embrace. “C-cool, lemme go… please...”

Silver stiffened and blushed softly. "If you want…" Some past experiences kept his reactions at bay, even as his mind whirred with what he noticed. "It's alright, I mean it. You're safe here."

After wrenching his way out, Pumpkin sat back a few hoof lengths away from Silver, his front legs now firmly set before his chest and his lower belly. If possible, the stallion would have shrunk and disappeared. He spoke with a tiny, ashamed voice, “N-no, it’s not. They threw me out.”

"Who?" Silver reached and put a hoof on one of those guarding legs. "Tell us, if you feel alright with it. Do you need… time?" He tilted his head a little, worry painted on his features.

Pumpkin kept his eyes firmly on the ground, and his legs as closed guarded as possible, even to his obvious discomfort. “I tried to go to a bar, last night. Got told it was friendly.” His mouth twisted upside down. “Maybe I didn’t heard right… I figured, litteral new world, s’now or never… Drank three drinks before I got the guts to try that cute guy.”

Silver hissed with a breath in a sudden gasp.

Pumpkin laughed at that, but it was nothing of joy.

“Yeah. I lasted two lines. Slurred them real bad. Called me a cow and a colt cuddler.” The tears were rolling freely on his cheeks. “G-guess… I was lucky... ” He sniffed again, shaking. “Didn’t hit me first. Pavement hurt like hell still...”

Silver curled on himself a little. "Ugh." At first, just that word. "Damn it. Of all the… Not you! Not… not you. You're fine. You get to love whoever you want to love, no matter what they have between their legs." He cracked a smile, but it faded instantly. "This is a very pretty world, but it has a few ugly spots, and they're so ugly…"

Night sighed gently. "He means he's sorry you ran into that. It's not the best Equestria has to offer by far."

To their relief, Pumpkin chuckled. “S-sorry, didn’t get half, but it sounded real cheesy. Helped a lot too.” He hesitantly moved a leg to bump hoof with Silver. “T-thanks...”

Silver smiled at the acceptance. "I mean it. You're welcome here. Oh! Colt cuddler is what they call gay people." He blinked. "Homosexuals, in case?" Did Pumpkin know the word? Heck if he knew. "It's an ugly word, from ugly ponies."

“Thought it was fanon...” He inhaled deeply. It came out shaky, though less than seconds earlier. “It’s fine. Wasn’t exactly a first. Just didn’t expect it in Equestria. Sucker punched me.”

Then, Pumpkin bit his lips, and tapped his hoof against the floor. His gaze alternated between Silver and Night.

“I’m just… should I be afraid?” They strained to hear him. “A few ponies d-there lived near the ponies that gave me a place a few days ago.”

Silver shook his head. "No. You should live how you want to, just not…" He rolled a hoof slowly. "There are places for you. So, you remember America, right? Do you know how things work there?"

“Sort of?” Pumpkin snorted. “I wasn’t American. Why?”

Silver sighed. "It's sort of like there. There are places where gay ponies gather, and there are ugly people that think picking on them makes them… better." He frowned. "It doesn't."

Pumpkin raised one eyebrow at that. “I know.” Sighing, he waved a hoof. “Sorry, just… you sound more offended than me… it is a bit like a big bro.”

The thought pulled a smile out of him.

Silver put a hoof on his shoulder. "Would you believe me if I told you I was a big brother before I came here?"

Pumpkin’s smile seemed to freeze, but the impression did not linger, as he nodded quickly, and pulled Silver into a hug. “Y-yeah...”

Silver returned that smile and nuzzled the male, to the raised brow of Night. "It'll be alright. Now, you have a home?"

Pumpkin, his neck a bit stiff from the unexpected touch, shivered and blushed. “An old couple let me stay in their basement for now. I’m not alone there.” He looked sheepish. “Might be shelter, but didn’t get what they said. I… I don’t know how long it’ll last.”

Night rolled her eyes, "I can see the writing on the wall. Yes, he can sleep over, no, you can't keep him. Yes, we'll get him a place of his own. No, I'm not reading your mind. Yes, I heard that." She flashed her fangs at Silver.

Silver burst into a sudden fit of laughter. "Did I mention she's the darling of my life?"

Chuckling, Pumpkin tilted his head to one side and the other. “Yeah. You did.” After a few moments of amusement though, the young stallion grew sober. “T-thanks for letting me stay. And, huh, the talk. It helped.”

Silver nipped his ear in almost blind affection. "Come on, I'll show you where you can rest. No more hurting, I promise."

Night stalked after them. "We'll get you set up in a place of your own, and help you find a job." She tapped a hoof on the ground. "Boundaries."

Pumpkin mechanically rubbed the tip of his ear, his cheeks flushed and his gaze questioning Night silently. With a hoof, he gestured from Silver to her, uncertain. “I thought he was… He’s not…?”

Night let out a little laugh. "He's a big softy is what he is." She raised a brow. "I thought he was more scared of colt cuddlers, but, it's odd. He isn't scared of you at all."

Pumpkin’s eyes trailed after Silver. “Straight guys usually are…” His smile slipped. “You think he’s forcing himself ‘cause of me?”

Night shook her head, watching Silver's swaying tail. "No… He has a certain look when he's forcing himself. He really isn't afraid, and now I'm a little curious if it's you, or him." She waved her hoof as she referred to each pony.

Pumpkin’s ears flattened on top of his skull. “Sorry. Don’t mean to… huh, come in between you two?”

Night waved it off. "What? No. It's not that. I'm just worried about him." She leaned in closer to the strange stallion. "He's been through a lot. Even I'm not sure exactly how he's been affected by it. I'm worried for him, that's all. You're fine." She smiled behind her glasses. "I'd tell you if not."

Silver turned dark in the cheeks at the talk close enough to him to be hard to miss, but had the decency to keep his head forward. His step wavering a little, he kept going.

Just behind him, Pumpkin mulled the thought, and the lingering warmth of the nuzzle and nip on the ear he had received. That wouldn’t make this any easier to understand, but maybe it would be alright. It wasn’t that he liked Silver that way… but it felt good not to be looked at with scorn for once.

Silver hastened, but not unreasonably so, leading them to the rooms reserved for officials and the like. "This one's ours." He nudged a door open with his magic, glowing silver. "You're welcome here."

Slowly trotting inside, Pumpkin’s eyes widened as he took in the sight. “H-holy crap...” He looked back to them. “Serious? I… you’d really let me stay in a place like this…?”

Night moved suddenly before Silver. "He thinks you deserve it." A little smile tugged at only half her mouth. "More importantly, that it'll help you, so, yes." She waved a wing inside. "Come in, lunar cousin. Did I mention I'm also a lunar pony? A lunar pegasus, to be specific."

“Actually,” the purple stallion began with an amused pout, “still no clue about that.”

They all retired to the room, with Night going into more detail about what it meant to be a lunar pony, and starting to gush about some places to go where other lunar ponies would be found. "They will eat you right up. You're the first lunar earth pony I ever saw before." She quirked an ear. "Most of them aren't too fazed by colt cuddlers either. We get enough flak for being lunar, like we need another wall between us."

The night was well spent.

46 - Silver Meets an Adventurer

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Silver fussed with some of the roleplaying trophies he decorated the room with. "How's the changeling hive coming?" He looked over his shoulder at Night. "Do you think Fast will come back soon?"

Night raised a brow. "Soon? It seemed rather permanent at the time, why would there be a 'soon'. Besides that, they're doing fine last I heard. I didn't want to bring it up since it bothered you so much last time."

Silver waved it off. "We're past that, really." He fell back to all fours and turned to her. "Do we have another for today?"

"You know we do."

Silver smiled. "I like hearing you say it. We're a team. Reading on a paper is not the same as a conversation."

Night smiled in kind. "Then, yes. The first should be here any moment. I believe his name was Chris?"

As if on cue, there was a quick knock on the door, followed by a voice with a slight twang saying, "Hello? Anyone in there?"

Night turned to the door. "Right on time." She trotted quickly over and grabbed the handle in her mouth, pulling it open. "Welcome," she began before she even had a look at who was knocking. "The Ambassador's expecting you."

Standing in the doorway was a rather young looking man; brown hair sat in a curly mess on top of his head nearly covering his vivid green eyes as they looked about the room as he stepped inside.

Silver tilted his head a bit. "Welcome! I'm sorry for bringing this off the bat, but it really shouldn't surprise me that the humans falling into equestria match the demographic of the people that watched the show." He hopped up onto his chair, spinning around once before his silvery magic arrested his momentum. "I'm Silver Lining, and I'm here to help. Who might you be?"

“Christopher Mulvany sir, but you can just call me Chris if you'd like,” the human said simply as he sat down in one of the chairs in front of the desk. With that he held out his hand to Silver, “it's a pleasure to finally meet another human here even if you aren't one anymore.”

Silver lifted his ears. "Oh, you heard about me? Even a lot of the ponies here don't know the full story." He smiled gently. "Silver's fine, Ambassador if you have to be formal." He waved a hoof off. "Nice to meet you, Chris. My best friend was named Chris, a long time ago. I'm sure we'll get along fine. How's Equestria been treating you?"

“It's been treating me alright,” he shrugged, “aside from the occasional odd look the ponies here haven't treated me bad.” He paused for a second before laughing a little, “even if my best friends here are an albino and a griffin.”

Night twitched one of her tufted ears. "An albino pony?"

Silver nodded to her. "Or did you mean an albino griffon?"

“Albino pony named Blank Tag. He works for the Manehattan Library actually,” he started pushing, “and Hispano is kind of, in a way Silver would understand, the Riker to his Picard as it were.”

Silver chuckled. "Alright, I get that." He pushed forward a bowl of little chocolate balls. "Want one? So, how'd you end up here anyway? Each person's their own story, and I'd like to hear how yours started."

“I was actually out on a hunting trip when I got the message,” he sighed a little, “I'm actually from Texas back home and where my family rented to go hunting was, well, fifty miles from being fifty miles from anywhere. Hell, you could see Mexico on the horizon from where we hunt but that is beside the point. So I'm sure you could understand my surprise when my phone got a text out in the desert far from the nearest cell tower? And the weirder part was the fact that the text came from my own number and according to the date was from five years in the future.”

Silver raised a brow quietly a moment. "That sounds just like The Text to do. Texas you said? I had a friend out there." He leaned forward. "So what did it offer, or ask?"

“It simply said ‘where would you like to go?’,” he said, doing finger quotes, “and in my infinite stupidity at the time simply replied somewhere cooler.” Chris chuckled to himself a bit, “it was the middle of summer at the time and Texas summers were bad enough when you weren't in the desert on a cloudless windless day. And when it asked what I’d want to take with me, I said my backpack back at the cabin. It had all the usual teenager crud in it: chargers, laptop, a bottle of coke, a few books and few other things.”

Silver tilted his head left and right. "A laptop? I imagine that got you dropped in the middle of nowhere at best. Where did you pop into things? Were you in danger?"

“I was dropped somewhere cold so the text kept it’s word at least. I had found myself in the mountains of the Griffin lands as I would soon learn. As for danger, I still had my granddad’s rifle over my shoulder so I was somewhat safe… if freezing cold at the time.”

Silver looked to see if he had managed to miss an entire gun during their conversation. "I can't imagine you still have bullets left for it, but you're beyond lucky to have been caught armed like that. I wonder if he planned that… Anyway! You made it, and you deserve a hoof for it." He clopped his forehooves. "Do you have a job already?"

He nodded. “Yes to the job and lack of ammo. I work with Whitey and Hispy as rare book finders for the library. Pays way better than my last job on earth did,” he added with a laugh, “though I don't know how the conversion rate would work so I could actually be making less for all I know.”

Silver rolled one of his hooves. "Easy to see. Can you get everything you want to have? Do you feel nice about where you live, if not, could you afford better? It's the little stuff. That's the real value of things anyway."

“We are actually almost always on the move from one locale to another. In fact, we leave for Stalingrad… Stalliongrad tomorrow morning actually. Something arcano mumbo-jumbo was thrown about so I don't understand what it really is that were looking for.”

Silver's ears twitched at Chris curiously. "It sounds like you're researching, or acting for somepony? Who's paying your bills?" He sat up a bit. "Are you alright with all of this?"

“I'm a-okay with this,” he nodded, “I kind of enjoy the adventure of it all. Delving into musty old abandoned catacombs and temples in search of forgotten knowledge. I'm kinda like Indiana Jones now minus the Nazis and horrible fourth movie,” he said finishing with a stupid grin, “though my compatriots are a bit annoying at times with Whitey’s uncontrollable punning and sleeping arrangements.”

Silver waved that off with a soft laugh. "It sounds like you've really gotten used to your new life, and I'm glad to hear that. Look, no matter where your adventures take you, I want you to know I'm right here, and that's just one letter away. You need anything at all, you write to me, tell me about it, no matter how stupid it feels at the time."

Chris nodded, “I appreciate the offer Silver. This last year has definitely been interesting that's for sure.”

Silver gestured around his office. "My last year landed me here, and felt like a decade or two. Equestria's good for keeping you on your toes, if you even keep your toes." He wiggled his forehooves. "Oh, I don't think I need to say it, but staying human is entirely alright, so don't feel pressured by anyone to change that."

“I don't plan on changing,” he shook his head, “I'm fine with my current species… though I will keep the option open.”

Silver snorted softly. "Well, being a pony ain't all bad, but neither is humanity." He offered his hoof over the table. "I hope the two continue to get along, just the way they are."

Chris took the hoof and shook it before standing back up, “It's been a pleasure Mr. Silver.”

Silver let him go and looked to Night. "He seemed to have his affairs in order, by and large."

Night nodded quickly. "Already an adventurer. I can't help but feel he came to the right place. I wish they were all so well acclimated to their new homes." She tilted her head lightly. "Maybe we can help some reach that level."

"I can only hope." Silver hopped down and moved for Night, hugging with her gently.

47 - Silver meets David

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Silver seemed to like trying new places to meet people and keep things fresh. What could be fresher than the gardens? Bright and sweet smelling, they were a status symbol of Equestria's prosperity, as well as being a peaceful place of quiet. There were flowers and trees to be enjoyed, and the animals that dwelled within were uniformly well-behaved and usually kept out of sight.

There, Silver sat beside Night on cushions before a table. "It's a nice day out." Silver waved a hoof slowly. "I almost feel as if the world itself were saying I'm doing the right thing."

Night raised a brow. "A little rain doesn't change your job or your goal in life. Still, it is a nice day." Her fangs were exposed a moment. "Today's appointment should be led here when he arrives."

"Do we know much about him?"

"Humans seem to prefer introducing themselves in person." She shrugged softly. "I'm sure you understand."

Silver nodded at her. "I do. So far none of the humans we've met have been bad sorts. Equestria isn't suffering for having them."

A palace guard approached from one of the many trellised arch-ways that led into the gardens. Trailing a respectful distance behind and to one side, a lone human, male, middle aged and heavy set, followed. He was dressed plainly, in dark blue jeans and a pale blue polo shirt, a pair of silver and black wire framed glasses resting on the bridge of his nose and, although he was holding himself up straight, he was clearly trying to take in as much of the surroundings as possible without staring outright.

The guard stopped short of the table and came to attention. “Ambassador Silver Lining.” He saluted respectfully, then turned and exited from the same arch that he had entered from, leaving his charge standing somewhat nervously before them. After a moment of hesitation, he straightened his back and canted his upper body towards them in a small bow.

“Mr. Ambassador,” then he turned towards Night Watch and bowed again. “Lady.”

Silver raised a hoof. "Welcome! You can relax now. I've been on your side of the table, as it were. Please, have a seat. Do you prefer orange or grapefruit?"

Night nudged him. "This is Silver Lining, the Ambassador. I'm Night Watch, his wife. Nice to meet you."

He turned to Silver Lining, head inclined towards the brown and silver pony, listening carefully, then turned and paid the same respect to Night Watch until she had finished speaking as well. Gradually his posture relaxed and he took a slow, deep breath before speaking. “It’s a pleasure to meet the both of you, Ambassador Silver, Night Watch. My name is David Sakai, I’m… new around here.” He looked down at the cushions and lowered himself carefully to sit cross legged before them, speaking tentatively, “And orange will be fine, thanks.” He took another deep breath and closed his eyes for a moment, then looked to Silver again. “Ambassador, I hope this isn’t rude to ask, but,” he swept his arm in an arc that took in Silver, Night, and the entire garden. “is this... all real?”

Of the few containers, Silver's magic wrapped around one in the grip of a spectral silver hand, pouring out a glass of orange juice for his guest. "A fellow David? Nice. It's as real as anything can be. We get hungry, we get old, we can die. Let's avoid all of those things right now." He nudged the glass across and a bowl of assorted fruit with it. "How did you come to be here?"

David’s attention was drawn immediately to the levitating pitcher, brown eyes widening at the display of what could only be called magic. After a moment he blinked and looked to the Ambassador, no, to Silver Lining. “Oh.” At a loss for words, he reached for the glass and paused to take a sip. “I haven’t seen that up close before now.” He set the glass on the table and took a moment to gather his thoughts, then began.

“I’ve been here about a week, well, seven days, or so. The first day was… chaotic and I couldn’t say for certain how long it lasted.” He rested his hands on his knees and rocked back slowly. “It feels more like a dream now. I was home, it was late, or early depending on how you look at it. I must have fallen asleep at my computer after my par…” He paused for a moment, then quickly resumed, “my friend and I said goodnight. The chat woke me back up, and I thought he had signed on again, but then he started asking me odd questions…” He reached for the glass again and took another, longer pull from it.

Silver nodded quickly. "That sounds just like Him. The Text can be sneaky at times." His eyes darted over the human. "Good to see you still have all your parts where they should be." He smiled brightly. "I hope you don't mind me being hooved, but I haven't forgotten humanity, promise. Please, go on, what happened next?"

David tilted his head slightly. “The Text? Is that what you call it?” He pondered that for a moment, then relaxed a little more and snorted. “Seems accurate.”

He sighed and looked off to the side, remembering. “He asked me where I wanted to go, would I like to bring anything with me?” He shook his head. “It was odd, but I figured it was just my friend being silly with me. Maybe he couldn’t sleep or something. He’d have just called me if it were an emergency, right? So I played along.” His gaze fell to his lap as the scene replayed in his mind. “We’d been to Japan a few times, my friend and I, and I like it there, but I suggested we try Australia instead. What would I bring with me? Just my suitcase with everything I’d normally pack for a trip like that.”

He turned his head to the side, and closed his eyes, reaching up under his glasses to rub them gently “Then things got... really strange.”

Silver leaned forward before his eyes darted about in search of a suitcase. "You seem to have weathered it well, at least. Welcome to Equestria, if you haven't been told that already." He smiled a little. "This is one of the safer places to be, Canterlot that is. That's the name of this city." The question leapt into his mind suddenly. "Are you familiar with the show?"

David looked up, pulled back from his recollections, and blinked at Silver, then chuckled and reached up to run his hand over his tanned forehead and back to smooth out short cropped, black hair. “I kind of figured that was where I must be the first time a pony spoke to me.” His face flushed slightly and he looked off to the side. “Well, to be honest, it was after I woke back up after that.”

“I’ll sum it up as quickly as I can. I was dropped in the middle of a desert, just me and my suitcase. I was disoriented, but I managed to stagger towards the only thing that looked promising, just a dark spot on the horizon.” He turned back to Silver and Night Watch, “I managed to move in that direction, but I’m not exactly the athletic survivor type,” he glanced down at himself, poked his soft gut, then continued.

“I was delirious with thirst by the time I got close and saw this pony that had escaped its pen. Who puts a cowboy hat and boots on a pony?” Another head shake, “Oops. I think I managed to croak out something like, ‘Hey there fella, where did you come from?’ and she said, ‘I was about to ask you the same thing, pardner.’” He winced, “I… don’t recall anything after that until I woke up in the local sick house.”

He reached out and snagged the glass once more, finishing it off with a sheepish smile, “So yeah, that happened. Once I was better, Raw Hide figured it would be best to put me on a train to Canterlot. I checked my bag at the station, funny how some things are the same here as back home, and are so different in other ways.”

Night snorted softly. "You don't just have similar names. Your stories are rather familiar." She tapped the top of the table. "Tell me, do you have any feelings for her?"

Silver blushed brightly. "Night! Please. He's probably lost and more than a little nervous right now. He doesn't need ponies prying into his personal life."

David sat back again and looked at Night quizzically, “Feelings? Gratitude, I suppose. I was pretty much done by the time she hauled me out of that desert, and she had the good grace not to be angry at me for calling her ‘fella’ and then again for not believing the talking pony,” he rolled his eyes at his own foolishness, “when she told me I was in Dodge City, Equestria.” He looked over the fruit bowl curiously and settled on a small sprig of grapes, “But you raise a good point. Similar names and stories? Another David?”

Silver pointed at himself quickly. "My original name was David Silver. Silver Lining is what I go by now, after a lot of things." He wobbled that hoof. "We're not here to go over my silliness though. Here you are! You made a friend, but she's not here. You didn't answer my question I think? Do you know what Equestria is? You've seen the show?"

David popped a grape into his mouth and chewed quietly for a moment, “Sorry, I didn’t answer directly, did I? Yes, I’m familiar with Friendship is Magic, at least the first two and most of the third seasons of it.” He smiled, fully relaxed in their company, “My friend and I picked and chose after that.”

He swallowed another grape and looked to Silver again, “How close does it all map to the reality? I mean, is Twilight an Alicorn? Is DisQord a real person here?” He leaned toward Silver and Night Watch with genuine interest, the relaxed atmosphere after a week of one impossible revelation after another making him comfortable enough to allow his inner fan to come out for a breath of air.

Silver sat up as he began gushing and smiled. "There's a fan where I can hear one. To answer though, yes, she is, and just as much of a mad scientist slash nerd as one could hope. Discord exists and is cool. We've hung out a few times, and the rest of the mane six are also down in Ponyville, being who they are." He tapped at his chin softly. "We're past season three, but I couldn't say much more than that. Hard to review episodes from this side of the screen, as it were."

David nodded, then shook his head with a smile. For some reason, despite all that he’d seen and heard in the last week, he felt calm and relaxed here. He’d been so active up to this point that he really hadn’t had a spare moment to process all that had happened. Now though… His face fell slowly as his thoughts drifted into areas that he’d had no time for until now, “Ambassador… Silver Lining, why am I here? In Equestria I mean.” He looked up at Silver and Night Watch and asked the real question on his mind, “Is there a way… “ He lifted an arm and gestured off towards an undefined somewhere-else, “home?”

"Silver is fine," assured Silver. "Or even David, if you like talking with a fellow David. Never met a David I couldn't get along with. About home… well, not so much. Home is where you are, in this case. I want to help you adjust and be comfortable, but I can't undo this trip." He offered a hoof. "That may sound really lame, but I'm here for you all the way short of that."

David reached out reflexively and grasped Silver’s hoof gently, then squeezed a moment later to show that he wasn’t simply operating on autopilot, “Thank you. I just… I would never have agreed to come here alone. I mean, Barry and I, my friend, we were, are… close.” He took a deep breath but it caught after a moment and he looked away, releasing Silver’s hoof. “He’s not going to know what happened to me, him or my family.” It took a moment before he could breathe again and he rubbed the side of his neck as he drew a deep breath to re-center himself.

“If there is a way here, there has to be a way back.” He looked to Silver and Night Watch, “Is there anyone working on it? Can I be involved or help somehow?”

Silver drew his hoof back on release, nodding. "Oh, sure, but they're all magicians, basically. I think Twilight is tinkering with it, among many others. The trick being, even if they eventually find it, what life will we have to return to?"

Night sighed softly. "I imagine you don't know magic?"

David shook his head, “Up until a week or so ago, magic was something to dream about or to use as the explanation for why something happened that one didn’t understand.” He chuckled and looked into his lap, “Now though - now it’s clear that Shakespeare had it right and there really are more things in heaven and on earth than can be explained by science and philosophy.” He looked up again, almost desperate for an affirmative answer, “Is it really only for unicorns and Princesses? I can learn to do most anything that a person can be trained to do…” He looked between the two of them, fear and hope warring for dominance in his expression.

Silver's ears danced atop his head. "I only learned the unicorn variety. We could share the books with you, but this is what makes the magic." He reached up and tapped at his horn. "Humans don't have one of those, so no magic, basically. We're happy to share and collaborate. Hell, maybe a human can, if they figure out how, but I don't know it." He leaned back a little. "Let's put that aside a moment. You need a place to stay, and a job to not be idle and bored."

The human’s shoulders slumped, but he nodded his understanding of Silver’s explanation, and he sighed softly a moment later, “I… you’re right. I don’t like it, but I can’t change that.” He rubbed his chin slowly as he thought. “I meant what I said before, anything that someone can train me to do, I can do.” He sat up, then allowed himself to fall back onto the pillows, “I suppose there is little need for an office worker around these parts, no computers, so no spreadsheets to create or maintain.” He grunted and sat up again, rocking to overcome the inertia of his gut, “and on the side, I learn about magic, even if I can’t cast it myself. Maybe I could provide some insight, an outside perspective.”

His jaw tightened. “I’m not ready to surrender quite yet. If I can’t get home then this is a blank slate, a chance to start over without the weight of expectations and past mistakes, and if I can get home, or bring Barry over, then that will be as good an ending as I could hope for.”

Silver perked an ear. "Now that's a challenge, and he may, or may not, take it. The Text's risen up to things like that before, and if he can haul you in here, well, he can haul your friend in too. Ah!" He clopped his forehooves together. "He almost certainly will drag you back to Earth, for a short while. So you can at least see it, maybe say goodbye. Just don't get killed before then, which isn't much a worry here in Canterlot."

Night looked surprised. "You went back to Earth? Why didn't you tell me more about that?"

David tipped his head in surprise, “The Text can do that?” He shook his head to clear the cobwebs, “I mean, it stands to reason doesn’t it? If I can bring people here…” He let his breath out in a whooshing sigh, “What the hell is it anyway?”

He shrugged a moment later, “So I’ll add that to the plan, if I get sent back at some point in the future, it’s better to have an idea of what you’ll do before you have to do it,” He rested his elbows on his knees and cradled his forehead in both palms, “and in the worst case scenario, I do like I did back home and just go with the flow and see where I end up.”

Silver smiled. "Do consider your friend's feelings in this. If you just go up and ask him to join you, he may do it out of friendship when it may or may not be best for him. Consider it carefully. Until then…" He tapped the table gently with a hoof. "Let's talk about you, here and now."

David rubbed his temples, “Right, change what we can now.” He lifted his head, “Where do we begin?” Then he paused and thought back to a few moments before, “place to stay. Well to be honest, aside from being Raw Hide’s guest, then the train ride here I really haven’t had opportunity to look for a more permanent solution. I was kind of hoping there would be a quick ticket home, but since that’s not in the cards... “ he shrugged, “I can work, as I said, I’m not looking for charity or welfare.”

Silver smiled. "No one's asking you to live on someone else's check. That isn't good for anyone, or pony, as the saying goes around here. You said you can do anything, but let's talk about what you enjoy doing. You like office work? There are plenty of offices around here, with filing cabinets and even spreadsheets, done the hard way."

David laughed at that, and waved his hands in front of him, “No, office work is where I wound up. It’s an easy paycheck and left me with enough vacation and spare cash to travel… or it did, at least.” He chewed at his lip thoughtfully, “The only thing I enjoyed about it was learning new skills to meet one challenge or another. No, I really just like being useful,” he tapped his temple with a fingertip, “using my head to figure out solutions to problems.”

He continued to think on it, “Blank slate, right? Maybe it’s time to go back to school, but that doesn’t pay the bills.” He paused again, “it’s silly… but I used to dream about running a bicycle shop, Simple machines, well they used to be simple anyway, clean and efficient.” He looked to Silver, “Let’s put that one on the short list. if not that, then anyplace where I can be useful would be fine by me.”

Silver clopped his hooves as his horn glowed, spraying harmless bits of color over the area. "Oh that'd be lovely. I've seen ponies on bicycles. Silliest looking thing, let me tell you, but it's something they know and the ones I saw on them seemed to enjoy them. I never tried myself, at least on four legs."

David ducked his head, rocking back slightly at the fireworks display, “Oh!” Then reached out and batted at a stray spark curiously before refocusing, “Well if someone… er… somepony is willing to take on an apprentice or even a partner and teach me the ropes, I don’t think I’ll have any complaints. I have to say, I can’t even imagine how it would work… but if you’ve seen it then there must have been a way.” He rubbed his hands together, “and staying busy will help keep my mind off of things that I can’t do anything about right now.”

"Done then." Silver pulled a notebook out of his saddlebag along with a quill, both floating in his magic as he began to make quick notes. "Now, about living. For now, pick an inn you like."

"Inn?" Night raised a brow. "This isn't Humanway."

"Oh, right, hotel! Tell them you're a guest of the castle and make yourself comfortable. I'll find a pony that's ready to teach the ropes of bicycles, and you'll probably move closer to them. After that? You're ready to go! You have a skill you want to have and a market waiting to hear from you." He set the book down. "How does that sound?"

David smiled and reached out to Silver with one hand, “It sounds like a beginning, and despite everything… I feel good about that. Thank you Silver, you’re a good pony, and I’d like to consider you a friend as well.” His smile grew into a grin, “Maybe it’s the surroundings, but I’ve never made a friend so rapidly in my adult life.”

Somehow, being called a good pony is just what Silver wanted to hear, at least from the way he smiled all the brighter. He met the offered hand with a magical grip for a moment, holding it hand-to-hand for a change. "I would like that too. Friendship is a real force around here. Heck man, they have a princess of it, don't forget. If they can solve problems with it, why not?" He looked over at Night. "Did I forget anything?"

Night inclined her head back. "Those are the major ones. Just remember that we're here, for you, if you need anything, big or small. We know it's kind of scary being in a new world."

David turned to Night Watch and nodded his understanding, “Thank you Night Watch, I’ll be sure to do that.” He studied her politely for a moment, taking in her wings and eyes, “There really never was an opportunity, but perhaps you can answer a question for me after I’m settled. It’s nothing vitally important now, and I’m sure your time must be valuable as well.”

Night looked curious as attention came on her more squarely. "If I can answer it, I'll try." She spread one of her wings, showing off the smooth and furry leather. "That's what we're here for, anyway, at least when I'm not keeping him out of trouble."

David rose to stand, grunting softly as muscles and joints protested, stiff from lack of motion. “Then that will be something to pursue another day, once I’ve had time to think through what comes next.” He still looked tired and slightly worn, but compared to his state when he had been led into the gardens, he was considerably less tense and there was a sense of hope in the way he carried himself.

Both hopped to their hooves. Silver bobbed his head. "You don't have to go right away. The garden isn't scheduled for another use for a few hours, so if you want to just relax, please, do so."

Night nodded. "It's been nice meeting you. You seem like a nice person, and I'm sure you'll fit in fine."

David looked up at the sun overhead, then lowered his gaze to the garden around them, “Actually, that sounds like a nice idea. Everything here is so similar to back home and yet so different at the same time.” He turned back and bowed to them both again, but the antiquated affectation carried none of the nervous formality it had when he’d entered, only respect and gratitude, “With your leave, Silver, Night Watch.”

He left them there, wandering down one of the paths to explore wherever it might lead him and pausing frequently to inspect a flower or resident creature. He wasn’t where he wanted to be, but he had a new world to explore, and he didn’t have to do it alone if he didn’t want to.

48 - In Your Dreams

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Silver was dreaming. Of this there was little doubt. Every time he went to sleep, he became aware of it. Just allowing a dream to happen had become impossible, as he always knew it for what it was. He was lord and god over his dreams, nudging things around and making them be what he wanted. Curiosity could not be contained in such a small space, even as infinite as it was, for long.

He imagined a door, and there was a door, and he pushed it open. Outside he could see the hallway full of doors that was the dreamworld, but he was still asleep, and that was still a dream, and he was no lunar pony. He hadn't even the faintest 'right' to be there without Luna, but there it was.

There wasn't any law against it, or even a request. Just looking wouldn't hurt anyone. He stepped from his dream into the shared space between dreams.

"Stop right there, demon!"Luna appeared, looming and angry, only to deflate almost instantly. "Silver Lining? What are you doing here?"

Silver smiled up at Luna. "Hello, my princess of the night."

Luna frowned. "Why do you greet me in such a familiar way? And why are you here? Answer me." She leaned close. "Your eyes are sharp and aware and I have not roused you from the mists of slumber."

These were all true. Silver nodded as he lifted a hoof. "The dreams you gave me ended with a final gift. I always know when I'm dreaming."

"Always?" Luna frowned slightly. "Even one such as I require some true slumber. How do you rest?"

Silver shrugged. "I dream of sleeping."

Luna put a hoof over her face. "Of course. You should not be here. This is--"

"The dream world." He thought of Night Watch and a door drew near. The fact that it worked was enough to get his hooves clopping with joy. "I was here many times during my dream, and it works exactly the same. I thought you said it was all lies?"

Luna made a sudden wave of a wing, and Silver knew nothing but suddenly sitting up in bed with a cold sweat. Luna had banished him from the dream world. "Why?"

"Mmm?" Night sat up beside him. "You look terrible." She rubbed the sleep from her eyes. "Need a drink of water?"

He leaned in and kissed her cheek. "I should be asking that, besides, I can reach it from here."

"Since you're offering, I'll take one."

Silver grabbed two glasses in his magic and soon had them over, full of water and ready for two thirsty ponies. "Night, I know your time with Luna was private..."

Night began to blush brightly. "Quite."

"I don't care. If you two had a great time, that's fine. I'm not jealous of you." He smiled. "Rather, I'm not jealous for you. About my dream..."

Night turned to him. "Are you ready to fill me in? If you keep me waiting much longer, I'm going to have to resort to desperate measures."

Silver nuzzled into her neck gently. "I didn't mean to keep secrets. It's hard to explain, but I think I said it best the first time. I feel like I have a lifetime crammed in here. How do I even break it down?"

"From the start?"

"Easily said." He stuck out his tongue. "Alright, so... I dreamed I woke up, not with you two asleep, but you two ready to induct me into the lunar pony club."

She raised a brow. "I don't think it works that way..."

Silver rolled a hoof. "But it did, and I became a lunar unicorn, and everything kind of hinges on that. I became a mare, then a princess, then a prince, to die and be a princess again. It was all one big tumultuous mess with a lot of things I'm leaving out, but some of it was true. Some of it, at least, was true. There was one thing that was constant, too."

"Which was?"

Silver bumped noses with Night. "You. You never abandoned me, even when things got insane, even when I was dead. You refused to give up."

She blushed gently. "That just shows your faith in me... Thank you."

He smiled and stood up on the bed. "I visited the dream world plenty of times while I was in there, so, tonight, I did it again. Luna was there."

Night frowned. "How do you know it wasn't a dream?"

Silver shrugged. "I'm pretty sure when I'm asleep or not. Luna was surprised to see me hanging out between dreams, and she banished me back to waking, which is when you woke up. Sorry about that."

Night waved it off. "It sounds like it could have been a dream. How can you be so sure, Silver?"

Silver settled back down and snuggled up to her. "Let's try to get some real sleep. I'm sorry for bothering you."

Night nipped him with sharp fangs. "I think not. Why were you so unafraid of that colt cuddler the other day? Hay, I almost thought you were being... Were you trying to make a move on him?"

Silver squeaked at the bite, rubbing where she had scored that nip. "No! No, I was just trying to make him happy and to take his mind off his abuse."

Night rolled a hoof. "What happened to being terrified of the mere idea? I remember Rough Tumble."

"Sure sure." Silver slipped from the bed, sleep clearly off the list of possibilities. "That was before the dream. Being... It doesn't really scare me anymore. A pony is a pony."

Night shook her head slowly. "I thought we were fixing your depression, and you're saying you've found some kind of... I'm not even sure."

Silver shrugged back at her. "If I knew what to call it, I'd share that with you, but I don't." He reared up, putting his hooves on the edge of the bed. "Does it bother you? Am I not the pony you wanted to be with?"

Night flipped her ears back. "Don't even say something like that! No. You're..." She reached over and ran a hoof slowly over Silver's cheek. "You changed, but I think in a good way. I think I need to get to know this new, improved, Silver." She smiled, teeth on display. "Will you introduce me to him?"

Silver hopped up carefully onto the bed and grabbed her in a hug. "It would be my pleasure, beloved first wife."

"About that..." Night tilted her head. "You only have one, which means I'm not technically first wife, and we're not even a herd. We're just a nice, boring, married couple." She glanced away and back. "Does that bother you? Could you settle with just me?"

Silver sat up. "In my dream, Fast came back, after the hive was settled. She missed us terribly. We really should visit her at least."

"Sure, but..." Night set a hoof on Silver's shoulder. "I need an answer."

Would he be happy with Night alone? "Of course I would. I could grow old and wrinkly if I had you there getting wrinkly with me." He stuck out his tongue a little. "Are we making this official? Do we have to do paperwork?"

Night suddenly pulled back. "No! No, I mean. We... No, it's fine." She let out a slow breath. "I'm the one being silly about this. Did... Did you like being lunar?" She flicked an ear. "Did having great big fangs bother you?"

Silver grinned, but couldn't match her toothy expression. "I miss them sometimes. The best part was being that much closer to you." He wrapped his forelegs about her and gently drew her closer. "But we're together, both lunar or not. You are the light of my life, my little moon, shining at me from behind those big cute glasses of yours."

She giggled at his romantic overtures and soon had him rolled over, her body pinning him down as she nibbled at his chest. "How many ponies did you get to know in that dream of yours? You still want me above them all?"

Silver put his hooves on the sides of her barrel, supporting her as he gazed up into her eyes. "Even when I was buried, you were the first wife. I never want that to change. You're the most important person in my life, and if I ever give the impression otherwise, I give you full permission to drag me off and slap me until I remember that." He smiled brightly. "Which won't be tonight, dearest mare. Tonight, I feel like playing with a pregnant and wonderfully enchanting mare that's holding me down..."

They expressed their love for one another, and fell asleep together peacefully.

49 - Diplomatic Immunity

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Silver trotted into the castle with Night at his side. He was headed for the courtroom, which he rarely did. "They really need us?"

Night nodded. "Princess Celestia put out the word for all ambassadorial staff to be there, and that includes you." She bumped against Silver's side. "You are one of those, if you've forgotten."

Silver nodded quickly in turn. "Well, yes. I just expected to be dealing with humans though. Any idea what this is about?"

Night shrugged softly. "Maybe a foreign ambassador? That would be logical. Wear a smile, don't make a big noise, and it'll probably be more boring than anything else."

They entered past the tall guards. Silver thought back to when he matched their statures, in that dream, or vision, or whatever Luna wanted to call it. He tipped his head at one. "Good day." There was no response, as was to be expected, and they passed them.

The court wasn't as full as it could have been. It seemed only those in the employ of the crown had gathered, and likely only a small selection of those. There were perhaps a dozen ponies seated in a loose scattering around the room. One of them raised a hoof and waved at Silver as he wandered down the main aisle. "If you would spare me the time," spoke the striped female, I would question your paradigm." She patted a space beside herself.

Silver considered the bejeweled zebra a moment before glancing at Night. Getting a nod, he advanced down the row towards the Zebra and hopped up beside her. "Hello and good day." He nodded at her. "What's up?"

The zebra struck one of her gold earrings with a soft ring of metal. "There are many things up in the air, would my telling of them make you care? You are new to this job, this is clear, thank you for sharing your time, my dear." She smiled gently. "You look as if you have seen my kind before, but certainly not on this august floor?"

Silver waved a hoof around. "I've been here before, but I don't much recall zebras, though I wasn't looking that hard, I admit. Is rhyming really a shared zebra thing?"

She quirked an ear at him. "Does my speech offend? I should try harder to blend." She cleared her throat and her words slowed, becoming forced and precise. "Is this better?"

Silver waved a hoof quickly. "Oh, no! I wasn't trying to say it was bad. Please, do what's comfortable. I was curious, really. I figured it must be a cultural thing? It's just fine." He smiled, nervousness on display.

She shook her head slowly. "Hmm, perhaps. I think... it is more a concern of language." She nodded at Silver lightly. "The language of zebrican is lyrical and circular. To rhyme feels natural. To avoid it is slower."

Silver rolled a hoof. "Then go ahead and rhyme, really, I said it was alright."

She held up a hoof at him. "I said I would, and I will. It's good practice besides. I am Saala-i, and it is my position to represent Zebrican interests here, in Canterlot."

Silver raised an ear before he nodded quickly. "Oh, a pleasure to meet you. I'm the ambass--"

"I have heard of you." She inclined her head towards him. "A curious position, serving as ambassador to a country we cannot reach. You are serving a people who have no country they can return to." She raised a brow at him. "You are more of a relief agent. An act of mercy on Princess Celestia's part."

Silver considered that, and if he was being belittled, or just analyzed. "It's a great pleasure and honor to see people put on good paths, so they can be productive and the shock of their situation lessoned. Do you know much about them?"

"I confess I do not." She nudged him on the shoulder. "Perhaps you would be willing to share?"

Silver was pulled back, Night's hoof on his shoulder. "She's getting too much without giving," she whispered. "Information is currency with these ponies." She released Silver, letting him sit back up.

He softly cleared his throat. "How are things, in Zebrica? I've never visited before."

She smiled a gentle smile. "Perhaps in time you will change that." She turned to the front, and it was just as well, as there was movement down there.

Celestia emerged from the back and approached the podium as everyone present rose to their hooves, Silver a step behind the others, but quick to imitate them. Criers announced her coming, and another announced when they could sit again. She dipped her head towards the crowd. "It is a great pleasure and honor to speak to you all today. This is a momentous occasion! We stand at the doorway to a great time, and it will be our actions today that will decide what is written in future history books."

Silver's ears quirked at her. She was really laying it on thick. What could have happened to need so many buzzwords in such a thick density?

She looked as calm and composed as ever, with a generally hopeful smile of benevolence. "Today, a new ambassador joins us, from a nation that has, previously, had none. They have extended a shy paw towards us, but it is one of friendship, and we mean to accept it, hoof in paw, to learn and teach, and to expand peace through the world. They have much to share with us, but their history is not a clean one. There are many gathered here in this very room that will fear them and their past, but we must be willing to move past it, to make a better future."

Silver felt color draining from his face. He could guess who it would be, or at least, what it would be. He was almost certain. He leaned towards Night gently. "It will be a jackal. If it isn't, I'll eat my hat."

"You don't have a hat."

"I'll buy one just to eat it."

Celestia gestured to the left. "Let's put out hooves together in greetings to Nefertari, ambassador of the Anubite people." She brought her hooves together in a loud clop, and others followed after her as a familiar jackal woman emerged from the back, bejeweled and smiling. "She's come a long way to join us. Let us acknowledge the bravery of her, and her people, in taking this important step."

Silver clopped the ground. "Ha!"

Too many eyes turned to look at him. That outburst was louder than he intended and he went red through his face quickly. "Ahem, sorry..."

Nefertari raised a brow. "The spirits willed it, and here I am. Princess of the ponies, controller of the sun above our heads, I am the spokesperson of my people, and will make their needs clear. I am also a shaman, and the spirits' needs cannot be ignored either, lest they grow angry."

Celestia nodded towards Nefertari. "I look forward to hearing more of your people, and to the end of the warring past we've had with them. You are a guest of Equestria, and Canterlot in particular. We've arranged for your room." She looked up into the stands. "Ambassador Silver Lining? Would you mind showing Ambassador Nefertari to the guest wing after we're finished here?"

Silver stiffened. Of course... "Yes! I mean, no, I don't mind, Cel, er, Princess Celestia."

Night whispered towards him, "Smooth." She adjusted her glasses lightly. "Was she in these dreams of yours?" She raised a brow. "One of the pile?"

Silver wasn't sure how to answer that, and opted for honesty. "She is one. We met by fighting, and ended in a tense family." His voice was low, whispered to Night, "Her people respect strength above other things. It's how they see themselves and everyone around them."

Night flashed her fangs. "And here you are, just a young unicorn stallion."

"Just that..." Silver tilted his head. "I'll do what I was asked to do. That's just polite. There shouldn't be harm in showing her to her room. You'll be there, of course." He leaned in and kissed her cheek.

Various ambassadors raised their hooves or talons to be acknowledged, including Saala-i. "Does your presence mean that the Anubite people will cease all aggressions?"

Nefertari leaned forward with a toothy smile. "Would that it were the case. They have agreed to meet with the ponies, and here I am, but to assume that extends to other tribes, hmm, bold. Perhaps, in time. The ponies have proven their strength, against us at times, and against other threats that even we would care not to trifle. Their ways have a power, a subtle and pervasive power. We are willing to learn it, and through it, we will offer our paws as comrades. Brothers." She swept a paw towards Celestia. "Monarch of the sky, it is difficult to not see some hint of your people's power."

The ambassadors of the griffons rose. "You're fortunate your people do not border the griffons. Even in our lowliest of days, we would take great pleasure rallying against such a force."

Nefertari lowered her brows as her smile deepened into a grin. "May our people meet on the field of battle and one emerge with sharpened claws. I look forward to the testing of our battle spirit. I pray your people are as ready as your boasts claim."

Celestia raised a hoof. "Let's not cast veiled threats. We're here to turn towards a more peaceful future, even if the current hasn't yet reached that point. We can work towards this, together. We are all representatives of our people. If we can't push for peace, we can't expect our people to, so it begins with us, here, in this room."

There was not uniform enthusiasm for Celestia's words, but the applause was polite and spirited enough to mollify her for the time. The meeting drew to a peaceful enough ending. As Silver turned to stand, he saw there was a new person seated beside Night. It took a moment for his brain to catch up and realize it was Nefertari. "The spirits say you have seen more than you should."

Silver hopped back with surprise, landing on Saala-i, both of them squawking as they hurried to disentangle from one another. She shook her head at him. "You have much to learn, young ambassador." She tipped her head to him, then noticed Nefertari as well. "Ah, spokeswoman. I would care to speak with you, when time permits. Our people are not above the idea of peace, if your people are ready." She turned and walked away with a smooth gait, acting as if she hadn't just been tripped over.

Night helped Silver up to his hooves, though her attention was on Nefertari. "Here to see your room?"

Nefertari shook her head slowly. "There is that, and perhaps we should exchange words, and something else." She brandished her claws on her very human looking paws. "Lead the way, little pony."

50 - Seeing and Understanding

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Silver walked along with Nefertari beside him. "You seem more at ease with an Anubite than most ponies," She remarked, glancing ahead to Night Watch. "Have you seen us before?"

The thought of lying came to him but passed almost as quickly. "Yes. Your people's need to prove and become stronger is very interesting."

"Is it now?" She put a paw on his head, working her strong fingers into his scalp in firm but soft rubbing. "Do you admire it?"

Silver gestured forward. "I don't mean to be rude, but I am married, and that is my wife right ahead of us." Her rubbing was not, in itself, a terrible thing, but making Night Watch upset kept him from enjoying it much.

"So young, and already you've found a partner?" She smiled. "Are all ponies so fast? Did she win you with battle?"

Thinking back on it, there was some truth to that. "Yes, but she kept me with her mind. Night?"

Night looked back and slowed to walk alongside them. "Something going on?"

Nefertari put her other hand right on Night's head, mussing up her mane and creating an instant scowl from the mare. "He was just complimenting you. He speaks highly of your combat prowess and keen mind."

Those words eased her discomfort. "I do my best, Ambassador. Why are your hands on either of us? It's not very appropriate."

Nefertari shrugged, her hands remaining on the two ponies that were her escort. "I enjoy the feel of pony fur and manes. Their body hair is stiff, but soft, different from that of my people. The way their mane always grows down the center, but they manage to tease it out, creating a full bed of hair in appearance?" She mussed Night's mane in a light ruffling. "It is, perhaps, a small form of magic."

Silver ducked under her paw-hand and erected a quick shield. Not the right kind of shield. His energy reserves depleted with a swift spike, making the world spin and the shield collapse instantly. Nefertari hissed as she drew her hand back, bloody lines across it where the shield tried to rip her apart. "So the pony has teeth?" She laughed with clear enjoyment. "I can see why Celestia chose you to guide me. A little colt of a pony, ready to stand up to me? How delicious."

Night circled around her quickly to support Silver and stop him from collapsing over. "What spell was that? Nevermind, a dream one, wasn't it?"

"A dream one?" Nefertari leaned in over Night. "The dreams hold much power and wisdom, if one knows how to look. Are you a seer of your visions, little one?"

Silver shook his head, jostling away some of the fog of the mana shock. Without answering either of them, he nuzzled into his saddlebag and pulled out a snack bar of sweetened oats and wolfed it down. Eating while mana deprived was still an amazing feeling, as the food just went right to replenishing his stock, as if he'd never eaten in the first place. The fog receded though, and the headache dimmed. He let out a soft sigh. "Sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. Are you alright?"

"Colt, you've filled me with questions, not ire, no, not today." She smiled, bright teeth on display. "I'll be keeping an eye out for you." She gestured at a door. "I believe this one is mine. We shall meet again, the spirits are quite clear on this." She mussled Night's mane, but did not reach for Silver's, then was gone with a thoughtful little growl.

Night scowled at her closed door, then looked back to Silver. "Speak to me, are you alright first of all?"

Silver quickly nodded, just to be cuffed lightly on the noggin. "Ow."

"That's for casting a spell like that!" Night snorted. "What were you thinking? You could have thrown her into a rage, or caused a war! You could have hurt her, if that wasn't another one of your... Luna above, just how powerful were you pretending to be in those dreams of yours that you could cast spells that lay you flat when you're awake?" She grabbed for his neck, sinking her fangs in even as she hauled him bodily down the hallway. "Come on. I'm getting you into bed."

Silver squirmed and fought, but Night's physical prowess was much greater than his, and her form was stronger. By the time she wrestled him onto his bed, he was sore, embarrassed, and yet...

Night snorted softly. "I'm not in the mood for that." She threw a blanket over him, covering his shame. "Maybe later. Now, what can you eat that'll help set you right?"

Silver smiled gently and reached out a hoof. "The company of my lovely wife?"

She gave him a hard look a moment before a sigh escaped her and she hopped up, soon snuggled up with him. They slept together, only for Silver to awaken suddenly. "I have it!"

Night awoke with a start. "What? What do you have?"

Silver hugged her close. "The missing piece, why it all felt just that tiny bit... off. Why she reacted that way, everything."

"Ambassador Nefertari?" Night squinted a little.

Silver put a hoof on her snout. "No, not her, Luna." He pulled the hoof back and tapped at his own head. "It wasn't just my dream. I wasn't just sifting through my own dysfunctions. She returned the favor. She made amends."

"Amends? Look, please, more explaining." Night sat up on her haunches. "Bring me up to speed, right now."

Silver sat up across from her, nodding quickly. "I will, I swear. Alright, so, I faced a lot of things in my dreams, but Luna? She was always there, even if it was as part of me. I was a lunar unicorn. I was a lunar princess, and a prince. I always carried her with me, and I faced her directly many times. We fought, we loved, we struggled to find answers."

Night rolled a hoof. "Right, but you did have a lot of crossing with her, how does this get her side in?"

Silver leaned forward. "That was her side. She opened her soul to me, and it bled all over my dream. I don't know why... but I'm sure of it. I saw her fears, and her hopes. I saw Equestria just as she was terrified of it becoming, under Celestia's tyrannical but well-meaning grasp, smiles enforced. I saw her smaller worries of fear and prejudice against those that are her children." He licked over his lips. "It was her. She was there. That's why I saw so much that I shouldn't have had a clue about."

Night raised a brow. "Let's assume you're right. Why did she kick you out then?"

Silver tried to spread wings he didn't have, resulting in little more than a limp shrug. "I'm not sure if she realizes it or not, at least, on the surface. Some part of her... She's scared. She's great and powerful and ancient and terrified."

Night hopped from the bed. "Interesting theory, but a theory it remains. How would you even start to try to test that without getting yourself in trouble along the way? You're not marching up to her and telling her all that."

Silver clenched his jaw a moment. "She really should hear this."

Night rolled a hoof. "Not like this. Think on it for a change, and come back when you have an actual plan, alright? And it better involve me." She stomped on the floor. "I mean that. You take me with you when you approach her. I'm drawing the line there. You want us to be a thing? You take me with you."

Silver's ears pinned back at the threat. "Night... Fine, alright. If it's that important to you, but please don't make this a habit. 'Or I'll leave' should be a final argument."

"I'm glad you appreciate the gravity." She turned away. "We should get something to eat, like I suggested before. Hugs only get you so far, master magician."

51 - Vision or Dream

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Silver tapped at his chin thoughtfully. There were no humans to see or advise that day, so he could do as he wanted, and his mind occupied itself with considering what could be, and what he should do. "Night?"


"I know you don't want me to go rushing to Luna." He rolled a hoof. "But what about another pony that I know could use a hoof up?"

Night's brow raised slowly. "And what pony would that be?"

Silver shrugged. "I suppose it depends how much I could change the past, but there's one ruling over a town right now, trying to hide from her pain. Twilight will come and smash that, as she must, leaving them bitter rivals."

Night nodded even as she stood up. "And how far did your vision go? Did they ever meet again? I'm also assuming you mean Princess Twilight Sparkle? You probably shouldn't be on a first name basis with her."

Silver flipped an ear back. "It's... sorry. But yes, her. They did. They worked things out."

Night rolled a hoof. "So why should we interfere with that? We might make it worse."

Silver hopped down from his chair, stalking through his office. "Well, for one, we'd verify things. So far signs point to what I saw was very true, but things already can't work exactly as they should, since I won't be where I was, before. I was part of her plans! I don't even know how she can do what she eventually plans to do." He turned to Night directly. "She's not a bad pony, but badly lost. She is someone that could be healed with love and friendship."

Night approached Silver and kissed him on the nose. "You're sweet, but maybe we should start smaller? Did you finish that book of spells, by the way?"

Silver pulled out a new journal. "Here."

Night's ears perked at it. "Why isn't it already in Princess Luna or Princess Celestia's hooves already?"

Silver shrugged a little. "I made more than one. They have a copy, this one's mine."

Night pointed at the book. "I've seen some of the spells you've made. I'd rather that book find a nice warm home in a fire."

"That won't erase them from my head." He nuzzled into Night's neck and nipped at her as he had once with fangs, though no fangs were present anymore. "Do you really think that would change much?"

Night drew back. "If some other, less kind, unicorn were to get a hold of that book? Yes, that would change a lot." She darted forward, snatching the book in her teeth. "May I?"

Silver scowled, feeling intensely angry a moment before it washed over him and he took a deep breath. "I suppose... There are only so many places I can check things though, turning the topic back."

Night trotted to the fireplace and tossed the book inside, to smolder and curl before it caught properly on fire. "What are the others?"

Silver sat down on his haunches, looking thoughtful. "Well there's Rough Tumble. At this point he should be miserable and being abused because he keeps running to ponies that end up using him until they get bored when all he wants is love. There are the Windsong sisters, but they're all the way in the East in Saddle Arabia..."

"East?" Night shook her head. "It isn't East. That's one inaccuracy." She trot quickly to the bookshelf and pulled one out, tossing down a map of the world. "See, East would get you to the griffon lands, not Saddle Arabia."

Silver blinked. That wasn't the map he remembered seeing before. "That makes me even more curious to know what's real and what's not." He drew a slow breath. "I saw the prejudice against your people, your tribe, Night. I felt it. I was one. It sucked just like it did on Earth." He sat down lightly and shook his head. "Ponies should be better than that."

Night looked at Silver with a new expression. "Did you?"

Silver nodded firmly. "First hand, er, hoof, and second hoof as others around me were being subtly segregated for being what they were." He closed in with Night and leaned in to press noses with her. "It's not right."

Night smiled gently. "Preaching to the choir there. Instead of running off to who knows where, maybe you should focus on learning?" She kissed his nose, then pulled out a newspaper with a clever wing and offered it to him. "Maybe you'll recognize events? Maybe things are already working out differently? You don't need to go running off to find out."

Silver's horn twinkled with silver light as he accepted the newspaper and flipped it open only to recoil.


Silver pointed to the front page, which announced the Crystal Empire struggling with rebuilding efforts. Night tilted her head. "While that is a shame, that isn't what I'd call dire news. You acted like you saw a ghost."

A lightly trembling hoof came down on Night's shoulder as Silver let out a breath. "From what I remembered, I'm supposed to be there, helping to fix this, but even more importantly, they're attacked by shadows not long from now, and I help fight them off... I don't want the crystal ponies being hurt, and if I can help stop that with these terrible spells, well, that would be one place it'd make sense to do so."

Night looked thoughtful a moment before she nodded. "Alright. We can visit them. You and Princess Cadance are on good terms, last I checked." She smiled. "We can check for any humans in the city and how they're doing, and maybe lend a hoof if we can find some way to ease their troubles." Her smile faded as she turned away. "As for shadows, I don't know much about them." She adjusted her glasses as she spoke, "We'll have to wing it, though you have an advantage there, if your vision's accurate. Why were we in the Crystal Empire before?"

Silver cringed a little. "Well, after becoming a lunar pegasus, I bit a pony that was attacking me, filled him with fear, and he died of fright."

Night scowled at him. "That's only legend!"

Silver held up his hooves. "Hey hey, don't be angry at me. It's what I dreamed. I didn't ask for it. Princess Celestia found out and was furious. She and Twilight decided I was too male and... they fixed that. That made me angry so I ran off, with you, to the Crystal Empire."

Night blinked owlishly from behind her magnifying glasses. "Your dream was a strange place. I hope you won't be sad if we don't find anything."

Silver shrugged. "If we end up spending the whole time just helping out, would that be the most awful thing?"

Night shrugged. "I suppose not. Princess Cadance was kind to you, we can try to help her people, even if it's just lending some elbow grease for her." She suddenly spread her wings. "You don't think we're frightening, do you?"

Silver smiled. "I think you're enchanting." He moved in to nuzzle into her stretched wings. "Lovely wife, my only fear is disappointing you. Do you have other lunar pony friends? I wouldn't mind meeting them."

Night's expression fell a little and color showed through her dark fur. "I... not so many... There are a few guards I would share the occasional drink with after shift? I haven't seen them in a while."

Silver nodded. "So let's touch bases some time. You can show off your crazy stallion. Think about it. If you don't want to, I won't force you, but I want to be clear that you're not some aberration. I'm not 'just' alright with you."

The tension cooled between them, and they celebrated with exchanged kisses. She started for the door. "I'll get things together."

Silver quickly moved to her side. "Let's do it together. I should know how to plan out a trip, buy tickets, and all that. We should also tell Celestia so she isn't surprised when she goes to look for me and I'm not here."

They did just that, preparing for their shared trip and getting an appointment to see Celestia.

She met them in one of her waiting rooms, a gentle smile on her face. "Going to visit Cadance? How delightful! Please, give her our well wishes and invite her to return the favor. We'd love to see more of her."

Silver nodded quickly. "Of course, though I imagine she's busy at the moment, especially with her people being so short on supplies." He smiled nervously. "I hope to help with that."

Celestia extended a wing towards him. "Then I wish you the best of luck. Was this your idea as well?" Her vision centered on Night.

Night stiffened as she shook her head. "I can't take credit, but I'll help my husband as best I can." She smiled. "I want to see what the Crystal Empire looks like, I admit. Are they really made of crystal?"

"They are." Celestia slowly nodded. "It's a sight to be seen for yourself, but, be mindful. Just as you don't like being singled out, focusing too strongly on what makes them different could make them uncomfortable. They are--"

"Ponies," interrupted and finished Silver. "We're all ponies."

Celestia smiled gently. "Exactly as I was going to say. Then go, as my gift."

Silver blinked softly. "Your gift?"

Celestia nodded as that smile deepened. "A gift, from my court to hers, until she returns it. You are my ambassador, after all. That will give your trip legitimacy, and you do carry my deepest of well wishes. Please, do help her, and her ponies."

Silver considered Celestia. She was so... nice. Compared to his visions, there seemed to be no ill-intent there, well-meaning or not. Was that all the fear that Luna kept bottled inside? "Celestia, am I a good pony?"

She seemed startled by the question. "Are you worried because you weren't always? It's easy to forget at times. You've embraced your new pony nature fully. You have a lovely wife at your side, and seek to make the world a better place with gentle hooves. Your magical research direction... I do hope that turns more mild, but other than that? You're a fine pony. Are you happy being one?"

Silver quickly nodded at that. "Oh, yes! I like being a pony, every bit of it." He twitched his ears gently. "It's not always easy, but..."

"Nothing worth having is easy." Celestia brushed a wing over his nose, and Silver sneezed on command. "Except that."

They exchanged partings, and Silver trotted alongside Night through the castle. "That's everything, right?"

Night nodded. "All packed and ready. Crystal Empire, here we come!"

52 - Echoes of the Past

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Waiting at the station with Night at his side, Silver looked left and right across the sea of ponies. "The Crystal Empire was very nice when I visited it."

Night twitched an ear at him. "In your dream, or vision, or whichever it might be. Even for a human, you are a strange pony." She nudged Silver in the side with a hoof. "You're lucky I love you."

“You’ll see, Stick, they won’t cause any problems for you.” Another lunar pony, this one without wings but plus horn, was walking past with a changeling at her side.

The changeling nosed the other mare’s dark-colored neck. “You keep saying that, but the Elements weren’t treated well by us....”

Silver's ears trained on the curious couple, blinking in confusion. "Um, excuse me?" He rose from where he was sitting. "Sorry, don't mean to be a pain in the ass, er, flank…"

The mare’s own attention shifted and the odd pair turned to face the unicorn. “It’s okay!” The lunar unicorn grinned wide, showing no offense but kept her extra ‘mouth-cutlery’ out of view.

“You going to Ponyville too?” The oddly chittering voice of the changeling dripped with curiosity. “Oh, manners! I am Stick.” She thrust a hoof lacking in holes out to Silver.

Silver offered a hoof in kind, seemingly not terribly frightened of changelings, though he helped save them. "Hey, one of Fast's Oh, um." He looked back to the lunar unicorn. "I don't mean this in any bad way, but lunar ponies are rare, and lunar unicorns are basically not existent, and there you are."

Night strolled up beside him. "My husband, the Ambassador, master of the spoken word." She put a hoof over him. "This sly-tongued stallion is Silver Lining, who is happy to meet you both. I'm Night Watch, and we're headed up north."

Stick practically started vibrating in place. Her wings twitching she bounced once. “The Silver Lining? You helped save us!” She was halfway in an attempt to dive in and hug Silver when the lunar unicorn put a foreleg over her withers to slow her down.

“Glad to meet you, Silver Lining, Night Watch. We,” Penny looked to Night with a hopeful smile, “are a little rare, although from what I understand Princess Luna hopes to have more of us around.” A deep blush is seen through the dark fur of the mare’s face. “Oh, I am Penny Farthing.” She offered her free hoof to Silver and Night as well, promptly falling over and almost pulling Stick with her.

Silver went stiff. His dream, a new angle? "She has you…" he said in a loud whisper before he caught himself. "I mean!"

Night slapped him in the side, sharp enough to catch his slip even as other ponies may have just missed it. "Luna is a very kind pony, mother of us all." She spread her wings as if in a bow of respect.

Silver wasn't having it and thrust a hoof at Penny. "Are you a human?"

Penny started picking herself up from the platform. “Uh, yeah.” She managed to get a hoof out to Silver after rising, tapping his and giving a little shake. “My hooves work great, as long as I don’t think too hard on where they are going.”

The changeling looked a little surprised by something, not saying any words but helping Penny rise with her hooves.

Silver bobbed his head quickly. "I know that feeling." He wagged a hoof at Penny. "Have you learned how to use your horn yet?" His own glowed with magic, too dimly for ponies to see, but to human eyes, or once-human, clear as the day itself.

“Sorta? Princess Luna arranged for me to have a tutor, but so far we have only had one lesson and she is getting me to make light and keep it steady.” Penny relaxed, her body back under control. “If it’s not, well, a secret, where are you off to?” Small talk, usable no matter what universe you are in.

Silver wobbled a hoof. "It's the opposite of a secret. Being an Ambassador means having your business thrown around. I'm being sent as a gift to help Cadance's kingdom. They're having a variety of problems that I really want to help with." He glanced away then leaned in real close, violating personal space. "I won't tell, and you can not answer if you prefer, but were you a man or a woman?"

Penny didn’t blush one bit at this. “Princesses Celestia and Luna found an odd ripple in my aura… thingy. Said it was odd but I could be either. I figured changing sides would be a good plan.” The mare was keeping her voice low, she was pretty sure this was all fine, but didn’t want to take chances. “I would say it took some getting used to but, things happened in a way that made any change a good one.”

Being a little left out of the more private conversation, Stick leaned toward Night. “Are you a human too?”

Night shook her head at Stick. "'Fraid not. Somepony normal has to keep an eye on him, and I was as close as he got to normal." She gestured at herself before adjusting her glasses suddenly. "He's alright though, I'm just teasing."

Silver nodded quickly. "It's… just like it. I mean, wow. Still, good to meet you, seriously. You do know us humans, and once-humans, have a place to go? I'm the Ambassador to humans. Why didn't you come say hello to me?" He flashed a bright smile. "I like helping out."

“Didn’t even know we had an ambassador just for us.” Penny looked up at the sound of a train pulling in but a loud voice called it as the express to Manehatten. “I might just come say hello… well, when you are back.”

The chittering seemed to have mostly left Stick’s voice as she had relaxed a bit. “Tell me about it. I think, uh once-humans, biggest headaches ever. Would you believe Penny is dragging me to Ponyville? She is taking a changeling to meet an Element of Harmony!”

Night perked her ears up. "I imagine that'll come as a surprise for them, but a good one. It'll be nice for them to meet a nice changeling or two after their ordeal, bring some balance to things."

Silver rose to his hooves and circled around the lunar unicorn. "I've been avoiding Ponyville, truth told. I keep getting worried I'll crash into the show and ruin the whole thing, somehow… I feel better on the periphery at best." He swallowed softly, thinking of his time with Twilight. "Not that I'm not tempted at times. Anyway, oh! We're humans, we may want to at least offer our real names? Real as they are anymore." He extended a hoof. "David Silver was my birth name, given by father and mother. I kept half of it at least, eh?"

Penny was smiling and nodding as she listened but just as Silver got to his human-name a look of absolute shock passed over the mare and her legs folded under her!

“Penny?” Stick reached down with a hoof, her horn also lit as she tried to rouse the mare from the shock she had suddenly gone into.

Silver squeaked in dismay, a silvery hand popping into being just before its twin appeared and both gently scooped up the lunar unicorn. "Are you alright? Everything okay?"

Eyes wide, the fallen unicorn looked up at Silver. “David Silver? The Davi… Ponyfinder, you made Ponyfinder?” The words were softly spoken, sounding almost scared as to what the answer might be.

Silver set Penny down carefully, testing to see if she could support herself even as he began to root through one of his bags with a snout. He pulled out a familiar green keychain, hanging by its metal ring from his teeth. "That's me. You played it before?"

“Played it? David I damn well made some of it with you!” Penny seemed somewhat restored, Stick was leaning against the dark unicorn, not using magic anymore but offering support nonetheless. “Byron… I’m Byron. Damn it I thought you were gone forever!”

Silver went stiff a moment before he threw his hooves up in the air. "Byron! Damaged! Hey, there's a name… a mare? You went with a mare?" He moved in with new eyes. "I thought you didn't even care about that kind of thing in the real world, but the moment you get a chance, boom, mare. You sure you don't care?" His voice was interrupted by constant little escaping giggles, overwhelmed at that moment.

The mare in question blushed a bit more. “Well, that’s the thing. Didn’t really care but, you seen many stallions who aren’t attached to a mare?” She couldn’t hold back any more and dove in, forehooves wrapping around Silver’s shoulders. “You just left, I was so damn lost. The world… any world, is a boring place without you.”

Stick was left with her mouth open, cute little fangs on display. “You knew each other?”

Silver returned the embrace, drawing the strange, and yet so familiar, mare close. "I'm sorry. I wasn't given much of a warning. I went out for a walk, I think I mentioned it on the computer, and on the way, poof, ambushed by The Text, and basically gone forever." He nuzzled into an available neck. "I was winning this game of Hide and Seek, and you still found me! You're fucking good at this game."

Night bonked him on the head. "Language!"

“The Text? Yeah, I guess as good a name as any. Asked where I wanted to go.” Penny blushed a little at the attention but didn’t rebuff it. “I told it I wanted to be where you are. Wasn’t even sure if you were dead or what. Got me pretty close though.”

Picking up her jaw, Stick looked oddly surprised at something. “Different taste… Nice.”

Silver's ears twitched. "To me? Well, you got the city right?" He patted her down suddenly. "You're in one piece too!" Those giggles kept escaping, as if the very idea that something could just go so right for a change. As if to disillusion him of the idea, a whistle blew out.

"Northbound, boarding. Please make your way to the train on dock three!"

Silver shrank instantly. "Dang it… We have so much to... We have to talk more."

Penny drew back, after giving a little squeeze. “We really do. Duty calls though and I need to deliver some things… you staying up there? Maybe we could come visit after I get these to Rarity.” Something suddenly made her tilt her head. “How long have you been here and… how young are you?”

"Physically or otherwise? I'm losing track of both really."

Night tilted her head at Silver. "I'd put him around eighteen to twenty summers? Of course, magic is involved, I could be really far off."

Silver waved at Night. "Right right, well, that's as good as I'm getting. I'll be in the Crystal Empire for a little while, hopefully not too long, then I'll come back to Canterlot."

Penny grinned. “Not losing you again, Da- Silver. I might just take a trip up there myself after this. At the very least I want to see the empire a little.”

A soft chittering was heard from Stick. “Your train is starting to move…” She gestured with a hoof to the platform in question as the big locomotive started to strain against the carriages. “Go, I will make sure Penny finds you again.” Her voice was a little harder to follow, with a tint of excited chitter in it.

Night suddenly grabbed Silver by the scruff, taking to the air as her hooves wrapped around him. Not the gentlest way, but certainly speedy. Like an arrow, they launched for their train without time for further goodbyes to be exchanged.

53 - Of Lustrous Fur and Timid Heart

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Silver stepped off the train and looked around. The Crystal Empire was just as he remembered it. "They make so much out of crystal, it's almost surprising they stuck to the basic design for the train station."

"Not that surprising." Night settled beside him. "The stations need to be standard. They all work with the same trains."

Silver nodded at her, sharing a little nuzzle before they rose and started for the castle, only to run into a crystal pony before they could even leave the platform.

The shining filly smiled. "Hello, are you Ambassador Silver Lining?" When Silver nodded, she smiled brightly. "Oh, great! I'm supposed to show you to the castle!"

Silver felt the urge to note they could see the castle quite clearly, but thought better of it. "Oh, please, show the way." He couldn't help but glance at the towering construct, but she was there to be polite, really. Night offered no resistance to the idea, and soon they were following after her through the streets.

"This is your first time here in the Crystal Empire, right?"

Silver hesitated a moment before he nodded. Swallowing that urge to start explaining the messy details of his life. "It's very pretty and impressive."

"Oh, thank you. We're working very hard to keep it that way." Despite her cheery personality, something about her felt subdued, at least to Silver.

He sped up a moment to be at her side. "We're here to help, if you weren't told. You don't have to pretend everything's perfect."

Her ears spun back against her rosy crystal body. "I... Thank you, sir, but you're just two ponies, How's that going to make a difference?" She suddenly darkened, going red in her cheeks. "Oh! Please forget I said that."

Night moved up to sandwich Silver between herself and the young crystal mare. "Knowing my husband, he's already forgotten any slight you offered. With that knowledge, I can also be certain that he will try his hardest, beyond the requirement, to put things right." She tilted her head a little. "We should speak to Cadance first and say hello."

"Of course, this way!" She hurried forward, still colored, and focused on trotting faster instead of talking.

Night leaned in towards Silver. "You've made this complicated. On one hoof, I hope you're right and we make a difference being here, on the other, I'd rather your visions be just a dream, and we can move on from them. What you've told me so far hardly paints a stable, or even happy, future. Tell me, what made you even leave the Crystal Empire if you fled to here?"

Silver didn't want to say, but Night was clearly staring at him, waiting for reply. "Well, you know how the Crystal Empire is in a battle with the Shadows, right?"


"So after I helped them with it." Silver glanced left and right, making sure other crystal ponies weren't too close. "I made a target of myself. They knew what pony had created the magic that ruined their day, so they tried to take me, mentally. I resisted, then fled, with you and Fast." He paused suddenly, realizing the time line continued to diverge, but maybe... "Maybe Fast will arrive while we're working, she showed up last time while we were here."

Night raised a brow. "That still feels extremely unlikely. That hive isn't going to suddenly not need a Queen. Look, I miss her too. She was a sweet pony, and fun too... But she chose her path." She moved in and kissed Silver's cheek. "It's not healthy to pine for her like that." With a subtle incline of her head, she reminded him of their guide and they hurried together to catch up with her just as she arrived at the steps to the castle.

"Here we are!" She gestured up at the giant tower that was their castle. "Do you know the, oh, of course not." She turned and trotted up the stairs. "This way. I'll show you to the courtroom. The Princess should be there at this time of day."

The castle was squarely in the uncanny valley for Silver. He couldn't focus on what was the same, just the small things that were different. That painting, it was over there. That bowl of fruit has oranges, not crystal berries. The scent of mint, it was something flowery before, he was sure of it. He started going on auto pilot, only to realize he had lost his guide. Had the layout of the castle been that different? "Night?" He was alone.

"Hey dude." Emerging from a side room came the large and white form of Shining Armor. "You look a little lost? Can I help?"

Silver smiled with relief. "Ah, yes, please. I'm trying to find the courtroom. So glad to run into you, Shining Armor."

He lifted an ear a moment, then relaxed it. "Everypony seems to know my name before I know theirs, these days."

Silver waved it off. "I know that feeling."

Shining began to lead the way. "Oh? Who are you?"

"Ambassador Silver Lining, sir, a pleasure to be here."

"Ah, we've been expecting you." Shining looked over his shoulder with a smile. "The letter said you were a unique spellcaster. You must be something special if Princess Celestia thinks you can take on our issues alone."

Silver shook his head quickly. "It'll require teamwork. I'm just another member of the team." He flashed a bright smile. "I don't think I'm that special, sir, to wave a hoof and the Crystal Empire will be restored to all its glory."

"Good attitude." He arrived at a door and gently nudged it open with a hoof. "Announcing Ambassador Silver Lining, envoy of Equestria!"

The room was full of crystal ponies, not the usually empty courtroom he had seen in his vision. All eyes turned to him, including those of Cadance on her throne, and Night, seated about four rows from the front. Cadance nodded towards Silver. "We were told to expect you, please, step forward."

Silver walked forward a little stiffly, not expecting the crowd of judging eyes at both sides. "I-it's a pleasure to be here, your highness."

"We've met before, Silver Lining. No need to be so stiff. Please, closer. I haven't seen you in some time." Her eyes went unfocused a moment as she looked to the network of love in the room, weaving from pony to pony where different forms of love blossomed and grew. She could see Silver was firmly bonded to Night Watch and inclined her head towards the lunar pony lightly. "Oh, do bring your partner with you." More surprising, she saw a dim line of adoration coming from Silver towards herself. When had he developed that? There was respect, even a little fear, but mostly they were warm feelings.

Night rose from her seat and trotted to Silver's side as they advanced together. They bowed in unison as Silver spoke up, "We're reporting for duty. We're here to help in whatever way we can." He smiled up at her, tail wagging. "At your earliest convenience, we'd love to go over the specific troubles facing your ponies, so we can start attacking each problem."

Cadance looked between the two. Their bond seemed quite solid, and she allowed her sight to transition back to normal. "It's a pleasure to have you both with us. I'll have the pony in charge of such things stop by and go over the details with you, but, for now, I suggest taking a day or two getting to know the Empire and its people. We're as eager to meet you as a whole as you are to get right to work." She leaned forward. "The issues will still be there after the introductions, I promise."

Night dipped her head. "As you will it, Princess."

Cadance leaned towards Silver, whispering, "So formal. You've chosen a very proper wife, Silver Lining."

Silver pinkened at the words and leaned closer to Night. "She's the light of my life. I hope we'll both do well by you and your people."

Cadance gave a light nod. "I have little doubt. We'll show you to your room."

'We' turned out to be a crystal guard pony that saluted sharply and began to lead them from the room and through the castle. "You're in for an uphill battle," he suddenly said as they walked. "Everypony's become entrenched in their little domain and doesn't want to deal with the others. I hope you can live up to your title, Ambassador."

Night perked an ear at him even as they arrived at their room. "Can you tell us more? Is this the root of the problems?"

The guard glanced away. "I shouldn't be gossiping, miss, but I would say so. It's not that we don't have most of what we need, but it's all in the wrong hooves and nopony wants to share for fear of their own shortages."

That was not exactly the problem he had fixed in his vision, and Silver frowned. "How are the crystal mines doing?"

The guard wobbled a hoof. "Fair to middling. They've opened for production, but shipping from the mines to the train is slow, which slows mining efforts. It just piles up at the mines and... Now I really am gossiping, sir, ma'am. I should go." He bowed to both, then trotted off back to his guarding duty.

Night raised a brow at Silver. "You look surprised. Let me guess... sixty percent chance your vision is unraveling before your soft eyes?" She smiled gently. "You don't hide it well. These really do sound like problems an ambassador, or diplomat in general, could help with, so maybe this was a good idea." She nudged him towards the room. "We'll do our best."

Silver nodded quickly. "Right, of course. I'm just wondering how much is different, and how much is the same. We'll find answers for these new problems, I'm sure of it." A gentle smile returned to his face. "It just means I can't do what I did there and expect it all to work out... I don't have soft eyes, do I?"

Night leaned in and kissed his nose. "You have the largest, softest, gentlest eyes I know." She spread her wings. "I love them, just like the rest of you." Leaning in slowly. "Your turn."

Silver laughed gently. "Your wings, so magnificent and striking. Just seeing them makes me feel safe. My Night is here, and she loves me." He leaned in to kiss her cheek. "But they pale compared to the part of you I can't see, but can't help but notice and admire."

"My brain?"

Silver pouted a little. "Don't steal my line of admiration! But yes, my dear, your brain." He nuzzled into her cheek. "Your wonderful, sharp, powerful brain."

They settled in together, and claimed the Crystal Empire as their own with their shared love.

54 - Ambassadorial Duties

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The first visitors were not long in coming. Representatives of various factions in the city came with smiles, hoping to earn favor with Silver, and through him, Celestia. With her support, or so the reasoning seemed to go, they could gain access to near limitless resources.

"As you can see," explained a crystal mare, pointing at a pie chart beside herself. "If we could just get crystal berry production up, it would mean a huge net gain for the entire city! Exports alone would be massively profitable. We've run the numbers." She tapped at the pie chart. "The numbers don't lie."

Silver nodded politely as he glanced to the subtly shaking head of Night Watch. "You've given us a lot to think about. Allow me to ask, what's keeping you back right now?"

"Bits, resources, horsepower, you know..."

"I don't know." He smiled a little. "That's why I'm here. Be specific."

She looked a little confused at the nature of the question. "I don't have enough workers tending enough fields, nor are there enough guards to keep wild animals and beasts from threatening the farmers I do have. The guards of the city are just that, of the city. They don't patrol the farmlands."

Silver rolled a hoof. "Where are the ponies working right now?"

She hiked a brow. "I haven't a clue, probably being fat and lazy somewhere. They don't respond to my offers for gainful employment. Another reason we need more ponies, preferably hardworking ones, ready to farm." She snorted with a scowl. "The Princess really should do something about the shiftless population. This welfare state she's bui--"

"I'll consider it," cut off Silver with a forced smiled. "Let me go over my own numbers."

Night saw her out even as the mare tried to get in a few last words for her case, then the room was quiet again. Night returned with a nod. "This is quite a mess, to say the least."

Silver sagged a little. "It was so much simpler and direct, last time. They just had... to get together, and get things done. They needed a little magic help in the mines. Hell, defending against a horde of shadow demons is at least straightforward."

Night thrust a hoof at him. "Are you giving up?"

"What? No. I said I'd do it, I plan to get this done." Silver stomped a hoof on the floor. "I'm not running away from this, just appreciating the fact that it isn't an easy road I set myself on."

"No. No, it isn't." Night closed in, rubbing noses gently. "But we'll walk it together, right?"

Silver smiled at her. "It suddenly seems a little easier." He threw a leg over her, hugging. "I want to get out of here." She raised a brow. "No, not like that. I want to see how things are going with my own eyes. I want to visit these fields, and the mines, and hear what people are saying, actual ponies, not just the richest of the lot or the loudest of the bunch."

A soft clopping came from the door before Cadance entered with a little smile. "Sorry it took so long. Today's been a madhouse, and your coming's only seemed to shake up the hive, as it were." She closed the door behind herself with a kick. "So, Silver! It's good to see you again. Goodness, it's been, what... It feels like forever since last we met."

Silver considered that. It hadn't been that long had it? Time was hard to measure in Equestria, it felt. "A pleasure to be here, Cadance. This is Night Watch, my wife." He waved to her and she smiled proudly at the title.

"Nice to meet you." Cadance advanced on her, looking her over. "You're just what he needs."

Night twitched her ears up at the larger pink princess of a pony. "I'm sorry? I don't think I quite grasped that."

Cadance brought up her hooves, cupping Night on her cheeks. "I was... Oh nevermind that. I think you two are a lovely couple. Now, what brings you here? Not just here to see me, are you?"

Silver shook his head slowly. "No. I just thought I should, for the sake of the ponies here."

She raised a brow. "We're having our rough spots, to be certain, but nothing so dire as to require you to run across Equestria to our aid." She released Night and turned back to Silver. "Though you're wearing the title well enough, I remember the awkward pony I met before. You're hardly an ambassador, and I mean that in the kindest way."

Night scowled a bit. "I understand you are the princess of this land, but you're speaking very poorly of the official representative of Equestria. He came to help."

Cadance giggled suddenly. "Did I mention she's perfect? I love her." She shook her head slowly. "I'm serious, however. How do you plan to help?"

Silver sat up straight. "I want to go see what the real problems are, first. I want to see who's struggling where, the real ponies, not these well-connected ones." He glanced away suddenly. "I'm also worried about something."

"Such as?"

Silver rolled a hoof. "You know what the shadows are, right?"

Cadance raised a brow. "I wouldn't be a very good princess of these people without knowing. Why do you know anything about them? Researching before you arrived? Very astute of you."

Silver snorted softly. "We'll call it that, but yes, I know of them, and I'm worried they'll attack soon, within a month or two."

Cadance shook her head. "And if they did, which I certainly hope they don't, what would you do about it?"

Silver tapped at his chin. "My best. I know some spells I could share with you, that you could cast, being an alicorn."

She raised a brow. "Fascinating, but I'm not Twilight. I need more than a day to learn a spell. If you plan to share one with me, you should do that right away. What sort of spell is this? Your ball of fire?"

Night gave Silver a light nudge with a wing. "Your fireball's famous throughout the lands."

Silver flashed a smile. "While useful, no, not that. I'm not sure if I should, since I've been asked not to sprea--"

Cadance held up a hoof. "Out with it. You came all this way, not just to hold it from me. What, exactly, do you see happening? How? Details, please. I believe your sincerity, now show me the rest of it."

Silver considered his options a moment. "Fine, I don't think this is a case where things will change too much with forewarning, except maybe saving a few ponies. Again, this is later, not right away, but I had... a vision."

"A dream," added Night.

"Call it what you want." Silver frowned at her before continuing. "A field of darkness, with creatures of shadow blotting out the city for a time. You use a modified version of my fire shield to surround the castle, and we battle fiercely through the night, barely repelling them."

Cadance shook her head slowly. "That's a terrible vision, true or not." She put a hoof to her chest. "Well, go ahead. If I never have need for it, then it simply won't be used. I'm not a power hungry pony, looking for ways to conquer the world, you know that."

Silver drew out a mostly empty journal. "I'll have to write it out again. The last copy I had was thrown into a fireplace and all. Still, this is a combination spell."

"Combination?" Cadance tilted her head.

"Two ponies, in this case." Silver pointed at Cadance. "Your husband has to lend his shield talent, or it would be too hard, even for you, to hold it up all night. His shield, and you supply the fire, and the castle is kept mostly safe. Not to say there wasn't fighting, because there was, so much of it..."

Night shook her head quickly. "Silver'll work on that, but this isn't immediate, as he said. What about all these ponies and their problems?"

Cadance glanced to Night. "I admit, this is a little distracting. Dreams can be terrible things, and it's probably nothing, but the idea that it could happen... I don't want my people to suffer that, again. They've had to slave under the yoke of shadow once before, never again." She turned her gaze squarely on Silver. "Was it Sombra? Did he return?"

"Sombra!" came an excitable voice from beyond the door. As everyone in the room turned to it, the sound of clopping sounded out, receding rapidly.

Cadance put a wing over her face. "That's going to cause trouble... While I go deal with that, write out that spell, then we'll go over the current events." She rose to her hooves. "If you're certain about doing your part, there are plenty of parts to be done." She hesitated a moment. "Thank you."

55 - Royal Escape

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Furious scratches of a quill echoed through the room, the noises of a pony busy at work. Night turned an ear towards it. "I thought you already gave Cadance your death spell?"

"Not a death spell." Silver rolled his ears back. "At least, not for good people. It's for an emergency that I hope never comes up."

"Alright, but what are you working on now? Looks too arcane to be an actual proposal." She licked over her lips. "It's nice to see you living up to your mark for a change, I admit."

Silver let out a slow breath. "This is our escape, to get into the city without being swarmed, or not even allowed past by the guards."

"Why not teleport? Can you do that now?" She hopped down from the bed. "Ever since you went to sleep, you woke up with enough spell knowledge to be a proper graduate of that school instead of somepony that was quietly shown the door."

Silver shrunk a little. "I'm not sure if you realize, but you're being very hurtful right now. I need and want your support, can I have that?"

Night's ears perked. "I wasn't trying to be. I think it's remarkable, and a bit amazing." Her teeth found his ear in a soft nibble. "I love you, my scholar, that hasn't changed."

Silver turned to her, and they embraced warmly, all slights forgotten swiftly. "Sorry, maybe I'm being a bit sensitive."

"Tell me what you're doing? What is this spell supposed to do, if all goes right?"

He reached up and adjusted her glasses for her before kissing her nose. "A little gift from our former herd sister." He tapped at the open book with a hoof. "We'll walk out as bland looking ponies."

Night raised a brow high. "A fine idea, but that sounds like a very advanced spell, and not that I doubt your skill, can your body handle it? You're still a small, young, pony." She leaned in, nuzzling. "My small, young, pony, but still small and still young."

Silver snorted softly. "You weren't personally present, but I worked with the warlocks before we stormed the changelings. This isn't as intense as the fire shield." He turned to the book and let out a soft sigh. "Shall we try? Worst case, I slip and you turn back to normal."

Night tilted her head. "Problem number two. I don't have a heart crystal. Are you advanced enough now that you don't need them?"

Silver brushed against the purple crystal hanging around his neck. It was the only tie to Twilight he had after what felt like so long at her side. Remembering it sobered him for a moment. The time when she would have come to him and created Morning Glory was soon at hoof, and there was no way he could think of to make that happen. He was a stallion, and would bear no foals, even temporarily.

Night reached out and put a hoof on his shoulder. "What's wrong? You look haunted suddenly."

Silver shook himself out. "This is the Crystal Empire. It shouldn't be too hard to get a heart crystal here."

Night raised a hoof. "But then everypony knows we bought one."

Silver smiled. "Which is why I'll hide myself, go out, buy one for you, and come back."

Night tapped him on his nose. "Right, that sounds fine, except now you have to leave and come back as a 'bland pony'. Why wouldn't the guards stop you? I doubt they let just anypony wander in here."

Silver frowned with renewed thought. "Alright, so, normal ponies can get in to go to court, right?"

"Sure," allowed Night, watching him warily.

"Is there a restroom they would be able to get to?"

"To sit down?"

Silver snorted. "More 'urgent' business than that. I'm sure they don't send ponies dashing outside to piss."

Night blushed lightly. "Oh! Yes, we passed one on the way in."

Silver flashed a bright smile. "Then we're good to go. I visit that bathroom in my disguise, emerge quietly as Silver Lining, and just walk to my room, and nopony's the wiser."

Night looked thoughtful a moment. "I suppose... that would work. I'll wait here, and tell anypony that comes looking for you that you're not to be disturbed for any reason." She kissed his cheek. "Be careful though... I'm supposed to guard you, and I won't be there, so watch out for yourself and make it quick, alright?"

Silver bobbed his head as he looked to his newly forged spell. It borrowed elements from other spells, and was as wild a concoction as any of the spells he'd made so far. He began to play it along his horn while focusing on himself and his heart crystal. It warmed against his chest, and he felt a wave of tingles run fiercely through him from the end of his nose back through his tail.

"T-Trixie?! You're hiding as your mom?!" Night stared, mouth agape.

Silver blinked his eyes open and hurried for a mirror, to see Trixie looking back at him. "This is the opposite of bland..." He flopped over and reached back, finding that he was a stallion, though it was concealed quite thoroughly. "Fast would love to know this trick, to share." He rolled up to his hooves. "This is what I get for trying to include magic in a spell. Oh god, I even sound like her, minus the third person."

Night raised a brow. "All spells have magic or they're not very good spells."

Silver waved off the comment. "Innate magic, special talents. I tried to invert Trixie's attention drawing, and instead, here I am, Trixie." Silver turned back to the mirror, looking himself over again. "At least I'm a pretty mare."

Night put a hoof over her face. "I married a stallion, so you get things done and get back here as yourself, please?"

Silver snorted at her. "You're just jealous of Trixie's spellbinding charisma."

Night slowly blinked. "Silver?"

Silver turned his head to the side. "There is no Silver, just Trixie, who is far superior in any event. You should be pleased to bask in her pres--" Giggles burst free of him, interrupting his acting. "Sorry, sorry."

Night shook her head. "You're a nutter, just to remind you. Go get that heart crystal, and fix that spell, unless you think two Trixies will somehow be subtle."

Silver folded his book shut with magic and set it aside in the room for later. "I'll be back as quickly as I can, promise." He grabbed a pouch of bits and tucked it into his saddlebags, just for Night to put her hoof down on them. "What? They aren't going to give it to me for free."

Night raised a brow. "Somepony may notice, probably not, but could, notice you wearing Silver Lining's saddlebags. Them having your cutie mark does not help at all. Just put it in your pocket."

Silver blinked slowly with Trixie's eyes. "I don't have anything I could describe as a 'pocket' that I would want to put things in."

Night grabbed the bag of bits and circled around Silver. "Oh my Luna, you really are a foal at times." She stuffed the bag into Silver, just slipping it under his skin about halfway back on his body, where it promptly vanished. "Ta da."

He could still feel the bag, pressed against him, but it was somehow pressed flat. "That is very odd." He shook his hips back and forth. "How do I reach in there to get it out?"

Night tapped at her head. "You're a unicorn. Just imagine grabbing it out."

Silver did just that, his horn glowing silver, undisguised, and the bag seemed to just start existing again. "Oh wow! Neat..."

Night smiled softly. "If I didn't know your origins, I would be rolling around laughing. Do humans really not have pockets?"

Silver pressed the bag against his side, rubbing it around and trying to find the pocket again. "Only the ones we put in clothes. Another reason we like clothes so much."

Night reached a hoof out, helping guide the bag back to his pocket, where it slid in gently and vanished. "Got a hang of it?"

He had to go through the motions several times before he felt confident enough to nod. "Alright, I'll be back as soon as I can." He turned and trotted for the door, slipping out into the hallway beyond.

"Oh, Trixie was it?" Silver span to see Flash Sentry in his armor standing there. "Did somepony call you for a performance?"

"Oh, yes, of course. Who could resist Trixie's mesmerizing feats of prestidigitation?" He smiled brightly. "I--Trixie apologizes but she can't quite place your name?"

Flash shook his head. "That's alright. I've seen one of your shows, but we never really talked. I'm Flash Sentry, a guard here in the castle." He waved a hoof. "Where's your usual getup?"

An excellent question that Silver didn't have prepared. "Oh, one of Trixie's amazing tricks required they be left at home. She really should be going, her amazing performance has left her a bit winded."

Flash smiled and leaned forward a little. "We could go get a wheat shake? I know a stand."

Was he being hit on? Silver tensed with worry. "Oh, very thoughtful, but no. Trixie's on a diet right now." She tapped her cheek. "Also Trixie is married."

He was caught off guard by that, and Silver made good his escape without lying. He wondered a moment how Rough Draft and Trixie were doing.

He trotted through the hallways, drawing few looks from the guards. Was Trixie so well known? That was good and bad. He went right out the front doors and descended down into the city. It was as large as the last time he had visited, which was pretty large! He wandered in a loose circle at first before he worked up the courage to approach one of the crystal ponies. "Pardon. Where might one purchase a heart crystal?"

The crystal pony looked confused a moment. "I'm not sure what that is, but if it's made of crystal, that store has a lot." She pointed to a lustrous building cut to look like a diamond. "They have all kinds of gems and crystals."

Silver smiled with relief. "Ah, that will do nicely, thank you." They shared nods and off he went, trotting eagerly.

~You've finally escaped them.~

Silver stopped dead in his tracks. He knew that mental whisper.

~You know us? We've never met you.~

Silver clenched his teeth. ~Leave me alone. I don't have time for you today.~

~It is not your choice. We have much to discuss, spellcaster, bearer of Twilight's magic.~

56 - Mind to Mind

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With the whispering droning in his ears, Silver hurried out of the way of the street. ~You made a critical error.~

~Oh? We think not. Surrender yourself to us, and we can both know true power.~

Silver sat down with a soft sigh from his female form, crossing his legs and assuming a meditative stance. ~Come, we'll talk, like adults.~

He fell into his own dreamworld, landing lightly on his bed. He was Silver Lining.

A set of spectral eyes appeared before him. "You would surrender your dreams to us? We thought you were determined to--"

Silver clopped his forehooves together, and the eyes were encased in crystal. "Shh." The crystal fell to the floor limply. "I may not have magic pouring from me, but I know how to control my head, and I know when I'm dreaming." He leaned forward. "Now, about that conversation?"

Elsewhere, changelings were sent scurrying away from the imposing and huge figure that marched past them. "Where is your so-called Queen? Bring me to her and I might let a few of you return to my good graces."

Cowed and trembling, a few drones bowed before her, prostrating themselves. "She should be on the third floor, Queen."

"Very good, show me there." Chrysalis smiled wickedly. "We have things to discuss."

"That's quite far enough." A changeling stepped forward, larger than the drones, but smaller than their former queen. "This isn't your hive."

"You don't get to tell me what is or is not my hive!" Chrysalis stomped the ground, fury etching into her face. "Traitor. Step aside and I might not rip you in half! Stand In, I expected better from you."

Stand In sneered. "Just one more mistake to add to your tally."

With a roar of fury, Chrysalis' horn glowed with a fierce green light, and they met in a violent clash for supremacy.

Returning to Silver, the shadow would not be subdued so easily. It shattered the crystal around itself, only to find itself in a bottle, which it broke as the door to a safe closed. "We can do this all day." The safe began to melt, only to reform into an iron ball. "All day... We'll, at best, waste time."

"Very well," echoed the voice from within the iron. "What would you speak?"

Silver smiled. "Like adults." With a soft clop, the eyes were released. "Now, tell me why you hate the crystal ponies so badly."

"Hate?" The eyes scowled. "I suppose that may have been true, once..."

Silver rolled a hoof. "Do you want to conquer the world?"

"That would not be displeasing, but I do not like your tone of voice."

He shrugged softly. "You can leave, or talk. I told you to go away, now we talk. I am not your, or anyone else's puppet. I've had enough of that, Christ."

"What manner of pony are you?"

"The human kind." Silver hopped off his bed. "I've experienced true death, and here I am. You just annoy me." His words were perhaps a little bolder than he felt, but standing proud and confident seemed proper for the time. "This world is ruled by many powers. You could make one hell of a mess, but you would eventually, eventually, be spanked back to the ground. What do you want?"

There was a quiet moment between them. "You speak as if you know me."

"I think I might."

"Prove it."

Silver waved a hoof. The crystal heart appeared, pulsing with light that shone through a window, showing a young grey pony that cried with pain. "For what it's worth? She was wrong for not telling you sooner."

The eyes glowered. "How? How can you know this?"

"Does it matter? Am I wrong?" Silver raised a brow at the eyes as the vision faded back to his room, both across from one another, back on his bed. "You were wronged. You were viciously wronged."

"Then you agree! Join me and let us--"

"Easy there. You've punished them. They equate your face, your name, with terror." Silver gestured to the closed door to his room.

"Sombra!" Clip clops quickly receded from the door.

"The mere mention of you is enough. You have had your revenge. It's time to move to the next step, if you have one. Whipping them forever changes nothing."

"Enough!" The eyes glowed with malignant power. "If you will not help me take this place, I will do it without you. You are not nearly old enough to think you can lecture me."

Silver awoke, his mind clear and thoughts unburdened. The shadow had passed, but the threat... "He's coming."

He rose and strode out onto the street just to almost run into a crystal pony going perpendicular. "Oh, sorry ma'am." The crystal pony perked an ear. "Oh, did I spill something on you?"

Silver glanced back to see Trixie and Silver's cutie marks were bleeding together on his flank. The distraction of the dream perhaps? "Oh, no, ha ha, pay that no mind at all. Trixie really must be going. Good day!" He hurried into the jewel shop, a bell above the door jingling cheerfully on his entry.

The shopkeep was a portly mare crystal pony with jewels dangling from her every portion. Her ears went to him, jingling from the various gems it brought with it. "Welcome! You look like a mare who can appreciate a little bit of jewelry in her life, hmm?"

Silver smiled with relief. "Oh, yes. You see, Trixie left her heart crystal at home."

"Like the Crystal Heart?"

"Much smaller." Silver held his hooves out, then paused and tapped at the purple sphere around his neck. "Here's one. She needs another."

The mare approached Silver and examined it a moment. "I have a few gemstones that could qualify, but something tells me the one you wear is magic, from the glow?"

Silver nodded quickly. "Oh yes. You don't have any enchanted?"

She shrugged. "Sorry, not many crystal unicorns. Will the stone work by itself? Maybe you could enchant it."

Silver sank a little. "It will have to do. Show me what you have."

She walked leisurely towards the back. "I'll be right back with that. Why don't you have a look around? You may see something that catches your eye."

They weren't his eyes, or so he thought to himself as he did glance at the various bits of exotic gems that the store had to offer. Deep purples, bright blues, vibrant greens, and so many other shades teased him. They were all magnificent in different ways, but he hadn't come... He paused and she found him staring into a case. "Oh, you like those?" She came up. "You're a mare with fine tastes."

She reached right past him and undid the lock, bringing out a pair of silver horseshoes, much like the steel ones he wore in his dream. Were they also magical? He had to know. "I'll take those, in addition to..." Silver looked over the selection and picked the one that felt most round and smooth. "This one." His magic plucked free his bag of bits. He paid for his purchase and tucked it all away into that 'pocket'. It all felt odd and new, poking him gently from the inside. "Thank you."

"You really should put them on." She smiled gently. "I'm certain they would look divine on you."

Silver gave a feminine titter that he had meant to be a chuckle. "I'm certain they would, but there's a right time for all things."

"Can't argue that." She sat. "Enjoy them, and your stay in the city."

With mutual well-wishes given, Silver slipped out onto the street and hurried for the castle, only to be flagged down by another crystal pony. "Excuse me, who are those for?" She pointed at Silver's midsection. Could ponies see inside pockets?

"Oh, they just caught Trixie's eyes." He smiled at her, forced and eager to flee.

The mare tilted her head. "Oh, do you know what they are?"

That caught her attention, and she took a step towards the mare. "No, what are they?"

"Well I can barely make them out, but they look like--"

Silver pulled the set free, hovering them up to where the mare could clearly see them.

"Yes! They're exactly what I thought they were. They're marriage shoes."

Silver blinked softly. "Marriage shoes?"

She nodded quickly. "Oh yes. They look like one full set, and they are, for a bachelor pony, but once you find that special somepony you give them the back pair and you both wear them until you're married. Why I've heard some ponies just never took theirs off." She reached up towards them, brushing one. "They look so nicely made, too. Do you have somepony in mind to give them to?"

Silver shook his head. "Oh no. Trixie did not even know that's what they are, though Trixie supposes she does have a special somepony to give them to." He flashed a smile. "If Trixie can be talked away from them."

The mare's expression fell a little and she started looking confused. "Did you have mismatched eyes the whole time? I really should start paying attention. Oh! I don't mean anything bad, they're quite dazzling, really."

Silver stiffened. His magic was unraveling further, he guessed. "Thank you, but Trixie really should go now." She crammed the shoes away. "Good day!" And off she went, not even looking back as she galloped through the streets. As he went, he tried to feel for the spell woven through his own heart crystal. It was dim and fading. He tried to pour more energy into it, but it seemed only to slow its descent rather than halt it.

When he arrived at the castle, he slowed his trot to a stately walk, trying his best to look like he belonged there as he wandered past the guards. Amidst other visitors, they didn't seem interested in him. The bathroom wasn't hard to find, but pressing on its door yielded nothing. He knocked on it lightly.


Silver spotted a mirror and moved to inspect the damage. His eyes had indeed gone off balance. His left eye shone with Silver Lining's eyes, brown and rich, and the right, Trixie's, purple and vibrant. His mane was starting to become spikier and wild, though he supposed he could reason that away with why he needed to get into that bathroom.

A sudden thought made him giggle at the reflection. "Mother, would you be disgusted or proud of me failing to live up to your Great and Powerful image?"

"You don't look that bad." Shining Armor suddenly sat down beside Silver. "Waiting for your turn too?"

Of all the ponies! "Oh, yes. Trixie needs to touch up." He looked down, fearing he'd see his mismatched orbs.

"Rough day, huh?"

"Yes, you could say that." Silver inspected his spell, seeing it slip further towards darkness. "They sure are taking their time..." Perhaps he could re-cast it? What would that even do while he was already in disguise, failing as it was?

Shining Armor nodded. "That's the bummer with public facilities. Hey, why don't I show you mine?"

Silver looked up at him sharply. That sounded so... wrong. "Shining Armor!"

"That's my name! Helping mares in distress is one of my games."

Silver took a soft breath. Maybe accepting would give a chance to do... something, anything. "That's very kind of you, lead the way." He stood up on blue legs, even as he worried how long they'd stay blue if nothing was done for them.

57 - Restroom Break

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Silver followed Shining through the halls of the castle. They all seemed familiar, and yet none of them matched with his internal radar of his last visit. He prided himself on having a fairly good memory of the space of places, even if he couldn't remember a street name very swiftly.

"Here we are, check it out." Shining waved a hoof slowly across an opulently appointed room. "Bathroom's the second door on the left."

Silver hurried past. "Trixie thanks you." He stiffened as he spoke, voice cracking midway through. His spell was in shambles and failing rapidly. He rushed into the bathroom and slapped the door shut with a blue hoof that cracked on impact, bits of blue fur falling free, revealing brown beneath it.

"Everything alright? You didn't sound very good," came Shining's concerned voice from beyond the door.

Silver licked over still-blue lips. "I'm fine, please, a moment." Only afterwards did he realize he forgot to do it third person, and it still sounded off, of course. He looked into the mirror and saw Trixie looking back with mismatching eyes. He was still a mare, for the moment. Last time she had been in the Crystal Empire, things had gone... both poorly and so very well, and she left it... "Morning Glory..." He put a hoof on the mirror.

His thoughts strayed to Shining Armor, standing outside. If Silver could assume a true mare form, would he be close enough to recreate that foal? "Christ, why am I even thinking about that?" There were so many ponies involved that would be hurt by such a thing. Night would be furious, and for good reason. Cadance and Shining Armor were married! Did he want to be the wedge between them? Hell no.

His hoof slowly slid down the mirror. "I'll have to make my own rainbow, and those don't come easy. Maybe this one just... isn't in the cards..."

He thought of the bright eyes of the son he never actually had, and his own began to brim with fresh tears. He wasn't the best son, but maybe he could be a good father... mother... whatever. What he saw...

"Everything alright?" repeated Shining.

Silver shook himself, the left side of his mask just flaking off into dust. The spell was failing. He was suddenly afraid to speak, lest his voice give it away. In a state of panic, he brushed at the still clinging portions of Trixie, trying to get back to normal before launching the spell again as quickly as he could.

"Trixie?" A soft clopping came from the door. "Are you sure you're alright?"

With a final shake, Silver rapidly inspected himself in the mirror. All brown, eyes included, mane already looked shaggy, and his cutie mark returned all suggested he was as baseline as he could get. His horn glowed as he played the spell, and immediately he felt something go askew. His tail twitched and throbbed and he looked back at it, spell still playing. It was silver, but it wasn't wild. He still had Trixie's tail. The spell was done. He was Trixie again.

The door opened suddenly. "Trixie?"

Silver recoiled in surprise. Shining blinked softly. "Oh, there you are. Is everything okay? You didn't answer."

Silver forced a smile. "Do you always force your way into bathrooms with mares inside?"

He blushed with shame and was soon gone, the door closed behind him.

Silver let out a rough sigh before he turned around on himself, looking at his tail for any damage. It seemed fine, for Trixie's tail. He felt around under himself. Still a stallion, if concealed. Nothing seemed to have gone wrong, despite the mistake. He nodded at the reflection of his pony mother. "They say you can thank your mother for your good looks, guess I just made that more true than usual."

He quirked a smile, then moved to emerge, only to find there were more ponies present, namely one Cadance.

Cadance quirked up a brow at the supposed mare emerging from her bathroom. "Oh, hello Trixie?"

Shining Armor smiled oddly. "She was waiting in line for the public one and it wasn't going anywhere, so I offered her ours."

Cadance's brow somehow turned to him before she looked at Silver. Her vision switched and she saw no love between them, sparing Shining Armor from a new hell on Equestria, but saw a strong line running from 'Trixie' to herself, deeply admiring. Its texture and taste was different from that of her subjects, in fact it was fam-- "Silver?"

Silver shrank back. How had he been spotted? He could outright lie, but doing so to Cadance of all ponies... "Yes?"

Cadance shook her head slowly. "What on Equestria possessed you? Why do you look like that?" She waved a hoof up and down at his blue form.

Shining looked baffled. "Wait, what's going on?"

Cadance approached suddenly. "Is something wrong? We're in private, you can talk to me."

Silver flinched at the first touch of her wing, but began to relax. Cadance was so understanding... "I'm sorry for the deception. I just had to get something from outside the castle, and I learned some things on the way that are very troubling for everypony."

Cadance started brushing Silver along with her wing, guiding him towards their bed. "Tell us all about it. You're not in trouble, I don't think. There's no law you're breaking, unless you were defaming Trixie or making deals on her behalf?"

Silver hopped up and turned to face Cadance and Shining. "No! No, of course not. God, she's my mother. I'm not trying to make her life harder." He couldn't help but notice how odd the voice of Trixie sounded talking from Silver's perspective. "I bought something, with bits, no contracts. But that's not the important part."

Shining Armor shook his head slowly. "So she's not Trixie?"

Cadance smiled patiently at Shining. "No, dear, this is Silver Lining."

He waved a blue leg. "In the fur."

Shining Armor blinked quietly a moment. "You really should meet my little sister. I'm sure she'd like to compare magical notes."

Despite his attempts to hold it in, he winced with memories of what could have been and never was. Cadance spotted it and raised a brow again. "Have you run into her before?"

Silver sat up. "Actually, I have, but nevermind that. Twilight's a good pony, and also beside the point. Sombra is coming, without a doubt. He is preparing for a second attack, and he doesn't plan to do it alone this time."

Cadance stiffened, but nodded. "You mentioned this before as a possibility, but you sound much more convinced now. What's changed?"

Silver considered how to explain it. "He tried to reach me, and I made him talk, and we talked. He still wants revenge. He still feels hurt, from all that time ago. I don't blame him for--"

"You don't blame him?" Shining stood up, frowning a little. "He's a murderous despot that's terrorized this nation!"

Cadance raised a hoof. "Easy there, Shiny. Please, Silver, finish what you were saying."

Silver gave a slightly shaking nod. Shining Armor was larger than he was, as Trixie or Silver, and wielded far greater political power. He was intimidating to see angry, especially directly at him. "R-right, so, I don't blame him for being angry at what caused him to be what he is now. I... It's time to move past it. There was a good pony there, once."

Cadance leaned forward slowly. "You know Sombra's origin?"

Shining Armor looked equally as baffled. "Nopony knows where Sombra came from!"

"I've already said too much..." Silver looked away, purple eyes darting around the room. Suddenly something came clear to him. "Wait, I didn't know that."

Cadance cocked her head a little. "You just said it."

Silver shook his head, neatly brushed mane tumbling about. "I thought I saw it, but I can't remember what..." He remembered what he was about to say. "I just know. I must have pulled it from Sombra directly. I don't think he wanted me to, but he set himself up for it. He dared me to prove I knew him, and he was thinking of it, so it wasn't hard to let his own dream guide it." Silver put a hoof to his head. "I was seeing from his perspective, remembering his memories..."

Shining rose to his hooves. "I don't understand half of this. How can we be sure Sombra wasn't just duping you into thinking whatever he wanted?"

Cadance smiled gently. "This must have been exhausting for you. For now, why don't you go back to your room. If you remember something, call for one of us." She reached out and poked Silver on the nose. "And take off that ridiculous disguise. Trixie would be beside herself if she knew."

Silver blushed through blue cheeks. "Right." No longer in a state of panic, he reached for the magic and gently unraveled it, allowing the disguise to fall free, except for his tail, which remained finely brushed and smooth. "That's probably going to have to wear off on its own." As mistakes went, it could have been far worse than a smooth tail. "I'll get back to my room for now, but I want permission to come and go."

Cadance raised a fine brow. "You just gave us an excellent reason to deny that. Why should we, for your own sake?"

Silver clopped his hooves nervously. "For one, I don't think he'll come back, not for me at least. He didn't like playing in my head. For two, I want to investigate this. I can't fight off his army alone, but if I could find something that'd make him not attack in the first place?" He raised a hoof. "Important question, if he really did put this aside, if he was willing to emerge from the darkness, would you accept that?"

Cadance gave the gentlest of smiles. "I doubt that would ever be the case, but I would be a sorry princess to turn away an offer of peace. If he is willing to put his anger aside, then I will return the favor. Now go. I'm sure your wife is worried for you. Does she even know where you are?"

Silver laughed at that even as he hopped from the bed. "As if I could escape her without her noticing? She's Night Watch, she sees everything, and I love her all the more for it."

Shining Armor moved to follow after Silver. "Good, then maybe she can keep you from wandering off."

"W-what?" Silver looked over his shoulder.

Cadance nodded. "We'd rather you stayed right here, in the castle. You're just one pony, even if an unusual one. As an ambassador from Canterlot, we can't have you getting hurt."

Shining Armor escorted Silver back to his room and clopped on the door.

"Silver's not available right now, come back later," came Night's voice from beyond.

Shining sighed. "Open the door, kindly. I have your husband here."

58 - Lending a Hoof

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Leading the way through the halls, a guard marched with practiced precision. "The Ambassador is hard to reach. There's a long line awaiting his time and attention." Without looking back, he asked without asking, "It's quite remarkable you managed to get in to see him so quickly."

Penny was missing having Stick at her side, even for a relatively short length of time but Cadance had insisted to continue her conversation with the changeling. “He is a-” Penny’s speech halted a moment then resumed. “He’s an old friend.” Her simple reply wasn’t a lie, but it certainly wasn’t the whole truth.

The guard had better tact than to pry further, and eventually arrived at a door. He knocked on it firmly. "Ambassador, an 'old friend' is here to see you."

"Old friend?" came a voice dulled by the door itself. The door opened and Silver's snout popped out, only to brighten quickly. "Damaged!" He burst free, only to suddenly halt and collapse to the ground, his smooth tail held in the teeth of his wife.

Penny chuckled and turned her gaze to the mare restraining Silver. “I would say ‘try a shorter leash’ but that looks fairly short already.” She leaned down and bopped the unicorn on the nose. “If I am interrupting something, I can come back?”

Night released Silver. "Stay. Good boy. No, come on in. I'm sure he wants to see you. He's just grounded at the moment." She saluted the guard, who returned the gesture and wandered off back to his own duties.

Silver gathered himself off the floor. "You didn't have to do that. You know I wasn't running away."

“You better not, if I have to chase you across another kingdom there will be issues and… grounded?” With the guard gone Penny seemed a little more free and relaxed with her words. “Didn’t think unicorns could fly, well, except-” She stopped and put a hoof to her mouth as if she were about to let something slip.

Silver shook himself out before reaching for Penny, dragging her in bodily. "Get in here, I'm not allowed out right now." He rolled his eyes. "Try to help some ponies and they decide it's better to keep you bottled up."

Night snorted softly. "Oh no, it's not as if you have a penchant for getting into trouble or anything.."

Penny let herself be dragged in with no resistance. “You got into trouble too? No wonder Princess Celestia compared us. So what is the news, I want to know everything. Are you still writing?” She scanned around the room looking for somewhere to settle down.

Silver blinked. "Hey! I managed to go a whole month or so before I started getting into any trouble at all. How long have you been in Equestria?" He stuck out his tongue a bit. "As for writing, well, yes, but it's a lot more arcane these… oh! Have you learned how to read unicorn yet?"

The conversation shift made Penny look a touch confused a moment but she recovered. “That was what Luna sent me to you for, didn’t she send word I was to be your student?” The mare’s saddlebag flap opened and a magic teaching book floated out toward Silver, one page bookmarked with a slip of paper.

Even as Silver grabbed it with silvery magic, Night leaned forward. "You're Silver's student?" She poked him in the side. "You hear that? That means no wandering off. You have someone relying on you right here."

Silver shook his head. "I… never taught someone magic before." He looked up with a smile. "I'd be glad to try though. I mean, hell, you're a friend." He spread his forehooves wide. "It's great to see you again!"

Penny laughed. “I don’t think you ever saw me as human, did you? As for learning, I think I have the first two down, how many of those glyphs are there?” She found a little couch, setting her shawl-covered rear down and settling to chat.

Silver plucked out his own book, devoid as it may be of his more 'advanced' spells. "Here's my spellbook. Oh! I don't think I ever showed you this." He turned enough to display his flank. "Cutie mark showoff. Yes, I am showing you my flank. Welcome to Equestria."

Night raised a brow. "I gather humans didn't do this very often?"

Penny blushed furiously at Night’s comment, it reminded her so much of the stigma of humans. “Showing off, well, kinda. I had some friends who liked to decorate their bodies with pictures, they were quite open about it… wait, what does your’s mean? You write still or not?” Silver’s earlier comment had confused her and this wasn’t helping. She did glance back to her own covered flank for a moment.

Silver perked an ear as he pointed back at it. "It means I code the same way I always did. I can read spells and mash them together and make new spells that usually… work pretty well."

Night flashed her sharp teeth. "Except when they don't. Those can be quite entertaining, or dangerous. Sometimes both."

Silver waved it off and took Penny's book, flipping it along to the simple beginner's spells. "Pick any two."

Penny got up and stepped over to examine the page. She had promised not to look ahead in it but her new teacher was telling her otherwise. “Uh, the one to change colors and, flower growth? Isn’t this dangerous? I never heard of ponies making new spells… except Starswirl I think.” She looked between Silver and Night, particularly at Night.

Silver began studying the two spells intensely as he started making scribbling marks in his new book. "Unicorns learn magic like specific phrases, but they aren't! They're bits of syntax, like programming. I know you can program, so I know you'll get the hang of this, once you have the basic primitives down. My talent is this." He kept taking bits of one spell, then some of the other, slowly forming a new, third, spell that shared letters from both in a long string of unicorn letters. "It's not the most elegant, or efficient, but it works!"

The lunar unicorn watched interested as he worked, adding and removing symbols from both spells, then squeezing in new ones here and there. “Okay, so let’s do this how I learned to code for you back… when. What does this one do?” She pointed a hoof at an unfamiliar symbol, one of the many she hadn’t learned.

Silver blinked at it. "Ah, that's this one." He lit up his horn in a very precise way, holding it. "It seems to control density. When combined with color and skewed just so…" The symbol changed faintly. "It makes dense color. It's for bright flowers. If you lowered the intensity, you'd end up with pale flowers, likely." He tapped at the paper. "Shall I try our new spell?"

“Whoa, no, you don’t need to prove it works, I can take your word for that. How much… how during… I am thinking a little wrong here. Okay, so we have statements, we have verbs… loops? I gather it takes energy to use each symbol but do some use more than others?” She was off, tangential questions flying. “Have you done any documentation on this? Has anypony?”

Silver snorted softly. "Didn't I just say that unicorns don't see this as a syntaxed programming language? Like less than ten seconds ago." He reached out and gently booped his friend on the nose. "As for what's worked out? I mean, I know some take more than others, but no, I don't have any exhaustive guide, because most combinations seems to do nothing at all, which is probably why unicorns never thought of it that way in the first place. It's complicated, and I'm casting this spell." The new spell hovered up in front of him. "I'm not making one just to not cast it."

Penny stepped back, clearly having taken Night’s words to heart, regarding the danger. “There a way to test them, or bits of them? I mean, sometimes you don’t want your big powerful spell to go off and actually do what it intends. Can you use bits of the spell to make parts of the effect…” She stopped. “I am getting way ahead though, aren’t I? I need to learn the symbols before I can misuse them.”

"You are. Let's see!" Silver's horn became almost pretty to look at as intricate patterns played up and down his horn as the power was focused. Magic began to come into being…

Stand In was thrown to the ground at the entrance to the room. Her eyes were dimly opened, glassy and unseeing, possibly dead, or at least unconscious. "She should have just shown the way." Chrysalis stepped over the form of the leader. "Now then. Fast, is it? We have so much to… discuss."

Fast scowled as she stood. "You wretched beast! Stand In never hurt you, or anyone else. Get out of here and go rot in the badlands."

"Hmm? Is that all you have to say." She frowned. "You don't even look like a proper changeling."

Fast clopped a hoof on the ground as green energy flared brightly around her in a bubble. "This is what a changeling should be like. We are all well fed, and without harm. We're doing it smart, not like beasts."

Chrysalis' teeth were born in a slow snarl. "You haven't begun to learn what a beast is. Are you ready then? I'm going to rip your head off and prove to everypony just who is the Queen here." She leaned forward slightly. "Not you, if you weren't aware."

With a bright flash, flowers began sprouting all over Silver's body, each one a different color. Some small, some large, all sticking out in straight lines, but slowly succumbing to gravity in gentle arcs from his form. "Ta da?"

Penny laughed and clopped her forehooves together. “Silly displays aside, that is pretty awesome. So we have a programming language for the world at our… horn-tips.” She pointed to his own book at the symbols, scribbles and writing. “We have the basics sorted but really, you need to optimize. There are probably better ways, safer ways, to do all of this.” Penny gestured first to the flowers around Silver, then to her own book and the simple spells there.

The mare breathed in deeply and back out. “This is so, freakin’, cool.”

Night hiked up a brow. "So, this makes sense to you? Is it a human thing?"

Silver flashed a smile at her. "Worse, it's a programmer thing."

"And a programmer is…?"

Silver clopped his forehooves together, mashing a flower in the process. "The worst kind of humans, and you married one!" He shook vigorously, sending flowers raining down all around him, apparently not rooted in any serious way.

“You know, they have to have programmers here, somewhere. I saw one of their little video games, basic stuff, but somepony had to write it.” Penny levitated her book back, flipping the pages with her soft-red magic. “Okay, so this one.” It was the third symbol in the beginners book. “What does this do?” She focused her horn, channeling as little as she could but still keep it focused, trying to form the pattern on the page.

Silver perked his ears suddenly. "Oh, you have telekinesis down. Good work! It took me what felt like forever to get that part down." He thought back. "It felt like months. What's your rating?" He lost track entirely of what he was asked.

“Rating? Twilight just showed me how to do this and work with small things.” Penny wondered just how strong it was. “Heaviest thing I have lifted is this book, I have pushed a few things but that seems a bit easier than lifting.”

Silver tapped at his chin a moment before grabbing the book out of the magic with his own, silvery magic slipping in beneath the red for forcing it away. He set it down, then grabbed a heavy looking candle holder, then a set of chairs five high. "Alright, try each in kind and let's see how high you can go. If you do all of those, the bed is the next target."

“Okay.” She sounded a little sad at losing her chance to work on the runes but focused first on the candle holder. Slowly building a channel strength and reaching toward it. The normal leakage was not huge but it still meant she was not at what she should be. Securing her mental hands around the holder, she lifted it without too much strain. “Right, that one wasn’t too bad.”

As Penny reached for the chairs she felt for them, finding where they would balance and focused on trying an extra hand to stabilize. Getting set, she started channeling more and more but the chairs wouldn’t budge. “I am leaking too much…”

Silver nodded. "Don't stress it. You can hurt yourself just pushing against a wall, as it were. You're a two, give or take. This is hardly, you know, rated weights, but I feel confident. Two isn't bad. I was like a 2.8 for the longest time. I'd practically burst a vessel getting #3 to move."

“It’s good to know I can work at it but the harder I push the more I… oh!” Penny’s hoof had come up and bopped her own head, her magic ceasing immediately at the touch. “I need to explain what happened first. It was a big mess, some not so nice changelings foalnapped me, I think I was in a pod for some time, maybe a day. My magic sort of twisted and leaks when I try to channel. I thought I had a good hold on it but it seems worse the more I channel.”

Night blinked at the story. "Where was your changeling friend? She's supposed to keep you out of trouble. I swear, humans…"

59 - Destined Foal

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Silver nudged Night. "Like you always succeed." He looked back to Penny. "Are you alright? I mean, besides the leaking. Did they hurt you?"

Penny nodded. “Yeah, they did. I am coming to terms with that and Stick, she is the best mare to help me. She was there, when I was taken. She hadn’t been feeding too much, to not be a problem. I make sure she feeds now it… that extra magic? It mostly fizzes out through my emotions, whatever I am feeling at the time. Stick can use that if it is love I am feeling.”

Silver shook his head. "That's going to get in the way of this." He flipped through the first book, arriving at the foal-friendly listing of letters. "Can you work through them? I want to see how precise you are right now." He grinned. "You are being graded, not that the grades matter for anything."

Shaken from her reverie by her friend, Penny nodded and sat straight. “I can look at the book?” She asked it but since Silver was holding it open, and she had already told him she only knew two… The first was clear, she brought her magic in and tight, worked it out to the edge of her horn and made the first symbol. Letting it fade she did the second that she knew. The next, the one she had asked about, was slower to form but, focusing on the example it did, at last, and was correct.

Silver clopped his hooves. "The edges are still a little fuzzy, but you're doing great! It's mostly practice, like everything else in life. Art, magic, all practice." Silver tilted his head, a new thought poking in at him. "Huh…"

Night glanced at him and back at Penny. "He gets like this sometimes, especially recently. Silver? You alright?"

He shook his head. "I'm fine, just… last time we were here, I was the lunar pony in the castle. The lunar unicorn, to be specific, a mare."

Penny, distracted from her pattern, had let the fourth go early. “What do you mean, last time? How long have you been in Equestria?” She realized she had lost the pattern and started at it again, rebuilding it and trying to work with the edges better.

Silver tilted his head. "It's confusing, but I did something really stupid, and Luna took it in her own hooves to set me straight. It was basically me versus my subconscious, and I lived out so many years, poof, right in a day. It's like I'm doing it all over again, but there are so many differences." He colored slightly. "That time, Twilight was the solar unicorn, and…"

Penny nodded. “... and you were the lunar unicorn.” She looked up to Night. “You should get a shorter leash. Okay, so what did you do, big spell?” The fourth pattern was firm at her horn, but in her mind the third one was already blurry. She seemed to be able to copy them passably from what she could see, but would need more time to memorize them.

Night shook her head slowly. "I'm sure magic was involved, at least I was there, even in his dreams."

Silver smiled at that. "You were close at my side for most of it, and I woke up, loving you all the more fiercely." He tilted his head at Penny. "Are you ready for the strange part?" Ready or not, he began, "I was Twilight's mare, for just a moment, long enough for a foal. The foal was eventually born. He had a name. I looked… into his eyes." Despite starting off with a smile and trying to be cocky, his emotions began to catch up, and speech sputtered to a halt.

The lunar unicorn in the room froze. Things started to overlap in her thoughts and it was clear on her face that she was thinking about more than Silver’s reaction to his own words. She looked to Night, looking stricken. “I, wait…” A foal, he had said a foal. “Maybe I should go?”

Night shook her head slowly. "I don't… Silver?" She reached out and nudged him.

He stiffened and sat up. "It's just so weird. I… Look, this kind of hurts, and I want to gush and gush and also hide under that bed…"

Almost like the proverbial deer in headlights, Penny couldn’t move. “Weird? You had a whole life, a family. With Night?” She looked to the other mare in the room, trying to gauge her feelings on what was being discussed. “Not having a foal you knew would be almost as… maybe worse, than losing one.”

Silver raised a hoof to his chest. "That one wasn't with Night. That one is still waiting for us." He smiled at Night. "And I will greet her with love, ready for… her in all her…" His words kept trailing off. "This is awkward. I was the foal's mother, even if I didn't finish the… Nnng, complicated. Me and Twilight, leave it there. That's enough. Solar unicorn and lunar unicorn, here in this castle, about this time."

“No, let’s not leave it there.” Penny had started frowning. “You feel a hurt, I… I haven’t had a foal, nor even thought I would when I was human. Luna…” She tilted her head. “Why is that princess tangled in both our stories so much? She had me promise her, when she made me a pony, to give her a boon. She wants me to have a foal.” She looked down, unable to meet Night’s eyes, she was perhaps even waiting for something physical from the protective and well-trained pegasus.

Night saw the pieces coming together and her wings unfurled in a sharp snap. "Are you? Of course you are. I can see it in your eyes, in your stance." She looked away a moment and back again at the guilty-looking Silver. "Have you even asked her yet? She sounds like she already has a partner."

Silver shrunk in on himself. "It's stupid. It's stupid as hell. We'd probably not even make the same child even if we tried…" His oddly smooth tail, much softer looking than his wild mane, thumped the ground. "But the chance…"

“The chance of destiny being real, in a magical land where it’s touch is on everypony?” Penny stepped over and poked him in the flank, right at his cutie mark. “I am not saying I am willing to do this, it isn’t entirely my say. Stick is my marefriend, but if there is a foal that won’t get a chance at life, I... “ He looked to Night, breathing deeply. “You and Stick need to talk. If this happened, you would both be in the least comfortable positions.”

Silver smiled a little. "I… Christ, there is no way to say this that isn't awkward as everything." He leaned forward a little. "First, we do nothing without your leave. No matter how badly I might hurt, I am not a rapist, and that includes coercing people and pushing them. This is a huge deal! It's… about the hugest you can get." He turned to Night, who was already facing him. "And only if my wife consents to it. She is first. She is the light of my life."

Night smiled a little. "Can I be a light?" She reached with a wing, brushing through his wild mane. "I'm much too dark for that."

“Yeah, I think things are out of our hooves.” Penny looked at David, then Night. “You seem to be light enough for him, to lead his way out of the troubles he gets into. I mean, he still has all his hooves, mane and tail, right? So if it there is a foal, somewhere and when, and they need a mother… would they end up with three? Damn, I need Stick here.”

The knock at the door made Penny jump a little.

Night raised a brow at the door from behind her glasses, adjusting them before she moved for the door. "The Ambassador is entertaining a guest. Can you come back later?"

“Princess Cadance insisted I bring this pony to your room.” The guard’s formal words implied that he was quite literally under orders.

“Penny is in there?” A slight chitter to the words, muffled as they were, was heard.

Penny shook her head and muttered something about ‘destiny’. “Stick? Please, let her in.”

Night hurried to the door, twisting the knob open with her clever wings. "She can come in. Thank you for bringing her." The sight of an actual changeling just out and about did surprise her midly. "Come in, Stick is it?"

The changeling, with some odd deep-green lines and markings on her shell, poked her head in first and spotting Penny, accepted fully. “Stick, yup. You are Night? We met at the train station.”

Penny was on her hooves and moving toward the newcomer.

Silver bobbed his head. "Hard to forget you. You're just in time."

Night shut the door behind Stick, letting the reuniting occur without her in the way.

There was some nuzzling from Penny, but Stick seemed the most distracted of the two. “What’s wrong, you feel a little off?” There was more chitter in her voice now.

“Nothing, well, something. Maybe something big.” Penny pointed a hoof to the couch and Stick moved with her, the two moving so that their flanks and shoulders kept brushing. “How do we start explaining this?”

Silver threw up his hooves. "There is no sane way to explain this, so here goes. It might be destiny for me to make a foal with a lunar unicorn, and there's exactly one of those, right here." He tapped the ground with a lowered hoof. "In the form of my friend, who has a partner. Did I mention I do too?" His voice was a little frantic, worn and worried about just how it all sounded on saying it.

Stick pressed a little closer to Penny, who put a leg around the changeling. “Destiny is important to ponies, this I have learned.” She leaned up and nosed Penny’s horn. “I take it this is the lunar unicorn, I am certainly her marefriend. How do you feel, Penny?”

The unicorn in question shook a little. “What he says… I trust him, that he wouldn’t lie about it. You know Luna made me promise her to have a foal?” Stick nodded to Penny. “I get a feeling this is, right?” There were tears though, that were visible as Penny sunk her snout in against Stick.

The changeling looked almost accusingly at both Night and Silver. “You know how she feels, about that sort of thing?”

Night rolled her eyes dramatically. "I think both of our humans are leaving out the important parts. You don't just make a foal with someone and walk off, not if you aren't a real… He's not that, he's just not thinking this through. She'll get fat like I'm getting, then, later, she'll burst, and we'll have a foal. Who does the foal stay with? How will they be raised? Its parents are separate, how would that work?"

Stick’s eyes narrowed at this and turned to look between Silver and, with a soft glow of green magic to tilt Penny’s head up. “She is right. Changelings are fine in a nest, we have a lot of other drones to care for us. Could that work? We would be closer than drones, mothers all of us.”

Penny was looking to Silver now, an odd smile on her snout. “I don’t have much, I am still learning magic. How did you care for foals in your dream, how did that work out?”

Silver quirked a smile. "Royal stipends, mostly."

Night snorted softly. "That wouldn't change much, Mister Ambassador." She pointed at Penny. "That is, if you're going to do what I put a seventy-five percent chance of you doing."

Silver turned to her. "Then don't leave it to me to do. Please, this is your family too. Say what you want, and I'll abide it. No questions asked. This whole thing is… I'll understand, really, anything you say."

“Oh no, not that easy. A foal will need stability. Where are we going to be while we,” Penny looked among the three ponies present, “raise them? Any foal of mine is going to have roots, even if they are more mobile than usual. I want them to see the whole world, to understand this amazing place and life they will have. We need, in short, a plan.”

Stick nodded along. “Here for instance. Celestia doesn’t send diplomats to her niece to say hello. Is there a reason a pregnant mare shouldn’t be here?”

Night raised a brow. "Besides King Sombra theoretically raising an army of shadows to attack the Crystal Empire? That's actually beside the point. The thing my stallion is considering, and wants me to decide, is to invite you, both of you." She spread her wings. "He wants to claim you both as his mares. To his credit, he knows his first wife should be the one to invite or not."

Penny and Stick, both of them, blushed deeply and looked to reply, then stop. More than once. “His… mares?” Penny looked to Stick, blushing further. “That is a big step I, I am not sure I am… oh drat, this is confusing me. I am ready to have a foal but not be a family? That isn’t right. Boundaries though, will be important.” Penny lifted a hoof. “You are and always will be his first, I don’t want that much attention.” She blushed more. “I bet I am going about this all wrong.”

Night flashed her sharp teeth. "You said the right thing. Challenging the first wife for the position without even accepting entry? That would be curious…" She wrapped a wing around the lost and dazed Silver. "I'm in charge of him, and owner of that frantically beating heart of his. He asked me to make a choice, so I will." She fixed eyes with Penny. "Do you want this foal?"

Penny looked to Stick, but only got a kiss on the nose from the changeling and no words. “I told Luna, to keep her boon. I didn’t want a foal to be, only because of a promise. If Silver says a foal is destiny, and it is starting to feel more and more like it, then I will not only want a foal.” Penny closed her eyes and searched, sensing something but quite able to grasp it. “I would love them.”

A gentle kiss, the brush of careful fangs, from Stick, met her cheek. “You don’t go alone. Where Penny walks, I walk beside her.” Stick looked at the unicorn in her hooves, then the pegasus across the room, daring either to challenge her.

Silver sat up with a smile. "You've found a good friend right there. It took me a long time to find mine. It's like your entire experience is on fast forward."

"Is that good or bad?" Night glanced between them. "So you want it, and he can give it." She approached and sniffed over the mare a moment. "The time isn't right, so it's academic until then, but, for now, I suggest you both stay here. We need to know each other."

Stick couldn’t stop herself. “Yes, Queen Night.”

Night snorted and stomped at Stick's words. "We don't know each other well enough for me to be your Queen, don't rush."

Penny had gathered herself, looking a little relaxed. “Oh she likes to rush, I try and hold her back but we are a little alike in that regard. Stick is finding the world for the first time, I have promised myself I would live it, here, with less holding me back. We do need to get to know each other.” Penny smiled up at Night but not trusting her emotions to really look at Silver. At least, not for a few more moments.

Something occurred to Penny then, however. “Wait, why are you confined to here? More Silver-problems?”

Night pointed to herself. "Me? I'm not, and yet, I'm his guard. So there we are. This lovable figure found himself a new trouble."

Silver grunted softly. "A problem that needs fixing. Several, actually."

Stick and Penny both looked intrigued. The changeling, however, spoke first. “Well, is there anything we can lend a hoof or two to help with? We aren’t diplomats, but we aren’t stupid, either.”

Silver perked his ears. "Actually…"

Night cuffed him on the head, earning a sour look. "No."

Silver squirmed a moment. "Fine… Then you can act on my behalf. I'm pretty sure I can do that. How do you feel about going around the city, seeing what's needed and helping make it happen? An outside opinion is just what ponies need, and someone, er, pony, aimed at the greater good without a personal investment."

“So long as you don’t need heavy lifting.” Penny says with a sly grin.

Stick raised one brow. “What about me, or do you think seeing a changeling and a lunar pony together will put them off balance enough that they might just say what they need, instead of what they want?” Penny blinked at her, having just seen a sneakier side of her marefriend.

Night nodded. "Besides, you two are a team, in all meanings of the word. There's no reason to send just one of you." She rolled her eyes. "I was a bit of an idiot thinking he could be away from me for a moment, and here we are."

A roll of green flame enveloped Stick and, beside Penny, another nondescript lunar unicorn sat. She had made her usual concession with a changeling cutie mark, of course. “I meant, this. You want us, you got us, but think about what we can do.”

Penny blushed a little at this, apparently having seen another side of things that caused her to blurt out in haste. “For this job, she means what other things we can do to help with this.”

Silver shook his head. "Use your discretion. You're both clever people. You'll see the situation before us, and unless you want to come running back to check in each time, you'll have to decide how to approach. Of course, you might want to do that anyway, depending on what you see."

“Make a list of ponies you want us to talk to.” Stick flickered in green flame again and was back to herself. She got up and poked Penny in the shoulder. “Weren’t you supposed to get magic lessons from him? I come up here, thinking you would be hard at training and you are talking foals?” She was approaching Night. “I almost fear to know what would happen if they were really alone, without you to keep an eye on them.”

Penny blushed and brought her book closer in her magical grip. “I wish she wasn’t that right…”

"You took my kingdom from me!" A flash of brilliant green energy lanced from Chrysalis' horn as she hovered across from her opponent, striking Fast's shield, splintering and cracking it, but not piercing it.

"You gave it up." Fast spread her hooves. "These ponies have given it to me just the same."

"Stop talking and fight!" She darted in and smashed a hoof into the shield, shattering it and lashing it across Fast's chin and driving her back. "Stop blocking and fight, or admit you've lost."

Fast smiled slowly. "Was that your best swing?"

"What?" Chrysalis bristled and brought a hoof in, driving it into Fast's chest, but it was like kicking a tree. She barely vibrated. "What is this?"

"You must be so tired…"

60 - To the Library

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Silver walked along with a literal leash dangling from his neck. "This is more than a little degrading. I'm not going anywhere without your permission."

Night gave the lightest pull. "It wasn't my idea, but think of it this way, if somepony wants to snatch you away, they're not doing it quietly."

Silver twitched an ear at her. "I didn't hear you arguing it that strongly. Is this about the foal thing?"

She pulled more firmly and frowned.

"You just have to give the word and I'll give it up. I'm your stallion. Yours." He shrank a little and huffed as he walked.

"So I can watch you pout and mope around forever?" She advanced on him, side-by-side. "Tell me about this dream foal. Tell me about mine, in theory."

Silver flashed a soft smile. "They're both perfect... She was full of happiness, and he had sharp eyes that looked like he could have been an adult for how heavy they were, but they both were full of love. Playing with the two of them completed me." He put a hoof on his chest. "I never really put a lot of thought into being a dad. Closest I got was being an uncle, but I did enjoy that... And I enjoyed being a father, in that dream." He suddenly nipped at her cheek. "With my wife."

She grunted softly. "You seem to keep slipping around the fact that the only sane way to do this involves having more than one wife."

"We don't have to..." Silver backed away a step. "They're both mares. I can give a surrogate to them, and let them be their own thing. We can be friends, instead of a herd. Herd or not, you are my wife. You are the holder of my heart, and my literal leash." She snorted at it. "How long does this stay?"

She pulled gently. "At least until we're inside the library you wanted to visit so badly and then again until we're back in the castle." She reeled him in just to kiss his cheek. "You know I love you, right?"

Silver smiled, much of the tension in him fading on the words. "It's nice to hear it. We're a team, right?"

They nuzzled gently, their bond reaffirmed. She nuzzled into his closer ear. "I really am worried for you, for us. Not of you, for you."

He returned the gentle touches and nips at her. "We have to win through this, with Sombra, or the consequences could be dire for everyone, us included. I scared him off from trying to take me directly, but that hardly makes a difference on its own."

"You're just one pony." She raised a brow behind her thick glasses. "What do you plan to do?"

He pointed up to the library as they arrived at its steps. "First, learn. I won't be the sword that cuts down armies, but maybe I can help ponies with the strength find that sword. Maybe I can find the shield, even if I won't be the one holding it." He began stepping towards it. "I'm not here for glory anyway."

Inside, she unclasped the leash, freeing him. He rushed for the front desk with a smile. "Hello, do you have a section for the nature or history of shadows?"

The librarian seemed baffled at the request, shaking her head. "Why would we want anything like that?"

Silver would not be so easily dissuaded. He approached a desk and set down his spell book and got to scribbling fiercely.

"What are you working on?"

"I'm cheating."

"Cheating?" She peered at him and his work. "Unicorn cleverness?"

"I'm using the foal-finding spell I learned from Twilight... in the dream. I'm tweaking it based on my visitation."

"Visitation?" Night circled around to his other side, looking down at his arcane scrawlings. "Do you think there--"

"Got it." Silver plucked up the book in silver hands and began to play the spell over his horn. A bright mote leapt from his spire and zipped off into the library, and he ran after it, with Night trailing only steps behind. "Don't let it get out of sight!"

The glittering spark jumped upstairs out of sight as if to defy him, but it wasn't hard to find where it had gone. An entire row of books were knocked over forcefully. One of them glimmered faintly and Silver moved for it, only to be cut off by a frowning crystal pony caretaker. "Did you do this? You'd better pick up all these books and put them back, in order."

Night slipped before Silver. "Of course, ma'am."

Silver brushed past her. "I'm on it, sorry for the mess." He grabbed the one that was fading from its glimmer and set it quickly aside on a table before getting to the longer task of setting the other books back on their shelf.

"What are you looking for that has you in such a rush?" The librarian peered at the both suspiciously.

Night grabbed a book with a wing and set it gently back on its shelf. "Silver thinks he can find some information on the shadows."

"Here?" She shook her head. "Good luck, looking in the foal's section." She turned away and left them to their cleaning.

Regardless of her dismissive words, Silver eagerly grabbed up the book once the others were tucked away. Night didn't look quite as eager. "How much faith can we put in a foal's book?"

Silver flipped it open to the first page. "It's our first clue. Let's enjoy it for what it is and see where it leads us."

It was a book of scary stories to tell naughty foals, and spoke of many strange horrors that could lurk in the dark, ready to gobble up disobedient little children and spirit them away. Most of the stories felt like classic boogeymen he'd read and heard before, but one captured his interest. He tapped at the open page. "Look at this."

Night leaned over his shoulder and read with him of an ancient and powerful crystal that would gather and focus all the bad thoughts of the world and give them shape. The Shadow Crystal, it was called. Night raised a brow. "So you should be good, to power the Crystal Heart instead of the Shadow Crystal. Are they two sides of the same thing?"

"Exactly what I was thinking." Silver folded the book shut and tucked it away. "They're linked. If we could find the shadow crystal, we'd really be onto something."

Night tapped at her chin softly. "And how do you plan to do that? The frozen north is a large place. If we just start looking randomly, the city'll be razed to the ground before we find a hint of the thing."

"I... could use the spell again?"

Night rolled her eyes. "Cheating is fine until you get caught." She leaned in and kissed his cheek. "We're not rushing out into the snow, trying to find a mote that doesn't want to slow down, that may not even go the right way. You don't have a link to this one. It didn't come into your dreams to say hello. No, this time? We seek professional help, like adults."

Silver perked his ears. "But who... Oh."

"Yep, those." She held out a hoof, and he met it with a loud clop. Unified in purpose, they left the library with heads held high, until the soft click of the leash being slipped back into place was heard. "Sorry, outside, you have to wear it."

Silver gave an annoyed little grunt. "Then we should inform Cadance we'll be stepping out a few days. At least Damaged--"

"Penny." Night rolled her eyes. "For the mare you want to carry your foal, you can at least remember her name."

"Right, Penny." Silver smiled sheepishly. "I remember them from online, so that name stuck."

Night rolled a hoof. "Online?"

Silver rubbed his forehooves together. "Right, remember my computer." As she nodded, he continued. "Now remember that, where I came from, all those computers were tied together, and you could communicate to other people sitting at other computers. He was across the world from me, but with computers, we talked easily. Hell, he helped me write. Imagine that, someone in another country helping you as if they were sitting beside you."

Night shook her head. "And she was a he back then? And that doesn't bother you even a tiny bit?"

"Why should it?" Silver raised a brow at her. "She's a she right now, and my friend, and everything lines up so well I find myself wondering more if the Text is behind it all, which I guess he is, since without him, D--Penny wouldn't be here."

Night nudged him. "And you're willing to go along with his plans then?"

Silver tensed a moment. "If it means I get my foal back, yes." He leaned in towards Night. "I'd jump through burning hoops to protect you and our foal just the same." He reached, brushing a hoof gently along her belly. "I just want my family."

She sighed and leaned in, kissing his nose. "You're a romantic. Now let's get to the castle. We have a princess to confuse."


Night raised a brow. "I wasn't aware we were under arrest."

Cadance shook her head. "You're mine for now and I refuse. I don't want the warlocks here. They are dangerous, to put it mildly, and they don't obey any rules."

Silver shook his head. "But they know darkness, and have more experience and knowledge. If anyone can help us, they can."

Cadance waved it off. "Out of the question. If they get involved, somepony is getting hurt, or they don't get involved. It's fine that Auntie likes having them around, but this is my kingdom."

Silver tapped his hooves softly in thought. "Alright, so, they're off the table."

"They are." Cadance gave a gentle smile. "I'm not angry at either of you, but no is no on this."

Silver nodded. "Right. I have another idea." He turned to flee, but a bright pink wing descended before him.

"And that idea is?"

Night snorted softly. "I want to hear this as well. What's the idea?"

Silver looked between the two dominant females. "I'm just going to ask Luna."

Cadance raised a brow. "How do you plan to do that? She typically does not visit unless you're mid-nightmare, and only at her discretion alone."

Silver waved it off. "I know how to get her attention."

Night rose to her hooves. "I don't doubt this. I'll make sure he stays in the castle, Princess."

"See that you do..." She tilted her head curiously. "Do... Nevermind. Be well."

They left her as she frowned. "Where is that new line going?"

61 - In Dark Combat

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Chrysalis drew back from her hated rival. "You think you're so clever. You threw your henchpony at me to drain my supplies, just so you'd have an easy time."

"I did no such thing." Fast raised a brow. "You still have to answer for that." She thrust a hoof at Chrysalis. "She didn't forget what the greater purpose was, unlike you. She's a hero, and you're just a washed up little foal that's angry her 'toys' aren't behaving."

Chrysalis rolled her eyes. "Spare me your lectures. Lucky for me, you've kept my 'toys' well fed and they're still loyal to me." She raised a hoof slowly, green energy swirling upwards from the hive with the surprised yelp of changelings coming from below. "At least while they can see me."

Fast recoiled. She wasn't even aware that was possible, and yet, there Chrysalis was, feeding on the reserves of the hive. She assumed the form of a small dragon with an angry roar and charged Chrysalis. There was no time for delay.

Silver 'awoke' on his bed back on Earth and shook himself out. He was dreaming and quite aware of the fact. Just that unwavering knowledge made every attempt to dream a lucid experience. He hopped down from the bed and stretched muscles that weren't real before he grasped the handle of his door and pulled it open, revealing the cosmos outside of the dreamworld. "You're not kicking me out this time."

"And why is that?" Luna stood there just outside his door, where he was certain she hadn't been a moment before. "You are not me. You are not even lunar. The dreamworld is not your domain. Do you think so little of me?" She advanced as she spoke, glaring down at the small form of the solar unicorn that defied her.

Silver rallied himself, standing as tall as his small body allowed. "There are important things going on that we need help with. I'm not here to invade your dreamworld." He waved a hoof. "I never came to attack you, Luna."

Luna poked him right on the nose. "And yet, here you are." She smiled gently. "You feel healthier, in a manner. Tell me what has brought you." With a glimmer of her magic, the door to his dream was closed, and they were both on his bed, which was large enough to have them facing each other on their bellies despite being a twin sized to his recollection.

A flood of conversation topics threatened to overwhelm him and his breathing picked up, despite not needing to breathe at all in a dream. "Alright, let's stick to the most pressing. Sombra is on his way back."

Luna raised a brow. "I thought the Princess Twilight Sparkle dispatched him."

Silver nodded quickly. "She did, but it wasn't permanent. He's preparing for a fresh attack, and the Crystal Empire isn't prepared. He tried to subvert me, but I resisted that, and was gifted with some knowledge for the struggle."

Luna leaned closer. "I pray you are not trifling with me. What information did you discern?"

"I saw how he came to be."

She recoiled. "None know the true origin of him." She frowned a little. "He likely was trying to dig into your own past and left himself open to you. Well, what made him then? Do you know how to unmake him?"

Silver frowned at that. "That's the wrong path, and he was made by the cruelty of a, likely, well-meaning pony. He was treated fouly and poorly, and she was destroyed for it."

"Who was?" Luna tapped at the bed. "Stop leaving out details. This is no dream, speak plainly."

Silver hiked a brow. That was certainly a dream. "The old queen of the empire, Amore."

The world around Silver and Luna quaked as if becoming unhinged and Luna surged to her hooves. "I had thought you a liar... For this I owe an apology. Do... What happened to her?"

Silver felt a growing headache. Whatever Luna had felt was powerful enough to leave his psyche strained just for having her there while she felt it. "She... He turned her to a statue of crystal, then shattered her across Equestria."

Luna drew in a ragged breath. "For so many years... To be reduced to such a state. It... I dare say it makes even my banishment seem tame in comparison. I will dispatch the warlocks at once. We'll find the pieces and restore her!"

Silver thrust up a hoof. "Wait! There's more to it. The force that created Sombra, originally. He was fashioned in the wastelands as a little colt, and I think I found out what by."

Luna forced herself to sit slowly. "Tell us all you know. Was he fashioned by evil hands?"

"Yes and no." Silver tilted his head. "He was created for dark ends, but I'm certain he almost turned away from his origins. Being what he was... he was hurt by the Crystal Heart, and had no idea why."

Luna frowned faintly. "We imagine that would be most trying. Was he a lonely foal, bitter and spiteful?"

"No, actually..." Silver sat up tall. "He had a friend, a marefriend. She supported him, and he loved her fully, until she was called away to focus on her healing magic. The same that could ease his pain."

"'Tis a shame, but there was no way Princess Amore would have known--"

"She did." Silver stood up, still below Luna's gaze. "She knew, and... then this happened."

Luna rose and stepped off the bed, which became just large enough to support Silver. She approached his computer and tapped it. It turned on, despite her not pressing anywhere near the right button. Silver wondered what she was doing, watching her work as she used her magic and moved the mouse on his old desktop.

"What are you doing?" Silver slipped from his bed. "Why are you poking around in there?"

"There's nothing here we have not seen before." She glanced to him. "Or have you forgotten?"

She had laid his soul out to look through once before, and Silver shivered softly in remembrance of it. "I was younger then, and far more weak around mares."

Luna turned to him, and suddenly she was over him. "Are you stronger now? Would you turn me away?"

Was he? Did he want to? "I met your alternative brood mare."

She drew back, looking surprised. "What?"

Silver pointed at himself. "In my dream, I was the lunar unicorn. I was what your hopes rested on, to ignite the new tribe. What is it about humanity that makes you think we're so good for the purpose?"

Luna's wings unfurled wide. "That's a dangerous claim!"

"She told me personally." Silver leaned forward. "And I have my own experience. You want foals from her."

Luna looked ready to attack, but it slowly ebbed. "And now you think we are some cruel dictator..."

Silver reached out a hoof. "She could have said no, and she didn't. I could have said no, and I didn't either, in my dream. You haven't forced either of us, except for that soul spreading bit." He raised a brow. "If things go according to plan, I may be her first."

Luna blinked rapidly. "What? You speaketh falsehoods! I have seen into your core, why would you choose her, one who you know so well as a stallion, not a mare?"

Silver reached out and produced a foal from nowhere, gazing up with the intense eyes he remembered. "My foal needs me. Be it as their father or mother, it's up to me to allow them the chance of existing."

Luna leaned in slowly. "Lunar..." She frowned at Silver. "And you mean to produce this lunar foal through Penny?"

Silver smiled a little. "All the lines point to it. The time is right, the ponies are as right as we can get. If we fail, you still get a foal, just not mine, but I'm not heartless. Any foal I make, is mine. I will have to bid this one farewell, if that happens, but it won't be for lack of trying."

Luna clopped the ground, the room shattering with a piercing pain as they were plunged into darkness. "It was a dream. Why do you put so much faith into it?"

Silver held his head a moment, the foal shattered with the room, leaving them hovering, alone, in the void. "It wasn't just my dream."

"What was it, do you propose?" She leaned in, breath washing hot and angry over him. "A vision?"

Silver poked her back on the nose. "Your dream."

Luna recoiled. "W-what?"

Silver smiled a little. "You returned the favor."

"What favor do you speak of?"

Silver spread his forehooves. "You exposed your innermost workings, fears, and aspirations to me. I have seen you, darkly reflected on myself. I know you."

Luna took a slow step back. Words attempted to leave her snout, but died along the way. She was trembling with something new. Fear?

Silver continued, "The way Celestia acted was everything you feared she could become, and may yet be. She smothered the country with a well-meaning but crushing love. She acts with impunity when riled sufficiently. She was a goddess given pony form. She feared you and everything about you. You worry she is disgusted by you, by--"

"Enough!" Luna howled, and Silver awoke, his head feeling like it was pressed tightly in a vice. He could barely see, but he knew he was awake, dimly. He raised a trembling hoof, but it was too much, and it fell to his side. It all hurt.

He felt the bed move, and then he was gently pressed into the bed. Night was gazing down at him with her brilliant eyes, glowing in the dark. "What happened?"

Silver wanted to stroke her, hold her, kiss her, or anything else, but movement seemed too hard. He focused instead on speaking. "Shhhh...."

She perked an ear. "Are you alright? Of course you aren't. Just lay here and relax. I'll get some soup." She hopped down from the bed and clopped off.

He relaxed as commanded, and a little smile formed. To have such a loving wife... He was lucky, despite any temporary pain or struggle. He would never forget the blessing that was Night Watch. When she came back, he had enough strength to lean over and kiss her cheek. "I love you so much..."

Night smiled, a brightness in the dark. "I love you too, you big dummy. What'd you tell her?" She sat beside the bed and began to feed Silver. "Nevermind, just eat and relax. We can go over the details in the morning, alright?"

Silver accepted the hot soup. It tasted wonderful, but the fact that each spoonful was a gift from his wife made it all the better. He tried to sneak in further kisses, but she was wily and turned him away, most of the time. Once the soup was completed, only then did she accept his embrace, and they savored one another's company, even when she eventually fell back to sleep.

62 - Accepting a Loss

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Silver and Night walked side-by-side. Being in the glittering hallways of the castle, no leash was tethered to the troublesome human-pony, who let his eyes wander about as he went. "Have you noticed anything?"

"Should I?" Night twitched her tufted ears upwards. "Your new marefriend is coming this way, does that count?"

“... and I still think that a train right to the mine would-” Penny was poking a piece of paper and talking to Stick when she noticed Night and Silver. “Hay there!”

Stick smiled to the pair as well, folding back up the pages she and Penny had been arguing over.

Silver turned an ear towards their pages. "Good to see you both. What are you working on? Any luck getting the ponies of the city working together?"

The changeling sighed. “Getting them working together is easier said than done, getting them working with ponies of other cities is, we think, the key. The railway sews all of Equestria and the Crystal Empire together, we should look at extending its stitches and purpose.”

Penny giggled at this metaphor. “It would solve a lot of problems if we could just get ponies to think the train is good for more than just mail and getting ponies from A to B.”

Silver nodded at that. "Have you tried rallying to a bit of good old nationalism? They want to do good because the Crystal Empire isn't the bottom and isn't meant to be." He glanced left and right. "I know that's tricky, neither of you being a crystal pony yourself."

Night suddenly stepped forward, nose dancing, then looking back to Silver. "That didn't take long. May as well take her somewhere private if you plan to do it."

Penny froze up, suddenly looking more than a little scared.

“Yeah, there is a problem there.” Stick gave a bit of chitter in her voice as she stepped in closer to Penny and pressed close. “I don’t think this is going to work with her, we… we tried to experiment.” The changeling blushed but lowered her head.

Silver frowned sharply. "Look, I'm not here to push you around, Penny. This is your chance for a new life as much as it has been for me." He sat down. "Tell it to me straight. Do you want this?" He turned to Night. "Do you? I don't think you do."

The soft sob from the lunar unicorn seemed loud in the hall. “I… I want to help but, the thought of it, even when I knew it was Stick…” She was trembling a little, reliving a private fear.

Silver extended a hoof, but never came close to actually touching his friend. "Oh… sorry, really, look." He glanced around at others that were peering at them. "Consider it dropped. I'll cope." He licked over his snout. "I have to accept… the consequences of my actions, and this is just another of them." He rose to his hooves. "I'm sorry, I really should speak with my wife, who I owe an apology to I think."

Stick was pressed, from shoulder to flank, against Penny. She looked from Silver to Night.

It was Penny who managed a reply first. “It was all really sudden and I wanted to help and I still want to help Luna but…” It was a big but, it seemed. “I don’t think I am ready for that. I only just found out what it means to really love…” She reached up and nibbled at one of Stick’s ears, the changeling going a little stiff.

Night leaned in close to Silver. "Are you seeing what could have been?" Silver stiffened, but she continued, "It's alright, this time I understand. Do you know how many friends of mine went off and found special someponies? Some of them I still thought I could have had a chance with, but off they went. I didn't even think to tell them until they were already gone." She nuzzled gently into Silver, and the gentle brushing was returned as they sagged into one another, understanding seemingly met between them.

“But,” Penny began, standing a little straighter and using her magic to try and brush her cheeks dry, “this doesn’t mean we aren’t going to be friends and get this empire back on it’s hooves.”

Stick drew back just a bit, still touching Penny with her flank but letting the mare have a bit of space back.

Silver nodded, a stiff and jerky motion. "Of course!" He stepped forward. "Really, I hope we can become even better friends, that stuff completely to the side. Besides, we have magic lessons to go over." A bright smile split his snout, even with a few tears in his eyes. "Let's focus more on that today. Since you're such an advanced student, how about we get you a spell today, and a book to store it in."

Penny brightened immediately with the topic shift.

“Oh Celestia.” Stick shook her head. “If you need me, I am going to court. I sent out a bit of a challenge yesterday and need to get a feel for how it is taking.” She leaned in to Penny and whispered something very softly in the mare’s ear. It didn’t pull a blush from her, but she did brush up against the changeling once more.

Night hesitated a moment, then approached Stick. "I'll go with you." She glanced to the other two. "They need a moment, and I really should keep up."

Stick beamed at this. “Oh, you should have seen it, we… oh, the charade.” Penny lifted a hoof and pressed it to her head. Stick lowered her voice. “Okay, so we have made it known that Penny is my assistant and that I am a business pony from Canterlot, brought in as a consultant by the Ambassador of Celestia’s. I have gotten support openly from Cadance and now have asked other ponies of the court to consider supporting us with bits, goods or services.” She paused as other ponies in the hall got near, continuing right away again, eventually spinning the ruse she had concocted to make sure ponies approached her as an equal.

Night went off with Stick, nodding at her. "It sounds like you're off to the right hoof handling this problem." She smiled. "Silver made the right choice in picking you two for the task. What are the big problems you're running into?" She gently pried as they made their way towards the court.

Left behind, Silver waved for Penny to follow. "So, uh, Damaged, I hope you don't think I was trying to push you around or anything. Let's get you a notebook and get to more fun work than that."

Stick’s reply to Night was unheard by the two once-humans.

“Please, just call me Penny. It was never you pushing, I was pushing myself.” Penny turned her full attention to Silver, one of her ears twitching a few times. “I got another two of those symbols memorized.” She sounded quite excited now, it seems magic really was something that could grab her attention.

Silver clopped his forehooves before leading the way back towards his room. "Which symbols do you have down? Don't tell me, just play them for me. I'll find a spell that makes use of them to be your first."

She grinned and focused. They were faint, but clear, the first two symbols cycled on her horn, then one new one, then another. “That’s what I got. I don’t even know what they do…”

Silver frowned with thought. "I'm sure we can find one with those, sure…" He sounded as if he was already thinking of something too clever for him. He pushed open the door and went inside, fetching a book quickly. "This will be yours. Keep it close." He hovered it towards Penny. "Now let's see." He began fishing through magic books, flipping through them manically.

Catching the book, flipping the blank pages with her magic, Penny blinked at Silver. “Why don’t you just make one?” She said it as if it were such a simple thing.

Silver sat up. "Well, I… It's not that easy. I can mix and merge, but not just write from nothing at all." He rolled a hoof slowly. "When I have two working spells, how to put them together feels natural. Trying to do it from scratch? I make dozens of dead combinations that go nowhere." He tapped at a page. "How's this look? It does have one symbol you haven't gotten yet, but you'll want to learn it anyway. It looks useful too. Trixie would strongly approve."

He floated the book with the spell in it over to be inspected, describing a basic firework spell that would make a monochrome but brilliant display overhead.

Penny looked at the description of the spell, pointing to symbols around the patterns she had learned. “Okay, are these important? Timing?” She got to the actual spell symbol she hadn’t learned, starting slow but forming it from the copy in the book.

He nodded. "If you get the symbol wrong, or too strong or light, it could explode right in your face, but since it's just light and noise, it shouldn't hurt you or anypony else. Unicorn magic, who needs gunpowder?" He chuckled softly, smiling at his would-be student. "Sound fun to try?"

Penny looked at the page, back a little bit, finding a guide to the timing and strength notes. “Okay, now you're talking of gunpowder… bah, let’s do this.” And she started. Channeling her magic, she formed the patterns slowly, increasing or decreasing as noted… nothing happened. “Too slow?”

Silver bobbed his head quickly. "Think of them as different syllables to the same word. They have to flow organically from one to the next, or you're not really saying the word in a way the universe itself can understand." He peeked at the book a moment, then played it over his own horn, slowly one by one in crisp lettering born of years, some sleeping, of practice. "Until they're together, no spell."

She refocused on the book, reading it, paying special attention to how the notes seemed to pull the spell symbols into distinct groupings. She started to perform the spell, her horn forming the symbols and this time she seemed to get them into those ‘words’.

When the last part of the 'word' played, magic poured in a sudden draw through that inexperienced horn, sparking where it went down the wrong pipe, but emerging all the same in a messy but vibrant display of violet explosions all around them, sending Silver into gales of good-natured laughter. "You did it!"

Penny bounced in place. Her horn felt a bit odd for the effort she had to put into the spell and she rubbed it with a hoof. “Ooo, that felt strange…” She pulled back her hoof from her horn quickly.

Silver reached out, tapping that horn gently. "It really does. If someone touches it while you're casting or upkeeping it, it'll probably knock the spell right out. It's like an antenna in a lot of ways, and it's wired right into our brains." He let out a little snort. "Not sure if that's comforting or not."

“It’s exciting. So, all I need to do is learn all these symbols, work out the word-timing system… it is like trying to say words in a foreign language without understanding what they are or how they are made.” Penny looked ahead in the book, starting to flip the next page over.

Silver put a hoof down on the book. "Easy there. My own teacher didn't let me learn a single spell until I had the whole alphabet down… Though that did drive me crazy, which is why I wanted to teach you one actual spell, to practice with and get a feel for what it's like to have magic flowing through and out of you besides light or grabbing things."

“Ugh, isn’t there a man page for this stuff?” Penny giggled as she let her focus be returned to the spell. “It felt odd with my… my problem, seemed to set it off. I might try to see if I can hold it back a little more.” She made to start intoning the spell again.

Silver perked an ear. "Then this might be just the right spell. Even if you foul it up, it won't do more than annoy someone, rather than set something on fire or anything. You have it copied down right?" He leaned as if to get a peek at the new book of spells.

This made her freeze in her intoning, although thankfully she was only two symbols in and it seemed to do nothing for the failure. “Oh, I best do that.” A quill and ink pot came floating from her bag, wrapped in her soft red magic. She copied the first half of the spell without glancing at the book but as she got to the newer symbol she glanced back and forth. “It just feels so odd, if this is a language, who or what is really understanding it?”

Silver shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe you'll find that out." He smiled. "I rescued a changeling hive, your turn to shake up the world, hmm? After you've got the alphabet down at least."

Penny finished transposing the spell and even wrote a few notes under it for the timing. “Ugh, I guess I have to, I can’t just ask ‘hay what does this mean?’ like I would when programming.” She smiled despite the thought. “So now I have that, I keep working on my symbols, get channeling down… where to from there?”

Silver perked his ears. "Well, this is what happens when you are the compiler. You don't get to just consult the manual while casting." He didn't mention that he had done just that, but it wasn't a good idea, and he felt no urge to encourage that bad way. "You're making great progress. I mean, seriously, you blew me out of the water."

The mare tilted her head a little at his reply. “What, really? I just… I guess I took to it well, programming languages were always fun to learn. This is really fun, I mean, a computer can still only do so much, is there a limit on what we can do with magic?”

He raised a brow. "Of course there are. Hell, I cast this one spell and it just knocks me out basically instantly with how much energy it draws, and it's just idling! I shudder to think what it'd feel like if it was actually triggered before I finished konking out."

“So spells can have triggers? Did you make, like, an idle loop that checked for events? That is messy programming.” She sounded a little upset with him for such a design. “But I guess that is what you said, you are limited in what you can do by what spells you have access to, to take apart and rebuild. You need to get them all in a nice database.”

Silver nodded. "That's a start. Besides that, well, look at me." Silver put up his forehooves. "I'm not the biggest pony around, or have the longest horn or anything. Besides my talent, I'm not that special. I can make a lot of spells that I would not be smart trying to cast."

“Look at me, I’m not special except for the most unique talent ever.” Penny’s droll execution of the phrase was a stiff reminder of her former, frequent use of sarcasm. “Silver, we are ponies, we all are special and unique.” She sighed and started on the spell again, getting through it with much less fizz escaping into her emotions.

Silver watched her working the spell. "I know you haven't found yours yet, but don't stress it if you are. When you hit the right trigger, you'll fall right into it, and stressing over it won't help a damn thing. Don't be the CMC." He rolled his eyes, then froze suddenly. "Shit. You…. saw the future didn't you?"

Penny blushed. “That… maybe. I am not sure where Equestria is up to. I mean, Twilight has her castle but I couldn’t see the map in it. And yet she has been to Canterlot to see Moon Dancer…”

"Who?" Silver tilted his head then frowned, thinking ahead. "Did… the Crusaders get their marks yet?"

Penny shook her head. “Nope, still as blank as me. Oh, Moon Dancer is one of Twilight’s old friends from before she went to Ponyville. Kinda stood her up at a party, left Moon a little bit of a recluse because of it.”

Silver tapped his hooves together. "Ahead of where I was, but I'm not sure by how much… It's alright." He took a soft breath. "We should try to let the future be what it should be. We don't need to interfere with the show at all. We have a whole world to see."

Penny eventually left with her new book, her first spell within. This left Silver to sit back and let out a slow sigh. "Not every rainbow is meant to be. It's not worth hurting two ponies." He looked into the mirror beside him. "What are even the odds?" A rueful snort escaped him. "I was chasing the impossible. Just let it go." He rose to his hooves and trotted from his room, bound for his wife.

63 - We Are Alike

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After making up with and celebrating their union together with Night Watch, they collapsed to sleep in one another's legs.

Silver awoke in the realm of his dreams as he typically did. To 'just' dream was an impossibility. He slipped from his Earth bed and went over to his computer. On a whim, he turned it on and flipped to email. One message? From Sombra?

He clicked it curiously, and a familiar set of eyes emerged from the computer. "I come in peace."

Silver quirked an ear up at the dark lord, terror of all crystal ponies. "What do you need?" He slid off the chair he had been perched on. "I wasn't expecting you tonight, especially not through there."

"I have learned something of you. Perhaps we got off on the wrong hoof. You share some of the pain that rests in my own chest."

Silver rolled a hoof. "Enough with the eyes. I already know who you are." Being the inside of his dream, he decided Sombra was Sombra, and he was.

Sombra snorted, taking up a good portion of the room. "Very well." He leveled a hoof with Silver's snout. "I know the pain you carry. You too lament for something out of your grasp. You abandoned it for love, and respect, but it gnaws at you."

Silver's ears flipped back. "Accurate enough, but if this leads into 'so you should stab all your friends in the back', no."

Sombra stepped around Silver slowly. "What if I told you that what you seek is closer than you think?"

Silver raised an ear, following Sombra's movements. "I could say much the same. You could single-hoofedly end the war on shadow."

"I suspect not in the way I would envision it." He sat down behind Silver, looming over him. "You are no pony."

Silver smiled gently. "I'm a good pony, better than many, since it's an active choice on my part, and I mean to do it."

He snorted, smoke escaping his nostrils. "And yet, you are not. Human was it? Why would you seek to be one of these weak creatures?"

Silver realized the game at hand, or hoof. They were trading mental jabs, testing resolve and character. Silver leaned back, his head touching Sombra's chest. "You could be one too. You would be welcomed."

Sombra huffed at that. "You speak of impossibilities. They hate me--"

His words were interrupted as they were not in Silver's room, instead before Cadance. Another Silver stood before her as she spoke.

Cadance gave the gentlest of smiles. "I doubt that would ever be the case, but I would be a sorry princess to turn away an offer of peace. If he is willing to put his anger aside, than I will return the favor. Now go. I'm sure your wife is worried for you. Does she even know where you are?"

They were back in Silver's room. Silver nodded gently. "She is a good princess."

Sombra snarled at that. "A 'good' princess betrayed me. You are aware of this."

Silver raised a hoof. "I can't speak for her actions. I would like her to. I think... I think you were hasty."

"Hasty? Decisive is a better term." Sombra sat up tall. "She will never stand in my way again."

"She will never explain her actions, and can never be properly punished." Silver glanced over his shoulder. "Don't you want to hear her words, and see she be properly punished? She's simply gone, that's not much of a punishment."

He was silent for a moment, then shook his head. "And you? Afraid to assert mastery over one foal of a mare? She was even willing to submit to your will. A few tears, and you surrendered your aspirations."

Silver brought to being the pony that once held Sombra's heart. "Would you do that to her?"

Sombra's fangs found purchase in Silver's shoulder suddenly, and the vision was gone. They were seated across from one another. "Don't bring her into this. She betrayed me in her own way."

Silver licked his lips, shoulder aching slightly but it was just a dream, of that he was sure. "She's dead. For better or worse, time's removed her."

"There you are wrong." Sombra scowled, though that seemed his default expression. "She yet lives, adored and adulated as a princess of healing. She who can turn back the slings of disease, injury, poison... She is a god among ponies."

Radiant Hope appeared between them, with wide spread wings and sparkling horn. Was there a crystal pony alicorn? Silver hadn't known, but didn't feel that was a matter Sombra would lie about. "Do you want to see her?" He pointed at Radiant's dream form. "Do you miss her?"

Sombra stomped a hoof, the vision banished. "She is the one that reached the Royal Sisters, bringing them upon me. She betrayed me, like all the others."

Silver waved a hoof in the air, conjuring the dark crystal. "Are you truly a product of this?"

Sombra waved it away. "Did you truly abandon your family for this chance?"

Silver flinched. "Yes... I left things for them, but yes. I left that all behind."

"Are you not tormented by a supposed higher power?" Sombra leaned forward slowly. "Your eyes are haunted. You have seen things you would rather not have, but would never choose to forget." With a twist of a hoof, suddenly Silver swelled. He became Silver Stars, lunar alicorn. "You have ambitions, just as I."

Silver felt his wings spread and shuddered. Why did it feel so good? "They aren't mine. They never were..."

"They could be." On the offensive, Sombra pressed. "If I can rise to power, which I will... I could give this to you. You could be my treasured l--"

Bright silvery light exploded through the area as Luna descended from above. "Enough!"

Sombra fled before the light, and was gone in a smoky trail.

Luna landed before Silver, drinking in his lunar alicorn form. "Was this what you were dreaming of?"

Silver felt a deep flush of embarrassment. "In the dream world, you had me first, and drew me into your night." He smiled, fangs displayed. "I remained there for the rest of the dream. What brought you here? I think I was getting somewhere with him before you scared him off."

Luna glanced in the direction Sombra had fled in. "You are very bold in your dreams. You play a dangerous game, one that could lead you to a very bad place." She waved a wing lightly. "I came to speak to you about Amore. The Warlocks are retrieving her shards, but they are certain a few lie within the bounds of the Crystal Empire, where they are forbidden."

Silver became Silver Lining, small, young, and not especially special looking. "You want me to find them?"

"You are the closest thing I have to an agent there." Luna perked her ears at him. "You and your wife. Neither of you have been barred from the Crystal Empire, I pray?"

"Of course not." Silver stood up and shook himself out. "I'll tell Night Watch in the morning."

"Good. Then I shoul--" She was already turning to go.

Silver was right before her despite turning. "Please, not so quickly. I'm sorry if I hurt you before."

Luna scowled at him. "Accepted. I should go."

Silver frowned back. "Easy to say... Luna, part of you... You were my first. Is that love gone?"

Luna turned her nose up. "That was Celine. I am not her."

Silver pointed at her. "You said her love was a part of you. Have I become that miserable to be around?"

Luna was on him, pinning him to the ground. "Damnable stallion! Open your eyes. Your wife wants a husband. She does not want a herd, even with the likes of me. Sometimes we don't get what we want."

Silver felt his heart go cold. How much of that dream...? "I gave up Penny, my friend, for their happiness. Did you do the same?"

Luna gave a gentle smile. "Her life is so much shorter than mine. Why should I prevent her from happiness?"

Silver squirmed beneath her. "I thought she was madly in love with you."

Luna sat up, though still pinned Silver. "She adores me as many ponies adore Celestia. That is not a family love." She looked away then. "We are not fated for family love. That simply will not be."

The sadness he heard in those words was too much and too terrible. Silver sat up, no longer beneath her. "Luna, you are a lovable pony. You're caring, affectionate, smart." He rolled a hoof as he said each adjective. "Please, what did she say, exactly? How did this conversation go?"

Luna quirked a little smile. "You are so eager, little foal of a stallion. Focus on the task at hoof. Find the shards and gather them together, inform me when you've found them all. We estimate there are three to be found within the boundaries of the city itself."

Silver bobbed his head. "I will. Luna, family or not, I do love you. I love you as only someone who's seen so much can."

Luna recoiled lightly. "I've felt the same way before... I must go." She leaned in and kissed his cheek, filling him with the warmth of the simple intimacy, then she was gone, a fading silver light of the moon.

Silver awoke to the press of his wife. She seemed frisky, and he rose to the challenge.

As they greeted the morning, she pried at him. "So you have abandoned that, right? No more mystery foals or new wives?"

Silver nodded quickly. "I promise. Morning Glory... is just part of my dreams."

"Morning Glory?" Night tilted her head. "That's a nice name." She leaned in and kissed him. "Stupid stallion, your foal is right here. Let's focus on it."

Silver nuzzled her belly and covered it in kisses. "You're showing a little."

"Are you calling me fat?" She had a smirk on, daring him.

"I am, the most wonderfully attractive kind of fat there is." Silver nuzzled at that belly, only to be bitten roughly on an ear. She tugged him away and pinned him down. "Mercy! We have a job. Luna reported in last night."

"Did she?" Night sat up and started brushing down his fur with sweeps of her hooves. "What'd she say?"

"We have to find the pieces of Amore that are inside the city."

Night raised a brow. "Someone's grounded, remember? We'd be better off asking your friends first."

Silver sat up when he was allowed to, snorting. "We will, but we should look too, even if we're together. The more eyes, the better." He leaned in and rubbed noses with her. "Beloved wife, I'm sure you'll keep me in line."

64 - Shirking One's Duties

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"You have one little weakness." Chrysalis surged forward and veered upwards, crashing a knee into Fast's chin with the sound of something cracking. "You have love, and not even the right kind. Pathetic queen, your heart's taken." She came down, her hooves wreathed in the green power of stolen energy, slamming Fast out of the sky, plummeting towards the earth below.

Darting after her, Chrysalis' wings buzzed angrily. "You're no changeling. That's the source of our power, fool. You can't give it away."

Fast righted herself as she fell and jigged to the side, letting Chrysalis soar past and she flew at her, their claws and hooves meeting in a ferocious struggle. "My love... makes me stronger."

"I might believe that... if you were a pony..." Chrysalis grinned widely. "You are a queen, damn you. A pathetic queen."

Fast took a quivering breath, being forced back by Chrysalis' frightful strength, but it was her hive too. They were her people, her changelings, and even her friends, ponies that lived in the city that would be attacked if Chrysalis won. She gave a powerful shove, buying herself an instant to draw on that power. The entire city was like a dimly available meal. She was not the most beloved creature in the land, but she called in her favors.

"What are you doing?" Chrysalis scowled at her. "This city is not your hive."

"That's where you're wrong." Fast smiled her fanged smile. "You have to beat us all."

Silver nodded politely to a crystal dignitary that droned on and on about the need for additional guards. "Can't Equestria send more soldiers?" asked the mare with a raised brow. "They've only grown while we were away, have they not?"

He glanced to Night, who flipped through a clipboard. "An envoy of soldiers are due to arrive at the end of the week to assist in the defense of the city."

The dignitary clopped a hoof as she scowled at Silver. "You know I need help outside the city. I told you that! Ambassador Lining, are you taking this situation seriously?" Silver began to reply, but she leaned in, cutting him off with a snarl and invading his space. "Is it true? Is he coming?"

Silver raised a hoof, pressing her back, just for Night to finish the job with an audible growl in her throat.

The crystal pony smoothed down her dress nervously. "My apologies, but I have ponies out there, good ponies... If I should just abandon this effort and call them back, then please, for the love of the sun above, tell me."

Silver found himself wishing he still had the power to speak silently, glancing at Night and back to her. "Celestia is doing the best she can, but Princess Cadance is also a factor. She doesn't want a military state and dislikes too many soldiers." Should he tell her? The thought rattled through him. "Maybe, if you could, help fortify and stabilize the situation within the city proper, more resources could then be spent on expansion."

She gave a little smile. "You're not good at this." Silver flinched and she nodded. "Your emotions aren't that well hidden." She stood up. "I don't know why Celestia sent you, little pony."

Silver thrust a hoof out and stepped towards her. "Wait, I'm serious. Everyone's trying to get their one thing fixed. If we--"

She turned on him, shaking her head. "You don't understand. This isn't our world. That train... It frightens me every time it comes into town, and the ponies that come with it. You know so much, it's all normal to you." She put a hoof to her chest. "I know the crystal pony way, and that way isn't working."

Silver gave an uncertain nod, clearing his throat. "I understand that a little, really. I'm not originally from Equestria myself. There's a lot of differences." He sat on his haunches. "I'm not your enemy. I want this to work. I want you all to be doing what you love to do, but --"

"There's always a but." She turned away again. "My ponies are tired of buts."

Silver licked his lips. "Can we get a smaller scale farming initiative within city limits? Does any activity in the city spoil the land?"

She swiveled an ear back at him. "Why, that simply isn't done. You don't farm inside the city! That's just not--"

"Things change." Silver stood up. "Your ponies want to do what they know, they'll have to compromise. Let them farm. Let them consolidate their properties and make a communal farm, here, in the city, where they will be safe and guarded. You can always make a new, larger, farm. Later."

She half-turned back to him. "It would be little more than a garden."

"Then let their crystal berries be the largest gardens in the city." Silver smiled. "Let ponies see and smell them on the way to market, ready to spend bits on them." He glanced to Night. "Any ordinances that would prevent this?"

Night set down her clipboard and grabbed another book quickly with a wing. "There are some laws that have not been enforced since the last princess." She started scribbling on her pad dutifully, holding the quill in her mouth as her wings held the book. "I'll mark them for bringing up for Cadance for official revision next court."

A new smile spread on the crystal mare's face, a little hope. "Tell me what she says..." She slipped out without another word and Silver sank with a loud sigh.

"We'd better get that through."

Night snapped the book shut. "I have little doubt. I doubt Cadance even knows this is a law and shouldn't object to officially striking it down, considering the situation."

Silver nodded at Night. "Thanks for the help, now... About those shards. We can't sit on this. It's important."

Night tapped the book. "Amore's the one that presided while these rules were enforced. Bringing her back may jeopardize this plan."

Silver recoiled a little. "You wouldn't honestly think to leave a pony dead for political ends, I hope?"

Night shook her head. "Just encouraging you to look at the whole picture, not just one part at a time."

Silver moved for the door. "Good, besides, I doubt Cadance is giving up her position, even if Amore comes back."

Night's ears pinned back. "That could mean a civil war."

Silver froze mid-step. "Would she do that? They're both... Aren't they related?"

Night raised a brow. "According to some rumors. To have your empire snatched away by a descendant is not always easier. How certain of this are you?"

Silver nodded. "We'll talk to her. She'll owe us a little, if we're the ones that bring her back from the void she's in right now. Anything but a civil war... No, not that, if she has any care for her people. It's not like Cadance is a bad ruler."

Night followed Silver out into the hallway as they wove through the castle. "No, I don't think her odds of bringing things to that point are very high, but they're not zero either. I just want you to be ready, and aware." She nipped at his flank above his cutie mark. "You love me for my eyes, hmm?"

Silver smiled over his shoulders. "Those sharp eyes, that keen mind, and those piercing fangs of yours. There are so many good parts of you, I hardly know where to start or end. I feel... like I... oh!" He hurried, only to hear a soft click and to suddenly hit a limit, yanked back by his collar. "Urk?"

"Going outside. You know the deal." Night trotted up beside Silver. "No offense, but rules are rules."

Together, they emerged from the castle. Silver led the way, leashed or not, back to the jewelry store he had visited once before. The bejewled crystal pony within smiled radiantly. "Ah! If it..." Her eyes went to Silver's heart crystal. "Hmm? You're back, and brown, and... a stallion?"

Night cleared her throat and put a hoof before him. "Yes, we are aware of his little tricks. I presume he caused you no difficulty?"

She shook her head. "Oh, no no. He was a fine customer. I'm just not used to seeing mares return as stallions as a rule. A unicorn trick?"

Silver quirked a smile. "Yes, that is exactly what it was. Thank you, by the way. That crystal's very nice."

The salesmare glanced between them. "Why aren't you wearing the engagement slippers?"

Silver turned red quickly as Night began peering at him. The salesmare put a hoof over her snout. "Oh my. I'm so sorry! I've ruined your moment!" She turned to Night. "Please, it's my fault. I'm sure he had a perfectly romantic moment planned and everything. Oh, I'm just the worst!"

Night shook her head. "No, no, it's fine... So, slippers?"

Silver gave a nervous laugh. "We can go over that another day. I'm looking for something specific. Did anyone come in with a new bit of jewelry that looks like it may belong to a larger piece? Dark colored, I think, reddish?"

The salesmare frowned with thought before she turned abruptly. "Oh, yes, yes. One moment." She bustled into the back in a hurry.

Night slid in closer to Silver. "Slippers?" She had a brow raised high. "Slippers?"

Silver chuckled nervously. "Not the slippers you imagine. Think silver horsehoes. They're very pretty."

Night raised a brow. "When were you even attracted by 'pretty' things for the sake of being pretty?"

Silver rubbed up against her side. "Some mares are worth it."

She warmed at the compliment even as she huffed. "Pretty words from a clever stallion. Well? Show them to me."

The salesmare emerged from the back. "Here we are. A resourceful little colt wandered the streets, collecting what he could find and he sold it all to me. Most of it is useless, but some I've made into new jewelry." She set down the box. "Some just caught my eye, and here they are."

Silver hurried forward as quickly as his leash allowed, peeking into the box and starting to sift through the jewels with silvery hands.

"So, that kind of relation?" The salesmare was smiling a little, hinting with a toss of her jeweled head at Silver's leash as she looked to Night Watch. "Are such relations more common these days, to walk around through the streets?"

Night recoiled in surprise, shaking her head. "N-no! Nothing like that. This is for his safety, and by order of the Princess." She composed herself with a soft breath. "He's a magnet for trouble."

Silver saw a dark glint and plucked it out. "Here it is!" He held the shard in his glowing magic. "Do you have any others like this? Say... two more?"

"So specific?" The salesmare shook her head. "Afraid that's the only one. So, about prices..."

65 - Princess of Love

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Silver departed, depleted of bits, but richer in another way. He held up the shard in his magic, squinting at it with the sun behind it. "There should be two more."

Night bumped him from the side. "Slippers?"

"You're not going to let this go, are you?"

"Slippers?" She raised a brow high from behind her thick glasses. "You should know better. Stop making me repeat that and show them already."

Silver sighed as his magic wrapped around the shoes from inside his pocket and he drew them free.

Her eyes were on them instantly and she reached with a wing, plucking one away. "Curious worksponyship. I imagine it was all the rage about a thousand years ago." She spun it around slowly. "Not really slippers at all. Why'd she call them that?"

He tucked away two of the shoes and kept one out that he could look at freely. "I saw them, in my dream. I had them first... Then things happened, and you ended up with them, and the rest of the suit that went with it."

"Suit?" She put the shoe down in front of herself and stepped into it. "It fits nicely, but seriously, she mentioned it was for a wedding?"

Silver considered her in the shoe and put down a shoe to step into one himself. He wore one on the right forehoof, and she on the left. "There. We're both supposed to wear them until we're married, but some people just keep wearing them."

Night colored faintly. "I like the idea, but... Look." She circled around in front of Silver. "I know I've been a little dismissive of your dream, and for good reason, but I don't want to be dismissive of you. If I didn't love the hell out of you, we wouldn't be here. What do you see in these shoes? Are they magic?"

Silver perked his ears. "The ones in my dream let me, and you, access earth pony magic."

"Earth pony... magic?" Night raised a brow. "So, what, it made the wearer stronger?"

Silver shook his head and tried to walk away, only to be reminded he was tethered with a soft tugging from his collar. "You'll think it's silly."

"Probably," confessed Night, softly reeling in her husband. "But I still want to hear." She darted in and kissed his cheek. "Out with it."

Silver pinned his ears back. "I'm glad you want to listen..."

"But it doesn't make you happy." She leaned in and nuzzled up under his chin, raising his eyes. "Just how badly are you still shaken up about this?"

"We're getting more than a little off track." He brought around the crystal. "We have one. We need three. Where would the second be hiding if someone scoured the streets already?"

Night frowned at the crystal a moment even as she threw a leg over Silver's withers. He tensed a moment, but soon relaxed into her. He loved her, and the closeness reminded him of that, and soon they were cuddling gently in the street, quiet and thoughtful. She suddenly perked. "Of course."


"Where a colt couldn't go, of course."

"Where would that be?"

Night pointed up at the castle. "Where others would tell him to go away."

Silver looked up at the same castle, tail starting to sway. "So Cadance has it then? Let's go find our crystal."

He moved to head towards the castle, but Night didn't let him go, and instead pulled him into herself. "Silver... I'm serious. We're partners, alright?" She sat down then. "I made a mistake."

"Oh?" He turned towards her. "I honestly find that hard to believe. You don't make many."

She smiled gently. "Flatterer... I said some things... I was in a very hurt place. I lost one mate, then another tried to remove himself... I was... I was really unhappy."

Silver was on her, hugging her tightly. "I'm so sorry. I broke my promise to myself, and indirectly to you. I'm sorry for hurting you."

She returned the hug, nipping at his neck. "You're forgiven, now forgive me. I said some very hurtful things from a very hurt place."

Silver perked an ear. "Not to me you didn't."

"Not where you could hear them, at least." She sighed softly and sank then to the cobbled street. "I spent the entire time... complaining to Luna, making her bear my pains. We didn't play. It wasn't some grand honeymoon as you imagined it. I was too busy crying, raging, and throwing tantrums... All I knew was that I finally came from my shell and dared to love... And then that happened..."

Silver felt a chill run through him, his teeth clenching a moment. "I... No. No more sorries." He held out a hoof to Night. "How do I even start to make up for this?"

Night laughed softly. "I keep asking you to forgive me."

Silver settled across from her. "For being sad? For feeling betrayed? You should have been sad, and angry, and all those other things." He reached up a hoof, brushing his collar. "I fucked up, short and simple. Look, I know you don't want to herd, but you're still my firstwife." He wiggled his rump a little. "You're the boss, and that makes me happy."

She reached out and tapped him on the nose. "Stupid stallion." A smile played over her lips. "One day, things... Look, tell me, mister engagement slippers... Do you want me?"

"Almost more than life itself." He sat up tall. "Why?"

"And no one else?"

"Look, a herd wasn't even my idea!" He clopped the pavement. "It was Luna's. I mean, Celine's..."

It clicked for Night instantly. "She was... That's touching and horrifying at once, to think she knew she'd be dead and gone, and wanted you already in the embrace of another before then."

Silver leaned in and nuzzled at her. "If I only had you until I was old and grey, I'd die a happy pony."

Night smiled gently. "Stupid stallion..." She stood up with an unsure look on her expression. "We should go. That crystal won't find itself."

Silver rose after her and rubbed noses. "It'll wait a minute. What's in that wonderful head of yours?"

"Am I that transparent?" She quirked a smile. "Oh, look at us... How will we survive each other?" She nudged against him, then glanced away a moment. "I'll be... blunt then... Which would you prefer, forgetting my preference a moment."

"What do you mean? Marriage or herding?" Silver tilted his head a bit.

"Exactly, which would you prefer?"

Silver frowned. "That feels like a trap... Look, I've only had... that contact with a few ponies. Celine, Fast, and you. One's dead. One's... almost as good. I'm not looking. I'm not browsing the market. I sucked at it to start with."

Night grinned at him. "You're a liar. You can smoothtalk a mare if you want to. I've seen you do it."

He shrugged. "I never know which one to do it with. I get nervous. I... Look, that's beside the point. I love you, Night Watch. I will never be unhappy at your side."

She licked her lips. "So... you'd prefer monogamy?"

Silver recoiled lightly, an idea clicking. "Are you seeing another pony?"

"No! No..." Her tufted ears had gone bright red as she advanced past Silver, tugging him by his collar. "We should go. Let's get these shards."

Silver went with her, ears half-lowered. "It's... okay, if you're honest. Who is it?"

"Please drop it."

Silver didn't want to drop it, and grit his teeth with frustration, but did let it go. Together, they advanced back towards the castle, in pursuit of the second shard.

66 - Descending

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They entered the castle together to find Flash Sentry was guarding the door. It seemed a largely decorational duty, with him nodding at each pony that wandered past, but he perked up on seeing them. "Ambassador Lining, a package arrived for you. It's in your room."

Silver perked an ear. "Were we gone for that long?"

Flash shrugged his shoulders. "It's from Canterlot." He gestured towards the room with a nudging of his head. "No news other than that."

Night smiled a fanged smile. "Thank you. Is Cadance in court or somewhere else?"

Flash shook his head. "She's retired for the day. I think she's planning something? I'm not privy to her personal plans."

Silver bobbed his head. "Of course. Thank you, Flash. Good day." He moved with Night into the castle proper. "Shall we track her down? I should be able to do that. I know her well enough."

Night twitched an ear towards him. "You're going to use that flashy mote spell?"

"I was thinking something else." He tapped his hooves together. "Funny thing, but it feels... right to just make up something new. Is that wrong?"

Night shook her head. "It's your... you." She poked him with a hoof right on his cutie mark. "I'm actually glad to hear it. You weren't paying enough attention to your basic drive." She leaned in and nuzzled his cheek. "So what do you have in mind?"

Silver smiled appreciatively and pulled out his book, flipping through it with a silvery glow. "I had a silly idea to make a paper airplane and let it fly to where we want. Being made of paper, if it hits a door, it'll just slap up against it with barely any noise and fall to the ground, instead of sending a bright mote in to crash a party."

Night quickly nodded to that and pulled out a paper, folding it in her wings as Silver got to scribbling out his spell. Together they were prepared in short time. He touched the plane with his horn and it began to shine gently before launching down the corridor away from them.

They gave chase, clip-clopping away from the main hallway. It seemed to guide them down smaller passages until emerging into a large room that had a throne in it, but it wasn't the throne room they knew. There was a great hole in the center, and the plane vanished right into it, lost to sight immediately except for the faint light that spilled out from the otherwise dark hole.

Silver lit his horn with silvery light. "Things just got..." He trailed off, realizing where he was. That was the hidden place that Twilight had found when seeking the Crystal Heart. "Are..." Night was already descending the stairs within the hole. "Wait up!" He rushed to catch up with her and, together, they descended into the gloomy passage even as he lamented the loss of his dream eyes. Slit like a cat's, he was sure they would have pierced through the gloom easily.

Around and around they went, ever deeper into the earth. The glow of the plane had long since vanished below, but they found it as they approached the bottom of the cavern. On the last turn around it came into view, its nose dented where it had run quietly into the side of Cadance who was staring at a door that led to nowhere but a blank slate of wall. Her eyes were wide, green, with red iris', and also brimming with tears.

Night nudged into Silver, whispering, "You look like you know what's going on."

"I do," he replied, advancing slowly. "This is a trap of Sombra, but I don't know why Cadance would be caught in it."

Cadance suddenly jerked away, eyes going clear as she spun around with a dazed look about her. "Huh? Silver Lining? Night Watch? Why... You shouldn't be here." Her confusion turned into a frown. "Please, leave."

Night gestured at Silver. "My husband's oracular ability has led him to you, Your Highness."

"Oracular? Yes, that's right." Cadance nodded slowly. "Very well, perhaps you know how to open this then?" She pointed back at the door. "It seems to hold nothing but nightmares."

Silver looked between her and the door beyond. "Forgive me for asking, but why would you come here?"

Cadance's face soured into a grimace. "That's not a question you should ask."

Silver put up a hoof quickly. "Consider it forgotten... Um..." He thought back to that episode, with Twilight. What'd she do? She used magic, of course, not dark magic... "Ca..." He cut off, realizing asking her if she knew dark magic would get harsher glares and few answers. "Let me try." He lit his horn brighter and focused his magic on the crystal on the door.

Emerging abruptly through it were the skeletal forms of two horses, and he knew them. "You left us for dead," cried the one on the left with Shei's voice.

"You never cared about us," continued Aila, scowling despite having no flesh.

It was a dream. Silver knew this with certainty. He flared his horn and pushed with his magic at the fabric of that false world. "I need to be awake now!" He returned his effort on the door, ignoring the skeletal figures entirely and their angry demands, he felt with his magic, trying to find the harmony that would...

Tension he hadn't known broke. The grip of shadow magic on his mind shattered, along with the visions it gave. Bright light ran down the sides of the door, and it opened anew, revealing a brightly lit space beyond. Cadance clopped her hooves with joy. "Very good, Silver Lining. You really are something else." Smiling, she moved to advance through the door. "You can leave now."

Night rolled her eyes. "We're not, and you know better than to ask.""

Cadance raised a hoof, and suddenly the love between Night and Silver was cut off. That source of love and support, gone. They gaped at one another, not knowing it until it was gone. The savage immediacy of it was like a strike to the belly of both, worse even then the shadow's grip, and it was no dream. Silver could not deny it. "It can get worse. Go." She smiled gently. "I would hate to see such true love wasted."

There was a cacophonous explosion each time they met. Hooves, horns, and other limbs sprouted for the occasion struggled for domination as Fast and Chrysalis vied for the upper hoof, but neither was finding it easily. The additional power of the city's support had evened the odds against the wily Queen, but experience counted, and they were still even.

Chrysalis sneered as she lashed out. "Why don't you give up? They were never yours to begin with, pony."

Fast met the hoof with one of her own, struggling and wrestling against her. "They're happier... here. Leave them, and us, alone."

Chrysalis roared with an inarticulate fury as she shoved Fast back. "They're mine! I own them! Their happiness is my happiness, and they know it!"

Fast put a hoof to her chest. "It doesn't have to be this way, you know."

Chrysalis raised a brow.

"I mean it. You don't have to be feared. You don't have to hunt."

Chrysalis smiled coyly. "What if I prefer it?"

Fast flared with renewed green energy. "Then you truly are a monster, and nopony in Canterlot likes those." She flew at Chrysalis, renewed. Beneath them, a crowd had gathered, watching the two changeling queens battle with increasing interest. Pony or changeling, it mattered little at that moment. All eyes were locked on the struggle, minds pondering what it might mean, depending on who proved victorious.

67 - Control of One's Destiny

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Silver forced himself to take a step forward. The burn was fierce, but not the worst he'd felt. No... "Cadance, this isn't... you. Please, not you. Any princess but you."

Cadance's face twisted to an angry scowl before it melted into sorrow. "Please... Just go..." She traced a hoof across the ground. "Not one step further. I'll explain, later."

Night flared out her wings with an infuriated hiss, throwing herself at Cadance in a sudden flight, only to be grabbed in pink magic. "Hmm? Two? You... lucky mare." She twisted a hoof slowly. "Go, or I'll cut your love for them. I'll let you see it, they'll choke and wither as a plant without a sun."

Night's ears flipped against her head, true horror dawning on her expression. "You wouldn't! Why? We're not against you, Cadance."

Cadance threw Night back against Silver, sending them both to the ground. "I spoke to Luna earlier today." Both could feel their thoughts drawn towards Luna as their loves, confused as they were, become stronger and stronger. "She couldn't stop talking about how troublesome you both were." Their hearts ached, and no support could be drawn from one another, their link still so cruelly subdued. "You ruined her life. Every day is a little worse, just thinking of you."

"Twins?" Silver struggled to rise, only to flop over again, his thoughts a confusing mess as new love blossomed for the life not yet born even as his emotions were trampled under Cadance's cruel hooves. "She wouldn't say that!"

Cadance advanced on them, one hoof before the other. "She did, and it wasn't the first, nor I doubt, the last. That troublesome unicorn who isn't even a real pony. That sycophant that knows nothing of her but the stories she never asked for, praying to a god figure that doesn't exist outside her deluded mind. You're a blight on her life." She kept strengthening their love even as she abused it, causing each hateful sentence to strike all the harder.

Night rolled up to her haunches. "I know her better... better than that. Cadance, fight it. Fight... this. This isn't you." She glanced to Silver. "Like he said."

Cadance slammed a hoof into Night's chest, magic reaching in a violating swiftness into her body. "Wrong answer." With a cruel twist, Night felt something come lose she hadn't even known was there before. "That's one. Leave and you may keep one."

Night didn't withdraw, even as some parts of her were screaming to do just that. "Will you hold your own foal, your own husband, knowing you're hurting a child this way? For what?"

Cadance hesitated, hoof hovering. "Please go..."

Silver fought his way to his own haunches, flopping against Night. "Don't take my child away, again... Not again..."

Cadance squeezed her eyes shut, trembling. "Please... Go..."

With the onslaught paused, Silver focused on Cadance. There was something there, a faint impression... Eyes. Sombra's eyes. "Stop this!" He clopped a hoof down and stood up. "This is low, even for you. Would you want someone to attack the one you love in front of you, helpless to stop it?"

He was dreaming. Sombra loomed in front of him. "What do you know of suffering? What do you know of love?"

Silver held out a hoof. "Do you want to see? I can show it all to you. No tricks."

He snorted explosively. "My love turned against me the first chance she had. You would be better to not give them the chance."

He awoke suddenly. Night had her forelegs around a sobbing Cadance. "Shhh, it's alright, it's alright..."

Cadance shook her head quickly. "No, I've done something beyond forgiveness, even for myself." She pressed a hoof against Night, undoing the damage within her. The link between her and Silver returned with a rush of warmth for both as the thoughts of Luna faded to a normal level. "I'm a monster..."

Silver shook himself out. "It wasn't you, Cadance. It wasn't."

Cadance scowled at Silver through her tears. "Your forgiveness isn't what's needed right now."

Silver slammed the ground hard enough to feel something strain in the pony equivalent of an ankle. "No, damn it. I saw Sombra. He was controlling you. You can't be blamed for this."

Night twisted to look at Silver with a new frown. "Are you certain?" He nodded quickly. "Bastard... I'll rip him clean in half." Her wings fluttered with obvious agitation, but she still held Cadance.

Cadance reached out for Silver and brushed his cheek softly. "Are you telling the truth, or making a little lie to make me feel better?"

Silver gave a quirk of a smile. "Cadance, what just happened was deeply terrifying on several levels. What I want to know is how he got in your head. Did he bring you down here, or did you do that on your own?"

She shook her head slowly. "I can't blame him for that... After Twilight found this place, I've been trying to gain access to it. I... I'm certain there's something here that I--"

Silver raised a hoof quickly. "That's how." She tilted her head. "That's how he got you. He made you curious and that got you down here, alone, to stare into his trap and let him work into you."

Cadance gestured at the still open door. "So is there nothing here?" She stood up with a little help from Night Watch. "I'm alright now... Shall we? I won't ask you to leave again, promise."

Night moved to Silver's side and pressed against him, face buried in his neck. "Is it all fixed?"

"It is." Silver threw a leg over her and drew her close. For a moment, hugging was all they could do, but they slowly parted, nodding at one another and turning to follow Cadance out into the bright light that surrounded a pillar covered in a spiral staircase that went round and round for what seemed like forever.

Cadence gave a little smile. "Shall we?" She stepped up and began to scale the steps, with Silver and Night ascending behind her.

Silver glanced upwards at the dizzying number of stairs. "If one of you could fly me, we could get up there a lot faster, no?"

Night snorted softly. "No. I don't put it past Sombra to have a trap against fliers, since he wasn't flying around."

Cadance nodded. "Afraid we'll have to use these hooves of ours." She glanced over her shoulder. "I really am sorry... I'm going to have to make it up to you two somehow."

Silver's assurances were cut off by a hoof pressed against his snout. "We'll come up with something." Night flashed her fangs. "Let's worry about that later. We have a mystery ahead of us."

"Right." And so they went, with Cadance at the lead.

As invigorated as Fast was, simply overpowering one with as much experience as Chrysalis at being a changeling was simply not done easily. But that wasn't required. Having kept her occupied with their stalemate, new ponies began to arrive. Without her swarm to distract the city, pegasi guards closed in on them both, ready to assist in repelling the changeling queen as unicorn wizards took up position below, flanked by stout earth ponies ready to protect them.

The tribes stood as one, for none of them cared for Chrysalis. They were not alone. Swarming around Fast came other changelings, from drones to other leaders, ready to rise against their former leader with faces of grim determination.

Chrysalis frowned at the lot of them, looking over the growing opposing force. "It seems we won't be finding out today who reigns supreme..."

Fast pointed out of the city. "Go."

Much as it infuriated her, she was a creature of subterfuge, outnumbered and hedged in. Fleeing was the only logical route. "I hope you choke on--" The rest of her unflattering words weren't heard as she flittered away, leaving the city in defeat once more.

It was silent a moment before the changelings swarmed over her with a sudden cheer. They wooped and cried and held tightly to her, claiming their love and adoration for the 'nice queen'. The guards stood down and returned to their stations, and even the gawkers and bystanders began to disperse.

The threat was over. She had a hive to calm down and get back in order. She spread her forelegs and hugged some of those changelings closer. They needed her, and she wouldn't fail them.

"Fast Change." She spun towards the new voice. Celestia hovered there, looking at her sternly. "You did something very bad today."

Fast perked her ears. "What? Defended the hive? The city?"

Celestia pointed at one of Fast's forelegs, where a hole was etched clean through, still bleeding softly with a wound she hadn't felt. "You took what wasn't given." She sighed softly. "I know it was in good intention... But you must be punished. Do you understand this?"

Fast held up the leg to see the new hole more clearly, trembling as its import crashed upon her. "I... yes... I'm not above the law." She dipped her head. "You know I didn't do it to hurt anypony though."

Celestia reached out a wing and brushed Fast. "I know. You are no enemy, Fast Change. Come." She turned and left, and Fast went with her, to pay for her crime.

68 - Consequences

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Fast laid across a pillow. Her injured leg was bandaged with a gauze wrapping. With a flash of green flame, she became her ruddy red unicorn self, but it was a disguise. It wasn't... her. "I'm a changeling..."

A soft clopping came from the door before Celestia entered with a gentle smile. "Hello, Fast Change." She closed the door behind herself with golden magic. "This must be very trying for you."

Fast looked up at the imposing figure, though being a queen meant she was about as large. She was a queen... "Is it forever?"

Celestia drew a slow breath. "There are tales of some changelings managing to fight their way back from that, to return from the darkness," She smiled a little. "You've proven it's not so dark as we had assumed."

Fast brought her injured leg down, thumping the cushion she was resting on. "I can never go back!"

"Where did you wish to go?"

Fast turned away, hiding fresh tears. "Night, and Silver... My herd. I was hoping... I mean, sure, they needed me, and I was going to stay with them until everything was stable."

Soft and feathery wings descended on her as Celestia sat down beside Fast. "I know they understand..."

"What if I don't understand?" Fast turned back to Celestia, scowling and crying at once. "Well... what did you come for? Are we planning my execution?"

Celestia raised a brow. "I should hope not. You're a hero, and we treat even our villains better than that." She raised a hoof, brushing against Fast's tear-stained cheek. "You prevented a far larger catastrophe with your action. No, we will tell the ponies of the city the truth, and they will celebrate you. You're not here to be punished, I swear."

"We don't have to rescue her?" came a shrill voice from the pillow beneath Fast, sending her scurrying away in surprise. With a flash of green flames, it became a small changeling, smiling brightly. "That's good! Please don't hurt her. She's a great queen!"

Celestia reached out, patting the new changeling on the head. "A few boundaries need to be set, little one. No shapeshifting within the castle. Your queen is safe, I assure."

A chorus of a cheer erupted from around the room as several other tricky changelings that knew the art of inanimate objects appeared from seemingly nowhere, clopping their hooves with relief and happiness. One of them was a leader, and one Fast knew well. Out of her disguise, she was battered and broken, but she had chosen to come anyway.

Fast rushed to Stand In, hugging her carefully. "Stand! It's great to see you."

Celestia shook her head slowly. "Queen Fast Change, you have a new family, and they need you."

Stand glanced away, then back at Fast. "If I may be truthful... I thought you were a flake at first. Just some lackadaisical unicorn with a shapeshifting fetish." She pointed a bandaged hoof at Fast's own bandage. "You're one of us now, and you earned it for us. You could have run away, but you didn't."

Fast clenched her teeth a moment before she nodded. "I am, and I did." She stood tall. "I'd... do it again." Even as she struggled to release the idea that she'd ever return to 'normal', she spread her fore-hooves out towards all her sneaky changelings. "You're mine, and I'll do my best." They pressed in close, hugging their queen eagerly. Perhaps it wouldn't be so bad...

They had ascended for what felt like hours. Silver's thumped ankle grew more and more irritated until he just couldn't put pressure on it and had to switch to an awkward three-legged gait. Night noticed quickly and tried to scoop him up, but he refused. "You're hurt too, on the inside. I'll take a few awkward steps right now." He smiled dreamily a little. "Twins."

Night snorted loudly. "You classic stallion... Do you think I'm ready for twins?" She moved ahead, leaving Silver to hobble along after them.

Cadance slowed until Silver hobbled past her, then grabbed him in her strong magic, plucking him right up and setting him on her back. "You can't use that excuse with me."

Silver let out a bit of a squeak, but calmed himself and relaxed on her. Part of him felt guilty, and mixed. Was it right to ride another mare like this? But he didn't want to burden his recently abused and swelling wife. He decided to just be limp and wait for the moment.

Around that pillar they went. The space away from the pillar seemed to be a bright bit of nothing. They couldn't even tell where they were. Cadance snorted softly. "I don't think we're actually anywhere right now. This must be a space between spaces to keep a portion of the castle isolated from the rest."

Night looked out into the sea of white. "That would fit with what I've seen so far. You said Twilight came this way?" She craned her neck upwards. "Are those her hoofprints?"

Cadance looked up with her. "How on Equestria did she get her hoofprints on the bottom of the stairs?"

Night shook her head. "She cheated, like unicorns do, and she's very good at it. Shame our unicorn is busted."

"Hey..." Silver looked up. Yep, tracks of a pony passing by as if sliding... How? Oh right! He felt a flush of embarrassment as he remembered back to that episode clearly. "I know how she did it, but I don't know any spells like that. Most spellbooks I find don't have gravity spells in them."

Cadance twisted an ear back. "Gravity? That sister-in-law of mine does love playing with the basic forces of the universe. She's utterly terrifying when you think about it. Good thing she's also a harmless geek."

Night raised a brow. "Are you insulting her?"

"Insulting her?" Cadance laughed softly. "I married the only bigger geek in the land, her brother." She reached over and tapped Night with a hoof. "I seem to be in the company of two right now, and that's alright. Geeks are good ponies."

Night looked uncertain. "But you don't strike me as a 'geek'."

She shrugged. "Some of it's rubbed off on me, but for the longest time, you would have been right. I was a 'popular' mare." She hopped over a step, making Silver squeak. "I never stopped being the 'popular' mare." She cracked a crooked smile. "I've gained a few levels in it and took a prestige class, making me a Level 3 Queen."

Silver giggled from atop her. "That was an adorably geeky statement to make. I accept you as one of us."

Night nodded in agreement. "So... do you still play?"

That was how they passed the time. Silver stepped up to being the storyteller of their game, weaving a whimsical tale for two brave adventurers to press through. No dice or paper was involved, just their imagination, and that served well enough, and far better than just focusing on the seemingly-eternal climb ahead of them.

"You throw open the chest with a flick of magic, but there's nothing inside but a single scrap of parchment!"

Night snorted and looked to Cadance. "What's it say? Who beat us to the treasure?"

Cadance peeked over her back. "I take the note and give it a read."

"It says 'I prepared explosive rune--' It explodes brilliantly, leaving you black and sooty from your face to your barrel."

Laughing, gasping, and generally having a good time, the journey passed in good spirits, and they arrived at the top of the tower at last. What they found though took them all by surprise. Beside the shard Silver had hoped to find lay the severed horn of Sombra. How had it gotten there, none could say, but Night stepped forward to claim both, only for Cadance's hoof to thrust ahead of her. "Wait..." She scowled at the piece of alicorn.

Cadance prowled around the two artifacts. "So this is how you've been influencing us. You were right next to us the entire time..."

Silver slid off of Cadance's back, standing on three legs once more. "Maybe I should take it. I know when he's trying to throw me into a nightmare."

Night nipped at him. "Just because you know doesn't mean you can't be affected."

"Listen to her," spoke the quiet tone of Sombra. "She speaks sense, this time."

Silver raised a hoof. "Why did you attack us like that?"

"You're in my way, and attempting to take what's mine."

"You would see a child slain for that?" Silver raised a brow. "We're not even working against you."


"You're not?" Cadance looked confused.

"Damn it, we want you to have the chance to settle this, properly. Like an adult." Silver took a step forward slowly, teetering on his one foreleg. "You know she wouldn't approve of this. No right-thinking pony does that."

"Stop bringing her up." There was a moment of silence. "Perhaps I did press too eagerly. It is beneath me."

Silver smiled with some hope budding. "I'm going to take this piece now, is that alright?"

"Prove you are sincere." Sombra's form appeared as a ghost over the fragment of his horn. "Restore me."

Cadance bristled at the idea, but kept her mouth closed. She looked to Silver that time.

Silver nodded. "We'll have to talk to her. I imagine she's the only one that can do this right?"

Sombra vanished, fading away. "She will not come. Begone."

Silver looked to Night and Cadance before hobbling to the closest window. "We should go."

Cadance's wings spread wide. "What? Leave him here, where he can take over our minds again?"

Night snorted softly. "It's a gesture of confidence. It has to start somewhere, right Silver?"

Silver smiled, relieved at her understanding. "Right. We know where he is, now." He pointed with his hurt hoof. "And we know where we are. We can fly down from here, right?"

Cadance shook her head as she moved up on Silver, plucking him up. "Let's go. You're going to need to tell me who she is." She launched herself out, Night following, and they descended back to the castle proper.

There were plans to be had.

69 - Between Couples

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Silver flopped onto his bed, with Night crashing down beside him. He reached for her, and she let him draw her close as they began to softly snuggle. "That was insane."

She laughed softly. "Around you?"

Silver considered that a moment. "You're right, that could have been much worse. Still..." He glanced away a moment. "Twins."

She snorted and nipped his nose. "You keep saying that. Shut up and hold me a moment."

They went quiet in one another's embrace for a time before she spoke again, "I'm not sure I'm ready for twins..."

Silver lifted an ear quickly. "What can I do to help?" He rolled, putting her on top of himself. "You know I'm here for you, right?"

She smiled down at him. "I... thought I could just handle this on my own, but now there's two of them..."

Silver pointed up at her. "You need a midwife, or a doula, maybe both. There's no shame in that." He started to say something else but faltered. Saying he experienced the wonders of childbirth felt so strange. What if it wasn't entirely accurate in his dream?

"Tell me." Night prodded him in the chest. "I can see you struggling not to. Out with it."

Silver's ears fell. "Please don't think this is too odd, but I was a mare for a good part of those dreams. I've... been where you are, or at least what I imagined it to be?" He nervously laughed. "Hay, Twilight got a memory recording crystal just to replay her labor for me."

Night blinked slowly. "That..." She tilted her head. "Do they even have those? I imagine they'd be absurdly expensive."

Silver frowned then. "Well, it was Twilight? She doesn't have much money issues."

Night shrugged at that. "Right right, princess privilege." She leaned in, pressing nose to nose. "I don't know if you experienced the real thing, but... It's kind of nice, knowing my stallion understands."

Silver hugged her from below, tail swaying eagerly. "So what can I do to make this easier for you? I was serious before, we really should get you a physician and coach to help things along." He rubbed gently over her cutie mark, tracing the edges of the eight sided die displayed there beneath the magnifying glass.

She squirmed, seemingly enjoying the contact, but... "You're getting ready to leave me behind."

He blinked up at her. "Not if you don't want to be, and I doubt you do. I said when you got too large, we're both taking a vacation." He tried to sit up, only to be pushed down under two soft hooves.

"Can you tell me honestly that you want me at your side right now, as you battle Sombra?" She met eyes with him, daring him to speak something other than the truth.

He raised his hooves, holding her at the middle of her barrel. "When I thought one of our foals was being hurt, that moment hurt so much... But it still doesn't hold a candle to the idea of you thinking I don't want you around, because I do. I do so much..."

She quirked a smile. "What if I asked you to start that vacation now?"

He looked surprised at the statement. "Right this moment?"

She put a hoof on the center of his chest and trailed down. "Right this moment."

Silver swallowed audibly, a motion he noticed ponies could do without thinking. "If you want, I'd do it. I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't be worried for the Crystal Empire, but you come first."

She smiled slowly, displaying her fangs. "I rate higher than an entire country." She leaned in and nuzzled his throat. "You know how to compliment a mare... Come on, we have a letter to write." She hopped free of him and to the floor, quite agile despite the small bulge she clearly had. "So who is this 'she'?"

He rolled over to look at her. "His marefriend from when he was a colt. She has healing magic, a very rare talent, and she was the one that warned Celestia and Luna that Sombra had taken over."

Night tilted her head. "That shouldn't be too hard to pinpoint." She pulled out a book, holding it with two wings as she began to scribble quickly with a quill held in her mouth. "Let's get that ball rolling. The sooner we find and get her here, the sooner these ponies can know a true peace."

As she'd written, Silver slid from the bed and moved behind her, sniffing gently at her. Her scent had changed subtly. Was it the mark of his growing foals? He sat behind her and reached with his forehooves, drawing her back into himself as she wrote, and she didn't complain, so they stayed in that position, even after she folded the letter and set it aside.

A firm knocking on the door shook them from their tranquility. "Ambassador Lining, are you present?" It sounded like a guard.

Silver huffed, but released Night and turned for the door. "I'm here, what is it?"

"Shining Armor wishes to see you, sir." A letter slid in under the door. "At your earliest convenience." Clip-clopping told the pair that the guard had left.

Night rose to her hooves and retrieved the letter, opening it without hesitation and breaking the seal. "It looks valid. He wants to meet you up on the parapets." She pointed upwards. "Shall we?"

Silver nuzzled into her cheek. "At our earliest convenience. How are you feeling?"

She raised a brow. "Think I'm already going soft?"

He shrugged softly. "I think I'm starving and was hoping you were hungry too."

Night blushed a little. "Oh, well... A little." She reached for the door handle but stopped and turned back for the letter she wrote. "Let's get this going on the way and we'll get something to nibble on." With the letter held by a wing, she smiled at Silver. "I'm not fat yet, am I?"

"You're mesmerizing." He advanced on her and nuzzled at her cheek and swiftly down to her neck and shoulder. "It makes me want to tell Shining to just wait while I properly worship my mare."

She burst into a light laughter at that, turning to face him. "You're laying it on a little thick."

"Not thick enough." With her facing him, he went lower, kissing her still-swelling belly rapidly with many little pecks. "What stands before me is a goddess, radiant and beyond definition. Even putting aside the matter of foals, you... You're my better half." He smiled gently at her, sitting up. "And you're prettier than I'll ever be."

She snorted at that and prodded him in his own belly. "Stallions aren't pretty. You're cute, and you're good enough at that." She leaned in and touched noses. "But I accept your flattery, you love-struck poet. Let's go."

They walked out of the room together, stopping by the post office to send off the letter. As they left it, Silver turned an ear to her. "Who did you send the letter to, exactly?"

"Who else? Celestia and Luna. You'd think they'd know where such a magically powerful unicorn could be. They keep track of you, don't they." She flashed her fangs. "I doubt 'Miss Heals-a-lot' isn't on their itinerary."

Silver had no argument for that. He moved to the front and led the way towards a restaurant that seemed to have the right mood about it. It was dimly lit, but each table had a bright candle that somehow kept itself from brightening the room. The music was gentle, and the food smelled good. He only noticed as he wandered up that Night hadn't leashed him, a fact he quietly rejoiced. "Table for two, please."

The crystal stallion nodded at him. "Of course, Ambassador Lining." At Silver's surprise, he smiled. "Hardly anypony here hasn't heard of you, sir. Please, come in." He took two menus under a leg, holding it against himself as he walked along on the other three easily, showing them to a more private area in the back.

Silver hopped up onto a chair, but as Night started to get hers, he wrapped it in his silver magic and slid it back out for her. Night raised a brow, but hopped up onto the chair, just for him to pull it back up against the table. "Thank you, my gentlecolt."

He smiled and they both began to browse the menu. She whistled softly as she scanned it. "It has fancy restaurant prices, for sure."

"Would you like a glass of wine to begin?" The waiter smiled at them both hopefully.

Silver glanced aside, looking at his wife's mild pudge. "No, no wine for either of us, but do you have a fruit drink?" As it turned out, they had a selection, and an order was soon on its way.

Night poked him with a wing. "You don't have to skip your drink for me, go ahead."

Silver shrugged at that. "I hardly ever drank to begin with. I won't miss it at all." He leaned over the table and she met him, smooching softly over it just in time for the waiter to return with a carafe filled with the fragrant drink.

He poured them both a glass with a smile. "I had heard she was your guard, but I was clearly misinformed."

"She is." Silver nodded.

Night flashed her fangs. "In private and public."

He seemed to adjust things in his head. "Congratulations to you both then. Have you decided what you'll have today? May I recommend the crystal berry salad toss? They're especially tart today."

Night tapped at her chin. "I apologize if this is gauche to ask, but do you have any meat dishes?" She tapped at her menu. "I figure you may have a second menu?"

The waiter flushed with embarrassment. "I'm afraid not, ma'am. Uh, I'm afraid we've never had, uh..." He looked Night over. "What, and I mean no offense, what kind of pony are you, ma'am?"

Night raised an ear. "A fair question, I suppose. I guess not many lunar pegasi had call to visit the frozen north before you all vanished." She spread her wings. "Think of us as pegasi, but we do like a bit of meat. I like the lighting in here."

Silver beamed at that. "I thought you might. It's romantic too."

The waiter looked relieved as the topic shifted. "Just the place for a happy couple, yes? Sir, have you decided?"

Silver tapped at the menu. "I'll have some of that salad you suggested as a side for the crystal corn spaghetti. Can you make spaghetti out of corn? I want to try that."

Night's ears went erect anew. "Give me that too. We'll try it together."

So they ate and drank together, enjoying the food and company.

Shining Armor would just have to wait a few hours.

70 - On Bloody Parapets

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Side-by-Side and content, Silver and Night trotted back to the castle. Night gestured upwards with a flick of her head. "We should see what Shining Armor wanted."

Silver nodded in agreement, and they veered for the nearest stairs. Ascending with little but the increasingly distant clip-clop and murmur of other ponies, they emerged into the chilly air atop the castle. It was dim there, a fact that Silver raised a brow at.

"You'd think they'd put out torches or magic or something?"

Night nodded in agreement as she took the first step forward. "The ground's not iced, it should be safe enough."

They advanced, subtly pressed to one another for warmth against the chill as they began their search for Shining Armor. Silver's light led the way for them, his glowing horn banishing the dark from before them as they navigated the parapets.

"I don't like this." Night frowned. "Less and less of this is in the right pattern. Chances are increasing by the moment that this is a trap."

Light emerged from behind them as four guards rushed up from below, two holding torches and two their traditional spears. "Ambassador Lining?" asked one, huffing and puffing as if he had just run a good distance. "What are you doing up here?"

Night and Silver turned as one back towards them as Silver shook his head. "Shining Armor asked us to come up here."

"We haven't seen him in hours." The guard frowned. "Search the area!" The guards fanned out, one of them, a pegasus, took flight with his torch.

It didn't take long for him to find his quarry. "Sir!" He came landing beside what he had found with an alarmed look, but little else could be seen. "Get a doctor!"

Silver blinked. "Doctor?" He was no doctor. He remembered earth pony magic could, in theory, be used to such ends, but he was a unicorn, not an earth pony, and it was unproven beside.

Night scowled as she moved towards the pegasus. "Do you know first aid?"

Silver followed after her quickly, and they saw what had disturbed the pegasus so badly. He was sprawled across the cold stones of the parapet, injured and possibly still bleeding. The source of the wound wasn't immediately obvious. Night took position beside Shining Armor and began helping him as the pegasus collapsed to his haunches, clearly out of his element.

The other guards had run off, perhaps to find a doctor. Night scowled as she pulled a scarf from her saddlebag and tied it around Shining Armor's midsection. "I'm not an expert, but I've seen a puncture like this before. He was stabbed, and not just once."

The remaining guard squealed in surprise. "Who would do such a thing?!" His wings were flared out and body trembling.

Silver raised a brow. "You walk around with a spear. What do you think that's made for?"

"Not that!" He skittered back a few timid steps. "It's terrible. Is he going to be alright?"

Night felt around Shining's neck. "He's breathing, has a pulse, and we're here for him. I think he'll be alright. Any idea how long he's been here?"

The guard shook his head quickly.

Silver approached the troubled guard and set a hoof on his shoulder. "Stay with us. Shining needs your help, as one of his guards."

The guard nodded and smiled a little at that, his shaking dying down a little. "I'll be alright, for him, sir. You sure he'll be alright?"

The lights returned as several guards and a doctor pony arrived wearing a stethoscope. They hurried over to the injured stallion and began doting on him as Night backed away to Silver's side. "Forty percent chance we were meant to be hurt with him, and they took what they got. Twenty percent they hoped to frame us for it instead..." She let out a soft sigh. "I'm glad in the end you decided to go get dinner instead."

Silver perked an ear. "They? Multiple?"

Night looked around the cobblestones. "I'm almost certain whatever it was, there was more than one. They were ready to take us all on at once, I think."

One of the guards approached, it was Flash Sentry. "I'm almost certain it wasn't you, Ambassador, or your guard, but you were the last ones up here before we arrived."

Silver nodded quickly. "We didn't, you know that, and being an ambassador confuses that a bit, but we didn't do this." Silver gestured at Shining Armor. "I care for them deeply, Shining and Cadance. They're good ponies, some of the best."

Night nodded. "If we were attacking him, administering first aid would be a curious followup to that. Somepony invited us up here, and we imagine the same invited him up here, but we didn't come until now. We were having dinner together, and I'm certain they didn't forget us quickly."

Flash let out a little sigh. "Alright, it sounds like you have an alibi. Like I said, I didn't want to think it was either of you."

"Cadie?" asked Shining with a small voice.

The doctor administering help shook his head. "Afraid not. Please, relax. You're in good hooves."

Silver clopped a hoof lightly on the ground, not nearly as loudly as he wanted to, but in no hurry to make his ankle ache once more. "The shadows are a lot faster and pervasive in the real world."

Night and Flash both looked uncertain at the words. Night leaned in. "You saw them, in your dreams?"

Silver nodded at her. "They were a huge mass, terrifying, but easy to separate from friends. They were a force of outright violence and terror, not subtle actions, like this." He waved at Shining Armor. "This..." He sank a little. "I don't know what to do."

Bursting through the door to the castle proper, Cadance hurried out onto the parapets with them. "Where is Shining?!" Everyone there pointed to him, and she fell on him, wrapping him in her forelegs and holding tightly. None were brave enough to even consider being between them. "Silver... What happened? Be blunt, be simple."

Silver sat up straight. "We were called a few hours ago to come to the parapet as soon as we could, supposedly by Shining Armor. After earlier, we were very tired and hungry so I took Night Watch out to eat first. We then came up here, where we found the roof darkened. A few guards came not long after, found Shining Armor. Night gave first aid while a doctor was fetched, then you arrived." He tapped his chin. "I think that's about it. Night thinks there was more than one attacker but we weren't here to see it."

Cadance sat up and glared at Silver. "Why didn't you come right away?!"

Silver shrank from her pink fury. "He said 'at your earliest convenience.' It didn't sound urgent."

Night produced the letter from her satchel, holding it out. "Here you are."

Cadance snatched the note with her magic, eyes sweeping left and right over it rapidly. "This isn't his writing. It's not even close!" She threw the note to the ground with an angry spark. "Give me one good reason I shouldn't just march right back up that tower and destroy him?"

Flash raised an ear. "Him?"

Cadance glared at him witheringly and his question was silently retracted.

Night took a half step forward. "We have no evidence this was his action. He made his terms clear, and I don't think he's given up on us that quickly."

"Then who is it?" Cadance leaned towards Night. "You know something."

Night adjusted her glasses a moment. "I have theories, not knowledge. There's an increasing chance the shadow is a separate agent in this conflict. We've been assuming Sombra and the shadow are the same force, but I find that unlikely, and more so with every bit of data."

Cadance took a slow breath as she raised a hoof to her chest, then exhaled as she extended that hoof away. "Alright... I'll accept that theory, for now. If they are separate, how do we properly battle the shadow? The Crystal Fair wasn't that long ago! The Crystal Heart should be keeping them at bay, but I have one locked up in a tower, and countless more trying to hurt my Shiny!"

Silver raised a hoof. "Getting Sombra on our si--"

One of the crystal pony guards peered at Silver as if he had sprouted a second head. "Are you speaking of King Sombra?"

"Um, yeah?"

He recoiled away. "Please, Princess Cadenza. Send this Ambassador away. He's full of dangerous ideas. To work in concert with King Sombra?!"

Cadance shook her head firmly. "Focus on getting Shiny inside and into bed. This is my duty." She locked eyes with Silver. "You'd best fetch that pony he wants so badly. Time is a resource we seem to be running thin of suddenly."

Silver shook himself out. "We'll do just that, but there's only so much we can do at night." He glanced around. "I don't suppose there are any phones around?"

Cadance sighed softly. "I should think not. The Crystal Empire is far behind the curve, something else that needs addressing, when we're not struggling with... this."

Night put a wing over Silver. "We'll do what we can, but we're not everywhere. We can only do so much."

Cadance lowered her hoof and rose up to them. "We all have to do what we can. Everypony, inside. Nopony is to come out here without accompaniment."

All the ponies began to disperse. Shining Armor was taken by Cadance and the doctor to their chambers. Night and Silver were seen to their room by a lone guard. It was time to sleep, even if they weren't in the best mood to sleep.

Silver considered Luna, weighing the benefits and risks of attempting to approach her that night as he slipped in beside Night and cuddled her gently.

71 - One Drop Among Many

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Silver roused himself on his Earth bed and stretched out. He was dreaming. The knowledge was comfortable, but also meant no 'real' dreams for him. He wondered if that was healthy, but he didn't seem to have suffered for it so far. He could idle the night away, but he had business that called more urgently. He slid to the floor and threw open the door with his magic. The dreamworld was dark. Once he stepped outside, he fell.

As he fell, he could see there were countless drops, each with its own dream held perfectly inside. He hadn't seen this version of the dream world before, but thought it was kind of pretty, seeing them all come down like that. "Luna?"

She came, hovering before him as if she had always been there. "Silver? How strongly must I remind that this is not your place. You could come to harm."

Silver twitched an ear. "How? It's literally a dream. I didn't come for that. We have large issues, up in the Crystal Empire."

Luna raised a brow. "Is that not what you were sent for?"

Silver rolled a hoof. "Bigger than anything I can handle on my own, and I'm not ashamed to admit that. Sombra's right on the fence. I think we can talk him back into the light if we approach this carefully. On the other hoof, his shadow pals are playing vicious and no mercy. Someone could end up hurt, or worse."

Luna leaned in closer, nose almost touching. "We know you understand the idea of a true war. How bad is it?"

Silver spread his hooves and an image appeared, showing the injured Shining Armor, bleeding on the cobblestones. "We fear this attack was meant to include Night Watch and myself."

Luna went stiff before snorting through her nose. "What do you think should be done? You are our eyes and ears in this situation."

Silver considered a moment. "While I think Sombra may yet be redeemed, and worthy of the cause, his allies certainly aren't. So there are two things you can do. We need to find his foalhood friend as quick as we can." He thought of her strongly, and her image hovered over his head. "She's a unicorn with healing talents, which should be fairly unique. Crystal pony, if that isn't unique enough."

Luna suddenly smiled. "I know the one. She warned us of Sombra's activities long ago."

"That's the one!" Silver tried to swim, but there was no swimming, he was just falling, even as Luna hovered beside him. Perhaps that version of the dreamscape wasn't perfect, but which one was? "Convince her to come and help him. Number two, if Equestria can do without you for a little while, your direct help in confronting the shadows would be helpful in the immediate. They need war, the old-fashioned kind, and I know you're an old-fashioned kind of mare."

She raised a brow. "Are you implying something?"

Silver smiled at her. "That you're amazing and have some values that have fallen out of favor of late, but I still find valuable in the right situation, such as this one." He gambled. "Night Watch would love to see you."

Luna recoiled a little. "Would she?" She frowned softly. "Perhaps. If the need of the Crystal Empire is as dire as you claim, Sister should not object to my assistance. I will come with my personal guard. I would bring the warlocks, but there is a standing decree..."

Silver struck the bottom. It happened so quickly, the fact that he knew it was a dream didn't stop him from being jolted awake, panting for breath and heart racing. He forced himself to lay back down and gently nestle with his wife. Sleep came back to him eventually, and he rested until morning. The message had been sent.

The next day, he reported his visit to Night Watch. "Luna's seeing to getting our pony as soon as possible, and she's coming."

Night raised a brow. "I think that's good, but we should tell Cadance. She's already on edge, let's not spring any surprises on her. Even better would be to make this seem like her idea."

Silver looked doubtful. "I'm not that good at that kind of thing. You?"

Night shrugged. "In either event, we should talk to her. If nothing else, announcing she's coming is the least we can do." She nuzzled him and moved to start making herself presentable for the day, only to have Silver place a hoof on hers.

He quietly kissed along her back as his magic took hold of her brush and began to run it softly through her soft mane. Despite her mild protests, he lavished her with gentle affections while pampering her, leaving her fur glistening in the light, even with his own still disheveled. "You're worth every moment."

She smiled at him even as she prodded him with a hoof. "Thank you, but you're a mess, so sit still, my turn." She grabbed her brush back from his magic, holding it firmly in her teeth. She tamed his wild mane, forcing it to lay smooth and soft along his back, gently tended to his brown pelt, but paused at his tail. "Huh, your tail looks taken care of already." She set the brush aside. "You plan to keep your mother's look?"

Silver blushed lightly at that. "That wasn't by choice at the time. It's that spell. I'd rather let it fade on its own than invite further complications." He leaned in and kissed Night's cheek. "Or you could end up married to someone Great and Powerful."

Night rolled her eyes. "As, uh, charming as your mother is, she's not a stallion, and I prefer those, especially this particular one. Maybe you've heard of him." She leaned in close as she circled him. "He gets into trouble a lot, but he usually works it out in the end. Why, I hear he's tried everything at least once."

Silver wrinkled his nose. "There's plenty I haven't seen or tried."

Night adjusted her glasses. "Good, then we still have things to look forward to, together."

He bumped noses with her, then they left the room together, prepared to meet the day.

"Ambassador Lining," spoke a firm voice of a guard, approaching them. "Your presence is required."

Laying his eyes on him, Silver saw something wrong. There was a faint shimmer around the guard. There was also a distinct feeling of something out of place, tickling him as if he were... "Dreaming..."

"Pardon, sir?"

Night suddenly threw herself forward on wide wings. "We're not going anywhere."

He scowled at her, and in that moment, in his grimaced face, Silver could see something else behind it, like a demon or a ghost. "Princess Cadenza will be ups--" He didn't get to finish. Silver enveloped him in magic and compressed quickly down to the real form beneath it. The visage vanished, revealing a creature of baneful shadow in the pony's place.

The creature hissed and flung itself out a nearby window, vanishing from sight instantly. Night looked to it, then back to Silver. "I'm glad you called for Luna. This is far beyond us." She tapped her hooves softly. "Sixty percent chance we'd end up hurt, captured, or worse if we tried to play heroes about this."

Silver moved ahead, rubbing against Night along the way. "We should get to Cadance. We have to report this too now."

Night moved to walk alongside Silver. "Worse than the changelings. Just imagine if they used their talents for actual subterfuge? Canterlot could have turned out far worse than it had."

Silver grimaced at the idea, but didn't reply directly to it. They went quiet until they arrived in court together. The crier announced them and many faces turned to them.

The fact that something was increasingly wrong seemed to be leaking out, as many faces held stronger emotions. Fear, hope, and dismay just to start. Cadance gestured them forward. "You look like you have something I need to hear. Please, come forward, Ambassador, and I hope it's good news."

Silver nodded to her. "Mostly. Princess Luna has mobilized to find her, in addition she will be coming shortly to help defend the Empire at your side." He dipped his head towards Cadance. "Equestria is, as ever, ally to the Crystal Empire, even in these dark times."

A ghost of a smile played across her lips. "We're gladdened to hear it, but you said mostly. Tell us the bad news, Ambassador."

Silver gestured out to the hallway. "They are growing more bold. One attempted to redirect us away from the court, possibly to a fresh ambush."

The murmuring of the gathered ponies was tense. What hope was brought with the coming of Luna was squashed mercilessly at the bad news. Cadance grit her teeth. "Were they alone?"

Silver nodded quickly. "Just one, your majesty."

Cadance took a silent but deep breath. "Thank you, Ambassador. We won't quickly forget Equestria's decisive efforts, or its talented agents."

He was dismissed. Silver nodded once more to her and turned away, Night trailing after him. Once outside he sat down beside the wall. "It's not easy pretending I know how to behave like that."

Night raised a brow behind her thick glasses. "You did a passable job winging it." She exposed a fang. "You don't even have wings."

Silver snorted at the joke. "That was awful, thank you." He leaned over and kissed her snout. "What can we do now?"

Night's own wings ruffled. "We do have other duties. We could see to them. We're not hunting shadows, afterall. Let's see how the farming effort is coming along."

That sounded more pleasant to Silver, and he rose to trail her instead. As they approached the exit of the castle, she took out her leash and looked him straight in the eyes. "I want you to know I'm not doing this to mock you, or imply you're wicked." She clipped it onto him. "I'm doing this because I'm scared. I love you, Silver Lining. I don't want you snatched away from me."

Silver gave a slow nod at her and kissed her nose. "I'm safer with you nearby, my beloved guardian and treasured wife." He threw a leg over her and squeezed. "And my best friend."

Night blinked at that, looking confused. "I think that's the first... I've never been a 'best friend' before. We're mates aren't we?"

Silver tilted his head at her. "If your wife can't also be your best friend, then you either have too many great friends to pick from, or something's wrong." He nuzzled at her gently. "You are all those things, and others beside. I hope I'm your best friend too."

Night smiled timidly as if cowed by the sentiment. "Y-yes, of course. I mean... what about your actual friend, from the human world? Why isn't she your best friend?"

Silver perked an ear. "She's a good friend, but I don't go to sleep beside them, wake up with them, or face the trials we do together. That's what being partners is, I think. We should be best friends."

Night offered no more resistance, leading the way with an unsure smile as they headed towards the suburbs of the city.

72 - Tending Fertile Soil

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Together, they made their way swiftly through the city, arriving in what qualified as the suburbs with little challenge. The scent in the air changed as they drew closer, filled with the citrus tang that proved to be crystal berries, growing from eager gardens all along a particular road that drew them.

It wasn't the only harvest. Some tall stalks of crystal corn adorned the yards, and many had ponies tending to them with satisfied smiles amid other, less flashy, fruits or vegetables. One farmer raised a hoof at them. "Good day, Ambassador!"

Silver veered off to speak with her. "Hello there. This looks fantastic! How's everypony doing?"

She gestured slowly around her garden/farm. "Everything's growing so quickly! It's... Well, I suppose the land did get a thousand years to nap. This has worked out better than we could have expected." She smiled over her fence at Silver and Night. "Thank you. I don't even have to walk far to get to my farm. It's right here."

Night reached and brushed a wing gently across a bunch of crystal berries. "This really is quick. I can't imagine it'll stay this fast for much longer than a growing season or two, but that's just a guess."

The farmer shrugged her shoulders. "We'll be alright if it slows down to normal after a while, but it's really nice right now. We've filled the stands with delicious food, and there's talk of a real surplus of something for a change! Do you think ponies from other cities will want our produce?"

Silver nodded quickly. "May I?" After a nod from the farmer, he plucked a lone berry from a bunch and gave it a thoughtful munching. "Mmm, yes, I doubt you'll have much trouble selling this." He licked over his lips thoughtfully. "I'll send a letter to Celestia and see if there are any towns with a shortage. You'll make bits and be celebrated at the same time if so."

The farmer tapped her chin softly. "How will we get it to them without it spoiling?"

Night looked confused a moment, but it cleared quickly. "Oh! That's right, the train's new to you. You'll load it onto there in refrigerated cars and it'll arrive, safe, fresh, and ready to devour."

"Oh!" The mare clopped crystal hooves together. "They have ice boxes? How thoughtful. Well you check with Princess Celestia. We'll keep right on growing." She leaned down and grabbed the stem of the same bunch of berries Silver had plucked from and tore it free easily, offering. "Here, take it with you."

Silver's horn glowed as he accepted the bunch, though it hovered there, uncertain if he should dare stuffing fruit into his pocket or his saddlebag. "Thank you. I'll enjoy it. Keep up the good work here, I'm glad it's working out so well."

They visited a few other gardens, getting much the same response from one delighted farmer after the other. One older stallion nudged a filly towards Silver. "You only have one? Here, you can have her." The filly squeaked at the proposition, and her mother hurried out to swat the old stallion across the head.

"Forgive him, he's an old timer." She was blushed deep red. "I'm sure you don't want some random crystal filly mare thrown at you."

Night raised a brow. "Was there ever a time that sort of gift was normal?"

He grunted in annoyance. "This is hardly normal. You're an Ambassador, practically royalty. You'd protect her and keep her safe." He looked down at the filly. "Little ungrateful foal, I'm trying to secure your future."

Silver gave a little smile. "I'm sure she'll have a fine future here, with the pony she decides to be with."

The filly approached Silver and waved for him to come down. He leaned in and she hugged him around the neck before scurrying off. Her mother let out a relieved sigh. "Thank you. I'm sure he means well, but that isn't the way."

Night rolled her eyes behind her thick glasses. "I'm certain there are no hard feelings."

Silver turned an ear to her. "No harm done, right? You two have a nice day, and keep up the farming."

As they wandered off, Night pressed close. "It's alright to get a little angry."

"At who? An old man trying to safeguard his grand-daughter's future, if in a misguided way, or the foal who's being shoved into something she didn't want?" Silver tilted his head. "Or should I be angry at the mother for calling it off?"

Night frowned a little. "I suppose the stallion would be the one I'd be more irate at."

Silver rolled a hoof. "Did you see his beard? He's ancient. I'd feel like I was bullying him just glaring at him. He's out of touch with how things work, and I don't imagine that's the way he wants it, but there he is."

"You weren't tempted, even a little?"

Silver came to a sudden halt. "Did you see how young she was? Even if she wasn't, I didn't know her from anypony else in the world." He put his hooves to his chest, rearing up. "I should remind, as young as I look, I'm at least twice my physical age, and that's not including any not-counting dream time. The idea of scooping up some little kid--"

"She wasn't a goat." Night raised a brow at him.

Silver blinked at her. "You've heard me say that before. A kid is just a generic term for a young person where I'm from. A foal. A foal that young? We have laws about that. Doesn't Equestria?" He moved in and nipped at her shoulder. "This isn't about him, or either of the mares. It's about us. What are you really asking?"

Night flinched at the question. "Damn me for picking somepony that can see through things too." She cracked a bit of a smile.

Silver brushed a hoof over the same shoulder. "Please tell me? I want to be a good stallion for you, but I can't without a little help."

Night glanced away, only to suddenly go on guard. Silver quickly saw why. Ponies were approaching them at odd angles, hedging them in. The crystal ponies had queer smirks and wielded sticks in their mouths.

Silver raised a bubble around the two of them, a standard defensive bubble that he felt confident about. "What do you want? You're all--" His question was interrupted by a hurled rock that strained the shield. The shield worked better against magic than physical things.

Night grabbed at Silver, making to take flight, but the ponies rushed them, shattering the shield with two hurled bodies of the attackers. Her flapping lifted them from the ground just as a pony brought down his chunk of wood on one of her wings. With a sickening snap, she was sent back to the ground, shrieking in pain.

Silver's heart froze a moment at the sound, and he was beyond thought. He raised a spell he shouldn't, but he wasn't thinking about that. Keeping Night from further harm was the only thing in his head, and a faint line of fire erupted around him. Magic pulled savagely from him as his attackers triggered fireballs in rapid succession. He collapsed beneath Night, fading away almost instantly among the screaming forms of combusted ponies.

Night didn't let him hit the ground, still holding tight. She began to drag herself away with him, wing trailing along at her side. It wouldn't fold back into place, and there were other ponies, glaring and looking nervous, but not charging yet.

"Look, he's knocked out."

"Do you think his spell will still work?"

"I'm not chancing it."

"Better the fire than the shadow!" One brave pony with wild eyes charged forward and met the sudden kicked hoof of Night Watch, catching him across the jaw and sending him back, but the illusion was gone. There was no fire protecting her. The crystal ponies closed in around her, and she was forced to let Silver sink to the ground to free up her hooves and engage them. She kicked, stomped and bit wildly as they bashed at her with their sticks and flailing hooves of their own.

"Stop right there!" Several ponies in gleaming armor charged towards them from the direction of the primary avenue.

One of the attackers grabbed at Silver, only to be brutally kicked away by Night. Not willing to remain in the face of the armed and armored guards, they broke and fled.

The guards broke into two groups, some chasing the crystal ponies, and the others staying with Night Watch. "Is the Ambassador alright, and you, ma'am?"

Night reached a hoof to rest on Silver's head between his ears. "He's fine." She flicked her head towards her hanging wing. "Broken, I think. Fifty-five percent chance, thirty it's just dislocated, ten for a bad sprain."

One of the guards looked down at the singed forms of some of the attackers, checking them. "Alive, but injured badly. What did this to them?"

Night flicked her ears back. "Silver did, in self-defense." She nudged him softly, but he wasn't responsive. "He used too much magic far too quickly." She clenched her teeth. "Can we get him to Cadance? She may be able to help."

The injured were all carried to the castle, crystal ponies and Silver together. Only Night carried herself, stoically walking along with her injured wing at her side.

One of the guards walked at her side. "Night Guard, right?"

She nodded at him. "Proud member." She quirked a little smile. "Day guard?"

He snorted softly. "The armor's a bit of a giveaway, ma'am. Maybe it would be safer if you two left? Things are only becoming less stable."

She frowned a little. "He won't allow that. He's gotten his little unicorn teeth in on this problem and he'll keep worrying it until it's resolved."

"He'll wish he had." With a sudden motion, he struck Night across the face with the butt of his spear, sending her sprawling to the ground. The other guards vanished into the castle, not even noticing them as he picked up Night easily and slung her over his back, trotting quickly into a nearby alley, where he vanished away entirely.

Silver awoke in a comfortable bed, with the smiling face of Cadance looking down at him, her horn glowing gently. He sat up quickly, even if the world did swim around for the motion. "Cadance? Where's Night?" The idea of waking up without her within hoof's reach had become alien. "Is she alright?"

Cadance lifted an ear. "I was told she was restless and took a flight around the city."

Silver nodded as if that were sensible until the memories came flooding back. "There's... no way she could have done that. Where is she?"

"Pardon?" Cadance tilted her head. "Silver, are you alright?"

"No." He slid to the floor, wobbling. "I need Night, right now!"

Cadance reached for him, setting a hoof on his shoulder. "I know how you feel. I want Shining right now too, but he's hurt and I have to let him rest. She'll come back when she's ready."

Silver shrank back from her. "It's not that. She had a broken wing! She can't be flying anywhere. She's hurt, badly. She should be resting, not anywhere else."

Cadance's eyes widened. "Broken? I wasn't..."

It became clear to both that something was horribly wrong.

73 - No Helpless Damsels

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Night awoke in darkness, but her eyes quickly adjusted to it, widening until the faint shreds of light could be drawn and she could see where she lay. It was a cave, and she was tied down by all four legs to the stone below by solid metal spikes. The urge to panic welled, but she fought it down. She was a Night Guard, and she meant to do that proud. Glancing around with a minimum of head movements, she didn't see anypony around her, watching.

Her tongue confirmed they had left her with a knife to cut herself free and she had to restrain the urge to laugh. They didn't know lunar ponies well, or they would have bound her neck properly. She lowered her head and bit savagely into the thick cord that held her right forehoof. Whereas any pony could have, in theory, worried through the rope, she was destroying it. Her tooth pierced right through it, and she gnashed at it with a predator's razor incisors and mashed it between her powerful teeth. The rope had little hope, and gave up on life shortly, allowing her to pull one hoof free of her imprisonment.

She heard something! She put her hoof down and draped the rope over it, hoping it would pass casual inspection before she went still.

A form of shadow rushed from a nearby tunnel and glared at her a moment. "Awake? Good. We need you to scream a little for us." He approached, not walking exactly, half floating in a disjointed way. "You'll cooperate with us, won't you? Not that you have a choice." He drew something long and sharp and waved it in her general direction. "Go on... How scared are you?"

Was it hoping she was already out of her mind with fear? She wouldn't give it the pleasure. She lowered her head and looked away as if just to be defiant, even as she slid the rope on her left forehoof into her snout and began worrying at it quickly.

"Oh, a brave one? Your screams will be the opening note of the Umbrum's freedom. A sweet note to begin our new chapter." He suddenly lunged at her, and she rose to meet him. Her hooves lashed out and caught his blade, cracking it cleanly in half with the panicked strength of one attacked. Her fangs found his neck, which seemed solid enough, and she bore down with all her might. One of them screamed, and it wasn't her.

He wrenched himself back, injured. His blade fell to the floor from limp claws. "Damnable mare... You'll pay for that twice over."

She wasn't listening. While he nursed his wound, she curled on herself and was soon free of the last bits of rope that dared to hold her. "You made a critical error, friend." She flashed a wicked smile. "You bring a crystal pony down here, I'm sure they cry for you, but we are the darkness as well, Umbrum. We are the guardians of the night." She took a step towards him with slow purposefulness. "Now where did you put my glasses? I'd like to witness my own handiwork more clearly."

He shrank back. Was it fear, or just doubt? It passed quickly, but she had seen it, his moment of weakness. "Empty words from a pregnant mare. I'll enjoy robbing you of two lives for the price of one." His claws became longer and he held his arms at the ready despite the still seeping wound. "You can't stop us with words."

She ran a tongue over her sharp fangs. "You can use those words, or keep spewing nothing. All of Equestria is already mobilized to put this down, and your time is limited. You think I'm terrible? I'm just the edge of the bow of this ship, the pole that juts ahead." She stepped forward, closer to the creature that hadn't known fear. "Give me a reason we shouldn't hunt every one of you down and tear you apart. Go on. Use your words."

Was that the same mare he had knocked out so easily? The one with thick glasses and a pampered mane? This... This pregnant mare had him fearing for his life. That wasn't right! It was a bluff. It all had to be a bluff. She was probably trembling with terror behind that mask. He steeled himself, claws ready, and he sprung at her. He found her soft flesh, raking a claw along her side with a triumphant grin that faded quite suddenly. Her deadly maw found his arm and she bore down with an unholy fury. Despite being partially shadow, something broke like a brittle twig, and pain exploded all through his arm and echoed through his body.

He howled for her.

She rewarded him with a savage kick, just to step on his chest when he fell to the ground. "You are under arrest. This is your last chance. You're not a pony. You're not anything I know." She leaned in at him with a feral snarl. "That means I can kill you."

Kill him?! Was she truly the same species as the other ponies? She couldn't be... His people still needed him. He abandoned the fight, becoming so much shadow and flowing out from beneath her. She lashed at him, but there was no physical body for her to further maul. He fled. He was defeated, for the moment.

She let out a soft breath and began searching around. Her possessions weren't far and she soon had her saddlebag on, and a single gauze dress over the claw wounds the creature had left on her. Glasses resting on her snout properly, she began wandering the tunnels. With its occupant defeated for the time, she saw no reason not to investigate. She was no fat and helpless mare. The fight had filled her with a giddy warrior's spirit. She had enjoyed the conflict, and almost wanted more. It was better than being constantly nervous of spies and turncoats.

What she heard rattled against that feeling. A small voice called out, "Father? Father?! Where are you?"

She inclined her ears towards the young-sounding voice and trotted quickly through the maze. She turned a corner to see a horse of literal shadow. It was little more than a filly, though it was also a thing of nightmares, just like her... father? "Dad?"

Night's ears span back against her head, considering a moment before she sat down. She decided quickly she would approach gently. Without turning the corner, she spoke, "Hello there. Your father stepped out for a moment."

"Who is that?" They sounded frightened.

"My name is Night Watch. I'm a creature of darkness too, but not quite like you. What's your name?"

"Father said not to talk to strangers."

Night smiled a little. "Your father gave good advice. I'll stay here, if you prefer. Are you alone?"

"Y-you're still a stranger..." She heard her step back a little. "I'm Under Rock."

"Nice to meet you, Under. See, we're not strangers now. We know each other's names."

She paused, and Night could imagine her nodding. "I guess that's true. What kind of shadow are you if you're not like me?"

Night replied in a gentle tone, "I'll show you, but you have to promise to not be scared. I won't hurt you."


Night stepped out from around that corner, eyes shining in the dark. "Hello, little Under Stone. I am Night Watch, a lunar pony."

"Lunar pony?" Under advanced on shadowy hooves. "Like the moon? You really are like us." She smiled a disturbing smile. It was as if the umbrum were made to be scary, even if Night was sure the little filly wasn't trying to be. Night could sympathize with that, remembering the many times a solar pony would flinch around her tribe. "You look a little like a bat."

Night rolled her eyes at that, and had to laugh a little. "You could say that, but lunar pony, please. We're not bats." She offered a hoof to the small shadow pony. "Who's your father?"

She puffed up and looked proud. "General Dark Pass, the best umbrum there is!"

Night quirked an ear. "I see." She had a name, at least. "Can he grow claws?"

"Oh! You've seen him?" She clopped her hooves excitedly. "He's really clever. He can stand on two hooves and get all super scary. I bet he was trying to get the crystal ponies to let the rest of us go free."

"Free?" Night raised a brow. "Where are the rest of you?"

The filly pointed into the darkness. "Father said they're in a place even darker than here, trapped." She tilted her head. "He sai--"

"Get away from her!" The form of Dark Pass came to be, fully stallion and shadow pony, looming over her. "I won't let you harm her..."

Night raised a hoof. "I don't hunt little foals."

Under Rock looked up at her father. "You know her?"

He nudged her back. "I do..."

Night took the same hoof and placed it on her swollen barrel. "I know you're not feeling very sympathetic this moment, but we're both ponies." She smiled, imagining her husband saying the lines. "I'm not here to harm your filly."

Under looked between the two adults, confused. "We were just talking about the rest of us, dad."

He bore his already exposed teeth at her, like a grinning skull. "Gathering intel on us, is she?"

Night sat on her haunches. "If you're willing to talk, then I'm not here to hunt you, either. Can we talk?"

Dark Pass looked to Night with confusion and anger. His fear seemed to have little true effect on her. His disturbing appearance didn't send her scurrying away to hide. Was she truly related on some level? "Very... Very well..."

Fast stood before a sea of inquisitive eyes. Beside her was Celestia, princess of the lands and highest of ponies, and she was saying things, nice things...

"With her people under siege, she took up hooves and defended them with all she had. She met face-to-face with Chrysalis, a pony that required an alicorn and a unicorn in concert to defeat before, and she held her at a standstill, but she didn't do it alone." Celestia leaned a little forward towards that sea of people. "She had all of your hope at her side. She drew on your want for peace, and for security, and even those who knew her best, your love for her. She drew, and she did not ask first. That was wrong, and she paid the price." She gestured towards Fast, and Fast stepped out from behind the curtain she had been placed.

Gasps and murmurs spread through the crowd. They could see her holed leg easily then. She was a changeling...

Celestia gestured at Fast. "Fast Change, the unicorn, has gone, and in her place, Fast Change, the changeling. Some would call her queen, but she wouldn't have that."

Fast's ears perked. She wouldn't?

"She has chosen to be a princess, as a citizen of Equestria. She will guide her people, the changelings, with love and brother and sisterhood, not through cruelty, oppression, or fear. They have already accepted her, as their leader, because of this love, not any other coercion."

The crowd erupted into cheers and clops even as green flames spurted into being throughout, changelings taking their natural forms and joining in the applause with thunderous approval.

Celestia drew Fast to her side. "I welcome our newest princess with open hooves. May it be known from here on that changelings are ponies, just as we, and shall be met with friendship so long as it is returned, just like anypony else." She leaned in towards Fast, whispering, "Go on, spread your wings and show your horn."

Fast did just that, fanning out her dragonfly wings and holding up her horn. "Thank you, all of you... I'm sorry I took, even a little. I will accept any punishment you want to give me, but it was for your own sake, and my people's."

The crowd seemed to barely hear her over its own celebration. It seemed her punishment was to be mild, if any was to be had at all.

74 - She's Alright

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Silver trotted down the hallway of the castle, his expression haunted with worry. "He said two… just two, not all three, just two." He licked over his lips. "You're talking to yourself, cut that out."

“Ah ha! There he is!” Penny’s voice rang out in the hall as she started trotting toward the distracted-looking stallion. Beside her, a guard trotted too, looking quite alert.

Silver looked up at Penny and forced a smile. "Hey ma--er, Penny. How's it going?" He looked between her and the guard with her curiously.

“It is going interestingly. Did you see Luna is here?” She had spotted something was up with the stallion and continued before he could reply. “And before I get carried away with catching up… Night is back, she is safe. Luna is talking to her right now. I heard some of what happened.”

"L-Luna? She's back!? Both of them?" He practically hopped in place. "Where?!" His eyes were wide, overwhelmed, but so relieved. "Tell me she's alright!"

“Alright? From what I hear, she practically saved herself. I don’t know where she is, but we could find out.” Penny turned to look at the guard who had accompanied her. “Where would they likely be?”

The crystal stallion looked a little confused too. “The way things are? I don’t know, we could ask the duty captain.”

Silver nodded his head, a jerky motion. "You do know she's pregnant, right?" He frowned sharply. "Some husband I am. I should be…" He huffed out. "I know a dozen spells to rip the world in half, and most of them would kill me before I finish the first half of the spell." He slumped in place. "I guess I still have plenty to learn."

Both Penny and the guard looked shocked at his mention of such spells. “Uh, could you not? I like this world.” Penny reached over and slung a leg over his withers, not as hard to do with him as with Stick. “Come on, let’s find your better half. I was beside myself and wouldn’t leave Stick’s side when she was hurt.”

“This way.” The guard seemed a little lost in all the talk, but was confident it was the right time to lead the way.

Silver relaxed at the contact, nose twitching softly. Though he had long ago learned to resist the gentle call of a mare, it didn't stop him from enjoying one, especially a supportive presence. He rose with Penny and moved to follow. "I'm serious though. Variety! We need to know more tricks for more situations." Silver glanced at Penny. "How have your symbols been coming?"

Penny frowned a little, dipping her head down to make the burn on her horn a little easier for Silver to see. “Now there is a story. You heard about what happened in court, how I ran?”

Silver raised an ear at her. "Ran? Tell me about it." Listening was a lot easier than worrying, and he fixed her in his gaze as his body strode on its own.

“I can’t even remember what I had gone in for, Stick would know. I must have dozed off and… Sombra.” The mare shuddered as she walked, clearly shaken by what had happened.

Silver tensed. "What'd he do?"

“To put it bluntly, he made me scared of Stick. It was horrible and I couldn’t stop running away from her. Of course she gave chase but she didn’t catch up with me until we were out of the city.” Penny’s voice had turned a little angry. “There was an ambush.”

Silver draw in a sharp breath. "Are you both alright?" He leaned in. "We've both had our turns with ambushes."

“So I heard. There were two shadow… things, waiting for us. They jumped Stick before she could react and were trying to back me up into the woods. I really tried to remember the fireworks, thinking I could surprise them or something. I was practicing it that morning but you know how it is, in a pinch, I forgot it all. The only spell I could remember was one in your book, you flicked past it quick, but I remembered the patterns.”

"Two?" Silver frowned a little. "At least two then… I'm glad you're alright though. Sorry we…" He swallowed forcefully. "Enough sorries. You said Luna was talking with Night? Do they want us butting in right away?"

“You really think either would stay mad at you if you did?” Penny smile was a sincere one. “Although I could use some help with my runes. This sixth one is getting tricky.”

Silver perked his ears and looked quite split. "I'd love to help you…" But he'd also like to see those two mares, but he left that unsaid. "You have your book with you?"

“Of course. Whenever I have a chance I get it out and work on my runes.” She reached to her pack and started to lift the flap on it, the book’s spine peeking out a touch.

Silver watched until the stubborn rune showed itself and he nodded as if at an old friend, or enemy. "I remember that one! It's a tricky one." He lowered his horn and showed the letter, hovering. "It's two parts inner, one part outer, and keeping it crisp, there's the rub."

Penny examined it and nodded. “Oh, I see. Wait, that outer bit, I have seen that before. Are these runes themselves made of-” She stopped abruptly. “No, that is for later, okay, I think I might be able to do that a bit easier now.”

Silver nodded softly. "Seeing the letter formed helps." He rolled a hoof. "It took a while to learn the balances too." He bumped against Penny. "So I'm glad to help, save a few days of groaning out of your life." He went quiet a brief moment before he leaned in. "So, ready to hear something that'll blow your head?"

The guard had paused and knocked on a door, entering at a call from within but leaving the pair outside.

“I am not sure I want my head blown, but go on, lay it on me.” Penny was letting the rune fade so she could focus on what amazing new thing she was about to find out.

Silver put a hoof to his chest. "I basically lived a few years in a dream. I was a lunar unicorn, and a princess, and a prince, and dead, and back." He flashed a big grin. "I fought Celestia to a stand still, that was a pretty epic fight… And all a dream, but I thought it was very real at the time."

Penny tilted her head at this. “Wow I… wait, your prophetic dream?” Her eyes blinked a few times. “The one where you had… wait, a princess? What?”

Silver bumped against Penny before moving for the door. "I did warn you, and yes. I've danced on both sides of that particular fence."

The mare giggled at this and just as she was about to poke her head in too the guard was walking out. “They are in the main courtroom. I can get you there but apparently they aren’t to be disturbed, you will have to find your own way in.”

Silver let out an almost silent 'oh', "Well, alright… We'll let them talk. Please, let them know I'll be back in our room, alright." He turned to Penny. "Want to practice?"

The lunar unicorn nodded. “Sure. I was trying to learn symbols off Stick, but she makes them funny.” The guard shrugged at their apparently not going to the court, but followed them anyway.

Silver began leading the way back to his room, but noticed the guard along the way. "You don't have to escort me around in the castle, I hope?" His ears fell a little. "I guess it is pretty bad."

“One of the senior guards told me to, sir ambassador. Said Stick needs to focus on her job and that she could do that easier knowing her mare was safe.” He had his chest puffed out, looking proud of the fact he was chosen.

Penny smiled to him. “I would tell him he doesn’t need to but, honestly, I don’t want to be scared.” She shrugged her shoulders. “I am not a fighter, Silver, never was. What that spell I did… what it did to those shadows… I don’t think I am that cut out for it.”

An ear turned to Penny. "What spell was that?" He arrived at his room and nudged the door open. "Stay out here, unless you want to be around two practicing unicorns, one of them trying to be worthy to be a member of the warlocks." He flashed a bit of a grin on his way in.

The guard gulped but looked to be about to insist when Penny turned to him. “I trust Silver, can you please wait outside?” He nodded and turned to stand guard. “What are the warlocks?” Penny closed the door a moment before she asked.

Silver waved a hoof. "Think elite guard, but for spellcasters by and large." He turned back to Penny. "They operate under Luna's guidance, and I trained with them, and went with them once. They helped pull off the great changeling exodus."

Penny brightened at hearing this. “What, like special forces kind of thing? Well, they deserve hugs if they helped free the changelings. Did Luna bring them, I wonder?” She was pulling out her book as she talked, flicking it open to where she was up to.

Silver tilted his head at that. "Bring who, the warlocks? Cadance didn't want them around. Too dangerous." He huffed. "Might even cause trouble if the guard mentions I mentioned them, but we'll burn that bridge when we get to it." He drew out a book with his magic, unfolding it. "It's time to practice some magic!"

Penny started with the first rune, working it out firmly and moving on, finally ending on that sixth one that had caused her so many problems. She had it mostly right now, just a few little quivering ends. “Why does it have so many little squiggly bits?”

Silver considered a moment. "I think, ultimately, because whatever unicorn first found it, half by accident, just noted it worked, and they've been using it since. Unless we want to devote the rest of our lives to the process, we're not likely to improve that." He sat on his haunches. "And to think, earth and pegasi magic hasn't even gotten this far."

The mare blinked a few times at this. “Earth and pegasi magic?” The runes she was forming stopped. “Now that would be something. Have you even tried to focusing your talent at making new symbols?” She refocused, starting at the first symbol and cycling through to the sixth, now a touch more stable.

Silver looked cross-eyed at his horn, a task easier than when he first became a unicorn with its additional length over time. "I haven't. I'm either making a spell from other spells, or casting a spell as written. Just kind of tuning at random is like sweeping a radio back and forth hoping you'll get the combination to something great, but it may just explode your kidneys."

“I guess, even if you could make a new rune out of old ones, without a spell that uses it you can’t do much with it.” She reached up to tap at her horn, or at least the blackened tip. “And you don’t need to warn me about miscasting. I tried three times to cast your damn spell and it all exploded on me with the third try.”

Silver's horn glowed as a silver hand appeared and gently rubbed that singed tip. "I'm sorry you had to go through that. Memorizing spells is a big part of this." He flashed a grin. "Right back to Pathfinder, welcome to level 1, hope you enjoy your one level 1 spell."

“Whoa, back up, I am not upset about that. Even miscast the spell saved my life, probably Stick’s too.” Penny reared up and mimed casting by waving her hooves at Silver. “So what spell do I get for first level? Burning hooves?” Her eyes danced as much as her hooves did to keep her standing on two legs.

Silver laughed softly. "Would you believe my first was fireball?" He ran a few symbols in short order, working the familiar spell to conjure the roiling ball of heat and horror that hovered over his head. "Ta da. I made it to prove I was a real wizard."

Penny’s eyes were wide and she dropped back to all fours. “You made a fireball?” She sounded incredulous. “Stick is learning some spells… Cadance lent her a few books. They are kinda like that. I don’t think other ponies are meant to have them, the librarian seemed pretty paranoid about them.”

Silver pointed up at it. "It's 'my' spell. It's the one that earned my cutie mark." He tilted his head slowly one way and the other, letting the fire follow after it. "No other spell is as familiar to me as this one. Shame it's really only good for one thing."

“Oh, I meant to show you.” Penny turned to the side excitedly, reaching back with her soft-red magical hand and lifting her shawl a little to show off her own cutie mark of a book with two horseshoes overlaid on it, one larger than the other. “I got mine… teaching economics to ponies…”

Silver clopped his hooves even as he compressed that ball. The heat escaped in all directions, warming the room as it was released harmlessly until it was entirely gone. "That's great! But, uh, it isn't that specific, I hope?" He pointed back at his own. "Mine isn't just fireballs, afterall."

“Oh no, I have been teaching them a lot more than that. Stick thinks it is just teaching in general and, I guess, I have a lot I can teach. I was a bit of a generalist with my learning.” She pauses a moment. “Are you really sure it only has one use? You just proved it can be used for heating, I bet it would make for a great way to run a furnace or smelter, not to mention light. You sell your spell short.”

Silver reached to tap Penny on the nose. "Sure sure, I suppose it could do those. It's locked up in one of Celestia's private stashes where the average pony won't learn it and start hurling compressed balls of heat around casually."

“Right, but does it use much magic to keep it going? You could do so much with a focused ball of heat… I wonder what other handy spells, if a little dangerous for the average pony, are locked up?” Penny pulled out a notepad and quill, starting to write things down.

Silver frowned a little. "Well, to start, most unicorns never even learn the alphabet, let alone start casting spells. They learn telekinesis and maybe light and whatever their special talent gives them and they're content." He sat down and pointed at his book. "Any human could, in theory, learn to read and write, but we're lucky if they even bother to read."

Penny laid down on the floor, folding her hooves under her as she finished writing something on the pad. “A fair assessment, oh, speaking of. I was going to try to find a book to thank Twilight with for letting me borrow this one. Any you might suggest?”

Silver twitched his ears in thought, but the door opening distracted him, then the pony standing in the doorway had his attention. Before he could rise back to his hooves, he was thrown to the ground under the form of the lunar pony he loved. He tried to talk, but each attempt was met with a kiss, and little was said, though much was communicated.

Penny grinned at the sight. “Oh welcome home Night,” she began to badly imitate their voices, “I am glad to be back, Silver…” She giggled and got to her hooves. “I will leave you two to your reunion.”

Night put a hoof over Silver's snout, keeping him quiet. "Thank you for understanding. I'll be sure he gets back to you. Do close the door behind you." She flashed her fangs, then looked down at her pinned husband. "As for you…"

The retreating lunar unicorn waved a hoof. “I’ll leave you to it, he was really worried for you, Night.” She stepped out through the still-open door, having given the lock a flick and pulled it shut behind her. “I think my lesson is over for now.” She grinned up to the guard and began to amble back to where her marefriend was still on guard.

75 - We Learn From Each Other

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Night tapped Silver on the end of his nose when things seemed to grow quiet. "You naughty stallion. You've corrupted me." She tilted her head. "What would the princesses say?"

Silver squirmed beneath her weight. "What did she say?"

Night flashed her fangs. "An acceptable answer. She was quite proud of my actions, even including the parts I took from your playbook." She leaned in, snouts coming close. "I looked for a peaceful answer, even when I was ready to rip the other party in half."

Silver's eyes wandered, noticing her wing was in a bandage against her side, tight and bound. "Are you alright? I mean, sorry. I'm very proud of you." He smiled. "That doesn't stop me from worrying about my favorite lunar pony in the world."

Night glanced back at her injured wing. "I won't be flying a little while, but I'll be alright." She touched noses then, gently rubbing. "Well, not going to ask?"

Silver's perked his ears sharply. "Huh? Oh! Who did you make peace with?"

Night held out a hoof. "You can come in now."

The door behind her opened as a pony of shadow entered, strange butterfly wings of billowing fog at its side and eyes shining with an alien power and teeth jutting like a grinning skeleton. "Is this wise?"

Silver tensed with reactive surprise and fear, but Night held him gently and firmly. Her presence and ease soon soothed the urge to fight or flee, and he began to look over the pony. "What are you, if you don't mind my asking?"

The stranger dipped his head. "I am your enemy."

Night reached back and swatted the pony on the nose. "You are not."

The shadow pony took a step back, rubbing his foggy nose. "You say that, but the ponies of this place... They are creatures of light."

Silver squirmed and Night let him rise up to his haunches. "Oh, well, nice to meet you, but calling you 'enemy' sounds kind of messed up." He offered a hoof to the unnerving pony. "I'm Silver. Silver Lining, ambassador from Equestria."

The pony hesitated a moment before reaching out and touching hooves with Silver. "General Dark Pass, of the umbrum." He sat up straight. "An ambassador then? Then I can speak to you with authority?"

Silver nodded. "I should think so. Celestia has taken my reports seriously thus far. Please, tell me about you, and your people."

Dark looked between Silver and Night before pointing at Night. "She understands me, as a fellow creature of the night. You..."

"Are in love with her beyond all words." Silver smiled gently. "The night holds many secrets, and some of them are very sweet indeed."

Night moved in beside Silver and threw a leg over him, hugging. "You know we're a couple."

Dark nodded slowly. "To know, and to know..." He let out a slow sigh, fog wisping from his snout. "We were once a proud people, with a nation to call our own. That was long ago, so very long, even I only have the dim stories of my grandsire to work with. The crystal ponies did this to us, destroyed us, crushed us, and left us for dead."

Silver leaned forward a little, looking over the pony with inquisitive eyes. "They didn't strike me as the warring type. When push came to shove, you crushed them and enslaved them, through Sombra. How is it they harmed you?"

Dark raised his forehooves, clopping them thoughtfully. "You know of the Crystal Heart, do you not? It was created in ages past. While benign to crystal ponies, it is death, slow or fast, to our kind. Every time it is activated is like the ringing of our final bell. Its mere presence keeps us locked away underground."

Silver rolled a hoof. "And yet, here you are." He squinted. "There has to be at least two of you."

Dark let out a dry laugh, almost wheezing in sound. "Picked that up? Yes, I have one subordinate remaining... Of course there is also Sombra, but he is destroyed and useless to us."

Night raised a brow. "I suspected but..." She nipped at one of Silver's ears gently. "I like seeing proof that he's clever too."

Dark shook his head. "My wife passed with the last tolling of that glimmering bell. We'd both managed to escape while Sombra lived and hid away, awaiting the day he'd destroy the infernal thing, but he never did. Then it was struck, and she faded from this world." He put a hoof to his chest. "Now I only have my daughter... and I won't let her be killed by it."

Silver scowled, glancing fitfully around the room. "They won't give up the Crystal Heart, but this is wrong. This..." He looked up at Dark. "What if we offered a home away from here? Could you live in peace outside the Frozen North?"

Dark smiled, like a leering skull. "So easily you see our side?" He looked to Night. "It seems I owe you an apology for doubting."

Silver raised a hoof. "Could you? All of you?"

Dark shook his head. "While I would prefer to have my home restored, I would accept it, if peace was to come with it. There is the matter that my people are trapped, dying. While my daughter and my assistant and I could go with you, we would be betraying them all to a miserable death." He brought down a hoof with a clop on the tiles. "I won't do that. My wife would never forgive me."

Silver tilted his head a bit. "Question. Why haven't you attacked the crystal?"

He snorted out a bit of rolling darkness. "Would that it were an option. To come close to it is to know new pain. To touch it, madness. It would also reveal us for what we are, and you can imagine their response to that."

"Panic, shock, running around in circles?" Silver rolled his hoof as he listed each. "Then the guards and an angry princess."

"I am not an angry princess." Cadance stepped in around the shadow creature with a wary eye on it. "But there remains a little point." She glared at the creature. "You hurt my Shiny."

Dark said nothing.

Night shook her head. "We killed his wife, and countless others."

Silver nodded quickly in agreement. "Can we start on the road to peace?"

Cadance let out a slow breath, glancing between them. "One thing." She looked to the open door. "Come in." A little form of shadow and horror came bounding in. "Your daughter. Do you truly love her?"

Dark tensed even as she let her vision slip. Though the creature before her was one of shadow and horror, the line between him and his daughter was unmistakable in its intensity. The parental and family love flowed powerfully in both directions even as Under Stone leaped at her father and hugging him around the neck. "Father!" Dark put a leg around her, holding her tight.

Cadance shook her head slowly. "I can't... Even an enraged dragon feels something for their hatchlings." She looked to Night and Silver. "I don't mean to be superficial, but others will be. Look at them. How can there be peace?"

Silver put a hoof at his own chest. "By the power of friendship. Give them some room where ponies aren't using the land, let them recover, and become productive people again. Even if their appearance is unsettling, I'm sure their art, their unique perspective, and their craft will become valued in time."

Dark leered with his grinning skull of a face. "You were right, fellow creature of the night. He is a bad influence."

Cadance rolled her eyes. "There's something we can all agree with." Even as Silver's face became taut and his eyes looked away, she reached for him, stealing him from Night for just long enough to hug him. "We mean it as a compliment." She released him and looked back at Dark. "Your people are still imprisoned, from what I gathered. Harming the Crystal Heart is out of the question. How would they be freed, if we agreed?"

Dark scowled then, placing his daughter on the ground where she began to roam the room, exploring. "Sombra knows how to remove that barrier, even if he never destroyed it. The traitor could be our salvation, if he even existed."

Silver glanced between Night and Cadance, receiving subtle nods. "He exists. We're working on restoring him."

Dark sat up, confusion running over his alien features. "Truly? Why would you assist him? Though he failed at his task, we are certain he is no friend of yours, and he is still one of us, an umbrum..."

"First." Silver rose to his hooves. "We need to get everything above the table here. Can you call your friend? No more hiding."

Cadance nodded easily to the request. "That would put me significantly at ease."

Night fiddled with her glasses a moment. "To be clear, he will not be jailed. You are all basically envoys of your own people." She smiled, exposing her fangs. "That would be almost as rude as arranging somepony's Ambassador to be attacked in the streets."

Dark let out a little cough. "Yes, of course..." He rose to his own hooves and turned for the door. "I'll need to locate her. I will return." He gestured at Under even as she pulled a book free of a bookshelf. "You have a hostage."

Silver tensed. "Please! She's not a hostage, Christ."

"Who?" All the ponies looked curious.

Silver reached out with a hoof and patted Under gently. "Sorry, old saying, but she'll be watched over and cared for. I hope we never reach the point where a child is considered a hostage. That's terrible."

Dark departed, taking on the form of a dark-furred pony before he stepped outside and began to wander.

Cadance looked to the others. "And you're quite certain he's safe?"

Night nodded. "We've come to an understanding, as creatures of the night."

Under Rock tilted her head at Night. "Will I get cool fangs?"

Night smiled at the small shadow filly. "I don't think umbrum get fangs, but I don't get to be made of shadow. We can't get all the cool things at once, I'm afraid."


Silver lifted his shoulders. "I don't get fangs or shadows."

Under stuck out her tongue, roiling shadow as it was. "You're a stupid day pony. You don't get anything."

Silver recoiled at the response even as Under turned her attention back to her book.

Cadance coughed softly into a hoof. "Well, I'll leave her in your care then. I believe Auntie Luna would like to speak with you, Silver, when you have a moment."

76 - Night and Day

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Night nuzzled her mate gently. "I wasn't joking, by the way. I really did think of you." She waved a silver-clad hoof. "And here we are." She leaned in close. "Part of me wanted to finish the hunt. He was a bad creature, and had harmed me and likely caused you to be in harm's way. I was ready to destroy him and everything like him." As Silver's ears went down, she nuzzled at one. "But I thought of just that expression, and I remembered she was a filly, even if she looked funny."

"I look fearsome," corrected Under Rock, suddenly seated beside them. She looked at Silver directly. "So you're the one making her soft?"

Silver snorted softly and sat up, looking down at the filly. "I suppose I am. We're a--"

She prodded Silver in the belly. "Stop that. She's great just like she is."

Silver tilted her head. "You'd want her to hunt your father, and you?"

Under blinked. "No."

Silver raised his own silvered hoof. "Then it's a good thing I corrupted her, just a little." He smiled at Under Rock. "But you're right, she really is great."

Night swatted at Silver with her good wing. "Alright, flatterer, off you go. Luna's waiting for you. Me and Under Rock have secret night business to discuss, isn't that right?"

Under clopped her hooves with obvious joy, moving in closer to Night for their clandestine business.

Silver rose to his hooves and moved for the door. "I'll be back after I see what she needs." He looked over his shoulder at Night. "Be safe. I'm glad you're alright." A shared smile, and he was gone, trotting briskly down the hallway.

He realized swiftly that he didn't know where Luna was staying, and approached one of the guards. "Excuse me. I'm looking for Princess Luna for debriefing?"

The guard nodded and trotted down the hallways quietly before he began to speak, "We have opened diplomatic channels with these... monsters?"

Silver raised a brow. "Everypony's a monster to somepony that doesn't know what they are. I was a monster myself once, but the ponies I met first were kind and gave me a chance, and thank goodness for that."

The guard pushed open a door to a room. "You'll forgive me for noting you look nothing like any monster I know of."

Silver nodded to the guard as he trotted right on past him, but there was no Princess of the Night there. The door clicked behind him and he turned to see the guard standing there before a closed door. "What did you do to him?"

His ears span around as he backed up a step. "Do to who?"

"You know who." The guard scowled. "Your pretty words mean little, and I will see him returned safely."

"I don--" Before Silver's words could finish, the guard exploded into shadow, becoming a ghastly mare of nightmares. Silver took another step back. "You're the helper he said he was going to look for."

Her face split in a grotesque display of uneven teeth and menacing jaw. It could have been a smile. "Did you torture him? Are you holding his little girl hostage?" She stepped forward with purposeful slowness. "We won't go quietly."

Silver raised a silvered hoof. "Wait, please. We're trying to find a peaceful solution."

"Peaceful?" Her brow raised, roiling with fog as it was. "What peace can there be?"

Silver smiled gently. "Whatever peace we allow. I speak for Equestria, and I really think your people were grossly put upon, but this cycle has to stop. Please." He held out his bare forehoof. "Can we try?"

She scowled at him. "Pretty words, just as I'd expect from an ambassador, but how do you plan to free my people? I won't abandon them."

"We're working on that." He glanced left and right. "I was to report to Luna to see how she was coming with it, in fact. I have a few ideas, but they're just ideas until we finish restoring Sombra."

"Restoring?!" The umbrum mare recoiled in surprise. "You would render aid to one who has hurt you day ponies so viciously before? Have you taken leave of your senses? Betrayer to both his tribes, perhaps he should remain exactly as he is."

Silver clopped his silver hoof on the floor, finding the metal shoe worked well to make a noise. "I won't accept that until we get his side. He deserves to live, in either event, and be part of the solution, which I think he is. I don't think he wanted to abandon you. I want to know why and how."

She went quiet for a moment before nodding. "I am convinced of your sincerity, at least. What would you see done with me, for my crimes, and my people?"

Silver pointed at her. "If you're the one that hurt Shining Armor, you get to apologize to Cadance, and she will be furious, but if you approach her first with apologies, the anger will pass, and we can seek peace. As for your people, if we can free them, I think the wisest course would be to secure some land for you all, away from here, where you can recover from your ordeal in peace, and become part of Equestria."

She cringed faintly. "You were supposed to be there as well." She frowned at Silver. "You're not very good at following our plans."

Silver smiled at that. "I truly am not. This wouldn't be the first time." He offered that hoof. "Can we try mine? I think you'll like it."

There was a tense moment before she reached forward and touched hooves. "Very well. If there can be peace, real peace, that's worth fighting for." She frowned a little. "What will the crystal ponies pay, for their crime and murder?"

Silver snorted softly. "Please! The cycle, it stops here. No more vengeance. They will step aside and let us correct the wrong. Your people will be free. Focus on that freedom, and building a better tomorrow for yourselves and your foals. Revenge is beneath you."

"Beneath me?" She laughed, a dry sound. "That's the most flattering thing a day pony has uttered to me, implying there are things yet lower than me." She scowled then. "Why not just smash that infernal heart? That would free our people and be done with it, just like that."

Silver shook his head. "For one, the crystal ponies would be beside themselves, but for another, if it were that simple, truly that simple, I think Sombra would have done it by now. There has to be more to this." He rose to his hooves and advanced on her and the door behind her. "Come on. Dark Pass will be happy to see you're safe."

She seemed surprised, stepping out of the way. "You really do mean it... Y-yes, I'm sure the General will be pleased to see me." She sounded off balance, and was quiet as they left the room. She became a day pony, or at least a dark grey mare that followed after Silver quietly.

General Dark Pass wasn't hard to find, and rushed her on sight, hugging her tight. "I thought you might have been hurt."

She colored just faintly, a strange ashen hue over her normal grey. "S-sir, please..."

He released her and sat on his haunches. "And you're with Ambassador Silver Lining? I assume that means all is well?"

She glanced aside at Silver and back at Dark. "You know each other then? Yes. I've agreed to let him try his way. I assume you've already discussed this?"

Dark gestured at Silver. "He speaks of peace, and a place of our own for our people. I think he may be dreaming fondly, but I'd like to give that dream a chance, if there is a chance of it."

Silver looked between the two. "Are you two going to be alright here? I really should get to finding Luna." They nodded at him, and began to chat among themselves. As Silver left, he smiled. Already things were starting to look up.

He was led by a guard that wasn't an umbrum in disguise, and quickly arrived at a room that did have Luna within. The dark Mistress of the Night smiled at him. "Ambassador Silver Lining, it's good to see you."

Silver stepped inside before the door closed behind him, leaving them to their privacy. He approached the low table she was seated at and settled on a cushion across from her. "Hello Luna. We don't need to use titles with each other."

Luna inclined an ear at him. "I was speaking with Night Watch."

Silver stiffened a little. "I hope it was a productive conversation?"

Luna inclined her head faintly. "I should say so. Your wife performed quite admirably, as a warrior, and a bringer of peace both. With a broken wing, she subdued an armed combatant." She smiled. "I trust you remember how I feel about such valor?"

Silver went red in his cheeks at the memory, which got Luna's attention. "I never told you, but I had a feeling you might know regardless. So, it is true then? My soul has been laid bare before you?"

He nodded, once quickly, then more slowly. "I... think we're even?"

Luna reached across the table and tapped him on the nose. "How have you not gone mad?"

Silver brushed at his nose. "I think I was getting close, towards the end there, but then everything calmed down, and... And..." He frowned, thinking back over those last moments. "Oh..."

Luna raised a brow gently, and watched him in silence.

"I think I almost did go over the edge." He shrank a little. "I had my happy ending. I might have just stayed there, lost in my own world, away from pain and everything else."

"We are glad you decided to face the world." Luna sat up. "Sombra's foalfriend is eluding us. She apparently left her home some time ago, but we're following her steps. Strangely, she seems to be moving in this direction. Destiny be praised." She held out a hoof. "You have the shard of Amore?"

Silver surrendered the piece he had found. "Here. Sombra has one more, and that leaves still one more. Is Cadance still opposed to the warlocks?"

Luna accepted it and tucked it into one of those pockets that ponies seemed to have. "As I had mentioned, we spoke, and not just of her success with the umbrum... I fear I may have misunderstood her, and I imagine you have as well."

Silver's attention refocused, even as Luna wrenched the topic aside so abruptly. "What? Night? What did I misunderstand?" He leaned forward a little. "What'd she say?"

Luna smiled at him. "Your expression... You really do care for her so deeply." She put a hoof to her mouth. "I selected well..."


Luna raised a brow. "I'm almost certain you knew? Did you forget? I sent her to you. I selected her to be your match." She leaned back a little. "It had been quite some time since I had played a matchmaker... You two are filling one another quite nicely."

Silver clopped the top of the table with a silver hoof. "Luna! Please. You keep changing the topic. Stop avoiding things and tell it to me straight."

Luna reached across to Silver's hoof. "Where did you get this?" She was touching his silver horseshoe. "Night has one just like it."

77 - In the Light of the Moon

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Silver found himself showing red through his brown fur. "It's kind of a--"

"An engagement shoe." Luna inclined an ear. "They're normally worn in pairs, but each of you is only wearing one. That's a most curious decision."

Silver grunted softly, squirming in place. "Is that so? Luna..."

"So she has allowed it."

"Allowed what?" Silver's sour expression melted, becoming curious. "Did I miss something obvious?"

Luna's horn glowed gently and reached right into Silver's pocket, plucking out the other two shoes. "If she didn't insist on wearing a pair, that means you still have shoes waiting for ponies."

Silver blinked softly, quiet for a moment before he shook his head. "No no. I don't want to hurt her, and she said she was tired of--"

Luna put her hoof on his lips. "What if she is the one that desires it?"

Silver felt conflicting emotions welling up in him. "You have my general attention, Luna. You always do, but aren't we here for the Crystal Empire?"

She nodded with a little smile. "We are, brave Ambassador. I am increasingly certain that the mare you seek will arrive on her own, driven by her own whims." She tilted her head a little. "Perhaps she also hungers to set things right?"

Silver nodded quickly. "That's good! Is she really an alicorn?"

"Who said that?" Luna raised a brow. "She is a unicorn, much like you. She has no claim to royalty, save a special gift that we encouraged."

"Sombra." Silver shook his head. "But he could easily have just been mistaken. I gather special talents aren't enough for ascension?"

"Only in the rarest of cases." Luna clucked her tongue softly. "Are you hoping for a chance?"

Silver tensed and paled in his ears. "N-no. I had enough alicorn prince, and princesshood, thank you."

Luna reached across and softly flicked one of those ears. "I am sorry for losing my patience before. Will you tell me? I would hear of these dreams, these visions of ours, for truly it does sound as if our souls were as one."

Silver hesitated a moment before he nodded. "Well, here, I came running away, from you and Celestia, actually..." He rubbed at his cheek with an unshod hoof. "I was a refugee, but saw the Crystal Empire was in need, so we ran around fixing things, then the shadows came, but they were faceless monsters, ready to be slaughtered with spells and fires and combatted with spears and swords. It was a great and terrible fight, but we won, and that was that, for the most part."

Luna glanced around. "There are hints of truth in your dream, but also dangerous misconceptions. You found sympathy in Former-King Sombra. Your wife found it in his tribe, the Umbrum. You have transformed a faceless horror, an obstacle to be overcome, into a hurt friend in need of help and warmth. Why were you fleeing us?" She set the two silver shoes on the table.

Silver's attention slid to those shoes. "Do you really think she meant it, instead of just not thinking about it?"

Luna's smile was fast and immediate. "What do you think of your wife? Is she one to not consider the angles?"

Silver thought back over her words. "Was... Is..." Luna kept looking at him, seemingly waiting for him to put the pieces together. "Was she waiting for me to broach the idea of a herd again?"

Luna nodded firmly. "I knew you would arrive in time."

Silver licked over his lips. "But she's the one that didn't want it, and I agreed. I want her to be happy. If she changed her mind, why didn't she tell me?"

Luna rolled a hoof at Silver. "Can a mare not have her moments and demands?" She leaned closer. "She made me swear to not inform you unless you figured it out for yourself, and you have, so now I will tell you this. She is regretting her actions, but is afraid it will hurt you to turn back on it."

Silver glanced towards the door he had come in through. "Is there a pony she wants? I tried to get her to speak before, but she wouldn't say a word about it."

"There is."

Silver looked up to Luna. "How did she really spend the time I was sleeping?"

"She cried. She wept and she fumed. She kicked and thrashed and cursed every fate she could find to curse. She cursed you. She cursed me, Celestia, Cadance, Twilight. There was no pony she knew that was safe from her biting words, and little around her that would be spared her vicious hooves, and she cried."

Silver's ears pinned to his head. "The entire time?"

Luna shook her head slowly. "She calmed with fatigue, and I held her gently, and she cried. She was sure it's what drove you to the edge. You kept gaining and losing wives. There was... Celine."

Silver tensed, an old wound becoming sore again at the memory of his first wife.

Luna gently put a hoof on his head. "Then there was Fast. She's a princess now, if you were not aware."

Silver blinked in surprise. "What? I thought she was a changeling queen?"

Luna raised her free hoof. "Changeling princess, as decreed by Celestia and accepted by wildly cheering crowds. She is a unicorn no longer."

Silver felt his insides coiling tighter. "N-not a unicorn? She... Oh..."

Luna nodded. "She is a changeling, inside and out. The Fast Change you knew is gone, much like Celine. To be her husband would be to court destruction."

Silver's head hung a little, as if the parting of Fast were a new thing, with pain restored to vibrant reality. "Is she happy?"

Luna inclined her head faintly. "She is, as is her new family. It was not a bad passing."

Silver looked up to her with a little smile. "That's good then. I hope she stays happy." He rubbed over his eyes with a foreleg, wet despite his wishes.

Luna gently pressed the leg away as her magic brought over a cloth and dabbed up the flowing tears. "Your wife had her turn. Cry."

Being ordered to do so made him not want to, but trying to hold it back purposefully just made them come stronger, and soon Luna was doing little other than brushing away the many tears that flowed from him. Silver suddenly sat up. "Wait. You know who it is. Who's the pony that has Night's eyes?" He tilted his head. "Do they not like me? Is that why she's so nervous?"

Luna raised a brow. "And if they did like you, you would be amenable to the idea?"

Silver stood up. "I tried to kill myself, Luna. I broke my promise, to myself, and hurt her savagely for it. I will not stand in her way if she wants to be with somepony besides me." He glanced off a moment. "Better a third wheel than thrown away entirely."

Luna bit him suddenly, sinking her teeth into his throat and throwing him back into the cushion he was on with her bulk descending on him. He could feel her tongue wash over his throat, affectionate, but the signal was clear, he was in her grasp. "I will not like any stallion that isn't ready to fight for what is his."

Silver went pale anew. "O-oh! You?! Of course. God, that was dumb of me."

Luna sat up, looking down at him. "Pony of the day, you seem to draw ponies of the night to your side."

Silver smiled gently. "I don't regret that, but there are a few issues, and you know it."

"Many," she casually agreed. "But only one matters." She rose from him and circled the table to her side. "And you know what it is. I will await your reply. Until our friend arrives to deal with Sombra, there is little to discuss. You have other duties, I'm told?"

Silver rolled up to his haunches, nodding at the large night princess that occupied the room, and his thoughts. "I'm still an ambassador, though a peaceful resolution of the Sombra and Umbrum incidents will be a big help to getting ponies motivated and lifting their spirits."

"Do what you can." She waved him off. "Don't forget your shoes."

Silver plucked them up in his magic and tucked them away quickly. With a soft bow to Luna, he fled the room, mind full of thoughts.

He made his way back to Night and Under Rock. The latter was floating around the room, drifting easily on her bulbous wings. On his entry, both turned to look at him. "I don't see what you like about him."

Silver's horn glowed and encased Under in a sudden bubble, moving her over to the bed. "Stay."

Under looked stunned a moment. "W-what? What'd you do? How? Show me!" She began bouncing up and down, enclosed in the bubble. "I thought you didn't have any cool tricks?!"

Night moved in and nuzzled at Silver gently. "Welcome back. Did Luna have anything new to report?"

Silver raised a brow, and looked across at Under. "Yes and no, nothing that can't wait until our adorable terror has returned to her father."

Under stuck out her tongue at Silver. "No fair!"

Night waved a hoof at Under. "We got our night secrets, he gets to have his day secrets."

Under gasped. "Why do you get to hear both?"

Night put that hoof to her chest. "Because I married him."

Under sat down a moment, nodding thoughtfully. "So that's what you see in him..."

Silver smiled at Under. "I'm glad I meet your approval. Did you have fun?" He released the bubble and offered a hoof.

The filly met the hoof with a loud clop. "We had tons of fun!"

Night nodded. "Good, because it's only going to get more fun now that Silver's here. I hope you're ready."

She squealed with joy, and they did just that. Under Rock gained some grudging respect for the fun levels of unicorn magic. When her father came, she was returned, giggling and well.

78 - Husband and Wife

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Silver closed the door with his magic, letting out a little breath. "She's kind of cute, once you get past the outside."

"She is." Night adjusted her glasses. "You wanted to discuss something?"

Silver nodded, his magic wrapping around his shoes. "Let's begin with these." He set them down on an end table, then lifted his forehoof with a shoe displayed. "Did I miss something extremely obvious? I'm sorry, love, but you know I'm not native to pony culture, and I wasn't very good at the one I actually came from." He leaned towards Night. "But I want to be. For you, this is a worthy topic."

Night's eyes darted away. It was subtle, for a pony, but Silver saw it easily. "Of course..."

Silver raised the same hoof, setting it on Night's shoulder. "Then let me just say it straight. If you have a pony you think is worthy of being part of this? I trust your judgement." He smiled. "I'd just want you to bring me to them and introduce us." He leaned in on her even as she looked more and more nervous. "Even if she's somepony I already know."

Night rose to her hooves. "You're taking this the wrong way. I don't want to just take on any random pony that comes across our path." She squinted. "Your friend is nice, for instance, but I'd rather not, or her little changeling friend. I know, I know, nothing wrong with changelings." She turned a little. "That doesn't make me attracted to them. Fast was as close as I got, and she wasn't... before." Her eyes darted again, betraying her rapidly flicking mind. "I'll put your mind at ease. I don't want to watch over two stallions."

Silver snorted at that, almost laughing. "If they were a good pony, I don't care if they were a stallion, but I don't think that's who your gorgeous eyes are set on." He moved to her side and nuzzled against her. "Do you want Luna? Let's be clear, between each other. We should trust one another with our feelings."

Night's ears spun back. "Yes, but not that way."

Silver started a little, confused. "You don't want Luna to join us?"

Night prodded him in the chest. "Was I unclear? There is another... You met her before."

Silver sat slowly, confused. "I could have... Alright, another mare, who I met? Were we good friends?"

"Oh, yes." Night smiled a little. "But she hurt you, and she's not sure you even want to see her anymore."

That narrowed the list. "Tell me it's not Carrot Plate? I mean, I do forgive her, really, but we don't know each other that well. We should really meet first."

Night blinked owlishly. "No! Not her... How many mares have hurt you?"

Silver ticked through the ponies he knew, and he landed on one memory. "W-wait... She's gone." Silver leaned in towards Night. "Don't tease me like this!"

Night put up her forehooves. "You said we should be clear. I'm being as clear as I can be."

Silver shivered, a deep shudder that ran from his twitching nose to his swishing tail. "Celine? Tell me we're talking about the same pony at least."

She quirked a little smile. "That's the one. Your true 'first'." She glanced away again. "Were you a virgin when you met her?"

Silver colored softly. "I-I was, yes..." He slid down to his haunches, panting for sudden breath. "How? She's a part of Luna, a drop in a sea... How?"

Night shook her head even as she moved to sit right in front of Silver. "Luna didn't tell me all the details, just that she could do it. She could make Celine her own being, permanently." Night scuffled at the smooth floor gently. "She would lose the love born of her, though you've earned respect, and a friend, I imagine. She just won't love you, not that way. But Celine..."

Silver leaned forward and bumped noses with Night, still breathing hard and feeling dizzy from the news. "I want you to know that this doesn't change anything, between us that is." He raised his hooves, and she stepped in that little bit closer to accept his hug. "She's welcome back, but you're first wife. You. I want that to be entirely clear."

Night's body relaxed in a subtle way, and she let out a breath even she was likely unaware she held. "But you do want her back then?"

Silver nodded. "I would be a horrible liar if I said no. Why didn't Luna tell me that?"

Night flashed her fangs. "Can't a mare have her moments? I asked her not to speak of some things, and she asked me the same. We were both waiting for you to be ready, and to put certain pieces together, on your own." She nuzzled under his chin, raising his head and nipping at his throat. "This all has to wait, mind you."

"Wait?" Silver looked down around his muzzle, but his head was propped up by her nibbling presence. "Why wait now? The cards are on the table, so to speak, we can play our hand."

Night hugged him softly in return. "We need to settle this." One hoof waved. "All of this, and return to Canterlot. That's where she can do what she needs to do. Besides, we're not irresponsible ponies, now are we?"

Silver smiled a little. "No we're not. We'll make sure the umbrum get their rainbow, even if we have to manufacture it by hoof for them, then we'll leave the Crystal Empire better than we found it."

Night nodded firmly, allowing Silver to lower his chin. "We'll do just that." She separated from him, rising to her hooves and walking away a few steps. "I'm starting to show more every day... I don't want to admit it, but I should, for their sakes." She looked over her shoulder. "Twins... Curse you for your virility." She quirked a smile. "Maybe after this, we should retire from active duty and let our family grow and settle."

Silver smiled at her. "You're looking more radiant and enchanting by the day." He clopped his forehooves together, metal against hoof. "I said I'd take a vacation when you did, so we'll enjoy some time off, together, and greet our foals, together." He licked over his lips. "Wait, so does this mean Luna is completely backing off?"

Night raised a brow. "She will be our friend, and our princess, as she always should have been, but the lust, the passionate love... She said she'd pass that back on, and leave our relationship pure."

Silver appreciated the sentiment, nodding, though the thought that saying she would, and it working flawlessly... "She should do what is natural. I don't think either of us will begrudge her some feelings." He remembered how lonely Luna could be, and would return to being, but he was no prince, and he could not be her solution. "For now, we'll do what we have to do."

With the ambiguity between them resolved, they called for those waiting for them, and began to see representatives from around the city again, but they weren't there to discuss plans or ask for favors. Most had only one thing on their mind.

"She's allowing them to just... wander around freely. Monsters!" The stallion clopped a hoof. "I'll have nightmares just from looking at them! Why aren't you condemning them on behalf of Equestria?"

Silver raised a brow lightly. "Princess Celestia would be very disappointed with me for condemning a tribe of ponies in their time of need, and they are ponies. Not appealing to our eyes, perhaps, but there can be no doubt that they are ponies."

The crystal stallion shuddered. "They're twisted mockeries of the very idea of ponies. How can you call them one of us?" He rose to his hooves. "We won't stand for this! Princess Cadenza has got to show these 'guests' out of our kingdom, forever."

And so it went from one representative to the next. The only one to break the chain was the mare in charge of agriculture. She was smiling. "My ponies are overjoyed. Sure, their gardens aren't as large as they'd like to be tending, but they're bountiful, close, and safe. Your advice was spot on, and I'm here to extend their thanks for them." She set a basket filled with fruit down before them. "A gift, from them. As soon as things calm down, I'm sure we'll gain the option of real farms, but this more than makes ends meet until then."

Silver grabbed the handle with his magic and gently lifted it up to the same end table where the unclaimed engagement shoes rested. Filled with curiosity, he rolled a hoof. "No thoughts on the visiting umbrum refugees?"

She blinked. "They're a little... homely, but you haven't led us astray yet." She leaned in. "Are you going to take them with you? I can't imagine they'll be happy here, with all the sour things ponies are saying about them."

Silver nodded. "You're being very diplomatic in your choice of words." He smiled a little. "But you're right. We have to help them first. There are many more than the three you've likely seen."

She rose to her own hooves. "I feel confident you'll handle this well. If it means we don't have to fear the darkness, then this is well worth it."

Night closed the door behind the mare and turned back to Silver. "That's the schedule. Another day, another bunch of irate ponies."

Silver nodded. "The last one, she was very mature about it. I guess I won her trust a little." He shook himself out. "I feel like we should try to be on top of things. Want to visit court and listen in?"

"After you." She opened the door again with a clever wing, then swung the same one to wave forward. Her other wing was still busted, held firmly to her side.

Side-by-side they trotted through the castle. They were unchallenged as they found a spot to sit in the court. Silver leaned against Night gently. "Funny thing, in my dreams, her court was always empty or near empty."

Night snorted at that. "Well, that's clearly not the case. Imagine that, a full city of ponies and an empty court? That would be a very bad sign, I think." She tilted her head. "Dreams are funny sometimes. Nopony around in crowded places, but everypony crowds around when you're trying to be alone. I wouldn't worry too much about that one."

He nodded in agreement with her and, as one, they turned their full attention to the front, listening to the news of the day in the form of pony's concerns, complaints, and requests.

79 - Just a Taste

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Silver relaxed, scribbling in his book some idle thoughts of a new spell he hoped to get working reliably, when he heard Night moving. He looked up to see her approaching the basket. "Oh, how did I miss this?" She plucked free a small package of chocolates. "This isn't like the others. Think it's any good? I never--"

She didn't get to finish asking as Silver's magic released the book he was reading and slammed against the chocolates, smearing them against the wall while he panted, heart pounding in his chest. Night glanced between him and the mess he'd made. "Message received, no chocolates..." She raised a brow from behind her glasses. "Now tell me what that was about."

Silver took a moment regaining his breath and forcing his body to come down from the adrenaline high it had plunged into. "I'm sorry, it's another dream thing..."

She hopped up beside him and settled against him. "They haven't led you wrong on the important parts. Tell me about it?"

Silver raised a quivering hoof at the mess. "I made some people very angry in my dream, and they sent food and chocolates, claiming to be happy. It made Celestia and I very sick, and outright killed a pony. The one that died, she ate the chocolates." He looked to Night, visibly rattled and shaking. "Too many things matching up. A female, a lover, eating poisoned chocolate. I'd rather destroy harmless chocolate than risk that."

Night frowned a little. "Horrible." She hopped down. "But now you've made me curious."

"Not enough to try some, I hope!"

"Of course not." She approached the chocolate and brought out a small jar that she scooped some of the mess into. "Enough to have this looked at as soon as we're back in Canterlot. I'm curious if your hunch was right or not." She popped a cap on the jar and stuffed it away. "Whether you are or not, I appreciate the thought behind it."

Silver relaxed and flopped, his head resting on his forehooves. "Sorry for making things tense like that. I just--"

Night held up a hoof. "I'm not going to be angry at you for trying to protect me, Silver. That's something I'd hope any married pony would do for their spouse." She inclined her head towards the basket. "Do you think the rest is suspect then? She seemed sincere in her thanks."

Silver sat up, considering that. "The problem is that she isn't the only source. She gathered it from her constituents, so it just takes one with a grudge and a willingness to act on it." He grabbed the basket with his magic and dropped it into a waste basket with a dull thump. "Better safe than sorry."

Night snorted with annoyance. "I wanted a snack..."

That got Silver up to his hooves. "I'll get you something delicious then." He hopped down from the bed, his magic grabbing the waste bin and its contents. "May as well empty this on the way. You relax for a moment, I'll be right back."

"Oh no you don't!" She moved in against him. "I go where you go. I'd follow you into the restroom if I thought it'd help." She raised a brow. "And wouldn't tweak out everyone."

Silver colored. "Let's not talk about my peeping wife. I didn't know you enjoyed... watching."

Night narrowed her eyes. "You marry a mare called Night Watch and get surprised she likes watching things?" She swatted him with her good wing. "Let's go."

They dropped off the suspect fruit, then found their way to the dining hall. Flash was already there, clearly enjoying time off with a sandwich of some sort.

Silver raised a hoof and waved in greeting. "Hey there, Flash." He hopped up into a seat, and Night settled beside him. "What's on the menu today?"

Flash swallowed what he had already begun. "Oh, Ambassador Lining. Good evening. Uh, these are just snacks. If you want a real dinner, you should ring the bell."

Night reached out with her good wing and snatched one of the sandwiches before sniffing at it. "Mmm, it'll do." She devoured it without any further ceremony, tearing into it as only a few other non-lunar ponies could match. "Mmm, compliments to the chef."

Silver tilted his head at her. "Take it easy, love. It's not running away. You should enjoy your food."

"I'm eating for three. I'll enjoy it more when I'm not starving." She grabbed another and ate it more slowly, even pausing long enough to grab a glass of juice and wash it all down.

Silver looked across at Flash. "You don't have to call me that every time. Silver's fine." He smiled a little. "So, you came up from Canterlot too, right?"

Flash nodded at that. "They asked for volunteers to help Princess Cadenza, and I signed the dotted line." He took another bite and swallowed before continuing. "We wanted to help get the Crystal Empire back on its hooves. It's nice to have backup." He looked between Silver and Night. "Even if you seem to be rushing right for the heart of the problem."

Night held up a hoof. "At no time do either of us claim to be the sole heroes of the day. The ponies here need you, and it's good to know they're being watched over by such thoughtful guards." She smiled, fangs displayed. "I was a night guard before, you know."

Silver bobbed his head. "We'll probably move along soon, if things go well, but the job won't be done, and we're glad you and the other guards are here, keeping the peace. It's not as celebrated in newspapers, but it's important."

The compliments brought a bit of a smile to Flash's face, and all three ate with idle conversation for the rest of the meal.

A guard stepped in before they were done, dragging a resisting and thrashing crystal mare. "Sir, she was snooping around the heart."

Flash tilted his head. "That isn't against the law." He hopped down and approached. As she wriggled, her cloak came up just enough for Silver to catch a glimpse of her cutie mark of the rod of Asclepius . "What was she doing?"

Silver and Night rose as one and spoke in perfect harmony, "Radiant Hope?"

Flash, the guard, and the new pony froze, and looked to them. Radiant shrank back a step. "Y-you know me?"

Silver hopped down from his chair. "We do. We've been trying to find you."

Her ears pinned against her head. "What for?"

Night advanced to his side. "Sombra is hurt, badly."

She shrank back half a step before she stopped. "Wait, you... Why?"

Flash nodded. "It's true. Search me why, but our orders are clear. If you're willing to help, you're to be brought to Princess Cadenza immediately."

Radiant shook her head and stood up a little taller. "This isn't how I planned... Are you serious? You'll... You'll let me see him?"

Silver raised an ear. "What did you plan?"

She waved it off. "Nevermind that." A little nervous laugh escaped from her. "This is much better! Please, let's go."

The guard and Flash moved to escort her away, but it was without force. She seemed quite eager to almost prance along with them as they led her towards where Princess Cadenza awaited them. Silver turned back to Night. "It's nice when something works out without drama for a change."

Night snorted softly. "I almost don't even know what to do with it, but yes, no complaints here. One thing bothers me a little..." She rolled a hoof. "She's awfully old, for a standard grade pony."

Silver raised a brow. "She is..." He sat and frowned thoughtfully before it clicked. "Do you think she heals herself? I mean, of aging. Maybe her healing is that strong?"

Night's eyes widened a moment. "That would be... No wonder she was sent to be trained. Why isn't she already a princess?"

Silver lifted his shoulders. "I couldn't answer that. I'd like to know, out of curiosity, but it isn't important to getting this mess straightened out."

Night pointed where the guards had gone. "Should we be following them?"

Silver considered that. "For once, let's leave this in their hooves." He moved to nuzzle Night's cheeks. "I have a wife to dote on. Let's head back and get some sleep."

She smiled gently with a little warmth in her cheeks from his words. "Alright. If you're sure." She went with him, and they forgot the matter for the moment. They had each other, and that was enough for the two at the time.

Elsewhere, Cadance was being hurriedly approached by the envoy of guards and Radiant Hope. She would have to face Sombra once more, perhaps on better terms than the last had turned out.

80 - Fateful Meeting

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Cadance looked over the crystal mare before her. "Radiant Hope, I presume? Welcome home."

Radiant gave a stiff nod at her. "I... Are you really alright with this?"

Cadance raised a hoof towards where Sombra's horn rested. "I am. You don't have to tell me... but what were you planning before?"

Radiant colored softly as she looked away and back at Cadance. "I thought... I was... Can we not dwell on that? Please, if we can do this the right way." She sat on her haunches and smiled up at Cadance. "This isn't at all how I expected."

Her surprise only grew as the General stepped into the room. "I was informed somepony important had arrived?"

Cadance pointed at the stunned Radiant. "Hope here can restore Sombra."

Radiant Hope looked between the two of them. "W-what? What are you?"

"I am General Dark Pass, umbrum." He bowed towards Radiant Hope. "And you are a key--"

"Wait." Radiant squinted at him. "You don't look like any... umbrum I saw before."

He recoiled a step at the news. "You've seen others of our kind?"

She nodded firmly. "I've visited their prison, and they look like pixies, not..." She waved a hoof over Dark Pass. "That."

Cadance tilted her head. "So you can confirm they are trapped then?" She whipped her head towards Dark Pass. "Not that I doubted you, but to hear a pony that's been there is..."

Dark Pass nodded with a frown. "I suppose there will be some time before trust can be claimed, but..." He looked over Rose. "Pixies, you said?"

Hope let out a loud breath. "Pixies. I mean no... disrespect but you're a little scary."

Dark Pass exposed his crooked teeth. "So is the one we set out to mend today. I am as I was born."

Hope frowned thoughtfully. "But what if you're not?"

"Come again?"

Cadance peered at the healing mare. "Yes, please explain that, but I have a request first. Consider this a test of your abilities, and a warmup for the main event. My husband was injured. Can you heal him?"

Radiant Hope hopped to her hooves. "Oh! Poor thing! Nopony deserves to have a hurt loved one." She put a hoof to her heart. "Please, lead the way and I'll do my best. Then we can go visit Sombra, please?"

They began to move through the castle towards where Shining Armor rested, but Dark Pass wouldn't let the unanswered question be. "What do you mean, not as we were born?"

Radiant looked to the side at Dark Pass. "What if you're supposed to be pixies, but something went wrong over time? Maybe being imprisoned has... fouled things up?" She licked over her lips. "If you're alright with it, I'd like to try healing you, and we can both see what happens."

Dark Pass was not immediately eager. "Let me see this healing talent of yours in action first. There are two ponies ahead of me who more eagerly await its touch. I wish to set things right, but that doesn't mean surrendering who I am."

Hope pointed at Dark as she walked. "Even if who you are is broken? There's no shame in being fixed, is there?"

They arrived at Cadance's chambers, with Shining slumbering in the large bed within. Hope moved up to his side, her horn glowing gently. "It's not too bad. This will be a lot easier than Sombra probably will be..." She lowered her head and a bright splash of color washed out over Shining, visible even to untrained eyes as she employed her power, mending the hurts in the stallion and putting him to right.

Shining awoke with a gasp, only to be tackled and hugged by his wife. They embraced cheerfully, and became lost in one another for a moment. Hope turned back to Dark with a little smile. "See? It's harmless, and good."

Dark raised a hoof. "Let's assume you're right, entirely right. You would have to heal me, and my daughter, and my friend, and then perhaps every other umbrum that emerges. This is assuming everypony consents to your touch, which even I have not granted, but let's say they do. Can you heal an entire race of ponies with that horn of yours?"

Radiant Hope frowned a little. "I'd try..."

He put a hoof on her shoulder. "You're a good pony, but let's keep our ambitions where we can reach them." He turned away from Cadance and Shining. "I tried to reach too far, but at least a fellow night-dweller was kind enough to bring me down instead of simply slamming me into the turf."

Cadance separated from Shining and they both stood up, all wounds apparently healed in the stallion. Shining approached Radiant. "I hear you're the mare I should thank for this speedy recovery?" He offered her a hoof. "Thanks. Nice to meet you. I'm Shining Armor."

"Radiant Hope." She met his hoof with a clop. "I'm sorry to be in a rush, but can we see Sombra now?" She smiled brightly. "You promised."

Cadance nodded at that. "We did, and we will. Please, let me talk to him before you do your magic. We want this to be a peaceful thing, and I admit, I'm afraid he may lash out the moment he's able to. Let's keep that to a minimum."

Shining stood firmly at Cadance's side. "Ready."

Dark Pass turned back towards them. "I am also ready. Let's go meet Sombra."

They strode with confidence to the door that had given Cadance trouble before, then up the stairs. They marched in determined silence, unlike the jovial play when Silver and Night had been there. There was business to be done, and all minds seemed set on it. Their silence was only broken when they emerged into the top room.


Radiant went stiff, then began to look around frantically. "Sombra? Is that you? Please, come out!"

"You've come to finish what you started then?" Smoke billowed out, congealing swiftly into the looming form of an angry pony. "Will you strike me down and complete your betrayal?"


Cadance stepped ahead of Radiant Hope. "We're here to fulfill a promise, but more important than that..." She offered a hoof towards the smoke. "We're here as friends."

"Friends?" The smokey pony of Sombra leaned in towards Cadance. "You must think me a fool to think you want anything other than me out of your way, 'Princess'. And what is this?" The smokey figure darted around to look at Dark Pass. "One of my own? How is this possible?"

Radiant's eyes contracted as another surprise settled on her. "So he really is an umbrum?"

Dark nodded at the shadowy form. "They subdued me, sir, with the same friendship they're offering you." He pointed to Radiant. "She hasn't stopped talking about how much she wants to help you."

"Has she?" Sombra looked to Radiant. "And how would you propose to do that? I thought you would be a princess by now. But there are no wings on your back. You're... just as I left you." A faintly regretful tone hung in his voice. "What happened?"

Hope sat on her haunches and let out a breath as her head shook. "When I... After I told Luna and Celestia, and after the Crystal Empire was gone, I was... It crushed me." She spread her forehooves in the air. "I had lost my only true friend. I hurt him when he needed me most!"

"You did..." Sombra rumbled, but he let her continue, staring at her.

"I wandered the snowy landscape, and I found them."


"The Umbrum! They spoke to me through a crystal, and invited me to their world, where they were trapped. Nopony ages there, so... here I am."

Cadance raised a brow. "Luna said she was tracking you." She tapped her chin. "Auntie was leaving out details again..."

Dark Pass shook his head. "If you escaped, why didn't you bring the others with you?!"

Hope wheeled on Dark Pass. "I wanted to! They told me to help Sombra, and he could do it. That's why I'm here."

Sombra snorted and drew back into his horn. "Destroy me, or restore me, make your decision."

Hope stepped gingerly towards the jagged horn and reached for it, gently batting it around. "Do you..."

"One or the other, Radiant Hope."

She let out a slow sigh and drew herself to full height before lowering her head at the horn. Her magic flared brighter than before as it wrapped around the horn and began to work intense magic. It was more powerful than any other she had worked before. She collapsed under the strain of it, but the two heavy clops of hooves told her that she'd succeeded. Sombra had returned.

"Long live the king..." He licked over his lips before looking towards Cadance. "I assume you will be stepping down from the throne?"

Cadance raised a brow even as Shining Armor erected a hasty shield around them both. "I should think not. Things have changed, Sombra. You've had your revenge. Now will you prioritize it further, or see to your friend?"

He looked down at Radiant Hope as she struggled to stand. Dark Hope took an unsure step forward. "Sombra, why didn't you destroy the Crystal Heart while you had the opportunity?"

"Fool." Sombra scowled at Dark. "That would destroy us all. Have you any idea the energy contained within it?" He offered a hoof towards Radiant, and she rose with his help. "It is... hopeless."

Dark staggered back. "Hopeless?"

"Even were I to unleash the umbrum, they would remain tied to the heart. As soon as it was placed back into position, the umbrum would be imprisoned once more. It is a trap with no escape." He scowled. "Simply keeping it from activating was the only kindness I could offer you. I'm sorry."

Cadance's expression softened. "That... There must be something we can do..."

Sombra waved a hoof at her. "Why are you so determined?" He rose to his hooves. "Step out of my way and let me ascend to the throne. I will keep them free for as long as I'm able."

Radiant threw herself against his front, hugging him tightly. "No! Please! She's a good pony, and so are you. You shouldn't be fighting."

"Am I?"

She nodded in a rapid bobbing, clutching to him. "Please... I don't want to lose you again."

Cadance offered her hoof anew. "I know what happened to you, Sombra. I'm sorry. I wasn't there, and I can't undo what happened, but we're here now. You don't have to be the villain here."

Sombra's trails of magic from his eyes flared as he met Cadance's look with one of fury. "Don't think to lecture me! Not much has changed. The ponies of this kingdom still hate me, and my people. You say there are choices, but I see precious few but the inevitability of fate." His horn flashed with dark tones of black and purple, and Shining's bubble shattered violently, leaving the stallion reeling.

81 - Long Live the King

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Sombra met eyes with Cadance, staring into and through her. "Look at you, Pink Princess. Is this truly what deserves to rule this empire?"

Cadance's ears lowered, but her gaze didn't falter. "We're not here to discuss my merit as a princess. This is about you, and the umbrum. Do you know how to free them?"

He snorted, black mist seeping from his nose and mouth. "My, how the situation has reversed. Now I stand before a new pony princess, but it is they who wish to aid my people." He turned from her suddenly. "Follow me. You will regret your folly, but if you insist..."

His sudden change of mind caught the others by surprise, but they didn't question it. They followed after him as he led them to an ornate and heavy looking door. He raised a hoof and trailed it along the surface of the door. "This is it. Beyond this is the physical place the umbrum are stored."

Dark stepped forward with a scowl. "Then throw it open and let them go!"

Radiant bobbed her head. "Why haven't you already?"

Sombra took a step away and gestured to it. "Go ahead."

Dark glanced between Sombra and the door before stepping up and grabbing the edge of the door, trying to heave it open, but it wouldn't budge. Cadance's magic took hold of it, and Shining's a moment later, but despite the effort of all three of them, the door remained solid and unmoving.

Sombra smiled without warmth. "It isn't that simple..." His eyes fixed on Dark Pass. "Tell me, I've been... curious. Are our people kind, or mean spirited?"

Dark shrank at the words. "I... We're in a lot of pain, trapped as we are." He raised his hooves. "We... I did some very unkind things, and planned on many more." His head hung then. "I'm sorry."

Sombra let out a soft breath as if in relief. "At least I am not the only monster."

Radiant looked confused. "The umbrum I met were all very nice."

Sombra reached out and poked her on the nose. "They used you, just as they used me. Just as they sent me to a place where I would be hurt and ravaged, until I was angry enough to act as their agent properly."

Dark's ears lifted. "What? No! That wasn't the idea!"

"And yet, that is what happened." He frowned at Dark. "Maybe we would be better served with the door shut."

Dark trembled, maw opening and closing as if air couldn't pass it.

Shining Armor stepped forward. "Let's not be so hasty. I know you're in a bad place, Sombra, but you're not alone." He offered a hoof as Cadance had. "You don't have to be alone."

Darkness exploded from Sombra in all directions. "You're a pony. You know nothing of the umbrum but the barest scratch of the surface! We were..." The darkness withdrew, a melancholy note entered his voice. "We're made to be monsters."

Radiant slowly set a hoof on Sombra's side. "You don't have to be."

Dark smiled his jagged smile. "I won't be, not anymore. We don't have to be monsters, neither of us."

Cadance stepped up beside Dark and raised a hoof, just to swing it over his withers, embracing the malformed pony. "This bitter hatred has lived on long enough. Let's defeat our true enemy." Dark went a ruddy red in his cheeks, stiffly accepting the touch.

"True enemy?" Sombra's eyes narrowed as he looked between the ponies and umbrum arranged to change his mind. "True..." He brought down a hoof with a loud clop. "Why did she sit back and just watch this happen? Explain this to me."

Radiant tilted her head. "Who?"

"Amore..." His voice trembled with a growl of poorly-concealed fury.

Cadance looked baffled. "What did she do?"

Sombra licked over his snout as he rose and took slow, measured, steps towards Cadance and Dark. "She knew, from the start near as I can tell. She knew there was an umbrum in her city, and she knew he suffered terrible pain every Crystal Faire, and she did nothing. She just watched. She watched as a colt was punished for being what he was." His mouth opened to a feral smile. "She was just as shocked when he was old enough to lash back." His eyes fixed on Cadance. "You look like her..."

Radiant swallowed heavily. "She knew... the whole time?!"

Sombra whipped around to face Radiant Hope. "She said so, without a hint of remorse in her voice! Is that what the 'kindness' of ponies is? For all the crystal ponies cried and whimpered, my reign was honest and fair. All were treated equally."

Shining rolled his eyes, speaking in barely a mumble, "equally terrible..."

Cadance moved between Shining and Sombra. "I can't speak for her. She's gone, but we're here." She put a hoof at her own chest. "We want to do what's right. Don't you? Sombra, your friend." She gestured with the same hoof to Radiant. "She believes in you, completely. I'm willing to give a chance. Will you take this chance? You can stop being a monster."

Sombra shuddered powerfully, looking to Radiant. "And if I become like that?" He pointed at Dark. "Will you still be my friend then?"

Radiant scowled at him. "Stupid stallion! I... I love you for more than that. You were always the odd-looking pony, but I was an odd pony too... I don't care what you look like." She spread her forehooves slowly. "We're friends... I'm sorry I let you down, please... please forgive me."

Sombra suddenly raised a brow. "Where is the one that dared to lock arms in mental combat with me prior? I would have thought he would be here." He sat on his haunches. "Regardless, what are you offering? That I never be King again, that I simply walk away, tail between my legs?"

Dark perked up. "No. There are better answers than that."

"Such as?"

Dark put a hoof at his chest. "You know this world better than most of us. We... We need someone to guide us. The umbrum need a king, to speak plainly, and you could be that."

Elsewhere, Silver held a sobbing Night Watch. The tears had come from nowhere, coloring a quiet time of scribbling and reading. "What's wrong? I'm here..."

"I don't even know!" cried Night between her cries. "Being pregnant sucks." She punched him in the side with a firm hoof. "Why'd you make me pregnant in the first place?" She started to sob between each lash. "Take it back!"

Silver couldn't take that back, so he just held her, and hugged her. "No matter how bad you feel, I'll always love you."

Her lashes faded, and the two collapsed onto the bed, clutching to one another as her episode drifted past, leaving her sniffling a little, but held tightly and warmly by her husband. She nuzzled into his check and neck. "Stupid stallion"

Luna licked over her snout, glancing up towards where Sombra had awoken. She could feel his powerful presence, and it was with every fibre of restraint she had that she did not storm the room and attack him right away.

She took a slow breath, tapping the ground. "Niece, I hope you handle this well. He is not a pony to be trifled with..."

She rose to her hooves, spread her wings, and launched out the window. Things were coming to a head, and all at once, as they tended to do. Her call for Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends had not gone unanswered.

As she flew over the city, she could see the train coming into the station, likely bearing them all. She landed beside the train, wings folding up. "Princess Twilight Sparkle." Her eyes were set on the second-newest princess of the land, emerging from that train. "You have arrived just in time."

"Princess Luna." Twilight dipped her head as her friends followed her to the station. "We came as quickly as we could. Is everything alright?"

"For the moment." Luna glanced back at the castle. "They may not remain that way. I would have you at my side. Do not panic, but Sombra has returned."

Her and her friends' eyes widened at once. Applejack stepped forward. "Ya mean King Sombra? Ah thought we done whooped that varmint?"

"The same. He is whole and restored." Luna sighed softly. "He is more powerful than last you saw him, by far."

Rarity pointed up at the castle. "Then we simply mustn't delay. Lead the way."

Luna did just that. With several members of their party unable to take flight, she walked instead. As they did, Fluttershy came up alongside her. "Is he on the way?"

"He is already here."

Fluttershy's eyes widened anew and she shrank back. "W-where?"

Pinkie looked more confused. "Maybe we should be running then?"

Twilight nodded in agreement. "Why aren't we galloping at full speed if he's already here?"

Luna smiled thinly. "I spoke at length with Princess Cadance, and she demanded I give her a chance to handle the situation on her own. She is currently engaged with Former-King Sombra, along with several others. If all goes according to her plan, then your trip will result in nothing more than an excuse to see her and spend some time with your brother."

Applejack tipped her hat forward slightly. "And if it don't?"

"Then we have a fight ahead of us that I'm uncertain we can win, but we cannot afford to lose."

With a more grim resolution, the band approached the castle. The guards in front seemed to have no idea what brought them together as a whole, but neither Luna nor Cadance's sister in law were barred, nor her friends. They stepped past the guards and approached the old throne room, open as it was to the yawning pit below and its winding stairs.

Twilight quirked a smile. "Oh, hello there. I remember you." She hopped down to the first set of stairs and began walking down. "They look different now. I suppose being taller does that."

Unaware of the approach of backup, Cadance met Sombra's gaze. "I want to do what Amore perhaps should have done long ago."

Sombra's hackled raised and he looked ready to battle. "Ready to face me?"

Cadance gave a gentle smile. "I meant being there for you. This has gone on quite long enough, for you, and your people. Help me understand. According to legend and story, your people are monsters, but is that entirely based on appearance?"

Dark cringed at the words. "Our written history is all but destroyed... We... It comes naturally to us to use guile to get what we want, to subvert." He rubbed his forehooves together. "I'm not painting a flattering picture of us."

Radiant shook her head. "Why do they all look like pixies in there?" She gestured at the door. "You don't look..." She pointed at his bulbous wings. "Actually, those do look sort of like pixie wings..."

He looked back at them, then returned to her. "That is still a lie, one easily seen through with a touch of love magic."

Sombra scowled. "What if it isn't a lie?"

82 - A Lie We Accept

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Cadance reached up to tap at her horn. "What are you suggesting, exactly?"

Sombra smirked. It was an expression of confidence and pride. He clearly knew, or believed he knew, something. "Imagine this, Pink Princess. There is a species of ponies. They approach the early Crystal Empire, but upon growing close to its Queen, their 'disguises' are stripped bare, revealing them for the true monsters they are." He smiled, sharp teeth displayed. "The ponies panic, the guests turned monsters panic. Mayhem erupts..."

Shining's determined face faltered a little. "Wait, you aren't really implying?"

"Implying? That would be beneath me." He rose up to his full height. "I'm telling you. These 'monsters in disguise' are captured, locked away before they can finish their nefarious scheme. I imagine, during the struggle, some real harm was inflicted on the crystal ponies, more than sufficient to make their actions justified. They were thrown in a box, the key tossed aside, and victory was declared."

Radiant looked between the door and Sombra. "But that means they aren't monsters, and neither are you! It's just a big, huge, terrible misunderstanding..."

Sombra put a hoof at her snout. "Oh no. I am a monster. I've proven that quite firmly." He strode past her towards a window. "If they see me, how many shrieks of utter terror will ring out? I imagine we'll hear them from here."

Cadance moved swiftly, blocking the way to that window. "Wait. I know you've done some bad things before, but it doesn't have to define you."

Before any other reply could be given, a new head poked up from the stairs and all eyes turned to the small changeling.

The changeling gave a nervous little giggle. "Sorry," she stammered out before vanishing back where she came from.

Sombra raised a brow high. "What was that?"

Shining gave a little chuckle. "That was a changeling. They were thought to be monsters too, but some of them have given up that lot and live with us."

He scowled in the direction the changeling had vanished in. "You live with that without cringing every time it comes into view?"

Cadance gave a gentle smile, feeling a chance. "She has her own charms, and is a good pony. She's even marefriends with a pony, a unicorn. With any luck, I can preside over their formal wedding. I would like that."

He wheeled back on Cadance. "You not only tolerate it, you would support them?" He crashed to his haunches. "This is not the... Are you deceiving me? Speak plainly. I will know if you're lying."

Cadance stepped towards him with her kindly expression. "Monsters are just ponies that we don't understand, who don't understand us." She offered a hoof towards him. "But I'd like to."

He stared down at her offered hoof, glancing between it and her face repeatedly. "Dark, tell me, how has she treated you?"

General Dark Pass snapped to attention. "As an honorable member of another country. Like a dignitary... despite what we've done so far." He hung his head a little. "It's been very humbling, but welcome, sir."

Radiant trotted back to Sombra's side. "They brought me straight to you when I asked. They didn't try to keep us apart, even if it meant you'd be angry and ready to fight them, but please don't. They seem like nice ponies. They... They really seem like they want to help."

Sombra thrust a hoof suddenly at the door. "If I open that, you will have countless more ponies with angers as riled as mine or Dark's ever were. Are you ready to face that?"

Shining Armor swallowed loudly enough for the room to hear easily.

Cadance handled it marginally better, shuffling in place. "Perhaps it would be prudent... if we could keep it down to a trickle? Let some out, one at a time?"

Sombra flashed his sharp smile at her. "It is as before. Heal them, or do not. The door is either open, or closed. If it is open, I don't imagine any other force will keep them from the freedom they have long awaited." He stepped towards Cadance, looming over her. "Are you ready to face that? Can you face that?"

Cadance resisted the urge to shrink before Sombra, quivering just faintly as she held her footing. "We don't have a choice, not if we mean to do the right thing." She pointed at the same door. "Let your people go, and we will face what comes next."

A knocking perked Silver up, with a little tired muffled moan coming from Night. He gently nuzzled her before slipping from the bed and trotting to the door, his magic opening it to reveal a crystal pony guard. "Sir? Princess Luna is requesting your presence immediately, in the old throne room, beyond the door."

Silver's ears went up, licking his lips and glancing back at his tired and sleeping wife. "Alright, but watch this room, and if Night wakes up, tell her where I've gone and that I love her more than life itself." He flashed a bright smile, then got to trotting, racing through the hallways towards where Luna had called him.

He found her, and so much more. His steps faltered as the entirety of the Mane Six came into view. It was too late, Luna had spotted him. "There he is. Come forward, Ambassador."

Silver approached Luna, and all the famous ponies arranged around her on those steps leading upwards. He brushed against half of them reaching Luna. She seemed blind to any discomfort he was feeling. "Y-yes, Luna? What's going on? I didn't know the M--Er, Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends were being called."

Twilight leaped on it. "Were you about to say Main Six?" She raised a brow. "I thought Jake was joking."

Her friends gossiped without mercy about the habit. A hoof landed on his shoulder. It was Applejack. "Don't pay them no mind. Luna here says yer already involved in this?"

Luna nodded. "You have already had contact with Sombra, have you not? And the umbrum?"

"Can you answer a few questions about both?" Twilight was smiling hopefully, her wings extended a little to either side. "Won't take a moment."

Silver shook his head. "Nice to meet you again, Twilight." Without thinking, a hoof raised to brush at the pendant dangling around his neck, mind swamped with a life lost of being at Twilight's side. The wound became new and sore, but he sucked in a breath. He would not go down that path. "I wasn't brought here for scientific updates on the side of these stairs though, I imagine?"

Luna canted her head. "I should think not. Sombra has been revived, and Cadance faces him... We have sent one ahead to see how their meeting fares before we move to intervene, but we are ready, should the negotiation fall through." She directed an ear at Silver. "Being our Ambassador, we thought it right that we sent you ahead to join in the discussion."

Silver stiffened anew. "They moved fast. Radiant Hope is with them?" Luna nodded, and he began to scale the stairs. "I'd better get moving, though I'd say it's a very good sign things haven't exploded already." He smiled a little. "Maybe they won't need me at all. That'd be nice." He broke into a trot, ascending the steps without any further delay. He passed by a familiar changeling. "Hey."

She nodded at him. "Good luck, human. It's tense in there, but they're still talking." And on they both went,

Silver emerged into the room just as Sombra approached the door. All eyes turned once more to see who intruded on the scene. Sombra's expression darkened. "Ah, I thought you would not stay away for long." His eyes wandered over Silver as he emerged fully into the room. "You're smaller in person."

With a little smile, Silver nodded at Sombra. "It's not the size, but how you use it."

Cadance snorted a barely restrained giggle at the words.

Sombra rolled his eyes. "It matters little. I have magic enough to crush you like the little colt you are."

"You do," agreed Silver. "But let's not do that. I'm not here for that." He sat on his haunches, meeting Sombra's shadowy gaze. "We made a promise. Where's her shard?"

Sombra paused for just a moment, as if caught entirely by surprise. "Hm? Oh yes." He drew a shard from beneath his luxurious cape. "We did make a deal, and you have delivered. Let it not be said Lord Sombra does not fulfill his word." He flicked the shard with a twist of magic, forcing Silver to scramble to catch it. "Is that all?"

Cadance gestured to Silver. "He is Ambassador of Equestria, sent to us by Celestia herself."

Sombra raised a brow. "Is he now? What would she think of this plan then?" He fixed his gaze on Silver, leaving him feeling naked despite basically always being so. "We will release my people, and they will be furious. They may hurt many ponies in their anger, and it is at the word of their own 'Princess' that this occurs. What would she say to that?"

Silver licked over his lips. "I wasn't privy to the start of this conversation, but if Cadance agrees to it, then I also agree with it. You were wronged, Sombra, and your people long before you. If we can untangle this mess... I'll see it through, with her, and everypony else."

"Brave words." He turned to the door. "But I can hear and smell the fear wafting off of you." He put a hoof on the door, tracing it slowly along its contours. "An entire people, their fury unchecked. Your false bravery will crumble soon." His horn began to glow with dark magic and his hooves slammed into the door. "Let's see." With a wrench, he pulled the door open, just a crack, and it was enough. With a loud sucking sound of ancient air, shadow exploded into the room. First one, then countless umbrum flowed out around Sombra. The room was filled, then overflowing almost instantly, pouring down the stairs and out the window.

The umbrum were free.

83 - Plunged into Darkness

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Silver was pinned to the floor under the oncoming rush of bodies. Thankfully, most of them seemed more focused on getting through the door than visiting any harm on him, and he just had to endure the sensation of countless ponies sailing over him, at least until he felt a nip at his shoulder and looked up into glaring eyes of one of the umbrum. "What are you? You're not crystal, or umbrum."

The room was becoming less densely packed, with the majority having poured free. Cadance was surrounded by hostile-looking umbrum, while another group was speaking quite animatedly to both Dark Pass and Sombra. Silver rose to his hooves slowly. "I'm neither of those. Nice to meet you, I'm Silver Lining, Ambassador from Equestria."

The umbrum tilted his... her? head. "Ambassador? That sounds fancy. You're captured now."

Silver shrugged his shoulders with a smile. "I suppose I am." With his agreement, he followed the umbrum towards the others. "It must be nice, being free now."

"Oh you wouldn't believe." It was a she. Silver was certain of it. "But that heart is still around. I can feel it. Sombra!"

Somba turned to address the hovering umbrum. "What is it?"

"Why haven't you destroyed the heart already?" She scowled at him. "They can seal us all away again so long as they have that."

The other umbrum began to agree emphatically with the need to destroy the artifact. "Destroy it!" cried an older male voice. "Before they bottle us back up in that damned place."

Cadance raised a hoof. "Nopony is rushing to seal you away."

One of the umbrum, a smaller, perhaps younger, one gave her a withering look. "You're one to talk! You smell just like the one that sealed us to begin with! Your magic makes me itch too, just like hers."

Sombra rose to his full height, considering something, when Radiant crashed into his side. "Don't even think about it, please! She did everything you wanted. She's working with you, Sombra. Please..."

His ears lowered and spun against his head. "What would you have me do? Infernal mare, you would have us simply walk away?"

She smiled hopefully, sitting up. "Yes? We could make something nice, together, all of us. It doesn't have to be here, next to her 'itchy' magic. She won't follow us."

Silver coughed softly. "If I may? I'm absolutely certain Celestia would not be opposed to you claiming enough land to make a town for yourselves, provided you followed the laws of Equestria, and they aren't hard to follow." A hoof swung at him and Silver barely ducked under the limb as an umbrum flew over him, barely noticing he was there. "Nopony would challenge you, or seal you away."

Cadance nodded with a bright smile. "I'm sorry for all the suffering you've endured, but it's over. All we want is to be friends, not enemies."

The umbrum that had almost struck Silver landed before Sombra. "We have captured several violent ponies. One large dark blue one, alicorn. They had a smaller alicorn with them. The rest were single tribes."

Sombra raised a brow. "Princess Luna. I don't recognize the others by that description." He looked to Cadance. "Stay." Then onwards to Shining Armor. "Come with me. Let's greet these 'freedom fighters' that have assembled to see me. It would be... rude... to keep them waiting." With a soft snort, he moved with a confident walk down the stairs, with Shining Armor prodded along behind him by several umbrum.

Silver raised an ear at Cadance. "Smaller alicorn? Twilight? Oh shoot! They were on the stairs." A memory came to him. "Penny was with them! How did I miss her coming up!" He put a hoof to his head. "Worst friend ever."

Cadance shook her head. "We're all a little frazzled right now. I just hope they didn't do anything too foolish when the umbrum were freed." She looked to one of those guarding her. "Could you ask your friends to be polite in the city? No need to go around scaring ponies for no reason."

The umbrum looked confused at the request. "I'm not in charge around here, and you're a prisoner. You don't get to make requests." He leaned closer to Cadance, looking her over. "You're awfully not-afraid for a prisoner. Don't we terrify you?"

Cadance smiled. "Yes, but only because I worry I won't be able to help you."

"Help us?"

Cadance nodded firmly. "You've been locked away for so long, it must have been awful."

"It was..." He scowled at her. "Are you making fun of us?"

Cadance raised a hoof. "Perish the thought. Every creature under the sun has a purpose. You must too."

"Purpose?" The umbrum as a whole began to look at her with more wonder than scorn at the very notion.

The smaller one waved a hoof dismissively. "What purpose would that be?"

Cadance shrugged softly. "I couldn't say, yet, but it's there, and it's worth finding. Every last one of you deserves a chance to be all that you can be, and that starts by being free of what's holding you down."

Another umbrum pointed at Cadance." Like you?"

She smiled a little and nodded. "Like me. I won't hold you back." She raised a hoof to her chest. "On my word as a princess, you are all free to go."

Dark Pass approached the conversation. "I believe her." The others looked towards him incredulously, and he nodded at them. "She's been nothing but kind to me when I've been terrible to her and her ponies."

Silver sat on his haunches and clopped his hooves. "The hardest part will be deciding what lovely part of Equestria should be yours. There's plenty of empty countryside just waiting to have an umbrum town in it." True, they were far from pretty things to look at, but it wasn't the first time Silver met things strange and alien, and he felt increasingly sure they were scared, rather than inherently malicious.

Elsewhere, Sombra, Radiant, and Shining emerged from the castle to where several cages of black iron and shadow held the Mane Six and Luna captive. On seeing Sombra, most of them scowled and stared, while Fluttershy looked away. Sombra smiled with jagged teeth at them. "Ah, Princess Luna, and some little assistants." His eyes wandered over Twilight. "You've grown since last we met, small princess."

"Don't worry Twily!" called out Shining before he was cuffed by an umbrum hoof. He glared at the source of the cuffing, but kept his snout closed.

Sombra looked beyond the 'main' cages to a smaller one that held two ponies within. "Who are these two?"

An umbrum shrugged at him. "They didn't fight, sir. They just cowered nearby the rest and we captured them."

Inside that cage were Penny and Stick, and Sombra recognized at least one of them. "The changeling... Keep them interred, for the moment." He turned back to Luna. "As for you... This must be so embarrassing. You didn't even get a proper fight before being thoroughly defeated."

"It would be..." Luna's horn glowed brightly, and the cage around her burst like a bubble. "If I were not simply awaiting your presence. Sombra, prepare to be punished for your crimes." Like an angry angel of retribution, she hovered with a withering scowl, horn crackling with ready power.

Sombra's eyes flared with fresh dark magic as tendrils reached from the ground for Luna. "So hasty? I knew her words were nothing but sweet, distracting lies."

"Wh--" She didn't get to finish as one of the thorny graspers seized a hind leg and pulled her roughly to the ground, only for others to wrap around her barrel and other legs, holding her fast to the ground. She trembled with fury before a fresh pulse of bright silver shattered them in their light and allowed her to stand. "What words?" she demanded as she rose. "Do not think you can talk your way out of this."

He shook his head slowly. "I tire of this--"

Shining stepped forward, shouting at Luna, "Wait! Cadie's still trying to work this out!"

Sombra glanced back at him, then to Luna. "With your helpers arrayed?" He flashed his teeth in a dangerous display. "Perhaps not quite as foolish as I expected of that Pretty Pink Princess." He waved a hoof at the other cages. "But pointless."

Luna advanced a step towards Sombra. "There's plenty of us remaining to defy your tyrant's rule."

"I always admired you." When Luna froze in shock at his words, his magic flashed darkly, and she was solidified in stone, locked in that expression of surprise. "Never change."

Radiant Hope stared slack-jawed at the stoned figure of Luna. "S-Sombra... why?"

Sombra glared down at her. "Mare! Were you not paying attention? She was a threat, as clear as any, and I have dealt with her."

Radiant shook her head violently. "We can't go turning princesses into statues!"

Sombra looked between her and the statue. "You're right. She may find a way out of it." He approached the statue with dark intent.

Radiant rushed between him and Luna's statue. "No! Absolutely not! No! Stop even thinking about it! Please! This is all just a big misunderstanding." She gave a nervous little laugh. "Come on, let's go back to Cadance and finish our conversation, alright? She wants to talk with us."

Twilight glared out of her cage. "You'll never get away with this!"

Sombra locked eyes with her and the alicorn sank back with sudden pain. "I already have, little one." New dark crystals jutted out from Twilight's horn, locking away her power. "Now stay in there and don't cause my umbrum any difficulties." He turned to Shining and smiled at his alarmed expression. "I've been most kind, all things considered. Come, let's see what your princess demands."

Rarity spoke up from her cage, "I say, darling, you do have the intimidating king look down proper, but must you keep us in such unrefined cages?"

Sombra raised a brow at her. "My apologies for the accommodations. I'm certain we'll find better once things are more... under control." His gaze wandered past her to the other two and back. "What are they, to you?"

Rarity glanced over at Penny and Stick. "A valuable source of gems, and friends. Whyever do you ask?"

Sombra waved at their cage, and it disgorged them to the ground below. "Go, and stay out of my way." Without any further words, he left.

Radiant gave a nervous smile up at the ponies in the cage and the two just liberated. "See? He's... He's trying..." She scurried after him, catching up with Shining and Sombra before they entered the castle.

84 - Return to the Table

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As Sombra strode through the castle, Shining Armor frowned at his back. "That wasn't very smart of you. Attacking Luna--"

Sombra snorted derisively. "That was the textbook definition of defense. Your wife clearly did not take you for your intelligence. Come, they await us."

"Defense?!" Shining bristled with building fury. "Twily wasn't threatening you!"

"And I didn't harm her." He glanced over his shoulder. "I did, however, suppress the magic of an extremely bothersome alicorn that has already proven willing to be violent with her magic. She can stand trial for her crimes later." He flashed a feral grin. "I imagine your wife will enjoy presiding over it. Maybe it will teach her ruling is far from all rainbows and fond wishes."

Shining Armor fumed with ill-disguised anger, but they proceeded without further interruptions back up the tower.

Above, Dark Pass approached Cadance. "Do you really think we have a chance?"

Cadance perked an ear up at him. "Of a town, you mean?" She gave a little smile. "I like to think so. We just need to calm everyone down. I know I'd be excited too if I just got out of jail after who knows how long, but we can't get much done with everypony all scattered around."

Silver bobbed his head in agreement. "Other than being a little, uh, surprising, you haven't done anything, as a group. I mean, illegal." He tapped at his chin with a hoof. "Stupid question, but why are you all following Sombra so easily?"

"Because they understand leadership." Sombra stepped up from the stairs, his trademark scowl worn as he led Radiant and Shining into view. "I trust things have been under control in my absence?"

Cadance gave a single firm nod. "Oh certainly. We've been having a very productive conversation."

Shining moved towards Cadance, but wasn't allowed within a few meters of her by the umbrum. He frowned a little, but spoke from where he was blocked. "I saw Twilie and the others."

"Are they alright?" Cadance looked to Shining with some concern. "You don't sound happy about it."

Sombra made an angry wave of a hoof. "They are fine, simply detained, until such time as they can be properly tried for harming others." He licked over his teeth as he fixed his eyes on Cadance. "It is still against the law of this land to hurt others without due cause, I trust?"

Cadance blinked, clearly caught off guard by the question. "Y-yes, of course. Let's focus on the more immediate matter first. The Crystal Empire can't support a whole second population, even if you were all perfectly standard ponies, which you're not. I'm not saying you're better or worse, but different we can surely agree on? No ma--"

One of the Umbrum tilted her head. "Are you trying to kick us out?"

"What? No!" Cadance shook her head hotly.

Silver raised a hoof. "We want to get you your own home, where you get to set your own laws, protect your own values, and have a community." He shrugged softly. "You don't even like it here, around all this itchy magic."

Sombra turned to Silver with a smirk. "We could simply destroy the damnable heart. I've... already come this far."

Radiant's ears were pressed against her head, but she spoke despite the urge to otherwise, "If you could destroy it, why didn't you, before?"

The question was one many umbrum in the area agreed with the asking. "Why didn't you?" asked one. "We could have been free a long time ago!"

Sombra flinched back, but quickly suppressed the display of weakness. "I... Just looking at that infernal thing..."

Hope reached out a hoof, setting it on his chest gently. "Was... Was it the memories?"

Sombra glared down at her, but the expression softened. "I... I could see the true monster I was, every time I looked into it..."

Radiant flinched in turn and glanced away for only a moment. "You're not a monster!" She brought down her hoof with a clop. "You are what you want to be." She stepped towards him. "It's time to stop being a monster."

There was a rush of movement from the stairs as umbrum swarmed in, tethered to the Crystal Heart by long bits of rope as they hauled it up the stairs into the room with everyone else. "You can destroy it now!"

Silver raised a brow. "Not that I want to rush anypony, but why did you bring it up here instead of destroying it yourself?"

One of the umbrum squinted at Silver. "Just getting this close to it makes my skin crawl! I'm not touching it. No way! It might explode or lock me away again. Nope, not doing it." The other umbrum made noises of agreement, none willing to come into actual contact with the artifact.

Sombra approached the heart-shaped crystal with some hesitation in his steps. "What are we, Radiant?" He snarled back at her. "If not monsters, then what?"

She kept pace with him. "Ponies." She thrust a hoof at a random umbrum. "See him? Pony."


"Oh, sorry, point stands." Radiant smiled sheepishly. "It's not the outside that makes a pony." She put a hoof to her chest. "That's inside. Sombra... You're my friend. You're my best and only friend! No matter what bad things you might have done... I just want you to stop, and be the good pony you can be."

Sombra looked aside at her. "Why? Why did you betray me, back then?" He turned to face her. "If you truly care for me as much as you claim, why would you do that?"

Radiant shrunk under his accusing glare. "I was wrong! I got scared, and I ran... And everything just got worse for it." She lowered her head. "If you want to punish me, go ahead, just... please, I want to be friends again."

Things were quiet for several long moments. Even the umbrum could feel the importance of their exchange. He reached a hoof to her chin, raising her gaze to meet his. The dark angry trails from his eyes lightened, growing fainter. "I was hurt, you know. I thought you had forsaken me, and wished no more to be around me. I was... ready to be the monster you obviously saw." He turned away from her and focused instead on the Crystal Heart. "But every time I looked at it..."

She came up beside him and shook her head. "Look at it."

"It hasn't changed."

"Really look at it," she demanded.

So he did, looking into its depths. What looked back at him was no ravenous beast, but a sad stallion. One who wanted his friend back. He squeezed his eyes shut and turned away. A single tear ran down his snout and dropped to the floor.

Radiant came up under him and bumped the top of her head into the bottom of his chin. "What did you see?"

Sombra trembled, licking over his lips if only to delay responding a moment. "I saw..."

"A monster?"

"Myself..." Sombra slumped to the ground, seated on his haunches and head hanging down.

Radiant hugged him gently, and the two went quiet, along with the rest of the room.

Silver vanished in a puff of silver magic and appeared beside Cadance. "I think they're having a moment."

Cadance jumped slightly in surprise. "Oh! Yes, they certainly are. We should let them have it. It looks like a good kind of moment." She leaned in closer. "I didn't know you could teleport."

Dark Pass approached the two. "Neither did I. Why didn't you do that earlier?"

Silver shrugged. "A token of good faith?" He flashed a bright smile. "I was captured, after all. It wouldn't do for me to go teleporting away."

Sombra rose to his hooves. "Perhaps I should just put it back where it began."

Cadance looked up sharply. Her horn glowed a fierce pink and she hefted the Crystal Heart away. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but no. You don't get to do that. The Crystal Heart is not to be placed anywhere near its pedestal for now."

Sombra glared at Cadance. "And why--"

Cadance held up a hoof at him. "Think. The umbrum will be shoved right back into that place, possible you with them. Let's be rational about this. I appreciate you going with your heart, and that means a lot to me, but no."

Sombra snorted, smoke billowing from his nostrils. "Yes... perhaps I was a bit... too emotional. Radiant, my friend... What do you suggest?"

Radiant bounced to her hooves, beaming with a resplendent joy at being called a friend. "I say we get all the umbrum together, and we take that pony's offer." She pointed at Silver. "We can make a nice place, just for the umbrum, away from nasty jails."

Shining coughed into a hoof. "Is that before or after Sombra turns Princess Luna back from being a statue?"

Cadance jerked with surprise. "What?!"

Silver felt a raw fury well within him he hadn't expected. He argued against the emotions even as they threatened to overwhelm him. ~Stay calm,~ he thought to himself. ~Keep cool. We can handle this with cool heads, no freaking out!~

He forced a smile, even as a tremble ran through his form. "Sombra... Please undo that magic."

Sombra glared at Silver. "Ready to battle? I know that expression well, small threat. Why would I restore her just now? She is as much a threat as ever she was. She was ready to attack, and did not accept imprisonment."

Silver stepped forward. "I'm an Ambassador, fighting is the last thing I want to do, but that doesn't mean I can't. Sombra, let her go."

Cadance reached forward and pulled Silver back easily, sliding the smaller stallion across the floor. "I swear that I will keep auntie from doing anything rash, but you simply must restore her, immediately."

Sombra glanced to Radiant, who nodded quickly in reply. With an annoyed sigh, he moved to the window overlooking the city. Dark magic flared around his horn.

Nothing seemed to happen as he turned and returned to the conversation, at least until Luna appeared at the same window and landed inside. "Stop right there!"

Cadance quickly put herself between Luna and Sombra. "Enough! Auntie, thank you, but this is my castle. Stand down."

Luna looked at Cadance with obvious confusion. "W-what? Is he controlling your mind?"

Silver moved up with Cadance. "No, we're handling this." He flashed a smile. "Like ponies."

Luna snorted at that. "Very well..." Her eyes wandered over the many umbrum in the area. "We don't like this, but we will wait, for now..."

General Dark Pass clopped his forehooves together. "There is a single matter preventing this from being resolved. Though Cadance has, graciously, protected us from the heart being placed in its place of power, the moment it is... we're all doomed again. Moving us away won't change that. How do we release its grip on us?"


Dark looked up as an umbrum entered the room, Under Rock at her side, dancing around her with joy. "Dark!" The stranger rushed him and tackled him to the ground.

"Mommy's back! Mommy's back!" sang Under Rock as she bounced around the pair.

85 - It Does not Destroy

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Under Rock hopped up onto Dark the moment there was room. "Mommy's back!"

Dark smiled up at his little abomination of a daughter. "I see that. Can I talk to her?"

Under bounced off Dark's chest and began racing around the room, making sure everypony there knew that her mother was back, one at a time.

The mare on top of Dark smiled patiently down at him, face split in a grotesque display he could comprehend. "I missed you."

"Missed me? I thought you were... What happened?" Dark tried to sit up, but he was thoroughly pinned.

She shook her head slowly. "I thought so too, at first. When I faded, I was pulled away. When I woke up, I was with the others, imprisoned again, but very alive, as you can see." She put a hoof on his chest, gently rubbing him. "I waited for you to either get us free, or join us. I'm sorry you didn't have that comfort."

Dark's ears fell. "I didn't... I really... I thought..." Before he could break down into tears, she embraced him warmly, and kissed his noises away. Whatever pain they had endured, they were together again.

Cadance blinked out of her love vision. She clenched her teeth. "They can..."

Silver perked an ear up at her. "Can what?"

Cadance shook her head quickly. "They can love. They're not just creatures of the dark."

A loud snort came from the stairs as Night stepped up from below, a scowl on her face. "They said the same thing about my kind before." She waved a hoof at the umbrum around. "Of course they can love. They're ponies, Luna blast it!" Luna softly coughed at her name being used in such a way, and Night colored in her cheeks. "Oh! Hello there..."

Silver perked his ears. "Wait a moment. How do you feel, when you're in the other form?"



Under Rock stuck out her tongue. "Puny."

Silver pointed at the pair. "What about you two?"

The mare looked up at Silver with confusion in her black eyes. "I don't care which I am if we can be together, like a family." They embraced, and the Crystal Heart shone gently.

Cadance perked at it, then smiled wide. "I see where Silver's going with this. When you're not creatures of fear and terror, then the heart loses its grip on you."

Under Rock tilted her head up at Cadance. "Being scary is our job, duh." She snorted at the princess.

Sombra turned towards the small umbrum. "Child, it doesn't have to be..." He glanced to Radiant, who nodded at him quickly. "We don't have to be monsters..."

An umbrum landed beside Dark and his wife. "Hey, remember me? I made you that wedding circlet, the one you proposed with."

His wife sat up, allowing Dark to slip out from under her. "Shadow Glimmer! It's good to see you again." She reached and hugged the umbrum stallion, and the heart shone gently with the warmth.

"Pale Whisper, it's good to be back. You're just as darling a family as you were back then." The stallion reached for Dark. "And you, look at you! You've raised a fine foal. A little spark in the night, isn't she?"

The warmth was infectious, as other umbrum began to step forward to claim the small portion of Dark and Pale's life they had touched, some larger than others. It didn't matter, each was welcomed. Each was part of a greater family, a community.

One little rolling bit of snow caught another, as other umbrum began to speak to one another, reminding one another of the lives they shared, together, and how they fit into it, even while imprisoned. Friendships were rekindled, memories restored, and hopes stoked to a building pitch. The fire couldn't be contained in the room and umbrum began to talk more and more outside of that room. Bound by mutual fear and hatred, they began to share tales of better times, and how they were friends, family, and other things beside.

Even old rivalries were brought out to light, and umbrum laughed with one another as they set aside old differences, which felt so small compared to the current events going on around them. "You never did return it."

"I broke the thing, and I was afraid to admit it..."

They burst into laughter and embraced. The crimes of the past were forgiven. Where once there was spreading darkness and frantic despair, the atmosphere relented.

A brave crystal pony approached one of the umbrum with a little smile. "I... Would you like a crystal berry?" She produced a basket of berries, and the umbrum around took her up on the offer, complimenting her on the tart flavor, even if it did little to appease their true hunger.

Inside the tower, the Crystal Heart shone brilliantly with new energy. A darkness deep within pulsed, engulfing that light, then it was gone, faded away. Cadance clopped her hooves with joy. "This is even better than I could have hoped for."

Silver nodded at it. "The Crystal Heart wasn't meant to do this. It was diminishing it. We've not only set free the umbrum, but cleaned the heart to shine purely." He looked up at Cadance. "Would you like to put it back now?"

"No." She lowered the heart in her magic, bringing it to float before Sombra. "I think somepony else would like that honor."

Sombra looked up at her, his magic wrapping around the artifact with an unsure expression. Radiant nuzzled into his side. "Go on. I'll come with you." Together, they rose and began to descend the stairs.

Night watched them go past her before looking to the others. "Somepony want to get me up to speed? Somepony went and left me asleep while this was all going down."

Silver had the sense to at least look ashamed. He walked past the chatting umbrum without challenge and began to explain the story to Night.

Dark and Pale approached Cadance, Under scurrying around their legs. "Princess," spoke Dark. "Are you certain it'll be safe?"

Cadance nodded. "I'm certain. So long as you remain ponies, not monsters, you have nothing to fear, from it, or me." She offered a hoof. "Welcome back."

Dark and Pale met the hoof together, three hooves making a solid clop of a sound. Pale glanced aside at her husband. "So you've been spending your time with the prettiest mare you could find while I was away?"

Her words brought bright coloration to both their cheeks and she laughed for it. "I'm just teasing, Your Highness. Thank you, for everything. For being related to that, ugh, Amore pony, you're alright." A dark energy crackled over her and she flinched. "What the?" With a pulse of shadow, she was lost, and in her place was a floating pixie pony of shadows with a fluffy mane and a wagging tail. "My disguise?" she asked in a squeakier tone of voice, surprise clear on her face.

Dark looked ready to reply when darkness overcame him. When it faded, a matching pixie was left behind, blinking his large eyes. If one were to forgive him being a creature of shadow, he was adorable. "What happened?! I wasn't trying to hide!"

Cadance spread her hooves out to indicate both of them. "You're not hiding. Your other form, that was the disguise. I meant what I said. Welcome back, umbrum, dark fairies."

Under Rock stuck out her tongue, and was rewarded with her own wave of darkness, emerging as a little pixie. It was spreading just as the light had before. Umbrum to umbrum, they were overwhelmed with darkness, then sprang forth from it as the pixies they thought they had been hiding as. Under Rock landed on her father's head, scowling at her parents. "How are we supposed to be scary like this?!"

Cadance tilted her head at the young umbrum. "Do you have to be scary at all?"

Under rubbed her little belly. "I'm hungry..."

Cadance drew in a sharp breath. Feeding all these new ponies... "Please, gather all your friends and family, bring them in front of the castle. I'll do what I can to get food brought to you all." Not a single umbrum tried to stop her as she walked to the window and launched from it, quickly flying down to the castle proper.

Luna shook her head slowly. "This matter seems to be addressed." She tapped the ground lightly. "I... suppose a battle will not be required." She sounded disappointed at the idea.

Silver and Night approached her. Silver shook his head. "No fighting today, and that's alright. A friend earned is worth ten enemies you win against."

Luna raised a brow down at Silver. "You miserable little day pony." She was smiling as she said it though. "You are right, of course. If Sombra truly is ready to leave the terrible path he was trotting along, then this is good, for all of Equestria."

Night lifted a wing at one of the umbrum pixies. "You're still needed, Princess Luna."

Luna glanced up at the pixie and down at Night. "How do you mean, Night Watch? Speak plainly."

Night smiled, though it was more of a grin. "You are the Mistress of the Night, Princess Luna. The umbrum are also creatures of the night. They need a kind voice to speak up for them, and who better than you? You didn't make them, like us, but you can't deny they are ponies of your wondrous night."

Luna stiffened a moment, looking across all the pixies gathered in the room and to the others outside. "You... raise an excellent point." She leaned in closer to Night. "Do you suppose they have any powers related to dreams?"

Night shrugged softly. "There's a lot about them we have to discover."

Silver flashed a bright smile. "That's half the fun."

Luna rolled her eyes. "Now you sound like Twilight Sparkle."

Silver gestured to the stairs. "More seriously, Sombra did have some dream presence. I don't know if it's a shared umbrum thing or not. There's a lot about our new neighbors we have to learn."

Luna nodded slowly at this. "All very true. First, we must feed and shelter them." She looked down at him. "Knowing you, Ambassador, you've already promised them homestead?" Silver nodded quickly. "I thought as much. I know just the place, where they will have company, but it will be friendly company."

Energy washed through the room in a bright pulse. Silver, Luna, and Night all began to sparkle as diamonds. Silver blinked down at himself. "I would have thought it'd... feel more different. It's more like a coat of paint."

Night nodded at that. "Just as well. I don't need our foals being subjected to body-altering magic right now."

Luna pointed up at the pixies, who were talking, playing, and generally living. "They have not been banished."

Silver looked up and nodded, his smile deepening. "One disaster averted."

86 - Somber Thoughts

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"There." Sombra stepped away from the pedestal, looking over his shoulder towards Radiant Hope, who shone twice as brilliantly with its power. "Are... you happy?"

She stepped up to his side and gently pressed her side to his. "You're here, so, yes, I am."

A smile almost forced its way onto his expression. "Even if you didn't mean it, back then... why are you so happy to be with a monster? You know what I've done to the ponies of this city, don't you? It isn't just... forgotten now."

Radiant turned towards the city as a whole. "I don't mean to be rude, but that's their problem." She faced Sombra with a determined expression. "It's time you started the next leg of your life. No more monsters. No more trying to keep ponies under your hoof." She reached up and set one of her own hooves on Sombra's chest. "The only pony you need to control is yourself."

A feral sneer spread over his face. "What if I want you under my hoof?"

Radiant shook herself out a little. "Then you're going to have to start treating me right and stop making me cry." She leaned in a little. "I'm willing to face that possibility, are you?"

Sombra met her gaze for a moment before he broke it and looked down, seemingly overwhelmed in thought until the dark streaks of energy coming from his eyes flared and darkness overcame him. With a mighty roar, he defied the magic, resisting the same wave of transformation that took the umbrum at about the same time. When the darkness receded, he was still a pony, still a unicorn. The darkness was expended, and his eyes were clear. In a moment of terribly clarity, he knew.

"Sombra? Are you alright?" Radiant was looking at him with her concerned eyes.

He opened his eyes, and she could see them for the first time in so many years. They were clear and shone with his natural color with a brilliant green that met hers. "I... I am alright. I..." He took a step towards her. "I'm a pony."

Radiant blinked at him, then frowned. "Stupid stallion! You were always a pony!" cuffed him lightly with a hoof. "And don't you forget it!" Her expression lightened quickly as she gazed into his cleansed eyes. "I forgot how pretty your eyes were..."

A blush blossomed in his cheeks. "P-pretty? Truly?"

They had so much to speak of.

Elsewhere, everypony in the tower was coaxed outside to join the others in a great mass of shadow pixies. Cadance emerged from the castle from where she had fled and with her came table after table of much of the kingdom's stores of food. Industrious chefs labored with others to get the tables set up properly with plates, forks, and other implements beside.

While they worked, Luna took up a position central of the gathering. "Ponies of shadow, umbrum, dark pixies, I would address you."

Curious eyes turned towards her booming voice. She had their attention. "You are creatures of the night, this fact is inescapable. I am princess of the night. If you are willing to follow the laws of Equestria, and they are not onerous, I would protect and guide you." She spread her feathery wings wide. "Let one who already lives beneath my gaze step forward."

Night Watch emerged from the crowd and bowed towards Luna, though it was a brief motion. She turned to face the majority of the crowd, her own wings, well, wing, spread wide on display. The other was still injured and bound to her side. "Some of you know me. I am Night Watch, lunar pony. I won't waste your time telling you Princess Luna is a paragon of perfection, what pony can be? Despite that, she is strong, wise, and has been good to us."

The crowd went quiet for the first time, as if considering collectively what had just been offered. One lonely voice called out, "Does that mean we won't be kicked out?"

Luna smiled. "No, you shall not be. I have in mind the perfect place, where darkness reigns, and familiar creatures of the night await to greet you as lost cousins. Some of you have learned to respect Night Watch, I am certain you will learn to love her kin. You will be free to seek your personal fortunes, and have a safe place, for yourselves, and the families you will create." She turned as she spoke, regarding the whole of the gathering. "For now, eat and be merry, for Princess Cadance has arranged a mighty feast for you all!"

They pushed forward and swarmed the tables, sampling the exotic foods presented there. Curious crystal ponies approached on cautious hooves, and found the umbrum to be welcoming enough. Soon crystal and umbrum were together, enjoying their meal. Despite the richness and vastness of the food, the umbrum were not satisfied by it, at least, not completely. A small kernel of angry hunger still rumbled through them despite their bellies being full of delicious food.

A few umbrum suddenly arrived from elsewhere, pushing through the crowd to Cadance and Luna. "The Penny Pony found it! We know what we eat!"

Cadance tilted her head with some confusion. "You don't eat food?"

They all shook their heads at her. "We eat fear."

Luna perked her ears and sat up. "Fear? The emotion?" Her head tilted a little. "Like a changeling?"

A few of those heads bobbed. "The Stick Changeling with her said that! They eat love, we eat fear. Maybe we're related?"

Cadance shook her head. "Well I can't have you terrifying my ponies."

Luna raised a hoof sharply. "Wait! What if we do it voluntarily? Some ponies enjoy a good fright."

Cadance looked confused. "Why would anypony want to be scared?"

Luna flashed a bright smile. "I have had personal experience with this! Tell all the umbrum to meet me just outside the city." She pointed in a direction. "We will make a haunted house that will leave ponies trembling, and squealing with terror and glee both at once. They'll tell stories of us for years to come!"

Almost lost in the crowd, Silver clopped a hoof into his face. He knew exactly what was coming.

Elsewhere in the party, Sombra stood with Radiant hope. Both had a plate to themselves, set before them as they sat on their haunches. Radiant was enjoying her dinner, and Sombra as well, though his attention seemed more on her than the food. "Should we follow them?"

Radiant shook her head slowly. "Luna volunteered to help them. Let them handle their own business." She smiled gently up at him. "For once, how about we just go off, together. Besides, we have one more thing we need to do."

"Need to do?" He raised a brow at her. "What might that be?"

Radiant gestured to the castle. "It may have a fine princess now, but that doesn't mean Amore deserves to be... We have to retrieve all her pieces."

Sombra scowled a little. "She still hurt me. She was wrong."

"Being wrong doesn't mean you get to be scattered across Equestria." Radiant rolled her eyes. "It's time to forgive. Besides, imagine the look on her face when she realizes she's been replaced."

Sombra's face split into a predatory grin. "You're right, that is a delicious thought. I... This will be our very own adventure."

Radiant bobbed her head fiercely. "Just to ourselves! Oh! Silver has one of the shards, you just gave it to him, go get it back."

Sombra snorted softly. "He will surrender it if he knows what's goo--" He trailed off at Radiant's reproachful glare. "I mean... I'll ask him nicely?" Radiant nodded at him and off he went. It would take time and patience to fully rehabilitate the stallion, but for Radiant Hope, he was willing.

He approached Silver, weighing the various options to broach the subject. "Ambassador."

Silver looked up at Sombra. "Oh, hey, your eye shadows are gone." He smiled up at Sombra. "You look a lot nicer without them, if you don't mind my just out and saying that."

Sombra did mind, but he kept that to himself. Being complimented by Radiant Hope had felt so nice, but from Silver it somehow felt irritating. "Radiant and I are going to gather all the pieces of Amore, to restore her. May I have the piece back?"

Silver perked his ears. "I gave it to Luna already. She was gathering pieces too, for basically the same reason."

Sombra's hackles rose. "She will not steal this from me!"

Silver blinked at the sudden reaction. "Steal what? You both want the same thing, don't you?"

Sombra glared down at the small stallion that dared defied him, the almost colt. "This is my adventure, with Radiant."

Understanding flashed in Silver's eyes. "Let me talk to her." He rose to his hooves. "I'll be your Ambassador for the moment, if you'll let me?"

Sombra seemed taken aback. "You'd do that? Very well. You know her, convince her and retrieve the shards she already has." He brought down a hoof with a metal clang. "Don't fail me." The or else part of the statement went unspoken, but felt.

He trotted away from the glaring and expectant Sombra, and found Luna speaking animatedly with a group of umbrum. "Luna? Can I borrow you a moment?"

Luna looked down at Silver. "Hm? Of course. One moment." She held a hoof up to the umbrum she was speaking with, then followed Silver to a quiet portion beneath the castle. "What is it that brings you to us? Have you considered our offer?"

Silver stiffened. In all the excitement, he had nearly forgotten about it. "It's not about that. Sombra wants to go on an adventure, with his marefriend, Radiant Hope. I think it's just the right thing for him to finish turning that leaf over."

Luna looked intrigued and rolled a hoof. "Well good luck to him, but why does that involve me?"

Silver pointed at Luna's midsection, where her pocket should be, he thought. "He wants the shards of Amore you might have, and to hunt the others. I don't have the heart to tell him the Warlocks went and gathered most of them up, but I have an idea!" Luna was still watching him, giving him silent permission to continue. "Have the warlocks keep tabs on him, which is a good idea anyway, and hide the shards in front of him. Let him re-gather the shards, and with it, his humanity."

"Humanity?" Luna raised a brow high. "Is there something of him you're not sharing?"

Silver winced and laughed. "Sorry, old saying. I mean I really think it'll help him be a better pony." He held out a hoof. "Give me two shards at least."

Luna hesitated a moment before placing two shards in Silver's waiting hoof with her magic. "I will have the warlocks monitoring him quite zealously."

"As they should, both for his sake, and his safety. Adventure can be dangerous." Silver turned away, crystals hovering beside his head. "I'll give him these. Thank you, Luna."

Sombra wasn't where they last met, forcing Silver to wander the crowd. A wing draped over him and he was pulled in against Night Watch. "Where are you going with those shards?"

Silver smiled up at her. "Hello hon. These are for Sombra. Luna knows, promise. Can you help me find him?"

She pointed the same wing off into the crowd. "That way."

Following her direction, Sombra and Radiant came into view. It seemed the umbrum were talking with them. One stood before Radiant with a remorseful face. "I'm sorry I misled you, before... We were just so afraid you'd run away and never come back if you saw us as we were... back then."

Radiant rested a hoof on the shadow pixie's head. "It's alright. Besides, it wasn't a lie, now was it really? You really were shadow pixies, just even you didn't know it yet." She smiled brightly. "Now the whole world can know it."

Sombra noticed Silver's approach and turned to him. "Have you accomplished the task set before you?"

Silver snorted softly in an aborted laugh. "I asked her and she gave them up." He held up the two crystals in his magic. "She wishes you luck in your adventures. Also! A start, we know for sure there's one more shard within the city limits. I never found it, but you and Radiant, together, I bet you'll do it."

Sombra puffed up in pride. "Of course we will..." He leaned in then, whispering, "Thank you." He turned back to rejoin the conversation with Radiant and the umbrum. It was all the thanks Silver was going to get.

It was enough. Silver trotted back into the crowd, finding his way back to Night's side.

87 - Temporary Solutions

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With the help of the umbrum, Luna quickly erected a dilapidated house. Its sketchy nature only added to its spooky allure. A rapid bit of work ran a rail through it, and she sat at one end, grinning like a filly trying to be good to earn some candy. "Step on up!" she boomed with the full voice of Equestrian authority. "Come and dare yourself to face the true horror within! Bring a loved one, you'll want their support!" She leaned forward towards a curious crystal pony standing there. Her voice lowered to a conspiratorial whisper, though still easily heard by many. "'Tis an excellent time for hugs when the alarming does occur."

Her pitch worked, and she got a few couples to fill the car and buckle into place. "We wouldn't want any precious and brave explorers to get lost in the pit of madness forever, now would we?" She flashed them a devilish grin. With a glow of her horn, she propelled them inside.

One of the stallions made a dismissive motion. "It can't be that bad. Princess Luna's known for being dramatic. I bet some fake eyeballs will drop from the ceiling or something."

Before them suddenly opened two huge gaping holes of quivering black, the darkness rolling off of them. The strangest part was that it was already dark, making it somehow blacker than black. "Welcome, friends." A big grin leered at them. "Welcome... to your dooms!" The car suddenly accelerated, carrying them through the visage as it laughed at them, bringing a few surprised squeaks from the ponies, and needed sustenance for the umbrum collected in the ride.

The umbrum, it seemed, could take on a variety of macabre forms once they were freed of the one visage they had become frozen in. They rose from the dead, looking like freshly animated corpses, rushed the car like hungry spectres, and carried on haunting harmonies together as only heads, blood oozing from their supposedly-severed necks as they sang together despite not having lungs or a chest.

Their 'victims' shrieked and laughed hysterically, the laugh of one trying to deny they're scared. There were hugs. There were some tears. By the time the car rolled out, the group was visibly shaken and many of them shivered. Luna nodded towards them, her horn ceasing its glow as they came to a halt. "You have survived, my brave little ponies. You should be proud!"

One of the mares sat up and thrust a hoof in the air. "I-I could handle it! You can't scare me that easily." She pulled her stallion out of the car. "If he wasn't so scared, I'd go again," she proclaimed, hiding her own terror in her bluster. They went off together, pressed close to one another.

A gaggle of small fillies and colts rushed the car next. "Us next, us next!"

Luna tilted her head at the small adventurers. "What small thrill-seekers are these? Do you have permission from your parents to endure such things, from which some ponies may never return?"

Soon they were buckled down into place, giggling and squirming. They were as loud as the ghosts they would face as the car began to move, making loud bets about who would scream first, and who would cry. Unlike the adults, some of them were normal ponies, not crystal at all, and they were quite confident they could be braver than the traditionally cowed crystal ponies.

They were proven wrong. The screams and shrieks of the children made the ponies outside flinch in worry. One of the parents locked eyes with Luna. "Our children are safe, right?"

Luna held up a hoof. "I would not willingly allow a foal to harm. Banish the thought. Mine own magic is surrounding their car, keeping them from any harm, no matter how hungry the ghosts may be."

In the end, only one pony suffered any harm, and that was an elder Luna attempted to dissuade, but was too stubborn. Fortunately, some quick attention got the aged stallion back to his hooves. He laughed it off in the end. "Guess the old ticker ain't what she used t'be!" He hobbled off as if nothing had happened. The evening was a success in the end, with every umbrum getting their chance to be creative with their scares, and not a single dark pixie belly left empty.

When the house was closed up, the umbrum came dancing out, whole and happy. One bounced up and down in front of Luna. "I have an idea! Instead of just using us as the scary parts, I bet we could make scary parts of the ride itself. Things that toss and turn, things that go fast, and fall. They'll scream with delight!"

The other umbrum nodded their heads in support as offers to help construct the umbrum's vision were quickly thrown into the pile.

Luna smiled at her new children. "Hold onto that thought. Your home will not be here. The Crystal Empire is not suited. Instead, I will bring you to Hollow Shades, home of the lunar ponies. You will be as cousins, both children of mine." She put a hoof to her chest. "And there you can build your thrilling experiences, to excite ponies, and feed yourselves."

A little tugging at her mane brought Luna's eyes down to a scholarly-looking umbrum with thick glasses on his smaller snout. "Excuse me, Your Highness, but what of us that don't want to run around scaring ponies, even if they enjoy it? I prefer talking."

Silver spoke up from where he had just been sitting and watching, "Then talk to scared ponies. You could help them face their fears, by taking the edge off of it, and letting them face towards it instead of running away from it."

The spectacled stallion tilted his head. "Oh... That... might work." He wandered off with a thoughtful expression, clearly considering.

Luna spread her hooves wide. "There are many ways you could help make Equestria a better place. Like any other pony, it is up to you to find your part, where you are happy and make others around you happier. This is an exciting time for you all, as a tribe. You're just discovering these niches for yourself, so experiment, and don't be afraid." She flashed a little grin. "That's for other ponies. You are fear, so it doesn't behoove you to fall for that trick."

She rose to her hooves. "Follow me. We have a train to catch. Ambassador, are you coming with us?"

Silver looked around. "Let me fetch Night. I'll be with you in a moment."

He trotted off in search of his wife, and she wasn't hard to find near the castle, speaking to Shining Armor. As he approached, she turned to him and smiled. "There he is. Where's your battle damage?"

Silver perked his ears. "I didn't know that was a requirement."

Shining snorted softly. "Radiant Hope healed all of mine away, so don't feel out of place." His head tilted a little. "You look ready to go."

Silver nodded at Shining. "Good eye. Thank you for hosting us, and do tell Cadance thanks for me too."

"Why don't you tell me yourself?" Cadance stepped in, somehow sneaking up on them despite being a large pink target. "Thank you, both of you. You've lent a vital hoof where it was needed."

Silver pointed at Cadance. "Oh no you don't. This was your victory, and you handled it super well."

Cadance snorted at Silver. "I'll have none of this modesty! Night Watch established the first lines of communication with the umbrum. You both saved me from Sombra's misguided control, not to mention you two saving Shining Armor. You are owed thanks, if nothing else." She leaned forward and planted a kiss on Silver's forehead. "Travel safely. You're always welcome here."

Silver went red despite himself. The more he tried to battle with the blush, the worse it got. His neck was grabbed in jawed teeth and Night began hauling him away from the royal couple. Once they were out of sight, he snapped out of his daze and began to walk under his own power. "Sorry about that." He was colored for a new reason. "I hope I didn't upset you."

"And why would I be upset?" Her tone implied she was. Her eyes were directed forward, not even glancing at Silver.

Silver threw a hoof over her. "I can think of many reasons, but how about I give a good reason not to be? We're done. We'll get off the train at Canterlot, and then I'm retiring for a while. I will be your personal servant, seeing to your every whimsy and being there for every last bit of this road you're on." He leaned in and nuzzled the side of her faintly-frowning face. "And because I love you wildly. Forget Cadance."

"You first." Night shoved Silver back, then let out a little sigh. A smile crept into her features. "It must be hormones... I know it wasn't meant as anything. Come on. I'm going to make you live up to that promise of yours."

Silver followed after Night, and they both arrived at the station where Luna was shepherding all the umbrum aboard. "Penny and Stick are already aboard," reported Luna.

Silver nodded. "Oh good! We'll be going as far as Canterlot, then it's time for us both to take a leave of absence until our family finishes growing."

Night nudged him. "Mister teacher, perhaps this would be a fine time for you to squeeze in some more actual teaching time?"

Silver perked his ears at that and nodded. "Good idea. You coming?"

Night shook her head. "I'm going to get a nap. I'm not a unicorn, magic talk mostly goes over my head."

Silver poked her in the chest. "You have your own magic, and so much of it. No fancy unicorn trick solved this problem, in the end. A little lunar pegasus magic was more suited." He leaned in and they rubbed noses softly a moment before they both boarded the train.

Surprising Silver, the Mane Six were also on that train, bound for Ponyville.

Pinkie grinned at him. "I keep running into you, Mister Ambassador guy! Good job on the whole 'avoiding war by talking' thing." She rolled a hoof. "And here I thought I was good at making friends. Last time I tried to call off a war with talking, well, I just started singing and everypony got even more angry. It was kind of upsetting, but hey, can't win 'em all, right?"

Silver blinked softly at the stream of consciousness that had just flowed over him. "I'm sure you tried your best, Miss Pie." He flashed a smile. "I need to talk to Penny, but have a safe ride home, alright?"

Before he could get far, Twilight thrust a hoof in front of him. "I have too many questions, and you have some answers."

Night interjected herself between the two. "Now is not the time, Your Highness. Please, send a letter."

Twilight huffed, but let them pass. As they went, Silver felt an old pain gently niggled at him. In another world...

He put those sad thoughts aside and smiled as he approached Penny. At least some magic would be taught that day, and taking on the role of mentor sat well enough with him. "Did I ever mention my dad was a math teacher?"

88 - Welcome Home

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Silver stepped off the train, Night a few strides ahead of him. He glanced back at the large machine, filled as it was with shadowy pixies. Many of them waved out at them and Silver returned the gesture with a little wave of his own. "It's always funny..."

"What is?" Night looked back to him.

"Once you're done with this kind of thing... The wind down, it feels odd." He moved to her side. "Glad it's over, somehow sad it is all at once." Night raised a brow at him and he felt compelled to continue. "Not that I'm upset it's resolved, and it was resolved in a good way, don't get me wrong." Silver bumped up against her. "Just me being silly. Let's go report in to Princess Celestia. She should know one of her ambassadors is back in town."

Night gave his shoulder a light nip. "Once in a while, you remind me that you're much older than you look. Typical stallion, hunting for younger mares." She hesitated suddenly. "That was mean of me to say." She turned to Silver. "Now it's my turn to shove my hoof in my mouth. That didn't sound nearly so horrible until I actually said it."

Silver wrinkled his nose. "Besides, you're the mature one of us." He nuzzled gently into her cheek. "Let's go home."

Side-by-side, they strode through the busy streets of Canterlot, bound for the towering castle that was their dwelling. On the way, an excited noise drew their attention to the side moments before a mint green earth pony approached them. She had long straight hair that hung low, downcast eyes that didn't make seeing their color easy, and an equally flat tail.

With the two of them looking curiously at the new pony, there was an uneasy moment of quiet. The odd pony took a half-step forward. "Do... Do you remember me?" She fixed eyes with Night, then Silver. "I-I know we didn't talk that much..."

The voice gave it away. Silver gasped with amazement. "Pinkie? Why aren't you... pink?"

Night frowned. "We just left you on the train, and you were certainly pink."

'Pinkie' stepped away, struck silent again. She swallowed audibly before shaking her head. "She's Pinkie. I'm... I'm not. There's not room for two Pinkies." She sat down. "What I'm going to say is going to sound crazy... Please promise you'll listen before you tell me I'm a bad pony and tell me to get lost, alright?"

Silver stepped forward, only for the not-Pinkie to thrust a hoof up. "Not one step closer."

Night tilted her head. "Look, um... Not-Pinkie, we have to go report in. Why don't you stop by the embassy?"

Silver glanced aside at her, then back at Not-Pinkie. "What's your name?"

She smiled. "I don't know... I guess I must be surprising. How about Surprise?"

"Not even Surprise Pie?" asked Silver in a gently supportive tone, a little smile on his face.

"No..." Surprise looked down. "I can't talk to them anymore. They aren't my family, really. Do you recognize this?" She pulled out a sword from nowhere and set it down on the ground where both could easily view it.

Silver blinked in confusion. "Is that a katana? I didn't know they made those around here." His magic wrapped round it, lifting it up and turning it this way and that as he examined it. "Why would you have one of these?"

Surprise brightened at his recognition. "I took it from a bad man, a human..."

Silver's brows raised in unison. "Where? He could be lost, or hurt."

Surprise quickly shook her head. "He's not here... He's back where humans come from."

Silver sank to his haunches. "You were on Earth?! How the hell?!"

Surprise twitched an ear. "I always thought that was a funny name... Dirt, heh." An uneasy giggle emerged from her, only to be interrupted with a sudden coughing fit.

Night put her good wing before Silver, blocking his way. "Are you well? You don't look it, physically or otherwise."

Surprise glanced away, then back at Night. "I suppose not..." She turned her eyes to Silver. "Now the crazy part. So... You're not going to believe any of this and tell me to go away and never come back, but here we go. Twilight, that is, my Twilight, not your Twilight, she tried to reach your world, uh, another you, not you you." She put a hoof to her head. "I'm already messing this up!"

Silver's eyes widened as it became clear. "Fuck."

"Language!" Night glared at him.

Silver colored dark. "Sorry... Pinkie?"


"Right, Surprise. Where you're from, originally, was I... married to Twilight?"

"Nope." She shook her head. "You were a herd." She pointed at Night. "She was in it." Her mane suddenly perked up, as if wanting to recover. "Wait, you... believe me?"

Night raised a brow high. "Is that why you were brushing Twilight off so hard? Putting together your actions and words can be very hard at times, Silver. This blasted dream world of yours..."

"I'm from there!" Surprise sat up, hope dancing in her eyes. "Am I just a dream?"

Silver shook his head. "Clearly not. You're right here. No one is calling you a dream. He turned towards the castle. "Surprise, you clearly have a story worth hearing, and I think you need a friend, maybe we should all go?"

Surprise shrank back, mane going limp again. "I'm not sure I should."

Night looked Surprise over. "Maybe she shouldn't..."

Silver felt the urge to fight Night about it, but he realized what was going on quickly and instead just nuzzled at her gently. "Whatever you say goes, my dearest. If you want to leave the sick pony here on the street..."

Night stiffened before she let out a sigh. "Of course I don't. Come on, Surprise. Let's get you looked at. It's the least we can do."

Surprise followed after them as they began to walk, but the conversation died. As they went, she kept looking up at them, then back at the ground, as if she hoped, but couldn't quite muster the full power of the emotion.

When they arrived at the castle, one of the guards stepped forward, eyes on Surprise. "You were told once--"

Silver thrust a hoof in front of him. "She's with us."

"Oh, sorry, Ambassador." The guard offered a salute and returned to his stoic position, allowing them past.

Night let Silver lead the way as she hung back closer to Surprise. "Why was he ready to give you the big boot?"

Surprise let out a nervous little laugh. "Ah, well... I kind of tried to get in to talk to Princess Celestia. I thought she could help, but I never really got that far... Maybe I was a little too excited at the time."

Night nodded. "Right, well, let me be horrifically blunt." She leaned towards Surprise. "He's mine. He may help you, but don't even think about getting between us, or joining us, not like that."

Surprise swallowed audibly and shook her head rapidly, and that was enough to put Night at ease for the moment. She smiled a little. "The infirmary is this way, Surprise. Silver, I'll take her to see a doctor, you go ahead and talk to Princess Celestia."

"Meet back at the room," he called back, trotting ahead deeper into the castle.

Night was good to her word, and led Surprise to the infirmary. "I don't know how you knew what little you already knew, but you can't be from a dream. That doesn't work."

Surprise drew to a halt. "That was the first time I heard it called one, a dream, I mean... I'm telling the truth, I swear." She made the patented Pinkie Swear, poking herself in the eye to seal the deal. "Your stallion looked like he knew what I was talking about."

Night scowled at her. "That's exactly what bothers me." She prodded Surprise in the chest. "I have a few questions about this dream world, and you're going to answer them." She smiled, a forced smile. "Think of it like a game..."

Elsewhere, Silver spoke to a guard, and was redirected towards one of Celestia's waiting rooms. Within was a round table with some cookies and tea already set out. He plucked up a cookie with his magic and nibbled thoughtfully while waiting. Dieting had become a lot easier as a unicorn. "Just cast your way to a slimmer form!" He said as if in a commercial, giggling as he looked himself over. He noticed his tail was still smooth and well-groomed. "Mother would kill for this spell. If it wasn't her mane style specifically, I could sell it as an arcane perm device."

"Perm device?" Celestia stepped in with a curious expression. "Welcome back, Ambassador Silver Lining." She sat down at the table across from him. "I trust all went well?"

Silver nodded at her. "Do you prefer formality? We're alone, and I haven't been conditioned to know you only as 'Your Highness', Celestia." He smiled a little. "Everything went well. The Crystal Empire is on its way to healing, and a new tribe of ponies has joined us."

Celestia's magic hovered up a cookie for her to snap in half in her teeth. "A new tribe? Tell me more, Silver." A smile spread over her regal features. "You are my eyes and ears, after all. An Ambassador is at least one part spy, you realize."

Silver tilted his head. "I hadn't thought of it that way, but I do understand. Sombra is back." Celestia stiffened at the news. "But he is on the mend. He's with Radiant Hope, and the two are on a carefully monitored adventure together, where he can learn the value of friendship. He is a tyrant king no longer."

Celestia let out a slow breath of relief before taking up a glass of tea and sipping lightly. "Do go on."

Silver gave a soft hmm of a sound. "You remember Radiant Hope then? Either way, the umbrum were not just monsters, waiting to cause horror and despair. They were ponies, much like changelings. Hunger kept in check and handled responsibly, they have much to offer ponies, and can grow past that simple base need."

Celestia raised a brow at that. "Cadance has volunteered to see to their assimilation?"

Silver shook his head. "That would be an awkward fit. No, I gave that honor to Luna. She seems quite happy with a new tribe of night dwellers to call her their Princess."

Celestia brightened, as if the sun had just risen in the room. "You have no idea how pleased I am to hear that. Lulu needed something to be a part of... Having this... Yes, you did the right thing. Thank you, Silver. Is that where she is now?"

Silver quickly nodded. "She's on a train bound for, uh, hollow something? Where the lunar pegasi are."

Celestia gave a soft tsk. "You're still slow on names, I see. No matter, I know of the town you speak. Yes, I imagine they'll get along just fine."

Silver raised a hoof. "And only one bit of bad news..." He let Celestia fix him with a concerned look before he continued. "It's time I retired, for a time. I'm taking my paternity leave, and Night her maternity leave. We'll be eagerly awaiting the arrival of our twins."

"Twins?" Celestia's smile brightened the room. "Congratulations." Her eyes slid downwards to the hoof Silver had raised. "An engagement shoe? Where's the other?"

"On Night, of course."

Celestia shook her head a little. "That would only make two. They come in sets of four, do they not? Where are the missing shoes?"

Silver pulled the other two shoes free of his pocket and set it on the table. "You're the second to notice that. The first was your sister. I..."

Celestia reached across the table. "You don't have to tell me unless you want to. Relax. I accept your notice of a leave of absence, and your stipend will continue while you support Night through her time of difficulty."

Silver smiled up at her. She was much nicer than his dreams had attempted to paint her.

89 - I Did My Part

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"So, uh, Dream Twilight, she made a big fancy machine to take a huge ton of magic and reach from one world to another, but it messed up..."

Night tilted her head at the green pony. "Did it explode?"

"Oh, no, yes? Kinda. It reached the wrong world, and messed it up. On our side, everypony in the castle was sick for a while, all weak and wimpy, but they got better." She sat up and took a slow breath. "I... I think I caused it."

Night raised a brow. "Were you there?"

"Well, no..." Surprise traced a hoof along the tiles beneath her. "It's complicated, but I think I did... When I went, I tried to stop it, and then I did it..."

Night shook her head slowly. "How can you cause it if you went after it already happened?"

Surprise raised her forehooves to the sky, shrugging. "I said it's complicated! I'm not joking though, promise. So anyway, there I was in a world of humans, trying to not make a mess." She quirked a little smile. "I made some messes... But I think I didn't do a bad job in the end." She sank back to all fours. "I hope they're alright... I got pulled away right when they needed me."

Night glanced left and right. "Pulled away?"

Surprise tapped at the ground. "Right back into the big void between worlds! I tried to find my old one, but there wasn't anything there. It was like... It was... All gone. My friends, my family..." She began to sink, new tears threatening to spill before they began to pour out in twin arcs of grief. "My whole world was gone!"

Night winced at the display, unsure what she could do, or should do. "So how did you find Silver?"

Surprise perked up, tears abruptly stopping with all the mercurial speed Pinkie was known for. "Oh! I smelled him in this world, that's why I came here." She patted herself lightly. "All the time in that big... nothing place left me all green." She smiled a little. "Just as well... I don't want to make things confusing for this world's Pinkie. It's her world, not mine."

Night licked her snout lightly as she looked Surprise up and down. "That's quite a story..."

Surprise sagged in place. "You don't believe me."

Night didn't, though it did intrigue her. "I promised to get you some attention, come on." She turned and nudged open the door to the infirmary, leading Surprise inside. A nurse was inside and Night approached the pony with a little smile.

The nurse perked her ears. "Ah! Miss Lining, are you here for a pregnancy exam?"

Night came up short, almost sputtering. "Miss Lining? No, I didn't come for that." She took a half step back, then turned to Surprise. "She needs an examination."

The nurse looked past Night towards Surprise, but her attention was fixed. "Oh, did he take your name? Silver Watch? That works nicely." She approached Surprise with a little giggle. "Now what seems to be the problem?"

Surprise sat on her haunches. "Hello! Well, um, I have a bit of a cough." She tapped herself on the chest.

The nurse slid her dangling stethoscope into her ears and held it out with her magic, placing it against Surprise's chest. "Go ahead and breathe for me, nice deep breaths."

Attempting to do so sent Surprise into a fresh wave of coughs, but she managed a few rounds to the nurse's satisfaction.

"Mmm, you got some kind of bug in there, but don't worry! You just need some TLC and to relax." The nurse leaned forward. "Where do you live?"

Surprise wilted at the question. "Wherever I can..."

The nurse looked confused a moment before understanding clicked. "Oh no! I will not have a sick pony living like that." She thrust a hoof at one of the beds. "Go, lay down. You'll just stay here until you're better, and I won't take no for an answer."

Surprise looked between the nurse, Night, and the offered bed. "Is it really alright?"

Night nodded and chuckled. "Silver isn't the only nice pony around here. You heard her, go rest."

The nurse's attention slid to Night. "As for you, young lady, you're far past time for some maternal care! Come with me."

Night's expression became harder. "I have to be going. Thank you, but I'll pass." She turned back towards the door, only to feel magic wrapping around her. "Nurse, I know you're trying to be nice, but if you don't let me go, I will assume you're attacking me, and I am trained for that."

The magic faltered and released her, and Night trotted out, leaving the mildly scandalized nurse behind. Surprise leaned off the side of her new bed. "Don't take it personally, she was like that with me too."

Elsewhere, Silver trotted through the hallways of the castle, only to feel a humanlike hand settle on his shoulder suddenly. He tensed in surprise and spun his head to see Nefertari looming over him with a sharp smile. "Hello there, little pony. Where have you been hiding?"

Silver let out a quick sigh. It wasn't who he had specifically wanted to see, but he knew Nefertari, or so he hoped he did. "I was called away to handle matters elsewhere, but that's all taken care of."

She perked at him. "Were you now? Your title isn't just decorative then?" She ran sharp claws through the fur of his scalp and towards his back. "Was it a matter of any import, I wonder..."

Silver felt the urge to hotly argue, but Celestia's words drifted in his mind. He was at least one part spy. "Nothing I couldn't handle," he replied, trying to keep his voice even despite being pet. Why did being pet feel so nice as a pony? "Have things improved for your people?"

She snorted at that. "It took twisted arms to get them to send me. With luck, they won't recall me. As brave as they claim to be, change scares them." She moved the petting paw to under Silver's chin, scratching him there and keeping his gaze aligned with hers. "What use is bravery, to fear something so inevitable as change?"

To his rising embarrassment, one of his hind legs kicked against the ground. She was handling him like a dog, and doing a good job of it. "Could you stop that?" He took a step away from her, and she let him. "Change is scary, but I've already looked deep into the eyes of that beast, I think."

She raised a brow at his words. "What change have you faced, little pony? You're too young to even know what it means."

Silver smiled at her. "I'm older than I look. I've seen death, my own. I've been crowned prince, and lost it."

Nefertari looked perplexed, but in an amused fashion. "You speak impossibilities with such a straight face. My waking mind tells me you are a liar, and that I should ignore you entirely, but... There's something else... I'll keep an eye out for you, little one." She vanished, moving with such fantastic speed that Silver didn't see her go.

He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and trotted towards his room, hoping Night would be waiting there for him. His thoughts wandered to Surprise, wondering what her story was, Was she truly from his dreams? No, that didn't... That didn't make sense. "Pinkie came back in the dreams..." As he walked along, he found himself wishing he could visit someone learned in the matter of dreams. "Maybe Zecora?"

Zecora wasn't in Canterlot, so Silver went to his room, knocked gently with a light clopping, then slipped inside to hear the sound of flowing water. Somepony was in the shower. "Night? Is that you?" He wasn't about to go rushing in. Heaven forfend it was some other pony, for some reason.

"I'll be out in a minute!" came a familiar voice.

Silver smiled with relief. "Don't rush on my account, just wanted to know it was you." He looked around. Surprise wasn't there. Had Night sent her away? "How did things go?" He stood outside the washing area, giving Night her space.

There was a moment of quiet, just the water flowing, before Night replied, "What do you think of the name Silver Watch?"

Silver blinked at that. "Are you asking me to take your name?"

Quiet came again for a moment. "What do you think?"

Silver sat on his haunches. "I don't think I would mind." He smiled even if she couldn't see it. "It just makes us that much closer. It'd... be a step forward, to a new part of my life."


"Well, my name, this name... I took it to mean being a pony would be my Silver Lining on a dark and confusing part of my life." He tapped at the ground. "But maybe it's time to move past that." He leaned towards the archway to the bathing area. "Heh, time. Silver Watch... Maybe I should get one, a silver watch that is, something nice on a chain."

"Let me," she said, sounding quite determined. "I'll find one for you. Silver Watch... Thank you."

Silver inclined his ears forward. He knew something important had just happened, but the workings of people, or ponies... He wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed on the human scale. He'd just been lucky ponies were, by and large, worse than him. He felt clueless, but taking her name wasn't bad, and it clearly made her happy. He thought to his time in the dreams. He had taken a different last name. "Silver Stars..."

"What was that?"

"Let me know when you're done in there, I have doting to deliver to you, my lovely wife."

"Oh no you don't." The water turned off. "I'm going to get that watch for you."

"Right now?" Silver perked an ear. "You don't have to rush."

"I don't have to, but I want to." She emerged, dry and dressed. "So you stay right here, relax, and wait for me to come back."

Silver moved for her, bumping noses. "I could come with you? It's not a surprise gift. Oh! Celestia gave the okay on our leave, so we're officially off-duty until after all this. She didn't raise even the slightest objection, and she offers congratulations on twins."

Night smiled at him, returning the nuzzle gently. "Well, thank you to her, but no, stay here. Let me surprise you, even if you know it's coming."

They exchanged a warm hug before he let her go, and she trot from the room with an air of determination.

"Silver Watch..." He suddenly burst into laughter. "Oh god, I've become our shipping name..."

90 - In Darkness Met

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Night trotted through the hallways of the castle, but she wasn't bound for the entrance, no... "It's about time we settled this." She moved for Luna's quarters. The guards subtly changed as she came closer. Less day guards, more night guards, until she encountered two of them standing post outside her door. She nodded to either of them. "Fair day."

"The nights are better," replied one of them.

"They always are," finished Night, completing a traditional lunar pony exchange. She smiled at her two kinsponies. "I'm here to see Luna, is she back yet? If not, I'll leave her a message."

"She's settling in a new tribe of ponies." The guard tilted his head a little. "How did she just make a new tribe out of nowhere? The writing says she took untold years to get us just right."

Night had the answer to that, and offered it without reservation. "This tribe, she found. They were already creatures of the night, but they need help. Her guidance, and our support, seeing as we already know the score of that game."

The other guard took a half-step forward. "Were you there? Please, tell us more."

Night shook her head. "They're good ponies, or have the potential to be. They'll need good neighbors... Good big brothers and sisters, which is what we, as lunar ponies, can be." She pulled out a sheet of paper and began scribbling on it busily before she folded it in three and stamped on it with her personal seal. "Please see Luna gets this as soon as she returns. Darkness protect."

"Darkness protect."

Night left the guards and was soon out of the castle, or so was her plan until a familiar green pony gave an especially loud 'psst' that failed every check for being discreet. "Hey! Night Watch! Psst!"

Night raised a brow at the green earth pony. "Hello, Surprise. I'm just going shopping, shouldn't you be resting?"

Surprise shrugged softly. "Having a soft warm place to sleep at night is great, but I got bored. It's not even night! Can I go shopping with you?" She saw Night looking hesitant and quickly offered, "I'll be super quiet! It'll be like I'm not even there!"

Night got the impression she'd be stalked comedically in the shadows if she didn't let Surprise do it in the open. "Alright, just keep your coughs to yourself."

"Roger wilco!" She smiled brilliantly. "She said I should clear right up with some good food and a nice place to sleep. Thank you soooo much for bringing me." She advanced, looking ready to hug Night.

Night danced away, her good wing flaring out. "Easy there, Surprise. I'm glad you're feeling better, but no hugs until you're all better."

Surprise stopped and gave a firm nod. "You got it!" She looked around. "So where are we going?"

Night trotted away, descending the stairs of the castle. "I have to find a watchmaker. I think I remember where one is."

"Watchmaker?" Surprise went quiet a moment before it clicked, her expression brightening. "Oh! Oh! You did what the nurse suggested! Did he already say yes?" She trotted up closer to Night's side. "That's so cute! And romantic! Did you have to talk him into it or did he just say yes?"

Night smiled despite her best of intentions. "That creampuff? Of course he said yes." She glanced away. "I can't imagine him not."

Surprise raised an ear. "Why aren't you more happy about that? Did you want him to argue about it?"

"Well, no, I mean... Maybe? A little?"

Surprise shook her head slowly. "He loves you, Night Watch, the Big L. Asking him to wear your name is like giving him a big shiny diamond and telling him to show it off. He gets to say to everypony--" She stood up tall and straight and raised a hoof to her chest. "I am Mister Silver Watch. Oh Oh! Or We are Mister and Misses Watch. I'm sure he's looking into a mirror and trying that right now." Surprise giggled with mirth, her mane showing faint signs of curls, but still limp compared to its normal state. "Wanna bet?"

Elsewhere, Silver sneezed suddenly, getting droplets of moisture all over the mirror he was looking at. Blushing, he levitated up a cloth and cleaned up his mess.

Night waved a hoof dismissively. "He wouldn't be doing that..." She trailed off, frowning thoughtfully. "Would he?"

"Hello! Do you even see the way he looks at you?" She danced up to Night's side. "This is so different from when I last met him..."

Night looked sideways at Surprise. "Ah... that dream again..." She glanced away and back quickly, curiosity overwhelming her. "What was he like, there?"

"Well he still loved you a lot, but he had so many mares to balance. Not like here. It's just you, and he puts all that love into one place. I mean, he was doing an alright job juggling everypony, but it was getting kinda crazy." She shrugged a little. "He went on a big super important trip with Celestia once, left you, uh, dream you behind. He was super happy to get back though."

Night squinted a little. "Just how long... was this dream?"

Surprise shrugged her shoulders. "It was... my home. It was forever, I thought, until it was gone..." She glanced around suddenly. "Who's to say this whole place won't collapse the same way? Just, poof, gone... Maybe it's all somepony's dream too?"

Night raised a brow. "I find that highly unlikely."

"You think I didn't?!" Surprise slapped a hoof over her own snout. "Sorry, I didn't mean to shout like that."

Night waved it off. "You didn't quite answer the question. Did he..." She went quiet, trotting along a moment before it returned to her, or her bravery built high enough. "Was he in love, there?"

Surprise gigglesnorted as if the question were simply hilarious. "Of course he loved you. I mean, sure, he was crazy overwhelmed most of the time, but yes. For sure. Seeing you was one way I was sure it was him, even if he looked different from how I remembered him."


"Oh sure. I mean, he was a lunar pony mare for most of the time I met him." She waved a hoof as if reporting it had rained on a given day. "Then there was that whole princess, then prince thing... He was never boring, I'll say that for sure! But through all that, you were constant." She tilted her head a little. "Did you say he was brushing off Twilight?"

Night shook her head as she pulled ahead. "Let's focus on shopping, shall we?"

"Oh, sure."

Together they strode along the well-cobbled streets of Canterlot, stopping at a store that showed a sign made up of gears large and small. Night smiled up at the sign. "Here we are." She proceeded to the door and pushed it open. A concealed bell rang out from above.

"One moment," called out a stallion's voice from the back. "I'm in the middle of a delicate procedure. Please be patient. Feel free to look around, with your eyes only, if you don't mind."

Surprise peeked inside, then began darting from one case to the next. "Wow, look at it all!" She tapped at the glass keeping her hooves from touching one collection of watches, both mantelpieces and pocket varieties. Her eyes wandered off to the large grandfather clocks that lined one wall. "He has a watch for everything!"

Night nodded lightly as she wandered around, letting her eyes roam the selection. "I want something silver and brilliant, but with some hint of thought behind it. A diplomatic cast would be nice..."

"Roger!" Surprise began sweeping the room, looking intently for something that matched Night's desire. Coincidence, or fate, had them laying eyes on their target at almost the same moment. A fat silver watch that showed a pony with its hoof offered out, but there was nothing there.

Night bobbed her head. "It's delightful." She flashed a toothy grin. "We can have it modified each time he makes a new friend." She tapped the glass protecting it. "Changelings and umbrum, to start."

Surprise raised an ear. "What about a lunar pony? He made friends with them, best friends! What's an umbrum?"

Night shook her head. "Long story, but imagine changelings that feed on fear instead of love. They look like shadowy pixie ponies."

Surprise tilted her head at the notion. "They sound cute, and scary. Adorafrightening? Terridorable?" She giggled a little. "Still, why not lunar ponies?"

Night waved a hoof. "Just me doesn't count."

"Is he not friends with Luna anymore?"

Night raised a brow. "He is, but she isn't a lunar pony."

Surprise shrugged. "If he hasn't made enough lunar pony friends, you should introduce him to more. I bet he'd like that."

Night stiffened a little. "I'm not sure he would..."

With the sound of beads being pushed aside in a curtain, the shopkeep emerged, a thoughtful expression on his aged muzzle. "Hello there." He focused on Night and raised a brow. "I think I recognize you."

Night blinked at the older unicorn. "You do?"

"Night guard, right?"

Night deflated a little. "Once, sir." She tapped at the display case. "We want this one, right here. Can you make a modification to it?"

He looked perplexed a moment. "Oh! You must think I'm terrible. No! Not just any old night guard, no no no. You watched a warehouse for me when I was younger, caught some miscreant trying to get some of my work." He sat on his haunches, nodding. "I remember it like it was yesterday. Good thing, too. Little punk had no finesse. He was wrestling open a box so roughly..." He sighed. "You stopped him from doing more damage, but even the little time he had had me busy for weeks fixing things." He smiled then. "Still, at least it was all fixable damage. I can only imagine how bad it could have gotten."

Night thought back to her guarding days. She had watched many warehouses, but the elder unicorn's smiling face resurfaced in her memory. "Ah! I remember you. I was still a new guard at the time. It was one of my earliest big catches."

"Was it?" He smiled at her. "You took to it naturally. What are you doing these days?"

"She's a bodyguard!" chimed Surprise, bouncing a little in place. "She protects her husband."

Night didn't remember telling her that, and raised a brow at her.

The shop keep shook his head a little. "Still a guard, but protecting something clearly dear to you." He let out a little sigh as he smiled. "That's very nice. Now, what watch caught your eye?"

Night tapped at the display lightly. "I want two smaller figures added, with their hooves offered in return. One, a changeling, the other..." She began to describe a particular umbrum, General Dark Pass, in all his disconcertingly adorable shadow pixieness.

She was certain she had found the right one.

91 - Hitting the Books

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Silver scribbled out a little note before he wandered out into the castle, not out of boredom, but... "Hope she lets me."

As luck, or fate, would have it, Celestia was moving between rooms with an envoy of her secretary and several guards. Her secretary was speaking at a rapid clip about where Celestia needed to be that day and what was on the agenda.

Smiling with joy, Silver moved to intercept the ruler of the land. "Ce--Princess Celestia, can I bother you a moment?"

The procession looked like it was ready to run Silver right over, but Celestia stopped, which encouraged the others to do the same. "Ambassador, I thought I wouldn't be seeing you for a while."

Silver waved up at her. "I still live here, and I could never entirely avoid you, nor would I want to. To get to the point, you look busy. Can I have access to the Starswirl area of the library?"

Celestia raised a brow. "There are very dangerous spells in there, I trust you realize?"

Silver tapped his head. "They'll have company. My cutie mark itches to study and learn. I won't be leaving the castle without Night Watch, but I can study at her side."

Her secretary leaned in and whispered urgently and Celestia nodded. "We really must be going." She looked to one of her guards. "Accompany the Ambassador and inform the guards he is permitted to study, and to borrow one book at a time, but the books are not to leave the castle."

"Of course, Your Highness." The guard saluted with a wing, then moved to lead Silver away.

Silver waved at Celestia before he went. "Thank you! I'll let you know if I figure anything interesting out."

The guard strode before Silver, marching stoically and silently. Silver didn't like it. He accelerated to be at the guard's side. "It's alright to talk. I'm not a noble."

The guard raised a brow faintly, almost lost. "You're an ambassador, that could be argued to be higher a rank."

Silver raised a hoof as he ambled on the other three. "Ah ha, there is a mind in there, and a sharp one, I bet. My name's Silver Watch, what's yours?"

"Not to contradict you, sir, but aren't you Ambassador Silver Lining?"

Silver lifted an ear. "I was, until my wife renamed me."

"That's an interesting way of phrasing it."

Silver smiled brightly. "I laid down and let her shape me in that way. She let me shape her long before today." The guard's brow raised a little higher, but he was silent. "She's expecting." Silver tilted his head. "I wasn't going to deny taking her name, and it's not a bad name."

"Are you lonely, Sir?"

Silver's raised hoof came down in a stumble. "W-wha?"

The guard didn't offer any expanded explanation. Silver shook his head quickly. "I'm just making conversation. Is it bothering you...? I never caught your name."

With a faint sigh, the guard looked aside at Silver. "Permission to speak freely, Sir?"

Silver's ears went up. "Granted, not that you needed my permission."

The guard smirked, one side of his mouth raising. "You're like a foal, sir. Respectable adults just walk. You don't need to fill the time with conversation."

Silver felt his ears falling without his say so. His cheeks colored. Physically, he was still a young adult, he supposed, still... "I don't think it's that bad to want to talk. That's my job." He glanced away, feeling increasingly self-aware. "I just thought... I'm married to a guard. I know ponies are used to not even noticing you most of the time."

"Pointedly ignoring," corrected the guard. "Here we are." He gestured ahead, where two other guards stood watch. "The Ambassador here is permitted entry and one book loaning while within the boundaries of the castle."

The other two nodded in quiet acceptance of the information, and the first spun in place, ready to depart. Silver held out a hoof. "Wait! I still didn't get your name."

He looked over his shoulder. "You'd just forget it." He walked off without another word.

Silver wondered which part hurt more, the snubbing, or the fact that he was likely correct. Silver shook off the momentary funk and strode for the forbidden collection of spells and lore. He could feel his spirits raising with every step. So many spells! Like a foal in a candy store, his eyes roamed wildly from one shelf to the next, unable to determine where to even start.

He closed his eyes and reached with his magic, yanking a random scroll off the shelf before him. It was a classic scroll, wound around a central post. With a careful pull, he unfurled it and began to skim over it as his body moved on auto-pilot towards a chair.

The scroll spoke of interdimensional contact and travel. It was a treatise on mirror portals! Silver gasped and almost dropped the scroll. "Text, that wasn't funny!" There was no reply to his outburst. Text, fate, or luck, whatever had been responsible, Silver shook his head. He wasn't going to make a spell based on mirror portals, so he slid it away and reached for another.

The next was a book, aged, but not dusty. The books were upkept and cared for, so dust was not allowed. Silver carefully flipped it open and began to scan over the pages. It spoke of some sort of 'aetheric slime' and Silver perked. That sounded interesting. He folded the book shut just as carefully and tucked it in his saddlebag before moving to trot for his room.

Somehow, the guards knew he hadn't tried to sneak out a second book, or just assumed. Either way, he was unchallenged and trotted towards his room with his precious cargo ready for studying. He arrived back at his room without challenge and pushed inside. There was no Night Watch or anypony else, so he hopped up on the bed and set the book before him, getting to reading even as he pulled out his own book for note taking and his writing supplies with it. It was time to study!

Studying didn't seem nearly as boring as it had been before. He supposed studying how to hack reality itself did have a bit more glamor to it.

He couldn't resist. Seeing the first spell to create some of this slime, he stood up, reading over it and mouthing how the spell should go, he turned away from the book and raised his horn, playing the complex notes of the spell clearly not designed for starting magicians.

Suddenly he felt wet and slimy around his horn. Looking up, he could see bright neon pink ooze was running down his glowing horn in a steady procession, starting to gather at the base. He squeaked in surprise and his horn stopped glowing, and with it, the slime stopped being made. That didn't make what was already there go away, and it still coated his horn.

He reached up and gently tapped at the slime that quivered and shook like set jello. It didn't hurt, and he could still use magic, so it wasn't immediately worrying, just curious. Confused, but not too alarmed, he turned back to the book.

If you're anything like me, you didn't finish reading and now have a horn coated in a singular bright color.

Silver blushed brightly. "I've been called by an ancient sorcerer..."

Have no fear. Aetheric slime, though potentially useful in many ways, is nothing without directed will towards a purpose. Created without such purpose, it does nothing. You should not proceed until you have convinced the slime to leave your horn and to sit beside you. If you cannot manage this feat, close this book and forgot you ever saw it. It is not meant for you.

Silver raised a brow. It didn't say how to convince the slime. Could it understand him, or was this a mental feat? He crossed his eyes up at the goop on his horn. He tried thinking at it as hard as he could, commanding it to come free of his horn. It quivered, but largely remained as it was.

"Come on, please?"

The slime ran down his horn, forcing Silver to close his eyes as it ran over his face. "That's right, come on down." He could feel the slime quivering as it ran down over his cheek to his throat. He could open his eyes, but not look down well with it barring where his snout would go. "Keep on going."

It didn't move.

Silver frowned a little. Maybe it was a combination? He began imagining it going down his front to the bed as he kept coaxing it. "Go on, you're almost there..."

That proved effective, as the slime ran down to between his fore legs, grasped one of his legs and slid down to the bed. Slowly, Silver stepped away from it, free from the slime. He let out a sigh of relief before smiling. "Challenge complete." He reached out and poked the dollop of slime on the bed. "Now what can I do with you?" It had no answers for him, so he turned back to the book.

The door suddenly opened, admitting Night and Surprise into the room. Night raised a brow high, looking at Silver standing on the bed with all his gear. "What are you doing?"

Silver hopped down from the bed quickly. "Practicing magic. Look, I made a slime!" He thrust a hoof out at the goop on the bed.

Night tilted her head slowly. Surprise wasn't nearly so reserved and darted forward to look at it more closely. "Wow! What is it?"

Silver shook his head. "I'm still reading about that. It's called an aetheric slime."

Night rolled a hoof. "You made it without figuring out what it is first?" She took a slow breath, then smiled. "It didn't eat you."

Silver smiled brightly. "Nope! I even made it do something." He pointed to the floor beside the bed as he held the image of it slithering off. "Down boy, down!" The slime began to slowly ooze along, slowly leaving the bed behind. It didn't leave a trail, thankfully, on the bed or himself.

Surprise blinked softly. "Wait, it's a colt?"

Night rolled her eyes. "I don't think it's a colt or a mare."

Silver tapped at his chin. "I can't prove it is or isn't. I got a book to read and work on while we're hanging out." He noticed Surprise giving the slime curious pokes. "Oh, hey Pinkie."

"Surprise, silly." She stuck out her tongue at him.

Silver nodded. "Right, sorry, Surprise." He looked back at Night. "You two getting along?"

Night clenched her teeth a moment. "Actually... yes. Surprise, you should go to bed now."

"Aw..." Despite her objection, she moved back for the door. "I'll visit tomorrow!" And she dashed away.

Night moved to Silver's side and nuzzled into one of his ears. "My little magician. You're going to lose track of time working on this."

"I won't get carried away!"

"Let me help." She reached back into her saddlebag and pulled out the silver pocketwatch. "To help you keep time under control."

Silver's magic wrapped around it and he brought it close to look it over. "It's wonderful... Thank you! Oh look, a changeling, and an umbrum." He tilted his head. "Why's the human so nondescript?"

Night rolled her eyes. "Neither of us were experts on humans. You can thank Surprise it's as detailed as it is."

Silver threw a leg over Night and hugged her close. "It's perfect, thank you."

92 - Growing Problems

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Silver wanted to read his book, but watching his wife easily competed for the time. She was doing stretches and light exercises that involved her entire body, minus her injured wing. "You could join me, if you were feeling up for it."

Silver perked an ear. "I don't have the parts to do some of those. How are you holding up, hon?" He jumped to the ground from the bed, the chain of his new watch swaying from the motion. "When have you last been looked at?"

Night snorted softly, turning towards Silver. "Besides Cadance?"

"Yes." Silver moved in close to nuzzle her, but she rebuffed him lightly, pushing his snout away with a hoof. "Something wrong?"

She looked ready to deny him on the spot, but a tremble ran through her instead. "Yes..."

Silver's ears perked in unison. He heard her need in that one word and took a slow step forward. "What is it? No matter how stupid you feel it is, let's face it, together."

Night quirked a smile. "Good choice of words. It is stupid..." She glanced away. "Getting pregnant, popping out a foal or two? Pretty natural. Just sit back... let it happen... That was my plan, but I'm getting larger every day." She sucked air through her teeth. "What if something goes wrong?"

Silver circled her, coming in at the side. "Then let's go. Let's make sure everything's working right, for you, and them."

She shrank back from him a little. "I don't need fawning over."

"You do." Silver frowned. "And protecting. I know you prefer to be the protector, but we're a family, and that means we all get to play that role sometimes. Right now, I am protecting you and our foals, and I wouldn't have it any other way." He took a half step towards her. "I won't let them do anything without discussing it first, just look."

Night's ears spun backwards as she slumped against the bed. A hoof came down beside the smaller dollop of ooze. She noticed it and tilted her head at it. "Were you doing something with this?"

Silver looked down towards it. "Ah, creating one was the first step, but I got distracted. It's not nearly as important as you are. It is getting smaller though? I wonder if it just evaporates." He caught himself getting distracted again and shook himself out. "Come on. We're royal guests, let's play that card and get you a little physical, then we'll find a spa willing to roll out the carpet for heavy mares and we'll enjoy the day, together."

"Spa?" She burst into a short fit of laughter. "Spa... Luna above! I swore I'd never end up in such a soft place." She prodded at Silver in the chest with a hoof. "What are you trying to do to me?"

Silver smiled gently. "Treat you like the wonderful pony and wife you are?"

Night reached for the ooze, easily gathering it on her hoof and raising it up. "If I treated you like the spellcrafter you are, I'd leave you here to play with your slime." She deposited it right on Silver's head, where it balanced a moment before encapsulating his horn without prompting.

Silver shuddered. Its motions were a little ticklish around his sensitive horn. "Is it alive?"

Night raised a brow behind her glasses. "You don't know?"

Silver shook his head. "I didn't get that far in the book." He looked up at it. "I think it's getting larger again." He could feel his magic being pulled on. It was no vicious or violent draw, more like a little suckle. It almost felt good, in a disconcerting way, and it grew back to its original form before the suction ended on its own.

Night shook her head back at him. "Only you would create something like that without knowing a thing about it. It looks happy enough just hanging out there. It isn't hurting or anything, is it?"

Silver considered it a moment. "No, no pain. I think it 'fed', but only what it needed and it stopped on its own."

Night rolled a hoof. "Good, it's a well-behaved little beast. So what were you going to do with it?"

"Walk you down for that physical." He turned to the door. "No more distractions."

Night peered at him skeptically. "With that thing on your head?"

"If it helps you move, yes. Come on, Night." He smiled at her gently. "I won't let them do anything you don't want."

Night thrust a hoof at his face, dangling between his eyes. "I'll hold you to that, mister 'protector'."

Silver snorted softly. "That's Mister Watch, thank you."

Night burst into laughter. "Surprise was right... Go on, let's go, stupid stallion."

"If loving you is stupid, I'd rather be a moron." Silver trotted for the door, his magic pulling it open before he stepped into the hallway, leading Night.

Night trailed behind him as he trotted. "You seem confident about this..."

Silver swiveled an ear back at her. "Night, it's alright."

"What is?"

"Let go. I'll be the rock this time."

Night went quiet, her teeth clenched and fighting against a fresh shudder. Just as they arrived at the infirmary, she circled him quickly and got in the way of the door. "Do you mean that?"

Silver nodded slowly. "Of course I do. Night, you're pregnant, and that's not something to be ashamed of, but you're going through a lot, and, damn it, I plan to be there for you." He advanced on her. "I'll be the rock. You want to cry, you go right ahead and cry. You feel panicked, you just say that, let it out. You have my full permission to feel emotions, and you're not any less Night Watch for doing so."

Night sank to her haunches and raised a hoof, pulling off her glasses. "You know... that's very nice, and a little absurd coming from a unicorn with slime all over his horn."

Silver snorted explosively at that, turning quickly into peals of laughter that had him flop over onto Night, hugging her tightly. "I may be a funny shaped rock, but I'm still yours. Now we're heading inside and we're getting that examination, alright? We're going to handle this right." He nuzzled into her cheek to find it was becoming damp with silent tears. He licked one away and held her tighter. "I'll be with you every instant."

He gave her a final peck on the cheek and nudged open the door. Inside was a new nurse, and yet one quite familiar.

Samantha, the crazed and amoral doctor of his dreams looked up from a clipboard. "Oh! Hello there! My my, look at you." She hopped down and trotted directly for Night Watch. "I've never had the pleasure of examining a lunar pegasus in this advanced state of pregnancy..."

Silver kept a leg around Night and felt her tense at her approach. "Hello Samantha. Pleas--"

"You know me?!" Samantha tilted her head. "I didn't know I had reached that level of academic acclaim. My efforts must be working better than I remembered." She tapped her chin even as various implements began to hover around her. "Now let's have a look."

Silver reached out with his own magic, keeping the medical instruments at bay. "We're here for an examination. No tools outside a stethoscope allowed."

Samantha frowned, but that quickly eroded to a manic smile. "Oh alright. I can still get fantastic data without these." She set them aside on a table and pointed at another. "Please lay down."

Silver led Night along even as he wondered just how similar dream Samantha and the real one were. Were they both... "Samantha? May I ask what is likely a personal question?"

"I'm certain you can." She kept pace with them, her eyes fixed on Night Watch. "I may not answer, but there's no physical reason you couldn't, is there? Are you feeling any obstructions in your larynx?"

Silver raised a brow. "All clear. Samantha, are you half-human?"

She came to a sudden halt, her pupils contracting and clear shock running across her features. "H-how? Only one pony in the world knows about that, and you're a poor lookalike for my father."

Night slid up onto the table and laid on her side, peering between Silver and Samantha. "I'm going to guess this is a dream thing?"

Silver nodded to Night. "Sorry to bring it up here, but I met her in it."

Night scowled. "Was she part of your ever-growing herd?"

Samantha blinked rapidly. "W-what? Oh no! I'm much too busy to settle down in any herds." She waved the motion off.

Silver took a slow breath. "We did nothing, but she did..." He looked to her. "No instruments. Hooves and stethoscope only."

"I heard you the first time," assured Samantha, rolling her eyes as she approached Night. "You will inform me as to the source of your knowledge after the procedure." She ran a hoof gently over the dome of Night's belly. "Look at you... You're developing quite nicely. How far along are you? Six? Seven months?"

Night flushed brightly. "I'm having twins."

"Ah! That changes my estimates." She began delivering little pokes and feels over the pregnant mare. "I'd like to do a peek inside of you. No tools, just magic. Magic's acceptable, hmm?"

Night glanced to Silver, who nodded. "Alright, so long as it's not invasive."

"Well, I am looking inside of her. I believe that qualifies as invasive. See?" Her horn began to glow with an alien spell and ghostly outlines began to show through Night's belly, revealing two small forms hiding within her. "Twins, confirmed. We'd have a clearer picture if I was allowed to use the screen."

Silver tilted his head. "Ah, it doesn't touch her? You can use that."

Samantha grinned as a screen floated in quickly, arranging itself in front of her belly and bringing the picture into focus. "Two healthy specimens. Hmmm, both unknown tribes..."

Night frowned a little. "Unknown? Do they have wings, or horns? How hard can it be to tell?" She tried to lean over the screen, but doing so put everything at a bad angle and she settled back.

Silver leaned in. "One has a horn, I think, cute little nub."

Samantha pointed with a delicate hoof. "Male, that one."

Silver's heart thudded suddenly. Morning Glory... "The other..." The other didn't look like they did in the dreams. They were a bit larger, and had no horn or wings. "An earth pony?"

Samantha nodded. "Mare, but they don't fit the traditional profile. They've taken after their mother, but I have no literature on lunar unicorns or lunar earth ponies." She clopped a hoof on the ground with an irritated expression, but it turned to a sudden smile. "Which means I get to write one!" She clopped her hooves together as that joy mounted. "Oh yes, this'll get..."

Silver cleared his throat loudly. "Samantha, please, focus. The care of your patient comes before academic glories."

Samantha blinked out of her thoughts. "Oh, yes, of course." She leaned towards the screen. "You look perfectly healthy, miss, as do your foals."

"Congratulations!" Surprise popped up beside the bed, living up to her name. "Happy First-Time-Seeing-Your-Twins Day!"

Night squinted at Surprise. "You're sounding better."

Surprise threw her fore legs wide. "I feel better. Ooo, lemme see." She nudged in between Silver and Samantha, peering into the monitor. "Awww, they're so cute!"

Night shook her head slowly. "Team Triple-S is on the case, I see."

Samantha tilted her head. "Triple-S?"

Surprise stuck out her tongue. "Surprise, Samantha, Silver. Triple-S!"

Though Night didn't say as much, Silver felt confident she was a little better for knowing with certainty her insides were doing what they should. "Now let's find that spa."

Samantha raised a brow. "Be mindful of hot tubs and similar instruments. They can cause undue harm to the developing infants."

Surprise bounced around Silver. "I saw a place that had a pony with a big ole belly on their sign. I'm sure they're good for just this kind of thing."

Samantha tapped at Silver's shoulder. "I will be looking you up later. You have answers to questions I didn't even know I had this morning." She giggled in her manic fashion. "Oh this is too exciting!"

93 - Don't Leave Things Unfinished

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Silver walked along with Night hovering beside his head. She wasn't flying of her own power. She still had a busted wing, but his magic was supporting her as he went along.

"You know I can walk on my own, right?"

"You could." He glanced up at her. "But today's a relaxation day. You went through with seeing the doctor when you didn't want to, and I'm very proud and happy you did so."

She smirked a little. "So you're rewarding me like a filly?"

"I'm doting on you. It feels nice to me too." He lowered her to get a nuzzle in. "I'll let you go when we get to our room and you can do a heavy workout if you want to."

Surprise tilted her head as she walked alongside them. "Do you do that a lot?"

Night twitched her ears at Surprise. "I forgot you were there a moment. Yes, I do, and I will. Relaxation day..."

Surprise produced a sweatband from her mane and donned it on her head. "Want a partner?"

Night peered at Surprise. "I wasn't aware that was something you enjoyed."

Surprise waved off the disbelief. "Why wouldn't I? You can't host a dozen parties in a day without being fit. I did that before, did you know that? That was crazy! Party planning requires optimal physical condition!"

Silver snorted loudly at that. "You're sounding a little nerdier than usual."

Surprise rolled her eyes. "Well, duh! Parties are what I'm passionate about."

He looked her up and down. "When's the last one you hosted?"

Surprise went stiff and retreated to silence. Night reached out a wing and swatted at Silver. "He was trying to encourage you to host a new party, not make you sad, Surprise."

She bounced back, smiling brightly. "I'd love to do that, but who would I... oh!" She looked up at Night. "I bet you haven't had a foal shower!"

Night cringed faintly. "Must I?"

"You must!" She clopped her forehooves excitedly. "Now what kind of parties do you like?"

Night raised a brow lightly. "The kind that aren't parties?"

"Alright, small, got it. Favorite snack?"

Silver carried Night into their room, Surprise collecting information as they went. He placed her on the bed as promised, still glistening from the oils she had received from the spa. He let out a sigh, the strain of holding her released. As if tiring of being ignored, his slime suddenly slid off his horn and dropped to the floor with a wet slap.

"Oh, right. I need to figure out what I'm doing with you." He grabbed out the book and moved to the desk in the room, ready to get reading as the two mares had their conversation. He flipped open the book to where he left off.

Now that you've created and exerted basic mastery of your aetheric slime, it's time to go over its basic uses.

Silver giggled a little. It was exciting to think he was reading the direct words of Star Swirl the Bearded, one of the most potent magicians of his time.

Your aetheric slime is an extension of your internal aetheric network. Your slime is you, at the most central point. This nature allows it to be of use in unique ways. Created while you are healthy, it can help restore imbalances, tangles, and snags in your network at a later point. When your network is impeded in any way, it is physically painful for the slime, and it will naturally seek to correct it.

Silver tilted his head a little, then whipped his head around at his smooth tail, giving it a little swish back and forth.

That is why it is very important to create your aetheric slime when you are as uncluttered as possible. Any imperfections in your net will be seen as natural and upkept.

Silver let his head thunk on the desk lightly.

Night looked up from where she had been working out alongside Surprise. "Something wrong?"

Silver let out a little nervous laugh. "Nothing major, just that I'll be stuck with mother's tail a little longer."

Surprise peered at the tail. "It's got some blue in it." She shrugged a little. "It isn't that bad, is it?"

Silver stuck out his tongue. "I am not going to badmouth Trixie's tail, but it's not my tail."

Night pointed at the book. "Well you better keep reading then. The answer's probably in there."

He did just that, turning to the aged book just to find the Slime parked above it. It was almost as if he was being watched by the slime. He reached out and gave it a gentle poke. "Hello there."

The slime offered no words in reply, but seemed to swirl in place. Silver nodded at the slime before turning his attention back to the page. It explained how the slime could be used to assist in healing and recovery of unicorns talented enough to create and upkeep one. He warmed a little at being called talented. He had just followed the directions. Was that all it took to be talented? Maybe it was a matter of his reserves?

He flipped the page and found another spell staring at him temptingly.

Before you go rushing forward, my likely young apprentice, this spell has serious repercussions.

Silver withdrew a little, but nodded and kept reading. He wouldn't be fooled twice.

This spell can be used with an item that has an imprint of another pony's magic or aetheric net signature. It will impress it on the slime, allowing you greater access to the targeted pony. This is temporary, but very useful for long range spells and rituals. A lost unicorn can be found with this over a great distance if the seeking spell is channeled through a properly attuned aetheric slime.

Silver looked down to the dangling necklace that still glowed purple with Twilight's magic. He could... He shook his head vigorously. Almost anything he could do would be improper and plain wrong. Except... He played the magic of the spell over his horn, focusing on the crystal and the slime. The slime suddenly turned a deep lavender shade and even sprouted Twilight's cutie mark within its gooey interior.

He clopped his hooves with glee and then swept his eyes over the page.

Besides location, it can also be used for communication.

Exactly what Silver had been hoping for. He read over the spell and grabbed a sheet of paper, scribbling hastily on it.

Hi Twilight!

Sorry I was so curt with you in the Crystal Empire. There was a lot on my mind, but it wasn't anything you did, promise. You had some questions, and I just learned how to do this trick, so just write me back and we can be penpals, alright?

Hoping to Be Friends,
Ambassador Silver Watch

He added his cutie mark on the bottom, and folded the paper and put it into his slime, which gurgled and swirled around it. With a new spell, the paper was suddenly consumed, shriveling up and vanishing into nothing. According to the book, it would appear beside Twilight, much like Spike's mailing system. He tapped at his chin, wondering why Celestia didn't use a slime of her own.

His eyes returned to the book, only to find Surprise was looking up at him, the back of her head to the book. He recoiled in surprise, falling over backwards. "W-wha! Pinkie, don't do that."

"Surprise!" She giggled softly and bounced towards him. "Whatcha doing? Why's your little goopy friend all purple and why's it got Twilight's cutie mark in it?"

Night peered at the two of them and beyond at the lavender slime. "Are you doing something that I should be annoyed at?"

Silver rolled back up to his haunches and waved his forelegs. "Nothing bad! I just sent Twilight a letter apologizing for being a jerk to her in the Crystal Empire."

Surprise peeked back at the slime. "It sends letters?" The slime shuddered suddenly and spat out a letter in return before the cutie mark and coloration faded from it. "Oh, she musta replied." Without asking she grabbed the letter and unfurled it. Silver tried to swipe it with his magic, but she somehow ducked around his force despite it being a nebulous point of pressure. "Dear Ambassador Silver Watch, Thanks for writing to me. It's good to hear there aren't any hard feelings. I was wondering if I had said something wrong." Silver's attempts were continuously foiled as she danced and shuffled out of the way of what should have been instant and invisible grabs of his magic. "I have so many questions to ask, starting with how you sent this letter, and how my reply can reach you. I'll send another letter soon with a survey if you don't mind. Respectfully, Princess Twilight Sparkle."

Night smirked a little. "You've done it now, Silver. She will never leave you alone."

Silver paused at that. Being 'bothered' by Twilight didn't sound that bad, even if it reminded him of what could have been but never was. "Nothing wrong with some written stuff back and forth." So long as he wasn't looking her in her face, he was sure he could handle it. "Besides, I can't pretend I'm not involved in the churning wheels of politics. I can't go putting princesses on my Do Not Contact list." He snorted softly and looked back towards his book. "This little slime is full of interesting possibilities. No wonder Star Swirl devoted a whole book to it."

Night sat down beside Silver, pointing at it. "Does he say what happens if somepony else gets access to your slime?"

Silver stiffened at the thought. "I didn't read about that, but the slime has... It is me, on a magical level."

Night rolled a hoof. "So anypony who had it could cast spells at you through it whenever they wanted to, and there wouldn't be much you could do about it."

Silver felt a cold chill run through his body. "Maybe... that's why it's not so popular..."

Surprise grabbed the slime suddenly and began tossing it up and down. "I think it's kind of cute!"

Night reached out with her good wing, snatching the slime back. "He's mine to play with."

Silver tilted his head at Night. "I don't argue the idea, but you don't cast spells, do you?"

Night stroked over the slime with a hoof. "Oh, but I do." She half-lidded her eyes, giving Silver a come hither expression he couldn't miss if he tried. "Is it working?"

Silver licked over his lips. "Surprise, we need a little time, alone."


"Sorry, married things."

"Oh!" Surprise perked up. "Oh right, you two... like the Cakes. Roger! I'll come back later." She bounded off quickly, closing the door gently behind herself.

Silver approached Night as she stroked the slime and gazed at him, speaking volumes without a word. "Your spell has ensnared me, lovely wife, but are you ready for the results?"

Neither were very upset with those results.

94 - Facing the Darkness Within

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Night Watch stepped out onto a rooftop. She wasn't aware, but it was the same upon which Silver had once made a critical error. Her eyes were carried upwards to the pregnant moon above, heavy and full, much like herself. Silver was asleep and she had snuck out to be with herself. "What am I doing?"

She let out a slow breath, misting in the chill of the night. "He's..." She frowned a little. She was angry, but what at? It didn't make much sense to blame Silver after a day spent... "Maybe it's me." She sat on her haunches, eyes locked on the moon above. "You know, you were a lot easier to deal with as a distant figure of myth." She thought of Luna, the Mistress of the Moon. Her musings wandered to Celine... Silver's first wife. No matter how often he insisted hotly that Night was his true first, it simply wasn't true. Celine was first, and set things up for her even...

"I thought you were such a dork at first." Night spread her good wing wide, as if to soak the rays of the silvery moon. "You still are, but you're my dork."

Her busted wing suddenly irritated her. She felt irrationally furious at it and bit at the thing, tearing the bandages free with sharp teeth and powerful pulls. Her wing hung down with a painful twinge that only served to fuel her building anger. She lifted the injured limb and slowly spread it to match the other wing. Once the two were at equal height, the fury abated within her, just a little. She felt whole and proper before the moon.

She thought back to when she used to do that ritual more often, bathing in the moon's light and hoping to absorb the positive qualities of it. The moonlight saw all. The moonlight understood. The moonlight was silent, and would catch anyone it cared to. She bared her teeth to a sudden breeze. "The moon watches the Night..." And what was she, if not a little part of that, or so she liked to think... She was Night Watch, after all.

But was she? She sat on her haunches and raised her forelegs to run her hooves over her growing belly. She had a new purpose, but was it her only purpose? She couldn't even be a guard while she was heavy. She wasn't protecting anyone or anything. She was being protected. What watcher of the night was she?

Night grimaced as she rose up to all fours and strode for the edge. What was she carrying on about? She had almost single-hoofedly handled the Crystal Empire's problem and opened the way to peace. For a big fat slow mare, she had taken on an unknown enemy, beaten it, and made a new friend out of its corpse. By most any measure, she was a success... She sat at the edge and looked up to the unresponsive moon. "Why don't I feel like one?"

"Verily, you two were truly meant for one another." Luna rose from below, hovering with near-silent beats of her powerful wings.

Night recoiled in surprise, scrambling backwards along the roof and making room for Luna to land lightly. Luna approached the heavy mare, looking down at her. "We trust you were not considering following your husband's hoofsteps quite that closely."

An angry blush erupted through Night's face, mixed with shame and rapidly swelling rage. "What are you saying?! I'm allowed to think..." Her head lowered slowly. "I can still enjoy your night..."

Luna sat down before her. "Of course you can. You do realize, however, he did not choose to fall."

Night looked up sharply. "What?"

Luna indicated the edge of the roof. "The foalish stallion slipped. He may have been considering it, but he didn't cement that decision."

Night trembled. He hadn't tried to kill himself? "B-but..."

Luna shook her head. "I urged sister to have a proper rail placed here, but it offends her aesthetic tastes." She wrinkled her nose. "I don't understand her sometimes..."

Night clopped the ground with a hoof. "Luna!"


"Forget the rail..."

"As you wish." Luna reached with her feathery wings, encircling Night and drawing her closer. "What brings you up here? What weighs heavily on your mind?"

The moon was always there, and never judgemental. Luna... Night looked up at her smiling face, but there was more there. She could see Luna was worried, concerned. Luna cared about her, and was trying to look cheerful despite being scared. "I... We had the foals examined today."

Luna's expression twitched subtly. She was keenly interested. "I trust all was well?"

Night buried her face into Luna's front. She didn't want to see everything or anything at the moment. "They're fine. Everything's working the way it should... The way you planned."


"Don't try to deny it!" She nipped at Luna with sharp teeth. "It was by your orders I began watching him. It was by your orders I stayed by him. You kept me close until I learned to like my cage. You wanted us together, and you got that. You wanted these foals, well, you're getting that too." Night put her fore hooves at her belly. "Look at them, at me, all according to plan."

Luna could deny it, but she wasn't so foolish. Night Watch would see through her. "You're right." She leaned in and nudged Night with her nose. "I did play matchmaker. I saw two halves of a pony, and thought how wonderful they might be as one whole. Was I wrong?"

Night clenched her teeth. "Blast it all... of course you weren't..." She sank to the cool floor of the roof. "It doesn't mean I have to like it. I don't! I'm big and fat and slow."

"You're swollen with life, as a goddess of the night." Luna curled around Night. "You think you are shirking your duties, but you are not. You are simply undertaking a new duty. Night, I know this is difficult to believe, but this is why I am eager to recreate Celine."

Night raised an ear. "Hoping for more foals?"

Luna frowned. "Sharp, but not entirely undeserved. No. We have become too close. She... infected me."

"Your plan went awry."

Luna smiled a little. "They can't all be perfect... I'm making you unhappy. I should be your distant mother, not... this. I'm hurting you."

Night scowled up at Luna. "You're making an excuse, for yourself." Night sat up to her haunches. "Luna... Do you love me?"

Luna trembled, and clearly didn't want to answer, but that was an answer. It was loud and clear and unmistakable.

Night spread her wings wide. "Would you shove that love away too? Stuff it all in that puppet so you don't have to face it?"

Luna's wings flared out, matching the posture. "Silver would be most hurt to hear you call her a 'puppet'." She slowly pulled them back in. "We know you are dealing with very... intense emotions right now..."

Night reached out, prodding Luna in the chest. "No, you listen. You think you're above everypony, but you're not. You're not the damned moon, just like Celestia is a poor sun. Your blasted sister wishes she could find some pony that would see her as a mare and be blind to her title." She rose to her hooves, forcing Luna back as she advanced on her. "Besides, I'm no fool. Silver's taught me to think about certain things." She scowled up at Luna, almost pushing her to the edge. "Whatever you make, it won't be that Celine. What is destroyed is never un-destroyed."

Luna sagged, sinking to the ground, which stopped the backwards motion with the bulk of her body. "What would you have me do?"

Night thrust a hoof at Luna's face. "Start with talking to him. He's... he's put down every other love and infatuation he has, all except you. Talk to him, either you two work it out and come together, or we split, like adults. No magical macguffins, no tricks, no lies." She glanced away a moment. "Even if we do part, I won't hate you, Luna. Night take it, I don't hate you..." She sank down before Luna. "No more tricks..."

Luna reached with a wing, brushing along Night's back. "No more tricks. May I bring you to your bed? You're cold."

"What's with everypony carrying me?" It wasn't a no, and Luna didn't take it as one.

She lifted Night gently with a glow of magic and perched her on her back, legs going down either side. "Come, I'm tucking you in. Your husband may awaken and find you missing. We can't have that."

"He doesn't panic that easily." Night rolled her eyes. "He knows I like to look around sometimes." She leaned forward on Luna's back. "You know he took my name?"

Luna swiveled an ear back at her. "Silver Watch?" A faint smile overtook her. "You really do have his heart."

"And I intend to handle it with the care it deserves. Talk to him."

Luna strode down the stairs into the castle proper. "And would you rather the result be a bringing together, or drifting apart?"

"I would rather it be honest." Night nuzzled into one of Luna's shoulders. "Which means you have to figure out what you and he both want. No tricks."

As Luna strode through the quieter halls of the evening castle, guards looked to her respectfully. Though they had practice at stoicism, some were caught by surprise at her carrying a pregnant mare on her back before their blank expressions could return. There would be gossip. Let them talk... "You should not assume he's helpless in this."


Luna looked over her shoulder. "He has learned the art of dream walking. Clever stallion picked it up while I was pulling him apart."

Night frowned. "If he didn't jump from the roof, then he didn't need to be pulled apart... If you knew that, why?"

Luna was silent, but that was still an answer.

"You were trying to 'cure' him of his infat..." Night's mouth went dry. "How... How many mares did you turn his heart from? How many open wounds did you cauterize shut into ugly scabs?" Night scowled as the mental image came to her. "Is that why he doesn't even bring up Fast Change? What did you do to him?!"

Luna opened the door to Night's room. "We will speak more, later... For now, sleep." Her words were no suggestion. Night's eyelids grew heavy, and she sank to sleep quickly. Borne aloft in Luna's magic, Night was tucked in beside Silver. The sliver of light from the cracked door closed slowly. "Good night."

95 - By Morning Light

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Night sprang up from her sleep, only to squint against the bright light of day.

Silver glanced over at her with a lifted ear. "Good morning. What happened to your wing?"

Her wing? Night looked back at her wing and, as if to remind her, a stab of pain went through the unbound limb. She hissed softly and slowly spread it. "It's getting better." It wasn't a lie, but it was early to have it out of its binding. "Silver, I have something a lot more important than a wing to talk to you about."

Silver turned away from the book, the slime hopping from the desk to his head without prompting. "More important than your wings? That's pretty important." He smiled gently, and it filled Night with a new fury.

"Don't humor me... I learned something vital last night." She slid down from the bed and trotted towards Silver, a frown on her face. "You didn't throw yourself off that damned roof."

Silver blinked softly. "I was... kind of there. How can you prove one way or the other?"

Night snorted derisively as she half-turned away. "There was one other pony there that was of whole body and thinking at the time. One who's been shaping and reshaping you..."

Silver crashed down to his haunches, thinking back to that fateful night. "Luna?"

Night thrust a hoof, clipping Silver on the nose. "And remember who used your so-called suicide to rip you apart and stitch the pieces together?"

Silver shook his head violently. "W-wait! Luna wouldn't..."

"She did." Night clopped a hoof down. "That's not even a question at this point. She confessed it easily."

Silver glanced up at Night, then sank to his belly. "Why?"

Night let out a slow breath. "A great question I don't have an answer to."

Silver pawed at the ground beneath himself. "Should I just hate her?"

Night quirked a little smile. "You're asking me if you should hate her? That's very Silver of you." She lowered down, though she had to lay on her side to avoid compressing her growing belly. "I think you should know the truth."

Silver nodded faintly before he met Night's eyes. "She must be hurt."

Night's smile deepened. "Called it."


Night leaned forward and met his lips. For a moment they kissed quietly before she drew back. "I knew you'd want to heal her. She throws you on a fire and starts cooking you and your first thought is why she could be that way and how to fix it. Were you always like this?"

Silver shook his head quickly. "No! No... As a human, what feels like forever ago, I would have just avoided her, I bet, avoided and been angry, quietly. I didn't like making noise as a human much, outside of selling things."

Night slid around and pressed against Silver's side with her back, laying alongside him instead of across from him. "I like this Silver. Can I marry him?"

Silver nipped at her ear with his flat teeth before nuzzling it. "We already did that, my lovely wife. So how can we approach this?"

Night perked an ear. "Well, you could go running off to Celestia. That would probably get her to back off, but shoot any chance of a more peaceful resolution out of the water."

Silver raised a hoof. "Which is why we're not doing that." He threw the leg over Night and drew her close. "Whatever happened to the whole Celine thing?"

Night frowned a little. "She wants it, desperately. I don't think she knows how to handle those emotions, but I doubt any new simulacrum she made would be your Celine, just another."

Silver flashed his teeth in a clenched grimace. "I do miss her... I..." He sat up. "It wasn't for me."

"What wasn't?" Night looked aside at her husband. "What did you just see?"

"The dream." Silver stood up slowly. "The more I think about it, the more of it fits Luna, and Celine. It was her dream and her dysfunctions more than mine. I mean, some of it..." He flushed a little. "I doubt... she..."

Night slowly rolled up to her haunches. "She said you learned how to dreamwalk in it?"

Silver nodded quickly. "And more. Don't forget the spells I have no business using at my magic level."

Night rolled her eyes. "They'd be far more impressive if you didn't collapse every time you cast them, still, you do cast them..." She leaned in and touched noses. "You could confront her there?"

Silver lifted his ears as he thought on it. "Just because I can walk doesn't mean I have power there. She can kick me out if she wants to."

"And you'll come back." Night narrowed her eyes at Silver. "Don't tell me you wouldn't." She reached up and poked the slime on Silver's head. "You could use that."

Silver looked up at the quivering slime then drew in a sharp gasp. "I could!" It seemed so obvious in retrospect. "I could get rid of the, what, ejection headaches and jump right back in." His vision came down from the slime to Night. "But that doesn't make this a good idea. I'd literally be storming her realm and pressing her to a corner. She'll get pissed off, to put it mildly. She'll get scared. She may do something a lot worse than kick me out."

Night rolled a hoof. "And you'll do it anyway, if I know my husband."

Silver burst into a loud laughter. "Why are you encouraging this? This is exactly the sort of thing you'd normally try to avoid."

Night raised a hoof and pressed it to Silver's nose. "It's time to fight. Luna did wrong. I know you won't hurt her, not like that, but you can corner her, scare her, and force her to look at what she's done instead of hiding it away."

Silver kissed the bottom of that hoof, nuzzling into the delicate flesh there. "What are you hoping will happen, best case scenario?"

Night quirked a smile at that even as a shudder from the nuzzle ran through her. "My fanciful dreams aren't the topic. Learn the spells you'll need, memorize them right, then face her. Give no quarter. You're not going for blood, but don't mistake that for this not being a fight." She leaned forward. "Because it is a fight, one against a vastly more powerful opponent. Your only advantages will be surprise and determination."

They met in a firm embrace, only to feel something bubbling up between them. They hopped back to find Surprise grinning widely. "Hiya! Good morning!"

Silver laughed at her sudden appearance. "You're sounding better by the day, Surprise. How are you feeling?"

Surprise waved her hooves energetically. "I feel like a million bits. Well not literally, gosh that'd be weird. What pony would want to actually feel like a big pile of coins like that? Not me! I feel like Surprise and that's good enough." She bobbed her head and fixed on Night. "What happened to your bandage?"

Night spread her wings reflexively. "I took it off." She reached out and poked Surprise in the chest. "You came from that world, didn't you?"

"What world?"

Night pointed at Silver. "The dreamworld Silver was in."

Surprise tilted her head. "As far as I can figure. It's still weird thinking about my whole world as just a dream..." She squirmed in place fitfully. "Does that make me a dream? I'm right here, wouldn't that make you all a dream?"

Silver shook his head with a kindly smile. "Relax, Pi--Surprise."

Surprise bobbed her head. "I would but I have a party to plan for a special somepony!" She bounced in place and began pronking to the door. "It's gonna be special!" She was gone before she could be argued with.

Not that Night didn't try. "Keep it small!"

Silver moved up to hug Night gently. "You know she's going to do what she wants to."

Night sighed and nudged past Silver towards the bathroom. "And I'm going to keep reminding her what I want. I know she can do something small... I just need her to not forget." The door closed behind her and water began to flow. "You have reading to do, Mr. Watch."

Silver warmed in his cheeks. "So I do, Missus Watch. Are you sure your wing's alright? You look like you're still uncomfortable at best. There's no shame in having it in a sling until it's all better."

"I don't want to."

"A sling now to fly faster later." Silver tapped at the door. "You know it's a better trade."

"Do I have to?"

Silver smiled at the closed door. "If you asked that, you already know it's happening. Enjoy your shower, then we'll visit the infirmary and get your wing taken care of."

There were some grumbles, but no further argument about it. When Night emerged, damp but clean, Silver hopped up from his book and moved to escort her.

Night shook her head as she walked. "Why can't you use your slime thing if it's so good at healing?"

Silver glanced at her. "It's patterned after me, so it doesn't know how to heal you, and neither do I. There's exactly one pony I've met that can just heal any random pony whenever she wants."

Night suddenly clopped a hoof to her face. "And we didn't ask her to fix a little wing while she was right in front of us!"

Silver slowed to a halt, then joined her in putting a hoof to his face. "That would have been smart. Too late for that now." He turned back to her and held out a hoof. "We'll do it the old-fashioned way, together."

Night flashed a toothy grin. "Does that mean I get to bust something of yours to heal with me?" Silver shrank back, looking genuinely worried and Night's grin vanished. "I'm joking! Just joking." She closed the distance and the tense moment was eased with a shared embrace.

As they walked together, Night glanced aside at Silver. "Were you hurt?"


"By loved ones. That flinch... How you behaved in the past. You're used to getting pain from those you let get close to you." Night pressed against Silver's side. "I say that and I'm sending you right into a battle that likely has more pain ahead." She gave an uneasy little laugh. "I guess love is pain."

"Still worth it." Silver nuzzled at Night's neck. "Now come on, we have a nurse to see."

Night rolled her eyes. "Do you think it'll be Samantha? She's a little... too happy to see me."

Silver opened the door ahead with his magic.

"Ah! My favorite subject." Samantha hopped to her hooves and approached the door with a manic smile.

96 - Stalking Shadows

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Silver sank down into the soft bedding, one leg around Night, holding her close even as his mind whirred with the task ahead. Despite it, he forced his eyes closed and listened to the soft breathing of his mate. It gently relaxed him, and soon he faded from the world in their shared embrace.

He awoke, but it wasn't waking. He was dreaming. He hopped off his old human bed and looked up. "You ready?" The slime on his head jiggled a little and he nodded, pushing open the door to the greater world outside. He had a very large and powerful pony to hunt.

Elsewhere, Luna emerged from a dream with a faint smile, only to find a familiar, if mildly unwanted at the time, pony just down the hallway of doors, looking around. He spotted her quickly and began to run at her. She raised a hoof. "You don't belong here." He was banished instantly, and she returned to her work.

One nightmare later, she emerged into the hallway, with a soft sigh.


Luna looked down. He had returned and gazed up at her with a large smile. She frowned at him in kind. "This is not your world."

"Technically, nowhere is but the place I can't go to."

Rather than argue it, Luna banished him, and his impression on the dreamworld faded away, leaving her to peace.

He was waiting for her at the door of each dream she emerged from, and she casually flicked him away. "Stubborn colt," she grumbled to herself, rolling her eyes as she continued her journey from door to door.

She had seen to the most turbulent and pressing of dreams she had to see that night, so she retired to her own dream, where she wouldn't be harassed. But she was. It wasn't by him, but by her own failings, made manifest. She was Nightmare Moon, exacting terrible revenge on Twilight Sparkle for daring to defy her, even as Luna was locked inside, wailing at the very idea.

Silver came again, blundering right onto the stage of her dream. The little brown unicorn looked out of place in the Castle of the Two Sisters.

As Nightmare Moon, she scowled down at him. "Have you come to grovel at my hooves?"

Silver tilted his head up at her. "If it would make you happier."

She recoiled half a step. That was not the reply she expected. "Your tone is far too casual. Do you not know to whom you speak?! I am Nightmare Moon!" She bared her deadly sharp teeth. "Ruler of Nightmares, bringer of the night, and soon to be ruler of all of Equestria."

Silver nodded softly. "And you'll still want a friend." It was a dream, and he knew it. He wouldn't be swept along in the currents of the nightmare. Glancing around Nightmare Moon, he saw an odd sparkling ball behind her. He wondered what it was, but he had no way of determining that. "Wouldn't a friend be nice?"

"Who sent you?" Nightmare Moon strode forward, Luna locked within. "Are you an agent of my 'dear' sister, sent to distract me? It won't work!"

But it already had worked. Twilight and her friends rallied while the conversation was going on and came at her with rainbow power. The sparkling thing beside Nightmare Moon empowered her, rejecting the power of it even as Nightmare Moon cackled with evil glee. "Wretched little fools. There's no hope for any of you." She made a flick of a wing that sent them all crashing to the ground, bruised and beaten in a fit of dream logic.

Silver felt the intense pressure to be knocked back with them and slid along the ground, trying to resist the compulsion. Luna's dreams were her personal domain, however, and he felt a foreleg snap from the struggle. He fell, pain flaring wildly. "Just a dream, just a dream," he repeated to himself even as he collapsed under the broken limb.

"Oh, this is no dream." Nightmare Moon approached Silver's fallen form. "This is a nightmare..."

She cackled with evil triumph, and the dream suddenly ended.

Silver was thrown clear of the dream and slammed into the ground of the hallway of dreams, and everything else exploded. Being roughly ejected as a prince of dreams had been hard and painful, but as a unicorn, it made it seem like nothing. He screamed in agony. It felt like his very soul was coming apart at the seams, and he screamed. He didn't want to, but he knew nothing else but the pain that was everywhere all at once at a magnitude he had not experienced before.

Death was easier to face.

He curled into a ball, too blown apart to even consider using his magic. His slime was still there, but what use was it in that state? He screamed, his throat somehow becoming sore despite it being a dream.

Silver lost all track of time. Was it a few moments, hours, days? What did time even mean in the dreamworld? He didn't know, but he felt a hoof come down on his shoulder. His pain abated in a sudden intense wave of cool relief, and he went limp on the ground.

"Dear Silver..." Luna was standing over him. "I told you there is nothing for you in this world. To walk dreams is no leisurely stroll."

Silver rolled to his belly and looked up at her, heaving for breath he knew he wasn't really taking. "There is something here for me."

"What would that be?"

Silver raised a hoof and pointed at Luna. "You."

Luna flushed in her cheeks even as her wings flared out. "Stupid stallion! What would your wife say to know you chase me in this way?"

Silver smiled with rebuilding confidence. "She would be proud of me." He sat up slowly. "She sent me to be a warrior, and I will be. Luna, I won't give up."

Luna scowled at him. "Why? What do you pursue? You can't even dream of harming me."

"Why would I?" Silver tilted his head. "Luna, I am not your enemy."

"Then stay away!" She banished him and he landed on his bed back in his room.

Silver hopped down from his bed. Being banished didn't bring the pain of being ejected from a dream. It was more aggravating than anything else, but he wouldn't be scared off so easily. With a vigorous shake, he nudged the door open and emerged into the hallway of dreams. His eyes wandered upwards to his slime. "Some help you were..."

The slime undulated. Was it an apology? Silver couldn't know and shook his head even as he played the song that encouraged it. The lingering aches and faintly stabbing pains ebbed away as he was restored by the glowing slime.

He was suddenly forced to the ground under a heavy bulk.

"Face your own nightmares," challenged Luna, and they were gone from the hallway.

He was back in his room. It was a dream, of course. He still knew that with a certainty, but he felt an urge to use his computer. He didn't want to use his computer. He had an alicorn to hunt, but the urge built and built until he approached the computer. It came on for him without his fiddling with the monitor. Oh, it was his game back on Earth in all its text glory!

How was he online in a dream? It was far from the first time. He used his magic and typed 'WHO' to see who was online in the dream. No one...

His game, once thriving and full of people had become empty without him there to tend to it. When he left the world, his things died a miserable and quiet death. He felt a soft tightness in his chest, but he turned away from it. "Stupid dream..." There wasn't anything he could do about his old life, just see to his new one, and he meant to do that. He hopped down from his chair and trotted purposefully for the door, but it kept drawing away from him, which was impossible, he knew. His room was small enough to hop from one end to the other in one bound if one wanted to. Another nightmare effect?

Silver's horn played magic as he vanished and appeared beside the door. He threw it open to find another copy of his room waiting for him on the other side. "Luna! Cut it out."

"We shan't."

Silver clopped a hoof on the tiled ground. Knowing it was a dream was only so much defense with Luna on the direct offensive. "Luna, please. I just want to talk."

"We aren't listening."

Silver sat in place. "Yes you are."

"No we aren't," sang Luna.

Silver trailed over the ground slowly. "Luna, the things I saw, most of them were from you. I lived your nightmares, peeked at your dreams... You've been through this at least once." He lifted an ear. "Your soul was spread before me. We've seen one another, and I don't think either of us are entirely repelled by what we saw."

"Liar." Luna's voice seemed to move through the two rooms with no body attached. "You have, at best, some unhealthy fascination. There is nothing here for you. You're hurting yourself and your wife by insisting on this chase. Face your own fears and leave me to mine!"

The dream plunged into darkness.

Silver quaked with fear. His father would come home. He would see his report card and be so angry with him. There would likely be hitting involved.

But it was all a dream... Silver sat up and shook himself free of the nightmare's grip on his emotions. His father had no power over him, certainly not as a pony. "Besides, I have a new father now." With a gesture, Rough Draft emerged from the bathroom. "And a new mother." Trixie poked her head free from what had been his human father's room.

Silver stood up, and the nightmare ended, he was seated on his bed back in his room. "Luna?"

It was silent.

Silver hopped down and tried the door, and it allowed him out into the hallway of doors, but there was no sign of Luna. His quarry had escaped for the moment. "I'll find you." Feeling more determined than ever, Silver began stalking along the hallway, looking for any hints as to the dream princess' whereabouts.

97 - You're Needed... Elsewhere

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Silver awoke, tired and sore. It had all been a dream, of course, so why did it hurt to much? He rolled up to see Night slowly moving her wings in smooth circles. "Feeling better?" he asked even as he slid to the ground on shaking legs.

Night raised a brow at her husband. "You look like you didn't get any sleep at all." She swung a wing over his snout. "I already know. You were not quiet about it. I don't... know what you went through, but you were very brave to do it."

Silver darkened in his cheeks as he gave the wing before him a little nuzzle. "I'm not sure how much progress I made."

Night brought her wing back, folding both as she leaned in to nuzzle properly. "If I know you at all, you won't give up until it's settled." She reached up and poked the slime perched on Silver's head. "Are you going to use that?"

Silver looked up at the jello on his head. "Ah, yes, of course." The magic played along his horn, and the worst pains began to ebb away. It wasn't nearly as smooth and instant as it had been in his dreams, but he clearly didn't actually do it right in his dreams. "Dreams are deceptive."

Night snorted softly as she pulled Silver forward into an embrace, her legs locked around his withers. "That's sort of the definition of dreams. Did you get to talk to her at all? Was it hard to find her?"

Silver shook his head. "Finding her wasn't hard, at first. And I did get to talk to her, but not for long. She's pretty determined to avoid me."

A loud and firm clop on the door brought both of their attentions to it. Night parted from Silver and trotted briskly to it. "Who is it?"

A deep male voice spoke from the other side, "Orders for Ambassador Lining."

Silver shook his head at the door. "That's Ambassador Watch, and I'm off-duty."

"I still have orders for you, sir. From Princess Luna."

Silver perked his ears and Night returned the gesture before she reached for the door with a wing and pulled it open to reveal a night guard standing there with a note tucked under a wing. "Thank you, sir." He extended the wing, letter held within. "Here you are, sir."

Night accepted the letter. "Thank you."

The guard departed quietly, and she closed the door behind him even as she tore the seal of the letter. "I presume you don't mind if I look." Silver didn't, and a little shrug was enough to communicate that as Night Watch flipped it open and laid it on the ground, reading quickly. "What?" A brow raised. "She's crazy."

Silver approached the letter. "What'd she say?"

"She's sending you to the middle of nowhere." A scowl developed. "Alone."

Silver crossed his arms. "I refuse. You're not leaving my sight, certainly not for that long."

Night tapped at the paper. "Like it or not, she is kind of one of the diarchs of the land."

Silver clopped a hoof against the ground. "Then we'll approach the other diarch, the one that approved my time off."

Night leaned towards Silver. "Do you really think it's wise to put the two against one another?"

Silver tensed and shuddered. "But... This isn't fair... You're... No!" He approached Night, his magic rubbing over her belly. "Not again..."

"Again?" Night recoiled a step. "Did this happen in your dream too?"

"Not exactly..." Silver lifted the letter in his magic. "She's not sending me to the Far East this time, and it was Celestia before, but it's still away from you. I hated it then, and I hate it now even more. If I can't go to Celestia, I'll have to face Luna herself. I won't do this." He threw the letter down to the ground and stomped it with an angry hoof. "I won't!"

Night drew a slow breath. "I doubt she'll let me come in with you to challenge her."

Silver felt an urge to argue it, to fight against everything. A tremble ran through him before he sank to the ground, still tired from the restless night. "Probably not... "

Night wrapped Silver in her soft wings and they went quiet for a moment before Silver rose up to his hooves. "I have to go." He set his teeth. "I won't accept this. She can banish me in the dreamworld, but I won't be so casually brushed aside, not like this." He leaned in and kissed Night's cheek. "I'll be at your side, promise."

She flashed a fanged smile. "I'm coming with you."

Silver raised a brow. "I thought you just said she wouldn't let me?"

Night shrugged softly. "Too bad for her. I'm not letting you out of my sight." She bumped against his side. "Let's go, together."

Silver felt warmth spreading through his body and bumped against Night with a smile that refused to go away. "Let's."

As one they emerged from the room and marched with determination towards Luna's quarters. Silver felt a presence and looked up to see Discord hovering there to his right. "Hey man."

Discord wriggled a few fingers. "You're looking awfully serious today."

Night tried to pull Silver along past the chaos spirit, but Silver made time for him. "Talk while walking? Luna's trying to send me away from Night."

"No thanks, trying to cut down on walking." He hovered along easily beside them. "Now why would she do that?"

Silver snorted softly. "I'm making her nervous and she's sending me away from her and everything else."

Discord looked too happy at the news, giggling a little. "She has a real temper, that pony. Have you tried making up?"

Night threw a leg over Silver's withers and brought him closer while lowering his head. "We're taking care of it right now, Discord."

Silver nipped at her chest and bumped against her. "Don't be rude to Discord, he's alright. Hey, uh, man, we should get together."

Discord raised a brow. "Maybe after you're done talking with moonbutt. Good luck with that." He vanished, imploding on himself with a little pop. A paw reached out of the air and grabbed Silver's slime. "This reminds me of someone I know. Thanks!" And the slime and Discord vanished away.

Silver blinked softly. "I... Huh, first time Discord just stole something from me like that."

Night rolled her eyes. "What you get for having friends like that."

As they approached the final hallway to Luna's chambers, the night guards posted there dropped their spears to bar the way. "The Princess is sleeping and isn't to be disturbed."

Silver frowned at them. "She just sent us a letter and we have to talk to her about it."

Night nodded firmly. "Let us past."

"Her orders were very specific." The guard frowned at Silver. "You, in particular, are not permitted here."

Silver put a leg around Night, pulling her in tight. "We're here to see Luna, together. Tell her we're here." He knew they wouldn't. With Night drawn close, he played the magical song of transportation and they both vanished in a bright flash of silver.

They appeared inside Luna's room, mildly singed from Silver's inexpert use of the spell, but intact. Luna looked up from her cushions, her eyes widening a moment before a deep scowl marred her features. "Silver... Will you haunt me even during my waking hours? You've gone too far."

Night pulled out the letter and threw it to the ground with an angry flick of her neck. "What's the idea of trying to send him away?!"

Luna rose to her full height, towering over her two intruders. "He is needed."

"Alone!?" demanded Silver as he took a step forward. "I'm on leave, and I won't leave my wife's side. She's pregnant, damn it all. I won't abandon her, or my future foals."

The door to her room exploded inwards as her guards shoved their way through. "We're here, Princess Luna!" they cried in unison, spears and teeth brandished as they made to close with the interlopers.

Night spread her wings as she went to a defensive position. "We're here to talk, Princess Luna, don't make it like this."

"You did that to yourself." Luna glowered down at them. "Take them away!"

Silver's horn danced with magic as he hopped away from the guards, appearing beside Luna. "Talk to us!"

Luna raised a hoof and brought it down in a savage motion, kicking Silver away. He slid across the ground, taking several cushions with him. "The time for talking is over."

Silver tried to scramble to his hooves, but that kick had broken something, he was sure of it as fresh fiery pain rushed through the kicked side and left him to flop bonelessly to the ground. "Luna... not like this..."

Luna's mask of fury softened a little. "Now you can see me for what I am. Stop chasing me."

Night ducked under a swing of a spear and bit down on the shaft, snapping it in half. "I don't want to fight fellow guards, but I won't back down. Let us talk." The two guards met one another's gaze. They dropped their spears and exposed their fangs, jumping at Night with feral cries of predation.

Silver reached towards Luna despite the pain. "It's not... that bad. You don't have to keep hiding... I've seen what you fear, Luna."

"Stop taunting me!" Her wings went wide and she reared up, fore legs pedalling in the air.

"I've seen it... and I understand. Please..."

Night went down under the bulk of the two guards, fangs against her throat and pinned despite her attempts to thrash and free herself. Another two guards rushed into the room. One went to help hold Night down as another casually placed a hoof on the already broken Silver. "Secured, Your Highness."

Luna took a slow breath, folding her wings at her sides and composing herself. "They are guilty of assault on Royalty. Take them away." She turned away from the scene, hiding her face as a few tears forced their way hot from her eyes.

The guards saluted with their wings before hefting up their prisoners, one struggling more than the other. Every movement brought new stabs and flashes of pain for Silver and the only sounds he made were tortured gasps and groans even as he tried to quiet himself.

Night glared at Luna's back. "Damned fool of a princess! Maybe you deserve to be alone and miserable."

Silver winced at the words, though his reactions were little compared to how well it pierced into Luna. She didn't face them, or anyone else. They were taken away, to leave Luna to be alone.

Alone and miserable.

98 - Conversation over Tea

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Magic lifted the cup to her snout and she sipped gently. "Sister, you're looking offput today."

That was an understatement. Luna had avoided the gaze of her sister entirely all through their shared meal. She raised her eyes to match the gentle but overwhelming visage of her sister, steeling herself. It didn't work. Like staring into the sun she controlled, Luna found her eyes darting away of their own will.

"Is something bothering you?" Celestia smiled faintly. "You can share with me."

Luna hated it. Why was she always so easy to see through to Celestia? She took a slow breath, trying to remind herself that she had once cursed the fact that her sister hadn't paid attention to her, and there she was, cursing that same attention. She really did... She deserved to be alone and miserable.

"Luna..." Celestia reached across the table and gently wiped away a tear Luna hadn't even realized had fallen. "Whatever it is, it can't be too terrible to share with me. Did somepony hurt you?"

Luna glanced up sharply at that. Did she know?

"Who was it?" asked Celestia gently.

Luna realized her error. She had given it away. "N-Nopony of import, sister." She forced a smile. "Thank you, for caring." She looked down and wrapped her magic around a small cookie, lifting it. "We are lucky to have you."

"But you won't tell me what happened?" Celestia had the scent of her prey, and she wouldn't be shaken from it.

The cookie splintered under Luna's stressed grip. "I just need time..." Time was one thing she had. All the time she could ever desire...

Celestia raised a brow lightly. "We have a wedding to attend in the coming months."


She nodded softly. "Two donkeys in Ponyville. I'm told the groom spent most of his adult life seeking the bride. It's quite the series of adventures." Luna's chest tightened as Celestia kept right on talking, "Through thick and thin, against fearsome beasts and terrible injuries. That donkey wouldn't give up, and now they're together. It's like a story come true."

Did she know? She had to know. She was taunting... "It's nice when that works..." Luna snapped the cookie in half in her teeth, crumbs practically exploding from the violent display. "But we can't all have a storybook ending, now can we, Sister?"

Celestia raised a brow lightly. "One of the castle doctors filed a report."

Luna looked up, daring to meet her sister's gaze for a moment. "We can't imagine that's too rare, Sister?"

Celestia rolled a hoof. "Normally not, but they're normally not so... exhaustive. It seems this doctor has never had the opportunity to study one of your ponies before, and leapt at the chance. She's been serving as Night Watch's midwife and general physician."

"Is that so?" Luna plopped the other half of the cookie into her dry mouth. "Did she have anything interesting to say?"

With a twinkle of her horn, Celestia summoned a thick binding of paper to land on the table. "She had much to say. It was a bit of a chore to find the 'interesting' parts of it. Night Watch is recovering from her injuries well, and progressing as a mother without incident. Much of the rest involve her theories and observations on lunar pegasi in general." She sipped from her tea with a little slurp. "I seem to recall her relationship had something to do with you, Lulu."

Luna wound tighter like an overly worked spring. Had Cadance spoken to Celestia? "Y-yes... I might have pointed her in the right direction."

"It must be satisfying." Celestia smiled gently. "Playing matchmaker is a risky venture, but when it works out." She spoke as if from experience. "Do they know?" That gentle smile. That... infuriating little smile. "I imagine they must be grateful if so. It would take a blind pony to miss how greatly they love each other."

Luna clenched her teeth. How much did Celestia know?

"It's nice to see you taking an active part in such a social activity." Celestia sipped from her tea. "But if you feel nervous about it, Sister, please, you know I'm here for you."

"Stop taunting me!" Luna slammed her hooves down on the table, breaking off a third of it with a thunderous crack and sending baked goods flying to the ground. Celestia was silent, watching her. Luna heaved for breath, sinking slowly back to her haunches. "We're fine..."

"I see..." Celestia raised a brow. "If you won't talk to me, why not them? They would gladly accept your burdens, Luna, if you gave them the chance."

Luna trembled. How far would this teasing go? "That is not feasible, Sister."

"Oh?" She sipped from her tea, which was undisturbed in its little cup. "Have you asked them?"

She set her cup aside and her magic wrapped around the broken piece of the table, lifting it up into place and undoing the harm caused in Luna's outburst. "You never know what a pony can do until you give them a chance."

Elsewhere, Night Watch held her husband carefully. His breathing was labored in his sleep, and there was little she could do to ease that, so she did what she could, and held him as her eyes wandered the darkness of the jail cell they'd been thrown in.

"What are you in for?"

Night raised an ear at the familiar voice. "Discord?"

A serpentine neck extended from the next cell over and turned to look at them. "That's my name on the outside. My jail name is, hmm, Bob."

Night flashed a bright smile. "Tell me you brought Silver's slime back, please! He needs it."

"Oh, this little thing?" If he was holding it out, Night couldn't see it. "My my, he doesn't look so good."

"No... no he doesn't. Please, that can help him." Night clutched softly to Silver. "He said you're his friend, right?"

"Did he now?" Discord slipped from his cell entirely and through the bars into Night and Silver's without difficulty. "Was he joking around?"

Night frowned a little. "He jokes about many things, but not this. He's defended you." She glanced away. "Sometimes from me... He said you're a good pony, and fun."

"Is that so..." Discord swayed in place. "Well, I would help, but..."


Discord shrugged. "Even I know it won't help while he's passed out"

"Who are you talking to?"

"Oops, that's my cue." Discord vanished with a pop before a guard stepped into view, shining his horn light around the cell.

"Stop making noise," he demanded of Night. "It won't make your sentence any less severe."

Night snorted at the back end of the guard. "To think I used to be proud to wear the armor..." She curled protectively around her injured husband, but there was little else for her to do but wait in the dark.

Elsewhen, Celestia faced a guard. "Please give this invitation to Mister and Missus Watch." She hovered a letter to the guard. "I will be attending a wedding ceremony, and perhaps they would like to join me. I'm not sure if Silver's attended an Equestrian wedding before."

The day guard nodded faithfully. "Of course, Your Majesty." He gave a sharp salute, and accepted the letter before moving off at a brisk walk to see the letter to its destination, but Silver wasn't in his room, or anywhere else he could find. None of the other day guards he queried were anymore clued in than he was. It was as if Mister and Missus Watch had simply vanished one day.

He was not a slow guard. He had one more idea and entered the infirmary. "Miss?"

Samantha looked up with that grin that always left him just a little shaken. "Good day, future subject. You're looking healthy." She pulled her stethoscope into place as she trotted towards the guard. "Just lay down on this table and we'll get right into the examination."

"Um, yes, thank you, but I'm not here for a check-up, ma'am." He waved the letter in his magic. "I'm looking for Mister and Missus Watch, have you seen them?"

Samantha's eyes locked on the sealed letter with obvious curiosity. "I haven't for over thirty-six hours." She tapped her chin. "They aren't due yet, so I didn't take alarm to that. Should I have?" She raised a brow. "Maybe I should activate her tracker."

"T-tracker? You have a tracker on Missus Watch?"

"Hmm? Don't all doctors do that?" She sounded genuinely baffled at the idea of not tracking her subject. "You want to find them, don't you? Seems like a fine time to put it to use."

He did want to find them, but a tracker? He was fairly certain putting a tracker on a pony without asking... "Did she consent to being tracked?"

"Of course she did," cried Samantha with a wide grin. "She and her husband asked me to make sure she and her foals were safe, and that's what I'm doing. Now then..." She trotted over to a strange little device and with a flick of her magic, it began to hum and beep softly. "We just follow this and we'll find my lovely star subject! Oh, excuse me." She put a hoof to her chest. "I didn't mean to imply you were any less of a fascinating subject."

"Um... forgiven." The guard tilted his head with growing confusion. He was alright with not being the star subject of anything involving Samantha. What a curious name for a pony. "Lead the way."

"Follow me!" She broke into a quick trot. He expected her to move out into the city, but her device floating in front of her guided her deeper into the castle. "They're below us, how fascinating!" She almost galloped to the nearest stairs. "Science awaits us!"

The guard was of mixed feelings. He was being led to his target, in theory, but that pony... "Please don't run through the castle, ma'am."

"You don't need to call me that." She smiled at the guard. "I've already seen more of you than you have. Call me Samantha, or Doctor if you must. I like Doctor..." Her eyes went half-lidded a moment as if she was savoring the word. "Hmm, right! We have a lost subject to locate." She swung back around, eying her curious contraption. "Still lower? We're as low as I know how to get." She gasped suddenly. "My subject learned how to tunnel! Fascinating! Can all lunar ponies perform this act?"

The guard shook his head. "I don't think that's the case... doctor. This way." He knew what was below them, and how to reach it, though he was growing more nervous. What did it mean?

99 - A Thrilling Rescue

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Samantha's device began to chirp in a new way and a smile overtook her face. "We're close!"

"Who goes there?" A lunar guard stepped from the darkness ahead. "Neither of you are permitted here."

The solar guard recoiled for the briefest moment. He didn't deal with lunar guards very often. "I'm a guard too." Surely that was obvious. He wore the golden armor of Celestia. It was hard to miss. "I have--"

"You are not permitted here." The lunar guard tapped his spear on the ground. "Princess Luna's orders."

Samantha advanced, blind to any threat the spear presented. "My test subject is here. Excuse me." She moved to just walk past him.

The lunar guard did not approve. He thrust his spear as she walked and she crashed to the ground as her legs collided with the weapon. "This is your last warning. Further attempts to pass this point will be taken as an assault."

The solar guard hurried forward and helped Samantha up. "We should go."

"But my patient!"

"She'll still be there." He glanced at the angry lunar guard. "We will be reporting this."

"As you wish." The lunar guard took a stiff and unmoving posture.

As the solar guard escorted Samantha away, she would not go quietly. "If he hurts a hair on my precious subject... Have you seen her? She's a magnificent specimen, far better than that brute that stood in our way..."

Elsewhere, Celestia knocked softly on the Watches' door. "Silver, are you in? I wanted to apologize, if you thought my invitation went against our agreement." She knocked once more, and the door opened a crack. She looked left and right, but there were few in the hallway, and most had the sense to not stare at her. Quietly, she brushed the door aside and went inside.

What she found stole her breath from her.

Down below, Night nuzzled slowly at Silver's muzzle and neck. "Please wake up..."


The noise made Night's heart begin to pound. "Yes, Silver, yes, come back to me. I know it hurts, but you're a brave pony, aren't you?"

His eyes opened in the dark and he lifted his neck, but he still couldn't see anything. "Am I blind or is it dark?"

Night drew his head back down. "Shhh. I'm here... It's dark, how do you feel, and keep it down."

Silver gave a weak nod in her grasp. "Not one of my better executed plans..."

Night wrinkled her nose. "I didn't do much better. They didn't kick me, at least."

"Oh thank god for that." Silver gave her chest a little nuzzle. "Are you alright?"

"Am I alright?" She flashed a little smile. "Stupid stallion, you're the hurt one."

"Where are we?"

Night put her head on Silver's. "Jails, lunar side. They're almost never used these days." A soft snort escaped her. "We're special."

Silver gave a little smile in the dark. "Yay," he weakly said. "Don't suppose you have my slime by any chance?"

She didn't. All she had was herself. Her gentle embrace would have to do.

Celestia emerged from their room with a delicate frown, and a book tucked under a wing. With a casual flick of magic, she closed the door behind herself. She strode with purpose through the halls.

Raven appeared at her side, her secretary. "Did you need me, Your Majesty?"

Celestia raised a brow. Raven had a sense for these things, and could appear anywhere at a moment's notice. She was one of her best secretaries in many years. "Raven, it's good to see you. Is there legal precedent for gross abuse of power by an alicorn on a non-alicorn?"

Raven raised a brow. "That's a serious subject." She leaned in closer as they walked, barely whispering, "Is it the new princess? Fast, or maybe Twilight?"

Celestia froze up a moment. "No... Neither of those." She regarded Raven a moment. "I want to be fair."

Raven was caught up short. Her eyes widened. "You? Impossible!" The mere idea that Celestia would abuse her powers just didn't fit in her world view.

Celestia raised a hoof. "Not me, but somepony close to me. Please answer the question, Raven."

Raven shook her head quickly. "The last time a princess abused their powers they were... banished to the moon."

Celestia drew a sharp little breath. She wouldn't do that. She couldn't... Not again... "Find an alternative."

Raven bowed and galloped off in a hurry, leaving a mildly shaken Celestia behind.

She leaned against a wall a moment, regaining her breath. "Sister... What have you done?"

In her dark room, Luna arranged candles precisely around herself in specific points of an intricate magical circle she had prepared. "You want my love... You shall have it, and leave me be." She stomped a hoof on the ground as she stormed to fetch a book. "My mistake was doing it too quickly before. This time I'll do it right. You can take my love and go away, forever." Luna scowled even as she trembled. "Leave me alone... and miserable..."

Samantha stomped through the hallways, furious and confused. "Why would they keep me away from her..."

"Hmm? I don't think I've seen a pony with a look quite like that before." Nefertari emerged from a side hallway. "And that spark... There's something in you, mare. Something that I like..."

Samantha looked Nefertari over quickly, then brightened mercurialy. "Are you an anubite? Oh you simply must let me examine you! I've never seen one in person." She rushed up to Nefertari, giggling a little along the way. "The advancements we could make!"

Nefertari raised a finger. "Let us begin with you, my little pony. What caused such a fury in you?"

Samantha flipped back to fury like a lightswitch. "They stole my prize subject! They took her away and they won't let me go to her! She's pregnant, Celestia blast it. She needs constant supervision and care and monitoring. This is completely unacceptable!"

"And who, or what, is this subject? Some kind of rare animal perhaps?" Nefer raised a brow at the manic doctor. "You aren't going to accept this slight, are you?"

Samantha froze in place, then shook her head quickly. "No! No I won't! I'm going to right back down there and give a piece of my mind to that guard!"

Nefertari smiled. The fire of the mare amused her, to say nothing of its fickle nature. "I will do you a favor."

"Oh, you will?!" Samantha clopped her hooves. "You'll let me examine you then?"

"Maybe later." Nefertari reached for Samantha, cupping her snout. "Show me where to go, and I will give your enemy a piece of your mind for you, and ensure your subject is safe and secure."

"You'd do that?" Samantha sat on her haunches and smiled up at Nefertari. "You're already breaking everything I've ever heard about anubites. I have to write this down." A paper appeared with a quill and began writing furiously. "I accept your offer. Make sure he understands how much he's impeding the cause of science."

She showed Nefertari to the stairs that led to the dungeons, then trotted off, mumbling excitedly about the book she would write. Nefer shook her head at Samantha's backside. "Fascinating mare..." A broad smile spread over her snout. "Now let's scare some sense into someone, hmm..."

Elsewhere, a lunar guard scowled into the darkness. "I see you. You are not permitted here."

"Pity I don't obey the words of any save Celestia." Nefertari exposed her sharp claws. "She said I had free reign of the castle."

The guard raised his spear towards the interloper. "Regardless, you are not permitted here. Turn away or face--" His words cut off. She wasn't there. She was beside him, and her claws were at his throat.

"Oh, do go on," she invited with an almost sultry purr, her tail swaying slowly. "Everyone deserves some final words."

"You... You wouldn't..." The lunar guard swallowed heavily, her claws dragging against his throat in the motion. "I'm doing my job, ma'am. This is murder."

She gave a soft tsk and released him. "You are correct, of course. I'll be going now."

He slid to the ground, terrified and shaken beyond standing. He offered no further resistance to her as she moved past him with deliberate slowness, as if taunting him to try and stop her.

100 - To be the Stallion that Falls on Your Door

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"Silver? Are you alright?"

Silver looked up at the concerned sound of his wife. "I'll survive..." It hurt, but griping about it wouldn't improve anything. "I'm going to leave my body for a moment. It's not that helpful, and I can still reach her."

Night tensed in the gloom. "You madpony, why would you even consider that?"

"She can't... keep running." Silver closed his eyes, and things didn't change much in appearance. It was just as dark. "Watch over me. I love you."

Night let out a slow breath as Silver went still. Her ears strained to hear that he was still breathing. She considered reaching to feel a pulse, but she didn't want to handle him more than what was needed. Holding him would have to do, and listening to that quiet noise that signaled he still lived.

Her sensitive eyes pierced the darkness. Shining with lunar pony nightvision, she saw a figure approaching with a slow and leisurely swagger. It was bipedal. Diamond dog? No, wrong species. Similar, but wrong in so many obvious ways... Ah! It came to her. "Anubite."

"Oh? You've heard of us?" The figure came up to the bars, ears perked at Night Watch. "What a curious pony you are, like the other. I wonder if you break as easily." Her eyes lowered to Silver's limp form. "Mmm, the spirits say he is where dreams reside, but the way they say it..."

Night flipped her ears back. "Who are you?" The stranger wasn't making a threatening motion, but she felt like a potential threat, even with the bars in the way.

"How rude of me." The anubite smiled at her. "I am Ambassador Nefertari, dignitary of the anubites to Equestria." She wriggled a few fingers. "And you are imprisoned. It would be most unseemly for me to do something about that." She flicked her head towards the direction she came from. "Marching past the guard is one thing. Celestia did promise me free rein to wander, but such promises do not extend to releasing her prisoners, even if I know this one..."

Night flinched faintly. Another strange female that knew Silver somehow? She straightened. It was not the time or place to question little blessings. "You know Silver? Help him. He's an ambassador too, and he's hurt, badly."

Nefertari raised a brow. "I do, but he is an ambassador of this land. No immunity for him here. For being beaten, he smells like a warrior..."

Silver sat up on his bed. He was dreaming. He hopped down from the human bed and shook off. At least his dream form was mostly free of his waking wounds. Every motion made them twinge and ache, but it was a distant pain. He could stand that. He trotted for the door, throwing it wide to find himself standing on a lily pad. There were many others around himself in an infinite lake of other dreams.

He focused on Luna, trying to keep back the anger he felt towards her, to say nothing of the other emotions that boiled in a volatile mixture within himself. One of the pads emerged from the crowd, drifting closer until it bumped against his own. He stepped across to it and felt resistance. Luna was awake.

Luna looked up sharply from what she was doing. She felt something intrude on her mind and scowled. "What could that be?" As if one interruption weren't enough, there was a knocking at her door.

"Your Majesty? A letter."

Luna stiffened as she looked around. Rather than let the pony in to see what she was doing, she marched for the door and opened it just as she shoved her head through. "What is it? We are very busy."

The slight mailpony smiled up at her nervously. "Letter, ma'am."

She took the letter in her magic. "Thank you." She slammed the door in his face and quickly ripped it open. It was from Princess Twilight Sparkle. "Smoke... Oh no!" Her wings flew open and she vanished in a flash of light. Her Tantabus had escaped, and she had to find it.

Celestia strode down a hallway she hadn't intruded on very often. The night guards seemed nervous around her. She wondered for a moment if the day guards reacted the same way around Luna. That would be most uncomfortable. She'd have to look into that, after this was resolved.

She arrived at Luna's quarters and the guards made a weak showing of blocking the way. They were clearly intimidated by her. She gently smiled at them. "Thank you for protecting my sister faithfully. I need to speak with her, as a sister." They almost trembled with uncertainty before they backed to either side. She nodded at either as she strode past them. Her magic wrapped around the door and swung it open to reveal an empty room. Almost empty.

Celestia entered, a little frown on her face as she looked over the mostly completed diagrams and preparations Luna had left. "Sister has left. There's no need to keep guarding an empty room." The guards didn't move away. She looked over the circle, tracing its lines with her eyes and speaking old spells under her breath as she tried to divine its purpose. It was a rare spell, and a potent one. It was right on the tip of her tongue...

She felt a soft ping come from within her. While the dreamworld was Luna's world, her own portion of it was strictly her own. Something had intruded on it. She settled down on the ground and closed her eyes.

Silver wandered the pad several times, but with Luna awake, he couldn't gain access to her dreams, or at least he didn't know how to force that issue. If she was awake, maybe Celestia was asleep? He held the thought of the Sun Princess in his mind, and a new pad drifting close. He stepped across and felt the same resistance as he entered. She was awake too! "Damn..."


Silver fell into a dream. He was in a small sitting room. Celestia was before a round table, looking directly at him. "Silver? You can dream walk?"

He blinked in surprise, but a smile overtook his features. "Celestia! I hope I didn't mess anything up. I didn't mean to, uh, wake you up."

Celestia leaned forward slightly. "Putting me to sleep is a closer analogy." She reached a wing, which was just long enough to brush over his face. He sneezed and she smiled. "It must be something very important... But I'm glad you came. We have so very much to discuss."

Silver tilted his head with some confusion. "We do? I mean we do! But I get the feeling we're not on the same page."

Celestia tapped the table. "Come forward, sit, and let's fix that. To make it clear, you have done nothing wrong." She shook her head slowly. "Not even that... I'm so sorry, that was a gross misjustice."

Silver approached the table on stiff legs. "What was?" What was she speaking about? She looked sad. "I'm in a jail right now."

"Jail?!" Celestia sat up at the news. "Why? Where?"

Silver shrugged a little. "I don't know where, not really, but I can tell you the why. I tried to confront Luna and I scared her and was standing too close. She kicked me and had Night and I jailed."

Celestia winced. "She is no small pony. Are you alright?" She drew breath through her teeth. "This is worse than I imagined. Do you know where she's gone? Her room stands empty."

Empty? "Last I saw her was just before I was bucked into next Tuesday. I don't mean to gripe, but I'm pretty roughed up."

Celestia brought her wings around, wrapping them around Silver. "My little pony, I just need to know where you are."

The dream ended suddenly. Silver thrust his hooves under himself, righting his landing and coming in skidding, but upright. He had avoided the avalanche of pain, that time. "Pain is a powerful teacher."

He stepped back across onto Luna's pad, and something happened.

Celestia roused to the gentle shaking of a day guard. "Yes?"

He looked almost as nervous as the night guards. "I'm sorry to disturb you, Your Majesty, but this is of extreme importance. I wasn't able to deliver your letter."

Being unable to deliver a letter was hardly of great importance, but she knew which letter it was. "Do you know where he is?" Celestia rose to her hooves.

"I do." He nodded firmly. "He is being kept in the night guard's prison. I was forbidden entry."

Celestia nodded. That made sense, in retrospect. "Come with me. It's time to settle at least one part of this."

They strode for the night guard's prison. Celestia had few occasions to visit the place, but she hadn't the heart to have it removed. It seemed like a petty thing to do, while her sister was away. And returned? Well... "I don't predict they will try to bar my way, but just in case, you're not to get physical."

"I will protect you, Your Majesty."

"That's very bold and loyal of you." She reached a wing and gently brushed down his back. "You're a good guard, and I want you safe."

"As a good guard." He looked up at her. "I will risk a little harm to keep my princess safe." He stared at her evenly as he threw her words right back at her. "You're a good princess, and I want you safe."

Celestia knew when an argument was more trouble than it would be worth and simply nodded as she walked. They agreed silently to protect one another and continued forward, descending the stairs into the gloom.

Her horn began to glow brightly, dispelling that dark and revealing a lunar pony guard standing at the far end of the hall, squinting at the new light. His wings were thrown out wide and he hissed with surprise.

Nefertari glanced to the right sharply. "That's my signal to go." She leaned forward. "If you haven't angered the Sun Princess, she is here to see you, and that may be your saving. My task was simply to ensure your safety." She licked over her snout. "I think you will be. Time to go."

She left them, slipping in beside the doctor as she read over a book while writing in another. Nefer settled a paw on the manic mare's withers and scratched gently at the fur and flesh there. "I found your specimen."

She jumped in surprise, but didn't get far with Nefer's paw holding her. "Oh! Hello. Please, tell me everything." She circled in place to face Nefer. "Is she eating properly? Is she physically intact?"

"She is agitated, but otherwise well. Her mate is in a more sorry state, but continues to battle on despite it." Nefertari smiled, more of a grin really. "He's a curious one. Why don't you study him?"

"Him? He's just a unicorn..." Samantha looked Nefertari up and down. "Not like you! You're an anubite, and she's a pregnant lunar pony. Speaking of which." She raised a hoof and tapped the table before her as her magic swept her books off of it roughly. "Examination time! You'll be doing all of Equestria a huge favor. Think of the scientific advancement!"

Nefertari crooked a finger. "If my flesh is pierced, your throat will follow." Dire warning delivered, she hopped up onto the table rump first and looked down at Samantha. "What do you require, for your... science."

Samantha began to practically vibrate, excitement exploding through her. "Alright! No injections, no blood draws." She sounded a little put out by that, but there was too much else competing for that same emotional bandwidth and she just grinned manically. "I'll be very gentle, like a mother with her foal." Or a scientist with her subject, or so she thought to herself as her grin deepened.

101 - Only In Your Worst Nightmares

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The resistance was gone, and he fell. Silver didn't fall long or far, simply reappearing in a new place. He caught a sight of Luna and ran after her, but the alicorn was, herself, running. From one dream to the next, or so it felt. It seemed clear she was doing something, and Silver had second thoughts. Perhaps he shouldn't just barge in on her in the middle of her job.

A dress draped over him and gnawed at him with fabric teeth. He waved the evil garment away, refusing to pay it much mind, which seemed to be what the clothing most wanted, so he was left alone to trail behind Luna.

"It's jumped into another dream!" Luna was looking at the strange sparkling thing Silver had spotted once in her dreams, and dived after it when it fled, and he followed after her, determined to keep her in sight.

Following her was easy. Too easy. He became complacent and lost her. He dove after what he thought was where she had gone and ended up somewhere very different.

A tall horse rose before him. Was it Luna? No wings, no horn. She emerged from the darkness and he recoiled several steps. It was Shei, the saddle arabian he knew from his dream. "Why are you here?"

"You left us." She stepped forward. "You left our world to be destroyed, scattered... Even my sister's body... Everything was destroyed." She locked eyes with him. "Don't you even feel guilt?"

"W-what? But I, what?" Silver fell over onto his haunches in confusion and terror. "I didn't decide to wake up from your dream. That's what dreams do. Why are you even here?"

She smiled a sad smile. "I learned the magic you paid for, my cowardly prince." A hoof reached forward, brushing over Silver's back. "Though you hardly seem a prince at the moment. Were you truly so small? Was it all a lie?"

Shei was a truly looming creature. Easily as large as Celestia. She was a horse, not a pony, and he did feel very small compared to her. "I missed you," he said in a small voice.

"Do you? You miss your dreams?" She frowned at him.

Dreams, yes, right. Silver glanced around and it became clear. He was in a dream right then. He had a task that this apparition was keeping him from. He suddenly grew, becoming his dreaming self, Silver Stars, with great leathery wings and a long pointed horn. Alicorn prince, survivor of war, victor in battles against creatures beyond rational thought. With a powerful beat of his wings, Shei blew apart like sand in wind. He took off at a gallop, more determined than before to keep Luna in sight.

He found Luna just as she was giving up hope. "This isn't working..." She ended the dream, and he was ejected back to the lily pads. His powerful wings brought him in for a gentle landing and he looked around before gazing down at himself.

"Huh, dream world, dream logic. I don't have to be a little unicorn here if I don't want to be." He spread his wings and gave them a shake before he smiled. Being an alicorn prince was kind of fun, even if only in his dreams. "Luna, what are you doing?" He pawed at the pad lightly to no effect, waiting for her to fall asleep again.

The night guard recovered from his shock and put his spear across the hallway, barring the way. "None but Princess Luna are permitted past this point."

Celestia smiled gently at the agitated pony. "Thank you for your loyal service, but this is still my castle." She gestured beyond him. "And you have my ambassador. I will see him now."

The guard frowned at her. "My orders are clear, Your Highness. None are to pass until Luna says so."

The day guard with Celestia scowled at the night guard, advancing, only for one of Celestia's hooves to bar the way. "My my, we have a conundrum then." Celestia smiled that gentle smile at the night guard. "I certainly wouldn't wish for any guard of mine to disobey an order."

"Your Majesty," hissed the day guard. "He's not letting you past."

"It's quite alright." She wrapped a wing around the day guard. With a bright flash, they were gone. They hadn't gone far. With the hallway behind him in clear sight, it wasn't hard for her to skip into the hall of cells past the guard and begin walking along the cells, looking for her quarry.

The night guard came rushing in. "Stop right there!" He was red in his cheeks and face in a combination of fury and shame. "You're under arrest!"

The day guard raised a brow at the night guard. "Did you just put Princess Celestia under arrest?"

"It's alright," insisted Celestia. "I'll happily go to jail, but only after I've seen to the safety of my ambassador."

"Over here!" Night called out from her cell, waving a hoof excitedly through the bars at the bright light of Celestia. "We're in here!"

A new smile overtook Celestia's feature as she cantered up to the bars that separated her from Night Watch and the prone and sleeping form of Silver Watch. "Are you two safe?"

"No!" Night caught herself, slapping a hoof over her snout. "Sorry... Silver's badly hurt and being down here is doing no favors." She clopped the ground. "Your sister..." Her gaze fell. "She's mad."

The night guard arrived with a scowl. "You're guilty of assault on royalty, to say nothing of intrusion and resisting arrest. Perhaps he'd be luckier if he faded away here."

Celestia wheeled on the guard, a new fury in her eyes. "Did Luna teach you that?"

The guard shrank away from the angered solar princess. "N-no, ma'am..."

Celestia snorted loudly. "I should hope not. Telling a pony to hurry and die, terrible." She leveled a hoof at the night guard. "I thought you were a good pony and guard, but perhaps I was hasty in my judgement?"

His ears down and trembling a little, he retreated several slow steps, glancing left and right. "H-he attacked your sister!"

"Did he hurl a ball of fire?"

The question confused the guard. "No?"

"Was it some other feat of creative magic?"

He shook his head. "Does teleporting count?"

Celestia raised a brow. "I know this pony well. If he wanted to attack us, we would be attacked in a fashion either outrageous or dramatic. Did my sister come to any harm?"

"N-no, other than being intruded on, and her personal space violated." The guard stood tall suddenly. "What difference does all that make?"

Celestia shook her head. "Then she wasn't assaulted. Intruded, oh yes, I will accept that easily." She smiled gently. "He is a stubborn pony at times. It's one of his better qualities. Of course, so are you. Can you tell me what the difference is?"

"I'm following my orders!"

"I'm certain you are. He follows orders too. His high commander, his princess, is his conscience. If he insisted on speaking to my sister against her wishes, he had something to say. Something important, I would hope, or he has a scolding coming his way." She turned back to Night. "Can you carry him without harm?"

Night tapped the bars with a hoof. "There's still a matt--" She trailed off as Celestia's golden magic swung the bars open easily. "Right..." She returned to Silver's side and slowly wriggled beneath him. Golden magic rolled over him and lifted him up slowly, helping to get him onto her back. Her wings flared out, helping to hold him steady. "Got him."

"Good." Celestia turned to the night guard. "I am taking him to the infirmary. No prisoner in my castle will be denied basic medical care. You may accompany us, if you wish. I am, after all, under your arrest."

The night guard did follow after them, but didn't try to bar their way any further.

Celestia looked to her day guard. "Go ahead of us and inform the doctor on duty that we are on the way and to be ready to receive us."

"Of course, Your Majesty." He saluted sharply and galloped down the hallway and up the stairs out of sight.

Samantha approached her new subject of the moment with a cotton swab. "You won't let me draw blood, but a little saliva from a cheek dabbing certainly won't be out of bounds?"

Nefertari raised a brow at Samantha. "Every humiliation will be returned twice as badly."

Samantha clopped her hooves as the swab bounced in her magic. "Worth it! Now say ahhh."

A guard rushed into the room and came up short. "Where's the nurse?"

Samantha smiled at the guard. "That's me!"

"You're not the nurse." He raised a brow. "I wasn't informed of any new staff in the infirmary."

Samantha shrank back a step. "But I am... I'm a doctor!"

"Are you a nurse or a doctor?" The guard scowled at Samantha with building suspicion. "Where are they?"

Samantha pointed at a closed door and looked away.

The guard approached the door quickly and threw it open to reveal two ponies tied up on top of one another, squirming frantically the moment the door was open.

Nefertari burst into laughter. "By the spirits themselves! You truly are mad..." She hopped down from the examination table, approaching Samantha. "There's no way you thought this would work forever, or even long...?"

Samantha's eyes were wide and brimming with tears. "I just want to do science... I could... I could change the world, for the better." She put her hooves on Nefer's front. "They won't let me! They won't even give me a chance!"

Unbound, the doctor and nurse ponies stood up. The doctor leveled a hoof at Samantha. "Arrest that mad pony!"

Samantha shrank away, her magic fumbling over the medical tools on the countertop before Nefertari was suddenly holding her snout in one hand and her horn in the other. Sam's magical grip faded from the makeshift weapons. "Enough. I will see this one to proper punishment." Nefer grinned. "I have something in mind."

They were both gone, carried off in Nefertari's intense speed. The day guard shook his head. "Princess Celestia is on the way with an injured pony. Please be ready."

The nurse began cleaning up and preparing space. "Now that we're not cooped up in that closet, we'll be ready, don't you worry!"

He smiled with some relief. "Who was that mare?"

The doctor raised a brow at the guard. "That was no mare. That was an anubite. The ambassador, I believe. I didn't catch her name." He went to the sink and got to washing his hooves clean. "Back on task, we'll be ready for the patient as soon as they get here. It'll be good to be back to business without some mad mare locking us away."

102 - Strength in Unity

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It was a swirling maelstrom of writhing spirit energy. Lily pads were drawn in from all directions before they began to bond together in one huge platform. Celestia's pad quietly drifted away, untouched and unharmed by the process that bound so many others together as if they were always one big pad instead of many smaller ones.

Silver tilted his head one way and the other before he took a slow step. The resistance was much fainter, as if spread out and thinned with the gained mass of Luna's bloated lily pad. He tried to enter, and he did, slipping through the membrane that gave only a token effort to hold him back.

Ponyville. He had landed in Ponyville, and it was utterly filled with confused ponies. A loud shriek filled his ears and he spun to see a pony pointing at him with shock. "W-who is that?!"

Well, better than being asked what is that, or so thought Silver as he nodded at the scared pony. "I'm not--"

His voice was overcome by Luna's booming shout, announcing that this was a shared dream made to fight a terrible foe.

"Like you?" The pony had approached. She had white fur, and a green and red mane. She was vaguely familiar, but Silver couldn't place her.

"I'm not here to attack anypony, promise." Silver did a slow circle. "What did she want to attack?"

"Maybe... that?" She pointed a hoof up into the sky where a strange spectral pony was getting into a one-sided battle with ponies. It was swatting them aside easily, sending them flying, but they weren't giving up easily.

"Remember it's just a dream!" came a rallying cry.

Silver expanded his wings. "Right, just a dream. Let's join, uh, what's your name?"

"Blossomforth. You?" She offered a hoof.

Silver clopped his hoof to hers. "Silver Wa--Stars. Let's teach that thing a lesson."

Together they spread their wings and took to the sky as the battle become less uneven and more fantastic. Ponies were starting to use the powers they only had in their dreams, and Silver was no exception. He battered the glowing thing with the full weight of his alicorn magic, revelling in his regained flight.

But it was a dream. He knew that. No harm in enjoying it while it lasted, however. So far as he was concerned, he would do his part and have a good time doing it at the same time.

Despite being a restored alicorn with power over dreams, he could not simply subdue the beast. It was being powered by something greater than him, and continued its attempts to escape despite their frantic beatings and dissuasion.

"Don't... let it go. It'll escape to the real world!"

Could it do that? Silver raised a brow, wondering what a figment of imagination could do in the physical world. Then he remembered Surprise. Wasn't that what she was, by many definitions? She was as solid as any other pony, with dreams and fears. If she could be real, why not this abomination?

A large red form zoomed past him, catching Silver by surprise as he looked towards it. Was that Big Mac? Why was he dressed like a princess? Big Mac had a big horn, as befitting a princess, and was blasting things left and right with it.

Silver shook his head. Let ponies have their dreams. He wasn't going to throw stones out of his glass house.

Night arrived in the infirmary to the alarmed sounds of the doctor present. Samantha wasn't on duty, and Night saw no reason to complain about that.

"Stop," ordered the doctor. "Not one more step." His magic wrapped around Silver's limp form and with meticulous slowness, the injured pony was hefted up carefully and moved to an operating table. "It'll be a miracle if he wasn't hurt in the transport."

Celestia stepped in behind Night, looming over the proceeding. The doctor came to erect attention, offering a quick bow. "Your Highness!"

"Please, proceed."

"Of course. Nurse!" He began barking commands as he returned to Silver's side.

Celestia spread a wing, barring the view of the proceeding to Night. "He's in good hooves, but we should give them room to work."

Night's wings fidgeting. "He's... I don't want to leave his side. I won't get in the way."

Celestia nodded quietly. "Then let's stand over here." She led Night away to the far side of the room. "Did he pass out? I can only apologize so much for my sister's actions."

Night shook her head. "At first, but he woke up. This time, he went to sleep, real sleep."

Celestia perked her ears. "Did he mention any purpose behind it?"

Night blinked up at Celestia's strangely phrased question. "He wanted to reach your sister."

Celestia drew a little breath. "That's a dangerous proposition. She's in an unstable place..."

Night raised a hoof. "Can you be more specific? No offense, Princess, but the way I see it, your sister... is kind of a jerk." She frowned deeply. "Make that a huge jerk."

Celestia brushed Night's back and side with a soft wing. "I trust you and your foals were not harmed in this?"

Night's attention slid back to her belly. "We're fine... They just pinned me down and dragged me away." She sat. "At least the guards didn't forget they were handling a heavy mare, but I didn't get the idea Luna cared at all." She thrust a hoof at Silver's prone form. "Who has he ever hurt?! When has he had anything but adoration for Luna? Where does she get off lashing out at him like that?!"

Celestia shook her head. "It's not my place to speak for my sister, but I intend to discover this, and many other things. I've let this situation escalate under my nose, and I intend that it stops." She looked down at Night pointedly. "Do you want me to separate them? Perhaps it would be for the best."

Night felt the urge to scream yes at the day princess, but she managed to stifle that and think instead. What would Silver think? What would she think once the rage had run through her? Momentary satisfaction, longterm resentment... "I think she needs to be brought in line and only you can do that, Princess. What she did was wrong. She could have fought him off with a feather, and you both know that."

Celestia smiled a little. "I would like to see that, my ambassador subdued by the ticklish presence of a feather." She spread a wing and curled it around Night. "But let's not think of him, just for a moment. How are you feeling?"

Night glanced away, then back up at the towering figure of Celestia. She felt a thousand things, but disgorging them to the princess of the land like that...

"Go on..." When Night was still silent, Celestia leaned in and nudged her with her snout. "This is just between two mares. Pretend I'm nopony special at all."

"Nopony special?!" Night clapped a hoof over her mouth at her outburst. "You're about the most special mare in the country. Fine, you want to know, I'll say it." She gathered herself upright. "This is my fault. Silver was ready to let your sister go and just be happy with me. He was ready to grow old and die at my side without regrets."

"And then?"

Night looked up at her before looking away. "Then I got greedy... When he came with a symbol of our single bond, I broke it. I left it open... Just in case..." She laughed, a little timid noise full of hysteria. "It's funny... I never even heard of... herding until Celine tried to get me to join hers."


Night looked up sharply. "Luna's split off little homunculus." She frowned sharply. "She introduced Silver to romantic love, hooked him up with me, then threw her life away as if she wouldn't be missed. Silver still misses her." She clopped a hoof on the ground. "And why shouldn't he? She was his first, and they never even said goodbye."

She turned away from Celestia. "She broke her promise."

"What promise?" Celestia spoke in gentle tones, prying without being aggressive.

Night threw a hoof up in the air. "Luna said she'd give herself to Silver until he died. Do you see Luna with him?"

Celestia barely restrained her own immediate reaction. Her sister had promised what?! "I see..." She rose to her hooves. "There are matters I must attend, but I can at least know that Silver is in good hooves." She smiled at Night. "Watch over him. You know he loves you terribly."

They shared a smile, both burdened, but shared none-the-less, and Celestia strode from the room. She had things to do.

Surprise kicked the door open. "Surprise!" But there was nopony present at all. She looked left and right at the empty bedroom before she strode in curiously, a large cake balanced on her head. "Night? Silver?" She let the cake slide off her head onto the countertop and noticed a book up there as well. She took it and tilted her head at it as she began flipping through it curiously. It became quickly clear what it was, and she clutched the book to her chest. "Oh..."

It was all that was left of her old life.

But it was also an idea, a good one! She smiled a little as she put the book down with trembling hooves. "I'll make my own... Then there'll be two ways to look at it." Fortunately, Silver's room was a good place to find a book and a quill. She had come intending to host a party, but instead she wrote. She wrote of her friends, and her family, and anything else that came to mind. She lost track of time completely as she became wholly consumed with the desire, no, the absolute need to record her lost life, so that it wouldn't be forgotten.

Her family was gone, but certainly not forgotten.

Her world was destroyed, but it could never be entirely removed so long as she was there to remember it.

She got to the part where Silver would enter her life again and she smiled a little. "At least this part's still true." She wrote of how they became friends. She wrote of her own thoughts about how he got involved with Twilight eventually. She thought it was kind of neat. Twilight deserved a special somepony. That it had become so many special someponies was a bit confusing, but still nice.

Certainly nicer than... simply being gone. Surprise gently dabbed away the tears that had fallen to the page and set the book aside to regather herself. Leaving the pages a tearstained mess certainly wouldn't help her complete her task.

Surprise took a slow breath, stretching tall as she reared up on two legs. "I'll get this done... At least until Silver gets back." She giggled a little. "Won't they be surprised when they come back to a treat!" She smiled over at the cake, then hopped back onto the bed to resume her writing.

She had a lot to get through.

103 - The Sun Makes You Smile

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Surprise bounced along. Her mane was limp, but there was a bit of satisfaction in her heart. The guards didn't try to stop her. They knew her as Silver and Night's guest, and she didn't misbehave, so they stopped trying to chase her off a while ago. She appreciated that. She didn't want to run away from ponies.

So it came as a surprise when she crashed into a guard in her heavy thoughts. "Move aside," he ordered.

She looked up at him and saw why he was even more stiffly formal than normal. Princess Celestia was with him. "Oh! Um, sorry." She slunk to the side, but Celestia was looking at her.

"Excuse me, what book is that?" She lifted a hoof to point to Surprise's book strapped to her side.

Surprise glanced back at it and to Celestia quickly. "Oh, this little thing? I wrote it."

"And what is it about?"

Surprise felt a momentary urge to withdraw, but that wasn't like her. She stood up instead in defiance of herself. "It's a journal, of my past."

Celestia raised a brow at that. "Curious. I seem to be coming across so many journals of late." She stepped towards Surprise at an even pace. "This will sound improper, and perhaps it is, but may I see it?"

Surprise blinked with surprise up at the princess. "Oh, uh, I mean, sure! If you want." She didn't imagine Celestia would want to read about her past, but... If she remembered, then it'd never be forgotten. Her friends, her family, and all her past would be immortal, in a way. She grabbed her book in her teeth and pulled it from its straps as her hooves took hold of it and held it out towards Celestia. "Please be careful with it, K?"

Celestia's golden magic gently lifted the book from Surprise's grasp. "You are the Watch's friend, aren't you?"

Surprise swallowed heavily before she nodded. "Um, actually..." There she was. This was finally the chance! "I mean, I am! For sure, but there's more to it than that."

Celestia gave a wan smile. "There always is around that stallion. Walk with me. I'm certain there are things to discuss."

The doctor had finished his work, placing Silver in what amounted to a huge cast and having him placed gently in a bed to recover. "You say a single kick did that?"

Night frowned at the doctor. "It was by a very large pony."

"I should certainly hope so. She should be more careful with her size and strength."

"She certainly should." Night sat beside the bed that held Silver and reached out for him with a wing, draping it over his still form. "Did you sedate him?"

"Funny thing about that." The doctor shook his head. "He was far beyond a normal sleep. I didn't sedate him in case it complicated things. We don't need our patients going into a coma. He may already be in one, only time will see on that, but, at least physically, he should be on the road to recovery."

Night wrinkled her snout at Silver. "Trying to show me up? Broken wing not enough for you?" She rested her head on his body-cast. "Still fighting..."

The nurse put a quiet hoof on Night's shoulder in support.

It was a battle on at least two fronts. There was the tantabus itself, trying to break free, but there was also its nightmarish creations generating fear to give it the power to do just that. "It's just like an umbrum..." Silver directed his long horn at a collection of impish creatures harassing ponies below, turning them into various-shaped rocks that would frighten nopony again.

"You have to forgive yourself," drifted a voice from below.

Silver perked an ear at it and drifted closer. His hooves touched the ground and he trotted briskly towards a clearing in the town that held the form of Luna, clearly struggling and the center of the dream network that bound all the dreams together.

"I have done terrible things. I deserve to suffer..." Luna grunted with obvious effort. "I will defeat it on mine own!"

Twilight was also there. "You don't need to do it on your own. Luna, look, you're surrounded by friends. You aren't the same pony you once were. You've changed."

Luna's eyes met Silver's. She shuddered. "Nay. I have not..."

Silver emerged from around the building, coming into plain view as he closed the distance. "We can talk about this, like adults, after that's taken care of." He thrust a hoof at it. "It's from your past. It has nothing to do with today."

Twilight tilted her head, clearly not knowing who it was that stood beside her. "Right. That's your past. Nightmare Moon is defeated. The fact that you're trying to battle it is proof enough that you're not her. It's time to let go."

The dream suddenly froze, but Luna's mane was still flowing, and her eyes were set on Silver. He tried lifting a hoof and found he wasn't frozen either.

"Even here you pursue me?"

"You have enough power to do this?" Silver tilted his head. "I thought you were pretty tired-looking just keeping up what you had."

"This won't last long. Are you here to gain justice? Will you attack me when the time is right?"

Silver quirked a smile. "The time would be right about now if I wanted that, which I don't. Why did you kick me like that? I'm not a manticore, you can talk to me."

Luna scowled a moment. "I will not discuss that, not now."

Silver pointed up at the tantabus. "Then master your past. Bloody hell, if I lived my past, I wouldn't be in any shape to be with my friends and family. Let it go. You made a mistake, we all make mistakes. Sometimes they're big or small, but you have to learn from them, not wallow in them."

The dream resumed, and Silver found himself not near Luna, but across the town, casually pushed away. He frowned a moment, but took a slow breath. "Fine, talk to the ponies you know." He turned away. Clearly, Luna did not rate him among their number. But why should she? He was a foreign element. An alien, as comfortable as it was wearing the flesh of a pony, still an alien. He was literally the stuff of her nightmares, at least the nightmares that he had endured.

He drove a hoof to the ground with enough dream strength to rend the ground. "So what if I am?!" He spread his wings wide and took to the air, going directly to the tantabus with new fury in his eyes. "I won't hurt Luna, but no such thing protects you." A fireball formed over his head, only to be joined by another, and another, swirling around one another in a rapid orbit. He brought them together with a terrific clap, creating a new form of matter, plasma. He held a sun over his head even as he began to fashion orbs of cold. Not ice cold. No, he was an educated man. He aimed far lower. Low enough to stop atoms in their place. The two spheres of opposing spectrums played off one another in brilliant, horrifically beautiful swirls of colors.

With an angry neigh and a thrust of his hooves, the two orbs were propelled, plasma rushing for the thing's front end while the zero kelvin orb rushed at its back end. Even as they flew, he began gathering a new force, one not made of elements at all, but of despair, pain, feelings of helplessness and agony. He smirked a little, realizing how emo that attack would be, but he fashioned it anyway.

The elemental balls slammed into the creature and it recoiled from the rift it had been about to use even as its hind legs froze quick to the ground. He couldn't tell if he had actually inflicted any damage, but it was held, for a moment.

He raised his forehooves, the ball balancing between them before he gave a mighty heave. The condensed ball of misery moved like a stroke of lightning, crashing into the creature, but it did not harm it. It lived for all those things, and grew suddenly, shattering the ice around its hooves. "Oops."

Nefertari crooked a finger under Samantha's snout. "You're a very naughty pony."

Samantha looked away from her, even if her muzzle was held straight. "I want to help everypony."

"By locking them in a closet? Curious methods..."

"They won't let me!" Samantha looked back at Nefertari. "I just want to learn, and to share. There are so many questions everypony has, but they won't help me look for answers."

"There remains something about you... You are a question." She poked the pony in the chest. "Why don't you answer yourself first."

"M-me?" Samantha perked her ears and sat up fully. "My name's Samantha. I'm a unicorn, fairly standard."


She scowled at Nefer. "What part?"

"There's more to you than a unicorn. I can feel it, but not place it. Come now, I rescued you from captivity. You'll have another chance to chase your answers. The least you could do is answer my question, hmm. Isn't that what you like to do, provide answers?"

Samantha clucked her tongue softly. "Will you still be my subject?"

Nefer raised a brow. "I am no one's subject. Others bow to me, little pony."

"No no no!" Samantha clopped a hoof on the table she was seated on. "My test subject. I want to study you more, please?"

Nefer leaned in, nose-to-nose with Samantha. "You are a delight. Even unmasked, you would continue the path?"

"I-I may not be a... licensed doctor, but that doesn't mean I can't learn things, and write about them. I want to, please?" Samantha squirmed in place.

"And you were Silver's wife's midwife? I imagine what she will say when she learns of this..."

"Don't tell her!" Samantha's eyes went wide with terror. "Oh please don't tell her! She's my star subject... I'm taking care of her, I swear!"

"Perhaps I won't... Assuming I can trust you to be a good pony, and do as I say." Nefertari gave a sharp smile as she set a hand on Samantha's head, petting her gently. "Now are you going to be a good pony?"

Samantha bobbed her head quickly, almost catching Nefertari with her waving horn. "If you help me keep her as a subject, I'll do anything you want." She smiled suddenly. "I'll be good with you too. No blood, promise."

Nefer raised a brow. "What is your fascination with blood? Blood is for battles won and lost, not idle curiosity. To spill it for nothing is obscene."

"Right right." Samantha hopped down from the table, starting to look around as if all the tension had simply fled her. "No blood, promise. So where do you keep your examination tools?"

104 - Peaceful Resolution

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Through no action of his own, Luna was reached even as the great Tantabus began to tear itself free with the negative energy granted it. Just as it began to step free of the dream, it froze, and was drawn back to its creator, dwindling in stature as it went. Luna quietly absorbed her discontent and let it go, though Silver, hovering in the air, wondered fretfully if any of the emotional bomb he had thrown would interfere with things.

He glanced around the bizarre dreamscape of Ponyville. Was this an episode? It was Ponyville, being an episode was quite likely. Did he just mess up an episode? That would be pretty bad. He frowned a little and jetted straight up, emerging from the dream and landing on the giant lily pad that held all of Ponyville's dreams. It began to splinter and break, forming countless smaller pads that bobbed away on invisible currents, leaving just Luna's dream pad bobbing there, alone.

Silver tapped at the pad, and fell. He plummeted right into Luna's new dream. It was dark, peaceful, and there was Luna. She was sleeping with a gentle smile. Dreaming of sleeping? Silver smiled a little. It was good to see her peaceful, and he turned to depart, lest he interfere with it, as tempting as it was to do so.


He looked over his shoulder. Luna was looking at him from atop her dais. "In my dreams or in my nightmares, here you are. Why have you chosen that form?"

Silver approached Luna, turning around and taking even steps. "In my... our... dreams, this is what I ended up as, when I wasn't the female variation of it." Speaking of it was enough to summon it for a moment, a ghostly image of Silver Stars, the princess. "I was your servant."

"Did you begrudge it?" Her expression was difficult to read. She looked at him, just looked.

"No... Well, some of it, but... We make mistakes, it happens. I certainly made my share." Silver smiled, exposing his fangs. "Luna... Can we talk?"

Luna looked down suddenly. "You hate me. Of course you do. I deserve that."

Silver frowned at her words. "Luna, shut up and hug me." He offered his hooves to her. She looked startled a moment, but accepted that offer, and they were quiet, hugging gently together. "Stop it... This wall..."

"Have you never done this?"

"Oh god yes, yes I have..." Silver smiled. "I'm older than I look, remember? I've put up those walls, strong, protective, thinking I'd be happier hiding behind them."

"You will need to explain this 'god' figure you cry out to when you are distressed." She sat up. "You're a handsome lunar pony."

Silver spread his wings for her. "I'm intimidating. I know how the average pony felt about my... their kind. They face a lot of challenges."

"They do..." Luna glanced away and back to Silver. "Are you certain you're not broken?"

Silver suddenly grinned. "Of course I am. There's no way you can care for somepony this much and not be. Love is a broken thing, but it's not one I'm in a rush to fix. When you... When you bashed me, I wasn't really thinking about myself. I was worried I'd pushed too hard, too fast."

"You did."

Silver smirked. "That didn't excuse the violence, but I care about you, Luna."

"Why won't you accept Celine back?"

Silver raised a brow. "About that. How can you be sure any new creation you made would actually be Celine? She's a part of you, Luna. She's dead, and yet not. She's become you, and you've become her. Unless you can actually pluck her from the past, it will never be that Celine, because that Celine is right here." He reached out and tapped Luna on the nose. "And she's grown up into a captivating mare of a princess."

Luna seemed to grow cold a moment. "As Princess, I can't be distracted by thoughts of family. I have duties to attend. Don't you understand that?"

"You clearly don't."

Luna scowled at him. "What makes you say that?"

Silver put a hoof to his chest. "You saw me fall and caught me, then wove a tale. You were ready to claim me. You offered to make me your foal." Luna cringed at the mentioning. "Did you think I forgot that offer? You wanted this, Luna, not me. Blaming me is just another wall you're hiding behind."

Luna waved a hoof and Silver suddenly was small. He was a tiny and immature version of himself. "Would that have been so terrible?"

Silver snorted in the high-pitched tone of a colt. "It would have destroyed Night. It's not just about me or you. I have a wife, and she has foals. I have to see to their happiness." He reached out a little hoof. "I think you're a part of that."

Luna gave a smile, a sad smile. "But that cannot be." She leaned forward and kissed Silver's little cheek. "I forgive you, and accept your forgiveness, but that cannot be. If mine own sister has persisted this long without a lover, I will endure. Go." She looked ready to banish him, but hesitated. "Please?"

Silver returned to his normal self. Just a brown unicorn. "I will." He turned away. "But you're wrong. Even your sister would be happy for your happiness. Even if not... that way, be a friend. Friends aren't against any royal code." He trotted off away from the silent Luna, and slipped from her dream.

Celestia looked across the table at the green earth pony that sat with her. "You do sound like her."

"Because I am her, mostly." She swirled her hooves in the air. "I'm another version of her. I'm not here to take anything from her though! This is her world, promise."

Celestia raised a brow. "That's a very mature stance."

Surprise threw up those hooves. "I don't think other ponies are ready to accept greenie Pinkie. Nope, I'm Surprise now. Um." She smiled up at Celestia. "Thanks, for believing me."

"Do you Pinkie Promise it is the truth?"

Surprise jerked upright at the call to do the sacred Pinkie Promise. "Of course!" She went through the motions smoothly, poking herself in the eye. "Gosh, does it need another name?"

Celestia smiled gently. "You can keep that one." She reached across and ran a hoof through Surprise's limp locks. "Now what would it take to get the bounce back into you, Surprise?"

Surprise looked a bit embarrassed about it. "I... guess I'm not as super happy as I was before. Maybe making new friends will help. It's hard though. Most ponies already know Pinkie, though it's not so bad here in Canterlot, I do know ponies up here too. How do I make friends with them when I already know them so well and they don't know me? What if hanging out with them makes me run into Pinkie? What do I even say to Pinkie?!"

"Hello," suggested Celestia. "Tell the truth. You know yourself, how would you handle it?"

Surprise clopped her forehooves while looking thoughtful about it. "You... You're right. I'm making a big deal about nothing at all! She'd probably just giggle a lot and ask me to play some games and I'd say yes and then we'd have a fun day!" She giggled, hoof covering her mouth. "Oh gosh, there I was, worrying about nothing. Of course I wouldn't be upset at another me. At least I'm not a mirror clone and I won't mess anything up."

Celestia hovered a cupcake over towards Surprise. She accepted it without words and gobbled it right down. "You'll be just fine."

Surprise bobbed her head, her hair starting to perk up around her. "I was making this a lot harder than I had to." She clopped a hoof to her forehead. "Don't you hate it when you do that?"

A smile spread over Celestia's expression. "I certainly do, but it's a feeling I can relate to. I would like to hold onto your book for a little longer, if that's alright?"

"Oh sure!" Surprise waved a hoof. "Just give it back when you're done. Oh! Have you seen Mister and Missus Watch? I've been waiting all day to hold a surprise foal party for them!"

Celestia's eyes drifted in the direction of the infirmary. "They'll be along when they're ready. Something important came up that called them away. You may want to put their cake away."

"How'd you know it was a cake?!"

She smiled gently. "You're not that different from Pinkie, Surprise."

She brought a hoof down. "This is unacceptable. Trixie will not tolerate these living conditions a moment longer."

Rough Draft perked his ears at her. "I know it's a little--"

"It's not a little anything." Trixie poked him in the chest. "Trixie has endured your slovenly cleaning habits long enough. We are going to make y--our home into something worth being jealous about." She flashed a brilliant smile. "Now, are you with Trixie, or must she throw her darling stallion out of the home while she works?"

"O-of course, dear!" He gave a nervous smile and sprung to his hooves. "Where do we start?"

"Such a good stallion." She smooched him on the cheek. "Let's start with the living area. It's where we should be entertaining guests, and it should reflect well on both of us." She led the way, her magic grabbing a pail and mop and a broom along the way. "Today promises to be quite busy, but the results will be worth it, Trixie promises."

Rough followed obediently, and the two got to straightening up his house, with some elbow grease and a little helping magic to hurry it along. He nipped at her ear while passing her. "I love you."

Trixie warmed in her cheeks. "And Trixie loves you in return, good stallion, but keep working. We have much to achieve before the sun sets." They shared a little noserub and got back to the task at hoof.

He was sent with a shopping list of building supplies to complete repairs and even expand on the building in ways that Trixie envisioned a grand palace.

Rough Draft's house would be the crown jewel of their little town, at least if Trixie had a say in it.

She always did.

105 - Facing more Physical Issues

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Silver's eyes fluttered open with a soft grunt. The waking world... why did it hurt? "It hurts to let us know it's real." Not that the dream world was devoid of pain. Existence, it had plenty of pain around in it, reminding one they were alive. He looked down and saw Night draped over his casted form, sleeping. He smiled at her. "Thank you."

With a little magic, he pet through her mane and gave her a soft hug, but she was thoroughly out. How long had he been out? How long had she waited for him? He looked to the window to see it appeared to be night.

"Feeling better?" It was the nurse from the first time he had wandered into the infirmary. "Good to see you up."

On one hoof he was glad to not be alone, on the other, he didn't want Night's sleeping disturbed. He couldn't imagine she was sleeping well while he was a total wreck. "Thank you. Have you seen Discord?"

She looked confused. "The mismatched one?"

"That's the one." Silver tried to sit up, but that resulted in very little.

"Easy there, you aren't going anywhere for a while."

Silver frowned at that. "He has what could get me moving a lot faster." He licked his lips. "Is she alright?" He indicated with a mild twist of his neck and his eyes towards Night.

Night nuzzled into his neck suddenly. "I'm fine." Her teeth were felt as she began nipping at him softly. "How'd it go?"

Silver smiled at her affection, squeezing her with a new grip of his magic. "It went as well as I could have hoped. I got her alone, and we talked."

Night raised a brow. "'You talked'. You make it sound too casual. Did you kick her in the face for what she did?"

Silver frowned a little. "Night... You don't want that."

"Don't tell me what I want..."

The nurse silently wandered off, leaving the couple to their argument. Night slid up and perched on top of him. He couldn't feel her entirely despite her laying across him. The cast didn't allow for such things. "She took you from me. She deserves a good swift kick."

"Eye for an eye leaves us all blind," quoted Silver with a little smile. "Ponies aren't made for that."

"Says who?" She frowned a little, then reached into her pocket and pulled out the engagement shoes, the two that they hadn't worn. "I was an idiot before, but now I can fix it. I'm putting this on you."

Silver's magic caught the shoes, pinning them in place. "Hold on. I'm not accepting any decision you make while you're this upset. Right now, can we be happy we have each other?" He tilted his head a little. "And when'd you take those?"

"Not like I could ask you, sleeping prince." She pouted a little, but released the shoes to float in his grip. "Damn unicorns. Snap them in half and they can still wrestle you."

Silver glanced towards the nurse, but she was busy writing something. In a low voice, he whispered to Night. "Shall we see how well a unicorn can wrestle in this state?"

She seemed confused at first before it clicked and a devious expression spread over her. She glanced over to the nurse as well, then grabbed the blanket and pulled it over them both before they tested exactly how much a unicorn could wrestle in that state.

The answer was not much. Silver bit back little noises when his body protested his motions, but they eventually found ways to celebrate their reunion, letting her be the primary mover and shaker of that bed.

When they had calmed down, snuggling together, he rubbed his cheek against hers. "I haven't given up on her. She was ready to give up on herself, but I'm too stubborn."

Night raised a brow. "What if I just don't want my stallion around a potentially violent mare?"

Silver nipped at Night's snout. "Then we'd have a problem. You're pretty good at violence, when you want to be." He nuzzled softly towards her cheek. "It turns me on a little."

She went hot in her cheeks. "You're just saying that!"

"Prove it."

She couldn't prove or disprove his emotion. She snuggled him, and some of the weight in her soul was let go. She had her stallion back. She had her friend back.

They fell asleep together in a peaceful slumber, both happy to be near the other.

Trixie reared up on her hind legs and swept dramatically with her forehooves over the front of their remodeled house. "Behold!"

Rough Draft gave a soft and appreciative nod. "It's very nice, but why did we add a bedroom?"

Trixie fell to all fours and rolled her eyes at Rough. "Silly stallion, it's for guests, of course, and Trixie knows precisely who will be the first guest in our grand palace."

Rough looked down the street into the town, considering with a mild frown. "Wet Hoof?"

Trixie snorted with an aborted laugh. "Certainly not! That fisherpony isn't worthy of that honor." She produced a sheet of paper and writing began to appear on it in flowing script. "It's long past time we extended a hoof to our adopted son. Why, this is where he first entered Equestria, is it not? It should have some value to him, increased by our presence."

Rough looked surprised at the idea. "I don't want to be a bother... I'm sure he's busy with a thousand things right now."

"Things he can put aside for a week and visit his Great and Wonderful parents." She folded the letter in thirds and began to trot towards the post office. "Do you think he and Celine...?"

Rough colored in his cheeks. "Wouldn't they send a letter if she..."

Trixie wrinkled her nose. "If he takes after his father, no." She dropped the letter on the counter of the post office. "Send this to Silver Lining, Canterlot." She slapped down a few bits to pay for the transport, then turned to Rough. "For all we know, he's not even with her. Maybe he's alone and sad. That would be just like him to forget he has two ponies right here."

Rough frowned delicately in thought. "I would certainly hope that isn't the case. I... guess he can always say no if he really wants to."

"Precisely!" Trixie smiled in a bright display. "But Trixie is certain he won't. It'll be nice to see him again. He may not be related by blood, but he is family, and family shouldn't be apart forever. It's not proper."

He escorted her back towards their home, but she had other things in mind. She got that look in her eyes that he had learned to recognize. She wanted to perform, so he changed course and led her right to the center of town.


Silver and Night woke with a start to find Surprise was seated beside them with a cake held in her forehooves. "Congratulations on the foals!"

He smiled at her and began to laugh, even if it hurt a little. "Good to see you, Surprise."

Night pushed upright and tilted her head at the cake. "How long have you been waiting for us?"

"Oh gosh. It feels like forever." Surprise tapped at her chin with one hoof as the other held up the cake. "But that's all over now, so let's have fun!" She set the cake down beside Silver and reached back, producing a cake cutter from her pocket. "Now who gets the first slice?"

Silver fixed eyes with Night. "It should go to the expectant mother, of course, who's getting more and more pretty every day."

"Flatterer." With burning cheeks, she accepted the plate Surprise offered and took a quick bite out of it. "Mmm, this is really good, Surprise. Have you made a lot of cakes before?"

Surprise tilted her head. "I used to make baked treats every day. A cake is nothing out of the ordinary for me."

Silver accepted his plate with magic as he looked thoughtful a moment. "Have you considered opening a new sweet store here, in Canterlot?"

Surprise raised an empty hoof, then it slowly fell. "I hadn't..." The thought had clearly been planted and was rattling around in her head as she got herself a slice and enjoyed a bite. "Do you think it'd work?"

"Of course it would." Silver tried to sit up again, but his body kindly informed him that wouldn't be happening. "Just imagine Pinkie's face if she ever stopped by, seeing another Sugarcube Corner."

Surprise giggled, which turned into a snort at the end. "I wouldn't call it that."

Night glanced between the two. "What about Sweet Surprise?"

Surprise burst into full-on guffaws, falling over backward. "Oh Oh! I like that one!" She rolled upright quickly, the cake somehow still balancing on the plate. "Do you really think I can do it?"

Silver smiled gently at her. "Look who we're talking about here? Since when couldn't you do anything you put your mind to?"

Surprise's smile only widened. "You're absolutely right!" She hopped up on her hind legs. "With friends like you two, I bet I could do anything!" She set down the cake and held the smaller plate with her slice. "But right now, I want to celebrate." She lifted her plate high. "To future foals! To happy ponies, and good friends."

Night raised her plate, balanced as it was on her wings. "To bright futures, and captive husbands."

Silver snorted at that, but he was smiling. "To good friends and good times." He lifted his plate with his magic. Only then did they take their next bite.

They talked warmly and enjoyed the baked treat. It was a low-key party, just as Night had requested, and she rewarded Surprise with a hug that was returned in a tight embrace. Silver was at once both jealous and horrified at the idea of receiving such a powerful hug in his current state.

The party was winding down when a pony wandered in, wearing the bright blues and yellows of a mailpony. "Excuse me? They said a mister 'Silver Lining' was in here?"

Night raised a brow. "News is still spreading." She pointed at Silver's prone form. "Here he is, what do you have?" She hopped from the bed and approached the mailpony. "I'll take it."

Silver wrinkled his nose. "I still have my magic. I'll get it."

It became a race. The pony pulled out a letter and Silver's magic snatched for it even as she grabbed for it with her snout. He ended up with a secure grip on one end and her on the other, like wrestling with a naughty puppy. "Night, please, it's my letter."

"Ooo Ooo, can I play?!" Surprise bounced in place a little, looking eager to get in on the fun.

106 - Diarchy

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Luna came in for a gentle landing on a balcony before striding inside. Celestia was there, seated at a small table, a cup of tea already hovering before her and a sip being drawn even as she came in from outside. "Hello, sister." Who had said that? Perhaps both at once. It mattered little.

Celestia gestured at the table. "Join me?"

Luna raised a brow faintly. This was not an optional invitation, not by any practical means. She moved to the table, wondering what was on her sister's mind. "A fair evening. We will be called to duty shortly."

"We have time enough for a little discussion." Celestia gave a wan smile. "Lulu... You've been... busy."

Luna stiffened even as she forced herself into a seated position. "We are both called to busy lives, are we not?"

"That we are." Celestia nodded lightly before she sipped from her drink. "But not usually in this manner."

"Sister." Luna frowned faintly. "I am not one of your little ponies. Speak plainly your concerns."

"You will always be my most precious of ponies." Celestia set her tea down. "I love you, Luna, in a way I love nopony else. We are sisters, and, I think, we understand parts of each other that no other soul could hope to."

Luna relaxed a little, a touch of a curl in her lips betraying how nice it was to hear such fond words. "We--I mean I love you as well, but you didn't come here today to discuss our sisterhood."

Celestia drew out a book and set it down quietly facing Luna before her magic flipped it open.

Luna leaned forward to read it.

When I think about that time, I still recoil. I was so close to oblivion, and, for a moment, I had wanted it, but to learn that I had never actually committed myself to it. To just slip? I almost died of slipping off a roof? It's almost enough to laugh at for days if you look at it right. It was a harsh lesson, perhaps. A wake-up call. But was it? No, it put me to sleep, or Luna did. It was only there that I began to see the true nature of my life, but also of hers. Does she really see herself that way?

I think one of the worst parts is how she views her sister--

Luna's eyes wrenched upwards from the letters. "Did he give this to you?!" Her words were full of anger and suspicion. How had she ever entertained the stallion had cared for her?

Celestia's magic gently closed the book. "I found it in his room. I'm certain he would have defended it from me, had he not been... indisposed."

Luna cringed, turning away. It was her fault, again. "I..."

"I'm told you injured him quite severely." Celestia leaned forward a little. "Does he disgust you?"

Disgust? Luna hadn't expected that word. "What a curious way to describe him."

Celestia rolled a hoof slowly. "Perhaps. He is an alien, after all. He has alien sensibilities, an alien past, and alien desires." She smiled softly. "They seem benign, but to call them anything but strange would be lying to ourselves."

Luna felt her wings flare out without her say-so. "It's not that! His... He means well..."

Celestia tapped the book with a hoof. "I want you to know, no matter how darkly you feel, I am your sister, and I do love you. You can talk to me."

Luna felt a hot ember spark inside of her. Where was this compassionate sister when she needed her last time? The heat guttered into a miserable smoke as she realized that was no way to react to a hoof extended in familial love. Luna looked up to Celestia and offered a trembling hoof back. "I..."

"I am not here to cast judgments on you this day, Luna. Speak freely." Celestia scooted around the table, coming closer.

Luna's head sank. "He won't stop chasing me."

Celestia settled in beside her, a wing wrapped warmly around Luna. "Do you want to be chased?"

No! Maybe... Luna felt her cheeks warming. "It's not proper for a princess. We both have duties that preclude romantic involvements."

Celestia nuzzled one of Luna's ears. "Oh? Perhaps we should inform Princess Cadance so she can break things off..."

Luna began to burn hotly even as the urge to shrink into nothing became overwhelming. "Don't mock me, sister!" But was she wrong? If Cadance could claim a pony as hers and still act as princess of the Crystal Empire, why not herself? "I... I'm not being mature about this. It's an immature love born of immature feelings."

"All love is." Celestia rubbed her cheek to Luna's. "I once loved a stallion enough to risk two worlds in the process. It still hurts to consider, but I don't regret living it. Love... It's an emotion we can't, and shouldn't deny."

Luna suddenly grunted. "It's too late. If he doesn't hate me, his wife certainly despises me, and she has the right to do so."

Celestia drew the book over with a sliding hoof. "He is many things, forgiving is one of them. Perhaps I should not have pried, but I did. I know he will forgive me this slight, but there are other things to discuss..."

Luna stiffened, having an idea what might be next. "We meant it with good intent, sister."

Celestia shook her head. "Sister... Are you that lonely?" She drew Luna tighter to her side. "You meet a pony that knows you as a goddess, not one to be feared or shied from, but one to be worshipped fully and embraced, and you don't know what to do." Celestia smiled a little. "You could just let him. I'm certain it wouldn't displease him."

Luna recoiled. That wasn't the direction she thought it was. "S-Sister! We..."

Celestia raised a hoof to forestall the words. "We know. He never attempted to end his life. Your lie secured your control of him." She raised a brow lightly. "It also hurt that same wife. Tell me, Lulu, are you jealous of her?"

Luna scowled. "Of course not!"

Celestia met her glare with a gentle smile and silence.

Luna gave Celestia a soft shove. "Stop staring at me so!"

Celestia unhooked her wing from Luna's side, returning it to her back. "It was by her hoof that she left him advertising an open relationship seeking another pony. Do you think, perhaps, I should avail myself?"

Luna recoiled, leaning away from Celestia. "You wouldn't!?"

Celestia smiled deviously. "I'm certain he would worship the sun, given the chance."

Luna drove a hoof down on the table, leaving the second table shattered within the week under the force. "Don't even jest!"

Celestia raised a brow. "Well then perhaps you should secure this before somepony else does. Luna, I love you, but you've been a very naughty pony." She tapped the book before it vanished. "You've wronged him in a way I would never have predicted. You owe him for several misdeeds. The least you can do is begin to be honest in your dealings."

"How much?" Luna glanced where the book once was. "What did he write, and how much did you read?"

Celestia raised a fine brow upwards. "Enough. Don't blame a pony for that, however. The repercussions of... this extend beyond what may seem obvious. I won't muddy the issue by bringing most of it up, now."

Luna rose to her hooves. "I must prepare to raise the moon, and you, to lower the sun. Our duties must be seen to."

Celestia smoothly joined her. "They must, but before, during, and after, we are sisters." She offered a hoof. "Your worries are never too big, or too small, to share." She strode out past Luna, walking but swifter than some ponies might trot and soon lost to hearing.

Luna let out a slow breath, looking to the ground. "Always perfect, sister dear..." She stepped from the small room and vanished towards her own duties and business.

Trixie frowned at Rough Draft over the new dinner table they had. "He should have responded by now."

"You only just sent the letter," argued Rough in a timid tone before he sat himself up straight. "I'm sure he'll respond soon." His tone became more confident as he spoke. "Just give him a moment. He probably has things keeping him busy."

Trixie clopped the table, though not with the shattering force of the moon princess. "Whatever business that is, it's not as important as Trixie. She raised him from a little foal to the stallion he's become. The least he can do is respond to her letters in a timely fashion!" Her expression changed suddenly. "What if he's hurt?"


"Of course! That's why he hasn't responded! He must be terribly injured, or maybe he's come down with a terminal illness!" Trixie jumped free of her chair. "Well worry not! Trixie's on the way!"

Rough Draft attempted to convince her to calm down, but Trixie wasn't having any of it. She hurried him through packing and soon they were trotting side-by-side through the wilderness towards the nearest train station.

The one wild beast that dared to get in their way met with angry unicorn magic and protective earth pony hooves, sending the beast whimpering into the bushes it had sprung from and barely qualifying as a footnote in their journey. They arrived at the station as the sun set on the horizon.

"No train coming through today, I'm afraid," reported the tired keeper of the station. "You're too late for that."

Trixie snorted at the pony. "Trixie has urgent business and demands a train to Canterlot."

"You can wait here if you want. The first one should be through early in the morning."

Rough slid a leg in front of Trixie, gently nudging her back. "We'll wait for that one, how much for the tickets?"

They paid and sat beside one another in the station, waiting with various degrees of patience.

107 - Day and Night

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Celestia strode through the halls of her castle. Her gait was even and measured. It wouldn't do for her to give off the impression of being worried, even if she was. She arrived at the infirmary without her usual escort of guards, a luxury she could manage once in a while within the confines of the castle.

With a golden glow, the door parted for her in time to reveal there was only one mare on duty, and she was looking over Night Watch with an expression of pure joy in the act. She clearly did hold her duties above that of a chore, and Celestia raised a brow delicately, as she did not recognize the mare at first. Had somepony hired her without informing Celestia? "Good day. I trust I'm not intruding?"

Night looked up sharply towards Celestia. "Princess!" Her cheeks went red and her hooves moved as if to cover the sight of her rounded belly.

Celestia shook her head. "Please, don't be ashamed. We all came from the same swollen bellies, even myself."

The doctor looked up towards Celestia with nervousness filtering through her joy. "She's growing nicely. Everything's just as it should be, Celestia... be praised?"

Celestia's smile became wry as she circled around the doctor. "Thank you for the praise, but I'm not responsible for the health of this remarkable pony. I don't believe we've met. I'm Princess Celestia."

The strange pony's ears went down a little before being forced back up. "I'm Samantha, Your Highness." She glanced around suddenly and made a gesture for Celestia to follow her. "Just a moment. I'd like to confer with you. Please wait here, Night. That's a good subject."

Night snorted at the word 'subject'. "The proper word is 'patient'."

Samantha seemed to take no note of that correction and scooted away with Celestia following behind. Once they were a few yards away, she turned to Celestia and leaned in with a harsh whisper. "Please don't send me away! I'm her midwife!"

Celestia raised a brow. That erased many doubts. That pony didn't belong there, but she wanted to know more. "Samantha, tell me about yourself."

Samantha seemed surprised by the question. "I'm a doctor, a scientist! Being able to watch a lunar pegasus proceed through this process is a rare opportunity, and I've been recording it for other doctors to see and learn from." She smiled brightly, re-entering her happy place. "She's an absolutely enthralling subject, and it's my pleasure and honor to witness and assist in this."

Celestia nodded softly. "A serious undertaking, to be certain. Tell me, where did you attend university?"

Samantha stiffened at that and began to tremble. She looked ready to answer, but Celestia cut her off with a hoof on the shoulder. "May I see your notes?"

She perked up at the request, the tension vanishing. "Oh, yes! I've been sending most your way already. Haven't you been getting them?" Samantha hurried over to another desk and her magic wrapped around a stack of papers. "Here are this week's observations and findings. I trust you've been satisfied with my thoroughness?"

Was that who had been sending it? "I was. Why wasn't your name on them?" She accepted the letter with a golden glow. "You shouldn't be so modest."

Samantha cringed faintly, glancing between Celestia and the prone form of Night Watch. "I... Oh please don't tell me I can't do it." She put her hooves on the notes, rearing up to reach them floating in the air. "This is proof I can! I'm a good doctor!"

Celestia drew the papers away and set them aside with her magic as she smiled down at Samantha. "Relax. Nopony is sending you away."

"You do know I can hear everything you two are saying?" Night frowned at them from the table she was lying on. "What's this about Samantha not even being a real doctor?"

Samantha looked ready to panic, but Celestia's magic wrapped around her like a warm blanket and squeezed her even as she was lifted up and carried back to Night's side beside Celestia.

Celestia set Samantha down gently. "That is a matter I intend to uncover, but I don't believe Samantha should be run off just yet. Has she been serving well as your midwife?"

Night frowned thoughtfully. "On all the technicalities, I suppose she has." She thrust a hoof at Samantha. "But I don't like being called a subject, even if that's a 'star' subject. I'm not a subject, I'm a pony, and I even have a name."

Samantha licked over her dry lips. "Right, Night Watch, is it not?"

Night smiled. "See? That sounds better already."

Celestia nodded between the two of them. "Excellent. Samantha, we will speak more, later. I would share words with Night Watch."

Samantha nodded, but she didn't move.

Celestia leaned forward. "Alone," she provided in a patient tone.

"Ah! Yes." Samantha trotted from the room. "I have more notes to catalog anyway. Enjoy your stay, Princess."

Night looked up at Celestia and over at the sleeping form of Silver Watch. "What brings you here, Princess?"

Celestia pointed at Night's belly. "May I?"

Night recoiled in surprise. Was the princess... "I... yes, go ahead."

Celestia's magic wrapped around the swollen dome and gently pet over it along the flow of the fur. Night felt the maddening urge to stretch and squirm. Why'd that have to feel good? "You're growing nicely, just as Samantha reported. How do you feel?"

Night forced a smile. She felt small with Celestia there. Who wouldn't? "I feel big and fat and slow." She ran her tongue over a fang. "What brings you here?"

Celestia slowly sank, laying on her belly, which brought her to Night's level, looking eye-to-eye instead of up and down. "I read a most interesting book."

Night perked an ear with obvious surprise. "What was it about?" Why would Princess Celestia come to report her reading habits?

"Perhaps you've read the same book." Celestia's petting was soft and continuing, with her eyes looking into Night's directly.

Night perked an ear as a hind leg gave a faint kick from the stimulation. "You're going to have to give me a better hint than that, Your Highness. What book? You obviously think I should know about it."

"Your partner wrote it." Her head inclined towards the sleeping form of the brown unicorn. "I trust he's alright? That was a very unfortunate incident."

Night nodded stiffly. "He's as stubborn as I am. He'll be alright." It clicked and she frowned. "Wait, are you talking about the book he's always scribbling in? When did he give that to you to read?"

Celestia had the sense to blush and look away as if caught. "He didn't... I found it while I was looking for him, instead I found the book, and eventually was led to where you and he were being unfairly held captive."

Night drew a shaking breath. "And... you have thoughts, about those dreams of his?"

"I do." Celestia met Night's gaze again. Her belly petting ceased and magic drew away. "Have you read any of it?"

Night's ears fell. "He never gave me permission either... I might have."

Celestia smiled at that. "I would have been surprised if you claimed to have not. You are his wife. I'm sure there is curiosity, and concern. He dreamed of you a fair bit."

Night frowned a bit. "He dreamed without me almost as much." The frown softened. "And he missed me, even in his dreams." She thrust out a hoof. "Then you know what your sister did?"

"I do."

"What are you going to do about it?" Night clopped the table softly.

Celestia shook her head slowly. "I am working with her, but I'm here for you, not to discuss my sister's deeds. According to his notes, he has seen more fragments of the future, but they have the edge of oracular visions. They all come true, but not entirely in the way he first imagines." She raised a hoof and rest it on the edge of the table Night sat on. "You are a hero for your actions in the North and were drawn to where you needed to be following Silver's visions."

Silver made a soft murmur, drawing the eyes of both mares for a tense moment before he fell back into the world of dreams.

Night shook her head. "What can he even be dreaming about, if he always knows when he's asleep?"

Celestia raised a brow. "Ah, that reminds." A journal appeared in mid-air. "Please, give this back to him, with my thanks, and my apologies."

Night suddenly went red. "Did you... The parts in the 'East'?"

Celestia joined her in coloring. How did one say they know they were fantasized in such a fashion? "It was as much Luna's skewed vision of things as it was his own dream. I won't hold it against him."

Night accepted the book and tucked it into her saddlebag. "So... are you going to chase him away from your sister?"

Celestia raised a brow. "Do you think I should?"

Night cringed. The question had been rebounded back into her side of the court. Should she? "I... Your sister should be ashamed of what she's done, and is doing. I... don't think I can look up to her like I used to."

Celestia's ears fell. "We all make mistakes."

Night thrust a hoof at Celestia. "Mistakes don't usually involve manipulating a pony into being your plaything. Mistakes don't normally involve kicking a pony across a room. She hasn't even apologized!"

"Yes, she has." All eyes turned to Silver, whose eyes were opened. "In her dream, where I found her. She did. This whole thing, it's hurt her as much as us." He tried to turn, but his cast denied him the option. "Please, I just want everyone to relax and let this blow past. She wasn't the only one being aggressive, she just got physical with it."

Celestia rose to her hooves. "I imagine you'll want to speak to your husband."

Night's wings flared out. "No, wait! Stay." She rolled up and sat on the table. "I've had more than enough of clandestine whispers. Can we all just talk plainly? No more secrets."

Celestia smiled gently. "I can try, but no promises."

Silver joined the smile, his magic ratcheting the table up so he could face the two mares a bit better. "Celestia, good to see you. What brings you here?"

Night snorted softly. "Afraid to wipe that little smile off your snout, but she read your journal. All of it. Even the seedy parts."

Silver went as bright as a cherry in his cheeks. "Oh god..."

Celestia tilted her head. "It is strangely... soothing to hear an exclamation like that performed with somepony other than myself as the target. I am not angry, Silver Watch. By the fates, if I held a grudge against every stallion that shared that daydream, I would be a very busy, and sour, mare indeed."

The door to the infirmary suddenly swung open under the glow of magic as Trixie rushed in. "Where is he?! Silver, Trixie is here to save you!"

Under her came Rough Draft with a sheepish smile. "I don't think he needs a mounted cavalry in a hospital."

"Don't ruin Trixie's grand entrance!"

Celestia raised a brow at the two. "Hello. You two are Silver Watch's parents, are you not?"

Trixie raised a brow. "Silver Watch?"

Silver burst into laughter. Another vision of his dream had come true and delivered two loved ones to dispel a tense moment. He praised destiny, or whoever was in charge of such things.

108 - A Great and Powerful Reunion

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Trixie hopped free of Rough Draft and trotted towards Silver with a frown. "Silver Lining! You've kept your mother waiting long enough, what's going on?"

Celestia softly coughed into a hoof, drawing Trixie's attention.

"Oh! Hello, Your Majesty." Trixie smiled brightly, if nervously. "Trixie didn't mean to bother you, she is just upset at her son."

Rough Draft dipped his head towards the ruler of their land. "A pleasure to meet you, Your Highness."

"The feeling is mutual." Celestia smiled gently at Rough Draft before looking back at Trixie. "Be at ease. Your son was injured, as you can see, but he's in good hooves."

"Inju--" It was as if she had just not noticed the bandages and cast before, hidden by the dismal perception that ponies could have. "Silver! What's happened to you?!"

Silver hadn't ever really stopped laughing at the whole thing. Every line was enough reason for a guffaw. Even if it hurt a little to get out the laughter, it felt good, and his spirits were lifted. "It's good to see you, Trixie."

"That's mother to you." Her horn glowed as she pulled a stool over, hopped up onto it and reached for him, gently petting over his cast. "Now talk! What happened to you? Who does Trixie have to have a stern talking to?"

Rough approached Celestia more timidly than his opinionated wife. "Sorry for all the fuss."

Night perked her ears at Rough Draft. It'd been some time since last she saw him. "Hello... father?"

Rough jerked in surprise. "W-what?" His eyes went to Night's rounded form. "Can you explain that?"

A small door swung open and two ponies fell out, bound and gagged. Celestia put a hoof to her face. Those two she knew. With a twinkle of magic, she released the doctor and nurse. "Everypony, please, have a seat and we'll get this all straightened out.

Samantha trotted back into the room, only to pause and pale at seeing the nurse and doctor standing freely.

The nurse spotted her first and thrust a hoof, drawing the doctor's attention. Before either could say something unpleasant, Celestia glowed brightly. Suddenly everypony was seated side-by-side. Even Silver had been dragged, with his bed, to join the lineup.

"That's better. Now let's have a conversation." She clopped her forehooves and a guard rushed in. "Fetch us some tea and cookies if you would be so kind."

"Of course, Your Majesty." The guard hurried away.

"Now then..." Celestia smiled at the gathering of ponies. "We have much to go over. Let us begin with you." She looked towards Samantha. "While your intentions are laudable, the means are ... less than desirable."

Samantha perked her ears. "I just--"

Celestia held up a hoof. "Doctor, what has been your experience?"

He cleared his throat and sat up straight. "She's aggressive and violent towards actually certified medical staff."

Celestia raised a brow. "Have you been harmed?"

"Well... no, but being thrown in a closet and bound against my will is certainly violent." He nodded and his nurse bobbed her head with him.

Celestia could have approached the matter legally, but that didn't feel like the right tactic. "Samantha."

"Yes, um, Princess Celestia?"

She inclined her head towards the two irate ponies. "How do you plan to share your findings if you create a wall between yourself and your peers?"

The nurse sat up. "Peer?! Who?!"

Celestia held up a hoof that silenced her, Celestia's eyes set on Samantha.

Samantha squirmed a little. "I was hoping my research and findings would speak for themselves."

"An interesting notion," spoke Celestia in her gentle way as she nodded. "But would it not be easier with them on your side? You're all concerned about the well-being of your fellow ponies. You should be united against injuries, maladies, and the unknown, not pitted against one another, don't you think?"

The doctor clopped softly. "Your Highness, she has no accreditation. She's not qualified to take a pony's blood pressure, let alone conduct medical research."

"Despite that," Celestia's horn glowed as a heavy collection of paper appeared and fell to the ground. "She is driven and her notes are meticulous, almost to a fault. In fact..." She lifted a hoof towards the doctor. "I would like to see her educated in proper doctor to doctor and doctor to patient etiquette."

The nurse leaned towards Samantha. "Will she stuff us in a closet again?"

Trixie huffed suddenly. "What does this have to do with Trixie?"

"Patience." Celestia nodded towards Trixie before looking back at Samantha. "Do you understand why what you did was wrong?"

Samantha trembled in place, licking over her lips. "Setting them aside made them angry with me, which makes my work less likely... to be recognized, despite its other qualities."

The nurse rolled her eyes. "How about just not attacking ponies that aren't attacking you? Didn't your mother teach you manners?"

"She's dead."

An awkward silence flooded the room. The guard returned with the tea and cookies, setting them out before Celestia before he made himself scarce. Celestia began to pour out cups and floated them out to each pony in turn. "It's not too late to learn. Samantha, are you willing to be taught? You're eager to learn and discover, this is just one more thing to absorb, and I'm certain you can do it, if you put your mind to it."

Samantha sipped from her cup and lowered it, empty and revealing her sip was more of a chug. "Will I get to continue my projects? I really enjoy helping Night Watch, and I never did get to ask Silver Watch how he knows about me."

Night's ears went erect. "You said my name. You said both our names."

Celestia nodded. "Progress. Doctor?"

He grunted softly before he gave his own nod. "I'll oversee her, but if she attacks us again, I'm calling the guards!"

Samantha bounced a little in place. "Why would I do that?! I can continue with my observations, with help!" She clopped her forehooves together. "This is great!"

Celestia let Samantha be excited and turned her gaze to Trixie and Rough Draft. "Your son was involved in a little... misunderstanding with my sister that resulted in his current injury. He's in good hooves and recovering."

Trixie looked around curiously. "Did you upset Celine? Is that why she's not here and Luna did this to you?"

Silver cringed at the conclusion. "Not exactly, no."

Night was far more to the point about it, snorting. "Celine killed herself, being reabs--"

Celestia raised a hoof. "That's quite enough of that. Not everypony here needs to hear the details of that particular event." She rose to stand. "Perhaps it's time we departed. Samantha, you stay here and do as the doctor instructs you. He is now your teacher and employer. I expect to hear good things from him about you."

She led the way from the room. Even Silver came along, being pulled by his bed in Trixie's magic. Soon they were in a less coldly tiled sitting room, one of many that Celestia received guests in.

Celestia saw Silver's eyes wandering towards the baked goods on the table and lifted a small cookie to his snout, where it promptly vanished behind the smile of a satisfied unicorn. "Now then. Night Watch, if you would like, you may continue."

Night nodded as she settled beside the table. "Celine was a part of Luna, and she returned to Luna, so she's gone. Simple as that."

Rough Draft shook his head. "Why? Did she plan on it being temporary?"

Trixie poked Silver in the side lightly. "What did she say when she first made this Celine?"

Silver let out a little sigh, thinking back to that fateful day. "I was in front of Cadance and Luna, and she demanded I make a selfish request, so I made one so over the top I thought she would say no. I asked her to be the first mare of my herd until the end of my life, er, natural lifespan, I think I said..." He squinted a little, trying to plumb his memories.

Celestia drew in a soft hiss of breath. "Did she change the promise?"

Silver shook his head. "She said 'I agree.' Then she created Celine and gave her to me, or rather Celine gave herself to me."

Trixie clopped the ground. "Very well, if she promised to be yours until the end of your life, where is she?"

Rough tapped Trixie on the shoulder. "You missed something, dear." Trixie looked to him with a raised brow and he pointed at Night. "Our son has a new wife, who's name is Night Watch, much like his own name now."

Trixie put the pieces together and started. "Trixie has a daughter-in-law?!!" Trixie focused on Night Watch, then down to her round belly. "Trixie is going to be a grandmother?! Trixie is too young to be a grandmother!" With a thud, she collapsed to the ground, consciousness fled her.

Night's ears flipped back. "Is she..."

Rough shook his head. "She's not upset at you, dear." He offered a hoof towards her. "She's just startled at the idea of being a grandmother." He chuckled softly. "I'm tickled at the idea of being a grandfather, and a father-in-law. Night Watch is it? Please, call me dad. I would be honored."

Rough Draft's warm welcome brought a smile to Night and she nodded at him. "Then I'll do just that... dad." She winced suddenly. "They're awake... Do you want to feel them?"

He perked his ears. "They? Twins? David, you sly dog..." He did reach out, hoof resting on Night's belly until a motion was felt by it, his face becoming a bright thing, joyful at the sign of life. "A miracle..."

Celestia smiled at the exchange of a family bonding. "Would you like a moment alone?" She gestured to the table. "Help yourself. You are all guests. I'm sure Silver can show the way to where he is staying."

Silver nodded at Celestia before a thought clicked. "I know ponies can recover from this sort of thing at times. Any clue how to go about doing that?"

Celestia raised a brow at him, then an old thought surfaced. Silver had never received her invitation. It wasn't the right time anymore. She lowered her horn at his injured form and let the power of the sun flow through him. "I'm not a healer. We'd have to find her again for that kind of miracle, but this should ease the pain and perhaps hasten your recovery."

Trixie pulled herself up from the floor, shaking herself as she did so. "Daughter! Trixie always wanted a daughter. She had been... I'd... I might have prayed to have one." She smiled at Night, hints of tears in her eyes. "Trixie didn't expect her to be so..."

Night's ears flicked back. "Lunar?"

Trixie threw her forelegs around Night. "Perfect."

The tension in Night melted away and the two hugged warmly.

Rough chuckled softly beside Silver. "As if Trixie would have a daughter that was any less than perfect?"

"Of course!" Trixie flashed a bright smile. "She is Great and Powerful, just like her mother-in-law."

109 - Did You Drop This?

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Silver was not permitted to return to the infirmary. Dragged along still laying in his bed, Trixie carted him as she talked gaily with the others. "Now that Trixie is here, all your problems will simply go away." She perked an ear with a sudden thought. "Wait, when was the wedding and why wasn't Trixie invited to it?"

Rough spoke before the slightly overwhelmed couple could do so, "It feels more like a domestic partnership, much like our own."

Trixie waved away the idea. "Trixie can do whatever she wants, but she will not settle for her colt gaining a wife in secrecy!" She looked over her shoulder at Silver. "Or are you still hoping Luna changes her mind?"

Her words stung at Night and Silver and their reaction was strong enough to stop even Trixie's boisterous commenting. She perked an ear at them. "Oh..." She turned back forward and the journey became quieter a moment before Trixie angrily stomped a hoof as she walked. "If I had the chance, I would show that princess what she has coming!"

Rough Draft stayed back with the couple. "Night, daughter." His voice was low and quiet. "You can be honest with me. If you're happy with things as they are, I'm not here to complain, just support." He smiled a little, looking sheepish about it.

Silver looked down at Night and Rough. "She knows about my origin, Rough."

Rough jumped a little. "Oh? Oh! It's still amazing to think my OC did all... this."

"OC?" Night raised a brow.

"Original Character," provided Rough with a nod. "I made up David the human, who was a writer like I am. Imagine my surprise when I ran into him in my town, looking a little lost."

Silver smiled down at his OC turned adoptive father. "How's your writing going?"

"A little slower with a wife around." His tail swished a little as he trotted along. "But I'm not complaining."

They arrived at their room, Trixie leading the way. As soon as she stepped into it, her muzzle scrunched up. "What is that?" Her magic glowed, plucking something from their bed. Silver spied a hint of it and paled. His own magic snatched it from Trixie, earning a deep scowl, but he had his slime back. He brought it to himself and set it on his horn, where the anemic little bundle of protoplasm began to feed on him hungrily.

"You really shouldn't get in the habit of that." Discord rose up as if he had been sleeping behind the bed. "It didn't work out very well for the last pony that made it a regular tradition."

Night glanced at the almost-paralyzed form of her feeding stallion and Discord's always calculating face. "What have you found?"

"Oh, you're getting better." Discord sinuously rose up, floating in the air without any obvious effort. "No insults or insinuations? Well, since you asked so nicely, I'll tell." He folded his arms as if leaning on something though nothing was there. "A friend of mine really got into this. The book Silver's reading is Star Swirl's notes on it. The old unicorn never didn't actually do much with it, perhaps for the best."

Trixie rolled a hoof. "Get to the point, Discord. You are tiring Trixie with your meanderings."

Discord huffed at Trixie. "I don't recall addressing you. Mother-in-laws should be seen but not heard."

"Wha--" Her words were cut off as she was suddenly sealed in a glass box, allowing her to play a mime with an eery facility as she tried to find a way free.

Night tried to ignore the sight even as Rough moved quickly to assist his wife. "Please, go on."

"Thank you." Discord smiled. "Have you ever heard of 'The Smooze'?"

Silver perked an ear. "The purple goopy thing from the first generation?"

Discord raised a brow. "More green and semi-transparent, really. That's what happened to the last pony that got addicted to the slime."

Silver cringed at that. The paralyzation had worn off, and his slime was back to its normal size. "Alright, you win. It's alright to use it to patch up one more time, I hope? I don't need to turn into a big blob."

Night shook her head quickly, then paused a moment. "Thank you, Discord. That was a very good bit of advice."

"Knock yourself out, then I'll be taking my leave. And you're welcome." Discord pointed at the slime on Silver's horn. "I'll be taking that with me since you won't be needing it."

Silver closed his eyes and focused on the letters across his horn. The magic flowed smoothly, and he felt the power of the slime rush through him, reverting his pattern and repairing his broken form. With a dull snap, his breathing became easier and the pain faded by the moment. Soon the only complaint he had was that he still had a cast on. He was just as he was when he first created the slime.

He suddenly felt air flow across his horn. looking up, the slime was gone and so was Discord. "Thanks." He was speaking to nothing, but he hoped Discord heard, wherever he had gone off to.

Trixie fell out of the glass box that suddenly wasn't there anymore. "Oof! What a rude creature." She scowled before she smiled at Silver. "That magic! Trixie could not see it well, but she could see it was impressively complex. Where did you learn that?"

Rough put a leg around Trixie and hugged her tightly which seemed to relax the both of them.

Even as Silver answered, Night hopped up onto the rolling bed with him and began prying him free of his bindings. "It's from a book I borrowed from the Star Swirl library."

Trixie raised a brow. "You should be careful with any magic from there though Trixie is pleased to hear her son is trusted with such powerful tomes." She hopped up, her forehooves resting on the edge of the bed and a grin on her face. "Have you been practicing your magic? Does everyone tremble at your power?"

Rough burst into laughter. "He's your son, I can't imagine he hasn't been."

Restored to a whole body and freed of the cast with Night's sharp teeth and prying wings and hooves, Silver stretched out languidly. He turned less pain-ridden eyes to Trixie and noticed a faint glow around her belly. It was magic, woven subtly. "Trixie?"

"That's mother to you." Trixie turned up her nose.

"Right, mother." He pointed a hoof at Trixie's undercarriage. "Did you do something magic down there?"

Trixie went from bright blue to red in her cheeks. "Trixie may have forgotten how keen your eyes are."

Rough blinked in confusion. "Are you hiding a few pounds?"

"Yes and no..."

Night lifted an ear at the exchange. "This is why you were praying for a daughter."

Trixie's blush intensified. "Perhaps..."

Rough put the pieces together and gasped, looking faint a moment before it passed and he grabbed Trixie from behind, pulling her into a fierce hug. "We're going to be parents!"

Trixie snorted at it even as she fell into the embrace. "We're already parents."

Silver nuzzled into Night's cheek before hopping free of the rolling table. "Congratulations, both of you. You probably don't need me to say, uh, dad, but you better take care of her."

Rough laughed at Silver, a smile on his face as he approached and threw a leg around Silver's neck. "My OC turned son is giving me advice on how to treat the wife he practically gave me." He brought in his free hoof and gave Silver a rough noogie around his horn. "Thank you."

"Did somepony say another foal's on the way?" Surprise hopped out from behind a dresser as if she had been hiding there the entire time. "That means I get to throw another party!" She clopped her hooves with a joyful look on her face. "How long are you two gonna be here?"

Trixie peered at the new green pony with some confusion. "Trixie does not think we have been properly introduced."

Silver squirmed away from Rough's headlock, shaking his mussed-up mane. "That is Surprise, who lives up to her name quite nicely. She's a friend of the family, and a great baker and party planner."

Surprise thrust out a hoof. "Hiya! And you are the Great and Powerful Trixie, who's becoming a Great and Maternal Trixie, and is already a Wise and Protective mother of Silver Watch. Gosh, you have a lot of titles." She burst into giggles. "Nice to meet you!"

Trixie reached, touching her hoof to the new pony's. "Yes, charmed. You sound familiar..."

Rough Draft nudged the wheeling table out of the room and closed the door. "I'm not one for big parties."

Trixie huffed. "But Trixie most certainly is." She looked to Surprise with a smile. "It should be the star of Canterlot for the day or evening it is held. All should behold Trixie. If she's going to be known as expecting, it should be on everypony's lips all at once." Her eyes slid back to Silver, looking him over from front to back. "Silver?"

"Hmm?" Silver perked his ears at her.

Trixie pointed at his tail, which was just like her own. "Trixie does not recall this. While she is flattered that her son looks up to her, this seems a curious way to go about it."

It was Silver's turn to darken as he looked back at the tail. "It was a bit of an accident."

Night settled beside Silver, blocking the view of the tail. "Every time he used that slime, it reset the time on it to make it more interesting."

Surprise leaned around Silver's other side to see it again. "Well now that the slime's gone, the tail will go right back to normal, right?"

Trixie smirked faintly. "Good. Flattery is complimenting, and imitation is the highest form of flattery, but Trixie is certain you can stand on your own hooves and with your own look."

Rough Draft nudged Silver in the chest with an outstretched hoof. "Just another day for our son. You're cursed with an interesting life."

Silver quirked a little smile. "I can think of worse curses." His eyes darted from Rough to Trixie. "This is funny. I mean, two generations of family, together, expecting all at once... Is there a name for that?"

Night waved a hoof over them, but Surprise was suddenly there, hugging both generations close on either end of herself. "I call it a big super terrific party waiting to happen!"

Night wrinkled her nose. "Not exactly what I was going to say, but close enough."

With injuries tended and crises averted for the moment, all five of them became comfortable around the suite. With a polite request, another bed was brought in for Trixie and Rough to have separate of Silver and Night.

The family was together, but there were two ponies missing...

110 - Between Sisters

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Luna nodded quietly. "I'm glad they're both doing well."

Celestia rolled a hoof. "Now would be a fine time to speak to them."

Luna hesitated at the idea. "They're busy entertaining Silver's parents. I would not wish to be a burden."

Celestia sipped from her tea lightly. "Now is exactly the time you should be involved, Lulu. As a friend, preferably, if you can't stand the thought of further..."

Luna frowned with a heavy thought a moment before her face brightened. "I know exactly what I can do!"

Celestia smiled. "That's good. Will you share?"

Luna shook her head, but the motion aborted. Trying to play coy and secretive with Celestia hadn't helped one little bit so far. "We were thinking to retrieve Night Watch's parents."

Celestia considered that, a hoof at her chin. "A lovely thought, but how do they get along?"

Luna leaned forward a little. "They got along well, if distantly."

Examining the angles, Celestia took a bite out of a slice of cake. "Do they approve of her choice in partner?"

Luna blinked softly. "We hadn't considered that." Perhaps there were advantages to throwing ideas past one's sister. "How can we be certain?"

Celestia's own expression brightened, even as Luna's become more inquisitive. "I'll gladly help. Let's just write them a letter informing them, and of the great things they've both managed. With any luck, they'll be overjoyed. If so, then we can invite them, if not, perhaps best to leave that hornet's nest alone."

Luna bobbed her head firmly as a parchment and quill appeared beside her head. "Let's do that. They deserve to, at least, be told what a hero they've raised. She flashed a bright smile that put her older sister's worries partially to rest. "Thank you, Tia."

They got to work, crafting a letter between them to send to Night's parents.

Silver still had the book of slime magic and was reading it with a thoughtful expression.

Trixie settled beside him and leaned over his shoulder to see the arcane words. "Trixie thought you were done with this magic? Why are you still reading this book?"

Silver perked his ears and looked aside at his mother. Was he always approaching her size? He wasn't her little colt anymore, was he? She was still his mother. "I won't try to summon and control my own little pet slime, but there are a lot of spells in here, and I could combine and mix spells. My cutie mark's practically itching to try that with these. For instance..." He flipped back to the start. "I had an idea about the slime summoning. It could be a sneaky attack or a lifesaving measure."

Trixie raised a brow. "That is a unique talent you have, as befits any foal of Trixie's. How would this spell work?"

Silver pulled his out own book in his magic and writing began to appear on it. "In theory, if I crossed it with the tracking spell just so, and with the pony already present, I should be able to summon someone else's slime, which means I'd have it, and having someone else's aetheric slime means I can affect them with magic easily, even at a distance, and maybe even heal them. Wouldn't that be something?"

Trixie tapped at the aging book of magic. "Be careful with it. Trixie has learned her lesson with old magic. It rarely works exactly the way you have intended."

Silver leaned in and kissed her cheek on a whim. "If I can save someone, that'd be nice. Let's keep to positive uses and good karma, right?"

Trixie smiled gently. "Yes. Magic seems to listen to that. Good intentions help make things work better, but it isn't any guarantee."

Across the room, Night and Rough sat across from each other. Rough smiled and inclined his head towards the arcane ponies. "Does he get like that with you a lot?"

Night smirked. "Does she?"

Rough nodded without hesitation. "They both love magic. With his tail like that, it's become even harder to imagine he's not her foal."

Night poked him in the chest. "You made him."

Rough jerked upright at that, stunned a moment before he nodded. "I guess that's true." He smiled a little. "I didn't imagine my little human would become a unicorn though. I liked him as a human..."

Night rested a hoof on her swollen belly. "Our foals often grow beyond our expectations, for good or bad. I hope mostly good, in this case?"

Rough raised a hoof to Night's shoulder. "Is my daughter-in-law consoling me? I'm not sure how I should feel about that. But, yes, he's done alright for himself. After all, he found you."

Night darkened in her cheeks. "I'm not that special."

"Pfft." Rough prodded her in the chest. "Don't even try to hide behind modesty. We've heard at least parts of the amazing things you've gotten up to and helped Silver accomplish. The guards here are very talkative if you ask the right way." He indicated towards her flank. "Do you still play?"

Night glanced back at it, then remembered who she was speaking with. "I didn't play Humanway very much, but its parent game, sure."

Rough dug out a pouch and let it fall to the ground, where it rattled with the tell-tale sound of many dice. "We could play now if you like? I have an adventure that could use some testing, and it's fun either way." His tail began to wag with excitement.

Night smiled. "On one condition." She pointed with a wing at the two engrossed in their magic. "Get them to join in. This isn't a game meant for one pony to play by themselves."

Rough accepted silently, rising to approach them with a determined look on his face.

"You do have a point..."

Samantha smiled brilliantly, seated beside the doctor as they reviewed her findings about Night Watch. "See? They're whole new types of ponies. She seems barely aware of the magnitude of what's going on inside of her. A lunar earth and a lunar unicorn? Fantastic!"

He held up a hoof. "I've seen one lunar unicorn, in the care of the Royal Sisters, but she was created, not born naturally."

Samantha waved it off. "That's cheating. This is the real deal. Do you think they'll be fertile? They could start whole new lines." She clopped her hooves excitedly. "What innate magic might they have? There's so much to learn."

The doctor put a hoof before her. "Calm yourself. Our first priority is not that."

"It isn't?"

He shook his head, but he tried to be patient with the eccentric scholar. "They must be born, and the mother kept safe and comfortable." Playing with her way of thinking, he posited, "What good would this all come to if she came to harm, or Celestia forbid, died before giving birth?"

She paled at the thought. "That would be awful!" Samantha slumped against the table they were beside. "We'd lose so much... We should have her under constant supervision!"

He held up that hoof. "Calm yourself. That's what her stallion's for. If she becomes distressed, he will bring her here. I presume you've set up a schedule for visits?"

"Oh, yes." Samantha nodded firmly. "And she's been a great subject and always sho--"



He smiled with forced patience. "Never call a pony a 'subject'. It demeans them. They want to be treated with respect. You wouldn't want to be a subject, would you?"

Samantha tilted her head a little to the left, then to the right. "Is there something to be learned from me?"

He put his hoof to his face. "Maybe there is, but you'd still be a patient, under our care, not a specimen in a bottle for our education."

The nurse trotted over behind the two. "I don't think she understands."

Samantha frowned at the nurse. "I do understand!" she hotly protested.

The two medical ponies shared a glance. Neither believed it.

Samantha brought down a hoof with a soft clop. "I'll treat them nicely so that they stay calm and happy."

The doctor sighed a little. "Close enough for now."

Samantha levitated up her next gathering of papers and set them heavily on the table. "You think I don't have any tact, and you're both wrong. Look at these findings about her partner, and he doesn't even know I've been studying him."

He blinked in surprise. "What's so strange about him?"

She tapped at the thick collection of paper. "It would be far easier to explain what isn't strange about him. While, physically, he appears to be a perfectly standard unicorn, just below the surface everything is subtly wrong. I'm certain he wasn't born that way."

The doctor knew this for a fact, but speaking about patients idly to others was considered rude at best. "And what have you determined?" He gently questioned Samantha, hoping to not reveal any of his own cards.

"Isn't it obvious?!" She began to clop her hooves. "Whoever did this wasn't very subtle at all. His adoptive father is the creator of Humanway, and his wife has a game die for a cutie mark?"

When had she pulled up that information? The doctor didn't know, but he nodded softly, encouraging her to continue.

"Somepony was trying to pull off a huge publicity stunt."

He suddenly relaxed as she went from dangerously accurate to off-target instantly. "To what end?" he asked with a faintly raised brow.

"Oh, I don't know that." She waved a hoof dismissively. "Marketing is not my specialty. The fact remains, that pony is badly contaminated with somepony's clumsy idea of what a human might be. It amazes me that he isn't in discomfort, but he seems quite well adjusted. The pony mind is an amazing thing."

The nurse quirked a smile. "It most certainly is." She met the doctor's eyes a moment, swirling a hoof behind her head briefly before cantering off to continue her business.

Samantha stood up. "But, see? I've been collecting data about him without him even knowing about it. I know how to be subtle when the case calls for it. Night Watch came to me, so why should I hide from her? Silver didn't, but he needs me, so I did it quietly."

The doctor rested a hoof on Samantha's shoulder. "You did fine, but perhaps you should bring this to his attention and let him decide? It is a pony's right to accept, or refuse, treatment if they so wish."

Samantha looked baffled at the very notion. "Why would he say no?! Doesn't he want to get better?"

"Maybe he's happy the way he is." The doctor stood up. "It's not up to us to decide. It's his decision, and we should respect that. He's not a danger to himself or anypony around him, so there's no reason we should force ourselves into the situation."

111 - Great and Powerful Lessons

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Trixie tapped a blackboard with a pointing stick held in her magic firmly. On the board was a mess of numbers and diagrams. Without relying on his instinctual need to combine spells, it seemed dizzyingly complex to Silver. Trixie seemed to see that confusion and smiled. "My dear colt, if you continue playing with magic without a more true understanding, you will certainly be remembered, but likely as a cautionary tale."

She put a hoof to her chest. "Trixie understands the need to excel and have the world marvel at your amazingness and it doesn't surprise her that her offspring would share that desire, but she wants you to live to a ripe old age and to have a life full of achievements without some of the less... desired parts that can come by being careless. Do you understand so far?"

He was being chastised and lectured... But he could tell it was with good intention, and that Trixie bore him no ill will. He smiled a little. She was his pony mom, dressed in bright blue fur. He would trust her. "Of course, Trixie."

Trixie pointed at him. "To all else, Trixie, to you, Mother, or mom."

Right. "Mother." An old memory of his true mother appeared in his mind and he wondered how she was doing. Well, he hoped, though there was no way to confirm or deny that.

"Excellent." Trixie turned back to the board. "Today, she will explain the basics of elemental theory. She would have gone over this a long time ago, but the last time we were together, you hadn't yet mastered the unicorn alphabet." She smiled over her shoulder, the rest of her body still facing the board. "She is very pleased you're not laboring under that hooficap anymore."

Silver decided to not explain the dream from which the knowledge of the alphabet emerged.

"Now, to a lay pony, it would seem that fire and water, as well as earth and air, are opposites, and this is true to an extent." She began to draw new lines and diagrams. "But once you're past that basic realization, you must realize that all the elements thrive on one another. Earth without air, water, and fire is barren and no more than sand. Water without fire? Just ice, forever static and robbed of its innate fluidity. Air without earth? Only then is it truly formless, but it would also become listless and without movement. The interactions between the elements allow for truly great works of magic." She tapped at the board. "But also ways to bring great catastrophe. Water and fire can create sudden hot explosions of air if not properly balanced."

"Steam," spoke Silver, that much, at least, making basic sense.

Trixie perked an ear. "Ah, yes. Did you not mention your people understood the nature of things in some ways?"

Silver bobbed his head quickly. "We abandoned the 'elemental' approach and replaced them with new elements. We discovered and organized the universe down to a table of elements by their smallest portions. Um, do you want me to go into detail?"

Trixie waved it off. "Fascinating but not relevant to our magic. If her foal wishes to reorganize the basic elements themselves, then he will be busy for the rest of his life writing it out and arguing with other unicorns." She raised a brow. "Perhaps a worthy endeavor, but don't expect to get much else done." She resumed her drawing. "As Trixie was saying..."

She was the teacher for the day. Just as when Silver was learning his first letters. Larger concepts were easier to digest than the letters. General methods of how the universe fit together worked more naturally for him than learning a language ever would be. So he paid attention and asked questions when it made sense, but mostly just paid attention.

"Are you not going to take notes?" Trixie raised a brow at him.

"Huh? Oh!" He hadn't been taking any notes while she talked. "I don't usually take notes, sorry."

Trixie rolled her eyes. "Trixie will recommend a book for you afterward. She doubts you have memorized all of this." She set the pointer down and approached Silver. "Now, my colt, show Trixie your new spells."

Silver perked his ears. "How complicated do you want it?"

Trixie tilted her head a little even as her eyes narrowed. "Is that a challenge? Do you think you have made something that can befuddle her? Very well then, show her your most advanced spells. Bedazzle her with your progress!"

Silver realized what he had stepped into with a bit of a cringe. He didn't want to show up Trixie, but showing her something weak would just make it worse. He pulled out his book with his magic and flipped through quickly. Even as he browsed, Trixie moved around to have a look. "Just how many spells have you created, Silver?"

He blushed a little. "I haven't been putting numbers on them, but--"

"More than two?"

He blinked. "I think it's getting closer to a dozen."

Trixie put a hoof to her face. "Trixie should not be surprised, and yet, she is." She brought down a hoof on the book even as he flipped. "Here, what spell is this?"

Silver went bright red and tried to flip to the next page, but Trixie's hoof wouldn't allow it.

"Why are you being so evasive?" Trixie raised a brow. "Is this one you think Trixie can't handle? Well Trixie can!" Her eyes scanned over the spell ravenously. "She will show you the extent of her skills." She laughed, or rather cackled with confidence.

Silver closed his eyes. "I'm not going to convince you otherwise, so I'm closing my eyes. Let me know when you're done."

"Is your confidence in your mother that small? She admits, it does seem complex, but not outside her skill level. Behold!" With the faint sound of releasing magic, the spell was cast. There was an uneasy silence a moment before Trixie backed up into a wall with a thud. "Why do you have this spell?! This shouldn't even be possible! Keep your eyes closed! Don't you dare open them!"

"I won't, promise." Despite himself, a smile spread on his snout. He knew what Trixie was enduring. "So... interesting, isn't it?"

"Interesting is not the word she would use, if she even is a she anymore." He could feel Trixie scowling at him. "Tell Trixie this is temporary. Wait, why hasn't her voice changed at all? Is Trixie a stallion or not?"

"Mother, yes, it is temporary. Please stay calm." The urge to giggle was becoming overwhelming, but Silver sat on that urge, squirming instead of letting it out.

"Good... Why do you have this spell again?" She leaned closer to him. "You have strange tastes, colt of Trixie's." He could feel the heat coming from her sudden overwhelming blush. "Do you use this on your wife?! Wait, no, don't answer that! Trixie does not need to know!"

Silver shook his head. "Going to anyway, no. No, I don't. I don't think Night Watch would be interested in that."

"This is good..." There was another faint sound of magic. "You may open your eyes now."

Silver did, and beheld his restored and whole mother. He let out a little breath of relief. "Now, would you like to try a real high-level spell?"

Trixie raised a brow skeptically. "Is it in any way related to that spell?"

"No!" Silver flipped quickly to his fire spell. "I have two high-level shields. Both are extremely taxing. The second knocks me right out on casting it, and I'm a low level 4."

"Level 4?" Trixie smiled. "Trixie is proud. If this spell is that taxing, Trixie will not be attempting it, but she would like very much to see this." She slid in beside Silver. "Knowing your limits is a part of being a Great and Powerful magician." Her eyes traced over the page quickly, a frown developing swiftly. "Trixie is no grand master of spell design, but there is something off in this." She pulled the book over to in front of herself, re-reading the page from the start.

Silver tilted his head. "What do you mean? It's a combination of the basic unicorn spell and the fireball spell I earned my cutie mark with."

Trixie nodded softly. "Trixie sees... but it's... It's riddled with letters Trixie feels certain shouldn't be there."

Silver waved at the book. "Well, go ahead and remove them then. I'm not too proud to accept corrections if it makes the spell better."

Trixie shook her head firmly. "It's not nearly that simple. Removing a letter at random will, at best, destroy the spell. At worst, could create an entirely new effect. Magic is wickedly complicated in the creation of new spells. Your shortcut, while intensely powerful in its scope, is also wildly inefficient."

Silver deflated a little. "Some of them work out quite well." He flipped back through the book and pointed. "This one uses your spell."

Trixie's eyes were drawn to the arcane writing. "Trixie recognizes it, even if changed." She played the spell almost immediately, unleashing a torrent of Trixie images from her horn. "While I don't oppose the idea of this image, why does it create so many of them?"

Silver chuckled a little. "It's a distraction. Used suddenly, it can really confuse an attacker and give time to get away."

Trixie clopped on the ground. "You continue to live an interesting life if you need to make such spells." She glanced away and back at Silver. "Trixie is a little jealous. Perhaps next time you shake the foundations of Equestria, you can invite her along?"

Silver hugged her suddenly. "You're always welcome, mother." The hug was returned and they were quiet a moment. He fell back to all fours. "Not having fun at home?"

"Oh don't say it that way!" Trixie wrinkled her snout. "Rough Draft is a gentlepony and treats me very well indeed, even when she is a little demanding of him. But Trixie thinks she prefers traveling if she isn't doing something suitably awe-inspiring."

A soft clopping came from the door before Night's head came into view through it as it cracked open. "We're heading out to get something to eat. Want to come along? Even Star Swirl took breaks."

Silver and Trixie both rose to their hooves and moved to follow after Night. Their lessons could wait a moment.

"Letter for you, Your Highness."

Luna accepted the letter with a stately nod. The moment the mailpony had departed, she took wing to Celestia's side. "They've replied!"

Celestia gestured at the hovering envelope. "Well, don't keep us in suspense any longer. Open it and let's see what they've written."

Dark magic popped the seal and plucked free the letter hiding within. Soon it was unfolded before their eager eyes.

112 - First Time in Canterlot

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One dark-furred pony looked across at the other, both wearing wide-brimmed hats and sunglasses. The female spoke first of the two, "Are you sure this was a good idea?"

The male smiled, nervous but supportive. "You saw the letter as clearly as I did. This is where she is. She and her... coltfriend."

She began trotting forward, eyes roaming, though unseen behind her glasses. "It's such a large city. Nothing like our town at all."

"She's lived here for a while," replied the male as he matched her pace. "The colors are so bright."

"Just like the ponies in it." She looked at a passing pony's brilliant pelt. They were no crystal pony, but compared to her own fur, each was a riot of shades and hues. "Do you think they want us here?"

He bumped into her side. "The princesses invited us, both of them! We can't say no to that."

She licked over her lips as she gave a stiff nod. "I suppose not. I've never met Princess Luna before."

"Have you met Princess Celestia?"

"No!" She displayed her fangs briefly before she remembered to keep her mouth closed more carefully. "But she isn't really our princess, is she? Luna is the All-Mother, progenitor of our entire tribe. Just thinking of actually meeting her..."

"I'll be there with you." He nipped at her. He might have been going for an ear, but their oversized hats prevented such. "They can't be so bad, can they?"

"They're already looking at us."

"That's because you're looking at them." He smiled a little. "Walk like you're supposed to be here."

With a flapping of wings, a lunar pegasus landed before the two. "Hi there!" The lunar mare smiled brightly, her fangs on full display. "I don't see too many of our kind around here, so I thought I'd say hello. I hope everything's going alright?"

The male nodded his head. "Always nice to see a familiar face. Do you know the way to the castle by any chance?"

The mare tapped her chin even as she turned, then thrust the hoof up at the large and, once it was pointed out, extremely obvious castle. "That one?"

The female of the couple nodded. "That's the one, I think. Does Princess Luna live there?"

"Oh! Did you come to see Luna?" The mare spun back around towards them, looking excited and almost bouncing in place. "I've seen her a few times. She's just as breathtaking as all the legends put together." She let out a wistful sigh. "I wish I could be her guard, but I'm no good at fighting." She reached back and produced a mouthful of letters. "I work for the postal department."

The female seemed surprised. "You're a courier? That seems like a curious profession for... us."

"Why's that?" The mailmare tilted her head. "I may be a lunar pegasus, but that also means I'm a pegasus, and pegasi make great couriers. I like giving ponies their packages and letters. It brings such a smile to their faces." She flashed her fang-filled grin. "So what's odd about that?"

The male nodded at her. "Nothing wrong with that at all."

The female bobbed her head a moment after. "No no! I'm just... new to the city."

The mailmare waved it off. "Oh don't worry about it. You shoulda seen me when I first showed up here. I thought I'd never get used to everything being so bright. I even crashed right into a few buildings trying to fly during the day. You get used to it, though." She suddenly looked up. "Shoot, I should get going. The mail waits for no mare! I hope you have a good time." With a powerful flap of her wings, she was up and gone in a streak.

The female leaned in close to the male. "Did you see her mane?"

"Hmm? What about it?"

"Such bold coloration. Do you think she's half-breed?"

Now that it was brought up, the male thought about the mailmare's bright off-teal mane and tail. "Could be, but that's not really our business, is it?"

She frowned a little. "But our little filly, she's involved with some strange pony. They'll have their own half-breeds."

He snorted, tail flicking. "They're heroes, several times over if the letter's to be believed, and I can't imagine why they wouldn't be. After Hours..." He leaned closer to her. "I know you're nervous, but we should be happy for her."

After forced a smile and took a slow breath. "Yes, I should be. You're right, of course... I'm just nervous. Can you blame me? Why are you so calm about this?"

He pressed nose-to-nose. "Admitting I loved you, way back then. That took bravery. Compared to that, this doesn't seem so bad."

After recoiled. "Why would saying that to me be so hard?"

He quirked a little. "I didn't think I was worthy of such a fine mare."

She slugged him in the shoulder with a quick hoof. "Flatterer! I swear, Bedtime, I wonder about you." After leaned in and they shared a little nuzzle before they ventured forward, side-by-side and refilled with purpose.

With the sound of a loud slap, Trixie's magic slammed Silver's book closed. "Enough!"

Silver jerked up and back. "W-what? I was just working on a spell. What's wrong with that?"

Trixie smiled. "As a general thing, nothing, but Trixie thinks she may have found the root of some of your problems. You're starting too high." She pointed at his book. "You don't understand either spell you're combining very well, so it's all instinct, and it's all messy. It works, poorly. You can do better than that." She clopped a hoof down. "But you'll have to do it the right way."

"Right way?"

Trixie wrinkled her nose at him. "You know exactly what she means. You need to understand both spells before you go smooshing them together like some foal's playing clay. For instance, standard shield. Go ahead and show it to me."

Silver took a moment before the spell leaped into his memory and he was encased in a silvery glow.

Trixie shook her head. "I thought you were a warrior? That much delay? You could have been hurt easily by the time you brought that up." She circled around him before lashing out a hoof, catching a weak spot in the shield. It shattered like glass. "It's not properly balanced, either. No, this won't do. No wonder any spell you made based on it is so clumsy."

Silver's ears swung around as shame built. "I'm trying my best."

Trixie opened her mouth, ready to fire a scathing remark, but managed to calm herself. She smiled at Silver gently. "Trixie understands, and you've done very well with what you have, but it's time to start doing things better. Basic shield, do it again."

Already refreshed in his mind, the shield popped up near instantly. Trixie reached out and instead of simply bursting it, she began to feel along it, pressing in places. "You can see the magic. Can you see what's wrong?"

Wherever she pressed, he could see the bubble distorting, like a bubble. It was when she stopped pressing that it looked odd, like it had a fine crack. "What makes it do that?"

"The basic shield is not so much a bubble, as Trixie imagines you see it. Instead, think of it like a dome, built with magical bricks. If it's not properly balanced and constructed, it has weaknesses and is just waiting for an excuse to come falling down." Trixie traced along the shield, revealing each imperfection and crack in turn. "Now that you aren't working alone, we can improve your shield. We'll make you a true warlock yet." She smiled brightly. "You mentioned you worked with them once?"

"Once." Silver nodded.

Trixie wrinkled her nose. "Odd that they didn't pick up on this."

Silver shook his head. "Don't blame them for that. I didn't even know the basic shield back then."

Trixie raised a brow. "You worked with the warlocks without knowing a shield? My colt is either exceptionally brave or foolish." She put a hoof to her chest. "She believes both may be true."

Silver looked Trixie over a moment. "Let's see yours."

Trixie blinked. "What is this? You dare challenge us?" She closed her eyes as a fine bubble of force appeared around her. "Trixie is no warlock, but she thinks you will find it quite elegant."

Silver let his shield fade and reached for hers instead, poking and prodding at it. It didn't have the same broad cracks when he pressed. It felt firm and whole before and after his prodding. But was that the best way? He began to think of what little bits of engineering and architecture he had absorbed through years of Youtube and random browsing. "Maybe an arch design..."

"Arch design?" Trixie raised a brow. "Are you getting bold thoughts?"

Silver smiled at that. "I wouldn't be your colt if I didn't."

"True." Trixie smiled. "She will be testing your shield. No more spell combining until you get this right."

Celestia and Luna smiled down at the two heavily-garbed ponies before them. They looked at once terrified and filled with awe.

Luna spread her wings as she offered a hoof. "Please, you are most welcome here. Your filly has performed great services for our nation and you should be proud."

Celestia nodded softly. "We'll have a servant show you to your room. Relax and decompress. We're sure you're a little overwhelmed and fatigued from your journey. There will be plenty of time to speak after you're both rested."

Bedtime nodded at the two royal figures before dipping into a bow. "A pleasure to meet you both. I never thought I'd get to have this opportunity." He glanced left and right. "We're not holding things up, we hope?"

Luna waved the thought away. "Perish the thought. It is we who invited you. As my sister suggested, go, rest. If you need for anything at all, let a servant know and it will be provided. You are both our guests."

After Hours's eyes were both drawn to Luna and kept darting away. "Are you..."


She squirmed in place. "Are you truly the All-Mother?"

Luna smiled gently. "It was by our hooves that the lunar pegasi came to be, and they remain one of my great achievements." She folded her wings in. "But know this. You are your own people now. Like any foal, you have left the nest and can live for yourselves, as you should. Just be aware you do so with the full blessing and pride of your mother."

The two were led off, leaving the throne room mostly empty. Celestia looked to her sister. "That was nicely said. Come, we should inform the happy couple of who's come to see them."

113 - Hello Mother, Hello Father

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The Watches were gathered with their family, and even Surprise, around a fair-sized table. Food was brought to them one course at a time and they enjoyed sampling and talking. Spirits were high and smiles and laughter were had and shared.

At least, until a platter was brought out and pulled up, revealing a serving of roast duck. Night perked with interest even as Rough, Trixie, and Surprise gaped at the carnivorous offering with obvious shock.

Rough Draft glanced around nervously. "Why would Princess Celestia have that here?"

Surprise shuddered. "A duck?! They have feelings!"

Silver reached and gave it a poke "Not anymore," he stated with a deadpan pragmatism. "Do you like duck, hon?"

Night twitched an ear towards him as her nose danced. "Never had it before, but whoever made this knew what they were doing. It smells great." She licked her lips. "Like Silver said, staring at it sadly isn't going to make it spring back to life."

Rough shook his head. "A human would say that." He flashed a bright smile at Silver. "I forget sometimes you are one of those, inside." He reached across the table to poke at Silver. "You've gone so native it's easy to overlook that." He turned his head to Trixie. "It's just like in my books!"

Trixie smirked at her mate's enthusiasm. "Trixie is glad he lives up to your expectations." She waved a hoof at the roasted creature. "Will you join them in this 'fine' meal?"

"Night?" After Hours stood in the doorway, her eyes locked on Night Watch. "My little watch!" She rushed across the dining room, galloping with the clip-clop of hooves. Even her wings gave flaps as she was charging, though she didn't leave the ground. Behind her, Bedtime walked at a more sedate pace, a smile on his face but not rushing while his wife was taking center stage.

Night's head snapped to the sound of her mother and her eyes went wide even as her pupils contracted. "Mother?! Father?!" She didn't get much else out before her mother crashed into her and she was encased in strong wings and hugging forelegs.

"Oh, I've missed you so very much," choked out After as she nuzzled into the cheek and neck of her daughter. "I didn't even realize how badly until I saw you." There was something wrong with the shape of her daughter. As the intense moment passed, she let her eyes drop and saw the rounded and gravid state of the lunar pegasus. Her wings flared out wide. "Night Watch! What happened to you?"

Bedtime arrived at the table and nodded to the others present. "Nice to meet you." He was nervous, but it was a more subtle nervousness than the bold displays of his wife. His eyes swept over them, from the bright shades of Trixie and Surprise to the more subdued hues of Rough Draft and Silver Watch. His attention settled on Silver. "Ah, are you the colt they were gushing about?"

"They?" Silver hopped down from his seat. "Nice to meet you, mister..."

"Bedtime, one word." He offered a hoof. "And if I find out you've been anything but proper with my daughter, we'll have to meet in a different kind of way."

Silver shrank back at the threat, but regathered himself quickly and thrust out a hoof, meeting with his with a clop sound. "Silver Watch, and I'm afraid if I was ever poor to your daughter, she'd rip me apart before you got there."

He laughed at that, reaching out a wing to swat Silver on the back. "She would at that, wouldn't she?" He raised a brow. "Was that always your name? I believe in destiny as much as the next pony, but that's a bit much."

After prodded Bedtime with a wing. "Have you seen our daughter?" As he looked towards where she was indicating, she threw her wings wide. "How long have you been expecting, and not even a letter? Don't you think I care about you?"

Night Watch got to proper standing and frowned at her mother. "Mother, calm yourself. I wasn't trying to avoid you, just not to bother you."

"Bother me?!" After Hours recoiled, but she marshaled herself and began to take deeper breaths. "Oh little watch, you haven't changed." She advanced on the retreating Night Watch and had her wrapped up in a new hug before the pregnant mare could escape. "Well let's put that aside. I'm bothered and I don't plan to be un-bothered until my daughter's a happy mother of her own."

Rough Draft offered a hoof towards Bedtime. "Pleased to meet you, hmm, are you a brother-in-law now? No no, I'm certain that's not right..."

Bedtime met the hoof with his own. "Whatever it is, we're brothers now." He felt at ease around the darker and more earthy tones of Rough Draft. "So you're his father?" His eyes wandered to Trixie. "And you must be the mother. He takes after you both."

Trixie beamed proudly. "Yes, Tr--I am his mother." She offered her hoof in kind. "Nice to meet you, Bedtime was it? I am Trixie." Every time she referred to herself there was a little hesitation as she tried to correct her usual habit around the new acquaintances.

Night squirmed free of her mother's grip and gave her a kiss on the cheek before moving to hug her father. "Please, letters or not, I'm happy to see you both. What brings you here?"

After tilted her head a little. "We got a letter." Her nose danced and her eyes wandered to the table. "What's this? It smells fantastic..."

Bedtime agreed with that sentiment, moving to sit beside the table as he licked his lips. "Now that we--"

"Hi! I'm Surprise!" She was seated beside Bedtime.

Bedtime recoiled in surprise. "Oh! Hello there. You do live up to your name." He raised a brow. "How are you related, ma'am?"

She shook her head quickly. "We're friends." She flashed a bright smile at the new pony. "I hope we can be too." A hoof swung to point at the duck. "I bet they made this for you guys, so don't wait on us, enjoy!"

"I never tried duck," admitted Silver, eyeing the roasted bird.

Night tilted her head. "Me neither, but now's a fine night to try."

The fact that Silver took a portion for himself made Trixie and Rough look mildly ill, though the latter was still watching with morbid curiosity. Surprise might have been as well if she wasn't so busy chatting animatedly with the new ponies. "I can't believe she didn't tell her parents. Well, you're here now, so let's have fun! Oh gosh, the whole family's here now!"

Trixie raised an ear. "If it helps, my meat-eating son neglected to mention just how things were going either."

After tore into the meat on her plate, savoring the taste a moment before she went for another bite. "Mmm, it's alright now. We're here, and these foals of ours aren't escaping us."

Trixie smiled, a nervous smile as she beheld how After Hours was attacking her food like a true predator. "It's nice to... meet you."

Bedtime was enjoying his own meal far too much to give a reply. It seemed all the lunar ponies were enthralled with the meat. Silver was more reserved in his eating. Not that he wasn't enjoying it, just that he wasn't tearing into it like a starved wolf. "I don't think I've seen you quite this ravenous before."

Night looked up at Silver. "I don't think I have been before. Maybe it's the way they prepared it?"

After Hours raised a hoof. "Compliments to the chef!"

The duck was completed and the platter swept away by servants as a new tray was set with something garlicky and made more of bread than any meat, perking the interests of the rest of the table. As everypony returned to nibbling, conversations became more relaxed. Platters came and went as they talked amiably, until dessert.

The dessert tray was flanked by royalty. To the left was Celestia, and to the right, Luna. Conversation died away, but two ponies were largely unhumbled by their immediate presence.

Surprise and Silver both waved a hoof at their guests. "Hi there," they said unison before looking at each other and laughing a little.

Celestia nodded to the table. "A pleasure to be here. It seems our guests found you before we planned, but it seems to have worked out."

Luna looked across the table and her nose danced. "It's just as well. The kitchen brought the special plate early as well."

Night raised a brow at Luna. "I should have guessed you were involved in that."

Luna recoiled a step as if struck. "Did you not enjoy it?"

Celestia put a hoof in front her sister. "We were both involved in this, without regrets." She smiled at the group. "To your satisfaction, we hope."

Trixie sat up straight. "While she was not expecting to meet new in-laws today, this has been a wonderful dinner."

Most of the others nodded in agreement, but Night didn't seem convinced. Her eyes were on Luna alone. "Well?"

Luna returned the gaze. "Well?"

Night clopped a hoof on the ground. "Don't you have something to say?"

Luna's ears fell a little as her view slid towards Silver. "We are sorry for how you were treated. We would like to discuss it... more, later." She glanced away and back. "In private, please."

Celestia stepped forward. "Now who's ready for some dessert?"

"Oh, me! Me!" Surprise waved a hoof excitedly, practically vibrating where she sat.

Cakes, cookies, pastries and other sweet treats began to descend on the table, each held aloft in Celestia's golden glow. "Please, enjoy yourselves."

Bedtime looked between the offerings and the princesses supplying it. "This feels like too much, Your Highness. To be served by the princesses of Equestria? What have we done to deserve this?"

She fixed her eyes on Silver. "You've brought several pains to light. Wounds that may have worsened with time. What price is a little dinner compared to what tragedy may yet be averted? Parents of heroes are still heroes." She spread her wings slowly. "So please, enjoy yourself. You are all our guests."

Silver reached with his magic, trying to heft up Celestia, but that was a task beyond him. She did notice his attempt and raised a brow. He smiled sheepishly. "Just because you feel indebted doesn't mean you have to sit to the side. Please, join us."

Luna shook her head at Silver. "See what I have to put up with?" A smile spread over her snout despite her words. "Well, since we've been invited..."

Celestia took a place beside Silver and Night, while Luna sat opposed. Little did Night's parents expect they'd be seated at a table with the All-Mother at their side.

114 - Advantages of Physicality

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"Basic shield!" Trixie thrust a hoof at Silver. Through their drills, his response time had improved, encased in silver before her hoof finished extending. She approached on three legs, the fourth reaching out to press along the shields. The jagged lines of imperfection didn't appear, but there were faint lines that become visible under the pressure of her hoof. They seemed triangular, but not flat. "What have you been doing, colt of mine?"

Silver focused with an obvious look of concentration. The triangles grew large enough for Trixie to see. "You said to think of it like bricks, so I did that, and tried to be clever with it."

Trixie nodded approvingly. "A clever unicorn is a proper unicorn. Why triangles?"

"I remember them being a good shape." Silver shrugged a little. "Besides that, note how they're separate a little, and if you crouch down, you can see they're not flat."

"Not flat?" Trixie ducked a little to see under the enlarged panel. "Why is this?"

"If something presses against it, the panel is shoved back, but with its shape, it jams against the other panels. So, basically, the whole shield gets rigid and the other panels help repel the attack even if they're not the ones being hit specifically."

Trixie tapped at her chin. "A solid shield would also do this, would it not?"

"To a point." Silver's shield reset, the panels becoming small. "Redirecting the force outwards and away from me is that much force I don't have to counter at all."

"Trixie isn't sure she agrees." She clopped her forehooves together. "But she applauds her clever student."

Silver felt his reserves being tugged on and looked up to find himself staring into Surprise's belly. She was standing on his shield, supported by the odd geometry without difficulty. "Hello?"

Surprise waved a hoof excitedly. "Hiya! Are you about done with the fancy unicorn stuff?"

Trixie made a shooing motion at Surprise. "We're in the middle of a lesson."

Surprise sat down on her haunches, supported by the shield. "I'm helping. Oh! Night said she wanted to talk to you, Silver. She's up on the roof. She said you'd know where."

The roof? The only place on the roof that held any significance came to his mind and his shield wavered with the lapse of concentration brought about by the thought.

Trixie smiled at Silver. "You recovered from that nicely. What were you thinking about that almost distracted you?"

Silver pointed upwards. "First, I'm fairly certain being under a mare isn't proper." He flashed a grin. "Second, I know where she is, but it wasn't a happy memory that brought us there last time." Keeping the shield going, he reached with his magic to try and pick up Surprise, but that was asking too much at once, and he was pressed to the ground under a falling earth pony.

She squealed as she fell, then began laughing from on top of Silver. "Nice try. You'll get it down."

Trixie offered a hoof and soon Surprise was standing on her own power. "You are improving in focus. Go, your wife needs you. We can resume later." Surprise looked ready to go, but Trixie put a hoof on her shoulder. "We have things to discuss."

"We do?"

Silver got to his hooves and trotted from the room with a parting wave. He ascended a few stairs along a path he had taken once before in a much darker mindset. The world hardly seemed so unfair at the moment. He had a wife. He had great parents and, despite how the story usually goes, his in-laws were good people too. He worked for the Princesses, and he liked them. No, a lot of his life was looking pretty darn good. Heck, even his magic was getting better. Trixie was much better at teaching magic to someone who knew magic, rather than a rank newbie.

He emerged into the light of day and shook himself out. The sun felt nice on his fur. The breeze was gentle and refreshing. It was a lovely day. Sweeping his vision over the roof, he didn't see Night. He did see Celestia, who was gazing out over the city quietly. Silver approached cautiously. "Good afternoon. Enjoying the day?"

She smiled a little. "Are you?"

"I am." He nodded firmly. "I have to remind myself to get out more often. Have you seen Night Watch? She called for me."

Celestia tapped a spot beside her. "Join me a moment?"

Silver tilted his head at the spot before moving to set himself beside the sun princess. "What's up?"

Celestia extended a wing just to curl it around Silver. "I'm still absorbing all that you wrote. Some of it..."

Silver glanced away, a furious blush building in his cheeks.

Celestia raised a hoof and gently brushed one of those tinted cheeks. "I'm not angry at you. Luna used to tease me with the wickedly depraved thoughts of some of my little ponies. Yours are not even the worst out there. No, I'm not here to discuss the depraved portions of your visions." She raised a hoof. "Rather the oracular nature of them. Do you know Samantha?"

Silver's ears jumped upright, which seemed answer enough.

"A curious name for a pony, but she isn't a pony, is she?" Celestia tilted her head. "I don't mean that with any offense, but to think, a half-human... You... met her in your vision, did you not?"

He nodded at that. "The situation was a lot less enjoyable for anyone involved, besides her. How's she doing?"

Celestia smiled gently. "She's doing better. Placing her with a legitimate doctor with a sense of morality is helping. She hungers for knowledge. It defines her." She let out a little sigh. "She reminds me of other unicorns... Such fascinations are common in your tribe." Celestia inclined her head. "Then there is Ambassador Nefertari. You saw her as well. I have yet to see just how true these visions are. Are they also touched by humanity?"

Silver stiffened suddenly. He had written about Celestia and Luna's theoretical past.

She rested a hoof on his spine between his forelegs. "I would ask that you remain discreet with your visions. I have had some experience with them, and acting recklessly, or speaking too frequently of them only makes things worse, in my experience.

"Was writing it down a mistake?"

She shook her head slowly. "I'm glad you did... It made a lot of things come into focus. I had been neglecting my sister in a whole new, far more subtle, way. I will avoid that."

Silver looked down over the thriving populace of the city. "So, why did you call me as Night Watch? It wouldn't have been that unusual for me to be called by you directly. I do work for you, on leave or not."

Celestia smiled. "Oh? No, I didn't. Coincidences do happen from time to time, my little pony. Tell me, before I send you on your way..." She turned to Silver, staring at him directly and meeting his gaze. "Do you still wish for what you once had?"

Silver trembled, both under the force of her stare and the magnitude of her question. "I knew the price when I woke up. Two wives were paid to live in truth instead of sleeping forever in happiness." He flashed a smile. "It may not be perfect, but this life is pretty happy too."

Celestia smirked, a little smirk. There was a playful energy around her. "Technically, you had many more wives than that. You paid your price."

Silver's jaw fell a moment before he shook his head. "You're not--"

Celestia raised a hoof to a higher roof. "She's waiting for you up there."

On stiff legs, Silver wandered away, dizzy and reeling from what Celestia had so casually implied. "I'm not that special," he murmured to himself. "Why would she settle for me at all when she could have any pony in the kingdom?" He found the stairs heading further upwards and ascended a step at a time. Up there, Night was clearly visible. She was looking directly at him.

She trotted towards him as he came into view. "How did the conversation go?" Night looked down to where Celestia was still sitting. "It's hard to get a read on her, but her words clearly had an impact on you."

Silver frowned a little. "Did she make you come up here?"

Night smirked at that. "She thought you may not realize that. Shows what she knows." She offered a leg and he stepped into her. Soon they were hugging warmly. "Seriously, are you alright? You looked like she was... What did she say?"

Silver sat down. His first urge was to bottle it all up, but... "Night, I'm not sure what I should say or not. She didn't ask me to be secret, and you're my wife. Before any other pony in this world, you are my beloved, and I am naked before you." He dipped his head. "It was about the dream, or the vision, whatever it was."

She frowned a little at its mention. "That seems to come up often. What about it? Are we in danger?"

Silver shook his head. "No, no, nothing like that. As... you probably remember, I had quite a herd in there." He colored as he spoke. "Too many, all over. I miss them in some ways, but I'm happy being with you."


Silver raised a brow. "Do you really want to know?"

"Yes." She adjusted her thick glasses on her nose. "No more secrets. Go on."

Silver let out a slow breath. "Well, alright. There was you, of course, then Fast, who wasn't a changeling. Then there was Twilight."

"The Twilight Sparkle? The princess?!" Night squinted at him.

Silver shrank under her gaze. "Through some political chicanery on her part, I was technically part of a second herd... consisting of all the princesses of Equestria."

Night flopped down to her haunches. "You don't dream small, do you?"

Silver laughed at that. "Funny thing. My dreams are usually far less logical, but grand and sweeping isn't out of place for them."

"Is that all of them?"

Silver frowned a little, sifting through his memories. "Nefertari somehow got involved, but even I couldn't say how that happened. Lastly, Starlight Glimmer, but she just wanted to join and didn't get time to do so before the dream was over."

"Who?" Night raised a brow. "All the other ones you, at least, knew beforehoof. Who's this one? I never heard of her before."

Silver raised his hooves. "I don't even know where she is at this point. Look, Night." He leaned in and pressed his nose to hers. "I don't care about them. You. You are my everything. It may sound corny, or weak, or whatever. I don't care. What you want is what we get."

Night smiled, the expression slowly spreading. "I believe you." She leaned back and put her hooves on her rounded belly. "You've been focused on me, your mother's distracting lessons on magic excluded."

Silver lowered his nose, gently nuzzling at that firm dome. "How are you feeling?"

Night let out a little breath, relaxing under her husband's attention. "Better... I'm getting used to it, even if that itself is a little scary." She raised a brow. "You realize something is coming, right?"


"The pattern of our lives. We won't be able to just live quietly forever."

115 - Midnight Revelations

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The room was quiet. There was little playing. The idea of playing with your parents, adoptive or not, in the same room was a bit too far for either Silver or Night to entertain above nestling close and fading to sleep in one another's embrace.

Silver awoke in his human bed, shaking himself out before hopping to the floor. He was asleep, this he knew. "Well, today's been interesting." Nopony was around to hear him talking, but if he couldn't talk to himself in his own dream, when could he? "Why did she do..." He frowned as he hopped up onto his chair. "It's like Night said. There are patterns. We're just..." He rolled a forehoof in the air as he sifted through his thoughts, then it came to him.

With a wave, he conjured the dream. He moved his forehoof left and right like a remote control, quickly flipping through the increasingly disjointed memories. It was already starting to fade into the ephemera of the past, making him quietly grateful that he had taken the time to write it down, not that he could refer to it while sleeping.


The letters of The Text hovered before his dreaming self, captured in memory. It taunted him. It had opened the path, and he had walked down it. In the end, becoming a princess, destroyed by one he loved and primed by the Royal Sisters.

A chill ran down his back and he began to glow. The glow was a dream, he knew it, but it wasn't a comfort. He held the power of the sun. How long would that last? Was he already blindly walking down the same path again? Was he ready for that consequence if he was, and what would it do to Night Watch? He scowled at the hovering, slightly flickering, image.

He hopped down from his chair and threw open the door to the dream world. With barely a thought, he conjured his shield around himself. It was far more intricate than it used to be but more practiced. "Thanks, mom." Trixie had been drilling him. He liked having her around. It was nice having another unicorn close by that also sought to perfect and refine their casting techniques.

Striding out of his personal dream, he saw the dream world was in its hallway of doors mode that night. That was one of the easier ones to navigate, which he was quietly grateful for. With a soft sigh, he held the thought of Luna in his mind, and her door slid closer. Before he could even reach the door, she appeared.

"Ambassador Silver Watch, I thought these meetings would come to a halt." She offered a hoof. "Is there an emergency perhaps?"

Silver shook his head. "Not exactly. Luna, did you get a chance to read my journal?"

Luna frowned. "Nay, we did not. Our sister did not see fit to reveal its contents to us, nor is it our place to demand it from you."

Silver considered quietly a moment even as Luna watched him. "Alright, well, in the dream... may I tell you part of it?"

"You may."

Silver nodded. "I was infused with the power of both Royal Sisters, yourself being part of that of course. Pregnant with that power, Twilight Sparkle destroyed me in one terrific smash of magic. I was thrown free of my body, which no longer existed. That was when I ascended."

Luna raised a brow gently. "The way you say that, it's as if you had experienced it more than once." She leaned forward, her deep eyes boring into him unblinkingly. "Just what have I done to you?"

Silver waved it off with a flush of anger, though it passed quickly. "Luna, we're past the blame game on that. You want me to forgive? Fine, as soon as you remember we were friends before this all started."

Luna tilted her head faintly. "Are we still, after our conflict?"

Silver sat up and grew, becoming Silver Stars. His wings flapped before folding tight to his back. His cape billowed around him in a breeze that wasn't there. "I'm worried I'm on a troubled path."

Luna's vision raised with Silver's growth, keeping level with his eyes. "I will not try to... coerce you to my path again."

Silver waved it off with a hoof. "That's beside the point. Equestria doesn't need me."

Luna raised a brow. "My sister would say Equestria needs every pony, for they have a place to play in it, big or small."

Silver's serious expression broke into a smile. "Your sister would say that. What do you say?"

Luna raised a hoof to her chest. "Me?" Her tone implied she was still surprised he would ask of her opinion. "Well... If Destiny has decided for great things for you, then you should not turn from it. You should rise." That hoof reached out and she brushed Silver's wings gently. "Leathery or feathered, we can't imagine you didn't enjoy these."

Silver extended those dreamed limbs. "They were great... But you don't get to just 'be' an alicorn."

"You are, perhaps, overstating the inevitability of this." Luna shook her head. "There are ponies that dream of reaching such heights, but few do. Most who do, are not among those that do dream of it." She smiled gently. "Those who want the position are typically least suited for it."

Silver drove a hoof to the ground, splintering the hallway though it mended itself quickly. "I don't hunger for this. I'm happy as a unicorn." And he was one again. "There's nothing wrong with me just as I am."

Luna smiled gently. "Good. It is important you realize that." She reached and placed a large hoof on his nose. "If you are truly fine as you are, then you will continue to be fine as you grow, be it simply as a magician, an ambassador, or even a prince." She inclined an ear at him. "May I see your birth form?"

Silver blinked in surprise at the request. He thought back, but how human was he anymore? He hadn't seen his human self in what felt like ages. With a frown, he took on the general form of a biped with dark skin and fluffy hair.

Luna shook her head. "You've forgotten the small details." She inclined her head. "Does this please you, or upset you, to have embraced ponykind so thoroughly?" With a twinkle of her magic, a mirror appeared to show Silver what he had become.

He scowled at his image. With the mirror's help, other details began to fill in, but it wasn't perfect. It could never be perfect again. He wasn't David anymore. David was dead... Silver looked down and away from the cursed mirror.

"Tell me what you are thinking."

Silver became a unicorn again, running his hooves along the smooth floor of the hallway. "The old me is dead."

Luna nodded. "To sleep is to die." She raised a hoof, showing a pony in bed, covers drawn up to their head. "I believe Winneigh Shakespeare said it. We all suffer a little death, and a new birth. We grow. Are you sorry for what you've grown into?"

Silver considered that and his old life. He sat up, meeting Luna's gaze. "I'm sure whatever I might have been, as a human, would have been... good, fine. I would have found a way, but that isn't me." He put a hoof at his chest. "I came here, and I'm not sorry I did. I found purpose, and love, and friends." He began to smile. "I found new pains and trials, but the bravery to face them too."

Luna inclined her head faintly. "What then will you do, should the destiny you fear come to pass? Will you tremble and hide?"

Silver rose to his hooves. "I'll face it."

"Will you?" Her wings seemed to encompass all of his sight. When they drew away, he was an alicorn, but clearly a day alicorn, like all the princesses he'd seen so far. "This seems far more likely if any such thing were to be in your future. By what means did I bring you to the lunar tribes?"

"Would you believe an exchange of blood?" He brought his feathery wings into view, turning them one way and the other in a slow examination. "Feathers have to be preened don't they?"

Luna smirked at that. "A gift I gave all my lunar ponies. Leather wings are easier to grow and easier to upkeep. Still, a blood exchange? Methinks that would be insufficient. Dreams can be fickle in their logic." She extended one of her own wings. "Servants see to some of my needs, but I am a grown mare. I know how to tend to them."

Silver tried to fold his wings, but folding them like lunar pony wings wasn't right. Luna slid in beside him and nudged them into place with feathery soft touches of her snout until he had them properly folded. He shook his head a little. "Who taught Twilight how to care for hers?"

"Who else?" Luna raised a brow. "Her athletic friend, Rainbow Dash. Now, enough of this. You speak of distant possibilities, but they are unproven. What even makes you think it could occur?"

Silver rolled a hoof limply. "Celestia recently filled me with magic. In my dream, you two did just that before it happened."

Luna raised a brow. "You will not receive my magic then. Problem averted." She smiled smugly. "See, that wasn't difficult."

Silver awoke. Sun was streaming in on him. It was easy to lose track of time while sleeping.

"Hey!" Surprise suddenly landed on him. "You got a present!"

Silver blinked in surprise up at the cheerful green pony. "What? Who from?"

Surprise shrugged. "Found it in front of your room." She hopped down from the bed.

He sat up and looked around. Night was watching him. Trixie and the rest were nowhere in sight. "Morning Night, Surprise. How late is it?"

Night adjusted her glasses as she spoke, "It's much later than you usually stir. I'd place it around ten."

Silver hopped to the ground, shaking himself out along the way. "I was having a--"

Night held up a hoof. "You don't have dreams."

"Not true." Silver wrinkled his nose. "Just because I knew they are dreams doesn't mean I don't have them. I was speaking to Luna. She helped settle a few thoughts I was having."

She raised a brow. "You've already forgiven her?"

Silver moved for Night quickly, only for Surprise to appear around the corner of the bed. "Hey! You gonna check out that package?!" She thrust a hoof at a large basket at the door, festooned with ribbons and with a card dangling clearly in sight, awaiting inspection.

He grunted softly. "I will, promise. Night, we need to talk."

"Do we?" She squinted at him before she let out a hot gust through her nostrils and moved for him instead. "Of course we do. Sorry. I'm feeling especially out of sorts today."

Surprise suddenly looked sympathetic. "Misses Cake went through that a lot when she was, you know?"

Silver reached carefully for Night and soon they were hugging. "I'm here for you, even if that means you want to spend a day biting me until you feel better again."

Night flashed her fangs. "Don't make promises like that, or I might take you up on it." She parted from the hug and moved for the basket. "Well, let's take a look at this before Surprise explodes."

"It's true, I've done that before." Surprise bounced along towards the mystery basket. "Come on! Let's see what's in it."

116 - Magic Lessons

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A gift of confidence, from your peers and esteemed allies.

Silver raised a brow at the card, then turned it over. There was a crowded mess of signatures. He showed it to the others quizzically. "It's a group gift, apparently."

Night shook her head. "I don't buy it. Why?"

She trotted towards the basket and plucked out a wrapped treat. "I'll have this looked at. I forgot to get the specimen I picked up in the Crystal Empire examined, may as well take care of both."

"Whee!" Surprise hovered in the air, held up there in a silvery force. Despite the grip, she made swimming motions and managed to paddle her way around the room.

"Basic shield." Trixie lowered her horn towards Silver, letting fire a small bolt that crashed against his shield even as it was forming. "Good. Felt harder, didn't it? Focusing on two significant efforts at once is, at least, three times as hard as any one thing."

Without further warning she sent a trio of brightly colored motes to slam into Silver's shield. He winced with each one, the magic of his shield and holding Surprise up wavering dangerously before he could find his mental balance again.

"Trixie is baffled at the idea that you were a warlock and they didn't go over this." She raised a hoof to her chest. "It falls on me to see her colt is properly trained. You know how to channel and cast, and that's good, but how many unique spells can you keep going with only one horn to squeeze them through?"

Surprise pumped a hoof in the air. "You can do it, Silver!"

Silver smiled with a growing sense of fatigue, but he wasn't giving up yet. "What do you need me to do, mother?"

Trixie sat on her haunches. "I want you to transform Surprise while you're holding her up."

Silver squinted a little. "Not that spell, right?"

Trixie's nose wrinkled quickly. "Surely you learned more than that during your university education?"

"What's that spell?" Surprise spun around, belly up and looking upside down at everyone. "Does it tickle?"

"Funny thing about that." Silver rubbed at one foreleg with the other. "They wouldn't teach any advanced spells in the first year, and I, uh, failed at the end of the first year, so..."

Trixie rolled her eyes even as her horn lit up and she pulled Silver's own book over. She flipped through the arcane pages swiftly before she grunted and set it down and pulled out a book of her own. "Here. This will do. Trixie uses it when she wishes to prove she is not entirely above physical acts of astounding amazingness."

Silver moved for Trixie slowly, reading the page even as he held up Surprise and his shield, lest he get jolted by his wicked taskmaster of a mother. "It has a very short range."

"Of course." Trixie nodded with an expression of it being obvious. "The Great and Powerful Trixie uses it on herself. What use does she have with a long-range enhancement?"

Silver's eyes darted back and forth over the page as sweat trickled from him with the exertion of his continued concentration. "Can I let the shield go?"

Trixie waved a hoof at him with a wry grin. "If you like being struck with magic you should be defended against." As if to prove her point, she sent two new bolts at him. His new matrix seemed to be holding up well.

"You heartless mare." Silver smiled a little as he said it.

Surprise did a slow spiral in the air, seemingly enjoying herself. "Don't let her win! You can do it!"

He mouthed the words of the spell, trying to dedicate it to memory as quickly as he could, even if that wasn't his strength. Lodged firmly, he hoped, in short term memory, at least, he felt ready to try. He brought Surprise close, practically touching the shield before he began to play the third concurrent spell through his buzzing horn.

It was too much. He could feel the disparate magical notes crash into one another. The shield burst, Surprise fell, and he sank to his belly, exhausted and dizzy.

Trixie reached out and set a hoof on his limp head. "Trixie remembers well the first time she tried that. She looked much like you do now. You've earned a reprieve. Rest, recover, and we'll continue."

Surprise bounced up to her hooves, unharmed for the brief fall. "Come on, I know just the place." She was grinning a bit too eagerly for Silver, but there was no denying her and soon he was following after in a dazed pattern. "This way!" She looked over her shoulder. "Silly billy, it's a straight line, not a crazy loop de loop."

The effects of the failed harmony started to fade as he followed after his green friend. He looked around with some confusion. "Where are we?"

She thrust a hoof up at the building they were before, which looked like a big cake one could walk into, a door set in its sweet side. "Behold! Just Desserts!" She bounced up and down in place. "Isn't it great?! I'm gonna open it up next week and then there'll be a ton of happy ponies."

Silver smiled at that as he sank to his haunches. "That's really fantastic." A thought tickled at him. "Just bear in mind that you're dealing with a lot of snooty unicorns. Not all of them, mind you, a lot will just want the tasty things you have to offer, but some."

Surprise waved at him dismissively. "Oh, silly billy! I already thought of that. I'm gonna have some crazy fancy treats for crazy fancy unicorns! Their tastebuds won't know what hit 'em!" She clopped her hooves together excitedly. "Oh, I can hardly wait! I'll get to meet so many new ponies." She suddenly pounced Silver, hugging him tightly. "Thank you for this great idea!" She leaned over his shoulder, facing the Castle. "And thank you, Princess Celestia!" she shouted as if the princess could hear her. At the tremendous volume she used, perhaps that was true.

Rubbing at an abused ear, Silver rose back to three hooves. "Well, are you going to show me around?"

With a squeal of delight, Surprise vanished through the door, and the tour was officially underway.

He had no idea what most of the fancier bits of baking and confectionary arts were for, but he was thankful for the taste testing part. The moment he popped one into his mouth, his body helpfully reminded him that he had burned a lot of energy trying to keep up with Trixie's demands. He tried everything Surprise offered, even when they burned his tongue. He was a bottomless hole for a brief time, trying to fill himself desperately with all the calories offered to him. The manic edge faded and he slumped against the counter, panting for breath.

"That good, huh?" Surprise tilted her head. "Twilight ate like that too, come to think. Especially when she'd been busy with magic stuff." She spotted Silver's little wince and her expression fell. "Oh gosh, sorry! I didn't mean to tease you about that." She put a hoof on his shoulder. "I remember it, don't forget."

Silver perked his ears and sat up, looking at her with new eyes. "That's right. You do... I forgot." He smiled a little lopsidedly. "I'm afraid to even think about the Twilight here."

Surprise waved a hoof. "Who says you can't be friends? Just not, you know, friend friends."

Silver thrust a hoof at Surprise. "The same could apply to you and your family."

She looked as if she had been kicked in the belly. "I... guess..." She looked away and back at Silver. "So what do you think of it?!" She threw her forehooves wide.

It was an artless misdirection, but Silver accepted it. "It looks lovely. I like the baked theme you have going on." He reached out and poked at one of the muffin stools. "It's adorable, and makes me hungry, which is just what you want to do."

Surprise suddenly hugged him, squeezing him tightly. "We'll talk more, later." She leaned back, a few tears in her eyes. "Thank you... For all of this." She waved a hoof. "I guess, in some crazy way, it's thanks to you I even exist at all. That's crazy to think about. The whole thing's pretty... crazy. I might be using that word too much." She clonked her forehead with a hoof. "This place isn't crazy though! It's fantastic. You and your family should totally come!" She thrust an opening card against his chest until his magic lifted it up.

He slid it into his saddlebag, his eyes on Surprise. "You know, it's alright if you just want to talk."

"Sometimes..." Surprise was looking away from him, across the length of the new shop. "Sometimes I wonder what it would be like if you just... didn't wake up." Her eyes suddenly darted to him, wide and her entire body trembling. "That must have sounded terrible!" She thrust her hooves, catching him at the shoulders. "I'm not angry at you! Please don't be mad at me. It's just..."

Silver nuzzled under her forelegs and swept her up into a gentle embrace. "I understand. For me, it was a dream, for you, an entire world. Look, you don't need to apologize for having emotions about that of all things. You go ahead and cry, or scream."

Surprise quirked a smile. "What if I just want to bake a big tasty pie, then throw it at you?"

Silver stood up stiffly. "Then I await my execution, ma'am, and will meet my sugary end with dignity."

Surprise burst into loud giggles, her funk banished for the time. "Get out of here, ya silly. I still have to get things ready." She leaned in and kissed him on the forehead beside his horn. "Thanks."

Silver trotted out with a faint blush, broken with a sudden flash of a camera.

"This'll make a great scoop." Before Silver could react to the stallion, they vanished with tricky unicorn magic.

117 - New Responsibilities and Old Friendships

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Penny rapped gently at the door. She hoped this was the right place, she had followed the directions a guard had given her.

The door swung open, revealing a stallion that was grayish towards the front and brownish as one went back. His ears were pricked at the guest. "Hello?"

“Oh, uh, sorry, I think I have the wrong room. I was after Silver Lining?” Penny blinked a few times, she knew she was getting more distracted by things, but had she really messed up the simple directions?

He shook his head at the mare. "Oh, no, that's my fr--son!" He offered a hoof to the mare. "Rough Draft, nice to meet you. He just stepped out a moment to get a bite with his wife. Do you want to wait for him or pass a message?"

The mare lifted her hoof to return the gesture, her light blue dress ruffling a little. “Oh drat, I had wanted to catch them both actually, you don’t happen to know where they went?” The mare quickly blushed. “Oh, where are my manners. Penny Farthing… wait, son?”

The stallion touched hooves lightly. "Pleased to meetcha." An ear lifted. "He didn't mention? I'm his father."

"Adopted," came a feminine voice from within the room before Trixie poked her head out. "Oh, hello there. He's gone off to this predator's haven of an eatery. She seems to like it."

Penny perked up a little at the news. “Oh, wow, okay yeah, I was wondering, seeing as he was, well, not a pony.” It was a hard urge to fight, for Penny, but she managed to not say the mare’s name before she spoke it. “Thank you, I will try and track them down, I am pretty sure I know the one he will be at.” She gave a wave of a hoof to Trixie and turned, swishing fabric as she made to gallop off.

Any explanations died in their throats as the mare broke and ran before it could be spoken. Trixie shrugged softly as she looked at Rough. "We've done our part, now get back in here and remind me just how Great your partner is while we have some time to ourselves."

The door shut quietly.

Penny was aware she probably shouldn’t gallop in her condition, but she just felt like she needed to. It was a lovely day outside, the pegasi had made sure of it, and she was free of her obligations. She did start to slow as she spotted the place she was sure Silver would be at. Stepping inside, she tried to look around but couldn’t spot her friend. “Excuse me,” she found a waitress, “I was looking for my friend, Silver… oh, young stallion unicorn, about this tall, here with his marefriend, a lunar pegasus?”

The griffon looked over the exotic lunar pony. Who was she to judge? "He's right over there." She leveled a claw with a booth towards the back. "Hard to miss a couple like that."

The lunar unicorn smiled brightly to the griffon. “Thank you so much.” She trotted over to her friends’ table. “Don’t suppose there is room for another at this table?”

"So basically, what I'm say--" He trailed off as a new pony arrived. "Penny, hello there."

Night perked her ears. "I called something coming up about then." She slid a bit to the left, making room. "Come on. Being on leave only works so far."

Silver shook his head quickly. "Penny's my friend. This isn't working."

The unicorn mare blushed as she fit herself down beside Night. “No, definitely not work, if it is a problem, I can always catch up later… although it is something I need to get done soon.” Penny looked down to her own side, the bulge there not easily visible past her dress.

Silver failed to spot the subtle glance, but Night's sharp eyes didn't, and earned her extra staring from the rotund mare.

He smiled, pushing over his own glass of water, untouched yet. "We were just about to order. Why does everything in Equestria seem to have the timing down pat?"

“Magic?” Penny chuckled but stopped and sobered a little at Night’s stare. “Anyway, I had something important to ask you, both of you.” She looked from Silver to Night, settling on the mare as the more important of the two to convince. “I am, well, with foal. A filly as I found out yesterday.”

Night flashed a smile. Whatever she had been imagining was apparently worse than what she was told. "Who's the father?"

"Congratulations!" exclaimed Silver before any answer could be given. "I thought you were… kind of avoiding that sort of thing?"

“My cycle started and… I made a few decisions about how I want my life to be. They are good ones.” Penny couldn’t stop a smile, damn her emotions for swinging around so much of late. “Stick is the father, it doesn’t seem possible but I guess love finds a way, here.”

Silver perked an ear. "I don't know much about how… changelings work that way, but if you two are happy, fuck everything else."

"Language." Night reached across the table and gave the consenting Silver a swat on the head. "His sentiments right. Congratulations to you both."

Penny beamed at the pair. “Thank you. But that is exactly what brings me to being here. I want to be a good mother and a responsible one. But I am not perfect, none of us are. If something ever happens to me, and Stick… and Hay, I want to know if you two would protect her?” Her hoof reached down and rubbed her side.

Night's ears lifted, tufted edges dancing. Her mouth opened to speak, but no words came out.

Silver filled in the void easily. "Of course, though I'd hope that wouldn't ever be needed." He slid a menu towards Penny. "Have you been here before? They have every kind of meat Celestia allows here."

Penny reached her hooves, one to each of the two ponies. “Thank you I… where I came from, we called it being ‘god-parents’.” She smiled and looked at them. “It warms my heart to know she will be safe.”

Silver's ears pricked up. "Oh? Is that what it means? I thought it was something else entirely." He accepted the offered hoof and gently squeezed it between two of his own. "I think this worked out."

"Worked out?" Night seemed more stunned, looking between the two rapidly. "How do you mean?"

"I almost did something stupid and hurtful to Penny. I'm glad we veered away from that, but we still get to be family."

Penny blushed a little and nodded. “Those things are in the past now, when are you due?” She looks to Night. “If it isn’t too personal.” She hastily adds, taking up a menu and browsing through it.

Night let out a slow breath. "I was going to mention, over dinner…" She rolled her ears back. "But fate conspires, as it always does." She put a hoof to her chest. "Please, forgive me. I'm… a little wound up today. Ignore me if I get too crabby." She forced a smile. "No one likes a crab."

Silver thrust a hoof suddenly, poking her right in the chest. "It takes one to know one, and you're sitting on your feelings like a nervous bird. Please, we're friends here. If you're mad, be mad, it's alright."

“I like crab… in fact…” Penny poked at the menu. “I might just order some, haven’t had some shellfish for a long time.”

Silver clopped his forehooves. "Crab for everyone then, if that's alright with you?" His eyes were on Night.

She took a little breath before she nodded. "That sounds pretty good. I keep forgetting you've probably tried this all, just… not as a pony, either of you, I guess?"

“Not crab, but I have tried fish.” Penny put down the menu. “This is a bit of a treat actually, normally I have a hungry changeling to feed while I eat.” She feigned looking around as if one would appear out of nowhere.

Silver tilted his head. "Where is Stick, speaking of which?"

Night waved at Silver. "Stop that. Now you're just taunting it."

“She is with Hay, they were visiting the hive today.” Penny giggled at Night’s apparent resignation that the universe will complicate things.

"Hay?" Silver waved at the same griffon waittress that Stick had approached. "Hey, a full round of crab please."

"Anything to drink?"

"We'll stick to water." Silver smiled. "We have two expectant mares."

"Busy boy." She wandered off without giving him much chance to defend himself.

Penny lifted a hoof and bopped herself on the forehead. “Now there is a rumor we don’t need. But yes, Hay.” Penny’s expression changed as if she had just bitten into the sweetest of pastries. “Hasn’t been long, I know, but we became good friends, all three of us.” There was some implication there.

Silver's attention zoomed in on Penny. "Oh no, you're following in my hoofsteps, and those are not good steps to go tracing."

“They aren’t?” Penny looked a little confused, her head turning to Night. “Why, what happened? You didn’t mention anything… well…” She blushed.

Night picked up her glass with a deft wing, taking a sip before she nodded. "This oaf's first visit to a city? He has not one but two mares he wants to get with, and maybe take his now-adoptive-father right along with them. Shame? He had none."

Penny laughed. “It’s not quite like that, Hay is very special to Stick and me, it feels so natural to be with her. My heart leads, I can’t help but follow it, particularly when Stick urged me to.”

Silver squirmed, his face darkened with shame. "At the time, it felt natural for me." His eyes darted up to meet Penny's. "It was Lyra and Bon Bon."

“And you did it anyway, right? It felt good at the time?” Penny inhaled deeply, seeing where this had likely gone, or so she thought.

Silver shook his head. "Not if you're thinking that. We just talked a lot, then things happened… And behold, I became a pony, and got caretakers who would become my adoptive parents." He smiled. "It worked out in the end because it led to Night." He gazed at her fondly, making her squirm.

“I am not you, Silver. Stick is not Night and Hay is not… okay, this isn’t working, but the point is, I have to try and have this work. It feels right and for us, it seems to be right.” Penny grinned. “Besides, you seem to be happy together, does following your heart seem like such a bad idea?”

Silver shook his head quickly. "Oh, crud, no. I wasn't trying to discourage you. I was just amazed at how you were following the same crazy path I started on." He lifted an ear. "I hope it leads to happiness."

“It already is. I also had this I needed to give you.” Penny reached for her dress and fiddled with it, producing a letter and passing it to Night. She smiled to the mare, “I hope you can both make it.”

Night glanced at Silver before she held up the letter with her hooves and tore it open with her wings. Her eyes scanned back and forth rapidly. "Oh, now you have to make a choice."

"A choice?" Silver lifted an ear.

Night rolled a hoof. "She's getting married on the same day as somepony else." She flashed her teeth. "You went and taunted it, and here's your punishment." With a flick, the latter landed before Silver.

Silver leaned forward to peer at it, then tapped his chin. "Are you sure you have the date right?"

Night looked as if she had been accused of murder. "When's the last time I got a date wrong?!"

“Please, there is no stress, whose wedding is around the same time? I know there will be one in Ponyville around then, but I made sure to pick the day before that.” Penny smiled.

Night stiffened. "The day before?"

Silver reached across the table. "It's an easy mistake to make. Nopony here's upset."

"What if I'm upset!?" She brought her hooves down in a clop before she caught herself and slowly lowered her hooves to her sides. "Sorry…"

Penny reached a hoof over to Night. “Hay, don’t get mad, it is fine to be upset. I mean, it isn’t like somepony would mess up their invitations or anything.”

Night trembled faintly. "That'd only happen if they put a fat, slow, stupid mare in charge of that…"

"Night." Silver crossed his forehooves. "I will not have anyone besmirching the most wonderful mare I know, even herself."

Penny paused, took a deep breath and looked expectant. She opened her mouth wide… then closed it. “Darn, I really hoped a song would start, those always cheer me up, maybe it would help you too, Night?”

Night looked baffled at the suggestion. Silver smiled at Penny. "Ponies don't notice when they're in song magic. Night." He focused on her, his silvery magic wrapping around her and gently lifting her from her seat. "You're hurting right now, and I'm going to take care of you."

“But they do react to it.” Penny conceded, smiling at the two and suddenly feeling like a third wheel. “Uh, maybe I should get mine to go…”

Silver held out a hoof. "You came for crab, we're having crab." His magic gently lowered Night beside himself. In his firm grip, she had begun to weep almost silently, and he gently nuzzled into her messy cheek. "We'll get through this, as friends and family." He glanced across as he licked away a tear. "One day you may fall apart too, and I won't run away."

Penny sat silent a moment, wondering just what roller-coaster she had signed up for. Thankfully, she was saved as their food was brought out. “Oh wow, that smells amazing.”

Silver bobbed his head. "They make everything here pretty well." Without Night to support, he used his clever magic to grab a fork and a set of pliers. With a loud snap, the meat of the crab was freed and he stuck the fork into it, just to bring it to his distraught wife. "Say ahhhh."

"I'm not a foal…"

"You're better than that, you're my everything."

Penny giggled at the sight. “Stick does the same thing to me, Night, I gave up and just let her have her way.” She shrugged and started on her own meal, getting a loud crack as she broke the shell with the heftiest eating tool ever.

Silver eyed the crab a moment, an idea brewing in his head.

Despite her state, Night spotted it quickly. "Whatever you're thinking, don't do it."

"Aww." Silver crossed his forehooves. "It'd be so cool."

"I can only imagine it'd make a huge mess and I don't even know what you were thinking."

“Would it be an awesome mess?” Penny nibbled some of the revealed meat from her crab. “Because if it is, it isn’t like we can’t clean it up.”

Silver clopped his hooves. "One of my shields makes anything that tries to pass through it is violently torn apart. If we erected a shield around the crab to keep it contained, then I gave it a brohoof…"

Penny stopped in her enthusiasm. “But then you would end up with crab meat and a whole lot of shell shredded through it, I don’t know as it would be edible then.”

Night prodded Silver. "Listen to your friend. Don't do that."

Silver's mind was still scheming. "If we isolated the meat… and just sent the shell flying everywhere, then we'd have lots of tasty crab without any shell in the way."

“If you are going to isolate the meat, couldn’t you just turn the shell into something else? Or even teleport it?” Penny’s magic wobbled a crab-leg in the air. “Then you could just make a neat pile of empty crab shells and piles of delicious meats.”

Silver's expression turned into a manic grin. "Teleport!" All eyes in the place turned towards him and he had the sense to blush and go quiet a moment before conversation resumed. "Of course, right, teleporting…"

“I can do apples to oranges, but I haven’t learned to teleport yet. Tough?” Penny mused, bringing the leg up to her snout and sucking the meat from inside it.

Silver nodded. "Not a trick I'd suggest doing without serious tutoring, unless you like the idea of transporter malfunctions."

Night suddenly threw herself at Silver, knocking him over sideways. Even as he opened his mouth to squawk, she found it with her own snout. His magic experiment, aborted with a kiss.

Penny nodded. “Yup, Stick tends to use that same trick on me when I try to do something silly. Works every time.” The lunar unicorn mare returned to trying to exfiltrate the delicious meat from the crab on her plate.

Night drew back from a quieted Silver. "Please."

Silver sat up, his ears back and an unsure expression on his face. "If it's that important, then alright." He leaned in and they nuzzled, peace had.

“So, will you be coming then?” Penny set down the last of her crab shell, not a sliver of meat remaining in it. “To the wedding I mean… my wedding.”

Night nodded to Penny. "Of course." She reached with a wing to claim some herself, seeming to be recovering from her episode. "We wouldn't miss it."

Silver bobbed in agreement even as his magic worked to extract a bit for himself. "I'll have to think up something appropriate for a gift. What do your herdmates like?"

“Herdmates?” Penny blinked at the expression. “I never really thought of it like that but… well, Hay loves working with… oh, I know what they would both love. Dresses.” Penny grinned widely, considering this payback.

Night tilted her head. "Neither of us are seamstresses or know their size. That's a tall order for us to fill."

Silver leaned against her as he nodded. "We'll try, sure… Nothing a little less… customized?"

“Well, Stick loves music, but I don’t think she has ever tried making some herself. Hay… I think that girl would go nuts if you could find her something to build, like some kind of model or such.” Penny’s idea of ultimate revenge on the pair was sunk.

Silver clopped his hooves excitedly. "Now that I can work with. As for you, oh yes, I know what to get you…"

Night raised a brow. "Is it something I will have to be upset about?"

Penny looked at the pair, her eyes suddenly dancing. “What about you two? Planning on a big day too?”

Silver sat up suddenly. "That reminds me. Night, didn't you say you were going to tell me something?"

"Oh!" She brushed at her eyes with her wings. "Yes! Yes… Samantha, the doctor. She said everything was ready to go. I mean… I could burst any moment."

“Burst? Oh, have your foal?” Penny clopped her hooves together at the good news.

Silver recoiled a bit. "That's fantastic news… and it's going to happen at Penny's wedding."

Night wrinkled her snout. "I'd put bits down on it."

Penny nodded too. “I will invite a doctor, don’t worry.”

Night raised a hoof. "If Samantha wasn't there when it happened, she would cry herself hysterical for a week at my estimation. Is it alright if I just invite her to the wedding?"

“She is your doctor? Of course it is okay.” Penny levitated her plate up to the griffon when they swung by to collect dishes.

Silver flashed a sudden smile. "Hopefully, we're being too paranoid and we won't try to steal your limelight. You and your herd deserve to have your day to yourself."

“The day wouldn't have any ‘limelight’ if my friends weren’t there. But this is Equestria, and you can be sure that if something crazy can get crazier, it will. Is there a Murphy’s Law here?”

Night shook herself suddenly. "I am going to enjoy this crab." She proved her sincerity by attacking the poor defenseless animal, tearing into its succulent meats with artful prying with her deadly fangs.

Silver leaned away a little even as he laughed at the brutal attack. "Did I mention I love her? I'm pretty sure if it wasn't mutual, she would have killed me by now."

Even Penny was a little surprised by the vicious attack. “Well, if she was trying I doubt she would fail, I would really not want to be on the wrong side of you, Mrs. Lining.” Penny tested the effect of her probe, having not missed the artful avoidance of the question earlier.

Silver leaned forward towards Penny. "Let's let her enjoy her dinner now that she's thinking about it instead of other things. I'll be there. We'll be there, so be sure about that, alright?" He smiled at his friend. "It's nice having a friend from back 'then' around."

“Yeah, I have kinda tried to put a lot of that ‘then’ behind me, there wasn’t a whole lot of good from back then, I am just glad most of it is here now.” Penny smiled and settled back a little. “Well, what will I do with myself, I got a whole day off. No school. No planning for the wedding. I don’t even have to feed my marefriends today.”

Silver hiked a brow. "You feed both of them?" Click. "Wait, are they both changelings?!"

“Well, Stick is. Hay… is complicated. To put it simply, her father was meant to be an undercover agent from Chrysalis’ hive to try and lure ponies, from Dodge. Love happened.” Penny shrugged as if love was a cosmic force that couldn’t be challenged. “She only found out recently, Stick has been helping her explore that side of herself, Princess Fast too.”

Silver shook his head. "Humans. I swear we're a magnet for the loose pieces of Equestria, picking up the iron filings from between the cracks without fail."

“Maybe we are needed here, we surely didn’t cause this, but are we helping?” Penny turned philosophical too. “Is the Text, was that what you called it? Is it trying to help the world as a whole?”

Silver raised a brow. "I don't rightly know. It seems to enjoy happy endings, but loathe happy worlds, or, at least, happy 'stars'." He put a hoof to his chest. "Lucky me, I'm one of those, so I'm not allowed to just be happy."

“You aren’t happy?” Penny frowned, looking at her friend, then to Night. “You really could have fooled me.”

Silver grinned. "I've adapted, but I'm also on the watch out. Like we talked today. We're waiting for something to explode. Maybe it won't, but chances aren't good."

Penny giggled. “There is two things here that are going to explode, but only one of them soon.” She looked to Night.

Night coughed at the joke, aborting her feast as she sat up. "That was terrible." She licked over her lips. "Even if technically true."

“Hopeful too. If that is the big event you are sensing, then, at least, it is a wonderfully happy one.” Penny couldn’t help but grin wide, showing off a little fang as she did.

Night turned an ear. "You know what? Let's just go with that." She slid from her seat. "I choose to assume the arrival of our foals is an event significant enough to keep whatever it is happy. Thank you."

Penny followed suit, working herself up and out of her chair. Checking her dress, she makes sure it is sitting properly. “We should catch up more often, or even work on something. I must confess I haven’t been writing nearly what I used to.”

Silver tapped a chin. "You mentioned you were in school?" He hopped down with everyone else. "Trixie's been taking me to task for making up too much as I went along. She's no formal teacher, but she knows her way around magic, and it's helping I think. You could join?"

“Learn magic from The Great and Powerful Trixie? Are you kidding? That would be awesome.” Penny beamed. “Well, I best leave you two.” The lunar unicorn put down some bits on the counter where the griffon was waiting for them to pay.

Silver looked guilty when Penny rushed to pay, though how to phrase it escaped him. "Oh, if you call her that without being sarcastic, that will get you points with her right away."

Night waved a wing at Penny. "Good evening. We'll be seeing each other soon."

Penny looked around, then back to Night. “If you are expecting a big event, I would avoid ominous phrases.” She giggled and got her change from the waitress. “See you both around.”

118 - Freedom of Speech

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Silver scowled at where the unicorn had vanished from. He considered his various spells to pursue the pony directly, then thought better of it. Was there freedom of the press in Equestria? How was it phrased? Would he be the criminal in chasing after a paparazzi? He wasn't sure, but he had a few options to find out.

With a growing smirk, he decided to hedge his bets. He approached the place where the unicorn once stood and directed his horn at the spot, drawing in the faint residues of the considerable magic involved in teleporting. "Won't be perfect, but it doesn't have to be." With a few notes on his horn of increasing complexity, a new slime emerged and landed on his head. It didn't seem as eager to be close as the first one.

"Of course, it wouldn't be..." Why would it, it belonged to the camera-wielding pony. Silver held up the magic aetheric slime in his silvery magic. "But you'll do nicely for collateral. With any luck, I won't need you."

With his bargaining chip secured, he trotted for the castle, head held high and a smile on his snout. For once, he felt confident about handling the upset of the day.

"Ambassador." One of the guards nodded at him.

He nodded back in kind before realizing they may know. "A question for you, good pony. What are the laws concerning the rights of the press?"

The guard looked confused. "Rights of the press, sir?"

Didn't they have any? "Well, let's say somepony went and wrote something unkind about some other pony, or even Princess Celestia. What would the precedent be for handling that?"

The guard snorted softly. "No disrespect to the Princess, but I doubt she would do much about something as petty as that. She tries to be above rumors, coming or going."

It's good to be Queen, or so Silver thought. "And if a lesser pony was worried about it?"

He wobbled a hoof. "He could take the other pony to a local authority, be it a mayor, or the Day Court. Every city has an authority for just these emergencies."

Silver nodded a little. "And they would decide on the specific case?"

"Precisely, sir."

There were no precedents, it was all just made up as they went. Equestrian law was a strange thing indeed. "Alright, thank you very much. I won't bother you further."

The guard raised a brow at Silver. "Someone badmouthing you, sir?"

Silver tensed as the focus was thrown back at him. "N-not yet. I hope not."

"Did you do anything wrong, sir?"

That guard was being rather inquisitive for a guard, but Silver supposed he owed an answer for all the answers he had received. "No, but viewed from the outside by a peeper? They could get a thrilling, and false, headline out of it if they wanted to. I don't want my friends harmed over nothing."

"Understood, sir." He raised a brow. "You know, sir... I was a guard at that university."

Silver took a step back without even thinking of it. "W-what?"

"The one you were kicked out of." He looked Silver over with the impassive eyes of a guardspony. "You've grown since then."

Silver allowed a little smile. "Some naturally, some painfully, though one doesn't negate the other. I trust all the ponies involved in... that... are doing well now?"

"So far as I've heard." He tilted his head faintly. "That's quite a change, going from a near-murderous arsonist to one of the Princess' trusted aides."

Silver cringed. "I hope you don't really see it quite that way. I never wanted to hurt ponies."

"But you did." He tilted his head. "I'd wager my station that you'll do it again." He raised a hoof. "Hopefully, they'll deserve it."

Silver flashed a bright smile. "If I had to, I'd hope so."

The guard pointed at Silver's backside. "I always wondered, what does that mean?"

Silver glanced back at his cutie mark. "That's getting a touch personal, I think."

"It looks like a spell."

"It is."

The guard raised a brow. "How does a pony with a spell for a mark end up as an Ambassador?"

Did he know the guard? It was hard to tell. They all looked and sounded the same, but it was getting far too involved. "Destiny is a curious force. I would get going. Problems won't fix themselves." He trotted past the guard and into the castle proper.

Silver found Night in her room with Rough and Trixie. He greeted them all with a wave, but Night spotted things quickly. "What's that?" She pointed at the slime on his back. "Did you make another one? You promised not to."

He shook his head quickly. "This one isn't mine." He lifted the bright yellow slime in his magic. "This one belongs to a reporter who decided to snap a shot of me leaving Surprise's new store. I'm not sure what press he'll try pushing, but it worries me."

Trixie leaned forward, eyeing the slime. "Are you going to do something tricky with the poor pony?" A bright grin erupted across her snout. "Trixie wishes to see this."

Rough put a hoof before Trixie. "Calm down. I'm sure Silver just wants to know what the pony plans, not rush to revenge without a clue."

Night nodded. "I think Rough's right." She reached with a wing, taking the slime. "So can you track him with this? Was it a him or a her?"

Silver rolled a hoof. "Him. I didn't want to go rushing after him blindly before I knew what laws surrounded that, if any."

Night spread her wings wide. "And not without your backup."

Trixie stepped forward, head held high. "Of course. Well, now you have it, so let's go. We'll get to the bottom of this before it gets out of hoof."

It was hard to not feel a bit better about the situation with his family assembled and ready. Silver smiled at all three. "Thanks."

Night gave him a poke. "What do you think he'll write?"

Silver snorted at that. "I had an emotional moment with Surprise. Hugging was involved as we discussed the past, and I probably looked flustered as I left. Depending on how many pictures he got and when, he could make it look like we were up to something we most assuredly were not."

Night scowled. "Well, let's find out just how many we have to worry about. Go ahead and do the magic airplane."

"Magic airplane?" Rough raised an ear. "What's that?"

Silver grabbed a scrap of paper and folded it quickly into an airplane before giving it a toss as magic played, shimmering with input from the slime and gaining its target. The plane began to fly lazily but unerringly through the hallways, leading the entire family that trotted to keep up with the bedeviled construct.

They followed it out of the castle and through the streets of Canterlot, at least until it bumped into the side of another pony and fell to the sidewalk.

The pony turned before his eyes went wide and he spun away. It was too late to avoid their notice. Silver and Night's attention was focused. She leaned in towards him. "Is that who I think it is?"

"Pretty sure." Silver approached cautiously. "Rough?"

"Behind you." Rough Draft smiled.

Silver laughed at that. "Not you, Dad. Rough Tumble, is that you?"

Rough Tumble slowly turned towards them, his face red. "W-what do you want?"

Silver suddenly sifted through his memories. Had he ever reconciled with Rough Tumble? He supposed he hadn't. "How have you been?" He smiled brightly. "You're on your own by now, right?"

"Yeah..." Rough reached with a hoof and picked up the downed paper airplane. "This yours?"

"Sorry about that." Silver picked it up with his magic. "It's good to see you. We're chasing somepony down right now, but we should talk sometime. It's been a while."

Night advanced, a card held by a wing and offered to Rough Tumble. "Here, our card."

"Oh, uh, thanks..."

He felt subdued, and Silver wanted to figure out what was wrong exactly, but they were mid-mission. "Be alright until then, okay?" He smiled. "You're not alone."

"Says who?" Rough Tumble scowled at Silver, then dashed away with the same abruptness of his emotions and vanishing into the crowd.

Trixie shook her head a little. "That was curious but gets us no closer to that reporter. Get that airplane moving again, my Clever and Resourceful son."

Silver looked in the direction Rough Tumble had dashed off a moment before he nodded and they began chasing after the enchanted airplane as it led them through Canterlot. It crashed once more into a building, falling to the ground limply.

Rough Draft's eyes wandered upwards to the sign. "Snap Shot's Minute Report..." He tilted his head lightly. "Sounds like the right place."

Trixie strode to the fore, her magic throwing open the door to the inside as she proceeded unhindered. "Good. Trixie hopes they are ready to face the Great and Powerful Trixie."

A bright flash filled the room and left Trixie rubbing at her eyes. Night perked an ear. "Broken window, in the back." She spread her wings. "I don't care how fat I am. I'll catch him." She took to the air and was over the building almost instantly.

Rough Draft moved to assist his wife, leaving Silver to his own tricks.

He brought out his new slime with a little smile. "Time to slow down." He played a spell through the slime, attaching directly to the network of the pony to which it belonged. A surprised yelp came from behind the building.

"Got him!" came Night's triumphant cry just moment's later.

Soon they had all gathered inside, with the newspony between them. Trixie leveled a hoof at him. "You have several things to answer for. Where do you get off trying to blind Trixie?"

"This is my home and office! What are you doing here?"

Trixie rolled her eyes. "She walked in the front door. Is that strange?"

The stallion shrank a little. "Maybe a little..."

Rough Draft approached with a shake of his head. "We're not here to hurt anypony. Please, relax. We understand you took some pictures of Silver Lining here?"

"Watch," corrected Night with a raised wing. "Why are you chasing after Ambassador Silver?"

The newspony seemed to spy an opportunity and perked up with hope. "Ma'am, I have proof your stallion's seeing another mare behind your back!"

Night squinted behind her thick glasses. "Is that so? Well, let me see it."

He rose to his hooves. "Only if you can keep the others away." He glanced nervously at Silver and Trixie. "They don't play nice."

Night's wings spread, partially obscuring the sight of the two unicorns. "I promise, I won't let them stop you from showing them to me."

"Right, uh, one second..." He trotted into a small room bathed in red light, looking around manically. "Here we are." He grabbed one with his magic. "It's right here! You can see with your own eyes." He returned, looking much less stressed and more confident with every step with the picture he carried.

The picture was taken at a perfectly chosen angle that made it look like Surprise might have been enjoying Silver's horn like a lollipop.

Silver went red at seeing it, burning in his cheeks. "She gave me a little peck!"

Night shook her head, wing reaching for the photo. "The evidence is pretty damning..."

Snap Shot grinned, looking all the more confident at Night turned to his side. "See? I have other pictures, um, ma'am."

Night threw one wing over Snap Shot. "I'll take care of him, personally, but I don't want this making a stink. How much to have these pictures burned and never seen again?"

"W-what? But... I'm a reporter. My readers..."

Night raised a hoof to her gravid belly. "Please, think of the foals. Just this once..."

He licked his lips as he fidgeted in place.

Trixie raised a hoof much more menacingly than Night's gesture. "If she were in your place, she would take Night's generous offer before we resorted to other methods."

Snap Shot cringed. "You can't do this! I have rights!"

Silver stepped forward. "You have the right to be taken to court. I'm sure Celestia would be interested in the case. Did I already mention we talk, in private, more than most ponies get to see of her in their lifetimes during holidays?"

Snap scowled at Silver. "You're hiding behind the Princess!"

Night moved to put herself between Snap and the others. "I made you an offer, as a mother. We don't need this kind of news in our papers." She smiled gently. "You're better than this, posting smut in a Canterlot newspaper. What will ponies say?"

"S-smut?" Snap Shot sank to his haunches, looking at the photo with new eyes.

Rough Draft nodded. "That's a pretty indecent picture. You'll have to make sure no foals get their hooves on it."

"W-what... I mean..." He threw the picture at Night, flopping against her. "Fine, take it! I don't need that kind of reputation."

Night snatched up the picture from the ground. "I knew you were a reasonable pony. Thank you."

119 - I Warned You

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With Silver heading back to the castle with Rough and Trixie at his sides, Night broke off silently. She stalked through the streets. Though much rounder than usual, it was still her city, and she was still a night guard, inside. Concentrating on making her way stealthfully made her more relaxed the more focus she put into it.

"I warned you," she whispered under her breath as she darted from behind one box to the next, her wings twitching restlessly. "I thought you understood the situation."

The sweet-looking building came into view. It was like a great and colorful cake, promising delicious treats. Night bared her fangs at it. The only sweetness she desired was revenge. With spread wings, she launched from the ground and landed on the roof quietly, stalking slowly across as she looked for an alternative way in. "There's a good forty percent chance..."

She found a vent with a grin and leaned over the edge, peering into the darkness only moments before black smoke came billowing out at her in a sudden rush. She was sent scurrying back, falling and wheezing.

"Sorry!" came a familiar voice from below before Surprise popped up through the vent, her mane tinged gray by the soot. "I didn't think anypony was up here! I was just cleaning everything out." She tilted her head. "Night? Hiya! You alright?"

Her surprise was ruined by Surprise. Figured... Night gave one more powerful cough, sending a small cloud of soot into the air before she rose to her hooves. "We have something to discuss."

"Do we? Oh hey! Since you're here, lemme show you around!" She vanished right back into the vent with a much smaller cloud of disturbed soot left in her wake.

Night shook her head as she aborted the idea of a stealthy entry. She took a brief flight to the front door and clopped a hoof on it.

The door swung open almost immediately. "Hi again! I thought you were gonna come in from above. I guess this works too." Surprise tilted her head. "Well don't just stand there, silly, come on in!" She gestured inside with an energetic waving of a hoof. "I'm so glad to see you."

Night prowled past Surprise, shaking out bits of soot as she went. "Are you? Why is that?" She cast narrowed eyes around. The bakery theme was strong with that place. Even the chairs looked baked and sweet. The countertops looked frosted. It was a little world of desserts.

Surprise clopped her forehooves, missing any of the signs of Night's agitation. "Why wouldn't I be? You're a friend. Isn't it great? I've been super busy getting everything just right."

Night turned suddenly on Surprise. "I know that feeling. I'm just getting things close to just right. How would it make you feel if somepony just came along and..." She lashed out a hoof with frightful strength, knocking one of those muffin chairs at a nasty angle from its base. "Ruined it."

Surprise's eyes went wide. "Night Watch! Why?!" Her expression just as quickly melted back into a smile, sympathetic rather than angry. "Oh, I know. You're having mommy issues. It's alright. I'm here for you." She started to approach on two legs, her forelegs wide as if to give a hug. "Come here, auntie Surprise'll make it all better!"

Night hated it. Night hated everything about it. She scowled at Surprise, a growl rumbling in her throat with every step she took. "This isn't about any damned hormones, Surprise."

Surprise tilted her head. "Well, what is it about then? Offer's still available!" She offered her forehooves, but didn't amble closer, to Night's relief.

Night sat on her haunches and took a slow breath. "Right, subtlety isn't working, so let's be frank."

"I'd rather be Surprise. You don't look like a Frank to me."

Night raised a brow behind her glasses at Surprise. "Enough. I told you that Silver was off-limits to you."

Surprise tilted her head the other way. "Huh? We can't be friends now?" Her ears fell. "Why?"

Night pulled out the incriminating photo. "You were doing more than being friends, Surprise. You're wriggling your way into his soft heart. You're going to look at him with big sad eyes, and he won't say no. He doesn't like hurting ponies, Surprise."

Surprise fell back to all fours. "It'd hurt you."

Night flinched. "Yes... Yes, it would."

Surprise rolled a hoof. "So he wouldn't do it, because he doesn't like hurting ponies."

Night scowled. She reared up and her foals apparently didn't agree with the motion. With a sudden thump of a kick from inside, she fell back down with a grimace. "It doesn't... work like that. If he thinks he can convince me after the fact to cope with it..."

Surprise began the motion of the sacred Pinkie Promise. "Well, I swear, I'm not here to steal your stallion, Night. You are my friend too, and if it hurts you, then it's not worth it, period." She tilted her head a little. "I just want a friend." She reached out a hoof towards Night. "I have one, right?"

Night drew a slow breath. The hoof extending towards her was everything she wanted and was furious at all put together. She felt like she was on a razor's edge. She felt dangerously close to a step she couldn't take back. Part of her wanted it... The hoof touched her. She could break that leg. As slippery as Surprise was, she could break that pony. Break her and make sure she never came back.

That was awful. Night suddenly sank to her belly. Tears stung her eyes as she trembled. Surprise came in and took her into a firm hug, and she cried into the harmless pony's shoulder. "You already have him..."

Surprise jerked back. "Huh?"

Night prodded her in the chest. "You were there, in that awful dream of his. That terrible place he shouldn't have ever been in. You know what he saw and what he did. I'll never have that."

Surprise quirked a smile as she sat on her haunches. "I can tell you about it. He was with you most of the time." She smiled. "He loves you."

She began to tell stories of that place. Night sat and listened. With only a few sniffles to interrupt, she listened.

Silver and his parents ran into Night's parents in the hallways of the castle. After Hours nodded at them. "It's been fun, but our daughter is clearly in good hooves. We won't be in her way any longer."

Trixie put a hoof to her chest. "You don't need to be in a hurry. You should be there for the wedding."

Bedtime flashed a fanged smile. "We know where we're needed. She'll send us a letter if she wants us there, but be sure to let her know we're very proud of her."

Silver turned to see Night wasn't there at all. "Don't you want to, at least, say goodbye in person?"

After inclined a tufted ear at Silver. "To be honest." The lunar mare squirmed a little. "We've had about all we can take of this city. It's a lovely place, but it's not our place." She suddenly smiled at Silver. "You should come visit us. You're family now."

Bedtime nodded in quick agreement. "Oh yes! Do come by, and bring your parents." He nodded in turn to Rough and Trixie. "We're all family now, right?"

Rough smiled broadly at that. "Of course. It would be an honor." He giggled suddenly. "I never thought I'd visit there..."

Bedtime raised a brow. "It's true, there are mostly lunar ponies where we're from, but that doesn't mean you can't." He offered a hoof and Rough met it with a clop. "I'll see you all there."

And they were gone, trotting towards the train without looking back.

Trixie snorted suddenly. "She doesn't understand how anypony could be in a hurry to flee Canterlot."

Rough set a hoof on Trixie's withers. "Not everypony enjoys larger cities. Hay, I like my little town."

Trixie prodded Rough on a shoulder. "But here you are."

Rough shrugged before looking towards Silver. "My OC slash son needs me. He's worth a little discomfort."

Silver blushed brightly. "Thanks, dad." He giggled. "You know, you're my OC too."

Rough tapped the ground lightly. "Sorry, you're in my world. You're officially my OC. Live with it." He stuck out a broad pony tongue.

Silver hugged Rough, signaling his acceptance.

Trixie looked around. "Where did your wife go running off to?"

"I noticed that a little bit ago." Silver frowned a little. "She can be mysterious at times. I don't think she was ambushed this time."

Trixie raised a brow. "Is being ambushed a frequent problem?"

Silver frowned a little. "Well, at least once. I think she's fine."

With a sudden pop, Discord hovered over Silver's head. "I thought I told you not to play with those. Tsk tsk, naughty pony."

Silver craned his head back to look up at Discord. "Hey man. What do you mean?"

Discord shook his head with his admonishing tsks. "These." With a deft snatch, he was holding the yellow slime of the reporter. "Now, as much as I'd love to see what happens if you keep messing with these, I do kind of like you a little, so last warning, you really should stop that."

Trixie looked back and forth at Silver and Discord. "Just what is so hazardous about that spell?"

Discord grinned at her. "Oh, if you want to experiment with it, go ahead."

"Pass." Trixie waved a hoof dismissively. "You are Discord, are you not?"

"And you." Discord appeared beside Trixie, holding a cape in one hand that he ran over Trixie, revealing her in full entertainment regalia, fireworks exploding around them. "--are the Great and Powerful Trixie, who's magic can only be eclipsed by her ego."

Rough thrust up a hoof, warding Discord away. "My wife is a fine and good pony. Don't go rushing to--"

"My condolences."

"W-what?" Rough Draft began to burn with fury or shame, perhaps in some combination. "I'm not sorry! She's--"

"Yes yes." Discord patted Rough on the head. "She has you trained quite obediently."

Silver let out a sigh as it looked like his parents and Discord were ready to get into a full-on brawl. "Alright, relax, please. Discord, don't taunt my parents like that. They're not bad ponies."

Discord flashed a grin at him. "Good ponies know how to take a joke."

Trixie poked at her new vest and bowtie. "Trixie may actually like this look..."

Discord threw his arms wide. "Maybe I misjudged you. Anypony with such a fine taste in fashion must be alright."

Rough let out a little breath and plopped down on his haunches. He looked ready to say something to Discord, but the chaos spirit was gone. He shook his head and turned his gaze to Trixie. "You do look dashing in it, dear."

Trixie smiled brightly and reared up on her hind legs. "She does, doesn't she." She did a slow turn, showing off the bedazzled vest made for a Las Vegas performer. It complimented her wizardly attire well enough. With a sudden motion, she drew the new clothing off and held it in her magic, folding it neatly. "Trixie will save this for special occasions."

120 - Be Mindful of the Library

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Silver trotted through the hallways he was starting to learn the layout of. Layouts were so much easier to memorize than other things, or so Silver thought. Following his internal map, he found himself in the restricted areas of the library. The guards recognized him, even if he didn't them. How did one tell one guard from the next?

They didn't stop him, so he trotted past, placing the aetheric slime book back on a shelf. "Useful, but when Discord warns you twice... I'm just asking for the world to fall on me if I go for a third." He turned away from the book, even with all its potential. "Damn Star Swirl, you really need to put disclaimers first."

The pain of letting go was quickly forgotten as he remembered he was a foal in a candy store. There were so many books! Wandering in a random pattern, Silver closed his eyes and reached out a hoof until it came into contact with a book. The tome fell from the shelf and his eyes snapped open, his magic grabbing the book before it hit the ground. Het let out a breath of relief before he lifted his new selection and moved to a table to examine it.

Advanced Telekinesis: Your Horn Can Do So Much

Silver's ears lifted with curiosity as he flipped the cover open with his magic and tried to flip through the book, only to be foiled. The book refused to open past the front page. His eyes scanned over the aged paper with building wonder.

Hello and welcome, faceless student. If you are a unicorn eager enough to read this book, you have likely already attempted to skip ahead. You will only be able to proceed when your telekinesis advances to the point of mastery that you will be able to responsibly handle the magic contained within. The trick required for the first chapter isn't difficult. Every chapter will have its trick within it, but not always at the end. You should be paying attention from start to finish, so no skipping!

With that said, welcome. Though we may never meet, it still warms my heart to know there are unicorn learners ready to read and expand their knowledge. This book, as hinted by the title, is all about telekinesis. All unicorns have it by the time they are adults, but so many are happy with basically picking things up and putting them down. You can do more, and if you're ready to learn, you'll soon be performing amazing tricks that could very well save lives, and yourself some effort.

The remainder of the page was written in unicorn script. It was a spell, and one Silver began eagerly devouring. He wasn't memorizing it, that would take a while, but just playing it from the paper wasn't too hard, and he soon had the first chapter open. With a little giddy giggle, he picked up the book in his forehooves and gave it a hug. His book was chosen.

He trotted back towards his room with his prize.

Along the way, he encountered a mare he recognized, but couldn't place. He squinted at her, trying to place it.

She scowled at him, apparently noticing his attention. "Preparing to make fun of me?"

The voice, it was that mare! The one that kidnapped him. What was her name again... "No! No. Sorry. How are things?"

"How are things?" She raised a brow. "You get me thrown into community service and that's what you say 'how are things?'" She snorted with disgust before a laugh erupted from her. "You're something else. You're going to die alone, aren't you?"

Silver shook his head. "Already too late for that, but relax on the hostilities. I have to get going." He started trotting past her. He felt the urge to taunt his married status, but he swallowed it. "Nice seeing you."

She shook her head in kind and moved opposing him, soon out of one another's sight.

He pushed open the door to his room and found his family awaiting him. All eyes were on him, making him acutely self-aware. Slowly, he set the book of magic down on the counter. "Uh, hi everyone?"

Night flashed a smile. "What horribly banned book did you select today?"

Rough Draft ambled over to the book, leaning over the dresser to have a peek. "Huh, this one looks a lot less sketchy."

Trixie's magic appeared around the book, lifting it up and pulling it over. "Ah, a book of telekinesis? Trixie approves of this. You could use practice."

Silver slipped his magic in beneath Trixie's, taking the book back. "Glad you agree, but why are you all ready to grill me the moment I'm through the door?"

Night tapped him on the shoulder. "We have confidence in you, which extends to the ability to throw yourself headlong where you shouldn't be." She leaned in and kissed his cheek. "Thank you for returning the other one. Say, where did that creep's yellow slime go off to?"

Silver waved a hoof aimlessly. "Discord nabbed that one too. Think he has a use for them?"

Night rolled her eyes. "Something suitably chaotic, I'm sure. Still, he obviously does like you."

Silver smiled brightly. "Good, I like him too, as a friend."

Night raised both her brows. "Well good! Because if you had romantic feelings for him, I'm afraid I'd have to draw a new line in the sand."

Trixie rolled her eyes. "That is not even worth joking about." She moved to Rough's side, pressing against him quietly. "Well, since we all agree on your selection of magical training, shall we celebrate?"

Night raised a hoof. "Why don't we try Surprise's little bakery? She should be ready now."

They all nodded in agreement and they left together, unaware of Night's fixed stance in even offering the idea.

Surprise was happy to see them, but she wasn't alone anymore. There were a few other curious ponies willing to try out the new place, and she was doing well both in seeing to their sweet tooths and getting to know them. It helped that she knew one of them. "Say hello to Minuette!"

Silver tilted his head a little. "Hi there. New friend?"

"Old friend, actually." Minuette nodded sagely before popping a cookie into her snout.

Rough glanced between them. "You told her?"

Surprise shrugged a little. "How could I not? I'm not her Pinkie, but close."

Minuette seemed eager to wave it off. "It's no big deal. Of all the crazy things Pinkie's done, this isn't even the top of the chart, so I say 'Hello not-Pinkie!'" She threw a leg over the counter and pulled Surprise closer. "She's just as nice and sweet as the original, and this one lives a lot closer!"

Surprise burst into a happy giggling even as a tear escaped from her joyful eyes. "I don't know why I was working myself up for nothing! I should have known my friends would understand."

Minuette waggled her brows. "So, you didn't tell Actual-Pinkie yet, right? I call dibs on being there to see her face."

Surprise waved it off. "I'm not in any big hurry. Now! Let's get you all something tasty!" She hurried over to her stoves and popped them open, extracting steaming treats that had been waiting for just that moment through magic only she had, and slid them onto the counter before the Watch family. "Eat up!"

Trixie lifted one of the muffins and took a careful bite. "Mind it, it's hot, but mmm. She forgets how much better baked treats are when they are just out of the oven."

The entire group was in ready agreement, going quiet if only to focus on enjoying the delectable desserts that their dear and delightful hostess had divined deliberately for their dining pleasure.

"Trixie desires something spicy." The bright blue pony leaned over the counter. "Have you something of that sort?"

Surprise perked up. "Sure do!" She spun around and began rummaging about before she emerged with what looked like a frosted bun of some sort. "It'll make your tongue plead for mercy. You've been warned."

Well in the grips of her urges, Trixie took a bite of it without preamble. Her face lit up red instantly. Tears of pain began to flow, but she took another bite. "It's... just what she asked for..." Whether that was good or not, she didn't say.

Night eyed the dangerous treat with a sudden fixation of her own, but Silver put a hoof before her eyes. "No. You don't need that."

"Give me a good reason."

Silver went for the kiss distraction, only to find Night returning it far more strongly than he expected. They sank against the bar, smooching and unaware of Rough Draft's desperate attempts to support his wife's self-destructive eating urge.

Minuette hiked a brow even as a giggle emerged from her. "You have the funniest friends, Surprise was it?"

"Uh huh." Surprise bobbed her head. "Yourself included."

"Oh, pfft." Minuette waved it off. "I can't even compare." She slid up to her hooves. "I'll definitely be back! I should get going for now, though. You keep it crazy, alright?"

"You got it!" They shared waves as Minuette walked out.

Silver managed to extract himself from his amorous wife and sat up with her beside him, nestled together but no longer outright smooching. "Looks like things are working out for you, Surprise. You going to reach out to all your old friends?"

Surprise flashed a huge smile. "I won't go after them, but when they come in here looking for sweet treats, then I'll tell them. I bet Minny's gonna tell a few friends and send them my way." She leaned in, a hoof held up conspiratorially. "Just between us, but she's a bit of a gossip, shh."

He giggled at the idea of someone gossiping about someone being a gossip. "You don't say?"

121 - Ambassadorial Duties

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Silver was probing through that first chapter. There was already so much to learn. One of the first things it had was a new spell it urged he dedicate to memory. It would let him feel through his telekinesis more finely and could, with practice, be used almost without thought during the act of using the telekinesis itself. The book urged that the habit be made, and to consider the unicorn magic as another, much more dynamic, limb.

So that's what he was doing, trying to get a feel for the spell and for how he could touch and examine things at a distance.

"What are you doing?" Night asked, lying on their bed and watching him.

Silver turned his silvery attention to Night, scratching her about the ears and slowly petting along her form. He could feel the smooth flow of her fur, the warmth of her full and round form. It was truly as if he had hands again though hands could never pet and examine Night all over at once like that.

A soft knock at the door jerked both of their attentions. Silver hopped to his hooves. "Come in!"

A day guard nudged open the door with a letter hovering beside him. "Message from Princess Celestia. Your presence is requested."

Silver perked an ear curiously even as he took the letter with his magic. With his enhanced sensitivity, he could feel the other pony's magic as their fields rubbed against one another. It was strange and a little like touching a live wire before they came apart. The paper felt crisp and neatly folded. He easily unfolded it, breaking its seal, and there was Celestia's equally crisp handwriting or was that hoofwriting he supposed...

It is with shame that I write you, Ambassador Watch. I know you were promised time off, but there is a matter that I think only you can adjudicate fairly. A human male has been accused of most heinous crimes, and you are our ambassador to them. If you can please speak with this human and perhaps find a peaceful resolution, or at least the truth of things, I would be grateful. If not, we will have to do our best, but I understand.

Sincerely, Princess Celestia.

Silver folded it back up with a sigh. "She's made an optional request that isn't very optional. Night, how are you feeling?"

Night scowled at him. "Suddenly not so well."

Silver held up a hoof. "Sorry, misphrased. I'm not asking to leave you alone, I'm asking if you're up for coming with me." He ran sensitive telekinetic fingers along her side. "I don't want to go anywhere without you."

Night slid from the bed and began moving for the door. "Then let's go. We shouldn't keep a princess waiting."

He smiled at her rebounded attitude and was happy to walk at her side. The guard led them to their office where a man was seated in a chair. Magic glowed brightly around his wrists and ankles, keeping him from moving easily. "Here he is, sir. I'll be just outside if you need anything."

Night nodded to him. "Thank you." It was as good a dismissal as any, and the guard was soon gone.

Silver trotted around the human, examining the man even as he was examined in kind.

"Here to sentence me?"

"Oh, I hope not." Silver smiled at him with a little nervousness. "I'm an ambassador, not a judge."

He seemed confused at that. "Why would they send an ambassador?"

Silver pointed at the man. "Because I'm ambassador to humans, and you're one of those." He sat down on his haunches. "So let's get to know one another."

"No, thanks."

Silver rolled a hoof. "Don't be like that. I was a human once, you know? I haven't forgotten what it's like to have fingers, or enjoy a hot dog, or watching some television."

Night raised a brow suddenly. "You ate dogs?"

The man laughed at the confusion. "You don't say? So is that what they're going to do, turn me into a pony and call me cured?"

It had worked for Silver, but he didn't say that. "No. The ponies just want to know why you acted the way you did. They're scared of you and for you. So what's your name? I'm Silver Watch."

"Like the one in your pocket?" He indicated the large silver watch Silver wore.

Silver looked down at it. "I forgot I was wearing that, but yes, just like that." He pulled the watch free in his magic. "I like making friends, and making a positive difference. It was engraved by my wife here--"

"Wife?" He looked to Night and back to Silver. "You've really gone native, haven't you? Did you know there's a woman here, a real woman?"

Silver raised his brows in unison. "Interesting, but I don't need anyone but Night here. She's a lovely person, be they human, pony, or anything else." He tapped at his chin. "So, that name?"

"Brad," admitted the man. "My name's Brad. Do you have a human name?"

Silver pointed a hoof at himself. "David, not that I use it much anymore, still, human to human, hello. Want to tell me what happened?"

Brad let out a slow breath. "You just want me to confess?"

Silver perked his ears. "From the way it was told to me, they're pretty sure of what they think you did, but I'd rather know the truth, and maybe help?" He hopped up onto his chair and it spun around until it faced Brad again. "Are you comfortable?"

Brad tried to move his arms, but that wasn't possible much. "Not really."

"Then let's start there. Brad, can I trust you to not try to harm us? We're not your enemies and don't want to be."

"I didn't want to hurt her..."

Silver smiled a little. "Tell me about her." His magic felt in between the human's wrists and the binding magic. He found a little catch in it and with a pop, they were gone. "Did you know her before you came to Equestria?"

Brad rubbed at one of his freed wrists with the opposing hand, looking grateful for having some mobility returned. "No... I just met her. I... Look, you wouldn't understand. You just went native, like she did! It was the first human I saw and I wanted to talk to her and she just... She just brushed me off like I was nothing and went back to her horse."

Silver nodded slowly. "Trying to talk to somep--one doesn't get you where you are. What happened after that?"

Brad folded his arms and leaned back in the chair, even if his ankles were still restricted. "I tried to get her alone, you know, so I could introduce myself. She didn't like that much."

Night rolled her eyes from the sideline. "You foalnapped her? That doesn't make friends."

Silver held up a hoof at his wife. "Something set them off. Did you hurt her?" He tilted his head. "Did she hurt you?"

Brad went quiet a moment. "No... She isn't hurt or nothing... I had a gun." Silver Stiffened. "But nobody got shot." The stiffness faded a little. "The big horse crushed it."

Silver let out a little breath. "That was probably Princess Celestia. She's one of two rulers of the land, and very nice, but she doesn't like weapons very much. Look, we all make mistakes. You've had some time to reflect on it. Where did it all go wrong?"

Brad put out his hands, trembling a little. "I just didn't want to be alone. Is that a mistake?"

Silver smiled gently. "No, no. Of course not." He hopped down from his chair. "Being alone is a very real pain. I've felt it before. Let's put the woman out of this. Have you tried making friends?"

"With who, the horses?" He raised a brow. "I'm not even sure you're not just another horse."

Silver shrugged, "So what if I am? I'm a talking horse, with opinions, hobbies, aspirations and feelings. That means I can be a friend. You just have to find a pony or three that shares your interests, and what species they are hardly matters." Silver pointed at himself. "The goal isn't to find a girlfriend, just a friend. Romance, that can wait."

"I'm not a horse... Look, you don't get it."

Silver tilted his head at Brad. "Stop focusing on that. You don't need to take off your clothes to make friends."

He glanced at the two ponies. "Can't help but notice you two have more clothes than a lot of ponies, guards excluded."

Night shrugged. "Just a little habit we happen to share. Does it bother you?"

"Nah..." He leaned back a little. "Actually, it's kind of nice to be around horses that don't parade around naked all the time."

Silver smiled at that. "You're in the right city then. Ponies in Canterlot tend to be dressed more often than not. It's a status symbol around here. Brad, are you sorry for what you did?"

"I didn't mean to hurt anyone..."

"Will you do it again?" Silver raised a brow.


"I'll talk to Princess Celestia. We'll get this worked out. And you should probably stop calling them horses. They're a bit small for horses, don't you think?"

Brad snorted at that, rising awkwardly to his feet. "Their princess is big enough. Small horses are still horses."

"Ponies," offered Night. "The least you can do is call us by what we are."

Silver departed with Night, explaining to the guard that Brad should be handled gently before he went on to find Celestia. That wasn't a hard task, and soon they were seated in one of her favored sitting rooms.

Celestia smiled gently. "You look like you have good news for me."

Silver nodded. "He seemed confused, and lonely, but not inherently vicious. He put up a wall between himself and ponies, refusing to see them as fellow sentients to be dealt with normally, and when the chance to deal with a human came up, well, he bungled that right up." He snorted out a bit of a chuckle. "I don't think he'll do it again, but he should be watched, for his sake. He needs friends more than anything else."

Night prodded Silver in the side. "He's a bit of a jerk if you don't mind that I say so."

"He's hurt." Silver tapped at his chin. "He's afraid. You can be a bit of a jerk yourself if you're pushed into a corner, anypony can be. We should try to help him out of that corner, and he'll become a much happier person, for himself and ponies around him."

Celestia sipped lightly from her tea. "I'm glad you had the chance to speak with him. I'm told you undid his hoofcuffs. I trust you feel he's safe?"

Silver nodded quickly. "I don't think he's looking for a reason to hurt people. I don't think he really wanted any of this to happen. He made a mistake."

"What," said Celestia, fixing Silver in her gaze. "--do you think I should do, as punishment?"

Silver lifted an ear. "Was anyone hurt?"

"He was, mildly. The foalnap victim was freed without injury."

Silver rolled a hoof. "Justice is done. I imagine the victim just wants to be left alone."

Celestia smiled gently. "You are merciful. Good. I had hoped more wouldn't be required, but getting a read on a human is tricky, even those I know well." She reached across and set a hoof right on Silver's head. "The guards mentioned you swapped books?"

Silver drew out his new book eagerly, showing it to Celestia. "It's great, and I've barely started!"

Celestia nodded, though her eyes didn't stay on the book long. "I'm glad to hear you're enjoying yourself. I do hope you forgive me for interrupting your time off."

Night leaned closer to Silver. "I didn't have to leave his side, nor he mine, so we'll let you slide on this one."

Silver thought back to when Luna tried to send him away and frowned a moment before he tucked away his book. "It's no problem, like Night said. I'm glad we were able to help defuse the situation. If he needs to talk, send him to us."

122 - The Perfect Basket

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Night tossed a small bundle of papers onto one of the beds. "Results are back. Neither is poisoned."

Silver felt a blush rising. "Better safe than sorry, right?""

Night circled him silently before nipping his shoulder. "I'd say I understand, but I'd be lying." She threw a leg over him. "Still, I do understand that you've been strongly affected by this... by her scheming, so I forgive and I'm not angry." She waved a hoof at the basket. "Shall we?"

Silver let out a little breath. "We should, but don't get bitter about it. It's done and done." He trotted towards the basket where they had abandoned it. "A lot of what I saw has been very relevant in its strangely skewed way." He inclined an ear towards Night. "Instead of poison, my supposed fans just attacked us in the streets. Prophecies are hard."

Night moved alongside him, eyes darting between him and the basket. "Look, I know you're not the kind of pony to do the 'grudge' thing, and I'm trying... I don't want to dislike her... But the facts..." She thrust a hoof at Silver. "She changed you. She snatched away the pony I used to know and returned another that looks like him." She brought the hoof to her head. "But different in so many ways."

Silver's approach halted in a rough stop. "W-what? Night, we all change. I'm still Silver." He sat slowly, facing her. "I love you, but that's just so many words." He raised his forelegs wide. "I know you're having a hard time right now. I want to be there for you, every step. What can I do?"

Night smiled wanly. "I suppose nothing. You're right, of course. Ponies change. For the longest time... I didn't. I was Night Watch. I did my job and tried to do it well, and that was the sum total of most of my life, then some little unicorn wandered into it and knocked me right off that course." She smooched his cheek gently. "Thank you." She wandered past him, closing the distance to the basket. "By the way, that human. He was almost certainly not telling the whole truth about almost anything he said."

Silver scrambled to his hooves, joining Night at the basket. "He's scared, confused, and probably embarrassed at everything fouling up. I'd be more surprised if he was telling the whole and complete truth. Hopefully Celestia will take my advice to heart and keep him in view, for his sake and those around him." He reached with his new tactile magic and began rummaging through the gifts curiously, only to find there was something small and sharp attached to a shred of paper. It was so small, he was certain he wouldn't have noticed it without the magic enhancing his senses through his silvery field. What was it?

He pulled the paper free of the pile and turned it left and right in the air. "Don't touch this one..."

"Again?" Night sounded a little perturbed.

Despite that, he quickly scanned over the letter. There were no words, just a photograph Prince Blueblood. On the backside was one little sentence. "Welcome to the upper crust."

Silver stuck out his tongue a little. He didn't want to believe Blueblood would attack him. If his dream had even a shred of truth, there was goodness in Blueblood. His magic felt over the letter, brushing over the sharp little bit. He pried it, rubbing against the source until it popped free of the paper and lifted the tiny sliver of metal into clear view.

"Are you going to be suspicious of everything?"

Silver blinked. "What, no. Please, go ahead. I think this is the only thing in there." He placed the shard aside carefully. "Who did you use to get things analyzed?"

With the danger set aside for the moment, Silver sat beside Night, who was already stuffing her face with a few sweet treats. "I'll introduce you to her after I get a few more snacks."

The treats were many and varied. Rough and Trixie arrived as they sampled various boxes and packages and soon the entire family was enjoying a sugary treat fit for even a Pinkie celebration.

Rough picked out a letter from the dwindling basket. "There are some nice thoughts in here with the candy. Oh! Here's one from Fancy and Fleur. Remember them?"

Trixie nodded quickly. "They provided that lovely house when you were just learning to be a colt. We really should reply to that one." Trixie's magic wrapped around the letter and drew it closer even as she popped another candy into her mouth. "It's good to see my colt is so welcome in Canterlot."

Silver let out a sudden little breath he wasn't aware he was holding. "You know... maybe you're right."

Trixie raised a brow. "Of course she is right. Why would you think otherwise?"

Night jabbed Silver in the side. "He's running from visions in his head."

Rough sat up and clopped his forehooves together. "It's like Merlin in my stories!"

Silver blinked slowly. "Merlin? Really?"

"What?" Rough tilted his head. "Is that a bad human name? I made it up. I mean, I made up David too and that worked out."

Silver raised a hoof a moment, then slowly let it fall. "Oh, you have no idea how amazing that is."

Rough joined in prodding at Silver. "I won't until you tell me! My creation, speak and tell me how amazing I am!"

Silver put a fetlock over his face. "Merlin is a very popular myth in my world, about a druid slash wizard that lived in our middle ages and helped shape the future of a country, not as a king but as an advisor to said king."

"Oh, he wasn't the king?" Rough tilted his head. "Guess I got it a little off, but close enough!" He clopped his hooves with renewed joy.

Silver smiled at his joyful OC. "I used to always think that imagination was just us tuning into other realities, seeing what could be and may actually be, somewhere else. Meeting you has made that so much more real."

Rough threw a leg over Silver and squeezed him close. "You too!?"

Trixie leaned over towards Night. "Stallions..."

Night flashed a fanged smile. "We love them anyway."

Trixie reached for a candy, only for Night's wing to ward her away. "Hey..."

Night gave a hiss of an angry cat. "Mine."

Trixie clopped lightly on the ground. "We're both heavy mares. Split it in half or Trixie may split other things in half!"

Silver looked towards the candy that had become the center of ire and felt over it with his magic before he tried to will it in two in a feat of spontaneous magic. It went about as well as anyone could have hoped.

Rough blinked softly, covered in fragments of sugary confection. "What was that?"

Night and Trixie looked to Silver as one. They glanced at one another, then rose to their hooves.

Silver swallowed audibly and shrank back. "I'll buy you some more?" The next thing he knew, he had been thrown bodily from the room, and the door slammed behind him. His mission was clear. "Pregnant mares..." He smiled though as he stood. He couldn't feel much ire towards his wife or adoptive mother. Sure, being thrown out was a bit annoying, but it meant he could take a walk, and all that sugar was ready to be used.

He broke into an energetic trot even as his magic felt around him. He was still getting used to being able to feel through it so keenly, and it was an exciting ability. It was also one he needed to have down in memory, and one he was eager to do so with.

"Watch it!"

Silver stopped just before crashing into a mare. Carrot... something? "Oh, hello again. Feeling better?"

Carrot raised a brow at him. "What do you look so happy about?" She glanced left and right. "Look... sorry. I wasn't trying to be snippy."

Silver waved it off. "Already forgiven. Do you know a candy shop?" While Surprise surely had the baked goods down, candy was another thing. "I need to get something specific."

Carrot looked intrigued. "Sure, I know a few. So... you're really not mad?"

Silver offered a hoof. "I'm willing to put it behind us if you are. Let's meet again. I'm Silver Watch. Nice to meet you."

Carrot hesitated a moment before she rose her hoof, meeting his with a soft clop. "Carrot Plate. You're a big shot around here, somehow, I heard?" She began to lead the way. "How'd that happen?"

"That's quite a story." Silver laughed a little. "But, basically, I'm one of the few ponies that understands a new phenomenon and Princess Celestia trusts me to help handle it. I like helping her, and the ponies caught up in it."

Carrot swiveled an ear back at him. "What kind of thing is it? How do you know about it?"

Silver frowned faintly at the questions, but they weren't unreasonable. "Do you know what a human is?"

Carrot tapped at her chin as she moved along with her other three legs. "Tall, two legs, naked skin? I've seen one or two in the castle, I think."

"Great." Silver smiled. "That's what I'm in charge of."

"You're in charge of the humans?" Carrot raised a brow. "How does a little colt like you get in charge of that, uh, no offense."

Silver saw little reason in hiding his past. It was likely spreading slowly via rumor already. "I was one."

Carrot came to a sudden halt. She turned in place to look Silver up and down. "You're pulling a leg..."

Silver put a hoof to his chest. "I swear I'm telling the truth. I'm a pony now, but I was a human before. I try to help both sides meet in the middle, as friends."

She suddenly clopped her forehooves, seated back on her haunches. "You're the new Ambassador everypony's talking about! Oh Celestia, I feel so slow right now."

Silver shook his head quickly. "Don't even start to be worried about it. Uh, to be truthful, I might have forgotten your name at first... I'm glad we have a chance to meet properly this time." He smiled. "How are you doing, really?"

She rose to her hooves and they resumed their journey. "Good and bad... I'm an adult now, but I don't..." She trailed off, glancing at him. "How can I know I can really trust you?"

He smiled gently. "Just my word. I'd rather a friend over an old enemy any day. I don't think you're bad, or ever were. Maybe I can help?"

"Maybe..." She trotted ahead. "I was so busy being a queen bee as a foal that I never really figured out what I want to do now that I'm an adult. Since I was working for Celestia, I just kind of kept doing that, but that's not what I want to do. Do you get it?"

Silver nodded quickly. "I can understand that completely. The, uh, first time I grew up, what I thought I wanted to do turned out to not be the path for me." He hurried to get up to her side. "But maybe with a friend or two, we can help find your calling?"

"You think it's that easy?" She had a little smile though.

There was hope.

123 - A Toxic Relationship

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Night led Silver down a slender alleyway. "Be polite. She's worked for more important ponies than either of us." She clopped on a metal door three times, paused, then twice before stepping away and waiting.

Silver perked an ear curiously. "Code knocks?"

Before a reply came, a slot on the door opened with the swish of metal on metal. "Night Watch? Can't get enough of me?"

Night smiled up at the door. "Hey Hem. Meet the husband." She gestured with a wing towards Silver. "We have another bit for you to look at, small one this time."

The rounded, non-lunar, eyes looked towards Silver. "That the one that got my little watch not-so-little? Bring him in so I can thank him properly." The slot slid shut and the door opened into darkness with no pony in sight.

They proceeded inside. Night Watch led the way with confidence, and Silver kept just behind her. Reaching with his magic, he could feel the hallway around them and managed to not blunder into any walls so long as he allowed his magic the chance to scout the terrain around himself. "That book's already paying dividends."

"Hmm? Oh, the unicorn book?" Night nudged open a new door and entered a new room with dim lighting.

A pony with green fur and light white mane and tail was seated there, smiling at Night. "Little watch!"

Night colored faintly as she moved to greet her friend. "Connie!"

Silver looked around curiously at vials and beakers. "Connie? I thought it was Hem?"

Connie waved it off. "Hem Lock is my proper name. To this mare, Connie. To you, Hem Lock." She hugged Night briefly before moving towards the new stallion in her workshop. "So, you're the one giving my little watch headaches?"

Night gave Connie a light swat on the back. "Stop calling me that, you're embarrassing me... Only my parents get to call me little watch like that."

Connie snorted softly. "You bring strange stallions to my shop, you deserve it and more. You're lucky I happen to like you. Now what am I looking at?"

Silver produced the sliver from the depths of his saddlebag. "Here you are. Nice to meet you, Hem, and thanks for taking the time."

Hem smiled a little. "At least he's polite. Pity he's so... he." She lifted the sliver away in her own magic. Brought to his attention, Silver squinted in the light and could make out her delicate horn. She was a unicorn, like most ponies in the city. She trotted away with the suspect bit of metal towards a desk. "I'll have this checked out in no time at all."

Silver slid in next to Night, leaning close to her ear. "So, she doesn't like stallions much?"

Hem snorted from where she worked. "My ears do work you know, and no." She waved a hoof. "Don't you worry. You mind your manners and we don't have any problems, other than my blinding jealousy that you got my little watch." She dropped the sliver in a small test tube and began humming as she worked.

Night shook her head with warmed cheeks. "I didn't even... know until the last time I visited."

Hem rolled her eyes as she shook the tube with some strange liquid inside of it, her horn glowing with innate magic. "If I had known the next time I'd see you, you'd be ripening like a fruit left on the vine too long, I would have made a move for your hoof a long time ago. Too late for that now." She held up the tube close to her eye with a thoughtful murmur before she set it down on a little rack and pulled down a book from a shelf above.

Night tapped a hoof anxiously. "We were friends, Connie... I thought... I wasn't looking for that."

Silver felt increasingly awkward being between the two friends that might have been more. Anything he could say, he could see exploding in his face dramatically in new hurt feelings.

Hem looked up at him with a sudden grin. "You found a nice one. Pretty sure most stallions would have defended themselves by now." She tapped at the vial. "It's got stuff on it, but nothing I'd rate as an attempt to hurt a pony. I think you've been scared by an antiquated ceremony without a manual."

Night raised a brow at that. "From the way you say that, I gather you know how it goes then?"

Hem lifted the sliver from the tube, shaking it dry. "Oh sure. It's a little test, between unicorns. Popular around some of the stuffed crusts we call nobles. If you're a good and proper unicorn, you shouldn't even notice it. Magic doesn't get pricked. If you grab it in your mouth or a hoof, you might prick yourself, and it'll hurt for a while, but nothing harmful." She set the sliver down on the countertop. "The coating makes sure it stings good. A little message to 'improper' unicorns." Her eyes lifted to Silver. "Congratulations, you passed, then went for extra credit by finding it despite holding it the unicorn way."

Silver let out a huff of relief. "All that, for a little practical joke?" He smiled as he sank to his haunches. "I feel silly. Thank you, Hem."

Hem flashed a smile at Silver. "Not a problem, just take care of my little watch, or the next won't be so nice."

Night glared at Hem. "Connie, that's not funny."

Hem waved it off. "Just a joke. Look, your stallion's smiling." She began cleaning her supplies diligently. "He'll take care of you. I feel fairly certain about that. Maybe we could be friends."

Night glanced up at Silver and back at Hem. "I'm sure he wouldn't mind that. He seems to like collecting friends, when he can be pried away from his studies."

Hem snorted softly. "A stallion after my own heart? Careful, or I'll steal him from you."

Silver's ears rolled back, which only made Hem laugh. "Oh yeah, he loves you. You take care of him too, alright?"

Night slid in against Silver. "I will." She licked her dry lips, suddenly awkward. "We're still friends, right?"

"What? Of course we are, my lovely little watch." Hem trotted towards Night directly. "Night guard or not, I hope you don't go trotting out of my life like that." Without hesitation she walked right up to Night and kissed her on the lips, making Night recoil in surprise, but Hem followed her.

Silver went a bright red through his fur. Jealousy rose, but was shoved aside. He didn't want to come between them in that awkward moment and remained quiet.

Hem glanced up at him as she sat back. "I expected more from him... You either trained him well or he's... No matter." She flashed a bright smile. "Go on. I'll be here if you need me."

Night shook herself out of shock then slid to her hooves. "Yes, right... Take care, Connie."

Soon they were back in the alleyway and Night sank against a wall. "I had no idea for so long... It makes a lot of sense, looking back on it."

Silver nuzzled into her side gently. "Does it make you sad?"

Night's ears pinned back. "I'm not unfaithful!"

Silver sat on his haunches. "It's not unfaithful to think, Night. That was clearly a close friend. Did you... like her, that way?"

Night shook her head fiercely. "Until Fast, I never even considered mares like that. It's likely why I never even considered Connie's feelings. I still prefer stallions." She reached out and prodded him in the chest. "Especially this one."

Silver smiled and gently pulled her closer with his magic. "And I love a particularly bright mare, touched by the night, blessed with a powerful mind and keen insight."

They met in a gentle kiss, embracing there in the darkness for a moment, and all emotional turmoil was set aside in the comfort of their shared commitment to one another.

Rough pulled back from a similar kiss with Trixie, not knowing how well their timings had worked out. "What book has you so enraptured?"

Trixie pointed at the tome. "Since our colt has permission, she saw no reason not to take advantage as well. It's as interesting as he promised, even if Trixie plans to do it the right way and not hurry through it."

Rough nuzzled into the side of her neck. "You're even lovelier when you're excited."

Trixie giggled softly. "Then you should get her more rare books of magic, dear husband." She ran her magic over him, petting him with enhanced feeling. "Shall we experiment a little?"

Rough Draft had no objection, so they did.

The test was quite successful.

Celestia looked up at the sound of a door banging open. Luna stood there with ruffled wings and determination in her eyes. "I'm ready."

"Ready for what?" Celestia tilted her head at her sister. Silently, she was glad Luna came to speak to her of whatever it was. Progress was being made.

Luna approached Celestia quickly. "I am ready to face my feelings, for good or ill."

Celestia smiled slowly. "I'm glad to hear that. How do you plan to go about it?"

Luna raised a hoof to her head. "He was eager to barge into the dream world and even mine own dreams, I will turn the tables on him. I will intrude on his, and we will speak where none can interfere."

Celestia tilted her head a little. "And what do you hope he'll say?"

Luna's determination dwindled and she sank slowly to her haunches. "I'm uncertain..."

Celestia poured a fresh cup of tea and lifted it in her magic towards Luna. "What if he agrees to your desires? What if he wishes to be your stallion, despite, or even because of, what he's been through?"

Luna accepted the cup and stared into the amber fluid a moment before she sipped from it. "Then I will approach his wife. I will not try to separate them."

Celestia raised a brow. "That would be prudent. Do you intend to make him a Prince Consort?"

Luna darkened in her already dark fur. "Should I?"

The fact that the question was asked made Celestia's heart jump. They had grown closer. A wall was wearing down. Celestia spread her wings and spread them over her sister, embracing her quietly. "Let's consider this, together."

124 - A Restful Night

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Silver settled in his bed beside Night, but sleep did not come quickly. A little niggling thought poked at him, and he turned that poke into Night.

She grumbled softly. "Tired..."

"I have a question."

Night rolled over to face Silver. "Can it wait?"

Could it? Probably, but... "Why are you just about the only visibly pregnant pony I've seen in Equestria?"

The question seemed to catch Night off guard and she went silent a moment.

"Is it a bad question?" Silver tilted his head a little.

"No! No... You're right. I mean, there are ways to hide it, and most ponies do, like your mom for instance."

"She wouldn't be caught easily like that." Trixie glared at them from the other bed before she snuggled back in with Rough Draft.

Night rubbed behind her head with a hoof. "Ah... I... Well..." She glanced away and back at Silver. "Luna said it would... Do you like it?"

It all became clear to Silver. "You're showing off for me?!" The idea was both upsetting and endearing at once.

Night shrank a little. "Do you like it?"

Did he? Silver looked over the rounded form of Night and leaned in, gently rubbing noses. "I like you, a lot. I love the idea that you're swelling with our foals, but would it be easier for you to hide it?"

Night gave him a little poke. "Answer it plainly. Do you like it?"

Silver frowned a little. "I think I do, but I would gladly give that up if it makes you happier, without even a second thought."

Night nuzzled into his cheek. "I'll bear that in mind... Thank you, now get some sleep." She held him close, her form still round and warm, and he nestled with her. They both faded from the waking world in their shared embrace.

Silver awoke on his human bed and stretched out. He was dreaming and knew it. He was ready to idle the night away as he did most nights.

A knock came from his door, surprising him. He sat up on his bed. "Come in?"

Luna pushed open the door and entered with a serious look. "Is.... this a bad time?"

Silver perked his ears in surprise. "No! No, of course not."

Luna hopped up on the bed as it became large enough for the both of them easily. She settled on her haunches, looking down at him. "I've been thinking... I will say some things, and I would like you to listen before you reply. Is that acceptable?"

Silver nodded quietly.

"Good... When we first met, I was a distant voice. The next, I was a stern guard, giving instructions, but little more... The time after that, I stripped you of your birth form and clad you in the form you now wear." She smiled a little. "'Tis a fine form... You were asked a price for this... service... A price you have repaid, but continue to pay. Through blood, loyalty, and effort, you have been a faithful servant to the crown." She set a hoof at her chest. "I wronged you. I threw wide your soul and learned more than I should ever have. In revenge, you demanded nothing but my companionship. It was... a modest request, and one I failed to honor. I betrayed you terribly, first in assaulting you, then in failing to uphold the one promise..." She hung her head. "Cadance was there after that. She begged me... She beseeched I let you go to find your own path and your own love, and you have, almost in spite of me. I brought Night into your life, but that feels almost tangential..."

Luna sat up, tapping at the bed with muffled thuds. "My presence was and remains a weight around your neck, one which you bear with a smile. You look at me with a fondness... I don't deserve." She turned to the side. "I have realized this. I truly, truly... I don't deserve this. I almost killed you where you stood. I attacked your mind under false pretenses, under the guise of a suicide that never occurred. I deserve nothing to do with you. Even if I were to shed all reservations, and your wife were to as well, it would be a fruit that does not belong to me. I am ready to face the consequences of my actions."

Silver squirmed a little at her retelling. At the hint of a pause, he rose a hoof.

"Not yet." She reached for him, running a hoof over his snout. "Almost, but not yet. If you would be so kind, I would like us not to part forever. I would wish your hoof, not in marriage or courtship, but as friends. True friends, equals. If you can find it in your heart to let go of our past trysts, and my brutal assaults, that is all I want. Silver, will you be my friend?"

Silver felt breathless, even though he knew he was dreaming and was not really breathing. "I..." He wanted to say of course he'd be friends! But something held him back. Rushing would only scare her. "Luna, we should talk to Night Watch."

Luna smiled a little. "We should. May I bring her here?"

The door swung open, admitting a confused-looking Night Watch into the room. She looked around a moment before focusing on Silver and Luna. "Why aren't you two busy making foals? Isn't that how this dream usually works?"

"Nay, this is no dream, or nightmare." Luna gestured closer. "Join us, please. We would speak with you."

Night squinted suspiciously at Luna before she hopped up. "This is a waking dream? Fine. Then I'll say what I want. Stay away from my husband! He's mine and you can't have him. You've hurt him plenty enough."

"I concede this. Silver?"

Silver pulled Night close to his side with his magic, or was that just dreaming willpower? "She's withdrawn all desire to join me or you as anything, but she would like to be our friend."

"If you would permit..."

Night raised a brow, looking between Silver and Luna. "How can I know this isn't a farce to work into his bed, literally, later?"

Luna raised a hoof. "Then we shall set the first rule. If you do not invite me, Night Watch, wife of Silver Watch, then I have no business even thinking of such things. To even ask of it is to break my word... as good as that is currently..."

Night nodded slowly. "I'm glad you realize that..." She let out a slow breath. "But you want to be friends?"

She smiled with smoldering hope. "I do... If I deserve even that. I have abandoned all thoughts of further. Your family is your own. I have forfeit all rights to even ruminate on intruding further than I have."

Night suddenly frowned. "Do we get a vote in that? Not to say I'm eager to welcome you right now, but this is still you, deciding for us, again."

Silver started at that. Night's words made sense to him. "She's right, you're making the decision here, again."

Luna smiled, a haunted and sad one. "I am truly a terrible would-be mate. The one rule I have proposed puts it entirely in your hooves, Night Watch. Until you say as such, I will be a friend."

Night let out a little sigh. "I'd like that. No more trickery. No more violence, ever." She scowled at Luna. "We are both loyal to the crown, and even your ungrateful hide. You may deserve a good kick from me, but you know neither of us will ever attack you. I'd like that returned."

Luna raised a hoof. "On this we swear. As I spoke to Silver, we would be equals. We cannot truly be friends while I remain your princess, so I will be your princess no longer. Now we are friends."

Night raised a brow. "Ponies won't accept that."

Luna shrugged. "They are not important. This is between me and you both. We will keep proprieties in public, but away from their eyes, we have no titles between us. Is this acceptable?"

Night looked to Silver, who nodded gently. "I would like all this hurt to start to heal, and being friends sounds like a step in the right direction."

Luna smiled gently. "Good... Then I will take my leave. Friends don't intrude on other friends' dreams without just cause, and we are done for now." She rose to leave.

Night rose up on the bed. "How do I get back to my dream?"

"Do you want to?" Luna looked over her shoulder. "You could enjoy your time with your husband. None can bother you here." She was gone, the door closing behind her.

Night tilted her head a little, then turned to Silver. "Huh, no parents here..."

Silver sat up. "Just us two."

Night flashed a grin. "We could do whatever we wanted..."

"Anything at all."

Night suddenly slammed down a bag of dice. "Let's do it!"

It wasn't what Silver had been thinking, but he laughed and gladly ran a game for his wife. It was a game he could only run in his dreams.

They awoke together, hugging close. A little giggle drew their eyes to see Trixie looking at them over the top of the bed, Rough just beside her, both watching them. She giggled again.

Night kicked off the blanket, burying Trixie and Rough. "Good morning."

Silver rose up and shook himself out. "How long were you two staring at us?"

Rough shrugged a little as he worked free of the blanket. "Long enough to admire just how lovely a pair of foals we have. You two look so peaceful together."

Trixie grinned widely. "How can Trixie's foals be anything less than fantastic? She's simply admiring her work."

Celestia smiled at the rousing Luna. "How did it go?"

Luna offered no reply. She sat up and let out a little sigh.

It was enough to let Celestia know things had not gone as planned. "Did he spurn you? Did she?" She followed after Luna until she vanished into the bathroom, leaving Celestia just outside. "Sister, speak to me."

"I called it off," spoke Luna in a tiny voice.

"Called it off?" Celestia raised a brow. "What of our plan?"

Luna splashed water on her face. "I'm not ready. I never was. Sister... thank you, for trying, but my heart and mind are too immature for this. I need to learn to be a mare worth being with before trying."

Celestia developed a little frown, an expression she did not favor. "You know he would have been patient as you learned."

"And I would have been assaulting him the entire time. I have wronged him enough. It is done." Luna turned off the faucet and shuddered.

"Did you ask him to never speak to you again?"

"I asked him to be a friend, which is all we should have been from the start." She smiled a little. "I can write you friendship reports, if you prefer."

Celestia could feel the soft acid there, born of an injured soul. "What of making him a Prince Consort?"

"You make him a Prince Consort if you like the idea so much!" Luna lowered her head and looked away. "I'm sorry... Sister... please. That was very difficult to do."

Celestia gently knocked on the door. "May I come in? We are sisters still."

The door opened a crack and Celestia entered. She embraced her little sister and they were quiet together.

Celestia nipped at one of Luna's ears. She broke the silence with a taunt, "I may take you up on that."

Luna scowled at Celestia. "Do it if you wish it. I will bear no ill will towards you. You haven't hurt him or betrayed his trust." She shrank on herself. "I would only ask that you do not taunt me with the details, and that you do not hurt him. As his friend, I will protect him, even from my sister. Do not play with his emotions."

Celestia squeezed Luna tightly. "There's the fire I love so much. You'll find another stallion, Lulu, don't lose hope." She rose to her hooves, tall and towering. "I hate to bring this up, but the wedding is coming up. I trust you've selected a gift?"

Luna rose to her own height, not quite matching Celestia's stature. "It is your turn to select a gift, sister."

"Is it?"

"I handled Cadance and Shining Armor, yes."

Celestia nodded as she turned away. "Then I'll give it some thought."

125 - Praise the Sun

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Silver had a blindfold on. Following the directions from his book, he felt around with his magic alone and slowly navigated the room. "Are you still there?"

They didn't answer. His family, and Surprise, were hiding. He had to find them without his eyes, and they were to be silent, so ears wouldn't help either. A sudden thought struck him and he sent his magic upwards, feeling around the smooth ceiling until he ran into a warm and furry presence.

He formed the presence into fingers and began tickling, sending Surprise falling to the ground in a fit of giggles. One down.

He could feel Surprise approach. "No fair! I had the perfect hiding spot!"

They bumped together, then she began to follow him as he felt around slowly, searching while avoiding the pitfalls and hazards they had strewn around the room just to test him. When he dispersed his magic, he could almost see without seeing, and he began to walk more confidently. He moved for one of the closets and pulled it open, only for brooms to fall towards him with a sudden clatter. He managed to seize them in his magic, concentrating his power and setting them gently aside. Another trap, but he wouldn't be dissuaded.

Surprise clopped eagerly behind him. "Well since you already found me, I can make noise now. Nice catch, by the way."

Silver swiveled an ear back at her. "No hints. I'll find them on my own." He reached into the closet and began feeling around within with his magic, only for wind to play past his snout. He recoiled in surprise and sent his magic seeking in all directions, just catching what might have been a tail fleeing him.

The chase was on!

He took off at a gallop after the ghost of an impression even as Surprise giggled and cheered. He ducked to the side suddenly as his field of magic alerted him to a pile of books he would have tripped over. He felt powerful in a new way and kicked up to new speed even if he couldn't 'see' the ground he was charging across.

Hubris came before the fall.

Suddenly he saw it, but it wasn't running away anymore. It was right in front of him. He crashed into the form of the pony, but she caught him and gave him a gentle squeeze. "You're doing very well," whispered Night into his ear. "Your mother's going to be the trickiest."

He smiled. The graceless stop hadn't dampened his spirits. "I'll find her, and Dad too." He spread his magic out wider, straining to encompass the room in a dim field of magic. There was somepony! He moved slowly and purposefully towards it, focusing his magic around the pony shape in his vision. They had a horn. Trixie? She wasn't being very tricky, standing in the open like that.

Silver pounced the figure and they squeaked, but it wasn't quite the squeak he expected. Who had he caught?

"It's nice to see you too, Silver," spoke a soft and new voice. He was nuzzled and kissed, which made him blush.

Who did he tackle?! "Um, sorry about that?" Should he lift his blindfold? "I'm practicing and I'm not allowed to look around."

"You found me very well for not looking."

Surprise giggled. "He's a unicorn, so he's cheating."

"Oh, I see."

Night approached quietly. "I don't think we've met."

"Trixie will not wait forever." There was movement outside his diminished field of detection. "Who is this?"

Magic gripped at his blindfold and lifted it out of the way, allowing him to see a white unicorn with pink hair and a sun emblazoned on her flanks. "Hello. I am Sunny Days, but you know me more commonly as Celestia." She flashed a bright smile. "Is this a bad time?"

Silver blinked dumbly, unsure of what he was seeing. "W-wait, is this... Are you?"

"This is truly me, not a splintered form." Sunny put a hoof to her chest. "My sister's mistake was trying to hold her echo apart, which only became more painful for her, and you, when they came back together. I am Celestia. Celestia is me. She can see what I see, and I can hear what she hears. We are one pony, not two."

Night raised a brow high. "Interesting, but... forgive me when I wonder about your motivation?"

Trixie wrinkled her nose. "This lesson is thoroughly ruined." She moved over and nudged Silver on the shoulder. "You were doing quite well, colt of mine. Rough, come out!"

Rough poked his head out from under one of the beds and the rest of him emerged soon after, joining Trixie. "Sunny Days, was it?" He tilted his head at the Celestia-shard.

Surprise clopped her hooves excitedly. "Is this your birthday?! That means I have to get ready!"

Sunny held up a hoof. "Be at ease, Surprise. I don't require a birthday. I am Celestia, and it's not her birthday. You don't have a birthday party when you get a mane cut, do you?"

Surprise blinked. "My mane doesn't usually talk to me."

Night leaned towards Silver. "Note she said 'usually'."

Sunny smiled gently. "That may be true, but I'm still Celestia, and she's me." She turned to Silver, nodded, then turned to Night. "Night Watch, as the matron of your herd, I would like to petition to prove my worth and earn my entry into it."

Night's ears spun back on her head. "So direct..."

Sunny nodded. "You've had more than your share of deception and duplicity."

Silver shook his head. "This isn't right. Even if Luna has backed off, she's your sister. Playing rebound on her seems cruel."

Sunny tilted her head. "When she is ready, I won't keep her away. It would hardly be the first herd to have sisters in it."

Silver recoiled. Was it really happening again?!

Night let out a slow breath. "I appreciate your honest approach, but I want more. Why? You could have any stallion in the country." She thrust a hoof at Rough Draft. "You could order him to abandon his wife and become your royal servant and there wouldn't be much he could or even would do about it. Silver isn't that special."

"Hey..." Not that Silver disagreed, but that phrasing... "I do have feelings."

Sunny tapped her chin. "I would never demand any of my little ponies abandon their mate like that, and it is not physical gratification I desire. As even my sister comes to realize, I want a stallion I can look in the eyes, and does not instinctively bow. I want to be challenged, and to relax. I desire a peer. While I could hunt down another human, this one is already deeply enmeshed in my life. I know his quirks, and they don't displease me."

Night took a slow breath, clearly considering. She looked to Silver. "Alright, stallion. You get a say. Do you want me to chase her off? That would be my traditional duty if either I or you don't want her around."

Silver perked his ears, gladdened to be consulted in that decision. "Celestia has been nothing but straight with us so far." He glanced at Sunny and back towards Night. "I..."

Trixie clopped the ground. "Are you seriously doing this just like that? Where's the pomp and ritual?"

Rough rubbed his cheek against Trixie's. "Let them work it out for themselves, dear."

Silver shook his head. "Sunny, right? I presume you're applying as your 'Sunny' self, and not 'Celestia' self, to avoid a huge mountain of shock and outrage."

Sunny smiled. "Yes, but there is also business to tend to. Celestia-me is currently seeing to court, handling a dispute. Though I am famous for it, I'm not the only pony with a sun for a cutie mark. So long as we don't draw attention to it, few should even notice."

Silver suddenly went red, thinking of his dreams and the time he was with Celestia, but that was the full sized Celestia, and he was an alicorn prince... "You read it all, right?"

"I did. I can't say I comprehend it all."

Silver shook his head. "And, if I understand, you plan to do this 'for keeps'? And if something forces you to draw this, Sunny, back into yourself, you'll just split again afterwards, since you never fully separated to begin with."

Sunny bobbed her head. "Exactly right. We are one pony, just with two bodies. My dear sister split entirely. Her fragment developed her own mind and spirit. I'm sorry you had to go through that."

He banished the thoughts of Celine even as they rose. He couldn't do anything about that other than feel bad. "You said you want a peer, a friend, from the sound of it. Why join the herd?"

A smile spread on her snout. "I wish to be part of a family. To have step parents, family friends, even a co-wife and children. I have watched your family grow and mature, and it is a lovely family. May I join it?"

Celestia had only caused him harm in his dreams, but that was Luna's insecurities more than Celestia's failing. She had been fair and honest and generally just kind. Could he turn her away? Of course he could but should he?

Night put a hoof on his shoulder. "I can see when your gears are turning. Sunny, I accept your petition. You may prove to us your sincerity. In two week's time, if we have not already done so, a decision will be made final."

Sunny sat and clopped her hooves once. "Fantastic. Thank you for this opportunity."

Confetti suddenly rained down around them as Surprise squealed in delight. "Congratulations! Now this calls for a party!" She was gone before anypony could object.

Rough Draft shook his head. "My OC, fillies and gentlecolts. When he's not busy saving the world, he's seducing its leaders. I dream them up big."

Trixie drove an elbow into Rough's side. "Don't be crass. Now that this is settled, perhaps we can resume the lesson?"

"Might I assist?"

"Of course." Trixie smiled at Sunny. "Potential daughter-in-law, follow Trixie and she will explain the rules of this before we begin."

Silver shook his head a little at how smoothly Sunny was being welcomed into the family. Maybe things would work out?

That would be nice.

126 - Sibling Rivalry

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"You did what?!" Luna clopped her hooves down on the table. Thankfully it was without the destructive impact of several other slams, or Celestia had moved to get the tables reinforced.

"Is that a problem?" Celestia raised a brow.

"How?!" Luna leaned forward. "Aren't you afraid of what your little ponies will say about it?"

"They will not be troubled by what they do not know." She leaned back a little, sipping from her tea.

"I told you not to play with his emotions! Already, you work to undermine that."

"Of course not." Celestia shook her head. "I was entirely honest."

"Then how have you not been evicted by his wife? You're not even her princess. She owes you nothing, and hates royalty." Luna's voice had a hysterical edge to it.

Celestia sipped gently from her tea. "She does no such thing. She tired of manipulation, but she is still loyal, to us, and to her husband. I was honest with them both."

Luna slowly sank to her haunches. "What manner of trickery is this? Did you use a spell on them?"

Celestia reached a hoof forward. "I walked in and spoke to all four of them."


"Mister and Misses Watch, and their parents. I made my offer, and they accepted my courtship, pending our mutual agreement to proceed with my joining their herd. For now, we date."

Luna seemed frazzled as her sister calmly explained how she had just taken everything she had ever wanted without challenge or difficulty. "You're just... You're doing it to make me look bad. I have been a presence in their life for longer than you. I have meddled and courted and fought, and yet, here you are. One afternoon, officially courted to their herd..."

"You are welcome to join us." Celestia sipped her tea. "I have advice about you--"

"Enough." Luna sat up. "We have heard enough. I should get some sleep, we have a wedding to attend in the morrow, and we should look fresh." She rose to her hooves.

"Do you have the gift?"

Luna raised a brow and glanced around at the Ponyville hall. "You were supposed to bring it. I saw it on the counter and thought you would take it."

"On the counter?! We can't just show up empty-hooved." Celestia looked flustered for a change.

Luna almost drank it up. She sneered a little vindictively at her sister. "I took care of Shining Armor and Cadance's wedding, it was your turn."

"Fine... next time, we both bring a gift."


They took their place and the ceremony began. Luna tried to hold onto her moment of victory, but the speech began to encroach on her. The story of how the donkey had worked so hard and so long, to fail and struggle, but ultimately, he won and they were there to celebrate his union with the jenny he loved.

Luna felt suddenly alone. She reached out a hoof, and Celestia's was already there. They held hooves quietly. Perhaps her sister wasn't out to get her. She was being rash... She smiled a little, and Celestia returned it. They were still sisters. They could work out their little differences.

The ceremony was completed with the sudden explosions of some exotic fireworks and a stallion's eager cries of triumph.

Celestia and Luna wished the couple the best in their new life together. Celestia put a hoof to her chest. "I've neglected to bring your gift, but I'll see that it is brought swiftly when we return to Canterlot, do excuse me."

Matilda waved it off. "Oh, it's no trouble, Your Highness. Thank you both for coming today. It means so much to both of us." She nudged Cranky.

Cranky looked up at the royal sisters. "Yeah, thanks."

The door to the outside was unbarred, allowing Twilight and her friends to enter. Twilight was quick to approach Celestia and bow to her. "A pleasure seeing you."

Celestia smiled in her coy way. "When will you rise above that? You're a princess, Twilight, same as I."

"Oh, right." She smiled nervously before looking to Luna and nodding towards her. "Nice to see you too, Princess Luna."

Twilight tapped her chin suddenly. "Have you spoken to Silver Watch recently?"

Luna started in surprise. "Why do you ask?"

"Oh, nothing in particular, but we've been in correspondence. He mentioned you."

Luna felt tension run through her. "Did he?"

Twilight smiled. "Only in good ways. It's interesting having a friend I only meet through letters, but he seems happy about his duty as Ambassador to the crown." She sat up, looking at Luna intently. "I've been meaning to ask how well a human could do in such a socially challenging position. Considering his biologic and societal heritage, I would imagine he would be facing no small challenges in rising to such a challenge."

Applejack suddenly nudged Twilight from the side. "Aw shoot, ah reckon y'all bein' too fussy about this. He just doin' what comes natural."

"That's just the thing!" Twilight turned on Applejack. "What's natural for a pony isn't the same as a human. You've met Jake, would you say he acts like a pony?"

Applejack shrugged a little. "Seems nice enough."

"Nice is one th--"

Luna raised a hoof. "It was good running into you, Princess Twilight. I should catch up with my sister."

"Oh! Nice running into you, Princess Luna. Travel safely."

They parted with friendly waves, and Luna scurried to Celestia's side, glad to escape the increasingly awkward conversation.

Celestia swiveled an ear towards Luna as she approached. "I hope my former student wasn't harassing you too terribly, sister."

"Nay... She is ever inquisitive. Some things do not change."

Celestia looked towards the happy couple. "They seem to be well-in-hoof. What say you to quietly departing and enjoying some 'us' time."

Luna looked uncertain, shuffling on her hooves. "You say that, but I have not forgotten so easily how you swept up everything."

Celestia started to walk towards the door. "Let us speak of it then."

Luna hesitated a moment, then was following her larger sister. They emerged into the bright sun and wandered towards the carriage that had bore them to Ponyville. "What is it you wish to speak of, precisely?"

Celestia shook her head. "When we are alone and can speak freely." She smiled at one of the guards. "Take me to the pond."

"As you wish, Your Highness." He saluted with a wing and trotted quickly to the front of the carriage where other guards buckled in and looked ready. Soon the sisters were in the air, carried swiftly to a small-looking pond in the middle of nowhere in particular.

Celestia nodded to him as she stepped free of the carriage. "You're relieved for the rest of the day. We'll see ourselves back to the castle when we're ready."

He looked uncertain, but he didn't question Celestia's orders. "As you command." They took off with the carriage and were soon out of sight.

Luna poked Celestia when they faded from sight. "Now you may speak?"

Celestia settled to her belly. She was facing the lake rather than Luna. "I am certain I seem very cruel to you right now."

"More than 'seem'." Luna settled almost angrily beside her sister. "You've humiliated me, and made me look quite foalish indeed."

"So you hadn't yet put thoughts of him aside?"

Luna tensed before a thunderous sigh escaped her. "It was a poor decision."

"Which, precisely?"

Luna raised a brow. "When I sought justice, I entangled mine self with his, and it only grew worse, as if he were a web and I a fly, thrashing in vain and only becoming more secured."

Celestia nodded lightly. "That seems a reasonable starting point, though you began meddling with him before then. You gave him the body he wears. I know you said you 'worked with what you had', but there was some of you in that creation."

"Why do you say this?" Luna raised a brow. "He does not look like me."

Celestia shook her head. "He does not, but he has the dark fur of one of your kind, even if that does somewhat match his father. The silver shock, though it matches his mother, also reflects your silvery moon. You did not argue much when he decided unicorn. You prefer them, do you not?"

Luna flushed at that. "I find the physique of pegasi, lunar and otherwise, quite intriguing, you know that."

She waved the objection away gently. "Did he not tell you any of what he dreamed while caught between your worlds?"

Luna's ears fell. "He mentioned hints and snatches, but most of it was kept from me." She prodded Celestia. "You saw it all?"

Celestia tilted her head faintly. "He is not the most meticulous of note takers, but I learned much from it." She leaned closer. "He loves you."

Luna went a bright red through her dark fur. "You lie!"

Celestia raised a hoof. "There is a catch. He loves everypony."

Luna raised a brow in question, but didn't speak.

"He is ready to love anypony that returns the emotion. His dream saw him falling deeper and deeper into entangled webs of romantic involvements. Any pony that expressed love towards him, he would seek to accept and embrace."

Luna frowned a little. "Are you trying to scare me away from them? If he's just hopeless, why have you become involved with him?"

Celestia smiled. "As insanities go, it is a very gentle one. What is most needed is a partner willing to be his discretion."

"Night Watch."

"Precisely so. So long as he does not supercede or subvert her, he will not fall far. They have only grown more and more strongly tied. I do think any pony that made her unhappy would lose much of their chance with him."

Luna went silent for a quiet time, watching the waters with Celestia. "Why are you telling me this? You've already taken action."

Celestia spread a wing and draped it over Luna. "I told them what I am about to tell you. It would not be the first herd to have sisters, and I will not stand in your way."

Luna began to color in new ways, squirming. "What will ponies say? I'm not ready!" She looked away pointedly. "We've only just gotten past the idea of me being his brutal assailant. I don't deserve it."

"That is how you feel now." Celestia smiled gently. "Time changes things. Relax. My presence only assures you will have a chance later. Think of me as your ally, instead of your competitor."

Luna grunted softly. "I don't even know what I see in him, and what you see in him is more confusing still."

Celestia tilted her head. "Is it that odd that I desire a friend?"

"A friend?!" Luna sat up. "You're joining his herd to be his friend?"

"Is that wrong?"

Luna put a fetlock over her face. "In countless ways. What will you do when he wishes to do as stallions do in herds?"

Celestia smiled faintly. "I am certain we'll figure that out."

"Sister, I am uncertain if you are a genius, or simply making madness look fashionable."

127 - The Herd Swells

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Silver roused to a noise of effort, or was that pain? Before he could get his bearings, the door suddenly slammed open, revealing Samantha.

She bee-lined for their bed even as Rough and Trixie began rousing from their own sleep. "It's time."

Time? Silver sat up, his wits coming to him. "What do you need me to do."

Samantha raised a brow at him. "Stay out of the way, mostly." Her magic wrapped around Night and hefted the grunting lunar pony into the air. "I'll return her better than she left, promise."

Silver slid to the ground, only to find that he was far from the only one. His parents were there. With silent consensus they followed after Samantha as one.

Trixie rolled her eyes. "As if we'd abandon her in her moment of need."

Rough bobbed his head. "Trixie would never forgive me."

"No she would not." Trixie thudded against his side as she walked. "Fortunately that will not be needed."

In single file, they entered the infirmary. The doctor and nurse were already there and looking ready to go. They helped move Night to a padded cradle and began talking her through it. Silver let out a little breath. Having the other medical professionals made things a lot less tense.

He reached with his magic and gently pet through her mane and around her ears. "We're here for you, Night. The whole family."

Night forced a little smile. "G-great, so we can take turns making a foal happen?"

A little polite clop came from the door before Sunny Days entered, rubbing sleep from her eyes. "I came as quickly as I could."

Rough nodded at her. "You barely missed anything. Thank you for coming."

Silver had felt what it was like to push a new life into the world, though Night had to do it twice. He didn't know magic to help with that, and feared to experiment at such a delicate time. No, he could be a good husband. He remained within her reach, spoke gently, and stroked her.

Night was a healthy pony, physically active and whole of body. As the doctors guided her through the process, she met the challenge with grim determination. She didn't cry until her first foal began to come into view, then she wept, but they were tears of relief and joy. Silver shared them with her, pressing close. He felt an urge to just... reach in there and help extract the foal, but that felt immediately like a childish and impulsive idea, so he quelled it.

They were soon proud parents of two little foals. One he immediately recognized. "Morning Glory," he whispered out when his eyes first fell on the lunar unicorn colt.

Night twitched an ear at that. "What was that?" Her eyes rolled suddenly. "Do you have a name for both of them?"

Silver fixed his eyes on the other. She was a larger foal with no wings or horn. A lunar earth pony. They were both unique in different ways. However, the female was not the Clear Twilight of his dreams.

As if she could see his thoughts, Sunny approached and leaned in, whispering into an ear, "It won't always match up."

He nodded to her, then pointed at the filly. "I called dibs on one. It seems proper you have the naming rights to this one. What will our adorable little filly be called?"

Night seemed to become pensive a moment. "Clear Twilight."

Silver tensed a moment before he nodded.

"Don't like it?" Night huffed. "I'm a little tired. If you re--"

"No, no, it's fine." Silver leaned in and kissed her. "It's a lovely name for a lovely filly. You did it, Night. You're a mother. We're parents."

Night smiled gently. "We did it..." She spread her wings and drew Silver closer.

Trixie sniffed softly, dabbing a few tears from her eyes. "Her husband will be just as supportive when her time comes, of course."

Rough nodded with a renewed determination. "Of course." He twitched an ear towards her. "How soon is that?"

Trixie smiled. "Soon." She looked over the happy couple. "You realize this means the foals Trixie has will be uncles or aunts of your foals, despite being younger. They will also be sisters and brothers in-law to you." She flashed a smile at Silver and Night. "Our family is as interesting as we are."

Sunny stood up. "How do you feel, Night? Do you need space to relax?"

Night looked around at her family, even including the pony that wished to join her herd. "No..." She carefully slid up to her hooves and began her morning stretch, if measurably slower than usual. "Everything did as it should. I feel a little tired, but I'm not hurt." She moved to nuzzle her little bundles. "I'm torn between wanting to hide them away forever and showing them to the world, screaming from the highest point."

Trixie giggled at that. "She would recommend more of the latter and less of the former. Why shouldn't you be proud to display your foals?" She put a hoof to her chest. "And now your Generous and Caring parents will make themselves available to you. You won't hurt for a foalsitter until at least my own joins them."

Samantha suddenly let out a little manic giggle. She was looking over some papers with the other doctors looking over her shoulder.

Silver raised a brow at the crowd and dared to approach. "Did you find something?"

The doctor shook his head. "You don't see it? Two lunar sub-species, and neither of them pegasus."

Samantha clopped her hooves. "It's even more fantastic than I thought!"

Night reached for her glasses, setting them properly on her snout. "My foals are not your experiment."

The nurse was quick to raise her hooves. "Oh no! Of course not."

"They aren't?" Samantha looked baffled.

Silver put a fetlock over his face. "No they are not. Sorry, they're members of our family, and will be raised properly and with love, not under investigation."

"That doesn't mean I can't see them, does it? They still need a doctor, right?" She smiled hopefully. "I was a good doctor for Night Watch, was I not?"

Night shook her head a little. "You were fine, Samantha, just remember you're here to serve and save lives."

"Serve and save, right."

Sunny smiled at her would-be family. "If you're sure you're alright, Night, perhaps we could celebrate the day? There certainly is enough to be in good cheer about."

Night suddenly snorted and smiled brightly. "Surprise would never forgive us if we didn't go to her place first."

It was quickly agreed on. With the foals bundled up securely, they proceeded as one family unit to Just Desserts.

As they went, Silver turned an ear towards the others. "Where I came from, this would be basically impossible. The very idea of moving a baby this soon?"

Trixie raised a brow. "Are human foals so delicate? She's glad ponies are a little more durable than that, though it is not unusual to let foals be still and recover for several hours after the 'event'."

Night gently nuzzled each of the bundles at her side. "They're sleeping now. That's normal, but they'll wake soon and then we'll wish they'd go back to sleep." A fanged smile spread over her snout. "They'll get into everything, twice if it's something we'd rather they didn't. Welcome to being a parent." She thrust a hoof at Silver. "And your little Morning Glory's a unicorn, sharing the proud heritage of Trixie Lulamoon and Silver Watch. I have no doubt he'll get into trouble at the earliest convenience."

Trixie only seemed tickled by the warning, beaming proudly as she walked with her eyes closed. She absorbed the praise, double-sided as it was. "Trixie will take great pride in training him and her own foal."

Rough nudged against her gently. "Yours might not be a unicorn."

"What?" Trixie waved it off. "As if Trixie would make something else. Don't be absurd."

Silver flinched a little. "You're jinxing it, mother. Whatever tribe your foal is, we will welcome him or her with open hooves."

"But twice as much if they're a unicorn," grumbled Trixie.

Night tilted her head a little. "You could check beforehoof?"

Trixie waved off the idea as strongly as the idea of not creating a new unicorn. "Trixie does not believe in such things. Destiny does not like peeking. If we were meant to know ahead of time, mares would come with a window."

Rough stuck out his tongue a little. "That would be interesting..." He advanced and opened the door to Just Desserts for the others.

"Are those new babies?!" Surprise emerged from the building, leaving a crowd of curious ponies that peered out behind her. "Awwwwww! Look at them!" She giggled with the same manic energy of Samantha, but it was one born of pure positivity. "You two must be so proud! Oh! You two are grandparents now! Oh oh oh, so many things!" She thrust her hooves against her cheeks. "Come in come in come in!" Giggling non-stop, she bounced back into her eatery, leaving the family to trail after her.

"Attention everypony!" Surprise threw her forehooves wide. "Happy birthday to..." She looked to Silver and Night.

Night cleared her throat. "Morning Glory and Clear Twilight."

Surprise bobbed her head. "Morning Glory and Clear Twilight, newest citizens of Equestria and cutest little foals in here!"

The crowd clopped in applause, which was enough to rouse the foals. Morning Glory began to wail, but Clear Twilight seemed calm and collected, looking around placidly.

Silver plucked up Morning Glory carefully in his magic and nuzzled the little colt. "It's alright. Sorry for the noise." The crying quickly stopped, as if he were understood, and soon he had a foal attached to his snout instead of sobbing. Silver giggled with delight. "That's my boy..."

Night took Clear Twilight in her wings, nuzzling and cradling the filly even if she didn't seem to need calming. Her affections were returned with a few little happy coos.

Rough let out a little happy sigh. "Look at them..."

Trixie smiled. "We'll be just as adorable with our own." She held up a hoof. "She hopes you'll be happy with just one. Trixie is already behind in her plans."

"Plans?" Surprise tilted her head at Trixie curiously. "Are you gonna be a big huge star?"

Trixie put a hoof to her chest. "She already is! It's just a matter of letting the rest of Equestria know that."

Sunny began gathering party hats that Surprise had tucked behind the counter. Each hovering, she placed them on ponies' heads one by one with a little smile. "Let the party begin."

Surprise gasped with surprise. "You're taking my job! Oh hey, I don't think we met." She thrust out a hoof. "I'm Surprise."

Sunny met the hoof with a hoof. "Sunny Days. Nice to meet you, though I'm certain we did meet once?"

"Oh sure, but I was way too busy planning like a kajillion parties." Surprise waved it off. "So it's nice to meet you properly this time."

They celebrated the newest members of the family, and all was well.

128 - Knock Knock

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The party had gone off without a hitch and they returned home to give the foals some needed rest and attention, to say nothing of their deserving mother.

A gentle rapping at the door brought Trixie's ears up as she trotted for the sound. She pushed the door open with her magic. "Yes? Please kee--" Her voice trailed off as she beheld the familiar small form of one she had not seen in some time. "Celine? Trixie thought you were gone."

Silver looked up from where he was lying beside a snoozing Night Watch. "What?"

Celine stepped in with a nervous smile. "I hope I'm not entirely unwanted. Congratulations, Silver, Night..."

Sunny shook her head. "Sister, I do hope you listened closely to what I said before."

Celine's ears turned back. "I know this isn't the exact way you had in mind, but yes. This is me, not part of me. But it is me without overwhelming alicorn power and physique. I offer no physical threat."

Rough poked his head out of a side room where the foals were sleeping. "What's going on out here?"

Silver sighed a little. "I think Luna jumped the gun on wanting to be part of things." His tail was swaying a little. "Come in, Celine."

Celine glanced away before she trotted inside, her magic closing the door behind herself. "My promise remains. I am not here to petition, simply to be present. May I see the foals?"

Silver quickly shook his head. "They're sleeping after a busy day. Let them rest, then I'll introduce them to another wonderful mare of my life."

Celine colored a little. "Why do you say such things when you don't..."

Sunny slapped a hoof over Celine's snout, cutting off the words. "Silver has a logic of his own, and he likes you. You are his first love, even if you don't have the first place in his heart."

First love? Silver recoiled faintly at the word, realizing it wasn't false. Looking at Celine made him think of his awkward first times. Celine had showed him a lot, including what it felt like to be loved unconditionally. "Let's not get too, uh, deep in this. Night will be very cross if we do. Sit with us. It's a quiet time, and you can join us for that."

Trixie nodded as she moved back beside a dresser and sat. There was a book already on top that her eyes began to roam across.

It was a quiet time. Celine sank to her belly with Sunny at her side. The room settled into tranquility. There were no arguments.

Celine began to relax with time. A little smile spread over her dark-furred snout as she watched and listened. There was no discord or strife, just peace.

"Did someone mention me?" Discord popped free of the air, hovering over the proceeding.

Silver snorted softly. "Hey bud. If you can keep quiet, you're welcome to look, but no touching." He thrust a hoof towards the nursery. "They're napping."

"Oh." He zipped his snout and hovered into the next room where Rough Draft was. Despite the zippered defense, his muted giggles could be heard before he returned. "Well aren't you the proud stallion? Next thing we know, you'll be making these little foals with every mare you can find."

That hit a bit close to home and Silver darkened rapidly.

Sunny shook her head up at Discord. "In his dreams, perhaps. We are more composed in our waking hours."

Trixie raised a brow at the exchange. "No colt of mine is going to compose himself like that."

Discord shrugged. "Suit yourself." He slipped between here and there, and was gone from sight.

The quiet returned until a soft cry came from the nursery, which roused Night almost instantly. Silver was glued to her side, supporting her to stand and offering to go check on them for her, but she insisted, and soon they were both in the nursery.

Rough Draft was already there, bouncing Clear Twilight up and down on a leg and making silly faces at her. She was giggling, but the sight of her parents distracted her quickly and she began reaching for them.

Silver gently plucked up the child in his magic, drawing her over into Night's reach where severe snuggling began in earnest.

He tilted his head a bit as he watched Night tend to the foal's needs. "I know unicorns and pegasi can exert extreme spikes of personal power while they're young, do earth ponies?"

Rough nodded. "My parents said I used to rearrange furniture as a foal. Not in any particular order, mind, just moved them all around."

Silver tilted his head the other way when he saw Night feeding Clear with a bottle. "When did you get that?"

"Get what?"

Silver pointed a hoof at the bottle. "The bottle, there, and when did you fill it up?"

Night peered at him as if he were mad a moment before it seemed to click. "Is this another difference?"

Silver giggled a little, a nervous sound. "I'm trying to figure that out. Where I come from, babies have to drink directly from the mother unless bottles are prepared in advance, which I didn't see you do."

Night looked perplexed at the idea, looking down at the bottle, and the foal that nursed from it. "That sounds messy."

Silver squirmed a moment. "It can be fun."

Night blinked rapidly. "Silver!"

"There's a reason that feels good." Silver wrinkled his nose. "Because mother's have to do it. Nature encourages it, since we wouldn't be very good parents if we let our children go hungry, but here you are, with a bottle." He sank to his haunches. "Pony world is a strange world."

He felt a nuzzling down below and looked down to see Morning Glory attempting to prove his theory. As it turned out, male ponies don't even have the needed plumbing. Not even a nipple to try with. Silver's magic wrapped around his foal and lifted him up carefully before hugging him close. "Sorry, that's a mother's job, unless she has another bottle?"

Night held over a second bottle, to Silver's confusion. He accepted the bottle in his magic and soon had it in Morning's little snout. He couldn't help but smile at the happiness on his foal's face.

"They are adorable." Celine stepped in timidly.

Night raised a brow. "We have a promise."

Celine raised a hoof. "I am here to visit. I wanted to see the foals." She looked from one to the other. "And they are amazing... If I can help, please, don't hesitate to ask."

Sunny emerged into the room after Celine. "Two very special foals. I should wonder what destiny has in store for them."

Thoughts of the Text flared in Silver's mind as he glanced around as if he would see the enigmatic figure at any moment. A coo called his attention back to his crooked leg, where Morning Glory was peering up at him intently. "What's up?"

Morning reached out a hoof and soon Silver was nuzzling into the foal, smiling and forgetting about such small things as destiny or those that wielded it. He had his children, and that was far more important.

Night let out a little sigh. "You lasted longer than I thought you would."

Celine raised a brow.

"I expected you to arrive during the birth or at the party afterwards." Night smirked a little. "Thanks for waiting this long. I know why you're here."

Celine looked a little uncertain, and kept her mouth shut.

Night reached with a wing and patted Celine on the head. "You're already learning."

Celine frowned at that. "Don't taunt us. We're trying to do this properly."

Night nodded. "You are. I can see that. Now tell me, fully, why you are here."

Celine gestured between the two foals. "You have proven that the lunar tribe can encompass all three, naturally. I... can't ignore that, but I'm not here just for that. I..."


Celine frowned a little. "You drive me towards a broken promise."

Night softly petted over her foal's back, encouraging a little burp from her. "On this day, you get one freebie. Tell me."

Celine grunted softly and sank to her belly. "If we could take back our many foalish mistakes, we would. We wish to be a part of... this. Not as Luna, princess of the land, towering with physical and arcane might, but as an equal, as my sister already has."

Night gestured at the quiet Sunny. "She hasn't joined us, though she has earned the right to prove it would be a compatible match."

Celine licked her lips. "And how would I get such a chance?"

"I haven't chased you out yet." Night passed Clear to Silver, who balanced both foals carefully. "I'm going to hit you."

Celine sprang to her hooves and bounced away. "You will do no such thing!"

Night stepped towards Celine. "Why shouldn't I?"

Silver raised a brow. "Because I'd rather you didn't?"

Night waved that comment off. "Besides that."

Celine frowned sharply. "Because this family, your family, should not have violence within it."

Night smiled a little. "Now you're getting somewhere. And you?"

Celine's shoulders sagged. "I should not have struck him. You know I regret that. Poor stallion couldn't hurt me if his life depended on the act. I had no reason to fear him as I did at that moment."

Sunny softly coughed into a hoof. "That's enough heaviness for such a delightful day." She clopped her forehooves before she stood up. "Since everypony's awake, why don't we go to the garden? It's still warm out and the foals will love the chance to look around at the plants and animals out there."

Silver rose to his hooves, moving his foals to his back and keeping them snugly held in his magic. "That sounds like a great idea, if you're up for it, Night? Today's been one hell of a day for you."

"What?" Night raised a brow. "Human saying, right. I can sleep in the sun." Her wings shuffled on her back. "That sounds perfect actually."

She led the way in a great procession of ponies. Soon everypony was outside. Silver was on his back, playing and laughing with Clear Twilight while Trixie attempted to teach magic, with little results, to Morning.

Rough sat across from Sunny and Celine. "So, you're the princesses, but not really?"

Celine smiled gently. "We'd rather you think of us as not. We are just two ponies."

Rough pointed to Celine's wings, then up at her horn. "Not many ponies have both, Celine. I'm not sure how I missed that the first time."

Celine glanced back at them. "Many do... But you may have a point. If sister can handle being without wings, then so shall I." With a dark flare of her magic, the wings were banished, and she was simply a unicorn. "This is most bizarre."

Rough tilted his head. "I thought you were born a unicorn, like Princess Twilight?"

Sunny shook her head gently. "Princess Cadance was born a pegasus."

Rough blinked at that. "Really? I had no idea..." He forgot to ask which one the princesses before him might have been born.

It was perhaps for the best.

129 - An Honest Nudge

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Silver roused to Sunny's gentle nudges. He sat up and looked down at her. "What are you doing in here? We're still sleeping."

Sunny gave an understanding smile, but didn't budge. "We must speak, I'm afraid."

Her serious tone awakened Silver quickly. He slid carefully to the floor, trying to be quiet, and followed after Sunny. A sharp nip at his flank made him jump and squeak, just to find Night had discovered his attempt at stealth.

"Going somewhere?" She grabbed her glasses with a wing, slipping them into place.

Sunny nodded. "Come along. There's little time to argue, but I fear it may make you uncomfortable." She turned back to the door and led the way with both following her.

Night leaned in towards Silver as she went. "Uncomfortable?" Silver had as little idea as she did and simply shrugged back at her as he went.

They came to a small, mostly bare, room. There was a little set of tea laid out and a few cookies. Silver smirked at seeing it. Some parts of Celestia wouldn't change, large or small.

Sunny sat beside the table. "As you are both aware, Silver has had a number of prophetic visions."

Night's expression soured. "It's difficult to forget."

Silver simply nodded.

Sunny rolled a hoof. "There is a particular facet that I feel is absolutely vital." She raised a hoof at Silver. "You must interact with Starlight Glimmer. She will need your talent, perhaps even just as inspiration for what she must eventually do."

Silver paled at the idea. "But she... Why would you risk that?"

Sunny shook her head. "I have considered that risk, and there's nothing preventing her from trying it without you, possibly with far less success, and more collateral damage. She may become a good pony in the end, but we have to get her that far, even if it means making sure her wickedness progresses smoothly."

Night let out a loud huff. "Alright, time to bring me up to speed or I'm sitting on him and he's going nowhere."

Silver giggled a little. "Please don't do that. Starlight Glimmer is a unicorn of extreme magical talent that crosses paths with Twilight in a hostile way. She eventually followed after her and found me, taking interest in the potential of my cutie mark. After a lot of struggle, we eventually reached a measure of peace, even familiarity."

Night raised a brow in silent question.

"Just once." Silver colored. "I don't think that part will be repeated. It was an extremely specific situation that literally can't happen. But the important part was when she snatched my cutie mark towards the end and used it to create a time travelling spell she used on herself and Twilight. By the end of it, she and Twilight had reconciled their differences, but..." He looked to Sunny. "My time."

Sunny raised a hoof. "I have read your journal. I know, in your vision, your personal time was severely interfered with. I believe that to be false."

"And if it isn't?" Silver raised a brow of his own. "I really like the present I have right now. I don't want to lose it."

Sunny hung her head only a moment. "I'm sorry to even ask this of you, and it remains entirely your choice. As a friend, I'm telling you what I think and what I feel is best. You may or may not follow my advice." She took a slow breath. "If it does go afoul, I will spare no expense scouring the libraries for a spell to put it to right."

Night clopped a hoof against her head. "Be a potential hero, or keep what you have. That's a choice right out of a storybook." She glared at Sunny. "Tell me I can help."

Sunny frowned a little with thought. "I'm not sure how that could be done... This is a personal interaction between two ponies. One who has no friends, and another willing to be her friend."

Night rose her head. "This isn't his vision. If he has to do this, I will walk that path right at his side. We'll make it work, together."

Sunny smiled gently. "You're a good pony, Night Watch." She spread her hooves. "I would come with you, but I don't see that making things any easier. Instead, I will remain and help your parents care for the foals as best I can. I do hope you'll allow me a slight extension while you're away."

Night scowled with renewed trepidation. "W-what? Leave the foals behind?"

Silver looked conflicted. "Taking them along to who knows where, to face an angry unicorn..." Not that he looked forward to leaving them behind much better.

Night let out a little breath. "We're not going to fight her. We should come, as a family. Our mission is to gain her trust, right?"

Silver gave an uncertain nod at that. "I suppose having foals along would make us appear that much less threatening."

Sunny smiled a little. "If that's how you feel."

With a bright flash of magic, Celine appeared. "I will come too!"

Sunny's smile soured just a little. "Celine, sister, we must not. Two ponies is already stretching things. An entire herd of ponies will never be able to approach her."

Celine looked to Night. "You're the head mare, you decide."

Night recoiled, but sat up. That was right. She was the head mare, alpha of their group. It was her decision... "I don't think Sunny's wrong. This is an angry unicorn, desperate and alone. Coming in a huge group is more likely to threaten her than to win her trust. I appreciate you wanting to come along, Celine."

"But your foals..."

"Are in good hooves." Night smiled. "You two believe in destiny so much, I think that works both ways. From the way Silver's been acting, these miracles of foals have survived a lot to get this far. Their time isn't up, and neither is ours. We'll get this done." She turned to Sunny. "The time we're away doesn't count."

Silver felt pride swell in his chest and settled beside Night. "Then it's settled. We'll go looking for Starlight."

Sunny nodded. "I can point you in the right direction. The first step isn't even far. Twilight will be visiting the city with some old friends, and I feel it is imperative you be there. Not with Twilight, but at the eatery."

Night blinked behind her glasses owlishly. "You're kidding. All that and we're just going to a restaurant? I thought we'd be going halfway across Equestria."

Silver shook his head quickly. "Near or far, we're still dealing with an angry pony with tremendous personal power and a need for revenge about as deep. Let's not make light of the situation. I do agree with Sunny, she will become a good pony, but she isn't one, yet."

Night looked to Sunny and Celine. "Alright, so when do we need to be there?"

"Tonight." Sunny nodded. "I would have given early warning, had I known earlier. Silver, you understand how this works."

He did, and nodded back in sympathy. "In some ways I'm glad I got all my prophecy over and done with in one big burst. I'm looking forward to being past it all and living in the present. Man, this is like when I first arrived and knew what was going to happen around the Mane Six."

Celine raised a brow. "That is the human moniker for Twilight and her friends, is it not?"

Silver pointed at Celine. "Right on the first try. In the human stories of this world, Equestria, she is the center, along with her friends."

Sunny smiled gently. "Well she is not the center of this story. Equestria moves even when she is not around, as wonderful a pony as she might be."

The mission was clear. Night and Silver departed together back to their room to find Trixie and Rough already caring for fussy twins. Night leaned in a bit closer to Silver. "One thing bothers me." She didn't stay close to hear a reply as she hurried to the twins and helped calm them down.

So Silver followed after her. "Good morning, Father, Mother. Night, what thing is that?"

Night popped a bottle into both of their waiting snouts and rocked them in her strong wings. "Why would she ensure the time didn't count against her if it's just one evening?"

Silver frowned a little. That seemed a valid question. "We are de--"

Trixie waved a hoof between the two. "Why are you two speaking of things Trixie does not understand?"

Rough settled a hoof on her shoulder. "Easy there. You know what they get up to."

Trixie huffed and turned up her nose. "She wants to be involved."

Night smiled a little. "You're not the first. We're just going out for an evening dinner. We should be back in a few hours after that, assuming nothing goes wrong."

Trixie levelled a flat look at Night. "Chance of that?"

Night's smile wavered a little. "25%?"

Silver nudged against Night gently. "Are you simply unable to lie when giving odds?"

Night turned red in her cheeks and rose to her hooves, still holding the foals. "I'm going to get some breakfast, who's coming with me?"

The conversation of Night's odd habits was put on hold to fetch some food and enjoy the day. Even Trixie's grumblings settled down with some food in her belly. "Are you ready to progress to the next chapter, Silver?"

Silver perked up, expression brightening. "I think I am. I've got a good firm grip on feeling and seeing with it, but there's something I want to do first."


Silver bobbed his head. "With my shield refined, I feel ready to try re-making the fire shield spell into something that I don't pass out attempting."

Night raised a brow. "So you're going to refine the spell?"

Trixie shook her head. "That's not how Silver's talent works precisely. He can blend spells, not 'refine' them. It's a very powerful talent, as befits any foal of mine, but it does have limits." She flashed a smile at Silver. "I approve. We don't want to be remembered for sloppy work, now do we?"

Silver clopped his hooves with a sudden burst of joy and pulled out his spellbook as a quill popped into being beside his head.

Rough twitched an ear at the sight. "Right here?"

Night shook her head at Rough. "Welcome to my life. At least he looks so happy when he gets swept up in it."

The loud scribbles of a new spell being born became the soundtrack of the rest of the meal. While Trixie peeked over his shoulder occasionally to see how it was going, he was largely left alone as they chatted a lot about nothing in particular.

Life would move on.

130 - Destiny over Dinner

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Silver bore the cooing form of Clear Twilight. Beside him, Night carried Morning Glory. Both had a little saddle that the little ones rode on. He couldn't help but smile as he thought of how they must look. It was simply too adorable. "Alright, so we just have to go right on in, relax, and try to approach Starlight without scaring her away. We're not here to judge her."

Night gave a little nod. "I'm not entirely comfortable with visions and dreams, but I'm here for you, and Celestia--"


Night paused a moment, then shook her head. "Right, Sunny. She seems to think it's just as important, so if we're doing this, we'll do it right." She bumped lightly against Silver. "I won't mess this up."

The smiling unicorn out front perked as they approached. "Good evening! What a charming young family. Do you have a reservation?"

Silver nodded to the unicorn. "We should be under the Watches."

The unicorn lowered his eyes to the writing before him before glancing back up. "Here we are! Please, follow me." He turned and led the way into the eatery.

As they went, both spied Twilight laughing and joking with a table full of unicorns. Silver recognized them all as background ponies. Silver was sure he'd met one of them not long ago. Colgate? They didn't pay attention to one another for long and the waiter brought them to a table. "For you. We'll have foal seats brought out for you in just a moment, and your waiter will be right around to take drink orders." He dipped his head low before he scooted off back towards the door, leaving them.

Night hopped up onto the plush seat designed to be large enough for a pony to sit naturally and comfortably. Her sharp slitted eyes wandered the room, taking in the details. "Do we know what she looks like?"

Silver hopped up across from her and gently lifted Clear from his back, giving her a nuzzle before moving her towards a chair in his silvery magic. "I do. I know exactly what she looks like." Before he could set Clear down, a unicorn with a big smile approached.

The mare set down two high chairs. "Here you are! What can I get for you today?"

Soon the foals were situated, as wriggly and eager to explore as they were. Night nodded to the waiter. "A round of water to start, and how about a sampler tray as an appetizer?"

"Oh, I love that. Sometimes that's my entire lunch." The waitress smiled that bright smile of hers and was soon gone off to fetch the order.

Silver chuckled a little. "Smooth. I would have had to study the menu a bit first." He looked around a moment, and there she was. He could see her distinctive mane rising above one of those menus, her horn also poking free. He leaned in closer and voice lowered to a whisper. "She's just over there."

Night glanced before looking away sharply. She gave a stiff nod as the waiter returned with water and Night busied herself with a few sips.

Silver looked to his wife curiously a moment. "I just noticed, you recovered from that really well. I mean, not a bit of literal babyfat on you."

Night blinked with surprise. "Do humans not do that? I paid my price. Just about a year of increasing fat, I'm not keeping that." She snorted softly and took a deeper pull of water. "Even if you do like it."

Silver felt his cheeks warm. "No! No, not like that. I'm attracted to my wife being a miracle, not my wife being fat for the sake of being fat." He reached with his magic, raising her chin. "You're a wonderful and breathtaking pony, Night."

Night smiled a little before gesturing with her head faintly. "Let's keep our senses on the objective, hmm?"

Twilight and her group suddenly rose up and began moving for the door in a giggling mass. Fortunately, she seemed absorbed in her friends and didn't notice Night or Silver in the eatery, nor did she notice the stalking Starlight who had been there with her.

With Twilight gone, Starlight slid to her hooves with a scowl. She started for the door herself, only to pause. "What are you looking at?" She was looking at Silver and Night directly.

Silver's mind went fast, the dangerous kind of fast that results in ponies slipping and falling down stairs. "I was captivated."

Starlight blinked in shock. Night did the same. Between the three of them, there was an awkward moment of silence. Starlight gave a nervous little laugh. "You're a bold one, making a move on a mare while seated ac... Are you two married?" Her eyes darted from Night to the foals and back, trying to piece together what was going on.

Night clicked out of her shock and began to move quickly on her own, trying to match her husband's dangerous mental rate. "Oh, yes, but I did promise him he could look. We were considering a herd."

Starlight's cheeks began to burn. "You're joking... You're not joking..." She approached a few steps though rather than fleeing. "Why would you be attracted to me? I don't have anything." She thrust a hoof at where Twilight was. "She took it all away from me!"

Silver felt the tension melt away a little. This was exactly where they wanted to be. "Want to tell us about it?" He gripped an unused chair and brought it into place. "Please, join us."

Starlight glanced away and back. "I'm not that kind of mare..."

Night flashed a gentle smile. "We're not that kind of pony either, please. Have a seat, tell us what has you so upset. No obligations."

After a moment of hesitation, Starlight hopped up, joining them at their table. "If you talk to 'princess' Twilight about this..."

Silver raised a hoof and made a motion over his heart. "What you tell us will never reach her ears. We're here for you."

Starlight tilted her head a little. "For some reason... I believe you." She let out an explosive sigh. "Fine, you want to hear my sob story so bad, you'll get it, but no complaining." She suddenly grabbed Silver's glass of water and swigged it down. "Now where to begin..."

Night smiled a little. "The start is always a good place."

Starlight suddenly put both of her hooves on the table. "Wait, I don't even know your names!"

Silver pointed at himself. "Silver Watch." He pointed to Night. "Night Watch." That hoof kept moving to his foals. "Morning Glory and Clear Twilight."

Starlight frowned at Clear a moment, but the foal just giggled at her. "She doesn't look much like Twilight. She's an earth pony."

Night rolled a hoof. "She doesn't own the word. Clear Twilight is named after a perfectly clear twilight evening, where the sky is so pure and empty, with not a cloud in the way of seeing."

Starlight smiled a little. "Right, of course. I'm Starlight. Starlight Glimmer. I used to have a purpose, and friends, and a home..." She looked down a little and went quiet.

Silver reached across towards Starlight and pat her shoulder. "What happened?" He knew what happened, but simply speaking of it would not work well.

Starlight scowled. "That stupid Twilight and her friends came. They destroyed the society I had worked so hard to make... Ungrateful ponies! I brought them happiness! Equality! Justice, true justice!" With every emphasized word she drove her hoof into the table, becoming more irate. Her fury abated a little as the waiter returned with their sampler tray and set it out in the middle of the table.

Night took a snatch of food and nibbled on the savory morsel a moment before she spoke, "Sounds rough. What was this 'society' you made?"

Starlight thrust a hoof at Night's flanks. "See that?"

Night glanced back. "My cutie mark?"

Starlight nodded. "More like your shackles. Your 'cutie mark' says what you have to do. It separates ponies. It says hey, you, you're better than this other pony. Hey you, you shouldn't be around this pony, you should be doing something else." She scowled a little. "What does yours mean, for instance?"

Night glanced at it again a brief moment. "It told me that I like examining things closely." Her slit eyes narrowed a little. "I'm good at figuring out the odds and seeing things from other angles."

Starlight rolled a hoof. "And I bet you had friends as a foal you don't talk to anymore."

Night opened her mouth as if ready to deny it, but a second thought reached her and she stopped. "I... actually, there is one."

"See!" Starlight clopped the table before taking a snack and chewing it angrily. "Cutie marks drive ponies apart, and keep them apart. I had a utopian society, where ponies were all equal to one another. Nopony had to be the best, or worst."

Silver set a hoof gently on one of Starlight's. "Until Twilight came."

"Exactly!" Starlight heaved for breath, but seemed to be calming down. "Exactly... Look, I shouldn't be venting with strangers like this."

Night suddenly joined in, resting a hoof on one of Starlight's. "Oh, no, you can share. It's alright. Sometimes a pony just needs somepony to talk to."

Starlight seemed to war internally with taking up that offer or fleeing. Her eyes settled on Silver's flank. "So, what about yours?"

Silver perked his ears. "Huh? Oh! Mine's about spell making."

Starlight sat up. "You make spells?"

Silver bobbed his head. "I sure do! Name any two spells and let me go."

Starlight raised a brow. "You're kidding..." She suddenly produced a spellbook from her pocket and laid it on the table. "Any two? You're just bluffing to look good in front of your mare."

Night snorted softly. "Afraid not. He doesn't show off for me like that. He should."

Silver hesitated a moment. Was that part of the act, or genuine? He decided to shake it off for the moment. "Really, pick two." He pointed to her book.

Starlight licked her lips before a calculating grin came over her face. "Well, alright then. Let me pick the perfect two to test with then..."

131 - A Clever Unicorn

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"Let's start here." She flipped through the page with her magic, settling on a shield. "This, and..." She flipped along to a flight spell. "This."

Silver tilted his head at the book. This wasn't a time travel spell, but perhaps expecting Starlight to open with that would be asking a bit much. He reached with his hooves, drawing the book closer and studying the two spells. Though he had been asked to merge the shield and the flight spell, his inspiration began running in another direction.

The shield that was before him was very different from his own personalized version. He began comparing it to his own in his head, then he drew out his own book and began swapping back and forth between them as unicorn letters were muttered under his breath.

Starlight raised a brow. "What are you doing, precisely?"

Night flashed her fangs. "Once he gets his little unicorn teeth into a spell, he's lost to the world."

Morning Glory, ignored and trying to reach for the food on the table, hit his limit and gave a keen cry as he pointed with a hoof. The sound drew Night instantly. She produced a bottle from wherever mother ponies got such things and gently soothed the hungry foal, which necessitated Clear Twilight get her share.

Silver glanced up, but seeing Night had the situation well-in-hoof, his attention slid right back to the books. He produced a quill and began scribbling furiously. "Funny... interesting, combination..." No full thought escaped his mouth, mental bandwidth occupied with converging the two spells. "Invert, just like..."

Starlight slid from her chair and circled Silver to peer over his shoulder at the new letters he was producing. "One doesn't just make a spell, not as a party trick. What are you doing?"

Night shook her head. "We were both serious. It's best to let him finish what he's started."

Starlight raised a brow as she moved back to her seat. "You'd better not damage my book."

Silver made a noise of distracted confirmation as he scrawled busily. The table became quiet a long moment before he drove down the quill down on the paper with a triumphant cry, drawing some stares. "There!"

"There... what?" Starlight's magic grabbed for Silver's book to look at what he had written. Her eyes scanned over it, muttering under her breath as she tried to memorize it, which was a skill she had plenty of. "What's it do?"

Silver rolled a hoof. "Well, if I got it right, it combines the hardened structure of my optimized spell with the structure of yours, turned inwards. It should be a way to safely disable a pony."

"Really?" Starlight raised a brow before a smile spread over her snout. The last thing Silver saw was her horn lowering before there was a bright flash. He was frozen in a chunk of crystallized magic.

Night sprang to her hooves, only to be locked in her own crystal, foals still in her wings. They could look around with their eyes but little else.

Starlight gave a little titter of delight as she scooped up both spellbooks and tucked them away. "Well, it seems your cutie mark is working quite well." Her face took on a look of disgust. "Enough. Who sent you?" There was no reply from the frozen ponies. "Right, nevermind that." Her horn lifted them both into the air and she moved to leave with them, only to be interrupted by a waiter.

"Will you be handling the bill, ma'am?"

Silver silently swore. Were ponies really so oblivious as to not question the fact that he and his family were locked in crystals?

Starlight smiled. "Oh, yes, silly me." She surrendered a few bits and strolled out with the two crystals bobbing behind her like exceptionally odd party balloons.

Night struggled in her prison to little effect and tried to talk, but it was little more than muffled grunts. The foals were better at making noise, but to equally little real effect. Starlight looked back to all of them. "Now be good little ponies. I'll let you out in the moment." She was wreathed in magic Silver could see and lifted into the air. "Away we go!"

She moved quickly away from the sparkling city with her hostages, descending under Canterlot to a small cave and settling her prize there. "I really should thank you. That spell will be quite useful. Oh, I wonder what expression I'll lock onto Princess Twiddle's face." Her horn twinkled and the spell broke, freeing Silver from his prison. "Now tell me who sent you. Was it her? Did Princess Celestia decide to act? Tell me now and I may be merciful."

Watching from a distance, Celine surged forward to intervene, only for Sunny to thrust a hoof in the way. "Have faith in them."

Celine's back twitched, flaring wings that weren't there. "They're in danger! Shouldn't we help them? We're friends. Is that not what friends do?"

Sunny smiled gently. "Friends also have confidence. Silver has not lost this conflict yet."

Silver sat up from where the broken spell had left him sprawling. "Starlight, we're not here to stop you."

Starlight raised a brow. "If you were, you're doing a very bad job."

Silver smiled a little. It was the same Starlight he once knew. That infectious confidence made him giddy, but he didn't like her angry look. "Is it that hard to believe some ponies may take an actual interest in you?"

"Yes!" Starlight only seemed to notice what she said long after it spilled from her mouth. She started to darken in her cheeks and she stomped a hoof with rising fury. "Stop mocking me!" Her magic grabbed at Silver and he projected his own increasingly delicate telekinesis to slide along hers in a dance that was invisible to most. "What are you doing?"

Silver stepped free of the battle of wills calmly. "I've had enough being swatted around of late, thank you. Starlight, I want to be your friend."

"W-what?" Starlight frowned at him. "You have a cutie mark."

Silver pointed. "So do you."

Starlight glanced back at it even as her magic faded. "I didn't ask for it..."

Silver smiled gently. "Do you want to tell me about it?"

Starlight frowned at him a moment. The crystal apparently had a time limit, or perhaps she was not focusing well enough, because Night and the foals fell to the ground in a chorus of small cries and a grunt of annoyance. Starlight sneered at the three. "Stay where you are and I won't put you back on ice."

Night gathered her foals close. "If we wanted to attack you, we would have already."

Starlight raised a brow at the statement. "I know more than enough battle magic to take care of two parents and their squawking little brats."

Silver sat on his haunches, regarding Starlight evenly despite the thumping his heart. "You could, I'm sure, but we're not here to fight you. Can we talk, like adults?"

Starlight suddenly brought a hoof to her face. "How did I not recognize you?!" She leveled the same hoof at Silver. "You're that new diplomat. You're practically Celestia's little pet." She took a dangerous step forward. "You think you can stop me?"

Silver shook his head, muscles stiff with fear. "I'm here for you, Starlight, not her. If you want to leave, I won't stop you. I just want to talk."

Starlight shook her head slowly. "I should get rid of the lot of you..." Her eyes lost their focus a moment. "But I don't think that's needed... I believe you." She half turned away. "I don't even know why, but I do. You make me regret that decision and I'll make sure you don't have long to regret yours."

She walked away a few steps. "If you work for Celestia, you have to know Princess starbutt, tell me everything about her. Spare no details."

Night snorted softly. "Besides the fact that she eats up magic?"

"That's a start." Starlight smiled. "Tell me what she values."

"Her friends." Silver tilted his head a little.

"Pfft, figures." Starlight frowned viciously. "She took away my friends while she enjoys hers. I bet she'd change her tune if she knew what it was like..." A thought came to her and the frown eased into a calculating smile. "Tell me what her greatest mistake was."

Night looked perplexed at the question. Silver, on the other hoof, had a few guesses. "She once had a town stampeding after a doll."

Starlight snorted back laughter. "Foalish, no, something else." She rolled a hoof. "Go on."

He tapped his chin softly. "She spent a week preparing Ponyville for a disaster that turned out to be herself telling herself not to worry."

Starlight blinked quietly. "How did she tell herself?"

Silver brought two hooves together. "Well she skipped backwards a week to warn herself, though her past self wasn't very--"

"How do you know any of that?" demanded Night with a bit of a frown.

"Now we're onto something, oh yes. Now, my clever little unicorn. Do you know where this spell is?" She sauntered towards him with a seductive smile. "I would be ever so grateful, and we can part ways without any hard feelings at all."

Night frowned with her own bristled emotions, but getting this far was the goal. She calmed herself and held her foals gently, eyes locked on the two unicorns.

Silver bobbed his head. "Actually, I do. That one she got from the Star Swirl wing of the library."

Starlight raised a brow faintly. "That raises a challenge." The expression melted into a smile. "But not an insurmountable one. I have more information gathering to do. You can go now."

Silver took Morning Glory in his magic and levitated his foal to his back. "That's not how you say goodbye to friends."

"Good thing we're not." Starlight frowned a little. "Go ahead, go, before I change my mind."

He let out a little sigh. "I'll see you later, Starlight."

"Perhaps." She seemed to be pointedly ignoring their presence, and they took their leave.

Silver raised a hoof. "Oh, can I have my spellbook back? You can..."

Starlight ripped out the page with the crystal spell before he could give permission to copy it. She tossed the remainder of the book at his hooves. Silver quietly counted to ten in his head as he reclaimed his book. With a smoldering bit of anger, he left with his family.

Night nipped at him the moment they were out of sight and hearing range. "What do you see in that pony? All she needs is a swift hoof right to the jaw."

Silver chuckled a little. "Right this second, I find myself agreeing, but I know there's a good pony in there. It's our job to help it get its chance to come out and leave this bitter and angry pony behind." He rolled his eyes. "At least she isn't working for shadowy organizations this time."


Silver shook his head. "We should get back to the city, and we shouldn't be surprised if Starlight turns up again. She'll probably want help making that spell do what she wants it to do, either in asking me, or just snatching my talent for a little while."

Night grunted softly. "This is one mission I'm glad is over..."

132 - Because We Care

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Silver and Night were expecting to be greeted by familiar faces on returning to the castle, but this particular one and her expression were beyond their expectations.

Samantha stared at them with wide and worried eyes. "Where were you two? You were out of tracking range, and the readings I received, they were just awful! Are you harmed? Are the foals harmed?" She rushed them to start patting them down with a hoof. "No obvious trauma..."

Silver coughed softly as he began to be patted down. "That's quite alright, Samantha. We're both fine."

That seemed to just be a cue for her attention to focus on the foals, inspecting them carefully until Morning Glory's horn flared brightly and Samantha was tossed across the room.

She rose and shook herself out with a sudden little giggle. "He's alright. Tell me everything!"

Night shook her head slowly. "It's a unicorn thing. Tell me it's a unicorn thing. It has to be. You're all hyper-focused psychopaths." She saw Silver's hurt expression and moved to nuzzle him gently. "I love you for your quirks."

Samantha tilted her head a little. "Is that how you see me?" She rose a hoof and tapped her chin once. "Fascinating. I'm pleased to report you all seem to be in fine physical condition."

Silver let out a little sigh. "We were frozen in crystal, but it was harmless, just annoying and restrictive." He licked his lips as he looked down the hallway they were in. "Right now we're both tired and frazzled."

"Is it true?"

Night raised a brow behind her thick glasses. "Is what true, exactly?"

Samantha waved a hoof between Night and Silver. "Are you letting him look for other members of your herd?"

Night colored swiftly. "N-no! You stop spying on us this very instant." She drove a hoof down in a loud clop. "That was the last straw."

Samantha's manically pleased face turned to utter horror instantly. "I didn't mean to bother you! Question withdrawn." She turned to Silver, nodded, then spun around and fled.

Night put a hoof over her face. "I'm pretty sure I'd go insane if I had to deal... She's still spying on us, isn't she?"

Silver couldn't help but to snort out a chuckle at that. "I would put bits down on it. She's not a bad pony." He rubbed his cheek against Night's gently. "Forget her for now, we have a family to fill in."

They returned to their room to find it crowded. Besides Trixie and Rough Draft, Celine and Sunny were present. Sunny raised a hoof to point at them. "And here they are."

Silver raised an ear. "Were you talking about us?"

Trixie clopped her hooves. "How could we not? Our foals are too brave and wonderful to not speak of frequently. Trixie may also have been prying for details. Who is this unicorn with magic beyond Trixie's? It's bad enough to deal with Princess Sparkle"

Celine shook her head at Trixie. "You are a fine magician, but not the best, Trixie Lulamoon." Her comment earned her a bit of a glare. "The unicorn we speak of has the power to remove cutie marks and the talents that come with them. She is also very driven, and angry."

Sunny smiled gently, as seemed to be one of her favored expressions. "But beneath that angry shell, there is a good pony waiting to emerge."

The smile proved infectious as Silver returned it. "I have to keep reminding myself of that. I wanted to get really pissed at her a few times during that."

Night rolled her eyes as she gathered up both foals and carried them towards the nursery. "I'm glad I was there to support you, Silver, but I won't hold my breath on her suddenly changing."

Celine raised a brow. "Will they use their rainbow powers?"

Rough Draft perked. "Rainbow powers?"

Sunny waved a hoof. "It will be far more personal. She will not be defeated with force, but with friendship and forgiveness, or so we hope. Thank you, both of you, for helping. I'm certain it wasn't easy to do, and you know your part is not yet complete."

Silver knew, but Night seemed less pleased. As she returned without the foals, her head shook. "So now we wait for Silver to either be foalnapped or simply assaulted one day?"

He nodded to her. "That's about the summary. I won't be hurt, I don't think. She's not after me, she's after revenge and so long as she gets what she needs to further that, she won't spend much time worrying about other things." He flopped down onto his haunches with a little frown. "A shame though."

Rough tilted his head at Silver. "What is?"

Silver shrugged a little. "We were better friends, last time. Of course, she also indirectly led to my first death, so it was a bit of a mixed bag. I think she'll become a pony worth being a friend of, but it won't be with me."

Trixie waved the whole thing off. "Who would want to be friends with an egocentric unicorn bent on revenge?"

The room became quiet a moment.


Rough coughed into a hoof. "Yes, well, it's becoming late. We should all get some sleep and be ready for tomorrow."

Tired ponies climbed up onto beds and got comfortable even as Trixie tried to get an answer as to what everypony was being quiet about to no avail.

Silver and Night were mutually surprised to find other bodies in bed with them. Celine had slid in beside Night and Sunny with Silver.

Night raised a brow lightly. "One of you is still on trial, and the other isn't even that far. Why are you sharing our bed?"

Celine gently nuzzled Night's shoulder. "We will do nothing untoward. May we rest here?"

Sunny smiled gently and nestled in closer. Her eyes closed and she was soon asleep without words.

Silver felt himself growing warm, but didn't have the heart to banish either of the royal simulacrums. Night seemed more ready to do so, but either she enjoyed the company, or was too tired to fight it. She dropped the argument, and soon the entire suite was peaceful and quiet. Sleep came to them.

"I do not agree with my sister."

Silver sat up on his human bed to see Celine seated across from him. "Oh, hey there Luna."

Celine perked her ears. "I am Celine."

"Who is Luna, I hope?"

She huffed softly. "Keeping separate names helps me keep things straight. Being in two places is harder than it might otherwise appear to be." She pointed at Silver. "You are too eager."

Silver blinked. "I haven't made a move."

She blinked in return then shook her head violently. "Not that! You are too eager to do what is right. This is not some whimsical narrative waiting for you to simply select the right path. This pony who may yet be redeemed? She certainly isn't yet, and could harm you, or those you love, quite terribly."

Silver sat up slowly. "Night knows what to expect. If Starlight comes for me, we'll let her have what she wants so she can do what she has to do."

She frowned a little. "And if Starlight decides Night may be a challenger despite this and moves to attack beforehoof? You and sister are too trusting! It infuriates me..."

Silver licked his lips as he looked over Celine, thinking back to the first time he knew Celine, his first romantic partner. Those were good times... "Do you love me?"

She started. "W-what?"

"Do you?"

Her cheeks colored as she glanced away and back. "Such a sudden question... I came to question you, impertinent foal of a stallion..."

He waved a hoof at her form. "If you don't, you're putting in a lot of effort for a pony you don't love. What do you want, Celine? Let's just pretend a moment everything went perfectly, where would you be?"

Celine sat up and looked tensed to flee, but she visibly fought that urge and slowly sank back down to her belly. "I can feel her love, still echoing through me. She loved you so much, so fiercely... I want to know that love."

The dreamscape shifted suddenly. Silver was on top of Celine, belly-to-belly. "Was it physical?"

Silver colored a little at their position. It would be so easy to... "Partially. I loved her physically, and mentally." He leaned in and nuzzled Celine under her chin gently. "I loved all of her, and now you have all of her. It's left me a little lost."

Celine smiled gently. "And if I surrendered to this feeling... If I threw my hooves wide and gave it all up, and accepted you as part of me, would this please you?"

This felt sudden, and fast, to Silver. He pushed down, his hooves on either side of her and allowing him to stand up instead of being pressed to her so intimately. "This isn't about me. You already know how I feel." He smiled a little. "I will accept you, as a friend, or more. I would even accept you as less, though more sadly." He tilted his head. "I..."

She put a hoof to his snout, quieting him. "Friend or lover, may I have you tonight?"

Silver felt a wave of conflicting emotions wash over him. Having Celine again, it was so very tempting. Was dream-sex infidelity? Would he be betraying Night? "We shouldn't."

Celine gave a slow and quiet nod. They were seated facing one another again. "I'm pushing too hard, again."

Silver smiled a little. "You wouldn't be you if you didn't." His tail flicked as he looked over her. "I'm not mad at you, heck, that was very very tempting... but I think I can't use dreams as an excuse when I know exactly what I'm doing in dreams. If you become part of the herd, I will try to be the best husband I can be."

She quirked a smile. "Then it is up to me to win my way into it, or accept my failure. As for this Starlight Glimmer, I continue to have my reservations about this entire plan." She reached out a wing she didn't have an instant prior. An image of Starlight appeared balanced atop it. "She could visit great harm on you and yours, and you accept it without hesitation."

"She could." Silver sat up tall. "I've seen her, at her best, and at her worst. If I can help nudge her towards the best, then I will." A little quirk of a smile spread on his snout. "I got to return our first meeting."


Silver shook his head. "In my dream, she had me captive and made a very... forward pass, confusing me at the time. I didn't exactly mean to, but I flipped the tables around and left her confused and reeling."

Celine blinked softly. "When will you tell me of your dreams? Mine sister has already seen so much. It isn't fair... You claim they were at least half formed from my own mind as much as your own."

He frowned a little at that. "I didn't mean to share with her. She came and took it while you had me locked up, I'll remind. You both did something wrong, though in that particular case, I'd rate yours a little higher." The frown broke into a little smile. "We're not here to yell about that, again, but you don't get to be mad at her. You basically gave it to her."

Celine pointed at Silver. "I am more irate at you than her. I want to know." She reached for him, poking him between the ears. "What secrets lurk here? What things have you seen?"

Silver dipped under her hoof and gave her a quick smooch on the cheek. "Ask me after you've settled things with Night Watch. I'll feel so much less tense about the whole thing once we're past the point I've seen. I'm very tired of living 'in the past' as it were."

Celine narrowed her eyes a moment, a hoof raising to touch the spot where she had been kissed. "Sleep well."

She was gone.

Silver slid from his bed and sat at his computer, ready to idle the hours away until the morning.

133 - Those Left Behind

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Silver roused with a purpose, or at least a remembered one.

His motion caused Sunny to open her eyes and watch him silently a moment as he slid from the bed. She was the first, but hardly the last as the gentle disturbances stirred Celine and Night from their respective slumbers.

Celine sprang to the floor and began trotting towards the nursery. "I'll check on the foals."

Night reached with a wing for her glasses and slid them into place. "Thanks, but I'll be in to say good morning to them shortly."

Sunny slid down beside Silver. "You look like you have something on your mind."

Trixie ran a brush through her mane as she regarded Silver. "Are you looking forward to the next lesson that eagerly? Trixie would like to try it as well."

Silver lifted an ear at his mother. "Yes, but that's not what Sunny's thinking of." He turned to Sunny fully. "In the dream, I was pretty involved with a pair of sisters."

The strike of a wing upside his head was swift. Night frowned at him as she stalked past him. "At least pretend it's embarrassing."

Silver blinked softly. "I got one of them killed, which one is a bit blurry. They were Saddle Arabians, being given a hard time for being what they were with their feline neighbors. If they're real, I'd like to lend a hoof. A letter or two, a few bits?"

Sunny got that little smile she liked to get. "That sounds lovely. Do you know their names?"

Names were not Silver's strength, but those two had been special. "Shai and Aila Windsong, if I recall properly. They have an aunt, Patty Windsong. Can you find them?"

"Personally, no." Sunny rose and moved towards the small kitchen the suite had. "But there are others I can call on. What did they do for a living?"

Night raised a brow at the two. "You're seriously going to go through with that? How do we know they aren't figments of his dream?"

Sunny lifted her shoulders. "How can we say they are or are not? Let us assume they are not until proven otherwise. He's been accurate enough."

Silver put a hoof behind his head. "Night, I'm not trying to get involved with them like that, not at all. They're a country away and I don't plan to visit, but a few letters and well wishes won't hurt them or us."

Rough woke with a thunderous yawn and half rolled out of bed. "Morning everypony. Waking up with so many ponies around is still kind of new." He smiled despite it. "I think I like it."

Trixie poked him lightly. "Don't get too used to it. The Great and Powerful Trixie likes having some quiet time between her bedazzling appearances before her adoring crowds."

Sunny began gathering ingredients to prepare a breakfast. "Silver?"

Starting, he nodded quickly. "Oh, yes, they had an inn."

"Ah, that should narrow it down. Windsongs, Saddle Arabians, owned an inn in Anugypt. How many of those could there be." Sunny went quiet then, focusing on making breakfast.

Night nudged Silver's shoulder with a snout. "Let's check the foals." He easily agreed and they walked into the nursery to find Celine seemingly juggling the two in her magic, apparently to their delight as they squealed and giggled.

Silver tilted his head with some confusion. "Isn't that a bit rough to start the day with?"

Celine snorted softly. "Tis not my magic that holds them aloft. Foals can be quite unpredictable. My magic keeps them from fleeing me. Morning Glory is holding himself and his sister up."

Night reached with her wings and carefully drew the two squirming foals to herself as she sat. "That's enough roughhousing for one morning, you two. Don't you worry, we'll do something fun today." They cheered despite not being able to speak, leaving Silver wondering just how pony linguistic development worked.

He reached out a hoof and Clear Twilight broke off from her feeding to approach him. She was noticeably larger than Morning Glory. "Just how much larger will you become, my wonderful daughter?" He grabbed her up and nuzzled her as his magic grabbed for the bottle and brought it over, resuming her breakfast.

Night smiled a little, watching Silver and Clear Twilight. "You're pretty cute when you're focused on being a father."

Celine bobbed her head. "It is not a bad look for him. Methinks Lady Lulamoon is eager to begin the day. She's watching you quite carefully."

Silver knew a hint when he heard one. He carefully set Clear down and nuzzled the top of her head. "Want to see daddy mess up and throw himself around?"

She gave a loud cry that may have been affirmative and began following him. Not to be left behind, Morning vanished from Night's arm and appeared beside Clear, accompanying her to see what Silver was up to.

Night rolled her eyes as she trailed behind. "So what exactly are you practicing today?"

Trixie clopped her hooves with joy when the party emerged. "Excellent! Today we begin lessons in internal telekinesis."

Night raised a brow sharply. "I will not have Silver reaching inside his innards with his magic."

"Not like that." Trixie waved it off. "From an early age and throughout most of our lives, unicorns focus on applying their force to other things. Lifting, opening, using, but the book is crystal clear on the idea that the unicorn her or himself is as valid a target as anything else. Lifting, for instance." She pointed to the book. "The spell is written there."

Silver lifted an ear at the book as he approached it. "Why do we need a spell at all? There's no spell to grabbing things and picking them up."

Trixie lifted her shoulders. "You are welcome to try, my Brave and Foolish student."

The challenge was given. He nodded and focused his magic, imagining the silvery hand beneath himself just as he'd tried once to flee with as a foal. It lifted up and he rose with it, but it was dizzying. Its relation to himself changed in subtle ways trying to focus on something that moved in that particular configuration with himself. The hand listed to the side a little and he began to slide before he countered it quickly. It was working, but it wasn't graceful. "See, I'm flying."

Trixie nodded. "You're doing quite well, but the spell makes it much more graceful. If she reads it correctly, you'll focus on where you want to be instead of on the magic you're using on yourself." She reached up and poked the magic beneath Silver.

He had interwoven the spell that let him feel through it without thinking about it, just as he had practiced. That was less than ideal in this situation as he became distracted and came crashing to the ground. "Ow." He was more embarrassed than hurt and quickly got himself upright. "Alright, I get the idea. Let's get to--"

"Breakfast." Sunny approached, plates of food hovering around her as she went. She set one down before every pony in the room. "I don't get to cook that often, so I hope it's alright."

No complaints were had as conversation and learning were paused to enjoy the home-made food.

Morning popped out of existence just to land on Night's head with a delighted little coo as he grabbed hold of her from above. Night reached with a wing, petting her son gently. "You be good up there. You had your breakfast, mommy's turn."

Clear waddled up to Rough Draft and gave him a prod. Despite being a little foal, she made him sway dangerously before he recovered and laughed. "My, uh, oh wow it's still weird thinking I have a grandfilly, but here she is." He reached for her, plucking her up and hugging her, only to get a tight hug in return. "Oof! Foals, they're something else..."

Sunny looked distracted a moment, a little frown marring her generally positive features. Night noticed it quickly. "Something wrong?"

She waved it off weakly. "It's... Silver, are you certain they were Windsongs?"

He perked his ears. "Pretty sure. Sisters. Why?"

She let out a little breath. "The only report we have of Windsongs is over a thousand years old... They have long since passed on. Their inn is still standing, at least. It's become something of a monument to the city of Catro."

He felt a chill run through him. "Were they... happy at least?"

Sunny gave a tiny smile. "They fought long and hard for their right to live and prosper in the city. Their work paved the way for others to come after them and the country is far more diverse and lively for it, but they were not much loved while they were alive, and suffered many setbacks."

Silver deflated a little. "Still, they stuck to it... They both would have been proud, to know the legacy they left behind."

Night fidgeted a little. "I don't really understand this, not from your perspective, but I do understand it means a lot to you." She leaned over and kissed his cheek. "Maybe we could send something, to their inn? Do their descendants run it?"

Sunny tilted her head. "I'll have to check, but that's a lovely idea."

With a loud squeal, Morning appeared atop Silver's head and gave him a bop. Silver smiled at the strike after an instant of frowning. "Even my foals are telling me to buck up." He lifted his son in his magic and nuzzled that exposed belly. "Message received. Enough wallowing in the past. The far past... apparently... Let's get back to magic."

Trixie smiled brightly. "This she can agree with. If you're done with breakfast, let's get to work."

He rose, placing Morning in Night's ready hooves. "Let's get to it."

It was work, but it was enjoyable work.

134 - Say Ahh

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As engrossed as they were in learning new feats of magic, they could not ignore the letter that arrived with Celestia's hoofwriting on it.

Night raised a brow at it and turned to Sunny. "Is there a reason you didn't just tell us?"

"Propriety." Sunny nodded lightly. "Besides, the letter itself is a ticket to the event. You will all come to the Grand Galloping Gala, I do hope?"

Morning made a valiant attempt at the word, but it turned into excited cooing that his sister responded to with a slightly more sedate attempt. Both laughed and became distracted by something else.

Silver smiled at the foals before nodding back at Sunny. "I don't see why not. Besides, we have our foals. Technically, I'm available for duty again."

Sunny reached up and tapped his nose. "I wasn't going to mention that, but, yes... If you feel ready for it."

Night stretched out, wings extending. "Finally! I'm done being idle. We can take the foals with us." She reached and patted each on the head gently. "They're well behaved."

Sunny smiled. "I wouldn't dream of leaving them behind, but do be mindful of them. Sometimes the event can be a little... stuffy. The only other foals I feel certain will be coming are the Cutie Mark Crusaders."

Silver smirked a little in thought. "Maybe it'll make it clear to everypony that I'm not on the market. Wife at my side, foals riding us. I can't think of a much stronger 'I am taken' signal."

Celine shook her head a little. "It did not work for either myself or my sister."

Sunny focused on Night, approaching closely. "Speaking of that, how have I been?"

Night perked her ears up. "Like a good friend. You're easy to get along with."

Silver got the thrust and glanced between Night and Sunny. "I think she'd like to know if we'll let her in."

Night snorted at him. "I know that. Let a mare think." She turned slowly in place, eyes sweeping as if she'd dropped something. "Is that what you want, friendship? I don't think the family needs more foals, and you said you weren't here for that."

Sunny shook her head a little. "I don't need a foal. My foals are the foals of Equestria. Every little face that I protect with my duties. Every bright little student I take under my wings and try to guide towards being a productive and joyful pony. I have many foals."

Celine rose suddenly. "You're making me feel guilty, sister. I have affected the lives of our little ones. Should I be happy with that?"

Sunny walked with ease through the room. "You shouldn't be. Everypony is different. There is no shame in wanting something a bit more... personal." She turned to look at Celine. "Some would say I was the aberration for being satisfied with my distant position."

Rough shook his head a little, his cheeks a bright red. "I'm not used to being so close to two such powerful ponies, less so when they're discussing such private matters."

Celine smiled, her momentary funk broken by Rough's admission. "You may one day be our father by merit of marriage. There is nothing to hide between us, not like that. What do you think... father?"

Rough increased his efforts to imitate a tomato as he squirmed. "I... I'm happy knowing one's on the way. I don't think me or Trixie will need more than the one."

Trixie waved a hoof. "One is sufficient, and Trixie will be sure to raise them to be a powerful and astounding magician known throughout Equestria."

Sunny smiled gently at Trixie. "Have you been seeing the doctor? How far along are you?"

Trixie snorted at the idea. "As if Trixie needs help with such a simple task."

Celine came in from the other side, trapping Trixie between the royal simulacrums. "You say that, but this is no small matter. For your own sake and that of your foal, at least a cursory examination would be prudent."

Silver found himself agreeing and wrapped his magic around Trixie, only to feel her magic slip against his and ward him off.

She wrinkled her nose at him. "Your mother has been learning just as you have. You won't fool her so easily." She sat in place. "Very well, this seems a fair challenge. If you can lift me, then perhaps she will deign to go where you carry her."

Silently, Silver accepted this challenge and began feeling where her magic started and ended, which changed as she moved to block him with her will. He kept brushing against her shield, distracting her with feints and half-hearted attempts to get at her. She didn't even notice when the ground lifted away from her. "Let's go."

"W-what?!" Trixie looked down, seeing she was a foot lifted and hovering behind Silver as he trotted with a triumphant look on his face. "How did you do that?" she demanded, driving a hoof silently into the silvery hand he had used.

Silver led a procession of his family through the castle. "Just because I learned new tricks didn't mean the old ones stopped being applicable. Lifting myself up is clumsy with the hand, but for another pony, even a Great and Powerful one, it works fine."

Sunny reached up as she walked, patting Trixie on the side. "It's for the best. It's only because we care for you, Trixie."

Rough slipped in beside Silver, whispering, "Thanks. I couldn't convince her. She's a little stubborn when she wants to be."

"She has very fine hearing, too." Trixie glared down at her husband, making him shrink away.

Night snorted with new laughter, the foals strapped to her sides in a position they'd grown used to. "Don't be angry at him. He should worry about you, like a good husband."

They arrived to find everypony on duty. The doctor, the nurse, and even Samantha. The latter perked up on seeing them enter. "Oh! I wasn't expecting a visit today." She hopped forward towards them, looking them over one by one. "I don't see any obvious trauma." She suddenly stopped and brought a hoof to her snout. "Is this a social visit? I've read about this..." She frowned a little. "I accept. Now we can date, yes?"

Silver burst out into laughter. "Oh Samantha, you are a darling, but we've come for medical expertise, not a date this time." He brought Trixie forward with his magic. "We have a Great and Powerful pregnancy that we'd like to check on."

The doctor walked forward towards the patient. "Oh my, so far along." Somehow, despite her state being entirely hidden, he could see the truth of the matter. "Please put the patient down. Right this way, mother-to-be. We'll make sure everything's going just right."

Trixie stepped down from the invisible, to her, hand and followed the doctor towards the table, hopping up and getting comfortable. "She is certain there won't be much to see, but my family insisted and being the Gracious and Humble sort, here we are."

While the doctor walked Trixie through the examination, Samantha looked over the family. "You brought a lot of ponies with you." She suddenly perked. "Oh! Silver, you never said how you knew about me. Now's a good time to fix that."

How did he even start to explain? "I--"

Night slipped between them. "It was a prophecy he read."

Samantha blinked owlishly at the news. "I'm in a prophecy? Astounding, if improbable. Though I suppose the evidence is clear." She glanced away and back. "I thought you might have been studying me..." Her cheeks colored a bit. "I was a little excited to be the subject for once."

Silver frowned a little. "About that... If you are the foal of a human, do you know anything about them?"

"Nope." Samantha shook her head. "She died making me. It was not the ideal learning environment." She raised a hoof, pointing at Silver. "But I have another right here. I should be asking you questions."

Night kept placing herself between the two unicorns. "Which you can do with a letter, so he can consider it carefully and give you a lengthy reply."

"Oh, that's a good idea." Samantha nodded as she sat on her haunches. "And the replies will already be written for inclusion in my report. How lovely! You two are just such delightful subjects." Her eyes lowered to the foals riding Night. "And here are my smallest subjects. How are you two feeling?"

They reached for Samantha. Morning popped off of Night and appeared on top of Samantha, landing right on her withers and hugging her. It only seemed to please Samantha, who began to giggle uncontrollably. "They've been of good health and development, I trust?"

Silver looked around, noticing Sunny and Celine had vanished at some point. Princesses... "They've been perfect little foals."

Night reached with her wings for Morning, only for him to vanish again and a startled squeak alerting them to his appearance on Trixie's side.

Samantha looked thoughtful about the whole thing. "I see they have typical youthful exuberance. Have they shown any unusual talents or ability considering their exotic heritage?"

Night trotted to fetch her foal. "Nothing I'd count as strange so far, just an earth pony and a unicorn learning to be who and what they are."

Silver nodded in agreement and opened his mouth to speak when a shriek filled the area, turning his eyes towards Trixie and the doctor beside her.

"She told you not to use that on her!"

The doctor tilted his head lightly. "We have to in order to get a good look at what's going on inside you, ma'am."

Rough reached up for his wife on the table. "Please, dear, relax. He's trying to help you and our foal."

"Trixie can take care of herself just fine!" Trixie turned up her nose. "Complete your examinations, without this." Her magic wrapped around the screen that the doctor had been attempting to get into position and thrust it aside.

Silver sighed softly. "Worse than wheels..."

Night retrieved her startled foal and gently held him close as he recovered from the fright.

Samantha raised an ear. "I don't see any wheels. Her foal is facing the wrong way though."

The doctor went rigid and turned to face Samantha. "Are you certain?"

Samantha bobbed her head. "The resolution's blurry without the screen, but I'm pretty sure I can tell the difference between a head and the other end."

"You twisted Trixie's foal with that infernal device!" Trixie hopped down from the table, fire in her eyes. "She will have you stripped of your title as a doctor. She'll make sure you never work again!"

Her being on the floor made it easier for Rough to reach her and he held her back from venting her fury on the doctor. His gentle words for calm fell on largely deaf ears, but he did keep her from doing anything that would land her in jail.

135 - Uncomfortable Truths

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Trixie sat upon her bed, lost somewhere between angry sniffles and glares at any pony that dared to approach her. She muttered little things, but they were far too quiet and mostly garbled for even Night to pick out the words.

Rough put a hoof behind his head, face tense with worry and fear. "Hon, please..."

Silver put a hoof on his father's shoulder. "I think she needs a moment to relax."

"Trixie is perfectly relaxed!" shrieked Trixie in a most un-relaxed fashion, one brow twitching spastically instead of the smooth rise it was normally capable of. "She simply does not need more technology involved." Suddenly she brought her hooves together in a loud clop. "Of course! She's being so silly! She'll just fix it herself." Her horn began to glow in Silver's sight. "If she--"

Silver quickly grabbed at Trixie's horn with a silvery fist. "No! No... Even if this was a good idea, which it isn't, you're in no mindset for surgery, on anypony, least of all yourself."

This was met with the harshest of glares. "Release me, colt of mine, or you won't be. Now is not the time for jokes. Trixie will fix this and that will be that."

Night adjusted her glasses habitually. "Forgive me, I'm not an exper--"

"No you're not!" Trixie scowled at Night, casting judgements from on high, or at least as high as her bed.

"--expert at magic, but if lifting yourself is complex, I can't imagine internal working would be any easier."

Trixie muffedly thumped the bed. "You're not a unicorn, of course you wouldn't understand." She thrust a hoof at Silver. "Now release me or she'll be forced to make you."

Rough climbed up onto the bed suddenly and sat down beside Trixie. "You know he can't do that."

"He most certainly can!" Her horn flared, throwing back Silver's hand. "He simply forgets we've both been practicing this, and one of us has a lifetime of experience being a unicorn." Even as her magic reached for Silver, it suddenly faded away. She looked up to see Rough Draft.

He had tackled her into a hug, with one of his hooves rubbing her horn, keeping it from easily channeling. "Please, you have to stop this. We're here for your sake, you and the foal. Let us help."

Trixie's mask of fury broke, crumbling into abject sorrow. She curled against Rough Draft, weeping into his brown fur. "Trixie is b-broken! She's made a broken foal. Why can she not do this one performance correctly? There's not even a move to remember and already she's failed!"

The tension in the room was rent asunder as she sobbed, only to be joined suddenly by one, then two small voices. Silver went to calm the foals, leaving Trixie to have her cry. He trotted briskly into the nursery to find them wailing just as loudly, if without the years of practice of an adult. He lifted both up in his silvery magic and brought them close. "It's okay. Grandmother just needed a moment to herself. Everything's going to be alright." He nuzzled between them only to have his snout grabbed in the powerful hooves of Clear Twilight and forced to look at her curiously.

Morning's horn glimmered with power before a broom that was parked in the corner re-appeared, laid across Silver's back, the bristles making for a mismatched mane. The two giggled at their hoofwork as Silver rolled his eyes. "You guys..." He shook off the broom and carried them over to the play area, setting them down gently there.

The sobbing from the other room turned abruptly into a scream, bringing all three sets of eyes to the door. Clear Twilight charged the side of the play area, bursting through the thin wood as if it wasn't there and charging boldly to the rescue. Not to be entirely outdone, Morning took off at a gallop behind her. Silver was a step behind, barely able to recognize he had been beaten by his foals in his rush to see what was going on.

Night unfolded a wing towards the oncoming trio. "Relax, she just had a labor pang. It's not time yet."

Trixie was being held by Rough up on their bed as she shuddered and sniffled, but the screaming had ended as quickly as it had begun.

Silver shook his head. "Alright, good, but we still have an issue."

Night glanced up at Trixie, her look mostly focused on Silver. "I see that. Is there nopony she trusts. Preferably as somepony experienced? A mentor, a parent? Anypony?"

Silver frowned in thought. He didn't know much about Trixie's relations or friendships outside of the room they were in, but there was one... "She's met Twilight, even faced off against her once, and lost to her twice."

"Princess Twilight Sparkle?" Night tilted her head a little. "Worth a try."

Trixie rolled over, looking down at her two foals and the grandfoals beside them. "What are you two talking about over there?"

Silver considered being quiet, but shook his head at himself. "Mother, you remember Twilight Sparkle, right?"

Trixie's ears pricked upward. "It would be difficult to forget her. What does she have to do with anything? Hmmph, miss magical princess thinks she's so good at magic." Trixie wrinkled her nose. "Trixie bets she hardly even practices now that she's a princess."

Rough nuzzled one of Trixie's cheeks. "If it wasn't for her, my OC wouldn't have ended up the way he had, and then he wouldn't have run into you, which means I wouldn't have, and where would we be?"

Trixie raised a brow lightly. "Less pregnant?"

Night smirked at that reply. "Can't argue that." She put a hoof up on the bed. "But you don't regret being here, do you? You wouldn't consign us all to a life without the Great and Powerful Trixie to guide the way."

Trixie broke into a little smile before she sniffled. "She is proud to be of service." She took a slow breath. "Why do you bring up Twilight? She's not here."

Silver raised a hoof. "She could be. We thought you might appreciate somepony with more magical expertise to confer with, about your condition."

Trixie sat up onto her haunches. "No... no... Trixie was... She was getting ahead of herself. She apologizes for worrying everypony." She smiled a little. "She will make it through this."

Rough sat up with her, smiling with renewed hope. "Does that mean you'll go to the do--"

"No." Trixie frowned at him. "Trixie will deliver this foal the way it wants to come, even if that's sideways. She will finish this trick she has begun and that will be that."

Morning Glory suddenly popped between her forelegs and nuzzled one of them. Trixie smiled at the small presence and settled to nuzzle at the little foal. Clear Twilight frowned up at her cheating brother before claiming Night for her own, nestling in warmly with her mother.

Silver let out a breath, in some ways, relieved, and in others, worried. There was peace, which counted for a lot.

"Now then, let us continue our lessons." Trixie's magic pulled the book of telekinesis over to the bed. "Now that this news has run its course, there's no reason for us to get lazy about this."

Night tilted her head. "Nopony would fault you for taking a day off, Trixie."

Trixie lifted her snout with disdain. "Trixie will not forgive herself if she does not continue. Besides, she knows Silver is constantly practicing, and she will not be shown up by him."

That wasn't entirely true. He had practiced with her mostly, besides idle experiments while he was moving from place to place. He hopped up, joining Trixie, Rough, and Morning. "If you're sure you're up for it."

"Stop treating Trixie as if she were made of glass." Trixie snorted softly. "She is fine, and ready to proceed."

Pointedly ignoring anything that may be wrong inside the blue mare, they continued with the book. Silver hovered awkwardly a scant inch in the air. He was held up largely by Trixie's magic while he focused on his own spell to balance himself and get a proper feel for every part of his body in relation to every other part while surrounded in his own magic.

Trixie raised a brow at him as she focused. "Have you been eating more doughnuts of late?"

Silver snorted at that. "Even if I had, I burn it off as quickly as I shovel it in." He reached with his hooves for the ground and landed. "Your turn." He gently lifted her up in a cloud of silver magic and she began to sway one way and the other as she practiced her magic. She got herself evened out fairly quickly and looked proud of herself. He clopped his hooves with congratulations. "You're picking up on this quickly."

"Trixie has spent her entire life practicing magic." She reached for the ground and was soon seated beside Silver. "She thinks we are both ready for the main course."

Night perked up from the book she was reading. "Ah, that means I get involved now, right?"

Trixie nodded at Night. "We're new at flying. Like foal pegasi, we may go off course, and having somepony more experienced at this task around to keep us from crashing into things would be a good idea." She raised a hoof. "Not that she predicts she will have much issue, but for Silver..."

Night smirked a little. "Of course, but I'll be there for both of you, promise."

Rough gathered up both of the foals. "I'll sit this one out and keep them safe and secure while I do it. You two be careful, alright?"

Soon they had relocated to the roof where there was plenty of air to practice in. Trixie stretched herself out before her horn began to glow and she lifted into the air before a secondary spell wove with the first, evening out her initially wobbling stance. "There, see, Trixie is already flying!"

Not to be outdone entirely, Silver's horn glowed with power as gravity released its merciless grip on him. He swayed dangerously before he wove the second spell quickly and was able to start stabilizing. It wasn't exactly like when he had wings, but it was a heady feeling. "We really are flying."

Night shook her head. "Just floating in mid-air hardly counts as flying." She brought down her large wings in a powerful flap, rising up into the air. "Follow me and I'll give you some practice."

She led them through the air. Despite the confidence of the unicorns, it was slow going at first. Turns could become wild spins in the air before stabilization was refound and it took considerable effort to make it anything approaching a natural movement. Night was patient with them, seemingly amused to be better at the both of them at something quite soundly. She only had to rescue them from outright crashing a few times, a fact she commended them on when they eventually came down to land.

136 - I've Been Watching You

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Silver turned a corner at a trot, only to almost collide with another pony. "Sorry!" he blurted before he even looked to see who he had run into, only to start with surprise. Starlight?

"Hello there. Haven't you been a busy pony?" She had him fixed with that confident smirk.

"Did you come for more magic?"

She reached out a hoof and tapped him on the chest. "So cold, but yes. Probably not the way you imagine. Nice flying trick." She leaned in. "Shame I already know that one."

Silver quirked an ear. He had thought he was pretty unique in knowing it. Wait, was she watching him that intently? "Nice to meet you again, Starlight. I didn't mean to be cold, you just surprised me."

She tilted her head a little. "You mean that, don't you? You're a curious pony, I'll give you that. So here I am, considering how to sneak past angry guards, and while I'm confident I could figure it out, I have you. Why not make use of that?" She flashed her teeth in a brilliant smile. "Let's do some research."

"Should I get rid of her?" purred a new female voice. Nefertari was standing beside Starlight. "The castle can barely contain the egos it already had."

Starlight jumped with surprise. "Who?" She scowled up at the strange being. "What even are you?"

Silver pointed at Starlight. "Ambassador Nefertari, this is Starlight. Starlight, this--" He pointed to Nefertari. "--is Ambassador Nefertari, of the anubites. I hope you can both get along."

Nefer gave a single bark. "Smooth. His words tell me I shouldn't be immediately considering how to... express myself with your attitude."

Starlight raised a brow at the alien female. "And you're an ambassador? I find it difficult to believe you and Silver have the same position."

Nefer exposed her razor sharp teeth, leaning in over Starlight. "I represent a country that understands war in all its delicate and overwhelming flavors. He represents a country that would rather war never exist, and hardly remembers its smell, let alone its embrace. Our difference is not too difficult to piece together, I should think."

Starlight shook her head. "Right. If you don't mind, me and this pony were in the middle of something."

"Oh, I don't mind at all." She didn't move from where she was.

Silver licked his lips. He needed to help her along, and maybe talk to her, this... "Nefer, everything's alright, really. We'll talk later."

"You say that..." She wrinkled her nose before she vanished in a frightful burst of speed.

Starlight slowly looked around the area. "Figures a lackey of Miss Destiny herself would have interesting allies. I'm still not entirely sure why you're so... Never mind that, let's get going, shall we?" She turned towards the archives and began walking.

Silver moved up beside her, matching her pace easily. "So, how did they hurt you?"

"How did who hurt me?"

"Not who, what." He pointed at her flank. "Cutie marks. What'd they do to you?"

Starlight raised a brow. "I don't think we've reached quite that level of intimacy."

Silver blinked with confusion. "Is that, like, a third date question?"

Starlight raised a hoof to his chin. "We'll see if we reach that third date and you can try again." She pushed him to look forward. "For now, let's focus on the task."

They soon arrived at the guards that stood watch over the Star Swirl section. One of them looked to Silver. "If you're not returning a book, you can't take another."

Silver nodded at him quickly. "Sure, but reading's okay, right?"

The guard didn't offer objection, and he walked past the guard, Starlight moving with him. They didn't raise any objection to her presence at his side, which surprised him a little. Once they were past the guards, he turned to her. "Alright, we're in, now can we talk?"

Starlight smiled at him coyly. "Oh, so now you're hoping for a--" She leaned towards him. "--private--" She stood straight, withdrawing. "Conversation? I don't think I'm even slightly interested in your decadent little smutpile. Show me where the time spell is."

Silver felt blood rising in a mixture of anger and embarrassment. "That's not what I meant. Christ, I have enough complications in that arena as it is."

"That's a new curse." She raised a brow. "Enough talking, more finding. Do you know your way around here or not?"

Silver began moving through the aisles of books, eyes scanning as he went. "I'm serious. There are other answers."

"To what questions?"

Silver looked over his shoulder. "How to make life fair. How to fix old hurts."

She cuffed him with a sudden hoof strike, knocking him in the side to bump into a shelf and send books raining down on him in a shower of ancient knowledge. "Focus on the task at hoof. You don't know the start of how unfair life can be."

He lifted the books in a field of silver, gently stacking them up. He had no idea what order they should be in, so he just made them neat and left them there for some other poor pony to sort later. "Try me. I've been to pretty dark places. I could tell you stories."

Starlight raised a brow. "Alright, you win. I have to hear this." She sat down on a small pile of books. "Tell me about the time a mean pony stole your candy."

Silver took a slow breath, trying to calm down. "Alright, since you put it that way... I once made friends with a pair of exotic ponies, Saddle Arabians. They trusted me to protect them. One of them died for a crime I committed, choking and bleeding to death from a poisoned bit of candy. I was too sick from the same to even see her off, to even wish her well. She was there one moment, and gone the next so far as it went for me. I will never get to say goodbye to her."

Starlight's jaw hung. That was not the story she was expecting. She shook her head, breaking free of the surprise. "V-very nice. I guess you aren't as coddled as you look."

"I have others, if we're comparing old scars." Silver stood tall. "I've been hurt before, but I refuse to be defined by that hurt. Starlight, will you tell me about your pain?" He smiled a little. "I promise not to laugh or judge."

She frowned at him. "We aren't getting any closer to that spell. Keep moving. Where did you dig up that story anyway?" She rolled her eyes. "Probably made the whole thing up."

Silver flinched. It wasn't like he had proof of it. It didn't technically happen, after all. In a twisted sort of way, he did make it up. He decided to resume a slow walk, scanning for the book as he went. "There's nothing to lose in sharing with me. I can keep a secret."

"Like you're keeping me out of this library?" She raised a brow.

"I'm not keeping you from anything you shouldn't see."

Starlight suddenly circled him, cutting off his forward motion. "What do you mean by that?"

He tried to go around her, but she continued to block him. "Are you setting me up?" She thrust a hoof against his chest. "This had better be the right spell, and if guards start crawling out of the walls, I'll make sure you suffer long before I do."

Silver lowered her hoof with his own. "There were better chances to do that if that's what I wanted to do. I haven't done a thing to harm you so far."

They searched in a sullen silence. Starlight broke the quiet. "Why are you so eager to hear about my past? Don't you want to stop me? Wouldn't you rather arrest me or something?"

Silver reached for a book to peek at. "We wouldn't be here if I was set on stopping you, or arresting you."

Starlight suddenly perked. "I got it. Twilight did something to you and you're getting revenge right along with me." A confident smirk spread on her face. "Yes, that makes sense."

It would make sense, but... "No, that isn't it."

She circled around in front of him, barring his view of the books. "Enough. Tell me. No lies, no dodging. Tell. Me. Why."

Just out and telling her would be in betrayal of his goals and would change things too much. "I just know there's a good pony in there."

Her ears fell back. "What?"

"Here it is." His magic snatched a scroll. "This is what you came for. Now, want to share, just a little?"

She took the scroll from his magic quickly. "I've had more than enough of you for one day." She turned away, paused, and looked over her shoulder. "You're a very strange pony."

He gave a little smile. "Maybe I could relay your theories."


"Your theory, how cutie marks cause more harm than good. If you could show it to me?"

She peered at him quietly a moment before her horn began to glow and Silver felt a familiar pinch as his cutie mark was pulled from his flanks. A dull haze settled over his thoughts, severing his connection to his intuition. "Do you see that?"

Silver glanced back at the equal signs that adorned his flanks. "I see equal signs."

"Everypony could have that. We'd all be the same." She rolled a hoof. "Nopony would be better or worse. We could all be what we want to be."

Silver tapped his chin, fighting through the fog. "But what's so bad about a pony being good at something? It doesn't... stop them from doing other things."

Starlight fixed him a nasty glare. "It didn't stop him from walking away without looking back."

"What?" Silver's ears perked. "Who?" Was that important? He couldn't tell. Damn that fog...

Starlight suddenly gave him a shove, knocking him back onto his haunches. "The only friend I thought I had."

Silver gave a slow blink as he stood back up. "Why?"

She gave a little rising growl as she advanced on Silver. "Because he got his cutie mark. They rushed him right off to... well, here, actually." She waved a hoof in a grand gesture. "He became a big and powerful wizard, just like you, mister knows-it-all."

He pointed up at his cutie mark. "Have you written him a letter?"

She started back as if stung. "W-what?! He's the one that ran away from me! He's the one that didn't look back. He's the one that never wrote, or called, or anything!" The fury in her was plain even to the dulled Silver as she advanced on him. "Why didn't he do anything? I'll tell you why! His cutie mark!"

137 - A Revealing Evening

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"That wasn't nice of him." Silver shook his head a little, ears flopping limply at the sides of his head.

Starlight raised a brow at him. "He didn't have a choice. The cutie ma--"

Silver raised a hoof and put it over Starlight's snout, earning a withering stare. Being dull meant not feeling such glares as keenly either. There were some benefits. "Did somepony take away his quills and paper?"

Starlight jerked back away from that hoof. "What? I don't think so?"

Silver nodded a little. "Then he could... Maybe he got too busy, or something bad happened, or something good. It was..." He shook his head, the fog irritating him. "Can I have my mark back?"

She sighed as her magic faded. His mark zipped back to his flanks the moment it was permitted and with a jolt, he was whole again.

He smiled with relief. "Now--"

"No, enough." She bore her teeth at him. "I've wasted enough time on this already."

Silver felt he was so very close. "Why don't you see him? You're not a foal anymore."

The strength suddenly fled her. "W-what? He's busy doing important wizard things..." She shrank away. "He doesn't have time for me."

Silver frowned a little. "He should make time, and he would, if you turned up and reminded him."

Starlight turned halfway from him. "I don't even know where he is..." Her resolve steeled and she wheeled on Silver. "Stop distracting me! Let me guess." She thrust a hoof at his cutie mark. "You have a cutie mark in talking ponies into things. That's why she made you a diplomat."

He blinked before a chuckle escaped him. "Way off. My special talent is hybridizing and experimenting with magic." He turned a little to show it off. "These are some of the words of the first spell I ever made."

The concept seemed to suddenly confuse Starlight on a deep level. "If you have a talent for magic, why aren't you a wizard too?"

Silver took a little step towards her. "I like magic, and I'm good at it, but I've chosen to help other ponies, as an ambassador. May I help you?"

With an almost audible click, Starlight perked up and smiled. "You've found freedom from your mark! No wonder you kept prying even with the blasted thing peeled off of you." She raised a hoof to his cheek. "See? Isn't it better to do what you want, instead of what 'destiny' demands? And you're even not-awful at it!" She gave a manic little laugh as she fought a shudder. "And those ingrateful ponies said they couldn't get good at what they wanted. Of course they couldn't! They were just imitating their blasted marks instead of finding hobbies they genuinely liked."

Silver had never been to Our Town or witnessed who Starlight was speaking of. He sat down on his haunches. "Starlight."

"Yes?" She looked at him, mane disheveled, not from any physical means but reflecting her unkempt psyche, bristling under the pressure.

He held out a hoof. "I would like to be your friend. My cutie mark will never get between us, I swear."

She scowled at him and clopped a hoof on the ground. "And then I'll just stop and everypony can be happy and that insufferable princess will never get what's coming to her and I should be alright with that because 'yay friendship'? No." She turned entirely away. "You're nice, but deluded." With a blindingly bright flash, she was gone.

He heard clops against the floor as Sunny and Celine emerged from either end of the aisle and approached him. Silver perked an ear. "How long were you there?"

Celine nodded lightly. "If we allowed you to come to harm, Night would never forgive either of us."

Sunny smiled. "Besides, you are our stallion, potentially. It's only proper we watch out for you. I know your culture values men protecting the females, and I hope you don't see this as emasculating."

Silver shook his head, then the rest of himself in a vigorous motion. "I'm happy to have friends that care. Their sex shouldn't mean a damn thing. Oh, does Night know why I've been late?"

Celine gestured in the vague direction of Silver and Night's room. "We informed her, but she would undoubtedly be pleased to see you in pony and unharmed. Shall we?"

As they began to walk together, Sunny was at Silver's side. "She had the piece she needs, and she knows she can approach you without difficulty or reprisal on your part. I am curious, how much of that was an act?" She raised a brow lightly. "Do you sincerely wish to be her friend?"

Silver glanced back where she had been before the flash. "Yes. I've seen her once she's been knocked off that pedestal she's built for herself. She's a good pony, er, will be, has been? My time is a little muddy."

Celine moved to take up his other side. "Will be, with hope. What you have seen is could-be's and what may-have-been's. You performed well."

Silver frowned at the choice of words. "You say it like I was pretending."

Sunny inclined her head a little. "You were, not in caring, but in pretending to not know much more about her than even she understands of herself. She didn't suspect you. Your sincere care kept her off balanced from noticing anything else."

With an air of mild victory, they made their way home.

The door opened and the royal sisters stepped aside to allow a blur of fangs and dark fur to pounce on Silver, bringing him to the floor as Night kissed and nipped at him. "They wouldn't let me go and tear her in half. Are you safe?" She began patting him down with her hooves and wings, inspecting.

"I'm fine, promise." He sat up and nuzzled at her gently. "Even better, now that I'm home. Anything exciting happen while I was out?"

She smirked at him a little. "You weren't gone that long. But now that you're back, it's time to get to work."

Silver lifted an ear. "A new human?"

Night shook her head. "You wish. It's time to pick out outfits for the gala you agreed to go to. If I'm going to go to the Grand Galloping Gala, then we're all going to be dressed properly for the event."

Trixie poked her head out of the room. "If you two lovebugs are finished, Trixie would also like to shop for suitable garments for such an event."

Celine tilted her head. "Did you get a ticket, Trixie?"

Trixie froze, then scowled. "Silver, address this obvious mishap immediately."

Silver looked to Sunny, who shook her head. "Your ticket is good for you and your wife. Your foals can attend, but it may be wise to find a foal sitter. This is not really an event for such young ponies."

He looked back to Trixie, who held up her hooves. "Oh no you don't! Trixie will not be foal sitting when she could be showing the kingdom how Great and Captivating she can be!"

Rough nudged into Trixie's side. "I'll keep an eye on the little ones, you go and show off for all the 'lesser' ponies."

Trixie's expression became a joyous smile. "Has she mentioned how much she loves you recently?" She smooched his cheek and turned to Sunny. "Now, about that ticket?"

Sunny gave one of her gentle smiles. "It must have gotten lost in the mail. I'm certain one will arrive soon."

Trixie nodded, eyes closed and poise proud and certain. "She is certain that is the case. Now, shall we shop?"

Rough retreated to watch the foals, and Silver realized his wily OC had managed to avoid having to go clothes shopping with two self-conscious and fashion-concerned mares. Silver let out a little chuckle as he rose to his hooves and turned to start walking out of the castle. "Let's get you two looking even more spectacular, if that's even possible. The tailors of Canterlot have their work ahead of them if they think they can outdo what nature's already managed."

Night colored a deep red as she followed. "Silver! When did you start spinning such flatteries around?"

Trixie was beaming. "She cares not, simply keep it up. Colt of mine, what feature of mine captures your attention most strongly?"

Silver swiveled an ear at Trixie. He felt as if he had just walked into a deadly trap and considered his move carefully. "Hmmm, it's so difficult to decide on one when the whole arrangement works together like a skilled harmony."

Correct answer. Trixie giggled with joy as she cantered along.

Night raised a brow as she followed. "And what about me? And don't you go saying 'the whole thing'." She prodded his flank. "That only works once."

"Oh that's easy."

She started. "It is?"

He nodded, facing forward still. "Your eyes. Deep and dangerous, wide and observant. I get lost when I gaze in them, to say nothing of your mane and tail, both wonderful splashes of light and life, promising that the night can be gentle, if you treat it right."

Night found a new blush burning fiercely in her cheeks. "I swear... where did you pick up this habit?"

Silver considered a moment with a little frown. "I used to say things like that more often, when I think about it."

Night nipped at his side as she caught up to walking at his side. "Well don't hold yourself back. A mare likes to hear these things sometimes. I think anypony would."

Silver tilted his head. "Then when is it my turn?"

Trixie grinned devilishly. "She likes your tail."

Silver glanced back at his very Trixie-like tail. "You would, mother." He lifted the tail a little, suddenly distracted by it. "When is this going to go back to normal?"

Trixie swatted the tail before moving up on his other side. "Maybe it won't. Do you dislike it?"

Silver considered. It wasn't a bad look, not really. He glanced back at it again. "It doesn't match the mane."

Night reached, running a wing over Silver's mane. "Maybe we should make it a matching combination?"

Trixie flashed a bright smile. "Nopony would then doubt for a moment that you were truly a colt of hers, which you are."

Silver raised a brow. "About that. Ponies don't seem to inherit colors in the first place. How does that even work?"

Night shrugged a little. "I look similar enough to my parents."

"Trixie does not." She tilted her head. "It's always charming when it works out, however. Some ponies are lucky enough to look like bigger and smaller versions of the same pony side-by-side. Enough of that, we have clothes to select..."

And so began a new adventure. An adventure in fashion.

138 - Learning to Trust

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As they returned, weary but confident in their shopping selections, Silver gave Night a little nip of his own before sliding closer to Trixie. "Mother."

"Yes, colt of mine?"

Silver smiled a little. They had come a long way to be considered her foal so doubtlessly. "Did you get everything you wanted?"

Trixie perked an ear. "She would have complained if she hadn't, but yes. Trixie will be the belle of the ball and a rising star to add!" She gave a pearly and satisfied smiled. "And you?"

Night moved in a little. "I had to pick his. He has no eye for clothes besides 'fits' and 'does not fit.'"

Trixie rolled her eyes. "My colt chooses what he spends his mental energy on."

They entered the bedroom to see Rough propped up against a wall, fast asleep with the foals cuddled up with him. All three smiled at the sight, their hearts warmed at the display of familial love. A tufted ear went up though, and Morning Glory's eyes opened, taking in the sight of his parents. A big smile spread on his little face.

He bounded quickly towards them with a happy squeal. Night caught him in her wings and lifted him up to be nuzzled and held. The noise was enough to stir Clear, and with her, Rough.

Clear moved to Silver, who lifted her in magic and kissed her in greeting.

As the new parents said hello to their children, Rough went to Trixie. He gave her her own nuzzle before taking her bags and setting them aside. "Have fun?"

Trixie nodded at him. "I did. Don't worry, she got a tuxedo for you."

He made a little bit of a face but hid it quickly. "That's very... thoughtful of you. Trixie, dear, if you're not too tired, may I borrow you a moment?"

She glanced at Night and Silver, but they were quite busy loving and being loved by their foals. "She can afford a moment. What's on your mind, dear husband?"

Rough slid gently past her, rubbing her along the way. "Follow me."

She did as they went through the halls of the castle and entered into the day court of all things, but it was empty and quiet, for it was not day. Trixie looked around curiously. "She never had a taste for politics, though she supposes it involves a lot of showponyship of a different sort."

Rough turned to smile at her. "I would hope you never do, dear. You might change the world with your charisma." He kissed her cheek. "I wanted to talk, about your foal."

Trixie's ears flipped back. "I'm handling it."

"I know you are." He sat on his haunches, posture erect. "I know you are and will be a great and caring mother. You're not the problem."

Trixie raised an ear at him. "What is then?"

Rough pointed at himself. "Me. I'm scared. I know you could handle it, but, for me and your worrywort children, could you let them make it easier?"

Trixie scowled at him a moment. "You don't really believe in Trixie."

Rough raised a hoof to one of her shoulders. "It's your foal, and your choice. You've never backed down from something before, and I'm not asking you to now. You'll make the most wonderful little foal, but please, for me, not you. It shouldn't even take long, a trifling nothing."

Trixie raised a brow in kind. "If it's such a small thing, why is such a big deal being made?"

"Because I love you." He smiled gently. "Even the slightest chance of hurting my wife is too much. Let me spoil you and be worried for you." He leaned closer. "It's not about you being brave."

Trixie's jaw worked a moment without words. She turned away in the empty room, gazing over the equally empty rows where important ponies sat during the day and even the thrones where royalty could sit themselves. "What will they do, exactly?"

Rough felt hope stirring. The question was a productive one. "They'll just do what you wanted to do yourself. They will very gently guide the foal to flip over, and that's it." He sat straight up. "I checked on it. It's really not that big of a deal, but it would make us feel safer. We want you to be healthy and happy, dear."

Trixie began examining the floor for defects. "M-maybe, if it will... if it's for you... Trixie still insists she could handle it on her own."

"I know you could." He put a leg over Trixie and pulled her closer. "You would do it with style."

Trixie smiled a little despite herself. "She still will."

Rough rubbed his cheek to hers. "And I will be with you, your Loving and Doting assistant. We'll make a foal together."

Trixie suddenly burst into a fit of laughter. "She thinks we already did that part."

Rough stuck out his tongue. "We may have started, now let's finish it, together, with grace."

"With grace..." Trixie hugged him close, her snout on his shoulder as a few tears began to dampen his fur. "Fine. Let's get this over with."

Back in the room, Night and Silver played with their foals. A smell tickled at Silver's nostrils like a slap to the face. "Time for a change." He gently grabbed at Clear and quickly whisked her soiled diapers away, cleaning her off and getting a new diaper in place. "How do not-unicorns do this?"

Night raised a brow at him. "The same way we do most things, with our mouths."

Silver made quite the face. "My non-existent hat off to all not-unicorn parents. That is an action of utmost love and devotion."

Night shook her head even as she corralled Morning and got to changing him. "You're just spoiled. Though I have wings to help the task along." She sent the soiled diaper flying into the nearest bin with a flick of one of those wings and soon had a fresh set on the foal who was giggling at the entire thing. "I hear pegasi, the solar variety get worried about gunking up their wings. Pity for them. Hey, when did you learn how to manage diapers, come to think?"

Silver gave a soft hmm. "Oh! I baby, er, foalsat when I was a human before, for little infants and children too."

Night raised a brow a little. "You've done a lot of different things."

He shrugged. "Is foalsitting an exotic hobby around here?"

"No, I suppose not." Night smiled. "Comes in handy just about now. Did you know what Trixie and Rough are talking about?"

Silver glanced around, just noticing they weren't there. "I missed them going. Oh god, I'm becoming as clueless as most ponies."

Night rolled her eyes. "Don't be melodramatic. You were busy with the foals. Rough looked like he was serious about something."

Silver rolled a hoof. "Where do you put the odds?"

Night considered. "Ten percent he wishes to do as stallions do and escorted her somewhere nice and private."

Silver flushed a little. "Night!"

She shrugged at him. "Only ten percent. Much more likely at sixty percent, he wants to discuss her medical condition."

He nodded at that. "Do you think he has a chance?"

She tapped a chin with a wing knuckle. "If he tries to force her and makes it sound at all like she's weak for allowing it, she'll just double down. Let's have faith in him. He is married to her, and he isn't a bad pony. I think he'll think of the right things to say."

Silver looked up sharply at the twinkle of magic. Morning was grabbing a treat off the shelf in his magic, nudging a jar of cookies towards the edge dangerously. Silver quickly swatted the jar back onto the shelf with his own magic as he trotted over. "Hold your horses there, little buddy. If you want a little snack, you have to ask, not just grab at things. That could fall and hurt somepony."

Morning tilted his head up at Silver with some confusion before the tears began and he let out a piercing wail of indignant fury.

Silver folded his ears back and lifted the bawling foal in his magic. "It's too late for these antics. Somepony needs a nap."

Night tilted her head. "We all do. Damn solar pony, you've gotten me on a day schedule." She rose, and Clear got up on her own, following her mother as they went towards the nursery.

With some coaxing, Morning was convinced to quiet down just as the door opened, allowing Rough and Trixie inside.

Night smiled at the two. "Welcome back." She didn't ask about their private conversation.

Trixie nodded a little stiffly, then hopped up onto her and Rough's bed, curling in place.

Rough smiled a little. "Everything's going to be alright." He hopped up beside Trixie and curled up in contact.

Silver raised a brow at the actions of the two and looked to Night. She simply shrugged and kissed his cheek before leading the way out of the nursery to their own bed, where they settled. With a flick of magic, the lights were doused, and the ponies got some sleep, at least as much as the foals allowed them to have.

He awoke to a form hovering over him. He started with surprise before realizing it was Discord of all ponies. "Hey man, what's up?"

Discord smiled a smile that implied he had something in mind. "Oh, nothing too much. Did you hear about that silly Gala thing?"

Silver sat up and nodded. "Sure did. Celestia gave me a ticket."

"Did she now?" He leaned in a little. "And just who are you taking as your plus one?"

Silver pointed to Night as she sprang to her own hooves. "We just went shopping for clothes for her and Trixie, and ended up with stuff for me and Rough."

"Trixie got a ticket too?" He raised a brow. "And she's taking him..." His expression became that of a frown that deepened by the moment. "Well, have fun." He vanished in a disgruntled cloud of smoke.

Night fetched her glasses and set them on her snout. "Do you think he wanted to go?"

Silver tilted his head. "Why would he want to go to such a formal thing? It sounds exactly like the kind of thing he avoids. He is friends with Celestia, in theory, he should just ask for a ticket."

Trixie stretched out before half-flopping from the bed. "Who knows. This is Discord we are speaking of. Maybe he's really excited to see the wallpaper for all anypony knows."

Rough hopped down beside her. "We should go."

Trixie clenched her teeth a moment. "If we must... for you." She kissed his cheek. "Trixie would have taken care of it on her own, stupid stallion."

"I'm sure you would have." Rough led the way towards the door. "Worrying about you is one of my duties, and I take it just as seriously as you do your lovely performances, my dearest one."

139 - Night and Day

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Celestia's horn glowed as she gently raised the sun. Beside her, Luna eased the moon to bed. It was their most basic function in Equestrian society, and one that still brought them some measure of joy.

"You cannot be his peer, you realize."

Celestia raised a brow faintly. "And why is that, sister?"

"He is in your employ, to say nothing of being your subject." Luna sighed gently. "Though we suppose the latter is true for ourselves as well."

Celestia rolled a hoof gently, showing no sign of being particularly disturbed by her sister's words. "And you think that is improper?"

"We know it is." Luna perked her ears. "Unless he is made truly a peer, and that would make his family unhappy. His wife would have to be elevated to royalty alongside him."

"But he is not with 'us'." She glanced aside at Luna. "He is with our diminutive counterparts."

Luna tapped at the ground. "And you know as well as I that those are us. There is no difference outside of physical stature. If he displeases us in some grand way, we can have him punished just as easily. No. This is a most unfair courtship."

Celestia gave a little nod as she turned to head back inside from the balcony. "So you no longer desire him?"

Luna glanced away a hot moment. "I didn't say that, but we don't always get what we want. As... adults we should let him be. That would be the responsible action. Alien or not, he is a pony, and a citizen of our nation. He trusts us to do right, so let's do just that."

Celestia reached out a wing, folding it around her sister and drawing her close suddenly. "Then we'll do that, but you musn't hide yourself away. I know some ponies you may wish to meet, after this has calmed down in your heart."

"Sister..." Luna shook her head. "You're not attempting to play matchmaker with me, are you?"

"And if I am?" Celestia smiled gently. "I love you, I hope you realize that. If you want a stallion at your side, I will search all of Equestria and beyond until I find the right one."

Luna leaned in against Celestia. For the moment, words faded away between them.

The piercing alarm call of a disgruntled Clear woke Silver from bed. He half-rolled/half-fell and began making a messy trot into the nursery with bleary and mostly shut eyes. "I'm coming..." It was the unfun part of being a parent, but he'd babysat before. It wasn't an entirely new experience, just a far more personal one.

Silver's horn began to glow as he lifted Clear from her crib and nuzzled the little lunar earth pony in greeting. "Hello there. My, look at you, getting bigger every day." He smiled. His foals always made him smile, even when he was tired. Clear bopped his nose and got him back to work. He had her changed and fetched one of the bottles Night had set aside. "These things still confuse me..."

Was Equestria so sanitized for such a basic bodily function that mares could just summon milk bottles and didn't even realize how magical that was? He shook his head as he slipped the bottle into the waiting hooves and snout of Clear, who sank back into a half-curled position and began nursing it eagerly.

Silver looked at Morning just in case, only to find the colt was already looking back at him. He was quiet. There were no stinky smells and he seemed perfectly calm. Silver leaned in and kissed the baby unicorn on the forehead. "You remind me of myself a little..." Silver had been a very quiet child at times. It annoyed some people when he would just... stare... He had a lot of thoughts, and not a lot of practice focusing those thoughts onto anything.

He had no fears for Morning Glory. He would speak when he had something to say, and that was fine. With both foals settled, he trotted back to bed, but he wasn't ready for sleep anymore. Besides, the sun had already risen. So he grabbed his book of telekinesis tricks and set it out, ready to get some practicing in while the others slept. Before he could get started, a letter slipped in under the door.

He snatched it up with his magic and tuned his magical senses carefully with spells he was still working on mastering. He could smell somewhat with a supportive spell. It smelled like... Celestia? He undid the seal and began reading.

Dear Ambassador Silver Watch,

It is with some sadness that I withdraw my attempt at courtship. It is not with bitterness or anger, for I do hope we can remain friends. Enjoy your family, as they are all very pleasant ponies and they love you very much. You know how to find me if you have questions or concerns.

Looking Forward to Seeing You at the Gala,
Princess Celestia

Silver perked an ear. Is that where Sunny and Celine had gone off to? On one hoof, he was sad to see them go, on the other, that was the least dramatic way he'd been broken up with by far. He just couldn't quite muster any real anger towards Celestia. She had given it a try and had been honest from start to finish, and he did want to be her friend. He set the letter down on the dresser. "Night... might be happy."

"About what?" Night slid off the bed with a ruffling of her leathery wings. "Who's the letter from?"

Silver only considered trying to keep the letter obfuscated for about a second before he revealed it entirely. "Sunny and Celine have gone back to being royal sisters. No hard feelings."

Night twitched a tufted ear as she moved over to claim the letter and see it for herself. "She doesn't say a thing about Celine. What makes you certain she's involved?"

He glanced around. "Well, if we see her again, we can ask, but they both vanished about the same time, so I kind of assumed they were together."

"You're probably not wrong." Night kissed his cheek. "Thanks for handling the foals last, I needed a few more minutes."

Silver returned with a nosebump. "Are you happy?"

Night blinked at the question as a wing reached out to fetch her glasses. "With you? Yes. With the foals, of course."

Silver stuck out his tongue a little. "With this." His magic shook the letter a little. "I know you had... ideas."

Night suddenly advanced on him, nuzzling his throat and nipping at the soft fur and flesh there. "Royalty is too complicated. I..." She settled to her haunches. "I think becoming a mother is a transforming experience." She adjusted her glasses a moment. "I was being immature, a foal... I didn't know Luna. I was in love with the idea of it. So if she's happy moving on, then I will be too."

Silver smiled back. He pulled the other two marriage shoes from his pocket and set them on the dresser. "So are we wearing those?"

Night licked her lips. "You probably think I'm being as foalish as they come, but it doesn't feel... right."

Silver waved the one shoe he wore. "We're already wearing one each."

Night raised her clad hoof. "We are, but I feel like those two belong to somepony else. It's just a feeling. You know how I am. There's a forty percent chance it belongs to somepony we haven't realized yet."

He tilted his head towards her slightly. "And the other sixty?"

"Twenty percent it instead belongs to two ponies, thirty percent chance I'm being silly about the whole thing." Night tapped him on the shoulder. "You won't make fun of me about it, right?"

"I wouldn't dream of it." He leaned in and they kissed gently. Their marriage was left with the door cracked, just in case.

Silver stretched in place before pointing to the door. "How about we go on duty today?"

She blinked. "As an Ambassador?"

"That is my title." He smiled at her. "We can start by catching up on the mail that's probably piled up. Bring the foals along. I doubt any visiting humans will be that upset at those adorable bundles of fur."

Night nodded and smoothly walked into the nursery to fetch the foals. While she was gone, Silver snatched up the two shoes that had no hooves to match them, and tucked them away in his pocket.

Together, they moved to slip out, only for Rough Draft's voice to interrupt. "Where are you all headed?" He was watching them from his and Trixie's bed. "Everything alright?"

Night nodded at him. "For once, yes. We're going to get back to work. The office isn't far, do you remember where it is?"

He did, so with a final parting wave, they stepped out and started down the hallway until their way was stopped by a figure that hadn't been there a moment before. "Good day, Ambassador."

Silver looked up to Nefertari. "Good day, Ambassador."

She flashed a bright smile. "Are you returning to active duty? And these are your pups? Adorable." She reached, even as Night tensed, and gently scritched each foal behind their ears. "What are their names?"

"Yes, yes, and--" Silver pointed at each in kind. "Morning Glory and Clear Twilight."

"How poetic." Nefertari looked between them. "The day's start and end on an undisturbed day. It is a scene I can savor. Have you a moment, Ambassador? I wished to test myself against your magic. Last time you caught me unawares. That stung quite a bit, I will admit, but with pain comes lessons. I will not be fooled so easily again."

Night blinked up at the jackal. "You will not harm him." She moved to put herself between Nefer and Silver. "He's my husband, and my client. You'll have to go through me first. What kind of Ambassador ar--"

Silver set a hoof on her shoulder. "Night, relax. I think she means in a friendly way. A spar."

"Exactly so." Nefertari seemed pleased that Silver understood. "We are both ambassadors, after all. If this were a matter of officiality, we would duel with words, not claws and magic. I understand my position well enough for that. Now, what say you, Ambassador of Ponies?"

Silver seemed to consider it a moment with a frown before he nodded. "I have new magic I want to practice."

Night raised a brow behind her magnifying glasses. "Really? You want to face her?"

"Pain brings lessons," echoed Silver of Nefer's own words. "Let's just keep it friendly. I don't want to have my return to duty cut that short by being sent to the infirmary. Any blood, any at all, and we stop."

"Deal." Nefertari exposed her sharp teeth. "Show me this new magic of yours."

140 - What Have We Learned?

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Nefertari crooked a claw as she turned. "We won't do this here. We have to show some constraint." She seemed amused at the very word she ended with and led the way to what looked like a small gym. There were guards there, working out and sparring.

Walking with the utmost confidence, she made her way to one of the pads that littered the room. "The good Ambassador and I are about to duel. If you value your pretty little hides, you'll give us some room. Watch, if you like. You may learn something."

Silver's ears perked up. "Duel? That's a loaded word."

"Don't fret, my magical opponent." She lowered into a ready stance, claws splayed out and ready to strike. "To the first blood. This may be over very quickly, but that would be disappointing." She curled her fingers, tucking those dangerous claws away and promising a pummeling instead.

The guards began to take notice of the two known figures preparing to battle and formed a loose circle around the two, Night and the foals included. "Don't let her intimidate you, stupid stallion. You agreed to this, make her regret offering!"

Silver quirked a little smile at his wife's encouragement. Letting magic run freely through his horn, he felt his intricate shield spring into being, interlocked before spreading out just a little, ready to be forced back together. Little licks of flame emerged between them. He was ready to test his new, improved, spells. "Ready."

"That looks new." Nefer raised a brow. "So perhaps you weren't entirely deceiving. Good, a foe that doesn't adapt is one broken easily." She looked aside at one of the many ponies watching them. "You! Call when to begin."

The pony started before looking around and grabbing a pail. "On your mark... get ready..." He brought down a hoof, ringing against the metal of the pail, and it was on.

Nefer ceased being where she was. In a frightful display of speed, she was before Silver, driving a fist at him and testing his shield in the most direct way possible. The panel she hit sank backwards with the intense speed, not even trying to stop her, but it hit other panels, which hit other panels, and resistance began. The flame gathered, unable to escape between the panels, and they became an angry white of gathered energy. She was forced to wrench her fist away, the fur of her knuckles smoldering slightly. "Very good..."

Silver let out a little breath of relief. He hadn't been absolutely certain he could handle the strain of the new spell under a real threat, but he was still standing. It was time to counterattack. He reached with his magic, sneaking it around her without being in her way. He would always know where she was. "Not going to run?" He said in a taunting voice.

"From you, little pony?" She flexed her fingers, looking eager to carve him to pieces. "I should think not." With a sudden clenching of those fists, a new energy gathered around them, dark purple and carrying the faint whispers of distant figures. "Let's compare magics."

Silver had seen enough anime, and old dreams, to guess where that was going and tensed, ready to spring. He didn't have to wait long. She brought up a hand and a beam of angry howls emerged. He popped between here and there, appearing over her head and floating in a cocoon of his own telekinesis. He tugged with a mighty pull at the magic he'd encased her in, yanking her off her feet.

She fell over with a thud of her bottom and the crowd cheered wildly for 'their' pony. She didn't remain prone for long, smoothly rising to her feet and letting loose with a twin blast, her hands brought together. Silver darted away, forced to dodge, bob, and weave around the beam. He wasn't sure what it would do to him, but he had no desire to find out. The ceiling didn't show any signs of harm for being struck by it, so he assumed it was mental in origin, or perhaps it would just scramble something organic nice and good.

"You fight like a rabbit," snarled Nefertari before she broke into a loud, barking fit of laughter. "I will hunt you down, little rabbit." She faded from being, but Silver could feel where she was within his influence even as she came for him with intense speed. He put all his focus into a new wall. He fell from the sky even as she crashed into that floating wall. They both hit the ground, but one of them with their hooves, and the other in crash.

"She's sprung a leak," called one of the guards.

Nefertari wiped her nose to find that she had begun bleeding a little. The spar was over, or was it? "It's nothing. I'm just getting warmed up. Don't you dare call it now. It's been too long since I've been in a fight worth calling the title."

Night scowled from the circle. "This is how ponies get hurt. Accept your defeat."

Silver dipped his head a little. "We can spar again another time, promise." He felt giddy for his victory. "Maybe you'll get me then."

Nefer's clawed fingers flexed uneasily before she gave a tense nod. "Another time then..." She turned away with a grunt. "Twice..." She vanished.

Silver could tell what direction she had gone until she was too far. His sense had become fairly sensitive, but the range was quite limited unless he was focusing on it.

The crowd was wild with clops, stomps, and cheers. Night approached him and gave a hug. "That went better than I expected, I hope you don't mind my saying. You do know she'll be smart to these tricks the next time you face her."

Silver gave Night a little nuzzle. "I'll have to keep practicing and learning then. She had me scared a few times."

Night cuffed him lightly on the head. "She had me scared the whole time. She treats fighting like a pony might a game of darts, just another game, and one she's good at. You surprised her." She glanced away towards the crowd as it began to disperse. "If it was a real fight, she would have won."

"I had more tricks," complained Silver with a bit of a pout as he resumed his trot towards his office.

"I'm sure you did." Night rolled her eyes. "But you dropped everything to stop her. She would have sprung up and tore into you before you put up that shield again if it was a real fight."

He swallowed nervously at the thought, but he couldn't think of a direct argument. Sure, he'd try to bring the shield back online before she got him, but would it have been fast enough? Who could know?

Banishing thoughts of the battle from his mind, he nudged open the door to his office and stepped inside. It smelled just a little stale and he pushed the door open the rest of the way to help it air out. "You can tell we haven't been working here."

Night nodded as she entered. "They kept it clean for us, but nopony's 'lived' here, so to speak. Ah, there's the mail you were expecting." She trotted to the desk, where a small mountain of letters awaited reading. "Well, only one way to get through this." She snatched at one and ripped it open. "Junk. Junk. Junk. Already out of date..."

"Out of date?" Silver hopped up onto his chair, letting it spin once before he stopped it, facing his desk. "How do you mean?"

"Invitation to a party that already happened." Night raised a brow. "Not much we can do for that."

With a pop of magic, Morning appeared on top of the pile of letters and grinned at Silver broadly. Silver couldn't help but smile back and lifted his foal in his magic. "You've got the right idea, but we have to go through those." He gave a little nuzzle before putting Morning down on the ground and lifting Clear free of Night to put beside him. "You two can play together."

And so continued the task of digging through mail. As it became time for lunch, they had tossed out the unimportant mail, organized the out of date mail, and had a new stack for relevant mail, announcing things like the arrival of other humans that may need help or just friendly letters from friends or clients both. Both Night and Silver were pleased with their progress.

"One thing." Silver looked towards Night as he hopped off his chair. "How did you know my shield was down?"

Night blinked at him. "What? That shield has fire coming out of it. It's not hard to see when that's not there. Your normal shield, not so easy, but that one, I'd have to be blind to miss it."

Silver shook his head. "Sometimes the obvious hides in front of our nose. So what would you like to snack on today?"

They gathered up their foals, one to a parent and went out to visit a friend and get something yummy to eat at the same time. They ended up at Just Desserts, as cheerfully decorated as always.

Surprise grinned at seeing them. "Hey there! You brought the whole family!" She tapped at the counter. "Come right on up and tell me how everything went."

Night hopped up and set Clear down on the seat beside her. "Spent the morning battling eager Anubite ambassadors, then organizing a lot of mail."

Surprise tilted her head a bit even as she popped open an oven and pulled out a steaming tray of fresh muffins. She set it on the counter and grabbed a frosting bag applicator and squeezing merry amounts onto them, converting them into cupcakes. "Here you go! For busy busy ambassadors. I didn't know they battled for a job. I thought they just talked and stuff."

Silver smiled, lifting a cupcake in his magic and sharing it with Morning. Morning took a big chomp out of the floating pastry and made a delighted noise before Silver got his own bite in. "Mmm, delicious. You're getting even better, Surprise."

Night rolled her eyes. "Most ambassadors battle with words, this one decided to do it with magic and fists. He even won, this time." She snatched a treat with a skilled wing and made short work of it. "Scared me, but he pulled through."

Surprise looked a bit confused. "Was it a for-real fight?"

Silver shook his head. "We're friends."

Night raised a brow at him.

"What? We're at least peers. We were just fighting for fun, and to practice."

Surprise bobbed her head. "Oh, like Rainbow. She and AJ loved a good wrestle if they were in the mood. Those two love competing, but neither of them would want to actually hurt the other. Like that, right?"

Night nodded. "Sure, except one of them is a trained warrior with knives for fingers and angry ghosts for magic. Other than that, exactly right."

141 - A Quiet Meeting

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Samantha's ears perked up and she spun around to look around what had been an empty infirmary to see Nefertari standing there, looking agitated. "Were you responsible for those readings? They just started to normalize before you appeared."

Nefer snorted softly as she approached, claws tacking on the tiles. "Greetings to you as well. Has he become your subject as well?"

"How could he not?" Samantha looked incredulous at the very idea that Silver could somehow avoid being her subject. "He knows too much and he has a variety of mental quirks as well. I couldn't call them dysfunctions, mind, they don't stop him from doing his job or anything."

Nefertari leaned towards the scientific mare. "This reminds me. What, exactly, did he tell you?"

Samantha raised a brow. "Nothing I didn't already know."

"Which was?" She rolled a hand slowly.

Samantha shook her head. "Classi--"

Nefertari grabbed the would-be doctor at both of her cheeks. "You're forgetting who owns whom in this relationship. The ponies were quick to forget your sins, but I have them catalogued nicely. They may be slower to forgive when they're laid out for them." She suddenly freed one side of Samantha's face to swipe backwards, bisecting an incoming dart in the air. "I've had enough failure for one day. Now speak."

Samantha shrank back. "They're letting me do science, real science. I could make the world a better place..."

"Yes yes, and I will let you return to that. What. Did. He. Say?" Nefertari scowled at her uncooperative minion.

"He knew about my mother, and that she wasn't a pony." Samantha sank to her belly, her head held up in Nefer's deadly fingers. "Satisfied?"

"Hmm." Nefertari seemed to consider a moment before she released Samantha's cheeks and petted the top of her head instead. "Keep an eye on him, just like you're doing. What are the odds that he is also of mixed heritage?"

Samantha's depression faded instantly at the new idea. "Oh! He mentioned something about that, I think? I wasn't paying full attention at the time, I admit." She frowned a little, but it turned back into a smile. "I'll ask him next time I see him. He seems to be comfortable around me."

Nefertari rolled her eyes at that. "That pony is comfortable around everyone that isn't actively harming him that very moment. The rumors I've heard..."

"Tell me!" Samantha approached Nefertari, her tail wagging like an eager dog. "I told you something, now it's your turn."

Nefer raised a brow and cocked her head. "That's not how this works, but it's harmless enough. He was sexually assaulted as a colt and it became a legal scandal shortly thereafter. It would be enough to make most people a wreck and to harbor grudges fit for a lifetime."

Samantha nodded slowly. "Was that the rumor?"

"Oh no, that much is plain fact." Nefer smiled a little. "That he was with the mare that had attacked him, speaking as if they were old friends, that is the rumor. Mental quirks indeed, keep an eye on him." She was gone before a reply could be given.

Samantha frowned a little at the space Nefertari had occupied. "That's rude." She turned in place back to her notes and a quill floated over in her magic. "So many notes to make today." She began to scribble excitedly about what she'd learned, both about Silver and Nefertari. They were both star subjects in her book, as literally as they could be.

A clopping sound drew Silver and Night's eyes to the door to their office. "Come in," called Silver as he sat up in his seat.

He hadn't expected who would enter. Rough Tumble came in with eyes downcast and legs moving as if made of wood. He stiffly moved in a few feet and stopped without saying anything.

Night looked at him up and down, then glanced towards Silver and back. Silence was the ruler of the room.

Silver broke it. He smiled at his once bully, once friend, and ever-so-briefly lover. "Rough, it's good to see you!"

"Y-yeah..." He half mumbled it out, his voice small and sullen.

Silver's expression darkened. "Rough... what's wrong? You can talk to me."


Night nodded at him. "Thank you but, as Silver asked, what's wrong?"

Rough stepped back slowly. "N-nothing, just..."

Silver smiled at him. It was a forced smile. "Rough Tumble, please. Whatever it is, I want to hear it. No laughter, no mocking. We were friends, you know. I hope we still are."

"Yeah..." Rough slowly sank to his haunches. "Look..." He sank lower to his belly. "You see..."

Silver hopped down from his chair and circled the desk towards Rough Tumble. "It's alright. Do you need a moment?" His magic pushed the door shut across the room gently as he approached Rough. "We have all day if you need it."

Rough frowned a little before the expression wore away into sullenness. He let out a slow breath as he watched Silver's approach. His eyes darted to the left, where a small foal was approaching just as easily. He blinked at the earth pony foal with tufted ears and slit eyes. She was odd in his eyes.

Clear Twilight sat down in front of him and reached out a hoof, tapping him right on the nose. "Bah."

Rough's face broke into a bright smile. He didn't know why he was smiling, but it was hard to resist doing so at the behest of the friendly little pony. "Who's this?"

Silver sat down beside his daughter. "Rough Tumble, meet Clear Twilight. Clear Twilight, this is Rough Tumble."

"Bah," was her reply as she tapped him again and flashed a fanged grin at him.

Rough sat up, looking at her a moment before he raised his eyes to Silver and Night. "She's yours, both of yours, right?" He reached out and patted her once on the head. "I guess... that's what mares and stallions... do..."

Night inclined an ear at him. "I'm sorry things went sour, back then."

Rough flinched back as if burned. "Y-yeah..."

Silver put a hoof on his shoulder and Rough turned to face him instantly. "Rough Tumble, where are you?"

"Huh?" He blinked. "I'm right here?"

"No, wider than that. Do you have a job? Do you have friends? Where are you, in life?"

Rough's jaw worked silently a moment. "Aw shoot... you..." His eyes lowered towards the ground. "No."


"I don't have... I hate my job."

Silver tilted his head lightly. "Did you ever get another truck?"

Rough frowned at him. "How the hay would I get another truck? I'm not rich!"

Silver lowered his hoof to the ground. "Do you still want one?"

Rough rose to his hooves as he took a step back. "Look, I just wanted... I should go."

Silver popped out of existence and appeared on the other side of Rough, between him and the door. "Relax. We're not judging you, Rough. We're friends, right?"

Rough backed up the other way, producing a squeak from Clear as he stepped on her, only for her to throw him off in a fit of premature strength. He stumbled to the side before flopping over. "T-this was a mistake. S-sorry, okay?"

Silver thought back to the different faces of Rough Tumble he had experienced. More than anything else, Rough was at a crossroads and could be so many different things, from grand to miserable. "Rough, I believe in you, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart. Do you believe in you?"

Rough blinked owlishly at the proclamation. "W-what? Why would you even say that? What is there to believe in?" He stood up, shaking like a leaf, but there was an emotion there. "I don't have nothing. I didn't get anything done I wanted to do. I ain't got nopony."

Night smiled patiently. "If I know Silver, you have at least two ponies."

Silver nodded quickly. "She does know me. Rough, will you accept our help? I'm not the only friend you had. Together, as a team, we can fix this."

Rough shook his head. "L-look, I don't want to just be a moocher. I just came to say hi. So, uh, hi."

"Bah." Clear prodded him on his fore left leg.

With a flash, Morning appeared beside Clear.

"Bah." Clear pointed at Rough. Morning nodded at her and looked up at him, fixing his eyes on him.

Rough looked back and forth between the two foals. "W-what? Did I do somethin'? Stop staring at me like that." He took a step backwards only to trip and fall to his haunches.

Silver smiled as he approached the three. "That's Morning Glory. He has that look. He doesn't mean anything bad by it." He sat down with the two foals and drew them closer. "They can tell you're upset."

"Oh, uh, sorry?" Rough tilted his head at the little ponies. "So... I'll just..."

Silver reached out a hoof and set it on Rough's shoulder. "You don't have to go, or stay."

Rough licked his lips as he stood up. "Look, okay... let me just... I'll come back. Promise, alright?"

Silver nodded. "Pinkie Promise?"


Silver showed the motion. "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." He put his hoof over his eye to complete the gesture. "It means you solemnly swear."

Rough suddenly snorted, which turned into a laughing fit. "Where'd you pick that up from? Sure sure, Pinkie Promise." He moved his hoof in a quick emulation of what he'd just seen. "But I ain't sticking cupcakes in my eyes. Cupcakes are for eating, stupid unicorn." He went deep red, realizing what he had just said, but Silver was still smiling at him. "So, uh..."

"Come back when you're ready. We have plenty to talk about."

"Yeah... See you later, Silver, uh..."

"Night Watch."

"Yeah, Night." He clopped his hooves with recognition. "Take it easy." He trotted for the door without opposition and made good his escape.

Night shook her head at the closed door. "If you didn't scare him away forever, he'll be back sooner, rather than later."

Silver perked an ear at his wife as he played with his foals. "What makes you sure of that?"

Night squinted faintly. "It's not obvious? You're the richest, most successful pony he knows. You work for Princess Celestia for Luna's sake! You have money. You have influence. By what measure could he rate you as less than wildly successful?"

Silver frowned a little, which got him prodded in the nose by Morning Glory. The expression melted back into a smile as he nuzzled at his foals. "We'll help how we can, but I hope to put him on the right path, not drive him down it. His initiative is part of what gets him there, and today he showed some of it by coming here."

"I'd tell you to take it easy on that." Night rolled her eyes. "But that'd just encourage you. Just remember he's a living pony, with feelings. Be careful."

142 - The Show Must Go On

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Silver and Night walked side-by-side back towards their room. Night nodded towards him. "Not the most productive day, but it's good to be back in the saddle, as it were."

Silver perked an ear. "How did that saying get any traction?"

Night tilted her head at him. "Just like a foal, falling off their parent's saddle and crying, but you've gotta get up and get back in the saddle. Crying won't get you anywhere."

Silver shook his head in response. "We use the same saying, but different background. Our parents had arms and hands, not saddles."

As they approached their room, the door swung outwards and Rough Draft's solid form burst out with Trixie on his back. He gallopped past the surprised pair, not even noticing them.

Night spun about in place to follow him and got to galloping to keep up. It took a moment for Silver to catch up mentally to what was going on before he vanished and appeared beside Night, galloping along with her. "What's going on?"

"You're gaining a brother or sister, or something's wrong." Night's voice was tense as she drew heavy breaths in their powerful run.

Silver inclined an ear towards her. "I had all the brothers back home, a sister would be nice."

"All the brothers?"

Silver bobbed his head as he galloped. "Twin, Half, In-law, Adopted. May have had a long lost, can't prove I didn't."

Night raised a brow, but before she could speak, they had arrived at the infirmary. Rough had beaten them soundly to arriving and was speaking frantically to the doctor as the nurse gently got Trixie off of his back and onto the operating table with a little smile.

The doctor nodded at Rough. "You did everything right. All you have to do is relax and let us do our part. She's in good hooves."

He tried to nudge Rough towards some chairs, but Rough wasn't having it. "No. I'll be right at her side. This is our experience, and our moment. I won't get in the way, promise."

They pulled a curtain into the line of view, but permitted Rough Draft to attend his wife. Night and Silver could hear her panting and grunting in a most un-lady-like fashion, but they didn't call it labor without a reason.

"Here it comes..."

"Trixie can... handle this..."

"You're doing great, love."

Night leaned in against Silver. "Did I sound like that?" she whispered gently. "It's odd seeing it from the outside."

Silver nodded softly. "And you both handled it well." A small part of him wondered why they didn't use magic to nudge things along and he made a mental note to check that later. It was perhaps just as well that they didn't rely on magic for every step of every life phase. To be born of the strength of the mother, and to die as your own strength faded. There was a symmetry there that would be missing if they just used a foal-birthing spell or grossly invaded the mother and... Ick, perhaps he had answered his own question.

He was stirred from his thoughts by a shriek, then quiet.

"She's a girl," announced the doctor through the curtain.

They could hear Trixie speaking quietly and quickly.

Rough's voice was less discreet. "They're enchanting, and they will make a big mark on life, just like you, horn or not."


"Maybe they'll become a stuntspony with the Wonderbolts." Rough sounded encouraging.

Night shook her head. "Not a unicorn."

Silver huffed softly. He wasn't personally upset that it wasn't, but he knew Trixie had her heart set. "I hope Mother recovers. Her foal is her foal, whatever the tribe."

Night prodded him suddenly. "I know how she feels. Neither of my foals will soar the skies with me." She spread her wings out, only to have Clear suddenly grab one of them, reminding them both that they were right there. "Oh! Don't you worry you two. I love you both very much." She nuzzled at each gently.

The curtain was drawn back, revealing Trixie laying on the bed, disheveled but intact. In her forelegs was a bundle of fur, bright blue and silver maned as she was, but with little wings tucked up to her. Trixie gave a sudden little laugh. "Trixie got her wish."

Rough smiled. "You did. She looks just like you." He nuzzled his wife gently. "We'll just do a little cross-training."


He pointed to Night Watch. "You have a wonderful daughter-in-law to help this foal learn to fly, and their foal will learn at your hooves. It's a fair trade."

Night smiled brightly, wings giving a little flutter. "It would be an honor, once they're just a little bigger. Watch out though, pegasus magic is just as wild as the other tribes when they're newborns."

"Congratulations." Several eyes turned to see Samantha holding a cake, a curious cake. It looked... old. "Sorry, Surprise gave it to me to save for this moment but it was some time ago. Perhaps it would be better to summon her." She set the cake down with her magic.

The doctor shook his head. "Be that as it may, both the mother and the foal are healthy and fit. A completely successful birth. It was a pleasure working with you, ma'am."

"Thank you." Trixie smiled at him and the nurse before she sat up a little. "Trixie is sore in new places." A bottle appeared, held in her magic before she moved it for her foal to access. "You need a name. I claimed her appearance, Rough Draft, you get to decide on a Great and Powerful name."

Rough tilted his head a little, considering the new pegasus deeply. "Sapphire Streak."

Both parents seemed at ease with the name selection, confirmed silently by the gentle tugs of destiny. They nestled in around young Sapphire.

Samantha turned to Night and Silver. "Have you two been well?" She tilted her head. "I heard you fought the ambassador from across the ocean."

Silver colored slightly. "It was a friendly spar. Only one mild nose bleed came of it."

Samantha leaned forward. "For not being born a pony, you use magic surprisingly well. Has anypony ever mentioned that?"

Night waved a wing at that. "Only a few times. What's up, Samantha? You're unusually... friendly."

Samantha blinked at that, looking startled. "What? I'm always friendly! Aren't I? You're my favorite subjects. Everytime I see you two I get happy."

Night tilted her head. "Still using that word?"

"Wha--Oh! Sorry... I'm getting better, promise." She squirmed in place. "But you are... I mean that in the best way possible. I've made so many notes observing you two. I know I'll figure something big out if I keep watching."

The doctor put a hoof on her shoulder. "That's enough, Samantha."

"No! I mean..." She glanced around nervously. "I just want to talk to my friends."

Silver perked his ears and a smile formed. "If we're friends, and not subjects, you're quite welcome to chat."

Samantha approached cautiously. "You can't be both?"

Night suddenly laughed. "You are too much, Samantha. Come here." She thrust a hoof at the ground in front of her seat. Samantha approached and tilted her head at Night, looking confused. Night leaned forward and bit Samantha's nose lightly. "You can't have both. If we're your friend, then your observations are biased."

Samantha paled suddenly. "N-no! I've been..." She began to tremble, lightly at first but it built rapidly into a body-quake of alarming proportions. "No..."

Silver raised a hoof. "Easy there. Biases can be worked against, and impossible to entirely avoid anyway. Science is never perfect, that's why we have to keep trying and be as rigorous as possible so other ponies can repeat our experiments."

Samantha looked between the two. "So... which...?" Her eyes fell to the foals and her shaking began to subside. Her eyes were lost in Morning Glory's penetrating gaze, but unlike some other adults, she was not put off by it, but fell into it. She met his gaze and they were both quiet.

Night watched Samantha a moment or two before she was sure Samantha was lost to the world. She shook her head a little and looked past her to Rough and Trixie and her new sister-in-law. "Everypony alright over there?"

Trixie huffed. "As if creating a foal would be too difficult for Trixie to accomplish? She could put on a show right now if there was an audience." Despite her bold words, she looked harried and tired, and leaned into Rough's embrace as they recovered from the event.

Silver reached out a hoof and gently tapped Samantha on the nose.

She started and came out of her trance. "Huh? Oh! Hello! How are my favorite two subjects doing?"

Night smirked at that. "We're just fine, how are you, Samantha?"

Samantha rolled her shoulders, which became a wriggle that ran down her body. "I feel... relaxed. I don't even know why. How are the little ones?" She smiled down at them. "They look healthy and well."

"They are." Silver bobbed his head. "They have the usual surges, but both are, overall, well-behaved and good foals. I'm a lucky father."

Samantha bobbed her head. "Could I trouble you to fill out a little journal on their growth and status on a daily basis?" A book appeared, hovering in her magic beside her head. "It would help so much!"

Night frowned at Samantha. "Why should we do that?"

Silver took the book from her and flipped it open before scanning it over. "It might be nice."

"Nice?" Night raised a brow at Silver. "Are you using the right word?"

"I mean it." Silver smiled a little. "We didn't measure my growth as a kid, but we can with them, for their own sake, and ours. Like a picture book, but with numbers and time."

Night rolled a wing lightly. "We could get a camera, goat face."

Silver flashed a grin. "Also a good idea, and you know what I meant."

Rough looked over from where he sat with Trixie. "Why don't you call that pastry chef friend of yours. It looks like she wants to be involved in this."

Trixie nudged him in the side. "You want a fresh cake."

"And if I do?" Rough smiled. "I'll share, promise."

Silver hopped to his hooves. "I'll trot over and tell her the good news. I'm sure she'll beat me back." Without bidding, Night rose up to go with him and they trotted side-by-side to spring a surprise on Surprise.

What they didn't expect was for there to already be a roaring party in progress at Just Desserts. With a sudden bang as they approached, confetti exploded out of one of the windows. What had they trotted in on?

143 - Too Many!

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Bravely venturing forth, Silver nudged the door open with his magic and the music from within raised in volume sharply like a demon let loose on the world. Within, bright lights swirled and danced in sync to the festive tunes. Surprise was in there, and she was far from alone. Applejack was at the counter, looking a bit baffled.

On the same counter was Surprise who had a hoof around the withers of Pinkie, who had a hoof thrown around Surprise's wither in turn. They were dancing in step, side-by-side while standing on two legs. Also in the room were other ponies cheering and shouting at the two. Silver could recognize several of them as Surprise's friend. Colg--No, Minuette, she was there. Sugar was thick in the air, and there were plenty of snacks scattered about for anypony to enjoy in the party.

Surprise was kicking her legs up high with each step until she was twirled by Pinkie and squealed with delight before she came to a smooth halt. "Wow! Who knew I'd make such a good dance partner."

"I know!" Pinkie grinned at Surprise. "But you're not me, silly. You're almost-me."

"And you're almost-me." Surprise pointed at Pinkie. "And those are two of my best friends." She thrust a hoof at Silver and Night as they entered.

Pinkie leaned off to the side. "Oh! I know those two! Hiya!" She waved energetically.

Applejack turned her head towards the point. "Aw shoot, howdy pardners. We never got much chance t'say thanks kindly fer yer help up north." She pointed over her shoulder. "Well shave me bald and call me a diamond dog, are those yer foals?!"

Night colored faintly as eyes fell on her, but this wasn't the first time she was out in public with the foals, and other ponies began to speak up in the affirmative.

Silver looked around the festive room curiously. "So, uh, met your other self, I gather?"

"Yep!" both chorused without delay. They turned to each other. "Jinx!" They burst into giggles at their shared timing.

Surprise hopped down from the counter to all fours and trotted towards Night and Silver. "I don't even know why I was so worried about it. I mean, sure, Pinkie thought I was an escaped clone at first, but once we were past that--"

Pinkie threw a leg over Surprise's withers as she came up beside her. "We're not clones, we're more like sisters. It's great to have another sister!" She blinked with a sudden new thought. "Hey, you haven't seen the sisters, or ma and pa in forever! We've gotta fix that!"

Surprise flinched back with sudden worry. "But I'm not you. They're not my family. They're you--"

Pinkie put a hoof over Surprise's mouth. "Stop overthinking it, silly billy. If we're sisters..." She brought the hoof back and pointed between herself and Surprise. "Then yes, you are part of the family. See? Simple logic."

Night tilted her head a little. "I can't argue that logic, if you accept the first part."

Applejack shook her own head. "Yer overwhelming the both of 'em. Go on and git back t' dancin'."

"Aye aye!" proclaimed Pinkie, who grabbed her new sister and whisked her away.

Applejack approached with a smile. "So, what brings ya both here? Trying to get somethin' tasty?"

Silver shook off his confusion. "Oh yeah! Trixie just foaled. It's--"

Suddenly there was Surprise to the left, and Pinkie to the right. Party cannons slid out from underneath either and they rang in jolly unison, spraying the area in confetti.

Silver rolled his ears back at the loud noise, flinching at the pincer attack.

Applejack simply nodded at it. "Ah reckon yer message was received, nice and clear-like."

Pinkie pointed at Surprise. "This is already your party here. Let me go celebrate with Trixie."

Surprise pouted. "But I've been waiting to celebrate this!"

It was the first conflict between them, as small as it was. Pinkie conceded too quickly to call it an argument. "Alright, I'll watch your store, go on." She made a shooing motion with her forehooves. "And don't forget the birthday cake!"

"Roger!" Surprise was gone in a streak of cheerfulness.

Applejack tipped her hat forward. "Y'all going back t' Trixie? Say, how'd ya get involved with that showboatin' mare?"

Silver felt a flush of anger, but shoved it aside quickly. Trixie could be a showboater... "She's my mother."

Applejack's ears went down. "Aw shoot, there goes m'hoof right into m'mouth. Ah didn't mean nothin' by it."

Night shook her head. "I doubt he plans to be much angrier for longer than the time it took him to say it." She looked left and right. "Where'd the foals go?"

Silver raised his head with a start, noticing both foals had given them the slip. An excited coo brought their attention to where Clear and Morning were attacking a plate of cookies left on the counter.

Applejack was on the case, snatching up Clear in her hooves even as Silver grabbed up Morning in his magic. "Little ones, they'll run ya ragged if ya give 'em a chance. Now who have I got here?"

Night pointed at Clear. "This is Clear Twilight, and this is Morning Glory. You're Applejack, correct?" Applejack nodded. "Hard to forget an Element of Harmony, friend of Princess Twilight, etc. etc." She offered a hoof. "I do think we've met before, if briefly. I'm Night Watch."

"Well howdy do, Missus Watch." Applejack tossed Clear right up onto her own back before she met that hoof with one of her own. "Yer no stranger t' the limelight, the way ah hear. Champion of the umbrum, husband of Silver Lining, who is savior of the changelings."

Silver pointed at himself. "I go by Silver Watch these days."

Applejack paused, then a bright smile spread on her face. "Aw, that's just too adorable. So that..." She reached out and tapped Silver's titular silver watch that peeked free of his vest. "must be yer silver watch, fittin'."

He leaned to the left a little, looking past Applejack to her flank. "You have yours on proud display. My cutie mark doesn't really 'say' Silver Watch."

Applejack glanced back at the trio of apples. "Huh, guess ya have a point there, but it don't always work that way anywho. Ah mean, look at Pinkie." She pointed at the bundle of joy that navigated the room. "Her cutie mark ain't got nothing t'do with her name, and there ain't a dang thing wrong with that."

Night nodded in agreement. "A cutie mark is a sign of our desires, destiny, and self, while our names..." She shrugged softly. "It's nice when it ends up matching, but it doesn't always work out that way. Just often. What does Trixie have to do with magic?"

Silver lifted an ear. "She's 'tricky'. She does tricks. Magic tricks?"

Night blinked. "How did I miss that? But she doesn't do tricks. An earth pony might do tricks, because they don't have magic. Trixie does real things, with her magic."

Silver squinted before it hit him. "Oh! So you only call, what, legerdemain tricks?"

Applejack tilted her head a little. "Ah heard magic called tricks before."

Night pointed at Applejack. "You're an earth pony."

Applejack raised a brow. "Are ya implyin' somethin'?"

Night nodded. "I am, that to an earth pony from an earth pony traditional town would see all magic as 'tricks', whereas a place like Canterlot sees magic as everyday and getting something done without magic as a trick."

An idea bubbled in Silver's mind and he looked around before spying a pencil tucked behind a pony's ear. "May I borrow that a moment?"

The pony blinked at him. "Oh, sure. Just be careful with it. I didn't bring spares."

"I promise it'll be fine." He lifted the pencil and brought it between his two conversational partners. "Behold, a perfectly ordinary pencil."

Applejack raised a brow at the floating pencil. "Are ya goin' somewhere with this?"

Silver contracted his grip so that he was holding it at the center of the pencil and began to shake it up and down gently, creating the illusion of the pencil bending and flexing in ways wood was not meant to go. "Behold as I turn wood into rubber, and back again!" He held the pencil still and it went back to appearing solid. "Ta da!"

Both Night and Applejack peered at the minor illusion. He could see Night was already working out how the trick functioned, but Applejack tilted her head. "Was that there a magic trick or a not-so-magic trick? Ah reckon it could be either, what with ya being a unicorn n' all."

With a bit of a grin, Silver floated the pencil back to its ear holster. "I swear no magic was used besides lifting the pencil, promise." What was a silly little trick to humans, would be just a tiny bit more mysterious to a race without fingers to fiddle with things.

Night reached over and nudged Silver. "We should get going. Missing Trixie's party would be rude."

Silver grabbed Clear off of Applejack's back, which was apparently not what the filly wanted. She reached for Applejack as she floated away, sniffling and looking sad. Silver hesitated. "It seems you've already had an impact on her without any words."

Applejack sat on her haunches and reached out for the foal. "Aw, just like m'brother." She squeezed the foal gently. "Now ya be good fer yer folks, ya hear?" Clear nodded and there were no sniffles when Applejack surrendered the earth filly to Silver's care.

Trotting side-by-side, they left Just Desserts and returned to the castle, to find the infirmary was festooned in confetti. Surprise had long since beaten them back. Trixie seemed pleased, being the star of the party alongside her little foal. Even the doctor was chewing on some, much fresher, cake. The original cake had been abandoned, sadly wilting on the counter where it had been left.

Samantha was nibbling at the edges of a cookie. "Are you certain you're not a unicorn?"

Surprise tilted her head. "What? No silly! I don't have a horn." She pointed up at her wildly maned head. "See?"

Samantha tilted her head then reached out, patting at Surprise's mane softly. "You could be hiding it under all that hair. Your cooking tastes magical to me."

Surprise burst into giggles. "And here I thought you couldn't make jokes." She hugged Samantha tightly. "Thanks. Eat up, there's more where that one came from!"

Trixie beamed when she saw Night and Silver enter. "Ah, there are my first foals. You'll be pleased to know Sapphire made her first flap. Just you wait, she'll be a star flyer in no time at all."

Night flashed a bright smile. "It takes more than a flap, but it's a good sign."

They joined in the celebration, and the day would be remembered as a mighty fine one.

144 - At the Gala

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Silver regarded himself in the mirror. He normally put in close to zero thought into what he wore, but that night was an exception. His magic plucked lightly at the suit to get it to sit right on his equine form. "Everypony all set?"

Trixie nudged Rough Draft's side with an extended hoof. "Are you certain you don't wish to come? We have a suit for you and everything."

Rough flashed a timid smile. "I would just stand around awkwardly. I'll keep an eye on the foals. I like their company just fine."

Trixie snorted softly. "How do you attend your crowded conventions, but this frightens you?"

Rough shrugged a little. "I can't talk to them about Humanway and most of them will stare at me oddly if I rant about Ogres and Oubliettes. No, I'm fine, promise." He leaned in and nuzzled Trixie gently. "You go and shine. You look splendid, and I'm sure everypony will notice."

Night tapped Silver on the shoulder. "Don't even think of using that excuse."

Silver gave a crooked smile, cheeks a little warm. "Tempting, but I was invited specifically. Celestia would be upset if I didn't show up." He turned for the door. "Let's just keep our hopes modest. It may be cheating, but if the Mane Six are coming, this has a good chance of not being boring in ways we are not expecting."

Night followed after even as she raised a brow. "Main Six? Right, Princess Twilight and her friends? They did cause quite a stir the last time they attended. Are they coming to this one?"

Trixie lifted her shoulders. "We will know when we arrive. Let's be off! There's no time like the present for ponies to begin admiring Trixie's fabulous dress." She trotted out the door without delay, eyes closed and nose lifted just enough to make it clear the strut she was offering. She was ready to be admired.

Side-by-side, Night and Silver left after her. Night waved a wing as she went. "Thanks for keeping an eye on the foals. You know where the bottles are."

"Don't worry. I'm ready." Rough gave a single firm nod before the door closed. He turned to the nursery and walked inside at a leisurely pace. "They say foals are a bit young to learn complex games, but I say you can never be too young for a good story." He leaned in over Clear and Morning's crib. "How about we make a story tonight?" Their excited coos were answer enough.

Curiously, they had to leave the castle before coming in the right way. Ambassador or no, there was exactly one way for guests attending the gala to come in, and they obeyed the propriety. They were far from alone, with dozens of other ponies in fine attire around them and following the same path.

"Trixie? Trixie Lulamoon?"

Trixie turned sharply towards the female voice and her expression expanded into a wide smile. "Evening Luminescence! We haven't seen you since..." Her expression faltered a moment, but she was grabbed up into a fierce hug by a unicorn the other two didn't recognize.

"Oh it's so good to see you! You're looking fantastic! Just look at you!" Evening was all smiles and no reservation. Her purple fur and fancy dress clashed in just the right way to bring attention to herself. "You haven't aged a day, not a single day!"

Silver tilted his head, but said nothing. Night wasn't so reserved. "Friend of yours, Trixie?"

Trixie started. "Oh! Yes! Evening, meet our wonderful family." She waved a hoof over Silver and Night. "My son, Night Watch, and his wife, Silver Watch."

He snorted softly. "Mother, relax, you got that backwards."

Evening gave a little giggle. "Well hello, Silver, Night. I'm Evening, and it's nice to meet you. Now Trixie, where have you been? Your son looks too old! Oh Celestia!" She glanced left and right and leaned in. She whispered, but it wasn't that quiet. Even in the crowd Silver could hear it, to say nothing of Night's sharp ears. "Is that why you dropped out?"

Trixie began to try her best to imitate a tomato as she started back. "N-no. Silver is adopted."

Evening blinked softly. "Oh." She looked Silver from top to bottom and leaned off to the side to eye his tail. "He has a strong family resemblance." Her tone wasn't shy in its suspicions. "But that's alright, Trixie. You always were the mysterious one. Let's go inside." She pointed the way and got to walking.

Night leaned in, whispering a bit more quietly, "Interesting mare. I think she's the first that met your mother while she was in school, that we know of."

Silver gave a silent nod, and soon they passed through the large doors into the large ballroom. Twilight and Celestia were smiling and greeting guests as they came, and many wanted a chance to speak with either of them, forming a queue of impressive magnitude.

Night flashed a smile at him. "Watch as I skip that line."

He put a hoof on her shoulder. "I'm sure you could, but let's not upset all these ponies waiting. We don't need more enemies."

She hesitated a moment before she nodded. "You have a fair point there. Did you want to say hello to either of them?"

Silver considered a moment before he shook his head. "I can say hello to Celestia when I want. This evening is for others." With his roaming eyes, he picked out some of the crowd. Octavia was playing in the instrument section. There was... oh my. He couldn't help but smile at the Cutie Mark Crusaders all dressed up and fancy. They were simply adorable, but he dared not approach them or their guardians.

Night followed his eyes effortlessly. "Thinking about our foals? It'll be a few years before they can come to something like this. I'm sure they'll look adorable when they do." She nodded lightly. "If they can fight off too many curious ponies asking them awkward questions."

That wasn't exactly what he had thought, but he rolled with it. "We'll raise them right, and they'll swim these colorful waters." He spotted Fluttershy, speaking to a strange green pony with a far-away look to her eyes. Were those dreadlocks? There was so much to see, Silver felt a little overwhelmed. "I'm going to get a little snack."

He roamed towards the spread of food and couldn't help but giggle. To think Applejack once tried to sell food at a catered event. That was not one of her--

"Howdy!" Applejack slid up beside him. "Fixin' to wet the whistle? If'n ya kin handle it, they got some apple brandy that'll knock you right off those manicured hooves ah yers." She pointed to a wide selection of drinks and a bottle in particular.

Alcohol was no favorite drink of his, but an apple beverage couldn't be too bad, right? He reached with his magic and plucked up the bottle before pouring out a small bit into a glass and swapping the bottle for the glass to give it a try. "Nice to see you, AJ. Enjoying the Gala?"

"Shoot, ahm just here to hang with ponies I know. You fer instance." She nudged Silver. "Go on, try it."

So he did, sipping gently before the flavor washed over his tongue. It was sour and he puckered, but the apple taste was nice. He felt obligated to finish what he had begun and sipped again, draining the small portion he had served himself. "It's not bad."

"Now that's a white lie if ever ah heard one." Applejack nudged him roughly. "It's alright. Ya won't hurt mah feelings none." She wandered off towards the fillies and her friends.

Night emerged from the crowd. "What's that you have there?"

"Apple brandy." Silver set the empty glass down. "It's alright, but I never liked alcohol much."

She shook her head. "If what you fear is true, this seems like a bad night for drinking."

He raised an ear. "Don't ta--" he trailed off, noticing Discord enter the room in a fine suit but accompanied by an ooze. It was no tiny ooze as was the ones he had conjured, but a great beast taller than a pony. Silver was far from the only one gawking at the new guests.

Night shook her head. "Exhibit one. I'd say you were right on the nose with that one."

Silver clenched his teeth a moment. "We shouldn't be rude. Just because it looks odd doesn't mean it can't be friendly." Determined, he trotted directly for Discord and his friend. "Hey, Discord. How's it going?"

He looked distracted, but heard his name well enough. "Oh, David. How's it going? Have you met Smooze?"

Silver raised a brow. "I haven't gone by David in a while." It was almost strange to hear his human name uttered. "But no, hello Smooze." He'd heard that name before. Where from, where from... He couldn't place it. He offered a hoof towards the slime.

"Well, you two enjoy bonding. I'll be right back!" And Discord slipped away effortlessly.

The Smooze smiled at Silver, but said nothing. Its ribbon and top hat were among the only hints to even know what direction it was facing. It approached him, which was unsettling as they were already close.

"Easy there bi--" He was devoured. The Smooze just flowed smoothly over and around Silver, drawing him inside its jelly-like interior. Silver gave a full-body spasm of terror as he was hugged from all directions at once. It was so strange! He could feel it flowing through his fur and tickling places that need not be tickled.

All too suddenly, he was thrown clear, slimed and dripping. Something was wrong. Something was very... He began patting himself down before it became clear when he looked to the Smooze to see a purple glow fading away from inside it. It'd taken his pendant! "Hey, give that back!" He struggled to get upright, but slid on his covering of slime. By the time he was standing, the Smooze had wandered off to terrorize some other ponies.

"Not your best idea." Night offered a small napkin. "Still, you wouldn't be you without trying." She had a little smile.

He tried to lift the napkin in his magic, but the magic failed to leave his horn. The slime seemed to seal it in, sort of like an anti-magic ring, but different. He didn't feel congested, but nothing could actually escape. His magic was sealed. "Uh..."

"What? Clean yourself." Night raised a brow, then it clicked. "You can't. Silver, what am I going to do with you?" She leaned in and began cleaning him off with the napkin, only to have to switch to another. Once she got his horn thoroughly clean, he was able to join in the effort and they soon had him presentable. "Now we can explode that thing, right?"

Silver raised a brow. "That's a strong reaction. I'm sure--"

Night nudged him. "It took your watch. That was my gift to you."

Silver looked down, it was indeed missing, as was his wedding shoe. "The heck. Does it like jewelry?"

"Whatever it likes, we should stop it before it gets out of hoof." She had no humor in her tone and looked ready to attack.

Silver put a hoof on her chest. "Please, relax. It's Discord's friend. Blasting or tearing it apart would be... rude at best. We should ask Discord to fix this."

Night shook her head. "Ambassador to the end. Fine, there he is, bothering Fluttershy." Night pointed to where Discord was sharing an animated conversation with Fluttershy and her green friend.

Silver nodded as he began pushing through the crowd, trying to reach him. He popped out beside Fluttershy's table just in time for Discord to not be there. He was on the performance stage, giving a sudden skit in comedy, but it wasn't going over very well with the ponies.

The green pony's eyes settled on Silver before they began to widen. "Woah... your aura... You're out of this world." She spread her hooves slowly. "It's so... wow..."

Fluttershy glanced between her friend and Silver. "Oh, uh, Silver, meet Tree Hugger. Tree Hugger, this is Silver Lining."

Silver raised a hoof. "Nice to meet you, though I go by Silver Watch recently."

"Far out." Tree smiled placidly. "But none of those are your real name, are they? I can feel something." She waved her hooves in a nonsensical pattern. "Your aura's freaking me out, man... Oh, I feel like I just got closer." Her eyes settled into a half-lidded state that they were naturally in. "I need to relax and even out my chakras."

Silver became curious. Just how much did the hippie pony know about him? He had a mission, alas. "We should talk another time. Enjoy the gala." He turned to try to win his way towards Discord.

145 - The Boiling Point

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As he nudged past horse after horse, he heard a sudden cry of alarm from his left. He looked just in time for a tidal wave of goo to rush over him. He tried to lift himself up with his magic, before his horn touched the stuff, but it held him like glue, or perhaps his magic refused to grip beyond the surface of the slime, and just pulling at his head wouldn't do the trick.

The ballroom was a mess and panic was almost universal, well, except Pinkie, but that hardly seemed surprising. The sound of beating wings made him raise his eyes to see Night hovering over him. "Do I get to tell you that I called this?" Night snorted softly. "Didn't you see it getting larger?"

It had? "No? I was trying to get to Discord."

Night pointed across the sea of slime to where Discord was arguing passionately with Tree Hugger. She began making the most curious of sounds that ended with an emphatic neigh, only to repeat again in a soft droning chant. The ooze around him began to undulate and flow in obvious response.

Silver perked an ear. Whatever she was doing, it was working. Another example of earth pony magic? The waves retreated, allowing ponies to refind their hooves. Ponies that had been thrown up against walls were plucked up and brought to the floor.

An angry declaration from Discord brought attention towards him as he held Tree Hugger in a grip and rent space and time with another claw, creating a portal to some other place. He looked quite ready to hurl the mystic pony right out of Equestria. Silver felt a flush of anger. The very idea of harming such a peaceful and clearly talented pony was abhorrent, but Fluttershy approached him far more quickly than he could.

She began lecturing him on the virtues of friendship. Silver brought up a hoof quickly to stifle a laugh. Of course. Of... course. The Mane Six were involved, it would be solved with a friendship lesson. With Discord placated, Tree Hugger was gently set down. The chaotic chimera stuffed a paw into the slime and drew out a veritable mountain of jewelry and restored the Smooze to its normal stature.

Silver saw the faint glimmer of fading purple and reached for it quickly. With a triumphant snatch, he recovered his pendant. His touch-sensitive magic brushed up against a familiar shape and he returned his grip with his wedding shoe also brought to him. "One to go." He stepped into the shoe and gave it an experimental tap before moving for Discord.

Night landed beside him. "Are you going to tear him a new one?"

Silver hiked a brow. "Too late for that."

"What do you mean? He's standing right there."

He shrugged a little. "Friendship lesson deployed. The matter's resolved, minus getting my watch back." He waved a hoof about. "See, everypony's already getting back into the party."

Night gave a little snort of obvious disagreement, but didn't press the matter. Together they managed to get up close to the chaos spirit.

Discord smiled widely at seeing Silver. "You didn't replace me with her did you? We're still friends, right?"

Silver blinked, and it all made sense. "Oh, no no no. You've been my friend for a while, Discord. I didn't want that to change. Family and friends are two wonderful things, and I hope one never stops the other. Uh--"

Discord grabbed him up and gave him a sudden hug before putting him down, interrupting his words entirely. "You're not so bad, for being from a species willing to split heads when things get rough enough."

Night raised a brow at him. "You are speaking about Ambassador Silver Watch, I will remind. Speaking of which, can we have his watch back?"

"Oh? Sure sure." He produced a watch from nowhere and tucked it right in Silver's vest pocket. "Don't hold it against ole' Smoozy, he just can't get enough shiny things."

Silver shook his head lightly. "It's not his fault, it's yours. I mean, man, you brought him here and didn't hang out with him at all. That's not being a good friend."

Night gave out a bark. "And now you're a source of friendship lessons?"

He kissed her cheek. "Somepony made sure I learned a few of my own to get me ready for this moment."

Discord rolled his eyes. "Don't push your luck. Anyway, see that?" He hiked a thumb at the placated Smooze. "That could've been you. Don't rush to call me a bad friend."

Silver's ears flicked back of their own accord. "Yeah, thanks. Look, I never said you weren't a friend, you're just a little rusty at it. Lord knows I make a few mistakes of my own."

"I'll be back," reported Discord in a suspiciously Arnold-like rendition before he vanished to appear beside the Smooze and deliver an apology for leaving him behind. Pinkie snatched the pile of goop away for a dance and all seemed forgiven.

The gala was back in full swing. Even Celestia was in good spirits as she nudged Twilight onto the dancefloor, much against the latter's expressed will.

Silver felt his cheeks suddenly burning hot. Was that a friendly gesture, or was something from his dream proving even slightly correct?

A wing settled over him as Night pressed in close. "Seeing all these ponies dancing, did you want to give it a try?"

He looked to the floor nervously, but with Night at his side, he decided to put such fears to the side and let her show him a good time. "Let's."

They moved together in the rhythm of the music. Neither was a particularly skilled dancer, but simply pressing together in a gentle hug and moving together was a joy enough, and they felt no need to make it fancier than it had to be.

A claw tapped Silver on the shoulder and he grunted with annoyance, looking over his shoulder to see Nefertari leaning over him. "What?"

She grinned at the two. "With this little gathering in motion, the outside is clear... care for a rematch?"

Really? Silver blinked at her. "I'm dancing with my wife. That rates higher than a spar."

Night made a dismissive wave over his shoulder. "Shoo shoo."

Nefertari scowled at the motion. "Don't take that tone with me."

Night pulled Silver closer. "Don't be rude. Everypony's here to have fun and meet ponies, not fight them."

Silver felt the need to keep things calm. "Tomorrow."

Nefertari seemed pleased. "Tomorrow. I'll find you." She was gone. Even the dense crowds of the gala couldn't slow her.

A soft tapping pulled Silver away from the dance a few minutes later and he peeked to see no threat. It was Tree Hugger. "Oh, hey there."

"Like, blessings... We were so roughly interrupted."

Night tilted her head, looking over Silver's shoulder to the green pony. "Like I'm being right now?"

"Peace..." She held up a hoof. "I'm not here to harsh any vibes. Be at ease, dancer of the night. You two harmonize well." She tilted her head faintly. "When you finish dancing, seek me out, alright man?" Her eyes went distant a moment. "There it is again..." She turned and wandered away without another word.

Silver looked to his wife. "I think she knows more than even she knows."

Night cracked a little smile. "Eloquently put." She leaned in and kissed his neck before sinking her fangs into the flesh without piercing it, nipping at him gingerly. "I can see you're curious. Let's go see what's inside that green skull of hers."

Together they fell back to all fours and began weaving through the crowd to where Tree and Fluttershy were enjoying one another's company. With the sound of small crackly explosions, their attention snapped over to the same stage Discord had usurped earlier.

Trixie was taking up the stage. "Behold!" She wagged her hooves and her horn began to glow and sparkle bright enough for everypony to see easily. Fireworks and dazzling displays of lights began to erupt around her, many forming miniature versions of herself that were also standing with their forehooves spread wide in a grand display.

Fluttershy smiled at the show. "She's gotten a lot nicer about her performances."

Tree nodded placidly. "Her inner energies are in alignment." She noticed Silver and Night approaching and smiled at them. "That was fast... I hope you didn't rush just for me." She put a hoof to her chest. "I am Tree Hugger, and this is, like, Fluttershy."

Silver smiled at the somewhat dazed-looking pony. "We've met before." Though he had forgotten her name and was grateful for the reminder. "How did you two meet?"

"Oh!" Fluttershy sat up. "We both have an interest in rare and exotic animals."

Night smiled at that. "It's nice meeting through hobbies. Are you two enjoying the Gala?"

Tree nodded. "The Princess makes her castle surrounded by magic, real magic." She spread her hooves slowly. "You can see it glowing in everything..." She suddenly started. "Oh yeah..." She pointed at Silver. "Your aura. It's even wilder than the waterfall outside. Do you know why that is?"

Silver smiled a little as he moved to stand beside their table. "I could give a few guesses, but let's start with the most obvious one. I wasn't born a pony."

Tree tilted her head at him. "What were you? What are you? What will you be?" She sank to her haunches as if crushed by the very weight of her own thoughts. "We all ask those things..."

Fluttershy looked more confused than her spaced out friend. "Um, sorry. She can get like that sometimes. She doesn't mean anything bad by it."

Silver reached out a hoof towards Tree. "I don't take offense. It's nice to meet you."

"Righteous..." Tree reached out and they clopped hooves softly. "You're alright, pony or not." She tilted her head. "Are you a pony?"

Night bumped against him lightly. "He tries to be more pony than many ponies I've met."

Tree clopped a hoof to the ground lightly. "That's what it is. I should have seen it earlier." She tilted her head at Silver. "Your aura is screaming with effort and control. You should, like, be yourself, man." Her eyes got that far-away look in them a moment. "Woah..."

Fluttershy nodded, though she didn't seem to understand exactly what her friend was saying. "Being true to yourself is very important." She smiled at Silver. "I'm sure you're a very nice pony, even if you were not a pony before."

Night adjusted her glasses as she sat beside the table. "He's a patron figure for taking it on the chin is what he is. I love him though."

Silver felt trapped a moment. All three mares were talking about him, but not exactly to him. He had a feeling if he just remained quiet, they would continue.

"We should have a formal reading and cleansing. Open those chakras wide and take a breath of the world itself." Tree nodded. "I'm told it's a real eye opener for unicorns. Blow your mind..."

146 - Third Time's the Charm

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The night was well spent. Night seemed to be feeling her romantic oats and they cuddled fiercely. From the sound, Trixie wasn't letting Rough escape his own cuddling. It was as close to... that... they had come while their parents were sharing the same room. With a sudden pop, they had their tricky foals with them. Night scooped them right up and brought them into the snuggling without delay.

There was only one worry between them. Night fixed her glass-less eyes on Silver. "You know she won't settle for first blood this time."

Silver's ears pinned backwards. "Likely not. I'll be careful."

Night pressed close, pinning the two squirming foals between them. "Careful might not be careful enough... please. I love you. Don't get... Come home to me." She flashed a fanged smile. "I feel like one of those ponies in the old stories, hoping their partner comes home from a war."

Silver leaned in and peppered her snout and cheeks with little kisses. "I'll come home. I've lived through worse. Besides, you'll be there, with me. We're a team."

Night flashed her fangs. "Maybe, but I can't fight with you this time. I hope you have something suitably clever in mind, damn unicorn."

Trixie's voice suddenly raised, "Being tricky is something we unicorns can excel at. Show that two-legged upstart who she's facing!" She sounded nothing if not confident in the situation.

Rough pulled her back gently into his embrace. "I'm with your wife, be careful. Better you lose a match with no stakes than get seriously hurt trying to win against somepony desperate."

"He's not a nopony anymore. Everything has a stake." Trixie rolled her eyes. "Use every trick we've gone over and make up some new ones if you have to."

Night suddenly nipped at him. "Your mother's being a bad influence. As if Celestia will care if you lose this match. You keep being a sweet and effective ambassador, which is your job, and you have nothing to fear."

Silver picked up Morning Glory gently and looked the foal in the eyes, to have the attention returned intently. "What do you think? I doubt she'll be happy if I just give in. She'll know, and she'll be even more angry. I have to face her properly, I think."

Morning gave his opinion by reaching out and resting the end of his hoof on Silver's snout and smiling silently at him. It was enough for Silver. He settled into bed with his family, big and small, and prepared for bed.

The next morning, he led the way with Night close behind and Trixie behind her. "Why are you coming, mother?"

Trixie raised a brow. "It's not obvious? I want to see my colt in action."

He saw little benefit to arguing about it, so simply hastened his step towards the gymnasium that he had fought in before. Nefertari was already there and most of the room had been abandoned and cleared to make room for the battle. The guards, who would normally be using the room to train, were instead already spread out and waiting to see the spectacle.

Silver felt his heart fall a little. No, throwing the fight simply wouldn't solve anything, he decided as Nefertari smiled at him toothfully and brought her hands together with a clap. "Here he is, and he looks so eager. Perhaps he won't be so after we're done, hmm. Last time we went to the first blood, but that barely served as a warmup. None of that."

Night clopped on the floor. "My husband's body is not your trophy. I, and Equestria, need him, alive."

Nefer flashed that grin even wider. "I wouldn't dream of it. Why, he can give up whenever he wishes to. The first to surrender, or be unable to continue, loses. Those are a proper warrior's terms." She raised a brow, looking down at Silver. "Or will you give up right now? Is a real fight too intimidating?"

Silver felt tempted to do just that a moment. Perhaps showing a yellow belly would make Nefer feel superior and satiate her. He glanced around at all the other ponies who were watching him in return, waiting for a fight. He wasn't in this just for himself. "Let's do this. Keep it clean, no permanent harm or crippling strikes."

Nefer flexed her clawed fingers. "Bones mend with time. Don't let me get a hold of yours and you won't have a problem." She adopted a loose pose, but Silver could feel the tension hidden in it. She was ready to move. "Ready?"

Silver licked his lips as he formed his stately shield, even if he knew it wouldn't be enough, alone, to win the day. He reached out with his magic, feeling the area around him and playing a new song over his horn. It wasn't quite as optimized as he would have liked, but he had only thought of it the evening prior, so he was glad it was working as well as it was, even if it had no visual effect, yet.

The match was on. Nefer vanished, but Silver could feel her darting and weaving through his field. She was too fast for what he had in mind, so he held onto that and--

Trixie shouted from the sidelines, "Show her!" She was waving her hooves and looked really excited, but it was just distracting for Silver.

Nefer came from between here and there. She drove her knee into the shield even as a fist came down, stressing and testing it as it collapsed into its more solid shape and heat began to build, but she was already gone. A first blow, but not an effective one. "Eyes on me," she called, though she was moving too quickly to set eyes on.

There were a handful of spells Silver had memorized to the point of true proficiency, and mixing those spells came easier and with more elegant results. He unleashed one such out and the room became a haze of fire with him at the center. Everywhere he could feel was now heating and exploding, sucking the heat away from the rest of the room that chilled dramatically. The guards started with surprise even as his shield faded away. The field of scorched air was too much to hold up alongside the shield. He knew she was in it, suffering.

She rushed him despite the heat and suddenly he was bowled over backwards, one of her hands at his throat, the other at his belly. "Fuzzy sorcerer, there's more to a fight than new tricks." Her fur was singed, blackening by the moment even as she dug claws painfully into that soft belly before she suddenly spread her hand out and began rubbing him like a family dog fiercely and vigorously.

It felt better than it had any right to and he could feel his right hind leg kicking into the air. The heat faded as his concentration lapsed, but he wouldn't give in so easily. He vanished from her grip in a flash of light, appearing in the air wreathed in his magic and quickly reforming his shield.

Nefer laughed as she spun to face him. "You have limits, little pony." Despite smoking a little from the assault, she moved, and was gone from sight.

Pain exploded from behind as he heard the screams of angry spirits. His body was intact, but his head felt like it was in a vice. He blinked away, only to see her focusing the beam of angry magic towards him. He blinked again, not away, but towards. He appeared just behind her and grabbed her with all four legs, clutching tightly.

He realized his forehooves were feeling something he hadn't ever experienced before, at least while awake. He had her by the chest and it brought a fierce blush to his cheeks.

Nefer effortlessly threw off the distracted stallion and sent him flying to the ground to crash roughly. "Nice try." She licked her lips. "This is what I wanted." She was on him in an instant even as he stood up and brought a fist in. His head snapped back from the powerful punch. The second wasn't as successful as he desperately raised one of his most lethal shields.

She yanked the hand away even as angry lines of red sprung up along it and the arm it was attached to. The scrambling shield was no joke, but it was also grossly inefficient. Silver staggered from the effort, trying to stand up and doing a poor job of it.

"Give up!" shouted Night, but she was one voice in a room full of excited shouts and cries.

Nefer gave the injured hand a little shake, sending droplets flying. "I remember that one. Now I know you're serious, but you're getting weaker." She took a step forward. "Now's the time to roll over."

That felt like a very good idea indeed, but Silver had a few more tricks up his non-existent sleeves. He reached with his magic, surrounding Nefer even as she approached him slowly.

"Can't fight anymore?" She took another slow step. "That means I win."

Silver solidified his grip suddenly and threw her upwards to crash into the ceiling before he let go of her, heaving for breath.

She fell from where he lifted her, landing flat. She was panting as well. He wasn't the only combatant tired from their scuffle. "I can keep this going longer than you." She pushed up to her feet. "You won't win, not three times." She darted for him and he could really see she was feeling the pain by the fact that she was perfectly visible as she charged.

"Stop!" boomed an authoritative voice. Magic wrapped around Silver and Nefer in dark bubbles and pulled them apart as Luna strode into the room confidently. "As speakers for peace, you two certainly know how to make a mockery of the idea. That is enough."

Nefertari hissed violently at the alicorn. "Release us! We're almost finished. We have every right!"

Luna shook her head. "Perhaps where you come from, this may be true, but in Equestria, a brawl of this magnitude can be, and is, called to an end."

Nefer glared with deadly fury at Luna, to little effect. "Very well then, princess... Declare a winner." She gestured at Silver, who was sinking to the ground of his bubble, weak and tired. "Clearly I am more prepared to continue."

Luna gave a little smile. "I have no doubt if I let you go, he would struggle onwards. Since neither of you have surrendered, it is a draw, per your own terms." She set Nefertari to the ground and released her. "This fight is over."

The crowd made some noises of unhappiness over the ending, but began to disperse and get the room back into its usual order, burnt training mats notwithstanding. Night and Trixie moved to Silver's side and helped him stand.

Trixie was all smiles. "You gave a Great and Powerful display, colt of mine. They'll be speaking of you for years, Trixie is certain."

Night nuzzled into his cheek. "Why didn't you give up? I'm glad you're alright but that stubborn streak will get you hurt."

Nefertari attempted to move towards Silver and his family, but Luna interceded. "I think that's quite enough for one day."

Nefer scowled. "I won't hurt him. You've called the fight." She shook her injured hand lightly. "Striking him out of the blue would bring no satisfaction."

Luna sat before Nefertari. "You've been rather insistent about three."

Nefer glanced away. "It's not a pony issue... I didn't technically lose."

"You did not win."

Nefer balled her fists, injured or not. "No... I won't shame my lineage like that. I didn't lose..."

"You did not win." Luna raised a brow. "Will you--"

Nefer was gone.

147 - Guarding Bodies

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Silver began moving towards his office. Though he tried to move as if nothing had happened, Night could see he had pains that would linger for some time. Despite this, she did not rush to support him. "Go on ahead. You can get some paperwork done today, I have to check on something."

He raised a brow a bit, but he didn't voice his confusion. He wasn't helped by his mother, who gladly nudged him along while still gushing about his display of magical skill and bravery. "You simply must show her a few of these spells. They're much better than your old ones."

Night left at a trot through another door. She prowled the hallways purposefully, seeking her prey.

Nefertari slammed a hand down on top of her desk only to wince at the pain it brought, but the pain it brought was nothing compared to the war in her chest. "Not even just a pony, but one that seeks peace..."

A soft knocking on the door brought her head up. "I'm busy!" she shouted with a fierce scowl.

"Oh this will only be a moment," came the voice of Samantha. "I received some curious readings, are you alright?"

Just how did that doctor keep track of her so easily? Nefer frowned a little before she let out a little sigh. At least that little pony she owned. "Come in."

Samantha nudged the door open with a smile on her snout that turned quickly to abject horror when she saw the condition Nefertari was in. "W-what? Did he catch you with a fireball? He did that once in a school, you know. Instant expulsion. It was much flashier than mine." She hurried towards Nefertari as bandages and little jars of ointment popped into existence around her. "Now you just lay back and let me take care of you. Samantha's here and I'll make everything alright again."

Nefer raised a brow lightly at her minion. She did not lay down, but she did sit. "You also wield fire magic?" She winced as Samantha began carefully clipping at fur around wounds. "Mind yourself..."

Samantha nodded. "Of course. You're a star subject. Your health is very important to me, now what was I saying? Oh yes! No! I don't do fire magic." She tilted her head. "When did I say that?" She began dabbing the burns with soothing gels. "You're a brave girl. This has to hurt. It's burnt just enough to hurt. Was he trying to do that?"

Was he? Nefer frowned. A painful lesson, but also one that would likely heal unlike a deeper burn. She watched as Samantha slowly applied bandages to the open wounds where burns had opened and her many cuts along the injured hand and arm. She would survive, but she wouldn't forget what had happened. "I'm surprised you aren't seeking him out as well."

Samantha perked her ears. "I will, but I can't be in two places at once. I'm going to give him a piece of my mind! He can't treat my subjects like this, even if he's a subject too." She tilted her head a little. "It's just rude."

Nefer held up a finger. "I will thank you to not speak to him about me. I'm fine." She lowered the hand to Samantha's head and gently scratched around her ears. "With such a... skilled... doctor at my side, how can I be anything but fine?"

Samantha practically glowed at the praise. "O-okay, sure. I'd better go see how he's doing though." She smiled a little as she backed away. "Come find me if it bothers you at all. Don't worry about interrupting me. Remember, star subject!" She turned away and trotted off, the door closing quietly behind her.

Nefertari rose to her feet and moved to the mirror in her room. With a wave of her uninjured hand, her vision vanished from it, replaced with a purplish realm of shifting forms and faint murmuring noises. "You have guided me here, spirits. You have warned me he was... interesting... What now?" The dark figures made their faint noises. "I will heal without your advice, but my wounds are only the start."

A figure rose, clear, if darkened. She looked much like Nefertari, and sounded similar as well. "You know the law."

Nefer scowled at the figure. "He doesn't. He is wed besides, and he isn't even one of us."

"Regardless, he has denied you victory three times, once by surprise, second by your misjudgment, and a third by endurance. He has proven a willing warrior that can stand at your side."

Nefer slammed a hand down on either side of the mirror. "Ancestor! What use is the title of Nefertari if it is tainted in this way? What will people say? Our people. They would laugh without end to know."

The figure was unmoved by Nefer's outburst. "We have suffered worse things. We have endured. Will you crumple at this inconvenience?" The figure suddenly had a bright spot, her teeth on display. "Will you not see what he thinks? It is his choice now, or perhaps that is what you fear most, that he will deny you victory a fourth and final time by spurning your hand."

Nefer brought a fist back, ready to smash the mirror and the phantoms within when a clopping knock came from the door. She took a slow breath, calming herself. The visions faded away as she turned to the door. "Who is it?"

"It's me, Night Watch. We need to talk."

Nefer hissed softly through her teeth. The wife, likely there to rebuff her thoroughly and try to keep her away from her husband. The spirits weren't entirely wrong... She had to face her battles. "Come in. We do have things to discuss."

The door swung outwards, knob held by Night's wing before she closed it behind herself. She looked Nefertari up and down. "You were taken care of quickly. Does it hurt?"

Nefer raised a brow. Was that pony sympathy, or was she there to mock and celebrate Nefertari's defeat? "I will survive. What did you wish to discuss?"

Night approached on quiet hooves. "No more challenges. My idiot of a husband doesn't know how to say 'no' sometimes, and this is one of them. You two could seriously hurt, or even kill, one another. Nopony wins then. So I'm making it clear, no more. As his wife and bodyguard, I forbid it."

That was far better a reproach than she had been expecting. Nefertari reached forward and Night shied away. That pony would not submit to her. "It must be trying, to be married to that pony. I am told he has a talent for being at the center of difficulties."

Night raised a brow then. "It's one of his talents, but I love him, which means protecting him, even from himself." She thrust a hoof at Nefertari. "That includes others eager to hurt him."

Nefer smiled and leaned back a little. "He has a powerful destiny. His eyes shine with more years than his body implies. He is special, in the good and bad ways it could be used."

Night advanced, scowling a little. "Good, so stop hurting him. Enough challenges."

Nefer held up a hand. "There is one more to be had." Night's scowl deepened. "Worry not, fair wife. This one involves no combat."

Night's frown eased a little. "It doesn't? What challenge is it?"

Nefer reached up to a dangling bit of jewelry at her neck. "There is a law among our people. If a female challenges a male three times in succession without victory, the male is worthy of her, and she must offer her hand."

Night started a little. "And if a male challenges a female?"

Nefer wagged a finger. "Not the same. Males are larger. If they could just challenge females whenever they wished, it would be chaos. The female issuing the challenge is considered either confident, or seeking him."

Night adjusted her glasses with her wings. "You were confident."

"I was... Three times I challenged him, three times without victory." Nefer snorted softly. "You must think me a fool of the highest order."

Night gave a little smile. "Actually... thank you. Thank you for sharing this with me instead of hiding and trying to get at him around me." She sat on her haunches. "Do you want this, or are you just following tradition? This isn't your home, and that's not a pony law."

Did she? Nefer frowned with thought. "Your husband... Tell me, I'm fairly certain, but pony females, they don't grow these, do they?" She referred to her chest.

Night raised a brow. "Not to my knowledge. What are those for anyway?"

Nefer waved it off. "Your husband reacted to them in the midst of the battle. A curious reaction for a pony, wouldn't you say?"

Night let out a little sigh. "Curious, that's one word for Silver. You didn't answer my question. Is this an obligation?"

"It is." Nefertari pushed to her feet. "But I don't do things casually. If I am to pursue this path, I will do so completely. Which brings us--"

Night held up a hoof. "I'm not accepting any challenges."

Nefer scowled a moment. That would have solved things, though there was another way. "Will you challenge me then?"

Night took a little step back. "Why? You won't steal him away from me..."

Nefer shrugged her shoulders then pointed down at Night's hoof with its wedding shoe. "You both wear one of what is clearly a set of four. Where are the other two?"

Night froze like a deer in headlights. Had she been found out so easily? "Silver has them..."

Nefer smiled. "I read long ago that ponies used to have such family groups much more often, but that it was basically abandoned in the modern era. Still, here you are, giving all the signs of desiring it."

Night took another small step away, only for Nefer to appear at her side in a burst of speed and a wince from muscles that didn't want to move that quickly. Night hopped away with a new fear.

Nefer grabbed for the mare, getting her by the cheeks and holding her. "I am also told that ponies are ruled by the females, which makes you the one in charge of your family."

Night stopped trying to flee and instead frowned at the source of her fear, facing it. "I am. I will protect him and our family."

"Good." Nefertari smiled. "Then I petition you. I would join this family of yours and win the right to wear one of those shoes."

Night snorted which turned into outright laughter.

Nefer's expression turned into fury. "What are you laughing at?!"

"Sorry, sorry... I'm just imagining one of your feet trying to fit into that hoof-sized shoe." Night shook her head. "I don't think that'll work."

148 - A Restless Night

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Silver snuggled gently against his wife in bed. Sure, it hurt in interesting places, but he was safe. He was home, and he had Night Watch. The way he figured it, there wasn't much to gripe about, little aches and pains or not. What there was to complain about was that Night seemed distracted the entire time. Even trying a known ticklish spot barely got a wriggle out of her. "Night? Hon? You alright? Was it the fight? Are you mad?"

Trixie's voice sang out in the dark, "Your display was nothing short of magnificent, colt of mine. You should have seen the looks of utter amazement on the guards when you practically set their training room ablaze, to say nothing of how they reacted when you grabbed that would-be challenger. Trixie is absolutely certain you did well."

Night frowned a little. Having one's in-laws constantly around did have its downsides. "Be that as it may, yes... You could have said no to start, but then you could have surrendered, several times. Hay, towards the end, you could have rolled over and not a pony there would have said you did less than put up a good fight."

Silver could feel real hurt and distress as she talked and he moved in all the closer, holding her. "I'm sorry, really. Once I got started, I was focused on not-losing, and doing everything I could. I'm not... used to sparring really."

She poked him in the chest. "When would you have surrendered?"

He considered that with a small frown in the dark. "I was pretty out of it. I was pretty sure another smack around or two and I wouldn't have had too much choice in the matter." He nipped at her shoulder with his blunt teeth. "Are you mad?" he repeated as he nestled close. "I'm ready for my punishment."

Night snorted as her ears went up. "Your 'Punishment' is..." She trailed off, thought unfinished. She pulled him tight suddenly. "Just be safe, stupid unicorn. And I get to call a surrender for you in any future honor duels."

"Honor duels?"

Night nuzzled his confused face. "What? You didn't figure that out? Why do you think she was so insistent on starting, and angry at it ending?"

"She likes fighting a lot?"

Night rolled her eyes. "There is some of that... Tell me, what are those things, at the front of her barrel. The bumps."

A loud snort came from the dark. Silver guessed it was Rough Draft. Figured he'd be aware of biped basic body configurations. "Well, while most animals, including ponies, only grow their breasts significantly when producing milk, humans and anubians are different. They remain at almost full size even when not carrying their young, as a sort of, uh..." Stick to the cut and dry, he mentally scolded himself. "Fertility indicator."

Night raised a brow, as unseen as it was. "I didn't grow those."

"You did." Silver smiled a little. "I was there. They weren't ever very large compared to the rest of you, and you didn't use them, but you had them."


He brushed his hoof down along her barrel until he heard her gasp faintly. He had found them. "Here."

"O-oh..." Hidden in darkness, her face burned. "I thought that was just part of being fat..."

Trixie's voice spoke gently, "In a very real sense, it is."

Silver nuzzled softly at her cheek. "Why?"

Night glanced away. "Let's get some sleep. We can discuss this tomorrow, at the office."

With the topic slammed shut, Silver nestled quietly, and soon they both surrendered to the silent call of sleep.

The next morning saw both seated in the office. Silver stretched out a leg, only to wince at the soreness just beneath the surface. "I hope she's alright."

Night perked an ear.

"She may have bashed me around and gave me a headache, but I set her on fire. That's not the same thing." Silver shook his head. "I feel a bit guilty about it."

Night adjusted her glasses just to delay her response a moment. "She's fine. She received care immediately afterwards."

Silver raised a brow. "Is that where you went?"

Caught, Night let out a little breath. "Yes."

"Was she angry? Are you?"

Night smiled a little. "Anger wasn't exactly what I found..." She glanced away and back. "That crazy dream of yours. Did it happen to mention anything about this?"

Silver opened his mouth as a soft clopping came from the door.


Night flew to the door and had it opened to receive the letter and nod in thanks to the courier. She ripped it open quickly and read over the parchment. "It's from Starlight. She wants to see you, alone." She slapped the letter down on the desk. "All part of the plan, right?"

Silver licked his lips. "Assuming things are going properly, she'll either ask for or take my spell-binding ability, temporarily." He slid to the ground and gave a stiff stretch. "Either way, I should go." He took a step towards the door, then stopped. "Come with me? I know you can be sneaky, my love. Stay quiet and out of sight, just in case she does something extreme, which I don't predict. We haven't given her any reason to even think we want to stop her."

Night felt a tension she hadn't realized just fade away as she moved to follow him. "I'll be your eyes."

Silver trotted from the castle and glanced back to see that he was entirely alone. He only realized then that he never really finished the last conversation and made a mental note to bring it up again later. Pushing that matter aside, he traveled down the well-cobbled streets of Canterlot in pursuit of the small bar that Starlight had referred to. Did ponies have outright bars? Apparently yes.

As he trotted past an alleyway, something prodded him right in the flanks and he jumped with surprise.

Starlight emerged from the shadows with that little smirk of hers. "Shocked to see me? This way." She turned and retreated into the darkness. "We have much to discuss."

Silver turned off the road to follow her. "We aren't going to that bar then?"

"Do you need a drink that badly?" she asked over her shoulder. "That was just to get you to come down this road. I had a feeling you wouldn't take any detours." Her horn glowed as she opened a door with no knobs or handles and vanished into deeper darkness. "This way."

Silver glanced over his shoulder, but he didn't see Night. Of course he wouldn't, not if she was doing her part. He entered the building and the metal door slammed shut behind him, making him jump for the second time.

"Alright, warlock..." Starlight turned to face him. "What's your real game?"

"Pardon?" Silver shook his head. "You asked me to come here, remember?"

Starlight rolled her eyes. "In the big picture. You are a warlock, ponies know that. You just fought an anubian to a standstill, and you're fanatically loyal to Celestia." She pressed close suddenly. "You'd do anything for that big mare, wouldn't you?"

Silver felt tense with a new fear. "I like her, quite a bit, but what does that have to--"

Starlight put a hoof on his snout. "So why would any such agent of hers work with me to take revenge on her little spoiled student? I don't think you're smitten, so don't try that act."

Silver shook his head a little. "Look..."

Starlight rolled a hoof to continue.

Silver swallowed nervously. "I'm on your side, Starlight. I really think it'll work out."

"Is that what your cutie mark told you?" She hiked a brow.


"Then what?" She leaned forward. "No lies."

No lies, right. "I had a dream, a vision. You did some things, some of them very unkind, but there is an other side to this tunnel."

"A vision you say?" She snorted loudly. "And I'm supposed to believe a vision?"

"You don't have to." He smiled. "I do, so I'm on your side, Starlight." He sat on his haunches. "I want to help you through this."

She raised a brow high. "Huh. You're deluded, but fine." A scroll popped into existence beside her. "I got what I wanted, but it's far too limited. One week for a matter of seconds? I think not." She hurled the scroll at Silver's hooves. "Fix it."

Silver licked his lips. "This is no small spell. I won't be able to fix it instantly." He reached with his magic, picking it up and looking it over. It was a dense maze of unicorn letters and cautionary scripts. It was clearly a high level spell, the likes of which took Twilight to cast, or Starlight. "Can you turn up the lights in here?"

"Oh, certainly." She flicked a switch and suddenly they were flooded with light from above. They seemed to be in some old cannery of some kind.

Silver shook his head and blinked furiously as he adapted to the new light. "Thanks..." He began reading in earnest, his mouth working silently as he silently spoke the letters of the spell and tried to puzzle it through. This was different. In the dream, he never set his eyes on the actual spell, or actively helped Starlight so directly. She had done it herself with his talent. Here he was, doing it all himself.

The letters seemed to jump before him. They hadn't changed, but his understanding did, making a sudden sharp intuitive leap. Some of those letters simply weren't needed. Star Swirl hadn't failed to make a proper time travel spell, he had specifically limited it, likely to avoid massive harm from being inflicted on others.

Starlight suddenly grinned. "Is that the look of a clever pony?"

Was he that obvious? "I think I see what needs to be changed to remove the limit."

"Good! Take that off and I'll erase her existence."

Silver felt ice form around his heart. "That's a bit extreme, don't you think?"

"Why shouldn't I? If she never exists, then I'll get my town back, and a chance to show the world how good it is without her meddling with it." Starlight prodded him in the shoulder. "Get to it."

"But what if you made her feel as you felt instead?"


Silver smiled nervously. "She stole your friendships and dreams, right?"

"Yes... And your point is?"

"So take hers." Silver nodded firmly. That felt a lot easier to eventually fix than actually rubbing Twilight out of history.

Starlight sank to her haunches and looked thoughtful for several tense moments. "You may have a point. She'll never learn her lesson if she's not even there to learn it, and that way I could see the look on her stupid face as her life crumbles around her." She clopped her forehooves together loudly. "Yes, I like that. Make sure she comes along each time, so I get to see her pretty little face collapsing every time I outsmart her."

149 - You Can Leave Now

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Silver worked furiously to create a new spell. Sure, it was fairly identical to the spell he was working with, just with a few key phrases removed. A bit of pride stirred in his chest that he could see the way to adjust it without collapsing the entire thing, or at least he was pretty sure.

"Test it." Starlight was sitting there, watching him. "When you're finished with it, jump back to several hours before this meeting and meet me." She produced a card from nowhere and slipped it behind Silver's ear. "I'll be here. Or I will have been there. I won't be in the future, so don't bother looking there afterwards.

He barely noticed her, but he heard the command and grunted a little as he labored on the spell. With the last bit of the spell scribed out, he let out a huff of breath and looked around. She was gone? He plucked the card from behind his own ear in his magic and read it off before reading the spell off the scroll he'd made. It was too complicated to cast from rote memory without a lot more time and effort than he had to give, so he cast it from the scroll, and vanished with it.

He fell through time itself, colors swirling around him wildly.

Text formed against the backdrop of chaos. "She was never yours."

He tried to question it, but speaking between time was harder than he would have liked, and he fell free of it to land roughly before a little bed and breakfast. He shook off the funk of breaching the fourth dimension and trotted to the door, pulling it open with his magic.

Inside was quiet, minus a few ponies enjoying the titular breakfast that came with staying at this particular place. "Over here," harshly whispered Starlight, who was waving for him to follow as she walked from the room. He quickly moved to catch up with her.

"Do you know why I'm here?"

"I can guess." Starlight smiled brightly. "You have the spell?"

He produced the scroll and she took it in her magic. "Great, then you've done your part. You can leave now."

Silver raised a brow. "If I leave just like this, that's going to cause untold problems."


He rolled a hoof. "I could meet myself, or run into other ponies before I should. Heck, what if I mess up our meeting and never make the spell to begin with?"

A sour look ran over her face. "You may have a tiny point. Fine, you can stay here until the meeting, then leave. I didn't pay for tonight, so they'll shoo you out anyway." She tucked the scroll away. "I'm leaving. I have things to do, and a certain brown pony to meet."

"You're welcome." Silver rolled his eyes.

She put a hoof on his cheek and ran it down to his chin. "Don't look so disappointed. Who knows, maybe I'll look you up again if I need another spell drafted." She turned away, tail flicking him lightly across the nose as she trotted away, leaving him scowling at her back end.

For just a moment, many very petty thoughts ran through his mind with how he could wipe that self-important smirk off of her face, but he let her go. Once she was out of sight he let out a breath and put a hoof to his chest. "Well, my part's done with that." It was a relief in many ways, though he couldn't help but think of the differences. It wasn't enough to stop things from going as they should, he felt sure, but his own part had been minimized and cut out. He would become no friend of Starlight, and certainly no lover.

That was likely for the best, or so he figured with a sigh. He didn't need to be involved with anypony that close to Twilight, and his home life was already rich and complex enough on its own. With these thoughts tumbling around, he hopped up onto the provided bed and closed his eyes to idle the time away.

A soft knocking woke him from his nap and he looked up to the door. "Huh? Who is it?"

The door suddenly burst open, revealing Samantha. "It is you! Or is it? I need to check." She proceeded inside as her magic closed the door. "You won't believe how surprised I was! Suddenly, two! Two of you. One of you was inside the castle where you should be, and here's another you. I just don't understand." She produced a worrying assortment of small syringes and medical supplies.

Silver hopped to his hooves. "Relax, Samantha. Nothing's wrong."

"Nothing wrong?!" She tilted her head at him. "There are two of one of my star subjects. That is most certainly not correct. Now you just lay down and let me take care of this." She reached up a hoof to his chest. "You must be as confused as I am."

"I'm not confused." He crossed his forelegs. "Please, relax. I can explain what's going on, without the examinations."

Samantha raised a brow. "I doubt that, but fine, for your benefit, please, proceed." She sat down with a hopeful smile. "What's going on?"

Silver considered a moment how much was safe to say. "I was testing a time spell. In a little while, the other 'me' will vanish and become this 'me'. There may appear to be two of me, but really there's only one, just overlapping a little. That's why I'm waiting here."

She raised her ears slowly. "That made a lot more sense than I thought it would..." She leaned in close. "Are you sure you're alright?"

"I'm fine, promise." Silver smiled. "Thank you for checking up on me." He reached out and gave her a pat on the head.

She glowed with the praise, then stopped. "Are you just saying that?"

Silver opened his mouth to respond, only to have her hoof suddenly shoved in, silencing him. "Wait! Better question. How did you know so much about me?"

He frowned a little. "Do you believe, no, forget that." He smiled at her. "You told me."

She tilted her head at him. "I did? But you said that the first time we met. How much do you know?"

"I know you love science." Silver nodded softly. "And that your mother was human, and father a unicorn, and that your mother didn't weather the experience well."

Samantha frowned a little. "All true. Why were you hurting one of my other star subjects? I need you both healthy and happy! That expressly means no setting each other on fire!"

Silver's ears flipped back. "Sorry about that. It shouldn't happen again."


He smiled a little. "Promise. Nefertari's the one that really wanted to fight, not me."

"She's the one set on fire, not you." Samantha frowned a little. "Explain that one, Mister."

He sighed. "My fault, and I accept that."

"Good, then you won't mind this." She poked him suddenly with a needle right on the rump and it filled with blood.

"Ow! What's this have to do with anything?" He scowled at her as he rubbed the sore spot.

"Nothing really directly, but I wanted a blood sample." She tucked the needle away. "Now explain your mating habits."

"W-what?!" He rose to his hooves.

"Most ponies form monogamous pairs, but I'm informed you are engaged in a polygamous pairing with you as the central male figure. A 'herd' as it's referred to by lesser educated ponies." She nodded in satisfaction with herself. "Is it standard that you physically subdue females before indoctrination to your family unit?" She raised a brow.

"No!" He blurted a bit more forcefully than required. "Where did you even get that from? I'm only involved with one female, and that's Night Watch."

Samantha began to blink rapidly. "Oh? Was I misinformed?" She lowered her eyes to his wedding shoe. "I did some reading..."

Silver groaned. Was that shoe really such a loud tell to everyone in sight? "Yes yes, I've heard, but I have the other two and nopony else is wearing them, just Night and I."

Samantha clopped her hooves softly, then paused. "Wait, who's in charge, you or Night Watch?"

What kind of question was that? "We're partners."

"Perfectly even partners? I find that doubtful." She smiled. "Like Nefertari and me. She's my subject."

Silver couldn't help but giggle a little, imagining Samantha trying to order Nefertari around. "If push came to shove, Night could roll me over, but she usually doesn't. We love each other, even when our opinions differ."

"What would you say my suitability is?" She leaned in even as she tilted her head. "I could be very affectionate."

Silver's eyes went wide. Was he being proposed to? "W-we barely know one another, Samantha." Realizing how severe that may come across, he gave a little smile. "You shouldn't just ask that out of the blue. There are steps, with that being one of the last ones."

"Oh, of course." She bobbed her head. "How silly of me. I'm not following the proper courtship rituals. Thank you for informing me instead of immediately judging me." She raised a hoof to her chin. "I'm afraid I'm a little new at these social interactions, but I'll learn and do it right."

"Samantha..." He put a hoof on her shoulder. "I mean this without any anger, but why? You don't know me that well, and you want to tie yourself to me and Night?"

"Oh, I know quite a lot about you." She smiled brightly. "I know some things about you that you probably aren't aware of about you. I am your doctor, after all. I know that you like science. I know that I fall within your acceptable physical parameters. I know that you are kind, especially to those you regard as being a part of your social circles, protective as well. I know you don't get angry at me even when I completely fail at social cues." She pointed at him. "And, you are the central figure of all of my best subjects, yourself included. Being involved with you would just make sense."

Silver raised a hoof. "But you would be adding a bias to all your research. How can you have an unbiased opinion about anything you're married to, or even dating?"

Samantha tilted her head. "I'm afraid it's too late for that. I already like you for accepting me as I am. I like Nefertari for being such an interesting subject, and the way she speaks so authoritatively. She is truly fascinating, and exotic. We're friends. I'm sure of this." She tapped her chin. "And Night Watch... I helped her through her pregnancy. I feel invested in her. I want to see her and her foals happy. If a bias is what I need to avoid, it's too late for that."

She turned away from him. "I will perform research on proper courtship rituals and conduct and I'll get it right this time. Please be patient." The door opened under her magic. "I'll make it perfect."

She trotted out, leaving a mildly-stunned Silver behind her. He flopped down to his haunches as he thought of Samantha trying to look up the perfect way to approach a stallion, him. It was almost certain to be awkward. "I need to talk to Night," he vowed to himself. She deserved to know, and it would avoid a lot of hurt feelings.

150 - Perfectly Formulated Dinner

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Silver trotted quickly through the city towards the castle. The guards saluted as he approached and one of them directed a hoof. "Princess Celestia awaits you."

That confused him a little. "She is?" The guard simply nodded as if it were obvious and Silver trotted past to find the large mare that was his employer and brief courter.

His thoughts drifted through their relationship. Outside his vision, dream, or whatever else it was, she had been kind and welcoming. She was also formal more often than not, even in her smiling way. The only hint of coldness was how she broke things off, but...

Silver grasped the doorknob in his magic and entered the spacious dining hall that Celestia was already seated within. He nodded to her as he approached the long table. "Good afternoon. I'm guessing you figured out why I was called away from the castle?"

Celestia smiled at him, as was her habit. "I did, in fact. Did everything go well, and are you safe?"

Silver tilted his head a little. He was clearly in one piece, though he quickly guessed there were other ways a pony could be hurt. "She didn't hurt me. She has what she needs to do what she wanted to do in the first place, but it didn't go nearly the same as last time."

"It almost never does." Celestia gestured with a wing to a seat near her. "You never see exactly what you need to see alone. Contaminated with your own thoughts, desires, and so much else, such things become sometimes hopelessly clouded. You've had a taste of what I've learned to live with for some time."

When Silver settled, a cookie in golden magic lifted to his snout. A glance showed Celestia's horn was glowing the same shade and he took it into his mouth, chewing lightly. "In the vision we started as enemies, then became cautious allies. Towards the end, more than that, but the reality is something else."

Celestia's wings folded atop her back as she nodded. "Do you wish to share?"

He did. With a slow breath that tasted of the cookie he had just finished he continued, "I think she trusts me, to a limited extent, but I was nothing but a tool to get where she wanted to be. With hope, she'll learn what she needs to learn and turn towards brighter paths." He flashed a little smile. "She may even come back around to apologize for some of what she's done, but that will be that."

"Do you wish for more?"

He frowned a little at the question. Did he? No... "She turned out to be perfectly lovely, but it's probably for the best that my sticky web of a family life not ensnare any more ponies in passing." He leaned forward a little, looking at Celestia. "Why did you break off so suddenly? I mean, it's your choice and all."

Celestia tilted her head a little. "Must you know?"

The new question made Silver tense. It was phrased... dubiously. "I have a few theories already. Lovers or not, Celestia, I do like you a lot, and just like you asked me to speak freely to you, that goes the other way. I already know you're not just a 'Perfect Princess'. You have cracks, faults, and there is a living mare here that deserves to be seen as such, not just an infallible goddess above all such concerns."

Celestia raised a brow faintly. "Bold words from a pony trembling ever so faintly."

It was true, he had been. "It's been a busy day, but that doesn't make what I said less true."

Celestia leaned in suddenly. Her long neck let her touch her snout to his gently. "You don't want that pressure."

Silver reached up and touched Celestia's nose with a silver-clad hoof. "I'm already tied up with you. I choose for that to be a relationship that isn't a stiff formality of Queen and Dignitary. Now, what's bothering you?"

She was quiet a moment. Her golden magic lifted a glass of tea to her lips. "I have seen to it my former-student will be tried sorely, possibly to fail, possibly to doom the entire kingdom, and the world beyond it. I could have saved her this. I could have stopped it long before it reached such a dire moment, and yet..."

"Here we are," completed Silver, nodding. "I can see how that would be rough at best."

Celestia's mouth twisted into a bit of a smirk. "Rough may be somewhat understating the situation. Destiny seems to enjoy testing my resolve. I must play my part, the 'Perfect Princess', as you title me. Riding down from on-high, fire and fury washing over the troubles of Equestria..." She glanced away a moment. "It's tempting, sometimes."

He slid to his hooves and circled the table. She was watching him, but didn't stop him as he leaned in and nuzzled her side. "You are a good pony. You've practiced it, but you're not a statue." He nipped through her thick fur and received a sudden swat with a wing for the boldness.

"Enough, for now... Thank you."

He was dismissed. Silver trotted from the room without further testing her. Baby steps.

Night was returning from the office, where she had been handling the correspondence that arose from Silver's position, but she was finished with that for the day. As she approached her room, she slowed. There was no light coming from beneath the door. That was a bit odd for the time of day, unless somepony was taking a nap? With Trixie and Rough with them, such was far from impossible.

She decided that was the most likely course of events and opened the door gently so as to not disturb any sleeping ponies. Inside the room was a low table with a single flickering candle. Her wings flared out with surprise. That was not normal.

"Your eyes, like two well-cut gems, in lustre, not texture, I hope." Samantha stepped out of the nursery, a bunch of flowers held in her magic as she approached that table. "Welcome home, alpha female."

Night blinked before she removed her glasses and gave them a quick rubdown before putting them back on. Samantha was still there. "What is the meaning of this?"

Samantha tilted her head. "I am attempting to woo you." A book appeared beside her head. "I'm following the directions." The flowers hovered towards Night. "After some research, I determined this was your favorite variety."

Night gave a lone sniff, confirming that Samantha had divined correctly. With a wing, she carefully accepted the bouquet. "Why are you wooing me?" She raised a brow. "What's with the candle, setting a mood?"

"Oh, not just that!" Samantha smiled brightly as two plates appeared beside her, one had a smell that set Night's mouth to watering instantly. "Grilled fish with a seasoning blend I'm told is especially palatable to lunar pegasi." She set the two plates down on the table across from one another. "We can now begin our romantic dinner!" She clopped her hooves with delight.

Night approached the table cautiously and settled down on the side that had the fish. "Samantha, you've been my doctor, but that's not exactly the usual starting point to even thinking about this." She tilted her head slightly. "You do realize how strange this is?"

"No?" Samantha sat across from Night, still smiling. "I wish to earn your favor and prove my sincerity." The book flipped open and Samantha consulted her dating guide. "Do you have a preference in dining music? Musical acc--"

Night held up a wing. "Stop that right there. Put that book down."

"Huh? Was it wrong?" Samantha tilted her head, confusion ruling her features.

"It's fine, but..." Night licked her lips. What was going on? Why were mares suddenly crowding around her? Was this what Silver had felt like? It excited her, and scared her. "Samantha, look at me. Look at me and tell me what you see."

Samantha's ears perked at Night as she looked over her would-be alpha. "I see a lunar pegasus, mother of two healthy foals, mated pair with a unicorn ambassador." She tapped her chin. "I see she's letting her food cool." She pointed at the plate. "Please, try it! I worked really hard to make it."

It wasn't quite the answer she was seeking, but she relented to the request and leaned in, sniffing at the fish. There were imperfections there. She was certain it wasn't cooked all the way through. It was cooked at Samantha's hooves, not one of the castle chefs. A little raw meat didn't bother her overly much, especially with the scent coming from it. She had to have that recipe. She sank her teeth into it and slurped one of the cuts down with a soft gulp.

Samantha clopped her hooves. "Acceptable?"

"Not perfect..." Night watched Samantha for a reaction, and the doctor wore her emotions on her sleeves as she began to look quite worried. "But it's nice, and the effort put into it is obvious and endearing." She reached across and tapped Samantha on the chest. "Now give me a better answer."

"What was wrong with it?"

"You physically described me, and only the most obvious portions. Describe what I am to you." Night rolled a hoof lightly. "Explain why you'd even want to do... this."

Samantha tilted her head. "Romantic dinners display intentions and are an important part of courting." She frowned a little. "As for observations of you, let's see." She tapped at her chin a moment even as the other hoof tapped at the floor. "You are exceedingly aware, displaying an uncanny observational intelligence. You are well-trained and passionate in battle and I know I would be safe with you around."

Night felt her cheeks warm up at the idea of a pony feeling safe beside her. It tickled at the reason she applied to become a guard so long ago. "I'm using that 'observational intelligence' right now." She was peering at Samantha, trying to unwrap her mystery. "You're not courting me just for a safe feeling, I imagine?"

Samantha's subtle expressions showed a thought that she quickly suppressed, and Night jumped on it.


She jumped at the sudden outburst. "What?"

Night pointed a wing at Samantha. "Whatever you were just thinking a moment ago, tell me. No filters."

Samantha looked unsure again before she nodded. "Very well. As alpha female, you are entitled to know. I have failed as a scientist."

"What?" Night blinked owlishly. That was not what she had expected. "How?"

"I watched you progress in the process of reproduction and what started as an exciting scientific endeavor became something more." Samantha smiled, but it wasn't her usual manic smile. "I became biased... Night Watch, I... like you." A tear suddenly ran down her cheeks. "I like you both and I can't stop liking you and it means I'm a terrible scientist but I don't care and I..." She trailed off, looking away and wiping at her eyes with a fetlock. "I'm sorry. I'm ruining this dinner."

151 - Suddenly

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Silver's magic gripped the knob to his room and attempted to twist it, but it wouldn't turn. He jiggled it to no avail before a frown developed. He raised a hoof and clopped on the door. "Anypony in? The door's stuck."

He heard faint voices from within and alarm raised within him. Without much thinking, he blinked out of the then and there and slipped between space to appear on the other side of the door. Where he was expecting bandits, assassins, or some other nefarious force, he instead saw Night speaking with a teary-eyed Samantha. He blinked with surprise. He'd never seen Samantha show that emotion before. "Everything... okay?"

Night shook her head. "Everything is fine." She prodded Samantha lightly. "This would-be suitor locked the door to have me alone."

Samantha smiled a little. "It seemed like a good idea at the time." She dipped her head a little towards Silver. "You're not upset, are you?"

Silver approached cautiously. "That depends. Night, was she polite?"

Night gave a little smile. "She was fine, and made a fish dish I plan to extract from her."

He relaxed and nodded as a smile of his own developed, but then the reason for the dinner became clear. "O-oh, um, so..." How to put it... "Did she mention what she was hoping?"

Night raised a tufted ear. "You already know then? Subtle is not Samantha's general tactic."

Samantha perked her ears. "Should I have been?"

Night shook her head. "No. I'm happy to have someone approach so unapologetically straightforward and without deception, big or small." She adjusted her glasses a moment as she looked over Samantha. "Silver, what do you think of her?"

Silver tilted his head left and right as he settled onto his haunches. "I think she's a bit manic depressive, but I'd be lying to claim I don't have any faults. She's a nice pony and I have no particular issues with her besides keeping her urge for science to a gentle roar."

Samantha smiled brightly suddenly. "Does that mean I'm accepted?" She clopped her hooves with an assumed yes. "I never had a stallion before, and an alpha-mare." A notebook appeared beside her head and writing began to be scribbled on it by a quill held in her magic. "The observations I can make. Please, I'm new to this, so inform me how the order goes. Do we share him at once, or take turns?"

Night's cheeks darkened at the bold topic shift. "I... think that depends how much we grow to enjoy each other's company, but you're going fast." She reached out a hoof. "All I'm willing to say is that we're not throwing you out."

Samantha tilted her head, one ear flopping. "Oh, I'm not accepted yet?" The book vanished in a puff of magic. "I thought... No matter!" A new book appeared, the book on romance. "I'll move on to the next step. You'll be swept off your hooves!" She flashed a bright smile.

Silver looked between Samantha and Night before leaning in towards his wife. "I think she's going to be romancing you until you say yes or no clearly."

Night glanced up at Samantha before replying, "Maybe I like being romanced..." The idea that she'd be chased by the needy unicorn was somehow... exciting. It was nice being the target. She usually hunted, but perhaps, just once... she could be hunted in turn? "One thing. No making a mess while I'm on duty. Silver's an ambassador, dealing with confused and harried humans and ponies, which means no popping in on our office. Romance is for off-duty hours." She frowned a little. "Is this what it was like for you, Silver?"

Silver blinked. "How do you mean?"

Night rolled a hoof. "I thought you were just... being a stallion, but having somepony declare their love and mean it..." She glanced around guiltily. "It's nice..."

Silver smiled a little, but before he could speak, Samantha raised a hoof. "I won't interrupt your duties, but prepare to be romanced!" She spun around and galloped out of the room, the door opening for her magic without hesitation and closing behind her just as easily.

He shook his head. "This is a bit of a change from when you just thought of her as an overbearing doctor."

Night rolled her eyes. "She's still overbearing... but she's being better about it, and... she means it." Night rubbed at one of her still-warm cheeks. "We attract interesting ponies... Are you mad?"


"I just half-accepted her. She's going to be around a lot more often, I imagine. She will want to see this through, and if I say yes, she becomes a part of this herd that had been only two members for so long." Night squirmed in place a little. "Oh. Where're Trixie and Rough, and the foals? I presume together."

He didn't know and shrugged to show as much. "If I had..." A thought settled on him and he rushed for the closet. Throwing it open allowed Trixie and Rough to spill out with the foals squealing as they got to ride the sliding ponies. "She really needs to break that particular habit."

They got their parents unbound and Trixie sat up with a scowl. "When she gets her hooves on that unicorn, she will do especially nasty things. She hasn't even seen the start of Trixie's fury!"

Rough set a hoof on her shoulder. "Easy there. You heard them. She's a pony in love."

"She'll be a pony in traction!" Trixie shook herself out and huffed before letting out a slow breath. "If she approaches Trixie again..." She stormed off, her fury ebbing to an angry simmer.

Silver gathered up all three foals, nuzzling the three representatives of the pony tribes. A thought tickled at him. "I hope you all get along. What adventures will you get into together?"

Night snorted softly. "They've already survived an attack by a manic scientist. That counts, so they had their first before their first birthday. Not bad, little ones."

Rough laughed softly. "They take after their parents, but are you, um, serious? I mean..." He looked awkward a moment. "Are you going to go through with it? With her?"

Silver lifted his shoulders. "You know us well enough."

Rough smiled. "I suppose I do. Look, maybe we should get out of your manes. We've visited for long enough anyway, the way I see it." He pointed at Silver. "Next time, maybe you'll visit us? You remember where I live, don't you?"

Silver bobbed his head. "I do, and that would be nice. How is everypony?"

"Oh, they're fine." He smiled a little. "The town doesn't change much or very quickly. Our house expansion was about the newest thing they saw last year."

Trixie approached with a raised brow. "Did she hear correctly? Did you plan to leave, husband of mine?"

"With you, of course." Rough nodded. "We've v--"

"No." Trixie shook her head. "Unacceptable. We're still working through that wondrous book, and Trixie has grown accustomed to studying beside her colt."

Rough nuzzled into her shoulder. "We can't stay forever. He has his own life, and we've been making his bedroom awkward. How would you like your parents always there, watching you, when we--"

Trixie's thrust up a hoof, her cheeks reddened. "She gets the idea... But it doesn't mean she has to like it." She thrust a hoof at Silver. "You'd better keep working. Just because she isn't around is no excuse to slack off. You have too much potential to waste it."

Silver quickly bobbed his head and promises were exchanged, along with firm hugs. All too soon, Trixie, Rough, and their young Sapphire Streak were on their way out.

Night watched as the door closed and glanced aside at Silver for a quiet moment. "I've almost forgot what it's like to be alone."

Silver flashed a smile. "We're already set to ruin that with an eager unicorn."


He wrinkled his nose. "I meant Samantha and you know it."

"Hard to tell the difference at times, my unicorn." She leaned in and kissed his cheek.

A sudden pair of wails drew their attention. Both foals were looking at the door and clearly very sad about it.

Silver snatched up Clear as Night took up Morning and they consoled their grieving foals.

He nuzzled at one of her tufted ears. "Don't worry, they'll be back, or we'll go find them. They're not gone forever." Besides, he hadn't given up his silly idea of his foals becoming the next cutie mark crusaders, with or without cutie marks.

The idea of 'catching up' on alone time was shattered, but neither of them begrudged their foals and they all retired to their bed. Pressed between the warmth and safety of their parents, Morning and Clear settled to sleep between them, and peace was had.

152 - A Grand Collection

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A knocking came from the office door before they opened on silent hinges to admit Celestia. "Good morning, Ambassador Watch. I trust you're ready for the events today."

He wasn't, not fully, but he nodded despite that. "I've run a panel before, just not on this topic." He licked his lips. "I would ask for more time, but I'm about as prepared as I'm ever going to be."

Celestia gave a gentle nod and looked towards Night. "I don't predict any major issues, but when do we ever?"

Night saluted with a folded wing. "I'll be at his side."

"With the foals?"

Night had their foals strapped to her, one to a side. "They're safe with me, and seeing so many different ponies will be good for them. Will there be other species?"

"Predominantly pony, but there should be a visible portion of griffons, and perhaps a minotaur or two." Celestia turned for the door. "Twilight has been working very hard to get everything in order and I should see to her. I'm afraid she'll collapse at this rate."

Silver quirked a smile. That sounded like the Twilight he knew.

Before he could verbalize, a new head poked in the door. "Can I help?" Samantha smiled brightly, only to have her head pushed down a few inches as Nefertari appeared beside her.

"This is a delicate situation requiring diplomatic skill. What would you know of it?" Nefer smiled a tilted smile. "I would be a better selection."

Celestia slipped out around the two arguing females and was gone off to other duties that required her attention. Night advanced on the two. "You want to help?"

That caught both of their attentions, then squarely focused them on the lead alpha female.

Night smiled. "Good. Now, Nefertari is correct, she does have more diplomatic experience, which is why she will assist Silver directly. But that doesn't mean you're being ignored, Samantha. The foals know you well, are you up to caring for them today? That would be a big relief for me."

Samantha's face split into a manic grin of joy. "That sounds lovely!" She reached with her magic and plucked the entire harness that held the twins into the air. "Come here, my favorite little subjects. We're going to have so much fun today, aren't we?" They cooed their agreement and soon all three were gone.

Nefertari walked smoothly into the room. "You've made a wise decision. Should anything go foul, I will also be there to deflect it." She smiled down at Silver. "Now what is this 'panel' you plan to deliver?"

Silver pulled a collection of papers free of his desk. "The importance and benefits of cross-species and cultural collaboration." He cleared his throat a little. "I plan to bring up humanity and how they're doing as an example. Since you're here, it'd be nice to use your people as an example as well. We could learn a lot by bringing in Anubians to the mix."

Nefer raised a brow curiously. "I doubt you have many examples of my people working alongside yours."

Night pointed at Nefertari. "Besides right now?"

That got her eyes to roll. "There is now, and besides that?"

Silver reached up and tapped his horn. "Clashing and learning from your magic helped push forward my own magic. I wouldn't suggest every unicorn go throwing themselves at an Anubian, but then I wouldn't suggest every unicorn get into construction either." He flipped through the papers held in his magic before he set them down carefully. "Cooperation and mutual growth is the focus of the panel. We're lucky, blessed I'd say, to have so many extremely diverse cultures."

Night glanced up at a hanging clock. "We should get moving. The hall we're scheduled to use should be just about clearing out from the last panel."

They got moving, only to have a bundle of papers swat Silver upside the head lightly. It was his notes. "Forgetting something?" Nefer was holding the bundle with a triumphant smirk. As he took his notes in his magic, she easily kept pace with him. "I find it fascinating that ponies would draw so many, some quite foreign, right to the heart of their governing. If I were an enemy agent, this would be the time I would strike, while there are too many new faces to keep track of and so many to become lost in."

Silver cleared his throat even as a chill ran through him. The idea of someone attacking one of the princesses was a worrying one. "The ponies don't have many enemies. It's... also a bit of a show of confidence and power that they do things just like this."

"Ah, this I understand." Nefertari nodded as they emerged from the castle into a transformed Canterlot, transitioned into readiness to hold the summit they were part of. "A show of strength and confidence to discourage thoughts of even attempting a move. I would still be wary, but their fate is not my concern today. Today, I watch over you." She put a paw squarely on Silver's head, his horn trapped between two fingers that scratched softly through his mane.

It felt better than it had a right to. Damn fingers...

Night gave Nefertari a bump with her wing. "Easy there. There are proprieties to be obeyed, and petting your fellow Ambassador in public is certainly not on that list."

Nefer was quick to withdraw her hand at Night's request, even if she looked faintly sour about it. "My hand will be the only that graces Silver this day," she growled in a vicious promise of martial efficiency.

Silver was faintly colored in the cheeks as he shook his head. "Let's get to the hall and set things up ahead of time. Hopefully this goes nice and smooth and maybe it'll provoke some new thoughts in a few heads."

The hall, once they reached it, looked mostly ready. Some of the chairs were out of order, and there were more tables than he needed, but it wasn't too hard to get those moving with the help of Nefer and Night beside him.

A quick peek outside showed a fantastic explosion of colors as ponies from all over Equestria strolled around. One of them wandered up towards their hall and poked his head inside. "Is this where the panel on interdisciplinary policing is going on?"

Silver tilted his head before he grabbed one of the schedules with his magic and quickly flipped through. "Ooo, sorry. Right hall, but that was a few hours ago."

The stallion made a soft tsk noise of annoyance and wandered off. Fortunately others arrived for the right place and time and began to fill the hall with eager faces. Many were equine, but a few weren't. Silver nodded with satisfaction as he took his place at the front to speak to the crowd. "Just remind yourself, they're just like a bunch of people curious about Ponyfinder. There's nothing to be nervous about." He took a few calming breaths and flashed a smile at the crowd.

Nefertari was suddenly beside him. "Are you prepared?" When he nodded, she was gone, and the door to the outside suddenly closed before she reappeared. "Let us begin."

"Varied people of Equestria," began Silver, nodding pointedly to each race he could find. "We are a blessed people. Not for our natural resources, which are grand as well, but for the simple fact that we have so many different kinds of people, all together. Equestria is a land of many cultures, even within a species, all unique and vibrant, and there is a strength there." He rose up, his forehooves on his table. "I look out over this crowd and I'm filled with joy, but I want to encourage us to make use of this power. Different perspectives means different approaches to a problem. Where one of us might get stuck, another holds the key."

Nefertari leaned forward against the same table. "Ambassador Watch speaks truth. Since my arrival in Equestria, my ways of thinking have been challenged. Sometimes I find my own ways to rise to the top, but other times, I am humbled. To remain closed to this influence would be a loss of potential, to say nothing of my own offerings." She wriggled a few fingers. "Give and take."

After giving their preliminary speeches, the conversation opened up and began to bounce around the room as attendees spoke their mind or asked questions.

A dark purple griffon cleared her throat as she stood before the amplifying device. "Ambassador. We're informed that you are very aware and familiar with the 'human' presence that has become more frequent in recent years. Naked of fur, lacking wings or magic, or even the brute strength of either a griffon or an earth pony, what use are they?"

Silver was faintly surprised at the question, but it was a fine one. "It varies a little depending on the specific human, but they tend to be clever, and come equipped with dextrous and sensitive fingers. They are also wildly variable, with some strong enough to at least put up a show against griffon or earth pony prowess. If we're focusing on physical abilities, stamina is also high on their list of natural abilities. In their homeland, they would regularly perform extended races even longer than the Running of the Leaves, just to challenge themselves. They are not accustomed to magic, but that can be turned to an advantage. They are used to thinking up solutions that don't use magic as part of the answer. Another culture, another key. Together we can open all doors."

A human stood up next. He wore the brightly colored attire that suggested he had lived in Equestrtia at least long enough to get the local fashion. He had darker skin, but not too dark. Maybe Spanish? Silver was never the best at picking out ethnicities, and that acuity had only gone down as he learned and was exposed to Equestrian varieties. "Excuse me, but how do you know anything about humans? You're just a unicorn making assumptions."

Silver considered how to reply to that a moment. "My knowledge comes firsthoof. I've been to Earth, homeland of humans, and visited their nation of America. In technology, they far eclipse us, but those who come here do not have that advantage. This sudden transition l--"

"What about the rest of Earth?" asked the human, still standing. "Do you know anything about that?"

Silver blinked softly. "I'm afraid my experience is limited largely to that one nation. May I ask which nation you are from?"

"If you've been there, you can help us get back." That wasn't an answer to the question, and set Silver's teeth on edge.

"I don't have that ability." Silver's ears rolled off to the sides. "We're here today to--"

The human made a gesture he didn't immediately recognize and moved to walk off. Was he just flipped off in a new way? He assumed that was the case and let out a little sigh as the human departed. "Many humans did not choose to come here, and are scared, alone, and desperate. What they need is friendship and understanding. They already have a door in front of them that they need to get through. Some of them throw it open wide on their own and come to embrace all of Equestria with a good natured readiness, others less so. We shouldn't think less of them. As I said, they didn't ask to be wrenched out of their lives."

153 - Taking in the Sights

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With his panel delivered, Silver was eager to see what others were doing. "Let's take a wander around." He was relaxed and smiling. Things had gone largely well, from the way he saw it. With a flick of magic, he drew out the schedule of the convention and unfurled it into view. "How ponies deal with issues hasn't stopped fascinating me."

Nefertari settled a hand on his head. "You occasionally speak of them as if they were another creature entirely, instead of what you may face in a mirror. Are you forgetting the choices you've made?"

Silver lifted an ear and looked up to his jackal companion. "Exactly the opposite. That's why I'm so curious." He thumped his tail lightly. "Besides, what else are we going to do, just wander like some of the locals, nibbling on food? That's boring. My off--"

Night pressed a hoof to his muzzle, silencing him. "She's teasing you." A wing pointed to the schedule. "What caught your eye now that we're done with our official duty?"

Silver tapped at a line with a hoof as he shook off the hoof on his face. "The Future of Logistics. I don't often see meaningful technological change in Equestria."

"Meaningful?" Night tilted her head a little.

Silver bobbed quickly. "One time inventions, all over, but they seem to be hesitant to spread beyond the inventor to the populace as a whole, you know? Does Equestria have a patent office?"

Nefertari raised a brow. "What would such an office entail?"

Night had the answer as they walked together. "We do. Patents are a way to track who invented a specific thing."

Silver nodded quickly. "They ensure that the inventor alone makes a profit for a little w--"

Night tilted her head as he spoke. "We don't have that."

Silver came to a sudden stop. "It... what? It just records who did it?"

"Isn't that the point?" Night adjusted her glasses restlessly. "I assume human patents are different."

Silver snorted softly. "By quite a lot. Let's say I patented a spell, presuming spells could be patented. That would mean I have full control over the reproduction and distribution of the spell for a while, which means I get to make money off the spell." He rolled one hoof as he ambled along on the other three. "The patent expires a while afterwards, at which point it becomes 'common domain', at which point I would stop having control of it and everypony could benefit from it, whether I like it or not."

Nefertari shook her head as she walked. "I don't quite grasp the meaning of this arcane system. Even should your claim expire, how would anyone take advantage of it, if only a handful of people have the actual spell?"

Silver flashed a bright smile. "Good question. When you file for a patent, you have to submit how what you made works, fully. It has to include how to get it from basically nothing to what you made, so it's on file, and people can browse patents. I imagine, for things like spells, they may be partially restricted whi--"

"Wow, you really are having fun." A new pony dropped down from above, though Silver wasn't sure where from. Surprise grinned at him. "You get all geeky and stuff when you're having a good time. How'd your panel thingie go?"

Night frowned a little. "It went just fine, Surprise..."

Picking up on the agitation of her would-be alpha, Nefertari leaned in towards the chipper green mare. "I believe you have other places to be."

"I do? Well I guess I should be taking care of my stand." She raised a hoof in an energetic wave. "Stop by when you get a chance, K? Bye!" And she began pronking away with a happy smile, unaware of the tension that remained behind.

Silver noticed it and lightly clopped a hoof on the ground. "What was all that about? She's a friend and that was hardly a friendly way of dealing with her."

Night's ears fell sheepishly. "Sorry, I just... never mind that. I'll apologize to her later." She leaned in and kissed Silver's cheek quickly. "For now, let's see that Logistics panel you had your heart set on."

As they began hiking for the hall it was supposed to be in, a muffled thump made heads turn towards the castle as some activity erupted from it. Silver tilted his head curiously. "What do you figure that is?"

Nefer inclined her head towards it. "I hear water."

Night blinked owlishly. "Water? What a terrible time for a pipe to burst. I hope nopony was hurt."

Hoping for the best, but not rushing for the action, they continued forward and enjoyed the remainder of the convention well enough.

At least until a figure blocked their path between events. "Excuse me," they said with a low and rough voice. "You said all Equestria is good and useful." Lean but caped, it was hard to make out all the details of them, but they were clearly bipedal.

Silver pieced it together swiftly. "A diamond dog?"

The figure glanced left and right nervously. "Yes... Are we good and useful?"

A smile spread over his snout. "I see no reason why you couldn't be. You have a unique society with new perspectives. You have experience with mineralogy too. Why couldn't diamond dogs be helpful and productive parts of Equestrian society?"

The figure frowned a little for a moment. "You are very... No wonder they made ambassador. " He leaned forward. "You really mean words you say?"

Night thrust a wing between them. "He means every syllable."

Silver nodded as he gently brushed Night's wing back. "I don't know much about diamond dog society, but I wouldn't mind learning more? Do you know where my office is?"

The figure blinked with confusion. "You invite to big castle? They no usually like diamond dog guest."

Silver held up a hoof. "Tell them to bring you to Ambassador Watch and they'll bring you by to see me. We should talk, preferably in a less noisy place than this."

He frowned a little. "Why you care?"

"That's easy." He reached towards the dog's shoulder, but it was too high and he went for tapping him on the chest. "You still live in Equestria. I don't think Celestia will be angry at me for wanting all Equestrians to be happy and understood, ponies or not."

"Ah, yes, this make sense." The figure nodded. "Maybe later." He turned and moved off into the crowd, pulling his cape tighter as he went.

Nefertari raised a brow. "I had thought them a regular guest. If his kind are not welcome, how have other ponies not noticed him?"

Night shrugged. "He isn't causing any troubles, so what is there to notice?"

Silver coughed into a hoof. "Besides, if we can reach an understanding with Anubians, diamond dogs should be easy in comparison. Actually..." He tilted his head. "You might be a great person for him to speak to eventually. You're a lot closer to one another, physically."

Nefer murmured something soft as a whisper about preferring to be closer to certain aggravating ponies that Silver missed in the noise of the crowd, but had Night's ear perked towards her. "I will speak to him, if he even deigns to expose himself. Let him prove some minimal bravery first."

"Good enough." Silver turned to lead the group along.

Later that night, Silver stretched out tiredly and flopped onto his bed, only to have his foals land on either side of him and cuddle up, which brought a goofy smile to his face. He enjoyed being a father.

Night set her glasses down gently. "It was a busy day."

"Mmhmm, sure was."

"Nefertari was nice to accompany us all day."

"Huh, you'd think she'd have some duties of her own to do."

Night raised a brow at Silver. "You really missed it, didn't you?"

Silver reared up a little. "What'd I miss?"

Night snorted softly. "She was there for you. She scared off Surprise because I was aggravated with her. She spent today trying to make us both happy and you didn't even notice."

Silver sank back down to the bed. "Oh man... Uh..." He frowned a little. "I mean, I'm thankful, but what should I do?"

Night licked her lips. "Which do you like better, Samantha, or Nefertari?"

Silver blinked at the abrupt change in course. "What? When did it become a contest? They're both friends. Strange friends, sure, but--"

"Which." Night clopped the floor and snorted at him.

Silver shrank to his belly, frowning. "Well, fine, if I had to pick one..." He swayed his head left and right as he judged the two females, but... "They're both lovely in wildly different ways. Nefer scares me sometimes, but so does Samantha, again, in a different way. I'm glad they're both friends."

Night hopped up and settled, squishing Clear between herself and Silver. "Nefertari has those swollen chest mounds."

Silver darkened swiftly. "I thought we were asking which was a better friend! I refuse to judge friends based on things like that."

Night prodded one of those blushing cheeks with a wing. "You are attracted to them!"

Silver sputtered as he looked around with building panic. "W-what?! You're the only pony for me, hon."

Night narrowed her eyes. "She's not a pony."

"No, but that's not what I meant and you know it." Silver fidgeted a bit. "What is this really about?"

Night let out a little breath. "We've swapped places."

"Come again?" He gently grabbed Morning Glory and snuggled him as he looked to his wife.

"Once you were the center point of lost ponies, seeking family and love, now I am." Night pointed off in no particular direction. "Nefertari and Samantha have both made it clear that they want me to accept them as females under me in our herd."

"Do you want them to stop?"

"Ye--No. It's confusing..."

Silver smiled a little. "I can understand that."

"Can you?" Night leaned in a little. "So which?"

"It's not a competition." Silver lifted his ears. "You said yourself that there's a very not-insignificant chance two are meant to join us. Why not the both of them?"

"I accept!" The door burst open, revealing Samantha with a manic grin, vibrating with barely restrained excitement. "I'll be the--"

Night hopped down and put a hoof to that mouth. "You really need to stop spying like that."

Samantha's ears fell as she pulled away from the hoof. "Did I mess it up?"

Silver tilted his head. "Samantha."


"Are you interested in Night." He pointed towards her.


Silver darkened a little. "Are you only interested in Night?"

Samantha blinked in confusion before it clicked. "Oh! Oh! No! I mean." She hopped up, only to pause on seeing Clear and leaning down to kiss the filly. "Sorry for interrupting." She looked to Silver with that grin returned. "I want to be a part of your herd, which means being a wife to you both. I'm new to the idea, but I'll do my best, promise." She put a hoof over her own heart. "I've already been studying up on it in my spare time and I think I'm ready. You're the stallion, beta. She's the mare, alpha. We'll get to breed when she gives formal permission."

Silver felt his cheeks burning all the hotter. "We're not wild dogs. It doesn't work quite--"

Samantha put a hoof on his snout. "Are you saying Night isn't in charge?"

Silver smiled a little. "We're both in charge of different things at different times."

Night hopped back up to the bed. "He's the ambassador, but when it comes to personal things, I can usually take charge."

Samantha shrugged softly. "It doesn't get much more personal then herd dynamics."

154 - Mare to Mare

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Night trotted through the hallways of the castle, a little swagger in her steps. Though she still wrestled with the emotions, Samantha's eager and guileless advances felt... good.

"What put that smile on your face?" Nefertari was there, blocking her way. "Is there good news to report?"

Night stopped quickly and frowned a little. Then there was Nefertari... "Not exactly, at least, not for you."

Nefertari inclined an ear. "Hmm? Then what is this poor news?" She frowned a little in kind. "And why would it make you smile?"

Night waved dismissively. "I reserve the right to have more than one thought." She glanced left and right to ensure the hallway they were in was otherwise empty. "Nefertari, what am I, to you? Am I in your way?"

"In a manner, yes."

Night felt a new tension in her chest. Such brutal honesty. She appreciated the honest part, but... "Is that all I am, an obstacle?"

Nefer crouched down to be on Night's level. "We don't know each other well enough. You are a warrior. It's in your walk. It's in your actions. Now that we have at least been introduced, will you meet me on a field we are both aware of? I would spar with you."

Night frowned a little. "I already know how that can turn out."

Nefer held up a paw. "I swear, with the spirits as witness, that there will be no meaning to this duel besides what we assign it. I am already duty-sworn to another. Until he accepts or denies me, I am in limbo. Come. There are some words that can only be expressed in struggle."

Night hesitated as Nefer turned and began walking away, but she got herself moving and trotted up beside Nefertari. "No magic."

"As you wish." Nefertari raised a brow. "Though I imagine you were called on to deal with unicorns, and they would hardly oblige such a request."

The taunt was obvious... and effective. Night bristled. "Fine. We'll meet with all that we have. Silver would be upset to see either us mauled, so what is the victory parameter?"

Nefer wriggled her fingers lightly. "We've tried to first blood, and it was too short. To the surrender proved too long. How about to the pin? Once one of us has been immobilized for the count of three, the match is complete."

Night flashed a fanged smile at that. She'd learned many take downs and pins as a guard and felt confident she could get that confident biped down and grappled quickly. "I can agree to that."

As they came into the training room, the guards began chatting excitedly and moving things out of the way. They knew what was coming and looked eager to see it. Poorly-concealed whispers spread through the crowd. Would the ambassador fail another time against the Watches, or would this be a surprise upset? Either way, it promised to be a spectacle worth watching.

They met in the center of the formed circle and took up fighting stances. Night's wings were slightly spread and Nefer's claws were on display. It was only a moment, but it was the sort of moment that helped crystalize things for warriors.

They met in a sudden but silent rush. Her claws aimed for soft pony flesh, but Night twisted and brought her sharp fangs to bear. They broke apart, both sporting little bleeding wounds, but with the spirit of either barely impinged. "Oh yes," crooned Nefertari. "First blood is too short by far."

Night suddenly jumped forward, her powerful wings controlling her arc and enhancing her speed, but Nefertari was faster and slipped around the pony even as she sailed. She grabbed Night from behind and squeezed her tight, claws on her belly. "I once held your husband in such a way." She rubbed that exposed belly, but Night did not giggle and squirm in the same reaction.

With a powerful twist, she turned to face Nefertari and seized her with all four legs, squeezing powerfully on her opponent. "He's mine," growled Night with an unrestrained possessiveness. "You can't have him."

The guards whispered among one another. Can't have who? What did she really mean?

Nefer suddenly brought her hands together, slapping Night between them painfully just before a stream of angry consciousness flooded through her in a purple blast of energy.

Night hissed and drew away, falling back to her hooves and shaking off the dizziness the attack brought on her. Nefer was on her in an instant, sweeping two hooves away and making her fall over as Nefer climbed on top and began to pin her to the floor. "I'm not just taking him."

Night's wings thrashed powerfully as she bucked and heaved, trying to dislodge the jackal, but Nefertari's grip was sure and only becoming tighter. Slowly they sank to the ground.

Nefertari leaned in towards a tufted ear. "There are things we can learn from one another, and our enemies will know only anguish if they think they can interfere with us."

Night let out a long sigh as she went limp. "That's three. You win."

The crowd gave appreciative stomps and clops of their hooves at the demonstration.

Nefertari rose to her feet gracefully and offered a paw, helping Night get to her hooves. "We must do this again. It was a pleasure crossing claws with another warrior."

Night accepted the paw hesitantly before she nodded. "We need to talk... without claws and teeth involved." She turned sharply towards the loudest whispers. "And you all need to get back to work!"

Properly cowed, they began moving their equipment back into place and dispersing to their duties.

Nefertari led the way from the room, her tail swaying with each step. "We have this in common. Barring one moment, you didn't allow yourself to be distracted." She gave a crooked smile. "I wish I could say the same. This conflict, this... lack of resolution, it distracts us both."

Night shook her head as she trotted alongside Nefer. "Be that as it may, I need to know what you think of me. You obviously want Silver."

Nefer suddenly snorted. "He's... not a perfect mate by any stretch. He is a pony, to begin with."

Night raised a brow. "As am I, last I checked."

"Regardless," Nefer waved it away. "He has won that right, so I must adjust my expectations. He will quicken me and produce a powerful litter, one of whom will inherit the title of Nefertari. That is what the spirits, and tradition, demand."

Night lifted an ear. "It's a title? What's your real name?"

"You are not to--"

Night raised a hoof to point at her. "You lost the right to hide beyond coy secrets. You're either completely open with me or we're done talking."

Nefer's snout wrinkled with obvious distaste as a faint growl rose up from her before she huffed. "As you wish... Nefertari is the only name any would call me by save my birth mother, just as the child I choose to bequeath the name on will be known as Nefertari to all who see her save me. While I have another name, Nefertari is who I am, and I would prefer we not complicate that."

It had the ring of truth to it, and Night nodded with satisfaction. "I will leave it to that... Should you change your mind, I will respect your privacy. Now, you realize you are not attempting to court one pony, yes?"

"There is you, of course."

"There was just me." Night raised an ear. "Samantha has proven her love is true, even if she is still learning for herself what that means in totality."

"Sam--The doctor?!" Nefertari scowled down at Night. "When did she begin courting?! I thought she was trying to get closer to her 'subjects'."

Night smiled a devious smile. "When is not important, what is important is that she's captured our hearts and it remains only for me to inform Silver of the good news that I will nominate her, and I foresee Silver welcoming her with open hooves."

Nefer began to color and tremble faintly. "I will not be beaten by that scatter-brained would-be physician!"

Night thrust up a hoof. "If you lay even a single one of those fingers on her, you will be giving up any chance with us, forever. She's a part of our herd, which means we will protect her, even from the likes of you."

Nefer's hands slowly balled. "We are already known to one another. She will not oppose my presence."

"But will she welcome it?" Night raised a brow. "You don't seem to want to be wed to me, or her. You want Silver, we just happen to be there."

Nefer's left ear twitched faintly as if hearing something. "Night Watch."

"Hmm?" Night raised a brow up at the jackal.

"Teach me." Nefertari crouched down. "My people do not have these... herds. The strong find the strong, and that is enough."

Night recoiled a step, surprised at the sudden twist in the conversation. "You're no foal. You wouldn't even..." She trailed off as Nefertari sank to her knees before Night. She licked her lips lightly. "What are you doing?"

"You believe I am too proud to lower myself." She placed her hands on the ground. "In this, you are my superior. We will both become stronger for this."

"Both?" Night settled on her haunches before it seemed to come to her. "You will show me how to fight? I know how to fight already."

Nefer smirked. "And I know how to capture a mate. Clearly, we both have things to learn. I will make you, my sister, stronger." She raised her hands and made a broad gesture. "I see this as a family. You are my sister, as would be Samantha. I could learn to value you highly, my warrior-sister."

Night flushed a little. She was an only foal, but... "How can I know this isn't another way to get to Silver?"

Nefer reached forward and rest a few fingers along Night's faintly trembling snout. "I will trust my sister to beat sense into me if I misbehave. I may not wish you as a lover, but I do not think I will carry shame to call you one of my own."

Night took a slow step back. "I need to think." She turned all the way and began trotting. "I need space." She was soon gone, briskly darting around a corner.

Nefertari rose to her feet with a soft snort. It galled her that Samantha had beaten her to this. "Don't keep your sister waiting." She was gone, off to other business.

A flash of bright light came from a darkened door nearby, and the hallway was empty.

155 - Sister to Sister

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"Sister?" Luna glanced aside at Celestia. "You are usually better at guarding your feelings. What troubles you?" They were perched, bringing the moon to rest as the sun was just coming above the horizon. It was a daily chore, but an energizing one as it brought them closer to the powerful bodies that rooted them to the world.

Celestia smiled thinly. "Sister... It is something I cannot speak of."

Luna frowned faintly. "I may be younger, but we are peers. Whatever you are facing, I will face it at your side."

She raised a brow before shaking her head as her eyes closed. "If I tell you, then your hooves will be as tied as my own. As you are, you are free to make your own decisions."

"Another vision?" Luna snorted softly. "Sister, you are controlled by these, and control others at their behest. Does it not trouble you?"

"I do what I must." Celestia sat up tall. "I have protected Equestria for many years, and I hope to do so for a while yet longer. Do you disagree with the country I have made? Of the peace I have ensured and guarded?"

Luna shook her head quickly. "Sister, no, you know that is not the case. Equestria has blossomed under your rule, envy of most of the world. That doesn't mean your ways are flawless. I worry for you, sister. I am at your side, as an ally... As a sister..." She smiled gently. "Can you not have some faith in me?"

"I do." Celestia smiled in kind before she turned away from the heavenly bodies. "It is my hope in you that gives me hope that things may work out in the end. It is that hope that keeps my mouth closed. My hooves may be tied, but yours are not."

"How can I act without knowing what I respond to?" Luna turned to stalk after Celestia. "You have done nothing but imply something, somewhere, is occurring, but this is true every day and every night. One cannot act on that alone."

Celestia sat at a low table and pulled over a tin of tea with her magic, going about the process of making herself a pot instead of letting another handle it. "It is all I can offer. You know how it is by now. What is seen cannot be changed by those who see it. Their actions only encourage it forward to where it must be." She licked her lips as she set the pot to steeping. "I have seen what the future may hold in store. If I thrash against it, I become its tool. If I work towards it, well, then I am still its tool, just a willing one." She smiled gently. "Often, it reveals hints of how to reach the future I desire, and I become its tool, reaching for it."

Luna gave a slow nod. "I trust that is not the case this time."

"Those affected... I fear they will not be happy. From some angles, it is a good thing, neigh, something to be celebrated..."

"Is this why you trusted Silver in a course of action that sets us on a course of potential doom?" Luna raised a brow at Celestia, but no response was given save to pour out the tea created at Celestia's magic into two cups, and one of them was offered to Luna. She sighed as she accepted it, balancing it on the end of a hoof. "You were not following his vision..."

Still Celestia was silent, but in silence, there was meaning.

Luna scowled in furious thought. "You are not alone, dear sister. Please never forget that." She sipped from the offered teacup gently. "Even if you feel it. I have experienced that sensation, but it is a lie. We are sisters. In your darkest hour, don't forget I am here."

A smile broke through the overcast of Celestia's expression for just a brilliant moment. "I am glad to have you, Lulu."

No more words were shared between them, but the tension between them become an acceptance. Luna rose to her hooves when their repast was complete and strode to her room, nominally to sleep, but she had other things on her mind that weighed more heavily than the need for rest.

Silver looked out of his office window and tilted his head. The well-dressed ponies of Canterlot had clearly been swept up in some new fashion. Purples and blues dominated the view as well as faux wings. It was as if the entire populace was working to imitate the royalty. "Huh..."

"What's wrong?" Night was near the door, seated with the foals. "You look like you just saw something odd."

Silver pointed out of the window. "Practically half the ponies seem to be wearing the same outfit. It's just kind of funny how many are trying to look like alicorns."

Night raised a brow, but didn't have much to say on it besides keeping the foals from hurting themselves in their endless quest to explore the world around themselves. A knock brought her head up sharply and she reached a wing for it. "Come in."

A human entered, a familiar one. The one Silver had seen at the summit. He nodded to Night, but his attention quickly moved to Silver. "They say you're in charge of all Equestria-Human relations."

Silver smiled. "I was hoping you'd come." He leaned forward, forehooves on his desk. "Please, come in. How are you?"

"I'm as fine as I can be..." The man came closer slowly. "First, a question. You said you visited America, but you speak Portuguese very well."

Silver blinked softly. "I'm from America, and speak English, I thought?" He frowned a little. "Though your words make me think none of us are speaking anything other than native Equestrian." How odd that it didn't seem to work as well for every person that came.

"From America?" The man started with surprise at the notion. "They have ponies?"

Silver waved his hooves. "No no! I'm... Look. I used to be human."

"Oh..." The man became downcast, looking at the floor. "I was hoping you knew some way home..."

Silver shook his head slowly. "Afraid not. If I did, I'd share it, promise. It's not an awful place to be though, right?" He smiled a little.

"Easy for you to say." The man frowned a little. "You became a horse. You became one of them. You're not trying to be a human anymore in this not-human world."

Silver's ears fell. "That's true, I did, but not for any dislike of humanity. There's a lot to be said for it, and I want to help my fellow men, and women. So, tell me about yourself?"

He settled in the seat provided with a soft sigh. "So, what's it like?"

"What's what like?"

He pointed at Silver. "You should know, being a horse. Being an animal. Having a tail and big ears and--"

Night frowned faintly. "We are not animals." As if in response, Clear stuck out her tongue at the human.

Silver disagreed. "We're all animals, humans, ponies, griffons, all of them. It's about accepting and becoming more than that part of ourselves." He rubbed at his snout. "It's odd in a lot of ways. I've learned to enjoy the extra parts. I like having ears that can express better than I ever could with my face. I like my tail for much the same reason. It's like my soul is closer to the surface. The fur comforts and protects me, and feels great when--" His words trailed off as the human reached over the desk and gave him a scratch on the top of his head, running through his mane. It was a gross violation of personal space, but it felt kind of good, and the human seemed to be relaxing a little, so Silver allowed it with a gentle smile.

"Sorry," he muttered as he drew his hand back. "I've wanted to pet one of these horses since I got here, but I always figured it was rude."

Silver nodded softly. "It is, unless you know the pony involved. Fortunately for you, we're introduced, mostly. What's your name?"

"Gabriel." He rose and offered a hand across the desk.

Silver rose and offered a hoof, which seemed to confuse Gabriel. "It's alright. You can either ball your hand into a fist and bump it, or take the hoof lightly and shake it. Either is an acceptable 'shake'. The bump is less formal and acceptable with ponies you don't know."

He tried it, forming a fist and bumping it against Silver's offered hoof. "Is there really no way to go back the way we came?"

Silver lifted his shoulders. "There may be, but I haven't found it. If you do, well, share it before you go. Other humans would appreciate the opportunity. Until then--" Silver spread his forehooves "--welcome to Equestria! Do you have a place to stay? A job?"

"Yes... I do busy work at a fancy place in town. They seem to appreciate my height and..." He wriggled his fingers in answer, which was well enough for Silver.

"And you have a place to stay then?"

"I stay upstairs from where I work." He shrugged. "It's not a bad place, not really... It's just not home. I have family, and they must be so worried for me."

It wasn't a new story for Silver, and he felt some sympathy, but he couldn't send Gabriel home. "Well it's part of my job to make your stay here comfortable, for you and the ponies around you. It's great that you got a job and a home already, that's more than a lot of people manage."

"Look, sorry." Gabriel folded his hands. "For being angry at you before. If you don't know, fine. I shouldn't be so rude."

"That's alright." Silver felt happiness, not anger. "I'm glad we got a chance to meet properly. You can always come back here for help, for even small things. Is a pony giving you odd signals you don't understand, ask me about it." He gestured to Night and his foals. "By the way, you know me, but that's Night Watch, my wife, and those two little scamps are my foals, Clear Twilight and Morning Glory."

He smiled and gave a little wave. "You really have taken to the whole horse life..."

156 - What a Fright

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Nefertari dropped the hat on Silver's head and fussed with it a moment. "What a ridiculous holiday this is, but... interesting."

Silver tilted the hat back a little as he looked up at Nefer, feeling his cheeks grow warm. Her mummy's outfit had entirely the wrong, or right, effect on him. Binding her, it only seemed to emphasize what made her more like a woman and much less like a jackal. The fact that she didn't cover the top portion...

Night swatted him over the head. "You got lost on the way to her eyes."

Silver blinked rapidly. "Sorry! Er, thank you." He shook himself out a little. "I never thought I'd get a turn pretending to be Star Swirl." He assumed a regal pose. "How do I look?"

Samantha tapped her chin as she appeared, dressed up as a nurse with a large nurse's cap on display, white robes, and a red cross on her chest. "I would place that at a sixty percent accuracy."

Silver blinked softly. "That's not bad, but what makes you say it?"

Samantha started counting on her hoof, tapping with each number. "Your silver mane and tail looks about right, though his was more white I'm told. The clothes are spot on, and you're a stallion, and an experienced spell-caster! You've even made spells before, so there's that."

Night inclined an ear at Samantha. "And what's missing?"

"Oh!" Samantha pointed at Silver's eyes. "I forgot, he had your color eyes, so make that seventy percent. One major difference is that he didn't like being around ponies, but you've learned to like being around ponies." Her manic grin spread wide. "He was grey and you're all brown, so that's not right. He was also older, a lot older. You're still a young pony."

Night nodded softly. "That's a fair assessment." She turned in a circle, showing off her own outfit. "How do I look?"

Nefertari stroked her chin. "You appear fierce, but I admit to not understanding the specific goal."

Samantha thrust a hoof up. "Ooo Ooo, I know! You're an old lunar guard!"

Night flashed a smile, fangs on display. "Exactly right. Luna changed things up when she came back, but this used to be how almost every guard looked." She spread her wings in a slow stretch. "Do I look dangerous?"

Silver leaned in and kissed her cheek. "Yes, but I'd be gladly pinned and attacked by you any day of the week."

Night snorted even as her cheeks colored lightly. "You and your tongue. Alright, everypony's ready?"

Samantha perked an ear. "Where are the foals?"

Silver pointed out of the room. "They're being watched after, don't worry. They have lots of company with other foals to have a good time."

With everything ready, they started to file out of the room. Nefertari moved beside Silver. "Thank you for inviting me on this trip. As ambassador, experiencing the culture of my host nation is one of my duties."

Silver smiled happily at her response. "I'm glad you agreed to come. Let's have a fun time, all of us. I heard they're making a haunted house on the south side of the city. We should try to check that out."

Nefer raised a brow high. "I doubt anything a pony would call 'haunted' would quite measure up."

Samantha bumped up against Nefertari. "You're thinking about it too hard. The goal of tonight is anything but authenticity! Accept the frights as they are offered."

Night perked a tufted ear at Samantha. "That's surprisingly apt from you."

Samantha beamed at the praise, double-edged as it was. "I'm with all my favorite subjects tonight. I know I'm going to have fun!"

Night slowed, allowing Silver and Nefer to pass beside her before she nudged Nefer away. "We need to speak."

Nefer held up a hand, palm exposed. "I am not here to make advances on him. Until we have an accord, he is not my quarry."

The response seemed to catch Night by surprise as she raised her head up and back. "Really? Well..." She glanced left and right a moment. "Alright then. I don't mean to be grumpy, so let's have a nice Nightmare Night, okay?"

"Let's." Nefertari put a hand on the surprised lunar mare's head and scratched behind one of her ears. "Where do you suggest we begin?"

Night smoothly ducked under and away from the hand as she danced away. "Let's start in the square. Luna should appear there, and that's always a fine way to start this particular holiday."

The city was transformed as they walked through it. Orange was a powerfully present color, everypony was dressed up, and 'spooky' ornaments dangled from almost everything, from webs to ghosts and insects. Anything that could be considered frightening or creepy was on display.

Silver homed in on a pony out of the mess, the rounded form of a particular stallion. With a sudden smile he approached the one pony dressed like a trucker. "Rough Tumble! Happy Nightmare Night."

Rough jerked in surprise. "Oh! Hey, uh... Silver." His eyes darted to the company of mares moving to catch up with Silver's sudden motion. "Don't let me keep you."

Silver put a hoof on Rough's shoulder. "No running away this time. You're not a burden to me and I'm not letting you go."

Night raised a brow as she came close. "Why are you assaulting Rough Tumble?"

Silver slipped the leg around Rough's neck, pulling him closer. "Because I care about him."

"Care about me?!" He had power, and he used it in a rough shove that sent Silver staggering backwards to bump into Nefertari, which may have been the only reason he didn't topple. "You threw me away! You have a whole new family now." He glanced from mare to mare to jackal. "And you haven't changed a bit."

Silver righted himself even as he could feel Nefertari coiled, ready to do something bad. "I deserved that. I didn't react well last time we met, and that was my failing, not yours." He took a step towards Rough with a little smile. "I do care though. Come on, we're going to have fun this Nightmare Night, then we're going to do what I suggested last time and look up our other old friends."

Samantha leaned in towards Rough from the other way. "I'd go along with him. When he starts looking like that, it's hard to change his mind."

Silver quirked a smile at the idea of Samantha calling him difficult to deal with. "She's not wrong. Come on, there's no reason to be alone tonight."

Rough's head sank a little before it came back up. He gave a firm nod. "Fine. I'll show you the good spots."

Nefer's opinion swayed quickly. "Good spots? What sort of spots would these be?"

"Heh, candy's for foals. The real action's in the cider, and I know where the really powerful stuff's hitting the streets." With building confidence, Rough took the lead of the group and they cut a path through the city. The alleyways they traveled did a better job of being creepy with their poorly-lit quietness than the brightly lit jovial streets could ever manage with their 'scary' decorations.

Rough strode up to a metal door and clopped a hoof against it three times quickly. "Apples going sour."

A small slit opened in the door, looking over the batch of them. A soft whistle came from within. "Two court jockeys and a night guard? Boy if I didn't know you really well, this conversation would already be over."

Rough shrugged as he gestured back at his company. "They're just as thirsty as anypony else."

"Are they?" The slit shut and the sound of locks being jiggled filled the alleyway before the door swung inwards. "Come in."

They pressed into a dismal and poorly lit place. Night's eyes widened to take in light and Nefer's seemed to shine, but that did little to help Silver and Samantha who walked forward slowly into the gloom. A large earth pony stepped out behind the party. "Forty bits a bottle. No questions, no refunds, and no seconds. You buy what you want and get out." His dark-furred face split with a crooked smile. "Have a nice Nightmare Night."

Rough raised a hoof to the pony. "You know what I get. Hook me up." A cup was offered to him and Rough swigged it down with a contorted wrinkling of his snout as if he was swallowing fire. "That's some powerful stuff."

Silver perked an ear curiously. "Just a glass?"

"What? Do I look rich?" Rough frowned a bit as he put some bits on the ground. "I plan to visit a few more places."

Night nudged Silver. "Go on."

Silver looked across to her and his other companions. "We'll take two bottles."

The darkness was filled with laughter as two bottles rolled into view. "Nobles are always the fastest to get sloshed. Drink up."

Silver set a bag of bits down and plucked up the bottles. Soon they were back into the alleyway. Night turned the group. "Let's not miss Luna. It's not Nightmare Night without her."

Samantha looked at one of the hovering bottles in Silver's grasp. "Being intoxicated leads to dangerously skewed results. I don't want to bias the results from tonight anymore than they already are."

Rough shook his head. "I have no idea what you're saying, but the less you drink, the more for me." He put a leg over Silver's withers. "You are sharing those, right?"

Silver snorted the very idea. "Right, I'm going to just guzzle these down myself."

Nefertari held up a bottle, yanking it out of Silver's mental grip effortlessly. "Does all pony liquor have apples in it?"

They arrived at the square and the pony density grew rapidly as they formed into a mob facing a stage with excited whispers passing back and forth. It seemed they had arrived just about on time as Luna was scheduled to arrive in just a few minutes.

Night brushed up against Silver. "I wanted to tell you something."

Silver returned the brush gently. "I'm always here for you. What's on your mind?"

She glanced away before leaning in close, whispering quietly in the din of the crowd.

Silver's cheeks darkened and he glanced towards Samantha, who was gazing with a happy smile towards the stage. "Are you sure?"

Night gave a single firm nod.

Silver frowned a little with thought, shuffling from hoof to hoof before Rough bumped into him. "Sorry, it's crowded this year. Hey, can I have some of that if you're just going to hold it?"

He surrendered the bottle to his larger stallion-friend. "Go easy on it. You have more places to visit, remember?"

All eyes were drawn to the center of the square where Luna appeared in a dark flash, bats spreading from where she appeared along with her voluminous wings. "Good ponies of Canterlot! You have waited long enough. It's time to begin this most special night." The crowd erupted in cheers and thunderous hooves striking the ground.

It promised to be a fun night.

157 - A Night of Partings

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The crowd was dispersing. With Luna's blessings, the holiday was in full swing. Small foals eagerly rushed to doors, singing their merry tune of candy getting. Silver spotted a pony with them dressed... as a pony? Or was that a horse? Surprise had a huge equine disguise with googly eyes on and was accompanying the foals.

Silver had to smile at the sight. He felt sure the foals were in good hooves with Surprise with them, and was likely having a good time. He pointed it out to his companions and most reacted with good-natured snorts or giggles, but not Night. She looked away and seemed to avoid it. Silver frowned a little. "Night, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, hey, you said you wanted to see that haunted house?" She flashed a fanged smile at him, it was forced, but he didn't notice that.

He did spot her obvious distraction ploy. "Is it the costume? Are horse costumes offensive?"

Night blinked at him. "I can forget sometimes just how clueless you can be, but no, there's nothing wrong with her outfit."

"Then why aren't you happy to see a friend having fun?"

Night glanced towards Surprise as the happy mare bounced with the foals towards the next house. "It's... Look, I'm just being silly. We can talk about this later. Tonight is for being happy." She swatted Silver on the shoulder. "Come on."

They got moving through the crowd. Silver heard what sounded like a sudden noise of alarm from Night and spun to face her, only for Night to spring out of the crowd towards him. "Sorry about that, tripped."

Silver relaxed. "You're all wound up tonight. You were right, we should enjoy tonight."

"We should..." Night was staring at him intensely, slowly leaning in towards him. His ears twitched softly with confusion, but he didn't deny her as she pressed in, touching lips to lips. An electric thrill ran through his body and something felt so familiar. Of course it was familiar, it was his wife's lips. No, there was... something else... He couldn't quite put his hoof on it, swept away in the deliriously good smooch he was sharing, even as a small part of his mind screamed at him to remember it.

Night drew away with a sigh. "I missed you so much."

Silver blinked owlishly, and it all became clear. "Fast?"

Night became a dull-red unicorn with a nervous smile. "This is the one night we changelings are allowed to hide fully, just for fun... You're not mad at me, I hope?"

Silver glanced around. "N-no, but where's Night?"

Fast smiled. "I had her whisked away for her own fun times. Right now it's just me and you..." She raised a hoof to Silver's shoulder. "Did you miss me?"

Silver trembled softly, his lips working soundlessly a moment. "I did! How couldn't I... You were... You were the throbbing heart of our herd."

"Not the only thing throbbing around here." She raised a brow as she leaned back from where she could peek under his robes. "I did a bad thing just now. I fed from you." She brushed a hoof over her lips. "It was... delicious, but I more wanted to feel those lips, one last time."

Silver suddenly darted forward and kissed her, on the cheek. He nuzzled gently. "Are you alright?"

Fast's expression softened into a gentle smile. "You really do love me." She wrapped her forelegs around him, hugging him.

"You doubted it?" Silver perked an ear. "We can't, I mean, it's not safe, but I can't just... stop loving someone. Fast, you're a part of me." He put a hoof over his chest. "I hope we're still friends."

Fast prodded him suddenly. "I would hope so too! I'm not the one that hasn't visited."

Silver rolled his eyes. "Visiting is a two-way street. We both have busy lives, but let's make time to not let precious friendships fade."

Fast grinned. "You know, I almost bagged Twilight."

Silver blinked owlishly. "How... did that go?"

"She's not into mares, go figure." Fast stuck out her tongue a little. "Even mares that can be stallions on demand."

Silver shook his head. "I guess a princess would have enough energy to court you without immediate issues?"

Fast licked her lips. "Stop talking about that, you're making me a little hungry... She's the princess of fricken friendship! Only Cadance smells better. It's still beyond me why Chrysalis didn't try to tap that flank instead of her goofy husband." She leaned in. "So, back to being an Ambassador huh? It suits you. You don't keep grudges, and you like ponies working together."

"Who is this?" Nefertari appears abruptly at Fast's side. "Are they bothering you?"

Silver thrust up a hoof quickly. "No! No. Nefertari, this is Fast. Fast, Nefertari. Fast was a part of our herd, before she became a changeling queen."

Nefer raised a brow. "What was she before that?"

"Just as you see." Fast turned, looking up at the jackal. "Your tastes are growing interesting, Silver." She leaned towards Nefertari, waving the jackal closer. When Nefer was close enough, she whispered, "Lick him right at the base of the horn, it'll light up his day."

"What was that?" Silver stepped closer.

Nefer held up a hand. "Just two ladies having a conversation. I think I like this old mate of yours, but you are wise to set boundaries. Romances with changeling queens often ends in tragedy."

Fast sighed loudly. "Tell me about it. Anyway, I should get going! I'll return Night, promise." She turned and easily pressed into the crowd, soon lost to sight.

Rough suddenly bumped into Silver, jostled by the crowd and swaying with his own intoxication. "Ya shure do have lotsa marefriends." He leaned on Silver heavily, making him sink under the weight. "What'sh yer se-ker-ret?"

Silver's horn lit up as he set Rough upright. "Take it easy on those drinks. You want to remember tonight, don't you?"

"Maybe." He swayed dangerously. "I can handle it..."

Samantha put a hoof on his shoulder, then his back, making soft tsking noises mostly lost to the crowd. "You should lay down, and that's my professional advice."

"Aw whaddaya know?" Rough waved off the advice, then thrust a hoof forward. "We got more t'do!" He advanced boldly through the crowd, leading the way.

Everypony fell in line with the motion, but Silver slipped in beside Samantha. "Do you know?"

"Know what?" Samantha perked an ear at Silver. "Having fun?"

He smiled. "I am. This is the best halloween I've had in years."

"What's halloween?"

Silver blinked and bonked himself on his pointed hat. "Sorry, Nightmare Night. Samantha..." He leaned in close. "You've been nominated to join the herd."

Samantha almost tripped over herself on hearing the news, but managed to stay upright. "R-really? Um..." She glanced left and right. "That means it's up to you to accept or reject the nomination." A book appeared beside her head. "I read about it. If you decline, the head mare chases me away."

Silver imagined Night chasing Samantha around and smiled at the silly image. "That won't be necessary."

Her face brightened as the book on romance fell to the road. "You mean?"

"Samantha, will you jo--" He didn't get to finish the proposal as Samantha flung herself at him in a fierce embrace and they both crashed to the ground.

"Yes yes yes!" Samantha peppered his face with kisses even as little giggles escaped her. "Ohhh, this is going to be so exciting! I've never been married before." She tapped her chin with sudden thought. "I've never been on a date before. Oh no! We did this in the wrong order!" She brought a hoof down with a clop. "We have to date before we get married."

Silver sat up while Samantha was busy with scheduling. "We have been on several dates."

"We have?" Samantha scowled a little. "When?"

"Well there was that time you helped deliver our foals."

"That was an appointment and a medically urgent moment!"

Silver put a hoof at his chest. "When you're around, I feel as if I may have another medical emergency coming. My heart starts to race--"

She missed the romance in the words and had a stethoscope in her ears and the business end pressed to his chest, listening for his heart. "When did these symptoms begin?"

Silver gently pulled the stethoscope free of Samantha and draped it around her neck. "Samantha, you are too adorable. I'm fine." He leaned in and kissed her cheek. "We'll have a date, promise. Come on, we've fallen behind the others."

Ahead of them, Nefertari walked with Tumble. "What is your relation to Silver?" she asked. "You give the impression of familiarity."

Tumble glanced at the biped walking alongside him. "It weren't no big deal... I used to be his bully."

Nefertari snorted softly. "He treats his enemies well."

Tumble waved it off. "I apologized, and we became friends, I guess..."

"You aren't sure?"

Tumble shrugged a little. "Look, uh... do Anubians... are they alright with..." He leaned in closer, voice lowering to a harsh whisper, "Colt cuddlers?"

Nefer raised a brow, quiet a moment before she pieced together what the phrase might mean. "There are those who prefer the company of those like themselves. Some would call it foolish. The forces of the world shaped us into different things so that we may find strength in overcoming this challenge, and forge the next generation on that anvil." She clucked her tongue. "That is why two ladies or two gentle...colts as you call them will not create progeny, but it is their choice. If they find happiness, it does not weaken me. If they will attend their duties, fine. Their parents will likely disown them for endangering their family line, but such is life."

"Yeah..." Tumble's head hung low. "Mine did that..."

Nefertari placed a hand on his broad back. All ponies just seemed so pettable in her eyes. Pettable and, perhaps, beneath her. "Then it is done. You are your own stallion. You have been cast out of their house, so construct your own. Make it grand and successful. That will show them the folly of their decision."

Tumble blinked softly, processing that idea. "Really?"

"Of course." Nefertari smiled her predatory smile. "Success is the most sublime of revenges. It profits yourself and causes your enemies to gnash their teeth. They think they have cast you low, kicked you into the dirt I'm sure they'd say you deserve. What will they think when they find you have taken that firm surface and forged yourself into something better for it?"

158 - It's Her Holiday

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As Silver and Samantha pushed to catch up with the others, the crowd suddenly parted. Luna was there, approaching them. "Ambassador Silver Watch, a commendable outfit." She tilted her head as she looked Silver up and down, her eyes flashing with... something. "You remind me of somepony..."

"Star Swirl?" ventured Silver. "Nice to see you, Luna."

Luna nodded at him lightly, then leaned in close. "I believe I have seen what you have seen," she whispered softly. "I will seek to avoid this fate as well. If I do my part, by not doing my part, you should be safe."

Silver blinked owlishly at the cryptic promise of defense. "What are you talking about?"

Luna shook her head softly. "How are you enjoying this holiday?"

Samantha flashed a bright smile at the royal pony. "We're having lots of fun! Did you see the others? They ran ahead of us."

"We are afraid we haven't, but we wish you well in your merriment." Luna moved away, the crowd parting before her as she went without another word.

Silver frowned a moment before shaking his head. "Let's catch up with them." Figuring out any mystery of Luna's could take the whole evening to no avail. He decided to focus on what he could do, which was be a source of happiness for friends and family.

They made quick progress through the crowd, aiming to catch up with Tumble and Nefer.

"Please don't hurt us!"

Night scowled down at the cowed changeling beneath her hoof. "Give me a reason not to."

Another changeling close by gave an uneasy smile. "Queen Fast only requ--"

Night blinked. "You're with Fast Change?" She released the changeling from her deadly press. "Why did you foalnap me?"

A third changeling leaned forward. "She just wanted to play a prank."

"It's the truth!"

"We swear!"

That sounded too much like Fast for Night to have many doubts and she shook her head. "Of course." She sat on her haunches. "Well, here I am. Did she leave instructions for what to do with me?" She raised a hoof to gesture around the warehouse they had found themselves in. "This place doesn't exactly scream 'innocent intentions', I feel obliged to point out."

"I told you it was a bad idea!"

"Shut up!"

The third of the changelings tapped at her chin. "Well we were supposed to... nevermind. It's pointless now. You can leave if you want."

Night frowned a little. "You went through all the trouble of dragging me here, you're stuck with me for now. Now what was that 'pointless' thing you had in mind?"

"There were talking about me." Silver entered from the front. "Are you alright, Night?"

Night tilted her head at her husband. "Silver Lining, what took you so long?"

Silver trot towards Night with a happy smile. "The crowd is intense out there, but nothing could keep me from y--"

Night threw Silver to the ground when he was close enough. "Enough games."

"How did she know?"

"Maybe she's magic?"

Silver flashed in a puff of green magic and flames, becoming a laughing Fast Change in all her ruddy-red unicorn glory. "Oh, you saw right through me. You haven't changed even a tiny bit." She rolled upright and stepped closer to Night. "How are you, Night?"

Night blinked softly with suspicion in her eyes. "Tell me something only you would know."

Fast leaned in close and spoke words only meant for Night. They brought a bright blush to her cheeks before Night hugged her tight, a gesture quickly returned.


"She's still kind of violent."

"Shut up or we'll be the next thing she vents on."

Fast nibbled through the fur of Night's cheek, working towards her neck. "I'm so glad to see you! I had to surprise Silver first. Were they any trouble?"

Night rolled her eyes. "No, no... As foalnapping agents go, they're a bit underqualified for the job."

Fast waved it off. "Don't hold it against them. This is hardly their usual job and they didn't mean anything bad by it." She put a hoof to her chest. "I accept full responsibility for them."

"You, accepting responsibility?" Night flashed a fanged smile. "Somepony has changed."

Fast squirmed a moment before the funk shattered and she leaned back in. "We grow up over time. I have a lot of ponies looking to me to guide them." She glanced away briefly. "Night?"


Fast's tail thumped the ground. "May I have one last kiss? I... know you two have moved on, and I'm happy you did, but one more?"

Night's smile was a gentle one, but it turned to a stern look as she whipped her head towards the three watching changelings. "Buzz off."

"Go have fun for Nightmare Night!" Fast waved them off, and they dispersed. Looking back at Night, she stuck out her tongue. "How did you know that changeling saying?"

"Lucky guess." Night leaned in for that parting kiss.

Nefertari perked an ear behind her and turned to see Silver and Samantha catching up. "Ah, there you are. Are we prepared to be 'frightened'?"

Silver huffed for breath as he looked around. "Is Night with you?"

Tumble snorted softly. "You don't need all your mares to keep you safe in a haunted house."

Nefertari nudged Tumble. "He speaks truth. Night will catch up with us when she is ready. I have little fear for her capabilities."

Samantha pointed to where many little ponies and some large ones ran screaming from the house, giggling the entire while. "What are they doing? That looks interesting. We should investigate!"

Silver quirked a smile at that. "The idea is to enjoy it, not take observations of it."

"What if observing it is enjoying it?" Samantha raised a brow. "You didn't think of that, did you?"

Nefer suddenly plucked up the scientific pony by the scruff. "We're going and that's final."

Tumble followed behind the two. "Come on, Silvs."

"Silvs?" Silver trotted along behind Tumble. "Think that's the first time that nickname's been used."

They proceeded inside, Nefer letting Samantha back to her hooves as they looked around at the various spooky furnishings. "False bones crafted from wood." Nefer's nose wrinkled. "Poorly illustrated visions of moderate dismay. The spirits are laughing at me for expecting much more from a pony vision of terror."

"Don't dare speak for us." A jackal with flowing black edges and deep black pits for eyes emerged from the right wall.

"You have no right," hissed another descending from above.

Nefer recoiled in surprise, but aborted the motion halfway through and went silent.

"Have you forgotten how to use your tongue in fear?" asked the first, sneering as he drew closer. "We thought you said you were an expert in the ways of spirits."

Silver looked between the hovering spectres and Nefertari back and forth. "Are they yours?"

"False spirits!" spat Nefertari, suddenly advancing on them. "What trickery is this?!"

The two withdrew into the wall and ceiling they had emerged from, offering no answers but distant laughter.

Samantha flashed a smile. "I think they got you."

"They did not!" Nefertari scowled at Samantha.

Tumble shook his head. "I saw it. You were scared for a moment there. They got you good."

Silver placed a hoof at her back. "It's alright. We came here to be startled."

Nefer's tension eased a little. "I suppose we did..." She let out a loud snort as she began stalking forward. "This attraction is not a complete waste."

The others were more willing to look scared and giggle at silly things, at least until Samantha jumped on Silver, knocking them both to the ground.

Silver fought his way back to his hooves. "What was that for?"

Samantha thrust a hoof into a darker corner. "I heard something and when I went to observe it, there was nothing there!"

Silver tilted his head at the frazzled mare. "They can..." It suddenly hit him. "Umbrum?"

A pixie's dark head poked free of the surface of the wall beside them. "Hello!" A dozen other heads peeked free a moment later, each sporting a big grin. "We were wondering how long it'd take you to notice."

Tumble blinked owlishly, looking at all the pixie heads poking from everywhere. "Is this part of the ride?"

Nefertari smirked. "No. I think our Ambassador has encountered an old friend."

Silver clopped his forehooves with joy. "Great to see you all. What are you doing here?"

One waved a little hoof. "It's a night of free meals. How could we say no? We visited a lot of towns."

"Not Ponyville," chimed a smaller one with a bow. Female, Silver assumed.

The spokespony nodded. "Not there. A local pony didn't like the idea of us 'musclin' in on her turf'."

Silver imagined an irate Applejack and giggled softly. "Well, you're welcome here. How's it working out?"



"Everyone's having fun and getting scared!"

The spokespony leaned to the left. "Oops, somepony's coming! Have fuuun!" They all vanished into the walls, faint giggling coming from where they were hiding. Without knowing who was doing the giggling, Silver could easily imagine even that added to the creepiness of the house.

He smiled softly and gently nudged his friends forward. "I'm glad they're doing well."

Tumble shook his head as they all emerged back onto the street. "What were those little things? They were all creepy lookin', but also kinda cute? I didn't get it."

"You dare call me cute!" A familiar young dark pixie flitted before Tumble. "Go on, say that again. I dare you!" Tumble looked dismissive for all of a moment before she exploded into a vision of skeletal horror, her teeth all-too-large and gnashing. "I will devour your soul!"

Tumble took off running and Under Rock became a pixie again, giggling madly.

Silver tapped her gently on the side. "There is a line between playfully scary and being mean."

"Don't be a party pooper." She stuck out her tongue at him before darting back into the 'haunted' house to rejoin her kin.

Samantha watched Under Rock go, shaking her head slowly. "You are familiar with this species? Can I get a report on them? They seem fascinating, if a little distracting."

Nefertari swatted Samantha across the back. "Have some respect. Ambassadors only give reports on those they negotiate with to a select few, and neither you nor I qualify."

Samantha wheeled on Nefertari. "I'm his mare, and he's my stallion. That makes me qualified... right?"

Nefertari scowled as it was made clear that things had moved forward just behind her back. "Have some respect for the ambassadorial position. Even family is not to be told in many cases."

Silver pointed where Tumble had fled. "We should make sure he's alright." He turned and began trotting after the frightened earth pony, the other two hurrying to catch up with him.

159 - Even Endings Have Endings

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Silver held up a hoof. "Let me go check on him." He trotted in the direction of where Tumble had dashed off, leaving Samantha and Nefertari to themselves.

Nefertari glanced sidelong at the smiling scientist and her 'cute' nurse outfit. "While we are alone, we have matters to discuss."

Samantha turned to the taller female. "Hmm? Are you enjoying yourself?"

"I'm doing just fine." Nefer crouched before Samantha. "You are now a member of this herd. If you do not wish me there, you become another impediment to my--"

"Don't be absurd." Samantha grinned. "You're one of my best subjects, of course I want you close by."

Nefer frowned a little, perhaps caught by surprise by how easily Samantha's support was obtained. "Then you will support my bid to join this?"

Samantha bobbed her head. "If you wish. I'm surprised you want to at all, to be honest." A pad of paper appeared beside her head. "Could you tell me why?"

Nefertari brushed the pad aside. "I am honor bound to offer myself to the one whom I have challenged thrice to no avail."

Samantha tilted her head a little. "What if he says no?"

Nefer tensed at the very notion. "Then I would look an utter fool."

Samantha raised a brow. "To who?"

"To everyone!" Nefertari was louder than she meant, and she quieted as curious eyes turned on them. After a moment they returned to their activities. "To... everyone."

Samantha lifted her shoulders. "You're not home. Ponies here think everything you do is out of sync with their usual customs. Marrying Silver is just as strange to them as not marrying him. If you don't want to do it, nopony would be aware of anything out of place."

Nefertari reached to stroke over Samantha's scalp. "My delirious doctor, are you saying this to keep me away from this?"

Samantha frowned a little. "I just said you being close is a significant advantage to my studies. That wouldn't be logical." She clopped a hoof on the ground. "But I want you to be healthy and happy as well. We will be great friends whether or not you join the herd."

Nefer started faintly. "Friends?"

Samantha blinked up at Nefertari. "Isn't that what we are?"

Nefer became quiet for a time. Were they?

Silver emerged from the crowd. It was becoming far less occupied as he ventured into darker alleys and twists and turns. Feeling nervous, he conjured his refined shield, just in case, but pressed onwards. "Rough Tumble? Are you there? Everything's alright?"

He heard the sound of retching and turned towards it. Around the next corner he saw Tumble hunched over, upending the alcoholic contents of his belly out onto the street in a mixture of vomiting and little sniffling cries. He was a mess, and Silver approached with a little smile. "It's alright, Tumble."

"Get away!" He waved a hoof and turned away from Silver. "Don't look at me."

"It's alright." Silver sat down rather than chase the upset stallion. "I'll wait here until you're feeling a little better. You're safe."

"I'm never safe..."

"I'll protect you."

Tumble looked up at Silver with a wide-eyed blink. "W-would you?"

Silver reached out a hoof. "I'm sorry I was such a lousy friend, and a terrible stallion for you. Can we be friends now?"

Tumble snorted up loudly as he ran a leg over his snout. "You don't wanna hug me right now. I stink."

"I want to help you, and if that means inviting you to ride on my back, well, by gum, I'll do that to get you somewhere better than this alleyway." Silver turned away from him. "Come on."

Tumble approached, but to stand at his side. "I can walk..."

Silver smiled at him. "Good, but I'm here either way. Did you have some fun tonight?"

Tumble snorted softly and began to walk. "Not really."

"No?" Silver kept pace with him. "Not even seeing Nefertari get startled for a change? I thought that was kind of funny."

Tumble's face contorted in a brief smile. "She had that comin'... Look, uh, Silver, you're obviously kinda, you know, taken."

Silver turned to him suddenly. "I'm asking to be your friend, not your stallion."

Tumble suddenly pressed forward, delivering a kiss that tasted of upset bellies and smelled of drying alcohol. Silver wanted to escape, but fighting Tumble felt incredibly wrong.

The moment the pressure eased, Silver took a step back, panting for breath. "Tumble..."

"You weren't scared." Tumble frowned a little. "Not like last time."

"I'm not scared of love." Silver smiled a little and gestured back where they had left the others. "I just have so many to help protect, but I'd make room for one stallion, one special, wonderful stallion that has so much potential bouncing around inside of him that he doesn't even know."

"Who?" Tumble blinked owlishly at Silver.

Silver prodded him in the chest. "You, of course. You're not living at home anymore, right?" Tumble shook his head. "Great. What do you say to undoing one little harm they did so long ago?"

"Whattaya mean?" Tumble looked curious.

"I mean it's time to get you that truck you always wanted, but I need a promise first."

Tumble raised a brow. "Here comes the catch."

"Always. One, the truck is not a toy. You're to use it to make yourself into the pony you want to be and to support yourself."

"Alright?" Tumble tilted his head. "I mean, of course."

"Two, no more of this." Silver gestured over Tumble's messy front. "Now come on, we both need to clean up. Let tonight be the last night you spend trying to forget."

He led the way back towards the light and smiled, realizing there was some Equestrian Symbology at work. He was guiding his friend towards the light, or so he hoped. He was guiding him towards ponies, and belonging, and away from dark forgotten places where he would die miserable and alone. Tumble deserved so much better than that.

Tumble moved back up beside Silver. "So, uh, you don't mind kissing colts no more?"

"You're hardly a colt, Tumble. We're both stallions. Heck, you were a stallion before I was by a few years."

"You're still barely a stallion..." Tumble licked his lips as he went. "Why do you talk like you're so old?"

Silver laughed gently. "I just like to pretend I have something wise to say. Ignore it. I'm just winging it, like most everypony else."

"Don't say that." Tumble bumped into him, sending him staggering. "You say plenty of smart things."

Silver quirked a little smile. "If that's true, prove it." He found his stance and emerged onto the central lane. "Take this gift I'll give and run with it. Make all of Equestria see how great you are. You put your all into it, and I'll be happy, rain or shine."

"What are you two talking about with such serious faces?" Night landed before the two of them. "Silver! What've you done to your costume? Have you been drinking?" She scowled. "I thought you didn't even like the stuff."

Tumble thrust a hoof in the way. "No no! It was my fault, sorry... I'll just... clean up."

Night flipped her ears back. "No wait, sorry. I shouldn't have come storming in like that." She flicked a tongue over her lips. "It's been an... interesting evening. You alright?"

Tumble nodded. "Yeah... I really think I am." He looked like a weight had been removed from his shoulders. "I am going to clean up though. I'm a mess. See you later, Silvs, Night." He turned away.

Night turned back to Silver after a parting wave. "Where'd everypony else go running off to?"

Silver called out to Tumble, "Come on by the office tomorrow!" He turned to Night and leaned in for a nuzzle, only to be gentle rebuffed. "Do I smell that bad?" She nodded and he sighed. "Let's go clean up then. I should have learned a cleaning spell."

"You can't solve everything with magic." Night rolled her eyes as they walked off. "Seriously though, where's Samantha and Nefertari, and did you pop the question on Samantha?"

Silver glanced towards where he had left them. "They're probably having some fun together, and I did. She accepted."

"That it?" Night raised an eye. "Was she happy?"

"Deliriously." Silver chuckled softly. "She remembered we hadn't dated properly and wanted to fix that, but mostly she's just really... happy." He thought of the Samantha of his dreams, full of manic drive and utterly zero empathy. The waking Samantha had become so much better. "Are you happy about it? I mean, you nominated her, but are you happy with her, really?"

Night twitched a tufted ear softly. "I had to think about it, but... yes. I think I could get used to having her around. I think she likes both of us deeply. It's not... not the same as Fast, what could be, but she is ready to learn what love is, and she already gets along so well." She tilted her head faintly. "She gets along with the foals quite well, and I feel safe when they're with her. She genuinely cares about us. That genuineness... It's deceptively rare."

Silver rubbed along her side gently. "I think I know what you mean." They passed into the castle and got to their room, where Silver shucked off his disguise and hopped into the shower to regain a pleasing aroma.

While he washed himself, Night took the soiled clothes and got to washing them, perhaps to use the next year.

It had been an eventful Nightmare Night and one they would not soon forget.

Night gazed out the window where some fireworks were playing in the sky to celebrate the evening and she let out a happy sigh. It had been a good holiday, nay, perhaps the best Nightmare Night she had ever experienced.

160 - Nice World You Have There

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Silver woke up in his hammock and rolled to his hooves with a yawn. The horn played outside loud and clear. It was time to wake... up?

Wait, where was he? He looked around the barracks with a raised brow as other stallions and mares stirred themselves quickly and began getting prepared. It looked like a camp, or some kind of military thing. That seemed silly though, as he was no member of the military. He tried to feel if he was sleeping, but no such feeling of being asleep came to mind.

"Why're you looking so spaced out, Private Silver?" A pegasus mare trotted in. It was Rainbow Dash, but she was missing a wing, replaced with cold metal. "We have to get moving." She reached out and put a hoof on a stunned Silver's shoulder. "I know you're nervous, we all are... but we have to face His army here, or all of Equestria will be overrun." She slapped him lightly. "So shake the sleep from your eyes and get out there." She turned and trotted out, most other ponies saluting her as she went past.

Silver found his foot (hoof?) locker and started getting dressed even as his mind raced. Where was everyone he knew? Why wasn't he in Canterlot? How could this not be a dream?! Rainbow Dash couldn't have lost her wing overnight, not with that prosthetic. She acted like this was normal, just like everypony else.

Maybe it was normal...

Silver shook his head quickly as he emerged from the barracks, his helmet jostling around but held in place with a strap under the chin and by merit of being pinned on his horn. He spied a line of other... soldiers? and quickly joined them, standing in row alongside the others. Everything was wrong, so wrong. These were no royal guards. They were normal ponies. They looked haunted. He got the impression most of them didn't want to be there, but there they were.

"Alright! Today is an important day..." Rainbow Dash trotted back and forth along the line. She was flanked by Pinkie and Maud Pie, who looked deadly serious. "If we can stop them here, we'll buy the rest of the army some needed time. We can turn this around, and we will. Today is the day we shine." She slapped a hoof on her metal-plated chest. "We're going to change history! For Princess Celestia!"

"For Equestria!" echoed all the ponies around Silver as if by rote activity.

Change history... change... Shit! Silver scowled. Had Starlight's intervention gone so horribly wrong that this is what Equestria was reduced to? He looked around with a building panic.

Suddenly Pinkie was standing before him. "Turn that frown upside-down, soldier. We have a nation to save."

Silver blinked at the stern Pinkie and tried to ease his expression. "Sorry, uh, ma'am. Have you seen Night Watch?"

Pinkie raised a brow at him. "She's scouting the enemy movements, as usual. Look, I know lots of us would rather be with our loved ones about now, but if we don't pull this together, there won't be a place to be with them in. Do you want to live in a world controlled by Sombra?"


"I can't hear you." Pinkie leaned in closer.

"No ma'am!" Silver offered a clumsy imitation of the salute he'd seen others doing.

"That's better." She returned to Rainbow's side.

Silver internally relaxed a little. Night still existed, doing something she'd probably take pride in. Not all was lost. In fact, gauging from Pinkie's reaction, they were still an item in this crazy world. He followed with the others as they got to marching, presumably towards some site they intended to... fight...

He swallowed with renewed nervousness. He was really marching out to battle. His horn glowed softly as he conjured a low-level version of his personal shield, testing it both with and without the added flames. He had no intention of getting wiped out in an alternate Equestria. More importantly, how did he fix it? How was the spell even used? Starlight had it, and he didn't, and he had no idea what change and specific time she went to.

"Still nervous?" A stallion walking beside Silver asked. "It's cool. We'll stick together."

Silver glanced aside to see who was speaking and started. It was Rough Tumble, trimmed with regular work and wearing the same battle-ready outfit as everyone else.

"What? You look like you saw a ghost." He leaned over and kissed Silver on the cheek. "I'll protect you."

Silver burned a bright red. Tumble would protect him?! Were they an item in this timeline too? Gah! At least one timeline where his lovelife was nice and simple would be nice. "T-thanks, uh..."

"Just focus on blasting the crystal ponies, bonus points if you can knock those crazy helmets off of 'em."

Silver raised a brow. "Crazy helmets?"

Tumble frowned a little. "You really are shaken up." He threw a leg over Silver and pulled him close. "Look, relax. I'll be there. You do that unicorn thing and I'll keep them off you."

Silver nodded stiffly. "Right, unicorn stuff. So, helmets?"

"You really forgot?" Tumble released him. "The control helmets? They're how Sombra controls his army. Knock one off and the pony goes down, but it's a lot harder than it looks. Still, a slap to the head is still a slap to the head. Figure if you knock one out, that's just as good." His shoulders lifted mildly. "That's all you have to focus on. Don't worry about the rest, that's my job."

Silver gave a firm nod, his mind whirring. He obviously wasn't as talented in this timeline if Tumble was busy convincing him to just use a basic unicorn blast and nothing else, but if he had become a unicorn and was almost immediately pressed into the army as his service instead of what he had done in his original timeline... that made sense. He might have never learned the unicorn alphabet at all, or any spells besides what a unicorn could learn without it, namely force bolts and telekinesis. He was just thrust, wide-eyed and probably scared witless right into a war.


"Yeah? You're looking better."

Silver smiled. "I am... I won't just be doing what you said to do."

Tumble frowned a little. "Don't get carried away. We're a team."

Silver nodded quickly. "Right, I get that, but I've been practicing some... other spells."

That surprised Tumble. "Huh? When? Are you sure that's a good idea? I heard spells you don't know good are pretty bad."

Silver bumped against him. "Have faith in me."

That relaxed him and he smiled gently. "I do. Look, do your best, just stay behind me, alright?"

Silver began letting loose the power within himself, letting the current flow hot just to see how well that rush of energy moved in his subtly different body. Surprisingly, it was about the same as before, but he quickly decided that wasn't so odd. In this timeline, working on output was probably a daily activity, even if he didn't get a good education on spellcraft. A sudden thought made him twist his head around, but his flank was covered in armor. "Say, uh, Tumble, do I have a cutie mark?"

Tumble raised a brow. "Not unless you got one this morning. That'd explain why you're acting so funny." He smiled. "That'd be great if you did. A sign from destiny right there."

Silver wondered if his brand still burned bright on his flank, but he certainly remembered his most treasured spells, even if he didn't have his spellbook with him anymore, a fact that bothered him a little.

The trail they were following opened up into a larger field, huge cliffs on either side overlooking them. Across the way, another army approached. They were crystal ponies with pelts that looked cloudy. There was no shine in those ponies, except the glaring green slits in their helmets. The two opposing armies lined up across from one another, as if waiting for some signal from someone.

Celestia herself strode to the fore of the army. "You will be turned back, Sombra. Not one hoof further will fall to your hooves this day or any other!" She slammed a hoof into the ground, and the battle began with a tremendous roar of hundreds on hundreds of ponies on either side, charging wildly towards one another.

Sombra was there. Silver caught a glimpse of him just before he conjured a huge pillar of stone to stymie some brave royal guards that had tried to charge him directly.

This was a true war. He didn't even think Equestria could physically support such a thing. He ducked back as one of those green-slitted ponies came rushing at him, only to catch a hoof across the helmet from Tumble. "I got this!"

Silver reached out with his magic in all directions, and it was a mess. He could feel countless ponies moving through his field, fighting in the field, falling... He focused on one of those great control helmets and sent his magic flowing around and into it through every crack and pore, though there weren't many. Fortunately, mind-controlled or not, they had to breathe. There. There was a hatch on the inside, burned shut with magic, but he could feel it.

With a sudden seizure of his field, an intense pressure built around that welded joint and the helmet exploded off the dazed pony's head. She collapsed into the dirt and Silver smiled, panting from the effort. "One down..." There were countless more to go.

An enemy soldier threw himself at Silver, crashing into his shield in a show of color and heat. Shields of that sort were poorly made to handle whole bodies being thrown at them and began to buckle dangerously, but the heat pouring out was intense, like a geyser of flame across the face and barrel of the controlled crystal pony. He didn't even cry out as he sank to the ground, burned savagely.

Silver sank to a knee, heaving for breath from the exertion, eyes stinging with tears. The idea that he'd just watched... no, he had killed that pony. He hadn't had to kill since his dream. Was this all a dream? His senses kept telling him no, even as his mind wailed for it to all be a horrible nightmare.

"Silver!" Tumble was over him, standing watch. "Get up! You alright?" Another pony approached and Tumble began wrestling them away, carrying the both away from Silver.

He struggled back to his hooves. Ponies were counting on him. This would be a terrible time to have a mental breakdown. He could... cry later. He locked eyes on the pony Tumble was wrestling fiercely with and let out a sudden shout of fury. The helmet burst free of the pony and they sank to the ground with blank eyes, stunned and out of the battle. He knew where the catch was. He could dismantle those cursed helmets, one by one, if he had to.

The fog of war pulled back to reveal Sombra approaching them on calm hooves, his armor jangling with each step. "What have we here?"

161 - We Love You, Love Us

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Sombra approached with a menacing sneer. "What powerful blasts you've been firing, stallion. I could see your horn flashing from across the field."

Stallion? To hear himself referred as something other than a colt by an enemy was new and confusing. He hunched a little even as Tumble rushed to get between the two. "Is this what she would have wanted? Is this what you want for Radian--"

A sudden wave of darkness sent Silver flying, spinning backwards and landing flat on his back. The shiny helmet of a fallen guard showed the face that looked back at him was different than the Silver he knew. He really was a stallion, grown, even aged a little. Had he not gotten an age-regression in that world?

"You're not worthy of even speaking her name," growled Sombra in his slow advance. Tumble suddenly slammed a hoof into the side of his face. His expression was that of triumph before Sombra leveled an unamused glare at the stallion and began staring deep into his eyes. "Pathetic worm. Wait your... turn." His horn flashed with dark purples and greens as Tumble was tossed away, rolling across the ground. "Now where were we--"

Everything suddenly faded.

Silver was seated at a table. Celestia, Twilight, and Luna were seated as well, and they were talking and sharing cookies. Nothing was wrong with... It was a dream. Had he been knocked unconscious in the battle?

"Something wrong?" Twilight tilted her head at him. "Oh, maybe it's time for some private study?" He felt her wing reaching under the table in a soft brushing of his bare leg. Bare?

Silver glanced down and saw he was human, least, dreaming he was human. He focused his mind and became Silver Watch suddenly.

This surprised all three mares. Luna tilted her head. "Well, if you prefer to be a stallion, who are we to argue." She rose and presented her rump. "I am certain you will give us quite the ride."

Silver blinked softly. That was too much. What sort of dream was this? He tried clawing mentally towards wakefulness, and it came suddenly.

He fluttered open his eyes in a green pod. He could see a window in front of him in the liquid chamber and reached for it, only to see that he had a hand to do so with, not a hoof. He really was a human! It wasn't a dream anymore, that much he was certain.

None of it made any sense at all... If Twilight and Starlight's conflict had created a change, fine, but twice? How could that be? He should be in whatever the end result is, right? Maybe? Either way, he was in that pod and he didn't like it one bit, to say nothing of being human again after he had so long accepted and thrived on being a pony.

He banged on the pod, but it only made low muffled thuds. Despite breathing in the gunk, he didn't feel like he was drowning, so at least there was that. Leaning in closer, he peered outside to see a vast changeling hive, filled with busy changelings of many sizes and varieties.

One of those many changelings came towards his pod with a slight tilt to its head. It reared up and tapped at the window. "Are you awake?" it asked with a soft buzz. "Go back to sleep. You'll be happier that way, promise."

"No." Silver gave an impotent kick at the side of the pod, doing little but bruising a toe in the process, What were those things made of? "Let me out!"

"I can't do that." The changeling tilted its head left and right. "I'll get a leader to decide." Its wings extended sharply and it lifted into the air, buzzing away to join the heavy traffic of the hive.

Would the leader be salvation, or damnation? Silver frowned at the thought, but couldn't see any way to bust out of the pod he was in. Robbed of the magic he had become so reliant on, he felt naked and helpless, which, on thinking about it, he kind of was, minus being awake and all.

He pushed to the side of the pod and it wobbled ever so faintly. Maybe... He began bouncing back and forth, rocking the pod with his motions more and more with every push until, with a muffled snap, the pod fell with Silver to the floor. The goop around him absorbed much of the shock, even if he bounced off the bottom and was left dizzy a moment. He did it! He... was on the ground instead of hanging. That was... something?

He snapped his fingers with a sudden idea and got to pushing again, rolling the pod like a barrel from the inside.

He was falling. Was there a ledge that close? Silver panicked as the acceleration seemed to be constant. He would splatter nicely on whatever he struck.

The motion suddenly began to slow and he could hear buzzing. The pod touched down upright as a figure stepped closer. She looked familiar...

"Meal, you're supposed to dream about happy things."

That voice... "Fast Change?"

The changeling, larger than the others, blinked with surprise. "How do you know my name?" She put a hoof to the opening in the pod, tapping on the clear... glass? "Hairless ape, have my drones been talking about me?"

"N-no! Fast Change, look..." Everything was different. Time was different... Did that mean... "You were a unicorn until not that long ago."

Fast raised a brow before a flash of green revealed her in her ruddy-red glory. "Like this? Hmmph, you really do love ponies." She pressed her face against the pod's opening. "But changelings are better. Why don't you accept our love? The ponies can't do anything to help you now. It's just a matter of days before we crush out the last of their pathetic 'resistance'."

Silver knocked on the clear opening. "Can we talk, face to face?" Not being in the pod would be a step in the right direction, or so he figured.

"Take him to processing node 52." Fast pointed in the desired direction and the pod lifted again. Looking out, Silver could see it was being carried along by several drones that whisked it along. The hive was just as busy as he had seen at first glance. Entire traffic lanes full of busy changelings rushed to and fro to whatever duties called to them.

He frowned with thought. Had the invasion of Canterlot gone exceedingly poorly? If so, Fast would have been snatched up in school, and her tenuous nature was brought to the surface perhaps? He raised a brow, wondering if Fast Change had avoided changelings entirely in the last timeline, with the war overwhelming everything. There was a good chance Fast was pressed to service instead of ever learning advanced shapeshifting magic. That would be--

His pod was set down in a largely white room and the drones flew away without looking back.

It was quiet in the room. The noise of the hive was silenced the moment the last changeling left and the orifice-like opening squeezed shut. Silver was alone with his thoughts. He scowled as he patted himself down. He wasn't just older, he was fatter. He must have been snatched right as he arrived, or so he figured. He was also... human. It felt so alien... The fact that it was alien bothered him a little. That intense sensation of being in the wrong body wound his mental gears tighter and tighter.

Why hadn't he felt this particularly awful when he had become a pony? The answer came easily to him. He had been surrounded by sympathetic people he trusted. Rough and Trixie, to be specific. Both were there at his side and took him in as their foal with open hooves and gentle smiles. They loved him. Love was a powerful thing, if it had eased the building pain deep in his stomach all that time ago.

The noise of the hive suddenly returned. Fast was stepping in from outside. "Now, how did you find out about me?" The portal sealed behind her, blocking the noise. "You're awfully clever for a meal."

Entreating her with whispers from another timeline felt like a good way to creep her out, but that was far from the goal. "Fast, do you know what I am?"

She raised a brow. "Not particularly. The one of your kind we kept for questioning said something about hew mans." She leaned forward with a dangerous expression. "Are you willing to reveal more to us then?"

Silver glanced around. "Perhaps, if you would let me the heck out of here."

Fast wobbled a hoof. "I could do that... but why? I hold all the cards here. You can stay quiet, if you prefer. I lose basically nothing."

"What if I want to be closer to you?"

Fast blinked at Silver owlishly before a laugh erupted from her. "The drones were right, you are a depraved little whatever you are." She waved at the pod and it suddenly split open, sending Silver to the floor in a heap. "I haven't fed in the old fashioned way in a while. Amuse me, meal."

Silver picked himself off the ground, standing awkwardly on two legs. He felt like he'd topple over at any moment. His fists remained balled up in loose approximation of hooves and... his butt kind of itched, perhaps where a tail should be. Everything was so incredibly wrong. "I know a lot about humans, their nature and makeup. Even where they come from."

"Is that so..." Fast strode towards him slowly. "You seem very... cooperative. Please, do go on."

Silver fell between worlds. Fast was gone, as was the hive. Even Silver felt like he was gone, but he felt the return of having a form coming. He was a pony again. He was sure of it from the gentle sway of his tail and the pricking twitching of his ears. Relief flowed thickly through him just before he suddenly woke up on a hard floor. The motion of his head raising made a chain rattle softly.

He looked off towards the sound and saw that he had a collar with a thick chain trailing off into the darkness. He seemed to be in some kind of bed chambers? Everything was dark and purple and quiet. Where, or when, had he landed?

162 - A World of Nightmares

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"That little... If I ever lay eyes on that mare again, I will tear--" An imposing and dark figure stormed into the room where Silver was taking in his surroundings. It was Nightmare Moon, and she looked far from pleased. "Would you believe, pet? Somepony would dare to challenge my authority." She strolled towards Silver, brow raising as she went. "You seem subdued today. Are you well?"

Well? "Sorry."

Nightmare blinked. "You spoke."

Silver's ears rolled back. Was he not supposed to speak? "S-sorry, Luna."

Nightmare shook her head. "I have not been called that since..." She glanced towards a window where the moon hung in the sky, a pony shown on it, but not quite the same as before. "Pet, who has meddled with you?" She approached with a growing frown. "This has been a trying time, but I will not tolerate my possessions being interfered with."

Silver tried to catch up with the world. He was Nightmare Moon/Luna's pet? Alright... "I'm fine, really." He smiled up at her. "What happened that has you so upset?"

She sat down in front of him on her haunches and reached out to pet him gently across the top of his head. "A pony much like the Royal Magician arrived, claiming to know time magic. She used it to flee rather than show me the secret." She snorted with annoyance. "She must have been a fake, or I wouldn't be here, would I?"

Silver felt a deathly chill run through his body. Twilight had already come and gone? He... he shouldn't be there, should he? Did something horrible happen? Was he stuck there forever?

"Pet? You look unwell." She trailed a hoof down over his cheek. "Oh, I know. It's mealtime." She rose to her hooves. "I know just the bad pony too."

Bad pony? Silver perked his ears. "Um, mother?"

"Mistress," corrected Nightmare with a shake of a hoof. "Now that you can speak, we will clearly have to go over etiquettes, pet. What do you need?"

"A mirror, please? May I borrow one?" Silver needed to see himself. He was pony shaped, that much he felt certain of, but he needed to see the details of what that world had done to him.

A mirror floated over from a cupboard and hovered before Silver, who gasped at what he saw. He was big and bulky, with dangerous teeth, slit eyes, and dark greyish fur. He was a lunar unicorn, built seemingly to intimidate and physically punish, if he had to guess.

"You do not like what you see? I thought Twilight did an excellent job." Nightmare gave a slight nod. "You were such a useless thing before. Naked of fur, confused, and out of place. Now you are a darling pet." She reached to pet him gently. "And a fitting deliverer of my wrath. Speaking of which..." Her magic took ahold of his chain and drew it to her side, unclipping it from the floor along the way. "We have a pony to punish. Poor Twilight, devoured by her own creation." Nightmare laughed maniacally as she began walking from the room, taking Silver with her.

Silver hurried to match pace with his new mistress. "What did she do wrong?" The idea of attacking, let alone devouring, Twilight made him both hungry and horrified. His body knew what it wanted.

"Two things. She clearly did not suppress your ability to speak properly, or we would not be having this conversation. Second, the interloper looked just like her. She may be a thorn in my flank in the future. Easier to just deal with her now." Nightmare glanced glanced over her shoulder. "Simplicity itself."

Silver licked his lips, thinking quickly on how to avoid this. "Why don't we, um, mistress, test her loyalty?"

Nightmare paused and turned to him. "Today is full of surprises. My pet is speaking sage words." She flashed her dangerous teeth. "But he'd better not get used to speaking against my orders. You've captured my interest, pet. How do you propose we test her?"

How? How... He frowned with thought. "What if you gave her a long and difficult task to see how well she stuck to it?"

Nightmare tapped her chin. "A fine start, but let's get you chewing her leg to really make the gravity of the situation clear." She tugged the leash of a chain. "Come now, no more back talking. We have a pony to terrify."

She led him up several stairs. The guards they passed subtly looked away from him. He was a creature to be feared, and Nightmare Moon's pet, making dealing with him a double-threat. She threw open a door with a glow of magic and stepped inside a laboratory. "Head-Wizard Twilight Sparkle, report."

Twilight looked up. Her mane was done up in a severe bun, though her tail was allowed to flow straight, though it had a dark-purple ribbon at the end. She bowed on recognizing Nightmare Moon. "Your Eminence. We've had excellent progress in night-growing potatoes. We predict--"

"Yes yes, very good." Nightmare smiled. "Come with me." She turned and walked right back out, taking Silver by the leash, and Twilight as well, even if her leash was more of a social construct. "I have a very important duty for you that simply won't wait a moment."

"Of course, Your Majesty." Twilight glanced at the large pony-shaped horror that walked all-too-close at her side. "He's rather calm today."

"Isn't he? Speak, pet."

With permission officially given, Silver smiled a little. "Hi, Twilight."

Twilight jumped away, bumping into a wall of the hallway. "He spoke!"

"And he knows you." Nightmare nodded as she descended stairs with the two. "And he has things to discuss with you, Twilight."

"H-he does?" Twilight looked over the imposing pony. "This is fascinating... With what proficiency does the subject speak?" She looked to Silver with penetrating eyes. "Do attempts to converse at an elevated level of diction cause perplexment?"

Silver blinked softly, but he understood the words. "No, but that's not the way you usually talk."

Twilight sucked air through her teeth. "Fascinating." Her eyes wandered over the halls they were going through. "Your Highness, why are we moving towards the punishment arena?"

Nightmare laughed at the question. "Why else, little Twilight? What other reason would I have?"

Twilight began to pale. "Y-your High... Please. I've been good!"

"I think somepony still has a certain solar princess in their heart, or my pet wouldn't be speaking to me. Now, I am not without compassion..."

Twilight trembled even as she saw a glimmer of hope. "I'll do anything you want!"

"Excellent. I'm going to expect you to survive in that arena for one minute, without using magic. If I see that horn glow, even an instant, then you're done." Nightmare turned to face her pet and Twilight both. "I'd better be amused by both your performances." She pointed down a side hall. "You know the way, Twilight. Go."

Twilight hung her head low and began walking down the hallway with the sullen motions of a pony already sentenced to death.

Nightmare tugged on the chain she held. "Let's get you into position, pet. I meant what I said, if I think you're being soft on her, I will be most displeased."

She led the way on. "I can see you've gained some softness with your words, but they weren't entirely wrong. This is a test for you both. Prove you haven't become weak, or I'll toss you out with the trash."

Would that be freedom?

"Broken as a reminder to anypony else that would fail me."

Oh... "I won't disappoint you." He had no assurance that dying in a splinter timeline wouldn't end him forever, or even that this wasn't just the reality he would live in forever. He just didn't know...

She gestured ahead at a small room and he entered. It was barely large enough for him once the wall closed in behind him, sealing him in the dark. He could hear somepony speaking, muffled but amplified. It was like listening to a sports commentator through a thick wall.

"In this corner, the Head-Wizard, the unicorn with the power to crack any problem, but can she solve this one without magic? Let's hear it for Twilight Sparkle!" Muffled stomps of hooves on the ground came through as his room began to move closer to the action.

"In the other, an arena favorite. Hungry, vicious, and built to play with his food, the Midnight Beast!" At the announcement of his apparent name, the room fell away from all sides, allowing him to see the arena he was in and the scared Twilight on the other side of the arena.

He knew he had to make a showing and let loose a roar that shook the arena, surprising even himself with just how vicious his body could sound. Without delay, he charged for Twilight on thunderous hooves. She went wide-eyed, but jumped out of the way at the last minute, leaving him to crash against the wall of the arena in a bang of tested masonry.

Silver was mad, no, furious. He shook himself out and jumped for Twilight as she scrambled away, just missing one of her increasingly delicious legs. She would make such fine noises when he tore her apart, yes she would.

"Yes, get her! Show her what pain really means!" crooned Nightmare from a separate area from the rest of the audience, a manic grin on her face as she watched.

He lunged for Twilight and she kicked back at him, catching him across the snout, but he just didn't care. The pain was small, and he snorted with irritation as his horn darkly flared. Shackles suddenly appeared just above her hooves, binding her to the ground. No more running, no more kicking. Silver smiled as he circled her, considering just how to break her.

Nightmare Moon's laughter howled through the arena as other ponies cheered, stomped and went wild at the sport.

The rational part of his mind quailed. He didn't want to hurt Twilight, even one belonging to this strange reality. Despite this, he lunged and snapped, trapping her horn between his teeth and giving a nauseatingly sudden wrench of his powerful neck. The entire arena went silent in response to the splintering crack that echoed out from the motion.

Twilight sank to her belly, eyes wide, pupils drawn tight. Then the screaming began. She wailed as no other pony he had ever heard wailed. Blood ran down her face from her broken horn's rough and uneven end, and she screamed. She knew a deep pain only a unicorn could know, save perhaps for a pegasus with a wing torn free. She would likely never cast a spell again. She screamed.

She screamed and she screamed. Nothing seemed to exist for her but pain, and Nightmare Moon's wicked laughter above it all.

A whistle blew. Had a full minute passed? Silver had lost all grasp of time. There was only screaming. Screaming and pain.

Ponies emerged with crackling sticks that delivered nasty jolts when touched to him. They directed Silver, no, the Midnight Beast back to the elevator that closed around him and carried him down into darkness, away from those screams that still carried on.

He was a monster...

163 - The Ripples Hasten

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He fell from the world. He could see something. It wasn't a physical sight, more of a mental comprehension. The infinite permutations of Equestria spread out before him and he could feel, for just a moment, his place in all of them. He smiled. While he was a horrific beast beyond redemption in an uncomfortable many, they were still the tiny minority.

Are you finished?

Silver looked up at the writing and frowned. "Why are y--" His question died in his throat. If the Text were to appear anywhere, lost in time seemed like a perfect time for the being to be. "Never mind, sorry. What's up?"

What's up? Did you seriously just ask me what's up after that?

"Yeah?" Silver shrugged shoulders that he couldn't tell how broad they were. "I'd rail about this not being what I asked for, but I kinda did."

You did. You didn't just walk down this path, you pranced. I can't believe you remain unaware of what path it is you're taking.

Silver blinked at the words. "What? Which path is it?"

He fell.

He was a human, cowering in a cave with some listless ponies. Tirek rampaged outside. There was no hope.

He was a worker and accountant, keeping track of the numbers that operated Flim and Flam's mighty commercial empire.

He was dead. Everything was gone, so much ash blowing in the wind. Strangely, this didn't bother him as much as it might. He had been dead before.

For being dead, he felt like he had a presence. That wasn't normal. He tapped at the ground beneath him, feeling the crunch of the ash and dust. Was he dead? He began to believe he might not be.

A figure emerged from the haze, Four legs, a long horn, a bright blue pointed hat. "You appear much more calm than I had calculated."

Silver felt more surprised at the figure than anything else about that reality. "Star Swirl?"

"I would claim the one and only, but you know better than that." The elder unicorn nodded lightly. "We have things to discuss."

Silver stepped forward towards that shape. Star seemed quite grave, but he was still a familiar presence, even if only through tales. "I'm not upset that you are, but how are you here." He waved a hoof into the haze. "Everything in this world is dead."

"You know that answer already. Would it comfort you to hear me say it?" Star raised a brow.

Silver frowned with thought. If everything was dead, but there they were, not dead. "We're not from here."

"Precisely. We are displaced from time itself. You were shaken loose with the abuse of the spell you had a hoof in. My story I will keep to myself if it's all the same to you." He raised a hoof at Silver. "That was quite brave, and foolish, undoing the protections I had laid. I have already retrieved the spell." He produced a familiar scroll from his scroll. "They won't use this again."

Already? "I guess the order of things doesn't mean quite as much right now."

Star smiled, just a little. "Now you're getting the hang of it. Come, pony who is not a pony. You have set wheels in motion." He turned in place as a rift opened before him, echoing the deep sensation of everywhere and nowhere. "We have things to discuss."

He led the way for Silver, and they both stepped quietly from the world, leaving it to its sad nothing.

They were between times and places. The sensation of feeling his presence among the various time lines grew. Silver could even feel some places where he simply was not, not even as ash in the wind.

"Mind those places. You are not welcome there, even displaced as you are right now." Star Swirl sat on his haunches in the void. "If you thought your existence now unlimited, you would be gravely mistaken." A little smile touched his features. "I tried once."

Silver looked 'around', but there really was just looking at Star Swirl, or looking at not-Star Swirl. "I'll stay put for now. Can you put me back where I started? I was happy with what I had."

"Oh? You didn't favor any of the possibilities you experienced, or even glimpsed?" Star's shaggy brows raised faintly. "Not tempted?"

"No." Silver clopped a hoof on nothing. "I've had enough reality shifts and time jaunts. I'm happy with the family I have, and the past, present, and future I fought for. Nothing against the, uh, other 'me's, but I'm not them, even if related."

"Good." Star Swirl rose to his hooves. "I had wondered if you would make time your domain. That would have been quite the perilous responsibility. I'm as close as Equestria gets to a guardian of time, and I think I do reasonably enough, thank you. Come with me." He turned and began walking. Where there was no space and infinite space, there became a clear hallway that he was trotting along.

To the left and right hung oil paintings. The first showed his old self, his human self, caught mid-walk through the streets of Oakland in a leisurely stroll. The next showed him atop a mountain, looking confused but hopeful. It was just like...

"I will not sing for you." Star Swirl looked over his shoulder. "I would rather not."

Silver stopped walking and froze.

"Come along, I have much to show you yet before we arrive." But Silver was frozen like a deer in headlights. Star Swirl sighed softly. "Oh very well, I will sing."

"I have watched you from the start. I didn't think you'd make it very far."

Silver frowned a little at the imprecise rhyming.

"Look, I'm doing this for you, calm yourself and enjoy it, and get walking." Star cleared his throat before continuing his slow walk.

He sang his poorly composed song of Silver's life as they both went down the hallway. Silver's mind raced. Had he really stepped into this particular mess again? Didn't he have to...

"You did." Star Swirl looked over his shoulder. "You were dead when I found you. Did you already forget?"

Silver frowned. He couldn't argue it, not precisely. He was dead and alive many times with time unbound and probability laid out as it was. "Why not an actual pony? I'm sure there are many who would be more deserving."

"Probably." Star Swirl turned forward and resumed his walk. "But they didn't do this. You did, so here we are. You think Twilight Sparkle is the most 'deserving'? Hmmph. Coddled little filly was guided every step of the way by Celestia, who never learned when not to meddle with things. This has nothing to do with merit, though I dare say you at least didn't have a hoof guiding you quite so overwhelmingly, so take pride in that."

Silver felt a twitch of a smile forming. Being guided by the somewhat crotchety old stallion seemed somehow fitting, or at least deeply amusing. "Why you? No offense, I mean, really, your spells have been pretty great, and from what I heard, you're a nice pony."

"Yeah, nice." Star Swirl glanced over his shoulder. "Only one pony took note of my absence. After all I did for Equestria, do we have a Star Swirl the Bearded day?" He ran a hoof through that beard of his, thick and voluminous as it was. "Of course not, but we're not here for that. Nice costume, by the way."

Conjured by the remembering, Silver was wearing his Nightmare Night outfit, fake beard included. It felt especially ridiculous with the real pony standing before him and he blushed in his cheeks even as he wondered if he really had cheeks at the moment. "I look up to you. Most ponies don't seem to care about how their magic is structured. As a programmer, it drives me crazy."

"Programmer?" Star shook his head as he walked towards the end of the hall, starting to get closer to the modern day of Silver's life. "I have never heard of such a thing? But I suppose it's as good a term as any to describe your talent. You make spells, sometimes with the most adorably hideous syntax, but they work. Which is more than many can claim."

"Do we have to do this?" Silver glanced left and right at the paintings of the umbrum, menacing, and set free to pursue their own life. They were close.

"You'd rather be dead?" Star shook his head. "Been there. It's not much to write home about."

Silver shook his head quickly. Being dead wasn't what he wanted. If this was the alternative... "Alright, then I'll make the best of this."

Star peeked over his shoulder with a bit of a smile. "Isn't that the best any of us can do?" He turned to face Silver. "You'll be fine. Just don't forget who you are" He reached forward suddenly and pulled something free from Silver's chest with a flash of pain. He held a portion of Silver's soul, glimmering and sparkling atop his hoof. "This is the accumulation of your progress and power. With a little breath..." He puffed on it, coughed, and gave a more spirited blowing, making it flare brightly. "It awakens. Are you ready?"

Silver hesitated a moment before giving a firm nod. "I've walked this once. Let's do a better job this time."

Star smiled at that response. "Good pony." He waved his hoof, the ball of spirit-stuff coming free and fluttering towards Silver as he lifted into the air. The energy coursed through him hot and fierce, but not painfully. It was actually very familiar. He could feel old lanes of power reawakening from his dream-time. He was becoming larger. He...

He fell.

164 - Change

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Night prowled the hallways with a perpetual scowl. The guards had already learned to avoid the lunar mare as she went. It was with great relief that she declared the castle was clear.

"I told you that," reported Samantha at her side. "He's not anywhere in here."

Night turned to Samantha. "Then where is he?" Her tone was strained and steely-edged. "Can you tell me that?"

Samantha's ears fell a little. "Wherever he went, it's out of range for my usual tracking equipment. I'm sorry..." She glanced left and right. "There must be something we can do better than this though."

Night delivered a withering glare, but she took a slow breath, marshalling herself. "Right... right... Look, we both went to bed in the same room as him. Waking up with him gone? Even when he thinks he's being sneaky, I hear him creeping off. This time, I didn't notice a thing. I woke up and it was like he never was there in the first place." She drove a hoof against the carpet. "What do you expect me to do? Really, tell me."

Samantha moved in and threw her forelegs around Night's neck, hugging her close. "He'll be back, he has to be."

Night jumped a little in surprise, but started to relax bit by bit. It was nice having Samantha around. "Y... You're right, he does. When he does, he's getting an earful."

Samantha tapped her chin with a curious expression. "I want to know where he went that I can't get a reading on him." She smooched Night's cheek and righted herself. "Let's get the foals and all have breakfast. There's no point in moping around." She led the way for a change back to their room to fetch Morning and Clear.

Night shook her head a little as she followed. "You're being the logical one today."

"That's alright. A herd is a tactical unit, is it not?" Samantha peeked over her shoulder. "That means we have to be ready to fill in for each other when an emergency strikes."

A thought suddenly struck Night and she gasped. "Have you seen Nefertari?"

"I have not." Samantha half turned. "Should I check for her?"

"Yes, immediately." Night made a shooing motion. "Go on."

Samantha gave a sharp salute and pulled free her tracking device. She turned it in her magic, twisting a dial. "There we go. Ah, NefNef is in--"


Samantha blinked. "I read that shortened nicknames that are easier to pronounce are a sign of affection, so I assigned NefNef to Nefertari. Like it?"

Night put a hoof to her face. "You're too much at times." She moved in and returned the smooch given moments before. "Where is she?"

Samantha did a slow turn in place until she thrust out a hoof. "Thattaway. Gauging from distance and trajectory, she's in day court."

Night snorted softly. "She is an ambassador, that checks out, but... if she's busy in there, that leaves us with an opportunity." Night turned in the hallway leading to their room instead to face Nefertari's door, which wasn't very far away. She marched across the hallway and casually reached a wing to the door. "Not locked..."

Samantha followed hesitantly. "I thought respecting privacy was part of showing affection and understanding?"

Night raised a brow at Samantha. "You really are learning, but this is an exception. She wants to join the herd, remember. Surprise inspections by the alpha mare aren't out of bounds."

"Oh." Samantha relaxed easily, convinced by Night like a flipped trigger. "Should I wait outside?"

"Why don't you get the foals? We still need to go get breakfast, remember?" Night slipped into the room, leaving Samantha to go get the young ones. Inside, Night looked around. The room was mostly as it was furnished by Celestia to begin with, but a few hanging bits of Anugypt art, including an ornate onyx and gold mask of the face of an Anubian rested on the wall across from the bed. It felt largely spartan, the gold excepted.

She slowly walked in, peeking around for traps.

"Hello there," whispered a voice similar to Nefertari's from the air itself. "Aren't you a brave pony, intruding on Nefertari's domain."

Night's fur stood up in a surprised flinch, but she stood her ground. "I figured there was a good chance she had some defense if she would leave her door unlocked. I'm looking for Silver Watch, my husband."

"The bedroom of a female is a curious place to find a lost husband." The voice moved around Night, hovering near an ear. "Warriors have been put to death for smaller crimes. Are you ready to levy such a charge on your wayward husband?"

Night snorted softly. "It's not as cut and dry as that. Nefertari wants to join our herd. Have you seen him?"

"I see nothing, not in the way you imagine. Still, no. There have been no males in my presence, and that is just as well. They disgust me. Walking sprayers, taking pride in their ability to defile females. The creation of the next generation is their only saving grace, and they are only required for a short time for that."

Night gave a slow blink. She had not been expecting such a scathing review of masculinity along the way. "Sorry to hear you feel that way." She turned to depart. "I'll be going now."

"Not so fast." The voice moved through the air, cutting Night's escape off. "You have intruded on Nefertari's domain. You have wronged her and will face your punishment."

"I already told you, she's trying to join our family. Family visiting one another is hardly 'intruding'." Night crouched a little lower, her wings extending a few inches in readiness.

"Trying, but not yet successful. Are you here to deliver good news?" Night was silent a moment. "Then you are intruding. Fortunately for you, you are a female. You may yet be reformed." Dark magic began to swirl in the air and Night jumped back as it lashed at the place she had been standing a moment before. "Accept your punishment. You are guilty by the laws of both our land and your own."

Night darted ahead, trying to get past the voice before it could unleash a fresh bolt, but the voice had some substance to it. As she galloped through the space that held it, a frightful chill encompassed her form. Everything went stiff and she couldn't move any of her limbs. She crashed to the ground with a weak grunt, sliding a few inches with the momentum.

"There we are. Relax and be still. Nefertari will come to deal with you."

A soft knocking came from the door.

"Today will have no rest for me..." The voice moved towards the door. "Your presence is not welcome!"

"NefNef?" came Samantha's voice through the door. "Can you send Night out? I have the foals and we're ready to get something to eat. Why don't you come along too?"

The voice hesitated a moment before whispering in Night's ears, "Your wife is much kinder than you. For her, I will release you, but you are marked and will stand for your crime."

Night spasmed as a sudden fit of pain was felt on her face, but she could move again.

"I am not feeling up for it, but here is Night Watch." The voice lowered as it 'turned' to Night, "Go."

Night staggered to her hooves with an angry snort, but she took the opportunity given and scurried from the room.

Samantha smiled brilliantly on seeing Night emerge, but it turned to some confusion. "Were you exchanging tattoos? That's..." She tilted her head with confusion.

Night blinked at that, then quickly folded a wing back, grabbing a mirror from her pouch and bringing it into view. Strange Anugyptian writing graced her left cheek in angry red and green lettering.

"That's a sign of extreme trust!" Samantha suddenly clopped her hooves together. "Does that mean you've accepted her? Are we all herd-sisters now?"

Night shook her head. "It's not what you think." She tucked away the mirror as she began moving for the exit of the castle. "Can you read it?"

"I never learned Anugyptian, sorry." Samantha tilted her head. "I could try to look it up? Doesn't NefNef know?"

She likely did, but that didn't make Night in any hurry to rush and find out. She led the way free of the castle to find there were two suns out that day. They both blinked in confusion, glancing up towards the glare to see it was lowering towards the ground quickly. They were far from the only ponies gaping at the odd sight. Guards and random ponies watched the light warily, all wondering what it might be.

The ball of light touched down on the ground and gently faded away, revealing Silver sprawled out on his belly, seemingly unconscious. Night rushed for her fallen husband as their foals cooed with delight on seeing their father. He rose as she approached, new wings spreading out wide and bringing her to a stop.

No physical force stopped her. She felt her jaw going limp, taking in her modified husband. Was this a trick, as Fast Change had performed? Why was Silver larger? "Silver, are you alright?" She took a slow step forward.

Samantha held no such reservations or shock and rushed for Silver, trotting around him quickly. "Look at you! Look look! This is... beyond easy description, but it's amazing! Oh wait, I just did describe it."

Silver reached out a hoof, patting Samantha on the head before he shook himself out, regaining his wits. "I'm back."

Night stepped up to Silver. "Back from where?!"

He brought around a feathery wing and gently brushed her cheek. "What's that?" His eyes were on the new mark. "How long was I gone?"

Samantha stuck out her tongue with thought. "Approximately four hours."

"Only four hours?" Silver frowned a little. "Time is funny." He was distracted from the mark, a fact that quietly relieved Night. "I'm glad I didn't keep you all worried for too long." He turned and nuzzled each of his foals in turn. "I'm so glad to be back."

A guard approached and kneeled. "Sir, your majesty... Celestia should be informed immediately."

Silver rose his head to full height. "Ah... you're right. This isn't something I can be very discreet about..." He looked back at his fluffy brown wings. "I have no idea how to care for these..." He already missed the relatively simple leathery wings of his dreams, though the feathery wings were far less intimidating.

Night gestured across his modified form. "You're terribly calm about all of... this."

Silver leaned in to touch noses with her. "I'm screaming on the inside a little, but... I've been here before. You'll be pleased to know we've basically left the dream behind. It's over, mostly..."

Night prodded at him. "Are you alright with this?"

"Alright or not, here we are." He spread his wings out, examining them. "I plan to do it right this time. I accept this responsibility."

Samantha clopped her hooves excitedly. "Oh oh! That means Night and I are technically royalty now, aren't we?"

165 - Royalty Denied

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Silver was led through the hallways, Samantha and Night at his sides and back. Other ponies were slow to notice things had changed. If he kept his wings folded tightly, the pony perception seemed to shield them from noticing he had become something more, and he was alright with that. No need to rush.

"S-Silver?!" A startled and frightened Carrot Plate stood before the procession, jaw dropped and eyes wide. Given enough ponies, Silver figured one would have to notice, and why not someone he knew? Destiny loved that kind of thing. "What happened? You?!" She glanced left and right quickly. "This is where I get banished, isn't it?"

Silver smiled a little. "We already had this conversation. Why would I banish you? You made a mistake, you paid for it, it's done." He extended a wing half-way. "How do I look?" Why not get an outside opinion while the chance was there.

Carrot Plate shook herself out. "It looks... Really, you?!" She flopped back against a table beside her. "I attacked a future royalty..."

The guard before Silver cleared his throat. "We should keep moving." And so they did, leaving Carrot Plate to gather her wits behind them.

Samantha came up on his right side. "You look great!"

Night said nothing. She looked deeply occupied in her head as she followed along. Silver wanted to broach the topic with her, but they were far from alone, and he felt certain it was no public matter.

He spread his wings and gathered up his wives at his sides, with the side bonus of getting his foals for no additional fee. His family was close, and he intended to keep it that way.

Together, they entered one of the dining halls. The guard at their front pointed to the table. "Please wait here. We'll bring Princess Celestia at her earliest convenience."

How was it that important business always ended up around a table of food? Silver moved to take a place at the side of the table. He wasn't presumptuous enough to take one of the heads of the long table. As he sat, he worked his wing this way and that, feeling the subtle differences between the bird-like wings of pegasi and the bat-like wings of lunar pegasi. Even internally, there were differences, though he still felt like he had a leg up from his dream time. The wings didn't feel like alien parts, just different in so many tiny ways.

Samantha reached for one of the flexing wings and grabbed it in her hooves. "Did it hurt? I can't imagine growing two new limbs would be easy or painless, to say nothing of all these feathers!"

Silver brushed that wing over Samantha's snout, and she sneezed. He could see why Celestia loved doing it to him. She seemed so adorable and innocent at that moment even as she looked faintly dazed from the forced sneeze. "Funny thing, but the actual transformation was entirely painless, I had to endure pain before it."

Night perked an ear. "Before it? What... What happened? Can you please tell me now?"

Silver reached with his other wing, encircling Night. "It's almost over, so, yes, I can say a lot now. I experienced a lot of 'it could have beens' in Equestria. 'What if's, if you prefer. What if Sombra had taken over the Crystal Empire on his return and waged a war on Equestria, a true war. What if Nightmare Moon had come back and won, ruling the world in perpetual shadows? They were all fairly grim, and ended in a world completely destroyed. Just... ash in the wind."

Samantha blinked rapidly. "Fascinating. Oh, I wish your trackers had worked while you were away. The readings I would have gotten!" She clopped her forehooves together with excitement. "It's alright, you're back now and that's much more important. Congratulations, you've raised from third favorite subject to first, no, second. Yes, definitely second favorite subject."

Night tilted her head faintly at Samantha. "You have a list? Who's the first?"

Samantha pointed at Night. "The lunar pegasus that produced two entirely new tribes of ponies, of course. I may be a little biased, since she's also my alpha mare, but I gave up trying to be not-biased when it comes to you two, and these two." She nuzzled each of the foals at her side. "I'm just going to be all biased, but I'll take good notes, and hope it's helpful to somepony."

Silver glanced between his wives. One was all smiles, practically bouncing with building joy. The other was quiet and brooding. He turned a little towards the brooder and leaned in. "What's wrong, First Wife." The title was more than a pet name, it was her legal standing. "How can I help turn that sour expression bright again?"

Night glanced away and back at Silver. "You're changing, again."

"I am." There wasn't much he could say to change that. "In a bad way?"

Night pointed at herself. "I haven't... I never change..." She grit her teeth a moment. "I'm the same bat pony you ran into, just a little older."

Bat pony? Silver knew Night had to be seriously upset to use that term. "You have grown and matured in wonderful ways, Night. Do you want me to start counting them?"

Night scowled at him. "You're just being nice to your wife. I haven't grown."

"But you have." Silver sat up. "Let's start with the most obvious. You're a mother now, and no pony becomes a mother without changing, certainly not the loving sort of mother you have become."

Night squirmed a little. "Great, I can get pregnant. Big accomplishment..."

Silver prodded Night in the chest. "Despite what they say, you did as much, if not more, to bring peace to the umbrum. You took a pony mad with pain and desperation and turned him into a friend. The umbrum owe you so much, and you wouldn't have done that when I first met you. You have changed, for the better, I say."

Samantha leaned around Silver. "You used to be scared of me, but now we're herd-sisters. You changed, and I'm so grateful you opened your heart to make room for me." She rubbed at her cheek. "I know I'm not the perfect partner, but I'll keep trying to change, to grow, just like you want to. We'll grow together, as a family."

Night quirked a little smile. "As a family... But this..." She gestured at Silver broadly. "You've jumped past us, to a plateau far over our heads. You can do everything we can do, in theory, but better."

Silver snorted softly at that. "I doubt I'll ever be the warrior you are, Night. That isn't something a few lessons gives you. It's part of who you are."

Night jabbed him with a sharp hoof. "You say that! I've seen you fighting when you take it seriously. You have some warrior's spirit in there, you just don't bring it out very easily. You don't... like hurting ponies. Please don't change that."

Silver nuzzled at her cheek gently. "Then be my lovely warrior, grow with us, but never change that."

Night shuddered softly. "That all sounds lovely, but you're... You're a wizard. You're a wizard with even more magic now. What do you need me for?"

Silver nudged at her shoulder. "First of all, we didn't become partners out of a 'need', not like that."

"I won't be useless!" She suddenly screamed.

Celestia tilted her head at the door. "Is this a bad time?"

Night shook her head quickly. "No. No... Sorry." She curled up a bit on herself but went quiet.

Samantha waved at Celestia eagerly. "Look what happened!"

Celestia approached the table slowly. "I see..." She was quiet a moment as she circled around to take a place opposite Silver and his family. Nopony took the head of the table. "So it happened."

Silver tilted his head faintly. "You sound far less surprised than I thought you might be."

"Oh, I am." Celestia rolled a hoof. "I expected to be the one to guide you through this step. I took it for granted. Cadance, Twilight, I guided them both to this point, and I saw no reason why I wouldn't for you as well. Did you carry yourself through that place? That is more than I would have guessed possible."

Silver was ready to explain Star Swirl's interference, but the words would not come to him. He ended up just looking awkward and tongue-tied.

"You have surprised me again." Celestia smiled gently, extending a wing to brush over one of his own. "We'll have to plan a coronation."


Celestia blinked softly. "I know you're probably very nervous. I rea--"

Silver held up a hoof. "It's not about fear, or trying to avoid responsibilities. I'll face those, but let's be smart about this."

Celestia raised a brow then. "Explain?"

Silver smiled a little. "Twilight was a Canterlot pony from the start, a unicorn, raised by you basically. Her ascension likely caused the least ripples. Cadance, a pegasus, probably more of an upset, but you adopted her, and she was, at the least, a pony." He directed a hoof at himself. "Too many know my past. If you declare me prince, it will create bitter and intense hatreds. I will earn that title, not be given it. I'm no princess ponies can write off to destiny. They don't understand the idea of a prince, not like this. I will show them first, then bow my head and be crowned by the very same ponies that would have hated me before."

Celestia's doubtful face turned slowly to a radiant smile. "I see. I confess, I was certain you would be frightened. Your..." She faltered, glancing between the two ponies in the room that hadn't read the journal. "I'm glad I was wrong. Will you remain an ambassador then?"

Silver smiled at that. "Why not? People still need me, and I can still help that way. A pair of wings doesn't suddenly get me out of those responsibilities."

"Don't dismiss them." Celestia waved a hoof gently. "What you have earned is much more than a pair of wings. Though you've chosen to delay your coronation, you are, in private, my peer." She raised a brow lightly. "I am still amazed you managed that on your own. To reforge your own body from the aether..."

Silver wanted to argue that. He had done no such thing, but the words eluded him and he ended up just looking awkward again, more like he was embarrassed from the praise instead of trying so hard to explain how he hadn't performed the miracle Celestia thought he had. Darn Star Swirl, was he that insistent on not being known?

"Luna will be ecstatic."

All three of their heads turned to Celestia. She looked between them. "Is it not obvious? When she hears you have ascended, that will change things. She is no longer inherently above you in station."

Silver paled a little, realizing what Celestia meant. Luna would become the hunter, and he the hunted. "She musn't! Certainly not before I earn that crown, least of all. If ponies see her chasing after me, that will ruin the entire thing."

"I suppose that goes for me even more than Luna." Celestia quirked a little smile. "It's just as well, we haven't grown that close."

Silver heard a defeated tone in that statement and wanted to argue it, but... did he? Suddenly everything felt confused and dizzy. "Let's deal with politics first. No new members in this herd until then."

Night suddenly quirked a smile. "Nefertari is going to be so upset to hear that."

Silver winced. "Be... that as it may, I'm not changing my mind. No herd changes until this is settled. This isn't a game."

166 - Wrath of Anugypt

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Night gazed in a mirror with a scowl. That blasted mark was still there. Parting her fur seemed to show the same mark was on her skin, so even shaving wouldn't remove it. She scowled at her scowl. She'd been scowling too much recently. "Let's get this over with..."

"Get what over with?" asked Samantha, trotting over. "Are you alright, my alpha? You seem agitated."

Night felt the hot urge to tell her to go away, but fought it. Samantha was being a perfectly doting wife, and she wanted her attention, even if part of her wanted to run and hide. "Samantha? Have you ever done something you regret?"

"Oh, plenty of times." Samantha waved it off. "Science requires mistakes, or you're not really doing much science." She tilted her head. "You never did explain how you came to have that. Was it really NefNef's mark of affection?"

Night sagged a little. "No... It's about as close to the opposite of that as it could be. I'm going to talk to her now. Where's Silver?"

Samantha pointed off. "He's with the foals, but he has to go meet some important ponies soon."

Night raised her head. "Samantha, you're on foal-watching duty." Her voice raised to shout, "Silver, good luck. I'll be out a bit, hopefully it won't take long."

"Alright," came the reply from the nursery.

Samantha suddenly grabbed Night and pulled her into a warm hug for a brief moment. "You take care of that, but don't forget I'm with you one hundred and ten percent."

Night wriggled her nose and adjusted her glasses. "You can't do that."

"Watch me." Samantha smiled. "That can be my next experiment. Go ahead, I just wanted you to know I'm with you."


"Sorta?" Samantha tilted her head. "I'll know if you need more of me."

Night clopped her face, remembering she was thoroughly tracked by the scientist she knew as wife. "I'll be back." She left the room with a soft snort and moved across the hall and one door down to reach Nefertari's room.

With a resigned sigh, she knocked with a soft clopping.

"Yes?" The door opened a crack, but nopony was there. "Ah, you... Perhaps there is some integrity in you after all. One moment." The door closed and faint voices could be heard before Nefertari pulled the door open wide, smiling down at her.

Night forced a return smile. "Good evening, Nefertari. How are you?"

Nefertari reached down, brushing that tattooed fur. "Not nearly as busy as you, I see. Come in."

Night advanced past Nefertari. "I was looking for my husband."

"And you thought to find him here?" Nefertari closed the door silently and shook her head at Night Watch slowly. "I trust you did not find him, here at least."

Night bristled. "You know I didn't. Look, whatever this mark is--" She pointed at the bright pigment with a hoof. "--get rid of it!"

"Not even curious what it means? Or are you more clever than I thought and learned our language?" Nefertari had her arms crossed and seemed smugly satisfied rather than angry.

Night let out a slow sigh. "Go ahead and tell me, since you look eager to do so."

Nefer reached for Night, brushing the pattern as she read it. "It's a complicated word, but basically it means Thief, with a subcontext of one who is untrustworthy"

Night raised a brow. "Are there trustworthy thieves?"

"Oh, certainly." Nefertari snorted softly. "Raiders who may steal, but they do it as warriors, not as shadows in the night."

Night sat. "Well, what will it take to have it removed?"

Nefertari raised a brow at Night. "I suppose I could make some grandiose request, but I won't."

Night was mildly surprised. "Does that mean you'll make a small request?"

"Word travels swiftly from one pony's mouth to the next pony's ears. Your husband, Silver Watch, has closed the path to me." She flexed her fingers lightly. "I make this one request." She extended one lone finger. "Spar with me. You are a warrior, train at my side. I feel you wish to be honed, and I can offer that."

Night tilted her head slowly, unsure of what to make of the offer, or was it a request? "What do you get out of it?"

"You may have wronged me, but that is because you view me as a threat." She circled around Night slowly, looking at the hanging Anugyptian artifacts as she went. "I would have an ally that knows the true meaning of battle. At least thrice a week, we will put claw to hoof, fang to fang. We will clash as a rock to a blade, and both emerge sharper for it."

Night considered this a moment. "How do I know this isn't another angle to get closer to our herd?"

Nefertari raised a brow at that. "Did I not tell you? Yes or no, I needed a reply, and it has been given. It is a no, and so I am free, if humbled for my error. Will you accept this?"

Night licked her lips softly. "Your magic, it doesn't require a horn." She thrust a hoof up at Nefertari's brow, which was smooth and furry with no such protuberances.

Nefer burst into laughter. "You would learn such sacred arts? You hardly know of what you ask for. You would have to face your ancestors first, and you have never so much as looked at them before. Most who try become broken inside, or I wouldn't be as well-regarded as I am."

Night spread her hooves. "Then let me try and fail. Will you help me?"

Nefertari's laughter died. "You're serious, yes... Your eyes shine with the fire of a warrior challenged. Very well, but know that this will hurt. Your very mind will be battered, and you very well may shatter with the effort, but... should you withstand it, learn, and rise, you will have earned my respect. More importantly, you will earn their respect."

"You would teach her?! She's a thief and a skulker! She's a pony! Look at her, little prey animal. What are you thinking?" scolded a voice very much like Nefertari's from the air.

"You are here to guard, not lecture me. Begone until next I call you." Nefer made a soft gesture, and the air grew silent. "Do you accept this risk, and me as your mistress until you give up or are broken?"

Night considered the angles a moment. "If you break me, he'll hold it against you, so try to avoid that, hmm?" She sat up tall. "Besides that, I accept. We will train one another, by sparring and learning, and you'll show me your ways." She put a hoof to her chest. "I promise to treat it with the seriousness you've suggested it deserves. Perhaps we should begin with the culture of it, so that I approach it with the right mindset."

"Ah... That relieves me greatly. Perhaps you will treat this properly afterall..." She snapped two fingers and Night's face tingled softly as the mark vanished from it. "Thief you are no longer. Now instead you are a student. An adult student, which is a disadvantage at times. We begin to think we've learned all we must learn as we grow, but you will have to learn that you know nothing, and accept that."

Night shook her head. "I already know I know... nothing, when it comes to magic. Please, teach me."

Nefertari reached as if to pet Night, but caught herself. "None of that. Even a student of this art demands some level of respect. This is not a magic given by merit of birth, unlike unicorns. You will either succeed, or fail, and it is entirely up to you. I will guide you, but it is by your hooves that you will move, not mine."

An uneasy smile spread across Night's face. "Can we begin now?"

"I have had a long day... But tonight is as good as any. A warning, the first lessons will feel useless, but you will endure them. They prepare you for the real work ahead and if you can't handle them, then we're done." Nefertari's nose wrinkled faintly. "Now come here." She fetched a bowl of water and placed it before Night.

"Gaze into this. Do not blink, even if your eyes scream with torment. If you blink, we start over. When dealing with the forces of the other side, sometimes you must gaze into their eyes in challenge, and to blink is often to lose, and you do not wish to lose to them."

Night shivered softly, imagining losing to some fell and terrible spirit and her imagination ran wild with what might occur as a result. Determined to not allow that, she looked down into the water and began to stare at her reflection. It was a one-pony staring contest. By definition, she had to lose eventually, but she was determined to defeat the odds.

167 - Friends Revisited

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Silver finished playing with, and changing, his foals and emerged to find Samantha writing busily in a journal of hers. "Everything alright?"

Samantha perked an ear. "Would it be proper for me to report on the current status of NefNef and Night?"

Silver blinked at the pointed question. "Just how much do you monitor? Telling me they're alright and where they are should be alright, but not what they're talking about, if you can do that, unless you think it's extremely important."

Samantha pointed out to the hallway. "They're both in NefNef's room, condition optimal. Are you staying for the evening?"

"Can't." Silver moved over to kiss Samantha's cheek. "I have to see some ponies. Prince or not, there are things to do, forms to fill, and ponies to be alerted. I want to do this right."

Samantha returned the peck. "Go ahead then. I'll catch up with my work, but when you get back, I want to examine those wings of yours." She said words of science, but her tone implied intimacy, leaving Silver confused, and blushing mildly.

He nodded and slipped from the room, trotting past Nefertari's door with a momentary urge to see what they were doing, but he went on past it. The first pony he'd see didn't have an illustrious rank, but was still important. He opened the door to his office to see that pony sitting there. "Hey Tumble."

Tumble whipped his head around, looking over his shoulder at the young alicorn that easily met his eyes where Silver had been shorter. "What..." He stood up on shaking legs. "What happened?"

Silver turned one way and the other, letting Tumble see all of him. "I walked right into it, and I'm making the best of it, but we're not here for that. We're here for you."

"You're a princess!"

Silver peeked under his barrel briefly. "No, definitely not one of those."

Tumble colored at the peek. "Y-you know what I mean!" He approached Silver slowly, eyeing him with wide eyes. "You're royalty now, right?"

Silver stilled, allowing the examination. "I declined that. I'll earn it, through action, not just because I have some extra parts. Speaking of which, have you figured out what kind of truck you want?"

"You were serious?" Tumble circled around Silver before pausing. "Why do you have one horseshoe? Did you lose the others?"

Silver brought a hoof to his face. "Oh that's right! I have the other two in my pocket, one's on Night Watch, and I should have already given one of these to Samantha."

Tumble shrank a little. "I guess the other's going to that diamond dog?"

Silver raised a brow at that. "She's a jackal, not a dog, an anubian to be specific. Calling her a diamond dog seems an interesting way to challenging her to a scrap. She hasn't joined the herd, and nopony is until I've earned that title properly."

Tumble glanced around suddenly. "Does that mean... I have a chance?"

Silver started at that, even as he chastised himself for not seeing that coming a mile away. "There are specific steps to take, which don't begin with me. Night nominates new members, then we all have to agree, and that's the basics."

"Oh..." Tumble flashed a hopeful smile. "But it's not impossible, right?"

Silver returned the smile. "Not impossible, but, Tumble, I'm not the only one for you. You don't need this kind of complicated mess in your life. Let's get you on the path to independence. So, did you pick?"

Tumble sat on his haunches and rubbed his forehooves together. "I picked a few... I didn't think you were totally serious about it, so I just kinda picked what I'd take if I had millions of bits." He produced a magazine on the newest and greatest innovations in automobile technology and set it down, pointing at a beast of a machine displayed across two pages. Unlike Earth, there was no promise of 'available at your nearest dealer'. Only one had been built, and only one would be sold. The industrial revolution simply hadn't happened the same.

Silver let out a long and low whistle when he saw the price and all its many zeroes as his magic pulled the magazine over to look at. It was an enchanting machine, literally, powered in no small part by magic. Though it'd run faster with a unicorn powering it, it claimed to support a battery of sorts that a unicorn could charge up for mobility without one around. "Not bad at all, but I can't help but think you'd do better with one not magic powered."

"Too expensive?" Tumble sat beside Silver. "Like I said, I just kinda went for the best one."

"I'm not even looking at that. You're not a unicorn, which makes this not the best one." Silver flipped through the magazine and found another a few pages in. It didn't report as high a maximum speed, but it ran on a burning engine, the sort you could put in coal, wood, or even ,apparently, gasoline. How it managed to take such a wide variety of fuel was beyond Silver, but there it was, claiming to be efficient and powerful. "Look at this one. I think this is better for you, specifically. No matter how far you go, you can grab some fuel and keep it moving, but if you're in the middle of nowhere with the other one, you'd be stuck."

"Huh..." He leaned over a bit, pressing his side to Silver. "Guess you have a point there, but this one's expensive too."

"I'll talk to Celestia about it. You're going to put it to work, right?"

Tumble started faintly. "Princess Celestia?" He caught himself and laughed. "Oh, right. Ambassador, alicorn, I guess you can talk to her whenever you want."

"You avoided the question." Silver put a leg around Tumble and squeezed him gently. "What will you do with it?"

Tumble licked over suddenly dry lips. "I'll... drive it. I'll..." Suddenly something clicked. "I can move big things."

"How big?"

"The biggest!" Tumble flipped through to a picture of a huge trailer that could be attached to one of these vehicles. "Big, heavy, and long-distance, just the kind of thing that'd tire out a pegasus.

Silver smiled, not because it was a new idea, but because it was an old one he had heard once in his dream. He felt certain Tumble could make that work. "That sounds like you could make a niche for yourself, and do something that's not done much right now."

"So, is this serious?" Tumble turned to face Silver. "I mean, one hundred percent?"

"I'll propose the idea to Celestia, but I think we'll manage this, but did you remember the conditions?"

Tumble leaned forward suddenly and exhaled in Silver's face. It smelled of Tumble, but not of booze. "I'm clean, promise! Look, you do this, and I'll swear off the stuff forever!"

"That would make me happy. Tumble, I know you have a hard time believing this, but I know you can be so much. You're a special stallion." Silver rose to his hooves. "No time like the present, besides, Celestia's waiting to introduce me to some other ponies along the way. I'll be sure to get a letter to you either way with updates. If we can't do that truck for any reason, we'll find another. We'll make this work."

Tumble rose up on his own. "Yeah... I believe you..." He began trotting for the door. "So, Night first, huh?" Then he was gone.

Silver softly sighed, imagining Tumble clumsily propositioning Night. He wasn't sure if he should wish the stallion luck on that particular venture. "A nice husband that isn't a vortex of confusion would be ideal." He trotted from his office, closing and locking it behind himself before he went to meet with Celestia.

As he went, a pony tried to dash across the hallway and they bumped softly. "Excuse me, miss." He tilted his head, realizing it was Carrot Plate. "Oh! Hi there, Carrot. How are you?"

Carrot flashed a soft smile, glancing off. Silver heard a faint but harsh hiss. He let his magic spread and feel around. An older pony was watching them and was the source of the hissing. "So, uh, hi! We seem to be running into each other a lot." She gave a false laugh, as obvious as her nervousness. "We should hang out on purpose just once."

Silver leaned in a little, considering how to speak to her subtly. "That would be nice." He flashed a bright smile. "I know just the place."

Carrot blinked with obvious surprise. "Really? That quickly?" Another soft hiss came from the watcher. "I mean, sure! That'd be great!"

Silver put a hoof to her snout. "Go on and do what you have to do. I'll pick you up later and we can catch up."

She wandered off, and the watcher retreated back into the hallway they were hiding in. Silver snorted softly. He would visit Carrot, but it would be in a place no voyeurs could witness. A smile spread across his face as he moved alone, soon arriving at the room Celestia had asked him to visit. He clopped a hoof once on the door before opening it gently and proceeding inside.

Celestia sat with a scholarly-looking unicorn. That unicorn perked his ears with curiosity, eyes shining with amazement. "In the flesh... So it is possible for males to ascend..." He rose to his hooves. "Please, pardon my rudeness. I'm Sharp Quill and it's a pleasure to meet you, Silver Watch."

She smiled gently. "He's here to take notes and see the history that's been made. This is all new, so it seemed prudent to be thorough. Sharp, this is Silver Watch, as you know."

"Pleasure to meet you." Silver dipped his head a little at the scholar. "What's your specialty?"

"Oh? Oh! I specialize in noble etiquettes and laws, Your Highness."

Silver raised a hoof at that. "I'm no prince."

"But..." He tilted his head slowly. "Are you a princess then?"

Celestia hid her snout behind a hoof. "I think he would find that title a bit troublesome."

Silver settled beside the table. "You're a good pony to ask. I want to earn the title of prince 'properly'. I don't think ponies will accept a prince so easily, at least not like this. I mean, there's Blueblood, but he got it by birth."

Sharp frowned thoughtfully. "An interesting conundrum. The easiest solution that comes to mind is to win the favor of a noble house and be formally adopted, which would make you nobility and your title far less jarring."

Celestia smiled at the idea. "That seems feasible. Surely we can find one that would eagerly seek such an arrangement."

A chill ran through Silver and he thought back to the seemingly-coerced Carrot Plate. Was she noble? Was that how they hoped to get him, and others may as well. "Would marriage work?"

Sharp blinked and nodded. "Oh, yes. Marrying into nobility would serve much the same effect. You would have a claim to nobility then, but I'm to understand you're already a member of a herd?"

"Would that stop it?" Silver spread his wings a little. "I'm just exploring options, not suggesting that's the best way."

"Well, technically, no. Having a noble as part of your herd, antiquated as that is, would make the herd a part of the noble family. Please forgive the asking, but how did you come to end up in such an outmoded legal construct?" Sharp tilted his head, eyes shining with curiosity.

Silver waved a little. "Long story, but I think the first pony that mentioned it to me read too many bad romance novels, and the second was just old-fashioned and here we are. If it makes a difference, the world I came from was mostly monogamous pairs too."

Celestia quirked a smile. "You've come a long way."

168 - In Your Dreams

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Silver slid up onto Carrot Plate's back, his forelegs hugging around her barrel in a monstrously suggestive embrace. "Is this what you want?"

Carrot shuddered and wailed, and Silver slid down from her. "I thought not. Will you tell me what's going on, for real? I'm not angry at you, and I don't intend to force this on you."

She spun on him, eyes wide with fear. "You... please. They'll be angry at me if they see you rejecting me."

Silver held up a hoof. "They can't see you here. We're in your dream." But he was no alicorn of dreams. He had no lunar magic, and could not simply dispel the fog of sleep from Carrot's mind.

She shivered softly and glanced around with obvious nervousness. "How can you be sure?"

Silver made his horn glow quite brightly, so she could see it easily. "I'm casting a spell that makes us invisible to them. They'll only know what you tell them, and you don't have to tell them anything. Now who's pressuring you?"

Carrot looked to him, trembling like a leaf in the breeze. "Do you promise? Do you swear? Are you just... toying with me, like..."

Silver raised a hoof and place it on her snout. "Whatever you tell me here will be between us alone. Tell me what's going on."

"My father." Carrot frowned a little. "He said I 'know' you... and you'd be interested... He said I should try to join your... herd."

"And you're not interested." Silver sat on his haunches.

Carrot tensed. "I raped you! I attacked you... You should hate me forever, but... you keep insisting you forgive me, and even if that's true, I... marriage? My father's nuts." She threw a leg wide. "Do you see a wife when you look at me?"

Silver saw a scared young mare. "I do forgive you. I meant it, and I mean to prove it. Would asking you on a date make your father happy?"

Carrot blinked at him. "But... I don't..."

"We won't do anything but talk and eat. My wife, Night Watch, will be there. We'll have a nice time, and you can go home and talk about how impressed I was with you. Your father should relax then, right?"

Carrot frowned a little. "But then he'll want me to finish what I started."

She had a point, and he frowned. Politics was annoying, but it was to be his world, for better or worse. "I've made it public that no new ponies can join my herd at this time. Would he not have some patience?"

The dream abruptly ended, throwing Silver out of her door. His wings spread with the sound of feathers as they went bolt stiff, keeping him from slamming into the ground and narrowly avoiding the ejection migraine. He turned back to her door, but he refused to open. She was awake.

"This is not your realm."

Silver span around to see Luna looking at him with a calm expression. "The dreams of ponykind are mine to patrol. When you used it to seek me out, that was one thing, and loved ones, another, but she is neither of those things."

He took an uncertain step towards Luna. "I didn't mean to--"

"You are an alicorn, truly?" She looked back at his wings. "Sister mentioned it, but you have appeared as such in dreams before."

Silver blinked softly. "I am, truly. I'm not a prince though."

"By what measure are you not?"

He made a broad wave. "I plan to earn that title first. I won't have it given to me."

"We can be friends now, without complication." Luna smiled a little.

Silver winced internally, "Have you heard?"

"About your herd? Word gets around, but that is immaterial, as are we. In the world of dreams, herds mean little. Come." She turned and began walking away.

Silver swallowed thickly with building nervousness. Would it be wise to follow Luna? Would it be wise to spurn her? He fell in behind her, hooves silent in the world of dreams. "You've come and gone a lot."

"I'm sorry." Luna looked over her shoulder. "At some points it was my weakness, and others, your brash nature, but we can put that behind us." She turned to a door and her horn glowed as it opened. "My dream. Follow me." She stepped in and vanished.

Silver glanced about once more before he took a step forward, and the world vanished around him. He was in a dark place. He recognized it as Luna's bedchambers. She was laying on her side, pillows scattered about her. The air was thick with a soft perfume and her eyes bore into him with a smoldering desire. "My stallion."

He froze. "Luna, too fast!"

She tilted her head faintly. "It wasn't too fast when you did it?"

Silver's ears pinned on his head. "I'm sorry about that."

"Don't be sorry, come here." Luna's magic wrapped around him, drawing him closer. "We can finally both have what we've wanted without regrets. I made you what you are. You are my pony in many meanings of the phrase. Will you begrudge me this, and yourself?"

It wasn't that Silver didn't still have feelings for Luna, or didn't find the mysterious night princess attractive. In fact, some parts of him were quite excited to give her exactly what she asked for, but others... "We're both waking dreamers. We can't just dream of infidelity and wave it off as the idle workings of our minds."

Luna perked an ear at him. "Does it bother you that much?"

"Yes!" Silver sat before her. "I want to be a good husband, alicorn or not."

Luna sat up slowly. "And if she consents?"

Silver thought of Night Watch, and her recent fury towards Luna. "You have quite a battle ahead to convince her to adore you as she once did. You hurt her in ways that don't easily heal."

Luna gave a soft cluck of her tongue. "I will speak to her... I want to be angry at you, neigh, furious, but your refusal has good reasons. I won't fault my stallion for being a good husband." She was suddenly close to him and kissed his snout. "Go and sleep."

He was back in his dream room, seated on his human bed. He was alone with his own troubled thoughts.

He awoke in the warm embrace of his wives and nuzzled them both to waking. He was ready to tackle the day, but Samantha had other ideas. "It's time for a new experiment!" she declared boldly. "Do you wish to take notes, Night Watch?"

Night raised a brow at her. "What experiment is this?"

Samantha gestured at herself. "The effects of relationship physical consumation with minimal experience with the participating female, especially when an alicorn is involved."

Night flushed brightly. "You don't need me to watch that!"

Silver joined the blushing, looking between the two mares, unsure of what to say.

"You don't need to, but I'd feel safer." Samantha lowered her head a little. "Please?"

Night's expression softened as it turned from a plea for science to a much more personal one. "I'll support you."

Silver's opinion didn't matter too much, not that he didn't want to do as Samantha wished. He gently pulled her close and they warmed up by mutual grooming before proceeding to the actual deed. She was inexperienced, as promised, but Night held her and whispered encouragements even as Samantha and Silver did as spouses do.

By the time they began to slip from bed, there was a subtly different energy between them. Samantha was fully inducted into the herd, her connection to Silver made physical, but her trust in her alpha mare shown and returned. All three loved one another deeply and well.

With his wives happy, Silver decided to broach the topic. "Remember Luna?"

Night raised a brow. "She's difficult to forget."

That much was true. Silver glanced away a moment. "She's probably going to speak to you."

Night frowned at the news. "She's going to ruin what you're doing, you mean. Now is not the time." She frowned all the more. "I'm not sure there ever will be another time. Rather convenient for her to come trotting back to us after you've grown more to her liking."

Samantha tilted her head a bit. "She did kidnap my favorite subjects and left one of them in unsatisfactory health care arrangements."

Night pointed at Samantha. "That's a lot more mild than I would have put it, but yes, that right there. And don't even start with you not holding a grudge about it. I know you don't, doesn't matter." She pointed at herself. "Good thing you have wives to hold grudges for you. Samantha, keep her away from Silver in any non-professional capacity, you got that?"

Samantha saluted sharply. "As you command, my alpha." She smiled. "I never tested if my deterrants operate on alicorns before! This will be worth taking notes about."

Silver couldn't help but quirk a smile at Samantha's eagerness. "Don't hurt her. She may have made mistakes, but she's not a bad pony, or our enemy." He didn't get much chance to say anything else. He felt a sudden pinch in his left flank, glanced over to see a slender dart embedded there, then flopped forward bonelessly, consciousness stripped from him.

"Hmmm, it works on him, but he's a new alicorn, so I can't call this test conclusive. Besides." She thrust a hoof up. "If you can't repeat it and get the same results, science has not yet been performed!"

Night blinked down at the knocked out Silver before shaking her head at Samantha. "Please try to avoid knocking our stallion out. He does have work to do." Night gently propped him up against the wall and plucked the dart free of him. "How long should he be out for?"

"Assuming my measurements of his bodyweight are accurate, four minutes and twenty-two seconds, with a margin of error of plus or minus five seconds." Samantha looked quite proud of herself. "It shouldn't have any side effects, but I'll ask when he wakes to be sure."

Night kissed Samantha's cheek. "I meant it, keep Luna away unless it's official business. Accepted or not, Silver has more authority now, so you just say you're doing it in his name and nopony should give you too much flack about it." She rose to her hooves and moved for the door. "I have some training to do, but I'll meet Silver at his office when I'm done, so be sure to tell him that."

"He'll be safe with me," promised Samantha before delivering a soft kiss to her comatose stallion and settling patiently to wait for him to stir.

169 - A Sudden Tumble

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"You understand, I am being judged alongside you." Nefertari was seated across from Night. "Your actions reflect on me. To take a student is an almost sacred thing, to accept tutelage just as important. My ancestors watch me with wrinkled brows, many of them expecting you to fail and ready to chastise me for this effort."

Night adjusted her glasses before shaking her head, a motion that traveled down along her form before she gave her rump a shake and stilled herself. "Alright... I'm taking this seriously. What do I need to do next?"

Nefertari gave a light nod. "It is time you met your first ancestor. Since you have barely learned of them, you will draw one of two kinds. If you are fortunate, your call will be heard by a very loving and eager soul, rushing to make contact. More likely, you will be heard by a bitter one, more eager to lash at the living world with your call as the perfect excuse to come." She raised an ear. "Of course, you are a pony. Your family may be much more... gentle." She resisted the urge to say weak. "So let us begin."

It was a slow process that had Night wondering at times if she was even doing anything at all, but she tried to clear her mind and remain as still as her teacher demanded. She gazed at nothing at all and tried to see beyond what was plainly ahead of herself.

"If you have a close family member that has passed on, that would be an excellent place to begin, preferably one you had a strong bond to in life," instructed Nefertari. "Your bond will make the call louder, but I cannot assure you will reach that particular soul."

Night thought of her grandfather, a kindly old stallion that had treated her well as a filly, before she went off to become a guard. After that, she hadn't seen much of any of her family, but before... She loved her grandfather dearly, and he seemed to like her. She held the image of him in her mind and her lips moved with the calling of his name as she squirmed faintly, feeling at once a little excited and a little foolish.

Nefertari's ears quirked faintly, but she said nothing. It was silent for a time between them for an uncomfortable time before the jackal reached slowly, paws beginning to glow, and grasped at the air. "Your calls, continue them." She took ahold of the whisp of ephemeral nothing in the air and gave a sudden pull, amplifying Night's amateurish pleas from a whisper to a sudden roar.

"No need to shout!" came a voice from nowhere at all. "Night Watch? Little Watch? Oh! What's going on? Why can't I hug you?"

Nefertari frowned a little. "Your ancestor does not yet realize he has passed on. That is unfortunate..."

Night sat up with surprise, looking around for the source of the directionless voice. "Pop pop?" It wasn't his proper name, but the one she had used with him much of the time. "Can you hear me?"

"Of course I can, you're right in front of me. Why aren't you looking at me?" Night heard the sound of an old pony settling on his haunches. "Is something wrong?"

"To inform him is dangerous. He may grow angry, or distraught. Not all spirits bear this news well, no matter how true it may be..." Nefertari was staring her in the eyes, but did nothing about Night's visitor.

"Pop Pop... What do you last remember?" Night gave the ghost of a smile. "I missed you."

"You were always so busy chasing your dreams." A little happy sigh was heard. "I and your parents were very proud of you, What do you mean by that first bit? I remember a lot of things."

"The very last thing, before today."

"I had a terrible cold... Your parents took me to the hospital. I always hated that place, but they insisted, as if I'd never had a cold before, hmmph."

Night felt tears stinging in her eyes, imagining her beloved grandfather complaining all the way there, to the last place he'd ever see. "And... then?"

"And then they poked and prodded, but it was a waste of time. I'd keep coughing and sneezing, but one night I got better. No more of that for me, see?" A loud breath sounded from the air. "Healthy as a horse, just like I always was. Girl, look at me when I'm talking to you, please."

She felt two hooves as cold as ice touch her cheeks and direct her to the left, staring at a wall, but it was a direction she assumed held her departed grandfather. "Sorry... Pop pop, do you trust me?"

"Trust you? You never lied to me before, except that one time you thought you were clever about the cookies." He laughed gently. "I knew you took them."

Night forced a smile. She remembered the time, but the moment was dim compared to what was in front of her. "Pop pop... You... I love you."

Coldness surrounded her. She was being hugged, but her grandfather had no warmth to share, not anymore. "I love you too, now out with it. What's on your mind?"

Taking a slow breath, she gathered her courage. "You never left that hospital, not while you were alive."

"W-what? We're talking, right now." She could almost feel him scowl at her. "That's not funny, Little Watch."

"N-no, this isn't funny. This isn't funny at all." More tears flowed hotly from her stinging eyes. "Please don't be angry."

There was a moment of silence. "Did... I really? Oh... Was it... a nice ceremony? Oh, nevermind. I don't want to talk about that... Why are we talking if, oh no! Please don't tell me you went away too! You look so young, so healthy!"

Night felt a new smile emerge. "I'm fine, Pop pop. I'm a mother now, you know."

The spirit was quiet a moment before he laughed loudly. "You didn't bring my great-grandfoals for me to see? Silly Little Watch." She felt the cold of his embrace. "What stallion stole my Little Watch away? Is he treating you like the princess you are?"

Nefertari suddenly clucked her tongue. "Honored spirit. You are not of my ancestry, but I have accepted the task of instructing your child in this art."

"What? Who? Oh! What are you?"

"A friend. Worry not beyond that." Nefertari raised a brow faintly, looking off in the direction of Night's grandfather easily. "You are the first of her ancestors she has called. Will you now accept the duty of protecting her from others who may not approach her with kindness in their hearts?"

"I would think you're making a big deal about nothing, but you seem serious. Miss, what is your name?"

"Names have power." Nefertari clucked her tongue softly. "But I will grant you mine, in return for this task. Do you accept this?"

"I will watch over her, gladly. I love her!" Suddenly Night could see something, the faint outline of her departed grandfather. His acceptance created a tie between them, enhancing her still feeble grasp on this new art. "Oh! You're finally looking at me." He approached and nuzzled her and it wasn't quite as cold as before. "My Little Watch..."

Nefertari gave a little smile. "Then this is now your sacred duty. I, Nefertari, have witnessed this agreement, and those behind me acknowledge it. You are the first, but you will not be the last. Your 'Little Watch' has chosen to walk down a dark road, and a friendly face at her side will make the long journey easier to bear."

"What road? What are you doing?"

He was looking right at her. Night gave a little nod. "I asked Nefertari here to show me how to speak to spirits and do her magic. That's how we're talking at all." She took a slow breath. "I'm glad you're back."

"I'm not really back, really..." With growing awareness of himself, he shook his head. "I feel like an echo of myself, but it's better than nothing at all. Little Watch, this feels, um, dark, as the lady said. Are you sure this is right?"

She clenched her teeth a moment. "I won't be left behind. Please, Pop pop, I'll get better at this."

"Oh... I'm not worried about that. You can do anything you set your pretty head to doing." He raised a hoof and brushed her cheek. "I always knew you'd be something special... Just... don't hurt yourself, please. You don't want to be where I am."

Nefertari clapped her paws together suddenly. The room seemed to grow brighter. The outline was gone. They were alone. "You have performed well. You have placed your first foot on the path in earnest. If you mean to back away, this would be your final chance."

Night licked her lips with building anxiety. Her grandfather was seemingly dismissed, though she assumed not forever. "Nefertari... why are you showing me this?"


"I mean, you call it sacred this, sacred that... Is sharing it with me even something you're allowed to do?" Night raised a brow behind her thick glasses. "I mean, thank you, but the question stands."

Nefertari wrinkled her nose. "It is... unusual for ones of entirely different ancestry to tutor one in this art, but not unheard of. To accept a student is an honor, and speaks well of any person willing to take the time and effort."

"This isn't a secret?" Night frowned a little. "How many Anubians know this magic?"

"About as many Saddle Arabians. Their hide their magic behind ancient words and droning incantations, but they are drawing on their ancestors just as truly. Unicorns are the aberration, performing magic with their horns without any involvement of this power. It's no wonder they become so proud of themselves, so full of importance..."

Night's wings unfurled and re-folded fitfully. "What stops everypony from learning this then?"

Nefertari pointed at her, claw glinting in the light. "I was not lying. This is a dark path, fraught with peril and risk to tear your own mind asunder if done improperly. Few are able to do it, but you... I felt you could, and there is some benefit to me."


"Worry not of that." Nefertari smiled. "Today, we celebrate, as we should when we begin any new stage of our lives. Today, you are a shaman. Young, mewling still, but you have reached into the other realm, and you have a spirit bound to you. Take pride in that, pride, and caution as you step forward from here."

Night rose to her hooves and let out a slow sigh. "Can I call him?"

"He is bound to you." Nefertari rose smoothly. "He will come at your words, but don't order him, not yet. You have more to learn, even if he is friendly to you. He is still a spirit, and can cause you harm, even without ill-intention."

170 - Pen Pals

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"Letter, Your--"

"Silver's fine, Ambassador is also alright, but I haven't earned any royal addressing yet." Silver smiled at the messenger and accepted the hovering letter into his own magic. "Thank you very much."

"Quite welcome, sir. Have a nice day!"

Silver closed the door lightly and trotted over to his desk with the letter. It had the familiar purple seal of a lavender princess he knew well and fondly. He gave it a gentle sniff and shook his head at himself. Twilight didn't wear much in the way of perfume or really carried much in the way of a scent to begin, certainly not much to leave a powerful impression on her magically-scribed stationary.

He broke the seal and pulled out the letter, his eyes already starting to sweep across the page in eager consumption of the words.

Salutations, Ambassador Silver Watch,

Did I read correctly? Do I address a fellow ascended? That's amazing! Did you see Celestia in that place? I can still remember it so clearly, as if it had occurred just yesterday. As a human, do you feel dizzy or disoriented? I can only imagine your sense of displacement may have been even greater than my own. My wings were new, but I at least grew up with the idea of what wings were and how they basically functioned. Are you alright?

Sorry, I don't mean to come across as quite so... worrisome, but if you need a friendly face to confide in, well, we're already used to exchanging missives like this. You can talk to me. I've been where you are, royalty without a purpose, or even a castle. It's alright to feel a little overwhelmed right now, but you're anything but alone. In fact, give the word and I'll schedule some time in Canterlot and we can go over this personally. That's what friends are for, right?

Princess Twilight Sparkle

PS: Jake wouldn't stop laughing when I told him about it. What's so funny to a human that another human should reach this level of progress? I admit I may never understand him entirely...

Silver carefully folded the letter back up and let out a little sigh, a smile on his snout. Twilight was a good friend, but perhaps that was how she became the Princess of Friendship. Were they still true friends? He could still remember when they were more than friends, but that was a disturbing and violent world. Twilight had initiated him with a blaze of arcane fury, destroying him without even knowing he was in danger. He shook his head quickly. This world was better, for all its quirks.

He wasn't sure he could take her up on that offer without making things awkward, however. He pulled out a piece of paper and got to writing with a quill that danced in his magic, making his words manifest across the sheet in neat little scrawlings. He smiled a little at that. He'd always had poor handwriting, but apparently hornwriting was a different skill and one he seemed to manage well enough.

Hello Princess Twilight,

Do we have to use honorifics and such in letters? We are friends, as you wrote. I can be Silver if you can be Twilight. I think I'm alright. It may be hard to imagine, but I've had a strong dream of this happening, and I feel more like I've returned home than I've turned into something strange. A curious question, however. Could you tell me how best to preen my feathers? Asking the servants to take care of it for me is extremely embarrassing. It's a very personal thing, like asking somepony to wipe my mouth for me, brushing my teeth or bathing me. Any help would be appreciated. As for visiting, don't worry about it. I'm not too worried.

You have your job and I have mine. I have, oh, that's right. I'm not accepting the title of prince until I've earned it properly. When I'm offered the title by an eager royalty, then, and only then, will I take that step. Until then, I'm a human in a pony world and I won't claim to be entitled just because I have some extra bodyparts. I'm glad to hear Jake is doing alright. Tell him to laugh it up, but I plan to take this seriously.

A Friend,

Silver folded the letter carefully before setting it into an envelope and sealing that. He'd send it off towards Twilight shortly. He spread his new wings wide and stretched them, feeling the muscles within play off one another. They were wings, ultimately, like the leathery ones he once had, and yet... not, in so many ways. He grunted softly with sudden annoyance. He wouldn't let them be alien on his back. He nudged open the window in his office and with a sudden jump, he was outside, then he was rising.

His wings beat powerfully and carried him higher with every stroke, carrying him higher and higher in slow circles around the castle as he looked out over Canterlot as a whole, taking in the glorious vista of the city Celestia had built for her kingdom. It glittered like a jewel beneath him and he smiled. Equestria was worth serving, and worth being a part of.


Silver brought himself to a sudden halt, narrowly avoiding barreling into a passing pegasus. "Sorry."

"Who taught you to fly?" The pegasus mare scowled at him. "You didn't signal or anything."

Signal? Had his dream skipped over an important detail? "I'm sorry, really I am. I didn't mean to cause any trouble, but nopony told me about any signals."

She blinked with wide eyes. "You don't know?! You'll get yourself or somepony else hurt if you fly around a place like Canterlot without knowing the rules of the sky." She tilted her head left and right. "Are you a late bloomer? A pony your age should really know this."

Silver gave a sheepish smile. "I could only start to fly very recently."

Her expression of rage softened to sympathy. "Oh! There I go sticking my hoof in my mouth. You poor thing, but congratulations!" She spread her hooves wide. "Welcome to the air! You'll want to enlist in a flight school before taking to it in a city though. You might get away with that in a small town, but this many ponies in this small a space means you follow the rules or two ponies or more end up splattering into each other and making a mess."

School? Silver thought of a young Rainbow Dash. "What school do you recommend?"

She opened her mouth to reply, but her eyes tracked upwards. She noticed his horn. "O-oh! Um... Princess Celestia's School for Talented Pegasi, I bet for you."

Celestia had a school for pegasi? "Pretend you didn't see that. If I was just any pegasus, where would I go?"

She tilted her head a little. "But you're... alright, suit yourself. Hmm, there's a nice school just over there." She thrust a hoof down towards the city. "They give the basics and don't stress about being the fastest or the best, just keeping the air safe. Perfect for most fliers."

That sounded perfect. "Sounds lovely. I have too many balls in the air to even consider trying to become an expert flyer. Thank you very much." He bowed mid-air and pivoted towards that school. There was no time like the present, so he launched himself down towards the city. Mindful of the pegasus' words, he scanned left and right carefully as he went, looking for others he may crash into and reached the safety of the ground without creating an incident.

He trotted down the street, thankful that many of the ponies around him seemed blissfully unaware of his hybrid status. He would earn his... did pegasi have flying licenses? He walked through the open door into 'Spread Wings' and was determined to find out.

171 - Flight School

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The pegasus behind the counter looked like a mildly-bored stallion with partially extended wings, his snout directed down at a parchment that he was scribbling on busily with a mouth-held quill.

Silver stepped up to the counter and waited patiently a moment before raising a hoof and coughing softly into it.

The stallion looked up, glanced back down, then double-took back up at Silver. "Oh! Are you here to pick up one of the students? They're in the training field right now."

Silver smiled a little. "I was more interested in enrolling for some basic classes, so I'm not a danger to myself or any ponies around me."

The stallion frowned a little, looking Silver up and down. "Are you sure you don't have the wrong place? You're a bit, um, old to be just learning the basics of flying." His eyes stopped at Silver's horn and he blinked. "Shouldn't you be at--"

"No, please." Silver shook his head. "Ignore that. I'm just a pegasus that learned how to fly, but never learned the etiquettes and safe practices. I want to fix that." He raised a hoof to tap at the horn jutting from his brow. "Pretend this is just an odd mole."

"Mighty odd." He tilted his head a little. "Again, you're a bit old... We'll have to see where you stand, skill wise, before I can properly assign you to a class. We have a few, from teaching a foal how to first ride the air, to advanced lessons for adults." He slid to the floor. "Now, we're no racing academy, or stunt school like you'll find in Cloudsdale, but most ponies don't come here for that." He gestured to a plaque.

The plaque read, "Safety First, our motto to protect others and ourselves."

"My name's Air Cloud Born, but Air's fine." Air nodded at Silver. "Pleased to meet you, Mister...?"

"Silver, Silver Watch." Silver offered a hoof, met with a soft clop. "I'm looking forward to learning."

Air led the way through a few narrow hallways into a large interior gym. "We'll start inside. The floor's padded to avoid any nasty falls." He tapped at the ground with a hoof, demonstrating the give in the rubbery substance. "Cloudsdale has the advantage of working on top of clouds, but we manage. Now, spread those wings."

Silver flared out his wings and winced. Moving them so quickly from rest highlighted the differences between pegasus and lunar pegasus wings and he felt a few things pull painfully.

Air tilted his head. "Huh... Good reaction time, but your form's beyond sloppy. May I?" He reached gently for Silver's wings and folded them back against his body. With slow precision, he unfolded them. "Feel how they want to move? This is how you unfurl them. Go ahead and fold them up right, and show me again."

Silver twisted his wings up and down, feeling the muscles and nodding as he folded them back up and flared them out, avoiding the worst tense spots and managing it without any stabs of pain. He smiled with triumph. "I'm sure I'm giving a poor impression, but I can fly, I promise."

"Even if you can, you shouldn't." Air whistled softly. "You're an overgrown foal, no offense intended, Your Maje--"

"Please, just a mole, remember?"

Air quirked a little smile. "You say that, but why aren't you getting some royal trainer to take you through this? I don't do one-on-one training here, so you're going to be in a class of little foals half your size. Are you sure you're alright with that?"

Silver shook his head slowly as he gave a powerful flap, lifting into the air several inches before coming down slowly. "I want to learn like any other normal pegasus would learn it. I don't deserve 'royal' treatment just yet. Besides, flying isn't my job, so I won't ask Princess Celestia for special exceptions or allocations for that. Please, just like a normal pony, alright?"

"Alright, fine, normal pony." Air pointed at Silver. "Normal ponies pay five bits a week. Foals pay half, but you look like an adult to me."

That was about the first time Silver had been identified as a stallion, and he wasn't quite sure how to feel about it. He pulled a pouch from his pocket and pulled a few bits free with his 'mole', levitating them to Air. "Done. When do I begin?

Air cocked a brow as he accepted the coin. "No magic in the school. We teach pegasi, not unicorns. I have a foal's class starting tomorrow morning for introductory level. Be there, be polite, and don't make the actual foals feel nervous. You're an adult, so I expect you to let them take the spotlight." He smiled brightly and gave a salute. "Welcome to the school. Be diligent and steadfast and you'll graduate from that class as soon as you're ready."

Silver looked around the room, taking in the few simple looking trophies set on shelves and training equipment scattered about for pegasus students. "I'll be here tomorrow and we'll get started." He perked his ears at Air. "Who's my teacher? You have more than one, right?"

Air crooked a hoof at himself. "I'm teaching that one. That isn't a coincidence. I want to keep an eye on you."

The sound of excited and young voices came as a gaggle of small pegasi trotted past, most flapping their wings in energetic but fruitless motions. One little filly looked off to the right into the training room and blinked at Silver and Air before she stepped in. "Wow, you're big."

Silver nodded at the filly. "Nice to meet you. Are you learning how to fly?"

She bobbed her head. "Uh huh. I'm good at it! Watch!" She spread her wings wide and took to the air quickly in a smooth upwards arc that had her near the high ceiling before she came down in a sudden dive at Silver.

He squawked in surprise and dove out of the way, letting her sail smoothly past and ending up with him sprawled on the ground.

Air whistled sharply. "One demerit! Violation of safe personal space. You know better than that." He clopped the soft ground and she landed with a guilty look. "Go with the others." She quickly scampered out of sight and Air turned to Silver as he stood back up. "A lot of the other students are going to take your size as a challenge. Please don't take the bait. I'm certain you would win in any real fight, but beating up foals is hardly a sign of any real adult."

Silver shook his head. "No real harm, she just surprised the heck out of me. She's not bad at flying."

Air frowned a little. "Being good at the motions is no good if you don't remain in full control at all times. If you hadn't jumped out of the way, she would have crashed into you, then flopped to the ground like a sack of bricks." He smirked a little. "I've seen her do it before. Now, put that out of your mind and I'll see you at sunrise, alright?"

Another pegasus, a mare, came strolling in the same direction the foals had scampered from and spotted Silver and Air quickly. "Oh, who's this?"

Air gestured at Silver. "Dawn Feather, meet Silver Watch, our newest student, introductory grade."

Dawn approached Silver with a curious expression. "He's awfully large and his wings look fully developed. How are you in introductory grade?" She hiked a brow at Silver.

He extended his right wing. "I'm missing some of the basics. I know how to fly, but we're starting at the bottom." Silver nodded to Dawn. "Nice to meet you. I guess I may end up in some of your classes depending on how it works out."

Dawn nodded uncertainly. "Maybe. Air, I'll be with the students until they're picked up." They exchanged a salute and off she went after the foals.

Air nodded at Silver. "She's probably thinking a lot of the same things I am, don't worry about it overmuch, just show us wrong with actions." He thrust a hoof up. "That is not an invitation to showboat or take risks."

"Safety first," quoted Silver earnestly before flashing a smile. "I'll try to do what you say to do and not more than that."

"Good, first instruction, no flying. Not even alone." He frowned a little. "You've got a lot of bad muscle memory and we're going to have to work it out of you. Don't make my job any harder by reinforcing bad techniques. See you tomorrow."

With that, he was dismissed, and Silver trotted out of the school to find somepony waiting for him. It looked like Night Watch, but she wasn't wearing her usual glasses and was looking at him... "Fast?"

Fast flashed with green flames, becoming her ruddy red self. "I knew leaving off the glasses was too much. How are you?"

Silver stepped up and gave her a hug. "I'm fine, just learning how to fly."

"About that..." Fast reached for a wing, brushing over it. "You're an alicorn... You do know what that means, right?"

Silver raised a brow with a silent question queried.

"I can sink my emotional fangs into you without worrying so much about hurting you." Fast circled around Silver. "The herd can be whole again!"

Silver felt the world spin around him. He hadn't considered that. He crashed to his haunches, gaping at Fast.

"W-what? Don't you? Oh..." Fast shrank back as if burned. "I... I just thought... Oh wow, what was I thinking? Of course you don't want me. You've moved on. I... sorry!" She turned and fled, leaving a stunned Silver behind.

What would Night say? What did he feel? He couldn't answer either at that moment.

172 - Family Meeting

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Silver settled with a soft huff of breath. Night locked eyes on him instantly. "What's wrong? Where have you been?"

He smiled a little. Of course she'd notice it instantly. "We need to talk, all three of us. Something happened that shouldn't be put off."

Samantha strolled in with a merry whistle that died on her lips as she saw the grave looks on her herdmates. "What's wrong?"

He chuckled at that. "Night just asked that. Samantha, do you know Fast Change?"

Samantha tilted her head. "The changeling queen? Fascinating, but not available for me to study. Why?"

Night snorted softly. "Princess. What about her, Silver? Did you run into her again? How is she and why would that make you look so serious?"

Silver's wings fidgeted a bit as he squirmed. "Apparently, being an alicorn is enough to make her emotional vampirism far less of an issue, and she wanted to make..."

Night went pale, the meaning quite clear to her. "She..."

Samantha glanced between them. "She wanted to do what? Please finish."

He cleared his throat softly. "She was a member of the herd. Heck, she technically never officially left, just kind of... went separate ways for our mutual health. She didn't want to hurt us, so she stayed away."

Night wrinkled her nose. "It was about as official as that gets, though we didn't say it in so many words." She suddenly punched Silver in the shoulder. "You ran off, didn't you?!"

Silver blinked at her outburst. "Ran away?"

"From her, when she said that."

Silver shook his head quickly. "No! No... I just looked surprised, and she did the running long before I could do it."

Samantha tapped at her chin softly. "I'm afraid I don't know Fast Change well. I can't support her rejoining in this current condition. We'll have to meet and compare views to see if we're compatible."

Night blinked at Samantha. "I... really?"

"What?" Samantha tilted her head a bit to the left. "Is that not the correct response?"

Silver smiled. "It's not wrong, per se, it's just..." He rolled a hoof. "You don't mind the idea of her?"

"Should I?" Samantha shook her head. "She's a fascinating subject. If she's also of compatible temperament, why would I object? A unicorn that has successfully transitioned to changeling leader? I would like very much to study her. Would her membership in this herd interfere with her duties as changeling leader?"

Night pushed up the glasses on her face. "Silver, do you still love her?"

Silver poked Night. "You answer first. I came back here to get your opinion." The fact that he was still rattled didn't help.

Night raised an ear. "She was our heart..."

Silver smiled faintly. "She was our passion, but now..."

Night frowned faintly. "Samantha raises an excellent point. She's still leader of her changelings. Can she really be with us while also being responsible to her ponies?" She thrust a hoof at Silver. "You said nopony would be joining us right now, and a married pair of princess-level ponies? That..."

"Would solve legitimacy." Silver frowned a little. "Ponies have accepted Fast Change, so anyone she married would be logical to be on a high social station, but forget that." He tapped a hoof against the ground. "Forget all of that... This isn't about social stations. This is about Fast Change. This is about us." He raised a hoof to the side of his head. "First, I think I hurt her just by not immediately welcoming her back. We need to settle this, quickly. I ran off and almost got myself killed when she left, I don't want her doing anything rash now that she's on the other side of things."

Samantha perked her ears. "What were you doing when you ran into her? Shouldn't you have been working in your office at about that time?"

Silver flushed faintly. "I should have been, but I decided to handle something first."

Night raised a brow at that. "Something you're afraid to share with us?"

"No! No." Silver extended his wings carefully, trying to bear in mind what he was shown earlier that day. "I went to get taught how to fly with these properly."

Night blinked at that. "Stupid stallion, you just had to ask me and I would have shown you."

Silver leaned towards Night, but she shied away, obviously annoyed. "It's not that simple. You, my lovely huntress of the night, have different wings than I do. I know how to fly like a lunar pony, but not like a solar one." He turned slowly. "Please don't be mad about that."

Night let out a little sigh. "And how-- Right, nevermind that. Of course you know that. Do you wish I had bird-like wings too?"

Silver turned back to her and rushed at her. She got out a squeak before he was on her and buried his snout into one of her wings in eager nuzzles. "Your wings are lovely, and part of you. I wouldn't want them to change even a little bit."

Samantha gave a firm nod. "Your physical form is well-proportioned and functional. Flight lessons sound reasonable. I hope that went well?"

"It starts tomorrow." Silver sat up, letting Night roll up onto her haunches. "I should be focused on that, but then there she was... I didn't realize how hard this has to be for her. You'd, um, think?"

Night was giving him a skeptical look. "Go ahead, tell us how it should be."

"I... thought she had plenty of people around her that liked her?" Silver felt silly even as he said it. "I guess people she's responsible for hardly count..."

Night rose to her hooves. "One thing is clear."

Samantha perked her ears and began to stand as well. "What would that be?"

"We have to talk to her, and we need to stop avoiding each other." Night smiled a little. "Whether or not we go ahead with being a herd again, she was... is... a dear friend, and we've been poor ones by staying away from her. She deserves better than that."

Silver found himself agreeing easily to the statement. "I missed her."

Night kissed his cheek and nuzzled into it. "We both did, now let's stop that. We'll go to her and stop trying to pretend each other don't exist. Let's get the foals. She hasn't had a chance to really meet them yet."

Samantha took off into the nursery with a smile, returning with the foals strapped to her sides. "All set!"

Silver tilted his head. "You're co-- Of course you are." He shook his head. "Sorry, a little frazzled. Please, you should come."

"I fully intend to." She raised an ear. "As if I would allow my prized subjects to do this sort of thing unmonitored? Not to mention a chance to meet a potential new test subject?" She reared and clopped her hooves. "I can't wait! Shall we be off?"

Together, they strode from the castle. Morning Glory gave a sudden coo, drawing Silver's attention to the piercing gaze of his son. He smiled and moved up to Samantha to nuzzle at the little foal. "Got something on your mind there?" The foal had nothing more than a little coo in reply. Silver both looked forward to and dreaded a little when the two spawn of his would find their first words.

They navigated the streets of Canterlot, heading into the less-reputable portion of the city that held the hive. Silver looked around as he went, taking in the subtle differences from the last time he had seen it. Perhaps the success of the hive was having a positive effect on the surrounding neighborhood?

A lone vagrant was bold enough to approach them. "Bit for food?" He held out a hoof hopefully.

Silver looked ready to fish out some cash when Night swatted him on the back of the head with a wing. "Sorry," she said, without specifying what she was sorry for, and kept the others moving forward. Once they were past the vagrant, she snorted. "He didn't show signs of starvation, or really neglect to begin with. I think he was trying to take advantage."

Samantha tilted her head. "I'll give the next one one of my traced bits to see what he does with it. Learning could be quite valuable. Now where is this hive..." She looked left to right before her face lit up. The building that housed the changelings was well upkept and stood out from the buildings around it. She took off for it at an energetic trot. "You two get to meet a new auntie. Aren't you excited?" Both foals gave an excited squeal as if they understood.

Night moved up beside Silver as they followed. "Remember, no declarations of love. We're here to fix some old hurts."

Silver raised a brow slightly. "She's a changeling. Unless she's completely distracted, which she was before, she'll know if we love her or not. We should just be honest... with her and ourselves." As they approached the building, he leaned in all the closer. "Do you love her?"

Night went quiet as Silver considered his own feelings, imagining Fast at her best and worst times. Most of the mental images made him fonder for the handicapped unicorn that became a princess. Like himself, her change wasn't by her conscious choice, but was a result of her direct actions and decisions. Like himself, she accepted the responsibility seriously, and here they were...

Samantha's horn glowed as she opened the doors to be greeted by a male stallion that looked much like herself, if she had been born a stallion instead of a mare. The stallion leaned forward. "Welcome! Would you like some company? I love what you've done with your mane."

She laughed gently at the compliment. "Thank you, but I'm looking for your leader, not for a romantic excursion. Besides, I'm married." She pointed back at the two following her. "They would be quite upset at the idea of accepting your proposition."

Night and Silver caught up and she nodded at the changeling. "Fetch Fast Change, please. We need to talk to her."

The changeling burned with bright green flames, becoming its normal self. "The Qu--Princess has requested that she be left alone right now."

Silver nodded. "I imagine she did, but she'll be happier when she sees us."

The changeling frowned a little. "How can I be sure you're not just here to make her even more upset? We'll protect her, you know. She protects us." He put a holed hoof to his chest. "Don't try to force or bribe your way past us."

Night shook her head faintly. "We swear. Bring us to her, or bring her to us, and your princess will be much happier in the end. We're old friends of hers."

173 - Buzzing with Excitement

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With trepidation, the drone led them forward into the hive. "We've come a long way since we fled Queen Meanie, may she starve to death." He glanced over his shoulder. "We haven't forgotten the part you played, though you look bigger than last time." Click. "You didn't have wings last time."

Silver smiled a little. "I didn't. It sounds like we've both been through a lot. Let's cheer up that queen of yours."

"You'd better." The drone glanced left and right. "Please..."

He led them to a small room and pointed to the ground. "Wait here. I'll try and bring her here." He spun around and trotted out, leaving them alone.

Night cocked a brow at Silver. "So, what is our plan?"

Samantha blinked. "Wasn't it to meet her, and be friends with her while evaluating her for membership?"

Silver sat slowly. "Is her joining even an option?"

Night jabbed a hoof into Silver's side. "Only I have been with you longer than her. She... showed me things... Look, we have to be honest with ourselves before we go into this." She drew a deep breath. "I still love her."

Silver gave a stiff nod. "I think I do too..."

Samantha shook her head. "I don't, but I haven't met her yet. I look forward to evaluating that." She perked her ears. "You should too. Past experiences do not qualify as conclusive evidence of current performance." She tapped her chin. "She is a changeling queen? Doesn't that pose a risk to our well-being?"

The door suddenly swung open and Fast was there in her ruddy red glory. "You came?! Why?" She looked at once hopeful and terrified.

Silver approached a step. "First, to apologize. You caught me by surprise." He reached out a hoof. "Come here."

Fast shrank away half a step. "If you're just here to let me down easy, forge--"

Silver's magic wrapped around her gently and plucked her from the ground, bringing her into his reach where he hugged her fiercely. He felt the familiar draw of his love's power into the squirming Fast.

She flushed brightly. "Oh... Oh..." She couldn't deny that she felt delicious love pouring into her even as Silver squeezed her tightly. "Oh..." It was like she was broken for the moment, unable to form words properly. "Oh..."

Samantha raised a brow. "I trust she is usually far more eloquent?"

That snapped Fast out of it and she looked at Samantha. "Who's this?"

Samantha bowed softly. "I am Samantha, proud member of Silver and Night Watch's herd. A pleasure to meet you, Fast Change. I will be evaluating you."

Fast flipped her ears back. "You must already hate me..."

Night stepped up and suddenly cuffed Fast over the head. "That is not the Fast I remember. Stop pouting." She drove a hoof into the cement ground. "We're not here to banish you."

Fast smiled at that. "You haven't changed." She let out a little sigh, some relaxation creeping into her. "Is it... Do you?"

Night suddenly jumped forward, joining Silver's embrace of Fast, whose blush only grew more intense as she felt the true adoration of two ponies. "I never stopped..."

Samantha tilted her head a little. "Being a changeling quee-"


"Ah, right, changeling princess must be quite challenging and time consuming." Samantha nodded at Fast. "Do you find it difficult?"

Fast let out a snort as she became a smaller drone. "Queen Queen, I don't know what to do." She became a larger changeling, though she only had one hole through one of her forelegs. "Oh, what's the problem?" She snapped back to her smaller self. "One of the ponies keeps coming back before his scheduled time. Oh, and there are a few angry ponies outside complaining about us being here." She became her unicorn self. "Every day, little things. Most of it's resolved in a few minutes, but it never stops." She pointed a hoof at Silver. "You're a prince now, how do you avoid it?"

Samantha raised a hoof. "Before that, I had a question. Will the herd's contact with you prove to be a health risk?"

Fast frowned a little. "You're right to the point, aren't you? I've gotten better at controlling my... appetite, and Silver's a prince now. I could suck him dry without worry." The way her tongue played over her her lips and the smouldering look she leveled at him left Silver feeling the draining she would do to him wouldn't be suitable for foal witnessing. "That is... if we get back together." She trailed a hoof along the ground slowly. "I always hoped we'd eventually hook back up, you know? I mean, sure, I'm busy as a princess, but we all got our things. That doesn't mean we can't be together."

Night suddenly leaned in and planted a kiss on Fast's cheek. "You've grown."

Fast smiled at that. "I learned some responsibility, sue me. I'm not proposing I run away with you all, any more than I expect you to run away from Mr. Prince there."

"About that." Silver smiled sheepishly. "I've deferred taking the title until I've earned it, to avoid hard feelings."

Fast raised a brow. "Like integrating and rescuing a changeling hive? Or maybe serving as ambassador to a completely foreign race without a hitch? Or perhaps the whole umbrum rescue and re-integ-- Damn son, you sure do like integrating things. Hell, if the rumor mill isn't wildly inaccurate, you've won over the ambassador of the anubians, and they're known for being practically impossible to deal with." She raised a brow. "You tap that flank yet?"

Night went red as a cherry. "Fast! That is... a very 'you' question."

Fast grinned at Night. "And that is a very 'you' answer." She looked back to Silver. "So, really, what's left?"

Silver frowned a little. How did he explain what the dream taught him to fear? He decided honesty was the best policy with these ponies he adored. "I'm afraid, because I'm not really a po--"

"Stop." Fast put a hoof to his snout. "You look like a pony, smell like a pony, and..." Her eyes moved to the foals at Samantha's side. "Even make little ponies like ponies do. Congratulations, by the way. You're so pony, you make normal ponies uncomfortable with how much pony you pony. You embrace the qualities we admire with a zealous fervor. It's not enough to 'consider' them, you desperately work at it. You know the Elements of Harmony? Of course you do, you lose sleep wondering if you've managed to fail them every night."

Silver was left blushing, but Night nodded. "You have a point there... He is constantly worrying about being pony 'enough' and is fast to berate himself if he thinks his old self is leading him to act less-than-perfectly, not that it stops him from making an assortment of messes, but he tries." She kissed his warm cheek. "He just needs good ponies to keep an eye on him."

Samantha tapped her chin softly. "I surmise it's because he is always a little aware of the fact that he is a pony. To the rest of us, it's such a constant fact that we forget about it entirely, but Silver will always know he's a pony, and he tries to confirm and live up to that title."

With a sudden flash, Morning Glory teleported out of the holding harness he was in, appearing beside Fast and looking her over curiously. She looked down at him, returning the gaze and shivering. "What an intense little foal you are." She reached for him, plucking him up. "I can see a little of both of your parents in you. I wish I saw that in my own."

"Your own?" Silver's ears went erect. "You've had foals?" He felt a flush of sudden jealousy that someone had done that with his Fast, and he felt burning shame at even thinking it, as if he owned Fast in any way.

Fast saw the reaction and smiled. "You want to seed the next batch of larvae? I wouldn't say no..."

Night blinked at that. "You... You really are a changeling queen."

"Princess, but yes..." She sighed softly. "If I don't make larvae, well, what's the hive to do?" She shrugged softly. "It's one of my duties. There's... no love there. A breeder does his job, and that's that. He's a nice enough changeling, but..." She spread her hooves. "There's only one herd I want to be a part of."

Samantha stroked her chin. "Assuming you're found to be compatible, how would we reconcile your physical location? You clearly need to be present to fulfill your obligations."

Fast quirked a little smile. "Well, first, I don't suppose I could convince you to move here? You'd be guests, royal guests. Mates of the princess in fact. Not too many higher ranks than that besides me." She pointed at herself. "I'd take care of everything, I swear!"

Night clucked her tongue. "You probably could. We'd still be in Canterlot, and would commute to the castle to take care of business there during the day... But this isn't a given." She gestured to Samantha. "We have two things in the way. One, Samantha has to like you enough to approve of your rejoining, and two, Silver, the big goof, declared no new entries until he accepts his title as prince."

Fast suddenly slapped Silver across the snout, making him scowl at her. "The first part is simple. Silver, get over that. You're a prince. You got the wings, you have a background. You've earned it at least as much as Princess Book Horse has."

Silver fidgeted his wings. "It isn't that easy... Look, I'll think about it, alright?" He turned partially away from Fast.

She pouted her lips a little. "Aw, don't look so angry. You know I love you, right?" She moved up and he didn't stop her from gently hugging him. "You'll see soon enough. You'll make a damn fine prince."

Samantha tilted her head a little. "I'm afraid there are few ways to accelerate my diagnosis. I propose a meeting, tomorrow. We'll compare views and see how compatible we are. I also propose you begin the courting ritual to win my affection."

Fast blinked once, then burst into laughter. "Oh! You are too precious! Where did you find her? I'll come to the castle tomorrow, around noon. We'll get a nibble to eat together. Is that romantic enough?"

"It's sufficient." Samantha nodded as she recovered Morning Glory, but Clear Twilight saw he had experienced freedom and began to squirm, trying to make her own bid for it.

Silver gently plucked Clear free and set her down before him. "Hello, daughter." She cooed in greeting and began to wander around curiously.

With dates set, they eventually departed. Fast waved them off with a big, hopeful, smile.

174 - First Day of Class

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Silver strode through the streets of Canterlot with a smile. Perhaps everything would work out just fine. To have Fast returned, to break no hearts managing it... They were both at royal tier, so that shouldn't be an issue. No obvious issues stood in the way of a happy ending there, save for Samantha finding her to be 'compatible', but Silver doubted Fast's charm would fail on Samantha.

Everything was looking up.

He stepped up to his flight school and glanced up at the sign before he reached for the door with his magic only to let it fizzle. He was a pegasus here. He reached with a hoof instead and nudged it open, slipping inside. "Good morning."

The pegasus mare was at the counter, Dawn, not his instructor. "I was hoping you'd either show up early or not at all. Have a moment?"

"Sure, where's Air?" Silver tilted his head a little.

"With another class." She rose to her hooves, then launched herself at him like a rocket, landing hooves-first into his chest and knocking him to the ground. "Let's make this quick and easy. You're too big."

Silver rolled upright, frowning at the sudden attack. "Too big to fly? I respectfully disagree."

"Not that." Dawn rolled her eyes. "This school specializes in young ponies and country ponies that know how to fly right but need refreshers on city etiquette. You are neither of those." She pointed at his wings. "When did you get those?"

Such a pointed question. "Recently."

"But you can fly with them, but your form is entirely wrong. You're a mess." She scowled. "Trying to work that out of you would be a full-time position, but here's the thing, we teach entire classes. Do you think it's fair that Air's focusing on you while the other students watch and do nothing, or would you rather not get what you want while the rest of the class progresses?" She rolled a hoof. "It's one or the other."


"And don't give me lip about your royal status. I don't care how rich or poor you are, you're just not a good fit for this class. You need a private tutor, period." Dawn tapped at the ground as her wings fitfully twitched. "Look, I can see you're serious, but so am I. Go and get a private teacher. You'll learn faster and you won't be messing up a class in the process."

Mares of Equestria had a habit of setting him right in his place. Silver let out a slow breath. "Do you have any teachers in mind?"

Dawn smiled. "You're listening then? Good. I thought you were really a noble and you'd insist on it no matter how loudly I complained." She walked back to the counter. "As it turns, yes. We keep contact with a few really good instructors for just such emergencies. It's beyond me why Air thought he could just squeeze you in." She settled behind the counter and drew out a book. "I'll send him up to you. You just go home."

Silver blinked. "But you don't know where I live?"

Dawn raised a brow. "Silver Lining, ambassador to the humans?"

"Watch, Silver Watch, but yes, that's me."

She waved it off. "Look... You don't remember me, but I remember you. You helped out during the Tirek attack... Congratulations on the wings, but this isn't the right place." Dawn gave a bittersweet smile as she sat up. "I'll send him over. He's a good flyer and a good pony in general. He'll get you soaring like a natural, promise. Come back when you're flying straight and I'll be happy to see it, just not right now, alright?"

Silver gave a single firm nod. "Alright. I'll wait for him." He turned for the door. "Sorry for all the trouble. Tell Air I said thank you for trying."

She waved him off, and soon he was outside.

"I say, are you planning for your foals?" It was a familiar stallion, Fancy Pants. "Hmm, but they aren't pegasi, are they? I admit, I've gone and forgotten, quite poor of me."

Silver smiled at him. "Fancy, it's great to see you. How have things been?"

"Quite good, ole chap. Nice to see you as well." He offered a hoof and they touched and shook up and down rather than the straight forward clop that other ponies might do. "What brings you here?"

Silver flicked his horn back at the school. "I was going to get lessons, but they're not suited for me here. They're sending a teacher over for me."

Fancy raised a brow at the school, then at Silver's wings. "I do say... It's about time we had a prince that took the title as seriously as our princesses."

Silver darkened with a fierce blush. "I'll do my best." He glanced left and right. "Does it bother you that I'm not, you know, born a pony?"

He hiked a brow at Silver. "Not a pony? You were a foal when I met you, not even able to use that horn on your head yet, but you studied hard. Not to say you didn't have your stumbles, but who doesn't really?" He adjusted his monocle lightly. "You take life seriously, and those around you, under and above you. Is somepony giving you trouble? They shan't be invited to my next social, hmmph." He produced a card in his magic and floated it over to Silver, an invitation to a fancy gathering at the races.

Silver smiled at the confidence and support. "I... guess it was just me..."

Fancy pointed at Silver. "There you go again, worried about what others think about you. You really should focus more on being who you are, and less about what others think of it. Be that as it may, welcome to royalty, good chap. I imagine they haven't assigned you a domain yet. It took many years for Cadance, though significantly less for Princess Twilight. Hmm... Is it true, did you start creating spells? I hear that's a rare talent."

Right up there with his escort into princedom, Star Swirl. Silver smirked a little, thinking of his awkward ascension. "I have, and still do, when the inspiration strikes. I like magic."

"But it doesn't define you, just like Princess Twilight. She likes magic quite a bit, I'm told, but here she is, Princess of Friendship of all things." He leaned closer. "I understand if this a personal question, but the grapevine says you're busy trying to bring back the herd. Bold move, I dare say. I can barely keep up with one."

Silver colored at that. "They keep me busy, for sure." His ears perked with a thought. "What do you think of a noble family trying to squeeze into things?"

A frown creased his face. "That does sound unfortunately likely. Have you met a few gold-diggers hoping to score quick prestige and influence in such a distasteful way?"

"Well, yes." Silver rolled a hoof. "But the one that did it, I don't blame her. She's being pressured by her parents and it's a bit of a mess." He snorted softly. "I want to get her off the hook without getting her in trouble with her relations. Any advice?"

"That's quite a tricky situation you have there." Fancy tapped his chin with a hoof slowly. "This may be beyond your reach, old boy. So long as you and she understand the situation, it's done. Simply back away. Let's put such heavy topics aside. You've grown into a fine stallion and we really haven't had the chance to catch up." He pointed at the card floating in air. "Please, come. I feel like you're practically an adopted foal of mine, and I'd love to spend some time. You can meet some friends of mine, and I get the impression you'd like to put a good hoof forward with the movers and shakers of Canterlot."

Silver tucked the card away in a pocket. "I'll be there, promise." He felt happy to run into Fancy. "You were one of the first nice ponies we ran into after coming to Canterlot."

"I do recall that. You and your mother, Missus Lulamoon." He raised a brow. "Still beyond me why she refuses to accept that. She's raised a fine young colt into a great stallion. She should be proud. Does she fear she'll be looked down on for taking an earth pony for a husband? Nothing wrong with that, I say. We have to follow our hearts in the end, so long as we're proper about it."

They shared a final parting hoof-shake and went their separate ways. What lingering funk there was about not getting his first flying lesson that day was blunted with positive tidings. "Maybe I am worrying about nothing..." He stepped up towards the castle and the guards saluted at him. "Good day both of you. Any messages for me?"

"None that we've seen, Your-- sir."

Silver perked an ear, figuring what was almost said, if aborted. "Allow me to ask, what do you think? Would I make a good prince?"

The guards shared a glance and looked back at Silver, seeming nervous. "Permission to speak freely?"

"Please." Silver nodded. "Anything you say won't be held against you, I swear."

The first guard cleared his throat. "It's a bit odd that a convert would rise as far as you have, but I don't think anyone in the guard doubts your intentions, sir."

Silver smiled slowly. "Good, and I hope you will tell me if I err from the right path. I'm not looking for mindless servants."

The other guard pointed at Silver. "We'll do what we can, sir, but you're the one that has to make decisions, in the end."

Silver mulled over that a moment. "I'll do my best to make good ones. I like Equestria. I want to see it, and everyone in it, do well."

The first guard cracked a little smile. "That's all we ask, sir."

Silver trotted past the guards to see the flash of a pony going around the corner with a flick of the tail that felt oddly inviting. It was the wrong color for Carrot Plate. Who was giving him come hither motions in such a subtle, yet bold, way? He took slow steps towards the mystery even as he ran through defensive spells, just in case.

He turned the corner just to see the back end of the pony slipping into a room. She must have been guiding him along. There was no way she took exactly the right amount of time for him to follow her. With a frown, he let his magic loose, feeling at the walls and art as he primed his telekinetic senses. He would uncover that mystery...

175 - Behind Closed Doors

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Silver strode into the room, tense but curious. "Hello?"

The door slapped shut behind him. "So, you think you can just move in, take things over?" A familiar figure emerged from the darkness, a lunar pegasus mare with a frown. "The Warlocks have had their eyes on you for a while now."

Silver blinked. Was this the force arrayed against him? He didn't want the Warlocks as enemies. "Nice to meet you again. It's been a while."

She smiled, exposing her fangs. "You remember me, good. I certainly remember you... You stopped chasing Princess Luna around, hmmph, a point in your favor." She spread her wings slowly. "Or did you? You've grasped royalty in your hooves. Do you plan to leverage that to secure her? Is she on your list of conquests?"

A thought flashed in Silver's mind. "Have you told her you love her?"

Perhaps the wrong thing to say. She was suddenly on him, fangs sinking into his throat and her weight bearing him to the ground. "Unlike some ponies, I can separate my lusts from my duties." She put a hoof on his chest as she released his throat. "So, no, I have not. Before you think to call for help, the others have silenced this room for us. It's just you and me. We either come to an accord... or only I'm walking out of this room."

Silver frowned even as his magic flared all around his assaulter. He grasped her from all directions and hurled her across the room as he sat up. "Not like this. Anything you get me to promise is meaningless. Talk to me like a peer, a friend I would prefer, but a peer works."

She hit the ground with all four hooves and easily danced closer, as if being hurled was a minor inconvenience at best. "We're not friends, or peers. We act without restraint, so don't consider court either." She licked over her blood-stained fangs. "You're not a pony."

"I look like one, smell like one, and act like one." Silver clopped a hoof on the ground. "I'm more pony than you're acting right now."

She bristled at the very idea. "More pony than me?! I come from untold generations of ponies. You? You weren't even born a pony. As if you were in any position to measure it."

Silver offered a hoof. "I don't want to fight. I want peace. Tell me what I've done wrong."

She raised a brow. "Huh, you certainly live up to Celestia's ideals of a pony, but they're hardly the only ones." She flared her wings out wide. "And you're going to become a prince and tip things more in her favor, a solar prince... You'll claim Luna, hop on top of her and convince her to embrace those same weak principles. Ponies need strength, the will to fight." She thrust a hoof at Silver so hard and close that it bruised his nose. "Not everything is willing to accept peace as an answer."

Silver tilted his head at that even as he rose a hoof to rub his sore nose. "Some might not, but most will. We'll lead from the front, with open hooves and a benevolent smile. Any that would declare war on us would have to face the censure and response of the whole world." He rose up to his hooves. "Besides, I didn't disagree. We should know how to fight."

"Should we?" She stalked in a slow half-circle around him. "And when would we have time for that while we whimper and hide from conflict?"

He sighed. "I'm not the best pony in the world. If I can figure out how to fight while pushing for peace, I'm sure others can too. Let me ask, why didn't you just try asking me a few questions. Why this?" He gestured around the dim room. "Did I seem that hard to approach?"

"I'm glad you realize that." She scowled at him. "You've thrown things out of balance... Our Princess was to create a lunar ascended, and here you are, solar as can be. Celestia must be so proud..."

He perked an ear at that. "Celestia didn't make me. I was created by..." His tongue became tied. Words refused to come.

"Who?" She stalked at him, violating his personal space. "Tell me! Who made you!?"

"I can't say."

"Can't, or won't?" She growled deep in her chest. "I'll make you if I have to."

Silver frowned. "Do what you want. I can't. I literally can not. Torturing me would do nothing but make you more clearly the bad guy in this."

She suddenly laughed. "Oh that morality... Still, there is a point there. I could work you over until you say whatever I want to hear, but I want the truth... Why? Why can't you say?"

Silver glanced away. "I would if I could. Celestia wanted to know too, but when I... I can't. Sorry."

She sank to her haunches. "Fine. I'll accept that as truth." She prodded him in the chest. "So, Stud. You followed a flash of tail nicely. Still looking to expand that filthy herd of yours?"

He sighed at that. "I figured it was another noble making a clumsy and blunt attempt at gaining my attention. I came to gently let them down."

She rolled a hoof. "Let's stick to simple things I need to know. Whoever made you, are they an enemy of the state, yes or no?"

"No!" Silver clopped a hoof. "If..." He couldn't say it. "You would recognize them..." Even referring to the gender of the pony that ascended him was impossible. "I love Equestria, and I think they do too."

"Fine." She narrowed her eyes a little. "What do you intend to do with your title?"

"First, claim it." He pointed vaguely off. "I need to talk to Celestia, schedule that coronation. I'll get my crown, and work to be worthy of wearing it. Look, this is pointless. I want your help, not to undermine Equestria."

"Help?" She hiked a brow at that. "What help would you want from the Warlocks?"

He smiled a little. "Well, you are good at what you do. If I were an enemy of the state, I'd be worried right now, but I'm not. I do craft spells, and I have a lot of questions. I think we could do more for Equestria, together, then as enemies or rivals." He offered a hoof towards her. "For the good of all ponykind."

She swatted his hoof aside. "As if you understand ponykind! You're not a pony. You're a damn naked ape with a pony suit, and a tacky one at that." Her face wrinkled. "Why do you insist on being what you are not?"

"Because..." He thought about it, hard and deep. "Because I made a choice. I was born a human, and you were born a pony, but I had a choice, and I made it. I decided to be a pony, and, damn it all, I'm going to be the best pony I can be." He rose to his full height. "Now, please, help me be a better pony, for myself and all the ponies relying on me."

Her expression became hard to read as she looked him up and down. "Huh... The zeal of the convert, in the flesh... Fine, I believe you." With a wave of her wing, the door to the hallway swung open. "Go. We'll be watching you. I'd keep a closer eye on your wife, by the way. She's delving into things that don't belong to lunar pegasi."

Silver blinked at the cryptic warning. "What's she doing? If you saw her getting into trouble, why didn't you stop her? Is she in danger?"

She suddenly lashed out, but Silver was faster that time. A sudden shield intercepted her incoming hoof, filling his vision with the bright magic of his effort repelling her attack. When it faded, she was gone. The room was empty, save himself.

He sighed softly. He didn't even remember her name. He remembered her, as a person, and as his trainer in reaching deeper with his reserves, but her name eluded him and he mentally kicked himself for forgetting such a thing. Why was he so bad with names?

He stepped out into the hallway, glancing left and right before starting to trot for his room, wondering what Night Watch was up to that would concern the Warlocks. "I'm coming, Night..." He didn't know what he'd protect her from, exactly, but he would be there for her and shield her from any danger that would dare to threaten her, that much he felt confident about.

176 - I'm Here to Help

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Silver burst through the door to his room, looking around wildly. Samantha and Night looked up. Samantha had a book in her lap, and Night was performing push-ups at the time and both looked quite surprised at his sudden entry.

He looked to Night directly. "Hon, dearest one, have you been... doing something?"

Night hiked a brow. "I do a lot of things. Is that bad?"

Silver took a soft breath. "No, of course not... First, let me say that I love you so much. So long as this isn't hurting you or other ponies, I want to support you..."

Night rose smoothly to all fours and stepped towards him. "Do you even know what you're talking about?"

"No." Silver quirked a smile. "I don't, but I do know I want to be there, for you. If you're hiding anything, even a silly something, or something you think I might be upset about, please share it. I promise, promise to not be angry."

Night stared at Silver evenly. Samantha suddenly clopped her hooves. "Oh, that!"

Night glared at Samantha. "Don't you dare."

Silver perked his ears. "What? Please..."

"Do you trust me?" Night pointed a hoof at herself.

"I... yes..."

"Then trust me."

"Tell me everything is alright."

Night leaned in and kissed his cheek. "Everything is alright."

Silver let out a slow breath. "Then... fine, but do tell me when you feel more comfortable. You have nothing to hide from me."

Night raised a hoof under his chin, raising it. "Alright, then let's start with you. Who told you there's anything to worry about?"

Silver glanced off. "Do you remember, uh, the lunar pegasus, with the Warlocks?"

Night blinked softly. "I don't know the Warlocks well, but I think I know which you refer to. What about her?"

Silver sat up straight. "She attacked me, ranting about all kinds of things. I think she was worried I was e--"

"We're talking to Luna, now." Night frowned. "Let's go."

Silver blinked at that, falling in behind Night. "Luna?"

"They're her Warlocks." She glanced over her shoulder. "She'll get this straightened out. So let's go."

Samantha made no attempt to follow them, and soon they were gone, even if Silver wondered a little what she knew that she wasn't allowed to tell. What was his wife up to?

"I can't believe this, no wait, I can. It's just..." Night glared over her shoulder. "You're about the most patriotic pony around. If any of the princesses said you had to do something for the good of Equestria, you'd already be packing your bags to go and take care of it."

Silver tinted at the praise. "I'm not the most, stop that. I'm just trying to do what's right."

Night nudged him suddenly. "Exactly. Now let's go." She strode towards Luna's bedchambers and nodded to the guards. "Is Princess Luna available? We have a situation."

The guards glanced at one another. "She last reported..."

"He's a prince now. Let us in."

They saluted and one turned to the door. "Please be polite. Prince or not, we are sworn to protect Luna, and will do so."

Silver smiled. "I'm not here to cause trouble. We're friends, I hope." And more, if what he remembered from the last time Luna visited his dreams. "I'll be on my best behavior."

The door was opened, permitting them to step into the gloom of Luna's room where she sat before a mirror, brushing her mane. It seemed a somewhat useless activity as the brush passed through the wavy mane and effected little true change in it. She looked up at their entry and smiled. "Silver and Night Watch, a pleasure to see you both." She turned towards the door and waved at the guards to close the door. "What brings you here?" Her eyes wandered over Silver. "You're even more impressive in the waking world."

Night tensed a little. "Already saw him in dreams, I gather?"

"It would be hard not to." Luna nodded. "We did nothing untoward, I swear."

Silver smirked. Not for a lack of effort on her part. "We're here bec--"

"One of your warlocks attacked Silver." Night hefted a hoof at Silver with a scowl. "Why?"

Luna blinked at that. "What? It certainly wasn't at my command. Who?"

Silver grit his teeth, still not recalling that name. "Lunar pegasus, female, cranky on her better days, very serious."

"Night Wing." Luna nodded. "But she isn't a warlock as of about a moon ago."

Silver blinked. "What? She was acting like she was."

Luna held up a hoof. "I swear. We are both royals, so it would be most unbecoming to have lies between us. She was retired."

Night shook herself out. "Alright, that gets the Warlocks off the hook, but it doesn't excuse her."

Silver put a hoof on Night's shoulder. "I have a question first. Did you ever mention wanting to make a lunar alicorn?"

Luna stiffened at the idea. "I... yes... I had, at one point, entertained trying to lead you down that path, but you..." She quirked a smile. "Perhaps I should have tried harder, but I abandoned the idea. I tried again with your friend. You will recall she is a lunar, but she never quite reached for what was needed to ascend. She is happy as she is, so... That failed." Luna drew a slow breath. "Not that I am disappointed with how you turned out. You will make a fine prince, and Equestria is better for having you." She hiked a brow. "The answer is surely neigh, but you would not consider it now, would you?"

Night snorted softly. "You would ask, but fine, why did you ask that, Silver?"

Silver gestured vaguely off. "She, uh, Night Wing, she sounded like she was bitter that your plan didn't work. It was another thing she held against me. Look, I don't want her jailed forever or anything, but she clearly needs to be talked to and calmed down. She served Equestria for decades, let's not end that like this." He glanced away. "Besides, she..."

Luna shook her head. "I will seek her out and question her. We will put this matter to rest. I may have a certain... reputation, but I am not immune to my sister's teachings, or your own. I will try to show her the error of her ways. You are right. It would be terrible to end her career like this. So... about our query?"

Silver smiled at that. "I have enough on my plate, dear Luna. Let me be a solar pony, but I am your friend, and I do support the lunar ponies, as a whole. I walked a mile in their shoes."

Night raised a brow at the uniquely human saying. "Good, my husband's fine just the way he is." She moved up and nuzzled at him gently, pressing her warm body against his own. "Even if he lets a dream dictate too much."

Luna put a hoof to her chest. "Night, since you are here... You are aware your stallion will be recognized as prince, yes?"

Night frowned a little suspiciously. "Of course, and...?"

Luna gestured at herself. "I am a princess, and..."

Night snorted softly. "You're late. We already have one princess petitioning to join the herd."

"What? Who?" Luna clopped the metal-clad hoof to the ground. "They can't compare!"

Silver let out a little sigh. "It's Fast... She was already part of our herd, before either of us became royalty."

Luna's jaw worked silently a moment before she frowned. "We see..." A bitter laugh escaped her. "At least it wasn't Celestia." She cleared her throat. "Nevermind that for now. I will seek out Night Wing. You can go now."

They were dismissed, and Luna pointedly avoided looking at either of them. Night turned Silver back towards the door and began leading the way.

Silver glanced aside at Night as they walked. "That went well."

"You went and did it." Rounding the next corner came Night Wing. "Fetching my own princess on me?"

Silver quickly raised a hoof even as his shield sparkled into being. "Can we talk, please?"

Night Watch lowered, wings flaring. "Some things can only be settled the old fashioned way."

"You should listen to your whore of a wife, she has a few good ideas." Wing lowered in a similar stance, wings spread and a scowl on her face.

Silver drew in a loud breath. "Please, Wing, you did a lot of good for Equestria. The ponies didn't give you nearly enough credit, but if it wasn't for the Warlocks, and you, those changelings wouldn't have been saved. We wouldn't be a hair's width from rescuing the crystal queen." Whose name he had forgotten, darn it.

Wing took a slow step forward. "What do you know about us?"

"I know you're hurting." Silver sat on his haunches and smiled gently. "Tell me about it?"

"Tell you about it?!" Wing launched forward, only to be intercepted by Watch. They both tumbled to the ground, biting with needle-like teeth and kicking with sharp hooves for a moment before they separated.

Silver found himself wishing he had learned the time stopping spell Twilight had used. "Stop, please. I'm completely serious, tell me. I promise I'm here to listen, not judge. Tell me." He let his magic spread, suffusing the area with a faint amount of his telekinetic presence.

"You're getting ready for a trick." She crouched, facing him. "Stop it, all of it."

Deciding to be the first to show trust, he nodded. "Alright." His horn went dead, shield fizzling and field fizzled away, invisible to most, but he imagined Wing could see at least his horn. "Please, let's talk."

She suddenly ducked to the left into a shadow, and was gone. He was barreled into from the left as she jumped out of a shadow beside him and tackled him to the ground. "Ever the Ambassador, I see."

Watch scowled. "He's being twice the pony you are right now."

"Take that back!" She drove a hoof down onto him, driving out a pained oof from the impact.

"Start acting like a pony should." Watch stalked closer.

Silver suddenly rolled over and grabbed her, hugging her in a tight embrace. She did not accept it, thrashing in his grip. The movement of her hooves was painful and lacerating. "Tell... me..."

Watch suddenly dove in, tackling Wing off of Silver and to the ground. "My fool of a husband wants to help you, ungrateful filly." She sank her teeth suddenly into Wing's shoulder. "Let him."

177 - Truth by Moonlight

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"What proceeds here?!" Luna drove a metal hoof to the ground before stepping forward, fury in her eyes, and her personal guard right behind her. "Night Wing, stand and report!"

Night Wing rose to her full height, even if trembling, and moved forward towards Luna. "Don't believe wha--"

She waved it away. "Enough. You have assaulted an ambassador. You have assaulted a member of royalty. You have assaulted a royal consort. You falsely testified to your position in a government agency. Even were you working in your former capacity, you turned an attempt to defuse a situation into another excuse to continue an assault. You stand charged with many grave crimes."

Night Wing sank in place, trembling and sniffling, defeated.

"I was not able to get justice for you previously, Silver, but this time, nothing stands in my way." She sat, wings spread and a confident look on her face. "This time it is entirely within my court."

Silver scrambled up to his own haunches. "Wait! Wait, please."

Luna raised a brow at him. "Neigh. Even if you forgive her, I do not. Your soft heart will not stop the flow of justice this time. Nothing you say could change this."

Silver reached a hoof. "Give me a chance, and her too. She did many things wrong." He still felt the bleeding wounds he had suffered to his chest and undercarriage to make that clear. "But I think there's a reason."

"There's always a reason." Luna looked to Night Wing. "Go ahead, tell us your reason."

She trembled and squirmed in place, her words robbed from her for a moment before she swallowed thickly. "I... I want you to be happy..."

Luna raised a brow. "And you thought it would please me to attack a friend like this?"

"He is no friend of yours!" she shouted in fury before she sank back down. "He doesn't love you..."

Luna blinked softly. "We were not aware love is a requirement for frie..." It came to her. "I..." She saw Night Wing a little differently. "You are still guilty. What you did was wrong."

Silver looked over Night Watch for injuries much like his own. "So let's make it right. Hatred and vengeance, those aren't what we want from her, and it shouldn't be what we want either."

Luna sucked air through her teeth and let out a gust of a sigh. "He isn't wrong... Not entirely."

"Don't..." Night Wing staggered to her hooves. "I'd rather be crushed at your hooves, m'lady, than hear you say such soft things. Let the last thing I see be the powerful mistress I swore myself to."

Luna glanced at the guards that watched the scene with stern and ready expressions, then over at Silver and Night Watch, quietly tending to themselves as a result of the attack. She clenched her teeth. A simple case of justice being meted out, ruined by that human. "Night Wing."

"Yes, Princess?" Night Wing dipped her head, her body tense and ready.

"Your retirement is hereby annulled. You owe us twenty years service, the first to be spent in service of the one you wronged."

Her eyes went wide and pupils contracted dangerously. "What? No! You wouldn't!!"

Luna gave a single firm nod. "You will protect the very same body you thought to harm." She leveled a hoof at Night Wing. "Protect and serve him well, and then you may return to me. We have things to discuss, after you have completed your duty."

Night Wing trembled, her face a battleground where hope, despair, and fury fought bitterly. "I... will make you proud." She sank completely to the ground. "I'm sorry."

"What are you sorry for?" Luna demanded.

"Disappointing you."

Luna pointed to the Watches. "Save your apologies for them. They are your master and mistress until the year is complete, and I had better not hear report of dereliction in this duty, or even Celestia herself will not stand between me and justice." She snorted softly and turned to Silver. "We trust this satisfies?"

Silver gave a little smile. "You didn't have to make her work for me, but yes." He looked to Night Wing, clucking his teeth. "To make it perfectly clear from the outset, I will only expect you to be a good pony, and a guard. If you wish to help me be a better prince, with advice, I won't stop that."

Night Wing raised a brow. "You're not going to press me into that all-consuming herd of yours?"

Night Watch rolled her eyes. "Denied."

Silver nudged against Watch. "She is my first wife, and she already declines the idea. Besides, you are a Warlock. I plan for you to act like one. Help me against the real enemies of Equestria."

Wing rose to her hooves, still shaking. "Very well. Call if you need me then... I'll have my eyes open." She darted into a shadow and was gone.

Luna let out a little sigh. "I never knew..." She brought up a hoof to her face. "The things I told her... They must have driven her mad with despair. Such a talented pegasus, she must have thought I would groom her for it... Her loyalty is what made it impossible. She never pushed the envelope. She never reached out of her safe zone. She would never ascend... But that doesn't mean... I must think about this." She turned away. "Excuse us." She departed with her guards, leaving Night and Silver in the dim hallway.

Night poked him. "You did it again."


"You got another mare in your life."

Silver frowned a little. "This is different and you know it. She's a soldier, and I'm pretty sure she still kinda hates me."

Night shrugged softly. "I was a soldier when we met, and I thought you were insufferable."

Silver blinked at that confession. "I... really?"

Night wrinkled her nose. "It was my loyalty to Luna that kept me at your side at first. You won me over bit by bit, until I was caught thoroughly in your devious little net."

Silver glanced away and back. "Are you... worried that will happen with Night Wing?"

Night Watch let out a sigh. "Chances are low, 20%? She still carries the biggest torch for Luna, and if Luna shows any interest back, she'll forget you even exist by comparison. Damn mare should be grateful. Luna looked ready for an old fashioned execution, the kind Celestia wrote out of the books hundreds of years ago."

Silver nuzzled under Night's chin gently. "I'm glad we avoided that. Look, nopony got hurt."

"Speak for yourself." Night rolled her eyes at that. "We're both still bleeding. We should let Samantha look us over, just in case."

They could agree on that, and began heading back to their room. As they went, Silver asked, "So, about that secret..."

"Still a secret."

"Why?" Silver nudged against her. "Is it a surprise for me?"

Night smiled. "That's a good way to think of it. Don't ruin your surprises. I'll show you when the time is right, promise." She nibbled softly along his neck, making him shiver with delight. "I think you'll like it."

Emerging from the shadows, Night Wing dipped her head at Silver. "I could say, if you request it."

Silver blinked at Night Wing's appearance, but Night Watch reacted faster with flared wings and a grunt. "Don't you dare! It's mine to say or not."

Night Wing pointed at Silver. "He has more say than you, consort. If he wishes me to say, then I must."

Silver shook his head. "I would want her to tell me, not someone else, unless someone is getting hurt, she can have her secrets."

Night Watch smiled gently at that. "Nopony is getting hurt, promise. I'll tell you."

Night Wing nodded once more before fading back into the darkness, gone.

"Of all the females, you get another lunar pegasus..."

Silver blinked at that. "You don't like other lunar pegasi?"

"Of course I do... But not here, not like this." She folded her wings tightly and resumed walking. "She's going to be interesting to have around... I hope she realizes you're about as harmless to Equestria as a daisy."

Silver shook his head. "Stop acting like I'm some kind of saint, because I'm not." He spread his new wings out slowly. "I could cause a lot of problems, in theory. I'm trying not to, of course. Oh! There should be a flying instructor stopping by soon. I won't be joining the class."

Night raised a brow. "Why not? I thought you picked one out and everything."

Silver rolled a hoof. "Apparently I have a lot of things wrong, so I need to be taught from the ground up, so it's one on one time instead of slowing down a class just for me."

They arrived at their room and opened the door to find Samantha parked with the foals, all three watching them intently. Samantha saw their wounds quickly and hopped to her hooves. "Lay down on the bed, bellies up. I'll have you taken care of before you even know it."

The foals moved, imitating Samantha and making little gestures as if also ordering their parents up onto the bed, even if they said nothing more intelligent than random coos. Unable to resist the commands of all three, Silver and Night climbed up and laid down, their injured undersides exposed to the air and Samantha's quick care.

Samantha's hooves were gentle, caring, and a little wandering. Silver gasped when she brushed something sensitive. "You're larger everywhere."

Silver turned bright red at the observation, but Samantha continued, "When we engage in breeding procedures, you will have to exercise greater caution to ensure maximum compatibility."

Night raised a brow at the warning. "That was the most clinical come hither comment I ever heard."

Samantha tilted her head. "Did I do it wrong?"

Night gestured with her head. "Whatever he says, his body says 'I liked hearing that.'"

Silver's deep blush spread over his neck as he brought his legs together. On the bright side, his pain was completely forgotten about, all the more so when he felt a small object fall onto his exposed belly. It was his son, Morning Glory. He smiled brightly and flopped onto his side, hugging the little foal closely. "I can't wait until you start talking."

Night rolled over with him, trapping Clear Twilight between them. "We have a while yet, but they're perfect already."

Samantha slipped in behind Night, and the room grew quiet, with the whole of the family content to be beside one another, at least until a belly rumbled.

Rest time was over.

Silver slipped from the bed. "I'll make something. You two spoil me with how often you make food." With a smile, he set to preparing something delicious for all his family, big and small.

He'd suffered through much worse days than that.

178 - By the Ancestors

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Night Watch clopped twice on the door before opening it and entering to find Nefertari seated in a curious bipedal way. She didn't have haunches, like a pony. Night closed the door behind herself and nodded as she approached. "Sorry for missing yesterday."

Nefer rolled a hand. "And you will tell me why. I have grown to know you better. You would not miss a commitment unless sorely pressed."

Night drew in an irritated breath. "A pony, one of my own kind, attacked Silver. It's handled."

"Is it?" Nefertari raised a brow faintly. "By your own kind, do you mean of your specific tribe?" She gestured over Night. "Leather winged and sharp toothed? Do they use shadow magic?"

Night looked to Nefer with a snap. "You know her?"

"I could feel her dark presence, lurking. She cannot enter here, not without my leave." She sucked in a soft breath. "It was not my place to exorcise this castle of its ghosts. I still feel her. Are you certain this matter is handled?"

Night sat before her mentor. "Silver was involved." A little smile played over her lips. "Forgiveness and redemption happened."

Nefertari nodded. "Before or after he displayed his strength?"

She considered that a moment. "He was cool, collected, and never really ruffled. Looking back on it, I'm proud of him. I think... he could have crushed her, but even without his magic, he grappled her to a standstill at one point. Let's put that aside." She took a slow breath. "I'm ready."

Nefertari wove her fingers through the air, creating a disc of dark energy. "Very well, since you are eager to plunge your head deeper into this. While, ideally, you will interact with spirits that share blood with you, those of your tribe, this is not assured. The more removed a spirit, the less friendly it is inclined to be. Blood ties, unifies, but also separates." Reaching into the pit of darkness, Nefertari drew the shape of another jackal.

The other scowled at Night. "Thief! Skulk!"

That voice... "You're the spirit that was guarding the room."

"Protecting Nefertari is ever my duty for countless years." The spirit jackal crossed her arms. "You, on the other hand, are a thief and scoundrel."

Night figured quickly. "And it's my job to subdue you." She rose to her hooves. "I'm not leaving. I'm a shaman now."

"Pathetic." The spirit drew into a combat pose, legs anchored despite not touching the ground. Her arms were cast out, energy gathering in her paws. "Your contact with the spirit world will just make this hurt all the more. It will be my distinct pleasure to remove you from this place."

Nefertari sat quietly, watching them and not interfering one way or the other.

Night raised a hoof and brought it down with a clop. "Grandfather, come, please."

Emerging from a nearby shadow came the translucent form of an aged lunar pegasus. "What? Is some--" He ducked as the jackal spirit swung at him with an energy-wreathed paw. "Woah! That's hardly polite."

"Your grandfather? So young..." The jackal spirit grinned, teeth alarmingly white against her largely see-through body. "Practically a mewling infant among spirits. I almost feel bad." She advanced on him, energy crackling with fury around her paws.

Night jumped forward, catching a cruel paw meant for her grandfather. Icey pain lanced through her as she grit her teeth and lashed out a hoof, knocking the spirit away several inches, but she had clearly taken more damage in that exchange. Ice clung to her body where she had been raked and Night hobbled back a step, struggling for breath.

Her grandfather's wings exploded outwards, becoming wreathed in cloying darkness as a low and furious growl escaped him. "You hurt my Little Watch." He took a step forward, darkness bursting out from under each hoof as it came down. "Apologize."

"Be as angry as you wish. My eternity of duty is stronger than your path--"

He was on her, striking in a fury of sharp hooves, sharper teeth, and beating wings. The physicality was only there for his reference. The true damage was inflicted as shadow burst on every impact, driving the jackal back under the berserk fury of a angered grandfather. "Apologize!" With a last crushing blow, the jackal spirit discorporated and the grandfather fell to his hooves, panting raggedly despite not truly breathing. He locked eyes on Nefertari, a long trail of shadowy spittle leaking from his creased snout.

Nefertari held up one hand calmly. "We have no quarrel. You are no ancestor of mine, but I have not brought you."

"Brought... me?" He turned to Night Watch. She had brought him. "Little Watch." He shook his head as if to clear it, but the darkness had fogged things too deeply.

Night Watch crashed to her belly. "It's over... grandfather... Thank you."

He moved to her side quickly, shadow still bursting out with every step. He leaned in and nuzzled her, but she cried out with pain when he did, making him recoil from her. "N-no... I didn't..."

Night pushed to her hooves slowly. "Please, just... Wait." She took a slow breath, recentering herself. Her grandfather slowly stopped being a shadowed being of darkness and became her grandfather, as real as anything to her. She held out a hoof and he nervously advanced into her embrace. They hugged gently until Nefertari gave a loud clap.

It was all gone. "You have much to learn." Nefertari clucked her tongue. "That was to see where you stood, pupil. You survived, you won, in the end..." She reached and brushed at the rime frosting on Night's coat. "You have a ways to go before I can declare you ready to stand on your own legs."

"What happened?" Night frowned at Nefer. "My grandfather... he was a monster."

"He lost his own focus, on seeing you harmed." Nefertari clucked softly. "The spirits you deal with often need as much training as you. His rage allowed him a victory, but could have cost you gravely. His love stilled him, and your focus returned him. Do not be angered at him, he is fresh, just like you."

"I'm not angry at him!" Night shook herself vigorously, losing some of the ice to the floor. "It looked like it was hurting him too... Is he alright?"

"You calmed him before any true harm could come to be. There are some..." Nefertari made a slow circling with the finger. "Some shamans rely on that berserk fury. I find it distasteful. You saw the pain you caused your ancestor. What will you do?"

Night let out a chilly breath, still recovering from the experience. "I don't want to do that again. Show me how to avoid that." She looked down suddenly. "He doesn't deserve that..."

Nefertari settled a paw on Night's shoulder. "Our ancestors survived a lifetime of struggle. Let us not add to their burden. In this, we agree. Good."

"What about yours?" Night looked up at Nefertari. "She was... Is she alright?"

"You care about her?" Nefer raised a brow. "I would have thought you glad to see that one suffer."

Night clenched her teeth. "Maybe Silver's having a bad influence on me, but I don't want her to be hurt. She's just doing what she knows, which is..." She rolled a hoof. "Incomplete and out of date."

Nefertari burst into laughter. "Oh, if she heard that... She is fine. I dismissed her when your spirit grew out of control. She likely would have been successful, but the harm to both would have been dire. But we are not that careless, are we?" She smiled, exposing her sharp teeth. "As shaman, we are obligated to the well-being of spirits as we are masters of them. Be as a kind parent."

Night blinked at that. "Father to my own grandfather?"

Nefer shrugged softly. "Time loses its grasp among the spirit. He may have been your parent's parent, but now he is your ancestor. You are his tie to the physical world. He needs you as much as you desire his services, if he wishes to have any part of the world he was forced to part from." She held up a clawed finger. "You are to visit your parents and allow him to see his son and daughter. That is your next assignment. Call him with your own will, as you have done today, keep a gentle but firm hand on him, and see that the visit is gentle and well-received."

Night didn't have a hand, but understood what Nefer meant. She nodded to her mentor. "Alright... I can't just do that right now. Silver do--"

"Alone." Nefer raised a brow. "You are not shackled to your husband. Surely he will understand a visit to your family."

Night raised a questioning brow.

Nefer raised a paw, palm towards Night. "I will not bother him while you are away." She snorted softly. "Your family is too large and crowded as it is."

That much Night could agree with and rolled her eyes. "Fine, but you can help keep an eye on him, please?"

Nefer smiled, a predatory smile. "If you wish. Now go." The door behind Night swung open without obvious effort. "Your ancestor deserves this."

Silver strode into some of the more quiet halls of the castle. Glancing left and right, he called out, "Night Wing?"

She wasn't there, then she was, practically nose-to-nose with him. "What do you want?"

Silver jumped back with surprise. "Oh! Night.... mind if I call you Wing?"

She raised a brow silently.

"Right, so, how much do you know about politics?"

Wing rolled her shoulders. "It's hard to be a Warlock without learning something of the dance. What of it, pretend prince?"

Silver sucked in a breath through his teeth. "I want to address that. Will you help me be a good prince?"

She raised a brow silently.

"Show me what Equestria needs." He took a half step forward. "I'm here, for better or worse. I can be a boon or bane to this wonderful place, and I'd rather be a boon. You've been here longer than me." He dipped his head. "Show me."

She snorted. "First thing, raise your head. You're a Prince, hades take it. Act like it." She sat up, wings spreading wide. "You don't want to learn from me."

"Why not?"

She smiled dangerously. "You learned magic at my hooves. I don't have mercy, and I don't like you very much..."

"That sounds like you're perfect." He rose to his hooves fully. "I want honesty, not kindness. Equestria has a prince, let's give them one worth having."

Night Wing scowled at him a moment. "Is this an amateurish attempt to befriend me?"

Silver shrugged a little. "Is it a bad idea?"

She let out a slow breath. "Fine. We'll start by attending that party you've been invited to."

He blinked in surprised and dug out the card he had forgotten about. It was that night!

She laughed at his expression. "Already ready to miss appointments? Not good, Prince. Prepare yourself and be there. I'll be there." She faded from existence, consumed by the darkness around her.

179 - A Rough Tumble

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With time left before the shindig that evening, Silver decided to spend the day productively. "It's not like I stopped being an ambassador." He smiled to himself as he set his desk in remote order, not that his slapdash methodology had ever been defeated. At least it looked neat.

His next appointment should be along…

Stick checked her calendar, sure enough, this was the right place for her to be. She knocked at the door, not sure who the Princess had booked her to interview. “Hello?”

Silver heard a familiar voice and smiled at the door. "Come in, come in. The other half of this meeting will be coming in, hmm, a few minutes, give or take." He spread his hooves as his magic reached to pull the door open.

“Silver?” Stick trotted into the office and smiled. “It has been a little while, I heard about the new wings, congratulations.” The changeling drone had a small saddle bag set on, that she took some notepads from.

Silver looked over the changeling, realizing something. "I guess changelings start this way." He cracked a smile. "Ponies must seem so silly, getting excited about it. Anywho! I didn't bring you here for that. You're heading an investment group, right?"

“Not so much heading anymore, it grew too big too fast for one little drone to manage. I still have some sway with them, but I am mostly just an investor now.” Stick settled on a seat across from the alicorn. “As for growing up with these,” her wings buzzed a few times, “not really, it is a bit confusing when you are that small, but you kind of start with a lot less, even than other ponies.”

Silver waved it away. "You have a lot going for you. Don't short-sell being a changeling. I'd like to think we all get a good shake, really." He squinted. "Except maybe diamond dogs. I haven't figured out what they're good at. I'm getting distracted again, uh, so, I have this--"

A single knock on the open door was all anyone got before Rough Tumble entered, looking a bit confused. "Uh, am I early? Need me to wait outside?"

Stick looked between the newcomer and Silver, expecting a cue from the smaller of the two as to what was going on. “I am not sure, I was told Silver Watch had an opportunity that I needed to investigate, are you an opportunity?”

Silver grinned. "He may be. Tumble, come on in." He gestured to an open chair, leaning back as the sun bathed over him, warming his fur. "Last we talked, we were going over specific vehicles, now it's time to put that to use." He glanced to Stick. "This st--"

"W-what?" He looked between Silver and Stick, somewhat terrified. "I'm not ready, look, I--"

Silver held up a hoof. "If you really feel that way, I'll call this off, but you've been waiting your whole life to move forward. Don't you want to get moving?"

Caught like a deer in headlights, Tumble trembled.

“I am already intrigued, what were your plans?” Stick opened a notepad, her magic picking up a quill and inking it up. “If it would help, pretend I am not here, explain them to Silver.”

Tumble gave a shaking nod. "R-right, not here, so…" He took slow steps forward. "I did a little… I can't pretend they aren't here!" He turned to Stick. "Look, I'm Rough Tumble, nice to meetcha. What's your name?" He thrust a hoof forward almost violently, turning to very aggressive politeness.

Setting aside her notebook, Stick offered a hoof back, slower than the stallion. “Stick Cart, and it is nice to meet you too.” She made sure their hooves got a little clop as they connected. “Would it help if I didn’t look this way?”

Rough Tumble glanced away. "S'ok… Ponies think I'm a brute 'cause I'm thick." He hopped up into the offered chair. "So…"

Silver gestured towards the both of them. "Now that you're introduced. Tumble here has a thing for trucks. How this involves you, Stick, he can carry big heavy things a long distance. Pegasi can move small things fast, and heavy things a short distance, but if you want to move a piano cross-country, it's train or nothing. Town doesn't have a train depot, out of luck, and it's a monopo--"

"Where did you get all of that?" Rough looked confused. "Oh wow, were you reading up on it too? I didn't think…" He flushed a little but went quiet.

“You better believe I have looked into such things.” Stick pulled out a second pad, opening it. “I probably shouldn’t show you this, but…” Inside was a sketched map of all of Equestria, with all the train routes and a few ‘pending’ labeled routes. “And yet, there are still places that are just not feasible to reach with rails. Your idea is valid, but you have a choice first.” Stick lifted up her quill and licked the tip, starting to scratch on the paper. “Will you put yourself forward to join with the railway, or work separate?”

Tumble licked over his lips as his hooves rubbed against one another in nervous habit. "I was thinkin' of doing it on m'own, you know? Ain't nopony knows me yet." He gave a sudden smile, some hint of confidence showing through. "By the time they do, it'll be too late."

“Good choice. You could still use the railway yourself, or even get work from them. Those locations are going to need things delivered, prior to their tracks being laid.” Stick started scribbling furiously. “How many trucks do you have? How many employees?”

Silver provided an answer quickly, "It's just himself, for the moment. We have the first truck of his fleet already selected." He flashed a bright smile. "It's a real monster. It should be able to handle any terrain with a full load."

“Just starting out then? Perfect, nothing you need to unlearn, as Penny would say. But we will need to look into more trucks, I can see a lot of use for such a business. Do you have some costs worked out? Vehicle wise, what does it use to run?” Stick was flicking to another page, finding a table already ruled up.

Tumble nodded his head. "The one we picked out runs on almost anything, but best on gasoline." He rubbed at his cheek with a hoof. "You'll show me how to do this?" He glanced towards the sun-lit window and back. "You're really serious about this? I mean…" The impossibility of the situation seemed to be dawning on him. "I'll do my best."

Silver nodded. "That's all we're asking. We're putting you in your element, and I know you can make it work." He smiled. "Do you think you could find other ponies? Ones that like trucks, driving them, taking care of them, things like that?"

Tumble only nodded, clearly overwhelmed.

“Perfect, and yes, I most certainly am serious about this, Rough. Now, the easy bit, or bits as it may be. Are you able to pay for this, or will you be seeking investors?” Stick set her quill down, making a few judgments about what was needed and that investigation was the order of the day.

Silver pulled a bag out. "I do get paid for what I do, and if it helps out a friend of mine, I can't think of a better use for it." He pushed it forward only for Tumbles' hooves to cut it off.

"N-no! You're doing… everything. I'll earn this."

The sentiment struck Silver to the quick and he gently pulled the bag back. "What have you got for us, Stick?"

"Well, there are a few options. There is private investment.” Stick gestured to the bag. “That has advantages in that you deal with a few ponies who likely know you well. There is asking for a royal advance, basically, the crown lends you the money needed to start your business, you have to deal with royal pains in the flank with that, though. Or you have the latest innovation, venture capitalists, ponies who weigh up the risks and rewards associated with a new business.” Stick giggled a little at the end.

"H-how does that work?" He looked to Stick curiously.

Silver smiled as he leaned forward. "Let's say I give you some money." He pushed that bag forward again. "It wouldn't be a gift. I'd be expecting the money back, and some extra. I'd be an investor, and a little bit of the money you make in the future goes to me, for helping start it in the first place."

Stick nodded. “Close enough. You could even just never pay him back, but give him a small percentage of your profits each month. There are a few flexible ways to handle that. The other two… are a lot more complicated, you will be assigned a pony who will be looking over things, a lot. If they don’t like what they see they can either demand you give the money back or just take control… not fun.”

Silver nudged the bag forward. "It wouldn't be a gift. You can pay me back, then we're even."

Tumble glanced to his friend who had become a prince, then to the bug that knew way more about businesses than he did. "I…" He frowned a little. "I don't want anypony telling me what I gotta do."

Silver gestured at Stick. "She's going to tell you a bit, but she's on your side."

“Right, so venture and royal are out. So that leaves you needing investors. We need to work out what you need to get you and your truck rolling, we need to get you some jobs to do to get real bits coming in and then look at how to grow bigger. Also, as your business advisor, if a pony gives you bits and doesn’t wave a book worth of paper for you to sign, you take it, okay?” The changeling wore a big grin, her teeth showing a touch, giving it a bit of a predatory look.

Tumble looked up at the bag, then Stick and back once more. "I'll return this, promise." He slipped from the chair and accepted the bag solemnly. "So… what else do we need? This thing's kinda heavy…"

"There's a reason I left it on the desk." Silver snorted out a chuckle. "I can keep it here until it's actually in use if you prefer."

“Or you could take it to the bank and let them keep it safe. Sheesh, you don’t need to carry it around with you. I will need to collect somepony, if we are going to go and buy you that truck. I don’t know the first thing about them, but a mare I know will have a clue.” Stick smiled and got up. All the pads before her started folding up and tucking away on their own.

Silver's horn glowed as a magazine floated out of his desk, already open to the truck they had picked before. "This is the one. Take Tumble with you. He should be involved with the buying of it. It's the only one of its kind." That fact made him roll his eyes, but he didn't expand on what irked him.

Tumble bobbed his head. "I want to be there, um, please?"

“Of course, you are the one who will need to sit in it for a long time. Sort of like an office.” Stick lifted a hoof and reached for the stallion’s shoulder. “But my friend has a thing for machines, she will know exactly what to expect from it.”

He smiled hopefully. "I'll take good care of it." He slung the bag over his unoccupied shoulder. "T-thanks, both of you. I'll pay you back, Silver." He added as almost an afterthought. "Nice wings."

Silver colored faintly at the praise. "Go and show them what you have."

Pulling out her little calendar, Stick made some notes. “We just need to head by the train yards, my friend is down there. You ever seen a train up close?”

Tumble seemed confused at the question. "Uh, a few. Ain't never rode one before. Why?"

“Well, she helps make them. As I said, she knows machines well.” Stick gave a wave to Silver. “Did you need help with anything else, Your Highness?”

Silver snorted gently. "We're friends, you don't have to say things like that. Good luck, both of you." He waved them off, pleased with how things had gone.

“If you say so. You should get in contact with Penny again, have lunch or something.” Stick waited for a reply by the door, holding it open for the bigger stallion.

Tumble nodded to the changeling. "You're pretty nice. I…" His words, likely offensive in an unintended way, were lost as he departed, leaving Silver to his own devices.

Sending a letter to Penny, there was an idea...

180 - Dinner Date

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Silver strode towards the meeting, fidgeting slightly as he went. He was dressed up in a fancy tuxedo. It wasn't a perfect fit, but they didn't really plan for an alicorn to drop in so suddenly.

"This is the closest we have for you," insisted the thin unicorn known as Sassy Saddles. "Why don't you come back after your little get-together and we'll get you properly sized? I'm sure Rarity--"

"You know Rarity?"

Sassy had pointed to the sign at the front of the store. "This is her boutique, Canterlot branch. As I was saying, I'm certain she'd love the challenge of making an outfit fit for a prince, but since you need it today, this is the closest we have."

And so there was Silver, pulling at his clothing nervously with little tugs of his magic as he trotted up to the door and focused his magic on the knocker before hesitating. It was a perfect time to practice. He let his magic go, channeling the telekinesis in a cloud that he stuffed through the cracks of the door and beyond, reaching into the unknown past it.

He could feel at least five ponies quickly. Three stallions, two mares, all unicorns, which made sense enough. That was Canterlot, afterall. No wait, there was an earth pony? He felt over the anomaly a moment. Stallion, moderate build, jeweled... Suddenly his magic fizzled and he was left with a mild headache that started to clear quickly, but something had dispelled his efforts. How curious...

The door opened suddenly, revealing not an earth pony, but a zebra stallion that looked at him with a raised brow.

"Oh! Hello." Had he been noticed? "Nice to meet you, I'm--"

"Silver Watch, we've been told." The zebra stepped back. "Next time try to introduce yourself with less magic."

Silver colored faintly as he proceeded inside. There was Fancy Pants, beside Fleur and talking with several other unicorns. With a smile, Silver proceeded towards the familiar faces. "Sorry about that."

Fancy looked up as Silver approached. "Ah, here's the stallion of the hour. Our uncrowned prince." He coughed into a hoof. "As they said at Princess Twilight's coronation, 'Behold.'"

The other unicorns turned to regard Silver curiously. A stallion looked him up and down. "I guess that makes sense enough?"

"What does?" asked a mare.

He pointed at Silver. "The colt that could barely control his magic came to this. It was his destiny from the start."

That got a nod from all of them, unified in the ideal of fate at work. One of the mares circled around Silver. "I heard the most fascinating things about you--"

Fancy cleared his throat, commanding all eyes towards him. "We'll have plenty of chances to get to know Silver. He'll be joining us today, but let's not overwhelm him." He leaned a bit closer to the crowd. "He's a bit new to the scene, but he's eager to learn."

Silver felt himself relax. He was in good hooves with Fancy around. Where was Night Wi-- He jumped as he looked to the right and found Night Wing standing beside him as if she had always been there.

"I said I'd be here." She was wearing a sheer and glistening dress that covered her form. Before, he would have been blind to it, but he had internalized what made a pony pretty or not, and that dress was certainly flattering. "Stop staring at me." She frowned. "Keep your eyes on the nobles. They're the ones you need to impress."

One of the noble mares glanced between Night Wing and Silver. "Is she with you?"

Silver considered a dozen excuses before settling on the truth. "Let me introduce a bodyguard and esteemed servant of mine, Night Wing, proud member of the Warlocks."

That drew a chorus of impressed noises as some pressed close to start pressing her for questions, which she addressed tersely.

Fleur pressed against Silver's side. "You've grown into such a fine stallion." She raised her brows together. "You must be so proud."

Silver warmed. The contact felt like a little more than a friendly bump. "I'm more than a little nervous, really. I want to do what's right for Equestria."

Fancy raised a glass held in his magic. "I'll drink to that." His words prompted a toast as many glasses rose together. "To Equestria!" they clinked together and drinks were had.

The zebra nodded towards Silver. "Tell me, where did you learn such advanced magics?"

Silver felt on the spot. Most of them were likely unaware he had done anything. "I learned a lot of tricks with Cel--"

A stallion perked up. "She did it again! Princess Celestia certainly knows how to find the talented ones."

That wasn't what he had meant, but close enough by his measure.

It wasn't enough for the zebra, who looked him up and down. "I'm told you don't have a 'traditional' marriage."

That raised many curious brows. One of the mares flashed a smile. "Please, tell us and dispel the rumors. What sort of arrangement do you really have?"

Silver glanced at Night Wing, but she was answering her own questions and not paying him much mind. Some help she was. "I actually went... more traditional. I am the stallion of my herd. Night Watch is my first wife."

"How decadent," declared a stallion.

"Indeed," agreed a mare, but she was colored as if the idea didn't entirely repulse her. "Do you treat your mares as property?"

Silver's eyes widened. "Oh no! Just like any good marriage, there has to be love." He took a slow breath. "I--"

The Zebra suddenly spoke, "Do they love each other?"

Silver blinked. "Y-yes. I have two wives, Night Watch and Samantha, and while I adore them both, they are also extremely close to each other. I think that's the best way to do it, like an extended family."

One of the stallions nodded. "I can hardly keep up with the one I have." He got nudged for that, but continued. "I should imagine any more would need to get along very well. Those are the sort of arguments that could leave a stallion in pieces."

Fleur draped herself over Silver in that graceful way she tended to move. "And how would a mare enter this herd of yours? I imagine that is the question in many heads right now."

That was a bit too much, but how did he nudge her away without being rude? He slipped his magic out around her and put an inch between them despite her still leaning on him. "Well, I'd be the wrong one to ask."

Fancy raised a brow at that. "I should think you'd be the first to ask?"

The zebra shook his head. "Of this I know. The one to approach is the first wife. Only she may even consider bringing in other ponies, then it is seconded by the stallion. I have heard tales of it being with and without speaking to the other wives."

How did the conversation get to be entirely about his family structure? "We wouldn't dream of doing it without everyone's approval."

Mercifully, that topic shifted as a mare asked, "When are they going to do your coronation? It's indecent to have a prince without one, and unusual for Princess Celestia to put it off."

Silver smiled at the crowd. "Actually, I was hoping I could get a few tips about that." Eyes turned towards him. "I wasn't born noble, and I don't want to embarrass her, or our lovely country. Will you show me a few things?"

Suddenly advice was the only thing he didn't want for. In turn each gave a few bits of advice on how to stand, how to talk, how to address other ponies of higher and lower standing. It was almost enough to forget about his uncomfortable suit, almost.

A unicorn approached with a platter of food and held it in his magic before the crowd. "Refreshments?" Others stood closeby with refills of wine and less hard drinks, and the chat died down as several availed themselves of the offered treats.

Wing was suddenly by Silver's side and paying attention to him. "You're doing fine."

"Where were you?"

"Ready to act if needed, which I haven't needed." She glanced at the zebra enjoying a cracker with something on it. "I don't trust that one. Foreign, knows more than he's letting on..."

Silver couldn't argue that, not directly. "He knew I was using magic before."

"Huh, trained..." Wing scowled. "I'll keep an eye on him."

She vanished into the crowd as well as she did shadows, and Silver was left alone as the conversation picked up. It was, thankfully, not about him but instead some noble that had divorced and remarried for the fourth time, the scandal of it all. Silver nodded along, but felt no particularly strong emotions about a pony's handling of their personal affairs.

Fleur turned towards a hallway. "May I take a moment of your time?" She wandered off with a little sway to her hips that Silver caught. It was a trap, he figured, though not the kind that'd land him in the hospital, but worse. He valued Fancy as a friend, and wanted to keep that.

He nudged Fancy gently. "Come on, nothing two stallions can't handle."

"Too right." He fell in with Silver and they went to assist Fleur.

They navigated the hallway easily and found a door cracked open. Fancy opened it with his magic and stepped inside to find Fleur laying on a couch, giving her best come hither look that disintegrated quickly into surprise at Fancy being there at all. "W-what? I..." Her look returned suddenly. "You really do like groups."

Fancy colored in a way Silver hadn't seen before. "Dear, please. This is most unbecoming."

Silver felt he should say something, but what? "I'm sorry, but marriage is an important promise." He closed the door behind them. "Fleur, can I help?"

She seemed surprised at the question. "You clearly don't want to help." She rose up to her hooves, frowning.

"Not like that." Silver smiled gently. "I mean you. You have a lovely husband, caring and loving. Tell me, what would make you stray? No judgement."

Fancy raised a brow. "I can't promise to oblige that, dear boy. You're... Fleur, did I treat you poorly?"

Fleur looked between the two stallions. "I don't suppose we could just pretend this little scene never happened?" Silver wasn't budging. "I supposed not... Very well, Ambassador." She settled back on the couch. "From colt to counselor. I hope you realize how embarrassing this is for me."

Fancy let out a small breath and turned to Silver. "Look here, I... understand where you're going, I think, but... Is this proper?"

Silver extended a hoof towards Fancy. "You've given me so much. If I can help, please? If you don't want it, I'll back out of this room and pretend I saw nothing. Embarrassing either of you is so far outside my goal. I just want to be a friend."

Fancy quirked a smile as he settled down. "Most friends don't rush to be involved in such matters. You're something else. Very well, I'll allow it."

181 - A Delicate Situation

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Silver settled himself as the others relaxed. A good first sign, or so he figured. "Fancy, is this the first time this... has come up?"

Fancy looked a special kind of shamed, perhaps reserved for those with enough dignity to feel the pain of its loss. "I'm... afraid not old bean."

Fleur seemed to notice his saddened look and rose to join him. "You know I love you."

Fancy put a leg over her and drew her close. "As I find you dear, but these indiscretions..."

Fleur's ears went back against her head. "I just like a little... spice. You're a darling, a dear and wonderful stallion, but you're a little... predictable."

Fancy quirked a faint smile. "You weren't expecting me to be here."

Fleur pointed at Silver. "That's his fault. He's anything but predictable."

Fancy looked like someone kicked him in the belly. "A-are you?"

"No! Perish the thought." Fleur nuzzled his cheek. "Unpredictable is fun to visit, not to live in."

Silver wasn't sure how he liked the way the conversation was going. It wasn't like he actually had any training in counseling in general, to say nothing of marriage specifically, but he'd try. "Fleur, have you tried suggesting fun things to do with Fancy? I'm certain he'd be willing to try a few things, especially at your request."

Fleur perked her ears. "Fancy, bless his soul, is a wonderful stallion, but very traditional."

Fancy glanced between the two others. "What would you suggest that you think I simply wouldn't try, if it meant you being happy?"

Fleur leaned in a few inches and whispered a few things into Fancy's ear that made him turn redder and redder by the moment. "That's just the first idea that comes to mind."

Fancy adjusted his collar as if he were suddenly too warm. "Well, yes, I see... Perhaps... We could give that a try?"

Fleur perked her ears. "Would you? It's a most ungentlecoltly thing to do."

Fancy smiled at that. "Making sure one's loved ones are happy is about the most gentlecoltly thing anypony can do. Besides, we can be much more discreet when we are alone." He gestured at Silver. "At least, rather than sneaking guests off in the middle of a function."

Fleur had the dignity to blush at the obvious chastising. She glanced between the two. "I'm glad that's settled then. I'll try... But..."

Fancy raised a brow. "Silver has already declined. He takes his wedding vows, as unusual as they are, seriously, much like I do."

Fleur raised a hoof to tap her snout. "A single kiss won't shatter either of us, will it?" She rose to her hooves. "Just one, and I will let this whole thing go."

Silver rose to stand himself before glancing between Fancy and Fleur. Was a kiss safe? He approached and went to kiss her cheek, but she wouldn't accept that, of course. She ducked at the last minute and planted her lips to his. It was a pleasant enough kiss, though most of the passion came from her end.

He gave her a parting nuzzle and directed her towards Fancy. "Your husband is willing to do anything for you. You don't need any other stallion in the world, and none could hope to match him."

Fancy was last to rise. "Right. That needed to be done, one way or the other, but I'm sorry you had to be in the middle of it." He nodded at Fleur. "We'll... try some of the things you mentioned, after the function is completed." He shook the blush from his cheeks. "Now let's return to the others before the gossip about what we might be doing reaches a fever pitch."

Fleur and Fancy trotted from the room, leaving Silver to emerge at his own schedule. He sighed softly, imagining all the ways that could have gone so much worse. There hadn't been shouting and screaming, or, perish the thought, either of them coming to blows with the others. Imagining the two of them broken apart made Silver shake his head slowly, hoping that they'd come to an accord and find their happiness.

"What are you doing?" Night Wing emerged from a corner of the room. It reminded Silver somewhat of Nefertari, except Night Wing was not only allowed to do it, but legally required due to his very own command. "You're out of their sight for too long. Return to the others before they let their gilded tongues start flapping."

Silver nodded to her and trotted out of the room, returning to the party still in progress. His return seemed to be noticed, but not commented on.

That zebra was there, and seemed to be watching him most closely as the others were talking about a dictate Celestia had just made.

One noble mare scoffed softly. "She thinks she can just command the very flow of the economy."

A stallion raised a brow. "Why can't she?"

"It's larger than even she is. There are too many ponies involved, and it's not always the act of any one pony that makes all the difference." She raised a brow. "She may move the sun, but she may as well try to keep a hill of sand from moving."

Silver looked about the group. "What did she say?"

The mare frowned a bit. "She stopped a pair of stallion gentlecolts from tearing down a forest nopony is using. They'd bring it into active use, which would be a gain for the economy."

Silver blinked. A pair of stallions? Economic? "Flim and Flam, by chance?"

The mare brightened. "You know them? Yes, those are the two."

One of the stallions waved it off. "Those two are as half-baked as their inventions. There's always something missing, when it isn't an outright fraud that they're peddling. I stand with the princess in protecting anything from those two."

"You haven't had a drink." It was the zebra, offering a glass he balanced on a hoof precisely. "It's hardly sporting to be the only one not partaking."

A lone drink, nursed slowly, shouldn't hurt anypony. He also figured that his increased mass would dull any effects, which was fine seeing as he wasn't there to be drunk. He accepted the glass in his magic. "Thank you, what is it?"

"A blend of fruits. If you would prefer something harder, the bar certainly is prepared."

Silver approved of the zebra's selection quietly as he tipped it back and took a little sip. it tasted like cherries most of all, with just a hint of alcohol, but he couldn't hope to identify what sort with his inexperience.

A stallion nudged him. "Do you watch the races?"

Silver blinked before it came to him. "The Wonderbolts?"

"Oh, well, them, but they're hardly the only ones." He waved off the idea. "They aren't even the fastest. They have precision on their side, but a pony that only has speed couldn't even dream of joining them, which is where the races come in." He raised his glass in his magic. "Strong solo acts that focus on nothing but being the fastest thing out there. From the sound of it, you haven't seen many."

The mare from before smiled at them. "Are you about to drag our new prince to a race? I simply have to be there for that."

Fancy raised his glass. "I'll raise one to the races. A fine sport, just a pony, their skill, and the track. A few friendly wagers to spice things and you have the making of an excellently spent day. Come, Silver, you simply must join us."

Seeing nothing wrong with the general idea, he nodded. "I may bring my family along, if that's alright?"

Fancy raised his brows. "Please do. I should like to meet the mares that caught your eye."

Silver found his eyes wandering towards Fleur, who was staying at Fancy's side. He let out a little sigh of relief. "I'll be sure to bring them." He sipped from his drink softly. "Will the others bring their families as well?"

One stallion perked up. "I wasn't... But why don't we make it the theme of the day?"

Fancy nodded at the idea. "Excellent notion. Everypony bring their loved ones with them and we'll enjoy their presence along with the races.

A mare smirked a little. "You can't do one with the other."

A stallion beside her nudged her gently. "Don't be like that."

Another mare nodded. "Maybe I'll show him how fun it is with all the others there. It's worth a try, wouldn't you say?"

"Too right." Fancy clinked his glass with the mare and a shared drink was enjoyed.

The party went well, with mostly small talk and court gossip to go around before the guests slowly started to excuse themselves to head home. When there were only a few, Night Wing appeared at his side. "Come on."

Silver turned to Fancy. "Thank you for inviting me. I'll see you at the race."

"Oh, yes, and don't forget the family." He tipped his glass towards Silver a little. "Safe trip, though with that experienced warrior at your side, I should hope for anypony foolish enough to cross you tonight."

Silver departed with Night Wing at his side. As soon as they were out of ear shot, she snorted. "Besides a dozen rookie mistakes and one huge foul-up that you managed to pull out of a complete dive, you didn't do that badly." She raised a brow. "You used to partying? Of course not. Damn recluse." Her wings fluttered faintly before relaxing on her back. "You've been drugged, by the way."

He stopped and looked at his companion. "If you knew that, why didn't you stop me?"

She flashed a smile. "It won't hurt you. You drink like a shy filly. I'll be surprised if it can even put you to sleep at your proper bedtime, let alone anything more than that." Her mouth closed but her fangs remained on display. "Maybe next time you don't accept glasses from strange zebras. Don't trust them."

That sounded alarmingly racist to Silver. "Just because he's a zebra?"

"Zebra don't bow to Celestia or Luna. They're not Equestrians." She rolled her shoulders. "Doesn't matter what they are, they're not us. You're the first ascended prince, so that's going to draw attention by itself, and don't think just from inside Equestria." Wing turned to Silver. "Congratulations, you're popular. Enjoy it."

Silver snorted as he took an angry step forward, just to wobble a bit. Was it psychosomatic, now that he knew he'd been slipped something? "Your next assignment is to find out who that zebra is."

"And take care of him?" She raised a brow. "I--"

"No! Just find out who he is and where he's from. Dig and give me a complete picture."

She smiled thinly. "For a moment there, I thought you'd grown a pair, but fine. No crime in looking before you leap. I'll be back with a report." She stepped back into an alley and was lost.

182 - Now I Lay My Head

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Silver arrived at home to the anxious faces of his wives. He smiled and moved for each, nuzzling and kissing Night Watch before he moved to Samantha.

Samantha broke the silence, "How did it go?" She had one ear quirked and a curious look in her eyes. "Did you impress everyone?"

Night tilted her head. "I'd wager he did well enough. He doesn't look like he's hurt or angry at the world."

Silver sat down facing the two of them. "Let me ask, what's the public opinion on zebras?"

Night adjusted her glasses. "There aren't enough of them around to really have a lot of opinion."

"They're like ponies, but they're not." Samantha smiled. "I wouldn't mind studying one. Why?"

Silver shook his head. "Ran into one at the party. One being at a fancy party would be a mark in their favor, I suppose, but Night Wing says he slipped me something."

Watch frowned a little. "And didn't do anything about it?"

Silver gestured at himself. "I feel fine, if tired."

Samantha suddenly lifted him with her magic, even if she could only manage a few inches before it proved to be too much. "Time for bed. We can't have our specimen being damaged."

Watch prodded Samantha. "Husband or stallion being hurt. Living things don't get 'damaged'."

"Whichever you prefer calling it." Samantha pointed at the bed. "We'll see you in the morning, and during the night, I suppose."

Silver climbed up onto his bed with a snort. Samantha had just promised to watch him sleep, and he found it endearing rather than creepy. "I'll tell you both more about it tomorrow." He surrendered to the gentle call of slumber.

The zebra stood before him with a smile. "Ah, I feared you may be the sort to stay up late. Let us speak."

Silver was dreaming. Of that he was certain. "Why are you in my dream?" He was sitting on his human bed, and the zebra was across from him.

The zebra's eyes swept across the room. "What a curious place to dream of, and so alert. I expect most to behave with more confusion at my arrival."

Silver sat up on his haunches. "I didn't know zebras had any magic."

"Ah, that is a mistake ponies often make, just because we don't have horns jutting from our brows." He frowned a little. "There is much that can be accomplished with knowledge, practice, and discipline. I'm not here to--"

"You're in my dream." Silver leaned forward over the zebra. "You're not an unwelcome guest, yet. Start with your name."

The zebra blinked in surprise. "Perhaps they will make a prince of you yet... I am Thobbee, a pleasure to meet you, Prince Silver Watch."

Silver smiled a little. "Hello, Thobee."

"Thobbee. Close, at least." Thobbee returned the smile. "I had thought I would be approaching a guileless pony, but perhaps I was wrong. Were you aware?"

Silver considered a grand lie, but those had rarely worked for him in the end. "My guard saw you slipping something into the drink."

"And she didn't stop it from reaching your lips?" He raised a brow. "It is as well I mean no harm. Let us come to the point. Twilight Sparkle's ascendence to princess was pre-ordained and written years before she was even conceived. The clever could see her coming. You, on the other hoof..." He leaned forward at Silver, looking up at him. "You are an unknown to this land. You are an unknown to fate itself."

Silver hardly liked where the conversation was headed. "Does that bother you?"

"For a disturbance, you are a gentle creature." Thobbee tapped the bed beneath him. "You are also hardly alone. A princess rises when there is need for a princess. The fact that you exist implies there was need for you, but the fact that you were not even hinted at implies this need was sudden and unexpected. Fate itself was taken by surprise, and that should worry all of us." He smiled thinly. "I came to find that reason, and I may have found it."

Silver felt his body, imagined as it might be in a dream, tense. "And what would that be?" Would this be the part where the zebra demands he leave Equestria or some other grandiose order?

"The humans." He held up a hoof and a random, but very human, face appeared above it. "They are a sudden and pervasive presence. Most are gentle, some are not. Whatever force brings them seems to prefer humans that aren't warlike, despite the opinion of a few humans I've spoken to. They say their tribe is capable of great things, both good and bad, but those I've met, yourself included, seem to be on the more positive side."

Silver felt himself relax a little. "That makes sense." It really did. Was he to a prince of humans? It was more sensible than 'friendship', as if anyone could claim dominion over such a thing. "Did you come to verify the possibility?"

"I wanted to know also what you thought of it." He raised a brow. "Just because a crown is being forced on your head doesn't mean you'll rise to the position, or treat it well. What sort of ruler of your own people will you be?"

The idea sent a chill down Silver's spine. "A kind one, I'd hope. Ultimately, I'd do what I'm already doing, being a go-between for humans and ponies to get along, and helping humans adapt to this world, with its wonders and dangers."

Thobbee thrust a hoof at Silver. "And when our luck runs dry? It is a matter of time before we see the other side of humanity. Whatever effect filters the humans will not be perfect, and we will see the darker side of your tribe. What will you do then?"

Silver hadn't really considered it before, but did then. "He or she would need to face justice, like any criminal. If they hurt others around themselves, they should be contained, then approached. With hope, talked to, calmed, and brought around."

"And if they refuse?" Thobbee rose to his full height, but he was smaller than Silver's expanded form. "What then?"

Silver imagined a disagreeable human locked away in a pony jail and frowned. Not only would that be a sad state, but any clever person would outwit the ponies eventually and exact a terrible revenge for the trip. "I'm not sure..."

"That answer is more comforting than you would think." Thobbee gave a slow nod. "I do not expect you to know the answers to these questions, so if I can pose them to you, that is good enough."

Silver looked over the striped zebra curiously. "Did you really just want to talk?"

"That's it." He smiled a little. "Where few could witness our conversation."

"Few, but not none." The door to Silver's room swung open and a familiar shape entered from outside. Luna nodded to Silver, but most of her attention was on Thobbee. "You are intruding."

Silver held up a hoof quickly. "He's alright. We're just talking."

Thobbee rose to his hooves. "Perhaps I should go. I have disturbed your dreams long enough."

"Wait! Please." Silver got to his own hooves. "Thobbee, right? It's nice to meet you, really. I want to be a positive force for this world."

Thobbee smiled at Silver. "That is my hope as well. Human in a pony's skin, live well, and help others to do the same." He faded away with a soft pop.

Luna closed the door behind her before moving to take the spot Thobbee had. "What did he want?"

Silver shook his head a little. His meeting with the zebra went far better in the waking world than the dream implied, but could mean... "Luna, have you talked with the zebra much?"

She raised a brow down at Silver. As much as he sat over the zebra, she sat over him. "Shady people. Their magic works in subtle ways, with a dash of ancestor worship and shamanism and a generous helping of advanced alchemy and herbalism. They think in complex ways and can turn on a dime if they spot an opportunity. Good allies, but opportunistic ones. I don't particularly favor them, nor do I greatly dislike them. We are told you attended a social function today. How did that go?"

Silver tilted his head. Word got around quickly. "I think it went well, overall. I didn't make much a fool out of myself and got invited to another, so I'd rate that as a success. Do you ever go to such things?"

"We should think not." Luna sighed softly. "To have myself or Celestia present would divert the entire proceeding. You are fortunate to not be as 'large' a presence, yet. That may yet change. What will you do then?"

Silver considered a moment and thought to Celestia. "I could host my own get togethers."

"You could." Luna leaned forward. "Celestia thought to do so, to bring levity with her gala, but it became a bore, and a chore. Few came to have levity, fewer still with her. Poor sister, she would dearly wish for a function where ponies had fun around her, to see her 'little ponies' smiling and making merry."

Silver held up a hoof lower to the ground. "Invite younger ponies." Luna raised a brow silently, so he continued. "Invite foals and their parents first. A bunch of foals in a room will want to play. It's their nature. Their parents will talk about their foals instead of making with royal gossip." He was about to say something else, but aborted the idea. "Heh, I was going to suggest contests."

"And why would that be bad?"

"Parents would become obsessed with their foals winning them, and that would be less fun, for the foals and the parents. No, no contests." Silver shook his head. "Just games, with no prizes, and preferably no winners, then everyone can win."

Luna gave a soft smile. "That sounds like a charming event. If you should make it, you will invite us, we hope?"

That brought another thought to Silver. "Why haven't you had children?"

Luna started at the abrupt question. "I... have. All lunar ponies are distantly related to me. Celestia as well. It's how our most prominent prince is one by blood, being Celestia's distant cousin."

That was a change. What had all that furor in the dream meant? As he puzzled over it, Luna studied him intently. "Did you think us a blushing filly, hoping for our first date?" She twitched an ear at him. "We know spells for the pursuit of an evening's distraction that would give you a permanent blush. We are not unaware of what our night is often used for."

183 - You'll Find Your Place

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"You look like you're considering something." Luna looked down to Silver, still perched on his bed with him. She tapped at the bed softly. "A curious material. Some day perhaps you will share a tale of it and your world of origin."

Silver quirked a little smile. Of course Luna would be curious about a foam mattress. "It's about what the zebra said. He mentioned I had to exist for Fate, and even gave a reason, but I thought Fate and the thing pushing me around were the same thing."

"Is it not?"

"I don't think it is." Silver spread his wings. "I think The Text enjoyed giving these to me, and watching me deal with the aftermath, but didn't really bother with or consider the consequences, beyond watching me cope."

Luna reached out and brushed one of the wings. "You seem to be coping well. Sister was concerned you were hiding from your responsibilities at first, but you turned around and started embracing what you've become. Your taking time to deal with the noble ponies was especially surprising. You're not very like them."

"No, I'm not." Silver perked his ears. "I'm not terribly social, despite evidence to the contrary. In a large group, I didn't know what to do other than concentrating on not looking stupid. I think I crowed about myself too often..."

Luna wobbled a hoof. "You are hardly the only pony who fears such things. Try to find merit in others around you and speak of them. Few have difficulties getting along with a pony 'crowing' about others. Tell me more of this 'Text'."

Silver drew a slow breath, then realized who he was sharing space and time with. "I'm sorry."


"How we ended up." He gave a little smile. "I'd say I want to be friends, the best of friends... but I fear it would sound hollow."

Luna leaned in suddenly and kissed him on the end of the nose. "I have patience."

Silver blinked at that, then it came to him with a shiver. "You wouldn't!"

"Wouldn't what? It is a simple fact." Luna waved it off. "Princess Fast Change will not stand in my way. I will do nothing at all. Time, of all things, is on my side."

Silver recoiled in growing horror. "I don't want to lose her, either of them!"

"You are an alicorn. I can't imagine you won't tether yourself to some facet of the world, just as my sister and I have done. You will persist through the ages. Your family... They will not." She let out a small breath. "You asked before... We have both had foals, lovers, families... They're gone. Gone, never to ret--"

"No!" Silver scrambled to his hooves, trembling with the fear of death looming before him. He felt old. He felt terribly old, even if the problem was the exact opposite. He'd outlive every person he cared for. There was a time where he would have laughed at the idea. He had few he cared for deeply, so he thought he'd just watch the world change around him. Let him live a thousand years, a million, a billion years!

The idea felt so different then...

Luna's wing gently brushed over his tear-stained cheek. "It is not that time yet. Enjoy your family. Live well and love deeply."

The deeper he loved, the more it would hurt. The more... He sank to his belly, feeling alone, so very alone. Luna did not abandon him to his growing nightmare. "You will never be truly alone. Please, it was ill of us to speak of it so flippantly. Today can't be recaptured, so make the most of it that you will. Hold them close and fiercely, even if you fear that eventual pain. You will hate yourself if you hold back. Know, without doubt, that you gave it everything for every moment you could."

Silver took a slow and trembling breath. "R-right, of course..." He had to be strong. He spread his wings slowly and looked at them. He was a prince... "How long do ponies live?" Time was strange in Equestria. How old was Granny Smith? Though earth ponies may live longer than pegasi or unicorns. He didn't know for sure.

Luna put a hoof to her chin. "That is very variable, depending on the pony and tribe. Pegasi tend to be the shortest lived with their fast metaboli--"

Silver sank, defeated. His love had to be a pegasus. All he could do for the moment was weep with terror and lament the future before him.

Luna was gone. Everything was gone. Was he dreaming? He was. Silver sat up, wiping the tears from his eyes and looking around with growing confusion. If that was his dream, why was--

Words appeared.

Are you that sad?

"Yes. Why shouldn't I be?" It was the Text. It made sense enough. "Isn't this what you wanted?"

Isn't this what you wanted?

"I was just fine being a unicorn."

You had a good chance of outliving her either way. She is a warrior. She'd rather throw herself on a sword than die frail and weak.

Silver cringed at the mental image that evoked, even if it was accompanied by a sudden wet noise. He glanced to see Night impaled, but it was already fading. "She doesn't have to go that way."

No human, or pony, has to walk the path before them. The path exists, but it is by your own hooves that you walk it. You walked this path to where you are.

Silver pinned his ears back. He had walked the steps to alicornhood. He was one. His own hooves had brought him there. An idea tickled at him and his mouth worked without words a moment before he croaked it out, "What if they joined me?"

Where there is a need, a princess is made to meet it. Do you truly want this?

What sort of world would suddenly need the two of them ascended? Silver shuddered softly as different disasters that only they could solve rose from the ether. "C-can I think about it?"

If I could stop you from thinking, it would be far more predictable, and boring. Think.

"Are you Fate?"

I lay paths, only you can walk them.

184 - Good Morning

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Silver woke with a start and looked around. His wives were looking at him, but they were far from the only two pairs of eyes. Celestia and Luna were also present, watching him. "Uh, good morning?" A glance to the nearest window confirmed that it seemed to be morning.

Luna drew in a harsh breath. "You vanished in the dream world. We feared the worst. Are you well?"

Samantha didn't ask questions. She pushed Silver over, which he allowed, and began examining him with eager eyes and a stethoscope. "A bit elevated in heart rate, but seems healthy."

Celestia cleared her throat softly. "We're overwhelming him. Good morning, Silver. We didn't mean to surprise you like this."

Silver rose up and gave both of his wives a kiss, remembering the last night with a sudden chill. He was about to say something, something like 'don't ever go' or 'never leave me', but both felt like hollow things to say. Instead he hugged the two closer and squeezed them in his legs. "I love you so much..."

Night raised a brow. "I appreciate the sentiment, but something is clearly wrong. I know you don't like to talk about what's bothering you, but I'll ask once at least. Will you tell us?"

Silver shuddered softly as he brought his legs back to himself and sat up properly. "I was... Celestia, how long do ponies live?"

The question itself was enough to know. Night Watch frowned softly. "Long enough." She leaned in and nuzzled him a little. "You'll be tired of us by the time we worry about that."

Celestia coughed softly into a hoof. "I doubt that will be the case... Silver, I'm sorry."

"As am I." Luna nodded softly. "This was entirely my fault. It seems I am unable to prevent hurting you, Silver."

Samantha was the only one left in the dark. "What are we discussing? I could research the average age of--"

Silver put a hoof over Samantha's snout, silencing her a moment before he kissed her nose. "That won't be needed." He rose to his hooves. "All of you... Thank you. This isn't a uniquely 'me' problem, not by far. Any day... any day our loved ones could be snatched away by disease, accident, or malice. I need to get myself together."

Luna glanced away and back. "If there is anything we can do?"

Silver smiled at the dark princess of the night. "Be a friend."

She smiled at that. She was forgiven, and knew it. "Prince of Forgiveness, perhaps."

Silver waved it off. "That isn't what Equestria needs."

Celestia rose a brow. "Oh? You know what your purpose is? You sound quite confident."

Siver let out a slow breath. "I think I do."

"Don't leave us in suspense." Night Wing nuzzled the closer cheek. "Share."

Silver spread his wings. "I'm here to help catch others that fell into this mess. I'm here to be a guide and friendly face to everyone shoved out of their lives and into Equestria, by their own desires or foolish errors."

Celestia tilted her head faintly. "A fine task, but you have no assurance it will continue. You are Ambassador, and so you remain. You don't need your royal title to retain the position." She reached a wing towards him, brushing his side. "I don't oppose your taking your position seriously, not at all. I'm quite proud."

Luna glanced across at Celestia and back to Silver. "My sister is correct. Your purpose will become clear to you." She quirked a smile. "Princess Twilight was given a castle by Fate itself when it became clear to her. I wouldn't expect the same, mind. We had to have our castles, both of them, constructed the old-fashioned way. Cadance inherited hers from the old Crystal Empire. Princess Fast Change, well, she was more like us, and their hive was built at their own hooves."

Samantha tilted her head. "Fast Change is a princess of changelings, right?"

Celestia nodded. "Her purpose was quite clear. There is no doubt, in her own heart or ours. She rules over them kindly, and is exactly what they needed. In time, they will be as welcome as any other tribe of pony."

Samantha perked an ear at that. "They aren't now?"

"We should think not." Luna rolled her eyes. "They are not well trusted, and can hurt other ponies far too easily."

Samantha waved a hoof and a selection of hypodermic needles appeared with a twinkle of her horn. "I could hurt other ponies."

Night Watch swatted the needles away with a wing. "And that bothers some ponies. Not us, you adorable menace, but some..."

Celestia stood up, dominating the room. "I'm glad you're alright, Silver. If you need to talk, please, come speak with me if ever you require it." She nodded low and slipped from the room.

A foal cried out, soon joined by the other. Silver slipped from the bed quickly, moving to see to his children.

Luna was left with the wives. She nodded to each. "I apologize if my presence has bothered."

Night pointed to herself. "I'm not bothered by you being here, but what did you tell Silver?" She leaned towards the larger pony. "You scared him, whatever you told him. You can try to intimidate me, but scaring him? That bothers me..."

Samantha's needles appeared. "Tell us, or we'll be forced to take action."

Luna raised a brow at Samantha's action before shaking her head. "I made a mistake. I apologize."

Night snorted. "That's not an answer. What did you say?"

Samantha sent one of the needles flying, which Luna blocked effortlessly with a swipe of her wing. This suited Samantha just fine as she sent the second needle plunging into the flesh of that offered wing. "Tell us."

Luna hissed with pain even as things got a little fuzzy. She had been drugged and staggered back away from the cooly angry mares. "I told him... the inevitable truth. He will outlive you."

Samantha snorted at that. "I'll figure out how to be young as long as he is." She nudged Night roughly. "You're coming with us."

Night felt warm. Her newest wife was a good one. She reached with a wing to gently hug Samantha. "We've defeated worse getting this far. We won't give up that easily."

Luna took a step back towards the door, then collapsed to the floor. The drugs coursing through her robbed her of consciousness and she was soon asleep on their floor.

Samantha tilted her head. "I thought, being larger, she would require a heavier dose..."

Night blinked with concern. "How much more did you use?"

Samantha did some quick calculations in her head. "About ten times the usual dose."

Night paled. "She isn't ten times our size! Tell me you have an antidote."

Samantha gave a nervous little laugh.

Silver emerged with a blink, seeing an unconscious Luna sprawled across the floor. "What happened?"

Samantha raised a hoof. "I made a medical error in the dosage amount for this patient."

Silver approached Luna quickly and reached out a hoof. Luna was still breathing. Her heart was beating. She wasn't dead, just knocked out. But would she stay that way? "Let's get her to the infirmary right away." His horn glowed brightly as he lifted the considerable mass of Luna into the air. "Samantha, you're with me. Tell the doctor what you filled her with. Night, you're on foal duty." He pivoted to the door and practically barreled through it into the hallway, Luna floating behind him.

Samantha mouthed a quick 'sorry' before she dashed after Silver and the door shut behind her with her magic.

Night let out a little sigh and shook her head. "Boredom will never be an issue in this family." She shook herself out and moved for the shower. "May as well get ready for the day..."

Silver was a curious sight, charging through the castle with the limp form of Luna floating behind him. He danced around ponies in the way, and soon entered the infirmary. He set Luna gently on the closest bed. "She's pumped full of tranquilizers of some kind."

Samantha had a much more precise description of the cocktail used and began describing it in exacting detail as the doctor and nurse got to work making sure Luna remained stable.

A guard entered with a frown. "The night guard will hear about this soon."

Silver perked an ear. "Why do you bring that up?"

"They're very... defensive about Princess Luna, just as we are about Princess Celestia."

Silver put the picture together. "Luna's alright, and Samantha's not a criminal. Let's keep calm heads about this."

The guard nodded. "She is dangerous, however, as the doctor here is aware. They will use that as leverage to have her detained."

Samantha rolled her ears back. "She was--"

The guard held up a hoof. "You don't need to convince me." He rose and departed with the quiet shuffle of metal armor.

Silver put a leg around Samantha and drew her close. "We'll work through this. At worst, Luna will wake up and settle everything. Until then, we play nice and cooperate."

Samantha heaved a little sigh. "I suppose I did perform incorrectly..."

Silver kissed her between the ears. "I still love you."

She smiled at that. "Then I didn't do too--"

Two lunar pegasi in dark purple armor entered with clear scowls. Both stallions approached Silver. "Ambassador Silver Watch, we must take your wife into custody. We trust you will not interfere?"

Silver hugged Samantha closer. "She's coming."

Samantha nodded. "I made a mistake." She rose to her hooves and slipped from Silver's grip. "I will await judgment."

The guards seemed disarmed by her compliance. One stepped forward and nodded at her. "Do you swear to comply with our orders?"

She nodded silently, and was led away.

The other guard looked at Silver curiously. "We expected more resistance... Thank you, Sir, for keeping this civil." He turned to the doctor. "How is Princess Luna?"

The doctor looked up from where he had been working. "She's about as stable as she's going to be. I'll have a working counter-serum as soon as I can." He glanced away and back at him. "She's.. a bit unstable, but she did provide the information needed to create the antidote. She's not a bad pony."

The nurse snorted softly. "She's stuffed us in closets how many times?"

Silver hissed softly. "She's grown since then. Let's just keep our heads on straight, take care of Luna, and move from there."

The guard nodded at Silver. "Wise words. See to her treatment as if your very life depended on it." He turned and strode out purposefully.

185 - Scientific Sentence

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Samantha bounced up and down a little impatiently. They had forbidden her from writing. Writing! Of all the things they could take away... "How am I supposed to notate my findings?" She frowned into the dark. It was quite dark. That cell was cold, hard, and dark. "Excuse me?" She looked towards where she knew the guards were, though she couldn't see them. "Is it alright if I write just a little?"

A sigh came from the dark. "Settle down and wait for your proper sentencing. You're under arrest. This isn't supposed to be comfortable."

"I don't mind the discomfort." Samantha tapped at her chin. "I just want to make notes about it. I could be being productive while I wait." At least they hadn't found her tracking interfaces. With a flick of an ear, she could hear what was around Silver.

"--took her away," came Silver's voice.

"I hope she behaved herself... We have to get her out." That was Night Watch, her alpha mare.

Samantha smiled in the darkness. Her family cared for her, and that was all the warmth she needed. "And a quill..." She had so many notes to make! Jails were so annoying!

A face appeared at the bars and she flicked the sound off. "Prisoner. I have some questions for you. You will answer them, or you will be unhappy."

Samantha tilted her head at the figure that she could vaguely determine to be a lunar pegasus. "Ask away. I will report to the best of my ability." This was more interesting than not taking notes by far. She could answer questions!

"Do you always arm yourself with potentially lethal drugs?"

Samantha tilted her head. "Against a normal pony, I know the proper dosage for safe subdual. I wasn't sure how much to use on a pony of Luna's purported power and considerable mass. To her credit, she withstood it for longer than most before she lost consciousness."

That answer didn't seem to please the pony. "Are you aware your drug can kill?"

"Well, of course." Samantha tilted her head. "Any medicine can kill if improperly used. Every doctor in Equestria has regular access to a lethal array of weaponry."

"And you selected this... weapon... to use on the Princess... why?"

"I was hoping to slow her down." Samantha tapped at her chin. "I misjudged the dosage severely, an error on my part."

The pony slammed the bars suddenly. "She is a princess. You do not 'slow down'..." He took a slow breath. "Do you confess to attacking royalty?"

Samantha blinked softly. "I did throw the dart at her."

"At least sentencing will be easy." The figure turned away. "Did she attack you, by chance?"

"Mm? She scared my husband, but no, she didn't attack."

"Easy..." He prowled away into the darkness, lost but for the faint clip-clop of his hooves on the stone floor.

Samantha sank to the floor. Answering questions had been better than nothing, but she was back to nothing. Alright, it was time to science up an answer! She frowned and rolled over, thinking of her situation. Subduing the guards would only get her in more trouble, she feared. "Excuse me?" She rolled upright. "Guard?"

"You're a very noisy prisoner." But, so far, polite. "What is it?"

Samantha scrambled to her hooves and approached the bars. "May I inspect you?"

There was a moment of silence. "Do what?"

"Inspect you. I have a limited access to lunar pegasi." Samantha tapped at her cheek. "I would be a poor scientist if I assumed Night Watch was the perfect example of all things lunar pegasus related. Something to compare to would be invaluable."

"You do realize you're in prison, don't you?"

"Oh, of course." Samantha waved it off. "I won't go anywhere, promise, but that doesn't mean my brain turns off. Come here, please. I'm certain you're a fine specimen of lunar pegasus."

The guard did come closer, becoming faintly visible in the gloom. He was wearing the armor of a night guard. "If this is a trick to escape, it will only get you in more trouble than you already are."

Samantha shook her head. "I'll be good." Since her stallion had requested it of her. She was fairly certain she could escape if she really put her head into it. "I can't see very well in the dark, can you come closer?"

"This is obviously a trick." He frowned, scowling at Samantha. "I come in, and you knock me out and take the keys."

A fine idea, or so Samantha thought, but she had promised... "I just want to look at you. Give your keys to another guard if you have to."

"You're married to a lunar pegasus, aren't you?" He leaned in towards the bars. "You have a lunar fetish?"

Samantha blinked at that with confusion. "I like Night Watch."

"And you want to 'inspect' me?"

"Yes, please." Samantha smiled and sat up straight. They were getting somewhere!

He gave a soft snort. "I can handle one night-loving unicorn." He set down some things outside the cell and the door slid open. He looked... different, ah, he wasn't wearing his armor that had covered his features.

She smiled with triumph and curiosity and approached the guard. "Let's have a look at you."

He held up a hoof at her. "I'm not the only guard on duty. Don't try anything funny."

"Science is not funny." Samantha rolled her eyes then got to inspecting the guard with eyes and hooves. Her hooves proved more able to take in details in the darkness, and examining the guard was much more fun than waiting for something to happen. She made mental notes as she went, but even she knew her mental notes were terrible. If she didn't write it down, it was almost as good as lost. It wasn't science, not really, it was just something to do.


She tilted her head, then raised a hoof, pressing down on a firm bit of his back and getting a happy sigh from him. Was she giving a therapeutic massage? She'd not done that before. Giggling with excitement, she got into the act, focused entirely on it as if the world didn't exist around her.

"What are you doing?" came the voice of another guard, female.

The pony that had been melting under her hooves went suddenly tense. "Oh, uh, n-nothing!" He gathered himself to his full height. "Just making sure she didn't smuggle anything in."

"And getting felt up by her along the way?" The other guard snorted softly. "Stallions, all the same. Fine, enjoy her, but if she gets out..."

"She won't!"

Samantha glanced between the pony before her and the voice in the darkness. "I promised I would behave properly. I won't leave until you tell me I'm allowed to."

The guard before her gestured at her. "See, she's harmless."

"They're all harmless until they're not." The female stalked away with a bit of a grumble.

Samantha tried to resume her massage, but he brushed her hooves away. "I have a question."

"I will answer to the best of my ability."

He smiled at her. "Good... Why did you attack Princess Luna? You don't... seem... Why?"

Samantha tilted her head. "I was protecting my family."

His ears pinned quickly. "I see... But she wasn't attacking, right?"

"She had already attacked." Samantha tapped at her chin. "She demoralized and panicked my husband and refused to disclose exactly what she had done."

"You can't go attacking royalty for saying things you don't like." He clopped the floor before him. "Even when you're married to one."

A thought came to Samantha and she spread her hooves. "Can you extend your wings fully?"

He blinked, but did so, spreading out his huge leathery wings for her to measure roughly with her hooves as she made soft murmuring noises. "What? Do you see something?"

"You have a larger wingspan than she does."


"Night Watch."

He shook his head. "Most mares are smaller than most stallions." He rose to his hooves. "Look, I should go."

His presence was infinitely better than silence. "Wait! Can't we talk more?"

"That bored, huh? Well, that's a part of jail." He stepped from the cell and closed it behind himself with a swipe of a wing. "What you did was wrong."

"I'm sorry?"

He smiled thinly. "It'll be up to Princess Luna. Save your apologies for her." He vanished off into the dark and she flopped to the ground. It was back to having nothing to do. She flicked an ear and suddenly saw what Surprise was up to. She was baking cakes and whistling.

"You really cheer up the foals," she said.

"Their parents don't seem quite as happy..." came an unknown voice that became identified quickly as Surprise turned to face a strange pony monster making cakes with its tongues as grasping digits. Fascinating...

"Oh please, maybe the first time." Surprise waved it away. "They learn you're a good pony in no time at all."

Surprise had an interesting new friend. Samantha found herself wanting desperately to rush over and see this new specimen for herself. What tribe were they? Perhaps they were a kind of friendly monster?! She had to know!

She kicked into the darkness and groaned at her inability to perform proper science. Jail sucked! She turned the channel, as it were, tuning into Princess Celestia.

She was looking in a mirror. "Hello Samantha."

Samantha blinked.

"Yes, I know you're watching me." She brushed gently through her mane. "I was waiting for you to look so I could speak to you directly. I will be removing these... trackers now."

Samantha's expression fell to despair.

"Aw, no hard feelings. I know you're trying to learn, but this isn't the way. By the way, my sister is doing fine." Celestia glanced away and back. "She probably deserved that, but you shouldn't go attacking ponies, even then." The feed cut, and soon all the other trackers on Celestia went dark.

186 - The Moon Rises

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Luna sat up in bed, her head muggy, her mane frazzled and splayed even as the inner portions of it attempted to flow properly. With bleary eyes, she looked around to see a smiling nurse looking at her.

"Do you feel alright, Your Highness?"

Luna blinked at the question, as innocent as it was. "I feel like something is attempting to escape my skull. What happened?"

A soft cough came from the other side of the bed, where Luna saw a night guard standing vigilantly. "Did you wish to speak?" He nodded. "Go ahead."

"Mistress, you were ambushed while in attendance with Ambassador Silver Watch." He bowed low as he spoke.

"I was?" Luna frowned as she slid to the floor on shaking legs. "Has the culprit been found?"

"About that," began the nurse, only for the guard to bump her right out of the way.

"She has, Mistress. She is in custody awaiting your word."

Luna glanced between the two. A part of her demanded swift action, but she felt... she should do what was right, not what felt expedient. "Good, let her speak. Nurse, what were you trying to say?"

The nurse glared at the guard before looking at Luna and smiling. "Your attacker, Samantha. She gave us the ingredients she used for the drug that incapacitated you. She... is a menace, but she didn't mean to hurt you, ma'am."

Was that who it was? The memory of the event started to come back to her. The angry looks of those two mares, the needle, the darkness. "I see..." By many rights, she was still a commoner with Silver not yet ascended to princedom. She could have the mare swiftly dealt with. Vengeance could be hers... But it would be a dish served bitter and cold. It would cement the fact that Silver would never love, let alone like, her. She would be driving that wedge in herself, and for what? "I would speak to her. Where is she?"

The guard held up a hoof. "She is in custody, Mistress. She will be brought to court for proper trial. We trust you will be in attendance, Mistress?"

Court? Trial? Luna scowled. "Who would be bringing these charges to her, if not myself?"

The guard glanced off with obvious sudden nervousness. "Is that not what you want, mistress?"

Luna lied. She lied completely. "I asked her to do it! She is innocent of any crime. Bring her to me this instant."

That did not mesh with what had already been said, and the guard raised a brow at Luna. "The drugs have clearly had an effect on your memory, Mistress. Please, rest and recover. We will see justice done."

Justice done... She had wanted justice done before, and it had ended poorly... "Don't hurt her!"

"Mistress?" He took a slow step back. "She's... Keep Princess Luna here, for her own safety." He turned to leave.

Luna looked to the nurse with challenging eyes. "Will you obey him?"

The nurse gestured at the rest of the infirmary. "I have work to do. Healthy patients are free to go whenever they like." She smiled a little. "Do what's right."

"I intend to." Luna strode out, shaking her head to clear it as she sought out her sister. This was becoming quite a mess, and she had to stop it...

Samantha rolled from left to right upside-down in her cell as she listened to Silver argue with a night guard elsewhere in the castle, trying to determine where she was. She wasn't in the same cells Silver had been kept. He had tried there already. At least knowing Silver was hunting for her made her a bit happy.

Light shone down the hallway a moment as the clip-clop of hooves came towards them purposefully. "The accused has control of Princess Luna through mind-altering drugs."


"It's true. We have a report from a trusted guard. She wanted to release the accused without a trial."

Samantha rolled up to her belly. "I did no such thing. If I was going to mind-control Luna, I wouldn't use tranquilizing agents at the same time. That's illogical."

One of the guards approached her cell, just a vague shape in the shadows. He clanged a metal-clad hoof on the bars of her cell. "Silence! You've done more than enough harm."

Samantha raised a hoof at the guard she could barely see. "And what if I'm telling the truth? Proper rigor demands the discovery of the truth through empirical means."

The guard seemed confused at her words. "What?"

"She's trying to confuse you." A second shape walked up to the bar. "You just wait here. We'll discover the truth at the trial, then you'll face your punishment." He nudged the other guard back. "Until then, all guards are to keep a minimum safe distance from her. She's dangerous."

Celestia looked up with a smile as Luna entered day court. Many eyes turned to regard the entering Princess of the Night. "Sister, it's good to see you."

Luna gave a wan smile. "We need to speak."

Celestia confused Luna's words with her archaic way of speaking. "Go ahead, we're listening."

"No, we need to speak." She gestured between herself and Celestia. "It is of the utmost importance."

That broke the ambiguity and Celestia waved off the court. "Court is recessed for an hour." When most of the ponies had left, largely leaving the guard behind, she fixed her eyes on her sister. "What's wrong?"

Luna gestured outwards. "I fear my guard is acting of its own volition. They plan to prosecute Samantha, Silver's wife, with or without my consent or support."

Celestia raised a brow. "And just who do they plan to preside over such a trial? Certainly I wouldn't sentence a pony in the manner they desire."

Luna snorted softly. "Even you, gentle sister, have banished the truly unrepentant."

Celestia nodded. "This much is true, but Samantha hardly fits that description. She acted in error, but she wishes no harm. You realize that, I hope?"

"That's why I'm trying to stop this." Luna clopped the ground. "This travesty must be brought to a halt."

Celestia smiled. "Then perhaps we would be better served doing as they wish."


Celestia pointed at herself. "I will offer to oversee the trial of 'the one that attacked my dear sister'."

Luna blinked, but the logic of it came to her. "They will think you are ready to sentence harshly."

"They will bring me to her, and I will listen fairly, and judge." Celestia's wings spread wide. "Justice will be done."

Luna quirked a smile. There was that term again, but coming from Celestia, it seemed alright. "Thank you, dear sister. Let me confer with Silver Watch. He deserves to at least know what's happening." She turned for the exit. "Good luck."

Silver sank to his bed with an angry grunt. "It's like she vanished!"

Night frowned at that. "You know that's not what she did."

"Of course not... They have her, somewhere. You were a night guard, didn't you--"

"I told you... I guarded mostly outside the palace. They didn't need to tell me where all the secret places were, so they didn't." She let out a little sigh. "Need to know..."

"Right." Silver slipped back to the floor and trotted past Night into the nursery. "I hope she's alright. Why did you two do that anyway?"

Night followed after Silver. "To protect you, stupid stallion. Luna shook you up something fierce... and we were worried for you."

Silver looked back to Night, then sighed. "Look, thank you, both of you." He returned to her and pressed nose to nose. "I'm lucky to have two such lovely people in my life. Let's just make sure we keep both of them."

Night nodded at that, but there was a soft clopping at the door, drawing her attention. "I'll get that."

She opened the door to find a frazzled Luna standing there. She raised a brow at the Princess of the Night. "You're looking well."

"I bear news of Samantha."

Silver emerged in record time. "Luna?"

Luna nodded at the two of them. "She is... Celestia has it under control. I lost control of the entire situation..."

Night gestured at Luna. "Can you tell us what happened?"

Luna took a slow breath. "While I was asleep, my guards moved to produce justice for me. They are eager to see your wife punished for the crime of attacking me."

Night raised a brow. "What do you think she's guilty of?"

"She did attack me." Luna dipped her head a little. "But an apology would be sufficient, just as I owe you so many, Silver. Being knocked out was rude, this headache is unconscionable, but I wish no more than that." She offered a hoof to the two. "I've had enough justice."

Silver's face split in a little smile and he reached out, meeting that hoof. "I'll agree with that."

Night rolled a hoof. "So what do we... do now?"

Luna grunted softly. "I would sorely wish to take action, but this is truly out of my hooves. I trust my sister will put this to right. Until then, we wait."

Silver looked between the two mares beside him. "Fine, then we wait. While we do, it's long past time we settled things, between us." He gestured between them. "Night Watch, this is Luna. Luna, this is Night Watch. I think you two have a lot in common."

Night blinked at that. "Where are you going with this?"

Luna nodded in agreement. "We are also confused."

Silver smiled. "I want you two to know each other, at least as friends. Have you met my wife? Night Watch is a tested warrior with an excellent record. Night, this is Luna. I'll be serving alongside her as royalty. You're both very important mares in my life."

Night looked over Luna. "We've... met--"

"Meet Luna." Silver gestured at the Princess of the Night again.

Night let out a suffering sigh. "Very well. Nice to meet you, Princess Luna." She offered a hoof.

Luna nodded in reply. "It is an honor to meet such a distinguished warrior." She reached to meet it with a clop. "Will you tell us of a valorous battle?"

Night glanced between the two a moment before she settled in place. "Alright, there was the time..."

Luna listened quietly as Night began to speak of her adventures at Silver's side, defending him and that which she held valuable.

Night suddenly stumbled over a part.

"What was that?"

Night colored softly. "I... You were my idol, as a foal. I wanted to fight with the quiet poise I imagined you had. It was all imagination, of course. You were... not here... but I imagined it, and followed that vision. I galloped towards it, always wanting to be that warrior of the night..."

Luna gave a small smile. "In some ways, you have outshone the original. I am proud to know you, warrior." She reached a wing and drew Night close. The two grew quiet, but much meaning was exchanged in that silence.

187 - Criminal Offense

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Samantha tuned into another tracker and she saw that the pony she was tracking was looking at another pony, a stallion.

"I've done everything I can do, just let me do my job, dad." Her tracked pony rolled her eyes.

The stallion scowled at her. "You haven't tried enough. He has a herd, surely you can get in, even as a minor character?"

Samantha tuned out, boring politics didn't hold her interest at all. Why did she even tag that mare? She had almost zero scientific interest. Ah well. Samantha rolled upright as she heard the sound of a door opening.

Light spilled in and didn't go away, which was odd.

Celestia approached, looking miffed and imperious. Her wings were spread out and she looked down at Samantha with a careful scowl.

Was she in trouble? Was she still angry about--

"Samantha." Celestia looked down at her. "Are you aware you injured my sister?"

"She should make a full recovery." Samantha smiled gently. "By my--"

"You attacked her."

"Um, yes?" Samantha glanced around. The cool and steely tone Celestia was using was not her usual method of speech. "I..."

"You spied on me."

She was still angry at that! "I thought you weren't upset about that!"

"What did I say?"

Samantha shrank a little. "You said it wasn't right."

"You've done several things that are not right." Celestia sucked a breath through her teeth. "You will be tried, and I will be your judge. I will not be kind to a pony that hurt my sister."

Samantha began to tremble a little. Some of the magnitude of what may be happening dawned on her. "I didn't---"

"Rest yourself. Tomorrow we begin." She turned and stalked away, leaving the night guards behind her.

When the light retreated and the door closed, one of them snorted at her. "You're going to get it. Princess Celestia never looked so angry. She looked happier to see Queen Chrysalis, all things considered."

Tears began to build in Samantha's eyes. Sure, she'd made a mistake, but she would learn! She wasn't a bad pony... She sank to the floor, quivering and sniffling with building despair.

The other guard nudged the first one. "Now she looks like a proper prisoner. It's about time she felt like she was here for a real reason."

Night settled across from her mentor.

Nefertari smiled gently. "You seem tense."

Night let out a heave of a sigh. "Samantha's been imprisoned."

Nefer raised a brow. "The insane one? It surprises me she has not landed afoul of the law before now." She leaned forward. "Was it amusing?"

Night cracked a little smile. "She knocked out Luna in a single attack."

Nefer burst into laughter. "Priceless... I hope they don't remove her head for it, but that sounds exactly like her. I don't see what Silver sees in her, when he could--"

Night held up a hoof. "Nefertari, mentor... please."

She cleared her throat softly. "That was beneath me. She is a dear minion, and I wish her the best. With this distraction, have you been attending your practice?"

Night extended a wing and her grandfather appeared at her side beneath the wing. "We're getting used to one another, like this."

He nodded at Nefertari. "I don't understand this, exactly, but if it'll help Little Watch, I'll learn it."

Nefertari smiled. "You have a very agreeable ancestor... This is good. Departed one, your descendant seeks power to protect herself, and power to strike. Are you willing to be her right hand?" He looked at her oddly and she realized her error. "Hoof."

"Oh! Yes." He stepped forward. "What are you, exactly? I know she regards you with respect, but could you explain it to me?"

Nefertari dipped her head. "I am no descendant of yours, honored spirit. I am Nefertari, born of the Anubians. I will make no demands of you, for it is not my place to place requests or accept demands from spirits not of my blood."

She tilted her head a little. "You can ask, if you're polite. I'd hope you'd return the favor."

Nefertari raised a finger. "You're charmingly new to the spirit world. You think like the living... In time you will learn, there are rules, and etiquettes." Her eyes darted to Night Watch. "Now then, you seem to have mastered the art of calling him, but what of harnessing him?"

Night raised a brow.

"There are several ways in which our ancestors can be utilized. Let us begin with the most direct." She looked to the phantom. "Go to your descendant. Embrace her and imagine wearing her, like a fine suit. Bolster her from within and lend her your might."

He blinked at the very notion as he looked back to Night. "Are you... Night, do you want me to do this?" When she nodded, he circled around her, clearly uncertain. Despite that, he climbed onto her silently and wrapped his spectral legs around her. Suddenly he fell into her with a little gasp of surprise.

Night shivered at the sensation and tried to be still, but words spilled from her mouth. "What do I do now?" Those were not her words, or even her voice. She spoke the words of her departed grandfather.

Nefertari smirked softly. "As you have just learned, you can speak through your descendant, but that is not what she desires. Please, revered ancestor, lend her your strength."

There was a silence before Night gave a sudden gasp. She clenched her teeth a moment before she rose to her hooves. "I feel..."

"Overwhelming, at first," cautioned Nefertari. "Simply learn what it feels like, and be sure to thank your ancestor. This act, it drains him."

Night paled a little. Hurting her grandfather, that wasn't what she wanted.

Nefer saw the expression and smiled a little. "You are good to worry for him, but he will recover. In fact, he will get stronger with practice. Many spirits grow addicted to it. Right now, he can feel everything you feel. Right now... he is alive, if feeling your breath, and your hooves. Even if he is a stallion, and you are a mare, the feeling of being alive..."

Night looked down at her chest, to the unseen spirit inside of herself. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," came the reply with her own mouth, but not her voice. "I've never been a mare before..."

Nefertari clucked her tongue softly. "And not exploring. Using one so closely related has advantages."

"I would never even consider!" argued the dead stallion.

Night flushed at the thought of it. "Can we let him, hm, 'ride' other ponies?"

Nefer raised a brow. "Be careful of that. To allow a spirit into the flesh of the uninitiated is dangerous. Still, it can be done... Those closely bonded to you are most likely to accept it. Will you let your ancestor ride your husband? He might enjoy that, but don't do it without me present, just in case."

Night colored all the more vividly. "He's my grandfather!" She sat down and let out a slow breath. "Grandfather? Is that something you want?"

"I... if you wouldn't mind. I would like to hold you, even just once."

Night pinned her ears back. "I'll... ask Silver."

He suddenly fell from her, collapsing to the ground panting loudly.

Nefertari nodded at the tired spirit. "It is draining, as I warned. Rest." At her command, he was dismissed. "You are learning well, as is he. Of course, mastery of a single spirit is barely the start... A true shaman can interact with any spirit, just as I deal with your own ancestor as I do. You will find it far easier to deal with spirits that share relation to you, and it will grow harder the further they are separated. Being what you are, lunar pegasi spirits will come most easily, then solar pegasi, then other tribes of pony... Outside that, most difficult. When you can order one of my companions to go away, then I will know I stand with a peer instead of a student."

That was a challenge, and the sort that motivated Night. She nodded firmly. "I will do that then. Thank you, for teaching me."

Nefer smiled toothily. "All things come with a price."

Night tensed. "And just what price do you refer to?"

Nefer reached across and landed a single finger on Night's nose. "Nothing you will begrudge me for taking. For now, focus on your studies. I want you to call him daily and learn to work with him riding you. Learn the limits of your combined strength, and when you should let him relax. He will grow stronger as you practice."

Night looked Nefer over curiously. "Do you let a spirit ride you?"

"Only in the most dire of situations... And there are... rules." She raised a brow. "To be ridden in a proper duel is a grave offense, to the spirits, but mostly, to yourself. Any match worthy of calling a duel is one you should win with your own strength. No, save your spirits for when raw strength is required, or you need endurance. Not to win your battles for you."

Night glanced where her grandfather was a moment ago. "Show me how to banish a spirit like that, in case I run into a bad one."

She smiled. "There's a good request..." She rose to her full height. "But know that to banish like that is a direct contest of your will and theirs."

With a gesture, a plant appeared. It wasn't a normal plant. Night could see through it. Did plants have spirits?

"Of course they do," spoke Nefer with a smile. "Plants are alive, are they not? Make the spirit of this river fern retreat."

Night had her challenge.

Tears streaming from her face, Samantha tuned into her family, Night first. Her alpha mare was... staring at nothing. NefNef was there. What were they doing?

NefNef looked up suddenly. Had she been seen? Could everypony see her suddenly?! She flicked off the view just in case even as a sniffle quietly issued out into the darkness.

Maybe Silver... She tuned in on him to find him trying to write, but doing a poor job. He made a few scratches before he brought down a hoof on the desk he was working at, growling. "Samantha..."

Aw, he did care. She smiled a little, feeling just a bit lifted from the outburst. It was unfortunate the trackers were made for information gathering only. She couldn't speak or communicate back through them.

"Hold on..."

Was he talking to her? She tilted her head in the dark, confused.

"Just don't do anything stupid."

She never did stupid things! Well, sure, she had performed a few errors, but what is life, what is science without some errors to learn from? She sat up and wiped her teary eyes. She was many things, but stupid was not one of them. "I'll figure this out."

"What?" One of the guards had heard her.

"Oh, just, you know, science things..."

188 - Justice

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Princess Celestia stood in resplendent finery. Bedecked in jewelry with a carefully etched frown, she was everything anypony could expect from an angered ruler, ready to dispense judgment. With wings spread, she leaned forward slightly, looking over the room.

Trembling before her was Samantha in the stand of the accused. Her hooves were secured to the floor. A thick band was secured around her horn, also bolted to the floor. There was no escape for the guilty.

It was all.. archaic. There was a time when such proceedings were far more common, but Celestia had been successful in banishing most of them. Her nation was a peaceful one. It was because of that peace that she had to rise that day. That she had to hold her wings out and gaze down at the trembling unicorn before her. "We will begin the proceedings. As is customary, we will hear all sides before rendering judgement."

Silver was there, beside Night. They were married to the accused, but were not permitted to approach her, or lend any support beyond being there. Despite the grimness of the situation, both held their heads high and didn't cause a stir. Silently, she made a promise to show her thanks to them later. The little coos of their young occasionally caused one or the other's eyes to dip towards them, but even they, little ones, could feel the gravity and didn't make too much fuss.

There was a large contingent of lunar ponies, their eyes on Luna who sat behind Celestia. Luna, her sister, just as helpless as Silver. She was the alleged victim, but she could only speak when called on. This was her show... Her display. She would make it a good one. "Before we start, is the accused aware of the crime placed on her head?"

"I... attacked..." Samantha shrank before Celestia's withering glare. "I..."

"You allegedly assaulted my sister. The weapon was that of potentially lethal injection." Celestia raised herself higher. "Are you aware of the gravity of this crime?"

Samantha's trembling only grew worse. She glanced over at Silver and Night, pleading silently for them to do something, but they couldn't do anything.

"A common pony who assaults royalty can be sentenced to many things." She leaned in over Samantha. "Including death. You stand accused of one of the most grave crimes we have name for."

Samantha's lower jaw trembled as she choked out, "I'm sorry!" She collapsed where she had stood. "I'm sorry!"

Celestia raised a hoof and a guard stepped forward, silencing Samantha and holding her until she fell still.

"Before we decide on such sentence, we will hear all sides. Let us begin at the source. Will the victim, my sister, take the stand?" She gestured with a wing at the empty space beside and in front of her.

Luna rose stiffly before she stepped down from the royal section to the witness stand. She cleared her throat before she nodded. "Present."

"Luna, do you swear on harmony itself to speak the truth, unvarnished and naked, so that justice might be done this day?"

A soft tremble ran through the Princess of the Night. "I do."

"Then tell us, in your words, the events of that day."

Luna gathered herself up. "I had spoken hastily to the accused's partner, leaving him shaken. It was an unkind statement. The accused demanded to know the exact nature of what I said. When slow with revealing the precise nature, she threw two darts at me. I deflected the first, the second struck true. I was robbed of consciousness soon after."

Celestia nodded slowly. "Very well. Were you aware of the danger of the attack leveled on you?"

"I... was not."

Celestia waved Luna away. "That will be all."

"Wait!" Luna leaned towards Celestia. "I have mo--"

"That will be all." Celestia frowned. "You have given your testimony. Unless there is more to be learned about that precise event?"

"... No..." Luna rose and stepped slowly from the stand as Celestia took in a slow breath.

It promised to be a trying day. "We summon the presence of the attending physicians."

The familiar forms of the nurse and doctor who had seen to Luna rose from the crowd and approached the bench. Celestia nodded to each of them. "Do you swear on harmony itself to speak the truth, unvarnished and naked, so that justice might be done this day?"

They did. "Starting with the doctor, will you give your description of the events of the day in question?"

The doctor nodded at Celestia. "As you wish. Luna was hurried in, carried in the field of Ambassador Silver Watch. He arrived with the accused and we began immediate triage. The physical wound was small, barely of note, but it hardly needs to be large to deliver a toxin." He took a breath. "The accused provided the list of the ingredients used in her attack, allowing us to concoct a counter-agent as quickly as possibly. We believe there is no long-term damage."

The nurse nodded. "That about covers it. The accused was not pressured or coerced into saying what she did." She gave Samantha a hard look. "She might learn something from this. I be--"

"We are asking for what you have seen, not your opinions. Do you have any other facts to share with the court?"

"No, Your Highness." She bowed and the doctor was moments behind. They were dismissed and departed.

Celestia called forward the guards that performed the arrest. "How did the accused behave?"

One of the lunar guards dipped his head. "Your Highness. She came with us willingly and without complaint."

The next were the guards that watched her in the jail. Many sneered at her. "She's loony, crazy... She would stare at nothing and mumble to herself. She kept asking for paper," insisted one of the guards. "I don't get it..."

Another guard stepped forward hesitantly. "She's... She was a model prisoner, besides her requests, Your Highness. Even... presented with an opportunity for escape, she remained still and compliant."

Celestia called forward Nefertari. "Ambassador, it is your right to refuse this call. We can't make you testify or even appear in this room against your will. Do you understand that, and do you consent to it?"

Nefertari nodded. "I am aware of my rights, but thank you for making it clear."

"Good. It is known that you and the accused are aware of one another. As a neutral third party, will you speak of her character?"

Nefertari raised a brow even as her claws dug into the soft wood in slow curls. "She is as my people would call 'touched by the sun'. As an unformed infant, she gazed into the bright face of the source of all life, and it dazed her soul. She is blessed, having seen what few others do, but it has left her rattled and malformed of mind. She is of pleasing temperament, despite her insanity."

Murmurs spread through the crowd. Was that damning or not? What a curious character witness that was...

Nefertari was allowed to return to her seat, for Silver to be called forward. "Ambassador. The accused has obvious relation to you. Despite that, I insist that you speak the truth, even if you feel it damages her chances. If you have any faith in harmony, in myself, you will trust us with it. Do you agree to this?"

Silver gave as firm a nod as he could, even if he was trembling faintly. It was nowhere near as bad as the almost-jangling shaking of Samantha. "I swear."

"Good. Tell us what happened that day, in your words."

Silver took a slow breath. "I saw Luna, in my dreams. She did say something that left me shaken, but I tried to put it out of mind. I was awake, the foals were crying, so I went off to check on them. I heard a thump, came back, and there was Luna on the ground. Night and Samantha were there... She was surprised and said what she did, using far too much even for a pony of Luna's size and power, so... I ran off with her and took Samantha with me to the infirmary."

Celestia nodded. "You said she seemed surprised?"

Silver licked over his lips. "She--"

A pony rose in the crowd. "He should only say what he saw!"

Celestia nodded. "There will be order in the court, but they are correct. Thank you, Ambassador."

Silver was excused, and returned to sit beside Night.

A guard advanced and placed a dart before Celestia. Her horn glowed as she hefted up the small thing in the air. "This is the weapon used to injure my sister." She looked down at Samantha. "Do you argue this?"


"You used it. Do you argue this?"

She shrank towards the ground. "No..."

"It seems a matter of guilt hardly needs to be reckoned. Let it be known to all that the accused is guilty. Guilty of assault, of attacking my sister." She frowned at Samantha even as she withered in place. "Do you have anything to speak in your defense?"

Samantha pushed up, even if she was shaking like a leaf already freed from its tree. "I'm sorry..."

"I don't think you are."

Gasps and murmurs spread through the crowd.

"I don't think you even can be. You don't know remorse." Celestia pointed at Samantha with a mighty hoof capable of demanding the end of her life. "In your own words, what did you do wrong?"

Samantha blinked softly. "I should have used truth serum, given the si--" She was drowned out by a sudden chorus of hisses and boos. A rotten tomato was hurled from the crowd at Samantha's back and she yelped in surprise.

Celestia's magic wiped the mess from Samantha's fur. "Let it be known that I, and I alone, shall render judgment. Samantha, you are guilty. Do you argue this?"


Celestia gave a slow nod. "The fault cannot be yours."

Samantha blinked softly.

"You are guilty, but you cannot accept responsibility."

The crowd blinked with her. What was Celestia saying?

"You are mad. Insane. 'Touched by the Sun.'" Celestia spread her wings even wider. "You are a menace to others, and yourself. Do you argue this?"

Samantha's lower lip trembled as tears ran freely from her eyes. "I didn't mean to..."

Celestia extended a wing and gently brushed tears from one of those eyes. "Of course you didn't... No mad pony does. You cannot be trusted. For your own good, you must be watched over and kept from harming yourself or others. Ambassador Silver Watch has failed in this task." She cast a withering look at him and he jumped in surprise. "Sister, this pony is sick, and a danger. Who would you trust to keep her from harming others?"

Luna blinked out of the daze she was settling into. "I-I accept this."

Celestia raised a brow. "Do you understand what you accept?"

"I will keep her from harming herself, or others." She drew herself to her full height, seated on her haunches as she was. "I accept her as my ward, and understand her mental condition."

Celestia's eyes returned to Samantha. "You are hereby ward of Princess Luna. You will obey her every command, to keep yourself and those around you safe." She thrust a hoof suddenly, inches from Samantha's face. "If she declares it, your life is forfeit. Those touched with lunacy are to be cared for, but there are limits."

Samantha began to shake less despite the direness of the declaration. "I'll be good, promise." She turned to Luna and dipped her head. "I'll do whatever you want." At that moment, she would have even agreed to remove the trackers from Luna... but only if asked specifically.

Celestia snorted softly. "I would see you punished for your crimes, but even I cannot order such against the improperly handled mad. Sister, she is now your responsibility. This case is complete." She brought down a hoof with a loud clang, closing the book on the matter.

189 - A Shifty Face

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Silver let out a little sigh as he settled behind his desk. The trial was over… but his wife was not returned to him. How could she be? Insane people don't get married, or join herds, or… He glared out a window a moment and took slow breaths. Perhaps, in time, it would be settled… In the meanwhile, he had work to do. He had a position, and he meant to take it seriously.

With a silver glow, he gently opened the door of his office to admit any pony, or human, or anything else, that might want to come see him.

Night moved to his side. "I know what you're feeling."

He flashed a little smile at her. Did she? In a sense. She had lost a wife as well. "It was my fault."

Night shook her head. "She is responsible for her own actions."

Before anything else could be said, an unfamiliar voice spoke up. “I was told that this was the office for the human ambassador?”

A moment later, the voice’s owner stepped into the doorway. Dressed in a black two-piece suit and matching gold tie, he could have stepped out of a TV commercial, being a white male, six feet tall with short brown hair. Green eyes swept over the room from behind a pair of glasses before zeroing in on Silver and Night.

Silver sat up, blinking at the new human. "Hello there! Please, come in." He gestured at a chair that moved into easy access with a silver glow. "You've found him, Ambassador Silver Watch."

Night nodded to the new guest. "Night Watch. Don't mind me, I'm just the guard." She retreated to a safe distance, watching carefully but out of the way of the conversation.

The newcomer’s eyes narrowed for a fraction of a second as he watched Night move off to the side, but he kept a polite smile on his face as he took the offered seat. “I’m a little surprised,” he directed his remarks towards Silver. “You don’t seem to have the sort of guards that the princesses have. Is outreach to new human arrivals really that dangerous?”

Silver gestured aside at Night. "She's trying to be unobtrusive. Really, say hello to Night, my wife."

Night lowered her front in a bow. "Pretend I'm not here." As hard as it might be to pretend the lunar warrior was not present.

“Ah, my apologies.” Though he didn’t clarify what he was apologizing for, the human still nodded his head towards Night before returning his gaze to Silver. He adjusted his seat slightly as he did so, apparently to sit more comfortably...that it put Night Watch more firmly in his field of view was surely a coincidence.

“So, Ambassador Silver Watch, I’m sure you can understand that I have a lot of questions…” he trailed off in an obvious lead-in.

Silver bobbed his head. "I can only imagine. Please, how long have you been here?" That would give him a measure of how much his guest may or may not already know. "Allow me to point out, you're safe here." He tapped at the desk softly. "We, I mean, I, I'm here to help."

The hesitation that came before the newcomer’s answer was just long enough to be conspicuous, but not enough to be rude. “Given that there’s an official in charge of meeting humans, I’m going to assume that there’s no easy way back to Earth, is that correct?” That he’d ignored Silver’s question hung in the air, though if the human felt awkward about it, it didn’t show on his features.

Silver blinked at the utter deflection. "N-no. The Text? The words that likely appeared before you arrived here, it's cagey on the topic. If you didn't get to visit home, you will eventually, so be ready for that." He raised a hoof to point at the new person. "What was your name? Calling 'you' by 'you' hardly seems polite."

The human blinked, and for an instant he looked surprised, as though the question had caught him off-guard. It was gone instantly, though, replaced by that same smile. “Ah, pardon me for not introducing myself. I’m...John. John Smith.” He paused then, before returning to the previous topic. “So there’s no way to go home then, short of this ‘Text’ electing to send me there?” His brow furrowed slightly, and even though he was smiling the question was quite clearly a pointed one, as though he already knew the answer.

"Basically." Silver tilted his head faintly. "If you are John Smith, I apologize, but… come on, really? Are you afraid I'm working against you? I'm a threat?" He waved it off. "Please, I just want to be a friend." It was more the delay than the name specifically. The human's edgy behavior was stacking. "Were you hurt?"

Again, the question was ignored. “Come now, Mr. Ambassador, are you really in a position to be calling me dishonest? After all, even though I asked you twice if there was a way to get back to Earth, you didn’t mention Star-Swirl’s mirror portal a single time.” The smile stayed on his face, but this time it quite clearly didn’t reach his eyes.

Silver blinked. That was… "I didn't think of that… I… that's a great idea!" He hopped up to his hooves. "I have no idea how to make mirror portals though." In his excitement, the question was forgotten. "I wonder what's needed to 'aim' them properly."

“I see.” John didn’t seem to share Silver’s enthusiasm, and instead watched him closely, noting his reactions. “Can you tell me how many humans are in Equestria right now?”

Silver raised a hoof to wobble it. "There hasn't been a, wait, what's your name again?" He was awful at names to begin with. One like John Smith wasn't helping things.

"John," provided Night almost immediately. "Are you actually a smith?"

“Hm?” He turned to Night. “Oh, no.” He laughed slightly. Like every other expression he had made, it was so polite and courteous that it was almost textbook. “For most humans, the second name is a ‘surname’ that’s handed down from parent to child. While they used to describe occupations, those days are long gone.” He seemed, for a moment, like he was going to say something else, but appeared to decide against it.

Instead, he turned his attention back to Silver. “Given the paucity of humans so far, am I correct in presuming that your office functions as an adjunct of Celestia and Luna’s government, rather than any human authority?”

Silver bobbed his head at that. "We tried the other way, that was a sham in the end… I work for Celestia, yes." He put a hoof at his chest. "My name is much the same. Watch is Night's name, and I took it, as a token of love, not because I work with watches or I'm even particularly watchful." He tilted his head at the curious human. "Have you made any friends since arriving?"

Perhaps realizing that a third deflection would be going too far, John replied. “I look forward to getting to know new peop-, er, ponies and finding mutual interests that we can build on.” He smiled again, and this time it was deeper, as though he were laughing at some private joke.

Apparently taking his answer as grounds to shift to a different topic, he kept talking. “What can you tell me about the ‘Text’?”

Silver frowned a little. "It likes it when things are 'interesting', it snatches people…" He rolled a hoof slowly. "Neither Celestia or Luna are aware of it… That's about all I know. Oh! He, she, it? It likes to 'open paths', that is, set up ways for you to end up where you want to be, or don't want to be. It won't do it for you, just make sure there is a way to get there and amuse itself watching you make it or don't make it."

Night raised a brow. "It makes me think of Discord, but we're not going to get very far with it, we're here for you, John. What do you need to be a happy member of Equestria?"

“A lever and a place to stand, I suppose.” Again his features showed a hint of mirth. Not bothering to explain what he meant, John stood up. “Well, thank you both very much for taking the time to meet with me today. I appreciate how helpful you’ve been.” Giving a polite nod to both of them, he adjusted his tie as he turned for the door, apparently finished.

Silver blinked as the human, er, John turned away. "Is that really all you needed? Do you have a place to stay? A job?" He took an uncertain step forward. "Even if you feel silly asking, please, we are here to help."

“Thank you, Ambassador, but I know exactly what I need to do next. Don’t worry though, I’m sure that we’ll see each other again soon.” John’s reply came with only the slightest of backwards glances as he left, his stride never slowing.

A sudden cry caught the attentions of the ponies whose office he’d left. Without Samantha there to play smiling nurse, it fell on them to take care of their foals. "I have it." Silver, already standing, moved to take care of whatever had come up, allowing the human to make good his escape. He wandered into the smaller room to see Morning Glory staring at him silently. The crying had ceased the moment he came into view.

"What's wrong?"

He held out a hoof towards Silver, then it fell and he began to wave it around.

It was a vague gesture, but one Silver understood and sighed slowly. "Are you looking for Samantha?"

The little colt nodded.

"She can't come home right now." Silver strode up to the pen and leaned in, nuzzling the colt. "She'll be back." Or so he hoped.

"You will learn." Luna stood up straight as she pointed ahead. "Now what are those?"

Samantha's ears perked up. "Training dummies."

"Incorrect. For this activity, they are ponies. You are to treat them with all the respect owed any other pony. If I see you neglecting them, there will be punishments." She approached the one on the left. "His name is Mister Happy. He likes most things, but expects to be treated with respect and courtesy. We'll start with him. Once you get along with him, we'll move on to the next, harder, pony."

Samantha's jaw worked noiselessly a moment before she nodded and she approached the dummy. "Hello Mister Happy. Nice to meet you." She stared silently a moment, then glanced to Luna. "He's not replying."

Luna quirked a little smile. Nopony promised this would be simple.

190 - Praise the Sun

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Silver stepped out into the garden. There was Celestia, seated at a table and sipping her tea. She looked refined and proper, as was usually her way.

He glanced away before he advanced.

"When you first arrived, you worried I would fear you." She looked up towards him. "Then you worried you would disappoint me in countless ways... Now you are scared of me." She drew a slow breath. "I deserve that."

Silver perked his ears at Celestia. "N-no! It's not--"

"You're far from the the first." She set her cup down. "You won't be the last."

Silver saw his cushion placed, waiting for him to settle. He ignored it. He trotted towards Celestia directly. "You saved her."

"Do you believe that?"

Silver sat slowly. "Do you truly believe that I failed Samantha? Did you mean that?"

Celestia grit her teeth a moment. "You... You did. I wish you both well, but she needs... What I said was cruel. What I said was savage and wicked... And entirely true."

Silver dipped his head. "She was healing, with a family. She was loved, and loves us. For us, she was changing, slowly. She was changing. You saw that, right?"

Celestia nodded. "There is a truth there, but she attacked." She drew a breath slowly. "I did what I had to. I am a Queen, despite my insistence. I am an angry avenger. You... You fear me." Her head lowered. "I deserve every flinch."

Silver felt torn. The pain that Celestia seemed to feel was very real, but so was his family.

He chose to put aside his own pains. That was just the way he was wired. "Celestia."


He smiled up at her. "I still love you."

She returned that smile, but hers was far from genuine. "Do you?"

He spread his wings. "You saved her. No matter what, I know that's true. It would have been easy to throw her to the angry mob, to let her be torn apart by ponies that would have felt justified doing it, or to let her rot forever in a cell until she was forgotten. Celestia, you did what you had to do."

Celestia rose to her hooves. "At my word, a pony may be sentenced to death, or stripped of their rights. A pony ceases to be a pony. Who gave me the right to wield such terrible power? Why do they cheer when I wield it?"

Silver rose to his hooves. "You gave yourself that right, so others wouldn't abuse it. Celestia, you did right." He nipped her side suddenly. "Celestia, even if I'm crying, I believe that. You did the right thing."

She quirked a little smile and reached a leg, wrapping it around Silver. "I have not had a prince to comfort me like this." She rolled over onto her back, with Silver hefted up onto her belly. "Would you like to live the dream? Just a little motion, and you could do as you did then. We could become one."

Silver blinked with surprise. He was being propositioned, and quite forwardly. For a moment, a dirty moment, he was awfully tempted. To perform the ancient dance with Celestia, to do... that... "I shouldn't."

"You fear me."

Silver tilted his head. "Not the way you think. You're upset and angry. If I went ahead, you would regret it later..." If he was ever to lay with Celestia, he'd want it done without guilt. It would be a joyous event, if ever it was to be.

Her magic gripped him in a sensitive place and pulled, drawing a gasp from him. "Do you want it or not?"

He did, and he didn't. Not like that! "Celestia..."

She jumped. A bit of moisture struck her and surprised her. Silver was crying, unaware of it.

"This isn't what you want, and I have my promises."

Celestia nodded slowly, but she hugged him all the tighter. "Am I a good pony?"

The question he had asked was turned on him suddenly and he felt lost a moment before he nodded rapidly. "You're the best pony." He leaned in and kissed her cheek gently. He was smaller than her, though he was larger than he had been. "Now help me tend to my family."

Her magic wrapped around him entirely, lifting him and setting him on the ground. "I will speak to Luna, see how things fare..."

Silver glanced around. There was a suspicious lack of guards in the garden. That was... Oh... "Did you plan this?"

She smiled gently. "The offer remains."

Silver flushed a dark red. For a precious moment he wondered how different it would be from his dream. "When the herd is reunited, you can approach Night, like a pony." He looked up at her. "Because you are a pony. No exceptions."

She leaned in and touched nose to nose. "Because I'm a pony..." The thought seemed to tickle her in some way. "In some ways, you aren't one, but those are stupid ways, aren't they?" She sat up straight. "Will you remind me of how much of a pony I am?"

Silver rose to his hooves and stepped closer. He hugged her gently. In the silence they held one another. They didn't break any vows. That moment, hugs were enough. It was a very pony moment of closeness.

Celestia let out a little sigh. "You know it was all a performance, I hope? You've... been a good stallion for your herd, as unconventional as it and its members may be."

Silver smiled hopefully. "Can I keep it up? I want her back... Even the foals want her back. She's a part of us."

Celestia nodded. "Easily done." She tapped Silver right on the nose. "You'd realize it if you took a step back."

Silver blinked at that and thought about the situation. "It's... up to Luna."

"Precisely so."

He rose to his hooves. "I should ask her then."

Celestia reached with a wing for him. "Is that the only reason you came?"

He could leave. He could leave and put another chink in her heart. He settled down. "How much did it hurt?"


He met her eyes. "To play that part."

She gave a wan smile. "I didn't want to..." She leaned forward. "You can't know. You're still learning the first timid steps of politics. I'm very proud of you, mind. You made good inroads with the local movers and shakers, and that will serve you well in the coming years."

Silver waved it off. "Thank you, but I'll be fine."

She suddenly knocked him over with a powerful swat of a wing. "It's alright to speak of my actions, but not yours?"

Silver rolled upright, blinking. "No, you have a point there... I ran into Fancy Pants, who was already a friend, and he..."

"--Introduced you to his friends, yes, I did hear." She offered the same wing but in a gentle stroking instead of a swat. "I'm certain you felt awkward."

"I did..." He glanced away and back at Celestia. "Not nearly as badly as I imagined you felt though."

She tilted her head. "And you met a zebra."

He blinked at that. "Y-yeah?" He didn't expect that to come up.

"Sharp creatures, those zebras. They can often see what we miss. He seemed pleased enough with you." She smiled gently. "Not that I doubted you."

Silver sat up. "You seem to have your ear close to the ground." Should he ask, should he ask... "Night isn't doing anything that'd hurt her, is she?" He asked.

Celestia perked up at his request. "She is... playing with things beyond the reach of most ponies, but not all. It is quite popular outside my kingdom."

She knew! "Is it safe?"

"Is power ever safe?" Celestia extended her wings wide. "You saw me wield power, true and terrible. Did you feel safe?"

Silver set his jaw a moment. "I was worried... But if anyone was going to wield that power, I trust you."

Celestia raised a brow faintly. "Do you trust Night this way?"

He frowned with thought. Didn't she deserve the chance? Wasn't he... "I do. I just wish I could support her. She's keeping it a secret."

She poked him in the nose. "She wants to impress you, just as you hope to impress others. She will reveal her efforts in time."

He gave a smile, spreading through his whole body. "I'm sure I'll be impressed."

"Be so, even if you feel otherwise." She brushed his side with a wing. "She wants to be a pony worthy of you."

"She is!"

"Prove it." She smiled a little. "And don't run to her now."

Silver understood what Celestia meant, at least good enough to relax in subtle ways he had been coiling up in, worrying for his beloved lunar wife. "I'll wait for her. She's a clever pony, and wickedly smart. She'll have something worth seeing, I'm sure of it." He rose to his hooves. "I'm glad we met today, Celestia."


Silver perked an ear.

"Call me Tia, when we are alone... if you would."

Silver felt a burning rise quickly in his cheeks. "You're being... familiar." Familiar was a polite term. How much of it was Celestia dealing with her own pain? "Tia."

She extended a wing under his chin. "In your dream, you enjoyed our time together."

Silver swallowed heavily. "In my dream, I did a lot of things, including die in a fire." He turned towards the exit. "There is no grand sterility." That would be a reason for it, but it didn't...

"It feels like it." Celestia smiled her sad smile. "Those that would accept my invitation easily are exactly the sort of pony I would want little to do with."

Was his refusal only encouraging things then? Silver nodded at her. "Please, be well, Tia. You're a good pony, a fantastic princess, and a good friend beside." He fled before she could ensnare him with another silken thread. If he let her, he would become her captive in a prison of the softest materials.

He had another princess to visit, and a wife to rescue, even if his official tie to Samantha had been rudely severed.

He had managed to survive Luna's 'rehabilitation' and be restored to full legal status, and he intended to ensure Samantha did the same. She would come home. "I promise," he spoke to nopony in particular as his hooves carried him in an energetic stride, consuming the distance between him and Luna's quarters in little time at all.

The guards nodded at him as he approached and didn't make an immediate move to stop him. A step up...

191 - Mr. Happy

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Luna opened the door to the training area to find that one of her practice dummies had vanished. "Samantha, where is Mister Happy?" She tried to keep her voice calm and even, despite a flush of irritation.

"Hiding," replied Samantha with a smile, swishing her tail.

Luna put a hoof to her face. "Please retrieve him this instant."

Samantha rose and retrieved the dummy from a nearby closet. "He's alright."

"Physically, perhaps..." Luna looked over the dummy. "Why did you do that?"

"If he was put away, I couldn't say anything wrong to him." Samantha nodded with confidence, as if it were simply common sense.

Luna gestured to Mister Happy. "And what if he didn't want to be in the closet?"

Samantha looked confused at the notion. "He didn't complain..."

Luna went with a hunch. "Did you give him a chance to?"

"... No..."

Luna gave a gentle smile. "Now, tell me, why is that acceptable?"

"I didn't hurt him!" She gestured wildly at the doll. "See, he's fine!"

Luna nodded. "But you scared him, and he didn't know why he was in a closet suddenly. While physically unharmed, you wounded an arguably more important part of him. Doesn't he deserve the right to decide if he wants to be in a closet?"

Samantha shrunk a little. "I guess so..."

Luna pointed at Samantha. "Wouldn't you like to determine when you enter a closet?"

Samantha opened her mouth to reply when she popped out of existence. The closet door opened, revealing Samantha where Luna had teleported her. "Hey!"

"I apologize, it was merely a demonstration in this case. Did you enjoy being put in the closet?"

"No, but I opened the door and left, so..."

"Could the other ponies you put in closets do that?"

Samantha's expression went from calculating to realization slowly as she pieced together that her combined actions might have had unforeseen context. "Was... it really that bad?"

"May I?" Luna smiled gently. Samantha nodded, then vanished again. The door slapped shut on a tied up Samantha.

Samantha tipped over and flopped inside the closet, trying to effect her escape. "Alright, this is... far from ideal... I can't even take notes like this..." Had she been doing this? "This is worse than jail!" At least in jail she could wriggle around and check her trackers. Being totally immobilized was near the worst possible thing. "Please let me out!"

Luna pulled open the door with her magic. "A valuable lesson has been learned." She gently undid Samantha's binding. "Now, tell me in your own words why we shouldn't do that to ponies?"

"It impinges on scientific progress," stated Samantha with a firm nod of confidence.

Luna let out a quiet sigh. "For you, perhaps, but what of other ponies?"

"It impinges on their scientific progress?" She looked perplexed at the very question.

"Not all ponies are interested in what interests you." She forced a little smile. "That's normal. Whatever they like to do, they don't want to be stuffed in a closet without consent. Could you tell me why that might be?"

Samantha frowned with thought. She began to move a hoof through the air as she mumbled scientific-sounding equations to herself. "It doesn't allow them ideal progression of their desired activity?"

"That much is true, but even a pony at rest will be irritated by it. A pony wants autonomy. Surely you wish to be allowed to do what you want?"

Samantha burst into a smile. "Then I can go home?"


Samantha pointed at Luna. "Preventing a pony from doing what it wants is wrong, so you won't stop me from going to my family." She rose up to her hooves. "Thank you, Princess, this has been--"

"Not so quickly!" Luna took a step forward. "You have to finish learning before I can--"

"I learned this." Samantha nodded firmly. "I will return tomorrow for more lessons. Goodbye." She walked past the stunned Luna.

She practically ran into an incoming Silver. Samantha squealed in delight and embraced her stallion gladly, an exchange returned eagerly. "Hello, Samantha. Have you been good for Luna?"

"I have!" Samantha kissed his cheek. "I learned an important lesson today."

Luna shook herself lightly. "She... has. Samantha, I must add to my lesson."

Silver turned Samantha back towards Luna, but kept a grip on her, hugging Samantha firmly from behind.

"There is a time when you are permitted to prevent a pony from action." Luna raised a hoof. "If they are about to hurt another, break a law, or hurt themselves, then you may intercede. A parent may also restrain the activity of their foals, for their protection and benefit. Understand?"

Samantha gave a slow nod. "Like I was arrested."

"Exactly so." Luna smiled gently. "You are, until I release you, effectively my foal."

Samantha tensed in Silver's grip. "Are you going to restrain my activity?"

Silver pulled her back gently. "She has a loving family waiting for her. It's good for her."

Luna nodded at Silver. "I actually agree." She waved them both off. "Go, and listen to their advice as well. I expect you back tomorrow promptly to continue things. You are my ward until I say otherwise, and there is yet much land to--"

She was cut off as Samantha gave her a telekinetic squeeze. "Thank you! I don't know why Silver said you were intimidating. You're perfectly reasonable." She turned toward the blushing Silver. "Let's go home."

Silver sputtered a little. "I didn't..." The damage was done. Luna looked dejected. It was a bad day for avoiding touching on the feelings of the Royal Sisters. "Samantha, go on ahead. The foals are eager to see you."

With a bright smile, Samantha trotted out of the room, bound for her home.

When she was gone, Silver let out a little sigh. "Luna, you know I don't feel that way."

"Do... you?" She rose to her hooves. "I'm an awkward intrusion on your life, frightening and... intimidating. It was my fault, just as surely as Samantha was to blame for her hasty action." She half-turned away, tears forming in her eyes.

Silver couldn't stand it. He just wanted the ponies around him to be happy, was that such an impossible goal? "Luna, you're fine..." He approached her on unsure hooves. "Thank you for taking care of Samantha."

She waved him off and let out a little sigh. "I was performing my duty."

Silver threw a leg over her, half-hanging. "Don't give me that. You could have hired a psychiatrist and effectively washed your hooves of the mess, but you didn't. Luna, you're a wonderful mare."

She quirked a little smile. "You're just saying that, even if it is nice to hear..."

He gave her a gentle nuzzle and settled beside her. "You're a friend."

"And..." She stifled the thought from emerging, but Silver knew what it was. He was painfully aware of what it was.

He was a prince, and the two unwed princesses were both eyeing him, existing family-be-damned. For a moment, he felt incalculable rage. Why wouldn't they just let him be!

"And that's all." Luna gave a haunted smile. "I used up my chances, haven't I... Such foolishness." She shook her head. "Have a good day, Silver Watch. I will attempt to mend the holes in her troubled thinking tomorrow. Treat her well in the meantime."

Silver rose to his hooves. He wanted to say more, but the exact words for what he would say, those escaped him entirely. So he said nothing in the end and trotted from the dim room.

Luna looked to Mister Happy and reached out, giving him a prod. "What are you looking at?"

In the nursery, Samantha approached the two happily crying foals. Their waving hooves were the best welcome home she could expect. With her magic, she lifted both up to easy reach and nuzzled at the two. "How are my littlest subjects? I missed you..." They missed her, though their words to express the feeling were less eloquent.

"They let you out?" It was Night, approaching curiously. "Welcome home, Samantha." They hugged softly, all four of them squeezing happily. "Where's Silver?"

"He should be behind me." Samantha nodded. "I am still Luna's ward, but she let me return home." She waved a hoof around. "This is my home, and I do my best work here."

Night let out a little laugh at that. "You want to be here for more than work, I hope?"

Samantha blinked softly before it clicked. "Oh! Yes! I should properly express myself." She leaned in and pressed her lips to Night's without further preamble, threatening to tip the lunar pony over before she began to kiss properly.

In the end, they did fall over, hugging and kissing when Silver entered. He flushed a bright red at his wives exchanging such a passionate gesture. He started to back away, hoping to not disturb, but his retreat was halted with a sudden telekinetic grab. "I'm sorry for limiting your movement, and hope you will forgive me, but I think we both want you here."

Silver approached to find both Night and Samantha did want his presence. They nuzzled and kissed and nothing further with the foals right there. That was just as well. They had kisses to give to the foals as well. Their family was brought together again, and the joy of it was quite enough.

When the snuggling-welcome was complete, Night sat up. "Samantha, do you understand why what you did got you in trouble?"

"She's a princess?"

Silver winced. That was... not entirely wrong. "You almost killed a pony, princess or not."

"I did misjudge that..."

Silver poked her lightly. "Misjudged or not, you don't tranquilize people."

Night nodded. "Not as a means of interrogation."

Samantha bobbled her head. "I should have used the truth se--"

Silver bonked her gently on the head. "I love you, but stop that."


They had some steps to make. But they were steps they were willing to take, with a pony they measured as worth being.

"I'm going to teach you the golden rule."

Samantha perked up. "The Golden Ratio?"

"Not quite..." Silver smiled gently. "The Golden Rule is 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.' So, basically, you shouldn't do things that you wouldn't want someone to do to you."

Samantha rolled one ear back as she seemed to consider the very notion of that. "I suppose I wouldn't want darts thrown at me, but I wouldn't want my husband scared! She broke the rule!"

Silver nodded at Samantha. "She did, and she deserves to be scolded, but two wrongs don't make a right."

"I'm going to tell her." Samantha sat up straight. "She should at least be aware of her mistake."

Silver tried to ease her enthusiasm, but Samantha was quite set on telling Luna the next day of her error when she went for more lessons.

192 - Lunacy

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Samantha bounced down the hallway in an energetic trot. Sure she had to go to learn more about proper social behaviors, but she slept with those she desired to and they had wished her well as they all went to their respective duties. This just happened to be hers. She would rather monitor her smallest subjects, but she would take any project seriously, this included.

"There she goes, getting another audience with the princess."

Samantha looked off to see a pair of ponies peering at her. They went quiet when she looked though. "What?" The delicate nature of politics was not her strength and she trotted directly for the two. "What's wrong?"

The larger of the two frowned at Samantha. "The princess should not be rewarding you for attacking her!"

"That is correct." Samantha nodded as if it were obvious.

"Then why are you practically dancing down the hallways?"

Samantha tapped her chin. "Should I be less enthusiastic about the opportunity to learn? Learning and recording is my purpose." She dipped her head. "Perhaps my notes will one--"

"The ravings of a madmare," interjected the smaller.

"At least Luna will have her chance," stated the larger. "She'll teach you to respect your betters."

Samantha tilted her head. Nopony was better than she was. Nopony was inherently worse. They were all different specialized pieces of a fine machine of ponykind. She turned away from the ponies since they seemed to be done speaking to her and resumed her trek towards Luna. As she walked, she realized she didn't record the sexes of either pony. That was sloppy of her.

She chastised herself on her poor observation and produced her notepad to make quick notes of the event.

She arrived in the hallway leading to Luna's room and approached it only to be met with two stern lunar guards.

"Hello! I'm here to see Miss Luna to continue our--"

"She's not here."

Samantha tilted her head. "She's the one that told me not to be late. It wouldn't be logical for her to not be here." The fact that her tracker told her Luna was beyond the door was another hint, but she could learn! She knew ponies didn't appreciate good observations as she did. Why would those ponies not want her to see Luna?

One of them leaned in, making a classic male figure of domination. "She isn't here. Why don't you threaten somepony else?"

Samantha tilted her head. Was she being solicited? Oh my! She'd never been approached by a male for that specifically. "I'm sorry. You look like a very healthy specimen, but I've entered a social contract with Night and Silver Watch that requires I not share physical intimacy with others."

The male looked shocked, so she continued, "It's not that you aren't desirable, not at all. I'm certain you're a fine specimen and will successfully reproduce."

The other guard suddenly burst into laughter, falling to his belly with how paralyzed with the outburst he was. The first, thoroughly darkened in his cheeks, angrily pressed forward. "I wasn't asking for that!"

The door opened, admitting Luna's head to peek through. "What's all th-- Samantha. Do come in." She backed up and the door swung in wider.

Samantha strolled past the guards, one still laughing, the other glaring angrily. The door closed, likely with Luna's magic. "I'm here and reporting for duty."

Luna nodded at Samantha. "I appreciate your punctuality. Let us be--"

"Before that, I need to inform you of an error."

Luna raised a brow.

"I've been educated to the golden rule, which states that one should only do to others what one wishes done to them." She tilted her head at Luna. "Do you wish your significant others scared?"

Luna blinked softly. She hadn't been expecting that. "No, of course not."

"Then why did you scare Silver?" She tilted her head the other way. "Was that not in violation of the rule?"

Luna drew in a slow breath before releasing it in a noisy sigh. "It was, and I was wrong. You did not come to chastise me, did you? We're here for your reformation, not mine."

Samantha shook her head. "Because your infraction didn't cause physical harm, you have not been acted against, but you should be informed at least." She put a hoof to her chest. "I would want a pony to tell me if I did wrong, even if no immediate harm came of it. By the edicts of the golden rule, I should tell you as well."

Luna was furious at first. Who was this little mare to 'educate' her?! But the moment passed. She wasn't... wrong. Luna let out a slow sigh and her magic gently hefted Samantha up. "You are a very special pony."

Samantha smiled wide. "My father always told me so."

Luna winced, hoping it was in a good way but having no way to confirm either way. "Samantha, I... Samantha, would you be opposed to my..." Should she even be asking? A part of her said no loudly, but she grit her teeth and asked anyway. "If I wanted to be your herd-sister, would you be opposed to this?"

Samantha rolled an ear back, then the other, flipping back and forth oddly. "I see no particular reason to object to that, but you would have to follow the golden rule as well. The stallion taught it to me, and if he lives by it, I will as well, and I would like all members of our herd to do so."

Luna smiled a little. At least one mare would not stand in her way... If only... "We should begin." She set Samantha down gently. "I think you've graduated from Mister Happy..."

Silver sat in his office. Night was there, as were the foals, crawling around and exploring everything. He scanned over a letter curiously. "Twilight... has been up to the strangest things."

Night glanced up at him. "Oh? What'd she do now?"

"She reached across dimensions and just grabbed a human."

Night frowned sharply. "Do we need to take action?"

Silver held up a hoof. "No need. She realized the error of her ways. The more troubling thing is that, apparently, two humans ended up in Equestria, and one of them may be an outlaw, or just a jerk. Nobody knows either way."

Night rolled a hoof. "So we should grab him?"

"Extra twist, they look exactly the same."

Night blinked slowly. "Is that normal for humans?"

Silver pushed the letter away. "With identical twins, sure, but in this case, they both became the same pony, physically."

Night shook her head at that. "Princess Twilight needs to not do things like that."

Silver smiled down at his wife. "Would she be Twilight if she didn't?"

"I suppose not." She reached out a wing and suddenly cut off Clear Twilight's path. "And here's another Twilight trying to get into trouble."

"That's what foals do." Silver smiled gently, watching his young play. "At least I didn't name either of them just right."

"Just right?"

"Midnight Shimmer, Sunspot Strobe... Assures the pony will run into Twilight at some point, likely in an antagonistic role."

Night scowled at him a moment. "You're not being serious, I hope?"

"Just a little." Silver floated away the letter to grab the next one. "Tumble's doing well with the truck startup, you'll be glad to hear."

"I am." Night smiled a little. "Do you miss him?"


"Well, you were married to him, if briefly."

Silver flushed red. "I don't miss him that way... I hope he finds a nice, sane stallion that will only have eyes for him and him alone." He put a hoof at his chest. "You're a saint for putting up with me..." He glanced away, which was enough.

"What happened?"

Silver considered trying to hide it, but hiding things from Night was a foal's game. "I was approached."

"By who?" Night rose a brow high.

Silver sagged a little. "Both princesses have an eye on me... I th--"

"Again?!" Night bounced to her hooves. "You told them no, right?"

Silver winced a little at the outburst. "I told Celestia I wouldn't even consider it while she was hurt. And she is, hurt that is. She didn't like running that trial anymore than we liked being there..."

Night's anger fizzled a little. "That doesn't excuse her..."

"I think she just wants to be a normal pony."

"She isn't..." Night sank to her belly. "That is sad."

Silver quirked a smile. "Is she bad?"

"I have a feeling she's a buy one and get two whether you want it or not special." Night frowned at him. "As kind and gentle as she usually is, there's no way you can start treating her as other than a princess without her sister turning more green than Surprise. It'd be better to put both out of your mind, and what was Luna's excuse?"

"She didn't really hit on me." Silver waved it off. "It was more that she was angry, mostly at herself, for fucking it up so bad."


Silver had the dignity to blush a little. "She was sad, not hitting on me."

"That's better..." Night squirmed a little. "Did..." She glanced away and back at Silver and went quiet.

Silver leaned forward onto his desk. "Did what?"


"Did they mention me?"

Silver looked at the squirming Night silently a moment before magic played over his horn.

Night gasped loudly as she became a stallion where it mattered. "Silver!"

"If you go to them now, they would probably accept you."

Night turned a cherry red. "Silver!"

"I wouldn't stop you."

"Silver!" She jumped suddenly onto his desk, even if the motion made certain parts a bit close to him. "You stop this this instant!"

Silver learned forward despite it. "They seem mostly straight. They respect you, a great deal I imagine, but..."

She swatted him across the snout. It was far lighter than she could manage if she wanted to attack. "You wouldn't..."

"Wouldn't what?"

She went quiet again, settling down on the desk on her haunches.



He leaned forward and kissed the end of her nose. "Do you..."


"I didn't ask yet." Silver quirked a smile. "You're the one that wanted a herd. You're the one that wants that, remember?" He put a hoof on her chest. "Do you want them?"

She jumped off the desk suddenly. "No! I shouldn't!"

"Shouldn't is not an answer." Silver raised a brow. "Do you sometimes imagine either of them?"

Her blush only grew more intense. She didn't reply, not that words were required.

"Fast really had an impact on you."

"As if you're one to talk!" Night shook herself out violently. "You, the one that feared colt cuddling so much..."

"I got over it, and I think you did too, well, fillyfooling, same thing, different, you know."

"Why do I still have this?" She pointed at the new organ.

"You don't want to use it then?" Teasing Night was fun, and he was genuinely curious. "You could master the moon, or tame the sun..."

Night's flush only worsened. "S-samantha deserves it long before either of them."

Keeping her so modified took a constant, but not large, effort. If he could get her to wear a... Unlikely. For the moment, he kept her with it. She'd face her emotions one way or another. "I just ask that you tell me what you've been up to, my curious wife."

"I'm not curious!" she denied hotly, turning away from Silver.

193 - In Loyal Service

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Luna's magic swung open the door to the hallway. "We require the assistance of one guard."

One of them turned to peek in and slowly advanced. "As you summoned?"

"Good." She gestured to Samantha. "I would like your assist--" She cut off as she saw the guard give a most unpleasant expression. "Is there an issue?"

"He wanted to procreate with me," reported Samantha. "I'm flattered, but refused."

Luna blinked softly. "Is this true?" She peered at her guard with building ire.

"N-no! I..." He failed to find a good way to say he was trying to get her to go away. "No!"

"I see..." Luna shook her head slowly. "Very well, since we have started on that hoof. Guard, if you were approaching Samantha for purposes of..." She smirked. "Procreation, how would you?"

He trembled a little, wishing to be anywhere else than where he was. "I was..." He looked at Samantha a moment, then cleared his throat. "Um, miss? Would you... care to go out?"

Samantha's eared perked. Should she act like she was interested? To turn him down seemed like it would spoil the experiment entirely. "Where to?"

He glanced away. "Ah, um... how about... The Belfry?"

Luna clopped her forehooves gently. "That's very good. When we meet a pony we like, asking them on a date is a polite first step. Was he asking you out before, Samantha?"

Samantha thought back to their meeting. He had told her to go... "I think he was. Oh! I misunderstood him." She dipped her head toward the guard. "If you'd like to visit this belfry of yours after my lesson with Luna, I would be happy to." She wouldn't be intimate, but some sight-seeing and maybe dinner didn't sound awful.

He was flushing a deep red color. "M-mistress, why... Why is she here?"

Luna raised a brow. "She is my ward, and I intend to train her well, to avoid incidents like the last one. As my ward, why wouldn't she be here? Now, I expect you two to have a good time, and I want a report from both of you when you are concluded with your own observations, behaviors, and how you saw the other."

Samantha peeked at the other dummies. "Wasn't I graduating to a new practice?"

Luna pointed to the guard. "Here he is. Just as with the dummies, I expect him to be treated with all respect and dignity. He will be telling me how you did, so be on your best behavior."

Samantha saluted sharply. "I will take meticulous notes." Though she hardly needed to promise that. "Will you be leading me to this belfry, or will you tell me its location to meet you there?"

The guard coughed into a hoof. "U-um, if we're... My name."

"Oh yes! I am Samantha." She dipped her head towards him. "A pleasure to meet you."

"Y-yeah... I'm Midnight Bell." He quirked a little smile, forcing the gesture. "Let's have a good time?"

"Yes, let's!"

They walked from Luna's room, leaving her alone. She was not as oblivious as some claimed her to be, especially with the workings of pony's minds. She saw the discomfort in the guard, and heard the acid in his tone. She would keep an eye on him, them. Both of them needed a chaperone. She would just have to be subtle about it.

She could do subtle.

"Get rid of it." Night glared at Silver, perched on his desk.


"It doesn't belong." She bristled a little. "Besides, you never finished your course on transmutations, nor am I wearing a crystal, so kindly be rid of it before I end up with a memento of the occasion."

Silver tilted his head at her. "What if I thought you would be better serviced another way?"

"What way would that be?"

His magic closed the door and latched the lock.

Night glanced back at the door, only to feel Silver's breath over sensitive bits. Maybe she could wait... just a moment.

They kissed, even if Silver's aim was tragically misplaced. By the time it ended, Night was limp and sprawled over the desk. She was also back to being a mare, a fact that pleased her, even if... "Do you wish I was different?"

Silver perked an ear. "Cer--"

With a pop, a small figure fell on his head, then a crash was heard across the room as Clear Twilight pulled something off a shelf. He winced even as he lifted Morning Glory from his head.

Night staggered to the floor and rushed to rescue Clear from the mess she had made.

Silver hugged his son, blushing. He had forgotten they were there at all, and... oh my... "Worst parent of the year."

"There are two of us." Night returned with a foal in her grasp. "Is it wrong that I miss Samantha's foalsitting almost as much as the rest of her?"

Silver nuzzled both foals gently. "We should remember we're parents, and be proud. How about we go out for lunch, somewhere sunny and warm and with plenty of room for little foals to run wild?"

Night smiled gently. "That sounds lovely." She dropped Clear onto her back. "Let's go."

They cleaned up, then departed, off to enjoy Celestia's sun and simply be a family. It sounded delightful.

Lunch was well-received, and the foals ran around with uninhibited joy. There were a few other families around, so there was company for them as well. A motley gang of about half a dozen foals had formed of ages ranging from Morning Glory and Clear Twilight being about the youngest, to a larger filly that could compete with the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

Despite that age difference, they all played with enthusiasm. Silver smiled a little, watching them play a rousing game of 'defeat the dragon', with the larger female playing the part of the fearsome beast.

Night nudged his shoulder with a hoof. "Can we talk?"

Silver blinked, ceasing to focus on the foals and looking to Night. "Anytime. What's up?"

"I..." She glanced around, then back at Silver with her penetrating gaze. "I'm not perfect."

Silver blinked softly and sat up. "None of us are. What brings that on?"

Night reached for one of his hooves. "But I want to improve."

Silver pressed his hoof against hers. "Of course."

Night glanced away then back at Silver. "Do you believe... in ancestors?"

Silver blinked at that. "In people before us? Well, they were there, or we wouldn't be?"

Night shook her head. "No, current tense, like... ghosts?"

Silver drew a soft breath. Was Night coming clean to him? "I've been touched by that sort of thing before."

"You have?!" She sat up, surprised. "When?"

"Before I came to Equestria..." Silver rose his un-held hoof to his cheek. "I've called spirits, as a ch--foal, with varying success..."

Night blinked at the revelation. "Why don't you do that now?"

Silver quirked a smile. "It was the active imagination of a child, er, foal, and I have a more concrete magic now."

Night glanced towards the foals and back at Silver. "What if it was concrete? Would you be... scared?"

Silver leaned in and kissed Night gently on the nose. "If you were doing it, I couldn't be scared of it."

That was the right answer. She smiled gently. "Everyone else in the herd, everyone... even those trying to get into it... They all know magic. They all get better at it, and can practice, and learn spells."

"And you are a more than lovely lunar p--"

She pressed one of her hooves to his lips, silencing him. "I know you're about to say you'll love me just as I am, but that's not enough... I want magic too. I want something I can practice and learn and be better at... I don't have a horn, so unicorn magic is right out... but I have ancestors..."

"What about fighting?"

Night leaned forward and nuzzled him gently. "I would rather be with my family."

Silver blushed at her admission.

"Our herd is full of magic. I won't be left out." She spread her wings wide. "Will you accept your ghost-calling wife?"

Silver spread his own wings and brought them in to meet hers as he pressed in close. "I will, and do... How did you learn?"

She suddenly looked guilty.

Silver tilted his head. "It wasn't a forbidden tome, was it?"

"No! No..." Night clicked her tongue softly, her fangs licked over before she sat up tall. "I asked Nefertari..."

That... made sense. "I thought you were angry with her?"

"I was..." Night tilted her head at Silver. "But she's taken her role as teacher seriously, and I've learned a lot..."

Silver smiled with anticipation, almost vibrating. "Will you show me?"

"No... not yet." She glanced away and back. "Will you wait a little longer?"

The news was disappointing, but to be let this close was encouraging. "I'll wait, but please. I want to see what amazing things my clever wife has learned."

A loud cry rang out as the 'dragon' was felled, collapsing to the ground under a pile of other foals. Morning Glory sat on the top of the pile, quietly pleased.

Silver rose to his hooves and approached the squealing mass. "You've defeated the fell dragon, but awakened the true monster!" Silver spread his wings wide as he took on an imposing stance. "How will you defeat them?"

The 'dragon' switched sides almost instantly. "With friendship!"

"Arg! My weakness," proclaimed Silver as he staggered back. "But I am not defeated, just weakened. Let's see if your conv--" He was barreled into by an eager little colt and laughed as he almost fell over. The fight was on and he began gently tossing the foals around. He let his magic out in a cloud, catching them whenever one was hurled a little too far, or fell from too high. No child would be hurt by or around him, so far as he could help it.

In the end, he was defeated. He had to be. He slumped to the ground as little ponies clambered over him to claim victory over the dread elder being that they had bested through teamwork and persistence. The day had been won, by the youth at least.

"Wild Song!" came the voice of a mare. "Time to go home!"

One of the little shapes bolted out to get to his mother, and soon the others were dispersing.

Night scooped up her own two little foals and smiled at Silver. "Come on, dread beast, let's get going."

Silver rolled up to his hooves and shook off the grass that clung to him. "I'll win another day!" He giggled a little as he walked alongside Night. The energy between them felt healthier, and he was pleased.

194 - Bats in the Belfry

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Samantha walked alongside Midnight, humming softly to herself. Just to the left of her head floated a notepad where words were scribbled as she went, taking note of everything from the temperature to how many ponies wandered past and other information beside. She had no idea what would be relevant later, so she played it safe and recorded everything.

"So…" Midnight was looking at her as they approached a building. "This is a lunar pegasus hangout. You'd better not use any slurs if you want to avoid a bad time."

Samantha tilted her head. "What is considered a slur?"

He looked baffled a moment and glanced around with increasing nervousness. "Don't call anyone a bat, to start with. We don't like that."

"Alright, no references to chiroptera, check." She flashed an eager smile as she wrote down the vital information.

Midnight sighed as he pushed open the door into the Belfry, allowing Samantha to go in first.

The couple were immediately greeted by a smiling, older, caramel colored mare, “Midnight Bell, as I live and breathe, I haven’t seen you in here in ages. And with a new friend? Sweet Tooth will be gossiping all week!”

He blushed a dark red through his fur. Without his armor to shield him, he felt a lot more vulnerable, and being pressed on things… "H-hi!" He swallowed heavily. "We're just, um, Princess' orders, you know?"

Samantha peered at the mare curiously. "Good day. I'm Samantha." She gestured at herself. "You are?"

“Candy Apple, miss,” the mare smiled warmly, “My husband and I run this old place, with the help of our daughter, Sweet Tooth and our foster son William. You’ll probably meet Sweet before the night is over. She loves to meet new ponies.”

Samantha's notebook flipped wildly as she looked up a note. Ah, there it was. "A pleasure to meet you and your family. I hope to have a good time tonight." Yes, she did write that, and she just read it aloud to the helpful mare.

Her antics only made Midnight more anxious. "Can we have… a booth? You know, privately?" He was hoping to hide, but the implications…

“Privacy hmmm, Midnight?” A burgundy young lunar pegasus mare sidled up deep inside his personal space, “Does this mean I can finally tell Billy he doesn’t have to get jealous anymore?”

Midnight stammered helplessly a moment, going red at the eartips.

While this was going on, a cloaked figure snuck in behind the group, taking advantage of their distraction to quietly perch at an untaken table as if they had always been there.

“Good evening miss.” A deep blue lunar pegasus stallion walked up to the cloaked figure's table. “The Blind Goat only performs on Saturdays. Not that you aren’t more than welcome, that’s just when we get most of the goth ponies. Can I get you anything?”

"Oh, um," stated the cloaked figure smoothly while looking pointedly away from Midnight and Samantha. "Just a cider please, thank you." She kept her clothes tight and drawn so few of her features could be seen other than the end of a blue snout when she spoke.

“You know, Midnight,” Sweet Tooth chided the stallion, “If you’re gonna bring a date, you should at least bring her on a show night. Have you ever seen the Blind Goat perform miss?”

Samantha blinks softly. "A blind goat performs? I hope they're careful…" She made a few notes. "I should imagine visual impairment could lead to extreme hazards."

Midnight sighed softly at his 'date'. "She didn't need to--"

"I'd like to see this goat."

Hoof to face, Midnight grumbled softly.

“Well, I can arrange a private reading, if your colt-friend has the bits. Since you’re with Midnight, we’ll even give you a discount,” Sweet Tooth smiled broadly.

Midnight looked ready to launch every tactic to dissuade Samantha, but the unicorn was already drawing out a small pouch. "It wouldn't be fair to demand he pay for my request. How much is it?" She started counting out bits.

“I can get you downstairs for fifty, but don’t tell my dad,” the lunar mare glanced around to make sure said dad wasn’t in earshot, “And I think it’ll be okay to let you both go in together. Normally that’s a big no-no, but Billy knows Midnight so it should be okay. There’s a few rules you’ll have to follow, though.”

The bits were surrendered easily. "Is it customary to remain with one's date? I suppose it is." She tilted her head at Midnight. "Then we should go together."

"That's not necessary…"

The cloaked figure pressed dangerously hard on the table she was seated at.

“Seriously?” Sweet Tooth leveled a glare at Midnight, “You’re gonna just send her down there to face one of Billy’s readings by herself?”

Samantha grew more curious. "Is it dangerous?" Her quill sped up as she found more notes to take. The fact that it could be dangerous didn't seem to diminish her desire any.

Midnight heaved a slow sigh. "Alright, let's go. We'll see the goat together…"

“Alright, just follow me,” Sweet Tooth grinned toothily, “And it’s only dangerous depending on what you want… and maybe what you’re willing to pay. The important thing is that you follow the rules. Billy keeps the rules there for a reason. And the first one is don’t call him Billy. He lets me get away with that. My folks and a few family friends call him William, but you should call him Tarot. Or Tarotius, if you want to be formal. Or Mr. Solitaire if he doesn’t like you, but you’ll probably be okay with Tarot.”

Samantha mouthed the words as the wrote them down in a nice bullet-pointed list. "Mister Tarot then." A mix of formal and informal. Samantha smiled brightly. "What is it he's reading?"

Midnight stayed close to Samantha, not that he was scared or anything, huff! He could handle a… creepy goat in a basement, yeah, hardly scary, huff…

“Okay the next rule is do not touch Billy’s cards unless he tells you to, and then ONLY the way he tells you to,” the mare explained as she led the couple down the back hallway towards the stairs, “That’s a really big one. Seriously, don’t break that rule.”

"Don't… touch… cards…" She wrote busily as she walked, but also took notes on the hallway they were going down, and the closeness of her date. Was she winning at dating? She hoped he remembered she was unavailable for intimacies.

“Okay, down these stairs, knock three times on the door on the right,” Sweet Tooth stood expectantly at the top of the stairs, “He’s expecting you.”

Midnight led his 'date' down the stairs. "If you wanted to back out, I, uh, wouldn't blame you. The goat's readings are pretty scary and usually only done if you really need them."

"I won't be scared." She jotted a note busily. "He can't be worse than Celestia."

Celestia? She used Celestia as the benchmark of scary? He blinked softly, then raised a trembling hoof to knock thrice.

The door swung open to reveal a lean grey goat, with fur the color of dirty cream and eyes the color of dead salmon, “Ah Midnight Bell. And a guest. Madness gazes into the abyss as it returns the gaze, but who will learn the most I wonder?”

Samantha looked mildly confused a moment at the odd greeting, though her quill danced in its recording dance. "Good day, Mister Tarot. I'm told you will be reading this evening?" Would it be a good book? She hoped so.

Midnight let out a little sigh and forced a smile. "Hey, uh… yeah…"

“Please come in and be seated,” the goat gestured, pulling a bottle of bitter ale from the ice bucket next to his own place, “A human makes a sacrifice of love, curiosity passes from one generation to the next, and here you are miss. Ponies only come to me when they want something. What is it that you want?”

"Can I ask for anything?" Samantha settled across from the goat with building curiosity. "Well then, alright. I want to understand the complex social interactions of ponies so I don't accidentally offend them when I'm trying to do the right thing." She tilted her head. "I'm aware of the golden rule now, and I think that's a huge help, but there's still so much more to learn."

Midnight settled beside Samantha, glancing around nervously. "She's a little, uh, crazy. Don't take what she says too personally, alright?"

Samantha scowled at that. "I am not crazy! I perform and react with what I learn, through education and observation." She made a slash across her notepad. "As any rational being would."

The goat completely ignored the back and forth between the two and casually drew a single card laying it face down on the table. The card’s backing revealed a blue sky with a black border. The sun set behind a tome of forbidden knowledge.

“I only draw the cards. And I read them,” the goat intoned gravely, “Only you can chose to turn the card, and a price will be levied and it must be paid. I will warn you, do not touch any of my cards with unicorn magic.”

Though unseen to most, Samantha's horn sputtered and died a little as she was cautioned not to touch the cards with the very magic she had already been reaching with. "I already paid upstairs. You can ask if you require." She reached right for the card and made to pull it closer, looking at the side presented to her as if that were the main feature. "Interesting… What does it mean?"

“The price you paid my family was only my price,” the goat explained patiently, “The cards levy their own toll to bestow their knowledge. The meaning of each card is on its face. Like a pony, you cannot know it by looking only at its backside.”

She tilted her head. "There's a lot you can tell by a backside." She lifted the card and examined it carefully, her mouth moving with unspoken calculations before she finally set it down with its other side facing her.

The picture revealed a spiteful old mare, with eyes glittering with hatred and disapproval. In the background a large eye floated pierced by a sword. Thorns formed the borders of the card and the old mare seemed to glare directly into Samantha’s eyes.

“The Closed Eye of Suffering,” the goat named the card tonelessly.

While Midnight shivered at the displayed card, Samantha only leaned in to better look at it. "What does it mean?" Its obvious meaning was… Samantha frowned. It certainly couldn't be that.

“Each card means many things,” the goat nodded, “Violence, it was an act of violence that brought you here, but the act that set you on this path was not one by your hoof. You seek wisdom and find solace in the love of a family that is here and now. But the root of the tree you seek lies buried in the past of a family that will never be again.”

Samantha tilted her head left, then right. "That all seems accurate enough. My mother's certainly not giving any answers." She stuck out her tongue faintly. "That was a poor decision on her part." One that made Samantha, but she managed to not put the two together quite as fluidly. "Well, it should be considered with the backside." Flip. She turned it right over again.

Midnight tensed. "Are you allowed to do that?"

“You look back,” the goat nodded, “That is where you will find your answers. No teacher, no matter how regal they may be, can help you if they only look at the here and now. That is your answer. You must go back to the place you became broken. The price will be what you find there. It has been a true pleasure meeting you miss Samantha. Innocent curiosity is a mighty ally. I hope it will see you through the trials ahead.”

Samantha peered at the backside of the card, apparently convinced it held some meaning that would be ignored by others. A blue sky, a tome… Ah! "I should bring wisdom with me."

"What?" Midnight swiveled an ear with her.

"Wisdom." She nodded firmly. "I will take my herd partners with me."

"They aren't your herd anymore." Midnight frowned a little. "Mad ponies don't belong to herds."

“Always so judgemental, Do I have to turn another card, Midnight?” the goat glared with eyes that never properly focussed, “Most learn their lesson the first time.”

Midnight waved a hoof frantically. "No no! One is quite enough." He let out a laugh full of terror and false bravado as he pushed to his hooves. "Let's go…"

Samantha rose to her own hooves before politeness was remembered and she dipped her head at the goat. "Thank you for your reading, Mister Tarot." She tilted her head at the card. "Do I keep that?"

“I would advise against it,” the goat returned the card swiftly to its pouch, “The last filly to steal one of my cards very nearly broke the world with it.”

The goat quickly put away the pouch and the cards they contained and returned his attention to the bottle in front of him as if the couple were not there at all.

With more notes taken faithfully, Samantha turned to the door. "We shouldn't break it. We haven't even figured out how half of it works yet."

Midnight seemed all too happy to retreat alongside Samantha, guiding her towards the proper tavern.

Upstairs, the cloaked figure nursed her drink while eyeing the direction Midnight and Samantha had gone, waiting impatiently.

“My son said to give you this.” The tavern keeper set a simple note beside the stranger's cider mug.

Your Majesty,

It was my mother’s greatest pride that she was given the opportunity to perform a reading for your sister’s student. It is my greatest honor that you allowed me to perform a reading for your own student.

Tarotius William Solitaire

195 - As a Family

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Samantha returned to her home to find Silver and Night playing with the foals. All four looked up at her as she opened the door and it was a lovely moment. She smiled, they smiled, and hugs were given and taken in equal quantity. She hefted up the foals and began to juggle them in her magic as her quill danced across her notepad. "I have completed my assignment."

Silver tilted his head. "It took longer today. We were a little worried."

Night nodded. "Glad to see you're alright. What was the assignment?"

"I went on a date," reported Samantha as she set the two foals down and nuzzled either. "Very educational."

Silver blinked at that. "A date? With Luna?"

Night bristled at the very idea of it.

"Hmm? No. One of her guards who had shown an interest in me earlier." Samantha clopped her forehooves as she sat on her haunches. "Oh! We did not engage in any intimacies greater than a shared drink. A complete log of the event is available." She tapped at the floating notepad. "Luna said she would require a report, so I was extra thorough."

Night calmed down quickly. "A guard? Did, er, who?"

"Midnight Belle?"

Night perked her ears. "I know him... was he polite?"

"He performed several infractions of the golden rule." Samantha tapped her book. "But they were minor infractions, not worthy of immediate detainment or action. I would have corrected him, but he didn't seem... receptive?"

Silver smiled with a building joy. "And how could you tell that?"

Samantha rolled a hoof slowly. "When I pointed out other things, he rarely took interest and often focused on the negative aspect of what I was saying. He did not enjoy being informed by me."

Silver smooched her cheek. "You really are learning."

Night smiled suddenly. "You're right. That's a major step, reading a pony like that."

Samantha looked confused at the praise. "What did I do?"

Silver poked her in the chest. "You understood and reacted to a pony's emotions. Even I mess that up sometimes." He tapped his chin, "You're really growing."

Samantha began to smile, brightened as she understood the praise being given to her. "Am I better then?"

Night raised a hoof as she shook her head. "Better, sure, but it's up to Luna if you're 'all' better. Be sure to tell her what you told us tonight."

Samantha pointed at her notebooks. "It's in here. I also met an interesting pony, a goat. He did a 'reading' for me, though it seemed more of an interpretation than a reading... He drew one card from a large deck and proclaimed it had great significance for me."


Samantha blinked at Silver. "You know him?"

"Him?" Silver shook his head. "That's the name of cards, though usually used in spreads of, like, five or so?"

Samantha gave a soft 'oh'. "Well, he must be named for being good with them. He read the card for me, but I did some reading too. I think I understand it now."

Night raised a brow. "And what--" She scooped up Morning Glory as he made to take advantage of the lack of focus on him. "What did you find out?"

Samantha flipped through her book. "The answer to my progress is in the hands of my mother, who is dead, but I have an idea how to remedy that!"

Silver tilted his head at Samantha, then glanced at Night, who was also glancing at him, meeting his gaze. "Do you mean?"

"I'll ask NefNef!" Samantha tucked her notebook away. "She's an experienced shaman, so either she knows how to do it, or I will have to abandon this line of thinking."

Night blinked in surprise. "Nefertari?"

Samantha tilted her head at Night's expression. "Is that a bad idea?"

"N-no, I suppose not, but..."

Silver gestured to Night. "Why not keep this in the family?"

Samantha didn't get it. "My mother is certainly a member of my family by biological qualification, is she not?"

Night spread her wings in annoyance. "I'm a shaman too!"

Samantha blinked softly, looking back and forth between her lovers before it ticked. "Oh! You wish me to employ your services, as a measure of confidence, just as I would hope you would turn to me for all things scientific." She put a hoof at her chest. "Very well, I accept your offer. We will contact her tomorrow?"

Night blinked as the entire conversation spun on her suddenly. She realized she had never conjured a spirit besides her grandfather. "Oh, I'm..."

"We should get some sleep." Samantha plucked up the foals and carried them off to the nursery.

Silver turned to the stunned Night Watch. "Are you up for this? I'll calm her down if you want me to."

Night took a slow breath. "Will you be there?"

Silver blinked softly. "If you want me to, then I will be, gladly."

Night nodded, and they went to bed without another word on the matter until morning came for them.

Samantha was up and ready to seize the day. "I'll speak to Luna, deliver my report, and explain that I will be occupied for the remainder of the day. While I am away, you may wish to use the time to prepare for contacting my mother." She tilted her head. "I'm not sure how that's done, but I will have trust in my herd-sister." She smiled her guileless smile and trotted off towards her meeting with the Princess.

Night watched her go before turning to Silver. "I'm not sure I can do this."

Silver blinked. "But... look, why don't you talk to your teacher? Maybe she'll have some advice about doing this."

"Right, yes, good idea." Night gave a firm nod as she rose to her hooves. "Well, you wanted to see, come on." She left the room with Silver trailing behind. "It's... about time you met her, this way."

She knocked softly on the door. "Nefertari?"

The door opened, but there was no one present to do the opening.

Night bristled faintly. "We meet again. I'm here to talk to Nefertari, where is she?"

"She's busy. She's important, unlike you... It's--"

"Don't talk to my wife that way." Silver strode forward. "You have no--" His voice cut off abruptly as dread ice spread across his lips, sealing his snout shut.

Night hissed at her foe. "Begone!" She felt an intense resistance to the word, in her very soul that pushed forward like moving a boulder, but it was quiet and still. "I..."

Silver's horn glowed as he conjured fire magic to dispel the frost sealing his ability to speak. "What was that, a ghost?"

Night nodded stiffly. "Yes, but... I think I got rid of it."

Silver looked her over. "You seem surprised."

Night let out a nervous laugh. "I never did that before..."

"You're a talented pony." He leaned in and kissed her cheek. "I'm hardly surprised that you'd do anything well that you put your head towards. Let's find Nefertari."

They went off to do that, while Samantha reached Luna's room. Only one guard was present, and he nodded to her with a smile. He seemed happy to see her and even opened the door for her without even being asked to. "Have fun."

That was curious, but Samantha didn't question the good behavior very hard and trotted past the guard. "Have a good day too!" That was polite, she was certain.

Inside were Midnight and Luna. Luna was looking down at Midnight in a classic domination pose. Was she? No, she'd made that mistake once already. She was probably doing something more intricate than an invitation to breed.

"Ah, there she is." Luna looked up from Midnight to Samantha. "Would you grace us with the report you have prepared for us from last evening's activities?"

Samantha was ready for that! With a sparkle of magic, her notebook appeared and flopped just before Luna. "Here you are, yesterday's notes. I wasn't sure what data you required, so I erred on the side of safety and recorded as much as I could."

Luna's magic seized the notebook and flipped it open, browsing quickly from one side to the other in an amazing feat of speed reading. "Remarkable. Would you like to see Midnight's notes?"

"I would!" She bobbed her head. The comparison of their notes would surely increase the-- What? Samantha looked down at the one lonely paper with two messily scrawled lines on it. Those weren't notes. Those didn't even qualify as a header! She felt... She... felt... She tried to sort through those emotions and arrived. "I'm angry."

"That makes for two of us." Luna nodded and looked to the shamed-looking Midnight. "What have you to say for yourself?"

"I'm not a unicorn!" he protested loudly. "I can't just take notes in the middle of things like she can."

Samantha paled faintly. Was it her fault? "Oh, I'm sorry. You should have asked me to give you space to take proper notes. I--"

Luna held up a hoof of silence. "The fault is not with you, Samantha. Midnight, it is not the length alone that bothers me. It's not that you didn't take it as things were happening." She tapped Samantha's thick book. "This, I don't expect. You spent the evening wishing you weren't there. When it was over, all that you remembered is that you didn't want to be there, and that you had a miserable time."

Samantha felt a new emotion welling up in her. He didn't want to be with her? She thought they were having a good time. What did she do wrong? Could she not even handle a date correctly? She felt a pain in her eyes and Luna reached for her. "And now you've made her cry. Was she that awful?" She brushed the tears away.

Midnight took a slow step backwards. "I--This was your idea, mistress."

"And so what if it was? Is it not your duty to carry out my ideas?" Luna rose to her full height, towering over the both of them. "If I asked you to woo a common dog, would that not be your sole goal in your life until the task was completed?"

Luna tore into the guard for his laxness, but Samantha was barely hearing it. She had failed the last day entirely. She was a miserable date. She would never get the hang of this. She just... wanted to understand ponies. Why were they so complicated! "What do you want!?"

Both Luna and Midnight looked towards Samantha at the sudden exclamation.

Samantha rose to her hooves, looking at Midnight with a dangerous gleam in her eyes. "What. Do. You. Want?" Several needles appeared from nowhere, hovering dangerously around her. "Answer me or I'll extract the data directly."

Luna put out a hoof slowly. "Samantha, I need you to listen to me right now and nothing else in the world. Put those needles down."

"Why?!" Samantha turned on Luna. "I will learn! I will... figure this out..." She collapsed, sobbing. The needles clattered to the ground around the crying unicorn.

Midnight blinked out of his shock. "She's crazy!"

Luna struck her guard suddenly, bringing down a wing with enough force to knock him back into the door to the room. "You are dismissed! Get out of my sight!"

The door opened, allowing Midnight to fall into the hallway. The other guard pointed away, following Luna's orders for the moment before the door closed.

Luna focused her gaze on Samantha. "Catch your breath. It's alright. You did nothing wrong." She grit her teeth softly. "I was the one that... I shouldn't have used you like that."

"Used me?" Samantha peeked up from her mess. "What do you mean?"

"That stallion never liked you." Luna sighed softly. "He had a grudge against you from the start... The date was as much a punishment for him as a chance for you to practice. It was wrong of me. If you're going to be angry at anypony, you have right to be furious at me. I failed you, as a teacher."

Samantha slowly sat up. "But... the notes?"

Luna tapped the notes. "I will read them, in depth, later. This I swear. For now, relax. You did what I asked you to do, and did it well." She ventured a little smile. "You were a fine date. It's his loss that he was too blinded by his own anger to enjoy the mare beside him."

196 - Calling Out

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Silver and Night found Nefertari attending court, a not-unexpected place to find an ambassador in a foreign country. They slid in as close as they could get, but there were several other courtiers in the way of gaining access to the Anubian.

She glanced towards them, perfectly aware of their attempt, but her attention slid back towards Princess Celestia and the current pony making their case.

Night let out a small huff as she whispered to Silver, "I think we're being snubbed."

Silver looked around subtly while trying to keep his eyes largely on Celestia. "She's waiting to see how we handle it, I think." He reached for his magic, then paused. He was becoming too reliant on unicorn trickery. He was an alicorn! He had more tricks to use than just one tribe's power.

He let out a slow breath as he tried to clear himself, then felt out. There was very little life within the room, at least, besides supplicants. Earth pony magic would not avail him unless he wanted to start tossing ponies around. That would not do...

Or, he could not use magic at all. He leaned in to the left towards one of the ponies in the way. "Is it true what they say?"

The pony jumped in surprise, glancing at Silver, then double-taking. What had Silver heard?! "What?"

"Oh, sorry. I shouldn't be gossiping."

The stallion glanced around, suddenly nervous. He didn't dare pry, but his mind worked in a flurry of a panic. He rose and scooted from the room, wondering how a thousand little things might have gotten out into the public.

Silver slid over to the available seat. "One down..."

Night quirked a smile at that. "That wasn't very nice... Do it again."

Soon they had won their way to Nefertari's side. She seemed quite amused. "For such a peace-touting soul, you can foment discord quite nicely. What brings you to me, or will you attempt to unsettle me? Good luck in your attempt."

Silver wrapped a wing around Night. "I'm just escorting your student."

"Oh?" Nefertari looked past Silver to Night. "What brings you here, pupil?"

"We need to speak."

Perhaps it was the gravity in the tone Night used, but Nefertari rose quietly, and all three left the court and its daily motions behind.

Once outside, Nefertari spun on Night. "Something's changed. Tell me what has occurred."

Night blinked at that. "Can you tell just by hearing me?"

"Not with those words." Nefertari waved it off. "When you were commanding, there is a... steel there."

Night gestured back towards Nefer's room. "I banished your door guardian while looking for y--"

Nefertari grasped Night's cheeks in her clawed hands. "My student has grown! This is a wonderful time, hmm, now I know I said you would be a peer, but that was, perhaps... exaggerating... There is still so much more to learn, but your progress is undeniable. In this, you can take some measure of pride."

Silver nodded softly. "I'm glad to hear that, but we need advice."

Night joined in the motion. "Yes, please. Samantha wants me to contact her mother, and I haven't yet contacted anything but my grandfather."

"Your grandfather's dead?"

Night glanced at Silver, then up at Nefertari. "Please?"

Nefertari clicked her claws together. "That will make a fine test of the new level of power you have reached. Come." She began to stroll back towards their rooms. "We have preparations to make. Keep your ears open and eyes wide, for you will be expected to learn from this effort, succeed or fail."

As Night and Silver fell in behind Nefertari, Silver leaned forward a little. "Is this dangerous?"

"That depends on the inclinations of Samantha's mother." Nefertari curled a finger. "If she is especially displeased to be called, it might become quite dangerous. Will Samantha be present?"

Night nodded quickly. "She wants to talk to her."

"Then it is a matter of whether or not she wishes to be addressed by her daughter. Perhaps she does, perhaps she does not. We will discover..." She grasped the knob of her door and threw it wide. "But first, supplies." She gathered several bricks of incense and a few candles as well as the mirror off the wall, all slung under her arm and ready to go. "We'll perform this in your room, if you don't mind. If it goes poorly, it won't disturb my rest."

Silver rolled his eyes. "You're all heart."

Night let out a little nervous laugh. "R-right. I'll be firm, but polite. Hopefully we'll have nothing to worry about, and she'll be happy to be there."

They arrived at their room to find Samantha had already returned and was bouncing the foals up and down. When she saw them, she set the foals down. "You're back! Oh! NefNef! Hello!"

Nefertari nodded at Samantha. "Blessings of madness. I would disembowel about any other person that used that title." She began setting her supplies around the room carefully. "I'm told we get to meet your progenitor today."

Samantha tilted her head with some confusion. "I thought Night was going to do this?"

"Oh, she is. I'm just here for supervision." Nefertari set the mirror in the center of it all. "Now, besides Night being the shaman of the ritual, we will want you..." She nudged Samantha over to the mirror. "To look into here. You are the focus, the anchor that will call out to the right spirit and draw her here." She raised a brow at the foals wandering about. "You may wish to put them away."

Silver rushed to do just that, plucking both up with magic and taking them off towards the nursery.

Night sat across from Samantha. "What do you know about your mother?"

Samantha shrugged at that. "Not that much, besides she was human. Father didn't like talking about her much."

Nefertari cocked a brow. "She died creating you, did she not?"

"She did."

Nefertari snorted. "Fool of a stallion probably blames you for her passing. No matter. Student, call for her, just as you did for your grandfather, using Samantha's presence to help direct the call."

Night let out a slow breath, inhaling the exotic mix of incenses that Nefertari had lit up. The air was thick with it. "Hello... You were called away so early, but we would ask you return." She spread her wings. "Your daughter wishes to speak to you."

A figure suddenly appeared. In the haze of the incense, it quickly resolved to a lunar pony. Night's grandfather put a wing around her but was silent.

Samantha leaned in closer to the mirror, her eyes going distant a moment. A notepad appeared beside her and began taking notes as her tongue ran over her lips. "Should I do something?"

Nefertari shook her head. "Silence. Stare into the mirror. Let Night Watch work."

Night squirmed a little. "She seeks the wisdom of the past. She never got to ask you so many questions. Can you answer them? Will you?"

The room grew chilly. A new scent tickled at their noses, that of exhaust fumes and the pollution of modern day living. It faded to gentle flowers and forest, then the incense returned. Night chose to be encouraged by it. "Please, come to us. She seeks you as a daughter should. Will you not respond in kind?"

"I didn't ask for her." A figure rose from the mirror, voice like broken glass before the apparition coughed up dust. "I didn't ask, and she took everything away. You call her my daughter, but all I see is the tool of my murder."

Samantha blinked up at the bipedal figure. "Are you my mother?"

Her hands moved to her belly. "You killed me, but... yes. It wasn't your fault. None of it was your fault. No one asked you. No one asked me."

Samantha tilted her head, confusion growing. "Didn't you want to have a child?"

"Is that what he told you?" A rueful laugh. "Beneath smiling faces, behind masks of friendliness, these ponies can know wicked cruelty that they will never speak of."

Samantha rolled her ears back. "Tell me?"

"I'm not a pony... am I? I suppose I can. You are a pony."

"No I'm not!" Samantha clopped a hoof on the ground. "I don't understand ponies... Tell me, m-mom."

The figure dropped to a knee and reached for Samantha's face, cradling her. "Despite your words, you appear to be a pony to me. You're just broken... Your father came to me in a moment of weakness, created you."

Night swiveled her ears forward. "You weren't part of that, um, process?"

"A woman that is unconscious can't give consent. He admitted his crime the next day, but the deed was done."

Samantha perked her ears forward. "But... you kept it, me."

"He was so sure you had a purpose..." The figure smiled, a terribly white split of her spectral face as bright tears ran down the smokey skin of her form. "I listened to him, started to believe him. I never asked to have a child, but maybe the magic of the world would make it alright... He planted a dagger inside me, and it cut me when it escaped. I died making you."

Samantha recoiled at the news. Her father had... "A-are you angry?"

"At you?" She stroked Samantha's head over her ears slowly. "I gave everything for you... Are you happy?"

Samantha swallowed thickly. "I have... a stallion, and... yes... I think." She hung her head low. "Mother, I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't mean to hurt anypony! Why do I hurt everything around me?" She sank, sniffling.

Nefertari advanced. "Spirit." The human spirit turned to face her. "I bind you. Do you dare to oppose my will?"

Night and Samantha both jerked in surprise, but neither were fast enough to prevent Nefertari from seizing the form of the spirit and forcing it small. When she opened her palms, a brilliant onyx rested in the place of the spirit.

Samantha sat up straight. "Nefnef! That's my mother! What are you doing?!"

Nefer tucked the onyx away in a pocket. "Taking my fee. You have asked your questions, now I take my toll. Good day to you all." She strode out, not even taking the things she had brought with her or giving even a glance over her shoulder.

Night did look over her shoulder, blinking, then returned her gaze to Samantha. "Are you alright?"

"She just took my mother!" Samantha hopped to her hooves. "This is in clear violation of the golden rule!" She scrambled for the door, only to collide with the edge of the incense which had created a solid barrier.

When she ran into it, Night frowned at Samantha, then looked to the nursery, where Silver had never returned from. "She didn't get this to help us, she bottled us up." She rose to her own hooves and began snuffing out the incense one by one. "We've been taken for fools."

197 - Between Friends

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Silver sat before the door. To his left, Night Watch, to the right, Samantha. They all looked at Nefertari's door, but had not knocked yet. He glanced aside at Night. "This may be larger than us."

Night bristled. "She deceived me, her student, and hurt an innocent, two! Two innocents along the way. She's a thief and a foalnapper!"

Silver nodded. "And she needs to be confronted... carefully. She is an ambassador. There are politics invo--Ow!"

Samantha pulled back her hoof from where she had prodded Silver. "Please forgive my physical violence, but I'm... beyond angry, and scared. She has my mother!"

Silver's ears went down. "I know... Look, let's tell Celestia. She'll at least know what moves we can take that don't end in a mess, or at least the smallest mess, alright?"

Night grunted softly as she eyed the closed door. "Fine, you get the Princess, but I'm staying right here in case she decides to step out."

"Me too!" Samantha moved to sit beside Night. "We'll show her the error of her ways, and maybe we'll get a trial for it. Do you think? Kidnapping is as bad as what I did, right?"

Silver saw only potential disaster in his wives' decisions. The idea of a confrontation... "Neither of you are guards." He leaned towards Night but she ducked away. "At least, not anymore. I love you both dearly, which is why I want to do this right. If we push this, it could become a huge messy... thing with people hurt on both sides."

"What is the meaning of this?" It was Luna, approaching with a raised brow. "Why are you all gathered around Ambassador Nefertari's room?"

Night looked away. Silver had no such compunction and pointed at the door. "Nefertari..." Oh, that was complicated. "Some background, are you aware of the idea of shamanism and spirits?"

Luna blinked softly. "We are aware of the idea, yes. Why?"

Silver nodded. "Night did a ceremony to summon Samantha's mother, it worked. Nefertari snatched her, uh, the mother's spirit and left with it."

Luna frowned sharply. "That's a serious accusation." She approached the door and clopped on it gently. "Ambassador Nefertari, might we speak with you?"

The door opened, allowing Nefertari to peek out and scan the hallway for the presence of the Watches and Luna. "Yes?"

Luna gave a little smile. "Ambassador, we do not mean to bother, but are you aware of the presence of this one's mother?" She held a hoof over Samantha. "She is my ward, so it falls on me to see to her mental and physical health, which includes seeing to this matter."

"Certainly." Nefertari held out a small stone in a paw. "Here you are."

Luna blinked but accepted the stone. "Your cooperation is appreciated."

"A pleasure." The door quietly closed.

Luna blinked again at the stone resting on her horseshoe. "Is this it?"

Night looked at the stone with a frown. "It looks like it, but she was... a ghost before Nefertari did whatever she did." Night reached up and took the stone with a deft wing and began to examine it critically. "Thank you..."

Samantha was less reserved with her thanks, hugging Luna tightly. "Thank you! My mother doesn't deserve to be grabbed by violators of the Golden Rule." She stuck out her tongue, then looked to Night. "Can you fix her?"

Silver let out a little breath, glad that thing seemed to have been resolved with blessed peace. Too much peace. He didn't quite like it. "She... wouldn't have taken it just to give it back."

Night nodded. "Exactly what I fear." She tapped at the stone softly and turned it around and around. "I don't know how to call her out, but let's try a basic summoning and see if that works." She rose to her hooves as she tucked the rock away.

Luna cleared her throat. "Pardon me... I know I have little footing to ask, but may I accompany you... as a friend?" She ventured a little smile. "I will be on my best behavior."

Night gave Luna a nasty glare but it softened a moment later. "Go ahead... I shouldn't be so harsh on Samantha's legal mother." She clucked her tongue against her teeth as she trotted down the hallway.

Luna fell in behind Night. "Have I fouled our relationship so badly, that only politeness forbids your outright banning of my presence?"


Luna cringed at the response. As short as it was brutal. "I... deserve that. I have erred in countless ways. Would you have me attempt anyway?"

Night glanced over her shoulder a moment. "Go ahead, count for us, but to make it interesting, tell us why what you did was wrong."

Luna sighed as she followed the others. "Very well... We shall begin with how we all came to be entangled, that being Silver. When I first met him... I offered a hoof, but he was happy to explore Equestria, then he met that changeling queen who was not even aware of her exact significance. I was ready to terminate her life... And it was wrong. Silver prevented me from carrying it out. It was wrong because she is not defined by her species. She is a good pony. She cares and loves and wishes to improve the world she lives in. Just because she had the misfortune to be born a changeling only makes her noble heart all the more worthy of protection, not scorn."

Silver swiveled an ear towards her, but was quiet.

"But that is little compared to my true crime... I was called back to the city with report of a pony seeking to become a biped. Not the first, mind. Most are content to simply rally with others with such aberrant thoughts, but some are ready to use magic, as I thought this one had, and he had, to a degree... Silver had again surprised me. Broken, confused, and in physical pain, I... abused him. I took everything he had, even his adulthood. Some would say even his dignity. I certainly took all his material possessions, and left him a mewling colt in the hooves of two ponies, one of which he barely knew. I... was wrong. I was wrong. Completely and utterly."

Silver felt his wings rising. "Hey! I get an opinion on that, and I'm quite happy the way things turned out, thank you."

Luna smiled gently. "You're adaptable, and that's good. That you've adjusted to this change, commendable, but it is no excuse for me to--"

"I like what I am." Silver grunted softly and his magic angrily swung the door open to his room. "You could have been nicer about it, but I don't for a moment regret becoming what I am today."

Night trotted into the room and set down the onyx, taking a slow breath. "Alright... Enough counting. Samantha, sit across from me and look at the stone."

Luna entered hesitatingly, looking around at the incense and discarded mirror. "Curious..."

Silver slipped in after Luna, closing the door behind them all. He glanced towards the nursery, but things were quiet from there, for the moment.

Night and Samantha nodded to one another before Night spread her hooves in the air. "Can you hear me? I'm sorry it ended so abruptly last time. Will you come back?" She swallowed thickly. "Can you?"

Samantha drew her snout into a thin-lipped grimace before she sat up. "Mother, we weren't finished. Are you there?"

Night's grandfather quietly took his place beside her, much to Luna's surprise. She fell back, crashing into Silver as she stared at the apparition. To her credit, she did not say anything despite her shock.

Samantha tapped the ground beside the rock. "Come out of there."

Night nodded at Samantha. "Nothing is holding you anymore. Come back to us."

The rock jumped softly before smoke began to billow out of it, slowly taking a familiar form of a human, almost. While the figure was Samantha's mother, she had clearly not born her trip unscathed. She had the ears and wagging tail of an Anubian on her spectral features. There was also an odd symbol across her chest. Though none present knew the exact meaning, it reminded several of the same style as the mark placed on Night once.

Samantha tried to take the hand of her mother, but she was no shaman, and simply brushed through the air it occupied. "Mother?"

The figure was silent. It smiled a little at Samantha, and tears fell from its empty eyes, but it was silent.

Night drove a hoof into the ground. "Speak." She felt the force she had pushed through with the guardian spirit, but this one pushed back. Whatever she contended with had more force than her by far and she rocked back into the supportive grasp of her grandfather.

Luna glanced between the spectre and Samantha. "Is that your mother?"

"She was talking before, I swear!" Samantha sat, clearly dejected. "NefNef, no... Nefertari did something."

Silver looked over the figure curiously. "Can you nod?"

The spectre looked at Silver and gave a faint nod of her head.

Night smiled brightly. "Good thinking. Do you want to talk?"

The ghost nodded.

"But you can't."

She nodded.

"Did Nefertari do this?"

There was nothing. "The jackal, the one that bound you." She nodded. Night drew a slow breath. "Did she hurt you?"

The figure seemed unsure a moment, then slowly shook her head.

Samantha let out a loud gust of air as she relaxed a little. "We'll fix you, promise!"

The ghost kneeled down to Samantha's level and put her hands on Samantha's cheeks, petting gently a moment even as she began to fade. All too quickly, she was gone.

Luna shook her head. "We don't understand this, not by far, but inform us if we are mistaken. You conjured forth this apparition to speak to it. Ambassador Nefertari intervened and did... something to make it unable to speak and alter its appearance."

Night nodded. "That's the basic story..." She scowled at the stone that remained. "She seems bound to this rock, which makes calling her easy, but she can't talk, or do whatever ghosts do." She turned to her grandfather's spirit. "What do you do when you're not here?"

He perked up when addressed. "At first, nothing. Now that I properly understand I'm dead, it's different. I visit my loved ones, and their foals. They can't see me, but I can see them, and it makes me feel good to watch over them. Your foals are adorable, Little Watch."

Night turned a little red. "I-I see, alright. Well, she can't do that." She reached for the rock and tapped it. "Grandfather, do you know what this is?"

"No idea, sorry. Being dead doesn't let me know more things, just a different perspective is all." He looked across to Silver curiously. "So you're the one that took my Little Watch, hmm?"

198 - By Moonlight

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Silver blinked and sat up straight as he was addressed by the ghost. "Oh, hello! You're related to Night?"

The aged lunar pegasus nodded. "Her grandfather, passed on, hmm, though I suppose that's a bit of a lie. I haven't 'passed on' anywhere if she can call me any moment." He directed a hoof at Silver. "Did you put her up to this?"

"Me? No, seeing as I only recently figured out what she's doing." Silver stood up and approached the ghost curiously. "It's nice to meet you." As ghosts went, this one seemed friendly, and he saw no reason not to be friendly back to a relation of Night, dead or not.

He rose to his own hooves and spread his wings. "It bothers me I didn't live long enough to see Night's big day, any of them... I missed her becoming a wife, and a mother, and she had so many other victories, but death does that..." He let out a breathless sigh. Ghosts didn't need to breathe. "But I get to meet her husband at least. You're taking care of my Little Watch, yes?" He raised a brow at Silver. "She tells me otherwise and we'll be having a serious conversation."

Silver raised a hoof with a little laugh. "She'll tell me first, and she might even beat me up if I start messing up."

The mental image made the ghost burst into laughter. "That sounds like my Little Watch. Yes... I suppose she can take care of herself." He offered a hoof.

Silver met the hoof, but they passed through one another. Good enough? "Night, you're getting really... good at this. I mean..." He gestured wildly at the elder figure. "Here's a spirit, right here."

Samantha bobbed her head. "You'll figure out how to free my mother properly. I have faith in you." She put a hoof to her chest a moment before she nodded once more. "I still don't understand... Why would Nefertari do this? I thought we were friends..."

Night let out a little sigh. "'Friend' is a tenuous term with her." All ears in the room lifted as a foal cried out. Silver went rushing to tend to the problem.

Luna looked from pony to pony. She wanted to help, but she had learned that throwing her bulk around didn't always result in what she wanted. What would Celestia do? "If there's anything I can do..."

Night glared at Luna, but the expression softened again. "I have to figure this out..." She reached out and touched the onyx that housed Samantha's mother's spirit. "I..."

Luna spread her wings with a flash of insight. "What were you doing?"

Night blinked. "Looking at this rock?"

"No, with the Ambassador."

Night gestured at her grandfather. "Learning how to be a shaman."

Luna reached for the rock herself, nudging it. "Are you not doing that now?"

Night blinked softly. "She... wouldn't?" Or would she? She hopped to her hooves. "This is a lesson?!"

Luna quirked a little smile. "Perhaps she has as much to learn about the subtleties of friendship as I."

Samantha seemed to jump gears instantly. "You can surprise her by learning the lesson faster than she ever expected!"

Silver returned with Clear Twilight perched on his back. "What's the excitement?"

Night sank to her haunches. "Luna figured out Nefertari is probably testing me." She tapped the rock again, then frowned. "I won't fail."

Silver kissed her cheek gently. "No you won't, and we're here for you if you need anything at all." He turned to Luna. "I'm afraid there isn't a lot you can do, unless you know more about shamanism than you're letting on."

Luna cringed faintly. "N-no, but it is day as well. I have no immediate duties. Can I... lend a supporting hoof, if nothing else? I should also like to see more of this... I have only heard of it from visiting foreigners. Our allies make use of it, perhaps to make up for their lack of unicorn magic."

Samantha tilted her head. "Why don't we use it? We could have unicorn magic and this. That would be better, wouldn't it?" She leaned towards Night Watch. "You're smart to take advantage of the opportunity." She clopped her forehooves together. "I'm almost jealous! What amazing new discoveries you'll make. I hope you're taking good notes?"

Night laughed at that. Whatever notes she had couldn't hope to meet Samantha's exacting example. "I'll do my best, now, about your mother..."

Silver shook his head. "Today's been a hectic day. Maybe a moment to unwind and gather yourself?"

Luna nodded at that. "Sound advice. You're a little frustrated right now, which is natural."

Night cocked an ear at Luna. She was being awfully friendly. "Luna, since you're here, when does my husband get his crown?" She gestured at Silver's head. "He's past due to have one, I imagine."

As if he hadn't noticed before, her grandfather suddenly took in Silver's wings and horn. "Oh! A prince? I didn't know that..." He rose and started prowling around Silver. "And still knows his place around my Little Watch. A fine prince for my princess." He nodded with a satisfied smile. "And don't you make the mistake of thinking she's less than a princess, and she'd better be treated like one."

Silver held up a hoof. "I swear. She is my treasured beloved. She will never be less than my princess."

Samantha pointed at herself. "That include me?"

Her grandfather blinked and turned to look at Samantha with a strange look before glancing between Night and Silver. "Am I going to have to give a lecture?"

Night heaved a loud sigh. "Before you get angry at either of them, this herd is mine."

He took a slow step towards her. "Why? A normal marriage wasn't good enough?"

Night quirked a smile a little. "I'm not taking 'good enough'. 'Good Enough' would still have you buried in the ground and quiet." She approached him and took him into a hug. Unlike Silver, she could touch him and did. She held him close. "I'm very greedy, grandfather."

He let out a slow rattle of a breath before he kissed her cheek and vanished.

Samantha tried to decipher the interplay, but her ability to read social interactions was lacking at best. "Is he angry?"

Night gave a little smile. "Surprised, I think. Maybe disappointed that his 'Little Watch' would grow up to have impure thoughts. He still loves me though, and I love him."

Luna shook her head. "I... that was another sin on my part."

Night blinked up at Luna. "What? This herd?"

Luna tilted her head. "In a matter of speaking... I sent you to Silver, many moons ago. I played matchmaker, hoping your keen minds would find camaraderie in one another, then more... I... never told him."

Silver hadn't been told before, but then he had. Did that change how he felt? Hardly. He reached with a wing and pulled Night close. "You did quite well. We're both happier for being together, I think."

Night nuzzled with him as he cuddled her. For a moment they knew only each other, and they were content.

Samantha wasn't, frowning a little. "How is that a mistake?"

Luna gestured to Night. "I interfered with her life. I sent her to be partnered without asking if that's what she wanted. Whether or not it worked out, it was... perhaps a bit brash of me to assume."

Night turned to Luna. "Why are you like this? This isn't like you, going over every mistake."

Luna dipped her head a little. "Do you forgive me?"

Night tensed. That was a large order. "Even if I did, that wouldn't... Luna..." She glanced at Silver, then Samantha. "What if I told you that you would be the lowest mare?"

"What?" Luna sat up, confused.

"If you joined now, you would be the lowest." Night nodded. "I'm the highest, the First Wife. Samantha is trusted and loved by everyone. You... You have a lot of mistakes to get past... You would be lowest."

Luna clenched her teeth but remained erect. "Does that mean you would permit this?"

Night expected Luna to balk at being the least of them, but there she was... Surprises were in plentiful supply it seemed... Ah, there was still an angle that might shake Luna free. "Your sister has expressed interest in joining."

Luna blinked softly. "We thought she abandoned that pursu--"

"She changed her mind, much like you." Night raised a brow at Luna. "Would you be happy, being under her? You weren't serious, before, not really. Would you really be happy being in the same herd as your sister, with her being above you?"

Silver sucked in a harsh breath. "Night!"

Luna lifted a hoof at Silver. "She speaks the truth... It would be... There are political ramifications to consider. To have the highest princesses of the land rush to the side of the newest prince... Do you wield power over us, or would we be seen as claiming you as our own in our own desire?" She let out a rough little laugh. "The public knows little of our tangled past. They would know only that an alicorn prince is crowned, and that the princessess herded with him, perhaps to keep him away from something, or will they expect royal foals?" She colored faintly as she spoke, but she did not pause. "Either way, it will create quite a stir. I should... speak to Sister." She rose to her hooves.

Night rose as well. "Silver?"


"I have a favor to ask." She gestured up at his horn. "Cast that spell of yours."

That spell? Oh! "I don't think that's a good idea!"

"I didn't ask if it was." She faced Luna. "You said I could. Has this changed?"

She sounded quite serious. Silver waffled a moment before looking to his possible out, that being Samantha. "Would you be alright with Night--"

"I trust Night." Samantha nodded.

So much for help from that direction... He focused his power and played the song as a musician would a song along a flute. Night altered in that way both subtle and obscene. She was neither fully mare nor stallion.

Luna saw it and recoiled in surprise. "What do you mean by this?"

Night approached Luna with the slow confident swagger befitting a stallion. "I don't think you know what it means to be under another pony. Luna, go." She pointed to their bedroom. "You can't leave until I say you can."

Luna's gaze wavered between Night's intense eyes and her other means of staring at Luna. "Y-you aren't--"

"I am the First Wife. In this herd, I am Queen. Luna, go." She pointed at the bedroom with finality. "Go or leave. We don't have to be enemies, but you'll have proven that being under another just isn't for you."

199 - The Cards We're Dealt

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Luna licked over her lips as she looked from one pony to the next. Night glared at her, eyes on fire with her challenge. She meant it in all its connotations.

Silver looked nervous. Soft-hearted prince was probably more worried that she or Night would be hurt in the exchange.

Samantha… she was lost. She kept looking between Luna and Night, waiting for an answer, but seemed clueless as to what had been asked.

Luna had to make a decision. She would... "I…"

Nefertari stalked through the streets towards the lonely thread that had begun her latest movement. It worried her faintly that she felt a power at the end of that frail thread. It was no chance. It was no whimsy of madness.

Something had sent Samantha seeking answers in such a specific way, and she would know what it was.

With a brush of a paw against the door, she cast open the door to the place proclaiming to be The Belfry.

“He’s expecting you,” a caramel earth pony proclaimed tersely. “My daughter will show you the door.”

"Very good." She kept her start internalized. There was no need to tip her hand, not yet… "Does he know why I came?" She raised a brow faintly at the pony. Was it also a pony? It didn't feel quite right, no, not for a pony…

“I don’t pretend to know what goes through my son’s head,” she said absently as she went about the business of the tavern, “I advise most ponies to do the same.”

"I will bear that in mind." Her son? Adopted? Or a pony despite the hunches. Despite the wondering, she looked for the mare that would be leading her along towards her goal and let her eyes wander. The presence of ponies like Night Watch were higher than normal and drew a soft hum of thought.

“You want to talk to Billy, right?” a young burgundy mare approached nervously, “This way miss. Please don’t call him that.. I just.. Force of habit? He said you’d already know the rules?”

She clucked her tongue before she gave a nod. Easily far taller the ponies around her, Nefertari moved after the mare. "I will watch my manners." Or act in such a way as to ensure her lack was never recorded. That worked too… She was an Ambassador. Acting poorly would reflect oddly on her people. She would be careful.

Sweet Tooth led her charge dutifully though the maze of hallways that made the backstage of the belfry before gesturing at a staircase. "Knock three times. Sometimes it’s the left door, sometimes it’s the right. He’s expecting you.” The mare back-pedaled quickly, as if laying down a particularly troublesome burden.

Nefer scowled a moment at the departing pony. Let it flee. She didn't need a scared prey animal to show her the way. She advanced forward as she snapped two fingers. "Watch for things going awry." Without looking, she commanded the obedience of those bound to her. Unseen by most, Samantha's mother joined her retinue, tied to her will. She arrived at the door and raised the back of her hand, rapping thrice.

“Come in, Nefertari of your tribe,” an even voice answered. “I have been expecting your arrival. There are things we should discuss.”

Nefer seized the handle and pushed the door open, perhaps a bit roughly, but not roughly enough that it would be obvious. Perhaps she misjudged the lubrication of the joints. In either event, she offered no apology. "Good evening. There are indeed things to speak of." Her eyes darted around the dim room and its occupant, taking in the details in a hurry. "You sent her."

“She came to me seeking answers, seeking...something,” the goat nodded, “Every pony who comes to me wants something. She paid her price. Both to my family and to the cards.”

Nefertari's face suddenly split into a potentially unnerving grin. "Oh, a reader? How fascinating." The idea of it clearly wasn't new to her. "And one with some talent, hmm. I am in the presence of one touched…" She advanced on him and his desk. "I did not think the ponies would accept such a being, a harbinger of their own futility."

“Mine is thirsty work,” the goat smiled thinly, pulling forth two bottles of bitter ale from the ice bucket at his side, “Would you care to join me for a drink?”

She cast an appraising eye on the drink. "Only if you dare to try mine." She made a rolling motion with her paws and a bottle appeared, balanced on the lower and the neck resting towards her against her other hand. With a pop, she unleashed its cork. "Have you ever sampled Anubian liquor before?"

With a word from the goat the offered bottles were encased in frost, “Mother.”

Samantha's mother stirred at the calling, but Nefer's mastery was far too complete for such disobedience.

Nefertari poured out the bottle and banished it before reaching for her own in kind. "Do you read for any fool pony that comes here? A dangerous game… Are you even aware of the stakes?"

“The ponies I read for have ended this world. Many times,” the goat replied, “Did you really think it was your little friend’s mother I was calling?”

Nefer raised a brow at him. "You cast a line for her, or made her aware of that… path. She walked it with all the guileless charm that characterizes her. If you told her the answer to her problems await her beneath a burning mountain, she would win her way to the magma seeking that very solution." She cracked a smile before she took a smooth draw of the alcohol that was anything but smooth. "Hmm, you can tell a lot about a person by the drink they prefer."

“She asked for what she wanted. I told her where to look for it. I told her what price she would pay. We do not face one another alone,” Tarot warned. “You worked so long to bind a human ghost. You sought out your friend because of her name. I don’t need my cards to tell me that.”

She let out a little snort as she tipped her glass towards the goat. "You would be a poor reader if you could not see what your eyes tell you." She gestured forward vaguely, but its meaning was clear to Samantha's Mother, who advanced silently. "Can you see her? Do your sharp eyes perceive into the realm of the passed?"

“I can see everything that ponies want to hide.” The goat took a long draw from his own bottle. “I see their secrets and I see their lies. But no. I don’t see your ghosts. Or mine. The dead are lost to me. I only see the moment I will lose them.”

"Readers are not shamans," agreed Nefertari, finishing her glass. "I would not say you don't have your place. You see the threads…" It took her quite some time and effort to even find the one that led back to the goat. Yes, readers had their place. But they were not shamans. "Tell me, what know you of my people?"

"Nearly nothing,” the goat freely admitted, “And I care even less. You are here because I need you. I know what is coming, and at some point I will need a favor. Every pony comes to me because they need something. Why should I be different?”

She barked out a fit of laughter, a very canine sound. "I appreciate the honesty, hmm, the candor… Will you have me promise to an unseen promise? I'm not quite that foolish, and you lack the… leverage."

The goat narrowed his eyes and drew out a single card, “Every reader who sucked his mother’s teat can stack the cards. I like to lie to the ponies. I tell them I can’t turn the card. I let them think it’s their own choice… “

She raised a brow. "Are you… Hmm." Could a reading be done in a hostile way? She'd never run into a reader that would dare try with her, but this was Equestria, not home. Of course, that made it all the more preposterous. This goat did not fit his kin… "What do you want?"

“The two real questions,” the goat smiled, “What do you want? What are you willing to pay? Your little friend was brave enough to answer. Will you be?”

She raised a brow. "You ask me now? Hmmph." The first was easy enough. "I came to see what interferes with what matters to me." She leaned forward in her chair, claws brandished dangerously. "I will fight, if I have to, and I will die, if I do the former poorly. It hasn't come to that yet."

The card’s sky blue backing sat between them pure and untouched, until the goat spoke, “And yet the card remains unturned.”

“You place your friends casually in my path,” the goat smiled, “You ask your students to solve unanswerable questions. Where is the Nefertari of her people that the voices between the walls warned me was coming? Maybe you can’t really help at all.”

"I would be a true fool if I claimed to have proper control over the mad." She ran a tongue over her snout. "She is useful at times…" She rose to her feet. "Fine, you would threaten me with the future, then let us see what your vaunted fates have in store for me. Nothing that my ancestors have not endured, and nothing I will not triumph over." She reached for the card and flipped it over, but her eyes were on the goat, meeting his gaze, and ignoring the card, at least at first.

The card depicted a pretty pink filly standing in the path of a circus train. A deluded colt stood beside her. They stood alone. The goat spoke with solemn finality, “This is unexpected. You will bring back the memory of the dead. You were there, though you don’t remember. You seek to find what you lost in a life that never happened. You don’t know what you really want because you do not yet realise what you really lost. When you see what you have lost. When you understand that there could have been more… the cards will be paid and you will have what you wanted…”

The words were confuscated and confusing, just as she expected. The picture, she did not recognize it. "Only a child and an immature adult grieves the could-have-beens. The choices are made." She rose to her full stature. "If you come across her again, you send her home. Tell her she is to go, and she will go. She is not that hard to dissuade."

“I am truly sorry, I could not not help you find what you want, Nefertari of your tribe.” the goat bowed respectfully.

"That's untrue." A smile slowly spread across her face. "I came seeking you, and here you are." With a subtle gesture, she bade one of her spirits stay and watch. "You have given me all that I wish to find. May your threads serve you well, and your eyes find them where they are needed." She crossed an arm over her chest before she turned away.

The goat smiled and nodded before returning to the bottle in front of him as if there wasn’t a question more important in all the world.

She strode with purpose back towards the tavern, thinking of the reader she'd had the fortune, good or bad, to encounter. Was he a threat? She would watch, and see. It rarely paid to assume safety, or so she had learned.

200 - Choose Now

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Luna let out a small breath. "If I acted purely on urge, I would either accept your offer, or flee, but neither is wise." She sank to her belly, more on Night's level. "Alpha mare, or would that be stallion?"

Night raised a brow. "I'm still a mare, parts or not."

"Very well, alpha mare..." Luna pointed at Night. "I will not force either you or myself. I want us to grow to admire one another, or not, naturally..."

Night frowned faintly before she rose up. "Naturally, I don't like you." She circled around Luna. "Naturally, I don't trust you..." She bit suddenly near Luna's tail, making it jump. "Naturally..."

"Naturally, you are eager to punish me for my errors." Luna looked over her shoulder at Night. "Will you make this an act of punishment instead of one of love and bonding?"

Night flinched backwards, then advanced on Luna from behind. "As if you don't deserve it!"

"Perhaps..." Luna regarded her with a level gaze. "But is that how you wish to run your herd?"

Night hesitated and slowly withdrew, sitting down with a loud snort. "You don't accept I'm over you?"

"In this, you are over me." She quirked a little smile. "And I would submit to thee, but only when done out of love. I have done enough out of spite or anger. Out of fear or insecurity... I hope your herd will be free of these things?" She slowly rose to her hooves. "I will leave, but it is not fleeing, and you are not being rejected. Do you accept this?"

Night shuddered softly with clear indecision before Silver's hoof landed on her right shoulder, and Samantha's on her left. They kissed her from either side and she felt the tension ebb away gently. Even her excitement became less evident. "Fine... Go... We'll talk more, later."

"I will... We will." Luna nodded to the group as a whole. "Samantha, I want you to prepare a paper on what you have learned and seen today. We will compare tomorrow." Though she was giving homework, Samantha looked delighted. "Good day." Luna departed quietly, last seen with the glow of her magic fading from the door and the sound of her receding hoofsteps.

Night leaned against Silver. "Go ahead. tell me either how awful I am, or how it's all alright."

Silver nibbled into her neck gently. "It will be alright. But right now, you have an extra part."

Night flushed dark. "You can get rid of it."


Night frowned. "That's twice you've not..." Her words cut off as she saw Silver pointing at a clueless Samantha.

Samantha pointed at herself. "Me? What?"

Night glanced between them before approaching Samantha. She could think of a thousand smooth pickup lines, and they might all fail with Samantha. "Would you like a hooves-on experiment on pony reproduction?" She perked an ear. "It should be very educational."

Samantha's face lit up and she bounced to her hooves. "Silver, you're on foal duty."

That was the first time Samantha put him on foal duty, but he chuckled and moved to do just that, leaving the mares to get to know one another all the better.

He kept them happy and distracted, even if he had one ear trained on the action a few rooms away. He couldn't ignore them, not entirely. His magic allowed them to do... what they were doing. He flushed a little thinking about it. The idea of Night doing that with Samantha was... He kind of wanted to be there, but the foals did need an eye on them, and he wasn't going to let that task go unfulfilled.

When he heard the door open and close, he peeked his head out. They were presentable and flushed. With a bit of magic, he banished the extra parts.

Night squeaked at the sensation. "I'll never get used to that..."

Samantha looked over at Night then tilted her head. "Does this mean our test will only be conducted once?"

Night darkened faintly in her cheeks. "Once is plenty... Silver, are the foals alright?"

He stepped out and closed the door quietly. "They seem to be alright."

A firm knocking came from the door leading to the hallway.

With a suddenly sour look, Night stalked over and answered it. "Yes?"

A mailpony handed a letter to Night with a dextrous wing. "Letter for Ambassador Watch."

Night raised a brow. "Oh, thank you." She closed the door while handing off the letter to Silver. "What is it?"

Silver flipped the letter open after breaking its seal. His expression fell quickly as his eyes scanned back and forth with a developing frown. "It's..." He glanced at his wives. He didn't want to dampen their happiness. "Nothing." Nothing he--

"Out with it." Night poked him with a wing. "You should know better."

Silver smirked. "I really should... Surprise's shop was burned."

Samantha blinked with obvious surprise as Night scowled.

"Surprise is safe, but her friend was home when it happened... and he died saving another pony from the fire."

Night rolled a hoof. "Will you be attending the functions?"

"I shouldn't..." Silver rose to his hooves. "If I show up, then my presence will be what we talk about. No, I'll do the best I can do and let ponies do what they need to do without me."

Samantha tilted her head. "You should contact Surprise. She must be very upset."

Night blinked with surprise at Samantha. "Do you think so?"

"Of course she would be." Samantha bobbed her head. "Wouldn't... she?" She suddenly lost her confidence in her ability to read the situation.

Night hugged Samantha gently. "She would be, you're right."

Silver let out a slow sigh. "Not right away..."

His decision seemed to appeal to Night, but not to Samantha. "Why would you wait? If I suffered an extreme set back, I'd want my friends to lend their support with the utmost of expediency."

Silver rolled a hoof slowly. "Well, yes... But one, she's not here, and two, wherever we go, we bring a lot of 'noise' with us that only gets more intense the closer I get to being a proper prince."

Samantha fluffed herself up as she scowled at Silver. "You will not break the Golden Rule!"

Silver blinked at Samantha's strong objection. "I'll look her up, promise."

Samantha smiled. "Good... We should invite her over for group support."

Night's expression was less supportive, and Silver addressed it. He turned towards her. "Why is it every time we talk about Surprise, you're all frowns?"

She looked away silently.

Silver rolled a hoof. "I can't hide from you, it goes the other way around. Do you think I wouldn't support you?"

Night brought a hoof down before she looked at Silver with a frown. "You can't show me."

"Show you?"

Night pointed at Silver's head. "The dream she gave you. It isn't just for you though. You weren't the only one that saw it. She saw it! She was there!" Night's wings spread wide. "She's the proof you wanted, the... hook."

Silver tilted his head. "I'm going to be blunt here. I have enough ponies around me. Surprise is a good pony, and I'm happy to call her a friend, but somepony in my herd is considering going for a double princess package and I think I'm mared out, as mares go."

Night had the dignity to blush at the accusation. "It's not just about... that... She has a thing... even as a friend. She knows you in a way that I never will."

Samantha tilted her head left and right. "If I discuss science with a fellow researcher, will that upset you?"


Samantha summoned a notebook from the air. "If I want to share notes and talk about information gathering with someone, a scientist would be ideal for such pursuit. As encouraging as you both are, you lack the specific skill set."

Night's jaw worked silently before a laugh escaped her. "I've just been schooled... by Samantha!" She curled on herself, laughing all the harder.

Silver set a hoof on the worried Samantha's shoulder. "You did good."

Night recovered from her fit and sat up, breathing heavily. "Perhaps... perhaps... Look, I'll... try to get over it. It's not fair to be mad at her for this." She glanced away, then at Silver. "Besides, you gave me a gift?"


Night flashed her fangs dangerously. "An appreciation for the other half."

Other half? Silver realized what she meant, and she knew he realized as she watched his face.

"I trust you will be willing to provide in the future, seeing as this was your idea entirely."

Silver flipped his ears back. "W-we should get you a crystal."

Night perked right up. "That's right. I'll get one then." She put a hoof on Silver's chest. "You do your Ambassadorial duties." she trotted right past him, opened the door and she was gone in no time at all.

Samantha watched Night go a moment. "I think you've encouraged her to--"

"I know."

"Was this your intention?"

Silver snorted softly. "Intended or not, it's done. I get... the idea this was lurking in her before I got there, I just... I was the final straw on the back. I think she wanted to be the stallion, ultimately."

Samantha raised a brow. "But she is not a stallion."

"She could be."

Samantha lifted her shoulders. "She could be. Would you be pleased with that development? You're a stallion."

He was. "I'd rather have her as a mare, but if she's happy this way, then I will love her either way."

"But how does that work?"

Silver considered a moment. "That's a bit complicated, but let's say there are, um, ways for ponies, even two stallions or two mares, to express physical affection for one another. It doesn't make foals, so as breeding goes, ultimately worthless, but welcome to socializing. Full of things that do nothing but make a lot of happy ponies." He leaned in and kissed Samantha's nose. "Like kisses."

She smiled. "Sometimes 'worthless' activities are worth a lot." She rose to her own footing. "Let me get the foals, and we'll attend to your work." She trotted eagerly off and returned with still sleepy-looking foals strapped to her sides.

Together they trotted through the halls. The idea that Just Desserts had burned returned to Silver's mind and he frowned. It had been just the right place for Surprise, and her friend... "I'm glad we got this straightened out... We need to talk to Surprise."

201 - Would You Like to Hear About Amneigh?

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These were the words he heard. Silver blinked at the little lunar colt that stood before his desk. The colt was an adorable little thing, but had asked a confusing question. "What's Am-Neigh?"

"It's a new business." He produced a catalog from under a wing and held it up for Silver to look at. "Would you like some? You could even make more bits by selling some yourself, oh! Be sure to put my number. You don't get any less, and I'll get some! It's barely any bits to get started."

Silver tilted his head as he flipped through the catalog with his magic, seeing vitamins and various household things all mixed within. "I'll, uh..." The colt looked so hopeful, he couldn't just say no... He pointed to a small bottle of vitamin C he spotted. "I'll take this. So, how'd you get into this?"

The colt took the catalog back and made a few dutiful notes with deft motions of his wings. "Oh, a pair of singing unicorns told me about it and it sounded really good. Look, I made my first sale!" He bounced in place with so much enthusiasm that Silver felt his heart breaking with the mixed feelings.

Something was off, and this colt was involved... "Do they pay you to sell for them?"

"Uh huh!" He tucked the catalog away. "For everything I sell, but I can get even more if I can get other people to sell too with my number."

Silver clenched his teeth. The mechanism sounded familiar, too familiar, but he couldn't put a hoof directly on it. "The bottle I just bought is ten bits. How much of that do you keep?"

"One bit," reported the colt, tilting his head. "But if I get somepony to sell too, I get a bit from them too, and their sellers and their sellers, so I can get up to four bits! See?" He tapped his hooves together as if trying to do this math in his head. "Are you sure you don't want to sell too?"

Silver reached across his desk to pat the colt on the head. He really was adorable... "I have a job right here, but thank you. You don't get paid for trying to sell things?"

He looked confused. "We get paid when we actually sell things. To get rich we have to work hard and be industrious! I'm working hard, sir." He stood so proudly that Silver felt awful.

This wasn't how ponies should be treated... He tilted his head to the left and looked at the pony's flank to see nothing there. "Shouldn't you be in school and earning your mark?"

"Huh?" He glanced back at the soft, featureless, fur. "I have a job now. I don't need school. Well, I should get going! I won't earn more bits here, unless you want any more?" He held out the catalog hopefully.

The colt fled when Silver didn't seem to be moving to buy more. Samantha tilted her head left and right. "Maybe I should have signed up."

Silver blinked at that. "I gladly support you."

"But you wouldn't have to if I earned more bits on my own." She put a hoof at her chest. "Wouldn't that be the right thing to do?"

Silver hopped down from his chair and moved to nuzzle Samantha gently. "You're fine just as you are. If you were going to get a job, you should do something you're good at, or at least like, not that."

Samantha pointed where the colt had fled. "If even he can manage it, I'd probably do great at it. I bet there are wa--"

"No." Silver rose to his tallest. "On this, I refuse. Look, what do you like doing?"

Samantha considered that a moment, glancing around the room a moment before she looked at Silver, who was pointing at her? No, her side. She looked down where Morning Glory was trying to escape. Her horn glowed as she got him secured. "Oh..."

Silver nodded as things seem to reach an understanding. He returned to the desk, confident that she, if she would have to get an official job, would be a foalsitter or something.

This was not how Samantha's thinking worked. To her, being reminded of Morning Glory only was relevant to Morning Glory. Her thoughts were on how to approach her new activity. She'd get to be social too! She'd be the best! She would learn the system and become the best seller they ever had! She had something to do... "I will be back."

She departed Silver, foals riding along. She went to find that foal. Sure, she'd pay the fee to become a seller with Silver's funds, but he would not mind her using it, and she'd pay it back, and she would lend bits to Silver if he needed, so the Golden Rule seemed all in order. There was nothing to do but to enact her plan!

Samantha found the colt wandering the halls of the castle and the little pony smiled up at her. "Oh, hello! Did you realize something you had to buy?"

He was about to produce his catalog but she prevented him with a hoof over his reaching wing. "Nope. I want to become a seller. What do I have to do?"

His eyes lit up and a huge smile spread over his face. "Oh! You're gonna make tons of bits, follow me!" He started leading her along as he dug out a form and passed it back to her. "Fill that out and the fee is only sixty-seven bits."

That was a lot of money. Not that she couldn't afford it, but imagining a colt having that... "Here you are." She produced the funds and passed it to him along with the completed form.

He giggled with building joy. "Alright! Follow me and they'll give you all you need to be a seller just like me! You'll love it."

She was led out of the castle and to a pair of unicorns dressed in brightly striped clothes. "Look here, brother, do you see what I see?"

"Why yes! I do think that I do."

They both leaned towards the colt, asking in perfect chorus. "Did you get yourself your first seller?"

"I sure did! Here." He offered the filled out form and surrendered the bits that Samantha had paid.

"Very good."


"Welcome to AmNeigh!" He tipped his hat towards her. "Samantha, is it? A pleasure to meet you."

"An honor."

"I can't wait to get you started on the path to a brighter--


"--Stunning future! Are you ready to sell?"

Samantha bobbed her head fiercely. "I am ready to sell! Give me a catalog and one of every item we sell, I will--"

"It's like this, my dear. You earn a commission not just on all of the sales you make, but on all of the sales made by ponies you recruit, and by ponies that recruited ponies recruit, and by ponies recruited by ponies recruited by ponies that you recruit, and-"

"What my brother means to say is that you're not just selling vitamins and toothpaste, but rather selling opportunity!"

"Quite so, dear brother, quite so! With AmNeigh, you can earn money on sales without ever leaving the comfort of home, once you've signed up enough distributors who'll then sign up more distributors of their own! With this ingenious plan, their successes are your successes!"

The idea sounded appealing, but she wanted to win on her own, of her skill. "I don't need other ponies to sell for me..."

"Why would you deny another pony the chance of a lifetime?" asked one of the two unicorns.

"It's not like you can't sell while you recruit."

"Or recruit while you sell!"

The colt raised a hoof high. "I did that! Um, did you say you'll take one of everything?" His eyes shined with the joy of a sale made.

202 - Planning a Crown

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Silver looked up from his desk to see an unexpected face. "Celestia."

"That's Princess Celestia," she said in a gentle tone, like she reminded a friend of something needed rather than being offended. "You will need to learn that habit for public moments." She stepped into the room and closed it behind herself as she looked around. "Neither of your wives are with you, nor your foals? This is a rare moment for you. Is this a bad time?"

Silver realized with a start. "Wait, one of them isn't--"

Celestia put a hoof on Silver's snout. "I have faith that she will be reformed, and rejoin you. In fact, it would come as a far larger surprise if she did not join you. The way you look at her... Either she will become your wife, or your daughter."

Silver's wings unfurled without any permission given by him. "My daughter?!"

"Well, if she cannot be reformed fully, you will not leave her to the life of a madmare alone." She leaned forward. "I should imagine you will adopt her eagerly from my sister's hooves and hold her close, even if the title of wife is kept from her." She saw Silver's confused and worried expression. "Oh, I know you wouldn't force yourself on the mentally deficient." She sat down in front of his desk. "It's not consent if they don't know what they are agreeing to."

Silver cringed at the statement. His being a pony could be qualified easily as that. Every interaction with the Text seemed to boil down to that, consent given without full understanding. "What brings you here today, C--Princess Celestia?"

"Very Good." She smiled gently. "It's time." She pointed a hoof at Silver's head. "We will announce you to Equestria, and the world, as our newest prince. You are relieved of your duties as ambassador while you learn the proper steps for the ceremony and until it is complete. It is of the utmost import that this be done properly, after all. For many, this will be the only time they see or hear of you, so getting it right is all we have to leave an impression."

Silver slipped to the ground and circled the desk. "Of course. I'll do my best." He paused as a weight fell upon his brow. He was wearing a crown. He gazed at his reflection as Celestia held up a mirror for him.

Playing off his name, silver was its primary metal, with large jewels that sat on the sides and front. Like his watch, each jewel was held aloft by a species he had helped bring to peace.

He quirked a smile. "This is a nice crown, but one that will need updating if I keep it up."

"That is a price we're willing to pay." Celestia nodded. "You like it then?"

He tilted his head left and right, watching as the crown moved with him right between his ears. "It's nice..." But did he deserve it? Deserved or not, it was his. He would... "I'll earn it."

"I never finished earning mine." Celestia raised a hoof to her crown. "I work every day to try. You have no idea how much of a relief it is to hear you say that."

Silver softly cleared his throat. "Celestia." She looked at him, ready to admonish him, but he cut her off. "Celestia, as a pony, not as a princess, I want to speak to you."

She looked surprised at the request. "Of course. We are peers." She sat down gently and rolled a hoof. "What's on your mind?"

"Your sister." He gestured in the vague area Luna was. "I'm damn near certain at this point she will win over Night, and be won over. She will--"

Celestia heaved a soft sigh. "That brings us to a topic I had been trying to delay, but since you bring it up now..."


"Your marriage. It is not unusual for a person of great standing to be married, of course. Cadance is well-loved, princess of her own kingdom, and married all the same, but... that is a modern marriage. The marriage most ponies are used to seeing." She shook her head. "Herds are a relic of the past to most. Perhaps why my sister is so fond of them, and why she introduced you to them, and then you taught it to your wife. Having our first prince be the stallion of a herd..."

"Is it that bad?" Silver sat up. "Will it cause trouble?"

Celestia raised a brow. "Let us assume not. It will be awkward, at the least. You will have petitioners come before you in court, all dressed and with proper rituals, just to ask you to lay with a mare, to borrow you as any stallion in a herd might be. A married stallion? Well, he is promised to one, to ask would be an insult most dire. But a stallion of a herd, he's already shared, and there are rules and etiquettes to ask for it... The older you become, the more legends are spread of your deeds, the more the average ponies will seek it. A vanishing few to start, just the most bold or depraved, but that will change with time..."

Silver let out a slow breath. "Alright. Let's assume you get what you want. What would you want me to do?"

Her wings came in and gently cradled his face. "You would live long and well. You would love and be loved and be happy. You would escape these things entirely and just be what you want to be." She quirked a smile. "Neither of us has that option, do we?"

Silver smiled a little and leaned forward, touching his nose to Celestia's. "Don't get sad about it. Even you have your fun. I'll manage. So, perfect utopias aside, what do you want me to do?"

Celestia let out a slow breath. "Well, option one, you pick a mare, get married, the new sort, and be done with it. You'll be tied to that mare until death do you part. Option two, you sever all bonds of marriage entirely. Then you're just a bachelor doing as a bachelor wants to do, which, while a little morally grey, is considered... acceptable... from one of your station."

Silver hiked a brow. "Wouldn't I still get ponies after me?"

"Oh, certainly." Celestia nodded. "But it will be considered an informal social request. No courtly approaches about it."

Silver suddenly went red with a thought. "Do you--"

She put a hoof on his snout. "We both know the answer to that. Requests of a mare are considerably slower in coming, considering how long it takes a mare to fulfill such a request, but they aren't zero. Neither I nor Luna are wed."

The blush only grew worse. "I... imagine neither of you said yes to such things, or I would have heard about it."

"Oh?" Celestia perked an ear. "You would imagine incorrectly... I am no virgin, and I am a mother, and grandmother, and... That was long ago, I admit. Agreement did not often leave these lips, but they did at least once... Luna as well, and you are well aware of it."

"Before I go making any decisions, I want to know everything clearly." He sat up tall. "Celestia, do you have any feelings for me?"

"Do you?" she retorted without a moment of pause.

She was large, powerful, kind, and just about every positive adjective that leapt to mind. He would be lying if he didn't say, "Well, yes..."

"You have your appeal." She smiled gently. "You don't see me quite as a sun, to be admired, from afar. To never be looked at directly for fear or burns and injury. To be handled with such care..." She suddenly pushed up and back, over him and looking down. "If I said I wanted you to sever your herd, sever it and marry, but to no simple mare. You will marry me. You will be the prince of the kingdom completely."

Silver felt his heart thumping angrily in his ears. "N-night would be so sad... And Luna!"

"I was just testing you." She slid back, giving him room. "It is a pleasure to serve Equestria at your side. We don't need to be wed."

Silver felt he was slow by human comparisons, quite a lot, but he felt that Celestia wouldn't say no if he went along. Was she testing? That didn't mean she would refuse whatever answer he gave. He took a slow breath. "You read my book."

"I did."

"Then you read how I... we, you know..."

"You effectively bound yourself to all the princesses, thanks to Twilight's clever intervention." She raised a brow a little. "Is this something you wish to happen again?"

Before Silver could answer, he was tweaked somewhere sensitive and squeaked, hopping in place. Celestia looked completely innocent, but there was no other pony present. "Look, Celestia, please. Can we be forthright about this? Like, all the cards on the table?"

"Knowing more can sometimes close paths instead of open them up, and leads to further heartache." She gently rested a hoof on Silver's nose. "I will gladly be your friend and peer no matter what you decide. Now, I will be sending some ponies your way to go over your parts and have you measured for the formal attire you will be required to wear for the big day. I apologize now, but you have to make a decision before then. If you're married, be it in a herd or otherwise, they will be involved in the coronation."

203 - Vassal Returns

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Samantha didn't seem to be returning, with or without the foals. Silver grumbled softly to himself about the idea that the mare got distracted by something scientifically intriguing and closed up the office. On the way back to his room though, a figure stepped out before him, one he knew.

Night Wing nodded at him. "I have your information."

Silver tilted his head. "The zebra was harmless, just testing the wa--"

"That's what he wanted you to think." She produced a folder with a wing from beside her barrel and handed it to him. "Take a look."

Silver flipped open the folder and browsed quickly. The Zebra was known to approach many powerful figures and took advantage of those willing to listen to his stories and sample his potions.

"He was sizing you up.' She flashed a wide smile. "Only thing keeping you out of his grasp is that you're mostly content, hmmph. Some prince, not even a crown..."

"That's changing."

Her eyes widened a little. "Oh? Did Sunbutt insist on it?"

"I was waiting for her to say it was a good --"

"You are a stallion that knows his place." She leaned forward. "Maybe that's why fate let you take this title, hm? You plan to do everything the princesses tell you to do?"

Silver didn't like the tone that Wing took, and he didn't hide it. "I'll listen so long as it makes sense, and that goes for you double." He sorted softly. "Find anything about the zebra that requires anything other than being careful?"

"No, sir." She grumbled a little her wings rustling on her back. "So tell me, why are you more worthy than me?"

"Do you want the honest answer, or the easy one?"

Night Wing fixed him with a glare before her wing opened a door to an empty room. "Let's get out of reach of curious ears, then I'll hear this 'honest' answer of yours."

They went into the small room that rated as a large closet and Silver nodded at her. "Alright, first, what I say is what I see. You annoy me, but not enough to lie to. This is the truth so far as I see it."

"Right right." She rolled a hoof boredly. "Get on with it. I don't think you know much, sir."

"Be that as it may... There is a quality that all princesses share, prince included." Silver sat up straight. "They're all growing. No matter how large and perfect some of them seem--"

"Unlike you."

"Unlike me." Silver nodded. "They're still growing. Even earning the crown requires growth and change. If you're happy with how things are, you can't ever be a princess."

"W-what? There are many things I want! I'm not perfect!"

Silver reached for her shoulder, only to have his hoof roughly shoved aside. He nodded at her. "Wanting things is not the same. You were sure Luna was perfect before you even met her. You were sure the 'old' ways were the 'best' ways."

She snorted at the very idea he proposed. "As if she isn't perfect."

"Perfect enough to like me."

Her eyes narrowed. "Trying to sell yourself?"

"The opposite." He spread his wings. "If she was perfect, why would she be even dimly interested?"

It was difficult to argue with his self-deprecating logic and she grunted with annoyance. "That's what I said--"

"So she isn't perfect." Silver nodded as if the obvious had been stated.

She produced a dagger from one of her pockets, making Silver jump back. "You're not wrong, which is the most infuriating part. She... Why do I still love her?"

Silver eyed the sharp tool. "I'll be glad to try to help, but could you put that away?"

She threw it from wing to wing casually, catching it easily. "I am sworn to serve you. This knife won't find its way into your weak male flesh."

With a soft sigh, he tried to pretend it wasn't there. "You're in love with the idea of her, of a Luna that doesn't exist." He pointed towards Luna's room. "You want to be with her? Try being with her. That doesn't mean following every rule and waiting for her to notice. Approach her, as a pony, because she is one. She doesn't really grasp what you are to her or her to you because you don't tell her."

She tucked the blade away as she advanced. "And why would you tell me any of that if you wanted her?"

Silver brought his wings forward and she didn't violently repel him this time. Like Celestia had done to him, he cradled her cheeks carefully. "If you two find love, I wouldn't dream of standing in the way."

Night Wing colored at the idea and glanced away, but she remained in his grip. "You're just saying that, Ambassador..."

"You're relieved for the day. If you want to spend the rest of it telling a certain pegasus how appreciated she is, I won't stop you."

Night backed away and snorted softly. "If you're gutted today, remember it was your command." And she vanished into the gloom of the room, leaving nothing behind.

Silver emerged from the closet and shut it behind himself with a kick of a leg. Nothing else stopped him from getting to his room, and the Night Watch that awaited him there, wearing a bright clear crystal around her neck. "I found one! Look, isn't it nice?" She turned this way and that to show off the jewel. "Go ahead and quicken it for me."

Silver kissed her in greeting as his magic closed the door. "Nice to see you too."

Night wriggled her nose. "Nice to see you too, now why do you smell like that mare you hate?"

"I try not to hate anyone."

"Night Wing."

"She's hopefully off on a date with Luna."

Night Watch blinked at that. "Did you forget I have my--"

"You told me several times she was off limits."

"To you, perhaps."

Silver grunted softly. "Night... We are married. That means a certain level of basic equality. There should not be a single pony in the world one of us can see but the other can't."

Night looked shamed a moment before she recovered and snorted. "You don't like her anyway."

Silver poked Night in the chest. "Listen to yourself."

"What? You do want her now?"

"I want you to calm down."

"I am calm." Night brought down a hoof with a loud clop. "What's gotten into you?"

Night's behavior irritated him, but also worried him. "Look, Night."

"You look." She prodded him roughly in the chest. "You think you know everything!"

"That's pretty far from the truth." He inclined an ear. "I'm lucky to know anything. Night, please take a breath."

She blinked at him. "What?"

"Calm down, please. You know I love you, right?"

She glanced away and back at him a moment before licking her lips. "You heard something, didn't you?"

"I did, but this has nothing to do with that." He captured one of her ears in a sudden dart, nipping her. "What has you so worked up?"

"I..." She ducked her head a little. "I'm sorry... Look, it's... hard to explain." She poked him, though not as brutally as she had at first. "It's your fault, you realize. You made me see something."

He took her in his grasp and they flopped over together as he nuzzled along her snout and neck. "Then share that with me. I want to hear all about what you found."

She nibbled along his chin, working towards the tip. "I think I like being in charge. I like making the decisions?" She suddenly rolled on top of him. "And you don't mind being bossed around by ponies you like."

Silver blushed faintly. She wasn't entirely wrong. "What does this have to do with the crystal?"

"Oh, yes." She sat up on him. "I like being a stallion. I like..." She raised a hoof to her face. "It sounds stupid, but I like the ability to dominate in that way... To hold a pony tight, to fill them..."

He raised a brow. It wasn't as if he disliked the act of being male. "You don't have to be a stallion to do--"

"But I do." She shook her head down at him. "If I want to lead a herd, I have to be a stallion. Mares can lead a lot of other things, but herds? That's stallion only. I want a herd." She tapped him gently. "Will you join my herd?"

The idea made Silver blink in confusion. "What?"

"My herd. I want you to be the first wife of it."

"But I'm a stallion." Silver frowned a little. "I'm, by definition, a lousy pick for first wife."

"I suppose that's true... but you'll join, right?" She licked over his neck, sharp teeth pricking at his flesh. "I will protect you and control you in the gentlest way that I know you'll like..."

Whether or not he liked it, it would never work. He couldn't very well be the first prince to be dominated by his wife, er, husband, whatever. Not like that... He squirmed out from beneath her. "We have to talk." He sat up and let out a slow breath. "Being a herd, and prince, is a tricky proposition... If it came to it, would you be happy with just me?"

She blinked at the idea. "What?"

"Just me. If we got married, the traditional marriage. One to one, till death do us part. You know. Would you?" He looked her directly in the eyes, asking the impossibly heavy question.

"B-but..." The idea clearly didn't settle well with her. She had just learned the glories of freedom, of wanting to be her own stallion even. "I'm..." She glanced away and back at him, swallowing heavily. "Is that the only way? What about Fast Change?"

"If I can only have one, I would want you, Night Watch. You are my other." He held up the one lonely engagement hoof. "Will you accept just me?"

She recoiled a step, almost tripping over herself. "You were supposed to... Stop joking around. This has long stopped being even remotely funny!" She thumped his side. "Stop it! You'll be a prince, so you can do what you want, and if you want to raise a tail for me, well, to Tartarus with what others think."

204 - Best of Both Worlds

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They retired, and Silver settled beside a re-bitted Night. He waited patiently for Night to slip into sleep before his horn glowed, gently feeling over the network of his partner. Was this entirely an awakening of the mind, or did he mess things up? He gently plucked and pulled, testing the threads that made up Night's network, but everything... seemed in order. Night was a perfectly healthy mare, with stallion parts. Parts she liked, and planned to use on Silver.

That wasn't, by itself, the problem. The change in personality... The fact that she seemed to value his opinion so much less. The fact that she wanted more and more and... It was his fault. He encouraged her to feel out Luna. He...

Silver clenched his teeth. It was easy to blame himself. People change. Did he want Night to remain the same forever? No! Not... quite like this, of course. Where was his gentle geeky mate? Where was the mother of his foals, who now wanted to be a father, of as many mares would submit to her. Silver didn't like it, and hated himself for not liking it. Who was he to tell Night how to feel and act? She wasn't... broken, she just disagreed.

Sure, she could snap a pony in half if she had to, but she didn't want to. She was a good guard, and a great mother, and his wife... But no she wasn't. She wasn't his wife, not in the traditional sense. She was his First Wife... And she didn't want to be anymore. She had said so. Her admission of wanting him to be her first wife was as much a divorce as anything else.

Hot and angry tears stung at his eyes. He would marry her alone, forever, but she didn't want that. The fury that seethed at the very idea... He just wasn't enough for her, not anymore. Was he ever? Was... that part of the reason she accepted being part of a herd so easily?

Why had he? Why had he accepted being in a herd? Wasn't he just as guilty... In a fashion... He accepted it because he thought he was never enough for one person, any person, to find happiness with. He did it out of fear and self-deprecation. If he was just part of a family, then his failing could be missed.

Silver moved to slip from the bed, but Night dragged him back with a sleepy murmur. He was trapped. Trapped with what Night had become. Would he insist she change again, to accept him and him alone? Would he send her away? What of the foals?

He thought of Clear Twilight and Morning Glory and his heart lurched. Unless something dramatic happened, they would be foals from a broken family. Shattered... and it would be their father's fault. Silver shut his eyes and shivered faintly. He could do as Night wanted. Flip the entire thing the bird, let her be in charge, and just be part of her herd.

He saw where that led...

He would become the very thing they hated in his dream. He would be the moral decay they feared, displayed 'proudly' for all to see. Is that really how the first prince of Equestria would be? Perhaps it would be better if Equestria had no princes at all. At least princesses did not allow themselves to fall into such situations...

He was dreaming. He hadn't planned to fall asleep, not yet, but there he was.

His door opened and Luna entered. "Is now a bad time?"

She sounded worried. Silver conjured a mirror to look at himself and he was a mess to see. Red eyes from which tears flowed eagerly. "N-no, please." He patted his bed gently. "Come in."

She moved to join him, sitting gently. "You... Do you wish to talk about it?"

Silver wiped his tears with a fetlock as he took a shuddering breath. "Just reviewing my choices, present and past. What brings you here?"

"I... It's of little import now." She raised a brow. "You will be crowned soon."


"You don't sound eager." She leaned forward. "Do you plan to run away?"

"No." He frowned at the idea. "I've done enough running..." He glanced up at Luna. "Did you ever take a husband or a wife?"

Luna blinked softly. "Not as such, no..."

"Would you take Night?"

Luna blinked with surprise. "A marriage between pr--"

"As her mare, her the stallion, me not involved."

Luna's wings spread partially. "That's a curious question to ask..." Then it clicked. "Has she decided to control the herd?"

"Basically." Silver hopped down to the floor. "If it was just us, us and nobody else, maybe I wouldn't care... But I'm far from alone."


"I have a whole kingdom watching me, and how I behave." He quirked a little smile. "Heaven forfend another prince should come along and have to deal with a mess I leave... I want to do right by Equestria." He rose up, balancing his hooves on the back of his human chair. "You took me in when you had no reason to. I was just a lost alien who had no right to be there."

"You're being dramatic." She raised a brow lightly. "Besides, you have long since left that awkward stage."

"Regardless... Luna, what do I do about them?"


A soft coo was heard as two foals appeared from nowhere, dream figments of Clear and Morning. "Them. My foals... I want my children to be safe and happy. What parent doesn't? Fuck!" His exclamation confused even him. "Here I am thinking about her like she's already gone. She deserves more than that." He thrust a hoof at Luna. "You got more chances than this."

Luna flinched as he spoke. "Be that as it may..."

"No! It's true... I should... talk to her. That would be the responsible thing to do." He fell to all fours. "One fight isn't nearly enough to even be considering this."

He awoke. By the light, he could see it was morning already. Night was in the shower, or was that Samantha?

Silver slid to mildly-shaking hooves. He had to talk... He went off to the nursery to confirm the foals were there and safe and let out a little breath when he saw them. That was one part of his family he could be sure was safe. Spotted.

Morning waved a hoof at him silently for attention and Silver gently hefted him up with magic for nuzzles and a bottle. "I'll do my best," he whispered as he put the foal down and returned to the bedroom. Night and Samantha were there. He hadn't heard the door to the hallway open, so... "Were you together?"

Samantha nodded. "Night insisted on testing the effects of water on the breeding process." A notebook appeared beside Samantha, slick and seemingly covered in plastic or some other similar thing. "I took a lot of notes."

Silver drew a soft breath. "Night?"

"Hmm?" She was brushing her mane with motions of her wing. "What? Good morning, by the way. Sorry I yelled at you last night."

"I... that's okay." He'd forgive that, but... "Night, you're pressing too hard."

"Hard?" She raised a brow. "I'm not even pushing. If you don't want to be like that, that's fine. We have our limits."

"You're not being yourself." Silver rose to his hooves. "Would Night Watch ever lie?"

"If I had to," She replied. "What are you getting at?"

"To a herd member?"

Night blinked. "What? Of course not."

Samantha tilted her head. "Did Night break the Golden Rule?"

Silver smiled at Samantha. "Sam... When you were first with her, what were you doing?"

"First with her?"


Samantha's eyes widened faintly. "Oh! Well, that experiment in female to female breeding was quite fascinating. Did you want to see the notes?"

He glanced towards Night. "Night, what did you learn from it?"

She blinked softly. "What are you getting at? I was just coming onto her."

"Pardon?" Samantha tilted her head faintly. "What do you mean?"

"Samantha." Silver drew a slow breath. "Would you have bred with Night for non-scientific reasons?"

Samantha looked lost at the idea. "Well, no. You're my stallion. Any foal I produce should be yours in accordance to the social contract we agreed to. As your mare, I am duty bound to bear foals for no one else." She pointed a hoof at herself. "Even I know that! Is this a test? Did I pass?"

Night scowled softly. "What did we do then?"

"A scientific experiment, of course." Samantha nodded with confidence. "Did you want to see--"

"--I don't need to see the notes!" cut in Night. "I thought... aren't you attracted to me?"

Samantha tilted her head with confusion. "You are a fine female specimen, if that's what you mean?"

Silver put a hoof between them. "Samantha... Look, Night, she has her own way of thinking, you know that."

"Did I fail the test?" Samantha's ears wilted and she shrank, getting the idea that she had fouled up somehow. "Please tell me what I did wrong..."

Silver felt the urge to comfort Samantha, but it wasn't the time. "Samantha, Night and I have to talk, alone, and with your trackers turned off and not recording."

Sulking, she did leave them.

Night glared at Silver. "This is about her, isn't it? You can't take a mare that actually looks you in the eye."


"You want a mare that won't challenge you." She rose to her hooves, legs shaking. "Well, fine!"

Silver took a step towards her. "I know you're angry right now, but please don't do this."

"Don't... do what?"

Silver's ears went back on their own. What did he say? Did he say leave? That sounded lame in his ears. "We can work it out, together, like--"

"No." She pushed past him abruptly. "I'll tell Fast Change you don't care about her anymore." She looked over her shoulder. "Well, go ahead, take it back if you want to."

Her words were harsh, but they were both shaking. Neither of them wanted this. Silver glanced around in a panic. "I'm not trying to bribe you. If that makes you happy, fi--"

"I'd be happy if you didn't turn around on me!"

"You're the one turning on me!"

"I don't understand you anymore." Night stomped a hoof angrily and moved for the door.

She bore her sharp teeth and left. The door slammed behind her and both foals cried out at the noise. Silver let his head hang and moved to placate them, but there would be nobody around to placate the feeling in his heart.

205 - A Nightly Surprise

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Night prowled through the streets of Canterlot unopposed as she approached the hive. She looked it up and down as she approached it, muttering faintly under her breath. "Stupid stallion…" She came up to the guards before the hive and nodded to either. "I'm here to see Fast Change."

“Do you have an appointment?” One guard asked absently only to receive a glare from his compatriot.

“She doesn’t need an appointment, doofus!” the other guard snapped, “Right this way Mrs. Watch.”

Ugh, she was Missus Watch. She would… Night shook her head as she proceeded forward. Why didn't Silver understand? She was trying to protect him, all of them! With a loud snort, she followed after the changelings, though said little.

The changelings led her through the hive’s labyrinthine interior before stopping before one of the smaller, personal, audience chambers, “The Princess will be in to see you shortly.”

Night strolled in and began to pace, looking at the various decor. Unlike a 'traditional' hive, there were more things to remind one of a normal pony home, with paintings, tables, and general clutter to distract one from the idea that the inhabitants were insectile in thinking.

"You look nervous." Fast entered from outside. "Is it Silver? Is he in trouble again?"

Night turned towards Fast with relief flooding through her. Fast understood… "Yes. He decided he doesn't want to marry you."

Fast recoiled. "But… I thought…"

"So did I," agreed Night. "You were going to join our herd."

"But… you're here. You…?" She sounded so lost.

Night would protect her. She advanced. "It's alright. You're still invited."

Fast blinked at that. "Invited to what?"

"I'm making a herd." She turned to the side and stood so that her mixed status was easily visible. "I will be your stallion."

Fast sank to her haunches. "I… Look, that's… appealing, really, it is… I want nothing more right this second than to let you do what you want with that thing of yours."


"What happened?" Fast leaned forward and nuzzled Night gently. "I don't oppose the idea of you wearing the pants of the herd, but why?"

"Because I can protect it." All the cards were coming out. There was no need to hide. "I learned magic, powerful magic. Be my First Wife, Fast, and I'll protect you gladly."

Fast shook her head slowly. "I… You forgot something."

"I did?"

Fast poked Night on the nose gently. "The mares protect the stallion."

Night felt something break as she crashed to the ground on her belly. The mares protect the stallion… How did she forget?

Fast nuzzled her left ear gently. "It's not that bad. You look sexy as hell. Want to give it a spin?"

Night fought her way to sitting on her haunches, "So you'll be part of my herd?"

"As soon as you go back to Silver, yes. We can all--"

"I told you!" Night bristled with sudden fury. "He doesn't want a herd… He wants to get married, the old-fashioned way."

Fast worked her jaw quietly a moment. "Oh…"

"See? No herd with him." She rose to her hooves. "I'm forming a herd, and you'll be part, please. You'll make a fine First Wife."

Fast gave a smile, a sad smile. "I want to, really… Look, why don't you think about this? My house is your house, you're welcome to stay here and decompress." She leaned forward and kissed Night's cheek. "I love you."

Night staggered out of the room. She had been welcomed there, to the hive, but she did not have her wife at all. That hadn't gone nearly as well as she thought, as she'd… hoped…

Surprise led the way, a strange juvenile burgundy changeling with a distended jaw and shark-like teeth trotting at her side, and a fairly nondescript changeling drone following behind. Suddenly the drone moved in front of the family, “It is the mean pony who tried to hurt Z-978’s hive sister in the bat-time!”

“Z,” Surprise corrected gently, “We’ve been over this. Those worlds weren’t real. And you shouldn’t call them bats. They don’t like that.”

The shark-toothed filly trotted up to Night curiously, “I remember you. You were that diplomat’s wife who came to see Uncle Train Wreck in the hospital. He was the human in the pod…”

Night blinked in surprise, her confusion wiped away with the new situation. "Hmm? Human?" She tilted her head. "I was…" She glanced from pony to changeling to… Oh. "Surprise." She gave a little smile, before she remembered. "Oh, sorry. Is everyone alright?"

Surprise gave a deep sigh, “As alright as we can be. I don’t know how much you heard… I was pretty hysterical when I wrote that letter. But you know about what happened to the bakery, right? And what happened to my husband, Train Wreck?”

“It was Luna’s fault,” the smaller, shark-tooth changeling sulked.

“Diane,” Surprise said wearily. “This is not the time to have this talk again. Anyway, meet… what’s left of my family. This is my adopted daughter, Diane, and my herd sister, Z-978.”

“Z-978 is pleased to meet the Night Watch who is not a servant of the evil Nightmare Moon,” Z smiled brightly.

“Hi,” Diane smiled, trying not to show her teeth, “We’ve met, but I was pretending to be a grown up changeling nurse. I’m not allowed to play pretend anymore.”

Night nodded to each of them even as the words echoed in her head. The mares protect the stallion, what if the stallion were a mare, and could defend him, or her, self? "I'm sorry for your loss. What… brings you here?" She gestured around the hive in general.

“Princess Fast Change is letting us stay here for a while,” Surprise bowed her head sadly, “We all lived in the bakery. We had an apartment downstairs. With the bakery gone and Charlie too… I’m just not sure what we’re going to do now.”

Z moved to nuzzle and support Surprise, while Diane glared at Night accusingly, “You made mom cry!”

“It’s okay sweetie,” Surprise sniffled and put on a strong face, “It’s not Night’s fault. I’m really sorry. She can get protective, since… you know…”

Night drew a small breath. Was this the mare she had been so angry about? Who… "So… you're from… wherever Silver was, right?" She glanced left and right. "Tell me about it? Maybe talking about that will lighten the mood a little?"

“Okay,” Surprise nodded sadly, “It might really help, come on we might want to go back to our suite, instead of talking in the hallway.”

Surprise led the way as she spoke quietly, “It wasn’t just me and Silver. There were lots of ponies there. And other humans. My Charlie was there, but he was like Silver. He wasn’t from our world he was…”

“Luna put him in that stupid nightmare!” Diane said, snapping her vicious teeth for emphasis, “It was terrible! I saw it once! Everything was all broken and mean! And Celestia tortured humans and threw them in even worse nightmares!”

“Diane,” Surprise nuzzled the filly, “Princess Luna was trying to help. Your uncle was hurt very bad, he’d been hit by a train. Luna wanted to make things better.”

"By a train?" Night squinted faintly. Princesses had not turned out well. Luna was a huge headache, even if she was sexy. Celestia, total stuck up… Fast… Even Silver… Maybe royalty just wasn't for her… "Tell me, how did you end up with a herd, instead of, you know, the usual marriage?"

“Well,” Surprise smiled a little as they reached the door to her suite, “I met Charlie in my world. He was a lost human eating out of a dumpster. He was confused and angry, and nearly naked. I couldn’t leave him like that! I just couldn’t.”

The changelings proceeded into the room, followed by Surprise and finally Night. They all took seats as Surprise continued her story. “I let him stay in my Pinkie Cave, and we became really good friends. Almost a lot more than friends. We’d play naughty pranks, and stay up all night laughing. But… well in that world I was the element of laughter, and Charlie was… well at the time I thought it was part of his condition, but it wasn’t, he was right. Celestia really was out to get humans. Anyway I sent him away where I thought he could be safe and happy and I thought I had all the time in the world to go back and we could maybe just be us… I guess you know how that worked out…”

Night rolled a hoof as she settled onto her haunches. "I understand that, but none of it explains how you ended up in a herd. Besides, that was then, how did you do it now? I mean, if you'd rather not say, I won't pry…"

“What does Night Watch mean?” Z-978 interrupted in confusion, “How do we do what now? We are a family. We are together in a dream or in a not-time or in the world. Because if we are not together we are broken. Even Z-978 understands this.”

“I guess you could say it’s complicated,” Surprise admitted, “Each of us intercepted each other’s path before we ever met in the ‘real' world. The pieces just seemed to fall where they fit.”

“Actually in the dream, I was Charlie’s wife,” Diane bragged. “He didn’t know how old I was… or maybe he did and that’s why I could never get past snuggles…”

Night raised a brow at Diane. What a strange family she had the fortune(?) to meet. "I see, well, Night Watch is my name. I was a night guard for quite a long time, and good at it I'd say." Her wings rustled on her back. "So… not really a herd now, with no stallion."

“What does Night Watch mean we are not a herd?” Z cocked her head to the side. “Z-978 loves her sisters. Z-978’s sisters love her. We are a family. We are a herd.”

“I have to agree with Z, Night,” Surprise nodded, “What do you mean?”

"You can be a family without being a herd." She held up a hoof. "I wouldn't want to imply you're less of a family, because obviously you care about each other, but you aren't a herd. Without a stallion, there is no herd."

“I think I see what you're getting at,” Surprise scrunched her face a little in thought, “But how does it make a difference what you call it? We had a husband, and a brother, and an Uncle. Now we don’t. Now we have each other. I really don’t get where you're going with this Night, I’m really sorry…”

Was she going anywhere? Night rolled an ear back. "Sorry…" Even in her state, it seemed wrong. "You must be sad." A smile suddenly erupted over her face. "We've only met a few times, but I know what you need to do." She rose to her hooves. "They have a kitchen around here?"

“Of course we have kitchen.” Diane rolled her eyes. “These suites are for pony guests. We do know ponies have to eat food. You know that, right?”

“Diane!” Surprise scolded. “It would be nice to do some baking again. Although, I guess since smarty pants changelings don’t need to eat they don’t want cupcakes…”

“Z is not a smarty pants,” Z cut in quickly, “The other changelings remind of her this! Z-978 wants cupcakes!”

“Can we make banana bread?” Diane asked earnestly. “It was always Uncle Train Wreck’s favorite!”

“What about you, Night?” Surprise smiled. “I know that you don’t know me very well, but how about a ‘Yay We Found Another Friend We Met In An Alternate Universe Party?”

"Better than the alternative." She adjusted her glasses lightly. "I'll help, if you don't mind?"

“It’s always more fun with friends to help.” Surprise felt the hint of her first real smile since the funeral.

“What is this ‘alternative’ Night Watch speaks of?” Z whispered to her sister.

“I’m pretty sure she was totally hitting on mom.” Diane shifted her eyes left then right. “But I think it’s okay now. I’m not gonna have to see if her head will fit inside my mouth this time…”

206 - Silver Penny Pt 1

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Silver sat in the booth of his favorite eatery, well, it was. He stared at his food for uncomfortably long moments, unable to bring himself to sample any of the meat before he rested his eyes on his companion. "So… How did I mess up?"

“You haven’t, yet.” Penny looked over the menu, pondering what to order in the back of her mind while she focused on her friend’s problem. “If you must know, you helped the love of your life gain the confidence to want to change herself as she feels she should, in a world that will likely not be very supportive of it. So what is your real problem here? Don’t you love her?”

Silver blinked at that. "Of course I do!" He folded his unfurled wings and looked around, going red as his voice lowered, "What makes you think I don't?"

“Because you are here, talking to me about it. Should we get her?” Penny waved to a waiter to get their attention.

"W-what? It's not that simple… She left me. She… left the kids, she left everything and ran off." He sagged in place.

When the waiter arrived it was obvious that things were not to be intruded on and Penny simply gestured to what she wanted. With a little bob of their head they withdrew.

“Does that sound like something Night would do? I will admit I am not as well acquainted with your betrothed as I would like, but could something else have affected her?” Penny gave a sigh. “I am so not the best pony to come to for relationship advice.”

He perked an ear at his friend. "Look, I just… Want.." He clopped the table softly as he pushed himself up. "Can we just hang out? At home I got the kids, who I love but can't talk about my stuff, and Samantha, see above."

“Of course we can. Want to just do something? Hay has Sorlie for the day. Want to go visit something? Maybe even out of the city?” Penny checked the menu again and fished out some bits to leave on the table.

"Sorlie?" He tilted his head faintly. "Jeeze, we've been out of touch. We have to fix that." He reached across the table to put a hoof on his friend's shoulder. “I shouldn't be calling you just for an emergency."

“A good nickname was important. Ensorcellee wasn’t going to grow up to find some horrible name being the easiest way to address her.” Penny leaned in to give her friend a hug. “We could always write something, been a while since we did anything like that together.”
Silver smiled a little, a pained smile perhaps, but it was genuine. "Maybe we could do that, but what would it even be about? Man… I'm about to be a prince. A damned prince! I'm supposed to write policies and things. You know, prince things."

The waiter was just bringing the hot buttered bread when they saw the pair getting up. They looked alarmed a moment before spotting the bits on the table.

“Sorry, gotta rush off, you know how it is for a prince.” Penny poked Silver in the shoulder. Turning to her friend she couldn’t help but giggle. “Well, considering there is already a prince, you might want to go and talk to Blueblood, the show may have painted him as an arse, but if there was one thing I have learned, the show gives a thin veneer of each pony.”

Silver snatched a bit of bread on the way past, his horn glowing softly as he nommed on the delicious treat. His thoughts went back to his dream, and the Blueblood he met there. "I really should, that's a really good idea." Silver strode beside Penny. "So… how do I look? I mean, you know, bigger, and all wingy?"

“You look like a pony prince, Silver.” Penny reached a hoof up to pat one wing. “You got all the bits, you got the smarts, I would totally vote for you.”

Silver snorted with amusement. "Imagine if it was democratic… How are things going with you? Please, catch me up."

“Well, I heard you caught up a little with Stick recently. Hay is so immersed in train design that I would swear she is speaking another language sometimes. Sorlie is the most adorable and wonderful thing to have happened in my life.” Penny stopped talking a moment, her expression far away and smiling. The mare sighed. “Teaching has been good for me, I think. It grounded me, got me a nice circle of friends in the school. I heard you and Fast had a meeting?” An eyebrow raised.

Silver nodded quickly, then winced, remembering Night's heated words. "If she, uh, Night that is, really went to Fast, wonder what she thinks…" Easily distracted is one way to have described Silver at that moment. "Sounds like you have everything in order."

“I have a foal who has learned that climbing is fun, I have two lovely wives, one who seems bent on bringing on the industrial revolution and the other who wants to bring about economic reform.” Penny looked at Silver as though he had just told her ‘water is wet’. “But yeah, things are going well. Should we put off a fun day and maybe get you some closure? Why don’t we visit my ‘mother in law’ and find out what Fast thinks?” The mare made air-quotes with her hooves.

Silver tilted his head a little, then a thought came to him. "Did you have the foal, or…?"

“You really are out of it. Okay, today is Silver day, we are going to visit the hive.” Penny pushed at Silver, turning them down a side street and aiming them toward the district of the city the changelings inhabited.

Silver immediately became nervous. "If she thinks I'm stalking her, that'll hardly help!" Not that he stopped himself from being bossed around by his friend. He never was good at saying no properly to mares.

“Who? Fast? Silver, I have seen that mare in action, I heard a rumor she almost got the Princess of Friendship herself. If Fast thinks you are stalking her, then she would likely be happy about it.” Penny knew one thing that was most important about relationships, and she was about to try and get it to happen with Silver.

"Oh? What? No! Not Fast, I mean, what…" Silver stammered as he was dragged along. "Look, Celestia had a talk with me, alright? I have to change some things up."

“Why?” Penny prodded the stallion every time he even made so much as a slight change to his gait. “What things could this,” she poked one wing, “possibly need you to change in this aspect?”

His wing danced a little at the touch as he looked off. "Basically, no herd. I… asked her, Night, to marry just me, and that's when she ran off."

Penny stopped dead. “Hold up. Didn’t you tell me that the herding was her idea? Also, buck Celestia if she demands that. Don’t be a prince then.”

"I've seen what happens if I do that." He frowned a little. "I want to be a good prince, which means setting a good example, and not having mares come up in court asking if they can get some of what I have, in the most delicate and proper of ways. Either way, it was originally Celine's idea, then mine, then hers. We all had… a turn."

“So this is a convenience thing? I can think of a few ways to dissuade ponies from asking… that. Damnit Silver, come on.” Once more Penny prodded the stallion to move forward. “Buck, I have not wanted to swear this much since coming here.”

"Stop poking me!" he said in perhaps too loud a voice. "I mean... Sorry." Sullenly, he marched forward towards the hive. "It's not that they'd be impossible to shake, they wouldn't be, but I'd still be a bad prince, setting bad examples."

“Bad examples? What bad example? Living how you want? Loving too much? Remember you are talking to a pony who is, well, kind of in a herd.” Penny poked her own chest as they arrived at the hive. “Is the queen in?” The last was addressed to a drone at the door.

The drone gave the mare a knowing look. “Princess Fast is in, would you like to make an appointment?” The last bit was given with a silly smile, as though this was a game the pair had played before.

Silver glanced at his friend before nodding at the drone. "We're here to see Princess Fast. Tell her Prince Watch is here to see her."

The drone was already opening the door and gesturing inwards. “We know who you are, she is cooking, I think. Try the kitchen.”

Penny smiled. “Thank you, Sands.” She offered her hoof to the guard and got a little clop back from the drone.

Silver wasn't as familiar with the guard, or any changeling that wasn't Fast, so he just nodded politely and moved past. "Thanks." Ultra Smooth. He looked down and across at Penny. "What are you hoping she'll say?"

“I have no idea. But talking is going to be your way out of this. As for what sunbutt wants you to do, are you sure she said ‘no herd’ or did she give you the choice?” Penny wasn’t quite sure where the kitchen was in the hive, but, poking her head in a few rooms, quickly found it.

Surprise looked up with, well, surprise when her old friend walked in, “Silver! Have you met Diane and Z? You haven’t, right, I know that. This is my daughter Diane, and my sister Z. Diane swears you met Charlie once, but not really, but he did know you were there…” and with a sad sigh the mare melted into awkward silence.

Night was far less enthusiastic about the meeting, going as fluffy as a startled cat as she narrowed her eyes at Silver. "What are you doing here?" With her wings spread wide and stance solid, she looked ready to battle.

“He is here because I poked, prodded and even bullied him to come here.” Penny looked back at Night. The mare spared a smile toward the other ponies present. “Sorry about this, I hope we aren’t intruding?”

“Z-978 is confused, she thought Night lost her stallion, like Z-978 and her sisters lost Charlie?” the changeling drone interjected, agitated at the conflict in facts.

Silver took a step back. "I'm not here to start any fights, promise."

Night snorted and locked eyes on Penny. "Did he marry you? You don't seem quite his type…"

“Not going to play that game, Night. Hey, I like you, I like Silver, both as friends. That is why I am here.” Penny gestured to Silver with her snout. “Did he explain anything to you, about why he suddenly brought up not herding? I had to drag it out of him...”

“It’s an intervention,” Diane nodded sagely, “I’ve had one of those, you should have jumped out a window when you had the chance…”

"I smell cupcakes," sang Fast Change as she turned the corner to practically run into Silver. "Well, I wasn't expecting beefcake, but hey, if you're offering."

Caught between two mares, Silver did as any man could do in such a situation, squeal like a girl.

“Oh no, I learned about changeling ways from Stick. First talking, then cake.” Penny looked at Fast, giving the bigger mare a grin. “Silver, you are going to tell Night everything.”

Night raised a brow. "Silver's not available. Not unless you marry him alone. Go ahead, Silver, tell us."

Silver took a shuddering breath, trying to gather himself. "C-celestia wants me to become a prince as a married stallion, or single." He glanced away, and it was enough.

Night scowled. "Or?"

Fast whistled softly. "This is heavier than I was expecting, but hey, we're all here. Night, Silver, herd or not, we're buddies, right?"

Penny breathed a sigh of relief, glad to have at least gotten the couple talking.

“What’s the big deal?” Diane shouldered her way amongst the grown-ups. “Your stallion is still alive. You know what he’s not? He’s not dead!” The filly glared at the couple accusingly, “I had to make a deal with the goat to even make my family exist! And now Charlie’s still dead! What is the problem with you stupid ponies?”

207 - Silver Penny Pt 2

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Silver blinked at the outburst, and he was far from the only one. "Sorry… I'm sorry, for your loss." He sat down on his haunches. "She made a reference, to my dream."

“Dream?” Penny was more than a little lost in the conversation, she sidled over to Fast. “What dream? What are they all talking about?” The last was said quietly, likely overheard by the others though.

Fast shrugged softly. "Search me."

“You keep calling it that,” Surprise nearly whispered, “It was the world. The whole world. And then I saw whole other worlds… and mine went away…”

“Okay, Silver, you are getting distracted.” Penny looked from Silver to Night. “He is getting distracted. And for the record, no, I am quite happy with my situation, so don’t try and infer I am not.” She looked a little upset about the last bit, clearly not having liked being accused, but holding it in until the pair got to talking.

Night took an angry step forward. "And what was that… dream, world, vision, whatever. I don't care what it is, but it still means more to you than me or anyone else, that much is obvious!"

“He loved you in that ‘dream’ if that’s what you want to insist it was,” Surprise bowed her head as she remembered, “He loved you and he had faith. He believed in the power of you together. I don’t know how it ended, because I didn’t have faith. I thought I had more important things than what was in front of my snout, but he had faith in you. He would fight the sun, Do you even know what that means? Because I don’t. But Charlie did. And I didn’t. I kept telling myself there would be one more day…”

Night grunted but looked away. She didn't see the book that flopped to the ground in front of her, flung by Silver's magic. "You can read it.. If you want. It's the… basically all I could remember."

Fast reached for the shell-shocked Surprise and casually pulled her into a hug as if there wasn't a heavy conversation going on from all sides.

“Okay, I’m going to make some hot cocoa. Anypony want some?” Penny excused herself from the talk that was so far above her head it was practically in orbit.

“Z-978 does not see why Night Watch is angry?” Z interjected, seeking real explanations, “She has her herd. She has her stallion. They love and are loved. Please explain Why Night Watch is angry. Z-978 is confused and does not understand?”

Night wheeled on Z with a hiss. "I don't have him! He's ready to throw it all away. He wants…" Her words died off as she noticed the book in front of her. She reached out a hoof to nudge at it. "This won't help me if…"

"I did say I'd marry you… You are my other half, Night." Silver looked to her as his eyes sank to the ground, darting.

“Cocoa all ‘round then.” Penny started checking cupboards for mugs and ingredients, finding the cocoa powder in short order. “I swear, when the mathematics teacher in the room is the one confused, there really is a problem.” She was muttering to herself mainly.

“Say something, stupid,” Diane nudged Night. “You’re totally going to blow it. There’s hot cocoa coming and everything!”

Night blinked at Diane's reaction before looking at Silver and away. "I don't want… to be married. I want to have a herd of my own." She thrust a hoof at Silver. "One you don't want to join!"

Penny heard the conversation swing back in a direction she knew. “Right, so get him to tell you why he doesn’t want to.” Penny’s focus came back on Silver, the cocoa forgotten for a moment.

Silver squirmed in place. "I will not be the first prince, I mean, alicorn prince, that is in a herd, that is a male but not stallion… There's a whole cou--"

"I don't care about the country!" Night hissed hotly. "I thought it was you and me? I thought at one point you were willing to face the world for me. Where's that Silver?"

“How can you just not care about the whole country?” Surprise asked in earnest, to be answered by her daughter.

“The same way you don’t care about a whole world until you see you can break it,” the little changeling’s teeth clicked dangerously, “Have you seen that yet, MISSUS Watch? Have you actually paid the world for what you want?”

Cups and ingredients flew around, Penny’s magic wasn’t the strongest, but she had good practice with what she could do. She didn’t even realize what would be the side effect of her using it as she started pouring the drinks.

Night narrowed her eyes at the changeling. "This isn't going to 'break' a world. You're just being--" Her words were cut off as the book rose into her view.

"Read it, please…" Silver gave a little smile. "It may be a stupid fear, but it's my fear. Please."

“It was real,” Diane moved to nuzzle her sister, “We all lost each other again and again. We all thought we had one more day! Just because you call it a dream never made it not real!”

Mugs of hot, chocolaty goodness started to float from the bench to each pony as Penny inadvertently radiated more of her emotions out. “Here we go, maybe it is time for Night to have some time to read? That book seems important to Silver.”

“I never cared what was important to Silver,” the little queen announced as she left the room.

The larger queen, Fast, er, Princess, stuck out her tongue. "Well I do care." She smooched the top of Suprise's head, "So are you going to read that with me or what? I want to know what it says already."

Silver turned dark, as if he hadn't realized there was a danger in more than one pony reading the book he had released. When a mug softly bonked his head, he started, then took it in his magic. "Thanks."

As Penny finally had just one cup left, she lifted it to her own lips and sipped. “Wait, isn’t there a spell that would read it out to us, so we can all hear?” She was, unfortunately, oblivious to Silver’s embarrassment.

Night wasn't so blind, or quite angry enough to read the book out loud. She snatched it with a wing and marched towards Fast. "Fine, we'll read it." She flopped down on her haunches beside her former herdsister and set the book where they could both read it. "I doubt this'll change my mind though…"

“Well, if we aren’t all going to read it, let’s leave them to their book.” Penny drank the rest of her cocoa and set the mug down. “Silver, have you met Fast’s little ones?” She was clearly trying to get him away so Night and Fast could explore the book at their own pace.

Silver looked ready to argue, but he swallowed noisily and raised upright. "R-right, please…" He followed dutifully, even if his ears were down and tail barely swayed with his motions.

Night and Fast skimmed over the book curiously. When one reached to turn the page, the other would hold them still for a moment before letting them go. Fast turned a bright red softly. "A mare?!"

Night didn't look much better. "But he… she… they still wanted me."

"And me," reported Fast with a cocky grin, reading on eagerly.

“Pretty sure the nursery is around here some-” Penny was talking loudly, loudly enough that she suddenly had little changeling larvae racing out and, in the most adorable way possible for such things, trying to bowl her over. “Oh, I think they found us!” The mare was reaching down and nuzzling little changelings, not sparing a single one.

Silver smiled at the little 'grubs' as they were swarmed. "They're both adorable and mildly frightening at the same time," he confessed plainly. "Any care I should take, besides the usual infant things?"

Back in the other room, Night raised a brow at the words she read. "He defied both of them…"

Fast nodded. "He'd do just about anything for you."

"Would!" Night clopped the floor loudly. "Now he won't. Now he's scared... "

“Oh they are just scamps. Here, watch this.” Penny settled down on her belly and suddenly there were half a dozen little changelings riding on her back. “Oh no! I have been attacked by changelings!” Her cry was in jest, and full of mock fear as she was suddenly being attacked by the tiny and adorable swarm.

Silver tilted his head before reaching with his magic to snatch one of the changelings into his mental grasp and bring the little thing right over. "Hello there. Would you like to play a game, hmm?"

Back in the other room, Fast gently patted Night on the head. "Everypony has limits. Maybe you're just attacking this across a line he doesn't want to go across."

"So I should be happy he wants me to be a quiet little wife?"

Fast raised a brow. "You realize this option means I don't get to be a wife at all, right?" She leaned in, nuzzling Night gently. "I want you both so badly… But what I want, and what I get…"

“They want to do nothing but play games when one of their aunts is here.” Soft Spoken, a changeling drone stepped out of the nursery to find her charges.

Penny stuck her head up out of the squirming swarm. “Oh, hi Soft. Soft, this is Silver Watch. Silver, Soft Spoken, the most forgiving changeling I have ever met.”

"Forgiving?" Silver set the little changeling down on his back just behind his head and began marching around with the young one. "Did you do something that needs forgiving?"

Night shoved Fast suddenly. "You don't have to accept that! Look, you can be a part of a herd."

"No, I can't." Fast shook her head slowly. "We're both royalty, and I know what that means…"

"But you wanted to…"

"I want a lot of things." Fast sat up tall. "But I'm princess of these changelings first."

“Forgiving. As in, look at what she has to deal with on a daily basis.” Penny stood up, changelings hanging off of her everywhere. “I have one foal to deal with, and there is three of us to share the responsibility. I have a lot of respect for Soft.” Penny ended up looking at the mare with a smile.

The changeling was unused to having such praise but took it well. “Somepony has to care for them. It gets easier with more.”

Silver glanced over his shoulder at the one changeling riding him. "I only have two to take care of, and they're plenty. My hat, if I wore one, off to any that make it a habit or a calling. Have you met Samantha yet? She's watching them now."

Night looked more and more deflated. "I'm not a princess."

"No you're not." Fast shrugged a little. "So? I mean, Silver wants you, but what he wants and what he gets… If you want to be free, to do the stallion thing or whatever else you have in mind, well, power to you." She thrust a hoof up. "I'll support you, as a friend, but I won't join you."

“I don’t think so.” Penny looked up to Silver, she had rolled to her back in the hallway, still being swarmed over. “Don’t tell me you are working on that herd of yours even during all this?”

Silver blinked. "What? No! No… I mean, she did join, then she was stripped out of it… She's a special person, kind of touched in the head. She's a genius, but she doesn't see the world the way others do in a rather drastic way, romance included."

Penny smiled. “Well, I am glad she found somepony then.” Penny was noticing the larvae moving a little slower now and looked up to Soft. “Bedtime, soon?” She got a nod back and a knowing smile.

208 - Learning to Let Go

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Fast tapped the ground. "So, the way I see it, if you really want to do your thing, you should."

Night smiled a faint moment but it was overtaken by a frown. "But I leave all of... everyone... Nobody will follow me."

Fast tilted her head. "It's lonely being a leader. You want to lead, right?"

Night scowled at Fast. "You're a 'leader', but here you are surrounded by--"

"Strangers I learned to love." Fast snorted softly. "It's kept me away from those I love... Make your choice, but do so. Don't leave Silver thrashing on the wire."

Night got to her own hooves, shaking. "But... I thought you loved me too?"

Fast raised a brow. "I like you... I like you a lot, in fact, but there was one pony that insisted, insisted that I was worth being with just exactly the way I was, and it wasn't you. Heck, even the changelings prefer me to wear my carapace or my unblemished form... Even they..." Fast glanced away suddenly. "If you won't accept him just the way he is, I will. I will gather up his broken pieces and nurse him to health. I will..." Tears began to fall from her face. "I will... He didn't abandon me, I won't abandon him."

Night shrank back from the emotional display, and her sharp mind went to work. "You're hoping I leave."

"Yes!" confessed Fast. When a changeling came in, likely to see what had made his que--princess make such a noise, she pointed right back out the door and they fled. "Yes... He loves you, more than anything in the world, and he'll do what he has to for you, but... if he loses you, then maybe I have a chance..." She smiled a little. "I'm horrible, but no more horrible than you."

Night glanced around feverishly. Her plans were crumbling to ash before her. All she thought she could gain easily was so much soot running between her hooves. "B-but..."

"Have your herd." Fast snorted. "I will marry him, either alone or..." She tapped the book Silver left behind. "I'll share him with the other princesses if I have to. Go and be free."

"I don't want to be free," whispered Night in a small voice, shivering.

"What do you want?"

Night didn't know. She felt like she didn't know anything.

"You ran away from your own foals." Fast snorted softly. "You ran away from the stallion that has known only love and awe for you. Go!" Fast rose to her tall stature. "Go on, go! I only have room for one stallion, and you're not it!"

"F-fast..." Being spoken to that way, it hurt... Night didn't need her! She could... She ran the numbers in her head and paled. She sank to the ground. How had she ever allowed the odds to become so skewed against her?


Night sniffled and cried, it was all she could think to do. A spectral form appeared beside her. "You didn't call... but I couldn't ignore the pain." Her grandfather set a wing over her prone form. "What happened? Did he do something?" She wailed all the harder.

Silver had left. Night was in a safe place, or so he thought. With Fast seemed like one of the safer places he knew, and he took wing back to the castle. Though he still shook just faintly, he had control of himself. He was a prince... He had to act like it.

He marched through the castle just to see a familiar face and smile. "Prince Blueblood."

Blueblood looked up at him. "Hmm? Yes?"

"I was hoping to get your advice on a few things." He dipped his head at Blueblood. "I may be an alicorn prince, and that's fine, but you were born to it, so--"

"--So you thought to approach a natural." Blueblood smiled, his ego happy with Silver's logic. "This way. Princes like us shouldn't speak in view of the common folk." He began to lead Silver away down some side hallways into a luxuriously appointed room, even by Canterlot's standards. "My room. Please, make yourself at home." He settled beside a table and began to mix a drink. "I was wondering if you'd try to make do on your own, in fact, you've lost me a little wager."

Silver looked embarrassed, but he smiled. "Oh think nothing of it. I'd rather lose such a wager than have a poor prince installed. Besides, I didn't bet too much." He poured the drink out into two shots and slid one down with magic towards Silver. "So tell me, sources say you were not a unicorn to begin, not even a pony, and here you are. Is this a power play?"

"No no no!"

"Oh the look on your face. You're either being truthful, or you're an exceptionally poor politician." He raised a brow. "You strike me as a bit of both. No need to be shy. You've risen from nothing to the highest rank we offer. Surely some part of you thrills at the opportunity."

Silver lifted the glass he was offered and let his magic run through it. It wasn't as if he could 'feel' poison, but he felt safer somehow. He slipped softly. "I want to do right by Equestria." It tasted... of alcohol. He had no sense of the nuances.

"You sound like Auntie." He leaned up a little. "That's a compliment, by the way."

Silver quirked a smile. "Would it be wrong to say I hope to be as good a prince as she is a princess?"

"Lofty." He tilted his glass towards Silver, only bringing it back after they clinked softly together. "But let's start with the small things. Foal steps, as they say it, but I dislike that saying. Foals will take more steps than they can manage, and often end up belly down on the ground."

Silver nodded stiffly. "I'll try to avoid that, look, Blueblood..." He rolled a hoof. "How much flak should I expect?"

"Hmm? Well, you have an inherent issue... Cadance, well, she was, and is, breathtaking. She won over the hearts of the populace just by smiling at them, mostly. She was also competent and composed, no, she did not have it hard, despite not being well known at the start. Despite all that... she waited such a long time before her proper assignment, being little more than Auntie's niece, and she became a figure over time. Hmm, Auntie was shrewd..."

"What about me?" Silver pointed at himself. "I have to be crowned, but I don't have to ru--"

"Not the same thing." Blueblood shook a hoof. "To start, you are already a known adult. You have a position, and you have a record. You can't hide behind Auntie so easily. No, I'm afraid you're going to make a splash whether or not you want to." He downed the last of his drink. "So, if it's going to happen either way, why not make the best of it?" He raised his brows together. "You're entering the pool on the deep end, a smooth entry is impossible, so... at least make it a splash worth remembering, perhaps to a purpose you can support."

Silver nodded, then wobbled a hoof. "May I ask something potentially personal?"

"Hmm? Something about me? You've captured my curiosity."

"No, I mean, marriage."

"No, thank you."

Silver blushed. He had been shot down by Blueblood. "Not what I meant. I mean, I--"

"I'm just teasing you." Blueblood gently nudged him. "We're to be peers, we should know a little levity." He poured a fresh drink for them both. "I know of your tangled romantic life. Auntie asked me about it a few days ago, in fact. You already have a foal, two in fact. The simplest answer would be to wed Night--"

"What if she doesn't want to?"

He frowned at the thought. "Well, that complicates things. If she insists on not being wed, well..." He rolled a hoof. "Remember that splash? You could be a stallion clinging to the old ways and become a prince with a herd, but that won't work, not with things as they are."

"Why not?" The idea that it could work at all had Silver's attention.

"Oh that's quite simple." He raised a brow as he tipped his glass. "You only have one mare. The other is insane. You can't marry her, and even after she gains a clean bill of health, it will remain something of a... questionable move. Regardless, not so soon as to matter to your coronation, so she's out. That leaves Night, and that's one mare." He held up a hoof. "One mare does not a herd make, not in the eyes of the people. You're just playing both sides of the field, as it were."

Silver's ears perked. He thought of Celestia and Luna, they may agree to such things, but would Night? Would Blueblood like the idea of him going after his 'Aunts'? "What about Fast Change?"

"The changeling?" He tapped his chin. "Actually, if you made it part of your theme... Yes. Imagine this. What if you married one of every race you brought to peace? Of course, that'd mean you have to find an Umbrum that catches your interest, but it would fit your title..." He brought his forehooves together in a clop. "Maybe a human female as well? Many would blush, but none would argue your right."

The umbrum female hadn't done it, but the mention of the human female, that made him blush...

"Of course, that would involve you bringing the lunar pegasi to proper peace."


He gestured. "While many of them live quite peaceful lives, many more are dissatisfied. You've met a few, to say nothing of the trouble raised against them because they're 'scary'." His snout wrinkled at the word and he drew from the smooth alcohol. "You would be the one to fix that. I would make that your first 'official' business as a prince, this herd business completely aside. The whole matter is a nasty wound on the side of Equestria that we've been ignoring dutifully for too long. I doubt you will, however. You don't like to ignore things." He smiled a little. "At least, that's what I expect."

Blueblood slid to his hooves. "You must be overwhelmed. You've barely put forward any ideas of your own. Relax. The coronation is all well and fine in Auntie's hooves."

Silver stood up as well and thanked Blueblood for his help, but he was gently being shown the door.

"We simply must do this more often, but I have things to do, as do you. Good luck, Prince."

209 - Commerce!

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Seated behind the desk in his study, Filthy Rich smiled as he looked at the large sacks of bits laid out in front of him. Just by looking at them, he could estimate that they contained a considerable sum. “So I take it that business is going well so far?”



“Supremely successfully!” That last line was spoken in chorus, with Flim and Flam grinning widely.

The latter brother spoke up next. “Business was slow to get started, but once the ball got rolling it couldn’t be stopped.”

“You mean ‘can’t’ be stopped, brother mine,” interjected Flim.

“Indubitably!” Flam nodded. “Just today, we hit a new peak of sign-ups for the fourth day in a row! And orders are starting to pile up!”

“Having new members recruit other members was a brilliant idea, Mr. Rich, simply brilliant!” said Flim. “It’s one thing for a stranger to convince somepony to try something new, but it’s something else altogether when it’s their friends and family doing the selling!”

“Plus your plan to charge commissions on every new sign-up, and sale, that they make!”

“Why, at this rate, we’re going to outgrow the Canterlot market before the end of the month! Which can only mean…”

Once again, both of them chorused, “That it’s time to start expanding!”

Filthy Rich’s smile grew wider, pausing to imagine just how much money he’d make once AmNeigh spread across Equestria. But there were still a few more things to cover first. “That’s excellent news, gentlecolts, truly excellent. But we need to make sure that we target our markets correctly. Do you have the sales data I asked for?”

“Quite so!” Flim pulled a scroll from a pouch and floated it over to the desk so that Filthy could look at it. “As you suggested, we made sure to pitch AmNeigh to Canterlot’s lunar pony population.”

“And my word, did they ever go for it!” grinned Flam. “As of right now, they make up more than half of our distributors.”

“I have to say, I never would have thought of selling to the poorest members of Equestria’s richest city. Where did you gain such a novel insight, if you don’t mind my asking?” Flim raised one eyebrow in curiosity.

“A little birdy told me,” Filthy replied smugly.

“Hm, a talking bird? You know, we could make an incredible show out of that,” mused Flam.

“Quite so, dear brother! The ponies would come from far and wide to see it! Why, I can already imagine the crowds!”

“Indeed! And once they’ve paid to get in, we could make a small surcharge to let them have a short conversation with the loquacious avian!”

Filthy Rich sighed. The Flim-Flam brothers were the best salesponies he’d ever seen, but their antics could be tiring. “Gentlecolts, it was just a figure of speech.”

Ignoring the disappointed looks that crossed their faces, Filthy kept speaking. “I’ll start getting things ready for taking AmNeigh outside of Canterlot. In the meantime, keep doing what you’re doing. Remember: every customer is a potential new recruiter.”

“Quite right, Mr. Rich, quite right!” enthused Flim. “Well then, we’ll be off, after we’ve taken our fee of course.” He started to float the bags of money away, but Filthy leaned forward, putting his forehooves on the bags to hold them in place.

“You’ll receive your fee, after I’ve accounted for what’s here and divided it up properly, as per our agreement.”

The Flim-Flam Brothers glanced at each other for a moment before nodding. “Of course, good sir, of course,” smiled Flam, though this time his grin was far less pronounced. “We’d never dream of anything less than total transparency. Then, we’ll be back in a few days with good news.”

The two made their way out of the study, and after several moments had passed Filthy got up and walked to the study’s only window, drawing the curtain and looking outside to make sure the pair had really left. Once he confirmed them walking away from his house, he closed the curtains again as he turned to a small door on the opposite wall. “They’re gone.”

“It seems that everything is proceeding as I thought it would,” spoke his guest as he exited the den.

“As the Flim-Flam Brothers would say, ‘indeed,’” smirked Filthy, looking up at the…what were they called again? Ah yes, the “human”…that had proposed this entire business plan to him in the first place. “I admit, I was wrong about your idea. This entire arrangement, recruiting customers, focusing on lunar ponies, all of it is paying off handsomely.”

Filthy wasn’t idle as he spoke, going to a cabinet and withdrawing a bottle. “Care for some zap-apple juice? I always keep the finest of the batch for myself.” Seeing a nod in answer to his question, he poured two glasses and passed one to his guest before taking a sip of his own, pausing to enjoy the rich, tingly flavor.

His guest did the same before replying. “I’m not surprised. Where I come from, this is a tried-but-true method of making money.”

“Well, I do have to thank you for coming to me with it. I would have thought anyone with an idea this good would have used it on their own.”

“Not at all. I figured that things would work better if this came from an upstanding pony with firm roots in their community than some alien no one had ever heard of.”

“You’re being too kind.” Filthy’s words were belied by the look of pride on his face.

His guest downed his remaining zap apple juice, looking at the empty glass for a moment before standing up. “This reminds me, I have an errand I need to run at Sweet Apple Acres, so...”

“Ah, of course.” Filthy Rich indicated the bags of bits on his desk, not protesting as the human took one of the larger ones. “I know that our deal was that your cut remain entirely off the books, but are you sure you don’t want me to count it all first?”

“That won’t be necessary. I’m going straight to the bank before I finish my errand anyway, so I’ll have them count it there.”

“I see.” Filthy finished his own glass of zap-apple juice before opening the door courteously. “Well, Diamond Tiara is still in school right now, and Spoiled is in Canterlot scoping out a new summer home that we’re making a down payment on, so nopony will know you were here, though I’m still not sure why that’s so important…”

“Thank you for that.” Ignoring the leading statement, the human nodded and turned to go.

Filthy waved as he left. “As always, it’s a pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Smith.”

Samantha stood with a foal strapped to either side. She knew the others were having an argument. How could she not? She had both rigged with trackers and more than sufficient reason to use them. Oh, she had been told not to watch them, but that was only for a moment, and if she was in trouble, she'd want Silver to watch her.

Golden rule, upheld.

She let them argue. Such matters were far beyond her understanding of social situations, though she hoped they worked it out soon. Regardless, she monitored and cared for her smallest subjects happily, and tried to become a good salespony.

She saw a pony emerge from a restaurant, tired, alone. Perfect. "Excuse me, sir?"

The stallion blinked as he looked over the mare with foals attached approaching him. "Huh, what can I do for you?"

"It's what I--" She gestured to herself. "Can do for you." She pointed at him. "You look like you had a fantastic meal, but you don't want to go shopping now, I imagine."

"N-no..." admitted the stallion with some confusion.

"Good! Because I'm going to get you everything you require and have it sent directly to your home." A quill appeared beside her, descending towards an order form that she began to fill out. "Let's start with your name..."

Her pitch didn't always work, but it worked more often than it didn't, and from what she had heard from her fellow salesponies, that was doing pretty good. She crunched the numbers of the orders she had made, frowning a little. She had made a small but significant amount. The way she figured, she might make more doing other things, but she was learning so much! Besides...

She turned the corner and smiled as she saw another salespony working hard. She approached the mare and tapped her shoulder. "Is everything going well?"

She spun around in surprise but relaxed as she recognized Samantha. "Oh! I try to do exactly what you said to do, but it's hard."

Samantha nodded. "Being a salespony isn't easy, but look." She showed her own numbers. "Maybe we should go over the pitch together. I know you can do this." This was not a fit of sentimentality. The mare was pretty and had a nice voice and Samantha was certain she could make the same numbers.

She went over the pitch, playing the part of the salespony before playing the part of the potential customer. She was playing the teacher most of all, and that was good, at least until she tilted to the side. Morning Glory had teleported free. "Moment..." She went scurrying after the foal, only for Clear to climb free in the other direction. Perhaps her lessons would have to wait a moment...

Gathering up both foals, she kissed their little cheeks and carried them towards a public square that had gathered eateries. "Alright, it's time for lunch." She understood them, to a degree. Sure, they spoke their own language, but it was consistent and their needs were simple. She liked caring for them.

She settled down after putting them on either side of her, and soon they had food in front of them, which made the foals delighted as they stuffed their faces. Sure, Night and Silver hadn't given leave to start weaning them, but they had teeth and they liked using them, so Samantha saw no harm in it. Besides, she monitored their digestion carefully for issues.

Being lunar ponies, she experimented with meat and vegetables, finding which ones drew the most favorable responses. Even when it meant she would end up covered in partially-chewed food, she enjoyed the meal times. They were her favorite subjects, and she felt she understood them, which put them a step up from most others that she could only pretend to grasp.

They both gnawed on little slices of kiwi and Samantha smiled at them. They were adorable, or so she firmly decided. If adorable was a scientific... maybe it was? She'd have to look into that. Maybe being adorable was more objective than ponies gave it credit for.

She took both and reported to her superior, surrendering her order cards and tallies. "I did well today."

"You sure did." The stallion looked over her cards. "Shame you aren't taking the classes..."


"Oh sure, they're not even very expensive." He tucked the cards away. "With the training they provide, I bet you could easily double your numbers."

Samantha's ears perked. Why hadn't anyone else told her about these classes?! "How much?"

Moonbeam, the lunar colt that had gotten her into selling, smiled. To Samantha, a gesture of friendliness. To him, dreams of bits from the commission of selling her a class. "Oh, barely anything, here." He offered her a signup form. "Just fill out the form and we'll get you in there as soon as possible."

210 - Nightfall

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Silver returned to his room, head full of thoughts, to find Night Watch. She was curled up in front of his door, miserable and... "Are you alright?" He approached on uncertain hooves.

"No..." She sat up slowly. "I've been a jerk, a huge jerk." She wiped her face with a fetlock. "And before you say 'I forgive you', I know. It's not... I really messed up."

Silver kissed her cheek. "Too bad. I'm your stallion, and your prince. Come inside, tell me how you messed up."

"You know what I did..."

"The way you say it means a lot." Silver nudged open the door with his magic. "Come on."

"You still want me?"

Silver blinked softly. "I never asked you to leave. Come on."

She went in and crashed on the bed limply before she turned to show off her extra bit with a raised leg. "I thought I could be a stallion. I... thought I could protect you better than yourself."

Silver moved up and kissed her nose. "And you're not wrong. I feel safe with you there, to protect me, but as my wife, not my stallion." He hopped up and laid belly to belly with her. "Not that I mind you with or without extra parts. You are my Night in any event."

She quirked a little smile. "Did I really abuse Samantha?"

"Yes," admitted Silver flatly before he nuzzled her neck. "But if you explain what the miscommunication was, she and you will both grow for it. You didn't try to do it, you just did." He drew her close and hugged her gently. "Are we done fighting?"

"Do you still want me?" She quirked a smile. Her numbers said likely yes, and she was calm enough to check them.

He rolled over her as his magic pulled up the blankets, covering them both. "I talked to Blueblood, about me, and us, and how to be best at being Prince and not force you..."

Night blinked at that. "We're not getting married?"

"You're willing to?" He nuzzled along her snout.

She was mostly still, looking thoughtful. "What was the alternative?"

"Well, he said the herd wasn't official until we had more than one mare with a stallion, and we only have one. Samantha doesn't count."

Night twitched an ear. There were... several females. She had tossed them to the side. She... "I'll do my job."


"As First Wife." She kissed his nose. "I will bring a mare for your approval."

Silver flushed softly. "O-oh! I mean... alright, but... No more inequality, I hope? Whoever joins, we can all love, or shouldn't join." He cleared his throat. "He suggested I follow my 'theme' and get one female from each tribe I negotiate peace with."

Night raised a brow, considering that a moment before she nodded. She knew which female she'd approach first. "We can work with that..."

"We can?" He expected much stiffer resistance to the idea.

Night sat up beside him. "Look, I've been a total... I've been terrible. You might be alright with that, since it's your thing, I have to make up for it." When Silver sat up, she leaned in and smooched an ear. "I have... someone in mind. It may work, or not, and involves me eating some humble pie, but I need some of that in my diet right now." She tapped at the jewel hanging around her neck. "Speaking of which, you can take it away now, really. I don't want to be the stallion."

Silver took hold of the spell with his magic and carefully undid it, restoring Night to her natural form. "You shouldn't blame this on mare vs stallion. You wanted to be in charge, or at least..." He paused as he considered it. "You just wanted to protect me, but that's not how I want protection."

She nipped an ear and hugged him before hopping down. "The mare protects the stallion. I forgot that." She shook herself out. "There's a reason being your bodyguard just feels right. Now you relax, because I'm going to do my job, which does not involve trying to be the stallion." She moved for the door and opened it, only to scamper back and give room to Celestia.

Celestia entered with a nod. "This isn't a bad time I hope?"

Silver smiled. "You have amazing timing." He hopped to the floor lightly. "It looks like I will be doing the herd thing after all."

She smiled thinly. "I thought you might. When you went to Blueblood...."

"Did he wager with you?"

"Did he mention that? Scallywag." Celestia rolled her eyes.

"I'll be back, Silver, Princess." Night nodded at either before fleeing out the door and closing it behind herself.

Celestia sat beside Silver. "If you insist on going through with this, perhaps we should do it as safely as possible."

Curious, Silver gestured for her to continue. "How do you propose that?" Did she mean the same thing Blueblood suggested?

"I wasn't entirely speaking in jest before." Celestia sat up. "Royalty in closed relationships are more stable. Few consider even approaching Cadance for 'that' with her marriage, and, let's be honest, I want that shield. Luna wants to join, we both know that, but so do I. Not out of any... Look, you're a fine pony, but this is not about love. I loved once or twice, and it turned poorly. I'm happy loving all the country now. I am their mother, and I want a father figure." She leaned in. "Will you marry us?"

Silver felt like a spotlight had turned on him, and perhaps it had in the radiant presence of Celestia. "A r-royal herd?"

"Well, it would not involve Twilight, unlike your vision." She tilted her head faintly. "Poor girl deserves a chance to find her own path in romance, but you're not young like her, nor do you come from as sheltered a background. You know exactly what I'm asking."

There was a problem. Many, really, but one immediate one. "You're asking the wrong pony."

"You're not interested?"

Silver pointed to the door. "Night is the First Wife."

Celestia glanced at the door. "If you made the firm deci--"

"But I won't, not even for you, Princess. The stallion is not the one that suggests new mares." He smiled a little. "I won't tell her you approached me first."

"How generous of you." She let out a small sigh. "You are correct... But I want to know, will you agree, should she nominate us?"

"What if she only nominates one of you?"

Celestia sighed gently. "I feared that might be the case... Despite her mistakes, she means well. She does love you, both of you. She will be the more passionate wife and will devote herself if given this chance."

"You don't need to convince me."

Celestia rose to her hooves. "You seem certain." She brought a wing around as if to tickle his nose, but thought better of it and kissed him between the eyes instead. "Be well."

"Walk in the sun," he replied with a smile.

"What a curious saying..." She was gone, magic opening the door long enough for her to walk out.

Night didn't have far to go, and knocked gently on the door before being allowed in. A scowling spectral figure was there. "You've come for her, but she's not here."

It was Nefertari's guard spirit. Night nodded at her. "I'll wait."

"Don't touch anything."

"I won't." Night settled herself. The fact that she was allowed in without resistance was a significant step up from the way they had met. She had won the spirit's respect for her skill and will. She still wanted to be a shaman. "Do you know when she will be back?"

"Now." The door opened and Nefertari stepped in. "I was wondering if you would return. You left the castle, your energy a mess and your thoughts clouded. Your husban--"

"--I know. We've settled that."

"Have you?" Nefertari closed the door behind her and settled before Night. "Will you share?"

"Actually... I've come for another reason." She tilted her head. "Do you feel Silver has reached peace with you and proved he can be a warrior?"

"He hides it well, even from himself, but he will not accept death quietly." Nefer sucked some air through her teeth. "Why do you ask?"

Night rolled a hoof. "At one point, you wanted to join our h--"


Night blinked. She had not expected that. "No?"

"There are a thousand reasons to decline, and the one largest reason to say yes has been dealt with. It was to my dissatisfaction, but dealt with it was." She leaned forward. "Let us begin with the most practical. To wed him is a sign to the world that my people and yours are not only at peace, but actively allied. This would be false."

"I thought you liked him?" Night raised a brow. "At least a little."

"Oh, certainly. I don't regret meeting him, or speaking with him, or you, my student. Liking someone is a far cry from being tied to them. In fact, if I were to do such a thing, I would prefer a monogamous tie. I'm simple that way. I was ready to give that up, what I wanted, to fulfill my duties." She raised a brow. "But he declined."

Night licked over her lips. "But he--" He never formally declined, but was it her place to ensnare Nefertari like that? To capture her against her will and drag her before her stallion? She knew Silver would not approve of such things... "I was mistaken."

Nefertari reached forward and placed a paw on Night's shoulder. "We all err at times, even I. Now... have you figured it out?"


"You must have been truly distracted." A smirk spread over Nefertari's lips. "Samantha's mother. Have you given up?"

Night started. She had forgotten all about that. She had failed Samantha on so many levels. "I'll figure it out..."

"See that you do. It would be a shame if I was wrong about your talents."

Night rose to her hooves, faintly shaking. Her plans had been dashed entirely, again. She would have to crunch the numbers harder instead of trying to be impulsive. Being impulsive just wasn't her style. "Thank you for seeing me."

"Leaving, so soon?" Nefer looked so confident. "Sit. We have lessons to go over, dear student. You have decided to walk this path, and I will see you reach the end of it. Your family has cost me significant face at times, but this one time, I will have my honor and present to the world a fine student."

211 - Sorry

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Night sat before Samantha. "Do you understand?"

"You attempted a social maneuver with me, while I assumed you were speaking scientifically..."

"Yes, and I'm sorry I misled you." She dipped her head towards Samantha.

Samantha tilted her head a little. "The Golden Rule states that I should accept your apology since I would want to be forgiven when I made a mistake." She quirked a smile. "I've made a few." She offered a hoof towards Night. "Did you learn from your mistake?"

Was she being patronized? Night become confused. "I... did?"

"Good!" Samantha looked pleased and lacking of malice. "I did make notes of the procedure..."

Night rolled an ear back. "Science isn't really my specialty, but there is something else we do need to discuss."


Night set out the black stone between them. "It's time we rescued your mother."

Samantha broke into a wide smile. "How dreadful of me. With my recent attempts to better myself and the domestic upheaval, I had forgotten." She leaned forward. "Besides, this is not something I can do, but you can." She pointed at Night. "Have you discerned the method by which we will rescue my mother?"

"I... Yes." Samantha's speech still threw her for a loop at times. "I think... So let's start with calling her. I want you to speak to her plainly and directly. Despite her silence, I want to get to her center."

"Her center...?"

"Learn of her."

"Oh right, I can do this."

Night spread her wings as she called forth the spirit with gentle calls and waves of her hooves over the rock. A spectral human appeared with the twitching ears and wagging tail of her mentor. The spirit said little, but that was expected.

Samantha smiled at the vision of her mother. "Hello. Are you well?" The spirit shrugged. "Are you happy to see me?" The spirit nodded. "That's good. I'm glad to see you too." She tapped at her chin. "We were talking, before this happened. Are you upset that I happened?" The spirit shook her head. "What about my father?" She shook her head. "Not even a little bit?" She shook her head.

Samantha leaned to the side to face Night. "I would think she was at least a little upset. Am I misunderstanding people again?"

Night frowned a little as she considered the spirit's reactions. "Spirit, you must tell the truth. I insist on this." She felt like she was pressing against something, and she was, imposing her will upon the spectre. "Speak truly and plainly."

Samantha cracked a wide smile. "So, just a little?" Still, the spirit shook her head.

Night took ahold of the spirit and turned it around to face her. "Answer this. Are you Samantha's mother?"

The spirit shook her head.

Samantha actually looked relieved at the answer. "Oh, no wonder she's not a little upset about my father."

Night sighed softly. It was all coming together for her nicely. She had the pieces, and her mind fit them together quickly. "Nefertari put you in the rock after taking Samantha's mother out."

The spirit nodded.

"Where is Samantha's mother?"

The spirit shrugged.

Night rose to her hooves. "I need to talk to Nefertari."

"NefNe--" Samantha swallowed her statement. "She doesn't get to be NefNef until she apologizes." She reached for the stone with her magic and plucked it up. With its disturbance went the spirit attached to it, vanishing into the onyx. "I'm ready."

Night had planned to go herself. "This is more of a shaman thing..."

"You'd come with me if you could help with a scientific problem, right?" She smiled. "Because we're family."

Night put a hoof to her face. "Right... Please, let me do most of the talking." She kissed Samantha on the cheek. "She's my teacher, I'll face her."

A soft clopping came from the door and Night grunted in annoyance. She had a mentor to face! She went to the door. "Yes!" Then she saw it was Celestia and shrank back in surprise. "Oh! Sorry, I didn't know it'd be you."

Celestia entered with a nod, and Luna not far behind her. Samantha looked confused at the royal visitors. "Hello, mother."

Luna nodded at Samantha. "Hello. I have not come here to act in that regard, however."

Feeling especially wary, but trying to not act like it, Night peered at the royal sisters. "What regard did you come to act in?"

Celestia nodded at Night. "You appreciate forthrightness, so I will give that. We wish to submit ourselves to you."

Luna sucked between her teeth. "I am told you have learned a curious sort of magic... If we become herd-sisters, I will share my books with you. Some of them are from far-aw--"

"Are you bribing me?" Night raised a brow.

Samantha threw a leg over Night. "She's stating a fact."

Luna glanced between her ward and Night. "She isn't incorrect, I... was sworn to not share these books, but if we are wed, then I may do so. I confess to curiosity ab--"

"Do you two even know how to love a mare?"

Celestia blinked at the question. "Pardon?"

Night gestured to herself a wing. "A mare, like me, or her." She gestured at Samantha. "Do you even know how to express physical love for them?"

"I should think so," defended Luna with a faint wrinkle of her snout before she reached to poke Night. "Would you prefer we love as mares, or perhaps one of us can be the stallion for the evening?"

Celestia had the dignity to blush at how the conversation was going. "I promise to not come between you and Silver. I understand you were first."

"First Wife," corrected Luna. "You will get to officially be over me, in this way."

Samantha twitched an ear between Luna and Night, confusion building. "If she is my mother, and she marries you, wouldn't you and Silver become my parents too?"

Celestia nodded. "This is so."

Night wasn't sure if that was good or not. Rather than lash out at Luna, she took a slow breath and willing herself to calmness as she began sifting through the pieces. Samantha loved them, but she really didn't want to be a married mare to them, she just wanted to be family, and marrying was the quickest and most direct way. "Samantha, if we adopted you would, would you be happy?"

"Would you?" Samantha perked an ear. "Luna would have to say alright, since she is my legal mother currently. I would be a great daughter, wouldn't I?"

That put that to rest. Night took another slow breath as she considered Luna and her anger and her lust and her... She had a lot of feelings for the pony that started their species. "Luna, would you be happy beneath me in any way?"

Luna dipped her head low. "I have acted like a spoiled and scared foal so many times... I perhaps do not even deserve this chance, but I swear... no more running." She smiled at Night. "As for the other half, well... between us, perhaps sometimes we can let you wear the crown and I can relax in the simple state of not being princess, with my wife."

Night looked to Celestia directly. "And you. You don't love me." She knew it as fact. Celestia respected her, but there was no love or lust. Celestia looked at her with the composed eyes of a queen.

"It's true," confessed Celestia. "Our marriage would be to bring further peace. I will stay out of the way, should you permit this. I will only share that bed when you wish it, perhaps never at all. I am not asking for a physical commitment." She smiled faintly. "We will have to, at least once, to consummate our tie, but after that..."

"You're lying." Night sat up tall. "You like the idea of a stallion closer to your size, even if he's not your ideal pony." She leaned forward a little. "He's still growing, in all the right ways, and you know he'll do anything to make his mares happy."

Celestia blushed faintly. "This is not about him..."

"Perhaps not." Night perked an ear. "There's a reason you're coming now, however. Tell it to me."

Celestia smiled gently as she spread her wings. "It will be a pleasure to have such a sharp pony close at hoof. Yes, there is a reason for this occurring now." She looked like she was considering not saying a moment, but then she did. "Silver is to be crowned soon. We will stand beside him and make it known that he is a stallion of his herd, a herd of peacekeepers and diplomats. We will stand united for the defense of Equestria, and the symbolism will be difficult to argue." She leaned towards Night, over her. "You are a peacebringer. Though you get little credit, if not for you, he would not have brought peace to the changelings or the umbrum. You are his other half, and one he values highly."

Night took a slow breath. "R-right." She glanced over and saw Samantha was grinning hopefully. She couldn't imagine Silver would say no if she put forward the idea. It was all up to her... "Let me think about it."

Luna perked her ears. "You don't refuse."

Night scowled a little. "Calm yourself. This isn't an answer... I need time." She rose to her hooves. "Give me that or the answer's clear."

"We will give you your time," promised Celestia. "Go ahead and do what you were about to do. Can we help?"

"It's a shaman's affair. Samantha, you stay with your mother."

"Wait!" Samantha hopped upright. "You promised..."

So much for that... Night waved for Samantha to come with her and they left to face Nefertari about a spirit.

Celestia and Luna left the room behind her and soon there was little left in there.

Silver was off in his office, caring for the foals and answering letters, blissfully unaware that his marriage was being decided largely without him. He would have been proud of Night.

Without knowing, he played with the foals instead. They were getting more clever by the day, and he decided it was time to graduate to some real toys. "Let's get something fun!" He trotted from the office with them hovering along with him. "Maybe some blocks, or a toy train?" What toys to get?! He wasn't exactly sure how developing brains needed to be stimulated, but he was going to try his best to find something they liked and would encourage their growth.

Morning Glory let out an excited noise as he pointed forward as if commanding his father to venture out into the city.

"Right you are." And off he went.

212 - Stand With Forefathers

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“Ya don’t gotta worry none. Ah know the Everfree Forest can be scary ‘n’ all, but so long as we stick ta the path ta Zecora’s hut, we should be fine and dandy.” Apple Bloom smiled reassuringly as she waited for her companion to catch up with her. He musta been quite nervous, since he’d been craning his neck every which way ever since they entered the forest!

Said companion, a human with glasses and dressed in fancy duds, turned his eyes away from the depths of the Everfree Forest to regard her as she spoke. For an instant he looked like he was going to admonish her, but she must have imagined it; his face showed only a polite smile as he spoke. “You’re very kind for saying so. I’m really very lucky to have such a brave filly as my guide.”

“Aw, this ain’t nothin’.” Smiling despite her modest words, Apple Bloom pressed forward. “Besides, ah was plannin’ on goin’ ta see Zecora again real soon anyway, so when ya asked it was really like buckin’ two trees with one kick, ya know?”

When she didn’t receive an answer to her question, Apple Bloom glanced back, only to smirk and roll her eyes. The human was peerin’ at every nook and cranny again, despite the fact that the forest seemed as empty as a schoolroom at suppertime on a weekend. Poor fella must be really high-strung. “Ya know, when we get back ta Ponyville, ah should really introduce ya to mah friend Jake. He’s a human too, and he really knows how ta relax.”

Receiving a noncommittal grunt in reply, Apple Bloom let the matter drop. They were almost there anyway.

A few minutes later, Zecora’s hut came into view. Running up to knock on the door, Apple Bloom called out. “Zecora! It’s me! Ya home?”

A moment later the door opened, and a familiar striped face appeared. “I was not expecting you so soon. What brings you here, dear Apple Bloom?”

“We just needed ta pick up a few more potions fer the farm. Also, this fella here said he wanted ta meetcha.”

Raising her gaze as Apple Bloom waved a hoof towards the human standing behind her, Zecora took in the sight of the immaculately-dressed human, who adjusted his glasses as he stepped forward. “I can see that this is so,” said Zecora as she stepped forward to greet her other guest, “but this face is one I do not know.”

“Allow me to introduce myself,” said the human. “My name is John Smith. I apologize for dropping by unannounced, but I have a favor I need to ask of you…”

Night reached out and clopped on the door, only for it to swing inwards without resistance. "Nefertari?" she called as she advanced slowly. "We need to talk."

Samantha followed directly behind. "She's in here, I'm sure of it."

The door closed behind them and a paw closed around Samantha's neck from behind, holding her but not restricting her airway. "You are a curious one, always knowing more than you should, but with means beyond magic or spirits both. Tell me, how?"

Samantha tried to turn, but the clawed paw on her insisted she remain right where she was. "Nefertari," she said with grave seriousness. "I would be delighted to compare notes, but only after we have discussed your blatant Golden Rule violations."

Night was under no such physical restriction and turned to face her mentor with a scowl. "Let her go."

"It is time for an important lesson." Nefertari made an odd gesture with her claws and Samantha got out barely a squeak before Nefer was holding an Onyx much like the first. "How to fight a shaman. You know how to put your will against a spirit, but simply wishing me to stop will hardly work." She ducked to the side as Night rushed her and circled around the enraged lunar pony. "And you know I am your physical better."

Night spread her wings defensively, making herself look larger than she was. "You can teach me things without stealing her mother, or her. Give them both back!"

"Make me." Nefertari smiled thinly. "You will succeed, and I will have the honor of truly meeting a peer, one I trained myself, or... you fail, and I take the spirit. It will be mine. Samantha, hmm, she's a bonus prize, to go to the winner in any event."

Surely she couldn't mean... Night's mind whirred with possibilities. Would a diplomat risk something that would get her sent home? Night frantically fumbled through the pieces. "That spirit is either worthless, or beyond value."

Nefer smiled at Night's statements. "Very good, now defend yourself. Make me, or admit failure." Purple energy gathered around her paws as she danced left and right. "How will you fight, student?"

Night's wings wreathed in the same purple. She had learned how to focus the anger of her forebears as Nefertari had done. Would it be enough? She darted in and made a quick swipe, only to be batted away as Nefertari danced out of the way and sent a bolt of pure pain lancing across Night's form, making her growl. The direct way wasn't going to work.

Trying to think instead of act, Night drew out the onyx and threw it to the ground before putting a hoof on it, crackling with purple energy. "I'll smash your ancestor."

Nefertari scowled. "Dirty, hmm, but valid. But are you ready to make good on that threat?"

Night pressed down on the Onyx, forming delicate cracks over its surface. "Give them back!"

"One spirit among many, and such a lesser one at that..."

"Is still worth more than the living." Night scowled at Nefertari. "Or did you lie about that? We serve the spirits, not the other way around." A lesson she had to learn herself in another direction.

Nefertari let out a thunderous laugh. "That is a sound argument." She flicked a finger and the stone danced out from beneath Night's hoof, born on a small spectral spirit of a dog that dropped it in Nefertari's waiting hand. "But futile. Still, it is good to know you were listening."

Night's grandfather suddenly bit Nefer from behind, sinking spectral fangs into her neck as he drove her to the ground.

She grunted in surprised pain. "How... You didn't summon..."

Night stepped forward slowly. "I act in service of the spirits, starting today with Samantha's. He came because I needed him, not because I called him." She lashed out a hoof suddenly, cuffing Nefertari across the snout. "Where is Samantha's mother?" The cuff knocked free Samantha's stone and she gathered it with a quick flick of a wing.

With a riot of energy in all directions, Nefer repelled the spirit on her back and bounded to her feet. "Clever." She spat some blood to the ground. "It looks like you've taken the bonus." She alternated her look between Night and her grandfather's spirit, both looking ready to battle her. "But if you can call an ancestor, so can I." She snapped a finger and a familiar she-jackal appeared.

The jackaless dove for Night's grandfather. "I will show you the power of Anubians!"

Things skewed dangerously, and it looked less good for Night. Who would she call to even the odds? Who could she call? Her grandfather was the only dead person she met personally... She reached out, hoping something would answer her call.

“I know you… no I don’t…” A pale mist formed into a half naked bipedal form, “You… talked to me once… I wasn’t awake but I heard you.”

Nefer raised a brow. "What's this, hmm, another offering?" She flashed a dangerous smile as the intriguing spirit took form.

"I think not." Night took a step forward. "Spirit, you owe me nothing, but another human is threatened by her, stolen from the grips of her daughter. Help me, please."

“I was not long in this world, nor long meant for it.” The spirit bowed its head. “Did Diane survive?”

Diane? "I will ch--" Night's words were cut off by a brilliant-purple lunge that forced her to dance away from her foe. "Please!"

“Who are you?” The spirit turned to Nefertari. “I remember you. The canine wife of the new prince. Me and Z, we followed the tabloids,” The spirit remarked with disinterest.

Nefer raised a brow. "You've summoned a mad spirit to fight me? It's not nearly mad enough to turn the tides. See how your grandfather withers before real opposition."

Across the room, Night's grandfather attempted to ward off his spirit foe, but he was being blasted and battered without mercy. It was clear which was the spirit with more experience.

“I like you, Nefertari of your people, I really do,” The spirit’s smile split into a mask of snakes, “But I asked only a simple question of you both. Is. My. Diane. Okay? I had ONE job.”

Nefertari broke into a laughter, cruel and deep. "It knows me, but I know not this 'Diane'. If you are not here to fight, leave." The final word was stated as a command, the awful pressure of her will behind it.

“Okay, then I’m with the pony.” The ghost of Charlie Madrie grinned broadly.

The fact that the spirit hadn't been repulsed by her mentor's command was encouraging. Night gestured with a wing at the jackal tearing into her grandfather. "Take care of that first." She dove ahead at Nefer, determined to keep her occupied.

“Oh I'm the ghost of Charlie Madrie from the hotel Canterlot!” the spirit broke into song as he assaulted the jackal, “I hate to break this to you but this is gonna hurt a lot.”

It wasn't as if the new spirit was experienced. No energy of ancient power focused around it, only simple rage and determination, but both had weight in the spirit world and were felt as a fist connected with the back of the surprised jackal as she was about to blast the downed lunar spirit.

In the moment of reprieve, he leaped at her and knocked her back into Charlie's grip. "Thank you." He didn't know the stranger either, but he knew when he was being helped.

Night threw down the onyx to the ground as she shouted, "Be free!" She felt the resistance, and it broke. Samantha stood, dazed and confused, where the stone had landed.

The mad spirit's song went on. “Ropes were made for tangling, angles made for angling, necks like yours I notice made especially for strangling!” The angry ghost beat the jackal's head repeatedly with the rage of generations of abused spirits.

Nefertari frowned at how things were going. "I can call more spirits than you dream, little student, more than you could dream!" She snapped her fingers, but none appeared.

Night frowned up at her. "So quick to throw aside your loyal spirit? She suffers for you." Night reared up, balancing with flaps of her wings. "You have failed as a shaman."

"Who are you to speak of me in such a way!" angrily shouted Nefer as she sent a purple sheet of energy flying at the berserk spirit that threatened her own. "Leave her alone, you mad creature!"

“You’re right.” The spirit paused a moment in careful repose. “This isn’t her fault. It’s yours…”

The jackaless collapsed to the ground, then faded from the world, gone to wherever spirits go to recover themselves.

Her grandfather looked thoroughly thrashed, but still had determination to stay beside his granddaughter. "Give it back," he growled, moving to approach Nefertari as the room turned against her.

“I will have my answer.” The spirit turned to Night with hopelessness in his heart, “Diane… she’s younger than she might look. If you see her, the real her, well I think you’ll remember her smile. Is she okay? Please tell me. If you know. If you see her… tell her...no just...”

Night shrank back a little from the intense aura the spirit was putting out. "What does she look like? Can we, uh, finish t--"

Nefer crashed into Night, tearing into her with wicked claws and equally sharp teeth, only to suddenly stop. She reached back with a quivering paw to wrench free a dart that had embedded itself in her rump. "Wha--" She passed out on the spot.

Samantha sat nearby, looking worried. "I know I wouldn't want to be knocked out, but I had to protect you…"

Night wriggled free from beneath Nefertari. "You're fine, promise, promise…" She sounded a bit harried, as well she was, with bleeding open wounds and tired from the fight. "Now… about Diane?"

“She’s a changeling,” Charlie pleaded, “She can look like anything she wants to. But when she’s being herself she has jaws like a shark… She’s… I know how it sounds, but she’s Pinkie Pie, if she were a juvenile changeling. You can’t miss her. If you summoned me you must have seen her?”

213 - Mother and Daughter

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With Nefertari defeated, Night went scavenging through her stuff and found a jar with Samantha's mother locked inside. "Here you are..." She popped open the lid and the spirit flowed free, liberated.

Samantha rushed up to her mother, tail swaying with building joy. "Mother, there you are. Has she been mean to you?"

"She didn't let me do much." She knelt down and gathered Samantha in a hug. "I'm glad to see you again, my precious daughter."

Night glanced between the friendly spirit and the mad spirit she had conjured. "Let's... find Diane." She knew one person that went by Diane. Was it Surprise? She'd find out by bringing them together. "This way." She lead her family free of that place.

As they went, Samantha perked an ear. "Why didn't you arrest her? Didn't she do enough to warrant that?"

"She didn't, not this time." Night pulled the door shut. "She gave me a test, and I passed. I even plan to continue learning from her, but don't accept her way as a good role-model."

Silver tapped his chin as he looked from toy to toy. The store was full of options, and the foals were delighted to poke and prod at all of them, showing no clear favorites. Which to pick? He couldn't very well take everything... "Shame my computer has no Internet, or I'd download some kid stuff there too."

He saw a salespony and approached them. "Excuse me..."

They both looked over at a crash. Clear Twilight had pulled over a shelf onto herself and caught it in a feat of strength as she scooped a toy off of it and let the shelf fall aside.

The mare gave a smile. "You have very spirited children." Her eyes darted back and forth between the two lunar foals that defied conventions. "What sort of toy are you looking for?"

"I want to encourage both of them, to have fun, but also be challenged." Silver rolled a hoof. "Nothing like a chore, youth is no time for that, not yet."

She went over and gathered up Clear Twilight along with the doll she had picked up. "Let's see what you like, hmm?"

She patiently had them try their little hooves playing instruments and putting together puzzles and other things before she gave her opinion. "Little Clear here clearly wants to learn the piano. She's a bit young for lessons, but you should consider as soon as she begins speaking reliably. Until then, this little play piano will steer her in the right direction." She left Clear hammering away at random keys in something suspiciously like the theme song to the show.

The mare approached Morning Glory only for him to skip past her with a twinkle of magic and bee-lined directly to Silver. Silver laughed a little and picked up his colt. "What's wrong?"

She smiled gently. "It's alright, some children get that way. He wants to explore with you, so I'll take the both of you." She began leading them through toys, plushes, puzzles and instruments, watching Morning Glory's reaction to each. "This may come as no surprise, but your colt likes his magic." She nudged over a small box. "This collection of foal-friendly magic tricks should keep him entertained and challenged, but may cause some headaches for you if you mind being outsmarted by foals." She leaned in. "We're all a little used to it around here."

Silver snorted and nuzzled Morning gently. "I'll take them both. I don't mind the idea of being outwitted by either of them."

Apple Bloom sighed as she led the way back to Ponyville. She’d hoped that her companion would be more talkative on the way back, but after he’d tucked away those whatchamacallits that he’d gotten from Zecora, he’d gone back to peering around the Everfree Forest. Being so totally ignored was enough to make her feel rather put out; even being nervous didn’t mean he had to go and ignore her!

Glancing back over her shoulder, Apple Bloom was about to try and start a conversation again, but something made her pause. There was something about the way he was acting…it didn’t seem quite right. Maybe it was due to how his eyes were narrowed, or that whenever he looked somewhere he stared at it intently instead of reluctantly, but something just seemed off. It was almost like…like…

“Yer lookin’ fer somethin’,” she blurted out as the answer suddenly came to her.

“What?” Her statement was enough to make John stop dead in his tracks, his gaze now firmly on her.

Apple Bloom stopped as well, turning in place to fully face him. “That’s why ya keep lookin’ all over,” insisted Apple Bloom. “It’s cuz yer tryin’ ta find something, ain’t it?”

“You’re mistaken.”

The response was immediate, but what made Apple Bloom suddenly feel uncomfortable wasn’t his words but his expression. Or rather, his lack of an expression; his face had gone completely blank, even as his eyes held hers unblinkingly. It was enough to make her take a half-step back out of reflex.

That seemed to trigger something in him, and the polite smile that he’d had the entire time was suddenly back on his face. “It’s not that I’m looking for anything,” he explained. “It’s just that I couldn’t help but take in the scenery.”

“O-oh, right. The scenery.” Nodding at the answer despite how unconvincing it was – there was nothing but thick forest all around them still – Apple Bloom turned around and started leading the way back again.

Several minutes passed in silence. Apple Bloom glanced back a few more times, but John wasn’t looking around anymore. Instead, his eyes were fixed firmly on her, that same smile on his face.

Now it was Apple Bloom’s turn to feel nervous. Trying to calm herself down, she spoke up again. “So, um, whaddya want those dream-thingies from Zecora fer? I mean, I know ya said that humans’re private ‘n’ all, but Princess Luna’s really great! She helped out me ‘n’ mah friends a whole buncha times!”

There was a long pause before he answered. “Dreamcatchers. And it’s a cultural difference, the same way that humans prefer to wear clothes all of the time.”

Apple Bloom was about to argue that Jake had never cared that Princess Luna might visit his dreams, but her rebuttal died as she glanced back at his unchanging expression again. Letting the matter drop, she instead picked up the pace a notch, suddenly wanting to get back to Ponyville as quick as she could.

Almost ten minutes later, they cleared the woods, causing Apple Bloom to sigh again, this time in relief. “Well, here we are! Guess ah’ll be on m’way now! See ya!”

She started to run back towards the farm…only to find herself cut off as John suddenly darted in front of her, his longer legs easily closing the gap between them. “Not so fast. I want to give you a reward for being such a lovely guide.”

His smile widened as he reached into a pocket. Apple Bloom felt her throat go dry, her previous nervousness spiking into full-blown fear. “Ah, that’s okay. Ah really don’t need anything…” she took a few steps back, only for him to advance on her as she did, refusing to let her get away.

“I insist.” He slowly withdrew his hand, holding something clenched within a fist. Reaching towards her, Apple Bloom bit her lip and leaned back as he opened his fingers to reveal…

A handful of bits.

Momentarily stupefied, Apple Bloom blinked at the coins, her gaze moving from them to John’s face and back again. She slowly held out a hoof, and he deposited the coins in it before stepping back. “Buy yourself and your friends something nice at Sugarcube Corner,” he explained, before giving her a polite nod and turning around to head back to Ponyville.

Apple Bloom watched him go for a few moments, suddenly unsure if what she’d just felt had been her imagination or not…

Night left the castle, leaving Samantha and her mother behind to talk. She had other matters to tend to, namely the spirit that she called. She made it about a quarter of the way to Sweet Surprises before she remembered that such a place didn't exist any longer and she pivoted in the right direction. "Surprise is going to be… surprised…"

“Who is Surprise?” The spirit stopped and considered, “I never knew any pony named Surprise…”

With the burning rage subdued for the time, other ponies marched right past the mad spirit without noticing it, even walking through him without knowing he was there. Night didn't have that choice. Being a shaman was complicated. "She wasn't Surprise before she got here, but she was, you know, Pinkie Pie. Either she's your Diane or she'd know where to look."

“She… she left me there…” the spirit contemplated his place in the living world.

Night approached the hive where she knew Surprise and her family stayed and nodded at the guards. "Hey, here to see Surprise this time." For a moment she was tempted to introduce her new 'friend', but they likely couldn't see him.

“The Pastel family is under guard Mrs. Watch,” the changeling guard countered without humor, “Is this official business?”

“She hasn’t heard!” the other guard chittered frantically.

Night perked an ear at the two of them. "I apologize, I've been a little preoccupied, but I'm certain she'll want to hear what I have to say,"

“Of course,” the guard immediately complied, “But there’s been a riot at the circus… and Train Wreck… he survived…”

Night flashed a fanged smile, equal as the changeling fangs she faced. "That's good news! I know the way." She moved to walk right past the guards and see what's going on. What circus?

“There’s a circus and a riot! “ The guard explained less than helpfully. “We were ordered to keep the Pastel family safe. This way, Mrs. Watch!”

Night perked an ear. "Was anyone hurt?" she asked as she went. "Is Surprise alright?"

“Surprise and Z are fine,” the guard assured, “The Princess and Train Wreck are going to bring Diane home.”

“She lives…” the spirit whispered, “I haven’t failed.”

Night glanced at her invisible friend but went quiet as they approached Surprise's room. She advanced right past the guard and clopped on the door. "Surprise? May I come in?"

“This is a… difficult time…” the voice on the other side of the door was sad and uncharacteristically timid.

An angrier, more assertive voice followed, “Tell the stupid bat pony that Z-978’s family doesn’t have time for what she thinks of them right now…”

Night rolled her eyes lightly, still, she deserved that to a point. "I'd really like to talk to you. A friend of Diane's wants to…" Crap, what should she say? "Can I come in?"

"Diane, It’s Charlie,” the spirit spoke briskly, “You left me to her. I told you she was coming for me, and you promised I would be okay. YOU PINKIE PROMISED!”

Night winced as the spirit's anger began to rise. "You guys are fine." She waved at the guards. "Thank you for showing me here."

“I- I’m sorry. I didn’t think… Know.. I thought when I should have felt…” Surprise wept openly, “But you did it. You found her. You kept her safe. You found our daughter, and you brought us together…”

“Who is Train Wreck?” the spirit turned on Night, “YOU BROUGHT ME HERE!!! Where is Diane?!?! Who is Train Wreck?”

Night heaved a largely internal sigh. "I'm trying to get inside to find out. I'm on your side, so please no shouting, alright?" She looked to the door and gave a little clop. "Can I come in, please?"

Surprised, a red unicorn approached cautiously, “I heard shouting…”

“It’s just blackberry pancakes between old friends,” Surprise explained to her newest ward, “You can both come in if you can restrain yourselves from upsetting my family any worse than they already are. This is a strawberry upside down cake conversation Charlie. So keep your voice down because I’m not sure what Z can hear.”

Night opened the door as things grew more complicated. "I'm not here to ask awkward conversations, just watch one." She nodded at the unicorn before she moved inside. "Can you see him? The one following me?"

“Charlie, are you really just standing right there… I never meant to leave you…”

“You should have had faith… The you that came back… it was Pinkie Pie… but it wasn’t Diane…”

“She’s okay,” Surprise reassured the ghost before her, “I can’t show her to you, but she’s wild and she’s free, and there’s no way anypony could hold her down. She’s safe.”

“Why are you lying to me Diane, WHY are you all LYING?!?!”

Night spread her wings a little. "Calm down. I know you don't want to calm down right now, but we aren't going to get answers like this."

“WHO IS TRAIN WRECK!?!?” the spirit demanded.

“I’m so sorry, Charlie,” Surprise cried freely, “I couldn’t save you--”

"--Enough!" Night cut in, stomping a hoof. "Sit down," she demanded forcefully, her wings going out fully. "I have made every attempt to be cordial. If you won't return the favor, this meeting ends here."

“I do not understand what has happened to me,” the spirit admitted in huff. "This is not the world I died in.”

"But here you are," offered Night. "Now here's a chance to be with those you love in some way. You're dead, and that sucks, but we have to face things as they are. Will you be a force for good or bad in the lives of those who live on?"

“I’m still here.” Recognition played across the spirit’s face, “And so is he. You didn’t trust me. You brought in a cuckoo’s egg. You thought I couldn’t make it back! I don’t need you! Any of you!”

“My family died!” the spirit laughed, “Or left me to watch them die! My slate is clean!”

Night tilted her head. "You just said you're from another world, that's about as clean as it gets." She gestured with a wing at Surprise. "She was from another world, and she's made something for herself. I'd like you to too, if you're willing." She took a slow breath. "Okay?"

“Night… no…” Surprise whispered too late.

“Oh yes,” the mad spirit laughed, “Another world, that excuses everything DOESN’T IT?!?! Have you told your new friend about the nice ch--"

Quite suddenly the spirit vanished, called off by magic alien to Night. She blinked at the empty spot, then turned to Surprise. "Um…" Did she say sorry? What to do in that situation entirely failed her. "He wasn't supposed to do that…"

“He’s… not wrong… I loved Charlie… I wish he could see that…” the green mare’s mane hung painfully straight.

Night approached the pained mare and offered her a gentle hug. "You did what you did. We can't mourn the dead forever."

214 - Comparing Notes

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Samantha beamed at her mother. "I'm so glad you're back! I've done some reading on traditional mother-daughter relationships and am ready to make up for lost time."

The spirit looked mildly confused, but interested. "We only have so long. Spirit or not, I am dead, and I have to go."

Samantha sent a portion of her papers flying with her magic. "Then we'll skip some. Mother, they want to adopt me, and I wanted to know if you're alright with that."


Samantha gestured around the room. "Silver and Night. You met Night, she's the one that called you and saved you. She's very nice."

She smiled gently. "If I was alive, I would be a little upset. You would be my daughter and none others, but I'm... not. I would rather you have good people in your life, but you won't forget me, right?"

"Of course not!" Samantha held up a book. "I've made up exhaustive notes of our interactions and I'm not ashamed to admit I was entirely wrong in my first impressions of you."

"What did you think?" She settled down, crossing her legs.

"I thought you had me out of some futile wish to prove your love despite the risks." She tilted her head. "Instead my father was the culprit. I still need to talk to him. He should have known giving birth to a unicorn is a trick only a pony can succeed at safely."

The apparition looked mildly uncomfortable, and changed the topic. "What are you doing with yourself, besides being adopted?"

Samantha quickly flipped through one of her notebooks. "Recently, I've become a salesmare with moderate success. I've won the respect of fellow salesponies."

Her mother ran a few fingers through Samantha's mane. She couldn't feel it, but the thought was nice. "I thought you were a scientist?"

"I am!" proudly declared Samantha. "But I have dedicated myself to learning proper socialization, which sales gives the opportunity to do." She directed a quill at the ghost that was her biological mother. "What did you do as a profession?"

"It all feels so distant and unimportant now." Her mother sighed softly. "I just want to know I left something in this world worth having. Are you happy with yourself?"

Samantha quickly bobbed her head. "I am, and I plan to continue to grow, as a person that is. My size is established." She looked down over herself. Yep, she was an adult. Growing much was unlikely. "Oh! I have news!"


"Something that should be told to a mother first." She flashed a smile. "I'm expecting a foal."

The ghost started. "Congratulations... but who with? Do you have a boyfriend?"

"Well don't tell, um, mom #2 but my calculated risk went awry."

"I don't understand." She shook her head slowly. "Just tell me you will love them, fiercely and forever, and give them all the affection I would have given you, had I the chance."

"I will," promised Samantha. She noticed her mother was fading and her ears went up. "Wait, we're not done catching up!"

"I have to go." She gently tapped Samantha on the nose. "I'm proud of you."

Samantha was left alone. The last time she had been abandoned by her mother, she was a little foal, and her father was there to insist everything was alright. She was an adult now, and knew her mother would leave, and they were much happier, so why was she crying?

She wiped at the tears, at first just to clear her eyes, then almost angrily. Why was she sad?! "This isn't logical," she complained, but no logic would compel her emotions to play along. She wanted her mother back. She wanted to hug her and know her. She pined for all the things denied her by her very existence. She sank to the floor, sniffling, and could think of no way to escape her suddenly-erected prison.

The door opened, admitting Silver and the foals and some boxes along with them. "Samantha?"

She sat up quickly, which was just as well as she was run into by two eager little foals. She hugged them both and began to cry into their pelts. She clenched them tightly as the emotions raged out of control in her. The foals didn't understand what was wrong, but they hugged their beloved Samantha tight.

Silver set the boxes aside and approached carefully. "What's wrong, Sam?" He received no answer and sank beside the three of them. He looked unsure but slowly reached out and drew them all into his grasp, and they all hugged. There was sadness, but it seemed smaller with all of them there to share it.

215 - Peers

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Nefertari slumped back in her chair. It had been a long day. She eyed her new jar, filled with angry red energy. Perhaps it wasn't entirely without merit...

A loud knocking on her door made her sit up sharply. With a flick of a finger, the drawer with the jar slid shut, hiding it from sight. "Who is it?"

"It's me."

It was Night Watch, her st... no, student was no longer the right word. "Enter."

Night stepped inside and closed the door behind herself. "We need to talk."

"We do." Nefer leaned forward in her seat, slumped a little with fatigue. "Today has been trying for us both, has it not?"

"It has," agreed Night as she settled on the small carpet. "I won."

"You did." Nefer raised a brow. "You did not come here to trumpet your victory to me, I hope?"

"No." Night sat up. "What you did was wrong. Do you argue that?"

Nefer flashed her deadly teeth. "Testing my pupil is wrong now? You have learned more today than many other single days combined."

Night smiled. "I was certain you said that, but you said a few other things."


"I am not your student." Night snorted softly.

"You aren't." Nefertari rolled a hand. "You could learn on your own now, peeling back the many layers of the mysteries without help or company."

"But I won't."

"I thought you wouldn't." Nefertari smiled toothily. "My peer, what wonders will we discover together, I wonder?"

"Oh, I wasn't speaking of you." Night turned her head. "Princess Luna is ready to learn beside me, and has exotic tomes she's eager to share with me."

Nefer felt a fist ball without her command. "She is no shaman!" She almost barked. "Why would you even bring her up? She's a unicorn and uses unicorn magic without shame."

"She is curious to see what I've learned." Night cast an eye on Nefertari. "As my wife--"

"What!?" Nefertari rose to her feet entirely. "Since when do you even tolerate her? What will the ponies of this nation think?"

Night mostly turned from Nefertari. "She has made her mistakes, but they were mistakes, and she has learned from them. She knows remorse, unlike some."

"And the people?" Nefer sneered. "They will revolt at the idea of one of their perfect princesses marrying another mare."

"Which is why she will not marry me." Night waved a wing lightly. "She will marry our herd, and become part of it. Celestia as well." She glanced over her shoulder. "I will be over you, politically speaking."

She clenched her teeth a moment. She was being riled, and she knew it. She was being manipulated and toyed with. The worst part was that it was so effective. She hadn't felt blinding anger like that in some time. She was in a bad place, and she had to let go. This battle would not be won, not this way. "I see. Well, you must be terribly busy."

"Never too busy to thank my former teachers." Night dipped her head, then moved for the door. A wing grasped it and began to turn it, only to pause. "How's your ancestor doing?"

"She's fine," growled out Nefertari, forcing her voice to be even. It had been a long and trying day. "And yours?"

"Still sore, but happy to be there." Night turned the knob and the door swing half an inch, still not quite open. "Shame you won't get a human spirit to examine..."

Nefertari smiled at that. If only Night knew... No, it was better she didn't. "I will have other opportunities."

"Perhaps." Finally Night opened the door and she was gone through it. "I have to check on my family." The door closed behind her and Nefertari felt and heard her leaving.

She was alone. No, she wasn't. Nefer pulled open the drawer, revealing the angry human spirit in a jar. "Hello, my dear. Oh the things we will learn..." She carefully hefted the jar into view and turned it around, eyes sparkling with possibilities. "The spirits said the key was around Silver, and not one, but two, hmmm. Patience is a virtue, and you're much better than that passive spirit ever could be." She tapped the top of the jar. "Almost too aggressive."

Grinning with rejuvenated glee, Nefer tucked the jar away and closed the door, promising to herself she'd devote time to it. In the meanwhile, she was exhausted from a day of battle, both with her student and her prize. "Mad spirits are so difficult to contain," she grumbled to herself as she settled for a nap.

"I'm home!" announced Night as she opened the door and discovered the rest were gathered around their dining table with Silver serving up food for Samantha and the foals. The scene struck her as odd. "Did I miss something?"

"I made pork chops," declared Silver as he slapped down what was clearly mashed potatoes and something green was on the plates as well. A dancing nose revealed it to be string beans to Night. "Come and sit and join us."

Night did climb into a seat, but her eyes were on Silver, and Samantha seemed subdued. Something had happened while she was away, besides... "When did you make meat? I mean, you don't usually, and for Samantha?"

Samantha tapped the table. "My mother was a human, so she was omnivorous. I want to try some meat. Is that bad?"

"No! No no." Night shook her head in firm denial. "I mean, I like meat." She sniffed softly at her proposed dinner and decided Silver had prepared it passably. She sank her fangs into one of the chops and gave a contented mmm. "Where did you find any pig?"

"Small griffon shop?" Silver held up one hoof awkwardly before he remembered to bring up another hoof to make the small space between. "Kind of out of the way, but they had everything I wanted and some I didn't recognize. I figured griffon pigs were less smart."

"They just care less." Night shrugged a little before she took another large bite. Silver looked stunned, and she figure out why quickly. "Oh! Yeah, they're probably dumber."

"I'm eating a sapient..."

Night swatted herself with a wing. "I don't know! You should ask the griffons, not me."

"I already cooked it!" Silver pushed his plate away with a sudden loss of appetite. "I don't want to eat anything that could theoretically ask me nicely not to."

Samantha peeked at them and down at the foals that were eating without heavy thought of morality. Her horn glowed to Silver's sight as she raised her chop into easy range and took a bite out of it. Unicorn teeth were less suited for meat rending, but she managed. "Are human pigs different?"

Silver almost said a few things, but they died in his throat. He'd never met an Earth pig. Maybe they were quite clever animals that he never got a chance to... He eyed the meat and sighed before he looked to Night. "Tell me fish aren't smart."

"Dumb as nails so far as I know." She cleaned the last easy part of meat from the bones. "Nice food, by the way. You shouldn't let yours go to waste. It's not like skipping it will bring it back to life."

As Silver got to eating his food, Night smiled a little. It was as good a time as any. "So... Celestia stopped by." Silver tensed. Night was pretty sure he knew before she said anything, but that was proof. "Luna too." Night leaned forward a little. "They want to join our herd, imagine that..." She enjoyed watching Silver squirm, but she didn't intend to keep him hooked for long. "I think I'll accept them."

Silver sagged with relief. "Really?"

"I have a condition."

Silver perked an ear at Night.

"Fast has to be in. All the Canterlot royalty. She deserves this..."

Silver tilted his head. "Did you talk to them about that?"

"No, but it's not up to them." She pointed at Silver. "What do you think of it?"

Silver gathered himself and sat up. "I would be delighted, to have her back that is."

"Then it's settled." Night nodded. "Samantha and the foals will be the youth of our herd, which will consist of me, you, Fast, Luna and Celestia. We will announce this to the world at the coronation and make it clear that you're not seeking others and I shall not be nominating any others."

Samantha tilted her head. "Are there laws concerning breeding and 'youth'?"

Silver blinked at the question. "Yes, of course. Foals shouldn't be messed with that way. They're too young."

"Oh! No!" Samantha shook her head. "No foals involved, I mean, not in the act of breeding."

Night raised a brow faintly. "It doesn't become alright after they're adults, not with their parents. That's incest and has..." She paused to make it more scientific. "Dramatically increased chance of genetic malfunction."

"Oh, yes that makes sense." She silently ticked a box. She was not related to her foal's father, so that was not an issue, nor was she a foal, so there was nothing to be worried about. "This is very good." She enjoyed the pork and everything with it, but she liked the company even more.

Night looked to Silver. "We can't just let them in improperly."


"We should do this right." Night sat up. "I want to greet them as First Wife, and then you can approve of my nomination, or not, properly as stallion. Let's get off to the right hoof and follow the proper rituals."

Silver rolled a hoof. "Do you know the proper ceremony?" She nodded with certainty. "Then show me." He hopped down from his seat, wings flapping on their own a little before settling. "If we're being formal, we should both be playing our parts, so show me what I should do."

Night hopped down beside him and went with him to the living room to practice.

Samantha looked to the two foals, who looked back at her. "They're doing complicated social ceremonies," she said and they nodded as if they understood completely. "How about we have ice cream while we wait?" They cried out in joy at the idea and she began to collect the plates and things to prepare for dessert.

None of them got to sleep quickly, but none of them retired unfulfilled. Thoughts of the future danced in their heads, though not all were of the same future and the same hurdles they would have to overcome.

216 - Invitations

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Night felt good. She had a lot of reasons to feel good. She was an official shaman, she was the First Wife of her herd, a position she had grown comfortable with wearing like a good suit. There were only a few little things in her way from perfection, but it was in these little details that problems could crop up. Problems she could, and should, address.

She knocked softly on the door before entering, or was that exiting? She left the hallway into the garden where the Royal Sisters had agreed to see her and marched over the grass towards them. They were seated around a table and were talking to an officious-looking unicorn stallion of advanced age. She had the decorum to stay back and let them talk until he rose and bowed before trotting off on his own business.

That meant she could come closer, so she did with a smile. "Do you still petition to join?" She raised a brow. She had no doubts, but it was formal to ask to be sure.

Luna dipped her head. "We do, First Wife. Do y--

Celestia's wing extended, cutting off Luna's words. "You're looking especially in good spirits."

Night started faintly. She didn't expect Celestia of all ponies to cut off the process. There had to be a reason. "I am...."

She leaned forward over the table. "Good, because I want this to be shared." She spread her wings. "You, First Wife, have an unusual position. You are a wife in a group that outranks you, socially, but you hold a key position within them. Fortunately, you have already provided a solution."

Night felt her eyes darting without her leave, to take in the position of the guards and anything else that may serve her. "I have?"

"She has?" agreed Luna, looking equally as confused.

Celestia nodded. "Equestria has few experts in the field of shamanism, and here you are. Would you do me the honor of accepting the title of--"

Night understood where Celestia was going and her mind raced. Did she? She was a shaman, it was true, but she was a new one. There were a million things she didn't understand.

Celestia saw that doubt and reached to pat a cushion beside her. "Sit. You must be worried about your lack of knowledge, but is that not true of all learners? You know enough to learn more, and you are eager to do so. Are you willing to guide others towards this?"

Luna looked between the two mares and brightened. "I should have thought of that myself. All the more logical that I would share that book with you."

"And that we would form a herd of nobility." Celestia nodded. "Will you become Equestria's Shaman?"

Night cleared her throat as she settled down. "Won't there be cries of favoritism?"

"Oh, certainly. I should name any other pony of Equestria to the task. Very well, the second best shaman shall have the title." Celestia looked around slowly. "That appears to still be you."

Night quirked a smile. "Alright, let's assume I accept that, shall we continue?"

"Not quite so fast." Celestia shook her head. "It needs to be clear to all what we're doing. You, as much as you may not like it, will accept our plea to join your herd in public sight, and we will bow to you as First Wife. If we do this quietly, there will forever be doubt about who is the true matriarch of this herd, and they will assume it's me, as matriarch of the nation." Celestia looked to her sister. "Do you agree?"

"I see what you imply," spoke Luna. "I thought we were to make the public showing at Silver's coronation."

"Too late," spoke Celestia in somber tones. "The herd will stand together, but it must be formed ahead of time." She reached suddenly and stopped before dipping her head. "I've been rude. I saw your smiling face and the bounce in your step and assumed you came to deliver good news to us, very particular news. Was I right?"

Night glanced between the two sisters, one larger than the other. "You're not wrong... But you are ruining the moment." She cracked a little smile. "I may as well bring it up, but I plan to invite Fast Change to this."

"The changeling princess?" asked Luna with a raised brow.

Celestia shook her head. "I know you've had past relations with her, but... must you?"

Night frowned a little. "We never separated from her because we wanted to, and she misses us." The angry words of Fast Change were still clear in her mind, practically crying as she admitted her sadness. "Besides, I have an angle for it."

Celestia looked, but said nothing. It was permission enough, so Night continued, "We will be the Canterlot herd. You all operate from Canterlot. Cadance and Twilight are not Canterlot, which is why they are not involved. Fast Change does, and is a princess, so of course she is. Easy and simple."

Luna tapped her chin with a metal-clad hoof. "It's so much new to throw at once. Can we not induct her afterwards, when things have calmed down?"

Celestia had a bit more tact. "We should make our approach to her, in private, so she knows we're waiting but coming."

Night smiled at that. "I think I could... live with that, but it's my decision, not either of yours. You're not even in yet." Her wings ruffled on her back a little as she fidgeted. "I'll talk to her." She rolled a hoof. "However, she has waited a long time already... She may not be thrilled to hear she's the one asked to wait some more."

Luna flashed a bright smile. "You should bring Silver with you. His presence will calm her, and he deserves to know in either event."

That seemed like a good idea to Night and she rose to her hooves. "I'll do just that. Celestia, let me know when and where you want to do this."

"I will."

She trotted out of the room, having not formally invited either to the herd or to be examined and judged by the stallion. She had other things to worry about, such as Fast Change, and her new title. "Royal Shaman of Equestria," she tried quietly to herself. She would be expected to lead studies and see to students, presuming this wasn't an empty title. Studies...

Night flashed a smile. She knew exactly who to approach for that. She found Samantha in a park near the castle, watching the foals, scribbling notes, and enjoying the warm sun.

"Samantha," she called, which drew the attention of her foals. Soon she was swarmed by them and offered each a wing to hug tightly to her sides a moment. "Samantha, I've been given a new title."

"Congratulations." Samantha picked up Clear Twilight in her magic and floated the earth pony to her back. "Are we to celebrate?"

"Later, but I wanted your help. You know how to conduct studies, don't you?"

Samantha's eyes lit up. "You want me to do a study? Officially?" She clopped her hooves with building joy. "I would be delighted. What are we examining? Is there a theory to test? Do we have a control prepared?"

Night swung Morning Glory to ride on her own back, one foal to a parent. "We'll have to go over that, but I'm the Royal Equestrian Shaman, which means we will be expected to study the effects of shamanism."

Samantha tilted her head. "I'm going to have to make new measuring devices." Her tone implied she accepted it more as a challenge than a set back. "Wait, are there other shamans besides you?"

Night pointed to the castle. "There's Nefertari, but she hardly counts."

"She's the only one besides you, how can she not count?" Samantha shook her head. "We can't perform proper tests without a control and a reasonable sample size. If this is going to be official, we need more shamans. Is this a learnable skill? We should begin training new class as quickly as we can."

Night quirked a smile. Asking her future adopted daughter had some detriments. "Samantha, I do want other ponies to learn this, but I have to be sure it's safe to do so. We can't just do it because we can."

Samantha pointed at herself. "Then I will be your first student!" She leaned in close, Clear dangling a bit as she leaned off to the side of her mount. "What's the first thing I have to know? I met a spirit before. My mother counts, right?"

Night reached out a wing to gently correct Clear's sitting. "It's not that simple. We'll go over it later." She wasn't sure she wanted Samantha as her first student. "I have to visit Fast Change first." She gently extracted Morning Glory from her back, gave him a nuzzle and set him down near Samantha. "Thank you for watching your siblings."

"That's part of what siblings do." Samantha nodded with certainty. "I'll do some reading on the subject while you're away and be ready to begin when you're ready."

It would have to do. Night nodded and went to find Silver to begin the next leg of her journey. She approached his office and stayed to the side as a human emerged with an uncertain but hopeful expression.

Night entered after him to find Silver gazing out a window. She glanced where the human had gone. "Everything alright?"

"Mostly." He turned to her and slid to his hooves. "Awkward start of things. He didn't believe I used to be human, and once he did, he didn't have much nice to say about being a 'horse fucker', and things went downhill a bit, but I convinced him, personal decisions aside, I was devoted to helping. We made some progress... What about you?"

Night snorted softly. "You'll be with people more like horses soon, given Celestia's size if nothing else, but avoid telling her that. I doubt she wants to hear it. Speaking of her, and Luna, we're to make a public showing of their proposal and our acceptance."

"That figures." Silver rolled his eyes as he approached and kissed each of Night's cheeks. "You look like you're ready to take off again."

"Nowhere without you." Night returned the kisses. "I'm going to Fast Change. We're going to let her know that she will be invited, but it will be held off until after the public has settled down about you and us and everything." She suddenly remember something. "Oh! I'm Royal Shaman of Equestria now."

Silver blinked. "Congratulations." He moved past her towards the door. "Let's tell Fast about that too. I'd rather get it all out of the way, but at least we're moving in the right direction. Nothing's out of place at the moment."

"At the moment," agreed Night hesitantly as she followed.

217 - A Fast Change

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Night walked alongside Silver, when a pony approached and spoke softly to Silver. She could hear, of course. A monster claiming it was human had stopped by.

Silver nodded to the man. "Duty calls. Let me make sure they're alright and then we'll head out, alright?"

"Want me there?" Night's wings spread faintly, ready for a fight.

"That's not the signal I want to send." He kissed her nose. "They wouldn't just march over if they wanted to make trouble. I'll talk to them." He trotted off with a hopeful look.

Night sighed softly and quirked a smile. "Stupid stallion, how am I supposed to protect you..." She waited though, and kept close to that office as she could get without being obvious. Eventually Silver emerged. "How'd it go?"

Silver perked an ear. "He was like a ghost. But, he was human that needed help. He seemed nice enough, but so hurt..."

Night tilted her head. "I've seen that look, what are you planning?"

"Oh, um... I kind of promised to swap with him."

Night blinked softly. "What?"

"Just for a day!" promised Silver. "And neither of us are doing anything we wouldn't normally do with people we shouldn't. Oh, he's Surprise's stallion, to note."

She prodded him lightly. "You're testing me, aren't you?" she shook her head as she rose, ready to walk. "Well you won't get me that easily. Go, and I'll show your new friend around Canterlot."

"I'm not doing it to get you," promised Silver as they left the castle and got to hiking to the hive. "Huh, I'm suddenly reminded, you ever hear what happened to my flying tutor? Sneaking in quick flights is one thing, but I'd like to do it right."

Night turned to look at her own wings. "I could show you the rules of the air easily enough, but the difference between a lunar and a solar pegasus wing type, that's different..."

"That's a start, but I really should get that tutor."

They arrived at the hive and were allowed in past the guards with almost no resistance. They were directed to a room to wait, just to have a very skinny pony with glasses come in, adjusting his frames as he went, which made Night adjust her own in reflex. "Oh, um, am I in the right place?"

Night saw something but kept her mouth shut.

Silver leaned forward. "We're waiting for Fast Change, are you a friend of hers?"

He bobbed her head. "Oh, I know her, closer than a sister really." He gave a big grin, braces shown on his teeth. Everything about him screamed a geek of some kind.

Too much. Silver tilted his head, starting to wonder, but afraid to be rude. "Oh, friends?"

"Uh huh, she sleeps with me." He bobbed his head.

Silver blinked in surprise, then it clicked. "Oh yeah, I imagine you would sleep with yourself, barring extreme existential crisis."

He was engulfed in green flames and a unicorn with ruddy red fur was left behind, smiling. "Too thick?"

Silver nuzzled her gently, an affection eagerly returned. "Fast, we have news."

"News?" She glanced at Night, then back at Silver. "You've come to announce your marriage, haven't you..." She sounded a bit less enthused, but forced a smile.

Night shook her head. "Yes, but not to me. Fast, will you join our herd? I know we--"

Her words were silenced by a tight hug from Fast. "Tell me you're not joking. No, really, tell me. I need to know for sure."

Silver carefully pulled her back, which got him the hugs instead.

"I'm not joking," insisted Night. "But there is a catch."

Fast got a sour expression as she sat up. "Of course there is, well, what is it?"

Night pointed at Silver. "Ok, first, the herd will be me, Royal Shaman of Equestria--"


"Thank you." Night adjusted her glasses. "Prince Silver Watch, and Princesses Luna and Celestia."

Fast started and leaned in. "You bagged them both?" She erupted in an uneven laughter. "Oh sweet Ce-- That sounds wrong, um, still. Alright, but where's the catch?"

Silver answered that one. "You have to wait until after my coronation."

Fast tilted her head. "Hardly much of a catch. We'll all wait until you have the crown before we pin you to the floor, fair's fair."

Night rubbed behind her head with a hoof. "About that...?"

"Out with it," demanded Fast with a soft clop. "The suspense is killing me. I'm in, right?"

Night nodded. "You are, but Celestia asked you to join after her and Luna."

Fast's expression soured. "Fine, whatever, so he gets his crown, you grab the Royal pains, and then you grab me?"

Silver saw things going in a circle. "No. They'll join the herd first, then the crown, and then you."

Fast stuck out her tongue. "That's stupid. Do they think I'll mess up the coronation? I managed my own pretty well."

Night squirmed a little. "It's not my idea, I swear--"

She was cut off by Fast pushing her roughly against a wall. "We had a talk already. Just tell me straight. Why?"

Silver cleared his throat. "Let's not get upset. Celestia and Luna think easing you in would be better and make for less stressed out ponies than having you with everyone all at once, since having them in at all is already going to make people's heads flip."

Night pushed Fast back carefully. "We wanted you to know as soon as possible that we'd be coming for you, and that we didn't forget you. I stood up to them for you. They wanted to... I shouldn't foment trouble between herd-sisters, and that's what you and they will be, besides co-princesses. They're nervous, you can see why, right?"

"Of course I do." Fast deflated a little. "I'm a big nasty changeling. One they think they can handle, but still a changeling, so I get to wait..." She rose to her hooves. "Fine..."

Silver shook his head violently. "Please, no. We lov--"

"I can feel that coming from you." Fast turned to Night. "Not quite you. Still feel the burn of our last 'chat'?"

"Chat?" asked Silver.

Night cringed. "I deserved every syllable... Fast, we want you to be part of this. I. I want you to be part of this." She touched her own chest. "I mean that with complete sincerity."

Fast pointed at Silver. "I'm taking your stallion, two hours." She went over to the surprised Silver and hefted him up in her magic. "I'll return him when I feel like it."

Silver flared out his wings. "Hold on. I have opinions and they matter."

"Of course they do," said Fast with dripping sarcasm. "Top or bottom? Decide quickly."

Night covered her face as they left with Silver complaining the entire way in stammers. She was left alone and sighed. Fast did have a point, and it was one Night tried to not face away from. "Grandfather?"

The spectral figure appeared quickly and looked around at the empty room. "What is it? You sound upset, but I see nothing."

Night tapped her chest. "What's wrong is in here. I'm going to ask you something that will probably bother you."

"Do you want me to go?" he asked sadly. "My little--"

"No no! Goodness, no." She kissed both his cheeks and hugged him close. "Do you have any experiences with filly foolers?"

He blinked softly in confusion. "Er, well, I'm a stallion, so..."

"Colt cuddlers then, same thing." Night leaned forward a little. "Please be honest."

He shivered faintly. "When you command, I can feel it, but I assume you're asking nicely. I... I tried once, with a friend, as a foal. Happy?"

It was quite an admission. The pressure against filly foolers was less than colt cuddlers, despite being the same thing. She gently nuzzled into the right side of his face. "Thank you for sharing that. Alright, so... there's this mare..."

"You're leaving your husband for her? I expected a little mor--"

"Not that!" Night's wings flared as she adjusted her glasses. "My husband likes her fine, and we've invited her to the herd. She introduced me to the idea of filly fooling..." She blushed softly, growing worse with every word. "Good things, but we've been apart, and we've even fought, and a small part of me thinks the distance is too wide to go jumping across, even as she skips back and forth like it's barely even there."

He looked just as uncomfortable, squirming in place. "Alright, I understand that. Now... I'm a stallion, and I only married once, but we did have arguments, sometimes really bad ones. She went home once, to her parents. I thought we were through... But I let that anger cool, and I stared into her eyes, and she stared into my eyes... I won't forget that night, but we stayed married until death parted us." He cracked a little smile. "I sound terribly goofy."

"No, no..." Night leaned forward slowly. "That's... just what I needed to hear." She raised a brow behind the thick glasses. "Did you ever expect to have this conversation with your granddaughter?"

"While I was a ghost? No, this about tops the things that happened that I thought wouldn't." He smiled a little. "But I'm proud to do so. You be the best First Wife you can be, and be happy doing it, even with the rough moments." He rose to his hooves. "I know you can do it. Is there anything else?"

"No..." Night tilted her head a little. "Thank you, for coming. I meant to ask, am I keeping you away from things?"

"If I wanted to go, I'd tell you." He snorted and glared at her. "I'm too stubborn not to, even if you kept me chained at your side, because you're just as stubborn at times. I like protecting my granddaughter, even if that means giving embarrassing advice at times." He spread his wings wide and flapped, though he didn't take flight. "I do have a favor to ask though."

"Hmm? Ask." Night became curious what it might be even as she stood up too.

"Let me ride while you fly." He smiled brightly. "I haven't felt the wind pass over me or the simple pleasure of flying in general in a while. Being dead tends to do that to you." He directed a hoof at Night. "You can pick the where and how, but can I, please?"

218 - Pillow Talk

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Fast turned to Silver. "Do you still love me like this?"

He wrapped a leg around her and drew her closer. She was a changeling, even if she only had one hole. She was an insect, and he had no love for those, but he had love for Fast Change. He gently nuzzled into her neck and she sighed out. "You know the answer to that."

"Maybe, but I want to hear you say it." She turned around under the covers with him. "I thought you had moved past me... past..." She bit back the statement on her chitinous lips.

Silver rolled with her as two became one. "I will love you even if you start smelling like garbage and gain the consistency of cheese, though kindly don't do that."

Fast wrapped her legs around him, holding him close and relishing the feelings he brought both emotionally and physically. "Forget them... Celestia would forgive you. Let's get married, right now. Make them wait, see how they like it..."

Silver kissed along her throat, watching it flex with each touch of the sensitive flesh. "You know I won't do that. This is one more little delay, then we're together, forever."

Fast wrinkled her snout. "Not forever. I don't live in that castle, and I doubt Celestia and Luna will let you live here, so..." She rolled over, taking the superior position over Silver. "Still, better than what I had. Will you be... I lay broods now. Multiple eggs, all at once... Will you be happy being a father of that?"

Silver thought back to the swarm of changeling younglings that had surrounded him before. "I'd certainly try my best," he said honestly. "If they are half as lovable as their mother, that won't be hard."

She smiled at that. "Maybe that's why Chryssie avoided tapping that flank, but you're an alicorn, a prince... Who's to even say how things will react. Will I lay normal changelings, something more, or something less?"

Silver pushed against her, drawing a gasp of pleasure from the insectoid mare. "Definitely more, for what other changeling will share us as parents?"

Fast squirmed away from him and stood up. "Look at you..." She ran a hoof slowly down his back as he raised. "You're bigger, stronger, hmm, mind if I say sexier?" She bit into his shoulder and got a shove in return, but then he was on her, hugging her tight. "I can... feel it, but I still want to hear it."

Silver waved at her. "Fine, I love the person in front of me, from when I first met them as a wild-eyed shapeshifter hiding from themselves, to the delicate unicorn that I cherished, to the quee--"


"Princess of all these changelings. I would like you to be a part of my herd, just as you were before. Will you join us?"

She raised a brow even as green flames overtook her and she became human, a female human. As Silver began to blush furiously, Fast drew him close. "What an interesting species you began as. Swollen mammaries, greater male and female differences, and furless, mostly." She trailed furless fingers along Silver from between his ears and down his back. "I'd say yes to your question, by the way, but you don't get to ask that. I'll join when Night is ready to have me."

Silver nuzzled a shoulder softly. "When did you learn how to be human?"

"As if you're the only one." she rolled her eye as she became her usual ruddy-red self. "Some come here, desperate for some hairless company, and it doesn't get much more hairless than the typical changeling hive." She hopped down from the bed and trotted towards a container of water that was hefted by her magic and poured out into a glass. "Go on, see that Night's not gone crazy waiting for us. I endured this long, a few more weeks won't kill me."

Silver slid down after her and came up behind her. He hugged her quietly before he left, closing the door gently with his magic.

She quirked a little smile. "A little bit more..."

Silver found Night and they shared a nuzzle. He was sure she could tell he'd been up to things with Fast. It wasn't that great a leap. "Want to do anything? Together? She's alright."

"Is she?" Night nodded. "She's a strong mare. As tough as I try to be, I have to remind myself it'll be nice to be surrounded by other strong ponies." She pointed at Silver. "Starting with you."

Silver quirked a smile at that. "Let's see about those flying lessons. I'd like to fly with you instead of walking, and pretty much the entire herd will be flyers."

They trotted from the hive. The energy between them was firm and healthy. They liked being near one another, and it showed in the way they trotted along side by side.

When they reached the castle, Samantha was waiting for them with the two foals. She had them tethered with little leashes that ran to harnesses that let them wander without getting out of sight, though neither wanted to go far when they saw their parents returning.

Silver and Night shared a hug between their foals and their soon-to-be-adopted daughter,

He raised an ear. "You're not at all upset, right?"

"Hmm?" Samantha looked confused. "About what?"

Silver nuzzled one of her ears. "Not being part of the herd."

She blinked at him. "But I am. My position has changed, but that's alright. I'll be the daughter of several great ponies, and I won't be socially obligated to breed." She said it as if it were all a positive. "Why would I be upset?"

Night shook her head. "He's just being silly."

"Ah." Samantha nodded firmly. "I do appreciate that facet of your personality, father." She looked between them. "You don't appear to be ready to relax. What remains to be done?"

Night pointed a wing at Silver as she cradled Morning in the other. "He's waited long enough getting a tutor to fly."

"I know just the right pony," cried Samantha as she bounced to her hooves. She surrendered the leashes to their parents and hurried off, even as Silver tried to extract information from her.

As soon as she was by herself, she wrote a letter out.


I hear you saved Equestria several times. So did my father. I want you two to meet. He has wings but he's not used to them. You taught Princess Twilight Sparkle to fly if news is accurate, so you have the needed experience to help my father reach his educational goals. He's a prince, if that helps. If not, disregard that information. If you accept this assignment, please report to Canterlot Castle and ask for Ambassador Silver Watch.

Hoping You Will Say Yes,
Samantha Watch

PS: Watch is not my official second name, but I think I like it. Do you?

She folded the letter carefully and surrendered the bits needed to get it where it was going. Samantha hoped she would hear back soon from the national hero. Beaming, she went right along with her day. The foals were in the hooves of their parents, so she abandoned them from her thoughts and checked her schedule. "I almost forgot!" She rushed to not be late for an educational class on how to sell to reluctant ponies and close sales.

Yes, each class, lesson, and book cost money, but it took money to get money. It was a good thing Silver had bits for her to borrow.

"Samantha!" cried out a familiar voice and she smiled as she turned to see her favored salesmare. Samantha had instructed her how to become competent and gladly shared social greetings of hoof clops and brief hugs. "Samantha, where are you going?"

She pointed in the direction of the class. "I'm expanding my skillset."

"How do you afford all those?" asked the salesmare with a soft pout.

"Don't worry." Samantha beamed a bright smile. "I'll show you what I learn." She always shared what she learned with those under her. Their success was her success, that's what they had said. They had wanted her to sell them the classes too, but if they were busy spending their money instead of making it, how would anyone win?

Of all the salesponies, she had earned a reputation for being one of the best to be under. She shared every trick she found and seemed genuinely interested in their well-being. Her own superior, the lunar colt, was happy to sell her classes, but expressed little interest in her health or mood.

That was all alright by Samantha. She would be the best salespony, and that included being the best for those that worked with her. Their success was her success. "How's today going?" She got the update of the day and gave encouraging words to the salesmare. "Your numbers are up from last week, and that week from before. Making sure no sales are overlapping has produced dividends for us both."

The salesmare gave Samantha a warm hug and wished her well with the class before she got back to work. She had a class to get to, so Samantha hurried her trot and got to the building quickly, confident that her ponies were doing well.

Rainbow Dash's eyes scanned back and forth over the letter before she snorted. "She has to be joking..." She took off with the letter and quickly zipped to Twilight's castle. She was in, as was Spike and Jake. "Hey, Twi! Check this out." She dumped the letter on Twilight's head. She had been aiming a few inches off, but close enough.

Twilight plucked the letter from her head with a huff before she started to read it, muttering softly as she did so. "Huh. Are you going to do it?"

"What? It's obviously a prank. I'm not gonna get fooled that easy."

Twilight raised a brow. "He hasn't had a crowning yet, but he is an alicorn, and he does have wings. I've been talking with him via correspondence and can verify those as facts."

Rainbow tilted her head. "No way!"

Jake snorted softly, going a little red with what could be jealousy. "So now he wants flying lessons from the best?"

Rainbow thumped her chest. "Which is why he came to me! Teaching a prince huh? Two royal students, that'll improve my odds with the Wonderbolts for sure and bump me up the roster to get on the active team..."

Jake's ruse was turned against him and he moved to get a drink of water, angrily. "Some people get all the luck," he muttered under his breath.

Twilight smiled. "Does that mean you accept? I can send a letter with Spike and have it in his hooves before the day's over."

Rainbow looked thoughtful a moment before she nodded. "Sure. I could use a challenge, and teaching alicorns how to fly is a challenge." She saw Twilight looking cross. "Hey hey, look, you're not a born flier. You have a thousand misconceptions on how flying 'should' work instead of how it does. I'll have him straightened out in no time. I wonder if he crashes like you did..."

219 - Taking Flight

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Silver looked up as a knocking came from his office door. "Come in!"

In came a guard with a familiar cyan pony behind him. "Rainbow Dash here to see you, sir."

Silver blinked in confusion to see her even as she launched herself at his desk and started looking him over. "Nice flight feathers, complete coverage, acceptable flight muscles. We'll have you flying in no time."

The guard left silently. Silver was left alone with RD peering at his every feature. "Are you who Samantha was thinking of?"

"Huh? Oh yeah!" Rainbow produced Sam's letter and offered it. "She wasn't pranking us, was she?"

Silver shook his head quickly. "No no, she's a bit eager, but she wouldn't do that. So, here's the deal." He pointed back at his wings. "I know how to fly. I can get off the ground, I can land, and I can even turn. But here's where it gets strange."

"Try me." She raised a brow. "I've seen it all when it comes to flying."

Silver spread his wings wide to either side, showing off the brown plumage to Rainbow. "First--"

"You're terrible at preening." RD raised a brow and stepped in closer to prod at the more obvious places. "Look, you take time to comb your mane, take time to preen your wings. One'll keep you in the air, and one just looks nice. One guess which is which."

Silver darkened at being called out. "That's one thing, but not the main thing. I know how to fly like a lunar pony."

RD blinked softly. "I have to see this. Come on, let's see you use those wings." She slid open the window and hopped onto the sill before she vanished into the air beyond before poking her head back in. "Come on!"

Silver hung a 'out' sign on the door with his magic and closed it before hopping out after Rainbow. He hovered there, flying in the awkward way that used wings not his own.

RD whistled softly. "So close... so far. You're going to have to forget all that. You're a pegasus, not a lunar." She rolled her eyes. "How did you even learn the other way?"

"Long story," murmured Silver as he remembered how the dream affected Rainbow. Was she? Did he even dare to bring it up at all... "Let me just say thank you. I'm sure you have a thousand things to do."

RD waved it off. "You're a friend of Twilight's, and a prince, so I'll squeeze it in. Just listen when I tell ya something, alright? Alright." She pointed to the ground and they both landed lightly on the plush carpet of grass near the castle. "It'll probably be faster to just pretend you don't know how to fly and go over it from the bottom up. Now spread those wings."

He did so quickly, but she snapped a hoof in the way and guided his wings along in a way that felt better. Silver had been shown once before, but he had to make a habit of it. With a nod, he gave an uncertain flap.

"Already itching to taste the sky, huh?" Rainbow circled around him. "Good! I like eager cadets." She poked him in the barrel. "You think you'll be taking me on, huh?"

"What? No!" He flushed a little.

"After I'm finished with you, I'll be upset if you don't give me a good race." She leaned in, violating Silver's personal space entirely. "Now let's go over stances." She started shaping the way he stood and even how much air he held in his lungs as she got him into an acceptable flying stance. "One advantage we have is I don't have to worry about fear of flying, or landing. You got those ideas down pat, right?"

"Right." He gave a little flap. "Is it alright to take off?"

"Almost." Rainbow turned to the side and slowly spread her wings. "Watch me first. I'll show some basic moves to get you going, then you make like a changeling and copy me." She hunched down and launched into the air, her powerful wings easily holding her aloft. Silver watched the way her wings moved as she did a slow circle and came for a landing. "See, easy? I took it nice and slow for you."

He jumped into the air with a push of earth pony magic, gaining good altitude before his wings took over just as he saw Rainbow do. He tried to forget, or at least ignore, what he already knew of flying to do a slow circle as she instructed.

Rainbow was not entirely pleased. She flew along beside him, correcting the small mistakes she saw and keeping him from slipping into bad habits, but they both landed and she nodded. "Very good. A start..." She twirled a hoof in the air. "When you can do five of those without me spotting anything wrong, we'll be ready for the next step, so get right back up there." She pointed to the sky.

Silver offered a salute and took to the air, only for Rainbow to call out the mistakes. He had a lot of work ahead of him...

As he worked, Night settled beside Rainbow in a smooth landing. "So you're who Samantha sent?"

"Yeah, she made it sound like Silver's idea." She looked Night up and down. "Did you teach him how to fly?"

"Hmm? No. I can't say I did."

"Huh..." said Rainbow with obvious doubt. "Where'd he learn to fly like a lunar pegasus?"

Night considered silence a moment, but that had rarely worked for her. "I will trust you, since you are a national hero."

Rainbow perked right up. "Oh? Juicy gossip? Do tell."

Night raised a brow. "This is a secret. Do I have your oath?"

"Yeah yeah, I wont't tell nopony." She made a funny gesture that ended with a poke in her eye. "Except for Twilight, if she really needs to know."

Night hesitated a moment before she nodded. "He visited another world through Luna's magic. He was a prince there too, but a lunar alicorn prince. He met another me there, another you..."

"Another me?! I bet that was awesome." Rainbow smirked as if amused by the idea.

Night had less reservations about Silver's potential embarrassment. "He attempted to serve as stud for you."

Rainbow went a dark red in her cheeks. "What?! He didn't call me out here for that did he? Because I'm not looking to become a mother." She snorted derisively. "Besides, we barely know each other."

Night raised her eyes to Silver making slow circles. "He didn't call you at all, but he's learned to accept serendipity. He will never whisper a word of that to you, he's too shy, and loyal. I am his first wife."

She looked Night over a moment. "I bet there's a story there too." She whistled sharply, summoning Silver from the sky. "You did good for your first day. I want you to keep practicing that. I'll be in the castle. I doubt Celestia will be that upset to see me."

Silver watched her go and looked over at Night. "You look thoughtful."

"You think she's still with the apple farmer?"

Silver went dark quickly. "I'm trying to not even consider it. It's none of my business if they are, or aren't. So... you remember?"

Night pointed to the castle with a wing. "I still have the book." She rose to her hooves. "You led quite an active life there... Do you ever miss it?"

"Miss it?"

"Come off of it, stop being entirely innocent." Night rolled her eyes. "Some part of you enjoyed it, or you wouldn't have done it. All those mares..."

Silver darkened deeply but said nothing.

Night nudged him. "So, which was your favorite?"

That was easy. He jumped at her and knocked her down as he squeezed her tight. "I'm still married to her."

She sank needle-sharp teeth into his willing throat, speaking around it, "Correct answer." She rolled over to press him into the grass and sat up, releasing him from her pointy grip. "Is she treating you right?"


"Rainbow Dash. She has an ego to rival the size of this castle. Does she have the temperament to be an instructor?"

Silver sat up, or tried to. Night was perched on him, warmly but firmly. "She's been good so far. I swear she's taught before. She tells me what's wrong, but I don't get the idea she's coming down on me for making mistakes."

"Good." Night nodded and hopped off of Silver. "Show me. I was busy chatting with her and didn't get a chance to watch you go."

So he did, showing off his stance and circular flight path that brought him down beside her. "That's all we went over today, but we just started, what..." He looked up to the sky. "Maybe an hour or three ago?"

Night kissed his cheek. "I wasn't trying to make you feel defensive. You're making great progress for one day's effort." She tilted her head at him. "So... do you miss it?"

"The mares? No!"

"Not that, not that I think you're being entirely honest with yourself." She snorted softly. "Being lunar... If you could, would you?"

Silver considered that a moment, looking over his wings. "I am what I am, and I like that. If I woke up tomorrow and I was lunar, I'd try to do that well, but I'm not, so I'll make like a bird instead." He flapped his wings before folding them in tight. "Which reminds me! I want to see about lunar ponies."

"All of them?" Night raised a brow. "What for?"

Silver stood up tall. "Some of them are getting along fine, but others are put upon severely, some by others, and some by themselves. they are a disenfranchised minority, and I know how that feels. Hell, even that question you just asked..."

"Which?" Night raised a brow. "About you becoming a lunar, or the mares?"

Silver grunted at that. "The lunar one. I'm a pegasus, lunar or not. The different comes down to cosmetics, functionally, but there are years of social, I mean, cultural differences. I want to learn what it means to be a lunar pony, including the downsides of it, and see if I can't make it a little better."

Night shook her head slowly. "Good luck with that... I'll tell you what I know, from experience, but I'm one pony. To get a cultural view is hard to say the least."

220 - Hot Off the Press

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Silver awoke and freshened up before heading for his office to be struck in the face by a paper. Normally, said paper would be waiting for him to read if he got bored, just sitting on his doorstep.

Grumbling, he took the paper off with his magic and began scanning over it. He saw Filthy Rich's photo in one of the articles right on the front page and that captured his attention.

Interview With Human John Smith Brings Surprising Conspiracy to Light!

Silver raised a brow as he settled at his desk. He recognized that name and the picture attached. It was one of the humans he had spoken to before.

The article went into detail about how pyramid schemes worked and why they were terrible to be in unless you were near the top. Silver nodded to himself as he skipped a few words. He knew what a pyramid scheme was. It went into terrific and bloody detail about how Filthy Rich had started the idea and launched it.

It mentioned John Smith tried to dissuade the rich pony, but was met with a stern rebuff for his efforts. Was that the Filthy Rich he knew? Diamond Tiara's father seemed an alright guy, though he hadn't been on screen much. Silver muttered to himself as he took a batch of nuts and shoveled them in his snout as he read.

It made it clear that AmNeigh was such a pyramid scheme, and the one they were talking about. AmNeigh... Silver leaned back a little, trying to remember where he had... "Oh, the foal!" He remembered the smiling face of the lunar colt he had bought a little something from. Well, he had just bought a little thing. It was hardly much of a loss if it made the colt happy for a day, which it seemed to.

"I wonder," said Mr. Smith during the interview. "What exactly the princesses are doing about this? Why aren't there laws already in place to protect against such predators?"

Silver tilted his head at the paper, "Because it never happened before. Should we have laws about space-faring aliens, just in case?" Despite his words, he knew other ponies would not think the same way reading the same words. There was no way the article wouldn't create a storm of trouble through Equestrian society.

He set the paper down and wondered what he could do about it. He was ambassador to humans, but no human involved had done wrong or really been wronged, outside of being reportedly turned away. He was nominally a prince! That meant something, right? Perhaps going to the source might be wise.

Silver hopped down from his chair and spread his wings, even if it was an abortive motion that started again the way Rainbow had shown. He would fly to Ponyville if he had to, and find out the truth of things. But first... He hung a sign from the door that declared his absence for the day. He also looked for Rainbow, which wasn't hard.

"Hey there, cadet, you ready to get flying?"

Silver saluted as best he could. "I am, and I have something specific in mind."

"Oh?" She raised a brow. "It's not normal for the student to give lesson plans to the teacher, ya know."

Silver gestured out of the castle. "There's something going on, something big. I need to get to Ponyville to check it out. I could take a tr--"

"--But you'd rather fly." Rainbow waggled her brows. "I like the way you think. Alright, you have breakfast yet?" When he shook his head, she pointed to the dining room. "Take care of that, then meet me out front. No point trying to fly on an empty stomach, especially not so far."

She streaked past and he went into the dining room to fuel up.

Samantha went out to check on her salesmares, only to find the first not at her usual place. Samantha looked around with some confusion, but she knew the unicorn and where she lived, so she went there. Perhaps they had taken ill? She should have put trackers on them all, but they were not her subjects. They were her salesponies, which was a different classification.

She knocked gently on the door. "Amethyst? Are you there? Do you req--"

The door swung open almost violently. "Are you here to rub it in?!" Her words were angry and stressed.

Samantha blinked. "Do you require lotion?"

"No!" She shoved a paper into Samantha's face with her magic. "Look!"

Samantha was good at reading. She took the newspaper in her own magic as she sat and began to speedily consume the paper and the article presented. She felt a tumult of emotions play over her.

Amethyst seemed to see it. "You really didn't know, did you?"

"I... thought I was going good." She looked up at Amethyst. "I was talking to ponies, and doing good things."

Amethyst's anger flipped at Samantha's collapse. "You really didn't know... Look, it wasn't you, promise." She took the paper with a tug of her magic and threw it down. "I can't believe we fell for it! I almost went to those extra classes too..." She grunted then looked Samantha over, realizing. "Oh..."

Samantha shrank a little. "At least I saved other ponies' money..."

Amethyst advanced and hugged Samantha tightly. "You were a great salespony. Look, I have to decide what I'm doing with my life now that AmNeigh is busted..." She heaved a sigh. "Thank you, again... If not for you, I'd be in debt instead of just broke."

Amethyst closed the door behind Samantha much more gently than she had opened it.

Samantha did a mental tally of her workforce. She imagined many would be the same, but some wouldn't have read the paper. For both of them, she had to go. It was her responsibility. She nodded to herself as she got to walking. She would see her time as an AmNeigh agent through its proper end.

While the unicorn mare was angry, the lunar ponies she visited ranged from furious to flat out tears when she visited each. She didn't know how to address those feelings, not directly, so she asked. "How can I help?"

The lunar mare blinked at her as if she had asked a ridiculous question. "I thought I had a job, a purpose... something I could... do... I thought I belonged to something. Seeing you, and the others." She fished out a photo and showed it. It displayed Samantha before her workforce smiling. "I thought we were a family, but it was all built on lies and smoke. I have nothing." She waved a hoof at the ratty apartment she lived in. "I got a little hole in the wall. I got debts. I got nothing..." She sank on herself. "Nothing..."

Samantha felt her jaw working. She wanted to offer comfort, to produce the bandaid for this wound, but did she have those tools? She didn't understand ponies. She didn't understand why they did what they did. She saw the tears, she knew her... friend... was sad, but what did that sadness mean? She wanted to heal her friend, to apply a splint or cast that would allow things to mend... "We don't have to change."

She blinked softly at Samantha. "You're the one that brought it to me! AmNeigh is a scam, a lie, a fraud!" She was shouting at the end of it, trembling with fury instead of sadness, but the sadness was there, the depth to the sheen of fury that raged through her.

Samantha reached out, placing the flat end of her hoof against the lunar's chest. "We're still family."

She smiled. "Thank you..." She closed the door without another word, and Samantha was left in the hall of the low-grade apartment, unsure if she had helped at all.

She went down her list. All her salesmares knew that they would not be working for AmNeigh anymore, well, except one.

"I know what I'm doing," defended a lightly-colored pony. "If you do the numbers it's obvious." She rolled her eyes. "You didn't know what you were part of? Moron." She slammed the door in Samantha's face.

Samantha felt a new pain. It was one thing to not understand ponies, which she didn't, but she had failed at math? She went to a small cafe and sat down. She pulled out her sheets and figures and began to work them out, not from the view of being the best salespony, but where the money was going. She followed those trails, and they all led upwards. Whoever at the top profited most from this. Is that why it was called a pyramid scheme? It was all laid out for her in black and white. The numbers didn't lie. They couldn't. She understood numbers better than ponies.

They hadn't lied, but she never asked the right question.

Samantha shoved the papers off of her table in a sudden fit of anger. What was she angry at? Certainly not the paper itself. It spoke the truth. The numbers had no choice. They neither loved or hated. They simply were.

There were two ponies she could be angry at, however! Moonbeam and the Flim Flams! Make that three... Unless they were scammed too? They were higher up the pyramid, but not the top. They would know who was above them, and she could at least see what emotions they displayed. She was not the best at seeing them, but she could try.

She gathered her papers in her magic and tucked them away before she got to trotting.

A new thought came to her. She would be entirely unable to repay what she had borrowed from Silver. Her actions became a golden rule violation, poof, just like that. She would not want to be borrowed from and not paid back. Surely Silver would be angry with her, and for good reason. He had expressly forbidden her from just this.

She thought she was smart... Smart enough to learn, and to prove him wrong. Someone was proved wrong, but it wasn't him at all.

She sagged against a light post, breathing hard as the situation weighed heavily on her. She would have to face proper punishment, later. She would keep her head up high and accept whatever was proper. She would apologize and hope he didn't hate her. That he didn't hate her for being sneaky, or stupid, so stupid... Tears fell from her eyes as she lamented her foolishness. For a moment, she knew what her crying salesmares had felt.

She pushed herself upright and got walking with renewed determination. She would get answers.

Night played with the foals. With Silver on-duty and Samantha off doing, hmm, Samantha things, it fell on Night to be on foal duty. There were worse fates. Clear was banging on her play piano, attempting to make something that approximated music. Night smiled faintly. She could swear her daughter was getting closer to something, but she wasn't there, and it was a loud mess that tried the patience of any adult that heard her.

Morning was busy with his collection of tricks. Displaying maturity for his age, he pulled things out carefully and usually one at a time, but he couldn't read and often played with the objects he pulled free with disregard for what they would be used for. He made a trick on his own, producing a rubber ball from behind Night's ear."Ta Da!" His first words. Did those count? It didn't matter, he was proud, and so was Night. They hugged, and all three enjoyed lunch together.

Lunch was a welcome reprieve. None of them could reach their toys and invent new ways to make uncomfortable noises with them.

Night made a note to have a discussion with her stallion about never buying a toy that made sounds in the future.

221 - Hunting Threads

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Rainbow flew literal circles around Silver. She went around his barrel easily as he flew carefully, mindful of her lessons. "We're high enough that you shouldn't be flapping so often."


"Spread your wings nice and wide and let the air do the rest," she advised, and soon the two of them were gliding along with the sky itself to support them. "So, uh, who's best pony?"

Silver started at the question, losing a few inches in the shock. "Huh?"

"Best pony. You're a human right, wings and horns or not, you had to have one. Who is best pony?" demanded Rainbow Dash. "Was it me?"

Silver smiled gently. "You're a wonderful pony, RD, and I think you're great, but were you the best? Not my favorite, especially not back in my actually human days."

RD felt both relief and jealousy well within her. Who was better than her? "So who's best pony?" If the alicorn prince didn't think she was best, she wanted to know who was.

"Are we talking about before I came here?"

"Sure sure, you can tell me how it updated afterwards." She rolled a hoof in the air. "Out with it, who's best pony?"

Silver quirked a smile. "There were two ponies I felt kinship for different reasons. I appreciated Twilight's mental drive and her nerdiness was right up my alley."

"Two huh? Twilight..." She tapped her chin. That geek? Well... "And she's a princess. You like princesses plenty, right?"

"I'm involved with three of them, but that's not why. One of them I knew as a crippled unicorn long before she got a crown, and she was lovely either way. I always..." He suddenly blushed and went quiet.

"Well?" She bumped against him lightly. "Come on. Just between us and the clouds, and clouds don't talk, promise."

Silver smiled a bit at that. "That would be awkward.... So... I actually kind of liked Twilight better before she became a princess, but she's still Twilight, and I got used to it. Wings or not, she remains the same geek."

"You got that right." RD snorted softly. How did she lose to Twilight of all ponies? "And number two?"

"Um, well, don't tell her, but Rarity."

"Rarity?!" Why did humans always name her or her friends? Kind of creepy in some ways, but she wasn't named, which irritated her. "What's so good about her?"

"She's a creator, and a business owner. I was both of those things as a human. I wrote for a living for my own business, so I saw a lot of Rarity's struggles as my own. I mean, you're great, don't get me wrong, but I was never that physical."

"You're flying now." She raised a brow. "Sure seems physical to me."

"Becoming a pony has changed many things," he agreed. "I barely write these days, and I miss that sometimes. There's always something else going on that demands my attention, so no writing, all doing. I went from writing stories to living them. Could be worse, right?"

"Yeah..." He wasn't eying her up. For a filthy jerk, he was saying all the wrong things. Did he think she was ugly? Maybe he didn't dig pegasi? That would explain his wife... "So... Ya like lunar ponies huh?"

"Huh? Of course. They're good people, like all the pony types I've met so far."

That was hardly the answer she was fishing for. "Better than pegasi?"

"At what? Seeing in the dark, I suppose. Hey." He looked aside at her. "Has one ever tried out for the Wonderbolts?"

Rainbow swallowed heavily. "With the Wonderbolts forming to protect Celestia after Luna buggered off, lunar's weren't exactly welcome... and that never really officially..."

Silver's expression darkened faintly. "Another bit."


"Just another way lunar ponies are kept down."

RD shook her head violently. "It's on the book because nopony is thinking about it. I bet if a really good lunar pony tried out these days, they'd get in."

"And how likely is that?" Silver raised a brow. "It takes an exceptionally brave member of a disadvantaged people to try and buck those barriers. If a young flier feels they have talent, and they are lunar, they'll just not consider the Wonderbolts as a valid target, more often than not."

RD fluffed up. "Hey! The Wonderbolts aren't trying to keep down anypony!"

"Like you said, they aren't thinking about it." He circled around her suddenly, cutting her off. "Rainbow, I'd like your help."

She came up short, blinking. Oh boy, was he about to hit on her? "Yeah?"

"You're working hard to join the Wonderbolts." He leaned in, wings flapping to keep him pinned in the same place. "When you get in, help to make a deserving lunar after you."

Rainbow felt a fierce blush rush across her face without her consent or even understanding. "I... alright... I mean, if one asks, sure, why not?"

Silver shook his head. "No, too passive. Look for one. There's got to be a lunar pegasus worth having on the team, find him or her, and be their mentor. Don't wait for them to build the gumption, destroy that wall yourself."

RD gave an uncertain nod. "S-sure. I'll look." She glanced away and back. "So, we were headed somewhere?"

They resumed their journey, a little quieter for the second portion.

Samantha cleared her throat before she knocked on the door lightly.

The door opened a little, allowing her to see the partially concealed face of Moonbeam. He squeaked at seeing her and slammed the door shut, but her magic kept it from completely closing. "We need to speak."

"Don't hurt me!" His efforts to close the door were futile and he finally backed away, allowing Samantha into the apartment.

She looked around. "Where are your parents?" She was far from an expert, but he seemed young to be alone.

"I live alone," he spoke in small words, squirming. "Are you here to beat me up?"

She started at the question. "That would be a violation of the Golden Rule. Did you know what you were doing to me, and the others?"

He trembled and sniffled a little. "Y-yeah..."


His wings flared out wide. "You had bits! I didn't..."

She looked around slowly. Though the walls were peeling and old, he had some new things, even expensive things laying about. The conflict confused her. He even wore shoes that were new and fancy by her estimate. "Why?"

"What? I just said." He blinked up at her.

"Why did you get into this at all?" She gestured around. "For everything, there is a reason. Getting in this was a mistake, but I doubt my reasons are yours. Tell me, please. If you tell me, I will tell you mine."

"How about I tell you and you promise not to be angry anymore?" He ventured hopefully.

"I can't promise that." Samantha raised a hoof and he winced. "But I won't harm you. I'm not here to do that. Tell me."

He moved past her and closed the door and began to lock it with a great many deadbolts and chains. "M-my parents died, not both at once, but they did, and I didn't want to go to no orphanage." He sat down beside the door. "Don't look at me like that! I didn't ask for your pity."

She put a hoof on her chest. "My mother died producing me. I know that pain."

He hesitated a moment. "But... you're a unicorn. I mean... you were one of my best customers! You had bits..."

"Bits doesn't assure happiness," spoke Samantha.

"Not having them sure seems to assure something." He brushed the floor with his hooves. "Then I ran into them, the brothers. It was my last chance really. I gathered up all the money I had, even... borrowed some from some friends... and there I was."

"I borrowed money too," admitted Samantha. "It was wrong. I feel... I am guilty of a golden rule violation. Did you pay your friends back?"

"I meant to..."

"Do you have money left?" She quirked an ear at the small lunar pony. He seemed so small and sad. She reached for him. He tried to squirm away from her, but she managed a brief hug before he kicked away from her, leaving a bruise for her efforts. She had violated a social norm. She accepted her injury as penance.

"Stay on your side," he hissed. "I... have a little."

"You should pay your friends back."

"Then what? I have to eat..."

Samantha rose to her hooves. "Why do you not seek a way to gain this without such violations?"

He raised a brow. "Alright, what do you do for a living, uh, miss?"

Samantha sat down. What did she do? She did science! But she received no compensation for that. She was a daughter, and was paid for that, but that... "I..."

"Now you're starting to get it." He rose up. "I quit school for this, thinkin' it would work out. It did, for a while."

"Are orphanages that terrible, if they allow you to return to school?"

He raised a brow. "Ever been to one?"

"No." Her ears fell. Every argument she had was being shot down. "What do you need?"

"Huh? I said."

"No, what do you need to get what you need." She tapped at the floor. "I think you should return to school, learn what it is you wish to pursue, as an adult. A child should be free to be a child."

He suddenly shoved her, knocking her right over with the sudden violence of it. "Don't you get it! I don't get to be a child, in or out of the system. Even if I wasn't lunar, which I am miss stupid, I got no future. I ain't heard no one that went on to be a great pony after orphanage."

Samantha rolled upright, puzzling through this. She was paid... "What if you weren't an orphan?"

"What?" He raised an ear. "Look, unicorn magic is great, but not that great."

"I can't bring back your parents, and I don't want to replace them. My adopted parents do not replace my dead mother. They are different." She offered a hoof. "Will you accept me as a mother? I will pay you a fair wage, and see that you are schooled and cared for."

He looked baffled. "You'll pay me to be your foal?"

Samantha tilted her head. "Is it not customary for parents to dispense a small amount of funds to their children at regular intervals?"

He blinked twice before he started to laugh. The whole idea was so preposterous that he fell forward, banging on the floor, only to get it banged from the other end with a loud insistence that he be quiet. "You're crazy!" he blurted, rising to his hooves. "Bonkers."

"I may be..." It was far from the first time she'd heard those words used against her. "I am serious. Will you accept me as your legal mother?"

He looked around his small home a moment, then back at the hopeful unicorn before him. "I didn't ask for your sympathy."

"But you have received it. We are too similar for me to feel otherwise."

"Yeah?" He backed up a step, then paused. "If I come with you, will I have to do what you say?"

"That is the usual agreement. I will give you commands for your betterment. You will complete your homework and avoid dangerous activities." She nodded. "I foalsit for two foals, perhaps you can assist? They are lunar too."

He blinked with surprise. She dealt with lunars regularly? Maybe... "I'll... try."

222 - Rainbows and Ponies

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Silver and Rainbow touched down lightly outside the house where a crowd had formed. They pointed at Silver as he came. “Celestia sent someone to deal with him!’ The crowd erupted into cheering that made Silver a bit flustered. He certainly hadn’t come for cheering, or at Celestia’s orders. “Where is Filthy Rich?”

The crowd pointed in the unison only ponies could manage, all indicating the house, well except one pony that was taking a nap. Somepony next to him nudged him and he awoke just to join the point.

“Right, I’ll take it from here.” He didn’t want a crowd trying to exact justice instead of learning anything. “For now, go on home. This is under control.”

They grumbled, but with Ambassador Silver Watch and Rainbow Dash there, they left, speaking of the terrible punishment that awaited Filthy.

As Silver hiked past the fence that he had flown/jumped over, towards Filthy’s mansion, Rainbow pulled up beside him. “So… what are you planning to do, and why is everypony upset? Filthy is usually pretty well liked around town.”

“He was involved in a pyramid scheme.” Rainbow looked like she had no idea what that was, so he continued with a smile. “He got ponies to give him money dishonestly. I want to know more. I doubt he acted entirely alone and it spread from Ponyville to Canterlot.” And there was that human involved, but he didn’t mention him. He raised a hoof to knock on the door. “Filthy? The crowd is gone.”

“Are they?” The door opened a crack, several chains visibly hanging in the way of it opening fully. “S-silver Watch… Are you here to arrest me?”

Silver shook his head. “I’m a diplomat, and you know that. I want to talk, that’s what I do.” He snorted internally, thinking of how he’d come from a background of shyness and become an ambassador. Life was funny. “I promise Rainbow and I are not here to hurt you.”

Rainbow waved at the eye peering at her. “Hey. I’m just here as a flight instructor. I have no idea what’s going on.” She flew up to the door and tried to peek around. “Where’s your butler to answer the door anyway?”

“They left,” he said in a haunted tone. “Him, my wife, my daughter. It’s for their own safety.” He swallowed heavily. “You swear?”

Silver nodded as he raised a hoof to his chest. “I just want to talk, like we’re doing now.”

The door closed slowly, but the sound of metal sliding on metal was heard, and soon it opened again, free of chains. He waved his guests inside and closed it quickly behind them. “I’ve been such a fool!”

Silver quirked a smile as he glanced around the mansion. It wasn’t up to Celestia’s castle, but it certainly was home to one with bits. “I know the feeling, but let’s start from the start. How did this happen? Be honest. Lying now would only look worse for you, and I’m here to help.”

Filthy nodded jerkily. “R-right, so, there I was, managing business as usual, and this human comes to visit.”

“John Smith?”

“That’s the one.” Filthy scowled a moment before he collapsed right in place. “It was my fault! I listened to him, did what he said. It seemed like such easy money…” He threw his hooves at Silver’s shoulders. “She looked me in the eyes!”


“Diamond…” He sank half-against Silver. “She gave me a look… ‘I thought you were better.’ It was cruel, but she was right. I didn’t build myself to where I am taking advantage of people.” He sat up suddenly and shook Silver. “Please don’t let them rip me apart!”

Rainbow snorted softly. “Why don’t you just give all the money back?”

Silver glanced at RD before Filthy. “She’s not entirely wrong. Can you afford to do that?”

Filthy mopped at his face. “T-to an extent, Not all the bits went to me. Some went to the FlimFlams, and some to John. They were just following too, but I don’t know if they’re guilty, or even where they are. Please! You understand I’m sorry, right?” He smiled a crooked, hopeful, smile. “I’ll pay my portion, promise. I’ll apologize.” He sank at Silver’s hooves. “I’ll do anything! I want to go back to my usual business.”

Silver put a hoof on Filthy’s shoulder. “Tell me, in your own words, what you did wrong, why you did it, and why it was wrong.”

“I…” He looked up at Silver, trembling a little. “I made sales without an equitable product.” He adjusted his tie. “One of the first rules of business, sell what people want, and make it better than the competition. I made hope, but it was of lousy quality with a shoddy pricing plan. My business was doomed to fail eventually.”

Silver tilted his head. That hadn’t been what he had been expecting, though it wasn’t entirely wrong. “Why did you do it?”

“It looked so easy!” He flopped against Silver as he could parson him of all crimes. “I’m sorry! I’ll never do it again, I swear.”

Rainbow thrust a hoof out at the town beyond the walls. “You’re gonna have to tell more ponies than us, you know.”

Filthy rose to his hooves, nodding. “O-of course. Promise me they won’t hurt me.”

Silver patted his shoulder. “They’re your friends. They’re angry and confused, but I don’t think they hate you, not truly. Come on, let’s straighten this out.”

As one, they left the mansion. Most of the ponies had moved on, but Derpy remained and let out a low ‘’Booo’ on seeing Filthy as she glared in her wall-eyed way.”

Silver waved to her. “He’s in my custody, and he has an announcement. Gather everypony and have them head to the town square in about an hour.”

“Aye aye!” She saluted and took off, sailing away in not quite a straight line.

Rainbow rolled her own eyes. “Want me to help spread the word? Muffins is a little, um, derpy. You don’t want to leave this to just her.” Silver nodded and she took off, leaving him to escort Filthy to the center of town, where a new crowd was already forming. There were angry murmurs, but also wondering eyes.

Silver stood before the crowd and spread his wings, lifting them as he had seen Celestia do. That seemed to quiet them, eyes turning to him. “Filthy has something to say, about what he did.” He glanced at Filthy pointedly. “And only what he did.”

Filthy cleared his throat. “I-I was approached with a terrible plan, and I took it. I saw easy money, but it was dirty money… I’m sorry. I will return all the funds I… received from it… I want to be a member of this community, and hope you all want me to still be a part of it.”

A mare emerged from the crowd, it was Spoiled Rotten, his wife. She swatted him across the head with a hoof. “You should have known better.” Her voice had no question to it, making a clear statement of fact.

The crowd murmured with mixed feelings, but an apology was an apology, and it had an effect on them, but it was not complete. Mayor Mare approached with a clearing of her throat. “I don’t think I’m alone in wanting the old Filthy back with us, and I’m glad you’ve realized your mistake, but there are things to put right that just saying sorry won’t do.” She nodded at Filthy severely. “Are you ready to prove yourself and help heal yourself and this community?”

“Yes! I mean, yes, I am.” Filthy nodded at Mayor Mare in more of a bobbing than a single nod. “I’m ready to do what it takes.”

Silver nodded towards Mayor Mare. “Then I will leave him in your capable hooves. Filthy, your punishment will be decided and carried out by Mayor Mare, then I hope we can put this ugly issue behind us.” That had gone better than he could have hoped for. Silver felt a warmth in him as he played his little part in ensuring the ponies arrived at what could be argued to be a happy ending, but there was more to do… “I should go. Rainbow?”

She hadn’t gone far. “’Sup?”

“It’s time to go back.” He spread his wings out instead of up and soon they were up in the air, heading back towards Canterlot.

“Hey.” Rainbow flew in close. “How’d you know he needed your help?”

“I came to ask him…” He frowned a little, realizing he didn’t have to tip his hand and that some mystery was good for an alicorn, or so worked for Celestia and Luna. “… what help he needed, and to get the full story from his mouth. I think he’s ready to turn a new leaf.”

Rainbow snorted softly. “I can believe the FlimFlam brothers were involved, but this isn’t Filthy’s usual bag, er, of money.” She flashed a smile at her cheesy joke. “I’m glad that’s sorted out though. Mayor Mare will be tough but fair.”

Silver doubted that anything the ponies would consider ‘tough’ would quite rate with what he could imagine. “John is still at-large. There’s the FlimFlams, but they’re going to be around, doing some other scam, probably smaller in scale.” He frowned with thought. “I understand them, and Filthy, but the human, him I don’t understand.”

“But you are a human.” Silver looked towards her with a blink. “Okay, you were one, but still, point stands. Shouldn’t you know how they work?”

“I know enough to be concerned.” They flew to Canterlot swiftly and surely and landed before the castle before trotting inside. Silver nodded to Rainbow. “Thanks for the escort. I appreciate it, and I hope it wasn’t too big a hassle.”

“No! No, it was fine.” She raised a brow. He sure was acting nice, but was it just an act? “You flew pretty good, by the way. Tomorrow we’ll start going over air etiquette and safety.” She smartly saluted, and he returned the gesture after a moment of delay. “At ease, cadet.” She trotted off without challenge. If he wanted to get in her pants, he certainly wasn’t trying very hard. Maybe he really did think she wasn’t best pony?

Silver looked for the princesses, but they weren’t in their usual places. One of Luna’s guards had some useful information. “They’re attending a foreign agent.” He glanced left and right. “Sir, there’s been a meeting that’s been… I really would have expected you to be invited, sir.”

He raised a brow. “Where? Who?

The guard pointed off into the city. “The human John Smith has invited the elite of Canterlot, but has not invited any of the royalty…” He sounded unsure, shuffling a bit. “You know about hu—“

Silver could see where he was going. “Where?” He turned to go. “I’ll see what’s going on. He’s at the center of everything it seems.”

He told Silver where to go. “Moon guide you, sir.”

Silver nodded back. “I’m going to hope I don’t need it, but it can’t hurt… Thanks. This means a lot to me.” He smiled a little. “I’ll do the best I can, for Equestria.”


“Oh.” Silver pointed back towards his room. “If Night or anyone else stops by, tell them where I’m headed and if they ask, what I’m doing. This isn’t a secret.”

Silver spread his wings before remembering that he didn’t have training to handle inner-city flight without crashing into others, so he got to trotting purposefully to the building that held his new nemesis. The guards posted there didn’t want to let him in, but they had little to stop his teleporting when he skipped well past them, inside to a hallway he saw as a pony stepping inside revealed.

He fell in with the crowd headed for the main hall, none questioning why he was there since he had already made it past the guards. He would learn what was going on…

223 - Lunar Aid

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The reception hall was filled with ponies, their fine clothes marking them as the elite of Canterlot society. Caterers slipped through the crowd, offering drinks and hors d’oeuvres to any that wanted them. Off to the side, a small quartet of ponies played instruments, lending a gentle atmosphere to the proceedings.

“Attention! Your attention please,” called a stallion in servant’s clothes, causing the music to come to an end. “Our sponsor for tonight’s event would like to say a few words.” When the crowd quieted down, the serving pony stepped aside.

A moment later, John Smith emerged from the back of the hall.

He wore a different suit this time, a dark grey ensemble with pinstripes, complemented with a blue tie. Looking out over the assemblage, he gave them all a smile so casual it could only have been the result of a great deal of practice. “Fillies and gentlecolts, thank you for attending. You know, ever since I came to Equestria, there’s an expression that I’ve heard: that culture comes from Canterlot. Looking at this collection of dignitaries, I can see why everypony says that.”

The crowd chuckled in self-satisfaction at the flattery. With the ice broken, their host stepped forward. “My name is John Smith, and for those of you who haven’t read about me in this morning’s paper, I’m the one who broke the news about the AmNeigh scandal.”

His eyes swept out over the crowd, pausing for a fraction of an instant as he spied Silver, before moving on. “I’m sure some of you have also heard the rumors that Filthy Rich is spreading, saying that I was the one who came up with that horrible scheme, as though that makes any sense at all. If I really was some sort of evil mastermind, why would I expose my own operation?” He chuckled at that, the very picture of amused derision, and several of the ponies in the crowd followed suit.

John continued. “No, these allegations are the work of an unscrupulous stallion desperate to shift the blame for his own actions onto someone else. But the reason I’ve asked all of you here tonight isn’t to talk about Filthy Rich, and it’s not to talk about me. Rather, it’s about the ponies who’ve been hurt the most by what he’s done.”

His comfortable smile was gone now, and instead he addressed the crowd with a grave look. “While I was looking into AmNeigh, I found out something terrible: that almost two-thirds of its victims were lunar pegasi. Can you imagine that? That the ponies who have the least are the ones who suffered the most.” He paused to close his eyes and shake his head, apparently overcome with sadness at the thought.

After a moment, he continued. “But this made me wonder, why is it that the lunar ponies are so disadvantaged? They’re not any less smart or work less hard than anypony else, so how come they make up such an overwhelming portion of the poorest ponies in Canterlot? Even here in this room…” he made another pass over the crowd with his eyes, “we have not a single lunar pony among Canterlot’s elite. Not one. Why is that?”

An uncomfortable murmur spread through the assembled ponies. It was clear that John was touching on a sore spot. More than a few seemed to be unhappy with where this was going.

As if sensing that, John held up a hand. “Now, I know what you’re thinking. You think I’m going to say that what’s happened to the lunar ponies is somehow all your fault. That the reason you all have done better than they have is because you’ve benefited from some nebulous and ill-defined set of advantages – ‘solar privilege,’ if you will – that they never had.”

His visage now stern, John continued. “I want to make it clear in no uncertain terms that that idea is false!” The crowd fell silent under his sudden pronouncement, and he looked around as though daring anyone to challenge what he’d said. “When I look around this room, I see smart and diligent ponies who worked hard to get what they have! Each and every one of you struggled to follow your heart, overcome adversity, and earn what you have, and nopony has the right to tell you that you should be ashamed of that!”

The crowd’s earlier discontent was completely gone now, replaced by smiles and nods of agreement. Several erupted into spontaneous cheers, stomping or clopping their hooves.

John smiled and waited for the applause to die down, the fire he’d just displayed now gone. Once things had quieted down, he continued. “But that still doesn’t answer the question: why are the lunar ponies so bad off? If it’s not your fault, and not their fault, then whose fault is it?” He stopped, as though still pondering the answer, and a pregnant pause filled the room, everypony now hanging on his words.

“I thought about that for a long time, and eventually the answer came to me: it’s the princesses’ fault.”

Gasps rang out at his words, with much of the crowd going wide-eyed, apparently scandalized at the idea. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were the cause of something so awful? That just couldn’t be true!

John nodded his head, sympathetic again. “I know. It was hard for me to accept too, but it’s important to remember: I’m not accusing the princesses of any sort of malicious intent. Quite the contrary, I believe that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are good ponies with good hearts, and that we owe them a debt of gratitude for all that they’ve done for Equestria…but I’m sure that, if they were here right now, they’d admit that they’re not perfect, and that they’ve made mistakes.”

He paused again, and put on a look of sad resignation. “The thing is, as princesses, their mistakes can have tragic consequences for innocent ponies, and if you stop and think about it, that’s what’s happened to the lunar pegasi. After all, how could they be expected to prosper when Princess Luna, their progenitor, was sealed away in the moon for a thousand years?”

A few ponies looked like they wanted to protest, but John plunged ahead. “Now, I know what some of you are thinking: that that wasn’t Princess Celestia’s fault, that she had no choice but to seal her sister away when she became Nightmare Moon. But let me ask you this…” he again trailed off, letting the tension build before he spoke again.

“If six ordinary mares from Ponyville could use the Elements of Harmony to change Princess Luna back from being Nightmare Moon, then how is it that Princess Celestia, the most powerful pony of them all, couldn’t use them to do the same thing? Why did she seal her little sister away instead of saving her right there and then?”

The silence that fell over the collected ponies was total, as looks of horrified realization crossed many faces. It was clear that most of them had never thought to ask that question before.

“And even when she came back,” John continued, dragging all attention back to him, “what has Princess Luna been doing? I know you all have heard the rumors, about how she’s been indulging herself in tawdry pastimes with certain ponies,” he paused just long enough to look at Silver again, “rather than taking care of the ponies that she created.”

Another murmur of discontent came from the crowd, but this time it wasn’t directed at John. He let it build for a moment before he continued his speech. “Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are good ponies,” he repeated. “But they make mistakes, and when they do, it’s the rest of Equestria that suffers, just like the lunar ponies are suffering right now.”

By now the assembled ponies were nodding to each other, swayed by what they were hearing.

“Well I for one can’t stand to see that happen any longer.” John’s voice grew louder as he continued, a look of resolve on his face. “And that brings me to the reason I’ve invited all of you here tonight. If the princesses won’t take action to alleviate the suffering of their people, then it falls to us to do so! And so it is with pride and purpose that I’m announcing the creation of the Lunar Benefit Fund!”

On cue, a pair of pegasi flew towards the ceiling, carrying with them a banner that spelled out “LUNAR BENEFIT FUND” in large letters. John kept speaking as they affixed it to the ceiling.

“The Lunar Benefit Fund is a new charitable organization designed to provide short-term financial support for at-risk lunar pony families. By stepping in to provide funding for food, shelter, and unemployment relief to those who need it the most, we can help the poorest lunar ponies to help themselves! And we won’t do it alone!”

He was clearly reaching the climax of his speech, his voice rising as he continued. “They say that culture begins in Canterlot! So tonight, we’re going to create a new culture, one where each and every one of us can be an Element of Harmony! With your kindness, and your generous donation, we can show our loyalty to the least among us! Your honest feelings will help bring laughter back to those ponies that need it the most!”

John was yelling now, as the crowd was beginning to cheer wildly, swept up in what he was saying. “When you give to the Lunar Benefit Fund, you’re helping to lift up those who’ve been forgotten! Together, we can bring the lunar ponies into the light! Together we can fix the princesses’ mistakes! And together,” he paused, grinning widely, “we can make Equestria great again!”

The applause was so thunderous it shook the hall. Flashbulbs went off as ponies rushed forward to surround John, offering their congratulations and checkbooks as they did so.

224 - Heavenly Concert

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Silver vanished from the meeting hall and stalked back towards the castle with a building frown. "Don't like it." A powerful magic swept over him and he started moving to a beat he couldn't hear, but he could feel. "How will I save them?" he asked in a song. "How will I show them? Bringing darkness from my world!" He was swept up in a fit of music magic and he rose to two legs, doing a spin to find a pony there to meet his hooves.

"In the darkest nights," she sang. "The moon shines bright! Guided by silver light, we will find our way free!" She gave a powerful pull and sent Silver spinning.

But he was far from out of control. He was in full throes of the magic he had not felt in a while. He spun and danced as the ponies around him sang out in chorus. He fell to all fours and Samantha was in front of him. "I've been swept up in the dark."

Night pushed in from his left. "We won't let you fight alone!"

"I will use all that I've learned!" He gathered both of the mares he loved close as he rose to his hind legs. "The light does not shine alone!"

"Does not shine alone!" sang out the ponies in the street, taking part of the song they knew nothing of, not that Silver did either.

He marched with Night to the right and Samantha to the left. Her scientist daughter sang on, "I made so many mistakes. I'll do what it takes. I pushed so many down, without knowing exactly how. I'll take one as a son, show some ma--"

Silver blinked internally. What was Samantha talking about? He wanted to find out, but the song would not be denied.

"I'll be the light for my friends, even if I can't be the end, of all their suffering!"

Silver turned for the court he was told to not enter. Only foreign dignitaries were allowed there, and only at a specific time, like when Celestia and Luna needed to speak to them privately. "We need to gather all sides. If we mean to turn this tide!" he sang out, though he didn't want to storm in on them.

It was answered for him as Celestia, Luna, and a large buffalo emerged, also swept up in the potent display of harmony. "It was a pleasure to speak to you!" sang Luna.

"We will make the dreams of both our people come true," continued Celestia.

"A delight to speak to you, today and any dayyyy. I'll tell my people what we said. Until next time comes our way!" He bowed to them and trotted off with an energetic bounce.

The magic of the music faded and Silver felt himself go a little limp as control passed back to him. "Celestia, Luna, we need to talk."

"Prince Silver Watch," spoke Luna. "Your tone implies something serious has happened."

Celestia nodded in agreement. "This way. Privately?"

Silver looked for his wife and daughter, but they were gone. They had played their part and fled when he wasn't looking. They wouldn't remember any of it, but he did. "Just the three of us is fine. There are important things to discuss."

He followed after them as they trotted. Celestia moved to his side, looking down at him, but not nearly as down as she had before he became an alicorn, and he got a little taller each day. "I sense that this is a grave matter."

"A human has achieved public invincibility against direct attack, after already showing, at least to me, that he means very little good to Equestria as a whole."

Luna raised a brow. "Perhaps it would be better to start from the beginning. What has this human done?"

Silver nodded. "Alright, I ran into him first just at the office, using the obviously fake, but doesn't matter, name of John Smith. He asked a bunch of questions that I didn't like while not answering any of mine, then went off and started the AmNeigh 'thing' that had ponies engaging in crooked economics to screw each other over, or just sell slightly over-priced common goods."

Celestia nodded. "Deplorable, but not unrecoverable from, we'll--"

"Not done." Silver shook his head. "He already blew the whistle, but he made sure ponies took the fall for it while he got the credit for blowing the whistle, and now he claims to be a friend of the lunar ponies." He looked to Luna. "Which he claimed you were ignoring."

Luna turned dark as rage clouded her features. "I'll tear him apart!"

"You'll do no such thing." Celestia sighed as they went. "If what you report is accurate, outright attacking him would only feed his public perception while starving ours. He's made several intelligent moves." She reached out and poked Silver. "Humans play for keeps, whether nice or not. The way I see it, there are several actions available to us."

Luna perked her ears. "Does it involve forbidden magic? I would be ha--"

"No." Celestia quirked a smile. "Violence is not the answer. One, we should send a trusted soul to work with him, publicly. We should give public support for his initiative while reminding him that such a thing would be under the jurisdiction of the Canterlot authorities. Our agent will ensure the money given to him goes to the right places and in a legal manner, and will look good for us that we are actively supporting a fine initiative, even if there are problems lurking out of their sight."

Luna snorted softly. "It sounds to me that he believes you write all the laws, sister dear."

"That is a mistake on his part." Celestia nodded. "I may be accepted as the highest, but I am far from the only source of laws, especially at a city level. I expect local nobles will feel slighted that he moved around them by moving around me. He didn't follow the proper steps and make the right friends. He's doing it all by brute force and charisma, which will carry him far, but not every pony is as patient as I."

Silver perked an ear, thinking about the friends and contacts he just recently made. "Should we remind them of how rude he's been?"

Celestia nodded. "They see you more as a peer than someone over their head, currently, you're in a fine position. However, remind them that any public action taken against him makes him a victim, and those attacking him villains. This is a battle that will be won through subtlety." She smiled faintly. "I wonder what it is he truly wants. It seems a shame to become opposed to such an obviously resourceful soul, even if we must."

Luna looked over to Silver. "How did you come to know this, I scarcely heard of this 'AmNeigh' thing before this."

Silver pointed out to the city. "One of the guards, yours, pointed out that a meeting was going on while you were in the meeting. Oh, I talked to Filthy, he's in good hooves, so I wouldn't worry about him. Anyway, I showed up at his meeting and saw it myself. It's a mess, a horrible mess that ponies are eating up."

Celestia settled beside a table. "They are good souls, and he is taking advantage of that. Part two, we should separate him from the public he's made into a friend, but not through violence." She smiled faintly. "If he wishes to assist the Lunars, then starting at the source would be wise. Why, we'll even support him fully. I'm sure the lunar ponies would support him as well, and he'll make a fine mayor of their town, outside the sight of most, hmm." She looked calculating, running through the odds. "That's for later. Acting too quickly on this will backfire."

Luna got a distasteful expression. "You would send him to my ponies? Why?"

Celestia rolled a hoof. "If he accepts, he will endeavor to consolidate his power, meaning any town he's assigned to will likely flourish, but making a small place into a large place is quite a long project. Tell me, Silver, how long does the typical human live?"

"Seventy to a hundred years?" ventured Silver. "Why?"

"He'll perish long before it becomes a concern." Celestia nodded. "He will be allowed to live a long life pursuing his goals, then become too old to do so, and, with hope, he will die surrounded by love, not hate. Perhaps he will leave an impact we will appreciate and help the ponies he's using now to further himself."

Luna rolled her eyes. "Too slow for my tastes, and I would have him monitored closely even in such a case."

"Of course," agreed Celestia before looking to Silver. "Thank you for bringing this to our attention. How have your coronation lessons gone?"

Silver started, jumping mental tracks. "Oh! Fine, really. Learning all the steps is a challenge, but I'm doing it. When are we scheduled to go?"

She pointed at Silver. "We need to arrange the public observance of the herd-joining, which I feel is soon, but this puts it back a little. We don't need to provide him with more ammunition to use against us, so we'll keep things that might stir the public off the schedule for now. Let's deal with this 'Mr. Smith', and move from there."

Silver turned for the door. "I need to talk to some others, but I'm glad we seem to be on the same page."

They shared nods, and parted from one another. Silver moved to find his family, perhaps to get some answers from that line in the song. Just what was Samantha up to?

Luna watched him go before looking to her sister. "It's good to see his loyalties are true to us."

Celestia nodded. "I could not have asked for better, save for a human more sympathetic. That's beside the point. There's work for you to do."

"That there is." Luna shook herself out. "Human or pony, his dreams are my domain. I will at least learn of his motivations, if not his methods."

"Be careful, sister. He does not appear to be the sort to be caught unready."

Luna nodded and they shared a little nuzzle. "I will take care, and tell you what I find. Good luck, sister. You have words to speak." She turned and left purposefully.

Celestia was left alone and allowed a faint frown to touch her features. Banishing the human, even to such a cushy job, was unlikely to result in peace. What did he want? What Luna found would be vital. She rose to her hooves and moved to the balcony before she nodded and spread her wings, but before she could launch, a soft tapping came from the door. She turned to see Samantha entering. "Forgive me, for I have broken the Golden Rule, again." She hung her head low.

She turned to face the unicorn and the small lunar colt beside her. "What brings you here?"

"I know you removed most of my trackers, so I just put one on you to see where you were," she admitted. "Please don't be angry."

Celestia gave a gentle smile. "You are a resourceful pony. What did you want to talk to me about, and who is your little friend?"

"I'm not little!"

"Of course not, but you will surely get larger," argued Celestia, though her eyes were generally on Samantha.

Samantha put a hoof over the colt. "I was involved in this AmNeigh thing that you have likely heard of? I was a great salespony, even if the product was false, and I made friends, several of which are lunar ponies. They need my help."

Celestia blinked softly and sat down, suddenly interested. "You don't say?"

"I do say! You are hearing me correctly? I wish to adopt this colt. I will teach him well and feed him and see him properly educated."

Celestia held up a hoof. "I think there's something..." She bit off her comment. Samantha, though insane, perhaps could be used as a sign of unity. "Are you good with numbers?"

She perked her ears. "I like to think so. I was taken in by this recent incident but once I started asking the right questions, the numbers gave the right answer. I will be more careful in the future."

"Very good..."

The colt looked up at the alicorn before him. "You're, um, damn big."

"That I am," agreed Celestia. "But you will not be harmed here." She spread her wings and nudged both along. There were things to discuss.

225 - Royal Visitor

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* Warning! This chapter, it's a bit steamy. You may want to avoid it if such offends *

Luna prowled through the plane of dreams like the sleek predator she was. It was fitting that the dreamscape was a jungle, every dream a ripe fruit or scurrying animal that lived there. She found his, a little creature that darted from view when she looked at it. It tried to avoid her with an uncanny skill that confused her mildly.

Still, one spell… A nimbus of her magic formed around the dream, arresting it, but a web sprang up around it, throwing off her magic. She scowled at it. In her irritation, she attacked the web directly. It would certainly be enough to ward her casual entry, but as she growled at it, the physical charm that bound the magic began to smolder and burn under her focused ire.

Though it left her tired and panting, the dreamcatcher burst into flame and quietly reduced to ash, its magic gone. "Let's see what we have before us." She prowled towards the suddenly slowed dream and was inside of it.

The world that sprang up before her was dull and gray. The people shuffled silently underneath a featureless sky, moving from building to building. Her target was there among them, the only person with any color, and even then it was still muted and drab. Trudging down a street, he moved into a large building, settling down in a windowless office and moving papers around.

Luna entered the room, not as an alicorn princess, but as a shapely human female dredged from Silver's dreams. She held a clipboard in front of her and approached with a nod. "I'm here to conduct your examination." What examination? She didn't say, but trusted dream logic to pave the way forward.

He looked up at her, blinking for a moment, as though surprised that someone had spoken to him. Then his eyes darted between her waist and her chest, managing to rise to meet her gaze just before it would have become rude. “Ah…” he paused, as though unsure what to say, before rooting around in his desk.

“Here you are.” He handed her a small stack of papers, his expression sinking back into a look of resigned apathy. It was clear that he found no joy whatsoever in what he was doing. “The reports have all been filed, and the statements have been indexed against this month’s expenses. Everything is accounted for.” His coloration faded further as he spoke, becoming slightly more gray.

Not even going to try? This reminded her somewhat of Silver. Stallions sometimes needed a mare to bash them over the head to remind them they had a chance. She accepted the papers though, nodding. "Very well done." She leaned forward. "I know it's against company policy, but maybe we could… talk later?"

“What?” Again a look of surprise crossed his features, and he regained a little color. It seemed that his hue was directly related to his state of mind. “I mean...I...yeah, sure…” Slowly, a smile crossed his face, showing a mixture of eagerness and relief. His eyes ran over her body again, though this time he made more of an effort to be circumspect about it.

Not that it escaped Luna's notice, but she turned and left, as the dream demanded it, allowing time to be as subjective as it need be and skipping to where he would expect her to meet him. She would get answers, or at least a feel for the disharmonious soul.

The dream shifted, and now he was outside waiting for her in what looked like a park. A moment later the location changed, and it was in a restaurant. That lasted for a few seconds before instead becoming outside near a large fountain. Like that, the surroundings kept changing, reflecting his uncertainty as to where he’d meet the pretty girl that had shown interest in him. The only constant in each one was himself, waiting for her.

She approached him as the world shaped and wobbled with increasing uncertainty around them. Her presence might settle things, but them being there rated most highly. "I'm so glad you found the time to meet with me." She flashed a gentle smile. "It's so difficult to approach you at work."

“Is it? I didn’t know.” He smiled back at her, a mixture of reservation and eagerness obvious in his expression. It was clear that he wanted to be here like this, but at the same time was guarded and trying not to show it. “So what did you want to talk about?”

She plucked a roll from a tray that was only there for a moment, but her chewing on it made things more stable. Why would she be chewing on a roll if they weren't somewhere a roll could be? "You, mostly. You work so hard, day after day, but I never get to see the man behind the man. Do you do something outside work?" She wobbled a hand. "I must sound so prying, but you make me so curious." Honest, if a bit skewed.

“Really?” For a moment his guard dropped completely, and his coloration was that of a normal person as his smile became warm and inviting. Blushing a little, he looked at his menu - they were now seated across from each other at a nice restaurant - to give himself time to collect his thoughts. “I’m pretty boring, actually. At the end of each day I just go home, watch some TV or some anime over dinner, and then play some video games or read a novel before bed.” He glanced up at her, looking slightly shamefaced at his admission.

"What is your favored game?" asked Luna as she dove into the memories she shared with Silver. "I'm partial to Fall Out." She said it as two words, but it was a subtle thing, easily missed in the flowing dream. She pouted at her menu. "I'll take what you're having. I'm sure it will be good."

That was all it took, her admission of a shared interest opening a floodgate from him. He went on at length about the games he liked, which quickly turned into his favorite movies, books, and shows. He was invested now, clearly pleased to not only be able to talk about his hobbies, but with such a beautiful woman. His eyes were sparkling as he looked at her, and it was becoming quite clear that he was moving beyond merely being interested in her and becoming smitten.

That fell well within her goals, but was dangerous. Her goal was not to hurt the man's heart, after all. She pushed a paper towards him. "I read a fascinating tale, about a man, quite like you, fallen into a new world. That sounds exciting, perhaps a little scary. What do you think of such a thing?" She leaned forward. "I'm not sure what I'd do if it were me."

“Oh, that old trope?” He grinned as he glanced at the paper, and this time it was full of confidence, completely in his element now. “It really depends on the world in question, and the circumstances you find yourself in. Sometimes going there gives you a lot of power as a byproduct of the transfer, but other times you’re thrown into the deep end of the pool with nothing but your wits to get you through.”

Being a dream, it had writing, but not the sort that could be read directly, just giving the impression that it was writing. "But you'd be all alone." She tapped at her lips with that roll she hadn't finished. "Would you look for other hu--people?"

“No.” He lifted his eyes to hers as he slowly shook his head. “What I’d do in that situation is to figure out what I want most,” his voice was softer now, and he slowly reached out a hand to caress her cheek. “And then I’d figure out how to take it.” Suddenly weren’t in a restaurant anymore, but in his bedroom, and as the transition happened he leaned forward and kissed her deeply.

That was not what Luna had planned at all! Her push had found the wall brittle and weak, and now she had fallen in. Human kisses were odd compared to pony ones, but she tried to part gently rather than shoving him away. "Easy there, my stallion." A slip on her part, but one that sounded human enough.

He acquiesced only enough to change his line of attack, moving his lips down to her neck to nuzzle her, even as the hand on her cheek slid down to rub her chest, fingers caressing her as his other hand moved to her hip. He slowly leaned more of his weight on her, insistent but not aggressive, wanting her to lie down under him.

She took a sharp turn in her own tactic, obeying his urgings, but he began changing as he moved her, starting with being hung as a horse in the most literal sense in his pants, bit by bit, swelling as he moved in over her. She half-lidded her eyes and put her hands at his side. "My stallion…" she whispered gently, new meaning added as she adjusted her partner.

He either didn’t notice the initial alterations or didn’t mind them, focusing instead on touching her as he slowly peeled her out of her clothes. Taking her acceptance as permission, he gave her another loving look before he kissed her again, opening her blouse, clearly eager for more but still taking the time to enjoy her body before they got to the actual act.

As dreams tend to go, the details become a bit blurred as they moved together. Luna guided him along as he claimed her, but lost 'himself' in the process. He would be a stallion, her stallion, literally. She did as he urged, curious to see if and how he reacted as things went on, though playing along, even if it meant letting the human have her in his dreams.

He struggled against the changes, but his attention was divided, focusing more on her than himself. Even as he became more equine, her body became more and more human underneath him, her breasts and hips increasing slightly in size even as her waist contracted accordingly. Even then, he demanded more of her, caressing her and causing a cry to spill from her lips.

She didn't ask to cry out, but dreams will have their sway, and this was not her dream. Her will was focused on him, not herself, which let her soft cries escape. Despite herself, there were feelings involved, and they weren't necessarily bad ones, even if she didn't like the person involved. "You are a wild beast in bed," she crooned, becoming the ideal woman for him even as he became a unicorn above her.

His only reply was an affirmative grunt, focused completely on claiming her in the most intimate way that he could. There was a possessive edge to his actions, holding her down gently but firmly even as he took her. He had stopped fighting his own transformation, intent only on the gorgeous human woman beneath him.

And the peak came to them, and Luna took a firm grip of the dream. Even as his world swam, it did so in another way as they appeared in a field of grass. The woman was still beneath him, but he was within sight of Canterlot, clearly in Equestria, not Earth.

For a short while, he didn’t notice, just basking in the afterglow of what they’d shared. He nuzzled her again, whispering sweet nothings, until he caught sight of the background and stopped in confusion, looking around them. “This is...what…?”

She trailed a few fingers along his barrel. "You're not alone," she murmured. "There are so many that wish to know more, but will you give them the chance you gave me?"

His sense of self was returning, and with it came more confusion that was starting to become alarm. He gasped as he followed the sight of her fingers and realized what had happened to his body. “What did…? No, this isn’t me…! I don’t…” It was clearly becoming too much, and he separated from her. He stumbled immediately, not used to walking on four legs, and he shook his head, squeezing his eyes shut as he did.

“NOOO!!!” It was impossible to tell if his cry was in response to the situation or her question. Immediately, the dream ended, signifying that he’d woken up.

226 - What We've Learned

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Silver landed with a ruffle of his wings as he settled. The plan to pursue his would-be daughter had been interrupted by Rainbow Dash, as fate had decided. He nodded at his flight instructor. "How'm I doing?"

She smiled as she began prodding him with a hoof, making minute changes to his posture. "Not bad at all, just don't forget to practice it. Like I said before, tomorrow we start on flying etiquette." She narrowed her eyes and fluttered her lashes a little. "Then you can hunt for mares." Chancy, perhaps.

He blinked at the suggestion. "I have plenty around me, thanks. I'm married, for Pete's sake."

Rainbow blinked. That was not the response she expected. "I was just joking," she said unconvincingly. "I mean, what, you've got some of the best around you, huh? I guess all the rest of us seem... less?"

Silver caught it. So many balls had been tossed by him, but finally he put a mental hand on it. "Rainbow, are you jealous?"

"W-what?! No!"

Silver put a hoof on her shoulder. "You are a lovely pony, a fine sportspony, a terrific flier, and a good friend. I admire you on basically every level except what you're packing between your hind legs."

Rainbow became more scarlet at his words and closeness. He was puncturing her coolness! "I didn't ask that!"

Silver drew his hoof back. "Tomorrow, we'll go over those flying rules. Thank you, RD, for showing me all this, and being there for me."

She advanced on him and kissed his cheek without asking before taking off in a dart. He was left to crash to his haunches with a blush that she saw over her shoulder. "Still got it..." Her coolness was intact. As horn dog stallions went though, Silver really didn't rate.

Silver shook his head to clear it and rose back up. He glanced at the retreating form of RD, then turned to head inside. RD would make a fine wife, someday, long after the series ended and she was allowed. "Thanks," he spoke to the Text, which he assumed could hear him. At least he was allowed to find family and love despite his troubles. His own story didn't have those limitations.

He didn't find Samantha. But he did find Night and the foals. Night was happy to see him and moved in for nuzzles and to casually hand him the foals as he came close. "There you are. I need a little decompress time and it's your turn to play fo--"

"--Hold up there. Let's go somewhere, together, all of us." Silver nuzzled her cheek. "Our foals are part of the family, not a burden. Let's go to your favorite place."

Night nodded a little. "You're right, of course, but you get to hold them a moment." She quirked a smile. "So. where have you been all day?"

They began to talk off together towards dinner, chatting about the day's events. No matter how stressful the day had been, being with one another made it all seem manageable.

Luna stepped quietly into Celestia's room. "Sister?"

"You look troubled." Celestia sat up fully. "Did he repel you somehow?"

"He was prepared, but I pressed on." She licked her lips softly. "He... He has faults, but lives and feels. He is not a pure monster, but he is perilously close. I don't think even he realizes how close he is to that."

Celestia opened a wing. "Sit beside me. You look very shaken."

"I'm fine," protested Luna even as she took the offered space and leaned against Celestia. "He knows much, and is willing to use it. He wants to claim all he was denied in the human world."

Celestia perked an ear. "He has bits, he could find a wife easily enough. What more does he want?"

"I don't think he knows." Luna frowned a little. "He will keep grabbing until his hands are full, then take some more, balancing it all precariously until it, and he, falls over."

"Did you spy on his dreams then?"

"I took part in them."

"Oh? What did you do?"

Luna knew that what one did in a dream was just a dream, but still, telling that to Celestia... "We... talked..."

"Be truthful, sister."

Celestia could see right through Luna. Having a larger sister came with positives and negatives. "I mated with him, as a human female."

"Luna! You were not sent to do that! Whatever compelled you?" Despite her words, she drew Luna closer, hugging her with a wing lovingly.

Luna could not doubt she was cared for. "Things got out of hoof, and he turned my interest into passion, and there we were. I let him, and we did it. I... showed him being a pony, but he reacted very poorly, and the dream ended."

"I should think so." Celestia shook her head. "Just because some accept such things doesn't mean they all do. Of the humans that arrived, many are still quite happily human, living among us as they were born, and we should not press them, only redress their crimes, when that comes up."

Luna flipped her ears back. "I have Silver's thoughts with me, but it was my decision, and I accept that. With his mind, being transformed seems an opportunity to learn and see, not horror. The look in his eyes when he realized what I had done... He is not the same, and I did wrong by him." She frowned a little. "I wish he was not so set on this destructive path against us, or I would apologize."

Celestia rolled a hoof. "You could anyway. Whatever he decides, you are beholden to yourself and your own sense of right and wrong. He may spurn your words and send you away, but that doesn't mean your words don't need to be said."

Luna gave a little nod. "I will be the better then. I will apologize to him." She rose, separating from the wing embrace. "It seems unlikely he is unaware of my presence. I will admit my actions and apologize, even if he is likely to--"

"It just occurred to me."


Celestia smiled gently. "You often act recklessly around humans. Will you marry this one as well?"

Luna went red, her wings shooting out. "Sister! That is an extremely low blow and uncalled for!"

Celestia shook her head. "It was beneath me, I'm sorry. Go, see how he reacts. Know that I'm with you, and love you, despite my teasing."

Luna snorted softly and trotted from the room, riled up.


John sat up in bed as he yelled, wide-eyed and panting. For a moment he looked around wildly, before catching sight of his hands…human hands, rather than hooves. As he reached total wakefulness, he let out a sigh, relaxing at the realization that it had all been a dream.

As far as dreams went, that had been one of the better ones before it had suddenly turned horrific at the end. While he felt almost no attachment to his old life, that would have been a very different story if he’d met a woman like that before coming here. As it was, he had clearly been in Equestria too long.

But it’s not like there was anything he could do about that now. He was stuck here, notwithstanding the Equestria Girls version of Earth, and heading there now would significantly derail his plans. He’d just have to endure it.

Laying back down, John smiled to himself as he thought about what would happen once everything fell into place. Once he had what he needed, he’d be able to…able to… His thoughts trailed off as he glanced back at the wall behind his bed. He’d hung Zecora’s dreamcatcher there before going to sleep, but now, in the dim glow of the streetlights shining through the curtains, all he could see was a scorch mark where it had been.

For a moment he just stared at the black spot on the wall in horror, feeling his blood turn to ice water in his veins. Then he vaulted from the bed, switching on the closest lamp as he moved to examine it more closely, hoping that further investigation would lead to a different conclusion.

It didn’t. If anything, it confirmed what he feared, as there were a few sticks and pieces of string mixed with a small pile of ashes – all that remained of his dreamcatcher – on the ground. The reason for that was obvious: something had overpowered the dreamcatcher’s magic enough to destroy it, and that meant…

Luna had been in his dream.

The feelings that arrived on the heels of that realization could only be called complete and utter humiliation. To have had someone else rooting around in his head, to see him at his most vulnerable and unguarded…it was a violation of irreducible proportions. It was enough to make him sink to his knees, head in his hands as he struggled to process what had happened.

For long moments, he stayed that way, curled up and shaking in an effort to control himself, to suppress what he felt the way he had done ever since he had arrived in Equestria. But for the first time, it was more than he was capable of doing, and with a snarl he shot to his feet, grabbing the nearby lamp and flinging it against the opposite wall as hard as he could, shattering it into a thousand pieces.

He didn’t stop there, proceeding to destroy anything he could get his hands on. Anything that caught his eye was smashed, torn, or overturned in blind fury. He was staying in an expensive long-term hotel room, and knew he’d pay a price for what he was doing, but at the moment he couldn’t bring himself to care.

It was only after thoroughly trashing everything he could that he sank into a corner, feeling not at all better for his tantrum. If anything, he felt even worse, unable to stop remembering the intimate moments he’d unwittingly shared with the mental intruder. Luna was probably sharing what she’d learned with Celestia right now, the two of them having a laugh at his expense!

I swear, I will rip that little whore’s horn off and stab it through that shriveled organ she calls a heart! That, and similar dark fantasies, played out in his head as he tried to come to grips with what had happened. He wanted to go out and make good on them right now, and only the absolute certainty that he’d fail, and probably die in the attempt, kept him from attempting to do so.

He sat there for a long time, just trying to piece himself back together. Intellectually, he knew he had little right to complain about what had happened. He had struck first after all, and he had known even before he had that it was only a matter of time before the princesses counterattacked. But he had badly underestimated the sheer magnitude of their retaliation, and now...now he was paying the price for that.

As his rage slowly settled, John felt his resolve waver. While he knew that Luna had gained no real information from him during their encounter, that was purely due to luck. If she tried again…

Lurching to his feet, John stumbled to the nearby closet, rooting around in it until he found the single remaining dreamcatcher in the back of it. He’d had Zecora make two for him, just in case something had happened to the first one. But now, the utter futility of his preparations was fully apparent. A second dreamcatcher would fare no better than the first.

Luna would be back, of that John was absolutely certain. And with his having no way to stop her, it was only a matter of time before she found out what he was trying to accomplish. And once that happened…a shudder ran through him as he thought of what she and her sister would do to him then.

He stood there for long moments, weighing his options, before finally admitting what he already knew: that he had no options, except to cut his losses and retreat. It would mean losing all of the ground he’d gained up until now, but without a more reliable method of defeating Luna’s dreamwalking, there was no other recourse.

Sighing in resignation, John moved to write a quick letter, explaining to whoever read it that he’d needed to go “abroad” for sudden health issues, and that the Lunar Benefit Fund should be managed by…John paused for a moment before writing Silver’s name, mostly because he felt sure that the Human Ambassador was weak-willed enough that reclaiming the organization at a later date, if he felt like doing so, would be no trouble.

Getting dressed, John quickly checked out – leaving a large amount of bits to pay for the damages – and headed for the Canterlot train station. He could be at Ponyville before noon, and since Princess Twilight had no guards at her castle, he’d likely be able to break in and find the mirror portal without anyone even being aware of it.

As he boarded the train, John took one last look at the castle, towering about the rest of the city. Luna, and through her the rest of the ponies, had won this round. But as he was slowly spirited out of the city, “John Smith” swore to himself that this wasn’t over. He’d find a solution, regardless of how long it took, and when he did then he’d pick up where he’d left off.

This setback, as monumental as it was, wasn’t the end, he vowed silently. It was only the end of the beginning…

227 - Politics are Insane

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Luna entered the hotel where the human was staying, pausing a moment to gather her breath and her nerve. She was determined to apologize, even she didn't like what he was doing. She marched to the front counter. "I would wish to speak to the human John Smith."

"He's not here," replied the stallion standing there. "According to his note, he won't be for a while. Actually, since you're here..." He handed over the note. "I was going to have this mailed over to the castle, but since you came to me, Your Highness, here you are."

"What is this?" Her eyes scanned over the paper from side to side and she frowned. "I see..." Her plans of apology, dashed. Had she caused him to flee? She nodded to the stallion. "Thank you." She walked away, promising to herself to try to think before acting. The contents of the letter were worrying. There was only one pony she knew that would handle it properly.

She returned to Celestia, who was trying to slumber in her room. She had frizzes in her mane and looked tired from her brief and aborted nap, but she woke. "Sister?"

"'Tia," Luna nodded to her rousing sibling. "Look." She floated the letter over, held in her magic. "I scared him away."

Celestia accepted the letter, the color of the magic turning to the gold of her own as she scanned over it. "I don't think Silver will be taking this post."

"Who will?"

"His daughter, of course, or yours, technically. We will release her, fully well and ready to do her part for society, here." She tapped at the letter. "She's ready to help and serve the lunar ponies, who she has come to love and respect deeply, and has one as a mother figure, not to mention their literal progenitor as legal guardian. Could we ask for a finer choice?"

Luna raised a brow. "One with a better-defined sense of right and wrong, to begin with. She is detached from the world we live in."

Celestia rolled a hoof. "I'm not banishing her, or even sending her out of the castle. She'll get an office close to her family's, and serve her ponies proudly. A unicorn that sees lunars not only as ponies, but as friends and family, that's exactly what we need to help mend this rift."

Luna took a slow and deep sigh. "You're not entirely wrong, sister of mine. Still, to release her now?"

"I was going to ask that you do so in either event," admitted Celestia. "She can't have that hanging over her head and do what I wished her to do. She has learned the most vital lessons and is ready to be trusted." She nodded as she put the letter aside. "She at least considers the feelings of others before acting. She understands those around her feel as she does, hurts as she can, and can love and be loved. She is ready to be a pony."

Luna nodded in agreement. "Then I will set her free. Now, I've kept you up long enough." She leaned in and kissed Celestia's cheek. "Sleep well. I'll let her know and take care of this."

Celestia gave a little nod in return, hugging Luna in return and turning back for her bed. "I need to finish my sleep, sister dear, or I'd be glad to help you. See you in the morning, alright?"

Luna left her sister to return to slumber, but she had things to do. She prowled towards Silver's room.

Silver blinked softly at Samantha and Moonbeam. "Repeat that again?"

Samantha pointed at Moonbeam. "He is my ward, just as I am Luna's. I will see--"

Night tilted her head faintly. "Is this legal? Can you take wards?"

Samantha shook her head back. "Celestia said it was official." She wrapped a hoof around Moonbeam and hugged him close even as he squirmed. "I want to be as good of a parental figure as you two and Luna have been to me."

Moon blinked. "You're Luna's? I mean, she adopted you?"

The door swung open, admitting Luna. "I did, and it is not a decision I regret."

Moon's eyes went wide as the others nodded towards her with familiarity. "Holy moon, it is you!"

"'Tis I. I've come to deliver news. Apologies for not knocking, but I think it is imminently related."

Night rolled a hoof. "There's a good forty percent chance you're here to free Samantha."

Luna blinked softly. "Are we that predictable? Yes. Samantha, you have learned well what we wanted to teach you, and feel confident you can tend to yourself. You are my ward no longer and are an independent pony."

Samantha didn't look as happy as some might predict. "But... I want to be their daughter, and yours. I want to learn and..."

Luna held up a hoof. "Worry not. You can be a daughter without being a ward. If the offer still stands, I should imagine this herd will take you quite lovingly."

Silver nodded firmly. "I wouldn't dream of turning you away."

Moon squirmed away to look Luna over slowly. "So... are you here to punish me?"

"Whatever for?" Luna looked down at the small colt. "I trust your parent to discipline you, and she is right behind you. I am, at best, a grandparent. It is a grandparent's duty to spoil children." She produced a lollipop from nowhere and handed it to the stunned Moonbeam who accepted it in his mouth, still staring at Luna.

Silver smiled a little. "This is good news. Samantha really has come a far way." He closed the distance to hug her gently. "I'm so proud of you." The hug was returned and both smiled into it, enjoying the closeness.

"That is not all I came for," warned Luna. "Samantha, it is time for you to have your first official duty."

Samantha blinked. "Wasn't I going to be the pony charged with tracking all the money in Mister Smith's organization?"

"And that is true, mostly." Luna rose to her full height. "The human, John Smith, has departed. Meaning his creation is in need of a new leader. You will do as you planned, to watch the money come and go, with our blessing, but you will also lead the organization. You will be our agent to be sure lunar ponies have a place to turn and are promoted in society. You have a considerable network of lunar friends, do you not?"

Samantha's ears flicked back. "I would consider most to be my friend, but I am not certain how many return that feeling."

"Find out," urged Luna even as Silver slipped to the side. "Speak to them and the other lunars affected by this tragedy and help them recover first, then turn your eyes to the many others that get missed on a daily basis. Begin with lunars, but, as time and resources allow, spread. You will be our vanguard for those who would otherwise fall through the cracks of society, much like yourself once did."

Samantha gave a sharp salute. "I bet I could start a study..."

Night raised a brow. "Focus on the task at hand first. There's plenty in front of you that doesn't need studying."

"Right." Samantha rose. "Moonbeam, it's time for bed."


"Tomorrow we get you signed up for school. Tonight, you sleep. Sleep is a required portion of a healthy and productive education," spoke Samantha clearly and confidently. "Do you desire me to... 'tuck you in'?" She raised an ear. "This way."

Moonbeam blushed fiercely at the offer to treat him like a foal that needed that, but he followed along after her to be tucked in.

Luna watched them go before looking back to Silver and Night. "I have a question."

Silver perked an ear curiously. "What?"

"Did I do well?" She gestured at the departed Samantha. "In her. She is better, don't you think?" Her tone was hopeful, almost desperate.

Night nodded firmly. "Like night and day compared to how she was, but like night and day, she's still the same person, just with a new view of the world around her."

Silver bobbed his head. "She's great. She isn't our wife, as she was before, but she's a part of the family, and I'm proud to have her." He advanced on Luna and kissed her cheek, bringing a blush to it. "Just as I'm proud to have you in my future."

Luna staggered back half a step. "If others saw that!"

"Fortunately, they didn't," said Silver with a smile. "I'm feeling better, knowing who will be my family or not. I almost want to just get it over with, so we can all be together."

Night suddenly swatted him across the head. "No matter who we marry, we're all busy ponies. We won't get to hang out nearly as often as you're imagining."

Silver pouted a bit at that, then pointed to Luna. "She's right there. I could tackle her and keep her for a few minutes at least."

Luna blushed intensely. "I get a say in this," she demanded.

Silver flashed a bright smile as he pulled out a line previously directed at him. "Of course, top or bottom?"

Luna left them some time later, fresh and smiling. Night shook her head at her husband. "What a stallion I've married. If I hadn't already nominated her privately, I'd be so angry right now."

Silver rolled his eyes. "As if you weren't involved. You made her hit such interesting notes."

Night flushed faintly. "You seem cheerful, in a lusty sort of way."

"I'm happy," reported Silver with a firm nod. "My family is decided on. I love them, every bit of them, even the imperfect parts, and they love me." He stretched out slowly. "I feel great, and, damn it, I'm not hiding it. I'm going to kiss and hug you at random times and give you gifts and compliments, so there. I'm happy and you have to suffer the consequences."

Night nuzzled him gently. "I'll accept that. Come on, you need sleep too." She nipped at his throat. "Stallions are like overgrown foals."

They retired together, though they perhaps avoided sleep a little while before sleep descended on the entire suite.

Samantha sung a lullaby used long ago by her father as she tucked in her ward, making sure the covers were well in place and kissing both of his cheeks. "Remember, you're safe now." He gave her a little smile, unsure of that statement, but seeming willing to entertain its existence, and perhaps hoping to be true.

All were confident that Luna would chase away any particularly nasty dreams, but that they were happy enough among themselves to not need the protection.

228 - Reporting for Duty

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Samantha sat down at a desk. Her desk. It was in her office. She looked around slowly at it. It was like Silver's without the personal touches. She would have to furnish and select such, to make those who visited her feel at home with the impression that they were in her home, not just an office. With her magic, she turned the name on the desk to face herself. "Minister of Tribal Unity, Samantha Watch", it read, and she smiled to read it.

There were already some ponies awaiting her, so she saw no reason to keep them as such. She set the name placard down and rang the bell in her magic that had been left for her. "Send in the first!"

A lunar stallion entered. She'd seen him before. He had been swept up in the AmNeigh thing and was medium-low on that ghastly pyramid. He had not served under Samantha. "Hello, ma'am." He glanced left and right. "May I start with a potentially rude question?"

"If you're asking, it probably isn't rude," reasoned Samantha. "I'm here to serve, and if disclosing information will do that, please, ask."

He hopped up on the chair facing Samantha and sat down. It was easily large enough for him to lay down on it without difficulty. "Why are you here, ma'am, instead of a lunar pegasus?"

Samantha perked her ears. It was at once a good and awful question. She considered a moment. "The fact that you have to ask that question is part of why. I am neither the unicorn you see or the lunar pony you want to see. I am a pony, and so are you. Being both proud members of this nation, I will do everything in my power to set your place straight and fight for you."

He blinked softly. "Did you prepare that ahead of time?"

"Should I have?" She tilted her head. "I've never served this position before. You asked, and I answered as best I could. I can't promise I won't make mistakes. If I do, tell me, patiently please. I will work hard to be the best at this job." She offered a hoof. "I do mean it. You are a pony, and you deserve a fine place, like any pony, of any tribe."

The stallion quirked a little smile. "You're a curious pony. I feel like I'm talking to a foal, but one with a big heart and big dreams. Is that why the Royal Sisters picked you? Alright, so... I used to work at the cannery, east side of town. It was alright enough business, until it fell apart. Problem, I only really know how to run canning machines, and that isn't a skill asked for a lot. Even when it is, if they have a choice between a lunar pony and a solar pony, well... So here I am, no job, no support. I want to work, really, I do! I don't want a hoof-out. I want to earn my keep."

She tapped her chin as she considered what he might have done in his work. "Have you assembled machines?" He shook his head. "Repaired them?" He wobbled a hoof. "I imagine you've cleaned and up-kept them?" He nodded. "What about what goes into them and who they sell to?"


"The machines, clearly they canned something specific, for a specific purpose. Are you aware of it?"

"Y-yea, why?"

"Why did the cannery you were at fall apart?"

"The owner retired, didn't have foals, so he let it go, and that was that," explained the lunar stallion.

"So it's still there?" asked Samantha, perking with hope.

"Covered in graffiti and broken windows, but yeah, why?"

"Why don't you run it? You and the other ponies that used to work there?" She clopped her hooves. "If you take on many ponies that would otherwise be out of employment and give them something productive to do... This would be a fine first expenditure of my royal stipend for just this sort of project." She clopped her hooves. "It will be good to have a lunar pony that ow--"

"Wait wait wait! Who?"

"You. Do you suggest another?" Samantha tilted her head.

"B-but..." The stallion looked overwhelmed. "I never ran a factory before. There's so many things..."

"That is why you will hire those who know what you don't. Assemble a crew of those who have the experience but are currently out of work, of any tribe, lunar or not. Give me the address." She levitated a paper and quill over. "I will oversee the legal matters of obtaining this defunct factory and we will begin remedying this fact."

He wandered out of the office a few minutes later, dazed, but happy. The smile wouldn't leave his face even as butterflies danced in his stomach. If things went well, he and his friends would have the factory back, and own it. But they'd have to take responsibility for it. There would be no 'boss' to blame for bad quarters or years.

Samantha kept going until she calculated she was within the limit, with a generous 50% leeway in case her calculations were tragically off. She prioritized things that would help more than one pony, and those that would theoretically turn a profit to help more ponies. She would make a pyramid of her own, but instead of the top laughing cruelly at the bottom, the money would flow up to her just to fund more pyramids, and everyone at every level would be treated fairly.

With the final t crossed, she hopped down from her chair and trotted out of her office. She flipped the card from 'In' to 'Out' and smiled. She had completed her first day, and she liked it. Checking her trackers, Moonbeam was doing a circle around the castle. She detected no other ponies with him, so she trotted outside and looked up to find him, then began to wave energetically. He came in for a smooth landing.

"Yeah?" he asked, looking her over.

"It's time to get you into school."

He wrinkled his snout. "Yeah, sure, you can try, but don't blame me when it doesn't work..."

Samantha raised a brow skeptically, but since Moonbeam was following her, she set it aside and made for the main office of the united Canterlot school districts. She entered the well-manicured building and made her way up to the counter. "I'd like to register my foal for school please."

"No problem, miss." The mare pushed forward a form with her magic. "Just sign th-- Who is that?" She was looking past Samantha to Moonbeam.

"That's my colt. Why?"

"He's a bit... old to be entering school," she noted as he rolled his eyes. "We usually accept young foals who remain until graduation."

"Surely an exception can be made? He's had some difficulties at home that are thankfully resolved and he's ready to en--"

"I'm sorry, ma'am." She pulled the admission papers away with a soft tug of magic. "He's too old to enter school."

"But he was in school before!"

"How recently?" asked the secretary.

"About a year," offered Moonbeam.

"Sorry, ma'am. Can I help with anything else?"

Samantha was red with frustration and anger, not directly at the mare, but there was a good portion aimed at her. "Where do you recommend I go?"

The mare shrugged. "Maybe a college?"

Samantha huffed and turned away. Her colt wasn't ready for academy, not yet. "Good bye."

"Good luck," offered the mare as she returned to her work.

Samantha stormed out of the office. That was a--

"I told you." He circled to her front. "Nopony wants a lunar colt, especially one as old as I am."

She pointed a hoof at him. "When Silver is told he can't have something, do you know what he does?"

Moonbeam blinked softly. "Uh, no?"

"He finds another way." Her magic grasped him firmly and hefted him up as she got to trotting. "I will not fail you as a mother so quickly. You're going to school and you're going to receive the education you deserve."

"It's alright, really," he insisted, floating along behind the incensed unicorn. "I know how to fend for myself."

"It's time for me to fend for you. I am your mother and I accepted that responsibility." Samantha looked over her shoulder. "There's another place we can try."

Silver was in his own office, but he was far from alone. Night was there, sorting papers about shamanism she could find and those she had penned and both were keeping half an eye on the two energetic foals. They were an occupied family, but their duties seemed smaller shared, even if it meant being in the same room.

His duties, besides foalwatching, were mostly involved in making sure he didn't get the coronation wrong, or the ritual to accept Luna and Celestia to the herd. "With him gone, and Samantha doing her part, we can move forward soon."

Night nodded as she shuffled papers. "I look forward to that, but I've been thinking. We should honor tradition, but we don't need to be enslaved by it. We should take this chance to show we're doing it our way, but we're not rebels without a cause. We appreciate the old ways."

"They let us be together," noted Silver as he flipped papers in his magic. "What do you suggest?"

She reached out a wing and scooped up Morning Glory, just to drop him by his box of magic goodies, which he began to dig through eagerly. "I have something in mind. It will catch Celestia and Luna off-guard, because we won't tell them, but they'll have enough poise to roll along and we'll have a good time with it."

Silver smiled faintly. "So long as it's nice and won't make too big a stink." He put his papers down and took a deep breath. "Do you think Samantha's doing alright?"

"It won't," assured Night as she rose to her hooves. "Look over this." She dropped a collection of papers in front of Silver. "This is my primer on shamanism, assuming you know nothing. Scan through it and see if it makes sense."

Silver plucked up the papers in his magic. "You should go over this with Nefer. She's been in the shamanism game longer than you, I--"

"No, please," stated Night firmly. "We've gone our separate ways."

Silver blinked softly. "Was it that bad?"

"She stole Samantha's mother and was ready to fight me, for real, to keep her. Yeah, I'm done with her." She snorted loudly and turned a little away only to find Clear Twilight peering at her. "What?"

Clear reached up and booped her mother's nose with a hoof. It brought a smile to Night's face despite herself. "Rascal."

"She's not wrong though. She lost, didn't she?"

"I won," corrected Night. "Samantha got to say a proper goodbye to her mother and send her off into the ether." She glanced away a moment. "That's all some ponies ask for, and never get." She trembled a little. "I'm proud I was able to give that to her."

229 - Together We Stand

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Samantha nodded to the guards. "I require speaking to my mother."

They blinked at her in confusion.

"Oh! Sorry, she's not formally invited yet. I wish to speak to Princess Fast Change please."

One of them pointed to the lunar pony floating behind Samantha. "Does it involve him?"

"Yes, it does," she confirmed. "I hear you have a multi-tribal school?"

The other nodded. "We do, you do--"

"I'm going to a changeling school?!" cried Moonbeam in surprise and more than a little worry. "No way!"

Samantha turned to regard her flailing passenger floating in the air. "Now you stop that immediately. The negative thoughts you're having are exactly the reason you were turned away from the standard schooling options. They are ponies too, and will welcome you and give you the education you require."

One of the guard coughed softly into a hoof. "As we were saying, you don't need to speak to Qu--Princess Fast Change for that, just the school teacher. I'll show you." He got a nod from his companion and rose to lead the way.

"They'll suck the love out of me! I don't want to be a zo--"

The guard frowned up at the colt. "We will do nothing of the sort. We only take what's given. What about you, vampire bat? Will you drain my blood away and leave a desiccated corpse behind?"

Moonbeam turned red as a rush of emotions swept through him. "How dare you call me a vampire, vampire!"

"Blood drinker."

"Emotion eater!"

"Night Predator!"

Moonbeam pointed to himself. "That's more a statement of fact than an insult."

The guard quirked a smile. "As was yours."

Samantha set Moonbeam down in front of the guard as tensions seems to die down.

Moonbeam offered a hoof with uncertainty. "So, I'll be safe here?"

The guard clopped hoof to hoof. "You'll only be 'eaten' if you consent, and only a little. We want to be good neighbors."

Samantha smiled as peace was reached. There would be hope for her ward here.

Silver stood with foals strapped to either side. Next to him was an uncomfortable Night Watch. "Look, she did wrong."

"So have the both of us at times. That doesn't mean we don't offer a chance to make up." Silver leaned over and kissed her cheek. "I'm not asking you to become best friends, just to not hate her forever."

Night grumbled softly before she raised a hoof and clopped the door twice.

The door opened, nothing there to Silver's eyes. Nefertari's spirit guardian scowled at Night. "You've returned. There's nothing here for you."

Night rolled her eyes. "Don't be dramatic with me. Where's Nefertari?"

"She's working, unlike you."

"When is she expected back?"

Silver tilted his head. "Who are you talking to?"

The spirit smiled wickedly. "It doesn't run in this family I see."

Night kissed Silver's cheek. "Part of being a shaman," she explained to Silver before facing the grinning jackal. "I want to speak to Nefertari, when should I return?"

"When you are ready to admit your failings."

Night scowled at the spirit. "I'm here to offer her a chance of forgiveness, not tell her I was wrong, bec--"

Silver put a hoof around his wife and drew her close. He could only hear half the conversation, but it was clear where it was going.

Night let out a sigh as she was hugged. "Look, I need to talk to her, alright?"

"I will inform her." The spirit closed the door with a snap, leaving them in the hallway.

Night nuzzled into Silver's warmth. "She rarely outright lies. Nefertari will be told we came knocking."

"That gives us a few options." Silver nuzzled the top of her head. "We could wait, or find her. She's probably in the castle still, likely at court."

"And you won't be happy with waiting." The answer she received was a fresh boop on the nose from Clear Twilight. "Right, let's find her then."

She wasn't hard to find, but to approach... She was seated with other foreign dignitaries at Day Court, watching some pony on the stand complain about something local. They shared occasional whispered comments, but mostly seemed detached from the petty dealings of such trifling things. Still, they formed a unit, and made coming close to her difficult.

Night gestured a wing at them. "Well, guess that's that. We'll have to wait..."

"You know I won't take that." Silver looked over the room and the group. "We'll get her."

He did the only thing that came to mind, as outrageous as it was. He walked up to the knot of foreign dignitaries, starting with the gazelle-like female at the end. "I wish to speak to Ambassador Nefertari."

Just asking proved to be more effective than not, and Silver won his way towards his target. As he reached Nefertari, he was suddenly yanked, pulled down to sit beside her. One of her arms patted him on the back. "Hello, fellow ambassador. What brings you to my side? You're not scaring away my neighbors, this time."

Silver quirked a little smile and nodded. "I came to get you for a conversation. It involves Night."

Nefertari scowled. "We have precious little to discuss."

"I'd like to fix that," explained Silver. "This is far from the first mistake I've seen, and is not like--"

He stopped as Morning Glory popped free of his confinement and into Nefertari's lap. He held up his hooves at the female and received a gentle hug for it, much to his apparent satisfaction.

Silver reached with his magic to reclaim his colt. "Sorry about that, he does that. Now, really, just a talk."

"For you," spoke Nefertari as she rose. "Come. Court is no place for personal conversations."

They departed, meeting with Night on the way out. Nefertari snorted softly and glared at her once-student, but continued ahead. Night looked equally pleased to see her once-mentor, but soon they were in a tasteful but mostly-empty room. Silver set both of the foals down to explore and play.

Night faced Nefertari directly. "Perhaps I was a bit hasty..."


Night squirmed in place. "We don't have to be enemies."

"Then what are we?" challenged Nefertari. "You don't want the lessons I offer, and my views are quite alien to yours. You don't want to be with me, as a friend, it see--"

Silver nuzzled her, right in the belly. She went a dark red in surprise and fury. "And you! Why are you trying to be nice?"

He smiled a little. "I've met you many times, in better times and worse. I would like you to be a friend, also." He gestured at Night. "We're bringing this magic to others, and would like the help of someone already practiced in it."

The idea of being wanted for something was far less alien. "Ah, so there is a purpose to this beyond 'friendship for friendship's sake' then? Hmm."

Night rolled her eyes. "Pretty sure we'd be here having this conversation either way once he found out I turned you away. He's not wrong though, there is a practical side too."

"My price is simple and low." Nefertari rose to her full height. "Accept me."

Silver blinked softly. "I think I do already?"

"Not that." She waved it off. "I spoke to the noble, Blueblood. He mentioned you would perhaps be seeking one of every race for your 'herd'."

Silver turned red that time. "W-wait, I stopped that! I'm quite happy enough marrying the princesses."

"You're marrying the princesses?" Nefertari smiled wickedly. "It's good to confirm that. My price remains. Turn my shame into honor, to make it clear that you bested me for my hand and that we are joined."

Night put out a wing, partially blocking Silver's view. "I am the alpha mare. You have to go through me first."

"I'm not asking to partake in pony culture. I'm demanding you respect mine." Nefer leaned towards Night. "I will not ask him to abandon this group, that's fine. If I'm one of many, none will question if I act separately of him."

Silver felt a bitterness grow. He had just settled who was family or not and was happy with what he had. "We didn't come here for this."

"But here you are. You can take it or not." Nefer shrugged softly. "If you accept, I will perform my duties as wife."


She ran her paws along the sides of her body. "Males of any race get certain urges. I would be a fool to write off the possibility that you may even leave me swelling with hybrid pups."

Silver flushed dark and glanced at Night, then her. "Let me think about it," he said weakly, wanting to get out of there.

"There's nothing to think about!" complained Night before she looked guilty. "Look, Silver, you know I support you, but this is my job, a job you gave me, and this isn't even one of your crazy ideas. You're being forced!"

Nefer shrugged softly. "So deny me and be done with it, then leave and don't return, for we have very little to discuss."

Silver smiled nervously at the shapely biped. "We need to, uh, talk. Does this have to be decided now?"

"Take your time." Nefer shrugged lightly then moved to leave. "You know how to find me, I trust." She was soon gone.

Night struck Silver, a wing across his snout in a vicious blow. He felt a blinding anger for a moment, but it faded quickly. She smacked him again and he was sent fleeing from her. "How could you even consider it?! I made my mistakes, but we settled on it. I'm the First Wife. I decide who enters the herd, and she's not one of them."

Silver lifted her up and away out of striking range, only to be suddenly tackled to the ground by a spirit. Night's grandfather was pinning him to the ground. "I have tolerated a lot of your strange behavior at Night's request, but this is too much. You gather females around you, just to take one she doesn't even like? What kind of husband are you! Back in my day, a stallion had one mare and he was happy he had that!"

Night flopped to the ground, the tackle disrupting the magic holding her. She quickly closed the distance and warded her grandfather away. "Easy there. I still want him in one piece."

Grumbling, her grandfather slipped off of Silver. A keen crying suddenly split the room, to be joined by another. The foals were there, and watching their parents fight, and neither liked what they saw.

Silver's ears pinned to his head as he rose up. "Let's talk about this like grown people, after we calm them down."

They both went to comfort their children. Their conversation would have to wait.

230 - To School

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The changeling guard took a turn and pushed out a door right out of the hive, entering the street without pause.

Moonbeam blinked as he followed with his adoptive mother. "Where are we going?"

"The school."

Moonbeam peeked behind him. "I thought it was back there? It isn't a changeling school?"

"We have one going there, but it isn't for changelings, or any one type of pony."

Samantha perked an ear. "Oh, I've created a misunderstanding. I knew Fast Change knew about this school, but it isn't hers, or the changelings. My apologies for the confusion."

Moonbeam sagged as he went. "If it wasn't a changeling school, why'd you let me get all worked up?"

The guard grinned but didn't turn. "We're ponies too. Making you a bit rattled for your preconceptions was too tempting."

They pressed on to the less opulent portion of Canterlot, where most of the non-unicorns lived. Few bothered them with a changeling guard with them, looking stern and official in his armor. "Welcome to what the locals call 'Decanter'."

"I know this place," spoke Moonbeam with a little excitement, pointing. "My place wasn't that far away from here."

Their target wasn't far from the hive and they approached an unassuming building. "Miss Shade Fire, are you in?" called the guard as he entered the front door. "I have a student for you."

A shadow pixie flitted out. "What's all the noise about?" Her eyes wandered from the guard directly for Moonbeam. "Well aren't you the most adorable little scamp!"

"That's my teacher?"

Samantha nudged her wayward son forward. "I can entrust you to see to the proper education of my ward?"

"That's a very fancy way of asking if I'll be his teacher, and I will be." She landed lightly and offered a hoof to Moonbeam. "I'm Miss Shade Fire, and I will be your teacher. Come with me and let's get some paperwork out of the way, then you can meet the others."

Moonbeam reached hesitantly for the odd hoof presented to him. "You don't care if I'm older?"

"Are you willing to learn?" asked Shade Fire. He nodded a little, still unsure. "Good, then I'll teach an old stallion if I have to, which you aren't. We'll do a few tests to see where you stand and go from there. You just be ready to learn and be a good pony in my class, alright?"

A griffon flew out of the room. "Hey, Miss..." She trailed off, seeing the two new faces. "Oh, uh, hey."

"Glenda, splendid timing. I want you to take our newest student--"

"Moonbeam," he offered with a little smile.

"Yes, Moonbeam. Show him around the class and see he's introduced. Moonbeam, this is Glenda, one of your classmates."

They exchanged greetings with equal uncertainty, but they obeyed the directions and were soon off into the classroom. Shade Fire turned to Samantha with a nod. "I gather if you're here, you know about this school?"

"Please inform me." Samantha smiled brightly. "I would gladly know more about where my son is being educated."

The guard saluted lightly. "It looks like you're in good hooves." He turned and headed back to the hive with a little whistle.

Shade Fire offered a wave before nodding. "This is Decanter Elementary. We teach ponies of all tribes how to be all they can be, to proceed to a productive life directly, or to head off to a university. We cover all the basics: History, Math, basic chemistry and biology, writing, social studies and home economics. Does that sound like what you want for your colt?"

Samantha smiled brightly. "That sounds optimal. I notice you haven't asked about our different appearances?"

"Sometimes that just happens," pointed out Miss Shade Fire. "If you're not his birth mother, I'd treat you the same so long as you love him, and I think you do. If there's more that I should know, you or he will tell me."

Samantha perked an ear at the umbrum. "Your attitude is commendable. I feel I should inform you so you can make the best decisions possible. His birth parents are deceased, and I am his legal guardian in the form of his adoptive mother. I wish him to be treated well and prepared for adult life. He is clever and driven, but that fell into trouble before. I wish to see that channeled to more productive things."

She nodded back. "I'll keep an eye on him, see what makes him stick." She got a bit of a menacing look. "If I have to, I'll scare him onto the right path."

"Does that work?" Samantha tilted her head. "Let us complete the papers, so you may resume your lessons."

They went off together to see about Moonbeam's proper induction.

Silver followed after Night with a frown on his face. He bore the foals, but was silent.

"You're unusually quiet," noted Night. "We're alone now, speak up."

But he said nothing.

Clear made a little noise, and he nuzzled her, silence still hanging over him.

They arrived at their room and Night opened the door with a deft twist of a wing. "Come on, then you'll tell me what the silent treatment is about."

Silver proceeded inside and made for the nursery to set the foals down with near-whisper promises that everything would be alright.

"So we're saying no, right?"

Silver turned on her with a scowl.

"What? That's the obvious course of action. It's not good for her, and it certainly isn't good for our forming family. I mean, you looked angry that she was even suggesting it." Night waved a hoof at Silver, then retreated from the nursery, lest the foals be upset again.

Silver followed her, still quiet.

"Enough of the quiet," she snarled, advancing on him. "Talk!"

"Or you'll hit me?" he asked.

Her mouth worked silently a moment before she shook her head. "I didn't hit you that hard."

"This isn't the first time. I doubt it will be the last. I never hit you."

Night's wings spread. "This isn't about that!"

"It never is." He turned away from her and approached the small bar that rested in their room. He normally ignored it, but perhaps that was a fine time for... He didn't know. He wasn't much of a drinker at all, and they all looked the same to him. With his magic, he snatched a cider bottle. He knew what that was!

"Silver..." Night come up beside him. "Please. I want you to be happy, and to be happy with you. Do you really think--"

Silver wheeled on her, bottle raised high, but it waved and fell, still closed. It landed with a dull thump. He couldn't hit her. "Do you have that little faith in me?"


"I wanted her to go. I got her to go."

Night sucked a little air through her teeth. "Great, but there is no question. She can't jo--"

"It doesn't matter. I wanted her to go. I wanted us to talk, like adults. I wanted us to be a team, together... She drove a wedge and instead of accepting my... I tried to back away from it, and you hit me."

Night looked guilty for a moment. She rallied, ready to fight, but her memory of her recent battle weighed heavily on her. "You... don't want her then?"

"I wanted to talk with you." He picked up the bottle and applied his magic to the cork, popping it free with some fizz overflowing from it being dropped. Despite that, he poured a glass quickly. "You don't trust me."

"Of course I--"

"Actions speak louder than orders." He set the bottle back on its shelf and took up the glass in his magic, hovering it before his eyes.

"Don't be like that..." Night glanced off, then back at Silver. "Look, I'm sorry I hit you. I thought you--"

"Even if I was, would that make it alright?"

She wanted to say yes. She knew that was the wrong answer, at least to Silver. Being struck seemed to be a very sensitive topic to him, and she took a slow breath to regain control. "I was wrong. I'm sorry. What do I have to do to make it up?"

"Never again." He swigged the glass. It tasted of apples. He couldn't taste the alcohol that should have been in it.

She glanced between the hovering glass and the alicorn that just drained it. She was also aware that he rarely partook. "Is this that important?"

"I expect it from some... If I'm trying to convince a stranger, I may have to yell, beg, or even be slapped around to get the job done." He turned to Night. "But we're supposed to be together, closer than that. You can... Be as angry as you want, but we're supposed to be members of the same team." He gestured to the room where the foals slept. "I never forgot that. Did you?"

He turned away from her and stormed to a window to peer outside at nothing.

She watched him before taking a slow breath. "Look, I'm sorry." She came up behind him. "I'm going to hug you." He didn't object, so she pulled him in from behind and embraced his larger form. It was ridiculous in some ways, that he, the larger of the two, would be worried about being struck by her, the smaller. He, who fought the warlike anubians to a standstill. Still, she hugged him. The heart she could feel, she wanted it, and the pony attached. She still loved him. "Can we talk?"

"Always," sighed out Silver, perking an ear back at her. "She wants to join us. If it was a few moons ago, maybe, but..."

"Things have changed," agreed Night. "Between her and I, and her and you, and even her and Samantha, though one apology would make the last right as rain, so I'm only half counting that."

Silver quirked a smile. "Whether we accept or not, we should take this advantage."


"Make her face Samantha, and hopefully apologize. That was cruel, even for her. She needs a few friendship lessons of her own."

"Friendship lessons?" Night raised a brow. "Not kidnapping the spirit of a pony's mother is more than a 'friendship' lesson." She grunted softly. "Still... It's not a bad idea. If we can get a little bad water cleared, that's good."

Silver turned to her, shivering. He wanted to kiss her. So he did. He leaned in and their muzzles met in a gentle exchange and silent promise to not repeat the mistake that created that rift between them.

231 - Paths Converge

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Samantha returned home, without Moonbeam. He was a member of that school and having his first day of class. She couldn't help but smile at her victory. She was being a good mother figure, and her son would grow up to have all the opportunity to be what he wanted to be. Filled with positive energy, she bounced up the steps towards the castle, past the guards that would have ejected her once upon a time.

She saw Celestia moving along with a crowd of guards and raised a hoof. "Hello, future mother-in-law."

Celestia darkened faintly, her marriage plans far from public yet. That had to be remedied... "Samantha, how fare your new duties?"

"I have initiated several projects that should improve the lives of many ponies at once," reported Samantha with a smile. Everything she'd done lately was turning out quite well so far she could see. "They will take time to result in measurable consequences, but the ponies involved are already improved from working on them. It is a pleasure to have this position. My other new position also is turning out well."


"My son is enrolled properly and is again attending school. I am very proud of him and look forward to seeing his academic progress." She nodded firmly as she spoke. "I don't know what he will pursue as an adult, but I will endeavor to be sure he is prepared to do so."

"That is a very mature stance for any parent to take." Celestia gave a gentle nod in kind. "That's what school is for." One of the guards whispered to her and Celestia nodded. "I have to be going. Samantha, please take care."

"Goodbye." Samantha dipped her head and moved on, smiling radiantly. Even her chat with Celestia went well.

She opened the door to their communal living suite and... something was off.

Night was there. She nodded towards Samantha. "Ah, there you are. Are you busy?"

"No." Samantha raised an ear, and her readiness. Something wasn't right, but she couldn't put a hoof on it.

"Would you like to speak to Nefertari?"

Samantha blinked. "Is she ready to apologize for her many infractions of the Golden Rule? I would like to discuss that." She turned right back towards the hall. "Let's go."

Night glanced towards her bedroom before following after Samantha. "Let's go."

They went across the hall, Nefer's room not that far away. Samantha reached the door first and knocked softly. "Nefertari? Can we speak?"

The door slid open, revealing the biped peering at Samantha curiously. "I would think you have very little to say to me."

"Why would that be?" Samantha tilted her head. "I liked having you as a friend. I would like to return to that, but you have violated the Golden Rule."

"Hmm?" Her eyes darted past Samantha to Night. "Was this your idea?"

"It was," admitted Night. "But I just said the idea, the rest is Samantha."

"Very well, what is this 'Golden Rule'?" she asked with a roll of a paw-like hand.

"Do to others as you would want them to do to you." She tilted her head. "You wouldn't want me to kidnap your parents, would you?"

"I should think not." Nefertari dropped into a squat, on Samantha's level. "Very well. I failed in that task, and it was one I should not have taken. Accept my apology."

"Accepted." Samantha came forward, smiling brightly. Could that day get any better?!

They met in a hug and Samantha hugged her renewed friend eagerly. "We have so much to catch up on," gushed Samantha.

Night rolled a hoof. "Nefertari, why was what you did wrong?"

Samantha blinked and turned back to Night. "It's not obvious?"

"I want it in her words." Night gestured with a flick of her head towards Nefertari.

Nefertari snorted softly. "If I wanted a spirit, or to test you, a spirit not quite so related to either of you would have been wiser." She got her spirit, and hurt neither of them. That was certainly better and less difficult. "Samantha, you forgive me, hmm?"

"I do," agreed Samantha. "You are NefNef again." She kissed her friend on the cheek and backed up a step. "NefNef, how are you? It's been a while."

Nefertari rose to her full height. "I shall call you Sammy."

Samantha's eyes went wide. She had been nicknamed. She began to giggle, overwhelmed with how well the day had gone. "I will proudly be your Sammy. Did you know I have a son now?"

"Do you now? You didn't even appear pregnant, though I have not been around ponies that long..."

Night shook her head with a wry smile. "She adopted a colt under our nose. They're getting along at least."

Samantha bobbed her head. "I'm doing the best I can to be a good mother. I'll bring him to meet you. You'll like him!" Not that she was any authority on who would like who, but why would her son not like one of her first friends?

Nefertari looked past Samantha to Night again. "Have you come to speak on our... last conversation?"

Night grimaced faintly. "I do need to talk to you, about that. May I come in?"

"With or without Sammy?"

Samantha blinked in confusion. "I thought all three of us were having a conversation."

Night clucked her tongue. "With Sammy, she's involved too, even if she doesn't know it."

All three retreated inside and Nefertari closed the door. "Very well, what do you wish to say?"

Night pointed at Nefer with a hoof. "Even if we accept you, I don't think you understand what you're getting into. We are a family, all of us. Even Celestia and Luna know this, and are ready to be part of that family. That means we all care about each other. If Celestia has a rough day, she can turn to Silver or I and vent and expect us to listen and care. If Luna wants a hug, she's getting a hug."

"I'd hug her," reported Samantha with a happy smile.

Nefertari gestured at herself. "And if I have a troubling day?"

"Then we'd want to hear about it, and to offer comfort. That's what a family does, because we love one another. If this is entirely for politics..."

Nefer sneered faintly. "Silver and Samantha would show me love just the way I am. Why would that change?"

Night flared her wings out a moment. "They are not the only members of this family. Celestia, Luna, and myself, are not ready to love anyone who doesn't really love us back. You don't love me. I'm not even sure if you tolerate me, currently."

"Why should I?" Nefertari raised a brow. "I served well as your teacher, and you threw that away when you were slighted. I did all that I was asked to do, and you are a fine shaman, as I doubt you will argue."

Samantha looked back and forth between the two as they discussed heavy things. "Night knows about spirit things, like you, NefNef. That gives you two something to talk about. I don't know much about them...."

Nefertari crooked a finger at Night. "The ball is in your court on this, night pony. It is not I who cast you out."

Night scowled softly. "You're the one that broke that bond!"

"Did I? I challenged you, and you met it. You succeeded over it and grew for it. Is that not what any teacher should hope from their student. I have apologized for making it too... personal, but you cannot argue the results."

Samantha flashed a bright smile at her renewed friend. "Are you joining the herd?"

"That would be the idea, Sammy. I would stay apart and out--"

"No." Samantha shook her head. "That would make you my mother-in-law as well. We would do many things together." Samantha clopped her hooves with building joy. "You should show me some interesting spirits and I could show you some reports I've written up and we could share lunch and talk about Moonbeam and--"


"That's the name of my son," explained Samantha patiently but excitedly. "We'll be a family!"

Night gestured at Samantha. "You can pretend you're just adding to your resume, but it's not that simple. Are you ready for this challenge, that can't be shouted at, beat up, or otherwise intimidated? Is this what you want?" She raised a brow. "If you want to back away from this, that's fine. I'm willing to let it go entirely. I'll even let our past... differences... go."

Silver slept. He knew this as fact. He was always aware of when sleep held him. Adrift on his wings across a great open gulf of nothing at all, he tried to cross the void that was the ocean, to see the dreams of those who lived across the world. The water, alas, was a buffering agent and slowed his trek the further he went, and he found himself snapped back to Equestria. He would visit no Anubians that day.

He heard soft flapping and turned to see Luna landing beside him. "Greetings. I expect my sojourns to be lonely, but here you are. Will you accompany me this evening?"

Silver blinked in surprise, but rose to his hooves. "I'd be glad to help, but you know I'm not tied to dreams, not like you."

"Talent and skill are two separate things." She wobbled a hoof. "You have chased me in this realm with enough skill that I would not question it. Come, we will see to the needs of the ponies of our kingdom, and perhaps talk."

Together, they chased away nightmares, and brought comfort and advice to ponies that needed it, but she also had words for him. "Are you truly happy?"


"About me, joining you. You clearly have some physical attraction... but is it mental? I can't... peek at your dreams and see."

Silver flushed faintly. He was a mystery to Luna, and he wondered if that didn't enhance his appeal to the mare of dreams. "Luna."


"I'm looking forward to publicly welcoming you to my herd, to hugging you, both in public and private." His wings spread just to wrap around her as he nuzzled into her neck. "We both fought hard to reach this place. We both made mistakes, but we're here, and I couldn't be happier."

She quirked a faint smile. "You're holding back something."

He licked over his dreamed lips as he nodded. "There is another that wishes to join us."

"Oh? Are they a friend of yours perhaps?"

Silver thought back to all his pony friends, but they were not the issue. "Not quite. Nefertari, ambassador of the Anubians."

"That carries heavy political consequence. Turning her down or accepting, both could sway the tide of diplomacy with their people." She frowned faintly. "That would make her my herd-sister as well, would it not?"

"It would," admitted Silver, surprised that Luna was looking at it from that angle without many personal hangups about it. "Are you alright with it?"

"Should I not be?" Luna tilted her head. "If we hit it off, great, if not, I will avoid her, and she will do the same, but we will respect the institution we are part of. Being able to drag her people into the fold, to show them that peace is a fine way of dealing with things, that would be lovely... No, I won't stand in the way, if you wish to move ahead."

232 - Meeting Interesting People

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Silver was at his desk, going over what he would need for the coronation, when he felt a presence. He looked up to see Nefartari leaning forward on his desk. Without asking, his eyes took in the fact that her breasts were displayed at that angle. No matter how long he had been a horse, the sight still tickled at his human sensibilities.

She smiled at him noticing her. "I've locked the door. We have privacy for the moment. Do you have time to and are you interested in speaking, potential husband?"

He softly coughed and nodded. "Sure, of course." He tilted his head a little. "If you don't mind my asking, why?"

"You are inherently weak," she said as if it were just observation, not insult or praise. "Despite this, you are very stubborn, and you surround yourself with power, myself included." She circled that desk, eyes never leaving him. "You are no naive innocent. Even now your baser parts wish to pounce on me and do as males do."

Silver swallowed heavily. Some part of him did, but he'd never do that. "I wouldn't rape a person, whoever they are."

"Of course you wouldn't." She leaned close, almost nose-to-nose. "I imagine you only struck at me in the confines of a declared battle." She reached for him and he tensed, but her paws brought no harm. She petted slowly through his fur, stroking his shoulders and up over his neck. "You have gained power, even for yourself. You've only become stronger since I met you, even if you refuse to use it. I have written about you, to home."

"Good things?" Silver was largely still, unsure what to do. Returning the affection seemed out and retreating from it would be an insult, so he took it, reacting as any stallion might with the obvious interest of a female. Her soft pets made him anything but soft. "Look, back to my question, why?"

"You fascinate me, and many others." She flashed a smile of dangerous teeth. "If you don't become mine, and release me as gently as I imagine you would, others will come, of higher station and even more distant sensibilities. I know what ponies like, even if I disagree. Should one of our war chieftanesses arrive, they will accept nothing but yes, or war, planning to take your broken form from the battlefield as one trophy among many. If you turn me away roughly, then war will be declared immediately. It doesn't take much to provide a good reason for it." She leaned forward. "There are Anubians already in Equestria, awaiting word and ready to strike. They predict peace will be fleeting between our people."

"And... your thoughts?" It didn't help that her hands kept getting closer and closer to his distraction. Silver was certain if he just leaned back, she would casually break his vows for him. He shuddered with forced emotions and snorted at her as his horn flared to life, pushing her back a few precious inches to give him some space. "I want your opinions."

"Very well." She did not test his shield, hands crossing just under her chest. "I think ponies are inherently weak and docile creatures, protected by stalwart guardians, you among their number. If it involves a pony in danger, your timid nature is peeled away to reveal a cold and calculating warrior for a time." Her tail wagged slowly as she shook her head. "I think my people would benefit from such guardians."

"Marrying me doesn't get them instantly." Silver sat up straight, ears perking. "Or even at all, with them living over--"

"We live where we must. Equestria is a large place..." Nefertari ran two fingers together slowly. "I doubt any of the nations will complain if we leave their presence."

Silver blinked. "Even if it's, you know, a crummy place, it's still your place. I can't imagine everyone's ready to go."

"Oh, there will be holdouts, but they hardly matter." She waggled a few fingers at his shield. "Is this how I will know my husband?"

He dismissed the shield with a pop. "I'm not your husband yet. Why don't they matter?"

"We are a very... traditional people. We have legends, and you and yours fulfill one nicely." She advanced and reached for him again, violating his personal space to give him soft belly rubs. That she brushed other things on the way was a happy side-effect. "If you claim me and lead us to a green place of our own, most will follow without objection."

"They'll become Eq--" He paused to inhale sharply. Her touches and feels were getting to him. "Equestrians?"

"Of course not." She snorted softly. "They will remain Anubians, but close at hand. If they are offered paradise, the need to raid will ebb... Perhaps it will even fade entirely, given a generation or three. You will be doing a great service to your foreign allies and forging new ones. The risk of war from our nation will fade to a smoldering speck, fading with every passing year, and the world will be that much more peaceful." Her hand moved, grabbing him where he would feel it most and squeezing. "Is that not what you want, pony?"

Silver shuddered at the rough attention. His desire to return these affections grew even as his wariness did, torn between the two as the shapely jackal did her work. "I..." He wanted to say he wouldn't marry for politics alone, but there was more at stake. "Will you at least try to get along with my family?"

"I think Celestia has power beyond measure. Her one defeat was simply due to her not wishing to destroy the city in her fury. Unfortunate, but I know she could have brought down the fury of the sun itself." She flicked her tongue forward, making Silver jump at the sensation. "Luna is mistress of dreams and the moon, no, I have no complaints about being tied to either of them. In fact... Luna has a temperament I find pleasing. She understands the cold harshness of reality. Of the two sisters, I like her more. Really, there is only one wife of yours I do not agree with."

He couldn't stand it anymore and suddenly shoved forward. He knocked her over, but he got the impression she had let herself be knocked over. He was on top of her, one hoof on either breast and his wings flared out, but the fury was already fading. He wouldn't claim anyone that way... "Night Watch," he sighed out, envisioning his least, but first, wife. She had a high title, but she was still the only one not a Princess. She was also the only one violently opposed to it, literally. "Do you hate her?"

"Hate her?" Nefer raised a brow from the floor, relaxing under Silver's pinning weight. "That would imply I give her that power. She is blinded by her own hate. I won't follow in her example. Should she apologize, I will put it aside. There are more important things to worry about than hurt feelings."

Silver stepped carefully free of her, and she rose. He nodded at her. "When we are properly bound, I will have you, gently and lovingly."

Nefer broke into a sudden laughter. "You just offered weak and timid sex while making it sound like a dire threat. You are interesting..." She reached forward, running a finger down from his chest. "You have a spirit worth considering hiding in there. Does this mean we will be bound then?"

Silver clopped the floor. "I'm not saying no." The decision, politically, seemed clear. He would learn to love Nefertari and hopefully tame her hard-cut soul to something a bit gentler, but none of that settled things with his First Wife, who he didn't want to give up but seemed so strongly opposed to even the idea. "You heard of this from Blueblood, right?"

"I did... One from every race you've conquered with love and understanding." She put a hand on her chest. "Marrying me and convincing my people to follow you to paradise would qualify. It surprises me that you have not gone hunting among the shadow creatures you freed. You already have a changeling worked out."

He flushed at the thought of an umbrum wife. "I don't really hang out with them much."

"That is a mistake."

Silver frowned, but didn't argue it. "I'll get back to you, promise."

"As you wish." She smiled as she vanished. Only the sound of the door unlocking betrayed how she had left.

Entering that unlocked door was Celestia, who blinked and laughed her merry little laugh. "Did I come at an awkward time?"

Silver blinked before he realized that he was still worked up quite a bit from Nefertari's attention. "N-no! Please, come in."

"I know better than to accept that offer from stallions looking like that." She entered despite her words and closed the door behind her. "On a more serious note, but related to this... I have been thinking, about the world you saw and the words you committed to journal."

Celestia approached the confused Silver. "It seems more is coming to fruition than what you gave credit for. You almost missed it. If Night Watch had accepted your proposal and married you alone, you would have avoided it." She leaned in at him even as he cringed in fear. "You are Silver Watch, Ambassador and Stud of the Land."

Silver felt a pressure around his heart as he winced. He wanted to argue it, to argue it a thousand ways, but he realized he was running again. So... "A... lot of people, ponies and humans alike, would want that position."

"Perhaps," agreed Celestia with a musing tone. "But do you? With so many wives around you, they will take up quite a bit of your time. Mares have needs too, and they will insist you fulfill them. Ambassador Nerfertari puts all the blame on you, but I am certain she tires of living in chastity." She leveled a hoof at Silver. "I will want my turn, as will Luna, and Fast at least three times over."

Was this really what Celestia came to speak of? This wasn't-- "Don't look at me that way, Silver. I agreed to this for you to see me as a pony, not a perfect princess. Will you deny me this? Will I continue to find satisfaction only in my dreams?"

Silver realized he was being wrong. Celestia did live, and wanted to be loved, emotionally and physically. "I'll do my best."

Celestia leaned in and touched nose-to-nose. "You always do. I'm not tossing you to the wolves, per se. I'm here for you, my future stallion, but you have to understand what you're agreeing to."

She turned away and her tail flicked in a very specific way, letting him see what would normally be denied. She would be his mare, for all the good and work that came with it. His work seemed busier than it had an hour before.

He let her leave, then rose to his own hooves. He had to face Night Watch. They had to become a team again, to face this future, together. He only hoped she would want to stand with him.

233 - First Wife

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Silver trotted through the halls, frowning faintly. He saw two exits, and predicted Night would like neither of them. He found her in her own office. They had books, scrolls, and other papers out and she was sorting through it.

He smiled a little as he entered, closing the door behind him. "We need to talk."

She raised a brow. "I don't like the way you say that."

"You won't like much of what else I say, I wager."

"But you'll say it anyway." She slipped from her chair and approached him. "Out with it."

Silver reached out a hoof and she hesitated a moment, but advanced into it and they hugged. "It's time we talked, about us, and our place."

Night sagged a bit against him. "Almost every word you say makes me less happy." She nuzzled his chest softly. "But tell me anyway."

He licked his lips before continuing, "Did you read my journal?" She nodded. "Completely?" She nodded again. "Then why do you think I'm here?"

She let out a slow sigh. "I've tried so hard to ignore it..." She slipped away a few inches. "Are you leaving? Is Celestia or something else taking you away?"

"In a matter... I'm not physically leaving, but everything around us is, so... I need to say a few things." He rose to his hooves. "First, I love you, completely and deeply. I want you at my side, to love and to help me keep my sense."

She smiled thinly. "But...?"

"But... you can't be First Wife."

She blinked at him. "I... am trying really hard to stay calm. Please explain that."

"My life has become political, and crowded. I'd love you to be at my side, giving advice, but I will be with people you don't like, even intimately."

"There's an overwhelming 60% chance this is about Nefertari." Her ears perked up as she sat up. "Do those swells mean so much?"

He flushed darkly. "No!" Well a little... "Look... I want you two to be bigger about this. Forgive her, please, and we'll work to bring her around."

"We shouldn't have to bring her around!" she hissed out, fur going up.

"If you want to leave, I won't stop you." He'd be very sad, he knew that. "We'll... be adults, I hope, and see the foals are well cared for and loved--"

"Stop that!" She raised a hoof and it hovered in the air before it lowered and she crashed to the ground. "I miss how it used to be."

Silver got a wry smile. "That's how we know we're alive, things change." He moved forward and kissed her cheek. "I still love you."

"What does that mean?" She slowly sat up. "That isn't a fair question... Look, if I'm not First Wife, who is? Nefertari?"

Silver snorted at that. "I should hope not."

"Then who? Celestia, Luna, Fast?"

Silver touched his nose to hers. "Is it wrong that I decide myself?"

She blinked at him owlishly. "Are you really ready to accept that? That means people will march right up to you and make the question. No filters."

"I'll learn." He looked back at the door long enough to flick its lock as he advanced on Night. "Now, I plan to show my love, if you still accept it. I will gladly be your stallion, will you be my mare?"

"But not your First Wife?" She watched him evenly a moment before she sighed slowly. "Stupid stallion..."

She didn't rage or run, and he did show his love for her, holding her and doing as married people do. He left her, satisfied and leaving her satisfied, but their relationship changed. He had no First Wife.

"I shall join then?" Nefertari appeared beside Silver.

"Not so fast." Silver frowned faintly. "She will apologize to you when she is ready, and we're not moving faster than that, besides, you're the last."


"I have to accept Celestia and Luna officially, then Fast, then you, and that order is not negotiable."

Nefertari rolled a hand in the air. "That's fine. The rulers of the land, then following the order of your conquests, but that makes your finding of an umbrum all the more pressing."

Silver sat up, blinking. Nefer was acting as a sort of First Wife, but was she really? She was speaking her own wisdom without filter with him. "I'll think about it..." He trotted past her, at least that settled.

She watched him and smirked. Her future husband needed nudging. She vanished and appeared atop Samantha, stroking her mane gently. "Hello Sammy."

"NefNef!" Samantha had no resentment at the sudden appearance of her regained friend. "I was just about to get to work. Have you seen my new office?"

"I have not." She gently nudged Samantha's sides like a rider would a horse. "Show me. Tell me, Sammy, do you know any Umbrum?"


"The shadow pixies. They are quite noticeable."

"Ah! Yes, I met one. She seemed nice."

"Is she?" Nefer leaned in from above. "Do you think she'd get along with Silver?"

"Of course." She couldn't imagine many ponies that wouldn't get along with Silver. "She likes foals, and so does he. She's a teacher."

"A teacher you say..." Nefertari smiled as she scratched at Samantha's back. "Have you considered introducing them?"

"I hadn't..." She opened the door to her office and stepped inside. "Should I? I trust Silver to know more about social contracts than I."

"He has... renegotiated his contracts."

"With who?" She arrived at her chair and hopped up onto it, settling down with Nefertari still on her back.

"Night Watch is no longer First Wife," she explained. "Silver will pick his own wives, but he needs help. Just because he will pick doesn't mean he'll look, and you found a nice umbrum..."

"Oh!" She got it and nodded. "I'll make sure they meet then, in an ideal environment for such decisions to be made."

"I knew I could count on you, Sammy. He's to have a wife of every race he's shown love to, and he has yet to decide on an umbrum wife. You'll fix that, yes?"

"Yes!" Samantha was smiling brilliantly as she considered plans to bring the two together. She had successfully courted him, before, surely it wouldn't be hard to help someone else do it.

"Good luck." Nefertari was gone, leaving her minion to work.

Moonbeam sat in the nursery, doing his homework as he kept an eye on the foals who were to be his adopted uncle and aunt, though the idea of accepting foals as that... He snorted softly as he glanced up just to see Morning Glory smiling at him just a foot away. He had teleported out but wasn't doing anything bad.

"Hey there."

Morning waved a hoof before coming closer and sitting down next to Moonbeam. Moon smiled a little. Sure, he hadn't asked to go back to school, or get homework, or foalsit! At least his new uncle was pretty cool, for a foal. He wrapped a wing around the small pony and Morning remained quiet as he worked, almost as if he was watching the work, or just hanging out with him. Either way was acceptable to Moonbeam.

A crash startled him out of his work and he looked up to see Clear Twilight had knocked over her pen and was trotting over to them. He blinked at her, but in she came, setting up shop at his other side and cuddling in close. "Don't want to be left out, huh?" He could understand that at least, and he reached out his other wing to gently hold her. They didn't stop him from getting his schoolwork done, they just insisted on being beside him as he worked.

Celestia entered the room with a little smile. The prince looked up at her. "Auntie. To what do I owe this pleasant surprise?"

"Thank you." She came closer. "You made this far less painful than it had to be."

"You know I'd do anything for my Auntie-dearest." They exchanged a hug gently. "Are you certain he'll make you happy?"

"No, but I think so." Celestia shook her head. "You know the closer to myself, the less certain my visions can be. I'm almost certain though... He'll try."

"I imagine he will... but you are a lot of mare to keep up with." She raised a brow. "I'm not referring to your love of cake, Auntie."

She swatted him gently with a wing. "It's not my fault my subjects are such exemplary bakers, and it would hardly do to snub them."

"Of course not, Auntie. He's still growing, you know. He may become larger than even you eventually."

Celestia trembled faintly. "I would not object to this..." To have to look up to somepony that she did not also hate or fear would be nice. She was always the large guardian for her ponies. She wanted that. "I will accept him even if he stops growing soon."

"That ball is rolling," Blue Blood advised. "Stopping it would require quite some effort. I hope the two of you will be happy."

"I think we'll get along." She sat up. "I read his journal. He admires me, just the way I am. He sees a hard-working benevolent ruler that he wants to be close to."

"Then he sees the truth." He nodded. "A shame so many see an unfeeling goddess, Auntie."

Celestia rolled her eyes. "Yes... Did you have to suggest so... He is going to have quite the herd."

He flashed a smile. "Good. That will keep eyes off of you. You will be one among many, but I doubt you will have much difficulty commanding his attention when you want it."

She rolled her eyes at that. "If I had it my way, we'd keep it small and personal... But my sister had eyes on him long before I was involved, to say nothing of Princess Fast Change."

"And his current wife."

"And her." Celestia quirked a smile. "I can soothe myself knowing this is a positive step for Equestria as a whole. We couldn't very well marry off the princesses, that would involve them leaving, and none of the ones we have would be happy at all, not even physically. No, we need to keep the royalty here, so a prince serves better. It's not so unusual for a prince to bring potential wives home and not move." She perked her ears. "Besides, a prince with a selection of wives? Decadent at worst, but understandable. A princess with a selection of husbands, of the other hoof..."

"Unthinkable." The prince shook his head. "Except for a few nations we wouldn't want to emulate, and most of those don't mind a prince doing it, provided he has the finances and strength. No, this way will work best."

He brought up two glasses of bubbling wine and Celestia took one in her magic before they clinked together and drank. It was not an ideal solution, but it was one.

234 - Moongazing

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Night Watch slipped away when Silver fell asleep. It wasn't hard to get away from him.

Subtle motions carried her from the bed, and out the door. She moved through the quiet halls of the castle, unopposed by the guards that were quite used to her presence.

"It's late for you, is it not?" asked a gentle voice. Night looked up to see Luna. "You appear troubled."

Night didn't want to talk to Luna, or any other that would be in her new 'family'. She snorted softly.

Luna nodded softly. "I will not force you. I've done enough of that. Night Watch, I do care about you. May I accompany you?"

Night froze a moment. Why would Luna care about her, really? She had Silver. What was Night worth, in the end? Even as she thought it, she realized how toxic her thoughts had become. Being alone... maybe it wasn't what she needed. "Alright..." She moved on, and Luna followed. She proceeded up some stairs to the roof where Silver had 'thrown' himself once long ago.

"A fateful place," spoke Luna behind her. "Mistakes were made here."

It was... Night looked around before turning her gaze to the moon hanging high above. She let out a little sigh, relishing the evening breeze that ran through her fur.

Luna settled beside her. "So much is changing, so quickly. It is not just for you. The idea of being in a family, any family, still terrifies me... It is only that you are present that I can find hope and stability."

Night blinked at that. "Not Silver?"

"Silver is a fine stallion," agreed Luna. "But he is a stallion, and alien besides. I will hold him close, and he will love me, but he can't know this world as you do. Night, I want you as a herd-sister. I mean that."

Night felt relief and anger well up together in a confusing mess that left her nauseous for a moment. "I'm not First Wife anymore!" she hissed out, recoiling. "If that's what you were hoping for, it's gone, taken."

Luna perked her ears. "You aren't? What has occurred?"

"He took that title from me." She sank to the cool stone tiles. "He took it away and he said he'll make those decisions from now on."

Luna tilted her head faintly. "That's a dangerous decision. He has no filter between him and any suitors while he's busy making himself... Night, you will still be my herd-sister, will you not?"

Night nodded slowly. "I suppose... I... Does it matter if I'm there?"

"It matters to me," stated Luna firmly. "It matters to Silver and Fast. Even though you have had... rough times, I should think it matters to your once-mentor." She spread her wings slowly. "Your family is growing, both larger and up. Will you grow with it?"

Night felt bile rising a moment. "Fast would... she said she would rather have Silver than me."

Luna reached and set a hoof on Night's back. "You aren't the largest pony in this family. You never will be, nor will I. I, overshadowed by mine own sister. I love her, truly, but the shadow she casts... Night, will you live in this shadow with me?" She flashed a gentle smile. "I think we have something to offer the other, as friends and wives."

A smile quirked its way onto Night's face. "Shadow is where my people belong."

"Then we will master this shadow," spoke Luna confidently. "Together?"

"Together." Night sat up, the smile becoming a step more confident. Suddenly, Luna was right there, nose to nose, then kissing her. Night let out a gasp into the exchange as they began deepening it. It was an almost desperate motion as the uncertainties of both came rushing out and flowed powerfully into that shared kiss that seemed to go on forever.

By the end of it, Night was sure of one thing. She forgave Luna. She forgave her and wanted to know more of her future wife.

Samantha grinned widely as she worked. She would do well by her once-stallion turned father. She had the address and so much information and was ready to act. She bounced out of her office, giggling a little as she went. Surely this couldn't go wrong!

She left the castle and headed down to Decanter, looking left and right as she went. This day would be a day off for foals. Moonbeam was home, as would be the others. That's fine, she didn't want to run into the teacher in her class. She would be busy. Samantha crept up towards an apartment building and adopted a serious face as she came closer. It was game time.

She stepped inside the building and looked around. It was bare and as low key as most of the others in the area, but it was clean and orderly. As places went in Decanter, it was upper class. Samantha walked past the front desk, where a bored guard, or was he a janitor, sat. Whatever they were, since Samantha didn't pause, no questions were-- "You don't live here?"

The rotund lunar pony leaned forward in his chair. "You don't look like you rightly belong in this portion of town. You lost?"

Samantha shook her head. "I know exactly where I'm going."

He raised a brow at her. "You do know it's my job to make sure the ponies that live here ain't bothered by random ponies. Now, seeing as I don't know you, you qualify as 'random', see?"

She frowned a little. She could dart him, but that would be a clear violation of her given code of ethics. "I am here to extend an invitation to one of your residents from a royal in the palace." The truth was supposed to work, right?

"Do you have any proof of that? See, lotsa ponies like ta say that kinda thing, like they're all Celestia's handmaidens or something." He rolled a hoof at her. "Not saying you're one of them, but I have to be careful, ya know?"

She nodded at him. That seemed a reasonable precaution, but she did have evidence! She produced her badge of office, marking her as from the castle and a pony of import there. She laid it in front of him. "You may examine it as you wish."

His eyes went wide as he half fell from his chair to reach it and looked it over. "You're with the Lunar Aid?! Shoot, why didn't ya say so earlier?" He dropped the badge like it was hot. "I'm awful sorry. I was just, ya know, doin' my job and all that!"

Samantha reclaimed her badge. "I'm not angry." And she wasn't. "Please, continue to protect the ponies of this building. May I proceed now?"

"Please, yes! Go right on up." He took off his hat and put it to his chest and kept it there as he watched her walk right on past. Only when she was out of sight did he let his gut back out and he hopped back up on his chair. Why the Lunar Aid had come to that building, he didn't know, and he wasn't going to pry.

Samantha bounded up the stairs easily to the third floor, which is where her target lived. 308, 310, ... There it was. She smiled as she beheld the target door. As if to confirm it, a grey butterfly was on it with the name 'Shade Fire' written clearly for all to see. Samantha reached up and clopped softly.

"Who is it?" The door opened a moment later to reveal the shadow pixie, shorter than Samantha by a bit, with large wings like a butterfly and a curious look on her face. "Oh, hello. Is this about your son?"

Samantha shook her head. "He's doing quite well by all reports. I didn't come here for him, I came here for you."

Shade tilted her head. "For me?"

"Are you aware of Silver and Night Watch?"

"I should say I am," she confessed easily, her eyes only growing wider. "Why?"

"They are my adoptive parents. Silver wi--"

"They are?!" Shade shook her head quickly. "I had no idea. They rescued us, all of us. I mean, umbrum. What about them?"

"Silver would like to meet you to exchange cordialities and possibly induct you in his herd."

Shade flopped against the doorframe she stood in. "Herd? Is... what is that?" She feared what she would hear.

"A gathering of females and one male, Silver being the male. It functions similarly to a marr--"

"But we never met!" objected Shade Fire. "And they're both so famous... Why would they even consider... me?"

Samantha pointed to Shade Fire. "He appreciates a keen mind, which you have, and he likes foals and children of all sorts, like you do." She leaned forward. "Do you enjoy roleplaying?"

Shade Fire looked all the more perplexed. "I've played a little O&O, why?"

"Perfect! Silver and Night are avid players and would gladly play with you."

Shade Fire turned red with a combination of frustration, embarrassment, and other emotions warring within her. "Look, I'm flattered, really, I am, but this... I'm not looking for a famous partner, or any. I'm happy the way I am, and I don't really know either of them. You may as well come from on high telling me Princess Celestia wants my hoof."

"Well, you'd technically be bound to her too, does that help?"

It didn't. Shade Fire backed away a step, trembling a little. "I'm just a teacher. I didn't ask for more than that."

Even Samantha could see she was losing her audience. "Perhaps you should meet first? Discuss things and see how well you get along?"

"Thank... you but..." She closed the door slowly. "Bye." It clicked shut.

Samantha frowned at the closed door. That hadn't gone the way she had planned at all! She could see no way forward that wasn't a violation of the Golden Rule. She didn't get it. If somepony told her Silver really wanted her, she would be delighted and go right back to being his wife instead of his daughter. Why would anyone not want that?

If there was anything she had learned, it was that other ponies saw things differently than her. Miss Shade Fire didn't want to be wooed or married. Fine... Samantha let out a little sigh and clopped the door once. "Sorry." She turned from it and trotted away, abandoning the idea of Shade Fire.

Perhaps simply wanting to do the right thing wasn't enough. She had to decide if what she was going to do should be done at all, even for good reasons. That or Shade Fire was a terrible pony, but Samantha had learned she was the broken one, more often than not.

She would improve.

235 - Courtly Interruptions

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Silver donned his fanciest clothes, walked with wings wide and head held high. His shoe was shined, freshly buffed, and another shoe hovered beside him, equally shined and ready to use. His magic threw open the doors to day court, drawing the look of the guards there, as well as the nobles in the back, but he was not challenged.

Celestia looked up with a surprised expression, pausing mid-sentence with what she was dealing with. "Ambassador Silver Watch?"

He descended towards the princess. "I have come for you," he said, walking carefully to make sure every step was as regal as it could be. "That the royalty of the city, united in our love for our people, would also be united together." He set the shoe on her podium. "Princess Celestia, I will dutifully serve as your stallion, and as a servant to this great nation. Will you serve as my mare, as you serve as princess of this nation?"

Celestia's eyes widened slightly. She hadn't expected this, but there it was. "I would be certain that you know what you're proposing." She glanced past him to the great crowd that stared unwavering and fixated. They had their audience. "I am unaging, and unflinching in my vows. If I accept this, we will be tied until your death, which may be for quite some time. Will you accept an eternity at my side?"

"We will stand together," spoke Silver as he turned a little, offering those watching a better view of them both. "We will serve as the pillars that hold up ponykind, forever and together. We will defend them from those that would do them harm, forge alliances of friendship, and foster each generation so that it is greater than the last."

Celestia turned faintly red despite her control. He really was going through with it, and in such an unorthodox fashion, but it seemed genuine and well-presented. She pulled off one of her golden shoes with her magic and slipped her hoof into the silver one. "I may not always wear this, physically, but I accept the tie it places around my heart as a reminder of our shared devotion, to Equestria, to our ponies, and to the future."

Silver moved around her, to stand beside her, each wearing one silver shoe. "To the future," he echoed. "And to each other. Long may Equestria stand, its people smile, and we with them." He leaned in. She felt a moment of intense trepidation. He was going for it, and it was his action. She accepted it, and they kissed in full view of the court. Silence fell, eyes locked as they exchanged saliva, passion, and solemn promises.

The room erupted into soft stomping as their kiss parted. While there were a few sour faces, as there surely would be, most appeared moved and pleased by the demonstration. Celestia felt an opportunity and brought a wing around under Silver's chin. "This nation is not overseen by one, dear husband. Where the sun resides, so does the moon. Will you stand at her side as well?" The fact that she had said husband made soft murmurs spread. They were eating it up, and her saying it made it even more official than anything else so far.

Silver gave a firm nod. "Even as I bask in your warmth, I admire her cool and enchanting beauty. Together, we will stand for Equestria. She sleeps now, but I will approach her this evening." He turned from her. "As much as I would desire to..."

"Not so hasty." Celestia shook her head. "This must be consummated. Court is adjourned."

There were gasps of surprise. The more bawdy, male or female, gave enthusiastic clops against the ground and cheered for their princess as others stared with wide eyes at the forceful lesson that their ruler even had such parts, let alone seemed willing to use them. Despite this, they began to leave, conversation becoming loud and gossip flowing freely. News that Silver and Celestia had become an item would spread far and fast.

Celestia led the way away from the court. "We're not to be disturbed," she instructed her guards while indicating they should stand a short distance from the door. Close enough that they would still hear that things were going on. Even such acts needed witnesses of a sort.

Silver followed Celestia, watching her with new eyes. She was his wife. She owned him, and he owned her. They were about to... He grew unpleasantly constricted in his fine clothing as they entered her private chambers and closed the door.

He praised the sun in every way he could think of. From the very suns on her rumps to the delicate features of her face, he made it clear that he thought she was a vision of loveliness. He did not feel the powerful suction of life stirring, but it was clear that Celestia approved of his efforts. He held her and was held. They were tired but pleased, and savored being together.

She stared into his eyes. "That was very bold..."

"As bright as the sun I claimed?"

She rolled over onto him. "You may yet be growing, but I am still larger and wiser."

He kissed her chest and pushed against her. "Large or small, I couldn't be happier right now."

The deal had been set, he had added Celestia to his herd without a First Wife to stand in the middle.

Later, Silver settled in his office. He wore his usual clothes, including his saddlebags, and made notes as he read over the coronation notes. "One more to go..." At least, that day.

A knocking made him look up. "Come in." He wasn't expecting anyone, who could it be?

It was a shadow pixie, an umbrum. She had cool blue eyes but was mostly monochrome across the rest of her body. She wore soft red clothing that worked down to a skirt. "Mister Watch?"

"That's me," reported Silver with a smile. "How can I help?"

She smiled nervously. "Well, you see... This is awkward..."

"It's alright." Silver tapped his desk. "Please, assume I won't be offended and just talk." Offending him was usually hard.

"Well alright. Do you know Samantha Watch?"

He nodded as he closed the door behind her. "She's my adopted daughter." He winced suddenly. "Did she do something wrong?"

She looked relieved. "Oh good, so you know. She did... She came to me, oh! I'm Miss Shade Fire. Nice to meet you." She bowed her head. "Anyway, Samantha came saying you wanted to marry me."

Silver went a bright red in his cheeks. "Marry?!"

"I knew she wasn't speaking for you, Mister Watch." She smiled a little. "We don't even know one another."

"I hope she didn't bother you too much. I know she can be pushy at times." Silver fretted at the idea of Samantha shoving her way forward eagerly.

"Oh, no, I mean, besides coming to my house. Once... She's fine, if a little eccentric. Her son is a good student, mostly. I just didn't want... I mean, if you really had... I... Look, you've done us all a great favor, Mister Watch, but there have to be better umbrum than me to go after."

Silver smiled a little. "You're putting yourself down. I'm sure you're a lovely person."

She blushed, ready to argue that, but it would be arguing against herself. "I'm just a teacher..."

"My father was a teacher," noted Silver. "A fine career, and more important than most give it credit for. Every important person, er, pony likely had a teacher behind them. Even the ones that drop out often are shaped by the experience, much more often positively than not. No, there's absolutely nothing wrong with being a teacher."

She began to go more and more red the more he spoke, but he didn't stop.

"Celestia's a teacher, you know. Without her serving as one, we wouldn't have Twilight, who became a princess and so much more."

She shook her head violently. "I work in a rundown school in the middle of the poor part of town. Even among teachers, there are better and more important."

"Why are you so certain in shooting yourself down?" Silver raised a brow. "You teach the children that most need to be taught, to have a chance to elevate themselves. More 'refined' teachers would turn up their noses, but you care more than that, I bet."

"I..." She sank a little. "It was the only position that accepted me... They're not used to umbrum." She glanced away and back at him. "Look, see, why would you even care? No offense! I mean, you're nice and all." She approached cautiously. "Look, I'm like a third your size!"

Silver blinked, realizing his words could be taken as convincing Shade Fire that she was a worthy mate. "Forget me a moment. I'm talking about you." He hopped down from his chair and circled the desk to be with her. "I've heard Samantha speak of her son's schooling, and she's quite happy."

Shade smiling wryly. "I get the feeling she's usually happy."

Silver couldn't argue that. "You're making a difference in the lives that most need it. For some, you are the only adult they can approach safely."

Shade glanced away before looking back at Silver. "Are you really part of a herd?"

There seemed to be no way to avoid talking about himself. "Yes. Night Watch and Celestia are members."

Her eyes widened a little. "So she wasn't lying about that... With great ponies like those, you don't need little ol' me at all." She waved it off. "Night is so fierce and strong, and they're both so bright and wise. Celestia... You don't need me."

Silver didn't need her, or had even planned to approach her, but every self-deprecating comment hurt him. He wanted to help this caring little female. He reached for her, setting a hoof on either shoulder. "Miss Shade Fire. You are a great person. You are doing a job that is worthy of so much more applause than it gets. No matter how small you feel at times, you are a giant in the lives of those around you, even if they don't realize it. Please, be proud of that."

She quirked a little smile. "You're just... saying that to woo me."

It didn't help that he got the impression it was working solidly. "I'm not." He really wasn't! Darn it, wasn't there a way to make this straight without crushing her feelings one way or another? "Look, let me ask a tangential question. Are there umbrum princesses, mayors, or such?"

"There's Lord Sombra?" She tilted her head. "He has eyes only for one, and I would imagine that's not you, um, sir, no offense. We don't really have anyone besides that."

So much for that... He was speaking to one of the higher ranked umbrum by merit of their not really being any ranks yet. They had been freed too recently. "Shade Fire, I mean it when I say you are perfect the way you are, and I would really be happy if you would be happy. Stop selling yourself short."

"Do you really like sharp minds?"

Silver winced internally. This was all headed in the direction he hadn't planned. He let his eyes roam over his monochrome suitor, finally looking at her as a female instead of just a person. She was small, but she had a brightness in those blue eyes. She would... What was he thinking?!

236 - Silvery Perfection

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Shade Fire sat up tall. "Look, I just have one question." She raised a hoof for emphasis. "Would I just be a trophy for a shelf?"

That was the wrong direction! "Of course not, but--"

"Then we should get to know one another." She rose to her hooves. "I won't marry, or even call someone a coltfriend, someone I don't know, even someone like you, sir."

Silver suddenly wrapped her in magic and hefted her from the ground. "See here, Shade, I'm trying my hardest to tell you you're a lovely mare, but I'm not trying to marry you." There, all out in the open. "I--" He paused, seeing her start to crumble. She wasn't taking the news well. "Isn't that--" Oh she was looking worse and trying to avoid meeting his gaze. "I..."

He sunk his head. "Let's do something, as friends."

"As friends," she agreed with a thin smile. "Your daughter mentioned you played O&O?"

O&O? Oh! Silver perked. "Oh, yes. My father's the writer of Humanway, the humanoid expansion for it."

Her eyes widened from her hurtful state. "You're the son of Rough Draft? I have some of his stuff. Kind of weird if you ask me, playing a humanoid, but I... kind of got it for the humor. Nice world he made." She tilted her head. "Oh my, here I am, insulting it."

"No, no," Silver shook his head quickly. "It's alright, really. It's not for everyone." It wasn't as if he was going to explain Ponyfinder to her. "But sure, I do play that."

"Great, then I will join that." With a flutter of her wings, she pulled free of his lax magic. "Please be well, Mister Watch."

She was gone and he settled to his haunches with a sigh. There were a thousand things he could have done better, but that didn't seem the worst he could have done.

He left his office. It was time to get dressed, but to approach the other sister would demand different clothes. He didn't emerge like a courtier, but a warrior, and he ran right into Night.

She blinked at his metal-clad body. "Going for Luna now? I heard about Celestia..." She glanced away and back. "I can't tell you not to, or to go ahead, but I want to be with you. May I?"

He leaned in and kissed her right above her glasses. "Get dressed for battle, and we'll win this fight, together."

She smiled with appreciation and trotted off, only to return fully dressed as a night guard, purple and intimidating. "Luna has things to apologize for, even if we're marrying her."

"How do you plan to do both at once?" Silver raised a brow. "We don't want to muddle the idea here."

"It's not just for her, but her guards and her people. They have formed their own ideas, separate of Equestria. Blast it, so have I... I can learn, so can she, so can they."

Silver lowered down and offered a kiss, which was accepted and they met in an exchange that started uncertaintly. Silver nuzzled gently with her as he parted. "You know you're still my wife, right?"

"Am... Look, I know, I know. At least, mentally." She glanced away and back. "But that used to mean First Wife. That... used to mean having you to myself, or close to it. That's changing. A lot is changing."

Silver spread his wings and brought them forward to gently brush her cheeks. "We're changing. Together, I hope. I don't want to move on without you, Night Watch. You're..." He leaned in. "I keep saying it, but words are cheap. Come on, you're standing with me, and we'll claim the moon, together."

They left together. Silver jangled as he walked, while Night was almost as silent as always, demonstrating the combat difference of the two, physically. Despite that, they marched on Luna's wing.

The guards were there, and expecting Silver. They crossed spears to bar the path. "You won't have her," stated one.

"Not without going through us," finished the other.

Night looked ready to fight, but Silver was less primed. "I know you both, and you have grown with me over the years. I'll fight if you want to test me, but it won't be with anger. You're friends, even if we see each other only as I come here."

The one on the left's spear wavered a little. "Do you--"

The one on the right cuffed him. "He's an ambassador! Don't be led astray by sweet words. He plans to take all the princesses for himself."

Silver slid into a combat-ready position, his wings spreading as his stance widened. "She, like Celestia, and myself, belong to Equestria first."

"She belongs to us!" barked the one on the right.

The one on the left seemed more uncertain. "She's a princess of Equestria, not, um, us."

Night suddenly charged forward, but her enemy was clear. She tackled the one on the right, metal against metal, teeth against teeth. They collapsed together, wrestling and fighting fiercely.

The one on the left glanced at the two, then back at Silver. "You'll be a good prince, right?"

Silver smiled. "I hope to be, to everypony, which includes you." He leaned forward. "I happen to think lunar ponies are fine ponies."

He blushed brightly. "I don't swing that way, sir. Um! Anyway, you have enough on your plate." He glanced back down at his friend and Night fighting fiercely. "We don't have to fight."

"Good, we'll save that for Equestria's enemies, unless you want to spar some day, we can try that." Silver trotted past him without further challenge. Night sprinted to catch up.

"He gave up as soon as you walked by," she reported. "Damned fool."

"Don't be too harsh on him. That opinion is one of many we have to fight." Silver leaned over to kiss an exposed ear, nuzzling the tuft there.

They arrived at Luna's door and it opened before they could knock. Luna stepped out, dressed to kill in metal and shimmering enchantments. "We have heard what you have done to our sister. We will not fall so easily to honeyed words and grand ideals." She drew a slender blade from her side. "Will you fight me as a proper warrior?"

Night stepped forward before Silver spoke. "I will. Mistress of the moon, you are being called to serve the nation alongside your sister. My husband swears to stand proudly at your side, for its betterment and against Equestria's foes. Yield and accept this."

"I will not." She spun the blade in her mouth to face behind her. "Prove your intentions with strength." She vanished, only to appear just before Night, who was leaping aside as the sword crashed down and cut a wicked path in the floor.

Silver spread out his magic, feeling the area. There was another. He was not the only alicorn with an ally. They were-- He was barreled into by his supposed bodyguard and driven to the ground.

"I told her!" she hissed angrily. "She didn't turn me away. You won't steal her from me now!" She raised a hoof clad in sharp metal to drove it down at Silver, only for it to be deflected by a small magic shield made just for the occasion.

He flared brightly, throwing her off as he scrambled to his hooves.

A crowd built to watch the battle. Every time metal struck metal, every little wound, every grunt of effort or pain. Lunar and solar alike gathered to watch them with wide eyes and rapt attention.

Silver made a lunge, only for his lunar opponent to vanish between shadows and appear behind him, driving her sharp weapons into his armor. He was badly scuffed, torn right through his metal and heaving for breath. Being an alicorn was far from enough to declare victory against this one.

Night was faring a little better, keeping up with Luna, though neither seemed to be getting the upper hand. It was a powerful testament to the potential skill of lunars as they held their own against their foes of superior size. "Future-wife," growled out Night. "This has to stop."

Luna made a sudden lash of the neck that brought about a thin red line as the sword caught Night just barely. "You can surrender at any time."

Night ducked under a deadly slice and thumped Luna in the side. "Equestria is a land of peace."

Luna snorted loudly. "That will be overrun by those opposed to it if we allow ourselves to be weak."

With the sound of crashing, Silver was knocked to the ground with a blade at his throat. "Go back to where you came from." Her moment of triumph was cut short as he activated his most deadly and draining of shields. Her body tried to come apart and Night Wing leaped back with a hiss, covered in new bleeding lines that wept angrily. "Damn unicorns. To think I trained you once."

Night gestured at Silver. "He wants desperately to stop fighting, but there he is, fighting, for you, for Equestria. We will stand against those that would defy her, but--" She cried out as the blade found its home with her talking, making her stagger back and collapse, one of her legs refusing to work. "This isn't the Equestria you want."

Luna advanced on Night, swinging the blade around to her front. "I... no, it isn't." She drove the blade down hard and it buried into the floor beside Night's head. "Will you protect Equestria?"

Night quirked a little smile. "We all will."

The two ceased their battle. Silver smiled at them, ready to accept the end, but it wasn't. Night Wing cuffed him. "You haven't beaten me, Your Lordship. I'll die before I let her go."

Silver felt something snap. As she lunged for him, his magic grabbed her mid-air and slammed her roughly into a wall, then the ceiling and finally the floor, each with the sound of tenderized flesh and her soft plaintive grunt. "Damn fool!" he shouted at her. "I'm not taking her from you, or anyone."

She forced her way to her hooves and moved towards him, only to be pushed backwards as he shouted at her, as if his very voice were doing the propelling. She crashed into a suit of armor and collapsed to the ground, though he was stomping towards her. "Stop this."

"Never," she spat, rising up even as her whole body trembled. "If I die here, I'll do it proudly."

"Luna needs you," argued Silver. "Will you abandon her now?"


"She enters a new battle. One where she needs true friends. Will you stand with her, or die this meaningless death?"

Night Wing glanced at Luna and back at Silver, hackles rising even as she coughed blood to the floor. "You'll send me away, far away. I'll lose her either way."

"Fool." He threw her aside with a violent toss of a hoof. "Damned idiot! I won't send away anyone, especially not someone Luna trusts. Will you stand with her?" he asked the last with a tone of finality. "Or are you truly done?"

Silence descended on the hall. Night Watch had collapsed with a smile, her battle complete. Luna watched on with a heavy frown, but did not stop either.

Wing slowly forced herself up to a sitting position. "Her last order was that I guard you."

"Will you obey that?" he asked. He sat down as well, though he was taller than her. "Will you serve Equestria?" He offered a hoof to her.

She took it. She took it even as bitter tears loosed themselves. The fight was over, but there would be so much more needed to turn the bitter hearts of some back towards softer paths.

The crowd clopped softly, hoof against hoof and against the ground.

Luna approached Silver. "I will stand beside you."

Silver smiled, the fatigue of his efforts getting to him. "And I with you, for Equestria." He rose to his full height, ignoring the pains of the fight he had just endured. He produced the one engagement slipper he had left and offered it towards her, floating in the air. "As silver as the moon you safeguard, it can't hope to match you, but it is a symbol."

"And one I accept." The magic around the shoe changed as she took it and replaced one of her shoes with it. "We will stand, united. We vanguards of Equestria will be joined as one triumphant herd against all that would oppose Equestria, and as a smiling unit to those that share our want for friendship."

Silver glanced to the two lunars who had fought so well, but both were so tired and worn. Not that the alicorns present weren't... "We--"

Luna cut in. "Let us retire to my chambers, to finalize this." She hefted both Nights into the air with her magic. "We have much to discuss, both with words... and otherwise."

Her words brought a few cat calls from the crowd as she walked away smoothly, and out of their sight.

Silver moved to follow her, but his tail, still smooth and Trixie-like, perhaps never to return to normal, was yanked. He turned to see the guard that had let him pass. "Treat her well, sir."

"I will." He offered a hoof, and it was met with a soft clop.

237 - Behold

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Silver helped Night to the ground and nuzzled her. "You were great."

She smiled even as a chuckle forced its way free of her. "I learned it from you, dummy." She looked past to Luna speaking quietly to Night Wing. "It seems you have something else in common with Luna."

"Hmm?" He noticed a moment after saying that. "We both have a lunar filly we adore."

"That is correct," spoke Luna as she settled down and set a hoof over Wing's fallen form. "I will relieve her of guarding you, Silver, and take her on myself."

Wing's eyes widened. "You can't be serious!"

Luna nipped one of Wing's tufted ears. "Silver can't have all the mares, and your fight reminded me how much I value your presence. You will have to learn. We live in a different age than you imagine, and we will adapt. Will you learn beside me?"

Wing glanced rapidly between Luna and Silver. "You will want me to respect your... coltfriend."

"Husband," corrected Luna. "You will afford him respect and care. He cares for you, do you not see? He is devoted to being a good prince. Be with us, for Equestria."

"I'm not doing that for him. I'd soo--"

"Enough," stated Silver, rising despite the aches. "I'm not marrying you, or otherwise foisting myself on you. Enough. You're Luna's bodyguard, so your behavior reflects on her, and Equestria as a whole."

Wing grumbled softly, but her complaints faded away as her head came to rest on the floor. The fight had taken more out of her than even she wanted to admit, and she faded from consciousness to recover.

Watch wasn't ready for sleep, though Luna had wounded her badly. "We're married."

Luna perked her ears. "We are." She carefully stood up and around her slumbering guard, approaching Watch. "I've done something else I need to--"

"No apologies." Watch forced herself to sit up. "We all did our part. Are you ready to be a wife?"

Luna met the gaze. "Are you?" She turned it towards Silver. "And look at you, standing so tall... It's like a dream."

Silver tensed and looked for that sense. He wasn't dreaming and he let out a sigh of relief.

The reaction made Luna raise a brow. "I meant that in jest. Stallion that has taken the sun and moon, Ambassador of our country, it is time, you realize."


"To wear your crown. With Celestia and I properly married, the coronation may proceed without further delay." Luna raised a hoof and ran it along a jagged bit of Silver's armor carefully. "Night Wing tested your mettle thoroughly."

Silver glanced to Wing and Watch. "We have many wounds to heal. John operated... I didn't like him, but he had an important message." He stole a quick kiss from Luna's cheek. "Every morning I hear Samantha rambling about her plans, they're good."

"But they won't heal it alone." Luna nodded at Silver. "It has been too long... I have been hiding from my own past. I am ready to face them." She gave a hopeful smile. "But not alone, we trust?"

Watch shook her head. "You're part of our herd. We watch out for our own." She glanced aside at Silver. "Even if that vaguely includes all of Equestria." Her eyes moved to Wing. "So... she doesn't seem the herding type, and there would be--"

"I am not asking to induct her," cut in Luna.

Silver rolled a hoof. "Are you asking us to look the other way?"

Luna raised a brow. "I respect her, and admire her, but I do not covet her in such a way. She may be drawn to me physically, but that is one-way, and I have made it clear. I hope to find her a more suitable partner, but she will be my guard for now. This will please her, and she is a fine pony. She is just one wound of many that needs... healing and care."

Silver nodded at that. "I'll try to not be in the way. I don't have anything against her, besides aches and pains." He glanced to the door and back to his wives. "Shouldn't we... do something?"

Luna blinked, then smiled a bit. "We have been together before. They can wait. That I am yours is not in question. What remains to commence is your coronation, and neither of us are in ideal physical shape to consummate this bond."

Watch forced her way to shaking hooves. "Ideal or not, we should to be official. Don't worry, we'll be gentle." She smirked as she said it, looking the worst for wear of the three.

They, gently, made it quite clear that they were a family unit and married securely.

Silver was led by a procession of ponies in fine attire and closed eyes. "Behold, behold!" they sang as they walked in measured steps. The entire thing had an intense feeling of repetition to Silver, as it wasn't the first time he had experienced this social ascension.

What was new was what was beside him, and on him. Despite his regal garb, he wore a foal at either side, proudly displaying that he was not just a prince, but a father, and a dutiful one at that.

To his immediate right stood Night Watch, dressed in flowing garments with her head held high and eyes forward.

Just behind him were the Royal Sisters. Each held up his cape, one side to each of their mouths as they walked, showing they belonged to him as surely as many who watched had heard.

It was not a one sided ownership. When they arrived at the end of the procession, to some non-alicorn nobility and Blueblood who stood severely, the cape was drawn free of Silver with a careful communal tug. He turned to his newest wives and bore his neck. Celestia advanced and bit down on his throat.

She could have killed him easily, but instead she kissed gently at the spot.

Luna was next, then Night. Unlike the others, Night sank her teeth in for a moment in a sting of pain, but she licked the wound she created and smiled, and he returned the gesture.

All three backed away as Silver turned to face the nobles.

Blueblood was the first to speak. "Let the lands of Equestria know that it has a prince, sworn to uphold its ideals and ready to defend it." With a soft glow of his horn, the crown was floated over from its pillow towards Silver. "May your reign be long and benevolent."

"Wait!" Discord appeared, hovering in the air. "Not all the alicorns are here. This won't do at all!"

Celestia raised a brow at the chaos spirit. "Cadance and Twilight are too far away to ask--"

"Not them," He waved the thought away. "I mean right here, in Canterlot. You're leaving out my alicorn! Why, I bet he'd look smashing in a crown."

The gathered nobles grumbled. Prince Blueblood moved to continue despite Discord, but the crown slid from his grip as Discord grabbed the silver adornment easily. "Ah ah ah."

Luna's wings flared. "This is too far, even for you!"

Silver held up a hoof to her, then turned to face Discord fully. "Hey, man, we've been friends since forever. Now isn't the time."

"But this is the time," objected Discord. "If I don't get him over right now, you'll never even give him a chance."

"Who?" asked Silver.

"You met him before. Trainwreck? Big, kinda obvious. There's no way you forgot him."

Even Silver could remember a pony like that. Celestia as well as she stepped forward. "He's gotten himself into trouble, but I feel he will learn from his mistakes. He'll get his chance."

"You promise?"

Celestia raised a hoof to her chest. "I will give him a fair shot. Every pony deserves that."

"Right right. I'll hold you to that. Here you are." He dropped the crown on Silver's head without ceremony, then vanished.

Blueblood advanced and nodded. "As I was saying, behold, our new prince!"

The crowd cheered and clopped. It became an overwhelming sound for a moment, and Silver knew he had to move. He spread his wings wide and took a pose to show off his horn before he launched himself free of the balcony only to land on an open carriage waiting for him that began to wheel forward. His wives, all winged, landed soon after to accompany him even as his foals cooed and reached out towards the ponies they passed.

He spotted Samantha, waving eagerly from beside Nefertari, who was one of the few faces in the crowd not overwhelmed with emotion of one sort or another. She calmly watched him going, her own plans in her head.

"Over here!" called a familiar voice. Rough Draft was holding Trixie on his back, who was waving wildly at them as they went. It was only at that moment that he realized that adoption ran powerfully through his family, from his own adopted parents, to his adopted daughter and her adopted son.

He saw his colthood friends, from gym owner to actress to even Rough Tumble who gave a truck horn motion as he went by in silent approval.

There were changelings buzzing about, joining in the cheering as the royal procession pushed past. He saw Fast Change who hollered with a lack of decorum and pumped a leg in the air. "I call dibs on next!" She called out with a predatory grin. There was no malice there. Silver felt only warm friendship.

The umbrum had made a patch for themselves, where it seemed everything went monochrome and the lines from one pony bled into the next, making their wild cheering somewhat confusing to watch. One he recognized though. With bright blue eyes and a familiar red dress and skirt, Shade Fire stood out and looked at him pointedly. There were so many questions there, but they weren't to be answered yet.

One thing that was absent were any attacks. No explosions rocked his ride, and they made it to the end of the parade route peacefully. Silver smiled as he went, waving at all the ponies as he went by. All the souls he'd share responsibility for. His adventure felt like it was over in many ways, but was just starting in whole other ways.

Silver Lining was well and truly gone. David Silver was a fading memory.

Long live Prince Silver Watch, Ambassador of the land. He quirked a smile at that. He was a prince of friendship, in a way. It was a more courtly and proper friendship, but he would offer a hoof out to the world while he kept an eye on his deserving subjects.

238 - Repairing the Crown

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This is a note. If you have not, proceed to https://www.fimfiction.net/story/351810/silver-shield and read that, then come back here. This is not an author's note because I know some people read by downloading the whole thing and no author's notes are to be found.


Fast threw open the doors with a telekinetic shove, storming in on Celestia and Luna's dinner, fire in her eyes and her body trembling with fury. "What is this about evicting the changelings?" asked the reformed changeling herself.

Celestia nodded to Fast. "I was looking for you. You're in."

"In?" Fast blinked softly. "What do you mean, In? I'm pissed off is what I am!" She stomped towards the table, iridescent wings fluttering.

Luna gave a light nod. "That anger may abate when you realize what she means."

"Why don't you just say?!" barked Fast, putting her face dangerously close to Luna's.

Celestia tapped the table lightly. "Calm yourself. That is no way for any spouse of Prince Silver Watch to act."

"I--" She crashed to her haunches. "What?"

"It is as she said." Luna nodded, placid and unfazed by the tirade. "You are to join the herd."

"I... That's great... But..."

Celestia's horn lit up with her golden magic, lifting the stunned Fast and setting her on a wide seat. "I am evicting the hive, not the changelings, but if action is not taken, it will be seen that way. You wanted to join, your wish is granted. It will be a grand ceremony, full of pomp and display."

Luna nodded in stately agreement. "Yours is a political marriage, binding ponies and changelings together through one of their royalty and one of ours. It is fortunate that you already have feelings for Silver, that will prevent potential hardship."

Fast shook her head violently. "You're not taking this away from me," she shrieked before she caught herself. "You're making this as unromantic and unloving as possible. Am I really that bad that you'd only accept me to win at politics?"

Luna glanced to Celestia. Celestia nodded softly. "Our opinions may change, in time. Time is one thing we have in abundance, when it comes to this. We must act quickly for the current matter. I have no intention on scaring away good changelings. If they wish to live as part of Equestria, then they are welcome, but it must be as an Equestrian citizen, not as a changeling."

Fast felt her fight stolen from her. "So... changelings who want to stay, can?"

Celestia nodded. "They may, provided they become citizens like anypony else living here. That isn't much to ask. With that caveat, they are as welcome as anypony, minotaur, dragon, or much anything else is. Equestria is not known for being selective in the species of its citizenry, even if ponies do make up the vast majority."

Fast quirked an ear at each princess in kind. "So nobody's being given the boot?"

Luna smiled suddenly. "Unless they are missing footwear and request it."

Fast stuck her tongue out at Luna in revenge for the pun. "That was awful. Alright... alright... so... when do we do this?"

Celestia gestured out a window at the darkness. "Tomorrow, noon."

Fast jerked upright. "That soon?! How do you even plan to announce it?"

Luna glanced to her sister. "She has a point. This gives ponies precious little time to prepare."

Celestia nodded. "She does, but the announcement should begin immediately... Let's delay the ceremony until next week, but begin a city-wide holiday in preparation to it. The herd will be finalized and publicized. Everypony will have reason to celebrate." She clopped her clad hooves together, summoning a guard.

While she told him what to do, Luna looked across at Fast. "Sister must be very anxious to act. She rarely makes such errors. Even if this lacks some of the 'romance' you desire, you are getting what you wish, with a chance to get the rest. You will accept it?"

Fast frowned a little before her expression cleared. "I would be running away again if I said no..."

"You would be," agreed Luna. "Will you?"

"No!" Fast blinked. "I mean, no, I won't run, not no to the other... Yes! I will join the herd." She rolled her eyes. "Now you're getting me mixed up. Luna, you're good at that." She hopped from her seat. "It will be a pleasure being your herd-mate."

Luna hiked a brow. "Will it? Are you not angry at our refusal to love you?"

Fast gave a faint shrug. "I can't blame you... I have to prove I'm worth the time, but I will." She leaned forward. "And you don't scare me, miss Princess of the Night."

Luna quirked an ear. "This is good. Fear should not be what governs things within a herd. That is a life I wish on nopony at all."

Celestia rose from her own seat. "With that all out of the way, I should get some sleep. Luna, I leave it to you."

"Your kingdom is in good hooves," assured Luna. "Sleep well."

Fast watched Celestia go before she moved to Luna's side. "As a side, I've thought you were the prettier of the sisters for a while."

Luna blinked at that. "Honeyed words to curry our favor?"

"Ask Silver, I've mentioned it before. You've got what it takes." She flashed a bright smile before flames overtook her and she became her ruddy red unicorn mare self. "You have just enough exotic edge while being so very pony. I hope you see me the same way in time."

Luna's eyes wandered over Fast. "Exotic, yet familiar?"

"Exactly!" Fast's horn lit up as she snatched a bit of food off the table and gulped it down with barely a chew. "Do you know where Silver's hiding? Does he know?"

"He does not."

Fast suddenly looked quite excited. "Can I break the news?"

Luna held up a hoof. "I do not mean to begrudge you this pleasure, but it would be best were I or Celestia present to validate your claim." She rose and began walking to the door. "Let's get this done. The court is waiting for my presence."

"Don't sound too put out about it." Fast trailed along after Luna. "Thank you though. It shouldn't take too long, then we'll let you get back to royal business."

"Royal business is your business," corrected Luna as she went, navigating through the castle. "You are now part of the highest herd in the lands. Even if you have no official say on any matter, your social power is immense, and others will seek to exploit it. See that you don't become a tool for others."

"Like Celestia?" Fast said in a sing-song taunt. "I'm off to a bad start."

"True." Luna went quiet after the word until they reached Silver's room. "It is late. He may be retired." She raised a hoof and knocked softly. "If he does not answer on the first try, we will wait until the morrow."

Fast bounced a little on her hooves as she waited with Luna, but no answer was coming. Just as she saw Luna was about to give up, Fast drew in a breath, but then aborted the shout she was about to make.

Luna saw the whole thing and tilted her head faintly. "We felt certain you would call, what changed your mind?"

"If it was just Silver, I woulda just charged in there and bounced on him until he woke up, but it isn't... Night could be sleeping too, and their foals. I wouldn't just be a jerk to any one pony, I'd be being a jerk to them all. What kind of herd-mate would I be?"

Luna's passive face eased into a little smile. "That is a very mature opinion."

Fast rolled a hoof. "I was playing princess for quite a while, don't forget. I have my wants, but I haven't forgotten the basics. Besides, just being a good pony with good manners isn't that unusual of a thing." She turned in place, looking around. "Well, that puts me out for tonight... How about I join you?"

"We are going to court."

"I didn't forget."

Luna began walking. "And you still wish to come? It will not be very interesting, more likely than not."

"You act as if I didn't hold court before. I've had plenty of changelings with plenty of demands and complaints." She huffed softly. "I know what I'm signing on for. Besides, if I never show up for court, ponies will think I'm just an ornament instead of being part of the herd proper."

"Well said." Luna gave a nod before she gestured to Fast, facing a guard. "She will be seated beside me." The guard did not dare deny the request, not that there was much to deny, and they proceeded to night court.

Silver sat on his haunches on the roof. Night was beside him. Between them were three sleeping foals, tuckered out from a full day. Two of them belonged to the two adults, one was Rough Draft's. Silver let out a slow breath. "This isn't going to fix Canterlot."

"It won't," agreed Night. "There's a good sixty percent chance this is just the first step of many Celestia has in mind. She plays the long game, just about every time. I suppose when you're as old as she is, you get in that habit, or you'd be in a sorry state."

Silver nodded absently before it struck him to ask, "What's the other forty?"

"It's hard to be certain with Celestia." Night's snout wrinkled thoughtfully. "I figure there was a small chance, maybe 10, she just lost her patience and acted without thinking. Another ten that she planned on doing this anyway, and this just gave her an excuse to go ahead with the plan. Five that she is being pressured by some outside agency..." She looked over at Silver before leaning over and nipping his closer ear. "I feel like I'm just guessing when I'm less than twenty on any given chance, which I mostly am. That's why I try to avoid listing them."

Silver's ear twitched softly. "You heard about Rough, right?"

Night glanced down at the foal and back at Silver. "Want to share the details?"

"It's... well..." He reached a leg out and pulled Night closer just a little. "They didn't work out."

"It's like that, huh?" She sighed softly. "If there weren't a foal involved..."

Silver wrinkled his nose. "I think she was just in love with the idea... but she isn't a mother." He glanced aside at her. "So here we are."

"Here we are," echoed Night. "We'll do right by them." She peered down through her glasses at the sleeping foals. "They won't suffer for their parent's foolishness."

239 - Old Friends

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Silver woke the next day to the sounds of peaceful slumber around him. Foals, parent, wife, Silver was surrounded by ponies he cared for deeply. He could think of much worse ways to greet the day. He gazed at Night's face, unadorned with the round glasses she usually wore. She was worth looking at with or without them, he decided all over again.

He gave her the lightest kiss between the eyes before vanishing away from the bed to let her get her rest. He knew she didn't have to be up for a while yet, so he got to preparing for the day quietly. One advantage of being royalty was that he didn't have to even think about making breakfast, it was usually waiting for him.

As he entered the dining room, he saw various foods had been left there for him to find. There was also a pony, a familiar one. "Oh, hello Starlight."

Starlight gave a slightly awkward smile at Silver. "Oh, hey... uh... sorry about how I treated you before."

Had Starlight said sorry about that? He couldn't remember, but it was literal destiny that she be redeemed, and he had already forgiven her. "Water under the bridge," he dismissed, sitting facing her. "How have things been? I think I read somewhere things are going quite well?"

"Oh, that." Her eyes darted away. "Yeah... I... kind of graduated?"

"You sound so unsure." He gave the unicorn a gentle smile. "Tell me about it?"


"Why wouldn't I be?"

She rolled a hoof. "I can list off several reasons, but I'm going to assume you could without my help."

Silver flashed his teeth. "Not keeping a grudge is part of who I am. Please, share."

"About that..." She glanced away and back at Silver. "Twilight mentioned you were a studier of magic, and your talent was quite useful in that regard. You... might have acted a bit oddly. Tell me the truth, did you know I was coming?"

Silver tensed a moment. How much should he say?

Maybe all of it? "You know how odd 'could be' turns out. I... knew you had to do it. I saw it, experienced it."

Starlight's mouth hung open a little. A third pony came trotting in, larger than life. It was Celestia. "Good morning!" She wielded two plates of pancakes. "Oh, Silver. I didn't expect you to join us."

Silver tilted his head at the two platters. They looked kind of fancy, but he didn't immediately spot the animal faces done on them. "Why are you carrying those?"

Starlight went a little red in her cheeks. "She made them..."

Celestia was not as bashful. She set one in front of Starlight, and put another at a far side of the table. "It is my pleasure. If you plan to join me regularly, Silver, I'll gladly make you a plate."

"That sounds lovely." His eyes were on that abandoned plate, since Celestia didn't seem to be going for it. "Who is that for?"

"Oh, you know..." Celestia sat herself with a soft sigh. "Luna."

A glance at the clock showed it to be about the time Luna would be collapsing into bed. "That's a nice dinner?" he said in unsure tones. Not like he never heard of breakfast for dinner before. It was quite popular with some people, he knew. "When do--"

The doors opened to admit a bleary Luna and an equally haggard Fast Change. Fast's eyes brightened on seeing Silver and she hurried to approach. Luna, on the other hoof, wandered up to the table, picked up an avocado, and bit into it through its skin.

"Silver! I have news for you," crooned Fast, her fatigue momentarily forgotten.

Luna mumbled something indistinct on her way through. The rest of the avocado vanished into her snout as she walked, and she spat out the pit to the floor before she was gone.

Celestia's nose wrinkled and her magic hefted up the plate that had been meant for Luna.

Silver sat up suddenly. "Can I have that?"

Celestia froze, her routine smashed. "What? Oh... Yes, of course you can." She set the plate before Silver. "Why don't you share it with your herd-mate?"

Fast stuck out her tongue at Celestia. "You just stole my thunder! Gah, yes. I'm in, it's official. We're going to have a great big fancy ceremony in a week from now." Her horn glowed as she cut off a piece of the decorated pancakes and had a snoutfull. "Mmm, I forgive you."

Starlight brought her hooves together in a light applause. "Congra... wait. How many wives do you have?" She leaned in without any tact. "Are you trying to finish your collection? I mean, really stallion. When are you going to stop?"

Fast put a hoof across Silver's front, ready to defend him, but he gently lowered it. "I think they are collecting me, and each other. I may be at the center, but that's only so they can keep an eye on me. I have no illusion that I 'run' this herd."

Starlight tilted her head left a little, then shook her head. "At least you know how it is. I figured you might be the classic stallion that thought he could tell a bunch of mares what to do and get away with it."

Celestia snorted softly. "Starlight, I am one of them, if you did not hear."

Starlight blinked softly. "Oh... I just put my hoof in my mouth again, didn't I?"

Fast waved it away. "This pancake is tasty enough to forgive all crimes. You're good at these, Celestia."

Celestia's expression brightened. "I'm glad you're enjoying them. Silver, Starlight?" The two agreed to the tastiness of the breakfast in a chorus. "It's a little thing, but I do enjoy helping friends start the day with a smile."

Silver looked across at Starlight. "That reminds, what brings you here?"

Starlight paused a moment before she nodded. "You trusted me, I can return the favor. The cutie map sent me to fix a problem around here. I'm still searching for what it is, exactly."

Fast looked aside at Silver. "Cutie map?"

"Big map of Equestria, in Twilight's castle. It sends ponies out to fix friendship problems. Doesn't it usually send pairs? Is someone with you?"

Starlight shook her head. "Just me... sorta." Her own memory swam. "I do have... somepony keeping an eye on me."

Celestia smiled gently. "I should imagine Twilight would not be as ready to let her student be entirely on their own."

Starlight let out a little laugh at that. "I love her, but she redefines high-strung at times."

Fast shook her head. "Well, don't worry about it. You're a clever mare. I'm sure you'll figure it out in no time at all."

Breakfast concluded peacefully. Celestia rose to begin addressing her day, leaving the others behind. Silver had his own things to get to and was about to excuse himself when Starlight got in his way. She gave an unsure smile. "I hear you're a bit of a magic expert around these parts. Twilight says you may be one of the more talented male spellcasters around. Care for a spar?"

Silver blinked softly. "I specialize in trying to avoid fights. I've developed a few specialty shields to give time to defuse the situation."

"And I'd like to see those." Starlight smiled brightly. "It shouldn't take too long."

Fast tapped Silver on his rump. "Go ahead. You don't get to do your magic thing often enough and this is as good of an excuse as any."

"You just want to see it," spat back Silver with a wry smile.

"Guilty, now where should we go?"

The three set off through the hallways towards the guard rooms, only to suddenly have another before them. Nefertari looked Starlight up and down. "Tell me you are not considering her."

"Good morning to you too, Nefertari." Silver nodded at the ambassador. "This is Starlight, who I think you've learned of before? We're just going to spar."

"Just... spar." Nefer's claws flexed dangerously. "Pony spars do not carry much weight, is that right?"

Starlight nodded up at the biped. "I just want to test my magic against his. Twilight's a nice sparring partner, but mixing it up a little won't hurt anything, and I want to see if the rumors are true. Most male practitioners are either all theory or so specialized it's painful. Unless you count Star Swirl, and he's a long dead legend."

"You do not mind if I come along then, I trust?"

Fast stuck out her tongue. "You are not subtle. Of course you can come along and see if this mare is a threat."

Nefertari ceased to be where she was, instead atop Fast, her hands on Fast's shoulders from above. "And you will bear me there."

"Kinky," replied Fast as she resumed her walk. "I didn't know you were a female that preferred to do the riding."

While Fast's melodic laughter filled the hallway, Silver slipped closer to Starlight. "Nefertari does bring up one good point. This is just for fun. Win or lose, we then move on with life."

"Of course." Starlight waved it away. "Not that I expect to lose. No insult intended, but you're a diplomat. You aren't practicing nearly as much as I do. If you at least give me a decent challenge before I whip your scribbled-flank, I'll call it a win."

Silver felt heat rise at that. "I'm not trying to be 'the best', but you don't have to be rude about it."

Starlight blinked, confusion dominating her features. "Was I? Sorry, I wasn't trying to be. I was just saying what I thought."

Nefertari gave a laugh. "Such brutal honesty. I can respect that, to a point, provided you have the strength to back your words."

Fast strode along, playing mount for Nefertari. "We'll stay on the sidelines and cheer you two on, so make it an interesting clash."

They arrived in the barracks. Without having to be told, the guards hurried to clear a space. "There's only one reason they would come here," whispered one comically loudly.

On one side stood Silver. On the other, Starlight. Surrounding them were curious guards and Fast and Nefertari. Nefertari's expression was very carefully neutral, watching impassively as a statue.

The guard captain strode to the center of the makeshift ring. "You do love coming and giving us a show. Well, let's keep it clean, or as clean as it gets when two unicorns let loose. Keep your magic in the ring. I don't want a single of my boys getting singed watching you. Alright? Alright." He made no effort, as useless as it might have been, to try to tell his guards to scatter. He looked to Silver squarely. "You're representing us, Your Majesty."

Representing who? Silver put it together quickly enough. Men. He was the symbol of men everywhere. Lovely...

240 - A Star Lit Battle

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Starlight flipped her mane, eyes locked on Silver. "Any limits you care to set, 'Your Majesty'." Her tone did not sound sincere in any reverence. "Or will we fight with all the tools at our disposal?"

Silver's eyes darted around to the intense watching gazes of the guards that surrounded them. "We should be mindful of our surroundings. Hurting others is no sign of control."

She stuck out her tongue. "Poor stallion, afraid he can't keep his aim true. A classic problem... Shall we begin then?"

Silver stomped a hoof. "Why are you being so hostile? I used to like you quite a bit."

Starlight started at that, surprised. "We've barely met. Looking to expand your little herd? Enough, defend yourself." Her horn glowed, but the glimmer gathered quickly to a fine point and lanced out in a beam directly at Silver.

Silver played a song across his horn, summoning a quick shield that caught the incoming energy and threw it aside. Being indoors and with witnesses, he couldn't just toss it aside. He aimed specifically for a window, sending it sailing out where it would likely cause no harm. The bolt felt powerful, but not overwhelmingly. Perhaps he had overestimated Starlight? Some confidence renewed, he let his magic leak free of himself, filling the air around him. He could feel the ponies that stood close, their breath and their heartbeats. It would take time to spread further, to encompass the battlefield, but that would give him an advantage.

"What are you doing?" Starlight was scowling, eyes darting around. Could she see what he was up to? "You won't get me that easily." She lifted into the air with the grace of any unicorn, entire form shimmering with her magic. "Stop stalling." She brought her forehooves together and a beam of power burst from between them, striking Silver's shield more powerfully than the first. Silver strained as he turned it aside, but it was proving a proper challenge.

A guard squeaked as the ray was reflected onto him. A small confused mouse stood where once there was a guard, still wearing his armor, now tailored for his rodent body. Some of the other guards shied away at the display, but most remained to see the battle play out.

Playing defense would only carry him so far, but Silver knew that he had to act decisively, not rashly. His magic was still pouring free of him, filling the room. He could feel Starlight. Her breath was hastened. He could feel her magic, trying to batter down his shield. Her heart beat in her chest in a quick thumping.

"Enough! I can do more than brute force." She threw down a hoof and magic swirled at Silver's hooves, just outside his shield. The floor gave out from beneath him, sending him stumbling. In that moment of distraction, she streaked across the room, ready to deliver a telling blow.

That was when Silver closed the loose cloud of telekinetic magic around her. He grasped her form tightly from all directions. The closer she came, the thicker the magic was. He squeezed her still, arresting her charge as he stood up from the depressed circle of stone.

"I... don't... think so!" She grunted out before she vanished. Silver knew she was behind him, she was still in the field. He could feel her magic rapidly charging another spell, one meant to imprison him just as he had held her for a moment. He jumped to the left, allowing the shaft of angry magic to strike the rocks, enclosing one in a crystal.

Silver decided it was time to vary things up a little. He reached deep into his earth pony magic. He could feel the stone beneath him and around him. He could feel the broken stone and the pain it felt, strange as the pain of a rock was. It was not hot. It was a cool disappointment. The stones were content as they were. That sadness was already cooling. They would be content as they were. Such was the way of rocks. He would change that. He stomped a hoof and spoke to them. Not in words, but they knew. They knew who had visited discomfort on them.

They were eager to exact some small revenge, an act stones were usually unable to accomplish.

"Stomping the ground like a wild horse?" Starlight glared at Silver with an amused smirk on her face. "That won't get me." Her expression fell as a rock suddenly darted past her snout, missing so narrowly that she felt a few hairs come free. "What the--" Her eyes dropped in time to dodge as the stones began to rain upon her. Each one sang a silent song of retribution at the pony that had shattered them. Silver's magic propelled them, but their cooperation made them sail with determination. She was fast, but they were firm in their desire, as rocks were prone to being. One collided with a loud thump against her right thigh and she let out a yelp. The pain was distraction enough for another to catch her in the chest, and another bashed her head to the side.

She vanished, appearing across the room, panting harshly. "Alright, playtime is over. You want to get serious? We get serious."

The room became suddenly very loud as the guards cheered for their champion, the one stallion that dared stand up to a powerful mare, a spellcaster no less.

Silver turned to face her, but did not immediately lash out. Pelting a pony with rocks was not his preferred style of battle. It felt too... real. Even the sound of the cold stone striking soft flesh had upset him. He didn't want to really hurt Starlight.

She seemed to be suffering no such distraction. "Twilight could block this. Let's see if you're half as good." She lowered her horn directly at Silver. "Or if you'll jump and let the guards accept the punishment for your weakness." Magic flared brightly. He could feel her body going warm with the intense power she conjured from within her. A beam of energy came, no small line. This was an enormous horizontal column of pure destructive might. It was exactly the sort of magic Celestia would despair to see being cast.

Silver did not dodge. He couldn't. Guards would be struck, hurt, maybe worse. He pulled his shield forward, focusing to receive the magical onslaught. It struck. His vision became full of light as the powers collided powerfully and struggled against one another.

He felt his reserves being tapped. It took almost everything he had to keep the onslaught from reaching him. He could see fine lines forming in his shield, straining, but not collapsing. A tickle reached across his rump, across his cutie mark. He swiveled an ear at it even as his field told him, once he thought to check it, that magic was being subtly woven about him. It was too late.

Suddenly his cutie mark was violently ripped free of him. His shield collapsed as he gave a surprised whinny. The beam washed over him in a wave of pain, but it wasn't nearly as terminal as he had feared. It also did not last long, as its caster was too busy laughing with joy. His mark floated around her horn, orbiting it. "You're not the only one that can surprise someone, 'Prince'. Let's see how well you do without this."

A glance was enough to see that he had been re-branded with two black stripes that ran in parallel along his rump. What did it mean? He didn't like it, that much he was certain. He reached out with his field, but it was sluggish and hard to feel through.

Starlight could see the surprise on his face. "Oh, didn't I tell you? You've been equalized." She waved the cutie mark at Silver. "No fancy tricks for you, especially the ones you got with the help of this cutie mark."

That was... unfortunate, but Silver's mind went to other things. The rocks had been a gift of his alicorn-ness, not any advanced understanding of magic. He had two other tribes to draw on. He backed away from Starlight, making it look like he was cowed, but he glanced at the rubble that would serve him once more.

Starlight followed, one step after step, "That's right, run away. Not so tough now, are you? I figured Twilight was overplaying things, as usual. 'The Next Star Swirl', hmmph, as if. You'll never be even a tenth the stallion he was, if he's more than myth anyway."

Silver's hoof came down beside the broken rocks and he let his earth magic flow down through them, calling on them. They came. Flowing up around him, he was sheathed in stone, openings allowing him to breathe and see but little else. He could move, the stone flexing around his body as he took a step back towards Starlight.

Her ears pinned back against her head. "What? What magic spell is that?" She let out a little growl. "It won't help you." Her horn lowered, ready to blast.

Silver jumped, wings going wide. He caught the air with a flex of pegasus magic, despite his increased weight. He soared directly at her and crashed before the magic could come. He was a pony-shaped avalanche of stone. He barreled into her and they both went down to the ground, but one was cushioned by a protective layer of stone, while the other was battered between a rock and a hard place.

Starlight slid free from between the two, her magic yanking her free. "So it's hoof to hoof now, is it?" Magic shone bright about her forehooves as she crashed them together. "So be it."

The two faced one another, both sporting no few cuts and abrasions from their clash, though Silver's were hidden from view by his armor of stone.

"Starlight!" came Twilight's shrill shriek. Both looked to the side to see a small musical box with a suspiciously Twilight looking figure on the top in a ballerina pose. "What are you doing?!"

Starlight blinked softly, then pointed at Silver. "He started it."

Silver's armor came free in a rain of debris, littering the ground with stones of various shapes that once formed his shell. "Twilight?"

The figurine glowed with magic, Twilight's magic, as it lifted into the air. "This isn't what you're here for." The little figure glared at Starlight accusingly.

"You can't prove that..." Starlight glanced away, not sounding like even she believed her lame defense. "Come on." She grabbed the little figure and stuffed the entire music box away. "Spar's over."

Silver watched Starlight wander off. The guards gave a cheer, as if he had won. But had he? He didn't feel like he had. It was, at best, unresolved, but perhaps that was for the best. Quite suddenly, his cutie mark came flying back in, released from her grip. With a yelp, he was made whole, his magic returned. The guards were too busy talking about how the fight had gone. It seemed they had already forgotten how it ended.

Nefertari set a hand on Silver's head suddenly. "That was a fight worth seeing. You've developed a few new tricks, I see... You'll need to show me them later, privately."

Silver went a sudden red. "Phrasing!"

One of the guards poked at Silver. "Um, Majesty... how... did you do that?"

How did he explain that? "It's a little complicated."

That was, surprisingly, answer enough. The guard nodded and wandered off to rejoin the others in their chatter. Even as the guard captain moved to get them back to work, Fast suddenly pounced Silver, hugging him around the neck tightly. "That was quite a little brawl you had there. You really surprised her. She obviously thought you would be a pushover, and even when she pulled out dirty tricks, you didn't fall over." She smooched Silver's cheeks, left and right. "That's my Silver."

241 - Fast Reconciliation

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Rough Draft gazed out across Canterlot, its populace stirring and starting their days. He had a plate of waffles that he took a nibble of. A soft squeak came from his head, where his daughter was requesting her share. He smiled and passed up a bit, where it vanished into the hungry snout of the baby pegasus. "You have a lot of growing to do," he cooed up at her.

"There you are." Starlight approached from the entrance to the dining hall. "You're his father, right?"

Rough perked his ears, tickling the filly on his head. "His? David?"

Starlight blinked softly. "Who? Silver. The Prince, the one the Royal Sisters are getting involved in. I have questions."

"Oh, yes." He reached up with his hooves and carefully extracted the foal from above and set her down on the ground within reach of his hooves, though there was no assurance she'd stay there. For better or worse, her attention landed solidly on the food.

"Who is he?" she asked. "He's a new... thing. I'm not the most political-minded pony around, but I don't even remember hearing about this guy a few years ago, and now half the royalty in Equestria is joining his herd." She raised a brow as she sat down near Rough. "That doesn't strike you as odd?"

"If you don't mind the asking..." Rough's eyes wandered over the fiery unicorn that was questioning him. "I don't think we've been properly introduced."

"Starlight Glimmer." She gestured forward at him. "Rough Draft." Her magic wrapped around the filly. "And this little one is Sapphire Streak." She set the filly beside the plate of waffles and the small pegasus squealed with delight. "Now that that's out of the way..."

"I need a little more than that." Rough kept an eye on his daughter, though she was more than happy to just break her fast. "Why are you prying about him?"

"Because Celestia and Luna are both stressed out," she grunted, Starlight's eyes rolling. "And a lot of it boils down to him and things around him. Who brought the changelings to the city? Who are they herding with? Take him out and their stress levels would be a lot lower, so I want to know more about this mystery stallion. Is he in it for the power?"

"I doubt that." Rough's snout pulled into a smirk. "He... At least he was made in my mental image, and I wouldn't do that, so I don't think he would either. The whole power thing is... something he accepts, but not something he's looking for."

"Accept or seek, it's roughing the two up." She heaved a dramatic sigh before sitting down at the table. "They haven't been seeing eye to eye. They just don't get the other's perspective, and soon, they'll have more perspectives to worry about. This herd is the last thing they need."

Rough raised a hoof to swirl it in the air. "Why not focus on that?"

"What?" She shook her head. "Look, maybe this is a mistake. You're... actually what was it you did again?"

"Writer." He gave a soft laugh. "Not even political writing."

"Yeah... But you do at least one other thing."


Starlight's magic lifted Sapphire Streak and turned her towards Rough. "You're a father." She set the satiated foal at his hooves. "I'll keep thinking on it. Thanks for the time."

Rough watched her trot away, shaking his head. "Maybe it takes a pegasus to make a pegasus happy..." He leaned in and nuzzled his daughter's head. "Put up with me at least until you're an adult."

She bopped him on the nose and gave him a stern look. That only got a laugh from Rough and he plucked her up to set her back on his head.

Silver scribbled busily at his desk. A thought came to him. He missed computers, and typing. Writing with his horn was less annoying than it had been in his physical hand, but typing was faster and better than both of the other options. He dotted an i and tilted his head at the writing. "My handwriting's better at least." Hornwriting? His penmanship. "Penponyship?" He snickered softly as he folded the letter and pressed his seal against it. It was ready to mail. Into the outbox it went.

The next in his inbox regarded him personally. The preparations for his formal union with his herd were well underway. He had to be sized and clothed for the occasion. All of them did. He hated it. "Never liked dressing up." He shook his head even as he rose to his hooves and started for the door. Despite any amount of complaints, he would do it. "Nothing gained from complaining about it." He was a prince, darn it, and princes dressed up for big events, especially their own weddings.

He felt a nervous giggle escape from within him. His wedding. How had he had so many of those without a messy divorce along the way? He was lucky.


He looked up to see Nefertari standing just beside him. "Oh, um, hello Nefertari. What's up?"

"The time draws close." She leaned in, nose barely an inch from his. "The time for subtle games has long passed. The time for waiting, also gone. I do not mean to lose this battle." Her furry hands cupped his cheeks. "You marry those whose peace you intend to strengthen and bind. Bind me, my infuriating stallion."

Silver felt his cheeks warm beneath her fingers. He could feel her claws, sharp and deadly, gently groom through his fur. He could smell her breath softly washing over his snout and the fire in her eyes. "Do you... Is this because you feel you have to?"

"Maybe at first," she confessed. "But I have fallen for a classic hunter's folly. I have chased you, and now I want it. Not just you, my prideful male. Your herd, I want it all. I will not be excluded from it."

"What about love?" asked Silver, though his words sounded weak even to his own ears.

She rolled her eyes. "Yours is a political marriage. Your rulers are not as subtle as they would think. Their love is not shared through your herd. But love is a thing that can be built. Love can come..." Her tongue flicked out and lapped out across Silver's nose. "But only with room. If you do not allow me to join in this, then my chance is gone."

Silver felt his heat growing worse. It did not help that Nefertari was built quite well by human standards, and she was leaning in at him, giving him a view of all she had to offer. He was annoyed with himself at even being distracted by that, but he was. "You've caused us harm before."

A snort came from her. "Name a herd mate of yours that has not. You are a stallion drawn to those that may, and do, hurt you at times." A hand brushed across his snout and onwards along his side. "I will hurt you again, of this I have little doubt. We will do so as long as we live. We will hold the other responsible, mmm, and with strength we will bring undesired behavior to task."

Silver realized something. It was surprising they hadn't been interrupted. They were in the middle of the castle. How had no one noticed what was going on by then? At least Samantha should... He twitched his ears suddenly. "Sam?"

A voice whispered softly, "You should use a callsign."

Nefertari tapped his nose. "She's already on my side."

"It's true," spoke Samantha's voice. "If she's in the herd, I can study her more easily, and she'll be my mother-in-law! That would be great! So say yes."

Silver backed away from Nefertari a few quick steps. "Stop. I'm not the only one that should be asked."

"I'm glad to have your agreement." She folded a hand over her chest, bowed, and vanished.

"Thanks, daddy!"

Silver blinked softly. "But I didn't..."

"You gave her permission to ask the others and didn't say no, good enough," corrected Samantha. "Now about those callsigns. You can be... mmm... Royal Scribbles? ... I'll think about it."

Silver shook his head as he turned back in the direction he had intended. He still needed to be outfitted for the ceremony, Nefertari or not.

Celestia and Luna blinked in shared befuddlement.

"There," said Starlight with a nervous laugh. "Now you can see things from the other's point of view."

Night nodded softly. "Proceed."

The lanky pegasus fluttered his wings before he pressed both of his forehooves to the circle he had made. "Oh honored spirits of the castle, will you share your secrets?"

A hazy image appeared. It was a maid. She held a dusting feather in her mouth and could be seen working with it. What she was working on could not be, but her form was clear as she reared up to get to high things and ducked low to get under things.

Night tilted her head at the sight. "That is likely a worker that served in the castle for quite some time."

The maid stopped and looked directly at Night. She nodded, then resumed working with her feather duster.

The pegasus' wings flew out in a sharp snap. "Wow! Hello! What's your name?"

She did not answer.


The maid interrupted him with a hoof to his lips. She dropped the duster and it faded away before it hit the ground. She leaned in close to him, violating all sense of personal space, then she vanished.

Night pointed to the broken line in the circle, the chalk smeared by her own hoof. "If a spirit is not bound, it can act erratically. You should avoid physical contact with unbound spirits. Next time, exert your will more clearly before trying to interact with them."

The stallion fell back on his haunches. "S-she was gonna..." His cheeks were burning bright.

"She might have done many things, several of them uncomfortable." Night pointed back at the pegasus' desk. "Have a seat. Let's go over the importance of being firm with spirits." She returned to her own desk, looking over the class. "Even the most dearly departed can be dangerous, and it's not their fault. The spirits you see are caught in a dark place. Things can be confusing there, and they need, neigh, they want some order. A firm hoof is comforting, even if they complain."

A mare raised a hoof. "Teacher, is there a way to be a nice spirit, you know, when we die?"

Night blinked at the question. "I hope nopony in this class will die anytime soon."

"But we will, eventually." She perked her ears up. "I want to be the best spirit ever and help future shamans!"

Night had not predicted that line of questioning. The other ponies hadn't seemed to either. Uncomfortable squirms and glances echoed through the room. "I will look into that," promised Night. "But let's keep our focus on being quality shamans and improving the lives of others and ourselves. We should enjoy the time we have, not rush to move past it." She tapped her desk. "That kind of thinking can be poisonous, even to the spirits. The most angry ones are the ones that desperately want to reach the next level but can't find the way. Living or not, find the delight in the current, and make it better."

She rose up to her hooves. "I will be absent for a few days. I have selected a substitute teacher." She pointed to an earth pony stallion in the second row. "I expect you to continue practices, but no full summons while I am away. Go over basics and review the literature."

He bowed his head towards her. "I'll make you proud, teacher."

She smiled in kind. "Provided everyone is present when I get back without any possessions, you will be successful. You are all, of course, invited to the ceremony." She didn't have to specify which one, they all knew.

242 - Be Prepared

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Putting aside thoughts of seductive jackal ladies and well-meaning but criminally unaware daughters out of his mind, Silver trotted energetically to the address listed on the paper that floated beside him. It looked more like a photo shop than a clothing boutique. The oversized camera that hung above the door seemed a subtle hint to the fact.

He raised a hoof and moved it to knock on the door, but never reached it. The door swung open before he could make contact and a pony stood behind it. This pony was dressed in black and white, with vertical stripes on her top and horizontal with some pinkish hues on the bottom. She had magenta glasses that hid her eyes. "This is what I work with?" she asked to no one in particular. "Is rough start, but we work ze magics!"

"Oh, hel--"

"Now is not speaking time." The pony clopped her forehooves together in two clear strikes and other ponies emerged from the building as if just waiting for the command. They hefted Silver right off the ground and carried him inside without delay.

Silver was certain he'd seen that pony before. What was her name? It had been some time since he could actually watch the show he was living instead. Photo? Photo something... He remembered her not being a threatening pony, so he played along as the others set him down on a stage and outfits were rolled into view. He was going to be dressed in a wild montage? That seemed to fit the world's general flow, sure.

Photo's brow creased in a frown. "Mmm... You is larger than most, but we make it work. First, here!" She pointed at his head just as one of her assistants slapped down a big dapper top hat across him. "No no no, not royal. No magics here." She waved it away and the assistant grabbed it off Silver's head. Another slipped a crown on his head. It wasn't just any crown, it was his crown.

How did they get that? He tried to ask, but they were ignoring him entirely. Fine wires were woven around his horn to enhance its appearance. A monocle was put over an ear, just to be taken away and replaced with a half-rim of glasses. "Da! Now we are working ze magics... A hint of studious nature..."

Silver predicted a long but harmless day and decided to just relax and let it happen. Fighting would just make it take longer and he likely wouldn't win many arguments, not with Photo in her element.

Luna staggered through the halls. The day had been much tougher than she had predicted. At last, Celestia was back in charge. She would have to patrol the dream realm. Luna snorted, imagining the trouble Celestia could get in. "That'll teach her it's not an easy job... Now, to sleep."

Her forward progress was suddenly barred by a bipedal shape. Nefertari had appeared just in front of her. Luna nodded softly. "Ambassador." Then she moved to just walk around Nefertari, too tired to care much.

Nefertari put a hand out in the way. "Not so fast, my exotic princess of the night. We have words to share." Her eyes wandered over Luna. "Your mark, it has changed. Ah, that was announced, my apologies."

"Yes... and with it, my schedule." Luna let out a loud yawn. "I am retiring for the day. Goodnight."

And yet, Nefertari did not get out of the way. "A moment of your time, Luna. I wish to assist you."

"Assist me?" She regarded Nefertari squarely for the first time. "In what matter?"

"You are entering a strange thing, this herd. You are the only true warrior among them... Do you not fear being overruled at every turn?" She wriggles a few fingers. "Silver can fight, but hates it. He will take peace if it is an option. Celestia, too, will take peace if it is an option, even an uncomfortable one... Equestria needs a few warriors near the top."

Luna's need for sleep lifted a little at the conversation, ears directing themselves at Nefertari squarely. "And you would prefer to lead our people towards war?"

"I am not so foolish... This is a peaceful place, and is strong for it... but things happen. Sometimes, a strong hand is required when soft words fail. I will gladly serve at your side. First... we may serve as a beacon, to draw other warriors, like my own people. A political marriage would be a clear signal. Many would come, and Equestria would be safer."

Luna arched a brow lightly. "You seem to understand the idea of a political union better than most of the others involved."

Nefertari made a flippant wave of a hand. "I was a politician before I arrived on your shores. Marriage is for arrangement of power. Love is a pleasant side effect. Your future husband has shown his worth. I would serve you, my future herd mate, and be the strength that Equestria needs."

Luna's nose wrinkled. She still wanted precious sleep. "Have you spoken to him, that future husband?"

"He said I should speak to others, as I am."

Luna's ears danced. Had he approved? She didn't feel a lie coming from Nefertari. "You would no longer be an ambassador."

"This much is true. They would have to send another, and I would work with my replacement." She moved without movement, her right hand suddenly at Luna's brow, giving a soft pet. "I apologize. You are more tired than I had thought. Shall I escort you to bed?"

Bed? That sounded delightful... Luna let out a thunderous yawn. "Please..."

Nefertari walked alongside Luna, supporting her. "We warriors are tasked with so much. We must guide and work alone."

"Alone," agreed Luna. "You work alone?"

"Of course," spoke Nefertari in a low whisper into Luna's ear as they walked. "I am the only of my kind in some distance. I know what isolation feels like. You are to be admired, watcher of the night."

"Admired?" Luna waved her guards aside as they approached. "You're flattering me. It--" She paused to yawn. "--won't work."

"It isn't flattery when it is the naked truth." She thrust a clawed finger at one of the two guards. "Speak plainly. Is the princess worthy of adulation?"

"Yes, ma'am!" barked the guard.

Luna smiled and proceeded past them. "Of course they would say that, good ponies, the both of them..." She could see her beloved cushions ahead of her. Sleep called in sweet unheard notes.

"But it is still truth they speak." The focus had slid off of her, and that was where she wanted. "Come, it is time to rest." She guided the tired princess to lay herself down and pulled up a blanket. "Even the fiercest warriors require their sleep. Perhaps, when you are ready, you will share tales of your own battles."

Luna let her head sink into the soft cushions. Sleep was claiming her. "Have you fought?" To her, Nefertari was an ambassador first.

It was a fine question to be gravely offended by. Nefertari clenched a hand tightly, claws biting into her own flesh as she resisted the urge. "Of course... Why, we have both crossed swords with that future-husband of yours. We mustn't let him think he's in charge now, can we...? A firm hand, that is what is required."

"A firm hand..." Luna slipped away from the waking world, a loud snore proclaiming the event to the dark room.

Nefertari stroked a paw over Luna's side gently. The seed had been planted. She doubted she would get too much resistance from Luna. Though if she was asleep, that meant the other... She had work to do.

Night strode with a humming Samantha and her son walking alongside her. Night's own foals were strapped to her sides, too young to trust to walking along on their own for such a distance. "Silver has been taken for a full treatment, but we can manage our own fashion without outside assistance."

Samantha tilted her head a little. "What do your odds tell you?"

Night frowned a moment with calculation. "I will help you find suitable clothing for the event."

Samantha's smile broadened. "I knew I could count on you!"

Moonbeam, Samantha's adopted son, snickered softly. "Mom's a genius, at specific things. I can dress myself, don't worry."

"Be that as it may." Night glanced to the side at the fellow lunar pegasus. "You will accompany us. We'll be dressed as a family."

Moonbeam shrugged softly at that. "If it helps, sure. It got me out of school for the day."

Samantha's horn glimmered as several books appeared. "Don't worry, I have your work and assignments with me."

Moonbeam groaned, his vacation dashed before his eyes.

It was not to be one outfit, Silver discovered. As soon as Photo Finish, as he had learned was her full name, was satisfied with an outfit, they pulled him free of it and got to making the next. Once they were on the third one, his patience was wearing thin. With a weary sigh, a field of force popped into being around him, barring the way for her eager assistants to approach him, or hooves that might try to place themselves in his mouth. "Photo Finish, thank you, but why are we still making outfits? This is a single event."

Photo sputtered a moment. "I do not even start to understand. Ponies, they hope, no pray for Photo Finish's magics, and here you are, hoping it will end. Do you not want ze magics? Do you not want to shine like ze stars above? The cameras, they will be trained on you. They will flash. There iz no zingle event! You are a czar! Ponies from everywhere will always be watching you."

The idea of it was... horrifying. Thrilling too, to a point, but mostly it made Silver tense. Still... Photo Finish did have a point. His shield faded gently from view. "I'm sorry."

Photo gave a brief smile. "This is good. You make mistake, you learn. We learn. Now magic, we return to it." She clopped her hooves. "I think you will be happy with the next."

As her assistants moved back in to return to dressing Silver, he gave a little smile. He was blessed. He had to remind himself of that fact at times. Even as they moved his limbs without asking to get the clothes onto him. Even as they swapped wildly from one fashion to the next, he reminded himself of how lucky he was in the end. He was a prince of Equestria, and there were far many worse fates to consider. A day of being dressed was well worth all the things he would get, had already gotten...

He had no room to complain. Not without being a jerk, or so he told himself. Once it was all done, he would return to his home, a castle. He would eat fine food, rest on the softest bed, read forbidden tomes, and maybe sleep beside, or with, attractive females if such was his mood... or theirs. No, his blessings were large and obvious.

A thought interrupted his counting of good fortunes. "Where is the rest of the herd?"

Photo lifted her shoulders in the barest hint of a shrug. "Zhey are not scheduled for today. I prefer to focus on the now, ze magics. There iz less magic in tomorrow, or yezterday. We focus on the now, yes?" She pulled over a camera and directed it at Silver. "That, that is my job. I capture now, then now iz forever. Ze magics, captured."

Silver sat up, looking at the camera. "I hadn't thought of it like that. That's a good way to view photography."

"This, I know." The camera flashed brightly, dazzling Silver a moment. "Brilliant! Get him into zomething blue." Her workers saluted in unison and came in at Silver from all directions. He let out a good-natured sigh as they got to reworking his fashion.

243 - Huntress on the Prowl

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Nefertari slipped between here and there, but never made it there. Something got in her way, which was a very unusual thing to have happen. She was standing in a hallway she had meant to pass and Night Watch stood before her, wings spread wide. She had hoped to save her for last... "Yes?"

"I have calculated your movements," spoke Night, wings retracting. "You are making a bold move."

"It is our way." She flashed her sharp teeth. "What of it?"

"I'm not blind." She adjusted her glasses lightly. "You plan to finish what you started."

"Does that bother you?"

"Everyone else involved is someone I respect on some level or another." She thrust a hoof at Nefertari.

"And you are my student. I would assume some measure of respect is there." She could dash past Night, Nefer figured, but Night had to be dealt with, why not then? "We will be better able to coordinate in your efforts to bring shamanism to this country."

"You are a dangerous creature on your best of days."

"And you are not?" Nefertari dropped to a crouch, her face far closer to Night's. "We are both warriors. When we want something, we rise to take it. Neither of us are savages, however. There are... rules."

"You have rules?" Night shook her head. "I'm being unkind. You do have rules. You've proven this several times now. They are not our rules."

"Our?" Nefertari extended a hand. "Silver does not work by your rules. Celestia operates outside either of your moralities. Luna and she at times do not see one another. No, I do not follow your rules, but no one else does, not exactly... Our relationship will be one that brings friction at times, of this I have no doubt." She leaned closer, reaching for Night's snout. "But from that will come growth, a thing we are capable of, yes?"

"What is your goal?" demanded Night as she stepped just out of Nefertari's reach.

"That is a changing thing." She clicked two nails together. "At first, vindication, then anger, then resolution... Now curiosity and respect. You, my student, have bested me at times, but, ultimately, you have succeeded as a shaman. You are advancing the sacred art, a thing I have... slacked in doing. I have had almost no students, and you stand proudly before an entire room of them, guiding them."

"And not tricking them," retorted Night with a scowl.

"More the shame... The spirits will not hesitate to do so. Better it be done by someone they know to learn from." Nefertari rose to her full height. "Adversity encourages development. Even a kind spirit can become lost in their dark home, and bring you to that darkness with them without ill intent."

Night let out a slow hiss of a sigh. "Let's stop posturing. We're both good at it. What do you want?"

"To join his herd."


Nefertari lifted her shoulders. "It is a thing you ponies should understand. It is destiny. My very name speaks of it. There is a reason among many I was chosen to be the word of our people, sent to live in your strange land. I am a companion." She flexed her fingers, claws displayed. "No casual thing. I am a warrior first, but he has... shown he can be one worth speaking of, as have you... All members of this group have proven themselves in blood. There is no shame in joining this circle of warriors."

Night sank to her haunches. "That is... refreshingly honest. I am used to hearing subtle hints of deception from your tongue, but right now..."

"Truth is a precious gift, and one I give to you, future mate." Nefertari clasped her hands together, fingers threading through one another. "We will fight, viciously at times." Her lips peeled back in a smile, teeth displayed. "Let us grow from them."

Night's nostrils flared as she turned away. "Only you would look forward to marital spats."

"They will happen. Why begrudge them?" Nefer stepped closer. "We've already had a few, and neither of us died. A good start."

Night's eyes rolled. "I'm not attracted to you."

"Just as well." Nefertari let out the smallest snort. "Let us enjoy the battle one another brings. We can allow the others to their softness."

She vanished. That had gone better than she had hoped.

Moonbeam tapped a hoof with some impatience before his mother, Samantha, emerged from the dressing room. "Finally! What too--" He cut off, blinking at her. "Huh... that really does suit you." He had picked out a nice dress for her, but he didn't expect it to work quite so nicely. The trailing bit at the end somehow really helped. She was an adorable goddess. "Looking good, mom!"

Samantha giggled with joy. "You think so?"

Silver's two foals gave off squeaks of encouragement, tufted ears waggling.

Moonbeam gestured at them. "See, even they can see it. You'll do great at the wedding."

"But I'm not even the one getting married." Samantha stuck out her tongue a little. "Not sure why I need to change my clothing at all."

"Because it's a family thing, and they are your adoptive parents. You'd expect me to get dudded up if you get married, right?"

"Of course." She nodded quickly. "Objection withdrawn. Does it really look good?" She turned left and right, showing off.

Moonbeam gave a clopping, figuring it would work better than trying to convince her with words. "Any idea where Night went running off in a hurry?"

Samantha's ears twitched, tuning in. "She's talking to Nef Nef, probably about the whole thing. That's important."

"She was supposed to stay with us and help." He huffed softly. "Guess I have to be the responsible one here." He turned to the foals, at least the ones younger than himself. "Alright, let's get you two dressed."

They let out a shared cheer and followed him towards the foal's section of the store.

Silver strode along the streets of Canterlot. It had been a long day and the sun was heavy in the sky, but he had done what he had set out to do.

Which made it the perfect time for an old face to appear. Rough Tumble stood before him as if the waves of the crowds had pulled back to let him out, which was not against the odds with ponies involved. "Hey," he said, rubbing one foreleg with the opposing. "Congratulations."

"Rough!" Silver closed the distance. "Good to see you."

Tumble seemed confused. "Wha?"

Silver slowed his approach. "Shouldn't it be? I know we had... things, but we're past that. Tell me how you've been."

"The business is working out." Tumble gave a smile, then coughed into a hoof. "Um, thanks... for your part, I mean..." He glanced away and back at Silver. "Can we talk, ya know, in private?"

Silver reached out with his magic, wrapping up the stallion in its grasp. "Hold on." They both vanished in a fit of sparkles. They snapped back into existence in Silver's room. There wasn't anyone there at the moment. "Huh, must still be shopping." He turned to Tumble. "What's on your mind?"

Tumble crashed to his haunches. "Warn a fella before you do that, sheesh... Um, right! I... wanted to get something off my chest."

Silver could make a few guesses what it was, but trying to cut Tumble off with them felt like the wrong thing to do. "Go on."

Tumble shuffled his forehooves on the floor. "You know, way back when, when we were both foals... I... was your... mare for a day."

Silver just nodded.

Tumble gave a forced smile. "It didn't last long, and it ended all kinds of bad... but... uh... thanks. I mean..." He glanced towards a window. "I kinda wish I could find a stallion that cared that much, even to just admit it wasn't... working."

Silver stepped forward then. "Love is a tricky thing. The more desperate you are for it, the harder it hides. Make friends, live life, and let love find you instead. Be open to it, but stop chasing it."

Tumble poked Silver in the chest. "And you followed that advice how many times?"

Silver's cheeks went red. "Most of my entanglements only worked when I stopped running after them, I swear. It isn't just a, what was the word, platitude? I'm not just spouting random things."

"You don't care, I mean... that I want a stallion?"

"Should I?" Silver reached out a hoof and set it Tumble's shoulder, pulling him closer. "Love is up here." He tapped his head with his other forehoof. "And sometimes it doesn't follow what everyone else is busy saying is the 'right' way. As if who you find happiness with matters to them." He rolled his eyes. "You find that special pony, or dragon, or changeling, or whatever, male, female, both, neither. If you two... or more... make each other happy, you did it right."

Tumble burst into laughter, wiping a fetlock over his eyes. "I don't think I have what a dragon wants."

"The right dragon, the right place." Silver shrugged. "Keep an open mind and don't worry about it. Hec--Hay, you know what's chasing me right now?"

Tumble blinked. "The princesses?"

"No, I mean yes, but not just them. Do you know what an anubite is?" His horn glowed as he crafted an image of Nefertari in the air. "She has her eyes on me and she is a hunter."

Tumble tilted his head slowly left and right. "She looks weird. You're a patient pony, putting up with that. Say, uh, I should get going, but... I wanted to talk to you before your big day."

"Any time." Silver turned to the door as it opened with his will. "We're still friends, you know. You're welcome to stop by randomly."


"Friends do that."

"No." Tumble tapped at the floor. "I mean why are we friends? I mean... Aren't you a little angry?"

"Aren't we a bit past that? Besides, if I wanted to be angry at anyone, it would be your parents." Silver's nose wrinkled. "They did not give you half of what you deserved."

Tumble stepped past Silver towards the door. "Good luck with, um, everything..." He turned back to Silver. "I never would have guessed, I mean, when you were just a little runt of a unicorn..."

Silver smiled at that. "I wouldn't have either. You'll be fine, in a way neither of us will predict. Just take care of yourself first."

Tumble departed after that, leaving Silver alone in the room.

He closed the door with a thought and looked around in the silence. "After a full day of Photo Finish, this feels odd."

Celestia set Starlight in her bed gently. "That's alright, I'll just handle this myself." She turned away from the bed and began walking through the empty halls of the castle. All the ponies were asleep, save herself. She was not used to seeing everything so empty...

"Princess." Nefertari suddenly stood before her. "A pleasure to see you."

Celestia's ears perked. "A pleasure to see you." It was not always nice to see that ambassador, but she was eager for some company. "What keeps you up?"

"You." Nefertari stepped forward. "We have things to discuss, things only two females with such weights on their shoulders can understand."

Celestia inclined her head faintly. "I was not aware you were a ruler."

"Of a kingdom? Certainly not, but my people are relying on me, hoping that I turn things in their benefit. I am a focus of their desires, just as you are of the ponies that sleep around us." She slid in beside Celestia. "It is a lonely task, a high pedestal that others glare at with jealousy."

"It can be," admitted Celestia as she walked along with Nefertari. "It is also deeply rewarding and entirely worth the effort."

"You will find no disagreement there." Nefertari rest a hand on Celestia's back. "But it doesn't have to be lonely. I am told you will soon form a family."

244 - Circle of Mares

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Celestia brought down a hoof on the table in a series of soft but firm clops. "I call this meeting of the Royal Herd of Equestria to order." Her eyes swept over those that would be her partners. Her sister had already been a partner by merit of being her sister. There were new faces to such a thing. "Our official founding is impending, but I feel this meeting is called for." Her eyes continued their sweep over Night Watch. "We have all been approached by one who wishes to join our ranks before that date." She met eyes with Silver a moment, nodded at Fast Change, but kept on moving to the one she was speaking of, Nefertari.

Nefer rose smoothly and bowed to the table as a whole. "It is a pleasure to be here. I know we have had our... friction in the past, but that is true for every member with every other member here. I am prepared to do my part."

Silver sat up and raised a hoof. Celestia smiled gently at him. "What a well-trained stallion we have. Please, Silver, speak."

His cheeks warmed. A part of him rankled at the idea of being referred to in such a way, but the full ire refused to come. He blamed it on liking Celestia, or maybe just being a person that avoided conflict when he could. "Nefertari--" Her ears perked at him. "--You tricked me. You never really asked if I wanted you here, just took off when I mentioned the others."

Nefertari put a hand at her chest. "Are you saying you don't want me then?"

His tongue ran over his teeth as he looked over Nefertari. It was another shred of his dream coming to light. He had been with Nefertari once before. "I'm not saying that..."

"It is time to say that." She settled back in her seat. "Or to accept me. I believe that is why we are here."

Celestia was looking at Silver directly. "The way I see it, there must be order in this, or ponies will think you are simply marrying whomever catches your eye." She put a hoof out towards Luna and curled it back in towards herself. "For us two, we are the rulers. It is logical that we are a part of any royal herd. For the others... a reason and order must be established, and I think one has already been proposed to you, my stallion."

Night reached for her glasses and slipped them free of her snout, held in a wing as the other worked a rag over them. "You're talking about Blueblood's idea, one mare of each race he's touched."

Fast Change rolled a hoof. "That covers Night and me nicely, and cuts off a lot of other mares from making clumsy plays. Hay, cuts off all the regular ponies from the start." Her eyes darted to Nefertari. "But has Silver made much a difference for the anubites?"

Nefer flashed a bright smile. "Oh, he has, in that indirect way he has shown much skill with, yes... He brought us together, my student." Her eyes on Night Watch. "Shamanism brought to Equestria... Not vilified or secret. My people will react well to the news, especially if I am joined to the highest family of the land." She spread her clawed hands slowly. "This is a political marriage, let there be no doubt, but one with great political dividends. Our people will be brought tighter."

Luna cleared her throat softly. "The concept and workings of political marriages are not foreign to either of us, but we are aware you hope for more."

"Should I not?" Nefer crossed her arms under her chest, lifting them in the motion, an act that was entirely ignored by the equine females in the room. "The binding is logical, but if we can find affection or love while performing our duty, or even indulge in our baser pleasures, then that is simply a benefit to what we must already do. We must eat, why not eat things that please us? We must drink, is it wrong to place it in an appealing container or to spice it just so?"

Celestia sat forward faintly. "Tell us, what would you bring besides the act of marriage?" She inclined a hoof towards her. "What reason have we to not accept your hand and then cast you aside, ignoring you at every opportunity?"

Nefer's face split into a grin only a carnivore could have, far too wide for creatures will full cheeks to give comfortably. "How wickedly cruel to suggest, Celestia. You have some fire in there... If I do not prove worthy of your time, then to be cast aside is the natural result. I do not think that will be an issue." She curled a finger towards Silver. "You will send him away, this I feel certain, and you will want warriors at his side. That cannot be Luna, or yourself, we both know this."

Night huffed at the implication. "We're not going anywhere, but even if we did, Celestia would send me."

"Fast," Nefer spoke, looking to her. "Tell Night why that may not be true."

Fast froze a moment, put on the spot. "Well, uh, you see...." She clopped her forehooves together, trying to think of a good reason before it clicked. "Right! You're needed here. You have a class, and foals. Celestia wouldn't want you in harm's way."

"Precisely." Nefer's eyes closed partially, gazing at Celestia. "Fast is lovely, but will you trust him entirely to her care? No... I will protect our stallion. Let any that think they can place a hand on him without our leave experience new varieties of discomfort." Her paws came together, the pads striking one another in a clap. "As harsh as my ways seem, they will be brought to your benefit."

Luna lifted her shoulders in a shrug. "I see no harm in this. I look forward to her joining."

Fast tilted her head left and right. "I'm not going to get in the way. I know... Silver's turned on by her shape."

Silver's cheeks lit up and he swatted at Fast's shoulders. "Hey!" She offered no apologies but a little giggle.

Night sank back in her chair with a loud huff. "I want one thing made clear. In the future... should we be approaching, or already tripping over, some social more, you'll inform us and give a chance for remedy before assuming we run by your rules." She pushed up her glasses. "There's over a fifty percent chance we will regret this on some level..." She canted her head faintly. "But the same can be said for not accepting it... I... approve."

Celestia put a hoof on her chest. "As alpha female of this herd, a title I trust none oppose?" She paused a moment, looking over the table. "The final decision rests with me."

Silver sat up at that. "You may be the alpha female, but that doesn't mean you're the alpha of me."

Celestia raised a fine brow. "Are you requesting to experience the female side of things again?"

Silver flinched back. "I..." Celestia knew about his dream. Just how much she had dedicated to memory was another matter. "If I want that, there are spells."

"There are," she agreed with a little nod, a satisfied look on her face. "Seeing as you have not used them, you are happy as you are. You were aware of what you were entering long before now. My ponies will not be pleased if I suddenly begin acting as if I were not their ruler. I am the alpha of this herd. I trust this will be the last we speak of it?"

Night shook her head. "The odds are low on that."

Silver sat back on his chair and did not further complain.

Celestia nodded once more at him. "That matter put aside, I accept Nefertari's motion to join the royal herd as one of the representatives of the races Silver has touched. Silver, you do realize this will create other... expectations. You have not selected an umbrum wife, and gossip will only grow in intensity, along with proposals ranging from innocent to wildly indecent, until you set your eyes on one in particular and we agree with the selection. You have, perhaps foolishly, discarded the shield of the First Wife. They will come for you directly."

He looked over to Nefertari and dipped his head at her. "Welcome to the family."

She rose to her feet. "It is a pleasure," she said in almost a hiss, reveling in her victory. "There is celebration to commence. I know little of the 'umbrum', but that is a fact that is easily remedied. We will find someone fitting... Perhaps someone demure."

Luna burst into sudden laughter. "Looking to avoid competition for his time? That is scarcely a warrior's way, is it?"

Nefertari scowled at Luna before her smile returned, easy and relaxed. "I look forward to our jousts. Alpha," She looked towards Celestia. "Are there other matters to discuss?"

"There is." Celestia clopped a hoof down twice. "I put this matter to rest, resolved. The preparations around the city progress smoothly and the ceremony is ready to proceed. Nefertari, do you have attire befitting the occasion?"

"I do."

Night raised a hoof. "I would like to see it, just to be sure. Anubite fashion is not pony fashion."

Celestia nodded at Night. "Motion seconded, please go over your selection with Night Watch and ensure your readiness. The vows and specifics will be delivered to your rooms later today. I trust you'll all have it dedicated to memory."

Silver paled near his nose at the idea. That sort of memorization was right about his weakness, second only to his ability to remember people's names easily. Maybe there was a spell for that?

Luna saw Silver's discomfort and shook her head. "Be at ease, our stallion. Your lines will be the simplest. You are, after all, the stallion. What you may wish to focus on is any personal oath or words you may wish to speak when you are prompted, as words to give to us, your herd, or the people of Equestria, who will be listening quite closely. Don't even think of saying nothing at all."

Silver quirked a little smile. "No pressure. Actually, that sounds a lot less scary. I can talk any time. I'll make it up on the spot and it'll be fine."

Celestia spread her wings and the room became more brightly lit as her magic swept aside the curtains that covered the windows, allowing light to spill in generously across the room. "Now, business aside, I do hope that we, as a curious family, can find satisfaction in one another in all the ways that a family might. Confidants, companions, lovers, there are so many ways family may come together."

Fast fixed Celestia with a lecherous leer. "You've already been taking advantage of at least one of those."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Her face was the model of composed before it broke into a little smile. "We will have much growing to do, together. Let us proceed with confidence."

Night raised a hoof. "There is one matter. This seems to make it clear that neither I nor Fast enjoy the same... level as Celestia or Luna."

Luna pointed at Fast. "Technically she is higher, being a formal royal who served with distinction in the defense of her people."

Celestia glanced at her sister and back at Night. "Be that as it may, our comparative social orders are for public display. Alone, I hope that we see each other as family in time."

Night adjusted her glasses as she settled back. "Even in a family, there are strata..."

Nefer flexed her claws. "Then seek to improve your position. I hardly intend to sit idly."

Fast snickered, a hoof over her mouth. "And you're encouraging her?"

"What is a battle without spirited competition?" Nefertari lifted her shoulders. "We will compete and better ourselves and this country in the process."

245 - Wait, what?

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Nefertari moved with all due speed. She was not one for leisurely strolls unless there was a purpose to it, or she truly had no hurry, and that was rare enough.

She grasped the handle to her door and pushed it open to reveal her most familiar spirit glowering at a pony that should not have been there. She knew the pony. "Silver, what brings you to my room? Already eager to sample your newest wife?"

He looked away from the spirit. "You said something that bothers me, a lot."

"Is this the first?"

"No, suppose not." He gave a little half-chuckle. "But I mean today. What do you mean Celestia will send me away, without Night at that." He pawed at the ground with a hoof. "I'm not going anywhere without her, or my foals."

"You will." She raised a hand, turning it palm-side up as it went. "If the cause is great enough, the need powerful enough. You will not stand by and watch your nation suffer before you suffer yourself, if you feel you could do something to prevent it. Celestia will provide the route, and you think you will deny her request?"

"Why would she even ask that," he angrily spat.

"You act as if she has not before..." Two claws came together with a tick. "Her favored servant is often sent afield with little warning. She is quite accustomed to it. At this point... I think she grows restless when she is not mid-task for her beloved princess."

Silver thought of Twilight, boredly awaiting the next call to adventure. It was a funny picture in his head, so far as he was concerned. "Well, I'm not in that rush. I have plenty on my plate as it is."

"So you will say no, when she saunters up to you." Nefertari moved slowly then, approaching Silver with all the deliberate motions a female could muster. "When she looks you in the eyes and tells you that you could save her, save her little ponies. You will say no?" Her nose rested almost in contact with his, her breath washing over it. "This I doubt very much. You will go. I will come with you."

Silver's ears danced. "Why?"

"Why will she send you away?"

"Why will you come with me?" He snorted softly, sharing his breath with her as she had for him. "How does that help you?"

"How will it not?" She clapped her paws together with Silver's furry face in the way, seizing him by the cheeks. "Equestria will know a debt to me, I will have a chance to see your true measure, and, perhaps... I tire of the endless machinations of this court. Most motions within it are petty and small. I can do better than that."

Silver's teeth set and he pulled away from her hands, or tried. He found her grip was sure and strong. The softness in her fingers was a sweet lie for the steely strength she had. "I'm... happy with what I have."

"And you will act to protect it." She nodded softly. "That is the way of it. That is what a warrior must face, and you, my reluctant warrior, are still one."

Silver blinked, his eyes obscured with a tear he didn't realize he had shed. "I don't want to leave Night..."

"But you will, if it keeps her and the foals safe." She leaned in and kissed at one of his tears. "You will suffer, bleed, and struggle for them."

He vanished, only to appear in the same instant a foot away. "I found my rainbows," he hissed out, shaking. "I found them..."

Nefertari lifted her shoulders. "And I hope you enjoyed them, but rainbows are fleeting. If you wish to savor them more, you will have to work." Her lips peeled to reveal sharp teeth. "Besides, it has not happened yet, but it will. It is simply a time to be ready, not wail at a future issue. You have current ones to see to. We are to be wed, are we not? Have you completed your preparations?"

He caught the eye of the spirit Nefertari kept with her. "What are you looking at?"

The spirit scoffed and brushed her arm as if to remove dust. "The thought of our great line being sullied by a horse of all things... I don't care how strong you are, you're not an anubite."

Silver lashed out, silvery magic brushing the spirit into a wall with the sound of a surprised yelp. He blinked. "I expected more resistance."

Her head poked free of the same wall. "I wasn't expecting to be shoved. My fault, I will accept. So you have some fight, this I know, you're still a horse."

"I am, and have been several things." He waved a hoof at Nefertari. "Apparently that now includes betrothed to her."

Nefertari stepped between the two. "Does this bother you? Truly, are you upset to call me yours?" She raised a hand along her side, trailing her curves. "Or are you a little scared of my rejection? Are you afraid that you will fail?"

Silver ran his tongue over his lips as he turned away from the vision. "If we're getting married... I'll do... I'll try to be good." He rose his head, meeting Nefer's eyes. "You don't get married to fuck it all up." His right forehoof trailing on the ground. "I won't have... fake relationships."

"Bold words." She took a single step towards him. "I hope they bear true. You can sound like a proper warrior at times, it suits you better. Then let us see what your efforts bring."

"It isn't a one way street." His hoof clopped on the ground. "Are you planning to be my wife or not?"

A little snort escaped from her nostrils. "I have offered that once before, one who has laid me low thrice, claiming proper dominance without wish to seal the contract that he wrote with his own hands." She crouched just low enough to put them on equal stance, which wasn't that far with Silver's alicorn-enhanced height. "I will be a loyal wife, and perhaps more, given time and familiarity. I will plot and scheme, with certainty."

Silver frowned at that. "Thanks for the warning."

"You are welcome. She tapped the center of his chest and a clawed finger trailed down along his front. "You will enjoy some of it, I feel certain. You've become lost in being 'right', you've forgotten what it is to live, in some ways. Fast will be ideal for breaking you free of that, as an assistant."

Silver's mind went to unclean places and his ears fell as warmth filled his cheeks. "My wives already don't let me neglect them."

"That's all well and good, but have you no needs?" She raised a brow. "You are too obsessed with being right. Take what is yours."

"I already have!" He waved a hoof about as he circled in place. "I live in Canterlot Castle. I'm marrying the princesses. I have foals! I have everything a man could ask for. What more do I need?"

"There we are..." She smiled, unimpressed by his hysteric tones. "What do you need...? You do need things. You are alive, you will want. That is part of being alive. To not have any want is to not live. Are you dead, husband? I can't have that."

He turned away in an angry huff, just to find her already standing in front of his new facing. "What do you want!" he spat back at her, tail lashing.

"For you to start reaching for what you want, dear husband, instead of gazing fondly at it." She rose to her full height. "I cannot say I entirely understand your origins, something I plan to address, but I am to understand your bitches look much like ours." Her hands landed on her hips. "Dismayingly naked and exposed, but the shape is right. You keep giving me those looks, the ones of a male who thinks he is being subtle... You are not, husband of mine."

Silver glanced towards the door that led to freedom, but his eyes slowly returned to Nefertari, tail still lashing behind him. "You want me to just do what I want to do?"

"I welcome it." She crossed her arms under her chest. "Prove you have the will to match your strength. Prove you can do something with what is yours besides enjoy its presence."

Silver thrust a hoof at the door and a loud click was heard as its lock deployed. A squawk soon followed it as a burst of silver magic pushed peeping spirits clear of the room. "Fine," he barked. "I will do exactly what I want to do..."

246 - Catch a Jackal By Her Tail

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The lighting of the room dimmed. The room was under his control. With his magic spread as an even presence all through it, he could feel it all. Even Nefertari's subtle twitches, normally too fast to behold, became obvious. Light spilled up under Silver's head, illuminating him from an unnatural angle. "You have issued a challenge, but I can't be sure you're prepared for the consequences." His voice was dark and ominous.

Nefertari's claws clenched as a soft chuckle escaped her. "This is an interesting side of you. Mmm, yes, I will accept this challenge. Show me what you have."

"You don't understand." He circled her slowly, hoofs lightly ringing on the floor. "This is about you. You're entering a whole world of mysteries and exploits, where your decisions will not only affect your own success, but the fate of the world around you."

Nefer's left ear quirked as a her lips peeled into a smile. "This is the strangest courtship entreaty I have ever heard."

"You will only court with danger." He brushed against her left-hand side, bumping her. "But the rewards will be many, if you're up for it."

"Enough." Her left hand lashed out to catch him, but his magic contracted around her hand, holding it still just long enough for him to dance away. "You've grown more practiced, I see. Good, you'll need it... But that is not what we are here for."

"No, it is not. We have come to settle a far more serious affair."

A knock made Nefertari jump slightly before her eyes rolled. "You are throwing me off balance, my deliciously confusing male. Allow me a moment to send them away." She turned towards the door the sound had come from.

"Oh no, you will do no such thing." His magic squeezed her everywhere at once in a full body embrace. "They are here to suffer the trials with you, my new wife."

Nefertari's brows rose together. A group play, as the first? "I may have misjudged you..."

The door swung open under the influence of his dispersed magic, revealing not one but two faces. Night Watch and Samantha stepped into the room. Samantha was giggling wildly as Night reached a wing into her saddlebag and drew out a smaller little silk bag.

"The rest of the party has arrived." Silver closed the door behind them with a glance. "This is your last chance for escape. We would not hold it against you, Nefertari. There are many who quail before such challenges."

Samantha's horn glowed as she drew her own small bag. "You have to stay! You just have to! Nef Nef, I will be so very sad if you don't join us. Besides, it's your room." She looked around. "Where's your see-through friend?"

Nefertari shook her head slowly. "Silver... She is your adopted daughter!" She waved a hand at Samantha wildly. "I heard you were a depraved beast at heart, but this is too much! Does... she even know what it is you are offering? She is... a curious case. Wait, you've do--"

Night raised a hoof towards Nefertari's lips. She moved to hop away, but Silver's magic held her still. Her fury was not to be denied so easily. With a roar, Nefertari threw aside the magic and blinked several feet away. "I demand answers!"

Silver waved at the bed, where light shone down on it. "The call to adventure can be heard by everyone here. Will you answer it?"

Night adjusted her glasses. "Of course, we have to make your character first."

Nefer's clenched fists slowly dropped. "Character?"

Samantha hopped up onto Nefer's bed and plopped down on her haunches. "Of course. Behold!" She drew a little miniature from the bag she held in her magic, revealing a pony made of gears. "I am a clockwork alchemist! My intellectual answers will save the party."

Night drew her own figurine, revealing a figure that looked much like herself, if one forgave the horn that graced its forehead. "And I am princess of the lunar ponies. My mastery of the night will keep evil at bay."

Nefer's fists slowly unballed as she took a step back. "You... are joking."

"There are no jokes here." Silver shook his head. "Only adventure. Come, my exotic wife, join the family. A family that adventures together, stays together." He gestured at the bed. "I will be the guide for this excursion."

Night stepped up onto the bed and sank down on her belly. "Have you played this before?"

"I... have not." Her eyes darted from one 'combatant' to the next. "I gather we are... not consummating things then?"

Silver's light moved to cast more dramatic shades across his face. "Oh, we will be, just not in the fashion you expected. To be a part of this family means to accept our eccentricities. Come forward, set aside your expectations, and be welcomed into our world of mystery."

Night pulled free a clean sheet of paper. "Come on. I don't know what he led you here with, but you're in it now. We'll get you set up in no time at all."

Samantha was giggling with joy, making her figure dance back and forth. "A shame my colt isn't into this..."

Nefertari's tension ebbed as she took her first step forward. "Very well... This is a challenge, as you have promised. I firmly believe you are more the fool for this. I know what you wanted, but you wish to play a game instead? Very well! I will humor you."

She joined the equines that were crowding her bed. She would assume the role of a mysterious anubite assassin, whose motives were hidden, but her deadly force was less so.

"Now then." Silver sat up tall. "Last we left off, Princess Leathermoon--" Night perked up. "--had just found evidence that dissent was forming against her."

Samantha raised a hoof, waving it wildly. "Oh oh! I got some intel on that." With a pop, a scroll appeared and flopped on the bed. "The peasants are being riled up by foreign agents."

Nefertari snatched the scroll with unnatural speed. "You know nothing of those arrayed against you."

Night sprang up to her hooves. "Are you one of them?!"

"I should think not." She huffed softly. "I would not be so crude in my methods... You clearly need a new perspective."

Silver spread his wings wide. "Just as you begin to discuss this, the door opens with a bang." The door to the room actually slammed open for emphasis before closing itself. "Several armed ponies wearing cowls and wielding swords in their mouths step in. They look like they mean business."

Nefertari flexed her fingers, fully showing her deadly claws. "It seems my services are even more desperately in need. Their poor timing is your fortune." She looked to Silver. "I shred the interlopers, but keep one alive and squealing."

Night cleared her throat softly. "You can try, but you have to roll." She pulled out a die that looked quite similar to the one on her rump. "Here you go. Your odds are... two in eight."

Silver nodded in agreement. "It will be a great showing to summarily dispatch them all. Are you sure you wish to set your goals so high?"

"There is no point in holding back." She plucked the die from the end of Night's outstretched wing. "I would prefer to rely on skill than the cast of some dice..." She flung it almost petulantly. "Let us see what the spirits have in store."

Night's hoof suddenly came down with a muffled thump, trapping the die between her hoof and the bed it was rolling on. "Nefer..."


"Using Shamanism to influence dice rolls is against the rules. I saw that."

Nefertari's teeth were shown in a grand smile. "You're getting better than I had first assumed. It is a delight to be surprised in that way."

Night slid the still hidden die back towards Nefertari. "Care to try again?"

Nefertari snatched the die up the moment it came into view and let it tumble without any entreaties to the spirits. It came down just one short.

"Close. You slam one pony up against a wall, letting it slide down as you lash a foot back to catch another across the cheek as it tries to sneak up on you. You feel so confident in your actions that you fail to notice a third closing in quick and he brings his sword in a lethal arc!"

Samantha waved her figurine in the air. "I use a pneumatic intervention!"

"The loud ring of metal echoes in the room as a sudden protrusion of metal fires out from Samantha, knocking the blade aside." Silver gave an easy smile. "It seems your new companion's been saved."

Nefertari's nose wrinkled. "Allies have their place."

Night flared her wings. "I pounce the one left and pin him to the ground."

"Under your great size, you throw the last assailant to the ground."

"Great size?" Nefertari glanced aside at Night, then back at the larger Silver.

Night pointed at her figurine. "I'm a princess, remember? I'm bigger."

"May as well enjoy our fantasies." She chuckled softly before she sat up. "When do I get a figurine of my character?"

Samantha bounced in place, giggling. "I'll make one for you! I mean, after the game. It's not like I can just magic it up." Her eyes slowly fell on Silver. "Unless you know a new trick?"

Silver's cheeks warmed a little. "Well, I guess we could..." His horn glowed softly before a soft thump was heard at the door. It nudged open, several books slipping into the room. "If we took a little here..." He began to sweep over spells. "And some of this... Put it together...." A quill appeared, scribbling out a new spell as he borrowed bits of arcane from different places.

Night leaned in towards Nefertari. "Have you seen this before? It's his talent."

"What, exactly, is he doing?" She frowned at the many books of pony magic floating about. "Is he making a new spell?"

"That is exactly what he is doing." Night waved a hoof at Silver. "Ready?"

"As ready as I will be." He set the books aside in a pile. "It's been awhile since I got to do that, I really need to do it more often. Nefertari, this will probably tickle, but should be harmless. Imagine your character clearly in your mind and go ahead and take the stance you want her to appear in."

Samantha thrust a hoof up. "I call dibs on next!"

Night let out a little laugh. "I'll go after Samantha."

Nefertari threw her hands down. "Why are you two so eager?! You already have figurines."

Samantha nudged her figure. "And it's lovely, but if I can have one made by Daddy Silver, well, I'm not going to pass that up."

"Ditto." Night adjusted her glasses. "Besides, it will be custom made and if it's any good at picking up what we imagine, yes, I want that."

Nefertari slipped from bed. "Very well. My killer..." She captured the sight of her fictional character in her head as she took up a battle stance.

Silver's horn glowed brightly, drawing in the faint silver haze from across the room and refocusing that magic to a new purpose. A thin scanning line ran down across Nefertari's form from the tips of her fuzzy ears down to her clawed feet and back up again.

It did tickle just as promised, but more than that, Nefertari could feel something in her head wriggle just faintly, tickling in a whole unknown way. It was the power of her new husband, and she gave a low growl at the feel of it.

The silver magic folded up on itself and began to swirl around in a tightening sphere until, with a pop, appeared a metal figurine of an anubite in very ninja-like attire, in the same stance Nefertari was in. Every detail that Nefertari had imagined had been brought to life, colors included. It hovered a moment before flopping to the bed.

Silver let out an explosive gust of air. "That's tiring."

Samantha gave him a pat. "Pity you have to do it two more times."

247 - In Foreign Lands

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Silver walked at a sedate pace, the sand crunching beneath his hooves. It felt different than dirt or stone, and it was still new enough for him to notice it and pay attention to the way each hoof sank into it and the way it clung just a little when he raised a hoof for the next step.

"You look distracted," came a female voice, a familiar one. His jackal wife leaned in from the side, walking along with her bipedal stance. "It won't do to wander the streets looking defenseless. There are less ponies here to hide among."

Silver looked aside at Nefertari. She towered over him by merit of always standing on two legs instead of four, even if he was quite sure he had more mass and overall size. He also knew better than to think that would mean much if they came to a physical challenge. "I had no idea there were so many two-legged species in this world."

Nefertari waved wide. "Welcome to Anugypt. The cats are barely the start. You've met me and know of my kind. You know there are others, so many others. Equestria is the exception, a land ruled by four legs."

"Sir, sir," came a small voice. Silver looked to his right to see a small kitten in rags and holding a cup. The kitten raised the cup with a bright-fanged smile. "Sir, do you have a few coins for dinner?"

Silver felt immediately bad. A grown beggar he could ignore, but a child was much more difficult to resist. "I--"

"Begone," hissed Nefertari without sympathy, her claws on display and her fangs in full sight.

The kitten fled before the sight and Nefertari shook her head. "You are so eager to be fooled."

Silver watched the small cat flee before turning to Nefertari. "He was just a child. Have you no sympathy?"

"His ribs did not show." She crossed her arms under her chest, the action pushing up her curves in a way Silver was fairly certain was done specifically to distract him. Unfortunately, it was often effective. "He had all his teeth. His fur was not nearly as matted as it could be. That kitten was a liar, or just very good at his profession. He will not starve."

Silver turned silently back in the direction they were originally headed. He had lost the argument, and let it die. "It's different."


"Anugypt, from... what I remember."

Nefertari waved a paw across the street as they walked, gesturing at the other bipedal animals that carried on their business. "It is just as I last left it. What has changed?"

Silver shook his head. "It was just a fancy, I suppose. I imagined more ponies."

She laughed at the statement. "Of course, my equine husband. You imagine everything comes back to ponies eventually, do you not? Come, we are here. Let us retire."

They had arrived at their inn. Silver could not help but gaze at the sign in a moment of bittersweet recollection. It was where the two Saddle-Arabian sisters had fought against a city that did not like them so many years ago. It had since become something of a landmark, but was open for business. It had become a place for foreigners to be welcomed, just like Silver.

"I hope they had happiness," he sighed to himself as he walked inside. It was immediately a little cooler than the still sun-baked exterior. A small fountain bubbled towards the center. From there, tables were ready for use, and many were occupied by ponies, dogs, jackals, hippos, and other creatures besides. Drinks were being exchanged, food enjoyed, and conversation shared. "Home away from home."

Nefertari clenched her fingers a moment. "I did warn you... It is not that I do not pity you. We were barely wed before we were sent away."

"This is a curious honeymoon," said Silver in a joking tone.

"I accept it as that." Nefertari brought down a clawed hand on Silver's head, his horn going up between two fingers as she scratched and petted him gently. "We will learn of one another, and perhaps begin the next generation? What children will we fashion, with your hammer and my anvil?" Silver was coloring red through his fur, but she ignored his embarrassment. "You realize, even if I say nothing, people will assume. It is no secret that we are wed."

Silver shrank a little away from her. "Speaking of that... I wonder how my children are doing, and my wives, other than you, of course... Do you think Equestria's doing alright?"

She rolled her eyes as she led him through the room. "I'm certain it will have calamities. I'm also certain it will recover from them. That is a nation blessed by destiny itself. What troubles they face will be temporary, provided their faith remains true, and I have seen no hint of it wavering."

The barkeep, a pony that reminded Silver of those horses he knew but never met, leaned forward, a smile on her snout as she stood up against the bar. "Sir, ma'am? Letter for you." She nudged forward a closed envelope. "It arrived this afternoon."

Silver snatched it with his silvery magic, drawing it towards himself. "Thank you." His eyes were on the letter. "I wonder who sent it?" Just as it reached reading distance, Nefertari snatched it.

"There are traps you can place on such things," she warned as she tucked it under an arm and walked with greater speed towards their room.

Silver hurried to keep up with her, leaving the common room behind. Their room was made for a couple, not quite large enough for two people who weren't sharing space. It had one large bed instead of two smaller ones, to start. One closed window was on the left. Under it was the room's only dresser and mirror. Across from that was a closet.

Nefertari sat on the edge of that bed and clicked her tongue twice. The signal was enough to call Nefertari's spirit companion. "You have need of me?" She glanced at Silver and her snout wrinkled. "Have you decide to leave him yet?"

Nefer raised a paw. "I should imagine not. Our fates are tied. That is as useless a question as the first time you asked it." She held up the closed envelope. "Check this."

The spirit leaned in, floating as she was. The translucent jackal ran her paws over and through the envelope slowly. "It smells of pony, but seems otherwise unremarkable."

Silver raised a hoof towards the spirit. "You know, since we're basically stuck with each other by mutual bond, we could learn to get along?"

"We could," agreed the spirit just before she vanished.

Nefertari huffed softly. "As stubborn as ever. Now let's see what's inside..." She drew a claw along the edge, slicing it open with practiced ease. She drew out a folded slip of paper and something tumbled free.

Silver snatched it before it hit the ground and brought it up to look at. It was a single eight-sided die. He sniffed it softly and felt loneliness well up in him. Being a pony meant he could learn a smell if he really wanted to.

He would not forget that one. It was Night Watch, his beloved and mother of his first child. Children, really, twins... "What does the letter say?" He knew Nefertari would be reading it without being asked. Complaining or expecting otherwise felt silly.

Nefertari tapped the paper lightly. "It is from my once-student, Night Watch. She reports that her classes proceed well. They expect their first graduate soon, and have only had one student forced to leave due to irreversible mental trauma. Quite efficient, considering the number she has. I would have expected at least four."

Silver frowned faintly. "Did she only talk about that?"

"Of course not." Nefertari let the paper drift to the bed. "She mostly goes on about missing you and such drivel, as if you were not aware."

Silver grabbed the letter and pored over it. As Nefertari had said, Night spent much of the paper expressing love and hoping Silver was safe. She hoped he would come home soon, but she knew that wasn't likely.

So did he. He sighed gently. He would have loved to just go home, but he had duties... "How long until we advance? Just 'being' isn't doing anything."

"On the contrary." She sprawled out across the bed, her eyes on him. "Seeing a prince of Equestria, rare enough, roaming the city? It's drawing attention. I can feel it, see it, hear it... We are proceeding. Mmm, if I had to guess... two days. Two days and we will be approached. Possibly sooner in a more subtle gambit. Don't wander away, my prince. You will want me there."

"I don't doubt that." He stepped up onto the bed and sank down beside Nefertari. "I'm going to write a reply." He wasn't near the dresser, but he didn't have to be. He lifted a quill with his magic and began scribbling his thoughts without watching the paper. "Do you have anything you want to say?"

"My hands perform adequately. I'll write my own if I have the urge." She rolled onto her back. "When you're done with that, perhaps we can spend the evening as newlyweds should? I have heard it whispered that being with a pony is... a different experience, and you are a sizable example."

Silver felt his blush returning. Still, they were married. It was his job to see to her. "Let me finish this." He turned his eyes to his waggling quill, watching it produce the letters he was thinking. His letter wasn't nearly as long as Night Watch's. He loved receiving letters, but wasn't as good at returning them. He drew a little heart at the end and a few exclamation points before folding the paper. "I'll send this tomorrow."

"And tonight, you are mine." She waved a hand and a chill blast of her magic snuffed the lights, plunging the room into darkness.

Silver played the part of the husband, trying his best to please her, not that the act didn't please him in kind. He did like her, in her prickly way.

The door to their room burst open as two bears with scimitars stampeded through it as if it wasn't there. Nefertari sat up straight, straddling her captive husband and scowling at the interruption.

It seemed their presence had been noticed.

248 - Warm Welcome

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The bears stormed the room and moved to either side of the door they had battered aside casually. Their scimitars were held stiffly upright as they snapped to equally rigid attention. Behind them at a more sedate pace came the sound of two light paws and the click of metal against the stone floor.

An elderly feline came in, one hand on his cane, the other stroking his long beard. "I apologize for interrupting at such an unfortunate moment."

Silver craned his neck to see all that was happening as best he could. Nefertari hadn't moved and seemed in no hurry, leaving him pinned beneath her. "Hello?"

Nefer put a paw down on him, gently pressing. "I expected a far more... subtle... motion."

"The time for subtlety has passed." The elder cat raised a massive, but exquisitely groomed, brow. "Besides, how could I resist a chance to see not only the upstart prince of Equestria, but the flower of the jackals herself. I see you've changed your tune."

"Husband, this is The Elder." Nefer gestured at the older cat. "We know one another."

That explained, to Silver, why his battle-ready wife was not already leaping to battle the intruders. "Pleased to meet you, Elder."

"Oh, that name. You go right for the heart." He shook his head slowly. "You will refer to me as Mister, foreign prince. Still, a good meeting indeed, hm. If you have caught one such as her, you must have something going for you."

Nefertari scowled at him. "Elder, what is it you wish that a more polite invitation could not achieve?"

He gestured at Silver's prone form. "I wanted to see his reaction. Very calm. Did you warn him?"

Nefertari flashed a brilliant smile. "Not calm, just swift, and precise." She reached out a hand and brushed it against a bubble that had been unseen. Where she touched it, silvery magic sparkled around her fingers. "Your brutes would have been quite displeased had they attempted to attack. Shields are one of his specialties."

Silver sighed softly. "You are giving away the element of surprise, dear wife."

The elder let his cane fall against himself, freeing his two hands to come together in a soft clap. "Bravo. Now I am significantly less disappointed. Let us get to business." He turned and pulled the door shut before placing a paw against it. "We will not be bothered. Nefertari, it truly is good to see you once more. You have the same blessed timing you always have."

Nefertari lifted her shoulders softly. "I am where I need to be. We were called here for much the same reason I imagine you are happy to see us."

"Our words have not fallen on deaf ear." He grasped his cane and struck it against the ground. "Would that we could have greeted you more properly. Are the jackals still biting the bones they find in the sun-bleached sands?"

If looks could slay a person, Nefertari was performing an admirable attempt at homicide. "My people are well and doing as they have. Their status is not why we are here."

"I disagree." He stood straight up, both hands on the end of his cane. "Rumors spread. The siren call of the 'blessed land' is spreading through them, and the ponies are stupid enough to want them." His eyes fell to the pony present. "Is he part of that reason? No matter. It is unbalancing the power in the region. Shake any hive, and angry insects will rise in response."

Silver twitched an ear at the aged feline. "What sort of 'insects' are we worried about? And who are they going to sting, for that matter."

"An excellent question." He reached into the vest of one of the two silent bears and pulled free an envelope. "This is the insect." He tossed it lightly onto the bed, just short of the protective and unseen bubble. "As for whom it will sting, well... Once roused, who knows when its fury will be fully expended? People will suffer. Ponies are safe, at least those who remain home."

Silver could hear the unspoken finishing of that. Other ponies would be in danger, perhaps Saddle-Arabians and other allies as well. He took hold of the letter in his magic and slipped it past the bubble, allowing it in.

Nefertari snatched it as soon as it was past the bubble. "We will review this, later. Why have you not invited us to your home instead of this?"

"My home is... unavailable at this time." His face creased into its first true frown. "Already the stings land. Pacify them, if you please. The jackals will suffer, exposed in the sand." He raised a hand and snapped his fingers quite well for being covered in fur. "We go." The bears turned as one towards him. "Blessings on your efforts."

They strode out, the bears advancing ahead of the older cat. He was polite enough to close the door behind himself, leaving the couple on the bed they had begun on.

Nefertari squeezed her legs on either side of Silver. "We didn't finish."

Silver blinked at her. "You're kidding. My mood is a little shot."

Nefer rolled her eyes. "Very well, let us see what they've brought for us." She held the letter high and it vanished before appearing in the spectral grip of her assistant.

The spirit sneered at Nefertari. "You look downright depraved, letting that stallion have his way with you."

"He does nothing without my leave." She dismissively waved at the spirit. "Check that and be done with it."

The letter drifted down into Nefertari's grip. "Hmmph, she is growing tiresome." Nefer sliced open the envelope with a running of her claw along the edge. "We will need to have a... conversation."

"Don't hurt her." Silver tried to sit up, but Nefertari was making no move to dismount him. "Have you--"

Nefer cut off his words with a lone finger on his lips. "Reading time. Mmm. They're using an old and tired prophecy for an old and tired cause." She huffed softly. "When the jackals cross the sands and forsake their sun-blessed homes, that will be the end of an age, and a start of something vast and terrible. A royal crown, tangled where one jewel sufficed, shall reign across. A fire once contained will rage with unquenchable thirst."

Silver grasped his wife completely in his magic, squeezing her gently before he lifted her up and free of him. "I love you, but I'm sitting up now." He did so, setting her down beside himself. "That's vague, as prophecies tend to be. I can decipher a good bit of it though, I think?"

"As can I, but there are vague words used here." She tapped at the paper. "Let us put that aside, it will not help us." She leaned over against Silver, wrapping one arm around his equine bulk. "It seems a self-appointed 'priest of the apocalypse' has decided this is a clear sign of end times. That is nothing new. The support she has rallied is more worrying."

Silver canted his head to the left lightly. "So we should go see her?"

"You are charmingly naive, hmm. If she saw you, she would gladly put you to the blade. You are part of the source of her theoretical end-times, Hmm."

Silver frowned softly. "She could try."

Nefertari ran a hand down along Silver's side, scratching gently with her claw tips. "Now there is a fire I can admire, but let us not rush into a battle whose field we do not know. Hmm, now I am the cautious one? The fates are cruel." She bit at Silver's neck as if in revenge for the slight. "For now, we need to know more." She flicked the paper aside and it landed on the dresser despite being a tossed piece of paper. "But we have a clear task, and this pleases me."

Silver flinched at the nip, but smiled and reached a hoof about Nefer to return the hug given. "Much better than just wandering around, waiting. When do we get started?"

"Aren't we eager? Perish that thought. If you think we can hurry through this and go home, no." She kissed the tip of his nose. "We do this right. This is a battle that will not be won by direct force."

Silver perked an ear. "Is talking a 'direct force' now?"

"It is if you speak to the wrong person, such as the apocalypse crying priestess. There are better targets." Nefer stretched out across the bed. "If you will not do as a husband should, then we should retire. Tomorrow I will claim what is rightfully mine."

Silver laid beside her and drew up the covers with his magic. Soon they were pressed close. He enjoyed the company. As prickly as she could be, her body was quite soft, and she proved to even be affectionate and cuddly when it was time to be. He looked forward to sleeping with her in the most literal sense, as she made an excellent pillow.

Silver walked alongside his wife. "I haven't seen this part of the city yet." They were walking through narrow alleyways that bent like a sleeping snake rather than any proper straight lines. "Where are we going?"

"As I already told you, you will know when we get there." She ran a paw along the wall as she walked. "It is not an easily found place, even for one as I."

"If you gave me a hint, I could help find it." His horn was glowing a soft silver shade, his magic spread far in an unseen cloud to feel the area around himself. "Is it a secret d--" He felt his magic hit a seam in what looked to be smooth wall. "A secret door."

Nefertari spun towards him. "Hmm? You found it?"

Silver gave a soft tug and the door became far more visible, though it was more of a flat panel of the wall that swung outwards smoothly. "Ta da."

Nefer advanced on it. "This may not be the right one. I will check first." Her claws were out as far as they went, fingers tensed as if ready for combat, at least until she vanished.

Silver settled. Watching her slip into her fastest pace had ceased to bring wonder to him every time it happened. Of his wives... He aborted the thought. All of his wives were combat ready. He was one among many that could enter a violent situation if the situation demanded it. Like most of them, he simply preferred not to if there was a better option.

He felt a figure enter his magic cloud. It was small, feline, bipedal. Silver looked towards the kitten just as he stepped into view around a bend. "We meet again. Sorry for the rude reception my wife gave before.

The kitten looked surprised to see Silver. "O-oh, there was no... harm in it, sir. I-I'm... sorry, sir."

"Sorry? What for?" Silver's ears danced with curiosity. "We haven't been introduced. I am Silver Watch, nice to meet you."

The rough-dressed kitten took an unsure step closer. "You're nice. A lot nicer than the she-demon that was with you."

"My wife," reminded Silver with a quirk of a smile. "She can be like that. What brings you here?"

"Just a job, sir." He stepped closer. Silver could feel his little heart hastening. He was preparing for something. Something was wrong. "I'm sorry."

Silver didn't like it. He gathered some of his floating magic together around the boy and lifted him up suddenly under his arms. "I would rather be friends. What are you sorry for?"

He squeaked in alarm and flailed his little arms as best he could. "You shouldn't be here!" he hissed, little legs kicking. "Please go away, we'll both get in trouble."

Silver gently set him down, but kept his magic firm around the kitten, keeping him in place. "Were you going to attack me?"

249 - Go Away

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In the darkened hallway, Nefertari sped. When she moved so quickly, it was not so easily equated to walking or running. She simply moved. She could feel the hallway sail past her with a rush of wind against her fur. It wasn't a wind borne of the hallway itself, but she moved faster than the air could get out of the way. If she was not careful, it could cause problems.

The hallway was not straight. It bent, turned, sometimes sharply. It was not constructed as she would expect most to be. She did not trust it. The fact that it had begun with a secret entrance was a start. There.

She ceased moving. She was just at the end of the hallway, hugging against the wall as she peered with glinting eyes into the gloom. Before her was a proper room, round with a pointed bubble in the center. Through the gloom, she could see three vibrant streaks of strange angular runes that ran from three equidistant points of the round room towards the center. They were primary colors; red, green, and blue.

She could feel something in them, on top of the fact that they somehow shone despite the darkness, clearly visible and unnatural.

"Breathtaking, isn't it?"

She had not heard anyone approach, and yet she felt the female presence just beside her. They had arrived with all the speed that Nefertari normally had a monopoly on. Nefer spun to face the new presence, only to be forced to jump away as a sharp object was thrust at her.

"It won't hurt," promised the she-cat before her, smiling in that predatory way that only felines properly mastered. To her, Nefertari was a caught mouse.

"I care little for your comforts," Nefertari splayed her fingers, displaying her claws and falling to a ready stance.

"Don't be like that," the cat purred, each syllable soft and vibrating as she took a step forward. "We could become such friends, mmm, I feel certain." In her right hand was a length of metal, the tip narrow. A shiv? Perhaps a dagger of some sort?

Nefertari considered bolting, but the feline had already proven she could do the same, and she was in the way of such an attempt. No, there would be no fleeing, not yet. "Friends do not come bearing their teeth." Nefertari pulled back her lips, letting her own be displayed. "Put that away."

"This thing?" She laughed, a hint of madness in the cackle as she tossed it aside, letting it clatter and slide into the large room. "I didn't need that, still don't. It would have been so much less painful though." She was forward. She didn't move.

Her claws dug into Nefertari's side but Nefertari was already moving with and around it as her own claws lashed into the feline's shoulder, drawing fresh blood as her own was spilled.

The cat's laughter only grew louder. "This was worth waking up for," she joyfully stated as she bounced back a few steps on light paws. "Come, my new partner. We will dance. We may sing, perhaps. Mmmm, who will sing first? Your voice sounds like it would make the sweetest tones."

Silver's ear's turned slowly, listening for disturbances in the alley. "Tell me truthfully. I will not hurt you either way."

The boy cat scowled at him doubtfully. "You're just saying that to get me to talk, sir. I wasn't born yesterday."

Silver smiled at that. Not yesterday, but soon enough to count, from his view. "I swear it, as a prince of Equestria. I will not hurt you, but I will prevent you from hurting me. That's not unreasonable, I hope?"

"You ponies are strange..." He tilted his head at Silver one way and the other before shaking his head. "Let me go."

"You'll run."

"I might."

A matter of trust? Silver huffed softly. "Please don't. My promise is still good." He released the pressure of his magic, ebbing it until it would be more like a thick morasse instead of a firm grip. "Who are you?"

"Names have power," he said as if quoting something told to him before. "I know yours, Prince Watch."

Silver patted him with a soft depression of magic. "You are extremely bold." The kitten seemed less panicked. "Feeling better?"

"You're a pony," he said as if it explained everything. "You won't hurt me."

"Well, those two statements are true." He glanced towards the door that held his wife. "What's in there? I assume you have a clue."

"Trouble." His little claws sprang out. "We should go, or it'll find us."

"Can't. My wife is in there. I'd be a terrible husband to leave her behind."

"The she-demon." His little snout wrinkled. "Demons handle demons. We're not demons, we should go, now."

Nefertari turned one paw upwards. "Spirits..." Spectral forms emerged around her, Anubites that had lived long before. With her blood freed, they came quickly and easily. "Destroy." A simple command, directed with a single extended finger, the claw even with the feline.

With a silent communal scream, they surged forward, weapons and claws ready to strike. The cat met the silent wave with gay laughter. She ducked under a swinging broadsword and came up with her claw along the midsection of a spectre, banishing it in a puff of lost dreams. "Come, come come come!" she urged them even as a stout spiritual cudgel crashed into her midsection from behind, knocking her forward.

She rolled with the impact, still laughing. "What a coward you obey, not finishing her own dance." She met the claws of the ghosts with her own, hands grasping despite one set being partially-immaterial. "I will accept your dance then..." Her voice grew more serious, the laughter ending as she yanked forward the male ghost so abruptly he tore in half, fading away into the dust he had been.

The other ghosts were already upon her. A spectral rapier lanced into a leg as claws raked across her body from multiple angles at once, tearing into her fur and flesh and letting her life's blood drip to the ground.

Nefertari scowled, watching the feline battle her summoned force. There was no room for her to join in, and she wasn't sure she wanted to, and the fact galled her. A fight she would not rise to? Not that day. It was time to leave. The spirits gave her just enough of a chance, and she ceased to be there.

"We'll dance later," came the she-cat's call before Nefertari was too far away.

She darted through the tunnels in such a hurry that she pressed too hard against the wind itself. She heard it scream its outrage at her offense, and the shock of it rippled through her. The air was not a force to be ignored, capable of great harm when one tempted it sorely enough. She collapsed from the pain of it, grunting in pain. Before her, she could see the light of the outside world.

The ground lifted away from her. She was being pulled towards freedom by faint whisps of silver. She smiled, teeth displayed. Her husband had her. She felt safe. She felt ridiculous for feeling it. She was the warrior, not he.

With irritation, she fought to hold onto consciousness.

Silver drew Nefertari from the darkness, where he had felt her suddenly enter his field of magic. "Are you..." He trailed off when she came into view, battered and blooded.

The kitten hissed like an over-boiling pot and took off at a run. Even with the magic clinging to him, he burst through it and was gone in a flash of rapidly-scampering feet.

Silver spared the briefest glance at the retreating kitten before he drew Nefertari closer. "What happened?"

"We leave," she ordered with no room for argument even in her weakened tone.

Silver lifted her up in his magic and placed her across his back before the two vanished in a silver shimmer of magical transport.

Eyes glared out from the darkness. "So rude," spoke a female voice, a gentle purr following it. "I'll be waiting..." The door slowly rotated shut, keeping its secrets from the outside world.

Silver appeared in their room, but the words he had planned died before escaping his snout. "The bloody hell?" came out instead. Their room was ransacked. Every drawer was pulled free. The closets were open. Their clothes were in disorganized piles. They had been gone through. At a glance, he didn't see anything missing, but it was all gone through. Silver shivered with the revulsion that came from knowing someone had been casually violating his space.

He shook his head, trying to banish the thoughts for the moment. "Nefer, still with me?"

Nefer's claws dug into his back and sides as she pushed herself up. "Whoever did this will pay a thousand times." Strength fled her arms and she fell against Silver. "Later..."

His ears fell. The idea of Nefertari being so hurt bothered him. "We should not stay here. Do they have a hospital?"

Nefertari nipped at Silver's right ear. "Near the port. Ask for Sand-runners' Reprieve."

Silver grabbed a few of his belongings with quick snatches of his magic, though the grabbing was slower than normal. He had left a good portion of magic behind in their rapid departure, and he felt the fatigue for it. It didn't even hold a candle to the pain he imagined his wife was in, and he angrily shoved aside even the concept of complaining of his own trivial discomforts.

He had more magic to perform.

With a wave of silver magic, they were gone and appeared at the dockside. The scent of seawater reached them and the noise of hardworking ponies, felines, and all other manner of species greeted them. Silver turned to the nearest figure, a minotaur with a clipboard, and asked, "Which way to, uh, Sand... Reprieve?" He had forgotten the name, silently kicking himself for doing so.

The minotaur hiked a thumb without even looking up at them. Silver followed the line to a small building that had what looked like some sort of animal sleeping on a dune.

"Ah, thank you." Silver bowed his head and got to trotting as evenly as he could manage, wanting to keep Nefertari safe. He didn't feel her moving around on him. Had she fallen asleep? He hoped that was the case. Better that than the alternatives.

The noise of the docks faded just slightly as they approached the building, and passed through the wooden gates in an otherwise stone wall made the noise fall off dramatically. It was a quiet place. A restful place, or so he hoped. "Excuse me?" he called out with a timid smile, still trotting towards the entrance. "I need help."

A furry snout poked free of the front door, a set of double swinging doors. "A pony! A..." Her eyes went to the form draped over his back. "No time for words, enter." She stepped aside and held the door open. "Quickly."

Silver flinched at her dramatic change of tone, but it was welcome, in the end. He rushed in past her into the cooled interior. He could see others sitting in chairs or on pillows, perhaps waiting their turn. He had just cut in front of them, but it was an emergency. He hoped they understood.

The nurse, or doctor, walked up beside him, looking at Nefertari. She was a jackal as well, but hardly looked it at first. Where Nefertari was a warrior, this one was round and kind, though looked quite worried at the moment. "What happened to her? No. Nevermind. She will tell me if she wishes to. It is my duty to make sure she can do that. This way, this way." She walked in front of Silver, tail swaying with each step and her nurse's cap jostling with her hurry. "I have never assisted a proper shaman before. This is a great and humbling opportunity."

Silver perked his ears at her as he followed.

250 - A Friendly Face

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The pudgy doctor pushed her way past a few other doctors that dared to be in the hallway. "Top priority," she hissed as she went, and they cowered away.

Silver watched the others, one unicorn, a cat, and a dog. It seemed, even round and pleasant, a jackal was a jackal, and could command space and respect. He kept pace with her and moved past her only when she waved him into a small room. There was an obvious table for a patient, and he wrapped his magic gently around Nefertari. "There?" he asked even as he lifted her with the utmost care.

"These are about the only times I'm specifically glad for unicorn magic." She closed the door and looked to Silver with a smile. "Yes, right there, put her down nice and evenly. Let's have a look at her." She stepped forward on her plump legs, spritely in movement despite it. "Mmm." She began grabbing things from shelves. "The bleeding is the first priority. You may wish to wait outside."

He could do that, or... He focused his magic upon his downed wife even as the nurse pulled the stained clothing free. He brought his grip tighter around where the blood was escaping, conforming to Nefertari's shape precisely with an intense stare. His magic was serving as a makeshift bandage, waiting for the real thing to do its job.

"I'll need you to pull them back as I get to each wound, but I appreciate the effort." She pulled a stool-like chair over with a rough yank and sat down. "Let's get to work." Her eyes lifted from Nefer to Silver. "I'm Doctor Running Paw. You are Prince Silver Watch." She pointed at a wound and waited for his magic to recede from it. "And today, I will be applying stitches to your wife. Have you ever seen a stitching?"

As it turned out, Silver hadn't, and cringed when needle touched flesh. "I had them, once." He glanced away a moment. "I cut my ear when I was just a b--foal. I wasn't even sure at the time I needed them, but the doctor insisted, so I got them."

"Good to hear you're not entirely new to the idea." She leaned in as she worked, working her agile and gloved hands quickly to bring thread across the wound, pulling the two sides close together. "This will be slow work, but good things don't come fast." As she labored, her ear swiveled towards Silver. "Since you have nothing else to do, tell me how she became your wife. I know the official story."

Silver tapped a hoof on the ground, making soft noises against the tile. The room smelled of the blood of his wife, and the cleaning solutions that tickled at his nose. He could hear other patients and doctors speaking faintly elsewhere in the building. "Well... Would you believe I met her first in a dream?"

She did not reply, not at first. She finished the work on that particular wound, sat up, and stared at Silver. "Many a male has tried that line on many a female. Rarely does it work on its own. Did you also see me in one of your dreams?"

Silver's ears pinned against his head. "No insult intended, but no." He didn't even know jackals had doctors, but it was nice to know they did. "I met the Anubites there though, as a people, and she was a shaman there."

"A deeply fated union then." She indicated the next cut and began as soon as magic wasn't in the way. "The spirits whispered her into your head, preparing you for this eventuality, or so some would say." She sucked air through her teeth, ending with a pop as her tongue hit the top of her mouth. "I don't put too much stock into it, though here you are, proving me false. Was it 'love at first sight' when you saw her in the waking world then?"

"Not... so much." Silver squirmed faintly before stilling himself. He was a prince. It would not do to look like an uncomfortable child. "We began as rivals, enemies even. She has worked against me and my family at times."

"And yet...?"

Silver raised a hoof, bottomside up. "And yet, we are wed, and still I work to... It's complicated."

"Life tends to be." She moved to the next largest site of injury. "Still, to be wed to a shaman... Most males would give much for such an honor, but I don't hear it in your voice. I would be trembling for what is given to me here, but that would be bad for her."

There was no movement, but Nefertari was suddenly holding Running's right wrist. "That is enough," she grunted out, her eyes open.

Running started with surprise. "O-oh! I thought you'd be, well, welcome back, honored shaman." She dipped her head at her patient. "You're still very hurt. May I proceed?"

"You may not." Nefertari pushed her way to sitting upright in what had to be a painful motion, but she showed none of it. "I will live, and that is all I need."

Silver quirked a brow at his wife, as lovely and stubborn she was. "You realize you're only not bleeding everywhere because I'm holding it in at the moment, right?"

Nefertari looked down at herself and saw the silvery patches that dotted her form. "I... see."

"With your consent," spoke Running as she stood. "I would gently--"

"There is no need." Nefertari slowly laid back down. "Proceed."

"But... you're still awake." The doubt in her voice was palpable.

"And so I will remain. The pain will remind me to not allow this to happen again. Proceed."

"As you wish..." Running sank back into her seat. "It is an honor to serve you, shaman." She resumed the slow task of stitching Nefertari's flesh. "This will also help minimize scars that might form if you simply endured. You are Nefertari, are you not? It would be a shame for you to become disfigured."

Though Nefertari did not reply save for remaining stoic in the face of the pain, Silver leaned forward a little. "Does Nefertari mean something?"

"Mm? Yes, of course." running nodded her head. "Most names do, even if their bearers are unaware of them. I am named because I like to run across the sands, even if I am a doctor." The pudgy doctor smiled as she worked. "Nefertari is a beautiful companion. She has fulfilled the latter, and I will safeguard the former."

Silver's ears pinned back. His wife was called 'pretty wife'? That was far from the image he had for her, as a striking and deadly female of determination and skill. Would people think he gave her that name, in some immature way of saying 'I got the good one?' He shook his head with a growing frown. "Is there tradition behind the name?"

"That one?" She kept moving on, but arrived at Nefer's shoulder. "I had been putting this off. I will have to be more thorough here..." She got to work, mending the broken flesh as best she could. "But... yes... Nefertari is not a name granted lightly. To do so without blessings from the spirits, the traditionalists say, is to invite disaster. She had that name before leaving to Equestria, I know that."

Silver sagged with relief. He wouldn't be known as someone that gauche. "She is my Nefertari, and I love her. Please... help her as best you can."

"As if I need reminding of my duty." She rolled her eyes in a sharp and fast motion, needing her attention on the injury. "I am not a traditionalist, I will note. I don't believe in... many of the old ways. I'm not even a warrior. I'm a doctor, and proud of the fact." She sat back a moment. "If I were this torn, I wouldn't even dream of asking them not to sedate me. This must hurt terribly."

"I will manage," grunted Nefertari. "Not a warrior... These are dark times, where a shaman must be tended by one that discards their warrior roots."

"I am ready," countered Running as she resumed her work. "I am ready to join a new age; one that you are making, shaman." Her eyes raised a moment towards Silver. "Is it true? Is there a home for us in Equestria? To live among the peaceful ponies and save lives there seems as a dream to me."

Silver glanced towards Nefertari, but there was only stoicism to read on that face. "I think there is. I would welcome any jackal that came with peaceful intention. I mean, we've only just met, but you seem like a lovely person."

Her cheeks darkened. "They say you have a tongue that matches your name, Silver. You have bent angry demons to your side. Are you seducing me?"

Silver started at that. "W-what? I was... I'm just saying what I see. Is a compliment that rare?"

Running grunted softly as she moved away from the shoulder and began working down Nefertari's form. "He must drive you to distraction, honored shaman. Does he truly have such an innocent outlook? To answer your question, yes... Most fear us, or respect us. Few speak of how nice or 'lovely' we are."

"Then they are blind." Silver closed his eyes, still focusing on keeping his magic in place. He was getting a growing headache from the constant effort. At least each wound she approached was just a little less pressure. "You're just that."

"Just what?"


There was an uneasy silence, then a sharp pain in his chin. He snapped his eyes open and found Nefertari grasping his snout roughly, her claws pressing into him.

Running shook her head. "You have offended your wife, calling another pretty. Do you seek to grow your harem?"

Silver could not speak, his mouth held shut. Nefertari did it for him, "He has a fetish for females on two legs, which you happen to be. He also likes breasts, which you have in abundance, my overweight doctor."

Running's blush grew intensely as she shrunk in place. "W-why would... A pony? I mean..."

"He has unusual tastes, but easy to predict." Her eyes were on him, staring, daring him to argue any of her points. "But he is mine. If you want him, you must pass through me first."

Running recoiled at the very idea. "I would never think... Shaman, I may not be a warrior, but I am not without morality." She pointed at her patient. "You are a shaman, and I respect that."

Nefertari's grip on Silver's snout slackened, and her hand fell away, thumping against the side of the table limply. Whatever burst of strength she had was gone. "Proceed."

Silver watched in uneasy silence for a time, perhaps a few minutes before he allowed words to slip free, "I only spoke the truth, Nefer. I can admire a painting's beauty without wanting to take it from where it rests." He quirked a smile. "It may be hard to imagine, but I lived most of my life assuming no female would have a use for me."

Running stood up. "You are..." She put a gloved hand down on Nefertari's belly. "You will heal. You may call on your spirits, if you wish."

Silver released his grip, not even sure anymore what parts of Nefertari he still held. The headache moved, somehow becoming both deeper but lighter. The building pressure abated. "Thank god."

Nefertari pushed up to sitting. "I will learn what god you invoke so easily, and never with a name. Do you have any faith?" She threw her legs over the side of the table and slid to her feet, wobbling faintly. "Thank you, Doctor. You have served me well. What do we owe for this service?"

Running held up a hand, palm facing the two of them. "I would not accept a single coin for this. Shaman, Prince, please never need to come to me in such a state. I do not know what led you to this, but I would not wish it to happen again."

251 - How Dare

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Though Silver had carried her in, Nefertari led the way out, scowling. "The nerve... The power..." She slammed a paw against a wall as they went, just shy of damaging it. "This is growing too complicated."

Silver waited until she was outside in the sun before moving to match her stride at her side. "What happened in there?"

"I met a female that needs your touch." Nefertari smiled cockily. "Add her to your harem and you'll be--"

"--Stop that," cut in Silver with an equine snort. "What happened?"

Nefertari grew quiet as she stormed through the streets, seething almost audibly. "It was a mistake," she broke her silence with, glancing aside at Silver. "I thought to come as an equal. Maybe you were a bad influence. This changes."

Silver bumped against her as they walked. "The female you spoke about, was it the one running the cult?"

"Could be." Nefertari stopped suddenly, just to be on top of Silver. He never saw her climb or jump, she just was, mounted on him firmly with her legs squeezing either side. His royally-enhanced height allowed her to not look too foolish in the effort. "If she is, our task is that much more dangerous." She arched a brow as she stalked. "You might like her. Bipedal, feline." She leaned in closer to Silver's long ears. "She has breasts."

Silver swiveled one of those ears, lightly thwapping her in the motion. "Most bipedal females do, I've noticed since coming here." A quick glance around revealed several females that lent support to the idea. "Why the sudden turnaround? I have a wife literally riding me, and half a dozen more waiting at home. I have more than enough for a few lifetimes, I think?"

Nefer nudged him with her heels. "We have to get our things and move. Too many know where we are."

"I imagine they do. We were trying to be noticed before." Silver glanced over his shoulders at her. "Where will we go?"

A gruff female voice shouted, "watch where you're going!"

Silver danced to the right, narrowly avoiding a large cart that took up most of the street they were on.

Nefer tapped him on the head lightly. "One, someone has a rumor of marrying one of every species he befriends. Two, I know a safe place, but speaking of it in the public is how it becomes unsafe." She sprawled out across his back. "You never did select an umbrum partner, come to think. Too unsightly for you?"

"They're like changelings," replied Silver as he resumed their journey. "They can be very cute, or equally terrifying, if they want. They're powered by fear, so I'm not sure how well I could provide for them. I try to be too stubborn to spook."

"You were quite scared before." Nefer's eyes were on a stand they were passing. "Stop." She reached over and snatched a kebab off the grill, replacing it with a coin. "Proceed." She sank her teeth into the still juicy meat, a happy sigh escaping her. "Just what a warrior needs after an intense battle. I will concede, she was an excellent match. I wouldn't mind... a rematch, when I am prepared for her."

"She almost killed you," hissed out Silver as he hastened his steps across the sand-dusted cobble. "I doubt she stopped out of kindness."

"I should think not." Nefer dangled her already mostly-eaten skewer in front of Silver. "Want?"

Silver's ears perked and he glanced around. Most present were busy paying attention to anything but him. He turned his head and snatched up a meaty morsel. Horse teeth were not quite the same as human teeth, and he had to work a little harder to get it into pieces, but it wasn't impossible by far. It was also delicious, if a bit spicy. Local food tended to be, he had noticed. "S'good."

"I do enjoy owning a pony that understands the pleasure of meat." She sat up on him, tossing the skewer aside without a glance.

Silver snatched it with his magic and hovered it behind them until he spotted a trash bin. it was a small round thing someone used for their stand, and soon it had an extra skewer in it. He hastened to a full trot, soon arriving at their inn. Nefer slid free rather than trying to fit through the door on his back. "Get our things," she instructed as she went for the front counter.

He strode through the main hall, noticing all the eyes that were trained on him. Though he wondered what they were looking for, he didn't stop his motion. In his room, or what was left of it, was largely ash and soot. The stone walls of the building were unharmed, as was the furniture, somehow, but all the things that were his that he had left there were gone, reduced to cinders.

What they had been looking at became clear. He imagined his things had made plenty of smoke while they were burning.

The clink of coins shook him from his thoughts. Nefertari was standing beside him with a small bag. "They refunded us our remaining time and requested we leave. I didn't argue." She flashed a brilliant smile of sharp teeth. "And you claim I don't learn."

He returned the smile, with less teeth. "They got my souvenirs, and my wardrobe." He glanced back at his saddlebags. "Glad I wear these."

Nefter snapped her furry fingers. "Those can be replaced. This is more interesting." She stepped past Silver in a few graceful motions, her hand plunging into the ash and drawing out a paper Silver had not seen buried. She shook it out violently, the ash falling free of it. "Mmm..." Her eyes swept over it rapidly. "She knows where we are."

Silver leaned in to have a look.

It was a pleasure meeting you,

A pity we didn't get to finish our dance. If you find this, you're still alive, and that's good. I don't like unfinished engagements. I expected better from the Nefertari. Was your reputation overblown? Does your husband match you?
I do hope not. Tamer of the wildest beasts and fiercest of hearts, I look forward to meeting him. I'll even let him give it his best before I take his. Pony hearts are quite a treat, prepared correctly.

It's not too late for you. You could run away, back to Equestria. That would be just fine. We don't need you, either of you.
This is a prophecy that can fail miserably, much like you did.

There were more words, but the paper burst into green fire, ignited with an angry clenching of Nefertari's paw. She tossed it onto one of the piles of ash to join it. "She didn't write that."

Silver canted his head a little. "How can you be so sure?"

"If she felt like leaving that place, she would have caught up. At best, she gave that to someone else, who set the fires and left the note behind." Nefer turned for the door. "It's time we started gathering allies. This is not a battle we will win one on one, as galling as it is to admit."

As one, they strode from the inn that Silver still held faded dream memories of. It was just as well, perhaps. It held neither of the two Saddle-Arabians he would have wanted to see the most. He walked alongside her as they wove through the city. "Not going for another ride?" Not that he particularly wanted to give a ride, but it wasn't that big of a deal, and if it made her feel better, he wasn't opposed to it.

She quirked a faint smile that was quickly submerged in her scowl. "The offer is appreciated." She waved it away before turning down a narrow alley. She had to turn sideways, shuffling along.

Silver watched her go, not even trying to squeeze himself. Once she emerged from the other end, he vanished, and appeared beside her in a silver shower of magical particles. "Forgive me for cheating."

"I am only going slow for your benefit, husband." She waved a finger as she walked. The back-alleys they were in were quieter than most of the city, almost silent. The sun was blocked by the overhangs above them, only allowing the occasional slit of light to break it up and cast a gloomy illumination on the rest of the area.

Silver bid his horn glow, and it did so, shedding its silvery light across the bare space between buildings. It was sparse and empty, devoid of the signs that people lived there. The air was still and somehow dirty in some new way. Musty? Silver put it aside as he walked behind his wife. He wondered where they were going, but trusted that she knew what she was doing. He let his magic start to seep out, just a little.

The ache of his efforts before had not fully faded, but he felt rejuvenated enough to reach out a few feet in all directions. He had grown so used to doing it, not having it was like being blind in some sense he hadn't possessed before he learned the trick. The world came alive for him, able to feel more than he could see or hear or even feel physically.

It was only thanks to it that he felt a hand approaching from behind, its fingers spread as if to take hold of him. He surged ahead, bumping into Nefertari. She spun around, glaring at him, but that moved quickly to what was past him. "Ah, good to see you."

Silver turned around, or tried. The alley they were in was too narrow to allow his equine form to do that easily. Peeking over his shoulder, he could see a jackal, male. "Um, hello?" he offered the stranger.

"Your husband is keen." The male flicked a blade that he had concealed in his fingers into view a precious moment, but it was gone just as fast. "Nefertari, we had thought you would not come."

Nefertari lifted her shoulders. "Twice the fool I am for putting it off. There are important matters to discuss. Is he here?"

"He is."

Silver clopped a hoof down. "Pronoun game is never fun. Can we use names?"

The jackal behind him laughed softly. "Does Chieftan Crossed Arms make you feel better, Foreign Prince?"

He did not recognize the name, still... "Yes. And I am Silver Watch. Silver is fine." He turned ahead. "Does this mean we've arrived?"

Nefertari backpedaled free of the narrow space, then gestured to the right. "Welcome to our home away from the sands, such as it is."

Silver stepped free of the confining space, letting out a breath as he expanded just faintly to take up some of that extra room. "Finally, what is..." His words cut off as he turned to see the jackal and instead saw the entrance of where they arrived. It was a door, like many others, wooden in a stone building. The inside was dark and gloomy, with the flicker of distant or small fires barely visible within. "That's foreboding."

The new jackal stepped out into the open. "I will not be accompanying you, much as I'd like to. My place is here. If you're with her, you're welcome. Watch your manners."

Nefer stepped towards the darkness without fear. "He is mine. If he offends, then I offend, and we can deal with that personally, mmm." Despite her recent injuries, she showed no lack of confidence. She descended a few steps into the building properly.

Silver descended the stairs after her, his wings fidgeting lightly as he went. He could feel other jackals watching him. They were lost to the darkness, to his eyes, but his magic picked them out as he went, at least until a fresh pain exploded from the root of his horn.

He was blind again, his field cruelly snuffed without warning.

A new, female, voice spoke. She sounded older than Nefertari, but not venerable, "You bring a unicorn, here, and one that uses magic as much as most of us breathe. How curious, Nefertari..."

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Nefertari snorted with obvious irritation. "I'll thank you to not further impede him. He's a working pony."

A smile became visible in the dark, white teeth displayed in a predator's grin. "I will want to know how such a pony ensnared Nefertari. Consider it the first of many payments for what you have come to request."

"In time." She stepped forward and clapped her hands together smartly. The area the older female was hiding in became visible in a rush of light, all the candles in the area stirring to life at Nefer's bidding.

The elder looked very... familiar. Silver squinted at her. "Are you related to Running Paw?" The female had the same pudge. With the light, Silver thought she had the same smile too. With so many jackals being built lean and powerful, how many pudgy ones could there be?

The elder waved the question away, looking at Nefertari directly. "Have you come seeking the chief?"

"Yes," she spoke in a single clear sound, her tongue clicking against her teeth a moment later. "Will he come?"

"Perhaps..." She clacked her claws together. "If he could. You see your own problems, but you are not alone in having them. What you escaped, he did not."

Nefertari scowled without reply. Silver broke the silence, raising a hoof. "He was hurt?"

"As hurt as one can be," sighed out the elder. "We must give him a proper burial." She raised a furry hand to her chest, just over her curves. "I am now acting chieftain, though the rank does not sit well with me." She canted her head to the right faintly, cyan jewelry that dangled from her ear tilting in the other direction with gravity. "You've met her, I assume."

"I have." Nefertari spat out something, what Silver guessed was some foreign curse. "If anyone was to murder that jackal, it was to be me."

"He is, undoubtedly, sorry for inconveniencing you." The elder leaned forward, face straightening. "But what is done has been done. Unless your arts have advanced to defy death, he is beyond your reproach."

Nefertari raised a brow. "He has come all the closer, but we are not here for that... or are we? Perhaps it would be best to speak to him, now. He may have information that could serve the people."

The elder held up a hand, palm displayed. "A year and a day. You are not to call upon the departed until they have settled. You know the rules better than I, Nefertari."

Nefertari's right hand clenched hard enough that a thin line of blood escaped. "Needy times call for needy actions. Will we wait for her to strike again? Will we die, happy that we followed our rules along the way?"

"The way between worlds..." She fixed her eyes on Silver suddenly. "You know this. What is it like, to be pulled from your existence before you are ready?"

Silver tensed at being called upon. "W-what? I don't remember that happ--"

"The marks are clear on your soul. You were manipulated cruelly, pushed and pulled without your leave. Hmmm, I should imagine it left quite the impression."

Silver thought back, but the only time he could even think of was... "That was a dream."

"Call it what you please..." She sat up. "Perhaps your soul wishes to see more than it should. You touched on other worlds, saw what you should not, and left it all unprepared."

Nefertari waved at Silver, a few flecks of blood thrown with the motion. "He has survived this. Are you saying the chief is less than him? Crossed Arms would be furious at the implication, hmmph, weaker than a pony."

The elder was standing. She did not stand up, moving much like Nefertari did at times. "Do not put words in my mouth, Nefertari. He served us well, and will get his year. It is the least we can offer him." She dipped her head slightly. "Now then, you speak to the chief, which is what you desired. What do you want from me?"

Silver took an unsure step forward. "Are you a shaman?"

She raised a brow at him. "In a manner of speaking, this is true. In another, this is false. Nefertari would--"

"No," cut off Nefertari.

"Precisely... I make use of that power, that flows between this world and the next, but I do not call upon the ancestors." She snapped her fingers and Silver's horn began to glow a bright greenish-blue color. "I have no horn, so it does not come from within me. What is it like, unicorn, to hold that magic inside?"

Silver shook his head slowly. "Currently, painful. Today has been a busy day."

"As I have heard." She turned her eyes back to Nefertari. "You survived, a credit to your name. What have you learned?"

Nefertari raised a brow. "I am to be the information? She is fast... powerful. She can grasp the power as you or I do, and tear into it with her claws. She does not fear spirits. They are doing something that... worries me. I felt the stirring of our power, but I did not have much chance to inspect it before she came."

"That matches what little we have discerned." The elder sucked air through her teeth. "Is it true?" She was looking at Silver again. "Have you come to deliver us to a honeyed land of peace and plenty?"

Silver raised a hoof. "Look, first, there is no such place. Everywhere has its issues. Equestria is no exception, it just usually works through them without a war, more often than not by a comfortable margin. People who get mugged are less likely to be left for dead. On the other hand, the monsters that dwell between the cities and towns are quite deadly. People should stop thinking Equestria is some kind of heaven."

The elder shook her head slowly. "What curious phrasing... I would not expect a pony to mention hands so flippantly. Still, you sound honest. I appreciate that. I did not confuse Equestria for a sky, even if they do control the sun and moon."

Nefertari huffed, her eyes on the elder. "You grow used to it. He is home to many strange sayings, not born of the ponies."

"He looks the part." She was beside Silver, running hands across his barrel and rump, exploring him shamelessly. "What is he, if not a pony?"

Silver colored at the proximity and touching. Would moving away or acting up worsen their position? He stood still. "I was something else entirely before I came to this world."

Her eyes widened slightly. "What did I say? Your soul thirsts to see more and more." She patted him just above the tail. "You are a pony now, as much as you can be. I trust you find favor in it?"

Silver nodded quickly. "I've... almost forgotten what it's like to be anything else. So--" His words were cut off with a jump and a squeak.

Nefertari was beside the elder, holding her wrist. "He is mine to do that with, none other."

The elder was a foot back without any movement seen. "That is a lie, honored Nefertari. We know you share him. Regardless. You are here, as is he. It is time we fought."

Silver turned to face her properly. "What? Why? We're on the same side, I hope?"

The elder brought her claws together, meeting at the tips. "Oh no, not each other. We have a much more obvious enemy. We either fight, or we flee."

Silver took a step towards her. "That sounds right, but what is your name? You know me, right?"

"Prince Silver Watch," she answered calmly. "You prefer just 'Silver'. You prefer there to be less distance between yourself and would-be allies." She smiled as gently as one of her kind could, her tail wagging slowly. "Fine traits in a diplomat. Part of me is curious if you could reach her with your words and put this to rest in your own way..."

Nefertari rolled a hand. "She offered to let him try, but made clear the penalty for failure."

"And yet... I burn with my curiosity, wondering how well he would do." She extended one arm, claws on display. "I am only Chieftain, until I earn a proper title, or I surrender it to another."

Silver raised a hoof to her paw, placing it in her deadly grip. "Nice to meet you then. Are you sure you're not related to Running Paw?" He thought she even sounded a bit similar.

Chieftain looked to Nefertari even as she shook Silver's hoof. "How do you put up with him?" she asked in a joking tone. "We must make a decision. We move with strength and unity, or not at all. Do we wage war, flee, or attempt to broker peace?"

They spoke at once. "Peace." "War." Nefertari and Silver glanced aside at one another, a frown shared between them.

Chieftain looked amused, releasing Silver's hoof. "You two are united."

"Do not mock me!"

"I do not." She gestured between the two of them. "You agree that this is not a matter that can be fled from." She rolled her shoulders as if working out a kink. "A shame, that. I might have accepted a retreat, if a safe place was being offered. We stay, we fight. It is only a matter of what we fight for. That is more flexible than most give credit."

Silver looked back towards the entrance they had come from, and saw the path was blocked by many quiet jackals, watching, staring. "Oh, um... Hello?" They did not reply.

Chieftain lifted her shoulders. "This concerns them as much as I, and they do not yet trust me entirely, as they should not. I am untested, and this is a test most dire. I will rise to it, or we will all suffer for it." She wriggled a few fingers at Nefertari. "The comfort that one so known joining us brings would be a relief, if she was not just beaten by the same force we fear."

Nefertari's teeth clenched with poorly-restrained fury. "Surprise is not the same as strength. We will smash her and hers as we have so many others." Noises of agreement rose from the watching crowd.

Silver shook his head. "We should try talking first. We can be ready to fight, but it should not be the only answer. Maybe we can reach her, talk her down."

Nefertari pawed Silver's prominent equine cheek gently. "You are too adorable, my husband. I know you will begrudge me forever if you are not given at least a chance to speak." She flicked one of his ears, getting an annoyed snort out of him. "We prepare for war, hope for peace, and enter battle when that fails."

"Y-yes, that. That sounds right." Silver turned to regard the crowd of eyes. They looked at him with anger, hope, and fear in varying amounts. "I will do my best, to talk her down, or fight alongside you, should that fail." He hoped none of them would test his resolve at that moment. His head still thumped with fatigue and pain from the day's efforts. "For now... where can we rest?"

Nefertari gestured at him. "I will see him to the quarters." She grabbed him behind the withers and began leading him away without waiting for leave.

Though Silver wondered at that, he decided going along with her was the best course of action. He didn't know the social mores of the jackals.

As they left, the Chieftain waved at them. "We will speak more after your husband is rested," she bid farewell. The other jackals moved towards her, sharing quiet words. There was no doubt that they would be a topic of theirs for a little while.

At least, for the moment, they had a relatively safe place to lie down. Silver sank onto a cot and closed his eyes, ready for sleep to claim him, at least until he felt a weight settle against him. Nefertari was half on him. "Mmm?" She wasn't usually so passively cuddly, and he felt certain they weren't trying for heirs.

"You are mine. I need keep that clear."

Silver yawned softly, meeting her statement by fading off to sleep and hoping the pains would fade by the time he awoke.

253 - Rise

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Silver looked around. He was hovering on wings, beating slowly and easily in a vast field of stars. He was in the realm of dreams, but they were foreign dreams. How could they not be? He was among the jackals in the foreign city, and the stars closest to him would be those physically closest to him. Trying to reach out to Equestria would be a challenge he was not up to attempting just then.

Still, there he was. He nodded to himself. "May as well look around." His horn didn't hurt in the dreamworld. He didn't feel tired at all. Perhaps he had already slept? He couldn't be absolutely certain, except for knowing he was in the dream world.

He considered the few people he knew. He could visit Nefertari, but that felt like asking for trouble. He smiled and thought of the pudgy doctor. She had been nice, he wouldn't mind stopping in on her. With the vision of Running Paw firmly held in his mind, one of the close stars seemed to come in all the closer, until it hovered just in front of his nose.

He raised his hooves to it, cradling the dream gently. Its colors were calm and flowing. She was not having a nightmare, but it wasn't passive either. He moved to put his head inside the mote, to see the dream.

He woke up.

Nefertari was shaking him. "You are sleep-casting," she helpfully pointed out. "Haven't you done enough of that?"

Silver rose up to his hooves with a soft snort. So much for enjoying that. Still, he didn't ache. The sleep had been good to him. "Good morning. Is it morning?" He couldn't tell in the inky darkness of their room. He could barely make out where she was. The blindness agitated him and he let his magic seep out.

He could feel her, and the small room they were in. There had been a cot, but he had missed it in his fatigue, simply crashing to the floor.

"You slept like the dunes on a still day." Nefertari pat him on the side. "You seem better, good. We have much to do, and waiting for you has been trying." She was at the door of their small room when she hadn't been a moment before. "Our hosts expect much from us. Prince, it is time for you to act the part."

Her words made him stand a little taller as he strode for the doorway she occupied. "Then we should meet them." He could feel the presence of a jackal around the corner, crouched. Were they waiting? Silver tensed his magic, preparing precautiously, but that didn't stop his forward motion.

Just as he emerged, the figure sprang at him, and his magic came down around them, grabbing them mid-air. He turned to the stranger. He couldn't see them very well, but he could feel them. Jackal, male, lean as most of them were. "Hello," greeted Silver, as if he hadn't been jumped at. "Who are you?"

With a soft snarl, the jackal pulled free of the magic, slipping down to his paws. "I am the one told to be your guide."

Nefertari barked out a yip of a laugh. "And a fine start of it, startling your guest. Some trust is required before he allows a person to approach him that quickly." She clacked two claws together as she approached the male. "Now, I require information. Take me to the chief, and be fast about it. He will find his own way."

The two left Silver behind, to his surprise. "Hmm..." He looked left and right in the gloom, but his magic was feeling things out. He didn't feel nearly as worried about the darkness as he was sure he would have once been. He walked through the halls, feeling there were others, watching him, or speaking quietly to one another.

He was not the center of their lives, but he was a disruption to it. They could hear him coming. He could feel their ears jump with every clip or clop of his hooves against the stone floor. The jackals were much quieter when they stalked about on their paws or sandals.

A small figure approached at a hurried little sprint. Emerging from the shadow came a jackal pup, smiling up at him. "Wow, they weren't kidding," she exclaimed with a bright giggle. For all the dourness of many of the adults, the child seemed to have inherited none of it.

Silver returned her smile, happy to see a friendly face. "Hello there. You look happy today." It was nice to see someone that looked happy.

"I am," she agreed, rushing up to him and reaching right for one of his hooves. She felt where the fur became the hardened hoof. "What's it like having a hoof? What's it like not having fingers?"

Silver sank down to his haunches, allowing the child to explore his hoof as she pleased. "You asked the right pony. Most wouldn't have much of an answer for that besides 'It's what I always had.'"

"You had fingers before?" She blinked at him with some confusion. "Hey, you have a horn. Why isn't it making lots of light? I thought that's what horns were for." She put her hands on her slender hips, glaring at him like he did something wrong. "Is it broken?"

Silver spread his right wing out into what space was available, still half-folded. "I have wings too, and I'm not flying. You have sharp teeth, but you aren't chewing something. Just because we can do something doesn't mean we always are."

"I guess that's true," she demurred. "Can you do it?"

"I can." Silver smiled as he changed the flow of magic, allowing more of it to go towards an increasing silver glow that cast out of his horn in all directions. The little she-jackal came into easy view. She wore a little toga and her tail was wagging happily.

She clapped her paws together rapidly, her green eyes shining with delight. "That's better! They don't let us light any--"

A new voice entered the conversation, a low male voice, "No lights." It had a warning growl. A soon as Silver quenched his horn's glow, the presence receded.

The she jackal snarled in the direction the voice had been. "See? I hate it. We are proud Anubians. We should be running under the sun, not hiding in the dark."

Silver reached out a hoof to her, gently patting her on the head, or so was the goal. As soon as his hoof got close to her, she grabbed it and resumed exploring it as the strange bit of anatomy it was.

"So what's it like having one of these?"

Silver smiled gently. Compared to what else was going on, humoring the jackal child was entirely a pleasure. "Compared to having fingers, it can feel tense. Once in a while, I want to spread out the fingers I don't have, but I don't have them. It is powerful and resilient, at least along the wall there." He turned his hoof in her grasp to make sure she was feeling the wall at that moment. "The underside is more sensitive, but I wear a shoe to protect that."

"I feel that." Her little fingers poked and felt along his shoes. "Do they come off?" Just as she asked, she popped one free, releasing his hoof to the air. "Ew! Stinky hoof." Despite her words, she was giggling with childish joy at finding the stinky hoof.

Silver blushed softly. Bathing had never been a high priority of his, which had only grown worse with the advent of magic cleaning spells, but his hooves were not a part he thought much about, and now the child was making fun of his mistake. "I'll fix that..." He played the silent song of cleansing across his horn and channeled the magic across his exposed hoof, dispelling the foulness about it. "Better?"

He could hear her snuffling about and he only blushed worse. He was letting some random girl mess with his foot. Was that lewd? It was lewd if he made it lewd, he decided. The girl was just curious, and he was happy answering her questions. "Being on four legs has its advantages."

"Like what?" she asked, poking him at the sensitive part of his underhoof and making him squirm. That was ticklish!

"You're extra stable, for one... It's easy to run very quickly..." Silver had to pause, restraining his laughter. He was increasingly sure she was learning what the most sensitive spots were and was trying to make him laugh on purpose. "Heavy things don't feel so heavy when you carry them."

He felt her abandon his hoof and circle him. "You can carry me, right?" She barely finished asking before he felt her approach his backend. Her naked paw came right down on his tail, making him jump slightly. It stung, but not too badly. Her paw was soft on the bottom, and she wasn't too heavy. She grabbed at his rump and pulled herself right up, scaling him like a mountain.

Silver smiled gently, imagining what it looked like. With his magic, he took hold of his dropped shoe and got it back into place, then stood up, taking the girl with him in the motion. She squealed, even as it turned into giggles along the way.

As he had predicted, she was not very hard to carry, a light little thing on his back. He was certain he could walk along with her without issue, so he did, proceeding down the hallway with his new rider. He could see some dim light up ahead and approached it, eager to leave the cloying darkness that was on all other ends. "Do you have a good grip?" He needn't have asked, feeling her little clawed hands holding him quite firmly.

She slid up along his back until she half-fell/slid against his neck, hugging the big thing for support. "I never rode a pony before," she confessed. "It's fun. Can you go faster?"

His field of magic only went so far without a lot of effort, and he ran the risk of bleeding magic too quickly, especially if he moved quickly. "Maybe if we get outside. I can't see well enough to do that safely. For now, you'll have to be happy with my trotting." He accelerated into a slow trot, bouncing her a little as he went.

They emerged into the light that spilled from one lone room. Within was the chief, and Nefertari, and a few other jackals. They all looked to him as one. The chief grit her teeth visibly. "I see you've found my daughter."

The jackal pup waved eagerly at her mother. "You didn't tell me ponies were so nice." She hugged Silver about the neck. "I bet he can do all kinds of tricks too. Can I keep him?"

Nefertari burst into a howl of laughter, her sharp teeth on display. "Even with pups, you attract new females. Are you certain you do not do this intentionally?"

Silver swiveled an ear back at his rider. "I'm already owned by several powerful females. They'd be upset if you tried to steal me away from them."

She seemed to understand those terms, giving a thoughtful 'mmm'. "I'll have to get stronger, so I can challenge them then."

Nefertari was beside Silver, no longer seated with the others. "You are a precious one, aren't you?" She reached to grab the child, but the child ducked down, half-sliding from Silver to use him as a shield from her. "And full of fight, I like that..."

Silver pulled in his field to ensnare the pup and lift her gently. "I think we're interrupting what's going on here."

"You are," agreed the chief. "Wagging Tail, you know better than this."

Silver spoke without thinking, "Wagging Tail?" That hardly seemed a dignified name to him.

Wagging stuck out her tongue. "That's my stupid pup name. I'll earn a better one!"

He set her down gently, and she sat down, and so did he. They joined the meeting in progress.

254 - Battle Plan

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Nefertari's eyes returned to the chief. "Speed is not on our side."

"In a direct conflict, no." She clacked two of her claws together. "However, that is but one of them. Only she has that advantage. The rest move normally, for their ancestry." With an outstretched claw, she drew in the dirt of the floor. "We should focus on those that side with her, allowing Nefertari and her pony to--"

Silver raised a hoof as if in a class about halfway through the words, but he wasn't being looked at by the chief, let alone called on. When he wasn't, he snorted as only a horse could. "I am not 'her pony', and why are we planning an attack? I thought we'd at least try ta--"

Nefertari slid a hand over Silver's snout, bidding him to silence without speaking to him. "We will speak, and prepare for battle. This is the latter. Continue."

Silver opened his mouth just wide enough to try for a nip at his frustrating wife, but she was far faster. He could feel her movement, but it was too short of a burst to hope to react to. By the time he could respond, her pointer was in his snout, her claw pressed against his tongue. He could feel it piercing his tender flesh, but could tell exactly how far, or how much it'd hurt when she pulled her finger back.

He went still as the planning continued.

"We will gather in a circle." She carved out a curved line as she spoke, "You engage her. If you can talk her down, all the better. We will celebrate your pony's silvered tongue. If not, we act, together." Her eyes looked to Silver at last. "Will you be ready?"

Nefertari's hand was in her lap. He could feel the sting that came with her claw being removed. That would hurt for a little while, but he felt certain he would recover. "I will try to talk to her, and see what it is she really wants. What she thinks she wants and how she thinks she has to get it may not line up, and there we can find a peaceful answer."

The chief smiled in the dim light. "That is well and good, and we do hope for the best, but should that fail...?"

"I will not abandon you, or my wife." He squeezed his magic gently around Nefertari in a short-distance hug. "Can we handle her? She sounds like quite... a challenge, physically speaking."

"Be clever," cut in Nefertari suddenly. "Make up a new spell or two, you love doing that."

"But wh... Hmm..."

Nefertari's grin spread as Silver began to look thoughtful. "That is an expression I know. He will be ready."

The chief nodded as she examined his pensive face. "Not the savage warcry I would hope from a warrior, but he is a curious fighter, from all that has been whispered to me." She rose smoothly from crossed legs to standing as if simply unfolding herself. "I will dispatch word, to her, to our allies, few as they are. All will know the time of reckoning. We end this, one way or the other."

The noise of jackals giving a communal cheer to the battle that would come, win or lose, echoed off the stone of the walls. They dispersed, most lacking the lightning speed of Nefertari and the chief.

Wagging Tail stood up as the others did, but she didn't sprint away. Instead she turned around to face Silver. "Are you going to blast her with magic? You can do that, right?" She made little laser sounds as she thrust her pointers ahead. "Pew, zoom! You'll get her good!"

Silver reached to pat Wagging Tail on the head with a hoof. "It is easier to turn an enemy's power against themselves. I need to prepare." He turned away, but Wagging Tail raced to be in front of him. "Excuse me. I need to be in the light. I have magic to write."

"I'll come with you."

Nefertari was beside her suddenly, placing a hand on her scalp, fingers curled to hold her skull firmly. "You will remember that this pony is mine."

Wagging squirmed in her clawed grasp. "Let me go, Shaman. He can choose who he wants to be with!"

Nefertari hiked a brow at Silver. "Mmm, do you desire the company of this young female?"

Silver colored swiftly at the way that was phrased. "If she wants to watch me write and read, she's free to do that."

Wagging pulled free with a snort, slipping free of Nefertari's grip. "If you're so worried, you can come too and keep an eye on your pony." She patted Silver on the chest. "He is a warrior, he doesn't belong to anyone anyway. He makes his own decisions and is ready to fight, and win."

Nefertari crooked a smirk at the two. "I have preparations of my own. Go on, Silver. Do you know the way to the library?"

Silver almost asked her how she knew he wanted one of those before he aborted the thought and looked to Wagging. "Can you show the way?"

"I can and will, on one condition!" She thrust a finger up, pointing at Silver. "I ride there. Can we fly? Those wings work, right? Let me ride and I'll show the way."

Nefertari left with an echo of laughter, abandoning Silver to his adorable fate.

He pulled his magic back in, absorbing it rather than letting it disperse out into the world. It wasn't a 100% conversion, what was? But it was a far sight better than abandoning that power when he moved quickly. He gently took hold of the young jackal and set her on his back. "Let's go." Even as she squeaked with delight, he got to trotting for where he thought the exit was.

He emerged into the dim, but brighter, light of the alleyway that concealed the way into their home. "Which way?"

"We have to get out of here first," complained Wagging. She pointed to the narrow alleyway he had been ambushed in. "Past the guard, then... You're not looking."

Silver had his eyes turned skywards, getting a peek of it through where the buildings almost touched, but not quite. "Let's skip that." With a rush of magic, he and Wagging ceased to be, and promptly reappeared above it all, dizzyingly high above the city.

Wagging clutched tightly to his neck from behind, screaming. Her noise was one part terror, two parts utter excitement. It turned into a sharp series of elated giggles. She began pointing out buildings, rattling off their names in a clip too rapid to be useful.

Silver turned an ear back to her as his wings carried them in lazy circles around the city, riding the updrafts rom the heated ground that kept them easily airborne without much effort from him. "Where is that library?"

She thrust a finger perhaps too strongly, ruining her balance and half tossing herself free of Silver. Her yelp of terror was cut off as he caught her in his magic and lifted her back into position. "You are the best battle mount, I'm just saying."

Silver kept a light grip on her, in case she lost her footing again. "Let's go." He tipped to the side gently and began to descend at an easy peace, circling to keep the pace casual as opposed to diving at the building with his young cargo. "Do you like to read?"

"Ehhh..." She stuck out her tongue, a fact he would have missed if not for holding her in his magic. "I can read though!"

"I'm glad to hear it." Silver smiled, but didn't look back at her, focused on their flight over the dense city. There were some other flyers, most of them lower to the ground. Few were pegasi. "I learned to enjoy reading from a very young age. I learned to enjoy writing only after I was an adult."

"Thank the sands," she sighed out. "I thought you were going to try to tell me to learn to like writing, ugh. Not my thing, thank you." She tickled his neck suddenly. "You can do that. It's just another talent. What kind of spell are you going to make?"

Silver squirmed a little, resisting the urge to laugh with limited success. "I... was..." He went quiet. "I'm not sure I should say. Our enemy has proven capable, but I don't know all her abilities. It may be para--"

"--No! No, you're right. She could be listening maybe, and if she is, she'll know I think she's a boogerface with jagged teeth for how awful she's been."

Silver snorted softly at the immature insult. It was a good reminder that his passenger was truly a child, to be protected and cared for. "Hopefully we can reach an understanding, and you can stop hiding underground. You don't like that, right?"

"No!" she spat out as if it should be as clear as the sky they flew under. "I'm missing school... I might not like writing, but there are good things to learn there, and I'm falling behind."

Silver felt a frown forming as he came in for a landing. His hooves touched upon the sandy cobbles in front of the sizable library she had pointed him towards. "Let's get some studying done, for the both of us."


He glanced over his shoulder at Wagging. "You can get some schoolwork done while I work on my spell."

She wriggled her nose. "You can't force me."

He began to ascend the stairs, weaving around the others that came and went from it. Most of the others were biped, which seemed the norm so far away from Equestria. "No, I can't. I can only offer you a chance, and hope you take the opportunity while it is present."

Silver slipped through the open door before it could close again and the atmosphere changed immediately. The noise of the city fell away and the musty scent of aging books reached his nose. The sound of quiet steps and the turning of pages were the 'noise' of that place. He walked forward, his hooves sounding loud against the stone floor with a pronounced clip-clop.

"Shhh," spoke the matronly feline behind the front counter. "Shoes required." She hiked a thumb at a small sign that showed a hoof wrapped in what looked to be some kind of sock.

Silver veered towards her with a hopeful smile. "Hello," he spoke softly, trying to not make more noise. "I don't have one of those. How do I get them?"

The feline rolled her eyes even as she stood. "We can lend a set, once. Stop by the gift store just outside and buy a set of your own for next time." She pulled out one of those socks and tapped his left foreleg. "Up." As soon as he lifted hoof, she grabbed it like a trained farrier and slipped the sock into place before releasing it and moving to the next. "Do you even have a library card?"

"I do!" squeaked Wagging, her tail swaying back and forth eagerly. She dug out a slender card and offered it towards the feline.

She finished getting Silver's other hoof before reaching to snatch the card away. "Mmm, valid. She can borrow one book at a time. That doesn't help you, pony." She moved on towards his back hooves. "Let's finish shutting you up."

Wagging snatched her card back and stuffed it away. "That's alright. I don't think he wants to take any of the books."

Silver nodded in quick agreement. "I just need to reference the materials. I will not remove any book from this building, but thank you. Oh." He lifted his book of spells in his magic. "Just so you know, I'm bringing this in and I'll be writing in it. That's alright, yeah?"

"Not a crime," replied the library attendant. She slapped Silver on a rump. "There you are, no more noisy stomping."

Silver nodded at her and gave a silent in-place shuffle. "Great. Thank you. Let's get to studying." He carried his passenger into the stacks in pursuit of arcane tips and insight.

255 - Striding Forth

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Wagging's legs swung back and forth as she sat in a chair. Her eyes were on Silver, but his eyes were not returned. He was buried in his book, scribbling manically as he read from several others back and forth in a manic writing fury.

"How is this going to win the battle for us?" asked Wagging with a roll of her eyes. "I thought you'd use more awesome magic."

"That's what I'm doing." Silver licked over his lips with his still mildly stinging tongue as he turned to the next page. "This should help our chances a lot. I feel like I've used this before, but couldn't find the spell... Maybe in the dream." His words turn to muttering as he worked.

"Dream?" Wagging's eyes wandered to the other forms that studied in the library. There was no fun to be had with them. "This was from a dream?" she pressed. "How does that work?"

Silver paused, tapping his quill against the table a moment. "I had a... very powerful dream. It was no normal one. I was put in it by a powerful being quite practiced in the art, for over a month." He smiled at the she-pup. "I learned things, lived what felt like two extra lives in there... I would not recommend it to others, but it is part of me now."

The quill resumed its dance of writing. "I am a prince thrice-crowned. I am a stallion that has known childbirth. I am the living that has already died." He blushed softly as he looked away a moment. "I'm being dramatic, sor--"

"Tell me more," bid Wagging, her tail whipping back and forth quickly. "You died? You can get better from that?"

Silver reached with his magic, patting Wagging gently. "I did, and I managed, but, I remind, this was a dream. Even in it, it was only with great sacrifice and effort. Other people cared for me, even in that lost world. They cared so deeply they broke the world a little to make it happen and pulled me through the cracks." He set the quill aside, abandoning his writing for the time. "I didn't even fully come back."

"Like a zombie!?"

A harsh but quiet shhh echoed.

Wagging blushed at being called at out and repeated, quieter. "You were a zombie?"

Silver shook his head. "Not as you're probably imagining. My heart worked, as did everything else. I ate, slept, talked. I was just missing... a piece of myself. It took some time to reclaim it, another adventure in itself. An ally had laid a curse on me, without meaning to."

"Did you get revenge?" She bounced in her seat, clearly enjoying the story.

"Oh, no no. She is a dear and gentle friend. It was truly a mistake on her part. I couldn't imagine holding it against her. Besides, I did recover." He picked up his quill and resumed writing, ears swiveling to follow the quiet steps of other in the library. "Perhaps the strangest part is that, outside the dream, she barely knows me."

"She wasn't just a dream then?"

"She was a dream of a real person. I met Nefertari there first." He smiled, facing his book as he wrote. "We fought there. I met your people there, though it was a different impression. I met one of your war camps, in the sands."

Wagging gasped dramatically. "I've always wanted to see a real desert camp... Were they as powerful and ready as they say?"

"Possibly more." Silver glanced up at her with a smile. "They did not treat me, a soft pony trying to offer peace, very well."

Wagging hopped up no her chair, her hands supporting her on the table as she leaned over it. "What'd they do?"

"They..." He thought back, bringing the memory back into recollection. "They tied me to a post as communal property. I was just a pet they shared for a while."

Wagging's eyes widened before narrowing. "And here you are, helping us? Why? If I had a dream like that with ponies, I don't think I'd trust them, ever." She waggled a paw. "I never saw anyone do that though. If we didn't like someone, we'd just kill them, it's nicer."

Silver cringed. "I... It was degrading, but I persevered, and eventually got through. If they had just killed me, that would have been the end of that story." He shook his head slowly. "I would prefer a world where we didn't humiliate or kill people we didn't like."

"You're a pony."

Silver flinched back before the smallest laugh escaped him, almost a cough. "You have no idea." He folded his book shut. "The spell is as ready as ever it will be, without testing it. For that, we'll need someone who can go quickly, like Nefertari."

"You go pretty fast," argued Wagging. "I saw it."

Silver tucked his book away as he shook his head. "It's not the same. I teleport. I don't move fast, I just skip the space in the middle. Nefertari moves through that space incredibly quickly." He tapped his quill on the table and dragged it without making a mark. "This is Nefertari, she moves."

He returned the quill to the start. "Now here I am." He lifted the quill up and didn't touch the table, just tapping the end point. "And now here I am. I never went through the between spots."

"Ohhhhh." Wagging tilted her head, looking fascinated. "Why doesn't she do that then, if it's better?"

Silver shook his head. "I don't think it's 'better'. For one, she is much more aware of what she's approaching, since she can see it coming. I know nothing until I'm already there. She can do it with less energy than I expend with each hop, I think. It's hard to measure that. They're different." He rose up to his hooves, his socks muffling the sound of his hooves on the stone floor. "Help me put away these books?"

"There he is." Nefertari clapped Silver on the shoulder the instant he walked in the front door. "And he kept her safe, as I was sure he would." Her eyes settled on Wagging a moment. "Your mother was worried for you."

The chief snorted at the idea. "Nonsense."

Wagging grinned, teeth displayed. "Mom knows I'm fine. She was probably more worried I'd make trouble."

Silver lifted the jackal up and set her down beside himself. "She was a perfect angel. I'm as ready as I can be, unless we've learned more about our enemy?"

Nefer raised a brow. "You've called her an enemy? Progress."

Silver frowned at that. "An enemy is a friend you haven't made yet." A few groans echoed from the darkness, not sharing that philosophy. "Either way, any news?"

Nefertari curled a finger as she turned away. "We were not idle while you were gone. We know where we meet her, and we will be ready for the meeting. It has been scheduled. She knows we're coming, at least, she knows you will be there, and I."

Silver looked around the gloomy room, barely picking out the forms of other jackals, tense and ready. "If she is as frightening as you've suggested, she'll notice."

"She will." Nefertari spread her hands out. "And she will probably have a smarmy comment ready for it, but she will not stop it. She is confident. Let us use that against her."

"Smart," agreed Silver before looking to Wagging. "You will not be coming."

The chief nodded firmly. "In this, we agree completely. It is not time for your first hunt, Wagging."

She pouted fiercely at the shutdown. "I watched him do his preparations. I can help!"

The chief howled with a fit of laughter. She was beside her daughter and grabbed her at the ear. "Watching a wizard prepare their spells is no help for a warrior. You are no sorcerer, his books hold no knowledge for you."

She squirmed against the grip, but her ear was quite firmly held. "Don't tell me what I can and can't do! If I want to learn magic, than I will, and I'll be even better than him."

Silver lowered his head to be even with her. "I would love to see that, truly. Please, practice and hone your skills. One day, you will amaze me and I will be so very proud to have known you even before then."

Wagging ceased her squirming, looking at Silver oddly. "You are not my father."

"I am not," easily agreed Silver. "Does that change things? You are a child, and if I gave a little nudge, the littlest, and it leads to you growing into a capable adult, should I not be a little proud?"

Wagging's cheeks began to warm, as hard as it was to see in the gloom. Her mother pulled her away. "You do not intend it, but your words are that of a person trying to take the part, or at least someone who is quite intimate with the family, which you are not. You are assuming a role of guardian and confusing her."

Nefertari slapped the top of Silver's head in the middle of his quick raising of it. "Wherever you go, you seek intimacy. It is good that I feel confident you have no untoward motivation, dear husband."

Silver staggered back a step. "I was just being friendly. She's a good kid."

Nefertari rolled a hand. "She is a pup, oh wielder of strange language. And she is, so let's leave her to it."

Silver watched Wagging be half-dragged away by her mother. "Then we have to succeed. If we don't, she'll be left alone..." He took a wavering breath. "I would not be happy with that ending."

"This we can all agree on." Nefertari swept a hand over the mostly unseen eyes. "Let us face this, so that our children may grow strong and untroubled."

A roar of agreement rose from them all, leaving Silver to awkwardly stand in silence. Nefertari flicked his nose lightly. "You were the one that began it, why do you not cheer with us?"

"That's a warcry. I will try to avoid that, and only... if I have to... I will not celebrate it. Hopefully this will be put to rest without it. He turned back for the exit. "But we will do what we must. Oh! I want to test this, and need someone who can move very quickly."

"Does this involve your sorcery?" Nefertari was holding his book suddenly, the flap of his bag only just then flopping back down into a resting position. "You are lucky I do not comprehend the workings of unicorn magic, nor do I possess a horn."

Silver pondered a moment what Nefertari would look like with a horn protruding from her canine skull, and what horror could result from the expanding of her magical talents. It was, perhaps, better they not find out. "I need you to move, when I say so." He reached for his book with his magic and she didn't stop him from reclaiming it. With a quick flip, he pulled up the spell and quickly scanned his eyes over it, refreshing his tenuous memory of the new spell. "And... Now."

Nefertari was by the exit. "Was something supposed to happen?"

Silver smiled at her. "It worked perfectly, I could feel it, but I didn't have it turned up high, or it could hurt you badly."

Nefer scowled at that. "That is quite the threat, husband. When this is over, I will demand you tell me what you have dreamt up."

Silver waved a hoof to dismiss the idea. "Let's focus on the task at hand. Where do we need to be?"

Nefertari glanced aside at one of the other jackals, who rose and darted away. "Tomorrow, and not before then. For today, we rest and prepare. We will put an end to this, one way or the other."

Silver stood as tall as he could, which was fairly tall as ponies went. "We will face her, and hopefully we can set this ugly matter behind us... One way or the other, as you say."

256 - Field of Battle

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Silver strode through the city. On his back rode his wife, looking for all the world like some proud warrioress being carried to battle, which she was, he reflected. Her legs nudged at him when he should turn left or right just moments before he could get clues from the others, but those clues were subtle.

Those that accompanied them were distant and hidden. Only the briefest snatches of their darting forms were given. It was better that he got more reliable directions, he decided. The people of the city seemed to know something was happening. They said little, but shied away from Silver and Nefer as they went past. Conversations faded and eyes turned to watch them go.

Trouble was coming, and they were the center of it. How did they know?

Silver kept his eyes forward, or at least his head. His wide-set eyes could wander a bit without changing his facing much, if he focused on it. He could see the covert glances and the hushed talks, and how it stopped once he was past any given knot of people.

Anugyptians, Abyssians, and the countless other races, it mattered little. Silver snorted softly with sudden thoughts. Another simplification of the dream, that, thinking the felines all belonged to one race. They hadn't back on earth, why should Equestria be different in that?

The place they were approaching become clear as Nefer guided him away from the roads. They were entering what looked to be an old amphitheatre that hadn't seen much recent use. Jutting slabs of stone showed cracks and weather, but appeared quite solid. In the center, a feline stood. Abyssian, Anugyptian? She had but one tail, but that didn't really peg the species. Did it matter? Silver shook that thought away.

It was always good to know what one was talking to. "Is that her?" he spoke softly.

Nefertari's legs squeezed him equally from both sides, her answer.

Silver moved for her at an easy rate. "Hello." Smile and wave. It was a little lesson he had taught himself as a young human. If you smile and wave at something, how dangerous could it be? If you smile and wave, how threatened could something feel? Take the first step, just say hello, and you can avoid so much.

It had worked out well enough for him as a human, and he was still alive, as a pony, so he smiled and waved a hoof as he approached the she-cat. "I'm afraid I didn't get your name."

"I hadn't offered it yet," agreed the cat, a cocky smile on her face. She had Silver in her gaze, but with her slit eyes, she could have just as easily been looking up at Nefer as she was watching Silver. "Prince Silver Watch, if I recall, mmm, and I do."

Nefertari rolled a paw with a low snort. "Touting a person's name while refusing your own? What manners."

The cat waved back at the seats. "We have plenty of witnesses, I have seen to it, as have you. There will be so many to watch our dance." Her smile became more jagged as she pulled back her lips and allowed her teeth to show all the more clearly. "And we will give them a show worth coming for, will we not?"

Silver nodded softly. "One way or the other, but there is no reason for us to be rude. I don't even know you. I am Silver, as you pointed out. I represent Equestria, and I come with an offered hoof." He raised a leg and put out a hoof towards her. "What is it that you are fighting?"

The cat's smile became deeper, but more sedate, a grin as she gestured at Silver, her gaze seemingly focused on Nefer. "Your husband is so polite, it almost makes me feel sorry. An innocent soul, why do you put up with it? Have you gone soft?"

Silver could feel Nefertari's legs squeeze with her tension. "He is a warrior, proven. He approaches with softness, but you will feel the cold press if he cannot win through peace. You would be well-advised to at least try it the nice way, hmm?"

Silver's magic was spreading, seeping out. This would be their arena, and he wished to be fully aware of it, and those in it. He could feel the cat. She was shaped nicely, not that he was there for that. She had a dagger tucked at her hip Her clothing seemed of fine make, but strangely thin. Easily torn? Trying to drag her by it in a brawl would result in failure, and give her a chance to react.

She had something tucked in her bags. It was magic, echoing off his own. It felt like a canister of some kind. He didn't like it. "Tell me, what is it you want?"

She fixed Silver with her gaze, barely an adjustment. "You ask that as if you truly wish to know. The jackals have done much, made many enemies. They rightly fear the anger of those they once trod on, and make plans to escape that wrath." She flexed her right hand, claws springing free into the light. "I will see their scourge ended. Now, peaceful pony, how would you reconcile that?"

Silver flexed his magic, crushing the canister in a swift and brutal squeeze. It shattered under the intense pressure. Something fluid touched his magic and he could feel his power retreat from it . Whatever had been in that container did not agree with unicorn magic, but then, he had just disabled it. Had it been thrown at him...

The she-cat was suddenly all too close. "Tricky." He was cut with a raking of the claws of her right hand. He could see it coming, but couldn't react fast enough. The pain was a hot flaring of agony across his right cheek. He had been slapped, in the way that cats delivered such gestures.

Nefertari was in front of her, grabbing her wrist. Nefer's claws dug into the cat's wrist for all of a moment before the cat's other hand swiped dangerously, catching her across the chest, creating new slashes in her clothes and flesh. Blood from either of them lent the first moisture the old stones they stood on had seen in some time.

Silver played music across his horn as a performer might a flute, magic vibrating through his field with the power of his new spell, attuning it. "Stop, please. Both of you. We will talk."

The cat laughed at Silver's demand even as she tore her hand away from Nefertari. "The fight has already begun and still he begs for peace? Ponies are softer than I had even imagined. Come, let us dance, Nefertari. I know you will not disappoint."

Nefertari did not move, staring at her with a glare, but remaining still.

"Are you listening to him?" A low growl echoed from deep in her, tail lashing fitfully behind her. "Fine, I will dance enough for the both of us." She lunged forward, and began to smoulder. Her tremendous speed was turned against her, as if the air was a thing of incredible friction.

She could not move properly, and trying built heat at a dizzying pace. "You hide behind magic?"

Silver raised his head tall, even as he felt blood dripping from the painful lines she had given to him. "Just as you 'hide' behind claws and daggers. Now, tell us your name."

"Distasteful, but valid." She backed away, a few little steps taken without supernatural speed. "Since you insist, I am Lady Sheba. I have come far to see this completed." She pointed a still-extended claw at Silver, a drop of his own blood coming free. "You are standing in the way. Have you no concept of the things the Anubians have done to many nations, countless people?"

Silver nodded softly. "I will assume that you speak entirely true. They may have. Presuming that's true, would their departure not be a welcome event, not a doomsday scenario?"

Sheba laughed loud, a hiss mixed into the gesture. Her claws withdrew as she set her hands at her hips. "Truly naive. Do you think they will all go? You will take the weakest and kindest of them, leaving the worst behind. They will only grow harder and crueler." He felt her try to approach him, but the motion was aborted almost as quickly.

Nefertari barked out a laugh to match Sheba's feline noise. "And so you think you can excise us all at once? How foolish. Even were all Anubians in this city, this country, were to die at once, that would not be all of us, or even most of us." She clacked her claws together, though they lacked the fine points of Sheba's, they were sharp enough. "Some have already fled, and continue to do so."

The effort of keeping the friction field in place was considerable, tested each time Sheba attempted to dart. Still, it was Silver's job to do so, and he focused on keeping it strong and ready. "People are not... pests, to be exterminated. They can change, and are changing."

"Listen to you." Sheba half-lidded her eyes, gazing at Silver. With Nefertari not perched on him, it was much easier to tell which of them she addressed. "This is how you fight. You speak gentle words, get them to lay down, and have your way, making them thank you for the privilege."

Silver's ears spun back at the implication of those words. "I don't want to fight, and we don't need to. You want peace, in the end, right?"

Sheba gestured at Silver, her eyes shifted to look towards Nefertari. "Tell me he's good at least."

"Decent," Nefer half-scoffed, keeping her eyes trained on Sheba, her body tense with readiness.

Sheba clucked her tongue even as Silver began to turn red. "'Tis a pity I'm already moving to do as I said. Will you still love me, pony prince, after the blood of their people runs freely through my fingers?"

Those words sounded all too true to Silver. He took a step towards her, jaw set even as his hoof clopped down on the sandy stone beneath them. The sun's harsh gaze was making him sweat all the more for his effort. "Genocide is never right!" he hissed out. "There are better ways."

"Kill them all!" came a shout from up in the seats. A dog-like person rose from his hiding place, thrusting a fist in the air. "Bring peace back to the region, forever!"

Though he was the first, his motion inspired others allied with Sheba to reveal themselves. Cats, parrots, and other animal people all stood and began to shout their bloodthirst, ready to see the Anubians wiped clear of the world.

Sheba gestured to them. "You are loyal to your people, are you not? These are mine, mmm. What would I be if I did not give them what they wanted?"

Nefertari bared her teeth at the crowd. "An ignorant mass of chest beaters, is this the best you could manage?"

Silver shook his head, tuning out the increasing volume of the crowd. The Anubians remained hidden, apparently. He saw no sign of them. "You are not a bad person," he said to Sheba, forcing a smile. "You're not."

Sheba blinked at his words, momentarily disarmed. "You are my enemy. You should have a very low opinion of me, soft horse. Do you know how to anger?"

Nefer rolled a hand. "It takes quite some effort, but it is not foreign to him."

Sheba took a few angry steps forward, claws springing free. "How am I not a bad person, in your perspective." She waved one of her hands, claws glinting in the light, at the crowd. "To them, I am a hero, willing to do what must be done. To you, I should be beyond reproach."

Silver leaned forward, his delicate pony nose too close to those claws. "You are trying to make a better future, for more than yourself. You are trying to be a good person, and I respect that. Can we, please... find that better future, together?"

257 - The People Have Spoken

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Silver was tense, awaiting the sharp presence of Sheba's claws. He had placed his nose close enough that she could swat him without suffering the effects of his friction trap. It was a show of faith, perhaps a foolish one. "People are the result of their circumstances. Wiping out a group simply invites another to fall into the same pit and take up the spot."

Sheba's eyes narrowed at Silver before flicking to the left at Nefertari. "You can hear them, calling for your people's blood. Here your husband stands, calling your traditions nothing but 'inevitable'."

Nefertari diffidently waved at Silver. "As far as he's concerned, all creatures would take peace and softness, given the opportunity."

Silver pointed a hoof at the roaring crowd. "Is that not what they are asking for? They want peace, and the chance to be soft, safe, and secure."

Sheba darted. She only had a few short inches to cover to get her palms on Silver's jutting equine cheeks, cradling his head. "You are simply too adorable. So untouched and unspoiled. You are an ideal diplomat of the country you come from, speaking their honeyed words without the nuance of the reality outside your borders." She raised her voice considerably, shouting in Silver's face. "This one should not be harmed. We have no ire with Equestria and its celestial queens. Take him from the dance floor."

Silver felt something approaching, small and rapid and magic. He grabbed it just in time to feel something else coming, and another, and another. The crowd was hurling vials much like the one he had crushed previously, but they were coming far too quickly and in too great a number to repeat that trick on them all.

The friction field had an effect on them, but the unfeeling metal that made them cared little for growing warm, save for becoming all the more worrying as projectiles went. He coudn't hope that the short-lived cooking would disable whatever magical fluid was inside them.

He could teleport? Doing that would be the end of his usefulness. His magic was spread all across the stage, and abandoning it would leave him drained. Of course... he just had to avoid the vials, right? He ceased to be, only to appear just a few feet away, out of the targeting zone of the anti-magic vials. Still within his held magic field, he could keep it up.

Fluid splashed across his flanks suddenly. He hadn't felt a vial! He turned rapidly towards the source. The small cat he had interrogated in the alleyway was shrinking back at the edge of the battle stage. "Sorry..." the kitten muttered as he broke into a run, fleeing.

The friction field was the first to go. The splash had been scarcely been sufficient for its task, but he could feel it interfering with his grip on his unicorn magic, making the most complex spell fail, slipping through his arcane fingers.

Nefertari seemed to notice the friction's absence and ceased to be where she was. Sheba matched her pace, clashing and dueling across the flat stonework even as those anti-magic vials rained down around them, hurled at Silver, not always with the best aim.

Silver had no time to watch them fight. He could feel a new volley coming towards him. He had started to pull his magic back, but that wasn't an instant effort. He couldn't teleport far. With a short jump, he appeared closer to the center of the stage. "Stop this!" he demanded at the crowd, not that they seemed to care for his opinion.

With a flash of dull pain, one of the cannisters hit him, breaking open on impact. The dark fluid within splattered across his brown pelt as he lost all feeling of his arcane senses. Someone's poor throw had managed to be exactly where he had teleported.

"Will you forgive me?" Sheba was behind Nefertari, her arms wrapped around the jackal as if hugging her, but her deadly claws were unsheathed and pressed to Nefertari, promising new pains at an instant's notice. Her right hand was over Nefertari's belly, promising a messy disemboweling. "Will you?"

Silver turned to face her fully, ears pinned on his head. He knew Sheba had defeated Nefertari once before, that it happened again only proved it wasn't entirely a fluke. "This isn't the right way." Another cannister thumped against him, but he'd already lost all unicorn sense of magic, so he ignored it. "Is talking too much to ask?"

Sheba's pointer dragged a slow red line across Nefertari, a few precious inches, taking her time. "I will kill her. She has many sins on her soul, and not a creature here will be sad for my doing it. Preach all you want of the kinder members of her kin, she is not one of them, and you are aware of this."

Nefertari growled like an angry dog, struggling against the grip that held her. She twisted and heaved, but Sheba's grip was that of iron, unyielding, and perhaps more painful.

"Do it!" came the rough cry of one, only to be echoed by the crowd.

Silver's eyes darted about. Where were their allies? A fine time for the jackals to go into hiding... "I have her... exactly where she needs to be." He raised a hoof to his own chest, spattered was it was with the anti-magic goop. "She is my wife, subjected to my 'naive prattling'. I will calm the fire in her heart and turn her towards more peaceful ends."

Sheba raised an arm, lifting Nefetari's chest with it. "That is a very pony thing to do. Now... it's time for her to die."


"I'm afraid the answer is yes." Sheba grinned with the malice only a feline could master. "No more sweet words."

Silver's mind ran in circles, but even in flailing, he hit something that might work. "You musn't. She bears an Equestrian foal."

Sheba and Nefertari both blinked blankly at him.

Silver pointed down at Nefer's belly. "She will be a mother. That child is a prince or princess of Equestria. Harm her and you are attacking Equestria."

"I will not hide behind my child!" howled Nefertari, her struggles redoubling in sudden fury.

Sheba broke into wild laughter, holding Nefertari still despite her efforts, even if she got elbowed once in the midst of her laughter. "I was joking before. You really did let him have his way... If he's so eager to lay with warrior females that could kill him with a thought, perhaps I will request my turn after this." She hiked a brow at Silver. "Now, what is the proof? Any could make this claim."

The crowd's shouting ebbed, some confusion building among them. An Equestrian prince? Could a jackal have one of those? It was turning from shouts of blood to confused murmuring that rippled along the crowd.

Silver's unicorn magic was cut off entirely, but he was an alicorn, blessed with three tribes of power. He could feel his pegasus magic was intact, and his earth magic felt unsullied by whatever had been splashed across him. It was the latter he began to call upon. He could feel the life respond beneath his hooves. Even in the desert climate, there was life, and plants.

Anywhere save the arctic, perhaps, there would be life to reach out to. Not the polar bears, penguins, and whatever host of microbes they helped foster didn't count. He nodded towards his captive wife. "I can feel when she is in season." It wasn't actually that hard to tell, when you could feel someone's insides. "She was... then she was not."

Sheba suddenly shoved Nefertari away. "I am no kitten-slayer," she spat with a look of utter disgust on her face.

Silver leaned against his fore-right hoof, the living magic growing more powerful as it reacted to his wishes. "We have found something we can agree with... can we not kill anything today?"

Nefertari suddenly cuffed Silver across the top of the head. "You have visited upon me several shames worthy of a life's oath to revenge," she growled in his ear. "We will have words!"

He accepted the strike as stoically as he could, even as he internally cringed away. Being physically struck was not something he enjoyed even on a basic emotional level. She had no way of knowing, but she had done exactly as his inner child feared all people close to him would do eventually.

He was the destroyer, and destroyers got hit. Just the nature of life. Silver returned his focus on the brilliant green power he could feel but not see. He couldn't let that up.

Sheba gestured with a lone finger. "Even as she owes you her life, she lashes out violently. Why do you throw your lot in with them?" She took a slow step forward, a sultry smile spreading. "Do we felines not deserve a spot at your side? We would hurt you so very less often. Mmm, Prince of Equestria, claimer of females, taker of fighting spirit."

Silver did not feel convinced. Sheba had already hurt him, and he had enough cats as a human to know they could and did hurt their most beloved of humans. It was their nature at times. Not that he didn't like cats anyway, but assuming they were incapable of hurting you... "We need privacy."

"That is something I cannot offer." Sheba turned to the side, one arm raising towards the crowd. "They would--"

Her words were cut off with a sudden splitting of stone. She ducked in surprise as thick plants pushed up all around the arena. Cacti and desert flowers erupted up and over them, creating a dome of prickly plantlife that grew thicker and thicker all too quickly.

The sounds of the astonished crowd faded away, the plants growing so thickly as to muffle them completely. They were alone.

Sheba's arms fell limply at her sides. "How..."

"I echo that statement." Nefertari flicked one of Silver's ears. "Nice trick, but we're just as trapped as they're kept out."

It was dark, even the sun growing dimmer and dimmer as the plants continued to double and redouble the thickness of their dome.

Sheba was suddenly at Silver's other side, flanking him with Nefertari. "What is the purpose of this? The wheels continue to turn. The jackals will be purged from the face of the world."

Silver dared to take a soft breath. The violence had at least paused. He wasn't being pelted, nor were the two females trying to rip each other to pieces. "Can we talk?" He slowly sat down. "That is all I wanted."

Nefertari hiked a thumb at him. "Yes, he really is that stubborn."

"How do you put up with it?" Sheba asked as if conferring with a friend instead of an enemy she was ready to kill.

"Practice." Nefertari sighed with a faint smile. "Shall we indulge him?"

Sheba ran a finger, claw sheathed, along one of Silver's ears. "Go on. We're a captive audience."

Silver quirked a smile at the pun. "First, do you mean what you seem to be implying? Will you literally kill every Anubian in the world at once?"

"I won't." Sheba crouched a little to be face-to-face with Silver. "I am not in charge of this, which is what makes this all the more laughable. Even if you convince me, the wheels are turning."

Silver flipped his ears back. "I can only work with what I have... Even if you can't stop it, you're worth speaking to."

"You flatter."

"He means it," assured Nefertari with an impatient huff. "If you aren't in charge, who is? I was given to believe this cult was yours to lead."

Sheba raised a brow. "Is that what they're saying? They see someone interesting and assume that one must be the one to watch for. I can't blame them for wanting to rest their eyes on me. I'm told I'm very easy on eyes, hmm..."

258 - Words or Violence

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Sheba swatted Silver much as Nefertari had, but the gesture was subtly different, more of a rough stroke than a violent slap. "You horrible pony. You will cost me all their respect. You took all her honor." She glanced across him to Nefertari. "She would rather have died than have it shouted that she should be spared due to that."

"She isn't wrong," agreed Nefertari, arms crossed. "When were you planning on informing me of this momentous event?" She rose a brow. "It is precisely the sort of thing I would expect you to brandish as a weapon to attempt to talk me into avoiding fighting, and yet you did not. Explain yourself."

"Would you have?" asked Silver with a half smile. "Let's be honest with ourselves."

"I am Sheba, direct descendant of Pharaoh Clawdius the Third." She put a hand on her round chest, staring into Silver's eyes. "I am to restore her dynasty."

Silver tensed. There was a name that tickled at him. Where did he know it from? He struggled. Names were one of his weakness. "I've heard... that name before..."

"As you should have," easily agreed Sheba. "She is a great historical figure."

Click. He had met Clawdius, in his dreams. "You're one of her descendants?" he gasped out, gaping at Sheba. "What happened to her?"

Sheba's measured face fell in confusion. "Touched as I may be in your interest, why does this matter to you? Do they not teach history in Equestria?" She waved a hand diffidently. "Obviously not. She attempted to reform the country and was deposed for it, ending her dynasty in a wicked flash of deceit and treachery." Sheba tapped Silver on the end of his equine snout. "If she had a loyal little pony like you, maybe it would have been different."

Nefertari rolled a hand. "So you don't want to cut him anymore then?"

Sheba huffed an indignant sight. "This was supposed to be easy. They told me I could tear apart a wicked jackal and be called a hero, instead..." She fixed her eyes on Silver. "Instead, I have the pony making me feel awkward while he tries, poorly, to not stare at my best features." She started tapping on his nose, daring him to complain without a word. "Then he goes and manages to make me feel guilty about doing what I was brought here to do. You've ruined me, horse."

Nefertari suddenly clapped a hand over Silver's nose, shielding him from her tapping finger. "Stop. No, you may not marry her."

"What?" Silver blinked at Nefer before looking back to Sheba. He hadn't been planning that, he was fairly sure. "I'm attached to more than enough females for any one male, I think. I dare say many would say too many already." He willed Nefer's hand away to no effect, his horn magic still entirely disrupted. "Are you really in trouble?"

Sheba rolled a hand. "Let me be plain. I was told to come here, do this, and get a chance at the throne. You've... set that plan on fire and rolled around in the ashes." She snorted with disgust at Nefertari, an angry hiss in the back of her throat. "I won't kill a pregnant mother, even a jackal. I just won't, so... That's it."

Silver backed away from Nefertari, freeing himself the old fashioned way. "You do know that will happen, right? If there is some great magic... thing... that will wipe out all the jackals, that means the mothers and their children will be wiped out with the rest."

"But I won't be doing it!" she said with the hissing rowl of an angry cat. "I won't be the one charged with that responsibility. Think, damned pony. There's... you know, distance."

Nefertari did not hold her howl of laughter. "Poor cat, forced to dirty your own paws, but you won't, and they will simply toss you aside if you won't dance to their music, is that it?" She took a confident step towards the one that had been ready and able to kill her. "What will you do? Are you wealthy at least?"

"No!" Sheba spat, shrinking a little. "I'll..." Her eyes darted about wildly.

Silver tapped a hoof on the ground with a soft clop. "Stop that. Sheba, please, truth is all I ask. Are things that bad for you?"

"No..." She vanished, only to appear on top of Silver, mounted on him as any valiant knight. "Yes," she sighed out in defeat. "This was my big chance, and you took it!"

Silver turned to look over his shoulder up at the cat whose legs he could feel squeezing him lightly. "We will help."

"We will?!"

"We will," he assured. "Ruining your life, or letting it be ruined, is not something I want to do."

"You are too kind." She tapped his soft nose, an act she clearly enjoyed doing. "But I don't want pity. I am a proud cat, and we cats take our pride seriously. I won't take money just because you're sad for me."

"Sheba." His speech was stern and firm, staring at her with intensity.

"Yes?" A brow raised, curiosity on her face.

"I wish to hire you, as a bodyguard. What is your rate? Understand that I may require your services beyond this nation. I expect to be charged for that. While you are in my employ, room and board are included."

Nefertari suddenly poofed, her hair all going on end all at once. "What?! Her?!" She leveled a clawed finger at Sheba, almost sputtering. "She is a killer!"

Silver turned his head to Nefertari, nodding at her. "As are you. She is in fine company. What are your fees?" He looked back over his shoulder at Sheba. "A warrior of your talent is not cheap, I should imagine."

Sheba's feet began to kick as laugher shaked her form. She beat on his shoulders with balled up fists, barely more than patting at him. "You wretchedly brilliant horse! It is just like an Equestrian to consider hiring the same person that was ready to carve them into pieces." Her eyes lifted to Nefertari, smirking proudly. "And you clearly need someone to protect you from these dangerous jackals."

Silver raised a hoof. "She remains my wife and I expect her to be safeguarded as well. My person and my belongings, wives and children in my company included. What is your rate?" he repeated the question with great gravity.

"Hmm, well..." She tapped two claws together lightly, extended just to make the ticking sound. "If I'm guarding everything you're taking with you, that will cost extra..." She leaned in and whispered a number in Silver's perked ear. "Per week, to be paid upfront."

The number was high, as he expected, but it was not utterly outrageous. "Your pay for the coming week will be docked if you allow harm to fall on me or mine."

"Of course," she purred, her entire form vibrating on top of him as she nudged him with her legs. "Am I hired?"

Nefertari was suddenly so close that his head was being pushed back by her body. "Have you taken leave of all your senses?!"

"Long ago," quickly agreed Silver as he tried to put a little room between himself and his agitated wife. "You are hired. I would draw the money, but--"

Sheba was holding his money bag. "I can get it myself, noble employer." Moving all too quickly, she had her first week's pay secured and put the bag back in his saddlebag. "I suppose this means we're not enemies anymore." She was looking at Nefertari at that, smiling at her like a cat smugly allowing a mouse to live a few precious seconds longer. "Enjoy your time before they finish what they were doing."

Silver shook his head. "If she is harmed, that will impact your pay. It is in your interest to help us prevent that."

Light began to spill into the darkness. The shell was cracking and splitting. The tremendous growth he had forced was starting to give way to the pull of the natural order. "Our time is up, let's tell the world of our compromise."

With a dull thud, something crashed into the viney barrier and broke through its dried wall. It all began to collapse around them in a rain of twigs, thorns, and petals. Sheba was standing ahead of Silver and Nefertari, facing where the crowd had been, but as the dome gave way, they could see that what they had left was not what they had returned to.

There was a pitched battle, the jackals and the crowd at one another's throats with equal zeal. Sheba glanced back at her new employer. "Who should I be tearing apart?"

"How about not the Anubians?" offered Nefer with a snarl before she vanished, joining the fray on the side of her people.

Silver was left with Sheba, who had patiently awaited his decision. "I want you to stop them." He tossed his head at the riot that threatened to engulf the city with how new people were swarming into it. "Don't kill them, just stop them." His options were considerably limited, with his unicorn magic curtailed.

"Working for you will be a constant test." Despite her biting words, a smile spread on her feline face. She was gone, her laughter the only indicator of where she was at first. A jackal was thrown onto the seats, a parrot thrown beside her, and a dog, then another jackal. Before Silver's amazed eyes, Sheba was filling the stands with the fighters.

The people so suddenly forced to sit were bewildered, the fight driven from them in the surprise of the moment. Silver knew that wouldn't last long. He stepped towards them even as the rows continued to fill with more bodies. "This fight is over," he spoke as calmly as he could. "Those who remain seated will be pardoned of any crimes and released with all vendettas released. Today will just have been an interesting day and nothing more."

"A bold claim." A massive elephant approached, a feline perched on its back, twin tails curling and swaying behind him. "Under what authority does a prince of Equestria offer such pardons?"

Silver winced, guessing he was dealing with a local authority figure. "I didn't mean to overstep my bounds." He backed away from the crowd and dipped his head. "Only to quell this... everything... that I helped cause."

"It is good to see you understand your place in this." He snapped his fingers twice rapidly. "Disperse!"

As much as the people had wanted to fight not long before, the presence of whatever authority the cat on his elephant represented, few wished to contest him, or the many guards that were rushing into the area to enforce his law.

Sheba appeared beside Silver. "Do you want me to do anything about him? Tossing an elephant seems a poor idea."

Nefertari appeared on the opposing side of Silver. "Now is the time to listen. Sultan! Your people are... lively today."

The Sultan smiled brightly. "That they are, full of vim and vigor. A shame it is being used so thoughtlessly. Nefertari, long has it been since you darkened the bricks of my city. To what--" He approached, his elephant stepping closer and making him loom over all three of them easily. "--do I owe this pleasure?"

Silver sank to his haunches. "Where do we begin? There is a plot to eradicate all Anubians regardless of personal guilt. They sound twitchy enough to be true, and I would rather that didn't happen. No population is... nothing but those deserving death. Genocide is--"

"--Spare me your lectures, good prince." He was smiling despite cutting off Silver. "Do you think I want this blood to soak my sands?" His eyes traveled to Sheba. "The cult leader. You've captured her? We are in your debt, foreign prince."

Sheba's claws sprang free, clearly ready to fight, but Silver rushed to be in front of her. "She is just a pawn in this game, and one I've already taken."

"Was that a chess pun?" The sultan rapped his fingers against one another, hand to hand. "I do love a good game... Very well, if you've already knocked her aside, it is time we get answers from her. Away." He turned his ponderous mount as soldiers stepped forward.

It was time to visit the palace.

259 - Propriety

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Heavily armored cats marched in proper formation, protecting the sultan and his guests, and keeping any of them from wandering away as a happy coincidence. Silver could see heads were bowed at their procession, but people were not throwing themselves completely prostrate for the occasion. He wondered a moment if that was a habit or if they would if this were a more formal moment.

To his left walked his new bodyguard, her claws extended but her gait otherwise relaxed. On his right, Nefertari gave no hints of being bothered by the sultan's presence. "I saw you looking at her," she casually reminded, spotting his glances. "Stop it."

Silver frowned softly. "The more you bring that up, the more you force me to consider it. Eventually I will feel compelled to rebel against your constant nagging, and then where will we be?" He considered to himself quietly then. Would his old human self taken that stand? He had changed during his stay in Equestria, but that was life, right? To die every night and be reborn as someone new but related every morning.

Sheba turned up half a smile. "And here I thought you two were happy together."

Silver turned an ear towards her. "We are, but that doesn't mean we are in perfect agreement."

Nefertari smirked at Sheba, suddenly leaning against Silver as she watched her. "You do realize the sultan is not shy about extracting information from enemy agents."

Sheba lifted her shoulders. "I would be terrified, were I one of those. I am in the employ of a prince of Equestria, which makes me far from an enemy agent. Unless he wishes to anger the ponies, he will treat me with the minimum of courtesy."

Silver shook his head, eyes turned forward to watch the city pass them in their slow march. "As your employer, I trust you will assist them, and us, get to the bottom of this. Equestria has no interest in genocide for any reason."

The palace of the city rose up ahead, closing in with its stately golden spires and statues large enough to make out even behind the walls of the place. It was clearly designed to impress, and it did a fair job of it in its massive splendor. They passed under gates that showed no signs of wear into a courtyard where life led a full riot of color, though sharply organized to make it clear that it was under the sultan's power.

Exotic flowers sprang in stately rows and patterns in clear defiance of any natural order they would have chosen for themselves. Water flowed despite the desert climate, trickling down from finely carved statues in a display of wealth. Not a single person seemed to be using them. They were there for show first.

The guards began to spread out a little further, perhaps more confident within the confines of their palace. The sultan looked back from his high perch. "It is time for even I to walk. We have business, inside." He sprang from his perch and landed on all fours, his limbs bending to cushion the fall well. "Oof, still better than waiting for a ladder." He patted himself as he rose to his feet. "Prince, you are... covered in some manner of filth. I would have you clean before we begin our conversation."

Silver glanced down at himself. He hadn't changed that since being a human. Cleanliness was not his highest priority. Still, that gunk was keeping him blind to the world and locking away his magic. "Thank you. Where should I do that?"

"I'll have a guard show you." He turned away. "I'll begin working on our captured queen while I wait."

Silver took a quick step forward. "Wait! She is my bodyguard, to remain at my side. Please be patient a moment longer. I will clean as quickly as I can."

He didn't turn back, but laughed softly. "The same woman who almost slew your wife? You have curious habits, foreign prince." He raised a hand, still facing away from them. "Take her then, I will entertain myself with conversation with the one she assaulted."

Nefertari winced, realizing that meant Silver would be alone with Sheba, but propriety demanded her presence. She had avoided the gunk, and had less reason to be bathed immediately. Even her struggles had left her far less worse for wear, her injuries stinging, but hidden under her soft pelt. "Be good," she hissed at Silver before moving forward to join the sultan. "Perhaps a game of chess? It's been too long."

A guard folded a hand over her chest before unfurling it in the direction of a building nearby. "The baths, Your Royal Highness, Prince of Equestria." She turned away and began leading them towards the marble structure that had stone snakes wrapped around the top fringe.

Silver moved to follow. "You can call me Silver."

"I will do no such thing, Your Royal Highness." She smiled despite her refusal. "The Sultan would flay me were I to agree to such an uncivil thing and to claim such intimacy with a foreign royal body."

Sheba nudged against Silver. "I have learned just how improper he is. I feel I will still be shocked as the truth comes to light, hmm." Her eyes swept over the gold and silver touched frame of the archway that led into the bath. "My ancestors built such lovely things..."

Silver could hear resentment there and returned the bump, which seemed to get Sheba looking forward again. "I'll keep the bath short."

"The sultan," corrected the guard. "He has instructed you be cleansed, and you will be. You will bathe as quickly as the attendants complete their task. Please do not shame them in not permitting them to do as they have been ordered." She snapped her fingers smartly as they entered the main chamber of the building, steam washing over them in a soft mist. "Cleanse the visiting dignitary, by order of the sultan, long may he reign."

Several cats turned to see the order being given and the large pony it referred to. They bowed in unison. "Long may he reign," they echoed all at once, then they advanced on Silver with bright smiles.

"I will be outside. Please ensure the comfort of His Royal Highness, Prince of Equestria." The guard took her leave as the attendants crowded around Silver in a fawning mass.

To his surprise, they didn't guide him towards one of the tubs, Instead wet rags were pressed against him and the scrubbing began. They were cleaning him manually, delicate hands roaming his form with no shame or hesitation to ensure he was rid of every trace of impurity.

"Prince of Equestria?" asked one of the attendants as she worked. "I had heard their princes were nothing special, but you have crushed that rumor flat, Your Royal Highness."

Sheba snorted from where she sat on the pillows, watching the process. "Do be sure to get every portion."

The attendants did not reply to her. She was not their responsibility, not someone of any rank high enough to command their attention. One was buffing Silver's horn, rubbing it with a soft cloth to make it shine. "What an impressive horn, Your Royal Highness, are you a talented wizard?"

"How unlearned," chastised another of the attendants. "He is their diplomat, able to win people to the Equestrian side and expand his harem as he does so."

Another attended tittered at the thought. "Will he claim us?"

"You should be so lucky. Focus on the task at hand."

Silver wasn't sure how to feel, having them all talk about him as if he wasn't there. They were being thorough and seemed to know their job well. He squirmed as they worked on sensitive portions. "Misses, I am a diplomat, but I'm not hurrying to 'expand my harem.'"

One attendant elbowed the one that had suggested it. "You have offended His Royal Highness!"

She fell to her knees almost instantly, her forebody following in a total submission. "Forgive me for my improper suggestion! I meant it... Nevermind, I was not thinking and deserve what punishment you mete."

Silver looked down at her, ears perked and confusion on his face. "What are... the usual things done in this situation? I am not familiar with the customs of this land and don't want to be rude."

One attendant, scrubbing his cheek and working up over his ear, leaned in. "You could strike her, once, with the flat of your hand. That would be a mild rebuke."

Silver's ears flipped back despite the hands on them. Slap the attendant?! That was not a thing he wanted to do. He raised a hoof and she winced. It was a mild thing, a subtle thing, but a thing he noticed. He brought the hoof to her cheek, pressing the frog of his hoof to the side of her face. "Would I offend if I gave a proper Equestrian admonishment?" When the attendants shook their head, he leaned in and nipped one of her ears.

She gasped, more out of surprise than anything else, which is what he had hoped for. He did not press hard enough to cause any harm. "Please be more careful," he gently whispered to her before righting himself.

The attendant rose and resumed her duties, that ear folded back. The others worked, their chatter resuming, but not bringing up the idea of Silver's harem again. When Silver was clean enough for their liking, he had been stripped of every ounce of his clothing, shoes and saddlebag spirited away to be cleaned, or so they claimed. They had not returned and he was being nudged towards one of the baths.

"I am clean," weakly protested Silver as he was shepherded along.

"You are not clean yet," insisted one of them, gently waving at the waters. "Trust us, Your Royal Highness, we will ensure that you are at your best."

Into the water he went, losing the will to argue the fact, lest one of them collapse in defeat and request to be punished for that failure. If it was their job to give him the full treatment, there was little harm in it. Nefertari was playing chess, and Sheba was safely watching him with amusement in her eyes. The water was warm, but not painfully hot. It chased at the tensions in his flesh that the attendants were quick to help send into a full flee as their skilled hands pressed and beat on him, massaging a little roughly, but it was a nice beating once the surprise ran its course.

Coolness touched him. They were spreading aromatic gunk onto him in a thin layer above and below the water, working it into his fur as they rubbed and worked diligently. "Your mane is so fetching when its properly cleaned and worked. You should reprimand your stylist, Your Royal Highness."

Silver had no stylist, which meant he was his own stylist. "I will see that he fully understands the scope of his failure," he assured with a wry smile. "May I see what you're doing?"

A mirror sprang into view, allowing him to see his finely groomed mane, worked into soft curls on either side of his head. "I never considered curls," he murmured to himself, unsure of the look. He realized they were all looking at him, waiting for approval or denial. "I'll enjoy experimenting." he said with a smile. "Thank you for the new look."

The relief was palpable as they resumed their cleansing.

At last, he stepped towards Sheba, clean, clothed, and scented. He looked as if he had not participated in a few battles that day. An attendant swept a hand over him. "I present His Royal Highness, Prince of Equestria," she spoke with all the pomp due of the situation, even if it was only to Sheba, a female of no special rank.

Sheba brought her paws together in a soft clapping. "Very nice. Now, shall we be off?" She sprang to her feet. "Guard! We're ready to see the sultan."

260 - Final Word

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They were walked through the palace. It was no hurried hustle, but a slow walk, even as walks went. The feline guard seemed to specifically go slow, to even slow further when they passed anything that could catch the eye. Silver peered at fine statues of glittering metals and jewels. He admired hanging tapestries that could have been centuries old. His eyes roamed over stained glass and ran along storied artifacts that decorated the entire way.

He was being showed off to. That much felt obvious to him. Of course, Equestria had its own share of treasures, but these were new and subtly different. Feline hints replaced equine ones, to start, though he did see one statue of a feline warrior standing with crossed dual blades, a cowering kitten and a foal behind the warrior. "Who is that?" he asked curiously, gesturing at it with a toss of his head which sent his new curls bobbing about.

The she-cat waved towards the statue, fingers wiggling as if to emphasize. "That mighty warrior was, and remains, one of the greatest heroes of the land. People celebrate him still, protector of the innocents, and the first of the same dynasty that the sultan hails from."

Sheba rolled her eyes, but bit back her words. Silver took notice of the quiet defiance as they moved past the warrior's statue.

"His Royal Highness," spoke the guard as she opened the doors into a new room. It was a long one, with an equally sizable table dominating it with all manner of fine foods. Even the cutlery and plates were clearly meticulously placed and priced. "Sultan of Anugypt. I present His Royal Highness, Prince of Equestria." She gestured back at Silver. "Accompanying him is his bodyguard." No name or title was offered, a clear noting of her importance or lack thereof.

The sultan sat across from Nefertari, just moving a piece across the chess board that sat between them. "Do come in. Your wife remains a fastidiously strategic player, though she has lost her delightful flirting on winning your hand."

Nefer smiled gently, leaning forward as she placed the ends of her fingers on a piece. "Would you respect me were I to continue that, knowing I have a husband closeby? What is polite for a maiden is not unchanging once one accepts a ring on their finger."

Sheba was suddenly at Nefer's side, looking down at the chess board. "He will soon have you," she warned, pointing at one of the figures and trailing a line of motion through the air.

The sultan purred softly, turning his eyes to Silver as he bade the visiting prince come closer. "She is allowing me to win, just once. I know when she is trying or not, much as she may think she is being subtle in it."

Silver approached on the sultan's side, passing the delectable scents of the food along the way. "Pardon me if this is a rude question, but I haven't heard your name, Sultan...?"

"Have I hidden that?" He pat his knee with the pad of his palm. "I am Sultan Asim Bomani, of the Bomani line, of course." He inclined his head faintly. "As you are Prince Silver Watch, first of your line, first of your kind. You are a curious one by definition, are you not?"

Silver considered the sultan, Asim. He was almost humble, if one compared him to what he was surrounded by. He wore modest amounts of jewelry and seemed relaxed in his seat. It was as if he were addressing a friendly peer, rather than a potential rival for resources or source of strife, both of which Silver could be. "Your attendants were wonderful, do tell them I said as much." A kind word from the sultan would make all of their days, he decided.

"Had you but come and told me formally," Asim spoke, turning his palms upwards. "I would have invited you to the palace far sooner. For what reason does a visiting prince skulk in the alleyways of my city?"

Nefertari raised a claw, though several others were hooked on the figure still in her grasp. "I accept the fault of that. We were chasing a most delicate trail, one that ended with your arrival, Asim."

Asim grinned a little too widely. "A married woman should not call me by my first name. That sends the wrong signals, oh companion." He waved a hand at the board. "Go on. You may cease pretending to consider your move."

Sheba's hand came down on the board, fingers splayed to miss all the pieces and thump it without destroying the game. "I believe you had business with me?"

Asim's brows raised as one. "Your 'bodyguard' lacks in tact. I trust she is ready to begin answering questions then?"

Nefertari lifted her piece slowly. "She had better be. I presume my husband's kindness will only shield her from so much."

The moment Sheba's hand drew free of the board, Nefertari slapped down her piece into position. Asim slapped his own hands down on either side of the board. "You minx! You've turned things around. It is now a true shame that we must set this aside."

His attention slid on Sheba fully. "Now, speak. Your words determine your fate." He smiled slowly, his fangs barely showing. "Do not think to win mercy by merit of your species. I'd sooner have mercy on our polite equine visitor or his enchanting jackal wife."

Sheba's lips pulled back with a low growl. "Enchanting? They are--"

"--I have asked you a question," he boomed, clenched fist coming down on the arm of his chair. "Do not make a sultan repeat himself, unless you truly believe me a fool. The prince will be upset if I do as I must, but he will forgive me, it is in his nature. What has brought you this far will not shield you further. Speak, final request."

Silver felt an ear twitch without being asked to. He didn't like being called soft, which he basically had been. It wasn't entirely wrong though, and he stewed in silence. He wanted those answers too.

Nefertari glanced at him, perhaps noticing his discomfort. "Go on. You're embarrassing your new employer after he offered you a way out of your predicament. Treat him well and he will return the favor." She twirled a lone finger. "Share your story."

Sheba rolled her shoulders softly, the growl in her voice not quite going away. "They have built magic places. I know of two, there are more than that." Her claws sprang free, but only to tick against one another. "When it's all ready, all the jackals go away, and peace is returned."

Asim set his hands on the table lightly. "An interesting notion. Now who is the one who told you any of this? You did not start this, I feel certain."

"Of course not." She crossed her arms under her chest, peering at the monarch of the land. "I was invited to help build, support, and teach anyone pressing where they shouldn't how bad of an idea that was." She glanced at Nefertari. "You never did come back. I suppose it worked."

Nefertari's snarl was near instant, but Asim held up a hand. "You are speaking to me, not her. You have said the what, but not the who."

"Does even the sultan speak directly if he can avoid it?" Sheba asked with a cocked brow. "Messengers from top to bottom, carrying word both good and foul. I can show you the two I know of, that's a start, hmm?"

"And you will do that." He produced a book from a deep pocket and set it on the table. "Begin scribing." A quill was set beside it, his eyes never leaving her. "Provided you speak the truth, I may not have to trouble my guests today."

When she reached for the quill, he looked towards Nefertari and Silver. "Now then, Honored Guests, tell me what tidings you bring from Equestria aside from this dirty affair."

Silver dipped his head. "It is a pleasure to visit a fellow ruler."

He snorted softly. "You do not fool me, Foreign Prince. You rule little, but you have secured the hoof of Celestia. For how long, we wonder... That is a different topic. Did you come here for this?"

Nefertari took the lead on that, "yes. I had received word from concerned kinsfolk that my presence was required. My husband was kind enough to accompany me on this task."

"Your kinsfolk have good taste." He pushed to his feet, rising tall. "Now, Prince Watch, I would learn more of you. You rule little, but this may change. The most interesting rumors reach me. Leave your bodyguard to her current duties." He waved towards a door on the far end of the room. "Come, let us retire."

Silver hesitated a moment, but a nod from Nefertari got him moving, catching up with the strides of Asim quickly. "I am a diplomat, as I am certain you heard. I try to smooth the friction between Equestria and other nations."

"For both creatures we know, and those we do not," Asim added with a wry smile, stepping to the side once he was through the door. "I'd like to know more about the ones we do not. What manner of strange creatures has Equestria made allies of?"

Silver turned back, seeing Nefertari speaking with Sheba. The cat was still writing something. He willed the door shut, getting the idea the sultan wanted a private conversation. They had stepped out onto a balcony, the manicured lawn spread out beneath them in a defiant display of wealth in the desert. "Have you heard of the umbrum?"

Asim crossed his arms, turning to face Silver with a nod. "Word of them has reached me, but little in the way of specifics. Care to illuminate me? How long before we should expect them to visit our fair country?"

Silver sank to his haunches, watching a gardener groom at a hedge to keep it neat and trimmed. "They are still sorting themselves out, but they will grow curious in time and leave the safety of Equestria, at least for a time. They feed on fear, but that fear can be that of delight or terror. False fears, like a carnival ride, is enough to sate them."

Asim's brow rose at the report. "That sounds mildly troublesome, Prince. Why should I not turn them away at the border and docks, if they are demons of the mind?"

Silver leaned back, raising his hooves, frogs facing Asim flat. "They're harmless, now. It took some doing, but they only wish for peace and a fulfilled life, like any other creature."

"You look frightened." Asim leaned against the railing of the balcony, the wind making the fur of his that wasn't clothed waft lightly. "Surely they are not ponies, or you would have said so already. Are they not visitors, or even an impedance on your nation?"

Silver frowned softly. "I hope that is not how you see everyone who is not a cat. They are living people and can help towards the greater good, given a chance."

He waved Silver closer. "Good, then you may understand the basic situation. To many of my own people, the jackals are just as frightening, with perhaps even better reason, as they have lifted their claws against people before."

Silver rose to step closer, catching sight of a small contingent of guards marching out the large gates of the palace. "It's hard, but I think it's worth it. No matter how different they seem at first glance, they will one day repay basic decency in ways that are hard to predict now."

"Hmm?" Asim reached out and tapped Silver on the nose, depressing the soft leathery flesh there. "You speak of the long game, do you not? There will be no reward immediately, and perhaps my great grandkittens will have a chance to see the wisdom of it, long after I am put below the earth."

261 - Long Game

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Silver waved a hoof over the opulent grounds spread out below them. "You--" He cut himself off. Asim had not built any of what he was about to speak of. He was likely born into it. "Your ancestors believed in grand displays."

"There is a place for such things," Asim agreed. "Such as entertaining guests." He held up a lone finger as he turned to face the lawn and its workers. "It is also a promise. Given time and growth, all of our lands could be just as vibrant. We are not as lucky as Equestria to live in more hospitable climes, but with work and dedication, miracles can occur."

Silver looked out over the same carpet of grass and vibrant flowers in manicured lines. "Equestria is not this." He extended a hoof in a slow wave. "We have cities where one is lucky to spot a tree. We have deserts to rival yours, where a cactus and desert flower is all one can hope for, but we struggle, just as you do." He thought of the apple orchard they worked on in the middle of a desert, wondering a moment just how hard it was to keep them healthy and happy. "Despite the rumors, Equestria is not a paradise, though we like to pretend at times."

"And this is why I wished to speak with you." He turned to face Silver directly. "Assumptions are what pen us in this corner we find ourselves. Tell me, husband of a jackal, can they be lived with? Is there kindness in their heart?"

Silver's ears pricked as he glanced at the door that concealed where his wife was. "She is a challenge at times, but what wife is not? I am certain I prove just as trying at times... She loves me, in her way, a fierce way that... I have learned to like. She will pull me by the ear when she thinks I am being foolish, but will protect me with the same zeal."

One of the sultan's ears flipped back. "I have experienced that. I think she just enjoys the art." His brows fell. "Are you aware of her purpose?"

"Purpose?" Silver hiked one brow in turn. "As an Anubian?"

"Hers is an earned name." He clicked two of his sharp feline claws together. "It marks her as an enchanting companion. It is, in part, her duty to bedevil and win the trust of powerful members of other tribes and races."

Silver didn't like what he was being told. "Are you telling me to distrust her? We snared her as much as she came for us."

"No need to be defensive." He held up a lone hand, palm towards Silver. "We are allies, I trust. Equestria has had good dealings with us that I hope will continue, hm... Now, to the matter at paw." He wriggled a few fingers as he spoke, though both hands soon rested on the guardrail. "The termination of all Anubians, a bold endeavor, and not one I feel certain could even be done, but even if we assume it will be an imperfect strike..."

"Unacceptable," agreed Silver, stepping to stand at Asim's side. "We know where two of them are. One of them, Nefer saw."

"Nefer? What cute pet names." He chuckled in a brief noise of amusement. "Yes, two, out of how many? I do not think even your captive is aware. That is why we must not immediately dash them. Each contains information we need. Keep your female companions on a tight leash."

Silver softly huffed. "I will tell them, and they will know. That should be enough. They are not children who cannot perceive of delayed gratification." He reared up, his forehooves coming down on the guardrail as Asim was doing. "Are you married?"

"Soon," he said with a little flick of two fingers. "But that time has not yet arrived. A simple thing, really, but I will not trouble you with it. Let us turn our thoughts to this more pressing affair." A fang seemed to poke free of his lips, as if he were smiling subtly. "Not that you have worry for heirs, Prince."

Silver's ears perked at him, reminded of something... "I have had a prophetic dream, and much of it has come to light in new ways. I saw an artifact in these lands that may... solve your problem." He wasn't sure he was catching what Asim was hinting at exactly. "If I see it, I will bring it to you."

Asim left one hand on the rail as he turned towards Silver. "You are as eager to solve problems as your reputation hints at. This is not one that I feel comfortable with... a prince searching for answers for." He held up his free hand. "But even as I say that, I will not stop you, Prince. I you find an answer, I will accept it and swallow my pride." He brought his hands together in a smart clap of the pads on the palms and fingertips. "Tell me, what manner of artifact did you dream of?"

Silver's ears fell back. "I fell victim to it, given to me by a hopeful suitor. Clasped around the..." He trailed off, turning more and more red at his attempt. "It enhances the libido, fertility, and virility, and... It was very effective, frightfully so. How much of that was the dream's logic, I couldn't say."

"Find it, and you will have made a friend for life, my visiting prince." He laughed then, his hands resting on his belly. "I trust you feel you have no need for such a thing? Just as well. I will bear your words of warning to heart, however. Before rushing, my scholars will unlock its mysteries and render it safe."

How had the conversation veered towards that? Silver could only blame himself. He hadn't needed to even bring up the near-cursed artifact that had plagued his prophetic dream. "If I see it, I will do my best to get it to you." He turned to the door. "About Sheba."

"What of her? I will release her to your custody, as a kindness. Were it not for you, I would gladly make an example of her." He crossed his arms, looking at Silver sternly. "Will you add her to your stable?"

Silver felt his blush only growing worse. "No! My wives would find new ways to tell me how bad of an idea that is, I imagine. She says she is a descendant of the former rulers of this place, when they were pharaohs instead of sultans."

Asim slammed the guardrail with a clenched fist. "You test me! She is a political enemy as well, and you would have me release her? You tempt me with dreams and fancies, but ask so much of me, Prince Silver Watch." His mask of fury suddenly broke. "But I have a request that will end several of my problems at once."

Silver perked an ear at him in silent invitation to continue.

"I insist," He waved a hand broadly. "Take her and make her yours. If she is your wife, she will be tied to Equestria and loses her teeth. None will accept a sultaness, or pharaoh, that is tied to another nation."

Silver sputtered. "I just said that was a bad idea!" he got out after a moment, backing away from Asim.

"Then at least take her away." Asim made a dismissive wave. "If she leaves this country with you, then I will be satisfied, and never let her return without you at her side. If ever I see her outside your shadow, that will be the end of her." He brought down a hand on Silver's shoulder, fingers digging a little. "While I believe you can be an ally, she is a very real threat, even if what she said was a fabrication. Once someone makes a claim to legitimacy, they cannot be tolerated."

Silver could feel he had said the wrong thing. "I will keep her close at hoof and she will leave with me, I promise."

"Swear it." His fingers dug in a little harder. "Swear it on your sun princess."

Those fingers were starting to hurt! He considered repelling the angry sultan, but that felt like it would only escalate things. "I swear, by Celestia, that she will leave with me and I accept, without reprise, that she will be dealt with if this is ever not true."

Asim's grip ebbed and turned to a soft pat before he drew his hand away. "I apologize for visiting such inhospitality upon you, honored guest."

"Will you tell me the story?" Silver sat down on his haunches, facing Asim. "I will remove her, as promised, but that doesn't ease my wondering."

"As a guest, you must know there are limits." He took a step that changed direction even as he made it, swerving for the door. "She has had enough time to write what she knows. Let us begin to clear this mess."

"Wait! I mean, is this going to be a full raid, with guards?" He hopped up to his feet, clip-clopping behind Asim. "If we make a procession of it, they may destroy it before we get there just to spite us and throw us off the trail."

One of Asim's feline ears turned to Silver. "There is wisdom in these words. You travel with warriors, and if a particular one met an unfortunate end, I would perhaps be forgiven for not weeping as I should..." He turned to Silver. "Nefertari knows how to defend herself, and the other is her match if not exceeding it. Travel with them, since that seems to please you. I will conveniently forget this meeting occurred, at least until news of results reaches my ears." He brought his hands together just to spread towards Silver. "I think you will not let me down, hmm?"

He had just went from a full compliment of guards to none at all save his wife and bodyguard. Still, he knew both were warrior enough to be worth more than a dozen lesser people each. It would suffice, to speak nothing of his own talents. "We will act on our own initiative. No sultan would ask me to take police actions in his state. That would be absurd."

"I am glad you understand that. Most absurd indeed." He reached for the handle of the door. "I have never heard such an outrageous thing. Now, it's been a pleasure hosting you this short time. I pray my city sees to your various pleasures." He pulled the door open and vanished inside with a purposeful but not hurried walk.

Silver trotted after him, calling out, "are you done in there?"

"We are," came Nefertari's voice just before she appeared beside Silver. Sheba was instantaneously on his other side, pinning him between the two females. In front of him, held in both of their hands, was a piece of parchment with writing scrawled all over it, including a crude map that his eyes wandered over. "We trust it is to your satisfaction?"

The parchment suddenly raised out of sight as Asim took hold of the top and pulled it away. "Allow me a moment..." He flipped it over, taking hold of it in two paws. "Mmm... Logical... Yes..."

Sheba leaned in close, pressing her curves against Silver entirely by accident, maybe. "Is he going to help?"

"I echo that thought," whispered Nefertari, pressing equally close.

Silver felt uncertain how happy he should be to have two females so eagerly close, considering how deadly both could be, and how little love flowed between the two. He was not their shared friend or lover. He was something to fight over like a cat and a dog, as they were in a manner of speaking. "This will be mostly up to us, but I doubt we will have problems." He smiled nervously, though dared not turn to face either of them, lest he insult the other. "I have two skilled warriors that eclipse whatever they have."

262 - Attack

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Silver nodded as they walked down the busy thoroughfare. Without a spoken word, Nefertari and Sheba vanished and he proceeded ahead as if they were never there. Their plan had no room for last minute conversations.

The building he was approaching appeared to be some kind of bank. An overladen pouch of coins adorned its sign, some spilling free in a display of wealth. "Authorized," noted the sign, with a hanging plaque that had some intricate symbol on it. He assumed it was the sultan's seal of approval.

It was for the best that the sultan did not have to march on a building with his own seal on it.

Silver ascended the steps smoothly, matching the flow of traffic. Always walk like you had somewhere to be, it was a thought he had had since his human days. People asked less questions if you seemed to be going somewhere with intent. He passed through the heavy doors into the interior of the building.

It was cool, a wave of chill air rushing over him. Was that magic? He doubted electric air conditioners were being used. He let his magic seep out as he trotted, starting to feel the other creatures around himself as they went about their business. What they wanted would not be in the main hall of the bank, of that he was certain.

He strode for a hallway he could see leading into the back as if he worked at the bank itself, his eyes focused and steps certain. Walk like you had somewhere to be.

"Excuse me." Damn. An anubian cat was leaning against a wall, watching him from just inside the hallway. "I don't think Equestrian royalty works here." He hiked a fuzzy brow. "Lost?"

"I have business," explained Silver unhelpfully, moving to simply walk past the cat in the hopes that his confident progress would be enough.

The cat pushed off his wall and began to follow Silver. "There isn't much business for anyone who doesn't work here down that hall." Despite his words, he hadn't actually stopped Silver, but was following him. "What sort of 'business'?"

Silver turned an ear back at the cat. Part of him was annoyed, but another part reasoned that a guard guarding things was just a person doing their job. "The sort of business that could become noisy." He turned to the guard, his magic pulling free several larger coins from his collection and floating them towards the guard. "See that I'm not disturbed, kindly."

He snatched the coins from the air and out of Silver's grip. "If I hadn't heard you were a nice pony, that would only make me more suspicious. Go on, Prince, but do me a favor and don't tell me what you're doing."

Having a reputation as a softie had advantages at times. He nodded and turned back to the hallway, leaving the bribed guard behind. "That will double if I'm not bothered," he added on the way. The promise of more, he hoped, would keep the guard loyal beyond his immediate presence.

There were many doors, but he ignored them. What they wanted would not be on the first floor, he guessed, perhaps a little groundlessly. Such a thing, in a bank? No... He saw it, stairs that curled downwards at the end of the hall and he was soon clip-clopping in a tight spiral that was uncomfortably tight for his alicorn-fueled size.

His magic hit something and sent a sharp tingle through his body. He had found powerful arcane influences and could feel where his aura brushed against it. It lined the steps in intricate patterns ahead of himself. His pace faltered. A trap? Security?

He pushed his magic into it, feeling and exploring it, trying to discern its true nature. It emitted a field of its own. It covered the stairway, making it almost impossible to proceed without touching it. That hole...

He withdrew the gem he had gotten from Twilight and draped it around his neck. "Time for old tricks." He ceased to be the great alicorn. In his place was a fluttering breezie. There was no sensation of change, he simply was one thing, then another thing. Silver folded his smaller ears at the abruptness of it. Still, it had worked, and he was floating there. "Onwards," he cried in his much higher pitched voice, drifting on the air currents.

He could feel the magic fields come dangerously close to his long limbs. He pulled them in tight and fluttered, gaining a precious inch of height as he passed through the alarming area. He bobbed up and down slowly as he progressed, timing his flaps to stay in the sweet spot, a tunnel that was relatively magic-free. It pressed on uncomfortably long, though he wondered if part of that was due to his tiny size. With an excited little cry, he popped free into untroubled air and floated down the stairs in a lazy descent.

Silver considered reverting to his old shape, but it had been large and clumsy on the stairs to begin with. The breezie form was doing quite well, and so he descended into the embrace of the earth. He could feel something at the ends of his new antenna, a tingle coming from his magical field. A powerful presence was coming closer, or he was going closer to it.

He passed by a metal door and ignored it at first. It seemed more likely that it would be at the bottom. His senses told him maybe he was wrong. The sensation ebbed as he left the door behind. Whatever was making it was beyond it. He looped back around and approached the door, looking it over. It had no slits. It had a handle that implied it was to be pulled. That would be inconvenient for a pony, but they had more cats than ponies, so that made enough sense.

Silver pushed his magic through the cracks and sides of the door, wriggling his way to the other side. He could feel the handle on the other side and gathered his power around it, giving it a push. Click! The door swung forward towards him as he flew around the metal sheet.

With a sudden slam, he was shoved against a wall, glass all around him. A jackal was holding the jar, peering at him. "Is that you, Silver Watch?" That was a jackal he knew, distorted as her features were from inside a glass jar. It was the pleasantly plump nurse.

"Hello?" he called out in his squeaky voice. "What are you doing here? Let me out, please."

"I can't do that," she said a little sadly. "I can guess why you're here. Your loyalty to your wife is entirely commendable, but this is for the greater good."

Silver tensed. There were few times that the 'greater good' was invoked for good reasons, perhaps ironic. "Can we talk about it?" He really didn't want to harm the nurse. She had been kind and seemed nice enough. "You aren't involved with... They want to kill you."

The jar raised, held by the lid in her hand to keep Silver from flying away. "Only the bad jackals will be killed, clearing the way for the ones with some sense in their heads to take us in a new direction. No more insults and no more attacks." She frowned a little, but it turned into a smile just as quickly. "There will be no one left to tell me I can't practice my medicine with pride."

"I would like that," started Silver, smiling at Running Paw, that was her name, he had just remembered it. "And we can make it happen, without staining your pretty paws red. Besides, they don't believe there is such a thing as a good jackal. They will hurt you, kill you, if they can."

Running lifted the jar so that her eyes were equal with the diminutive Silver. "They have assured me. Me and mine will be safe."

"They lied," retorted Silver. "Please, all I want to do is avoid needless death." He tapped down at her paw that held him in the jar. "Let me go and go back to the sick people who need you."

Her teeth clenched. "I can't do that."

Silver was suddenly falling, the jar rotating wildly in the air as it plummeted. He canceled the transformation and expanded rapidly, the glass shattering around him into so much dust. He hit the ground with an oof, blinking at the sight of Sheba holding Running by the throat. "Wait!"

Sheba glanced to the side at Silver. "Good to see you back in your proper form. Do you have a particular way you want me to end her?"

"She's a nurse, not a combatant," hissed Silver as he rose to his hooves. "Please, don't hurt her."

Sheba slackened her grip a little, allowing Running to take a ragged breath. "Does my addled employer speak the truth? Since when do jackals practice medicine?"

Running snorted softly. "This is why they need to die. When there are no more wicked jackals, maybe the world will accept the very idea of one that only wants to heal, not harm." Tears stung at the corner of her eyes as she looked away, looking down the hallway rather than at the one that had her by the throat. "That's all you can see, and I can't even... blame you."

Silver's teeth clenched powerfully with remembered emotions. "No! No... please... Stop that, stop hating yourself." He advanced on them, bumping Sheba out of the way despite her irritated hiss. "Stop that right now. You're a wonderful person, and you being a jackal doesn't change that one way or the other." One of his ears pinned back. "Even as I say that, I know it's not that simple... It's a deep burn, a lingering scar. You always feel it. People judging so quickly, assuming. You walk down the street, they may smile at each other, but you, they wonder, even if just for a moment. Are you trouble? Should they get out of the way?"

Running took deep breaths, released from the hold, but peering at Silver. "What would you know of my plight? You are a pony. A prince at that. When your people see you, they rejoice. When our people see me, they spit. When others see me, they assume I am of the worst."

Sheba gestured at Silver. "What he knows is only shadowed by what he does not."

"We are wasting time," countered Nefertari, suddenly beside Sheba. "Running Paw, as thanks for your services, leave."

Silver raised a hoof to his chest. "I may not look it anymore, but I have lived the life of the oppressed for most of my life. It hurts, and never stops hurting. I'm sorry it exists anywhere in this world, but violence won't solve it."

Running Paw raised her hands in more of a surrender. "I am not a fool... You have me quite outmatched... Am I free to go?"

Sheba snarled, but Nefer put a paw in front of the cat. "You are."

Running took a few slow steps away from the middle of the group, then dashed back towards the stairs, lost to sight quickly. She did not have the improbable speed of Nefertari or Sheba. Nefertari shook her head softly. "She is a fool, as if they would spare her anything but the truth of knowing her death approached."

Sheba shrugged softly. "In this we can agree. What little I have been told has no room for sparing 'some' jackals, and certainly not by design. Now, shall we destroy this place and be on our way?"

"We shall not," spoke Silver in firm tones. "Subdue those within it, and take it. We must learn all we can learn about it. Hopefully it will lead to the others. Only with that information can we safely remove it."

Nefertari rolled her shoulders. "The catch you release today may yield bounty tomorrow. Let us hold our bloodlust in check, for now."

"If we must," spoke Sheba as if speaking to a peer. The two seemed to understand one another in that instant before they vanished.

263 - Infiltration

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Silver strode down the hallway, alone, but not. He was sure his two female companions were nearby, simply unseen in their enigmatic way. They weren't simply invisible, he was certain of that. With his magic, he could feel them, darting around, never stopping.

Until he didn't. They both moved ahead out of his range. What had they seen? With cocked ears, he advanced more swiftly, hoping to catch up to them. A glowing came into his view, rapidly resolving into many smaller sources. Runes of unknown origin were carved into the walls, ceilings and floors. In other places, entire channels of the glow ran right between the letters. He could feel the intense magic that came with the glow, but it was not pouring out into the hallway.

It was all part of some greater machine. A machine meant to deal death on a mass scale, if the reports were to be believed. He felt along the channels and into the runes as he went, trying to get some sense of what was at work there, but was like feeling braille without having much of a clue as to the language being used.

There were hints, faint snatches. As he walked, it was as if a faint story was being whispered to him. Location. Pattern. Grip. Precision. Grip. Strong. Pattern. Contact. He stopped, focusing on the rune that held the unicorn magic pattern for contact. He saw it was beside one of the channels, touching it. His eyes began to follow the channel, focused on it as he hastened his clip-clops. The hallway ran into an intersection, continuing forward and left and right. The channel went right, so did he without hesitation.

He didn't know which way his companions had gone. He had to have faith that they would do the best they could do with or without him.

Nefertari threw herself against the wall beside an open archway. Sheba appeared on the other side of the same opening. Both peered inside, where the lines that ran through the facility seemed to collect at a central pool.

Sheba smiled, sharp teeth displayed. "This brings back memories... You looked in at such a place just when we first met. Do you recall?"

Nefertari frowned. It was difficult to forget such a thorough defeat. She would have to think of some revenge she could enact without bothering her soft husband too unduly. "Is there a guardian here?"

"I should think so." Sheba swung around the doorway, walking into the room as if she owned it. "Come on out. If you're wa--"

A sword struck the space Sheba had been standing in, leaving a deep gouge in the ground, though it had missed any runes or channels.

"Found him," half-sang Sheba with a feral grin as she sailed through the air with the force of her spontaneous leap around the new figure. "Shall we dance?"

The assailant was a great bear of a man, literally. Held in his two ursine paws was a massive scimitar, its curved blade promising nothing but pain. "Traitor," he grumbled in a low growl as he lashed the scimitar with speed that seemed at odd with the heavy weight of what he was swinging. "Death is almost too kind for you."

Nefertari was abruptly behind the still turning bear, her claws displayed at the end of her crooked fingers. With a cruel slice, she tore into his exposed back. "Watch yourself, you don't dance alone."

Not as much blood was freed as she expected, her claws meeting with tough links of metal, though she was certain she felt some flesh be struck through the holes. She was already springing away as he spun around, great sword coming down at an angle where she had been a moment before.

Sheba was on him the moment he turned, tearing a nick out of the bear's ear and flecking the blood away even as she sailed away from the guardian. "At this rate, I can't even say this is a good fight. Is this all you have?"

The bear turned his scimitar to go left to right and grabbed the dull side of the end of the blade in his left hand. With a tremendous bellow, a shockwave of force billowed out of him in all directions, shoving Nefertari and Sheba up against the walls in a brutal shove that knocked the air from their lungs, to say nothing of the rough impact of their bodies against the unyielding stone.

Before they could recover, he was charging at Sheba, feet pounding the ground and scimitar raised high. "Die," he spoke with a clarity, devoid of anger or pain, as if it were a simple request.

His sword bit into the stone, but there was no feline there. Nefertari was pulling her through the air, tossing her aside. She wore a victorious smirk on her face, knowing it would eat at Sheba that she had been rescued by a jackal. Sheba span in the air and landed on her legs, just in time to dance around a wild swing. "You do have some spirit in you," she hissed, ducking under a high swing and bringing in a clawed hand, catching him at the ankle where his armor stopped, forcing the bear to stagger back.

Silver heard the faint echoes of something he couldn't identify easily. It sounded vaguely metal? Was it part of some machine? He couldn't say, and he ignored it in favor of following the line. It wound through the hallways, eventually leading to a small room that seemed to be barely more than a closet with no door.

There was a feline sitting there, male. They were siamese in coloration and sat cross-legged. When they saw one another, the feline nodded at him. "Mmm, I thought your companions would find me first, Prince. Will you do me the honor of sitting a moment?"

Silver perked his ears curiously, surprised. "I would be happy to." Someone that didn't want to immediately attack him? Surely this was a good event. "You know who I am. What's your name?" He sat out in the hallway, looking in at the cat. The feline was slender, as befit a siamese and most of their kind. Though he had seen a few fat cats, it seemed most leaned towards the slimmer profiles. He wore cool blues and purple clothes. They were like robes, freshly laundered and crisp looking. He had a pocket at his breast.

"I am not that important," assured the cat. "I would ask you a question or two, if you've the time." He pat the floor gently. "You are a kind pony, this much is clear. You are here, following your pony heart, trying to live by the virtues of your people." He raised his hands and brought the paws together. "What was it? Generosity, Kindness, mmm, Laughter? A curious one, that, how does one try to 'be' laughter? Nevermind, Honesty, Loyalty, noble virtues to be certain."

Silver sat up, watching the feline curiously. "One should try to create laughter, to be a source of positivity that others can draw from and in turn spread it further. Please, don't think of yourself so small. What is your name?"

He smiled softly. "You are no local ruler, this much is clear. I doubt we will become lifelong friends, but since you wish to know, I am PiPo, the speaker." He dipped his head softly. "I am a diplomat, much like you, good Prince. I am gladdened you found me first. Perhaps we can speak our differences aside?"

Silver brightened. He could only see that as good news. "I would be happy to try. You plan to... Let me rephrase that. From what we have gathered, you intend to harm a great many people, possibly fatally. Is this correct?"

He inclined his head. "That is one way of looking at it. The people we would harm are those who have brought regular and terrible harm to the people of this region. There are few that would be saddened for the lack of a few jackals. Why does it pull so strongly at your heart?"

Silver gestured back down the hallway he had come from. "There was a jackal, here. She is a nurse and doctor. She treats the injured and sick. She will be hurt, possibly killed. Where is the justice in that?"

"Regrettable," sighed out PiPo, chest heaving. "We will keep her comfortable until the last moment. We bare her no malice, but the removal of her people is a greater net positive than her one life provides. The harm we bring is painless and swift. They simply will fall as if ready to retire, and they will, never to awaken." He tapped the ends of his fingers together. "As gentle as we can be, to bring peace."

Silver cringed at the image of countless people toppling over, never to rise again, so many lives brutally snuffed. "She is not the only good jackal here. There are many others. They are a changing people, and even at their worst, it was never all of them."

"Such as your wife?" he said with two twiddling fingers. "We have watched her. She abuses you and claims authority she does not have. She is a prince's consort, and you are that prince, yet she does not defer to you. She is violent and aggressive. How is she an example of goodness?"

"She is... rough, but she is learning." He sat up tall. "She is softening, just like her people. Death is rarely the answer. To casually snuff out so many lives for the pursuit of the 'greater good'? That rarely leads to a good place. Focus your anger on those of theirs that are the cause of the problem, rather than at them as a whole."

"Mmm, I feel we are at an impasse. You cannot assure us safety from the jackals, but do not seem amenable to our plan." He slide up to his feet smoothly, patting himself down. "Regrettable."

Silver's ears jerked upright. "Are you going to attack?"

"Perish the thought. I am a diplomat." He moved towards the archway, though Silver was in the way. "Pardon me."

Silver was confused a moment. "You're just going to leave?"

"What else can a diplomat do when his words fail?" He lifted his shoulders and hands in a mighty shrug. "I will report what we have spoken."

Silver shook his head. "Please, just a moment longer... You know many jackals are preparing to leave, to Equestria. Doesn't that solve the problem?"

"It changes it," agreed PiPo conditionally. "The softest of them, eager for a better way, will leave. The hardest of them will remain behind, for us to deal with."

Silver raised a hoof. "Have you ever asked why?"

PiPo furrowed his brows. "You need to be more specific, Good Prince. Why what?"

"Why are they violent? For just a moment, assume they are not born to be violent and ask why is that the road they travel?" He wobbled a hoof in the air. "Do they live in a place where other forms of survival are possible? Could they be farming? Could they be fishing?"

"I should imagine neither of those things are suitable for their home." PiPo shrugged softly. "We did not choose where they settled."

"No, you choose where you settled, and there is only so much land. In the early days, did different species get along?"

"I should think they still do not always get along," murmured PiPo. "Where are you going with this?"

"So they were dealt a bum hand. The desert was the place they claimed, likely because the others were taken. They learned how to fight and win survival by force, since there were few other options. Now we move into an age where war is not the first course of action."

"Mmm, yes. You're explaining why they need to be handled." He rolled a feline paw.

"Why not turn that to good ends? If many of them are ready to fight, let them. Turn their eagerness to bleed towards law. Let them be bodyguards. Let them be peacekeepers. Let them be soldiers. If they have a reason to battle, they will, eagerly, and without hesitation."

PiPo's sour face brightened to a smile. "Clever pony. I will deliver the idea, but I am of no rank of significance. May I move past now?"

Silver hurried to the side and waved onwards. PiPo advanced into the cleared space. "It has been a pleasure speaking with you." He inclined his head towards Silver. "Though I feel I have failed in this spar."

264 - To Learn

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Silver peeked into the small room that had held PiPo once the diplomat had left. The walls appeared to be a sort of map. There were fine lines going from place to place, and he could feel the line he had followed went there to join it. He smiled a little, trying to follow it bit by bit. "This is the network," he sighed out with relief. It was what they needed.

"Where is that spell..." He floated out his spellbook and began flipping through it with his silver force, searching for a particular... "Ah here we are..." He played the spell carefully over his horn, like playing a flute piece he hadn't practiced often enough.

The first time he did it, it was too slow, and nothing happened. That was fine, he was practicing. He played the magic once more, a little faster. Almost. Once more. A bright flash lit the room and a paper fell to the ground with a picture of the map on it. With a smile, he retrieved the photograph his magic had created. "That is a complicated one." There were times that reminded him that he was still an alien wearing a unicorn suit, even if he was quite comfortable in that suit.

He was certain unicorns did not think of their horns that way, but he was not born one of those, and it would always be just a little alien to him. Not that he begrudged the pointed organ. It was quite useful to have projecting from his brow as it was.

With the photo tucked away, he trotted away from the closet, continuing down the hallway. "Now where have they gotten off to? Did they find the center?"

Nefertari struggled to raise a hand against the rushing waves of fury. The bear had tired of their constant darting and weaving and shouted them both. Unlike the first time, he kept it up with a tremendous show of stamina. There was a limit. She could see he could barely move while pressing them, but that just meant he was approaching her with his scimitar ready still faster than she would want, being unable to move.

"Your spirits," hissed Sheba, held against the wall and not even at the ground level. "Now would be a lovely time for them."

The bear had no words to share, only his unending boom that fully occupied him as he stepped closer to his pinned quarry, scimitar raising a little with every slow step.

Spirits were a fine idea, Nefertari quickly decided. She shrilly whistled for them, the sound piercing the veil between one world and the next. She couldn't do the other things she might have done, pinned as she was, but if any friendly spirit was paying attention, it would perhaps be enough.

His grasp on his weapon shifted, taking the hilt in both massive hands and turning the weapon so he could plunge it tip first. It was drawing closer, that dangerous end looking all the more ready to be brought down on her.

Nefertari tensed. She felt the presence of kin, but still clothed in flesh. She looked past the bear, as hard as that was becoming. There was another shape behind him, a plump one who's shape enticed her husband, despite how much he had insisted it had not. Was she there to help him finish the job, after they had let her go? Stupid diplomat. She would suffer for his foolishness.

Running Paw crept up behind the bear. Just before he was in position, she jumped on his back, throwing off his balance. His great booming shout ended as the two wobbled in place a moment before collapsing backwards. She let out a pained yelp, crushed by his weight, but was still holding on to him.

Sheba sprang free from the wall, springing off of it the instant she ceased to be pressed against it. "You jackals are hard to read," she spat, appearing beside the bear.

Nefertari was at his other side, claws crooked. "I believe you will read this." Neither warrior needed to ask questions, two sets of claws descending on the bear's lovingly exposed throat, his head held up by Running Paw, still trapped beneath him. It had been only a moment of being stunned, but he would sleep forever.

"Can you get him off, please?" asked Running from beneath him, her voice a struggle. "Can't... breathe..."

Nefertari crouched beside their defeated enemy and the one he held down even in death. "Before we do that, why are you here?"

"We set you free, little doctor with devil's blood," continued Sheba, the two of one mind for the moment. "And yet--"

"--here you are. Were you not proud to not be a fighter? Have you abandoned that?" Nefertari wrinkled her nose softly. "You will hurt his heart."

Running Paw shoved at the body that held her down, managing a precious inch and a moment to take a deep breathe. "While I... detest your war, you are still a sacred person, Nefertari. I knew they would kill you. I... can't allow that." She drew a hand back and only saw then that it was covered in blood, still warm and wet. She went tense. "Y-you..."

"Did what must be done." Nefertari rolled her shoulders. "He would not have accepted any other end to this battle. Doctor, this is not the first time you have have felt blood. Compose yourself."

Sheba laughed as she turned away. "What a curious thing, leaping into battle, then being shocked at the results, and after winning at that."

Nefertari kicked the body aside, though it was heavy enough that it barely rolled free of Running. "Rise and run away, if you like. Find a wash basin to clean your delicate paws."

Running scrambled to her feet, leaving bloody handprints where she pressed off the floor. "Where is he?"

As Sheba laughed, Nefertari scowled at Running Paw. "That is no concern of yours."

"I am not hunting your husband, you overly protective..." She bit back, almost speaking a terrible offense. "Look, why are you with him? He doesn't want what you want."

Nefertari flashed her sharp teeth. "And what would that be? We both do not want our people to be destroyed by zealots who think violence is the answer."

Sheba was at Nefertari's side. "Now you're lying. If they wanted violence, open and direct, you would have fewer problems."

"This is true," allowed Nefertari. "To bring death without a chance for defense, to warriors and babes alike? That is cowardly." She snorted softly. "Even in our lowest days, we came and stole and only killed those that struggled against our survival."

Running held up her dirty paws. "He wants peace, not just to avoid... this, but he wants to end this too. Why are you with him? Speak truthfully."

"As if I owe you anything." Nefertari rolled her eyes as she looked around.

"You called?" Nefertari's spirit companion slipped free of a glowing wall, ignoring the runes and marks. "This place is noisy and unpleasant."

Nefer thrust a clawed finger at the spectre. "Now you arrive?! You are late. If I had to rely on you alone, I would be joining you."

The ghost shrugged her shoulders. "It is not my duty to be your warrior, Nefertari. What do you want?"

Running gasped softly. "You really can..."

Sheba put a paw on her shoulder. "You did not even believe the stories of your own people?"

Silver followed his perked ears. He heard talking and went towards it. It was hard to make out exactly what was being said, but it sounded like a conversation, and that was good enough. He picked up his pace, eager to find the source, even if they ended up being hostile. Just in case, a silvery bubble wrapped around himself, only the burst a moment later as he came on an archway that led into a room.

There was a body on the ground, blood spreading from it. Nefertari, Sheba, and Running were talking. They had found the center of things, but were just talking over an injured person? He did not get it. Hastening to the side of the downed bear, he washed his magic over the prone form. Having one's throat be cut that way was certainly a root cause of his trouble.

"There he is." Nefertari was at his side in an instant. "And from his expression, he is already worried for the state of our enemies. This person tried to kill us, we simply returned the favor before he could finish."

"That doesn't make it right." He pulled a cloth from his saddlebag with his magic as he bound the injury, his magic working into the torn flesh, trying to stop the worst of it. "Be magnanimous in victory. It's the easiest time to be."

Sheba grinned softly at Silver. "I like that line. I will take it, even if it suits you." She suddenly at the bear's other side, abandoning Running. "Doctor, why aren't you doctoring? My employer has spoken."

"Mmm? Oh!" She shook her head, coming out of one fog into a sharper focus as she hurried over. "Roll him onto his back, gently. I'll do what I can." She pulled a needle from a pocket and some thread followed. "He will not require sedatives, at least. Let's do our best to ensure he may again some day."

Nefertari shook her head as she faced her spirit. "This is what I face."

"It was your choice, stupid one." The ghost snarled softly before gesturing around. "What is this place? It reeks of unpleasantness. Destroy it and be gone."

"For once, you speak sense." Nefertari turned back towards the others, still fussing over their defeated enemy. "Is there any reason to not destroy this place? Have you found what you pursued, Silver?"

Silver's magic was focused on keeping the insides of the bear in the right place as Running worked. "I found it. Do what you want." He was far from a medical expert, or even medically competent, but holding the bear still and discouraging his blood from escaping he could do, just as he had once for Nefertari.

"You heard the man. Let's."

"Let's," echoed the ghost with a growing smile. "Finally, some fun." Nefertari vanished and the ghost was gone a moment later, the two off to wreck some havoc in mutual delight. The only hints of their actions came in the slow darkening of the room as the lines and runes fitfully gave up their glowing. If it were not for Silver's glowing horn, they would have been plunged into darkness soon enough.

Working by that glimmering light, Running frowned. "I know him... I know his name, have met his children. Adorable little things, eyes full of life and promise. I do not want to have to tell them that he... At my fault. I... I just wanted to hold him immobile. I thought... I wasn't thinking. I was just acting. Some small part of me thought they'd... tie him up, or something. I wasn't thinking. That was my fault."

Sheba shook her head. "If it makes you feel better, mmm, that would have been smarter."

Running perked an ear towards Sheba. "I did not expect you to admit that."

"What do you think I am, a jackal?" The cat's nose wrinkled in disgust before she barked out a little laugh. "Oh, sorry. I did not mean that as an offense to you, Doctor. I was acting without thinking as well, prompted by Nefertari, as if she is a person worthy of imitation."

"So you do not enjoy killing?" asked Running as she slowly stitched the bear's flesh closed.

Silver quietly perked an ear, interested, but daring not to speak at that moment, lest the moment between them be ruined.

Sheba softly huffed. "I enjoy fighting. The dance is the best part, the meeting of claws and skills. Death is just an end to that dance..." She looked towards Silver. "What of you? Do you know the pleasure of the dance when death is not on the line?"

Silver shrank a little. "I don't enjoy fighting." He never did, not as a human, or a pony. The idea of purposefully inflicting harm... "No."

Running smiled a little. "A fitting reply for a diplomat. I think he will survive..."

265 - Reporting

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"Are you done?" Nefertari had returned, flicking her fingers as if to clear them of blood, but only flecks of stone came free. "Nothing stands here but the remnants enough to remind how poor an idea this entire place was."

Sheba emitted a noise similar to a purr. "I hope you enjoyed it, but dancing with things that do not move is not my preference, mmm?"

Running stood up, sighing. "He is as treated as I can do. With luck, he will survive us taking him to a better place for care." She waved a paw at Silver. "Can you carry him, please. I understand he is heavy, but you are a talented sorcerer, are you not?"

Silver pulled his magic back in, absorbing it as quickly as he could. That didn't take as long as it could have, already at a limited space with the expectation of battle lessened and little moving in the area. He turned the magic back towards his grasping presence. Though he had learned how to grab thing in a non-specific ways, he felt a hand would be fitting.

He raised the bear, cupped in a hand that trembled faintly. "He is heavier than I would have guessed." He looked heavy to start. He could lift the bear though and turned back in the direction he had come.

Nefer poked him in the shoulder. "This way. I know the quickest route."

Silver moved as she directed, the others following along. His eyes darted between where they were going and the bear he carried. His magic told him there was warmth there, good. If he started to carry a cold body...

How quickly did bodies cool? No. He banished the thought from his mind. Running had done her best, and they would just have to assume it was good enough.

Sheba brushed against his side suddenly. "I will advance and see if there are surprises. If not, I will see you aboveground, mmm?" She was gone without awaiting reply.

Running let out a little breath. "How you walk alongside that... demon.. is beyond me."

Nefer cracked a smile. "You, showing such, dare I say violent, disapproval? I like it."

Running's teeth set as she walked. "Do not take it like that. I have no desire to fight her, but even less... She has hurt jackals before. I've treated her claws, as you know."

"How did you know it was her?" demanded Nefertari with a low growl.

"You just confirmed it." Running smiled a little, triumphant in her trick. "But that does not answer the question."

Silver nudged her with his snout against her shoulder. "My fault. I don't think she is as evil as you imagine her."

"I would argue that..." She sighed as they began ascending the curving stairs towards freedom. "But then I would be arguing against myself. I wish for a chance, to deny another... I will hold my tongue and try to not be a hypocrite."

Silver smiled at that, the strain of holding the bear forgotten a moment. It was nice when someone noticed that sort of thing without having their nose rubbed in it. "Th--"

Nefertari clapped a paw over his snout. "Save the compliments. I hear movement. I think we have been noticed."

They all quieted. Above them, footsteps could be heard. People were talking, but it wasn't easy to make out what they were saying. Silver pushed to the fore, his floating cargo behind him. "Let me be the first." He had an idea. The other two let him proceed, to his relief.

It was a few more rotations before he ran into the first of them, a pair of feline faces turning to surprise at the appearance of Silver. "Prince," spoke the male on the left. "I'm afraid I--"

"--Move aside," ordered Silver. "I have injured and a doctor with me. We need to get to the closest hospital. Where is that? And be precise." He moved as he talked, making the form of the unconscious bear easily seen behind him. "There's no time for talk."

The female cat shook her head. "What happened to him?" Her eyes were on his bandaged throat, darting to the silvery hand that held him up.

The male grunted softly. "Two blocks that way." He pointed firmly. "I hope answers come a--" He stopped talking, noticing there was nothing left to talk to. Silver had vanished, with his burden. The guard peered into the stairwell, but there was nothing there. "Well..."

The female shrugged. "I wouldn't wait for you to finish rambling if I held the life of another in my hands either."

Silver drew the bear and Running with him, pushing between Here and There and ending up in a new place. Two blocks was not a precise amount, so he did not go directly there. Instead he appeared in the middle of the air, his wings unfurling wide. The bear floated beside him, held gently in his magic, supported by his silvery hand. Running shrieked as she fell, but it was for only an instant. She landed right on his back, mounted on him.

"Did you plan that?!" she exclaimed as she grabbed for his shoulders and slid her hands around, hugging him tightly. "Tell me you planned that."

"I planned that," he agreed, though if he had planned that or if she said that for her benefit, he did not disclose. "Are you alright up there?"

"If ponies can perform such magic, why do they not rule the world, the other species groveling at their adorable little hooves?"

Silver looked around, starting to circle back towards the street below him. "There are several reasons. For one, the average pony is, while adorable as you noted, not that bright. They are as children and most simply wish to live. Even the evil ones can be... interesting in their maliciousness." He touched the ground on light hooves. "Do you know where that hospital is?"

She pointed ahead. "Take the first right and it's just to the right, impossible to miss." She righted herself as he began walking on firm ground instead of flying. "What are the other reasons?"

"We need more?" Silver trotted firmly and with purpose. Always walk like you have somewhere to be. It was an idea he had in his head since he was but a human child, and it remained true. People tended to make way if you walked purposefully enough, without even being asked. "They are quick to trust, which can lead them into trouble. The unknown scares them, not to violence, simply to flee and hide. The power they have is only held in a select few, and they show other mental quirks that keep them from taking over the world properly."

"And you?" She poked him right in the back of the neck. "Why haven't you taken the world? You have magic, and your head seems largely attached correctly, if not for your wish to show mercy so easily. Optimistic, but not dumb, what keeps you from doing it?"

He peeked over his shoulder at her. "No, thanks. There is no happy ending for an emperor. The best I could hope for would be for things to go well until my end, and my children likely would bicker over the remnants, and the world would plunge into darkness. Why do that? I can do good just as I am, without trying to wear the biggest hat."

The door she had referred to came into view, double swinging doors that he nosed through easily, permitting him into the cooled interior of what seemed to be a small clinic. "I have a critically injured person in need of help," he called out.

He needn't have. Few expected a full-sized alicorn prince to just burst in with a bear floating beside them. Nurses looked up, and patients too. The former were quick to hurry over in a mix of urgency and curiosity. Soon Silver was relieved of his burden. They put him on a gurney and pushed him away in a dash of feline feet.

One of the few remaining peered at Silver and the jackal mounted on his back. "Is she hurt?"

Silver peeked over his shoulder. "I don't think so?"

"She had blood on her h--"

With a muted grunt, Running slid off Silver's back and stormed to the nearest sink, getting to washing her hands clean of the blood of the patient. Silver nodded towards her. "She performed emergency surgery on the bear that just went by, of course she's... a little messy. Thank you."

Nefertari appeared at his side suddenly. "It took me a moment to find this place. Of course." She looked around and snarled at the nurse, scaring her away. "You really do mean to save his life. You are a foolish stallion."

"Better a kind fool than a cruel genius," he replied with a little smile. "I have something the sultan must see. Where is Sheba?"

"Right here." She was standing at Silver's other side.

He jumped at her sudden presence. "It's cheating how you two do that."

"Cheating is teleporting." Nefertari poked him in the side.

"Cheating is magical hands that lift entire bears." Sheba poked him on the other side.

"Cheater," they agreed in firm solidarity.

Silver shook his head. "Right, cheating unicorns, already a meme before I became a pony."

"Became?" Sheba raised a brow.

"You'll get used to that." Nefer shrugged. "I've never met him as anything but, but they insist he was once something else. Can we go now then? The sultan is not one who enjoys being told to wait."

Silver nodded towards her, but raised his head at Running. "Take care, alright?"

"I will do my best." She shook her paws clean of the water, looking a lot less messy. "Today, I think a strong drink is in order."

Silver turned away, noticing all the gawking eyes on him. He spared them a brief nod, but couldn't think of something snappy to say to dissuade their thoughts. "Let's go." Instead, move. Move like you have somewhere to be. As it turned out, he did have somewhere specific to be. He could see the sultan's palace rising up over the city, its parapets easily spotted.

"There." He pointed as he walked, trotting certainly.

Nefertari was suddenly perched on his back, standing without any balancing issues, one foot just shy of his withers and the other shy of his tail, standing sidelong. "Onwards, my valiant husband. Meanwhile, tell us what you were doing while we fought for the right to draw breath."

"I am curious of that as well," noted Sheba, but she made no move to join Nefertari, just walking alongside Silver as he made his way through the city streets.

"I found a diplomat."

"You found a mirror?" Nefer raised a brow.

"Another diplomat." He snorted softly as he turned a corner, forced to slow through the narrow street. "One that worked for them. We discussed the nature of jackals, and how to... resolve things."

Sheba smirked viciously, though she was forced to cut ahead of him and walk ahead instead of along. "I imagine he suggested getting rid of them all would be expedient."

"He did." He lifted his ears as they emerged into a wider avenue. "But he did listen to my ideas. I'm not sure we came to an agreement, but at least... he didn't say no. It could have gone far worse as first meetings go."

Nefer nudged at his neck with a foot. "That doesn't tell us what you have that the sultan would want."

"I will save that for his ears." His ears went down and against his head. "I feel odd saying it, but I can't trust who is listening when and who they will report to. Best to just... kinda assume everything you say is public news."

Nefer fell, her legs going down on either side of Silver's barrel, mounting him properly. "You're learning. Perhaps you will survive politics with a little more practice."

266 - You Are Not Everything

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As the trio approached the gold-filigreed gates of the palace, the guards that stood at either end of it nodded towards them. Their eyes were trained on the visitors, and the swords they held crossed when they came close to entering. "Halt," ordered one firmly. "You do not have business here."

Silver tossed his head towards the palace beyond the gates. "The sultan wants the news I bring. There is little time for argument." He didn't like speaking so aggressively, but being passive felt like the wrong tact to take. "It is by his wish alone that I return."

The one on the right raised his blade. "I will accompany you. Should your tongue spill lies, we will solve that for you." The answer he had in mind seemed plainly evident. Silver bristled at the threat of injury but strode forward firmly. There was no time to do anything but move like he had somewhere to be.

Sheba snorted softly, her arms crossed as she walked. "Lies and deceptions are not particularly his way of doing things."

Nefer's nose wrinkled. "He does not need your support in this, Guard."

Sheba's claw slid free of her fingers, springing at the end of her crooked hands, ready to fight. "Of course not, Consort."

Silver could feel Nefer's legs squeezing him in tension. "Both of you, calm. Let's not embarrass ourselves." That seemed enough to lower their anger to soft growls, but they ceased sniping at one another.

A soft giggle drew his attention to a maid ducking out of sight. It was one of the servants that had bathed him the last time he came. He shook his head, returning his view to ahead.

It wasn't long before they were waiting in a room, only for the door leading further inside to burst open. The sultan strode with equal fervor. "You have information?"

Silver's horn glowed as he pulled free the picture he had taken with his magic. "This appears to be a map of all of the nodes of their work."

"Excellent." He snatched it from the air and tossed it to the side in one motion, for it to be caught in the paws of another feline. "Find them, destroy them. Kill anyone who resists your presence."

"As you wish, Your Excellency." The cat bowed even as he retreated.

The sultan nodded at Silver. "You have done well." His eyes darted to Sheba and Nefertari. "I trust your company was of some assistance. No matter. I trust our business is concluded?"

Nefer snarled. "Truly? You think we will simply depart, assuming this is complete?"

"I do not recall asking if you would," stated the sultan flatly. "And remember your promise."

Silver had not forgotten it. "I will, but... Are we certain this is it? They likely know we have this."

He clapped his paws together. "They likely do, which is why we must move quickly. My forces will strike as swiftly as lightning from an already darkened sky. There is no more time for subtlety, and you have performed your part well. We will remember this, the next time Equestria has need of us." He reached suddenly, placing a paw on Silver's right shoulder. "But, for now, go."

Silver gave a stiff nod as he turned. "If you are--"

Nefertari suddenly coughed over his back. As mildly rude as that was, the sensation of fluid shocked him into stillness. "Nefer, are you alright?"

She fell from his back, only spared striking the floor due to Sheba's instant reflexes, catching her and slowly sinking to the ground to place her gently. "Poor show, my new rival. What has... Nefer?"

Silver turned as quickly as he could, almost tripping in the frantic motion. Nefertari's mouth hung open unnaturally. Blood pooled and dripped at once, frothing as if her entire throat was filled with blood and her lung desperately tried to move air through it. "No! No no no!" He let his magic explode outwards so quickly the room flashed silver before it dispersed properly.

The sultan backed away from the scene. "Summon a physician," he shouted with the supreme authority he wielded. "Good luck, my friend, but I will not remain beside this." He fled, rather than risk becoming contaminated with whatever had seized Nefertari so suddenly.

Silver did not respond to him, reaching with his magic for the blood-caked mess of his wife's face. He pushed through the blood, forcing it up and aside, drilling through the mess as he scowled at her. "No no no no," he repeated to himself in a mantra. She hadn't come to severe harm in his dreams. They were meant to be together! It was destiny, right?

If anyone should die, it would be him. He died before. But she wasn't dead. He wouldn't let her die. "No no no no!" He felt her throat branch off towards her lungs and further down towards her belly. Blood. There was blood everywhere. She was nothing but blood. "No!" He directed his force in three places at once, his manic focus not even considering the difficulty of it. He had to get the blood out. He had to plug up wherever it was coming from.

She was pregnant, damn all the fates. There were at least two lives on the line. He reached deeper and deeper, feeling all that vital blood slipping past his grip, wet and warm and terrible. He could teleport it all out, in theory, but that wouldn't solve anything. "No!"

"What are you doing?" Asked Sheba, watching him stare a hole into the incapacitated hyena. "You are not a doctor." She could not see what was going on, only the blood. It kept coming in fitful spurts as if being pumped out of Nefertari. "What are you doing?" she repeated in a hiss. "I do not think it is working."

Silver knew she was talking. He knew it, but wasn't paying attention. He had to do something. Her lungs were entirely full of fluid. Blood. Blood. Blood. Everywhere. Tears stung at his eyes, soft sniffles escaping him against his will. Blood, too much of it. No one should have that much blood outside of their arteries. He reached her belly, expecting to feel the touch of acid against his magic, but it was blood. It was all blood. There was nothing but that slippery blood everywhere.

"Silver..." Sheba took a step back, seeing blood escape from Neftari's other holes, even starting to seep from her skin, soaking her fur. "This..." Was this the clean death that had been promised? "This..." She took another step back. "This is..."

When the physician arrived, a tomcat with a bright white tunic and surgical tools in a bag at his side. He came to a stop upon entering the room. There was the prince of Equestria, collapsed beside a bipedal figure that one had to struggle to imagine had ever been alive, caked in blood, yet all its features were sunken and hollow, as if it had not had a drop to drink in a month. "Is... that the patient?"

Sheba was suddenly at his side. "Do not attempt to move her. He is stricken with grief. He will regret any harm he causes afterwards, deeply I should imagine, but he is not thinking clearly."

The doctor nodded softly, setting his bag aside. "Was... that who I was called for? How long has she been deteriorating?"

"Less than an hour," spat Sheba. "Less than half. I should imagine many other of her ilk are suffering the same fate through the city, perhaps farther..." She suddenly slammed a paw against a wall. "And I helped bring this about!" To see her ancestral enemy laid low in such a fashion. It brought no joy to her. She felt only burning, seething, anger.

The doctor approached Silver timidly, reaching for his shoulder. "Sir? Please, may I inspect her?"

Silver looked up at him, his eyes glazed and red, tears still flowing. "S-sure... What does it matter?" He stood up on shaking legs. "She's gone... forever. Just... like that. I... didn't get to say goodbye, not that it would have changed a thing... She was improving, getting better. I was..." He staggered away from the doctor, mumbling to himself.

The doctor fell to a knee, getting to work. "You know him, please console him as I work." He had never seen such a case, but it was his job to do what he could, and he intended to do that. "The call came only five minutes ago, was she going before then?"

Sheba snorted softly. "No... She was fine, then she was dying, choking on her own blood." She was at Silver's side, a hand on his barrell. "I'm sorry. I said I'd protect her, and I failed."

"You did!" he spat before he bit it back, swallowing heavily. "Sorry, no... You didn't do this... Oh god, she's gone..." He looked over at the unsightly corpse she'd left behind. "She's gone... She..."

Sheba snorted softly. "We'll never get to finish our dance..." She glanced to the body that had once been her rival. "I did not wish her to die, even when first we met. She was too fun... I loved her, in my strange way." She crooked an odd smile. "She was a challenge I wanted to dash myself against. Even when I defeated her, I was so excited for her to recover and try again. Perhaps, with time, she would have learned how to beat me, then I would have to grow." She clenched her paws. "I couldn't wait..."

Silver sat on his haunches, looking at her. Listening to her share her sadness made his heart lift a little. Comforting others was so much easier than facing the darkness within. "She would have been proud to hear that, but never admitted it."

"Never," agreed Sheba with a wry smile. "She might have lashed out for even suggesting it."

"Another excuse for a fight," noted Silver with a pained smile of his own. "I'm sorry... I'm not nearly as good at fighting."

She suddenly punched him, right in the nose. He reeled back, blood dripping from his abused extremity. "Liar! You can fight just fine, you just don't like doing it. You resist the urge mightily."

Silver raised his hooves over his snout, new tears painfully dropping. "Ow..." he felt impotent even saying that, but fancier words eluded him for a moment. "That hurt... This is awkward enough, thanks."

The physician stood. "She is dead." Not that anyone in the room had doubt of the matter. "I will..." He glanced to Silver. "Do you wish to take her body? Should I alert the mortician?"

Silver felt a pathetic sniffle bubbling up and he choked out a half-sob. "I-I should... take it." He wasn't sure what he'd do with it. Would she want to be put to rest in Equestria, or returned to her people? Maybe Sheba knew? He looked to her, still cradling where she had punched him. "What is the... tradition with them? Should I get her back to the desert or bring her to Equestria?"

Sheba snorted angrily. "Unless she had a tomb built, she is dead and has no vote on the matter. You are her husband, you decide where she will rest." She waved at Nefertari's body. "Or, you can worry more about finding those that did this to her. Bathe in their blood and her spirit will rest more easily than any amount of care you spend in handling her corpse."

Silver stood up uneasily, blood getting on the tiles where his messy hooves clopped against them. "Killing more people won't make the killing stop!" he hissed before turning to the doctor. "Have her... put in something secure for moving, please..."

"I will inform the mortician," assured the doctor, bowing before he took his leave. There was little else for him to do. The dead had no need for a physician.

Silver closed his eyes. "We might be done..."

He had failed.

267 - You Are Not Alone

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"I'm sorry."

Silver's ears jerked upright as he blinked away the tears. He had been walking down a hallway in a fugue, trying to regather his thoughts. A glance around revealed no person near him. "Who's sorry?"

"I am." The voice was tinny and poor in quality. "I'm so sorry... My NefNef... I had such a great experiment lined up for when she came back."

"Samantha," sighed out Silver. "It's... good to hear from you. Can you monitor us from this far away?"

"Not well." There was a pause. "I saw her die. Her signs went crazy, and I couldn't help her. I couldn't do anything. Oh! Wait, nevermind that."

"Never... mind that?" He shook his head, trying to puzzle Samantha out, always a challenge. "So you did do something?"

"I sure did," she chimed proudly. "I mean, not for NefNef, she's very dead... Um, but I did save someone."

Silver felt his ears perking up. Dare he hope? "You..."

"Yep!" she blurted, not giving him time to get it out. "Sitting in a fancy incubation pod. If I had a willing jackal around, I'd transplant it into her. Think if I ask one nicely enough they'd say yes?"

"No! No, don't... If you can care for it properly, do that." He imagined Samantha naively asking for such a heavy sacrifice. "I'm sorry."

"You're sorry? You didn't do anything wrong." Samantha snorted over the tinny line. "Silly Silver."

Silver felt a ghost of a smile teasing his lips. "I was with her. I was the closest person with... authority."

"I don't have any of that," admitted Samantha easily. "Never stopped me before. Oh, you had them put NefNef in a box, right? Bring her home. I can still do some interesting things with her."

Silver stopped mid-walk. That statement was perfectly Samantha, but that didn't stop it from setting his nerves on edge. "Samantha, I am fairly certain her people wouldn't appreciate that, and neither would she. Before you tell me she's dead and she doesn't get a vote, I'll remind you she was literally someone who talked to spirits often."

Samantha blew a raspberry over the connection. "She'll haunt me if she doesn't like it, then I'll get to see her again, so that doesn't sound so bad. I wonder if she'll be good at haunting people? That'd be kind of nice. Yes, I am certain. I will be haunted by her after my experiments."

Silver considered what emotion would be most appropriate for that moment, shaking his head. "If you've been watching us, do you know what happened?"

"It's like peeking through a tiny little hole with snow at the end." He heard her sigh softly. "I could see things happening, but not the details. It's up to you to avenge NefNef!"

"Any clues on how to do that in a productive manner?"

Sheba was suddenly beside him. "Who are you speaking to?"

Silver jumped in surprise, even as a wry smile formed. He was reminded of Nefertari, good and bad. "Hello, Sheba."

"Tell her she's welcome to join the cool people club," whispered Samantha in his ear.

Silver flicked that ear softly. "I was consulting the spirits."

"You are a shaman too?!" She frowned softly. "Why did you not use their magic?"

Silver turned away, considering his surroundings. "Caught me. Now... I believe we need to speak to the sultan at least one more time."

Sheba smiled brightly, sharp fangs exposed. "Is it time for the sweetest revenge?"

"It's time to know what happened, to start." Silver waved a hoof outwards. "How many died. How many were injured, if any were harmed without outright dying."

"If I was there, I would have tracked them and would tell you. I can report that zero Canterlot citizens were harmed in that attack." Samantha sounded so happy to be giving that report.

Too happy. Silver grunted softly. "I would have been surprised if there had been, but Nefertari was a citizen, making that report mildly false."

A shocked gasp sounded over the connection as Sheba peered at him oddly. "Please don't make the loss of your wife the last step before you give up on sanity. I'm just getting used to your presence."

Silver awkwardly smiled as he backed up a half-step. "I have an ally in Canterlot that is talking to me."

Sheba crossed her arms, tapping a finger on an elbow. "Do you? Quite a talent. Can they talk to me?"

"No. Is she coming with you? I'll add her to the network when she's here. Tell her I said hi and I'm Samantha."

Silver rolled his eyes, imagining Samantha bouncing in place, so many miles away. "She cannot, but she is happy to meet you. Her name is Samantha and she can't wait for you to be there."

"Samantha..." Sheba purred softly, suddenly beside Silver. "I can't place that name. What is her relation?"


"She's my adopted daughter, and a genius. I hope you two will get along, but that's not for today. Right now." He pointed in the direction he thought the sultan was. "Let's chat."

"As you wish." She gestured more grandly before starting off, though she moved slowly until he caught up and matched his pace. "He is not as good at secrets as he thinks he is."

Silver turned an ear to her. "While curious, this feels like a bad place."

"You're learning." She reached over and stroked a long equine ear. "I will take over that part of your training. It is the least I can offer my slain rival."

Silver glanced over at her. Was this part of her coping mechanism? Was Nefertari's death that heavy a blow to her? He shook his head a little, putting that aside. Having a devoted guard was not a bad thing, and he knew what awaited her if he cast her out. He would keep her close. "We can't allow this."

"Allow? It has already happened." She lifted her shoulders as she walked along with him.

"We must find the source, pray it is one that is not easily replicated, and destroy it."

"And if it is not?"

Silver frowned savagely, his teeth set hard a moment. "Then this world enters a new age, and it will be a terrible one. Imagine, being able to kill like that, from a distance... Even just one person at a time is horrific, but that count is likely higher."

"Let's find out." Sheba raised a hand and rapped the back of it against the heavy door they had reached. "Is the sultan at home? Prince Silver Watch of Equestria wishes an audience."

There was a moment of quiet before the grand double-doors opened inwards away from them. Inside was a throne room, with the feline sultan perched on a most well-designed throne befit of one that wishes it plainly known how powerful and important they were, or at least thought themselves to be.

"My friend, and his guard. Do enter." He waved them forward from across the long room. "Have you more news for me?"

Silver strode across the soft carpet. The carpet ran down the center of the room, towards the king. Beyond it was hard marble. It was all very expensive looking. Silver kept his eyes on Asim Obami, sultan of Anugypt. "I'm afraid not. I was hoping you would be the bearer today. How bad is the damage? How many were--"

"--Let us not speak so of such a terrible way." He waved a paw, dismissing it. "My physicians tell me I performed a cowardly act. Your wife, she was not ill, and she was no danger to me. For this, I feel a gift is owed, for a friend who has lost so much, when I was not there for him." He struck the flat of his palms together in two smart claps. "Bring it in!"

A double-door in the side of the throne room burst open wide, fluttering scarves twirling as females of several species came wandering in. Half were biped, the other half down on all fours. He saw a few ponies, some saddle arabians, towering over the other ponies. They were all female, and all moving in tempting fashions.

It was a time he could appreciate the true mix of his body and mind, as his eyes swept from the suggestions of bipedal women, but straying towards the more subconscious cues he was getting from the equines. Still... "What are you--"

Asim held up a hand for silence. The procession entered with a large cart held aloft between four of the larger and stronger of the women. As one, all of them bowed low towards Silver, the cart being placed down with the motion in a move that he had to assume they had practiced. "A small gift, to help ease a troubled heart." He gestured at the shrouded cart and the women arrayed beside it. "Take what you will. Take who you will. They are all willing to be yours, for a night, or for longer."

Sheba snorted softly. "A cruel joke," she spat out, acid in her breath.

Silver turned away from them, looking to Asim. "They are your servants or subject, unwilling to anger you. I will not force anyone like that." He had accepted one like that in the dream, he remembered. It had actually worked out... Still...

Asim snapped his fingers. "Tell him why you would accompany him."

The woman whose eyes he had met bowed her long neck, for she was a giraffe, a quadruped. "You are a scholar of species, genuine in your curiosity. I was hoping you could help me, and my kind. We are frightfully rare, but perhaps, with the right assistance..."

He looked to the next. "And you."

She swept her hand to the right, bowing low, her breasts hanging temptingly in the motion. She was a cow, bipedal, smiling gently. "As much as I love the sultan, the tale of the too-kind prince is too hard to say no to. I would support you and give you love, as you love your people and those who care for you."

Silver shook his head quickly. "I... This isn't what I came for. How many victims were there?"

Asim nodded towards a silent feline nearby. "Our agents are still gathering that information. In the meanwhile, if it helps, my young prince, whomever you select need not warm your bed. Any royal house deserves fine servants, and these are some of the finest. They will work for you well, each eager to do so."

A literal mouse of a woman waved an arm excitedly, her round ears perked. "Even while grieving, you want to fix what is wrong. I would gladly serve in your house. Please, let us have that honor."

Sheba waved a paw at the lot of them. "Your ruse is as transparent as still water. Why are all these servants female?"

With a rush of flames, what had seemed to be a female bipedal bear suddenly became a male feline, matching Sheba's species. "I can be male, if that's better," noted the changeling with a smile. "I'm not aware of his tastes, but I know he has been nothing but kind to the changelings. I would gladly serve in his house."

Asim did not argue the changeling's interruption. "Think on it. I have assigned you a room, and they will all be close at hand for your review and consideration." He gestured to the cart itself. "Now, take a look. There are some other things to consider."

Silver sighed as he advanced on the cart, figuring that until he had at least given what the sultan was offering due consideration, he would get little, and be seen as rude. On the rich black cloth set boxes and vases, each topped neatly. He reached with his magic and willed the first box open, revealing a riot of gold and silverish hints. Platinum?

He closed the box just to open the next, revealing a dizzying array of instruments in a larger box, all of fine Anugyptian make. A vase held spice, another was filled with incense sticks. The cart was a mind-boggling assortment of gifts of no small value. "You're too kind..."

"Nonsense." He sat up, clapping his hands together. "Equestria is our friend and ally, long may it remain so. Take it, and know this is true."

Part of Silver wanted to lash out, to be angry and loud and furious and sad and inconsolable. He wanted to run away and hide.

But he was a prince. He silently set that mask into place. He was a prince, and he had to act it. "Your gift is touching. I accept it. Let us put this messy matter behind us. I look forward to your cooperation in that, so we can return to much more pleasant topics."

Asim waved a hand over the line of women. "Wait for him in your chambers. We have important business to discuss."

268 - Situation Report

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They waited while the potential servants departed, taking the cart of treasure with them. The sultan nodded in their direction. "There will be more time for you to consider that, but let us turn to more pressing affairs." He folded his hands and gave a subtle nod that his own people understood clearly.

A scroll was brought forward, rolled around a gold-tipped rod. A table was hurried over just in time for the scroll to be unfurled onto it, revealing a map of the city. An uneven circle of red was already laid upon it, and he waved his right hand at the small red posts with equally red bits that ran between them. "This is where the attack struck. They were aiming for the castle, clearly."

He thrust down a pointer finger on the palace, fairly clearly in the center of the area. "Your wife was caught right in the center of it. I am sorry for that. She did not go alone." He pressed a few other fingers to the same spot and slowly spread. "The further from the center you go, the less devastating it was for those unlucky enough to be caught in it. Some caught in the periphery reported little more than an intense bout of nausea or vertigo."

His eyes fixed on Silver. "Only the jackals were affected."

Silver felt his teeth setting. "As we expected..."

"Quite." He sat back, upright against his chair. "This is, in its own way, quite troubling. To know they have such precision. How more precise could it be, should they wish it to be? Could it slay a specific family? Could it be like a great bolt from the heavens, seeking a particular single creature?" He trailed his claw towards where the circle was less than perfect, divoting inwards. "Here is where you made your strike. Your interference was clearly felt."

There was a clear demarkation, where the circle should have been, but that area was clean and untouched. Silver's eyes wandered over the area, putting a hoof down on a building there. The hospital nearby had been spared... Perhaps their jackal doctor had been spared? He shook the thought free. "We need the source."

"In this we agree entirely." The sultan clapped his hands. "If one assumes the source to be the center, this worries me, but this need not be the case. If it is, well..." He sprang a claw free. "That puts it within these very walls."

Silver cringed even as he choked back a bitter laugh. 'We traced the call, the caller's inside your house!' echoed in his mind from old human horror. "We should check."

"Are checking," he corrected. "My men are scouring the grounds quite thoroughly." His eyes flicked to Sheba. "How familiar are you with their workings?"

"I've guarded them." She gestured at Silver. "Just as I guard him. I confess, I understand either about as well, though one I plan to improve."

Silver's ears perked with the rest of his head. "The raids. Did you find them?"

"We did." He gestured broadly over the city. "They are many, but we are finding them, with your timely assistance, friend. They do not contain the source. Each links to others around it in turn, which only makes me more certain that it is where it should not be. We will dismantle this machine with swift justice, but that leaves the foul heart to take root elsewhere, or even here, again, should we let it."

Silver's expressive ears pinned against his head. "Imagine... if they blanketed the world in this... death. They could truly end entire species on a whim, if they wanted. If it's here, I'll find it." He turned and began walking, his magic expanding in all directions as he went.

The sultan glanced towards Sheba. "Walking away without a parting word would offend terribly in most situations."

Sheba flashed a bright and sharp smile, easily matched by him. "I would imagine, but we both know he seeks what you want, so perhaps he can be forgiven?"

"Just this once." He waved after Silver. "You'd best keep at his side, guard. He may have need for one, but all things considered, perhaps whoever bothers him may have greater need for one."

Sheba's laugh was all that remained of her, vanishing with the speed only a few had mastered.

Silver stalked through the halls, ignoring their opulence. His concentration was entirely on his magic. Not just the silver haze that suffused the air, but the feel of the stone and the soft echoes he felt from the earth pony magic he encouraged to life. Deep beneath him, he could feel streaks of plant-life, struggling against the crushing presence of the palace.

So long as it remained, no plants had a hope of doing much, outside of the smallest mosses, and those were cleaned by fastidious servants.

So why did he feel such a large collection? He slowed in his walking, looking straight down at where there seemed to be an entirely unreasonable amount of green life beneath him.

"Find something?" Sheba was standing next to him, watching him curiously. "You look like you've found something."

"There is something down there." He pointed, his silver magic withdrawing into his body and horn, collecting it back up safely. "But I can't tell how large the space is, only where it is..."

"Well, how far is it?" She arched a brow. "If it's close, there are other ways."

Close? "As if we were that lucky." He hoofed at the ground like the agitated equine he was. An idea sprang to his mind and he smiled wickedly. "There is one way..." He felt through his hooves. "Yes.. I can be sure there's a little space, very little. There may be more, or not. We won't know until we're already there."

"This is going to be strange and possibly alarming." She crossed her arms. "Get on with it. I'm not letting you out of my sight."

His horn glowed brightly, both of them becoming encompassed in a field. "This shouldn't hurt." She peered skeptically, but he was focused on the magic, shuffling things around and playing the spell carefully, his book floating before his eyes for reference. No one said he had memorized that spell.

With the final note, the world grew dramatically around them both. "It worked!" he squeaked in a tiny voice, for they were both breezies. "There should be room for us now, hopefully more."

Sheba blinked at him. "What are you?" she asked with an equally squeaky voice. She looked down at herself and back over herself. "What am I?! Damnable sorcerer, let's see this small space of yours. It had better have what we're looking for."

"No promises." He fluttered to her side and put a leg over her small withers. "Let's go!"

They vanished, leaving the hall empty. His magic carried them both deep beneath the castle, to where the moss grew thickest. They appeared in a fit of silver sparkles, half-wedged into soft moss that served as a very respectable cushion. It was entirely dark when the magic faded, leaving them with nothing but the feeling of soft moss beneath them.

Sheba sprang to her little hooves. "We are here, wherever here might be. Make some light, my foolish but potentially insightful employer." She reached up and batted at her dangling antennae. "These feel weird. I would like them to be gone, and to have my hands back."

Silver remembered dimly the idea of hands. With fingers, he typed with them, and grabbed things and moved things around. Hands were nice to have. He had magic. Magic could do all those things...

He shook his head free of the wool gathering and willed magic to flow into his dangling dealie-bobbers that began to glow softly. "I wasn't sure that'd work." He fluttered, raising gently from the moss, only to bump into stone. "Not a lot of room." He felt along the rock, moving through the tiny tunnel. "Glad we didn't try to come down here at full size. Can you imagine?"

"I should think I would not be imagining much." She followed after him at a sedate drift. "This little body is so slow. Is this really the fastest they can fly?"

"This is it. But they're small." He ducked into a narrow crack, pulling himself forward. "There's moss here, so there must be moisture nearby, I think. Let's find that? It can't be that far or how would the moss get at it?"

"If you insist," she agreed without conviction.

As one, they flew, wriggled, and struggled to make their slow progress through the pathetically tiny cracks. Silver was quietly thankful that little breezies didn't need much oxygen, as he imagined there was very little on offer there, entombed in the earth.

Light. It wasn't his. It flickered softly through the cracks up ahead. Silver pulled back his magic, ceasing his own glow. Both agreed without words to progress as quietly as they could, creeping closer to the light. Silver pulled through one last crack into what seemed to be a great cavern. There was a torch nearby that gave off the light and put out a dangerous amount of wind that he had to brace against.

"What are you..." Sheba emerged and felt the same wind. She was blown away, grabbing onto Silver at the last moment, hugging him tightly around his midsection. "Make us full size! This little body has served its purpose."

Silver could think of no speedy argument as Sheba's weight threatened to pull him free of his perch. He severed the spell that held them and suddenly both were on the floor in an ungainly pile. The pathetic breeze that the torch put out was no longer a threat to them.

Sheba sprang to her feet first, patting herself down. "Mmm, and you brought my things with me. A fine job, my spellcasting employer."

Silver climbed up to his hooves and shook off. "Where are we, and is anyone else here?"

"Both fine questions. Let me scout." She vanished promptly. In the space only occupied by things that could move as quickly as she, she rushed through the cavern. It had torches spaced fairly evenly. It also had some people. Three felines, a bear, and a turkey all stood there, each in thick robes. They were speaking to one another.

None of them seemed to notice her as she circled around them, eavesdropping. Their voices changed in octaves rapidly due to the doppler effect, going high and low steadily as she kept her motion up.

"The test was successful," noted the turkey, clapping his wing-arms in a paff. "We should get out now. We can set up in a more careful way--"

"--You've repeated that several times now," gruffly snorted the bear. "We've all heard it. Why did you let that pony prince get a map?" He was looking at one of the cats, the diplomat that Silver hat met.

The diplomat lifted his shoulders. "Are we not reasonable creatures? I would not harm one who meant me no harm in kind. He wanted what I wanted, to share words, and we did. I bear him no ill will. Would that more were ready to exchange ideas, instead of blows."

One of the other cats hissed softly. "That does not excuse you! You could have destroyed the map without harming the prince, if that is so antithetical to your methods. Our hand has been exposed. This puts things in motion, things we were not yet ready to deal with."

The last cat pulled a dagger free of her robe and set it on the ground between them all. "You have failed us. Would you care to handle this yourself with some honor, or must we clean this last mess of yours for you?"

Sheba considered dashing back to Silver, but that could mean too much time spent. He would arrive only to find more blood. No. She would serve him best by being there, and taking action. He would want that diplomat alive, she felt certain. They were two cats of the same litter.

269 - No Heroism Intended

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From seemingly out of nowhere, Sheba's fingers closed around the wrist of the cat holding the dagger. Her needle-sharp claws dug into his flesh and he screamed, dropping the dagger from his ravaged wrist and bringing his other hand over to clutch feebly at the wound.

She was already gone, behind the diplomat and hooking an arm around him. "Go limp and trust me if you wish to breath in the morning air." She moved to yank him along and crashed directly into a wall of fur.

The bear had moved. She hadn't seen the the great ursine person budge, but there he was, in the way. Was he a speed user? The idea of something so massive also mastering the art of speed was mildly terrifying. He was reaching for her with all the ponderous slowness she would have expected.

She ducked away, jumping backwards only to slam with her back into another furry wall. He was there as well. She never saw him move, and yet, there he was. Was it speed? A speed so much faster than what she had seen from herself and the late Nefertari?

The diplomat hung from her left arm, being tugged about with each speedy jump. To his credit, he was being quiet and allowing her to focus on the threat. She let the claws of her free hand spring free. "Move."

"No," came his equally blunt reply to her request. "Die."

He did not strike. At least, she didn't see him strike. Suddenly she was sprawling backwards, the diplomat thrown across her form in an ungainly pile. She was back on her feet in an instant, the taste of blood in her mouth. The plan to simply withdraw was stricken from her mind with the force of the strike.

He was standing where he started. He never seemed to move quickly. Things just... happened. Is this what people who fought her felt like? She didn't like it. Retreat was tossed away, so she charged instead, throwing the diplomat aside to a place that seemed as safe as any other.

Focused on battle, she felt danger from the right and twisted just around a fist that thrust through the space she had been occupying. The bear remained still. Magic? Not speed then. She felt comforted by that, knowing she remained an apex predator of the style.

Her moment of relief was shattered as two bear paws clenched together came down on her head, knocking her into the ground with a feline screech.

"What's..." Silver had appeared in a shower of silvery light. As soon as he saw the combat already in progress, his wings shot out and he took a more defensive stance. He had time to look for the others. The other felines had withdrawn, which was turning into an outright fleeing at the sight of Silver. The turkey was already gone.

"I will trust you." He wasn't looking at Sheba, there was no time. There could be no escaping. He vanished with an unusually spastic crackle of magic.

Sheba scrambled forward with a little smirk, thinking of the sultan's words. Perhaps they needed a guard more direly than he required one himself.

"Stop," ordered the bear.

"No," she replied with a smirk, savoring the reversal of the situation. She tore into his side with sharp claws, leaving bloodied lines. Relatively dull, but still sharp enough, claws dug into her right arm as she was shoved back away from the low-growling bear. "You can bleed," she taunted. It was enough to know she could win.

"Your sister." Both combatants glanced aside at the diplomat, who was standing to the side of the midsection of the two. "She will be disappointed."

The bear's stoic expression shifted with a small dose of worry. "Why?"

"You're hurting a pretty cat." He gestured towards Sheba. "Of her favorite color at that. Very disappointed."

"I must."

"Must you?" He smiled a little. "You could take her to see your little girl. She would be so happy. You don't have to go with the others, so violent..."

Sheba quirked an ear at the exchange. "... Yeah, sure. I'd love to meet your sister."

The bear smiled just a little. "Forgive?"

Sheba couldn't believe it. Was the bear that willing to forget the fight? "Do you?"

Bear paws were on her, not punching or tearing, but hugging her. It was answer enough.

The diplomat smiled gently. "I had hoped I could convince the prince... It seems I have failed to convince most."

"One." The bear put one of his actual hands to his clawed flesh, wincing softly in obvious pain. "One."

"One will have to do. Dear friend, you are hurt. We should away to a doctor."

Silver was unaware of the results of the fight he had left, trusting Sheba to be the skilled warrior she seemed to be. With a fitful shower of sparkles he appeared before the one whose scent had grown dimmest.

The turkey fell over backwards with a distress cluck. "Get away!"

"You killed my wife." He took a firm step forward, silvery light crackling around each hoof as it touched the ground. "You have exactly one opportunity to explain."

"Foul she-devil, she wo--"

Silver did not feel the need to hear the rest. He jumped forward, vanishing in a fit of silver sparkles, only to appear just over the turkey and come down, landing on him with a hoof to the poor bird-person's head, driving them into the ground savagely. He felt something break. He didn't, at least for the moment, feel regret. Only the bitterest of satisfaction.

"Now..." He had not gained supernatural tracking abilities on birds. No, something magic had drawn him. Something powerful and terrible. He reached with his magic and ripped free a pulsing spiked ball from within the clothes of the dead bird. It seemed to alternate in glow between deep purple and angry red with green stripes that ran along it. "It looks just as evil as it is." It was the heart, he figured.

It was the engine at the center of the grand machine of death.

He wanted to smash it on the spot, but... He had to know. Could it be easily remade? Destroying it would remove the option of finding out. He tucked it away in a saddlebag instead, grunting.

His hoof was wet. He looked down to see he was standing in spilled blood. There were bits of his murder victim joining the mess, not to mention an entire still-cooling body. He had murdered someone, pure and simple. An earned vengeance, perhaps, but it was still murder.

With a soft sigh, he began walking through the tunnels. The others did not glow with such magic, so he would not find them as easily.


He smiled. Or one could run into him. That worked. "You can surrender. That is more than I offered the turkey."

The cat took a shaking step back away from him. "It's... for the good of everyone. Don't you understand? The jackals--"

"--Enough. Do you surrender or not?" Silver took another step forward, bloody hoofprints marking his progression. "It will be up to the sultan what is done with you."

The cat drew a scimitar suddenly. "That's no better than killing me, Foreign Prince. My choice is only how I wish to go."

"And you choose to lose it in struggle with a pony of all things?" Silver called forth one of his shields, glowing in a soft silver hue of hexadecimal segments erected in a perfect sphere. "There are better ways to go."

The cat moved his other hand, clutching at the scimitar with both between his trembling hands. "You could let me go..."

"So you can plot more murder?" Silver took another slow step. "You were part of this. You were ready to end so many lives. Why is yours so much more important?"

"Horrible lives that would have threatened others," hissed the cat. "They deserved noth-- what are you doing?!" Magic was suffusing him, causing him to glow a bright silver.

His spellbook floated into view as he worked the magic, making sure he got it right. "A simple justice."

"What?! No! Don't kill me!"

Silver lowered his head, directing his horn at the struggling cat, held firmly in his arcane grip. Their fur became sandy in color, their sharp claws becoming less needle-like and more broad. His screeching became more of a yelp. He was allowed to fall to the ground, changed. "You may go."

"What?" he asked with an altered voice. He raised a paw to his throat, but saw the paw and had to stare at it. "What have you done?!"

"Not a single jackal choose to be one. You are just another." He gestured in the direction the former-cat had been going in. "Hopefully they will show you more kindness than you extended towards them."

"N-no! No! Turn me back!" He rushed Silver, only to collide with his spherical shield. The desperate and new jackal claws feebly at the sphere. "Please..."

"You would rather die? I'd offer the sultan's choice, but that is the same, you said."

The jackal fell back a step, whimpering. He did not have the bravery to request death over the punishment levied. "Will... I be hunted?"

"Not by me." Silver snorted softly. "Only by bigots that think a jackal is trouble. Will you prove them wrong?"

The jackal took a final swat at the sphere, but it wasn't giving. "Death or shame..." He slunk away, making his choice with a soft grumbling.

Silver advanced past where the former-cat had stood, hoping to find the others, preferably one that moved with a stance that spoke of leadership. His shield faded away, its power partially drawing back where it had come from. The tunnels were many and winding. He did not feel very good about his odds...

The diplomat led the way. "Do you not wish to keep an eye on your employer?"

"He is the largest threat down here currently." Sheba shrugged softly. "I do not fear for him. You, on the other hand, are not leaving my sight."

The bear walked with them, quietly holding his injuries as he went. Sheba had her own share of them, but her pride did not allow her to do much with them with the others there. The thin lines of blood were sealing, at least. She felt certain that soreness would be her biggest enemy that day.

"They have demonstrated quite well my value in their eyes. Tell me, how did you happen on us with such--" He tapped two opposing claws together. "--perfect timing."

"I was already there." She felt the answer gave nothing of value away. "You are enough like the prince that I felt he would not want to arrive as you were being cut apart."

"I thank you for your kindness." He pressed the palms of his hands together and bowed his head. "This violence is regrettable. I had hoped for simple, bloodless, solutions."

Sheba hiked a brow. "Bloodless? Have you seen what this... thing actually does to someone?" She advanced a little faster, slapping a paw down on his shoulder. "Have you?"

He was turned in her strong hands to face her. His ears lowered for only a moment before springing back. "I have not... personally witnessed it."

"Then let me inform you. Imagine drowning in your own blood, but you aren't near dead enough yet to pass out. You gurgle and struggle as your nose begins to bleed everywhere. Maybe you manage to get out some air in a frothy mix with all the blood that's filled your insides." She thrust a hand up and forward, bringing the sharp tip of a claw just under his chin. "Bloodless?"

"I... was told it operated in a different fashion." His left ear fell down and back, his long tail giving a single fitful twitch.

She threw up her hands. "What way was that? Would the jackals simply vanish? Did they tell you they'd just calmly lay down and cease breathing like they were going to sleep?"

270 - Back to the Light

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"I... was not aware of this." The diplomat let his furry hands fall. "Which is a poor excuse, I realize."

"You said it..." Sheba moved to storm ahead, but a paw was on her shoulder. It was not attached to the bear it belonged to. "Yes?"

"I did not know. Is it that bad?" He stepped towards her, eyes focused. "They said sleep."

"Sleep is another word for death." She threw the hand aside. "If it makes you feel better, I fell for the same stupidity. It was still death, shameful and without a chance for a proper dance... I was a fool, but at least I am far from alone." She gestured towards the exit. "You said this way to get out, right?"

The ambassador followed, patting the bear's shoulder along the way.. "We have all been made fools. Perhaps some good can come from it?"

"It cost me my dancing partner." Sheba snarled, a low feline hiss issuing from deep inside. "I watched her die helplessly. I wanted to kill her, myself, on a fair field with only my claws. She would have struggled mightily, perhaps even won, given enough practice and will. It would have been a marvelous battle either way... I could have died with a smile."

Sheba glanced at the two others, neither of whom looked like they understood her words, repelled by her bloodthirst. "I would not expect you to understand..."

The bear shrugged softly. "I understand."

"Do you?" She was suddenly at his side. "What a charmingly bold statement."

A bear's paw was suddenly on her, drawing her right up against him. "I like to fight. You like to fight. It is much better when everyone is on the same level." He slowly raised one of his own paws. "You are good. I would like to fight again, later. Maybe fun?"

She wrenched his paw free, watching it fade the moment it stopped touching her. "You have strange magic... But I can appreciate someone who enjoys the dance. Do you have a name, or should I continue with 'bear'?"

"Slow Step," he offered with a little smile.

Silver snorted softly, stalking the tunnels. No matter how hard he looked, the last did not seem to be close at hand. They knew the ways, and likely used them to flee, he decided. His revenge would have to be happy with one short. The image of the crushed turkey came back to him and he shuddered.

Revenge was not a satisfying dish... It didn't bring Nefer back, nor did it make him feel better. He decided to be done. He had the most important thing. He reached to the sky with a thought, vanishing in a haze of sparkles.

He was far above the city, his wings catching himself before he fell too far. Up was much easier than down. If you overshot it a bit, you fell, and when you had wings, that was far from the worst fate. Going too far in the other direction... He shook his head as he focused on his flight, gliding towards the sultan's palace. There were things to discuss.

He landed short of the gate, deciding not to try his luck with going directly into the palace. "The sultan is waiting for me."

The guards nodded. Apparently, he had become known, as they didn't argue his statement. They stood aside and allowed him in without fuss. "He will be told you are waiting," advised one of the feline guards. "Go to your room."

He had a room? Ah, the sultan had mentioned... "Where is that? Ah, I expect my bodyguard will be along, see her to me directly." He doubted she was having much trouble. Barring use of what he had secured, he didn't think much could really turn the tables on Sheba in a direct fight.

"We will do that. You!" The guard pointed at a servant that had been moving through the yard. "See the prince to his quarters."

The servant, a rounded female cat, bowed towards Silver. "This way, honored sir."

Silver followed after her, trotting more easily. The servant slowed when they were out of sight of the guards. "They always make me nervous," she admitted without being asked. "You are the kind prince, are you not?"

Was that a title he had earned? "I am a diplomat. An unkind diplomat is a--"

"--I know little of politics," The servant shrugged as she went. "It is just nice that I can speak to someone of such high status and not fear punishment."

Had word of his hesitation to discipline the other servant in the palace spread? Hardly surprising, he supposed... "Was there something you always wanted to say to someone like me?"

"Without number," she sighed. "But they would be better given to those that deserve them, and those that deserve it would not hesitate to punish me severely, so that dream is shattered." She looked over her shoulder with a smile. "That is no fault of yours, Kind Prince. Your room is just here." She gestured to a hallway. "The door at the end. I am not your servant, so I may go no further."

She arched a brow at him. "Do not fear, you have many servants waiting for you, hoping you will select them to take with you."

Silver hesitated a moment. "You didn't want to go, I take it?"

"I am no fool." She frowned softly. "The one you take, salvation. The rest, damnation. They have played their hand. The sultan knows where their loyalty lies. He will not forget that they were willing to leave him..." She dipped her head. "I must go, Kind Prince. Others will be far slower to forgive my tardiness."

He allowed her to go. "Take care." He went down the hallway towards the room, or more of a suite he imagined. Willing the door open gave way from the narrow hallway to a grand room. Soft incense teased at his nose and gentle music came from the right. He looked towards the source and saw a vulpine woman, the fox's fingers delicately teasing a harp, her eyes set on him intently as she played.

"There you are." The mouse servant was approaching with a smile. "We were... m'lord?!" She pointed down at his stained hooves. "This will not do. If the sultan sees we allowed you to remain in such a state..."

The others took her guidance right to heart. He was set upon by servants, peeling him free of his clothing and adornments without hesitation. He wriggled and squeaked, but felt no real anger towards them, soon as naked as any horse had right to be. "I'm not in the mood for a bath."

The mouse waved a small finger up at him. She was short compared to him, but it didn't seem to cow her. "Then we'll sponge you down. You are a wonderful thing, Prince Watch, but you need others to care for you."

The cow nodded as she pulled a sponge free from a bucket. "It's been warmed, so just relax." She began running it over his legs and hooves, cleaning the filth and crusted blood away. He had a servant for each leg. It was... a bit much.

He tried to focus on more important things than being sponge-bathed. "I hear that you are all in terrible danger."

The fox paused in her playing of the harp. "Danger?"

"Is it not obvious?" It was a new voice, belonging to a kirin dressed in decadent opulence. She had not approached Silver, perched on a fine pillow and watching things. "Some of us have even gone and declared our loyalties... If the prince leaves without them, especially, only poor endings wait them." Her furry tail gave a fitful twitch, jangling the silvers and gold attached to it. "It is the waiting that grates. Good prince, will you not choose who is saved?"

The cow lady put a hand over her face. "What if he doesn't take anyone? He didn't want us..."

Silver raised a hoof quickly at that, almost smacking a servant. "Sorry. Look, I don't want anyone getting hurt. Do you all want to get out?"

The kirin shrugged softly. "We would not be here."

The giraffe was there, operating a great fan with a hoof in slow depressions. "Most of us have our reasons, save Kalie."

"Kalie?" He looked around for her, but none of them wore nametags. That would be the first rule he'd impose, he decided. Any servants of his would wear a nametag...

The mouse pointed to a desk tucked in the corner, where a pony frowned, writing something busily with a glowing horn. She was no Saddle Arabian, just a normal unicorn. Silver lifted an ear towards her. "Kalie? Can I have a moment of your time?"

Kalie sighed gently, setting down her quill in her magic. "Yes, theoretical master?"

"How did you end up here?" he went straight for the heart of the matter. "You don't look like you want to be."

"I don't." She pressed her forehooves together. "The sultan pressed this on me, thinking an 'Equestrian Pony' would appeal to you. I'm not Equestrian. This is my home, and I like it. If you could kindly select some other servant and allow me to return to my duties, I will remember you fondly, from a distance."

As ponies went, she was built well and properly. All the curves she had were equine in nature, but spoke of a healthy mare. The pony in him agreed it would be lovely to have her around. He was not just a feral pony, however... "If you don't want to be here, and I assume you made it clear you never did want to be here, then I won't pick you." Taking a servant that didn't want him? Why would he do that? He couldn't grasp the concept.

Kalie smiled thinly and resumed what she was writing, looking a bit relieved but saying nothing further.

Silver threw a hoof wide over the others. "The rest of you... are now my responsibility."

The others peered at him quizzically. The fox gestured to the mouse. "He said you could select any of us."

"And I am." He nodded softly. "Any of you, minus one. I will applaud his generosity." Suddenly he was being hugged. The mouse had jumped up and grabbed him around the neck, hugging tightly. He was forced to lower his head a bit, getting her feet back on the ground. Others were emboldened by her action and he was grabbed from other directions, squeezed and buried in happy little sounds.

A tapping came from his back. He peered over his shoulder as best he could to see the giraffe standing there. "Pardon me, sir... I will gladly serve you, but not in any... amorous fashion. I had faith that this would not disqualify me, if you were as kind as the rumors say."

The cow gently ran a hand over Silver's foreleg where it met with his barrel. "More for the rest of us then."

Silver took an awkward step back. "That only brings up more questions. First, no, no person should ever feel compelled to even touch me, or be touched by me, if they don't want it. Tell me no, and expect no punishment for that. Your body is yours, not mine."

The mouse lifted a round ear. "How progressive... Is all of Equestria so forward-thinking?"

A she-cat nudged the mouse. "The ponies are friendly little creatures. They want hugs and cupcakes, not slaves. I bet he'll want to pay us."

Payment was not assumed?! Wait... "You're not being paid right now? You're... slaves?"

The she-cat smiled victoriously. "A pity there was no wager on that."

The fox shook her head. "We were born to people of low caste. To serve royalty is an accomplishment for most of us. Assured food and shelter is payment. To be given fine clothes to wear, a sign of our victory against far worse fates. We are not slaves."

"We may as well be," spat the mouse.

"You chose this," retorted the cow. "I remember when you arrived, eager for the position."

The rodent crossed her arms under her, relatively, small chest. "I changed my mind, but the sultan does not 'do' changes of heart. I would rather serve the Kind Prince."

271 - Meanwhile

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Her ears pricked. The connection was terrible, and the results full of static and noise, but she could see numbers that were not normal. Something was wrong, possibly very wrong.


"What's up, Mom?" Moonbeam, her adopted son, poked his head in, tufted ears perked at her. "You look upset."

"Does this look normal to you?" She gestured at her screen, a maze of numbers, static, and charts. "It's not right. NefNef may have become infected with something."

"Yeah?" He stepped in on quiet hooves. "So? Unless it's killing her, she'll get over it. We all get sick sometimes."

"True... but I'm also seeing this..." She waved at the screen as her horn glowed, bringing up a little... nothing, barely a splotch.

"Yeah? What... am I... looking at?"

"NefNef Jr. or whatever they call them. They're too far away to try to determine the sex, but illness in the early stages of pregnancy can cause a termination... She... wouldn't even know she ever had a child. It's so small..." Samantha heaved a little sigh. "It's not fair, Moonie! Imagine that, being killed before you even had a concept of existing. Unfair!"

Moonbeam swung one of his ears off to the side a moment. "It can't really suck."

"How can that not suck! Moonie! Don't be mean!" cried Samantha, hiding her face behind her hooves.

"If you don't know it can suck, or not suck, it can't suck," argued Moonbeam with a shrug. "But it sucks for us, because we know. So, uh, mom, can you help?"

"Yes! Help, good idea." She rebounded instantly, sitting up in her cushy chair. "Now, NefNef might get... a little angry... but what if I took it?"

"Took... what?"

"The almost-baby!" She thrust a hoof at the splotch on the screen. "I take it away for a little while, just a little, put it back when everything's calm again."

Moonbeam smiled a little. "You'd have to never tell her, ever. If you tell her, even if everything's great, she'll be so mad at you, Mom, and you know it."

"Yeah... but that didn't sound like a no!" She leaned forward, her hooves wriggling as her horn glowed, starting to put things into motion. "This is going to be super tricky. She's so far away! If she was right here, it would just be slightly really hard. But with her a whole ocean away, it's graduated to S-Grade Mega Super Hard!"

Moonbeam nodded softly as he grabbed her half-filled mug and trotted off with it. He didn't say goodbye, there was no need. She didn't notice his presence or lack of it until she reached with her magic for her refilled mug and took a big slurp of coffee. "This is warm. Oh, thank you!" She took a second sip before setting it down. "Now..."

He left her to her work, heading off to do things more suitable to a teenaged lunar pegasus such as himself.

To copy what was there, and make it here, invariably messed up what was there, but that was alright, since it would be here. Samantha smiled to herself as she worked as quickly as she could, horn glowing softly as she manipulated so many things at the same time to get it just right. She pulled over a jar of fluid. "You'll rest in here."

A loud piercing beep startled her. The signs from Nefertari was degrading, rapidly. All the static in the world didn't hide that whatever was happening, it was bad.

For just a moment she wanted to try to pull all of Neferartari, but that was... she couldn't do that. Even trying for the little splotch was beyond the grasp of any ordinary pony. "Good thing I'm not that," she half-sung to herself, renewing her efforts. Surely someone on the other side would help Nefertari. She couldn't lend a hoof there. She could just maybe save that almost-child before it was gone before it even arrived.

She had to work fast, so fast. The reading were wild. It could hurt the child. It could kill the child, insomuch as something so tiny could ever have been said to been properly living in the first place.

She glanced to another smaller window, showing Silver's numbers. They were elevated, but not in any way that spiked into the red. He must be there. Maybe he was worried? Of course he was. He'd save Nefertari. Of course he would, that was just a thing Silver did. She had to have faith. She had to save the child and assume NefNef was fine. She'd be fine.

Focus. So many numbers, so many strands. It was so far away... She drank from her cup to notice it was drained again. Was she that thirsty? No time to consider that. Her horn flared with blindingly bright magic that she wasn't focused on. The machines began to grind and groan, being pushed past all reasonable safe limits.

She almost had it. The numbers were looking so terrible. Silver, save NefNef! She bit at her lower lip as she slowly swiveled a hoof, marking off the area around the splotch that she would excise. "And..."

A new alarm rang. It was only getting worse. It was reaching the child, and everywhere in Nefertari. "What is going on?!" Samantha cried as she pulled her hoof back, starting to draw the little precious splot through the hair-thin connection. "C'mon, c'mon... c'mon... Work work work work!" Her eyes darted to the vial that trembled and shook with the power it was being rocked with, trying to transport something such a tremendous distance. "Work!"

Her head wanted to split in two, brain throbbing with a pain that would have sent most unicorns to the ground in a whimpering mass. There was no time for that. She had to work faster. "Work!" She smashed a button and her vision swam a dangerously dark red, obscured with blood in much the same way that Nefertari's insides were. "Work! C'mon C'mon!"

Something popped, like a balloon inflated too hard.

The room went dark, all she had was the screaming pain between her ears.

Worked or not, she fell to all fours and almost collapsed on the spot. "Gotta..." She grabbed the jar with numb hooves, staggering out of the room. "Gotta..." She half-fell, slapping the jar into a machine that was in a better lit room where the power hadn't been blown. "Yes..."

If the child had arrived, it would live, she hoped. "Yes..."

Silver would save Nefertari. He had to. That was how that sort of thing worked.

She slid to the floor, groaning in pain. Consciousness fled her fatigued form.

272 - The Next Morning

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"Mom?" Moonbeam called from the doorway as he swatted the door shut with a wing. "I'm home. Everything cool?" There was no answer, but that was no cause for alarm. His adopted mother often got distracted and absorbed into her work. He went to the fridge, grabbed a snack and nibbled at it as his wings went about making some coffee.

"She'll be happy to have it," he spoke to himself as he watched the water warm. She never remembered to make herself any, but was always happy when it was provided. "I swear sometimes I forget who's the parent around here." He was smiling though. He had only grown fonder of his adopted mother, even with, or maybe because of her eccentricities.

With the coffee loaded into one of her favorite mugs that looked like a smiling pony you were drinking out of the skull of, he trotted towards her room. "Ready or not, the caffeine train is pulling into the station. The hay's wrong with this light?" His wing flicked back and forth over the switch that should have summoned light into the hallway, but light refused to come. "Mom, you blow the fuse, again?"

He pressed forward, grumbling. He expected light in her room, but it was fairly dark in there as well. "Mom?" He set the coffee down on her desk and walked past it carefully. His nightvision was keen, as befit a lunar pegasus. "Samantha?" She usually didn't like when he used her actual name, but that could be a good way to get a response. "Yo, you in here?" He nudged open another door into deeper darkness.

There was a faint light. One little readout blinking a soft green. What did it mean? He had no idea. "Moooom?" He stopped, looking down at his hooves. The ground felt... odd... There was a burn mark. The floor was scorched as if something had just... exploded, boom, and left a big imprint. "Mom?" He took a step back, the first true bit of fear starting to rise.

"This isn't funny! Come out here right now!" Moonboom clopped a hoof on the hardwood floor, scowling as if he could shame the situation into being better. "I got you coffee!"

Samantha was seated on something that barely qualified as a surface. "Fascinating." All around her were stars, countless stars. They seemed to reach into infinity, but she knew better. There was a limit. There was always a limit.

She rose to her hooves and looked around. "Moonbeam?" She twitched an ear, trying to tune into him, but her devices were unresponsive. "Concerning... Hmmm." Curiosity won out, and she began following the shimmering path she was on. "I just have to find the way back home."

"You didn't wait for me?" A figure emerged from the stars, stepping out onto the path ahead of her. He looked old and grey. He had a long beard and a hat full of bells. "I can see how you two are related."

"Star Swirl," identified Samantha out loud. "Silver would be so happy to meet you! I imagine you could answer many questions regarding thaumaturgic design."

"We've met." Star raised a brow at Samantha. "And now his daughter comes, not bound by blood, but surely his all the same. Are you not even slightly scared?"

"Why should I be?" Samantha leaned forward towards him. "I'm curious, and I wish to re-establish contact with the others, but I appear to be in no danger."

"What a curious mare." He stroked his beard softly, looking her over. "You've done something you shouldn't do, and as your punishment, you are here."

She gasped with alarm. "What'd I do wrong?! I knew I should have tipped better..."

"This is not a matter of tipping. A life would have ended, should have ended, but you refused that destiny. You clutched it from the very jaws of destiny through sheer will, determination, love, and caring. You offended the fates, but also impressed them, so you are here."

Samantha slowly tilted her head, trying to process that. "Aren't the fates mostly just a way for ponies to feel better when they don't take the needed actions to get something done and they want to blame something other than themselves?"

"Usually," Star agreed easily. "Not this time." He turned away. "Follow me. Your life's accomplishments will be displayed on either side. Take this moment to consider how you got here, or just walk. Either way, keep up."

Samantha's eyes were more on the pony in front of her rather than the floating images of her life. She already knew how her life went, she was there, duh... "Why are you here?"

"I did a good thing, and a bad thing. Fate does love to punish ponies in ways for that. Me and my friends are quite trapped here, but we keep an evil at bay in the meanwhile... At least I get to see some things." He twisted an ear at her. "Are you truly not curious at all? This is a great moment for you."

"Is it?" She trotted up to walk beside him. "Well I am happy to meet you. If you know so much, did it work? I was unable to verify before losing consciousness."

"You can verify that after this, now, do you understand what comes next?"

"We reach the end of this road and I go home? You can come with me if you like."

"No I may not. Stepping away would bring great evil to Equestria and I will not have that." He glanced to the side at her. "You will change in a fundamental way, but I have a feeling you would rather just experience it and take take notes on the matter."

Samantha gasped at Star Swirl. "You already know me so well. Will it hurt? A lot, a little? I can handle it, just want to know."

"It is overwhelming, but not painful." He reached for her, pulling free a portion of her spirit into a swirling eddy of power. "At least you didn't ask for a song."

"I could have had a song?!"

"Too late." She began to lift into the air as he blew the energy towards her, changing it in the process. It flowed into it, bringing the change with it. Her form became nothing but energy, changed energy, controlled by the forces of destiny itself. Her vision of the astral plane they had been in faded away.

"This can't be happening..." He danced from one hoof to the next. "This can't be happening, oh man, oh... Okay, okay, calm down, calm... down..." He took a slow uneven breath. "She has to be alright. She's crazy, wild, but always wins through, always, remember that... She has to be alright... Where did she get herself... Where..."

He emerged from the back room to hear something shuffling around. "Who's there?!"

"Moonbeam?" A soft thud announced Samantha bopping her head on the bottom of her desk. "Ow, one moment. I almost have this... there."

The lights came on and machines hummed back into life. "There we are. Moonie!" She emerged from under the table, a little larger, and with great wings that flapped eagerly. "You're home! Good to see you. Oh, you got me coffee, thank you." She willed it up for a big sip, ignorant of Moonbeam's stunned expression.

273 - Conquest

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Silver realized he had been parked on a grand pillow. He wasn't sure exactly what moment that happened in. When he wasn't paying attention, life itself could slip past him without taking note of the steps in the middle. The servants had been clamoring around and at him.

Right, they led him there, he remembered. He had laid down. "I feel I should say again, I don't really require any, uh, more bed warmers. I have wives, and I'm not... needy? Like that."

The cow raised a brow at him as she crossed her arms, lifting her generous chest in the action. "Did you have servants before, Good Prince?"

"No, though how does that change anything?"

She lifted one hand, the other holding that arm's elbow. "It's easy to get used to being hungry when one must. Stop denying it out of hand and allow what happens to happen. We will obey the same kindness you have extended to us. If you tell us to stop, we will, but don't wall us away so quickly."

The vixen laughed softly. "Well put, but I have more to offer than what rests on my chest or anywhere south of my beltline. When do you intend to inform the sultan of your selection?"

The kirin closed her eyes and shook her head at once. "Is it not obvious? He awaits the one servant he did have, though he did not refer to her that way."

His teeth set, but finding her would be hard. He would have to trust she came home safely. "I do want her at my side." In part because the sultan could get angry if he knew the political trouble was not immediately at his side.

Slow Step gestured ahead as they ambled. "Close to out."

Sheba could smell it, the teasing of fresh air, not stagnating under so much stone. "Good, I'm done with these tunnels."

The diplomat inclined an ear. "Did your prince tell you what he wished of us?"

Sheba threw up a lone hand. "Of course not. You don't have what he wants, and you don't want to hurt him, so I have no particular need for either of you."

A paw landed on her shoulder. "Promise. You promised, to see my--"

"--Yes yes, I'll do that, before I leave the city," she quickly placated, bring a smile to Slow's face. "Where do you live?"

He pointed to the left. "West side, three story house, pale blue, stone. On second floor. She will like meeting you, I think."

She nodded softly, glancing towards the diplomat. "You do know he'd be fine speaking to you again. You left a good impression."

The male cat that was a diplomat softly smiled. "This is good... I followed a hunch, and I think... I made the correct decision. Still, I must find new work, and a diplomat has little work beneath another diplomat."

Sheba's snout wrinkled. "You're thinking far too small."

"Mmm? Enlighten me." He veered closer to her as they walked. "I would hear your wisdom."

Sheba's eyes lifted to the ceiling a moment. "No one person can be in all places. Silver's attention only extends so far, and in one direction at a time often, as is the case with most. If he had a trusted diplomat he could make use of..."


"Yes, ah." She snorted softly. "Really, defeating yourself before taking the first swing. You should be ashamed. He is a gentle prince, what do you fear? The worst answer you will get from him is a simple 'no', likely couched with support and encouragement."

"I understand," spoke Slow Step encouragingly. "It is a little scary, to talk to a new boss. Fighting is easy, getting a job, harder... I will have to find a new one." He sighed wistfully. "Does the nice prince need me?"

"He has a guard," casually shut down Sheba, waving him off. "And many more back in pony land. Afraid he isn't looking for this."

"Oh," he sadly accepted. "Come soon. She will be so happy." He smiled gently, advancing just a little faster as they came towards the light of the noonday sun. The cave exited out into the dunes. To their left was the city some half a mile away.

Sheba smiled with victory. "Fantastic. I will rejoin my employer."

The diplomat raised a finger. "May I accompany you?"

Her nose wrinkled at that. "Mmmf. Fine... He'd complain if he ever learned I declined it. Stand still."

"Wha--" He was plucked up from behind by Sheba moving far too quickly. The world became a blur. He didn't even feel wind rushing past. He struggled to describe it to himself, but everything was lost, then found.

They were inside a palace. There were many pretty servants, some gathered around the relaxed form of a pony prince he knew. Sheba casually set him on his feet. "I am back, with a guest." She gestured to him as he wobbled, recovering from his trip.

Silver sat up sharply, a smile on his face. "I didn't think I'd see you again." The expression dulled. "How much did he know?"

Sheba waved dismissively at him. "He was a fool, just as I, and that bear. Sweet promises of easy solutions."

"Y-yes, it is true." He dropped to a knee. "I am ashamed to know my talents were put to such work, but I have only myself to blame. As an ambassador, understanding what you speak is so very important, and in this, I failed."

Silver inclined his head. "But you knew, in here." He set a hoof on his own chest. "I feel certain."


"Why else did you leave the map behind for me to find?" Silver smiled softly. "You tried to talk me into it, but you left me the key to stopping them."

"You have seen through me." He dipped his head. "You are the, uh, diplomat of Equestria, are you not?"

"One of," Silver corrected. "Equestria has a few good spokesponies willing to meet new people and share."

"Would it... ever consider a diplomat who is without hooves?" He displayed the soft pads of his hands, wriggling them at Silver.

"Would you be happy living in a country full of them?" asked Silver, turning it back on the diplomat. "In either case, I don't think I caught your name? You know mine."

"I do." He smiled a little, sinking to sit properly before Silver. "One of the disadvantages of fame. I am Safir Naem, but Safir will suffice. By what name do you prefer?"

"D--Silver." His cheeks warmed. How long had it been since he almost used his so very dead name? He felt quite silly for reaching for it like that. "Silver will do. Among, uh, proper people, Prince, or Prince Watch."

The kirin suddenly sat down between them, her eyes on the ambassador. "The prince has a great deal of servants, as you can see. His time is occupied with great matters. What do you want?"

Silver hadn't asked for someone to intercede for him, and yet the kirin was. He wasn't sure how to feel about that... "Join the others. If you're serious, stay with them, and I will let you plead your case to Celestia, when we return. Uh..." Crud... "What was your name again?"

"Safir," provided Safir. "A diplomat that struggles with names? That must be quite trying."

Silver felt blood rushing as he rose to his hooves. "Yes, uh, let's see if the sultan's ready to see me, Sheba." He had learned her name, at least.

Sheba was at his side. "An excellent idea. Ah, did you find what we came for? Neither Safir nor Slow Step had anything interesting on them."

Safir patted his pockets, not remembering being searched.

With a glowing horn, he almost drew out the terrible artifact, but aborted the motion before it ever got free of his saddlebag. "I did, but I will keep this to myself. Let's go." He led the way from the room, Sheba beside him. He could see a guard at the entrance to the hallway.

"Good afternoon. Is the sultan still occupied?"

The cat guard perked an ear. "Ah, esteemed guest. He said to wait until you emerged, something about being busy getting to know the servants. He awaits your presence."

Sheba flashed a bright smile. "How thoughtful of him." Silver was certain he heard sarcasm in there. "Let us be off."

Following the guard, they were soon in the throne room. The sultan sat upon his throne with his welcoming smile. "Good prince, you join us once more, and you appear intact, which is good. Do you carry news from your sojourn into the city?"

Silver inclined his head lightly, stepping forward with Sheba at his side. "I can confidently report that the threat has been contained. The people of the city, and the world, are safe." For now. He hoped to eventually make that more permanent. "I also made a decision."

"A decision?" He leaned forward, hands on his knees. "Tell us what you have decided."

"First, in regards to your gifts. Thank you for them. I will treasure them, and Equestria thanks you for your generosity."

"You are most welcome, that our allies remain ever thus." He clapped his hands once smartly. "Have you chosen a servant to accompany you in this dark time?"

"I have." He nodded once, trying to keep the hint of uncertainty out of the motion. "I will take them all, as you offered so generously. I was without servants, but you have addressed this with only the skill a sultan as yourself could see to. I will leave, uh..." He struggled to remember her name. "The unicorn, a mare? I will leave her. Equestria has enough unicorn mares."

He felt bad saying it. They were unkind words... "But the rest interest me." I want to protect them, was more of what he thought. "Thank you."

"Hmmmm..." Silver could see him considering. Would he object to his claim. He would look lesser in doing so. "Such a bold and eager young prince, taking on so many at once. Beware you do not become overwhelmed. Your servants have no order, and when there is no eldest to set the rules, they begin to set their own rules. Be wary, or they will own you, Young Prince." He touched his fingers together. "Are you quite certain the threat has passed?"

"I crushed... one of them beneath my hooves. Their leaders are scattered and their artifact no longer in their possession. Let us breathe... a little easier, knowing this will not be used against us." He let out a sudden sigh. "Really, who thought that was a good idea?!"

"Who indeed...? I wish we could have learned that... Still, I will not complain if it is truly put to rest." He stood up from the throne. "You will require a vessel."


"To return with. You have too many servants, and too many riches. A poor replacement for your wife, I readily admit, but far much more in simple... girth. You will need a vessel to carry it all home. I will lend you one, with a crew, but they are not a gift. They will return once you are all safely away."

Silver felt his ears raising on his own, directed at the sultan. "That would be very nice." He hadn't considered the logistics of getting his new workforce home, and he felt silly for not considering it. "A silly thought, but you have many many more where they came from, I do hope? Taking all the kingdom's servants at once would be very rude."

"It would be." He smiled, sharp teeth displayed briefly. "But I am a cat of my word, and we will sooner replace them than you your wife, so this is something we will bear. Hmm, if you are feeling thoughtful, perhaps you would leave the mouse behind? I have a few uses for her."

Silver tensed, having a strong feeling the mouse would have no good future, being in a place she didn't want to be, with a sultan that likely was aware of the fact.

274 - It is a Small World

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Soft knocking perked rounded ears. "I have it!" called a small voice. The bear rushed for the door, ambling along with the energy only youth had. "Who is--" She pulled open the door and her eyes went wide. "Wow!"

Sheba smiled down at the little bear cub. "What an adorable little cub you are. May I know your name?"

"D-dad!" she squeaked, her eyes locked on Sheba. "There's a pretty cat asking my name..."

"You should answer her," came the more sedate tones of her father, Slow Step trundling in from the back at a sedate pace. "She will not bite you."

"Oh, um... alright..." She worried her fingers together nervously at first. "Hello... I'm Coddie. You are...?"

"Sheba... That is not a local name, is it?"

Coddie shook her head rapidly, ears flopping a bit before popping back up. "No! Ma'am! Um... we're both from far away... Wow... you... You look like her! Are you a warrior cat?"

Sheba smiled, sharp fangs on display. "Oh, yes. I take great pride in my fighting."

"I knew it!" Coddie brought her paws together in a loud clap. "And you go on wild adventures too I bet! You smash bad guys!"

"I have done both of these things." Sheba sank down into a crouch. "But today, I am here to meet a very special little girl. Mmm, she looks clever. Are you a clever little girl?"

"Um... yes ma'am... My father gets sore sometimes because I talk too fast." She glanced back at her slower father who was just catching up with them. "He's a little slow but I like being faster than that... He said I'll slow down when I get older but I don't believe him at all." She stuck out her tongue a little and stepped forward, looking Sheba over intensely.

Sheba sank down, actually sitting on the floor. With a swat of her tail, she knocked the door shut behind her. "Do you plan to live long enough to slow down? I hope at times to never live that long, to die doing something grand and worth remembering."

"Are you sad?" The little bear cub reached up, brushing a fresh tear from Sheba's face. "Did something happen?"

It was barely a tear, a few drops at most. Sheba gently warded the child away at first, but her smirk returned. "You are a sharp little cub. Your father's paws must be so full trying to handle you."

"I love her very much," assured Slow Step as he sank onto a seat in the living room. "I don't want her any different."

"That's a lie," she whispered loudly to Sheba. "He wants me to grow up big and tall and learn everything." She clapped her small paws together. "I want to learn about you! Sheba, warrior cat!" She was bouncing in place with a happy smile. "Where did you learn how to fight? Tell me about it!"

"Since you asked..." She drew Coddie in to perch in her lap as she began a tale that was at least mostly true, of how she became a warrior.

Silver was on a bed. He was not sharing it with a wife, for they were an ocean away. Instead there were servants perched on it. They had brushed his fur to a shining gloss. They had massaged away the tensions of the day. They had said nice things while petting and stroking him.

They had been nothing but nice, but he felt awkward about it. Who was he to casually assume dominance over the creatures he felt were deserving of freedom?

He felt something jostle against the bed, then approach in a rapid scampering. He opened an eye to see his mouse servant coming up towards him. She wore little but a small bra to cover her small chest. "You are awake... may we talk?"

Silver lifted an ear towards her. "How can I help?"

"I heard..." She clasped her hands together silently. "He asked for me, specifically me... I... wanted... You should go. You should take everyone else and run." Other eyes turned towards her. "What? I would be a... selfish fool if I asked him to sacrifice all of your safety just for me." She smiled awkwardly, shrinking back. "I at least knew you for a little while."

Silver reached a hoof to her face, covering most of it. "Shh. No."


"No," he repeated firmly. "I already lost one woman on this trip, that's my cap. I'm taking you with me."

She smiled nervously, shuffling. "But if you anger him, he could take... everyone back and leave you with nothing. Don't do that!"

He sat up slowly. "I will admit something. You are small, and adorable, and so... vulnerable looking. If I am honest with myself, I can't stand to know that I let such a thing come to harm even slightly because of what I did or did not do."

Her ears pinned down. "Sir... that is... thoughtful, but so insulting I don't even really have polite words for it."

"Then use impolite words," he gently advised. "Curse at me."

"You really are a stupidly nice prince." She wrinkled her nose softly. "You're also a chauvinistic asshole! I'm not a child! I can take care of myself and knowing someone wants to risk everything because they assume I can't handle myself is beyond infuriating! I've dealt with the sultan's temper tantrums before, and I'll do it again, until I fail to do so. Either way, it's my life, and I'd rather lose that than be the person who risked every other person here's happiness."

"Which just makes me want to save you more, I admit." He lifted an ear at her. "If everyone can be happy, isn't that the best ending?"

"You don't always get the best answer... and if I can get everyone else a good one, why would that be bad?"

He touched noses with her gently. "I am looking forward to being your friend."

Her cheeks warmed a brief moment. "You are too kind..."

275 - Departure

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His new servants were quite busy. They were hefting up all the various non-living goods the sultan had gifted him and carrying them away. Silver wandered back and forth along the procession, checking how things were going, but his new servant crew knew how to do their job, and they were doing it.

Sheba was with him, walking along with an amused smile on her face. "Why are you watching them so intently? They will think you have no confidence in their abilities."

Silver almost stumbled with how quickly he came to a halt. "I wasn't trying to give that impression, but watching people work and just... standing there feels strange too."

"You are a prince, like as not, that is exactly what princes do at times." She reached out and slapped a hand down on the shoulder of the cow servant. "Where's the mouse? Shouldn't she be on this line?"

He hadn't seen the mouse in... since he went to sleep, come to think.

"With the sultan, probably." The cow moved on like that was casual news.

Silver looked left and right before promptly vanishing in silver sparkles. Sheba put a hand over her face. "My employer..." She vanished without the sparkles.

Silver appeared before the throne room. Sure, he had been tempted to appear inside it, but even in that moment, he didn't want to press his luck too badly. "Is the sultan available?"

"He is not," advised one of the two guards standing watch. "The only word he left for you are well wishes on your journey, if you are worried about parting words."

He had been dismissed. He may be a prince, but he was a foreign one. The sultan had bid him good day. "Return the sentiment." Silver turned away, trying to keep his pony-given tells in check. Ears up, tail untucked, and that didn't even start on facial expressions and a firm confident step. He wasn't entirely sure how well he managed to hide his disappointment, but he tried.

He had failed without even trying... That was not the way heroic tales were written.

Sheba was beside him at the next intersection, a hand on his shoulder. "I thought your servants had behaved oddly."

"Hm?" He turned one of those, he then realized downcast, ears towards her.

"They were moving early in the day. I heard speaking, then the mouse was gone. Your servants conspired against you, my employer. I imagine she was involved in it, for there was no sound of struggle."

She had just turned herself over then? "Oh... That makes sense." He hated it, but it made sense. She had said she wanted to do just as much. "Why didn't you stop them?"

"I guard you. I can not, and will not, stop those beneath you from deciding their own fates, especially when that decision creates less threat for you than before." Sheba shrugged softly. "I did not encourage her, if that helps, but I did not intervene either."

It had all been decided without him. He smiled wryly, moving towards where his ship back was docked. "Maybe I was being stupid." He couldn't make every decision... That didn't make him feel much better about the mental images he had of what could be befalling the mouse that had changed her mind about serving.

Sheba was on his back, just suddenly there as was her way. "We are going to Equestria, yes? Land of soft ponies like yourself. Will I need to guard you there?"

"If you assume they're all as nice as me, you may be taken advantage of. There are unkind ponies, as there are any other species." He saw the line of servants and moved to walk alongside it towards the ship. "Equestria is a gentler place, overall, but not one without problems."

"You must be upset." Sheba pat his neck lightly, causing the muscles there to twitch. "You don't usually speak poorly of your home nation. Calm yourself."

He was calm! He took a soft breath, trying to make that a reality. "Yes, right. There's the ship." It was a large galleon, suited for carrying the goods and all the people he had to take with him. He spread his wings and took flight with a casual hop, feeling Sheba's legs tighten around his barrel with the sudden new motion. With a clop, he landed on the deck of the ship, sailors hurrying around him.

It was time to go home. "Where's the captain?"

The sailors directed him towards what seemed to be the captain's quarters. The door said as much with a brass plate over it. Willing it, he knocked on the door with a silver force.

"Yeah?" came a muffled voice before the door swung open. "Ah, me cargo! Ha ha, be ye ready to set sail?"

Silver blinked softly. He had not expected the captain to have a full on pirate accent, or to have an eyepatch, or a peg leg. He appeared to be a dog, though not a diamond one. He had floppy cute brown ears and a slightly lolling tongue. He was an adorable piratical dog. "Nice to meet you." He had to smile a little. "I'm--"

"Prince Silver Watch, they told me that much, ah course. Now ye be wonderin' who they trusted with gettin' you home safe an' sound. Well that's me!" He gestured at himself with both hands. "Meet Capti'n Fetch. Gettin' things from one place ta another be what I specialize in."

Silver couldn't help the little smile forming on his face. The captain amused him on some deep level he couldn't quite put a hoof on. "It's nice to meet you, Captain. Has everyone already been shown to their rooms?"

"They shoulda been. Didja just get here? Ah reckon ye ain't been shown yerself then. Ahoy!" He waved down a passing sailor. "Show our guest where they'll be restin' 'is 'ead. An' don't ye be worryin'." He was looking directly at Silver again. "Yer gettin' the best on the boat, second maybe to mine." He laughed as if that was a very good joke.

Silver nodded, turning to follow the sailor. "Thank you. I feel I'm in good hands."

"One of the best," assured Captain Fetch, grinning as only a dog could, tongue hanging just a little.

Sheba rode her royal mount as they were led into the belly of the ship, taken to a large suite. There were already a few servants there, looking comfortable even as they seemed to be tidying things.

Silver leaned a little, hint enough to get Sheba off. "You didn't all get your own rooms?"

The kirin was there, smiling softly from atop the bed. "We did, but just because we have that option does not mean we will."

The cow crossed her arms. "We are still your servants, until you fire us." She leaned forward, generous assets on display. "Which we hope you don't."

"Most of us," argued the giraffe as she walked past, paused, and stepped back. "That came out ruder than I intended. I don't wish to flee your presence, Kind Prince, but I also have little real... interest in serving either. I think you understand?"

She wanted to save her people from extinction. He could hardly fault urgency in that... "I will try to help, and no, the moment we're officially out of this country, you may consider yourself a free person, to do as you please, with nothing owed to me. While we're on that topic." He gestured for her to come closer. "How many are there of you, and what are you called, as a people?"

The giraffe blinked softly, looking uncertain before she stepped forward. "We are the masai," she introduced, looking down at him. She had to, with a neck as long as she had. "I have met three others of my kind. One of them was my mother. What I dream of may be an impossible goal, but I will reach for it."

"You are not alone," assured Silver, feeling lighter in some ways. "But, for now, know that you are also not tied down."

"Thank you." She suddenly swung her head, thumping Silver in the barrel with her head in a deep thump. "My mother told me this is a social act, between masai. The precise meaning is lost, as is so much... But accept it in the kindness it is given."

Silver felt mildly sore. She had a powerful neck, and furry horns, but he decided to accept it just as she said, in the kindness it was given. Sharing her culture, he thought, was a sign of trust. "Thank you." He leaned forward and bumped her side with his head, far less loudly. "Soon we'll be in Equestria."

"Land of hooves." She departed with a hopeful smile and a little prance in her hooves.

Sheba patted him where he had been thumped. "I admit to liking this rough way of greeting. I hear someone calling you."

Silver perked an ear, there it was, from the deck. He hurried out of his room with Sheba easily keeping up.

Hurrying up, the sailors were pointing over the side of the ship towards the city. Silver hurried over to see several cats. They were all dressed in thick black robes to conceal their identity, and were carrying a thrashing bundle between them. One of them advanced a step. "There you are. Kind Prince, we have a gift for you, a final one. Take it, and do not ask questions."

They threw the bundle suddenly into the waters and fled into the city. Silver squeaked in horror, reaching with his magic. Magic became harder the further it was, so it was with some effort that he hauled up the package, fishing it free of the water. Thankfully it became much lighter almost as soon as it was free of the water and as it came closer to him. "I have you," he assured the bundle of... whatever it was.

He saw one of the cats that had dumped it peeking around a corner and was tempted to act, but the cat pulled back her hood, looking him right in the eyes. He recognized her. It was the servant he could have punished, but had not. The cat apparently saw his recognition and quickly pulled her hood back up, fleeing into the city.

He set the thrashing and wet bag on the deck, only for it, and Sheba, to vanish. He could guess where they had gone...

"Everythin' alright, Sir?" asked one of the sailors. "Should we be callin' the guards?"

"No... No, I think everything's alright." He trotted away back towards his room. There was Sheba, as he had predicted. She was toweling someone dry that had been soaking wet. It was the mouse who looked incensed. "I... had hoped it might have been you."

"Why?!" she demanded in almost a roar. "Did you ask them to bring me here?! Why did you not respect my decision?! I thought you were better!"

"I did not," he quickly spat out, raising a warding hoof. "I was... ready to accept it."

"He was," agreed Sheba with a smirk. "He moped all the way from the castle, and you should have seen his expression when they dumped you in the water."

"I could have drowned!" squeaked the mouse lady, her arms folded across her chest. "I... Wait." She slowly reached out, touching the wooden wall of the room. "Are we on a boat?"

The cow reached over and bopped the mouse without hesitation. "We are about to set sail, unless the sultan notices you aren't there and decides to make a stink about it to the tune of us all getting in trouble. What happened?!"

It was the mouse's turn to make placating gestures, shrinking in place. "I don't even know! I was headed for the sultan's quarters for... whatever he had in mind, and I was suddenly grabbed and stuffed in that." she kicked the bag she had been dumped in. "I heard half a dozen voices as I was taken away."

276 - Across Still Waters

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The report had arrived to the Sultan. The mouse had last been seen fleeing into the crowds of the city, headed eastward, into the desert. Annoyance was the name of his grunt. Mice were only good for a few things. Running, as it turned out, was one of them...

"If she is spotted, bring her for punishment." That was all that could be done reasonably. He had a country to run that did not orbit the dealings of one treasonous, but also valueless, servant.

The ship separated from the dock, pushing out into the waters with the push of the winds behind its sails. Captain Fetch barked orders, as was the nature of a dog, and they were setting off without trouble and on schedule.

Silver could feel the ship moving beneath him, but there were other motions far closer to him. The Kirin watched him passively, as if so ready for an order to come, but making no move to hurry it. The cow was far more aggressive, already stroking along his back with a brush attached to her hand, playing off her stroking as grooming.

It didn't help that it actually felt nice.

"There you are." The mouse entered with a little frown. "I have questions."

"I have answers. With luck, they will match." Silver smiled softly at the mouse woman and her twitching tail. Even upset, he felt protective of her, not worried of her fury.

"What am I, besides stolen?" She put her hands on her hips. "I can't go back, that's obvious. So what am I?"

Silver patted the bed in front of himself, shuffling slightly in place, causing the cow to change the angle from which she worked, though she raised no complaint about it.

The mouse frowned before climbing up in front of him and glaring in a challenging way.

He was still smiling. He found it hard to feel threatened by the little lady. "You are, first, free. I do not want servants who do not want to be servants, and I will not turn away a person in need. You, at the least, want to be away from here before the Sultan finds you and decides to do something, uh, bad."

"Yes, bad... So... free? Just... good luck, bye?" She put her hands on her front, near her shoulders. "I don't know what to do! Don't you understand that? I didn't want to be his servant, I don't like him."

"So be mine, or find another way. I will help you either way. You're my responsibility."

"Responsibility?!" She bounced in place, almost toppling as a foot sank into softness. "You're not my father."

"No, I am not," he gently agreed. "But it was my presence that knocked your life out of alignment. I'd like to help, if you're alright with that. Or not. You can avoid me this entire trip and leave when we hit land and I won't hold it against you."

"You're testing me," she accused with a pointed finger. "I know people call you the kind prince, but this is too far!"

"Is it that hard to believe?" He perked an ear at her, examining her small frame. "Maribelle?"

The cow paused in her stroking. "Yes, My Prince?"

"I think she needs your attention much more than I."

Maribelle fixed the mouse with a smile. "With pleasure." She clapped her brush-equipped hands together. "Lay down and let me banish your worries for a time."

The mouse took an uncertain step back. "O-oh, I mean, wait! I'm a servant too. You shouldn't..."

"You just said you weren't, and he asked me to attend you." The mouse was easily caught by the confidently moving Maribelle. The cow laid the mouse down in her lap and began rubbing her belly to start. "You are overdressed for this. I'll fix that, you just relax..."

The mouse bit her bottom lip a moment, not resisting as her top was peeled free. "You don't hate me? I thought... everyone but maybe him hated me, for being here, and putting you all at risk..."

"I'll make you squeak. That will be my revenge." She began to work at the mouse with gentle fingers and soft bristles, robbing her of breath. "We have heard the story. You did not come here to spite us, and we are away. If the sultan were coming, we would know by now."

Silver watched the two with a mixture of affection and some lingering attraction. It was hard to be completely stoic about a busty woman casually rubbing down a smaller woman, the smaller of whom seemed to be enjoying the attention.

His wives would murder him.

His wife was dead. The remembrance was an icy blanket indeed, splashed over him and snuffing out the small fire of interest most cruelly. "You are welcome here, but you are also not held here," he emphasized softly.

The mouse's eyes closed most of the way, going more and more limp as Maribelle worked. "Tell me, you spoke to her by name... Is that normal?"

Silver perked an ear, confused a moment before it came to him. "No," he laughed out. "I'm actually awful at names, but I got hers to stick in there. I hope, if you hang around, yours will join it in time."

The mouse smiled gently. "Why name your servants? We are nothing, just tools."

Maribelle rolled her eyes, pinching the mouse and drawing a squeak. "There was a reason we were trying to join his court, stupid girl. He isn't the sultan, or did you forget?"

"Maybe... I did, a little." She sat up, but was still in Maribelle's lap, being worked over. "I had given up. I was... ready to accept that fate, just to have it snatched away. It was a bitter end, but one I had talked myself into believing was the right way. That isn't easy to just... I'm Whiskers." Her fine whiskers lifted at the mentioning of the name. "He never knew that name, nor did he care."

"Whiskers..." That was cute. "Whiskers..." He was trying to force the name into his mind. Magic he could learn quickly. Rules seemed to come easily and stay, but names... "Whiskers... Hello, Whiskers. I hope you'll forgive me if I blank a few times, but keep reminding me and it'll stay in there eventually. That is a cute name, I like it."

"You'll have to thank my parents for that." Whiskers smiled a little lopsidedly. "Now... I... can think of far worse places to be than serving a prince that is too nice." She moved to stand up, but strong soft hands pulled her back down.

"I'm not done." Maribelle abandoned her brushes and used her fingers, working at tense muscles. "There'll be plenty of time to greet your new master, if you're sticking around. He's a softie, but you knew that."

The kirin's ear lifted, breaking her stillness. "Silver, I feel something approaching."

"Down the hallway?" He sat up, looking towards the door.

"No, further." The kirin closed her eyes, looking thoughtful. "It approaches from the water... Two days."

Silver thought back to his dreams. They had proven prophetic in curious ways, hinting at what could happen, and what fate had in store for him. He had lost a precious female in Anugypt, even if it wasn't the same one he thought it would be. Terrors beneath the waves? He could remember that... He had won over it in the dream, and no one precious had been lost doing it.

"I will be ready." He willed his book out of his saddlebag and laid it in front of himself. "I'll be working on some magic." He would use the time he had been given. "Thank you... hmm..."

"Still Waters," provided the Kirin with a faint smile.

"Still Waters, right. Whiskers, Still Waters..." Why were names so hard to memorize? The magic he began to work on seemed so simple in comparison. That symbol indicated the curvature of a power. This one added pressure... Each one had a very specific meaning to a specific place. There would never be two spells with the same letters, but you could have three people named Joe, and one of them might prefer Joseph for no real reason.

Maribelle lifted Whiskers and set her on her feet. "You're looking far better."

"And feeling it. Thank you." She reached for her shirt. "I would ask that you not strip me without my leave in the future though, Maribelle. That is a nice name."

Maribelle smiled at that. "It is nice to share it, and to know one another more easily. Now, Whiskers, we are friends, and peers, not just servants that must ignore all differences. So feel free to complain that I am more than you."

Whiskers burst into laughter, almost falling onto the bed. "You are certainly larger than me, and I would have to be mad to not admit you certainly have more... there." She wiggled a few fingers towards Maribelle's top. "But that isn't the measure of a person."

"Says you." Maribelle snorted softly, crossing her arms under her bounty and eyeing Whiskers.

"I'm not saying you shouldn't be happy with them, go on. He certainly eyes them."

Silver blushed softly at being called out, but his eyes were on his book and his writing at that moment, and he did not join the conversation.

"Because he has good taste." She slid off the bed. "He looks at me as a grown cow. In you, he sees a calf, to be protected."

She went red in the face instantly. "Silver, tell her she's wrong! I am not a child and I do not need protection."

"We all need protection," he safely answered, avoiding the fact that he did indeed see her as cute and vulnerable. "I am sure at some point you'll have to protect me from something, and I will accept that with gratitude."

Maribelle shrugged softly. "Too kind, what did you expect?"

"Too kind," sighed out Whiskers with a quirk of a smile. "What a boss we've ended up with."

The Kirin's ear twitched just before the door opened, admitting the vixen into the room. "Are you stealing all his time to yourselves?"

Maribelle moved towards the same door. "You can have him. He's busy and I've done my duties. Good luck in your studies, Silver."

The vixen peered at Maribelle with mildly scandalized eyes. "Are you alright with her calling you by your first name, so casually?"

Silver glanced up as Maribelle departed, his eyes focusing on the vixen instead. "She asked, and I saw nothing against it. It's a name, and it works. I'll react to it faster than 'master', really, so why not use it?"

The vixen approached, casually patting Whiskers on the head when she reached the bed. "I see... I'm still getting used to you, Mas--Silver... I should use that name, yes?"

"Sure." He scrawled a magic rune onto the page and frowned at it in thought. "I'm, hmm..."

"He's busy," provided Whiskers, frowning a little. "And we're not on patting terms, sheesh. What has gotten into--"

The vixen tapped Whiskers on her twitching nose. "New master, new rules. Did I not just finish looking foolish for clinging to how the sultan would have preferred it? Silver prefers his servants act as friends, not co-workers, and I would not hesitate to pat the head of one I call friend, especially were they so small, which you happen to be."

Whiskers glanced over a the studious pony they were owned... hired... by. "This will take some getting used to."

"Do you not wish to be friends?"

Whiskers crooked an awkward smile at the larger vixen. "You sound like a pony."

"I work for one. It must be rubbing off." The vixen offered a hand. "He is clearly busy. Shall we entertain ourselves elsewhere?"

She considered that outheld hand for a quiet moment before one her her own, smaller, hands reached for it. Clasped, they quietly stepped from the room, leaving Silver to his studies.

277 - Be Prepared

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Silver awoke with pleasant feelings tingling through him. It took a moment to realize those feelings were from the vixen. The fox woman had snuck into his bed and her hands were with the rest of her, under the covers, doing things to him.

"Good morning," she murmured, greeting him to consciousness.

"St-stop that..." He kicked a hind leg weakly, not trying to strike her, or anything else, more of a twitch. "I am married and grieving, making this about the worst time for that!"

She slid back a little with a pout on her lips. "I was trained in a variety of ways to make my owner happy."

"Do you have some that don't break marriage vows?" Silver sat up, his sleep banished. With a glowing horn he threw back the blankets and slid from the bed entirely.

"Quite a few." She slid back forward, inching towards him. "I would be delighted to show them to you, if I may?"

"I appreciate the thought." He waved a hoof at his dropped bag, his spellbook popping free and flying towards him. "But I must prepare, for your sake and everyone else on this ship."

The vixen drew up her legs beneath herself, seated on her knees with her lower legs pointed backwards and her rump near her feet. "You've mentioned, but that only makes me more curious. What are you trying to protect us from."

"The darkness," spoke Still Waters who had never left. So still was the kirin that she easy to miss. "It closes from all sides."

"That," agreed Silver as his book opened under his magic to where he left off. "This is not something the sailors can fight."

"And that means you will face it alone?"

Silver quirked an ear towards the vixen, considering that. In his dream... "No... No. You are right."

The vixen recoiled faintly. "I expected a haughty argument or a casual brushing off. You're not supposed to just agree with me!" she hotly argued, snorting softly. "I do not understand you, Too-Kind Prince."

"But why would I argue when you're right." In his dream he had stood alongside Celestia, but that had not bore out in the real world. But he did have women who were ready and willing to fight. He just had to... "Tell me how you would fight, if you were to?"

"Did you mention fighting?" From nowhere, his feline guard appeared, a predatory smile on her face. "Whom will I be dancing with?"

Silver hiked a brow at Sheba. "I know how you fight. I wanted to know the talents of the others that are ready to stand with me." He looked over to the vixen. "Even if I'm entirely forgetting your name..."

"I'm not even used to having one," she admitted with a shrug. "Whatever one you give will make me happy, just don't make it a bad one." She ran her tongue over her sharp teeth. "I am not usually a fighter, I confess. I make a person happy to be alive, not wish for death."

Still Waters raised a cloven hoof. "I can fight, I just choose not to. I spent so long controlling myself, that I could speak."

That rose an ear. "I hear a story in there... would you share it?"

Still watched her new employer with her sharp eyes, quiet for a time. "My people decided silence was better than conflict. I fled, but I could feel the fury. I fought it, and I won. I am silent by choice, not by force." She frowned faintly. "But I can fight."

Sheba brought her hands together, weaving her fingers. "Fantastic, but can you fight well?"

"I would not report a task I do poorly as one I can do." Still took a slow breath, calming herself. "My kind can fight, it is instinctive. We are creatures of flame. We are creatures of chill. I have chosen the cool side, but will not freeze myself."

Silver had come to Equestria long before the kirin and how they worked had been revealed. Still Waters was a mystery to him. "Do you want to fight? I don't want to force anyone." He flipped to the next page and a quill floated over, starting to scribble busily.

Sheba let her claws free. "As if you need ask."

"He did not ask you," advised the vixen with a smirk.

Still nodded softly, though whom she was agreeing with she did not bother saying. "I will. Many cannot."

Sheba raised a finger. "Before you ask, most of your sudden harem do not fight. Maribelle would sooner flee than engage in proper battle, for instance." She snorted at the idea of the cow engaging in meaningful combat. "Still, you have two at least at your side."

"They are not my harem," he grunted as he worked on the magical notes, trying to work through his plan. "If you've been talking to them, I'd like a list of what combat or magical abilities they all have, or don't."

"Finally, something to do." Sheba was gone an instant later, off to procure the requested information.

The vixen lifted an ear at the space that once held Sheba. "That is unnerving how she does that... Does it not bother you, Silver?"

"Every time," he agreed with a little smile. "But it's part of what she is, and she wasn't even the first person I had to get used to doing that around me."

Things started to become quiet. The kirin made no noise. Silver softly scratched at his book, and the vixen raised a brow higher and higher. "You two are a thing." She bounced off the bed and back up to her feet. "But you're not in the mood for what I have to offer, so I'll wait until you do whatever it is you need to do."

Still inclined her large horn towards the vixen, but did not speak as she departed. Still instead turned her eyes back to Silver, watching him scratch busily. "Do you need my magic?" she finally said, her horn glowing in a soft pulse of cool magic.

Silver looked up from his book, ears perked. "I would love it, but I don't know your magic. Does it work like unicorn magic?"

"I can read unicorn magic." Still pointed at Silver's book lightly. "Show me the spell you would have me cast."

Kirins could cast unicorn magic? A smile spread on his face. That was good news indeed! "Perfect! You've made my day better." He flipped back and forth through his book with a soft murmur. "You were talking about temperatures before, is that literal?"


"I have cold and hot spells, would you prefer those over more 'force' ones?"

A faint smile curled her lips, but it faded after a moment. "I would prefer that. Cold before battle, hot during battle."

Silver nodded with growing confidence as bits of paper floated over. He began copying spells from his book to the paper, eyes quickly darting back and forth as he did the work. "Good. I'll... give you some... to do beforehand, and some to do afterhand..."

Still Waters raised a cloven hoof, watching it a moment, her eyes halfway between it and Silver.

"Beforehoof," corrected Silver, gesturing forward as the paper floated towards her. "You can read that?"

"Your magic writing needs work." Her horn began to glow as she accepted the papers from him and began scanning over them. "I can read this."

"Then keep reading. Learn them." He turned to the next page to resume his writing. "I will need you to cast them without a delay."

Sheba appeared beside a table where a great many of the new servants were engaged in a card game. "Mmm? What are you wagering?"

Whiskers peered up at Sheba. "Pride, until we're paid."

Maribelle nodded firmly. "If he's as nice as he seems, that will not be long after we arrive in Equestria. Then we can play for real." She set down a card and tapped it softly, getting another slipped towards her. "Care to join?"

"I prefer my battles have some wager, even if it's simply pain." She clacked two claws together. "Tell me, can any of you practice any form of magic? It is in his interest that he know."

Whisker and Maribelle both shook their heads in easy agreement.

Another set their cards down, all face up. The others groaned as she puffed her chest out. "Hmmph, as if the sultan would allow us to learn such things. Unless one of us has a natural knack..."

The giraffe was there, tilting her head. "Do you think we have such a knack?" But none of them knew what a giraffe might have or not.

Sheba tsked softly and vanished. She reaapeared on the deck of the ship, looking around with a little scowl.

"Excuse me." A sailor with a box balanced on their head made their way around Sheba awkwardly. "Comin' through!"

Sheba suddenly grabbed him. As the box began to tip, her other hand went out, grabbing it with strength and sharp claws. "Do you or anyone else in the crew that you know of know magic?"

"Huh? Oh, um, there's the witch?" He shrugged softly. "She keeps the weather in our favor. Nice bitch if you don't bother her." He reached to take the box back. "I really should get back to work though."

Sheba lifted the box away from the reaching hands. "And where is she?"

"Are you going to bother her?"


He raised a brow. "Appreciate the honesty, but why should I say then?"

"Because I have this." She danced back, the box still held firmly. "And I will keep it."

"Hey, look... fine. Give it back and I'll point the way, but you won't tell anyone who said." He held out a hand expectantly.

"A deal is struck." Sheba set the crate on his hand. He was not as strong as she had been and he began to topple over until he could get both hands on it properly. "Where is she?"

"Bottom floor." He tapped a foot on the deck. "Aft side. Knock thrice, answer her question, don't get cursed."

He left with a soft chuckle, leaving Sheba frowning.

There was no time like the present. She vanished between Here and There, traveling down into the bowels of the ship in the blink of an eye. She could see the door that she was to knock on, but she didn't. She reached for the knob as she sped up towards it, moving to yank it open.

She was not moving anymore. A surge of power set all her hair on its end as pain exploded from where her hand touched the knob through her body and down through her feet. "Blast it all," she cried as she staggered back, the pain tingling and throbbing through her. "Who traps their door?"

"Those who value their privacy," spoke an old female voice. "Why are you bothering this old dog?"

Sheba scowled at the closed door where the voice had come from. "I am Sheba, servant of the prince you carry."

"He has a great many of those," spoke the elder in a musing tone. "What makes you special?"

"I am his guard, and longest employed of any of them." She crossed her arms under her chest. "I am here at his behest."

"Oh? What did he send you for, and did he say to intrude so rudely?"

Sheba growled low, her tongue curling. "He did not... He seeks all magic users."

"You have found one," simply answered the elder. "What of it? Does he wish an enchantment to be more of a prince? Does he have a cold he wishes banished?" The door had not budged, still locking them from one another. "Perhaps he wishes for a charm? I hear he is young and foolish enough."

Sheba suddenly punched the door, a futile display of anger. "He would speak with you of important matters."

278 - You Are Not Alone

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Still stood up slowly and silently, the only noise coming when her hooves touched the wood and she began to walk towards the door. "I must practice these."

"Thank you." Silver nodded towards her, but his eyes were on his hovering book, adding yet more magic letters to what he was working on. "It's good to have you."

She faintly smiled, then was gone, off to work on the spells he had granted to her.

"Does he?" asked the old voice from beyond the door.

"None of those things, I feel certain." Sheba barely concealed the growl in her throat. "Will you come and speak with him?"

"He has an energy that is too vivacious for an old dog," demurred the voice, the door unmoving. "And yet beyond his years. I can't say I like it. I will keep the ship flying straight, for that is my task and what I am paid to do. Is that not enough?"

"Enough." Sheba vanished, leaving the witch to whatever she had been doing beforehand.

"Here." Still set the collection of parchment down beside Silver, marks that were not his own dotting the paper. He didn't notice at first, just making a soft confirmation noise as he scribbled at his new work. The marks eventually caught his attention and he blinked.

"What did you do?" he asked with naked astonishment, setting his spellbook aside as he reached for the revised scrolls, his magic plucking them up long before his hooves got to them. "Why did you edit them?" He wasn't angry, more confused, baffled that anyone would casually change his spells.

Still inclined her head faintly. "Your spells are functional but extremely inefficient. I kept the meaning but used more precise routes."

Silver sat up, a smile spreading on his face. "You optimized my code!?" he blurted, the smile deepening. "Fantastic! That's been my weakness for so long." His eyes danced left and right, reading rapidly. "Oh, oh, yes, oh, I see... then you... that makes sense..." He was working through the arcane logic of the revised spells. "Same end result, less primitives, yes... What is this?" He pointed a hoof as his magic highlighted a small portion of the spell.

Still circled to see what he was indicating. "It allows the storage and retrieval of information in an indexed fashion," she explained. "That is a storage step."

"Magic has arrays?! Why didn't anyone tell me that!?" He threw a hoof wide, starting to laugh as he flipped to the next page in the batch. "Oh God yes, this is... fantastic." He sat up, tail swishing behind him like an excited puppy. "But these are new letters. I thought I had all the letters."

Still looked between the paper and her perked employer. "They may be kirin letters? I admit to not keeping track of the difference. The two long ago became one in large part."

Silver pointed at that new bit, then another and a third after that. "I don't recognize these at all. Please tell me what they mean, logically, and show me what it is, played through a horn."

"Logically?" She inclined a brow softly. "You are a strange unicorn, who thinks of spells logically." She was quiet a moment. "I like it. I am used to 'it works because it says it works'."

"That's a terrible way to do magic." Silver wrinkled his nose before looking to Still, a hopeful smile on his face. "Can you teach me these new letters and meanings?" He grabbed for his book with his magic, flipping to his reference section that unfolded out into a great cheat sheet of unicorn letters. "Add it here."

She regarded the reference page silently, eyes wandering over it and saying nothing for a long time. "Curious."

"Is it bad?" he asked a little defensively. "I forget the letters sometimes. The logic is more important than brute force remembering every prim."

"What is a 'prim'?" She inclined her horn forward, lines glowing along it as new writing began to appear on the parchment, new data being added to the sheet as if being burned into place. "You have a strange way of approaching magic, triple so for a unicorn. I like it."

"Oh, uh, coding term. Prim, primitive, noun, a command word, usually the smallest and most basic inherent to a programming language." He pointed at the letters, expanded. "Like these. These are magic prims. When you assemble prims into the proper order, you are creating a logical chain that results in something desirable happening. AKA, you make a spell."

She nodded softly. "That is the basic nature of magic beyond the crudest invocations of flame and ice for kirin and force for unicorns." She pointed at his horn. "You are lucky at times. To grasp and pull, I must use 'prims', as you call them. You can simply do it. On the other hoof." She switched which hoof she had extended. "I can make heat and coldness with but a thought, and you would need 'prims' to do the same."

"Wait." His eyes swept over the page. There it was. "That one." He leaned in closer, reading the symbol for force, raw force. Unicorn magic approached force differently. As she had said, it was just an assumed part of their ability, worked into how their horns functioned. Unicorns were force wizards. And there was the primitive for force, ignored by pony scholars. Oh the things he could do with that... His cutie mark itched with new spell ideas and he danced in place. "Ugh, why do we have to be attacked by Cthulhu! I want to make some magic!"

"Then we must defeat Cthulhu promptly, so that you may return to your magic encoding." She stepped up onto her pillow and sat down calmly. "I have memorized the optimized versions of your spells and am ready to use them."

"Have I mentioned you may be my favorite?" Silver gave a sincere smile towards her. "When this is done, we have so much magic to make, if you're up for it."

"I would be a poor servant were I not."

He held up a hoof. "Wrong answer. I want peers, not docile servants. In this field especially, I will make mistakes, and people who feel they are under me may not call me out on them. Still, that's your name right?" He paused long enough for her to nod. "Still," he repeated, looking relieved that he remembered it. "I want a research partner, not a servant. Consider it, and if you want that, great. If not, your choice, no hard feelings."

"I will--"

Sheba appeared without warning. "Much of your new collection has no combat ability or desire. There is a witch aboard the ship, but she refuses to come see you."

Silver's ears lifted at that. "A witch? That's a name often saved for people we don't like."

Sheba shrugged. "What the crew call her, and she works for them."

"I... see." He glanced towards Still. "I'll be back."

Still inclined her head but said nothing. Sheba had words to spare. "Where are you going?"

"To see this witch." He set his book in his saddlebag, closing it carefully. "If she won't come to me, I should go to her. It's impolite to assume she has to." He trotted from the room without further delay.

Sheba looked to Still, regarding her quietly a moment. "I'm watching you."

"You are not subtle in that," noted Still, sounding calm as she usually did. "Are you watching for something in particular?"

A low growl was the only reply.

Silver was soon on the deck, approaching the first sailor he saw. "Excuse me. May I speak with the witch?"

"Good day, Sir." He tipped his hat politely. "I told your guard before."

Silver inclined his head. "I should have asked her. I'm sorry, but could you repeat that?"

"You're a lot less... pushy than she was." He shrugged softly and gestured downwards. "Bottom floor, aft side. Knock three times, answer correctly."

Silver inclined his head at that. "What is the correct answer?"

"The truth," he replied with a smirk, moving off to resume his work.

"Hm..." He wandered back to the stairs and descended into the belly of the ship, only to get a new burden along the way. He felt her small presence on his back as he walked down the stairs. "Whiskers?"

"That's me," agreed the small female. "Where are you going? You seemed affixed to your books before."

He turned an ear back at the mouse lady. "I want to talk to the weather wizard that works for the ship. It's not likely to be very interesting, but you're welcome along if you're polite."

"I always try to be polite, Sir, though I hope you're not annoyed at my sudden appearance." She squeezed his back with her legs. "You don't seem like the sort to mind being a mount."

"For friends, I suppose that's true." She was so light comparatively, it was no real trouble to hold her as he walked along. Equine frames were well-suited for the task. It was little wonder humans had thought to use them for that purpose.

There was the door. He approached it with a soft humm before raising a silver fist and knocking with magic knuckles three times. Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Is something supposed to happen?" Whiskers shrugged from atop him, waiting with less patience than he was showing. "Maybe you should knock again?"

"Three times," he repeated. "Let's not be rude."

The door opened, as if someone had turned the handle and let it fall a precious inch without drawing it all the way. "Come in, Too-kind Prince. What an interesting title you bear, but it has not yet been disproven."

Silver did not advance. "I have a friend with me. Is it alright if she comes too?"

"Hello," called Whiskers. "Nice to meet you."

"Come in, come. The door is letting in a draft," complained the old female voice.

Silver strode through the door, willing it shut behind himself as he turned, though he had no need to do so, since his magic could do that without him moving an arm physically to brush the door shut. "Thank you for seeing me. I'm Silver Watch, Prince Silver Watch."

"That name does not ring," noted an elderly pug of a dog woman as she peered at him through her wrinkled brows, her chin resting on her hands in a relaxed position. "It does not resonate with the words you speak."

Silver took an unsure step forward. "I'm not sure what you mean by that, but let me apologize from the outright that I'm horrible with names and will forget yours. Just remind me and it'll sink in eventually. No offense intended."

"I haven't given it to be forgotten," she noted, eyes moving to Whiskers. "And that is one of your servants. She does not have the energy of a properly disciplined member of that caste from the nation we left. Is she from Equestria?"

Whisker's round ears raised, furry tail lashing behind her. "I'm from there, but I'm going to Equestria." She pointed down at Silver. "And he's my ride there, literally right now."

Silver smirked softly at that. "I can't argue that fact. We are approaching trouble. Are you aware?"

"How can I not be?" She lifted her shoulders. "I will ensure the boat makes it."

Silver did not expect that answer. "I'm worrying for nothing then? That's a rel--"

"--I did not say that. I will ensure the boat makes it. Those on board may suffer terribly."

That was less encouraging. "Have you any spare attention to help the people on the boat? I am organizing a defense and--"

"--How do you even know? Too-kind Prince, you are a mystery I don't have time to pry into. I am doing what I am paid to do, and what these old bones will allow me. You strike me as having a plan, so do it, and know the ship will make it to Equestria, with or without a few of its passengers."

279 - Under the Sea

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The tension grew without any speaking of the reason for it. Most of them had no real idea where it was coming from. Silver's new servants drifted into his room, each for their own reason and each at their own time. For each it was a seperate occasion that had nothing in common, but they gathered, talking timidly among themselves, unable to grasp what was making them less and less comfortable in their skin.

Silver was looking over his spells, not revising them, that time had passed. He was studying them, preparing and practicing with faux plays of magic over his horn like a flute player that worked on their fingers across their instrument without blowing into it, making no music, but still practicing the motions.

Glancing across at Still, he could see the kirin was doing much the same, her horn dimly glowing and flickering with the faint echoes of magic that had not been truly cast. She seemed so very calm, no emotions on her face, her breathing soft and in an easy pattern. If he had only her to measure it by, perhaps he would be fooled into thinking everything was alright, but she was far from alone, all the others gathered there with unvoiced fears, hoping he would chase away the unseen menace that clawed at the periphery of their minds.

The world ceased to be. It inverted in colors, becoming a gharish nightmare, but that was only an instant before complete darkness.

Brilliant light flared into being, not one but several. All the spellcasters that had arrayed to see to the trip had jumped into action at once. The ship began to glow around them, returning to their sight under the magic of the witch below them, giving it a ghostly cyan blue shade that trembled in the time of some unseen heart.

A rushing breeze of chill solitude swept out from Still, encompassing all the others in the room. It crept over the forms of the servants in the room, their faces illuminated into masks of horror, but as the ice ran swiftly over their forms, locking them into place, those expressions were eased just as they were frozen, instead chilled to a cool slumber under Still's practiced spell, protecting all that it spread over, rapidly expanding out over the ship to find other harried minds to lock away to safety.

Silver rose to his hooves as bright silvery energy exploded from his raised horn, sweeping over the ship, joining the cyan boat protecting energy and the cool mind protecting spell, giving the ship a rapidly spreading silver tint as their magics were made one, forming a barrier of three wills against that which would attack it. He could feel the others in the spell, their magics binding them together, a wedding, as temporary as it was. He could feel their hearts, their thoughts, their desires. He knew they could feel his as well.

They were one, united in the defense of the boat and all its precious cargo. He could even sense the wry amusement of the witch, who had not expected their assistance to be as powerful and coordinated as it was, but she did not buck their presence. In this task, they were united, and would fight as one.

"I am ready for the fight," spat Sheba. She had resisted the burst of horror, and with it, her mind was not in the proper state to be lulled to an icy sleep. "I see you two working. What part do I play? I am your guard, damn you, your sword. Point me at your enemy and let me dance."

Silver smiled a little at that. She had the fire that Nefertari had been so cruelly snuffed of, but it was different. Nefertari, even at her most loving, was ever hungry to see her own ends met. Sheba had become his. She wished to be swung, as the sword she described herself as, to sing as she cut and fought for him and kept him safe. She cared, and the knowledge of it kept his smile strong and fought away the headache that threatened, keeping his magic firm around the entire ship. "If we are--" His words were slow and methodical, his concentration on his magic. "--lucky, you will not dance, and our first plan will be enough."

He could feel Still was struggling much as he was, and the witch beside. All three of them were locked, focusing their power as best they could to keep those around them safe. It was in that union that he realized the horrible truth. He, they, they all had the power to simply shrug aside the attack. They could be greedy and selfish and sail forward largely untroubled. The witch, in fact, had long ago given up on protecting the entire crew, or even most. If it had been just her, she would not have even tried. She would have kept the ship safe, and those who succumbed were simply not hers to mourn.

Is was their cooperation that made the impossible possible. The ship was safe, the minds aboard it were protected in a layer of ice. His silver power ran through both of the other enchantments, fortifying and binding them together, making the ship into one solid bullet that propelled through the cursed waves, resisting the effects of what foul presence sought to reduce sailors and passengers to screaming ruin.

They were doing it. Everything would be--

All was dark once more. A great eye, opened before them, unfathomably huge, incomprehensibly inhuman. The others were not there, not the crew or the servants. Only those who were not shielded were present. Sheba sprang her claws free, growling low at the eye. Still scrambled to her hooves, backing away in a display of actual fear. The witch let out a weary sigh, as if she was ready to pay the final price for her work.

"We mean you no harm," spoke Silver, feeling the pressure of the spell gone, seperated from him as they were from the ship. Was it still going? He couldn't know. All he knew was that he had the full attention of something so vastly more than him that he couldn't stop from shaking a little. So that was what facing a cthuloid elder god was like... He wasn't sure he could be happy with marking that off the bucket list.

Words came, each as long as the universe itself, but as pointed as the big bang. It wasn't English, or Ponish, or anything else. It penetrated them down to the core and back out again, and left behind the rawest of meanings as if carved from their violated flesh, unable to resist the meaning even if they had wanted to.

Your (small/loud/many/few) thoughts are a (thousand/countless/few/painful/inevitable) screams in peaceful quiet(order/stasis/solitude/madness).

Still shrank away, but there was no away to move to, her motions meaningless, still just beside him. There was no motion in that non-space they were in. Silver's form trembled, but he knew so many counted on him. He would not be the first to give up. "We stilled them." He hoped it counted. Frozen in slumber, hopefully that had quieted them. If it was done properly, they should not even have had dreams to rile the great entity before them.

(Quiet/hushed wails)

There was a pregnant silence that could have been years, all ability to truly measure time seemingly lost in that spaceless location.

Do you seek favors?

The words that shook them were brutal in their curt bluntness. It was a direct question. There was no mistaking it. The witch turned suddenly, fixing Silver with a look of concern. He understood it. That way lay damnation. "We will pass. We will be quiet."

The great eye closed. They were no longer in its attention, forgotten and insignifcant before it.

The witch scowled at Silver. "For hundreds of trips have I guided ships, and never have I had to face the menace of the ocean. Never had I come so close to annihilation. Never had it seen me. Never had it even known I existed." She thrust a clawed finger, but it never arrived at his chest.

Sheba caught the witch's wrist, turning it aside easily with a low growl. "My employer has a reputation for trying for the impossible. Now I demand answers. What in the name of every god I've ever heard the name of was that, and where are we? Are we safe?"

Still shook her head firmly. "We are adrift." She took a slow and purposeful breath, trying to calm herself. "We are lost."

Silver gestured where the eye had been. "I doubt any of you want to get the attention of our host again, so we find our own way home or..."

"Never," growled out the dog of a witch. "If an eternity passed before I saw it again, it would be too soon by at least ten times." Her frowned stare turned to Still. "Are you with us?"

"Of course." She glanced around. "I may wish I was elsewhere, but beyond that... How do we return?"

There were no obvious exits, entrances, or much of anything but the four of them, standing on nothing. Attempting to move allowed the motions as if standing on a smooth plane, but it carried them nowhere. Silver tapped his hoof on the ground that made no sound with the striking. In his dream... They had already deviated from that. How much could he draw from it?

It had led him true so far. Working with the others in his life, never assuming he had to face it alone, had taken him that far. But there they were, floating in nothing. "But what if... we sang?" The three peered at him as if he were crazy, and perhaps he was, following the hints of a distant dream. "Hear me out. It's a pony thing. We sing."

Sheba threw up her hands. "I have a terrible singing voice."

"I doubt yours is worse than mine," barked the dog witch.

"I never tried," finished Still, her eyes on Silver. "What do we sing?"

What did they sing? "What we feel in our hearts," he lamely offered, but they weren't able, or willing, to try with such a tepid cue. It fell on him. He raised a hoof to his face, coughing softly before letting out a little breath. "When I'm lost and alone, I remember that I atoned. Even when I'm feeling down, a little song to ease that frown." He leaned towards the witch with a hopeful smile.

The dog crossed her arms, peering at him oddly.

"I thought I would be queen," sang Sheba, her voice melodic despite her insistance that it wasn't good. "The best the world had ever seen. I came with such large plans, my fate ended up in his hands." She sneered at Silver with a little smile. "And he doesn't even have one."

Still twitched an ear between the two singers. "I try not to speak," she sang almost despite herself. "My knees feel so weak. My new master, I want to trust. His love is academic instead of lust."

"Cthonic horrors--" The dog threw up her hands. "--or to sing in the void. Both are things to avoid."

"Tell the truth, we're glad you're here," jumped in Silver with a little smile. "Don't go away, we're safer near."

"Safer near," joined Sheba.

"Safer near," echoed Still, all three voices joining together. The void shook around them, trembling with the held note.

It cracked, as did their perception. All went dark one last time. It hadn't gone exactly as he had dreamed it, but perhaps it was good enough? A pity he hadn't gotten to use some of the spells he had planned.

280 - Return Home

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"Land Ho!" The call was loud and clear, starting Silver from his unconcious state. He rubbed at his head with a hoof, frowning. Hadn't they been deep in the ocean? His room was mostly empty, save two special females.

Still was slowly stirring, her eyes blinking away the sleep in them. Sheba sprang up, claws slipping free as she hissed and looked around on high alert. "Land? Did he say land? How long have we been unthinking?"

Unthinking? "Don't you mean asleep?" Silver slid from bed to his own hooves, testing each in turn. His body seemed to be operational.

"Sleep carries dreams. There were none of those." Sheba waved it away before turning to Still. "Was it the same for you?"

"No dreams," agreed Still in an economy of syllables, her ornamented ears turning to catch each sound. "We have survived? I... Master, if what you said was the truth... I would take my leave. I do not wish this."

Silver felt an icy dagger in his chest. "What? No! I mean... Sorry. You can. If you want to go, I won't stop you, but... There's so much we can do. It won't involve further dealings with horrors beneath the--"

"Master!" The door leading to the hallway burst open, revealing little Whiskers grinning at him. "They're awake, all of them!" she hollered and other servants began to quickly show up, fussing over Silver. Despite his protest, they got to grooming him and preparing him for the first morning he'd actually experienced in some time.

Sheba smirked at the view, watching Silver drown in the sudden tide of willing servants. Her eyes darted to Still. "You are hurting him."

"I was hurt first," she squeaked out before taking a slow breath, trying to center herself. "I felt control slipping away. Never have I been so close since... silence was given as an option."

"You were alive." Sheba shrugged softly, standing at Still's side. "After many years of waking death. Of course this is frightening, but such is life. Better than the alternative."

"I could not do that again..."

Sheba waved towards Silver, a few fingers wriggling in the motion. "Or you can live. He obviously adores you. Do you not recall? He named you favorite, and I do not think that was idle banter."

"Favorite?!" sharply noted the fox, her ears pricked. "Hmmph, I was doomed from the start. I don't have a horn to compete with."

Whiskers waved it away with a free hand, the other working a brush through Silver's mane. "There can only be one favorite, but I doubt it means as much as it did with the sultan."

"Can you not all speak about me as if I wasn't here?" He pointed a hoof to the door, to the annoyance of those trying to groom in. "Seriously, how long were we out?"

A new figure appeared at the door. "A week. Imagine our surprise." The canine captain strolled in like he owned the place, which he did. "You three and the witch below, struck down all at once. There's coincedence, and otherwise. Ar, ye didn't fool me for an instant. What manner of arcane menace did you all throw yourself against?"

The servants peered at him as if he were mad, but did not object to his presence. Sheba sprang her claws free. "They were shielding you from the angry sea itself. I beheld its eye and would rather not repeat it."

Still cringed back at the thought. "Never again."

"Hopefully not," added Silver with a nod. "They have the right of it. We just wanted everyone safe. I hope everyone was alright?"

"They're fine, but yer my damned cargo. Y'aint supposed to be riskin' yerself for my benefit. Kinda the opposite of how that there works, ye daft pony." He slapped Silver on the shoulder firmly. "That aside, thanks. This trip's usually a bit longer, and a bit rougher. Whatever ye did, it worked jus' fine."

They had won through. He let out a breath of relief. "Good... how close are we to the dock?"

"Shouldn't be long now. We'll let ye know when it's time." He turned and pointed the way as he went. "A captain's job's never done! Back to work wit' me!" He marched purposefully from the room, leaving his cargo to their own devices.

Maribelle suddenly leaned over into Silver's view, her predigious assets coming into view alongside her grinning face. "It's so nice to see you up and moving again. When we pull in, will we be having a more luxurious passage to... What is the capital of Equestria again?"

"C--" Silver trailed off, aborting the thought. "Does anyone here know?" How much they understood their new home was a thought just occuring to him.

Sheba raised a hand. "It is ruled over by Queen Celestia. Stupid myths say she is the controller of the sun and moon, but myths have a habit of becoming overblown."

Still inclined her head faintly. "I thought the moon was controlled by her sister, Luna of the Night. I remember that tale clearly, but it was that, a story."

Maribelle crossed her arms. "If it's long enough to be a legend, both are gone, right?"

Silver smiled nervously, realizing how little any of them understood the current condition of Equestria, all arguing about legends spread of its magic lands. "It is reigned over by Princess Celestia. At her side is her sister Luna. You have the sun and moon parts right, with Celestia doing the sun and Luna the moon."

Sheba scowled at that. "Are you saying the myths are more than idle fancy?!"

"As true as the sun above us." Silver waved a hoof upwards, though no sun could be seen through the wooden roof. "Though the legends don't say too much about her weird husband. Maybe you've heard of him?"

Whiskers casually bonked him on the head with her brush. "Never heard of him," she jested with a roll of her eyes. "That means we will serve the day and moon royalty as well, does it not, or will you keep us to yourself?"

He hadn't put much thought into it. "Anything that is mine is theirs, and I hope it goes the other way around." Not that he actually expected Celestia to assume every artifact she may have to be 'his', but it was a nice thought. "But you are not mine." They peered at him oddly. "I am hiring you, not owning you. There is a large difference there."

Sheba rolled a hand. "Spare me, my Too Nice employer. I can wander away from you and become lost in a new land, or return to try my hand at becoming a queen again, likely to end in blood spilled in foul ways. I am your sword, though I do expect to be treated properly."

The ship beneath them jostled gently, noise increasing from abovedeck as sailors rushed to get the boat to come into the harbor properly. Silver nodded to Sheba. "That is your decision. I won't turn you away, but I am not a slave owner. I have personal issues with that."

"Oh, I never said I was a slave." She was suddenly beside Silver, claws at his throat, but they ran through the fur, scratching gently through his pelt with the faint promise and threat of just how sharp they were. Pressed as carefully as she was doing, it was a nice little scritching. "I am your guard, and I would learn well the true lay of the world at your side."

Maribelle lifted her shoulders. "We are not slaves. Slaves are a specific thing. We selected this life, and we have our expectations as well. Gladly we are your servants."

Silver flattened one of his ears back. "You say that, but if the sultan tired of you, what would you do? What could you have done?"

Whiskers shrugged from atop him. "Find a Too Kind prince to work for instead?"

"But what are the odds of that?" he laughed even as he fought to get the words out. "In the end, I suppose it doesn't matter, and I'm just as glad to not call you slaves. If you tire of me, you can quit at any time, though I'd appreciate the customary two week warning." They peered at him as if he were speaking oddly. Ah. "Where I came from, originally, it was considered polite to give your employer two weeks notice, so they could prepare for your absence."

Still lifted her ears softly. "How polite. Your homeland prepared you well for being kind. I am not giving two weeks notice... I will do that instead." She raised a hoof. "You have been kind, I will not leave rudely. Two weeks."

Sheba was further back, leaning in to whisper in his ear and casually squashing Whiskers as she did so, "Two weeks is long enough for her to forget why she wanted to leave. You may yet snare her." With the words complete, she ceased to be, suddenly beside Still.

Whiskers glared at where Sheba had been a moment ago, hands on her small hips. "Well, I don't know about the rest of you, but now that we are arriving, I want to see Equestria! Surely not all the stories are true, considering some counter the others."

Silver took a step, his legs as glossy as his servants wished for. He had his saddlebags on, a crown on his head, and was ready to greet the day. "Let's go up and see what's going on. It may be your first chance to see Equestria." None of them argued that invitation, a great procession starting that spilled out onto the deck of the ship with much quiet chatter going back and forth.

The ship was no longer a lone thing on the waves. Countless others were within view. Some were fishing, others sailing purposefully. Some were cargo, others little luxury yachts. One of the latter was drawing closer. "I say," came a voice from it. "Is that a prince on your deck?"

Silver leaned over to peer at who had called. "Fancy? Fancy Pants, that is you."

"'Tis I," he readily agreed with a soft smile. "What fortune I happened to be enjoying a little outing as you come in. Well, as interesting as it is to shout at you, I'll let your ship dock and come greet you properly." He waved away and some other pony at the helm drew the yacht back out of the way of their ship. "Welcome home!"

Silver smiled at the city they were approaching. He really was home. They had made it. A pity he hadn't... all made it. His smile faltered, thinking of Nefertari, passed as she was. If only... But it was too late to consider could have beens. He shook his head softly and spread his wings wide. "I will meet you there." He took several firm steps before he launched himself to the sky, soaring on the currents of the air.

He felt heavy, and the press of Sheba's legs around his barrel. "You are not leaving without your guard, hm. Also, you have another."

"Hello," squeaked out Whiskers. "You didn't give me much of a chance to get off." She was clutching to his back, her hands lost in his fur. "What a view!"

"Marvelous," agreed Sheba, eyes wandering over the tall shapes of the pony metropolis. "Buildings that can reach the sky, to pierce clouds as they pass. I had thought that to be one of the myths surely false, and here it is, before my eyes."

How did that work? For the ponies to have such technology and the rest of the world to not have taken it. Was information that sluggish? "There are other wonders I imagine you will both marvel at, and I will be glad to show it to you, but stay by me for now." Not that they had much choice, both perched atop his flying form.

281 - Immigration

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Silver touched down on the dockside, his hooves clopping on the wood even as he turned to view the many other boats that were coming in. The one he had sailed could be seen drifting towards an available spot and he began trotting to meet it.

"Welcome to Manehattan, no... um..." His eyes darted before spotting it on a sign. "Vanhoover, right!" They had sailed West instead of East like in his dream. "Vanhoover."

"You are bad at place names as well?" Sheba smirked softly.

"We should call you the forgetful prince instead?" One of Whisker's small hands got a hold of an ear. It did not collapse, a pony's ear full of muscle, but also sensitive, twitching softly under her grasp. "There are many people, a true city, I see."

"A city, vast and true," softly agreed Silver, his eyes on the ship that had carried him as it came in. "Filled with artifacts you probably don't understand, yet, but will. I will gladly show them to you, but be--" He suddenly looked over his shoulder, legs no longer felt against his barrel. Sheba had fled. "--patient..."

Whiskers frowned at the empty space. "Your 'guard' is very willful."

He snorted in an equine way even as a smile spread on his lips. "That is a thing all of my contacts seem to share. Whiskers, please don't change that." He righted his head, lifting her a bit higher as she was perched right on top of his skull, one hand wrapped around his horn, the other on an ear. "You are charmingly small." True, she was a bit large to be literally on his head, but it was a burden he accepted.

She was hugging tight to his horn, peering at everything that moved, which left her a lot of options for things to gawk at, her fuzzy whip-like tail curling and flexing. "I feel safer close to you." It was a curious thing, but her tight hold allowed him to notice that she was not entirely a child. She had curves, pressed against his horn. True, his horn was not much of a sensory organ on its own, but with his feeling magic, he could detect it. She was actually rather nicely shaped, just so small it was easy to miss half the time.

"Whiskers, you alright?" He could feel her trembling, just a little. "You're safe."

"I know I am... I know that." Her grip on his ear only tightened. "I know that, but my heart does not listen. I will be fine, just... overwhelmed. Thank you, Kind Prince, for carrying me."

He bore her along, trotting towards another ship that was coming in far more quickly. "Looks like we have company. Whiskers, would you like to meet a pony?"

"Are they as nice as you are?"

"Can anyone be that nice?" he jested with a smile. "I'm joking. Fancy, you in there?"

His head popped up over the side of his yacht. "I say, beat me to it? It must be nice having wings." A gangplank extended to the docks and soon Fancy was stepping over towards Silver. "I still remember when you were just a little unicorn, looking around with wide eyes... not unlike your little companion there." He was looking at Whiskers curiously. "I can't say I've seen a... creature of the sort. Good day."

"Her name is Whiskers. Whiskers, this is Fancy Pants." He gestured with a hoof to the aristocrat. "A delightful stallion that was kind to me when I was just as new to Equestria as you were."

His horn began to glow, adjusting his monocle. "I say, you weren't quite that fresh, old boy. Still, a pleasure, madame."

"Charmed," she barely squeaked, forcing herself to sit upright fully. "I... am sorry for not speaking more." She swallowed heavily, offering a small hand towards the relatively huge pony. "This is all very new to me."

"Have no fear." He raised a hoof high but even with the ground, offering it against Whisker's little hand. "You're welcome here. I hope you'll pardon the question, Prince, but what is your relation to Miss Whisker?"

"She... is a servant." He flicked the ear that wasn't being held. "I'm not used to having those, but now I have a full set."

"Marvelous!" he blurted, sitting to clop his hooves together. "Princess Celestia has quite a retinue. You're playing catch up, I see. Though I hear murmurs that she intends to retire and leave them all behind."

Silver sat up so quickly, Whisker was tossed right off his head. His glowing horn grabbed her before she could get far, drawing her back against him. "When did that happen?!"

"She didn't inform you? I suppose that would be difficult with you being away... If you want more information, chap, I'd hasten my steps towards Canterlot."

"I'll do that... thank you." He dipped his head just a little, turning back towards his own ship. "I have to see my people and things are brought off properly."

"I know how that can be. Good luck with that." He saluted before moving off with a dignified trot. "Hope to see you again sooner than a lifetime."

"Take care. Whiskers? You alright up there?"

"I'm fine," she slid then right down the back of his neck to instead hug his neck firmly. "Is Sheba alright?"

"I couldn't say..." Finding Sheba would be a challenge. He decided quietly to have faith the cat would return when she was ready. "But the rest are here." He lifted into the air, soaring the short distance towards his docked boat. Another pegasus was coming straight at him, flying the other way. Both saw each other and wrenched to the left, veering away from the collision.

"Watch where you're going!" fumed the pegasus, circling back to get on her route.

Whiskers was holding tight enough that he could feel her claws pricking his flesh uncomfortably. "Flying is not as easy as first I had assumed."

"Sorry, that was my fault." He landed gently beside the lowered gangplank of the boat. "I'm not a born pegasus, so I assume any mistake in the air is probably my doing."

Creatures of all sorts began to descend. Some were sailors, but many were not. His new servants were quick to grab hold of his various things and help cart them down off the boat, taking themselves along for the ride.

As he watched them go past, suddenly his vision was lost, his face pushed right into something warm and furry and soft and oh. "Maribelle, are you... hugging me to your chest?" He could feel her hands, and he could guess what his face was mashed into.

"I am thanking you for bringing us to this magical place." She released him with a big smile. "Oh, and there's Whisker. Look at you, already getting private time."

"She looks more terrified." The fox reached for Whisker, casually plucking her free. "Come here." She began to gently cradle the still overwhelmed mouse. "I have been to other countries. This is not as surprising to me. I will keep you safe and let our lord focus on his duties."

"Thank you." He nodded towards the vixen, grateful for the intervention. "Maribelle, can I trust you to oversee the offloading? How are things going?"

"Already ahead of you." She gestured grandly to the procession behind her. "We'll be done in about half an hour, give or take. Where should we be going, besides getting off the ship?"

"That... is an excellent question. We need to get to Canterlot, which is not here." He tossed his head at the city. "Welcome to Vanhoover. Please keep everyone close together while I see about getting us proper transportation."

"With pleasure." She smooched his cheek without asking and sauntered after the others.

Silver turned his attention towards the captain barking orders, sometimes literally, on the deck of his ship. "Captain, thank you for getting us here." He jumped into the air, wings carrying him the rest of the way to the deck. "I'm going to go see about getting us all moved the rest of the way. Do you need anything else?"

"Seeing as the sultan is paying my wages, not a thing, Good Sir. Go on and be off with ye." He slapped Silver on the shoulder firmly. "Be sure to share a drink next time yer in town."

"I'll do that. Safe sailing back." That he not run into certain slumbering gods Silver casually did not mention. "Pass on my well-wishes to the witch below deck, even if I still think that name is a bit degrading."

"She likes it." He shrugged softly before yelling out a quick order at a sailor, waving them on. "I'll be sure t'tell her as ye asked. Off with ye."

"I'm going." With wide wings, he launched free of the boat, sailing not for his servants but past them. He had arrangements to handle.

"Hello, pretty kitty."

Sheba turned in place with claws extended, teeth exposed. "Who is that?"

"Just a little pony." Emerging from the shadow of the alleyway walked a stallion, an earth pony. "Nothing to be scared of."

"Fear, a pony?" She scoffed softly. "Perhaps if you were my employer, but few others. What do you want?" Her claws slowly withdrew into their sheathes as she crossed her arms under her chest. "Is it customary to stalk others in dark places?"

"Only when that is where you find them." He sat down in the dim light, eyes on her. "You are far from a local. Are you lost? I could offer some assistance."

"At what price?"

"Oh, clever girl. Nothing in this world is free." He nodded in idly agreement with the idea he had just spouted. "But I am a reasonable pony. The cost will be in line with the information given. You do not look too poor." His gaze shifted to a few glinting bits of jewelry that adorned her, the precious few she had.

She backed away a half-step. "I should think not! These are mine. Hmmph. I was given to believe this was a country of simple-minded saints."

"See? I've already taught you something. Are you not glad you ran into me? Now let's--" He trailed off, for there was no more cat to talk to. Sheba had just... vanished. "Huh..."

Sheba slid in behind a portly mare and her equally portly child. "Good day," she whispered into the ear of the mother.

Oh, the delicious jump of fright as she bounced up and wheeled around to see what had spoken to her. "What? Oh! What are you?"

Her son (?) pointed a hoof up at her. "Mom! I know what she is! Wow!"

Sheba hiked a brow at the small-but-round colt. "You do? I admit surprise, little one." She dropped into a crouch, bringing them far closer to a face to face. "What am I then?"

"You're one of the legendary felisura warrior cats!" He clopped his forehooves excitedly, bouncing in place. "Are you hunting a bad pony? Are you avenging someone?!"

"Billy!" spat his mother, throwing a hoof in front of him. "That's rude. I'm sure she--"

"--He's not that far off..." she practically purred out, a smile on her lips. "You amuse me, Billy was it? Mmm, yes, I am a warrior cat." She sprang the claws free her her right hand and flexed them so they could both easily see them. "Fear not, only the worthy will feel the sting of these."

"Yes!" Billy's clapping only got more rapid. "My friends are never gonna believe me."

"What if I provided proof?"

His eyes somehow got wider. "You can do that? How? I don't have my camera."

She extended a finger towards the mother. "If your guardian there has a few coins, I will give conclusive proof."

He looked to her, bottom lip trembling. She rolled her eyes with a heavy sigh as she coiled on herself and pulled out a bag of coins. "Here, three bits."

Sheba gladly snatched the bits before grabbing an abandoned scrap from the street that someone had meant for the trash and had missed. With a deft display of claws, she scratched her name ornately onto it and promptly vanished, leaving it for Billy to claim.

282 - Triumphant Return

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Silver and his retinue took up several cars on the train for themselves and their cargo. Others would be delayed making room for him, and the price in bits that would be bills would be significant, but they were on their way to Canterlot. "This is your capital?" asked Sheba as she gazed out a window. "Larger than the towering place we are leaving?"

Silver shook his head softly. "I'm glad you came back, but it's... complicated. Canterlot is actually less populated, and its buildings aren't so tall, but it has Princess Celestia and Luna in it, which makes it very much the capital."

Maribelle leaned forward in her seat. "Your wives," she sang out with a smug grin. "I cannot wait to meet them and tell them of what their husband has been up to. Would you tell us the full list of your harem?"

Whiskers prodded Maribelle in one of her thick legs. "Don't be rude. I doubt he refers to them that way."

"I don't," agreed Silver with a faint reddish tint. "They are my wives, and they own me far more than I own them. And... one of them is dead." He cast a glance towards the cargo train where she rested, returning with everything else. "The others you'll meet there, but... things have changed while I was gone."

"You sound worried." Maribelle slid to her feet. "Do you need a hug?"

His first urge was to deny her, but the dread of what might have happened in his abscence was only building. "I... think I do."

As it turned out, he would not be getting one hug. Most of the servants in the area crowded around him from various angles, giving all of his body a hug and leaving him laughing gently. "Is this going to be a habit? It's not... a bad thing... I do feel better, thank you all."

A ticklish sensation reached him from a sensitive place and he looked over his shoulder in time to see many innoncent faces. "I'm not in that mood..." Though, he reasoned, if he were, it seemed many of them would be perfectly fine with him playing with them as adults could do. "I still have to talk with my wives about... those boundaries. I may be entirely off limits."

He lifted an ear. "If you can believe, where I come from, that is just the default. One male, one female, and that's it, no touching outside that. But... I'm already in a herd, so the rules are obviously different. I will err on the side of safety until I speak to them."

Maribelle casually threw an arm around his neck. "Even if this is true, we will still be fond friends, Too Kind Prince. Though would that mean we do not have to keep ourselves chaste for you?"

Silver quirked an ear towards her. "Would you normally?"

"Of course," cut in the vixen, setting on a chair. "If the sultan discovered one of his personal servants were... entertaining others without his specific order to do so, that would likely be the end of them."

Silver shook his head quickly at that. "I do not own you. What you do when not working for me is your business. I only ask that you remain safe. In fact... I would be delighted to hear good news, should you... find others." A wane smile spread on his face. "I would like that, hearing you all were finding things outside of this."

Whisker's ears perked as she rubbed behind her head. "Begging your forgiveness, though I doubt you'll be too mad, but most of us are pretty much the only of our kind for many miles. Do you think we'll find sudden love with ponies?"

Maribelle poked her right on the nose. "And why not? If they are as kind as our master, I could see it."

Still let out a soft breath, on her belly, still as her name and having not joined the hug. "There are two possibilities."

Silver quirked an ear towards her. "Which are?"

"I am hideous in the eyes of ponies, or I am exotically attractive." She opened her eyes, looking Silver over. "I will place you in the second, but I refuse to fetishize differences."

"Too late," noted Maribelle with a smirk. "I hope you don't mind that terribly."

Silver peered at her. "If you want to fetishize something you can't have. That sounds..." He trailed off, realizing it was a thing he did all the time, and he aborted the argument. "Whiskers, what most do you want to see when we reach Canterlot?"

"I should think..."

The train came to a gentle stop, stirring those that had fallen asleep. The cabins became full of activity as servants got to their feet and started getting things unloaded without prompting. Silver started for the exit, a voice speaking clearly in his ear, "Welcome home! I mean, technically not home home yet, but within close enough proximity that I said it anyway."

He smiled at the unseen voice. "It's good to hear you clearly."

"It's good to be heard, Dad. Things have been... changing around here. Tell me you haven't changed too much. Scans show you are physically intact and within an acceptable amount of stability, at least body wise." He could hear her typing on something, working her mad science?

"Samantha, I see you haven't changed," he said with a laugh interrupting it. "I'll be glad to see your face."

"About that... I have suffered a dramatic physical alteration. My thaumic network is beyond recognition, but I trust you will still accept me as your daughter."

He frowned softly, his good mood fading. "Are you alright? What happened?"

"It's not bad! In fact, I think it's amazing, and I think maybe you'll like it too? Come to the castle." Her voice faded away with no further sounds.

Silver licked over his equine lips, wondering what else might have changed in his absence. The city appeared to be in one piece. The ponies that wandered looked the same as ever they had.

Still gasped, a shrill sudden noise, accompanied by a box she had been holding falling from her fading magic grip to crash to the ground, spilling its contents in a rush of grains.

The pony, no, kirin, she had seen blinked softly. "Hello there." The other waved gently, their horn glowing as they helped gather up what had fallen. "Did I surprise you?"

"I... You talk?" Still crashed to her haunches, but her horn was glowing, helping in the gathering of what she dropped. "And you're here... What happened?"

It was, perhaps, strangely comforting to know that it was not only his own view that was being challenged. "I didn't know kirin were in Canterlot?"

"There weren't," agreed the new kirin. "But then I got here. Oh hey, what's your name? I'm Spring Hail!" She brought down a cloven hoof, closing the box back up tight. "There we go, all back to normal."

Still accepted the box in her magic. "Still... water. Are you... also a renegade?"

Spring inclined her head, ornate ears going askew. "What? Oh Oh!! You ran away? Oh wow... You should go home. Everything's changed. We're not silent anymore." She put a hoof to her chest, then reached out and poked Still right in the middle of hers. "We're better now."

Still did not have an answer to give, standing there stunned as Spring turned away. Silver was there though, intercepting Spring. "Excuse me." He dipped his head towards her. "Spring Hail was it?"

"That's my name," she cheerfully admitted. "And you are... Prince Silver Watch, right? I saw you in one of the windows." She pointed up towards the castle. "Looked nice, but you're better in person I say."

"Thank you... So... What is, I mean, the kirin. You are both kirin, right?" He looked between them. They both had scaly backs and ornate horns and tufted tails and ears. "You two are the first I've met, but do tell me if I'm being rude."

"Just a little," she admitted with a smile. "Thank you for giving me that space. I'm sure we'll meet again." She danced off at a trot, leaving Silver behind with his questions unanswered.

He let her go, letting out a slow sigh. "I don't know what's going on."

"Nor I," admitted Still. "So much has changed while we were away. "For now, let us see you home."

One of the last things coming out of the train was a box that looked deceptively mundane. Just a wooden box.

It held the deceased. Silver felt his chest tighten seeing it, knowing that Nefertari's physical remains were contained.

"Dad, you alright?"

He twitched an ear, blinking away a few tears. "I forgot what it's like having you over my shoulder at any given moment."

"Your heartrate became abnormal and your readings imply emotional upheaval."

Silver rolled his eyes as he turned away, starting to march with the procession up towards the castle. "You read that like the weather report for the day... I'm escorting Nefertari home."

"That is physically impossible," noted Samantha. "She has expired. On the positive side, I found a willing womb donor."

Silver stumbled, almost tripping on the street. "You did?! How? Was there another jackal nearby that would--"

"--Pony," she interrupted. "A real nice mare that listened to me explain what happened and got all misty eyed. She volunteered, so I accepted, and now the child is growing in her. I'm monitoring constantly, of course." There was a pause. "Yep, all nominal... A few strange interactions, but within acceptable deviations. This is a cross-species transplant. You can't expect it to be entirely without incident."

"Y-yes, of course..." He rubbed behind his head softly, wondering what mare would step up for that call to action. "Sudden thought, but why not you? You were obviously close at hand, and knew what was going on."

"You would trust an unborn child to me?" asked Samantha in a fit of intense self awareness. "I sometimes forget to eat for days at a time. As an adult, this is not ideal, but I manage. Were I pregnant, I would be posing a very serious risk to their health with my self-negligence. No, I am not an ideal brooding target. My child, my adopted son, is old enough for my lapses to not cause him harm." He could hear her smiling over the voice connection. "He even raises my self care considerably. I am thankful for him."

Silver felt the smile spread to his face, a warm expression. "I'm sure he loves you just as much."

"I didn't say I loved him, but I do, of course. I care for him very deeply. Oh, I should go." Just like that, she went silent.

They were arriving at the castle. The guards were peering at the procession of strange creatures, looking quite uncertain as to what to do. Silver hastened his steps to get to the front and they relaxed on seeing him. "They're with me. Help them get this all put away." His wings ruffled on his back fitfully a moment. "That long box there--" He inclined his head towards it. "--It has... a body, see it is placed somewhere safe until it can be properly handled."

Both guards jerked back at the news, but the one on the right saluted sharply. "Yes, Your Highness. Uh..." He hurried to the box, the other accompanying him and both grabbing, one with their horn, the other getting under it and walking it along. They hurried it away without further words.

Other guards were arriving, guiding the servants to where what they held had to be. "See that they are given quarters," he explained as they went. "They're working for me. If one wants to leave, that's their decision."

Maribelle suddenly thumped into him from the side. "As if you could be rid of me that easily. When do we meet your wives?"

283 - You Never Return to the Same Home

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"Silver." A large figure approached, sun-set shaded mane flowing gently behind her. "You're back." A gentle smile was on Celestia's face, though her eyes darted when an unknown creatures entered her field of view before returning to him. "With... news."

"News I have." Silver hastened his steps to meet her, his own smile a little deeper than hers. "I am so glad to see you right now. Where are the others?"

Celestia inclined her head faintly. "Luna is sleeping, it is that time of day. Night Watch is overseeing repairs."

He blinked. "Repairs? Of what?"

Her horn glowed, pulling aside some curtains that were hanging on a hallway and blocking the vision. With them aside, it was easy to see the great hole in the castle, the sky visible beyond it. "We've been... busy while you were away. Though I hear your journey had its own perils and troubles."

Silver sank to his haunches, gaping at the massive hole he couldn't even fully see from that angle. "What happened?! Is everyone alright?"

"Everyone is fine," she assured, setting a hoof on his shoulder. "Those responsible have been punished. Are being punished, for that matter. Now... you weren't so fortunate."

His ears pinned on his head. Did she already know? "Nefertari..."

"She did not accept peace in life, she has little choice now."

Silver recoiled at that. "That's... not a nice way to say that."

"I didn't mean to trouble you." She rose to her hooves. "We have important things to discuss. Have you time?"

Silver trailed after her, a step behind. "Of course. You noticed the new people, I assume?"

"It would be difficult not to." She turned an ear towards him. "I trust there is a good reason for them? You would not bring them here on a whimsy."

"They were servants of the sultan, looking to escape that life." He clopped at a sedate trot along with her. "He hoisted them on me as a gift to make up for Nefertari's passing, so I secured their freedom."

"They have a nickname for you, I hear. Too Kind Prince. It fits you, but it doesn't capture the entire image, does it?" She turned away from the hallway, veering into a sitting room, tea and little cakes already present. "I will start with what is likely most pressing; Nefertari will be interred respectfully. I will see you are given an invitation to the date of it, if you wish to be there?"

"Are you alright?" Samantha was speaking to him through her bugs. "That was a considerable deviation from standard--"

"No, but I will be." He licked over his lips. "I'd avoid almost anyone else's, but she was my wife." A little smirk emerged. "And a shaman. I bet she'd haunt me if I didn't show up."

Celestia nodded faintly, her eyes resting on him firmly. "Was she... fighting? A grand battle?"

Silver's teeth clenched, thinking back on it. "She was sitting, healthy and listening, then she was dying. It... was not how she would have wanted to go."

Celestia's ears folded back. "I see... Was it some illness we failed to notice?"

"It was a weapon!" he barked far louder than he had intended. With a slow breath, his horn glowed, drawing out the deadly sphere from his saddlebag. "And this is it. None must know of it. Do you have a place to put it, or someone who can destroy it?"

The glow around the sphere shifted golden from silver as Celestia took it from Silver's magic into her own. "This... How curious." She looked past it at Silver. "Dreadful, of course, but still curious. Destroying such things blindly leave us exposed to the next time they appear. I will have it studied, thoroughly, and countermeasures will be catalogued here in Canterlot for the day they are needed, should such a day come."

"That murdered Nefertari and many other jackals..." He sat up, fidgeting a bit. "Study it, then destroy it. I don't even want to imagine a pony ever even considering using it. Also, the sultan thinks this is lost, so don't mention it to him."

"Noted." She set it aside on a cushion. "Lying to foreign dignitaries now are we? How bold... Silver, we are retiring."

He recoiled, ears dancing. "What? Who we? Retiring?"

"Luna and I." She gestured likely in the direction where Luna slept. "Twilight will be replacing us. We are both... old, and ready to retire."

"What?!" Silver scrambled to his hooves. "What?!"

"Calm yourself, David."

Silver crashed back to his haunches. It had been quite some time since his long dead name had been invoked. "But... really?"

"Yes, really." She raised a hoof to his shoulder. "I am tired, and so is she. We will relax now. Tell me with truth that I do not deserve it."

"No! I mean, of course, you do..." He ran his hooves together, struggling to put it all together.

"Are you certain you're alright, Dad?"

Silver twisted an ear back, trying to ignore Samantha. "I thought you were both really just... waking up. You were becoming more than just what Equestria demanded you be."

"And I would explore that further, which requires I put down the crown entirely. Twilight will be replacing me." She glanced away for just a moment. "Will you come with me?"

Silver raised a hoof to his chest. "I'm not that old!" She looked at him with a finely raised brow. "Not like that, I mean... I don't want to retire."

"Luna had predicted you would not... Then you will remain. I absolve my claim on you, my former stallion. Luna will do so when you next see her."

Silver sank back, watching Celestia do a strange little hoof gesture that he could only guess meant 'We're divorced'. "But... Really?"

"Really." She leaned in and touched noses with Silver gently. "In truth, I am glad. Please, do stay and watch over things. See that Twilight sits comfortably on the throne."

Change. Too much change. Everything was dissolving around him, or so it felt. "I..."

"You know her." She smiled gently. "You've avoided her. She has much in common with you, perhaps you will grow fonder of her once she lives here. The castle is being prepared and her coronation is being prepared."

"Coronation?" Silver sat up, ears perking. "She already has a crown."

"Certainly." Celestia swept a hoof in a wide circle. "But not rulership of Equestria. That must be given formally, to make it clear to all watchers, and to put ponies' hearts at ease, so they know this transition is proper and peaceful."

"Of course," he mumbled, tail twitching fitfully before a thought crept up. "I wasn't considered?"

Celestia smiled at that, a true smile. "You don't even mean that question."

"Well, no, still..." He worried his hooves softly. "I wasn't good enough for that?"

"Perhaps you would have been, had I been training you from foalhood. Twilight was groomed for this task. Now look me in the eyes and tell me the truth."

He met her gaze, suddenly steely and hard and he shrank back a little. "I won't get in Twilight's way, promise. I... adore her too much for that. I want her to succeed."

"Adore?" She leaned forward, breath barely felt. "I forget what strange emotions you had for ponies before even meeting them, though you two have been pen pals for some time, have you not?"

"We have... Oh! Are the others coming? Her friends?" He perked at that, imagining all of them there. "Rarity, Fluttershy? Rainbow Dash? Applejack?"

Her metal-clad hoof gently rested on his nose, silencing him. "They will come for the coronation, of course. How could they miss it? But they live in Ponyville, and there they will remain. Only Twilight and Spike will come to live here."

"This..." He pushed free of his own bubble of misery, imagining Twilight, seperated from her dearest friends. "She will be so lonely. This must be... This has to be terrifying for her."

"Fortunately, she will have solid allies at her side." Celestia rose to her hooves. "Please, watch over her. I will want news of her triumphs and failures, and I can think of no pony better in position to deliver this news to me."

"Of course!" The very idea of letting Twilight suffer was repugnant, thoughts of his own sadness shoved aside rudely. "I will do what I can to help. Though this reminds... if you're leaving, I guess you don't care what new servants I brought."

"They are not my concern," she gently agreed. "That is between you, Night Watch, and Twilight Sparkle. One owns you, the other, this castle. Both will have opinions, I should think."

It hit him then. He wasn't in a herd anymore. He had a wife, a single wife. A lunar pegasus mare with glasses and a love of roleplaying, who he had almost shoved away at one point. "I need to talk to her."

"Both of the 'hers' I mentioned, yes." Celestia floated a small slice of cake towards Silver. "But both are busy at this moment. Sit with me a little while longer."

He snapped the cake in half with a quick bite. "You never told me what knocked a huge hole in the castle. Was it a monster attack?"

"In a sense?" She lifted her shoulders softly. "Three of them. Two of which I believe you knew. Chrysalis and Tirek?"

He blinked rapidly. "They were both here!? Who was the third? Something even worse?!"

"In some ways... A small mare that thought she deserved the world..." She smirked faintly in remembrance. "She was an alicorn for a small while, making you not the most recent anymore, so there is that."

"What happened to them? To you? I mean, you're here, so I guess you're alright, but... details!" He threw a hoof wide. "Please... Everything is... I just need to know."

"Which is why I said we should sit. I will tell you." She sipped gently from her own cup. "Unbeknownst to us, dark powers were preparing to strike us..."

Night landed, wings folding. "You aren't on the list. In fact, there are no kirins on any of my lists."

Still regarded Night quietly a moment. "I only just arrived."

"Are you lost?" Night adjusted her glasses, looking Still over. "I had only heard of one kirin visiting Canterlot, and you are not them. I met them, friendly."

"Am I not?" Still inclined an ear at Night. "I am Still Water."

"Night Watch." She reached out a wing towards Still, offering it to shake. "Pleasure, but you really shouldn't be here. We're repairing the castle, which means this entire area could be dangerous to be casually strolling through." Her other wing came in, dropping a hardhat right on Still's head, though it rested on her horn rather than settling on her head. That great kirin horn poked through the hole it had, but got stuck partway in.

That same horn began to glow as she lifted the helmet and began to fuss with it. "Night Watch... wife of Prince Silver Watch?"

Night smirked softly. "It's still odd to be known as 'the wife of that stallion', but yes, that's me. Do you know him then?"

"I am in his employ." She dipped her head low. "Which means I am in your employ as well, Ma'am. How can I serve? You appear to have need of--"

"--Did you find one of his wives?" Maribelle approached ponderously, Whiskers riding on her shoulder. "Hello! I am Maribelle, and we also work for you. Where do you need us?"

Whiskers waved from her lofty perch. "Don't mind her. We really are here to help though. Silver is terrible at giving us things to do, but you look better at that."

Night looked between the three females that were apparently ready to do her bidding. "Well... Alright... First step." She pointed with a wing at a bin. "Get dressed. I expect safety vests worn and helmets on every head, then we get to work! We have a castle to rebuild."

284 - Adjusting Relations

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"Silver." A new voice, a familiar voice. Silver felt his blood run icy cold a moment as hooves came closer. There was a mare, not at all special by the look of her, but he knew that voice. "David, where have you been hiding?"

"Fast..." He glanced away and back. "I'm so sorry."

"For not saying hello faster?" She suddenly smooched his cheek. "No... something else. What happened? I heard about... Nefer, if that's what you mean."

"In all of this... everything--" He waved a hoof around wildly. "--I forgot I had a lovely changeling wife. That is--"

"--We barely began that before you left," cut in Fast, ears falling. "I can understand..."

"You deserve better." He touched noses with her, ears lifting. "How did things go for you during this chaos?"

"I was living in the background, mostly." Fast returned the touches gently. "Without you here, I didn't much feel like I belonged anyway... Thorax is leading the changelings, what use am I? Nice fellow, a bit odd upstairs, but nice."

Silver's ears danced, but he started to walk, inviting her to walk alongside him. "You aren't queen of changelings anymore, we settled that. You were there when they needed you. You're a hero, and my friend."

"And now they're rebuilding a broken castle," she spoke as if she hadn't heard Silver, though she was walking alongside him. "Not my specialty."

A thought tickled Silver. "You're all whole, and not the only changeling around, I bet. Why not lend a hoof, or whatever else they need?"

"Guilt?" She thumped against his side. "Indecision... Stupidity? Look, alright. I'll do that. Night is overseeing some of the construction. I'll go to her."

"Me too." He veered off where she had turned. When she was suddenly in the air with wings she hadn't had a moment before, he launched to follow her. "All of my mares deserve a hello."

"You haven't seen her yet? No, we should fix that." She darted ahead, leading.

Night gestured with her wings, shouting commands at the workers and coordinating them. At her leadership, the injuries of the castle were being healed. "Become a shaman," she sighed out. "You'll have magic..." Magic wasn't what was needed at that moment, and her shamanic tricks would complicate the repair process. She used her sharp mind instead, leading.

Fast landed beside Night. "Hey..."

"Out of hiding?" Night twitched an ear towards the mare with changeling wings jutting out of her back. "Welcome back."

"He's right--"

Silver landed with a few clops. "Night!"

The two forgot everything else for a moment. They rushed each other and met in a warm embrace. There were no awkward feelings between them, and no startling announcements to make either. There was just one big hug and soft nuzzles to get out.

Fast watched with a little smile. "Celestia told me she already backed out."

They stopped. Night looked to Fast first. "That was supposed to be in theory. I thought we'd discuss this, as a family, before she ran off like that. I swear, be a monarch for enough years and you start just doing things."

Fast lifted her shoulders softly. "I was thinking of doing the same."

Night released Silver, freeing up a hoof to boop Fast on the nose. "Denied," she stated flatly. "You may request again in 13 moons."

Silver's ears danced. "I'd rather know why. Was it because I was away?"

Fast took a slight step back, perhaps hearing the hurt in Silver's voice. "Your story has... moved on, in some ways."

Night rolled her eyes. "Time does that. Your story has too, mine has." She waved a wing up at the sky. "Every creature up there is a different creature than they were even one year ago. That's not the real question. Do you want to be a part of this story?"

Silver nodded firmly as he closed with Fast. "You are welcome. Oh! There's a changeling among them."

"Them?" Fast looked up at the workers. "I see a few, why do you bring that up?"

"No, my new servants. I rescued them. One is a changeling, I think unreformed." He looked around without luck to find them.

"Unreformed? Poor thing must be starving..." Fast lifted into the air, bright wings fluttering. "I'll find them. This I know how to handle."

Night set a hoof gently on Silver as she flew off. "Good thinking. She's at her best when she's helping somepony. This may be just the thing for her." She turned to him directly. "The children are safe and growing like little furry weeds." A smile touched her face. "And missing their poppa. Do be sure to say hello to them too."

"I missed them too." He smooched her on the forehead, inhaling her scent along the way. "Along with their incredible mother."

"I'm not leaving," she stated in certain tones. "If you're worried."

"I wasn't going to say anything..." Just worry about it silently. "But I am glad to hear you say it. I still have to check in with Luna, and the kids."

"It's getting close to when she'd be waking up. Go say hello to the children first." She pointed the way. "I will be here. Your rock."

"My rock." He gently rubbed his cheek to hers. "My sexy, smart, wonderful rock that is so full of talent and life..." He began nibbling into her neck and she laughed, pushing him away.

"Not on duty. We'll get our snuggles in later." She flashed her sharper teeth, fangs displayed. "We have catching up to do, later. For now, get."

They touched noses before she turned back to her job, shouting at people to get where they needed to be. Silver moved past her, gently lashing her once with his tail along the way. At least that felt secure.

"Where are we going?"

Silver jumped, his magic pouring free rapidly to locate the disturbance. There was a mouse riding him. He knew that mouse. "When did you get up there?"

"That's a secret." He could feel her changing positions, straddling his withers. "Visiting your children? I want to see them."

"That was the plan." He turned an ear back to Whiskers. "Do you have experience with children?"

"None personal, if that's what you're asking." She coughed softly into a balled fist. "The sultan was a bit large to do... that with, and I wouldn't have wanted one of his anyway. I've cared for others though; mostly his, come to think."

"Were you... a toy to him?" He glanced over his shoulder. "A pretty little thing for him to look at?"

Whisker's whiskers sagged a little. "That's a fair summary... You have a lot more magic than him. Do you plan to do something tawdry with it?"

His cheeks warmed instantly. "I have a family! You know that..."

"I met Night." She leaned against the back of his neck. "Nice mare, though a bit bossy, but still nice. You two love each other, I felt that..."

"Are you jealous?" He could hear it in her tone, then feel her go rigid. "You're not fired for saying yes. I'd rather you be honest."

"Too-Kind Prince," she spat, digging her heels in at him a little. "Yes I am jealous! You give much to be jealous about. Even losing wives, you have others just behind them. You have a family, wealth, power, and still a soft heart and a kind smile. Of course I am jealous!"

He constricted his magic gently, squeezing her. "And I am a friend, I hope, though I have so much more to learn about you. Now, here we are." He came to a slow stop in front of the door to his suite. "It's been a while..." He turned his magic to the door, gently opening it. "Anyone awake?" he asked gently, hoping to not wake anyone if they were sleeping.

A duo of excited squeals emerged from the darkness as two pairs of slit eyes seemed to open, glowing brightly. Clear Twilight and Morning Glory tackled their father with great cries of joy. He sat in place with a laugh, raising his hooves to support them and hold them close. "I'm home," he breathed out, a wave of relief and joy sweeping through him. "I'm sorry I left for so long.

"Oh wow," came Whiskers' voice atop him. "What cute little--" She didn't get further as the two foals scaled Silver without hesitation to get at the new voice they had heard. They were foals, but they easily knocked Whiskers over and began snuffling and examining her without a shred of propriety. "Ack, help! I'm being attacked by adorable."

His magic glowed soft silver around all three of them, plucking them apart from one another and bringing them around in front of himself. "Clear, Morning, this is Whiskers. She will probably help me watch over you."

Morning's little horn glowed as he resisted his father's magic, not directly, but somehow creating a layer of his own magic to slip along it as if he were oiled, popping free to the ground. With a joyful cry, he repeated the trick on Whiskers, freeing her.

"Oh, thank you," allowed Whiskers, looking confused. "Did your son just show you up?"

"I'm used to it," gently laughed Silver, pulling Clear Twilight over for gentle hugs. "Now, Morning, play nice with Aunty Whiskers."

"Aun Aun," came his eloquent response, tackling her and giving her a big hug, clearly approving of his newest friend.

She tickled his sides suddenly, making Morning squeal with laughter and giving her the chance to scramble to her feet. "I've dealt with children larger than you, Morning. Is that his whole name? Ponies usually have two, don't they?"

"Some do, some don't." He bounced the filly in his grasp. "This one is Morning Glory. That one is Clear Twilight."

"Nice to meet you, Clear--ahhh!" She fell back a step, bursting into laughter. Clear had turned her trick against her, tickling her wildly with his magic.

"Are you getting their names wrong?" Fast was there at the door. "Classic Silver."

Silver paled in his ears and nose. "I didn't!"

"You did." She pointed at the little unicorn. "Morning Glory. You're holding Clear Twilight."

Even as Silver buried his face in his free hoof, Whiskers was doing her best to assert her dominance, or at least avoid being tickled to death by the colt, whatever his name was.

"Father." That voice was in his ear. "LuLu has awoken and is ready to receive guests. I informed her of your presence."

Silver sat up, passing Clear to Fast almost without thought. "Does she want to see me now?"

"No," came the flat response. "You should see her anyway."

"I'm... going, but explain that thought as I do? Fast, Samantha's whispering in my ear that it's time to visit Luna, so I'm going to do that. Can you--"

"Watch the foals? Go. Whiskers and I have this." She made a soft shooing motion with her hooves.

He fled, but barely made it a step before he vanished in a burst of silvery light. Fast sat down beside Whiskers and set a hoof on her head and a hoof on Morning's, Clear on the ground next to Whiskers. "Now we're all going to play nice. Which means no tickling, for now."

Morning stuck out his tongue in defiance, but stopped his tickling attack, to Whiskers' obvious relief.

Clear gently snuffed at Whiskers, then sat down next to her. "Well, you're a little calmer, aren't you?" Whiskers wrapped an arm around the filly. "Now then, it seems my duties include foal sitting."

"It just kind of happens. Been there." Fast shook her head slowly. "So, you two do anything?"

Whisker's round ears rose quickly. "As a trained servant to a sultan, I know that is a question I can only give one answer to, and you are likely aware of that."

"Silver isn't a sultan," retorted Fast with a smirk. "And I'm his dirtiest wife, so spill all the details."

285 - By the Moon

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Silver appeared with a flash before Luna's doors. Her guards nodded towards him in unison, one tossing his head. "She's expecting you."

"Thank you." The door was closed, but his magic soon fixed that as he trotted towards it. The interior was lit, but only just enough to see by and little more. The moment he was past the door, it closed quickly and quietly behind him.

"You're back." Luna emerged from the gloom, her wings fidgeting. "You've changed."

"We all have, but are you being specific about something?" He looked her over. She appeared much as he had left her.

"You're just a little larger... But I think it's your eyes." She stepped closer in slow clops, one hoof at a time. "You've been touched by new tragedy, without the cold comfort of knowing it was only dreaming. What happened?"

His ears flattened. "Nefertari is..."

"Gone?" finished Luna.

"Dead." Silver shook his head slowly. "There's no kinder word for it."

"Then you are a fool." She raised a hoof to point at him. "What was she? A shaman. It was her life to speak with the 'dead', which makes them not terribly dead. Night took up that, and shares it with others. She is hardly dead, just... changed."

That certainly was one way to look at it... "I'm not trying to focus on that. I came here to talk to you. How are you?"

"Terrible." Luna sat on her haunches with a thump. "Celestia's 'grand plan' has finally produced the fruit she's been waiting for. She's stepping aside, as she's hungered to do, and she's taking me with her. 'The royal sisters must depart, together, or the country will never move ahead,' were her words."

Silver closed in, daring to touch his nose to hers, the two sniffing gently, exchanging breath. "What is it you want to do?"

"You have changed." She nudged at him with a hoof. "For the better, I think... You don't feel like a lost foal. That could be my memory playing tricks on me... Regardless, my sister would dissolve this hard-won marriage, just like that. I am displeased. I am... furious. I am many things, but do I want this? This I can certainly say no... I want to see this world. I want to explore every corner of it. From the grand to the mundane. I want to see it." She suddenly leaned forward, thunking her head against Silver's, their horns resting on the other's head, eyes looking into one another. "It is time for you to make rainbows."

"If you want to see everything... retiring isn't the worst option." He turned an ear back. "No princess responsibilities means you can do what you want, which means you can see what you want, and no one will be upset about you not doing your duties, because they won't be yours," he reasoned out loud, tapping a hoof as he went.

"And if what I want to see includes a family that cares for me?" She sat up a bit taller. "Besides my sister, whom I do love dearly. What then?"

"Why not both?" Silver smiled a little, ears wagging. "You retiring from royalty has nothing to do with my family, which already has non-royal members. If you wish to be at my side, I certainly wouldn't push you away, and would gladly support you. What is it you want to see first?"

Luna watched him silently for a moment before licking her lips. "I would want a tour of the postal service. I want to know the entire process, even the boring parts, of how a letter leaves a pony's hoof and arrives at another's."

Silver tilted his head left and right. "I would not have guessed that in a hundred years. But if that's what you want, why the heck not?"

"What is a heck?" She prodded him in the chest. "You do like to remind me once in a while that you are not a native. Still... that is alright, truly?"

"Why would it not be?" He circled her at a sedate pace. "Being family means supporting. It means being happy when they reach for their dreams, big or small. Grand or simple. If you want to learn how the mail works, you should be able to do that, with our support and love."


With a small puff of silvery smoke, Silver conjured something wholecloth, played with a song he did not often play on the flute of his horn. A hat was slid down luna's horn and snugly fit in place. It was a mailmare's cap, with a hole for her grand horn to rest in easily. Her ears were on either side on it, framing the clothing. "You could work with them for a while. That would satisfy Celestia, being away from the throne, and you'll be doing what you want to do."

"But... I am still away from here." A little smirk appeared on her face. "For now... For... now. Yes, I see. Long enough for my sister to get into her own habits, to enjoy her retirement. She will not take notice, provided I do not make myself a stranger to her." She glanced towards the window, her magic throwing wide the curtains on the darkening sky beyond it. "Provided I do bequeath my station."

"Will you?"

"At first, I thought I could not. I was beside myself for an evening... But then, I remembered." She turned to Silver, meeting his eyes. "I have already groomed a replacement."

His ears danced, tail swaying before it clicked. "I... do know how to patrol dreams."

"Learned in large part in a dream. How poetic." Luna approached him, pressing her nose to his cheek. "It is a large responsibility, and one I will not push upon you without your leave. You have had that too many times, often by me in the past. If you do not want it, I will find another."

Silver blinked softly. "It just hit me..."


"Twilight is assuming Celestia's position, and I am to help her, and I will watch the dream world."

Luna brought up a hoof and clopped her own forehead. "The cycle continues. Watcher of day and watcher of night shall the two royal guardians of Equestria be... But you did not answer. Do you want this?"

"It means my sleep schedule will match Night's better." He turned in place back towards her door, tail lashing softly.

"Do it," came Samantha's voice in his ear. "You'll have fun!"

Silver laughed at the interruption. "Samantha advises I'll have a good time with it."

"I swear... I should just assume she is nearby, but she keeps surprising me. It feels like she never sleeps herself." She set a hoof on Silver's shoulder. "You can have time to consider it, if you prefer. I will not rush this choice."

He shook his head quickly. "No. I don't need time. I will take this up. You are, I will remind quietly--" His eyes darted as if to ensure none were closeby. "--welcome to walk those lanes, when you wish."

"But I will be busy learning this modern world." She reached for the cap he had placed on her head, running a hoof along its rim. "But the future is beyond either of our predicting. That remains Sister's..." She trailed off, regarding Silver. "Your dream, how much of it has come true? Where do we stand in it?"

"We... have reached its end, and with it, I feel the world changing dramatically with it. Much of it did come true, some of it may yet come to bear. I never got to visit Turkey, and see the turkeys there. Are they actually turkeys?"

"They are. Really, as if we would call Equestria 'Pony'." She rolled her eyes softly. "It's just as close enough as it needs to be."

"I lost a precious female, just as the action seemed to be in a lull, when I felt safe, for a moment." He took a slow breath. "But even in doing, I saved many more from a life they did not desire, and accepted new responsibilities."

"And rush to add more." Luna inclined her head. "You have until the end of the moon. If you change your mind on taking up my mantle, you have but to say as much before then, and I will bear you no ill will for it." She walked past him, their sides rubbing along the way. "I've caused you pain in the past, and you I."

"We both grew." He turned as she passed and suddenly nipped her tail, giving it a little pull. "And we're better for it."

"I feel my sister was right..." She snorted then, nostrils flaring. "You will help Twilight, yes?"

"With all of my strength."

"That is all that can be asked." She coiled to touch the end of her nose to Silver. "Equestria is not losing its guardians, it's simply exchanging them."

"Father, I request that I be next."

His ears twitched. "Next for what?"

"Hm?" Luna raised a brow.

"Next for you to visit, of course. I have an announcement that can only be done properly in person."

"Samantha wants me to visit her. I think we're clear for the moment?"

Luna nodded gently. "We are... You have set my heart at ease." Her magic gently pulled the cap free, up along her horn. "I will move forward, knowing my family is at my back, supporting."

Without a further word, Silver vanished, whisked away by magic to Samantha's abode where he appeared before her door. He reached for it with a hoof, only for it to swing open, glowing with not-his-magic. "Father!" A strange alicorn emerged, taking him in a firm hug. "You have no idea how happy I am to see you. My research has reached entirely new levels and I can't wait to share them with you."

He allowed himself to be half-dragged into her apartment. "There are some things I can only really speak of easily around others who understand where I'm coming from. You've seen beyond the veneer, being an imported human." Samantha looked over her shoulder at him. "You look confused. Oh! Oh oh oh! Ta da!" She suddenly struck a pose, showing off her profile. "I'm a princess! Well, not royally. I refuse any titles and a crown would only get in the way of my research. Besides, I didn't tell Celestia so she can't try to force it on me, and soon she'll be gone." She was speaking manically, as if she didn't even need to breathe. "I am so excited!"

She sat down just to bring up her hooves and clop them together rapidly. "Welcome home!"

"Good to... be here, but how did you become a princess?" He sat down across from her, looking over her expanded form. A set of goggles rest on her forehead, just under her longer and sharper horn. She looked like she hadn't slept in a while. She looked like Samantha, really, just... an alicorn version. "Are you alright?"

"Better than alright! My magical control has steadily increased since the event. I feel like I could reach whole new levels of understanding." She raised a hoof. "Now, I thought such a thing would result in an immediate growth of power, but that was wrong!" A book floated over, slapping against Silver's face. "I took notes! It seems becoming a 'princess' removes limits, it doesn't push you up. With this, I've been able to push myself further than before, and I'm still growing! Are you still growing? Hah, why am I even asking? I have your measurements. You are literally growing, but we should measure your magical abilities. It's hard to do that with just the sensors." She hopped to her hooves and started deeper into her apartment. "Do you have time? Let's start!"

"I appreciate your excitement." He hurried to catch up with her, considering what it meant to have Samantha among that elite club. "But you didn't finish explaining how it happened."

"Well, you see..."

286 - Touching Bases

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"So I saved a life, a really small one." She poked her head up over her monitor, her magic working at something in front of it. "And threw myself into this state, apparently. Before you say anything, I'm almost certain there was no morality at play, at least not as the pivotal piece. Saving one unborn child, while noble, would not be enough. No no no no no." She waved a hoof excitedly as she ducked back down. "It was the magic. I was stretched to the point of breaking while doing something selfless. In my case, I think the first was more of the trigger, with the second being a little match thrown on the pile."

"I... see." Silver watched her work, his ears erect but not alarmed. "Where is that child now?"

"A mare." She waggled an ear. "That is not me, but I told you that already." She pointed to a flat metal disc. "If you could sit there for me?" When he moved over and sat, she bobbed her head. "Perfect, now look up and push the other disc over you, start small and then go as strong as you can."

Silver could easily see the smooth metal that seemed attached to the ceiling over him, and it only worried him. "How secure is that ceiling? You're renting this apartment and I don't want to be why you get kicked out of it."

"That's sweet, now push." She made a shooing motion with both of her fore hooves. "Go on."

"Mom?" Moonbeam called from the front door, it clicking shut a moment later. "That you?"

"I'm in here," Samantha called back with a grin. "Doin' experiments on your grandfather."

"I don't have..." He came into sight of Silver and slowed a moment. "Oh, right. Hey, Silver."

"Hey yourself, Moo.... Moon?" He slumped in place, sighing softly. "What was your name again? I'm very sorry."

"Moon is something I go by, but it's Moonbeam," corrected the lunar as he set his schoolbag aside. "I have homework. Is this a loud kinda experiment, Mom?"

"I don't predict so." She inclined her head softly. "But I've been wrong about that before."

He snatched two small books from his bag and trotted off with a grumble. Samantha smiled at where he was before turning her gaze to Silver. "Proceed."

"He seems alright with your new... condition?" Rather than tease her any further, he reached with his magic up to the plate, touching the smooth metal.

It reacted immediately, lowering towards him at an uncomfortable rate. With a surprised squeak, he redoubled his efforts, turning his gentle exploring into a firm push, bringing the disc to a stop a few feet over his head. "You didn't tell me it'd do that!"

"All part of the experiment." Her horn was glowing, doing something behind that monitor of hers. "Excellent reflexes, a little sloppy. You have passable strength. We need to see what its limits are." She twisted a hoof in the air and the disc began to lower, powering past Silver's holding magic and threatening to squish him.

He clenched his teeth, his glow intensifying as he shoved up against the disc, his force growing faster and faster, but so did the pressure he felt from the disc. Through his tactile magic, he inspected it both in material and magic and it came all too quickly. The disc was partially keyed to his magic, growing stronger with it, using it to press harder. He was in a losing game against that disc in a direct match.

"Your reactions imply heavy aetheric consideration." She lifted one ear high. "Please do not damage the measuring disc. The odds of physical harm are at least half as low as they used to be. I've put in many hours ensuring it!" She clopped her fore hooves softly. "Push harder! We need to see the exact limit of your abilities."

He aborted his half-formed clever idea to subvert the disc. "You're still Samantha." His crazy adopted daughter, the half-human scientist. Being an alicorn had not changed that. He gathered his power, keeping it in a tight focus. Though he had fallen out of the habit, he shaped it into a great hand, holding the disc up as it kept getting heavier and heavier. Sweat ran down, forcing him to blink before it got too far into his eyes.

"That remains my identification," she agreed with a soft nod. "Though it is customary to add 'princess' in front in my condition, you often do not add 'prince', so there is precedent that I am taking advantage of." Her eyes were not on him, instead her monitor, watching something. "Fascinating... I'm going to--" She did it before even finishing her words, the weight of the disc suddenly increasing by a factor, then another, coming crashing down towards Silver.

Even as he tried to raise the power of his pushing, he grabbed for the center of the disc in a frantic hurry. He twisted the magic inside of it in a cruel wrench, not really thinking about it in that precious instant he had before it would slap into him. The disc suddenly turned to the side and flew towards the wall with all the same speed. It slapped against it with a loud gong of a sound, but slid to the floor instantly, clattering like dropped cymbals.

"Good thing I had the emergency shut-off ready." Samantha nodded softly. "That would have caused considerable property damage otherwise. You would have covered it though." She waved it off like it was no big deal. "I'll have to repair that later, but no matter! This is great!" She waved wildly at her monitor. "Your strength has increased considerably from the last measure. I'll have to properly analyze the results for specifics, but I'll keep you posted."

Keep him posted? "Am I being dismissed?"

She inclined her head softly. "Are you a scientist? Did you want to help me analyze these numbers? That would be great!"

Well... "Not exactly... I have to settle in." He rose to his hooves, drawing his power back into himself steadily, recatching his breath. "Call me if you need anything... It's good to see you, Samantha." Even if he had just been in danger, Samantha was a welcome sight. "If alicorn life gets confusing, I'll help how I can."

"You're the best father I ever had." She gently waved, though her eyes were locked on the figures she was puzzling through. "I'll be in touch."

Silver glanced at the fallen disc that had almost squashed him, shaking his head. "Some things..." He vanished in a silver puff.

Moonbeam poked his head in. "I thought... Oh, experiment's over?" He was looking to where Silver had been a moment before. "Nevermind. Dinner will be ready at the usual time."

"Thank you," mumbled Samantha as she worked, barely paying attention.

That evening, he sank into the bed he hadn't graced in what felt like forever. At his side was Night Watch. On his other side, two foals that were already asleep, exhausted from a day of exploration and merriment.

Night gently nipped his closer ear. "Work is proceeding apace. We tend to stop at night, as most of the workers don't work well in it. What did Luna have to talk to you about?"

"Mmm?" Silver touched his nose to Night's cheek. "Who told you I was visiting her?"

"You did." She rolled her eyes even as she shoved her head under his chin and bit at his throat with her sharp teeth. "Some things don't change. What did she say?"

"Had I? There's so much going on right now..." He reached a hoof, gently holding Night. "So much changing. Oh! Right, you should definately be aware of this." He leaned in and softly breathed over her ear, watching it dance a little. "Did Celestia and Luna tell you what was planned?"

"Of course." Her tail lashed softly. "You're the last one to know, in this case. I assume they both informed you. You're almost not a herd. Just a lunar and a quasi-changeling to your name, poor stallion."

"About that. Luna didn't want to do it, at all." He sat up, rising from laying to his haunches. "She is retiring from dream patrol, giving that job to me, but I did not kick her out of the family. She will be distant for a time, but is still a member and will return as soon as Celestia isn't looking. Just not as a princess."

Night sat up to match his gaze, her slit eyes constricting faintly. "You can handle the dream world? You're almost the definition of a day pony. You go to sleep early on most days and wake up just as early. You come at things directly whenever possible... You, our new master of the night?"

"I've done it once before." When she gave him a look, he smirked softly. "It's true. It was in a dream; a long and terrible dream, full of wonders and horrors in equal abundance. It was there that I fought you. It was there I divorced you. It was there I first met my foals..." Silver raised a hoof to his chest. "I know full well the power, majesty, and awe-inspiring terrible might of dreams. I have walked along those ever-changing paths and seen inside."

She headbutted his chest, burying her face in his fluff. "We're both taking on new responsibilities, aren't we? With Nefertari's passing, I stand as the only word of shamanism in the entire kingdom. It's been... educational, as much to my students as it is to me, their teacher." She nibbled at his flesh as she nestled in closer. "Many things are changing, but I give it a 76% chance of happy ending. Oh!" She sat up suddenly. "Twilight will be our new princess. Does that bother you? I know you don't see her as you see Celestia."

"No..." Twilight was a distant daughter, an innocent creature he delighted in watching grow and mature. "She will never be my 'mother' in that way, but that isn't the position I'm taking either." He reached to rest a hoof beside his two slumbering children. "I will stand beside her and support her, not expect support. Like Luna... Like the last watcher of dreams, I will be in the background, helping from outside the direct view."

She poked him on the shoulder. "Unlike Luna, how about we nip that in the bud before it even has a chance to blossom? If you're the night to her sun, you should support each other, as equals. Let her advise you as you advise her, and you can do public speaking, I've seen it." She clucked her tongue against her teeth. "So you can share that too, when the situation is right."

"I... need to talk to her, first." He inclined his head, considering it. "When do--" They both went rigid at a new noise.

Their little filly rolled over with a yawn, but did not awaken. The two parents were still and quiet for a time before slowly sinking onto the mattress. It was not time to talk and debate anymore. They went to bed as their children commanded without words, soon sleeping peacefully half-curled around one another.

"Hey, big, dark, and mysterious." Fast Change was standing over Silver as he woke up. "Welcome to the morning! Night's already gone, the foals are playing just over there." She pointed the way to where the foals were having fun with Whiskers. "That leaves us here. So how about we blow everything off and do what married ponies do, hmm?"

Silver blinked softly, still working the sleep from his eyes. "Good morning to you too, Fast. Where were you, last night?"

She sank on top of him, resting belly to belly on top of him. "In my own bed."

"You're my wife, last I checked." He gently brushed a hoof down her side, feeling her soft fur. "You should sleep with us."

"Oh, I dunno..." She hopped free of him and the bed, landing on the floor easily despite the sudden change from laying to leaping. "I'll ask Night how she feels about it. Time to get up!" Her horn glowed, yanking the blankets far away, not that he had been reaching for them.

287 - Hello, Princess

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Twilight strode slowly down the hallway, her brother at her side. "It all feels... different."

Spike nodded lightly at that, a quill in his right hand. "Yeah. I mean, we're here to be in charge."

"Not exactly that, yet. There is the coronation to do." Twilight coiled towards him. "But, yes, exactly that! I can... do this though." She took a slow breath, showing the breathing motion Cadance had shown her with an extension of her hoof. "We have this... Now, let's review the checklist."

"Well, we're past step 1. Castle's fixed." He inclined his quill towards the lack of damage as they walked past a hallway that had once been open ceilinged. "Ah, here we go. Meet the locals."

"You mean local nobles?" asked Twilight with a lifted ear. "Well to-do merchants and movers and shakers of Canterlot."

"Well, those too." Spike shrugged as he walked with her. "But it says here specifically the ones working here in the castle with you."

A lunar pony trotted out of a hallway in front of them. The mare stopped on seeing them, eyes narrowing faintly before a smile spread on her face. "Princess Twilight?"

Twilight blinked softly. "Oh! Hello there." A thick index of cards appeared suddenly and flipped themselves until she spotted the right one. "Night Watch?"

"Got it in one, though considering the number of lunar ponies in the castle, you had at least a 20% chance, raised considerably if you filter for adult members of the species." Night nodded as she approached Twilight. "So you'll be the new princess of the kingdom?"

Twilight took measure of the pony approaching her even as she read the index card out of the corner of her eye. "And you are the reigning expert in all manners 'shamanistic'. Could you define that for me?"

"Isn't that what Zecora does?" asked Spike a bit helplessly.

One of Night's ears skewed to the side. "Zecora is an alchemist," she corrected. "Even if I never heard of her throwing a single bomb... Yes, I am a shaman in the jackal style of the arts." She raised a hoof to point at herself. "It is my duty, among others, to train others in the safe use of this magic."

Twilight offered a hoof. "And also wife of another pony I need to talk to. A pleasure to meet you, Night Watch."

The hoof was met with a soft clop. "Likewise. We will work together, for Equestria."

"For... Equestria, yes. That somehow feels strange to say despite my working for Equestria for quite some time." She moved the same hoof behind her head. "This is a new thing and I will do my best to adapt gracefully, but I do appreciate your help."

Night's expression softened into an easy smile. "Change can be scary. If I can help, please, let me know."

Spike stepped forward, offering a hand. A hoof was placed in it and they shook lightly. "I'm Spike, by the way."

"I've heard of you," agreed Night with a nod. "You mentioned my husband, Silver. I imagine he wants to meet you both as well."

Twilight perked up. "Great! Where is he?"

Night turned in place and pointed down a hallway. "Head towards the school for talented unicorns."

Twilight started. "He's there?! I mean, not that there's anything wrong with there. I was a student there, once... I actually never thought I'd be visiting again." She softly coughed, calming herself. "I'll go see. Thank you."

"My pleasure, Your Highness." Night smiled, in part in seeing how Twilight tensed at being called that. "Little tip, you don't have to worry about formalities around him. Treat him as the pen pal he is and he will gladly return the favor."

Spike inclined his head. "Oh. That guy? We're visiting that guy?"

"Yes, Spike, come on." She led Spike away down the hallway, the conversation at an end.

Night watched them go with a soft shake of her head. "Long live the princess," she sighed out with a little smile, trotting off to her own duties.

"Summer Showers." Silver indicated a pony with an extended wing. "What do you think the answer is?"

"Oh, um..." The mare's eyes darted nervously.

"No pressure," assured Silver. "This is a new thing. If it helps, it took me quite a long time to get a grasp on this one." His horn colored in a strange way. "This is the note you have to play. It means to add heat. I want you all to practice it until you can warm a glass of water to a comfortably warm level. If it gets boiling hot, you're going too far. Do not experiment on anything but a glass of water. Water will give you time to stop. Water doesn't burst into flames. That is all your homework. Practice and feel the magic."

Soft murmurs began to rise as students got to their hooves. The giving of homework was apparently also a dismissal and they were moving to get to the next class and talking with one another.

Twilight slipped around the crowd, approaching Silver. On her back, Spike was riding along. "Wasn't heat your first magic?" she questioned quietly.

"Well, yes," he confessed. "But I didn't want to hurt her confidence. There are other symbols I tripped over."

"About that," pressed Twilight. "What are you teaching, exactly? 'Adds heat'? That was just one letter, not a spell. It doesn't mean anything."

Silver looked over the alicorn he was talking to and it clicked. He laughed suddenly. "Is that you, Twilight?"

Twilight blinked in surprise. "Yes, and you are Silver Watch, Prince, yes?"

"I am," he gladly replied, stepping closer. "There you are, in the flesh." After avoiding her for so long, it felt almost surreal, but there she was, with Spike. "Hey, Spike... You have wings. When did you get wings?"

Twilight inclined her head. "I didn't bring it up in the letters. It didn't seem relevant to what we were discussing."

Spike extended his wings to either side. "Cool, huh? They work too!" He lifted from Twilight's back, darting around the room in demonstration.

Silver's eyes followed the young dragon. "They're great, but that doesn't tell me how?" Had that been part of the show? Well, it... had to continue after he stopped watching it on account of living in it, right? But was that in it?!

"Apparently a normal dragon thing." Spike landed in front of Silver, grinning up to him. "It means I'm becoming an adult."

"Oh..." Dragon puberty, he silently added in his mind. That made sense enough. "Congratulations, Spike."

"About that not-spell," insisted Twilight. "What are you teaching these foals? The alphabet is not magic in itself. It's a means to an end."

"It is a means and an end," spoke Silver in correcting tone. "Each letter is a fragment of a command to the universe, and can do something on its own. When combined into a sentence, you do something far more specific. A spell. Some words do little. What can the universe do with the command 'To'? But as part of a sentence, it changes everything."

Twilight raised a brow high. "You are suggesting that just about every... Wait, no." She sat and brought a hoof to her chin. "There was another pony that had similar thoughts, come to think of it. They laughed her out of polite society some hundreds of years ago."

"Not a thousand?"

Twilight blinked softly. "No? As I was saying, this mare had a similar theory on the composition of magic, but it very clearly did not win her any friends."

"Will you turn your back on an uncomfortable possibility?" He inclined his head softly. "You are becoming the princess of the country. If you order me to stop giving these lessons, I'm here to help you, so I will stop."

"I... appreciate that." Twilight looked around the room from her seated position. "It really has been some time since last I was here..."

"Then now is a fine time for you to catch up on some classwork," teased Silver with a little grin. "Miss Sparkle, are you ready?"

"Yes, Teacher!" She snapped to attention, facing him directly before reality returned to her. "You're not my teacher, and I'm not a stu--"

"You could be, and maybe should be. The most fair way forward is to show you a little of what I have been teaching and you can decide for yourself."

Spike softly shrugged. "Sounds reasonable to me. So, hey, you're a princess and a dude. That mean any stallion could do it? What about a dragon? Asking for a friend, of course." He adjusted a collar he wasn't waring.

Twilight gently brushed him back with a wing. "Don't be rude, Spike. He's a prince. A prince that is challenging me." She fluffed herself up. "In a matter of academics and magic."

Silver's left ear swerved back against his head. "Are you mad?"

"Incensed!" She stepped up to her hooves. "But also fascinated. Very well, you've been an interesting conversationalist in our correspondence thus far. I will be here tomorrow for class and I expect to be impressed, one way or the other."

Silver raised a hoof. "That may be a bad idea. You being there with the rest of the class means everyone else in the class will be thoroughly distracted. Private lessons may be in order?"

Spike waved at Silver. "He isn't wrong."

"I know that, Spike." Her magic wrapped around him, placing him on her back. "Very well. I'll be back today then, after classes are over. I'll learn a 'magic letter' from you, though I will have you know I've already memorized every letter."

"Not every letter." He turned away with a smile, thinking of the most recent letter he had learned from a not-unicorn. "Tell me, have you met a kirin before?"

"I've heard of them," she allowed with some confusion. "My friends ran into them. Friendly creatures. Why?"

"They have words for what we take for granted. We'll go over it, later. I'm sure you'll find it fascinating."

Twilight glanced towards the exit and back to Silver. "I'm not... doing anything this moment. Perhaps you could share it now?"

"I have a class coming in ten minutes," he noted, smirking at the blackboard as he erased what was there and began new doodles on the board. "See you tonight, Twilight."

"See you tonight... Silver." She turned away hesitantly.

Spike was snickering wildly atop her. "He got you good." He hung forward, looking into her eyes from the side. "A little tease of mysterious new magic."

"Oh, hello." A new young mare was in front of them with bright green eyes and an equally vivid cyan pelt. "You're... the literal element of magic, aren't you?"

Twilight blinked at the barely-not-a-filly. "I am Princess Twilight Sparkle, former bearer of the element of magic. I couldn't say I ever was the element itself. It's a rock." Smashed to bits, she silently reminded herself. "How can I... help you?"

"Oh, I'm a bit of a fan." She sat down and clopped her hooves together. "Pity you couldn't help much with the changelings."


The mare leaned forward. "You did so much with almost every other disaster, but the changelings were always just a bit out of your grasp." She tilted to look at Spike. "You did more for them in the end."

Spike seemed to consider that a moment. "Huh, when you put it that way..."

Twilight frowned with growing irritation. "I suppose that's true, is there a reason you're bringing that up?"

"Because I am one." The mare became bright and colorful in whole new ways, a reformed changeling, but no small one. She was as large as any ruler of theirs. "And I love teasing a friend, which I hope we will be. I am Fast Change, and it's my delight to talk to you today."

Twilight jumped back in surprise. "Oh! Wait, you're involved with Silver, are you not?"

"And I love sitting in on his classes." With a rush, Fast became a student once more. "So I'm going to go sit down and learn how he approaches magic. It's fascinatingly weird."

Twilight allowed Fast to slip past into the class, shaking her head softly. "Huh... Silver has odd company."

"And you don't?" snorted Spike. "We've made some interesting friends."

"True..." Twilight trotted away off to other business.

288 - New Crowns

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Twilight sat upon a throne. It was a strange throne, the strangest she'd ever have to deal with. It belonged to the princess of Equestria. Her. An equally strange crown had been set on her head, a symbolic and mystical link to the power of Celestia and Luna.

"Your Highness." Silver was approaching with a soft clip-clop.

"We are already friends." Twilight skewed an ear. "You're teasing me."

"Guilty," he admitted, pausing a short distance in front of her. "You look overwhelmed. Can I help?"

"I'm not sure how you could." She looked him over. "You are pushing in new directions with magic, and have some experience with diplomacy, but this is neither of those things."

"Couldn't hurt to try," noted Spike, head poking into view from behind the throne. "Hey Silver!"

"Hello, Spike." He smiled easily at the dragon. "You know, you're royalty now."

Spike blinked rapidly, processing that fact. "Huh... wow, guess I am."

Twilight reached to gently tap his nose. "Let that inspire you to be good for the people. Royalty is a responsibility, not a privilege."

"Too true." Silver's horn glowed softly with a held arcane letter.

Twilight's eyes were on it instantly. "To draw closer," she stated as if reading from a dictionary. "Force. Origin, kirin." She huffed just as suddenly. "No sudden pop quizzes!"

Silver smiled gently. "If that is the law of the land, I have to obey." His tail swished left and right just over the ground, sitting on his haunches as he was. "I wanted to try something."

"Hmm?" She glanced beyond him, spotting a pony waiting both awkwardly and impatiently by the door. "Speak quickly, others want to pester me after you."

"I wouldn't want to get in the way of that." He smiled a little lopsidedly before nodding. "Dream teaching. I am the new dream walker. Would you mind if I stopped by?"

Her ears danced. "You're teaching during the day and walking dreams at night? This is not healthy!" She hopped up to her hooves, peering at Silver skeptically. "I will not have my assistants overwhelming themselves. Select one of the two and relinquish the other to another pony."

His ears fell, shot down, but they forced themselves back upright, his expression taking on a careful neutrality. "Of course." He started to turn away only to pause. "That didn't answer my question."

Twilight paused a moment before it came back. "Oh, yes, if you continue dreamwalking, you may stop by." She gently waved him off and gestured for the other pony to step forward. He left her there, doing her part as princess.

Fast slid up next to Silver as he trotted down the hallway. "You know, there's a small issue."


"Proper spells don't always use proper words." She inclined her head faintly. "It's why your spells are so big and awkward."

Silver blinked, half turning towards her, his walking stopping. "What? When did you become an arcane expert?"

"When I started listening to you, and reading." Fast grinned with some amount of triumph. "I've been listening to your classes and I compared your spells to actual spells a lot and working out the differences. You make spells with whole words every time. Normal spells blend letters and words. 'It is like you are speaking this way.' Instead of 'it's like you're speaking this way.' So of course it's longer and harder."

Silver sank to his haunches, blinking gently. "You can contract these words?"

"You've already done it, but you were just following a spell," corrected Fast, looking ever so pleased with herself. "You never even realized you were doing it. Here." With a glowing horn, a scroll popped into being. "Your first spell, the fireball, optimized with proper contractions."

The glow changed to silver as he snatched it and unfurled it, his eyes sweeping left and right, his lips moving faintly as he read it. "It's... I have to try this." He glanced left and right. "Not here. Come with me?"

"Gladly." They both got to trotting. She gently brushed against him. "Proud of me?"

"If this works, which I imagine it will, I will be more than proud. Fast! You... wonderful mare." He gently returned the brush and hurried up.

Soon they were outside the castle, in the garden. Animals watched them, but they paid them little mind as he kept reading the spell over and over, trying to capture it in his mind. The last time he said it, he played it on his horn at the same time, magic welling up rapidly in a contained orb over his head, compressed powerfully with violent fiery energy. He tossed his head, sending it flying into the air in a lazy arc before it exploded brightly, filling a small portion of the sky with brilliant reds and oranges.

It was his spell, but it had felt so much easier... "Fast?"

"You can thank me now."

"Yes, thank you! Yes, definitely that, but more than that... you're standing on the edge of greatness. Can you make a sheet of what contractions you've found and keep looking for more?" He turned to her, his horn faintly wisping smoke and a big grin on his face. "Look for more, keep them recorded. This will help ponies, all of ponykind." He inclined his head. "At least unicorns, but it'll spread."

She suddenly stepped in and pressed her lips to his. His words died as the kiss went on. Despite his not starting it, he seemed perfectly willing to continue it. Soon they were hugging and flopped over, that excitement turning into hot passion flowing between the two.

Just as Fast had started it, she ended it, gently drawing back. "Now that is how you thank your wife." She gently tapped his nose with the flat of a hoof. "I'll get to writing it down for you. Now, about that. What's this about your class being cancelled?"

Silver winced as he stood up. "Twilight ordered I give classes or walk dreams, not both. I don't know any other pony that can walk them, but there are a lot of ponies that can teach, so..."

"You know I've been there from your first class, right?"

He blinked at his wife softly. "You did mention paying attention... What--oh! Oh, right, of course." He put a hoof to his forehead. "You want to teach? Is that something you like doing?"

She lifted her shoulders. "I could learn to like it. Adapting is something I've been getting better at. What you're teaching deserves to be taught." She flashed a grin. "Besides, it's not that weird for professors to be studying what they teach, right? So the project you just gave me fits right in there doesn't it?"

"Not at all..." His sexy wife had a big brain too? "I thought you were perfect already, but you managed to reach higher." He suddenly kissed her nose. "I'll tell the school." He trotted off excitedly, his body language broadcasting how excited he was.

Fast spread her insectoid wings and lifted into the air. "That went well." She darted off with a satisfied smile.

"I have made my decision." The kirin softly dipped her head a moment. "I must go... I want to see my people, what has become of them... Perhaps, after that, I will return, perhaps not..."

"I can't ask for more than that." Silver nodded gently in kind. "You have been wonderful. Thank you for what you've shared with me, and for being there. You are welcome back anytime."

She smiled faintly, a subdued expression. "You are easier to quit from than the sultan, this much is sure... You have been kind." She turned away. "Perhaps too kind, Prince." Her tufted tail flicked as she trotted away.

Whiskers was standing on his bed with the twins. She was holding up a card comically large for her with a picture of an apple on it.

"App," announced Clear Twilight.

"Pull," continued Morning Glory.

Whiskers tilted her head at the two of them. "Close, put them together." She set down the card and brought her hands together.


"Pull." The two foals glared at one another before Morning butted heads with Clear.

"Apple," both said as one before they sank back to their haunches, looking satisfied.

Whiskers clapped her tiny hands. "There you go. You have it. Now a tricky one." She grabbed the next card in a stack and held it up. "What is this?"



There was a great gourd, vine trailing from it off the frame of the card. Whiskers set her whiskers askew. "That was cute the first few times. You are your own ponies. Come on."

Clear Twilight pointed at hoof at Whiskers. "Whiskas."

"Bed." Morning was pointing at the bed they were all on top of.

"Window," chimed Clear Twilight, looking so proud as she pointed at a window.

"Sister," one upped Morning glory, looking at Clear.

"Broter," slurred Clear, not getting it quite right.

Whiskers smiled at the two of them. They were learning words quite well, even with their strange habits. "You two are doing great. One more card and we take a break." She grabbed the next and held up what was clearly a dog, tongue lolling, tail caught mid-wag.

"Dog," both declared together before bursting into childish giggles.

"Got it in one." she set the card down and stepped forward. "Now who's hungry for some lunch?" With excited cries, she took them to get something to eat. More accurately, she was snatched up in a field of magic and they went dashing off with her floating behind them.

Close enough, right?

Night Watch sat calmly in the grass, her eyes taking in the statue before her. "This is what has become of you, the end result of your hubris... It need not remain this way." She raised her hooves. "I can feel your spirits, alive and alert. You are listening, imprisoned. Equestria grows stronger by the day, with allies around the world. With citizens more practiced in their own powers."

"We are not the helpless creatures you imagined us being. But we are also not the cruel creatures you now curse." Her eyes darted. "Even if one of you... You are a mystery to me. Why did you so eagerly betray your essence?" She lifted on leathery wings, hovering before the petrified face of Cozy Glow. "What drove you so far away from the herd that you had given up so completely? Will you tell me that story? We could be friends. You understand that power, I know you do. Perhaps you will even try to manipulate me through it."

"Perhaps I will manipulate you instead. Friendship can be risky, allowing another so close. The dropping of guard... You are a talented manipulator, a skill I have not honed. That tilts the odds. 40%?" She leaned in close, her eyes meeting Cozy's. "Do you want to risk it?"

She dropped to the ground. "I will return. We'll chat. No, you'll still be statues, I'm afraid. I'm certain you were hoping that. We will speak, mind to mind, soul to soul. One by one." She gestured at herself. "I'm not full of myself enough to think I can take you all on at once. Be patient. Patience is the only thing you have left." She began to trot away. "I will be back."

She left the statues behind to consider her offer. She had other business to tend to, and the time in quiet would make them more ready to listen when next she came.

The only real question was which of them to approach first. The pony seemed the most obvious. She would be the least likely to produce a sudden supernatural power she wasn't expecting.

Just a pegasus mare with delusions of global domination. What had shaped that young mind to such ends? It would surely be worth finding out, and perhaps she could be brought back into the light.

That would be a happy ending.

289 - The Dream Prince of Equestria Start

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It was a new life. It was a new night. Silver trotted easily, his hooves not even really touching the snow crystals beneath him. Each huge snowflake was another pony's dream, spread out wide beneath him. He was again a wandering dreamwalker, but for real. "Not a nightmare," he reminded himself with a little smile.

One particular snowflake was a bright purple, its pattern undeniable. "That's my cutie mark," joked Silver under his breath as he approached it. It felt tense as snowflakes went. Its owner was not entirely at peace. Perhaps he could help. He touched the center and fell into the dream beyond.

There was a throne room. Twilight sat upon that throne. A line of ponies to see her extended from just in front of her to the front of the castle. He couldn't see the entire line, but he knew it was there in a feat of dream logic. They all needed something. They all had to be taken care of, or Twilight was failing as a princess.

She was trying to speak to each, to learn what each needed and what she could do about it. It wasn't that she couldn't do it, but there were so many, and the next kept coming.

Silver was suddenly that next pony, casually slipping himself into the dream weave. "Princess, I have a request most important."

Twilight's ears raised, worry shining in her eyes. "What is it?"


The crowd was banished. The throne itself, banished. Twilight was perched atop a great pillow, soft as it was large. "You are doing a great job."

"B-but!" Twilight flailed a moment, looking for all her supplicants. "They need me!"

"They need you to be whole." He circled her at a light trot. "But, right now, you are asleep."

"I'm aslee... oh, I am." Just like that, she was thrust into lucid dreaming. She sat up atop the great pillow. "Which means you are dreamwalking. Have you come to instruct me?"

"Tonight, I think you need more relaxation. You're becoming frazzled, just as you had warned me not to become. I gave up my teaching position, by the way."

"I would hope so, or you shouldn't be here." She pointed at him accusingly. "But I heard your style was still being taught. I was going to explore that tomorrow, if I have the chance."

"Fast Change is teaching it." He easily step/hopped up onto that pillow. "One of my wives."

"You have so many of them." She frowned up at him. "And I don't even have a boyfriend. Then again, neither did Celestia, or..." It dawned on her even as she spoke. "You... had them too, didn't you?"

The dream shifted without Silver's input. They were on a bed. Twilight was wearing both ridiculous and lewd lingerie that her fur poked through in ways a human never would. "Have you come to complete your royal collection?"

She had her arms up, forehooves behind her head, her hind legs crossed just so. Was this a situation Twilight was ready for on any level? Or, was he being tested? Silver leaned in, but lips did not meet, instead just his nose gently touched hers. "I love you, more as a daughter. I want to help you."

Her ears went askew. "While I do appreciate that... you are not my parent, nor my mentor. You've given me a few classes, as an adult, but where do you get to come off as a big brother?" She was not wearing the awkward slinky garments, sitting up in royal raiments. "I have one of those, and one is quite enough. I don't want another. I want a peer."

He sat down in front of her, matching her pose, his wings spread as hers was. "Fellow royalty? We are both that, with heavy burdens to carry for our people. "

"Yes, precisely that." She nodded softly. "Celestia had Luna, and I have you, but we are not siblings. I do not desire that wall of familial bond." She wobbled a forehoof between herself and Silver. "We are two professionals that work in the same space. Perhaps our friendship will grow, or not, but I will not allow it to be defined by things not there."

"I feel this is where I should note firmly that I have a family. Children as well." He folded his wings lightly with a little smile. "I don't mean that to turn you away, but I am satisfied. Two loving wives, as many foals, and another who plans to slip back close when she can."

"Slip back..." Twilight raised a brow high before the other shot up to join it. "Celestia?!" Celestia appeared on the bed, dressed as Twilight had been a moment before, giving a sultry look. "Luna?!" Luna appeared just as silently, taking up what little room remained. Twilight's cheeks burned a bright red. "Did you... actually... I mean..."

Silver set a hoof on her nose. "We were married. We did as married ponies do. I will speak not a word further on that, out of respect to both of them. You wouldn't want me to share our time together, right?"

"I suppose not..." She glanced and saw the sultry Celestia. She almost choked and looked away, only to end up facing the equally simmering Luna. "Please send them away!" She hid her face under her wings, hiding from the two romantically charged figures, one of whom she had spent much of her life worshipping.

Silver extended his wings, gently brushing Celestia and Luna back into the ether that dreams came from. "They're gone, it's alright. You made them."

She peeked out and slowly folded her wings. "I did? I never saw Celestia that way!"

"You did just now," he gently corrected with a smile. "She was, and still is, a mare, not a god. She had her wishes."

"Her wishes," softly repeated Twilight, looking uncomfortable. "I see... Well, she kept them hidden. The image of the princess is of the utmost importance!"

"Will you sit on the throne just as she had? I would rather see you do it in your own way. She groomed you for you, not to be a copy of herself." He raised a hoof to his chin. "As copies of Celestia go, you are subpar."

"Subpar?!" she squeaked, frowning at him. "Take that back."

"I refuse," he practically sang. "But, as your own princess, that I want to see more of, and to help. Now, rest time. I should resume my patrols."

When he turned to go, a hoof suddenly landed on his shoulder. Peeking back, there was Twilight, smiling hopefully. "I still wanted that lesson, if you have the time?"

His left ear swiveled away and back. "Let's review..."

Night was exploring her own dreams, in a fashion. As she sat upon a mat, incense burning softly, she plunged into a small and specific dreamspace.

Twisted and tortured, she could feel unseen forces pulling at her from different directions. "Cozy Glow, are you here?" she called as she flew through the maelstrom, ignoring the uncomfortable presence. "You are not alone, not right now. Will you talk?"

"Talk about what?" came the reply, Cozy's face appearing through the storm just briefly, scowling at her. "You're here to make fun of me?"

The storm around them abated, pulling back to reveal a group of ponies trotting down a road. One of them Night knew. It was Cozy Glow. "Hey guys," the little pony called. "How about we go to the movies?"

The largest of them, a stallion, snorted. "Just so long as you don't sit in front of me."

A mare rolled her eyes. "The foal's seat doesn't put her that far up."

"Maybe I don't wanna go with a foal at all," he scoffed.

"I'm not a foal!" suddenly squeaked Cozy Glow.

The others shied back a bit from the outburst, and the storm rolled back in, leaving Night flying on the uneven currents. "You could not control how large you were," she spoke to the presence she felt there was at least an 83% chance was still listening. "They were wrong to make that such a big deal."

"And you're better?"

"I can try to be." Night landed on a rock that hadn't been there before, called by her own thoughts. "If you want to let me try. How old are you, if I may ask?"

"I'm a mare," boomed the voice, her face coming into view just as she shouted, eddies carrying the vision away just as quickly.

"I didn't say you weren't," assured Night. "But you used that, didn't you? You knew Twilight would have been hesitant, if she understood how old you were."

"You already know that's true."

"And yet, you did it. You stepped into the role you hated." Night inclined her head faintly. "What were you thinking, when those foals accepted you as one of their own. Did you hate their kind words? Was their approval a bitter thing, even as you reached for more?"

"Stop judging me!" Cozy was suddenly in front of Night, slamming stone that wasn't there a moment ago hard enough to shatter its brief existence. "I had it all worked out! I was doing it. I was the most successful of all those losers."

"What did you do?" Night smiled faintly. "Tell me about it."

"You just want to make fun of me, tell me how I messed up and throw it in my face." She thrust a hoof at Night. "You, the bat that thinks she knows everything!"

Night's teeth clenched, resisting the call to battle in being called a bat. "I want to know your accomplishment. Tell me?"

The storm suddenly abated. It was a clear, star-dotted night. A small fire was in front of them. Across the fire sat Cozy Glow, primping her mane. "If you really want to know..."

"I do," assured Night, a smile returning. "Will you share?"

"Sharing is one step in friendship." She rubbed one hoof along the opposed leg. "I made one of those, Tirek. Big self-obsessed slob, but he knew all about sucking up magic, so he gave me a few tips. I just had to be a friendly voice, get him talking..." Her brows fell suddenly. "Like you're doing to me right now."

"I promise I'm not here to suck out your magic." Night's wings fidgeted on her back. "I haven't lied. We could become friends. That depends on how things go. I want to get to know you, as a pony."

Her look of suspicion eased to that foal-like charming smile. "Alrighty. So I was writing him and he gave me what I needed, so I got to planning..."

"I recognize many of you." Fast paced sedately at the front of the class. "We sat side-by-side, learning this from Professor Watch." Her students looked confused, just as she had hoped. "Don't recognize me?" With a rush of magic, she became a filly, hopping up and placing her hooves on the podium. "Hello!"

Surprised gasps spread through the room. "Yes, yes, that was me. I was learning it too, but I was also developing my own roads." She became Fast once more. "And I'm here to teach. Silver may have other business to see to, but his work lives on, here. Now, you." She looked to a kirin in the second row. "I am going to teach you something nopony here knows."

Soft murmurs rippled through her captivated class and Fast could only smile. "You see, I have a little theory I have going, and we can all work on it, together. Consider it extra credit. If you want to participate, see me after class, and we'll bring magic to a whole new level." She suddenly raised a hoof. "No global domination schemes involved. All of my work will be published for all ponies and friends of ponies to enjoy." She began tapping her hooves together. "As it turns out, ponies are good at making friends, so that's basically everycreature we ever find."

The confusion gave way to whispers of excitement.

That had gone well, she silently decided, launching into the proper lesson of the day.

290 - I Can Do This

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Twilight took slow breaths, moving her hoof away from herself with each exhale. "I have this under control. I am surrounded by ponies that are not here to judge me. They want me to succeed. They will help me. Delegate, delegate, delegate. It is not a failure to not take on everything."

Spike rolled over on his smaller bed. "So why was so much of her teaching you making you do what she didn't do?"

Twilight shot him a sour look. "I had to know what it was like to do these things, not as a detached ruler that doesn't understand how difficult it is. Celestia didn't want somepony that would ever put another pony in danger, unaware of what that's like. I... am thankful for the perspective." She let out her breathe in a loud woosh. "I can do this."

She trotted from the room, headed to start her day as the princess of Equestria.

Silver was a deep sleeper. Snuggled into bed to rest for the next night, he was unaware of what was going on around him.

It was thus easy for Spike to casually enter his room. There he was, but he wasn't alone. In the same bed, one of Silver's hooves resting on her side, was Night Watch, his wife, one of at least two Spike knew. He tensed at seeing her, creeping slowly closer.

"I don't remember you," he muttered to himself. "I at least recognized most of the nobles of the castle, but who are you?" His eyes were largely on Silver, peering at the only male alicorn he knew to exist. A mystery of mysteries. "Was Celestia raising you at the same time? Why didn't I see--"

He was suddenly knocked flat on his back, a lunar pony perched atop him. Night hissed at him, baring her sharp teeth. "Princess Twilight's brother? Why are you here?"

"Woah! Uh... nice teeth?" He smiled nervously, displaying his own draconian variety.

"Mmmf." Silver rolled over, but was still quite asleep.

Night glanced, but kept most of her attention on Spike. "You're lucky he could sleep through a detonation." She leaned in, nose to nose with Spike. "Why are you sneaking around our room?"

"Promise you won't be angry?"

Night blinked softly, sitting up. "You're creeping around our room while we sleep. I'm not sure I can make that promise."

"Guess that's fair." He shrugged his shoulders with a little laugh. "I was just... I don't get it. Who is he? He wasn't here when we used to be around the castle all the time."

"You said it yourself." She reached with a wing, snatching glasses to pop on her snout, sharpening her view of things. "Celestia loves to plan. This one involved her sister as well, if that makes you feel better."

"That... kinda makes sense..." He tried to sit up, but her hoof was on his chest, preventing it. "Uh, can I get up now?"

"I have questions for you, now, and you will answer them." A predatory smile spread over her face as she settled in atop him, some of her weight moving to her hooves that slid off of him, but her warm body kept him pressed, more comfortably, but just as certainly. "Let's chat."

Fast wasn't asleep, or in a bedroom. She was busy teaching! "Thank you all for coming." Her class had shrunk noticably, but it was after hours, and only those curious enough and driven enough to show up for extra credit were there. "Today we're going to start a new project. My husband started it, and I'm refining it." Her horn glowed as her translucent wings buzzed with excitement.

The blackboard behind her flipped, revealing the magical alphabet, kirin letters at the end. "You all know what this is."

The class became a chorus of positive noises, heads nodding in an almost wave.

"Great, it's very useful, as you also know, but it's incomplete." She pulled another board over, its wheels squeaking with the movement. "For instance." She drew the rune of force (pull) and envelope (force) together. "What does this spell do?"

The noises were far less certain then. "Confused? You should be. It's not enough to tell the universe what you want, so this spell probably does nothing." She began adding words, erasing force and redrawing it in the middle of so many other runes. "There we are, how about now?"

"Oh, a fetch spell!" declared one student, waving their hoof excitedly in the air. "Spring Rain showed me that."

Spring Rain was there, her cheeks warming as she sat up, the kirin's cloven hooves working against one another.

"Correct." Fast pointed to the board. "But we're not here to enjoy Kirin words, as lovely as they are. What if I told you this spell is awful?" Confused and shocked noises rippled. "Not 'bad' as in you're bad to use it, but it could be so much better." She grabbed an eraser in her magic. "By doing less. Every magic word is energy. Every magic word continues to be fed while you do the spell. The more words, the more complicated your message, and the more it will drain you."

"What we want is a small spell, but one that still gets across perfectly what we want. For instance." She tapped her eraser against two words. "What do these two mean? Motion, through the air. Isn't that a bit redundant?" She brought down her eraser and what was left wasn't quite an erased rune, but the first with a little hanging off of it. "Motion, with a hint of flight. It's shorthand. Best part, the universe understands it. And that is our challenge."

The crowd was starting to look doubtful. One mare raised a hoof. "Miss Change, how are we supposed to figure that out? If we just try random... things, creatures could get hurt."

"An excellent question!" She sprang forward towards her seated students. "One, this is why the entire class isn't involved. Two, the first step will be figuring out what we already know." She looked to the side as her magic grabbed sheets of paper and began to dump them on her students' desks. "Behold, the list I've managed so far of contractions. Each one shows what runes they came from, and what they shortened to. Your task is to review this. Some of it will even look familiar! Written spells use these a lot, but the ponies of the past didn't express why they were done. They didn't know either, and we're done with that." She waved it away. "It's time to trot with purpose."

A stallion leaned forward enough he was close to falling over forward. "We're gonna find new... contractions?"

"That's the idea." Fast bounced in place, her giddy energy growing. "It will take time and effort, but that's why I'm not doing it alone. Are you ready to not only learn magic, but push it forward? The entire world will thank you."

Excited noises began, but also some less certain. Some students rose and departed with nervous looks, but the others were too busily gabbing about the possibilities to even notice them. Fast did, watching them go and making notes. Still, she had enough for what she had in mind. "Alright! You are now my official lab assistants. That is worth extra credit, if you didn't figure that out already."

A cheer erupted as hooves raised into the air.

Spring Rain raised a hoof. "Ma'am. You called me out specifically. Why?"

"Because I have next to no kirin spell books to work with," admitted Fast without delay. "And if a pile suddenly landed on my head, I'd be at square one understanding them. You, on the other hoof, likely have seen kirin spells already. You can help us understand and find those contractions. Will you help us?"

Spring Rain ran her hooves across one another, rocking in place a little. "Will you use this for good?"

"That was honestly a heavier question than I expected." Fast inclined her head to the left. "But I hope so! We are unearthing tools, and we will encourage ponies, and all other creatures, to use them for good things." She turned her hoof towards herself. "As I said yesterday, no global domination schemes allowed. Princess Twilight has enough on her plate, yeah?"

Soft murmurs of agreement rippled, and Spring Rain remained with them. Her launch was a success.

"It's... you." Starswirl frowned at Silver, the two standing in a hallway of the castle. "I thought you were a delusion brought about by my extended stay in the void."

Silver inclined his head left then right. "Starswirl? Where are your bells?"

The elder wizard frowned at that. "I am 'getting with the times' as they say. Am I less of a spellcaster for a wardrobe change?" His eyes fell from Silver's face to his wings. "And here you stand... You weren't part of the plan at all."

"Plan?" His wings fidgeted softly. "Sorry?"

"I want to know more." Starswirl pointed at him directly. "Where are you from, and what road did you travel that ended here?"

"It hasn't ended, I hope." Silver began to trot past Starswirl. "Walk with me? We can get a bite to eat, talk?"

"My appetite is minimal." He did follow Silver, walking at his side. "The male form is far less suited to handling the forces of all three tribes. Have you experienced any confusion, pain, or difficulty using whatever magic you started with?"

"All three, at different times." Silver softly shrugged mid trot. "But not directly because I went alicorn, I don't think. I can do all three. I can feel the air, the power of the earth, and magic, uh, force? Up here." He pointed up at his horn, a louder clop when that hoof struck the ground, resuming the stride.

Starswirl suddenly came in quite close, leaning in to whisper conspiratorially. "Are you attracted to other stallions?"

Silver's ears danced atop his head. "75% hetero, but did you literally call me gay for being a guy alicorn?" His tone was more of amusement than being appalled. "Also, you haven't done your homework."

"I have no home in need of work," countered Starswirl. "Speaking of that, isn't it the wrong time of day for you to be awake? You assumed Luna's position, did you not?"

"It's evening." Silver casually pointed to a window as they went past. Even through the painted colors, it was clearly darker on the other side, only the reflected light reaching them. "I was going to ask if you were having trouble sleeping."

Starswirl blinked, realizing he had lost track of the time. "Nevermind that then. What work are you implying I didn't do? Is this another new saying?"

"Sort of." Silver willed a door open leading into one of many sitting rooms Celestia had favored. The table had a light repast of snacks on it, steam lifting from its teapot, ready for any that came in. "Have a seat," he bade as he stepped inside. "I meant that I am married, to mares."

"Mares? More than one?" He hiked a brow. "That had been going out of favor even before... my trip. The 'modern stallion' was happy with one mare." He sank down beside the table and poured himself a cup of tea, floating in his magic. "Sometimes less than that."

"Long story," summarized Silver, even he not aware of just how many words were in that tale. "But I am, and have two children. I love them and the mares I half belong to thoroughly. So--"

"--Not that then," he finished, nibbling a floating cookie. "Stand still." Not that Silver had been standing in the first place. Starswirl swept a magic beam up and down Silver's form, then left and right. "It's not right. Not... quite right. There's something off, and I can't quite put a hoof on it."

"Have I done a poor job?" Silver willed a cookie over of his own. "Even if I am unusual, is that so bad? I'll try my best to be a good prince for everyone."

291 - We Are Broken

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"Your network." Star Swirl stroked his beard. "It is fractured, to say nothing of what else. How do you function?" He leaned forward a bit. "It is as if your mind had been crumbling, then was glued together. Are you aware of this?"

"Not in those words." Silver's right ear twitched before folding back. "You make it sound like I should be dead. I'm not, I assure."

"Or a psychopath." Star inclined his head at Silver. "A raving loon perhaps, and yet you seem nothing but nervous I will reject you. You barely know me. I'm flattered, but why do you care for the opinion of a dusty unicorn?"

"I... think it's a weakness of mine." Silver reached a hoof towards Star. When the older unicorn didn't shy away, Silver booped him gently on the end of the nose. "I hate the idea of making bad impressions on my elders, especially other men."


"Stallions!" blurted Silver, blushing at his mistake. "Other stallions..."

"And yet you have little reservation making an idle sign of affection." He reached to rub where he had been touched. "You have female companions, but even by your words, this is not the end of the story, is it? You said you were 75% something. Explain?"

Silver's ears danced, realizing Star Swirl didn't know about hetero, or homo, sexuality. "Well, you see..."

"So... I gave up," admitted the small mare, sinking to her haunches. "I just turned that part off..."

Night reached a hoof for Cozy Glow's shoulder, but the mare was gone before contact was made.

"I don't need your pity," roared the storm cloud that had been the sullen shape. "I'm just fine! I almost had victory... Finally... It's not fair!"

"I will return, tomorrow." Night rose smoothly, her body but a figment at the time. "We should keep talking. I feel like we're learning a lot. Do you want me to come back?"

"So you can ask me more dumb questions and give me that look?" Cozy's face formed from the clouds, scowling. "I don't need your pity," she echoed all the firmer. "You're just here to laugh at me."

"Perish the thought." Night pointed at herself. "I've been picked on, and had to deal with other's misinformed views. Tomorrow, if you like, I can tell you about mine. You can judge me for a change. Sound fun?"

She did not get a yes. But neither did she get a no. She awoke with a soft sigh, seated on her mat. The visits with Cozy Glow had been going for a small time. She resisted the urge to speak, unsure if the statues could hear her words or not. "Tomorrow," she did utter, gathering her things and moving to continue her day.

"Teacher." One of Fast's students was waving a hoof at her. "How do we go from contractions to, you know, horn stuff?" He pointed up at his pokey horn. "I mean, I sorta get it, kinda works, but shouldn't we..." He started rolling his hooves in a pedaling motion. "Make rules?"

Fast peered at him. "But you just said you can get it, and I've seen you cast contracted spells before. What rules are we missing?"

"The specifics." He smiled as he slipped from his chair and began trotting out onto the learning area, drawing the surprised peers of his fellow students. He tapped the blackboard lightly. "Like this contraction here."

Fast inclined her head at it. "What about it?"

"If you weren't already in the middle of a spell, what's the flex to do this letter? Does it change depending on what's in front of and behind it, or is it the same flex each time? Isn't that worth figuring out?"

Fast tapped down the front of her hoof on the ground, the back of it remaining planted. "Huh... You do have a point there, but we can only do so much at a time. Right now, the goal is to find the contractions."

"Which would be easier if we knew this," argued the young stallion. "They're interconnected." He sat and brought up his fore hooves, clopping them together like two plugs fitting neatly.

Fast approached with a little frown. "You aren't wrong... but we don't have the people and the time to go chasing in two different directions." She pointed back at the seat the smart student has risen from. "If you'll take your place?"

She watched him retreat to his starting point and smiled brightly. "We're making such great progress, and I couldn't without all of you. We're making history! Now, let's turn out attention towards--" Her magic pointed to a new rune.

Maribelle ran a brush across the top of a small mouse-woman's head. "So, how are you liking this new life? Is it everything you wanted?"

"And more, in a lot of ways." Whiskers' eyes were closed, enjoying the attention of her friend and fellow-servant. "The children are adorable, and our master is kind and caring. We are people, not just unfortunately willful tools. If I could get them to slow down a little, I wouldn't mind that."

"They do take you for rides," laughed out Maribelle as she worked on her grooming of Whiskers. "I'm not an expert, but you look tense anyway though. Are the kids that bad?"

"What? No!" Whiskers shook her little hands wildly. "They are wonderful... Their parents concern me more. They love each other, but they don't make any time for each other. It's like they're all running at full speed away from each other." She lifted her shoulders in a little shrug. "I'm afraid they'll look up and notice they're no longer close to one another before they even noticed anything happening."

Maribelle set the brush aside to free up her hand for tapping Whiskers on the nose. "For being so small, your brain is so big. I get jealous."

"Jealous?! You're... big. You can actually do things." Whiskers folded her arms under her chest, peering up at her impressively large friend. "What are you jealous of me about?"

"Whiskers... I have one talent." She reached for Whiskers, who didn't shy away. Gently plucking up the mouse, Maribelle leaned back and placed the rodent right on her chest, allowing her to stand easily. "I'm not that large, compared to ponies and not you. I'm curved in the right places, but the ponies don't care about that. Silver used to care about that, but he's distracted, and working at night. What else do I have to offer?"

Whiskers sank, sitting cross legged on Maribelle's chest. "You are an excellent cushion," complimented the mouse with a smile. "Fine company, a doting servant, and so full of love. If I were well to do instead of a servant myself, I wouldn't be sad having you around."

"You're just saying that." Maribelle inclined her head. "You know, they have cows here."


"The ponies have them." Maribelle shrugged her shoulders. "They talk, they wear clothes, sometimes. The only difference is I walk on two legs. How long before they put me in a little pen, for my own safety? Maybe they'll start milking me around that point, may as well. No reason for these to go to waste." She gently swatted her fatty deposits, making Whiskers wobble dangerously atop them.

"You cut that out." Whiskers scrambled up to her feet, arms extended to help her balance. "Can you even imagine Silver doing that, our Too Nice Prince? Please."

"I wouldn't mind him trying a little," she murmured, cheeks warming faintly. "I'm quite proud of my milk."

"No, I wouldn't say that." Star Swirl studied the would-be prince. "By all reports you've done your duty, but that doesn't make you less... broken."

"Aren't we all?" countered Silver with a little smile. "I've heard it said that the cracks are what make us interesting."

"Perhaps." Star rose to his hooves. "You are interesting then. Perhaps too much? Now, you seem to like me, so I have a request."

Silver blinked softly. "If it's something I can do, probably? What's on your mind?" He sat up and stood much as Star Swirl had. "Adjusting to modern life well?"

"In part." He shook his head slowly. "My study of magic has slowed, exploring this world. I... would like to pick up a project I set down ages ago." He pointed at Silver. "A thing you seem to be quite skilled in."


"I should like a partner." He gestured up at his face. "I'm not a foal, I know I've a few years on me. Still, surely there's a mare that's a proper fit." He held up a hoof suddenly. "Before you ask, yes, I would prefer a mare. They're mysterious and confusing, but... it's time I moved forward, is it not?"

Silver's ears twitched, realizing how suddenly the entire nature of their chat had changed. It wasn't about him anymore. "I could try to look for someone. Would you want this pony to wander Equestria with you?"

"Mm, I suppose they would need to." He turned to the side, shook his head and began walking off. "Nevermind. It was an unreasonable and untimely request. You owe me not--"

Silver was suddenly in front of him. "Hold up a second. You're scared."

"Scared!" He recoiled a step. "I've fought more things than you've ever seen!"

"Except the mystery of a female," noted Silver with a little smile. "Twilight succeeded where you failed, because you weren't even looking in that direction, and you want to go from no friends to married? Perhaps a bit fast."

"I just said it was ill timed." Star scowled up at the prince. "Why are you repeating my words back at me."

"Because I agree with that part, but the next part shouldn't be to give up." He sat and inclined his head towards the door. "It's time to make some friends."

"No wonder you fell in line with her so quickly," He spat in a sudden little barb. "You sound just like her."

"Who? Oh! Twilight?" Silver smiled a little. "Thanks for the compliment."

"It wasn't intended to be," grumped the elder wizard. "And yet, here we are." He took a slow breath. "I am uncertain if I'm ready for that, and you have things to do. You see to your tasks, I will mine. We'll... meet again." He moved for the door. "You're not hard to find."

Silver let him flee, remaining in place and nibbling on a few more cookies before he peeked into the hallway. There was no Star Swirl. With a nod, he headed off. He did have things to do. Dreams wouldn't patrol themselves.

Silver sank down onto the bed, touching his nose to Night's cheek. "I had the strangest guest."

"Oh?" Night quickly calculated a 35% chance of Spike. 25% chance of a new human arrival. 10% chance a castle staffer with a problem, 10% chance of Rough Draft... "Who?" 5% chance of his foalhood bully.

"Star Swirl." Silver made a motion as if stroking a beard. "Poor guy's looking to learn how to be social. That's a feeling I know."

Fast sat up a bit, her elbow on the pillow that had been supporting her head. "We've all been there. Well, not Fast. Speaking of her, how is her class doing?"

"Just fine last I checked." His ears danced thinking on it. "I should talk to her, but Star Swirl! I wanted to help him get a friend, a lady friend."

"You're playing matchmaker?" she asked with a flat expression. "Your own relationships are enough of a tangle, aren't they?"

"Not to get married to, even if he did ask for that first. Just a friend, who happens to be a mare, you know?" He shrugged softly. "Once I had one of those, my life changed... a lot, for the better I think." He leaned in to gently kiss her cheek. "Thank you for changing me."

Night's cheeks lifted into a smile as she flopped back down, resting on the pillow. "You confuse Spike, just to let you know. Make him curious too."

"Hm? Really?" He sank down, distracted by thoughts of his interactions with Dream Spike. "Huh..."

Night used the quiet to contemplate her own things. She had an idea, and she calculated the odds of it.

292 - As a Mare

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"I have an exciting offer for you." Night adjusted her glasses, looking into the swirling void that was her patient. "It will be frightening. You will be confused, but you will have freedom again."

The swirl was gone, replaced with that small mare. "What? I can handle it." She raised a hoof to her breast, rubbing the fur as she smirked softly. "Ain't nothing that scary, except maybe being locked in stone!" She stomped a hoof that exploded rock beneath it as if she were much taller than she was. "Show me your worst."

"Since you ask." Night twisted to the left and backed to the right, making room for an elder pony to step forward. "This is Star Swirl, the Bearded." She gestured over him from top to bottom. "This is also just my memory of him, so don't bother talking to him."

"Wasn't he part of the ponies that attacked us?" She scowled at the figure, advancing to circle around them, inspecting them. "Imagine that, hurting a cute little pony like me."

Night reached out, tapping Cozy on the head. "Uh uh, we've had that talk. If you don't want to be seen as a filly, leaning against it won't help."

Cozy glared at Night, but it faded into an innocent smile almost innocently. "A mare can be cute too, can't she?"

"Of course she can, but she does it as a mare." Night pointed to the figure that stood there patiently. "This stallion doesn't know you as a filly. In fact, he knows you as a villain first. That's to your advantage."

Cozy scrunched her brows a moment, lifting on little wings and perching on Star's back, not that he seemed to care. "Break that down for me." She held up her hooves close together. "Small words. If he thinks I'm a bad pony, how does that help me?"

Night turned to face the two calmly. "It's more important that he does not see you as an innocent little filly. You're a small and potentially wicked mare. But focus on that part, a mare." She smiled gently. "And I know what he's looking for."

"He's looking for a tiny mare?" Cozy shook her head. "He has curious tastes."

Night rolled her eyes at that. "You're putting yourself down. He wants, needs, a friend. You know the power of friendship. It's time for you to put your own words to the test. Show him friendship. He will wander the lands, exploring all that the modern day has to offer, but he wants somepony at his side as he does it."

She was suddenly just in front of Cozy, their faces close to one another, eyes locked. "You will get to move, walk, and ride across Equestria. You could have freedom, you could both gain a friend. Is that a bad deal?"

Cozy was suddenly on her, face mashed against Night's. "And how do you know I won't ruin Equestria?"

Night smiled gently. "Because you want a friend, and I know he won't go for that. As clueless as he is about friends, his moral compass is on mostly right. He already knows your wicked side." She reached up, placing her hooves on Cozy's shoulder. "Do you want this?"

"Trading one presumption for another," sighed out Cozy, drifting back a few inches on buzzing wings. "How can I be sure he won't just lock on that." She brought her small hooves together. "Treat me like some kind of criminal mastermind forever."

"I can't assure that." Night raised a hoof, pointing at Cozy. "But you've already told me how you've beaten that before. You almost stopped the whole thing, didn't you?"

Cozy looked away.

"Don't be like that. We talked, I listened. You tried to get the other two to see the benefit of friendship."

Cozy suddenly shoved Night, close enough to do so without actually approaching. "Chrysalis doesn't have room for friendship," she hissed out. "And she drove it out of us, kept reminding us how terrible it was."

"But is it?" Night gently rubbed one of Cozy's cheeks, and wasn't rebuffed. The little mare actually liked having her cheeks rubbed just like that. "You know that isn't true, I feel certain."

Cozy's face began to darken, leaning against the hoof with a loud sniff. "What if he hates me?"

Night felt a new tension, but also a little surge of hope. That was a moment of genuine vulnerability. She drew Cozy closer, making soft shushing noises. "It can be scary, reaching out... You scared me, you know. I was scared to come here."

"You were not!" Cozy shoved with one hoof, but it wasn't strong enough to force Night's position. "You came in here like you owned the place."

Night inclined her head. "I made it look like that, didn't I? I couldn't run the calculations very well. I wasn't sure if I could even reach you, let alone make progress." She resumed the gentle cheek rubbing, other hoof moving to work through Cozy's locks, another place the mare enjoyed contact. "Thank you for helping me beat those odds."

"Like I had a choice." Cozy was a foot back, out of grasping touching range, her arms folded across her front. "I'm a statue, if you forgot."

"You could have pushed me out." Night waved in the direction she had originally appeared. "You could still shove me out. I would accept your wish."

"And be alone." Cozy deflated in place. "You're ready to drop me."

"I'm ready to bring you back, to the light." She offered a hoof but didn't try to touch her again. "Everypony deserves another chance. You never got one."

"Just like that?" Cozy swiped a hoof, banishing the image of Star Swirl. "You'll take one of the greatest menaces known to Equestria, who almost destroyed it not once, but twice, and set her free?"

"Under the watchful gaze of one of our champions." Night nodded softly. "Hoping that both can grow from the experience. Does that sound too foalish?"

Cozy raised a brow, eye closest to Night bulging dangerously. Night put up her hooves. "Calm down. I'm not calling you a foal. I was asking if I was acting like one."

Her expression eased. "Oh, well, yes. You are a silly mare, full of foalish notions." She tapped Night on the nose. "But you are also a friend."

"If you'd like." Night reached for a cheek, rubbing gently. "I'd like to let you out. Will you give him a fair chance, as I ask him to give you one in return?"

"He's old." She turned in place to look at him, suddenly back from the void she had banished him from.

"And you're small." Night shrugged. "Who's perfect? I have to wear these glasses." She reached up to fiddle with them. "We all have our quirks."

Cozy reached for Night and the world inverted for them. She was adjusting her glasses, full sized wings pumping to keep her aloft at a more sedate rate.

Night was suddenly a tiny lunar pegasus, her wings beating wildly to keep her aloft, and no glasses perched on her nose. She blinked owlishly. "What did you just do?!"

"We're in my head, right?" Cozy made a duck face at Night with soft kissy noises. "Figured I'd try swapping our quirks. I could get used to this. Glasses are cute in their own way." She inclined her head, glasses going askew. "And they don't make ponies think you're a foal."

Night put her hooves on her little hips that didn't at all look like she'd already been a mother anymore. "That was very rude."

"Nopony's perfect," sang out Cozy with a giggle. "C'mon, don't I look cute?" She turned in place, feeling along her own altered body. "Like a real mare..."

"You look adorable, but also not like Cozy glow." Night buzzed in closer. "I want to learn more about Cozy Glow."

"Stop being a stick in the mud." Cozy nudged the little Night away. "It's just pretend, right?"

"Just pretend..." Night's form began to expand out, glasses popping into being on her restored snout. "Right. You will be your usual size, if I free you."

"Will Discord even let you?" She rolled her eyes. "Dummy head set me up. I woulda just been in Tartarus for a while if it wasn't for him. He's the one that made us into stone. How do you plan to undo that?"

"I will talk to him, but there was nothing to talk about." She shrugged. "That is, unless you're willing to give this a try." She pointed at Star Swirl's still form. "Are you willing to accept this friendship challenge?"

"A challenge?!" She brought her larger hooves together in a clop. "I'm a master of friendship. Just you watch. I'll have him singing my praises." But Night had a raised brow, hovering quietly. "I, uh... I mean we'll be good friends. I'll share secrets and we'll go on adventures around Equestria. That isn't so bad."

"I really don't think it is." She darted in, touching her nose to Cozy's. "I will go check with him and get you out of here. Have faith in me just a little longer, alright?"

There was an awkward quiet, broken only by their wings beating. Cozy was back to her usual small self. "Let's see if you're any better than the other friends I've made..."

Night nodded but said nothing, taking flight into the swirling maelstrom that her mind settled back into without her there to talk to.

"Are you crazy?" Discord pulled down glasses he hadn't been wearing a moment before, peering at Night.

"That's rich, coming from you." Night pointed in the direction of the statues. "I want Cozy Glow to have a second chance. I've arranged for a parole with a trusted champion of Equestria."

"May I remind, she's gotten a taste for stealing magic." He snapped his fingers and suddenly Night was a little thing, wings fluttering wildly, just as she had been in the dream, but all too real. "She couldn't even stop herself from stealing from you. Why do you think this is remotely a good idea?"

"You're not better!" she squealed in her higher-pitched voice. "They gave you a chance, and you held the kingdom to ransom for how many moons?" She pointed an accusing hoof at Discord. "This was your idea to start!"

"Well, yeah. Not one of my better ones," he grumped, arms folded on his front. "But it had a happy ending, at least. What a finale..." He leaned in, peering at the chibi-Night Watch. "Two bad ideas don't make a good one."

"We won't know if we don't try." Night raised a tufted ear. "Or are you afraid to try something new now? She'll be with Star Swirl. She needs a friend, and so does he. They'll go off on silly little adventures, looking at modern things." She turned a hoof back towards herself. "Now put me back, kindly. You like Silver, last I knew. You know he won't like it if I come home like this."

Discord burst into laughter at that. "I imagine he'd find you quite adorable, but fine." He clapped his hands, her form restored in a puff of colorful smoke. "There you go, back to normal."

"Make that two mares and I'm satisfied." She pointed meaningfully in the direction of the statues. "Just Cozy Glow. I haven't even started on the other two."

"Good luck with the other two," he grunted. "Doubt they'll be in much mood to chit chat."

"One step at a time. Will you let her out?"

He threw up his hands. "You're taking the blame if this all goes badly. I'm formally objecting! Hear me?!" Not that there was anyone besides the two of them in their immediate presence to hear his objection.

"This is my idea," agreed Night. "I accept full responsibility if this all end up poorly, but I'm hoping, and calculating, it won't."

293 - Released

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"I... thought it was a good deal," admitted the pony, ears hanging low. "I wasn't leaving anything behind."

"I know that feeling," gently counseled Silver. "But then you realized."

"There were things," finished the stallion. "Both inside and out." He sat up, looking Silver over. "Thank you, for talking to me. Uh, just wondering, why are we meeting in the middle of the night?"

Silver waved that away. "It's early night. I woke up about an hour ago," he gently argued. "But I took over Luna's dream post, so my sleep schedule got turned upside down."

"Rough." The pony smiled a little. "I read stories about this."


He nodded surely. "Human comes to Equestria, falls in love, goes native, often literally." He waved his forehooves over his unicorn body. "Here I am."

"Been there," assured Silver with a little smile. "Are you sad about it?"

"Sometimes... But I think it's working out." He reached out, showing a hoof. "I miss fingers."

"I barely remember what they were like," admitted Silver. "But yeah, I get that... You found a mare?"

"A stallion, actually," admitted the once-human, blushing through his fur. "I love him."

"Him, her, it's still great. Congratulations." He reached to pat his visitor on the shoulder. "So long as you're happy, you did it right. They're happy too, right?"

"Yeah... We... I dunno... It's something about this world. We fill each other just right." His expression turned to a more genuine smile. "I don't regret him even a moment."

"Sounds like you found a happy ending then." Silver raised a hoof to his chest. "Can I even help? You are an official citizen. Your partnership isn't under question. Do you plan to marry?"

His ears danced atop his head. "Oh, I hadn't even thought about that. We just... We're together and it feels right, so we keep right on doing it."

"It's just a way to make it official. Don't feel pressured," assured Silver. "If and when you want to, go ahead. It's legal." He put a hoof on his own chest. "If it makes you feel better, I have a special somepony too."

"Two," corrected the stallion. "I've heard, perv."

Silver's cheeks darkened. "Hey... I'm here for you."

"I'm not trying to make fun." His horn glowed softly as he grabbed a cookie off a table nearby in his magic and nipped it. "Can we go home?"

"Are either of us not home?" countered Silver.

"You have a point there." The stallion stood up, tail swaying a little. "Thank you, again... This little chat, it feels good, to talk to some--" His eyes crossed as a card came at him, tapping his nose. "What's this?"

"It's a support group for once-humans," explained Silver. "Where they can talk with each other, human, pony, or whatever else they happen to be. You don't have to wait for me to get a chance to just... talk about that."

His smile was quick and sudden as his magic grabbed the card. "I didn't think this existed."

"Ponies put it together without me, but when I heard of it." Silver rolled his hooves in the air. "I had to get the details to share it with anyone that could use it, like you. Go on, and don't hesitate to drop in if you need anything. I may be the prince of dreams these days, but I'm still a once-human, also like you."

He leaned to the side, peeking back at Silver's rump. "You don't have a very dreamy cutiemark, or night, or..."

"I'm a stallion of many hats. I was that as a human too. I bet I'd still be if I was still there." Silver laughed a bit hollowly. "Long story. The mark I got for magic tinkering, which I still like to do."

"Oh? I'd like to hear about that."

"I have a class!" Silver exclaimed, another card approaching his guest. "Anypony can attend so long as they have a basic grasp of magic. My wife teaches it."

He blinked rapidly, his magic snatching the second card. "Huh, wow, you got this covered." He stood up and started for the door. "I'll take a hint. Thanks again. Have a good evening."

"You too." Silver waved and was soon alone. "Time to explore a few dreams..."

"Silver, good evening." Twilight tipped her head as she trotted towards him. "Are you busy?"

"I had been and planned to be again," he admitted truthfully. "What's up?"

"You fill your schedule oddly well for having it pushed on you." Twilight turned and began walking where she had come from. "Come with me, please. Let's talk."

Silver fell in with her, simply walking alongside her without much delay. "I've been a dreamwalker before," he noted as they went. "Patrolled dreams night after night."

"How?" She peeked over her shoulder, her crown inclining with her head. "Luna never mentioned that."

"Luna doesn't mention a lot." Silver shrugged softly. "That it was in a dream may also play a part, but if there's a more iconic place to learn how to walk dreams, I don't know it."

"In a dream," she spoke softly as she walked. "She did mention that, that she had used some form of dream therapy on you, after your attempt..."

"I didn't attempt," correct Silver. "I made a promise, to myself. I'm riding this train until it throws me off, which it almost did." He inclined his head. "But mistakes were made. I'm not even mad at this point."

"That you don't get mad all that easily is another feature I've been made aware of." Her tail twitched behind her. "You understand, while it is early for you, it's late for me. So we won't be too long, much to my frustration."

"You're dancing around the topic." Silver accelerated to be a little ahead of her, still at her side. "What's up?"

"I've been studying your theories of magic, and hearing reports of your wife's continued expansion on it." She turned away from him, into a new room full of books. "You approach magic differently than most any pony I'm aware of. Magic is... as much an emotion as anything else, but you threw that emotion aside, broke it down to complex commands, as if speaking your intent clearly was the only thing missing. It's cold..." She lifted an ear at Silver as she stepped up onto a pillow and sank onto it. "It doesn't feel alive."

Silver shook his head. "That's ridiculous." His glowing horn snatched another pillow and drew it over so he could sit near Twilight. "I don't talk about the emotions because I'm so not an expert on them, but that doesn't mean they aren't important, or not in play."

"How?" Twilight thrust a hoof at him. "Your writings avoid even speaking of them. How do they, in your eyes, in your magic, affect things? If it's all about the 'language' of magic, where does emotion fit in?"

"Because we're not robots," he calmly retorted. "Magic comes from here." He pointed up at his horn. "Which is attached to our brains, and those are always influenced by emotions. If you're invested in what you're doing, you'll get more power out to the spell, and the spell will be bigger. Your words help aim it, your mental state helps prevent, or cause, mistakes and gives it power. The two are connected."

"That isn't wrong," she allowed without pause. "But you never bring it up!"

"You write far better books on emotions, Twilight. It's something I like about you." He smiled gently at the ruler that outranked him, but he didn't feel the intimidation that was there with Celestia. Twilight did not loom over him. "Your challenges have honed your art. Maybe you'd, if you ever had time, write a chapter?"

"So you admit..." She trailed off, frowning. "Sorry, that wasn't fair. Alright. You are focused on what you know, and want to share. That isn't a crime, or even wrong, especially, but your books will cause issues if ponies take them as a total solution, when they are not."

"Reminder, you took me off that project. I watch dreams, and talk to lost once-humans, but no magic research and teaching too."

Twilight huffed softly. "I forbade you from being a day professor and night guard. You need a time to sleep, Silver." She turned a hoof towards herself. "Something I feel calling. But, putting that aside, there's nothing stopping you from writing." She glanced away and back. "By the way, Mister I Don't Know Emotions... How did you end up with two special someponies?"

Silver blinked at her, silent a moment before it seemed to click. "They found me, but I didn't push them away either. I wasn't as good at hiding in dark places, here, in Equestria." A smile spread on his face. "I'm grateful."

"There, you stop that." She pointed at him. "You're a pony. Where were you, if not Equestria?"

Silver inclined his head. "Twilight, don't make me sad. You know I talk to once-humans. Draw a line."

And so she did, her wings slowly spreading to either side. "You? You're... They've infiltrated us that deeply!" she flapped her wings once before they folded, her head shaking left and right.

"I'm not an invading force," he assured gently. "You're the ones that put your hooves on my heart and held me here."

Twilight burst into a light laughter at that. "We've exchanged letters, quite a few... I know you're not some... alien soldier." She inclined her head at him. "But you... don't... I'm struggling for words." She stood up, her wings carrying her a foot off the pillow. "You act like a pony."

"I am a pony," he calmly accepted. "I don't claim to be otherwise."

"Other once-humans." She landed back on the pillow, sinking to her belly. "Most have thoughts, about their humanity. It goes back to that." She rolled her hooves in the air. "And you don't, why?" Suddenly she shook her head. "Never mind, we're getting off topic. Your magic. That is why we're here."

"We can talk about both," he allowed, watching her nervous movements. "And I'm not a monster." He rolled over onto his belly, an undignified position, but one of submission with a smile on his face. "You could walk over and sit on me and I wouldn't stop you."

Twilight rolled her eyes. "This isn't a wrestling match, Silver. Besides, that wouldn't stop your horn, and you are a magic user of some talent, like myself." She put a hoof at her chest, looking proud. "Now, don't think you're alone."


"Having to let your dream, your project, be handled by another..." She lifted her shoulders slowly. "It... hurts sometimes, thinking about my school being managed by another, but I trust Starlight. I know she'll do the best she can, but, still, that I can't be the one... I started it, it's... precious to me."

Silver flopped onto his side, rolling all the way upright. "I hear that. I should make more time to exchange notes with Fast." A little smile touched his lips. "Thanks for the reminder."

"If magic is as clearly a language as you imply," she began in a querying tone, shifting topics without warning. "Why haven't we noticed before?"

"You didn't look in the right direction in the right way." Silver lifted his shoulders. "Any time someone thinks of something new, those who follow wonder how that wasn't always a known thing. It tends to be that way for everything, eventually. Who would have imagined a train before the first was invented? Now they're common place, not even special."

"There is that," she allowed, peering at him. "But my cutie mark is magic. Why didn't I see it?"

"That's not a fair question, to yourself, or anyone." He reached out a hoof towards her as his magic created a silvery hand that gently touched her right ear, making her jump. "Take it as an opportunity. Learn a new way and attack it. I bet you'd become really good at it, quickly. It's your talent, revel in it."

He stood then. "You should sleep. I should be watching dreams. We can talk again. Call, anytime. If you want tips, I could even visit more often. You were learning what I was offering quite well, last we tried."

She watched him go before he vanished about two steps later, teleporting to wherever he planned to be with a silvery flash. "I should consider that." She yawned widely with nopony there to see her lack of decorum. "First, sleep." And off she went to retire from the day.

294 - Second Chances

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Discord looked to Twilight, who nodded silently. "Alright." He raised a hand into the air, eyeing the statue before him. "Don't make us regret this."

Twilight inclined her head towards Discord. "We managed to learn to get along with you after you were set free."

"Oh, sure, rub that in." With a sharp snap, reality was modified, and Cozy Glow fell forward with a squeak, bouncing off other parts of the statue on her way to the ground to be caught in a magical grip. "Ta da." Discord bowed in place, but no wild cheers came for his work.

The magic hadn't come from Twilight. A pony of advanced age stepped forward, setting Cozy on the ground upright. "Are you feeling alright?"

"No..." Cozy rubbed at flecks of stone, cleaning herself off and looking around. "Where is... Night?"

He shook his head. "She insisted this not be about her."

Twilight nodded in agreement. "Welcome back. We didn't... leave on good terms, but I am willing to extend a hoof." She did just that, putting a hoof forward.

Cozy squinted at the hovering hoof before turning back to Star Swirl. "So, we're together, right?"

"I am your parole officer, yes." He nodded in a smooth single motion. "I will not be leaving your side until I can confirm your behavior has changed for the better."

Cozy fluffed up her ornate locks, eyeing her guard, who could also become a friend... "Well... hi." She cleared her throat and stood up. "I am Cozy Glow, and it's nice to meet you." She fought against the childish inflection she had spent so long developing. She would be a mare for that pony, not a foal.

"Not our first meeting." His lips twisted in a faint smile. "But I accept your greeting. Our first destination will not be what you are likely imagining."

Cozy inclined her head. Where they'd go first hadn't really gelled in any specific place. "That would be?"

Twilight leaned forward. "A few friends of mine are especially talented at diagnosing cutie mark dysphoria. They'll help you find and chase after what will fulfill you."

Cozy frowned in thought before her eyes went wide. "You don't mean?!"

"The Cutie Mark Crusaders," announced Twilight with a nod. "They really are quite skilled at their--"

"I am not a foal!" shouted Cozy, her expressions twisted in anger.

"I didn't say you were." Twilight inclined an ear, but didn't shrink from the outburst. "They have helped no small number of grown ponies realize their true purpose.

"They've even lent a hoof to a peer of mine, Rockhoof." Star Swirl seemed confident in the selection. "You must at least give them a chance, an honest chance."

Cozy grumbled as she glared at the two commanding her. "Right, fine, one little chance. If they start talking nonsense, I'm out!" She stormed off, towards Star Swirl. "Let's go."

Star Swirl turned with her, the two walking off together. "We will be spending some time together," he noted, glancing aside at her. "If you have particular needs, this would be the time to bring it up."

"Needs?" She hiked a brow. "I'm not hungry right now, if that's what you mean."

"Mares have different... needs than stallions," he stated with a strange mix of confidence and apprehension. "I do not claim proficiency with them."

Cozy's brows went up together. "Are you..." She trailed off, seeing he was entirely serious. "Look, I'm a pony, just like you." She pointed at him, little wings beating to carry her upwards. "I need most of the things you do. I will be really grouchy if you don't let me get myself looking decent in the morning." She curled her arm, tapping a hoof on her chin thoughtfully. "That's about it."

"Well, you are a pegasus," he noted. "I am not one of those."

"Stop messing with me." She rolled her eyes. "You have a pegasus friend, that soldier? I don't remember his name but I know he's there. I'm not the first pegasus you ever met."

Twilight watched the two wandering off, talking. She smiled a little, hope growing. Neither fully understood the other, but they were talking. They could figure it out.

Star Swirl stepped off the train, adjusting his beard, not that it had fallen out of place. "Ponyville," he announced. "You were here previously, I recall?"

"For a little while." She decided there was no reason to go into details. "I've met them before." She glanced away. "There's a chance they're just going to see me and jump to conclusions."

His hoof came down on her other side. "You are reforming. I will not tolerate baseless accusations."

Cozy blinked, surprised by the conviction of his words. "You barely know me. Hay, don't you know them better?"

"Be that as it may." He resumed his walk, weaving around other ponies coming and going from the train. "You are my responsibility." An ear twitched. "And there is still more yet to learn."

She flittered up above the crowd and came down, perched on his back. "Yeah, so what have you figured out so far?"

"You enjoy being thought of as cute," he started confidently.

"I'm not a foal!"

"You do not like being assumed for being immature." He turned an ear towards her, but continued his waving, stepping off the platform and starting into the town proper. "Your favorite flavor is fizzy berry."

"Who doesn't like fizzy berry?" she asked in a defensive tone. "You like it, don't you?"

"Certainly." Not that it was his favorite, but it was a fine flavor among many. "Have you tried lime razzle?"

She blinked, caught off guard by the sudden turn about. "Lime razzle's alright. I like the sour punch, but fizzy berry has it beat." She sat down on his back, smirking a bit. "They have a Hayburger in town. Wanna grab something to eat after we meet with the crusaders?"

"A refreshment before continuing sounds... good." He looked left and right before moving towards the apple orchard in the distance. "Allow me to ask, what have you learned about me?"

"Hm? Am I being tested?" She stuck out her tongue a little. "You're old, but curious. You want to get involved. I think that's part of why you agreed to watch me, since that means you're doing something that somepony needs, but you also want to get around and see--"

"--You have a canny eye for ponies," he interrupted as they went down the road. "And you enjoy getting rides."

"And you don't seem to mind giving them." She flopped down, hugging him from above. "We're getting along!"

He chuckled quietly, not arguing her conclusion. "There they are." A fanciful tree house awaited them. "Hark, I come seeking the assistance of the Cutie Mark Crusaders," he called out as they came in closer.

The door swung open, Sweetie Belle poking her head out and looking around before her eyes fell to Star Swirl, with a Cozy Glow on his back. She gasped and ducked back inside, door slamming.

Cozy hiked a brow at the sight. "Did nopony tell her we were coming?"

"I... had thought Twilight would." He considered the door a moment. "But, perhaps, she did not."

"Figures." Cozy lifted from his back, darting to the door. "Sweetie Belle, it's just little ole' me, Cozy Glow! I'm not here with any wild schemes, promise."

The door creaked open an inch with no sign of life beyond it. Cozy glanced at Star, and the two shared a shrug. With permission given, she nosed the door open wider and poked her head inside. "Any--"

"Surprise!" shouted three fillies, throwing their hooves wide as confetti rained down around them. A big banner hung from the roof, announcing, 'Welcome back to Ponyville!'

Apple Bloom was the first to close in with a big smile. "Shoot, we thought you were another day or two out."

"I thought you were a day late," admitted Scootaloo.

Sweetie raised a hoof. "Welcome back!"

Cozy eyed each of the smiling faces one by one. "You... aren't worried?"

"Why should we be?" Apple Bloom threw a leg over Cozy's withers, drawing her in close. "Hey, Star Swirl, c'mon up!"

Cozy shoved her back, freeing herself. "Oh, I dunno, I took over your school, almost destroyed Equestria? Twice? I can think of a few reasons."

Sweetie shrugged. "But you came back. You didn't do that because you wanted to be mean."

Scootaloo rolled a hoof. "There are way easier ways to do that than coming to Ponyville." With a smirk, she leaned in. "So, feel better?"

Apple Bloom nodded firmly. "Even if ya don't, we are ready to help!"

The door swung open with magic as Star Swirl entered at a light clip-clop. "Those stairs assume a youthful disposition," he huffed, though he had made it. "I hope everypony is getting along?"

"Sure are." Sweetie saluted before starting to bounce around Cozy. "You made us so sad!"

"And a little mad," continued Scootaloo.

"But we're glad now." Apple Bloom offered a hoof but didn't immediately grab for Cozy. "You were our first friendship student, and even if it went all kinds of wrong, you still have a special part, in here." All three fillies put their hooves on their chest, a welcoming smile on their faces.

Cozy rubbed behind her head, mussing her locks. "Alright, great... But, seriously." She hiked a brow high. "Seriously, you have to be a little mad. I know I would be mad."

Sweetie Belle suddenly bonked Cozy, clonking her hoof on Cozy's head. "That was mean!" she blurted.

Apple Bloom huffed softly. "If you want me to lash out, just stand still a moment." She turned, bringing her hind legs into proper aim. "But I try to save mah bucks for apple trees, and you ain't one of those."

Scootaloo laughed softly. "I'm not so picky, still..." She pointed to her scooter parked in the corner. "I'll be satisfied if you can make it over the ramp outside on that."

"No," clearly stated Star Swirl. "I will not abide by this. We have come seeking guidance, not martial punishment. I must insist you do not attack Cozy Glow. She came here on good faith, and I will not see it tarnished."

Sweetie raised her hooves flat to Star Swirl. "I'm done, promise. I just thought it'd make her feel better..."

Cozy rubbed where she had been bonked. "What a way to show it... So, uh, how's school?"

Apple Bloom pointed off towards it. "Normal school's alright." She turned the hoof towards Twilight's school. "But we have way more fun helping students there." The others murmured soft agreements with that assessment.

Scootaloo's brows raised together. "Oh, hey, if you're here, are you signing back up? We should tell Star--"

"--Pass." Cozy frowned at that. "I'm not a foal. I'm done with foal school."

Sweetie blinked owlishly. "It's not just for foals. Grown ponies go there too, also... aren't you a foal?"

"I am not a foal," huffed out Cozy, turning away. "That was just a stupid lie, and you fell for it."

Apple Bloom rubbed behind her head. "Huh... yer an adult? But... yer so--"

Star grabbed her lips in his magic, silencing her with just the right amount of pressure. "She is a mare. Mares come in different sizes."

Apple Bloom backed away from the grab, swatting it away. "Alright, alright. Don't gotta grab a filly."

Scootaloo inclined her head. "Huh, shoulda told us. We give different lessons for grown ponies."

"Speaking of that." Star Swirl pointed towards his ward's rump. "We came for a cutie mark analysis."

All three sets of eyes settled on her back end, studying it intently. "It's a chess piece," announced Sweetie Belle.

"A, uh, tower," continued Apple Bloom. "What's a tower mean?"

Sweetie raised a hoof. "That's called a 'Rook'. They are powerful units that can divide invading forces."

Scootaloo laughed at that. "Well, that fits. You like thinking strategic-like and making ponies break apart."

Apple Bloom suddenly perked up. "I think I know exactly who you need to talk to, and it ain't us."

295 - Spoiled for Options

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"She's not only who you need," started Sweetie.

"But also a client." Apple Bloom nodded.

"Even if she never... It's complicated, but it worked out in the end!" Scootaloo circled the ground, wing buzzing to propel her scooter along.

Star Swirl walked along, in no specific hurry. He nodded to Cozy Glow who was beside him. "If you are certain she has something to contribute?"

The girls let out a communal cry of affirmation, hurrying ahead out of sight.

Cozy Glow smirked at the sight. "Foals, always full of energy, aren't they?"

"Quite." He glanced sidelong at her. "You are not lacking for energy either."

"I'm not--"

"--I like it."

Cozy came up short, her cheeks warming a little. "You seem... even paced."

"I hurry when there is an immediate need," he agreed, seeming to find no insult in it. "Now where are they taking us?"

They were coming up on a house, one of the larger they'd seen in Ponyville. Well upkept as it was large, it was more of a small manor than a house, really. It had an ornate wall around it with a proper gate. The CMC were in front of that gate, talking animatedly to a filly on the other side of it, a butler standing behind her.

"Good thing," noted the filly they were speaking to, "--she didn't try that at our school." She rolled her eyes and looked past the CMC. "Is that her?"

Scootaloo twirled on her scooter, kicking it away mid-motion so it fell against her when she came down. "That's her. Come on over, Cozy!" She waved excitedly.

Cozy continued her approach with Star Swirl at her side. "So... hi there." She gave a big smile, cheeks stretching in a saccharine display. "They tell me you have something important to talk to me about." She hadn't full meant it, but some of her usual foalish mask had emerged.

The filly inclined her head softly. "B+" She turned to the fillies. "Yeah, she has it."

"Has what?" Cozy deflated, only for it to turn to rage. "Don't you ignore me!"

Apple Bloom casually put herself between the two. "No reason to get ornery or nothin'. Diamond Tiara's gonna help, promise."

"Glad you're promising." Diamond squinted a little at Apple Bloom. "I don't remember saying that."

Sweetie threw a hoof wide. "Aw, please?"

Diamond made a subtle gesture and her butler hurried to open the gate, allowing her to step out without doing it herself. "So, you think you're in charge, that everypony around should be listening to what you say?"

Cozy Glow pointed at Diamond, her anger only growing. "When they actually listen to me, everything works out!"

"I used to think that." Diamond gave a toss of her mane. "But they didn't listen, did they?"

"What? I mean... At first..." She flopped from the air where she had been buzzing to fall to her haunches, worrying her hooves.

"But never in the end, especially not when it's most important." Diamond approached slowly, never looking away from Cozy, meeting her eyes. "Hey, it's alright. You're a leader."

"What kind of leader can't get ponies to follow them," bitterly spat out Cozy. "And you're a filly, who are you to lecture--"

Diamond set a hoof on Cozy's lips. "Shhh. I'm not here to attack you."

Cozy swatted the hoof away. "What are you here for?"

Diamond directed a hoof at her rump. "I'm a leader too. That can be a great thing... It can also go really wrong in a hurry." She hiked one brow. "So, wanna tell me how it went?" She turned back for her house. "Let's chat."

The CMC spread apart, giving plenty of room. Sweetie gestured after Diamond as she began to go. "Go on."

Cozy glanced between the retreating form of Diamond, the CMC, then Star Swirl. "I don't know her," she complained, folding her arms over her chest.

Star set a hoof on her shoulder. "There is only one cure for that. I can come with you, if you prefer?"

"N--actually, yeah... yeah, do that." She set all hooves down and started forward after Diamond. "I don't trust her."

The CMC watched the two proceed past the gate, the butler shutting it silently behind them. Apple Bloom waved at Randolph. "Keep an eye on 'em, please."

"Of course." The butler, Randolph, tipped his front forward before turning to walk after them all.

Sweetie glanced left and right at her co-conspirators. "It's out of our hooves now."

"For now," argued Sweetie with a grin. "At least until we hear what happened." The three wandered off, chatting about what they'd do next in the day.

"Go ahead." Diamond gestured at a tray, silver and glittering with studded gems, covered in all manner of sweets. "Try some."

Cozy was seated on a couch, fluffy and soft. She was sitting up, balancing so she could cross her arms, looking untrusting. "What do you know about friendship?"

Diamond flinched back. "That was... cold and sudden." A little smirk spread on her lips. "Color me mildly impressed."

"I don't have to color you to know you're full of it." Cozy leaned forward, glaring at Diamond. "You don't know me."

"No, I don't." She reached out and picked up a cookie with well-encouraged earth-pony sticky hooves. "But that could change, if you want it to. Here, I'll start." She chomped the cookie in half, chewing quietly a moment. "I've been in your horseshoes before."

"I doubt that." Cozy threw a hoof to the side, thudding it against Star Swirl's ribs. "Oops, um, anyway, he can tell you. You have not almost conquered Equestria."

"So you messed up in a bigger way than I did." Diamond tilted her head. "Should I be impressed? I'm not."

"I'm not here to impress some random filly." Cozy turned her head up and away, looking to Star instead. "Can you believe her?"

"She hasn't said anything, yet," noted her older companion, looking to Diamond. "Perhaps it would be best if you explained your background? We're both unaware of it."

"I thought you went to that tacky friendship school." She rolled her eyes. "Whatever, fine." She tossed up the cookie to catch it entirely on her tongue, crunching it away from sight. "Me and the Cutie Mark bunch out there used to... not be quite friends." She turned half away. "Bitter enemies is probably a better word for it."

Cozy suddenly snorted, a smile on her face. "Little brats. They're good at getting in the way."

"You don't need to remind me." Diamond raised a hoof to her chest. "I had the whole school wrapped around my hoof."

"And they took it away," finished Cozy with growing uncertainty.

"Yeah, but in the worst way possible." She stepped towards Cozy. "By making me see how stupid I was being."

"Well, it wasn't them." Cozy waved that thought away. "A different group, six of 'em, ganged up on me the first time. Jerks... One of them even pretended to be my friend!" She crossed her arms, scowling. "False friendship, can you believe it?"

Diamond scowled at the idea. "Really now? That's low, real low."

"Tell me about it!" Cozy threw her hooves up in the air. "Even if they didn't want what I was selling, that was just wrong."

"Agreed." Diamond lifted an ear at the little would-be tyrant. "I once felt like I was betrayed. Worst feeling in the world. My best friend in... basically ever... took a stand against me." She circled the table with the food. "I wanted to shake her silly. I wanted to hit her... She didn't deserve either... I realized that, eventually. She said what I needed to hear, and what she had been afraid to say..."

Cozy smiled a little. "Sounds like a real friend."

"Yeah... Maybe you'll meet her. We're still friends." Diamond's expression lightened. "But we're not here for me. We're here for you." She pointed directly at Cozy. "We were both riding the top, until we came crashing down. Now, do you know what we had in common?"

"We're both small?" ventured Cozy with a raised brow.

"Look, I'm actually a filly. I'll get better." Diamond snorted softly as she turned. "Fetch us some tea, kindly."

"Of course." Randolph moved to comply without ceremony.

"Now, look." Diamond turned back to Cozy. "We both used ponies, like tools, instead of as ponies." She inclined her head. "Don't get me wrong, ponies? They are great tools, but they're alive, have feelings, you know?" She gestured at where Randolph had gone. "Like him, great butler, A+ material, always eager to do what I ask, but he's still alive. A little 'thank you' or 'please' goes a long way. A smile, a little niceness... Something small, but genuine. Show you... care."

"I did show I cared," huffed Cozy, lifting on buzzing little wings. "I cared about them lots! I was going to conquer Equestria with friendship, the most powerful magic there is!"

"You were lying," calmly stated Diamond, shaking her head. "They thought you were a filly too, I bet." Cozy began to go beet red, answering that without words. "Knew it. And you didn't try to correct that, did you?"

"Why would I?" snapped Cozy. "They wouldn't want to be best friends with an adult. They're foals," she roared, hair going frizzy a moment before she took a slow breath, calming herself. "It was natural, for the plan."

"A plan that failed." Diamond raised a hoof. "Look, I did it too, just a different way. I scared them. I made them think I could end them." She sat down and clopped her forehooves. "Just like that. I was their god, haughty and demanding. Potentially beneficent, but also easily cruel and destructive."

Cozy softly snorted. "Bet that didn't last long."

"You kidding?" Diamond's eyes flashed as she faced Cozy directly. "It is my cutie mark. I had them wrapped around my whims for years..." She turned away just as quickly. "But that isn't what I was really supposed to be doing, and it isn't what you were supposed to be doing either."

"You don't know me," huffed Cozy. "Stop acting like you do."

Randolph returned, pouring out a cup next to Diamond Tiara and moving to offer to Cozy and Star. Star accepted, a cup on a saucer floating beside him. "Thank you."

"Of course." And Randolph backed out of the conversation.

"Diamond!" A mare burst into the room, glaring down at Diamond across her upturned nose. "What are you doing?"

"Mom, these are guests." Diamond wickedly smirked. "A national hero. Surely you've heard of Star Swirl the Bearded, haven't you mom?"

She had, but only indirectly. The unicorn was important? That changed everything. She straightened herself. "Welcome to our abode. Randolph, why are you serving him on the common dishes?"

"Apologies, ma'am." He was already turning to address his failure.

Star raised a hoof. "No need. I am here to supervise her." He directed a hoof downwards at Cozy. "This will do." He sipped from his floating cup. "Thank you."

"You just say the word and we're on it." She smiled with warmth she normally did not have to share, and bustled from the room.

Diamond turned an ear, listening to the receding hoofsteps. "I still use ponies, I just... do it better, and without hurting them. I get it, Cozy, I do, really." She set a hoof on Randolph's closer haunches. "Randy, do you remember our little talk?"

"Which one, madame?"

Diamond rolled her eyes. "The last big important one?"

"Of course, madame." He nodded softly. "I do appreciate your change of heart."

"Ponies want to be taken seriously," continued Diamond. "And a good leader does that. You can't lead ponies who don't value themselves, and if you're not valuing them, well, it all goes downhill. I was quite... insensitive to Randolph for quite some time, but he's been... well, he's my father when father isn't around." She smiled a little. "Thank you, Randolph."

Randolph blushed quietly, but didn't say a word.

296 - You Have me at a Disadvantage

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"I am getting a grasp on things." Twilight sat upon the throne, her throne. Abdicated by Princess Celestia, it was entirely her own. It was her kingdom, her rule, and her responsibility. She still had growing to do to fill it properly. "But there remains at least one thing that continues to concern me."

Silver inclined his head, a little drowsy for being up at that time of day, but he wasn't complaining. "Anything I can help with?"

"Well, actually, yes..." Twilight directed a hoof at him. "All evidence... I'm skipping ahead." She cleared her throat. "As part of the transfer of power, Celestia surrendered many of her old missives and notes, more than I can hope to read in the time I've had... Still, there was one that mentioned you, and I felt compelled to study it."

Silver tensed, wondering what idle musings of Celestia had ended up where. What had it said?! "Oh?" That was a nice neutral statement. Encourage her to say more. "What about?"

"You," she repeated. "Luna... treated you poorly, and in that dream, nightmare really, you... witnessed many things." She licked over her lips. "Things that were more true than any dream had a right to be. So true Celestia had sealed that journal from view until recently. We have, apparently, gone past the reach of your dreams." She raised a hoof to her chin. "I struggle to imagine, living a world I had seen before, like a play I was watching again."

"That's not a bad summary." Silver dipped his head. "But worse, since things didn't play out exactly the same, and it was my third time, not my second. Dream in a dream, I'm not sorry to have returned to the waking world." He ventured a little smile. "And we are past it." So there was no reason to fear him... right?

"You... You married me, in one of them," nakedly admitted Twilight. "We had foals... And here you are, in the waking world, and we became, what, pen pals? How did you..." She wobbled a hoof. "Look, I haven't had a special somepony, not like that, but I can imagine... I can imagine somepony I like... a lot... and just... never saying anything? You never said anything. You never even hinted... You spoke to me like a kindly elder, a peer at the closest, sharing ideas and letters... How did you stand it?!"

"You had your own path," he quickly countered, his cheeks warming, his posture tense and on edge. "I didn't want to get in the way of that. You had a future, and I wasn't part of it."

"How can you know that so certainly?" she huffed. "You'd seen me, in a future, with you, and yet, you're so sure, once you woke up, it couldn't be?" She rose to all fours, standing on her throne. "You are a living pony," she almost shouted. "You have feelings." Her eyes just as suddenly rolled. "You also have multiple mares, somehow." She sank back to her belly. "You've had more..."

"I've had too many," he gently agreed. "Now just two, but to say 'just' is an injustice. Both of them are wonderful... and dear. I love them wholly, and I'm not looking for more."

"But you kept writing me." Twilight sat up tall. "You didn't have to. But you did. You knew me, and still do. I feel like you know a lot about me, even more than I could hope for, having read your dreams. What are you?!" She frowned just as suddenly. "Don't say human, I know that much already."

"And that isn't the most worrying part?" Silver quirked an ear. "That I am some--"

"Did you forget Jake?" cut in Twilight. "We've had a human in Ponyville for some time, and he wasn't the only one. A bit dopey, but entirely harmless. I've been to Equestria high, I know how humans basically work." She wobbled a hoof. "I had a crush on one for a little while in an exceptionally silly moment, who am I to complain when one has a crush back when they're a pony?"

"Twilight, Princess--"

"Nuh-uh." She shook her head firmly. "No princess, no prince. We're two ponies, having a discussion." She raised a hoof to her chest. "Sure, I may be the ruler of the country, but that doesn't actually matter to you. What does? I want to know who I am ruling beside."

"Beside?" Silver inclined his head faintly. "I'm helping, sure, but you're the one in charge. You make the orders, not me."

"And why doesn't that bother you?" she huffed. "You're an alicorn, we are not siblings. Hay, even Luna, who is Celestia's sibling, became irate at having less say over the nation. What makes your view so different? Silver, you know me." She turned her hoof back on herself. "You know me in ways I'd never want a pony to know... But I know basically nothing about you. You have me at a disadvantage, and I won't stand for it." She brought down a hoof with a firm clop. "Silver, I want to know you."

Biblically? The thought came and fled from Silver's mind, banished to the dark corner it had come from. "When I saw Celestia, I saw a grandmother."

Twilight's fury ebbed in a sputter, blinking. "A grandmother? Explain."

"Kind, powerful, wise, and a mare I so very badly didn't want to disappoint." Silver smiled gently. "And now she's retired, as grandmothers do."

"Silver, I mean this in the kindest way, but you married that pony you're calling a grandmother. That isn't normal."

Silver had the humility to blush at that, having no real way to argue the basic facts presented. "She is also unaging. She can... do whatever she wants. She didn't force herself, and I didn't resist. If it was Granny Smith--"

"--Oh! Celestia, no..." Twilight shook her head rapidly. "I will give you that, Celestia is in far better shape than Granny Smith, bless her heart. But, still, you were... intimate with someone you saw that way, and that didn't... upset you? I don't understand you, Silver."


"But I want to." She inclined her head. "You are one of the more powerful ponies in my court. I want to know who I'm working with. I plan to do something, and I wanted your permission beforehoof."

"Mm? What?" his ears perked with curiosity. "Are you going to read my mind?"

"Tempting, now that you brought it up." She tapped at her chin. "But I was just thinking of speaking to your wives. Do you mind?"

He blinked at that. "Huh? No, of course not. They're free ponies. They can talk if they want to."

"Even if I ask personal questions?" Twilight arched a brow at him. "About you. About things you've done, with them, about their feelings regarding you?"

"They're still free ponies," he insisted. "I'd be a real jerk if I tried to control them. They know what I'd rather they didn't say, and if they decide to say it, well... they probably had a reason." He cracked a little smile at the princess that ruled over him. "Wouldn't be the first time I made a mistake. I would ask them why, and listen."

"Your children are growing well."

Silver had to pause a moment. That had been quite the sharp turn in the conversation. "They... are."

"Children I had once... sired?" Twilight inclined her head. "I will say, prophecy or not, your imagination is a fertile place."

"Was that a joke?" he laughed out softly. "Because it was a good one."

Twilight seemed to replay the last sentence in her mind. "Oh! I... oops." she blushed at the pun she had not meant to make. "Putting that aside... I... feel I want to meet them, the foals, that is." She slowly set her hooves together. "I understand I have no real tie to them, not at all. I would understand if you refused me... But I... want to meet them, if I may?"

Silver's ears danced atop his head, stunned a moment. "Oh, of course. They're not a secret." A little smile touched his lips. "They sometimes work with me. They like being active at night, same as me, and keeping an eye on them is a chore we share, as a family." He raised a hoof, only for it to falter and begin sinking. "I just realized, all the foals in my immediate family are lunar, huh..."

"Not your adopted father's foal," noted Twilight, getting another startled look for it. "I've read on him too... Trixie's working at my school." She pointed to herself. "I thought it was an awful idea, at first, and it was... at first. She's adapted nicely, good on her, but there she is..."

Silver licked his lips, considering a moment. "I should check in on him, see how he's doing."

"It must be hard... being a single father." Twilight smiled a little. "I admit, I'm surprised you haven't invited him to live here."

"He doesn't want to be handed things... He wants to earn them, to prove he's the pony some others see him as. He's... me, really..." Silver sighed gently. "Grappling with a great big case of Imposter Syndrome, afraid someone will notice, eventually, that we're not all that others have built us up to be."

"Oh. Oh..." Twilight inclined her head. "I think that's... not a rare thing... I used to..." She swallowed and went quiet a moment. "You already know, don't you?"

"You weren't sure if you could be a princess, and what it would mean?" ventured Silver. "You saw the huge horseshoes of those before you, Celestia, Luna, and Cadance, and couldn't imagine you were quite... enough, or ever would be, to stand in them, to..."

"So, yes," she finished with a little smile. "A simple yes would have sufficed, Silver." She gestured with a wing towards the entrance of the room. "Go on, get some sleep. I'll be by later, to say hello, to you and your foals."

Silver stepped off his cushion, stretching as he did it. "Some part of me feels odd."

"Hm? For being a pony?"

"No, I'm pretty comfortable with that." He danced from one hoof to the next. "Even the hooves, and the teeth, and the tail." He swayed his tail in a little wag, thinking of it. "Ponies are alright, physically. So are humans, in the end. Not that."

"Then what?" She rolled a hoof at him.

"Some small part of me wonders if it's good or bad to be a solar pony with lunar pony foals," he confessed. "I was not the same ethnicity as my own father, and there are effects from that. They still live with me, and him, in a way. I'm not sure he ever really got a grip on that. It's a silly thing, I suppose." He raised a hoof behind his head. "We are a family, and we are bonded. That's the most important part."

"It is," gently assured Twilight, a little smile on her face. "I have not heard a soul speak against your family, Silver. Just whispered hints of jealousy from those who imagine the good parts without the bad. I am certain some stallions think this is the ideal way of things, and even some mares are imagining if the grass might be greener, across the fence as it were."

Silver snorted softly, starting for the door at a light trot. "They're both wrong. Bigger families mean more responsibilities, and more hearts to hold carefully. I hope I am doing it right, but if I were in it for... um... physical intimacy, I think I would have messed up." He rolled his eyes as he reached the door. "I'll see you later, Twilight. Thanks for the chat."

"Thank you." She dipped her head lightly. "I'll be by later, as I promised."

And the interrogation was over. It was time for Silver to get some sleep. Even night guardians needed that.

297 - Drawing Closer

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"Thank you for making time for me." Twilight looked across at the reformed changeling. "So, you were once a changeling ruler?"

"Yup." She buffed her hoof against her chitinous front. "I've had my hoof in a few phases of life. Unicorn, changeling, changeling ruler, reformed changeling." Fast Change sat up tall. "And these days, teacher and researcher. I merilly blame most of those on Silver."

"Your friends, from when you were a student--" Her eyes darted to a floating piece of paper. "They mentioned you were... amorous. You were not a changeling at the time."

"Maybe I knew I was, in here." She tapped her chest. "Or maybe I was just... desperate. you know?"

"Desperate for what?" Twilight leaned forward a little. "For the feeling?"

"Well, it did feel good." Fast smirked a bit at Twilight's innocent blush. "But mostly I was tired of being alone. You do that, you're not alone, at least a little while... I kept not being alone for an instant... I was still alone."

"Who did you give love to?" she asked with all the passion of asking what you had for breakfast the morning before.

"Excuse me?" It was perhaps fortunate Fast had not been drinking at the time. "Rephrase that?"

"In order for a changeling to become reformed..." She rolled a hoof in the air. "They need to focus on loving someone, deeply and unconditionally, to give it freely. Who did you have this experience with?"

Fast considered, her eyes drifting across the room aimlessly a moment. "Well, shoot... I thought I was ready for any question you had."

"I find, you're often not as prepared for things as you hope you are." She inclined her head faintly, a little smile shown. "It's alright. I'd rather an honest answer than a prepared one."

"Right, sure." She raised a hoof to her chest. "In that moment, I was... thinking about all the ponies. All of them in Canterlot. The ones I know, the ones I didn't know... The changelings, the fuzzy boys and girls, I just wanted to protect them all. I... was their shield."

"And you did that." She reached out to set a hoof on one of Fast's forelegs. "Admirably."

Fast smiled awkwardly before gently brushing the hoof off. "Thank you, but that's behind us. You didn't call me here just for that, did you?"

"Since you're eager to proceed." She looked aside at her clipboard, a quill dancing with notes being taken. "When is the last time you engaged in amorous activities with Silver?"

Fast's eyes widened. "What?"

"You don't need to specify what they were," assured Twilight as if that were the problem. "Just a date would be fine."

"We have a healthy love life!" practically shouted Fast.

"I never said you didn't?" Twilight made a little note. "Though the way you reacted... Is something wrong?"

"No!" She glared at Twilight a moment before she began to crack. "Ugh! He likes me, a lot. A lot a lot... but there isn't a fire there... He loves me like a sister. A beloved sister, sure, but still a sister." She hiked a brow at Twilight. "You and Shining Armor, you're close, but you don't love him, right... right?"

"Right!" squeaked Twilight, blushing at the implication. "We're siblings. But you and Silver are... not." She inclined her head. "What about Night Watch?"

"She has her nose stuffed against the grindstone, just where she likes it." She quirked a soft smile. "But she and Silver are on the same sleep schedule at least, and they sleep in the same bed. They're doing alright, sleeping together, talking... It's nice... but I'm not a part of that. I teach during the day. I sleep when they work. I'm married to two lunar ponies I adore with... all my heart... but they may as well be a world away from me."

"Silver is a solar pony," noted Twilight, only to pause, a hoof raising. "Hm, he was Lunar in his dreams..."

"Pardon?" Fast squinted at Twilight perhaps suspiciously. "What dreams?"

Those were supposed to be a secret, in theory. Their secrecy level had decreased, with their foreseeing powers long past, but they still had a lot of information about a lot of ponies... "Are you disappointed in your marriage?"

Fast flinched back as if struck. "That's a hell of a pivot!" She thrust a hoof out at Twilight. "And coming from someone who's never been married, or even had a boyfriend, or girlfriend, to my knowledge."

"You're deflecting," gently admonished Twilight. "Are you?"

"No! He's... a great stallion, and she's a great mare. I love them both." She sagged in place miserably. "They just don't have room for me."

"Do you think it's intentional?"

"You are lucky you are princess of this castle or I would have just hit you." She wobbled a hoof as if to emphasize that point.

Twilight went red, with shock perhaps, or indignation. "Now you're lashing out," she huffed, making another note. "I want to help."

"You're doing a terrible job of it," growled out Fast as she rose and turned away. "Friendship may be your 'thing', but romance is a different level."

"Probably," allowed Twilight. "But you never answered the question."

"Huh?" She peeked over her shoulder. "I've answered a bunch. What didn't I answer?"

"The last time?" she verbally prodded. "You never said."

Fast rolled her ears back on her head. "I... lost track. I'm working on his project, at school. It's fun... The students are something else, mostly helpful, and mostly eager to learn what I'm putting out. I'm proud of it, of my work. We're making good---"

Twilight's hoof came down on Fast's shoulder. "This isn't about your teaching experience, though I glad it's going well. Do keep that up."

"What is this about?" She spread altered wings, green flames rushing over her as she became a specific lunar pony, adjusting her glasses with her wing. "I'm not her. I can't run the odds on you. I'm not super smart."

Twilight's hoof didn't retreat, instead moving to Not-Night Watch's snout. "1: You're quite intelligent and anypony that says otherwise is wrong, or just lying."

"You don't mean that." Fast shrank back, tufted ears sagging. "You're a genius. He loves smart girls."

"He loves you." Twilight inclined her head. "And I got in the way."

"Huh?" With a rush, Fast Change resumed her changeling form, only to flow past it to her ruddy red unicorn birth form. "How are you even involved? I mean, besides being princess..."

"I told him to work the night." Twilight rubbed at her neck. "Well, precisely, I told him to pick teaching or dream patrols, not both."

"Then the idiot made his own decision." Fast smiled despite it, sinking to her haunches. "You said day or night, and he took night. Moron."

"I'm sorry." Twilight gently brushed away the forming tears on Fast's face. "Did you two... Were you... Did this all begin when he started working at night?"

"No! No..." Fast rose up to her hooves just to clomp the ground. "He's an asexual idiot."

Twilight blinked at that. "Pardon?"

"If you grab him by the sensitive bits, he will react, but left to his own devices, he may as well not have them." She lashed her tail with an angry equine snort. "I... got tired of grabbing, and he'll never grab me, so..."

"That does not match." What she read in those dreams painted a very different pony.

"Doesn't match what?" Fast huffed as she turned away. "It is what it is. I thrust myself into his life. I pushed myself into this union. It was always me, pushing, pushing, pushing..."

"And you're tired of pushing?" concluded Twilight with uncertainty.

"Yeah," came the weak reply. "Yeah..."

Twilight looked to her notes even as she made new ones. "I see... Fast Change, are you... considering leaving the herd?"

Fast snorted loudly. "I basically already did... I'm a friend."

"You are a beloved aunt," came a voice in her ear.

"Celestia damn it! I forget you're listening basically always." She rubbed at her ear and her adopted niece's voice. "You heard all that?!"

Twilight inclined her head with sudden confusion. "Who are you talking to?"

"Hello!" came an audible reply, seeming to originate from atop Fast's head. "I am monitoring Fast Change. I had meant to ask if I can monitor you as well."

"And you are...?" Twilight peered at the space the voice seemed to be coming from.

"Nopony!" huffed out Fast, waving at the spot. "Stop listening for, what, at least half an hour."

"As you wish. Have fun!" She sounded excited and happy despite everything she had just heard. "Oh, if you do divorce, I would prefer we remain connected. Feel free to stop by. Later!"

Fast sat still a long moment, waiting for a word, any word. "Alright... I think she's gone." She let out a soft sigh. "She is a nutball, but she's also super smart. Did I mention he likes smart girls? He isn't super subtle about that."

Twilight's quill danced. "But he's only... involved... with two mares, including you?"

"Huh? Oh! No! No... She's adopted, like she said."

"She did not say that," informed Twilight, making a note. "Silver adopted her?"

"She's nuts!" Fast threw up her hooves. "Her eyes are on results, and everything else may as well not exist. She... is adorable in her own way, but also incredibly dangerous. But she's learning, and she's a good pony." Fast smiled a little. "I will talk to her, later."

"This is good." Her quill scribbled busily. "This does come to a rather pressing question... Do you intend to repair things, or are you done with this union."

Fast quirked a little smile. "If I leave, the herd officially dies. It'll just be a marriage, a boring ole wedding. A stallion, a mare, bonded. Nice and simple."

"Is that a good thing, in your eyes?" Twilight tapped at her floating notes. "Most unions in Equestria fit into that without issue."

"Yeah... Look, this wasn't my idea." She turned a hoof upwards. "When Silver first trotted into my life, he had a little mini-Luna with him."

Twilight's ears danced. "Do tell?"

"You didn't know? She was the one that got the idea of herding in his head." She smirked at the memory. "I think she's old enough to remember when that was normal. It was her, then her and Night Watch, then I pushed my nose in and went for the ride. I hopped off while playing changeling princess--"

"You did quite well, by all reports. To call it 'playing' is doing a disservice."

"Yea, sure." She didn't sound entirely convinced. "So... We had a jackal for a while, and both the ruling diarchs... One died, two retired..." She rubbed behind her head with a growing scowl. "Night's been the most steadfast, really. Not surprising he ended up with her."

Twilight rubbed at her cheek. "You have been quite helpful. Thank you, and if... you need any help, do call on me."

Dismissed, Fast began for the exit as if happy for the freedom. "Good luck with the princess stuff." And she was gone, just like that.

That left Twilight considering what she had learned, running back over what she already knew. He was attracted to intelligence, in romance, and in general. He is more awkward than first he appears... She scribbled a few notes with her floating quill. "And he understand the fear of being found out..." She licked over her lips in consideration.

She could corner him with her realizations, make his nightmare come to pass, with growth behind it, or...

"One more, at least one more to be certain." She looked to the guard. "Where's Spike?"

"He is working with Night Watch." The guard saluted sharply. "I believe they are working on Tirek's statue. Um, Your Highness, I don't see how that... monster could possibly be reformed."

"What timing!" Thankful for destiny working the way it did, she started forward. "Are they by the statue?" And off she went, in a hunt for a specific mare.

298 - Distant King

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"Why should I listen to you?" thundered the great giant of a centaur, looming over Night with a scowl large enough to match his stature. "You're barely an insect."

"You're a dream," she retorted, drawing out a pin that was held to her hoof. "And I will pop you."

"You wouldn't!" he hissed. With a great pop, she proved she would. "Curse you!" he screamed as he deflated, his scrawny self emerging, emaciated and weak. "Why can't I draw the magic out of you?"

"You need a body, which you don't have at the moment." She inclined her head at her captive audience. "I'm not here to antagonize you. I want to talk to you."

"Oh, right, talk," he scoffed. "What secrets are you hoping to dredge out of me?"

Night smile gently. They were talking, even if he was on guard. Things were going well...

Twilight arrived to find Night cross-legged in a way more humans did by habit than ponies. Incense was lit, fragencing the air gently. Before her was the statue of Tirek and Chrysalis. She glanced at the guard. "Is this normal?"

The guard nodded. "She's come here many nights before, claiming to be working with Cozy Glow before we released her." He rubbed a cheek with the flat of a hoof. "A success, I suppose?"

"Well, yes." Twilight considered the seemingly unconscious lunar pony. "When she wakes up... tell her I was by, but that there's no specific emergency." That would be enough to get her considering a meeting, but hopefully not set her on alarm. "Thank you."

Twilight trotted away, unable to speak with Night that evening.

"You loved me."

Silver hopped in place, yelping with surprise. His children squealed as well, but they seemed more happy then surprised, reaching for the pony that said it, though they were both attached to Silver, able to do little but reach out with their hooves. He turned quickly to face the speaker. "Twilight?!"

Twilight inclined her head. "You loved me, deeply... Very deeply. You were willing to do anything... In that moment, that love was... It was..."

"She showed you," hissed Silver, turning a bright red in his cheeks, his babbling packages still trying to reach Twilight. "Oh god..."

"That is a very human saying." Twilight cocked an ear. "One sure way to know I'm talking to one."

"You already knew I was one of those." Silver shrank, deflating in the face of the new knowledge. "Oh... you read it all, didn't you? You think I'm some kind of freak, dangerous..."

Twilight set a hoof on his trembling shoulder. "Shh."

Silver suddenly smiled. "You felt like Celestia just a moment there."

"I have no interest in being your grandmother." She inclined her head faintly. "But... Yes. I read it. I read all of it. I read..." She glanced left and right, checking for other ears in the area. "I read of your thoughts as a wild stallion, seeking to cover any mare that stood still." Silver began to blush so vividly. "I read of your thoughts as a mare, as a mother." Silver looked like he wanted to implode on himself. "I read of your thoughts in the middle, full of care, but devoid of carnality... Your dreams were... eventful."

Silver took a slow step away despite the desiring coos of his children. "You know--"

"--as much as you do," cut in Twilight. "Even your writings there hinted you know all about me... You know my childhood. You know my adulthood. You even knew what I would be doing, thanks to that dream. You knew... a lot, and you..."

"I tried not to ruin it," whispered Silver, sagging down towards his belly, legs giving out. "I really tried."

An excited squeal made him peek as his foals were picked up in her magic. She gently nuzzled each, to their delight, and began to play with them. "In another world, you were mine." She gently hoofed at the floating foals, smiling gently. "You never were, but I feel like I lost you both anyway."

"I'm so sorry," he barely whispered.

"You don't even know what you're apologizing for." Despite the heavy words between them, she nuzzled the lunar foals, smiling at them. "In none of your dreams did you ever take me on an adventure... Pity that. I've been on no few of them." She placed the foals on her back and gave them a ride as she approached Silver. "But never with a boyfriend."

Silver swallowed thickly, reading between the lines. "Twilight! Are you...?"

"Am I asking you out?" she proposed. "Part of me wanted to. Part me said, 'go ahead, make the move. Grab him and he won't say no and then you'll know... You'll learn what love is. The love between a mare and a stallion.' But that's selfish. Very selfish... You are married, even if in a herd, however dated that idea is." She cocked a brow. "The princess of Equestria, in a herd? The ponies would not understand it, or accept it."

Silver couldn't help but argue the case. "The last princess was in a herd." He swallowed thickly, realizing where he stood. "With me." He glanced off, becoming more awkward. "Twilight, I worked very hard--"

"--avoiding me." She sat on her haunches. "You were a huge brony." She smirked at his surprised face. "Don't look like that. You sent one to me, others came along. I know what the word is. You knew all about me, and my friends. Your favorites, if I recall... which is still an odd thing to consider, aliens having favorites among your friends, including yourself." She rubbed at a cheek.

"Twilight," he cut in suddenly. "We are friends, and peers. I am your faithful subject, and will gladly help you rule Equestria as well as possible. That human me? That's a different me... From long ago." He cleared his throat as he sat up taller. "Besides, the other members of my family may object strongly to this idea."

"These two are happy about it." She nuzzled the belly of a giggling little filly.

Was he dreaming? No, he had been promised. No more dreams, at least, no more dreams he wasn't aware of were dreams. He was awake, and Twilight was... seducing him? Trying. It was a Twilight way of doing it, with facts, rather than pleas to emotions. "Twilight... I'm very focused on what I do, for you, for everyone else. I'm--"

"--asexual, yes, good." Twilight nodded softly, not one bit turned away.

Silver blinked softly. "If... you know that, why is this conversation happening?"

"Because that's not what I want." She inclined her head a little. "I want a big strong, magically adept, smart pony to... hold me, and tell me it's going to be alright, and be someone I can share my problems with. I want... you. Not some idealized version of you." She wiggled herself as if she had an itch. "I'm not starry eyed, dreaming of foals. You have two right here, and they are... perfect." She smooched a colt's cheek, making him grin.

"That's Morning Glory," noted Silver suddenly.

"And this is Clear Twilight." She brushed her sensitive nose against the filly's. "You don't have much of a future ahead of you as a wizard." The filly giggled. "But who am I to talk? We've unearthed new kinds of magic, horns not required... Maybe you're meant to match me afterall."

Silver shook his head in a rapid little jutter, shaking himself back in the current. "Twilight..."

"Besides," she went right on. "You have a lunar schedule. I, at the requirement of my position in a similar fashion, am usually awake during the day."

"Speaking of that." He thrust a hoof at a darkened window. "Why are you even awake right now?"

"Some things are worth it." She set both the foals down gently to play. "I will speak to your wife, Night Watch. I don't predict she will object."

Silver could but blink. "Why wouldn't she?"

"Because I don't want you in that way." She inclined her head. "I just want someone to..." She tapped her chin a little. "It's hard to explain, but I think she'll understand. And, if I've understood you well enough from your writing, if she consents, you will go along with it."

"Don't you care how I feel?"

Twilight went tense. "I am not another monster," she hurriedly spat out, recoiling, one wing covering her front. "I'm not here to ruin your life. Silver... If you don't want this, then... forget it."

Silver let out a slow breath. "Twilight, you are not a monster." A little smile touched his lips. "But you are prone to acting without thought once in a while... Aren't we all? Twilight, come here."

She seemed confused, but did approach. At his little gestures of his snout, she was soon sitting right beside him. His wing came down over her, a warm blanket. "Twilight. This will sound nuts, because it is, from your point of view, but if you've talked with bronies, you know it's true too. There is a canon, a way things should be. I don't want to ruin it. Becoming the reason the show went off the rails? That's the last thing I want."

"About that..." Twilight looked away, despite being basically hugged. "One spoke of the 'final episode'."

There was a final episode?! "We're already past it?!"

"Yes... and no." Twilight perked her ears. "I should have just asked that, looking back on it, but curiosity got the better of me... and I now know exactly how Celestia felt, every time she glimpsed the future that could be, but hasn't been yet."

She knew... the future? Silver inclined his head. "I won't... pry. I know what that's like, the fear... Just tell me this; Was it a good future?"

Twilight smiled at that. "It was a wonderful, gentle future..." She swallowed heavily. "But it made... you more attractive, I admit." She rubbed her cheek awkwardly.

What could have happened in the future that would do that?! "Twilight, I will be here, barring my being bodily ripped away." He set a hoof on his chest. "I promised to help you, and I stick to my promises... Even before I came here, to this magic land, that's how I tend to be."

"Thank you, for that." Twilight stood up, brushing his wing in the motion. "But... Spike is my brother. He is growing. He will be a fine dragon, kind... delightful, but the distance will grow. He will do things away from me, as a grown person should, as a brother should." She glanced aside at him. "We are both rulers of this kingdom. Our fates are..." She brought two hooves together with a firm clop. "We are united."

Silver struggled to imagine what Twilight had seen, in the future... "Did something happen to your friends?"

"No! No... They're... fine... doing what ponies do..." She smiled, a haunted smile, watching Silver's face in kind as she wriggled away. "As all ponies do... It's... life. Life happened to them, was still happening." She let out a small breath. "Your wife is not an alicorn."

Silver's ears danced. "Was she in the episode? No way." The odds of that were... small. If it were true, it meant she was a canon character, and he'd gotten involved with one. Oops.

"No... no." She cleared her throat softly. "Silver, this is not a revelation of anything new, ultimately. Ponies, they age. They get older... The only ponies who do not get older, that I am aware of, are princesses." She looked him over. "And, I presume, a prince. We have a long... lonely road ahead of us, but we're both on that road..." She began to walk for the exit, a slow walk. "I would like to have company, is all. Even if I'm not perfect, at least I'm your type." She smirked a bit at that thought. "So consider it, if you're ready to stop running from me."

299 - Rhyming Past

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Night thumped Silver in the side. "What do you do to draw the eyes of any princess you walk past?"

"For one I was a challenge she fell into," he recounted, thinking back on the strange and troubled start of his relation with Luna. "For another, a guilt-free release." Brief was the time that Celestia had... well, she'd used him. A convenient stallion she could use and set aside, knowing they wouldn't raise a fuss, nor would others think too long on it.

"And Twilight?" She reached up, taking off her glasses and setting them on the small desk that rested near the bed. "What is she?"

"Lonely." Silver inclined his head faintly. "She talked to you?"

"I talked to her," corrected Night. "I discerned what her motivation was before I walked into the room." She prodded him firmly. "She underestimated my ability to read a situation and run the numbers."

Silver leaned in, resting his chin on her forehead. "Running numbers is your specialty," he fondly whispered.

"The numbers aren't happy." She rolled over onto him, sitting up on him and looking down into his eyes. "She feels there is plenty of room for her to get involved." She narrowed her eyes at Silver. "And She thinks that room will only grow, given time. I forced her to reveal her side of things."

One of his ears turned back against his head. "What did she say?" He wasn't sure Twilight had told him everything, or even most of things.

"With enough prodding, she spat it out. She thinks you and her are unaging and eternal, while the rest of your family, to put it simply, is not." She brought her hooves together in a clop. "She had no idea how uncomfortable that idea was to hear."

"I... have nothing to prove she's wrong..." Alicorns at least had the capacity to live for thousands of years. He was one of those.

"I know you can dream of solutions better than simply accepting the deck given to you." She leaned in, pressing her nose to his. "Would it upset you, if I began to climb the very mountain you sit upon?"

Silver's ears danced. "You want to become a princess?"

"Wrong question." She bit gently with her long sharp fangs. "Do I want you to be alone? Do I want our family to one day not include me?" Her smirk grew in intensity. "Do I want Twilight being so smugly right about everything?"

"Easier said than done..." He rubbed one of his own cheeks with the flat of a hoof. "To make that step, you have to do something amazing that uses your magic, as a pony."

"Like reform the three creatures most capable of destroying Equestria; turning them instead into allies?" she proposed. "Because I'm doing that, right now. There is a missing step, however. One, I feel, you have the answer to. You mentioned briefly there was a pony, there was always a pony, to greet a new princess, or prince, and take them that last step... Who was it?"

"Reforming a few people can't be it on its own," argued Silver with a little frown. "Otherwise Fluttershy would have qualified ages ago."

"She reformed one person, and she didn't use her magic," argued Night right back, prodding her husband. "Besides, she didn't also introduce a new field of magic to Equestria... I've done my homework. I feel I am not that far off. Tell me, who was that pony?"

Silver didn't really want to fight with his wife, his friend... "I only know two times."

"Two? Ah." She nodded as if she had put it together on her own. "You know of Twilight's then?"

"I do..." He let out a little gust of air. "She was escorted by Celestia, celebrated for her achievements and taken to the last step. In my case, Starswirl had taken the role."

"I don't remember you having any affinity for Star Swirl." She spaced out his name, clearly with a space. "That must have been awkward."

"A little." Silver smiled at the memory. "Does that help?"

"Tremendously... You will be my guide." She nuzzled under his chin. "When I arrive at that point, you will be the one to take me that last step. You have seen what is done, twice. You know me. You can do it."

Silver was tense, uncertain... "I will do my best." An easy promise there. He'd always at least try that... "But that doesn't really resolve the whole... Twilight thing."

"If you want her, have her." Night nestled in against him. "But I'm not going anywhere."

He wrapped an arm around her, hoof pressing gently. "Precious Night Watch..." That tickled a thought. "Oh... Wow... Will we have to eventually watch our own children get old?"

Night sat up. "If they don't find their own greatness, yes. On the other hoof, if they do, we will be there to guide them that last step, together. They are too young to reliably run those numbers, or even reliably guess what sorts of ponies they will be."

"That is incredibly sad..." But those dice had already been thrown. He was already an alicorn, who had bred, creating that potential heartbreak for himself. There was nocreature else to blame. "We will be the best parents we can be... even if they get older than us."

"Even then," she sleepily agreed, hugging close. "Silver?"


"Love you."

He smiled in the dark. It was nice to hear that, spoken without prompt, without reason. "I love you too." He squeezed her closer, nuzzling into her cheek. "Thank you, for being here."

"I don't think it's working out." Fast looked anywhere but at Silver directly. "I'll keep teaching the classes, they're fun, and the students are precious. I'm not like... ghosting out on you, promise."

Silver inclined his head quietly a moment, trying to figure out what happened. "Did I do something wrong?"

"No, you adorable idiot..." It was what he hadn't done. "I want this to be a friendly break, friendly." She sat on her haunches and brought up her hooves to cup his cheeks. "As in we'll be friends, good friends even. No drama..."

"No... drama..." He sounded so very uncertain. "There is some drama." He reached out, resting the flat of a hoof against her chest. "And I'm sorry, for helping make it."

"You don't even know what you're apologizing for..." Despite that, his worry and care put a little smile on her face. "This is why I fell for you in the first place, doofus. Look, I need to... find my own way forward, on my own hooves."

"You are loved, even if you walk away." He grabbed her ear with a dart of his head, nomming it gently.

"I know that," she sighed, allowing it even as she grew tense. "I know... but I still have to go."

His ears danced as he let her go. "How is it going?"

"How is what going?" She ceased being a changeling, in a rush of flames becoming the ruddy red unicorn he had originally met.

"The class, the magic," he prompted. "Did you learn anything?"

"So much," she smiled as she said that. "Those students are teaching me things, and we're digging into the mess, really shaping it up! Oh, you want the most recent notes?"

"You have it in a book or something?"

"Yeah." She bobbed her head quickly. "I'll bring it over. You'll like it." She turned away. "We may not be married, but let's... still be friends, alright?"

"One thing." He held up a hoof. "Did you talk with Night about this?"

"No." Such a small word, but it pressed on him with awful intensity. "Don't tell her either... Part of me thinks she won't even notice without somepony bringing it up."

"That's sad..." Why did his wives have to subject him to such sad thoughts of late? "She's... trying something new and involved." And would likely result in her becoming hornier. "But she will be crushed if she learned, way after the fact, that she missed this happening."

"Probably... Don't tell her." Fast trotted off without further delay, vanishing around a corner.

Silver snorted slowly, a contradiction. "I didn't promise..." But she had asked, which was a powerful rope around his heart despite that. "You're being stupid!" He drove down a hoof and turned away himself to return to what business awaited him. His duties did not pause for familial issues.


He looked up from his chair, throwing aside a newspaper that didn't really exist. "What is it now, woman?"

Night smirked at the ridiculous image of it all. "I brought a special guest with me, if you don't mind?"

"Even if I did, you've proven you can get past my petty discontent." He crossed his arms, scowling at her.

"This guest will not come without your permission. She was very specific about that." Night adjusted her glasses. "I think you want to see her."

"I doubt that." He met her gaze in a quiet moment. "Well, go ahead, bring her in."

"With your leave." She extended her left leathery wing, withdrawing it to reveal the tall form of a biped that couldn't have possibly fit behind her wing, but such was the nature of dreams. "Tirek, do you re--"

"--Mother..." he cut in, not allowing her to finish. "Is this a trick?!" He rose to his hooves so quickly, the chair under him was sent bouncing away.

Queen Haydon smiled gently, lines of age drawing at her features, but she was still regal, tall, and composed. "Little prince, this is where you ran away to..."

"You and father chased me away," he huffed. "Blast it all, are you in front of me, laughing at the statue?"

"Laughing is the wrong emotion." She ran a finger just under her right eye, wiping away a tear. "I'm so sorry."

"What are you sorry for?!" he stormed, growing large with anger.

She looked aside at Night. "Can you... give us privacy?"

Night inclined her head, glasses going faintly askew. "You don't know the way out."

"Come back then, but leave us alone, just for a time." She held two fingers up close together, not quite touching.

Night ran the numbers with a look of concentration. "If I see any obvious signs of distress, I will return."

She vanished, awakening, and leaving Tirek's mother to speak to him privately. "I did what I thought was best, at the time... which is no excuse for how poorly it all turned out."

"Why are you here?" he asked, acid in his tone. "You don't care about me, just the image I made on the family."

"Forget that." She waved it away. "There is no royal family here. Just a mother and her son, who didn't get what he needed, and should have gotten." She smiled faintly. "Why do you look older than I do?"

Tirek shrank back, suddenly smaller than her, emaciated and weak. "I... The more I..." He grunted with obvious frustration. "The more you drink from the well of power, the more... you need to."

"You're hurting yourself." Queen Haydon approached her child with wide arms. "I'm so sorry... You don't need that."

"How can you even say that?!" He shoved her back a step. "I was never good enough for him!"

"Your brother came back to us. He..."

"--told you about me," concluded Tirek. "And now everyone hates me."

"I would not be here to hate you." A little smile touched her lips. "I could have done that from the comfort of home, you silly thing. Tirek, you have walked so very far and long... It's enough... come home."

"Home?" he asked in a soft haunted voice. "I don't have one of those."

"I'm sorry you ever felt that way... but it's not true. Give me a chance." She got an arm around his front, hugging him gently. "I miss you. Your brother misses you."

"He doesn't," Tirek got out in a hiss.

300 - I Read a Book

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Silver and Night prepared for the night ahead of them. As Silver tended to the foals, Night was attacking him, with a brush. "You are a horrible pony at keeping your fur managed."

Silver couldn't particularly argue that. His lack of self-care had come from his human side largely unedited. "Another reason to sing the praises of my lovely wife who I owe so much to." Pony fur reacted to a lack of care so much more strongly than human skin. Human skin mostly took care of itself. Pony fur became matted and clumped and turned into a miserable experience.

And that had not been enough to prompt him into action. It was a failing. For just a moment, he wondered what he would have looked like, had he still been human. Wild hair? A beard for miles?

"It doesn't even take that long," berated Night, stepping back to look at her work. "There you are. You are in a public facing position, so you could at least try to look decent."

"Ah, you're still here." Twilight trotted into the room as if it were her room. Technically, being part of the castle, it was... "Good. How much time do you have?"

Night scowled at her. "You've established that you two have plenty of time." She stormed past Twilight. "There's work to be done." And she was gone.

Twilight let her go, sliding in next to Silver. "Sorry."

Silver raised an ear at that. "Sorry?" He hadn't expected that.

"For scaring her off like that." Twilight shook her head with a slow breath. "I'm messing this up. I don't mean to cause either of you... problems..."

Silver turned to Twilight, watching her face, full of worry, fidgeting nervously. "It is unbecoming for a princess to look like that," he half-sang before leaning in, touching his forehead to hers, horns angled off to either side. "Why don't you make friends with her before chasing me? It would go so much more smoothly."

"Ugh." She danced back. "You are such a pride stallion, whipped by your mare."

Silver's ears danced at that and going dark in his cheeks. "I know how my family works." Mostly... He hadn't seen Fast just...

"I'm closer than ever to my family." Twilight raised a hoof with new thoughts. "Maybe I should invite my parents over..."

"Now you're deflecting." He looked Twilight up and down slowly. "Twilight, I'm pretty straight forward, I think... Just say what you want, and I probably won't be offended for asking."

"I was hoping for a morning hug." She sat on her haunches and awkwardly extended her fore hooves towards him. "If I may?"

Silver gently smiled at that. In that moment, he didn't see a princess. He saw a little filly who wanted company.

Then he realized he was being a jerk. He had been the person who wasn't being hugged before. It wasn't cute. It was kinda awful. "Thank you."

Twilight blinked softly at that. "For?"

"For trusting me." He stepped in, snout brushing hers. "That pain, of being alone. It can hurt, and you feel like... maybe, maybe that's just what you deserve." Twilight tensed, and he knew he wasn't far off. "But you don't." He wrapped his arms around her, hugging firmly. "Twilight, you're an amazing pony. I'm only bothered you think I'm good enough."

Twilight choked out an aborted laugh, returning the hug awkwardly. "Are you kidding me? You check... several boxes." Her horn began to glow, a white board appearing from nowhere. "Likes spells." The words appeared as she spoke, a big box next to them. "Check!" A big bright green check went through it. "Likes friendship." Another line, and another check. "Check. But! Does not want big parties and flashy shows... also check. Secret bonus, is trying to redefine how we even think about magic, check!" She thumped down a hoof before returning it to hugging him. "You hit a lot of buttons, Silver."

"But you don't know me."

"Yes I do." She huffed lightly, a smirk forming. "We were pen pals long before now, or did you forget? Now, I need to go to bed, but, thank you." She touched her nose to his. "I'll be back another time."

And Silver was left alone to resume his tasks.

Like scowling at a scroll. "This is far from the first time I saw this name." A source of once humans that wasn't The Text. Did the text know? It had to, right? It apparently didn't mind her meddling. Still, what she was doing was shady, at best... "Doctor Fetlock..."

He set the scroll down on his desk with so many others, all cluttering up the joint. "Actually..." He turned his head to a guard that stood there waiting. "Can you deliver a letter to Twilight?"

"Of course, sir!" He saluted sharply.

Silver got to drafting something nice and quickly and floated it over to the guard. "Please and thank you."

"No need, sir." He took it in his mouth and quickly moved to trot away.

Silver clopped his hooves with giddy expectation, but did not expect the answer to take the form of a teleportation sparkle. His monitor appeared, his computer below it, on the floor. "Thanks, Twilight." He nuzzled his computer, returned. "Now if I just had the printer..." But he did not. That was back in the human world, out of his reach entirely.

But it did mean he could keep track of things, by typing them! "First..." Poor computer hadn't been used in a while, and he didn't want to damage it. He drew over one of many books. "No." He put it back and grabbed another. "No..." Ah, the third one had it, in the fourth chapter. "A little repair magic to wipe away the age." He read the spell as he cast it, horn glowing, along with his computer.

The computer shined, nice and new, inside and out. Even the monitor glistened, cleaned from the top to the bottom. "I kinda love magic." With a firm nod, he pressed the power button.

Nothing happened.

"Did you plug it in?" he asked as if he were a bored tech support agent on a phone, laughing at himself as he slipped from his chair and began hunting for a plug to get the computer into.

"Looking for something?"

Silver thumped his head against the bottom of his desk, getting his horn stuck in the wood in a moment of frantic flailing before he popped free. There was Twilight, watching him with a barely restrained snicker at the unseemly sight he had provided. "Twilight, hi! Um, what's up?"

Twilight pointed at his computer. "I sent that over, and realized you probably want a plug."

But... "How did you know? And I figured you'd be asleep."

"I--" she paused to yawn. "Was, but..."

"Twilight, this could have waited." He trotted over to her and started to turn her right around, but she wasn't having it.

She nudged back against him. "I can make my own decisions. And it's right here." She lifted a tile that hid the power plug. "There. You're welcome."

"Huh..." He wasn't sure if he would have found that. "Thanks." He trotted over to the exposed plug and shoved the modified tines of the computer's power into it that he had lovingly carved into shape so long ago. The computer glowed faintly from inside, power! His horn glowed, pressing the power button. It turned on! He'd have a computer again. "Perfect!"

Twilight smiled at his joy. "Good. Now back to sleep."

"And stay asleep," he urged. "You don't have to get up for me. I'd be happy waking up to find it there the next day."

"But then I wouldn't get to see your face." She inclined her head faintly. "Good night." And off she went, off to get some well deserved rest.

He considered his computer, but he couldn't brush off Twilight's presence. "No..." He trotted away from the powered on computer. It could wait. He hunted down Twilight to her room, where Celestia once rested, now hers. "Twilight?" He clopped the door gently, the guards watching him.

"Mmmf?" came a sleepy noise. "Silver?"

Silver nudged at the door gently. "May I come in?"

"Yes!" she blurted, perhaps too eagerly. He came in to find her cheeks a dark red, and a book floating beside her head.

His eyes snapped to the book, trying to read it, but she was wrenching it away, hiding it behind her back. "Now is not the time for studying," he gently chastised. "I'm here about that."

"You are?!" Her blush grew worse. "I'm not sure I'm ready." She stood up tall. "But I want this. Let's proceed."

Silver inclined his head slowly at Twilight's behavior. "What are you doing? Twilight, I'm putting you to bed."

"Oh, yes, to bed." Her eyes darted to the book that crept up into her field of vision. "A natural place."

Silver blinked slowly. "Yes, beds are a good place to sleep."

"Sleep?!" she squeaked, her book falling from her numb magic grip.

Good enough of a chance for Silver to snatch it away from her. On the Mating Habits of Ponies, it read. He joined her with red cheeks, setting the book rather quickly down on her desk. "Yes, sleep. It's very late for you. Thank you for helping me, I appreciate it, and I'm going to show it by helping you get some nice sleep."

Twilight allowed herself to be led towards bed. "So you aren't interested in... that?"

"Twilight, it's super late." He nudged her up onto the bed. "I will not be the reason you're feeling horrible tomorrow. Because I am a friend, I won't accept that."

Twilight sat on the bed, peering at Silver critically. "Right... Right, of course." She put a hoof to her cheek, then flopped over, curling up on top of the blanket.

Silver's magic wrapped around the blanket, gently working it out from under her and instead to rest on her. "I'm not saying no, but I am saying, firmly, not now." He could see Twilight was tired, and confused. "Now is sleep time for princesses." He went in and touched his nose to hers, rubbing gently left and right, their eyes locked. "I'm going to send you to dream land now."

"Is it... too forward of me to want you to join me?" She bit at her bottom lip, looking so adorkably vulnerable.

"I have to get work done," noted Silver with a little smile. "You wouldn't want me walking into court and dragging you away." The way she was looking, perhaps she would be alight with that, even if she made a scene to look proper. "Goodnight." His horn glowed, weaving the spell of sleep. Her heart slowed, her brain fell into a gentle slow rhythm. He had accepted the role of dream watcher, and he was taking her there, watching her eyes slowly flutter shut.

Her breathing was gentle, her body relaxed. She had slipped off. "See you later." For just a moment, he wanted to kiss her cheek, but he didn't, turning away and trotting firmly back towards work. He passed the book she had been holding. A book like that couldn't teach what she wanted to learn. He knew that... from experience, which was the ultimate teacher when it came to that. He willed the book back onto a nearby bookshelf and left Twilight there, sleeping soundly.

"She's asleep," he announced, closing the door behind himself. "Don't let anyone wake her up until it's sun raising time or a real emergency comes up."

One of the guard inclined his head. "Yes, sir. Of course, sir." He pointed at Silver. "Are you going to... Sorry, sir. It's none of my business."

Silver quirked an ear. "Go on."

"I was..." The guard danced from hoof to hoof. "Are you two going to marry? We haven't had a prince and a princess together in... a long time."

Since before he even knew, and Silver knew a lot of Equestrian history. "I'm already married," he reminded. "And I love her."

"Good, sir..." He shuffled all the more. "But you've already been in one herd."

301 - Problem Solving

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Silver escaped the attention of the mares that desired it. It was easy to do, going half a country away. He had business in Manehattan.

That left others behind. Maribelle dusted the tops of some shelves in their room, humming a soft song to herself as she did so.

Whiskers was watching her, seated between two eager foals that were busy playing with one another, coming far too close to landing on her in their tussles. "I don't mean to complain..."

"Which means you are." Maribelle's humming faded away as she glanced over her shoulder at her tiny friend. "What's on your mind?" She swept a furry hand over the top of another hard to reach surface, getting the hand dirty, but cleaning her target.

"We are personal servants of the prince." She put her hands to her chest, gesturing at herself emphatically. "But we so rarely see him, and even more rarely speak with him. I converse with his wife more often."

"Night?" Maribelle scooped up Clear Twilight and set her down on the bed. Morning Glory was just as quickly set down in a chair. "She's a darling one, very serious half the time, but nice. Not Too Nice, but nice." Maribelle placed a book in front of one foal, a carrot before the other, distracting them both.

"Yes, yes, very nice." Whiskers scratched her cheek slowly. "It's a funny thing. I wanted to get away from being... an object, and I got that... and now I feel unvalued."

Maribelle crouched down, still towering over Whiskers. "I still think you're a precious treasure."

Whiskers smiled brightly at her friend. "You're a friend. You have been... I appreciate it... but..." She rubbed an arm with a hand, fidgeting. "This will sound strange, but part of me wants to be admired, with kind eyes. I don't think our prince cares to do that."

"You just got used to it." She tapped Whiskers on the nose, getting a sneeze from the dust that was still on her hand from her dusting work. "Find new things to express yourself with. Oh!" She brought together her hands in a great clap, a new cloud of dust exploding outwards. "I bet you'd be really good at music."

"Singing?" Whiskers peered at her friend, uncertain.

"Sure, or an instrument." Maribelle rose back to her full height, resuming her cleaning. "I'm not a talented cow. I can take care of little ones alright, or clean a room, or make someone feel good after a hard day's work." She got to straightening some books in the room. "You have talents, I know it. You just have to tease them out."

"Those are talents." She burst into a little musical laugh as she stood up. "Maribelle, you are incredibly talented. You're watching the foals, cleaning the room, and consoling a little friend without even batting an eye."

"I suppose that's true." Maribelle swayed her tasseled tail. "But this is about you. Your talents. You have nice little hands with clever fingers, why not an instrument? Everyone loves watching someone make nice music."

"An instrument..." Whiskers had much to consider, starting with what instrument she'd even want to try.

"Are you alright?" Night asked as she stepped in from nothing, appearing beside Queen Haydon. "It's been some time." She didn't like the way the numbers were leaning.

"No." Haydon looked to Tirek, who had plumped back up to strong looking. "But I think it can be."

"He hasn't changed. Of course he hasn't." Tirek grunted with growing anger. "He won't until I give him something he can not deny."

"He said that once himself." With hands clasped, Haydon took a single step forward. "He was talking about you."

"Did it work?!" Tirek thundered, clopping a hoof down, right hand balled and shaking.

"No." She regarded Tirek evenly. "Do you think it will work better on your side?"

He threw his hands aside with an almost pained grunt. Night inclined her head. Her numbers had been wrong. She slid in near Haydon. "You two are having a good conversation." There was always Discord's chances, when things went down the unlikely path. "Need any help?"

"This is a family affair." She gently made shooing motions.

"Yeah! We're talking." His anger focused on Night, who was more available than his father at the moment. "Buzz off!"

Night dipped her head. "I am close by." She vanished back to the world of wakefulness.

Silver strode down the street, eyes wandering. It had been some time since last he was in Manehattan. His thoughts went to when he first came to the city, with Rough Draft, his OC. His adoptive father. How was he doing? Silver frowned, quietly bemoaning that ponies weren't nearly as connected as would have been nice, just give him a quick call...

That wasn't an option, and not what he had come to do. He still wondered if Rough had gotten to BipedCon since that fateful time...

No, no... He had come to deal with a naughty pony. Not violent, near as he could tell, just... wrong. That happened with ponies. Criminals that just did things you wouldn't want them to do. Perhaps she could be reformed? It was a nice part about Equestria. Few criminals were so bad that guiding them back to productivity and inclusion wasn't on the table.

She was involved with seedier elements. He knew because of how he had to track her down. She operated in a place owned by one of the local gangs, a large one, one of the biggest. Large enough that attacking a prince that just marched in on their business wouldn't be entirely alien in idea. Canterlot was far away, and basically another country, as far as the ponies that lived those lives were concerned.

Demanding deference because of his crown would get nowhere. He could have brought a bunch of guards, but that'd put everything on a confrontational start. He would approach with a smile, and hopefully they could resolve it with one.

Besides, if they saw him coming, they could run away. Reports showed that Twilight had come with her friends, possibly more than once. Ah, of course. He clucked his tongue, a smile forming quickly. He would not be some enforcer of the law raining down on them.

He'd be exactly what they wanted to see, a customer.

He considered trying to look sad, but, truth told, he was actually kind of bad at that. Barring literal tears, he often didn't look sad, even when he was. He would look impassive, as he did more often, when not putting on a bright welcoming smile. He willed the door open to what looked more like a laundromat than a place to get powerful magic done. "Hello?"

A griffon was inside, typing, watching him. Her eyes were not on the keys, or anything she might have been working on, but she was going at full speed. Silver had to be impressed at the skill on display. "Wow, you're a good touch typer. I don't run into many of those."

She peered at him like he had said something quite silly. "Pony typewriters only have two keys. They need to watch to know which one they hit?"

"Oh, true, much of the time." He raised a hoof to point even as he let his magic escape, creating a feeling cloud of magic that slowly expanded. "That typewriter clearly isn't binary. I wouldn't use a binary myself."

"You type?" She was still working, not pausing. "That's nice. You have an appointment?"

Silver willed the door shut behind himself. "I was hoping to..." What was the proper word? "I heard she can make ponies, and I wanted to talk to her about that, buying one?"

She stopped typing long enough to hike a thumb at a sign that hung overhead. "No Royalty," it read.

Silver didn't notice it before, but was then gaping at it. Well... spotted. He did have wings and a horn, but that went unnoticed half the time outside of Canterlot. "That's not nice. Why not?"

She laid her hands flat on her typewriter, the absence of her typing somehow loud. "Why are you here?"

One of his ears folded back. He hadn't wanted it to, darn pony tics. "I want to talk to Fetlock."

"She isn't available."

"I'm not here to attack her." Smile, always smile. Shows people you're not a threat. Smile and wave. Less waving in this case. Smile... "I just want to have a chat, maybe get a pony?"

"You could get a lot of ponies." She reached under her desk, drawing out a paper and setting it down. It was a tapestry of headlines, featuring him. "You could just ask. What kind of pony couldn't you get without her help?"

He figured she wasn't entirely off on that. He had money, influence, some amount of fame... He could get a lot of ponies... "But not one that was... special." Did they even know they used to be human? He couldn't be sure. "If you've read up on me, which I'm not sure why you did."

"It's my business." She resumed her typing. "Keep riffraff away from the boss."

"If you've read up on me," he repeated, but pressed on, "You know I have... an interesting background." He flicked his tail as he regarded the griffon in his way. "I want--"

She brought down a talon, tapping not at a key, but a particular scrap of paper. "You see and administer creatures just like you, all the time." She resumed her typing. "I'm not buying it."

There it was, a little piece about the humans and once humans he provided counseling and support to. "But I was hoping for a specific one," he argued. "Which is what she does, isn't it? I have the bits." He curled on himself and grabbed a bag in his teeth, pulling it out of his saddlebag and into view with a weighty set of jingles from the coins inside. "Right here."

The sight of the bag slowed her typing. "Yeah?" Her eyes followed the sway and movements of the coins. "She isn't cheap."

"Neither am I." He willed the bag forward, setting it heavily beside her typewriter. "I want to place an order. When can I talk to her?"

She reached for the bag, but his field let him wrap his magic around it and snatch it away instantly, hovering in the air instead. "Not until I see her."

"You don't pay, you don't see her," she noted flatly. "Nobody sees the doctor without an appointment, and those aren't free."

"Fair enough..." He pulled the bag open in his magic. "What's the appointment fee?" He could see her thinking, considering what price to name. "Fifty," he declared for her, drawing out 5 ten bit coins and setting them down.

Apparently a good enough number, with the speed with which she snatched them up. "You have a number?"

"Back at the castle," he admitted a little lamely. "Not here."

She pointed across the way. "You can slum over at the hotel across the way. We'll call you when it's time. Get out of here." She banished him with a dismissive wave.

Silver did not leave right away, drawing his magic back into himself slowly, the way to get the most of it. "Thank you. I will be on my best behavior with the doctor."

"You better." Back to typing she had gone. What was she even working on? His magic field could feel what was being done, but not see it. The contents of the page remained a mystery. "I suggest you not wander around after dark, Your Highness."

"City life." He pressed back outside. He wasn't alien to the idea of living in a place where one could be mugged, even if the idea of pony muggers still managed to make him smile, despite all he had endured. Vicious little fur balls that would still be adorable even as they took his things and shouted angrily.

He had a doctor to see.

302 - Next Up

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"Hey," came a rough voice through the thin door of the motel door. "Someone's callin' fer ya."

Silver began gathering his things rapidly. He stood up even as things floated in his magic, tucked away on the way out. "Was it a griffon?"

He poked his head out the door to see the motel manager had already left. With a huff, he hurried to their office. "Hey, was it the griffon?"

"What am I, yer mother?" The pony shrugged. "Was a lady though. Said the doc's ready fer ya or somethin'."

Ah ha. Silver turned for the street. "Thanks." He needed not a single further word from the pony, and left him to whatever he needed to get done. Crossing the street, he slowed. There were a few seedy characters around the door to the doctor's place. Gangsters? The ones she worked for? Rivals?

"Check out this guy." One of them had seen Silver. "We got royalty up in here."

Well, so much for considering alternatives. Silver pressed onwards, allowing a thin field of his magic to begin escaping. "Just a customer today." Smile, a friendly smile.

"Yeah?" All three of the ones waiting in front pushed off the front of the store, wielding clubs, two of them. The third was twirling a butterfly knife with quite good skill for doing it with their mouth, just to be passed to a hoof it stuck to in a fit of Equestrian magic. "Buddy, this ain't a place fer royals."

As physically menacing as they were, Silver figured they did not rate compared to others he had crashed into. "Fellas, I have an appointment with the nice doctor. We're just going to--" One of the ponies started at him with a club. His magic gathered around it, his field narrowing with a clench and wrenching it aside, taking the pony's head with it, the figure half-thrown to the ground. "--talk." He was still being nice, but no was not an answer he planned to accept.

The one with the knife narrowed his eyes. "How'd you do that?" Oh, he couldn't see unicorn magic glows? Pity on him.

"I'm moving past and having a nice talk. Don't stop me." He moved to do just that, his field washing over them, allowing him to feel exactly where they were, how they breathed, the beating of their hearts. A pity it didn't protect from the sharp pop and the intense pain that erupted from his side. His field informed him moments later that he had a foreign object embedded inside him. He'd been shot?!

A luminous shield sprang into being around him as his wings spread in a snap. A second pop, but the shield held strong. There wasn't a third. Perhaps intimidated by the lack of effect of the second shot? Silver advanced past the melee combatants that were gaping at him. He ignored the pain. He could worry about that... somewhere safer.

He opened the door. There was the secretary. "I have an appointment," he announced.

She raised a brow. "You're bleeding."

That was true. "I still have an appointment."

"You're mad." She was typing, as was her habit. "You still plan to be on your best?"

"I just want to talk." He willed the door shut behind himself. "Unlike your goons."

"They ain't mine, or the doctors'." She hiked a thumb, a thing griffons had. "Go through that door. She's waiting for your consultation."

"Thank you." Smile. He marched past her despite the pain of his wound. He could hear the door opening behind him, but he was already around the corner, marching towards what was hopefully a doctor.

It was a larger room, more of a warehouse than anything else, if you added arcane symbols drawn over most available surfaces. Wandering it was a pony with long hair that draped in all around her head, including in front of it. She blew it out of the way as she furiously scribbled at a chalkboard with a marker held in her magic. "Sit down," she ordered without turning. "Be with you in a moment."

So Silver did sit. A fine time to... dig out that little metal bit. That hurt, and he clenched his teeth, but at least magic was far better at that kinda thing than clumsy fingers in that case, floating the bit that didn't belong in him out and letting it clatter to the ground.

The unicorn turned at the sound, ears picked. "What?" She began approaching. "What happened?"

Silver decided in that instant that the doctor had no idea what happened, and likely no clue about the goons. "Good Evening, Fetlock. I've wanted to meet you." Smile, warm smile.

Fetlock inclined her head, a bit confused. "Good evening... Seriously, shouldn't you go to the hospital?"

Empathy, good, she had that. "I'll consider that afterwards. Fetlock, I am a human. Do you know what that is?"

Fetlock blew her mane out of the way. "Maybe..." Her eyes darted up and down over Silver's form from the front. "Are you here for some 'revenge'?"

"No." Silver smiled gently. "But I would like to know what you've been up to. Can you share?"

Fetlock raised a hoof and coiled so she could present her rump, and point at it. "This is my purpose."

Her mark was... a dark smudge? He tilted his head in confusion.

She rolled her eyes in reply. "It's an outline of a pony! It's where a pony should be, but isn't. I fill that hole." She sat down on her haunches. "And! I'm good at it, thank you."

Oh! Yes, he could see how it formed the outline of a pony from the side. "But you don't create something from nothing." Most spells didn't. They conjured from elsewhere, or transmuted. Only a few, generally difficult, spells created things wholecloth. "What are these missing ponies made of?"

She glanced away and back, needing to blow upwards to knock her mane out of the way. "I put out the call." She raised her hoof as if to amplify her voice. "And they reply."

"Who replies?" he gently pried, a little smile worn. "I'm not here to arrest you." He hoped. A little talk, maybe enough?

"You came for a consultation!" she suddenly pivoted on the topic. "What kind of pony is missing from your life?"

"The call... Did you make it?"

She looked nervous, suddenly very much so. "Yeah!" She didn't. She was lying, he felt certain. "So the missing pony?"

"Father." Silver's ear danced, a new voice in it. "I have a request." It was his adoptive daughter, speaking through her arcane technologies. "Please."

Silver sat up tall. "My daughter has the request." Of what, he had no idea... "Go ahead."

Samantha's voice grew louder, audible to the room, "Greetings, fellow doctor!"

Fetlock smiled, as if she could detect a fellow spirit, a kindred soul. "Hello, fellow doctor!" How she knew, Silver knew not, but the two seemed ready to accept one another. "How can I help you?"

"I... made a terrible mistake... We are terrible ponies in some ways."

Fetlock's ears fell at that. "Don't be so harsh on yourself. I feel certain you've made some amazing things."

"Oh, I have," crooned Samantha. "I'd love to share with you! But, um, right now let's focus. I have mastered many things, but I take terrible care of myself."

"I know that feeling." She puffed up air to blow her mane out of her eyes. "Who has time?"

"You understand." Samantha must have leaned in, her voice growing louder without being more forceful, as if she had leaned in on the mic. "But I didn't just hurt myself..."

"Tell me about it." Silver had a feeling that if the two were physically in the same room, some shoulder patting would be happening, but instead it was just him, serving as the speaker for Samantha. But what had happened? It was something he wanted to know too.

"I paid the karmic debt, I think? I am uncertain exactly how that functions, but I am unsatisfied."

"Don't even bother," gusted Fetlock. "It never works."

"I tried. I bred." Fetlock tilted her head, as confused as Silver in that moment. "I was bred. An egg had successfully been inseminated," further explained Samantha.

Fetlock looked increasingly uncertain. "Congratulations?"

"No congratulations are required." Samantha sighed over the link. "The foal never saw its zeroth birthday due to my neglect of myself. I killed it before it became a thing. I am still guilty about this... Father?"

"I'm here." He had never known this! "Are you alright?"

"No. It was guilt over that... It made me try too hard to save your child. A success!" Neither could see it, but could imagine a great, if brief, grin on Samantha's face. "And resulted in my ascension. Which just makes me feel more like I haven't... I still feel guilt. It was my fault, and what is in equal value to what I have taken?"

Fetlock inclined her head. "A tragic tale." She did sound like she genuinely thought that. "But how can I help? Do you want me to create a foal? I can do that, but we know nothing about yours. It would be a foal."

"Oh, well, I did save it."

Silver scrunched his eyes, imagining a jar somewhere with some little bloody splotch in it. "Samantha?! Seriously? Why?"

"Just in case. Doctor, can you work with that?"

Fetlock gave a soft hum of thought. "A biological imprint changes things, yes... I could use that to color the call, yes... yes!" She pumped a hoof, looking more and more excited. "This will be new, and exciting. Doctor, it would be a pleasure to work with you."

"Lovely." They could hear Samantha clop her hooves together. "I will arrive in twenty six hours and two minutes."

And it was quiet. Silver flicked an ear, but Samantha did not speak up again. "So... You have my order, but I still have questions, please?"

Fetlock waved it away. "You're obviously not here to stop me."

"While I'm happy you're relaxed, may I ask why?"

"It's not obvious?" Fetlock raised a brow, which let her mane fall for her to blow out of the way. "Your daughter would be very upset if you stopped me before I helped her."

Well... that was true... "So, your call, tell me about that?"

She grunted softly. "Ugh... The more details I can provide, the more likely I get a good match. The best matches arrive wearing the skin and soul of the replacement pony and live out their lives happily as that pony."

"And the worst?" he prodded curiously, a half-smile worn.

"They arrive as confused humans..." Fetlock shrugged. "But they agreed. They had to, or they wouldn't be here. They can't escape, they just fall in slower. Some put on quite... the display. They start as humans, but they fill that hole."

Silver thought back to his human self. He had filled a hole in Equestria, though Fetlock had clearly not been involved.

Oh. That adorable mare. She... "You're a Text."

"What?" She squinted at Silver baffedly. "I'm a pony, a unicorn to be specific."

How to explain that. "You offer a chance of escape, of starting a new life. You set the terms. If they didn't want to be there, they could resist at the start, the very start." Silver clopped a hoof down on the cement floor. "But not long after that, they're 'falling in the hole', as you said. It's just a matter of what angle they take on the way down."

Fetlock shrugged softly. "Sure, yeah. So I put out the call, they come, and I fill in the hole. Happy?"

"No, but yes." He reached for her as she watched him guardedly, but he didn't attack, instead gently parting her mane, a rubber band escaping his saddlebag and soon binding the mane in a bun out of her vision. "There you are."

Fetlock blinked, her vision entirely free of her mane. "You are an experienced father to us," admitted the mad scientist, perhaps a little jealous of her kin. "Now go away. Come back when your daughter is here."

303 - Small Mistakes

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The goons had gone. They weren't there when Silver left. He wasn't shot crossing the street, and nothing else got in the way when he collapsed to his belly and retired for the evening. He had done his part.

So why was someone knocking on his door? He grunted, irritation swelling as he forced himself upright. "Who is it?"

"Is this a bad time?" came a female voice.

Silver's ears danced, not expecting that. A gentle female voice, not one he'd spoken to recently. "Come in?"

And they did, the door's handle glowing with magic as it twisted and turned outward. "I'm sorry if I'm bothering you."

A unicorn, tall, female, pretty. Who was she... Somewhere deep in his mind, he registered her as someone he'd seen before, but not a bit beyond that came to him. "Hello there." His wings fidgeted on his back, annoyed at his own lack of information. Curse his bad memory of people. "What brings you here?"

"Are... you...?" She shook her head. "This will sound daft, and you'll laugh me away if I'm wrong."

"I doubt I will do that." He sat up properly on his haunches, waving the mare closer. "Close the door so nopony else has to hear and share what's on your mind."

"You don't seem to recognize me. That's alright! I promise... though it is surprising." She raised a hoof to her chin, but it was only there a moment before she gestured at herself. "I'm Nicole. Nicole Foalman."

That name! Ugh... That name pinged at him. He'd heard that name... But he couldn't click it together. "Nice to meet you, Nicole." Nicole wasn't that pony of a name...

Nicole inclined her head. "Do you not remember me? Are you...?" She danced in place. "Are you the same creature, or not? The... David. Are you David, or not?"

Silver's ears were trained on Nicole with a new intensity. Few were the ponies that knew his original name. "That's me... Um..." Then it clicked. "The changeling! Where are your... the others? Are they alright?"

Nicole relaxed as recollection seemed to return to Silver. "Oh, thank Celestia. I thought you had forgotten us entirely... They're at the hotel room, relaxing... I wanted to see you." She walked up to and sat down beside Silver's bed, eyes on him. "I've been keeping track of you... my savior, who went on to do so many things."

Silver inclined his head lightly. "I am just awful at faces and names. Sorry for scaring you, but it came back."

"You married a changeling," continued Nicole suddenly. "How was... that? You two happy? She was a... royal, like me, I hear."

Silver began to color swiftly. "Will you be upset if I answer with 'it's complicated'?"

"Life usually is," she assured with a little smile. "Are you upset with being with a changeling?"

"No! No... She was... lovely."

"Was?" Nicole's right ear went flat. "Did she get hurt?"

"Sort... of, but mostly they left." Silver rubbed behind his head a moment. "I wasn't the best husband to them, I'll take fault for that."

"The prince of Equestria. The rumors of you are so very varied, but rare are they boring," Nicole half-sang, rocking a little in place. "Always something new, something bold. I don't mean the other changeling any... ill will, but she choose the wrong husband to have a calm domestic life."

"How are you?" turned Silver, leaning forward a little towards her. "Now that you're a citizen, right?"

"Officially," crooned Nicole. "And with reformed changelings being an accepted thing, I've even come out."

Silver's ears danced. "What about your friends?"

"Silly things were practically ready to do it all this time... They loved me, and, well, I loved them back." She sat up fully. "So it is a known thing, that Nicole Foalman is a changeling, and my career didn't crash and burn."

Silver brought his hooves together in light applause. "Great. Seriously, that's a happy ending I'm behind." A smile on his face, he nodded at his guest. "I'm glad to hear it."

"And it is, in part, thanks to you." She rose to her hooves. "Though part of me wonders if I would have come out on my own, when reformed changelings became accepted. Still... you changed things, when you got Luna involved. That was... a frightening time... but it worked out, didn't it?"

Brought to his memory, he could remember that distant time. "I was very new to Equestria, back then. You were a new and confusing thing."

"That you took pity on." She inclined her head. "And now you're the Too Kind Prince."

Silver's ears danced. "Do they really call me that?"

"I just did," noted Nicole, tongue poking free a little. "Seriously, I am curious... Why did you..." She trailed off, frowning with thought. "When we met, you had two legs and two arms and hands." She reached out a hoof, which became a hand at the end of her arm, though the rest of her remained a unicorn, showing she was quite practiced in the way of shapeshifting. "And now you do not. For a changeling, this is an average day, but you are not one of those. Care to share why?"

That was... quite the question. "Step by step. First, the offer a new life." He nodded, thinking back to Luna's original offer. "But life isn't easy. I had... an interesting childhood... twice now."

"Most would not look forward to that twice," noted Nicole with an unsure look. "You made it though."

"I did... I made some friends, some enemies. The usual." He waved a hoof lightly. "But I was a pony at that point. I am a pony now." He flopped over onto his side. "A tired pony, perhaps, but a pony. It really is nice to see you though."

"Now that you remember me," she joked gently. "You do look tired. Want me to head out?"

"I should get some sleep." He yawned, trying to cover it with a hoof with limited success. "Seriously, nice talking to you."

"Sleep well," she bade gently as she saw herself out. "I may stop in on you, in Canterlot. Any objection?" He said something that could be taken for agreement, or not. She decided to believe what she wished as she departed, leaving him to rest.

"Just a little."

Silver awoke with a snap, headache rushing upon him, only to recede almost as quickly. Before him, the source. "When did you get here?"

Samantha smiled brightly at her adopted father. "I am precisely on time. You slept longer than is standard for you. Are you well? I can perform a medical evaluation."

Silver slid to the floor, shaking himself out on the way towards the door. "Gonna guess you're eager to meet with Fetlock."

"Ah, yes. Good thinking." Samantha nodded as she followed him out. "You appear to be injured." She was not speaking as if scared, just taking note of something. "Is that why you were asleep?"

Silver glanced back at where he'd been punctured. It was on the way to healing. For all the magic Equestria had, not a single curative spell. Boo. "I'm alright now, but that could be why I slept as long as I did." They began across the street, just two alicorns on a stroll, as alicorns do.

"She sounded like a responsible sort." Samantha cantered in front of Silver, her steps light. "I hope she can help. I would like to redress my mistakes."

"You do realize what we are doing exactly, right?" Silver caught up with her as they slipped through the door. "No pony is being created from nothing.

The griffon secretary was there. She was... not typing. She had a newspaper unrolled and was browsing it. "What?" She saw them, watching them. "I get breaks." She hiked a thumb. "Doc's waiting for you two."

"Fantastic!" Samantha was gone, galloping into the back without delay.

Silver was not so fast, trotting along. "Have a good one."


As he came around the corner, he could see the two unicorns were chatting amiably. Samantha was seated in front of a sealed jar. "--been kept as well preserved as I could manage." Samantha nodded along with her words. "Can you work with it?"

"There is your father," noted Fetlock, her mane still in the same bun Silver had put it in. "I have been considering your problem since you challenged me with it. With so little, we can only work with impressions and possibilities." She clopped her hooves. "But having some fragment will bring us much closer than we'd otherwise be, so there is that."

Samantha inclined her head. "How much information can you--"

"--wrong question," cut in Fetlock. "I will get nothing, but the call will be changed. Colored is the term I used before, it's not a bad one. You, come here." She waved for Silver to step closer. "I need to know something. An assurance, really."

Silver perked an ear. "Assurance of what?"

"You are, were, human. I call humans. Will you be upset at me doing exactly that?" Fetlock pointed to Samantha. "It is what your daughter wants, so, logically, you should not stop me, but ponies are not always logical."

Samantha nudged her jar towards Fetlock. "Silver wouldn't do that, I'm super sure of it. His empathy is quite high, and I am a creature of importance to him, so stopping me from this task is not something he would do."

While it was, by and large, true, he didn't like how Samantha was analyzing him. "Can you promise me that whatever human you get will want to be here?"

"No." Not even a moment of delay there. "But they will have agreed to it, or they wouldn't be here. There are rules. I can't break them." Her glowing horn took Samantha's jar, bringing it to rest in a dense circle of runes and marks. "Maybe it will attract an older human, wishing for youth. Maybe an already young one, who would rather be here, or just not there. Does it matter?"

Not to her, clearly... "I will not get in the way." He wanted to see what was happening and how. "Samantha, this sounds good to you?"

"My neglect ruined the physical body." Samantha's head listed to the side. "But perhaps I can make a new one, now. If they take to the task, I will endeavor to be a better mother this time."

Speaking of that... "Where is your son right now?"

"Moonbeam is having a good time." Samantha clopped her hooves with a big smile. "There was a camp he wanted to attend. I gave him the bits to be there, allowing him to expand his horizons and distract him while I do this. All parties got what they wanted in a very agreeable fashion. One moment." Her ears switched and swiveled. "Ah, he's talking with another foal, lovely. Oh, he mentioned me."

Silver set a hoof on her shoulder. "You shouldn't listen when people are talking about you when they don't think you can hear. That's how feelings get hurt."

Samantha frowned a moment, ears folding back. "You are not incorrect. I will allow him to enjoy his experience and share details with me later."

Fetlock clopped a hoof on the ground. "If your goal is to..." She trailed off, turning in place. "Shall we begin?" It wasn't really a question, seeing as her horn was glowing as were some of the runes, changing in patterns as she wove the magic that would create life, or move it? "Tell me, fellow doctor. Is your father also the source of this child?"

Samantha's ears pricked up. "No. Even I am aware that would be a faux pas, though we are related by adoption, meaning there is no risk of inbreeding. His sexual life is occupied, and complicated."

Silver inclined his head, unsure how to feel about the specific reasons given.

"Huh." Fetlock raised her hooves, tracing glowing patterns in the air. "It's time to spread the net, and see what swims in."

304 - Learning From the Past

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Reaching out into the void between worlds, Fetlock set what was essentially an advertisement.

Wanted: 1 foal
Sex: Male
Tribe: Unicorn
Mother: (picture of Samantha smiling eagerly at the camera)
Duties involve being very young and learning at the hooves of your mother and extended family.

With it was a swirl of impressions and scents, everything she could extract from what Samantha had brought, to help filter in the best ideal target.

Fetlock's eyes were closed, focused on the calling. Even she didn't entirely understand it, but she could feel the great writhing mass that was the infinite possibilities, slowly winnowed down as she focused, each tagged briefly by her own subconscious, judged instantly, burrowing ever deeper towards the target.

In Silver's eyes, it was another thing entirely. He could see countless people flashing just above Fetlock, each face only visible for a brief instant before being lost to the next. Young, old. Male, female. Caucasion, hispanic, asian, black, both in american and african varities. It was a dizzying assault of what humanity had to offer, coming and going without delay.

He heard Samantha gasp softly. She could see it too, bedazzled by it just as surely. "My ancestors," she gusted out, a pad appearing, notes being taken furiously. "I did not expect an emotional response to this moment."

"Silence." Fetlock was still sifting through the possibilities. To a pony that couldn't see the unseen as Silver and Samantha could, the runes of the room would have been more fascinating, glowing and scintillating with power, reflecting the possibilities, but in no more than strange hues. "Oh, hm..."

The images were slowing, just a little. Barely noticeable if it hadn't come with her words. Was she coming closer to an answer? Silver did his best to be still and quiet as the array of humanity came to a slow halt. "Here fishy..." She clucked her tongue and her horn flashed, magic wrapping around an image of a smiling little girl. Asian, maybe 4-6'sh years old? "Gotcha." She made a wrenching motion with her head.

But the magic was not following the motion, instead pressing tight into the image from all angles, peeling away with an echo, a reflection of the image. The image faded away entirely, fading into the ether. The magic slammed down into the center of the runes. The jar was engulfed in the magic, melting away, merging with it and it began to rise in a new shape of pure light that faded quickly into a dappled pink and white form, a tiny unicorn filly flopping over with a tiny squeak of surprise.

Silver inclined his head faintly. "I... see..."

Breathing hard, but recovering, Fetlock nodded as her eyes opened. "Ah, already in pony form. An ideal match." She clopped her hooves together once firmly. "It doesn't always work out that well."

Samantha's magic began patting and feeling over the young pony. "Heartrate is good, breath is good... Vitals are solid." She nodded with a growing smile. "Your operation was a success."

"But it isn't what you thought it was." Not that it had stopped Fetlock, so far Silver saw. "You are not kidnapping humans."

Fetlock frowned at him. "What am I doing, and how could you know better?"

Samantha raised a hoof. "I can provide corroborating testimony."

"You too?!" Fetlock peered at Samantha as if betrayed. "I thought you were a... an ally."

Silver rose to his hooves, over Fetlock. "Your magic involves humans, but only as a source, a pattern." He sat on his haunches, flumping to the ground. "The human you just took is still where they started. Your magic just made a copy, like soft clay against a pattern."

Samantha clopped her hooves happily. "You should be happy, this means we do not have to take action against you and we can continue to conspire to greater feats of science."

Fetlock raised a brow. "Wait..."

"You were never hurting anything," concluded Silver.

"Wait..." Fetlock blew up at her hair, which hadn't fallen down, a habit? The bun it was in kept it out of the way. "I'm not hurting anything?"

"On the contrary, you're doing something amazing."

Samantha bobbed her head. "You're making magic into life. That's a big feat, incredible." She spread her hooves. "Astounding!" She leaned in at her fellow mad scientist. "I wasn't even sure that was possible."

"But..." Fetlock rested her head against a hoof. "I've been hiding."

"Very well," agreed Silver. "But you don't have to. You're not breaking any laws."

"But I thought I was!" screamed Fetlock, stomping the ground in a sudden tantrum. "This doesn't make sense!"

"Boss?!" There was Gudrun, claws out, eyes alight with the preparedness to enter the fray. She glared at Silver and Samantha, clearly ready to engage them.

Silver raised a hoof only mildly, not even even with Gudrun's center. "No fight going on here."

"No," shakily agreed Fetlock, reaching up to undo the bun, allowing her hair to fall down in a sheet, obscuring her vision. She puffed it out of the air, clicking her tongue. "These two have just said I'm living a lie."

A little noise drew eyes across the room. The colt was sitting up, little wide eyes looking around. A little confused whicker escaped it.

"Momma's here." With a glowing horn, Samantha drew the little one close, stroking him the moment his head was close enough to her hoof. "You're safe."

The two began to nuzzle and sniff, learning one another. And then Fetlock's hoof came down between them, to both of their surprise's. "Your father just ruined my life." She raised that hoof to point at Samantha directly, hoof to snout. "Has he done that to you? Be honest."

"Of course." Samantha gathered up her scared colt, rocking them gently. "He does it all the time, well, he did. He's calmed down with me. He used to make me question myself constantly. It was very concerning."

"Concerning, yes." Fetlock turned away from Samantha, back to Gudrun. "Finish your break."

"You sure you're alright?" She gave Silver a fresh glare. "I can take care of him."

"He's a paying customer." That was answer enough, sending the griffon back where she came from. "Sorry about that. She's very defensive of me. I'm flattered, in a way, but mostly confused. I do not know how I earned her affection." She blew up against her unruly mane. "So you will not arrest me?"

Silver's horn glowed as he pulled free his money pouch and began setting coins out of it to the floor. "You did exactly what we asked for." Arresting someone as a reward for doing that felt wrong. "And we just verified you aren't actually kid, er, foalnapping anything."

"Then what am I doing?" demanded Fetlock, her right eye twitching faintly. "Tell me that, since you know everything. What. Am. I. Doing?"

Silver pointed half around her, to her rump. "Exactly what's there."

"Huh?" She looked over her shoulder to her cutie mark. "What?"

"You're filling holes. You're pressing that soft clay into the void, the missing spot, filling it with magic, and bidding it to fill the hole." He inclined his head faintly. "You still have some practice to do, but that isn't... by itself wrong."

"Fraught with ethical considerations," noted Samantha in a cheerful voice. "But not wrong wrong." She wobbled a hoof. "Much like many of my own experiments!" She resumed nuzzling her newly gained child. "Gonna raise you so well. I will take notes on your progress every step of the way. Oh. You have a brother. I hope you two get along. He's nice, if a little prickly. He'll be your older brother."

Silver couldn't help but to smile a little at Samantha's eager greeting of her child. The colt looked like they were enjoying their part, if not entirely understanding. "Maybe you could change where you get your imprints from?"

"Hm?" Fetlock looked at Silver with a new intensity. "What do you mean?"

"You were very clearly using intelligences from earth, as templates." He waved a hoof over Fetlock, where the images were displayed during the act. "We have a lot of humans to work with, probably helps. But you may avoid a lot of trauma if you reach for Equestrians, or at least things of the same species? Sure, some humans want to be a pony, so it works out for them, but a lot didn't plan on it, and..."

"This isn't my spell!" hotly noted Fetlock, scowling with renewed intensity. "I stole it. I don't know how to modify it. I use what I have. I have grown... experienced in its use." Her horn sparked as if to show off. "But that doesn't make me--"

Samantha pointed at Silver, her face mashed up against her colt's side in a fond nuzzle. "He can modify spells. It's his talent."

Fetlock stormed forward, her face suddenly right up in Silver's face, pushing him back, but coming right with him. "This is too much. This is too perfect. How? Why? How do I even start to accept this, you just showing up where I might..." She trailed off, lips moving without sounds.

Silver backed up just a little, smiling. "You had a hole, and you called a human to fill it."

"I did not summon you!" she stormed, stomping from hoof to hoof in an impotent show of confused rage. "My magic didn't make you. You came on your own."

"Sympathy from another Text?" ventured Silver with a shrug.


"Never mind." He reached a hoof and she didn't stop him from half-curling an arm around her. "Let me see that spell and I'll do what I can. If we can avoid... awkward copies, that's good, right?"

"Good, yes... That would be good." Fetlock flopped back, letting out a huff. "Sometimes humans ask for humans, you know. You are a human." She glared at Silver. "You made me call a human. It happens. Calling from the human world may be what I do. Will you stop me?"

"He won't," sang Samantha, bouncing her foal in her magic, the two giggling at one another.

"I want... you to have the power to make a decision." He rose to his hooves, his legs shaking a little.

A thing Fetlock noticed. "Why are you upset? It's my world you just shook apart!"

Silver directed a hoof at himself. "I am a human, brought here much the same way. Another Text, but I have no reason to assume it's any different. I'm... not me."

"Pardon?" Fetlock clicked her tongue. "What?"

"I'm not David Silver... I'm... soft clay... pressed into his image..." He crashed to his haunches, a bit floored at the idea. "Wow..."

"Ha, at least you get to know the sting of complete systematic existential discorporation." Oh, how smug Fetlock looked, watching Silver's moment. "This at least makes us even. Very well, I accept your offer." She trotted off suddenly, vanishing into the maze of shelves and things. "One moment!"

Samantha raised an ear. "I'm not."

Silver inclined his head. "No, you're not." She was the child of clay, not clay herself. "Your child is."

"And I love him very much." She blew a raspberry against his belly, getting a loud squeal and wriggles from the colt. "Oh! A name. You require one." She drew the colt away and slowly turned him in the air for a good look. "I will call you... Dusty Shine. That is what I thought of before. You look like a Dusty Shine!"

"He is a fine Dusty Shine." He reached over to set a hoof on his... grandson. "Hello, Dusty Shine. Be good for your mother. She'll try her best, I'm pretty sure." The colt reached and put a hoof on Silver's snout. "I have one of those too," chuckled out Silver. "Welcome to being a pony."

The colt gurbled. An agreement? Hard to say. But they were smiling warmly, and the three of them came in close, unified in growing familial warmth.

305 - As My Cutie Mark Predicts

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A scroll was set before Silver. He picked it up in his magic, unfurling it. The writing had a familiar tilt to it. He was a pen pal with the writer for quite some time. "Twilight?"

Fetlock hiked a brow, which caused her mane to fall. She blew it out of the way. "How can you tell so easily?!"

"Her ha--hoof writing." His eyes swept left to right, taking in the spell bit by bit, mouthing as he worked out the instructions of that bit of arcane programming. It was, as promised, quite complex. It had to be. It reached into another world, sifted for a target, and made a copy. But... something didn't quite click. "If... If I'm... reading this..." Which he couldn't be entirely sure he was. "This looks like it was written for a specific purpose." Not a generic grab.

"It... was," confessed Fetlock, gesturing around the room. "I had to make quite a number of supporting elements, in the runes here. They alter it just enough to let me bend it to my ends."

Silver inclined his head. "I am honestly surprised you managed that." His eyes fell to her rump. "Perhaps it was by assistance of your cutie mark?" The power of the cutie mark was... murky, but it did allow for amazing feats of magic for sake of its role fulfillment. Much like Silver's own magic altering talent. "If I start on this, making it not need that will probably be the first thing I do. I can't imagine that not creating a huge amount of friction."

"Friction?" Fetlock brought up two hooves and rubbed them together. "What friction?"

"The energy, the magic..." Silver waved a hoof a bit impotently. "Flowing from the spell, into these runes." He tapped at the runes beneath them. "It isn't a natural fit. The spell wasn't made for that." He wandered away, muttering to himself.

Samantha leaned in, her colt riding atop her head. "He'll be like that for a while. The longer, the better, for your purposes."

"So..." Fetlock watched Silver wander about, speaking animatedly to himself. "What purpose is that, exactly?"

Samantha inclined her head, causing her child passenger to slide atop her head a little. "If I had to guess, which I do, he will try to figure out the part of the spell that reaches in a specific direction and change that, so you can decide where to reach. That's the most important part."

"Right..." Fetlock turned to Samantha fully, considering her and her new child. "You made a lot of... noise. What did you see, exactly? You and Silver seem so confident you understand what I've been doing, and you only saw it once. I've been living it. How do you get off saying you know better?"

Samantha's horn began to glow as she moved her sleepy child into her arms, cradled carefully. "A different perspective, from different eyes." She made her horn glow brighter and brighter until Fetlock seemed to notice it and look at her horn. "What if I told you my horn was already glowing?"

"It is glowing right now?" Fetlock shook her head. "So?"

Samantha dimmed the glow. "And now?"


"Still glowing," assured Samantha with a smile. "Practice, or human eyes, allows you to see that." She pointed at Silver. "He has human eyes, and maybe I do too. My father was one of those." Samantha turned a hoof on her chin. "Curious matter that. Considering humans that are transfigured into Equestrian species retain that visual feature despite having equestrian standard eyes. How does that work? Worthy of investigation..."

Fetlock huffed. "How long should I--"

Silver suddenly drew out a book and was scribbling in it furiously. Samantha nodded at the act. "He's on the case. Shouldn't be too long once he gets there."

"No no, right..." The scribbling continued, comparing runes from other spells, stealing their syntax for use with the new one he was drafting. Copying from Twilight's spell in parts, stitching, binding, making something new. This was Silver's talent. Perfectly efficient spells, no, but he was getting better at it. "Which leads to..." He scowled, slowly pressing past a point. "Skip that. Did you know you were already forcing past this part?" And on he went without actually listening for an answer, grumbling and working.

The spell had, once, actually called people, it seemed. Physically hauling them. The energy involved was considerable. It had been crudely worked around with the runes in the room, as part of the same jury-rig that stopped it from making one very specific pony that Twilight had wanted.

Why had Twilight wanted a pony? That was a story to ask... later... "Through, plus..." The resulting spell would be no small thing, not at all. What it did was just as incredible, in a different way. To create life from pure magic was no small task. To impart on them a fully realized sapience, even copied, just as large a challenge to face. "Clay to the surface," he grumbled, sketching out rune to rune, forming the spell.

"How did you even manage this?!" he cried out in a burst of frustrated admiration. That she had clumsily managed a kitbash of her own, like his, with the runes, was nothing shy of a miracle in his eyes. "You should have exploded."

"I did a few times," muttered Fetlock with a scowl. "But I didn't give up."

"Oh. Oh.... Oh." Silver looked up from his notes. "Trial and error. Random chance?" And back into the writing he went. "You are luckier than you know." A bit too far one way or the other, the results...

Samantha rubbed her free hoof against one of her cheeks. "I do not believe he is wrong. That was not good scientific method."

"It worked," spat Fetlock. "I thought you were on my side!"

Samantha made a clapping motion, but one of her arms was pinned, leaving her striking her hoof against... nothing. But she smiled anyway. "I am intrigued by your work, Doctor. I would like dearly to compare notes. It is not as if I were immune to making such... leaps? It's how I got these." She spread her wings. "Entirely unplanned."

"Messy work," chastised Fetlock, crossing her arms.

"Very." Samantha's agreement did not dim her mood at all. "But I was not trying to give myself wings. I would have been happy without it." She inclined her head. "I was trying to save a life."

Fetlock raised a hoof, just for the other to join it. "You don't seem like the 'shining knight' sort that'd put yourself out like that."

"They were family." Samantha leaned in a little. "Unborn family. I admit, part of me was curious if I could do it... so I tried. I tried very very very hard."

"Then you're not in a spot to judge me." Fetlock crossed her arms. "I was fulfilling my purpose. I was also trying 'very very hard'. And it worked. We did the same thing."

"Hm. And we both made life where there would not have been. Odd." Samantha's magic plucked at Fetlock's back lightly. "Why did you not get wings?"

"It isn't pretty." Silver wove a different spell, copying the pages he had made into a scroll that clattered to the ground. "But that should... work?"

Fetlock approached warily. "Without runes?"

"Without runes," Silver agreed. "But you may want to keep them around." He waved a hoof over them. "You'll have to adjust them."


Silver considered how to phrase it. "You have two choices. To visualize clearly enough what world you are reaching towards, or to make a runic pattern for it." He waved a hoof about. "If you want one from this world, that's easy. Not even much visualization needed. Don't send it flying out past the boundaries of the sky."

"And... Huh..." She sucked air in through her teeth. "And that's it? I'm forgiven?"

"No." A pony entered from the front, coming around the corner of the hallway that divided them. They looked like a mafia boss, frowning at Fetlock. "You might notta dragged us from Earth, but you still messed us up pretty good."

Fetlock inclined her head at the new pony. "You... pay me to create ponies at times, and provide protection. How have I interfered with your operations?"

The boss spat out his cigar to the side. "I ain't who you think I am. I'm the one you threw back, you crazy mare."

Fetlock's expression only became more muddled with confusion. "The one I threw back... threw... Wait?" She inclined her head the other way sharply. "You're that?!" She backed away in a sudden scurry.

"What, you thought we were gone?" The boss approached at an easy pace. "Ah ain't even proper angry, but other parts of us, well, they are. Right pissed. We've been watching you. You tried real hard to get rid of us, across, what, a thousand worlds."

Samantha shook her head. "Highly unlikely. She does not have the magic to do that."

"You keep out of this." He waved Samantha away. "You didn't just call us. You made us. An imperfect copy. And you didn't even have the balls to get rid of us proper. Tossed us into the next house over instead."

Silver watched the scene with growing confusion. "Sorry, who are you?"

"My boys put that hole in your rump. Sorry, not sorry. Thought you were messing with the Good Doctor here, and you were. Just not the way we figured." He thrust a hoof at Fetlock. "Now you made a mess. That 'soft clay' Silver's going on about? You dried it up, and broke it into pieces. A thousand angry little pieces."

Fetlock folded her ears back. "I am just filling holes."

Silver put a hoof out between them. "Clearly some mistakes were made. We're just discovering them. I hope we can stop them now?"

"Filling holes, yeah." The boss pony glared a moment before turning away. "That's why we keep you around. You fill holes real good. You still did us dirty. Ain't even feeling bad about it either."

"Are you here to... attack me?" She glanced towards the front. "Did you already harm Gudrun?!"

"She is fine. Having a chat with the boys." The boss smirked at that. "We're not here to bust skulls. But I am pissed. I think I gotta pretty good reason to be."

"So... what do you want, exactly?" Fetlock cycled her hooves. "For me to never reject a bad match?"

"What? No. That's dumb. You're smarter than that."

Samantha floated her colt up a little in the air. "If we could keep the volume down, please."

"Pardon." The mafia boss pony took off his hat in apology. "Look, we like you. We like how ya work. We like how ya look. We like the whole package, see? But this?" He gestured at himself. "This can't ever happen again."

"So you want--" She frowned as she was cut off abruptly.

"--you to finish what you start." He pointed at himself. "Next time you get a bad match, you don't throw that 'soft clay' away and hope fer the best. You pulverize it." He punched one hoof against the other in a firm clop. "You mash it up, until it's just clay, waitin' to be used again. No half-assing that."

Samantha inclined her head. "At that point, they possess will. You want her to--"

"--murder it. Murder it good." The boss set a hoof on his discarded cigar, drawing it back up to his mouth to take a puff. "Murder it real good. Either make do with what you got, or if it's that bad a match, it needs to be dead. No middles. There isn't a middle."

Fetlock's horn began to glow. "Starting with you?"

"Ya could, but yer way too late for that, broad." He turned away. "We'll get out of your mane, but you watch yourself. And no halfsies. Living or dead. The middle's where you get monsters like us."

306 - Soft Clay

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"This was... somehow easier to accept when I thought I was..." Fetlock frowned, eyes sweeping over the new set of papers she had. "You've given me the curse." She blowed her mane out of her way, glaring at the two alicorns. "The curse."

"The worst one," gently agreed Silver. "A choice, and knowledge of what each means. You were doing what you did because it was the only way you saw."

Fetlock shrugged softly. "And it paid well."

"That too..." Silver folded his book closed and tucked it away. "It's still... amazing to consider. Life from nothing but energy?"

"Is that not what happens already?" Samantha inclined her head. "We're all that."

Silver raised a hoof to his chin, tapping at the end of his snout lightly. "You're not exactly wrong. I remember once being very amused at the thought of 'You were made in a sun.' This is just... taking that right to an extreme. What if we skipped evolution and let the sun spit out life directly?" He let out a strained little laugh. "It's a lot to take."

Fetlock suddenly thumped Silver, hoof to his chest. "You are what you are. You always were. The only thing that changes is what you once were, which you are not. We never are. Nothing has changed."

Silver squinted suddenly, but it broke into laughter. "I was not expecting you to suddenly drop some wise words."

"Don't get used to it." She blew her mane out of the way. "So, you've flipped my life on its head. Happy now?"

Samantha nuzzled the dozing foal. "I am very happy with your services and will speak well on them."

Silver rolled a hoof with less complete acceptance. "From now on, unless someone specifically needs a human, you copy Equestrians. The friction--"

"--You love that word." Fetlock frowned at him. "Friction." She brought her hooves together and rubbed them in a display of friction.

"It's just the right word for... this. A pony taking the place of a pony is going to fit in a lot more naturally than a random human will. That's a whole step you can skip." Silver waggled a hoof at Fetlock. "It took a long time to get used to having one of these! Surprise, you get all four at once." He clip-clopped from one to the next. "Now that I'm thinking of it, I can remember my old fingers. I want to stretch them, but I can't. They're not there. That's a friction we can avoid."

Fetlock glanced down at his hooves, just to turn her attention to Samantha. "Is that a thing you have?"

"Hm? No." She extended her free hoof towards Fetlock. "I was born with these. Mom may have had fingers, but I never did." She was paying more attention to her sleepy foal, as if she could find something wrong to fix if she just looked hard enough. "They're everything I missed... I will not repeat my mistakes."

"See that you don't," snapped Fetlock. "Repeating errors? We scientists should aim for higher."

"Yes," agreed Samantha without a fight.

Fetlock frowned as if disappointed in that lack of fight. "Look... This is... My boss is also one of my creations? I'm not sure how to... work with that."

"He likes you." Silver shrugged. "But he's also, pretty obviously, an outlaw. You don't have to be."

"So you do forgive me?"

Samantha inclined her head. "I could be wrong, but the readings imply that Silver is offering you an alternate option. I'm not Night Watch, but if I had to run the numbers... Hm... No, I'm really not, but I think he wants to adopt you."

Fetlock's cheeks lit bright red. With embarassment, or anger? It was hard to tell with her expression. "I am a grown mare!"

Samantha pointed at herself with her free hoof. "So was I. He's a good father, and he knows how I work. I could not ask for much better, unless he were to develop more scientific curiosity. But then he already has that, just in a different field than I do. Yes, on second consideration, he does have that--"

"--Enough," cut in Fetlock. "Why don't we start by asking?" She fixed Silver with a look. "Is that what you're thinking, or is Samantha just guessing wildly?"

Silver's ears danced atop his head. "My... family life is complicated, but I would gladly lend a hoof. Do you want to come to canterlot?"

Samantha burst into a sudden little giggle. "That is not a no."

Fetlock developed a fresh scowl. "I thought they were exaggerating."

Silver shrugged. "What about?"

"You are the Too Nice Prince." She pointed towards the front. "Gudrun comes with me, or no deal."

Silver shook his head quickly. "She's your friend. Why would I break you apart?"

"She is a griffon?" Fetlock lifted her shoulders and puffed the hair out of her vision.

Suddenly there were hooves on her. Silver gently bound her mane back out of the way. "That looks so annoying."

"You get used to it." But she didn't immediately take the rubber band off. "She is a griffon. You're a fancy unicorn, high society. That really isn't a problem?"

Samantha quirked up an ear. "And he used to be a human, and he has a very varied workforce of maids and servants. A griffon is unlikely to upset any balance there."

"As she said." Silver offered a hoof towards her. "You don't have to hide. You can do good work, for good ponies."

Fetlock squinted at his hoof as if it were on fire. "You don't know me. I know more about you, Too Kind Prince."

Samantha set her child on her head gently. "I think he has a desirable level of niceness. It is one of many factors I enjoy about him."

"Gudrun!" The griffon was there almost before she finished the shout. "I need your input."

Gudrun approached, claws flexing at the end of her talons. "They makin' trouble? I'll take them outside if you want."

"They are, but not that way." Fetlock waved it off. "This one." She pointed at Silver. "He wants to hire me out from under our boss. Wants us to go to Canterlot, work legit. Full pardon."

Gudrun raised a furry brow. "What's the catch? That isn't something that comes free."

"Right?" Fetlock shrugged, her eyes on Silver. "Exactly what I was thinking. But there he is, looking all calm and judging me."

Silver wasn't trying to be specifically calm. At times, he was reminded that he wasn't that great as a human at expressing at times. As a pony, it seemed less of a problem, but once in a while... "You're both working in the underworld." He wobbled a hoof. "You're very talented." He nodded at Gudrun. "And you're a good friend. I want you two working for Equestria, not in the dark."

Gudrun snapped her fingers. "Oh. Ya scared me." She ribbed her boss. "He ain't giving stuff for free. He just wants to buy us out."

"How much?" Fetlock smiled with a new confidence. "We aren't cheap."

Samantha perked, ears brushing against the foal on her head. "Just thi--"

Silver set a hoof just in front of her mouth, quieting her. "I aim to be fair. I will cover... 5 ponies."

Fetlock frowned at that. "Five ponies?"

"The price of five ponies." Silver nodded at the logic. "Whatever you'd charge for that. Then you come and work in Canterlot. Not for free."

"Of course not for free."

Gudrun shrugged softly. "We had to do some freebies for--"

"Shush you." Fetlock's eyes did not leave Silver. "What's your angle?" She pointed to Samantha. "She got a pony out of it. What do you get? You got a pony missing in your life?"

Silver flipped an ear back. "Not that..." Oh. He began to remember all the ponies he had left behind. The dream echoes, gone. Nefertari, taken away. "No..." He turned away. "They are gone. I would just be making copies. There are ponies with much more pressing needs. Besides, why doesn't she count." He continued in the same rotation until he faced Samantha. "Oh, it's not from nothing."

"It's from magic." Samantha nodded, accepting that as objective truth.

"Yes, in part." He pointed at the slumbering colt. "The vital spark there is the copy. It's not from nothing. That little girl we saw, a copy of what makes her her made this colt move. It... enables it? It's not from nothing. If, I mean, if there wasn't life at all, this spell couldn't make it. It copies life."

Samantha ticked her tongue against her teeth a few rapid times. "That seems logical. A spell that created sapience 'from nothing' would be more complex, and demanding, than Fetlock appears to be capable."

"Hey!" Fetlock scowled at Samantha. "I can't tell what side you are on."

"I am on the side of discovery." There was not a shred of doubt in Samantha's words. "Speaking of that, I still wish to compare notes. Later. When he's not sleeping. Or perhaps when he is, but not on my head. I will have to learn a lot about parenting techniques." She sat up slowly. "But I will make time to do so."

"We're going to have to explain to Night how this happened." Their family had grown.

"Ugh, she's back." Tirek glared at Night as she entered his mental realm.

"Don't be rude." His mother turned towards her. "Welcome back. We are done, for now."

Night nodded as she strode beside the biped. "Very good. Will you want to come back, later?"

She looked towards her son. "That depends. Am I wanted here?"

Tirek grunted, pawing at the ground with an emaciated leg and hoof. "Sure... yeah..."

"Then yes." She took hold of Night's mane with one hand. "Let's go for now. He needs time to think on our words."

The two awoke, seated side by side, facing the statue of Chrysalis and Tirek. Queen Haydon pushed to her feet slowly and perhaps a bit stiffly. "The old bones don't like that." But she got herself upright. "There we are. You've gone and given me quite a project."

Night rose to her hooves far more smoothly. "Thank you, for coming, and for talking to your son."

"Why?" She shrugged softly. "Not to argue needlessly, but he clearly won't cause you issues like... this." She gestured at the grey statue that had once been her child. "Why call me?"

Night inclined her head at the statue. "Because this is a bad ending. We prefer better ones." A fanged smile offered. "Besides, it's already been proven that this is not a forever solution. A temporary one, and a cruel one. I would rather see it ended. Would you not want that?"

"Now that's a mean question." She wagged a finger at Night. "My child brought me quite a bit of... pain. But I don't wish this." She let out a slow sigh. "Plenty of it was my own fault. I realize that. Can he hear me? I said it was my fault, at least in part. We are all responsible for our own actions. What I did, I apologize for."

"He will need to forgive himself first." Night pointed away. "Let me show you to your room. You remain a guest."

"That surprised me." Haydon followed alongside Night. "That Twilight agreed to this."

"Are you kidding?" Night rolled her eyes behind her thick glasses. "She is the princess of friendship. She wants nothing more than for this to end with everycreature calling each other buddies. It was with her explicit blessings that this project started." She angled her head back at the statue that had already left their sight in their movement. "There was three statues."

"Then you have had success? That... makes me hopeful." A little smile, timid even. "Perhaps we can draw him back away from the cliff he's pushed himself against. I do miss him at times, the old him. Not sure I'll ever get that Tirek back, but I'd like..." She trailed off. "I'll take what I get, if he's ready."

307 - Coming Together

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Rough set a hoof on the small snout of his child. "Whatever else happens--" The foal squealed with joy, enjoying the contact. "I don't regret you." He leaned in, touching noses gently. "You are the best thing to happen to me." He turned an ear back. "You'll need a tutor... You have parts I don't have."

He gently nipped at the little pegasus filly colored much as Trixie was. Fitting enough, being her child. He did his best to preen at those tiny young feathers, drawing them straight and clean. "Ah." It came back to him. "Night said she'd help. Such a good daughter. Not as good as you." He nuzzled his giggling little foal. "But close."

It was hardly a fair competition, a daughter in law against an actual daughter. He loved them both, in different ways. "Will you be a dreamer, like your dad, or a showpony, like your mom? Maybe you'll work the two together." The filly tilted her head without understanding. "No stress. You'll figure it out."

Rough Draft held Sapphire Streak with only growing love. "We'll both figure it out." It was an adventure he was determined to take part in and do his best in.

Unknowing that he was following a pattern, he balanced his precious little filly on his head and got to walking. "Which should start with making sure I'm taking care of those little wings."

Sapphire flapped her small wings like buzzing insect wings, pretending to fly despite not actually doing that atop Rough's head. He laughed at her game and accelerated to make the flight all the more exciting. Life had gotten complicated, but, he decided as he went, not in an awful way.

"I heard we have a new princess." Fetlock, her mane up in a bun, was seated just ahead of Silver on the train. "Also, you're a prince. Why are we riding coach?"

Gudrun shrugged softly. "Maybe he doesn't like showin' off?"

Samantha inclined her head. "He does not like using more money than is needed when he can and has the willpower to avoid it. We will arrive at the same time."

Silver nodded at that. "No time saved, just comfort. We'll all survive these seats." He remained sank into his. "Thank you, for coming. I expected you to want to wait."

Fetlock raised a brow. "Funny thing. I've been chased out of my place a few times. I've learned how to drop it and go whenever I need to."

Gudrun shrugged at that. "I've seen it."

"You've lived it," countered Fetlock, puffing up at the mane that wasn't in her way anymore. "If my last boss comes snooping around--"

"--I'll take care of it," assured Silver. "I don't think he will, if you're happy." He reconsidered his words with a soft harum. "Actually, he may, to visit you. But not to cause trouble. Just a guess on my part."

Fetlock flicked her ears back for but a moment. "Thanks for reminding me that my old boss had a thing for me." She did not look ready to return that feeling. "You don't, do you?"

Silver shook his head quickly. "I don't know you nearly well enough."

That answer did not bring as much comfort as he hoped, instead earning a suspicious glare from Fetlock. "So you're going to have a thing?"

Silver laughed at the misunderstanding. "Sure, but it will be a 'thing' of friendship. Having a friend isn't a bad thing, is it?"

Fetlock waved a hoof at Silver. "So long as it stays just that, at most." Her eyes rolled to land on Samantha. "Why do you want to breed? That is a distraction from your other work, isn't it?"

"He will not distract me from a project." Samantha's eyes crossed to look more focusedly on the pony snoozing on her head. "He is a project. One I will study and administer with all the tenacity of any other project. I will learn a lot." Her eyes dropped to Fetlock. "And if I was sad every time I took up a new project, then I'd never have any. That feels illogical. When we arrive--" She wobbled in place. "Correction, we have arrived. Would you like to see my laboratory?" She stepped down, balancing her child, Dusty Shine, carefully.

"Pass." Fetlock hopped down the short distance to the floor. "I have to set my things up." She turned to Silver as he stood up. "Where do I do that?"

Silver's ears flickered. "I need to talk to Twilight and arrange a place. Why don't you come with us to the castle? Actually, visiting Samantha might be fun while I do that?"

Fetlock waved at Silver. "Gudrun, keep our new boss company."

"Got it." There were more words left unsaid, but the griffon hen began to follow Silver with a look of simmering anger, or was that intense focus.

Silver wasn't sure which, but the looming presence was unwelcome. "I'm going straight there, relax." He departed the train, stretching his wings. "I'd fly there faster, but..."

Gudrun extended her own wings. "What? I can fly."

Silver blinked. "I legit forgot." He had never seen Gudrun fly. "Well, let's all fly to the castle." He snorted at a joke, likely a human one in poor taste. Taking flight, he and Gudrun left the others behind as they speeded onwards.

Samantha waved one wing at Fetlock. "We could also take flight?"

Fetlock raised a brow high at that. "Yeah, did you forget not every pony is an alicorn?"

"No." Samantha's horn began to glow as she draw Fetlock free of gravity's eternal embrace. "But that does not present any real opposition. Would you like to proceed?"

Fetlock's hooves cycled in the air wildly a moment before she composed herself. "You'd take your foal flying on your head?"

Samantha set Fetlock down just a little too quickly, leaving the unicorn wobbling. "You are correct. I am not engaging in safe laboratory procedures. Having a foal requires additional considerations. However! Teleportation remains a viable option. How about that?"

Fetlock got her hooves planted properly and swept a hoof back through her mane, over the bun that held it. "You can teleport?"

"You can't?" returned Samantha with equal surprise. "Your magical studies must have been narrowly focused on this project. I would be delighted to share notes." With a sudden pop, all three vanished. Samantha, Fetlock, and Dusty Shine simply ceased to be with a sparkle of Samantha's magic fading away.

They appeared in the front room of Samantha's house. "Mom?" came the call of Moonbeam, his head poking out of his room into the hallway just in time for his ears to pin back at the assault coming to them.

Dusty Shine was not expecting to be teleported. It had woken him up and he was expressing it the only way a little unicorn colt could and he was wailing from atop Samantha's head.

Fetlock was looking around a bit wildly. "What did you just do? And turn that off!"

"Children do not operate that way." Samantha was at least mostly sure of that. She sat down and moved Dusty into her arms, rocking the foal until the volume began to ebb. "I am sorry. I continue to miscalculate today."

Moonbeam emerged from his room cautiously. "What 'miscalculation' did you make today, mom?"

Samantha nuzzled the calming top of her new child. "Moonbeam, I have made an alteration to our social contract. I hope you will accommodate me."

Moonbeam's ears lifted up, calming from the noise storm that had washed past. "Mom? Is that a... Did you?" He approached on faster, if still unsure, hooves. "What's going on?"

Fetlock snorted softly, but said nothing. She seemed happy to watch the family drama.

Dusty and Moonbeam locked eyes. "Uh, hi there?" Moonbeam leaned in on the little colt. "Did mom rope you into this?"

Dusty giggled in the way that children did and reached up, grasping Moonbeam weakly in his hooves by the snoot.

Moonbeam smiled gently at the little kid. "You know I'm the one that's going to end up taking care of him, right?"

Samantha quirked an ear. "Your assistance is valued, but this project is mine. If I fail to accommodate it properly, I want you to inform me immediately."

Moonbeam drew back half a step. "You're serious?" But she just nodded. "Mom..." He fidgeted in place. "Hello..."

"Dusty Shine," provided Samantha proudly. "Dusty Shine, this is your big brother, Moonbeam."

Dusty reached for Moonbeam who was a bit too far to reach, but seemed happy with things.

Moonbeam was less certain. "Is adopting just... your thing now?"

Samantha pricked up at that. "Dusty is not adopted." She patted the head of her newest child. "Dusty is mine."

That left Moonbeam stuck in place, trying to process it. "Uh... Mom? You do know it takes a while for a foal to get that big, right?" He peered at Dusty suspiciously. "If you just had one, they aren't... that..." His slit eyes darted up to Samantha. "Explain."

Samantha gestured with a toss of her head at Fetlock. "I made a mistake of negligence and lost my original foal."

Moonbeam's eyes went wide. "Oh... wow..."

"But I fixed it!" She turned fully to Fetlock. "She recreated Dusty for me, and I will not repeat my past mistakes. Partially with your help."

Fetlock nodded slowly. "Yeah, one foal, there you go." Her eyes darted between Dusty and Moonbeam. "Sorry for the mixup, kid. Bet you're confused."

"Just a little." Moonbeam sat and extended his arms. Soon there was a Dusty set in them. "Hey... bro?" His snoot got grabbed and he began to smile. "Just remember who the big brother is, alright? Somecreature messes with you, you tell me. I'll fix it."

Dusty giggled joyously, perhaps not understanding any of that but Moonbeam's welcoming tone and warming demeanor.

"He's back!" Maribelle rushed around the room, a great round figure of contrasting bulk and grace as she got to cleaning with all her ability. "The prince!"

Whiskers looked up from where she had been reading a book. The royal foals were taking an afternoon nap. "Really? That's good."

"Easy for you to say." Maribelle dusted quickly. "You are a babysitter. They are fine, so you are fine. I keep things clean, so now is when I will be judged."

Whiskers rolled a small hand. "Did you forget who we work for? Silver will be happy to see us both. I wonder if he brought any gifts... I know he won't complain about things unless you really mess up."

"Silver's back?" Night peeked into the room. "Why am I not the first to hear of this?"

Maribelle squeaked and thrust a pointing finger at a window. "I just happened to see him flying in. He'll be here any moment."

"Ah." Night turned away from Maribelle. "Lucky. Thank you." She started forward, just to pause. "Maribelle, isn't it?"

"Yes, ma'am!" She saluted with her feather duster. "Can I help you?"

"I think you could." Night turned back to Maribelle, tail twitching. "I want tonight to be special. Do you know what Silver likes?"

"I doubt I know as well as you do, ma'am." Maribelle nodded lightly. "You two seem very close."

Night adjusted her glasses with her fluffy wings. "That was a very astute answer. You have refined inter-personal skills. Good. Maribelle, are you pleased with your position?"

"Of course, ma'am." She took a hesitant step towards Night. "I haven't offended, have I?"

Night waved that away. "I am asking if you like this job. Is this where you want to be five years from now? Ten? When you're old, do you still want to be here, doing this?"

Whiskers shrank a bit. "That's a very heavy question, ma'am."

"It is." Not that Night took it back, looking at Maribelle evenly.

"Um..." Maribelle fidgeted with her duster. "I'm very happy to be here. I like being useful, and appreciated, and I get both of those things. The pay's good..." She didn't used to get paid, so that was new. "Um..."

308 - Welcome Home

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Silver landed with a final flap. "What was that saying?"

"What saying?" Gudrun landed on the railing instead, holding tight with her talons. "You're the prince, right? Shouldn't we, I dunno, go in the front?" She angled her head towards that direction. "Just a little sketchy breaking in."

"This is my room." Silver started forward. "Just a foreign word for 'I'm home'. I forgot it." It had been quite some time since he was home, or watched any anime of any kind. He pushed that little thought aside. "I'm home!" he announced in Ponish. It'd have to do.

"Who is that?" Night was there, looking past Silver, at Gudrun.

"Associate, one step removed," answered the griffon hen without pause. "Gudrun. You are?"

"Night Watch." She pointed a hoof at Silver. "His Wife."

Silver accelerated towards her, going for a nose touch that she did not resist, turning into a little nuzzle. "I found what I was looking for, stopped a pony from being naughty, and got Samantha a child."

Night's ears danced as she crashed to her haunches. "You had me until the last one. How did you get Samantha a foal?"

Gudrun had moved inside and run into Maribelle. "Well, you're a tall slice." She reared up, standing on hinds as griffons could do, but still Maribelle was large, tall and in width. "You a guard?"

Maribelle burst into light laughter at that. "Only against dust and stains." She threatened Gudrun with a feather duster. "Are you a guest?"

"You could say that." She glanced back at Silver and Night conversing. "My boss got scooped up by that guy. She's moving to town, and I'm her righthand secretary." Gudrun flexed a hand. "Not like she has any hands of her own."

Maribelle crossed her arms under her generous chest. "I know that feeling. But it only makes us more valued. Ponies love having somecreature with hands around if they like them." She flexed the fingers of her right hand on their mention. "I have a hard time imagining life without hands."

"You and me both, sister." Gudrun fell back to all fours, her wariness of Maribelle fading. "I'm here because he invited me, not got a lot of business in this castle."

"More of a palace, really." Gudrun looked at Maribelle with confusion. "A palace is for show. A castle is for defense," explained Maribelle. "This--" She danced a hand with wriggling fingers around the area. "This is a palace, for sure."

"If you say so," allowed Gudrun without much conviction. "They need space?"

"They'll let us know," assured Maribelle confidently. "While they're busy, want to see the foals?"

"Uh..." She hadn't come to see more foals, but she was guided into the next room over to meet them anyway.

"This is all yours?!" exclaimed Fetlock, wandering around Samantha's lab with wide eyes. She puffed at the mane that wasn't in her eyes, still captured in the bun as it was. "What even is that?" She pointed up to a heavy metal plate that was suspended over another plate.

"If you step onto the lower--" Samantha waved a hoof at the plate on the floor. "I can test your telekinetic strength."

"No, thanks." She circled around the platform. "Seriously, all this is yours?"

"It's not that large." Samantha waved a hoof at it all. "I pay rent for it, like anypony else." Her magic gripped Dusty gently and brought them in for nuzzles and hugs. "We could get you a space like it." She gasped suddenly. "We could be neighbors! We could compare notes." Practically vibrating with excitement, Samantha leaned forward. "Think of all the progress we both could make."

Fetlock considered her fellow doctor, who was busy feeding her child with a bottle. "To perform my work requires concentration and quiet."

"Me too." Samantha bobbed her head. "I will hang up a magnet. Its upward direction will be a notice of my availability. I can get one for you too?" Her horn glowed as the magnet flew over from a cabinet. Busy and Not Busy were on either side of it, waiting to be turned in the correct position. "I use this with my son."

"Moonbeam, was it?" Fetlock looked off in the direction of the lunar colt's room. "He seemed very... grounded."

"Isn't he?" gushed Samantha with pride. "He was like that when I found him. I can claim no credit in that part of his upbringing. I hope he assists me in giving some grounding to Dusty Shine." Which was cue enough for her to bury her face into Dusty's side, getting a happy squeal.

Fetlock rubbed at her cheek lightly. "You will stay in your lab and out of mine unless invited?"

"Of course." Samantha inclined her head. "You will do the same?"

"I don't have time to intrude." Fetlock wandered towards a panel of blinking lights. "What is this measuring?"

Samantha was only too happy to begin explaining.

"State your business." The guard stood in the way, not even meeting Rough's eyes.

"I'm here to visit my son." He reached up to pet his child gently. "He isn't expecting me, but I doubt he'll be upset."

"Your son being?"

Rough frowned at that. What he got for not being around the castle much, he supposed. "Goes by the name of Silver? Alicorn." He reared up a little and spread his hooves wide. "We have some family resemblance."

The guard looked Rough over all the more intently. "Wait here." and inside he started, only to pause. "What was your name?"

"Rough Draft."

The other guard, who had been silent, suddenly came to life. "Oh! Yes, he's on the list." The first guard looked skeptical, but the second was nodding and already leading Rough along. "Silver said to bring you directly to him if you came by."

Rough smiled as he followed. "Glad he thought of me."

It wasn't long before he was seated in a finely appointed waiting room, food spread out. Rough set Sapphire Streak on the edge of the table. "This is fancy adult food. Want a taste?"

Sapphire squealed in approval, reaching for a cookie first, as children are known to do, and taking a big crunch out of it.

"That's your only sweet, so enjoy it," warned Rough, watching with a little smile. "After that, real food."

"Rough!" The door opened from the other side of the room, across from the table, revealing Silver's smiling face as he trotted in. "Oh, and..." His smile turned to a frown. "Shoot... What's her name? Guh, sorry..."

"Sapphire Streak," reminded Rough. "Who you haven't been around enough." He directed the blue pegasus towards Silver. "You two are siblings, technically."

Silver caught in place a moment, a new smile forming. "I never had a sister. Always wanted one." He moved in and touched his nose to hers, getting grabbed in little hooves in just revenge. "Hey there, sis."

"Bet you didn't expect your sister to be so much younger than you either." Rough sat up proudly. "If it helps, I didn't expect my daughter to be so much younger than me either, so we're together there."

"Right?!" But Silver was nosing and laughing at the little foal, not really looking all that upset. "Not that I'm sad to see you at all, but what brings you by?"

"I'm overwhelmed," admitted Rough flatly. "I'll just out and admit it." He rolled his shoulders slowly. "But I have a family, and... Look." He pointed at the little filly. "She deserves the best, and I can only give, like, sorta alright?"

Silver took a slow breath, but remained where he was, letting Sapphire explore his snout and face without objection. "I heard that. I felt that. Rough... I owe you a lot. But forget that. I made you." He smirked a bit. "You made me, depending on which way we look at it. We're... Forget that too! I care about you, a lot." He sat up, his magic lifting the filly attached to him. "I will gladly help. I should talk to Night before I go promising for her."

"Good idea." Rough nodded. "Assuming the mind of a mare gets you into trouble, turns out."

"I'll second that." They met, hoof to hoof. "But it goes for stallions too."

"Yeah, probably." Rough shrugged softly. "She really likes you."

"Well good." He nosed at the filly with a silly grin. "Because I like her too. I wonder how she'll get along with my kids?"

"Only one way to know." Rough ran his hooves over one another. "They're about the same age. Maybe really well. I hope."

"I'll echo that." He pulled Sapphire away gently with his magic, setting her on the table near all the food. "For now, you are my guest. I'll let Twilight know."

"Oh, right! She's princess now. Princess of everythin'!" He threw his hooves wide. "I'm still getting used to that idea." A brief pause. "Didn't you mention you used to like her?"

"I still do." Silver smirked a smile at at his father that was also his creation. "But I work for her, we're not related." Even if some desire to maybe change that had been expressed. "It's complicated."

"Isn't it always?" gusted Rough in agreement. "David?"

Silver perked, that name not used often.

"Thank you." He reached out a hoof. "You are not what I expected, but you've become something wonderful still."

"Right back at you." Silver touched hoof to hoof. "I'll get right on this." He rose to all fours and walked off without further delay.

"It's good to have family, isn't it?" Rough met nose to nose with Sapphire Streak's smaller one. The little filly squealed in joy and obvious agreement.

Night nudged the door shut behind Gudrun, only to turn back on Maribelle. "Whiskers, you still in there?"

"Yes, ma'am," came the small voice of the even smaller foalsitter.

"If the foals are resting, could you give me a few moments?"

Whiskers scurried into view, bowed, and made her quick escape.

Which left Maribelle there, looking at Night. "Is this about that question?"

"It is." Night inclined her head. "Your answer?"

"Miss... Ma'am..." Maribelle worried her fingers together. "I rather like it here. If I was old and wrinkly and you still put up with me, I'd be happy still working here, I think. This is what I know how to do, and I like doing it, especially for creatures that respect me and appreciate the work."

Night smiled at that. "Good to hear, but also not required. I saw the truth there." She waggled a hoof at Maribelle. "You don't know what else you can do. I want to free you."

"I'm fired?" gasped Maribelle, her snout paling.

"No." Night adjusted her glasses slightly, adjusting them left and right a moment. "I want you to explore your options, so I will pay for you to have two days a week at an adult school. You'll explore and try things and not worry about the money involved. Your payment will continue as if you were working that time, which you are. I decided this, not you. What do you think of that?"

Maribelle gently jiggled her feather duster. "Who will mind things while I'm away?"

Night's brows came down, but a smile was on her face. "This castle does not suffer from a shortage of maids. You are a good one, no doubt there, but we can get another to fill in the space while you do what I asked you to do. Now, again, what do you think of that?"

Maribelle fidgeted, large thighs rubbing together as her fingers worried on one another. "Well... I'm not very... literate, ma'am..."

"Sounds like you found what could be one of your first classes." Night inclined her head. "Doesn't have to be the only one. There are plenty of classes that don't involve much reading. If you say yes, this is what it will be. If you say no, I will set it aside." She gestured with her wings as if putting something down to the right. "And you will remain our maid either way, Maribelle. This isn't a threat."

309 - New Balances

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Night sat on her haunches. "Are you ready?" With a nod from her taller co-conspirator, she took a slow breath, calling on the alien (to Equestria) magic. Lifted from their bodies, they entered another realm, one of thoughts and perceptions. They landed lightly, for they weren't really landing on anything, within the mind of their patient. "Tirek?"

"You, again." He formed from the mists of thoughts. "And you!" His anger didn't come as quickly for Queen Haydon. "What do you want now?" he asked, voice sounding more defeated than confrontational.

"I came." Haydon stepped forward, slowly but surely. "To see you, and get an answer. You're old enough that I can't force you." A faint smirk spread on her lips. "You don't even live in my kingdom. Will you come home? You are hurting, and we are at least partially to blame."


Haydon wagged a finger. "You won't get me there. However we treated you as a child, as an adult you get to make your own bed to sleep in. I'm willing to share the blame, not take it all. Let's put it to right, starting with this." She offered a hand towards him. "You deserve to be strong on your own."

"What do you mean?" Tirek thundered. "I am strong. I almost took over Equestria! Possibly the world!" He loomed large, swelling with the power of those remembered moments. "You should have seen that."

"I heard. Quite impressive." Haydon didn't look impressed. "Bloated with other magic, not yours. Son, it's time to learn how to stand on your own legs again." Her other hand slowly went out. "Come home. I promise a new chance. Even with father."

Tirek's teeth set. "A queen's power has limits. You can't force father."

"I can't," she agreed, not even trying to fight that. "So I asked him instead. We are ready to have our son back, if he is ready to return to us."

Night, who had been quiet up to that moment, chimed in, "If you return with your parents, agree to, I should specify. I am permitted to authorize your release. Equestria will set aside your crimes. Assuming your reformation is a success, we will gladly strike them from the records and welcome you back some day, when you wish."

Tirek snorted softly. "Damn ponies. I think I've seen enough of them."

"There are very few back home," noted Haydon with a single raised finger. "Now, it's your choice. I couldn't force your father, and I certainly can't force you. Are we going home together, or am I going home alone?"

Tirek glared at the both of them. "You're pressuring me. Give me a day to think about it."

"As you wish." Night turned to Haydon. "Are you prepared to--"

Haydon thrust up a hand. "This isn't the time to save face, son. Forget her." She waved Night away. "This is about us. What difference does tomorrow make? You've been stuck here for too long already. It hurts to even think about."

"Do you think it doesn't hurt to live it," roared Tirek, though he deflated right afterwards, becoming his emaciated self. "I'm tired, mother."

"I know you are... Come home. Rest." She spread her arms in the offer of a hug. "That's all I'm asking right now."

Night glanced between the two. On one hoof, it was annoying being the least useful person in the room. On the other, when it came to a mother and child, sometimes just letting them talk was the best answer one can come up with. Neither was lashing out at the other, so she didn't intrude.

"You'll laugh..." He half turned away. "I failed."

"That... happens, to the best of us. Do you think your father never failed? I can assure you that would be a bald-faced lie. Do you think I even consider myself free of mistakes? I stand before proof that I have erred, but you are not the only, and certainly not the first." Her shoulders raised in a faint shrug. "To live is to make mistakes. Now... Come, please. Rest, recover, and we can try again."

"Try again?" He took her hand, facing her without actually turning around in a fit of dreaming-like logic. "Is it that easy?"

"It's that hard." Haydon squeezed his thin hand. "But we won't abandon you."

Night adjusted her glasses quietly. Perhaps a second of the statues would be shattered that day. Her thoughts went to the last one. That would be a challenge.

Her brow raised. "Rough Draft is back?"

"With his foal." Silver nodded firmly. "He's hoping we can help, with that."

Night's ears danced. "Help the foal? Is something--"

"Nothing is wrong with her, thankfully." He tried to remember her name and failed. Dang names... "She's adorable, and my sister. I want to help, but I wanted to talk to you before I made any big promises."

"Improvement." Night smiled at the admission. "What tribe? Pegasus, if I recall?" Silver nodded quickly. "They will require flying lessons." Her own wings spread. "Which Rough Draft is unequipped to deliver. Hm." She rubbed at the bottom of her chin with a wing-knuckle, folded in to do so. "Trixie would have been just as unqualified." Not that Trixie was there to even try. "They are close in age."

Silver brightened. "So we can introduce them to each other. They'll become friends, hopefully."

Night inclined her head. "74% odds. 12% odds they'll become lifelong rivals, 56% chance within that of friendly rivalry, 40% unfriendly, and the remaining going to bitter rivalry."

Silver sat back. "I've always wondered, can you run numbers on basically any chance?"

Night hiked a brow. "No, that'd be silly. I can only run the numbers if I am aware of most of the facts that would influence them. The more information I lack, the less reliable those numbers become." She grabbed her glasses at the end of her wing, just to wave them at Silver. "Did I never mention that before?"

"I forget?" he admitted plainly. "But that's still super cool, just to say." He went in for a nuzzle and found her cheek, only to get nipped a moment after that, driven back with a squeak.

"That's for forgetting how my thing works." She rolled her eyes. "I know how your thing works. It's rude." She extended her tongue, which was quite the long thing as befit a bat-like creature. "Now, let's meet this, hm... Actually, they are my sister-in-law. How delightful. Let's meet her."

Silver sprang upright. "Let's. Today's a good day for introductions."

Twilight rubbed at her cheek, her mane flowing gently in unfelt wind. "Your family's growing."

"Not really." Silver waved a hoof dismissively. "Rough had that child a while, just not next to me for most of it. He wants what any father would want, the best for his child. Next to me, he figures she has more chances for good things. Good schools, good food, good opportunities..."

Twilight nodded slowly. "I see..." With a glowing horn she pulled over a scroll. "I did some research on him. An author of moderate means, specializing in game writing, like O&O, but doesn't work with that company. Curious. You know." She leaned forward with a little smile. "I bet Spike would have quite a bit to discuss with him."

Silver blinked dumbly. He had entered the Equestrian universe long before that had been revealed to him. "Why's that?"

"He loves O&O!" She clapped her hooves together. "You know what it is?"

"Yep." That he did, talking with Rough. "I ran a game of it once, a while back, at a convention."

"Get out!" Twilight swatted his shoulder. "That sounds amazing. Like father, like son, I suppose. You're both storytellers. Yes, Spike would love the chance." She rose to her hooves. "But I can't have idle ponies around the castle, only present because of familial relations." She leaned in, lashes fluttering. "Do we need another Blue Blood?"

That brought more confusion to Silver than perhaps expected. Several versions of the aristocrat danced through his mind. "Uh... What does Blue Blood do exactly?"

"Confidential." Twilight blew a raspberry at Silver, chuckling softly as she did so. "But I am getting to a point. Your father will be called on to work. If he lives here, he works here. If he's alright being under my command, then I will find a use for him to make Equestria better."

Silver nodded, turning to leave, but he couldn't, grasped in glowing magic. "Something else?"

"Oh, a little thing." Twilight raised two hooves close to one another. "Seeing as you know what O&O is, and have run it under pressure... Perhaps you could run a game?" She flashed a bright smile. "For me."

"We're..." Twilight was grinning. "Um, you already have a plan?"

"I do!" She rest her chin on a hoof. "But first, a question. More of a confirmation. Patrolling dreams can't be a 1:1 time, can it, or you'd never finish patrolling all the dreams of all the ponies."

"Very much not," he easily agreed. "You only dream for a portion of the night, to start. That's the only part you might remember, so..."

"That helps." Twilight nodded. "So, if you visited me when I was sleeping and we had an ongoing game..."

Silver smirked softly. "The dice would be influenced by our subconscious. Well, and my conscious. I could make them roll whatever I wanted."

"Then forget the dice." Twilight tapped at Silver's chest. "I want a game. Tell me a story, a story about a little pony. I will play the pony."

Silver inclined his head slowly. "I don't have anything against that. If you really want to be subject to my random musings?" She was nodding vigorously. "Then who am I to deny?"

"It's settled." Twilight stood up. "We all get what we want. Equestria is enriched."

"You're already quite the queen." Silver dipped his head at Twilight and strode away without further resistance. "See you tonight."

She leaned against a thick arm. Most of her was thick. That came in handy sometimes. She also had those. She twiddled the pencil that she held in the same hand as the arm she was propped against. The teacher was going over letters, and she was doing her best to absorb the new information, but it wasn't easy. She was used to learning by doing, and that class had a lot of talking and less doing.

"Am I boring you?" The teacher, a unicorn with thin brows was looking at Maribelle. "You don't seem to be with us."

Maribelle went pale. "Sorry! I want to learn this, I do!"

"But you aren't." Instead of going back to class, the teacher was coming closer. Had Maribelle failed entirely?! Would she be kicked to the curb, to beg for mercy at her generous employer's hooves for wasting their bits on even thinking she could become more than a maid? "You aren't a pony."

Maribelle blinked softly. "I am not." That seemed a clear fact. "Is that a problem?"

"I think it might be." The teacher looked left and right across the class, standing in front of Maribelle. "According to recent updates, we are supposed to keep an eye out for this sort of thing. I will admit, it's still new to me. If you aren't learning from me, and you truly do wish to learn--" Maribelle was nodding as hard as she could. "--then perhaps we are just a poor fit."

The teacher turned away. "There is no perfect teacher. There is no perfect student. Students, a valuable lesson. If any of you feel my teaching techniques aren't reaching you, don't suffer in silence." They looked over their shoulder at Maribelle. "I will suggest another teacher. Do you know what sort of education works better for you?"

Maribelle sat up, confused, but delighted. Was that really happening?! "I prefer to put my hands on what I'm learning. I learn by doing, um... Is there a reading class like that?"

"There is." They nodded softly. "I know exactly who I'll refer you to."

A few other hooves went up. Maribelle would not be the only one suggested to other teachers that better fit their educational needs. Equestria was growing.

310 - Easy as ABC

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Maribelle moved the wood blocks. Each was brightly colored and in the shape of a Ponish letter. She could arrange them to make words, and she did just that. A big smile was on her face as she went through the words she knew, but also tried to sound out other words. "Nice try."

There was her teacher, a female unicorn. Most of the teachers in Canterlot were unicorns. Most of the people in Canterlot were unicorns, so this tracked. "But instead of an F there, it's P H. It's one of those odd cases you just have to memorize." She tapped her head softly. "I know it's dumb, but it's the language we have."

One advantage of an all adult class, one could admit when something was just dumb or illogical. Adults were more likely to accept that life was far from perfect. "You're making great progress. Fix that word." she pointed at the blocks Maribelle was using. "Then write it down yourself. I know you can do it!"

Her new teacher was warm and encouraging. She let Maribelle play with the blocks, giving new words to try at times, but mostly letting her amble forward at her own pace with supervision and constant warm feedback.

And it was working! More importantly, perhaps, but Maribelle was enjoying the lessons she had previously dreaded. She was mastering the written language, slowly, but measurably. She could read more, and write more. She was becoming a real... What was she becoming? In Equestria, reading was assumed. A pony that couldn't read was the strange one.

Under that lens, she was becoming functional. That wasn't much to celebrate. But she wasn't a pony, and only recently did she become Equestrian. No, it wasn't fair to judge herself like that. She brought both palms together on her cheeks, slapping herself out of that mindset. She had been a slave, who had no need to read nor write, and so was never taught. Those that could were rare and valuable. She was becoming that, not some inept adult moron.

Besides! It was her master, er, master's wife, that had ordered the lessons! Maribelle was increasing her own value considerably. She had a lot to be proud of. She sat up tall and moved over the P and the H into place. She grabbed the quill and got to writing the word herself, tongue curling as she said each letter as she wrote them.

She would become literate. She was doing it!

She let out a little burbling coo of excitement, advancing on the others.

The lunar unicorn and earth pony regarded the solar pegasus filly that approached them, but the moment she was within hooves reach, that reservation became joy. The three giggled and squealed as they began to play without further delay.

Whiskers set her hands on her little hips. "I didn't see a problem there. Sir, I'll keep an eye on all three of them." She turned to Rough Draft, who was watching the three little foals. "It's my job, to keep the foals safe and happy. I'm sure you have other duties."

Rough Draft had a bit of a dopey smile. His daughter at play was just too cute to ignore, and thus he ignored Whiskers a moment. "Huh? Oh! Right... Thank you." He dipped his head at the little mouse. "Forgive me for asking, but I never saw... one of you before."

That was not technically a question, but Whiskers was trained well enough to not point that out. "I'm a servant of your son. He treats me quite well, and I treat his children well in return. A fair trade. I will guard your little girl just the same."

Rough leaned in, snuffling a little at the mouse. "You're so small, again, no offense, but couldn't they just... knock you over?"

"Oh, they have," laughed out Whiskers. "One of their favorite things to do. But I still get them washed and keep them out of trouble. It's my job, sir."

Rough thrust his snout right past Whiskers, getting poked and pounced upon by several eager little foals. "It must be quite the chore." He was large enough that their playing was nothing but adorable. They had little odds of shoving him if he didn't want to be. "I'm sorry, I must sound like a jerk. Of course you have this. This is your job. You just said that."

"No offense taken, sir." To take offense could be a deadly mistake, before, but Equestria wasn't like that. "If I may?"

"Hm? Go ahead." He sat up out of the reach of the children. "What's on your mind?"

"You lack confidence, sir." She waggled a small finger up at him. "And it spreads to other things. You can't trust yourself, so you can't trust other people. It's not malicious, but it's there."

Rough's ears pricked straight up. Was he just called out?! He was... "Huh..." A sudden smile appeared. "If I had known such a lovely people existed, I would have used them."

Whiskers had her turn to be confused. "Used them, sir?"

"In my books." Rough nodded firmly. "Playing bipeds is half the point, and I never made a race of insightful and charming mice before. A mistake, obviously." He raised a hoof to his chin. "Bold despite their size, or maybe even because of it. I think a lot of ponies would get quite... Yes..." He coiled to grab a quill out of his saddlebag and got to scribbling without delay. "I don't want to make it too based on the real thing. The idea isn't to reflect the reality we already live in, so this will be a fantasy take on the idea."

"A fantasy..." Whiskers watched Rough write franatically. "But of me and... people like me?"

"Bipeds," offered Rough, finishing his initial note for later. "We started with humans, but we've branched out quite a bit. Soon, mice. Thank you, for the inspiration."

"Always happy to help." But she wasn't looking at him. She was hurrying over to stop the foals from getting into trouble. The task of a foalsitter was rarely one got a long break from.

"Two statues have been removed." Night bowed towards Twilight, ruling princess of the land. "I will start on the last shortly. She will not be easy, but I have an idea, ma'am. If you'd arrange a little something?"

Twilight looked quite pleased. "I see, good. You've already moved faster than I dared hope. How are Cozy Glow and Tirek doing, so far?"

"Cozy Glow is in the company of Star Swirl. Neither has sent back communication implying either are unhappy, ultimately." Night frowned faintly. "He is a stepping stone, I admit."

Twilight's wings spread a bit on their own before she could command them back down. "Stepping stone? How do you mean?"

"Cozy Glow is an adult female." Night worried her hooves together, pantomiming along. "She has certain needs that even she's long forgotten. But she will remember. Star Swirl is a geriatric stallion. It is unlikely he can deliver on that need. Eventually, she will branch out and make another friend. Fortunately, neither of them made this a romantic relationship, even if I place a good 73% odds on Cozy Glow imagining it possible."

Twilight colored, but did not flee the subject matter. "You're underestimating Star Swirl. The hardest part, from where I sit, will be for Cozy to impress on him that she wants a romantic connection. Once they're past that, I think he can, and would, rise to the occasion. He is a talented pony by most measures. Let's have a little faith in him."

Night inclined her head. "That is another potential hurdle. He may simply not wish to be involved with a mare with such a troublemaking history. While, ideally, we would allow criminals to leave their troubles in the past, to assume this among every pony would be foolish."

Twilight opened her mouth for a hot denial, but then she reconsidered Star Swirl and her mouth shut again. "He... Hm. Well, he hasn't banished her to another world, so... There's a chance." She shrugged softly. "And Tirek?"

"Tirek's case is simpler, but..." She turned in place towards one of the stained glass windows. "It will be hard, for him, and his family. He has returned to his home kingdom, to be treated for his magical addictions. With hope and diligence, they will wean him back into healthy function. There is no assurance he will ever fully recover."

Twilight flinched at the report. "Tragic... But, also, one of his own doing. Let that be a lesson for any other that thinks easy power through stolen magic is the way to go." A scroll vanished, carrying away that exact thought. "Still, a success on your part. Thank you for handling this so diligently. Your family has become quite an asset for the country."

Night adjusted her glasses, turning back to Twilight. "That phrasing raises questions. What has 'my family' done?"

Twilight inclined her head faintly. "Well, there's your husband, to start. The first proper prince Equestria has seen in quite some time. He's brought peace and kindness with him. A little on the, hm, docile side, but this is a kingdom ruled by its princesses, so that's for the best perhaps? Your children, one of them is a new tribe entirely. Your servants are new creatures we had almost no exposure to before, given a chance to comingle."

She stepped down from her throne. "And you." She directed a hoof at Night, not fully extended. "You brought an entirely new magic to the land, and share it with eager students. You are reforming three of the greatest villains we ever had to deal with. That you are a service to the crown can hardly be debated!" Twilight nodded with calm confidence. These were just facts. "Your family. Ah. I almost forgot one."

Twilight stopped to the side of Night. "Your adopted daughter. She puts out papers, a lot of them. Many of them are difficult to parse and somewhat... rambling... but she keeps making them. Samantha is a genius. It may take a generation or two of ponies to fully appreciate what she's discovered, but she writes it down. All of it. Even the parts we likely didn't ever need to know." She raised a hoof to her chin. "She has no filter. This may be part of the problem. Still, she learns, and she shares. Exactly what I'd want in a princess of science."

Night sat up, ears twitching. "I heard she had... She has a title?!"

"Not officially," admitted Twilight. "But I can't even imagine her not being that. It's what she is. She is a princess, that much is plain on looking at her. What else would she be princess of? With me, there was doubt, at first... I was so unsure... But she barely understands what the word 'doubt' is when it comes to her research and constant exploration of the world and its working. I'm jealous, in a way." She turned to face Night fully. "To be so clear of thought and purpose?"

Night turned to return the look. "Before you admire it too strongly, know that it comes with a lack of foresight and a near criminal lack of periphery vision for what effects will occur as a result of her actions. She is not perfect."

"What pony is?" Twilight shrugged gently. "Certainly not me, or you. But, back to point, yes, your family."

"I see." Night was still and quiet a moment. "Is that family something you want to be part of?"

Twilight went rigid, which was an answer in itself, even if she didn't say so. "Why would you ask that?"

Night ran the numbers. "If I try to deny you, the odds of it going off track for me are 81%." She frowned softly. "So I will just ask. I worked hard and long, for years, to make this family work. Please respect that, and don't ruin what you admire."

311 - All Hail the Queen

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In the dark of night, they flew. Four of them were attached to their cargo with a thick band that kept it lifted off the ground as they flew. They were royal couriers, well, four of them. The one at the lead had no such fancy identifiers but a large set of glasses she adjusted as they went. "We're almost here," she called back to the others, who nodded in deference to her. Least dressed, she still commanded them.

Night Watch landed lightly in what had become a greener place than once it had been, not even that long before. "Not like the postcards." The images of the place painted a few less appealing picture by far. "Anycreature at home? 56% odds of yes."

"Yes." From the darkness came the bright form of a reformed changeling, their wings buzzing softly. "Is that... her?" They were looking past Night to the heavy object set down behind her. "Oh... It looks like her."

"It is." Night nodded softly. "Harmless, until we release her. She will be very very angry when we do. Where is Thorax?" That changeling was not them, she was at least 68% certain.

"R-right over there." The changeling pointed off into the dark. If not for Night's keen night vision, she could have easily missed the sight of a barely-lit hut. "Inside!"

"Should we bring her in there?" Night hiked a brow. "We're here to help, and I'm here to overwatch. This is a big danger being set on your doorstep. Doing that and running away would not be a very friendly thing to do."

"And we like pony friends." The changeling dipped their head. "Thank you, for both parts... It's still amazing to me that this is her... I thought, once she was a statue, that was... that?"

"They designed intentionally equestrian petrification spells to have a break condition." She hiked a brow. "It is served us well every time, so far. Discord used the same one we used on him, so..."

"That makes sense." The changeling bobbed his head. "Let me check with Thorax what he wants." They scurried off into the darkness, vanishing into the hut with an excited noise. An equally startled sound greeted them from inside, and some low conversation.

Thorax poked his head out, seeing the battalion of lunar ponies, the statue, and Night all together. "This way!" He waved eagerly. "And bring her with you."

Night waved to the others, and they fell in with her, carrying the stone-tough, and hard queen along with them. She stepped into the small hut, discovering it was might brighter and nicer inside. Soft incense burned, faint music tinkled from some magic source. Pillows were scattered about. A plate of cookies were on a small table, next to some tea. "You've prepared."

"I really tried." Thorax sat on his haunches beside the table. "She's going to be really mad. Can she hear me? I bet she can hear me." He chewed on a hoof nervously. "Um, hi, Mom..."

"It's like a dream state," advised Night gently as they brought in and set the statue down. "She can and she can't. It's disjointed, so don't try to have a conversation. Either way, if you are prepared, we can begin."

Thorax took a slow calming breath. "There's no point putting this off... but one thing."


"Pharynx! We're ready!" And in came another, more muted in color, changeling.

The new one peered at Chrysalis on the way by. "How the mighty have fallen..." He sat next to Thorax. "Are we really doing this? The hive is--"

"--We need to do this," cut off Thorax with a wave. "We have to..." He looked to Night then. "Go ahead, set her free."

Night nodded to the ruler of the changelings. "As you wish." She drew out a tuning fork. "Since Twilight is not personally here, she gave me this." She set the fork, held with a wing's thumb into a cranny of Chrysalis' statue. "When I strike it, she will break free." That much was obvious, but saying it was a last chance for second thoughts. But none came. They were watching her, waiting.

That was sign enough to proceed. She strike the fork with a swift slap of a hoof and the room filled with a steady note that shook them to the core with a subtle vibration. The statue cracked and break under the magical item's influence. It fell free to the ground along with some chips of stone. "I will..." Chrysalis blinked, whatever she had been in the middle of coming to a halt as she realized she was in a new place. "What?"

Thorax gestured to the table in front of himself. "Mother, if you would join us?"

"Queen." Pharynx dipped his head. "I am sorry to report that I have quit your army."

Chrysalis growled low at the reported defector, struggling to place them. "Who are you? You look odd... but not like the others." Pharynx was too darkly shaded to easily identify as one of the reformed changelings. "All of my drones look nothing like you."

Thorax tapped at the table in continued invitation. "It's time to talk about that, mother. There is a place for you, here."

"What nonsense!" Chrysalis wheeled towards the, er, watching Night Watch. "And why are you staring at me?!"

"That is my job." She skewed a tufted ear aside. "Or to banish you anew, if it comes to it. I don't have enough numbers to give a qualified prediction of those odds, but I suggest listening to your son. He chose this."

"More the fool he is." Despite that, she came closer, sitting just in front of the table the other changelings were at. "Thorax," she spit like a curse. "You own the hive. You saw me be defeated... You helped!" A low hiss, licking over her jaws. "And now you invite me here. Why? To gloat?" A smug expression lifted on her face. "I would."

Pharynx sat up tall. "Your methods were flawed and resulted in failure. As our leader you must accept this."

Thorax was quick to raise a hoof. "But we've all been wrong before. There is a place."

"What place," she hissed out. "What place could there possibly be? You've all gone soft with friendship."

Pharynx snorted at that. "Not all of us are as soft as you imagine, mother. I'd sooner rip an enemy apart than take a seat at a 'feeling circle'."

"Feeling circles are nice," objected Thorax with a bit of a pout. "But brother is right, there is more than one place for any changeling here to be, even you. You are vital."

"I am? Of course I am." Chrysalis quickly recovered from her surprise. "As if there was ever any doubt in the matter." She leaned forward over the table. "What exactly do you need, just so I can hear it."


Thorax nodded at his mother despite Pharynx's caustic bite. "You are our link to our past, and we can't be what we are today without a past. That doesn't change." He nudged a plate forward, filled with cookies. "The hive is fed."

Chrysalis swiped the plate away, leaving it to clatter as she glared at her wayward son. "Fed and broken! You make friendly with your food. It's shameful, all taken by 'friendship'."

Her hiss was returned with equal force by Pharynx, rising up to match her scowl eye to eye. "We have a functioning military that can act as a cohesive unit against any that opposes us, you included."

Chrysalis snorted with a wry smirk. "This I want to see. Show me this candy-colored hug brigade you call an army." She turned away from the table. "Go on."

Thorax nodded silently, giving the leave for Pharynx to advance forward with an angry grunt. "Right this way, mother." He looked over his shoulder as he marched. "To be perfectly clear, whether you approve of them or not, they stand ready to serve the Changeling nation."

"We have a nation now?" Chrysalis hiked a brow, but she was following Pharynx. "That's new."

"Many things are new, mother." Pharynx shook his head slowly. "I'm the head of the armed forces, but not the only commander. We know how to delegate and form hierarchies of command effectively, unlike the mess you ran under." He snorted derisively in the memory of it. "I'm still proud to have served, and continue doing so, but we are moving forward, not backwards."

"All the better for commands to get lost," scoffed the former queen.

Pharynx looked back at Chrysalis. "We were well formed enough to take you and yours down, mother. Here." He had lead Chrysalis and a silent Night Watch to a low field where changelings sparred and did training activities ranging from running to flying to magic drills. "It's a volunteer force, which is fine. We want the 'lings that want to be here. They're all united behind the idea of defending their kindred, even if some of them are..." He paused to chuckled softly. "--pretty soft, leader included."

Chrysalis laughed along with the chuckle. "Now you're speaking sense. If they're so tough..." She squinted at the colored combatants. "Why do they not wrest control from that weak coward and claim their rightful place at the top? Who would stop them?"

"The rest of us." Pharynx crushed a stone under hoof. "I would personally kill any changeling that went traitor before Thorax ever knew about it. He can chastise me after the fact. The health and safety of the hive comes first."

Chrysalis backed up half a step. "Why weren't you this... way when I was around?" She scoffed, buffing a hoof on her chest. "Could have used a 'ling with their head on straight when we were making our moves."

"You weren't listening." He turned on her. "You were so sure you had the answers. Any pathetic mewls we had were just noise in your ears. You tolerated and advanced only those who said what you wanted to ranks that had no meaning beneath you."

"That sounds like me," she grumbled with, perhaps, a touch of self-awareness. "You must have shut up then."

"I just did my job." Pharynx pointed out to the field of training changelings. "Now I have a purpose. I am the strength that keeps the hive safe." He put a hoof to his mouth as he let out a call, "We are here to change!"

"To protect," came the cry from every changeling there. "To be the strength!"

Pharynx nodded with satisfaction. "This is the military force that was at your hooves, but you denied."

"Hmph. Are you just grinding dirt into it then?" She frowned at her wayward son. "Just a few good laughs while I'm down?"

"No." He clicked his tongue softly. "Though I am enjoying that part... As my brother said, you are a part of us, our past, our history. You are something to protect, worth safeguarding, if you will allow it." He pointed down to two changelings battling in the forms of two magnificent beasts. "Will you show us what changeling strength truly is?"

Chrysalis sank to her hooves, considering the two changelings pointed out as they battled and fought with all their strength. "So direct... We can do that, obviously. They're doing it right now... But where's the finesse? Just because you can become large doesn't make that the best move." She reached up to tap at her horn. "Why are so few of you practicing your magic?"

Pharynx smiled, a predator's smile, but a pleased one. "That is exactly what I wanted to hear. Mother, there is a place for you, he wasn't wrong about that. It's just up to you what place that is. This is not forgiveness."

"It's not?" She raised a brow at Pharynx. "It sounds like it."

"It isn't. You are not forgiven. But you could start to make a new life despite that. That is possible."

312 - Family Affairs

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It was dark and his thoughts were past his physical form. He patrolled the dreams of the ponies, and there were so many that needed looking after. Some he comforted and others he scolded gently, but he did his best to visit them all and to hold his judgements back until proper.

It was not his usual thing, but it was a thing, and it was his, so he did it at best he could.

Something pressed against him, his physical body. He started awake with a soft equine snort. "Who?"

"Shh." Twilight. Her voice was hard to miss. "I just want to sleep here."

Silver pinned his ears back. "There is exactly one mare I share a bed with."

"And that's not me..." He could hear a soft sigh. "And I look absurd just for coming here." She had not moved. Her hooves were on his sides. "You had many, before..."

"You see me almost every night." Despite her being there, he didn't throw her clear. He was still and spoke. "You are doing quite well on your adventure."

"Thank you... But dream adventures are not the same thing." She came in closer, nuzzling his back. "Your words. They have a meaning or did, in your writing. They do when you speak... But in your dreams, they always seem just a little hollow, why is that?"

Silver peeked over his shoulder, but couldn't quite see her. "I know a dream, always. There is a line between waking and dreaming. It's hard to be 'all there' for what I can feel is a dream."

"Huh... Did Princess Luna feel that?" Her hooves were wandering slowly. "You aren't as distant as you claim. I can... Silver, I don't want to be dead either."

"Dead?" He turned an ear back at her. "What do you mean?"

"I feel like... Like we're fading in a way." There was quiet for a time, just moving hooves. Nervous hooves. "Not even in a bad way... Like I might have done... Seen the greatest days, and now I'm at my ending."

"With rainbows?"

A soft sniff, and a snotty nose pressed to his back. "With rainbows."

Silver could feel his own tension growing. Was he at his own ending? The rainbows didn't come in any great showing. But he was happy by and large. Things were working out the way he would have wanted to. "Huh..."

"Is this something you worried about?"

"Yeah, actually." He turned to face her in the dark. "I never thought I'd be at the spot that I felt... good."

"Good?" She perked an ear at him. "You feel good?"

"I feel very good, actually." He rubbed noses with her. "My house is in order. As much as it is mine, my kingdom seems good. My wife is happy, and so am I. I'm busy, in all the good ways. Drama may come later, but..."

"But?" She didn't dare touch him while being faced. "I'm really sorry. I know I didn't get permission. You must think..."

"I think you're lonely." He flicked his tongue over her nose. "And a little alarmed. For as long as I last, which seems like a long time for alicorns, I won't wander off."

"That's a long time." She shrank back. "That's a big promise."

"And it is a promise I just made." He moved a hoof under her chin, watching her intently. "And one I don't regret. I can't be your husband, but I will be there. The only person I hate!"

"What do you hate?" Twilight sat up slowly. "I want to hear that."

"I hate that our schedules are so opposite!" Silver snorted in anger. "I'd rather be awake with you. Speaking of that, you are up past your bedtime. Go to sleep."

Twilight giggled softly, but nestled all the closer. "You could put me to sleep whenever you wanted. I feel this is entirely true."

"That would be rude." He nipped one of her ears firmly. "And I try to not be that."

"To a fault." She flopped back suddenly. "Spike is my little brother."

Silver raised a brow in the dark. "Alright... What should I take from that?"

"It means I wouldn't chase him, even if he's a pretty good match." She rolled her eyes. "Besides, the power dynamic between the two of us? So unhealthy. I've done research on that, which is part of the problem." She crossed her arms with a pout. "I'm a poor match for everypony I've thought of because of that. Being princess sucks!"

Silver sat up fully on his haunches. "But not me."

"Not you." She poked him on the nose. "You don't fully respect my authority, knave." She stuck out her tongue as she said that. "You see me as the mare I was, even with the trappings of a princess. I happen to be a pony you like quite a bit, but you don't see Celestia here." She was quiet a moment, hooves tapping. "I like that."

"Enough to sneak into my bed?" Twilight only colored more. "Even if I'm married?" The coloring got worse. "I don't hate you."

"Do you even know how to hate?" Twilight raised a brow at that. "Sorry, that's an unfair question..." She slid backwards, watching him. "You like me, and I like you, but we are destined to stay apart? That really isn't fair..."

"I was terrified to get involved." Silver leaned closer. "I couldn't know when the series ended, and I didn't want to mess it up."

"Series? Oh! Human thing, yes." She raised an ear. "Easy to forget you're part human at times. You don't act like one usually. It must be odd, having that little snippet of divination. Are we past what you saw?"

Silver thought back. "By quite a bit. I do not know what's coming next."

"Then it may as well not exist." Twilight shrugged in a grand motion of her shoulders. "Tomorrow could be anything!"

"Anything at all." Silver smiled in the dark. "But right now, still married. I have two adorable children, and a stepsister, and I care for all three of them with all my heart." He set a hoof on his chest. "I have a job, one you gave me, which I do my best to get right."

"And you have a royal intruder." Twilight tossed a leg off the bed and slid to the floor. "Who won't take a hint and leave you alone?"

"I want you to get your rest." He flopped over to peer into her eyes with his chin on the top of his bed. "I don't want you to go thinking I'm angry at you. I'm not." He quirked a smile. "My wife is doing her best to defy the odds and join us as royals."

"If that happens." Twilight inclined her head faintly. "I would welcome her. Night has done much for Equestria, quite a bit... She would deserve it." She raised her hooves to Silver's cheeks. "May I ask about your dreams?"

Silver's ears went upright, but he didn't draw away. "You saw them."

"Hearing from you works better." Twilight held Silver firmly in place. "In them, I was there. In at least one, I was far... far closer. Did you enjoy that? Did... Did you like the idea of being that close to me?"

"Unfair." He smiled despite being held captive. "I liked it a lot... I liked being with you... I savored being there when you nerded out. Nothing would have replaced listening to you. I enjoyed being subjected to your spells. It brought me joy using my magic on you. I liked it."

"Thank you." She released him and sat back. "For being honest. Your wife once told me to not break what I admired. Maybe she isn't wrong. Maybe trying to shove my nerdy snout in will only hurt things." She flipped an ear back. "Even if I can hear you saying 'but maybe in the future' between the lines."

"It's not between the lines if you say it out loud." Silver sat up with a soft snort of denial. "But I know how you feel, now that you made me think about it."

"And it bothers you?" Twilight inclined her head. "You went through... a lot, like me, to reach where you are. That it could all be over?"

"But it's not over." He set a hoof on her forehead. "Not so long as I keep breathing, which I'm still doing. I will live my days. I will support people and maybe help them with their traumatic lives, even if mine never had another surprise twist." He raised an ear at her. "Though assuming that feels like a big, bold assumption?"

"That's me. Big... Bold." Twilight's wings fidgeted on her back. "Got me down to a tee."

"You know, I don't have to explore dreams." He leaned in with a smile. "Luna plans to sneak back, and she isn't ready to retire anyway. We could let her handle the dreamworld and she'd thank us for the chance."

Twilight blinked slowly. "Are you offering to hang out with me?"

"If you want?" He shrugged in a mild motion. "It was your idea that I pick a job. I don't care what the job is, if I'm being useful. You want a prince around when you're awake?"

"Yes!" She blushed at her outburst, covering her mouth with a hoof. "I mean, that would please me." She smiled brightly, if awkwardly. "Seriously, you're alright with that?"

"If it means we can hang out more, and you sneak in during night a lot less." He hopped off the bed and prowled towards the window. "Night will be very jealous. She will know. I will tell her. I will also tell her nothing happened and I sent you home with a better understanding."

"Oh..." Twilight fidgeted a little. "But you still want to hang out?"

"I would have called backsies if I meant it." He willed the window open to allow the cool evening air in. "I won't do sexy times with you though. I don't feel the urge much these days."

"Oh... oh?" Twilight followed after him with some obvious confusion. "Is that a part of becoming an alicorn?"

"Maybe?" He shrugged softly. "I have children and a loving wife. I can snuggle her whenever she's around." He threw a leg over Twilight when she came close enough. "I feel no urge to make sure tab A still fits in slot B. Gonna bet it does, or I could use some tricky magic to make sure of it."

Twilight colored at that. "Is... that the magic Night was implying Starswirl might have?"

Silver squinted at that, but it became a laugh. "She would say that, but she's probably not even wrong. He's a clever wizard. Bet he has a few tricks." He waved Twilight off. "But you need to sleep, and I have to finish patrolling. If you want me to swap, we have to drop Luna a hint we're ready for her to come back."

"About that." Twilight started her trek back to the entrance of the room. "You and Luna... Wasn't she a part?"

"She has her own thing. If she wants, I'm here, but I bet she's already moved on." Silver waved that off. "But I'm here. You, little miss nerd girl, do not want to be involved in the sister of your teacher like that."

Twilight began to color from her neck up. "I... do not. Is that a problem?"

"I doubt it." Silver pointed to the door. "Go to sleep, and I'm not mad."

"You rarely are." Twilight began her journey away. "See you later. I'll inform Luna, so don't—"

"Don't do that." Silver perked an ear as he climbed back into position on his bed. "She'll expect word from me, if anywhere. You officially shouldn't be in the know. Let me tell her."

"Oh... alright." Twilight mostly closed the door. "Good night." With a soft click, she was gone.