> The Secret Island > by Brony-wan-kenobi > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Bikini Goddess > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Are we there yet?” asked Apple Bloom for what seemed like the hundredth time as she looked out the window. The sight before her was that of a seemingly endless ocean. Applejack answered with a sigh while Big Mac just gave his trademark “Nnope”. The three of them had been aboard the airship belonging to the Royal Sisters for the last nine hours and boredom was starting to get to them. There was literally nothing to do on the ship! They couldn’t play I spy or any other traveling games since the only thing around them for miles was the ocean nor were there any board games. There wasn’t even a deck of cards. There were also a lack of books read. In the end, both Big Mac and Applejack had decided to just sit back and try to relax while Apple Bloom looked out the window. Other than her horribly cliché phrase, she would let her family know if she spotted any signs of life. Usually it was a sea gull. The most exciting, and memorable part of the trip, was when she spotted a whale causing her older siblings to rush towards the window just in time to see it jump into the air and land creating a giant splash. That had been hours ago. Feeling ever so bored, Big Mac took a crumpled note out from his pocket and began to read it for what seemed like the thousandth time he had done so since he had first gotten it. Dearest Apple Family, Princess Luna invites you to stay at the private island of the Royal Sisters for a week of fun. If you accept, please send your response via Spike and an airship will be sent to pick you up. Everything shall be provided and paid. Letting out a sigh, Big Mac wondered (not for the first time) why Princess Luna would invite just them. Heck he could see Princess Luna inviting Applejack along with the rest of her friends, but why just the Apples? He had only meet Princess Luna once at the Summer Wrap Up Festival and, as far as he knew, Apple Bloom had never spent any alone time with the Princess. Still, the offer was very generous and seeing that it was the middle of winter the family had a lot of free time on their hands. The only one who couldn’t go was Granny Smith who was in Canterlot for the next two weeks. She had been called there by Princess Celestia to talk about using Apple family products in the next couple of fancy events which would bring big business to the farm. In the end, the three remaining Apples decided not to pass up this opportunity and sent their reply. A sudden rocking of the airship break Big Mac’s train of thought as he was nearly thrown out of his seat. Quickly looking around he saw that Apple Bloom had enough sense to get away from the window before the airship rocked once more, much harder this time. “This is your Captain speaking,” said a voice from out of nowhere. Most likely it was a unicorn using magic. “We are experiencing some powerful winds right now. There is nothing to worry about. We’ll be at our destination shortly.” Several more times the airship rocked back and forth, making Big Mac worry despite what the captain said. In fact more than once he thought that they would be knocked out of the air or flipped upside down. And then…it just stopped. “Look,” said Apple Bloom as she pointed out the window. “Well ah’ll be,” said Applejack with a smile. As for Big Mac his eyes widened in shock and amazement. Looking outside, he could see a small island before them. From what he could see, the middle of the island was lust with green vegetation while the outside was pure beach. He could even make out a speck which he assumed was a dwelling of some kind. But how did they all miss it? Once more they all heard the captain’s voice, telling them that they were going to descend. Upon hearing this they all gathered their bags and headed towards the exit. Twenty minutes later the Apples found themselves on a dock with the heat from the sun beating down upon them. They had only just left the ship, but they were already baking in their cloths. Apple Bloom was probably suffering the least out of all of them seeing that she was wearing jeans and a simple short sleeved shirt. Applejack was wearing a red plaid shirt, jeans, as well as her trademark hat. Big Mac had it the worst. He too was wearing a plaid shirt but also heavy overalls which were perfect for working in the fields and keeping him warm. Not so perfect for walking in 100 degree weather while carrying his luggage. At the other end of the dock was Princess Luna and one other. Seeing the princess again caused Big Mac to stare in awe. Last time he had seen her, she had her starry mane tied up in a ponytail while wearing a short sleeved black shirt that had wording on it that changed every couple of minutes and a pair of shorts that showed off her very attractive and well-toned legs. But what she was wearing now left very little to the imagination. With hand on her hips, Luna was sporting a black bikini whose top looked more like two straps that started at the neck line and then crossed downwards only to cover her nipples on her lovely D cup breasts. The bottom part looked more a g-string thong with a small crescent moon in the middle. Big Mac gulped as he took in the rest of the princess’ features. Like her smooth, well-toned stomach that showed she worked out regularly. Her mane, which she had let down like she normally would. Or her smoldering eyes that seemed focused on him. Right now he was thankful for his overalls which were helping to hide his growing erection. Not wanting to look like he was staring, Big Mac shifted his attention towards the figure standing next to the Princess. It had to be one of Luna’s guards for he had never seen anypony with bat like wings work for anypony else. The brown coated stallion stood there wearing only purple trunks, showing off his muscular chest. He was also tall for a pony, maybe half a head shorted than Mac with a slicked back black mane. Big Mac also noticed that this stallion’s attention seemed to be focused on Applejack. “Princess Luna!” cried out Apple Bloom as she ran towards the princess only to stop a few feet in front of her. “Thank ya so much for invintin us here.” “And thank you so much for coming,” replied Luna with a smile, ruffling up Apple Bloom’s mane which resulted in her giggling. “And please, while you are here, just call me Luna. Along with me is Harvest Moon, who will be making sure we are all safe for the week.” “Don’t know why ya invited us, but it’s mighty appreciated,” said Applejack as she and Big Mac closed the gap between them and the Princess. “It’s just my way of saying thank you for all the Apple family as done,” said Luna. “It was you Applejack who tried to help me bond with other ponies on Nightmare Night by playing games. And I had such a good time with Big Mac at the Summer Wrap Up Festival.” Luna’s smile flattered. “That being said, however, there is something I must do.” Luna’s horn began to glow without any warning. A moment later all of the bags brought by the Apple family vanished into thin air. “Why in tarnation did ya do that for?” demanded Applejack. “Forgive me, but part of the promise I made to my sister was that you would not be allowed to bring any of your personal items with you to this island,” said Luna. “Say what now?” asked Applejack. While silent, Big Mac shared this feeling. Why in the wide world of Equestria would Celestia care if they brought things here? “Allow me to explain,” said Luna as she began to walk towards the beach, beckoning them to follow as she did. As they did, Big Mac noticed Luna’s tail swaying back and forth as she walked giving him a peak of her ass that almost begged to be touched. Gulping, he resisted the urge focusing instead on Luna’s sweat voice. “About a hundred years after my banishment, my sister needed a place to…unwind from the stress of her royal duties. She found this island and created various enchantments to keep others out. Powerful winds that would detour anypony from flying towards it for example. For centuries she would come here with only a select group of her guards to let her mane down and have a little fun.” Luna then let out a sigh. “However, about three hundred years ago, one of the guards let it slip about this place to one of the nobles. I don’t know all the details, but I do know that Celestia ordered them never to speak of it to anypony else. This was to be her sanctuary and she did not want any ponies except those she desired coming here. The nobles complied, but since then they have been doing their best to find out what happens here and get some dirt they can use to further their own goals. One time they placed a spell on one of the guard’s helmets that recorded everything he looked at. “Because of this, my sister has become paranoid. Nothing is allowed to be brought onto this island. As I said in my letter, everything will be provided for you. Also none of you will be allowed to speak of what happens here. Basically what happens on this island stays on this island.” Big Mac gave a slight nod and noticed that Apple Bloom did as well. All this made sense to him. Princess Luna could never wear anything like the bikini she was currently wearing even within the castle without fear that somepony might take a picture of her and sell it to a newspaper. After that, they could make up all kinds of stories like what Apple Bloom and her friends did when they called themselves Gabby Gums. And even if they didn’t sell it, they could use the picture for blackmail or just something to get themselves off. Personally, Big Mac understood why they would take such precautions. Applejack, however, crossed her arms while scowling. “Does this mean we can’t wear our own clothes?” she demanded. “Because ah ain’t given up mah hat! An ah don’t like the fact that your sayin ya don’t trust us none.” Luna let out another sigh. “I’m sorry Applejack. It’s not that I don’t trust you, but like I said I made a promise to my sister. Just be thankful you weren’t stripped while on board the airship like she originally demanded.” At this, AJ instinctively covered her breasts with her arms while Harvest did his best to hide his blush. However he was unable to keep his black, leathery wings down. Luna then pointed in front of her at a house in the distance. It looked like a simple, two story white house. Nothing really special. “Everything you will need is in that house. Clothing of all kinds including swimwear will be at your disposal. There is also a full stocked pantry with enough food to last a month. And if for some reason we run out there are plenty of fruit on the island. All over the island you will find a wide array of activities at your disposal. Do you all understand?” “Ah understand,” said Apple Bloom. “But if this place is so secret like, how did you convince Princess Celestia to let us be here?” “Simple, she owed me big time,” said Luna with a smirk before looking at Applejack. “Do you remember the time you and your friends went into the Equestria ruled by a kind hearted Sombra?” Applejack nodded. “Well, before that I had run Equestria for a week, hiding the fact that she was missing while also staying up to do my own duties. Not to mention how worried I was since she never even bothered to tell me she was leaving. She owed me and I called in the favor.” “Now then, let us get you all changed so that we can have some fun. Unless, of course, you would rather spend the week naked.” As she said that last part Luna winked at Big Mac before walking towards the house, her guests bushing at her comment. -- Later that night, Big Mac found himself standing in front of the large open window in his room. The room itself was very basic. A large bed that felt like it was made of clouds with a night stand on both sides. Next to the bed was a door leading to his own private bathroom complete with a jet tub and shower. The only thing that was really unusual and noticeable about this place was a clear globe containing all of his personal items including the clothing he wore when he arrived. After Luna had brought them to the house, she had showed them to their own rooms and before asking them to remove their clothing. Once Luna had left, Big Mac did as he had been asked and, once he was done, went into the bathroom to wrap a towel around his lower region. A few minutes later, Luna knocked on the door and asked if she could enter. After getting the ok from Big Mac she entered while pushing the globe in front of her. Once inside, she placed his discarded clothing into the dome before taking him by the arm towards the closet. Upon opening it, Big Mac saw that it was much bigger on the inside. To put it plainly: it was a warehouse. The closet seemed to defy any sense of logic with racks of clothing stretching for what seemed like miles. Thankfully, Luna was there to help him and, after a few minutes, she found him some nice green trunks. After handing them to him, she smiled at him, kissed him on the cheek, and told him that once he was done getting dressed he should head outside to wait for the others along with Harvest. He didn’t have to wait all that long. The first to come running out of the house was Apple Bloom, who was wearing a white, one piece swimming suit. Applejack, on the other hand, seemed to take much longer. In fact, Big Mac was beginning to worry. Just when he was getting ready to go back in to see what was taking so long both Luna and AJ exited, one looking radiant while the other had a frown on her face. Big Mac could understand why his sister was upset. She had always refused to wear the more revealing swim attire opting to wear things more like what Apple Bloom was wearing. But somehow Luna had gotten Applejack to wear a green bikini. Unlike Luna’s, the top portion was more like an average bikini covering most of her C cup breasts. However the lower part was still a thong that looked like the string went right up into her ass cheeks. At the very least she had gotten a new Stetson hat. “Buck,” Applejack said as she walked towards her brother and sister. As she did, her hand went down to her lower half to adjust the string riding up her ass. However, her efforts proved in vain as the string returned to its original position. “Ah can’t believe them sisters don’t have anything more modest in adult size. This thing is gonna be brotherin me all day!” “At least it looks mighty nice on ya,” said Big Mac doing his best to make her feel better. Despite what some ponies said in Ponyville, the Apple family was not a group of inbreeding hicks. The very thought of him doing something like that to either of his sisters disgusted him to his very core. However, he had admit that Applejack did look good, real good. The bikini held her firm, round breasts well enough to keep them from bouncing, but still showed off a good amount of cleavage, as well as shoving off her well-toned ass as it jiggled and clapped with every step she took. “It brings out your eyes,” said Harvest, speaking for the first time. Looking over at him, Big Mac saw that his wings were erect and wondered if it meant the same thing as it did the pegasi. Applejack could have thought the same thing as she lowered her hat so that her blushing face could be hidden. Thankfully the rest of the day went without incident. AJ went straight to a tiki bar by the water and helped herself to some drinks with Harvest tagging along. Despite his appearance he seemed to be friendly as the two started up a conversation which had them both laughing loudly as time went on. As for the rest of them, Apple Bloom showed Luna how to build a sand castle which resulted in the two making several dozen, always trying to top the previous one while Big Mac laid in the shade watching them. Eventually the two wanted to do something in the water. After all this was a private island with that seemed to be the perfect beach. Luna walked over to Big Mac to ask him if he wanted to join them in the water all the while giving him an adorable pouty face. He agreed and after getting up Luna maneuvered behind him, pressing her hands and chest against his back while urging him to hurry up. The feeling of Luna’s fur and the bikini fabric caused Big Mac’s member to stiffen slightly. Even more so when he felt her nipples poking against his back. If it had been just the two of them he might have acted on his desires. Luckily they got into the water before any noticeable growth could be seen and the three of them started up a splash fight. During this time, Mac was almost hypnotized by Luna’s movements. The way her breasts bounced as she bounced or as she splashed water in her direction. The way she looked while her wet mane clung to her body. And on several occasions he got close enough to see with certainty that her nipples were hard. Still be did his best to keep himself under control until the sun began to sink and their game came to an end. Once Luna raised the moon, everypony went inside to make dinner. Luna did her best to try and help make dinner, but she was not as skilled as Applejack or Big Mac thus getting in their way more than actually helping them. Still they managed to have a nice meal. Heck, Applejack even offered to help teach Luna a thing or two in the morning. Now Big Mac, alone in his room, just stared out into the distance. And why wouldn’t he? He had never before seen so many bright stars out along with the moon, them reflecting upon the water with waves here and there. It was a breath taking sight that he wanted to drink in for as long as he was awake. However movement out of the corner of his eye caught his attention. Turning his head and focusing, Big Mac was able to make out the form of Luna by the water. Wondering what was going on, Big Mac left his room and quickly made his way outside. With a light jog he quickly made his way towards where Luna was standing and then stopped. Once again, Big Mac couldn’t help but stare at Luna’s beauty. She was standing in the shallow end of the water with her hands behind her back, head up, and her chest pushed forward slightly. She moved, most likely because she heard him, turning to look at him with a smile on her face making her look divine. “Big Mac, it is a pleasure to see you,” she said while beckoning him to move closer. As he moved closer she asked. “But what brings you out here?” “Ah was lookin at the stars since they were mighty beautiful tonight,” he said. “Then ah saw ya down here and well…” “Thank you,” said Luna as she blushed before looking up at the sky again. “Did you know that the stars shine more brightly when I’m happy?” “Can’t say ah ever heard that before,” he said. “Judging by the sky ya must be really happy.” “I am,” said Luna as she turned to face Big Mac. “I haven’t been this happy since the festival in Ponyville. I treasure the memory of our time together that day.” “Ah didn’t do much,” said Big Mac. “Ya could have won those contests without me.” “Perhaps,” said Luna with a giggle. “But I wasn’t talking about the victories we had. I…I really enjoyed being with you. I felt like you listened to me. You treated me like I was any other mare. And that…made me feel special.” Luna turned to face him, her eyes looking directly into his as she closed the gap between them in a few short steps. Once she had, she reach out with her right hand to place it on his cheek. Even though Big Mac had felt Luna’s touch before, it sent shocks to his system. He wanted to close his eyes and lose himself in the feeling of this simple gesture, but instead he kept his gaze locked onto the beautiful mare in front of him. “Ever since I returned from my exile, I have been surrounded by ponies who pretend. Pretend to care what I have to say. Pretend to agree with me. And then there are those who flatter me in order to gain favor. So when I was with you, I felt more at peace than I ever did back in Canterlot. And because of that, on that Farris wheel, I did something I had never done before. I hesitated. “I was so afraid. Afraid if I told you how you made me feel you would laugh or take advantage of me. For the first time in my life I didn’t know what to do. So I kissed you to see your reaction. And the look on your face after that made me glad I did. I only regret that we had to get off and my royal duties demanded my attention afterwards, otherwise we could-” Big Mac didn’t let her finish. Instead he wrapped his own arms around Luna before kissing her on the lips. The two stayed there for a moment, lip locked as if stuck in a single moment in time. Then Luna felt Big Mac’s tongue poke out and she opened her mouth to all it entrance. The two began to moan as their tongues swirled around in Luna’s mouth, tasting each other until a large wave suddenly knocked them off their hooves. With a slash, Big Mac landed on his back with Princess Luna landed on top of him. Both of they were soaking wet and Mac once again was treated to the sight of Luna’s wet mane clinging to her body. Only this time, with the starry night sky behind her and the light of the moon reflecting off parts of her wet coat and her wings standing up straight, she looked so much more exotic. He could now feel goosebumps across her body as her nipples, now harder than he had ever felt them before, poked through the fabric of her bikini. “Mac,” said Luna in a breathy voice. “Before we continue, you must promise me. Promise me that if you swear you will swear in my name.” “Ah promise,” said Big Mac. Smiling, Luna moved closer and kissed him on the neck. Slowly, she began to move downwards leaving a trail of kisses along his chest until all the while softly caressing his body with the tips of her fingers. As she did this, the stallion could feel her fur and the fabric of her swimwear as her breasts swayed back and forth against his flesh exciting him further. Big Mac strained his neck, watching her as she moved closer and closer to his trunks. Soon she came face to face with the stallion’s shorts, which were straining to keep his massive boner contained. With a sexy grin, the bikini clad alicorn gripped the hem of his shorts and tugged it down. At once his cock sprang upwards, nearly smacking Luna in the face. Upon seeing his meat, Luna licked her lips in anticipation for what she had planned for this thirteen inch member. With a sultry smile on her face leaned down and kissed the head of the cock while her fingers caressed the meaty rod, wrapping her fingers around the base, tracing the veins gently. Rather than stroking it, however, she just held it in place, squeezing it tenderly as her tongue swirled around the head, lathering the tip in warm saliva. Big Mac did his best not to throw back his head in pleasure, as he watched the mare tickle the tip with her tongue, even going as far as to run it along the slit of his penis. However, only after a couple of minutes of licking the head of his cock did she pull away, much to the disappointment of Big Mac. As the water splashed on their bodies once more, Luna tugged on his member, eliciting a moan before releasing it and taking the first few inches into her mouth. “Oh Luna,” panted Big Mac as felt his cock be surrounded by the warmth of her mouth. He clenched his fists as her tongue massage his rod, Luna bobbing her head back and forth along his length, giving it a few sucks with each bob forward. His breathing became ragged as he felt his orgasm approaching, fueled by the exotic sights before him and Luna’s warmth. And then…she pulled out and began to kiss his thigh causing him to slowly cool down. Big Mac blinked in confusion. Why did Luna stop? He had been so close! Luna, having noticed Big Mac’s confusion, paused in her ministrations to give him a lopsided smile. “I couldn’t let you cum just yet,” she said. “I have something special in mind for you.” After that, Luna went back to work kissing and tasting Big Mac’s lower region. She kissed his outer thigh and licked around the base of his penis. She licked and sucked on his ball sack, humming as she did so sending the vibrations through his dangling balls. She kissed the insides out his powerful legs all the way down to his kneecap. Everything had a salty flavor to it, but that’s what you get for making love in the ocean. Never the less, she could still taste Big Mac’s natural flavor savoring it like nothing else matter. Noticing that Big Mac’s breathing had calmed down, Luna moved in for her great surprise. Slowly she maneuvered her body so that Big Mac’s cock rest against her chest in between her luscious breasts. She knew he was watching as she placed her hands on her breasts, pressing them together while sandwiching his meat in the middle. He had been watching her this entire time, never taking his eyes off of her. And, as a reward, she was going to give him a little show. As for Big Mac, he felt like he was standing at the gates of heaven. Luna’s breasts felt so soft, softer than anything he had ever felt before in his life. And now they were wrapped around his member. They weren’t as warm as her mouth, but the warmth they did provide felt good. In the end, what really mattered was how erotic it looked. He could clearly see his member sticking out of her cleavage, pointing at Luna’s face already leaking a bit of pre-cum, which began to spread across her chest and the insides of her glorious mounds with each thrust. The only thing that could have made this sight more perfect was if he could have seen her bare D-cup breasts. But alas, her nipples were still hidden behind the material of her bikini. But she could still see them sticking out through the fabric, bulging slighting as she squeezed them together. She tilted her head up, glancing at Big Mac with a sultry smile. And then, she began to move her breasts in a slow up and down motion as if she were giving the stallion a hand job with her tits. Big Mac shuttered in delight as he felt the friction of Luna’s large, glorious mounds against his cock. He heard Luna moan as well, her feeling the heat against her breasts, her thong wetting from the warm sensation. With each jerk, Mac watched his cock as it moved towards Luna’s face before retreating to the wondrous caverns of her breasts. Soon Luna noticed more pre-cum beginning to build on Big Mac’s member. While continuing to bring her bikini clad breasts up and down, Luna managed to quickly lick the tip. The taste of his pre-cum on her tongue sent ripples of pleasure down her spine and into her wing. Without wasting another second, Luna’s mouth wrapped around the head of Big Mac’s cock once more. This time, however, she began to suck on it in an attempt to get as much of his pre-seed as possible moaning loudly as she did so. Even then she continued to give her lover the titty fuck of his life, her tits hitting her chin as she continued her fellatio. This was becoming too much for the stallion to take. He had already been brought to the point of an orgasm once before and hand been denied. Now that feeling was back and stronger than ever. “Luna, ah’m gonna cum,” he grunted through gritted teeth. Instead for responding with words, Luna doubled her efforts. She instantly put more pressure on her breasts, wrapping them tighter around his rod, and increased the speed of her jerking movements while sucking on his cock even harder. All this became too much and with howl of passion Big Mac came. Luna’s eyes widened as the first rope of cum shot into her mouth, causing her to groan in delight as she released his cock from her mouth making a popping sound. Luna closed her eyes to savior the taste of the cum in her mouth before swallowing it as another blast of cum slashed against her face covering the bottom of her nose, lips, and chin. Mac then shot two smaller blasts, this time his seed landing on her breasts. Mac’s cock began to soften after his orgasm, but hardened again at the sight of Luna’s actions. Using her hands, the princess of the night began to scoop up the cum on both her face and from her cleavage. Once she had done that Luna cupped her hands, brought them up to her face, and began to lick them clean as she moaned with delight. Once she was done she brought her soft hands down onto Big Mac’s chest, licking her lips as she did. With the grace of a feline, Luna moved on all fours up Mac’s body as their attention remained fixated on each other. As far as they were concerned, they were the only ponies on the island. Perhaps even the world. The only thing that matter right now was the partner before them. Once they were face to face once more, Luna moved down and began to kiss and suck on her stallion’s neck. Personally she wanted to make out with him like before, but she had read in one of Cadence’s magazines that some stallions were turned off to the idea of tasting their sperm. So instead Luna went for the other weak points she knew while pressing and rubbing her body against his, her erect nipples of her cum soaked tits digging in her chest, her tits pressing again his chest. Big Mac let out moans of satisfaction, much to Luna’s delight, as his cock was now pressing between her ass cheeks, against her thong. The feeling of his member so close to her tail hole set shivers down Luna’s spine. She could feel her marehood drenching her already sodded thong even more. Part of her wanted to move up some more, sit on Big Mac’s face, and have him eat her out until she came. But she knew that was a bad idea as another wave washed over the two. If she did that and another large wave came, then she would be risking Big Mac’s well-being. Not wanting that to happen, Luna instead began grinding against the cock, giving it a similar treatment as she did with her tits, except with her ass. As for Mac, he was not motionless. As soon as Luna had begun to suck on his neck his hands began to move down her soft body, rubbing her back and feeling her supple curves until they came to rest on her flank. Once there, Mac gave her lower cheeks a squeeze as he savored the amazing softness they provided. After a couple more squeezes, each one causing Luna to moan, Big Mac then used the palm of his hand to circle around her cutie mark until he gave her a light smack on instinct. As soon as he did, Luna howled in pleasure. “Harder,” she begged. Mac complied, putting a bit more of his strength into it only to be met with another howl and Luna begging for another, harder strike. Again and again he did as asked until Luna threw back her head, screaming in pleasure as she came. As soon as her orgasm died down, Luna laid against Big Mac’s chest, breathing heavily as she recovered from her orgasmic high. Then, slowly, she place her hands on his chest and began to push herself up. Mac tried to get up as well, but Luna shook her head as she straddled him. “Now for the main event,” she said in a husky whisper between her pants. Reaching behind her, Luna took hold of his cock with one hand while the other tugged the fabric of her thong to the side, revealing for the first time her glistening pussy. Gently she eased herself back as she felt the member touch the outside of her marehood. Taking a deep breath, Luna began to settle down, the stallionhood sliding into her slick love tunnel. Carefully, and ever so slowly, she took more and more of it inside of her. A feeling of fullness threatened to overtake her once his meat was fully inside, creating a small bulge on her stomach. Below, Big Mac was in a state of pure bliss. He had been with a few mares in the past, but nothing he experienced in the past could hold a candle to Luna’s pussy. The walls of her pussy clenched around his cock tightly, but it was a good sense of tightness. It was like his cock was wrapped in a warm tight blanket, like it was when she was giving him a tit job or a blow job but ten, no a hundred times better. It was almost like the two of them were designed to fit together perfectly. Then Luna began to move. Slowly she began ride him, her breasts bouncing slightly as she did. Another wave slashed against them and, in that moment, Big Mac beheld his goddess. The image of Luna, her chest extended upwards, her nipples threatening to poke holes out of her bikini top, the wild jiggling of her large breasts, wings erect as water waves crashed around her created one of the most perfect sights in the world. There were no other goddesses. There were no other princesses. There was only Luna. And because of that his next words flowed out with ease and conviction. “Oh my Luna!” yelled Big Mac as he tried to match Luna’s pace. Upon hearing this, Luna’s eyes widened and a smile spread across her face. She began to move faster, harder as Big Mac once more grabbed her ass and squeezed it. Her marehood began to produce more of its love juice that dripped onto Big Mac’s sack, its warmth replacing the cold caused by the ocean’s water as if by magic. After that, the only noises that were heard were the smacking of flesh against flesh, heavy breathing, and the tide. And yet all good things must come to an end. Due to their quickened pace, Mac felt his balls tighten as his orgasm approached with more force than before. “Sweat Luna, ah’m gonna cum!” grunted Mac as he did his best to hold back the building tide inside of him, knowing that it was a losing battle. “Cum for me!” yelled Luna, the bliss taking over her mind. “Cum inside me! Paint my insides white with your seed! Your princess commands it!” Her words sent Big Mac over the edge. His cock twitched a few times before shooting out a large stream of cum. The sudden warmth and the feeling of his seed filling her insides was too much for the lunar goddess as she too came, screaming wildly into the night sky as the walls of her pussy clenching around her stallion’s member in order to milk every drop of his precious seed. Luna almost fell forward, but her shaky arms found Mac’s shoulders just in time to keep her propt up as the two continued to pant heavily. “Lets take this to my room,” said Luna as her horn began to glow. “Unless you wish to end now?” “Nnope,” said Mac without a second thought causing Luna’s eyes to twinkly like the stars as she teleported them away. -- Mac stirred in bed as the light of Celestia’s sun hit his face. Eyes closed, he licked his lips while trying to get up. His body, however, resisted instead wants to remain on the bed. The mattress felt like he was sleeping on a cloud and the pillow was even softer and warm. All he wanted to do was lay there as memories of the dream he had of his amazing night with Luna played in his mind. After all, something so perfect could ever happen in real life. But sadly the bliss of sleep would not come. Opening his eyes, he was shocked to see that he was not laying on a pillow but one of Luna’s bare breasts. He saw that his lips were practically next to one of her rock hard nipples. Moving his eyes, he saw that Luna was lying on her back and, based on his position, he was spooning next to her naked form. Mac then slightly moved his head up and beheld Luna, her head resting against a pillow as she looked down at him with a smile on her face. “Good morning,” she practically purred. “I just lowered the moon. I hope I didn’t disturb you?” “Nnope,” he said as he forced himself to move away from her prefect figure so they could lay side by side. “Ah’m usually up at the crack of dawn.” Looking around for the rest time, since when he entered last night he had been more focused on his goddess, he saw that Luna’s room was rather similar to his own. Mostly bare with just a bed and a night stand. The only difference he could tell was a full body mirror in the corner and that her bed was twice the size of his own, circular, and had black sheets on them. “Last night,” began Luna, “was…incredible. And the way you called out my name. Just thinking about it is making me wet. Thank you for keeping your promise.” “Wasn’t hard,” he replied. “But why’d ask me that?” Luna sighed. “Nothing kills the mode faster than when your lover moans your sister’s name in bed,” she said with a frown. Big Mac nodded before a thought entered his head causing him to bite his lower lip. Luna saw this and she gave him a concerned look. “Is something wrong?” she asked. “Ah…ah’m just worried,” he answered honestly. “Last night was amazin. An ah want ta enjoy every moment ah can with ya while we’re here. But, what happens when we leave the island? Do ah just go back home while ya head back to Canterlot never to see each other again? Ya said it: what happens on the island stays on the island. Ah don’t think ah can leave how ah feel here.” Luna didn’t answer right away. Instead she rolled over to her side so that she was facing him while draping an arm on his chest. “I will admit that this wasn’t what I had planned,” she said. “I wanted us to spend more time together before coming to this point. But when you kissed me I through all of that away. Now we have six days to spend together where we can both spend time together and give in to our urges. And if you wish to give your heart to me, like I have for you, then I promise this will never end. Even when we leave the island.” “But what about ya’r sister?” asked Mac. “What about ya’r duties as a princess? Ya shouldn’t have ta give all that up for me.” Luna smiled as she leaned close to Big Mac to once again kiss him passionately. “Hearing you say that has helped make up my mind,” she said as she pulled back. “But for now let us just enjoy each other.” Without another word, Luna slipped underneath the blanket. Big Mac watched as the large bulge moved down next to his body stopping once she got to his crotch region. He then felt her hands cup his balls and wrap around his cock, causing it to harden. He then felt her soft lips against his cock flesh and he fought the urge to throw the blanket off the bed right there. Instead he closed his eyes, focusing his sense of touch to maximize the pleasure he was receiving. Luna was right. They had plenty of time. > Applekini > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack awoke to the ringing of the alarm clock. With an annoyed grunt, she smacked the snooze button with a bit more force than she would have back home. For a moment she laid there on a bed that even the nobles of Canterlot would pay thousands of bits just to sleep on once, all the while being wrapped in the finest of silk blankets.   And she hated it.   Now Applejack wasn’t ungrateful to the princess. It was, well, a bit too high class for her tastes. Everything here was just too soft and cozy. She missed her hard, spring mattress and the heavy wool blankets she had back home. And when she went traveling she would always stay in a cheap motel that she knew had similar accommodations. It just felt more like home on the farm. This place, on the other hand, reminder her more of her Aunt and Uncle Orange’s place.   Once more the alarm went off, causing AJ to sigh as she turned it off. Once that was done she removed herself from the bed and walked over to the mirror to inspect herself. Upon doing so her frown deepened. Last night she had spent something close to an hour trying to find some kind of outfit to wear in bed that didn’t make her feel like a hooker or a sex crazed mare. In the end, she settled on a light-green see-through nighty that ended just short of her ass.   If somepony were in the room, this outfit would leave nothing to the imagination. They would have been able to see her large, hard nipples poking against the material as it rubbed against them with every step she took. But the more she walked around in it, she felt the smooth silk of the nighty brush against her nipples. Maybe silk nighties weren’t so bad after all?   She cupped her breasts through the fabric, using her hands to move the fabric over her perk, erect nipples. She let out a soft hum at the sensation, turning her attention back towards the mirror.   It was sad that she felt more covered than she did with some of the other outfits. Most of them were skin tight, cutaway outfits that left her breasts and crotch bare. Others, well she didn’t want to think of those crazy get ups. And that was just the sleepwear.   ‘Ah wonder about this place,’ thought Applejack as she took off her nighty and began to put on the same bikini she had on yesterday. ‘Why would Princess Celestia have all these weird get-ups? Maybe because nopony would ever think to enchant them and the like.’   Once she was ‘dressed’ Applejack went downstairs hoping to find everypony else eating breakfast. However, once she got to the dining room she found it to be completely empty. Walking into the kitchen, she found it just as empty.   She was about to yell out for everypony when a noise from outside caught her attention. Looking out one of the open windows she saw, much to her relief, that her family and Luna were out by the tiki bar. From this distance she could make out Big Mac wearing a chief’s hat but nothing else. Somewhat more relaxed, Applejack left the house and jogged over to the bar feeling that it was noticeably cooler than yesterday. If she had to guess the temperature was in the high eighties.   As she got nearer, Applejack could see that the tiki bar’s counter was littered with tropical fruit that most likely came from the kitchen as well as a large blender. Big Mac’s back was facing AJ, meaning that he was behind the counter putting in various fruits to create smoothies. Luna, she noticed, looked a little different. While she was wearing the same outfit she had on yesterday but had her mane tied up into a ponytail instead of letting it hang free as it normally did. Apple Bloom was wearing a red one piece swimsuit which, thankfully, was as modest as the one she had on yesterday.   “Mornin’ sis,” said Apple Bloom when she saw her sister.   “Mornin’” replied Applejack as she took a spot near the end of the tiki bar. “What’ca all doin’ out here?”   “Just thought we’d have breakfast outside since the weathers nice,” said Luna before taking a sip of her smoothie. “It just seems like a waste to stay indoors.”   “Ah guess,” replied AJ before turning her attention to her brother. “Can ah get a pineapple smoothie?”   “Eeyup,” replied the stallion as he got to work. As he did, Applejack began to notice some things. First there was her brother who seemed to doing his best to give the mares a show. He picked up a pineapple with one hand and with the other spun the knife around several times before cutting the fruit in a showy fashion. While Applejack was impressed, she had to wonder what this was all about. He had never been much of a showoff or anything like that.   Then there was Luna, who was watching him with a smile of her face and giggling every once and a while. She had seen the mare happy before, but this was a whole new level of happiness. She was almost aglow.   ‘Ah’m its nothin’,’ thought AJ. ‘Maybe she woke up on the right side of the bed. That or she really likes the show Big Mac is putting on.’   “Hey sis, did ya hear any hollering last night?” asked Apple Bloom suddenly. As she said this, Big Mac shot her a look like he had been caught with his hand in the cookie jar, causing him to jump and drop several pieces of fruit. Luna began to cough as if some of her smoothie went down the wrong pipe. Big Mac ran around the counter to pat the Princess on the back to coax out the blockage from her throat. Once she was better, Big Mac returned to his post to make AJ her drink, yet Applejack and Big Mac kept a large chuck of their focus on their sister.   “Can’t say that ah did,” said Applejack slowly, slightly confused by the behavior of her brother and the princess. “What did it sound like?”   “Well,” began Apple Bloom as Big Mac and Luna share a nervous glance. “Ah’m not certain. My window was open and it sounded far away. But whatever it was it might have been in pain because of all the moanin’ goin’ on.”   “You must have been tired,” said Luna quickly as Big Mac handed Applejack her drink with a little umbrella in it. “Perhaps you were starting to fall asleep and began to dream.”   “Ah don’t know,” said an unconvinced Apple Bloom.   “Ya sure there ain’t no one else on this island?” asked Applejack as she looked the moon princess.   “Positive,” replied Luna. “But just to be on the safe side, I’ll have Harvest do a patrol run tonight. If he spots anything strange he’ll report it to me and I’ll have everything sorted before the dawn.”   “Thank ya kindly,” said Applejack as she took a sip of drink. As she did, a thought entered her mind. Where was Harvest? He had sat down with them to have dinner last night so why wasn’t he here now? Was he asleep or something?   “Say, where is Harvest anyhow?” asked Applejack while doing her best to sound casual.   “He went into the woods a while ago to do some training,” replied Luna as she picked up her smoothie and took a sip.   Applejack nodded as she began to drink from her own smoothie. As an athlete, Applejack knew how important it was to keep up with her physical training. The fact that Harvest seemed to share this view brought him up a notch in the mare’s mind. In fact, he had inspired her.   “Well,” said AJ as she set down her drink. “Ah think ah’ll head out for a jog. Ah’ll see you all later.” And with that she was off, lightly jogging down the beach as she heard Apple Bloom saying something about getting her cutie mark in jungle exploration.   For the next twenty minutes or so Applejack jogged along the beach. The feeling was…serene. The sound of the waves was soothing and the breeze blowing against her was refreshing. And the view was simply breathtaking, making her light exercise all the more enjoyable. Personally she would have preferred to do some apple bucking or run her personal obstacle course, but this was still good enough to keep her in shape until she got back to Ponyville.   It was then that Applejack came across a stream heading into the ocean, causing her to stop. Curious, Applejack looked towards where it originated: the forest area. Along the side of the river she noticed a worn pathway indicating that somepony had gone in this direction several times. Looking back at the stream she took note of several stones that would serve as a decent walkway across.   Now Applejack had a decision to make. She could use the stone walkway, cross the stream, and continue her jog. Another option would be to follow the path along the river which would provide shade as well as a change of scenery. Lastly she could just head back to the beach house and join everypony in some fun.   At first, Applejack was going to continue along the beach. However, her curiosity about what could be in the forest was beginning to get the better of her. In order for a path like that to be made, many ponies would have had to go down there regularly over a period of time. Possibilities ran through the farm pony’s head like a second house or maybe a cider cellar. So, as she took a deep breath, Applejack turned and jogged into the forest.   For at least a mile and a half Applejack jogged along the stream as it got wider, seeing nothing all that interesting. She was about to turn around when she heard something in the distance that sounded like rushing water. Quickly deciding to continue on for a bit longer, Applejack picked up her pace a bit. Then, after a few more minutes, she came to beautiful sight.   It was a waterfall. Water was falling down a large cliff that she had been unable to see before due to all the trees and into a small lake. Imbedded in the ground around the lake were large, smooth rocks that were most likely placed there by somepony.   And there, floating inches above the water in the middle of the lake, was Harvest. The brown stallion was clad in the same purple trunks he had been wearing yesterday, his body facing in a western direction while he held a large battle scythe in both hands. As Applejack neared the edge of the lake she could see that his eyes were closed in silent concentration.   Just as she was about to call out to him, Harvest suddenly opened his eyes. In a sudden flash of movement, he began to swing the scythe while floating forward. With each swing, he would spin his well-toned body around giving extra momentum to his next swing or he would suddenly kick upwards. As she watched, Applejack noticed that while he did this the water beneath him remained undisturbed.   ‘Must be some kinda fancy trainin’,’ thought Applejack as she watched in amazement. It was only when Harvest made a forward thrust with his weapon did he stop at which point Applejack made her presence known by clapping. This startled the stallion, causing him to fall into the water with a loud splash. When he resurfaced he looked in Applejacks direction and his cheeks turned bright red.   “So embarrassing,” he said as swam over to where AJ was. Applejack, overhearing this, let out a giggle and offered the stallion a hand as he got out of the water.   “Sorry ‘bout that,” she said with a grin.   “Its fine,” replied Harvest. “No harm done.”   “So what was all that about?” asked Applejack, hoping to start up a conversation with him. She had learned a bit about him like he was the oldest of nine siblings, he worked on an apple farm before becoming a member of the Night Guard, and that hated lemons. However, when they talked he seemed more interested in finding out about her. Now the apple farming mare wanted to learn about him. “Some kind of training they teach in the guard?”   Harvest shook his head. “It’s a thestral training technique,” he said. “One that my tribe has practiced for centuries.”   Thestral, as Applejack had learned yesterday, was the proper name of the bat ponies. In fact, calling one of them a bat pony was considered an insult. Applejack had learned that the hard way, but luckily Harvest was quick to forgive when she explained she had never been face to face with a thestral before and never knew their proper name.   “Never seen anything like it before,” commented Applejack. “Come to think about it, never seen a thestral before that one Nightmare Night when Princess Luna showed up in Ponyville. Guess ah assumed ya’ll had some fancy spell placed on ya. Funny, never remember seein’ ya in the Heart’s Warming tale.”   “That’s because we were never came with the three tribes,” said Harvest as he walked over to a tree branch that had a towel on it.   “Then where did ya’ll come from?” asked Applejack, her curiosity peaking.   Harvest turned to look at her as he placed the towel around his neck. “We have always lived in Equestria,” he said with a small smile as her eyes widened.   “Ya mean…” she began, her voice trailing off as she realized when he was implying.   “Do you really think a land like Equestria was completely uninhabited when your ancestors arrived?” he asked while drying himself off. “My tribe was there for centuries, living in what is now called the Weeping Willow Forest.”   “Then how come you were never mentioned?” asked Applejack, hoping that it wasn’t something racist.   Harvest shrugged. “You never knew about us and we never knew about you,” he said simply. “As I said, we stayed in that forest never really needing to leave. See, in the middle of the Weeping Willow Forest is a farming town called Hollow Shades. And, in the middle of the town, there is a hole over a mile deep which leads to a gigantic underground cavern. That is our true home.   “You see, hanging from the ceiling are buildings we carved from giant stalactites. That is our capital, the Hanging City. It is huge, almost as big as Canterlot, with the largest stalactite being in the center making it the center of our government and the home to the largest forge ever built. And below the city there is a valley of ferns which are carefully maintained.   “Throughout our history, we never really ventured out. The only settlement outside of the cavern is, as I said, Hallow Shades. Instead we built a network of tunnels that run underneath Equestria while using our unique magic to grow veins of gems and ore. The only races we ever encountered were the Diamond Dogs, who were constantly breaking into our tunnels to both steal from and enslave us, and the Changelings. I will say that the Diamond Dogs were the more persistent of the two, several times going to war with us.   “Then, about four hundred years ago, the first ponies of Equestria began to enter our woods and found Hallow Shades. We had never seen earth ponies or unicorns before and they had never seen thestrals either. Both sides were basically startled by the other causing them to return to their respected leaders. A few months later, Princess Celestia met with Count Blood Rain who was our leader at the time. It was then that we learned out your tribes existence and how much you had spread across our lands. After that the Princess invited us to join Equestria. We, however, liked our independence and thus refused. The Princess took it well and wished us the best of luck.   “However, as time moved forward, keeping our independence proved difficult. Once ponies heard of us, stories were spread and not ones that viewed us in a favorable light. Despite the many treaties forged between our two nations, many Equestrians kept breaking into our mines and stealing from us. Fearing it was only a matter of time before we were consumed, Count Silver Vein went to Canterlot and we became apart of Equestria.   “Becoming part of Equestria wasn’t as bad as many thought. We were better able to communicate which tunnels were off limits so the various veins could regrow. Princess Celestia respected our traditions and paid us well for our superior blacksmithing skills. In fact, all of the armor and weapons used by the Royal Guard was made by us. We were even allowed to join, however changes had to be made.”   “Hold on now,” said Applejack. “What do ya mean by ‘changes’?”   “Well, Princess Celestia thought that our appearance gave ponies the wrong impression,” said Harvest with a sigh. “We look, as some would say, evil or demonic. So up until Princess Luna returned, any thestral who wanted to join the Royal Guard was turned into a pegasus with the promise of being turned back once he or she retired. I will say, however, that few joined because of this.”   Harvest then paused for a moment. “I guess the reason so many of my tribe likes Princess Luna better is that she has never asked us to change. When her Guard was formed, she insisted that we keep to our true form despite Princess Celestia’s insistence. She also asked us to use our school of combat instead of the one used by the Royal Guard. But its different for me.”   “Oh?” said Applejack as she raised an eyebrow.   “I-It’s not like I had a crush on her or anything,” said Harvest quickly and honestly. “See, I was born in Hallow Shades to one of the major farming families. I was…expected to do my duty for the family and the tribe. I was afraid that I would disappoint everypony if I ever pursued my dream of joining the Guard.”   Harvest then began to move closer to Applejack. “Then, one day we heard that Nightmare Moon had been defeat and that Princess Luna was now co-ruler of Equestria. We were told the events that transpired that night and I was captivated by how an amazing farm pony helped.”   Applejack could feel her cheeks heat up like never before. Now Harvest was standing in front of her as he slowly, and nervously, cupped her cheek.   “This amazing farm pony,” said Harvest softly. “She didn’t have magic, flight, or anything like that. She was a mare who some wouldn’t think could ever do anything to change the world. But she did. She inspired me to leave my farm and join the Night Guard. As I went through basic training, I continued to hear how she continued to leave her farm and help save the world over and over again. And now, here on this island, I finally got the chance to meet her and she is the most amazing mare I have ever laid my eyes on.”   Their eyes were now locked onto each other. Part of Applejack wanted to look away, to push him back, or do anything to get out of this situation. After all, who says all of this to a mare he just met? She remember the time Trenderhoof had come to Ponyville and followered her around like some lovesick puppy dog, annoying the Tartarus out of her. And this felt a bit similar to that.   But then there was another part, a bigger one, that wanted to continue being held. There was something in his words and the look in his eyes that told her that he meant was the honest truth. That caused her chest to feel like it was about to burst while they stood closely to each other.   “Applejack,” he said softly. “I was wondering if something we could do something. Just the two of us?”   Applejack stared at him for a moment before giggling. “Sugarcube,” she said. “It’s just the two of us right now.”   Harvest blinked and then looked around. “Ah, so we are,” he said in an almost dumbfounded tone, as if he was just now realizing it. “B-But what I meant was-” His words were then cut off as Applejack gave him a quick peck on the cheek.   “Ah know what ya meant,” she said, her cheeks slightly darker. “Maybe we can have lunch together, just the two of us. But first ah need to change into somethin a bit more appropriate for a date.”   With that, AJ turned around and began to jog back the way she come from. As she did, Harvest stood there as still as a statue as he watched her leave. Then, once she was out of sight, he jumped into the air while letting out a hoot of victory.   --   Applejack jogged back to the house at a quickened pace as she went over what she had to do for her date. The first was to take a shower since the jog had produced a light sweat over most of her body. After that she would have to search the mammoth closet to find something decent to wear. This was her biggest worry at the moment since every time she had been there in the past, all she had been able to find was overly revealing attire. But, she had only looked at the swimwear and the nightwear so maybe there was some decent daywear.   At least she opened there was.   Soon Applejack arrived at the beach in front of the house to find it void of anypony. For a moment, she wondered where the hay they were. ‘Maybe it’s for the best,’ she thought as she made her way towards the door. ‘Last thing ah want is for them to be teastin me or get Harvest in any trouble with Princess Luna.’   As AJ entered the house, she instantly sensed something was off. It felt warmer and there was an odd odor in the air that smelled like sweat and something else she couldn’t quiet place. Deciding to check things out before getting ready, Applejack moved as silently towards the kitchen as she could. When she got there, she saw a sight that would be burned into her mind for the rest of her life.   It was Luna and Big Mac, both covered in sweat from their lovemaking. Luna’s legs were resting on Mac’s shoulders as her back arched against the wall, her bare chest being pushed upwards as her horn scraping the ceiling. The night princess’s eyes were closed as her fingers ran through Big Mac’s mane. As for Big Mac, his fingers were spreading Luna’s folds so that he could bury his tongue into her lower depths. Each flick of his tongue caused Luna moan softly or let out a sudden gasp.   Applejack just stood there, unable to make a sound as she raised a hand to her mouth. She knew that she had to move, to leave before she was spotted in order to avoid a very unpleasant situation that would occur if Luna opened her eyes and spotted her. But the farming mare couldn’t for some reason.   “Mac!” cried out Luna as she lowered her head to look at Big Mac. Said stallion stopped in his ministrations and looked upwards. “I need it in me now! Rut me senseless! Your princess commands it!”   Applejack took a step back as Big Mac said, “Yes my Princess.” Slowly shaking her head, AJ watched as Luna moved her legs from Mac’s shoulders allowing him to slowly lower her down onto his waiting member. Applejack couldn’t see it, but she could hear the slick sound of her brother’s cock entering Luna’s pussy as well as Luna’s moans of approval. Once he was fully inserted, Big Mac began to pound Luna against the wall so hard that they could almost hear the wall crack. But despite this they continued, lost in their love making as Applejack finally found the strength to run out of the house.   Applejack didn’t know if she slammed the door behind her, left it open, or what. As she ran down the beach she really didn’t give a buck. All she could think about was the scene she had just witnessed. And with that came more thoughts. Suddenly she began to see the two’s reactions this morning in a new light.   More thoughts began to stream into Applejack’s mind as she stopped in her tracks and placed her hands on her knees. She began to recall Luna’s words from yesterday. Things like how Princess Celestia would only bring a handful of her guard and her paranoia of other ponies finding out what happens on this island. Adding in the closet full of erotic clothing brought Applejack to a single conclusion: this was a secret island the princess brought ponies to, to have sex with them!   Questions plagued Applejack’s mind as she fell to her hands and knees. Was this Princess Luna’s plan? To have wild sex with them? Had she ordered Big Mac to fuck her like that? Would she do the same to her? And what about Apple Bloom? Would she become a target as well?   She was so overcome by these thoughts that she failed to hear Harvest as he landed in front of her.   “Applejack, are you alright?” he asked, causing Applejack’s head to snap up. She opened her mouth to explain what she saw, but quickly closed it as her eyes narrowed at him.   ‘He’s in on it!’ thought Applejack as Harvest watched her with concern. ‘The Guard is in on this after all. He must have been tryin’ ta butter me up or something before havin’ his way with me! Celestia, ah feel like suck a buckin’ fool!’   “Applejack, what’s wrong?” asked Harvest as he reach out to her.   “Get the back away from me ya lyin’ varmint!” roared Applejack as she stood up, fists clunched. “Ah know what’s goin’ on here. Ah know what ya’r really after! Well ya can go buck yarself!”   “I, ah, what?” stammered a very confused Harvest. “What are you talking about?”   “Sex!” yelled Applejack. “That’s what we’re here for right?! Brought here so the Sister’s and their Guard can get their jollies off!” At that, Harvest’s eyes widened.   “Look,” said Harvest quickly. “You don’t-” Whatever he was going to say was cut off by a loud scream. One not coming from the house, but off in the forest. A scream that Applejack had heard before and caused her blood to run cold.   “Apple Bloom!” yelled Applejack as she ran into the woods. As she did a series of fearful thoughts ran into her head. Images of horribly perverted things that could be happening to her little sister flashed before her eyes and just won’t stop. How would she explain this to Granny? How would she make this up to her sister? Would she ever recover? Would she ever been the same after something like this?   How would she live with herself, knowing that she had been one of the ponies that brought her to this place?   Several more times, Applejack heard her little sister scream. Each time caused another adrenaline rush to fuel her speed as she ignored all the branches and plant life. She didn’t care if it was poisonous or not, she kept running faster and faster each time she heard Apple Bloom call out her name or Big Mac’s. Nothing else registered, not even the sound of Harvest running behind her.   Finally, the two came into a field and Applejack as greeted by a sight far worse than anything she could have imagined. There, in the middle of the field was Apple Bloom, caught in the mouth of what looked like a giant Venus eating flytrap. Apple Bloom’s arms and legs were pushing its mouth open in a desperate attempt to keep it from closing as it lowered itself back into the earth. When they entered the field, Apple Bloom’s tear filled eyes lock onto them.   “Sis!” she screamed, terror ringing in her voice. “Help!”   Instantly Applejack ran towards her sister, ignoring Harvest’s cries for her to wait. Once she was close enough, Applejack reached in to grab her sister. But as she did her arms touched the trigger hairs of the flytrap’s mouth and found they wouldn’t budge from their spot. Her eyes widened in utter horror as she realized that now she too was trapped.   Applejack turned her head to warn Harvest, but stopped when she saw what he was doing. He wasn’t coming to their aid nor was he flying away to get help. Instead he was tapping at the ground. She watched as he tapped one spot with his fist a few times before quickly getting up and moving to another.   “Applejack!” screamed Apple Bloom causing Applejack’s head to snap back towards her sister. “Ah can’t hold on much longer!” As she said this, the mouth of the trap began to close a bit more while at the same time sinking into the ground, as if it were trying to bury itself.   As tears began to roll down Applejack’s face, her ears twitched slightly when she heard the sound of digging behind her. Turning her head again, she saw Harvest digging into the ground with his hands with reckless abandon. She could see that he was breathing hard and his face was in a panic, but still he kept digging like nothing else mattered.   As the flytrap closed a bit more, Harvest’s face lit up a bit as he pulled up what looked like a two inch thick green cord. Taking several deep breaths, Harvest pulled the cord out from the earth as far as he could. He then quickly lowered his head down, put it in his mouth, and bit down as hard as he could causing it to split in two while a purple colored liquid splashed into his mouth and onto his face.   As soon as he did this, the plant let out a noise that could best be described as a scream before it fell to the ground. As it did, Applejack felt its mouth lessen its grip. At first, Applejack and Apple Bloom just stared at each other as they waited for something else to happen like it just getting back up or something else of that nature. But when nothing happened, the two of them began to grin and laugh. They laughed in pure joy, knowing they were safe and alive. But that laughter died as soon as Applejack turned her head to look at Harvest, finding him lying on the ground while foaming at the mouth.   --   Later that night, Applejack found herself sitting in Harvest’s room as the stallion lay on the bed. She sat there, staring at his as he took shallow breaths and wishing she could do something, anything to help him.   Shortly after Harvest had saved the Apple Sisters, Luna and Big Mac arrived on the scene. As Luna’s eyes fell onto the plant they grew wide in surprise but then narrowed as her horn lit up, her magic freeing both Apple Bloom and Applejack. As Big Mac raced to make sure both his sisters were ok, Luna went to work on Harvest. The Apple family watched as Luna poured her magic into him, her breathing becoming heavy and sweat appearing all over her coat until finally she toppled over.   Seeing this, Big Mac rushed over to Luna and let out a relieved sigh. She was exhausted, but otherwise alright. Gently he picked up his princess before telling Apple Bloom to get onto his back. This left the task of carrying Harvest to Applejack. As they walked, Apple Bloom began to cry again while saying how sorry she was. That she had just been trying to get her cutie mark out in the woods when that thing just popped out of the ground and tried to eat her.   By the time they reached the house, Luna was beginning to wake up. They left her in the kitchen while Big Mac brought Apple Bloom to her room and Applejack brought Harvest to his where she stayed for the rest of the night.   A few hours after they got back, Applejack heard a lot of yelling going on downstairs. Most of it from Luna but it didn’t sound like it was directed at Mac. Applejack could make out phrases like, “HOW DARE SHE NOT TELL ME THOSE THINGS WERE ON THIS ISLAND?! I’M GOING TO BUCKING KILL HER, RESURRECT HER, AND THEN KILL HER ALL OVER AGAIN!” and well other phrases that were so angry that it made Applejack physically sick just thinking about.   Once the yelling had stopped, Mac came up to the room to give Applejack an update on what was happening.   “Luna sent Princess Celestia a message about the plant,” Big Mac had said. “Apparently it’s a predator of the changelings. It releases a special type of pheromone that will attract any changeling short of a queen within a couple miles. Accordin’ ta Luna, they normally leave ponies alone unless they don’t get anything ta eat in a while. Princess Celestia responded, sayin’ that she planted them after the Changeling invasion in case they ever tried to impersonate a guard here. Figures that they haven’t eaten since then.” Big Mac then let out a sigh. “Luna says that Harvest is lucky that plant was in that state. Had it been in full health and he had done what he did, no magic in Equestria would have been able to save his life. Don’t know how ta feel about that myself. If it hadn’t been in that state then it wouldn’t have gone after Bloom.”   “Ah see,” said Applejack, not taking her eyes off of Harvest. “And how is she?”   “Doin’ just fine,” said Big Mac, a bit more relaxed. “She’s sleepin’ and Luna’s givin’ her some dream therapy.” Hearing, Applejack allowed herself a smile and nodded as Big Mac walked out of the room.   Now, several hours later, the door opened. Slowly, Applejack turned her head and saw that it was Luna carrying a plate of food. Seeing her made Applejack gulp as she turned her attention back to Harvest.   “I thought you might be hungry,” said Luna as she set the tray on the nearby nightstand. “I also wanted to let you know that Apple Bloom is doing much better. I had to compress time so that we could spend weeks talking about what happened, but it was worth it. She’ll most likely be afraid of going into the forest for awhile, but other than that she’ll be perfectly fine.”   “Thank ya kindly,” said Applejack.   “No need to thank me,” said Luna. “I was happy to help.” With that she turned to leave.   “Luna,” said Applejack suddenly, causing the moon Princess to pause. Luna then turned to look in Applejack’s direction, finding her still looking at Harvest. “Ah…ah saw ya and my brother this afternoon.”   “Y-You did?” stammered Luna.   Applejack nodded. “And Ah know this is some kind of freaky sex island. Ah’m grateful that ya saved an all, but ah want ya to stop forcing my family ta do those things.”   “Forcing?” echoed Luna in confusion. “Sex island? Is that what you think?” Applejack nodded, still not looking at Luna.   Luna’s mouth hung open slightly at the accusation. She then narrowed her eyes and clenched her fists in rage. Her wings flared up as she let out a snort. Her horn then began to glow as she picked up Applejack with her magic, turned her around so she was facing Luna, and kept her glue to that spot surprising the mare as she did so.   “How dare you?!” snarled Luna causing Applejack’s eyes to widen. “I have been accused of a lot of things in my life, but this time I am offended. Never would I ever force another to have sex with me.”   “But ah saw-” began Applejack but was cut off by Luna’s glare.   “Is it so hard to believe that maybe, just maybe, we both wanted it like two consenting adults?” demanded Luna. “If I were so desperate for sex then I could have just as easily picked a few of my own guards who I know wouldn’t have minded having me for a night. Believe me, it took all of my courage to tell him how I really felt about him and your brother made the first move.” Luna’s eyes then softened slightly. “I will admit that we shouldn’t have been doing it in the kitchen, but your brother was just feeling me up so much. We wanted to do it on the beach again but were afraid Apple Bloom would come back so we intended to head back to my room. We just…never reached it.”   By this point, both mare’s faces had turned bright red. Neither mare was really looking at the other either, instead glancing off to the side as Luna’s magic faded. Now Applejack was free to move about, but stayed where she was.   “B-But what about everything else?” demanded Applejack. “Like the clothing and…”   “Oh that,” said Luna with a sigh as she crossed her arms. “Well, you weren’t too far off. My sister does use this island for getting rutted like crazy by her guards. Most of the time they all walk around in the nude, but every once in a while she likes to put on something kinky. But she has also used this place to relax and read a book that she had been trying to finish for years or swim around or play volleyball and the like. And all of the guards that have been brought here have never been ordered to do anything that they didn’t want to. Rape is never allowed here!”   “T-Then Harvest,” began Applejack but stopped herself. She then took a deep breath before continuing. “Did he…expect anything from this trip?”   Luna shook her head. “I told him the rules before we arrived,” she said as she walked over to Harvest’s bed, Applejack’s gaze following her. “When I trying to decide who to bring with me, I wanted somepony who wouldn’t leave you feeling left out. Harvest was the one who stood out the most since he respected you and had a similar background. Even if the two of you didn’t get together, I was sure you would have a good time.”   “We did,” admitted Applejack. “Till Ah screwed up.”   “Well,” said Luna as she placed a hand on Applejack’s shoulder. “Perhaps things aren’t as bad as you think. If you are truly honest with him, then I’m sure he’ll give you a second chance at friendship.”   --   Applejack’s eyes twitched slightly as the light of the sun hit her face causing her to awaken from her slumber. As she let out a yawn, she stretched her arms upwards causing her chest to bounce slightly, as they were still contained in her green bikini. Blinking in slight confusion, AJ looked around, quickly realizing that this wasn’t her bedroom. It was then that she remembered the previous night. How she had stayed with Harvest, watching him as he slept in case something happened to the thestral. Applejack remembered how her eyelids gradually became heavy leading her to resting her head in her arms on the bed. It must have been then that she had fallen asleep.   The farming mare looked out the window to see that Celestia’s sun had been up for at least several hours. The sun was up high, it’s light made the water sparkle as a boat sped across its surface. Applejack squinted as she watched said boat travel across the water, making out three figures most likely belonging to Luna and her siblings. ‘Must be tryin’ to help Bloom forget yesterday,’ Applejack thought with a smile as she turned her attention back into the room. It was then that she realized that something was missing.   Or, rather, somepony.   For a moment, Applejack thought the worst had happened. That, while she slept, Harvest had passed away. However, she quickly reasoned that nopony here would be off having fun if he had gone to the other side. More likely he was up and about somewhere else.   Quickly, Applejack left the room while loudly calling out Harvest’s name. Over and over she repeated this while searching the entire house. Every room, every closet, every level of the house was searched but there was no sign of Harvest. She checked to see if there was even a note or something that had been left behind, but there wasn’t. All she found was an empty house.   “Bucking fool,” said Applejack to herself as she rushed out of the house. As she ran down the beach, all she could think about was his safety. After all, nopony should be up and moving after getting poisoned like that. Running at full speed, Applejack’s fur began to feel matted with sweat and her mane disheveled from both this and from her sleep. But she didn’t care in the slightest as she came to the stream she had found yesterday, turning to run down the trail besides it. Her looks weren’t even a consideration, all that mattered was making sure Harvest was alright.   Soon, Applejack came to the spot where she had seen Harvest practicing. Stopping to catch her breath, she spotted him in the shallow area as he washed off dirt and grime from his muscular frame. He must of heard her breathing for he turned around and Applejack saw that he wasn’t wearing his trunks from some reason. For a moment the two stared at each other with their mouths hanging open slightly while their cheeks darkened. Applejack’s eyes were then drawn downwards by movement and spotted his growing erection. Now both of their faces were red with embarrassment and they both turned around at the same time.   “W-what are you doing here?” asked Harvest.   “What’ca think Ah’m doin’ here?” demanded Applejack. “Ah wake up an you’re not in bed! Ya had me worried half to death!”   For a moment there was silence. “You were worried about me?” said Harvest in a hopeful tone.   “Course Ah was,” said Applejack as she crossed her arms. “Ah wake up don’t see ya in bed with no note or anythin’ of the like? Ya had me runnin scared, not knowin’ what condition ya were in. What made ya think Ah wouldn’t?”   “Well you did go off on me yesterday,” replied Harvest, causing Applejack’s ears to flatten in shame.   “Right. About that,” said Applejack as she bit her lip. “Ah…Ah’m sorry. Ah jumped ta some mighty big conclusions without knowin’ all the facts. Ah…Ah got no excuse. Ah just hope ya can forgive me.”   “It’s fine,” replied Harvest. “Mistakes happen and I can see why you would be upset. Just hope that we’re still good. We are, right?”   “Darn tootin’ we are,” replied Applejack happily. “Oh, by the way, what were ya doin’ out of bed to begin with?”   “Oh just killing the rest of those plants,” replied Harvest, as if it weren’t a big deal.   Applejack, however, disagreed entirely.   “Ya were doing WHAT?!” she raged as she spun around and charged right into the water only to stop a foot or so away from him. It was then that she grabbed him by the arm and spun him around so that they were face to face. “Ya nearly got killed by one of those things yesterday and ya went lookin’ for more? What the hay is wrong with ya?”   “I had my scythe with me this time,” replied Harvest with a gulp. “That way I didn’t have to bite into any of their stems. So I’m ok. And I was doing it for you and your sister.”   “Ah don’t want ta hear anymore from ya,” said Applejack as she pressed a finger against his chest. “As long as Ah’m here Ah don’t want ya ta do anything like that without telling me. Ah-” Before she could say anything else, Applejack covered her mouth with both her hands before she said anything else.   “Because you?” asked Harvest as he leaned a bit closer.   Applejack gulped loudly as she pondered what to do. She could easily push him away, laugh it off, or something. Yet none of those options reflected how she really felt about him. If there was nothing there then she wouldn’t have shot off at him yesterday. Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, Applejack took a hold of Harvest’s shoulder before bringing him closer to kiss him.   For a moment the two stood there, locked in a passionate kiss. The only movement was the water from the waterfall and the only sound that they could hear was the beating of their own hearts. When they finally pulled away from each other the two of them were panting hard while their faces were bright red.   Harvest let out a large, goofy grin before he leaned in for another kiss. This time it was quicker, more primal causing them both to moan. Applejack closed her eyes in pure bliss as her arms wrapped around his body, her breasts pressing tightly against his chest with her nipples poking through the fabric. It was then that she felt Harvest’s cock pressing hard against the crotch of her bikini panty, causing her to pull away slightly.   Harvest gave her a pouting look. “Is everything alright?” he asked.   Applejack gave him a small nod. Right now, this felt more than good. It felt right. She wanted him like she had never wanted a stallion before. But before this got too far, she wanted to make something very clear.   “It is,” she said with a heavy breath. “But ah just wanted ta say something before we continue. If Ah say no, Ah mean no. Ya ignore me and we are done. An Ah mean done. Clear?”   “Yes,” he said seriously, causing Applejack to smile warmly at him before she kissed him again. This time it was wild, almost animalistic to which he responded in kind. Harvest’s kisses quickly moved down from Applejack’s soft lips to the nape of her neck, which caused her to gasp loudly as shockwaves of pleasure ran down her spine. It wasn’t just the touch of his lips, but it was a combination of the strong suction he created along with the tiny pick caused by his fangs that began drive her wilder.   Without thinking Applejack jumped him, her powerful legs wrapping around his waist. The two nearly fell backwards, but Harvest managed to keep them from splashing into the water. Carefully, Harvest moved the two closer to the flat, rocky shore while adding the feel of his tongue to AJ’s neck.   “Buck yes!” Applejack all but screamed as she began to claw at his back. Soon, too soon in Applejack’s mind, Harvest stopped as he sat her on the smooth rocks and laid her down. AJ was panting like made and the heat between her legs was almost painful. Fluid was dripping from her bikini, water mixed with her own juices.   Harvest moved on top of her, but much to Applejack’s disappointment he did not press his lips against her neck again. Instead he went for her collarbone before slowly moving downwards. Applejack squirmed as he moved downwards towards her firm breasts, her nipples getting increasingly stiff from the sensation. He then placed a hand on the top of the fabric covering her breasts and the looked up towards her face with a look that was clearly asking for permission. Applejack nodded, still panting wildly, and Harvest pulled down exposing her breasts into the open.   Seeing her strawberry-red nipples, Harvest licked his lips before leaning down. Gently he kissed her left mound, purposely missing the teat which was now hard enough to cut glass. While he did this his other hand was far from being idle. He kneaded her flesh of her breast before flicking the nipple, causing Applejack to howl in pleasure. Smiling, Harvest moved his hand so that her nipple was between his thumb and his finger as that he could begin rubbing it lightly. Applejack thrashed lightly while the heat between her legs continued to grow. It was then that Harvest gave her left nipple a solid lick, causing her to shudder in pure delight.   For the next several minutes, Harvest teased both her nipples with his fingers and his mouth. After licking the nipple some more he placed his lips over it and began to kiss it. Applejack closed her eyes as he did this, feeling butterflies in her stomach. He then gently placed the nipple in his mouth and circled it with his tongue, causing Applejack’s fists to clench. He nipped and sucked with his mouth, causing Applejack’s back to arch from the pleasure. She found having her nipple suck on was one of the most erotic things she had ever felt. While this was going on, Harvest’s hand snaked down her body towards her stomach, feeling her curves as he passed. Soon he came to her lower region and slipped his hand underneath her swimwear while lightly brushing against her exposed clit.   “Celestia!” Applejack screamed as she grabbed her head with both hands, her teeth gritted. It was then that she felt him lightly trace her pussy lips with his fingers while putting just a tiny bit of pressure against them. This snapped Applejack out of her lustful haze for a moment and she sat up slightly which caused him to jump.   “Don’t,” she said. “Don’t be puttin’ anything in there.”   Harvest gave her a little pout of disappointment as he pulled his hand out of her bikini bottom. Applejack gave him a sympathetic smile as she laid down while placing her hand on the sides of her breasts.   “Ah believe that stallions like this sort of thing,” she said when she noticed the questioning look he was giving her. Yet after she said this Harvest grinned before straddling her stomach. He then slowly inched his way up until his rock hard cock was nestled between the valley of her breasts. Applejack’s breath quickened, feeling the heat of his member against her body as well as nervousness as to what was going to happen next.   Harvest then placed his hands on top of her own and pressed down slightly to squeeze her mounds against his member, closing his eyes as he did so. He had never done this before and didn’t expect her firm C-cup breasts to feel so soft and warm. He then slowly thrust forward, letting out a moan as he felt the slight friction this motion created which added to the warmth. He could feel the precum gather of the tip of his rod as he pulled back for another thrust.   As for Applejack, she was surprised to find how much she was enjoying this. She had heard so of the more open mares in Ponyville talk about such things like this with disdain, only doing it because their stallion had begged them. But there was something about the feeling of his precum dripping onto her chest while his large ball sack dragged across her stomach that thrilled her. Looking down, she could clearly see cock as it moved closer before it pulled away. Applejack licked her lips, wishing she could have a taste, but it was simply out of range. Perhaps, if they ever did this again, she could be in charge.   After a few more minutes of Harvest titty-fucking the country mare, his face looked a little darker as he did his best to hold back his upcoming orgasm.   “I can’t hold back much longer!” he warned her.   “Do it!” exclaimed Applejack. “Dirty me! Mark me with your cum!”   Hearing this put Harvest over the edge. With one last thrust, he gave a loud groan before a long rope of cum shot out that went all the way from Applejack’s mane all the way to her chin. A second blast came out, this one reaching her mouth. Curiously, Applejack opened her mouth and used her tongue to taste some of his cum. It was salty and a bit bitter, but overall wasn’t bad.   The sight of Applejack using her tongue to lick some of the cum on her face kept Harvest hard, but he sadly knew that it would be a while before he could cum again. So, as Applejack slowly cleaned her face off and occasionally tasting the cum, Harvest moved down her body while lightly kissing her stomach. Applejack let out a soft coo as she felt his tongue against her stomach, tracing around her bellybutton.   Soon Harvest felt himself staring the fabric which barely concealed her soaking wet pussy. He leaned forward to take a deep breath, taking in the strong scent of apples along with her musk. Licking his lips, he backed away while a hand moved over to the string holding the bikini bottom in place and gave it a tug. He watched with baited breath as Applejack’s pink pussy was revealed to him in all of its glory. At that moment he felt a strong desire to dive in, to shove his tongue deep into its depths. But he remembered how Applejack reacted when he tried to insert his fingers. So, with this in mind, he decided to try something else.   He started light, kissing the inside of her powerful thighs. Hearing moans of approval spurred him on into added his tongue as she slowly made his way to her knee before switching to the other leg. From there he moved upwards; licking, kissing, and sucking on her leg flesh causing his lover to pant wildly. After he finished with the other leg, his kisses continued in the area around AJ’s snatch.   Applejack withered on the ground as she felt the pleasure inside her continue to grow. It was a lot like when he was sucking on her teat, but somehow greater. The feeling of his lips sent electric shocks of pleasure to her pussy lips, causing them to produce more fluid. Everything else he did seemed was almost too much for her to bare. On top of that, the heat was becoming unbearable. Both of their coats were now slick with sweat, allowing the sun to reflect off both of them. Even her long mane was beginning to feel a bit damp. In any other circumstance, Applejack would have asked to go indoors, take a break, or even go in the water. But she didn’t want to. All she wanted right now was for Harvest to continue to ravage her.   And please her he did. Harvest, whom had been circling around AJ’s pussy lips for several minutes now, had decided to take it to the next level. As he moved his head in front of Applejack’s dripping pussy he stuck out his tongue and then took one long, slow lick. Applejack’s hips rose almost instantly, orgasm growing nearer as Harvest smirked and continued to lick her cunt.   Each lick was almost painfully slow of Applejack as she let out several screams of pleasure. Back on the farm, she had, on several occasions, stopped in the middle of her work to pleasure herself with her fingers when she was sure nopony was around. But this…her fingers didn’t hold a candle compared to the pleasure she was receiving. It was slowly becoming too much for the tortured mare.   “P-please!” begged Applejack at the top of her lungs. “M-make me cum! Ah beg ya!” With a grin, Harvest turned his gaze on the one sport he hadn’t touched: her clit. It was sticking out, just begging for his touch. He then moved his face so close that AJ could feel his hot breath on her clit. He then wrapped his lips around the bundle of nerves before giving it a suck and then a very light nip.   Applejack’s eyes rolled into the back of her head as her orgasm overtook her. Once more her hips rose and bucked as she came all over Harvest’s face who drank in her apple-scented juices like he was dying of thirst. Her body shook slightly before it landed on the ground, her normally powerful legs becoming like jelly.   She might have passed out or was so lost in the pleasure she had received that she lost all sense of time because the next thing she knew she was on her side with Harvest spooning her. The apple farming mare let out a coo of delight as Harvest nuzzled her affectionately from behind. As he did this, Applejack felt his hard member rub up against her back.   “Y-ya sure your special talent ain’t love making,” panted Applejack.   Harvest chuckled. “I’m sure,” he replied as he moved up to whisper in her ear. “Are you up for another round?” Applejack paused for a moment, but then rolled around so that they were facing each other and kissed him on the lips.   “Ah think Ah can manage,” replied Applejack. Just then, an idea popped into her head. There was something she had, once again, heard other mares complaining about. A sexual act that had caused Applejack to shudder at the time. However, Harvest had been so good to her that she felt that, if he wanted, they could try it and she could find out first hand if she liked it or not. She voiced her idea to her partner whose face turned bright red and his cock hardened even more before nodded vigorously.   With their course set, the two moved into position. Harvest got onto his knees while Applejack got on all fours with her face only an inch away from Harvest’s love rod. Feeling her excitement grow, Applejack leaned forward a bit to wrap the head of his cock with her lips. After that, she traced the slit with her tongue a few times causing Harvest to moan as his hands found the back of her head. It took every ounce of will power he had not to force her head forward, ramming his cock into the back of her mouth and down her throat.   As for Applejack, she was savoring Harvest’s taste. His precum was once again dripping out and Applejack was lapping it up, growing more accustomed to the taste. She let out a hum of delight which resulted in Harvest putting a bit of pressure on the back of her head. For a moment, Applejack feared what he might do, but thankfully nothing happened.   ‘Must be doin’ somethin’ right,’ thought Applejack with satisfaction. She then leaned forward a bit more in order to take more of his member into her mouth. She had hoped to take the whole thing in, but she only managed to take in two thirds of it before it hit the back of her throat and nearly gagged. Sadly realizing that this was her limit for now, AJ began to lean back a bit before beginning to bob back and forth.   Harvest was moaning louder than before now. The heat from her mouth stimulated his cock like nothing else. And the suction she was adding…it was hard to describe. Looking down, he saw that her eyes had closed as if to savor his taste more. Then they opened for a brief moment and, in that moment, he saw perhaps the sexiest look he would ever see in his life. Her eye were turned upwards as if to look at him with her muzzle scrunched slightly. It was a look of a mare who was enjoying sex and wanted her partner to know it as well. Once the moment passed and she closed her eyes again, Harvest turned his attention to her ass. Every time she fucked him with her mouth her firm butt would bounce ever so slightly making him wish he could reach out and touch it. However, he knew he shouldn’t get impatient. After all, he would soon get his chance.   As the blowjob continued, Applejack began to add to the experience. With each bob she moved her tongue around the shaft, coating it in her saliva. She made loud slurping noises which drove them both wild. She varied her pace, sometimes going every slowly until she would suddenly be going at such a rapid pace that Rainbow would’ve been proud of.   Eventually, Applejack removed Harvest’s member from her mouth, a long string of saliva connecting her mouth to it. Then, with her right hand, she reached out and took hold of it before beginning to stroke it. Several time she would stop to spit on it, making sure it was fully coated with her lubricant before continuing again. Once she was satisfied with her work, Applejack turned around so that her ass faced him. She then turned her head around to face him, shook her rear at him as an invitation, and finally winked at him.   Before Harvest’s hands touched Applejack’s fine ass, he noticed the deep breath she took as she looked ahead of her. Her body seemed to tense as well, informing Harvest of how nervous she was at what they were about to do. This would not do. After thinking about it for a moment he wordlessly moved into position as if to penetrate her moving her tail out of the way as he did so.   Applejack could feel Harvest’s cock press against the area between her plothole and her pussy, her heart beat quickening. While this had been her idea, she was still very nervous about doing this for the first time. She tried to take a deep breath, but it didn’t help. Once more she tensed as she felt movement against her rear, his cock sliding down towards her pussy causing her eyes to widen in shock.   She was about to say something when she felt his shaft slide across her nether lips, his position shifting as he did so that the length of his cock was pressing against both her pussy and plothole. At the same time she felt his hands add a bit of pressure to her ass cheeks so that they sandwiched his cock in a way that reminded would probably remind her of a carrot dog. Then Harvest began to move once more.   It was a strange, yet oddly satisfying feeling. Both her pussy and plothole were being stimulated at the same time. The apple loving mare might have expected this from her pussy, but she had no idea that her other hole could produce such a feeling. She let of a whimper of delight as Harvest picked up the pace slightly, moving from slow and careful to a faster yet controlled pace.   Meanwhile, the thestral was enjoying himself. He could feel AJ’s juices as they further wetted his cock. But as nice as this felt, he knew this was just the appetizer. He was ready for the main course. And, judging by how relaxed Applejack’s body seemed to be compared to earlier, she seemed to be ready as well.   As he slid upwards one last time, Harvest moved so that the head of his cock was pressed against her tight, dark hole. Taking a breath he pushed forward slightly, getting resistance as he entered her virgin hole.   Applejack let out a scream as she clenched her fists. It was more out of surprise than pain, but pain did play a big part of it. She wanted to tell him to stop, but this had been her idea and her stubborn pride wouldn’t allow her to call it off just yet. Not when he hadn’t even gotten a full inch in her yet.   “Applejack,” grunted Harvest, pausing in his action. “Are you ok?”   “Y-Ya,” she stammered. “J-Just go slowly, ok?”   Harvest nodded as he continued where he left off, only going a bit slower. As he did, he had to admit that he could see why so many ponies like anal so much. The walls of her ass were so tight and warm, stretching slightly to accommodate his size. His leathery wing extended outwards as he did his best not to rut her senseless right then and there. Little by little, he eventually got a full inch inside her. Then, just as slowly, another.   As Applejack felt the invading member get deeper inside her, a new feeling began to grow: pleasure. It was small at first, the pain of having something so large inside of her slowly ebbing away to make room for this new feeling. By the time the stallion was half inside her, her arms had given out. Her breasts were now being pressed against the stone as he continued to enter her, yet all she could do was whimper in delight.   “Yeah,” she whispered, egging him on to continue. “Keep going. Fill my tight ass with your cock.” At this point, Applejack didn’t care how it sounded. All she wanted was to be filled with his mammoth cock.   And then, it was done. All of Harvest’s cock was inside her, his ball sack pressed against her pussy. For awhile he stayed like that to allow her ass more time to get used to his rod. Then, after maybe a minute or two, he slowly began to pull out. It was much faster than when he had entered, but not by much. But the friction created by his movement caused them both to moan loudly.   “Oh buck,” moaned Harvest as he thrust back into her, causing Applejack to yelp in delight. “You’re so tight!”   Applejack couldn’t respond. Her eyes were rolling to the back of her head as Harvest began to pick up speed. With each thrust, it felt like he was getting in a little bit deeper. His ball sack hitting her pussy a little bit harder. Applejack could feel his hands rubbing the spot on her flank where her cutie marks were, massaging them. She could taste stone and lazily realized that her tongue must have fallen out of her mouth. But she didn’t care in the slightest. All she cared about now was the building orgasm inside of her.   Harvest’s thrusting was quickly approaching a rapid pace. Sweat was dripping down his chest and his breathing was becoming hard. He could feel the walls of her plothole tighten and squeeze, as if it were trying to help him cum. But despite how much he wanted, and he was so very close too, he wanted to make this last. So with his next thrust Harvest leaned forward until his chest was pressed against Applejack’s back, wrapped his powerful arms around her waist, and then leaned back. As he did, he moved his legs so that his lover was sitting on them while his hands moved to play with her firm mounds.   The feeling of her breasts getting squeezed pulled Applejack out of her funk. It didn’t take long for her to realize what had happened, causing her to smirk. Once she found some leg room, Applejack began to bounce up and down with Harvest’s hips matching her movement.   “Yeehaw!” she cried out, bouncing up and down while Harvest managed to pinch one of her nipples. Faster and faster she bounced, her hand reaching down to rub her clit in a desperate need for release. Then…   “I can’t hold on anymore!” cried Harvest. “I’m going to cum!”   “Cum inside me,” begged Applejack. “Fill my plot with your seed. Ah want it so bad. PLEASE CUM!”   With that, Harvest shot his biggest load into Applejack’s plothole. His seed shot into her depths like a firehose, painting her insides white. The feeling, mixed with her orgasm, was so intense that she threw her head backwards while arcing with so much force that the two fell backwards. As they landed, Applejack came from from the sheer amount of stimulation, her juices squirting all over the rocks and Harvest’s legs. For awhile the two lay there panting under the hot sun as they came down from cloud nine, Harvest’s dick still in her ass.   “That,” said Applejack finally, “was amazin’ sugarcube.”   “Yeah, it was,” replied Harvest. He was silent for a moment. “Can I ask something? Why did you want anal first? I mean, usually I heard mares…”   “Just a promise Ah made ta myself,” replied Applejack with a sigh. “Classmate of mine got knocked-up an had ta drop out of school. Caused a whole heap of stress for her and her family and eventually had to move out of Ponyville because of all the negativity from others at being pregnant so young. Never wanted ta do something like that ta my family so Ah said ta myself that Ah’d save that for mah weddin’ day, but I figured I could still enjoy myself,” Applejack finished with a sly wink   “Oh,” replied Harvest. “Well I hope one day that lucky stallion will be me.”   Applejack let out a little laugh. “Just promise me you won’t go leaving your life as a guard just ta be with me. Not that it ain’t flatterin’ in all, but ya shouldn’t have ta give up the job ya love just for little old me.”   “No worries there,” said Harvest. “Princess Luna has some big plans for Ponyville. Something about it being a hot spot for all kinds of trouble. I don’t know what she’s planning but whatever it is, it’s going to need a few guards. And, if you still want me by when we leave this island, I plan on putting in for a transfer.”   Applejack thought about it for a moment. Right now, it sounded like a mighty fine idea.   “Well,” said Applejack as she got up, cum dripping out of her ass as Harvest’s member left her. “Ah reckon we’d better get cleaned up. Don’t want ta show up at the house lookin’ like a mess.”   It was true. Both of their coats were matted with sweat and cum. Their manes were a mess and they reeked of sex. If anypony saw them like this, it would be obvious what the two had been doing: each other.   “Good idea,” said Harvest as he got onto his hooves. “I’ll join you.” And with that the two got into the water, temptation continuing to grow as they did. > The Last Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ‘Tomorrow is the last day,’ thought Luna with a sigh as she sliced some carrots for a late night snack. While they weren’t as neat or as cleanly sliced as Applejack’s, she was certain nopony would complain.   Speaking of whom, Luna turned to look at the farming mare who was also in the kitchen whipping up some hot apple cider. Applejack was still wearing the same green bikini she had been wearing all week, but she no longer seemed ashamed to be wearing it. Her posture, the way she slowly sashayed her hips and tail in front of a certain stallion, and even the way she sat said that she was now more comfortable wearing such revealing attire.   A small smile appeared on Luna’s face as she remembered the conversation the two of them had a few days ago. Applejack and Harvest had returned to the beach house after their very first romp, and it was easy for the adults to tell what had happened given the way AJ was walking. While Apple Bloom left to collect sea shells to make necklaces for her friends, Luna pulled Applejack into the kitchen as Big Mac gestured Harvest to follow him. Most likely to give the clichéd, “big brother” talk.   Once in the kitchen, Luna went over the questions like what did they did and how it was. Each answer was followed by a large blush from the farming mare. When she was done asking questions, Luna told Applejack that if she ever needed help she could come to her for advice.   After that, things became… interesting, to say the least. With both relationships now in the open, there was very little reason to hide them. Well, at least from each other. It was Apple Bloom who they needed to hide their more debaucherous actions from. Luckily this proved to be very simple. One couple always stayed near Apple Bloom if the other ever went off to have some fun. Also the couple that left had to make sure that they were either far away from the group; whether it be the waterfall or locking themselves in the bedroom.   “And no more humping in the kitchen!” Luna had declared during their chat, following the explanation of the desire to not find suspicious fluids that may or may not end up in their food...   Then after Apple Bloom went to bed, the adults would gather around like they were doing right now to play dirty games. Apparently Celestia had numerous board games like Screw; a sexualized version of the game Clue. Or they would make up their own games. Strip poker only went so far, then Luna decided—once everyone had removed their clothes, that the lowest value hand of cards, i.e. the loser, had to pick someone that wasn’t their other half to declare a sexual act their partner had to perform; like one partner eating out the other, or sucking on their dick. Another game their liked to play was called Brink. It was played with pairs of however many, but this case was two teams of two. With each pair, one was a giver and the other was the receiver. The giver’s job was to push the receiver almost to the edge of an orgasm without the receiver cumming. The receiver, however, was not allowed to give any sign that he or she was about to cum. In other words, they had to remain still as possible while getting pleasured.  After a few hours of these games, the couples headed up to their bedrooms for more private fun. Applejack, who had taken Luna up on her offer, had been trying on various kinds of sexy attire that the moon princess had helped pick out. Sometimes, after Harvest had come out of the shower, he would find Applejack waiting on the bed dressed in sexy lingerie that she would normally be too ashamed to wear. Sometimes she would wear a laced corset that stopped just below her boobs with fishnet stockings, and other times she would wear a bra and panty set with heart shaped cut outs around her nipples as well as her pussy. Every night, Applejack would wear one of these types of outfits before finally falling asleep, naked, after all their fun next to Harvest, both covered in each other’s sweat and fluids. Then there were the toys. The closet had many, many different types of sex toys which the two liked to try out. Mostly Applejack liked to stick to the anal beads, but they did try out some of the light bondage gear from time to time. Nothing painful, just handcuffs and ball gags to restrict movement. As for Luna and Big Mac, their lovemaking was simple, yet still extremely passionate. Each night the two would explore the others bodies, learning what pleased the other as if making a map of the erogenous zones on each body. They didn’t bother with anything extra, all they needed was each other and that was enough to make them cum time after time until they both passed out from exhaustion.   Luna didn’t bother to hide the blush on her face as she remembered her favorite time with Big Mac, other than their first of course. It had been the other day and Luna was in the shower cleaning off the sand from her body. She saw Mac enter the bathroom and she beckoned him to join her. The night princess trembled slightly as she remembered his firm yet soapy hands as they moved around her body under the pretense of cleaning it. Soon she found herself pressed against the glass door, her breasts flattened and in full view for anypony walking in to see as Big Mac took her from behind. It was an indescribable feeling. Just thinking about it caused a drip of Luna’s arousal to leak from her pussy and down her leg. Once the snacks were finished, the two mares brought them into the family room where the stallions were waiting on different love couches, a table separating the two. Both Luna and Applejack placed the food they had prepared on the table before sitting next to their respective lover.   “So what are we going to do tomorrow?” asked Harvest as he picked up a mug of hot apple cider and a carrot stick.   “We could just do whatever we feel like,” said Mac before taking a bite out of his carrot stick.   “Come on big fella,” said AJ. “It’s our last day here and we gotta make it count!”   “Well,” said Luna, drawing the attention of everypony there. “There is something that I would like to do.”   “What’s that, Luna?” asked Applejack.   “I was thinking that we spend the day without any clothes on,” the princess said. This earned her several odd expressions from her friends. They all seemed to scream ‘are you crazy?’.   Harvest was the first to recover. “Princess, I mean no disrespect, but why’s that?” he asked.   Luna picked up her drink and took a sip. “I guess because this will be the last time we will ever get to do something like this,” she said. “We’re on an island where we can do almost whatever we want with nopony to judge us. So let’s dispense all sense of modesty for one day and walk around naked like our ancestors did. Plus, don’t you think it’ll be kinky?”   “Uh, Luna, we can’t do that,” said Big Mac. “Apple Bloom is here and it wouldn’t be right to lock her in her room.”   “Darn tootin’ right it’s not,” agreed Applejack while Harvest nodded.   “Oh don’t worry about that,” asked Luna with a grin. “I have a plan.”     “This is gonna be so much fun!” exclaimed Apple Bloom as she jumped up and down, still dressed in her swim wear. Standing next to her was Luna with a grin on her face while Harvest, Big Mac, and Applejack stood before them with AJ looking a little worried.   “Now ya both be safe now ya hear,” she said. “Ah want ya ta stay close ta Princess Luna. No running off now, ya hear?”   “Come on Applejack,” said Apple Bloom as she looked towards the door. “We’re just goin’ into the forest.”   “Where ya nearly got eaten,” reminded Applejack sternly, crossing her arms as she did so.   “That is why I’m going with her,” said Luna, who hadn’t lost her smile. “I can watch over her and keep her safe in case there are any more surprises that my sister forgot to tell me about. And I can teach her a few things about wilderness survival and how to protect herself. Don’t worry, she’s in good hands.”   Harvest let out sigh. “It’s true,” he said while turning to look at his marefriend. “Princess Luna regularly goes out into far worse areas of Equestria to fight monsters and the like. She’s taken several courses in wilderness survival from some of the best in Equestria.”   Applejack bit her bottom lip. “That may be true an’ all,” she said before letting out a defeated sigh and patting Apple Bloom on the head. “Ya both just be careful.”   With that, Luna and Apple Bloom said their goodbye’s before walking out the door. A moment or two after they left the three remaining adults heard hoof steps walking down the stairs. When they turned around they saw Princess Luna standing naked before them with a satisfied smirk on her face. With a hand on her hip, she leaned against the doorway while wearing an expression that said ‘so what are you all waiting for’. Taking the hint, all of them began to strip out what little clothing they were wearing.   “Ya sure that illusion can take care of Bloom?” asked Applejack as she undid her top, letting the twins out for all to see.   “For the last time, it isn’t an illusion spell,” said Luna as she rolled her eyes. “It’s called the doppelganger spell.” Luna’s eyes then began to glow bright white and her mane began to become longer until it reached the floor. Then another Luna walked out of her mane with a smile on her face. As the original Luna’s mane began to shrink the second Luna walked over to Applejack, took hold of her bikini bottom, and pulled it down.   “What the?” cried out Applejack as the stallions watched with their mouths hanging.   “This is the same spell used against Rainbow Dash when she was trying to fix the bridge to get you all to the Castle of the Two Sisters,” said the second Luna. “It’s also the spell that allows me to watch over the dreams of foals while also being able to fight monsters. The doppelganger spell makes a physical copy of me with all of my memories and skills.”   “And that’s not all,” said the original with a grin. She snapped her fingers and her mane connected with her clone’s mane. When that happened the clone’s body seemed be sucked back into the mane. “When the clone is returned, I receive all of her memories so I will know what happened while she was away from me. This way, when I next see Apple Bloom, I will know everything that ‘we’ did together.”   “Wow, that trick must come in handy,” said Applejack as she stepped out of her bikini bottom. “Sure wish ah was a unicorn now. Trick like be mighty useful durin’ apple bucking season.”   “It has its uses, but it has its drawbacks,” admitted Luna. “Each time I use it, I am literally cutting my magic and soul in half with each copy. If I make too many both me and my copies will be too weak to do anything. I might even die. That’s why I try never to go about six at once.”   “Now ah don’t want that,” said Big Mac as he moved to step next to Luna. The two looked each other in the eye for a moment before kissing the other passionately.   “You have nothing to fear, my love,” said Luna after they pulled apart. “I would never put myself in that kind of position. Not now when I have somepony like you in my life.” Her words caused all of the adults in the room to blush.   “So,” said Harvest, drawing attention to himself. “We’re all naked. Now what?”   “Ah bet the water’s nice,” said Applejack with a smile.   With that, the four of them made their way out of the cabin onto the sandy beach. Once outside, they could all feel something was different than before. From a young age, they had been told that it wasn’t decent to walk around naked. That they should at least cover their private areas and only show those to somepony they loved. Most of them had expected to feel shame or something similar as soon as they walked out the door.   That, however, wasn’t the cause. It was very odd, but they felt… free. Like something primal inside of them had begun to rise inside of them, telling them that this was the way it should be. To show off their cutie marks proudly for all to see as well as display their bodies.   Soon the four were in the water, playing like they were all foals again but not caring. They swam and splashed each other, laughing more than the others times they had done the same during the week. At one point, Big Mac hoisted Luna onto his shoulders and felt her naked sex press against his neck. This caused Luna to laugh, her arms stretched out towards the sky as her nipples became hard for all to see while her breasts bounced freely before the two fell into the water.   Soon they found themselves playing a new game. Big Mac and Harvest took Applejack by her hands and hooves before swinging her back and forth. Once they felt they had enough momentum, they released her so that she went flying towards the water. Once she swam back it was Luna’s turn. Then Applejack and Luna switched with the guys. There was no score to see who could be flung the farthest or anything like that. They were too busy laughing to be bothered by such little details.   After a few hours of playing in the water, Luna suggested a volleyball tournament. Stallions versus mares, with the losers having to make the winners a snack.   “Ha, there’s no way we can lose,” said Applejack, her breasts freely bouncing with each step. Things, however, did not go as well as she suspected. Several times, the two mares hit the ball so hard it went out of bounds. Other times they crashed into each other, landing on top of the other in the process. Sure, they managed to put up a good fight, but in the end they lost by six points.   “Well, we’d better get cleaned up before we make you colts a snack,” said Luna as she winked at the stallions. She then wrapped an arm around Applejack’s shoulder and led her into the cabin.   “Still can’t believe we lost,” muttered Applejack as they walked into the kitchen and headed towards the cabinets. “Ah mean, we had one of the most athletic earth ponies from Ponyville and a thousand year old alicorn on our team. How could we lose?”   “First,” said Luna as she pulled out some chocolate sauce from fridge, “one of us was a little over confident going in. Second, just because I’m old or an alicorn doesn’t mean I have unlimited experience in all things. I hate it when ponies assume that.”   Applejack’s ears flatten against her skull. “Oh, sorry,” she said sheepishly. “Ah guess ah never thought of it like that. Must get pretty annoying.”   Luna rolled her eyes as she pulled out some strawberries. “You have no idea,” she said. “But, to be honest, I was hoping we’d lose.”   “Say what?!” yelled Applejack. “Ya mean ya threw the match?”   “Nope,” said Luna while pulling out some whip cream.   “They why did ya hope we’d lose,” asked Applejack. She then eyed the stuff Luna had pulled out before looking at the Princess herself, who was looking at Applejack like a hungry predator.   “Because I wanted us both to try something I read and make it a surprise for the stallions out there,” she said right before she grabbed Applejack’s wrist. “Now, let’s get you cleaned up properly.” Meanwhile, Harvest and Big Mac were at the outdoor showers, cleaning off the sweat and sand from their bodies. For the longest time, the two washed in silence only occasionally glancing at the other. Finally, Mac said something.   “Ah don’t know how Ah’m gonna get by once this week is over,” he said as he turned off the water.   “Going to miss paradise too much?” asked Harvest as he did the same.   “Nnope,” said Mac as he grabbed a nearby towel and began to dry off with Harvest a step behind him. “It’s Luna. Ah…Ah know we’ll still see each other. But she’ll be in Canterlot and Ah’ll be in Ponyville. Suppose it could be worse like me being in Appleloosa or somethin’ like that, but there’s still a difference and we won’t be able to see each other all that often. And when we do Ah’ll most likely be tired and unable to give her the attention she deserves.”   Harvest, surprisingly, smiled at this. “Sounds like you really love her,” he said while planting a hand on the other stallions shoulder.   “Eeyup,” replied Big Mac.   “Well then, as far as I know, all of those worries comes with the territory,” said Harvest. “This might sound cheesy but making love work may be hard but is rewarding. Heck, I’m going to be transferring to Ponyville once I get back home so I can be with AJ. The job will be slightly different but I really don’t care as long as I can be there to make her as happy as she makes me.”   Big Mac nodded slightly as the two walked towards the cabin, thinking about what the thestral had said. Thoughts began to swirl in his head about possibly starting up his own farm outside of Canterlot. It would take time, and a lot of bits to purchase land so close to the capital, but it would be worth it to be closer to-   Big Mac’s thoughts stopped abruptly when he saw the ‘treat’ Luna had planned for them. Lying on the kitchen floor were the two mares, decorated in a way that caused both of their members to stiffen. Mac kept his eyes glued on Luna who was lying on her back and had used whipped cream on naked body to cover her breasts and pussy like a bikini with two juicy red strawberries were her nipples were. Also, around her neck was chocolate sauce that gave her the appearance that she was wearing a necklace.   While Big Mac licked his lips at the sight of Luna, Harvest moved towards Applejack. Unlike Luna, Applejack was lying face down with her head raised and ass raised. Her hands were holding her ass cheeks apart, revealing that her tail hole was covered with whipped cream and a single strawberry. And her legs, they had strands of whip cream and chocolate sauce running down them.   Next to the mares were more toppings for the two to add as they wished. There were apple slices cut into quarters, bananas, more chocolate sauce, sprinkles, two cans of whipped cream, oats, and so much more. “Come and dig in,” said Luna in a husky voice. Nothing more needed to be said as the two stallions went towards their respective mare to enjoy their ‘treat’.   Big Mac was the first to dig in, going for Luna’s chocolate necklace first. Sticking out his tongue he gave it a long lick, lapping up the sauce while causing Luna to throw her head back and moan. Smirking at this, Mac continued his assault as he licked every inch of her throat until there was nothing left. But still he hungered for more. He brought his lips to Luna’s neck and began to kiss and suck on it, tasting the chocolate that still lingered in her coat until he could taste it no longer. Then he would move to another spot and try again. Luna had her eyes closed tightly as he did this, doing her best not to buck her hips or move in a way that would cause the toppings on her body to be disturbed. But she found it so hard not to bringer her fingers down to her lower lips and stimulate herself.   Luckily she didn’t have to. Big Mac reached over to where the additional toppings were and took an apple slice. He then brought it down to her trembling pussy and pushed it in causing her to open her eyes in surprise. Despite being out for a few minutes in the hot kitchen the apple slices were still chilled and made a distinct contrast to her warm pussy. Mac released the hold his lips had on her neck as he moved the slice around, coating it with her flowing juices. Finally he removed it and while Luna moaned in disappointment he brought it to his mouth and took a bite.   “Mmm,” he said in delight. “Might just become my favorite flavor of apple.” With that, he finished the slice before going down to kiss Luna while placing a hand on her right breast. He began to squeeze and knead it, crushing the strawberry on it in the process and smearing all over breast as well as mixing it with the whipped cream. Luna, for her part, wrapped her arms around his head as to keep them locked together as she tasted the snack he just ate as well as a bit of herself. She also spread her legs a bit more to further invite her lover and coltfriend.   Off to the side, Applejack was letting out small whines and moans. Harvest had started with her legs and thighs, lapping up both the chocolate and whipped cream at the same time. He nipped, sucked, and licked the powerful legs of his marefriend with the knowledge that it excited her. And he knew it was working. It wasn’t just the noises she was making, but he paid attention to her pussy out of the corner of his eye. He watched in growing satisfaction as Applejack’s juices began to run down her legs. He could also see her arms shaking, doing her best to keep her flank cheeks open so as not to ruin the ‘main dish’.   ‘I think that’ll do’, he thought as got up onto his knees and licked his lips. He moved himself between Applejack’s legs and once he had gotten into position his hands moved down to AJ’s firm flank in a way that would keep them open for him. This also allowed Applejack to lower her arms so that they could rest.   Licking his lips, Harvest moved his head down towards his marefriend’s plot-hole. Once he was close enough he used to his tongue to pick up the strawberry before bringing it into his mouth. He quickly chewed the sweet fruit, not really caring to savour it, for he hungered for something more primal. Once the fruit had been swallowed he began to lap up the whipped cream only to discover that her hole had been covered with chocolate sauce.   The thestral was not put off by this sight. Ever since he and Applejack began seeing each other, she had always made sure that her back door was clear for their love making. It was the only way he’d lick that hole. So he knew that, if Applejack wanted him to focus on that hole, she would have made sure it was clean for him.   With a slight smirk, Harvest began to lick Applejack’s anus causing her to whine with pure delight. She then began to pound the floor with her fists as her body trembled in pleasure as Harvest’s tongue swirled around her hole. Over and over, round and round it went. Harvest continued to his assault while Applejack’s cry’s spurred him on.   Over with Big Mac and Luna, the red stallion had moved lower on the goddess’ perfect body. His tongue had finished lapping up the whipped cream and strawberry on her left breast to reveal a rock hard nipple that was just begging to be played with. He could also feel the other one, rock hard as well, underneath the palm of his hand. Skillfully he twirled his tongue around the left one while he continued to knead the right breast   Luna let out small, pleading whimpers. Each time his tongue circled her tit she felt small ripples of pleasure in her chest. And with each passing moment she felt them growing more intense. Luna could feel her juices leaking out, some of the whipped cream sliding off from her juices coating her nethers.   She then threw her head back, a primal scream escaping her mouth as she did so. For Big Mac had stopped his actions with his tongue and instead brought the tit into his mouth to bite it. It wasn’t a hard bite, more like a nibble. But her nipple was so hard, so sensitive at that moment she almost came right there.   As Luna lay there panting, Big Mac managed to get up and move towards where the extra toppings were. He then picked up the chocolate bottle and drizzled a hearty amount onto his member. When he turned to show it to his princess, Luna’s mouth watered at the sight of Big Macintosh’s chocolate-coated cock as a few stray drips of the delicious treat dripped to the floor. The look in her eyes screamed that she wanted it more than anything else at that moment. Mac smiled at her as he got on top of her and placed his rod between her breasts. Lifting her head off the floor, Luna was able to take about an inch of his member into her watering mouth while her hands pressed against her breasts. Luna then began to suck as furiously as she could on Big Mac’s cock, bobbing her head slightly as she did. As the pressure increased between her breasts, Luna then added her tongue to the mix as the twirled it around the tip of his dick. At first, Mac’s eyes widened followed by a throaty groan. The feeling of what Luna was doing to his cock… it was next to impossible to explain. It look every ounce of willpower he had not to start thrusting into her mouth as he felt his precum began to leak out.   “Oohhh,” Luna cooed as she felt Big Mac’s tangy fluid on her tongue, causing her to release the cock from her mouth while making a loud popping noise. “Looks like my big, strong stallion likes that. Tell me how much you like this. Keep moaning for me, baby.” As Luna finished that last sentence, she stuck out her tongue and licked the cocks slit while her eyes locked onto Mac’s.   The stallion couldn’t take it any longer. Without warning he began to thrust his dick into her mouth, ignoring the chocolate-covered breasts. At first, Luna looked shocked before her sultry expression returned. Slowly his thrusts went deeper into her mouth, Luna licking off every trace of chocolate she could find until she felt him hit the back of her throat. She wanted more, to get more pleasure as well as give it.   Soon it became too much for the stallion as he grabbed the back of his beloved princess’s head. With one final thrust he shot his first load into her mouth causing Luna’s eyes to roll into the back of her head in pure ecstasy. Luna did her best to swallow it all but there was just so much. In the end a bits of his cum began to leak out from her lips before finally swallowing as much as she could. Above her, Big Mac was panting slightly, sliding out and nestling his rod back between her breasts ready for another go.   However, Big Mac slid down Luna’s body so that the two were face to face. Once they were, he kissed her with the same great passion he always gave her when they made love, not being bothered in the slightest that a moment ago his seed filled her mouth. The two began a passionate make-out session, the kind that caused them to ignore all that was around them and instead focused on each other. This was the way Luna believed love should be and Big Mac always believed.   Back with the other couple, Applejack was no longer able to keep quiet under the assault that was Harvest’s rim job. The poor mare could only take so much as her stallion’s tongue continued to lick her rear, resulting in very loud moans that were almost screams of pleasure. More than once did her eyes roll into the back of her head as her own orgasm neared, only to be put off as Harvest slowed down or simply paused to allow her to calm down a bit.   In short, it was sexual torture.   It was when Harvest stopped that Applejack let out a whine. She turned her to look back so to see Harvest smirking at her. Applejack opened her mouth to say something but was quieted when she felt his fingers near her hole, spreading it slightly. Harvest then moved his head down towards Applejack’s plot and soon she felt his tongue buried in her asshole   Applejack’s head began to roll around and she was certain that, for a moment at least, she became crossed eyes. This was a new experience for her. Several times before Harvest had given her a rim job and she loved every one, but never before had she had a tongue in there before. While it didn’t go as deep as a cock could, the way it swirled around and wiggled was just mind blowing. After several minutes of this, Applejack’s body convulsed as she came hard while screaming at the top of her lungs.   As she came down from her orgasmic high, a heavily panting Applejack took notice of how sweaty she and the others were becoming. Sweat matted their fur and she could feel some dripping from her nipples. Whatever food was still on them was either falling off or was smeared and watered down against their coats.   Harvest, meanwhile, pulled his head back from the mare’s impressive flank while licking his lips. Apparently somepony hand managed to candy-coat her insides as well making this quite the treat for him. And seeing how much the mare he loved enjoy his actions drove him on while forgetting that he wanted to draw this out as long as possible.   Still, Harvest knew who he was dealing with. He knew Applejack’s limits from all their past playtimes and he could tell just by looking at her that she wasn’t done; that she could go several more rounds.   So once more he spread her ass with his fingers which was easy thanks to all the times it had been stretched before. He then brought his cock to the entrance before ramming it in. He felt Applejack tremble and heard her moan in her sweet voice. He felt the walls of her anal passage tighten and squeeze his member tightly while feeling its warmth. He then leaned forward until his chest was against her back while AJ turned her head to once more look at him. Once she was in position Harvest captured her mouth with his own, kissing her while at the same time pulling out a bit before thrusting back in. Applejack moan in his mouth and again when she felt a hand begin to grope her breast, squeezing her nipple while he thrusted into her.   Over with Luna and Big Mac, the red stallion had moved down the alicorn’s body and was eating her out. With each lick, Big Mac savored the pure taste of his goddess with the fruit this time. He nibbled at her pussy lips several times followed up by returning to run his tongue around her snatch. Every once in a while he would aim for the nub above those winking lips, giving it a light lick so as to not set her off. As he did this, Luna was in a state of ecstasy. Her body thrashed back and forth while she did her best to keep her flank on the ground so she wouldn’t interrupt Big Mac’s work. Her large, perky breasts swayed back and forth until her hands grabbed them so that they could get the attention that Mac couldn’t provide. She squeezed them and played with her nipples, drawing out further pleasure until she could take no more.   “Please,” she said in a begging tone. “I need you inside of me.”   At this, Mac stopped in mid lick. He lifted his head before giving the night princess a knowing smile. He moved his body up, pressing it against Luna’s until they were face to face while a hand held his cock so that it could enter her  canal. Once everything was set, he entered her slowly so that they could savor every second. Both closed their eyes as they enjoyed the sensation of being connected like this. It wasn’t until Mac was fully hilted inside Luna, filling her completely, that they opened their eyes.   Before Big Mac could begin thrusting, Luna leaned forwards and whispered something into his ear. He looked uncertain for a moment but decided to try and do his best. He wrapped his strong arms around Luna’s waist and pulled up while at the same time moving his legs so that, in the end, he was able to sit on his legs. Luna, for her part, wrapped her legs around Mac’s waist while at the same time taking hold of his broad shoulders for support. For a moment the two stayed where they were, adjusting to this new position. Because of how their bodies were situated, Luna’s nipples were touching Big Mac’s lips. Not only that but she felt Mac’s cock going deeper into her body.   Then, Luna began to move. It was small at first as she tested the waters. As she descended, she felt greater pleasure as Mac’s member hit her sweet spot. She threw her head back and began to go faster and faster, picking up speed with every bounce. While this happened, Mac stared as if mesmerized by Luna’s tit as it too bounced in front of him and touched his lips. Eventually he could no longer contain himself and clamped onto it, sucking on it like a newborn foal. This caused Luna to let go of the shoulders and instead wrap her arms around Mac’s head, pressing him closer to her chest.   Over with Applejack, she wore the expression of pure bliss. Her eyes were unfocused as her mouth hung open, her tongue hanging out while drool fell to the ground. Harvest was moving faster and faster, slapping her ass every once in a while giving her surges of pleasure that felt like electric shocks.All that mattered right now was the pleasure high she was on as it grew more intense with each thrust until finally she could take no more. As Harvest thrusted into her Applejack came hard, her ass clenching tightly as her juices gushed from her pussy. The feeling on her anal walls tightening around his cock caused Harvest to cum as well, shooting his load deep into his marefriend before pulling out and falling onto his back.   But Applejack wasn’t done. Something primal in her spurred causing her to turn around and take hold of the semi hard member. Without wasting a moment she took the cock in her mouth, tasting the cum on it and purring. Yet this wasn’t enough. She wanted more. She wanted to feel his hot life juice as it shot into her mouth. So she then began to suck on it while her head bobbed up and down so that she could get more of his seed. And despite having already cum, Harvest felt himself get hard as another orgasm slowly approached.   Within the next several minutes, both parties reached their own climaxes. Luna felt Big Mac shoot his load deep into the depths of her body. The feeling of this caused her eyes to roll into the back of her head as she let out a deep throaty groan and cumming herself. The walls of her pussy tightened, milking Mac’s cock of every drop of his cum before he fell backwards with his princess still on top of him. Both breathed heavily and embraced each other as they calmed down. As for Applejack, her efforts paid off as Harvest shot his own load into her mouth. She took the cock out of her mouth to swallow what she had just as several more large ropes of the white fluid shot out again, hitting her in the face almost looking like she was wearing a white mask. When Harvest had finally finished his cock went limp and Applejack, too tired to even scope up the cum on her face, fell besides him.   For the longest time, the four adults just lay there panting. The only things that moved were their stomachs as well as their eyes. And they could clearly see that they were all a mess. All of their coats were matted with sweat, cum, and smeared with the remains of food. Their manes too were a mess, except for Luna’s which still seemed to move on a constant breeze. The scent of sex permeated their bodies and the air.   Then the sound of a stomach rumbling was heard, but nopony had the strength to look in his or her direction.   “I think we’d better get cleaned up,” said Luna after a while as she slowly got up, Big Mac’s cum running down her legs.   “Luna, look at all of them!” cried Apple Bloom as she looked into the trees above them and pointed. The Luna clone looked up to see that the branches above them were covered by hundreds of rainbow colored cocoons. Each one of them glistened with bright colors that only the most skilled painters in Equestria could manage to reproduce.   “Remarkable,” said Luna with a smile as she took in their beauty.   “Do ya know what they are?” asked Apple Bloom eagerly.   This caused Luna to frown. “Sadly no,” she replied. “I have a far greater knowledge of animal life that dwells during the night than that of the day.” She then let out a sigh as she looked down at Apple Bloom. “I’m sorry I can’t be more helpful.”   “Nah, it’s alright,” said the younger filly. “Ah was just curious, that’s all.”   Luna smiled as the two continued to walk, relieved that she wasn’t asked why a pony who had been alive for over a thousand years didn’t know everything. Personally, she found it rather short sighted of some ponies to assume such things. The world was indeed vast with plenty of areas that hadn’t been fully explored, with new creatures constantly springing up that neither she nor her sister had ever seen. Heck, there were teachers out there that didn’t know everything about the subjects that they teach.   ‘It also doesn’t help that I was sealed in the moon for a thousand years,’ thought Luna.   After walking for a while the two came to a grassy hill overlooking a calm river. Nothing was special about it, other than it looked like a comfortable place to sit down and rest their hooves. The two sat down, pulled out several apples that Luna had packed for their trip, and began to eat.   Apple Bloom took a bite out of her apple, eager to finish it and continue her adventure. So far she had been having so much fun! Their journey had led them to walk across bridges that were nothing more than giant trees that had fallen over the rivers, and swinging across on vines too. And despite Luna not knowing about the bugs they had seen, she had taught Apple Bloom a lot. Luna had taught her about various mosses and how some of them can be used to tell directions or when there was water nearby. Then she pointed out plants that a pony could eat if they were lost in the woods with no other source of food.   But so far the best lesson she had been taught was how to defend herself. It had started when Apple Bloom had picked up a stick and began swinging it around like a sword, attacking enemies that only she could see. When Luna told her to stop the young filly thought that she was in trouble and would soon be getting a lecture. Well, she got a lecture alright! Luna told her that the stick she was better suited to be used as a staff weapon instead of a piercing one. She then began to show Bloom how to hold it, moving her hand in just the right way as well as correcting her stance. Once that was done, Luna began to tell her how to use that stick to strike down all sorts of creatures in self-defense.   ‘Ah still can’t believe that she showed me that,’ thought Apple Bloom as she took another bite. ‘Heck, if Applejack had been here she would have told me it ain’t safe and that she’d protect me.’ As she finished that thought a frown appeared on Apple Bloom’s face. One that was quickly noticed by Luna.   “Is everything alright, Apple Bloom?” asked Luna out of concern.   “Luna,” began Apple Bloom as she looked over at the night princess, “did Princess Celestia every treat you like a foal when you were growing up?”   Luna blinked in surprise. ‘Well that’s a new one,’ she thought. ‘Normally when ponies ask me about my past it’s usually about me and Nightmare Moon. Kind of refreshing.’ As Luna thought about the best way to answer she laid down onto the grass, staring into the cloudless sky above them.   “No,” said Luna after a minute. “She always treated me like I was an adult.”   “Bet that was nice,” commented Apple Bloom.   “Not really,” said Luna with a sigh. “She was acted like I was capable of solving my own problems and left it up to me to figure things out. Never really getting involved too much. I guess she trusted me and felt I was mature enough to do it, but sometimes I, when I really needed her help, she wasn’t there.”   “Like when?” asked Bloom.   Luna let out another sigh. “Well there was the time she tried to help me make more friends. See, for years the two of us played in the Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters; just the two of us. Even when Celestia was busy with work she would always take an hour or two off just to spend time with me. Then, one day, she out of the blue said she couldn’t and left me alone. So I played in the castle by myself but it wasn’t the same. I felt so… lonely. The next day it was the same. And then the next. Eventually I went to see her, but when I found her she was having fun with Starswirl. “I was so mad at her for not inviting me. I confronted her to let her know how I felt but all she said was that it was time that we made new friends. But I didn’t know how to do that. You saw how clueless I was on Nightmare Night. I tried and tried, but every time was met with failure. And when I went back to talk to Celestia about it and ask her for advice, she said that she knew I had it in me to figure things out on my own. So I kept trying until, finally, I gave up.” “Wow and here Ah thought Princess Celestia was more helpful like,” said Bloom as she tossed the core of her apple away.   “That’s the thing about her teaching method,” said Luna. “Celestia… she believes that she always knows what ponies are capable of. That they have it inside of themselves to solve difficult problems. But sometimes she overestimates a pony’s abilities or knowledge.” Luna then got up into a sitting position. “Now, if you don’t mind me asking, what brought up this question?”   “Well...” began Apple Bloom as she looked down. “Lately Ah’ve been tryin’ ta do more stuff on my own like a grown up pony would. Like a while back ah was left home alone ta do the chores while everypony else had to go out of town. But Applejack came back and started treating my like a baby, putting two helmets on my head. In the end, ah had to do her delivery just ta show ah could take care of myself. And every once in a while, she still gets like that thinkin’ that ah’m not old enough or not ready enough.”   For a moment, Luna just looked at Apple Bloom as she took in what the filly had said. Then, slowly, Luna smiled before patting her on the head.   “I guess all younger sisters have to deal with this,” said Luna. “Big sisters are the ones who are supposed to help us prepare for the world. To teach their younger siblings even when they themselves don’t know how to. Or even when they’re not ready to.”   “Ya think Applejack doesn’t want me to grow up?” asked the younger Apple sister.   “More like she isn’t ready for you to grow up,” said Luna gently.   “Huh...” said Apple Bloom as she looked up at the sky. “Ah never thought of like that.” She then looked over at Luna and gave her an odd smile.   “What’s this about?” asked Luna with a raised eyebrow.   “Nothing,” said Apple Bloom. “Just that ah kind of think you’d make a good big sis. Wouldn’t mind havin’ another.”     It was later in the day and the two couples were lying on beach towels, their bodies glistening with tanning oils. Before them was the ocean which they listened to as it roared. Above them the sea gulls cried out as they looked for food.   After the sex escapade in the kitchen the four of them had washed up. Separately of course, for they were too tired to have another round at the moment and didn’t want the temptation. Then after they had all cleaned themselves off they went to work in the kitchen cleaning up the mess while opening a window to air out the smell. After all, they didn’t want Apple Bloom asking questions that they didn’t want to answer.   Once that was done, the four of them had a real meal. Applejack had cut up several apples and began cooking them on a pan while Luna made several daisy sandwiches. The stallions didn’t sit idle but instead prepared the drinks and set the table. Once everything was set they ate in order to regain their strength.   After their meal, the four spent several hours playing in the water. One such activity was a boat ride that was powered by Luna, followed by Harvest, pushing them from behind at great speed. They then did some snorkeling, examining the fish that surrounded the island as well as all of the life that existed on the ocean’s floor.   And now, they were relaxing in the embrace of their lovers.   “What a day,” said Harvest as he looked over at Applejack. When the mare turned to look at him he surprised her with a heated kiss. Applejack moaned as she wrapped her arms around him, pressing her body against him so that he could feel her hard nipples against his skin.   “Looks like someponies are ready for another go,” said Luna as she looked at them.   “Eeyup,” agreed Big Mac with a nod. He then closed his eyes so that he could better savor Luna’s hand as it gently landed on his chest and moved downwards until it landed on his slowly hardening cock.   “Let’s show them who’s better at this as I make you cum hard,” said Luna before kissing Mac’s neck.   “Them sounds like fighting words,” said Applejack as she pulled away from Harvest.   “Just stating a fact,” replied Luna, not bothering to look at Applejack. Instead she began to nuzzle Mac’s neck. “I know for certain that I can make Big Mac cum harder than you can make Harvest.”   “Oh it is on!” said Applejack right before she turned to look at Harvest with a predatory look in her eyes that silenced any protest he might have had. He then watched as Applejack licked her lips before moving down his body, kissing and licking his fur as she made her way down to his crotch. Once there she took hold of Harvest’s cock in one hand and began to stroke it while at the same time licking his ball sack.   “Now ya done it,” sighed Big Mac knowing that Luna had triggered Applejack’s competitive side. Luna, however, didn’t seem worried about it. Instead she gave him a sultry smile as her eyes began to glow white.   “Not yet I haven’t,” she said in a husky voice that nearly made him shudder in delight.   “But I know that you’ll enjoy yourself when I have,” said a voice next to him that sounded exactly like Luna. He turned his head to his other side and, sure enough, there was another naked Luna next to him giving him the same look as the original. Together as one they began kissing, licking, and nibbling driving the stallion wild in delight. Even in his wildest dreams he never thought this was possible. But then again who would ever dream about having sex with twin Princess Luna’s on the beach.   Slowly the two moved down from his neck towards his nipples. There they each took one in their mouths where they then began to circle them with their tongues. As they did this, their hands roared his well-muscled body in a gentle caress. Mac cried out loudly as his cock shot up nice and hard faster than it had ever done so before.   ‘Now that just ain’t fair,’ thought Applejack as she spied on what Luna was doing while sucking on one of Harvest’s balls. As she did this she continued to stroke his still hardening member. ‘Looks like ah should up mah game somehow.’ Applejack thought about what she should do, going over what she knew she wouldn’t do along with the things she had yet to fully embrace. Then she decided.   “Ya like that Harvest?” she asked in her sexiest after releasing his ball from her mouth, making a popping noise as she did. “Ya like having your heavy ball sac in mah warm mouth?” She paused to give his sack a lick. “Ah can’t wait ta get mah hands on your cum. Ah can’t wait ta have it fill mah mouth an ass until they overflow. Would ya like ta see that, Sugarcube?”   “Yessss,” Harvest hissed in delight as he felt his cock stiffen completely. Applejack smiled as she looked up and saw that precum had begun to form at the tip of his penis. Licking her lips, Applejack moved her head so that her tongue could take the fluid into her mouth before beginning to circle around the head. Over and over and around and round it went causing Harvest to buck his hips slightly.   Over with Big Mac, the two Luna’s had also made their way down to their stallion’s cock. They, however, had a different idea on how to get his cum. Each one placed their hands underneath their breasts and parted them as they moved their lovely mounds together with Mac’s penis in the middle. Once everything was in place, the Luna’s moved their hands so that they were more to the side to press them against his member, adding pressure. While it wasn’t the same type of pressure he would normally get from a normal boob job, it was still enjoyable.   But what came next was something that he knew he would remember for the rest of his life. Both Luna’s stuck out their tongues so that they could use them to taste his meat. At first they stay on their own side, licking it up and down as their breasts moved in the same fashion. After a few minutes of this, they changed their attack plan. The Luna on the right (the original) moved her head so that she could suck on the cock’s head, tasting the precum as well as sucking on it so she could get more. While that was going on the Luna on the left (the clone) began to wrap her tongue around his shaft.   Big Mac did his best to fight his impending orgasm. But it was difficult. So very difficult as the Luna’s began to speed up their actions. The original began sucking hard and taking more of his cock into her mouth as she bobbed her head up and down. And the clone, she was now adding slurping sounds as she licked his member that seemed to get louder with each passing lick. Looking around, Mac could see that they were excited as well for they both had trails of mare juice running down their thighs.   Finally he could take it no longer as he came into the originals mouth. He could clearly see her cheeks puff as they filled with his seed, some of it eventually spilling out. He watched as she swallowed some of it while wondering why she didn’t drink it all at once. He soon would get his answer. The original’s hands gently grasped the sides of the clones head, moving it up so that they could lock lips. From there, Mac watched with his jaw hanging open, his cock hardening at the same time, as the two swapped the cum from one to the other while their tongues explored each others mouths.   Eventually the two swallowed his seed before turning to give him a set of lusty expressions.   “That was just round one,” said the original.   “And we know you can cum much harder than that,” said the clone as she moved her body up a bit. As this was happening, Applejack was determined not to lose. Still jerking Harvest off she moved her lower body around so that her rear was right in his face. Looking up, he could see her juices glistening as well as her nice, tight asshole that looked like it was begging to be played with.   “Come on Sugarcube,” said Applejack as she shaked her rear slightly. “Mah pussy an asshole are just beggin’ ta be played with. Ah know how much ya wanna lick mah naughty folds an’ the like. Show me what a stallion like ya can do to a naughty mare like me!”   Harvest smirked as he took hold of her firm plot with both hands and slowly moved his mouth closer towards her two holes. He then started to give her pussy, long, teasing licks, tasting her fluids as he did so and causing Applejack to moan with in her country accent. For a moment she stopped stroking and sucking on his cock to regained her composure. Harvest could still hear her breathing heavily which made him all the more excited.   Deciding to up things a bit, Harvest brought one of his fingers towards her plot hole and began to tease it. He started slowly, lightly circling it to pleasure her. Her groaning with his cock in her mouth told him that she was enjoying this so Harvest decided to take it to the next level. Being as gentle as he could, he began to push his finger against her tight hole until it was all the way in. once that was down Harvest began to pump it in and out while at the same time continuing his oral assault on her pussy.   “F-fuck,” cried out Applejack from the front and back door action she was getting. Her eye then bulged slightly as Harvest added another finger to her ass. Taking a deep breath to keep herself under control, Applejack redoubled her own efforts as she latched her mouth onto his cock once more.   While Harvest’s efforts were intense, Applejack’s words as well; the length of time she had been working on him brought him to the brink of orgasm first. He could feel the pleasure building more and more thanks to her skillful mouth. But then, just as he was about to let her know about what was going to be happening soon, she stopped and moved her rear away from his face.   “Oh, ah’m not gonna let ya cum just yet,” said Applejack once she was facing him while standing on her knees. “But don’t worry Sugarcube, ah’ll be lettin’ ya cum real soon. But ah ain’t gonna let ya cum just anywhere. Ah want ya ta mark mah insides once more with that hot white seed ya carry.”   With that said, Applejack straddled him just above his waist. As she did this, she reached behind her to undo her braided mane. It took a moment, but when it was done she shook her head back and forth to allow her mane spill over her back and shoulders. Harvest could not hide his surprise for he had yet to see Applejack like this. Truth be told he thought her braided mane looked sexier; like a wild animal in heat.   Applejack then moved back a bit while also lifting up her body so that it was slightly above Harvest’s member. Harvest watched in growing anticipation as she reached between her legs to grab his member to guide it into her waiting plot. Both of them groaned in ecstacy as they harvest slowly buried himself inside Applejack’s depths, the farm mare almost failing to control her slow descent. Then, once he was all the way in, Applejack’s hands moved towards her pussy and spread her lower lips to expose her soaking wet folds.   “See this Sugarcube?” asked Applejack in her husky voice. “See how wet ya make me? See how badly ah want ya ta cum inside mah rear? Well ah’m gonna get every drop, ya hear? Ah’m gonna ride ya till ya blow your load inside me. An ah want every. Single. Drop.”   With that said, Applejack tightened her ass muscles around his member before beginning to ride him like she would a bull at the rodeo.   Meanwhile, Mac and the two Luna’s were also in the middle of some heated action. While the original playfully licked Mac’s cock the clone moved her body up closer to his head. Once there, she got on her knees and straddled his face. Mac didn’t start eating her out right away, but took a moment to inhale her scent and take in the beauty of the sight right in front of him. Drips of arousal fell onto his face and he could see her clit poking out. It was all there for him to do what he pleased.   For a moment, he looked up at the clone’s second hole and thought about trying anal with Luna. It was a tempting thought, one that had popped up several times over the course of the week. But he knew that he was bigger and thicker than most stallions and if he tried now he was afraid it would hurt the mare he cared about. Sure this was a clone, but he knew that the memory of the pain would be transferred back to the original. Besides, if Luna ever wanted to try it in the future they could spend time making sure she was ready and get the best lube possible to help them out.   Once his eyes moved back towards Luna’s winking pussy, Mac opened his mouth and began to eat her out. It started with long, slow licks that went into her depths while avoiding her clit. With each lick he savored the taste that Luna’s body provided as if it were the nectar of the gods. Or goddesses in this case. Soon he began to speed up his actions, causing the Luna on top of him to thrash back and forth.   Seeing this, the real Luna smiled as she got up. Looking down at her own body for a moment she saw that it was covered in sand that was darker in some spots. Her eyes glowed and a moment later the sand was flung off her body so that it wouldn’t bother her nor the stallion she had given her heart to.   Now clean, she moved to insert his cock into her wanting pussy, mewing in pleasure as she did. For a moment she paused as she took in the feeling of being full. She closed her eyes as visions of Mac’s penis shooting his load into her filled her head making her wetter and wetter.   “Oh Luna,” she heard Mac cry out before beneath her clone, his voice filled with passion. This was all that she needed to begin. It started out with several small bounces, moaning with each one. Each one became bigger and she began to move faster, becoming wilder in her actions. She soon began to move her hips as well, Big Mac’s cock rubbing all around inside her as she did this. It was clear that she was giving this everything she had. Not just because she was in a competition with AJ, but because this would most likely be the last time they could go all out for a while. Thus she wanted to experience it to the fullest.   By this point, Luna’s voice was loud enough for anypony on the beach to hear. She cried out for Mac along with various one word phrases like “Fuck!” every once in a while. Had this been a normal beach she was sure that the noise she was making would have attracted a crowd. And if she had, Luna wouldn’t have cared. The only thing that would have stopped her was if somepony else had tried to join in. if that had happened she would have used her magic to banish him or her to the moon. She had given herself to one stallion and only he could have her now.   Below, Big Mac wished he could see what was happening. He longed to see Luna’s breasts bounce as she rode him, sweat glistening off her body as she did so. To see her erect nipples that would beg for him to be sucked on. His imagination then began to run away with him. He thought of the two Luna’s making out while on top of him. He thought of them caressing the others body, playing with the others boobs while the real one rode him.   Soon these thoughts and the pleasure he was getting from Luna’s actions proved to be too much. As he felt his ball sack tighten he locked lips around the clone’s clit and began to suck on it, causing her to cry out as she orgasmed all over his face. As she came, the clone fell forward onto the original. As his face became covered in mare juice he too came, shooting all of his load into Luna’s depths and filling her completely. As for the original, she cried out as she felt the warmth of Mac’s load spread inside her while at the same time her mane surrounded the clone and became one again. Once this happened, the memories of what Mac did to her hit the original as she came, clamping down hard on his cock before falling forwards onto his chest.   As the two embraced each other, Luna looked over to see Applejack still riding Harvest cowgirl style. Applejack was pinching and twisting her nipples in an erotic display for the stallion beneath her as she continued to speak in a low, sexy voice.   “Ya like that don’t ya?” she asked. “Ya like fucking mah dirty ass. Ya want ta blow that load into mah tight plot? Go ahead! Fill me ta the brink. Mark mah insides with that seed ya carry. Fill me with so much that it’ll be drippin’ on out of me for a week. Don’t ya want that Sugarcube? Ah think ya do. Ah think ya want ta-”   Whatever Applejack was about to say was silenced as Harvest smacked her ass, causing her to howl out in delight and her plot hole to tighten even more. This was too much for Harvest to take as he came right there. Load after load shot into Applejack didn’t know how to take this sensation. She just looked up into the sky with her mouth hanging open in a silent scream until she fell forward onto Harvest’s chest while he continued to cum inside of her. When he was finally done, Applejack looked over at him and saw that he had passed out from exhaustion.   “Yah did good partner,” whispered Applejack as she kissed him on the cheek.     “We’re here!” cried out Apple Bloom as she and Luna walked into the kitchen. Outside, the moon was bright in the sky.   “Welcome back Sugarcube,” said Applejack as she walked into the kitchen dressed in her green bikini once more. “Did ya have fun?”   “Lots,” said an excited Apple Bloom as Luna walked towards the stairs so that she could give the two sisters some time alone.   Luna walked up to the second floor and headed to her room where the original and Big Mac were waiting on the bed. Once she entered the room she closed the door behind her and gave them both a big smile as the original walked towards her. Once they were close enough Luna’s mane wrapped around the clone and consumed her before returning to its original shape. But once that was done, Luna began to cry.   “Luna, what’s wrong?” asked a worried Big Mac. When Luna turned around to look at him, he was surprised to see her smiling.   “Apple Bloom said she would like to have me as a big sister,” said Luna as she rushed over to embrace Big Mac.     The next day the five ponies found themselves on the royal airship once more, dressed in their normal clothing. Harvest, who was sitting next to Applejack, had donned on the Night Guard uniform while Luna, sitting next to Big Mac, was dressed in a long, flowing black dress. By the look on her face they could tell that she was very uncomfortable in it. Heck, they were all feeling overdressed after wearing nothing but swimwear for the past week.   “Does this mean that ya’ll are dating?” asked an excited Apple Bloom, who noticed how close everypony was sitting next to each other. Instead of answering, Luna smiled and kissed Big Mac on the lips. Before Applejack could say anything, Apple Bloom jumped out of her seat.   “This is amazing!” she cried out. “Ah might get another sister and brother!”   “Calm down,” said Applejack as she rolled her eyes. “Things might get a little complicated with Luna livin’ in Canterlot.”   “Oh, that won’t be a problem,” replied Luna. “I’m moving.” After she said this, the room became so quiet that a pony could hear a pin drop. They all stared at her, shocked by this revelation.   “Luna, does that mean that ya plan on moving in with us?” asked Big Mac. While he would love that, he wasn’t sure Granny Smith would be ok with it.   Luna shook her head. “No, not yet at least,” she said. “I plan on finishing what Applejack and her friends started when they were fixing up the Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters and turning it into a military academy.” She then looked over at Harvest. “And I think I know who to pick as one of the new instructors.”   “That’s…wow,” said Big Mac. “A military academy in the Everfree Forest. Sounds like it’ll be mighty important.”   “Sure does,” agreed Applejack. “Just wonderin’ why Princess Celestia never thought of somethin’ like that.”   “Because she doesn’t think we need one,” replied Luna with a sigh. “Nor does she agree with my decision to move out.”   “But why not?” asked Apple Bloom.   “Well,” began Luna. “It started after the Changeling Invasion. I began to notice that many of the Guards weren’t…motivated to doing extra practice or drills. Sadly, they seem to be falling more and more out of shape with each passing month. In fact, when I did an inspection during my sister’s shift, they seemed to care more about going to a school bake sale than training. It was rather pitiful. So, I began pitching the idea of a military school to train the next generation of Royal Guards to various nobles as well as an overall refocusing of our existing Guard. “It seems that I’m not alone with my worries as many of the nobles agreed with me and shared their own worries. Right now the only reason the nobility can sleep safely is thanks to my Night Guard, who have to keep in shape in order to fight monsters on a nightly basis. The only pony who isn’t worried is my sister who believes that as long as we have Applejack and her friends we will be safe.” Applejack’s mouth hung open. “Ya mean she’s puttin’ all her apples in a single basket an’ hopin’ for the best?! That’s crazy talk!”   “My thought’s exactly,” replied Luna. “Equestria can not afford to rely on six mares to save the day every time trouble rears its head. What if something were ever to happen to one or more of you? What should happen if one of you were away, having your own life, and we were suddenly attacked? Or what if there were multiple crisis all over Equestria? We need to be prepared!   “Then there is the matter that, despite it being public knowledge who the Element bearers are, there has been no added security to Ponyville. Twilight still hasn’t picked her own Guard nor has Celestia added troops. And considering all the problems that seem to spring up around this town, a little extra security is long overdue.”   “But why are you moving out?” asked Harvest. “Can’t you run it from Canterlot?”   “I could,” replied Luna. “But things between me and Celestia are… complicated right now. I have been thinking about moving out for a while now mainly because I feel, to be honest, useless in Canterlot. Celestia makes all the decisions and when there’s a problem she gets Twilight to fix it. I understand that I normally sleep during the day and that she won’t always have time to wake me up for various problems, but I do wish she would at least consult with me on a few problems. Plus I never really liked Canterlot all that much to begin with.”   “Wow,” said Apple Bloom.   For a moment, nopony said anything as they let the revelation of Luna’s words sink in. After a while they began to talk about other things. Wanting to know more about the academy, if the Apple family wouldn’t mind helping with a few things, and so on as the island grew further and further away. > Seven Years Later > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “RUN!” screamed a four year old colt as he gripped his sister’s hand. She didn’t need to be told twice as the two ran as fast as their young legs could take them through the Everfree Forest.   They knew they were in deep, deep trouble. Not just because their parents had told them several times not to enter the forest without an adult, for behind the two was a large timberwolf big enough to eat a pony whole with a single bite. For that they would only be in major trouble. But this was far worse than the scolding they would receive if they got caught.   Sadly, the two didn’t make it very far. They had only been running for a few seconds before the sister tripped on a fallen branch, dragging her brother along with her. And before they could move a muscle to get up they felt the hot, sticky breath of the timberwolf above them and could feel its drool drip from its large fangs. The two closed their eyes, knowing it was the end for them. They both knew from the stories that their family told that timberwolves did not understand pleading or begging.   But then, the two heard a smack sound followed by the sound of an animal whining. As one the two turned to look up and saw that Princess Luna was standing above them. She was wearing slightly dirty jeans and a black plaid shirt that had its sleeves rolled up. One of her hands was raised in a way that looked like she just backhanded something. On her other shoulder was a satchel that looked like it was full of documents.   They then looked behind them and saw the timberwolf. Or, rather, what was left of the timberwolf. All across the forest floor were various pieces of wood in all shapes and sizes. And some of those shapes looked an awful lot like teeth.   Luna stared at the pieces, her eyes narrowed “Stop playing dead,” she said sternly. “You’re not fooling anypony here.” As soon as she said that, the pieces began to float in the air as Luna lowered her arm. The alicorn then crossed both arms right below her bust while the various pieces began to connect until they reformed the timberwolf in a position that looked like it was about to pounce.   The two children cried out in horror as the timberwolf let out a growl. It opened its mouth and snapped at them causing the young ones to scream. Luna, however, stood there stone faced with her eyes glued to the monster.   “Alright,” said Luna in a voice that, while calm, radiated with power. “I’m going to make this simple for you. You can either attack me or turn tail and run. But know that if you hurt anypony from my family it will be the last thing you ever do.”   For a moment the timberwolf stood there, staring and growling at Luna as it twitched its ears. Its stomach demanded food, and right before it were three ponies ready to be eaten, but its survival instincts said that it would not survive a fight with the alicorn. That there were many more creatures to eat in the forest that were less dangerous. Slowly the timberwolf backed down and walked away.   Luna kept her gaze on the retreating creature, not moving at all until it was out of sight. Only then did she let out a sigh of relief. But before she could say anything to the two young foals she saw them get up and quickly hug her legs.   “Auntie Luna,” they both cried out together, looking up at her with tear-filled eyes.   “Are you both all right?” asked Luna as she pulled away from them so that she could bend down to better examine the twins.   She first looked over Sparkling Cider, a four year old thestral filly with bright green slitted eyes. Luna scanned her white mane that was braided in two shoulder-length pigtails for any signs of blood before moving to check her amber colored coat. Luckily all she had were some light scrapes and a few rips in her jeans as well as her pink shirt.   She then turned her attention over to Hard Cider, or Cid as he was nicknamed. Like his twin, he too was a thestral with bright green eyes. However his short and spikey mane was black, meaning that she had to run her hands through it to check for bleeding. Finding none Luna let out a sigh of relief as she began to check his coat which, thankfully, was a much darker shade of amber than his sister’s. She found there was some blood on the back of his elbow, but other than that as well as needing a new blue plaid shirt and patching up his overalls he was fine.   Relieved that they were fine, Luna wrapped her arms around the two and hugged them before kissing them both on the foreheads.   “Thank goodness you’re both ok,” she whispered in their turfed ears before releasing them. She then stood up and placed her hands on her hips. “Now what were you both thinking? I know your mother has told you plenty of times not to leave the farm without an adult. And going here of all places? If I hadn’t forgotten my paperwork, then…” Luna’s voice trailed off as images of what could have happened to the two of them filled her head and she fought back a shudder.   “We’re sorry Auntie Luna,” said Sparkling as she rubbed the tears from her eyes.   “We didn’t mean to do anything bad,” added Cid.   Luna let out a sigh. “I know,” she said before giving them another hug. “Right now, I’m just glad you’re both alright. Now, let’s get going home.”   “Are ya gonna tell mama?” asked Cid.   At this, Luna gave them both a sad smile.     “WHAT IN TARNATION WERE THE TWO OF YA THINKIN’” roared Applejack so loud that everypony from Sweet Apple Acres to Twilight’s castle could hear her. The two foals in front of her winced in pain, and Luna, who was sitting at the kitchen table, nearly dropped her mug of hot apple cider on her documents. Luckily for her she caught it just in time before continuing to examine its contents while also keeping an eye on Applejack’s condition.   Said earth mare was on the warpath. Veins had appeared on her forehead as she struggled to continue making supper for that evening, moving from pot to pot while slamming them against the stove with a snarl on her normally loving face. But this was a slightly more difficult task than it normally would have been seeing that she was eight months pregnant. She didn’t like it since she couldn’t help out with the field work and was forced to wear one of Rarity’s special maternity dresses that made her feel mighty foolish due to all the gems on it.   Of course there was another reason she was upset right now. A reason that, even a month after the event, the Apple family was still feeling the sting of the loss.   “Ya both should have yar flanks tanned being so pony foolish!” raged Applejack as she slammed another pan onto the stove. “Ah said ya both could play in the fields, not go trotting into them woods! What in the wide world of Equestria were the two of ya thinkin’?”   Sparkling tried to speak, but couldn’t due to her sobs leaving her brother to answer. “W-We just w-wanted to s-see Auntie Apple Bloom b-before she l-leaves,” answered a teary eyed Cid.   Upon hearing this, Luna looked up from her documents and turned her attention towards Applejack. The orange mare looked momentarily stunned, her own eyes beginning to moisten at the mention of another member of the family leaving. There was almost a nod of understanding, as if she almost was willing to admit that she would have done the same thing. However, all of this lasted only a short time before anger and rage took over her once more.   “Ya think that’s a good enough reason?!” yelled Applejack as a timer went off behind her. She quickly put on her oven gloves, opened the oven, and pulled out an apple and carrot casserole before setting it on the counter to cool off. “Ya’ll be seeing her tonight anyways.”   “But we wanted ta see her at work,” said Cid.   Applejack threw her gloves onto the floor causing the young colt to flinch. “That has ta be the stupidest reasonin’ ah ever heard. Ah know me and your father raised ya both ta be smarter than this.”   “W-We’re sorry,” sobbed Sparkling.   “YA THINK SORRY IS GOOD ENOUGH?!” roared Applejack as she began to see red while staring at the two. “Ya think saying sorry is gonna make me forget that ya both broke my trust? That it’ll get ya out of trouble? If Granny were here…” Applejack’s voice trailed off as she realized what she had just said. Tears began to form around her eyes while she placed a hand on the counter for support.   It had been a month since Granny Smith, the last of the founding members of Ponyville, had passed away. There hadn’t been a tragic accident or illness just that her old age had finally caught up with her. She had passed away in her sleep with a smile on her face, happy that she had been able to see her grandkids get married and see her great grand foals. She would have been happier to see that so many ponies from town had shown up to her funeral. Mayor Mare even announced that a statue was being made in her honor for all of her help making Ponyville the town it was today. And despite one pony whose presence caused a major disruption (not Pinkie Pie thankfully), everything went all good as it could have.   However things with the family had suffered due to her loss. Applejack was taking it harder than any other pony there, now trying to do all the jobs that the older mare had once done as well as trying to raise the twins, do whatever farm work she could do in her condition, and try to convince Twilight that she could still go out and save the world from time to time. Harvest, when he wasn’t at work, did his best to help out despite being mighty tired for which Applejack was grateful for, however it wasn’t enough. Then there were all the memories around the house that kept bringing the mare to tears at the drop of a hat.   Then there was Luna and Big Mac. Luna had become more…withdrawn. When she wasn’t working on something for the Everfree Academy or the status of the military she was going into the fields and staring off into space for long periods of time. After a few weeks of this she had confided in Applejack what the problem was and asked for advice, which the mare gave after realizing the position Luna was in. As for Big Mac, he was spending a bit more time in the orchards planting new rows of granny smith apples while becoming more silent than ever.   Luna, seeing Applejack about to lose it, got up from her seat and moved so that she was standing behind the twin. She then placed a hand on both of their heads.   “Alright,” said the night goddess gently. “I think they understand what they did was wrong. Why don’t the two of you go to your rooms until dinner and think about what you’ve done?” The twins nodded and raced upstairs. As they did Luna returned to her seat while Applejack looked up with her. Her expression was a mix between thanks and annoyance.   “Ya shouldn’t be gettin’ involved,” stated Applejack.   “Trust me,” said Luna as she picked up her paperwork while downing the last of her hot cider. “They’ll be having nightmares about this for a while. Hopefully they’ll learn their lesson.”   Applejack crossed her arms. “Then maybe ya shouldn’t help them any,” she responded, while looking at the stairway. “Might get it through their heads that what they did was wrong.”   Luna shook her head. “That’s not how my job works,” she said. “If somepony needs help in their dreams to sort something out I have to help. Besides, what kind of Aunt would I be if I let my adorable niece and nephew suffer needlessly?”   Applejack rolled her eyes as she turned around just in time to save something cooking on the stove. “Ah swear those two have no idea how scared ah was when ah heard they were in the forest,” she said while working on the food. “Though ah’d be joining Granny if something happened to them. And today of all days to do something like that.”   “Maybe it’s my fault,” replied Luna as she used her magic to grab a kettle containing more hot cider and refill her mug. “Maybe I should have let them come to the Academy to see where Apple Bloom works. Maybe then they wouldn’t have been so curious.”   “Ah doubt it,” replied Applejack. “They probably still would have gone. Still, ah can’t thank ya enough for savin’ their hides.” Applejack then turned around and walked next to Luna. “But ah need ta ask ya something: have ya talked to Big Mac about, well, ya know?”   Luna’s face went pale for a moment. “I, er, haven’t found the time,” she said, causing Applejack to frown.   “ How can ya enter somepony’s dream like walkin’ into a room an ya say ya can’t find the time?” demanded Applejack. “An here ah thought ah’d heard all sorts of tall tales. What’s the matter? Mac adores ya like nopony else. Ya know he’ll say yes.”   “And that’s what I’m afraid of!” Luna shouted while standing up so quickly that her papers flew across the room. “He’ll say yes and then someday he’ll grow to despise me. Just like Celestia has told me since the day I brought this up with her. I just…I don’t know if I can take it. I love him so much that the idea of him hating me, wishing that he had never fallen in love with me is almost too much for me to take.” Tears were now beginning to fall down her face. “And when that time comes, I don’t know if I’ll be able to keep myself under control. What if I become Nightmare Moon again and try and kill all of you? I…don’t think I’ll be able to live with myself.”   “Sugarcube,” whispered Applejack a moment before hugging the crying alicorn. “There now, don’t cry. It’ll be alright.”   “I don’t think it will,” sobbed Luna.   “But ah do,” said Applejack as she released Luna and took a step back. She then pointed a finger at her. “Ah know that big lug just as well as ya do. He’ll say yes an the two of ya are gonna live even more happily ever after than Shining Armor and Cadence. Sure as apple seeds in the core of an apple. Ya just need a moment ta tell him an ask him what he thinks.”   “I…” began Luna but stopped herself. Quickly she wiped away her tears and took a deep breath. “I’ll think about it.”   “Ya been thinking about it for a while now,” responded Applejack with a frown.   “Right,” said Luna with a sigh of defeat. “Just…give me some more time. Like maybe after Apple Bloom leaves. I don’t want to ruin this day.” As Applejack nodded, Luna said that she needed some fresh air and left the room in a hurry so that she could be alone with her thoughts.     In the middle of the Everfree Forest stood the former Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters. Now it was simply called the Everfree Academy. Unlike Celestia’s School for Talented Unicorns, the Academy accepted members from all tribes as well as all races that lived in Equestria. Yet, like Celestia’s school, the students who attended got some of the most advanced education in the country.   Luna had done wonders with this place, restoring it to its former glory and then some. Everything had been restored to the way it had been over a thousand years ago so well that nopony could tell what was old and what was new. At least that’s how it looked on the outside. The inside was a different matter for the night princess had added many modern things like indoor plumbing and electric lights. Many of the rooms which had once been used for various (and in Luna’s opinion useless) purposes now served as classrooms. The old throne room had been converted into the dining room where students could relax and chat after a long day. Even the library had been given a huge makeover, allowing for numerous tables to be placed within and many of the out-of-date books had been replaced.   Outside, the grounds had been converted into training grounds full of various equipment for the students to train on. These included things like various obstacle courses, combat training pits, and an archery field. And beyond those was the only new building to be added: the school's dorms.   Right now, Harvest was walking across the grounds towards the Academy gates to meet a fresh group of students. As he did, he passed by several students dressed in their school uniforms, green camo pants, and matching long sleeve shirt, who were heading back to the dorms so that they could drop off their school supplies before dinner. He also saw several students dressed in their combat practice gear which consisted of a leather vest, pants, and helmet while also carrying around their wooden practice weapons.   ‘We’ve come a long way,’ he though as several students paused to salute him.   When both he and Luna got back from the island seven years ago, they set to work getting the castle ready while Celestia did her best to stop them. She simply felt that it was a waste of time and resources, not even bothering to hide these feelings from the press or the nobles. And while Celestia could not stop Luna from opening up the Academy, she was fighting with Luna tooth and nail to stop her from her project to improve their military.   In all fairness, the two tried dealing with the matter behind closed doors for several months. The problem was that, no matter how much evidence or logic Luna presented, Celestia held firm on her belief. Several times Harvest would talk to Applejack about the matter as they tried to figure out why Celestia was being so stubborn. The best guess the two could come up with was that Celestia, who had ruled alone for a thousand years, was simply used to getting her way. One of the best examples they had was the Sombra incident. Luna, who was at first all for sending Twilight to deal with the situation, became concerned when Celestia wanted to add restrictions on how she did it. Because of these concerns, as well as knowing the damage to the Crystal Empire and the rest of the Equestria, wanted to go as well as back up. Celestia refused. Looking back, the two knew how lucky they were that Twilight had decided to disobey that order and give the Crystal Heart to Spike. Then there were the times when Celestia disappeared into the alternate Equestria without so much as a word to her co-ruler or making all the decisions with the Tirek incident. Unlike those times, Luna was not going to sit back and let Celestia have her way on this matter. Not when there was a serious problem right under her nose. Then, shortly after the Academy classes began, things took an unexpected turn. Harvest got a message from Fancy Pants that Celestia had called from a meeting with the nobility to talk about Luna’s ‘concerns’ regarding the military. The message also stated Luna was not the only pony not to hear about this, but Twilight, Cadence, and Shining Armor. Acting quickly, Harvest went down to the sparring grounds to inform Princess Luna about this and the two quickly grabbed several things that she would need before teleporting to Canterlot.   By the time they reached the throne room where the meeting was being held, Celestia was in the middle of a speech about how everything was fine as is, that Luna meant well, but had become overzealous in her beliefs. Finally, Celestia began to talk about how much it would cost to do the things that Luna wanted. When she finished, many of the nobles seemed to be swayed to Celestia’s side.   It was then that Luna asked if she could speak. At first Celestia, who was shocked to see her younger sister there, was hesitant and tried to use her tardiness as an excuse not to allow her to speak. Luckily, help came from Fancy Pants once more as he requested to hear what Princess Luna had to say. This was seconded by Countess Diamond Vein from the Hanging City. However, as Luna stepped forward to speak, Harvest knew they had lost. They had left in such a hurry that Luna hadn’t been able to change her clothing. Standing near Celestia, who was dressed in a shimmering golden dress, Luna’s messy main and muddy training attire, caused many of the nobles to turn their noses into the air and ignoring what Luna said out of principle. And as Luna took her seat, the two knew Celestia had won. Yet this victory didn’t come with a very heavy price. Both Twilight and Cadence were upset that they hadn’t been invited to this important meeting about their nation’s military. The way Twilight took it was if Celestia was saying that she still needed to prove herself as a princess. And it didn’t help that the papers agreed. A few days following the meeting, political cartoons in the Canterlot Free Press began depicting a filly alicorn Twilight trying to sit at the adult table only to be shooed away by Princess Celestia or Twilight putting on a fake pair of wings before going to meet the public. After that, Harvest heard from Spike that Twilight began to work herself even harder as if to prove to everypony that she had earned her new position even after Celestia apologized for how situation was handled.   The same couldn’t be said with Cadence and Shining Armor. The pink princess of the north was fuming mad with the whole affair, saying that she should have been allowed to comment of the proceedings at the very least. She also said that she could understand if there was an emergency in Canterlot and Celestia didn’t have the time to wait for her fellow princesses, but this clearly wasn’t the case. The only reason they hadn’t been invited was so there would be less of a chance that Luna wouldn’t find out. That or she didn’t want to take the chance that one of them might call her out on the whole affair in front of the nobles. And while it wasn’t Celestia’s intent, she had made it appear that Cadence (as well as Twilight and Luna) were just princesses for show. Shining Armor was even angrier since he was the Captain of the Royal Guard and thus he should have been there was well. Instead, he wasn’t even allowed to voice his opinions on the group he was supposed to be running. He was in such a state of anger that he mailed his two week notice to Celestia. Celestia, upon reading this, wrote back saying that she would not accept his resignation. A few days later she received her unopened letter back with the words ‘Return to Sender’ written on it. Then there was Luna. When she returned to Everfree she went straight to her room and locked herself inside while dark clouds gathered around the castle. For several days she stayed in there, refusing to speak to anypony due to the humiliation she received thanks to her sister. It was only due to Big Mac breaking down the door and talking to her that she finally came out. However, things wouldn’t be the same between her and Celestia. At the next princess meeting, Luna sent a thestral named Dreaded Appointment in her place to simply take notes. After the meeting Celestia asked him why Luna was doing something so immature, and his response was that Luna was busy and didn’t want to come all the way to Canterlot just to waste space. The night princess still did her job, but no longer set hoof in Canterlot except to check up on the Night Guard stationed there. There were also problems outside of what was happening with the princesses. A few days after Celestia’s stunt, Harvest began reading in the papers that the ponies of the Crystal Empire also felt offended by what had happened. Those interviewed stated that what Celestia had done was basically pass policy on the whole of Equestria when certain areas (like the Empire) were not represented at all. Some were starting committees and parades demanding independence from Equestria. And the fact that Cadence was so slow to stop things like this, sometimes taking days, did not bode well for those in Canterlot.   Soon after that, Harvest began to hear rumors coming from Canterlot that he was only able to verify as truth during his next visit. It appeared that there were some in the Guard that didn’t take Celestia’s decision very well. Many of those Guards felt like Celestia, the princess they all went through training for and then spent years protecting, was saying that she didn’t have any faith in them. Because of this those Guards began to resign one by one until the majority of the Guard was made up of those who joined just for a free ride.   Finally, there was Twilight and her friends. While it was never Celestia’s intention, her statement also affected them in a way that nearly destroyed their friendship. It started with Rainbow Dash when she was called into Spitfire’s office to be informed that she was out of the Wonderbolts Reserve. When Dash demanded to know why, and Spitfire sighed and told her that her duty to Equestria had to come first and didn’t want to put Rainbow in a position where she might be tempted between the two. Similar things happened with Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. Fluttershy began getting letters from various animal rights groups that she belonged to telling her that her name had been dropped from their various lists of recruits while Pinkie was told that they would just get another party pony. When they asked why the response was the same as Spitfire’s. But the worse affected by this was Rarity. It started with Sapphire Shores, who didn’t want Rarity to worry herself when she had the fate of the nation hanging on her shoulders. She didn’t want to do this to her friend, but Equestria was more important than looking good on stage. Then, various clients began to inform her that they were taking their business elsewhere, saying they didn’t want to take the risk that Rarity might not complete their order because she was off and about. Soon, Rarity found herself in a bind. With each passing week she was barely keeping herself above the red and soon had to rent out rooms in her boutique just so that the bank wouldn’t take it away from her. Several times when Harvest had lunch with the white mare alongside both Luna and Applejack, Rarity would say things like “I wish I had never gone into that forest to stop Nightmare Moon.” Twilight, not wanting to see her friend’s dreams and futures crushed, contacted Princess Celestia to let her know what was happening. However, Celestia was also busy with other things and told Twilight that she knew she could handle this. Applejack, when she heard this, snorted and said that she was just making Twilight clean up her mess.   And while Twilight did everything in her power to help and reassure her friends, her words and actions had little to no effect. Most of the time the group would get into a big fight and not speak to each other for days. Luckily for her Applejack, who was the only one not affected, and Luna were there to help when they could. They managed to find the others outlets for their passions and help them find ponies they could call special.   Then, about a year after the event with Celestia, disaster struck.   At first, things looked like they were improving. After many apologies with Cadence and the rest of the Empire, things were settling down there. Cadence was now on more pleasant turns, coming over to Canterlot every once in a while for tea and promising to talk to Shining about taking up his old post once more. However, she was still met with cold receptions whenever she went to Ponyville.   Yet in the kingdom of Dimondia, the Diamond Dogs had found a new queen, a unicorn named Starlight Glimmer whom wished to spread her beliefs across Equestria whether they accepted it or not. She had spies watching Twilight and her friends and, when she found out they were on some mission into the Badlands, she attacked Canterlot en mass. The Guards did their best to fight back, but without a Captain they were horribly disorganized and were badly out of shape. To make matters worse, Starlight had improved upon her equalization spell so that it not only stole cutie marks but also a pony’s wings or horn. Eventually, even the mighty Celestia was hit by this magic.   But then help came. When the attack began, Luna sent word to Shining Armor and Cadence for help while she prepared her students for battle. The two forces gathered along with additional help from the Hanging City and attacked the enemy's flank. In the end, it was one of Luna’s students that managed to sneak behind Starlight and cut off her horn during the heat of battle, destroying her magic and returning all that she had stolen. Soon after that, the Diamond Dogs fled.   After the defeat of Starlight, the nobles came to the realization that Luna had been right. Twilight and her friends were powerful and could stop great threats, but they couldn’t be everywhere and help everypony. And if they didn’t improve things, another villain would try and repeat what Starlight had done. And with Twilight, Cadence, and Luna agreeing with them, Celestia, in the end, was forced to give in.   Now, things were different. A new Captain had been placed in Canterlot, an earth pony named Ground Siege, while Shining Armor stayed in the Crystal Empire keeping the troops up there in shape. Surprise inspections started to ensure that the troops were in shape as well as ready for whatever action was needed. The Everfree Academy also got a huge popularity boost. It had gone from a school with about sixty student to having over three hundred students on a waiting list. With the announcement that Council of Friendship was no longer Equestria’s first line of defense, the six of them were able to start getting their lives back in order. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were invited back into their respective groups while Ponyville was able to have its primary party planner back. Twilight was finally given a chance to breathe from all of her work, finally able to spend quality time with her herd. As for Rarity, orders began flooding back into her shop, saving it before she had to start making knock-off brands for Filthy Rich.   As for Celestia, she took the whole thing really hard. At first, she seemed sullen, and several times seemed to accuse Luna of setting the whole thing up just to make her look bad. For the next couple of years things festered between the two as they continued not to speak to each other. It was only until Twilight and Cadence finally had enough of this, with Twilight yelling at her mentor and idol to grow up. This was just the slap in the face that Celestia needed and quickly realized just how much of her sister’s life she had missed out on. And while Luna was hesitant at first, she did accept her sister’s apology. Now, Harvest stood before a group of twenty-five fresh students mostly ponies but two griffons as well. With a scrutinizing gaze, Harvest looked them over and was overall ok with this batch. In his opinion, there were three types of students that came to this school. The first being those who wanted to do their best for their country. The second were the students that, while not wanting to lead a military life, wished to excel and be the best they could be. Most of the new students could easily be put in those categories. Several of them stood at attention while still in casual attire while others, while looking nervous, were doing their best to make a good impression.   In fact, there was only one student that seemed to be in the third and most despised group of them all: brats! These were students that were sent to them because their parents either spoiled them or just didn’t know how to get them to behavior. Sure, sometimes the Academy would get ponies who had lived hard lives on the streets of places like Manhatten or the like, but they were far more likeable than the whiny, self-important fillies and colts who still think that the world revolves around them at their age! The only way that they even got in was that the parents were willing to pay extra (the extra bits going to a charity).   Luckily for him there was only one who seemed to fit the description of a brat. She was sitting on her bag, looking utterly bored in very expensive looking attire that he was sure cost him at least three paychecks. And looking a bit closer, Harvest saw that he knew this one brat.   ‘Oh this is going to be a treat for me,’ thought Harvest as he suppressed a smile before clearing his throat. At once, almost everypony there looked in his direction.   “Alright,” said Harvest loudly as he began to walk back and forth in front of them. “Congratulations on getting into the Everfree Academy. I am your training instructor Major Harvest Moon. When you are not in the classroom, you will be mine. It will be my job to whip all of you into shape over the next three years, something that I take very seriously. You find that we do things differently from other schools around here. First you are now a unit, not a class. Your unit’s designation is B-17. Remember that! While you are here you will either pass as a unit or you will fail as a unit. If one of you-” Harvest was then cut off as the brat loudly yawned and then rolled her eyes when she saw everypony was staring at her in disbelief.   “Oh,” said Harvest softly, but there was a dangerous edge to his voice that made almost everypony’s blood run cold. The only one who wasn’t affected was the brat. “I’m sorry. Am I boring you?”   “Yeah,” said Diamond Tiara. “Like, I have better things to do than to listen to some stupid flying rodent. I’m only here until daddy calms down.”   As several students mouths hung agape, a small smile appeared on Harvest’s face. “I see,” he said. “Then lets help pass the time and help the princess here wake up. EVERYPONY GIVE ME TWENTY-FIVE PUSH UPS NOW!” At once, twenty-four ponies got down and began to count as they did the exercise. Some faster than others. However Diamond stayed where she was.   “Do you, like, expect me to get down on the dirt?” asked Diamond while Harvest stared at her. “No way. I totally just got my nails done and I am so not going to mess them up.”   “MAKE IT FIFTY,” yelled Harvest, causing the other students to glare at Diamond. “AND NOPONY HERE IS EATING OR SLEEPING IN THEIR DORM UNTIL YOU ARE ALL DONE!”   “What?” yelled Diamond while the others groaned. “You can’t do that! You have to feed us! You-”   “If you want food you will do as you’re told,” said Harvest coldly. “Every time you disobey, your unit will suffer. Now get on the ground now or else I’ll make it seventy-five!”   Luna stood by herself on top of the largest hill in Sweet Apple Acres, looking out at the orchard in the direction of Canterlot. It was her favorite spot on the entire farm, not because of the view, but of the memories she had here. She and Mac had done so many things here from long talks, picnics, to wild sex. And now here she was, making the biggest decision of her life.   ‘Ok Luna, you can do this,’ she thought while taking a deep breath. ‘Applejack is right, Mac loves you. Heck, I don’t need her telling me that. I’ve seen his dreams after all. But does that mean that he’ll want to stay with me? This is a pretty big thing and not everypony can handle this kind of commitment. Celestia said that she did the same in the past and they only lasted a few years. Maybe I should-’   “Luna?” came a voice behind her, causing the night princess to jump. She turned around and saw Mac standing behind her with a worried expression. He was wearing muddied jeans and a blue plaid shirt that looked like it had seen better days. Luna wanted nothing more than to go to his side, but instead turned around to leave. However Mac grabbed her arm, holding it in an iron grip.   “We need ta talk,” he said in a concerned tone.   “Why?’ asked Luna as she looked around, as if preparing an escape route.   “Ya know why,” he said. “Ya haven’t been yourself since granny passed. Ya have barely said a word ta me since then. Ah’ve barely seen ya before ya run off somewhere. Ah thought ya just needed some time ta be alone, but it’s been a month. Ah’m gettin’ worried sick. Please, tell me what’s goin’ on.”   Luna struggled for a moment. This was the thing she wanted to avoid right now. She wasn’t ready to ask him something so important like this. But then she looked in his eyes, full of concern, and she stopped. One look in those eyes told her all she needed to know. That if she kept this up she ran the chance that she would lose him anyways.   Luna let out a sigh. “Alright,” she said in defeat. “I guess I should tell you something I should have told you a while ago. I’m…pregnant.”   Big Mac’s eyes widened in complete shock. His jaw dropped and hung there for what seemed like a long while. Then, a smile appeared on his face. After seven years on cumming inside Luna he had finally knocked her up. He was going to be a father.   “Ah don’t believe it,” he said. “Ah’m gonna be a daddy! How long are ya in?”   “A little over a month,” said Luna as she looked away. “Maybe two. I found out the day before the funeral.”   Mac’s smile slowly faded as he release his grip on Luna before wrapping his arms around her in a big hug. ‘Ah see,’ he thought as he held her tightly. ‘Must of thought it was bad timing an didn’t want ta tell anypony. Must have been keepin’ it inside her this entire time.’   “Don’t worry, ah understand,” said Mac as he stroked Luna’s mane. Luna, however, pulled away from him.   “No, you don’t,” she said. “Mac, alicorn’s like me and Celestia don’t normally give birth. And when we do, they won’t be like Twilight or Cadence. They will be alicorns.” Luna’s voice quietened somewhat before she said the next two words. “…immortal alicorns.”   “Ah er,” stumbled Mac as he tried to figure out what Luna was trying to say. He knew she would outlive him and if they ever had children he prayed they would outlive him. So what was the problem?   “You see, I’ve been thinking a lot lately,” said Luna. “Seeing Granny pass and then finding out I’m with child made me think about…us. At best, we’ll only have fifty or sixty more years together. And they both me and our child will lose you forever. That thought, more than anything else scares me. I don’t know what I, what we, will do when you’re gone. So I’ve been thinking about using the bonding spell.”   “The bonding spell?” echoed Mac with puzzlement.   “It’s a spell that only me and my sister can use,” explained Luna. “It will link us, basically meaning that you will live as long as I do. The problem is that I can only do it for one pony at a time. I know how much Applejack and Apple Bloom mean to you. I love them both so much and I wish, oh how I wish I could make us all immortal so that we could always be together. But…I can’t.” Tears were now running down Luna’s face. “I don’t want to lose anymore of you. I want to save what I can, but I know how much your family means to you. If I did this spell, you would remain young while they grew old and died. Applejack says that she understands and is all for this but I’m not so sure. I keep thinking that one day, when they’re all gone you’ll grow bitter towards me and then leave. I-” Luna was then cut off as Big Mac placed a dirty finger on her lips, silencing her. Then he gently wiped away the tears on her face before embracing her once more.   “Luna,” he whispered. “Ah wished ya could have told me all this sooner. When ah married ya, ya became my family. An ah promised that we would spend the rest of our lives together. That’s one promise that ah intend on keepin’. Now, ah want ya ta use that spell so we’ll be together forever.”   “But what about the rest of your family?” asked Luna, trembling as she did so.   “Ah’ll miss them,” said Big Mac honestly. “It’ll hurt when they’re gone, this much ah know right now. Can’t imagine what’ll be like when that happens. But ya mean the world ta me. Ah’d give ya the world if ah could. Ah’d like ta give ya a big family with lots of foals over the years so that we’ll never be lonely, if ya wanted that.”   “I do,” said Luna with a smile. She then kissed Mac passionately on the lips. For several moments they stood there like this as Luna’s horn began to glow. Then time seemed to stop around them. A leaf that had been falling now hung in mid-air and squirrel was frozen in mid-leap. The magic from Luna’s horn before to turn white as it swirled around the couple until becoming a sphere that engulfed them. They stayed in there for what seemed like an entirety before the sphere exploded into stardust and time seemed to return to normal.   Meanwhile, back at the Everfree Academy, a fifteen year old filly was looking out the window with a smile on her face. She had a lean, athletic build with small breasts that was perfect for a pegasus, but her orange wings were smaller than they should be for her age. She was wearing a leather jacket, a purple shirt that matched her mane color, and denim jeans. On the back of her jacket was a decal that looked like her cutie mark; a wheel with wings made out of bright yellow flames. Her eyes were fixed on a certain filly who was struggling to do push-ups.   ‘I know I shouldn’t be enjoying this,’ thought Scootaloo with a giggle. ‘But I can’t help myself. Karma, you really do exist!’   “Scoots ya said ya’d give me a hand,” came a voice behind her. With a sigh, Scootaloo pulled herself away from Diamond Tiara’s torture and looked straight at one of her oldest friends in Equestria; Apple Bloom. She stood in the middle of the room wearing a white lab coat, a red blouse, jeans, and her old pink bow in her red mane. She was currently carrying a box that mushed against her large, D-cup breasts.   Standing next to her was Zecora, who was remaining silent for the moment. Like Apple Bloom, she was also wearing a lab coat. However, underneath it she wore a grey, tribal tube-top that showed off her ample C-cup breasts and a matching tribal loincloth. The room they were in right now was hers. After Luna started to build the Academy, she wanted somepony who could help train her student to be able to use various forms of plant life as medicine. And that pony was Zecora. It had taken Luna a while to convince the zebra, but in the end it was worth it. Zecora took students throughout the forest, showing them where certain plants liked to grow and what they were used to help heal. In the classroom she talked about the various lands surrounding Equestria and the plants that lived there. Zecora also doubled as the school’s nurse with Apple Bloom as her assistant. Ever since the filly got her cutie mark (a flask with three apple blooms in it) Zecora and Twilight began to teach her everything they knew about potion making. And thanks to the school's resources, Apple Bloom never found herself short on materials.   “Sorry,” said Scootaloo as she went over to one of the boxes that hand Apple Bloom’s cutie mark on it and picked it up. “It’s just so nice to see Diamond Tiara get what’s been coming to her after all these years. Especially after what she did at Granny Smith’s funeral.”   Apple Bloom gritted her teeth. “Please don’t remind me,” she growled as the memory flashed in her head, her hands pushing the box closer to her chest. “Ah don’t want ta think about the things she said about Granny at her funeral!”   Scootaloo gave a quick glance back out the window before returning her attention back to her friend as they began to head out the room carrying the boxes. She could understand how Apple Bloom felt. After the wedding between Luna and Big Mac, Diamond Tiara seemed to get worse. Maybe it was because Princess Luna was now Apple Bloom’s sister-in-law. Or maybe it was because Silver Spoon began to distance herself from Diamond Tiara, no longer joining in her bullying the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Or perhaps it was a bit of both. Whatever the reason for her extra venom, she had been growing worse and worse with each passing year. As well as less cautious. Filthy Rich was finding it harder and harder not to believe all the things that ponies said about his daughter.   Then came the funeral. It was the last straw between the Rich family and the Apple’s. The next day Filthy came to apologize, but it wasn’t him that they wanted an apology from. And the Apples were so angry at they decided that Barnyard Bargains would no longer get the first hundred bottles of zap apple jam any longer.   “Well maybe you’ll like this,” said Scootaloo. “I heard in the employee break room that Filthy actually cut her out of his will. She’s now got to work to get back in.” This caused Apple Bloom to growl.   “I must confess, Scootaloo, for I am at a loss,” said Zecora suddenly. “I would never have thought you would take Mr. Rich for a boss.”   “Hey, say what you will about his parenting skills,” said Scootaloo as they exited the castle. “But he’s fair with his employees.” While Barnyard Bargains had a setback due to no longer being able to sell zap apple jam, they were still going strong. One of the new services they provided was home delivery, which worked out great for Scootaloo.   “Can we please stop talkin’ about them?” asked Apple Bloom. “Ah’m gonna be leaving today for Zebrica and won’t see ya’ll for three years! The last thing ah want ta be talkin’ about is Diamond Tiara or her family.”   “Nervous?” asked Scootaloo.   “Ya have no idea,” sighed Apple Bloom. “Ah know how lucky ah am that Twilight and Zecora pulled a lot of strings so that Head Medicine Mare Zavanna will teach me. But, at the same time, ah’m afraid ah’ll mess up and let ya’ll down. Not ta mention ah’ve never been away from home this long.”   “Apple Bloom you need not fret,” said Zecora as she gently placed a hand on her young students shoulder. “There is no need to think of yourself in our debt. Zavanna does not normally take ponies as students, this is true. All we can ask is that you do the best you can do. Under her training there is much you shall learn. Then, in three years, to us you shall return.”   “Thanks,” said Apple Bloom with a smile.   “And don’t worry, I’ll try and visit you when I get time off,” said Scootaloo. By this time, they were now standing in front of Scootaloo’s new ride. Having outgrown her old scooter, Scootaloo had decided on making herself a new vehicle powered by her tiny wings. She had started off with a bike frame and added various items like a black chrome exterior to protect said frame, a speed gage, shock absorbers, and several other things. On it’s was a passenger cart which Apple Bloom suspected had been enchanted by Twilight because not only where they able to put the two boxes in it but Apple Bloom was also able to sit in it comfortably.   Apple Bloom gave one last hug to Zecora and said her goodbyes as Scootaloo put on her helmet before beginning to flap her tiny wings. They soon became a blur as they began to move the cycle forward at an amazing speed that almost caused the teenage Apple to scream. The two zipped out of the Academy grounds and, once out, zig zagged through the forest.   Apple Bloom closed her eyes, wishing they would be at her farm soon. Anything to get off this crazy ride. Even if it meant saying goodbye to her family early. Saying goodbye to Ponyville, Sweet Apple Acres, and all of the memories she had here. Then she began to feel them slow down. Opening her eyes, Apple Bloom saw that they weren’t at her farm but instead at their old club house which still looked rather nice seeing as it hadn’t been used in years. Sure the paint was starting to peel and roof had a lot of branches on it, but it was still better than what it had been like before she had fixed it up.   “Uh Scoots, why are we here?” asked Bloom as she looked over at the driver. Said filly slowly took off her helmet before looking up at the old club house.   “I just wanted to show you this before you left,” said Scootaloo. “This was where we all started our first real journey together as the Cutie Mark Crusaders.”   “But we became the Cutie Mark Crusaders at Sugar Cube Corner,” said Apple Bloom.   “Yeah, but this place has more memories and it was where we did most of our planning,” said Scootaloo defensively. She then opened her mouth to say something, but instead groaned. “Grr. This is just great. I had a nice little speech I wanted to make, but now I forgot it.” She sighed. “Anyways, I just wanted to say is that you are leaving for a long while and we won’t be able to see each other again. But like when Sweetie Bell left for Manehatten to tryout for Bridleway, we told her we would always be here waiting for her when she came back. And that goes for you as well. When you return, we’ll come back here and talk about all the things that we have done. Because, no matter the distance, we’re still friends. We’re still crusaders and we’ll never stop the journey.”   “Wow,” said Apple Bloom as smile appeared on her face. “Scootaloo, that was very nice.”   “Thanks,” said Scootaloo as she put on her helmet, not just to protect her head but also so her friend couldn’t see her tears. “Now hold on, I gotta get you home in time for dinner!”     That night, the entire Apple Family stood outside as Apple Bloom began putting her things in a flying chariot provided by Luna.   Dinner had been a pleasant affair, however three ponies had shown up late. Harvest had shown up about ten minutes late thanks to a certain spoiled filly who was going to be sleeping outside for not following orders. Big Mac and Luna showed up five minutes after him, back in their lovey dovey mode that no pony had seen since Granny had passed. No one spoke about Apple Blooms departure but instead of little, everyday things.   After Applejack’s marvelous dinner, the whole family went into the family room and looked over photo albums. They looked over pictures of Applejack’s and Harvest’s wedding as well as the wedding of Big Mac and Luna. There were pictures of Apple Bloom’s many failures to get her cutie mark as well as the one celebrating the day she finally got it. They looked at photo’s of the day the twins were born and one showing the look on Applejack’s face when she found out she was pregnant again.   Then came the dreaded knock on the door signaling that it was time for Apple Bloom to go.   “We’ll miss you Auntie Bloom,” said Sparkling while Cid nodded.   “Ah’ll miss you both as well.” said Apple Bloom as she gave they both a quick hug.   “Now be sure ta write,” said Big Mac as Apple Bloom release the twins.   “Mah little sister is all grown up,” said Applejack with tears of joy in eyes. Even Luna had a few tears in her eyes.   “Ah’m gonna miss ya’ll,” said Apple Bloom as she hugged the two mares.   “When you come back, I’ll make sure we do something special,” said Luna. “How about we go back to the island.” When she said this, all the adults turned to her and gave her a stunned look. Apple Bloom, on the other hand, looked overjoyed.   “Really?” she asked. “We haven’t been back there in years! Ah can’t wait!” And with that, she jumped into the chariot. With the promise of a family trip when she returned, Apple Bloom wanted to get started as soon as possible.