> Twilight's Training > by DickDastardly > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Specific Tastes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight looked left, then right, carefully scanning the bookshelves around her for signs of movement. The Canterlot Royal Library had closed hours ago, but as both a Princess and a scholar, Twilight had unrestricted access. After all, she wasn’t going to be stealing books, or vandalizing statues, or eating and drinking in the rare books room. She could be trusted with such responsibility, and such trust granted her unprecedented privacy. What with her tree house being replaced with a public building open at all hours (“There could be a Friendship crisis at any time!” Celestia had reminded her) privacy had become preciously scarce. Applejack would come in at all hours to discuss her farm’s endless requests for water and fertilizer. Pinkie would use the basement to practice “critical” party machines and techniques. Rarity had decided that her portion of the castle removed her need to rent a storage unit for old outfits. And that was just the ponies who were supposed to be there. Sure, she had a large bedroom and bathroom with doors that locked. But what she was up to tonight required the sort of privacy she didn’t trust to the sort of keyhole that Rainbow Dash could easily pick with one of her feathers. Slowly, carefully, she walked past a line of private reading rooms, each one meticulously clean and carefully locked, as they should be well past midnight. There were eleven of them, all in a row, and each with a narrow window to permit librarians to check in on patrons and ensure they didn’t get left behind at closing. All eleven reading rooms were empty, their lights dark. At the end of the line of doors was a large, wheeled shelf, fully stocked with hardback editions of past farm reports, weather statistics, and other data that even Twilight found too boring to read. Carefully, she pushed on the edge, rolling it out ever so slightly. Behind the yellowed pages and creaking volumes sat a twelfth door, as black and empty as the others. However, unless one happened to be so sincerely interested in turnip harvests as to pull a book of them off the shelf and read it, one would never know that it was there. Indeed, most ponies probably didn’t even know that the shelf had been rolled in front of the door ages ago, and that it could easily be rolled aside with even the slightest touch. Twilight herself only discovered it back in her senior year of Magical College. Retrieving the library’s master key from her saddlebag, she unlocked the door and quickly slipped inside. She flipped on the light. The room was dusty, as it was no longer cleaned, but otherwise still well appointed. She pulled out a towel and began to wipe the dust off the aging reading chair and desk, flipping on the light and letting it illuminate the tiny room. Turning to the door, she locked it, then turned the light back out. In the dark, she could listen better, listen for the hooves of an approaching guard or a night janitor who was behind on his scrubbing. She waited for several minutes, but she heard nothing. Perfect. Flipping the light back on, she carefully opened her satchel and set out the books she planned on reading. She drooled at them, her eyes darting back and forth over the covers. “The Stud of Trottingham”, “The Water Closet Mare”, “They Kiss With Southern Lips” – all the sort of books that Twilight would openly condemn in public, yet which she read voraciously behind closed doors. Setting down the towel over the seat, she looked from one book to the next, hardly knowing where to start. Was she in the mood for romantic lesbian mares? Maybe a studly stallion who puts a foal in every willing mare he meets? Maybe something kinky with tight straps or – dare she? –- bathroom play and infantilism. Across the volumes she’d brought, every one of her dark desires was wholeheartedly embraced by the authors, who wrote with descriptive depth and sincere gusto. Every mare in every tale was over the moon with orgasmic bliss. And soon, Twilight would be to. Realizing she couldn’t pick, she simply grabbed the nearest book at hand, flipped it open to a random page, and began reading. It didn’t disappoint – a she-stallion was pounding away wildly at the backside of a young, eager weather pegasus. The she-stallion was having her first penetrative fuck, but the weather pegasus was well seasoned, working that huge horse cock inside of her and playing it like an instrument. Twilight whined as she rubbed her hoof up and down her pussy, imagining how great it would feel to have a big, fat she-stallion shoving her length in there. The idea of a mare with a dick greatly appealed to her, combining all the sexiness of a properly plotted mare with the shaft and fucking power of a big heavy stallion. She leaned back in her chair as she continued to read, now barely looking at the words as she drove her imagination into a fervor. Her hooves were a blur, working her slit and the nipples on her mare-tits furiously. If only she’d had the courage to pack “Mr. Shivers” and a bottle of lube! Her hooves would have to do for now, as would her imagination. “Ohh yess, a big fat marecock deep in my snatch…” She whined as she pressed her pink nub with both hooves. “And she’s calling out my name – begging for me to let her cum inside. Twilight, Twilight, TWILIGHT!” “Twilight? Is that you?” Suddenly realizing there was light outside the door, Twilight fell from her seat, tumbling hard on to the floor. She winced in pain as her shoulder hit the marble, but she quickly closed the book and grabbed the towel, wiping her hooves clean in her lunge for the door. “I was just reading!” “Yes, but reading what?” Celestia stood at the doorway, her massive frame barely able to fit as she smiled down on her. Her horn glowed brightly, illuminating the room as would the morning sun. She was smirking, her lips pursed in a smile that held back laughter. “Please do tell me. I believe half the castle is curious.” Twilight could not be more embarrassed. “You could hear me?” she whimpered, shoving her books back into her bag. “You knew I was here?” “No to the first, but yes to the second.” Celestia grabbed the books with her magic, placing them back on the table. “Do you really think I was unaware of your little hiding places, Twilight? You are my most talented student – and therefore most potentially dangerous. I gave you your privacy, of course, but I made sure I knew what you were up to even if no one else did. I’ve lost many a pupil to the dark arts, and it always comforted me to know you were sneaking off to read…” Celestia picked up one of the books, examining it closely. “The Shy She-Stallion And The Twelve Horny Mares.” Twilight curled up in a corner, wishing that she could die from embarrassment. Not only had she been found out, she’d been found out by Celestia, and found out years ago. What private fetishes did the Princess know about at this point? Was there anything Twilight still had secret? She began to cry, not knowing what else to do in front of her mentor. Celestia bent down, gently nuzzling Twilight’s ear. “Twilight, please don’t cry. Don’t you understand? I was happy to find out that this was what you were sneaking off to read. No deep-dark necronomicons or long-banned books on death and torture. Just cheap trashy paperbacks you didn’t want anyone knowing you read.” Celestia flipped the pages, beginning to giggle and blush as she read the contents. “It’s rather cute, that you think you should feel ashamed that you read this sort of thing. Everypony does. Even I do?” Twilight sniffed. “You read books like these?” She slowly got to her hooves, still confused. The immaculate, holy and beautiful Princess Celestia read porn? It didn’t make sense. “It seems that no matter how clear I make it that, though a Princess, I am still a pony, even my own student does not believe.” She wrapped her wing around Twilight, pulling her in close. “Twilight, just because I’m a Princess doesn’t mean I don’t have the same needs as everypony. I need to eat, I need to go to the bathroom, I need to enjoy a good laugh now and again, and yes, I have sexual needs as well.” “Wait. You? Sex? With who?” Twilight blinked, blown away by Celestia’s candor. “With none of anypony’s business.” She playfully batted Twilight’s bangs, smirking a little. “What a mare does in her own bedroom, and who she does it with, is something she should be allowed to keep to herself. But I confess, my usual liaison has found herself a simply wonderful husband, and I’m not about to let my urges come between them. So I find myself in need of a new playmate. Someone single, discrete, and most of all, up for just about anything.” She picked up another one of Twilight’s books, her smile widening. “Tell me Twilight – have you done more than just read these books?” “Well I errr…” Twilight could hardly believe what she was being asked. “Didn’t you just say it’s not anypony’s business what a mare does in her bedroom?” “Oh, but maybe it can become my business.” Celestia flipped open the book, raising an eyebrow as she read through. “Oh my, her whole hoof? Well I guess if one has enough vegetable shortening it’s doable, although the pleasure is more in the mind than the anus.” Celestia put the book down and grinned at Twilight. “You must want to try at least some of these things, don’t you? And one would presume you’d prefer to try them with someone you know, that you can trust, and who won’t go blabbing to your friends about it. Although I’ve met your friends, and at least two of them would be a lot more willing than you seem to think.” Twilight grabbed back her books, shoving them into her saddlebags and pushing her way towards the door. Celestia blocked it with her body, but backed up as Twilight began to push. “I can’t believe this! I thought you were more...I thought…” “Why think when you can ask?” Celestia put her wing around Twilight, but kept from bringing her into a hug. “Twilight, I’ve always been open with you. I know that you’re not going to go about spreading rumors to the gossip magazines or making my private affairs public. I was free to complain to you about boring ministers and incompetent foreign heads of state, knowing you wouldn’t use my words to sabotage negotiations and careers. The only reason I didn’t bring up sex was that I wanted you to mature on your own, rather than be perverted by the predilections of a Princess.” “But I um...I have a coltfriend!” Twilight stumbled for words, trying to think up an excuse. She didn’t want to say “no” to the Princess, but she wasn’t sure she was ready for what Celestia was proposing. “You have a stallion friend that you’re getting to know.” Celestia rubbed Twilight’s head with her hoof and then took a couple of steps back. “Just because you let someone stick their dick in you doesn’t mean you are in love. Not ruling it out, but those romance books are every bit as fantastical as the comic books you give to Spike. What I’m offering you is a chance to gain practical experience – while also serving your Princess in the most devoted way possible.” She leaned forward and gave Twilight a kiss on the nose. “But I won’t press you if you don’t want to. I just always hoped you’d say yes.” Twilight gulped a bit, staring at her hooves, and then back up at Celestia. She bit her lip. How could she say “no” to this? “Well, okay.” She stepped forward, locking eyes with her Princess. “I mean, just for a little bit. To see if I like it.” Celestia grinned wide, pulling Twilight in for a close hug. “Oh Twilight, you’re going to make me so happy! And of course I won’t take it too fast with you. You’re not the first pretty young mare who’s come to my secret bedchamber. Everything will be soft and sweet – until you’re ready for things to get hard.” Twilight closed her eyes, and when she opened them, she realized she’d been teleported to a completely different room entirely. There were no doors or windows, only tiny slits here and there to let in and out air. Despite this, the room was rather large, with a high ceiling and pillars at regular intervals. Unlike most of the castle it had a utilitarian look to it, with plain, undecorated limestone making up the walls, ceiling and columns. Magical torches lit the room, although their glow provided barely enough light to see, and certainly not enough to see much detail. From what she could see, Twilight could make out a collection of beds, strange pieces of furniture, and assorted rubber and leather items that she couldn’t quite identify, but whose purpose was intuitive. “In here we can have some privacy. Accessible only by teleportation, this cavern is my secret playroom, where I can deliver love and pleasure to my subjects without needing to worry about anypony taking it the wrong way. Most ponies don’t even know it exists, and other than the cleaning staff and those I trust most, I intend to keep it that way.” Celestia began to walk through the gloom, lighting the way brightly using the magic of her horn. “Follow me. We’ll use my favorite bed, since you’re new here.” Twilight followed in wide-eyed silence, barely able to believe all that she was seeing. The place looked like the sex shops that had been described in her books, combined with the sort of stuff Pinkie and Rainbow Dash used to tell her stories about. She had thought her secret mail-order purchase of Mr. Shivers had been a rare and perverted act, but if Celestia’s toy racks were any example, she had been keeping it tame. Celestia stopped at a large circular bed, stepping up onto it and sitting down. It was coated in a soft but clearly waterproof surface, with no sheets on top. There were a few pillows, but they were covered in the same waterproof coating, and as Twilight stepped onto the bed, she found it stiff and slippery. Clearly, this was not a place intended for sleeping. Celestia pulled Twilight to her and began kissing her neck and ear gently, directing her towards a large mirror mounted at the head of the bed. “Look at yourself, Twilight. Can you see how beautiful you are? And how much more beautiful you get when I begin to touch you like this? Your body yearns to be touched, Twilight Sparkle. It needs to be loved physically as well as emotionally.” Twilight looked at herself in the mirror. Even in the gloom she could see that she was blushing. Celestia was continuing to kiss and caress her, although the Princess’s hooves were moving from her lower shoulders to down between Twilight’s legs, caressing her mare-tits and slit. She had never known a lover who had been so aggressive, but Celestia’s touches were so incredible, she almost wanted to speed things up, so she could feel even better. As she watched the mirror, though, she saw something else begin to emerge. From between Celestia’s legs a large, hard shaft began to appear, its unflared crown pulsating and dripping precum. Twilight gasped and turned to look at it, amazed to see such a thing growing from Celestia’s crotch. She looked up at Celestia, now realizing that the ceiling was also mirrored. Even reflected up there, Celestia’s cock looked huge. “Puh...Princess! But I thought…” “The fact that I’m a she-stallion is as much nopony’s concern as what I do down here.” She kissed Twilight down the neck, then gently guided her down on the bed, putting her lips and tongue to work on Twilight’s breasts and plot. “Besides, I see no reason why having a cock should make me any less ladylike. Even if it does enable me to pleasure mares in ways that no stallion or mare could do alone.” She turned around, climbing over Twilight, her flaccid member dangling in front of Twilight’s face. Twilight was astonished just to see the size of it. She had always thought that Flash Sentry was well-endowed, and compared to the various colt-friends she’d had back in college he certainly was. But even Mr. Shivers paled in comparison. She could only just barely get Celestia’s tip in her mouth, and it wasn’t yet fully hard. She hoped that Celestia would be true to her promise to be gentle, lest Twilight be split in half like a hot-dog bun. Currently, though, Celestia was digging into Twilight’s snatch with great gusto, her licks long and deep, working from top to bottom as well as side to side. Twilight could hardly imagine that any mare or stallion could pleasure her nethers with such thoroughness and depth. She had been eaten out, of course – indeed, it seemed to almost be Flash Sentry’s favorite past time, the way he dove into it whenever they were alone. But clearly there was something to be said for experience in these matters, and Celestia seemed to have more experience than all of Twilight’s fillyfriends combined. She tried to return the favor, gently working the tip of Celestia’s shaft in her mouth. She could hardly get much of it inside her, and though she now realized she need not strain her jaw to get it in, she certainly couldn’t even hope to make it to the medial ring, not without practicing all those “secret techniques” that she’d read about in the back of Rarity’s more scandalous magazines. Still, she could pleasure the tip, and so she did, digging in as best she could, twirling her tongue this way and that as she panted hard through her nose. “Careful with your teeth, dear.” Celestia nipped at Twilight’s clit, then gave it a long, slow lick. “Don’t worry. I’ll teach you all sorts of tricks. You always were a fast learner, and teaching you is going to be so much fun…” She continued to lick and nibble at Twilight’s sex, teasing and fiddling with her folds. She took long slow slurps of Twilight’s flavor, sucking in the juices and moaning with delight. “Oh Twilight – when did you get so delicious?” She buried her muzzle deep in Twilight, blowing hot air out across her folds. Twilight whimpered and writhed under Celestia, gasping and gagging around the huge flare in her mouth. Celestia was beginning to pre, and try as she might, Twilight couldn’t keep up with the volume. She tried to swallow the salty stuff but it overwhelmed her, dribbling down her lips and muzzle and out onto the plastic cushion. She had tasted this sort of thing before, especially when returning favors with Flash Sentry. But Celestia had a unique flavor that she couldn’t quite place. It wasn’t unpleasant though – far from it. The flavor was one of the more exotic and exquisite ones she’d ever encountered, and as she trilled her tongue across the hole, she found herself loving it all the more. “Enough of the foreplay, let’s get down to business.” Celestia climbed up and switched position, turning Twilight over and nuzzling her neck and shoulders. She lined her enormous length up with Twilight’s sex, rubbing up and down gently, pressing and tapping lightly. “I bet you feel so hot and tight inside…” She began to press insistently, letting Twilight move, but tapping at her entrance and demanding entry. Twilight was less sure. She’d taken some pretty big dildos over the years, along with the occasional lucky stallion. But none of them were anywhere near as big as Celestia, whose shaft was as thick as Twilight’s leg. Still, she didn’t want to disappoint the Princess, and from what she’d been feeling back there, she might just be up to this. Celestia’s licking and nibbling and prodding had loosened her up significantly, and maybe she wasn’t sizing up Celestia properly. Things always felt bigger than they looked, after all. “Go ahead, Princess, I think I’m ready.” “Oh I know you are. I can feel it!” Celestia pushed in gently but firmly, sinking down slowly and giving Twilight plenty of time to react. She paused frequently, her massive shaft throbbing inside of Twilight and pulsing with juice. The fluids of both ponies slowly leaked out of Twilight’s sex, dribbling down her thighs as Celestia continued to carefully work her way in. “Damn Twilight, for a pony who isn’t a virgin, you sure are tight!” She kissed Twilight on the ear. “It feels magnificent!” “Same for me, Princess!” She could hardly have believed it, but Twilight felt so full and satisfied with Celestia inside of her. She had expected to feel pain, to feel her body stretched and pulled the way it always was when she went a bit outside her comfort zone. But it was different this time. Maybe it was because the pony inside of her was someone she cared about, as opposed to just a piece of rubber? Or maybe Celestia’s magic was doing more than she realized? Regardless of why, Twilight was overjoyed to have the Princess inside of her, and she pushed back eagerly, wanting to feel more and more. “Always the eager student, aren’t you Twilight?” Celestia adjusted herself and slid in past her medial ring, continuing to push until she felt she could go no further. She closed her eyes and moaned, taking in the intense feeling of Twilight’s body all around her shaft. She had been inside so many ponies over the years, but the first time was always special. Like a recipe she’d never had before, it was always a unique pleasure, even if she later moved on to things she liked better. But she could tell from the way Twilight felt inside, and the way she whined and panted with satisfaction, that she was going to be coming back to this time and time again. “Let’s begin some more intense study, shall we?” Twilight dug in her hooves as best she could, trying not to slip on the uncertain surface. It was a futile effort, however, and as Celestia shifted from slow grinding to firm ramming, Twilight began to slide across the bed, her motion only halted by the firm grip of Celestia’s hooves. She bent down, putting her chest to the mattress as she struggled to keep in position, pushing herself back on Celestia’s enormous shaft as best she could. Even in her wildest dreams she could hardly imagine that sex would feel so good, and she struggled to contain herself, moaning and screaming incoherent half-words as she tried to encourage Celestia to go all the further. Not that Celestia needed any encouragement. Spurred by the intense feeling and a slowly rising bestial lust, she rutted Twilight hard, her shaft pistoning in and out of the smaller pony with increasing fervor. Her eyes rolled back and her tongue lolled out as she let herself give in to the pleasure, spreading her wings for balance and leaning back, taking advantage of Twilight’s collapsing position to shift her thrusts ever downward, pushing her into the mattress harder and harder. Twilight was also losing herself, closing her eyes and drooling with satisfaction as she felt the Princess’s enormous shaft deep inside of her. She braced herself against Celestia’s forelegs and bit her lower lip, her holy body shuddering as her sex erupted in fluid. Her labia fluttered and twitched, a long shiver made its way from her tail across her back and all the way up her neck, making her own wings twitch and spread beneath Celestia. She had certainly reached orgasm before, but never had it sent waves of numbness throughout her entire body. Even the tips of her hooves were tingling, and it was as though she’d suddenly lost all weight, and was now magically floating over the cushions instead of laying down on them. Celestia’s orgasm was more controlled, but still intense. It took more than a tight mare-pussy to get her really going, there were certain things involving tight leather straps, gold rings and ball gags that were needed for that. Still, Twilight’s sex, and her obvious enjoyment at what they had been doing, was more than enough to sent Celestia’s shaft pulsing and throbbing. Her seed filled and overwhelmed Twilight’s snatch, sending cascading waves of white gooey love down the mare’s thighs. Celestia kept herself buried deep for a few moments, not pulling out and back until she was completely finished. Twilight emerged from under Celestia slowly, her sex still throbbing, her labia still fluttering as thick gobs of cum oozed from her hole. She wanted to kiss Celestia, to hug her, to somehow let the Princess know that she appreciated the sort of love and intense pleasure she’d just experienced. But she found herself incredibly tired, and needed first to rest, to stop and catch her breath. Celestia came up behind Twilight, idly playing with the mare’s cheeks and slit, fondling them playfully with her hooves. “My, it seems like Sugarcube Corner isn’t the only place I can get a massive creampie in Ponyville anymore.” She licked gently at Twilight’s sex, the salty taste of her own cum entering her mouth. Her licks were more gentle now, almost perfunctory, but still teasing Twilight’s clit and extending her afterglow. She rolled Twilight onto her back and climbed over her, letting her enormous shaft drag across Twilight’s belly. “Be a good little mare and clean your Princess while you rest.” Twilight hardly needed encouragement. She kissed and suckled the cock, making slow love to it, delaying but not halting its retreat. She cleaned it eagerly, working all up and down the shaft. She could hardly believe that so much of the Princess had been inside of her, or that it had putting such enormous pleasure into her tiny body. Once the shaft had mostly retreated, she hugged Celestia as best she could, nustling the larger pony’s legs with her own. Celestia sat down and grabbed a brush off a nearby stand, slowly beginning to put her hair back in order. “Not bad for a first session. But I’ll need to teach you about my more specific tastes before we go at it again. I’m not above a little vanilla like this, but there’s going to be a lot of ‘black licorice’ in your near future. Maybe some ‘fresh lemonade’ and ‘hot fudge’ too, if you’re up for it.” She hugged Twilight back, kissing her on the forehead. Twilight didn’t know precisely what the Princess meant, but she knew enough to know it wasn’t going to be the sort of quiet, tame things she’d been up to with partners in the past. Still, if anything felt as good as what they’d done tonight, she could hardly be expected to say no. Besides, if Celestia asked for something, how could her most devoted student refuse? “Anything you wish, Princess. I’ll always be your devoted student, and I’m ready to learn anything you want to teach. “Good, because after this, it’s going to get a lot more...Well let’s just say you’ll find yourself doing and enjoying things that are decidedly un-Princess-like. But that’s why we have this secret chamber.” She kissed Twilight one more time, and then got up slowly. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I will need to raise the sun soon. But in the meantime, be thinking of anything you might want to try. I’ll ensure that our next appointment is scheduled very, very soon…” > Mare in Bondage > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight squirmed in her seat, struggling to focus on the pages in front of her. Work had come slowly this past month, with frequent “interruptions” to her private chambers becoming the norm. This hadn’t impacted her workflow significantly, as the Princess of Friendship she didn’t have much in the way of royal duties to perform or royal paperwork to oversee. Even when she did, Spike handled most of it, but that just made him all the more suspicious as to why she kept wandering off. Her friends, too, were growing suspicious. More than once they’d come knocking on her door, politely but insistently, wondering if she was sick, or sad, or otherwise having a problem that they could fix. Rainbow Dash was the only one bold enough to accuse her of what she was actually doing, but the others had to suspect by now. Hell, Pinkie had been dropping some not-so-subtle hints that she would be happy to join in, if Twilight wanted to do more than play by herself. But none of that would satisfy anymore, leastwise it certainly didn’t seem to. Her date with Flash Sentry had been intense and loving – he’d gotten her to cum twice – but it just wasn’t the same as Celestia. He cared about her, sure, but he didn’t have the skill, technique or sheer size of the Princess. Plus, the fact that she sort of felt like she was cheating on him, even though they both insisted that they were not dating and were just friends (with benefits, as Pinkie would put it) made her dally with Celestia all the more distracting. She wanted to tell him, wanted to admit what she and Celestia had been up to, but she just couldn’t. One, she’d promised, and two, how could he expect to compete with somepony who’d had 1000 years of practice? Even Mr. Shivers seemed to be less than satisfactory now. Sure, the big black rubber cock provided the filling and depth that she wanted, but warm rubber was hardly a replacement for a loving partner. Flash Sentry was certainly a loving partner, but he couldn’t get the depth and technique that she now knew she needed. Maybe with time she could teach him, but what about now? Every time she failed to scratch her itch, it seemed to just get worse. The old standby of raunchy stories combined with masturbation was barely giving her any relief. She needed to talk to the Princess, and soon, before her lustful desires got any worse. She couldn’t right now, though, not when Celestia was busy far away with business in the Crystal Empire, when her own studies were languishing in repetition and half-finished essays. Still, she needed a little relief, and if she was going to get through this book without distractions, she’d need to blow off some steam. Then she could finish her book, send Celestia the essay and add a p.m. that she wanted to discuss the implications “in private.” Surely, the Princess was certain to get the hint? Or maybe Twilight needed to be more direct? Twilight laid down on her bed and slipped her hoof between her legs. No time for Mr. Shivers right now, she’d just need to get rubbing and use her imagination. She closed her eyes and began to move, caressing her clit and slit delicately, moving around gently and touching all her favorite spots. She tried to think back to the way that Celestia had touched her, the way that Celestia had moved inside of her, the way she’d felt that night one month ago. The thought of being with Celestia set her lust to a full boil, and in moments she was working herself with two hooves, her nipples and sex being caressed wildly and fervently. She whined, arching her back as she thought back to the way that the Princess had worked her sex, the way that massive cock had tasted in her mouth or felt deep inside of her. There had just been so much of it – the immense size, the intense thrusting, the cum dribbling down her thighs. How could she go back to normal masturbation and penetration at this point? Twilight groaned and continued to work herself, both frustrated and aroused by the thoughts and sensations. Her masturbation, rather than being the welcome relief it had always been before, was now a tantalizing near-sex, something that seemed to just leave her wanting more, rather than feeling fully satisfied. It was half a meal, the first hour of a movie, the first ten chapters in her favorite book. She wanted more, dammit! And just as soon as she was finished here, she was going to write to the Princess and demand it. “Oh my. I’m not coming too late am I?” Twilight yelped and crawled up her bed in a panic, banging her head hard against the headboard. She tried to stumble to her feet, but as the front two of them were dripping with juice, she couldn’t find sure footing once she left the bed, and she collapsed in a heap at Celestia’s feet. She whined, wanting to grab the sheets and bury herself in them, or else crawl under the bed and hide. How did Celestia manage to interrupt her at private moments like this? Was she doing this on purpose. “Really, dear, a Princess like you should know to lock her doors.” Celestia kissed Twilight on the tip of her horn, then grabbed her and pulled her to her feet. “I’m certain your friends wouldn’t think any less of you if they walked in on you, but I’m just as certain that you’re not of a mind to show them. It would be un-Princess-like, at the very least.” “I swear I locked the door!” Twilight panted, now realizing that, no she hadn’t, since she’d originally intended just to finish the last few arguments on her essay. She hadn’t been thinking, and now the Princess had interrupted her mid-clop for a second time. “I mean, I thought I did.” “Twilight, you really need to not be embarrassed by these things, not after what we’ve done together.” Celestia brought Twilight in for a quick hug, then kissed her on the cheek. “For goodness sake, I’ve been inside of you at this point. And you look so cute when you masturbate. You scrunch your face up and it turns bright red and you let out these adorable moans…” Twilight blushed a bit, burying her face in Celestia’s side, but the Princess’s frankness did indeed help her calm down a bit. Yes, she had nothing to fear, it wasn’t like she was up to anything Celestia hadn’t already seen. She wasn’t so much revealing a side of her the Princess was unfamiliar with as physically expressing how much she missed what they had gone through. They were both adults, and it was perfectly okay for them to see one another in that way. Though still, she felt that she wouldn’t manage to be this calm, cool and collected if she walked in on Celestia manipulating her own massive shaft. “Luna told me that your dreams were somewhat...Frustrated. That it seems the fire I lit inside of you has grown to a raging inferno, and that I need to pour some water on it immediately.” Celestia grinned, nudging herself against Twilight’s flank playfully. “Or in my case, cum. So I finished up what I couldn’t delegate and came as fast as I could. Though I imagine my second cumming will take a bit longer. Care to join me in our special place, Twilight?” Before she could reply, Twilight found herself once again in Celestia’s secret love chamber, surrounded by strange and exotic furniture lit by low-burning torches. She was in a different part of the room this time, one without a bed. Instead there were other strange structures, all coated with the same stain-proof material, but arranged in bizarre positions and coated with straps and buckles. Leather was everywhere, as were cuffs and collars lined with faux fur. She was reminded of some of the sex furniture she’d read about in books, but she’d never seen such things in the real world. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end, and as she thought about how she’d be positioned in each of them. The thought of being tied up and helpless while Celestia did whatever she wanted – it started pushing buttons Twilight didn’t even know she had. Celestia began to run her hoof up and down Twilight’s flank. “I do apologize for allowing it to be so long since our first session. When you get to be my age, time just doesn’t move at the same speed as when you are young. But don’t worry, during the past month I’ve been thinking back to what you were reading when I first found you, and I thought you might be interested in this sort of thing.” Celestia lifted up a thick leather collar, holding it out in front of Twilight. “So what do you think?” Twilight took deep breaths, staring at the collar. It was fur lined, the buckle secured with a lock. A large golden tag read “TIA’S BITCH” in clear print. It glinted in the light, catching Twilight’s eye. Something deep inside her wanted her to put that on, to give herself over to the pony she’d looked up to for so long. She bit her lip and looked deep into Celestia’s eyes. “...I’d like to try…” “One thing before we start.” Celestia yanked the collar away, dangling it just out of reach of Twilight’s hooves. “We’re going to need a safeword for you to shout if you get into trouble. How about ‘chimichanga’? No, that’s too long. How about just ‘banana’? If you start to hurt, or you’re getting tired, or if you just need me to stop, start shouting ‘banana’ as loud as you can. Get it?” “Banana.” Twilight’s eyes were still locked on the collar. “Got it.” Celestia grabbed a riding crop off the wall and brought it down hard across Twilight’s ass, making her yelp. “That’s yes MA’AM to you, bitch.” She brought the collar around Twilight’s neck and locked it firmly into place. “You only say two things to me, bitch. Yes ma’am and no ma’am. And you’d better answer with the right one, or else we’ll turn that pink rump of yours bright red. Do you understand, bitch?” “Yes ma’am” Twilight panted, rubbing the collar with her hoof. She had never thought that the feel of fur and leather against her neck would be so exciting. It was snug but not tight, the tag jingling a little as she moved. The smack from the riding crop had hurt much less than she thought, but still, her rump was stinging. It was the good kind of hurt though, the kind that got her juices flowing. “That’s better.” Celestia pulled several leather items from a nearby table. They glowed with mystical purple jewels, each emitting a mild passive aura. She strapped one across each of Twilight’s wings, locking them into place with golden locks, then slipped the last across her horn. “Bitches don’t need to fly, or use magic, do they, bitch? They just need to do what Princess Celestia tells them.” “Yes ma’am” Twilight could feel the magic leaching from her horn and wings. None of the appendages withered, but the bindings were tight, draining her of her power. With neither wings to fly nor a horn to cast magic, she felt trapped and vulnerable. She was within Celestia’s power. And somehow, this is how she wanted it. She wanted to open herself up to Celestia, to let this powerful god-horse do whatever she wanted. She bit her lip, looking up at Celestia, her backside quivering with anticipation. “Head down, bitch, you don’t deserve to look at me.” Celestia brought down the riding crop again, then pushed Twilight’s head to the floor. “Clean my hooves, slut. Kiss them with your lips and lick them clean with your tongue. I want to be able to see my reflection in them before you sit back up again. Twilight bent down slowly, looking at Celestia’s hooves. They were shod in long black leather boots that ended in an iron horseshoe, as opposed to the gold and jewel-encrusted hoofwear she normally favored. Twilight bent down to kiss them, not sure what to expect in the dim light. As she put her lips to them, she found that they were impeccably polished, and still reeking of leather polish. They were still wet, whatever castle servant had applied the polish had either neglected or been ordered not to finish the brushing. She kissed them a few more times, the bitter taste of polish getting deep in her mouth. But somehow the unpleasant taste just drove her to try more, and soon she was licking the hoof all over, the taste of polish, leather and iron thick across her tongue. “You didn’t say ‘thank you’, stupid.” Celestia brought the riding crop down hard on Twilight’s ass, leaving red welts as it smacked deep through the purple pony’s fur. “Isn’t it a great honor to kiss your Princess’s feet, to clean them with that worthless tongue of yours?” Twilight winced harder at being called ‘stupid’ than being smacked on the ass. Somehow the words hurt more than the crop, even though she knew that Celestia couldn’t mean such a thing. It was part of the play, just like having to call her ma’am or keep her head down. But it still stung more than she’d like. She moved off the boot, the shoe polish on her tongue making it hard for her to speak. “Thank you, ma’am.” Celestia brought the riding crop down again, this time smacking it across Twilight’s shoulder. “I told you, you only say yes ma’am and no ma’am. Or is that too complicated for you to understand?” “Yes ma’am.” Twilight whined in frustration. It seemed that no matter what she said or did, Celestia was going to bring down the whip. Maybe that was the point? It probably was. She certainly wasn’t hitting Twilight very hard, and Twilight’s sex was still wet and winking. There was so much new stuff all at once, it was hard to figure out what was going on, much less whether or not she liked it. “There we go. See? You can learn, just like a good little pony. But right now, you’re my bitch, and you’ll act like it.” Celestia took a few steps back, getting on the other side of what looked like a saw-horse, only it was coated in padding and leather straps. “Now be a good little bitch and climb here up on my table.” Twilight climbed up on it, her tongue hanging out and coated with shoe polish. She tried licking at it, but the stuff was pretty persistent, and she had trouble getting it off, even when she scraped at it with her teeth. Before she realized it, Celestia had locked her in tight, her hooves being tied to the legs of the “table” and her body strapped firmly to it. She could barely move against it, her rear end hanging off the far edge. If she had been exposed and helpless before, there were no words for how she was now! Celestia moved to Twilight’s backside, giving it another firm blow with the riding crop. “Mmm, this is definitely your good side, bitch.” She dragged the tip of the crop up Twilight’s slit, making the captive pony twitch slightly. “You’re already wet and winking. Does the thought of taking your mistress’s cock deep inside of you arouse you that much? Too bad, my cock isn’t quite ready for your cunt just yet.” She pulled out another strap, attaching it to the base of Twilight’s tail. She forced the appendage back, then locked the strap into one crossing Twilight’s midsection, leaving the poor pony’s tailhole and rear end all the more exposed. “There, now you’re really pretty!” Twilight squirmed from her captivity, afraid to talk, but unable to move. Instinctively she tried to move her wings or course magic through her horn, but this only made the purple jewels that bound them glow more intensely. She whined, unsure what Celestia would do next, but knowing she wanted the Princess to do it soon. “If a bitch like you thinks that she deserves to have a Princess’s cock in her worthless cunt, she needs to earn it first. And since you can’t seem to work that tongue of yours on my boots, how about you work it on my holes instead?” She shoved her mare-sex against Twilight’s face, continuing to push until her balls were on Twilight’s chin. Twilight had eaten pussy before, mostly during her “experimental” phase in college. But she’d never done so at such an angle before, nor had she done so with a she-stallion. Should she kiss and lick the balls too? Did Celestia mean for Twilight to work the asshole? She wasn’t sure, but she dug in gently, doing her best to work Celestia’s slit and clit gently but firmly. She worried a bit about the shoe polish at first, but as Celestia’s shoving got all the more intense, she realized there were more important things to worry about. She moved up and down, her lips and tongue getting a bit tired and raw, but still able to move. Celestia’s sex was wet and winking, dousing Twilight with juice. She must be doing something right, to get it like this, so she kept going, trying her best to remember what Celestia had done to her own sex during their last encounter. “Mmmm, that’s better, bitch. Keep it going. And don’t forget my balls or my other hole. Let’s see you try to impress me!” She brought down the riding crop again and pushed back, practically sitting on Twilight’s face at this point. For her part, Twilight struggled to do more, taking long licks up and down Celestia’s backside, licking and kissing and probing at everything presented to her. She would have thought that she’d find Celestia’s backside less appealing, especially her second hole, but as she licked and probed she found herself enjoying the act, albeit more mentally than physically. The Princess had cleaned herself well, but the act alone was repugnant, even though the thought of doing it filled Twilight with disgusted glee. She felt at home with her tongue up Celestia’s ass, closing her eyes and digging in deep. She could hardly believe she was doing this, but the more she did it, the more she wanted. The wrongness of it, the bizarreness of it, and the way that Celestia moaned and pressed down on her muzzle as she did it all the more – it was driving her wild! “Enough!” Celestia coughed and pulled off suddenly, her sex winking and dripping in Twilight’s face, her balls tightening and jiggling. “You almost had me cumming there, bitch. And there’s a much better place to put the royal seed!” She moved behind Twilight, tapping gently at her pussy, then pulling back. “No, there’s a better hole for this…” She began to lick and kiss at Twilight’s tailhole, gently nibbling it and teasing it with her hoof. She carefully worked it open, giving Twilight time to relax, even as she kept herself going, working her own shaft and keeping it nice and hard. She pulled a dildo off a nearby shelf and then began to work Twilight with it. “How’s that feel, bitch? Are you ready for me now?” “Yes ma’am…” Twilight groaned, panting as she felt the rubber shaft slide inside her. She’d always shied away from playing with her tailhole, though many of the mares in her books certainly seemed to enjoy ass-play. It was where she pooped, after all, and it was kind of gross, and besides she didn’t want to have to clean up the resulting mess or risk having to explain herself when she was doing so. But it certainly didn’t feel bad, in fact, the way Celestia was doing it felt amazing! “There, maybe now your hole is loose enough to handle the royal cock!” Celestia lined herself up carefully and began to push in, grunting as her unflared tip probed and pushed the hole. The resistance was strong, but she kept it up, gently applying more and more pressure as she teased Twilight’s hole to give way. But something wasn’t right. The pleasant fullness and satisfaction that Twilight had been feeling was giving way to pain, and not the slight, pleasure-enhancing pain that the riding crop had been. This was an emergency pain, the sort that told Twilight something was wrong. She began to panic, writhing and kicking at her restraints. But unable to move, she couldn’t get away, couldn’t extract herself from under Celestia. She whined. “No, wait! Stop!” She struggled, then thought back to what the Princess had told her earlier. “Banana! Please, Celestia, I said banana! There’s something wrong!” Celestia immediately backed off, her erect shaft flopping between her legs as she magically undid Twilight’s restraints. Hurriedly, she moved in front of Twilight, gently placing a hoof under the purple pony’s chin. “What’s wrong, Twilight? Are you okay?” Twilight whimpered. “I think I broke something back there.” Gently, she climbed down off the sex table, trying to turn around at some angle where she could see her backside. She pawed at it a little with her hoof, trying to get a good look. “It really hurts!” Celestia moved in and took a look, clucking her tongue. There wasn’t any severe damage, but “I guess I got too enthusiastic. You’ll have to keep your anal virginity for at least another week.” She moved behind Twilight, grinning. “Here, let Mistress kiss it better.” She bent down and kissed Twilight’s tailhole, noting that it wasn’t bleeding too badly, and other than the initial shock and some soreness for the next day or so, she was unharmed. “Lemme get some salve that will help it heal.” “I’m sorry I had to stop.” Twilight sniffed. She could still feel the wetness between her legs, and even with the pain from her tailhole distracting her, she was still horny. She had been so close, and she needed to go off. If she didn’t, she would no doubt go mad with arousal well in short order. “I just, I didn’t…” “You did what you were supposed to, Twilight, and if you hadn’t stopped when you did, you might have gotten hurt.” Celestia rubbed a hoof across Twilight’s forehead and then kissed the tip of her horn. “Don’t worry about it. You’re learning, finding out what you like, what you can handle.” “But I...I still need.” She bit her lip, putting her hoof to the large tag still dangling from her neck. She looked at Celestia, then climbed back up on to the table, putting her hoofs against the now open and loose restraints. “Please mistress, I’m so close!” Celestia grinned, returning the locks quickly, even strapping the magical bands back around Twilight’s horn and wings. “Such an eager student! Well far be it for your mistress to stop you from learning!” She brought down the riding crop on Twilight’s backside, but lightly this time, more playful than intending to cause harm. She moved behind Twilight and lined herself up with Twilight’s puffed sex, finding it wet and inviting. Still, she moved in slowly, giving Twilight lots of time to adjust. She leaned over Twilight, putting her pressure on Twilight’s back and wings as she slid in slowly. “How do you like that, bitch? You just love having a big fat Princess cock inside your cunt, huh?” “Yes ma’am!” Twilight whined. The interruption seemed to have only driven her harder, and now that she was suddenly back on that horse – literally –- she wanted to go off even worse than before. Though she was restrained, she tried to push back against Celestia, to get the Princess’s enormous shaft all the deeper inside of her. Her whole body was boiling at a fever pitch, and the release was tantalizingly close. “Please Princess, fuck me harder!” Celestia brought down the riding crop across Twilight’s cheek, leaving a red mark below the purple pony’s eye. “What did I tell you about talking, bitch?” But Celestia nonetheless kicked up her pace, adjusting her front legs on the sides of the table to get a better angle. She pushed in relentlessly now, almost her entire length pistoning in and out of Twilight’s puffy, dripping sex. The brief delay had driven her orgasm wild as well, and her shaft twitched and throbbed with approaching orgasm. Her tip began to flare, and she drove it home as she let herself unload deep into Twilight. Twilight whimpered with delight and ecstasy as she felt the Princess cum inside of her. Somehow, this felt even better than the first, and from her restrained and helpless position, she felt the orgasm hit her and begin to rack around inside, tickling her from her hooves to the tip of her horn. Magic fizzled against the restraints even as she tried to kick and buck from where she was held, but the leather dug in firmly, holding Twilight in place. Her own orgasm was wild, her juices mixing with Celestia’s and running messily down her thighs. Celestia held herself in deep for a few moments, grinning and nipping at Twilight’s ears. She was panting hard, her shaft still throbbing and pumping out a few last parting shots. Rather than pull out, she remained inside, the hot, wet shaft slowly cooling and shrinking inside of Twilight. Carefully, she used her magic to remove or loosen Twilight’s restraints, but she still kept the purple pony pinned beneath her. “Well Twilight, did you enjoy yourself? The literal pain in the ass besides, I mean.” It took Twilight several minutes to compose herself enough to speak. Before she could, she adjusted herself a little, kissing Celestia here and there and smiling. “It was wonderful, Princess.” She tapped the tag on her collar, blushing. “I think I could really get into this. I...I like being tied up, I guess. And the rough play, it’s...It’ll take some getting use to, but I think I’m really into it.” “I gathered as much from the way you were screaming and moaning.” Celestia playfully batted Twilight’s ears. “You were like a virgin on prom night with all the noise. Maybe it’s high time I introduce you to ball gags.” Celestia pulled off of Twilight slowly, retrieving a nearby towel and beginning to wipe herself clean. “Is there anything I need to change? Other than the butt sex, I mean. We’ll have to get you on an anal training regimen before I go back in there. I wouldn’t wanna hurt your cutie patootie!” Twilight bit her lip, afraid to say. She didn’t want to tell Celestia her business, but she had just asked, and the issue had been sitting in the back of her mind the entire time they had been playing. “Can you not call me stupid next time? I’m okay with the dirty talk – it’s a lot of fun, most of the time. I mean, calling my sex a ‘cunt’ is a little rough, but calling me dumb, it kinda…” Celestia put a hoof over Twilight’s face. “Twilight, I’m fine with that. I only say those things as part of the play, and I’d never want them to hurt your feelings. It’s just a little bit of verbal roughness, to go along with the spanking.” She gave Twilight a hug. “But I know how words can hurt, so of course I’ll be happy to change what I say.” She slipped around back and began wiping Twilight’s backside, cleaning her up as well before planting a kiss on across one of the welt marks. “And keep the collar. I have a feeling you’ll need it again next weekend…”