Maybe I'm Dreaming

by Night Flight

First published

How do you feel when someone tell you you should get married with someone you don't know? Maybe you get angry but Rainbow dash acts different. By the way this is Rainbow dash. She loves to be different...

Everything was perfect for Rainbow dash until one day, her mother tells her the most unexpected decision of her life. She agrees but...will she survive?
* * *
This is my first story ever. It's a little sad but it's filled with romance and it has a good ending. I'm not really good in grammar so I'll probably have lots of mistakes. Please tell them in your comments. And last thing...enjoy the story!

And now...

With a co-writer: Moonlightprincess002

CH 1-When life started to change

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The young mare looked at the picture again. Suddenly she burst into tears. She’d been like this for a month. For her, this wasn’t anything new. These tears were only tears of love.

Door of the room opened and another mare with a worried face stepped in. She rushed to crying mare and hugged her.

”Calm down my dear. I’m here. Don’t worry,” The mare softly said.

”It was all your fault.” The crying mare whispered angrily. “It was all you and dad’s fault!” The voice of her shouting echoed through the cloud house.

The older mare couldn’t handle herself anymore. Both of the mares hugged each other while they were crying…

* * *


The young filly was flying free in the sky. The sound of her happy laughter could be heard from miles away. She was a happy eighteen filly with tons of energy and happiness.

“Rainbow Dash, we want to talk to you. It’s important. Could you please come in?” Her mother’s voice made her stop.

“Comin’ mom,” The rainbow maned filly shouted.

After few minutes the filly was jumping in the cloud house.

“I guess some pony has extra energy today,” Her father said with chuckle. Rainbow stopped bouncing.

“Well yeah, I don’t know why but I’m super happy today. SUPER HAPPY!” Rainbow said with happiness. Her mother came in the room while she was laughing.

“I wish you could be like this all the time.”

Rainbow’s laughter stopped but it turned to a warm smile. “Hey it’s not like you’re not going to see me anymore.”

Her father smiled sadly and her mother stared at cloud floor with the same sad smile. “Is everything alright?” Rainbow asked worriedly. Her mother looked at her with her sad smile. She trotted up to her daughter and hugged her. She hugged her back.

“Rainbow I know you understand how much do your father and I love you.” Rainbow’s mother began. “There’s something important that we wanted to tell you. Do you remember your big brother? Your big brother is away from us but he has a very happy life now. Before it, he didn’t have any work except from being a Wonderbolt. Whenever he was free he was just hanging out without any aim. He was 18. Just like you. I remember that even he was tired of this. But one day, just like today we told him what we’re going to tell you. At first he got very angry but we told him million times and after a lot of denying, he accepted. And now look at him. He has a perfect life with her wife and he loves her wife more than the world.” Rainbow’s mother stopped talking for a minute.

Rainbow’s mind drifted to her sister-in-law. The girl which was like the sister she never had. She thought about Speedy wind, her dear sister-in-law. Her mother was right. She had a very happy life with her brother, Hurricane dash.

But why did her mother was telling her these things?

“Uh…mom, what do you want to say?” said Rainbow

Rainbow’s mother took a deep breath.

“What I want to say is…you have to get married,” said Rainbow’s mother

“WHAT?” yelled Rainbow. “Are you crazy? ME? GET MARRIED? I hate boys!” said Rainbow angrily.

“But Rainbow it’s an old tradition in our family. All of the children get married at age of 18. I got married when I was 18 too.” said Rainbow’s mother quickly.

“I don’t care about traditions. I don’t want to get married. Even if I want to, I want to get married to the boy I love.” yelled Rainbow.

“And who’s the boy you love?” asked Rainbow’s mother suspiciously and with a raised eyebrow. Rainbow sighed.

“I don’t love anypony but…but…”

“No buts. You can’t break the traditions,” said Rainbow’s mother.

“NO I WON’T GET MARRIED AND YOU CAN’T FORCE ME TO IT!” shouted Rainbow. Then she opened the door and quickly flew out.


* * *

“It wasn’t anyone’s fault. You should forget it. OK?” whispered Ms. Firefly to rainbow maned mare. “Do you remember those beautiful days? When you were with your friends and you had a happy life with them?”

Rainbow just shook her head.

“Just think of those beautiful days. Don’t think of dark days. Don’t be sad. Just remind those days…”

* * *

Rainbow dash flew toward hill where all of her friends were gathering for a picnic. She stopped right in front of her friends.
“I hate all boys. I hate them more than anything in the world!” She mumbled.

“Why? Some of them are very cute!” Whined Rarity.

Twilight sighed. “Did another boy asked you out?” she asked

“Huh! Asked me out! I wish it was just that. You have no idea what happened to me. Do you guys know what did my mother said?” exclaimed Rainbow.

Five girls looked at each other than at their friend.

“What did she say?” asked Twilight.

“She said I should get married! Do you understand? I! GET MARRIED! This is ridiculous!” shouted Rainbow angrily.

“A…forced marriage? If…if you don’t mind me asking…”said Fluttershy in her typical low voice.

“Yeah, a forced marriage.” said Rainbow sadly “But it’s okay. It’s not that bad.”

“What do you mean darling?” asked Rarity

Rainbow sighed sadly. “I’ve been waiting for this since I was born. I always know that I should get married when I get 18. I’ve been getting myself ready all this time. That’s why that I didn’t love any boy. I could easily love a boy but I’ve been looking at them as my future husband. That’s why I didn’t accept any of them. There was few of them which were good but they were hard to get. My whole life was for a second to say: ‘I wanna get married.’ But not with the love of my life. With a stranger which was good at my parents’ eyes. That’s why I always trust them. And now all I have to say is that I’m ready.” Rainbow sighed sadly again. “But I afraid. I afraid of boys. What if I won’t find the love that everypony is talking about?”

This things were new for girls especially Rainbow dash. The most awesome Rainbow dash was talking about love. That was very strange to them but in the other hand, it was their friend.

“Rainbow darling, don’t forget your friends. You have us. We’re ready to help you anytime. Right girls?” said Rarity

“Right!” said girls in union.

“Beside these, it’s not like there’s no way. Just tell your parents that you’re ready and let that stallion ask you for marriage. Then you can hang out with him as much as you can so you can know him better.” Twilight smiled warmly at Rainbow.

“Also you can make a deal with him,” said Fluttershy. “You can ask him if he could set the wedding date for a few more months so you can hang out with him and you’ll know him better.”

“Fluttershy that’s it! It’s the best way!” said Twilight happily.

“Hey! Can I plan your wedding? Pleeeeeease!” screamed Pinkie

Rainbow smiled. “Sure Pinkie. Well if it’s OK with you.”

“Of course it’s OK. I’ll do anything for my friend.” Pinkie hugged Rainbow tight.

“Uh Pinkie…I can’t breathe!” said Rainbow.

Pinkie released Rainbow. Girls glanced at each other. Suddenly they burst in laughter.

Life was very good for those happy friends. Very good because they had each other. In easy or hard. In happiness and sadness. Anytime and anywhere. They knew that they always support each other. And Rainbow dash knew that whatever happen, her friends will help her. She trusted them. Just like her parents…

CH 2-Final desicion

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Rainbow dash wiped away her tears and smiled sadly.

“Those days I had with my friends were just a little part of the best days I’ve ever had. I spent most of them with…with…” Another tear drop fell from Rainbow’s eye. She wiped away the tear and looked at her mother.

“You were right mom. I should end these sad days. The world hasn’t ended yet. I have a life to live,” said Rainbow confidently. “I should be strong. Just like before. I promise!”

Firefly smiled. She kissed her daughter’s forehead

“Now that’s my girl!” said Firefly happily. “Now my strong girl, your brother and Speedy are going to be here for dinner. You should get ready.”

These words were very familiar to Rainbow’s ear. Her mind quickly reminded the sweet memory of his brother’s visit and the day Rainbow made her decision. Rainbow sighed sadly and let the pictures of that night came in front of her eyes. A beautiful night which started by cleaning her room…

* * *


The young mare took a look at her room and sighed.

“Finally it’s done,” said Rainbow with a satisfied smile.

“Rainbow, is your room ready?” called Firefly.

“Yep mom. It’s ready.”

“Then would you please come and help me?” said Firefly. Rainbow sighed.

“Fine, I’m comin’.” Rainbow started to fly to kitchen. Her mother as cooking dinner in the kitchen and was singing a song happily. Of course she was happy. Her son and his daughter-in-law were coming after almost three months.

“OK, where do I have to clean?” said Rainbow tiredly. Firefly laughed.

“Oh no. I need your help in making dinner.”

“COOKING? Mom you know that I can’t cook. Do you wanna burn the kitchen? Then OK.” said Rainbow.

“Rainbow you have to learn cooking. You’re going to get married soon.” said Firefly while she was cooking. Rainbow frowned.

“OK I’ll help you but not because I want to get married because I’m still not one hundred percent sure about it. I’ll just cook to help you.” Rainbow walked to kitchen and stood beside her mother.

Firefly sighed.“OK Rainbow but you’re gonna give up soon…”

* * *

The doorbell rang and Rainbow trotted to open the door.

“Hurricane! Speedy!” said Rainbow excitedly. Then she ran to her sister-in-law and hugged her tightly.

“Hey, what about your brother? Do you even remember me? Hurricane? Your big brother?” said Hurricane jokingly.

“You’re not important. Speedy is my sister and girls support girls. Oh and you were here for many years but I’ve found Speedy only for two years.” said Rainbow. Speedy just laughed and wrapped her hoof around her shoulders. They all went inside with laughter.

After few more minutes everypony were doing their own favorite work. Hurricane was talking to his father, Ms. Firefly was preparing dinner at the kitchen and Speedy and Rainbow were talking to each other.

“So…you’re now eighteen. Right?” asked Speedy.

“Yeah I am.” said Rainbow.

“Did your mother tell you about…marriage?” asked Speedy again.

“Yeah she did.” Rainbow sighed. “Uh, Speedy what do you think about…this marriage thing? I mean what should I do?”

“If you want my whole advice you should sit and listen until the sun comes up!” Speedy began. “Buuut, I can give you a short summary of my advices which includes the most important ones so you don’t have sit and listen to a very long boring speech that makes you want to sleep. But remember these are only my opinions the final decision is yours.”

Rainbow nodded firmly. “OK, I’m ready for your advices. And about my decision I rather hear your opinion first then I’ll decide.”

“Then here we go.” said Speedy with a smile. “Marriage is…very beautiful but if there will be love in it it’ll be the most beautiful thing ever. A forced marriage has the same story. It could be lovely or not. It’s your choice and your works that affect it. Well, Love doesn’t appear from nowhere. If you want love in your life although that it’s a forced marriage, you should know your partner first. You should hang out with him as much as you can. If you wanna know him better, you should spend more time with him so you can know his favorites, his personality and a lot more. One of the things you can do is to set the wedding date as late as you can so you have enough time to hang out with him and know him. If you saw anything in his personality or appearance that you didn’t endure just tell him or come and tell your parents. If you did all of these, you’ll find the love very soon. I promise.”

Rainbow was looking at Speedy with wide eyes when she was talking about marriage. Her advices were the same from what Rainbow’s friends told her and what she thought but hearing them from a true love expert, made her change her opinions. It was finally time for her big decision of life. The decision that made her life change forever.

Within a minute lots of ‘what if’s raced through her mind.

What if he’ll be ugly? What if he doesn’t like me? What if he’ll be so fancy? What if…

Rainbow made her mind stop. Of course there was lots of possibilities but this whole forced marriage thing was a great risk. If she really wanted to experience love this way, she should accept the risks too. And of course she wanted to do it.

But there was some conditions too. Some conditions made by herself…

* * *

“Dinner’s ready!” Firefly called happily.

Speedy and Rainbow stopped talking and started to walk to dining room. We all sat down and started to eat.

“Mmmmm! It’s so delicious. Mom this dinner is more delicious than any time before!” said Hurricane.

“You know why? Cause I made it myself. And mom didn’t help me. She just told me what I should do. Right mom?” said Rainbow proudly.

“Yes Rainbow’s right. She made all of the dinner by herself.” Firefly happily said. “I didn’t know you had such a good cooking talent.” Then she winked at Rainbow.

“I think he’ll be very lucky to have Rainbow.” Rainbow’s father said

“Who?” asked Rainbow.

“Your future husband of course.” said Rainbow’s father happily.

Hurricane looked at Rainbow confusly. “You said Rainbow’s what?”

Rainbow sighed. “Future husband.” She said sadly.

“Wait, you’re really eighteen? Hey, you grew up so fast!” said Hurricane happily.

“You’re happy? I want to get married and you’re happy?” said Rainbow angrily.

“Uh… Do I have to be sad?” said Hurricane

“Of course! I thought you knew that I hate marriage!” Rainbow shouted.

Hurricane smiled warmly. “I knew you hate marriage and boys but it’s different. I was just like you but I changed my opinion. And I found the love of my life. I’m sure if you do so you’re going to get the same result.”

“OK, OK, that’s it. I want to tell you my final decision.” said Rainbow.

Finally it was the biggest moment of Rainbow’s life. Her parents glanced at each other. Hurricane gulped. Speedy winked at Rainbow and nodded. Maybe they’re motions weren’t the same but there was something same about them. Something which was clear in the air. They were all nervous. At the same time, they were all excited. After few seconds of taking deep breaths, finally Rainbow opened her mouth.

“I’m ready to get married.”

Every one gasped but after few more seconds everyone cheered. Rainbow’s parents hugged her tightly. Then Speedy and Hurricane hugged her. Everyone was happy. Even Rainbow. Maybe her marriage wasn’t the same with other girls but it was Rainbow dash. A big fan of different. Because it made her 20% cooler. For a minute Rainbow liked this forced marriage. For a minute she forgot everything and got happy because she wanted to get married. That night was one of the happiest nights for this happy family.

CH 3-Meet your future husband

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The dinner of Rainbow’s family was very good that night. They ate dinner with happiness and fun.
After dinner everyone gathered at living room. They were talking about the recent event at dinner. Exactly the subject that Rainbow hated. Her future husband, marriage and a lot more subject like this.

“Hey, Rainbow I think Hurricane has some plans for you.” Whispered Speedy.

“Plans?” Rainbow glanced at his brother.

“Just wait and hear.” Speedy winked at her.

“Mom, dad, I knew a boy just like Rainbow.” said Hurricane.

“What do you mean just like me?” Rainbow quickly said.

“Well her parents forced her to merry a girl before he turned nineteen. He's eighteen like you and he hates girls. He’s the best boy I’ve ever seen. You two will be very cute together.” Said Hurricane happily.

Speedy looked at him confusly. “Who’s that boy?”

Hurricane smirked. “Mr. Joke maker.”

“Huh?” said Rainbow

“Oh! I got it!” said Firefly

Speedy giggled. “Yeah Hurricane’s right. He’s the best for Rainbow.”

“And I know his family well. They’re very friendly and polite. And I know they’re son too. He’s the right boy for you.” said Rainbow’s father.

“But you should know that Rainbow’s opinion is the most important one.” said Speedy. Rainbow looked at her with a smile.

“Certainly. Rainbow will tell us the final result.” said Firefly.

“OK Rainbow do you want to invite them for two more days?” said Rainbow’s father.

Rainbow sighed. “OK. Just can I invite my friends too?”

“Of course! The more the merrier!” said Firefly happily.

Rainbow didn’t stay there any longer. She opened the door and flew to sugar cube to invite her best friend, Pinkie pie.


* * *

Rainbow came out of her room with a smile. Her mother returned the smile.

“Did you clean your room?”

“No. I didn’t want to.” said Rainbow casually.

Firefly sighed. “OK. Your room is okay.” She said with a smile. “But you haven’t clean your room since…since…”

“Since when I engaged to him.” Rainbow’s smile became wider at think of that boy.

Firefly laughed. “Yes, you’re right. What a night it was. It was a night just like tonight.”

Rainbow quickly frowned. “No. That night was unique. No night could be like that night.”

“I thought you want to forget everything.” said Rainbow’s father, Rainbow blitz. Rainbow smiled. But not a happy smile. A bitter smile.

“I can’t forget all of those memories but I won’t be like before. These memories are my life so don’t expect me to forget it.”

Firefly nodded. “OK, now let’s get ready for tonight.”

Everyone nodded and started to do their works but Rainbow just stood there and let the memory of her unique night come to her mind…

* * *

“Ouch! It hurts a lot! Stop it.” shouted Rainbow painfully.

“There was no way back darling. And besides I still haven’t done anything. I’m just brushing your hair.” said Rarity. “You won’t be pretty by yourself. You should pay to be pretty.”

“I hate paying.” Whispered Rainbow.

Girls giggled at grumbling Rainbow.

“You better let Rarity make you beautiful.” said Twilight.

“And why?” said Rainbow.

Twilight smirked. But not any smirk. One of her dangerous smirk. “I don’t think you want to make that poor stallion run from you. Do you?”


The girls laughed once again. They were all happy. Well their friend was about to engaged to a stallion. Maybe an unknown stallion but from what Rainbow’s parents said, he was a very good stallion. But they couldn’t wait to see that mysterious stallion. Finally Rainbow’s hair brushing ended.

“Now Rarity remember that this isn’t my wedding so I don’t have to look too pretty. Just a simple makeup. And also, do anything you want but please don’t use lipstick!” said Rainbow.

“OK, OK, no lipstick and a simple makeup. I got it!” said Rarity. The expert fashion designer started to do her work at Rainbow. Within a minute, Rainbow’s hair was ready, her makeup was done and her dress was shining on her body. Just like what she said, her hair was gathered in a simple ponytail style. She didn’t have too much makeup just some shadow and blush. Her dress wasn’t frilly. It was just a simple gown which had a lightning bolt on it. Although her makeup and dresses weren’t very frilly, she was very beautiful in the dress.

“You look dazzling! That poor stallion is going to die!” said Twilight

“Hmmm… there’s something missing…” said Rarity. “Oh I got it! Wait a minute please. I’ll be back now.” Then she opened her jewelry box and pulled out a beautiful necklace. It had picture of a rainbow flower on it. The necklace was truly beautiful.

“Rarity this necklace is very beautiful. Is that yours?” Rainbow stated while she was staring at the necklace.

“Well actually I bought it for your birthday but I thought this situation is good enough to give you your present. Fortunately it looks very good on you. This colt should be idiot to let you go,” said Rarity.

“Um girls, we should start going. It’s almost nine,” said Fluttershy

“Oh no! We’re out of time! Hurry! Hurry! We should start going” Rarity screamed.

* * *

The door of cloud house opened and a mare gasped.

“Oh my Rainbow! Is that you?” said Firefly happily.

“Of course this is me. Did you expect a monster?” Rainbow rolled her eyes.

“OK come in, come in. You’re already late. You were lucky that they haven’t come yet,” said Firefly. “Uh… Rainbow, can your friends walk in the clouds?”

“Yeah they have cloud walking spell. Now can we enter?” said Rainbow.

“Oh yes come in.” Firefly smiled. Finally their big night was there. Everything was clean and perfect. Rainbow even cleaned her room completely for the first time. Hurricane and Speedy were there too and Speedy helped Rainbow a lot. Because Ms. Firefly said that Rainbow should learn these things so she can make her future husband proud of her. They did everything since the morning. Washing windows, making lunch, cleaning rooms and a lot more chores. If Speedy wasn’t there, there wasn’t anypony named Rainbow Dash anymore. But beside all of these, they did a very good job.

Six friends were sitting on the couch. Rarity was telling something about stallions and others were laughing but Rainbow was looking at clock then at the front door. Clock then front door. Clock then front door…

A hoof placed at her shoulder. “Dashie, what are you staring at?” said Pinkie Pie

“Huh? What? Oh, I was just thinking that when will they come.”

Like Rainbow’s words were magic, the doorbell rang. Within a second, the little room filled with whispers, hoof sound and some more strange sounds. Soon Rainbow and her friends were in the kitchen, hiding because Rarity said that she wanted to see that ‘Mysterious stallion’.

Door opened and a smiling mare stepped in.

“I think she’s his mother,” whispered Apple Jack.

And she was right because she was the only mare in that family. She had a navy blue mane with an orange skin. These two colors were exactly opposite but they were perfect with each other. Her eyes were emerald green. Her cutie mark was a first aid box.

The next guest came in. He was a happy stallion with a purple mane which was swept back and he’s skin was pale blue. His eyes were hazel. And his cutie mark was streaming cloud.

“I guess he’s his father,” said Fluttershy.

“I don’t think so. He seem too young and happy. Maybe he’s his brother or maybe he’s even him!” said Twilight excitedly.

“If it’s him, I won’t even look at him!” said Rainbow.

Next guest came in. He was a young stallion with his mane swept back just like the stallion that came in before him but there was a different between them. The younger stallion’s skin was orange but his mane was purple like his father. His eyes were hazel. His cutie mark was a full set of pony teeth.

“Maybe it’s him. I’m ninety percent sure it’s him. He’s exactly what your brother said,” Pinkie Pie announced happily.

“Well not exactly what he said. He said that he hates girls but just look at him. Did you see how he looked at Speedy? I don’t think he’s that boy.” Rainbow turned her head toward Speedy. That new colt was almost eating her and she was looking at him with a frown.

Finally the last member of family came in. Right at that moment, lots of things happened. Rarity gasped. Twilight said, ‘wow!’, Apple Jack and Fluttershy just looked at each other, and finally Rainbow just stared at him with wide eyes.

“Girls I think he is that mysterious stallion,” whispered Fluttershy.

Nopony replied. Rainbow dash was still looking at him with wide eyes. At that moment a question came to her mind.
‘He’s so familiar. Where did I see him?…’

CH 4-Will you marry me?

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The last guest stepped in. He was different from others but he was very similar to his father.

He had a navy blue mane and a pale blue skin. His cutie mark was a thunderbolt with wings. And his eyes… they were green, just like two big shiny emeralds… and on top, he was handsome, no, he was very very handsome. That was why all of the girls were staring at him secretly.

“Is that him?” whispered Twilight.

“No it’s not…I mean he can’t be him!” said Rarity while she was staring at him.

“Why he can’t be that mysterious stallion?” asked Twilight.

“Because…because he’s…too handsome. I mean that boy couldn’t be that handsome,” said Rarity quickly.

“Then who is that mysterious stallion?” said Twilight. “Well he’s not that stallion with purple mane of course because he’s older than the other colts so it’s their father.” Twilight gestured to the younger colt with purple mane. “I think this colt and that handsome guy are brothers. So Rainbow’s future husband is one of them.”

“It’d better be the purple mane colt,” said Rarity with a bit anger on her voice.

Rainbow raised an eyebrow. “And why it had to be?”

“Because… because… I’m gonna get that handsome colt for myself not you,” said Rarity

Rainbow was opening her mouth to reply when Ms. Firefly entered the kitchen.

“Oh girls what are you doing here? You should be in Rainbow’s room,” whispered Firefly

“We just… we just…” said Rainbow quickly.

Firefly said, “Okay I understand you were curious. Now Rainbow, you should go to garden quickly. Come on stand up.”

Rainbow took a deep breath and stood up. Rarity quickly straightened her dress and Twilight excitedly said, “Good luck, Rainbow. We’ll see you soon.”

“Don’t forget to behave like a true lady. And good luck darling,” said Rarity with a smile.

“Be polite Rainbow. Don’t act just like you’re a crazy pony which ran out of hospital. See ya Rainbow.” Apple Jack winked at frowning Rainbow.

“Don’t forget to have fun!” said Pinkie happily.

“And try to be friendly with him. Bye!” whispered Fluttershy

“Thanks for your advice girls. See you guys soon. Bye.” Rainbow trotted to window and flew out of there into the garden which was outside of their house…

* * *
Rainbow dash waved her hoof for her brother and sister-in-law. They waved back and then they started to fly away. Rainbow’s smile vanished right when they disappeared on horizon. She sighed sadly. Tonight was fun if she wasn’t upset. But with this new Rainbow, everyone was upset too. She was just answering the questions with ’yes’ or ‘no’ or other short sentences. Firefly and Rainbow blitz’s awkward smiles at Hurricane and Speedy didn’t help at all.

All of the night she was thinking about her past and the day her life changed forever. All of the night, she was asking herself ‘what happened?’ or ‘Why my life has to be like that?’ or ‘I don’t understand. What went wrong?’ and ‘Have I done anything wrong that I should be like this?’ There was no answer for these questions. Also she was thinking about the day that ‘Mysterious stallion’ came. Mysterious stallion. Her friends called him that when he first came in the house. Her friends… HER FRIENDS! That was the answer and cure of all of the pains she had. It was a long time that she haven’t seen them. She really missed them.

So Rainbow kept up rest of the night. Because she had a plan. Just like what she said to her mother. She wanted to change. And the first step was trying to go outside. First step was trying to have more communication with other ponies. And which ponies better than her friends?

So after her brother left, she quickly opened the door to fly to Twilight’s house. Where all of her friends were.

“Rainbow, do you want to go anywhere?” said Firefly from Rainbow’s behind.

Rainbow smiled. “Yes, mom. I want to see my friends. I haven’t seen them for a…long time I think.”

“That’s great! Have fun!” said Firefly happily and with a warm smile.
Rainbow didn’t reply. She just flew out. Not because she didn’t like her mother, no, she loved her but she hated pretending and she was never good at pretending. She hated to pretend happy but that was because of her parents. She couldn’t see that they were sad just because of her. Maybe one day she didn’t have to pretend happy. Maybe one day she’ll be happy like before but now, it was impossible for her to be happy. Happiness meant forgetting everything for her. And she didn’t want to forget even a second of her best memories…
Soon she reached to Twilight’s tree house. She took a deep breath…and knocked on the door.

“Spike, would you please open the door?” called Twilight.

“OK, Twilight,” said Spike.

The door opened and a baby dragon appeared at door.

“Whoa! Look who's here! Is that really you Rainbow?” said Spike.

“WHAT? Rainbow Dash? Are you crazy? I’m ghost of Rainbow dash!” said Rainbow.

“Hahaha. So funny. Come in,” said Spike.

Rainbow Dash stepped in the hallway. Same boring library. Fortunately this one haven’t change.

“Spike, who was at door?” called Twilight

Rainbow snickered. “Ghost of Rainbow Dash!” said Rainbow jokingly.

Suddenly a big ball of pink fluffy hair, hugged her and said, “DASHIE!”

“OK, OK, Pinkie, I missed you too,” said Rainbow.

“Rainbow, is that really you?” said Twilight.
“No, who said I’m Rainbow Dash? How many times do I have to tell you? I am the ghost of Rainbow Dash,” said Rainbow flatly.

“UHHH! SHE’S A GHOST! RUUUUUN!” Pinkie started to run but Rainbow quickly grab her.

“Don’t worry Pinkie. There’s no ghost around. I was just kidding,” Rainbow said.

Everypony laughed and Twilight led Rainbow in.

* * *

10:00 P.M. and Rainbow was about to leave. They had a very beautiful and fun night. Finally after a long time, they’re sixth member joined them. Of course it was fun. For Rainbow’s friends she hadn’t changed even she was happier. But Rainbow was amazed at how alive she felt. Not happy but alive. And that was enough to light her up.

“Uh, Rainbow, are you leaving?” asked Twilight

Rainbow closed her opened wings. “Yeah, It’s late I should go.”

“Just something important,” said Twilight with a smile. “This is a note book. I am smart enough to say that although you were very happy but you weren’t happy from inside. I don’t understand what’s wrong with you but if there’s anything that you want to tell somepony but there’s no one to tell her/him, you can write it in this note book. It will help you to be happy again.”

“Thanks Twilight. I’ll use your advice.” Rainbow grabbed the note book and started to fly toward home.

In fact that note book was a good idea. A good way to live like before. Twilight really was a good friend. And Rainbow wanted to use her advice. She had to write her best memories in this note book so she didn’t have to think about them all the time. And Rainbow wanted to write the first one when she got home. Her life was about to change and the first change was thinking less about past memories.

Rainbow flew toward home faster than ever before. She opened the door and rushed to her room. She didn’t even wait to say hello to her
mother. She wanted to write her memories as soon as possible.

She grabbed a pen and started to write her first sentence in the book:

Each pony has a different life but it’s their selves that write their own destiny. Some, has good ending and some, not. But happy times and happy memories are the one that lasts forever. I don’t know how my life is. Happy or sad. Good or bad. But the happy memories keep me alive.

For me, happiness started when I was eighteen. At a beautiful and lovely afternoon, when I should engage to a strange stallion. It‘s hard to get married to someone you don’t know, but this was the destiny I wrote for myself. I clearly remember all of the details…

After my friends wished me good luck, I quickly flew out in the garden.

That garden was our back yard which was filled with lots of flowers. My parents really loved flowers so they plant so much flowers, bushes, trees and…

So here was a true garden. I walked past the lilies and I stopped right in front of roses. I was thinking when that ‘Mysterious stallion’ is going to come…

“E…excuse me, are you Rainbow Dash?” said a voice behind me. My eyes became wide. Finally it was time. Just I didn’t figure out, why I was so scared?

I turned my head slowly and…

It was exactly the boy that Rarity wanted to ‘get’. This was getting better by any minute.

After a few more seconds, I figured out that I was staring at him.

“O…oh sorry. I was just a bit…confused, yeah. Well yes, I’m Rainbow Dash,” I said quickly.

“OK, well my name’s Soarin,” he said

“Wait you mean you’re the Soarin from Wonderbolt?” I asked excitedly.

“Well yeah,” he said. Then both of us got quite. “Sooo, wanna come and walk with me?”

“Yeah why not.” I stated to walk beside him. An evening breeze got past us. It was a calm and soft breeze. The whole garden was quite. There was no sound. Soarin and I were walking slowly beside each other, each in our own worlds. I didn’t know about him but my mind was everywhere. I was feeling very excited to walk along a Wonderbolt. Even better! Get married to a Wonderbolt. Especially Soarin. My favorite Wonderbolt…

“Your house is pretty big and beautiful. Who made it?” he asked suddenly.

“Thanks. Actually my parent made it on their own…”

I was about to continue when he excitedly said, “On their own? Wow this is awesome!”

I smiled. Soon he asked another question, “Um…can I ask a question? Well it might be a little personal.”

“It’s OK. Ask.” I smiled at him which meant: say anything you want.

“Uh…how old are you?” he asked nervously.

“Uh come on, this question isn’t THAT personal. By the way, I’m eighteen,” I said.

“Really? I’m eighteen too,” said Soarin with a warm smile. “Another personal question. Can I ask?”

I shook my head as ‘yes’ sign. “You can ask any question you want.”

“Have you ever…fall in love?”

I looked at him. “No.”



“Wow, so you were kinda ready for today.”

I sighed sadly. “Yeah. I trust my parents. I know they choose the right boy for me.”

“But the problem is here. Do you trust ME?” asked Soarin

I looked at his eyes. They were green. Much more beautiful and greener than what I thought…

“I trust you as long as you protect me,” I whispered.

“Then my duty starts from now and here.” He said with a smile.

I looked around myself. We were at my favorite place. At rainbow flower’s section. My favorite flowers were gleaming at setting sun’s light. I always dreamed love of my life standing right there and asked me for marriage. I was a total crazy but that moment it was really happening.
Suddenly Soarin said, “But to start my duty I should ask something.” Then he did the same move every stallion do when they want to ask the most important question of their lives

“Will you marry me?” asked Soarin with a smile.
I was completely caught off guard. I just couldn’t believe it. I was standing there like a statue, staring at him with wide eyes and my mouth open. And he was still looking at me with a warm smile, waiting for my answer. Answer…ANSWER! I closed my mouth and only said one very important word, “Yes.”

And that night turned to the best day of my life, although I didn’t know my future well. That night was magical. Because I understood that I could love this stallion. That night first sparkles of love appeared…

CH 5-New bonds

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The sun was slowly disappearing in horizon. Once again garden was quiet and the only sound was birds singing. But garden wasn’t empty. Two ponies were watching the beautiful sunset. These two ponies were a pale blue stallion which was sitting happily and a rainbow maned mare with an unknown destiny and a beautiful ring at her hoof.

Yes, that mare was me. I looked at my hoof again. A very beautiful ring was shining there. It was pretty expensive but the one gave me this was a rich stallion. The ring had shiny little diamonds on it and at center of it there was a red thunderbolt. I smiled. I really liked that ring. No, I loved it! And I should say something to that stallion next to me…

“Soarin, this ring is very…very…” what was the right word for a ring like this? Well except from beautiful because that wasn’t my style…

“Cool?” he said with a smile.

“Yeah cool, exactly. Thanks,” I said.

“You’re welcome. It wasn’t anything too much.” He looked forward again and we got quiet again. But it was almost time to come back in the house.

“Um…Soarin, don’t you think it’s time to come back in the home?” I asked.

His eyes came wide. “Oh yes, you’re right. We should go back now.”

We quickly stood up and walked toward home. After minutes of walking between the flowers and bushes, and losting our ways for a thousand times, we finally reached to the front door and Soarin knocked on the door.

“Oh there they are. Come in, come in,” said my mother.

We stepped in and…a big wave of confetti fell on our heads. Right after that everybody in the room cheered.

“Whoa, what is that for?” I asked.

“It’s your engaging party!" said Pinkie enthusiastically. "Did you surprise? Huh? Huh? Huh?”

“Yeah…it was pretty surprising.” I said.

“And it haven’t started yet. We’re gonna go to restaurant and…” Pinkie started talking about her plans but I didn’t listen to rest of it.

I was engaged. That was unbelievable. The great Rainbow Dash, a girl which all of the stallions in Ponyville dreamed to be with, a girl with the fastest wings, was now engaged. To someone she didn’t know. Maybe he was my favorite Wonderbolt but I’ve never known him as a normal pony. It was my biggest false. But it still wasn’t late. If there was a party that night, then I had a great opportunity to meet the real soarin not the Soarin the Wonderbolt.

“I think we should get ready for a little family party tonight. Well I’m ready,” said Soarin with a smile.

I smiled back and said, “I’m ready too.”

“Then let’s go cause others got ready when we were in the garden.”

I nodded. “Then let’s go.”

Right in front of me Rarity was glaring angrily. Maybe the reason of it was a certain stallion…

* * *

The restaurant was in a beautiful garden with lots of trees. At behind of restaurant, there was a big space filled with play equipment for young fillies and colts and also teenagers and every other pony.

It was great for me. I always loved swings with high speed. It’s not like I can’t fly fast. No. I’m awesome at this one but sometimes using earth pony equipment was very fun. It was my little secret. No one knew about it. But who said that adults can’t enjoy these stuff? And more importantly who said I can’t enjoy them?

Tonight was very great and I wanted to make it even greater. And no one couldn’t bother me.

Others sat and waited but I didn't even seat. I quickly walked outside and right behind the restaurant where playground equipments were waiting for me. The back yard was empty and no one was around so it was the greatest time for me to play.

“Rainbow is that you?” I quickly turned around and saw Soarin looking at me with wide eyes. Oh good he saw me walking toward swings. Now my deepest secret was manifest to a Wonder…oh no, to my fiance.

I should put that together quickly. “Uh…well…yeah. It’s me. I was just…”

“Hey, don’t be nervous. You don’t have to lie to me,” said Soarin. Then he came closer to me and whispered, “I wanna confess that I really love play equipment and I don’t care what others say about it.” He smiled at me. I smiled too. That night was getting very good.

“Well if it’s so..." I began. "I confess that I love swings with very high speed. But I do care what others tell about me.” I looked at the solid ground.

“Hey, you have to know that you shouldn’t pay attention to what others think about you.” Soarin grabbed my hoof. I looked at him.

“But then I’m not cool anymore.”

“But you should know that you can’t live like what other ponies want. Every pony has a different life style. Paying attention to what others thinking about you isn’t a true life style,” said Soarin. “Now who wanna try swings? Cause I wanna try one in a very fast speed."

I smiled like a little foal in a candy shop. “Me! Do you wanna come with me?”

“Sure,” said Soarin with a smile.

After that I quickly ran to the swings. I sat at one of them.

“Uh…Soarin, I need a little help here.”

“Oh! Ok! I’m coming” he stood behind the swing and push it forward. Slowly, the swing gained speed. The fun was starting…

“Yay! This is amazing!” I cheered happily.

I was enjoying the high speed of swing when Soarin said, “Rainbow, I’m bored.”

“Could you please stop the swing?” Soarin stopped the swing. I hopped off of it. “OK. Let’s do something together.”

“What about that swing?” he pointed to a swing with two seats. It looked like a nice and fast swing.

“That swing looks awesome! Count me in!”

“Then let’s go!” after that, we both walked to swing and sat on it. I pushed the swing with my back hooves. Soarin did the same. Soon, the swing gained up speed.

I looked at Soarin with a smile. Well, he smiled back but one of those scary mysterious smiles. My eyes widened.

“So you like speed. Right?” he whispered. Even his whispering was mysterious and scary... Something wasn't right...

“Soarin what do you wanna do?” I asked with fear.

He laughed. “Wait and experience the true speed of this swing…”

“Wha- wait! No! Soarin don’t do this!” But he didn’t pay attention to me and pushed the swing more and more. Swing was getting faster by any minute. Its speed was unbelievable. Even I hadn’t gone that fast in my life.

My face was the funniest thing around. Wide eyes, scared face and me grabbing one of the shafts of swing. But it wasn’t because I was scared. It was because the high speed. The reason of grabbing the thick shaft was because I was afraid I might fall. But I clearly knew that I was scared a little. But only a little. Then a thought came to my mind. Also this was a little test for Soarin to see if he can be as protective as he said. I really wished Soarin would help me…

“Rainbow, you can grab my arm instead of grabbing that shaft,” he said with a smile. I was just waiting for these words from Soarin so I quickly grabbed his arm with both of my hooves. “Rainbow I can stop the swing if you want.”

“No don’t do it. I just afraid that I might toss out of swing.” It was strange because I’ve never told anyone that I afraid of anything. I normally only hid them. Soarin was the first pony. I thought that it was because I knew he protected me. After a minute of riding the swing, I got used to its speed so I let Soarin’s arm go. I even put my hooves in the air and cheered. Well that led to almost falling. If Soarin wasn’t there to grab me, I would certainly fall. And he’s response was only rolling his eyes.

“Soarin, do you wanna go back in?” I asked.

“Oh, sure.” We trotted toward the doors of restaurant. Inside of the restaurant, was like one of the super fancy restaurants in Canterlot.

“I don’t like these fancy places. In fact I hate it.” Soarin said with a frown.

“I don’t like them either. They make me feel twenty percent less cooler.”

“Yeah but it’s the only reason for me,” said Soarin. “These restaurants are filled with lots of fanfillies. If one of them see me then the whole place will explode with fans and tonight will be ruined. Also I don’t think your pink friend will be happy of this.”

“You…hate fanfillies?” I just hoped he say ‘no’ but everything can’t be what I want.

“Yes, I hate them.” What did he mean? Did he wanted to say…he hated me? So then why did he treated me like a friend? You can’t be friend with someone you hate…

“Do you mean…you hate me?” I looked at him.

He smiled warmly. “You’re not a fanfilly. Fanfillies are the girls who scream when they see me, you know, the one that shout ‘I love you Soarin’ or ‘you’re the best’ and such things. I don’t think you’re that kind of fan. Are you?”

“Of course no,” I said quickly.

“And that’s why I don’t hate you. Actually I’m starting to like you,” said Soarin. After that he quickly started to walk toward where my family were sitting.

And at the middle of restaurant, I was standing with wide eyes.

“Excuse me ma’am, could you please step away?” I turned my head and saw a fancy couple standing behind me. Good. What I hated the most. Talking to fancy ponies. What will Rarity say if she was here? ...Oh, I got it.

“Pardon me,” I said as I stepped away. The couple nodded and walked past me. I started to walk toward the table my family and friends were sitting along Soarin’s family and friends.

“Oh, there you are Rainbow!” said my mother happily.

I wanted to sit when my mother said, “Oh no Rainbow, this is your first dinner with Soarin. You two shouldn’t sit here.”

“Ms. Firefly is right. Now stand up Soarin and take your fiance to good table,” said Soarin’s mother. Soarin and I rolled our eyes at the same time but who can argue with two stubborn mother at a fancy restaurant? Well not me…

Soarin sighed. “Okay. Rainbow, wanna come?” he smiled at me.

I smiled back. “Of course.”

We stood up again and started to walk toward one of waiters. Soarin talked to him and he led us to a beautiful balcony with a nice view of Ponyvill.

Ponyvill was very divine with flickering lights and it was even more beautiful from the balcony. The smell of some unique flowers was clear in the air. There was a table at the center of the balcony. Some fancy candles were burning and next to them, was a vase filled some beautiful roses. There weren’t any other tables at balcony and that made the atmosphere more…romantic, I guess?

“Are you sure we should sit here?” I asked.

“Yeah. Why? Don’t you like it? I can change our table if you want…” said Soarin.

“No, no, I didn’t mean it. It just looks like…different. I bet it costs a lot.”

“No matter how much is here. I’ll pay for it.” Soarin said proudly.

“Then OK. Just one more question. Is this a date?” I looked at Soarin’s emerald green eyes. What a beautiful eyes…

I came back to reality. I was almost drowning out in his eyes…

“It can be a date if you want,” said Soarin

“I’ve always wanted to know what a date looks like.”

“Then it’s a date…” Soarin smiled at me and we started to move toward the table

CH 6-The date

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Soarin pulled the chair out for me and I sat. We were having our first date. Our first date ever. And when? After we were engaged. It was so ridiculous and crazy but that was how it went.

At least we could pretend that we just met each other and then he asked me out on a date. That was crazy too but it was better than nothing.

“Sooo, we’re now on a date,” said Soarin.

“Yeah…” I didn’t know what to say. It was some kind of awkward. Fortunately Soarin saved me.

“I’ve never thought that I may go on date with a mare.” Soarin sighed.

“Why?” I asked but I already knew the answer.

“Because I hate all of the mares. Well that changed today,” he said with a smile. “I mean you’re not like the other mares. I always thought that mares are those fanfillies and there’s no other kind of mares. But you were…different.”

“Well I think we’re the same in this one,” I said. “I always hated stallions because I thought that all of stallions are just waiting for the time I say ‘hi’ to them and then they quickly ask me out on a date. But you…weren’t like them. You tried to be a friend and then asked me out. I’ve never thought somepony do this.”

That speech was…something. I just don’t know why I was so sappy lately. The more I thought, more I figured out that how weird I was today. What got into me? Scared of high speed, acting like little filly, talking so sappy and a lot more. And most important I did all of them in front of Soarin, my favorite Wonderbolt. What a shame…

“Well thanks,” said Soarin.

“Thank YOU,” I said.

“Ma’am, sir, what can I get for you?” said a waiter.

I looked at the menu. Lots of delicious foods were there. It was a little hard for me to choose but not as hard as deciding to get marry or not!

Finally I chose my favorite food. “I’ll have a pizza.”

“Is this all?” asked waiter.


“And you sir?”

“I’ll have the same and an apple pie for dessert,” said Soarin.

“You’re order will be ready as soon as possible.” We nodded and said a simple ‘thank you’ for the waiter.
A feeling was telling me that my first date is gonna be a good one. Maybe even the best. Who knew what’s going to happen? Maybe something interesting happens…

* * *

My first date wasn’t as weird as I thought. It was just a night with my future husband. A night filled with fun, talking and talking and talking. At the end, I met real Soarin more.

He was a stallion who always wanted to be a wonderbolt and finally with his father’s training, her mother support, his brother’s encouragement and help in practicing tricks, he finally accepted into Wonderbolts. That was when he met his cousin. A cousin he never saw before because they’re family were living at the other side of Equestria. But after Soarin’s mother saw Spitfire, she quickly recognized her niece.

After years of practice, finally they accepted in lead squad and soon after it Spitfire became captain.

He’s story of life was so interesting but more than his life, his personality was interesting. He was very very fun and kind. One of his nicknames in the academy was Mr. Joke maker. Just like what Hurricane said. His another nickname was cucumber. They called him this because he was as cool and calm as a cucumber. He said that they say that even if he lose everything he has at once, he won’t be angry and will stay calm. He said they were right and when I asked him ‘Why?’ he just said,

“Because there’s a way for everything. I can easily get them back.”

These were just a little part of Soarin. For me, acting was more important than just saying it but I was sure I can figure him out immediately.

After an hour of talking, it was time to go. The night I spent with Soarin was very good. I didn’t want it to end. But it was late and it was time to go.

“Hey Rainbow, we forgot to talk about wedding day,” said Soarin.

“Soarin, can I tell you something about wedding day?”

“Yeah, go on.”

“Can you set the wedding day as late as you can?” I really hoped he say ‘OK’. “Because…”

“Because you want to know me more. I understand. I had the same plan,” said Soarin with a smile. “I think we tell our family too.”

“OK. And thanks Soarin. Thanks for understanding me.” I said with a grateful look.

“You’re welcome. By the way, I guess it’s time to go,” said Soarin.

“Yeah. Thanks for tonight. Bye,” I said.

“Just one more thing. Be ready tomorrow morning. I have a surprise for you,” he said with a wink.

“What kind of surprise?” I asked.

“That kind which is about Wonderbolts.” He smiled at me.

“So it’s a Wonderbolt surprise.”

“Yeah.” We both laughed.

After the laughter died down I said, “So, goodbye then.”

Soarin nodded. “Yeah, goodbye.”

I started to walk to where my family and friends were waiting. I glanced back at Soarin for last time. He was walking toward his family too. A smile appeared at my lips instinctively. I didn’t care why I smiled but I remember this smile was on my face even when I reached to my friends.

“Hey look who’s here! Ms. I don’t wanna get married!” said Hurricane. With his statement everypony turned to me.

“Oh Rainbow! Have you had fun?” said my mother.

“Yeah. It was good,” I answered.

“How was that stallion?” asked Twilight.

“Great! He seemed really nice,” I said.

“And you better treat him great too!” said Rarity angrily. She had a big frown which was very scary. Even I scared.

“What happened to Rarity?” I whispered.

“She’s angry because she thinks that you stole his stallion,” whispered Fluttershy.

“Did she try his brother?” I whispered again.

“His already taken!” whisper-shouted Pinkie.

“Um, Rarity are you OK?” I knew it was the craziest question I’ve ever asked but it was a good way to start a conversation.

“What do you think Rainbow Dash? Do I look good? DO I?!” said Rarity angrily.

“You definitely not!” It was going to be hard cause Rarity was at a VERY bad mood. But I started and I should do it. “Did anything bad happened?”

“Anything bad? ANYTHING BAD? HOW DARE YOU ASK ME THIS?!” Rarity shouted. “Of course something bad happened. More awful than losing my last chance to grab a handsome stallion for myself.”

“Come on Rare. World hasn’t end yet and besides, it’s like he was the last handsome stallion in the world!” I said. “You can find plenty of them if you look.”

“I guess you’re right.” Rarity smiled as she stated. “By the way congratulations Rainbow.”

“Oh I almost forgot! Congratulations Rainbow!” said Twilight.

“Yeah, Twilight’s right. We all forgot to tell you this. And I think I speak for all of you when I say congratulations,” said Applejack.

“Thank you all.” I smiled at my friends. I really hoped that getting married don’t get in the way of our friendship. My friends really helped me for my decision.

“Rainbow, don’t you wanna come with us?” called my father.

“Comin’!” I said. Then I faced my friends and smiled at them. “I guess I have to go. Bye guys. See ya!”

“Bye!” my friends called.

I opened my wings and leave the ground beneath me. I didn’t care about my family. I just wanted to sleep as fast as I can and get up soon. I just couldn’t wait any longer to hang out with Soarin again.

CH 7-Wonderbolt surprise

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I looked at clock. 8:00 a.m. FINALLY!

I’d been awake since 6:00. I hadn’t know what to do so I’ve tried to read Daring Do but even Daring Do seemed annoying. I tried everything. Painting, listening to music, going to a short flight, even brushing my hair! But it seemed that this clock didn’t want to move. My plan was waking up at 9:00. Although even waking up at 9:00 was so unusual for me who sleeps until noon, but I was so eager about Soarin’s surprise so I woke up that early. When I woke up no one was awake and I had nothing to do. But after doing random activities, my father was awake.

He was always awake at this time of morning. He made breakfast for us or he went in garden and took care of flowers and trees. Fortunately, he was in the garden. I always liked to wake up and help my father in gardening. Now it was the time I’ve been waiting for.

I got up and walked out. I tried to be as quiet as Tank, my tortoise. I walked toward garden’s door and opened it slowly. Inside of the garden, flowers were shining at sunshine. I smiled. I always liked plants. They seemed so alive, I mean they are alive but it was like they could talk to you.

I walked past the flowers and walked toward were my father was watering lilies.

“Good morning dad,” I said.

“Whoa! Look at here! Is this Rainbow Dash who woke up that early?” said my father happily.

“I don’t know, maybe it’s Rainbow dash’s ghost! What do you think?” I snickered.

“So ghost of Rainbow, do you wanna help your owner’s father?”

“OK!” I said. “What should I do now?”

“Let’s start with watering roses. Just don’t fill the whole garden with water miss ghost!” said my father.

“Dad!” My father just chuckled.

* * *


I sat down at table. My mother glanced at me for a thousand time.

“Mom, Is there anything in my face?” I asked.

“What? Oh no no! I just wanted to know that my eyes are seeing right,” said my mother. “And since when you were awake?”

“Since 6:00.” I said so cool like I was talking about the weather. But I knew for my mother it was like a thunder bolt right at her head.

“WHAT?” said my mother with wide eyes. “Are you sure that you’re my daughter? What got into you?”

“So I guess dad hasn’t told you that I’m ghost of Rainbow.”

My mother just shook her head. “I just don’t know how Soarin suppose to get you.”

I rolled my eyes. “Talking about Soarin, had he came here when dad and I were outside?”

“No. Why?” asked my mother.

“He said he has a surprise for me.”

“I think he knows how lazy you are and he decided to come later,” said my mother.

“Mom!” I shouted. We both share a good laugh. I ate my breakfast as fast as I could and then I stood up and ran to my room to get ready. I didn’t need any dresses because I never wore them. I just needed few stuffs like mobile and etc.

I was wearing my saddle bag when I heard someone knocked on the door. I quickly ran to the stairs. I came there right at time. My mother opened the door to the pony behind the door and of course it was Soarin.

“Oh hello Soarin, I think you’re waiting for Rainbow. I’ll call her now,” said my mother.

“I’m here.” I trotted down the stairs and walked up to the door. “I’m ready to go.” Soarin nodded. I turned to my mother. “Bye mom. See ya!”

“Bye honey!” said my mother.

We opened our wings and flew out. For the first time in my life I wasn’t interested in flying fast. I just wanted a nice slow flight. I really didn’t know what happened to me but I guessed that it might be because I’ve never flew with any other pony before well except from Fluttershy.

“So, you didn’t tell me what your surprise is,” I began.

“And I won’t tell you now either.”

“Oh come on! I’ve been thinking about your surprise all night and now you’re telling me that you won’t tell me?” I shouted.

“Well keep thinking about the surprise cause I won’t tell you until we reach there,” said Soarin. At least he said something he shouldn’t say.

“We reach where?” I asked enthusiastically.

“Huh?…oh nowhere,” said Soarin quickly.

“So we’re going to someplace which is about Wonderbolts. I wonder where…” I thought out loud.

“WHAT? No! You shouldn’t know this!” said Soarin.

“But now I know. Thanks to you!” I said. “So now I know, will you tell me where we want to go?”

Soarin glanced at me. “Do you think you can fool me that easily? No missy. I’m more careful than this…”

Rest of the flight spent for my excuses to Soarin to make him talk. Some of them were very crazy and nonsense. But some of them were so serious and made sense. But Soarin didn’t fall for either of them. He really wanted to make a good surprise for me. At last I thought maybe he’ll tell me if I do something instead of telling the surprise.

“Soarin, I almost give up.” I sighed.

“Good. Keep giving up cause I won’t tell you even a word until we reach there,” said Soarin.

“Even if I do something to you?” Soarin raised one of his eyebrows.



Soarin smirked. “Even if I ask you to kiss me in front of all of my fanfillies?”

“WHAT?” I screamed. “If you tell me…OK.”

Soarin laughed. “I think you’re so eager to know.”

“Eager? EAGER? I’m almost killing myself!” I said.

“Yeah, this one’s obvious!” Soarin chuckled. “And you don’t have to kiss me, cause we’re there.”


“I think you were so busy making excuses that you didn’t noticed such a big building,” said Soarin.

I looked forward and for the first time I saw a very VERY big building right in front of me. It was a huge cloud building with two big statues of two pegesi at its gate. The statues showed two pegesi with goggles and it seemed that they were flying fast in the sky. These statues were only at one place's gate but it was impossible. I was dreaming. I knew.

“Welcome, to the great Wonderbolts headquarters!” said Soarin proudly.

“You are crazy Soarin. I know,” I said amazed.

“Don’t you tell me you like Wonderbolts and you love getting in the Wonderbolts?” asked Soarin.

“Of course I do!” I said happily.

“Then today is your chance. Go in there and shine!”

“What do you mean?”

“All you have to do is do your best and make Spitfire wonder why she hadn’t make you a Wonderbolt yet.” Soarin smiled at me. “Today, you can train with us. Show Spitfire that you’re worth choosing.”


It was…it was…AMAZING! I couldn’t believe that Soarin really did this! He was the best Wonderbolt ever! Well at least the best at my eyes.

“Oh, I almost forgot to tell you this,” said Soarin. “SURPRISE!”

If I was in a cloud or on the ground I would definitely jump up and down and scream happily. Or I would just fly fast and hug the pony who did this to me. Well I didn’t fly fast because my wings were aching but I did the second work.

I didn’t think about anything. I didn’t even care where we were. I just forgot everything and hugged Soarin tightly.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you Soarin! You’re the best!” I said. I knew Soarin was shocked but after few more seconds I felt a pair of soft hooves wrapped around my waist and somepony whispered, “It was nothing important.”

I really truly was lucky to have such a stallion at my side. I knew falling in love with such a stallion was really easy for me because he was all I imagined from a good and gentle stallion. And Soarin showed me lots of reason last night and that morning to love him…

CH 8-Wonderbolts academy

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Soarin and I were standing outside of Spitfire’s office.

“Soarin, can I not come in?” I asked.

“Why?” asked Soarin. “Don’t tell me that you’re afraid of Spitfire too.”

“I…am?” I really didn’t know. Was I? Well I heard from Hurricane that Spitfire isn’t nice all the time. Especially at morning. And of course I didn’t want to make the captain of the Wonderbolts think of me as a weak pony who was afraid of her.

“I really don’t understand what Spitfire does that makes everyone afraid of her?” said Soarin.

“Hurricane told me…”

“Hurricane? Do you really believe what he says?” said Soarin.

“Well, I don’t believe almost half of them but he seemed too serious when he was saying how scary Spitfire is in the morning.”

“Well, I guess he said something right for the first time in his life,” said Soarin thoughtfully. “But Spitfire’s not as scary as he said. It’s OK if you don’t wanna come in. I’ll do rest of the work.”

I smiled at Soarin. “Thank you.”

Soarin knocked on the door. “Come in.” said a voice from inside.

Soarin opened the door and went in but before it he winked at me. I didn’t get its meaning until well…

“HELLO SPITFIRE! GOOD MORNING! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” shouted Soarin. I put my hoof in front of my mouth to not laugh.

“UH, SOARIN THINK OF SOMEPONY’S EAR!” shouted Spitfire. Well, her shouting was at least ten times louder than Soarin. Fortunately I wasn’t inside of office. If I were I probably didn’t have my ears anymore!

“Hey Spit, you better think of some other pony’s ear. You know the one who’s now not hearing because your great scream,” said Soarin. “Wait, wait, wait. I GOT IT! Now I understand why you never need a microphone when you’re talking to other Wonderbolts. You’re a microphone yourself!”

“Soarin shut up before I throw you out of Wonderbolts,” said Spitfire dangerously low. Too bad that fun was out. There was no way that Soarin lost his dream job for such a stupid reason.

But I realized my false quickly.

“You can’t throw me out. I’m your co-captain and you’re nothing without me,” said Soarin proudly.

Spitfire groaned dangerously. OK, things were getting bad.

“As much as I hate to admit but you’re right Soarin. But remember I only let you win this round. Next time I won’t be the same,” said Spitfire.

By what Soarin said next I guessed he rolled his eyes. “You said the same for the past thousand times.”

“Anyways what do you do here? I thought you wanted a day off,” asked Spitfire. She seemed more cheered up now. Soarin really knew how to turn Spitfire’s flame of anger to ice. He really did a great work.

“I brought someone with me. She wants to train with us today.”

“Soarin you know that we don’t usually let any pony train with us. That pony better be good enough,” said Spitfire.

“Don’t worry Spit. She’s a good one,” said Soarin.

“Sooo…it’s a girl. Right?” I took a quick glance at the office but that was enough for me to see Spitfire with a smirk and a raised eyebrow looking at Soarin.

Soarin sighed. “Don’t bug me about this. She’s my fiancé.”

“YOUR WHAT?!” said surprised Spitfire. “Wait, Soarin when did you find a marefriend? Didn’t you feel telling your friend? Or at least your family? Am I not your cousin anymore?”

“Spitfire calm down. She’s not my marefriend. It was all that stupid tradition.”

“But you could at least tell me when you two were engaged,” said Spitfire.

“Hey, it’s not like we’ve been engaged for a year. I just met her last night.”

“Hey, did you say she’s here?” asked Spitfire happily. “Tell her come in!”

After few seconds, Soarin came out of office with a smile. “Well you’re so lucky that you have me,” said Soarin proudly. I snickered. “By the way, come in and you’d better leave a good impression or I’ll kill you right after the training.”

“Don’t worry, I’m not Rainbow Dash for nothing.”

“Then let’s see your work.” we walked toward the door of office and entered.

That office was…an office? It didn’t have any unusual thing. An office like the other ones I’d seen before. Same office table and chair and stuff.

“Here she is Spitfire,” Soarin’s voice made me drag my attention to captain of Wonderbolts.

“Hmmm…you seem like the worst flier I’ve ever seen,” said Spitfire. Well her comment made me shocked but I answered anyway.

“No ma’am!”

“Good spirit.” Spitfire smiled. Oh good. Her earlier comment was just for seeing how eager I’m about training. “But let’s check if your other abilities are as good as you’re good spirit or not!”

* * *

Spitfire had led Soarin and I to a field that looked to be a racing field. Other Wonderbolts were there too. They looked tired and sleepy. Most of them were yawning and some were even sleeping.. Among them only one of them seem to be fully awake. And that pony was Fleetfoot. She was smiling happily.

“Whoa! I can’t believe it! Is it Fleetfoot who’s awake? What made her awake? She had a detention yesterday. She was in my office until midnight,” said Spitfire. “There’s only one thing that make her like this in the morning…” said Spitfire thoughtfully. Then she looked at us and said, “Be careful. I think Fleetfoot saw you two together. Especially you Soarin. She doesn’t bug mares too much especially when she doesn’t know them well. But you Soarin…well you know the rest.”

Soarin sighed. “I hate Fleetfoot when she’s like this.”

“What’s the thing that make her awake in the morning?” I asked.

“Seeing romantic scenes. But in her eyes even a mare and a stallion standing beside each other is romantic. She’s way too intemperate,” said Soarin.

“Oh, got it,” I said. I was starting to think what her action will be when she see Soarin and I together when I heard a loud squeak.

“LOOK!” I quickly looked at where the sound came from and saw Fleetfoot with a BIG grin.

“FLEETFOOT!” other Wonderbolts shouted. At least thanks to Fleetfoot, all of the Wonderbolts were awake.

“Here we go,” whispered Soarin.

“OK everypony, enough sleeping. You showed our guest enough about how lazy you are. So don’t make it worse,” said Spitfire.

A wave of humming crashed through crowd.

“Yes, we have a guest. She’s gonna train with us today.”

“Sooo…who brought her here? Soarin?” asked Fleetfoot with a smirk.

“Yeah, I brought her here. Problem?” said Soarin flatly.

“Well there IS a problem but…let’s talk about it later cause Ms. Captain doesn’t seem too happy,” said Fleetfoot while looking at frowning and glaring Spitfire.

“Now, everyone, I want 300 laps for warm up, starting from now,” said Spitfire. All of them groaned. For a minute, I doubted that they’re Wonderbolts or not. “I SAID NOW!”

All of the Wonderbolts flew up in the sky except from Soarin and Spitfire. I flew after them quickly too. I didn’t want any of Wonderbolts to think of me as a lazy pony. Although I found out their lazy their selves.

Up there, in the sky, weather was cool and it made me get last bit of sleep away from myself. I smiled. I belonged there. Right there. No tradition, no husband, no parents, no fiancé, nopony could take them away from me. Nopony. I was Rainbow Dash. Born in the sky. You can never separate a mother and child. I was like that. Nopony hadn’t and couldn’t dare separate me from sky.

Oh, gosh… So sappy speech!

It was true that sky made me so relaxed but at that moment, I had to focus on Wonderbolts.


I was really flying with them! All thanks to Soarin. Now I was sure that we both had the same plan on our mind. First, trying to meet, then seeing if there was any feeling or not.

And soon, I had to do a move myself. From here, he did everything. Well it’s not like we’ve been together for an entire year! We only met last night.

“Oh, come on Rainbow what kind of pegesi think about these things while she/he is flying? Especially during a Wonderbolt training,” I said under my breath.

“I do!” said a happy voice next to me. I looked to find the owner of voice. It was Fleetfoot.

“Oh, hey.”

“Hi!” said Fleetfoot somehow…excitedly.

“So you’re the girl that Soarin introduced?”

“Yeah, that’s me. Name’s Rainbow Dash.”

“Oh, good. You might know me. I’m Fleetfoot.” and she smiled warmly at me. “By the way, I was wondering what kind of relation do you have with Soarin? Cause he hates girls and NORMALLY or better say never brings a girl with him.”

“I think he has to now.”

“And since wheeeen?”

“Since last night.”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Did a thunderbolt hit Soarin’s head? He never asks girls out! He never did and never will.”

“I think it would be better if you ask him.”

“But there’s no fun in this. I wanna ask you then if it was something important, we can go and bother Soarin together!” she said so excitedly that for a second I thought she’s a little filly who’s gonna go to amusement park for the first time.

“Excuse me?” I asked confusly with some hints of laughter.

“Bothering Soarin! That’s the work I’d born for!” Nope. She really seemed to imagine bothering Soarin as a lollipop which was given to her.

“OK, but as you promised, bothering him TOGETHER! Got it?”

“OK!” she said so excitedly that I felt she might burst right at the middle of sky.

“So, if you’re so eager to know…”


“I’m Soarin’s…”



“YOU’RE HIS WHAT?” shouted Fleetfoot. Fortunately, there was nopony around and we were ahead and also high enough for Soarin and Spitfire to not hear. “Wait, when did he…”

“Found a marefriend that now has a fiancé? Spitfire asked the same. Your answer is traditions.”

“Oh,” said Fleetfoot quietly but suddenly she cheered up again. “Well, this one’s a good subject for getting in Soarin’s nose.”

“And my reward?”

Fleetfoot thought for some seconds. “Well, I’ll never bother you about it cause you were a good girl and told me about you and Soar and second, you gotta see a fun show with me.” She grinned happily. “Trust me. Soarin’s so hilarious when he gets angry. Scary? Well, sure he is. Hilarious? Definitely!

I smirked. “Count me in.”

“Now all we have to do is ending these laps.”

CH 9-At the academy

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For rest of the laps, Fleetfoot and I were talking. Well, at least I found a friend in Wonderbolts. Fleetfoot was talkative but not that much to not allow anypony to talk, but she always knew what to talk about. She always had a lot of topics to talk about. And that was how I never knew when laps ended.

But it ended and we landed. And in less than a second, Spitfire gave her next command.

For the rest of the training, Fleetfoot introduced me to other Wonderbolts. They were all so confused when they heard about Soarin and I. Seriously, did Soarin hate girls that much?

But that wasn’t important. If he had, at that moment, he hadn’t anymore. But why? Did he have feelings for me already? No it was impossible. Speedy said true love takes time. And even if he had feelings for me, I hadn’t.

Maybe he just wanted to change his opinion for first time or even keep his family satisfied. Just like me. But that wasn’t important. The important thing was Fleetfoot who was planning her evil maps with other Wonderbolts. Poor Soarin! Their plan was so good. Soarin had to be so lucky and intelligent to escape from them.

Whole group of Wonderbolts VS. Soarin! And I had a special ticket for the show. The good thing was that I didn’t have a part in their plan. I was feeling bad enough for telling them about that fiancé thing.

Finally, they planned to ‘talk’ to Soarin after practice. And it looked like practice was going to end near sunset. I don’t know why but I felt so excited about this. Maybe it was such a long time I hadn’t done this.

After doing a lot of laps, tricks, races and plenty of things, it was end of the practice. I thought of the day I had with them. There was only one word describing it: Awesome!

It was great being part of such a great team. They seemed to be best friends and even family not just simple co-workers. Even Spitfire who was their captain and stricter than all of them, laughed along them. At the end of the day, my enthusiasm for being a Wonderbolt was much more. Seeing these ponies, made me want to force myself doing more practice so I can enter the team.

However, finally it was time for the grand show! My excitement at that moment was enough to burst to confetti in the middle of sky! And Fleetfoot talking excitedly wasn’t helping me.

“Oh my gosh! I can’t wait to see the look in Soarin’s face! I can imagine it from now!” said Fleetfoot enthusiastically.

Others laugh. “Hey, Rainbow, do you think Soarin will be angry if he find out you told us?” asked Misty Fly.

Fleetfoot answered before I even got to think, “She didn’t tell it to all of you. She only said that to me and besides I won’t let him bother Rainbow!” she puffed her chest in pride.

“Then let’s go!” shouted one of the streak twins. I think it was Lighting Streak.

And group of happy Wonderbolts started their journey to my poor fiancé! And I, instead of defending him, was a part of their plan. But I believed that he needed this surprise cause he had a long, boring day and this plan was a good way to change his mood.

We spotted Soarin at door of compound. He was about to go in when Fleetfoot yelled, “Hey Soarin! Stop!”

I already wanted to burst in laughter but I had to hold myself back. My laughter got more when Soarin looked up and see all of us waiting for him. He’s eyes widened and he shouted, “Are you guys heading to a war?”

I couldn’t hold back my laughter anymore and burst in laughter but not only me, had a few other burst in laughter too.

“Well, it’s kind of war but before that you have to explain something to us. To ALL of us,” said Fleetfoot as she got closer to the ground.

Soarin took his hooves up slowly just like the way criminals do after police caught them. “I swear I hadn’t kill anypony!”

Once again everypony burst in laughter. It looked like a true and live comedy show was happening below me. I landed to watch these two better.

As soon as Soarin saw me, he started to talk to me in a female voice. “Oh, Rainbow, save me! This Fleetfoot wants to kill me. You know that I hadn’t done anything!” If I hadn’t burst in laughter before, then there was no way I wouldn’t burst in laughter with this.

After a good minute of laughing, I controlled myself and managed to say, “Silly, if anypony is gonna say it, it’ll be a girl and next, I guess I’ll help Fleetfoot this time instead of you.”

“Oh, great. Now I’m completely alone,” said Soarin comically. Then he turned to me again. “Hey, who was the one who brought you here? Is this instead of thank you?” If his tone was a little more serious, I’d go and help him right at the moment he said but unfortunately for him, his tone was so fake that I burst in laughter again.

“OK, enough pleading. She’s in our group. But YOU!” said Fleetfoot and almost shout the last word. “You have to explain some things to us. Such aaaaaaas…”

“Such aaaaaaas…?” said Soarin the same way Fleetfoot said ‘as’.


All Soarin said was a simple, “Huh?”

“Excuse me? Marriage? Bringing a girl to academy? Talking to her like that? What does it mean? We know it now! She’s your fiancé, isn’t she? Come on! Quick! Quick! Confess!”

“Well…she is. But I bet you didn’t find it out yourself. I’m ready to bet that Rainbow helped you in it.”

“Whatever, the important thing is that you announced it. Now…” she smirked. “…don’t you want to tell your teammates how did you meet her?”

“Well we just…”

“I’m sure you find her in a super special place. I’m wondering where?”

“As I’m trying to say…”

“Oh! Oh! How long have you been girlfriend and boyfriend?”

“We weren’t…”

“WAIT A MINUTE! How long have you been engaged?”

“Look Fleet…”

“No! No! Wait a minute! Did you have a party? Soarin why didn’t invite us? And… why are you looking at me like this? I want the answer. Quick! Quick!”

All I could do was holding myself to not roll on the ground from laughter. I’d never hold this much laughter for this long time. I just felt I might burst if I hold it in me for a minute longer.

Soarin sighed. “Really Fleetfoot. I recommend you a shutting mouth spell if there’s one.” He rolled his eyes. “And for your endless questions out of nowhere, I have to say that Rainbow and I just met last night and engaged the same night. We didn’t know each other before that and if you shut your mouth, you can hear more!”

This time, everyone laughed at Fleetfoot. It looked like her perfect plan had gone downhill. But the comedy show was still going on.

“Hey, Soarin. Since you didn’t tell us about this, you have to give us a good dinner!” shouted Surprise from above us. Although it was completely out of plan, but others cheered at thought of a free dinner.

“You know what’s the perfect thing to do now?” said Soarin.

“What?” said Blaze enthusiastically. I could imagine what was going on her mind. A good march of perfect dishes right in front her.

But Soarin’s answer made all of her hopes gone. "The perfect thing to do right now is to leave a big army of hungry Wonderbolts behind!"

"Don't you dare leave" said a voice from his behind. Soarin turned around and saw Spitfire, blocking the exit door with a big grin. “I think you owe a good, big dinner to all of us!”

“CAPTAIN’S COMMAND!” shouted Fleetfoot happily. After her all of the Wonderbolts cheered and flew to exit. Poor Soarin was frozen there.

I helped him come out of shock. “Guess you have a big army ponies to feed. Right?”

He frowned comically. “Yeah. And all of them is because of you.” Then he chuckled and said, “Actually, I’m as hungry as them. Too bad Hurricane wasn’t here for a good dinner.”

We both laughed. He was right. My brother was always up to free food and was always hungry. “Speaking of him, now I understand why he called you joke maker,” I said as I remembered the night Speedy and Hurricane talked about Soarin. After a chuckle a good, an evil plan came to my mind. “You know what?”


“How about a good entertainment tonight?”

“And why?”

I shrugged. “I just said it in case you want to make Hurricane be jealous of us.” Then I winked. “Cause, anyway, it’s captain’s command!”

Soarin smirked. “Good idea!”

“Hey, no kissing! Get your buts out here!” shouted Fleetfoot from the entry.

“But we didn’t…” Soarin and I said in union.

She giggled. “Whatever. I’M HUNGRY! DO YOU TWO UNDERSTAND?!”

“OK. OK. We’re coming!”

After we went out, the others were waiting for us. Fleetfoot shouted for one more time,

“OK everypony. Since we know how generous and gentle Soarin is, he’s gonna take us to that new amusement park. Right guys?” everyone cheered happily.

“Wha…? But I never…” I punched his back hoof secretly. Fortunately, he got it soon. He sighed. “OK. But that’s all you get from me.”

“Let’s go to a good dinner and its fun afterward!” yelled Rapid Fire.

CH 10-A night to remember

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When Soarin stopped in front of a big restaurant, I realized what a lucky mare I was to have Soarin as my fiancé. I didn’t know Canterlot well but Rarity who has been there too much, was always talking of this place. Even Pinkie Pie loved here. Being the food lover, made her want to check every restaurant at every town she went. She always talked about how amazing and delicious foods were in this place.

Although this place was informal at Rarity’s criterion, but she said going there only for once worth traveling from the other side of Equestria to here. As well as its benefits, she mentioned one of its disadvantages. A big disadvantage. The foods there cost your own life. Especially for a mare from a little village like Ponyville. But as long as Soarin was going to pay for everything, I could enjoy a good meal at a good restaurant.

"Soarin, did a thunderbolt hit your head or something?" asked Spitfire, an unbelievable tone in her voice.

"Oh my, dear Spitfire, of course a thunderbolt hasn't hit his big head! The thing that has hit this but guy is a certain rainbow mare!" mocked Fleetfoot in a dreamy tone.

Soarin rolled his eyes, "Thank you my dear friends, but nothing has hit my poor head. It's just that I'd rather bring my friends somewhere nice instead of those food vendors across from here. If you'd like, we can go there."

“No. Thank you. You have the week off but we have to be at the training tomorrow. And besides who doesn’t like free, good food?” said Fire Streak.

“You know bro, for a sec, I thought you’re speaking for Hurricane,” said Lightning Streak.

Soarin and I just glanced at each other and we both burst in laughter. Others, unaware of what we had said earlier, were just staring at us.

After Soarin got hold of his laughter, he explained, “It’s nothing important.”

“Poor Rainbow who have to deal with a crazy stallion for rest of her life,” said Fleetfoot. Then she turned her gaze to me. “Rainbow, I give you a recommendation. Please take it as a sisterly advice. And it’s…let this idiot go. You’ll just waste your youth on him. Trust me.”

We laughed again. “Fleet it looks like you’re not really hungry. Now that I’m looking it looks that none of you seem hungry. So Rainbow and I will leave. Bye! Have a good time spending rest of your bits in the restaurant,” said Soarin as he started to walk away. It really looked like he really wanted to leave. I had to do something. Even for my own stomach!

“Soarin,” I called. He turned back. “You don’t even want to give ME some food?”

Soarin smiled. “Of course I’d do that for you.” Then he turned to still laughing Wonderbolts. “Hey guys, see you collecting all of your bit to get food! Bye!”

“Wait! Crazy stallion! We’re coming!” called Spitfire.

Soarin chuckled as we all entered the famous, expensive restaurant. At first look, it didn’t look like any of Canterlot’s classic décor. It looked like one of the places a teenager would like to go and hang out with her/his friends. But except from teenager a lot more ponies from other ages were there.

“Wow man. This place looks too full of crowd. Where should we sit?” asked Wave Chill. Right after him, a waitress stopped by us.

“Are you looking for a place to sit? Follow me please. There’s a big area for all of you.”

She led us to where a lot of teenagers were gathered and were singing some famous song together. Most of the sound in the restaurant belonged to them. Even some other ponies from other tables were singing along them.

“Wow! These guys are so fun! I want to sing with them!” said Fleetfoot happily. Then without waiting for an answer, she began singing, “I went out last night…!”

I knew this song. It was one of my favorites. So I began singing with them, “I’m going out tonight again…!”

Soon after me Soarin began singing and then rest of the Wonderbolts. Some ponies there that had recognize Wonderbolts raised their voice and the one who hadn’t sing, started singing. Soon everyone in the restaurant, were singing along us. The one who didn’t know the song were clapping and cheering. But one thing was certain, everypony’s attention was on the song. We were almost at half of song when a music started playing. It was the song we were singing!

As song played, everypony cheered and sang with it once again. After this song ended another one started and then another one and another one until the end of the night. Between singing, we ordered our food and ate it while we listened to ponies singing and music.

For rest of the time we were at restaurant, a big grin was on my face and hadn’t left until the moment we got out of restaurant. Then, as Soarin ‘promised’ we went to the new amusement park which was near the restaurant. We spent a good, fun time there too. Going on different games and even I won a prize too! The most unbelievable prize. Doll of a certain Wonderbolt named Soarin!

At the roller coaster ride, we took all the sits and had a good time. And as Fleetfoot told us before the ride, we, girls, screamed whenever we went down. I never screamed but among my heroes it didn’t matter. And besides, others scream was much louder than mine.

At total, it was a very fun and amazing time. But except from some of the fans who got in our way and asked for an autograph or some of Soarin’s fanfillies who gave me bad looks when they see me walking next to him all the time. Some of them were really scary. Just like I was murder of their parents.

When I told this to Soarin, he laughed and put his hoof around my shoulder and told me to don’t look at them. He, putting his hoof around me only made their worse.

But it also had a strong effect on me too. I felt my heart stopped for a second and also felt blood rushing to my cheeks. I think that was what everypony call blushing cause after misty saw me, she laughed and said, “Wow, Soarin what did you do to her? Look how red she is!” after Soarin looked at me he just chuckled and squeezed me to his self, more. That made the heat in my cheeks more. I think it was sign of blushing more. But I smiled sheepishly.

I had to admit. It did have a good feeling. A great feeling at my chest. My mind was telling me to let go of him and run away from him but my heart was keep telling me if you go away you won’t feel love and how dare you deny this perfect feeling. And my heart was right. And besides what do they say? For love you have to listen to your heart or something like this. For that, I chose the thing my heart said and rested my head on his shoulder.

I was seeing things again. Those girls with surprised face and frowns and glares toward me but when Soarin said don’t care about them I didn’t.

But finally after all of the fun moments I had today, it was time to go home. Before I realize, we said good bye to all of the Wonderbolts and went home. Soarin, being the gentle stallion, walked me home. We talked laughed and reviewed the moments of the day as we walked and sometimes fly to my house.

And before we knew, we were in front of the entry of my home and it was time for goodbye. I thought back to the day I passed. Wonderbolts academy, restaurant, amusement park and everything that happened. He did need a great thank you. A very big one.

I looked at him. At the same time, he raised his head and we both got lost in each other’s eyes. I never, ever, realized how beautiful his eyes were. They were like…true emeralds in front of you but much shinier and beautiful.

But… I shouldn’t forget the real reason I raised my head for. I had to say something as all he did to me. A simple thank you wasn’t enough but it was all I had at that moment.

“Thank you,” I said.

“Thank you,” Soarin said at the same time I did.

We stared in each other’s eyes once again and…



We asked in union once again. OK. This was getting funny.

I chuckled. “I don’t think I have to explain why. All you did today was amazing… so thank you. But why you thanked me?”

“You know, now that I’m thinking, I or neither any of Wonderbolts, had such a fun time for such a long time. If you weren’t there and didn’t tell Fleetfoot about us, none of these would have happened. So…thank you. For the happiness you gave me. The one I hadn’t feel for such a long time.”

He hadn’t felt happy? “You hadn’t feel happy? I wonder why?” He looked at his hooves. I immediately found out that I shouldn’t ask this. “Oh, I’m sorry if I made you sad.”

He smiled weakly and sadly at me. “No. it’s OK. It’s nothing important.”

I bite my lip. You didn’t have to be genius to understand he wasn’t happy of my question. “Thank you again. For everything.”

He smiled happily again. “Thank you too. Bye.”


I opened door of house but didn’t went in until his flying form disappeared in the dark night sky.

“Well, well, well. Where were you missy?” said my mother from inside.

Uh oh! I had a story to tell…

CH 11-Guests

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I lay in my bed thinking of the past week. I never had such a fun time. Every day, a new place, a new thing to do and every day seeing Soarin again. Next day, after when he took me to Wonderbolts academy, he called me and asked me if I’m free after noon.

I couldn’t believe what he said. We just went out last night but he said that he just wants to know me better and since I really liked to go and know this stallion, I went out with him. In the other hoof, my parents trusted Soarin completely.

He took to shows, movies, picnics, parks and a lot more places. We even went on a picnic with my friends. In that picnic, both my friends and Soarin got to know each other better. And let’s not mention that after the picnic we were all rolling on the ground from laughter. I didn’t even know where Soarin get all of those jokes! But his jokes were never the same and each time he made new ones.

Yesterday, our family made a picnic for us. Both of our families were there. In that picnic I learned some new things about too. His family were so warm and friendly. For the first time I met them. His mother was a nurse and her name was First aid kit just like her cutie mark.

His father was the stallion with purple mane and pale blue skin. Soarin seemed to have his talent from him. He used to be a Wonderbolt and he had taught his son all of the tricks. His name was Streaming Cloud. He was a very happy stallion and was as funny and energetic as Soarin or in fact, Soarin was as funny and energetic as him.

His brother, was a lot different from Soarin. As Soarin said he was born to be a dentist. He was a big book worm. Even he had brought his books to the picnic and was reading them and only when Soarin introduced me, he raised his head and nodded toward me. What made me curious about him was that he was Soarin’s older brother. When I asked him, he said that he wanted to study badly so his parents let him study later. He said after an accident about arranged marriage in their family, her mother is not too interested in traditions.

He also said that he had a big sister too but he said he rather not talk about her so I didn’t ask about her too. Mainly, except from his brother, his family was great.

And I didn’t know how to hold that much happiness all at once. At least that day Soarin had to go back to academy and was busy until afternoon so there was no fun and hang out today. I couldn’t deny that I really enjoyed hanging out with him.

And I even realized something. I really don’t know what was that but whenever Soarin was with me I felt so happy and every day I was counting every second to the minute Soarin came and took me to some place new. The time he wasn’t around like that day, I was feeling so empty and sad. I didn’t know what do they call this feeling? Maybe I was just starting to like him. I mean, who wouldn’t?

Maybe my loneliness wasn’t only because of Soarin not being there cause at that moment I was really alone! After my engagement, my mother was doing my work as captain of weather team. In return, I had to cook whenever she was out. After cooking for thousand time every day and night my cooking was finally getting better and better.

My father was out too. He had his own work. And I was alone sitting and wondering what to do. Checking food? But I had checked it ten time for past five minutes. Flying? No. I couldn’t leave home. Maybe telling one of my friends to come here. Yeah, that was good. But only among them only Fluttershy could come here. Well, she was good too.

I was going to call her when I heard someone knocked on the door. Who could it be? It was impossible my parents would be back this early. Maybe it was Fluttershy. Or maybe another pony. The only way of finding out was opening the door.

I trotted to the door and opened it. Behind the door, little group of ponies stood. There was a mare with pale blue mane and tail and purple skin. Next to her was a stallion with grey skin and red mane and tail. In arms of the mare a little filly who seemed to be 4 or 5 was sleeping.

They seemed be a family. Maybe their appearances were different but there was something that was written in their faces. Their face and eye were showing signs of lack of sleep, food and tiredness.

“Can I help you?” I asked.

“Yes. Please, please, please, let us come in. We hadn’t eat anything for three days,” said the mare. Her weak voice was approving what she said. What should I do? It was clear that they were not from here and were out of food but they were still stranger. They even could be thief!

When that mare saw my hesitate she said, “Please, this filly hadn’t eat anything. She’s not sleep. She had passed out.”

My eyes went wide! She hadn’t eat anything for three days. It was too much for a little filly like her. I had to help her.

“Come in! Come in!” I said quickly and went away to let them in. They got in. I went to kitchen and checked on my food for the thousandth time that day. Fortunately it was ready. I grabbed some and brought for them. I also grabbed the phone to call the doctor. I placed the tray of food over my back and give it to them as I talked to doctor and tell him come over here.

Within a minute, doctor was at the door. I led him in and showed the filly to him. He quickly started his treatment on her. I went back to check for the mare and stallion.

They were eating the food I gave them. They really seemed to be hungry. I didn’t disturb them and decided to stay by little filly’s side until her parents were done eating.

As I enter the room, I saw doctor inserting a serum in her little arm. Then he stood up to leave. When he saw me at door, he nodded at me.

“She’s fine. She was just out of food. If she woke up before serum ended, wait till it ends and if she didn’t woke up, call me again,” he said.

I nodded and led him out of door. Then I walked back to little filly. She was so cute and looked so calm but her face showed that she’s a naughty and noisy girl when she’s awake.

I always loved little fillies and colts but mostly fillies cause they’re cute and most of the time quiet. This little one was one of cutest. Before I knew and before I can hold myself, one of my hooves was busy caressing her soft mane. I smiled uncontrollably. Since no one was here, I didn’t mind showing my soft side a little. However, after some minutes of staring at her and caressing her, she opened her eyes slowly.

“Mommy?” she asked softly.

“Hi! I’m happy you woke up!” I said quietly.

She turned her head toward me. “You’re not my mommy!”

“I know. Don’t worry. She’s OK.”

“Are you a nurse?”

“No. I’m just a friend.”

“You stole me?” she asked me so quietly that I almost didn’t hear it.

I laughed a bit. “No. I’m just looking after you. Because your mother was tired.”

She smiled at me. “You’re beautiful.”

“Not as you are.”

She giggled. “My mommy said I have an amazing uncle.”


“Can you go and marry him?”

My eyes widened. What an unexpected question! Especially from a little filly. “Oh…I’m sorry but I’m taken.” I winked at her.

She giggled again. “You’re like a kind aunt.”

I smiled at her. “Thanks. But you didn’t tell me. What’s your name?”

“I’m Cloud Gum. My mommy calls me Gummy.”

I chuckled. “My friend has a pet alligator named Gummy!”

“Alligator? I love them!”

“Then you have to meet Pinkie, my friend.”

“I like pink too!”

“Then I’ll make sure you’ll meet her. She loves little fillies too.”

“Yay!” she cheered happily but still weakly. “Can I stand up?”

I looked at serum. About half of that was remaining. “Still no. You have to rest.”

She yawned tiredly. “I wanna sleep. Bye-bye!”

“Bye-bye Gummy,” I whispered quietly.

I smiled one last time and left the room. As I left the room. I saw Gummy’s parents trotting to me.

“Excuse me, do you have a place for a short nap?” asked the mare.

“Sure. Here. This way.”

I led them to one of the spare rooms that we usually used for guest. I gave two sleeping bags to them. I was about to leave when I heard that mare calling, “Mind if I company you?”

I smiled. “Not at all but… don’t you want to sleep?”

“I think my husband need it more than I do.”

We walked back to living room and sat on one couches. I didn’t know how much more I could take my curiosity back. At that moment that I was sure they were trusted, I was so curious to know more about them.

“If you don’t mind me asking, what had happen to you?” I finally asked.

She smiled. “I sensed it coming!” then she sighed. “Where do I begin?”

“From the start without missing a word!”

“But that’s whole story of my life!”

“I have enough time and I love stories so… go on!”

“OK…” she began.

“I was the first child of a good, loving family. I really loved my mom and dad. When I was 5, I had my first brother. He was so cute and little. Two years later, I had my second brother. I raised between my brothers. It made me a true tomboy. But the one who had the biggest part in making me a tomboy was my youngest brother.

“Like they’re appearance, we were different in the inside too. I was a true bookworm and also a great flier too. I loved both of my talents and it was hard for me to choose only one. But dislike me, my brothers had a thing that they were so good at. The oldest, was like me. He loved books and was a big bookworm.

“The other one was the naughtiest colt I’d ever seen. He was like a bomb and loved to run or fly every chance he’d get. Just like me! But in a much bigger stage. From the start, we, my youngest brother and I stick with each other well. Better than the older one and I.

“As we got older, I realized something about my family. It was an old tradition that was saying a child in our family has to get married at the age of eighteenth. At that time I was only 17. It was hard for me to know that I have to get married only one more year.

“At that days, my mother didn’t know that I, completely unaware of such a tradition, had fallen in love with my son of my father’s number one enemy. But there was no way back. I couldn’t forget him and go and marry another boy. After my parents told me about the marriage, I told them about him too.

“They got mad and said that they will never let me marry him. I tried everything. Talking, shouting and screaming, not talking to my family and just…everything I could but it was impossible. The hating between them was just too much to fade it.

“So I told the situation to my love. He smiled and said that it’s OK and told me that if our marriage is impossible then at least keep my parents happy and go marry another stallion. But…it was impossible. I just…couldn’t leave him this easily.

“So I talked to him again and told him that the only stallion I want to be married with is him and no other one. Then we planned on the most risk taking plan ever. A plan to run out and go away and get married. We planned every single bit of it with research and finally, we both run out of our houses and went to another city. Where most of our friends were. The great town of Ponyville.

“We got married right there. Although our parents weren’t here but it was best day of my life. After the marriage we moved to another city and started our life there.

“But, before I run out of house, I left two letters. One for my parents and another for my little brother. In the letter to my parents I explained my reason of leaving and even said that they shouldn’t come after me but they did.

“However, in the other letter which was to my brother I told him where I went and that he shouldn’t tell my parents and told him to send me a letter every month and say the news in house every month. That was my only way of connecting with my parents.

“But my only hope was gone when my parents got suspicious about the person my brother was sending letter to and I told him to stop sending them. But I always saw him from TV or newspapers. He was very famous after all. I was really happy that he finally got to live his dream and be a Wonderbolt.

“One day, after almost three year, he sent a letter to us and said news about my father-in-law and my father who were friends and said that my parents had forgiven us. As soon as we heard it we packed up and traveled here cause we heard they gonna stay here for a while.

“I just can’t wait my parents and my little brother again! Well… he’s not little anymore. He’s around 18 now.”

I blinked few times to let new informations sink in. “Wow, great Romeo and Juliet story!” she just chuckled. “By the way, I never got your name.”

“Me? Oh, I’m Cloudy Wing.”

“And I’m Rainbow Dash. Nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you too.”

I chuckled as I remembered something about Cloudy’s brother. “I think Gummy really loves his uncle!”

“Yeah she does. Although she never saw him closely. The closest distance was at Wonderbolts’ air show.” Then her smile faded. “Wait, how do you know about this?”

“Let’s just say Gummy and I had a conversation.” We both laughed a little bit. “Um…although this is none of my business, but since I’m a big Wonderbolt fan, what’s your brother’s name?”

“No it’s OK. You probably know him.” She smiled at me. “His name is Soarin…”

CH 12-A lost sister

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“He’s name is Soarin…” said Cloudy.

No. Nonononono! This couldn’t happen! I was definitely dreaming. There was no way that I found Soarin’s sister. But…I heard her. She said Soarin. I was sure. Maybe I heard wrong.

“You said… Soarin?”

She nodded. “Yeah. If you don’t believe me it’s OK but I said the truth.”

My jaw was officially on the ground at that moment. It. was. AWESOME! I had just found Soarin’s sister. He would be super happy if he knew it. Last time we were talking about his sister, he told me that he really really missed her.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa! I just find out what to do!” I was thinking but it seemed that I said it out loud.

“And what do you want to do?” asked Cloudy. What should I do? Explaining it to her? No. Well, maybe a little.

I was about to open my mouth to explain when phone rang. There wasn’t much ponies that would call here. It certainly wasn’t one of my friends cause they always talked to me by my own cellphone. It could be my parents or maybe my brother who didn’t call this often. It could be Soarin too…

Soarin! His sister! I really hoped it would be him. I grabbed the phone. “Hello?”

“Hey Rainbow! It’s me, Soarin!”

I grinned. It was him! “Hey! Shouldn’t you go to work today?”

“Yeah, and I did. Today’s practicing wasn’t as heavy as the day you went to academy.”

“So you’re done now?”

“Yeah, I am.”

“So…can you come to my house? I want to show you a super big surprise!”

“Then I’ll be there before you can hide your surprise!”

I giggled. “We’ll see. Bye!”


I turned phone off quickly and turned toward Cloudy who was looking at me with a raised eyebrow. “Trust me. It’s somepony that you really love,” I said.

She hesitated but finally answered, “OK.”

“We don’t have time! I’ll go check on Gummy and you go and check on your husband!”

“Fine, but why we don’t have time?”

“Like I said trust me!” I rushed to the room Gummy was resting. Her serum was empty and she was awake, looking at her surroundings curiously.


Gummy looked at me. “Hi!” she said happily.

“It’s time to throw that serum away.”

She tilted her head to the side. “What’s serum?”

I giggled. “Nothing.” Like I said, I went to where serum and throw it in the trash can. Then I looked back to Gummy. “So you really think I should marry your uncle?”

She blinked few times then grinned. “Yeah!” she cheered happily.

“Have you ever see him?” I already knew the answer but it didn’t hurt asking her too.

“Yeah. I saw his pictures and saw him flying with Wonderbolts!” well at least she meant Soarin not his brother!

“Hmmm… a Wonderbolt? I should see him!”

“He’s great! My mommy always say that I’m exactly like him!” I smiled at her. I bet Soarin didn’t know his sister had such a sweet child. “Can I stand up now?”

“Yes but you can’t go out of here.”

“Awwww… why?”

“Because some guests are gonna come here. Do you want me to tell your mother to come here?”

Gummy who was now out of bed jumped up and down happily. “Yes! Yes! Yes!”

I smiled at her and walked out of room. At the same time, Cloudy and her husband came out of the guest room. “First, Gummy is in this room.” I pointed to the room I’d just exited. “And second. You have to stay there till my guests come. I have a super big surprise for all of you!”

Cloudy and her husband looked at each other and nodded. Then they entered the room. Before I walk to phone again, I heard Gummy’s happy giggles again. I grabbed the phone and called Soarin’s mother. I had a huge work to do!

* * * * *

For the hundredth time in the past hour, door knocked by somepony. And for the hundredth time I went to open it.

“Hey!” said Soarin.

I narrowed my eyes and crossed my arms. “Weren’t you suppose to come here before I get to hide my surprise? Others came much earlier than you!”

He raised an eyebrow. “Others?” and popped his head in to see his family, mine and Cloudy’s husband’s family. “Did you make a party? Was that your surprise?”

“We’re waiting for surprise too Soarin!” said Soarin’s mother from inside.

I chuckled. “Just come in.” He came in and went to sit with rest of the ponies I gathered around. It wasn’t so easy. Mostly telling my mother about my surprise and making sure of not telling anypony.

The other hard thing was don’t making Soarin’s mother about bringing they’re old enemy and new friend. But finally all of those were done and poor Cloudy was dying of curiosity but was holding Cloudy to don’t run at middle of living room. Among whole ponies who were present in that house, only my mother and I knew what they were gathering.

I finally reached to the room Cloudy, her husband and Gummy were waiting for me. I opened the door and popped my head in. “OK guys sorry for long wait but you can finally come out. Just there’s a warning. You might be frozen when you see my surprise.”

“Just let us go out there! I just can’t wait to see your surprise!” said Cloudy excitedly. I chuckled and led them out of the room.

If it was up to me, I would just jump up and down from excitement! Most of that excitement was because I was finally doing something instead of Soarin’s surprises and all he did to me. For a full week, he did surprises to me. Now it was my turn to give him something that could be considered instead of some of his efforts.

When I came out of my thoughts, we were close to living room. I told them to stop and I went in the room alone. Then announced, “OK, everypony, I want to show you the biggest surprise I can make! Just warning that you all might be frozen after you saw me surprise!” Then I smirked. “Now tell me, had any of you lost anything?”

Then I went back to where Cloudy was looking at me with excitement and question. I nodded to them and told them to go in. When they stepped in the living room, all of the conversation cut and room went quiet. I walked next to Gummy.

“SURPRISE! To both sides!” I said with a big grin.

CH 13-Seeing each other again

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For minutes there was no sound at all but suddenly, Gummy broke the silence with her gasp. “Are you my uncle Soarin?” and ran to Soarin. Soarin who was looking at his sister with wide eyes, stared at Gummy but smiled and said, “Yes, I am.”

As soon as those words entered Gummy’s ears, she screamed happily and hugged Soarin. Soarin’s smile got wider and hugged her back. “Hey, I’m your uncle too!” said Soarin’s brother who was sitting next to him. After Gummy heard this, she ran to her other uncle and hugged him too.

With this scene, others gathered they mind too. Cloudy who was looking at her family with wide eyes until that moment, ran toward her parents with teary eyes. Her parents who were looking at her with awe smiled and hugged her with teary eyes.

In the hoof, her husband ran to his family and greeted them. Cloudy was still with her uncles who were talking to her enthusiastically. It felt great to see two families find each other like this.

“I want to say sorry to all of you. My parents for leaving them like this, my brothers for not being a good sister for them, and my mother-in-law and my father-in-law for stealing their only son!” announced Cloudy with tear in her eyes.

Her mother smiled. “Honey, we all forgave too.” Then turned to Cloudy’s husband family with a smile. “And forgave each other.”

Smile and tears of happiness was visible in everyone’s face. I was looking at them with a big smile when somepony hugged me tightly out of nowhere. Because of the sudden surprise, I stumbled and fall face first into that pony’s chest. I opened my eyes which were uncontrollably closed and saw that pony’s pale blue fur. I quickly recognized that pony.

“Thank you! Thank you Rainbow. You have no idea how much that meant to me,” said Soarin with a big smile. I smiled at him too. He squeezed me harder to him and hold me tight. After some seconds, I put my arms around him and hugged him back.

I was smiling happily while I was filled with a great sensation. A good heat at my chest which was making me calm. I’ve never been as calm as this. And I clearly knew it was all coming from that pony who was hugging me tightly.

My head was on his chest and my arms were around his neck. He’s arms were around me too. Both of us were enjoying each other’s embrace and were completely unaware of the world around us. After some minutes of hugging, we slowly pulled away from each other and before we completely pull away, I heard Soarin whispered in my ear, “You’re a jewel. My jewel.”

I giggled and tried to hide my blush. So I turned to somewhere else and started to walk. If I stayed there longer, I would reveal my girly side to him. And of course I didn’t want to. Maybe I was always curious about romance and was eager to feel it but certainly not in front of that much pony.

Before I get to know, a certain little filly was jumping up and down in front of me. “Did uncle Soarin hug you?” I blushed again. Great this little filly saw that too. She giggled. “You’re blushing!” and she smiled. “So…will you marry him?” she said excitedly.

I smirked. “If he wants to marry me he should come and say it to myself.”

Gummy gasped. “OK! I’ll go tell him!” she was running toward Soarin, before I could stop her. I could hear her talking excitedly. “Uncle Soarin! Uncle Soarin!”

Soarin that seemed was watching me all the time, looked at her with a smile. “Yes?”

“Will you do something to me?”


“Then…” she went and whispered something into his ear. With each word Gummy was whispering, Soarin’s eyes were getting wider and wider. Finally after Gummy pulled away and looked at him excitedly, he laughed and walked toward me.

I smiled too. I knew this was going to happen soon. When Soarin’s sister was finally going to know me. But, before Soarin got to get close to me, doorbell rang and I ran to open the door.

My smile got wider when I saw new guests. “Hey Speedy! Hey bro!”

Speedy looked inside curiously. “Does your mother have guest?”

“No. I mean, yes but come in.”

They shrugged and went in. “Who are they anywa…” said Speedy but stopped mid-sentence when she saw Cloudy Wing. “Cloudy?”

Cloudy turned around to find the pony who called her. “Ye…” she stopped mid-sentence too when she saw Speedy. “Speedy! What are you doing here?”

They went and hugged each other tightly. “But the questions is, what are YOU doing here?” said Speedy happily.

“Well, long story short, I went here to see my family and stopped by Rainbow’s house to rest. She accepted and then she brought my family here for me.” She looked at me with a smile.

“Rainbow? Well, you were so lucky cause…” Speedy didn’t continue because of me who was shaking my head rapidly to tell her don’t continue.

“Sooo…you didn’t tell me you know Cloudy!” I said with an awkward smile.

“Cause you never asked me. But I thought I said my best friend named Cloudy Wing. Didn’t I say so?”

“I guess you said.”

“Anyways, Speedy I didn’t know you have a sister!” said Cloudy.

“Cause I don’t. Rainbow is my sister-in-law.”

Cloudy looked at Speedy with wide eyes. “You’re married?!”

I left them and let them talk. Instead I walked to where Gummy was sitting alone.

“Hi again!”

Gummy gasped and looked at me. Then she grinned and called, “Uncle Soarin, she’s here.”

Soarin looked at us and chuckled. He walked toward us and stopped right in front of me. “I guess, if I don’t hurry she’ll send us to honeymoon soon!” we laughed.

“Sooo…?” said Gummy with excitement.

Soarin smiled at her. “Do you really want to know my answer?”

“Yes! Yes!”

Soarin looked at me. I was smiling. He was smiling too. He stood next to me and wrapped his arm around me. Just like the night at the amusement park. And I, like that night, was frozen there with a big blush and wide eyes. But this situation didn’t last too long. I gathered myself and smiled again.

“In fact Rainbow’s my fiancé.”

“SHE’S YOUR WHAT?” before Gummy could respond, her mother who was walking past us, said.

Soarin grinned and tightened his grip on me. “My fiancé. Problem?”

Cloudy was staring at us with wide eyes. “Mister, we have to talk later.”

Soarin simply shrugged and said. “Sure.”

Gummy wanted to say something when a certain annoying sound interrupted her. Once again, I went to open door. And…

“EVERYPONY, LET’S PARTY!” announced Pinkie happily.

“Pinkie how… forget it.” Then I turned to other ponies. “Let’s go and party with her!”

CH 14-Welcome back party

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Like most of other parties Pinkie threw, this one was at Sugar cube corner. And like other parties, half of the Ponyville along with Soarin’s teammates were invited. For Pinkie, it took only 5 minutes to insert decorations and pull a big cake out of the oven. Cake had a text that said “Welcome back!”

When I asked her how, her answer was a simple explain about how her Pinkie sense told her about Soarin’s sister and she made everything ready before she got to my house. And like other times, although I never understood, I just shrugged and went away.

After my quick talk, I saw Gummy hiding herself behind her mother’s hoof. I walked up to her. She had to meet Pinkie and Gummy.

“Gummy, do you want to meet my friend?” She looked at me and nodded. We walked toward where Pinkie was making cupcakes.

“Pinkie, this is Cloud Gum. Cloud Gum, this is Pinkie Pie, my friend.”

Pinkie looked at Gummy and gasped then she grinned. “Oh my gosh! A little filly! How are you?”

Gummy smiled. “I’m good. Rainbow said you have a pet named Gummy! Like me!”

I smiled. It was great that she still remembered our conversation about Pinkie. “So you’re Gummy? Then come with me. I’ll show you Gummy, Gummy!”

Pinkie led Gummy upstairs. I went away. She would be fine with Pinkie. And I was right. After some minutes, voice of their laughter could be heard even from downstairs.

When they went back, Gummy was resting in Cloud Gum’s arms. Also, when they went back, Soarin’s friends were there and he was telling Hurricane about the great night at amusement park and Hurricane was listening with a frown. He really missed a great time.

“OK, everypony…LET’S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!” Pinkie announced happily.

She nodded to DJ Pon3 and she started a song. Fleetfoot cheered happily and went to dance floor before anypony could even get close to it. Beside dance floor Spitfire was facehoofed and was muttering something under her breath. “I just don’t know why I chose you as my best friend!” It was all I get from her, mumbling.

“Hey, Rainbow ya don’t want to dance?” asked Applejack as she trotted past me.

“Not now. Maybe later!” I said.

“If you’re waiting for your love to come here, I have to say you have to go over there darling!” said Rarity with a giggle.

I rolled my eyes. “He’s not my love! He’s just a stallion who’s gonna marry me.”

“By the way, don’t you think he is so handsome?” said Rarity with a dreamy tone.

I glanced at her. “Yeah, he is. And I already know.”

I pretended that I was looking forward but I could swear I saw Rarity smirking and whispering something under her breath. Something like, “Still no. But we’ll see Rainbow!”

I didn’t know what she meant but I was sure it wasn’t like she was jealous and wanted Soarin for herself. If there was anything, it had gone at first night, in restaurant.

Who cared about that? Well, if I did, then I would be luckier in the future… but although I didn’t pay attention to it, I was lucky in future but if I did, it was much better.

However, after Rarity gone away to see if she can capture Soarin’s brother’s attention, I looked at dance floor. A lot of ponies were dancing happily. On the other side, some ponies were grabbing some things to eat. And at door, Pinkie was welcoming some new guests.

Not far away from me, Soarin was talking to his sister. I really liked to go with them and talk but I had to leave those sister and brother to talk freely. They hadn’t see each other for 7 years. Fortunately, my friends were there and I could talk to them.

Who did I have to start with? Oh, maybe Twilight. I heard a new Daring Do book was released. Twilight would have that. And luckily, right at that moment I saw annoyed Spike walking past me.

“Hey Spike. Have you see Twilight around?” I asked the baby dragon.

He frowned. “She’s busy talking to her ‘love’”

I raised an eyebrow. “Huh?”

He pointed to one of tables. I looked and see my egghead friend talking to a stallion. He seemed to be a royal guard. Where did he come from anyway? Wait, that wasn’t important. Wasn’t Twilight’s brother captain of guards? Then she would be did. Not only her, but also poor boy too!

But except from that, they really looked great together. At least one thing was crystal clear. Twilight was busy tonight.

I looked around to see my other friends. Rarity was doing her best to capture Soarin’s brother’s attention and he wasn’t even looking at her! Fluttershy was talking to Gummy. Both of them were smiling. Applejack was dancing at dance floor and Pinkie was helping DJ in songs. And I, was standing alone, don’t know what to do.

“Hey Rainbow! Come here with us!” called Cloudy who was still talking to Soarin. I quickly started trotting there. I hated standing in one place and doing nothing. Talking with them was really great. “You two really have to tell me about your engagement. I want to know everything!” said Cloudy as I stood beside Soarin.

“Where do I begin?” I said as I tapped my chin.

Cloudy smirked. “From the start without missing a word!”

“Thank you for giving me my own words!” I rolled my eyes then, I begin. “For me, everything started at a morning I was flying freely and somehow kill the time until I could to a nice picnic with my friends…”

* * * * *

“And it continued until today and now,” said Soarin as we completed the story.

“Wow. This is amazing!” said Cloudy who was silent till that moment.

“Well it wasn’t a long story but it continues,” I said.

“And from the way you two said it, it’s going well.”

“Yeah, I sure hope so!” said Soarin as he looked toward a group of friends who were looking directly at us.

“Fanfillies?” I asked.

“They look so,” mumbled Soarin under his breath. He chuckled and said, “The funny thing is that I’ve never talked to a girl except from my teammates. And now, I’m talking to two at once!”

“You know what? All we need now is two stallions coming and asking us for dance!” I said.

Soarin frowned. “Don’t plan on going away this easily cause I won’t let that baster get even close to you!”

I looked at him and flashed him a smile. “And who said I’m gonna go and dance with that stallion?” He smiled at me too. Right at that moment, Cloudy’s husband came over where we were standing and asked Cloudy for dance. They went away, to the dance floor. I looked at Soarin and said, “Do you want anything to eat? I can bring some for us.”

“Shouldn’t stallions do this?” said Soarin with a chuckle.

I shrugged. “From here, none of the things that happened to us was like a normal pony’s life! Let it be like the other,”

“Then I just want some cupcake. I really want to know what is Sugar cube corner’s famous cupcake that everypony talk about!”

I walked to the snack table. A lot of amazing treats and dishes were there. Pinkie had almost use all of the Sugar cube corner to make this party! I quickly grabbed two cupcakes and went back to the place Soarin and I were standing and… saw the most horrible scene in the world…

That group of fanfillies were all around Soarin. Even some of them were hugging Soarin. Soarin was looking at them with a frown and cold eyes but I still felt like he cheated on me. No…I felt like… like…those girls stole him from me. I just didn’t want to see them around him. I didn’t know why, I just… didn’t want to see them.

It was good that I didn’t drop the tray. And…I couldn’t believe it! But…yeah, I felt like…like…I wanted to cry! No. Rainbow Dash never cries. NEVER EVER! But then why I was seeing around behind a fabric of mist? Was he really that important? Of course he was! At this week I’d know him enough to like him like a good friend. But what should I do?

Right at that moment, I saw Soarin who had notice me. I looked at him then dropped my head and looked at my hooves. After some seconds, I felt a pair of strong arms wrapped around me.

I already knew who was it so I let the owner to hug me tightly. Just like when we were at home, a huge wave of relaxation washed over me. I accepted it and let my mind and body get relaxed and calm.

“You have no idea how much I hate those fanfillies!” whispered Soarin before any word could escape my mouth. He grabbed my shoulders and looked into my eyes. “Do you like acting?”

I winked at him. “If it’s for a group of idiot girls, I love it!”

“Then let’s show them that I’m taken!”

I giggled. “Yeah! Let’s go!”

We walked toward the snack table and grabbed some other cupcake cause the ones I brought had fell on the ground. For all the way to snack table, Soarin’s wing was around me and my head was on his shoulder and I was smiling happily. Like other times in his embrace, I felt protected and safe as well as the great feeling of relaxation. I wouldn’t change these feelings to world.

For the rest of the party, Soarin and I were talking and laughing. Across from us, those girls were sighing and frowning at me. Like last time, I didn’t pay attention to them and even poked my tongue out for some of them when Soarin was looking away!

I looked at a clock on the wall. 7:00 p.m. We were still standing but where out of subjects for a conversation. Music was still on and ponies were still dancing. I even saw Twilight and her new coltfriend on the floor!

Maybe I wasn’t in mood for dancing before but at that moment I really wanted to go and dance. But of course not alone. I really loved Soarin ask me to dance or could come and dance with me. I could ask him by myself too. Yeah! That was the right thing to do!

“Hey, you two are still standing?” asked Cloudy.

“Well, what else should we do?” I asked.

“You mean you don’t wanna go and dance a bit?”


“No excuse. Wait here for a sec. I’ll be back soon.” Then she walked to DJ stand and whispered something to DJ. She listened closely and then nodded and smiled. After that, Cloudy, came back to us. “OK, you go on the floor or I push you?” We didn’t answer or move. “OK! That’s it!”

“No! Cloudy…wait…” said Soarin but it was too late because she was already pushing us to the dance floor.

She let us go at middle of dance floor and nodded to DJ. DJ nodded back and played a new song. Everypony cheered as they heard the song.

“Guess we have to dance?” asked Soarin.

“Doesn’t matter to me!”

“Me either!”

We started to dance with the songs bit. And song played on:

We were at middle of dance when suddenly song’s rhythm slowed a bit and I danced perfectly with it. I don’t want to say I’m a good dancer but I said it from Soarin’s wide eyes and his smile after I was done.

The song was amazing and it had a bit of our story on it. We had only met a week ago but we were trying to pretend like we’ve been in love for a long time. I really had to thank Cloudy for pushing us on the floor.

At the end of the song Soarin was as happy as me. “How ‘bout another round?” I asked Soarin.

He winked at me. “Sure.”

* * * * *

“Hey Rarity, are you free for a little talk?” I asked the fashion designer.

“Oh, of course darling! Can I help you? Any love problem?” Rarity said eagerly.

“I… guess so.”

She gasped. “Then say it! I want to hear it soon. Talk! Talk!”

“Well these days, especially today, I feel a bit… strange.”

“And what kind of strange?”

“Like I blush too much these days. Especially in front of Soarin. And… this recently I want to spend more time with him. As much as I can. If I don’t hear his voice all the time, I feel bad. And… every night I can’t sleep until I think of him.”

Rarity who was looking me with sparkly eyes, gasped again. “Anymore sign. Like…feeling happy when he’s around?”

“Yeah. I do feel happy whenever I see him.”

“Do you think about him all the time?”

“Not all the time. Just when my mind is free of things and when I go to sleep.” Then I looked at her Rarity and started begging. “Rarity please help me. I know something’s wrong with me. I don’t care what is that just tell me!” Rarity tapped her chin and I waited without anymore patience to know what the hell is wrong with me! “Rarity tell me what’s wrong with me. I’m so worried of myself!”

“Darling, there’s nothing wrong with you unless…” said Rarity with a big grin. “Unless you FINALLY have a little crush on your fiancé!”

My mouth hung open. A… crush?! The thing I never experienced. And at that moment… my love expert friend was telling me that I have a crush on Soarin. “What should I do now?”

“Just try to keep it going but don’t tell it to him. I’ll tell you when to. Just wait,” said Rarity with visible happiness in her voice.

“OK, but you have Pinkie promise me that you won’t tell this to anypony. OK Rarity?” she rolled her eyes as she did the familiar motions. I nodded as she did the motions.

“If you don’t have anything more, I have to go.”

“Wait Rarity. One more thing,” I said as a thought about Rarity entered my head.

“Yes darling?”

I looked around to see if anyone was listening. “Um… Rarity, you still have any feelings for Soarin?”

Rarity raised an eyebrow. “Why are you asking me this?”

“Cause you told me about how handsome Soarin is and stuff.”

All Rarity did was smirking and muttering, “You’ll see Rainbow Dash! Just wait!” then she smiled like nothing had happened. “I have to go darling. Have a good time!” and she trotted away with a wink at me.

And I was frozen there thinking about the conversation Rarity and I just had.

First, why should she acting this strange? Did she really have feeling for Soarin? If yes, then she was going to a total wrong way. And if no, then why was she acting strange like this? But the sparkle in her eyes when I was telling her about my feelings showed me that she couldn’t have any feeling for Soarin. But then… well, it was a big mystery. Maybe for later. At that time only one thing was important…


I. JUST. COULDN’T. BELIEVE. IT! Who thought RAINBOW DASH would have a CRUSH? And not on anypony. On SOARIN the WONDERBOLT! Her own FIANCE!

This was just unbelievable. I never thought this would happen this fast. But I was sure, from now until, I don’t know when, I would look at him another way. The good thing was that I finally understood why those hugs felt so amazing!

I smiled at thought of Soarin and his hugs. I’d just felt it few times but it was enough for me to love it.

“LOOK! IT’S SOARIN!” I heard one of fans screamed. OH NO! You don’t dare getting close to my fiancé and my crush! I giggled as I flew fast toward Soarin.

I frowned at the filly who screamed. “You don’t dare even get close to him!”

That poor filly walked away with a pair of wide eyes. Soarin and I chuckled. We had a long night ahead of us. My crush and I…

CH 15-Wedding planning

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The annoying sound of the alarm clock was walking on my mind. I pressed my muzzle into the pillow. Why did I have to wake up this early? Just for a crazy planning? All I wanted was to sleep few more hours.

I’ve been at Cloudy’s welcome party until midnight and after I reached my bed, I’ve been busy thinking about my newfound feelings for Soarin so I kinda slept at 2:00 a.m. Then, I had to wake up at 7:00 for my wedding planning. I didn’t even know why did I accept it?

“Wake up sleepy head!” said a pony beside me.

“Soarin what are you doing in my room?” I asked tiredly and without changing my position.

“Hey, don’t you remember? We supposed to start wedding planning here.”

“Ugh, Soarin, how can you be so happy? I wanna sleep. Last night I just slept for 5 hours.”

Nopony answered. Did Soarin just went out like that? “Soarin, did you go?” I didn’t even bother looking around.

“Nope. I’m still here. Just been thinking.”

“About what?”

“That are you truly a mare or not?”

I raised my head quickly. “What do you mean by I’m a mare or not? Of course I’m a mare.”

“You know, most of the mares are so excited about wedding planning but you… what do I say?”

“Nothing and besides, those mares are not tired like me. Can’t we start an hour later?”


“What did you say? I didn’t hear but I guess it was yes.”

Soarin sighed. “OK. You left me no choice. Now I have to use my secret weapon.”

“Do whatever you want. I won’t leave this comfy bed till I get a good sleep.”

“Cloudy, let her in!” shouted Soarin. I didn’t pay attention to him and let him do whatever he wanted. He had to learn that Rainbow Dash won’t leave her bed this easily!

“AUNTIE RAINBOW!” shouted a certain little filly. Just I didn’t know how I turned to ‘auntie’ while she was still calling me ‘Ms. Rainbow’ last night. “Are you awake?”

What did I have to do? In one hoof, I really wanted to sleep but in the other hoof, I didn’t want to make her sad. “Yep. I am.”

“Then get up! We can play together!”

I smiled while my muzzle was still pressed to the bed. I turned around to face Gummy who was looking at me with her cute smile and big eyes. “But I wanna sleep!”

“Please? Pretty please? Pretty pretty PRETTY please?” I looked at her and… all I could say was…


She was looking with puppy eyes keep saying ‘pretty please’. Who could say no to this cute face? Of course nopony! You had to too stone heart to say anything against her when she was doing it.

“O…OK. OK. I’ll get up now.” Gummy cheered happily and Soarin smiled proudly.

I frown at Soarin. “Don’t be happy cause I just got up because of Gummy.”
Gummy smiled childishly. “No auntie. I made you get up because of uncle Soarin.”

I expect this. By the way, I didn’t really want to stay at bed much longer. “Oh no! Gummy why did you do it?! Don’t you know that lying kills me?” and then I let my body hit the bed again while my eyes were closed and I was acting like I’ve been killed.

Gummy giggled and Soarin chuckled and said, “OK princess, Gummy will promise to never lie again. Right Gummy?”

“Yes uncle. Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.”

I sat at bed quickly. “Wait, how did you learned Pinkie promise?”

“Pinkie Pie taught me today. I Pinkie promised to look after Gummy until her work in Sugar cube corner is done.”

“Well, well, well, now that Sleeping Beauty is awake, let’s start the work,” said Soarin with a smile.

I smirked. “No. Who said that Sleeping Beauty is awake? Prince didn’t kiss her!”

Soarin raised an eyebrow. “Do you really want me to kiss me princess?”

I blushed. “No thank you.”

“Are you sure? Cause if this will make Sleeping Beauty awake I’ll do it with all of my heart!” said Soarin with a wink. I just blushed. “What do you say princess? Yes?”

“NO!” I said suddenly. At that moment my whole face was burning. I didn’t exactly what I was blushing of. Thinking about Soarin kissing me or him calling me princess for several time. It just felt amazing to Soarin call me princess. It meant that I was really important for him.

And about kissing… I just felt that it was too soon. No. Not that soon. I just realized that a feeling is growing in my heart. Not that soon. Maybe when I was sure that I really love him.

However, after my loud ‘No’ Soarin had gone out of the room with a chuckle and I’ve been sitting on my bed and thinking for some minutes so I quickly got out of bed and got ready and rushed down stairs.

After a quick breakfast, my father going to work and my mother telling a weather pony about her day off, we were all ready for planning…almost.

I didn’t have a good feeling about all of this planning thing. By the way I’d promised Pinkie to let her plan the reception. I just couldn’t break a promise to one of my friends this easily. Especially a Pinkie promise to Pinkie Pie. It just didn’t work well with my loyal spirit.

“Umm… everypony, wait here. I have to call one of my friends to come and help for planning. I kinda… promised her,” I said after some minutes of thinking.

“Hey, why don’t you call all of them? They have the right to have a part on their friend’s wedding,” said Cloudy.

“Good idea! I can use their help at these kind of things. I’ll call them now!” I was going to grab my phone when somepony knocked on the door. I raised my eyebrow. Who could be that?

“Rainbow, did you have any guests today?” asked Speedy.

“Uh… no. I was wondering who is that too.” As my sentence ended, I trotted to door and opened it.

“Didn’t you want to start without us Dashie, did you?” said Pinkie with a huge grin. Behind her, my friends were looking at me with grin. I stepped away to let them in as I stared at them with wide eyes and dropped jaw.

Rarity giggled as she got pass me and said, “I think I have to start designing the wedding dress from today so don’t stand and stare. We have a lot work to do darling!”

A simple ‘Huh?’ was all I said.

Fluttershy who was the last that entered the house giggled and said, “Your answer is Pinkie sense.”

“But… but…”

“There’s nothing needed to be said!” said Twilight with a big grin. Then she got close to me and whispered, “You were so lucky that you didn’t forget your Pinkie promise. You weren’t there when Pinkie sensed that you’re breaking your promise but after you wanted to call us, she quickly said that we have to come to your house and told us everything about everything.”

“But…but… how did she knew about everything?”

She shrugged. “You know Pinkie, so random. But it looked like it was her Pinkie sense.”

“Don’t you girls want to begin? I didn’t take a whole day off because of nothing!” said Speedy.

“OK…OK… let’s begin!” I said as I rolled my eyes.

* * * * *

“PLEASE! I CAN’T TAKE IT ANYMORE!” I shouted as Twilight and Cloudy started to talk about place of the guests again.

My poor head was exploding with all of those junks. It was noon and all they talked about was place of guests. WHAT KIND OF FAMILY DO THIS FOR 5 DAMN HOURS?!

“Whoa… I think Dashie’s a little too tired.” Although Pinkie whispered it, I heard it clearly.

“How about resting a little? I’m tired too!” said Soarin quickly.

“But we’re out of time! We have to end this today or…”

I didn’t let her continue. “Sorry Twi but Soarin and I took enough of this thing today. We’ll go for a little rest.”

I grabbed Soarin hoof and pulled him as I ran toward stairs and climb them.

“But what about…”

“You can plan rest of this ‘thing’ on your own.”

I didn’t stay there to hear rest of Twilight’s nagging. I led Soarin to my room and hoped on my bed. Then I sighed happily and almost shouted, “FINALLY!”

“Was it that bad?” said Soarin with a chuckle.

“It was worse than what you imagine! I hate boring things.”

“Me too. Beautiful room by the way.”

“Thanks.” I turned my head to Soarin who was looking at my room with a smile. I smiled too and to think about him on my mind.

‘What do you have in you that make me feel so happy and want to smile? Is it your eyes that make me calm or smile that make my heartbeat faster than speed of light? Or… or… maybe it’s everything you have in you. It’s just feels so good to dream that you love me and for once I can show somepony my soft side. But unfortunately it’s nothing but a good dream. A dream that won’t come true easily.’

I was thinking about when a voice in my head said, ‘Rainbow Dash, shut up. You’re getting too sappy. Also stop staring at the poor stallion!’

Sometimes I really wanted to say a loud shut up to that damn voice that was saying the truths all the time but even if I did this, it would came back again. There was just no way of fighting it.

“Is this your calendar?” asked Soarin as he pointed to my calendar that was pinned to wall and also made me end the fight that was going inside of me.

“Huh? Wha… Oh, yeah! That’s my calendar.”

“Then as it said here, your birthday is in 3 days right?”

At that minute I really needed somepony to punch me hard in face and tell me to never do such a thing to your calendar! I just didn’t know why did I have such a bad behavior? Every time I get a new calendar for the New Year, the first thing I did was marking my friends and I’s birthday. And result…

“Yeah… it is.”

“Whoa, that’s awesome! Happy birthday then!”

I smiled. “Thanks.”

It was great that Soarin found out my birthday. 23rd of June was always my favorite day of year cause among my family and friends nopony forget it and congratulate me and also Pinkie’s parties were always filled with a lot of fun. That day made me sure that there are someponies that remember me. Someponies that care about me and think that I’m important for.

That year’s birthday would be amazing and special. More special than other years cause it was going to be the last year I celebrate it as a single mare. Maybe next year I had to celebrate it along Soarin.

These thoughts made me think about my future life more. It was true that I had a crush on Soarin and feel that I like him more than a simple pony or Wonderbolt, but that didn’t guarantee my future. This feeling couldn’t last forever and could be forgot easily. What would happen to my future? Would I ever experience that feeling named love? What if I got married and don’t feel the love? Then my life would be ruined! And by the way that wedding plans were going, it looked like that I had to set the wedding date so soon.

Uhhh… wedding…

How thought I would get married? The great Rainbow Dash that cared about no boy…

‘Rainbow Dash you’re getting back to where were you when Soarin proposed to you.’ That nasty voice said at my mind.

Who cared about interior bothersome voice who keep telling you the things that you already know? Well not me of course.

Where was I? Oh yes. Wedding.

Even imagining myself at the white wedding dress was so funny. I always thought only the mares who have nothing left to do get married. Then I was going to be one of them so soon but I did have a lot things to do like entering Wonderbolts.

But I just had to get married. Well not to mention that I really liked to see where is it going. Who knew? Maybe it was better I imagined. Or maybe even…

Voice of Soarin’s sigh shattered the ball of my thoughts. I looked at him. He was looking outside with sad eyes. He was exactly like little colts who wanted to go out but their mother couldn’t take them to the park!

“Is everything OK?”

His head turned toward mine as I spoke. “No… it’s just that although I’m free I feel like I’m trapped inside a cage. I feel like… like… I need to do a new thing.”

I tapped my chin. Something new? What could be new for a Wonderbolt? Well, almost nothing. Unless… “Hey Soarin, have you ever taught anypony how to fly. Perhaps… a little filly?”

“Um… let me think…nope. Never. Why?”

I smiled. “Then I guess you have to meet a little filly.”

“A little filly? Who?”

“Scootaloo,” I said as I exited my room to call my little sister.

CH 16-My love

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Soarin’s P.O.V.

“Rainbow, Scootaloo’s here!” Ms. Firefly shouted.

I was really really curious and excited to meet that famous Scootaloo. She was famous because all of Rainbow’s friends and family knew her.

I knew that Rainbow told me that she’s a filly but any pony before 18 year old is filly but in the other hoof she doesn’t seem to be too big cause Rainbow said that she doesn’t know how to fly any ways, deep inside I know everything will be fine.

I’d never taught flying to a little filly but I’ve seen some of my teammates, volunteering for this. I’ve seen how they did it. It didn’t seem too hard…I wish…

The important thing was that because of Rainbow I was doing something new in my life.

Oh…Rainbow Dash…

What should I say about her? She’s… everything. Even more than that but I still had to wait. It was so hard. So hard to see the one you love and pretend that you only have a simple crush on her. Yeah, I loved her. She didn’t know but I did. Nopony knew it.

It started a long a go. Even before Rainbow and I engaged…

* * * * *


I was at the end of one my shows and as usual it was time to give autographs to my fans but before I went there, I had to walk an aisle to get to the tables and that aisle was always filled with crazy fanfillies who just screamed and needed autographs before other ponies.

Every time I passed that aisle I signed three ponies’ paper, poster or whatever they wanted. But only three ponies not more and not less. That was why there was all of those sounds and screams there.

But that day…it was different. No, the show wasn’t different or those fan screams. No, none of them were new but one pony among all of those ponies was different.

At first, when I had to walk down that aisle, I thought that if Spitfire don’t take them away for the next time then I’ll kill her alive.

First step…nothing. Just crazy fanfilly screams that made me have a very bad headache for several hours after it.

Second step… still nothing but I saw a mare how was shaking her poster in the air. I knew her. Not by name, I’d just seen her before. It seemed that she won’t go away if this poster won’t be signed, so I signed it quickly.

‘Hope to never see you again!’ I thought as I signed her poster. She screamed happily and shouted, “I LOVE YOU SOARIN!”

I looked coldly at her and said a simple ‘thanks’ and walked away.

Next step… still nothing but those annoying screams.

Next… I smile because the scene I saw did worth smiling. A little filly who was jumping up and down happily and a paper was on her mouth.

“Hey little friend, what’s your name?” I said as I knelt down in front of her grabbed her paper to sign.

She gasped and said, “I’m Moon Song Mr. Soarin.”

I smiled at her. She was so cute and little. “Do you like to be Wonderbolt?”

She gasped again and jumped up and down. “YES, YES, YES!”

“Then never stop trying!”


I ruffled her soft mane and walked away. Little fillies and colts were the only fans I cared about. The only fans that I believed had to be treated nice and well but others… most of them were just trouble.

Next step… I didn’t care about screams and thought about my last choice for giving autograph.

Next step… I’m not too far from autograph stand but it still is few meters away.

Next step… again those screa…

“Mr. Soarin, excuse me?” said a soft voice from my left.

I didn’t know why but I looked to see who that was. Maybe her soft and beautiful voice made me to look at her but when I did, I found out that if I did something right in my life, it was that.

“Could you please sign my paper please?” she said as I look at her.

She was… she was so… OH MY GOSH!

She was so unbelievably beautiful. So beautiful… and unique… and divine and… and…

There wasn’t a word to describe her beautifulness. For that I walked up to her and signed her paper with a smile. I never smiled to the mares at her age but… it was just impossible to look at her coldly.

‘Never stop fighting for your dream and never lose your hope for it. Soarin.” That text and an autograph was all I wrote for her then I passed it to her with a kind smile. She blushed and took it from me with a little smile.

I don’t which was it. Her adorable smile or her cute blushing face or the second her hoof touched mine, but for I just felt that suddenly my heart was burning in an invisible fire. I had to know something about her. Something that could kill me if I didn’t find out about her.

“Can I ask, what’s your name?”

She looked at me and smiled. “Sure. I’m Rainbow Dash.”

I nodded. “Nice meeting you. Hope to see you again.”

“Thanks, me too,” she whispered with a giggle.

“You’re welcome.” I left her with the same smile. I didn’t know what happened but I just felt that something had changed in me.

I didn’t even know why did I say that to her? I never said ‘hope to see you again’ to one of my fans unless it was a little colt or filly. Instead I always said, ‘hope to never see you again’! And I never said that out loud. I always said it on my mind because I believed that no matter how tired you are, you have to keep respectable to others.

But that mare… Rainbow Dash… she was another thing…

And suddenly, steps didn’t mean for me anymore because she was all over my mind…


Rainbow Dash…


* * * * *

I sighed as I remembered my best memories again. It’s afterward was amazing. The next show was at Cloudsdale again and when I had to walk down the aisle, I saw her again!

I couldn’t believe it! I couldn’t believe that she really cared my words that said ‘hope to see you again’! She really came there to see me again!

The minute she saw that I’m looking at her, she grinned happily and waved her hoof for me. It was true that some of the mares next to her looked at her with hatred and jealousy but it wasn’t important for neither of us.

I grinned happily at her and walked away. From that day on, I saw her on every show I had in Cloudsdale or Ponyville. She was always waiting for me on the aisle. She didn’t do anything. She just came there and waited there for me.

But one day… everything changed for me. It was a show in the Ponyville and… she didn’t come…Yeah, She didn’t come. I searched through all ponies there but nopony had seen her. Then I searched all of Ponyville but… they said that she hadn’t seen her.

I thought that it maybe was because of a problem or sickness and she’ll come for the next show but… she didn’t come for the next show.

Not only the next show, the next one or the one after that.

She never came there again…


But I did realize something. That each minute of my life was meaningless without her. That every single beat of my heart was because of her. That I, the great Soarin, the pony who hated every single of his fanfillies and all of mares, had fall in love with her.


I loved her, with every single bit of my heart…

I was going crazy. It was like I had lost my life.

Till one day, my mother talked to me about the old tradition in family. The tradition that said a boy or a girl had to get married when he/she was 18. Fortunately my mom saw how I was and left it up to me.

She even said that I don’t have do this if I want to. I knew she was saying this because of Cloudy. That tradition made her run off from house for such a long time.

Thinking of Cloudy caused a brilliant idea to enter my head. All I had to do was finding Rainbow Dash and… done!

So from that day, I started searching whole Ponyville and Cloudsdale for a sign for her and finally one day, a lavender mare with a baby dragon over her back told me the address of her house.

Soon I found out that she has a bigger brother who turned out to be one of my teammates so things were a lot simple for me. I knew that they had a tradition similar to mine in their family so I talked to Hurricane. I told him that I love his sister so much and he had to help me to go and merry her.

I expected him to go crazy and say that you can’t love my sister but instead he smiled happily and said that he’d do whatever he can. He also said that her sister doesn’t even wanna do it but he promised to help me.

And finally, everything was ready for me. I was on top of the world at that moment.

Then the fun and great seconds started from the second I stepped in their house. Rainbow and her friends thought that I didn’t see them but I did saw six pair of big eyes staring at me.

When they said that my love was waiting for me in the garden, I wanted to run out of the room as fast as I can and go and see her but I keep myself from that crazy action and walked calmly to the garden.

And… she was there…

More beautiful than any time before and the low light of the sun made her like a true angle. MY lovely angle.

“E…excuse me, are you Rainbow Dash?” I finally said those words. I didn’t stutter because I was nervous. I stuttered because I still hadn’t believe that my beautiful angle was before my eyes.

And simply, that night turned out to be the best night of my entire life.

Aaaaaaaand… there I was. After all of those waiting I had her beside me.

“We’re back!” Rainbow’s happy exclaim made me look at her with a smile. Next to her, a little filly with purple mane and tale and orange eyes was jumping up and down. She made me think about that little filly that was at show the day I met Rainbow.

“Hi! I’m Scootaloo!” she said with a grin.

“Hey Scootaloo! I’m Soarin.”

“Wait you mean you’re the Soarin from Wonderbolt?” she asked excitedly.

I chuckled. She really was like Rainbow. The sentence she said was the same as the one Rainbow said when I saw her at garden. “Well yeah,” I said.

“COOL!” she shouted happily.

“Now if introducing is done, can we start please?” said Rainbow.

“Sure!” Scootaloo and I said at once. That made all of us spend a minute for laughing.

We walked down the stairs, to where girls were still planning wedding. Rainbow was right. It was soooo boring!

Twilight was the first who saw us. She opened her mouth to say something when Rainbow interrupted her, “No Twi. We’re going to teach Scootaloo how to fly so please don’t talk about plans. I already told you, do whatever you want and only call me for very important things.”

She sighed. “OK, since I know how stubborn you are I won’t say anything.”

“And she better not to!” whispered Rainbow and made Scootaloo and us chuckle.

We walked out of house and flew toward ground with Scootaloo on Rainbow’s back. “OK, let’s start it!” said Rainbow the minute we landed.

I stared at her. I just didn’t know how much more I can hold myself from not confessing my love to her.

She was just everything for me. My entire world only had one name: Rainbow Dash. I had to do something to prove her that she’s more important than anything for me.

It was the only way of keeping myself from confessing but on the other hoof, she didn’t deserve anything. It had to be something great and amazing.

A brilliant and as Rainbow often say, awesome idea popped into my mind. A special thing for a special occasion… yeah, that was amazing…

CH 17-Weird things happening around

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Rainbow’s P.O.V.

Training Scootaloo didn’t seem to be so new for Soarin because he did it as an expert teacher but he said that he never did this before. I thought that it might be his Wonderbolt training that made him ready for that.

However, he seemed so happy at the end and that was the important thing. Oh and also, running off from those boring planning was another benefit of training Scootaloo. But nothing came close to Scootaloo’s happy face. She didn’t get to fly but she did managed to hold herself on the air. And still, it was a very great advance for her.

The minute we entered the house I found out that finally Twilight and Cloudy agreed on place of ponies so they were taking a little ‘break’ to continue rest of the ‘planning’.

The next thing to plan was flowers. I didn’t really care about them so I left Applejack in charge of deciding for me! By the way, she was good with plants and flowers. I just told them to call me whenever they get to plan for music and decoration because they were the only things that I cared about among all of those planning. Also, with Pinkie Pie there, it was easier to plan them. And with Rarity begging and glaring at me I told them to call me for the wedding dress part too.

Soarin didn’t care about those crazy things too so after we made sure that Scootaloo was gone, we walked back to my room and started talking or doing other stuff like playing with both Gummies!

Finally, it was around 11:00 P.M. that my friends, Cloudy, Speedy and Soarin decided to go back to their home.

“OK, we didn’t get to plan everything tonight but we’ll do it… later,” said Twilight with a tired smile.

“Later?” I asked.

“Eyup. Later. We all have a lot of… works to do in the future 3 or 4 days sugar cube,” said Applejack.

“What kind of work is it that takes 3 or 4 days?” I asked.

Pinkie suddenly shouted, “It’s a party! Yeah, we’re all planning a party! For… for…”

“For one of my animal friends!” said Fluttershy suddenly.

“Does it… take all that time to prepare? I… I mean, it’s only an animal after all,” I asked.

“Well darling, it’s not only the little creature, it’s its owner too. It’s kind of… anniversary of her and her pet getting together,” said Rarity.

“Yeah Rarity’s right!” said Twilight with an awkward smile that looked more awkward with every second that was passing by.

“So… don’t you guys need any help from me?”

“NO!” girls shouted in union.

“OK, OK! Then… bye for some days.” I said with a little disappointment in my voice. “What about you Cloudy? I don’t suppose you’re busy. Are you?”

“Actually… my job in Carousel boutique starts from tomorrow and since Rarity’s busy, I have to work hard instead of her. Sorry Rainbow,” said Cloudy with sad smile and understanding eyes. At least it didn’t look that she was lying to me.

“Speedy don’t tell me that you have work too.”

“Rainbow, as a flying teacher, I have a lot of work every day except from weekend, so… sorry.”

She was right. She just couldn’t do it other day. Those little ponies were waiting for her. I sighed. “Nope. It’s fine.” Then I looked at Soarin.

It seemed that he got the meaning of that look cause he said, “No Rainbow. Sorry, but don’t even think of it. Spitfire wants all of the Wonderbolts to practice a new trick so I won’t have any free time.”

I looked at the cloud floor with sad eyes. It seemed that these days were going to be so boring.

Soarin quickly noticed me and put his hoof around my shoulder. I lift my face up and looked at him.

He was looking at me with a warm and kind smile. “I did say that I have a new trick but I didn’t say that it’ll take a lot of time.” Then he puffed his chest in pride and proudly said, “I’m one of the best Wonderbolts. It’ll be done in a day.”

It made me and others chuckle. “You know what?” Soarin asked me.


“After that trick, if any other amount of energy was left in me I’ll come by to spend time together. Huh?”

I frowned comically. “Are you fooling a little filly or something?”

“I never said so but if you think so then maybe it is!”


“OK, OK! But seriously, the trick won’t take a lot of time and you know the reason! I’ll promise as soon as it ended, I’ll come by.”

I smiled. “Thanks.”

“So if question and answer is done, how about going back home?” asked Speedy as she yawned.

“OK. Bye everypony!” I said as I waved my hoof for them. I just wished that Soarin’s practicing end soon.

* * * * *

I didn’t know why but the next day after we started planning the wedding, just seemed to be a bad one from the start.

At first, waking up by a nightmare that would make the bravest ponies shiver from fear for days. It was about the group of cycle killers that TV showed. They were trying to take Soarin away from me.

It was just… ugh! Even thinking about that made me worried!

However, after that, I was almost falling from stairs because I was so busy yawning that I didn’t see my front. Well, the good thing was that I was ready for these kind of situations and I caught myself in the air.

Then it was my mom who said that doesn’t feel well and had to go to doctor so I had to go back to my old weather job. Well at least this was good for me cause if I didn’t have to go to work, I had to stay at home and watch walls and ceiling till the minute my parents came back home but it was also bad cause I was worried about my mom.

After that, was the minute I entered the office. I was late! A super great impression for the first of my work after a long time!

Then it was clearing sky. I pretend that they’re all of the bad things that had happen to me from start of the day and cleared them angrily. I was so busy clearing ‘my worse moments’ that I accidentally punch a cloud with a pony sleeping on it.

She woke up and screamed but caught herself on time so she didn’t fall but I she was so angry that made me apologize her. Something that I never do unless I did something really wrong. Well, it wasn’t my fault either. She shouldn’t fall asleep on a cloud in the middle of day!

After clearing sky and my other weather duties I decided to go and see my friends and that was when the next worse moment started…

I decided to go Sugar cube corner and grab a cupcake to eat and also help Pinkie Pie if she needed help with anything. I knew that they’d say that they don’t need help but just standing away and seeing my friends struggling and planning for a party on their own, didn’t work well with my loyal spirit!

So after I bought the cupcake I wanted, I went to Pinkie’s room to see what she up to was. Despite the warning Mrs. Cupcake gave me about not bothering Pinkie when she’s planning a party, I knocked on her door and waited for her.

“Who is it? Come in! Oh no, wait! I’ll be there. Wait for a sec,” called Pinkie from inside her room. Few seconds later she opened the door and grinned happily at me. “Oooooh! Hello Dashie… wait…” Pinkie tapped her chin as she thought about something then she gasped loudly. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? DIDN’T YOU KNOW THAT I HAVE A SUPER DUPER IMPORTANT PARTY TO PLAN FOR? YOU HAVE TO GO AWAY FROM HERE NOOOOW!” shouted Pinkie.

She seemed to be mostly scared and afraid of something instead of looking angry. "OK, OK, Pinkie. I’ll go away now! No need to shout!”

I exited there as soon as I could. My friends were serious when they said that they didn’t need help but in the other hoof, it was only Pinkie Pie. And as Twilight always say, she was just being Pinkie Pie! Maybe my other friends did need some help so I started a travel around Ponyville to visit my other friends. However, their responses were similar to Pinkie’s just they were more polite.

“…Oh, hello Rainbow Dash… um… thanks, but… but… I don’t need any help because… because… well… you’re not too good with animals and… well… sorry!” was Fluttershy response.

“Help? What help? I’m fine… I mean… well, I have Spike and… well… I’m doing well and… well let’s just say that I don’t need any help unless somepony to help in organizing books!” said Twilight with her awkward smile and when I asked her why should she need somepony to help her organize her books when she’s planning for a party she just slammed the door in my face but I could swear that I heard her screaming, “SPIKE, I SCREWED UP!”

“Help? Oh thank you darling but I already have dear Cloudy helping me so… I don’t need any help… BY THE WAY, WHY ARE YOU STILL STANDING HERE? I HAVE A DRESS TO WORK ON! GO! GO!” said Rarity calmly. Well, calmly before she suddenly started shouting.

“Look Rainbow, ah can’t tell ya anythin’ so you’d better leave here or ah have ta throw ya out of here! And about help, you’re the last pony I need help from! What I’m doing is bakin’ cakes and ah certainly don’t want anypony foolin’ around me while I’m doin’ mah job,”

“But why AJ? I can do something else!”

“Sorry Sugar cube but I’m just tryin’ to not lie!” after this, Applejack walked away and left me with a head full of questions.

I thought that a flight back home would give me some time to think about everything.

First important thing was that girls were so damn suspicious! Even Rarity who seemed normal a day before. Maybe their responses were different but there was something same in all of them: they were all trying to send me away and seemed that were lying about something but of course all except from Applejack cause she did say that she didn’t want to lie.

So something was clear: my friends were hiding something from me and I was 80% sure that it was about that party.

I wasn’t a fool. Anypony would understand that last night, their faces and their way of talking only showed that they were lying and were making excuses. Just there still was something that wasn’t solved. Why?

Why would they do it? Why they didn’t want me to spend time with them? And most important one, who could tell me the truth?


There WAS somepony that could help. Just if that pony didn’t lie to me too…

I stopped in the middle of sky. At less than a minute I changed my decision and flew toward a place that could help me find the truth instead of flying toward home. I knew my travel won’t take a lot of time…


CH 18-A lost stallion

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“Come in.” said a voice from the other side of the door. I quickly opened the door and entered. “Oh! Look who’s here! Hey Rainbow Dash!”

“Hey Spitfire!”

“What are you doing here? I thought Soarin and you were spending time together.”

“Soarin and I? I thought you had a new trick that Soarin had to practice.”

Spitfire blinked then said, “Well, we did have a new trick but not today. It was several days ago. Today’s practice was only a little preparation for our show which is a few days away. I gave rest of the day and week to the team off to practice and have fun.”

“Including Soarin?”

“Including Soarin. Why?”

“Nothing… it’s just that last night he said that he has to come here for practicing a new trick and can’t spend time with me but he said that as soon as it was done he would come after me.”

Spitfire who was listening carefully at me grinned at me and said, “Who knows? Maybe he’s spending his time with another mare!”


She laughed. “But seriously, I don’t think he lied just for sake of lying! He has a good reason for it. I know him. He would never lie this easily.”

“I hoped he would explain some… lies for me but I didn’t expect him to lie himself! I mean he seemed so serious when he was talking to me.”

“Well, Soarin doesn’t lie but when he does he does a great work! No wonder you didn’t doubt him. By the way, what should explain for you?... If you want to say.”

“Of course. It’s about my friends. Yesterday, Soarin went to my house for planning our wedding. When my friends and he wanted to leave, they all made some excuses for me. I sensed that Soarin may know why so I came here to talk to him then I found out this…”

“Hmm… it does look suspicious,” said Spitfire as she tapped her chin thoughtfully. The she looked at me with a smile. “Hey, I have an idea! I don’t have much work left so let me help you in finding him. I may know some places that he would be.”

“Thanks, Spitfire.”

We both took off and started to fly to Soarin’s house. It was the first place he would be in but thinking about where I was going was the last thing I was thinking about.

I knew Spitfire was just kidding but could it be possible? Did he lied to me so he can go and spend time with another mare?

I suddenly felt very sad. I felt like… my heart broke. I wanted him to be mine. Only mine. Not mine and a mare’s.

“Um… Spitfire?”


“Do you… think that Soarin might really lied to me so he can spend time with another mare?”

Spitfire laughed. “Come on Rainbow, I was just kidding!”

“I know but…”

Spitfire put her arm at my back and smiled at me. “Of course he wouldn’t do this. Let me tell you a story about Soarin that can make you sure that he wouldn’t do such thing. Do you like stories?”


“At first, when Soarin entered the academy, a lot of the mares in the team thought that he was so handsome and attractive. They all were trying their hardest to attract his attention. First, he was acting the same with them but when he found out what they truly meant by all of those flirting and smiles, he tried to don’t pay attention to them and act cool with them.

“But in the other hoof, if a mare was acting like a simple friend to him, he accepted the friendship with her too but only friendship and nothing more.

“However, in a short time every mare in the team learned that Soarin’s not the mare-loving type so they just tried to be a simple friend with him.

“You may not believe but even some of the mares thought that his heart is made of stone! But with all of these, one thing was for certain. He was never the type to just ‘give a try’ to relationships. He believed that a relationship has to only be made of love.

“But he also said that these days and with his condition, it’s hard to find a mare who truly could love him. He kinda never had hope to fall in love! I even remember when some time he said that he would never marry a girl!

“The day he said those things, he made me thought that it may have been because of a mare he loved and left him so his heart was broken and that was why he never liked mares but now I know that it was experience of her sister that made him think so.

“However, in the team, he was famous for hating girls and also being a big joke master! One day, after a show in Cloudsdale… well… I don’t know if I should say this or not…”

“Why do you think you shouldn’t tell me this?” I asked.

“Well… I don’t want to ruin your imagination of Soarin.”

“Spitfire, you did realize that Soarin and I are going to get married, right?”

“Well… sure. Everypony in the academy knows. Why?”

“Well, I have to know everything about my future husband so my life won’t be a total disaster so please tell me.”

Spitfire looked at me with a hint of worried in her eyes. “Well then, I hope you won’t be mad.”

“I Won’t. Continue.”

Spitfire continued, “So… where was I? Oh yes! One day, after a show in Cloudsdale, we all went for giving autographs to fans. For getting to the autograph stage, we had to walk through an aisle that was filled with screaming fans.

“Soarin always hated that aisle because of all of the fanfillies who shouted ‘I love you Soarin’. He always believed that love is very holy and shouldn’t be shouted like this which was nothing more than a lie.

“But he had to stay respectful to his fans so he created a rule for getting through that aisle. His rule was to give autograph only to three ponies through that line.

“Now, back to that day. We ended the show, he had to get past that aisle again. We all knew that he’s arriving would take a lot of time cause he was always choosing the ponies for giving autograph carefully.

“But that day was very different from the others. First different thing was his huge smile after he caught up with us. I clearly remember that the first thing Fleetfoot said was that he looks like a colt who’d heard ‘yes’ from the mare he loves for a date!

“The second unusual thing was him. He laughed along with us. Normally, he would just frown and say that it’s not true and Fleetfoot would start teasing him and he would answered back and so cycle would go on.

“That day, I thought that… well… he might have truly fell in love with somepony. The thing was that it was very hard for me to believe it. The biggest oppose of ‘love in the first look’, had just fall in love just by seeing a mare.

“After that show, I saw Soarin’s development in flying with both of my eyes. Every single day he was improving more and more and in shows… let’s say he truly rocked there!

“Among all of our teammates, only I predicted that he’s doing it for some pony he loved. I never saw that mare but I did saw how enthusiastically he describes her to your brother. Whenever I asked Hurricane about it, he just laughed and said that he’s very crazy about her but he had doubts that he knew the mare or not.

“I could see how life was sweet and amazing for Soarin. Every day, he was only waking up to see her. He was only living to see her. It was like his heart was only beating for her.”

“How do you know how he felt?”

She looked at me with a sad smile. “I found it out when one day everything turned upside down for him. It was when I realized how he really was and what happened.”

“What happened?”

Spitfire sighed. “One day, when we had a show in Ponyville, everything changed. Soarin came back with a frown and bitter behavior. As the time went on, he got worse and worse. As captain of Wonderbolts, it was my responsibility to see if one of the best fliers in the team was OK or not so I talked with Hurricane about it.

“He said that from that day that we had a show in Ponyville, that mare never came to see him again and his heart was so broken.

“It took him several years to turn back to the pony he used to be. He still wasn’t the same Soarin we knew until the day she brought you with himself.

“I clearly remember that day. Soarin burst into my room with a huge grin and asked me if he can take the future week off or not. At first I was shocked. He’d never take a whole week off. Normally he would only take one or two days off. At the worst situation ever he would take three days off not more and not less but a week off… it was odd. Very odd.

“The next day he came into my room with his old way bothering me at mornings. It was true that as always Fleetfoot had been talking to me till midnight but I was awake enough to understand that this Soarin that made a total mess in my office is my old cousin before he fell in love.

“However, after I saw you with him I was very confused. I never expected him to bring a mare with him after that mare and also the accident that had happened to Cloudy but he truly did bring a mare with him and not only any mare, but his fiancée.

“From that day on, I saw him going back to what he used to be. The old joke master was back again!

“I never found out why till now. Now that I’m thinking more, I see that now, he’s the Soarin that once fell in love in the first look.” Then she turned to me with a happy smile. “Rainbow, I think…I mean I’m 90% sure that Soarin loves you. Yes, he may have come to you so he can forget about the mare he used to love but he had fell in love in the first look once again!”

“But…But… how can you say such thing so sure?”

“First, I know my cousin. Second, I saw his happiness before, when he loved that mare. His happiness is now is how it used to be at those days. Rainbow, I’m sure.”

“And… what should I do?”

“Hmm… let me tell you something. I’m talking generally. When we were partying for Cloudy’s back, I saw you talking about your love problems with your friend.

“You can’t always go and ask your friends or others. There will be sometimes that you feel more alone than any time before and there’s nopony around to help you with your love problems.

“I don’t know much about love or relationships but my mom always told me a something about that. It could work for you. She always told me if you want to know what to do when you’re in love with somepony, just listen to your heart. It’ll always tell you what to do.”

“I… think it would work.”

“It sure will.” Then she winked at me and said, “Never have doubt in what my mom say. She’s always right!” she patted my back and smiled. “Think of it. I know you’ll find the best way on your own.”

Then she flew to Soarin’s house to see if he’s there or not and left me with a bunch of new information and question to think about…

* * * * *

I couldn’t believe it… it was impossible… how could that ever happen to me?... I mean… why me of all ponies?... and the other thing, why I was like that?... why did I have tears in my eyes?

No… Rainbow Dash never cries… never…

But… but… then where’s him?

“Spitfire… where’s him?” I asked as I tried to keep my tears away but instead, my voice turned out to be shaky.

Spitfire spun around herself and looked at the sky nervously and said, “I don’t know… I just don’t know. I’m just wondering how such a big pony could be lost in Ponyville!”

Despite her try to make me laugh or at least smile, I just bite my bottom lip to stop my tears from falling. Her comment only made me worse and more worried for him. “Spitfire, what if something had happen to him?”

“No, it’s impossible. He’s a Wonderbolt. He knows how to fight better than other ponies. Don’t worry Rainbow. We’ll find him. Maybe he’s just somewhere we don’t expect. Have you tried calling Cloudy?”

“Yes, like… hundred times but she just doesn’t answer.”

“It’s gonna be OK. We’ll find him. I’m sure.” No matter how hard she was trying to comfort me, she looked as harassed as I was. She was spinning around but there was just nothing to do. “Rainbow, let’s go back to your home. I’m pretty tired right now. I’m afraid I don’t have any energy left to look for him. Maybe we can tell your parents to help too. Staying here won’t change anything.”

I couldn’t take my tears in anymore. “O… OK…” I said as I cried.

We flew back to my home. Through the way I was only crying. Spitfire was trying her hardest to comfort me but how everything could be fine when I didn’t know where Soarin was?

We’ve been looking everywhere ever since Spitfire came out of Soarin’s house and said that he’s not there. We’ve looked every single inch of Ponyville and Cloudsdale but there was no sign of him and nopony had seen him before.

Tears were rolling down my face and I just couldn’t stop them. I had thought of the things Spitfire told me that day. She was right. Listening to heart could help a lot. And at that moment, my heart was shouting that it misses Soarin a lot.

I finally realized. I realized that if only for a day, no, for a minute, I don’t know where Soarin is, I would definitely die. I finally realized that I had reached to the point that I just can’t stand life without him.

I didn’t know what the name of this feeling was but it didn’t matter at that moment. All that mattered was Soarin…

My Soarin…

Where are you?...

We finally reached to my home. I was still crying and sniffing when I heard Spitfire’s surprised voice calling, “Rainbow…”

I looked at her. She was staring at her front with wide eyes and dropped jaw. I looked at the way she was looking at and…

Next thing I knew was somepony shouting, “RAINBOW!”

It was enough for me. Enough to fly as fast as I could ever fly and jump in the open arms that were waiting for me.

As soon as I reached my place of relaxation, I closed my eyes and cried in the arms of the stallion that was holding me tight. All I could say at that moment was only one word…


CH 19-The most boring day of my life

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Soarin’s P.O.V.

“Soarin…” was all my whole life said after she rushed into my arms.

Only god knew how much I was worried about her. After I knew that she hadn’t come back home since when she visited her friends, I had looked all over the Ponyville to find her but she was nowhere to be found.

And now… she was there.

I just couldn’t believe that, that little girl who was sobbing at my arms was my lovely Rainbow. It was as if with every single of her tears, somepony stabbed my heart with a dagger.

“Rainbow, everything’s OK… Look, I’m here. Please don’t cry,” I said as I caressed her mane softly.

“Soarin… where were you?” said Rainbow with a sad voice. Then she whispered, “I missed you.”

She said it very weakly but I heard her. I smiled and squeezed her tighter. “I missed you too. You have no idea how worried I was. I wanted to call police when you came.”

Suddenly she pulled back and frowned at me and started punching me with her hooves. “Where were you? I went to Wonderbolts headquarters to look after you but what did I found? You lied to me! You told me you have a trick to practice for but you lied! Where were you?” and she continued punching me. I smile at the thought of her being worried about me. I grabbed her arms to stop her from punching me.

* * * * *

Rainbow’s P.O.V.

Soarin grabbed my arms to stop me from punching him. Although I didn’t punch he too hard but he deserved it! I was almost dying from being so worried about him and what was he doing? Who knows!

He smiled and started explaining, “All of that time you were looking for me, I was right here waiting for you and by the way, I didn’t lie. We did have a trick to practice for so I didn’t lie.” Then he hugged me again and said, “How could I lie to you or leave you? I’ll never do so.”

I smiled as I rested my head at his chest and he continued caressing my mane. A great feeling shot through my body. I was sure I could never experience such a feeling again. This feeling only came to my body when I was with Soarin. Only he could give me such a feeling…only him… BUT HE STILL HAD A LOT TO EXPLAIN!

“Ahm… I really don’t wanna interrupt your… loving moment but Soarin would you tell me, WHERE THE HECK WERE YOU AND WHAT THE HECK WERE YOU DOING AND ALSO, WHY DID YOU LIE TO RAINBOW?!”

I grinned while I was at Soarin’s arms and thanked Spitfire at my mind. He did needed to be shouted at.

“Umm… I’ll explain,” said Soarin with an awkward. Great, it seemed the illness of awkward smile had affected him too! I just couldn’t understand why everyone were smiling awkwardly these days.

“How ‘bout explaining now mister?” said Spitfire with a frown.

“OK, OK, we’ll talk inside.”

Then they went inside to talk. I never found out what did they say to each other or… at least I didn’t find out that day but I did find something. After Soarin’s ‘explaining’ ended, Spitfire was as suspicious as my friends and Soarin and I…


And after that, my worst three days of life started. Three days without anypony to come and see me except from Soarin…

I really hated those days of my life but maybe they would be the best days of my life if I knew what is gonna happen to me very soon…

* * * * *


I opened my eyes slowly. I didn’t want to get up so I wrap my blanket around my body and reach for my cellphone to see if anypony had send anything to me or not. Nothing… nopony even send me a simple message.

I don’t want to go anywhere. I just want to stay in my room all day and wrap the blanket around myself. I turn in my bed and think about past three days.

The best title for these days could only be the most boring days of my life but that day… that was just different. It was more boring than any other day of my life.

I was thinking about past three days when my phone rang. I quickly picked it up and looked at the name of the one that had called me. It was Rarity. I know! My friend will never forget me. I answered the phone happily.

“Hello, Rainbow, how are you? RAINBOW, HELP!” said Rarity very fast.

My eyes went wide. I was getting worried. “Hi, I’m fine, what’s going on?”

“Rainbow, Twilight just called me and said that we’re invited to a party that’s about Wonderbolts. Oh, Rainbow, I’m alone there and only Twilight is there. She wasn’t very sure about coming there or not. Please, please, please, help me. Come there with me so I can have confidence and don’t ruin everything!”

I rolled my eyes. I thought she had a super huge problem. I frowned and answered, “Rarity, how many times I came to these fancy ceremonies?”

“Rainbow… please… my dear friend who’s faster than any Wonderbolt before… please… It’s just a simple party about Wonderbolts… PLEEEEEEASE!”

I hold myself from laughing. “OK, OK, no need to beg! I’ll come.”

“Then I’ll be at your home in the afternoon to make you ready for par… ceremony!” said Rarity happily.

“OK. Bye.”

“Goodbye darling!”

I sighed. Even my friends had forget me but they had a good reason for it. They had a lot on their mind.

Although I didn’t want to move but I stood up anyway and walked to kitchen. My mom was home that day. She smiled as soon as she saw me. “Good morning Rainbow.”

“Morning,” I said impatiently.

My mom shook her head and went back to her working in the kitchen. I felt like tears filled my eyes. Well, I was a girl anyway. Why everypony had been so forgetful and careless?

I stood up and walked toward my room. I barely ate anything. Until afternoon I stayed in my room and stared at ceiling. My parents didn’t even come to check on me.

It was 2:00 P.M. that Rarity entered the house. At less than a minute, I changed my decision. I really didn’t want to go anywhere at the most boring day of my life.

My room opened and my mom and Rarity entered the room.

“Rainbow, your father and I are gonna go shopping so I left Rarity and you here,” said my mom.

“Fine mom.”

My mom went out of room and I turned my gaze toward Rarity who was looking at me with a frown. “What?”

“Why didn’t you do anything? You could at least take a shower before I came here.”

“Come on, Rares. I don’t wanna go.”

Rarity grabbed my hoof and pulled me toward bathroom. “You promised you’ll come and there’s no way back and if you think I’ll let you come to party with this dirty face, I have to say you’re wrong darling.” She through me at the bathroom and said, “Wash yourself good and don’t waste a lot of time.”

I frowned and poked my tongue out for her at the last minute she was closing bathroom’s door. Her gasp and shout, made me grin. I decided to waste A LOT of time now that I came to take a shower.

So I spend one hour and half taking shower but it did help my bad feeling. I felt a little, only a little, better.

When I got out of shower, nopony was in home but Rarity was sitting at my bed. She was with full makeup and tied up mane and she had worn a beautiful dress. When I arrived she was filing her hoof.

“Is it finally done?” she said indifferently.

“You’re not angry?”

Rarity looked at her hoof then stood up and placed the hoof file at the table and said, “Do you think why did I came here so early? I knew your shower takes at least two hours and in these hours, I prepared myself. Now it’s your turn. Let me make you beautiful.”

I stared at Rarity with wide eyes. No, it looked like she knows so much about me in these years we were friends. She led me to a chair she had brought from downstairs and made me sit there.

“What do you wanna do?”

“Shhh… don’t you think that I’ll let you go to such ceremony just like this.”

“But…” I shut my mouth as Rarity started her work on me. She was doing her work just like a professional fashionista which she was. During her ‘professional work’, she didn’t let me to look at myself even for a glance.

Finally, after 2 straight hours of making up and other stuff that I didn’t want to know about, I was ready… or at least my face and my mane was ready.

“Wow you look so special!” said Rarity with a big grin and starry eyes. I should have been very beautiful that Rarity was acting like this so I turned around to see myself but Rarity hold my chair in place and said, “No. Don’t you dare look at yourself.”

I groaned. “Isn’t done yet?”

“Not yet darling. For now, I want you to tell me, what’s your idea about this?”

I looked at the dress Rarity was holding with her magic. It was a very familiar dress to me. In the past three days, I’d saw that dress on Rarity’s boutique.

It was a very pretty dress though. It was magenta with a ribbon around its waist and a big, beautiful flower at the middle of its collar. It was true that it was a simple dress but it was very beautiful and it was its simple designing that made it special.

“It’s beautiful. I bet it looks great on you.”

Rarity giggled. “Oh, no. This is for you, you silly!”

“For… me?”

Rarity frowned. “I think you still didn’t take it serious. We want to go a ceremony. You just can’t go there without anything on.”

“Fine, fine. So you want me to wear it?”

“No, I want you to sit and look at it! Of course I want you to wear it!”

“And did you think how? You just put a make up on my face and stuff. Don’t you think that they’ll all ruin once I wear that dress?”

“Oh darling, magic is for these times.” Then she caused me to wear the dress with her magic. After Rarity was done with dress she eyed me from bottom to top and grinned happily. “I think you should see yourself now!”


No… this wasn’t me. I was sure. That pretty girl that was looking at me with a surprised face wasn’t me. I was sure but then… why was SHE looking at me through the mirror?

‘Cause this is you idiot!’ said a voice from back of my mind.

My mane was straight but at the ending it was a bit wavy. A piece of wavy hair was covering my forehead. The rainbow colors on my mane made the hair style a lot more special.

The makeup on my face wasn’t too much. Just enough to give any stallion a good panic attack! The light magenta shadow and blush had a perfect harmony with my eyes and my dress.

And dress, it looked ten time better on my body. It was as if it was made just for me. I didn’t have anything to complain about:
Rainbow's birthday dress
Rarity had done her best and also considered my dislikes too. Fortunately there was no lipstick and my eyes didn’t have a lot of mascara on it. Also the dress I was wearing was simple and beautiful. Just the way I loved.

I barely recognized myself and shamefully, I had to admit, I had never seen myself this beautiful before! I smiled at myself in the mirror.

Then a thought sparkled at my head. Unfortunately I couldn’t do it. I looked at myself in the mirror and thought again.

‘I wish Soarin could see me like this too.’ I thought. I blushed as I thought deeper about it and I sighed as I imagined the things he would do and say if he see me like this.

‘He looks me with a blush and wide eyes and I giggle at his cute face. Then he smiles sheepishly and looks me in the eyes. I look at him with a blush too and he finally manages to form some words, “Wow Rainbow, you look very stunning tonight.” I blush more and step closer to him.

‘He looks at me with a unique smile that is less sheepish. “As stunning as you always are.” And he takes a step closer to me. Then I look at him with my red face and whisper, “Oh Soarin…” as I take another step closer to him.

‘He places his hoof on my cheek and whispers, “Did you know that you’re so beautiful when you blush?” I blush more but I keep staring at him. Now there are only few inches between us.

‘Soarin caresses my cheek as he leans in and again whispers, “You’re the most beautiful mare in the world.” He leans closer. I do the same…’

“RAINBOW DASH!” Rarity’s shouting made me realize that all of these were just a daydream. I turned around to see an angry Rarity but instead I saw her while she was grinning even more. She winked and said, “I guess you were about to kiss him right?”

I frowned and said, “This is none of your business!”

That only made Rarity’s giggle louder than what it already was. “I was telling you that Twilight’s here and we should get going soon.”

“Hey!” I looked at the direction of sound to find Twilight grinning at me and trying to not giggle. “Rarity wasn’t lying when she said that you really love Soarin!”

I glared at Rarity and yelled, “RARITY, I TRUSTED YOU!”

Twilight didn’t hold herself anymore and burst in a fit of giggles. “Darling, I never said that to anypony!” said Rarity with a huge grin.

“Then how does Twilight know it?” I said angrily.

Twilight’s giggles got louder but she managed to say, “You just say it now!”

I blushed as I found out the fact but I certainly wasn’t going to lose it this soon so I whispered, “Whatever.” It only made Rarity and Twilight giggle louder. I huffed. “Can you please say that what are we waiting for?”

“Oh, we’re waiting for your love!” said Rarity with a wink.

“Soarin? Why him?”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Rainbow, think a little. We’re going to a Wonderbolt ceremony and he’s a Wonderbolt.”

“By the way, we need some stallion to escort us there too!” said Rarity with a wink.

“Fine, whatever.” I said with a flat face as I crossed my arms and sat at the chair again.

* * * * *

Ten minutes later, we were all heading to Sugar cube to meet Soarin there. I just didn’t know why would he be at Sugar cube corner but I just let it pass and followed my friends as they smiled and winked at each other suspiciously.

I let it pass too. I wasn’t really in mood for these things. If I didn’t have to, I wouldn’t go to this party/ceremony or whatever it was.

But it was too late for going back cause when I looked around closely, we were standing in front of the Sugar cube corner.

“Here we are! Let’s go in!” said Twilight fast before Rarity and she were gone in a blink.

I sighed and trotted toward the bakery’s door. Even something was off about bakery too. It normally wasn’t closed at this time of evening but at that moment all of the lights there were off and the building was awfully quiet.

I let it pass too. I let everything pass. What was important when nopony remembered me? Nothing was important. Nothing.

I opened the door of bakery and entered. “Girls? Where are you? Soarin?”

I tried to look through the dark room and find the light button. It wasn’t far from me so I turned the light on quickly and as soon as light was poured into the room…

“SURPRISE!” Some ponies shouted while a big amount of confetti fell down from above me.

My eyes, that were wide open, saw Soarin who was looking at me with a huge grin. “Surprise! Oh, and also, happy birthday Rainbow!"

CH 20-Happy birthday!

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“Happy birthday Rainbow!” said Soarin with a kind smile. After him others shouted, “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!”

I looked around myself. Those confetti, those happy ponies, that decoration… that was… that was… AMAZING!

All of those ponies… they all knew that, that day was my birthday. That was why I felt like I was mentally sick. I thought my family and friends and others had forget me and the most important day of my life but now… they were all there smiling at me.

I felt like a bulge was in my throat. It was amazing. I didn’t want to cry but… but… it was wonderful! I looked at Soarin. The stallion that caused all of these. I just felt that I should do something or at least I had to say something to him.


Do something for him? Do what?

I couldn’t thank him by doing something unless…

I really wanted to do it but it was just so… girly and… and…

OK, I had to admit that I felt shy doing this but in the other hoof, I wanted to do it soooo badly. Anyways, it wouldn’t hurt just to try, would it? I mean, it was my first time after all and it was normal to be nervous.
Finally, I decided what to do with a voice in my head saying: ‘Next times it’ll be easier for you!’

I bite my lower lip and looked at Soarin who was looking at me with his warm smile that I really loved. I stared right at his eyes.

Something was in them that took all my doubts away. I didn’t know what it was but it truly was something… special. Very special. I smiled as I thought of the thing I wanted to do.

Without no more waiting, I put my arms around his neck, leaned in closer and…


I, Rainbow Dash, really, truly kissed Soarin! I blushed but I didn’t put my arms away from his neck. I hugged him tighter and said, “Soarin…you’re the BEST! Thank you.” Then I grinned and hugged him as tight as I could. Soarin how seemed was in the space for last few seconds, chuckled and hugged me back. My grin turned to a smile. “Thank you. Thank you so much,” I whispered.

I pulled away from Soarin and looked at him. He had the smile that I loved so much. “Anything for you.”

It was true that it was just a simple sentence but that 14 word sentence he said, made my heart like it was burning or… like I’ve just ended a huge marathon around Equestria. This little sentence made me feel super happy along with a strange feeling. Like… a good feeling of being loved by somepony… Well… not exactly, but it was something that I couldn’t put my hoof on it. Whatever it was it made me feel tingly and good.

At that magical moment, a song started playing and drew everypony’s attention:

It made them forget all about Soarin and I cause they all had started to sing the lyrics along with the singer.

As I stare at Soarin’s eyes and music was playing, I knew something was for sure. If I couldn’t figure out this feeling by listening to my heart, like what Spitfire said, then I had to have another conversation with Rares. But for that moment, I had a stallion who was staring at me and a beautiful song that was playing around us.

* * * * *

Soarin’s P.O.V.

I stare at Rainbow’s beautiful eyes as I thought about everything that had happened in the past few seconds.

I still couldn’t believe it. Rainbow Dash, the mare I fell in love with at the first look and then deeper by knowing her personality, the mare that I was ready to give my life away for, kissed me!

It just suddenly came out of nowhere that my mind was still filled of it. All I wanted was to grab her and kiss her deeply but unfortunately I couldn’t because of guests and the fact that I had to pretend that all my feeling toward her was just a simple crush.

She smiled at me while she was staring at my eyes. I smiled back and thought that it was time to break this gaze. “Don’t you want to say hello to friends?”
She broke her gaze with an awkward smile. “Yeah, sure. Let’s go.” I looked at her with one last smile as I imagined myself telling her, ‘I’ll make you all mine one day. I’ll make you feel the same way that I do my love…’

That was all till a very annoying voice shattered all of my imaginations…

* * * * *

Rainbow’s P.O.V.

“Look who’s here?! Hey fellow Soarin-teaser!” screamed a voice from above and it belonged to a certain happy Wonderbolt.

I looked up. “Hey Fleet!” I said with a smile toward her.

“Hey Rainbow. Happy birthday!”


“Whoa, whoa, whoa, stop it there! Soarin-teaser huh?! Would you please don’t enter my fiancée into your crazy works?” said Soarin with a fake frown toward Fleetfoot.

In return, Fleetfoot poked her tongue out for Soarin. “Your dear fiancée was the one who give me the greatest details about you.”

Soarin rolled his eyes. “Whatever.”

I chuckled at their arguing. Instead of staying there and listening to them, I walked up to guests and greeted them.

It was truly wonderful! Everypony I’ve known for so long or just met were there. Such as Wonderbolts, my friends, my family, Soarin’s family, Cloudy’s family, my brother and speedy and some of citizens of Ponyville.

“HEY EVERYPONY!” called Pinkie. Everypony looked at her. She grinned at shouted, “LET’S PARTY!”

I rolled my eyes with a smile. ‘Typical Pinkie Pie’ I thought. Although her behavior was known for everypony, all of ponies there cheered as she turned the music on.

I walked to one of the couches as other ponies there gathered for a dance. I really wasn’t in mood for dancing. Maybe later… and with Soarin!

Just thinking about dancing with Soarin filled me with so much happiness. I’d danced with him before but it was just a party for Cloudy’s back to her family but this one, was the most important day of my life.

My birthday was always important for me and I always danced at it with the ponies that were truly important for me like my friends. Sharing a dance with a stallion that was important for me, and also not only any stallion but Soarin, was the best thing I could ever think of. Even imagining it was wonderful…

‘Soarin is staring deeply at my eyes and I’m staring at those endless pools of emerald. He’s smiling at me but I don’t see him. All I see is his eyes. His wonderful eyes… even his eyes are smiling at me.
‘We’re dancing to the slow, love song and although I don’t know anything about how to slow dance, Soarin is guiding me slowly and whispering the instruction in my ear.
‘I close my eyes and listen to his soft and firm voice which is like the most beautiful song I’ve ever heard. And as the music ends he leans closer and closer and…’

“RAINBOW DASH ARE YOU LISTENING TO US?!” A loud, angry voice pulled me out of my dreamland. I yelped and looked for the owner of voice.

‘Oh, dammit. I went into dreamland at wrong time again!’ I thought as I saw a super angry egghead who was glaring angrily at me. I gulped and smiling nervously. “Hey Twi!”

“Hi? HI? We’ve been talking to you for 5 straight minutes. Do you understand how idiot I felt when I asked for your opinion and you didn’t even bother to look at me?! WHAT THE HECK WERE YOU DOING?!” said Twilight angrily but her angriness fade away slowly as a mischievous grin formed on her lips. “Was he close to kiss you again?”

This time, it was my turn to get angry. “YES, AND IF YOU DIDN’T INTERRUPTED IT…” I quickly covered my mouth as I realized what I said.

My friends who were looking at me with wide eyes burst in laughter and I couldn’t do anything but blushing and frowning. I’d almost reveal one of my deepest secret to ALL of my friends. Before this, only Rarity and Twilight know it and then, all of them know about my crush on Soarin.

“HEY, STOP IT!” I shouted as my friends continued laughing.

Rarity grinned devilishly. “She’s right. Stop. By the way, don’t blame her. She was just thinking about her stallion.”

I frowned as a huge blush appeared on my face. “No it’s not this!” I said angrily. I wasn’t angry of Rarity or what she said because what she said was something that all my friend knew because of my accident comment. Well, not to mention that what Rarity said was completely true. I was mostly angry of myself for thinking about him at the wrong place.

“Oooooh! Look at her! She’s blushing!” said Applejack with a big grin. Her sentence only made me blush more and made others giggle.

“I SAID, STOP IT!” I shouted while I was frowning an also with my blush still on my face. If they didn’t stop right there, I would embarrass myself more and more. I knew that they won’t stop so it was my responsibility to change the subject. “So, what were you saying anyway?”

“Oh, we were just congratulating your birthday,” said Fluttershy.

“And asking if you wanna come and dance with us,” said Twilight after Fluttershy.

“But of course we all know that we all have to dance alone while you get to dance with your beloved body guard who turned out to be Soarin’s best friend darling!” said Rarity to Twilight with a smirk.

This time it was Twilight’s turn to blush and my turn to giggle at her. It was great that all of my friends were finding their loves slowly. Well, not all but at least Twilight and I did. Soarin wasn’t my love but at least we were engaged.

Thinking of Soarin being my love made me smile and daydream about him more. Fortunately this time I didn’t blush.

“OK now Rainbow, don’t go to your dreamland again!” said Twilight with a chuckle. I frowned at her. It was getting to good parts again! At least before Twilight interrupted AGAIN! Twilight giggled as she saw my frown and said, “I mean why daydreaming while the real one is right here?”

What? Since when Twilight was turning into a second Rarity? Nope! I just had to embarrass like she did, TWICE. “Oooooh! Twi, I hear new things from you today!” I said with a smirk.

Others helped me with their giggles and their loud “Oooooh”s! Twilight blushed. “It’s none of your business!” she said angrily.

“Ooooh, it is darling! I think it is effects of being with a royal guard darling, isn’t it?”

“NO, IT ISN’T!” said Twilight with a frown.

“Yep it is sugar cube!” said Applejack as she bounced her eyebrows at Twilight.

The embarrassed Twilight who was blushing hard, walked away while she was muttering something like, ‘I think it would be better if I go and spend my time with him than staying here!’

It just made our “Oooooh”s louder and after she went away we all burst in giggles.

As our giggles ended, Rarity looked at me devilishly. “OK, it’s your turn now!”

I stood up immediately. “No thank you. I’ll leave without humiliating!” I walked away from them and they’re loud “Oooooh”s followed me from behind.

When I got away from them I chuckled. Maybe sometimes they teased me like that, but we all know we didn’t mean any of them. Deep inside we were all happy that one of us was happy. It made all of us happy and that was why they were as close as sisters I never had.

However, I decided to go to where Soarin was. By the way, I didn’t have any other place to go. I found him talking to his best friend. The one that was Twilight’s secret love! But his friend walked away as I got to Soarin.

“Where did he go?” I asked Soarin.

He chuckled. “To meet his secret love!”

“Secret love?”

“Yeah. You know, your friend… I think it was Twilight Sparkle. Right?”

“Oh! Twilight?” I chuckled. “Just a moment ago I was thinking that what does Twilight’s secret love’s doing with you?”

Soarin smiled at me. One of those special ones. “Well, maybe we just have a lot of things in common with each other.”

I smiled. “Yeah. Maybe.”

“Hey, Rainbow?”


“Wanna dance with me?”

I grinned. FINALLY! He finally said it! I’ve been waiting for that since the moment I realized that party was for me. “YES! OF COURSE YES!”

“Hey, you look like I just ask you for marriage!”

“Well when you asked me for marriage I was so unsure about it that I didn’t even bother showing any excitement. You know, mostly because I wasn’t excited even a bit. But I did get excited afterward!”

Soarin chuckled. “Yeah. I wasn’t too happy about it that time too. I mean, it was kinda hard for me to kneel down in front of anypony except from princesses!” we both laughed. “It’s also the first time I ask a mare for dance.”

“Then what about last time?”

“Last time what?”

“Last time we danced.”

“I didn’t asked you for dance. It was Cloudy who throw us there! Don’t you remember?”

I giggled as I remembered the memories of our last dance. “Yeah, you’re right.”

“So… wanna dance now?”

“Sure. Let’s go!”

We walked to where everypony were dancing and waited until the song that was playing ended and next one started. We went to dance floor as soon as that song ended.

Some of ponies quitted dance floor and some entered. Twilight and her secret love were the ones that entered and because they were at the edge of dance floor, my friends welcomed them at the dance floor with a loud “Oooooh”! Twilight couldn’t do anything but glaring at them.

As soon as they saw me entering the dance floor they did they’re “Oooooh”s for me too. Dislike Twilight, I poked my tongue out for them.

But their last “Ooooh” seemed to drag more attention than last ones so when other ponies saw Soarin and I there, they cheered and clapped their hooves.

“OOOH! I HAVE TO FIND A SPECIALL SONG!” shouted Pinkie. After some minutes of searching through her songs, she finally picked one and let it play:

It was a beautiful song and it was good for a good dance. It was as if the singer was saying my feelings through the song and when song ended I couldn’t do anything but to smile. If anypony asked me what the best dance you ever had was, I would definitely say this was the most amazing dance I’ve had.

It was when I suddenly decided to go for another round of dancing with Soarin. It would be awesome if the next song and dance would be like that one.

“You still wanna dance?” Soarin asked me.

“Sure! What about you?”

“Of course!”

We waited for next song to start. What we expected was a good, happy song. A song that make you dance even if you don’t want to. But… the song that played was exactly opposite. It was a slow, love song. A perfect song for couples but for me… it was way too sappy.

In the other hoof, I was the one who told Soarin about another dance so I just couldn’t pull away and say that I don’t wanna dance anymore. Not to mention that I really liked to try it with Soarin.

“You still want to dance?” said Soarin with a smile. Not the kind of smile that wants to tease you. A warm smile which was saying, ‘If you want to dance I’ll be with you.’

That smile turned something in my heart on. Something that was never there before. When I looked at that smile, my heart was beating faster than any time before.

Once again, I felt like my cheeks grew hot. Typical sign of blushing. I was sure something was wrong with me. I never blushed or feel like this when I was around a boy. I just had to tell somepony about these new changes in me and I was sure that this time my heart can’t help with this.

I shook my head to clear the swirling thoughts in my head and blushed again. “Sooo…?” asked Soarin.

“Um, I really like to but I don’t know how,” I said while I was blushing.

Soarin smiled again. One of those special smiles. “I can show you if you want.”

I raised my head and saw him still smiling at me. One of his hooves was in front of me. I put my hoof on his and stared at his eyes with a smile. He pulled me toward himself and held me close. Then he told me to put my hoof on his shoulder. He put his hoof around my hoof too.

It was the first time I was so close to him. That only made me blush more but deep inside I know that I had to admit that I loved it and wanted it to last forever.

At that moment the song that was chosen by Pinkie, started with a soft tone. I didn’t usually listen to love songs but it truly was the most beautiful love I’ve ever heard:

Although my cheek was burning and as I expected a big blush was on my face but I was smiling.
Soarin was whispering the instruction in my ear and I was trying to do all of it correctly. At the same time I was resting my head on his shoulder and enjoying the tingling feeling under my skin and butterflies on my belly. It was exactly like what I imagined.

If it was up to me, I never wanted to leave where I was. I did knew if any of my friends see me in that way, they would tease me a lot but that wasn’t important. Who cared about them? The only important thing was Soarin and I.

Whoa…that was weird. Even weirder than the time I had crush on Soarin and I didn’t know. It was super weird and also better…

I had to have a talk with Rarity right after that dance. But for that time, I just wanted to enjoy the great dance with Soarin. A chance that I would never loose…

* * * * *

“RARITY! RARITY! HELP ME!” I shouted as I ran toward her.

She stood up from the couch she was sitting on. “WHAT HAPPENED?!! HAS A MAGICALL CREATURE CAME TO TOWN?! TELL ME, I WON’T PANIC!”

I laughed at Rarity’s frightened face. “No silly. I just need your help for one of… well… how I say?… one of… that things you know.”

“You mean, love problems?” asked Rarity with a smirk.

“Well… yeah. Kinda!”

Rarity frowned. “You pulled me out of my gaze just for such a thing?” I just looked at her confused. “I mean… come here and see!” I went to the couch she was sitting on and sat beside her. In front of her wasn’t much pony except Soarin and his friend. Twilight’s famous secret love!


“Just look at there.” She pointed to Soarin.


“Yes darling!”


“Don’t you think he’s so handsome and good-looking?” said Rarity with a dreamy tone but she was completely right.

I sighed happily and smiled. “Of course he is. There’s no stallion more handsome and good-looking than him in the world.”

Rarity seemed a little surprised by what I said. In fact I was surprised by what I said too! But what I told her was all true and from my heart. “Rainbow Dash, start now and don’t miss even a word,” said Rarity with a raised eyebrow.

“Start what?”

Rarity rolled her eyes and said, “Your love problem.”

“Oh… that! Well, things got much stranger since the last time we talked about these… stuff!”

“Like what kind of strange darling?”

“Well like you saw today, my daydreaming got more and more. Not to mention they’re getting more awkward every day. Last time I said I’m dreaming about Soarin, I just meant imagining him still with me when he wasn’t around but now, I daydream about… things that has never happen to me. The things I never experienced before.

“I can’t even control them like I used to. Sometimes I don’t even understand what other ponies say. Just like tonight. It happened to me TWICE.

“Also, I blush too much these days. I don’t know why but it just happens whenever Soarin’s with me. And before I forget, I don’t know why I wanna be with Soarin all the time. Rarity, they’re all making me crazy. I really want to stop it but it’s just IMPOSSIBLE!”

Rarity who was listening carefully to what I said tapped her chin as she thought deeply. Suddenly she grinned happily. “Don’t worry Rainbow, Dr. Rarity, the expert doctor of love problem will explain everything to you.”


“I think that your crush is not only deepened on him, but also started to go to a newer level.”

“Wait... do you mean I had fall for him?” I said with wide eyes.

“No, still not.”


“It’s just beginning of it. We no longer can call it a crush but it’s not love either. It’s something in between. You can call it… umm…”

“Hey, how about dashiefection? Oh, oh, oh, or something better! How about dashtuck? As in dashie in love stuck because that is what their current relationship is!” said Pinkie Pie who suddenly popped out of nowhere.

“Pinkie, darling, these aren’t words. But anyways, you were right about something. We can call it a kind of affection. Yes, I think you can call it that.”

“Thanks Rares and… thanks Pinkie, I guess.”

“No problem Dashie!” said Pinkie Pie as she bounced away.

“My pleasure Rainbow.” said Rarity as she started to walk toward a snack table.

At less than a minute, I was standing there with my own thoughts that most included Rarity. Like the last time, I wasn’t thinking about what Rarity advised me.

This time my thoughts were about the thing she said about Soarin. Why was she staring at Soarin for no reason? Last time, I didn’t get to think about too much cause I was so confused about my crush but this time I kinda expected this.

But I was sure about one thing. She wouldn’t mean it in that way. All of it had been gone away at the night of my engagement. She didn’t have feelings for him. I mean, it would so crazy if she had but I was so sure that she didn’t. No, she didn’t…

CH 21-The night gets better and better until...

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“AUNTIE RAINBOW! AUNTIE RAINBOW!” Gummy, who was grabbing my hoof and pulling it, snapped me out of my thoughts about Rarity.

“Yes, Gummy?” I said with a smile.

She jumped up and down happily and said, “Come on, come on! We should get going!”

“Get going? To where?”

“Isn’t it your birthday?” she said with her big, confused eyes.

“Yes… it is.”

“THEN IT’S CAKE TIME!” shouted Gummy with a big grin. Then she continued pulling my hoof so I was dragged forward along with her.

I smiled as she dragged me to a big table that was set for the cake. Next to it was a bigger table for presents. Gifts were gathered like a huge hill at it. The sight made me stop and stare with awe. I’ve never saw that much gift all at once. It was unbelievable! The harder thing to believe was that they were all MINE. For a minute, I wondered how am I gonna take all of them to home.

But that thought didn’t last too much because another wondrous sight caught my eyes: The cake that was carried to the table by Twilight’s magic and Pinkie Pie.

It was a huge five layered cake that was colored by different creams so it looked like a huge rainbow. Each layers of cake was designed by lightning bolts that surrounded the cake and looked like my cutie mark. They were probably made of chocolate. At top of the cake, a number one candle and a number 8 candle were burning and cream-made flowers were surrounding them.

In one simple word, the cake was AWESOME! And not only cake, everything was awesome and it was all because of a certain stallion.

“Special order’s ready!” said Pinkie with a wink to me as Twilight and her set the cake down on the table.

“Wow” was all that came out of my mouth. I was wondering if that night could get any better or not. Of course it couldn’t! There was nothing else better than the things Soarin did for me that night. I was pretty sure that nothing could be better.

“So… is it good?” said Soarin as he walked up to me.

“Good? It’s amazing! Even more awesome than me!” I said with a big grin. “Well not that awesome of course, cause nothing is as awesome as me!”

Soarin chuckled and grabbed my hoof. “Now, let’s start the birthday party.”

“Y-yeah, let’s do this.” I blushed as I walked to the table with Soarin. I really tried hard to stop blushing but it just happened whenever he touched me. With every passing minute, it was getting worse and worse and harder for me to control it. Well, results of… what was that word Rarity said? Oh, yeah, affection or as Pinkie said, dashtuck!

Guests cheered as Soarin and I reached the birthday table. “BLOW THE CANDLE! BLOW THE CANDLE!” shouted Gummy excitedly.

“NOOO!” Pinkie’s shouting drew everypony’s attention and room went quiet for everypony were staring at Pinkie. She smiled sheepishly and said, “Whaaaat? She has to make a wish first!”

I smiled as I opened my wings to fly up to the top of the big cake. So… what should my wish be? Entering Wonderbolts? It was always my wish when I wanted to blow the candle at my birthday. Should that year be any different?

Well… maybe just for Soarin. Sure, I’ll do anything for him. So then again, what should I wish for? Having a good life with him? Well… no. That was waaay too sappy for me. Falling in love with Soarin as fast as possible? Hmmm…no. That was kinda… weird. Also it wasn’t something to wish for, it happened anyway. Then what should I wish for? How about…

Yeah! That was great! I closed my eyes with a smile and repeated my wish in my head, ‘I wish, I wish, I wish that Soarin love me back and show it or say it very soon.’ I opened my eyes and blow the two candles that were in front of my face.

“What did you wish for?” asked Cloudy.

“Let me guess, entering Wonderbolts?” said Fleetfoot.

“Nope,” I said.

“What? You didn’t wish to enter Wonderbolts? Then what did you wish for?” said Twilight with a hint of confusion in her voice.

“Oh, sorry but I want my wish to come true very soon so I won’t tell any of you.”

“Hmmm… I wonder what is this mysterious wish?!” said Rarity with a devilish grin.

“Whatever it is, it’s none of your business!” I said with a glare to Rarity.

“However, everypony, it’s cake time!” shouted Pinkie as she passed plates of cakes to everypony. My friends, Wonderbolt members, Soarin and I ate the cake while listening and laughing to Pinkie Pie’s jokes. Half an hour passed before I realized. To me, it was just a minute.

But most guest had ate their cakes and it was time for the most exciting part of party: gifts! I knew I had to keep my cool and don’t get excited like a little filly but I just couldn’t hold myself and don’t grin! Mostly, I was excited to know what Soarin’s gift was. Something told me that it was something huge but, there was only one way to find out.

“OK everypony, it’s gift time,” said Twilight as she stood on a table to announce the gifts. “First gift belongs to… Rarity.”

Twilight tossed the gift to me so I could open it. Inside of it was a hair clip. Rarity was looking at me with a proud smile. “Use it. I’m sure you'll look gorgeous with it darling,” said Rarity. Well, she was somehow right. Most of the time I practiced flying, my hair was in the way so it wasn’t a bad idea to use it.

“Thanks Rares,” I said to her with a smile.

“Next gift belongs to none other than… me!”

I rolled my eyes and opened the gift. Inside of it was new Daring Do books. I gasped and said, “Awesome! Thanks Twi! I guess I was so busy that forget about Daring Do books.”

“No matter. I knew you missed few ones so I thought it’ll be the best birthday gift to you,” said Twilight. “And now, next gift belongs to… Fluttershy!”

I heard Fluttershy’s weak ‘yay’ as I opened her gift. Inside was a beautiful bird statuette. I could use it as decoration I could imagine it in my room already. “Thanks a lot Fluttershy,” I said to her with a smile.

“Next one is from Applejack.”

Inside the gift was a bottle of Sweet Apple Acres' famous zap jams. She just had brought the right gift to me. It was my favorite apple product after cider.

“Wow, thanks AJ!”

“You’re welcome sugar cube," replied Applejack with a sincere smile.

“Let’s see the next which is from… Pinkie Pie!”

Pinkie jumped up and down as I started opening her gift. The first thing I saw was confetti that came out of the box. I watched with confused eyes as confetti fell to the floor. Then I looked inside the box. A bottle filled with rainbow liquid was there.

“It’s not the original rainbow liquid. I add lots of different sweet things in it so it can be sweet instead of spicy. It’s exactly like drinking chocolate milk. The only difference is that it’s rainbow!” explained Pinkie. Suddenly, she jumped on the table Twilight was standing on and shouted, “OH, ALSO, YOU CAN COME AND BUY IT TOMORROW! OUR FIRST SALE IS HALF PRICE!” I rolled my eyes and smiled at Pinkie’s randomness.

“If Pinkie’s advertisement has ended, I have to say that next gift belongs to…” Twilight hesitated and glanced at Soarin. “Where’s your gift?” Twilight whispered to him.

He smiled and glanced at me. “I’ll give my gift to her later.”

“OK, if that's what you want.” Twilight said with a shrug. “Next gift belongs to Rainbow’s mother, Ms. Firefly...”

The cycle of gift giving and thanking the one who gave it to me went on and on but except from the ones that my friends gave me, I didn’t pay attention to others. Not because they weren’t as good as my friends', it was because my mind was somewhere else. I was thinking about Soarin’s gift. I really wanted to know what his gift was. If I was excited before, at that time, I was SUPER excited. On the other hoof, it’d better be a good gift that made me wait that whole time.

Finally, the gifts were over and the only pony who still hadn’t give me a gift was Soarin. Ten minutes had pass since the end of gift giving and Soarin still hadn’t done anything. I was wondering if he really have a gift or not well, of course that didn’t matter to me cause the surprise birthday and everything was the best gift ever to me. “Um… Soarin…” I called.

Soarin looked at me when I called him. “Yes Rainbow?”

“Um… you… well… said that… that…”

“About your gift? Don't worry, I hadn’t forget it!” said Soarin with a chuckle that only made me blush for the thousandth time that night. He grabbed my hoof with his unique, special smile and said, “Here. Let me give it to you. It wasn’t something that could be brought here. You have to see it with your own eyes.”

“Sooo, does that mean that we can come too? I really want to see what Soarin’s great gift is,” said Fleetfoot as she gestured to Spitfire, Speedy and Hurricane, Cloudy and her family and finally, my friends.

“OK, you can come but the first pony who’s gonna see the gift is Rainbow.”

“OK, whatever,” said Fleetfoot with a roll of eyes.

We all exited the building and took off. Well… pegesi took off and others started walking. Soarin was at the lead and was giving directions. Soon, we were out of Ponyville and heading to an unknown place that only Soarin knew where was it.

After flying and walking in Twilight, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Rarity’s case, Soarin stopped. Others stopped and waited for next instructions from him.

“OK everypony, it’s the end of line. Come when I call you. Rainbow, come with me. I wanna show you your birthday present.” I grinned and opened my wings to fly but stopped when Soarin spoke again, “Wait, you have to close your eyes.”

“UH, COME ON!” I shouted and crossed my forelegs.

“I can hold them for you if want!” he said with a chuckle.

“No thanks but if I fell, you’re guilty.”

“OK. Now… close your eyes.” I close them and waited for him to tell me what to do next. He grabbed my hoof and said, “Now, be ready to fly.” I opened my wings and flapped them when I felt Soarin took off.

He led me through clouds and sky and all I could feel was Soarin’s firm but soft voice, cool night breeze that smashed to my face and another sound that I couldn’t put my hoof on it.

As we got closer, the sound could be heard more and more. It was as relaxing as sound of waves that crashed to cliffs around ocean. But the thing was that... it really WAS sound of ocean waves, crashing to cliffs.

“Soarin, are we around a sea?” I asked.

I heard Soarin’s chuckle. “Not exactly. Why don’t you see it on your own?”

“You mean I can open my eyes now?”

“Yep you can.”

I opened my eyes slowly. My first reaction was gasping. The sight before my eyes was just… just… spectacular! No… marvelous! It was the most beautiful sight in the whole land of Equestria!

In front of my eyes, wasn’t an ocean or a sea, it was a bay. An amazing bay. Beautiful waves were glimmering in the moonlight and sight of moon over the bay was just breathtaking. It was very new to me. I’ve never saw a lake in my life let alone a bay!

It was true that Ponyville Lake was a lake, but it was made by ponies so that didn’t count at all. That bay… it was a lot different from lake. Like ten times cooler and, although I hate to admit, ten times more beautiful than any sight in the world.

That was when I felt a familiar feeling. A great and pure feeling of relaxation but it wasn’t any kind of relaxation. It was the same feeling that I felt whenever Soarin hugged me.

Then I looked deeper at the bay. It truly was beautiful at night but its color was very familiar to me. Like something that I saw very often but… what was it?

Then answer hit me like a thunderbolt. Of course it looked familiar to me! It just looked like Soarin’s mane. It exactly looked like his mane. Each of those waves were exactly like his spiky mane.

So, that was why I fell in love with that bay in the first look. True that I wasn’t still in love with Soarin but I was starting to. At that minute I realized that this place can be the place that I can have lots of relaxation in. But one question was still left without answer…

“How did you find here anyway? I mean, I’ve lived in Ponyville nearly all of my life but I’ve never even heard of here.”

Soarin sighed… sadly. “I just found here…” then he smiled and looked at me. “I founded here when I was flying aimlessly. I was so depressed because of something that had happen to me and these waves calmed me.”

“Um… I don’t really wanna sound nosy but can I ask what had happen to you?” Although I could guess the answer but I asked it anyway and all I could do was that I guessed wrong.

“I… don’t really wanna tell everything now. Not tonight but let’s just say that somepony that was very important to me left me and I was very confused and sad.”

“Was it…Cloudy?” I asked. ‘Please say it was her. Please, please, please.’ I said in my mind.

“No… it wasn’t Cloudy. It was… somepony else.”

All of my hopes turned to pure ash the second he talked. Something in his voice told me that his heart was still broken. And I exactly knew why. He was sad of that pony that had left him. That mare…

With that thing he said I found out that it’s very hard to fall in love with a stallion that had such a big pain in his past and the harder thing was making him fall in love with me AND forget about that mare. Yes it was hard, in fact, VERY hard but…

I just don’t know why I HAVE TO do anything that is ‘hard’ to other ponies. I’ve been doing well so far. Many ponies may think that marrying with a random stallion is hard but I did it just because I loved challenges. I did it because I’m THE Rainbow Dash.

Then it was trying to love a stallion. Although I didn’t how it was but I did hear that love brings challenge so I accepted anyway.

And then it was time for my new challenge. Making Soarin forget about a mare that was once in his life and make him see the true mare that he should love: The one and only Rainbow Dash. I didn’t exactly know how but I had to do it.

Soarin’s voice made me come back to reality. “However, the bay wasn’t my gift to you.”

“It wasn’t?”

“My gift was…” Soarin grabbed my shoulders and gently spun me around. “… This.”

In front of me was a big… no… a HUGE cloud mansion. Even bigger than my own house. If you put two mansion in the same size of my house then it came near the size of that cloud mansion.

“Wow… that’s… that’s…”

“Huge? I know.”

“Wait… THIS is my birthday gift?”

“Well… yeah?” asked Soarin with doubt in his tone.

“You… don’t wanna give it all to me do you?”

Soarin who didn’t have that doubt in his voice anymore, smiled and answered, “Of course I want to give it all to you.”


Soarin grabbed my hoof. “No buts.”

“OK… but you have to do something instead of it.” I said with a smile.

“I didn’t know for giving gift you should do something extra too,” said Soarin as he scratched his head comically.

I punched him playfully and said, “It’s easy. Don’t worry.”

“Then bring it up.”

“You have to promise me to live right here when we got married.”

Soarin smiled and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. He drew me close to him and whispered, “Just that? Well that was what I was gonna do anyway but OK. OK just for you,”

That made my heart burn in a fire. A good warm sensation was all over my body especially at my cheeks but it wasn’t nothing compared to what happened next. All I knew was that somepony (obviously who) kissed my cheek.

It was new to me. Very, very new. I did kissed Soarin but it was the first time that a BOY kissed ME. It just felt… wonderful. Really, truly wonderful. For the first time in my life I exactly understood meaning of butterflies in my belly.

Beside all of these, my heart was beating crazily. I just wondered how Soarin can’t hear its sound. Except from my loud heartbeat, my heart had a tingly feeling in it. Not especially tingly, but something beyond words. And as Spitfire said, when I listened to my heart it was telling me that how much it loved that kiss.

“So… can’t we enter?”

“Still no. It needs some work on the decoration but it’ll be done soon.”

“Should we… keep others waiting?” I said few minutes later.

Soarin chuckled. “We kept them waiting enough. Let’s call them now.”

Few minutes, Soarin and I were watching others’ surprised face. We really tried to don’t laugh at those wide eyes and dropped jaws but after holding it in for few minutes, we both burst in laughter.

We also showed the mansion to them which made their face funnier. Among all of them it was only Gummy that with the first time she saw the bay screamed happily and ran toward water. Even when we were watching and talking about the mansion, she was playing in the water.

I went to look after her when others were listening to Soarin who was explaining about there. I didn’t want to listen to the things that I already knew so I took responsibility to look after Gummy.

“Auntie Rainbow, won’t you come here?” said Gummy as she saw me watching her. She was jumping up and down happily and water was almost to her stomach.

“No, thank you. I don’t wanna get wet. I think you’d better come back too. If you stay there you may have a cold.”

“But I wanna plaaaaay!” whined Gummy.

“OK, OK. Just don’t stay there too long.”

“OK!” shouted Gummy as she went back to her playing. I was out of water and had an eye on her so nothing would happen to her but my mind wasn’t certainly. As always, it was filled with my thoughts.

Most of my thoughts were about Soarin. I really didn’t know much about his past. First, it was Cloudy then that unfamiliar mare that Soarin had fallen in love with.

Was there more? And how could I figure out the name of that mare? There must be something between Spitfire’s words that could help me at it.

‘Think, Rainbow, Think…’ I said in mind as I tried to remember Spitfire’s words.

‘Among all of our teammates, only I predicted that he’s doing it for some pony he loved…’ No. That couldn’t help cause then Spitfire had said, ‘I never saw that mare.’

But wait…

She did say something about a pony that Soarin told them all to.

Who was it? ‘Come on Rainbow. Just think more.’ I said in my mind.


‘I did saw how enthusiastically he describes her to your brother.’ And also, ‘Whenever I asked Hurricane about it, he just laughed and said that he’s very crazy about her.’

For a minute I was happy that I found the answer but the next… I remember something that Spitfire had said after that. ‘But he had doubts about knowing that mare.’

But still, my big brother knew about it even if he wasn’t sure who that mare was. On the other hoof, I knew him. He wouldn’t give such an important information to anypony. I needed to give him something instead of it and I exactly know what was amazing for fooling him. The same thing that all of stallions loved: Food.

I grinned happily as I started thinking about what to bake for my brother.

* * * * *

A mysterious (but important) pony’s P.O.V.

I grinned devilishly as I watched the mare and that little filly down there. I couldn’t see that mare’s face or her mane or anything from her because she had stood in the shadow but the information I needed was taken.

‘Lucky me that found that mind reading device.’ I thought as I start to flap my wings and fly away. I had an important mission to do…

CH 22-... until a loyal stallion ruined it

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Rainbow's P.O.V.

We went back to party when Soarin was done showing and explaining about house and bay. There, my parents asked me about Soarin's gift and after finding out about it, they thanked Soarin and kept telling him that he didn't have to do it. In return, Soarin kept repeating that he'll do anything for me and made me blush every time he said that.

Even though it was past 11:00 but nopony was tired and party was still going on without some of the guests who were mostly little fillies and colts.

I couldn't be happier in my life. That day was just wonderful. True that at first I thought that my friend had forget me and my birthday but then it turned out to be not only the best birthday I've ever had, but also, the best night of my life.

It just looked like that all of my days were the best ones I've ever had when I spent them with Soarin. He just made all of my days brightened.

I smiled as I listened to a music that was playing and others were singing with it while eating their dinner. Some ponies who had ended their meal were even singing with the singer.

Pinkie who wasn't sitting far from me suddenly gasped and shouted, "I GOT IT!"
"What did you get Pinkie?" said Twilight curiously.

"The perfect song for Dashie's wedding," said Pinkie with a big grin.

"And what is it?" asked Applejack.

"Well the song that is playing of course," said Pinkie as she stood up and started bouncing up and down. "It's gonna be super duper amazing and will make everypony there smile! Isn't Dashie?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah," I said.

"Was he about to kiss you AGAIN?" asked Twilight with a devilish smile.

I rolled my eyes and answered, "No, I was thinking about Hurricane."

"Has anything happen to him? Can we help?" asked kind Fluttershy who seemed worried at that moment.

"No, everything's fine. It's just... forget it. It's a long story." I said with a sigh.

"As long as this story is romance, I'll listen," said Rarity as she sipped her lime soda.
"Well it IS a little romantic but mostly sad."

"Then start. You know how much I love stories," said Twilight as she looked at me with eyes filled with enthusiasm.

"OK. Well, you see, there has been a mare that Soarin had met at one of the shows and fell in love with. That mare came to see him after every show but one day she didn't came anymore. Ever since that day, he had been depressed till I accept this crazy tradition thing."

"Whoa, stop there. How do ya know about this?" asked Applejack.

"Spitfire told me."

"Sorry sugar cube. Continue."

"Spitfire said that day he proposed me he turned back to what he used to be. But the thing is she don't know who was that mare but she did say that Soarin talked about that mare to my brother but even Hurricane wasn't sure who that mare was. He had a guess but wasn't sure about that mare."

"So what now?" asked Twilight.

"Oh, Twilight darling, you should read some romance novels along with that science books. I think she wants to sacrifice herself don't you Rainbow?"
"Somehow. At first I just decided to find that other mare and also show Soarin that I'm better pony to fall in love with but the more I'm thinking, the more I decide to sacrifice myself," I admitted painfully.

"Hello? I don't understand. Does Rainbow want to kill herself?" said Twilight.

I facehoofed. Sometime the most egghead girl I've ever seen went so idiot that I doubt she was the old Twilight or not. "No idiot. Not that kind of sacrifice. It means that I have to go away so Soarin and that mare can have a good life together."

"Oooh, you meant THAT meaning. Now I get it. But... you shouldn't do it," said Twilight.

I raised my head and looked at her. "Why shouldn't I?" I let my head fall again as I continued, "If that's what make him happy, I'll do it."

It truly was sappy. Very sappy for the great Rainbow Dash that never cared about romance and love but it was something that I have to admit.

"Awww, how cute!" said Pinkie. "But Twilight has a point. If you do this, you'll be sad and if you're sad, then others are sad and if others are sad then I'll be sad too and if I'll be sad, then all of Equestria will be sad and if..."
Applejack's hoof stopped Pinkie from talking. "Sugar cube, I don't
how does it feel but I'm sure about somethin' it'll hurt. A lot."

I sighed. "It's gonna be OK. I have to do it as quick as I can so I won't fall for him more." I said sadly. "But what I'm looking after is the answer from Hurricane. Since Soarin is one of Hurricane's best friends, it'll be very hard to get answer out of his mouth."

"So... any way?" asked Twilight.

"If there's one thing he loves, it's food. I'm not very good at cooking cause I've just started learning it."

"Ah can help ya in this one," said Applejack.

"Great! So can you make a good meal and I'll get it to him?"

"What? No sugar cube. I ain't helpin' ya lyin' but ah help ya if ya want me to teach ya how to cook."

I sighed. Sometimes Applejack was way too honest over things. "OK. I'll come to your barn tomorrow."

"And I can help you in making your brother saying the fact. I know some ways that can work very good darling," said Rarity.

"Fine. Thanks Rares."
"And I think I'll be able to help you in finding that mare. By the way, I have princess Celestia's help," said Twilight with a wink.

"And whenever you find that mare, I'll make sure you smile!" said Pinkie with a warm smile that I returned.

"And I can help you in whatever I can," said Fluttershy.

"Thanks girls. Thank you all," I said with a sincere smile.

"You're welcome darling. We'll do anything for our good friend," said Rarity.

"I'll go grab a soda to drink. I'll be right back," I said as I stood up.

I walked to the table with drinks on it. There were every kind of drinks on it. Alcoholic and non-alcoholic and I poured some of the non-alcoholic ones for myself cause I didn't really like the alcoholic drinks.

It was then that I saw it...

I wouldn't lie if I say it was the most terrifying scene of my life...

"Oh... I love you soooo much Soarin," said a mare who was standing in front of Soarin. Then she started walking to Soarin's side while brushing her tail under his chin.
Soarin who was visibly enchanted smirked. "You know what? I love you too." Then he winked at her. "How about hanging out sometime?"

The next thing I knew was shattering sound of my glass of soda that hit the ground.

And beneath a minute the whole room went quiet...

CH 23- Why Soarin?

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Shattering sound of my glass of soda that hit the ground made the
whole room quiet.

And there I was standing…

With eyes that couldn’t believe what they see. I was sure about
something. Soarin wasn’t drunk for sure cause when we were at
restaurant he told me that he hated drinks so that only meant one

He did that on purpose…

But… but…

“Rainbow! I’ll explain…” said Soarin. Tears filled my eyes as I heard his
voice and I certainly didn’t stayed there for him to ‘explain’. I’d see

I opened my wings and flew…
Flew out of that damn building with the fastest speed I could muster.
All I wanted was to go away from there as soon as I can. Why
staying there while my Soarin didn’t want me anymore.

* * * * *
“Soarin… Soarin… oh my Soarin… why? Why did you do that to
me?... Didn’t you love me? Didn’t you know that I just realized that
you’re the one that I can rely on? The one that can show me what
truly love is… you ruined it… you ruined everything…” I said as I
talked to the space in front of me. “YOU RUINED EVERYTHING
SOARIN! EVERYTHING!” I shouted as tears ran down my cheeks.
“You… ruined… it,” I muttered before broking into tears.
In front of me, the first and last bay I’ve ever seen, was quieter than
any time before. There wasn’t even a single wave crashing to cliffs. It
was as if Soarin himself was there.

That was why I went there. From the first minute I saw the bay, I saw it
as a pony. A pony that I can tell everything to and that pony was
Soarin. Even he wasn’t loyal to me, the bay was. I could tell all of my
problems to bay. It was exactly like a second Soarin to me.
Too bad that I couldn’t tell these to the real Soarin…

“Soarin, please… please come and tell me that they were all
nothing but a lie… Please tell me that I was only dreaming…”

* * * * *

Next day, I woke up where I exactly was.

Well…not EXACTLY where I was.

There was a blanket over me and my head was on something soft
and somepony was caressing my mane slowly.

Wait… somepony was caressing my mane?

It couldn’t be…

I slowly opened my eyes and looked up to see the pony that was
caressing me. OH MY GOSH! IT WAS SOARIN!

I couldn’t believe he actually came after me. And there I was, lying
on his lap, and he was caressing me. Slowly, memories of last night
came to my head.

The surprise birthday party, gifts, dances, Soarin’s gift, bay, and





Then what did I do on his lap? Wait…

How dare he hugged me? How dare he even caressed me? He
loved another mare. Not me… another mare…

It was my damn tears that let Soarin know that I’m awake. He looked
down at me and smiled. “Rainbow… you’re awake.” Soon, he
realized that I was crying. He picked me up and hugged me tightly.

“Rainbow, don’t cry. Let me explain.”
My eyes went wide at what he said. I quickly pulled away from him
and stood up. I didn’t want to stay with him even for a second.
“Explain what? I don’t need explanation. I have my damn EYES! At
least they don’t lie to me like you did.” I shouted.

“But Rainbow, I didn’t lie. Just let me…” said Soarin calmly before I
interrupted again.



“You know what? I hate you…” I said with a look of hatred on my
face. There wasn’t a place for me to stay. Not any more…

* * * * *


‘Concentrate Rainbow. Concentrate, concentrate, concentrate,
CONCENTRATE!’ I thought as I tried to review what Rarity told me

I was in front of my brother’s home, waiting for him to open the door.
Speedy had gone to doctor for an unknown sickness and Hurricane
was resting after his ‘hard’ day at Wonderbolts.

It was the right time for me to talk to him about it. I was a huge idiot
to still do it after all of things that happened at my birthday night and
the morning after but there was something telling me that I have to
do it anyway. Although I didn’t have a good feeling about Soarin
and was too angry to see him again but I had to do this.

Previous night’s experience made me realize that it’s really hard for
me to let Soarin go so it was better for me to stay away from him. I
had to find that mare as soon as I could and there was only one way
to find out…

“Oh, hey Rainbow. Speedy said that you’ll come here today,” said
Hurricane with a smile. “So why did you come here anyway.”

I frowned. “Hey, there’s no reason for it. Can’t your sister just visit?” I
grinned in my thoughts as I said. ‘Awesome Rainbow. First step of
Rarity’s lessons is done!’ I thought.

“OK, OK, come in,” said Hurricane. I quickly entered the house and
placed the plate of food on counter. “What’s this?” he asked as he
spotted the plate.

“Oh, nothing. I just thought that you might don’t have dinner tonight
so I baked you something to eat.”

Hurricane who seemed surprised said, “OK.” Then he continued,
“Thank you too much. Speedy said that she won’t be home tonight
and will go to visit her sister and I was just wondering what to eat
tonight. Thanks for helping me in such a hard decision!”

I rolled my eyes. His hard decision was to choose between hothay
and hayburger. “Yeah, such a hard decision…”

“Wait a second!” said Hurricane with narrowed eyes. “Something’s
not right. You just don’t visit me without wanting something let alone
caring about my dinner. So, tell me… what do you want?”

Oh great… perfect! He caught me but I wasn’t going to let it go just
like that. Not yet. So I gasped and said, “How dare you? I just missed
you and wanted to see you.”

“Missed me? You just saw me last night,” said Hurricane with a raised

“So what? Like I said, I just wanted to come and see you. Can’t a
sister come and visit her brother?” I said as I tried to muster the cutest
pout I’d done.

Hurricane who was still looking at me with a raised eyebrow, smiled.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right. So what do we do first?”

I tapped my chin and pretended like I was thinking. “How about
telling me about some of your memories with Soarin?” I said with a
big grin.

“Hmmm… seems like a good plan. Although I still don’t know what
you’re up to but that’s a good idea. Why don’t you seat while I go to
grab my photo album?”

“OK.” I smiled mischievously as Hurricane to his room. ‘Nice work
Rainbow. Nice work.’

“I have good plans for you my dear brother…”

CH 24-Getting information... or not?

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“And here’s the day that Soarin won his first race. It was his fifth race but it still was very good for a young pegesi like him,” Hurricane
explained as he showed me picture of Soarin winning a race with a huge grin.

I giggled. He did looked very cute. The album was filled with these
kind of pictures. They were all about Hurricane or Soarin or both. These two seemed to be very, VERY good friends and I wasn’t even a bit repent for asking Hurricane to show them to me.

I just felt like I had gone back to the days that I was only five and Hurricane was a ten-year-old boy. At winter nights that our parents had to work in the weather factory until late night, we sat by fire and Hurricane told me funny stories so I won’t be afraid of darkness.

Besides that, from those memories I could gain some good information about Soarin. True that it still wasn’t what I needed to hear but they still helped know more Soarin.

‘Why do you want to know more about him? It’s not like you’ll marry him for certain. You have to find that mare, his love…’ said a voice at back of my head.

Even thinking about that made me wanna cry but that was something that I had thought over. This was a decision that I didn’t want to change this easily. I needed a good reason for stopping it.

“Oh, here’s the weird show.”

“Weird show?”

“Yeah, it was after this show that Soarin seemed a little… off.”

“Like… what kind of off?”

“I don’t know. It just looked like something had gotten into him. It was at the end of our show in Cloudsdale. It happened after giving autograph to fans.”

That was it! All of the signs were the same as the ones that Spitfire gave me. A show in Cloudsdale, Soarin’s weird behavior, autograph and fans! “So… what had gotten into him?” I asked enthusiastically.

“Um…nothing!” said Hurricane quickly.

“What do you mean nothing?”

“I meant nothing. Nothing is nothing.”

“Hurricane speak…NOW!” I said with a deadly glare.

“Talk about what? There’s nothing to talk about?” said Hurricane with an awkward smile.

“I asked, what had gotten into him?”

“Rainbow,” he called.


“Do you love Soarin?”

“What? Why do you ask it?”

“Just answer.”

“Well… maybe.”

“Yes or no?”

“Yes but not completely. I mean… I juuuust started loving him and I’m still not sure if I love him or not.”

Hurricane shook his head. “Fair enough.”


“None of our teammates got a word out of his mouth but not all of them were Hurricane, Soarin’s very good and of course, best friend. I managed to talk to him and he told me everything. Everything about a mare that he had fell in love with at that show.” He looked at me who was staring at him and was waiting for the rest of story. “I shouldn’t tell you this. You probably hate him now.”

“No I don’t but… Hurricane, do you know who was she?”

Hurricane sighed. “At first, I thought that I know her but I feared that my guess would be true. Then, all of my life would be crashed.”

“Was it Speedy?” I said with wide eyes.

“No crazy. Soarin knew about her and she knew him too. He wouldn’t dare do so. I meant another mare somepony who was very, very important for me.”

“OK… continue.”

“With every sign he gave me, I was more sure and sure that this mare is the one that he meant. After a while, he didn’t see her anymore. His life had turned to hell… all because of me.”

Ooooh, this was getting interesting! “Because of you? Why?”

“Forget it.”


“RAINBOW, NO…” shouted Hurricane. “Sorry… I didn’t want to shout but… this isn’t something that I should tell you. Not now,” said Hurricane as he wrapped his hooves around his head.

“I’d… better go and buy some jelly,” I said as I stood up. Then I chuckled nervously. “I forgot to make desert. It’s dinner time by the way.”

I flew out of house to go and buy some jelly but in fact, it was the last thing in my mind. I needed some time to think about what Hurricane. It wasn’t much new information but I needed some time to compare
it with the other point of view from Spitfire.

* * * * *

Hurricane Dash’s P.O.V.

Rainbow exited house and left me with my bad memories who wanted to show themselves to me over and over.

How could I? I couldn’t believe it. I couldn’t believe anything. All of those things I’d said seemed so far away from me but its memory was as fresh as a movie in my mind. I had learned that the only way of fighting it is to let it take all of your mind.

* * * * *


It was time for another one of those damn shows in Ponyville. I’d just realized name of that mare. The mare my best friend was talking about over and over.

Rainbow Dash…

The mare Soarin loved… with all of his heart. My one and only sister. Somepony who couldn’t have happiness with Soarin just because of damn traditions.

Yeah, it wasn’t like I didn’t want Soarin to love my sister. In fact, I always believed that Soarin’s the perfect stallion for my sister. But reality had another plans for me.

Because of that crazy, old tradition in our family, Rainbow couldn’t find happiness and a good life with Soarin like I always imagined and wished.

And now… now that Soarin had fallen in love with Rainbow, it was MY turn to stop this love. I knew… I knew how hard it was for him. I was a lover myself by the way, but I had to do it for him and
Rainbow. I had to stop it before he fell for her any further.

That was why I was waiting at home waiting for my 15-year-old sister to come downstairs. “Hurricane you’d better hurry cause I have to go to show.”

“Hey dummy, I’m gonna be at show myself. They won’t start without me.”

“Whatever. So, what did you want to tell me?”

“Rainbow, you go and stand at Soarin’s fan aisle after shows right?”

“Yeah… wait… how do you know?”

I sighed. Here started the hard part… “Soarin had saw you but that’s not the important thing…”

“Wait… Soarin had saw ME? How can you say that’s not important? It’s the most important thing in the WHOLE UNIVERSE! THAT’S. SO. COOOOOOOOL! What did he said about me? When did he saw
me? Oooh, ooh, what…”

I quickly interrupted her. “Rainbow, listen. I want you to don’t go to Soarin’s fan aisle anymore.”

“Don’t go there? But why? Hey I promised him!”

“You hea… wait you did what?”

“Nah… nothing important. I just asked him for autograph and then he said that he hopes to see me again and since then, I always stand at his fan aisle. That’s all!”

“Hmm… so that was the reason…”

“What reason?”

“Nothing. Just do what I told you OK?”

She pouted. “But why? Please let me gooooo! Please.”

“I said no. Hey wait, why do you wanna go and see him this badly?”

She blushed and tried to hide it but it was completely visible for me. “No reason.”

I frown. This meant that she might have a feeling toward him too. So then I HAD to do this. “If there’s no reason then do what I told you OK?”

She sighed sadly. “OK. I don’t know why you’re doing this to me but fine.”

I sighed too. “All I’m doing is protecting your heart…”


“Hey, we better hurry or we’ll miss a great thing.”

“Miss what?”

“Hello? Did you forget about the show?”

“Oh… let’s go!”

I smiled as I saw my little sister speeding through sky. Deep in my heart, I knew I broke my best friend’s heart but I hoped that I did the right thing to protect both of them.

Also, I hoped that Soarin love my sister too much to chase after her and smart enough to find the right way.


* * * * *

Fortunately, Soarin loved my sister enough to chase after her. He was also smart enough to take several researches and find out her one and only brother.

The minute he came to me and explained his love to Rainbow with a shaky voice and his whole body prepared to take my punches I couldn’t help but smile and tell him that I’ll do all I can to make
Rainbow love him.

Everything went just fine until last night… I’d saw everything and I knew that it wasn’t Soarin at all. It was like something had got into him and that thing certainly wasn’t drinks. It was more like… a spell or
something else.

I just wished that Soarin and Rainbow could survive from this…

* * * * *


Rainbow’s P.O.V.

My head still spun around for all of those staying up late with my brother and watching movies till sunrise but at last, it totally worth it. I had fun and gained some more information about Soarin.

Hurricane had told me that Soarin never stayed angry at anypony for too much time but once somepony broke his pride he didn’t do that again.

Well… that wasn’t good for me at all cause I JUST broke his pride the minute he came after me and wanted to explain everything to me. He had come to me AGAIN but I said that I hated him, something
that wasn’t true AT ALL.

Wait… why did I didn’t let him explain everything to me at the first

Yeah… I remember that… I was too angry at him that I didn’t let him even explain things to me and I regretted everything that morning but there was no way back. I knew once he see me again he
wouldn’t care for me even a bit.

“Rainbow, don’t you wanna wake up? It’s almost noon! Well, just in case you wanna wake up!” said Hurricane. It was the thousandth time he said that.

“OK Hurricane, just shut up! I’m up,” I shouted.

“Fine, fine. I heard you. No need to shout just wanted to say that I’m going out to pick Speedy up from her sister’s house.”

“OK, I get it. I’ll look after house.”

“Thanks sis. Owe you one!” said Hurricane.

Few seconds later, voice of closing door echoed through house. I sat straight on couch and opened my wings. They were aching from sleeping on the couch for too long and not only them, but also my
whole body.

‘Remember to smack Hurricane in face if he made you sleep on the couch again,’ I reminded myself as I stood up to go to bathroom.

In front of me, on the TV screen was menu of Mortal Combat. It seemed that Hurricane had decided to play video games again. I just shrugged to nopony else and walked to bathroom.

I was going to open the bathroom’s door when it opened and somepony came out of it and I bumped right into him.

“Oh, sorry…” I said as I rubbed my head. I looked up to see the pony I had bumped into and…

All I could think at that moment was OH MY GOSH!

It was Soarin who was standing in front of me.

‘OK, OK, girl. It’s fine. Just act like nothing had happen and play it cool,’ I told myself as I stared at him. So I smiled and said, “Soarin, hi!”

In return, Soarin only stared at me with the coldest look I’ve ever seen and walked away without saying anything. His cold look was like a bucket of very cold water that he poured to my heart. Before it my heart was filled with a warm fire that told me he loves me but the minute he went away without looking at me, he took that fire away too.

And I couldn’t do anything but fight back tears as I thought about how bad I behave there. I blow up my only chance. If his cold look had broken my heart, then the things I’d say there had broken his heart into very small pieces.

‘I hate you…’ my own voice echoed in my ears. What I said back at the bay was just… terrible. Extremely terrible.

‘But he broke your heart the minute he said those words to that mare,’ said my conscience.

It was at that minute that something clicked in my head…

Didn’t Soarin told that mare that he loves her? Well he did. Then maybe that mare was the one that Soarin loved.

But just maybe. Or maybe it was just a random mare. I couldn’t tell until Soarin explained to me but I just didn’t want to break my pride and tell him to explain. My pride was very important to me. I just couldn’t break it like that.

Then I just had to rely on my instincts to help me in this. It was hard just to guess and each of your guesses would be wrong but it was something I decided to do and won’t come back till I find that mare.

However, I walked back to the living room, where Soarin was sitting and waiting for Hurricane. I looked at him sadly. My heart beat fast the minute I saw him. It told me to go and hug him but I couldn’t. I really liked to but I couldn’t so I just looked sadly at him the whole way to couch.

As if Soarin felt my look, he looked at me. I quickly looked away but it was late because he’d saw me. I could swore that I saw his weak smile when I looked away.

The only thing I could say was that everything at that moment was awkward. Few minutes passed and the awkward silence stayed there and neither of us tried to break it for some minutes.

“Umm… why are you here for any way?” I asked with so much hope that he’ll instead answer me.

“Came here to spend time with somepony who doesn’t hate me,” he said in the coldest voice possible.

I lowered my head as I heard his words. He was giving my own words back to me. It was worse than somepony smacking me in face.

“Soarin, I…”

“You what? Broke my pride?” said Soarin with a frown. Then he sighed and shook his head. “I’m so sorry for you.”

“EXCUSE ME? Do you really expect ME to apologize YOU? Did you forget who cheated on me? Let me give you a hint: YOU!” I shouted angrily.

“I never ever cheated on you. If you let me explain everything to you back at the bay, you would find out that I wasn’t myself anymore.You would find out that it probably was a magic that was cast on me. YOU WOULD FIND OUT THAT I DIDN’T EVEN KNOW THAT MARE,” said Soarin with a voice that was raised with every single word he

By that time, tears had completely filled my eyes. “I’M sorry for YOU. I was trusting you. I thought you were the one I can give my heart to BUT YOU JUST CHANGED EVERYTHING,” I shouted. Then I took a deep breath to calm myself. I didn’t want to ruin everything like last time. “I don’t hate you. I can’t but if that mare was the one you loved, I’m OK with it. I understand if you love another mare and don’t ask how I know. I just know. But know that if you love any other mare, I’ll let you go. I just hope you a happy life. Good bye Soarin,” I said calmly before exiting and flying as fast as I could.

“WAIT, RAINBOW…” I heard Soarin shouting as I got further from there. No matter how much he called me, there wasn’t a place for me to stay there anymore.

I just had said everything that was in my heart to the pony who knew the whole fact. I felt like a heavy weight had been lifted from my chest. I felt more lightly but instead of that, a big anxiety had been replaced by that.

Now I knew at least half of story. That it wasn’t Soarin’s fault. That was what I wanted to hear all that time. It still wasn’t the whole story but that was enough for me to do something that I wouldn’t do this
easily: Forgiving.

‘Soarin, I forgive you…’ I said in my mind and although it was impossible but I wished that Soarin would hear me cause I wasn’t going to break my pride any time soon.

CH 25-Don't know what's gonna happen next...

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Several days had passed since my birthday night, when my life turned upside down. Ever since then, I spent most of my time with my friends just like the old times. I also spent some of my time with Gummy and Cloudy. I even spent sometime with Spitfire and Fleetfoot. Any pony but Soarin. I tried, but it was Soarin who didn’t want to spend time with me.

We barely saw each other let alone talking. We didn’t talk at all. Just some days when I spent my time with Fleetfoot and Spitfire at Wonderbolts’ academy and I really missed him, I said hello to him when he walked by. He always answered me with a simple hello and nothing else.
It was true that we didn’t see each other face-to-face too much but I could swear I saw him multiple times, he tried to hide himself and look at me and I couldn't help but smile.

“Oh, please don't go to space again”, called a voice beside me.

“Huh? Oh, sorry Spitfire. What were you saying?”

Spitfire rolled her eyes and repeated what she'd said to me. “I said that Soarin and you are both being two stubborn idiots because you still haven't said sorry to each other yet. Come on Rainbow, step forward and tell him that you’re sorry. Don’t you love him?”

“Love him? No, still no. And about apologizing, no again. I already told you guys that I’m not the one who has to apologize. I didn’t do anything wrong. It’s Soarin who almost cheated on me.”

“But he did explain to you didn’t he?” said Fleetfoot.

“Yeah but that doesn’t specify anything.”

“It does. It’s you who doesn't want to accept that,” said Spitfire with her commanding tone.

These girls didn’t help me AT ALL. All they could do was tell me the things I already knew. Yes, I knew that I shouldn’t be stubborn, apologize and end this crazy game but on the other hoof, I wasn’t the one that should break her/his pride. It was Soarin’s fault and I wasn’t the one who had to apologize. I’d already broke enough of 'it' when I told him everything about that unknown mare. No, I certainly wouldn’t do it unless I have a good reason to.

“I SAID NO! I WILL NOT DO IT! Is that clear?!?” I said angrily.

Spitfire and Fleetfoot were both looking at me with wide eyes. Fleetfoot who recovered first clapped her
hooves and cheered. “Wooohooo, well done girl! You’re the first pony who shouted louder than Spitfire when she’s annoyed!”.

Spitfire gave her a punch in the arm and Fleetfoot groaned painfully and rubbed her arm. “OK, fine.But No need to shout. You even dragged Soarin’s attention,” said Spitfire casually.

“WHAT? WHERE?” I turned my head back with a grin but when I looked behind me there was no soarin in site. “SPITFIRRRRRRRRE!”

“What? I just wanted to show you that you love Soarin,” said Spitfire innocently.
I opened my mouth to give them a replied when Fleetfoot interrupted, “OK, don’t break Spitfire’s record more than you already did. Let ME try this time.” Then she gasped and gained as much air as she could and suddenly she shouted, “NO, I DOOOOOON’T!”

“Actually, I wanted to say that 'I don’t actually know'”.

“What do you mean, 'you don’t know'?” asked Spitfire. “I mean, there’s only two choices, you love him or you don’t love him”

“Well the problem is here. I’m something in between. I really wanna tell myself that I love him but I don’t.”

“Come on guys, let’s forget this stuff. The important thing now is… how was my voice? Did I finally break a record or something?” said Fleetfoot.

“Nah, not even half way close to mine or Rainbow’s,” said Spitfire.
She sighed and said, “Maybe next time.” then she grinned. This was always bad, it meant that she wanted to tell us something that wasn’t very satisfying for Spitfire or me. “Well, I certainly don’t wanna be a grumpy captain like you Spit.” Spitfire couldn’t do anything but frown and looking for an response but it was impossible. Fleetfoot always caught everypony off guard when she really meant to tease them.

I smiled and said exactly what was in my mind. “Sometimes I wish it was me instead of you Fleet,” I said. And I really did. I’d never see her smile going away from her lips.

She sighed sadly. “You think so but you wish you never were. Even I don’t wanna be myself anymore cause nopony takes me seriously. Especially the one that should.” She looked at Rapid Fire as she spoke the last sentence.

“However, we can deal with that later. I’m telling you Rainbow, Cloudy and your friend, Twilight Sparkle I guess, are doing something with Soarin over there.” She pointed to somewhere behind me.

“Spitfire, I’ll kill you if it was another trick."

“I swear it’s not. They’re there. Why don’t take a look by yourself.”
I turned to where Spitfire was pointing. She was right Twilight and Cloudy were sitting with Soarin.

“I GOT IT! How about April?” said Twilight happily.

“April? No it’s way too late. How about… next week? I’m sure I can prepare everything,” said Cloudy.

“Next week? Sorry but that is waaay too soon,” said Soarin.

“I think their planning on the wedding date,” said Fleetfoot.

“Yeah, that was why Soarin took the last hour off. I guess they don’t know that we’ve come here as well.”

“Hmmm… then I have a wonderful plan.” I grinned as I flapped my wings and flew toward them.

“Hey how about next year Soarin? Is that good?” said Cloudy rather angrily. “Really bro, you’ve been objecting with all of the dates we told you.”

“Hey, it’s not my problem,” said Soarin with a frown.

“Whoa Soar, why so grumpy? And not only now but other times too. Did anything happen? Perhaps between Rainbow and you?”

Soarin sighed sadly. “Maybe.”

“I KNEW IT! So, what had happen?”

“Let’s say that it was a complete accident and was completely involuntary but Rainbow and him are in the middle of an argument,” said Twilight.

“Wow. Why didn’t you tell me Soarin and also, Twilight…?” said Cloudy as she turned to Twilight.
At that moment a thought entered my head. ‘Wait, how does TWILIGHT know about that?’ I thought.

“Wait, how do YOU know about that?” asked Cloudy to Twilight. Heh, what a coincidence!
Twilight shrugged and said, “He came to me for some information.”

‘Hmmm… I wonder what kind of information…’ I thought.

“Hmmm… I wonder what kind of information…” said Cloudy. This time my jaw officially hit the ground. How the heck can she read my mind?

“This is none of your business. At least not until I get to a proper conclusion”,said Twilight.

‘Conclusion about what exactly?’ I thought again.

“Conclusion about what exactly?” said Cloudy. OK, this was getting ridiculous.

“As I said, none of your business,” said Twilight.

‘Twilight, I’ll finally get the answer out of your mouth. One day. Just you wait…’ I thought again.

“Twilight, I’ll finally get the answer out of your mouth. One day. Just you wait…” said Cloudy with narrowed eyes. OK, there was only two possible things: I was getting crazy or this was all my imagination. This better end right here or I’ll go and introduce myself to a lunatic asylum.

“I already told you, you’ll find out when I get to a proper conclusion,” said Twilight calmly. “Now Soarin, I guess you want to say something?”

“Huh? How do you…”

“Don’t blame me. Blame the book I read about body language. Now, what do you wanna say?”

He sighed sadly. “I feel bad. Real bad. It’s Rainbow’s right to have a part in this, but I just can’t go and tell her.”

“Why not? Just go and ask her,” asked Cloudy.

“I can’t Cloudy, I can’t. This is a stallion’s pride we’re talking about!”

Cloudy rolled her eyes and said, “Do you really call yourself a stallion? From what I know you’ll just turn 19 your next birthday, in few months right?”

“Yeah, but whatever. I’m still a stallion.”

Wow, really? I didn’t know this one! In that case, Soarin was a year older than me.

“If you were a stallion, you wouldn’t sit here alone. Rainbow would be with you.”
Soarin frowned. “But…”

“No buts Soarin. I’m not a stallion but I know that a true stallion isn’t the one who has the most power, fame or pride than any other pony. A true stallion is somepony who will always be loyal to his love and don’t let her be away from him even for a second.”

Everypony there went quite. True that I didn’t hear what I wanted but I heard much more and better information. All I need then was a little creation.

* * * * *

Soarin’s P.O.V.

Once again, thoughts of Rainbow made me crazy. I don’t know what did this mare have that made me love her. She had broken my pride but her sweet moves still made me love her.

Every time she walked passed me and whispered ‘hello’ I just wanted to hug her. Or at least smile at her like before and answer her with every single bit of love I felt toward her.

And she was a little evil. She came to headquarters just to kill me. I just couldn’t stay like that any longer.

“Why don't she just apologizes and end this thing?” I said harassed.

“Have you ever thought that Rainbow’s pride has been broken just like yours? Have you ever thought that you’re the one that made false and almost cheated on her so you have to apology first?”

These girls didn’t help me AT ALL. All they could do was telling me the things I already knew. Yes, I knew that I shouldn’t be stubborn, apologize first and end this crazy game but on the other hoof, it was my pride we’re talking about. A stallion’s pride wasn’t something that could be broken this easily and I wasn’t about to do it either. No matter what they say.

“Girls, I already told you. I WILL NOT BREAK MY PRIDE!”

“OK, fine. No need to shout. You even dragged Rainbow’s attention,” said Twilight casually.

“WHAT? WHERE?” I asked with a grin but there wasn’t any rainbow mare anywhere around. I frowned. “Are you kidding me Twilight?”

“What? No, I swear I saw her with your teammates. Here do you see them? They’re sitting there,” said Twilight as she pointed to my behind.

I turned my head and saw Spitfire smiling at me and Fleetfoot shaking her hoof like a sail of a windmill. “HEEEEEELOOOO SOARIIIIIIIIIN!” shouted Fleetfoot. I just smiled and shook my head for them. Twilight was right. Rainbow must have been with them but the question is: where’s she now?

The question was soon forgotten as I saw Spitfire pointing to sky with a grin. “I guess she’s trying to show you that,” said Twilight as she pointed to sky.

“Show whaaaa… wow,” I said as I saw the huge sign in the sky. It was a sentence that had been written with clouds. It’d said: Wedding date, 17th of next month. I smiled as I saw a rainbow trail disappearing from them the letter ‘h’. “Girls, wedding will be 17th of next month.”

“Definitely,” said Cloudy as she looked at sky with amazed expression. “Soarin, you know what? If I were you, I would never let Rainbow’s smile drop even for a second let alone making her cry,” said Cloudy as she looked at me.

Once again, she made me thought about the thing she’d said. She was right. Completely right. Did I just forget how much I loved her? How I was always ready to give my life away just for her? How could I forget it? I made the girl of my dreams CRY! What the heck was wrong with me? I’d probably lost my brain. If I was ready to give my LIFE away just for her, then breaking my PRIDE was nothing important.

“Hey Soarin, ya want some help?” asked Spitfire as they came and sat with us.

“Forget it, is Rainbow with you? I owe her an apology,” I said impatiently.

“Whoa, finally!” said Fleetfoot happily.

“First, she’s not with us. She seemed sad and wanted to go to home,” said Spitfire.

“Probably to cry more,” said Twilight sadly and made my heart crush. My Rainbow was crying again? I just had to stop it.

“Wait, I still haven’t told you the second thing. Second, we want to help you exact in this.”

“Help me? How?”

“Don’t you wanna apologize her?”

I sighed sadly. “Of course I do.”

“And without breaking your pride?”

“Well, that doesn’t matter now.”

Spitfire shook her head. “Too late to realize Soarin. Too late.” Her voice showed that there’s no hope. “Anyways, now that you finally wanna end this, let’s do it now. We all know that Rainbow won’t talk to you and if you go and tell her that you wanna talk to her, she’ll still say that…”

“Excuse me, I don’t really want to interrupt but it looks like I’m finally getting closer to that… proper conclusion we’ve talked about. So unfortunately, you have to cross me out of this whole apologizing plan,” said Twilight as she read through a text massage on her phone then she used her magic and within a second, she disappeared.

“So as I was saying…” continued Spitfire. “Rainbow won’t talk to you and if you go and tell her that you wanna talk to her, she’ll still say that she hates you and we all know that this is a total lie so my plan is…” Spitfire continued explaining her plan and made my grin bigger and bigger by each second. “Everything depends on you Soarin.”

I grinned. “Don’t worry. My parents aren’t around they’re at Cloudsdale to pack their things and move to Ponyville. But what about Rainbow’s parents?”

“I know about it. She said that her parents had gone to Cloudsdale as well. Looks like they’re invited to a ceremony that’ll take a few days.”

“And Hurricane and Speedy?”

“Last time I saw Hurricane he told me that he’ll be busy with a family party that he’s invited to.”

“Ahem, then what am I supposed to do?” asked Cloudy with a raised eyebrow.

“Hello? You must be busy with your sick daughter.”
She gasped loudly as she remembered Gummy’s illness. “Oh my gosh! Gummy, how could I forget about her?” then she turned to us and said, “I have to go and look after her.”

Spitfire looked at her with a confused look. “I didn’t know Gummy is sick for real. What had happened to her?”

“Ever since the night Soarin showed us his future house, she had this cold. I guess it’s because she played in the water and didn’t wear warm cloths after that. However, thanks for your concern Spit. Bye guys.”

She shook her hoof to us as she flew fast towards her home. “OK now Soarin. Are you going to do it or are you going to do it?” said Fleetfoot.

I rolled my eyes and answered. “I’m gonna do it and nopony will get in my way.”

* * * * *

Rainbow’s P.O.V.

I threw the 25th tissue in the waste basket in front of me. I’ve been crying over an idiot stallion for twenty three minutes now and I’d also spent exactly twenty five now very wet tissues to wipe the my tears away. Yes, I had counted every single one of them. Did you see how crazy I am? Yeah, I’m a total idiot. I mean… if he wanted to apologize then he would of done so in the past five days and nine hours and twenty seven minutes and 17 seconds, 18, 19, 20…

So… you still believe I’m a normal pony? Any wise pony would say no and if you say yes, then you’re crazy like me.

The sound of phone that echoed through my home snapped me out of my lunatic thoughts. I slowly reached my hoof and answered the call.

“Rainbow, is that you?”

“Hey Spit, missed me?” I answered with a weak smile and a sniffle after that.

“Hey, are you crying?”

“Were. Not anymore.”

“Good. We need you. RIGHT NOW!”

“Is everything alright?”

“No, it’s not. Rainbow, it's Soarin…”

I perked up as I heard Soarin’s name. “IS HE OK? WHAT HAS HAPPENED?”

“You have to come and see. He’s not good. Not good at all.”

For a minute, I wanted to burst out of house and look everywhere for him but right at that moment a clear voice echoed through my head…

‘You know what? I love you too. How about hanging out sometime?’ and also, ‘I came here to spend time with somepony who doesn’t hate me’

I frowned as I remembered those sentences. “Can’t you tell his parents?”

“They’re on a trip to Cloudsdale.”


“She’s taking care of Gummy. She has a cold.”


“Speedy and he are invited to a family party.”

“You and Fleet?”

“We have work to do. RAINBOW, IT’S SERIOUS!”

“OK, OK, coming. Just… where are you guys?”

“The last place you saw us. Hurry up he's not in a good condition.”

This time I was truly on the verge of crying. “O-Ok. I-I-I’ll come as f-fast as I can.”
I opened my wings and flew as fast as I could. My tears went dry in the wind around me but they never stopped coming.

‘Soarin… oh I’m sorry. I swear I wouldn’t ever be angry at you again. I swear I would never ever jump to conclusions again. Just be OK. My Soarin… I’m coming and I swear this time I won’t let my idiotic pride get in the way of apologizing. I swear…’

CH 26-An accident

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“Mission cancelled?” asked Fleetfoot. I saw Spitfire kicking her hind leg and glaring at her. I turned my head away from them. I was walking along Spitfire and Fleetfoot to where Soarin was. It seemed too bad that Spitfire was nervous and Fleetfoot’s smile wasn’t on her face anymore.

“You said what happened again?” I asked with a shaky voice. Deep inside, I didn’t even wanna know what’d happened. I just wanted to see Soarin. But my mind was telling me to act wisely and focus on the situation.

“We three were practicing a trick after all of you went away but Soarin went out of the way and had a… terrible will be a good adjective to describe that accident,” said Spitfire carefully.

“Terrible isn’t enough…” whispered Fleetfoot and received another kick from Spitfire.

“Here he is,” Spitfire pointed to a pony that was lying on the ground. My eyes went wide the minute I saw that. That pony, or Soarin in fact, was far from where we were standing but I was by his side within three seconds.

And there it was… the most frightening scene of my entire life…

Soarin, unconscious, lying on the ground, both of his wings bleeding and probably broken…

“Soarin…” I whispered. I couldn’t believe what my eyes were showing me. It… wasn’t true… it… it… couldn’t be true. No… not now… I still had to apologize him…

OH MY GOSH… what if I never get the chance to apologize him?

“Somepony has to take care of him,” said Spitfire.


“Easy girl. Do you even know where we are? At the middle of nowhere. We can’t carry him all the way to the hospital cause at the end, we’ll end up in that hospital as well. Also, we can’t take him anywhere because his wings will be worse than what they already are,” said Fleetfoot.

“I have an idea. I know where we are. There’s somewhere close to here,” I said enthusiastically but still with a tint of worried. Well, at least I had some hope.

“You need help in carrying him?” asked Spitfire.

“No. I think I can handle it. Just before you girls go, can you help me in placing him on my back?” I said calmly. At least I tried to be calm.

“So… does that mean that we can go now?” asked Fleetfoot.

“Yeah I guess you can go now just before you girls go,” I knew that I’m right at the middle of a nervous wrecking situation and the last thing I needed was to go crazy. I just had to keep my cool and fight back those tears that were trying hard to come out. There was time for crying later.

Fleetfoot and Spitfire helped me in placing Soarin on my back. And… DAMN HE WAS HEAVY! It was probably because of his wonderful muscles… ‘Erase it girl, erase it,’

“You sure you’re fine with this?” asked Spitfire again.

“I told you guys, I can do this. Now, I’d better get going,” I said as I looked at my back worriedly. “I don’t wanna waste any time. I have to find him a cure as fast as I can.”

Spitfire shook her head. “We’d better go as well. So sorry that you have to do this but I have a lot to do and my place is too far away from here. Fleet, you wanna come too?”

“Wha-oh, sure, sure,” said Fleetfoot with an awkward smile. “See ya later Rainbow.”

I smiled at them. “See ya later guys too. Bye.”

They shook their hoof for me as I flew away. I turned my head back again to see how Soarin was doing. He was lying on my back and his wings were still bleeding. Even sight of that made tears fall from my eyes. I cleared them as I looked forward. I had to go as fast as I can.

* * * * *

Spitfire’s P.O.V.

“Fleet, I feel bad about him,” I said worriedly.

She sighed. “You do know that he’ll kill you after his awake huh? It was supposed to be just a simple collision but what did you do? Made him fall right to the ground.”

I gave her a punch in the arm for the thousandth time that day. “You do know that you’re not helping at all huh? Sometimes I really wanna punch myself for choosing you as my best friend.”

“OUCH! Spit why do you behave like a kicking donkey today? Also, if you’d made a wise decision in your life it was choosing me as your best friend,” she said proudly. “Anyways, the point of this whole plan was for Rainbow to believe that something truly had happened for Soarin which was completed by your perfect acting.”

“Huh?” I looked at her surprisingly.

“Don’t you remember? Let me show you. Introducing, the first last show of Spitfire’s freaking out performed by the one and only…Fleeeetfooooot!” then she bowed and thanked the audience that didn’t exist at all. I rolled my eyes at her. I already knew what was she doing but I just let her go on. After a minute of bowing, thanking and blowing kisses to the invisible audience, she started her ‘show’ with a loud gasp.

“OH MY GOSH! WHAT HAVE I DONE! RAINBOW WILL KILL ME FOR IT!” said Fleetfoot with a frightened tone. Then she flew to the other side and acted as herself.

“C’mon Spit, it was just an accident but you hit him so hard that I think he won’t wake up for some days!”

“Fleet, you’re not helping at all,” said Fleetfoot with the best annoying tone she could muster.
At that point, I wanted to burst in laughter but stopped myself with objecting, “Hey, I’m not like that!”

“Please don’t talk during show. PS. Next time, take a look at mirror and you’ll find out that you’re exactly like that. Where was I again? Oh yeah!” said Fleetfoot as she posed to continue rest of her ‘show’. “Speaking of Rainbow, why don’t you go and tell her?”

“Tell her? We’re here and can help him. Why asking her when we’re eighty percent sure that she won’t show up?”

She shook her head with a look of disappointment. “I’m disappointed at you Spit, DISAPPOINTED. Why? You don’t even want to do YOUR OWN plan. Shouldn’t we call Rainbow anyway? Didn’t you say that we have to make her worried so what happened?”

“Well…uh… I…no, no…you… no I… Um… Spit a little help here? What else did you say?” said Fleetfoot as she tried to remember her ‘dialog’.

“Enough Fleet. I got the point,” I said as I rolled my eyes. No matter how many times I told her that I was crazy to choose her as my best friend, in my heart, I couldn’t choose anypony else better than her for friendship.

She just knew the right time to make fun. Like that minute that she tried her best to keep my mind away from things.

“Oooh! Oooh! I remember! Before I could say anything else, you went and called Rainbow, your frightened tone scared her too and here we are. By the way, it was ridiculous that you didn’t even want to do your own plan,” said Fleetfoot.

“I was so scared that I forget all about that plan.” I said defensive.

“By the way, we did well. Its only difference from your plan was that Soarin’s accident was real instead of fake,” said Fleetfoot, grinning from ear to ear.

“Fleet, it’s not something to take lightly,” I browbeat her. “I just hope their crazy pride don’t get in the way of our plan,” I said with a sigh as I looked up at the path that Rainbow flew to.

* * * * *

Rainbow’s P.O.V.

I wiped the tears for the thousandth time during my flight. It was crazy. I’d never cried through anything or anypony except from when I bore but recently, holding the tears was so hard for me. Especially when I was around Soarin. I don’t know what it was that made me show my soft side to him. A soft side that even I didn’t know about till I met Soarin. From that first night, I felt it. When we were at playground, in the swings. And I couldn’t hide it anymore, I enjoyed it.

I enjoyed being a girly filly around Soarin. It just made me have some feelings that I never in my life had before but for that moment, I knew that if I don’t rush, I might never feel like that again.

I focused on where I was flying and tried to hear a familiar sound. ‘Come on, come on, where’s that voice?’ I thought as I flew faster than the speed I was already flying at.

Slowly but soon enough, I heard the sound of the second comforting place in Equestria: The bay. It was second because no other thing could be as comforting as Soarin’s embrace, nothing.

Voice of crashing waves got louder by each flap of my wings. “We’re there Soarin, we’re there. Just wait a little more,” I talked to the unconscious stallion on my back. Finally, image of the bay I loved so much came in sight. I tried to slow myself down as sight of bay came closer and closer. I managed to stop myself right in front of the huge mansion that was going to be the house I lived in.

I opened the door with a key that Soarin gave me at my birthday party. He had told me that the house would be ready in a day and some days had gone since that night so the house was definitely ready.

‘Wow…’ was all that came to my mind when I opened the door. Not only it was huge but it was also very beautiful and well decorated. Did Soarin do all of this JUST for ME? But… but… didn’t he loved that other mare? Was this ALL for me? For real? Sight of house made me smile and think how sweet Soarin could be…

Soarin… SOARIN!

I gasped as I remembered the real reason of coming here. I quickly searched the rooms for a bed.

Fortunately, I found it in the first room. It was a huge king size bed with clean sheets on it. For a second I felt guilty for polluting them but that thought quickly trailed off as I remembered how much Soarin’s wings were bleeding.

‘He’ll take care of them later.’ With that thought, I slowly placed Soarin on the bed. Dry blood and fresh blood quickly polluted sheets. Even sight of that made me feel the pain Soarin would have if he was awake.

“Oooooooh my gosh! What the heck should I do now? His wings are bleeding and he’s unconscious…” I shouted to nopony else. I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself. “Relax Rainbow, relax girl. What would I do to somepony who’s unconscious? Well, I have to bring a doctor to him. But I’m too far away from hospital then who’s close to here and can help me?” I thought deeply and tried to calm myself down at the same time. Answer hit my head like a thunderbolt in a sunny day. “TWILIGHT!” I shouted happily as I flew outside to find the cure.

* * * * *

“You said what’d happen to him again?” said Twilight as she searched through her books.

I rolled my eyes and explained the problem for her again. “For the hundredth time Twi, he had an accident and his wings are broken, they’re bleeding and he’s unconscious.”

“Hmm… I think I can fix it. You have to wait here till I get the potions ready. All of them are ready except from one.”

I sighed sadly. “Fine. Do you think he’ll be fine?”

“Definitely. Don’t worry,” said Twilight as she placed some strange bottles on her desk. “Speaking of Soarin, tell him that my researches are completed when he woke up.”

“Research? For what?”

She shrugged and said, “I don’t know if I should tell you this or not but dislike Soarin, I think it’s your right to know.” Then she sighed sadly and continued, “A day after your birthday, he came here and told me everything about that mare. He said that before she started talking, she threw a little ball at floor right in front of him. He said after that, he couldn’t control his mind or body so none of the words he said were true.

He asked me if I knew anything about it or not and I told him that I’ll take a research and see what can I do.”

Her eyes went wide as she poured a yellow colored liquid in a bowl. “Its conclusion was crazy! It made me realize that how deep crimes in Equestria are.”


“Let me start with this. We all know that using magic is unicorns right, but did you know that using unicorns magic by a pegasi or an earthpony is completely illegal? Now tell me Rainbow, was that mare a unicorn?”

“No… no she was a pegesi,” I said as I tried to remember that mare.

“Then what she did was illegal. She’d use a unicorn’s magic.”

“But… shouldn’t unicorns stop doing this themselves.”

Twilight frowned and shook her head thoughtfully. “It’s worse than this. Pegasi and earthponies threaten expert unicorns to do this or worse, unicorns work with them by themselves.”


“You can find them if you take a look at jails. Want one? Then ask one of those prisoners. DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH OF THEM COULD BE FOUND IN PONYVILLE ITSELF? BLACK MARKETS! THEY’RE FILLED OF THESE JERKS!” panted Twilight as she shouted her last sentences. She shook her head again. “Going angry over them won’t make anything better.”

“Wow… this is crazy who much a fanfilly can love her idol,” I said.

“Rainbow, I’m afraid that she wasn’t just a fan. He’s a Wonderbolt. There are plenty of ponies that are killing themselves just to be instead of him. Some prefer to sweet talk them but some others prefer to do it from the hard way. Those new killers are an example of them.”

“New? I thought those cycle killers were the latest.”

“I’m talking about those cycle killers. It’s frightening! They’re after reach ponies and their plan is simple: they seduce them and make those poor ponies fall for them then in a shot, they stole their everything and before they could even call police, their dead.”

Twilight was right. That was frightening. VERY frightening. “I… I’ve never thought such things even exist.”

Twilight sighed sadly. “Equestria has more crimes than we think it does. Sometimes I wanna punch myself for accepting the offer of taking research for Soarin. I was living in my own little world but suddenly, with finding these, I found that this little world of mine wasn’t as beautiful as it seems.”

“But really Twi, where did you get these from?” I asked curiously.

She blushed and thought about something for a moment but it more looked like she was having a daydream. After some seconds she answered me with a dreamy voice, “I got them from Flash Sentry.”

“From who?”

“Flash Sentry. That royal guard with gorgeous blue mane and muscular body and wonderful deep blue eyes that’ll melt your heart and…” said Twilight with a voice that was indifferent at first but started to get a dreamy tone as she started to describe her ‘secret love’ but it wasn’t just that. It seemed with every word she said about him, she was melting in the ground!

“Whoa, fine Twi. I got who you’re talking about,” I said. I giggled at her red face. “You really love him don’t you?”

“NO I DON…” Twilight started shouting but stopped mid-sentence. “Who am I kidding? I can’t lie to myself. Yeah I DO love him.” She blushed again as she said those last words. “Anyways, your potions are ready now. Just let me give you a warning about them. Do you see this red potion?”
She pointed to a bloody red potion. I shook my head yes and waited for her to continue. “This potion is for antisepticising his wings before bandaging them. After you cleaned the blood with warm water and this potion, pour this purple potion in cold water and let bandages get soaked in water. When bandages get a milky color, wrap his wings with them and let them rest for at least three days. Remember, he can’t open or fly with his wings for three days. You also have to be careful to change the bandages every day so don’t waste all of the potion today.

“After three days, you have to open the bandages and let him open his wings and give them a rest but NO FLYING until a full week passes. Then his wings will be better than what they were before!

“To make him conscious, add this blue potion to something warm like tea and pour it in his mouth. He’d be awake less than three minutes. If not, you can be sure that his dead and will never be awake again!” said Twilight with a grin.

I just stood there blinking. It wasn’t because I didn’t understand what she said. I did understand every single word of it the thing was that I couldn’t believe that Soarin’s life or death only depended on a little potion.

“Rainbow Dash? Did you understand what I said?”

“Yeah… yeah, it’s just that… I… I…”

Twilight sighed and smiled warmly at me, “Don’t you worry Rainbow. I’m sure nothing will happen to him. No one could be dead by just an accident.”

I took a deep breath and answered, “Yeah, I guess so. Thanks Twi.” I smiled and grabbed potions and a clean bandage that Twilight gave me. For that moment, all I could wish was health of Soarin.

CH 27-He's fine?

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“You said that I have to add the blue one to cold water and use it for antisepticising his wings?” I asked Twilight.

“UGH! No Rainbow,” said Twilight. From her tone I could guess that she was face hoofing. “Let me tell you what to do step by step.”

“Fine. Go on,” I said. Twilight started to explain all she told me back at her library and this time I wrote them on a piece of paper I found in the house.

“Remember ONLY THREE MINUTES. Fine?” said Twilight.

“OK, fine. Got it. Next?”

“There’s no next. The end,” said Twilight. “Ooh, ooh wait! I forgot to tell you something back at library. The blue potion has some side effects on the pony who uses it.”

“And what's that?”

“The book said that the pony who drink it should be careful cause drinking too much of it can cause some mental harm on that pony.”

“Mental harm? What kind?”

“The most usual effect of it is ‘Truth Telling’ illness. It’s a rare illness but even so, it happens often. The pony who has this illness tells all that is in his/her heart and he/she can’t lie but it depends on the amount of potion you give Soarin. If you give him the right amount, this won’t happen. Just a warning,” said Twilight. “Now remember if you killed him don’t blame me cause I told you TWICE.”

Although I was scared like a little filly in front of a ghost, I rolled my eyes and answered, “Fine.”

“And another thing…”


“Look I know I should ask Rarity about this stuff but it’s just so… embarrassing and I know if I talk to her, the subject will be Ponyville’s subject of talking a day after, so I wanted to ask you this. By the way you had experience in this and all. So tell me…” said Twilight in a nervous tone. “WHAT SHOULD I DO ON A DATE?” shouted Twilight nervously.

“Whoa, slow down Twi. The first thing is not to panic.”

“Not to panic? NOT TO PANIC? FLASH SENTRY ASKED ME TO A DATE AND YOU TELL ME DON’T PANIC? IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE?” said Twilight loudly and clearly nervously.

“Of course you can. Just take a deep breath every time you think you’re nervous”. The sound of Twilight taking deep breaths could be heard clearly through phone.

“OK, OK. Now I’m calm. What’s next?”

“Look Twi, don’t panic but I’d only gone on a date once and that wasn’t a real one. I don’t really know what to do.”

“THEN…” she stopped mid-sentence and took a deep breath to calm herself again. “Then how am I supposed to know what to do? Rainbow I can’t find ANY book about how to go on a date and I don’t have time for doing any research, since I'm going on that date tonight! At least give me some advice.”

“Fine, fine. First, you can’t find anything in books and second, let me think…” I said as I tried to think and find a little bit of advice for her. I smiled as I remember the advice that helped me in that lovey-dovey thing a lot. “Here’s some advice that a friend gave me: If you want to know what to do when you’re in love with somepony, just listen to your heart. It’ll always tell you what to do.”

“You sure that’ll work?”

“Well it worked for me. I’m sure it’ll work for you too,” I said with a smile.

“Thanks a lot. That helped me a lot cause now that I’m listening to it, it’s telling me to calm down and take everything carefully with Flash.”

“You’re welcome. I guess now I owe you nothing for potions.”

“Rainbow, friends don’t owe each other ANYTHING. It was my pleasure to help you in this.” Although I couldn’t see Twilight but I was sure that she was smiling on the other side of the phone.

“Heh, yeah right. Bye Twilight. And also, good luck on your date!”

“Thanks Rainbow. Bye.”

I smiled as I put my phone aside. It was great to see one of my friends finding a love of their own. My other friends must have felt the same when I told them about the arranged marriage.

Although, a long time hasn’t passed since then but it felt like an old memory for me. It was funny how worried I was about it! And then, I was doing all of this just for a stallion other than my brother or my father.

Right… I hadn’t done anything for the stallion I was talking about and if I didn’t hurry I might harm him.

I rushed to kitchen and looked through cabinets to find a warm drink. ‘Tea? No it’s so lame. Good for old folk. Coffee? I don’t know if he likes it or not. Hot chocolate? Well, most of the ponies love it, including myself. That’ll be good,’ I talked to myself as I eyed the items in the cabinet. I quickly made a half cup of hot chocolate and filled the other half with the blue potion.

I started to mix two liquids with a spoon and rushed back to the room that Soarin was in. I placed the plate and the cup on the bed side table. ‘OK girl, next step is giving it to him.’ I huffed as I thought how to give it to Soarin. There was one simple way, sitting him upwards and giving the liquid to him but the question was how?

“OK, OK, OK. Remember Rainbow, it’s only you here so you have no choice but to do it all by yourself.” I took a deep breath and continued, “You’re Rainbow Dash you can do it, yeah I can, I definitely can,”

I reached my hooves and tried to sit him upward and… DAMN HE WAS HEAVY! My breath caught in my throat. “I CAN’T! I DEFINITELY CAN’T!” I screamed as I tried my best to sit him upward. Finally after many times of trying, I sat him upward. ‘Now, give it to him,’ I told myself as I grabbed the cup and readied myself to give it to him.

Although this step seemed easier than any of them, it was the hardest step for me. Anyways, it showed me if Soarin was still alive or not. I didn’t know why but as recently, Soarin’s life was my own life. If he died then I would kill myself too. I’ve been like that since the day I thought Soarin was lost.

‘Keep it in Rainbow. There’s only one way to find out if he's still alive or not so don’t waste any time.’ I galloped and slowly, I poured the hot chocolate in his mouth. “Come on Soarin. Wake up, wake up…!” I said as I bit my lip and poured the last amount of hot chocolate in his mouth.

Some seconds passed and nothing happened. I started to walk nervously in the room. ‘What if he never wakes up?’

That thought was enough for me to rush to him and check on him. No movement. He wasn’t moving. I quickly put my head down on his chest. After concentrating for some seconds, I finally heard his heartbeats.
He was alive!

Oh Celestia! He was alive!

Tears came down from my eyes as I hugged him tightly. No news could be better than the sound of his heartbeat. I smiled as I nuzzled his chest. It was the first time I felt that way. My cheeks were burning and my heart was burning in a warm fire. But most importantly, the butterflies in my belly were more tingly then before. Was all of this because the closeness between Soarin and I? Maybe, cause I truly loved the feeling. Familiar, yet old and most importantly, amazing!

‘You shouldn’t get use to this feeling. You know that a day will come that you won’t feel it anymore,’ said the familiar and usual voice in my head. Before I get to think about it, a new voice in my head shouted, ‘SHUT UP!’

And that was when I found out what’s going on in my brain! The first voice belonged to my brain and second one belonged to my heart. All of these times, I only listened to my brain and didn’t listen to my heart at all. Spitfire did tell me to listen to it but I never did. Then, when I was listening to it, it was telling me, ‘forget everything about that mare and enjoy your time with Soarin.’

I smiled as I lifted my head off of Soarin’s chest and looked at his face. ‘Wow… he seems ten times more handsome than before,’ I said in my mind. ‘Shut your mouth Rainbow. What are you thinking about? This isn’t you,’ said my brain.

‘No Rainbow. Continue doing it. Didn’t you say that you want to stay girly around Soarin? Well, here you go,’ said my heart. My smile widened as I started to think about things that I had kept inside of my head so long. All because it wasn’t Rainbow Dash style.

‘He’s really handsome. I’ve never seen anypony more gentle and amazing than him. And his gorgeous eyes… I just wanna stare at them forever. And… and his smell…’ I blushed as this thought entered my head but if it was the only way I could get those ridiculous yet, amusing thoughts out of my head, then I had to go for it. ‘And his smell… I just wanna breathe in it every single second of my life…’

Before I knew my hooves started to caress his mane softly. His mane was softer than any silk and his face seemed very innocent.

How could I treated him like that? He was great enough to break his pride for me twice and all I did was breaking his pride more and more. I’ve been punished for it too. The times he talked and looked coldly at me was worse then any other pain.

“Soarin… just wake up. I swear I won’t hesitate in apologizing this time,” I said to him softly. As if on cue, Soarin shifted in the bed. I perked up and looked at him with hopeful eyes but I didn’t stop caressing him. Few seconds later, he shifted again and groaned painfully.

“Soarin?” I called as he started to open his eyes slowly.

“Am I in heaven?” asked Soarin as he saw me smiling at him.

I giggled at his words. “What? No. Why?”

He smiled weakly and answered. “Cause I see a beautiful angle right above me.”
Those words made me blush. What the heck had gotten into him?

‘The pony who has ‘Truth Telling’ illness tells all that is in his/her heart and he/she can’t lie,’ Twilight’s voice echoed through my head.

Oh… right… that meant I had to be super protective over the words I spoke.

“So… are you hungry?”

“No,” said Soarin as he stared at me with dreamy eyes. OK, this was getting awkward…

"Um… you have to let me bandage your wings. They were… bleeding pretty badly,” I said worriedly as I took a look at his wings that weren’t bleeding anymore.

“My wings? Oh, my wings! Yeah, sure go on,” said Soarin casually.

I grabbed the red potion and went to kitchen to grab some warm water and add the potion to the warm water. I also add the purple potion to the cold water and let bandages soak in it. Then I grabbed both of potions and got back to where Soarin was. Then, I started to clean his wings carefully.

After I cleaned all of the blood in his wings, I got the milky bandages out of water and wrapped them around his wings. From corners of my eyes I could see Soarin biting his lip and squeezing the mattress trying to muffle his groans of pain.

That sight made me feel the pain in my chest too. I didn’t know what it was but I felt Soarin’s pain too. Maybe it was something that connected us together.

“Are you OK now?”

Soarin smiled warmly at me. The same lovely smile. The same smile I hadn’t see in several painful days. “Yeah, I’m fine.”

Thinking about Soarin’s smile made me think about the promise I gave myself. Finally, it was time to break the honor I’d gained over the years of my existence.

“Soarin, I want to tell you something.”

He smiled again and answered, “What a coincidence! I wanted to tell you something as well but you go one first.”

“OK. It’s about… our argument.”

Soarin quickly lowered his head and frowned. “Look Rainbow,” he begun. I gulped as I waited impatiently for his next words. From the look of things, the next thing didn’t seem to be a good thing. “I understand if you don’t wanna be with me anymore. If you hate me now, we… can…” he looked up and took a deep breath to end his sentence. “We can end our engagement now.”

I stared at him with wide eyes. I just couldn’t believe how far he had gone! I couldn’t help but smile at his words. Then I chuckled and a few seconds later, I was laughing hard.

“Oh…Oh Soarin, good joke!” I said between my laughs. I wiped a tear from my eyes and continued. “Silly! It's true that we argued but I never ever think about ending the engagement! There are many couples who argue but get over it,” I smiled at him and continued, “I never ever want to end our engagement Soarin. NEVER EVER!”

I saw with both of my eyes how Soarin’s face lightened up like a chandelier. He grinned happily. His eyes were shouting that they’re owner is happier than a filly in candy shop… well, that wasn’t a good example but it was like somepony had turned the Christmas light on, in his eyes!

His expression quickly changed to a soft one as he looked at me. Well… soft wasn’t a good word to describe his face. His face was… special. Something I’d never seen in anypony before.

There was something strange yet familiar in his eyes. Those two emeralds that were fixed on mine made me tingly. They made me wanna blush without any good reason.

“Do you really mean it?” he asked softly and with something strange in his voice.

“What?” I said dumbly. By the way I was busy drowning in those wonderful eyes.

He smiled at my tone and said, “When you said that you’ll never ever end our engagement… did you really mean it?”

I blushed as I realized what I let slip through my lips. Did I really, truly say that? What a mess! “Um…I…I…” I took a deep breath and smiled. “I really mean it. For real.”

His eyes softened more as he looked at me. “Well, I have to confess something…”

I quickly perked up as he said the word ‘confess’. What does a stallion confess? Especially to a mare? The only one thing it could be was: Love…

Was he really going to confess his love to me? A love that didn’t exist? Who knew?

“I have to confess that I…” continued Soarin. When he stopped I wanted to smack him and tell him to continue.

My heart almost stopped when he spoke again. “I… I’m sorry.”

My pupils that had shrunk went back to their normal size as I looked at him with surprised eyes. “Sorry? Sorry for what?”

Soarin raised an eyebrow as he looked at me. “Hello? Our argument of course.”

“Oh, yeah,” I said with a little hint of disappointment in my voice. “I’m sorry too.”

Soarin’s smile came back to his face. “Whoa girl, you killed me! I broke my pride just for you!”

“Oh… sorry about it too,” I said sheepishly.

“You don’t have to be sorry about everything,” he said with a chuckle. “I told you once, I’ll say it now and I’ll say it whenever it’s needed. I’ll do ANYTHING for you. Breaking my pride is the simplest thing I can do.”

I blushed at the things he said. The fact that he was telling me the truth (thanks to the potion) didn’t help me at all.

If it weren’t because of the potion, I wouldn’t hear those things. They were truly new. ‘That’s the perfect time for whoever wants to hear the truth from Soarin.’

Truth… from Soarin…

Those words were awfully familiar to me. Like a half done mission…


I grinned secretly as I thought about it. It was finally the Right time! There was Soarin, alone with me with an illness that made him tell the truth about everything! Wasn’t it the perfect time to ask him about that secret mare? Of course it was!

“Um… Soarin, can I ask a question?” I asked.

“Not only one question, you can ask a thousand if you want,” said Soarin and that made me blush again.

“Umm… who’s the mare that you loved?”

He smiled and looked at me. “I guess Spitfire and Hurricane had told you, right?”

“Well, yes actually.” I stared at him. “Soarin?”


“Did you really love her?”

“Yeah, I did. More than the world,” he said with a smile and a tint of pink on his cheeks.

I bit my lip to hold my tears back in. “Do… do you love her now?”

“I do. And I’ll never ever stop loving her,” he said as he faced me.

“Do you mind telling me her name?”

Soarin quickly frowned. “Rainbow, you don’t have to…”

“No, Soarin, let ME talk this time. You don’t have to stay with me just because traditions in my family or your family says so. I’ll go and tell everyone that we’re done.”

“I thought you said you’ll never end our engagement…” said Soarin sadly.

“I won’t, but if you really…”

“Do you really wanna know who is she? Well, if you think a little you’ll find out. Just think carefully and search for a girl who stopped coming to see the Wonderbolt's,” said Soarin angrily. Then he put his head in his hooves and continued in a sad and much quieter tone. “I can’t tell you now Rainbow. Maybe one day but not now. Just know that you should never ever look for her. Not anymore.”

“But... but why?” I asked stubbornly.

“You wanna know why? Because as much as you don’t wanna end this engagement, I don’t wanna end it either,” said Soarin before putting his head back at his hooves.
‘You shouldn’t have asked this Rainbow. Not now,’ said voice in my heart. I sighed as I walked up to the bed Soarin was sitting in. I slowly put my hooves around him and hugged him as hard as I could.

I saw him shift and looked up at me, I was looking at him with a smile. He returned the smile and hugged me back, tighter than any time before. And only God knew who much I loved that feeling.

CH 28-Living together

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Soarin’s P.O.V.

I trotted through the room again just to get the crazy thought out of my head. The day that passed was a crazy one! There wasn’t anything new at Wonderbolt practice but everything that happened afterward… they were a book themselves!

First, that wedding date planning which turned to discussing the argue Rainbow and I had. Then, as if on cue, Rainbow came out of nowhere and ‘chose’ the wedding date herself.

Second was Spitfire’s risky plan that went wrong at first and led to a terrible collision. At least second part of her plan went right and I finally get to apologize Rainbow. True that something strange had gotten into me and I couldn’t lie to her like I used to but I did manage to stop myself at the important part.

Just… how could I tell her? I knew that I had to do it one day but that day and there… well no. It was still very soon to tell her.

“Ugh, they’re not helping me!” I said aloud but not too loud so Rainbow could hear me. And… really. Those thoughts weren’t helping me AT ALL! So then, there was only one thing that could give some ideas about future…

I sighed as I started to walk into a room. A special room… somewhere I could be alone with my thoughts. I stared at the pictures that were hanging on the walls. Each of them had a wonderful memory behind them that made me smile. But in all of those pictures, there was something in common.

A certain, beautiful rainbow maned mare, the one and only love of my life.

Every single day I spent with her, every single place I took her to… a picture of all of them was there. She didn’t realize but in all of those places, there was somepony who took a picture of us. And there they were… all together.

And finally, in the middle of all of those was a big picture I loved the most. My smile turned to a grin as I looked at the art. Nopony ever believed that I was the one who drew it. No wonder, you do crazy things when you’re in love.

That art was simple: a picture I drew of Rainbow Dash with her wonderful, cute smile.

That art always reminded me to never stop loving her. It reminded me what sleepless nights I had before finding her again. By the way, that art made me start my search for her at first place.

There were nights that I couldn’t sleep a blink and what kept me living was hope of seeing Rainbow again. One day that I couldn’t hold the sorrow in my chest anymore I thought that if I can’t ever see Rainbow again, then I’d better be dead than be alive and live my life without her.

Yeah… I wanted to kill myself but right at the last seconds…

It was Rainbow’s smiling face that entered my thoughts…

So I stopped what I wanted to do and drew that beautiful picture in my mind. The minute I finished drawing, I just knew what to do. Searching all over Equestria to find my Rainbow. A lot could happen like finding out that she has a coltfriend or a husband but a feeling was telling me that it isn’t so. And there I was… watch the art I’d drew a long time ago.

When I showed my art to cloudy she said that the art is exactly like Rainbow but in my opinion, no. It wasn’t even close to her. You know why?

Because no painter could draw Rainbow’s amazing personality and appearance in a simple art.

Heh… too mushy but some time had since presence of that Soarin that wanted to be cool all the time and hated mushy things. This Soarin was a lover and much wiser than before.

“Rainbow… my life…” I said to the art as I pressed my forehead to the picture. “I’m so sorry my love but it’s not right time. I swear I’ll tell you one day.”

‘What do you say Soarin? Will you come?’ Spitfire’s voice echoed in my ears. Suddenly, a perfect idea popped at head. It was a bit risky but it was worth trying. If it could prove something I’ve been waiting for too long, then it did worth trying.

But… how could I tell Rainbow? It was almost impossible to me to do what Spitfire said and leave her behind but on the other hoof, this is me Soarin Skies, impossible to break. This was a task I started myself and I had to make sure that it ended very well.

So then, the only thing left was to enjoy rest of my time with Rainbow. Speaking of her… where was she? There wasn’t any sound in house and that wasn’t her style at all so… where was she?

“Rainbow… Rainbow… are you still in-” I quickly shut my mouth as I entered the room I was resting in earlier. Room was very dark because sun had set a long time ago. Nothing had changed too much since I left there. Nothing except from Rainbow.

I couldn’t help but smile as I watched Rainbow snuggling and sleeping peacefully. I sighed happily as I stared at that sight. Who could be so stonehearted and don’t love that cute mare? Absolutely nopony.

I smiled and walked up to bed, where she was laying but my smile faded slowly as I heard soft sound of Rainbow’s moan. ‘She must be cold,’ I thought as I started to caress her. I was reaching for a blanket when a brilliant idea clicked in my head.

Rainbow did need a blanket, huh? Well, I WILL give her a blanket… well, I wanted to sleep anyway.

The first thing I did was closing the windows, where the cool breeze was entering the room and made Rainbow and I shiver. After closing the window, I made sure that doors are locked and lights are off then, I walked back to room to sleep. I stared at Rainbow as I walked up to bed, climbed up to it and pulled the blanket over both of us.

I couldn’t help but sigh happily as I caress her mane slowly. The action made her lean in closer to me. I didn’t waste another second and hugged her with a smile. Her mane was exactly under my nose and her head had rested against my chest. The warmth of her body filled my heart with happiness and a pleasant calmness but at top of all of that, nothing was as amazing as the wonderful scent that came from her mane.

“Just how could I leave you?” I whispered as I continued to caress her soft mane. “But you need to know everything about my feelings. You need to know that not only I’ll be your blanket tonight, but I’ll be your everything till the until the end of the time. You have no idea how much it hurts when you look for some mare that is yourself,” I squeezed her tighter and kissed her on head.

I didn’t know what had gotten into me or why was I feeling that way but when I saw Rainbow sleeping peacefully while resting on my arms, I felt that all of my dreams had come true. I felt that I didn’t have to think about how to tell Rainbow that I love her or other things that played through my mind every night.

It was as if… Rainbow loved me back and there wasn’t anything else I needed to be worry about.

Well of course there wasn’t anything to worry about. How could anything be more important than Rainbow to me? And there she was resting in my arms. Safe and sound and happy which was obvious from the small smile on her face, so why worry about nothing when everything was fine?

I yawned and smiled at Rainbow as I planted a last kiss on her forehead before heading to the realm of sleep.

* * * * *

Rainbow’s P.O.V.

I woke up with a smile. Everything was WONDERFUL! First, to sleep whenever you want and wake up whenever you woke up. Second, to have such an awesome dream that can make your day itself. And third, staying with Soarin although he wasn’t actually sleeping with me.

It was at that moment that I felt something or rather somepony shifted beside me and I slowly realized that in fact somepony was holding me tight. But there wasn’t anypony there except from Soarin there. So the only possible thing was…


Soarin… he… he couldn’t hugged me and SLEPT with me a whole night… no, no, it was another dream… but then why could I feel his warmth against myself. I wasn’t daydreaming, was I?

‘No you weren’t idiot,’ said the voice that belonged to my brain. But then… what did it all mean? ‘Oh Rainbow, it’s obvious. It means he was gentle enough to warm you up and maybe even, he loved you enough to sleep with you,’ said the voice in my heart.

‘Come on Rainbow, don’t be such an idiot. What else did you expect from him? You were sleeping on his bed and he just had to sleep at the same bed as the one you were sleeping on,’ said my brain.

‘That’s so not true! There are plenty of other rooms in the house that probably have a bed in them. Also, if he was only coming to sleep here, why is he hugging Rainbow so tightly like that? Believe me girl, he’s probably in love with you,’ said my heart and that was exactly what I wanted to hear. Well, looked like all of the proofs said that he was sleeping there with me just because he wanted it.


Soarin was sleeping and holding me all night just because he wanted to. Maybe he DID love me…

But… why should it be important for me? Yeah, I might have admitted that I love to be girly around Soarin but that didn’t mean that I still cared about those mushy stuff like love and all but then, why Soarin loving me or not was so important for me? Why even thinking about Soarin’s love made me blush? Why it made my heart race crazily? Just, why?

Ugh, this so much to think about, my brain can’t hold all of those questions! I’ll think about later. But for that moment, I wanted to do something that I thought I’ll never, EVER do in my life: Enjoy my time with a stallion.

But not any stallion of course, a stallion I had a very deep crush on or as Pinkie had said, dashtuck and dashiefection. A smile came to my face as I remembered that night. Maybe I could ask Rarity as I did previous times just I hoped that she wouldn’t act all weird this time.

I noted to talk to Rarity later while I put my arms around Soarin. I sighed happily as I rested my head back at his chest where I could feel his chest raising and falling with every breath he took. I could hear his rhythmic heartbeat that gave me a unique calmness.

There was just something great about knowing that he was alive that made me feel extremely happy. “I will never let you go again. I did once and you almost died. I’ll make sure that I’m stuck to you forever. I know it’s wrong, but if that’s what you want, I’ll never look after that mare anymore and stay with you forever,” I whispered as I nuzzled his chest softly.

I lifted my head up as I felt somepony kissed my head. There, Soarin was smiling, no, grinning at me with eyes filled with something strange that I couldn’t put my hoof on. “And I’ll make sure to make you the happiest mare in the whole world.”

I buried my head in his chest as I said, “You don’t have to. I already am.”

I didn’t know why such mushy yet, heartwarming thing came out of my mouth but I did know that once the last word quitted my mouth, his grip around me tightened much more.

Soarin stared at my eyes with a big grin. His eyes were filled with that strange emotion again. “Rainbow, you have no idea how much I lo-” he quickly stopped himself midsentence. I didn’t find out what he was about to say but that didn’t mean I wasn’t curious to find out. “Sorry, it’s… not the right time. Don’t ask right time for what, cause I can’t tell you now. But I swear I’ll tell you one day just… not today.”

I smiled at him and kissed his cheek. “You don’t have to. If you wanna tell me later, then it’s OK,” I said as I continued to smile and stare at his eyes.

Few seconds passed and no words were said. It was just Soarin and I staring at each other’s eyes. Those seconds changed to minutes and I started to stare at those two amazing emeralds. Soon, that strange emotion was visible in his eyes again. At that point, I was really curious to find out what emotion it was.

It was somewhat warm, kind, caring with a tint of a strange emotion. That strange emotion was the thing that made his eyes glimmer like stars at night sky. But there was something certain about that, it made me blush even see that in his eyes. It gave me a warm and amazing feeling. At the same time, it made my heart rush like I’d just done a marathon. But… what was in those eyes that made me feel so?

The question was quickly forgotten as I felt Soarin leaning closer to me. My eyes went a little wide and I felt my face flushed as I saw him doing so. In the entire world, such action only meant one certain thing…

I couldn’t help but let the most girlish part of myself daydream about what was happening there. I was dreaming, right? Yeah, totally. Even a second of it wasn’t true. And as always something would ruin this daydream. But… what if this isn’t a daydream? Was I really ready for that?


No, I wasn’t. I wasn’t ready for this at all. It was still too early for this to happen.

Although I was a tomboy, but I had my own girly fantasies somewhere deep inside myself and what was happening there was completely against all of beliefs and dreams. In my imagination, my first kiss always happened some time special and somewhere dreamy. Bed and morning sure weren’t in the list of special time and dreamy places.

Those thoughts made me lower my head and sigh sadly. I did hope that Soarin would understand me. It seemed that he had taken the message cause I felt him plant a small kiss on my forehead before whispering, “It’s OK if you don’t want it.”

I smiled warmly at him and hugged him. It was wonderful that he understood me and I was really grateful because of it. There couldn’t be any pony as sweetheart as him. Absolutely no pony.

“Rainbow, you remember when I told you that this house isn’t ready yet?” asked Soarin softly.

“Yeah, I remember. Why?”

“Well, here is now ready but what took so long was a surprise I was making for you. Wanna see it?”

“Another surprise? Of course I wanna see it!” I said with a big grin.

“So let’s just get up and get ready,” said Soarin while letting a yawn out.

“Is it too far away from here?”

“If you consider yard a far distance then yes,” said Soarin with a chuckle.

“Then what are we waiting for!” I said enthusiastically.

* * * * *

“Ugh, do I have to keep covering my eyes?” I exclaimed with an annoyed tone.

“Come on Rainbow, you don’t have to nag all the time. You’re just covering your eyes. Even you’re not doing it on your own. It’s me who’s covering your eyes,” said Soarin with a faked annoyed tone. He wasn’t very good at faking it due to his excitement over the surprise he’d had for me.

“You do know that getting there with closed eyes will take more time, right?” I asked him with hopes of seeing again.

“Yep, I do know but don’t you think that I’ll let you go like that. It might be faster, but it does worth wasting time.”

I huffed as I walked slowly and put my hoof somewhere safe at once. Was covering my eyes THAT necessary? I wasn’t annoyed that I had to close my eyes and walk blindfolded. The reason of my annoyance was that I couldn’t stand Soarin being that close to me. It gave me a tingly feeling and made me feel butterflies in my belly flap their wings more than any other time. Fortunately that Soarin was behind me and couldn’t see my red face.

“Are we there yet?” I asked impatiently. ‘Just go away Soarin, you’re making me crazy,’ I continued in my mind.

“Well, actually we’re there now.”

“Does that mean that I can see everywhere with my very own eyes?”

Soarin chuckled and answered, “Yep. You can do it now.” With that, he slowly removed his hooves from my eyes.

“Soarin, seriously?” I asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Well, I thought you love it!” said Soarin in his defense.

“I just asked are you serious or not. I didn’t say I don’t like it,” I said with a giggle

“Yeah, I am serious. And seriously, even if you don’t use it, I’ll do,” said Soarin with a grin.

“Then if you’re serious…” I stared at him with narrowed eyes. Suddenly, I grinned and hugged him tight. “… I have to say you’re the best fiancé EVER!”

“Thanks,” said Soarin with a chuckle as he hugged me back.

My only comment about what Soarin had done there was that he had made something I had missed the most: a playground. Something that both Soarin and I loved. Something that started our relationship as two engaged ponies. And there it was.

“Did you make that on your own?” I said while I was resting my head on Soarin’s shoulder whose arm was around me.

“On my own? No, I had to bring some ponies to do this, but it finally ended and… here we are. So… what do you think about it?”

I didn’t answer. Instead I smiled and trotted to a swing. “Soarin, a little help here?” I said as I sat on the swing.

Soarin muttered something like, “Just like the first time.” and walked up to me as he returned my smile. “You know I would.” Then he smirked and looked at me with devilish eyes. “So, you’re Rainbow DASH right?” said Soarin emphasizing on the word, ‘Dash’. And that meant bad news…

“You bet I- wait… Soarin what do you wanna do?” I said with wide eyes.

His smirk deepened as I turned my head to see his face. “Nothing important. Just wanna help you living your name.”

“Soarin, wait… NO!” I almost screamed when Soarin pushed the swing with all of his power. Well, not screaming exactly…

‘Come on Rainbow, admit it. You screamed. Maybe for a few seconds, but you did scream,’ said my brain. Ugh, fine! I did scream. Maybe it was shocking for me at first seconds, but I soon got used to it and smiled as I felt wind hitting my face with force.

“Are you enjoying up there?” asked Soarin. I turned my head around and saw him grinning at me.

“Yes I do. THIS IS AWESOOOOOME!” I screamed with joy. Then I started giggling madly. I couldn’t stop myself. The more I tried, the more I giggled. There was just too much joy in me that I had to show it someway. Giggling was the worst way but it was what my brain had decided on and I couldn’t stop it so the best thing was to let it go.

“Hey, it’s not fair! You’re enjoying yourself and all I’m doing is pushing you!” said Soarin comically.

I giggled and responded, “Your problem!”

“Is that so? Then let me show you what do I do with my problems!” said Soarin with a mischievous tone. Well he couldn’t push me harder cause I was literally flying so I had no idea what did he meant. My question was answered shortly after. “Do you know what will happen if a pegesi fell without him/her realizing?”

“I guess I know. If a pegesi panic during flying, her/ his wings will cling to their body and won’t be opened easily,” I said as I tried to find out the reason he was asking those questions.

“Have you EVER thought what will happen if you accidently fell out of the swing?” said Soarin with a mixture of excitement and playfulness in his tone.

“NO SOARIN YOU WON’T!” I yelped with so much fear in my voice.

“Well, to make sure that you know what will happen, I’ll give you a… context about it,” said Soarin casually. “Let me start from the worst scenario. I’ll accidently push you harder than I should and you fell out of swing screaming, while you’re wings are clung to your side then…”

With each words he said, the fear in me grew more and more and when he was speaking the last words of his sentence, I was really, REALLY scared. That was why I stopped him mid-sentence. Not with a statement like, ‘Stop it!’ or ‘Don’t you dare continue’. Instead, I said the most stupid statement in my life.

“Huh, I don’t need you to say these. Me? With wings clung to side and SCREAMING? Never ever. You know what? I dare you to push me harder,” I said with a stupid bravery.

“You sure? Cause I’m not gonna waste a second for you to think it over.”

“I’m one hundred percent sure that I want you to do it.”

“Hmmm… how should I do it anyway?”

I smirked and looked back at him. “How about with all the power you have in you?”

He returned my smirked while he stared at my eyes. “Can work for me.” I grinned and quickly looked forward and prepared myself for a very powerful push that came few seconds later. But… there was something wrong about that push…

Actually, it wasn’t hard and powerful… It was SUPER HARD AND POWERFUL! Too much that I couldn’t save my balance and I…


I literally fell and nothing stopped it… well, almost nothing.

It was at the last seconds that I believed I would die that something or better to say, somepony grabbed me in thin air. Seconds later, I was surrounded by powerful arms of somepony who was holding me as tight as he could.

“Rainbow, Rainbow, are you OK?” said Soarin as soon as he landed on the ground. His grip was still as hard as first second, if not harder and his eyes were filled with mixed emotions. Fear, worry, confused, sadness and a lot more but that four emotions weren’t only visible in his eyes but they were completely discernible in his face. Those emotions locked my lips completely and made me thought about them. Was all of those feelings just for me? Impossible! It… it just couldn’t happen.

“Rainbow, Rainbow, please say something…” said Soarin pleadingly with something new in his eyes… NO WAY! Those… those couldn’t be tears. No, the tough Soarin I knew never cried. Never in thousand years. Then… what were those liquids in his eyes.

It was at that moment that I realized something completely new. That I didn’t want Soarin to be like this. Never. It made my heart stop just seeing those tears in his eyes… just for me.

The trail of my thoughts was quickly cut off by Soarin hugging with all might. “Rainbow please, please my dear. Say something. Please…” pleaded Soarin again. Few seconds later, I felt something wet falling on my skin. No… nonono, NO!

“Soarin…” I whispered quietly but it was loud enough for Soarin to hear it and squeeze me very hard. As if the first I said was a key for my emotion, all of the feelings I had kept inside myself, suddenly broke into tears and whimpers.

“Don’t worry Rainbow. I’m here my honey, I’m here,” whispered Soarin as he stroked back of my head softly. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry my dear.”

“Soarin… I… I…” I tried to talk but I didn’t succeed due to the huge bulb in my throat.

“It’s OK, you don’t need to speak. Just take deep breaths OK?” said Soarin as he looked at my eyes with so much worry all over his face. I shook my head ‘yes’ as I started to take deep breaths. Soon, more air entered my lungs and I was able to breath properly again. I felt my brain started working again and examined the situation.

“Are you OK now?” said Soarin with kindness as he stroked my cheek softly. This time, his face, especially his eyes, were filled with pure kindness and caring and… that strange emotion again.

“Yeah, I’m good now,” I whispered as I blushed at Soarin’s touch. My eyes were looking everywhere except from Soarin. He tightened his grip around me and I rested my head against his chest, exactly where his heart was, and closed my eyes with a happy smile.

The light kisses Soarin planted on my forehead and cheek was what made me open my eyes. I quickly blushed but didn’t stop him at all. I didn’t dare do so. “Rainbow, honey, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to do this,” said Soarin as he started to stroke my mane again.

I blushed and rested my head on his chest again. “I understand Soarin. It’s OK. The important thing is that I’m alive now,” I said while thinking to my own. Then I picked my head up and flashed Soarin a smile which he returned. “Thanks to you.”

“Yeah, you’re right. The important thing IS that you’re OK. Does that cover the stupid mistake I made?

“Sure it does Soarin.”

“So… I don’t wanna seem crazy but do you wanna try that swing over there?” said Soarin as he pointed to a swing that had enough space for two ponies to sit together.

“You know I would,” I said with a wink as I copied his own words.

“This time, I’ll make sure that we go at a slow pace,” said Soarin as we walked to the swing.

“Ugh, so tedious but fine,” I said as I sat next to Soarin.

“Hey Rainbow.”


“Now that we’re going slowly and everything seems calm, yet boring, do you want me to tell you a story?”

I giggled and said, “You mean as in a father telling his daughter/son a story?”

Soarin chuckled too and answered, “Not exactly. More like somepony describing an event.”

“Hmmm… fair enough. Start,” I said enthusiastically.

He started his story with a sigh. “Like all other stories, this one starts with once upon time. So, once upon a time, there was a young colt who had finally achieved his dream and was living his life with so much happiness. He had everything he had ever wished for. A nice family, an amazing job, his dream coming true and fame.

“He always thought that he’s the luckiest and the happiest colt in all of Equestria. But one day… he found his world turned completely upside down. Asking what happened to him? Well, the story was that one day in some where he didn’t even thought about, he met a girl who stole his heart at first glance.

“It was then that he found out that everything he ever had was nothing as important as her. He found out that he can’t get that girl with his money, fame or handsome face. He found out that everything he had ever dreamed of was nothing comparing to her.

“He saw that girl almost every week and every single minute- no every single second of his every day was spent in joy of seeing her again. The happiness he felt when he saw her was nothing compared to what he used to call happiness once.

“It was then that he realized that he can’t live his life without her. So he decided to confess his love for her at the next chance he got. Unfortunately and sadly, that chance never came. He never saw that girl again.

“It was the moment that his life literally ruined. He never felt alive again and was always dead inside. He even wanted to kill himself once and that was where everything started. Right at the last minutes, he saw the picture of that girl in front of his eyes. He suddenly stopped what he was about to do and decided to start a new life.

“No, don’t get me wrong. He didn’t forget that girl, he just started a very dangerous quest to find his love. After many sleepless nights, he finally found his love and they lived happily ever after. The end,” ended Soarin with a sigh.

“The start and middle of story was amazing but the ending… it wasn’t really good.”

“Well, probably because the ending hadn’t happen yet. But what I wanted to say was that we shouldn’t waste times in our lives and say our feeling right out loud. Sometimes fate and time do something to you that you can’t believe and then you start to regret what you didn’t,” said Soarin as he stared at horizon.

“Yeah, you’re completely right,” I said as I tried to think about it.

Soarin chuckled as he saw my thoughtful face. He put his arms around my shoulders and squeezed me to him then he said, “Don’t bother your little brain. It’s a lot to take in.”

“Hey!” I said while I punched him in the chest playfully.

“Just forget it and enjoy the beautiful day,” said Soarin as he stared at horizon again.

I rested my head on his chest and let all of the external thoughts leave my head and enjoyed my day with the stallion I cared about the most.

CH 29-Surprising Announcements

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“There are the two love birds!” shouted Fleetfoot happily and the place she’d popped up from was unknown to me.

‘Dammit Fleetfoot, you ruined it!’ I cursed her on my mind. If it weren’t for her, Soarin and I would stay like that forever. It was all her false that I couldn’t lay my head on Soarin’s strong shoulders and he couldn’t hold me like that anymore.

“Ooooh, what do we have here?” exclaimed Spitfire with a smirk.

Soarin simply poked his tongue out for her and squeezed me tighter. “Something that’s none of your business.”

“WE’RE OUT OF PLAAAAAAAAN!” shouted frightened Twilight as she sped toward us.

“Calm down Twi. Everything’s gonna be-“

“PLEASE don’t tell me everything’s gonna be alright cause I won’t believe even a word of it. Rainbow Dash, understand… WE’RE OUT OF PLAN!” said Twilight nervously.

“Um, Twilight, we’re all here to help you,” said Fluttershy as she put a hoof on her shoulder.

“Of course darling, everything’s under control,” said Rarity as she trotted toward Twilight and Fluttershy with a smile.

“Rainbow Dash, long time no see! Do you even remember us?” said my mom with a grin.

“I doubt it Firefly. I even doubt if I know her or not?” said my dad sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes before flying as fast as I could toward them and hugging them tightly. “I missed you too!”

My dad chuckled and responded as he hugged me back, “We missed you too Dashie. You know we did.”

“Can we end all of greetings? WE ARE LATE FOR PONY’S SAKE!” shouted Twilight and drew everypony’s attention to her.

“Sheesh, you were just a little away from breaking Spit- no, Rainbow’s record,” said Fleetfoot.

“What record?” I asked with a surprised tone.

“Don’t you remember? Loudest shout record. The one that belonged to Spitfire before you broke it!” said Fleetfoot. Spitfire, Fleetfoot and I burst in laughter as we recalled that moment. “Anyways, since none of us, especially Rainbow, wants this record to be broken again, let’s get back to home and start this planning,” said Fleetfoot after seeing Twilight’s super angry and impatient face.

“Why don’t we enter house and start rest of the planning?” said Soarin.

“Fine, fine, but QUICK!” said Twilight. Everypony rolled their eyes and tried to enter the house as ‘quick’ as they could.

It took five minutes for all of those ponies to enter the house. By the way a lot of ponies were there: Wonderbolts, my friends, Soarin’s family, my family, even Gusty Spark’s (Cloudy’s husband) family were there. The only ponies who weren’t there were Speedy and Hurricane.

Once everypony were in the house, it took some more minutes for everypony to recover and praise the huge mansion. Among all of those surprised and wondered faces, Twilight’s face was funnier than all! If those ponies wasted another minute, I were sure that steam will pop out of her ears! Finally, after three minutes or so, we all sat down at cloud house’s big living room. And that was when the true chaos started…

With all of those ponies talking, no pony could hear the voice of pony beside her/him. This problem was quickly solved by an impatient Twilight. “ATTENTION EVERYPONY!” The whole room went quiet as soon as Twilight’s voice boomed through the house. “Thank you. Now as all of you know, we’re gathered today to…”

“… Celebrate marriage of Soarin Skies and Rainbow Dash,” said Fleetfoot with an unbelievably serious tone. Her exclamation was followed by a huge wave of laughter.

Even Twilight was trying to hide her amused smile. Finally, room went quiet again as everypony saw Twilight’s angry glare. “As I was saying, we are gathered today to celebr…” she stopped mid-sentence as she quickly put a hoof to her mouth and blushed hard.

Once again, the whole room burst in laughter. There were tears in everypony’s eyes. Even though Twilight was humiliated herself, it was visible that she was giggling behind her hoof but suddenly, her face turned to a helpless one instead of the amused face she had earlier. I was sure if everypony continue laughing, she’ll definitely cry.

“Everypony, SHUT IT!” I shouted as I hovered in the air and looked at all of them with a deadly glare. Then I turned to Twilight with a smile and told her, “Continue Twi.”

Twi smiled gratefully at me and said, “Thanks Rainbow. Now, we’re ga… forget it. All I wanna say is that we’re all here to plan the wedding together so we’d better hurry because we don’t have much time. Some of the things had been planned before. Like, pony’s places, number of guests, wedding’s date and the place of wedding.”

“Whoa, whoa, when did you decided on the wedding place?” I asked as I glared at her.

“Yeah, she’s right. Where is it anyway?” asked Soarin.

“First, I planned it with Cloudy. When you two were busy teaching Scootaloo how to fly. Remember? Second, wedding’s gonna be at my castle and after party’s gonna be at gardens of castle,” explained Twilight with an excited tone at the end of her explanation.

Soarin shrugged and said, “Can work for me. What about you Rainbow?”

I didn’t lie if I said that world was given to me when Soarin said that last sentence. It just felt so amazing seeing him care so much for me. I don’t know why but it felt so wonderful for me. “It’s OK with me too,” I said happily.

“Then it’s settled! OK, next thing in my list is after party preparations which Pinkie accepted… kindly,” said Twilight.

“CHOOSE ONE! NO TWO!” shouted Pinkie happily as she tossed a notebook to me. There was song names all over the notebook but in a very good order. OK… that was so not Pinkie’s style. I grinned and chose two of the songs I knew and was perfect for wedding. I tossed it back to Pinkie after showing it to Soarin.

“OK, the music is done and others will be taken care by Pinkie. Flowers are gonna be chose by Applejack so there’s only a few things left. Let’s start from minor ones. Rainbow Dash I hope you’d chosen your bridesmaid and mare of honor cause I won’t spend much time on it.”

‘WHAT THE-’ I shouted inside my head. Where did THAT come from? “Um… what would happen if my answer is no?” I asked with a sheepish smile. “Justwantedtoknownospecificreason,” I added quickly after seeing Twilight’s surprised and angry face but that not even helped me but also made her much angrier than what she already was.

“RAINBOW DASH!” screamed Twilight angrily but quickly started to take deep breaths and keep her anger inside. “You’d better do it within half an hour or Soarin won’t see any bride at wedding day,” said Twilight in a dangerous calm voice.

Soarin’s eyes went wide when he heard last part of Twilight’s sentence. “I guess we’d better do it soon or there won’t be any wedding at all,” said Soarin to me.

I rolled my eyes and answered, “At least groom will be alive.”

He cracked his special smile at me and whispered, “But don’t you know that groom won’t be alive without bride?”

I quickly blushed and stared at him with wide eyes. He… he… wow. Just wow. “I-I-” I tried to talk but stopped when his smile deepened.

“No need to talk,” said Soarin kindly and I couldn’t do anything but to stare at his beautiful eyes and try to take in all that happen at once.

“OK everypony, now the TRUE romantic part will start!” said Fleetfoot excitedly.

That statement widened Soarin and I’s eyes. I quickly took a look around the room. Most of the ponies were busy talking but other ones had different reactions toward what they were seeing.

Twilight, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy were staring at us with a big grin. They’d leaned in like they wanted to take a closer look. Even Twilight who was angry a minute before was grinning from ear to ear.

As for Rarity, she was looking at us with dreamy eyes. Her usual face whenever she read romance novels or saw a romance movie or scene. Next to her Cloudy had her hoof in front of Gummy’s eyes and was giggling at us. His husband who was next to her, had one of his eyebrows raised for Soarin.

Few meters away from Soarin, Fleetfoot was rubbing her arm that had been punched by Spitfire again. Spitfire who was next to her was giving her a lecture about somepony’s privacy. Well, at least somepony understood my feelings.

But worst of all was the four ponies in front of me. Soarin and I’s parents…

My father was smiling warmly at Soarin who was looking at him with a bit of fear in his eyes. My mom’s eyes was shifting from me to Soarin and from Soarin to me with every single seconds. The thing that was suspicious was that she had a look of doubt on her eyes.

But Soarin’s parents were much different. Her mother was looking at me with sheer kindness and love. I could even swear that there was few tears in her eyes. His father who had an arm around his wife’s shoulder looked calmer and happier than any time before. It looked like before that moment there was a slight sadness in his face that wasn’t much visible but now that I saw his happy face I realized that that sadness was always on his face and I never realized.

Soarin’s brother who was next to them looked very happy for his younger sibling. But aside from all of them, Soarin’s expression was something completely different from all of the ponies there. If somepony saw him for first time, he/she wouldn’t believe that his the 19 year old grown up stallion who’s gonna end his single life in a month!

He just looked so innocent that you would mistakenly say that his a little colt! His eyes were only shouting
one thing, “I didn’t do anything.” and although I really wanted to hug him so tight, I didn’t do anything but giggling at that cute, innocent face.

But all of those different expression turned to a surprised one and two ponies flew fast through window and landed at the middle of the circle we all made. Those two ponies were none other than Speedy and Hurricane. Both of them had huge grins on their faces.

“EVERYPONY WE HAVE AWESOME NEWS!” exclaimed Hurricane happily.

* * * * *

“I… don’t understand,” I said dumbly.

Speedy hit my head and screamed, “IDIOT, I WAS EXPLAINING IT TO YOU ALL THIS TIME!” Then she grinned again and said, “Hurricane and I are gonna have baby. You’re gonna be aunt!”

I didn’t get it at first. So I thought it over. Hurricane… Speedy… baby… me… aunt… “NO WAY!” I shouted as I realized the true meaning of it.

“FINALLY!” shouted Hurricane. “Come here you idiot!”

I quickly hugged him and smiled happily. That day was awesome! Great! THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE! “Thanks Hurricane. Thanks for saying this to me.”

“Just how could I not say that to my little sister? I knew that you’ll go crazy if I tell anypony else before you so we came here as soon as we saw mom’s note in house telling that you’re here,” explained Hurricane happily.

“Does this mean that we’ll have a party?” said Pinkie as she bounced up and down and grinned from ear to ear.

“No,” answered Twilight. “We still have a lot of planning to do. We can party tomorr- well not tomorrow cause I’m busy but we can next week cause we all are gonna be busy this week.”

“Well I’m afraid I won’t be able to join you,” said Soarin.

“Why? Is somethin’ wrong?” asked Applejack.

He sighed and turned to Spitfire. “First, Spit, yep I accept.” With that Spitfire grinned happily. Then he turned to my friends and me and said, “Second, yes something IS wrong. I have to go to a Wonderbolt tour next week and I won’t be able to party with you guys,” said Soarin.

I took a step back when I heard him. No… this couldn’t happen.

“Why didn’t you say that sooner?” asked Speedy as she saw my horrified and sad face.

“Because I just decided today.” He said with a sad sigh. “Sorry for ruining your happiness.”

Twilight who saw my sad face tapped her chin thoughtfully. “Maybe if we hurry, we’ll get to end planning and party afterward,” she said with a smile.

I tried hard to smile and answered, “Yeah, maybe.”

“Then what are we waiting for?” announced Pinkie happily.

“OK, according to my to-do list, we have three more thing to do. First, assigning bridesmaids and mare and stallion of honor. Second, wedding dresses and the last, invitations. We all help Rainbow and Soarin in choosing bridesmaids and mare and stallion of honor. Then, while Rainbow and Soarin choose their and bridesmaids’ wedding dress, we all make the invitations and finally we plan on how to send them to guests. And done!” explained Twilight.

“So Rainbow, who’s gonna be your mare of honor?” asked Fluttershy with her soft voice.

“Hmm… hey Speedy, you wanna be my mare of honor?” I asked her with a smile.

“Wha… why me? I thought your gonna choose one of your best friends. You do know that mare of honor is the closest mare to bride right?” asked Speedy with a surprised tone.

“Of course I know. My reason is that you’re like me. You were stuck in this arranged marriage thingy like me. Also, you were the one who was with me like a sister and talked with me about this. If you weren’t there, I wouldn’t ever say yes to this,” I said with a smile.

“If that’s the reason you’re asking me, then I have to say that you’re choosing the wrong pony,” said Speedy as she lowered her head. “I… had to say those things. Don’t ask why. I just had to. I think you’d better choose another pony.”

What… did she mean? My mom didn’t force her to say those things, did she? I quickly looked at mom.

As if she read my mind, she shook her head and said, “No Rainbow, I’d never force this neither to you or Speedy.”

I was about to turn my head back to Speedy when a scene caught my eyes. It was Soarin who looked nervous and tried to hide himself among crowd. Why did he seem nervous? This wasn’t even about him… I just shrugged and looked at Speedy.

“Speedy even if you didn’t say those, to me, you’re the sister I’d never had. They were times when I needed somepony to be with me so badly and you came to my aid. You were the pony who cried along me whenever I was sad and laughed along me whenever I was happy. You have the right to be my mare of honor. Just like how you chose me among all other ponies to be your mare of honor,” I said with a smile to her.

“Really? Speedy chose ya to be her mare of honor? Ah thought it was Hurricane who did so,” said Applejack.

“Actually, yeah. It’s a long story but yeah I was Speedy’s mare of honor.”

“Oooh, oooh story time!” said Pinkie happily.

“OK, OK, if it doesn’t take a long time, go ahead,” said Twilight impatiently.

“I try my best to say it as fast as I can,” I said with a smile. “It was before Hurricane and Speedy were married. Something like… five years ago. Hurricane had brought Speedy home to show the house to her…”

* * * * *


“OK Speedy, here’s where I live,” said Hurricane with an arm around her fiancée.

“Hello dear,” said Firefly with a smile. “Welcome here.”

“Here’s my mom that you met before and there’s my dad. His working in his garden as always,” said Hurricane as he pointed at his parents. “And finally there’s my… um, mom? Where’s she?”

Firefly smile awkwardly and whispered, “Hurricane, can we talk?”

“Ah, sure,” said Hurricane toward her mother.

She leaned up to his ear and whispered, “Rainbow’s not gonna come down. You know the reason.”

“Oh…” said Hurricane as he thought. “Well… let’s meet my parents more Speedy, huh?”

“That would be a fantastic idea,” responded Speedy politely. “But… I thought you said you have a younger sister. I really want to meet her, can I?” said Speedy with a smile.

Hurricane sighed. “I don’t think you’ll meet her today.”

“At least, can I search the house?”

“Of course you can! Do you want me to come along?” said Hurricane with a smile.

“No, thank you. I think it’d be more… thrilling if I do it on my own,” said Speedy.

“Well OK if you say so.”

Speedy grinned and started to go upstairs. She exactly knew where to go. The second room in right, where a certain rainbow maned mare was hiding herself from her.


Rainbow Dash pulled the blanket over her head and snuggled up under it. She wasn’t in a good mood. She wasn’t in a good mood AT ALL! She wanted to cry so badly but at the same time, she didn’t want to ruin her reputation. Even to herself!

Her trails of thought was interrupted when she heard somepony knocking on the door. ‘Who the hell is that?’ thought Rainbow. A few seconds later, door of her room opened slowly and somepony stepped in. Rainbow didn’t even bother to look. All she did was frowning hard under the blanket although she knew nopony can see her.

She was starting to get really annoyed and almost started cursing the pony in her room when she felt a hoof resting on her shoulder. Although the thick blanket was over her but she could feel the warmth of that hoof even from under the blanket.

“Are you awake?” asked a warm and kind voice. Well, at least she was a mare. To answer the mare’s question, Rainbow Dash just growled and turned away. “I understand if you don’t wanna talk but all I wanted was to meet you. I can help you if you’re upset with something,” said the kind voice.

“Who are you? What are you doing in my room?” asked Rainbow with a muffled voice due to being wrapped under the thick fabric.

“I’m Speedy. Speedy Wind but you can call me Speedy. I’m…”

“…my brother’s fiancée.”

“Yes. And I’m here to meet you. Hurricane had said a lot about you and I couldn’t wait to meet you.”


“Can you trust me as your sister-in-law and tell me about yourself?” It was Speedy who said that after some seconds of silence in the room.

“Can you please leave me alone? I have a lot of troubles. Meeting such an unimportant pony doesn’t have a place in them,” said the rainbow maned mare with a shaky voice that showed the sorrow its owner carried.

Speedy smiled warmly at her although she knew that the young mare under the blanket couldn’t see it. “I agree that I’m unimportant for you but maybe, just maybe, I can help you. Huh?”

This time, the blanket that was over Rainbow Dash was lifted by herself. She sat up and glared at the other mare. If it were anypony else, they would be very scared of the messy and very angry mare in front of them but instead, Speedy bit her lip to provide herself from laughing.

That was what made the young mare angrier than what she already was and it probably was the same reason she started shouting angrily afterward. “WHAT DO YOU WANNA HELP ME WITH?” shouted Rainbow angrily. “I’m sure you can’t help. Who can help a poor pony who’s terrible at physics? Who’s gonna prevent my teacher from talking to my mom… WHO?” This time, Rainbow couldn’t contain herself and burst in tears.

“You got bad scores at physics, right?” asked Speedy with a calm voice and a friendly smile.

Speedy’s relaxed tone made Rainbow to look up and stop crying. “Bad scores? They’re terrible!” said Rainbow with a somewhat angry tone. Then she lowered her head and continued with a sniffle, “They even told me to bring my parents to school. I’m so unfortunate…”

“You shouldn’t call yourself unfortunate. You know you aren’t. You know who’s unfortunate?”


“A mare who has to marry at the age of sixteen,” said Speedy with a sigh.

“That kind of mare doesn’t exist at all.”

Speedy smiled sadly at her and replied, “You’re seeing on in front of you.”

Rainbow’s eyes went wide. Such thing was impossible for her! She’d saw a lot of sixteen year old girls at her school and she knew they care about anything but marriage! “You… you’re… SIXTEEN?”

“Yep, I am!”

“Wow… THAT’S AWESOME!” said Rainbow excitedly but her expression turned to a sad one slowly. “But it’s kinda scary. I don’t wanna marry at the age of sixteen. Why do you have to marry this soon anyway?”

“My… my family doesn’t have enough money. They can’t spend their money for an extra member. I had only two options, marrying somepony or finding a job. I wanted to continue studying so I chose marriage,” said Speedy with a sad smile. The sad smile slowly turned to a happy one then to a grin. “So since I’m a student like you and since I’m good at physics, I can help you!”

Rainbow quickly perked up as she heard that. “Really? You can? Cause I have physics exam tomorrow.”

“Then what are we waiting for? We have a lot to study,” said Cloudy with a grin toward Rainbow. “And don’t worry about showing your score to your mom. I can fix it for you.”

Rainbow squealed excitedly and hugged speedy tight. “THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOOOOOOOOOU! YOU’RE THE BEST SISTER EVEEER!” said Rainbow with a huge grin.

“But I’m not your sister,” said Speedy as she hugged the excited rainbow maned mare back.

“You’re gonna be from now,” said Rainbow happily.

“You know what?” asked Speedy as she thought about something with a smile.


“THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!” said Speedy happily and excitedly.


* * * * *

“After that, Speedy was exactly like my big sister so she chose me as her mare of honor. That way, she showed her family that they didn’t care for her so she doesn’t care for them and also, she showed that how much she cares for me,” I finished the story with a smile. “Then don’t you guys think she deserves to be my mare of honor?”

“Awww! Of course she does!” said Pinkie with a smile.

“Then it’s settled! Speedy, you’re the mare of honor and bride’s maids are…” said Twilight as she wrote something on her clip board.

“You girls. All of you,”

“Except from me of course. I wanna be the one who says the wedding vows!” said Twilight excitedly. “And flower fillies?”

“Hmmm… how about gummy and Scootaloo. Gummy will be too adorable and I’m sure Scootaloo will just love to have a part in my wedding.”

“OK… that’s it! What about you Soarin?” said Twilight as she looked at Soarin.

Soarin tapped his chin and answered, “Cloudy for the best mare and choose the others on your own.”

“What do you mean choose-”

“And done. Now let’s decide on your dress darling,” said Rarity quickly to Rainbow. “And after Rainbow’s work is done, we’ll decide on Soarin’s so, quick, quick.” I followed Rarity as she walked to a room quickly. My friends were behind us and tried to catch up with us as quick as they could.

“Hey Rarity… Rares…” I said as I ran after her.

She looked back at me and answered, “Yes darling?”

“I… gotta… talk to you… now,” I said as I panted heavily. “Jeez girl, slow down a bit.”

“Sorry darling but we don’t have much time. Anyways…” said Rarity as she looked to her left and right to make sure nopony was looking at her. “… Is that THAT kind of talks?” asked Rarity with sparkling eyes.

I chuckled at her face. “Yep it is.”

“I’m sure it’ll be special this time…” muttered Rarity with a smirk.

“Uh… what did you say?” I asked although I heard her clear.

“Oh, nothing important darling. Let’s go, let’s go! Now it looks like we have double work to do!” said Rarity with a wink to me.

I rolled my eyes and responded, “Whatever.”

“Rainbow, darling, I have a great idea for you. How about we talk about this… issue before girls enter.”

I raised an eyebrow at her. “Yeah… sure. Just… is it me dreaming or is that you seeming eager than before?”

“Let’s say that I just love this type of talking,” said Rarity as she flipped her mane over her shoulder. She seemed suspicious. VERY suspicious…

“OK, where do we-” I began but quickly shut my mouth as I heard Rarity talking with big stars in her stars.

“Oh darling, first you answer me. Isn’t he the most gorgeous and loveliest and the most handsome and the most attractive stallion EVER?” said Rarity with a huge grin. Her hoof was pointing to a stallion obviously. But what was important was the stallion she was pointing at.

And there was it… I slowly turned my head and followed the direction her hoof was pointing to.



In a less than a second, a volcano erupted at me. I panted and turned back to Rarity angrily. Next sound in the room was nothing other than my angry voice that boomed through the room like a huge bomb.


“RAINBOW DASH, END IT!” shouted Twilight from doorway. “Rarity, I didn’t expect that from you! I thought you were just joking when you said that. I thought that everything ended at the night Soarin and Rainbow were engaged,” said Twilight to Rarity with a frown. Then she turned to Rainbow with the same frown. “And you Rainbow, even though Rarity did something wrong like that, you shouldn’t shout at your friend like that.”

All I did was huffing. I knew, I knew, I shouldn’t do that but… THAT WAS JUST SO… SO…UGGGGGGH!

Among all my friends who were standing there and waiting for a respond from Rarity, it was Rarity herself that was staring at the space in front of her with wide eyes and dropped jaw. Few seconds later, she perked up and grinned bigger than Pinkie Pie when she was eating a whole cupcake stack.

“I DID IT! I DID IT! I DID IT RAINBOW DASSSSSSSH!” shouted Rarity very, very, VERY, excitedly.


Rarity laughed happily and answered, “No you silly filly. Well looks like none of you girls had figured it out.
Great, I might be a great actor one day!”

“Spit it out Rares,” said Applejack with a glare to her.

“Fillies and… well, just fillies, I the great and amazing and of course beautiful and let’s don’t forget super smart, fooled every single one of you. Especially you Rainbow,” said Rarity with bit of pride and excitement in her tone.

“But… how?” asked Fluttershy softly.

“Easy dear. First of all, Rainbow Dash I want you to calm down and listen to me. Second, here’s what I did. It was very simple yet, very smart and of course risk taking but fortunately it worked properly. If all of you remember, I was saying that Soarin’s very handsome and good-looking the night Rainbow and him were engaged but as Rainbow told me that night, I forgot everything about it. Now let’s tell you a little bit of what I’ve been doing. Tell me Rainbow dear, do you remember Cloudy’s welcome-back-home party and the first time I told you how gorgeous Soarin is? Now, can you tell me what your answer was?”

“I guess I said ‘Yeah, he is. And I already know’ or something. Oh, and I also heard you saying, ‘Still no. But we’ll see Rainbow’!” I said as I remembered the memories of the party.

“NO YOU DIDN’T HEARD ME!” said Rarity in a surprised tone.

“Yes I did.”

“Well, let me explain it to you. When I asked you about that, I didn’t mean to show that I have feelings for him I mean, who can be this idiot to go and tell somepony’s fiancée that she thinks her stallion is lovely and she loves him? Well of course no normal pony does that but unfortunately none of you realized. That night all I wanted to know was Rainbow’s feelings toward Soarin.”

“But how?” asked Twilight in a much calmer and a rather curious tone.

“She said that she does think he’s handsome but she said that in a complete indifferent way. That showed that there wasn’t any special feelings in her. Later that night Rainbow came to me and-” Rarity was interrupted by a pink hoof that covered her mouth.

The owner of hoof quickly whisper-shouted, “You Pinkie promised!”

“Let her go Pinks. It’s OK.”

“Okie, dokie!” said Pinkie with a smile.

“By the way Pinkie, how did ya know that Rarity Pinkie promised Rainbow?” asked Applejack.

“Duh! It wouldn’t be a PINKIE promise if I don’t know it!”

“Forget that,” said Applejack with a confused look.

“Now back to subject,” exclaimed Rarity. “Later that night, when Rainbow told me how she feels about him, I was sure she has a crush on him. My predicts about her might have gone a little wrong but by the way, only a lover can know what’s happening in her heart! Now Rainbow, the second time I asked you the same question was at your own birthday party. Mind telling girls what did you say as answer?”

This time I blushed. Saying that out loud WAS kinda embarrassing. Especially in front of my friends. “Well… uh… I… I said, ‘Of course he is. There’s no stallion more handsome and good-looking than him in the world’,” I said with a big blush.

“And not only that, but she also said that in a dreamy tone! So to me, it was visible that this feeling can’t be just a simple crush. As I told Rainbow later that night, that feeling actually is-”

“Dashiefection or dashtuck,” said Pinkie with a huge grin.

“Excuse me?” said Twilight with a confused look.

“ACTUALLY, I told Rainbow that this feeling names affection. However, as we all saw today, when I asked that question today, Rainbow gone very angry and shouted loudly. I don’t think we have to repeat them cause we all heard it,” Rarity gazed at me with a smile and started her speech again. “Rainbow, you told me that you wanna talk to me and of course you wanted to talk about your love life. By the things I saw these times, now I can officially announce that we have the first mare who’d fallen in love, Rainbow Dash!”

My friends all cheered for me and congratulated me. They all seemed very happy that this had happen to me. “But… how Rarity? All I did was shouting at you while I said those words in a dreamy tone last time.”

“Darling, you’ve gotta know. A mare who’s in love never wants any other mare to have feelings on him. She wants her stallion to be only hers. When you shouted, you showed me how angry you are at the sight of a mare loving your stallion. That was enough reason to me to tell you that you love him.”


But then… what about my heart?


I had to listen to it first. It helped me all this time so it would be the same that time too.



My heart told me nothing. Did that mean that I don’t know? Well… maybe…

“No,” I said sternly.

“What darling?” asked Rarity with confused face.

“Look Rarity, I understand that you did all that just for me and I’m thankful but you’re wrong. I’m not in love with Soarin,” I explained to her. And I was sure that I’m right.

“But I think Rarity’s right,” said Twilight. “Rainbow, don’t you get sad when you think that Soarin’s gotta go to trip soon?”

With that, I quickly landed and stared at floor. She was right. Even thinking about that made me want to cry. And the worst thing was that Wonderbolts tour occasionally took a month or some. How… just how I could I wait this long?

Yeah, I may have not love him but that didn’t mean that him going away from me even for a short time like a month, didn’t made me sad. Actually, it filled me with an unbelievable sorrow that I’d never experienced before.

“I… do but that doesn’t approve anything,” I said.

“Just face the fact sugar cube,” answered Applejack.

“What fact? I don’t think that I love him and I’m sure,” I said confidently.


“And that’s it, I’m not gonna listen to anything else,” I said.

Rarity sighed. “OK, darling. Now let’s start working on the wedding dress-”

“-which you’ll be doing on your own,” I said quickly before hovering in the air. I never wanted to do it. All I wanted to was talking to Rarity which I did so my role here had end.

However, Rarity didn’t seem very happy with my decision. She was narrowing her eyes and glaring at me. Oops! I quickly flew to window and flew out of it cause according to my calculation Rarity would burst in three… two… one…


CH 30-The Bittersweet Last Week

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“You sure you wanna stay here honey?” asked my mom.

“For the millionth time, yes mom,” I said with a roll of eyes. My expression changed to happy one as I looked at Soarin. “Soarin can’t fly. He needs somepony to look after him.”

My mom looked at me with one of her special smiles. The kind of smiles that showed how proud she is. She hugged me tight and I returned her embrace. “I’m so happy that you finally found a stallion to love. See? It wasn’t as hard as you made it sound,” She whispered into my ear. “But be careful. I can’t help but feel that something isn’t right.”

“What is not right? Is everything OK?” I asked with a worried tone.

“Yes, yes, everything is perfect. But, it’s just that... With Soarin being a famous Wonderbolt and all, I can't help but get a little suspicious. I mean, from the beginning, I felt that everything is somehow... planned before. Not every day a celebrity proposes to a regular girl you know. AND, believe it or not, but the night his family and he came to our house, he seemed very eager to see you. Also, he seemed very determine about marrying you,” explained my mother.

Those… were certainly new. AND interesting. Was Soarin really excited to see me? Wow, but why? I mean, it wasn’t like we’ve been in a relationship before and planned this together. Soarin couldn’t have been in love for me before this…

Or was he? I mean… I searched almost everywhere to find that mare that Soarin used to love until he told me to stop doing so. All this time, I’ve been looking for another mare but I never thought that that mysterious mare could be me…


That’s crazy. And impossible. Soarin couldn’t have seen me before. I hadn’t talk to him except for that time I asked him for autograph. But beside that, no. I’d never talked to him before we got engaged.

“Come on mom, it’s not suspicious. He’s a Wonderbolt because he’s Hurricane’s friend. By the way, Hurricane was the one who suggested Soarin to us. And the reason of his excitement was probably meeting such an awesome and cool girl,” I said with a confident smile.

My mom chuckled and kissed my forehead. “But I think that the reason of his excitement was that he couldn’t wait till he could see this beautiful angle.” I blushed. Not only because of what my mother said, but also because of the phrase. It was very familiar to me… well it made me feel MUCH better when Soarin said it. My mom's face went back to a serious one and she continued, “However, Soarin is still a stallion, just like other stallions. Be very careful Rainbow. I don't want any... extra pony to pop up."

Extra pony? Extra... pony... extra... EXTRA PONY! I quickly blushed the minute I understood the meaning behind what my mom said. "MOM! WHAT DID YOU THINK OF ME?" I shouted with an embarrassed tone.

"I know you honey, but I know stallions too!" said my mom quickly. "Ugh! Forget it. Just know that Rarity told me that your wedding dress would be ready tomorrow so she’ll come for last measurements. I’ll pack the items in your room and your father will take it here. We’ll see you later Rainbow. Take care of yourself and Soarin. Well… for now, bye honey,”

I smiled and hugged her tight. I’d definitely miss her a lot. “Bye mom,” I whispered.

"Bye my dear. Don't forget what I told you," said my mom as she shook her hoof to me and became a little dot in the horizon.

“I really like your mom and dad,” said a voice behind me.

“Ahhh!” I yelped in surprise.

“What?” asked Soarin with a raised eyebrow.

“Nothi- wait a second… how did you get here?” I asked with narrowed eyes.

“Well… I…” stuttered Soarin.

“Wait… you didn’t fly down here did you?” I asked with wide eyes.

“I… might?”

“Soarin, flying's not good for your wings. You should have stayed up there.” I said with crossed arms.

“But you never said so,” said Soarin with the same innocence as little colts.

I couldn't help but smile at his face. He grinned when he saw me smiling. I quickly frowned again at him cause he still had the guilt of flying. In return, he quickly lowered his head and put that innocent face again. This time, I rolled my eyes and giggled. He looked up and saw me giggling at him. He smiled and hugged me. “I wanna hug you forever when you giggle like that. You look really kind and cute with that smile,” said Soarin softly.

I giggled again and nuzzled him. And blush… well recently it was on my face each minute so it wasn’t anything new when I blushed. “Thanks,” I whispered.

“So… you’re gonna be the mare of the house for this week right?” asked Soarin. I looked at him and nodded with a big grin. Even thinking of it made me excited. “Then what do we have for lunch mare of house?” asked Soarin with a smile.

“Takeout,” I said simply.

“What a lovely choice miss chef,” said Soarin sarcastically.

“Yes, of course. And don’t look at me that way. Blame your very full fridge. Seriously, all I found in that huge house was just some hot chocolate powder. I can make that if you want?”

“No, thanks. Takeout is fine with me," said Soarin with a chuckle. "Here, come after me.”


“Aren’t you feeling hungry?”

“Of course! I’m starving.”

“Then follow me.”

I ran after Soarin who was walking to somewhere I didn’t know. “Where are we going? Have you considered that you have to walk all the way to that place? Do you know that we’re out of town and it’ll take a long time to get into town right?”

Soarin chuckled. “One by one girl. First, we’re going to a second date how about it? Second, yes of course I know that I have to walk all the way and third, it may look it’s long to you and other ponies but in fact…” said Soarin as he pushed a branch full of green leaves away from our view. “…I don’t think so.”

“Wha…” I stared at the scene before myself with wide eyes. But… that meant that from there, the way to Ponyville was only a five minute slow walk. “COME ON!” I shouted almost angrily.

“What’s wrong?” asked Soarin.

“You could have told me this sooner to me and I didn’t have to fly all that way to Twilight’s library,” I said as I crossed my arms and pouted.

Soarin laughed and put his arms around me. “Let’s get going lazy missy.”

I lightened up again and chuckled as I started to walk along him. “Umm… won’t you say no if I ask you a question?” I asked.

He stared at me with one of those strange looks and answered, “Ask as much as you can… but before you say anything, I won’t answer any question about that mysterious mare that had filled your mind.”

“No. My question is that… what was in that room that’s next to the room you… we were sleeping at?” I asked. “I don’t want to pry but I just saw you come out of that room last night and been wondering what’s there?”

“So you’re confessing that you were awake when I entered the room huh?” asked Soarin with a smirk.

“What? No, I was... I was… Okay, fine, I was. But I fell asleep when you slept next to me.”

“So… you didn’t hear anything, right?” said Soarin with a nervousness that suddenly appeared on his face.

“Hear anything? No, was there any sound?”

“Sound? No. Of course there wasn’t,” answered Soarin somewhat nervously.

“Okay…” I said with doubt. Something seemed wrong here but I just shrugged it off and let it go. “But don’t you think that I didn't realized you changed the subject. You still gotta answer me.”

Soarin chuckled. “Sorry but I can’t answer this one now but I promise I’ll tell you everything after we got married.”

“Pinkie promise?”


“Nothing, forget it. But remember that you promised.”

“Yes ma’am!” said Soarin with a comical salute. We both chuckled and continued walking. For rest of the way, we talked about different things until I blinked and saw myself sitting on a table with Soarin.

“Wait… how did we get here?” I asked with a shocked expression.

“I guess you were so busy talking about your friends that you forgot when we got here,” said Soarin with a voice filled of laughter.

“Oh…” I said with an awkward smile. Few seconds passed with a silence that took over us but that was quickly broken when somepony said something.

“Heeeey! Look who’s here!” called a stallion as he walked up to our table. “Hey Soar!”

Soarin grinned as he saw the stallion. “Hey, Sparking Tail! Long time no see!”

“Says the stallion who became famous and forget about old friends,” said Sparking Tail as he stood beside our table. “Wait a second… I presume this lovely lady is just a friend of yours right?” he said with a hopeful voice as he noticed me sitting next to Soarin.

Soarin chuckled. “Sorry Spark. She’s taken.”

“HOPEFULLY, you’re not the one that had taken her.”

This time, Soarin’s chuckle turned to a laugh as he explained, “Actually, she’s my fiancée.”

Sparking Tail sighed sadly. “Yeah, I never get a good chance at romance. Anyways, don’t you want to introduce this lovely lady of yours to me?”

“Yeah, sure. This is Rainbow Dash, my fiancée. Rainbow, this is Sparking Tail, one of my best friends when I was a little colt,” said Soarin with a smile. "He works here as manager, chef and waiter."

"All three of them?" I asked with wide eyes.

"Yep. Sometimes, I'm in mood of cooking so I cook. Sometimes I'm in mood of talking to others so I take the orders and whenever I wanna be alone, I play my role as manager," said Sparking Tail. I looked at the pony in front of me. He had a dark grin skin and flashy yellow mane. Very flashy… Nope. He more seemed like a goofball than a waiter, chef AND manager of a huge restaurant like this.

“However, I’ve seem to seen you with your teammates and Ms. Dash before.”

“Yep, you’re right. I was here with them to celebrate my engagement,” said Soarin to Sparking Tail. It was after I heard his statement that I looked up and finally realized where did Soarin took me. It was that famous restaurant that Rarity really loved. The one that I went to after I met Wonderbolts!

“Heh, I remember that night clearly. You guys really blown the place with your voice and I could do nothing but to play that song for you. But on the other hoof, that helped me a lot. I felt lonely that day so I stayed on my office almost all day but that song, literally made me grin from ear to ear,” said Sparking Tail with a chuckle. “Enough chatting, are you two ready to order?”

“Yep. I'll take the usual,” said Soarin seriously. Wow… he never said he came here regularly.

“And since when you have usual? It’s not like you come here often,” said Sparking with a flat face.

Soarin grinned and answered, “Well, that’s the point.” I giggled but all Sparking did was rolling his eyes. “However, I’ll take a pizza, a soda and apple pie!”

“And you ma’am?” asked Sparking Tail as he wrote Soarin’s order down.

“I’ll have the same.”

“Okay. Be ready soon!” said Sparking Tail as he walked away.

For some minutes, we went silent so I took some time to look at the decorations. Nope, it still looked like a place for teenagers rather than a fancy restaurant. Few minutes later, the food was on the table. Wow! quick. Soarin grinned as Sparking placed the pizza and soda on the table. He looked at me with that big grin and said, “Let’s dig in!”

And before waiting for my answer, he dug in… he literally dug in. I just smiled and shrugged before digging in. Literally…

CH 31-The Bittersweet Last Day

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“Ugh…Soarin…I…can’t…move…anymore,” I said between my panting. I really couldn’t. After eating a whole pizza and a whole pie, nopony would move easily. And I was no exception but Soarin did seem to be an exception cause he was trotting happily and he had eaten exactly what I ate.

‘Idiot he is a stallion. You’re a mare. Of course he wouldn't feel as full as you,’ said a voice in my head. But no matter a mare or a stallion. It’s almost impossible to move right after you finished such a heavy meal.

“Come on lazy filly, is that how you wanna become a Wonderbolt?” said Soarin happily.

“Where did you get that energy?” I said with disbelief.

“Then what was that pie and pizza we ate for?” said Soarin with a grin.

I stopped walking and pouted at Soarin. “But I can’t fly or walk anymore.”

“Come on. We’re only a little away from home. You’ll be there before you blink,” he said to me but all he received in return was a very cute pout from me. “Looks like somepony needs a hug,” said Soarin with a smirk.

"Wait, wha..." Suddenly, he jumped forward and grabbed me. At less than three seconds, we were flying straight to home while I was at Soarin's arms. I couldn’t do or say anything but gasp. I readied myself for a fall cause I was pretty sure that with a broken wing like Soarin's, we would fall sooner or later.

Fortunately or unfortunately, this moment never came and to my disbelief, when I opened my eyes, I saw Soarin placing me at doorway with a smile. "How... did you fly all that way? Didn't your wings hurt?"

"Um... no. Actually, I gotta thank the potion Twilight gave me when you and your friend, Rarity were planning on the wedding dress. She said that she found a potion that could heal my wings within an hour," explained Soarin.

"So... does this mean that you can fly freely now?" I asked with disbelief.

"Yep," said Soarin as he nodded happily.

"Oh... good," I said with an awkward chuckle. I didn't know why, but I kinda didn't like to see Soarin's wings getting better so soon. Probably because I thought that this means that he would leave me sooner.

"I... thought you'd be happy to know that you don't have to take care of me anymore," said Soarin.

"What? Nonono! It would be a pleasure for me to take care of you," I said. Wait, WHAT? "I... I mean that I have to cause by the way, we're gonna live together you know," I corrected myself quickly.

A small frown appeared on Soarin's face but it was quickly vanished and he sighed sadly. "Yeah, I guess you're right," was all he said to me. It looked like he didn't like what I said.

'Of course he didn't, you idiot. With saying that, you showed him that your affection was completely fake,' said the voice of my mind. And that voice was completely right.

'Rainbow, you know that all you did for him was just because of your affection to him,' continued voice of my heart.

"Um... Soarin, I've gotta confess something," I said with a shaky voice. Soarin turned to me quickly and looked at me. A look that was saying, 'what?'. "What I did back when you were unconscious was just because that... that..." No. I couldn't. It was hard. Really hard. So hard that even I, the great Rainbow Dash couldn't do it...

Wait a second... there was nothing, exactly nothing that I couldn't do. Nothing. In clouding this.

I sighed and continued, "I did that because you were so important to me that I couldn't see you in a condition like that," I said as I felt tears welling up in my eyes. Don't cry. No, strong, awesome mares don't cry. "I was so scared of losing you that I didn't think of anything else. If anything happened to you I would have never stop blaming myself for it. Cause if I didn't act like an idiot, egotistical mare when you tried to explain, nothing would have happened to you," I said with a very shaky voice. I was trying my hardest to don't cry but after struggling so much, a tear drop finally fell from my eyes.

Soarin, however, was watching and listening to me all the time and when he saw that tear drop falling from my eyes, he didn't stop himself anymore and quickly wrapped his arms around me. There, at his warm and comforting embrace, I couldn't help but feel happier more than ever before. It was as if there wasn’t ever any tears in my eyes. Suddenly, all of them washed away and all that was left was happiness that filled me.

“Let’s go inside,” I said with my head on his chest.

Soarin smiled at me and pulled away from me. He put his wing around my back and answered, “Yeah, let’s go in.”

We both stepped inside still next to each other and with Soarin’s wings wrapped around me. A big smile was plastered on our face and I was sure that just as I, Soarin’s heart was filled with happiness and peace.

But that happiness and peace didn’t last too long as phone rang. “Phone’s ringing. Will you answer?” I asked Soarin. Had I known what a pain it would bring with it I would’ve never EVER said that.

“Yep sure,” said Soarin with a smile. He picked it up and answered, “Hello?... oh hey!... Yeah sure… okay go ahead… oh… I-I guess. Can’t you change it?... fine, I’ll see what can I do… fine, fine, I’m still in. Thanks for telling me anyway… bye, see you.”

“Who was it?” I asked as Soarin put the phone back at its place.

A small frown was on Soarin’s face and his reflected something like… sadness. “Spitfire,” he answered.

“What did she say?”

“She said… nothing.”

“And was that ‘nothing’ that took you three minutes?”

He sighed and stared at me. “I’m sorry that I gotta tell this to you but you asked for it,” he began. “She told me about the tour. She said that since my wings are okay again, we’ll depart sooner.”

“Sooner? How much sooner? An hour? A day?” I asked while hoping that it wouldn’t be more than these.

“Tomorrow actually,” he replied with a sigh.

“What?” I whispered.

“I’m sorry,” he said with a sad expression. Suddenly he lifted his head up again and stared at me with a flicker of hope in his eyes. “But… I wouldn’t go if you don’t want me to. Do you let me go?”

‘No,’ I said at my mind but only at there. I couldn’t say that out loud. He needed to go. It wasn’t something that I could decide for. As much as I loved him to be around, it wasn’t possible. And that filled my heart with a very big sadness. “Yes,” I whispered with a smile to him. I really tried to make my smile a friendly one but to myself it more looked like a sad smile that showed my real answer.

Soarin stared at my eyes for a few more seconds, then he smiled back answered, “Well… thanks. I guess?”

“You’ll need help packing things don’t you?” I asked as I tried to change the subject. “I’ll help you in it.”

“Thanks,” he replied with a happier smile to me. A little happier than last one at least. “My stuff are there.” He walked and led me to the room I… WE slept in. Then he opened the closet and showed me the things he wanted.

I sighed and tried to cheer up or at least look happy. I couldn’t be selfish. It was his job and I knew better than anypony else that he needed to go to this tour to complete his practice for this year. I couldn’t stop him from going there. That meant stopping him from doing all of the things he practiced through a year. All of the stunts under the hot sunlight and cold snow and any other bad condition.

So instead of wishing that he would stay, I had to show that I’m happy and satisfied with this trip. It was only in that way that Soarin wouldn’t feel bad about this. I knew that it was going to be hard. Really tough. And once again, it was time to bring out my tough spirit and use it. All I could hope for was that this separation don’t turn out to be really hard. So hard that it would break my tough spirit.

“Well, we’re finally done,” said Soarin as he closed his saddle bag and placed it somewhere near the entrance of the room.

“Yeah, finally,” I answered tiredly. We’d been working since afternoon and for almost two hours. It was sunset time already!

“Wow!” said Soarin suddenly. “The sunset’s wonderful. I’m gonna go and watch it. Wanna come?”

“Yeah, sure.” We walked through the doors and flew down to the bay to see the sunset. It wasn’t going to be a big deal anyway. All of the sunsets were mostly the same. Sky turns orange, then purple and then it ends. It would be no difference there too. But I couldn’t ever be more wrong than that.

The scene before my eyes was something completely beyond words. It was incredible. Magnificent. Extraordinary. Just… wonderful. You needed all of the good adjectives in the world to describe it.

Sun was right above the horizon, where sky and water of the bay united. With every passing second, sun was getting closer to the line. Sky was filled of colors. Orange, red, yellow…it was a rainbow itself! And reflect of it in the water made it 20%... no, 100% cooler and more beautiful. Soarin was right when he said that it’s beautiful.

“Wow…” I whispered with shock.

“Yeah, wow would be good to describe it but don’t. If try to describe it, you’ll go crazy. You can’t find anything that fits this,” answered with a smile. His eyes were glued to the scene and couldn’t look anywhere else.

“There can’t be anything of any kind more beautiful than this,” I said happily.

“But you’re wrong. There IS something, or rather, somepony that is more beautiful than this,” replied Soarin with a sweet smile.

“Really? Who?” I asked as I looked at him. He finally let his eyes lay on something other than the sunset scene and turned to me. A special kind of smile formed on his lips. He said nothing. He just kept staring at me with that smile. His eyes were shouting an emotion. A strange one. I wasn’t sure but I knew something for certain. That feeling in his eyes was as the same as the one that was laying underneath his smile.

Finally he sighed happily and took his eyes away from me. “You’ll find out one day,” he said with a smile. “For now, let’s just go and sit. You don’t wanna miss this scene do you?”

“Sure not,” I said and walked up to the place he pointed, right beside him, on the sands.

A small, tired smile formed on my face as I watched the sunset along with my fiancé. Ah! I had a real rough day. All of those together caused me to get really exhausted. That was why suddenly a yawn escaped my mouth.

True, the sunset was beautiful but I just couldn’t stay awake another minute. Also, if I wanted to watch it till the sun completely fades on the horizon, I would need to wait a good ten minutes or see which was impossible for me. All I needed at that moment was a good pillow and nothing else.

Another yawn escaped my mouth and made opening my eyes harder than a minute ago. I really needed something to sleep on. I turned my lazy, tired eyes to see if there was any stone or something like that when they caught something much better than that.

Ponies always say that sleeping at two places give you a wonderful feeling. First at your parents embrace and second at shoulder of your love. I didn’t care if Soarin wasn’t my love or how cheesy it might have sounded, all I needed was a shoulder to sleep on. That was why with another yawn and a sigh afterwards, I slowly rested my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes that were burning from lack of sleep.

Before my complete black out, I just felt Soarin’s head shifting toward me. Then few seconds later I felt a pair of warm hooves wrapped around me and I smiled as I let my dreams take over the real world…

CH 32- When You're Not With Me...

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Soarin’s P.O.V.

Soft sound of snoring was all over my ear. No wonder cause the cute mare who was making it was right next to me. Her head was on my shoulder and my arms were around her. She was smiling and snoring while she was dreaming.

I sighed happily and kissed her forehead softly. She smiled happily in her sleep and continued snoring. Once again, all I could do was kissing her. If I were sure that she loves me back, not only would I do this, but also give her the entire world. Bad thing was that I wasn’t sure of her feelings.

That was the exact reason I was leaving her behind her. I hadn’t lost my mind to leave her for a whole month especially before my own wedding. I could easily take a whole month off just because it was my wedding. Spitfire couldn’t deny because it was written in the Wonderbolt’s rule book. But I needed to complete this task I’d started.

“Soarin…” moaned Rainbow in her sleep.

“Yes my love,” I said uncontrollably. My eyes quickly went wide as I realized what I had blurted out. Fortunately Rainbow was asleep and didn’t heard anything. Well, perfect! That meant that my mind was tired again. At those times like this, I blurted out the things that I shouldn’t. It’s only cure was a good, long sleep.

I yawned and looked at the mare beside me then, I stared at her closed eyes. All of the stuff we did today made me tired too. A good sleep helped me to wake up early in the morning and fresh up.

I opened one of my hooves that was around Rainbow and wrapped it around her legs. Then I lifted her up from ground as I opened my wings to fly to home. I carried her all the way to the house and to the room we slept in last night. I placed her on bed and lay next to her. Then I hugged her like last night and let myself enter the beautiful world Rainbow had few minutes ago.

* * * * *

Rainbow’s P.O.V.

There are many thing that can make somepony sad. Voice of crying, seeing other ponies in bad conditions, seeing one of the loved ones in a bad sickness any many other things.

But me… there was only one thing and one minute that made me feel like I’m carrying a huge load of sadness. And it was when clock rang early in the morning. It really was idiotic but it was as if I had the entire world’s sadness on my shoulders. My head felt so heavy from the endless thoughts and of course, the pressure that was on me. Therefore, the minute I opened my eyes, all of my bad feelings came back to me. It looked like the only place I could be happy at was the land of my dreams…

However, something that made me feel better was the fact that Soarin had been sleeping with me last night. He woke up the minute he heard the voice of clock. I was awake too but I kept my eyes closed and let him open one of his forehooves around me to turn off the clock.

After he turned it off, I opened my eyes and confronted with his sad eyes. Although there was a lot of sadness there, it was still as wonderful as before… “You woke up?” he asked with a weak smile. “Hey…”

“Hey…” I whispered sadly.

“Rainbow, you sure that you don’t want me to go? Don’t feel guilty. If you really, truly don’t want me to do it, just say it,” he said with worried eyes.

I stared at his eyes but looked away quickly. He was asking it again. And this time, I wanted him to stay more than any other time. This time, dislike other times, I didn’t have much time to think. If I wasted another minute, we would be late for train. I stared at his eyes again.

“Yes, I’m sure. You have t… you can go…” I said with a smile that I tried to be happy. I knew he read the sadness in my eyes. I knew he tasted the bitterness of my smile although I wanted it to be happy. And I saw how the feeling of worriedness and sadness increased in his eyes but I couldn’t answer him any other way. I wanted to be selfless for once.

“Are you su-”

“Yes Soarin. I’m sure,” I answered this time with determination.

He sighed. “Okay. We’d better get ready before it gets any later.” Then he stood up and started picking up his saddle bag. I also stood up and checked myself in the mirror. Since I was in Soarin’s embrace the previous night, my mane hadn’t gone messy and my face was pretty clean too. It was great since I wasn’t about to apply any change on myself.

“I’m ready to go,” I exclaimed after I finished checking myself.

“I’m ready too,” he answered with a sigh. “Let’s go.”

We walked out of the doors and closed it behind ourselves. Then, Soarin took off and I started flying right behind him. Through the whole flight we were quiet and the only sound was the one from our wings. And not only had it helped me, but it made me sad and sadder.

Before I knew, we were at the station. If it weren’t for Soarin, I wouldn’t have even noticed. “We reached the station,” said Soarin.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when he talked. “Huh? What?”

He smiled sadly and said nothing. If we were in normal condition, he would have definitely chuckled happily but at that time… it showed that he was as sad as me if not more. I sighed sadly and hung my head. Nothing would have been the same for an entire month.

“Hey guys!” exclaimed somepony happily and snapped Soarin and I out of our thoughts.

“Oh, hey sis,” muttered Soarin. I looked at him with worried eyes and then to Cloudy who was eying her brother carefully.

She walked up to him and placed her hoof on his shoulder. “I know that asking the question ‘is everything okay?’ is the most idiotic thing I can do right now. Soar, I may still not be sure of your feelings for Rainbow but I do know that since you two have been together for some time, you’re gonna miss her. A lot.” He raised his head quickly and stared at his sister’s eyes, then he sighed sadly and looked away. “C’mon you two! It’s only one month! It’ll end in a single blink. You two will be together before you know it!” said Cloudy as she tried to lighten up the mood a little.

Unfortunately, her little trick didn’t work and made Soarin let out another sad sigh while I bite my lips to stop my tears. I didn’t know why, still not, that why was this happening to me but I just couldn’t stop myself from being sad.

“Are you two really sighing over a month?” said Cloud.

A month… meant four weeks… meant thirty days… 720 hours… 43200 minutes and… 2592000 seconds starting from the second he’d leave. And it was nothing but a terrible situation I was stuck at. “You don’t understand…” I whispered under my breath. It was the only thing I could say as her answer.

“I don’t know…” she replied distressfully.

“AUNTYYYY!” shouted the one and only Gummy as she ran toward me. Seeing her was the only thing that made me smile. I opened my arms and let her hug me tight.

“I swear she loves you even more than her mom!” said Cloudy with a frown. “And yet, you don’t look like the type of ponies who have a good connection with foals.”

“No, I’m not. I’m wondering why she loves me too!” I said with a small smile.

“Aunty is the best and the kindest pony in ALL of Equestria. I love you soooo much aunty,” said Gummy happily and squeezed me even tighter.

My smile widened a little and I hugged her back as I answered, “I love you too little filly.”

“Hmm… you’ll make a good aunt,” said Speedy as she descended. Hurricane was right next to her and was looking at me with a smile.

“Yeah, good for my foal!” stated Hurricane with a smile. I smiled back and stared at the happy couple. Hurricane too was going to leave the one he loved but instead, he was happy. And not only was he going to leave his wife, but also his pregnant wife. “Hey, why so blue sis?” he asked and made me come back to reality.

“Huh? What? I’m not blue,” I said quickly.

“Don’t worry, he’s not going there to die! I’ll look after him personally,” said Hurricane and made everypony laugh. Well, everypony except from Soarin and I. Soarin only smiled sadly and I did the same with a sad sigh.

“If YOU wanna look after him, he’ll definitely die,” said Speedy with a chuckle and made others laugh harder.

“Aren’t wives supposed to be at their husband’s side?” said Hurricane.

“Honey, it’s the truth,” said Speedy. This time, I let out a snicker too. Soarin, also, chuckled a bit.

“Feelin’ better?” whispered Hurricane in my ear with a smile.

“A little,” I answered with a bitter smile.

“Looks like somepony’s so in love that she can’t stand being away from her love even for a second!” said Hurricane with a wink.

“What? No! I’m not in love with anypony,” I said with crossed hooves.

“Then why are you this sad of him leaving you?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.

“I… I don’t know…”

“Trust me sis, it’s the one and only love. The one you were looking for at the first place.”

“Although I’m sure it’s not love, but if you think this is love, it’s so strange…”

“… and heartwarming. You’ll find out one day,” he said as he placed a hoof on my shoulder. “Think about it while he’s away. Being alone helps you figure out your feelings.”

“Maybe…” I mumbled as I thought about what he said. He was right… kinda. But that moment sure wasn’t the right time to think.

“ALL ABOARD! TO THE CLOUDSDALE,” shouted the conductor. It was time to leave. Soarin had to go to Cloudsdale first to meet up with his teammates and then he had to leave the Cloudsdale for his tour. I looked at him with sad eyes but this time, he didn’t notice or if he did, he paid no attention.

“Okay everypony, goodbye,” exclaimed Soarin.

“See you guys soon,” continued Hurricane.

“Bye bye uncle!” exclaimed Gummy happily.

“Take care Soar!” called Cloudy.

“Don’t forget to call,” said Speedy to Hurricane.

The only pony left was me. I try to stop myself from choking with tears, I looked up and stared at his wonderful emerald eyes. It was probably going to be the last time in a long time I saw them. “Goodbye…” I said, although shaky. I tried to smile and hide all of my sadness behind it. It didn’t really looked like a true smile, but at the moment, it was the last thing I could think of.

“Rainbow, can you follow me?” said Soarin. He didn’t wait for my answer. He grabbed my hoof and dragged me along. Once we were away from others, he turned to me and said, “Let it out.”

“L-l-let out w-what?” I stuttered.

“Whatever you’re thinking of. Whatever placed this sadness in your eyes,” answered Soarin.

I opened my mouth to say something in defense but nothing came out. Instead, I felt my eyes filling with tears again. He said let it out didn’t he? Well, I did exactly the same. I burst in tears and throw myself at his arms.

He squirmed but wrapped his arms around me as soon as he felt me in his arms. Few seconds later, he put his cheek on my head and started stroking my mane with one of his hooves. I continued sobbing in his embrace and let all of sadness out.

“I’ll miss you,” I whispered sadly as I tried to not cry anymore.

“I still don’t have to go. I can stay with you and you’ll never miss me again,” he whispered back softly.

I quickly looked up upon hearing that. “No! Nononono! I know most of Wonderbolt rules. If you don’t go to this tour, you won’t receive this year’s salary. I don’t want to make you waste all of the effort you made this year,” I said quickly.

“You’re not making me do anything. I’m doing it all on my own and don’t worry about salary. I have enough money to celebrate the entire wedding on my own and without anypony’s help. This year’s salary won’t help me much,” said Soarin.

“No, you… you have to go…” I said to him.

He smiled bitterly at me. “Am I this awful? Do you hate me this much that you’re making me go away?”

My eyes quickly widened as he spoke. “What? No! Of course no Soarin. I… I have to think. A lot. And you have to do your job. Of course I want you to stay but it’s not possible so let’s live with it.”

“I guess you’re right,” replied Soarin with a sigh. I sighed too and lowered my head.

“Soarin, we’re gonna be late! Hurry up!” called Hurricane. Soarin glanced at his direction for few seconds before turning back to me. Right at the moment I sighed sadly again and a single tear fell from my eyes.

Soarin who saw this, caught the tear as soon as it fell and kissed my face right where the tear drop was. Then he leaned to my ear and whispered, “Don’t you dare cry when I’m away. If you do, I find out very quickly because whenever a tear fell from your beautiful eyes, my heart clutches like somepony’s squeezing it very tight.”

Art by:Moonlightprincess002

A blush appeared on my face as he spoke the words. Did he really thought my eyes were beautiful?

“SOARIN!” shouted Hurricane.

“COMIN’!” shouted back Soarin. Then he turned back to me and stared at my eyes with a smile. “Always know that I’ll miss you too. A lot. I gotta go now.” His smile was a true one but his eyes were filled with sadness. He kissed me lightly on forehead and whispered, “Good bye… my love.” And he quickly flew to the train as he ended the sentences.

What he said literally put my whole body on fire let alone my cheeks. It was as if I was thrown in the fire. I tried to gulp and think of what he said. Did he really, truly said THAT? But… but…

“SOARIN WAIT!” I shouted as I started running after the train but it was too late because the train was nothing but a small dot in the horizon. “No…” I mumbled with disappointment. My eyes filled with tears again. I didn’t even get to say goodbye to him. I didn’t even get to ask him what did he mean of what he said cause if he really meant it not only I wouldn’t let him go to this trip but also no other place.

But it was late. Very late…

Stay with me cause when you’re with me, I can take on the world but once you turn your head away from me, I won’t be able to speak even a word.

CH 33- The Strange Feeling

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Two weeks… two weeks had passed without him by my side. I didn’t even understood how did this much time passed. It was probably because that whole two weeks, I had prisoned myself in my room and only came out when I wanted to eat something. Other times, I only stayed in there doing exactly nothing except from thinking about him all the time.

I just couldn’t do anything without him. Since the time we were engaged, I’ve never been apart from him this long. Even when we argued, I still saw him from time to time. But now he was away and nothing felt the same. The entire world seemed so dark and hopeless and I could do nothing to change it. Well… I could call him but I didn’t have his new number therefore… no. I couldn’t do anything.

‘You’re just trying to hide the truth. You can easily go to Cloudy and ask his new number from her. You know she has it,’ said a voice in my head. That voice was right but… no.

It just felt really awkward to call him after what he called me before his departure. But on the other hand, I couldn’t stand the loneliness I was feeling. UGH! These thoughts made me wanna bump my head on a hard wall and they kept coming every single day.

“Rainbow, guess who’s here?” called my mom.

“Speedy,” I answered nonchalantly.

“How did you know?” asked my mom. I huffed and said nothing. How couldn’t I know it was her when she came there almost every day? “However, she’s not alone. Cloudy’s here too.”

Great! Now the trouble is doubled. From one side, Speedy’s trying to cheer me up and from the other side, Cloudy’s trying to make me forget about Soarin. I just hoped Gummy would be here too. I can pretend that I’m playing with her so my two sister-in-laws would leave me alone… hopefully.

“Aren’t you glad about it?” shouted my mom again. “Now get down here. Your father and I wanna see you too you know.”

I sighed sadly and didn’t reply at all. I knew that my mom and dad are trying their best to get me out of my room but I just couldn’t do it. They wanted me to be happy but how could I be happy without Soarin by my side? I did promised him not to cry but there was no way I could be happy. Most of the ponies around me said that it was love, even my mom. Every time she saw my wrecked face, she shook her head with regret and whispered something like, ‘this girl fall in love too’ or something along these lines. But I personally didn’t think that it was love.

“Heyyyyy! How’s my happy future sister-in-law doing?” Cloudy’s cheerful voice made me snap back to reality and turn to the source of voice.

“Are you teasing me?” I asked with a frown.

“Hmm… let me think… maaaaaybe,” said Cloudy as she pretend like she was thinking. Then she chuckled and said, “C’mon girl. He will come back anyway. Why so blue?”

I sighed and glanced at her. “Haven’t you miss him?”

“I sure did. A lot in fact,” she replied. “Buuut, I’m not so in love like somepony that miss him this much.”

“I’m not in love.”

“Don’t try to deny it. Eventually, you have to admit it to yourself so you’d better accept it and live with it.”

“I can’t live with a lie. I’m telling you ponies, I’m not in love.”

“Instead of getting angry, try to be true to yourself,” said Cloudy with a sigh. “I know what you’re thinking now. You’re thinking that I don’t understand, don’t you?”

I shook my head positively and wondered how did she read my mind? “Yeah, I was exactly thinking about it.”

“Well, I do understand. Believe it or not but I had gone through all of the things you’re experiencing, even worse than what you’re already in. Now, don’t get angry but imagine that you’re in love with Soarin but your mom and dad don’t let you marry him just because his parents are their old enemy. Don’t you think that it’s ridiculous?”

I closed my eyes and tried to imagine it. I frowned quickly and looked at Cloudy angrily. “Of course it’s ridiculous. They can’t decide for my future. I love him and nothing can stop me from being with him!”


“What really?”

“You really love him?”

“CLOUDY!” I said with narrowed eyes. “First, it’s not the time for that and second, weren’t you the one who said imagine it?”

“Fine, whatever,” she said with a roll of eyes. “As I was saying, it was what happened to me long ago. If you imagine the situation again you can see how I was feeling. From one side, I wasn’t sure of my feelings for him and from the other side, my parents were forcing me to marry a pony I didn’t know. My heart was telling not to listen to my parents for once but my mind… it was telling me be wise and be a good filly just like other times.

“The difference between my heart and my mind made me wonder about my life. About the things I always shrugged off and didn’t think about and it led to many sad, sleepless nights but at the end, I learned two very important things. First, I finally found out the strange feeling inside of me and it was none other than love. And second, was the most important life lesson I could learn in all of the years I lived.

“I learned that love doesn’t work with mind. It just can’t work with mind. Of course your heart and mind shouldn’t work together when you wanna decide the important things in your life but it doesn’t work with love or at least not when you wanna know if you’re in love or not. What I’m trying to say is that let your heart make your mind sure that you’re in love then decide what to do with both heart and mind.”

Her short speech made me thinking very hard. Through the time I got engaged to Soarin, I’d heard a lot of advices from different kinds of ponies. My friends, Speedy, Spitfire and etc. But among all of them Cloudy’s seemed better than others. Well, not exactly better but it contained other ponies’ advices and some more. And of course it did. By the way, Cloudy’s love life was more similar to mine than others’.

“I know you’ll accept my advice. It was my own experience but I think it’ll work for you too,” said Cloudy as she put her hoof on my shoulder.

Right at the moment a childish giggle was heard from outside of my room and a little filly ran inside as she screamed, “MOMMY!” She jumped into her mother’s open arms and hugged her tightly.

“Gummy, don’t bother your mother,” said another voice that belonged to a stallion. Few seconds after the voice, its owner who was none other than Cloudy’s husband, entered the room. She smiled at me and greeted me. I returned his smile by a much weaker one. After this, he picked up Gummy and continued what he was saying earlier. “She’s tired after all of the things she did today.”

Cloudy looked at her husband with love-filled eyes and replied, “If you mean cleaning the house, then you must be much more tired than what I am.”

He returned her smiled lovingly and wrapped his arm around her. She sighed and put her head on his shoulder. Gummy who was still on her father’s arms, snuggled closer to her mother and therefore, the three ponies made a beautiful scene of a family hug.

I couldn’t help but smile at them. What would happen if Soarin and I were instead of them? Happily together and maybe with a little filly of our own… maybe. The smile on my face slowly faded and I sighed sadly as a sorrowful look placed on my face.

After few seconds, Cloudy noticed my face and said, “Oh… Rainbow we didn’t want to-”

“No Cloudy, it’s okay it’s just that…” I said as I trailed off at the end.

“… You wished he was here.” Cloudy completed the sentence with what she thought or maybe what she read from my face.

“That’s what I wish every day,” I mumbled.

Cloudy sighed. “Rainbow, you accepted what I told you then why don’t you wanna accept this one? I’m telling you, all you have to do is accept the fact that you’re in-”

“No Cloudy, I’m not. I’m not in love. It’s just a feeling that anypony get when a friend is away from her/him. That’s all. I feel the same thing when my other friends are away for a job too,” I said. Then I started walking to the door.

“Where are you going now?” asked Cloudy.

“Somewhere I can be alone with myself,” I said. Then when I made sure Cloudy wasn’t listening, completed my sentence, “…and Soarin.”

“I don’t know what else to say…” said Cloudy with a sad sigh.

“Thanks for the advices anyway. I’ll go from the house’s back door. If my mom asked where did I go, tell her that I’m safe and won’t come back home soon,” I said as I made my way out of the room left that small family behind.

“Rainbow, wait… at least tell me, where are you going?” called Cloudy.

It was very late because I was already flying toward my destination. All I could do was shouting, “Somewhere that I can be alone.” And with this, I gained speed and flew toward the only place I could be alone; the bay.

(This is the background song for this part. Keep listening to it till the end of the part. I'll tell you where to stop.)

I slowly descended toward the door of cloud house and sighed as I saw the familiar house. It looked more beautiful than any time before but at the same time, it made me sad when I even looked at it.

Finally, after thinking for few seconds, I pushed the door open and went inside. As I did I saw him. He… he…he was there! But there was something strange about him. He looked… complicated. He was pacing back and forth through the main hall. Somehow like that night he slept beside me for the first time.

“Soarin…” I called with a low tone but loud enough for him to hear me. And it was right at the moment I found out what I big mistake I had made for his figure slowly started to fade after my call. Then the reality hit me harder than a big rock.

What I saw was just a dream…

I quickly bite my lip to stop the tears that were welling up in my eyes. Finally with a sigh, I started walking a little more. Enough to find myself right in front of the room Soarin and I slept when we were together there.

Once again, I saw Soarin there. This time, he wasn’t alone. There was a mare sleeping on the bed and he was looking at her with a smile. And that mare was smiling in her sleep because of the warmness she’d received. How did I know? Well, I could never forget how Soarin treated me kindly that night.

However, this I know that the scene in front of me was none other than a dream. With another gloomy sigh, I started walking forward again. This time, the scene in front of me, nearly made me froze. I could see myself in the kitchen walking nervously and looking for the things I needed to help Soarin. The picture started to fade slowly as I turned my gaze to another door that was next to me.

That door…

The same door Soarin had gone through the first night he had slept with me. And the same door he went through the night he wanted to leave. I could hear his voice telling me that I shouldn’t enter there until he came back and show it to me himself. He had told me that there are some things there that he needs to explain. Somethings about him.

Although I knew that I shouldn’t enter there but a strong feeling was making me do it. All I knew was that before even I could stop myself, the door was opened by me and I was inside.

Not even the most amazing show in Equestria could make me froze in the place like the scene before my eyes.

A lot of different photos and arts were covering the walls and there was nothing else in the room. But what made me froze in my place was the fact that there was something common in all of those pictures. In every single one of those pictures, two ponies were the subject of photo and it was none other than Soarin and I.

I felt the energy in my legs suddenly gone away and I collapsed to the floor. I looked at the pictures again. They started from the night Soarin asked me for marriage and they continued until the day Soarin and I went back from the restaurant. The last day of his stay. There were some events that drawn and some others were actual photos but one thing was for certain, everything that had happened was there and in the right order.

And at the middle of all of them, was the most beautiful art I’ve seen. The one who’d drawn it must have really have a good talent AND know me very well because it was picture of me smiling. The way it was drawn, the colors and everything in it made me feel like… the art was alive. It kinda made me feel special about myself just because it was showing me in a special way.

I walked closer to it to see it better. The one who drew it had spent a lot of time on it. Just when I was about to look at the other arts, a small signature at the bottom of art drew my attention. There, at the bottom of art was a name. It was probably name of the painter so I leaned closer to see it. I just had to know who had done this amazing art.

Right at the left side of art and at the bottom the words ‘Soarin’ were written.

“What…” I mumbled with disbelief. That wonderful, well-drawn art belonged to Soarin? He had drawn this?

It was… indescribable. Both my feeling at the moment and the art.

Who would have thought Soarin would draw this? By the way, why was this room filled of my photos with Soarin? Wasn’t he in love with somepony else? Maybe, maybe he was keeping them there so he wouldn’t ever see them again. But then why did he enter the room when he was at the house?

I didn’t want to know the answer any of these questions. I didn’t even wanna know that his heart belonged to another mare. All I wanted to know was that he was with me until the end of world. I wanted him to be mine not another mare’s. And at the top of all, I wanted his heart to be mine not somepony else’s.

Yes, I, the great and unbreakable Rainbow Dash confessed that I would do anything to make a stallion mine. But not any stallion, the one that I loved so much…

Finally! Finally I confessed to myself that I was in love. And this time I wouldn’t deny it. And from that moment forth, I could easily say that I would give my everything for him. I would do any impossible thing just for him.

I tried to stand up and go out of the room. I needed something to make me calm and nothing was better than the soothing voice of waves crashing to the beach and the soft breeze passing through my mane. But once I stood up something else made me stop dead in my track. And it was none other another imaginary figure of Soarin. This time it was him smiling at me. His smile was very soothing but yet, it wasn’t very cheeky. Just the right smile to melt anypony’s heart.

I tried to shake my head several time to get the picture away but it just didn’t go away. Instead, with every shake of my head it seemed to get clearer and clearer. Suddenly, a thought crossed my mind as I saw the drawing instruments that were lying in the corner of the room. Maybe if I pictured him, his picture would exit my mind. So with a weak smile and a deep breath, I started to draw the most important thing in my life.
(The end of background song)

“Hello?” said Soarin. There he was and there I was. I had finally gotten Soarin’s new number from Cloudy and decided to tell him a little of my feelings. But only a little.

“H-hey,” I said with a tint of nervousness in my voice.

“Rainbow? Is that you?” said Soarin with disbelief and happiness.

His happiness also made me happy and I cracked a smile. But I didn’t have much time left. “Yeah, it’s me but I don’t have time for talking. All I want you to do now is to listen carefully to what you’re gonna hear.” Without speaking another word, I pushed the button and a music was played. A song that could exactly say my feeling. With another deep breath I also closed my eyes and listened to the song.

CH 34- The Day Of Arrival

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“Rainbow? Is that you? Do you have any idea how worried I was?”


“No. This time, YOU don’t say anything. This time it’s my turn to tell you something so listen closely. All I wanna say is that I… will be back home tomorrow at 4:00 A.M.” A long beep was heard on Rainbow’s phone as the mare dropped the phone but she didn’t cared even a bit ‘cause she was busy wrapping her head around the new information.

On the other side, Soarin was smiling excitedly at the phone. He couldn’t keep himself from not grinning like an idiot. By the way, the mare that he didn’t expect to call had just called him. By the way, he was only few hours away from seeing his mare again. Only few hours away…

Beep. Beep. Beep.

‘UGH! WHY ALARM CLOCKS HAVE TO BE THIS DAMN ANNOYING!’ that was the first thing that came to my head after I woke up with the annoying sound. However, the second thought made me forgot about the alarm clock entirely. That was why I jumped high in the sky…er, cloud house, and squealed with happiness.

Who would have thought that I, the I’m-always-awesome Rainbow Dash would one day squeal with so much happiness only for a stallion? Well, nopony sure thought that it would ever happen but I didn’t care even a bit. There, at the cloud house, nopony could see me and even if a huge crowd of ponies were watching, I still wouldn’t care. There were a lot more important things there. Like me, finding out my feelings for Soarin. Like him surprising me when he said that he’ll come today. And the most important thing, my own wedding which was only few days away!

And with all the reasons together, how could I care about all the unimportant things like waking up so early? I. DIDN’T. MIND. IT. AT. AAAAAALL!

All of the happiness inside of me was making get extra energy. I never remember myself having a good temper when I woke up early in the morning but that day I was doing everything fast and with a smile on my face. And although I wouldn’t admit it out loud, but deep inside I knew it was all because of the same pony that was coming today.

Before I even realized, I was fully ready with a bright smile and spirit, ready to see the stallion that caused all these changes. I opened the door and met with the dark sky and shiny stars. Outside, weather was cold. Well, it was obvious since the cloud house was right next to the bay and it was middle of night so the weather was chilly.

I shivered a little and took off from the house. My smile deepened as I approached Ponyville that was getting bigger and bigger as I got closer. The small village was quiet and there was no sound because everypony were in their houses sleeping peacefully. Train station was probably the same.

Well, that was I thought and oh, I was so wrong. Train station, to say in simple words, was filled with all kinds of fans and fanfillies that were screaming for no reason. I raised an eyebrow and checked station’s clock. It was a quarter to 4 so the train hadn’t arrived yet. There was no train in the station either. Then why were they screaming? Must have gone crazy… I landed at the back of the screaming crowd and looked at them with surprise.

“HEY RAINBOW!” somepony shouted through the loud voice.

I turned my head to the sound and saw Cloudy and Speedy waving at me. “Hey guys! What are you doing here?” I asked.

“Well, I’m here for Hurricane of course,” replied Speedy.

“And there’s no question that I’m here to save my soon-to-be sister-in-law,” said Cloudy with pride.

“Save me? From what?”

“The crowd of Soarin’s fanfillies and lovers that’ll kill you if they found out you have something with him of course,” answered Cloudy.

“It… doesn’t sound really good when you put it that way,” I said.

“Well, it didn’t supposed to make you feel good or anything. I was just trying to be truthful,” she said with a shrug. “But don’t worry. They’re not THAT scary. Let’s just move to the front line.” She grabbed my hoof and dragged me along her. She pushed through the screaming fans as she said phrases like ‘sorry’, ‘Oops!’ and ‘It’s coming!’ and made her way through the crowd. Ponies were glaring at us as we passed. I just rolled my eyes and let them do whatever they want. Finally, Cloudy stopped in the second line with a bright smile.

“Didn’t you want to go to the front line?” I asked.

“Yeah, but we better not to,” she answered.


“Those girls in the front line are really mean. They’ll never let a new comer stop at their line.”

Their line?”

“As they claim.”

“That’s ridiculous. I’ll fix it,” I said with a frown. I pushed through the ponies and stepped on the front line.

“Where do you think you’re going?” said a mare who was standing there with a humiliating tone.

“And who do you think you are?” I answered her with the same manner.

“HA! Who do you think you are?” she said.

“Somepony important enough to stand in the first line,” I said with a smirk. There couldn’t anypony more important than Soarin’s fiancée there.

“Oh yeah? Do you know where is here?” asked the mare as she scanned me from head to hoof. “This the front line of Soarin’s fans. Who do you think you are that you think you’re important to stand here? Soarin’s girlfriend?” she said sarcastically. Then she and some ponies that were standing behind her laughed at her ‘joke’.

My smirk got bigger and I answered, “Even more important than some girlfriend.”

“What are you gonna say next?” said one of the mare’s friends from the back.

“I’m her wife and I’m three months pregnant with his baby!” said another mare with a dramatic tone and made those ponies laugh even harder.

“I may not be pregnant with his baby or his wife, at least not yet, but I can guarantee that once he’ll see me, he’ll be even happier than you idiots,” I said with a winning grin upon my face.

Their laughter died down and some of them stared at me with a look that was clearly shouting ‘What the hell?’ and the mare who started to tease me in the first place stared at me coldly. She scoffed and said, “Look kid, you have a good imagination and all but just let the REAL fans stay here. You’d better go back to your dream land and continue your sweet dreaming.”

“Now listen up grandma, I think it’s you who should go to bed and continue dreaming because in reality, he’ll never be yours,” I said with a frown. That idiot was really picking me on.

“I said-” she tried to say.

“STOP IT!” shouted Cloudy from the back. She came to the first line with a deep frown and glared at the teasing mare. “Don’t you think you idiots had enough? Front line doesn’t belong to you, you know,” she said to her. Then she looked at two guards that were keeping the fans from going further and said, “Excuse me sir, can my sister and I stand in the first line my name is-”

The guard interrupted and said, “Of course Ms. Wing.”

“Thank you sir,” said Cloudy. The mares that were teasing us earlier were looking at us with either surprised look or with a deep frown.

“Why did you lie? I’m not you’re sister!” I said to Cloudy.

“Of course you are. Just not yet. Didn’t you forget that you’re gonna be my sister-in-law, did you?”

“Of course no but why?”

“Why what?”

“Why did you say I’m your sister?”

“That’s obvious. So the guards would let you stand here. They only let family and relatives of the Wonderbolts stand in the first line without permission.”

“HEY! Am I not Soarin’s family? I’m gonna be closer than anypony else to him. Why didn’t he add my name to the list?”

Gonna be, not yet. Besides, he didn’t even think he’ll ever see you after he left.”


“Believe me. He really thought so. He left me a letter before he went away and he explained everything to me. Including the fact that you’ll probably run away after he went away!”

“You said he told you everything, right?”

“Yeah, why?”

“Did he talk about a mysterious mare he used to love or something like this?”

“A mysterious mare? Tell me about it.”

“Well, I heard from someponies that there was this mare that he fell for when he was signing autographs and then she suddenly left him and never came back.”

Cloudy stared at me for a few seconds and then burst in laughter. Her laughter made me feel dumb. Did I say anything wrong? “Oh my gosh! Is that what you heard?” she said as she snickered.

“Well… yeah?” I said doubtfully. “Is it wrong or anything?” I asked with a hopeful tone. Currently, that mare was my only problem. If she didn’t exist I wouldn’t hesitate to marry Soarin!

“No, it’s not wrong. It’s just… that mare won’t make a problem for you. You know her very well. You lived your entire life with her. Just… don’t worry. If you really love Soarin, don’t hesitate to show it to him just because of some mare you don’t even know. Even if there will be a mare, you can make him forget about her. There’s just no way he wouldn’t fall for you. If he didn’t love you, then who cares? You two are for each other so you can easily show him what love really means,” she said with a smile.

“Once again, what you said is all correct,” I said with as I smiled back.

I was about to think about what Cloudy said when somepony screamed. “ONLY FIVE MORE MINUTES LEFT!” After her, other fanfillies, let out excited screams and clapped their hooves happily.

I smiled at them. I could remember myself with the same excitement when I stood in the line to get autographs from Wonderbolts. I was just a teenager who was practically in love with the Wonderbolts.

I even remembered the day I wanted to get an autograph from Soarin. He was kinda my favorite cause he was almost at my age and yet, he was one of the very good Wonderbolts.

I had heard that he’d only give autograph to three ponies and I wished that I’d be one of the ponies to get an autograph. I could clearly remember how he gave the first autograph to Clear Skies who was always all over the Wonderbolts especially Soarin. I could also remember how cold he was looking at her.

The next autograph belonged to a little filly who was jumping up and down and although it was hard, but I could clearly see how his face changed from cold to a friendly one as he talked to the little filly. Soarin treating me the same as the little filly was the only wish I had back then.

I could also remember how frustrated and angry I was when I saw Soarin almost got passed me without even taking a look! That was when I gathered all of my courage and of course, voice, and called him. He turned around and looked at me and I could see the bewildered look on his face. And surprisingly, he treated me even better than the little filly!

But what made me interested was when he said ‘hope to see you again’. Although I never said a thing but it felt like I had made a promise with him and I just had to do it. And I did! I went to all of the shows I could go to and met him after every show. But then Hurricane said that I’d better not to go there and so I didn’t go there anymore.

Wait… this story seemed so familiar… where did I hear it?

I just shrugged. Although it seemed soooo familiar, I couldn’t remember it at the moment so why trouble myself? By the way, there was only five minutes left. Only five minutes…

CH 35- The Start Of A New Life

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Another scream was heard from the fanfillies. Ugh! It was really getting on my nerves. What would they do if they saw Soarin himself? Probably they killed themselves!

“The train can be here any second,” said Cloudy excitedly.

A wave of excitement washed over and I grinned like a little filly. Was this really happening? It was just like a dream! Oh my gosh! What should I do? What should I say to him when he arrived? Should I call him? No, he wouldn’t hear my voice through this chaos. Or maybe I should…

My thoughts were interrupted as Cloudy nudged me. I snapped back to reality and looked up to see why was she poking me? My question was answered as soon as I raised my head. There, in front of me was the train itself! My breath got hitched in my throat and my eyes widened.

“When did it get here?” I asked with a surprised tone.

“It arrived when somepony was busy daydreaming about somepony else,” said Cloudy with a wink.

“I wasn’t dreaming about him,” I said with a frown and a blush.

“Oh yeah? Well you’re face-” she begun but didn’t get to end her sentence. Instead she spoke in an excited tone, “Rainbow! Look!”

(This is the background song for this part. Keep listening to it till the end of the part. I'll tell you where to stop.)

I quickly turned my eyes to where the train was. Fortunately, I did that in the right time cause as I looked, I saw each Wonderbolts get off one by one, starting from Spitfire. After Spitfire, Fleetfoot stepped out with a smile. Then Rapid Fire and the other Wonderbolts. Well, all except from a certain stallion. I was almost losing my hope when I noticed a pair of very light blue hooves came out of the train.

My head shut upward and I looked at him with wide eyes. There he was, standing there, just like a strong stallion that he was. He slowly started walking to the aisle we were standing at. All of the fanfillies started screaming as they saw him. To me, there was no sound around. All I could sense and see was Soarin, walking down the aisle just like when I wanted to ask him for autograph.

My breath quickened as I saw him getting close and closer. A light blush appeared on my face as I watched him. With a light punch from Cloudy, I snapped out of the trance I was in and whispered, “Soarin…” Suddenly, I realized the situation. I was there, only a little away from Soarin. And he was there, after a long time and for the first time after I realized my true feelings for him. And the only thing I had to do was just calling his name.

“Soarin!” I called louder. “SOARIN! SOARIN!” I shouted but he didn’t notice at all. He… got passed me and didn’t notice me. How could he?...

No. Maybe he didn’t notice me. It was possible because there were all sort of sounds there. I had to do something else. Like… like… running toward him. That was good enough, right?

I stepped closer to where Wonderbolts were passing but I was quickly stopped by the guards. “Ma’am, you can’t go further,” said one of the guards sternly. I looked at Soarin who was now signing a pony’s poster.

‘For Soarin,’ I said in my mind and made my decision. In a quick motion, even before two guards could stop me, I got past them and started to run after Soarin. Behind me, guards were shouting, “Ma’am, stop!”

I didn’t care about them even a little and repeated the action I had done earlier. I shouted, “Soarin! Soarin!” This time however, Soarin stopped walking. Behind me, guards were still shouting and if I didn’t make a move, they would have caught me for sure. Soarin was about to turn around when I throw myself at him and wrapped my arms around his neck quickly. Tears came down from my eyes and I whispered, “Soarin…”

Two guards who saw Soarin didn’t make a move, were about to take me off of him but suddenly a pair of very strong arms were wrapped around me and held me tightly. Soarin squeezed me tight to him and whispered, “Rainbow… I thought you’ll never come.”

I said nothing and just lay my head on his muscular chest. Suddenly, somepony said, “Why are you two still standing here? We can’t all stand here forever you know!” It was Spitfire who said that with a smile. I looked around us in awe. The Wonderbolts were all surrounding Soarin and I so nopony, especially no paparazzi could catch us together.

Soarin glanced at me and nodded. I nodded too and we both started flying fast to somewhere far away from the station and crazy screams. When we were far enough, he turned to me with a smile and said, “How do you feel about some walking?”

“Awesome!” I replied happily. We slowly landed. Right as we landed, he extended his hoof and wrapped it around me. I blushed at the motion but smiled and accepted the side hug happily. I rested my head on his neck and let his heat warm both my body and heart.

He led me through the town and to one place I knew very well; the shore. After a short time we arrived there. I wasn’t sure if the distance was really that short or just time seemed to pass by when we were together? Whatever it was, I was happy that Soarin and I were finally together because that was the real point.

The shore and bay seemed just as I left it. Clean, beautiful, shining in the moonlight. The color of water always reminded me of Soarin’s mane. Maybe that was how I survived for such a long time. Whenever I felt like I needed Soarin beside me, I just went to the shore and talked to the bay as if Soarin was in front of me.

(The end of background song)

Soarin took a deep breath and smiled as he felt the fresh breeze. His smile crept my lips up too. Then, he looked me in eyes with so much emotion that was pouring from his eyes. But a feeling seemed brighter than all. That… strange look that I didn’t know the meaning of. Now… it seemed like something I knew. But… how? Was it really love I was seeing in his eyes?

“I missed you so much,” whispered Soarin as he caressed my cheek with his hoof. I blushed instantly and tried to look anywhere but his eyes.

I let out a sigh after few minutes. “So did I. I missed you much more,” I mumbled.

“Well, now I’m here. You have to suffer me again,” he said with a chuckle.

“That… sure wasn’t a good joke,” I said with a small frown. “And you-” I pointed to him. “-have a lot to explain.”

“I’m fully ready to answer whatever you want. I deserve whatever you call me afterward. I really am a bad pony,” said Soarin with a serious tone and face. I’ve never seen Soarin this serious. I actually expected him to laugh and say that it was just a joke. But unfortunately he didn’t.

“You’re joking, right?” I mumbled, hoping and praying that answer would be ‘yes’.

“No.” All of the hope I had was gone with this simple word that came out of his mouth. “As I said, you have the right to know everything and ask whatever you want. So… go ahead,” he said.

“Why don’t start with this? The mare you used to love,” I asked with a small frown. I just couldn’t help it. Thinking that another mare exists that had stolen his heart made me wanna look all over Equestria and kill that mare.

“Saw that coming,” said Soarin with a weak smile.


He sighed and said, “Guess I can’t run away this time huh? Well, it’s okay. I’ve been preparing for this for a long time anyway. Let me start from the very beginning. When I ended another boring show. Just like all of the other ones. I won’t bother you, I know you know what happened.

“But I actually didn’t expect her to do this. She was unlike any other pony I’d ever seen. Unlike all of the Wonderbolt fans I’d seen. Instead of shouting she just said, ‘excuse me, could you please sign my paper please?’. She didn’t even noticed that she said ‘please’ twice! But that was the last thing that was on our minds. I was frozen by her beauty and she was waiting for her autograph.

“After I gave the autograph to her, I said something that I thought I’ll never say. I wished that I could see her again. When I got to my teammates, they all said that I looked too happy and Fleetfoot teased me a lot but who cared? She was the most important thing!

“My entire world was filled with beauty once she entered my life. In all of the shows, I performed the best I could and I waited the entire show and season just to see her. In return she appeared in any of the shows she could come to and waved at me. Although I really liked to go over there and hug her tightly, I couldn’t do anything but smile at her.

“However, one day this beauty ended. She didn’t come to the show. Not that show not any other of them. I was heartbroken. I couldn’t do anything at all. I even wanted to kill myself! But at that moment what stopped me was her beautiful face that was smiling at me.

“That day I realized something very important. I realized that I should repeat this action only when I was sure that she was actually taken. So I started to search all over the Equestria for her. That wasn’t that hard though. I knew that she only appeared on Ponyville and Cloudsdale shows so she had to live in one of these cities. I already lived in Cloudsdale and I’d never seen her around so most likely she lived in Ponyville.

“Good thing was that I knew her name and it was my luck that absolutely every pony knew her. However, everything changed when I reached her home. I saw her brother. He was my teammate! One of my friends actually and that made it super hard to see her again.

“I was literally shaking when I wanted to talk to him. I remember starting the topic with shaky words. Not to mention that his serious face didn’t help me either. But when I ended, I saw him looking at me with a smile. He told me that he had known this from the first place and that he’d help me make her mine.

“From then on, I felt happiness came back to my life. But… I did something bad. I… lied to her. When her brother wanted to tell her about this, I made his wife lie. I… felt really bad. She had the right to choose whoever she wanted but she was forced to be with me.

“At first I thought she’d hate me or just want me for my fame but none of them happened. She was a true angle by the way. The beauty of my world was back once again the night I proposed to her and she said ‘yes’. And everything went perfect. Just perfect,” he ended with a smile.

“But that’s a happy story. How’s that possible?” I said with a small frown as I tried to put other missing puzzle pieces into their places.

“Nopony said it’ll be a sad story,” he said with a smile.

“But… what?... how?” I asked with confuse.

“Do you really wanna know who’s she?” asked Soarin. I hesitated for a second. Did I want to? I could just leave it and live my new life with him. But… there was something odd about his story. It seemed kinda… familiar.

With a deep breath I answered, “Yes. I wanna see her. I wanna know who this mare is.”

“But you gotta promise something first,” said Soarin.

“What?” I said.

“You should promise to don't do anything to my love when you found out,” he said with a wink. I raised an eyebrow. What was with the wink?

“Okay. I promise,” I said with a roll of eyes and obvious jealousy in my voice.

He chuckled and said, “I bet you know her. And I bet you’ll instantly recognize her when I give you a clue. By the way, she’s really important here. She can do really wondrous things. Things that nopony will even dare to think about!” After that, he turned to me and looked at me with one of his special smiles. “By the way, when my life was nothing but a storm, she suddenly came and take the storm away just like a rainbow. Literally. A girl with a mane as beautiful as sun when it’s setting and ocean when it’s shining in the sun. Now, do you know her?”

In a second, all of the energy in my back hooves were gone and I fell right on the ground. My eyes were widened and I couldn’t even say a word. That stallion right in front of me… did he just said that the ‘mysterious mare’ wasn’t that mysterious at all? The mare I wanted to kill… the mare that Soarin loved all this time… was it really… me?

“I’m just dreaming,” I murmured.

“No you’re not. I’m right here, you’re here and everything is perfect. Just perfect,” said Soarin with a smile as he helped me get back on my hooves. He gazed at me with his ‘special’ smile that now I knew it was nothing but a love filled smile, and softly spoke up, “I know you’re confused. I know you might hate me now but all I can ask for is to stay on the promise you gave me and stay with me. I know this is way too much to ask for but I’ll try my best to show you love so you can feel what I’m feeling too. I-”

“Would you say it already?” I said with a small giggle.

Soarin stopped talking and chuckled awkwardly. “I guess all of those blabbering was to say… I love you Rainbow Dash,” he said softly.

My heart was filled with a warming fire as he said the words… he said it! He really said it!

“I don’t expect you to even like me. All I can ask for is just a chance. That’s all. If you hated me one day, I’ll leave right away. I promise,” said Soarin with a serious face though a tint of sadness could have been seen in his eyes as he said the last sentences.

“Well, you’re right,” I started with a casual tone even though there was a huge party inside of me! “I don’t like you. I don’t even love you.” Soarin’s eyes saddened as I said the second part but he still had to wait for the grand ending. “Do you know why?”

He shook his head no. I smirked. Here was the grand finale for a pony who surprised me a lot me through the day. “Because you can’t name it love when you’re crazy for somepony,” I said softly. I couldn’t believe the words really came out of my mouth! That sure wasn’t Rainbow Dash who was standing there. It was more like Rainbow Sappy who was standing in front of Soarin!

“What… did you say?” asked Soarin with wide eyes.

“Well, you heard me. Now decision is yours,” I said with a small smile. I really contained myself to not grin even more than Pinkie.

“I think this time it’s my turn to say, say it already!” said Soarin excitedly.

“Do I have to?” I whined.

“Well, somepony made me say that. Would it be fair if that somepony don’t say it herself?” he said with a wink.

“Fine, whatever,” I mumbled. I turned my gaze upward till it landed on his eyes. They were shining more beautiful than any time before. I bite my lip and whispered, “I love you too.”

Phew! Now it looked like a something heavy was pushed off of my chest and was replaced with tons and tons of happiness. However, the happiness was doubled when a very tight grip surrounded me. I gave up to it and let him squeeze me as hard as he wanted. Even the tightest grips seemed really nice. As long as I knew he was the one doing it, it couldn’t feel any better.

“I can’t believe you actually said that!” he said happily.

“I can’t believe it myself either!” I answered.

He let go of me and stared at my eyes with love. “You can’t believe how happy I am now! I feel like I can take over Equestria now that I know you love me back,” he said as he caressed my cheek. I gazed at his eyes that were getting closer with every passing second. We both know what was about to happen and there was just no way to resist it. Not that we’d do it if there were any!

Before that minute, I couldn’t understand the beauty of world that Soarin was talking about but the minute his lips touched mine, I instantly found out what did he really mean. The kiss was sweet, love-filled and in a simple word, wondrous. World really did seem beautiful when I imagined it with Soarin. And fortunately, I wasn’t going to spend even an hour without him.

After few seconds, Soarin broke the kiss and kissed my forehead softly. He smiled at me and said, “I know you already said that you love me but I’ll promise you that I’ll make you fall in love even more than what you already are.”

“Make me love you more than what it is already? That’s not possible,” I said with surprise.

“Yes it IS possible. I’ll show you,” said Soarin confidence.

“Is that a challenge?” I said with a competitive tone.

Soarin chuckled. “I don’t know. Let’s just wait and see if it’s really possible or not,” he said as he wrapped his wing around me. He turned his gaze to horizon, where bay and sky was connected with an orange line. It was already sunrise and wow, that was the most beautiful sunrise I had ever seen! As the beautiful sun came up to start another beautiful day, I watched how it lightened up my new life, filled with love and seconds of being with Soarin.

The sunrise at that day started a new day and a new life at the same time.

CH 36- Start of a Dream, Part 1

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My eyelids closed for the thousandth time, but this time it was much harder to open them again. It was obvious, if I didn’t open them up again, I would fall asleep for a good three days!

But I didn’t really want to fall asleep. If it were up to me, I would never ever leave the place I was in, in Soarin’s strong arms. We were both staring at the waves that crashed to the beach and went back, each thinking of our own thoughts… well, Soarin at least did so while I tried to keep myself awake.

“Are you still alive?” whispered Soarin to me.

“Huh? What?” I said as my eyes snapped open tiredly.

“Okay, I got my answer, you’re not!” he said with a chuckle.

“What are you…” I tried to say but stopped to yawn. “…talking about?” I finished as I looked at him with sleepy eyes.

“I’m talking about getting you home to sleep,” he said. “Come on, I’ll fly you home.”

“Okay,” I said lazily. Soarin flapped his wings and took off. He hovered in the air, waiting for me. I also flapped few times but they were way too weak to even lift me up. Finally, I used all of my remained energy and hovered in the air. Well… you couldn’t really call it hovering. My hooves were almost touching the ground.

“Wow, you must be really tired,” he said with surprise. With this, I let myself fall to the ground. I lay flat on the ground and didn’t even bother myself to stand up again.

Soarin chuckled when he saw me like that. I looked at him lazily. He pretended that he was thinking. “Hmm… what can we do about it? We sure can’t leave you here. I don’t want somepony to steal my fiancée! But I can’t leave you in the house either. I still have one show left. So… you should go to your house. But how?”

“I don’t know. I don’t even care if you leave me right here. I’ll deal with the thieves when I woke up three days later…” I said lazily.

“But I can’t deal with them so you’re going home,” he said.

“Don’t tell me I have to walk. I don’t even have energy to talk let alone something as hard as walking!” I muttered.

“Well, you don’t have to walk,” he said as he landed next to me.

“What do you-” I was about to ask when suddenly I felt I was lifted up. “Whoa!” My eyes widened even though I was extremely sleepy. Even with my half active mind, I understood that Soarin had picked me up in his arms.

Soon, he begin flying toward Ponyville. “Soarin, what are you doing?” I said. At the moment my voice was barely as loud as whisper.

“Taking you home but don’t think about it. Just close your eyes and sleep,” he said with a kind smile to me.

I tried to smile back but it was so weak that even I didn’t feel it. Instead, I decided to what Soarin said, so I rested my head upon his chest, right where his heart was beating. I smiled and closed my eyes. The last thing I remembered was Soarin’s heartbeat that took me to dreamland like a lullaby.

I was instantly awake when I felt that I was placed in my bed. “Don’t open your eyes. Just sleep.” I felt Soarin whisper in my ears kindly. Even though I was half asleep, I managed to smile weakly. I felt myself drift off to sleep once again while Soarin planted a soft kiss on my forehead. As I gave up to the sleep I tried to make the smile stay on my face.

Soarin’s P.O.V.

I sighed as I made my way through the house. There was nopony home… yet. Well, that was what I thought before a squeaky sound almost screamed, “Uncle Soarin!” And before my brain could search the list of the ponies I know with a similar voice, my little niece ran into me and hugged me like I was her teddy bear!

“Gum-Gum, slow down girl! I know you love me but you’re gonna kill me if you continue,” I said with a chuckle. Gummy giggled and let me go.

“Most of the times I regret that she had gotten her agitation from her one and only uncle,” said Astral Bolt, Gummy’s dad, with a smile. In that short time we get to know each other, he had become one of my very good friends and I didn’t mind that once he had took my sister away from me. He had given her back though!

Though there were still things that were off about him. Like his job. Cloudy never seemed to talk about it but whatever it was kept him really busy. But even with these things, he still was a really good stallion and a great father.

“Is she still asleep?” I asked.

“I guess. She hadn’t exited the room so maybe she is,” he answered.

I smiled and replied, “Well, let’s check on her.”

“I’ll go wherever you go!” said Gummy happily and to emphasis what she said, she clutched tightly to one of my hooves.

“Okay. Let’s go,” I said with a smile to her. She squealed in delight and ran to Rainbow’s room before anypony. Astral Bolt chuckled and shook his head as he went to sit on one of the couches. I chuckled too as I started to walk to where Gummy went to.

Once I entered the room I saw Gummy looking at Rainbow with wide eyes. She turned to me when I walked through the door and pressed her small hoof to her nose to signal that I should stay quiet. I smiled at her and nodded, telling her that I got the message.

“Does auntie always sleeps like this?” Gummy whispered to me as she tilted her head innocently.

She was pointing to Rainbow’s bed. I raised an eyebrow and looked to see what she meant. The best thing I could do at the moment was exiting the room before I could burst into laughter but at the same time I really wanted to stay there and watch the scene in front of me.

Half of Rainbow’s face was under her pillow and the other half was visible. Her rainbow mane was all over place. It was easy to see it even though half of her mane was hidden under the pillow. One of her front hooves was hanging from the bed just like one of her back hooves that was in the same position. But the most important thing was that she was snoring exactly like a train’s engine. But even with her funny way of sleeping and loud snores, she looked cute.

“No Gummy. She doesn’t always sleep like this…” I said with a smile. I continued rest of my sentence in my mind, ‘… at least not when she was asleep beside me.’

“Doesn’t she wanna wake up? She has been sleeping for soooo long,” said Gummy.

“Yeah she really should wake up,” I said with a chuckle. “She’d been asleep for almost twelve hours!”

“What’s all the noise?” said a sleepy voice. “Can’t somepony get a little sleep around here?”

I chuckled and sat on the bed. “Not if that pony had been asleep for almost twelve hours!” She grumbled and huffed but didn’t answer back. I leaned to her face and whispered, “Besides, while you were having your beauty sleep, somepony here was dying to be with you.”

She immediately looked up and narrowed her eyes at me. “And who’s that lucky pony?”

I grinned and winked at her. “Yours one and only."

Her beautiful eyes widened and a big blush appeared on her face. She averted her eyes from me and squeezed her face into pillow, probably to hide her blush from me. I chuckled and whispered in her ear, “It’s the truth.” She only squeezed her face in the pillow harder and I didn’t doubt that her blush deepened. I kissed top of her head gently.

Suddenly Gummy jumped on the bed and made it bounce. She grinned and almost screamed, “AUNTIE GET UP!” Rainbow yelped and looked up at Gummy with wide eyes. Gummy giggled and jumped up and down on the bed as she said, “Get up! Get up! Get up! Get up!”

“Okay, okay, I’m up!” said Rainbow with a giggle. She grabbed Gummy mid-air and tickled her. Gummy tried to push her away but finally gave up and started giggling loudly. I couldn’t help but smile at them. Finally, when Rainbow let her go, I wrapped a wing around her and drew her closer to myself. She looked at me with a big smile on her face and eyes filled with happiness and love.

“Only two more days and you’ll be completely mine,” I said with a happy smile. Her eyes were suddenly filled with surprise.

“Two more days? Really?” she asked with wide eyes. “But things aren’t ready!”

I laughed and hugged her closer. “Of course things are ready! You don’t worry. Everything’s perfect.”

“Wow… two more days…” said Rainbow in a low voice.

“Is there something wrong? We can change the date if you want-”

“No, everything’s good. It’s just that I’ve been so confused this lately that I missed the days!” she said with wonder.

“Well, you’d better use your days of being a single lady really well because you can’t believe what a strict husband I am!”

“Oh yeah?”

“Don’t doubt it!”

“But you wouldn’t bother me would you?” she said with a cute pout.

I only smiled at her and kissed her forehead. “I would never ever bother you.” She grinned at me and stayed quiet.

“Can you two save the romance for later? It’s getting late Soar,” said Astral Bolt from door’s frame. He had a smirk on his lips that showed he had saw most of the things that happened. Well, he was no problem. Just some teasing and he’ll forget everything.

As his answer, I rolled my eyes and extended my hoof to Rainbow. “Right, I almost forgot. While you were asleep, I was practicing for the last show of the tour that’s gonna be in Ponyville. You don’t wanna miss it, do you?” I said to Rainbow.

Her eyes widened and suddenly a huge face splitting grin appeared on her face. “Miss a Wonderbolt’s show? You wouldn’t see me doing it! I’ll be just a moment,” she said excitedly as she flew to bathroom as fast as she could. I chuckled and leaned against her bed as I watch her getting ready hastily.

And it was just the beginning…