The S game

by Beware The Carpenter

First published

Pinkie's triplets invite Sky Fire into their bedroom to play "the best game in the world"; but it's not the game he's thinking.

NOT a clopfic

Dear Sky Fire:

Hi Sky Fire! How’s your mom Rainbow Dash? Nevermind, we don’t really care, what we really need is you. We just heard about a wonderful game that mares play with stallions; which is the funnest game in the world and begins with S.

We are furious that no one ever told us about this game earlier, and we all desperately and to try it, but we all agree that if we each had our own colt, we’d be fighting about who got the best one, and if we played it with one colt, but only one at a time, we fight over who got to go first. The only way to settle this is to play it with one colt, all at once; and we all agree that of every colt we know, you are the only one strong enough and brave enough to completely satisfy all three of us.

Mom and dad are away for the weekend, and we have the whole farm to ourselves. We don’t think they’d want us playing with you, but we’re angry at them because they should have told us about this game sooner! We desperately want to play this game, we’ve waited too long already, and you’re the only colt in the whole world who can help us. We beg you to come, as soon as you get this letter, and show us the most fabulous game on earth; we’ll be in the bedroom waiting for you.

Yours truly; Pinkie Zip, Pinkie Zest and Pinkie Zing. :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

Pinkie Pie’s triplets meant something so totally different from what Sky Fire was thinking.

A 'mature' rated story with no violence and no sex? You saw it right.

Prequel to Pinkie's Apocolypse

Picture by Awalex


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“He’s here! He’s here!” shouted Pinkie Zip excitedly, before dashing back into the farmhouse and returning with Pinkie Zest and Pinkie Zing just as Sky Fire landed at the back door of the farmhouse, where the triplets gathered around him, cravings in their eyes.

Sky Fire tossed his mane seductively, and passed each of the triplets a scarlet rose; “Are you girls ready for me to teach you the best game in the world?”

The triplets all giggled, “We don’t need you to teach us how to do it silly.” Grinned Pinkie Zest.

“We’ve been practicing how to play this game for weeks, and already have the whole afternoon planned out; we just needed a colt to actually play it with.”

Sky Fire grinned, “Well if something is worth doing, it’s worth doing right.”

“That’s what our dad always says.” Smiled Pinkie Zing, “But we like our mom’s version better. If something is worth doing, it’s worth overdoing!”

Somehow, Sky Fire got even happier, “What do you want me to do?”

“Come with us!” cried the triplets in unison.

Inside the triplet's bedroom was a sight to behold. All three of their beds had been pushed together into one giant dais of rapture, ready for any magnitude of action, and directly next to it was a bathtub, filled to the brim with custard. The only thing Sky Fire didn’t understand was that the entire room had been lined, from floor to ceiling and even the back of the door in soft rubber padding.

“What’s with all the rubber?”

“It makes things bouncier!” Grinned Pinkie Zip; jumping up and down on the squeaky surface to prove her point.

“It also makes things easier to clean,” added Pinkie Zest, “When we're done, all we’ll need to do is run the hose around the room, change the bedding, and no one will ever know you were here.”

“And it makes the room soundproof!” Finished Pinkie Zing, “We expect that this is going to get loud, especially you, and you don’t want to keep the neighbors up all night do you?”

The nearest neighbors were two miles away. It was just a few minutes past noon, “I understand perfectly.” Grinned Sky Fire.

“Great!” cheered the triplets in unison.

Sky Fire moved slowly across the room, testing the bounce of the rubber floors and took a succulent lick of the sweet delicious custard that the triplets had prepared, making sure to spill some on his chest, “Where do you want me?”

Pinkie Zing pointed to the center bed, “Lie down flat and we’ll tie you up.”

“Yes, mistresses,” bowed Sky Fire, submitting his hooves to them who tied each limb to one bed post.

“These ropes are made from blankets soaked in custard with lots of cornflower.” informed Pinkie Zip, “If you move slowly they won’t hurt you, but the more you struggle, the tighter they get. Are you OK with that?”

Sky Fire looked her in the eye, breathing heavily, “You girls do anything you want to me; don’t stop, even if I beg you too.”

“Really?” gasped the triplets in delight.

“I want all three of you to pinkie-promise me that you won’t stop the game until all of you are absolute, positively, one-hundred-percent satisfied.”

The triplets pinkie promised, and then reached out from under the bed and pulled out buckets filled with custard and paintbrushes which they began to smear over Sky Fire with renewed enthusiasm. Sky Fire twisted in his bonds as well as he could, trying to help them reach every part of his body, moaning in ecstasy of expectation, letting the sweet vibrant scent fill his nostrils as the custard-covered his body.

He loved custard.

The triplets finished their paint jobs, and they tipped their buckets out over him, impatient to move onto the next phase. “I’m ready.” He whispered.

The triplets put their buckets and brushes down, and began walking away.

“Wait, where are you going?” Asked Fire, trying to sit up, but discovering the triplets’ knots were better than he’d given them credit for.

“Don’t worry,” smiled Pinkie Zip, “We’ll be back, we just need to get some toys we have ready, and our friend.”

“Your friend?”

“Yea, it was her idea to play this whole game to begin with; and convinced us how much fun it would be. She wanted to play it with you, but she’s shy and didn’t think she could do it all alone, so asked us to help. Do you think you can manage all four of us?”

“I’ll be waiting.”


When they reached the door to the farmhouse, the triplets split up. Pinkie Zip went to the barn to get the buckets of springs she and her sisters had collected earlier. Pinkie Zest went to the apple tree hollow to get the special yo-yos that daddy had told them to throw away because they were too dangerous, and Pinkie Zing snuck into Cranky Doodle Donkey’s house to borrow his bagpipes.

They all met back in front of the farmhouse in exactly four minutes and found Pinkie Zoom juggling her party and curiosity knives in boredom as she waited for them. Pinkie Zoom was the triplet’s fourth sister, but she’d died in the womb. The other three had never known she existed, until a few years ago a traveling gypsy bard had shown them how to conjure her spirit, but only they could see her.

“Hi girls,” said Pinkie Zoom anxiously, “Is the sacrifice ready?”

“He’s inside.” pointed Pinkie Zip, “What’s happening with the porthole to Candy Mountain?”

“Terrible! Terrible!” muttered Pinkie Zoom, “It’s shrinking by the minute and if we don’t play sacrifice soon we might never be able to get to Candy Mountain again!” All three triplets shuddered; Pinkie Zoom had been able to use her magic to let them visit a magical land called Candy Mountain where everything you saw was food and the four of them reigned as princesses over the musical sugar elves. The four of them had had the most wonderful adventures there, but now the evil Melon Lord had returned, stronger than ever before, and if he wasn’t stopped would rule Candy Mountain for a thousand years without one party!

Ordinarily, the triplets would have taken their party knives and followed Pinkie Zoom into battle against the Melon Lord’s forces; but The Melon Lord had cast a spell over the porthole, making it shrink and disappear. Pinkie Zoom said that the only way to reopen the porthole was to blast it open by generating eight million giggle-hertz of fun in one party. The only way to get that much fun, Pinkie Zoom said, was to play the best game in the whole wide world, which she called Sacrifice; but they needed a colt for that, one who could ‘last’ for a long time without passing out.

It had been sooooo nice of Sky Fire to volunteer.

Pinkie Zoom looked anxious to begin the Sacrifice, and the thought of all the Sugar Elves suffering under the Melon Lord weighed heavily on the concise of the three living sisters; “Are you sure that Sky Fire will be OK?” Pinkie Zest asked, “Your description of Sacrifice sounds like he might get hurt.”

“He might;" shrugged Pinkie Zoom, "But if he dies we can always bring him back. Zombies make everything more fun except breakfast cereal.”

“Even bath time?” asked Pinkie Zing skeptically.

“Especially bath time!” laughed Pinkie Zoom, “They try and eat your brains, but the hot water makes them all soft and squishy so all they do is lather the shampoo into your mane really thoroughly. You girls should try it sometime; after we save Candy Mountain. Now can we go, or do you have more questions?”

“Just one” answered Pinkie Zip, “You know that thing guys have between their legs so they can pee further; why has Sky Fire’s gotten really big?”

“Oh you don’t have to worry about that,” smiled Pinkie Zoom, “That just means he’s thinking hard. He’s probably bored waiting for us to start playing with him, so he’s thinking about school work to keep himself occupied.” Pinkie Zoom, hefted her party knife a few more times before raising it above her head, “Now, whose ready to play Sacrifice!?”

Three pink heads nodded in unison.