> A Screwball Nightmare > by Spot Light > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > False Thoughts > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author's Note: This is me trying something new. Tell me what you think. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Location: Canterlot Gardens. The Time: 15mins after the twilight hour. It has been a few months ever since Discord was locked back in his stone prison and Equestria had been returned to normal for almost everypony... Everypony except one. For this one pony everything since Discord was locked away hadn't been so normal. A shadow scampers across the grounds and stops in front of a particular statue. The moon light shines down on the statue and the ground in front of it. In the light a bright pink pony with a flossy purple and white mane stood there. She had been sneaking in and out of the Canterlot gardens every night to mourn her father. "Oh daddy," she said, "Why must you be in stone. I mean what's wrong with a little chaos?" she then buried her face in the grass and sobbed. This had been the same routine every night for the past few months. She then looked up at the statue and wiped the tears from her face, as a strange music started played. So there you are my Dad, a statue oh so cold so dead You tore their world apart and ev'rypony lost their head Now I must carry on making Chaos for you instead 'Cause you are my Daddy Discord and I am a piece of you! A smile comes to her face when she hears Please do not cry my dear your daddy is still very here And when I do bust out we can respread the random fear Our joy will be their pain as their world drowns in choc'late rain 'Cause I am your Daddy Discord and you are a piece of me! Her father was speaking to her Remember that one time you took me to that baseball game? I got my Cutie mark... ...and things were never quite the same. My wild pitches flew driving the ponies all insane 'Cause You are My Daddy Discord and I am a piece of You! Take me out to your mind game! If Chaos loses it's a real shame! SCREWBALL!!! Oh simple spawn of mine without you I would be so lost You have stuck by my side... ...No matter what the tragic cost. Your crazed imagined have given me a new found strength. 'Cause You/I are my/your Daughter Screwball and I'm breaking out of here! The Statue crumbles as he frees him self "Daddy Your Alive!" I'm free, free once again! May Equestria return to its natural chaotic state! Come My Little Abomination, we have work to do! I missed you daddy... The music ended and she looked again. Her father was still trapped in stone, everything that had happened was all in her head. The water works started rushing again. Every night she would have this play in her head thinking what was happening was real. She was living up to her name. "All I want is to be with you again," she sobbed, "I have no mommy, I need you!" she kept her sobs quite so she wouldn't alert the guards. "You created me to spread chaos every where and I have been doing this, just last week I used a spell on some ponies at the Canterlot Garden party. You should have been there you would have loved it. And I found out that purple unicorns have bad taste in fashion and can't dance." She would always have a story to tell to the statue, even if it was the same story twice or more. "Time to try this again," she stood on her hind legs, rubbed her hooves together and fired a purple and white spectrum from her hooves at the statue. The blast bounced off and came back at her. She opened her mouth ate the incoming attack. Being the daughter of Discord, it would only make since that she had some of his powers too. She heard wings flapping and dove for cover in the bush again. She peeked out of the bush and saw the Princess of the Night, Luna hovering above the garden. "Who ever there, I demand thy show thy self." Luna called out. The pink pony shivered in the bush, catching Luna's eye. She flew down to the bush. "Come out and Show thy," The pony, now scared, walked out. "Who are you?" "S... S... Screwball, your magistracy." "What are you doing here, don't you know that your not aloud on the castle grounds at night?" "Yes," she said shyly. "Why are you here anyway?" "I'm mourning my father," She and Luna looked at the Discord statue. "Discord is thy father?" "Yes, and I miss him, I come here every night to see him. I do miss him." "I see even though he put Equestria in a chaotic state, you love him." "I would do any thing to spend one more day with him." "Is that so?" Luna asked "You are aware that he is too dangerous to keep out?" "MY FATHER ISN'T DANGEROUS! HE WAS JUST HAVING A LITTLE FUN!" Screwball yelled at the princess and had tears in her eyes. "NOTHING IS WRONG WITH HAVING A LITTLE FUN!" "You do realize you spoke to me like that. But I get what your getting at. You miss your dad, so your defending him. It is understandable." "Sorry princess." "Luna," She said, "Well I can't have you on the grounds at night, but I shall let you go for tonight. Just be off them in one hour." With that Luna flew away. Screwball watched as the princess left. She started to charge up another blast, but she decided agents it. "This is no use, no matter how many times I try, I can't even put a scratch in your stone prison, Daddy Discord. You were wrongly locked up and I need to set you free. But how?" She paced her self, a guard passed buy so she jumped into the bush again. She waited for the guard to leave and came out. Now normally this was the point where she would leave, but something with her clicked. "That's it, your stone prison is made of magic. It's a spell. If I can break the spell you will be free. But it's no ordinary magic, it's the elements of harmony. To break that I need to break the ponies responsible. That means it's time to return to Ponyville. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Author's Note: All credit goes to the person who wrote the Daddy Discord song. It was thanks to that song that I came up with this Idea. How can Screwball break the elements, just wait and see. > Pieces Fall Into Place > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Location Ponyville Train Station. The Time: 9:00am. A train pulls into the Station, Screwball steps off it. She took the train so she wouldn't stir up other ponies about a earth pony flying. Her eyes are all baggy from no sleep. She couldn't sleep knowing she wanted revenge. As she started to walk she had to proses her thoughts. I'm in the right town. I know amongst all these ponies that there are the six that I seek. The only thing is once I do find them, where do I go from there. I might want to think more about that later, here comes somepony. Right ahead of her was a Bright Pink Pony with a pink flossy mane. Maybe I can ask her a few questions, she seems sane. Screwball approached the pony. "Excuse me," she said politely. "Ooo, I've never seen you around before, are you new in town?" "I've been here once before. But I intend on moving here once I do what I came here do." The pink pony was a little desecrated, she was playing with Screwball's propeller on her hat. "I like you hat, it spins." She spun the propeller again. I stand corrected about her being sane. "If your new here I can show you around, I'll show you all my favorite spots, like Sugar Cube Corner." "That's the bakery isn't it?" "Yes mam, it's also where I live." That makes things understandable. She must have sugar water in her vanes. "How about I take you there. I'll buy you a cookie, because you seem so glum." "No thanks; and I am not glum." "Ok how about a brownie?" "No thanks." "A cupcake?" "Heavens NO! I know what goes in those things." "Who could say no to a cupcake?" "I could, and so can the author. I'm not that hungry right now anyway." "So you can see him too?" (Hey you two leave me out of this.) "Sorry." they both said. "By the way I have not introduced my self yet. My name is Screwball." "Pinkamena Diane Pie, but everypony calls me Pinkie Pie." "Wait you said your name was Pinkie Pie?" "Why yes." "My father spoke of you and how you represent the element of laughter." "Really, what did he say." "He said you love parties, and I was wondering if you could help through me one latter tonight." "I would love to. I'm open tonight I'll bring my friends." "Just bring five of your best friends." "Where are we having the party anyway?" "My place, It's on the other end of Ponyville." "Really where?" Screwball clapped her hooves twice. "It's there; you can't miss it." "Okie Dokie Loki we will be there." Pinkie took off in a leap of excitement. Finally, I thought she would never leave. If she invites the right ponies I'll be able to get things where I want them, but first I need something to make them... Her thought interrupted by what she thought was a dog barking. She looked and saw a bunch of ponies in doctor out fits chasing after a patient who was barking like a dog. She saw as they managed to calm the pony down and gave her some pills. The patient was out cold. "Come on, lets get Screw Loose back to the hospital." said one of the Doctors. Screwball watched this and got an idea so she followed them back. Once at the hospital, she came up to the front desk and asked. "Pardon me..." "Yes?" asked the pony at the front desk. "I'm here to check out my mother." "Ok miss. who is you mother?" Come on Screwball what did they say her name was? Oh right. "Screw Loose." "I'm going to need some proof of this." The nurse didn't believe it. Screwball reached up into the air and pulled out a photo and handed it to the lady at the desk. It was a photo of Screwball and Screw Loose. "Well this does seem right, but you seemed to pull this out of nowhere." "It's a floating invisible bag. I got it at Trottingham." "Right, well we will bring her out to you. Be careful she seems to have some hair trigger personality disorder. When ever she hears a noise it depends on how she acts." "Right then." Two doctors came out with Screw Loose, who was still asleep. The doctors went to wake her up but Screwball suggested that she will carry her. Then they hoofed her a small bag. "What's this?" "Coma pills, sleeping pills so strong that they could drop a dragon in seconds." One of the doctors said. "Be shore to give them to her if she gets out of control." said the other doctor. "Will do." With that Screwball left with a bag of pills in her teeth and a mantle patient out cold on her back. This is good, she thought, I have everything I need. My house should be right where I made it appear when I clapped my hooves earlier. A smile crept across her face, because the pieces were falling into place. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author's note: Well this one was short, If anyone wants to proof read it for me and help me add details let me know. > Revenge for Dinner > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Location: The Far end of Ponyville at the large manor that Screwball maid appear in the last chapter when she was talking to Pinkie. The Time: 7:00 pm: Screwball phased herself out side and waited for her "Guests" to arrive. Over at the library Pinkie had rounded up the gang and told them about Screwball. "Come on everypony it will funtastic," excited the party pony. "Pinkie don't you find it a little suspicious that somepony who we have never met..." Twilight began. "never met? I just met her," Pinkie interrupted "... invited you and 5 other friends to come over to dinner at a place we never seen." The cyan Pegasus flew over head, "I don't care, as long as I get a free meal." "Rainbow sit ya plum kester down, it's not about the food," "Applejack's right for once," Began Rarity "For once?" AJ said giving Rarity a look "It's about being polite, but Pinkie didn't you say she lives in a mansion right here in town?" "That's right." "Well it must be new, but I don't recall a mansion anywhere in town," Things weren't adding up to Twilight. "Well maybe it's just a house, and she thinks its mansion." Rainbow Dash stated. "So are we going or what?" Twilight thought for a moment, "First Fluttershy, what do you think?" They all looked at Fluttershy, who was about to speak, but her stomach growled in response. "Um, I guess it wouldn't be bad to meet a new pony," she blushed. "Well it looks like we are going to meet a new pony," Twilight said, "Pinkie, just one question, did the pony say what her name was?" "She said her name was Screwball. She has a flossy mane like mine, only it's purple and white." "Duly noted," she replied, "Come on girls lets go meet this Screwball," The six of them left and set off to find this mansion. ********** Screwball paced her self waiting for the ponies to show up. "Dad," she said to herself, "I'm doing this for you," Music started to play (This is a poem not a song) Dad I'm here doing this for you I have to get you free, I want you back, It'll me you and me. They will pay for what they did That is why you made me. Sugar and Spice and a bag full of rice It's all for you and me It's not the same with out you But I hope you will be proud When I serve revenge for dinner I'll beat them each, but not too loud. and I will be the winner One by one they all will fall Thanks to my cutie mark They will know why I' called Screwball Music fade. "What in Equestria is taking them so long, maybe I should have told them where I lived." she began to ramble, "Aw pony, that was a bad idea, they could be anywhere. If they don't show up my whole plan could go up in smoke and daddy will be disappointed and..." "Hi Screwball," Pinkie popped up in front of her causing her to jump and stick in midair. "Girls I found her. I found her, I found her, I found her, I... hey I didn't know you could fly." "No, I jumped up and forgot to come down," Screwball said sarcastically while landing. "Where are your friends?" "We are right here," Twilight said as the the other five came from around a corner. "So your Screwball?" "Indeed, You must be Twilight Sparkle," Screwball walked up to Twilight. "Did Pinkie tell you my name?" "Nope, It's just something my father told me. For that matter I know all of you. Rarity who dreams to be a top notch dress maker," "How do you know?" Rarity asked. "Fluttershy who wants a master vet and have a family," Fluttershy blushed. "Applejack, who wants to take charge of the family business "I do not, I'm already in charge," "Oh really and Rainbow Dash, the Wonderbolts want-a-be and local lesbian." "I am not a lesbian!" "We will see." "Why are you being like this to us?" Twilight asked "So sorry, you wouldn't believe what fans want," "Fan's," "That's a story for another time. Now why don't you girls come on in. My dear maid has prepared dinner for all of us." As she showed the them in Rainbow Dash asked, "You have a maid, that's so rad. If only I had a maid." She looked at Twilight then Screwball. Screwball pulled her aside. The inside of the mansion was large, mostly the walls were purple and white. In the center of the room stood a large dinner table with fancy plating set around it. Above hung a large gold chandler. And there was a set of stairs that led to the second floor, that was alined with six rooms. At the foot of the steps was a fire place with a large covered painting above it. "The rest of you feel free to look around, I want to talk with Dashie," She then grinned and whispered "You can't hide the truth Rainbow, You see I can tell when somepony is lying through their teeth. Makes me wonder how loyal you relay are to your friends. Not a word of this to your friends. Now go have a look around." she ended in a cheery voice and hopping over to Twilight, who was looking at a weird staff looking item over on a desk. "So Twilight, I see you are interested in the Claw of Essence." "It looks ancient, I've never seen something like this before." Twilight's adorkable side was starting to show, "I must know what does it do?" "Well, from what I know it is said to capture the true self of anypony and trap it in it." "Why do you have it? I mean it could be dangerous if it fell into the wrong hooves," "Relax, it belonged to my daddy and after he was locked up it stopped working, so it's harmless," Screwball calmly answered. "Now everypony, head to the table it's dinner time," The six did just that. "Screw Loose!" She called, "Bring out the platters," The light blue pony, but now wearing a maid uniform, came out pushing a large cart with six platters. "Isn't that the same pony we saw chasing you after you tried to steal the Daring Doo book?" Rarity whispered to Rainbow. "It is, but what is she doing here?" "And now this is where the magic begins," Screwball said as her hooves lit up and each platter was placed in front of the ponies. "I took the liberty to make all your favorites. Fluttershy, I made you a black forest salad. Rarity, you have a clover pot pie. Dash, Golden Grass Bacon. Applejack, you have apple cider pancakes. Pinkie, I made you a party platter, I didn't know what to make you. And Twilight, two daffodil and rose sandwiches." "Hey, Screwball, how did ya do that when you are an earth pony?" Applejack asked, "And where your dinner?" "Simple minded Applejack, it's fake magic, I used string. My dinner will be out in a moment. As for drinks Chocolate Milk." "This seems strangely familiar," muttered Fluttershy. "Now go ahead and dig in." Screwball said with a creepy smile. As the Girls ate, Twilight asked, "Screwball, what's the painting of?" "Painting? Oh the one above the fire place. What about it" "Why is it covered?" "I... I want it to stay in good shape." "What's a painting of?" "It's... it's... a painting of Discord." Cue Pinkie Pie spit take. "Discord, that meanie who turned this town into a one pony circus act. He did bad things to us and nearly broke apart our friendship. He was a vary bad guy." Pinkie ranted. Come on when is it going to kick in? Screwball thought, "He wasn't a bad guy! He was just trying to have some fun, but apparently no pony liked his seance of humor!" Rainbow spoke up, "Why are you defending someone like Discord?" "Are ya a worshiper of him?" asked Applejack. "He made me fall in love with a rock!" yelled Rarity "And he made me..." Thud Fluttershy fell face first into her salad and was asleep. "Fluttershy are you okay?" Thud Dash collapsed, fallowed by Rarity collapsing than Applejack and Pinkie. "Screwball what did you put in our food? Why are you doing this." Twilight yelled trying to stay awake. "Oh, was I not supposed to put coma pills in them." "You monster!" "Well you should stay a while and I'm not the monster, you are. Consider this payback for my father." She said in a dark tone. "Father?" It was then Twilight collapsed and fell out cold. "Perfect. Screw Loose!" she called, the light blue earth pony came to her on command. "Take our guests to their rooms, It's time I give them there just deserts. This is where the magic of chaos begins." She got up, walked over to the desk and grabbed the Claw of Essence. "Soon you'll be free daddy and Equestria will return to it's natural chaos state. Looks like I have work to do. Fun time." ____________________________________________________________________________ Author's Note: As a heads up the next five or so chapters are going to be dark, not cupcakes dark, but very dark. But Screwball will get hers but it will be a while. > The Hurricane Huzzah Havoc > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Screwball smiled with glee, as Screwloose carried each one of the main six to a different room. "My plan is working great, as long as they don't wake up. But that shouldn't be the case after what that doctor told me what those coma pills could do." A small tune started to play. This day has been just perfect Reason why my father had me born Because when he was turned to stone I was left all alone With a vow it was revenge I soon sworn "Now somepony has to tell me where that background music is coming from." She said, "Now one question which pony do I start with?" Screwloose just came out of one of the rooms, looked at Screwball and gestured that all six were in their rooms. "Vary good Screwloose, I won't be needing your help any more. Come with me, I want to show you something." She brought Screwloose to a balcony. "Get a load of the view, it's one of the best." Screwloose propped her self on the rail. Not ten seconds passed before the rail gave way causing Screwloose to fall to the ground below. "Oops, that wasn't supposed to happen. Oh well, I don't need her anymore. Time to get things started." She headed back into the hall, went down stairs and grabbed The Claw of Essence. She then headed back up stairs and stood in front of the six rooms. Now I wonder which one should I start with. Sure wished I paid attention to where Screwloose put them. She walked back and forth thinking. Well lets see who is behind door number one. With one small shove she opened the first door she stopped in front of. She looked over at the bed where she saw Rainbow Dash sound asleep. Wow I winged it and got a Pegasus. He he, I made a joke there. How come I'm the only one who finds my jokes funny? Wait what am I thinking I'm getting off track. Now how do I work this thing. She shook The Claw of Essence. "I swear if this thing is a fraud that blue unicorn who sold it to me is getting their horn snapped off." Screwball was annoyed then saw it, "Oh it says here on the price tag, "Place the end on to the broken pony's head to collect their essence". Broken?" She questioned, "Oh I, It's something I must do." She placed the claw on Dash's head and chanted, "It's time for fun and time to scream, now with this kiss I enter your dream." She tilted Dash's head up, bent over and kissed her. "She doesn't taste like cupcakes," Screwball's body fell to the side of the bed after the kiss and she too was out. *************** Screwball awoke and looked around. It was dark and there were doors floating every where. "It's been a while since I have been in somepony's mind," She pulled out a torch, "Now because she represents loyalty I must find the one dream that shows it. And breaking that dream is what I must do. I'll turn her best into a nightmare. First I have to find it." She floated around reading the signs on each door. "Let's see, New Tricks, no. What else, Daring Doo. That's not it, good stories though. What's this door? Secret and Personal Fantasies? I wonder." She opened the door, but as quickly as she opened it, she slammed the door shut with her jaw dropped. "I need to watch my curiosity, that image will forever be branded into my mind. But when I get to little miss smarties pants I'll spill the beans. That is if I remember to. Anyway where is that dream door?" She passed by several doors, but none of them were the door she wanted. "Where is it? If it's going to be this hard I should give up. Wait I can't give up, Daddy is counting on me." As she flouted along a faint sound picked up her ear. "What's that noise. It sound like cheering. Where is it coming from?" She decided to follow the sound. It got louder as she came to another door. This one marked "Living the Dream". Screwball opened the door and on the other side was what appeared to be stadium with a show going on. "This seems to be a Wonderbolt's show." She looked up and saw a Wonderbolt fly over her leaving a rainbow trail. "Oh I see. She dreams of joining them one day. It seems that in this dream she has already joined them. Now how am I going to work with this and break loyalty? Wait I know," She rubbed her hooves together and went after Rainbow Dash. She trotted along over to a crowd where she saw Rainbow Dash land. She heard Dash's voice over the crowd. "Ok ok, one pony at a time." Dash was saying, "There plenty of autographs to go around. Five bits for a photo. Ten bits for a photo autographed. Fifteen bits for a photo with us and twenty for it autographed." She was with two other ponies Spitfire and Soarin. They to were filling out autographs. Screwball couldn't believe it. "She drives a bargain harder then an out of control stroller. Well she has to make a liven some how." The crowd started to get smaller until they were all gone. "Now is my chance to talk to her." She walked up to the three of them, "Excuse me?" Soarin turned to her "I'm sorry but we are all closed up for the day, come back tomorrow." "It's not that I want to talk with Rainbow Dash, she's a friend." "Well ok but make it quick. Hey R.D. you have your self a fan." "I'll be right there." Rainbow Dash walked over to Screwball was, Soarin left. "Now what can I do for... You!" "Hello Dashie." "What are you doing here?" "Me? I just want to watch my favorite Wonderbolt" "Flattered." she responded in a deadpan tone, "Now tell me the real reason your here." "Ok fine, the truth is..." "Only lyres start with "The truth is"" "Ok, listen. I'm here because it's my special talent. The term Screwball, means one is a weirdo. I can go into one's dream and see what is it that they are dreaming about." "Is that so? Well it works now leave." "So soon? No I'm here to help you," "How?" "I want to make your dream better." Screwball said with a smile. "Again, how?" "Well tell me if there is any trick you want to try because I can make it happen." "Well, there is one trick I want to try, but I keep getting told it is to dangerous." "Is it called the Hurricane Huzzah?" "How do you know that?" "Because I told you. Aside from that, it is dangerous for one pony, it requires seven." "That means I will have get the rest of the Wonderbolts and we will do it." "That won't be necessary, this is a dream so somepony like you could do it all on your own." "I always have my friends to back me up, and I'm always loyal to them, but the Wonderbolts don't want to do it because they are the ones who told me it was dangerous." "Right because your the element is loyalty. Right when my father broke you he almost won. But don't you understand how can you remain loyal to your friends if your friends won't return the favor and remain loyal to you. In a way a simple minded pony will understand. If they say it's to dangerous, they are not your friends and there for not loyal." "What? Simple minded? Who's your father. I don't think I know another pony with spirals pupils." "Everypony thinks he is a pony." Screwball said to her self "Anyway your saying you can't do the Hurricane Huzzah by your self." "No I'm not, I could do them with my eyes close." That's right time to reel her in "Then prove it. Do it right now, forget about your friends, forget about the danger and do it." "You know, if I do this you have to leave my dream." "Good, that's the plan. You could try to cast me out, but only a strong mind can do that. So to do this you need a strong storm." Thunder struck signaled the start of a storm. "Speak of changeling, perfect timing so go to it." "With pleasure." Rainbow Dash took off into the air. As she did the ground around where she took off started to crack. Screwball looked at the crack, "Perfect, the more she goes through with it, the more it will crack," She was grinning ear to ear. "Now I just need to pull a few strings, or hair," She yanked a few hairs from her head and through them into the storm. "Now to sit back and watch." As Dash flew higher into the air the aira around her was starting to crack as well, but she didn't see it. Once at the highest altitude she was ready. She swooped down at the clouds. Starting off the trick, she used her body to split a path in the clouds. She then did a long loop-to-loop to regain hight and speed. "Screwball was right, I don't need help with it, I'm better off alone." The Cracking of the surounding area was getting worse. "Good going Dashie! Now Finish it!" She called up, "Now lets get some lightning in their." As Dash swooped, she felt as though something was off. That's when lightning almost hit her. "That was close, but that wasn't supposed to happen, and the wind is getting stronger, what's going on?" She then heard a laugh, Screwball's laugh. She started to shiver and the more she fought against the stronger it got. She then lost her strength and her wings gave out causing the wind to launch her out of the sky. As she fell, the world around her looked as if it was a window after it was hit with a bat. She finally hit the ground and was writhing in pain. "My wings, my back, what happend?" Screwball walked up to her and in a cold voice she spoke, "Simple you failed, you should have listened to your friends, Dashie," "So I failed, I'm hurt I need my friends to help me, where are they?" Dash was in more pain then ever. "You failed because your friends arn't here." She stood one her hind legs, "Know why? Because you turned them away, you were selfish thinking you could do the trick on your own." "But this is a dream, I can do it alone in a dream," "True, but you can't do something if I made it up," "But I came up with the Hurricane Huzzah, so it had to work," "I made you think you did. And you were stupid enough to believe you could do it alone. You turned your friends away, now they are not here to help you when you need it the most. That doesn't sound like being loyal to me." The Claw of Essence appeared in her hooves, "Dash what you did wasn't loyal in any terms." "No, but my friends..." "Are not here, Rainbow Dash, consider this: You are not loyal." And with those words the area around them shattered. One point on the Claw of Essence lit up clowing red leaving Dash had curled up flouting in the darkness of what was her mind. "Now I'm out of here." With a clap of her hooves she left Dash's mind. ******************** Screwball stood up and looked over at Rainbow Dash. Dash looked like a picture in a brand new coloring book. "Well that was easy. One down, five to go." She held up the claw inspecting it. "Someponies are just so gullible, but I doubt that's going to be the case for the rest of them. I say bring it on." She headed to the door and looked back at an all white Dash, "Such a shame I had to do that, She was a good kisser." She closed door. "Who's next?" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Author's Note: Is it wrong to say that was fun to right, If not strike me down. I was going to call the Chapter A Sonic-Raindoom. Anyway I might take a break for a little bit to work on other things. So tell me what you think