It Was A Misunderstanding

by GarfieldThePony

First published

After realizing that she has feelings for Discord, Fluttershy must figure out if Discord shares the same feelings as her. But everything goes downhill, when chaos starts to appear.

Set after the events of season 4: After realizing that she has feelings for Discord, Fluttershy must figure out if Discord shares the same feelings as her. But her plans goes to waste, when strange blue, cotton candy clouds start to appear.

Wake-Up Call

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It was a calm and quiet evening down in Ponyville, the moon was full, the bright stars filled the clear night sky. Everypony was fast asleep, except for a certain yellow pegasus and a mischievous draconequus. Discord was walking Fluttershy home from having an evening tea party. Discord had decided on having a tea party at night, so he and Fluttershy could see the twinkling stars and the shimmering moon as they sat on top a small hill.

"Thank you, Discord, for the picnic," Fluttershy said happily. "It was wonderful!"

The draconequss grinned. "But of course, dearest Fluttershy! Anything for you, I'm glad that you enjoyed."

Discord smiled to himself as he was walking Fluttershy back home. The draconequss could've just teleported themselves back to the cottage, but instead of taking the quick route, he wanted to enjoy this moment as long as he could. He looked down on Fluttershy and sighed happily.

It was nice seeing her so happy during that picnic, the draconequus thought. It was surprisingly a good idea actually listening to Cadence for once, however I still prefer doing it my own way and making it all, you know? Exciting. Discord glanced back at the pegasus. Well, it’s sure beats things being stale between us. How was I supposed to know that she'd overreact to being called sweetheart?

"Discord?" a soft voice said, waking him from his thoughts.

The draconequss looked down at the yellow pegasus. She was staring at him, her eyes full of concern.

"Is something wrong?" she asked.

Discord blinked for moment, shaking his head. "Who me? Oh, nothing is wrong, my dear. I’m just a bit tired, that’s all.”

“Oh, okay..." she stared down at her hooves with disappointment in her eyes. “You can teleport me back home instead, if you're tired. I don't want to keep you awake."

"Oh, no, no!" Discord uttered, waving up his paw frantically. "I'm fine with walking."

Fluttershy was quiet for a moment. "Well, as long as you're okay," she smiled as a small flush crept on her face. "Let's get going."

The two looked away from the other, and neither of them spoke as they continued their walk. Only the sound of crickets chirping in the night helped fill the quiet void between them, until Discord broke the silence.

“What made you think something was wrong?”


“Did I do anything out of character of me today?”

“Well...actually, there is something,” The yellow pegasus said, biting her lip nervously. “It was the picnic. Not that I want to be rude or anything, but it felt strangely mundane.”

Discord turned his head slightly, raising a brow from confusion. “How so?”

“Well, there wasn’t anything escaping the law of gravity, inanimated objects becoming alive, and most especially you, Discord,” she stared into his eyes with surprise. “You didn’t even defy the rules of reality for two hours. It felt...normal. Even I was beginning to think you forgot how to use your magic.”

Discord’s eyes widened in surprise. He never knew she had kept track of his chaos, even knowing how long of time when he doesn’t use his magic and what chaos he creates.

Discord chuckled. “I didn’t know you cared so much about my magic, Fluttershy, but there’s no need to worry about my chaos. It’s still here!"

He snapped his talons, and a trio of three pink butterflies like Fluttershy’s cutie mark appeared flapping around Fluttershy nose.

Fluttershy gave the draconequss a stern look. “Discord, they better not be from my cutie mark again.”

He smirked. “Would I really do that again?”

“Y-Yes, you...w-would!...Heheh!”

She started to giggle in delight as they flew around her face, tickling her. “Heh..that’s enough, Discord...heh, put them back now!"

“Aww, but they were having so much fun,” Discord snapped his talons again, and the butterflies disappeared. “You should let them have some breath of fresh air once in a while.”

“Yes, I know. But it doesn’t feel right with them not being where they’re supposed to be.”

He let out a sigh of satisfaction. “I supposed so. Now c’mon, let’s get going.”

“Yeah, lets.”

As they continued to stroll the clear night, Discord noticed a small patch of daisies in front of them. As they past them, he took a quick glance at Fluttershy, just in case she wasn't looking before he hid his hand behind his back. He snapped his talons and a clone of himself popped out from behind him.

Go get a flower, and the most perfect one at that!

The clone nodded his head without hesitation, and went off to do his task. He grabbed a medium-sized daisy and surried back to his original. The clone tapped Discord, and Discord's face appeared behind his head. He looked at it curiously, and then he tapped his finger on it and the white petals become pink, and a swirl of pink and brown appeared on the center of it.

Perfect! He smiled proudly to himself. Can’t let her think that I’m becoming predictable, now can I?

The clone nodded in response.

Now put the flower behind her ear and make sure she doesn't notice! And then you may go back inside my head.

The clone complied and quickly placed the flower behind Fluttershy's ear. Then the clone snapped his talons and disappeared. Discord glanced back down at Fluttershy, and smirked in delight.

Gotta have my own way of doing it, instead of having Princess Lovey-Doovy doing it for me.

The rest of the walk was silent as Fluttershy and Discord reached Fluttershy's cottage. As they got to the cottage door, Discord, using his magic to unlock the door, opened the door for Fluttershy.

He bowed his head as he gestured her inside. "Mares first."

"Thank you, Discord." She smiled at the sight of him being a gentlepony and felt her cheeks turn crimson.

Fluttershy entered her cottage and said her goodnight to Discord, after the draconequss said his goodbyes, and left for his castle in the sky, Fluttershy felt a strange ache in her chest. She frowned as closed the door, she wanted Discord to stay, but she didn't tell him because she knew he had to leave, and it was already getting too late.

The yellow pegasus let out a tired sigh, and slowly trotted to her room, thinking why she felt so sad and wondering why her chest was aching. As she got into bed, she accidentally knocked over a small picture frame, sitting on her bedside.

Picking it up, she noticed it was a picture of her and the draconequss. They were sitting in a grassy plain after one of their picnics, Fluttershy was sitting under the sun, and Discord was sitting next to her, braiding pink and purple flowers in her pink mane with a goofy grin imprinted on his face.

Fluttershy felt a small smile tug at her lips as she stared at the picture. Her cheeks turning rose pink, as her heart started to pound again, even faster then before.

Fluttershy placed her hoof on her chest. “Why is this happening...”

Fluttershy paused as her eyes caught an odd-looking flower, gently floating down. The flower softly landed on the picture frame right next to Discord.

She picked up the flower and stared at it curiously. It appeared to be a pink daisy with pink and brown swirl in the middle of it.

She looked down at the frame, then at the flower, and then back at the frame. Her dilated eyes widened in surprise as a thought popped into her head:

" have feelings for Discord?"

Fluttershy paced back and forth endlessly, thinking about the times her and Discord had spent together. About how he was always so kind and gentle around her, and yet acting so different around her friends, especially when she went on a trip to see the Breezies. Even today when he, all of a sudden, appeared and started insisting on going on a picnic at night. She wouldn't really had questioned it if it weren't for the draconequss not appearing for almost a week, and him hardly acting like himself at the picnic.

About the time when he was supposed to be capturing Tirek, and he came to talk to them about the chest. When he appeared, she always smiled up at him, she always laughed at his antics, and even when everyone was doubting him about capturing Tirek, she told them to trust him. But when she found out he betrayed them, it broke her heart, but forgave him for his mistakes so easily after Tirek was defeated.

"Maybe it was because he was my friend, and I had to give him a second chance," she muttered to herself. "maybe I felt bad for him, because he was betrayed as well, maybe...maybe," she paused, and glanced back at the small picture frame on her bedside table. "Maybe it was because I cared too much for him to ever stay mad at him."

The yellow pegasus grunted in frustration to herself, confused on how her best draconequss friend turned into a sudden admirer. She decided to wait until morning to figure out everything, she slid into bed and closed her eyes. I wonder if Discord like likes me too?

Her thoughts soon followed into her dreams as she found herself in the middle of a flowery meadow with the very draconequss that plagued her thoughts, sitting right next to her. They were at a picnic, but something felt a about it, Fluttershy couldn't put her hoof on it.

Perhaps it was because of all of Fluttershy's favorite animals were there, surrounding them in a circle, looking innocently at her. Maybe it was because the draconequss himself looked different, he looked more...handsome, his mane was brushed perfectly, and even flowing strangely, even through there was no wind that she could feel.

"Fluttershy..." he said in a hypnotic voice.

Fluttershy yelped from his sudden voice. "Y-Y-Yes," she squeaked. "Yes, Discord?"

The handsome draconequss started twiddling his fingers, and looked down at red and pink checkered picnic blanket with a twinge of doubt in his eyes. "Fluttershy, I've been wondering about this for a while you have a crush on me?"

The confused pegasus jumped in surprise. "Wait, what!?" she yelled in surprise. "I-I-I mean, what makes you say that?"

Discord smirked. "Well, for one thing, you're as red as a tomato right now," he explained. "and you're always happy when you see me, you laugh at my antics, and your my first friend," he patted her head softly, and smiled. "But please, don't change the subject. Answer me this, do you have feelings for me?" he questioned, sounding honest yet desperate. "Because I think you have one on me as well as I have one on you."

Fluttershy was silent for a moment. "Wait, you have a crush on me?" she frowned, cocking her head. "But I'm not even pretty and even that interesting."

The draconequss gasped dramatically. "Oh, sure you are, Fluttershy! Don't be so modest, my dear. But still, answer my question...please."

Fluttershy gulped as she started darting her eyes to a possible escape route, but only kept meeting the innocent eyes of the small critters, their faces etched with eagerness as if they too were waiting for her answer.

"Fluttershy, please answer me." The draconequss asked once more.

Fluttershy bit her lip as she felt the cool drips of sweat slide down her face and off her checks. The faces still looking at her with now disappointment in their eyes. Fluttershy felt the eyes closing in on her, staring down at her, she started trembling in fear.

With her lip quivering in fear, she tried to say something but she was at a loss of words. She only managed to stammer, incoherent words, "B-b-but I-I do I m-mean I-I d-d...uh..."

The pegasus became quiet, and slowly looked up at the waiting draconequss. The once eagerness that had laid on Discord's excited face now faded into a disappointed frown; his ears drooped, he hung his head in shame, and his uneven eyes stared at her with sorrow in them. He snapped his fingers, and the innocent critters disappeared in a flash of bright light.

The draconequss sighed heavily as he turned his face towards the empty meadow. "I guess it's a 'no' then..."

Regret soon washed over the timid mare as she stared sadly at the lonely draconequss, muttering softly to himself under his breath. Reaching out her hoof, she placed it on his shoulder.

"Oh, Discord. I didn't mean to hurt-" she started to say before the draconequss swatted her hoof away.

"No, I'm sorry." he said, without facing the pegasus.

Without warning, Discord disappeared in flash of light, leaving Fluttershy all alone.

As the lonely pegasus looked frantically for the missing draconequss, the meadow started to fade away. The pegasus cried out in horror as she soon felt herself fall into an empty, dark abyss, her wings felt heavy as rock as she tried to fly up, tears filled her eyes as she got pulled down into the dark, empty abyss.

"Discord, come back!" Fluttershy cried out. "Help me!"

Her unreciprocated cries for help only became distant echoes in the darkness.

Fluttershy sat up in bed with a loud gasp. Angel Bunny was next to her, rubbing his soft paws against her, he squeaked in delight once he saw his owner was awake.

"Oh, Angel!" Fluttershy bawled as she lifted the bunny to her face and nuzzled his soft white fur. "It's so good to see you!" Fluttershy sighed in relief. "Thank goodness, it just a bad dream. It felt so real!"

The bunny squeaked at her, as if to say; What was the dream about?

Fluttershy looked down at the floor nervously. " involved Discord."

The rabbit glared at her.

"I know, I know," she said firmly. "you don't like him. But I promise he didn't do anything bad to me."

Angel sqeaked in response to her; Then what happened?

The pegasus bit her lip nervously. "Look, I'll tell you later. But, just to let you know..." Fluttershy closed her eyes, bracing herself. "I may or may not have feelings for...Discord."

She slowly opened her eyes to see Angel's jaw dropped. The rabbit stomped his white paw in response.

"I know what you're thinking, and I can assure you, he did not put me under some spell. He's my friend, he wouldn't do that."

He crossed his paws and stuck out his tongue.

"Don't do that, Angel," she said softly, taking him up in her hooves. "Discord's good, and he's been always helping us," she patted his head softly. "Look, after we feed the animals, we can talk about this."

As Fluttershy slid out of bed, she noticed the flower laying on the floor, as she picked up the flower, she heard a loud knock at the door. Quickly, she placed the flower on her bedside and rushed to answer the door, Fluttershy met her multi-colored maned friend, Rainbow Dash, looking tired and frustrated, and she had blue cotton candy stuck in her hair.

"Good morning, Rainbow Dash," Fluttershy said nervously. "...What happened to you?"

"Mornin, Flutters, " The blue pegasus said quickly, as she panted in exhaustion. "Look, Twilight and the others are in the Friendship castle, and we need you right away! And it's urgent!"

Fluttershy frowned in confusion. "What is it? What happened?"

"What happened?" Rainbow Dash questioned, lifting an eyebrow. "Haven't you looked outside? There's blue cotton candy clouds that's raining root beer, and other chaotic things are happening all over town!"

The color drained from Fluttershy's face as she froze in place. She quickly glanced toward the window and peered outside. Terror overtook her face as she saw a small glimpse of chaos happening outside; there were blue clouds zipping across the sky, raining root beer. She turned back towards the blue pegasus with a worried look in her eyes.

"Y-You don't think it's Discord's doing, do you?"

"Of course, I think it's Discord!” Rainbow Dash snapped angrily. "Who else would chaos? Princess Luna?"

The yellow pegasus shook her head, her lips trembling in fear. "No, no, it couldn't be Discord! He's fully reformed now, isn't he?"

"It doesn't seem like that way to me! Now c'mon, Flutters, let's go!" She exclaimed, pushing Fluttershy out the door.

"Okay, I'm going, but let me just feed the animals first," she said, before a flash of light covered the animals. Soon the animals gained large heads in unequal proportions to their small bodies, the yellow pegasus’ eyes gawked at the sight of them. "Or they can wait until after we come back."

As Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash stepped outside, the yellow pegasus gasped in horror as she saw the chaos that was surrounding them; winged cows, donkeys climbing up trees, ballet-dancing lions, and the strange blue cotton candy clouds that rained root beer.

"This isn't like Discord," Fluttershy said, rubbing her head in disbelief. "He wouldn't just start causing chaos like this, and I mean look at this chaos, Discord's cotton candy clouds are pink not blue."

"Maybe, he's trying to make it different, Fluttershy, I don't know," the blue pegasus pressed, as she opened her wings. “Let's just get to the castle before it starts raining larks again."

"Alright...” the pegasus was silent for moment, then her eyes widened in surprise. "Wait, raining larks?!"

"That's Discord for ya." the blue pegasus said, rolling her eyes.

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As Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash soared through the sky, the yellow pegasus, still in disbelief that her draconequss friend would start causing chaos unexpectedly, stared in shock of the chaos enfolding around her; trees had started to pull themselves out of the ground, and began to walk, the dirt roads turned into a polka-dotted blue and purple pattern, and apples had grew frog legs and were hopping around.

She knew the draconequss worked in unexpected, and strange ways, but this was something else. She knows he wouldn't start causing chaos, even if he had a reason to, she knows that he cares more about their friendship then chaos. But does he really care?

She glanced toward the blue pegasus, who was struggling to get the blue cotton candy out her mane without pulling out any hair or fur. Rainbow Dash was always untrusting of Discord when he was around, sometimes she would understand why Rainbow Dash wouldn't trust the draconequss due to his actions in the past, who would trust a Lord of Chaos as much as Fluttershy?

“Rainbow,” the yellow pegasus started to say. "Do you really think Discord caused this?"

The blue pegasus grunted in annoyance. "Of course, he would, Fluttershy. Who else has reality-warping powers like Discord’s?”

“I don’t know, I just can’t wrap my head around why would Discord suddenly start causing chaos again.”

“I can’t see why you keep protecting him, Fluttershy,” Rainbow huffed, pulling off a piece of cotton candy. “He’s always causing us trouble, he almost never helps us, and he betrayed us when Lord Tirek attacked! And you always end up defending him?! Why?”

The yellow pegasus looked down at her hooves as if she was being punished. “Because...he's my...f-friend, I know you still don’t trust him, and I can understand that, but I trust him wholeheartedly without a doubt. I sincerely care for him. All he is is just a lonely draconequss in need of a friend, in need of me."

Anxiousness washed over the yellow pegasus, as time seemed to slow down between them, as she hoped her friend would understand. From the corner of her eye, Fluttershy saw the the blue pegasus’ lips had curled into a smirk.

The yellow pegasus frowned in confusion. “What?”

“I see why now,” Rainbow narrowed her eyes at her. “You like...”

A surge of pain struck Rainbow’s head as the sky around them became full of dark cotton candy clouds that rained down small larks upon the two pegasi.

“Ow,” Rainbow breathed, massaging her head. “Stupid raining larks. C’mon Flutters, this way.”

Rainbow Dash grabbed the yellow pegasus’ hoof, as she started to zoom out of the raging storm.

“Where are we going?”

“Outside the cloud cluster!”

Rainbow Dash pulled the yellow pegasus out of storm and into a clear sky. Fluttershy looked behind them, and observed behind her to see the storm still raging on, while they were untouched. Looking around, she noticed that other random spots in the sky were raining as well.

“It only rains in random parts of the sky, not the whole sky, and it only lasts a few minutes.” The blue pegasus explained. “So, no need to worry until they reappear.”

Fluttershy scratched her head in confusion. “Well, that just makes that...underwhelming,” she studied the ground below with the larks laying on the ground. “It’s just the larks I’m worried about. Are they okay?”

Soon the larks disappeared in a bright flash of light, leaving Fluttershy, looking dumbfounded.

“Look, there’s Twilight castle,” the blue pegasus pointed toward the shining crystal castle. “Let’s go before it starts raining there.”

Waking up from her daze, the yellow pegasus reminded herself that she should've been used to that happening and she shook her head to remind herself about her task on hoof.


As the two pegasi resumed flying, the blue pegasus’ eyes darted in the yellow pegasus’ direction, her brows drew together.

“This doesn’t mean I’m still not done with you and defending Discord,” The blue pegasus whispered, cupping her hoof in Fluttershy’s ear. “I think you two are hiding something.”

The yellow pegasus said nothing, as she slowly turned her head to face the knowing pegasus, her face started to sweat, her eyes widened on surprise and a small blush covering her stained cheeks as she felt her muscles tighten up.

“It’s nothing! There’s nothing we’re hiding!” The yellow pegasus urged, as she quickly sped past the blue pegasus. “Nothing!”

The blue pegasus smirked. “Yeah, it’s nothing. Just keep telling yourself that, Flutters.”

As the two pegasi arrived at Twilight's Friendship Castle, they spotted the distressed, lavender alicorn, pacing around in circles at the front entrance, her mane still unbrushed, and muttering faintly under her breath. She smiled in relief as she saw Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash land in front of her.

Twilight rushed in, pulling the two into a tight hug, "It's so good to see you two in a time of crisis like this," she said, pulling away. "Now, c'mon, let's get inside before anything else happens."

As they got to the throne room, Fluttershy noticed the rest for her friends were already there, waiting for them, except for Pinkie Pie, who was happily gulping down the root beer from a blue cotton candy cloud.

Twilight grunted in frustration. "Pinkie! How many times did I say not to have the cotton candy cloud inside the castle!?"

"Aww, but, Twilight," the pink earth pony whined in disappointment. "It's so goooood. He finally added whipped cream this time, but he did not add a single scoop of vanilla ice cream anywhere! What's with that draconequss and not adding all the toppings!?"

"She's right, Pinkie," Rarity added. "The root beer is making this whole floor sticky!”

“No, it hasn’t!” the pink pony argued. “The root beer hardly touched the floor!”

“And then how else did it become sticky?!”

“Don’t blame it on me! It would’ve been better if there was a table here instead!”

As the two ponies kept arguing, Applejack sat up from her throne and marched in between them and pushed them apart. Her face etched with irritation.

“Enough you two!" she hollered, stomping her hoof. "I know It’s bad enough that Discord is running amok again and ya might be a little on edge, but y’all don’t need to be bickering with each other over silly things!”

The room fell silent as the orange earth pony huffed in annoyance, plopping herself back down in her chair. Guilty exchanged glances soon followed as Pinkie and Rarity looked at each other with regret.

The white unicorn lowered her head. "I'm sorry, Pinkie. I don’t know what got over me.”

"Yeah...I'm sorry too."

the room fell silent again, as the white unicorn seated herself, and the pink earth pony, still standing, pushed the blue cotton candy cloud away from her. Twilight slowly trotted toward to her chair, and plopping herself in the seat. Clearing her throat, she said:

“Thank you, Applejack, I don’t know what we’d do without you.”

The orange earth pony nodded in response.

“Okay, now that everpony’s here,” the lavender alicorn sharply darted her eyes toward the yellow pegasus. "Now explain to me, Fluttershy, why is Discord causing chaos when he was supposed to be fully reformed after Tirek’s defeat?!"

The yellow pegasus shrank back under her gaze. "I-I don't know why he's causing chaos, he was normal last night, but it couldn't be him causing this; it could be somepony else."

"Then who else in the wide world of Equestria would cause chaos like this other than Discord!?"

“I don’t know, Twilight, I just don’t know...” the yellow pegasus fixed her eyes on Twilight. “But don’t you remember the last time we blamed Discord for something, and we all thought he did it?”

“That time was different!” Twilight pressed. “The chaos outside...”

“And it turned out, he wasn’t the initial cause of it in the end.”

“Yes, I know what happened, Fluttershy,” Twilight explained, before she pointed outside. “But Fluttershy, just look outside and tell me that that chaos out there is not Discord’s!”

Fluttershy was silent. The yellow pegasus's eyes shifted, glaring at the purple alicorn with disappointment. "I'm ashamed of you, Twilight. You should know better then to blame a friend for something that you're not even sure of! Discord’s changed since he betrayed Equestria, and he’s been trying to get back the trust he lost! And I know you can’t see him trying, but in my eyes, he is!”

Twilight stared at the yellow pegasus with astonishment. She couldn’t believe how much her shy friend could be so loyal to the draconequss. She’s the closest the him, after all, so it kinda makes sense. But that didn’t explain how assertive she was, does she care about the draconequss that much? Did spending all her time with Discord change her?

As much as Discord annoys her, the lavender alicorn can’t deny the draconequss is still her friend. He gave her the last key to the chest after all. And he's has been working with Princess Celestia on civil duties to repay for his mistakes. It's true that it was unfair to call out Discord for something she wasn't sure of. Maybe they should talk to him first before making any hasty decisions.

"You're absolutely right, Fluttershy," Twilight started to say, sitting up in her throne. "I’m the Princess of Friendship now, and I have a duty to help friends, and as much as I hate to admit it, Discord is my friend. He’s as much of a friend to all of us. And I’m sorry for ever blaming him on a hunch.”

Fluttershy felt a small smile tug at her lips. “Apology accepted.”

“Good. Now what do you want to do about this?”

Fluttershy cupped her chin. “Can we agree to talk to him first before we do anything harsh?”

"I figured you’d say that. Alright, who agrees on talking to Discord first?" Twilight asked, as she simultaneously raised her hoof.

Fluttershy smiled happily, as she raised her hoof. "Thank you, Twilight."

“Just doing my duty.” she whispered, winking an eye.

The white unicorn raised her hoof. "I agree with Fluttershy; let's talk to him before we do anything rash, he is still our friend after all."

“I reckon I agree as well.” Applejack said, tipping her hat.

“Oh, oh me three!” Pinkie agreed.

There was a small silence and all heads turned toward the blue pegasus, who was eating a piece of cotton candy, she stared back at them in confusion.

“Do I have to agree?” she whined.

“Yep!” Pinkie Pie pipped.

Rainbow Dash groaned, crossing her hooves. “Ugh, fineee~, I agree too.“

Fluttershy placed a hoof on her shoulder. “Thank you, Dashie. I promise you, that you won’t regret it.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” The blue pegasus uttered. “Can we go already?”

“I don’t see why not.” Twilight answered, getting up from her throne. “C’mon, let’s go.”

As the rest of the ponies got up from their seats. They headed toward the exit of the throne room, all was silent except for the trotting of their hooves.

“Hey, Twilight,” Rarity said, breaking the silence. “How are we going to get through to Discord? He’s too unpredictable to know what he’ll do.”

"Fluttershy will get through to him, she knows him the best out of all of us."

“But what if she can’t get through to him?” asked the white unicorn. "What if we can't get through to him?"

The lavender alicorn said nothing. But instead her eyes shifted focus toward the yellow pegasus next to her, her eyeslids slid down, and her face etched with remorse. The yellow pegasus stared at the alicorn with confusion. The realization hit Fluttershy hard in the gut, as she felt her heart sank, and felt her body starting to go heavy.

“I'm sorry, Fluttershy, but we'd have to turn him back into stone.”

Fluttershy felt her heart drop into a million pieces.

“N-N-No, you can’t turn Discord into stone!” she exclaimed in panic, grabbing on to the purple alicorn. “He hates that!”

The lavender alicorn placed a hoof on her head, giving her a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry, Fluttershy. It’s just a last resort. I’m certain that you can talk some sense into him...or any sense into him for that matter.”


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As the Mane Six left the safely of Twilight's castle, the ground started to rumble, and the tower of cards across Ponyville started to collapse.

Twilight jumped in surprise. "It's an earthquake!"

"No, it's a stampede!" Applejack pointed her hoof toward a cloud of dust in the distance.

A hoard of bulls were trampling across the road. But something was off about these bulls. These bulls were bright red, round, and their horns looked more like a stem then an actually horn. Twilight squinted her eyes, and noticed that these bulls were different.

They were apples.

Their bodies were in the shape of a large oval apple, their head was the shape of an apple with their horns being apple stems, and their tails being the apple stem with a leaf.

"Applejack!" Rainbow a Dash exclaimed. "You didn’t tell us that there were apple bulls tramping around earlier!”

"That's because they didn't exist earlier!"

Rarity squinted her eyes as she noticed something purple and green hanging off the tail of one of the bulls. "Wait a that Spike!?"

"Wait, Spike?" Twilight turned her head toward Applejack "Wasn't Spike sleeping over at your place, Applejack?"

"Yes, he was..." Applejack gasped in horror. "Oh, no! The farm!"

As the bulls made their way closer to Ponyville, the Mane Six could hear the Spike's cries for help.

"Twilight, help me!" the green dragon yelled.

"We'll help you, Spike!" Twilight yelled. Twilight tried using her magic, but there was no use, it was to hard to concentrate when she kept tripping over ground shaking.

Applejack checked under hat for her lasso, hoping to rope Spike, but it wasn't there. A long, animated rope slithered around Applejack's hooves. She smiled excitedly and grabbed the rope. "Hope ya don't mind me using you."

"Every pony, stand back!" Applejack exclaimed, swinging the rope.

As the bulls passed the Mane Six, Applejack used the rope and lassoed Spike from the tail of the bulls. Applejack pulled Spike back towards them, and he landed in Applejack's arms. The bulls continued to trample through Ponyville, knocking down house of cards after house of cards.

"Thanks, AJ!"

Aplplejack smirked. "No problem, Sugarcube."

"Spike, are you okay?" Twilight asked, rushing in to hug the dragon.

"I'm fine, Twilight," Spike smiled. "Maybe a little scrap, but no broken bones."

Applejack patted his shoulder. "Is my family okay, Suagrcube?" she said with a worried look.

"Oh, sure! Big Mac and the others are fine," the little dragon explained. "I saw them get inside the barn before I got swept up by the stampede.”

The orange earth pony sighed in relief. "Oh, thank goodness."

Spike was silent for a moment. "So, do you guys have a plan about what to do about this chaos?"

"Oh, yeah," Twilight answered. "We were just about to do it."

The ponies and the young dragon found an empty spot in the middle of the Ponyville where the town hall should be standing. Spike watched as the Mane Six started to form a circle around each other.

“Alright,” Twilight started, stepping into the circle. “Let’s activate our Elements of Harmony 2.0 and use our summoning spell to bring him here.”

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow. “Our Elements of Harmony 2.0?”

“Got any better names, Rainbow?” Twilight asked, glaring an eye.

"Well, I..." Rainbow Dash was silent for moment. “...I’ll get back to you on that.”

"Alright, everypony ready?" Twilight asked.


Twilight's horn started glowing and simultaneously, each pony closed their eyes as Spike stepped back as they started to hover in the air, and a white glow started to envelope the ponies. Moments later, they reappearred with their manes and tails, oversaturated and enlargened.

They paused to readjust themselves from the strange transformation, and zapped an open spot with a bright rainbow. The rainbow started spinning and spinning until it faded away from existence, and there was the draconequss, taking a shower. Fluttershy felt a flush crept up her face.

“C’mon every pony smile, smile-ooh!” The draconequss quickly snapped away the shower, and wrapped himself in a towel. “Really again, Twilight? You know I already told you to give me a heads up before you summon me...but this seems a bit déjà vu...”

“Q-uiet!” she cleared her throat. “Discord, as you may recall when we released you from your stone prison, we specifically asked of you not to cause chaos when you’re free. But can you please get rid of this chaos before we have to do something that no pony wants to happen?”

The draconequss gave her a look of confusion as he snapped the tub away. “What chaos? I’ve been in my cottage this whole time, taking that particularly, relaxing shower.”

“Are you that blind, Dip-cord?” Rainbow Dash questioned, flying up in front of the draconequss. “Just look around you and tell us you didn’t just notice this!?”

“Well, Miss. Dash. By whatever do you mean?”

"Just look for yourself!"

The blue pegasus twisted his head behind him in full view of the mayhem enveloping around them. His eyes literally popped out of his head as he stared in shock at field of chaos developing around him. As he scooped up his eyeballs, and jaw, that he didn't notice had fallen off as well, he gazed back at the awaiting ponies who were blaming him for the cause of this.

He nervously cleared his throat. “Y-You think I caused this chaos? After all we’ve been through, you still don’t trust me? And here I thought we were becoming such good friends.”

"You think after the whole Tirek situation, you think you got off scot free?"

"Well, we did have a group hug, so I assumed that I did."

"Then you've got another thing coming, if you think that!"

"Not now, Rainbow," Applejack whispered, pushing the pegasus out of the way. “We’re not blaming ya, Discord," she explained, stepping forward toward the draconequss. “We’re asking ya if ya did.”

“Oh, how thoughtful of you!” Discord exclaimed sarcastically, clasping his hands together on his cheeks. “Actually asking this time.”

“This isn’t a game, Discord!” Twilight snapped angrily, stompping her hoof. “This is serious!”

The draconequss was silent for a moment. His mischievous expression melted into a stern glare. “Serious, eh? Fine then, but let me ask you a simple question,” he snapped his fingers and a pink and blue cotton candy cloud appeared in front of him. “Have you ponies, except Fluttershy, forgotten the difference between my pink cotton candy clouds and cotton candy clouds...?”

Discord paused as he stared at the blue cotton candy cloud. He felt a nagging sensation course through his body as he sensed something...familiar about the blue fluffy ball of stickiness like he seen this somewhere before, but the origin of it is puzzlingly evading his mind.

“Discord?” Fluttershy asked, stepping forward.

Discord’s ears perked when he heard her familiar voice. "Ah, Fluttershy," he smiled gleefully. "I was wondering when you'd finally join in on the conversation! I know I can trust you can tell me what in Equestria is going on."

"I wanted-- I mean, we wanted to know if you're were the one, causing all this chaos," she said as she seated herself in front of the draconequss. "We don't want to do anything hasty to you. We just want to know if you're causing this chaos, please."

"See, that wasn't that hard to ask. All you ponies had to do was say, "please"," he explained, crossing his arms. "And my answer is no, I did not create this chaos. But if you ask me, I do like this chaos, though it's amateur work at best. Raining larks is child's play."

"Oh, thank goodness," Fluttershy whispered softly, smiling as she felt a wave of relief wash over her. "Okay, now that that's finally settled, can you please help us remove this chaos?"

The draconequss tapped his chin, as a mischievous grin curled upon his mouth. "Hmm, I suppose I could," he snapped his talons, and disappeared in a flash of light. He reappeared as a tiny version of himself in her ear as he whispered. "However, I'd like to rain some chocolate milk after this is all over though. Seems fair that I get to stretch my chaos muscles as well."

Fluttershy giggled softly, rolling her eyes. "I'll talk it over with Twilight, and then we'll see."

He chuckled. "Fair enough..."

"Not to ruin all the fun here, but Ponyville's still being rampaged by chaos! So if you don't mind, please try hurrying it up a little bit?!" Rainbow Dash yelled in frustration. "I think there's colony of red ants starting to prepare for a revolution!"

"Alright, alright, I'm doing it,” Discord grumbled in annoyance. "But I'm keeping those ants though, serves you right for ruining all this chaos."

The draconequss snapped his talons once again and reappeared back to his regular size. He let out a dreary sigh as he prepared to snap his talons once more. As every pony stared in anticipation, their anxiousness turned into surprise as they saw the draconequss lower his talon.

"I can't do this..." Discord said, lowering his head. "Not until I get a picture of this!"

"Discord!" Twilight yelled, staring at him angrily. "You've got to be kidding me!"

"Discord," Fluttershy whined as she frowned in disappointment. "You said, you'd fix it."

"What? I will," Discord said excitedly as a camera appeared around his neck, and he clicked the camera everywhere he looked. "A chance like this doesn't appear that often!"

Twilight huffed, flaring her horn. “If you don’t remove this chaos this instant, I’ll...”

“You’ll what?” The draconequss questioned, materializing in front of the alicorn. “Send me to my room? Turn me back into stone? Last time I checked, I'm not doing wrong here, now am I?" he smirked as he snapped his camera in Twilight’s face, temporarily blinding from the bright flash. “I’ll put this in my collection of times you’ve been a real stick-in-the-mud.”

The alicorn rubbed her eyes. “What I was going to say...”

"Wait, Twilight," The yellow pegasus advised. "Let me handle this," she narrowed her gaze at the draconequss, and said sternly. "Discord, in the count of three, if you don't remove this chaos, I will cancel our weekly tea parties permanently."

Discord's eyes widened in surprise. “Oh, you wouldn't dare.” he said, narrowing his eyes at the yellow pegasus.

"One..." she said sternly.

Discord's eyes blinked in surprise. "Oh, you're...serious."

"Two..." she uttered.

He gulped as he felt a chill go down his spine. "N-Now l-let's not get hasty here, Flutters."

"Two-and-a-half." she said, levitating above the Discord as she glared down at him in exasperation. "Thhh..."

"Okay! Okay!" Discord exclaimed, raising his paw and talon up in fear. "I'm doing it!"

Her stern glare melted back to her innocent smile. "Thank you."

Discord shivered to himself. “Sheesh, remind me to never get on your bad side."

The draconequss grumbled under his breath as he snapped his talons, and in a bright flash of light, the chaos disappeared, and then it reappeared again... Discord frowned in confusion, and then snapped his talons again. The chaos disappeared and then popped back up into existence.

"Uh, is something wrong, Discord?" Applejack questioned.

“Why, of course not!" he chuckled nervously. "Must've done the wrong spell."

"What spell?" Rainbow Dash said, surveying the area from the sky. "Nothing happened."

"Well, I can assure you one of two things did happen,” he smiled mischievously. “You might want to check your little cloud in the sky later, I hope you like a colony of company."

Rainbow Dash widened her eyes in surprise. “Oh, no...don't tell me, Discord...don't tell me you put them in there!"

Discord happily ignored the blue pegasus' pleas as he resumed where he had left off. He snapped his talons again and the mayham surrounding them disappeared in a blink of an eye. The draconequss paused for a second and waited to see if the chaos would appear again. After a few moments of waiting, the chaos didn't reappear. The town was normal again.

He smiled proudly to himself, and turned toward the others. "Hope you're happy, you ponies, ruining all that glorious chaos and the fun I could've had. Now if you'd excuse, there's a rubber ducky calling my name." he said as a shower cap appeared on his head, poking through his horns.

Discord snapped his fingers and the tub from earlier had appeared before him. He slid into the tub and grabbed onto a squeaky steering wheel that suddenly appeared. The tub started making engine sounds and he drove off and disappeared in a flash of light, leaving a trail of flames behind him.

Fluttershy let out a small sigh. "Thank goodness, that's over with."

"Oh, and Fluttershy," Fluttershy jumped in surprise as Discord popped into existence in front of her. "Oh, sorry, didn't mean to startle you. Don't forget about our little agreement for Twilight."

She smiled. "Oh, I won't, I promise!"

The yellow pegasus yelped as he suddenly pulled her into a tight hug. "Wonderful! See you next Tuesday!" then he let her go and disappeared once again

Fluttershy stood dumbfoundedly as she felt a small smile tug on her lips. She wished she was still hugging him, but this time he didn't let go, and she had a feeling that Discord didn't want to let go either. She couldn't help but laugh at herself for thinking that, thinking as if she was like a little filly again that is having her first schoolyard crush.

Twilight sighed in relief. "It feels great to have a change of pace once in a while, we solved the problem fast and with minimal..."


The sky erupted with blue cotton candy clouds raining down root beer instead of larks, thunder striked, but instead of lightning shooting out, it was giant pretzel sticks. The roads turned into bouncy, green jello, and the ground became a twisting pattern of green, blue, and purple.

"Oh, c'mon!" Twilight yelled in frustration, throwing her hooves up in exasperation. "Can't it be easy just this once?!"

Rarity shielded her mane as she ran for cover. "Oh, dear, my mane is gonna get all sticky!"

"Oh, goody!" Pinkie pipped as she was skipping around, licking the droplets of root beer."It's a dream come true!"

"Ya dreamed about raining root beer, and salty thunder bolts?"

The pink pony shrugged. "Eh, it's close enough, though there was supposed to a giant chocolate bunny."

One of the cotten candy clouds slowly pulled itself down and in front of the lavender alicorn. She noticed there were letters inscribed in root beer on the cloud that read, Stick-in-the-mud.

She huffed. "I am not a stick-in-the-mud!"

The root beer words reshaped itself into, Ha Ha!. Twilight tilted her head in confusion and then the cloud squirted root beer at her, drenching her in root beer, Twilight grumbled to herself angrily. The rain started to stop, and all of the clouds the sky shifted its focus on Twilight. There was a small crackle, and the root beer starting pouring down onto the purple alicorn.

"Aw..." Pinkie frowned in disappointment. "Why do you get all the root beer?"

Twilight's eyelids drooped. "Pinkie...not now."

A cloud appeared above Pinkie Pie's head and started to pour down on her. Pinkie's face let up in excitement as she started bouncing around gulping down as much root beer as possible.

"Something's missing...does the root beer come with vanilla ice cream?" the cloud stopped raining, and a brown glop of icy coolness dropped on Pinkie's muzzle, she licked it. "Chocolate? Even better!"

"Discord!" Twilight shouted through the rain. "Come back here!"

Discord appeared before them again, but instead of being in the tub again, he was floating on a green recliner with a bowl of ripped up paper that he was slurping as if it was spaghetti with his claw. His face had a pinched expression etched into it.

The draconequss grunted in annoyance. "Oh, for crying out loud, what now?!"

"Whatever you did, Discord, it didn't work!" Spike explained, as he was struggling to get out of cotten candy cloud. "It only caused the chaos to become like a thousand fold more crazier!"

Discord stoked his chin. "Hmm, as much as I hate to admit it, this is a bit too chaotic, sadly even for me."


"Why did you just snap your claws?" Twilight asked.

Discord stared dumbfoundedly at hands. "I'm not sure..."


"You just did it again!"

"I don't mean to, something is..." his hands started to raise, and he tried to pull them back down, but it was as felt they had a mind of their own. "...s-something is making me do it!"

The draconequss pulled his arms off like breaking a piece of a puzzle apart, and through them on the ground, making his hands start wiggling around like snakes.

"I need to get some new hands once this is over."


"Oh, dear..." Discord turned his head, and he saw the fur on the end of his tail had snapped its fur made fingers. "I forgot about you..."

In the distance, Twilight saw the crystals of her castle shift in place, and the crystals started reshape itself into a new shape, forming into a deformed statue of Twilight wearing a lopsided crown, while holding a staff with a miniature version of her head on it.

Twilight scowled. "This isn't funny, Discord! Fix my castle now!"

"Well, I would, if I could," Discord said, as he picked up his arms with his tail, and put them back into place. "My magic isn't obeying me at this moment."

The draconequss looked for something or someone to help him. He spotted the yellow pegasus, who was being strangely quiet for something like this. She was his closest friend, never doubted him before, and always defended him to the end. Why isn't she helping me? Everytime he looked at her, her eyes would avert away from him, like was she afraid at looking at him.

Discord felt his head spinning in confusion. Something's not right... he stared at her anxiously. No, she can't...she wouldn't believe this nonsense, right? Nervermind she would, she's friends with me... he felt an urge, he had to know, he needed to know.

“What about you, Fluttershy?” he snapped his fingers, disappearing in flash of light and reappearing above of the yellow pegasus, and almost startling her. “Surely you’ll believe me, right? You don’t believe that I would cause this havoc?”

Fluttershy bit her lip nervously. “I-I, uh...”

“Hey!” Rainbow exclaimed, flying up into his face. “Don’t you even think of manipulating her into your favor!”

The draconequss shot her a grim look. “Really, Rainbow? Would I really manipulate, dear Fluttershy, and possibly damage our friendship? Do you think I would stoop that low?”

SNAP! Rainbow felt herself become heavy, and she fell towards the ground. The blue pegasus gasped in horror as she noticed her wings had disappeared.

"My wings! Give them back to me, Discord!"

"I didn't take your wings, honest!" the draconequss protested, holding up his hands.

"Quit lying, and bring everything back to normal!"

"But I'm not, this is all just one big misunderstanding!" He grabbed Rainbow's shoulders, and starting shaking her. "Why won't any of you believe me?!"

She gave him a dead-eyed stare. "You're not giving us any reason to."

"We're done giving you chances, Discord," Twilight advised. "maybe a third time in stone you'll learn your lesson and actually care for once."

"It's about time we get to something interesting." Applejack huffed, starting to glow up.

"What! No! Give him a punishment like being unable to use his magic, or preforming community service, or even allowing him free time from being in stone!" Fluttershy fell to her knees, clasping her hooves. "please, Twilight, just don't turn him to stone!"

"Turning him back into stone may be the only option we have left, Fluttershy," Twilight explained, giving her a look of sympathy. "I'm sorry, Fluttershy."

"No, Fluttershy, She does have a point," the draconequss said quietly, lowering his head. "My magic is not behaving as it should be, I'm losing control of it..."

Fluttershy snapped around and gasped in horror. "Don't agree with her, Discord! You're the one that's going to be turned back into stone, d-don't you hate that? And why does it matter if your magic isn't behaving?! You're meant to be unpredictable! And...and...I..."

A closed zipper appeared on Fluttershy's mouth, Discord lowered his fingers and let out a long sigh. He silently walked toward the quiet pegasus, and caressed her cheek.

"Before you say anything, I want to say that I'm sorry, but you have to understand that what is going to happen to me is for the greater good. Now I'm going to remove the zipper, and I am going explain why, okay?" she nodded. "Good."

He snapped his fingers, and the zipper unzipped itself from existence. "You didnt have to zip my mouth shut."

"Like I said, I'm sorry," he frowned as he gave her faint smile. "Now, I am letting myself be turned to stone to keep you and Equestria safe from my uncontrolable chaos, I don't want to cause anymore problems like what happened with Tirek. I caused that to happen. I have made up my mind, you will turn me back into stone, and I don't want to hear any buts about it."

Fluttershy's lip quivered. "Bu-"

"Ah, ah, ah," he uttered, wagging his claw. "I said no buts. Look, I care for you, Fluttershy, more then I understand. And I'd hate to see you or any of your friends get hurt because of me, most especially you."

"But there has to be another way, you don't have to turn yourself into stone!"

"I'm sorry, Fluttershy, but what else can we do? My magic is causing this, and it won't fix it."

"I don't know...but if it's the only way, and you're okay with this...then I respect your decision..." the yellow pegasus lowered her head in defeat.

"I'm sorry that it had to end like this," he said, giving her a look of sympathy.

"Yeah," she sniffled. "me too..."

Fluttershy returned to the others, and then The Mane Six formed a circle around the draconequss, getting ready to zap Discord back to stone.

"Are you sure about this?" Twilight asked.

"Just get it over with already," he said flatly. "You're the one that wanted this."

The Mane Six joined hooves together, and they started to change up. They soon began to float up in the sky, Fluttershy looked away, unable to watch as they shot the rainbow into the sky, and plummeting directly toward the draconequss.

The yellow pegasus felt her heart sink, she couldn't do anything to stop this, it had already been set in motion. She couldn't stand it anymore. Even if she had a plan to figure out if Discord had feelings for her were ruined. She knew she wasn't going to see him again for a while. Why now? Why like this? The rainbow was inching closer to the draconequss, and this was her only chance.

"I'm sorry, Discord! I never wanted this to happen!" Fluttershy gulped, as she placed her hoof on her chest. "But while you're in stone, I'll make sure to take care of you b-because...I-I lo-"

A zipper appeared once again on Fluttershy's mouth, preventing her from finishing her sentence. Her eyes widened in surprise as she saw the sad draconequss wink smugly.

"I'm know, Fluttershy," Discord whispered. "I know, and I-"


Fluttershy's heart started to ache as she heard the draconequss roar like a wounded animal. She felt cool tears wash upon her checks when the sound stopped. She knew it was done. Once the smoke cleared, there was the draconequss trapped in stone.

As the Mane Six reverted back to their original forms, Fluttershy felt a chill go a down her spine as her eyes narrowed upon his statue. The draconequss' statue was etched differently this, he wasn't frightened or laughing. His head seemed to be reeling from pain, but stuck in a frozen state, his teeth was bared and sharp, and his hands were covering his head as if he couldn't bear it.

Despite turning the draconequss back to stone, the Main Six's efforts were futile, the chaos still remained, ravaging it's havoc throughout Ponyville. The sky soon turn purple like grape soda, giant breezies floated by, and flying pigs started sneezing, blowing down houses, the only thing that disappeared was the zipper covering Fluttershy's mouth.

"Why is all it still here!?" Twilight yelled, stomping her hooves. "It should've disappeared when Discord was turned to stone, what in Equestria is going on!?"

Spike tapped his chin. "Wait, if the chaos is still here, and Discord is in stone, does that mean Discord wasn't behind after all?"

"I guess that makes sense," Twilight paused, scratching her mane. "but if it wasn't Discord, then who's doing this?"

"I don't know, but if you need me, I'll be over there drinking root beer..." Pinkie gave them a half smile, as she skipped toward a crowd of blue cotten candy clouds.

Every pony become silent as they couldn't do anything to stop the chaos. Rarity was the first to break the silence as she approached the lavender alicorn.

", Twilight. What do we do now?" The white unicorn asked.

"I don't know, I don't know," the lavender alicorn repeated. "If Discord wasn't the culprit behind this, then that just leaves us with nothing to work with. We need to talk to Princess Celestia about this."

Spike gagged, and burst of green flames burped out with a letter materializing. "Uh, Twilight?" he said as the scroll landed his claws. "Letter from Celestia."

"Oh, really?" the lavender alicorn grabbed the letter, and started scanning through it. Her expression turned from intrigue into confusion. "Underwater? Princess Celestia? We need to get in Canterlot now. Something is wrong with the Princesses!"

"Wait, what did the letter say!?" Rainbow questioned.

"I'll tell you on the way!"

As Twilight ignited her horn, she noticed Fluttershy was sitting in front of Discord's statue. She stopped the spell and approached the pegasus from behind. Without turning her head, Fluttershy said:

"Look at him, Twilight," Fluttershy pointed at the statue. "He's in pain. He didn't derseve being turned to stone. He's was innocent, and now he's probably all cold and alone right now."

Twilight patted her head. "I know, Flutters, but this isn't your fault, it's ours. We didn't believe him. I'm sorry..."

"No, Twilight," Fluttershy uttered, shaking her head. "it's none of our fault, it's whoever's doing this is to blame."

"We have to figure this out' Fluttershy. But first we have get to Canterlot."

"Alright, but he's coming with us." she gestured toward the statue.

"That's okay," she sighed with a tired grin. "Lets go."

As Twilight, the others, and Discord's statue disappeared in a flash of light, they didn't notice an unusally large, blue cotton candy cloud hovering above with a mysterious figure, smiling gleefully.

"I'm sorry, Master, but don't worry," the mysterious figure whispered. "I'll save you from those vile ponies' control."

What Now?

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An hour had past after our heroines had turned their beloved ally to stone, and news spread like wildfire that Discord didn't cause this and someone else caused it, all ponies were to remain in they're underground bunkers due to the chaos of course. But the mane 6, who were in Twilight's bunker (that was all that was left from her castle) won't stand for it- especially Rainbow Dash.

"We can't just stand here and do nothing, we faced bigger threats before, we can't just give up." Rainbow Dash complained.

"Well...all those times before we had the elements to help us and the Rainbow Power too... since I don't have my castle and we can only activate in there...I just wished we should of listened to Discord...." Twilight said, lowering her head.

"So y'all's notice Fluttershy's been acting a bit off lately since we turned Discord to stone, right?" Applejack asked.

All heads turned to Fluttershy who's was still comforting Discord's statue in the corner and making sure no broken parts anywhere and murmuring in her small voice."Don't worry Discord, I'm here now and I'm never ever leaving your side, because l love you." Fluttershy whispered softly.

The mane 5 gasped from Fluttershy's words she had said a bit loud, then Rarity's face beamed like the shiniest of gems.

"It seems like our Fluttershy is in love!" She squealed.

"WHAT...n-n-no it isn't like that." Fluttershy stammered, who heard the squeal from Rarity from where she was.

"Then why your blushing then, huh?" Rainbow Dash teased.

"You do seem to be mighty protective of him now, plus your hugging his statue and your dreamily looking at him." Applejack said with a smug smile.

To Fluttershy's surprise, she was hugging his statue, tightly even and blushing as red as Applejack's cutie mark.

"W-w-well I-I-I..."Stammered Fluttershy.

"Don't worry about it dear Fluttershy, but mind me asking does he know you like him?" Rarity added, putting a hoove on her shoulder.

" girls aren't mad that I'm in love with Discord?" Fluttershy asked.

"It's ok, Flutters, we're happy for you anyway that you found a special somepony...even if it is Discord. We're happy when you are...when he gets out of stone and if he even hurts you, I'll beat him till a pulp." Rainbow Dash said nonchalantly.

The yell came from Spike who was running up to them out of breath.

"Spike? Where have you been? I haven't seen you since yesterday."

"You don't remember Twi, I said I'll be at Sweet Apple Acres to play hoofball with Big Mac, but that's in the past right now, I have a letter from Canterlot for you," he paused. "And also where's the castle?"

"It's a long story, but read the letter to us." Twilight said eagerly.

"Alrighty then...." Spike said, unfolding the scroll.

Dear, Princess Twilight Sparkle,

We are writing you this letter to tell that Canterlot is OK and only half of it got burned...we do have some bad news....the princesses, well they are in an unusual state right now, it's too barbaric to explain right now. But please come to Canterlot immediately and we will explain everything; just get over here as quickly as you can.

Royal Guard #1

"Unusual state...are they like sick?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I don't know, but we have to get over there as fast as we can."said Twilight.

"And how do you suppose we do that, if you didn't know that the train is made from cheese and crackers!" Rarity yelled in frustration.

"Why need a train, when we've got magic! Twilight can just teleport us over there!" Pinkie Pie piped.

"Oh...yeah I forgot, I can do that." Twilight smiled sheepishly as her horn started to glow magenta.

Our heroines with Discord's statue teleported to Canterlot or to the part that was burned, it was indeed a sad site to see; houses lay in ruin, ponies now homeless, foals crying, the mane 6 hurried through the unforgettable site not looking back, to the Canterlot castle where some guards were waiting for them.

"Ah, you came come here fast, now come on they're in the garden." Royal Guard #1 said.

The mane 6 followed the guards to the garden where the princess were, when they got there they only saw two statues that looked like them.

"So...they have statues of them now, good for them...but really where are they?"asked Twilight.

"They're right here, they're the statues...they have been turn to stone as well..."

"WHAT!" They exclaimed in unison.

"Turned to to stone, I know it sounds unreal, but it's the truth." said Royal Guard #4.

"This is bad, this is soo bad, first my castle is gone, then Discord wasn't behind this and now he's in stone and now the princesses are in stone too! Oh, how can it possibly get worse!"

"Princess Twilight, news from the Crystal Empire, Princess Cadence and Shining Armor have been turned to stone and the crystal ponies are in panic!" said a guard who came running in.

"Oh, come on!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Is this really the end for us Twi, did Equestria fall?"asked a worried Spike.

"No...No we can't give up and I'm not gonna let us fail we have to win this!" said Twilight in a determined voice.

"Then how Twi? We don't know who's doing this and why." asked Rainbow Dash.

"How about you mares get a good...days sleep, you need to rest up before you plan out who's doing this," said Royal Guard #53, "And we will keep a close eye on everypony and we'll triple the defenses, we will protect you at every cost, we even got a guard from the Crystal Empire helping."

"You do, who is it!...I-I mean good, now come on girls lets go get some sleep!"said Twilight who was blushing from embarrassment.

As the mane 6 left the garden, they didn't notice the cotton candy cloud hovering above them, the same voice was heard from it and it said-"I'd love to see you try to stop me and my chaos, so see you later foolish ponies, I have more chaos to bring upon you."

Then it vanished.....

Stoned Perspective

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In the world of darkness and blankness named Limbo, Discord was floating around asleep.

Ah waa-what! Where am I? Did I eat too much cotton candy again?

Then all the memories came flying back to him from what happened that fateful day, when he was turned to stone for the third time and lost his chance for the love of his life.

Oh yeah... I'm in Limbo once again, it's just my thoughts and I again. Oh how I wished, that I could of finished my sentence before I was turned to stone.

I really do love Fluttershy, but she'll never love me for what I did to her, I'm now a monster in her eyes.

Maybe I shouldn't of asked her that question during that dream I made for her, she seemed like she has a crush on me with all that blushing and stammering around me, maybe it was a good idea turning me back to stone, at least I can still hear what ponies are saying.

They're probably celebrating right now, happy that I'm gone now.

"I can't believe it wasn't Discord, who didn't cause...We should have believed him...I should of believed him."A voice echoed.

Who said that?!

"It's all our fault for not believing him Fluttershy, but please we need to get inside the bunker before anymore chaos happens!"

Oh, I'm just hearing those ponies, seem like I didn't cause this after all, hey, wait a minute....I let myself be turned to stone for nothing!

"I'm not going without Discord's Statue."

Oh, it's only Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy arguing about me.

"Then bring him down then, let's just go!"

There was a long dead silence for a little while untill 15 minutes later he heard Fluttershy talk.

"Don't worry Discord, I'm here now and I'm never ever leaving your side, because l love you."

Wait....what! She loves me too that's amazing! But, wait- that's impossible due to me being different species, but with me anything is possible, so I don't care, I wonder if she remembers me telling her about being turned to stone that I can still her what ponies say, just imagine her face right now if I told her I heard her, priceless it would be!

"It seems like our Fluttershy is in love!"

Ow! Does that pony have to yell so loudly, even in stone it's loud.

"WHAT...n-n-no it isn't like that."

It doesn't seem like that to me.

"Then why your blushing then, huh?"

"You do seem to be mighty protective of him now, plus your hugging his statue and your dreamily looking at him."

Oh, ooh! Is she doing that now," he smirked slyly. "I wish I can see and feel that. Her warm hug and her enchanting teal-eyed stare are all I need right now.

"Don't worry about it ,dear Fluttershy, but mind me asking does he know you like him?"

Well, now I do know!

" girls aren't mad that I'm in love with Discord?"

Those ponies aren't mad that I'm in love with Fluttershy?

"It's ok, Flutters, we're happy for you anyway that you found a special somepony even if it is Discord, we're happy when you are...when he gets out of stone and if he even hurts you, I'll beat him till a pulp."

Discord chuckled. I'd like to see you try and beat me Ms. Dash, you'll surely fail miserably, but enough chit-chat," he clapped his hands. "Now let's eavesdrop some more, now where were we.

"Come to Canterlot immediately and we will explain everything, just get over here as quickly as you can."Sincerely
Royal Guard #1

"Unusual state...are they like sick?"

"I don't know, but we have to get over there as fast as we can."

"And how do you suppose we do that, if you didn't know that the train is made from cheese and crackers!"

The train is made from cheese and crackers? he huffed. Why is this chaos bringer so much better then me and I mean me, The Lord of Chaos is basically now an amateur to who's doing this!....wait- why do I hear crying...Did somepony make Fluttershy cry!?

"So...they have statues of them now, good for them...but really where are they?"

"They're right here, they're the statues, they have been turn to stone as well....."



"Turned to to stone, I know it sounds unreal, but it's the truth."

"This is bad, this is so bad, first my castle is gone, then Discord wasn't behind and now he's in stone and now the princesses are in stone too, oh how can it possibly get worse!"

She just jinxed herself, I just know it! And Tia and Lulu are in stone too, that's hilarious! Now they know I felt all those years he tapped his chin. I wonder where are they?


Luna! Are you there? I seem to be in a dark place, are we in the world they call Limbo?!

Yes Sister, I'm here and yes we're in Limbo... also I hate this place more than the moon...

*Back to Discord's point of view*

"Princess Twilight, news from the Crystal Empire, Princess Cadence and Shining Armor have been turned to stone and the crystal ponies are in panic!"

Yeeup totally jinxed it!

"Then how Twi?, we don't know who's doing this and why."

How about you mares get a good...days sleep, you need to rest up before you plan out who's doing this."

"And we will keep a close eye on everypony and we'll triple the defenses, we will protect you at every cost, we even got a guard from the Crystal Empire helping.

"You do, who is it!...I-I mean good, now come on girls lets go get some sleep!"

Somepony's got a crush and they just chose one guard from the Crystal Empire, pretty useless don't you think? And I hope somepony brings me inside because I don't want to get bird pooped on for being in stone again....

There's some more silence for a few minutes until he heard another voice, a dark, evil voice.

"I'd love to see you try to stop me and my chaos, so see you later foolish ponies, I have more chaos to bring upon you."

That voice...I recognized before but that's impossible, she should of been gone when I was first turned to stone! But now she's becoming the new Lord of Chaos!

I have to stop her, but how I'm stuck in stone and so are the princesses... I know I just have to get into Fluttershy's dream and tell her what's going on! From today she'll probably have a dream, it will probably be a nightmare anyway, I just have to use all my strength just
for Fluttershy...

"Oh yeah, I forgot to bring you inside Discord!"

Yea that's my girl, I knew she wasn't gonna let me stay outside.


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It was still day time due to Celestia being in stone, but the mane 6 were tired from their adventure, they had today. They were in their bedrooms with five castle guards to each door making sure nopony gets in or out.

"Good night, girls!" Twilight yelled from her room.

"Good night, Twilight!" The rest yelled in unison.

Each one of them already snug in bed asleep, but in Fluttershy's room, she was still getting ready for bed. She was still pushing Discord's statue next to her bed. Before she got into bed- she gave Discord's statue a good night hug.

"Good night, Discord," she said sweetly. "Don't let the...stone-eating bugs bite."

Good night, sweet Fluttershy...I still wish you could hear me.

When Fluttershy fell asleep, she dreamt of what had happened that day, but some things were different- such as when they summoned Discord, he wasn't in the shower. He was smirking at them like he was expecting them to summon him and he summoned up his old throne and sat down in it.

"Hello old friends," he said. "nice to see you, do you like what I've done with the place? it really suits me."

"Discord, you know we told you specifically not to cause chaos when your free, but can you get rid of this chaos before we have to turn you back to stone again?" asked Twilight.

"I'm afraid I can't do that princess." Discord said grimly.

Twilight frowned. "Why not? Do you want to be stone again?"

"Of course not, but do you want to be turned to stone?" Discord asked darkly.

"I was turned to stone once, but I won't be turned to stone again," Twilight paused. "But, tell us why are you doing this?"

"I'm doing this because I can't hold back my chaos anymore! I want to be free and make my chaos spread all across Equestria!"

"We cannot let that happen Discord- you know that already."

"So be it then."

In a snap Discord conjured up Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, who albeit didn't know what was going had their wings and horns taken away and was levitating above a container of boiling chocolate milk.

"What's going on?" Luna said. "One moment I'm in the Royal Library and now I'm above a container of...chocolate milk?"

"Discord! What do you think your doing?!"

"I'm getting rid of the princesses, so they can't be in my way."

"Let them go Discord or else" Twilight exclaimed angrily.

"Bad chose of words there, Twilight."

Always taking stuff literally, Discord dropped the princesses into the chocolate milk and it only took a matter of a few mintues till they didn't hear their cries for help.

"Discord! I can't believe this, why are you doing this?" Fluttershy asked.

"I'm taking over Equestria again and you'll be the third to disappear from this place!"



All around Fluttershy everything disappeared and there was a bright light in front of her.

"Princess Luna? Is that you?"

"No, it's me Discord, but you can call me Prince Discord; if you want."

"Discord!" Fluttershy exclaimed, jumping up to hug him. "Hey....wait I thought your in stone and does Princess Luna know your doing her job?"

"I am in stone, but I'm using all my strength for you to talk to you from there and Lulu doesn't even know I'm doing this."

Why do I get the strange feeling that I'm being replaced in my job?

Don't ask me.

"Any who," Discord said. "I came to tell you who is causing the chaos and to finish my sentence I was going to say."

"Finish what you were going to tell me first then tell me who's doing this."

"Oh, OK...I was going to tell you that I have a crush on you but now I think...I l-I-love you." Discord stammered, not knowing Fluttershy was going to ask that first.

Fluttershy was shocked to hear those words coming from his mouth and he was even stammering too!

"And I know this seems a bit rushed and I know you love me too, since I heard you say it, when you were in Twilight's bunker-"

" can still hear stuff when your in stone!"

"Yes, but I have to hurry it up still since I'm losing my strength and soon will be going back to Limbo." Discord said, looking down at his watch.

"Ok, now who is causing the chaos?"

"It's an old creation of mine, her name is Eris, a female version of me. I made her when I was feeling lonely during my first rein, but she disappeared after a month, after that I never saw her since then, now she's back and wanting to take over Equestria."

"Ok, how do we defeat her?"

"I don't know, just make a plan to defeat her, I have to go now."

"WAIT! I mean, wait can you give me something before you go?"

"What is that?"

"Canyoukissme?" Fluttershy asked, her cheeks turning a beet red.

"What was that again? And s-slower this time." Discord asked, hoping he heard her right.

"Can you kiss me?" Fluttershy repeated, with her blush turning more red.

"Oh, I-I'm sorry, I really wish I can do that, but I'm not fully here right now...I'm just a spirit right now." Discord apologized, a twinge of red at his cheeks now.

"Oh..sorry I asked, bye Discord..."

"Bye, sweet Fluttershy." Discord said faintly as he disappeared into nothing.

When Fluttershy woke up, she both had happiness and sadness in her mind, but she did have new information about who's doing this,
and her name was Eris and was the female counterpart to Discord.

She had to go tell the others, just before she left her room, she turned back at Discord's statue and said;

"Thank you, Discord."

And then left her room towards the dining hall.

Your welcome, my sweet....

Plan and Battle

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Everypony was already in the dining hall eating breakfast when Fluttershy came in.

"Oh, Fluttershy, your here I was just about to send Spike to wake you up." Twilight said, taking a sip of orange juice. "Do you want..."

"I know who's doing this." Fluttershy said solemnly.

The girls just stared at Fluttershy like she was crazy in silence not until Twilight broke the silence.

"You do! Who and how?"

"I spoke with Discord last night and I know it sounds strange out loud, but he came to my dream and told me, he also stopped my nightmare."

"What did he tell you?"

"He told me that Eris, his female counterpart, is doing this."

"His female counterpart?! Is it his feminine side?" Rainbow asked in confusion.

"Anything else he said?"

"He also finished what he was going to say before he got turned to stone."

"And that is?" said Rarity, eagerly waiting.

"Oh, never mind that. What's important now is how are we going to stop Eris." Fluttershy said as her face grew beet red.

But what Fluttershy didn't notice was that Rarity was whispering into Twilight's ear saying- "Discord told her that he loved her, didn't he." with Twilight responding. "Yeup." Then both started to giggle.

"And how are we going to do that? We don't exactly have a plan." Rainbow Dash asked.

"I agree with Rainbow, without the elements and the Rainbow power, we are defenseless," she gasped dramatically. "this has got to be the worst possible thing!" She pulled out her fainting couch from out of nowhere.

There was long silence for a little while until Twilight burst out saying:

"I've got it! First we need to gather up one-third of the castle guards and then we need to prepare for battle, even though it's sounds risky I know we might win- but we have to try."

"Your right Twilight- we have to try for us, for Discord, for the Princesses, for and Equestria!" Rainbow said, standing up taller.

"YEAH!" they all exclaimed.

The mane 6 parted their ways to get ready. Twilight went to call upon the guards, Pinkie Pie went to get her Party Cannon which she set it to total party mode, Applejack went to get some equipment, Rainbow Dash got war paint on, Fluttershy went to get ready, and Rarity was getting dressed. And they all met up at the back gate of the castle.

"Alright soldiers- I summoned you all here for a battle as you know that Equestria is under attack! And I'm the only leader left and we need to win for Equestria!"

All the guards yelled in pride as they got ready to get into battle.

"Girls, we need to get Eris to appear, any ideas?"

"No, but why don't you ask her!" Pinkie Pie shouted, pointing across the bridge.

All heads turned to who was Pinkie pointing at and gasps fled through the air as they saw Eris right in front of them. She was a female draconquss that looked exactly like Discord, but only with a white mane.

"Eww! She looks just like Discord, but more uglier and filthier." Rarity gagged.

"I see you ponies have found out that I've been doing this the whole time."said Eris grimly.

"Eris!" Twilight started. "We demand you stop this chaos at once or we have no choice but to attack you!"

"I don't feel like doing that right now, I'm feeling quite lazy, ask another time."

"Fine then, ATTACK!"

Everypony started charging across the bridge with mighty roars with mane 6 leading them head on.

"Heh foolish ponies." Eris whispered as she got ready to snap her claws

With a snap of Eris' claws, she trapped the guards with her magic and then throwing them off the bridge. Since half of them were pegasi they flew back up, but the rest were unicorn and earth ponies, so they keep falling, so Twilight and Rarity used their magic to catch them.

"You think you can stop me? A clone of one the most powerful magical users in Equestria!"

"We don't think, We know we can stop you!" yelled Twilight, blasting a beam to Eris

Eris just simply dodged the magical blast.

"You ponies just don't know when give up-..."


OW! Who did that!

"There's more where that came from bub!"said Pinkie Pie with her party cannon.

"You think a simple party cannon is going to stop me? You should see my party cannon."

With a snap of Eris' paws she conjured up a party tank- it was much bigger then Cheese Sandwich's party cannon and more powerful.

"Let's see what this baby can do!"

Eris primed her tank and then pointed it at the guards, shooting it caused a massive explosion of confetti balls. All the guard scattered everywhere to escape, but it was too late, they all got shot and got blown back into the castle.

"Eris! We demand that you stop this at once!"yelled Twilight.

"But I'm having so much fun destroying you"

"Your more annoying then Discord when he was reformed!"

"I know isn't that great."said Eris pointing her tank at the mane 6.

Twilight put up a magical shield right before Eris shot them.

"You know what would be better right now?"

"No, we don't and we don't want to know."

"This!"shouted Eris as she snapped away Twilight's wings and horn and Rarity's horn and Fluttershys and Rainbow's wings.

"Not this again! Are you giving them back at the end of the game?"said Rainbow.

"What game? I'm never giving them back."

"Why not? You not being fair!"yelled Twilight.

"Who said I had to play fair? I'm just making sure I can win!"

"She doesn't seem like Discord at all."Rarity whispered to Twilight, which she responded in a sarcastic tone- "Really? I never knew."

"Well, time for this to end." Said Eris, shooting the mane 6 with explosive confetti balls.

Each one of the mane 6 got blown back by each one.

"RETREAT!" yelled Twilight.

The mane 6 retreated back into the castle and away from a laughing Eris.

"Ha ha! Foolish ponies, now I'm free forever!"said Eris disappearing with her laugh echoing.

Back in the castle the mane 6 were talking about what had happened.

"Well that was a complete bust." said Rainbow.

"I think that was our first retreat, do you you think, girls?" Rarity asked.

"Your right!" Pinkie piped. "We never retreated before."

"Well girls, I guess we have to get use to the new order of Equestria."

"Wait, are we really giving up hope?"

"Yes, we have no other options and we have no magic, it's completely hopeless." Twilight lowered her head.

The mane 6 decided to go to back to their rooms and to get some rest and to think about what to do next, not knowing what will happen the next day.


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When Fluttershy got to her room, she closed the door behind her before starting to cry from her and her friends failed attempt on defeating Eris. The next day she was still feeling sad, so Fluttershy decided to tell Discord the bad news...just to let it out of her system. She slowly walked over to his statue and started to speak-

"Discord...Discord, are you still there?" Fluttershy said, still weeping through her tears.

Of course I'm here my dear, and why are you crying?

"W-We and Equestria."

There's always a second chance to, like you gave me kind of.

"She's much more powerful then you and also smarter."

That is maybe a problem...but you have faced worse before.

"She's also a more cruel and eviler."

Tirek was like that too.

"I just don't know what to do...I need you here with me by my side."

I want to be with you too...

A long silence took in place for a little while. After a few minutes of silence had passed Fluttershy started to talk:

"I just miss you really much."

As do I...

Another silence came again until Discord heard the sound of singing from beyond Limbo.

"I really need you back with me in my life."

"Back with me, back in my hooves."

Oh, she's singing now? I'm going along with it.

I really need you back with me in my life

Back with me, back in my arms.

"I know I may not be smart or strong but with you I can be that way."

I know I may be mean and cruel but with you I'll try not be that way.

"It's all because I love you."

It's all because I love you

"I just want you back, safe with me."

(Fluttershy hugs Discord's statue)

I just want you back, safe with me too.

"I'm sorry if I caused you any harm."

I'm sorry if I broke your heart.

(Cracks start to appear on Discord's statue)

"I just miss you, I really need you."

I miss you more, I need you more.

"Because I love you."

Because I love you too...


The cracks on the statue started to spread out more and then Discord broke free of his stone prison! And he noticed that Fluttershy was still hugging his still unenchanted stone covered snake body not knowing he was actually free.

"I miss you."

"Uh, Fluttershy."

"I just want you free."

"But I am free, Fluttershy!"

When Fluttershy heard that she looked up and saw a big goofy grin on his face, soon she had the same on face he had as well.

"DISCORD! Your back!" Fluttershy exclaimed, now jumping up to hug him.

Discord smiled. "I am back and I'm with you now."

"Wait, how did you get free?"

"Power of a love song probably, but does that really matter-" He was interrupted when Fluttershy kissed him.

His eyes widened in surprise, but slowly melted into the kiss, her lips were so soft and cool, he heard her give a small sigh as she kissed him back, it felt like an eternity they've been kissing, but in reality it was a few minutes until they pulled away from the kiss, both blushing

"How did that feel?" Fluttershy asked.

"It all felt sudden, but it felt like I was elecuoted by a cotton candy cloud." Discord said, a goofy smile spread across his face.

*Meanwhile back world of Limbo*

Princess Cadence smiled as a surge of love fill her heart, she knew he finally did it. She turned to her husband, who was still having trouble staying in place.

Shining, do you get the feeling that a couple has been brought together?

Don't ask me; I'm not the princess of love.

*Back to the real world*

Discord frowned. "I must ask Fluttershy, why are you all filthy and your wings are gone?"

Fluttershy looked down at herself she was dirty in some places and her wings were gone.

"Oh about that...Eris took my wings away and shot me with an explosive confetti cannon ball."

"She what!" Discord hissed.

"She took me and our friends wings and horns away and then shot us one by one with explosive confetti cannon balls."


"Please, Discord don't overreact."

"I can't not allow her to just hurt you like that! So, I'm going to finish this fight once and for all!" Discord said, as he teleported out of the room.

"just please...don't get hurt."

"Oh, I won't! But she will!"

Teleporting into the hallway Discord noticed that the rest of the mane 6 were in front of the door who were most likely eavesdropping on them.

"Oh, Discord...your back! I knew I heard you yelling." She said sheepishly.

"Yes, I'm back and will you excuse me," Discord replied rudely, pushing Twilight out of the way. "I have an old friend to talk to."

Deciding to take it slowly Discord decided to walk to the front gate in literal slow-motion.

"We better go with him, just to make sure he doesn't get hurt." Rainbow Dash suggested.

"Oh, I hope he doesn't get hurt." Fluttershy said.

"Don't worry Fluttershy; Discord is one the strongest magic users in Equestria I'm sure he'll be Ok." Twilight reassured, putting a reassuring hoof on Fluttershy.

"That's what I'm worried about; Eris is a clone of Discord, she has his kind of magic!"

"Then we'll pray for Discord's sake that he'll win and take away Eris for once and for all."

Once Discord stepped out of the castle, he saw the chaos that Eris had made; houses walking around, apples with creepy smiling faces and walking on two legs, ponies walking up nothing and he choose to yell Eris' name get her to come.

"Eris! You come out here this instance or I'll-!"

"Well, what do we have here...."

Creator vs Creation

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Eris was floating above Discord with a puzzled look on her face and "How is this possible! You were turned to stone by the Rainbow Power!"

"By the power of a love song, I was freed Eris!"

"Why does love magic have to ruin everything!" Eris complained. "It doesn't matter right now, what matters now is that you are going back to stone!"

Eris shot a magic missile at Discord who blocked it, but she conjured up her Party Tank after that and then shot Discord with it- who just made go through him.

"A party tank? Really Eris is that the best you can do?" Said Discord, sticking his tongue out at her mockingly. "I have a Party Pinkie Pie that's on Energy Drink!" Discord shouted conjuring up Pinkie Pie.

"A energy drink? Let me have it!"

"Energy what!" Twilight said from a far distance.

"Not an Energy Drink! Discord do you know what would happen? The whole world could blow up from Pinkie Pie!"yelled Rainbow Dash.

But it was too late Discord gave Pinkie Pie a whole can of energy drink. When she finished it- she looked crazy, she keep bouncing up and down, left to right very fast everywhere!

"Partypartyfunfunfunfunfunparty!" Pinkie Pie yelled like a maniac.

"Take cover!" Twilight exclaimed while running for cover behind a tree.


"Hey Pinkie! Eris wants to party with you." Discord laughed.




Pinkie Pie literally dragged Eris all around the place; she shoved cake into Eris' mouth, wrapped her in streamers, and also beat her at pin the tail on the pony and raced her around Equestria...Pinkie also won 2 times.

"ENOUGH! Just...enough. Your killing me! You will be taken away first."said Eris gripping Pinkie with her magic.


"No Pinkie! Let her go you big... dumb... meanie!"said Fluttershy starting to throw rocks at Eris.

"Ow! You know what, how about I take you away first!"yelled Eris as she grapped Fluttershy and put Pinkie on the ground.

"Let's how can I kill you, do you want-A.)I can burn you or B.)Dropping you." Eris whispered into Fluttershy ear.

"How about C.)letting her go!" Discord said out of nowhere as he blasted Eris making her let go of Fluttershy.

"You okay Flutters." Discord whispered.

"Now I am, now go defeat Eris for us!"said Fluttershy giving Discord a little kiss on the cheek for luck.

After Eris recovered from her hit, she met face to face with the Lord of Chaos who bared his teeth at her angrily. "First, you trick my friends into turning me into stone! Second, you hurt Fluttershy and her friends! Third, you threatened to kill her! I'm beginning to wish I hadn't created you."

"You already made that mistake." Eris added.

"But there's still one thing I'm wondering, why did you disappear the next week I created you?"

Eris facepalmed."You're an idiot, I left because you never used your chaos how it was meant to be." Eris explained. "And I knew you would turned to stone mostly because of your overconfidence, so I put a spell on myself so I couldn't disappear with the rest of your chaos."

"So...where were you all this time."

"I was in cave planing for a 1,000 years and now I'm ready to destroy you!" Eris let out a cry as she blasted Discord with her explosive confetti cannon balls.

Eris keep shooting Discord with cannon balls, but keep missing, so she snapped her Party Tank into a Party Machine Gun Tank and keep blasting on.

"Really Eris? I could do this all da-"

Discord got shot in the face by one of the machine gun cannon balls and got knocked unconscious.

"See there's some of your overconfidence right now." Eris said, floating over to an unconscious Discord laughing grimly.

The mane 6 still helpless, didn't know how to help their friend, they just prayed that he'll regain his conscious soon- especially Fluttershy.

"Discord Discord! Pleace you have to get up, Discord!" yelled Fluttershy.

Discord Discord! Please you have to get up, Discord!

Fluttershy? Fluttershy!

Discord sprang back up fully awake and shot back Eris with a fireballs.

"No one knocks me unconscious especially you!"

Discord knocked back Eris and then he cut a hole through the fabric of time making it a blue-swirling void into another dimension and then levitating Eris with his magic and took her toward the void, and not forgetting to take away her magic too.

"My magic! What did you do?"

"I simply took it away, so you can't escape from your prison."

"My prison?" Eris looked into the void and saw something horrifying. "What! NO ANYTHING BUT THAT."

"Too bad." Discord said as he threw Eris into the void.

When the void disappeared, everything went to normal; The Princesses and Shining Armor were free from stone, Twilight's castle came back, The mane 6 got their wings and horns back, and Canterlot was restored to it's former glory. Happy cheers filled the air as ponies congratulated Discord for his first victory.

"Way to go Discord!" The Mane Six cheered as they pulled Discord into a group hug.

"Great job Discord, I'm so proud of you!" Fluttershy said, giving him a hug. "But one thing I'm wondering, where did you send Eris?"

"Oh, I sent her to a place that I'm sure she'll enjoyed."

*Meanwhile back in another dimension.*

"NO, STAY AWAY, I DEMAND YOU GET AWAY FROM ME, HELP ME!" Eris screamed running away from Energy drink influenced Pinkie Pies.





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It was seven months after Eris' defeat and all was still peaceful; no monster attacks, no invasions, due to Discord helping out around Equestria. He helped capture Starlight Glimmer before could she escape into the cave and could possibly return with evil plan such as changing time and whatnot.

But, today was a special day - it was Hearts and Hooves Day! And all couples we're giving each other gifts and going out on dates. Discord was going to visit Fluttershy at her cottage to tell her his plans this afternoon, first he knocked on the door.

"Who is it!" her sweet voice called from inside the cottage.

"It's your Prince, Discord."

"Oh, Discord! Come in."

Discord stepped inside the cottage. And there was Fluttershy brushing her mane in front of the mirror. She stopped her brushing and ran up to him to give him a hug.

"Happy Hearts and Hooves Day my dear and Happy Five Month Anniversary!" He exclaimed excitedly.

"Oh, Discord, you remembered!" Fluttershy excitedly as she give him a kiss.

"How could I not remember seven months ago, we started dating?" Discord asked rhetorically with a big goofy grin.

"So today's Hearts and Hooves Day...what do you have planned?"

"I planned a date at 8:00 pm sharp at the hill, I'll be picking you up. And I have a surprise for you after the date."

"What's the surprise?"

"I'm not telling you until after the picnic."

"Oh ok. And but remember we're not exchanging our gifts untill after the date."

"Ok, but I have a special gift for you my sweet, goodbye." Discord said as he stepped out of the cottage.

"Bye Discord."

She closed the door behind. And she went back to her mirror and stared at her reflection.

"He has something else planned I just know it. Oh Discord, wait till you see what got you." Fluttershy said as she opened a drawer and pulling out a snowglobe which had a picture of them inside and instead of snow, hearts fell down when it was shaken.

"Oh he's so cute when he's so happy."

Back at Discord's floating castle. Discord appeared in his courtyard front of a large structure covered in a blanket, looking distressed.

"Oh I hope I can finish the gift in time of the picnic, I know I can just snap it finished, but I want the gift to be special for Fluttershy. And I can't ask for help anyways since the others are busy with their things especially Twilight going out with that crush of her's. Good thing Me, and Cadence brought them together." He said to himself.

Discord conjured a constructionpony suit, some tools, and some magicless clones and started to work on his gift and with the help of the clones, Discord finished his gift four hours earlier then he expected.

He wiped the sweat from his brow. "Thank you me's I wouldn't of finish it early without me."

"Your welcome me." Said the clones as they were snapped gone.

Discord stepped back to admire his work. He had been working on a statue of Him and Fluttershy together- even the details made it look so real mostly because he made the Discord part of the statue actually move and were part of his security guard, even though the Discord part of the statue was able to perform magic, it was under the spell of not teleporting away; because the Fluttershy part would come to life and probably stop him before he did."

"I'm sure she'll love this present, it's no Michelangelo but it will do. Let's see I still have two hours left, I'll go get ready and go to the jewelry store." He teleported away from the castle, but then teleported back "Oh, and statue me please don't fall off the cliff while I'm gone, unlike like the other one did."

"Of course my chaotic master."


Meanwhile back at Fluttershy's cottage. Fluttershy was still choosing what to wear for her date. "Oh Angel, what should I wear for our date?"

Angel just glared at her and squeaked saying: "Anything you want! I don't care, especially if it involves your idiotic chaotic chimera coltfriend!"

"Don't say that, Angel! He's my coltfriend."

"So? I don't care, he's not my problem."

"So if I told him you called him an idiotic chaotic chimera, would you care?"

"You wouldn't dare!"

"Try me." She said coldly.

"Alright alright fine...wear the gold reminds me of something."

Discord arrived at Fluttershy's cottage not a minute too late. And he knocked on the door.

"Just a minute!" Fluttershy called inside.

"Alright Discord- let's show that mare the time of her life."


"Ah yes Fluttershy- ready to go-o-o-o-o..."

Fluttershy was wearing a gold dress with vines and roses embroidered into it. While Discord wore a blue tuxedo.

"Is something wrong? Is it too much? I could change if you'd like."

"I-I-I what! No, you look absolutely stunning."

"Oh... Thank you." Said Fluttershy blushing slightly.

"Shall we be off my dear?"

"We shall." Fluttershy replied with a giggle.

The date was at the top of the hill and it looked beautiful because of all the star and the full moon were out. Discord begged Princess Luna to make the night sky beautiful for this evening.

"Here we are." Discord said, pointing at the flower embroidered gazebo.

"It looks beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as you, now c'mon let's eat."

Discord had made a small buffet for the picnic including; Cucumber Sandwiches, Salads, and Tea cookies. They starting eating and Discord told Fluttershy about what had happened today for him.

"Then he ran away with my right foot, it took an hour just to catch him, but that monkaroo was a smart one."

"Hahaha! Oh Discord, that's a hilarious story! But now it's time for the gift exchange."

"Ok, but your gift first."

Fluttershy pulled out the snowglobe out her saddlebag and gave it to Discord.

"I know you can pretty much conjure up anything, but this is a symbol of our love."

"I love it, it's great! Thank you sweetie."

"Now yours."

"Oh right, let me just conjure it here."

Discord conjured up the statue.

"Before you go all you can conjure this up in a snap thing, I'm just gonna tell you I made this by paw/claw with some help from magicless clones I wanted to show you how much I care for you."

"It's so beautiful." Said Fluttershy tearing up a little.

"Why thank you, Mrs.Fluttershy."

"Eep! It just talked."

"I made it come alive and it can do magic and it won't run away due your part keeping it in check."

On cue the Fluttershy part of the statue came to life. "Yeah, I'll make sure he won't run away, right dear?"

"Yes, dear."

"Thank you, Discord, for this wonderful gift! But why did the statue say "Mrs" instead of Miss. Fluttershy?"

"Oh, yeah about that..." Discord said, glaring to the statue for revealing his plan early.

Discord reached into his pocket and pulled out a small black box and opened it reveling a gold ring with a teal-blue diamond.

Fluttershy gasped at the sight of it.


"Yes Discord?"

"Fluttershy... Will you marry me?"