> The Life and Times of Deepthroat Cockslut > by Hardcover > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue: Twist of Fate > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pony names are a strange thing. For those on the outside of the pony world, it might seem peculiar that so many ponies have names that fit so well with their characters and talents. If you ask the parents how they named their foals, they'll tell you, "We just knew." Scholarly ponies more knowledgeable about Equestrian magic will tell you that it's the magic of Destiny, the very same magic that governs a pony's cutie mark and its appearance, that prompts the parents to name their foals during the magical hour of birth. However, Destiny is a bitch, and a bitch with a sense of humor at that. For a certain new mother and father, Peach Seed and Oakwood, the coming of their daughter had been nothing but joy. She had been fun to make, an easy pregnancy, and an overall painless birth. When she first came into the world, her parents beheld her with such joy and wonder that they could hardly hold back their tears. A soft pink filly, with a sunshine yellow mane and bright fuschia eyes. She didn't cry long, cooing and giggling as her parents hovered over her in the hospital bed. Destiny chose that moment to strike. It was a cruel, twisting feeling in the parents' guts. Stronger than the gentle tug parents usually felt, this command would not be ignored. Peach Seed and Oakwood looked at each other, wearing frowns of concern and horror. This had to be a mistake. Just their imaginations. Her name couldn't be... could it? "So, what will you call her?" the doctor asked the parents, staring dumbstruck into each others' eyes. There was a moment of heavy silence, even the little filly holding quite still in her mother's hooves. They couldn't work up the courage to answer. "What will you call her?" the doctor repeated, thinking they hadn't heard him. Finally, Oakwood managed to find his voice. "Uh... Deepthroat Cockslut," he whispered. "What was that?" the doctor asked. He took a heavy breath. "Her name is Deepthroat Cockslut." "I... I see," the doctor answered, writing it down with a shaken grasp on the pen. "Um... why don't you let the little darling suckle? She'll be hungry," he prompted them. Peach Seed nodded, pulling up her paper gown and gently placing her daughter against her belly as her father watched. Even though she felt that special bond between mother and child at the first feeding, and even though her father was terribly proud at what he and his wife had accomplished together, the twisting feeling in their stomachs remained. "It'll be fine," Oakwood assured his wife. "She's our daughter. Our beautiful daughter." He kissed his wife, and she felt a touch of comfort in the confidence of his voice. Deep down, they knew they were only kidding themselves. Panic was setting in, even as little Deepthroat Cockslut drank and fell asleep. > 1: The Yellow Rose > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Her parents decided to call her "Deepy" for short. If they tried to call her "Dee," ponies would ask what "D" stood for, and they'd have to give the shameful answer. They'd treat her like any other filly. All they wanted was for her to be happy and have a normal life, free of any shame or ridicule. And despite her embarrassing name, Oakwood and Peach Seed couldn't help but love her to bits. She was a sweet filly, and very well-behaved. She never cried too much, kept her room clean, always obeyed her parents, and was enormously kind, generous, and eager to meet new ponies. Especially stallions. As soon as she could run and talk, if it had a pair of balls, she wanted to say hi. Living in Baltimare, this meant that there were a lot of stallions to greet, and even after her parents warned her not to talk to strangers enough that she stopped saying hello to every stallion that walked past, her eyes still lingered on them, and her smile was always bright as she beheld their faces. It was that they were different from her, and little Deepy was terribly curious. At the tender age of six, she was already asking Daddy about the weird things between his legs as they played together on the living room rug. "Well," he worked up the nerve, sitting up from lying on his back. It was inevitable. Deepthroat Cockslut liked to look at nuts more than candy, and when Oakwood's impressive set already kept his thighs more spread than the average stallion, it was only a matter of time before she asked. "Those are my testicles," he explained. "All stallions have them, and they're used to make foals with mares." "Huh," she said. She stared at her father's balls for a while longer, and already the sweat was trickling down his neck as Peach Seed looked up from her book, nervously awaiting their daughter's response. "They're very sensitive," Peach Seed said after a beat. "And it's not polite to touch stallions there." "Yes, Mommy," she said sweetly. But this new information only ignited her curiosity. In the naked world of Equestria, Deepthroat Cockslut had plenty of sack to stare at, and stare she did. Her parents tried to teach her manners, that it wasn't polite to stare and it was best to ignore them altogether, but she couldn't help it. Nearly every day she went out with her parents, she had at least one comment to offer on a random stallion's genitals. She thought they were all great, whether they were big or small, hairy or smooth, sweaty or clean. It was sweet in a way, but mostly concerning for her parents. So when she started school, she was told at least a hundred times not to talk about or look at any of her classmates' testicles. "Yes, Daddy," she said. For the most part, she couldn't help it. The colts her in class were so much smaller than stallions, in all ways, but she did as her parents told her and kept her mouth shut. Unless they were playing doctor, of course. That was her favorite game. She got a few complaints from parents, and there were some parent-teacher conferences about appropriate touching, but the teachers always assured her parents that it was normal for little Deepy to be curious at this age, and that it was purely innocent. And for the most part, it was. Until she turned eleven. Almost everypony had their cutie marks at this point, and she was the last in her class, to her great shame. Even if she was friends with almost every colt in the class, the other fillies still called her a blank-flank, and the colts couldn't really protect her. Her parents told her that she was simply a late-bloomer and that it would come when it was time. But that didn't stop everypony from worrying about it, especially her parents. When cutie marks and names tended to go hoof-in-hoof, they were plagued with nightmares about their daughter coming home with a lewd image on her flank. A name could be shortened. A cutie mark was immutable. One of her closer friends, a brown colt with a red mane named Sawdust, had already gotten a cutie mark for lumberjacking, and as was appropriate for the profession, had begun getting large growthspurts at the age of twelve. Deepy had grown, but he was a good head taller than her, and already putting on muscle. All of these changes were fun to monitor. So when he galloped up to her in the schoolyard and said in a cracky, pubescent voice, "Hey, Deepy! Wanna play doctor?" she only had one answer. "Of course!" Lots of other ponies had outgrown the game of pretend, so the patch of grass behind the toy shed was usually abandoned. Sawdust was the only colt who still liked playing this game, and she felt like hugging him just for suggesting it. "So who's gonna be the doctor?" he asked. "I want to!" she jumped on the opportunity. "Alright," he chuckled. They found a Y shaped stick for her to wear around her neck like a stethoscope, and once she was in character, she said, "Time for your checkup young colt! Lay down on my table." Sawdust laid down on the patch of grass, and Deepy made a big show about poking his with her "stethoscope" and going "hmmm." After she had done this for long enough, she said, "Okay, now let's measure you." Without a measuring tape, she just stretched her hooves out and moved alongside him until she reached his head and hindlegs. "You're getting almost too big to measure, Sawdust," she said. "My dad says I'm gonna be a big stallion," Sawdust admitted proudly. She poked at his arms a with her hooves. "Your muscles are getting really big." "Really?" he said with a blush. He couldn't help but flex for her. She squeezed his biceps. "Yeah. You must be the strongest colt on the playground," she complimented. All of her praise and touching left Sawdust feeling warm and comfortable. So when Deepthroat Cockslut continued her checkup, it wasn't a total surprise to her to see that his penis had slipped out of its sheath. Being the experienced doctor that she was, this was not the first penis she had ever seen, but normally they didn't slip out until she gave her testicle exam. But, for the sweet little filly, nothing was amiss. "Your wiener's getting really big too," she said. "R-really? You think so?" Sawdust said, even more nervous and flattered than before. "Yeah. I can barely fit my hoof around it," she said, giving the thick black shaft a squeeze. "Ah," he gave a little moan. Deepy hardly noticed, still preoccupied with the change in her friend. "Even your balls are bigger. And do they usually hang so much?" The sweet filly rolled the orbs around in her hooves. "I- I don't know, but that feels really good," Sawdust told her. "Really?" she asked. Colts normally said they liked being touched there, but this was a different kind of pleasure. "How good?" she said, fondling him further. "Really really good," he admitted. His pre-teen cock had more than just flopped out. It was standing tall and diamond hard, something that Deepy hadn't quite seen in her time. "Is it supposed to do that?" she asked. "Yeah. It's been doing that a lot lately," he told her, just as clueless as she was. "Huh," she said. "And it feels good when I touch it?" Sweet little Deepy started to rub Sawdust's erection. "Yeahhh," he moaned. There was a moment of silence where all that could be heard was the chirping of birds, laughing and shouting foals, and Sawdust's heavy breathing as the little pink filly played with his dick. "What else feels good on it?" she asked. "Baths," he answered. "They're so warm and wet. They always make it get hard." "Huh," she repeated again. Deepy didn't feel the tug of Destiny on her, but she still answered its call with her next words. "My mouth is warm and wet." "You- wanna lick it?" he asked. "I mean, if it doesn't taste bad," she said. "Do you think that would feel good?" "Yes," he said quickly. "I mean, if you want to." "Why not?" she said. Without an ounce of hesitation, she leaned forward and gave Sawdust's stiff, throbbing tip a long, loving lick. "Ohhhh," he moaned loud. "Was that good?" she asked. "Deepy, that was really good." He was already panting, from pleasure and adrenaline. "Can you do it again?" "Sure," she said. Another long lick, this time more along the shaft, wetting it with droplets of her saliva. It tasted mostly fleshy, and maybe a little salty, but she loved the smooth texture, and the way it twitched at her ministrations. "This is fun," she admitted. "Hey, I just got an idea," Sawdust said, grinning eagerly. "What if you put it in your mouth?" "Like, suck on it?" she asked. "Yeah," he said. "Okay!" she said. His excitement was wearing off on her, and she was starting to feel some of his warmth, especially between her legs. Lining up the shaft with her hooves, she held over the tip, watching the flare throb, seeing some clear, sticky liquid pour from it. But she knew it was safe. Sometimes she made almost the same sticky stuff from her private parts, too. In that moment, Deepthroat Cockslut was in her element. Her curiosity about what it would feel like to both of them was overwhelming, and she wanted to know about taste and smell and just about everything else too. Her natural generosity was taking over too, as she wanted nothing more than to make her good friend Sawdust feel as good as he possibly could. His moans already made her so happy. But at the same time, touching him and licking him made her happy, too. His hard shaft felt good to her hooves and mouth, and something very deep inside of her wanted more of it. So little Deepthroat Cockslut opened her mouth wide and wrapped her lips around the head of the dick before her. Her first blowjob. "Ohhh yeah," Sawdust moaned, louder than before. She stopped for a moment, pulling off. "That sounded like it felt really good." "It did," he said. "Keep going. Please?" "Do you want me to get further down? Will that feel good?" "Yes. Please. As much as you can." The desperation for pleasure in his voice was obvious, and she didn't want to keep him waiting. She took the tip into her mouth once more, licking along it with broad strokes that earned more creaky, pleasured noises from Sawdust. Deepy had no trouble going further. Somehow, she knew to keep her teeth tucked behind her lips. She had been told how sensitive stallions could be down there, and the last thing she wanted was to hurt her friend. She didn't have to be told to twist her head or swipe with her tongue as she took inch after inch of horny teenage cock into her mouth. But the real magic was when the head reached the back of her mouth. As if she had been doing it all her life, Deepthroat Cockslut took it further, gaining inch after inch of meat, until the cock was deep in her throat. Now both of them moaned. Sawdust had never imagined his cock could feel this good in a mare's mouth, but Deepy had never imagined how good a cock could feel in her throat. She felt an amazing fullness, a glorious stretch, that filled her with more and more warmth, her mare parts producing wetness for her first true moment of arousal. "Oh, Deepy... Sweet Celestia," Sawdust moaned. But Deepy kept going, wanting more of his hot flesh, more of this wonderful, hot, full feeling, wanting more cock in her. She reached the bottom. She felt her lips bump against his fleshy sheath, barely fuzzed with new pubes, and she felt his eager, young balls resting warmly against her throat. She was full now, twisting, licking, and sucking happily on the cock before her. And it was the best feeling in her life. The same went for Sawdust. "Deepy! Something's happ- Ah!" he cried. Deepy didn't know what was happening. She felt Sawdust's cock pulsing, the flare swelling, the excitement building, and it only made her more excited, and she sucked all the more hungrily. Suddenly, a warm, salty fluid poured into her throat, backflowing into her mouth a little. It was strong, earthy, heady; like nothing she had ever tasted before. But it was delicious. It tasted as good as the cock felt, as good as Sawdust's cracking, ecstatic cries were to her ears. She drank it with relish. She wanted more. His penis filled her with such incredible warmth, such a fantastic pressure, it felt like she was going to explode. Every gulp of the sticky stuff filled her with such a burning joy that she didn't want to hold it in anymore. Her body tensed. She would have told Sawdust that something was happening to her too, but that would have meant releasing his cock from her hungry, loving muzzle. But as she drank the last drops of him, pleasure began to overtake her, moans rippling from deep in her throat as she shook, her tongue and lips never ceasing their attention. With her own cute cries, Deepthroat Cockslut reached her first orgasm, just as Sawdust had. Her body was racked with fiery, electric spasms, and her mind went blank with pleasure. All the felt was the wonderful feeling of being stuffed full by a thick stallion; of belonging. Through the dizzy haze of her pleasured mind, she heard Sawdust saying, "Stop." She pulled away from him. He was breathing hard. Just as hard as she was. "That was amazing," he said. "I know," she said. "It felt so good, and it tasted so wonderful." She saw a few lingering drops of white on the tip of his shaft. "I wonder what that is." "I dunno," he said. Deepy licked the drops from his tip, earning a sharp gasp. She hummed when she felt that delicious salty taste spread on her tongue. "Mmm." "I didn't know that could happen," he said. "Me either," she said. "Wanna do it again?" "Yes please," he said. The eager colt wrapped his hoof in Deepy's curly blonde mane and pulled her head toward his cock. But she accepted the offering all to eagerly, more than willing to suck dick once more. Over the course of the recess, Deepthroat Cockslut earned two more orgasms from Sawdust, swallowing each load in the midst of her own climax. When the bell rang, his cock was buried into her muzzle all the way to the sheath. "Wanna do this again tomorrow?" she asked as they headed back to class. "Yeah," he said with eager nods. Then he gave her a puzzled look. "Deepy- look!" he pointed at her flank. Sure enough, Deepy's butt was adorned with the image of a golden-yellow rose. When the teacher, a kindly old mare, noticed it, she brought her up in front of the class, thinking she got it picking flowers. "Would you like to tell the class how you got your cutie mark, Deepy?" "Yeah! I got it sucking on Sawdust's wiener!" she said enthusiastically. With a note home to their parents and another parent-teacher meeting scheduled, Deepy and Sawdust were told never to do that ever again. And, for the most part, they managed to cut down on the cocksucking to about once every other week. But with colts maturing and starting to realize how good such a thing would feel, Deepthroat Cockslut suddenly found very many friends willing to play doctor. The other fillies didn't take kindly to her, and her parents and teachers took all measures to stop her from sucking dick, but it didn't matter. Deepthroat Cockslut had discovered what she loved most in the world, and nothing could keep her from it. > 2: Give me a "D" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I don't think I've seen you before," the middle-aged mare in a track suit said. "No ma'am. I'm a freshman," Deepy answered. "I see. Name?" "Deepthroat Cockslut, ma'am." Cheer Coach Vim seemed to choke on her tongue when she heard, but the other fillies had only glared. Even the upperclassmen had heard about this mare, the one that all the colts loved so much. They knew she was a slut, but no matter how much they tried to kill her with their eyes, it was like she barely noticed. Coach Vim could only try to regain her composure. "Well, uh..." "You can call me Deepy for short," the pink filly offered. "Sure. Let's see what you got. At least you look good in the uniform." And Deepy did look good. The Clover High Wendigoes wore a light blue and white, in hues that both contrasted against Deepthroat Cockslut's coat and mane, yet were soft enough to work with them. Not to mention that at the blossoming age of fifteen, little Deepy had grown a bit, gaining a fair bit of height, good figure, and quite a soft ass that looked marvelous in the powder blue miniskirt. This is really what got the goat of the other Cheerleaders. Normally the slutty ones were only popular because of their sluttiness. There was always something wrong with them: wearing too much black, too much makeup, or doing salt with the other trouble foals. But not Deepy. She was pretty. She was very pretty. Yes, she was hot, but her appeal was so much more than sexual. It was in her eyes that just begged for one to come a little closer, to talk a little longer. It was in her smile, so infectiously sincere that even a donkey would crack. It was in her voice, the notes of a pony who would always be a filly at heart. When you had a body like that, when you were charming like that, you didn't need to be a slut. You only had to put out when you wanted something worth putting out for. Those were the rules. And Cheer Captain Pom Pom hated the way this upstart little freshman completely disregarded them. She was still a freshman. Deepthroat Cockslut hadn't had time to bring her reputation out of the rumor stage to the other colts. She was virtually unknown in the halls of Clover High. Pom Pom would make sure it stayed that way. Unfortunately for her, her hooves were tied during cheer practice. Coach Vim was in charge now, and she wouldn't stand for any high school drama while she was around. Pom Pom would have to wait. Vim lined the cheerleader-hopefuls up with the current squad to teach them a simple routine. Pom Pom stood next to her, the yellow mare with the fiery orange mane looking like a queen bee in her uniform; tall, fit, and sexy. With a smug smile, she demonstrated to all before her. "Get low! Get high! Wendigoes to the sky!" The cheer started with a low crouch, and went into a hoof jump, which Pom Pom performed expertly, touching her front hooves to back in front of her and landing steadily with her forehooves above her head. It wasn't a challenging cheer, but required enough agility to weed out the slow ones. Deepthroat Cockslut smiled bright when she saw Pom Pom demonstrate. The captain really deserved her position. As a senior, she was a leader at Clover High, and Deepy knew that she was an example to follow. And follow well, she did. Deepy was one of the few girls able to jump high enough to land on her forehooves, and her voice belted out much louder than any of the others, possibly even louder than Pom Pom's. "Well, Deepy. Didn't know you had such a strong throat," Coach Vim complimented her. "Strong in spirit!" Deepy replied. She felt a little stupid responding that way, but pep was the name of the game, and Deepy wanted to make a strong impression. And she did. By the end of tryouts, she was an official Clover High cheerleader. Much to Pom Pom's loathing. It just so happened that the first hoofball game the Wendigoes would play was also their Homecoming game. The idea was to schedule a game against a weaker team, but the only team available so early in the season were the Manehattan Bucks, the Wendigoes' longtime rivals. Hoofball Coach Pigskin hoped that the high stakes might light a fire in his colts' bellies, but by the end first quarter, they were down zero to seventeen. Everypony, whether in the stands or in the crowd, needed spirit. And the Wendigoes Cheer Squad aimed to give it to them. "Move from side to side! Show that Clover pride!" the fillies belted, as a group of them launched Pom Pom in the air, who landed in a beautiful twist. Deepthroat Cockslut clapped her hooves together, watching from her cold metal bench. Pom Pom had told Coach Vim that she wanted her A-listers out for such an important game, and that the freshman wouldn't be needed. Many of the new girls didn't even show up to the game. But Deepy felt it was in poor taste not to come, so she sat warming the bench by the water cooler, the benched hoofball players looking sweaty and worn on a separate bench a ways away from her. "C'mon boys!" she shouted after a particularly rough sack. The quarterback, a big colt named Field Goal, was still on the ground. Deepy couldn't help but flinch when she saw the tackler's helmet drive right into Field Goal's cup during the takedown. She had spent enough time around balls that she knew he would be sore for a while. "If he wants a taste of yer nuts, then give it to 'em! Walk it off!" Coach Pigskin called from the sidelines. Deepthroat Cockslut watched the old gray and green stallion shake his head in disappointment. She felt bad for him. She could tell he cared about his team a lot. She also felt bad for Field Goal. "Is he going to be alright?" she asked. "He's getting up," Coach Pigskin grumbled. "That's what they wear cups for, after all." "I know. Still, it looked like it hurt." "Probably did. But that one's got balls of steel. Might even have the sack to go pro if he does well this season. College too." Finally, Coach Pigskin turned to her. "What's your name, missy?" "Deepthroat Cockslut, sir," she answered, almost feeling the need to salute. He only chuckled, unfazed. "How'd you get a name like that?" "Same way everypony does. My parents gave it to me." Deepy had an arsenal of answers for the standard slew of questions she got about her name. "Heh," he chuckled again. "Must be rough having a name like that." "It's not so bad. Most ponies call me Deepy," she explained. But Pigskin was staring now, scrutinizing the young pink filly. Sure, she had lived with the name all her life, but she wasn't embarrassed about it. No, there was an unusual comfortability about her. Pigskin had been a coach for fifteen years now, and he had seen enough of his boys' marefriends to know if a filly was attractive for her personality or her... talents. And he sensed that Deepy was an exceptionally talented filly. He could take advantage of this. "Well, you're a trooper, keeping such a good attitude with a name like that. Colts must give you hell," he probed. "Not really. Part of the reason I wanted to join the cheer squad is to help the hoofball team. I know jocks can have a bad reputation, but a lot of them have been really nice so far." "One of them ask you to the Homecoming dance?" She shook her head. "It's okay, though. I'm a freshman, so I haven't gotten to meet many ponies yet." He nodded thoughtfully. "I see." The halftime whistle was blown. Normally, a halftime would be less than a half-hour, but with a special cheer routine prepared along with the Clover High marching band, plus announcements for Homecoming court, it would be at least forty minutes, maybe an hour if things dragged a lot. "You want to help the hoofball team?" Coach Pigskin asked. "Of course. Anything I can do?" Deepthroat offered. "Celestia bless her heart," the old stallion thought in the face of her sincerity. "C'mon. Follow me," he told her. Without a question in her head, Deepthroat Cockslut followed the coach toward the locker rooms. The colts had just come off the field, and she could already hear their grunts and groans as they removed their helmets and massaged their sore limbs. "Why don't you go in there and help 'em out?" he said. Deepthroat Cockslut froze for a moment, stunned in disbelief. "Do you mean...?" "I mean go help them out," he repeated in a low, serious voice. Before she could respond, he walked away. Was it crazy? Could it get him fired? Yes, but they were getting slaughtered out there, and a little release might be just what his boys needed. All he could do now was wait and pray that Deepy lived up to her name. He would deny knowledge of anything that happened in there. Deepy stood outside the door, still suspended in disbelief. She had never taken on more than one colt at a time before, and there were a lot of colts on the football team. But they were losing pretty badly, and halftime was quickly running out. With a sharp breath to raise her courage, she barged through the door. Many of the players had pieces of their pads off, resting on benches as they regained their strength. Deepy could see that they were tired, sore, and sweaty, and she felt a tug at her heart for them. But she also felt a stirring within her. These were budding studs, many of them more stallion than colt, with definition in their muscles, broad shoulders, and developing beards. But even Deepy was overwhelmed by so many males in one place. And they seemed just as startled by her sudden appearance as she was by them. Field Goal glared at her. "What are you doing here? This is the colt's locker room." "Uh..." she started in a timid voice. "Coach Pigskin said I should help?" "Help?" Field Goal repeated. Deepy could only nod. "Who are you?" "I'm Deepthroat Cockslut." With her simple introduction, they knew why she was here. They may not have understood the details or Coach Pigskin's involvement in it, but they could see her intent in the way her eyes poured over all of them. They had heard the rumors about a slutty freshman mare who lived to suck dick. Now they were meeting her. "Come here," Field Goal ordered. She approached him with as much confidence as she could muster. When she was in front of him, it was clear just how much bigger he was than her. Not just in height, but in everything. He was shirtless before her, and she felt like she could dive into him, press her face into his big chest and be totally surrounded by his thick arms. But a part of her wanted to hold him instead. She could see the sag in his posture, smell the tired sweat of a stallion who had given his all for nothing. And they all looked this way; smelled hot and in need of care. "What do you want?" Field Goal asked her, just to be sure. Deepthroat Cockslut was able to smile up at him, and with her signature sincerity, asked, "Can I suck your cock?" Now he had to grin down at her. "If that's what you want..." he chuckled as he began to remove his pants and jockstrap. Deepy almost gasped a little when she saw it flop out, the thick shaft, mottled black and pink, already free from its sheath in anticipation. Everything about it seemed delicious, and she couldn't help but trace her hoof along the side, already feeling the needy throb. Even his balls looked in need of love, not bruised, but definitely sore and swollen. Or perhaps they were simply just that big. She traced her hoof along the fat orbs as well. "Do they hurt?" she asked. "A little," he answered, but he didn't wince under her touch. Already his breathing was turning heavy. Deepy could feel the eyes on her. She could sense the growing bulges, hear the young stallions pawing at their cup-covered lengths. Her work was cut out for her. Without an ounce of hesitation, she dove forward and plastered her tongue against Field Goal's heavy balls. She gave wet, loving licks to each orb, tasting the lingering salt on his sweaty sack, teasing his balls with her lips. Deepy had never met a pair of balls she didn't like, and his set only made her feel pangs of sympathy and throbs of excitement. She had tended to many colts in her life, but these were a stallion's nuts. This pair could feed her. She gave as much attention as she could to his tired sack with her limited time, stopping once she had teased him to a full, throbbing erection. He was a big boy, and she was already licking her lips at the challenge. Knowing full well that she would have to get to all of the other grunting, needy colts surrounding her, she didn't wait for an invitation. She opened her mouth, and in one motion, swallowed every last inch of Field Goal's thick cock. "Ahhh, yeahhh," he groaned, placing his hoof on the back of her head as he needlessly pressed her forward. She was already at his sheath, twisting and slurping, working her throat to pleasure every inch of him. Normally she would take her time and tend to each part of the shaft on its own, but she was on a time limit, and she could practically smell the needy stallions gathering around her, eagerly watching her work. She could swear she could even hear the sounds of them clopping around her. This was clearly not Field Goal's first blowjob, as he thrust into her hungry muzzle and moaned loudly at the pleasure of her ministrations. "This is the best," he told her, and Deepthroat Cockslut took the compliment well. She teased his sheath with her lips, wrapping her tongue around as much of his thickness as she could, working quickly for his orgasm. Finally, she heard those beautiful words. "Ahh, fuck, I'm gonna cum." Deepy only bobbed her head faster, twisted quicker, showing she had every intention to swallow his load. She could feel the flesh tighten, his balls draw upwards, everything tensed and ready to blow. "Nng! Yeah!" he called as Deepy swallowed the first heavy spurts. It didn't matter how much she swallowed, every load was always a treat to her, warm and gooey and delicious, and her own pussy was throbbing at the pleasure of his satisfaction. She moaned deep in her throat as the motions of swallowing massaged his shaft, milking it of his seed. She lived to pleasure stallions. When he was finished, she pulled off of him. She smiled up at him, licking her lips as he gave a satisfied, relaxed grin back down to her. She looked at the stallions surrounding her, seeing so many hard, sweaty cocks needing attention, so many tired, beaten stallions needing her love. Without missing a beat, she said, "Who's next?" The linebacker, a colossal, somewhat chubby stallion simply named Stock, approached her, standing over her as she crawled underneath him. This was the position Deepthroat Cockslut loved the most when it came to sucking dick. She was covered by him, surrounded by his muscles, with his smell in her nose and his solid, dripping stallionhood awaiting her attention. She shoved it down her throat, suckling gratefully on his shaft, tingling with pleasure at the moans she heard from above. Deepy didn't know who, but she heard a voice say, "I don't think she's in heat." She didn't stop her work, but a jolt went through her when she felt a pat on her butt. "Lift those flanks, mare." She did as she was told, and she felt desperate hooves nearly tearing her powder blue cheerleading panties off her, revealing her engorged, dripping marehood. She wasn't thinking about the fact that she had never let another colt fuck her before. She was acting on pure instinct. She lifted her tail, nice and high, for whatever stallion wanted her, her lips and tongue still continuing their important work on Stock's shaft. But, with a moan from her and whoever her new partner was, she felt some thick cock slide itself into her all too easily. There was no pain. Only an incredible fullness in her as the stallion plunged deeper within her, a fullness very similar to what she felt during that first blowjob back on the playground. Before she could even adjust, she cried out around the cock in her throat as she felt a pounding within her, feeling hips and nuts slap against her plump flanks, the stallion's dick pumping into her roughly, with almost no concern for her pleasure. But it didn't matter, her throat was stuffed full of cock, and now she had another way to take care of stallions. Sure, it might not have been a romantic way to lose her virginity, but Deepthroat Cockslut had never really given much thought to romance before. Her calling was to pleasure stallions, and now that she could satisfy two at once, both with her tight throat and clenching marehood, she felt ecstatic. The tightness built within her again as she dove down onto Stock's cock with a renewed vigor, tugging at his sheath with her soft lips. The dick pounding her pussy just wouldn't let up, and her throat felt so gloriously full that an orgasm was inevitable. She let out high, needy moans around Stock's dick as the rushing, throbbing pleasure spread through her. "Heh," the stallion fucking her remarked. "We got us a squirter. She just splattered all over the floor." Deepthroat Cockslut hadn't even noticed the gush of fluids that came from her, but her new lover's cock did seem to slide into her with a new ease, a wonderful slickness. She wanted more, and she thrust her flanks back onto him for it. "Fuck, that's so hot," Stock grumbled above her. "Ughhh." Without warning, her backed away from her, and she reached out a hoof to stroke his length, knowing what was coming. Placing his hooves on her shoulders to raise himself as her hooves tugged at him, she raised her face as the ropes of sticky cum burst out of him, all over her face and the front of her uniform. As much as she loved swallowing cum, she loved being covered in it as well, and she knew that the sight of her jizz-covered face and uniform would only make the others rowdier. "Celestia!" the stallion behind her called out. He stopped his thrusting, and she gasped as she felt a new warmth flood her. It spread through her, much in the same way that her pleasure did during an orgasm, and she moaned at the feeling of it. As much as panic wanted to overtake her at the thought of getting pregnant, the feeling of cum pumping into her was too heavenly to let anything else bother her. Almost as soon as he had pulled out, another stallion, the center, she thought, was pulling on her. "Come here." He sat on the floor and yanked her down with her back to him. Before she could even turn around to see his face, she gasped as she felt a hard, slick member poking at her tailhole. Everything was happening so quickly that there was no time to think. Instinct and Destiny were taking over, and Deepthroat Cockslut relaxed, letting out a long breath as she lowered herself onto him. Her breath gave way to a moan from the both of them as his lubed-up flare popped into her backside. This was much different than anything else she had ever experienced. As the inches slowly slid into her, she felt a tightness, a grip on the shaft that was unlike the feeling of a stallion's cock in her pussy. This tightness only made her feel fuller, and when she reached the hilt, she let out another moan. No pain once again, but an exciting kind of pleasure. Seeing the other stallions eagerly awaiting her, she spread her legs, revealing the white-splattered mound of her marehood to the hoofball players. "Don't be shy, boys," she invited them. They pounced on her. She barely had time to finish her sentence before her mouth and vagina were accepting thick, needy cocks. She did her best to pleasure every one of them, still twisting and sucking at the cock in her throat with good technique while she bounced her backside on the two dicks beneath her, but there was only so much she could do with so many stallions to care for. For once, she felt a lack of control, as the only thing she could really do was lie back, slurp at the cock in her mouth while the stallions did their thing. She felt another surge of excitement at this. She wasn't exactly caring for these colts. She was being used by them. She was an object for them to fuck and grind against, to shove their dicks into and to empty their balls into and all over. Another orgasm was building, not only at the sensations of being pounded and humped from all sides, but from being totally surrounded by big, needy stallions, her vision totally dominated by muscular legs and fat balls, her ears ringing with low, masculine grunts of pleasure, her nose filled with the scent of sweat, cum, and arousal, and every part of her being absolutely, totally, completely stuffed full to the very brim with long, thick, meaty cock. Deepthroat Cockslut came when they did, the intense, overwhelming pleasure not enough to stop her from sucking cock and working her ass for them. She felt semen flow into her mouth as the hot fluid was pumped into her tingling, used ass, while the stallion in her marehood pulled out to splatter her thighs and the outside of her vagina with his hot seed. When their turns were over, they pulled out of her with wet slurps only to be replaced with three more sweaty, tired stallions in need of pleasure, stuffed with three more fat cocks looking to dump their loads. By the time it was all over, Deepthroat Cockslut was almost sore, her body certainly throbbing with so much use, and her uniform and body were almost totally covered in sticky, drying cum. As the players were quickly putting their pads back on, there was a knock at the door. "Boys? Halftime's almost over. Hope you're ready for a fight," they heard Coach Pigskin's voice from outside. "You bet, Coach," Field Goal answered back. As he put his helmet back on, he turned to Deepthroat Cockslut. "Feel free to use the showers. We'll help you sneak out when the game's over. We owe you one." She could only nod. Slowly, Deepy managed to drag herself to the shower. She let out a long moan of pleasured relief when the hot water began to massage her muscles and clean the caked-on cum from her body and uniform. She was a happy mare, to be sure, but a tired one, and in need of rest. So she stayed in that shower until the players returned. They came back, shouting and calling triumphantly. They had won, coming back in a landslide, with Field Goal living up to his name and kicking the winning goal from a record distance. She perked up at their excitement, getting tight, sweaty hugs from most of the team as they thanked her. "Couldn't have done it without you," Field Goal told her. True to their word, they helped her sneak out once the bleachers had mostly emptied. Pigskin told Coach Vim about the cheerleader that had raised the morale of his team with her "charming spirit," and, being none the wiser, the cheer coach allowed Deepthroat Cockslut to give her nigh-magical "pep talks" to the team, with the promise that Coach Pigskin was keeping on eye on her. As much as Deepy loved being a cheerleader, it wasn't all fun for her. Field Goal and Pom Pom broke up less than a week later. Deepy had no idea the two had been dating, and she couldn't bring herself to come to cheer practice knowing that she had helped Field Goal cheat on his marefriend. During the next game, she bit him during the halftime break in retribution. "Ow! What the fuck!" he shouted, pulling out quickly. He wasn't bleeding, but there was a mark. "Sorry," she said in her most innocent voice. Deepthroat Cockslut made it a point to figure out if any of the other team members were taken, and vowed never to be an instrument of infidelity ever again. > 3: Teacher's Pet > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- High school was a busy time for Deepthroat Cockslut. After the rumors naturally spread from the hoofball team, it was only a matter of time before she was up to her neck in dick. With so many colts maturing into the age of raging hormones, she never had a shortage of needy erections to service. She preferred to take them to a safe, neutral space, like the colts' locker room before cheer practice, and every day after school she fulfilled her destiny at least two or three times. She did well in school nevertheless, and stayed true to her commitment to staying out of relationship business, but it was only a matter of time before one of the hoofball team members asked to be her coltfriend. She said yes, but it didn't last long when she struggled with fidelity herself. To her, she felt confined when she couldn't be free to suck whatever dicks she wanted, and it seemed terribly selfish on her coltfriend's part. She was born to suck cock, and resigning herself to one colt and one colt only was a betrayal of that. But that didn't stop the colts she was with from confessing love to her. Even colts that she hardly knew the names of, colts whose penises she knew better than their faces, would come up to her a week after their first blowjob ever and admit that they were "madly in love" with her. These types of encounters only made Deepy uncomfortable, and a bit wary. Colts, she learned, for all their toughness, could be very emotionally unstable. Deepthroat Cockslut had fantasies of her own, though, and her encounters with colts her age led her desiring somepony a little more mature. Somepony who wasn't nervous or awkward as soon as they slipped out of their sheath for her. That left her pining for her Biology teacher, Mr. Amino. He was a kind unicorn stallion, very intelligent, and one who clearly enjoyed teaching. But he also had a cute, nerdy appeal, wearing big, horn-rimmed glasses and a tendency to get a little too excited about his subject matter. Yet, he was most certainly a stallion, standing a head taller than many of the colts in her class, and where the other students had been socialized to not notice his large, full balls, Deepy couldn't help but stare at them every time he turned around to write on the board. He taught the upper-level courses, so she had him her junior and senior years of high school, and she looked forward to those classes every day. She was overwhelmed with curiosity and desire. He was so tall, so developed, so cute, so hung, so smart- and the best part- no wedding ring. Yet the years went by, and she did her very best in his class to try and earn his favor and notice. While it was clear that Deepthroat Cockslut was one of his favorite students, he was as professional as he was intelligent. A week before graduation, Deepy was getting anxious. Fantasies had racked her brain for years, and it looked like they were about to go unfulfilled. She knew it was inappropriate and that it could get him in trouble, but like many young ponies her age, she was a victim of her hormones. She had to make a move before it was too late. She had her opportunity when she checked her grade in the glass. It certainly wasn't failing, but it was the only opening she had. After class on a Friday, Deepy hung back with her test in her saddlebags, knowing that no pony in their right minds would stay after on the weekend. The teachers may have had to stay behind, but they would all be in their own rooms. She only had one shot at this. "Um, excuse me. Mr. Amino?" she announced herself as she approached his desk. "Yes? Do you have a question?" the yellow unicorn peered over his glasses as he regarded her. To her, even the way his black mane was combed looked so professional, so attractive. "Well, you see, I got a ninety percent on the test..." "Was there a mistake?" he asked, already looking toward her saddlebags. "Um, no, but I calculated my grade and I have a ninety-four in the class." He looked up at her blankly. "So what's the problem?" "Well..." Deepthroat Cockslut swallowed hard. "I was wondering if... there was anything I could do to bring my grade up?" She did her best to use a voice that she thought would be seductive, batting her lashes at him. "I don't know why you'd want to do extra work. You're one of my best students, you don't really need any help," he said, leaning back with a puzzled expression. "I have an A minus in the class, and I'm on track to be valedictorian. I'd really like to keep my perfect grade. I'd do anything to get an ninety-five." Again, she batted her eyes, even leaning a bit closer to him. He gave a small chuckle. "Deepy, a ninety-four isn't an A minus. It's an A. If you had a ninety-two in the class, then you'd have an A minus." Her heart seemed to stop. She swallowed again once she realized her blunder, trying to salvage the situation. "Well... an A plus couldn't hurt, right?" "We don't give A pluses," Mr. Amino said flatly. "...Right." Now he fixed her in his gaze, and Deepy remembered that he was a lot more perceptive than his nerdy personality let on. "Deepy, what is this about?" She could already feel the knot in her throat. Never before in her entire life had she ever been so blatantly caught by a teacher, let alone one she admired so much. It was one thing for the other students to try and shame her, but the thought of Mr. Amino rejecting her, thinking of her as just a slut, broke her heart. She started to cry. Mr. Amino stood and without a second thought placed a hoof on her shoulder. "Deepy, Deepy, calm down. What's the matter?" "I- I just..." she couldn't bring herself to admit it. "Go ahead. You can tell me." She looked up at him with a sniffle. He was so tall, so much stronger than he looked. More than ever, she felt the wisdom and experience of this older stallion, and she believed she could trust him. "I- just..." She sniffled again, ready to burst. "I just wanted to suck your cock!" As Mr. Amino stood frozen in shock, Deepthroat Cockslut broke down again, a fresh stream of tears flowing down her face as she sobbed, her shame now totally exposed to the only stallion she had ever really admired. "You... what?" he stammered. Deepy continued to speak, blubbering through her tears and sobs. "All the colts come to me for blowjobs, but they're not like you. You're so smart and funny and attractive- I just wanted to make you happy!" He facehoofed. "It's like those magazines..." he said, mostly to himself. Deepy had yet to stumble upon pornography, so she didn't fully understand what he meant. She only looked up at him when he finally worked up the courage to look down at her. "How long have you had these... fantasies?" She sniffled once more. "A while," she admitted quietly. Mr. Amino gave a heavy sigh and sunk into his chair again, speaking to her in a very serious tone. "Deepy, I'm flattered. Really. What you wanted to do was very kind of you. But you have to understand that I'm a teacher, and you're a student. For me to accept your offer would be highly inappropriate. I could lose my job over it. I could go to jail over it." She shook her head. "I'm eighteen. It wouldn't be pedophilia." He gave her a withering glance. "Regardless. Even if I couldn't go to jail, I could still get into a lot of trouble. Now, I know that when you're young, hormones and everything else make it hard to control your urges. I was a colt too, once, and I... felt a lot of the same things you did. I've heard a lot of the rumors about you, and of course it's perfectly normal for you to have desires and fantasies. But some fantasies need to stay fantasies, because they can have real-life consequences. It's not that I don't like you. You're my brightest student. But propriety has to come first. Understand?" Deepy stood still for a while. Mr. Amino really was very sweet, and she could hear the tenderness in his voice. But that didn't stop her from wanting him. "It's not like it would be abuse. It was my idea, after all." "But if I got caught, that could be very bad for me." "We wouldn't get caught. There's hardly anypony here." Now Mr. Amino was getting flustered. "Deepy, why are you so insistent?" She looked up at him with her sweet fuschia eyes, still glassy with tears. "Because I like to make stallions happy, and I like you. You're such a kind stallion, and you're really smart. I know you're a teacher, but even teachers have desires, don't they? When was the last time a mare sucked your dick?" "Deepy," he started, his tone serious, as if he was going to scold her, but he stopped for some reason. "This..." Deepthroat Cockslut sensed his resolve faltering. It must have been a while since he'd last had a mare. She went in for the kill. Batting her eyes, she looked at him. "Can I suck your cock? Please?" Mr. Amino stared at her for a few long moments. She could see him wrestling with what he wanted to do and what he knew he should do. But in the end, stallions would always be slaves to their needs. "I can't believe..." he groaned, leaning his head back. "It'll be okay. I promise." With another sigh, he looked at her, his face flushed. "So... what do we do?" "What do you mean?" she asked. "Well, you said this was a fantasy of yours. What did you imagine?" "Oh," she said with a pause. No stallion before had ever really asked her about her fantasies. Deepy thought a lot about sucking dick, but she had never had a chance to have fun with the act, to explore. "I guess I just thought I'd... I don't know, seduce you." "Do you want to, maybe, re-do it?" he asked. "Sure, I guess," she said. Deepy rarely felt out of her element in sexual situations, but now it was clear that neither of them knew what to do. The awkwardness was heavy in the air. Still, Mr. Amino sat up and attempted to assume character. "Okay." He cleared his throat. "Um, you wanted to see me?" he said in a deeper voice, imagining himself as a dark, lecherous stallion. "Right," she said, getting into her own character. "I have an A minus in the class, and I really need an A. Is there anything I can do to get some extra credit?" Instead of going with her seductive voice, Deepy tried to play the sweet, innocent filly. Mr. Amino still looked a bit uncomfortable with the scene playing out, his voice shaking a little, but he continued. "W- well, you're a nice enough filly. We'll find something for you." "Oh, thank you, Mr. Amino!" "Hmm..." he said, rubbing his chin theatrically. "What about an assignment on anatomy?" She cocked her head, playing up her innocence. "What kind of anatomy, Mr. Amino?" He tried to hide his gulp. "Pony anatomy. Specifically, the anatomy of the pony stallion." Deepy nodded eagerly. "I know about that!" "I'm sure you do. I hear you're quite popular with the colts." Mr. Amino spread his legs, and Deepy felt like she would gasp. His cock had flopped out of its sheath, his heavy balls awaiting her attention. This cock wasn't like the colts' that usually filled her muzzle; it dwarfed them in size, and its thickness was enough to make her mouth water. But she didn't want to break character over the slab of stallion meat before her. "What is the assignment, exactly?" "We're going to see how familiar you are with male anatomy and how it functions." Then, he faltered a little, his voice returning to normal as he asked, "Is that okay?" She nodded. "What should I do?" she asked sweetly. "Let's see if you understand stimulation and arousal. Try to give me an erection." Deepy nodded once more, stepping forward until her muzzle was just inches away from his package. She couldn't help but smile. It was everything she had hoped it would be, long and thick and soft, with a big, full sack waiting to be emptied. She couldn't wait a moment longer. With a little lean forward, she plastered her tongue to his sack, drawing a broad line over his nuts. "Ahhh," he sighed. She didn't realize how sensitive he would be, but it didn't stop her from bathing his orbs, sucking on them gently with her lips. For Deepthroat Cockslut, starting with the balls was just good manners, like a formal introduction before she got more intimate with the cock. Letting her tongue wander upward once the balls were nice and wet, she traced over the folds of the sheath and along the underside of the shaft, eliciting another moan from her teacher. She wrapped her warm tongue around the sides, being sure to let her breath wash over the wetted parts where he could feel it. Already it was growing, standing upright and at attention, until she could feel it throbbing against her tongue. Deepy pulled back. "Did I do it?" she asked, her voice oozing sweetness. He took a moment to catch his breath, still trying to keep his dark voice. "Yes, this is quite a stiff erection. Good work." He took another pause to swallow hard. "Now I want you to study the male ejaculation. Can you do that?" Deepy nodded once more, licking her lips in preparation. Angling the tip toward her with her hooves, she could feel her heart thumping in her chest. This was it. This is the cock she had been dreaming about for the better part of two years now. And it was hard, dripping, throbbing, waiting for her to suck it. She plunged the tip into her mouth, swirling her tongue around the head, feeling the flare expand a bit in her cheeks. "Ohh, Deepy," Mr. Amino moaned. That was her signal to go further. She slid her lips down the thick shaft, feeling that big head slip into her throat, the precum already dribbling into her gullet. Soon she was at the midring, where she took another pause to tease it with her lips and swirl her tongue around it, earning a louder groan and a strong throb, before she pressed to the base, her muzzle buried into his sheath. Now it was Deepy's turn to moan. This was better than she imagined. Her throat had never felt quite this spread before, and his tip had reached a new distance in her throat that others hadn't. Everything about this cock was different from the others. Not only was it bigger, but its throbs were heartier, the nuts below hung lower, heavier, the precum tasted fuller, even the smell was more refined, more masculine somehow. She had been sucking colts' cocks all her life, but now she had her throat full of real, one hundred-percent, grade-A, thick, juicy, stallion cock, and she loved every inch of it. She twisted and bobbed, slurping and sucking, pulling out every last trick and technique she knew for pleasing stallions. She wanted to give this stallion the best blowjob she had ever given. She wanted him to unload that great sack directly into her stomach, to grip her mane and thrust into her face while he called out. She trembled when she felt his hooves against her head. "Ohh, Deepthroat Cockslut, you are amazing," he moaned. He had never used her full name before, too embarrassed to say it out loud, but just the sound of it in that dark, deep voice of his made her shiver with arousal. She felt him buck into her mouth, mashing his sheath into her muzzle, and she allowed him, letting her lips do the work as her tongue wrapped itself around the thick shaft in her throat. He was moaning loudly now, thrusting into her, his grip in her mane getting tighter and tighter. She moaned back with every thrust, letting him know just how much she enjoyed his roughness, his pleasure. "Deepthroat..." he moaned. "I think-" He gasped sharply, and she felt his cock give a heavy throb. It was coming, and much sooner than she expected. He seemed to lose control of himself, fucking her face as he pulled at her mane to force every last inch of his mighty cock into her throat. With moans of pleasure, she let him. Her own pussy was dripping, and her mind was going blank with arousal. With a splatter of her juices and a torrent of his cum, cries from each of them, they came together. He unloaded into her, giving strong bucks into her throat at first, until he settled a little, letting his cock pulse in her, as she held still, not wanting to overstimulate him as her own body writhed and shuddered. His seed was strong tasting and heavy, and she could feel the weight of it in her stomach, even as his balls continued to pump it into her. This was a real stallion's load, and she was happy to accept every drop. When he pulled out of her, they were both gasping. He looked at her with a mixture of horror and incredible satisfaction, still swallowing nervously as he tried to regain his composure. But Deepy played her part well. "Did I pass?" she asked. He nodded. "Yes. Yes you did." They didn't get caught. Deepy never told another soul, and the two never exchanged more than knowing gazes for the short remainder of the school year. She knew how much he had risked in allowing her to do it the first time, so she bought him some flowers at the end of the year as a gift, with a thank-you card tucked in. He would know what she meant. After all, it had been her idea, and it was very sweet of him to act out her fantasy like that. Sure enough, Deepthroat Cockslut did make valedictorian. She decided not to say anything original or groundbreaking in her speech. After her full name was announced at the podium, nicknames not allowed, and she heard the great gasp, she knew the parents gathered would be too busy gossiping to even hear what she had to say. Her own parents, despite everything, were very proud of her. But even if Mr. Amino was now only a very satisfying memory, a fantasy fulfilled for her, he left a mark on her. Even if Deepthroat Cockslut couldn't bring herself to say "no" to a stallion in need, he had shown her a more mature side of things, that there was more to sucking dick than desperate colts curious about the feeling of blowjobs. There was fantasy and communication and experimentation to be had. He taught her many things as a teacher, useful information that would help her in her future career. But he also taught her how to take hold of her own sexuality, and that was a lesson that she would take with her every day. > 4: Animal House > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deepthroat Cockslut's first week at Platinum University was one of the best weeks she'd had in her life, simply by virtue of being completely different from anything else she had ever experienced before. Despite a short bout of homesickness, she found the atmosphere of the school so refreshing. No pony knew who she was. And as much as Deepy loved sucking dick and didn't plan on stopping anytime soon, for a while she was able to walk around campus with only a few appreciative glances from the colts, and nothing more. No death glares from petty mares, no knowing eyebrow raises from horny colts, no whispers and rumors. For once, Deepy was just as invisible as any other college freshman, and it felt great. Another major change was that Deepy managed to make a friend on the first day, and a mare at that. Millie Smiles was a junior who was also in the nursing program who seemed to have plenty in common with Deepy. Not only was the biggest physical difference between them Millie's black hair, but the two found that they both were both careful about who they made friends with. After some quick shuffling, Deepy moved out of the freshman dorms and into Millie's room. Deepthroat Cockslut's only other friend was a colt in an environmental science class she was taking as a freshman requirement. Marble was a geology major who sat next to her, and when she told him her full name, he didn't make any rude remarks. He only blushed and nodded. Deepy had to admit that she found him cute, but she stuck to her classes first, so in that first week, the two only shared notes, surface information about themselves, and friendly remarks. Millie and Marble were how Deepy became acquainted with the Omega Omega fraternity on campus. Marble was being strongly recruited by them and seriously considering joining, and Millie had dated several members of the fraternity, earning her the reputation as a "frat mattress." When Marble first told her about OO, she found it hard to imagine the sweet, nerdy colt among a group of jocky, hooting alcoholics, but she quickly discovered that OO was almost the exact opposite of that image. They were a fraternity composed of science and music students, absorbed in comic books and card games, and almost all of them were at least a little awkward. They were the nerd fraternity on campus. So when Millie invited her to their frat house on the second weekend for their start of the semester party, Deepthroat Cockslut didn't have many reservations about coming. She had been warned in a million different ways about going to parties and date rape, but could a bunch of nerds really be so dangerous? That Friday night, sure enough, it was Marble who opened the door. Deepy had to admit, the way she smiled at him was kind of cute. He was a bigger stallion, tall and a little on the chubbier side of things, with a poofy-white blonde mane and a light gray coat. "Hey there," he greeted the two mares. "Hey Marble. How are things?" Millie asked him. "Going pretty good so far. Come on in." Deepthroat Cockslut couldn't quite understand his definition of "pretty good." All she saw were a bunch of lanky colts sitting around folding tables playing Arcana: The Reunion surrounded by beer cans and mixed drinks. Music was playing and ponies were talking, but this wasn't what she expected when she was told she was going to a party. She at least expected there to be more mares than just Millie and herself. "Want a drink?" Millie offered. Deepy had never had alcohol before, but she was curious. "Sure," she answered. She watched Millie mix up the drinks herself, so she wasn't afraid of any drugs being slipped in. After the first sip, she had to recoil a little. It was fruity, but the bite of the alcohol was a little strong. "Is it supposed to taste like this?" Deepy asked. "Hmm," Millie said. She poured in some more juice and Deepy took another sip. Better. Suddenly, Deepy found herself mingling in the OO house kitchen. Marble came up to her and the two started talking about class, having nothing else apparent in common, all while sipping their drinks. Eventually things wandered back to their high school experiences. "I'm glad I'm here," Marble admitted. "Everyone seems a lot more mature." "Yeah," Deepy agreed with a nod. "Everyone at high school called me a whore, but here, no pony even says anything about my name." "That's just unlucky. About your name, I mean," Marble agreed with a nod. "It's not just my name. I gave a lot of blowjobs in high school," she beamed at him. "R-really?" he stammered, clearly nervous and caught off-guard. "Yeah. I love giving blowjobs. If you want, I'll suck your cock too. I'm really good at it." Deepthroat Cockslut went to take another sip of her drink, but Marble interrupted her by touching the glass. "Maybe you should slow down." "Why?" she asked. "Becuase you're drunk. You can't have sex with anypony right now. That would be rape," he told her. She didn't feel drunk. If anything, she felt happy. Bubbly. But even if she had never had any reservations about sucking dick before, that didn't mean she wasn't acting strangely. This was an unusual amount of confidence, even for her. "Maybe you're right," she said softly. "Come on. We'll find you someplace comfy to sit," he said. He stood, and she followed him to the room where all the colts were playing their card game. Marble set her down in a comfy armchair and told the guys to watch her. "Had a little too much?" a skinny stallion with a scraggly attempt at a beard asked. She just nodded. "No worries. You'll feel better in an hour or so." She nodded back as Marble brought her a glass of water. He sat down across from her, and the colts tried to explain their card game to her, only for her to nod as she tried and failed to keep up or even keep interest. But still, she found their sincerity, their attempts to befriend her even in her drunken state, awfully sweet. Over an hour later, Millie came back with drink in hoof to check on her as the guys were setting up beer pong. "How are we feeling?" "Better," Deepy nodded. "My head isn't so fuzzy anymore." Her thoughts were clearer, coming to her more easily. "Thanks." "It's fine," Marble said. Deepy smiled at him. They had all been so nice to her. A drunk filly, unsupervised and totally horny, and all of them showed nothing but respect for her. This fraternity wasn't at all what she expected, and even if they weren't the most handsome or social of guys, they were awfully sweet, Marble especially. She headed back toward the kitchen to refill her water, and Marble followed her. Most of the guys were in the meeting room playing beer pong, so now that she was alone with him, she could tell him what she needed to. "That was really sweet of you," she said. "I wouldn't have minded even if you did take me up on my offer, but I didn't expect all of you to take care of me like that." "It's what any good pony would have done," he told her. "So have you ever gotten a blowjob before?" She asked. "Uh... Are you sure you're not drunk?" he asked. "Positive," she answered. "Well, uh... no," he told her with strong embarrassment. "Would you like one?" "What?" "I'm serious. I don't mind at all. Consider it a thank-you." "Um... sure?" Before he knew it, Deepthroat Cockslut was underneath the kitchen table, doing what she did best. Marble certainly wasn't the biggest stallion she had ever serviced, but it wasn't anything to be embarrassed about, and she told him so. He tried to keep his moans down at first, but by the time her lips were wrapped around his sheath, his cute belly against her nose, he couldn't stop himself from making noise. They both stopped when they heard the door open. Deepy couldn't turn around with her mouth full of dick, but all she heard was Marble make a startled noise and another stallion give an embarrassed "Sorry," before the door closed again. Deepy just continued her work, and Marble wasn't in a position to stop her. As much as Deepy enjoyed her break from cocksucking, she felt pleasure spread through her as his orgasm approached. It had been so long since she'd sucked off a stallion, and now she was all too eager for his climax. She swallowed gratefully, feeling her own orgasm take her after what seemed like months of neglect. She withdrew with a sigh, glad to have the taste of cum on her tongue again. When she returned to her seat, it was clear that Marble didn't know what to say or how to behave, and she reassured him that she enjoyed it just as much as he did. Finally, he seemed to just want to leave the embarrassing scene and the two went to check out the beer pong game. Deepy and Marble walked into a dim meeting room with loud music playing, and she could hardly see anything at first. "There's the stallion of the hour now!" they called, and Marble's face turned a bright red as Deepy smiled and began to make out the shapes of the plastic cups on the ping pong table. Millie was immediately at her side. "Did you really...?" she asked. "Yeah," Deepy admitted freely. "It was a thank-you." "Why?" was all Millie could ask. "I just like giving blowjobs," Deepy said, running her hoof through her mane. "In that case, I wouldn't mind one next," the Mustache-Colt said. "Don't be a dick, Curtain Call," Millie said. "Sure," Deepy replied. "Really?" Curtain said, quite shocked. "Yeah. Do you want it here or somewhere else?" "Well, obviously he wants it here," a big stallion who seemed out of place as a member of the fraternity said. "Leaving would be a pussy move." "Isn't that hazing?" Curtain replied. "You're not a pledge anymore," the big one told him. "I... I guess I wouldn't mind getting one here." Deepy smiled at him as she walked over to his chair, even putting a little swing in her hips. When she sat before him, a cheer went up. "You're sure you're not drunk?" he asked her. "Not one bit," she answered. She didn't have to lick his balls for long to get him hard. And once again, she was surrounded by stallions, her throat full of dick, his moans and the music ringing in her ears. But she was having fun again. On some level, this was what college was about, right? Getting a little wild? The other stallions didn't seem to mind the display one bit. She could swear she could hear the sounds of half-erect stallionhoods slapping bellies as they played their beer pong and nerdy card games with half-attention. But Deepy wasn't alone in her efforts. She withdrew from Curtain call when she saw Millie out of the corner of her eye. When she turned to look at her roommate, the older mare was beneath the ping pong table, taking that bigger stallion's big dick as best as she could. This is more what Deepy imagined when she thought of a party, at least in the back of her mind. It appeared Curtain Call had been rather pent-up as well, but Deepthroat Cockslut was happy to swallow his load as well. After she smiled up at him, she looked back to Millie, who turned to her after finishing her job as well, and their eyes met. It appeared they had more in common than they originally thought. And Millie even had experience on her. The older mare came to her and grabbed her by the hooves. Suddenly, before Deepy could even gasp, she felt Millie's soft lips pressing into hers. Another cheer went up. "What the hell is happening?" Deepy thought. Millie's tongue was starting to graze Deepy's lips, and her gloss tasted like strawberries. Deepy wasn't attracted to mares. Why was Millie trying to make out with her? Then it clicked. They were putting on a show. And as two mares who loved attention, they knew exactly what to do. Deepy let her tongue slide into Millie's mouth, their mouths opening to give the stallions a better view. Even with her eyes closed and Millie's hushed moans in her ears, Deepy could hear the sounds of clopping. But this was only the beginning. Deepthroat Cockslut began to push Millie Smiles back, getting more aggressive with their making out, until Millie's back was against the ping pong table. Deepy bent her back over the table and put her hooves on the surface, attacking her with aggressive kisses. But Millie would not be content to be the submissive partner in this. With a sweep of her hoof, she sent the plastic cups clattering to the ground and she pulled Deepy onto the table with her. The make-out was at its fiercest, and Deepy couldn't help but raise her tail, making sure to give all the colts a good look at her dripping arousal. She knew Millie was just as bad as she was, the heat from the older mare's loins scorching against Deepy's underbelly. The mares pressed into one another, rubbing their nipples together and letting their hooves wander, making sure to keep their tails out of the way as they performed. Deepy felt Millie's hooves groping at her, pressing into her flanks, and she moaned into the other mare's mouth. But with a hard push and a buck upwards, Deepy broke and gasped as she felt their wet marehoods squish together, the intense, moist heat of the contact overwhelming. "Ohhh," Deepy called with closed eyes. This was a completely alien sensation to her, and for the moment it felt all too good. Millie ground against her, and Deepy pushed her own hips back, feeling their clits and lips sliding around each other with tingles of electricity. But when Deepy opened her eyes, she saw Millie below her, her face partially covered by a cock she was sucking upside-down, the stallion placing his hooves on the table next to her. Deepy locked eyes with another stallion, this one with a slicked-back mane and charming smile, as he mounted the table as well, presenting his own length to her. Deepthroat Cockslut didn't hesitate to live up to her name. With a rough buck into Millie, she took every last inch into her throat. Deepy was quite familiar with having her throat full of cock, but it was something else entirely to feel a mare beneath her, to feel hot, moist lips pressing into her folds instead of a pair of slapping balls. And to know that this mare was also servicing a stallion was the cherry on top for Deepy. She was all too happy to suck this stallion's cock. Now that she knew the type of guys the stallions of Omega Omega were, she felt very at home with them. She remembered how they had made her feel at home, and she could even hear some of them leaving because they had marefriends. They were just a bunch of sweet, nerdy stallions, and after Deepy had listened to their long explanations of fantasy card games, she knew that she could be unashamed about who she was just as much as they were. So with as much of a smile on her face as she could muster and a warm feeling in her heart and loins, Deepthroat Cockslut enjoyed every inch of the cock presented to her. Still feeling Millie's writhing body and messy marehood pressed into her own, Deepy, wrapped her tongue around every curve of the flare, teased the midring with her lips, and threw herself onto the fleshy folds of his sheath, even pulling out to lap at his full balls. This is what she lived for, and she was happy as a clam to have her mouth full of dick without having to apologize for it. When the first drop of his cum hit her tongue, she came hard. How could she not? Thick strands of sticky mare juice connected Millie and Deepy as they moved around each other, switching positions and lying on their sides. Their legs hooked around each other's, and they pressed themselves back together in a scissor position as they leaned back down to service the next pair of stallions lined up for them. This stallion was much rougher with Deepy, but Deepy gave just as much back as he gave, taking his full length with every stroke while she bucked her hips into Millie. At this angle, their pussies were just mashing together without any kind of precision, but the boys could see the action so much better, and Deepy made sure to keep her legs spread wide to give them the best view. Millie's own bucking was practically shoving her onto the cock she was sucking, and it felt like the older mare was encouraging her. Not that she needed the encouragement. She was moaning loud in her throat, her tongue coated in the taste of salty semen, and she was all too eager for the stallion to unload his balls into her waiting lips as well. The stallion pulled out for his orgasm, painting her face white with his hot, heavy cum, and she could feel the thick strands dripping down her cheeks and neck, her face feeling as messy as her marehood. Yet the stallions had backed off momentarily, wanting to watch the girls go at each other for a little bit. "Let's see what you got," Millie teased her, her own face covered in strands of unswallowed cum. Deepy put her head down and let her voice cry out as Millie pushed her wet flesh into her own. Deepy didn't have to look around to smell the musk of aroused stallions in the room, to hear their clopping and to feel their hungry eyes on her and her roommate. With the intensity of their gaze boring into her, not to mention the incredible pressure of Millie's clit mashing into her own, Deepy could only throw herself back at the older mare, letting their juices flow around their thighs and onto the table as they worked for each other's climax. Deepthroat Cockslut came hard, high-pitched cries of ecstasy ringing from both of the mares as they reached their orgasms. Yet even as the orgasm left Deepy shaking as she tried to catch her breath, she knew it wasn't from Millie. Deepy loved sucking cock, and while rolling around with another mare was fun, it was more fun when stallions were involved. So when the stallions couldn't stand watching anymore, mounting the ping pong table and shoving their cocks back into Deepy's throat, she felt her body relax even as her excitement grew. She was back where she loved to be, doing what she loved to do, sucking the cocks she loved so much and swallowing the cum she so loved to taste. No shame. No judgment. Just Deepthroat Cockslut being herself with every stroke and every load. Not even the other ponies judged her. Even after she gained a reputation for being a slut, she found that on a campus like Platinum's most ponies still seemed to not know or simply not care who she was. It didn't matter if she was giving blowjobs to the OO boys every weekend, not to mention taking some other nice, horny colts on the side. Word didn't get around at a university the way it did at a college, and even if everypony knew she was a slut, they didn't seem to react in the same way as the high schoolers did. The professors calmly asked for her nickname instead of dodging around it or muttering it quietly. Millie's mare friends greeted her with smiles just as much as the colts she serviced did. And when Marble asked her out, she was happy to say yes. And when the jealousy and desire for more stallions got to be too much, they were able to break up and remain friends without any nasty rumors spreading. Deepy was certain that there were rumors about her, and she knew that jealousy and neediness weren't just juvenile problems, but it was a serious upgrade from where she had been. After Marble, Deepthroat Cockslut decided not to date anymore. Monogamy just wasn't for her. It was a decision that empowered her more than anything else before. She was an independent, adult mare now. She could make her own decisions. She could, and did, decide to turn down colts whenever she just wasn't in the mood. She could decide not to join Millie's sorority, or any other sorority for that matter. She was free to practice nursing and cocksucking almost all she wanted. When she graduated, she gained so much more than a pre-med degree from Platinum University. More than just nursing or slutting, Deepthroat Cockslut learned how to be an adult, and as a mare who walked on the tightropes that were the heartstrings of stallions and her reputation among mares, independence was the best thing she could have in the world. > 5: At the Hooves of the Master > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deepthroat Cockslut took her first breath of Ponyville air. Clean, floral, even bright. It smelled like another new beginning. Now that she had finished her nursing degree, she managed to snag a position at Ponyville Hospital. Being rather far away from Baltimare, she was forced to arrange for an apartment through letters. Her luggage had been sent ahead of her, and now she was completely free to get her first look of the tiny town completely unburdened. It was almost idyllic. Ponies of all sorts going about their business, exchanging smiles and friendly greetings as they passed. So very different from the crowded, shuffling bodies of Baltimare's streets. Every building seemed to be decorated with flowerboxes, and the cobblestone streets looked more like worn paths instead of structures. She could even see foals playing around the town, not needing to be shepherded by their parents for safety. Even if it was a small town, it felt so much more alive than any city, basked in the Celestia's sunshine. The atmosphere was enough to make Deepthroat Cockslut almost giddy. Everypony was so friendly, and she was a part of it now. She was a citizen of Ponyville just like they were. A large red stallion pulling a cart full of ripe apples was walking toward her, and to her, he was the epitome of this town. Rustic, hardworking, his eyes half-lidded in a sort of easygoing, reassured happiness. After a moment of eye contact, she decided to introduce herself. "Hi! I'm Deepthroat Cockslut!" she said, sticking a hoof out. He seemed to regard her for a moment, eyebrow raised. Then, he turned away and said in a deep voice, "Nope." Deepy just looked after him, feeling more crushed than she ever had in her life, and all it took was a word. Maybe this town wasn't as friendly as she thought. Deepthroat Cockslut started work the next day, but Ponyville was small enough that there weren't a lot of injuries that needed attention in the the hospital itself. Thus, she was selected to perform house visits on some of the elderly ponies. She didn't mind one bit. In her application, she had told the hospital that she preferred to work with the young or elderly. As much as she loved sucking dick, she took her job very seriously, and didn't want what she loved to do in her free time getting in the way of work. The few elderly stallions she visited were very pleasant. All were single or widowers, and she could tell how much they genuinely enjoyed her company. Even the one stallion who was bold enough to grab her flanks as she walked by his chair didn't bother her too much. While other mares might have been disgusted, Deepy had to admit that she rather liked the attention. Plus, knowing that these stallions would sooner suffer a heart attack before achieving a full erection made it easier to shrug it off and focus on actually caring for them. But after an afternoon of old stallion smell and adjusting suspenders, she was looking forward to her first mare of the day. Pearl Necklace lived much farther away than the others, closer to the Everfree Forest than town. The yard was overgrown with rough grass and wildflowers as well, and Deepthroat Cockslut imagined that she would likely be weeding all day, especially in the absence of any stronger, male nurses at the hospital. Still, she knocked on the old, worn door all the same. "Pearl Necklace? I'm a nurse from the hospital. May I come in?" she called. A faint voice on the other side told her to come in, so she did. The home was clearly quite old, the living room decorated in worn leather furniture and dominated by an austere, marble fireplace. A light gold mare with a long, straight black mane entered from the kitchen, and sure enough, she wore a string of pearls around her neck. While the mare was certainly old and wrinkled, Deepy wondered why she was needed here. Pearl Necklace seemed to have no problems moving, and she had a sort of wizened beauty about her that almost made Deepy jealous. At the very least, she hoped she could look this good at seventy-three. "You say you're from the hospital?" Pearl Necklace questioned with a raised brow. "Yes, ma'am. I'm new." "Hm. I knew Red Heart was a pushover," Pearl seemed to grumble. "I... think she just had a foal, ma'am," Deepy added quietly. "Whatever. I'm afraid I don't have much for you to do, I've already checked my blood sugar." "Oh," Deepy said. Deepy suspected that half the reason her job existed was to cure loneliness more than anything, and in this she would not fail. "There must be something I can do," she said. Pearl Necklace gave a hard look at Deepy. "Do you have a name, filly?" she asked after a moment. "Deepthroat Cockslut, ma'am," she answered without flinching. Pearl Necklace didn't gasp. In fact, after a moment, she smiled. "Well, well, how interesting," she said, approaching Deepy, looking her over. "And, might I ask, how did you get that lovely cutie mark?" When Deepy had been asked this question before, she didn't back down from the truth, and she wasn't about to now. "I got it when I gave my first blowjob to a classmate in grade school." Pearl Necklace laughed. "See this?" she turned her flank toward Deepy, showing off the image of a loose string of pearls snaking across her flank. "I got this when I gave my older brother a hoofjob on a family camping trip." Then she gave Deepthroat Cockslut a smile that was downright seductive. "They don't call me Pearl Necklace for nothing." Deepy found herself smiling as well. For a long time, she had wondered if there were anypony like herself out there, who had a talent that others wouldn't approve of, and now that she had found it, she felt excitement beginning to spark in her. "Really? So... what did you do?" "Oh, I was quite the little whore in my day. Best hooves in town. I barely had to touch a stallion to get him to unload all over me. The poor things. You see, back in the day, mares used to be much more modest than they are even today. Even married stallions had trouble finding relief." While that information was troubling to Deepy, another question pressed even further. "Did you ever do it for money?" "Not for a living, no. I made a little on the side caring for stallions, sure, but I was a seamstress for most of my life." Pearl chuckled again. "Why? Did some of the other old colts say something to you on your rounds?" "No, ma'am. I..." Deepy didn't know how to explain herself. But Pearl Necklace seemed to know exactly what she was thinking. "Darling, darling, don't you worry a bit. You have a good job, and you shouldn't have to resort to prostitution to survive around here. I mean, heavens, with all the young bucks as rowdy as they are today, you can practically have your pick of them whenever you like." Deepthroat Cockslut didn't seem to think so, given her brutal rejection at the hooves of that red stallion earlier. "I... I don't think it works like that." Pearl Necklace took a seat, taking time to settle into her armchair. "Oh, nonsense. You're just a little inexperienced, is all." Now Deepy resisted the urge to laugh. "Ma'am, trust me, I am very experienced." "Oh, sure, maybe with schoolcolts who don't have anything to lose. But around here, everypony knows everypony. A stallion can't just let it flop out to get a little nookie on the street," she said with an emphatic wave of her hoof. "You have to know how to get to them. You have to know... their weaknesses, you could say." "That sounds a little dark," Deepy said. She didn't want to manipulate anypony. "Not at all darling. Here, tell me about any stallions that have caught your eye since you started. There must be at least one." "Well..." So Deepthroat Cockslut told Pearl Necklace all about the apple stallion and how he had shut her down after even a simple greeting. "Oh, him? That's Big MacIntosh, but most just call him Big Mac," Pearl explained. "But he works at the apple orchard outside of town. A good colt, to be sure, but he's always been quiet and kept to himself. I'm not sure if some sweaty farmer would be as appealing as some of the others." Taking Deepy's reaction into account, Pearl added, "Unless that's your type, of course." Deepy had never thought about having a type before, but she supposed that she preferred honest or nice stallions over cocky or haughty ones. "I don't think I'd mind," she answered. "You see, I'd wager the reason he doesn't spend too much time with mares is because he has two younger sisters. The eldest sister is about your age, I think, but the youngest is still in school. And what, with Applejack being the Element of Honesty, well, he can't exactly do anything that would ruin the family's image. Or little Apple Bloom's innocence, for that matter." "Element of Honesty?" "Oh, yes, Princess Twilight Sparkle and all of her little friends. I wouldn't worry too much about them. They like to cause a stir around here every once in a while, but they're very tight knit, and it sounds like they don't have much more room in their circle of friends." Deepthroat Cockslut was starting to understand what Pearl Necklace meant by everypony knowing everypony. If Big Mac was indirectly tied to Princess Twilight, it made sense that he wouldn't want to flirt with some random mare on the street. Especially if there was a filly sister involved too. This seemed awfully complicated. "Maybe I should try for a different stallion," she said. "Oh, nonsense, darling. As I said, you just have to know your openings." "Like what?" Deepy knocked at the door of the quaint red farmhouse, trying to keep her nervous fidgeting to a minimum. With so much that could go wrong, and so many reputations on the line, she wondered if any of this would even be worth it. She could already feel sweat trickling down her neck when a young orange mare in a cowgirl hat with a blonde ponytail answered. This had to be Applejack. "Howdy there," she said, and even though Deepy had been warned to be extra secretive around the Element of Honesty, ironically, Applejack seemed too friendly to be threatening. "Hi. I'm with the hospital caring for elderly ponies, and I'm looking for Granny Smith? A friend of hers, Pearl Necklace, said I should meet her." "A new nurse? Replacing Red Heart, eh? How's she and her little filly doin' anyhow?" Applejack asked. Everypony really did know everypony around here. "Mother and daughter are just fine," Deepy reassured Applejack with a smile. "Glad ta hear it. Well, don't be a stranger! Come on in. Granny Smith's just inside." Applejack held the door for her and the two passed as the farm gal headed out, leaving Deepy alone inside. She didn't even have to use the excuse Pearl Necklace had given her. "Go to Sweet Apple Acres and ask for Granny Smith. Say that Pearl Necklace sent you. If Applejack asks why, tell her you're delivering a message for me about playing bridge sometime this week." Well, she was inside now. The farmhouse was even cuter on the inside. She could tell an old mare lived here with all the lace that adorned their table and shelves, but the darkwood of the floors seemed to be infused with the scent of apples and soil. If anything, the house had character. Character and history. The pink mare heard the soft, rhythmic rocking from within, and it seemed that there would be no further announcement she headed into the living room, seeing an wrinkled, hunched green mare with her white mane tied in a bun sleeping in a slowly moving rocking chair. Certainly not finely aged wine, as Pearl Necklace was, but she seemed like a happy enough mare. The abundance of deep laughter lines said enough. "Granny Smith?" Deepy said. No response. "Granny Smith?" she said, a little louder. Nothing. Finally, with a tap on her shoulder, Deepy was nearly shouting, "Granny Smith?" "No need to yell, child, I'm awake!" the old mare said as she opened her eyes. When she saw Deepy, she gave a few confused blinks. "And who might you be?" "Once you tell Granny Smith your name and who sent you, just say that you're there to 'see Big Mac.' If the old crone still has her wits together, she'll figure it out." Well, here goes nothing. "I'm Deepthroat Cockslut, ma'am. I work with the hospital. Pearl Necklace sent me? I'm here to see Big Mac." There was a long pause as Granny Smith sized her up. "Yer here to see Big Mac?" she said with a raised brow. "Yes, ma'am." "Does Applejack know?" "No, ma'am." She gave Deepy a big grin. "Ol' Pearl just can't turn off, can she?" Granny Smith gave a hearty little chuckle. "Oh, I hope you know what yer gettin' yerself into. My grandson takes after his grandpa, ya see, and there's a reason I got hip problems. Forty years o' gettin' humped by a stallion hung like a dragon 'll do that to ya." In a rare moment, Deepy felt a blush coming to her face. This old mare was possibly even dirtier than Pearl Necklace! Granny Smith just chuckled again as she got up and walked past Deepy, seemingly expecting the pink mare to follow her. "But you seem like a nice young filly. I'm sure Big Mac'll like ya just fine. Poor thing's been pent up for a while now. Applejack works the stallion like a dog. He barely has enough time to buck all the apples now that it's harvest season, let alone to milk the bull. 'Specially with Apple Bloom around. Ah try to tell her that stallions need some space and alone time every once in a while, but that filly is stubborn as a mule. Don't take a hint too good, neither." This little green mare was almost too much for Deepy, but luckily for her, nothing else was said as she was led outside. The trip seemed to end at the barn. "Now you go in there and wait. I'll round him up for ya. Everypony's out still buckin' apples, so no pony should be round here for at least a few more hours. If that ain't enough time to get all yer rocks off, well, I guess you could always come back tomorrow." Her bold wink sent a fresh wave of red over Deepy's face. "Well? Get in there." Deepthroat Cockslut simply nodded. Granny Smith opened the door for her. The barn was rather spacious, with plenty of bales of hay and buckets of apples providing all sorts of cover and shields for any noise that would be made. If the new apples wouldn't be stored in here until the end of the day, she doubted anyone would notice. The barn did get awfully dark when Granny Smith closed the door. But Deepy just found a nice bale of hay to lie in, remembering Pearl Necklace's final piece of advice to her. "When he comes, don't say anything. He's not the type for words. Give him a look that just says, 'Come here, big guy.' He might seem shy on the outside, but the quiet types are always the ones with the wildest fantasies. It's your job to fulfill those without even asking what they are." Somehow, Deepthroat Cockslut felt that a covert tussle in a dark barn after working in the fields was a fantasy Big Mac entertained often. Deepy felt like she had been waiting forever, and this position was getting hard to maintain. What if something went wrong? What if Applejack or another stallion came in? Was Big Mac even coming? But she trusted that Pearl Necklace knew what she was doing, steeling her patience, and waited quietly. Finally, she heard a voice outside. "Big Mac?" Granny Smith hollered. "Eeyup?" "I got somethin' in the barn fer ya." A pause. "I know you got apples to buck, mister, but them trees will wait. Now you get in that barn now, young stallion. And don't let yer sisters see ya! You can thank me later." A shaft of light pierced through the barn door as the big red farmpony came inside. Deepy could see him looking around, confused, trying to find what Granny Smith wanted him to do. When his eyes settled on Deepthroat Cockslut, she was bent over a bale of hay, her tail raised high, marehood dripping with anticipation. She turned her head forward, hearing the heavy thuds of his approaching hooves. She simply kept her tail raised, knowing she wasn't in heat, ready to give him all the time he needed to explore her body and enjoy himself. It was all she could do not to scream with pleasure when she felt the big stallion mount and shove his huge cock inside of her all at once. She had fucked big stallions before, but Big Mac spread her open wider than she thought possible. And he didn't waste his time either. With heavy, low grunts, he thrust into her hard and fast, so pent up he seemed to lose control of himself. Deepy could only pant under his rough assault, seemingly surrounded by this stallion that was twice her size. His sweat from working in the fields dripped onto her back from his chest, his hardworking musk mixing with the smell of sex, and his massive balls slapped against her underbelly with almost as much force as his great stallionhood pounding her pussy. Granny Smith wasn't lying when she said he'd be hung like a dragon, but she said he was pent up, but Deepy didn't expect this. He humped her like an animal, and all she could do was lift her tail and let him have his way with her, as rough as he wanted. It was easily one of the hottest things Deepy had ever done. It wasn't long before she was writhing in orgasm, using every bit of control not to beg for Big Mac to cum in her. She didn't have to beg though. His grunts turned to growls, and she had been with enough stallions to know what was coming. Thrusting herself back onto his throbbing hard cock, he gave his last few bucks into her before she felt great blasts of his warm cum fill her. The heat alone caused her to shudder, and she could feel pulse after pulse flow out of him, as if it would never end. But with every drop of semen he pumped into her, she could feel the tension melt off his hot body as he unloaded all of his stress into her inviting, wet marehood. There were a few moments where he held inside of her, the two panting heavily. Even though she could feel that he had finished, his thick length still felt hard in her. With a groan, he pulled out, though, his seed splattering onto the wood floor below. She turned around to finally look at him. The two were still panting, their manes a mess, beads of moisture still trickling down their foreheads. But Deepthroat Cockslut could see his erection still throbbing, and he wasn't wearing the goofy smile of a satisfied stallion yet. That, and she hadn't even gotten a chance to taste his load yet. Her flanks plopped to the floor. His hooves plodded against the boards as he stood over her. Now that she could see it in all its glory, Big Mac could have easily been the biggest stallion she'd ever tried to take, dwarfing other stallions by a long shot in both length and thickness. She was surprised he'd even managed to get himself to the hilt in her. Even his balls were impressive, bigger than any apple she'd ever seen. She could see him throbbing, dripping precum with anticipation, with need. But Deepy knew her manners. Sliding her hooves along the shaft, she worked her way forward before planting her tongue against his heavy sack, licking the droplets of sweat from the hot flesh. After working hard all day, she knew nothing would feel better than having his balls cleaned, and she savored the taste of his satisfaction, hearing his sighs above her, smelling his manly scent as she pictured these powerful orbs bouncing beneath him with every kick of his strong legs, her marehood growing wetter with every lick. Deepy moved onto the sheath, slipping her tongue between the folds of flesh, cleaning his base as well, before dragging her tongue along his impressive length in one long, broad stroke. He moaned above her when she passed from midring to tip nearly all at once, and she could still taste the remnants of cum mixed with her juices on his cock. She continued to tease him a little more, his precum dripping profusely, his cock twitching as he stamped his hooves. With a smile, she decided that he'd had enough torture. Deepthroat Cockslut opened her mouth wide, knowing she'd need space to fit that huge flare into her mouth, and she slipped her lips around him, already swiping her tongue over his flesh. His deep moan alone caused her own marehood to throb, but looking down his meat, seeing how much more she had left to take, made her shiver. She began to get to work, bobbing her head back and forth, getting used to the thick flesh in her throat before moving on to the next inch. Deepy took her time, pleasuring him slowly, letting him savor every inch she gained just as much as she did, really working his cock with every bit of expertise she had. When she reached the midring, her throat already felt full, and it was getting hard to breathe. But she was only a little more than halfway, and after being denied and worked for so long, this stallion deserved to have every inch of his mighty shaft worshipped. Relaxing her throat, she pressed on, letting her moans vibrate her throat to tease his flare as her lips pressed toward his base. The tired groan he let out when she reached his sheath was just what she wanted to hear. She wanted her big stallion to feel totally relaxed, completely serviced, and she was glad that reaching the base was only the beginning. Withdrawing all in one long, slow motion, she wrapped her lips around his head again, squeezing down, tasting his salty precum, before working back toward the base all over again. Deepy repeated this routine over and over, each time gaining distance a little faster, until she was moving her entire head in long, slow strokes along the length of his hard cock. Big Mac had clearly never had a mare deepthroat him before, and his moans were both ecstatic and desperate at the same time. Still, Deepy was determined to take her time and let him enjoy it, slurping slowly along every little bit, fondling his weighty balls with her hooves, both of them moaning louder and louder as her pace slowly picked up. The repeated forward and back motions, the massive flesh going deep into her throat only to have his head in her mouth was almost hypnotic to Deepthroat Cockslut. This huge cock was heaven for her, and while her lips, tongue, and throat stroking his entire cock must have felt amazing to him, his cock stroking her throat felt amazing to her. Perhaps even better than when he was pounding her marehood. She wanted more. With her eyes fluttering in euphoria, her pussy dripping at every little bit of this stallion's impressive, tired body, she picked up the pace, going about as quickly as she could, feeling the massive length flow in, out, and back in to her all in an instant, filling herself with his cock. Big Mac was starting to grunt now, and his balls were swaying towards her as his hips bucked and jerked. He couldn't help himself. He started thrusting, his stallion instincts taking over. It was just what Deepthroat Cockslut wanted. To feel his groin meet her face with every thrust, to feel his heavy balls slam into her chest as his cock plunged into her throat was more than she could take. Her moans were becoming uncontrollable, her vision blurring as Big Mac facefucked her as hard as he could. And Deepthroat Cockslut accepted every thrust. If she barely noticed his set rising upwards, ready to unload into her, she could hear it in his growls now, feel it in the untamed force of his hips ramming her face, smell it in his sweat, taste it in his precum. She wanted it. She was ready for his load. With a roar and a couple of steamy snorts, Big Mac shoved every last inch he had into Deepthroat Cockslut. He unloaded the contents of his pent up sack into her waiting belly. She swallowed every drop, her pussy pulsing as the thick cream flowed back, his batter strong, pungent, and virile. Even as her body spasmed in pleasure, her hooves shaking as she rolled his balls around, begging for more, she continued to pleasure him, wrapping her tongue around the swollen flesh, pressing her lips against his sensitive sheath, and bobbing her head ever so slightly, sucking his cock until he was completely finished. With a gasp, she pulled off of him, her belly feeling stuffed full. The two stumbled, falling into a pile of hay. He pulled her on top of him, and she worked to get as much air as she could, calmed by the feeling of his hot, sweaty chest against her, his powerful arms wrapped around her protectively. When she was finally able to speak, she realized that she should probably say something. "Nice to meet you," was all her bliss-addled mind could come up with. Big Mac panted heavily, her body rising and falling on top of his with every breath, until he finally responded. "Eeyup." She could only smile, already feeling that Ponyville would be a good home for her. "Eeyup," she replied. > 6: Enter the Stud > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Oh my gosh, Deepy. You are so lucky!" Rose gushed over the lunch table. "Big Mac is such a hottie. I always knew he had a dark side," Lily added. "I wouldn't really call it a dark side," Deepthroat Cockslut said. "Big Mac's a stallion just like the rest of them. They have needs." "So, are you two, like, a thing?" Daisy asked. The three mares leaned in for the answer, and Deepy felt like even the passerby were listening. "I don't think so. I mean, he smiles at me when we pass each other. Don't get me wrong, I'd gladly take another roll in the hay with him if he wanted to, but I think he's keeping quiet about it. So you really can't tell anypony." "We won't," Rose assured her. "Big Mac's a good guy, and Applejack would be furious with him, especially if Apple Bloom found out. But still, that part about Granny Smith was pretty funny." "Why don't you just date him, though? Then what would be the problem?" Daisy pressed. Deepy just shook her head. "Dating's... hard for a mare like me. I don't think one stallion could ever be enough." "Wow. You're something else, Deepy. Sometime's I think Toe Tapper's just too much." Deepy just offered an encouraging smile. She was hardly scanning the crowd, but her talent infused every part of her, and just as when she was young, her eyes gravitated toward every ballsack she could see. But sometimes, a good pair stood out to her. They were huge. Almost freakishly so. Even from across the market, she could see that these jewels would put Big Mac's own impressive set to shame. Everything about them, from the way they sat between his legs to they way they hung, like his entire sack was stretched by the sheer weight of such massive balls, all caught Deepthroat Cockslut's attention. She was wetting the mushroom seat beneath her almost immediately with her arousal, the heat starting to catch fire and spread through her entire body. "Who... is that?" Deepthroat Cockslut pointed. The three mares turned to see who she meant. "Him?" Rose asked incredulously. Deepy nodded. "That's Gizmo Poindexter. What about him?" "What do you mean?" Deepy asked, appalled that they hadn't noticed that which was too big to ignore. "Look at his set! How does he even walk straight with those?" Her friends blushed, but only Lily took a quick look. "They're pretty big, I guess..." "He's such a dork, though," Daisy said. "There's no way he's even kissed a mare, Deepy. He can hardly even talk to us." Once Deepy managed to remove her gaze from between his legs, she started to notice what her friends meant. He wasn't a tall stallion. Or a strong stallion. Or even a handsome stallion, with a light coat and greasy brown mane and a pencil mustache to boot, like he was still in middle school. The thick black glasses and bowtie topped it all off. Deepthroat Cockslut could see why the other mares were so shocked. Without Deepy's eyes, he was anything but appealing. Rose, at least, was a bit more encouraging. "If you think he's hot, you should go introduce yourself." Deepthroat Cockslut nodded. She never had trouble with the less-attractive stallions. They were all beautiful once her head was between their legs. Plus, the nerdy ones were always very grateful for her attention. This Gizmo could be one of her favorites. Still, crossing the distance between where she sat and where he walked on the road was always a little nerve-wracking. But the knowledge that he would likely be more nervous than she was helped to calm her. Deepy decided to do it quick, like a bandage. "Hey there," she said as she caught up to him. "Gah!" Somehow she had managed to startle him, and as he jumped a few papers flew out of his stuffed saddlebags. "Oh, sorry! Here," Deepy said, already leaning down to help him collect them. He scrambled to gather them, and she placed the few she collected back in his bags. From the numbers and graphs she had seen on the sheets, she could tell he was the real deal, not just some pony attempting to be trendy. "Sorry. Didn't see you there," he said, but as he picked his head up to look at Deepy, she could tell that would be the last clear sentence she would get from him. The blush hit his face like he was sunburned, and she could see the lump forming in his throat beneath the plaid bowtie. Now that she was up close, she had to admit that the acne and buck teeth were pretty unappealing, but she had the same problems in middle school, and it was nothing braces and some cleanser couldn't fix. At least he was taller than she was. "That's alright. I'm Deepthroat Cockslut," she introduced herself. Quick like a bandage. The poor thing looked like he would choke on his own tongue. "Uhh... Gizmo..." he mumbled. His voice sounded like he needed to blow his nose; like he had a cold. There was a moment of heavy, awkward silence. Deepthroat Cockslut had never had to ask another pony out before; usually it was the stallion asking her. But after what she had seen, she really wanted to get to know him a little better. She shuffled nervously. "So... what are you doing?" she asked. "Lunch..." he answered. She had found her opening. "Oh! Would you, maybe, like to get lunch with me?" Never before had Deepy felt so out of her comfort zone, and she actually felt tense waiting for his response. "Like... a... date?" he said quietly. "Um... yeah, I guess," Deepy said. He still hadn't answered yet, and it was killing her. "Well, aren't I... supposed to ask you?" he said. "What?" "Isn't the s-stallion supposed to ask the mare?" he repeated, clearly as nervous and intimidated as she was. "Uh... sure, I guess?" she answered. He cleared his throat. "Then, uh, would you, uhh, like to... you know... go to... dinner with- with me?" he managed. "Yes! I'd love to." She let out a long breath of relief. "Meet back here at six?" she said. "Um... s-sure..." he answered. "Great! Looking forward to it!" Deepthroat Cockslut said as she skipped off. She couldn't help but be excited. All his stammering and blushing was rather cute, and besides, even if it was with easily the nerdiest colt on the planet, a mare would always look forward to being taken on a date. She needed the help of her friends. There wasn't much time until dinner, and she still had to get a bath, wash her face, pick out a dress, pick out her shoes, pick out her accessories, do her makeup, do her mane, and pick out her perfume. And that was just the basics. Her friends would tell her it was too much effort to waste on a colt like Gizmo, but the effort was half the fun, and even if she was out of his league, Deepy had found that the shy ones were often the sweetest. "No way! Like, Prince Shining Armor?" Deepy leaned over the table. "Y-yeah. Canterlot High, same class," Gizmo answered. Her enthusiasm brought another flush to his cheeks, but at least he managed to speak. It wasn't exactly a candelight dinner, but it wasn't a burger joint either, so he earned points for that. Still, the tuxedo he had chosen to wear was a little much. Not that she was going to call him on it. The conversation, surprisingly, had been good enough that Deepthroat Cockslut barely noticed the little faux pas. "So what was he like in high school?" "He was a dork, like me," Gizmo answered. "We used to play Ogres and Oubliettes in his parents' basement all the time. We even helped him get with Cadance his junior year. I think he stopped being all nerdy once he joined the guard, though. I haven't heard from him since he moved to the Cyrstal Empire." "Does any pony ever stop being nerdy? Once a geek, always a geek," Deepy answered. "I guess you're right," he said, wearing a shy smile. But despite his timidness, he kept the conversation going. "So what were you like in high school?" "Oh, I was a cheerleader. Sorry," she said. Deepthroat Cockslut knew that was basically admitting they were like mortal enemies. "It's alright. Cadance was a cheerleader, too, and she was nice," Gizmo answered. "What about now?" "Well, now I'm a nurse." "Like in the magazines?" Gizmo said quickly. His hoof snapped over his mouth, and there was a moment of heavy silence. His face turned red, and Deepy realized he meant those magazines. "Oh, no, no, I work in geriatrics," she chuckled. "Uh, I'm so s-sorry, I didn't mean-" Gizmo stammered. But Deepy just smiled and waved her hoof at him. "It's alright. With a name like mine, I totally understand. I don't mind. There's nothing to be embarrassed about," she assured him. He nodded, and they finally took some bites of their food. As cute as he was, Deepy couldn't help but let her mind wander to that big set between his legs. She wondered if he had the cock to match. She had taken stallions before who had impressive gems but small shafts. But she shook her head a little, admonishing herself, trying to focus on eating. When the air had cleared, she steered the conversation back to polite territory. "So what do you do?" "I'm an astrophysicist," he answered. He even pushed his glasses up, a moment of smug intelligence for the dorky stallion. "And I thought med school was hard. You must be some kind of genius," she said. "It's not... that big of a deal," he said, smiling wide but remaining red. "Med school isn't e-easy either." "That's sweet of you to say, Mr. Smarty Pants," she said. "So what do you do?" "Oh, uh, I study celestial bodies, their movements, and attempt to predict their behaviors. Right now I'm studying black holes." He seemed much more confident once he was speaking about something in his field of expertise. "Go on," was all Deepy had to say to get the flood going. She tried her best to keep up, asking questions instead of just nodding and flattering him, and he seemed to really appreciate the effort. Even if he was smarter than she was, Deepthroat Cockslut wasn't about to have this nerdy stallion assume she was a dumb bimbo. Eventually, their plates grew cold, their food half-eaten. Gizmo insisted on paying, and Deepy allowed it. Luna's moon had risen over the streets of Ponyville, full and bright, and the two strolled together, the conversation still going. "Did you... have fun tonight? I didn't mean to talk so much," Gizmo said. "It was great. You don't have to worry so much," Deepthroat Cockslut answered. And she meant it. If the night were to end right here, she could go to sleep happy. But she didn't want it to end here. "I don't have to go just yet, if you don't want to take me home right away. Didn't you say you lived nearby?" "Uh, yeah. Would you w-w-want to come over?" he asked. "I'd love to." Deepy smiled wide. His apartment was smaller than she expected, and rather cluttered, with stacks of books and papers holding dirty plates and silverware scattered around. It wasn't the worst she had seen, though. "Sorry about the mess," he said. "It's alright. No pony likes doing the dishes," she assured him. "So I uh, guess this is my, uh, castle," he said with a nervous smile. "And what a fine abode it is," Deepy answered, affecting a Canterlot accent. "May I see the lord's chambers?" "Wha-?" the syllable spilled out of his mouth, and Deepthroat Cockslut realized she had taken him off-guard. She could practically smell the nervous arousal on him. "I mean, if you want to look around, sure. G-go ahead," he mumbled. Deepthroat Cockslut sighed. She knew she would have to come clean with him at some point. She sat on the couch, and after a moment, he took a seat next to her, moving a stack of papers aside to do so. "Gizmo, I want to tell you something." He nodded, looking down. "It's okay. You don't have to say it." She just shook her head, smiling. "I really like you." His head snapped up. "R-really?" "Yes. You're smart and you're sweet, and I know you're nervous, but I don't want you to be. I know you like me, too. But that wasn't what I wanted to tell you." "O-okay..." he trailed off with a big gulp. She sighed. "I wanted to tell you that, well, I didn't get this name for no reason." "O-oh... that's okay," he answered. She chuckled. "Thanks. Some guys don't like me being a... well, a slut. But I've always loved being with stallions. It's my special talent." He nodded, and she could hear his shallow, excited breathing, and almost hear his heart pounding in his chest. "I wanted to see your home because I wanted to... be alone with you." His breathing seemed to stop. He was dumbstruck. "Have you ever kissed a mare?" It was a long moment, and a big gulp, before he could answer. "N-no." She smiled sweetly at him. "Could I kiss you?" He only nodded. Gizmo crawled over to her, and she could see the sweat dripping down his temple. Once he was close, Deepthroat Cockslut took the reins. She nuzzled into his neck, taking in his dusty, musty smell, like old books. Slowly, she inched her way upward. His eyes were wide as could be, but his lips were parted perfectly. Deepthroat Cockslut planted her lips to Gizmo's. They were soft, as soft as his little mustache on her lips, and his kiss was sweet, as innocent as his little Celestia-blessed heart. Finally, the kiss broke, and Gizmo seemed to stare into space. "Wow," was all he could manage. His grin was almost too wide for his face, and she could tell how much it meant to him. She nestled into him, her head on his slender chest, listening to his excited heart. "Thanks," she said. "Thank you," he answered. Deepy steeled herself once more. "Can I ask you something else?" "S-sure," he answered. Deepthroat Cockslut looked up at him once more, the sweetest of smiles on her face. "Could I suck your cock?" Gizmo's voice was like a whisper. "Okay." He stood, and she followed him. He opened the door to his bedroom, and after he lit the lamp, she realized she should have expected the spectacle. Toys, action figures, and posters of all sorts covered every surface and nearly every inch of wall space. While most of them were tough warrior-looking stallions or sleek, futuristic pilots, many of them were mares, proportioned and dressed to be impossibly sexy. She hoped that with all these near-lewd images surrounding him, he would have a strong sex drive to match. Gizmo froze, realizing how pathetic things must look to Deepy right now. He even had Ponan the Barbarian bed sheets. She just smiled. "Lay down with me," she said, spreading herself on top of his sheets, intentionally striking a sexy pose. She could tell by the way he stared at her that what he was seeing was a fantasy come true for him. With shaky steps, he made his way toward the bed. She moved toward him, placing herself in his arms as he laid down. He was on his back now, and she realized that if she turned her head a little, she could probably get a much better look at his nuts, and maybe even his shaft starting to emerge from the sheath. But she didn't want to spoil the surprise. Focusing on him, she kissed at his neck, eliciting a moan. His hooves rubbed over her shoulders and down her back, and it was clear he was still trying to be polite. She chuckled into his ear. "You can go a little lower if you like. I'm all yours, Gizmo." "O-okay," he said again. His breathing was shallow as his hoof slowly slipped down until it was resting on her soft ass. "Ohh," he groaned as he gave her ample rump a squeeze, feeling a surge of power run through him. "Mmm," she moaned in his ear, letting him know how much she liked it. With her encouragement, he grew a little more bold, his hooves sliding around to her front, gingerly flicking over her nipples. "Ohh, Gizmo," she moaned again, enticing him to give her teats a squeeze, rolling them around in his hooves as he liked. Deepy was dripping wet with anticipation alone. She couldn't take it any longer. She knew he was hard, and she wanted to see it. With one last kiss to his chest, she let her eyes take him in. If she didn't know any better, she would have sworn he had a medical condition. If Big Mac was twice the size of a normal stallion, Gizmo could have been three. It stood before her, tall, thick, proud, light brown, and throbbing, begging for her attentions. The very sight of it left her feeling weak. Of course, the balls that crowned such a magnificent cock were just as impressive, full and round, each bigger than a grapefruit, hanging low in their sack, ready to feed her the hot, gooey cum she craved. "Celestia's tits, Gizmo," Deepthroat Cockslut swore under her breath, her throat wetting with desire. "What?" he asked. "You're huge," she said. "I've sucked a lot of cocks in my day, but I've never seen one even close to being that big." "Really?" "Gizmo, you could be the most hung stallion in all of Equestria. The whole world, even." He gulped again, but grinned. "Thanks," he said. Deepy moved around in front of him. "I can't believe I'm the first mare who gets to do this. I feel so lucky," she said. As she plopped down in front of him, his massive shaft blocking her view of his face, she asked, "Excited?" "Yes," he breathed. "Good. You just lean back, relax, and enjoy yourself." She watched him wiggle around, every movement jiggling his huge balls hypnotically before her as he settled in, spreading himself over the bed. He let out a long sigh, and she peeked around his girth to see a happy smile on his face. She hadn't even started yet, but already she felt warm and fuzzy inside. As much as she wanted to feel that dick spreading her throat, Deepthroat Cockslut remembered her manners. Leaning forward, she planted a few kisses on his sack, running her lips over his nuts to prepare them. Gizmo groaned above her, having only ever fantasized about a mare lavishing him like this. Deepy began to administer light licks, taking in every detail about his balls. She firmly believed you could tell a lot about a stallion's character from his balls, and apart from the incredible size, forcing his thighs to spread wide, she noticed that they had almost the same dusty, musty smell that the rest of him did, like old books. But there was something more, the musky, primal smell of a pent-up stallion with a high sex drive; the lustful, masculine smell of an incessant masturbator's ballsack. The smell spoke to Deepthroat Cockslut like a whiff of destiny, and she prepared herself to right the wrong of such a well-endowed stallion being a virgin. But once she had thoroughly pleasured his balls, she looked up toward his cock, and for the first time in her life, she faltered. Gizmo's cock was staggering. Deepy wondered if she could take it all, a thought she hadn't entertained in her entire life. She feared she couldn't. She would have to change her name to Halfthroat Cockslut, and apologize to poor Gizmo for not delivering the very best blowjob a stallion could ask for. No. She couldn't be beaten before she even tried. She had never gagged on a dick in her life, and she wasn't about to now. She would be letting down the entire female sex if she failed to pleasure this stallion properly. So, bracing her resolve, Deepthroat Cockslut administered a few more licks to Gizmo's balls, slowly working up to his sheath. "Ohh, Deepy," he sighed, his cock throbbing against her lips. Inching her way up his shaft with licks and kisses was like climbing a mountain. Where she was used to feeling the tip of a stallion, instead she only nibbled on his midring. The journey was leaving the bedsheets beneath her soaked, though, and the anticipation alone of feeling his mighty shaft inside of her left her heart pounding as hard as his. At long last, she reached the summit. The fat head of Gizmo's cock, leaking a steady stream of precum, with every curve and throb inviting her to go further. She rubbed his length affectionately with her hoof, noticing that she would never be able to wrap her hooves around such a thick girth. "Thank you for this, Gizmo," she said, stars in her eyes as she looked toward him. He was red and sweating, but grinning. "Thank you, Deepthroat Cockslut," he managed to say her full name. With a nod, there was nothing left. It was time to see if she could take it all, and by Luna, was she ready. Just as she had done hundreds of times before, Deepthroat Cockslut opened her mouth, and began to take the head. He groaned as her breath and lips covered his tip, but already she faced setbacks. He was too thick for her to cover her teeth, and she knew that a bitejob was worse than being a virgin. She had never faced this problem before, and she knew it was only going to get worse as she went lower, as his shaft thickened toward the base. But she couldn't give up now. Relaxing, breathing calmly through her nose, she opened her jaw a little wider, letting her lips slip over her teeth as she gained a couple more inches. "Ohh, yeah," Gizmo groaned, and the feedback encouraged her. She went a little further before facing her next obstacle: fitting his head into her throat. Deepthroat Cockslut simply did not possess a gag reflex, but gagging wasn't the issue. Her throat was tighter than her mouth, which was normally intensely pleasurable for stallions, but this made it all the more difficult to fit this titanic cock inside of her. Still, she took another series of deep breaths, preparing to let her throat stretch and expand, and when she was ready, she pressed forward for the next few inches, feeling a bit of pressure as the cockhead hit her throat, then a small pop as it pushed past. She moaned around the shaft just as Gizmo moaned aloud. He was in her throat now, which meant that the hardest part was over. As she slid down, letting her wet lips and hot throat clamp around his shaft, she felt pleasure spread through her own body. Deepthroat Cockslut was in heaven. Her marehood throbbed as heavily as his cock did, and she felt so gloriously spread, so wonderfully filled with stallion meat if she were to die now, she would be happy. But a thrill ran down her spine, as there was still so much more Gizmo left to suck. His midring was another small hurdle, but Deepy could barely breathe now, let alone take deep breaths, so she simply had to power over it, forcing her lips wider as it popped into her mouth. Her jaw almost ached it was stretched so wide, but it was a good ache, like having her ass spanked by a rough stallion. Gizmo was quivering now, his hips jerking as Deepy's lips and tongue teased and swirled over his sensitive areas. Now that she could see him, she watched his mouth open, taking in deep gulps of air as he grinned wide. For once, he seemed to push all nervousness aside, simply enjoying the pleasure of having his cock sucked, and wearing his satisfaction plainly on his face. Deepthroat Cockslut enjoyed herself too, her eyes rolling up in bliss as she sank her mouth lower and lower. Gizmo continued to thicken, his cock truly monstrous, but Deepy took it like a champion, negotiating every inch, tending to it skillfully and lovingly. She could see herself nearing the base, but the last problem presented itself. Once again, Gizmo was simply too long, and too thick. She cursed in her mind. She was certain she could have spread her mouth a little wider for the last several inches if his thick tip wasn't lodged so deeply within her. But she didn't want to stop here. Her pussy was burning, dripping fiery juices, her entire upper body tingling with ecstatic sensations. She wouldn't stop here. She wanted to take every last inch of Gizmo's godly cock. She didn't care if he was nerdy and awkward and no other mare in her right mind would talk to him, much less fellate him. She needed to have her throat absolutely stuffed full of him. She needed to bury her muzzle into his sheath, to smell his male scent again as every inch of her tongue and throat worked for his pleasure. She needed to hear him roar in orgasm, and she needed to taste the sweet ambrosia that was his cum, brewing in his heavy balls. She needed to be facefucked and made his cumdump, and she wasn't going to let Celestia or Discord or a few more inches stop her. Positively shaking with lust, Deepthroat Cockslut rammed herself forward, the last of Gizmo's gigantic cock sliding into her with wet heat. He bucked forward, and with another pop within her, his midring entered her throat. Deepthroat Cockslut had never felt something that thick so deep within her, and it was the ultimate feeling of being spread, the pinnacle of everything awesome about sucking cock. Deepthroat Cockslut came. With her marehood spasming, gushing female juices onto the sheets below, Deepthroat Cockslut came. With every muscle in her body clenching, her arms and legs jerking and her gut wrenching, everything inside of her like fireworks, Deepthroat Cockslut came. With loud, needy moans dying around the massive cock inside of her, her throat gulping around the shaft, milking it as her lips pursed around the sheath, Deepthroat Cockslut came. And Deepthroat Cockslut came hard. Harder than she ever had in her life. Harder than when the hoofball players fucked in her the locker room, harder than when the Omega Omega stuffed her full of their own nerdy dicks, even harder than when Big Macintosh humped her like a bull in season. As much pleasure as Deepthroat Cockslut had gained from performing her talent, she had never felt like this before. So many times she had sucked dick only for the pleasure it brought her. But this opened up an entirely new world to her, a world of shared pleasure with this very special stallion, and as her thoughts and emotions died to her euphoric pleasure, she wanted only to spend the rest of her life sucking this cock. A noise came to her. "You okay?" Gizmo was asking her from above. Deepthroat Cockslut responded by withdrawing a few inches, only to mash her face back down, moaning as Gizmo's rock-hard stallionhood massaged her throat better than her marehood could have ever been fucked. Even with her hooves still trembling to fondle his wonderful balls, she could feel her next orgasm building, and she prayed that Gizmo could last long enough to deliver it to her. She used every trick she knew on him, loving every bit of meat she was offered, tending to every part with painstaking detail. Gizmo groaned and sighed above her. Just as she hoped, he wrapped his hoof in her mane, male instinct taking over, as he pressed her down, bucking his hips upward, taking just as much pleasure as he could, and she was happy to give. Watching his face twist into silly grins of pleasure, listening to his grunts and moans, tasting, smelling, and feeling so much of him so intimately was what fueled her extreme ecstasy. This was why she sucked cock, not for her own pleasure, but for his pleasure. She knew that if he wasn't enjoying it so much, she wouldn't have came as hard as she did. So, redoubling her efforts, determined to give Gizmo a blowjob worthy of his perfect maleness, Deepthroat Cockslut did destiny's work on him. She came four more times, each time only encouraging her to pleasure him more. But as she felt her sixth orgasm draw near, she felt his balls pull away from her hoof, his sighs turn into gasps, and his head toss back. Her stallion was about to cum now, and in that moment, nothing else mattered to Deepthroat Cockslut. "Ah! Deepy, I'm gonna- Ohhh," he groaned. She picked up the pace, slurping messily at his length. She tugged on his balls, drawing them away to draw out his pleasure, and she nipped at his sheath with her tongue, working her throat to stroke every inch of him. She was ready. "AH! YES!" he screamed. Deepthroat Cockslut froze, letting Gizmo do his thing. With a massive throb, the first spurt of cum shot into her stomach, heavy and plentiful, and more was on the way. Deepthroat Cockslut simply closed her eyes, let her own orgasm take her, and drank from him. Gizmo came so much, Deepy felt like she was dreaming. All too soon she felt her stomach filling, but the flow was too much, his essence filling her throat before it could manage to flow into her belly. Her marehood gave a hard throb, and a spurt of whatever juices she had left in her when the taste first hit the back of her tongue. Bitter, tangy, salty, thick, hot, and dirty, it was better than she could have imagined. Her senses left her when her mouth finally filled with cum, and she savored every drop, letting it fill her mouth as much as his shaft did, letting it flow down her lips and cheeks before beginning to gulp it down, drinking it slowly like it was a fine wine. The moment seemed to last forever, Gizmo's orgasm long and plentiful. Deepthroat Cockslut enjoyed every moment of it. For her, having her throat full of thick, meaty cock, drinking warm, gooey cum straight from a stallion's nuts was nothing short of heaven. When it was over, Deepthroat Cockslut slowly withdrew, the sensation of all that stallion flesh flowing out of her threatening to send her into another trembling orgasm. But when she finally released the head with a pop, she let out a satisfied, "Ahh." She looked down as Gizmo, his face still contorted in euphoria, every part of him still twitching with orgasm. She laid down next to him, the fatigue of such a difficult cocksucking taking its toll on her. "Thank... you..." Gizmo panted. Deepthroat Cockslut laid her head on his sweaty chest, rubbing her hoof over his tired balls. "No, thank you, Gizmo," she said. She gave him a peck on the cheek, and looked at her, smiling. "So... can I ask you something?" he spoke up, a little more confidently than before. "Of course." "Will... you be my marefriend?" This was a question Deepy had been asked before, and she knew where this road led. Jealousy, hurt, and heartbreak. But to her, Gizmo was more than just any other stallion, and she didn't want this to be a one-time thing. She didn't even want him to be just another "friend" of hers, even if things were moving very quickly. But she knew she would hurt him. "Gizmo... I don't know if that's a good idea." "Oh," he said. "I get it." "No, it's not you. I'm... really a slut. I love sucking cock so much, I just can't help myself. Every other relationship I've had before ended because I couldn't keep myself to just one stallion. I don't want to hurt you like that. You're really a special guy, and you deserve better." He nodded. But in a moment of strength, he said, "I don't care." "What?" "I don't want to be cheated on, but you're the only mare that's ever noticed me. If you're going to hurt me, that's fine. I wish you wouldn't but I still want to try. If it happens, I'll deal with it then." "Really?" she asked. No stallion had ever reacted like that. What he was saying was more accepting and kind than she had ever received from a male before. And she was truly touched. "Really," Gizmo answered. "I like you, and I want to make it work, no matter what it takes." She nuzzled into his chest, swearing she felt more strength in his arms and chest than she had before, his limbs wrapped around her making her feel so very safe. "Okay, Gizmo. I'd love to be your marefriend." He chuckled to himself. "Awesome," he said, in that nerdy, nasally rasp. She pecked him on the cheek. "Get some sleep. I'll suck your dick again in the morning, if you like." "Yes please," he answered. He blew out his lamp, and after the two laid in the darkness for a while longer, he spoke again. "Goodnight, Deepthroat Cockslut." "Goodnight, Gizmo." The last sound heard in the room before the two fell asleep was Gizmo planting a kiss on his marefriend's head. > 7: White Hearth's Warming > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Mom? Dad? I'm home!" Deepthroat Cockslut called out. It had been a long time since she had said those words, and almost as long a time since she had considered her parents house in the Fillydelphia suburbs "home." Still, it was nicer than her place. Perhaps it was the familiarity of it all that made it feel so warm. Same carpets, same soft couches and chairs. She could see some of her father's home renovation "projects" in progress, like the half-finished new tile in the kitchen, but being here almost made her feel like a filly again. Almost. "Deepy? Come in, darling!" her mother called to her. Her parents stood as she came into the den and exchanged hugs. Her father and mother looked as if they had only aged slightly. At least, they still looked mostly the same to her. Peach Seed was still a pretty mare, brightly colored and voluptuous, having never quite shed the baby fat after Deepy. Oakwood also had a slight belly nowadays, but the dark stallion remained clean-shaven, unremarkable, and unassuming. Still, their hugs were warm, tight, and loving. "Good to see you again," Deepthroat Cockslut said as she embraced them. "Sweetie, you're freezing. Come sit by the fire with us," her father offered. Deepy removed her hat and scarf and sank into the plush chair. Her apartment lacked such luxuries as a roaring fireplace and so many comfy chairs to sit in, and this only made her more grateful to be staying with her parents for Hearth's Warming Eve. She couldn't help but smile as she saw the stockings pinned to the mantle and the same doll she had made when she was five resting alongside her parents' on top of the hearth. "Would you like some hot cocoa?" her mother asked before sitting down. She was already warming milk at the stove before Deepy could even accept. It was like she hadn't left. But she had left, and returning home as a full-grown mare caused Deepthroat Cockslut to sit differently in her chair, to hold herself taller and be more considerate. After all, she was just as much an adult as they were. "How have you two been?" she asked. "Just fine, dear. Same as you left us, really," her father answered. "Nothing interesting in the last year?" she said. "Well," her mother said from the kitchen. "We are taking that trip to the Bahamares next month." "Right," her father added. "Ten whole days on white sandy beaches, just me and your mother." "Sounds romantic," Deepy replied. Her father simply nodded. Even if Deepthroat Cockslut was old enough to be comfortable with the idea of her parents having a separate love life, imagining them enjoying each others' private company on a tropical island resort, it was clear that her parents were not so comfortable. An awkward silence began to fill the space between them. "Well, that didn't last long," Deepthroat Cockslut thought to herself. She had only said it would be romantic; she hadn't hinted at anything sexual. But she knew as well as her parents that there would be sex done on that island, and when her parents knew how much fucking she did herself, they always did their best to avoid anything even remotely sex related. She didn't understand why they couldn't just get over it like any normal ponies would. She hadn't been embarrassed about her parents' sex lives for at least five years now. Not that she had ever really caught much about her parents' sex lives. While she had never gone out of her way to learn about it, it killed her how painfully modest her parents could be. Sometimes she wondered if there hadn't been a mixup at the hospital. Without a doubt, her parents were the least sexy ponies she had ever met, and not just because she was related to them. Even their kisses were chaste. Deepy was starting to second-guess if they would even have sex in the Bahamares. Finally, her mother broke the tension by bringing in three mugs of steaming hot cocoa, brimming with big marshmallows, just the way Deepthroat Cockslut liked. "So, how's Ponyville?" she asked. "Are you getting on alright with everypony? I can't imagine living in such a small town like that after living in Baltimare for so long." "It's really nice," she answered, sipping her cocoa. "The hospital has me doing a lot of house calls to old ponies' homes, and they're really sweet. I've made some friends with a few mares who sell flowers, too. We're throwing a New Year's party together." "Oh, that sounds fun!" her mother lit up. "Who else are you inviting?" "The girls are inviting just about everypony in town. Everypony knows them. I'm just helping with the planning." "Well, make sure to take pictures. We'd love to see what you girls get up to," her father said, taking a sip from his mug. "Oh, it's not just girls. I'm inviting my coltfriend, too." Her parents froze, just as they had whenever she spoke of her coltfriends. Deepthroat Cockslut had been wanting to tell her parents about Gizmo ever since she had gotten on the train, but she hadn't quite been sure how to go about it. The general rule for her parents was that the less they heard about her interacting with stallions in any way, the better. But she didn't want to keep Gizmo a secret, like she was ashamed of him. "Your... coltfriend?" her mother repeated. Deepthroat Cockslut decided just to lay it all down. "Yeah. His name is Gizmo. He's an astrophysicist working at the observatory. He's the tall, lanky, nerdy kind. He can be a little shy and awkward at times, but he's so sweet and understanding. You guys would absolutely love him." "Where is he?" her mother asked cautiously. "We decided to spend Hearth's Warming with our parents, so he's in Canterlot." She desperately hoped that all of his credentials would at least impress her parents and lead to their approval. "And how long have you two been seeing each other?" her father asked. "Only a few weeks now,' she answered. "That's good. Sounds like you're taking things slow," he said. She knew what he meant by that, and her father's tone snapped a valve in her. "Well, that depends on how you define 'slow,'" she said calmly. "I sucked his dick on the first date." She took a sip of her cocoa as her parents gasped in shock. "Dear!" her mother exclaimed. "Well, isn't that what you meant, Dad?" Deepy retorted. "That is not what I meant," he said. "And how many times have we told you that kind of talk isn't appropriate in our house?" "Mom, Dad, I'm twenty three years old. I have my own apartment, my own job, my own life now. My friends, my coworkers, even my patients can handle talking about sex a little here and there for Celestia's sake! It's so normal! Why do you have to make my sex life such a big deal?" Her parents looked like they would faint just from hearing the dreaded S-E-X word so many times in one string. Still, her mother managed to keep her composure somewhat. "Because, it's not appropriate for a young mare to be... running around like that. Especially in a small town! I can only imagine what they must say about you, dear, and I don't want them to think that of you." "I don't mind," she said. "Even if they do talk about me, it's probably true. And if they're going to judge me for it, then that's their problem, not mine. Most ponies I talk to don't mind that much, really. The flower girls say they wish they had my confidence, and the old ponies always tell me funny sex stories about their spouses," Deepthroat Cockslut said with a giggle. "I know some of them judge me, but why do you two? There's no reason to be so ashamed. I mean, you guys have had sex too. It's no big deal." "That is enough," her mother said curtly. "What your father and I do... in private is between him and me. And it's not about being judged, it's about having respect." "What's so unrespectable? Everypony does it. I mean, you can't tell me you're not going to do a lot of cocksucking in the Bahamares." "Oh, heavens, no! As if I would ever degrade myself like that!" Peach Seed shouted. The room froze for a second. Deepthroat Cockslut wore a confused expression. Raising her brow, she could only say, "What?" "We are not discussing this," her mother continued. But Deepthroat Cockslut couldn't help but discuss it. She turned to her father. "Dad... mom doesn't... give you blowjobs?" Her father shifted anxiously. "That is not your place to ask," he said. Deepy felt like the world was falling out from under her hooves. How was that even possible? Even if her parents were prudes, she knew they loved each other a lot. And deep down, she knew they loved to make love to one another, but this... was something else. Her entire idea of love, marriage, and sexuality was crumbling right in front of her. She kept asking anyway. "Mom... have you ever sucked Dad's dick?" Her mother pursed her lips, as if trying to hold in her fury, and it welled up inside her just enough for her to give a straight answer. "No! And I never want to!" "Mom!" "Not all mares are like you, Deepy! Not all of us love the idea of shoving our faces in a stallion's parts! It's dirty and smelly and... just gross!" Deepthroat Cockslut wasn't even insulted by her mother's words. She just turned to her father. "Dad, haven't you asked?" "I would never make your mother do something she doesn't want to do," he answered, much more calmly than his wife. "Our marriage has survived just fine without it." "But don't you want it?" she asked him. He hesitated for a moment. "That's beside the point." "Oakwood!" her mother exclaimed. Her father didn't know what to say, but Deepy said it for him. "Mom, every stallion wants blowjobs. It's just in their nature." Peach Seed glanced between Deepthroat Cockslut and her husband. "Dear, you can't tell me you agree with her!" Oakwood shifted nervously, carefully considering his answer. "Just because I want it doesn't mean we should do it. I would never be so selfish toward you." If he was trying to calm his wife, it wasn't working. "You told me it was just something young stallions liked!" "I'm not an old stallion yet, Peach Seed!" "Are you mad at me? Because I don't want to suck your dick?" "No, I'm not mad at you! I'm just... curious is all." "Curious?" "Well, can you blame me?" "Maybe! I thought you enjoyed our lovemaking!" "I do! Of course I do! Being with you is my favorite thing in the world!" "But?" Oakwood took a deep breath. "But... well... don't you ever think our lovemaking could use a little... spicing up?" "And you think me sucking your dick will spice things up? Is that it?" Oakwood's voice was softer than ever. "Aren't you curious too? I mean... you've never tried it. You might... like it." "I might like it?" "Deepy seems to like it plenty!" "Well of course she does!" This is not what Deepthroat Cockslut imagined or intended when she decided to tell her parents about her coltfriend. Never, in her entire life, had she ever witnessed her parents fighting. She knew they fought. Every couple did. But it had always been quiet, loving, and kept secret from their daughter. But this was something else. She could sense the raw nerves, tender at the surface, years of hurt feelings and unspoken words finally spilling out. Once her parents started fighting, she could only stand there, stunned. But now she knew she needed to intervene. "Mom! Dad! Stop!" she said, stepping between them. "You shouldn't fight like this. You love each other." "Of course we do," they said in unison. Deepthroat Cockslut nodded. "Mom, you shouldn't be mad at Dad. He's a stallion, just like the rest of them, and stallions have needs. Sometimes more than we mares can ever really understand." "I know. I just... I thought I was caring for them so well." "I know. You're a good wife. We both know how much you love Dad," Deepy said. Then she turned to her father. "But Dad, you should have told Mom how you really felt. I know no stallion wants to piss off his mare, but we just want you to be honest with us. Mom wants to take care of your needs, but she can't do that if you hide from her." "I know that," Oakwood said. "But whenever I asked, your mother told me how unappealing she thought it was. So I stopped asking." Peach Seed spoke for herself now. "But I didn't know how much it meant to you. I suppose I still don't understand what the appeal is." Her father sighed. It was clear he wasn't totally comfortable having this conversation in front of his daughter, but it was already happening and there was no going back now. "It just... I think it would make me feel... strong. Like a king or something, you know? Whenever we make love, we always make sure to take care of each other. But sometimes... I think about what it would be like if things were all about me. Just for a little while. I mean, think about how good it feels for you when I eat you out." "Dear!" her mother exclaimed softly. But she paused, hanging her head, thinking about it. "I think I understand. But I don't want to feel weak, either. I'm not a slut, Oakwood. I'm your wife. When we're together, it's supposed to be about us, don't you think?" Her father hesitated once more, and Deepthroat Cockslut stepped in again. "Mom, it's not like that at all. We all know how much I've done it, and I can tell you that it's the most intimate thing a mare could ever do with a stallion. It makes you feel... complete. It makes you feel like a mare in the best way possible. And it makes them feel like stallions, in a way that nothing else in this world ever does. I've never felt like a slut when I did it. Especially with Gizmo. Whenever I do it for him I feel... loved. I can tell how much he loves it, and how much he loves me for doing it. And I feel like I can do something for him, like I have a way to show him how much I love him." "It's just so... dirty," her mother answered. Her father grinned. "Do you really think it's dirtier than nicknaming me 'Studwood' and asking me to 'fuck you so the neighbors can hear?'" Peach Seed's mouth fell open, and she couldn't even cry out in shock. Deepthroat Cockslut laughed, and Oakwood finally came to his wife, nuzzling her forehead affectionately. "Sorry," he said with a smile. "It's fine..." she said. She let out a heavy sigh of release. "I suppose, if you really want to... I would try it for you." "Are you sure?" he asked her. She looked away. "I wouldn't really know what to do. It's probably not going to be very good. But perhaps our marriage could use a little more spice," she nodded. "Well, Mom, I could give you some tips if you wanted." A blush stole across her mother's face, redder than ever. "That would be... very helpful." Her father chuckled. "Should I let you two have some 'mare talk?'" A gleam stole across her mother's eyes as she looked up at her husband. "Actually, I think it would be best if my lesson was a little more hooves-on. Would you mind advising my technique, Deepy?" she asked her daughter. For possibly the first time in her entire life, Deepthroat Cockslut felt a shameful blush steal over her face. "You mean like... watch and give advice?" "I think it would help me so much. What do you think, dear?" Peach Seed said to her husband. He was just as stunned as his daughter. "Honey, I knew you could be dirty but this... wow." "Does it excite you?" "...Yes," he admitted. "I- I don't mind," Deepthroat Cockslut said. If it meant helping her parents' marriage, then it would be worth any embarrassment. Besides, she had just been saying how she wished they could be a little bit more open about sex in the family. This was definitely more than a little open, but it was better than being ashamed. "Excellent," her mother said. Her father shuffled around before taking a seat in his armchair, and as her mother approached him, she turned to him and her daughter in turn. "We're never going to speak of this again once this is over. Agreed?" Deepthroat Cockslut and Oakwood just nodded. No arguments there. As Peach Seed got to her haunches in front of her husband, he spread his legs. It had been a long time since Deepthroat Cockslut had taken a good, long look at her father's endowment, but she felt like she was looking at it for the first time. His shaft was still in the sheath, but his pouch hung below, his orbs perched between his thighs. The embarrassment was plain on his face, and he and her mother sat awkwardly for a few moments. "So..." her mother started. Deepthroat Cockslut nodded. "Just give him a little rub to get him going." Peach Seed nodded, working her hooves carefully over her husband's sheath. Oakwood restrained his huff of pleasure, but as his groin was massaged, the two mares could see the tip starting to emerge. It wasn't long before his length had flopped out, and Peach Seed gave the shaft gentle strokes to harden it. Oakwood kept his eyes closed, trying not to pay attention to his daughter watching his arousal. Soon it stood firm and full, and Deepthroat Cockslut was surprised at its size. It wasn't terribly big. It was average at best, perhaps a tad smaller. With all of the dirty talk her Dad claimed went on between them, she expected a little more. But she had to smile. She knew full well it didn't matter to her mother how big he was. The dirty talk was evidence of how much she enjoyed it regardless. Oakwood opened his eyes and the parents looked at Deepthroat Cockslut for the next step. She didn't think they would be so dependent on her for direction, but she supposed that had always been the case with their marriage: large on passion, but low on any real experience. "I find it's best to start with the balls," she told her mother. "It's a good way to get both of you warmed up for the real thing, and stallions like having every part of them appreciated." Peach Seed nodded again, and hesitated for a moment. But only for a moment, and she started drawing her muzzle toward her husband's sack. She pressed her nose to the flesh, loose and warm, and gave his lefty a peck. Even that much was enough to get an "Ooh," out of Oakwood, and Deepthroat Cockslut noticed his cock throb at the kiss. He had been fantasizing about this for a very long time. His wife seemed to notice as well, planting a bigger kiss to his orb, then the other one. Finally, with a steadying breath, she closed her eyes, pressed forward, and gave her husband's balls a big, long, wet lick up the center of his sack. "Oh, honey," he finally groaned. Peach Seed paused. "Is this... good?" she asked. "It's incredible already. How do you feel?" She nodded. "I'm fine. It's really not so bad. I'll keep going." He nodded back, but hissed once more as she coated his nuts again with her tongue. Deepthroat Cockslut felt they were off to a good start, but she wanted to encourage wherever possible. "This is always a really special part. Every stallion smells and tastes a little bit different, so when you do this, Mom, this means you're the only mare who knows what Dad's special stallion parts are really like." She watched her mother slow down, breathe more deeply, lick more slowly. "I see what you mean," she said. "It's... very masculine." "Really?" her father asked. "Yes," her mother confirmed. "I... well, it's actually nice." The two smiled, and Deepy once again prodded them further. "Why don't you try taking one of his balls into your mouth? Just remember to tuck your teeth behind your lips. That'll be really important later, too." Her mother nodded, and with less hesitation than before, planted a big kiss on Oakwood's lefty before gently sucking it into her mouth. He groaned louder, biting his lip as his wife worked over his gem, and Deepy could see the bulges in her cheek as her tongue swirled in her mouth around her father's testicle. "Dad, you can look," Deepthroat Cockslut said. "I know you want to, and it makes us mares feel pretty." Oakwood opened his eyes, looking down to see his wife sucking on his nuts, his cock flopping over her forehead, her head bobbing gently beneath him. He had never seen a sight so erotic, and his cock gave another throb as he stared intently, watching her release his lefty only to take his righty into her mouth, sucking on it with the same gentle vigor, the sensations of her tongue circling and coating his orb spreading through his groin. "Oh, Celestia, you look so hot, honey." Peach Seed said nothing, her mouth full, continuing to please her husband, and starting to enjoy herself as well. Finally, though, Deepthroat Cockslut sensed they should move on from the foreplay. "Alright, Mom. Ready for the real thing?" She released her husband and looked back at her daughter. "I suppose," she said timidly. "It's really not so hard. Just remember to keep your teeth out of the way. I'll tell you what to do from there. For now, just try to take the flare." Her mother squared up again, and Deepy looked at her father. "Ready, Dad?" He nodded. "I've been ready for a long time." Deepthroat Cockslut nodded back. "Okay, Mom. Give it a shot." With a little gulp, Peach Seed drew forward once more. She took her husband's shaft in her hooves, steadying it as she opened her mouth. Slowly, painstakingly, Deepy and her father held her breath as her mother's mouth hovered over the head. "Ohhh, yeah," her father groaned as her mother sank her lips around the tip. Deepy could tell he didn't feel a bit of teeth, and she smiled as her mother settled around him. "Good job, Mom! Now what you're going to want to do is bob up and down a little, just to get it wet so it slides easily." Her mother nodded around her father's cock, and began to inch her way down. She didn't get much of a response from Oakwood, but when she moved back up, she could see a few shiny streaks of wetness on the first few inches of his shaft. Peach Seed slid down once more, a little easier this time, and when she came back up the shaft was almost entirely wet. Peach Seed did this a few more times, and Oakwood's cock twitched between her lips. When she moved up to the flare again, Deepthroat Cockslut saw her mother's cheeks cave, and a little pop escaped from her lips. "Mmm," her father moaned. "Okay, so it looks like you've got the 'sucking' part of cocksucking down. Now let's get to the fun part." She turned to her father. "Dad, you're going to love this, but try to keep your hips still until Mom's a little more used to it." He nodded, and the two patiently waited for her instruction. "Mom, as you go down again, I want you to suck and move at the same time. Do that a couple times to get used to it." Peach Seed's cheeks pressed in again, and her father's mouth opened in preparation. She slid down a little more slowly, trying to manage movement and suction, but when she reached the bottom of the wet patch again, her father groaned loud. "That's it," Deepy encouraged. "Yeah, that's it," her father repeated. Their words encouraged her mother, and she slowly began to pick up pace, figuring out what to do and getting used to having a cock sliding through her mouth. Deepy let this go on for a moment, watching their faces, studying their expressions, taking note of her father's relaxed pleasure and her mother's keen focus. But finally, she pressed further. "Okay, now for the good part. Mom, as you're doing that, I want you to twist your head on the way down, then twist the other way as you go up. It'll feel a bit like making a figure eight, but it drives stallions crazy." Her mother nodded, seeming a little intimidated, and Deepy added, "Just start slow and keep breathing." Steeling herself, Peach Seed sucked in once more and began her descent. Once she was well past the flare, her head twisted fluidly, her lips moving around the ridges and curves of her husband's cock so erotically as she did. She hit the bottom of the first few inches well, pausing only for a moment. Then she began to slide back up, letting her head twist again, her lips and tongue flowing over the flesh, every part of her swirling around the meat in her mouth. "Ohh, fuck," Oakwood gasped. His whole body seemed to twitch, and it was clear he was trying to keep still as he was wracked with pleasure. "Keep going, honey. Keep going," he pleaded. Deepthroat Cockslut knew her mother needed no further congratulations, the living room filled with the sounds of her father's moans as she went down again. "Ohh, yes. Just like that. Ohh, Celestia." Her mother kept it up for a long while, pausing only when her father's thrusting threatened to make her gag. Her father's pleasure was apparent, but Deepy could tell that her mother was enjoying herself as well. It was quite the bonding moment for the two of them, and as sexy as it was, she could feel the intimacy between them as well. But Deepthroat Cockslut was not about to let her own father receive an average first blowjob, and she wasn't about to let her mother give an average performance. "Alright, Mom, see if you can go a little lower." It was clear what she had taken already was on the edge of her limits, but with Deepthroat Cockslut's instruction, she went for more. Slowly, she gained an inch. Two. Then Peach Seed's eyes shot open, and she made a harsh noise deep in her throat. She withdrew quickly, coughing once the flare left her lips. "You alright, honey?" Oakwood asked. His wife nodded, but said, "I don't think I can do that. I'll throw up." Deepthroat Cockslut pursed her lips. A gag reflex was something she never had when it came to sucking dick, so it was difficult for her to imagine what it must be like for other mares to struggle taking their stallions fully. But her expertise was second to none, and she felt prepared to coach her mother through it. "You can do it. Take it real slow. But this time, close your eyes. Don't think about yourself. Don't think about your throat or how it feels. Just ignore it." Her parents turned to her as she poured out her cocksucking wisdom. "Instead, focus on Dad's cock. Pay attention to how it feels, every last bit of it. Every curve, every inch, the taste, the smell, the texture. Try to imagine what he's feeling as you do it. Try to feel it yourself. Let his cock fill you. If you do it right, you should feel like you're in a trance; like you're meditating. Like the only thing in that exists is his dick and your mouth." Her parents wore confused expressions, but could tell by her tone how serious she was. "Okay," Peach Seed said with a determined little nod. She turned back to her husband's shaft, studying it, her eyes pouring over every detail as she stroked it gently, watching its throbs and sways. With another deep sigh, she closed her eyes. Oakwood groaned as his flare was again enveloped in the warmth of his wife's mouth, but he kept his voice low, not wanting to break her concentration. Deepy was practically holding her breath, watching to see how her mother would do. She quickly took the first few inches, reaching her comfort zone, and paused as she steadied herself for more. Peach Seed's face softened as her thoughts turned to Oakwood. She had been filled by him so many times before, but now she wanted to be filled in a different way. As her wetted lips crawled downward, she let him. One inch. Another. Even a small stallion could still be a mouthful for a mare. But she calmly pressed forward. Deepthroat Cockslut bit her lip when her mother reached the spot that made her gag the last time. It was so close to the midring, and she knew how good it would feel if she could just go on a little more. She could almost see the flare within her mother's mouth, poised at the entrance to her throat, trying to slip through. She only hoped her mother's love for her father would trump her natural reflexes. Peach Seed held there for a long time, breathing slowly through her nose, sucking and licking gently. She listened to her daughter's words, taking her husband inside of her in every way possible. She let herself be filled by his scent, let her tongue be covered by the smooth flesh of his cock, and let her nerves be tuned to the subtle pleasure every motion of hers caused within him. It wasn't so different from letting him fuck her. After years of loving marriage, she knew how to angle her rump, how to thrust her hips, how to clench her marehood around his shaft to drive her stallion wild. And she knew what to do now. Filled with love for her husband, Peach Seed gobbled down the next few inches. Her lips passed the midring, her tongue swirled around it, squeezing its girth just the way he liked, and Oakwood gasped. "Shit! Oh, honey!" But she wasn't done yet. She sucked the last few inches down, taking his head deep into her throat, her focus locked onto his meat, every scrap of her attention put to his pleasure. A grin spread across Deepthroat Cockslut's face as her mother's lips moved lower and lower, until they finally made contact with her father's sheath. She clomped her hooves a little in excitement, but paused when her mother drew upwards, executing a perfectly erotic twist, her lips and tongue massaging every bit of dick along the way. Then, just as skillfully as she rose, she went back down, shoving the cock into her throat, swirling her head back the other way, earning another call from her husband. "Peach Seed! Oh, yeah!" he grinned wide. It was a look Deepy had never seen on her father's face, but one that she enjoyed seeing on any stallion: the look of pure, unabashed pleasure that came from getting one's cock thoroughly sucked. She had never seen him look so happy in her entire life. Just like her mother, Deepthroat Cockslut shared in her father's joy. "Go, Mom!" she cheered. It really was like Peach Seed entered a trance. She sucked, licked, slurped, gobbled, and swallowed her husband's cock like it was their honeymoon all over again. Her blood raced through her veins like her husband's did, and never before had she felt so beautiful, so sexy, so alive. She opened her eyes, gazing up at Oakwood's panting chest, his trembling hooves, his beaming mouth and wild eyes, and she knew in that moment that she was a mare. "Honey! Here it comes!" Oakwood called out. Deepthroat Cockslut didn't even have to tell her mother what to do. She kept up the pace, her mouth already wet with slobber, shoving as much cock into her throat as she could, earning as much pleasure for her stallion as possible. Oakwood gave a few quick gasps, his eyes shooting open wide, his hips jerking as his climax started, his seed ready to burst. With a shout, he erupted, grabbing his wife's head roughly in both hooves, pumping his hot cum down her throat, filling her with his cream as she filled him with pleasure, just as he had so many times before. But this time it was new, exciting, and more passionate than ever. Peach Seed returned this passion, sucking his solid cock all the while, encouraging every throb and spurt, drinking her stallion's cum lovingly. Deepthroat Cockslut held her breath. The den smelled wonderfully of sex and sperm, her parents' faces just beginning to drip with tired sweat. But one last question remained. As her mother pulled off her father's cock with one last twist, earning a satisfied groan from him, she asked her mother, "So, how did it taste?" Peach Seed turned to her daughter, and Oakwood waited just as eagerly for her answer. "It was..." she paused, catching her breath. "It tasted fine, I suppose." "Fine?" Deepy asked. "Fine. But the whole thing was enjoyable, really. I... didn't know it could be so much fun. Thank you for teaching me that." Deepthroat Cockslut nodded, and she sensed the atmosphere returning to normal within her old home. Her father said, "Now, I'm sorry you had to see that. We never intended to be inappropriate with you, dear." "It's alright, Dad. It needed to happen," she said. "I suppose you're right," he agreed. "But we're your parents, and our private lives should remain separate." "Yes," her mother added. "I... understand much better now why you do what you do. But that still doesn't mean we need to know about it. Or that you need to know about us." "It's okay," Deepy said. "I should unpack." She went to her old bedroom, feeling a little forlorn. It's not like she had a strong desire to be a part of her parents' sex lives, but she had hoped this would tear down the wall of shame between them. But it looked like that wouldn't be the case. She could tell in the way her father touched her gingerly when he kissed her goodnight, and the way her mother avoided touching her father as they retreated to their room. Deepthroat Cockslut felt bad doing so, but that night she crept out of bed to press her ear to her parents' bedroom door. She listened for several minutes. Only silence. Hanging her ears, she crawled back into bed. Old habits died hard, she supposed. Still, waking up in her fillyhood bed on Hearth's Warming Day had her feeling giddy. Brimming with more cheer and energy than she had felt in a long time, she raced downstairs, having completely forgotten the events of the night before. Until she heard her parents' voices from the den. They were never up before she was. Freezing in her place, hoping they hadn't heard her, she listened carefully. "This is a very thoughtful gift," she heard her father say. "I thought you might like it." Deepthroat Cockslut wanted to creep closer to see what it was, but if she did her parents would surely hear her. Her father continued. "And what did you want for Hearth's Warming?" There was a pause before Peach Seed's answer. "I'd love some more of that delicious cum of yours, darling." Deepy's hooves flew to her mouth as her father chuckled. "Well, I've got the tap right here. All the cum you can drink, honey." "I just might have to take you up on that offer." "Ohh," her father groaned, and Deepthroat Cockslut heard the unmistakable wet sounds of a stallion getting his cock sucked. She smiled wide. Heading back upstairs to her bed, she figured her parents could use another hour or so to let her father enjoy his Hearth's Warming present. > 8: Falling > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Work was okay?" Deepthroat Cockslut asked Gizmo. He continued staring up at the sky, watching the stars slowly fade into existence. "Yeah. Still working on identifying deep-space clusters. It's just slow." He paused. "You?" "Oh, you know. Another day, another adult diaper to change," Deepy said. She looked over to see Gizmo grimace. "If we were talking about foals, you'd think it was cute," she pointed out. "But we're not," he said. She just chuckled. "A picnic was a good idea." Gizmo nodded. "A lot better than a restaurant where everyone can stare." "Cheaper too," Deepy added. She leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "How are you feeling?" That simple question was one that had taken on greater meaning for the two of them. When Deepthroat Cockslut asked her coltfriend how he was feeling, she didn't mean in general. "Good," he said. She waited. The telltale pink tinge came to his face. "I might like to stay at your place tonight." She smiled. "I was hoping you'd say that." "Really?' he asked. "We've been together for a few months now. Are you still surprised that I like being with you?" "I'm getting better," he said, almost defensively. "I told you I wanted you too, right?" "You did," she said, planting a peck on his cheek. "You're getting more confident every day." Gizmo smiled. He stood and offered Deepthroat Cockslut a hoof. She took it, and the two of them packed up the picnic. Gizmo took the basket, and she tucked herself in next to him, feeling his warmth against her, shielding her from the chilly night air as they headed back to town. The two were silent. Gizmo had never been a talkative stallion, and Deepy was content to simply be with him. She felt a strong stirring in her heart, and she could sense he felt it too. Even if he was needy tonight, she could tell it was a desire born of deep affection. Her apartment door came up all too soon. She opened up and they stepped into darkness, hardly taking time to set the picnic basket and blanket down before she led him upstairs, unraveling his bowtie as they went. "Are you ready, stud?" she asked him in a low voice as they stepped into the bedroom. "Y-yeah," he admitted. "I've been thinking about it for a while now." "Really? Even during our sweet picnic? When I was telling you about Rose's new niece?" "Um..." he faltered. She just laughed. "I've been thinking about it, too. And I have a little surprise for you." "What is it?" he asked. He was trying to connect the dots of the conversation, but the puzzle was flustering him. "Close your eyes," Deepy said. As he did so, she went around the room and lit the few candles she had on her nightstand, vanity, and windowsill, bathing her bare little room in a nice, warm glow. There was a pause. "Can I open them yet?" Gizmo asked. "No peeking!" he heard. Then another pause. "Okay. Go ahead." When Gizmo opened his eyes, he saw Deepthroat Cockslut lying face-down on the bed, her flanks lifted up, her tail raised high, her marehood wet and ready, her soft pink fur almost shimmering in the candlelight, the droplets of moisture on her folds shining like diamonds. He gulped, feeling his cock flop free from his sheath beneath him, quickly hardening. "Are you...?" he asked. She smiled back at him. "I've been thinking a lot about us. I don't know how you feel, but I love you, Gizmo. I want to give myself to you. I want to go all the way with you tonight." "Oh..." he said. She could see that it would be a moment before his brain recovered from the overload of sensory and emotional information. "Wow." "I'm a long way away from heat, so don't worry about that. I just want you to have your way with me. Whatever you want," she said. He took a step forward. "Why?" he asked, his nasally voice so quiet, so timid. "You're a really great guy, Gizmo. I know you have trouble believing that, but you're kind and thoughtful, and you let me move at my pace, and you like who I really am. I know it's more than just the sex for you, and even though I really like you for the sex, I love you for everything else." "Okay," he said. She turned her head forward as the bed rocked beneath her, and the warmth of his hooves around her body came over her as he situated himself. "Really? Anything I want?" he asked. "Of course. As long and hard as you like." She could feel him smiling. "I love you, too, Deepthroat Cockslut." "I know," she said. She let out a content, cleansing sigh. "I'm all yours." She heard him take a similar deep breath, but his was to steady himself. She waited patiently as he let his lust take over. Then, all at once, he mounted her, his hooves hooking around her waist, his chest pressing into her back, and his massive cock jabbing at her wildly. He humped her flanks like an animal. He had no control, no sense of pace or direction, and his broad flare was stabbing into her cheeks all over the place. She did her best to keep her rump still under the onslaught, his quick, needy breathing filtering down from above. He was only raw, inexperienced instinct now, and she waited patiently for him to find his mark. She gasped as he split her open. The thickness, the incredible length that she had taken into her throat so many times before felt new and impossibly large all over again as it entered her. Yet, in his eager, lust-fueled state, Gizmo couldn't help but thrust hard and fast into her, moaning above her, his needy pounding all the more rough due to his monstrous size. "Ohh," she moaned back. "Yeah! Take me Gizmo!" She hardly had to encourage him. Every buck into her shoved her forward and sent his balls crashing into her thighs. The pleasure was incredible. "Ah! Deepy! Ahh!" he cried above her. His humping became even rougher. Then he was still. Deepy froze as she felt a warmth flood her, heavy and plentiful; a substance she knew all too well. Her body slumped as he came in her, the sensations of his rough fucking wearing off of her body just as quickly as they began. Deepthroat Cockslut said nothing, waiting quietly for him to pump all of his load into her, letting him finish completely. It was a long moment, longer than the sex even. Her breathing came down as she felt him twitch inside and around her, only slight tingles of pleasure filling her from each throb as he filled her with seed. Finally, with a spent sigh, he pulled out of her. A wet slurp filled the room, coupled with the plopping of cum on the sheets. He kissed her on the cheek, and she smiled. "How was it?" she asked. "Incredible," he said. "I've never felt anything like that before." She nuzzled him sweetly. "I'm glad you had fun." "What about you? Did you...?" he asked. "Don't worry about me," she said. "Oh... sorry..." "It's alright. This was about you," she said. "I'm happy." She began to wriggle out from underneath him to lay down. "Wait! I could use my mouth and-" he started. "It's alright," she interrupted. She turned to him, and gave him another kiss, full on the lips. "Did you enjoy it?" "Of course," he said. She smiled, pulling him down with her, resting her head on his chest. "That's all I wanted. Don't you worry. This is perfect." He still seemed unsure. "Really?" One last time, slowly, lovingly, she kissed him. "I love you, Gizmo." He smiled weakly. "I love you too, Deepy." She nestled into his lanky arms once more. "That's all I wanted." Deepthroat Cockslut didn't even ask if he wanted to stay with her that night. She could feel that he was in heaven, and the way he wrapped his hooves around her, tucking her head underneath his chin, told her that he wanted nothing more than to hold his mare. She knew that she had been claimed, heart and all, and it was all too easy to fall asleep to the warm, soft beating in his chest. Deepthroat Cockslut woke up glowing, a smile on her face as bright as the sunshine through her window. She nuzzled into Gizmo's chest, even as he was still blinking awake, and she couldn't help but press her lips to his morning wood. "Good morning, Deepy," he said as she licked over his great balls. She didn't reply. She opened her mouth and began to tackle the challenge of swallowing the monster cock, the two of them moaning together. Deepthroat Cockslut blew Gizmo slowly, thoroughly, lovingly, and he writhed in pleasure the whole time. When she was finally ready to finish the deal, she shoved her face into his crotch, bathing and sucking every inch of him with her tongue and throat. He grunted and gasped, and finally dumped his load into her belly, stuffing her mouth full of fresh, warm cum. The blowjob took so much time that Gizmo was in danger of being late to work, and didn't have time to eat anything more than toast on his way out. "Aren't you gonna eat anything?" he asked as he finished the last bite, Deepy straightening his bowtie by the door. "Sweetie, I got my breakfast. It was delicious. And chock-full of protein, too," she replied. "Actually, carbohydrates are better for a morning meal because they convert into energy more quickly," he told her. She kissed him. "I love you, you big, hung nerd." He smiled, his face tinged with red. "I love you too." As soon as the door closed, there was only silence in her little apartment. She did fix herself a little sandwich, but even her thoughts were still, the only noise her soft chewing. She could hear plenty going on outside, ponies chatting and carts rumbling by. It was her day off. Why was she sitting inside? She had friends outside that she could waste all sorts of time with. They'd certainly like to hear all the juicy details of last night. Even if it would be a quick story. And there was the market as well - maybe she could pick up a little gift for Gizmo or something. Sure, she doubted she could buy anything that would thrill him more than losing his virginity, but it was the thought that counted, and Gizmo was the best coltfriend she could ask for. Or she could just explore and see what she stumbled upon. She had the whole day ahead of her. She put on a cute sunhat that Daisy had made for her and headed out. As soon as the spring sun and warm air touched her coat, she couldn't help but take a deep breath, feeling the energy spread throughout her body. It was a beautiful day. Everypony just seemed so happy, probably due to the nice weather, same as her. As she passed through the market, she received plenty of nice smiles and warm greetings. The flowers were starting to bloom, so she guessed that Rose, Lily, and Daisy were busy, but the windowboxes outside of each home made the town so colorful. Even the stallions' balls looked better today, each sack bouncing so jauntily with their happy gaits. Not that they knew Deepy was looking. Soon the town began to fade away though, the throng of ponies thinning as she passed the bridge. Sweet Apple Acres was up ahead, and even if she hadn't planned on it, she supposed she should pay Granny Smith a visit. She hadn't really spoken to her since that first time, even though she and Pearl Necklace talked about her quite often. She'd probably love some company while her grandchildren worked. The new leaves on the apple trees were just as bright as the rest of Ponyville. Deepthroat Cockslut liked that even these acres had their own character, their own way of showing spring as the the air or the birds that chirped in their boughs did. The old farmhouse looked the same as ever though, and Deepy plodded her way up the dirt path toward the door. She didn't see many ponies working in the fields, but maybe the help had the day off too. She didn't mind, though. Even the fields looked peaceful. She knocked a couple times on the door but didn't say anything. It was a long time before she heard a sound. She knocked again. "Ah'm comin!" Granny Smith said from inside. After another several moments, it finally swung open. "Hey there, Granny Smith," Deepthroat Cockslut greeted her warmly. Granny Smith looked her up and down for a while before her eyes widened. "Oh, yer that gal Big Mac plowed a few months back, ain't ya?" she said. A strong blush quickly stole across Deepy's face. If she was single, she probably wouldn't have been so embarrassed. "Yeah... well-" "It's a good thing yer here. It's been months since the poor guy's had a tumble in the hay, and Ah think he's startin' to go a little crazy. You know how stallions get," she said with a knowing grin. "Oh, I know, but I really-" "I'll bet you do, hehe," Grann Smith chuckled. "Ah think Applejack's runnin' around with her little friends, so y'all don't have to worry about that none." She started walking around to the barn again. Deepy's heart chilled. Granny Smith probably hadn't heard her when she tried to explain that she wasn't single anymore. She trotted up to her, clearing her throat as she threw open the barn door. "Granny Smith, this is really nice of you, but-" Big MacIntosh was already in the barn, piling bags of seed onto his back that must have weighed at least twenty pounds each. He looked up at the two mares and froze when he saw them. "Break time, Big Mac," Granny Smith told him. Deepthroat Cockslut knew he recognized her. He had that same stunned expression in his eyes that he did the first time. She opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out. The seed bags slid off his back. He gulped. His thick, dark shaft flopped between his legs, quickly growing hard. For once, Deepthroat Cockslut was certain that somepony else was more embarrassed than she was. But Granny Smith just howled. "Woo-wee! Now that didn't take long! What is it they say about farmers? 'Quick to rise and quick to bed?' Why, you'd think he was dead, he's so stiff!" Granny Smith elbowed her a couple times, but Deepy wasn't laughing. "Now, y'all got all the time in the world, so y'all go ahead and paint the barn white, and I'll have some ice tea and tarts waiting fer ya inside to cool off with." She gave Deepy a couple pats before turning and heading toward the house. But before she was gone, she called back to them, "Happy humpin'!" Now that she was gone Deepthroat Cockslut could get a word in edgewise. She opened her mouth, but her voice caught when she felt a familiar sensation slice through her. Wetness, dripping down her thighs. Heat, pulsating from her pussy in waves. Her tail twitching, eager to flag. Big Mac's length slapped against his belly, a glob of precum splashing through the air and soaking into the hay below. Deepy's mind was blank. Her heart was pounding in her ears, deafening. She felt blinded. Her legs trembled as she turned around. She bent over. Her tail raised. For a moment, she felt the weight of oblivion on her soul. Until she felt Big Mac's weight on her back. All at once he mounted and shoved his length into her, one thrust, all the way to the hilt. Deepthroat Cockslut cried out in unbearable pleasure. It was hard to believe Gizmo was bigger than Big Mac. The way he took her, everything about him, seemed so much more, his great cock pounding into her over and over, his heavy balls impacting like iron against her thighs, his deep grunts of need filling her throbbing ears, his sweaty chest filling her nose with potent, exhilarating male musk. He pounded her like a machine, and every smack of his hips into hers, every whiff and grunt filled her with the knowledge that she was being taken by a stallion of stallions, a true breeding stud, put on this glorious green earth to hump mares until their purpose was fulfilled, their wombs full of his seed. In that moment, Deepthroat Cockslut wanted nothing more than to be used by him, to be bred as he saw fit, until those grand balls had pumped every last drop of warm, glorious, gooey cum into her, and were totally spent. Big Mac's muscles bulged all around her, power rippling and lancing through them, just as it did her own body with every thrust. He fucked her like an alicorn, each thrust divine, and he showed no signs of stopping. But Deepy didn't have or need his endurance. After only a minute, she felt her insides and passages burning, clenching with lightning, ready to explode. "Ahh! Yes! Big Mac! Yes!" she cried to the heavens as her climax took her. Her eyes rolled up toward the roof, and her face sank into a visage of pure ecstasy. The paradise seemed endless, but Big Mac hardly registered what was happening to her. Nothing could stop him from taking her, from thrusting, sweating, moaning, grunting, pounding, fucking the hell out of her. But just as soon as it ended, as Deepthroat Cockslut reached a plateau of shuddering pleasure, she felt herself rising again. "Oh, Celestia! Big Mac! Yes! Ah! Nng!" Her mind blanked, her body seized, and again Big Mac's great cock stuffed her full of white-hot pleasure as she clenched around it, inviting more. He never slowed down. The force of it all pressing in around her, invading every sense, every inch of her body, was overwhelming. She quickly lost count of her orgasms. All her talent and knowledge was reduced to instinct, to keeping her tail out of the way and to stay standing under the onslaught, to keep her flanks raised for her stud. She gasped when his teeth clamped down on her neck, holding her perfectly still. She obeyed and froze beneath him, a massive, shivering wave of pleasure running through her as she realized what was about to happen. She let nature take over, just as he did, ready to accept his gift to her. "Ohhhh," the two groaned together as he shoved himself fully into her, shaft throbbing. Great, steaming gouts of cum pumped into her, filling her marehood, his massive balls pressed into her flanks, and she could feel every pulse churning within them, pouring their contents into her. It was too much, his thick jizz seeping around his fat cock and her soft folds, plopping onto the messy hay below in a spreading pool. As soon as the last drop trickled into her, Big Mac was at it again, his shaft still solid, his hips pounding her roughly, her cries ringing through the rafters once more. Her legs wobbled, but she knew how to adapt. Wrapping an arm around his neck, she pulled him down with her, lying on her side. She didn't care if she plopped right into the lukewarm pool of his cum, relishing the feeling of it seeping into her coat. She spread her legs wide, giving him total access as he straddled her. He hunched down, but this new angle gave him all the leverage he could want. He tucked his head down, overtop of hers, his chin on her mane as he continued thrusting. "Fuck, ohh, fuck," Deepthroat Cockslut groaned. He was deeper inside her than any other stallion had ever been. It was almost painful, having her limits be stretched like this, but being taken so roughly, so completely, was a thrill in its own right. Her body squeezed around her stallion, her passages tighter than ever before, and Big Mac's throaty breaths told her it was a treat for him as well. The tightness of her warm, cum-stuffed pussy combined with the tightness that still sat deep in his heavy-hanging balls spurned Big MacIntosh on further, harder. He rammed himself into her without any obstruction from her or the position, free to plow her with all the force he could muster. Deepthroat Cockslut moaned and cried out at each one, her body shaken and shoved forward with every thrust, her forehooves bracing herself against the assault on her marehood. A crackling spread through her, catching her breath and widening her eyes. A new pleasure that made her veins sizzle and her pussy burn deep within, the bolts arcing through every limb and organ like a storm. She let out a heavy breath. Another. It was coming. Big Mac was ramming his cock beautifully into her, that glorious shaft battering down her gates to heaven. He pounded her g-spot, a magical secret that no stallion had ever had the length to reach or the positional advantage to unlock. Until now. "Fuck! Big Mac! Yess!" Deepthroat Cockslut screamed. An intense pleasure rippled through her, her mind utterly blown as her legs spasmed and shook, her chest trembling as the big red stallion laid into her. She felt more animal than pony, her tongue lolling out of her skull, but she couldn't help herself. It was simply too good, too much to control herself. Big Mac wasn't about to stop, though. His flare still rammed into her sensitive inner button, every inch of her pussy burning around his thick meat. She felt tears welling up in her eyes, another orgasm barreling toward her before the last had even ended. She was powerless to fight it, and all too happy to let it overtake her. "Yes! Yes! Big Mac! Oh Celestia! Big Mac!" she screamed again. Her body felt like a rag doll, her hips and marehood belonging entirely to Big Mac as he shoved himself into her. The walls echoed with her cries, all of her restraint gone from her. But she hadn't reached the peak yet. Big Mac clamped his teeth down on her neck again, shoving her down into the puddle of cum she lay in. The warm semen surrounded her and filled her, trickling down her belly and soaking her fur, mane, and tail, but she didn't care. That massive cock pounded get g-spot, his heavy balls slapping her ass hard. She turned her head, her mane still pinched in his teeth, and she could see his great arms on either side of her, parted by his broad, muscular chest, dripping with sweat. She pressed her muzzle to his body, licking and kissing the salty drops from him, smelling every part of him, letting his male stink fill her brain, letting him overwhelm her just as the pleasure did. His grunts came again just as her screams did. Pressure swirled within her, the core of a galaxy within her, nurtured and fed by the massive cock inside of her, expanding as he fucked her rougher and harder. She couldn't take it any more. It was too much. He was too much. Too big, too strong, too masculine, too pleasurable, too much of a stud for even a mare of Destiny like herself to handle. "Nng!" he grunted, and she felt herself be bred once more. Her entire consciousness closed into a singularity. There was only climax. Deep. Intense. Dominating. "BIG MAC! FUCK!" she screamed at the top of her lungs, and Celestia herself must have heard her. Her hips jerked powerfully, her pussy writhing, and she squirted. Jets of clear, hot marecum spurted around Big Mac's cock lodged deep within her, as he too emptied his fluid into her, ropes of diluted stallion cream flooding out with her juices, making a mess of their bellies. Deepthroat Cockslut practically blacked out as Big MacIntosh held her fast, stuffing her full of hot cum once more. She could only sob into his chest, wracked with the experience of a new horizon of pleasure, greater than any she had felt before. Eventually, it did stop. Deepthroat Cockslut took a deep, shuddering breath, as if she had drowned, her chest heaving. Big Mac's hot breath poured over her ears, and he gave her another nibble. She could feel him throbbing within her, his cum oozing from her, her entire body soaked in their fluids. She knew what this meant. She knew what she had done. But he was still hard. "Big Mac," she breathed. "Can I..." It felt so wrong. But she needed it. He needed it. "Can I suck your cock?" "Eeyup," he hummed into her ear. He pulled out with a wet slurp, a splatter of cum landing on the barn floor as she jolted at the sudden emptiness. Her entire body wouldn't seem to cooperate with her as she tried to move. Like a newborn deer, she struggled to her feet as Big Mac carried himself to a stack of haybales, propping his back against them, spreading his legs for her. She licked her lips. His mighty cock awaited. As always, though, she remembered her manners. She crawled on her belly until she was between his warm thighs, his balls resting on the barn floor before her. The poor things looked so tired, so hot, but still so full. She closed her eyes as she drew her muzzle to the beautiful orbs. She could smell the sweaty musk of a breeding stallion on them, and she was tempted to present herself to him again, her body still as eager as his to be humped and bred. But she had a duty to attend to, and if nothing else, Deepthroat Cockslut was dutiful about pleasing stallions. Her body shivered as she planted her lips on one of his great nuts. She kissed it sweetly, the heat of it radiating across her face. She kissed the other one as well, like a lover, pure worship in her touch. Then, she slowly dragged her tongue down the middle, collecting his tired, hardworking farmer's sweat, relieving him of the stress of the fields, thanking him for the pleasure of his breeding. His scent here was more pungent than ever. She opened her mouth and planted her lips on each orb, too big to fit inside, but she lavished it with her tongue, feeling his great, leathery pouch relax with her ministrations, tasting the salt of his efforts on the flesh. The power she could feel in her lips and tongue radiated through her, and the distilled smell of his sack was so utterly male that she was intoxicated. She wondered at how much pleasure a stallion's nuts could bring her. Her question was quickly answered. As she worshiped, her body tensed, seemed to sigh as she inhaled his musk, and then released, calm, icy spasms racking her, orgasm taking her once more. She regarded the feelings calmly, almost amused that even such a simple act could bring her such pleasure, but utterly satisfied as it did. She kissed each orb a few more times, licking over them warmly, cleaning them thoroughly of his sweat before she moved upward. The taste of her juices on his thick, throbbing cock mixed with the remnants of his cum, flavoring his meat with a cocktail of sex. She lapped up the flesh, teasing the midring, hearing him groan as she neared the tip. His head flared with arousal, slowly, in time with his heartbeat, a new droplet of precum oozing from the tip. She wasn't about to tease such a needy stallion. Not when she was so hungry. She opened her mouth and closed her eyes once more. The glorious, wonderful, almighty feeling of a rock-hard cock sliding past her lips made Deepthroat Cockslut melt before Big MacIntosh. She took the head with ease, quickly working to take the rest, gaining each inch with fire and passion, swirling her tongue around his meat, gobbling his shaft with her lips. As her throat was spread and filled, she felt like crying. All she wanted was to suck his cock, and all she hungered for was his cum. Wrapping her lips around his base, smelling his sweaty sheath, working her tongue around his throbbing stallionhood, using every inch of her stuffed throat to bring pleasure to such a great stallion; it was a thing of true beauty to Deepthroat Cockslut. Nothing was more lovely than bobbing up his length, only to shove every last thick inch down her throat again in one motion. Nothing was more elegant than twisting around his meat, feeling him groan and shudder in her grip, feeling his balls raise and tighten against her throat. Nothing was more perfect than having her throat spread wide, slurping, sucking, slobbering at a fat, juicy cock, feeling it throb and tense, her belly rumbling for warm, gooey cum. Deepthroat Cockslut knew she could never have helped herself. She pleasured Big MacIntosh without restraint. No guilt or reservation could keep her from sucking his dick, or any other dick for that matter. Had she come to Sweet Apple Acres knowing he'd be here and be horny? Had she failed to mention Gizmo because she knew it would prevent her from having her mouth full of this thick, meaty prize? Was Gizmo not enough for her? She simply didn't care. She loved sucking cock, and she was powerless to resist the urge. Deepthroat Cockslut took Big MacIntosh into her, serving him, pleasuring him, moaning as she lavished his meat, shoving every last inch of him into her warm, inviting throat. His hooves tensed on the back of her head. His balls tightened against his base. He throbbed powefully inside her mouth. She twisted and sucked, encouraging him. He throbbed again. And again. "Ahh," he sighed, and Deepthroat Cockslut with him. Warm, thick, heady, salty, tangy, plentiful, wonderful cum oozed into her throat. He held her fast against his base as he pumped his cream into her, and she was content to drink from his balls, her eyelids fluttering as she tasted his cum in the back of her mouth, gulping it down the immense amount of delicious jizz like she was born to, the lumps in her throat sliding down, down, down into her belly, filling her, satisfying her. Her body throbbed a few times before another orgasm took her, giving pleasure to the beautiful act of swallowing a fresh load of cum. Deepthroat Cockslut pulled off with a final twist and lick, sighing, her belly almost aching with fullness. Big MacIntosh's head lolled back, and she knew that he was utterly spent. She couldn't speak to him. She simply stood and left, her mane and coat an absolute mess of cum and hay, her hooves plodding along the barn floor, muffled by the shuffling hay. The sun was setting. Hours had passed. She hadn't even noticed; not amidst the greatest sex of her life. But she knew it wasn't supposed to be like this. Big Mac was not supposed to be the one she couldn't resist, the one she lusted after. She didn't love Big Mac. Big Mac didn't look at her like a first crush, and Big Mac didn't get nervous and excited about taking her out to dinner. Big Mac didn't talk to her about all the wild, impossible things he thought, all of his many passions. Big Mac didn't blush when she flirted with him, and he didn't hesitate in that cute, awkward way every time Deepthroat Cockslut led him to her bed. Big Mac didn't thrust into her for a few moments only to blow his load in her without so much as a shred of pleasure for her, even if those few moments were the most meaningful, intimate moments of her entire life. Big MacIntosh gave her pleasure. But he didn't love her. She didn't love him either. But she had betrayed the stallion who did. Deepthroat Cockslut ran. She ran deep into Sweet Apple Acres, threading through the trees, tears stinging her eyes and sobs wracking her throat. When her legs gave out, she stumbled into the base of a tree, planting herself there, and cried. She cried her little heart out. How could she hurt him like this? How could she break the heart of such a good stallion? How could she cheat, after standing against infidelity her entire life? How could she go against the greatest love she had received in her life of filthy whoring? But one question loomed over all the rest in her mind: How was she supposed to tell Gizmo? > 9: Over the Edge > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Deepy?" Gizmo said after opening the door. He was in his pinstriped nightclothes, complete with a floppy cap, and he rubbed his eyes as he regarded her. "It's the middle of the night. Are..." He stopped when he saw her tear-stained face. "Are you alright?" Deepthroat Cockslut sniffled. "I've done something horrible." It all spilled out. All at once. Walking through town. Going to see Granny Smith. Being pushed toward the barn. Big Mac. All of it. "You..." She could tell he was too shocked to even respond. "You did what?" "I'm so sorry, Gizmo." It was the only thing left she had to say. "I'm so sorry." She couldn't hold back a fresh batch of tears and sniffles, not when she could see Gizmo's own sorrow staining the corners of his eyes. But he wiped his face and said, "Why don't I walk you home? It's late." Gizmo didn't change his clothes. He didn't say anything as he walked beside her. He didn't sob or sniffle, even though she could tell he wanted to. He led Deepthroat Cockslut to her apartment, looked her in the eye when they reached her door, and said, "Goodnight." But Deepthroat Cockslut knew it was over. She could feel his heartbreak like an arrow in her chest, and she could imagine all the questions swirling through his head. She knew he felt inadequate, like a loser, and stupid for trusting her, even when she warned him that this would happen. Deepthroat Cockslut felt stupid too. Because she had seen this coming more clearly than anyone. But she was still too weak to do anything about it. She cried herself to sleep, taking solace only in the thought that he might soon find a better mare. Everypony glared at her. Deepthroat Cockslut had hoped that work would help to take her mind off everything, that she could just lose herself in medication and charts. But she didn't spend her day at the hospital, and as she traveled from house to house, she could feel the ire of the crowd. Even after a week, she could still feel the sting of regret. She hadn't seen or spoken to Gizmo at all. One of the observatory ponies said he called in sick for a few days. But these eyes on her could only mean that he or Big Mac had told someone. Word got around fast in a small town, and nopony liked a cheating mare. Deepy kept her head down, looking at the cobblestone streets and her hooves. She hadn't glanced at a sack in what felt like ages. With all the new attention, she was sure somepony would notice, and even if she did, she knew she'd only feel like a whore. She hadn't spoken to Big Mac either. He didn't need to get wrapped up in her drama. She hadn't even been able to work up the energy to play with herself. Her drive was simply gone. Pleasure was her own personal demon now. She did catch her friends at their flower stands as she passed through the market. It had been a long time since she'd spoken to them, too. If there was any way she could pull herself out of this depression and move on, she'd need her friends. At least, that's what Princess Twilight said or whatever. "Rose, Lily, Daisy," she greeted them as she approached the stalls lined with blossoms. She could tell immediately they weren't so happy to see her. "Oh. Hey, Deepy." Deepy had no idea what to say. There was a long pause. Rose finally spoke up. "Are you... okay?" "I'm..." She couldn't honestly say she was fine. She cut to the chase. "You guys heard, didn't you?" "Well honestly, how could you do it?" Daisy blurted out. "Who told you?" Lily spoke now. "Well, Caramel told me, but Lucky told Rose. We didn't get it from the source." Rose intervened. "We heard that you cheated on Gizmo with Big Mac. Is that... true?" Deepthroat Cockslut sighed. "Yeah. I'm not proud of it. I kind of hate myself for it." "Poor guy," Lily said. "He must feel terrible." "I heard he hasn't been to work ever since. He's just holed up in his room," Daisy said. "Wait a second," Deepy said. "When I first met him, you guys said he was a sleazy nerd. Now you're defending him?" "Well, even a sleazy nerd doesn't deserve that," Rose said. "And the way you talked about him, well, we didn't know he could be so sweet." "I mean, how could you?" Daisy repeated. "I didn't meant to! It was an accident?" "An accident?" Lily said. "Like, Big Mac tripped and his thingy just happened to slip into you?" "Well, no, but- ugh!" Deepy tossed her head in frustration. "That's just the kind of mare you are, right?" Rose said in a sweet, gentle tone. Deepthroat Cockslut knew that she was doing her best to be understanding, but no matter how kindly she tried to put it, there was no getting around the fact that Deepy was a huge, heartbreaking slut. She hung her head. "I guess I am." Daisy cut in. "Everypony's talking about it. I hear Applejack's furious." "And what about Big Mac?" Deepy asked. "I don't think he feels too good, either. Caramel said he hasn't been himself lately," Lily said. "Well, I already apologized to Gizmo. I guess I better go apologize to him too." "Are you sure that's the best idea? I mean, considering what happened the last time," Daisy said. Deepy felt crushed. Rose glared at her. "Good luck," the red-haired mare said. "Thanks." Deepthroat Cockslut plodded along toward Sweet Apple Acres. It may have been her lunch break, but she wasn't feeling hungry right now. As much as they tried to avoid saying it, Deepy knew they were all disappointed in her. At first, her lust had been a punchline to a running joke- 'There goes Deepy, checking out the stallions again.' Now she was their slutty friend who couldn't stay out of trouble because she couldn't keep her tail down. Seeing the fences and trees of Sweet Apple Acres again didn't make her feel much better, either. She knew nothing would happen again - she'd rather die - but she also knew that seeing Big Mac again was going to hurt. Especially if he was upset like Lily had said. Before she could even reach the farmhouse, though, she could see Applejack storming toward her, a cloud of angry dust following her hoofsteps. Deepy didn't want to put up with this now. It wasn't any of her business, really. But she stood her ground as the orange mare came near. "Nuh-uh! You just turn your tail right around, missy!" Applejack said. "Applejack, just let me speak to Big Mac. Please. I need to apologize," she pleaded. "No way. Y'all've done plenty already. You seduced mah brother, then ya made him an accessory to breakin' that poor colt's heart. I promise, if mah brother had known you were taken already, he wouldn'ta fallen fer yer floozy charms." It had been a long time since Deepy had been insulted about her behavior to her face, but she kept her anger down. "I know, I should have told him. And I know he's upset, I just want to try and set things right." "Big Mac already did that. Yer old coltfriend came 'round and told him everything, and you shoulda seen the look on my brother's face. Must'a spent near all day apologizin' fer something that weren't his fault." "But Big Mac needs to hear it from me. I didn't want it to turn out like this at all. I never wanted to hurt anypony. Everything just happened so fast-" "Well, if ya didn't want anypony to get hurt, ya shouldn't have gone 'round lifting yer tail fer any 'ole stallion ya fancy." The pure hatred in Applejack's voice shocked Deepthroat Cockslut. Applejack locked her hooves in the dirt again and glared. "I think ya'll better get off mah property. And stay away from mah brother." Deepy knew she wasn't going to get to see Big Mac again. But she didn't want Applejack to see her shed a single tear, so she ran before they started falling again. Her hooves carried her toward Pearl Necklace's. She burst through the old mare's door and found her in her chair. She turned her head, surprised. "Deepy? My appointment isn't until four." "Pearl Necklace, everything is awful! I... I cheated on my coltfriend with Big Macintosh, and now the whole town knows! Everyone keeps glaring at me and saying all these nasty things and I just don't know what to do!" Deepthroat Cockslut collapsed at Pearl Necklace's hooves. The hold mare simply raised her nose. "Well, what did you expect? It was inevitable, really." Deepy was hoping for comfort. "What?" she looked up at the old mare, confused. "Mares like you and me are not exactly popular with the common folk. Oh, sure, no one bats an eye as long as you keep your head down and stay in line. But they'll take any excuse to criticize and tear a whore to pieces once she steps out of place." "So what do I do?" she asked. "You'll have to leave if you don't want to become the town pariah." "I don't want to leave! I feel like I just got here, and I have friends here!" "They'll turn on you," Pearl Necklace said icily. "It was the same way with me." "What do you mean?" Pearl stared straight ahead as the memories flooded back to her. "I was actually born in Canterlot. My family wasn't anything important, but we had enough money to fit in. As soon as I matured enough, I flirted endlessly with the colts. Sure, none of the lords' or rich families' sons would ever take me for their fillyfriend, let alone their wife, but they knew I was always good for a quick hoofie in the halls and behind the hedges. I quickly gained a reputation as a filly who was all too friendly with the colts, but no pony seemed to see any harm in it. After all, the colts' parents were just as aware of their sons' needs as I was. I even became popular with a few of their fathers as well. Canterlot mares are renowned for their lack of passion. By the time I was grown and on my own, I could go out each night and have my hooves wrapped around more cocks than I could handle before the moon had risen." "So what happened?" Deepy asked. Pearl Necklace was quiet for a moment. "The guard captain's son was particularly fond of me. One of the few colts I let mount me on a regular basis. His father was aware of our trysts, and often diverted his wife so that I could satisfy his son. But one night after his son was finished with me, the butler brought me into his room. The guard captain was already hard when I entered, and my, was he impressive. One of the biggest I've ever seen. I gave myself to him in a heartbeat, and for a month, each time I would go to be with his son, he called me into his room to have a turn with me. I suppose having free access to a young, nubile mare caused him to lose interest in his wife. She grew suspicious, and caught us one night. "I never saw her husband or son again, and they didn't separate, but it wasn't long before she had told every mare in town. They started talking. Glaring. Whispering to their own stallions about the homewrecking slut. Even the colts and stallions that I had been rubbing down faithfully for years turned on me. After nearly a week, a small riot formed, and the guards weren't too keen on stopping it. I was run out of town. That's when I came to Ponyville. And sure, I continued to give out hoofies, but I learned quickly which stallions were safe and which to avoid." "Really? A riot? Just because a stallion wanted to cheat on his wife?" Deepy was shocked. "How come no one ran him out of town?" Pearl shook her head. "You're still so young, aren't you? Everypony expects a stallion to mount whatever he can. No pony's surprised when a male thinks with his balls. But mares? We're supposed to be better than that. We're supposed to tell them 'no.' Purity is our prerogative, and any mare who fails in that regard has no place in our society. Every stallion likes a flirty mare. But no pony likes a slut." "So..." Deepthroat Cockslut felt her spirit reeling from the tale, from the horrible unfairness of it all. "So there's nothing I can do? That's it? Leave or have everypony hate me?" "Such is life for mares like you and me. Of course, it would be much easier if we simply fell in line and kept our tails down, but you know as well as I do that's simply out of the question. We live to please. We're born whores, Deepy. There's no changing that. Or our fates." Horror crept into Deepthroat Cockslut. Pearl Necklace was right. Everything had been fun and games up until this point, but now that she had made her one mistake, she knew it was all over. Ponies would never look at her the same way again. She would always and forever be the town saddle. Maybe desperate or bored stallions would drop by her door for a quick blow, but she doubted she'd ever land a coltfriend again, let alone one as kind as Gizmo. She wouldn't be surprised if Rose, Lily, and Daisy distanced themselves from her, lest their flower business suffer by associating with her. Deepthroat Cockslut looked up at Pearl Necklace. Alone in her home. Worn. Pretty, but ultimately bitter. She saw her future. She left Pearl Necklace's house quickly. She needed to calm down. She needed to be alone. Deepy trotted through the town market to get to her home, but something wasn't right. She could hear grumbling. She looked around her, and noticed several of the ponies, stallions and mares alike, casting sidelong glares at her. They were talking about her. She could hear it under their breaths. "It's that mare. Deepthroat Cockslut. Yeah, it's her real name." "She cheated on her coltfriend with, like, half the town." "A real slut alright." "Gross. What a skank." Tears began to well up in Deepthroat Cockslut's eyes again. She headed down a path, any path to get away from the crowd. The road led out of town. Toward Sweet Apple Acres. And she could see Applejack heading straight toward her. "And where do ya think yer goin'?" "I'm just- I'm just trying to get home." Everything was happening so fast, Deepy felt like she was going to throw up. She was afraid. "Ah see. So ya weren't tryin' to sneak back onto the farm to try and get at mah brother, then?" "No! Honest, Applejack, I'm just trying to get home." Applejack was stomping toward her slowly, menacingly, and Deepy tried to back up, cowering before every heavy hoofstep. "Really? Because last time Ah checked, home was that way fer you," Applejack jerked her head toward town. "I just- I got a little turned around and-" "Ya know, Ah'm sick o' you messin' with mah family. Ya spend an awful lotta time around Granny Smith telling her Celestia knows what, and then ya nab my brother like some kinda temptress. What's next? Ya gonna turn Apple Bloom into a mare like you?" "Applejack, I would never!" Ponies were standing. Moving toward her. Surrounding her. It was just as Pearl Necklace had said. Applejack continued. "Ponyville is a good, wholesome little town with good, wholesome families. Ah don't reckon there's much room for a slut 'round here." Other ponies joined in. "You shouldn't be here!" "We don't need you snatching up our stallions!" "Take your sluttiness somewhere else before you give someone a disease!" Deepthroat Cockslut backed away from the crowd. She pushed through a few bodies, but they pushed back, shoving her. Deepthroat Cockslut fell. When she looked up, the ponies were moving toward her, with Applejack in the lead. Deepthroat Cockslut picked herself up, scrambling to her hooves, trying to get away, but they kept coming toward her. She ran. She ran as fast as her hooves would carry her. She didn't know where she was headed, but the only thing on her mind was escaping the mob, getting out of their sight. No matter where she went, ponies could see her. They glared. They shouted obscenities. They pushed and shoved her. But the further she got away from town, the more she worried she'd never be able to come back. With the mob still on her trail, Deepthroat Cockslut headed out of downtown with tears streaming down her face. She had never been so afraid in her life. Through hazy vision, she saw a shimmer of blue up ahead. Tall and grand, like a tree. Yes, it was a tree, a tree made of shining crystal. Twilight Sparkle's castle. Deepthroat Cockslut raced toward the front door and opened it, slamming it behind her. It was a big castle. Maybe she could hide out here. If Twilight found her, she couldn't imagine what would happen to her. She knew how close she was with Applejack. Deepy headed up the stairs, looking for an unused room to hide in for a while. She knew the mob had seen her enter, but she doubted they'd storm Twilight's castle. Perhaps in the chaos of searching for her she could escape. "Oh. Hello there. Uh, can I help you?" Deepy's hooves froze in place. It was Twilight Sparkle, levitating a quill and pen, right in the middle of the hallway she happened to turn down. Just her luck. She couldn't answer. She couldn't move. She was caught. Done for. Twilight Sparkle angled her head at the silent mare. "Do you need help finding a book?" "Um... not exactly," she said timidly. Twilight seemed confused, but remained friendly. "Well, I'm just creating a schedule for Pinkie Pie's birthday parties this month, so I'm not doing anything. What's your name?" Deepy swallowed. Never before had she been ashamed to answer that question. "Uh... Deepthroat Cockslut." Twilight Sparkle blushed visibly. "Oh, right. You're still new in Ponyville, aren't you? I've, uh, heard of you." Deepy felt the color drain from her face. "What... did you hear?" Twilight shuffled her hooves and looked away, but answered, "Well, when I was at Sweet Apple Acres a few months ago, Granny Smith mentioned that you were, 'awfully kind' to Big Mac. I uh, put two and two together, so to speak." Deepy felt like she had truly hit rock bottom. Even the new princess thought of her as a whore. But then Twilight said, "It was awfully nice of you." Deepy couldn't believe that Twilight was too awkward to change the subject, but was even more shocked that she held a favorable view of her. "What do you mean?" was all she could ask. "Well, I know the farm is hard work, and Big Mac doesn't exactly have a lot of female friends to, uh, relax with. Granny Smith said he was doing a lot better after he got to, well, you know, uh, 'blow off some steam?'" "Thanks," Deepy said. "But it doesn't matter now. I'm in here because I'm... hiding." Twilight cocked an eyebrow. "From what?" "Outside," was all she could say. The angry shouting of the mob could be heard even through the crystal walls. Twilight went to a window to investigate, tossing it open and seeing the crowd below. "So that's what that is. But what do they want with you?" Deepthroat Cockslut hated having to admit her mistake to another pony, let alone the Princess of Friendship, but she forced down her shame and said, "Well, I had a coltfriend. A really nice one, too. But I... I cheated on him. With Big Mac. And now Applejack is leading a mob to run me out of town." "Oh." Twilight's ears fell. "That's... unfortunate." "I know. I'm... a horrible pony, aren't I? You can say it." The alicorn's face softened. "I don't think you're a horrible pony. I think everypony makes mistakes sometimes. I know I have." "But I can't fix this one. I can't un-break Gizmo's heart, I can't make Big Macintosh stop hating himself, and I don't think I could even stop being... me, even if I tried." Twilight Sparkle wrapped a wing around Deepthroat Cockslut. "Maybe you can't make things go back to the way they were. But I do know that time heals a lot of things, and that a good friend keeps trying to make things right, even when it seems impossible. I can tell you feel bad. But there's nothing a sincere, genuine effort can't fix in time." Deepy shook her head. "Even if I could make things right with them, what if I just screw up again? I can't... I can't stay away from stallions. I just can't." "Well, why would you?" Twilight said. Deepy looked up at her. "It's your destiny. Everypony was born to do something, and we all have something special inside of us. It sounds a little unorthodox, but if your special talent is... you know, helping stallions 'blow off steam,' then that's what you should do. I don't think a pony following her destiny and listening to her cutie mark could ever be a bad thing. And it sounds like this is what you were meant to do." "Then I'll just be alone and breaking hearts forever. I can't love one stallion and whore myself out to all the rest." Twilight was quiet for a moment. "It sounds like quite a pickle. And I don't know if I have an answer for you. This all sounds like my sister-in-law's territory. And I don't know what she'd say if she were here right now, but I do know about problem-solving, and I can tell you that sometimes the problem is just the way you look at the situation. Whenever something looks like one choice or the other, sometimes a little creative thinking is all it takes to open up all sorts of possibilities." Deepthroat Cockslut nodded. Then she started thinking. "Yeah." Twilight Sparkle looked toward the window again, her ears twitching at the sound of the mob outside. "Come on. Those ponies aren't going away anytime soon. You have to face them." "I know," Deepy said, but it was clear she wasn't ready to take a single step. Twilight smiled. "Don't worry. I know just what to say." Twilight took Deepy by the hoof and led her out the front door. When the two stepped outside, the sunshine was glaring, and the mob of angry ponies was like a wall in front of Deepy. But Twilight stepped out in front of her. "Twilight, step aside. That mare's not welcome in Ponyville anymore," Applejack said, stepping up to her friend. "As much as I hate to pull rank, I'm the Princess around here, and I think I'd like a say, too." Twilight's voice was firm, and her brow was lowered. She wasn't pleased at all with what she saw. "You're gonna defend her? Do ya even know what she did?" Applejack said. "Yes. She confessed everything, about her coltfriend and your brother. And what she did was clearly wrong. But I don't think it's fair to punish her for something your brother participated in as well." Applejack looked furious. "Yer blamin' Big Mac?" "I'm not blaming anypony. But don't you think you might be getting a little overprotective, Applejack? I know you love your family, but is this what Big Mac would want you to do?" "When she seduced Big Mac, she brought the whole Apple family into her mess. Ah won't stand for this mare messin' around with mah kin any longer! She needs to leave town before she gets Big Mac in even more trouble!" "Wouldn't that be his decision?" Twilight said. Applejack opened her mouth to answer, but Twilight cut her off. "Applejack, you can't decide what Big Mac does or who he spends his time with. He's a grown stallion, for heavens' sake, and as much as you don't want to think about it, he has just as much a right to use his body the way he wants as anypony else does. Who he sleeps with is none of your business. Or anypony's, for that matter. But by bringing this mob together, you've only made his private life public." Applejack faltered. "Ah... Ah didn't-" "And for what?" Twilight continued. "You might not like what Deepy here does, but it's clear that someponies do, or she wouldn't be doing it. The act does take two, after all." "But she's a cheater! A heartbreaker!" another mare from the crowd shouted. "Is that what this is about? Or is it about her special talent?" Twilight asked. "Look, I don't know better than any of you why this mare has the talent she does. But I just don't think it's right to try and stop her from using her gifts to help others. Maybe the kind of 'help' she provides isn't what what we think of as 'good,' but it sounds to me like she did a lot of good for Big Mac before this whole mess got started. I don't really know that much about stallions, but I think she does. Maybe we mares could never really understand what a stallion's needs are like, but she cares for those needs. Maybe stallions just need to blow off some steam every now and again, and if Deepy's here to help them do that, then I'm glad she's here. What do you stallions think?" There were some murmurs of agreement from the crowd. They started low, but grew a bit more confident. Twilight's voice was a bit softer now. "I know Deepy isn't a normal mare. But mares shouldn't gossip and tear each other down like this. Each and every one of us has had the chance to be as strong, as kind, and as amazing as we want to be. Mares, and stallions, from around Equestria come to our little town to live side-by-side with all sorts of different ponies, to follow their dreams and be surrounded by friends. So I say we let Deepthroat Cockslut stay in our town and follow her own destiny. I say we let her suck as many cocks as she likes." A few gasps rang out through the crowd, and more than a few ponies looked uncomfortable, but Twilight's argument was compelling. The ponies began to disperse. Applejack stepped forward. "Ah... Ah messed up, didn't Ah, Twilight?" Twilight patted her friend. "It's alright. You were just trying to protect your family. But perhaps you shouldn't be apologizing to me?" Applejack nodded and turned to Deepy. "Ah'm... Ah'm real sorry. It's just, with Big Mac-" "It's okay," Deepy said. "You love your brother a lot. He's a great guy." Applejack smiled. "He has been in a good mood for a while now. Maybe... you should come down to the farm more often and... work your magic on Big Mac and the other stallions? I know they'd probably appreciate it." Deepy gave an embarrassed smile. "We'll see." Twilight Sparkle gave Deepy a pat on the back as Applejack left. Deepy looked up at her. "Thanks for everything." "It's alright. I'm just glad things didn't escalate." She smiled. "But I think you still have a few ponies to make it up to." Deepy nodded. "You're right. And I think I know just what to do." Deepthroat Cockslut invited Gizmo over to her house, and promised him that she just wanted to talk. As soon as he stepped into door, she could tell that he was still depressed. "Hey, Deepy," he started. "Hey there. How are you feeling?" "I'm okay." She could tell it wasn't true. "I'm really sorry," she said. "I mean it." "I know," he replied. "But you did warn me, after all. I guess it's, kind of my fault." "No, it's not. I messed up. And I want to fix things." There was a pause. "So, you told Big Mac?" Gizmo nodded. "I wanted to be mad at him. But as soon as I saw him, he started telling me he was sorry, and that he had no idea we were together. We talked about it. Well, I guess I did all the talking. He just listened. It helped." "He's like that," Deepy agreed. Gizmo looked away. "You know, if you want to be with him, it's okay. He's still single." "I don't. Gizmo, I meant it when I said I loved you. I just..." Deepy sighed with frustration. "I just can't stay away from other stallions." "I know," he said. "I won't make you choose. You can be with as many stallions as you like. I won't hold you down." "But why does loving you mean I have to be held down?" she asked. "What are you talking about?" "Gizmo..." she shook her head. "When I was with Big Mac, it didn't mean anything. I swear. But that night I was with you... that meant everything to me. You were so happy. I want to make you happy like that, just as much as I want other stallions." "So you're caught," Gizmo said. "I don't want to be. I know this sounds awful, but I've been doing a lot of thinking and..." she took a deep breath before looking Gizmo in the eyes. "I want to be with other stallions. But I want to love you too. At the same time." "You mean...?" Gizmo asked. "Like, I let you go out and...?" "Yes. If you can't do that, I understand. But I promise you it would just be sex. Nothing more." Gizmo was confused. "What do you mean?" Deepy's eyes softened, but her expression was serious. "Gizmo, I've had a lot of sex in my life. And I'm going to have a lot more. But no matter how many stallions I'm with, I've never felt anything special for them. Except for you. And I started thinking... what if love wasn't all about sex? What if love isn't about who you do it with, but who you fall asleep with afterwards? What if love is about who you want to wake up with in the morning?" "But..." Gizmo faltered. "What if you like them more than you like me?" "It's not like that, Gizmo," she answered. "It's not about how good you are in bed, or how hung you are. That's what I'm trying to say. You could be the smallest stallion in the world down there, and I'd still want to suck your cock every morning. Because you're you. You're thoughtful, and courteous, and... really strong to go through everything I put you through and still be willing to talk to me." Gizmo smiled a little. "Do you mean that?" "More than anything." Deepy felt her heart flutter when she saw him smiling, nodding. "Okay," he said. "You know what? I think... I think we should give it a try." Deepthroat Cockslut thought she might cry. She flung her hooves around Gizmo's neck and squeezed him. "Thank you." "I love you, Deepthroat Cockslut. And... you love me? No matter what?" "No matter what," she promised. When she released him, she was grinning. "Of course, it's not all about me and what I want." "What do you mean?" Gizmo asked. "Well, you can sleep with other mares too, if you like. It's only fair." Gizmo blushed and looked at his hooves. "I don't know if many other mares would want to do that with me." "I think you'd be surprised." Deepthroat Cockslut headed upstairs, motioning with her hoof, and Gizmo followed. When he reached her bedroom, Deepy was standing by the open door. Gizmo looked inside, and his jaw dropped. Rose, Lily, and Daisy were all sprawled out across Deepy's bed, their tails flagged and their legs spread, their soft, inviting pussies exposed to him. Their eyes were lidded and their tails swished in anticipation. "Well, there's the stud now," Daisy said. "Deepy," Gizmo's voice was barely a whisper. He tried to swallow but his throat was dry as a bone. "What is this?" "Well, I told my friends about how hung you were, and I told them about how we might be opening up our relationship soon. They wanted to feel it for themselves," she answered. "Oh," was all he said. "Looks like he won't disappoint," Lily said, eyeing up the shaft that was flopping between his legs. "Sweet Celestia, that thing's huge!" Rose's eyes boggled at the hardening monster. Daisy grinned. "Looks like somepony's eager." "So what do you think?" Deepy asked Gizmo. "You wanna give it a try?" "Um..." he said, fighting back his shyness. "Well, I guess if you girls are alright with it..." "Why don't you just lie down and relax?" Deepy suggested, giving Gizmo a peck on the cheek. She led the lanky colt to her bed where the mares parted to give him space to lie down on his back. The mares couldn't help but marvel as he settled in, his great shaft towering before them, throbbing excitedly. "It's even bigger up close," Lily said, clearly awed. "Come on," Deepy prompted the mares. "Let's get him warmed up, shall we?" She draped her hooves over Gizmo's hindleg and starting kissing and licking his massive nuts. Already she could feel him shudder under her touch. The mares followed suit, clearly nervous at first, but Gizmo couldn't look them in the eye either. With tentative licks and kisses, they sampled Gizmo's shaft. His breathing quickened at the sensation of so many lips tending to his throbbing erection, and the positive feedback encouraged the mares. "I can't believe we're actually doing this," Rose said. "It's kind of naughty, though, isn't it?" Daisy replied. Lily batted her eyes at Gizmo. "You like that, big guy?" Gizmo's gaze darted to Deepthroat Cockslut, but she continued to suckle at his balls. She gave the slightest of nods. "Yeah," he answered. "This is... really good." Deepy couldn't help but smile. His voice wasn't the least bit confident or seductive, but it was cute and sincere and grateful. "Well, quit teasing him," she prompted her friends. "It's been a week since the poor guy's been laid." Gizmo waved his hooves. "No, no, you don't have to- I mean, you don't-" "I wanna try," Lily said. The other mares moved aside, and Deepy rested her head on Gizmo's chest, kissing at his neck while the other mares kissed idly at his stomach and thighs, watching as Lily took his huge cock in her hooves. She paid attention as she craned her neck to reach his flare. He shuddered as her lips nipped at the edges, a bead of precum forming. She dragged her tongue across the surface, grinning wide as he moaned. "Here goes," she said. All ponies looked on as she closed her eyes and opened her mouth. Gizmo was both thick and long, and it took a moment for her lips to completely envelop his head. Deepy listened to her breathe through her nose as she worked to go further. A throaty moan formed in Gizmo's chest. Deepy kissed his neck and rubbed his chest with her hoof. She could feel how much he was enjoying this sort of attention. After all, what stallion didn't fantasize about being covered in horny mares? Lily made a valiant effort, taking a few more inches, but it was clear she hit a stopping point when Deepy saw her throat bulge and contract. She pulled off Gizmo's cock quickly, coughing a little. "Too thick," she said. "There's no way any mare can take all of that." "Well let me try," Rose said. She and Lily switched places on Gizmo's arm. She rubbed him idly with her hooves and turned to him. "You having fun?" "Y-Yeah," he admitted, his cheeks red. "Are... you girls?" "Definitely," Lily said. "I can't wait to feel you in me." "We should do this more often," Rose said. "It's fun having you guys around." The other two mares agreed. "The more the merrier," Deepy said. "You think you can take him?" "Probably not," Rose answered. "But I think trying will be fun. You want me to suck your cock?" Rose teased Gizmo. Gizmo could only nod. Rose giggled as she turned back to his stallionhood. She licked all around his flare, teasing him and amusing herself before she opened up to take the mammoth dick. Her tongue swirled around the head to keep it wet, but still she struggled to fit her mouth around the width. After a little pushing and a small pop, he was past her lips, her tongue tickling just underneath the tip. She tried to go further with a few pushes forward, but Deepy could see her cheeks bulging with Gizmo's throbbing flare. Finally, she was forced to admit defeat and withdraw. "That's huge," Rose said in total awe. "I couldn't even make it past the tip. Your cock is so big." Deepthroat Cockslut smiled as Gizmo shuddered at the praise. Getting laid for the first time had really helped his confidence, but she couldn't imagine what Gizmo was feeling now that he had a gaggle of mares in total awe of his massive stallionhood. She hoped it was everything he ever dreamed of. After everything he'd been through, he deserved it. "Thanks," he finally managed to answer. "Okay girls, scoot back and let me show you how it's done," Daisy wriggled her way up to his shaft. Gizmo twitched at her eagerness, another bead of precum ready for her to devour. Deepy just snuggled into his hoof around her and watched. Daisy was quick to wrap both hooves around the base of his shaft and rub him down, sliding the flesh along his great length and making the wispy stallion moan aloud. Rose resigned herself to kissing his balls as Lily laid on his other hoof, and Gizmo's eyes darted to each of them, taking it all in as pleasure filled his hard shaft. With a sexy smile, Daisy swallowed Gizmo's head effortlessly. Deepthroat Cockslut was impressed that she could take his thickness so easily. The two of them groaned, but Daisy wasn't about to let up. She continued to stroke Gizmo, and Deepy watched on as she forced more of Gizmo's meat into her maw. She had definitely done this before. Daisy gained more and more, Gizmo's massive dick spreading her lips wider and wider. She was nearing the average stallion's length, and she wasn't even close to his midring yet, but she pressed on. Gizmo huffed, and Deepy felt his hooves tense on her back. She could only imagine how tight a throat unused to his size must feel. She kissed at his neck and rubbed his chest again, letting him know that she was still with him. Hoping he was enjoying himself as much as it sounded like he was. Daisy withdrew suddenly with a loud slurp, gasping for air. "Wow, I wasn't even close to halfway. Your dick is just too long, Gizmo. You've gotta be, like, the biggest stallion alive." "I mean, I don't know-" "How do you do it, Deepy?" Daisy asked. "You know. I just do it." "I have to see it to believe it," Rose said. "I couldn't even get past the head! There's no way you can get all the way down." Deepthroat Cockslut's eyes flashed. A challenge. She rose with a peck on Gizmo's cheek. "Alright. Just watch." She placed herself between Gizmo's legs again. Her view of his face here was obstructed by the thick tower that rose from his groin. She rubbed it affectionately. Oh, how she had missed this cock; how she had missed the stallion who wielded it. She could sense how needy it was, waving and throbbing with his heartbeat, his balls tense against his sheath, full and heavy with no release. The other mares were fun, but he needed her. She was the only one who could satisfy him, who could suck that massive cock and still love the dork attached. Deepthroat Cockslut knew that a proper blowjob started with the balls. She knelt her head to kiss and lick over them, nibbling with her lips, spreading her mouth open to suckle with her tongue. His voice sounded from above, a long noise of release as tension began to melt from him. She bathed every part of his sack until his nuts relaxed, hanging heavy and low between his thighs, precum dribbling down his shaft. She traced the line up his sheath with her tongue, slowly, drawing over his flesh with her tongue as sticky salt spread across the surface. She reached his midring, kissing and nibbling at the sensitive spot before moving up to the source of the flow. When her neck stretched to reach his tip, she gave him a few more long, passionate kisses, making out with the head of his cock. "Ready?" she asked him. She watched him nod, sweat trickling down his temple, out of breath and red, but his eyes were drowning with lusty need. Opening her mouth to swallow his broad flare was like coming up for air in the middle of the ocean. A cool wave of relief washed over them both as she took his head past her lips, swiping and swirling her tongue around his flesh before pressing on, filling her throat with fresh cock, gasping for more as he stuffed her. "No way," Lily muttered. "That's impossible," Daisy said. Deepthroat Cockslut shoved herself past his midring, feeling her throat tighten as his thick flesh bulged in her neck. His massive meat only stoked her appetite, and the thickest, hardest parts of him remained. Even for a mare as gifted as Deepthroat Cockslut, taking all of Gizmo was no mean feat, but she did so with grace and relish, shuddering as he throbbed against her lips, his whole cock stiffening in her throat, his sheath tantalizingly close. "Deepy," Gizmo moaned louder than he had all night. His nasally gasp of ecstasy was music to her ears. She hungered for all of him, starving to please him. She shoved the last of him into her throat, burying her muzzle into his crotch. She watched his eyes roll back into his head as he was totally pleasured a familiar but explosive climax seizing her as she was rewarded with a spread, bulging throat and the smell of his musk in her nose. As her juices flowed and soaked her bedsheets, she felt better. Not just to have her throat filled with her favorite cock again, but in the confidence that she would never hurt Gizmo again. For a mare who lived to please stallions, the knowledge that she could make him truly happy was just as satisfying as a fresh load of cum. But she didn't want to spoil him for the other mares. Once her orgasm finished, Deepthroat Cockslut withdrew, thick strings of her saliva coating and dribbling down his shaft, connecting him to her lips as she gave his tip another kiss. "That's how it's done, ladies," she said with a grin. "Wow," Rose said. "You really are special. You must be the only mare alive who can do that." For once, Deepy was a little bashful. "Well, I can't be the only mare who doesn't have a gag reflex." "Yeah, but the way you did it was amazing. The look on his face was priceless," Lily grinned. "Well, everypony's good at something I guess," Deepy smiled. "So, any of you girls want to try him out?" "I'd love to," Rose volunteered. She sidled up to him, but faltered. "But... Gizmo? Could I be on top? I think I need to take you slow, you know?" "Oh uh... s-sure," he replied. Deepy couldn't help but feel her heart flutter as his cute nervousness. No matter what the situation was, she doubted he'd ever be fully confident in himself. And she wouldn't change him for the world. "Thanks," Rose said. "I mean, being mounted by you might kill me, even if it would be the best thing ever just to feel you go to town on me." That comment earned a huge throb out of Gizmo as he swallowed the lump in his throat. Deepy could feel how badly he wanted to do just that by the way his hips twitched, but she patted him, returning to his arm as Rose moved to straddle him, the other mares finding good positions to watch the action. The logistics of riding Gizmo were tricky. Even standing on all four hooves, Rose still couldn't quite raise her rump high enough to lower herself onto his cock. She moved forward, angling his cock and giving Gizmo a good view of her little teats, her nipples raised and perky. He gasped when he felt her wet lips brush against his flare. "Alright," she said, nodding and steadying herself. "You ready big guy?" "Yes p-please," he answered. Deepy and the other mares could feel him shivering with arousal. "I don't think you should keep him waiting. He's one big horny stallion, alright," Daisy said. Rose nodded again. Biting her lip, she began to lower her bottom onto Gizmo's great cock. Deepy could see a moment of resistance pass between them as her nethers stretched to try and accommodate him. But after several seconds, a pop was heard and the two gasped. "Oh, Celestia!" Rose moaned. "Ohh, it's so big!" "It's just the head," Lily said. "Can you keep going? Or is your mouth as big as your pussy?" "No, I... I've got this," Rose huffed. "How does it feel, Gizmo?" Deepy asked him. "Nng. Tight," he sighed. She kissed his cheek. "Good. Enjoy." Rose started to sit again, gasping as her dripping cunt swallowed more of Gizmo's mighty shaft. "Ohh, yeah," she groaned. "Ohh, Gizmo. You're so big." After an agonizing descent filled with plenty of needy groaning, Rose had lowered herself enough to plant her hooves on Gizmo's slender chest. She was poised at his midring, her cream-colored lips spread wide by his girth, dripping sticky mare juices down his shaft and onto his balls. She began to rock her hips, stroking him up and down with her folds, feeling his mammoth meat move within her. "Ughh," Gizmo heaved a throaty moan. "It's- ohh- incredible." Deepthroat Cockslut kissed his cheek. Rose was quickly working herself into a lusty state. She popped his midring into her pussy with a cry, tossing her head and arching her back as more of him sank into her. She planted her hooves on the bed as she rode the newest few inches. Gizmo and Deepy watched with rapt attention as her entrance was split by his incredible width, her clit throbbing madly. Rose's own eyes rolled upward now as her legs rocked her body on top of his pole, impaling herself repeatedly on his huge stallionhood, not even fully within her. "Gizmo, yes!" she cried out. "Ohh, you're huge! Oh, Luna, it's so big! Yes!" Then, all at once, she rammed her hips down, taking Gizmo's cock completely inside of her, grinding her clit against his sheath. "Ah! Yeah! Gizmo!" she screamed before tossing her head back again, her juices flowing as her body shook and writhed in orgasm just from being so full of him. After a few moments, still riding on her high, she said, "Oh, too much. It's too much!" Rose quickly stood, a few droplets of moisture still streaming from her as Gizmo's rock hard flesh left her with a loud, wet slurp. The mare stood panting above him as Gizmo twisted in needy tension below her. "Sorry," she breathed. "Sorry I didn't let you cum. It's just... too big. It almost hurt." "It's- it's okay," Gizmo said. "How do you feel?" Deepy asked him. "I'm fine," he answered. "Just- I'm fine." "Horny?" Deepy asked again, softer. Gizmo just nodded. "Hey, that's alright," Daisy said. She wriggled out of Gizmo's grip and laid on her side, spreading her legs for him. Her pink pussy gleamed with pearls of mare juice, ready to be stuffed. "I'm not afraid of a big dick like that. I want my pussy destroyed tonight. So go ahead and shove it in, stud." Gizmo was up before Deepy could even give him a supportive kiss on the cheek. Moving between her legs, he positioned himself at her entrance, straddling her hindleg, the other resting on his shoulder as he sat toward his haunches. Gizmo hunched over her, eager to start thrusting. His hips trembled, his cock wavering as he swallowed dryly. "R-ready?" he asked. Daisy lined up his drooling flare with her nethers. "Take me to pound town, Gizmo." All at once he shoved himself into her, inch after inch splitting her marehood wide open, forcing himself deep into her insides until his hilt was ramming into her stretched lips. Gizmo moaned and thrusted wildly, but Daisy screamed. "Oh, holy fuck! Yeah! Oh! I'm cumming! Ohh, Celestia!" Just like Rose, her orgasm overtook her the moment Gizmo hilted in her, her wetness flowing as her leg spasmed in the air, her mouth hanging open and tongue lolling out. Gizmo rutted her hard for a good several thrusts, but he only managed a few before she too called, "No more! Please! Too big!" Gizmo heard her and withdrew, his cock throbbing madly. Daisy fought for breath. "Too sensitive... after I cum. Couldn't take it. Sorry." Gizmo's eyes flashed with pure need. Deepy could see an animal in him, craving his carnal satisfaction. She nudged Lily with her hoof, lying on her stomach, watching with rapt attention. "Um," was all she said. Gizmo's head snapped toward her. He pounced on her. He moved faster than Lily could process, but her instinct took over, her rump raising and her tail lifting high as soon as he mounted her. Deepthroat Cockslut smiled as she saw him hump wildly at Lily's soft flanks, his staggering cock jabbing clumsily, looking for her entrance. When it had been happening to Deepy, she hardly had any time to process, but now that she was watching another mare receive the onslaught of Gizmo's unrefined lust, she thought it was terribly cute the way he gave himself over to his primal needs. It reminded her so much of how Big MacIntosh took her, so rough and wild. Perhaps there really was a stud in there, she thought. The two gasped and roared when he finally, luckily, found her pussy and spread it wide. Again, all at once, he was completely inside of her, screwing her brains out, his balls slapping at her thighs and her belly stuffed full of hard stallion flesh. Deepy heard the orgasmic cries start from Lily as well. "Ahh! Gizmo!" Deepthroat Cockslut scooted toward her and closed her lips with her own. Just as Gizmo did, she shoved her tongue into Lily's mouth, letting them dance, feeling her moans die in her throat as Gizmo had his way with her. She saw her coltfriend lean down as he humped her, biting down on her neck in preparation for his orgasm, but he was in perfect position to watch his marefriend swap spit with the mare he was fucking. His eyes caught sight of their tongues moving in their cheeks, and he could feel her sticky juices spurt around his throbbing cock, clenching, begging him. She was the third mare who had climaxed just at the feeling of him inside of her. Deepthroat Cockslut came just from sucking his cock. For a split second, he felt like a stud. It all happened so fast. Gizmo hadn't even gotten a full ten thrusts inside Daisy and Lily combined. But he erupted within Lily, his teeth squeezing down on her neck and soft mane, holding her still while he claimed her, his mind hazy and high, his balls icy and tight with final release. With muffled grunts, he shot spurt after spurt into this mare's womb, hearing her moans of pleasure stoppered by his marefriend's tongue. When his eyes stopped rolling, he watched their lips mash together again, seeing bits of tongue and saliva pass between them. He gave a few more thrusts as he pumped the last of his stallion fluid out of his balls. Lily and Gizmo separated as the two collapsed, Gizmo falling back into the pillows and the mares. Deepthroat Cockslut took her place on his arm and kissed his neck. "He always such a hair-trigger?" Daisy asked. "Yeah," Deepy replied. "He doesn't hold back. When a stallion's gotta cum, he cums." "Shame. Must be hard to get off like that," Daisy commented. Deepy kissed Gizmo's cheek. "It just shows how horny my stallion is. I love it." And she meant it. And she and Gizmo knew it. He turned to her and kissed her on the lips. Sweetly, tenderly, intimately. "So how was this for you, Gizmo?" Rose asked. "I know it wasn't long, but it was still pretty amazing." "Oh, me too," Daisy added. "I wasn't trying to say it wasn't the best fuck I've had in forever." "We can do this again, right?" Lily said weakly, working to raise her head from the mattress. "What do you think, Gizmo?" Deepy asked him. Somehow, she still caught a trace of red in his cheeks, even as he breathed heavily. "I, uh... I'd like that." The flower mares laughed. They took their time getting to their hooves. The knew they'd be walking funny tomorrow, but they knew it would only lead them to look forward to next time. They had to get back to their homes. They wished Deepthroat Cockslut and Gizmo a goodnight, and left quietly. Deepy blew out the candles, leaving the two in darkness, save only for Luna's silvered moonlight. Gizmo was tired, she could tell as much. But happy. She could feel it in his slow, easy breathing. Hear it in the heartbeat sounding in his chest. Smell it in the sweat that stained her sheets. "I love you, Deepthroat Cockslut," Gizmo said. "I love you too, Gizmo." "We... we're going to be fine." She nodded. "I'm all yours now. Like I was supposed to be." "You'll always be meant for other stallions." Gizmo paused. "But I'll always love you." Deepthroat Cockslut knew in her heart he was right. Tomorrow they'd find another stallion to share her gifts with. But she knew that when morning came, she'd be right where she'd belong. "Gizmo?" Deepthroat Cockslut kissed her coltfriend's cheek. "Yeah?" "Would you like me to suck your cock in the morning?" "I'd love that." "Me too." > Epilogue: Afterglow > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deepthroat Cockslut was surrounded by males. Male sweat dripped down from above her, male musk filling her nostrils. Husky, powerful, male muscles bulged around her as her pussy was savagely pounded. Heavy, full, male nutsacks slapped at her chin as her throat was taken for another's pleasure. Deep male voices groaned in pleasure as thick, hard cocks forced themselves into her body, using her, having their way with her. She moaned in her throat, but the sound couldn't escape past the massive meat plugging her throat. Hips crashed into her muzzle, facefucking her, but the feeling alone of her lips wrapped around the sheath, taking this cock to the balls, sent her into climax. Another mouth, a powerful jaw, clamped down on her neck as she was humped like a brood mare from behind, wild and raw, forcing her into her proper place beneath the males. "Ohh, Big Mac," Gizmo groaned from atop the hay bales he sat on. "I'm getting close. How about you?" The big red stallion released Deepy's mane only long enough to reply, "Eeyup." It was difficult to keep her hooves steady on the Apples' barn floor, but Deepthroat Cockslut couldn't bear to succumb to her pleasure and let her legs buckle under two horny stallions. After an hour and two loads from each stallion, Deepthroat Cockslut had lost count of how many orgasms she had sustained. To her, they all melded together. As soon as the waves of rapturous pleasure from one climax began to subside, another wall of pleasure slammed into her. Her juices flowed continuously, dripping and begging Big Mac for more where her mouth could not, suckling hard and fast on Gizmo's cock as it was. But Deepthroat Cockslut withdrew from her coltfriend's massive member long enough to find a few more words through the onslaught of pleasure Big Mac's powerful pounding gave her. "Cum in me, boys. I want to be filled with cum. I want to drink your cum." Gizmo couldn't stand it any more than Big Mac could. He gripped her ears and rammed his cock down her throat all at once, another forceful orgasm gripping her body as her tail brushed against Big Mac's belly, her clit winking like crazy. Big Mac humped her like the breeding stud he was, his fertile fruits slapping against her ass, full and heavy with seed and sweat. Deepy could only twist and suck on Gizmo's sheath, stroking his midring with her throat, letting her swallowing motions clamp down on his flare, mashing her nose into his crotch, stained with slobber from an afternoon of sloppy cocksucking. With male roars and a pair of final thrusts, the stallions hilted deep in her. Deepthroat Cockslut felt completely full as white-hot cum was stuffed into her. She swallowed it all, her pussy clenching to keep it within her womb. As soon as the taste of the beautiful treasure produced by Gizmo's fat balls hit her tongue, Deepthroat Cockslut lost it. "Oh, Celestia!" she screamed as she collapsed to the floor. She fell heavily to her side, the floorboards rattling as her hooves and limbs shook, clattering against the hay as her legs involuntarily spread. A geyser of sticky mare juice squirted from her, as powerful as her stallion's own cumshots, diluted only by Big Mac's essence stuffed inside her marehood. Quivering, muttering moans escaped her lips as her eyes cast about, her mind totally blank, her body burning with passion as she released all the erotic wetness she had left in her. The barn floor was quickly soaked, the hay doomed to smell like mare's arousal for a long time, but it was still a long time before Deepthroat Cockslut, and her stallions, regained their faculties and their orgasms subsided. Their fluids mixed together on the barn floor; a veritable cocktail that was both the evidence and the product of good, rough sex. No pony could speak, but they looked up as they heard a chuckle. "Well well, ain't that a show." Deepthroat Cockslut smiled. "Hey, Applejack." The orange mare entered, carrying a tray with cider mugs on her back for the three of them, unabashed by the semen still leaking from Deepy's spread legs and the stallions' softening cocks. Now that she had warmed up to Deepy, she realized that she had a lot more in common with Granny Smith than she probably wanted to admit: it seemed a complete disregard for sexual modesty ran in the family. "Ah say Big Mac, if that's whatcha do to a mare, ya might start havin' to givin' some of the other fellas lessons if'n it gets 'em to make me cum harder than Ponyville Fountain." She distributed the cider, and the ponies gulped it down gratefully. "How's yer sack feelin', Big Mac? Better now that you've done some humpin'?" He nodded, wiping sweat from his brow. "Eeyup." Applejack smiled down at Deepthroat Cockslut. "Ya know, Ah gotta say Ah feel real bad 'bout how I treated you at first. Havin' you around has been real helpful to Big Mac. Didn't know mah brother was hornier than a jackrabbit on an oyster farm, but Ah'm glad yer around to give him somethin' to plow. It's like magic. He works like a machine after he's jizzed a few times." "It's no problem, Applejack. It's what I'm here for," she replied. Applejack beamed. "Well, Ah appreciate it. Speakin' of, though, Ah saw Caramel floppin' around in the orchard earlier. Ya wouldn't mind swallowing another load, would ya?" A shiver ran down Deepy's spine. "I'd love to." "Great! Ah'll go fetch him." Applejack turned, but then wheeled around again. "Oh, and Ah was thinkin'. Ah know we've been havin' ya come 'round once a week fer Big Mac and the colts, but would ya mind comin' a bit more?" "Of course," Deepy answered. "How often did you have in mind?" Applejack removed her hat in sincerity. "Well, Ah know it's a lot to ask, but Ah was thinkin' every other day if ya can manage, at least fer Big Mac's humpin' sessions. The harvest is comin' up, and Big Mac's gonna need empty nuts fer a full days' work." "Actually, that's perfect," Deepy said. "Gizmo and I go back and forth. Today I get all the stallions, but tomorrow he gets to have as many mares as he wants. So, if you're interested..." Applejack blushed. "Ah might have to take you up on that. But Ah guess I'll see ya real soon then. Heck, maybe you'll give Big Mac a break and let yer coltfriend mount ya fer once," she said with a wink. "Oh, uh, I do," Gizmo stammered. "But Big Mac and I found this works better for us. Deepy really likes, uh, b-blowing me, but I don't last hardly at all when I'm... m-mounting a mare." Deepy reached up and kissed his cheek. "But having you mount me is such a fun way to end a night of mares for you," she said. Gizmo's face turned beet red as Deepy smirked. Applejack grinned with her. "Shucks, well ain't you two sweet. Anyhow, Ah'm gonna get Caramel. But Ah'll see ya Wednesday fer Big Mac's humpin'?" "You bet," she answered. Applejack clopped out as Gizmo nuzzled his marefriend. "I love you, Deepthroat Cockslut," he said quietly. "Love you too," she replied. The stallions stretched as Gizmo dropped from his hay bale. "Anyway, Deepy, I think Big Mac and I are going to relax outside. Get some fresh air and drink our cider. Is that okay?" "Just don't go too far," she said. She kissed him again on the cheek as the stallion left. She couldn't help but watch their tired, happy cocks sway beneath them. But not long after they left, Caramel entered, his cock swaying softly beneath him, already beginning to stiffen. All of the stallions who worked on the Apples' farm were very fortunately endowed, and the sight of their heavy balls and thick sheaths always made Deepthroat Cockslut salivate. "Hey Deepy," Caramel greeted her. He was trying his best to sound polite and friendly, but she could hear the notes of needy lust in the dun-colored stallion plain as day. "Hey there Caramel. Want me to suck your cock?" "Yes, please," he answered quickly. Deepy trotted over to him as he sat on a different hay bale and spread his legs, his erection almost full, throbbing, ready for satisfaction. She nuzzled his loose, sweaty balls, licking and kissing them, taking them into her mouth, lavishing them, earning moans of relief from Caramel as she brought him to full hardness. Then Deepthroat Cockslut opened her muzzle and swallowed Caramel's cock whole, twisting, suckling, and slurping on his shaft perfectly. He let out a loud groan of pleasure, and the feeling of satisfying another stallion filled her with complete and utter joy. Destiny may have been a bitch, but bitches and sluts have always went hoof in hoof.