> World of Ponies: The Pony-Human War > by ShadowWalking18 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 - Human: The Calm Before the Storm > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Valen Valen crouched low to the ground. His spear, a long shaft made from thick strong wood, clenched tightly in his hands. He could feel his heart thumping in his ears as he gazed down the cliff side; and down to the herd of Hoofbeats below. He couldn't help but feel a spike of fear come over him as he gazed down at the quarry of his group’s hunt. The Hoofbeasts were large four legged creatures with a thick muscled body supported by long and thick legs; that always made Valen think of tree trunks when he looked at them. The creatures supported a long neck, which allowed it to eat the leaves on tree tops or graze on the long grasses of the plain should trees be unavailable. Still, despite the fact the creature ate plants, Valen found its huge size intimidating. Even more so that its tough hide was difficult to pierce with spear. No few hunters had been crushed to death by an angry Hoofbeast because of improper hunting techniques. 'But we have only been hunting them so often for only three years.' Valen thought, and clenched his spear tighter to reassure him. Since turning fifteen, he had been allowed on hunts and he had been proud of himself taking that step towards manhood. He looked around, and saw other members of the hunting group. All were crouched low, and watching the herd move through the canyon. Normally, they would avoid a difficult and dangerous prey as a Hoofbeast. But winter was approaching, and such a kill would feed many of the people for weeks. And with winter approaching, and many of the herds having left for the south, hunting would be scarce and they would need the boost to their stores. A loud bellowing noise made Valen look back down the cliff at the herd. The noise had come from a Hoofbeast; but one that was straggling behind the rest of the herd. Valen felt himself grow excited as he saw the struggling beast. Hoofbeasts were very protective of their herds. Herd members would come to the aid of another if any of the herd was threatened. But only if the member kept up. If a member lagged too far behind, the herd usually left them. This one, seemed to have a limp, and it was the target of their hunt. But he was still too close to the herd for the hunters to move, and the Hoofbeast was still keeping pace with the herd. But that was about to change. Valen saw the hunters move, and spotted Marcus, Huntmaster of their group, as he peered over the ledge. His hand held up slightly, as other hunters got behind a large boulder next to him. Out of all the hunters, Marcus had the most experience in hunting Hoofbeasts. Valen gulped and moved to the other boulder to join other hunters. They all watched Marcus, who watched the struggling Hoofbeast. Everything went quiet, and Valen had to hold his breath to keep from breathing heavily in anticipation. Then Marcus brought his hand down, and the hunters near him groaned as they pushed the boulder over the side. The great rock fell, and Valen then heard a loud cry as the boulder slammed into something with a loud thump. The Hoofbeast had been struck by the first boulder. Marcus then brought his hand up and down once more, and Valen and his group of hunters, mostly the young and inexperienced hunters like himself, struggled to push the boulder. The rock grounded against the ground but finally Valen felt its great weight fade as it went over the ledge. Valen and other young hunters went to the ledge, some of them making whoops of success as they saw the boulder fall. The Hoofbeast had survived the first boulder, but its limp was more pronounced now and was struggling to move. The second boulder fell and crashed onto the creatures back; making in roar in pain and finally hit the ground on its knees. Valen gave shouts of joy, but he went quiet as the Hoofbeast began to stand... ...and then fall to its knees once more, rolling on its side in defeat. He gave another whoop of victory and picked up his spear. It took the strong grip of one of the older hunters to keep him from rushing down and around into the canyon. "We move. Now." Marcus said, and picked up his spear and began running down the path to the canyon below. Hunters around gave whoops and followed. Reaching the ground, the hunting party entered into the canyon. They soon found the Hoofbeast, and Valen saw in the distance the disappearing figures of the rest of the herd. They no doubt knew their herdmate was lost, and so moved on. Valen exhaled a breath he didn't remember holding. He had worried, as no doubt other hunters had, that some herd members would have stayed behind. Now they could kill the Hoofbeast without worry. Valen approached the beast with the other hunters, spear out and at the ready. The hoofbeast groaned and lifted its great head to stare at them; trying to move again. Marcus kept the lead, holding his hand up to signal for the hunters to wait. Though Valen did not want to wait, but he fought back his impulsiveness and listened to Marcus. Even wounded, a Hoofbeast could still kill a hunter if it swung its long neck and struck him with its thick skull. Slowly, Marcus drew closer, and Valen and the other hunters followed. Valen licked at his lips, and his grip tightened as the Hoofbeast reared its head again and watched them. He watched as Marcus made the first strike, as his bronze spear tip bit into the tough hide of the Hoofbeast. He quickly pulled it out as he dodged the Hoofbeasts swinging head. The long spear's shaft made avoiding the crushing blow easier, but Marcus had the skilled reflexes that were also needed. Blood flowed from the wound, while another hunter made a stab at the beast’s underside. He did not move as fast, and while he managed to avoid being struck, his spear shaft was broken, and half of it left stuck in the beast’s hide. It soon moved on from there, as the older hunters stabbed and retreated from the ever weakening Hoofbeast. They would weaken it first, allowing the youngsters to watch them and then they would be allowed to make the killing blow. As the Hoofbeast slowly weakened, Valen was the first to rush and stabbed his spear deep. The Hoofbeast groaned in pain, but only barely lifted its head. The other young hunters took this sign and began stabbing at the Hoofbeast 'till at last it lay dead at their feet. Valen gave a whoop, as did others. His first Hoofbeast hunt had gone better then he had hoped. No doubt because Marcus had been leading. The man didn't allow young hunters who could not listen to orders to hunt the great beasts with him. That usually led to someone being killed. With the Hoofbeast now dead, Valen joined the hunters in the work of gathering up the meat. Skinning a Hoofbeast was a difficult task, as the hide was always a problem in cutting. The hunting group worked hard, with the older and more stronger hunters carrying most of the meat, while Valen and the other young hunters carried the bones and Marcus himself took the hide. They took all they could, before beginning the long trek back to the camp. The bone was heavy, and Valen began to feel an exhaustion he hadn't noticed before. But he didn't care, he had just helped in taking down one of the most difficult of animals to hunt and was returning with the spoils and tales to share. He had taken his first full steps to becoming a man. When the hunting party finally returned to the camp, Valen was greeted with the sight of many tents upon an open field. He saw the dark forms of people moving, all heading to the main fire at the center of the camp which glowed brightly now. There could only be one reason for the gathering. The Fire Man had arrived to tell his stories. Valen almost ran to go hear, as did other young hunters, but a shout from Marcus made them all stop short. "Are you boys men or children? If you be men, then you will see these all get to the storage hut before you go running off. Children forget what they are doing in place of fun. Men do not." Marcus said, his deep voice sharp and cutting deep. Valen blushed, looking down as he felt embarrassed. Other of the youngsters also seemed embarrassed and muttered apologizes. Marcus merely nodded, and some of the older hunters laughed as they all made their way slowly down to the camp. Yet each step only made Valen want to get there faster. The meat and bone were brought to the Storage tent, but while Valen wished to deposit his load and rush to the fire, he knew that the work was not yet done. There were still lessons in curing, smoking and preparing the meat for storage. The hide as well, and Valen and the other youngsters begrudgingly listened and learned as the older hunters and Marcus showed them. Valen found the lessons boring. By the time they were finished, the moon was already at the top of the sky, and Valen was now rushing to the fire with the other youngsters; the older men trailing behind at a walk. He worried that he would miss the stories of the Fire Man and the Fire Man would leave. "-And with the Northlanders bested, and Morghast the Bloodied dead in the snow, did the Winter Wars end. Peace at last had been returned to the coasts of the Northlands and so did Malak the third, Conquer of the North, and the twelve Dragon Lords of Valhrua make their return to the golden city of Val. But the war had not been without its price of blood, and so before they left, Malak and the Lords merged their power as one, and wove forth a column of Ice. Etched into the ice, were the names of all who had fallen in the war; so that their sacrifice would never be forgotten. And the pillar was made strong, so that wind would never weather it and the sun would never melt it, and no force could shatter it. An eternal testament to lives lost in those dark and cold years." Cheers and claps greeted Valen as he heard the last bits of a story. His heart fell as he saw the Fire Man stand and give a bow, before looking up and smiling. "Ah, our hunters have returned." He said, and Valen saw that all now looked at him and the other returning men. Men, women and children rose to greet friends and loved ones. Valen spotted his mother and younger brother rise and move to meet him; engulfing him into a hug. He could not help but smile as he returned the hug. "Valen. I am so glad you have returned." His mother said, hugging him tighter. "Brother, did you hunt with Marcus? Did you slay a Hoofbeast?" His little brother of ten, Franz, asked as he tugged at his shirt. "Yes I did. It was a great hunt, the clan will eat well for days." Valen said with a smile as he remembered the hunt. "I can't wait till I can go hunting, then I can learn to hunt the Hoofbeasts." Franz said with enthusiasm and he made motions with his hands in the play of stabbing a spear. "Well, my two mighty hunters. Let us return to the fire, then we will rest. We will have much traveling to do." Their mother said as she herded them to the fire. In time, all had eventually returned to sit by the fire, and Valen saw that the Fire Man still stood and watched them all. He felt his heart beat fast as he stood in the presence of the man. Though small of height, Valen had been a child when the Fire Man had gathered him and his family from the pony lands. He still could not remember anything since that day, as did all the others of his clan. The Fire Man had told them he had....freed them from a darkness. Though Valen never really understood what it meant; and some had wondered if it was the ponies who were the darkness. The Fire Man of course ended those thoughts when he had been asked. The Fire Man moved his head to gaze at them all and then he spoke. "It is good to see that all have returned safely. I wish I could remain longer, but time is short as there is much to set up for winter." He said, and the young children moaned in disappointment. Valen himself could only frown; he had missed the stories. "Do you have to go Fire Man?" A small girl asked, clutching at her mothers leg. The Fire Man looked to the girl with a frown, "I am sorry little one. But I must. But we will all see each other again at the Moot and I will be free to tell all you tales and stories all winter." That got a cheer from the children, but Valen still frowned. The Moot would be weeks away. Weeks before he could hear one of the Fire Man's stories. Despite the success of the hunt, Valen felt that this day was ending poorly. The Fire Man looked at them all once more, and Valen met his eyes and for a moment thought he saw a glint in the Fire Man's eyes as he smiled and continued looking around. "However," Fire Man said, "I think I have time for.....one last tale." Valen felt his heart lighten and he smiled and joined in the cheers of the youngsters and children and even some of the adults at the prospect of another tale. The Fire Man laughed before taking his seat on a stump, "Then listen well, for the tale I tell is true. It is a tale of our past, before the Darkness claimed your minds. When all of the people named ourselves Valhrua. In a time where the land, sea and sky were ours to command and great cities flew through the sky and men rode great dragons to war. Of golden roads and towers of silver. But all these beautiful wonders paled in comparison to the greatest of all cities and citadels of those days. Across fields and rivers, at the very central of the empire stood a range of mountains know as the Heart Mountains. Within these lonely rocks was built one of the greatest of constructions of the ancient Valhrua. Val-Cor. Heart of the Empire. All roads lead to Val-Cor and all the wealth of an empire came from the Empire's Heart. It was said, that the ones to hold Val-Cor would hold the empire in their palm." The Fire Man paused to sigh, and Valen felt his heart shudder at the words. He could picture the scene so well in his mind. Then the Fire Man raised his hands, and from the fire shot thin lines of flame that brought a gasp to all. The thin flames soon began to shape and form into images. From shock and fear, turned awe as Valen leaned forward with everyone to stare at the moving flames and the images they made. "Oh, my people. Val-Cor....built deep within the heart of the mountains themselves; the beauty and strength of this mountain city was legend. it's great wealth lay in the rock and deep in the earth. Precious gems hewn from the rock, and veins of gold, silver and mythral that seem to flow like veins and rivers. Val-Cor produced the greatest of smiths, unequaled in the workings of their craft as they molded works of beauty. And in the center of this great city, sat the Throne of Cor. The chair where only the Emperor would sit when he stayed in Val-Cor and above the throne would sit....the Arkenstone. The White Heart of the Mountain." And the Fire Man spoke more, of the beauty and wonder of Val-Cor, the flames shaping themselves to give images to his words. Valen found himself lost in those words, and even later after the Fire Man had left and all began to go to bed was he still lost in those words. Even as rest came, Valen soon found himself walking those ancient halls in his dreams. > Chapter 2 - Pony: Of Princes and War Rooms > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia Celestia groaned inwardly, and fought the urge to rub at her head in irritation, as she listened to the Chief of Trade, Money Bags, complaints. This was the fifth in a week, and one of hundreds in the past three years. And it was all over the same thing. Every. Single. Time. "You simply must do something your highness. These....creatures are ruining a nearly three million bits a year business with these raids. This has been a severe hit upon our economy." The Money Bags whined. "The science community has lost many valued subjects since these raids began. Without a proper supply of human test subjects, many possible life saving research tests had to be put on hold. There simply isn't a better creature more similar to a ponies in bodily workings then a human." The Chief of Science, Tesla Coil, said as he fixed his glasses and began pulling out a number of files concerning some matter or another. Humans, it all went back to humans. More importantly one human. Castus. Ever since that man had escaped from Canterlot with those humans, he had become the biggest headache causer then anything else Celestia could think of. And she had to deal with Discord's insane moments of humor at times and that was saying something. The reports had originally been a single human with a strange magic attacking caravans of human traders. Celestia knew it was Castus, though the originally reports had made her unsure if she should be angry at him or impressed. She found the capturing of humans to sell to zoos, pet stores and as cattle to certain races to be too similar to what the Valhrua had done to her own people in ages past. But, she also knew that human trade had over the course since Equestrias founding become a chunk of its economy. All she could do was set down laws to make sure the humans were at least treated decently. There had been no casualties against the ponies, though some were roughed up and not always without an injury. But all the attacks went the same way. Castus would appear, attack the traders and steal away the humans. Of course, any attempts at trying to track him had been futile; no doubt from a spell. But then the reports had taken a more shocking and worrying tone. When humans had joined in the attacks, clad in what was best described as rough hide and leather armor and wielding stone head spears and arrows. And then they had begun attacking zoos and research facilities. And always, Castus was at the forefront of the attacks. Still, though some ponies had suffered more severe injuries so far no pony had been killed. But the simple fact that now humans seemed to be wielding weapons and acting with tactics of ambush and hit and run, made Celestia worry. 'Perhaps he is preparing an attack. Is he trying to re-forge the Valhruan empire? By the Sun, how many humans could he have armed?' Celestia thought. But first, she had to deal with these three. She couldn't think with all three of them adding to her headache. The three chiefs of staff looked at Celestia as she held up her hoof for them to stop; and thankfully they all went silent. "I understand your worries. Know that I and my sister are working around the clock to apprehend Castus and his followers. Be patient and trust me when I say that all of this will be sorted out. I thank you for your time. You may go now." The two chiefs seemed to want to say more, but they bowed and said, "Thank you your highness," and left. Celestia then turned to her advisor Kibitz. "Is that the last of the audiences Kibitz?" She asked the elderly stallion. Kibitz glanced at a schedule in his hooves, before looking up to her, "Yes Princess. That is the last of the audiences for the morning, we are three minutes ahead of schedule today before you meet with General Ironside to discuss the increased patrols on the roads and the moving of the thirty first regiment. Celestia nodded, "Well, then let us-" But before she could say anything else, the doors to the throne room were pushed open and in walked a pony that Celsetia truly did not want to deal with right now. "Dear auntie. You simply must do something!" Prince Blueblood complained, brushing back his mane once with a heavy sigh. Celestia had to try really hard to not grind her teeth, "Yes dear nephew...what is bothering you?" "Bothering me? Bothering me?" Blueblood said, "This is perhaps the worse. possible. thing." 'That's what you said last time when you had run out of your mane conditioner.' Celestia thought, fighting back the urge to facehoof. "Its these humans! They are ruining everything!" Blueblood said, "I had a pure bred Stalliongrad Brisker for order weeks ago. I was a sure win in the Canterlot Human show with that human and it cost a great many bits. But now I'm receiving word that the Brisker won't be coming because the merchants who were bringing it to Canterlot lost it in one of those raids from that Cactus creature." "Castus." Celestia said, correcting her idiot nephew. "Yes, yes. But do you see my predicament? That was thirty thousand bits down the drain!" Blueblood moaned, and placed a hoof to his head in dismay. Celestia placed a hoof to her head, 'Why me? Why me?' She thought in dismay. Even Kibitz was rubbing his head and shaking it. "Yes...it is quiet the tragedy my dear nephew. And I am soon to be addressing the matter of these human raids with my military advisors soon, so-" Celestia began, only for Blueblood to cut her off. "Oh yes, perhaps I may join you. I was top of my class in the Militray Academy of Equestria, I am sure to have an eye for details missed by others." Blueblood said, puffing his chest. Celestia doubted that, but if she said no he would no doubt complain and just come along anyway. She saw that Kibitz was pointing at the schedule now, and Celestia sighed and stood. She didn't bother to answer Bluebloods request as she and Kibitz made their way to the war room. Blueblood sadly, also followed. She hoped he would have left or see something shiny and be distracted by it long enough to lose him. Of course, Blueblood just stayed, blabbing on about his expertise in military matters and protocol. Celestia frankly had learned to tune him out when he got like this, otherwise she was sure she might have strangled the irritating prince long ago. Entering into the war room, she saw her advisors and officers were already there. The gathered ponies bowed their heads, thumping their hooves against their breastplates. "Your majesties." They said. "At ease." Celestia said, "I trust we all understand why we are here." "Yes your highness," One of the officers, Ironside, said as he turned to a map on the central table, "We have reason to believe-" "Uh, if I may interject but exactly what is this meeting for? I feel I was left out of the official proceedings before this meeting." Blueblood said as he stepped over to the table, and picked up one of the pony-like figures from the map. "Don't touch that." One of the other officers said, taking the figure and putting it back. The officers all looked to Celestia, and she sighed as she noted the look in their eyes. 'They all want to know why he is here.' She thought, and silently mouthed. "Officers, Blueblood here has....graced us...with his additional....help for this meeting." Celestia said, trying hard to sound polite. The officers all looked to Blueblood, who was busy looking at the map and tilting another figure this way and that. "I see," Ironside said, "Well....I suppose we can inform the prince so that he is not left in the lark for this important council. Stone Wall?" Officer Stone Wall nodded and began leafing through a number of papers, "In the past few weeks, reports from our scouts and patrols have for the most part been unsuccessful in tracking the human raiders. They seem to appear and disappear out of nowhere, leaving barely a trace of where they have gone. We believe this is a magical ability of their leader Castus, though we are still unsure of the full extent of this ability." "However, with our scout numbers have increased, we have come across new information that has proven vital. Not a week ago, one of our scouts reported to seeing a large body of humans moving south across the western plains at the edge of our borders. The humans seemed to be moving in a migratory path toward a destination we still do not know. We believe that this sort of nomadic movement is the reason why we have never been able to pinpoint a base as the humans never had one in the first place." "Our scout did not get a good look, so we can't be sure of this groups number, but he roughed a guess of at least 100 humans; more or less." Stone Wall shifted through the pages of the reports. "Only a hundred? Well I don't see what the worry is." Blueblood said, looking up from his fiddling with the map. Ironside sighed, "Prince Blueblood, it is possible this group is only one of dozens of equal or smaller sizes. This Castus individual has been raiding traders and zoos all over Equestria to no doubt have a greater number then this one group." Blueblood blinked, and seemed to pause a moment to think on that before finally saying, "Oh yes. Just as I was thinking. Do carry on." He nodded his head and crossed his hooves, a smug look on his face. Celestia rolled her eyes, and ran a hoof through her mane. With all this business with Castus and humans, Celestia shuddered at the thought of having to deal with Bluebloods episodes of false drama and smugness. There had to be a way to get him out of her mane...at least for awhile till this whole affair was finished. 'I'll have gray hairs in my mane if I don't' She thought. "Despite finding this one group, we have no idea where they are headed. Our scout had attempted to track them, but one day they were just...gone. Vanished." "What?" Blueblood said in disbelief, "How can one hundred simple minded humans simply vanish. This scout is merely incompetent." "It is Castus. No doubt a spell of some kind." Celestia said. She knew for a fact that Stone Wall's nephew had been the scout in question and decided to curb things before her idiot nephew ended up further insulting one of her best officers. Stone Wall grumbled something, but continued, "Yes. This is what we suspected, and so while we did lose track of the human group, we at least were able to give ourselves a location of where they may be based." He pointed a hoof on the map, where the figures of ponies to designate the regiments near the suspected location, "Our best hope for now is to make a sweep through the area and see if the humans maintain any sort of presence there." Celestia nodded and sighed. It wasn't the best option, but it was the only one they had right now. She would give Castus this, he was a skilled strategies. Equestria had never had to deal with a mobile like enemy, especially as mobile as he could make his forces. This would not be an easy campaign, and could take months to- 'Oh that's good!' Celestia then thought. The idea she had was so good she could kiss Castus for making it possible. She knew just how she could get Blueblood out of her mane. "So, lets send the troops out and round these....creatures...up. I have an appointment at the spa in an hour." Blueblood said, now beginning to lose interest in the meeting. 'If he had any at all.' Celestia thought before speaking. "Actually dear nephew there is one more important matter to attend to. That of leading commander of the regiments sent; I was thinking you are just the pony for the job." "ME! HIM!" Blueblood, Ironside and Stone Wall all said at the same time, looking at her with wide eyes. The officers in particular looked at her as if she had lost her mind. Celestia slowly nodded, "But of course. You said so yourself, you have such....experience with military matters. And I know you must simply be bored with merely lounging about the castle. You are after all an adventurer at heart are you not?" The officers were silent, jaws hanging open. Blueblood stammered a bit before saying, "But...but auntie!" Celestia cut him off, not allowing him time to think, "And think of it young nephew," Celestia walked over and placed a hoof around his shoulders and extended one of her hooves out, "You will be the leading pony to bring these humans to heel. You will be a hero in the eyes of thousands of ponies. One that is sure to be greatly rewarded for his part in securing Equestria's long standing peace." Blueblood's ears twitched at the sound of reward and hero, and muttered, "That bounty is high for Cactus person." Blueblood took a deep breath, puffing out his chest, "Well the position is big, but I accept. I am after all, the only qualified pony for such a job. I shall begin packing my things immediately. Come Kibitz, we have much to do." And so, Blueblood began to walk off, and dragging Kibitz behind him who protested over his schedule to the prince. Naturally of course, Blueblood was already lost in his own little world to not hear. Celestia waited till the doors were closed, before turning and letting out a huge sigh of relief. "Oh thank the sun. I was worried he would manage to think of an excuse." Celestia said before looking to her officers. They all were giving her looks of disapproval despite their best attempts to look civil. "Your highness...I don't mean to question your....wisdom...but is this.....wise?" Stone Wall asked. "Putting the Prince in charge of a delicate operation like this does not seem to be the best option." Ironside said. Celestia sighed, "Yes....but I cannot focus on my other duties if I must listen to him complain about a minor inconvenience one more time. And I won't send him on a monthly deployment in Stalliongrad with the guard again. He spent nearly fifteen thousand bits of the crowns own money on frivolity. At least out there he can be kept out of mischief...and out of my purse." The officers opened their mouths to say something, but closed them with a sigh. "As you wish your highness." They both said. Celestia nodded, though she felt guilty, "Well..I suppose that leaves only one last bit of business." She turned toward a small chest by the door and opened it. She took out two pieces of straw and held them in her hoof so that the tops were equal length. Turning back to her officers Celestia said, "Well...let us see who will be second in command then." And held out her hoof. While this was perhaps not the best way to decide upon a second in command, Celestia trusted both these ponies to be skilled and knowledgeable where Blueblood was.....Blueblood. Besides....it was the only system that any of her military staff would accept when she sent Blueblood out with them to get him out of her hair in the past. Ironside whispered a prayer, and Stone Wall rubbed at a four leaf clover amulet he wore under his military garb before both reached for a straw. > Chapter 3 - Human: The Moot > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Castus Castus gazed down upon the Moot, the gathering of the various troops of humans that he had freed and gathered. He had begun to call them clans or tribes, never really sticking with one, for no reason other then it was what came to mind when he thought on his groups of humans. There were at least twelve different clans, with total populations ranging between 75 at the lowest and nearly 250 at the highest. Each clan spread out across the wide territory they had 'claimed' so to speak. The total number of freed humans was not high in the three years since he had started them all down a road he still did not know would end at, but it was a start. And the numbers were increasing, both by breeding and raid. 'But there has to be an easier way.' He thought, knowing that the total human population was not limited to Equestria alone, but the entire world. It could be decades before he found them all, if he ever could. Castus sighed, and refocused his attentions to the activity below him. He sat the edge of a small ledge at the top of the mountain that overlooked the gathering. Below, he watched as people went about the day, the children running and playing. The mothers and fathers doing essential works such as reworking bone to make into needles or new tents. The making of new spear tips and arrows and bows. Castus rubbed his hands with a wince, remembering the months it took in teaching how to make stone head tips for spears. He was really glad he had taken that course on Levallois technology back at his college before ended up here. Though using something he learned in a class was a lot different then putting it to practice in real life. At least the hundreds of cuts his hands ended up with had been worth it. 'Now all I have to do is figure out how to teach smithing.' He thought with slight dismay. He had a lot of work ahead of him. Well, he could cross that bridge when it came. Till then, his people were fed, housed and safe. Castus could not help but smile, knowing that nothing could ruin this peace his people had gained. Castus frowned, "Are you sure of this?" he asked to Marcus, one of the many Huntmasters and leaders of the clans. Marcus and the other Huntmasters had gathered in the large central tent at the center of the combined camps to discuss a matter that had Castus worried. "Yes Fire Man. My clan had spotted the flying pony as we made our way to the Moot. We continued on a different path until we were sure it was gone before we continued on our way here." Marcus said. Castus frowned and sighed, "A wise move. We can at least be sure that the Moot is not compromised. Though I may have to take steps in either case." "But what does this mean Fire Man?" Another Huntmaster, Rorik asked. Castus was silent, as he rubbed his chin. 'I don't...but I don't think I'll like it.' Castus thought. He was sure that the scout, as he was sure it was a scout, had no doubt reported the sighting of Marcus' clan. But what would come from it? "For now, we will lay low," He said, addressing the Huntmasters, "I want all of you to form small groups of your most skilled hunters. Even if no pony followed you, we can at least set up some sentry posts to keep an eye out just in case." Marcus and the other Huntmasters nodded, and started leaving the tent to do as instructed; all but Marcus. "Yes Marcus?" Castus asked, looking to the Huntmaster. "What will happen?" Marcus asked, and Castus could hear the worry in his voice. Castus sighed, "I don't know. But we will be ready...for whatever it is." Marcus stared at him a moment, before nodding and leaving the tent. Castus watched him go, then sighed. 'What is going to happen?' He thought, and found that he could not say for sure. But he knew he would not like it. In the following weeks, as the snows began to pile up upon the ground, the Huntmasters had created a total of seventeen sentry groups, each with three to four hunters. Marcus had added the number bit, and Castus found the initiative impressive. With these groups, Castus now had to decided upon the extent of their posts, and he didn't have a map. But he did have birds. And so, as he spotted a flock of migrating birds, he wove a strand of Wind to brush their minds and gently stirred them around to fly off in a sort of semi circle from the Moot. When the birds returned, he wove another weave to get an understanding of what the birds saw. When he had all that he needed he let them go to continue their southern journey. "Alright," Castus began as he addressed the sentry groups, "All of you gather up supplies to last you a week. Then I will take you to your positions." The groups nodded, and all began to gather supplies. Once the sentry groups were ready, he wove Waygates to take each team to their positions. The Moot was situated near a mountain, and had a natural barrier of mountains incircling the area save for a wide pathway. A river flowed down from the mountain and down the path; so even if a siege occurred they would always have access to fresh water. 'Whoa....why am I thinking of sieges?' Castus thought, placing a hand to his head. Old memories of Karsus' life and the battles he had fought during his life came to him in full and Castus had to shake his head viciously to banish them away to the back of his mind. It was never easy having two different mens memories in one head. His own and Karsus'. 'Hopefully...it doesn't come to that.' Castus thought as he continued with his placements of the sentries. For the first nine he had them stretched out predominatly upon the open grasslands and forests that were passed through to reach the Moot. Then he placed four near the hills and mountains should any pony forces try to flank; which while tricky was not impossible as there were a number of mountain paths that could lead to the Moot. And lastly he left a few days from Moot, so that if a pony force did manage to get past the other sentries, they would have some last minute warning. Arriving back at the camp, he met with the Huntmasters once last time. "With Winter setting in, I don't think we should expect anything from Equestria. But I won't lay our safety on an expectation. Armies can still move in snow, and so its better to be prepared." He said, once more in the central tent. "But what of our hunters? With winter here, they will not have an easy time hunting or gathering. And if they must remain away from the Moot to watch for ponies how will they stay supplied?" Rorik asked. "I will make weekly trips between the sentry groups, and bring them fresh rations. That should be enough to keep them supplied." Castus said. It wouldn't be anything too different then when he traveled between the clans. "What if the ponies manage to find us?" Another Huntmaster, this one named Krul, asked. "We should be able to be warned in time to react. I'll show you a number of paths I have found that lead into the mountains. If need be, we can send the clans through the paths. They won't be easily found then." Castus said. Though such an action would have its own perils in winter. He saw Marcus, who had a troubled look on his face, so he asked, "Is there something you wish to say Marcus?" Marcus nodded, "I think...perhaps we should start training the younglings in use of the bow as well. At least the ones of ten and twelve." That got the other Huntmasters attention, as it went against a common practice. Most boys didn't learn to shoot a bow till at least fourteen before they went on their first hunt. Even Castus didn't like the idea, though mostly because it sounded too much like an act a desperate force commits to. 'Sadly...we are sort of desperate.' He thought with a frown. "But they don't have the strength for a bow. Or even a spear." Huntmaster Krul said. "No they don't." Castus said, and the Huntmasters went silent, "But they can use a sling." "A sling?" Huntmaster Rorik asked. Castus nodded, "I'll show you later. Its basically a leather cord that can hold a stone. You swing the cord around and let go of one of the straps to send the stone flying. It's a basic weapon, but can be deadly in the right hands. And it doesn't require a lot of work to make or strength to use." The Huntmasters blinked, and they all looked at each other. Castus could see that they were digesting the information, and smiled as he saw some approving nods. "We will train our younglings in the use of the sling. Both the boys and the girls. The women too." Castus said, and this caused a stir. "The women and girls?" Krul said in shock. Castus nodded, "I know it is strange. But we will need every able hand if needed. Besides, most of the Equestrian population is female, so you can expect to see a lot of female soldiers. And remember the tales of Auril and her golden bow. Catherine of Anuroch, greatest of the southern mages of Valhrua." The Huntmasters were silent, and though all seemed unsure, they nodded and said, "As you say Fire Man." Castus sighed a bit in relief. That was one bridge crossed, for now. "Good. We will meet again to talk in a few weeks. All we can do now is wait and see what happens." He said, standing up. The other Huntmasters stood, and all of them began to leave to set to the work. Only Marcus remained, as he always did. "Yes Marcus." "Are we desperate?" Marcus asked simply. Castus had always found Marcus to be a lot more intuitive then he let on. It always made him proud in a way to see how far he had come since they had first met so long ago. Castus nodded, "We might. Who knows, maybe this is all just for nothing." "Maybe...I hope so." Marcus said, before giving a nod to which Castus returned, and left. Castus stood in the tent alone and sighed. "So do I Marcus....so do I." Castus said, and closed his eyes. And old memories of war, slowly filtered in. > Chapter 4 - Pony: Princely Arrivals and Initial Meetings > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewall Stonewall grumbled inwardly, cursing his poor luck to have drawn the shorter straw. He stood before a table in the command tent of the Thirty Third regiment of the Equestrian Royal Army, and scanned over a map of the terrain that they would need to cover in order to locate the main human force. 'At least winter is setting in. With the snows, the humans should be forced to camp somewhere.' He thought. At least he would not need to worry about a constantly moving force. All he had to do was find them. The sound of marching hooves made Stonewall look up, and saw a group of spear marching in drill. Blueblood stood away, watching the soldiers with a smile, a number of minor officers beside him. Despite the headache he was sure to gain, Stonewall had to admit that the prince cut a striking figure in his military garb. He would make a perfect recruitment poster model, though that was probably it. His uniform was too clean and cut, and the sword at his hip was gem encrusted and too gaudy for proper battle. 'And yet he is the Commander of this entire operation.' Stonewall thought with a shake of his head. At least that is what he thought. Despite the dread of putting the prince in charge of such a delicate procedure, Stonewall knew that it was he who would be making sure everything went smoothly. Oh, he would give the prince this, he knew how to run a camp. Blueblood had something of a thing for neatness and pomp and while Stonewall had to address certain things that the prince considered to common for his person, such as the digging of a latrine and the arrangement of supply lines, Blueblood had set for near daily drills and parade ground exercises to as he said, 'keep up the discipline.' All well and good for peace time, but the Prince had never had to actually lead ponies to a fight. Things like a wall for the camp, and sentry positions and guard duties had been overlooked; which Stonewall was left to address. 'He thinks this is just another one of the many deployments in the past.' Stonewall thought with a frown. Though he couldn't fault the prince in thinking that. No doubt some of the younger troops did as well. Even he couldn't see much difficulty in rounding up these wild humans. 'Once we get rid of their leader.' Stonewall thought. He knew that capturing or killing this....Castus would be the blow to finish off these attacks. The humans would fall like cards after that. But first they had to find him. Seeing that the drills were finishing, Stonewall saw Blueblood and the other officers approaching. He had asked them before they had started the drills to meet to discuss their strategy. It was time to get to work. Blueblood Blueblood felt rather confident. The soldiers were all in good shape and order and the camp was running smoothly. As well, many of the lower officers and even some of the troops were rather pretty. So, while he would be away from anything resembling civilization, hunting some smelly animals, he would at least have some pleasant nights. But pleasantries would have to be put aside for now. It was time to address their forces course of action in the coming weeks. Blueblood was giving it a few weeks before this whole thing was over. These humans might be able to take on some lowly mercenaries and traders, but they would be facing full trained military soldiers now. It would be a walk through the gardens. Still Stonewall seemed insistent that they and the lower officers all meet to discuss a strategy. Frankly he found it to be a waste of time. But, he supposed he could humor him. In the end, he was in charge of this operation. "Our scout who first saw that group of humans reported them traveling southward here." Stonewall said, pressing a hoof to the map on the table and circling a spot. Blueblood gave it a brief look. Despite that, he took immediate knowledge of the cartography of the map, taking the details in quickly. It was his special talent after all. "We can begin our search from there. If we are in luck, we should find some signs of their passing before the snow covers everything." Stonewall said. Blueblood huffed, but gave a nod. It made basic sense in tracking movement. Still they wouldn't have to worry about the snow if that scout had been more competent. Blueblood ignored the remainder of the meeting, only noting map routes and supply lines. Frankly there wasn't much to do until they found the humans first. He hoped it was soon, he sure did not want to spend an entire winter slugging through snow and cold to find a bunch of smelly animals. The meeting was about to adjourn, when suddenly a cry went up. "Humans! Humans are attacking!" Somepony shouted. Blueblood turned, and saw soldiers of the camp running to cover and started firing with crossbows up toward a wooded ridge. The camp was descending into minor chaos as the cry went up. Blueblood ran out, his horn a glow with a minor shielding spell as he drew his sword. A specially crafted spell sword, which was enchanted with a minor searing beam spell. It allowed him a ranged advantage without needing to overly exert himself with those bulky crossbows. His eyes scanned over the ridge until he spotted the humans. Clad in rough fur, at least three were ducking behind tree and rock near the ridge overlooking their camp. They were armed with simple bows, and fired arrows down toward the camp. Blueblood saw an arrow fly towards him but his shield spell stopped it in its tracks and caused it to clatter to the ground. "To me soldiers of Equestria. Drive them off! For Equestria!" He called, and aimed his sword toward the human that shot at him first. The Searing Beam spell fired, though the human ducked behind a tree. Still it tore through the bark of the tree leaving a faint burn line. Crossbow bolts, and soon other minor beam spells joined in. Blueblood felt confident that the humans would soon flee, but to his shock he saw an arrow fly right in front of his face from the side; nearly hitting him. He stumbled back in shock and quickly brought up his shield spell again. His heart racing as he looked for his attacker. He finally spotted him, a human near a tree to the left side of the ridge. Blueblood snarled, angry that such a primitive beast would dare try to hurt him. He aimed his sword and the beam spell fired once more. This time it stuck true, taking the human in the right side as it tried to duck behind the tree. He was sure he heard the beast cry out amongst the clamor of battle, and he gave a satisfied smirk. Filthy thing. Finally, it seemed the humans were running. He saw two others running back into the woods, and he fired off several more beams as a few other crossbow bolts flew. "Their running!" A pony cried, and a cheer went up among the camp. "The prince hit one. I saw him." Another soldier said. Blueblood found that the soldiers eyes were on him now, and some began congratulating him. Blueblood merely smirked and puffed out his chest. The admiration was perfectly sensible. "Yes well. I am a crack shot." He said, flipping his mane back a bit with a flick of his head. "Alright enough. Get back to work. Pathfinder, taking some troops and track those humans. See if you can't follow them back to wherever they came from." Stonewall said, pointing to several ponies. Mostly earth ponies, who would be better in the woods, but he did see a Pegasus as well. "Yes sir." The Pegasus said, saluting before running off with the others to follow the humans. Stonewall then turned to Blueblood, and the officer said, "Your highness. Are you injured?" Blueblood smirked, "Of course not. No human could harm me." Stonewall nodded, "Good. Still, this is not a good start. If those humans get away, their whole force may know our location before we know theirs. We should double patrols and sentries." "Oh I don't think there is a need. We had ample warning, and we drove them off easily. We can easily do it again as we are." Blueblood said, waving a hoof in dismiss. "But your highness..." Stonewall began, but Blueblood decided to cut him off. "Come Stonewall, you're being too overly cautious." Blueblood said as he picked up an arrow. Perhaps the one that nearly got him? The arrow was of simple wood, though its arrow head was of some black stone. Not metal. Blueblood couldn't help but give a laugh. These humans didn't even have proper weapons! Did they have clubs of wood and stones too? Probably they did. And not even any armor from what he saw. "Come Stonewall. Even if they do send another force, look at what they use." He offered the arrow to the grizzlied officer, who took it with a frown, "Stone arrows. Those things couldn't even break through our armor. And they certainly don't have any magic to fight against our mages shields." "Your highness you are forgetting..." Stonewall began, but Blueblood cut him off again. "Oh so they have that one human. But he can't be all that dangerous. So he can cast a teleport spell, he must constantly be exhausted from using it to move troops. And he surely can't move then five or six. Besides, he ran from my Aunt. If he was so powerful, he surely wouldn't have ran away three years ago as he did." Blueblood said. "No, Officer Stonewall. I do say we have every advantage. Superior weapons and armor and our mages put us at the top. Besides, we have endless supply lines. These humans are probably eating grubs and berries from the woods. So they know where they are, it will just make it all the easier for us. No doubt they will just come charging from the woods eventually." Blueblood gave a smirk, "And when they do. We will wipe them out, one by one." "But your highness..." Stonewall said, his voice hard. Blueblood brushed him off. He was finding this attitude to be such a bother. "No buts. I am in command here. And I say we are fine as we are. But if it makes you feel better, I'll allow some extra guards placed. I'll take care of it myself." Blueblood said, hoping to finish this rather dull conversation now. Stonewall looked ready to say more, but merely saluted and grumbled, "As you say. Your highness." Blueblood nodded, "Good, now I think I will grab myself some food. This has been a rather strenuous day." Stonewall saluted once more, and Blueblood gave a return salute before walking off to his tent. Though he did take back the stone head arrow once more. Laughing inwardly as he saw its stone tip. He would keep it as a memento of this day. The first victory against the humans for Equestria. And he, Blueblood would be the one to lead her armies to victory. And, as he entered his tent, he was met with a surprise. A Pegasus mare. Cream colored coat with a long mane and tail of red hair. She was dressed in military garb so she must be one of the soldiers, and she seemed surprise to see Blueblood. Blueblood was just as surprised, though he certainly didn't mind. "Oh, y-your majesty. I...I didn't mean to intrude, I just..." The mare stammered, fidgeting, tail swishing in uncertainty. Blueblood smiled, and held up a hoof, "At ease. There is nothing wrong, though I am curious as to why you are here...miss?" The mare saluted, "Sergeant Scarlet Rose." "Well, sergeant. It is not quite in proper protocol for you to be in my tent without my permission. I could assume you were a spy." Blueblood said with a smirk as he stepped closer. He caught a faint scent of roses, and his tail flicked once. Scarlet Rose gasped, "I..no I'm not. I...I just...I had seen you drive off those humans. And, you cut such a dashing figure I....I just wanted to show my own appreciation." Blueblood flicked his tail again, and he couldn't help but smirk. It seemed his day was a good one after all. He stepped closer to the mare, and she looked down at her hooves and fidgeted. "Oh? How exactly?" Blueblood asked. Though he had a few ideas. Scarlet made a slight eep sound, "I....I...I can't...quiet remember now." Blueblood smirked and placed his hoof under her chin and lifted her head to look into her eyes. "Perhaps I can....help you remember." He said, as he cast a silence spell around his tent. He then leaned over a bit to kiss Scarlet. The mare froze a bit, but soon wrapped her hooves around him and returned the kiss. Blueblood was surprised as the mare became more aggressive, forcing her tongue to his mouth and pushing him toward his Pegasus feather stuffed bed that he had brought to the camp. After that, he forgot everything else too. > Chapter 5 - Human: First Contact and First Blood > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Castus Castus pulled the fur hide cloak tighter about his body, and fidgeted his feet in his winter fur boots. Though the snows had still not fallen, the wind was chilly. It had been nearly four weeks since he had sent out the sentry parties, and he had found that his crowded brain was pushed into over drive as old memories of defensive preparations came to mind. He had set up a number of runes around the Moot, weaving the Wind into the runes to enact a concealment illusion around the camp. The runes would hold the energies for at least four days before he had to recharge them and it always left him a bit exhausted after; but at least now if any pegasi did fly over their location all they would see instead is an empty valley. His sentry groups had also received a boon, in the form of a ward that would alert the hunters should a pony ever cross a set boundary. Of course, those also would need a constant recharging every few days. Then adding into the Life Sense ward he had set on a number of small stones that he had some of the camp weavers make into a necklace. That ward would alert him if any of the sentries were injured once they entered past the boundary of their camp. Then his tasks of preserving food twice more with the Wind, and other smaller tasks, he was practically worked to the bone. "You are pushing yourself to hard." Marcus said, looking at him with concern. Castus grumbled, "Thank you mother. But I don't have a choice." Marcus frowned, "You will be no good if you work yourself to exhaustion. A wise hunter knows when to stalk the prey and when to chase it down." Castus couldn't help but smirk at the saying. While he wasn't sure if it fit, he did find it to be interesting to hear. He wondered when his people would start making all sorts of age old sayings like, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned and what not. "You are right." Castus said, and frowned now, "But we are facing a very difficult time. I can't help but worry, and my worry pushes me harder. This freedom we have, I don't want to see it taken." Marcus was silent, but merely nodded. Castus sighed, "How is the training progressing?" "Well. Those slings you showed us have proven easy to teach." Marcus said as he looked down at the lines of people launching stones from their slings at wooden targets. Castus nodded, "Still. Hitting a piece of wood and a moving target coming at you with blade and armor is a different matter. I hope their hearts are strong should we all need to fight." The two were silent again, only the sound of stones striking wood could be heard. Castus found that despite all the preparations, things were still peaceful. While he was sure that the pony forces were no doubt out there somewhere by now, so far no encounters had occurred. Maybe this winter would pass without- "Agh." Casstus said as he felt one of the stones at his neck gain heat. He stood up immediately, and Marcus looked at him in surprise. "What is it?" He asked. Castus wove a Waygate, "One of the sentries is hurt. Bad." With that he ran through the Waygate and closed it behind him. The moans and cries of pain were the first to greet him. Valen When the Fire Man had asked for hunters for sentry groups, he had felt a sort of eagerness he hadn't felt unless a hunting trip was called. Only this would be much more then a hunting trip. This would be like an adventure told in the stories. The Huntmasters had told them that they suspected the pony people would send hunters after them. The Fire Man wanted the sentry groups to watch for them, and Valen had been one of the first of the young hunters to volunteer. He had expected tracking ponies, and while he would not admit that he was afraid of the thought, but also of glorious battles as told in stories. It had made him excited and eager to go. Sadly, it was not what he had expected. So far nearly four weeks had passed, and all he had done was patrol an area around the forest his group was camped at and had seen no sign of anything. All he could do was tend to his bow and arrows, and sit at the fire cold with no stories to hear. This adventure was frankly very boring. He could see that Torik, Ralof and Caius, three other young hunters as himself, felt the same. The only one who didn't seem bored was the leader of their group, an older hunter named Wulric. Wulric would tell them that they were acting like children, but Valen still found the lack of action tiresome and boring. Worse, the Fire Man had told them that should they see ponies, to not go near them but come back to camp and wait till he arrived to tell him about it. It was certainly no way to get into a story. What hero in a story waited and fled when he saw the enemy? Isn't that what the ponies were? Valen was sure that he would be spending the entire winter, miserable and bored, until one day when he was out scouting with Ralof and Caius, the three of them lost in small fantasies that over the next bush or behind the tree was a force of enemies they would ambush with bows drawn and nocked, that they spotted something. It was Ralof who spotted it first, But Valen and Caius soon also saw it when he pointed it out. Some rising over some trees not too far from their own location. It was sure to be from a fire, though if it was from another sentry post Valen wasn't sure. All he knew was that he wanted to see for himself what the source was; as that adventurous part of his mind whispered to him that it had be ponies. "Come, let us see what it is." Valen said, and began moving toward the smokes direction. Valen was stopped by a hand to his shoulder, and he turned to see Ralof looking at him with worry. "But...shouldn't we tell Wulric first? What if it is the ponies?" Ralof said. Valen frowned, but then smiled, "We can't know that just by smoke. If we are to tell Wulric and the Fire Man anything, we should be confident it is something important." "But...what if it is the ponies?" Caius asked. "If it is, we will sneak back and tell Wulric. We are hunters, we should be able to avoid notice easily." Valen said, "Or if you want, go back to camp. I'll go ahead alone." Valen started off again, and when he looked back he saw Caius and Ralof picking up the rear behind him. Perhaps things would finally be exciting. The three of them had to trek through some rough patches of forest, but as they moved Valen began picking up noises that grew louder as they approached. And so, he and the others ducked down low and moved slower, just as they learned when hunting rabbits or other skittish creatures of the plains and woods. Each foot slowly stepping to avoid breaking twig or crushing leaf. Finally, as Valen peeked from behind a tree, that he saw what looked to him like a camp, only this camp was larger; like the Moot. And filled with ponies. Ponies walked in lines here and there, spears or strange bows like things. Others were pitching bright colored tents, made of something Valen had never seen before, while the sounds and smells of cooking and hammering of something filled the air. Valen felt a hand on his shoulder and he turned to see Ralof giving him a worried look and he whispered, "We saw them. We should go now." Valen shook his head and whispered back, "A few more moments. We should try to get an idea of their numbers." Ralof looked like he wanted to argue, but nodded and whispered to Caius. Then the two of them began moving off toward the sides, keeping low to avoid detection. Then they merely watched the camp. Valen slowly counted the number of ponies he saw. It was difficult, since they all wore the same gleaming clanking clothing that he found it difficult to tell them apart. But he did notice something...odd. They were females, they were all women, though he did see some who he could tell were male. But for the most part it was a camp filled with females. The ponies were using their women folk to hunt them? 'That is ridiculous.' Valen thought, and found the idea of being hunted by female ponies ridiculous. He looked to Caius and Ralof, who each held up their hands with all fingers spread to show ten. That meant they each counted at least a hundred each. He added it to his number and came close to nearly three hundred ponies. Though he wasn't sure if they had merely miscounted, but the camp stretched on a bit so it could be that....maybe even more. Valen decided that they knew enough to go back and feel accomplished, perhaps even congratulated but as he turned to give one last scan of the camp he spotted a pony. A pony that was looking right at him from the camp. The female pony's eyes widened as she turned and shouted something. The female pony aimed one of those odd bow things at him. Something in the back of his mind told him to duck behind the tree, and Valen listened as he heard a thunk and something slamming into the tree. He peeked out and saw a short arrow like thing. Only it looked nothing like an arrow he knew. He ducked again as more started flying and more ponies started appearing. He knew immediately that they were under attack and he drew an arrow from his quiver and nocked it before taking aim and letting fly. He saw Caius and Ralof doing the same, also now coming under fire from the strange arrows. Whatever the strange bows were, Valen found them to be rather poor bows. The ponies had to crouch down and seemed to be moving their hooves around some sort of handle that spun at the base of the bow like weapon. He took this to fire several arrows at the crouched ponies and he saw his arrows strike against their clothing. and bounce right off. Valen felt his heart stop as he saw the ineffectiveness of his arrow. Whatever they were wearing was not like hide at all. But still he fired arrows, as he couldn't just do nothing. It was then that Valen saw a different pony. This one wore a more brightly colored clothing, and held no bow but a strange looking spear. If the spear had only a short staff and a long spear point. It also glittered and sparkled in the light and was made of the same stuff as the strange arrows. The pony, this one a male, seemed like the Huntmaster as he shouted things and the other ponies seemed to listen. Valen nocked an arrow and fired it at the pony huntmaster, only to watch as it seemed to strike air and clatter to the ground. Now Valen began to panic. How could they fight if their arrows couldn't even- A bright beam of something soon shot from the pony huntmaster's strange spear, and Valen barely had time to duck behind his tree, and see the strange arrow of color tear through the tree bark and leave a burn trail. Several more started firing, and more of the metal arrows. They had to run, they had to- "AGGGH!" He heard Ralof scream. Valen turned and saw as Ralof feel back, his arrows and bow falling from him as the searing hot arrow of light tore across his side and he collapsed to the ground screaming. "Ralof!" Valen shouted, and he ducked low as he rushed to his friend. He could feel the strange arrows fly past him, and he knew he was taking a risk; but he had to get to Ralof. Luckily he managed to avoid being hit and grabbed his friend to pull him behind the tree. Ralof screamed and moaned, and Valen saw a burn tearing across his side. It was a deep wound, though no blood. Ralof moaned and screamed more as he covered the wound with his hands. "We have to leave!" He shouted to Caius, and only just spotted Caius beginning to run back to the forest. "Come on Ralof." Valen said, and lifted his friend over his shoulder. Ralof groaned and screamed in protest and pain, but Valen ignored him as he started running back into the woods. Away. They had to get away. The run back was difficult, as Ralof's weight made running difficult. Valen had to take extra care to avoid tripping. He was at least able to catch up with Caius, and the two kept together as they made their way back to camp. Ralof continued to moan in pain. Valen worried for his friend and only pushed himself harder to get back to camp, and hope the Fire Man was there. He could save Ralof. He had to! "Valen! Where were-By the sky! What happened!?" He heard Wulric shout as he rushed toward them as they finally made it back to camp. "Wulric! Ralof is hurt!" Valen said, as he tried to carefully set his friend down. Ralof groaned, and Valen kneeled close to him. Caius too. Wulric frowned, but turned to the other young hunter who Valen didn't know, "Get some water boy. Move!" The boy nodded and began running to a stream they had found some distance from their camp. Wulric then turned back to Ralof, and looked at the wound. His fingers traced along the edge, and causing Ralof to gasp and scream in pain. "Shhh. Shh." Wulric hushed, trying to comfort Ralof as he took his hand away. Caius placed a hand over Ralof's mouth, and Valen did his best to keep his friend still. "What happened!?" They all turned and Valen felt his spirits raised as he saw the Fire Man. The Fire Man looked at Ralof and quickly rushed to them. He pushed them away as he kneeled beside Ralof. His eyes to the wound. "Damn it!" The Fire Man swore and held his hands over the wound. Valen watched, and while he couldn't see whatever magics the Fire Man had he could see that Ralof seemed to be getting better. His screams had slowly stopped and only become groans. The wound itself seemed to be getting better, as it looked less burnt, though it still smelled. FInally the Fire Man's hands went limp and he seemed to be breathing heavily. "I've done all I can...now it-" The Fire Man started before shooting to his feet and thrusting his hand out toward the woods. Fire engulfed several trees, and the boom of thunder as lightning struck the ground and dirt and stone flew about made Valen dive to cover Ralof. He didn't know what the Fire Man was doing, until he saw ponies rushing away, screaming in fear. They had been followed. The Fire Man continued to spread fire and lighting until the ponies were gone, and with a wave of his hand, the fires on the trees went out and left the burning husks. He breathed deeply as he went to his knees again. "Where is the other?" The Fire Man asked. "H-He is getting water..." Wulric said, staring at where the fire and lightning had rained down in awe. Even Valen himself couldn't help but look back. That was the power of the Fire Man. The Fire Man merely said, "When he gets back we are returning to the Moot. All of us." The Fire Man looked at them all, and Valen shied away from the intense look in his eyes as he said, "And then. You are all going to tell me just what the hell happened here." When the other hunter finally returned, he had returned without water, having rushed back from the noise. The Fire Man didn't seem to care, as he opened the strange shimmering window which they could walk through to the Moot. Valen and Caius went first, carrying Ralof carefully through. Wulric, the Fire Man and the other hunter followed. Their return was met with a fury of voices. Ralof was brought to his family's tent and placed down to rest. His mother and father stayed close by him, tears in their eyes. Valen had wanted to stay, but he and Caius eventually had to leave. The Fire Man was expecting answers. The Fire Man looked at him and Caius with a glare that could freeze fire. Valen fidgeted in his spot within the Fire Man's tent. They had told him what they had seen, and he did not look happy. "And that is all you know?" The Fire Man asked. "Y-yes Fire Man." Caius and Valen said at the same time. The Fire Man sighed, "You should not have stayed. But I can't change that now can I. What you boys did was foolish and stupid...but at least something came of it." Valen flinched at the words, but found he had to agree. It was because of him that Ralof as hurt. "You boys return to your families. Go." The Fire Man said, waving a hand at them. Caius nodded and left, but Valen stopped and looked to the Fire Man to ask something. "F-Fire Man..." Valen said, worried he would anger the powerful being. "What it is boy?" The Fire Man asked, looking at him critically. "I...I...Ralof....w-will he be okay?" Valen asked. It was a dumb question, the Fire Man had healed him. But still...he wanted to be sure. The Fire Man frowned, and sighed, and Valen felt fear. "I did...what I could. But I am not a healer. The wound was cauterized, and those a tricky. I did what I could, but now it is up to Ralof. If he is strong, he will pull through. But anything could happen." The FIre Man said, his voice more gentle. Valen bit his lips, "C-Could he....will he?" He didn't want to say the words. "Die?" The Fire Man said, "Possibly.....that was a magical injury, and it was deep. While he won't die immediately from the wound, it could become infected." Valen bit his lip. He had seen what an infection and the eventual fever could do to a man. He felt tears welling up in his eyes. He nodded and quickly left. He ran straight to his family's tent, all the while muttering prayers that Ralof will pull through. He had too. He had too. He did not want his friends death on his hands. > Chapter 6 - Pony: Aftermath > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blueblood Blueblood groaned, and felt something shift against him. He felt something smooth and silky slide slowly up his leg and towards his stallionhood. For a moment he was confused, until he heard a soft sigh and the feel of soft mounds to his back and hooves tightening around him. Oh yes. Now he remembered. Scarlet Rose. He shivered as the mare's tail continued its work. He felt the mare's warm air on the back of his neck as she playfully nipped at him. Oh yes...how could he have forgotten. Then again, he wasn't surprised. While the mare had been shy at first, once they had started she had become something akin to a roaring flame. Blueblood wasn't too sure, but if he could bring up bits of memory from the foggy haze of passion that had occurred the previous night, he would say that the mare had dominated him. He groaned, both in pleasure and in part of exhaustion. Even with rest, all of last night had he drained. He closed his eyes, hoping to just rest a few moments more, and enjoy the gentle treatment of Scarlet. The flap of his tent opened though as somepony walked in and spoke,"Prince Blueblood. General Stonewall wishes to speak with you. He-oh." Blueblood grumbled as he turned and saw a soldier at his tent flap. The mare looked down embarrassed, and Scarlet gasped and pulled the covers tighter around her, taking some of them off him. "Right, right. You may go now." Blueblood said as he stood, smirking a bit as he stood naked for the mare to see. The soldiers saluted quickly then left, and Blueblood could swear he saw a blush. He chuckled lightly, before looking down to Scarlet Rose. The mare slowly got up from the bed, the covers still wrapped around her lush and delicious body. They way she looked at him, her face still red with a blush of embarrassment yet with a small smile, made Blueblood want to push her back on the bed for another round. Or even two. "I suppose our duties call." She said, beginning to pick up her clothes and armor. "Sadly. Though I would enjoy if you would show up again." Blueblood said, giving a smile. Scarlet made a slight eeping sound, but looked at him with a shy smile, "I think I can. Yes." "Splendid." Blueblood said, and began to dress. He supposed he could have something to look forward now to distract him from whatever silly worries Stonewall had. Blueblood arrived to the war tent, and saw that Stonewall was there, along with two bandaged and badly beaten ponies. One was a Pegasus stallion, whose left wing was broken and whose armor and fur looked as if had gone through a fire, and the other was an Earth Pony mare, who looked as if she had gone through a similar deal. Both wore the armor of Equestrian scout division of the military and both saluted as he entered. "Ah, your highness. I uh...trust you were not disturbed." Stonewall said. Blueblood merely shrugged, "Not at all. So tell me, what is it so important? Who are these ponies?" "Scouts Pathfinder and Fleeting Wind, your highness." The Pegasus said, saluting. The earth pony following. "They were part of the scouting party that had tracked those humans who attacked our camp yesterday." Stonewall said, his face slightly grim. Blueblood blinked, "Yesterday? Could the humans have really moved that far that it took a day to track them? And why do they look like they've been through furnace?" "Perhaps they can best explain. Pathfinder." Stonewall said, nodding to the Pegasus. The Pegasus nodded and began to speak, "We tracked the humans away from our camp. One was carrying another over their shoulder, who was obviously injured as we could follow his moans of pain. Still we kept our distance to avoid them realizing we were following. After some time, the humans finally emerged to a rough camp not far from our own position on a ridge in the forest. We stopped just out of reach of their camp and saw at least two other humans in total in the camp-" Blueblood interrupted with a raised hoof, "Wait, there were only five all together?" "Yes sir," Pathfinder said. Blueblood scoffed, "Well I don't see why you didn't bother to attack them. You surely should have had an advantage in weaponry and numbers." "We did not have orders for any sort of assault," Pathfinder said. Blueblood huffed, "Well I suppose you learned something at least yes?" "We did your highness. As we watched the humans in their camp, a...tear I guess is the best way to describe it, appeared in their camp and out stepped a human." Pathfinder said, "he looked a great deal like the human Castus as the princess described him." Blueblood's eyes widened, "You saw the human's leader and didn't bother to take him captive?!" Was this pony an idiot!? Blueblood could be returning home if this feather brained Pegasus had just made one brave attack! "We had considered it," Pathfinder said, his voice a bit rough now, "but as we drew closer to the camp, its as if Castus knew we were approaching and turned directly in our direction....after that......" Pathfinder started to shake a bit, and even the mare looked a bit fearful. Blueblood raised a brow in confusion. "After that...the trees just...exploded into flames," Pathfinder said, "lightning struck down from the sky without any apparent source. The very ground seemed to heave and open up beneath us. I...I...I saw two of my scouts fall into a crevice that just appeared...and close up on them." "We began to make a retreat, but the fires seemed to chase us and even the wind and ground wouldn't give us peace. I was smashed against several trees before fall unconscious." Pathfinder said, rubbing at his head. "Unconcious?" Blueblood said. "Yes your highness. I and Lilly Gold both had been incapacitated temporarily during our flight. Once we had awoken, we rejoined together and made our way back to camp." Pathfinder said. "And the rest of your party?" Blueblood asked. "They are all dead." Pathfinder said, "either swallowed by the earth...or burnt into a crisp." Blueblood was silent. "That will be all. You two get some rest now." Stonewall said, dismissing the two scouts. The scouts saluted and left, leaving Blueblood and Stonewall in the tent alone. "Some of our best scouts taken out by a single human. And by the description of his magic, I can't say I've ever heard of such spells." Stonewall said. Blueblood didn't like the way Stonewall said that, was he trying to make a point? He scoffed and waved his hoof, "Oh come now general. We've seen destructive based magic before. This is nothing different." "Perhaps, though what of the tear? It didn't seem like any teleportation spell I've seen." Stonewall said. "Pish posh, it might be different a bit, but the same theory still applies. And since this Castus was so foolish to use a teleportation spell no doubt we can trace him by its residue. Send our mages to the location and see what they find. I doubt it won't be hard." Blueblood said with a shrug. Stonewall frowned but nodded, "As you say. I had a similar thought and already sent them." "Good, then is there anything else that is needed. I think I will get some brunch." Blueblood said, feeling a slight pang of hunger. And perhaps once he had something in his stomach, he could find Scarlet Rose and satisfy another hunger he had. There was something about that mare that was difficult to forget. Of course, Stonewall had a few other things to discuss. Mostly troop deployment and the supply lines. Blueblood merely nodded, though he did set himself to lead a few outings out. If he was lucky they might run into some humans, a good battle story to share with the mares back in Canterlot. He might even get a medal. When all the minor businesses were finished, Blueblood retired himself to his tent, after having his personal cook he brought along set him up with a fine brunch. No need to share the common gruel of the soldiers. But it was as he finished the end of his meal that he was gifted with an even more delicious surprise. "My prince....I..I hope I am not intruding but..." He heard Scarlet Roses silky voice speak near his tent door. Blueblood smiled and beckoned her to him, "But of course not. It is always a delight to see you my dear." Scarlet Rose blushed, but approached, if a bit shyly. Blueblood enjoyed that shyness, before he pulled her into his lap. "I...I didn't know if I should come back. I worried that you might have pressing matters when General Stonewall called you." Scarlet said, her face red as she sat in Bluebloods lap. His hooves around her waist. "Oh of course not. Just some minor business that frankly I feel are not as severe as the general thinks. Honestly it is rather tiring to be the counter point to such a worry wart." Blueblood said with a sigh. Scarlet Rose frowned, "Oh, I'm sure that isn't true. Surely any business the general has with you must be important." Blueblood scoffed, "Maybe. Though he honestly seems to think this...Castus human is a danger. I'll admit his magic is certainly strange, but I doubt he has the skill a proper unicorn mage has. Any foal can teleport with some practice." "Teleport?" Scarlet Rose said, tilting her head curiously. Blueblood nodded and began telling her of the scouts report. He didn't see any harm in sharing a few minor details with her. And in fact, she seemed to like listening to his opinions, if the way her tail was moving along his leg and towards his more intimate regions were any sign. And it wasn't long yet that the two of them were once more wrapped in the silken covers of his bed. Stonewall Stonewall rubbed at his heads, feeling a right good headache coming on. Despite his nephew, who Stonewall thanked Celestia had returned okay, scout report the Prince still seemed to think that Castus was not as serious a threat as he was. True, destructive magics like that were common, but the way of teleportation. Stonewall didn't know much on magic, being an Earth Pony, but if Castus had walked through it, did that mean other humans could? If that was the case, it would be the humans greatest strength, as mass teleportation was nearly impossible by current spells. But...and he loathed to say it, the prince was right. It would also be a weakness, as if the mages could find a residue to track, they might be able to trace Castus to their main camp. He would need to send reports to the other regiments to keep their mages on task, once the team he sent out returned with their findings, if any. Though the worse was the lost of the scouts. Stonewall had seen soldiers die, as it was part of war....but still he hated having to send reports concerning their deaths back to families...and this time without any bodies to give burial. And worse, he feared that this would not be the end of loses on their side. Call it a gut feeling, but he felt by the end of this war....the ground would be littered with the dead. > Chapter 7 - Human: Strategies and Funerals > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Castus Castus paced back and forth in the Command Tent, the Huntmasters all gathered around watching him. With the first contact with the invading pony forces, he was quick to return to the other sentry posts, and see if they had made any sight of any pony forces. A part of him hoped that it was only one force, but sadly those hopes seemed a foolish thing as at least five other sentry posts had reported sightings of pony camps, though luckily none with the same consequences as the first, though at least two others had exchanged arrow fire with the ponies. Still it was a blessing that no serious injuries, like the one Ralof suffered had occurred again. Frankly Castus still wasn't sure the boy would survive...Healing wasn't his strong point, and magical injuries could cause anything to happen. Plus cauterized wounds were always the worse to deal with, and he had no knowledge in dealing with those. It was all a matter of luck and fate now for the boy. But in all that meant six regiments of Equestrian military forces were in their territory. All of them no doubt sending scouts to look for them, and even with the wardings he had placed to conceal the Moot, eventually something would give away their position. They did have unicorns after all; even if they lacked the same magical skills as their alicorn progenitors they could still figure out a way to get around his wards. And they had many....he was just one. And unless a miracle happened, he doubted any of his people would be showing any skill in using the Wind. He didn't even know if they still could. "What do we do?" Huntmaster Garth asked. 'That's what I'm trying to figure out.' Castus thought. Though he was glad someone spoke, it could at least give words to what they were all thinking. "We should attack their main camp. If we crush their Huntmaster they will break like twigs." Krul said, slamming the butt of his spear to the ground. Castus sighed, shaking his head as he heard a few other huntmasters give agreement to Krul's idea. "You are forgetting that they outnumber us five to one," Castus said, his words silencing the Huntmasters who now looked to him. "But we have you Fire Man. From what Wulfric and the other boys from the first sentry party to meet the ponies you annihilated several already." Huntmaster Kalab said. Castus bit his lip. He didn't want to be reminded of that....that had been...an emotional moment. But he could do nothing about it now. "I did....and I could probably slay half their number before I was over powered...maybe more. I doubt any of their mages know how to counter my spells as effectively as Celestia or Luna. But such power would make it easy for them to find me, and you forget that I am mortal as you. Blades and arrows can kill me if they get lucky. And if I die, then your defeat is almost assured after." Castus said. All the Huntmasters went silent, though Huntmaster Rognar said, "Any of us here and all our clans would die before we let you fall Fire Man." No doubt they would. If he didn't constantly press the issue on that he wasn't a god they would probably be worshipping him. Luckily that wasn't the case....at least as far as he could tell. "The thing is we want to avoid losing lives if we can. And even if we killed their leader, the Equestrians would merely have another ready to take command." Castus said. "What do you mean?" Marcus asked. "It's simple," Castus said and took Marcus spear as he drew circles in the dirt, "The Equestrians are using a basic military command structure. At the top is the commander, who over sees the greater movements of the army. But beneath him are generals and officers who deal with the more minor parts of the army. However if the commander is slain, then the position of command goes merely to the next highest rank and so on." Castus drew lines from circle to circle. "In effect, we could kill one commander and be no more closer to breaking their leadership. Not to mention they have discipline and military training. They won't break as easy as you think Huntmaster Krul." Castus finished, causing Krul to frown and grumble. "Then what do we do? We must fight!" Huntmaster Ulfric said. "That is the problem," Castus said, "If we fight them we will likely lose. Their weapons and armor is superior, the numbers are against us and they are more trained then us. In short, fighting is impossible." The Huntmasters were silent, and many grumbled, but Marcus rubbed at his chin, and Castus watched him. "Perhaps we must not fight them...but something else...." Marcus said, the words coming out uncertain. Still Castus smiled, the man was definitely a sharp mind. "What do you mean?" Castus asked, letting all eyes now stand on Marcus. Marcus looked at them all, but took a deep breath before saying, "We fight a great host...yet we cannot meet it head on. The enemy is like a Hoofbeast. Big and dangerous if we get too close....but Hoofbeasts can still be hunted and killed...they first need to be..." "Trap them!" Huntmaster Rorik, the youngest of the Huntmasters said suddenly, cutting Marcus off. Marcus frowned, but gave a nod, "Yes....trap them." "But how do we trap an army? We can't just drop rocks on their backs." Huntmaster Kraben said. "We don't." Castus said, and now all looked to him, "Think. What does every large gathering need the most to survive?" "Fire?" Huntmaster Camus said. "No food. With winter food and furs." Huntmaster Rodan said. Castus nodded, "Yes. Food. An army marches on its stomach, as an old saying goes. We can't win this war by directly fighting...so instead we need to make the Equestrian believe that trying to fight us is a lost cause." "And we do that by attacking their food?" Huntmaster Theodoric asked. "Maybe not the food itself...but how it gets to them." Castus said. He gave all the Huntmasters a smile, feeling proud how far they have come. After that, it took a few moments to explain the details of the plan, but eventually all the Huntmasters grasped the plan and all made agreements that it was the best. With that finished, the Huntmasters departed, to prepare their chosen hunters. Though as always, Marcus was the last to remain, and giving Castus that same old questioning look. "The plan....you already considered it before I spoke it." Marcus said, causing Castus to blink in surprise. "Well....yeah." Castus said, "Its sort of a basic military tactic." Not to mention his Karsus' memories had included military command as well. "But," Castus said, "I am impressed that you reached the same plan on your own...if in a bit of a round about way. You're a natural commander Marcus." Marcus closed his eyes and bowed his head, "It just seemed right." Castus merely smiled, "Ever modest. Still is there something else beside that you wanted to discuss." "Hmm, Valen had asked me to ask you if Ralof would be okay. The boy spends a great deal of his time beside his friends side when not practicing his archery." Marcus said. Castus frowned, "I'm not a healer....it is not where my skills lie and magical injuries are....tricky things. As well the cauterization of the wound could cause infection. All we can do is hope." Marcus nodded, "Whatever happens...we trust you Fire Man." Castus bit his lip, but nodded, "I should go. I need to check the wardings and-" Just then, a young girl, probably no more then seven, burst through the tent flap, breathing heavily. Castus recognized her as Ralof's sister. Her eyes were wide and wet with tears. "F-Fire Man. R-Ralof is in trouble!" The girl gasped. Marcus and Castus looked to each other, before bolting out the tent. All the way, Castus felt fear take his heart. 'Damn it boy. Don't you dare die on me!' He thought, cursing everything, even himself. And hoped he got to Ralof's family tent in time. Ralof was dying. Or as close to it as it could. As he had feared, the wound had gone septic, as well the internal wounds from the spell were worse then Castus had first thought. He cursed himself for missing it, mentally calling himself every form of stupid he could think of as he did what little skill in healing he had to try and mitigate the damage. But sadly, Karsus had never been much for healing. And they didn't have access to antibiotics at all here. Castus really missed the corner store pharmacy back on Earth. Eventually at least he managed to ease Ralof's fever and ease some of the pain from the injuries, but Castus could tell that this was where the limit of his skills was reached. Ralof was going to die, and there wasn't a damned blasted thing he could do about it. 'Damn it all! This is my fault! I should have done better to keep the younger hunters safe.' He thought, scolding himself. And now...he had to give the news to the family. Now he knew how doctors felt. He exited the tent, and stood before Ralof's father, mother and sister. Marcus was there, alongside Valen who had been visiting and noticed Ralof's increased temperature. "Is our son okay Fire Man?" Ralof's father asked. His arms tightening about his wife's shoulders as he held her close. "He is resting...and I managed to ease his fever some..." Castus said, and felt his heart breaking when he saw the relieved looks starting to show on everyones face, "But..." The relieved looks were gone, and Ralof's mother came forward, eyes wide, "But what? What?" Castus closed his eyes, unable to look into those eyes, "His wounds were...more extensive then I had thought. His kidney and liver have an infection, and I doubt the damage they took from the blast initially were any help. The damage is far beyond what skills I have in healing. I'm sorry." "No." Ralof's mother said, before covering her face with her hands and sobbing. Her husband took her in his arms again and looked at Castus. "Is there nothing that you can do?" The father asked. Castus shook his head. "I've done all I can...and it isn't enough." Castus said. He should have tried harder. "At the most...he will last for a few days....maybe a few weeks." Castus said, looking back at the tent. Ralof's mother and sister sobbed, and the father held them tighter and looked to Castus with teary eyes, "What do we do?" Castus bit his lips, "That is...up to you. I can make his remaining days relatively painless before he passes....or...well in ancient times, Valhruan doctors would use a weave that would...help a dying patient pass on. It was quick and painless. The choice is yours." Ralof's father shook as he held his family tight and closed his eyes. Castus bowed his head and took a step back, "I'll let you think on it. Let me know when you have decided." With that, he motioned for Marcus and Valen to follow him as he took a step away from the grieving family to give them privacy. Standing aside, Valen approached now and said, "Is there really nothing you can do Fire Man? Ralof doesn't deserve to die. It's my fault he is hurt. Is there anything I can do to help?" Valen practically begged, eyes wide. Castus shook his head, "There are ways....but they mean little if the wound and infection can't be healed. And I can't heal it, no matter how hard I try." Valen looked down at the ground and stepped back, fists clenched and shaking. Marcus placed a hand on the boy's shoulder and gave Castus a sympathetic look. They stood there, till finally Ralof's father came over. Eyes hard but red with tears. He looked at Castus, and said, "We have decided...." Valen Valen set his log to the pyre, and stepped back as he looked at his friends body laying upon the platform. All around the while Moot was gathered, each person adding a log to the ever growing pyre. At the front of the pyre, standing upon a stone was the Fire Man, who added his own log at the very end. Valen clenched his hands to tight. This wasn't fair. He should be the one on that pyre, not Ralof. It was his fault his friend was hurt. If he hadn't made them go towards the pony camp, Ralof would still be alive. He should have been the one to die, not Ralof! It wasn't fair! Valen listened only slightly as the Fire Man spoke. Valen had heard these words spoken many times at other funerals, but this time his find could only focus on that his friend was gone and that it was his fault. And yet no one blamed him! He shook, tears at his eyes as he watched the Fire Man finish the Parting Speech and held out his arms. White hot flames slowly engulfing the pyre. Valen looked down, unable to watch as his friends body was soon turned into ash. He knew what would happen next, the Fire Man would raise his arms and the ash would fly from the pyre and form into a small pearl. An Ash Pearl, which would then be set into a necklace for the family to have. Even in death, Ralof would still be with his family in some way. But Ralof shouldn't have died at all! None of this was right! It was his fault! And...that pony. That one pony with golden armor and golden sword. Valen had only caught sight of him for a moment, but his image was clear in his mind. That pony. The Huntmaster of the pony camp no doubt. He had killed Ralof. It was his fault he was gone as well! Valen's fists tightened more, and his nails dug into his palm. 'Ralof....I'm sorry. But I'll avenge you. I promise.' Valen thought. Valen merely watched the pyre burn, as the ceremony slowly ended, and all around people gave their sympathies to Ralof's family. He saw the Fireman standing by with the Huntmasters. He had heard that the Huntmasters were gathering hunters to strike at the ponies...Valen steeled his heart and made his way to the Fire Man. He couldn't face Ralof's family. Not right now. Even if they didn't blame him, he did. It was because of him that their son died, but...but Valen would make it right. He would ask...no he would demand to be part of the attacks. He would join each one till he found that pony Huntmaster...and he would kill him. Even if he died trying. He owed it to Ralof and his family. 'I'll make things right Ralof. I promise.' Valen thought. Nothing would get in his way. > Chapter 8 - Human/Pony: Winter Comes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Castus Castus pulled the fur cloak he had been given tight about him. It seemed that finally the snow had decided to come, and it had arrived with a bang. Not even a week since Ralof's funeral, and already there was a good nine inches of snow; and it looked like more was going to come if the clouds were any indication. So far at least the flurry had dwindled to a slight trickle of flakes here and there. The Moot had of course been prepared for this, with wood and food stocks prepared and high. The only change was the extra coverings placed over tents and the use of extra fur blankets and cloaks to keep warm. Still, the winter bite seemed particularly vicious this winter and even with his cloak and fur clothing, Castus felt a chill. Frankly he found the snow a blessing. it would mean that the Equestrians would need their supply convoys all the more, and so the attacks on these convoys would be a bigger blow then if they could still manage to scrounge up some supplies via foraging. If they could keep the supplies halted, unless they were suicidal, the Equestrians would be forced to leave and this skirmish would be over without any further casualties. 'That is wishful thinking though.' He thought with some bitterness. A part of him knew that preventing deaths would be impossible. In battle, death was always waiting for you; he himself had blood on his hands now. But he feared that if further blood was spilled, it would only spark a greater aggression against his people at a time where they were unable to properly defend against it. He needed to push the Equestrians out then he could....do......something. But before he could worry on what would occur in the future, he had to deal with both surviving, and curbing the fire that now burned in his peoples hearts. A fire he feared that would burn them all to their core. Ralof's death had caused a stir amongst the Moot. The boy had become a rallying call so to speak among the hunters, who many were eager young men wanting to avenge their friend, and a distraught and angry father and his close friends. The most worrying was a young boy, Valen. Valen had approached him and the other Huntmasters on the night of Ralof's funeral, and had all but demanded to be taken in the first...all...attacks upon Equestian forces. Castus could see the flame that burned in the boy's eyes. He had seen it a thousand times before in an age past in young men on a mission to avenge someone. At first, Castus had decided to deny the boy, at least till he had cooled down. But his other memories had told him that such a denial, would only spark further anger in the boy and he would no doubt strike out on his own. Castus had felt conflicted in those moments, but finally and with reluctance had allowed the boy to partake in the strikes. 'At least then I can keep him under a tight eye.' Castus thought, and sighed as he leaned against a rock on the ledge near the mountain overlooking the Moot. "You still worry on Valen. The coming attack?" Castus turned and saw that it was Marcus standing behind him, clad also in thick furs. "I worry on many things...but yes. I do worry on those two the most this day." Castus said, sighing again as he turned to look Marcus in the eye. "If you worry about Valen, I can have him remain in the camp." Marcus said. Castus huffed and shook his head, "No. I'd rather not leave him to his own devices. He could cause any sort of trouble." "I don't think that. Valen looks greatly upon you Fire Man. If you order him he will listen." Marcus said. "Maybe, but he would resent me in his heart, and he is young. Youth tend to have an inkling to causing trouble when they feel angry and resentful. I'd rather he stay as close to me as possible, where I can keep him in my sights and reign him if needed." Castus said. No doubt he would be doing that for many of the hunters that would be coming on the attack. At least he could trust Marcus and the other Huntmasters to keep their cool. "Hmmm. He is young. He is angry," Marcus said, "But Valen is not foolish. You can trust him to do as told." "We will see," Castus said, "are all the men prepared?" Marcus nodded, "Ulfric, Rognar and Theodoric are ready with their hunters. Each brought six. In total with myself and my hunters we have twenty eight hunters not counting yourself." "Good. This should be a good first step. The next attacks will rotate the Huntmasters and their hunters until each has partaken in an attack." Marcus nodded and the two of them began to make their way down the mountain to the camp. As they went, Castus thought of the battle plan. It had taken a week of constant work, weaving the Wind to the mind of owls, who were one of the few remaining birds in the region, to allow him to scout out the areas around the Equestrian camps. As well, using hunters to survey the areas around the camp, while avoiding detection, all lead up to him having a good idea of where their supply lines lay. In that week he had seen the first supplies arrive, and now planned their first attack on the next to arrive this week and weeks following. That had been the easy part. The hard part was yet to come. Valen Valen felt his heart race, and his body tingled in anticipation and nervousness. Even the biting cold was but a minor feeling at the back of his mind in this moment as he lay crouched low in the snow, along side several other hunters. Each armed with a bow with a full quiver, and the large knife most hunters carried to fight off lions or predatory creatures that got too close. This was the first attack on the pony forces, though if not in the way he had expected. It wasn't like the stories...but then again....the stories had never told him how losing a friend in battle was like. His grip tightened on his bow, and bit his lip. He had been hoping to find and kill the pony who had killed Ralof immediately, but it seemed he wouldn't get that chance yet. Instead the Fire Man was making them attack mobile food storage huts, supply wagons, and worse yet he had given them all strict commands to avoid killing unless their life depended on it. Valen found that command to be the most agitating, as did other hunters. The ponies had already killed one of their own, they should respond in kind and pay them back! Of course...no one gave these thoughts any voice out of fear of angering the Fire Man. Still, Valen didn't care too much. He didn't understand why the Fire Man wanted to avoid killing, but he would listen. The Fire Man had always led them right, and besides....Valen only really wanted one pony dead. So long as that pony Huntmaster died by his hands he could be satisfied. The sound of some animal calling out, and the sound of clanking things drawing closer pulled Valen from his thoughts and he looked down toward a path that was uncharacteristically clear of snow. All around him the other hunters and even the Fire Man watched, and stayed low. Slowly, something came into view. Valen watched and his eyes widened a bit as he saw the wagons. They looked like strange logs, with a tent top over them. Strange circular objects that turned and moved the wagon as two large and thickly muscled creatures that looked like scaly birds walked at the front of the wagon, where ropes and a long wooden pole stretched from the front of the wagon to attach to the creatures. He had seen such creatures before. They were Plain Runners, tall bird like creatures that ran on powerful legs in large flocks across the plains. They were difficult to hunt, as their long necks allowed them to see over tall grass and long distance, and incredible fast when spooked. They also produced large eggs which the clans would steal, though such a thing was risky as males and females were protective of their eggs and Plain Runners could give powerful kicks that could crush a mans ribs to pieces. But this was a strange sight indeed. The Plain Runners seemed absolutely calm, and didn't seem to mind the presence of the ponies, and it looked like...they were pulling the wagon. How had the ponies done that? For that moment Valen forgot about his revenge and found his curiosity take control and wondered if the clans could do something similar. But his thoughts were disturbed as the Fire Man slowly lifted his hand, and Valen prepared his arrow into his bow as he felt a strange sense at the back of his mind. An odd feeling of calm that fought against the anticipation of the coming attack. Valen couldn't explain it, but he knew it was coming from the Fire Man. They all stood silent and still, as they watched the wagons, there were a total of six, come into better view. The wagons had an area where a pony sat, wearing the same strange gleaming coverings. What surprised Valen the most though was the lack of hunters, though the ponies who sat on the wagons all had a strange long dagger at their hip, there were only another six who held spears and four that held those strange bow weapons that shot the metal arrows. In short they out numbered them, though Valen felt that it would mean little. He had seen their arrows do nothing against those gleaming coverings. The Fire Man still held up his hand in the wait position, and Valen felt apprehensive as the wagons were now right in the middle of their sights. Valen felt for sure that the wagons would get away, and wondered what the Fire Man was doing when he saw the Plain Runners suddenly screech out and bolt left and right, running off and through the forest; the wooden and rope holdings snapping and breaking away from their bodies without any reason. The ponies shouted, with wagons bumping into each other and all laying still in the middle of the road. The ponies below shouted and some tried to catch the fleeing Plain Runners. In short it was total chaos by the wagons. The Fire Man brought his hand down in the sign of attack, and Valen and the other hunters shot up, bows pulled back and let fly their arrows to the wagons below. The arrows flew and struck, many hitting through the tent like tops of the wagons, or into the wagon body itself. Some struck near the drivers, causing them to fall back in shock. Other clattered against the ponies gleaming armor and fell harmlessly to the ground, though some managed to strike through the gaps in the armor at the shoulder, and ponies fell down as their hooves went to the arrow in pain. The ponies though now knew they were there, and the ones armed with the metal bows began to line up and take aim. Valen expected to dive for cover, but the metal bows suddenly seemed to break, their strings snapping or the shafts snapping in two. The ponies looked in shock at their broken bows, and quickly made for cover as a second and third volley of arrows soon followed. The ponies were now hiding behind the wagons as more volleys of arrows flew, when the Fire Man lifted his hand up to stop. The hunters all stopped firing and the Fire Man lifted both his hands, and with it so too did rise a great deal of the snow. The Fire Man growled as the snow rose with his hands, and as he shot his hands forward, the snow flew off and soon turned into shards of ice, which tore through the tent flaps of the wagons to shreds, and below Valen heard the shouts of pain from ponies, no doubt cut by the sharp ice shards. "Charge!" The Fire Man shouted and ran down the hill through the snow. The hunters followed, all setting aside bows to draw forth knives and shouted a howling charge. Valen joined in this, and remembered old battle cries from the stories. He shouted some of those, thinking it would make a better impression. Below the ponies began running, some carrying injured allies on their shoulder, and fled into the other side of the forest. But what shocked Valen was that their gleaming armor was...gone. At least partially anyway, some still wore what looked like chunks, with hole filled and brown color replaced the gold and silver colors. Valen and other hunters started to give a chase, when the Fire Man shouted, "No!" Valen and the hunters stopped and looked at him confused. The Fire Man gave them all hard looks, and Valen felt himself very small to that gaze as the Fire Man spoke, "Leave them. They are bloodied and scared. They have left their wagons and supplies. Now we must move on with the next phase of the plan." Some of the hunters grumbled, looking in the direction where the ponies had fled. Valen himself looked back, noting spots of where blood fell to the snow, leaving a good trail to follow. A part of him wanted to follow and finish them off, but the Fire Man had spoken. So with a sigh he moved to the wagons with the other hunters. Each of the six wagons had several hunters positioned behind it, as the Fire Man stood at the front, and with a wave of his hand opened the familiar shimmering magical opening that led to the Moot. "But Fire Man...I thought we were going to destroy the supplies." One hunter called out, as they all began to push the wagons forward into the tear toward the Moot. "We will. But there are many supplies in these wagons that we can put to use. And no doubt supplies of food. No sense in wasting it if we can use it." The Fire Man said. Valen nodded, along side other hunters. It made sense. It was foolish to waste food that was still good, and while he didn't know what ponies ate, if the Fire Man thought it was good it must be good for humans. So with grunts of effort and exertion, the hunters all pushed the wagons through the hole and back to the camp; leaving an empty, blood scattered road and broken pieces of gleaming armor. As they entered into the camp, Valen found himself feeling rather proud. The first attack upon the ponies, and it had been a success. Not a single hunter had been hurt, and they had injured their enemy and stolen their food and no doubt weapons. He could not help but smile, after all if they continued like this then nothing could stop them. StoneWall Stonewall paced back and forth in the command tent of the camp. It had been nearly a week since the initial encounter with the humans, and so far nothing had occurred; and for a moment it seemed like nothing else was to come of it for the time being. But now nearly weeks later something had happened. The humans had somehow managed to find their supply routes and attack their supply trains, not only for this camp but for the other camps as well all within the span of two days. And now winter had finally set in, meaning that supplies would become crucial for this operation. 'And that is where they are hitting us.' Stonewall thought, and turned his eyes back to the map on the table. It was certainly a tactic he hadn't expected from the humans, and the fact that it was happening showed that the humans had a better grasp of military tactics then he and others had realized. When food supplies began to grow low, he had to send out double patrols, especially along the supply routes. With the snows falling, food would be vital to their operation. Though it wasn't food alone they took, but the other supplies like ore, weapons and medical. In each attack so far, nearly all the wagons were taken, vanishing the same way the humans did. Though sometimes they were merely burned, even the weapon shipments were burned so hot that the metals were cracked, bent or melted. Still dispite this, there had been yet to be a single casualty. Plenty of injuries but not a single death among the caravan guards. It was an odd thing really, and it made Stonewall confused. If even half the information regarding Castus were true, then they should have been seeing fire rain on their camps with humans howling and screaming from the forests to attack them. Why? Well, in the end it was something that could only be worried until after they had dealt with a current issue. And as he heard the flap of the tent open and a voice say, "General. You called." He hoped that this issue would soon be solved. Stonewall turned and saw Gleaming Light, the lead Battle Caster of the unicorn casters in the regiment. All six regiments had their battle casters working on deciphering a way to track the strange teleportation magic that the humans used. They left plenty of places to study with their raids, not to mention the original study point where he had lost several scouts. But still, despite their best efforts so far it seemed little progress had been made. "Yes, I wanted to know how your progress has come since your last report." Stonewall said, which hadn't been much. Gleaming Light frowned and cleared his throat, "Well....it is sort of a mixed barrel. We are.....coming closer we suspect to deciphering residue but....well as I stated in my previous report the residue is fleeting at best. It doesn't seem to linger like normal magic residue. However with the number of spots now to study we have managed to at the least get a sense of the residue. I think that with a few months, we can construct a spell that searches for the residue sense that the human magic leaves." Stonewall sighed, "And is that all?" "Uh...yes..." Gleaming Light said with an uneasy smile. Stonewall sighed again and nodded. "Very well," He said, "carry on. Report to me if you have any new breakthroughs." Gleaming Light nodded with a salute "Of course sir." And with that he left. Stonewallk shook his head. Still nothing close to what he had hoped. Frankly he didn't think they had months to work on a spell. They needed one now. Still, perhaps with some rearrangement of the soldiers he could- "General Stonewall!" Someone shouted, the tent flap flying. Stonewall turned and saw one of the camp messangers, the mare had a look of horror in her eyes, "Sir. Forgive the intrusion but there has been another attack on the caravans." Stonewall muttered a curse, "So how many wagons did we lose this time?" "All of them, but...that isn't all." The messanger said. Stonewall blinked, "What do you mean?" "I think you should see it for yourself sir." The messanger said, her voice grim. Before Stonewall and a contingent of soldiers arrived, the smell of fire was already heavy. As was the smell of burnt and cooking flesh. The metallic smell of blood lingered in the air. When they came within sight of the caravan, it was a lot worse then he thought. The wagons were burnt and upturned, the contents blackened by flame and scattered everywhere. The swift runner beasts were all hacked down and their bodies mutilated...and the guards and drivers... ...well...Stonewall wasn't sure if they would find all the pieces for some. The bodies of the ponies were everywhere. Some were filled with arrows, and lay in large pools of their own blood. The arrows had probably killed them, but each also had their throats slashed open from ear to ear. Others were pinned to trees with three to four large spears that only a human could have wielded stuck in their chests. And others...others looked like they had been torn apart. "Animals!" He heard one of the soldiers say in disgust. "They slaughtered them!" Another said in horror. Stonewall also felt disgust and horror. The arrows were made with the same black stone tips, as were the spears. It all pointed to a human attack....yet something...just didn't feel right. 'Why now? Why slaughter an entire caravan now? What changed?' He thought. Still, they were humans. Who knew what went on in their heads. Whatever the reason, Stonewall couldn't allow it to happen again. And as he ordered the soldiers to see to the bodies to be given a proper burial, he sent a runner back to the camp. Gleaming Light didn't have months to work on a tracking spell. Stonewall wanted it ready by the end of the month. He would give his soldiers a fighting chance before any more massacres occurred. Yet still he could not lose that feeling of something being wrong. > Interlude > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy Fluttershy woke with a yawn, and she stretched her limbs before rubbing at her eyes to wipe the sleepiness away. Sliding from the warmth of her bed, she slipped into the warmth of her robe. She slowly went down the stairs, her mind still hazy from sleep. As she stepped down, she stepped into the kitchen, and stopped as she saw it was empty. As it had been for the past three years. Fluttershy paused as she went to make her morning coffee, and sighed as she remembered the times three years before. Back when Castus was still around. She felt a twinge in her chest thinking about him. She wondered how he was. Was he okay? What was he doing? Would he ever come back..... ...could he ever come back? She shook her head and banished those thoughts away. Even though it was winter, she still had a number of critters who still needed her attention as well as a few chores to do, such as clearing away the snow around place of her cottage. Best to focus on that. It was near afternoon when Fluttershy was finished seeing to all the animals around her cottage. Normally it had been easier....back when...she shook her head and finished washing her hooves. "Oh...I should get going. I have to meet Rarity at the spa today." She said, noticing the clock. Wrapping her scarf about, Fluttershy headed off down to Ponyville, though perhaps at a brisk pace.... ....she didn't want to be on the streets for longer then she had to anyway. The trip to the spa was uneventful. Just ponies clearing snow from their doorsteps, or from the streets. Fillies and colts played in the snow, and every so often Fluttershy caught sight of Pinkie joining in the fun...in four different places at once. Fluttershy gave her friend a small wave, which Pinkie returned with a smile and waving both her hooves in the air before falling into the snow to make a snow angel, then another, and another, and another. But then there were the....other ponies. A mare or stallion here or there that...didn't wave or say hi. They just stared at her...and glared. Sometimes she could catch a faint whispered conversation when she passed. "I can't believe she is still walking free." "-let that monster human get away I bet. She always liked animals more then her own kind." "Should have put him down when she had the chance." "How could she shelter that monster as she did. Has she no shame?" "Its all her fault." Fluttershy merely ignored these few hushed words, after all she had grown use to them by now. Besides they weren't as bad as they had been before, and she didn't want Rainbow Dash starting more fights on her account. So she merely ignored it. As she had for the past three years. Though she was glad when she finally made it to the spa, and saw Rarity there. "Fluttershy, darling. You're a few minutes late. What kept you?" Rarity asked as she stood up from her chair. "I'm sorry Rarity," Fluttershy said, "there was a lot of snow today." "I must agree. This winter is most wretched this year indeed. Apparently they are still fixing the machinery from Rainbows little fiasco some winters ago with Tank." Rarity said as she paid the necessary amount to Lotus for the treatments. "Well a good relaxing spa treatment will wash all that work away." Rarity said as the two of them followed Lotus to the steam room. "And so I heard that Derpy Hooves was seen at La cuisine Délicieuse with that charming Time Turner stallion. Fluttershy smiled as she listened to Rarity as she talked of the latest gossip as they relaxed in the soothing waters of one of the spa's hot tubs. It was so relaxing and peaceful, nothing seemed capable of ruining it. "Well if it isn't the human lover." A voice sneered. Rarity stopped talking as she and Fluttershy turned to see a mare standing by the hot tub, one of the spa's bathrobes wrapped around her body. Fluttershy wilted a bit and tried to hid a bit in the water as she saw who the mare was. It was Honeydew. "I beg your pardon?" Rarity asked, giving the mare a displeased look. "I wasn't talking to you Rarity. I was talking to the human lover there. I honestly don't know why she is even allowed here things considering." Honeydew said with a sneer. "I...I..um..." Fluttershy mumbled, as she hid further in her mane. Why did Honeydew have to show up, she was having such a relaxing time. "Now see here, I don't know where you think you have the right to be so crude. But Fluttershy is the most darling of ponies and doesn't deserve this sort of treatment." Rarity said, standing up from the water, hooves to her hips. Despite the calm of her words, her tail twitched in agitation. "Oh doesn't she?" Honeydew said with a smirk, "Everypony knows it was her that took that monster Castus out of the pound. If she wasn't such an animal lover that thing would have been gassed in no time and my brother wouldn't have to be away fighting some mangy beasts." "I say that is simply reprehensible to say. You cannot fault Fluttershy for the actions of another being. She could not have known anything that has happened would have occurred." Honeydew sneered, "Yeah, yeah whatever. I'll just leave you two to your discussion. Don't go be picking up any other monsters now Fluttershy." Honeydew left then, giving Fluttershy a contemptable look. Rarity's face went red as she watched Honeydew go, and Fluttershy was worried she would do something drastic. But Rarity took a breath and lowered herself back into the water. "Honestly the nerve of some ponies. To even suggest any of those things is barbaric. And I cannot believe that she still tries to blame you." Rarity said with a huff. "Oh...its nothing really." Fluttershy said, "Please don't get mad over it." "But I cannot help it darling. You shouldn't have to deal with such things." Rarity said. "Its okay Rarity. As long as my friends are with me I can deal with stuff like that." Fluttershy said. Besides.....after three years she was use to it by now. Cutie Mark Crusaders When the Cutie Mark Crusaders were set to start their club meeting real early, so that they could get a head start on looking for various ways to get their cutie marks, something unexpected had occurred. That being that Scootaloo hadn't arrived. Which was strange as she was always the first to get there, treating it like a race of sorts. But when an hour had passed and still no sign of their friend, Applebloom and Sweetie Belle had started to get nervous and so now were bolting down to Scootaloo's house. As the two turned a corner, they saw Scootaloo's house come into view. Even after three years it still felt....strange to see the house. It was....quant. Well kept and clean, with a tended garden at the front and white picket fence. It didn't especially stick out among the rest of the houses in Ponyville. And they learned, after spending a night once, that the inside was just as well kept and neat. And yet it had taken years before Applebloom or Sweetie Belle had even been able to see where their brash and danger loving friend lived. Truth be told it had caused the two of them to have....rather dramatic ideas of Scootaloo's home life. But now they knew better, and were rather glad. As they grew closer to the house, the two of them saw Scootaloo standing in front of the house. Alongside her stood two mares, and stallion, and al three stood together hugging. They were Scootaloo's parents. The two stopped and looked at each other. "Uh...I think we should wait." Sweetie Belle said, noting that the family seemed to be having an emotional moment. "Yeah." Applebloom said with a nod. If the house was a surprise to them, it was Scootaloo's parents that were the biggest surprise to the two crusaders. Scootaloo rarely ever talked about them, and just like her living conditions, her lack of information regarding her parents had led to....rather dramatic ideas of them as well. This was beyond the case however. Scootaloo's mother, an unciorn mare named Caring Heart, was a nurse who worked at Ponyville General Hospital. She was a kind and caring mare, and enjoyed keeping a clean house. In fact she seemed a bit of a neat freak. Scoot's father, Stout Heart, shared her magneta mane color and eyes, but was an Earth Pony. He also was part of the Equestrian Military and so wasn't around a lot. Though the few times he was, he showed that he was a kind stallion, though he seemed a book worm when at home. The other mare was Scootaloo's 'Aunt', Flying Brick, an earth pony and also part of the military. She shared a similar personality to Scootaloo, brash and adventuresome. She had tried to teach the CMC her parkor skills once, until all four of them took a stumble and ended up crashing into an market stand. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle watched the family as they separated, Flying Brick and Stout Heart taking up heavy bags beside them and heading saying some last words before heading off to the train station. Scootaloo and her mother watched them go, with Caring Heart dabbing at her eyes as she waved. Apple bloom and Sweetie Belle finally decided to head over to Scootaloo, who merely stood there watching the tiny specks of her family members with her mother. "Scootaloo." Applebloom said. Scootaloo jumped, turning, "Apple Bloom? Sweetie Belle? W-what are you doing here?" "Oh hello girls."Caring Heart said, giving the girls a sad smile. Her eyes were a bit red with tears. "Sorry if we're interrupting. We just came to see if Scootaloo was okay cause she hadn't come to the clubhouse yet." Applebloom said. Scootaloo rubbed the back of her head, "Oh yeah sorry...something...came up." "Where are your dad and aunt Flying Brick going?" Sweetie Belle asked. Scootaloo's ears flattened a bit, and Caring heart had to dab at her eyes again with a handkerchief. "Uh...yeah. He and aunty Brick are being deployed again. So I wanted to spend as much time with them today before they left" Scootaloo said, a bit of sadness in her voice, "Sorry I was late." "Aww shucks don't ye fret. It can't be easy seeing yer family go." Applebloom said with a smile. "Right well lets not focus on the sappy stuff. Lets go and try and get our cutie marks." Scootaloo said, rushing off. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle following. "Now Scootaloo be careful. I don't want you coming home with your clothes covered in tree sap again." Caring Heart called. "Sure mom! Later!" Scootaloo shouted back, but it was obvious to her friends she hadn't really listened. "So what should we try first?" Scootaloo asked. "How about Cutie Mark Crusader Fortune Tellers? Pinkie said she would let us borrow her crystal ball." Appleboom said. The three girls laughed as they thought of how their day would go. They had to get their cutie marks this time. Scarlet Rose Scarlet Rose with a stretch, her slender frame arching seductively in the darkness of the tent. Her body was sweaty, and her mane was a disheveled mess. Beside her lay the sleeping, and overly spent, Prince Blueblood. Scarlet Rose couldn't help but smirk as she looked down at her lover. 'For a pain in the flank he sure can give a mare a work out.' She thought. When she had taken this assignment, she hadn't expected to acquire such an easy meal. But the prince was so overly arrogant that it was easy to slither her way into his bed. And hear all the delightful little bit of information he was so willing to whisper into her ears with exhausted breath. She slowly slid from the bed, though such stealth wasn't necessary. She had made sure the prince wouldn't be waking up any time soon, and if he did he wouldn't be in any capable mental condition to think. She was after all a top rank student. Throwing over a simple cloak to blend in with the night and snow, she slid out from the tent and made her way out of the camp. She knew where the patrols would be, and the sentries, so she was easily able to avoid them. She kept going till she was well outside of the campgrounds and in the heavily wooded area of the forest. She began to make sure the area was secure before making a low chittering sound. She then waited, and then heard the response. She made another chitter, and another response came before a tall black figure flew down from the trees. "Report agent." The figure said. "So far no real changes. Though the massacres of the caravans is causing no small amount of anger among the soldiers. It will make them all them more easier to manipulate. when the time is right." Scarlet Rose said. The figure was silent. Scarlet Rose continued. "The prince continues to give me information from his meetings. Males always are willing to talk after exhausting themselves into a female. The biggest news is that the equestrian mages may be close to a tracking spell of the human magic. But they seem to be having difficulty, I don't suppose..." The figure held out a hoof, black chitin clawhooves held out a scroll. "This should help them in completing their research. After all, its only fair for mages to share their findings." The figure said as Scarlet Rose took the scroll. "I'll get it to Arcane Light by the morn." Scarlet Rose said. The figure nodded and flew off. Scarlet Rose looked around, sliding the scroll into a pocket of her cloak as she made her way back to the camp. She couldn't help but smile was the camp came into view. She suppressed a laugh at the thought of all these ponies unwittingly doing the bidding of her queen. Her eyes glowing a crimson red before returning to normal. Just as she did. > Chapter 9 - Human/Pony: The Red Moot > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Castus Castus watched as Arvak poured the molten liquid into the caste. The glowing liquid filled his memories with a spark, as he remembered age old days of his...Karsus'......father. Smithing was an art of creation onto itself, to turn something into something else. In this case, a simple knife. Castus glanced down at the cloth on the ground near the Moots new, and recently built smithery. It was merely a large tent, and primitive furnace to melt the ore. To prevent fires, the smithery was built away from the Moot on the outskirts. On the cloth, were an assortment of items that Arvak had made already. They were all knives, all simple blades and hilt. In the short term, nothing new. All the clans had knives of some form, but all of those were made from stone or obsidian. These knives were made from bronze, or iron. Castus couldn't help but chuckle at the historical gap he was leaping. The clans were going through the bronze age and into the iron age all at the same time. His anthropological side couldn't help but find this funny. It took the people on earth thousands of years, and here he was doing it for his people in a few months. A few months of bloodshed and pain since the war first started. His warriors had taken and burned hundreds of Equestrian supply caravans, all through winter and into the spring. Yet even though the snows should have started to at least fade a bit, they only seemed to continue. Sometimes....he thought he could hear a moan in the wind. It made him shiver. He looked back at the knives, siding one against his finger tip and felt the blade cut his finger. He wove a small strand of the wind to heal the minor cut. Real metal weapons, these would give his soldiers a combat advantage against the metal arms and armor of the Equestrians. He knew his history, and he knew that metal versus obsidian...didn't end well for the obsidian. If his people wanted to stand a chance they needed metal weapons. The weapons would be easier to make, and even with the raided ore from the caravans and the pouches that the teams found up in the mountains nearby, they had plenty of ore to make metal arrow heads, spear heads, knives and even swords. But armor would be more difficult, and require more skilled blacksmiths and other items they lacked. Still, his hunters didn't need heavy armor. The light leather and hide would serve well for now....though he wondered if they could make chain mail.... There were a lot of new opportunities now with smithing. It had taken months to teach and set up the smithery, tons of trial and error. As well, the number of people able to act as blacksmiths wasn't high at the moment, with only Arvak and a few others; and they weren't even that good. "How many arrow heads have you made so far?" Castus asked. "Not enough...but enough to fill several quivers Fire Man." Arvak said, still working the forge with the other smiths. Castus sighed and stood, "Keep up the work. I want to eventually have all my hunters armed with metal tipped arrows." Arvak and the smiths nodded, and Castus nodded back as he began walking back to the Moot. As he entered into the Moot, Marcus met up and walked beside him as they made their way to the Huntmaster Tent. "How are the metal arrows coming?" Marcus asked. "Well enough..." Castus sighed, "But we still don't have the quota I would prefer. Until then, only allow our most elite of hunters to have metal arrow heads. I want our best shots with them to avoid waste." Marcus nodded, and the two continued on silent to the tent. Once there, Castus talked once more with the Huntmasters, seeing how the clans supplies were doing, with the addition of the vegetables and grains that his people had gotten from the caravans, vegetable stew was becoming something of a popular dish amongst the clans so much so that they were short on the stuff. The grains were another matter, as Castus had managed to teach many of the clan wives how to make bread. But unlike the stews, bread was more of an acquired taste. But Castus liked it, and many tried it simply because of that. The elderly in particular seemed to enjoy it, as it was easier to chew, and as well a number of bakers had started adding meat or fruits to their bread. And of course the new metal weapons were a big thing amongst the hunters. Everyone wanted a spear of metal, or a sword and some had even found to enjoy the swinging of the large heavy hammers and axes they had found. One hunter in particular, a giant named Mar wielded two large axes in both his hands. Everytime Castus saw the man he couldn't help but be reminded of a Nordic berserker. Outside that it was basic things like birth rates, health problems if any and the simple stuff. But after this...the war talks began. It took some time to sort out the next raid team, but once the final decision was made, Castus found himself once more walking through a waygate to war. BlueBlood Blueblood groaned, as he tried to get out of bed. He found it was difficult to wake up and get active in the last few months. He couldn't explain it, he just felt...drained a lot more often now. Though as he glanced at the mare sleeping beside him, he could understand why. 'Geez, this mare has an appetite. I swear it just got more and more insatiable as time went on.' He thought. He wondered if this was a lucky thing...or if he should start running now. Blueblood never the less let his eyes wander over the sleeping form of his lover, and he felt a desire to leap back into bed and take her in every perverse way in pony society. However as he checked the custom made clock he had delivered to him, he saw that he would unfortunately not have time to indulge himself if he wanted to avoid Stonewall bothering him about military schedule. Still he suppose he couldn't fault the stallion. With the number of raids, many of them ending in the violent slaughter of the entire team and even the guard patrols sent to escort them, even Blueblood felt rather stressed in ending these humans quickly. And with this nearly unending winter that seemed to defy even their best weather teams made it all the worse. Frankly though he found all of it agitating. Soldiers being forced to half rations, or eating at the tubers and roots dug up from the snow. Some had blankets that were more patches then the original fabric. Even Blueblood found himself suffering, having lost tons of ordered stuff in the raids. He was down to his last bottle of Canterlot Exquisite Shampoo, and it was half empty. As he finished dressing and making his way to the command tent, Blueblood hoped that something good was coming. Stonewall Stonewall tapped his hoof against the table of the command tent as he waited for Blueblood to arrive. Gleaming Light, and his assistant Arcane Light, stood before him. Gleaming Light held a number of scrolls and looked confident and collected. Arcane Light however looked nervous, a small bespectacled unicorn with a slight stutter. 'Though if the grade marks are anything, he has a skill of magic like that of a Sentinal.' Stonewall thought. He hoped that whatever great news that these two had was worth it. He was finding himself in a foul mood. Waiting on Blueblood to arrive was only making him more ill tempered. If it wasn't this accursed winter, that seemed intent on not only linger but fight against any attempt at Weather Control. It was the raids on supplies, already he had several dozens of ponies who had minor forms of frostbite, and the massacres of guard patrols and caravan drivers that were the biggest agitator. He had never considered himself a violent pony, but if he had to send another report concerning casualties and letters of condolence to the families.... "Well let us get this meeting done with." Blueblood said, as he pushed through the tent flap to enter. 'Finally.' Stonewall thought as he looked at the prince. Stonewall frowned. The prince looked as gaudy as ever, his customary armor gleaming with an overly cleaned sparkle. But the prince looked...exhausted. It wasn't overly noticeable, but his years of experience gave him a deeper intuition on these things. From the word among the camp, Stonewall had an idea of the reason. 'Ah to be young again.' Stonewall thought with a smirk. "Ah Prince Blueblood. I am glad you have arrived. Well gentlemen, shall we begin." Stonewall asked, looking at the two mages. "Of course sir." Gleaming Light said as he shifted through the scrolls "As you know, I and my mages have been trying to devise a spell that can track the strange human magic, sadly we have been unable to do so." Gleaming Light said. "Yes, yes we know of this." Blueblood said, blowing back a strand of his mane, "So what else is new?" "Yes well...we haven't had any success thus far. But my apprentice Arcane Light here has managed to succeed." Gleaming Light said as he turned to the young unicorn. Arcane Light gulped, fidgeted with his glasses, "Uh..y-yes um...w-well it was over the past few months that I m-made a breakthrough in the p-p-process." Arcane Light began placing scrolls down onto the table, pointing out at runes and incantations that all frankly went over Stonewalls head, and he only half listened to the process. He was glad when Arcane Light finally reached the end of his explanation. "-and s-so w-with this equation, the spell s-should allow us to trace the tiniest trace of residue. With this, we could then initiate a t-teleportation to t-their b-base of o-operations." Arcane Light completed. "Finally!" Blueblood exclaimed with a clap of his hooves, "How soon can preperations be made?" "W-well, I-it is still experimental. B-but a-an hour at the m-most your grace." Arcane Light said. "Splendid. Begin at once, Stonewall, let us gather the troops. We will lead a strike force and finish off the brutes with one fell blow." Blueblood said, turning and heading out the tent. Stonewall blinked, and dismissed the battle casters before following after the hot blooded prince. "Prince Blueblood. We should first properly plan our next move. Not just go rushing in." Stonewall said, as he caught up with the prince. "Nonsense. This is the opportunity we have all been waiting for. We can finally end this war and put down these filthy humans as they animals they are for their crimes against Equestria and her citizens. With our superior weapons and magic we will break them like a twig." Blueblood said. "Prince Blueblood, I still believe we should-" Stonewall began, but was cut off as Blueblood began speaking to soldiers around him. "Soldiers of Equestria! I bring you great news!" Blueblood called, gaining the attention of all those around. 'Damn the impulsive boy.' Stonewall thought as he watched Blueblood speak. The prince kept the speech short, stating that the battle casters had found a way to bring them to the human encampment. Not a false statement, but not the truth either. Stonewall could only groan as he rubbed at his head with his hoof as Blueblood neared the end of his speech. "With this finding, we can at last take action against the barbaric humans and make them pay for their crimes to our fellow Equestrians. We will make them pay for all the suffering we have faced this winter, and pay in kind for every drop of Equestrian blood they have spilled. Together we will crush them beneath our hooves and at least end this engagement once and for all!" Soldiers cheered, raising weapons in salute. "For Equestria!" "Vengeance!" "Within the hour I will lead a cadre of troops to finish the humans. I ask any and all troops ready to take the fight to the enemy to join me. Make preparations where you can. We march to victory!" Blueblood shouted, raising his blade and letting the magic to make the blade glow bright with light. The soldiers cheered, and Stonewall was left to watch as the prince ignored him. Stonewall couldn't help but grumble. 'That boy is going to give me ulcers.' He thought as he followed after the prince and hoped he could keep the impulsive prince from causing too much trouble. Within the hour following, Stonewall, Blueblood and a cadre of two hundred soldiers and a dozen casters stood before Arcane Light and Gleaming Light as the two casters worked the spell. The two had apparently been at work of the spell for awhile. Stonewall watched as the spell finally was completed, and the magic circle beneath the two casters glowed, magical fire light swirling around the two unicorns, their eyes aglow. From what little he had listened of the spell, this one was creating a wide ranged scan of the area. The spell would pick up areas where the barest trace of magical residue from the human's magic was. The Battle Casters figured that, the area with the highest concentration would be where they were based. The two unicorns continued their spell for awhile, before the magical lights turned into a bright gold color. The battle casters gasped as the spell began to fade and their eyes returned to normal. The two took heavy breathes, the exhaustion of the spell apparent. "It is done." Gleaming Light said. Valen Valen looked over the raid, trying to catch is breath. All around lay the rusty remains the ponies armor, brown crumbling edges and hole filled. And his fist held his knife tightly, its blade red with blood. And the pony that had tried to kill him laying on the ground beneath him, eyes wide as the snow around it was covered by blood and the sword the pony had tried to use to kill him. But worse...the pony itself was a woman. Valen found he could not look away from the glazed eyes of the female pony, and he felt sick to his stomach as he finally dropped his knife and turned to retch up his breakfast. He had never killed before. True he had hunted, but the killing of an animal for meat and fur was different then... He felt a hand on his shoulder, and he turned quickly to see the Fire Man before him. He had a grim look on his face, looking at the female pony then to him with a frown. "What happened?" He asked. Valen looked to the pony body, and the attack all played back in his head. The caravan had a larger guard, as many had before them. It had made the raids in recent times more difficult, and dangerous. The Fire Man always seemed more exhausted after these raids, and many hunters had also acquired wounds and injuries from ponies that stayed to fight. Such ponies all wore leather armor, and thus immune to the strange metal eating spell that the Fire Man had worked. As well, some sat on squat, four legged creatures. Valen had seen similar creatures, they called them cleft hoofs. Cleft Hoofs were medium sized creatures, that roamed across the plains. They were normally docile, prone to stampeding and running away from danger, but the males all supported curled ram like horns and were more willing to charge danger. And all these Cleft Hoofs were males, but how had the ponies kept them...docile? And why were they sitting on them like that? Valen had little time to consider these things, when he saw the Cleft Hoofs rear back and bleat in horror, throwing their riders off and sending them to the ground. The ponies hit the ground and didn't get back up. The caravan descended into chaos then as the Cleft Hoofs and Plain Runners started going made. The Cleft Hoofs charged each other, locking horns, ramming into the caravan carts, or chase after frantic ponies whose armor crumbled before them and chased down the roads or into the forest. Then the signal came and Valen started shooting. After that, things became slightly blurry as he had felt his blood pumping. He remembered the charge after the arrows were done, and the ponies fleeing. Some of the hunters had to fight back against ponies who stayed and fight, these still had weapons that the Fire Man had been unable to destroy with his magic. But even these ponies were either knocked unconscious by the hunters clubs, or eventually had to flee, some dragging their unconscious comrades away as they could; though some had been left behind. He remembered his own fight. A pony who had been thrown had gotten up, the pony seemed confused before rushing at him with its sword. Valen tried to knock it aside, but the pony was quick and had cut him across his arm and caused him to drop his club as it continued its attack. Valen dodged the attacks as he could, but the pony's strikes were swift, and the snow slippery. He slipped. The pony lunged at him. His hand pulled his knife as he rolled to dodge the strike, the blade striking into the snow as he felt the wind be cut beside him. He turned back. The knife raised. The pony looking at him in that moment of defenselessness. And he remembered the impact as he drove the knife into the ponies shoulder, and cut across and the blood spurting as he pulled it free. "I...I didn't....she tried..." Valen tried to speak, but the Fire Man silenced him. "Shush....I understand." The Fire Man said, and he looked at the dead pony with a frown and gave a deep sigh. The Fire Man kneeled before the body, and closed the ponies eyes before rising. "Gather the others, we will-Arrgggghhh!" The Fire Man shouted, leaning forward as he clutched at his head. "Fire Man!" Valen shouted. The other hunters rushed forward, worried. The Fire Man began breathing quickly, standing straight and his eyes wild. "The Moot is under attack!" he shouted, that strange tear appearing before him as his words sent a stir through the hunters. 'Mother! Brother!' Valen thought in horror. He and the other hunters all followed the Fire Man through the tear, the caravan forgotten. When they came out to the other side of the tear, they stood among the Moot once more. It was on fire. Blueblood Blueblood aimed his blade and shot another light beam at a retreating human female. The human was struck in the back, and fell dropping a cloth wrapped bundle. He kept a content smile as he slowly walked on, stepping over things that might dirty his hooves or his new cloak. When the battle casters had discovered the location of the human base, Blueblood was eager to begin the assault. Stonewall tried to advice caution, but Blueblood found the old pony to be too cautious. They were only humans. So it was that they established a mass teleportation circle and teleported their attack force a distance from the camp. The humans had not been expecting them, and with the battle casters they had, they were easily able to spread chaos into the human camp as they attacked. They had encountered some resistance, many humans used those same black tipped arrows, but others used slings to hurl rocks at them. Blueblood could only laugh at this pitiful resistance. What were rocks compared to steel and magic? Still Blueblood found killing all of them a waste. He found that a human with some intelligence might be useful as a servant. And he did find some of the females to be pretty enough. And the fight dens might find weapon wielding humans to be real popular showcases. He decided he would only stun some humans and gather them up later. Still even as he went on, striking down another ragged human, he wondered where the real prize was. The human Castus. 'He probably ran off.' Blueblood thought with a smirk. Just then the sky seemed to be filled with fire. Blueblood paused in his stride as he looked up at the swirling vortex of orange red flame, and only just managed to bring up a shield as arrows of fire began raining down. He was lucky, but as he saw three of his troops try to find cover, they were pierced by the flame arrows and their bodies bursting into flame before becoming charred husks in a matter of seconds. All around he saw slivers of fire raining from the vortex above, and he saw more and more of his troops be burnt to ashes. Blueblood could only stare up in shock at the magic, he had never seen a spell like this before . A part of him wanted to run and hide, but he steeled himself as he rose, keeping his shield up. Was this strange spell from Castus? Before he could think more on it, Blueblood found himself flying into the air as the ground beneath him spasmed like a wave does at the beach, folding and flattening. As he flew, he saw other areas of the earth opening, and roots dragging screaming ponies into the cracks only for the cracks to close over them. Blueblood hit the ground with a heavy bang, his armor ringing and making him groan in pain. He tried to get up, but then felt a heavy foot smash against his chest and force him to the ground. He groaned as he looked at the foot, and followed its up to meet the face of his assailant. It was Castus...if the posters were a clear indication. Blueblood had never really seen the human in the flesh, but the cold eyes that glared down at him sent a chill in his spine. "Vermin." Castus said, his voice cold and filled with rage. Blueblood gulped, but then remembered his sword and moved to stab at Castus in the gut. The blade moved toward the unarmored hide that the human wore, and tore through hide, and stopped with a clunk and causing a ringing feeling to rush through his sword and up his hoof. Blueblood could only stare in shock and confusion as he saw Castus place a finger on the blade, and the blade melting into a goopy puddle on the ground. Blueblood looked at the puddle that was once his sword, then he started to shake as he slowly looked at Castus again. And the heel of his foot rushing to his face. Valen Valen ran through the flame burnt ruin of the Moot. All around him he saw bodies of people, cut down as they fought or fled. The worse was seeing the children. He felt a hot burning hatred, and a desire to hurt something. To shout and claw at something and hit his fists against it till the rage he felt burning in him stop. The Fire Man had once told him that the ponies probably view them as barbarians, but to him he felt sure it was the ponies who were the barbarians. What monsters killed children!? What had they done to deserve such a thing. They had never killed their hunters save in the most dire need.....as he had. If the ponies were to fight them, they should have fought their hunters. Not go on to butch the women and children. Something in his heart that he couldn't explain just told him it lacked all......honor. He didn't even know what the word meant, but it just seemed to come to mind. At least, as he ran to the area where his clan was camped, that he saw pony bodies littered amongst the dead. He would see that more would join those already slain by the Fire Man. But how had the ponies even found them? Was it some pony magic? He shook his head and focused on his mission. Time enough for such things later when the Fire Man spoke with the Huntmasters, if any of the ones left behind were still alive. For now he had to find his mother and brother. He looked among the tents where his clan had made their camp in the moot. Many had been burnt, but despite the destruction he saw his clan members were gathered amongst the wreckage, trying to salvage what could be found. "Mother! Brother!" Valen shouted, as he ran amongst the survivors. Many only watched him run, while others stared in lost at the charred remains of their tents. "Valen!" He heard his brother call, and Valen turned to see his little brother rushing from the arms of Linda, the clan midwife, and to him. Valen lowered himself and caught his brother in his arms, holding him close as he sobbed in relief. Valen held his brother for a moment, when the sound of footsteps brought his attention to the midwife, who stood before him with a frown. "Valen....your mother....she..." Linda said, trying to find the words. Valen stared at her, and felt his hear sink and he held his brother tighter as he felt new tears stream down his eyes. Stonewall Stonewall fell to the ground as the teleport spell wore off. He was joined by several other wounded soldiers, who like him and all managed to escape with the last of the Battle Casters from the human camp. 'In all my years I've never seen magic like that.' He thought. Their casters didn't even stand a chance. He saw at least two be torn apart by roots that had shot from the ground and tore them limb from limber in the literal sense. Faust, they were all lucky they managed to escape with their lives at all. And from the groans of pain, some would be wearing scars from this venture. And to make matters worse... ...the prince was missing. And probably dead. Stonewall found his emotions on the thought conflicted. One the one hand Equestria had just lost her prince, even if he was a cocky bastard. And at the same time the prince had gone charging off without any real plan and was now paying for it. At least it was over. For now. "General Stonewall!" He heard a solider cry, and Stonewall struggled to his hooves as he turned to the soldier that called him and found himself staring up at the sky with the other soldiers. Above the camp, storm clouds began to gather...and spiral like a hurricane or storm creating an eye. And he was sure he caught the tell tale sign of lightning sparking amongst those dark clouds. "By the sun." Stonewall whispered before shouting, "Move! Move, everyone out of camp!" It was then the first bolt of lightning struck the ground, and his vision went white. Castus Castus felt it was getting harder to breathe, and the cold seemed to bite even harder around him. He was sure he was developing hypothermia. But he ignored it all as he poured himself into the power of the Wind and wove his spell, gathering storm clouds over the areas where the Equestrian camps were. 'I'll kill them all. I'll kill them all.' He thought. The thought gave him strength to ignore the searing pain that his over usage of the Wind was causing him. He knew war was horror. He had the nearly seven hundred years of memories of wars to tell him this. In those memories he had seen the most horrible of crimes committed. Yet seeing his own people cut down as they had been, it sparked an anger in him that he could not smoother. Which was why he now stood upon a jagged peak of the mountain over looking the moot. Its height giving him a distant view of the surrounding lands, and his eyes woven with increased vision from the Wind let him see where the camps were and let him weave his spell to do maximum damage. And as he wove the last bits of weaves and power, and he saw the pillars of lightning strike down upon the equestrian camps he felt that fire finally burn out, and let the world around him come back into focus. And he nearly found himself falling from the mountain as he did. But he wove, with great strain, a waygate and he collapsed through it and onto the ground of the Moot, and the waygate closing behind him. He lay upon the ground, the survivors of his people rushing to him. He thought he saw Marcus at the head, with the other surviving Huntmasters. He tried to say something, but found the darkness around his eyes growing more and he felt that...it would be nice to take a rest. 'But...I still have....so much to do...' He thought. It was a thought lost with his consciousness. > Chapter 10 - Human: What now? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Castus Castus bolted up with a scream, and he kicked his legs and waved his arms as he looked around. He turned and saw two hunters rushing into the tent...wait tent. He looked around again, confused. Where was he? What? Then he remembered. The Moot. The Equestrians. His people. "Fire Man, are you well? Marcus told us to keep you safe." One of the hunters said. Castus blinked, then looked at the hunters and nodded, "I...I'm fine...I...you two get me the Huntmasters. Now!" The hunters nodded and ran off, leaving Castus alone to think. How long had he been out? What had happened since he passed out? And what was up with that dream? He shivered remembering it. He had been back in Ponyille, laying on Fluttershy's couch. He had been resting when he heard Fluttershy...and then felt her get on him. After that it had sort of gone from cuddling to kissing....then....other things....very pleasant things... ...but then...Fluttershy pulled out that crop....and then the had a ball gag.... "Ahhh! What is wrong with me?!" Castus said, gripping his head. He shook his head and decided to focus on the now. Time enough to figure out his....fetishes later. He had more important things to do. And as he heard the sound of many footsteps approaching, Castus was glad that he wouldn't have to spend time to his thoughts. "Most of the Moot is gone. All the clans have taken heavy losses. Though it would have been worse if not for the efforts of Arvak and his smiths. A great many people hid out at the forge, its distance from the camp kept it safe from the ponies passage. I don't think they even noticed it." Marcus said. "The slingers had been advantageous. They kept the ponies back for a time to let others run to hide in the caves in the nearby mountain and the forest." Ulric said. Castus nodded listening to the reports. Some of the clans now only had a few dozen members left, and some would need to decide upon new Huntmasters. "And the food reserves?" Castus asked, fearing the worse. "All gone. The tent and its contents were burnt in the fires. We salvaged what we could, but it won't be enough to last the clans through this unending winter." Marcus said. Castus hit his fist against his leg, ignoring the pain. "We can't stay here. What if the ponies come back?" One huntmaster asked. "They won't...not for sometime at least," Castus said, "I saw to it that their forces got scattered. We have a day...maybe two." "Then we are doomed." Krul said, "we can't move the entire Moot in two days." There was a deep silence in the tent. The feeling of hopelessness was heavy. Yet despite the circumstances, Castus felt a distinct calm coming over him, radiating from his chest. He stuck his hand down his shirt, and pulled the amulet the Tree of Harmony gave him, the feeling growing stronger as he held it. "There might be...someplace to go." Castus said, "gather your clans and pack up all that remains. I will return in a moment. I need to pick up something." The huntmasters nodded and left to do as instructed. Castus slowly got up, feeling his muscles ache and his body desiring further rest. Despite the front he had put up for the Huntmasters, the battle previously had left him exhausted and he had pushed himself too far. Though his strength in the Wind had grown some in the last three years, he had been working at his limits. The attack had forced him to push beyond those, and any wise Wind channeler knew that wasn't a good thing. It was like filling a glass with too much water, eventually it overflows and the volatile nature of the Wind made doing such a thing to much or too often very dangerous. If he wasn't careful...he might end up killing himself. But he could worry on that later. He had people to look after. And a prisoner to collect. 'Time to put the bastard to some use.' Castus thought as he walked out of the tent and toward the hiding spot. Hopefully he was still unconscious. It was sometime later that Castus stood before the gathered remains of his people. He also saw a great big bonfire built, and the bodies of their dead gathered upon it. Beside him lay a clothed wrapped bundle, a large bundle. Castus gave it another kick at the top to make sure it was still and silent before addressing his people. "We have all been witness to a great tragedy here my people. We have lost our homes, and friends and family. But we must not let our sadness weigh us down. We must take that despair and turn it into the fuel to keep our fire of resistance and strength strong. We will be like the iron we have learned to forge, and with the flame that burns in us now, we will reforge ourselves stronger then before." He said. He wasn't much of a public speaker back home, but his amulet helped him get over the stress of addressing so many. He then spoke the customary funeral rites, before nodding to the hunters as they set fire to the pyre. He would merely gather the ashes this time, as he would need all his strength to open a Waygate toward their destination. The pyre burnt brightly, and all watched its flame burn away the dead. Castus brought out the ashes from amongst the fire, but instead of a singular ash pearl, he merged it all into a singular pearl, the size of grown mans fist. All the people watched and gasped, mutters of confusion. "This tragedy has effected us all....and so it is thus that I make this great ash pearl not for a singular family to remember a passed loved one, but for all of us to look upon and remember this day. Let us never forget this day, and let us work to never let it happen again." Castus said as he gently placed the Great Ash Pearl into his hands, holding it gently as he would a new born baby. The people all nodded, some even fell to their knees and muttered things he could not hear. It was in that the Castus felt sure that he had just made something the equivalent to a holy relic to his people. It made hi a bit uneasy, but he understood the power of relics had over people in dire times....maybe this was something they needed. With that, all merely watched the pyre burn till the last flickering flame died out. Then, as one, all the people gathered their things. Castus hefted up his wrapped bundle over his shoulder, and held the Great Ash Pearl tight in his other arm as he turned and opened up a Waygate toward their destination. 'God...need to lose some weight.' He thought readjusting the weight of his bundle on his shoulder. With all gathered and ready, the line of humanity made their way through the Waygate, and into the calming embrace of a crystalline light within a wide cavern. And as Castus gazed up at the crystal tree, he felt that strong sense of calm radiate around him...and the strange sense of welcome that came from the tree. Welcome back, he felt from the tree. And Castus could not help but smile. "It is good to be back." he said to himself...and to the tree. > Chapter 11 - Pony: Rerouping and Responding. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonewall Stonewall looked over the ragged remains of the war camp. Soldiers, the ones that remained, dug through the wreckages to put out flame, gather resources and the dead for burial. In just one massive spell the like he felt sure only one of the princesses could accomplish only, not only his regiment, but the other five across the territory had lost nearly fifty to seventy percent of their total soldiers and their camps left in ruin. In short he would call the whole operation a military failure of massive proportions. Armies scattered, provisions burned in the heart of a ill tempered and uncooperative winter, and a prince dead. 'Maybe a dragon will show up next. Or an earthquake will happen.' Stonewall found himself thinking bitterly. It was frankly all he could do to keep himself from muttering those all too jinxing words. So to avoid doing so he kept himself busy. He had sent out fliers to aid in the rallying of the troops that had still not managed to meet up at the gathering point he had established as a way for the armies to reorganize. He had also sent fliers to the scattered remnants of the other five regiments to arrive as well. He also set out gatherers to try and finding something to eat amongst the snow, mostly root tubers that tasted bitter, but also to salvage what supplies could be had from the ruins of the camps. He kept himself to every task he could find, no matter how menial. Anything to keep his mind busy, and his hooves away from the report he would have to write to the princesses eventually. He was not looking forward to it. 'I'm getting to old for this.' He thought, heading back to his tent after aiding in digging the new latrines. As he went a soldier came up to him and saluted, "Sir. Our scouts have received messages from the other regiments. They have made a detail of supplies and numbers." The soldier said, handing several scrolls over to him. Stonewall took the scrolls and saluted to the soldier, "Thank you officer Stout Heart. You may go." Stout Heart saluted and made his way off. Stonewall followed the officer a bit, seeing him meet up with a mare wearing the armor of the Knights Terra, the shock troops of the Equestrian military. The two walked off together, holding hooves. 'Ah to be young again.' He thought. While he considered such displays of affection improper in a military regiment, even if the two were part of a herd, he could understand it. A lot of soldiers had died the previous day, and it could have been one of them as well. At least they were still together, a lot of other soldiers had lost loved ones, sons and fathers. Daughters and mothers. Brothers and sisters. Lovers and wives. As he continued back to his tent, he looked over the scrolls. He would need an account of the total ponypower he would have, and importantly how much in supplies that the army would have. It wouldn't be much, but he was sure that there were a few small farming villages and even a small town this far near the border of Equestria, if needed they could buy what food they were willing to sell. Finally reaching his tent, Stonewall stopped as he stared into the eyes of a mare, who was in the process of undoing her armor. "Oh, General...I didn't..I mean...I was hoping..." The mare said. Stonewall blinked, then gave the mare a grim look, "This is very unprofessional soldier. Entering a commanders tent without leave is a grave offense." He rolled the scrolls closed as he crossed his hooves and stared at the mare, "Care to explain yourself." The mare gulped, and looked at the ground as she put her hooves behind her back. She stuttered as she tried to give her excuse. "I....when the lightning....I thought we were all going to die...but you...you kept us together....you have taken a lot of duties with the prince gone...I just thought....I could help..." the mare said, blushing. Stonewall caught a scent in the air that reminded him of roses. He wasn't much for flowers, but the smell was attention grabbing. For a moment he couldn't help but let his eyes wander over the mare, taking note of every curve. He had to admit, he felt a little flattered that a mare had snuck into his tent to...'help'..him. 'This hasn't happened in years.' He thought, memories of his more younger days as an officer. He could understand the mare's intentions. Still it was very unprofessional. "I see...." Stonewall said, stepping forward. He still didn't drop his look of disapproval, "Never the less this is very unprofessional for a soldier. We have taken a serious blow and we all need to maintain our focus and keep our minds clear on the objective." The mare winced slightly, and wrung her hooves nervously, "I...I know...I just...I'm sorry." The mare saluted, "I will leave." Stonewall nodded, though he found himself eyeing the mare's...assets then he did her salute. Though mare moved to leave, her hips swaying slowly as she headed for the tent flap. Stonewall shivered following her tail as it swished side to side, and he felt his hooves catch it before he could stop himself. "G-general?" The mare said, stopping and turning to look at him. Stonewall though could see a glint of mischief in her eyes. She was enjoying herself. Stonewall took a deep breath, his nose assaulted by the scent of roses. "However....I have read that...certain activities can help in clearing ones head." He said. The mare looked at him, then smirked as she tackled him to the ground, grinding herself to him as she worked to yank off his armor. Stonewall was overwhelmed by the ferocity of her moves, but found himself happily obliging and working on his stripping of her defenses. Maybe he wasn't too old after all. Celestia Celestia rubbed her head as Kibtz read off the list of audiences she had today. She hated Mondays. 'Maybe I can convince Luna to take the day shift again.' Celestia thought, it would be nice to get to the spa again for some pampering. Without warning, a guard walked in, rushing to the throne before bowing, "A millions pardon your highness, but we have just received a most....distressing message." "What is this?" Kibtz said, looking at his schedule, "this isn't in the scheduled reading of bad news." Celestia rolled her eyes. Leave it to Kibtz to plan for everything, but she ignored him now as she turned to the guard. "What message is this? From who?" She asked, stepping down to take the message. "I...I don't know how to say its but....it is from the human leader. Castus." The guard said. Celestia felt her a chill run down her spine, and she looked at the offered message like it was a viper. 'What would he want?' She thought with a bitter sense of anger. Castus and his human followers had become a sour note amongst the talk of Canterlot, and Equestria at large. Celestia had wanted for the presence and pressure of the Equestrian forces to force Castus to act for the best of his people and surrender. She had nothing against them personally, but Castus was simply too dangerous to be left allowed to walk free as he was. His magic was too dangerous, both his use of it and the knowledge of its existence. She had hoped he would give up, as her information told her he wasn't any sort of military commander. Even Discord had told her he was just a common man from his world. He should have surrendered. But he hadn't. In fact, not only had he resisted he had done so with a skill of military strategy and magic that he shouldn't have had. Like his sudden skill in using Valhruan magic the day he escaped confinement in Canterlot three years earlier. Where had this knowledge come from? The attacks on the armies supply lines was a common, but well done guerrilla tactic. And despite her best efforts after hearing word of armor rusting and weapons turning brittle, something she was sure was a valhruan spell, she could not find anything yet to counter it in the hidden archives of alicorn spell books. Yet anyway. For a moment, she had considered calling back the forces, if only till winter had passed. But when the reports of slaughter began, Celestia had to harden herself and keep up the campaign. She couldn't let up now after he had spilled blood. As well, there were a number of nobles now who were calling for the full Equestrian army to march on the humans an annihilate them for these atrocities. Celestia resisted such demands however, though with some bitter resentment. She wanted nothing more then to end Castus' actions, but Equestria had not fully marshaled her entire military force since the war with Bahamut years ago. She felt sure that the six regiments she had sent would be enough, even with his magic after all he was but one man. And now he had sent her a message. How and why she could scarcely figure out, and while she wanted nothing more then to tear it up, she slowly took the message, and unrolled the scroll. On it were runes, that glowed faintly. She directed her magical senses toward the runes, and recoiled feeling the magical energies of the Wind in the runes. Fading slowly, but there. She couldn't read the runes, but there was two words written in common equestrian she could read. 'Burn me.' The message said. Celestia cast a simple lighter spell, and watched as the note began to burn away, and smoke rising from the runes as the flamed ate at them. She and everypony else stepped back in surprise as the smoke grew darker, and began swirling to the ground and taking the shadowy whispy shape of a man. It was Castus....or a smoke shade of him. "Princess Celestia of Equestria." The smoke Castus said, "I give you greetings on this day. Before you make a fool of yourself I'm going to say that this message is one way. You can't talk to me and I can't respond if you talk to the apparition. So sit your plump flank down and listen to what I have to say." Celestia felt her face go hot as she blushed. The impudence! The audacity! She was glad her wings covered her backside though, as she placed a hoof to her flank. Her flank wasn't plump....was it? She squeezed it slightly though in worry before directing her attention to the shade of Castus. "Your warriors have committed a terrible crime, attacking my people outside of the honorable stage of the field of battle. Husbands, wives and children all lay dead by your warriors and their blood is on your hooves just as theirs! A slaughter that was completely unprecedented!" The shade of Castus said, the anger and venom apparent in his tone. Celestia had to take a step back at the words, shocked. He had the nerve to call her out on atrocities when his own people had committed such to hers? It sounded just like the Valhruan of old, ignoring their own crimes as justified! He was just like they were. But what also had her confused was that the forces she had sent had managed to make contact with the humans at all. The last report she had received had told her that the Battle Casters were working on a way to track Castus' magic, but they had not yet succeeded. Did this mean they had? And if so why had they not sent word first? 'Something tells me....Blueblood was involved.' She thought. The boy had a tendency to be rash and act without thinking. "But despite this, my people and I still live. As well, I have taken the great pleasure in introducing your soldiers in the ways of true Valhruan combat." The shade of Castus clenched his fist with a shadowy smirk, "And as well....I have little trophy from the attack that you might like to see." The smoke whirled more, and another shade stood haunched on its knees beside the one of Castus. It was Blueblood. "Your nephew. Do not worry, he is still very much alive...if a bit...uncomfortable." The shadow Castus said, giving the shadow Blueblood a harsh kick to the head that had the prince floored, causing him to groan in pain. "While I would love nothing more then to send you back the charred husks of your soldiers...I find this battle tiresome. So here is my demands. All Equestrian forces will pull back to the borders of your nation. The lands beyond that my people have claimed will be considered our territory and you will leave us alone, and you will leave a full supply of food, blankets and tents for my people at the edge of the border as compensation. Do so and I will release Blueblood to you in good health." Celestia could only stare, shock and anger boiling in her. He dared demand something of her!?! "You have one week to meet these demands...otherwise...I can't guarantee that Blueblood will be returning to you in one piece....more likely it will be pieces. And just so you know I'm not bluffing..." The shadow Castus grabbed at Blueblood's tail, and a shadowy knife appeared in his hands. Celestia could only look away, and hear her nephews screams. When she looked back, she saw Bluebood curled up, hooves to where his tail was and saw that it was cut in half to a stub. "I await your response." The shadow Castus said, tossing the shadow piece of tail to the ground. With that the shadows and smoke vanished, and Celestia stared murder where the figures had been before. Celestia clenched her hooves tightly, before stomping the ground, causing a large circle of cracks to appear along the floor. "That impudent bastard." She hissed, turning to the guard who had brought the message. "You! Take a message to General Ironhide. Call up all our forces, Equestria is marching to war." She ordered, then turned to Kibtz, "Kibtz, bring me coffee." Kibtz nodded, not spouting anything about keeping to the schedule for once and ran to do as ordered. Celestia was glad to be left alone, and she rubbed at her head as she sat upon her throne. "This is most grave...but he shows his true colors to us. He is so like his ancestors." Celestia heard a voice say. She turned, and saw Luna appear from behind the curtains. "How long were you there?" Celestia asked. "Long enough...I was hoping to sneak up on you." Luna said with a slight smirk as she pulled a plastic spider from out of the bosom of her dress. Celestia rolled her eyes, smiling. But it faded as she looked at her sister seriously. "We need to finish this. If we go in force Castus will be broken easily." Celestia said. "That he may, and he may feel threatened as well. He may try something drastic if so, and we both know that Valhruan magic can be dangerous if put to drastic use." Luna said. Celestia frowned, "What are you getting at?" Luna frowned as well, "You must stay here, Equestria will need a princess to oversee things during and after this war. I will go alone and lead our forces to victory." "No! Luna it is too dangerous. We should face him together." Celestia said, standing up. Luna shook her head, "If it is dangerous it is better one of us go, so that at least one of us still remains to lead. The nation loves you, it needs you. If I should fall, it will not be as severe a blow." "It will be to me." Celestia said, her voice a near whisper. The pain was evident in her voice at the thought of losing her sister again. Permanently. Luna smiled and hugged her, Celestia hugged back. "I will order you to stay." Celestia said. "And I will ignore it. We are equals sister, and even if we were not....you know me." Luna said, giving her sister a smile. Celestia bit her lip, but knew that any attempt to keep Luna here or to go with her would be resisted by Luna. "Very well...but you will allow me to designate a guard for you. I will pick them myself." Celestia said. Luna sighed, "Very well." The two embraced again, and enjoyed the moment of peace. Knowing it was not to last. Guard The guard ran as he was ordered. He should be able to find the general on the practice grounds, as he was always coming up with new and even more strenuous training regimes for the troops. Equestria was going to war, and it would send its full might upon the humans. His queen would find this information most delightful. > Chapter 12 - Human: The Hunter. The Hunted. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Castus Castus sat beneath the Tree of Harmony, head pressed against the warm crystalline trunk as he gazed up into its glittering branches. He always felt more at peace when he was near this tree, and in the recent days he needed that sort of feeling to help him think. Since their arrival, he had set to work getting his people settled. The Everfree Forest was not a place he would have liked to send out gatherers and hunters, but he knew that the magical nature of this forest would mean that there was food to be found. And plenty of dangers to avoid. Suffice to say, hunting creatures of a magical forest of horrors was something he hadn't expected his people to deal with. But after their first manticore hunt, which he led personally, he soon found his people adapting to the new prey. It wasn't long till they had a good supply of manticore meat properly smoked and cured for winter again, and brand new manticore hide blankets for everyone. And then there was the fruits, which took a bit longer to figure out which was safe and which wasn't. One gatherer in particular found a bunch of trees that gave strange rainbow colored apples. But there had also been close calls. No small amount of hunters had received injuries from other forms of wildlife. As well, everyone knew the dangers of forest trolls. After food had come shelter. He had expanded the cave, creating wide square rooms to the sides that expanded into the hill to allow his people a larger place to rest, with what little of the Wind he was willing to use. He didn't want to have any more possibilities of tracking spells leading back to their last sanctuary. That had been the easy stuff however, the hard parts were still to come and growing. Castus stood, deciding it was time to meet with the Huntmasters to discuss their next step in the war. As he left, he caught a feeling of...disappointment from the tree. Castus stopped and looked at the tree. "What?" He said, "This is what I have to do." The tree of course said nothing, but that sense of disappointment continued....coupled with sadness. Castus frowned, but he turned and walked off. He couldn't start questioning himself now. Castus went to a section in the expanded cave which had been sectioned off as his living quarters and the war room for the clans. What remained of them. He pushed back the fur curtain that acted as a door as he stepped into the room. The Huntmasters were already there, discussing amongst themselves. A number of clans had lost their huntmasters in the attack and had to decide upon new ones, all of which seemed a bit too young to be given such a crucial responsibility. Still, Castus was glad that he would have plenty of older and more experienced minds with him to balance the youthfulness. "Our clans decimated. So many of our people lost. So many hunters. Driven from our lands. What are we to do now Fire Man?" One immediately asked. One of the younger ones. "We keep fighting. We fight till the ponies pay for every life lost." Krul said, clenching his fist. "We need to be wise in this. We cannot face the ponies as we are....they are many, and we are few." Marcus said, always the word of caution. Castus nodded, "We will fight, but we will fight on our terms. And we will fight in ways the Equestrians will not expect. But first we need to set our plan." The huntmasters looked to him, waiting. Castus sighed, and hoped he had sorted out everything. "After my little...display with our prisoner, the princesses of Equestria are sure to respond in force." He said. "Should have flayed his skin and sent it back to them." Krul said with a growl. Others agreed, and Castus knew that his keeping of a pony prisoner, one who had led the attack on their camp, had not been a well accepted idea. Some had tried to kill Blueblood when he wasn't looking, but after Castus made it clear that he would incinerate any who touched his prisoner, that had been the end of it. Still he hated that he had to resort to fear to keep his people in line. "He is more use alive then dead....for now." Castus said continuing, "In any case, I suspect that Celestia and her sister will both ride out to get their nephew back. As far as the Equestrians know we are still back on our lands, and that is where their forces will go to gather and scour the land for us." "But we are here." Marcus said. Castus nodded, "Yes, and that is our advantage. So long as the Equestrians think we are back on our lands we can strike at their nation without fear of immediate reproach." "But what kind of attacks?" One huntmaster asked. "Attack their Moots. Burn them as they did ours. Kill their women and children. Make them pay in blood." Krul said, gripping his knife eagerly. "No!" Castus said, giving a glare, "If we kill their people that will only make them more determined to destroy us. We need to break their spirits to fight us, not incite them further." "But-" Krul began, other huntmasters giving protest. "No buts!" Castus said, slamming his foot, "Do as I say!" The huntmasters went quiet, and Castus looked at them all. Some seemed surprised by his force of words, Marcus had a frown. Others glared at their clenched fists, but Kurl.... ..Krul glared back at him for a moment, before looking away in defeat. Castus looked around for any challenge before continuing, "Now...we will first instruct the new hunters. Any boy or girl able to hunt shall learn to fight. Our women too. I want everyone proficient with a spear and bow as soon as possible." This got a response from everyone. "We are to teach our women to fight?" One said in surprise. "I will not send my wife into danger!" Another shouted. "Silence!" Castus shouted. Everyone went quiet. "I know...we have lost a lot...and we don't want to lose more. Our women and daughters are the future of our people. But when we taught them to use the slings, they were able to better defend others. And as we saw, the enemies we fight care not if it is man or woman or child. In this war, we must all be fighters...or risk our destruction." Castus said to all. The huntmasters were quiet, some had tears in their eyes. "I know some might not want to fight...which is why only those who wish will learn. You will all deliver this to the women of your clans. Any woman or girl of hunting age who wishes to fight may." Castus finished. The huntmasters nodded. "Good....now, here is our plan of attack..." Castus said, as he began to outline their next strike. Valen Valen chipped away at the obsidian stone he had. He had been at work chipping away new arrow heads, and his hands held a number of cuts from the sharp edges. He wondered how long he would need this skill once the art of making metal arrows was a more common practice. Still, till then he found the process of stone chipping and shaping to be relaxing, and helped him think. And he had a lot to think about. Valen glanced once more at the knife at his belt, then to the small stone room, which the opening was covered by thick roots that if someone tried to force their way in, would find themselves wrapped and constricted by the roots till they passed out. Inside that impenetrable cell, sat in what he hoped was extreme discomfort the very pony he had longed to stick his knife into. The pony huntmaster. Blueblood he remembered the Fire Man calling him. When Valen had learned that Blueblood, was here, he felt he would at last have his revenge for Ralof. Other people had desired to kill the pony, for his part in the attack on the Moot. But any attempts at taking proper vengeance had been prevented after the first few attempts, Valen one of them. The Fire Man had not be happy to see his people try to kill his prisoner. He had only seen the Fire Man angry a few times, and the cold tone in his voice when he had said that if anyone attempted to kill his prisoner without his express permission would face a fate worse then death. Valen and the others gave up after that. None would dare cross the Fire Man. Never the less, Valen couldn't forget, or forgive. He couldn't understand why the Fire Man was protecting the pony. But still....he had tried to talk to Marcus about it, but the Huntmaster only said. "Trust the Fire Man. His reasons are difficult to understand, but they are for our best interest." Was what Marcus said, and Valen could tell that even if the Huntmaster lived by those words. Valen wanted to believe those words, but he was having difficulty. Ponies were nothing more then animals. Murderous animals that didn't deserve mercy. Valen winced as he felt his finger glide along a sharp edge of his arrow head and he pulled it to his mouth. He decided then to return to focusing on his work. At least to spare his fingers more pain. "Valen." Valen looked up from the stone to a number of hunters, each dressed for battle with spear and bow. As well, now each had a small thick shield of cured hide and leather. "We go to hunt. Will you join?" Valen nodded, anything to help him get his mind off of Blueblood. And so he quickly gathered the equipment he needed and followed the hunters out into the Everfree. As they left the cave, they had to cross the crystal tree, called the Tree of Harmony, by the Fire Man. Valen found the tree strange. A strange name for a tree, but stranger still was the feeling that...the tree was...talking to him. Not in words, but Valen could feel...something everytime he got near the tree besides the strange calming sensation it gave off when near its presence. Valen couldn't understand it. But when he was near the tree, he felt...like it was....sad. But even more so, when he was near he thought he could feel the tree was.....curious. Valen found it uncomforting to think such things, and quickened his pace to be away from the tree. But that only seemed to make the sense from the tree, humored. He was glad to finally enter into the forest itself. He would take a manticore or troll any day over strange glowing trees. Prey was easy to come by in the Everfree Forest, even in a harsh winter as was occuring. Every creature here was both predator and prey. A hunter was not just a hunter, but hunted as well. But while Valen had faced creatures that hunted man as well as beast, like lions and herdbanes, the creatures in the Everfree showed a hunting instinct and intellect that rivaled a mans. It was not a comforting thought. But he had grown use to it in the days they had arrived. The sound of a stick breaking caused Valen and the other hunters to turn, arrows and spears aimed. They waited a tense minute, breathes held until the creature finally jumped out from the rustling bushes. It was a small fox, only it had a third eye on its head. The fox looked at them, then ran off, and Valen caught sight of a second tail on the fox. The hunters relaxed some, and they continued on. Though everyone was still tense. Maybe...they weren't as use to it as they would like. After their encounter with the two tailed fox, they had another encounter with a much greater beast. They had managed to stalk and ambush a lone Garn, a large wolf like creature with only a single eye in the center of its head and a pair of large sabreteeth. A garn was the size of a Clefthoof, able to stare a grown mane full in the chest. Normally garn traveled in packs, but this one bore wounds stating it had lost a battle for pack control and been cut off. It snarled and frothed at the mouth in rage, howling and clawing at anything. In its rage, it had been easy to sneak up and attack. But sneaking up on a garn and killing one was two different matters entirely. And while they eventually managed to kill the animal, many hunters would have new scars and injuries to be tended to. But the price was worth the prize, as garn fur made excellent blankets, and they would need plenty until this winter ended. 'If it ever does.' Valen thought, shivering as he thought he caught a moan in the air. he might have been wrong, but he felt sure the snow had picked up a bit with that moan. "What do you think the Fire Man will do next?" One hunter asked, on the way back to the caves. "He will led us to revenge. The ponies cannot be allowed to get away with their actions at the Moot." One said. "The Fire Man will not act rashly. He won't throw away lives meaninglessly." Another said, an older hunter with more experience. "Meaningless?" A hunter said, "Our people were slaughtered by those animals. They deserve to be paid back in kind." "We should start with that pony huntmaster. Skin him and leave him hanging from a tree." Another hunter growled, finger his knife. "Alright enough of that!" The older hunter said, "the Fire Man wants the pony huntmaster alive and we will respect that. What he decides upon will be shown in time. Until then we must be patient." The hunters all went silent at that, but one said to Valen. "What do you think Valen?" He asked. Valen bit his lip, but before he could respond, a loud shrill scream caught everyones attention. The pole on which they carried the garn was dropped as every hunter pulled out their weapons and looked around. There was another scream, and it sounded like a young girl. "Someone is in trouble. it could be a gatherer." The older hunter said, and headed off after the sound. Valen and the others followed. As they ran, another noise followed the scream. That of a loud and wild howl, which was followed by other howls. Garn. A whole pack. They were hunting something. Valen and the hunters made quicker pace, and as they reached an area where the trees thinned out into a clearing, they saw a pack of garn surrounding their prey. Valen and the others prepared to attack to defend what they assumed was one of their own when one of the hunters said. "Wait. It is not a gatherer. It is a pony." The hunter said, pointing. The hunters stopped and looked. Sure enough, Valen saw two young ponies, one orange with a purple colored mane and wearing strange clothing that didn't look fit for hunting or battle. Another was pink and wore a strange glittering headdress. This one also wore strange clothes. Both ponies stood huddled closed, holding each other in fear as the garn took turns snapping at them, testing their defenses before attacking. Valen felt a cold spot in his heart, and began lowering his spear. "Lets move on." he heard the older hunter say. The other hunters all agreed, and began moving back. Valen nodded, and began to follow, when he heard the garn snap its fangs again and the headdress wearing pony give a screech. It would soon be over for them. The garn were sure to see they were defenseless. Valen wanted to leave, but something....something just didn't feel right. He looked at the ponies again, and could tell they were not very old. Maybe his age? Less? Children really. Would he really leave children to be eaten by Garn? Even if they were ponies? Valen tightened his grip on his spear, as he felt conflicted. He should leave, the ponies had hurt his people. They deserved whatever fate gave them....and yet.... The garn gave a growl and Valen saw it leap to go for the ponies, ready to make the kill. Time seemed to slow down then, as Valen soon found himself hurling his spear with a yell as he charged forward. The spear struck the garn in the side, and set it to the ground impaled. it howled in pain, and the other pack members turned to see who had attacked their pack mate. Valen rushed, screaming and howling as he swung another spear, holding it out and stabbing at the garn, turning to watch all his sides. He could not explain why, but something told him that he could not live with himself if he left children to die by the fangs of a garn. Even if they were ponies. > Chapter 13 - Pony: "Prisoners?" pt. 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scootaloo Scootaloo laughed as she, Applebloom and Sweetie Belle tossed snowballs at one another. They had tried to get their cutie marks in snow sculpting, but then Sweetie Belle accidentally dropped snow on her...and then she had dumped snow down her jacket, and Applebloom had stuffed some down her hood. After that things had gotten to the point where all three were now flinging snow balls at each other and laughing, their attempt at a snow sculpture long forgotten, and reduced to a pile of snow....no wait..it had been like that at the start. 'We really weren't gonna get our cutiemarks for that.' Scootaloo thought, throwing a snowball that got stuck on Sweetie Belle's horn. "Ah! My horn." Sweetie cried, wiping away the snow. Scootaloo giggled, until another snowball beaned her in the back of her head. "Ha,ha, aye got ya Scootaloo." Applebloom called with a laugh. Scoots smirked as she gathered up a bunch of snow to make a snow cannonball, "Yeah well watch out cause this ones coming for you." Applebloom gasped, covering her head as she tried to find cover. Scootaloo followed, patting at her snow cannonball. It felt kind of odd to be playing in the snow in what should have been summer. Canterlot hadn't said they would have an extended winter this year, and it was causing a bit of fuss. Even Rainbow Dash had been irritated, saying something about obnoxious clouds not doing what they were told. It was strange, the snow didn't seem to want to cooperate at all, and any attempt to stop it snowing was half successful at best. Scootaloo once heard her mother say something about Rainbow Dash and the Cloudsdale feather factory a two years back. Frankly Scootaloo didn't know what that was about, Rainbow Dash was too awesome to be at fault for something. In any case, Scootaloo found she liked the extended winter. It gave the Cutie Mark Crusaders time to try more winter related cutie marks. Frankly Scoots still thought they should have tried extreme Snowboarding first before snow sculpture. If they wanted their cutie marks they had to start getting aggressive. After all it had been nearly three years and they still hadn't found theirs yet. Scootaloo chased after Applebloom, taking a sharp right behind their snow sculpture...and stood before both her and Sweetie Belle, with a small pile of snowballs behind them and two in each hoof. "What the-" Scoots said. "Now is the winter of your discontent!" Applebloom said and she and Sweetie Belle tossed their snowballs. Scootaloo got hit once, twice, three times. Four times. She stumbled back, the weight of the snow in her hooves catching up with her and she tripped back and her snow cannonball landing on her face. Scootaloo shook her head as she got up, wiping the snow away. "Hey, you ganged up on me." She said, giving the two a look. Sweetie Belle giggled, and Applebloom had smirk before saying, "All is fair in love and war." Scootaloo glared at her bow wearing friend, before smirking and bursting into laughter. Sweetie Belle and Applebloom joined her and the three laughed as they plopped onto the snow and looked up at the sky. Despite the snow, the day was peaceful. Nothing could possibly ruin in. "Think fast, Blank Flanks." A voice said, and Scootaloo saw their attempted snow sculpture fall toward them. Scootaloo barely had time to move, as she registered the voice just as the snow sculpture fell on them, leaving them in a pile of snow they had to dig out of. And sure enough when they all did finally pop out of the snow, they saw the two fillies who had pushed it on them in the first place. "Ugh, what do you want Diamond Tiara?" Scootaloo asked. "Yeah, ya'll didn't have to go and push our sculpture over. Especially on us." Applebloom said, readjusting her bow. "Yeah, what they said." Sweetie Belle said. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon stood before them, each laughing at them. Even after three years the two bullies didn't seem intent on leaving them alone. In fact, it only seemed to get worse as they got older. Now she had other ways of getting under their skin. Especially hers. Diamond Tiara had seemed to take a personal interest on going after her at any time she could. Scootaloo crossed her hooves over her chest to glare at the two bullies. Diamond Tiara just smirked superiorly at them, "Hmm, that was a sculpture? More like a lameculpture." Scootaloo and the others just gave Tiara and Silver Spoon a deadpanned look. "Wow, that was sooo creative. I guess that's the best you can come up with, with what little brains you have right?" Scootaloo said. Diamond Tiara leveled her gaze at her, "Oh so the little Pegasus has some guts. Well I guess you had to have something big on you." Scootaloo felt her face go hot, and she glared at Tiara, who was laughing into her hoof, with the other under her breasts. "Well, I don't have time to spend my winter tossing words with some blank flanks. So I'll leave you children to your little games." Diamond Tiara said, turning to walk off. Silver Spoon followed at the two giggled to each other. "Ugh, those two never grow up." Applebloom said, pulling herself fully out of the snow, and brushing herself off. "I know. Still, I think her insults are getting rather overdone, don't you Scootaloo?" Sweetie Belle said, turning to her friend. "Scootaloo?" Sweetie Belle asked. Scootaloo ignored her, her eyes focused on Diamond Tiara's back and glaring death. She was just getting so sick and tired of Diamond's insults and bullying. Her mother always told her to ignore such ponies, but Scootaloo was sick and tired of ignoring. She wanted to get back at Tiara, but how? She had her cutie mark, of which she always liked to state the fact of. And she had a body that made all the boys in school drool over themselves, another fact that Tiara was quiet proud of and openly used to her advantage. None of these Scootaloo could use to get under Tiara's skin and get some well deserved pay back. What was her weak point? Her aunt Flying Brick always told her that if you are going to fight somepony you should hit them at their weakest point. But what was Tiara's? Scootaloo looked at her enemy hard, looking up and down, before her eyes settled on the one constant of Tiara. Her tiara. Scootaloo's eyes widened as she realized it. Diamond Tiara always wore that stupid thing everywhere she went, so much so Scootaloo thought for sure it was attached to her head. 'That's the weak point." Scootaloo thought, a devilish smirk coming to her lips. "Scootaloo...what are ya thinking? Don't go doing anything crazy now." She heard Applebloom say. Scootaloo chuckled, ignoring her friends as she pulled herself out of the snow fully and ran to grab her scooter. Tiara and Silver Spoon were on the road now, cleared for the hundredth time, which would give her the perfect zone of attack. "Scootaloo..." Sweetie Belle warned, her voice concerned. "Don't worry girls. This won't take long." Scootaloo said, fluttering her wings as fast as possible to pick up speed. "Scootaloo! Don't-" Applebloom and Sweetie Belle began saying, but Scootaloo bolted off before they could finish. Scootaloo picked up the distance between her and Tiara quickly, turning her scooter to skid past them and dump snow on them as her hoof reached out to grab at the tiara. Time seemed to slow, as Scootaloo watched with satisfaction as Tiara turned with wide surprised eyes as the snow hit her in the face, and her tiara snatched clean from her head. Scootaloo laughed as she kept going, her prize in her hoof. She would go dump this stupid thing someplace Tiara would never find it. Maybe she could use its location as some well deserved blackmail after what Diamond Tiara did to them during the Gabby Gums fiasco. Diamond Tiara Diamond Tiara, felt rather good of herself this winter. She had just managed to add Rumble to her little entourage of colt and filly servants. Over the years she had gotten quiet good in making the boys, and some of the girls, at school do whatever she wanted. Truly she was blessed to be gifted with not only a superior cutie mark, but also an equally superior body. And she had also managed to dig under Scootaloo's skin, which was a pluse. While it was always good to tease the Blank Flank trio, she found Scootaloo to be the most fun. But like all good things she had to leave it and move on with her day. 'I suppose I better go see if Truffle Shuffle is finished with my homework.' She thought. She had also a number of other appointments to keep, and a spa trip with Silver Spoon. It was rather hard being beautiful and popular. But before she could consider further of her day, she heard a buzzing noise that made her stop and turn just in time to see Scootaloo skid past her, a mountain of dirty snow slamming into her as the flightless Pegasus past her. "Aaah!" Tiara screamed, falling onto her flank as she brushed the snow off her, "Why that no good flightless freak!" Diamond Tiara growled as she brushed snow out of her perfect mane, when she noticed something. "What?" She said, patting at her mane. It was gone. Her tiara was gone!!! "Tiara are you okay?" Silver Spoon said, getting up and helping brush the snow off her. Tiara didn't say a thing as she looked on the ground, not seeing her tiara. Then she realized, and looked off toward Scootaloo, seeing a faint glint. "She has my tiara!" She said with a growl, earning a gasp from Silver Spoon. Diamond Tiara growled, her vision going red as her eyes were in figurative sense replaced with target marks. "Get back here Blank Flank!" She growled and charged after her prey. "Tiara wait!" Silver Spoon called, but Diamond Tiara had left her in the dust as she moved to get her prized possession back from Scootaloo. Scootaloo Scootaloo laughed as she buzzed down the road. She finally felt happy, knowing that she had gotten back at Tiara in the best way possible. She turned her head to give a look back at the bully, confident she had left her in the dust. But her eyes bulged and her heart leaped into her throat as she saw Diamond Tiara running after her, and closing the gap with speed to leave a snow trial behind her. Her eyes had a murderous intent in them and Scootaloo refocused on the road and buzzed her wings for all they were worth. "Yikes!" She screamed. "Get back here!" She heard Diamond Tiara scream, closer. Scootaloo felt herself sweating. She didn't think Diamond Tiara would react in this way. It was rather scary. Scootaloo had to find a way to lose the filly, cause Scootaloo knew that even though Tiara didn't like getting dirty, she was still an Earth Pony and thus naturally far more stronger then her. Scootaloo wasn't really looking for a demonstration of that. She looked for any possible way to escape, and finally spotted a place she could go that she was sure Tiara wouldn't go into. The Ever Free Forest. True it wasn't safe, but most of the creatures there would be asleep in the winter, and she wouldn't have to go far. If she was lucky she could duck inside Zecora's for a few till the heat wore down. Besides Tiara wouldn't dare follow her there. Odds were Scoots could hide behind a tree near the border and wait till Diamond Tiara went away. No risk at all. Scootaloo jumped from her scooter, letting it crash into some piled snow. She would have to abandon it for now, as it wouldn't be of any use over the deep snow covering the field between the road and the forest. She ran for all she was worth, and glad that she was at the top of her class in gym. But Tiara was still able to keep up, and now was just right behind her. "When I get my hooves on you!" Tiara threatened. Scootaloo kept running, holding onto the tiara as she leaped into the forest and over a bush. She kept going a bit, and turned to see Tiara stopped at the edge of the forest, screaming at her. That sadly wasn't the case. In fact, as she turned, Scootaloo saw Tiara leap at her and plow right into her, sending them both rolling onto the snowy ground. Scootaloo gasped and screamed as she felt Tiara swipe at her with her hooves, trying to grab the tiara. Scootaloo growled and fought back, trying to push the wild filly off of her. The two of them rolled around, before Scootaloo felt them falling off a ledge and hitting the ground with a burst of powdery snow. She felt Diamond grab the tiara and pull, giving her a hoof to the stomach that caused Scootaloo to let go and hold her stomach in pain. "Ha! That will teach you!" Diamond Tiara said, placing her retaken prize back on her head. Scootaloo growled, looking at her. "You had it coming you big breasted whorse!" Scootaloo spat as she got up. "What did you call me!?" Diamond shrieked, glaring at Scootaloo, who glared right back. The two growled, and Scootaloo felt sure that Tiara was gonna leap at her when they both heard a low roar in the distance. Diamond and Scootaloo's ears swerved to the location of the sound, remembering where they were. Diamond gave a slight scream and Scootaloo found the filly grabbing her close as she looked around with wide eyes. Scootaloo was also holding her, herself looking around for the creature that had made the roar. "Uh..S-Scootalo...w-what was that?" Diamond Tiara asked, her voice afraid. "Uh...I-I don't know....a cyote?" Scootaloo asked, though she doubted it. She didn't know what lived in the Ever Free. It could have been anything. "What do they eat?" Diamond asked. Another sound of a creature in pain that went silent suddenly echoed from the woods and caused Diamond and Scoots to hug each other tighter as they looked around faster. "Uh...one of those...." Scootaloo said with a gulp. Scootaloo looked around, feeling hundreds of unseen eyes on her suddenly. She looked at Diamond and whispered. "L-look if we stay as quiet as possible, and move as quick as we can...we can get out of here without attracting uh...company." She said, slowly letting Diamond go. Diamond Tiara nodded and the two slowly began tip-hoof back, seeing a path the led up a small ledge that Scootaloo assumed was the one they fell from. The two had gone a few feet, before the bushes rustled, snow falling from their leaves and the two stopped dead in their tracks as they saw a monster appear in front of them. It was a huge wolf, if a wolf had only one eye. It was giant, capable of staring down a full grown stallion no doubt, and its fur was black as night. It had two sharp sabre teeth, and lots of teeth and sharp claws. The one eyed wolf stared at them, and they back at it. Scootaloo could see Tiara shaking in fear and she felt herself shaking a bit as well. The wolf gave a growl then a howl, which was received by other howls which sounded very close. "AAAHHHHH!" Diamond Tiara screamed, and turned to run in the opposite direction. The wolf leaped at them, and Scootaloo turned to run with Diamond. The two ran as fast as they could, and Scootaloo saw the black shapes of other wolves coming at their sides as the first followed behind them. Scootaloo began to panic and tried to look for any signs that told her they were near Zecora's. If they could make it to Zecora's hut they would be safe. But all she could see was the forms of more giant one eyed wolves surrounding them. Another howl, and another large wolf leaped out in front of them, snapping its jaws at them, forcing Diamond and her to stop in their tracks. Diamond shrieked and she grabbed Scootaloo close as she and her looked at the pack of wolves that now surrounded at them, leaping and snapping at them. 'This is it? It this how it ends?' Scootaloo thought with horror. As she saw one of the wolves stop its testing and leap at them, with wide open jaws. Diamond Tiara screamed. Scootaloo screamed and the two held each other tight. Scootaloo closed her eyes, and thought of her family and friends. But then something gave a loud scream, and Scootaloo heard the wolf gave a pained yelp. Scootaloo opened her eyes, seeing Diamond do the same and the two of them stared with wide eyes at something they had never expected. It was a human. It stood taller then them, and wore what looked like furs to cover itself. The human stood in front of them, but turned every so often to put itself in front of the wolves. In its hands it held a spear, and a shield on its arms. The human said something Scootaloo didn't understand. Scootaloo couldn't even begin to comprehend what was happening, when she saw the rest of the wolves growl and move to attack them and avenge their pack mate, when her hears picked up more screaming. The wolves heard it too, and everyone turned toward an area of the trees where the screams came from. From out of the forest burst more humans, all dressed the same and wielding spears and bows with arrows. The humans howled something akin to a war cry as they charged the wolves. The wolves howled and leaped to attack the humans and Scootaloo soon found herself, clutching to Diamond Tiara in the middle of a fight between humans and wolf monsters. Could the day get any stranger? > Chapter 14 - Pony/Human: "Prisoners?" Pt. 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Diamond Tiara Tiara could only stand in fear, clinging to Scootaloo as she stared into the single horrible eye of the wolves as they got ready to eat them. Tiara couldn't believe that this was how her life was going to end, becoming some monsters lunch. But if she thought things couldn't get worse, she was soon very much proven wrong as from out of the forest something even worse then a wolf monster appeared. A human. A filthy mangy human, only this human had a spear in its grip and it roared as it attacked one of the wolf monsters. Diamond Tiara could only stare, before seeing more humans run from out of the woods, all of them holding sharp weapons. From there it became a battle as the wolf monsters and the humans began fighting each other. Tiara tried to find a way out, without getting hurt. She had at least felt safer of her fate with the wolves, but with the humans she didn't feel safe at all. These were not like the humans she had seen in pet stores, these were the humans of that wanted criminal. Cactus she thought his name was. Tiara had to get away, before they took her and did whatever horrible things humans did to fillies. Diamond screamed, stepping away from the body of a wolf monster as it was slammed into the ground by one of the humans, its spear through its chest impaling it. She couldn't take it anymore! With a scream, Tiara pushed Scootaloo away from her and bolted for the first clear path she could. She thought for sure she would make it, and when she got out she promised herself she would never go into the Everfree Forest again. But before she could get far, one of the wolves appeared in her path, its body was covered in injuries and it had blood dripping from its teeth Tiara skid to a halt, and fell onto her flank. The wolf snarled, and leapt at her. Tiara screamed, bringing her hooves up in a form of defense. She felt something wet splash against her, and a loud yelp. She heard a low grunt and the sound of a loud thud. Tiara blinked confused, and slowly lowered her hooves from her face. She gasped, seeing the wolf laying on the ground, a spear in its chest where she was sure its heart was. She looked down at herself, noting that something wet was on her. It was blood. Lots of blood. She was splattered with it, the red liquid staining her brand new one of a kind deluxe designer jacket. She then looked up at the human, the one who had leaped out from before, staring down at her also covered in blood from the wolf when the spear had pierced it. Tiara couldn't take it anymore and she promptly fainted, the last thing she saw was the human looking at her with a look of....concern? Valen Valen looked at the blood covered pony girl. He couldn't understand why she had fainted, though he felt sure it was just because she was a pony. He bent low and checked her for injuries, nodding when he was sure she wasn't seriously hurt. He looked around and saw the other hunters were gathering the wounded. The other pony child was on the ground, and looking around at them. Valen scratched his chin looking at the pony. He was sure it was a girl...but she didn't have anything noticeable like other girls had to specify. Though her body was slim and looked more like a females. Valen then saw one of the hunters, he was sure he name was Rogar, begin approaching him. Rogar glared at him, and he clenched his fists tightly. "What was that!?" Rogar practically shouted. "What was I suppose to do?" Valen said back, trying to keep his voice from rising to much. Loud noises attracted attention in the forest. "Leave them to die! They are ponies! The Fire Man will not be pleased." Rogar said, spitting in the direction of the unconscious pony girl. Valen glared at the hunter and stepped forward, "You would leave a child to die by Garn?" "No I would leave a pony to die by Garn. They deserve nothing less." Rogar said, glaring back at him. "That's enough!" Valen and Rogar both turned to see the elder hunter stand before them. The older hunter continued, "Now look, what is done is done. The Garn are dead, so we can take them back to the camp. But we need to decide what to do with the ponies." All the hunters looked at the ponies, and Valen saw the orange one wilt under their gaze. "Kill them! Slit their throats and leave them for the scarvengers." Rogar said, drawing his knife and went to move for the unconscious pony girl. "No!" Valen said, grabbing Rogar by the arm. His grip tightened as Rogar tried to pull his arm free, glaring at him with a look of pure hate. For a moment Valen thought that Rogar was contemplating turning that knife on him. Other hunters also looked at him with anger, some giving protest. Others, like the older hunter, looked at him confused. Valen pushed Rogar away and placed himself between him and the unconscious pony. "The Fire Man doesn't like us killing unless it is to defend ourselves. They are not attacking us. We can't kill them." Valen said, though with some bitterness. "The Fire Man is too nice." Valen heard one hunter mutter. "Then what do you think we should do with them?" The older hunter asked. Valen felt all attention on him now, and he gulped as he tried to come up with something. Frankly he didn't know what they should do with the ponies. But he couldn't kill them, it didn't seem right to kill children, even ponies. And he couldn't just let them go. "We take them prisoner. Let the Fire Man decide." Valen said finally. This caused some hunters to argue immediately. That is until a loud roar quieted them all, and the hunters all realized that in their current state, they shouldn't stick around too much longer. Blood always attracted predators. The older hunter looked at the ponies, then back to the forest. "Gather the wounded and as many garn as can be carried. Valen, you will carry the ponies. You will be the one responsible what happens next." The older hunter said, before going to help carry an injured hunter. Valen merely nodded, and lifted the unconscious pony in his arms before moving to lift the orange pony up. The orange pony girl struggled, but Valen was bigger then her and stronger. The pony girl said something, but Valen couldn't understand her, though he gave her a look he hoped told her to be quiet. If the pony understood or not he didn't know, but at least she went quiet. Once all the garn and injured were gathered, the party began to head back to the camp. All the way, Valen felt hatred filled eyes on him, and on the ponies he carried in his arms. And beyond that, he thought he heard a low moan in the wind as a now patch of snow began to fall. Scootaloo Scootaloo tried to jerk out of the grip of the human holding her, or at least loosen the bindings to her hooves. But a sharp slap on her flank, causing her to yelp, made her stop as she glared at her captor. She looked over Tiara, who still was out cold, at the human who carried them both over his shoulder. The human merely looked at her, and said something in a language she didn't understand. Scootaloo however could tell by the look that if she tried to move again she could get another slap; so she puffed out her cheeks in agitation and stood still, looking back at the ground. Though she didn't want to admit it, she was a bit afraid. She had heard of these kinds of humans, if only in rumor. Her aunt and dad had gone to go fight them, though she didn't understand why. Humans weren't that bad. Maybe a bit smelly, but not bad. In fact she had known a really awesome human years ago. Still, she was afraid right now of what they would do to her and Tiara. She had seen one human try to hurt Tiara when she was out, only to be stopped by the human that had first come to their aid. At least it seemed that the humans weren't going to hurt them now that they were carrying them off. But what would happen next? 'Maybe those books my aunt said I couldn't read were true?' She thought, thinking on one of the books she had snuck a peek at once. She still felt her face heat up when she remembered the very descriptive detail of the pony mare mating with the human stallions. Scootaloo fidgeted again in her bindings feel uncomfortable. A groan to her left, told Scootaloo that Tiara was starting to come to. "Uh...wh-what happened? I dreamt I...ah!!" Tiara screamed as she realized where she was, and began struggling to get away. "Tiara, ow stop it." Scootaloo said, Tiara's shoulder hitting hers as the scared filly struggled. "Ahh!" Tiara then screamed, as a loud slap came. Scootaloo chuckled, glad to see that Tiara was finally getting a deserved spanking, until she felt one on her own flank. "Ow! Hey!" She complained glare at the human. "How dare you touch me like that!" Tiara shouted. Two more slaps to each of their flanks made them both yelp again, and the human held up a hand to his lips, telling them to be quiet. The human then looked away, and Scootaloo saw that the other humans were all glaring at her and Tiara. Tiara noticed as well, and the both of them just lay, staring at the ground. Tiara whispered, "What do you think they will do to us?" Scootaloo had to really think on that. A part of her wanted to say something to make the filly wet herself in fear. It be the perfect moment to really give the bully what for. But at the same time, she also knew that she and Tiara were in the same boat right now and they were going to need each other if they wanted to get out of this mess unharmed. "I don't know. But if they wanted us dead I think they would have done it." Scootaloo whispered back. "They're gonna use us as breeding stock. I just know it! I don't want to be a human brood mare!" Tiara whispered franticly, looking at the humans with wide fearful eyes. Scootaloo blinked, and felt a slight blush, "Wh-where did you hear something like that? Humans don't breed with ponies." Tiara seemed to realize something, as she also now sported a blush on her face and she puffed her cheeks out and looked at the sky, "I-I don't have to explain myself to a blank flank. I...I read it somewhere." Scootaloo smirked, "I bet your dad would be really mad if he knew you were reading books like that." Tiara looked at her suddenly with wide eyes, "What!? No. I...you can't tell anypony!" Scootaloo smirked deeper, "Well...there is new scooter in the pro shop and I just don't have the bits for it." Scootaloo looked up innocently. Tiara growled, "Are you blackmailing me?" Scootaloo opened her mouth to say something, when she saw the group of humans carrying them off approach a Cliffside, in the distance was an old ruined castle. Tiara also saw this and the two of them watched in shock as the humans began descending a natural stair case in the cliff and heading toward a cave. "That's the castle of the two sisters." Tiara said. Scootaloo nodded, remembering about the old ruin from school. These humans were right in Ponyvilles backyard and no pony but them knew about it. And what surprised them the most was, as the entered into a cave, Scootaloo saw other humans standing at the entrance, like guards. The humans all stared at them with surprise, and even open hostility, but some strange words from the human carrying them and the older human, who Scootaloo was sure was the leader of this group, and the humans ignored them. The human carrying them continued on, and Scootaloo then saw something she never thought she would see. It was a crystal like tree, and in its branches were gems that were very familiar to her. The Elements of Harmony. "The Tree of Harmony." She said with awe. "I can't believe it." Tiara said, awe also in her voice. Scootaloo had only ever heard of the tree of harmony from Twilight, and its discovery had caused a stir in the history books. Scootaloo could still remember all the new test questions in history class that had to deal with it. She had groaned inwardly at more stuff to learn. But while she had heard of it, she had never thought she would see it. It was....beautiful. Scootaloo felt so warm being near it, where it was cold outside. She felt very calm near it, and even Tiara seemed to have loosen up a bit. But while the Tree itself was a surprise, what surprised Scootaloo more was the dozens, perhaps hundreds, of humans that were in the cave, and she saw that the cave had openings into other caverns. There were more humans here then had been at Appeblooms farm three years ago. How had they gotten here? Why? The other humans soon began parting, heading off in different directions. But one in particular gave her and Tiara a glare that made Scootaloo shiver, even more so when the human began finger that knife at his belt. But the human that carried her and Tiara glared at the other human, and finally the human spat and turned away. Scootaloo was glad to see him leave. But now it was her and Tiara left with the human carrying her. At least until Scootaloo saw another human beginning to approach them. Followed by other humans. The human carrying them stood still as the humans approached. One of the new humans shouted something, pointing at her and Tiara, but the led human held up a hand. Scootaloo looked at this human and saw that he was older then the one carrying them. This human said something, and the human carrying them said something back. The two talked more, before the human nodded and motioned for the human carrying them to follow. Two other humans from the new group followed after them, flanking the human that carried Tiara and herself. Scootaloo watched as the approached a door like opening in the cave, covered only by a fur to act like a makeshift door. Two humans stood at the side each, both armed with spears and they looked at the older human and gave a nod of respect, then looked at her and Tiara and gave a questioning look to the older human. The human guards nodded though as the older human said something and one pulled the fur aside, looking in and saying something. The older human stepped in, and the human carrying her and Tiara also entered as the flap was lowered. Scootaloo had to turn her neck a bit, but she saw another human, a bit smaller then the others standing by a stone table, looking down at something on it. The older human said something, and the one by the table said something. Then their carrier said something, and the human by the table slammed his fist onto the table with a loud crunch of stone that made Tiara and herself jump in their bonds. The human by the table leaned against the table before saying something and the older human nodded and left. The human carrying her then set her and Tiara down, giving them a look and then looking at the human before leaving. Scootaloo watched as her momentary protector left her and Tiara in a room with a human she didn't know and she felt a bit scared now. "What's gonna happen?" Tiara whispered to her. "I don't know." Scootaloo said, also worried. Scootaloo turned her attention to the human before them. She couldn't help but feel...she knew him. He didn't look anything like the humans she had seen. He wasn't as tall and seemed less bulky and more thin. She knew she had seen a human like that...but...it couldn't. "Scootaloo. Your skill in getting into trouble has really gotten you in over your head." The human said, turning and looking at her. "Castus!" Scootaloo gasped and smiled, "You're alive!" "Of course I'm alive. What did you think I was dead?" Castus said with a smirk. Scootaloo blushed a bit and smiled nervously, "Uh well..no but...well I haven't seen you in three years." Castus looked at her before smiling and lifted his hand. Scootaloo gasped as she felt her bonds snap and fall to the ground and she looked at Castus confused. "Well come on. Where a hug?" Castus said as he kneeled down a bit and held out a hand. Scootaloo blinked, before smiling and running over and giving Castus a jumping hug. She had to admit she was glad to see her human friend. And she felt a lot safer now seeing he was, if what she was guessing, in charge. "Hey, what about me?" Scootaloo heard Tiara whine. Apparently she was still tied up. "You I don't know. So to be safe you can stay tied up so I can avoid having you run off." Castus said as he let her go. "But what about me?" Scootaloo asked. Castus looked at her, "Scootaloo. I trust you. But, if I have to I will have you tied up again." Scootaloo gave a salute, "No worries here. I won't run off." "Good. Cause you two are gonna be here for while." Castus said. "Huh?" Scootaloo said, confused. Castus sighed, "Scootaloo...you and your friend are.....my prisoners now." "Prisoners?" Scootaloo said confused. She then smiled and said, "Cool!" "What!?" Tiara shouted. "Huh?" Castus said confused. > Chapter 15 - Human/Pony: Dealing with Prisoners/Dealing with Humans > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Castus Castus looked at the two fillies, and his eyes widened when he saw the blood stains on the pink ponies clothes. He walked over to her, and she tried to leap back but only served to fall onto her side as she was still bound. "That blood. Are you hurt?" Castus soon asked, when he noticed the blood. He swore if any of his hunters hurt a child he would... The filly looked at him, "I..I'm fine! You just stay away!" Castus blinked and looked the filly over, using a tiny bit of Wind to check for himself. He sighed in relief sensing no major injuries. Just some bruises and minor stuff. He backed away from the filly, who merely lay there and watched him. "Geez Diamond Tiara relax. Castus is cool, he won't hurt us." Scootaloo said. "Are you crazy!?" Tiara said, "He's a human!" "Why does that surprise people?" Castus asked himself as he looked at Scootaloo now. She didn't seemed hurt. Frankly though, he thought Scootaloo was crazy. Though then again, this filly practically worshiped Rainbow Dash, the biggest dare devil and adrenaline junky he knew. Still to find being a prisoner cool, what was up with kids these days? 'Well its not like I'm gonna hurt them. Though I had better keep her and her friend from getting underfoot.' He thought. He could only imagine what trouble Scootaloo could cause. Not to mention this Diamond Tiara. He knew his people didn't have much love for ponies, and he feared some might take....drastic actions. He would have to keep them close along side his....other guest. For a few moments he had to look at both the fillies to really realize how much the passing of three years could change a person, or pony. Scootaloo was much taller now, though he still stood taller then her, her head was not up to his mid chest. She had to be around... thirteen? Fourteen now? Unless ponies counted age differently then humans. Her mane was still short, and as always messy and blown by the wind as was her tail. In fact the mane and tail looked very similar to...of course Rainbow Dashes style; only purple. Why was he not surprise. Her body had gotten more athletic, but her wings...they still seemed a bit too small for flight. Castus frowned, and he worried if his little friend would ever fly. He knew Scootaloo wanted to fly as much as wanting her cutie mark. "Oh Scoots, have you managed to find your cutie mark yet?" He asked, wondering on the subject. Scootaloo frowned and huffed in disappointment, "Not yet. Its been three years and I'm in the advance classes at Miss Cheerilees school and me and the girls still don't have are cutie marks." Castus frowned and he patted Scootaloo's shoulder, "You will get them in time." Scootalo just huffed before taking a step back, "Yeah they say that. But anyway what are you doing here with all these humans? Are you like leading an army? Are you gonna invade Ponyville? Why are you fighting Equestria? Does being a prisoner mean I don't have to go to school tomorrow?" Castus saw that last question had a particularly eager smile to it. But still it was a lot of questions to ask. "What is he going to do with us is what I want to know. He better not touch me!" Tiara said, glaring at him. "Geez Tiara get a grip. Humans don't use ponies for brood mares, besides what human would want to mate with you?" "Better then a flat chested filly like you!" Tiara then shouted, causing Scootaloo to turn on her with a cold glare. "I'm not flat." Scootaloo shouted. "Yes you are! I've seen you change at gym, you don't even have to wear a bra under your shirt. That's flat." Tiara said before laughing. Castus blinked, all rather now confused by the whole thing. "Whoa! Whoa! Hold it! Lets move onto something else!" Castus shouted, wanting to change the subject before he got even more weirded out. The two fillies looked at him, though they shot glares at each other so often. Tiara would even shake her chest a bit, causing her breasts to jiggle. This caused Scootaloo to cover her own chest, which Castus had to admit was....well flat, and glare. 'Ugh. Teenagers.' Castus thought, rubbing his head. "Look uh...now to answer the questions..." Castus said as he tried to think on his answers. "Look. I'm not here to invade Ponyville. I might take any humans I hadn't taken previously though. But I don't plan on letting my presence be known to the town. Your friends and family are safe." "Oh yeah, I heard you had stolen Appleblooms humans from her families farm. You know her sister was really mad about that. Why did you even do that?" Scootaloo asked, looking at him a bit crossed. Castus sighed, "I did not steal them. One cannot steal something that is not property. I like to say I...liberated them. Some of the humans here are from Applejacks farm. In fact, one of my guards is one of those humans." "He was? But he...talks." Scootaloo said. Castus nodded, "Yes...well...its all a very long story." "So tell it. Its not like I'm going anywhere." Scootaloo said. "True." Castus said. It might be nice to confess all his actions. If at least to give himself some closure. "Hey before you two get all story teller can you please untie me now!" Tiara shouted, glaring at them both. "Oh sure." Castus said and used the Wind to cut the ropes, and set up defenses. The ropes fell from the fillies hooves, and as he expected she bolted immediately toward the door....only to run right into a wall of air he had set up and slowly slide to the ground. "Ow." Tiara said, rubbing her face. She made an eeping sound as Castus walked over and stood above her, looking down at her with his best unimpressed expression. "Not a good idea. And even if you did manage to escape me, I have a whole cave of humans. Humans who might want to kill you." Castus said, glaring at the filly. Diamond Tiara gulped and backed away to sit near Scootaloo. Scootaloo looked at him confused and said, "Hey, why do they want to hurt us? We didn't do anything to them." "No...not personally. But war.....creates generalizations." Castus said, "Suffice to say, if you two wish to stay alive and safe, you need to stay near me at all times. Do you understand?" Scootaloo frowned, but nodded. Tiara gulped and nodded, but she was shaking with fear. Castus gave a short nod, "Good. Then...lets start with a little.....history lesson." "Ugh, I hate learning." Scootaloo said, crossing her arms as she sat down. Castus could only smirk as he began to tell the tale of events. A part of his...other memories felt delight at the teaching of young minds. It had been what he did before wars called to him. But then again, all men and women were something else before the call of war came. It had taken the course of an hour or so when Castus finally finished. He had omitted a few things, like his attack on the Equestrian forces after the attack on the Moot. It didn't seem important, or help set the fillies minds at ease. Scootaloo looked at him with confused eyes, "Wait wait...so let me see if I got this straight. Billions of years ago, before what ponies know of history began a nation of humans called the Valhrua existed and you are one of them?" "Not directly. Descended. All humans today are descendants of the Valhrua." Castus said. "Right. And there was one human in this empire that had control of the entire world called Karsus who, trying to stop a cataclysm, devised a spell that...what did it do again?" "It pierced the ethereal boundry of this world and the wild chaos of the Immaterium, the swirling mass of energy in which all worlds are born and die in. He had hoped that this form of power which aided in creation of reality and worlds itself would be a far greater power source then the Wind. However by breaching the vale between our world and the Immaterium, he allowed the chaotic energies of creation and desctruciton to enter into the world and caused untold chaos. Eventually he had to end the spell, cutting off the energies and saving the world but the afterwaves of the chaotic energies from the Immaterium became the cataclysm that destroyed the Valhruan Empire and set the stage for this era we live in now. "Right. And one of those side effects from Karsus spell was turning all humans into mindless animals." Scootaloo said slowly. Castus nodded, "It was not his intention...it is a painful failure, haunting and always remembered." "And to make up for this mistake, he prepared a last spell to transfer his memories and knowledge into a human that touched a statue back in Canterlot?" Scootaloo said, looking more confused. "It was a bit more complex then that...but yes." Castus said. "And you touched the statue, and got those memories...and so now like you're you but also Karsus?" Scootaloo asked, looking even more confused. "Yes. Something like that." Castus said. Scootaloo and Tiara both looked at him confused. "Ugh that's ridiculous." Tiara said. "Man my head hurts." Scootaloo said, rubbing her head. "I know it is difficult to understand but..." Castus began. "Difficult? its completely made up!" Tiara said, "There is no proof these...Valhrua existed. It would be in the history books if they did." "Hey, Castus wouldn't lie." Scootaloo said, coming to his defense. Castus held up his hands, "Silence, both of you." The two fillies shut up and looked at him. "Believe it or not. It is the truth. But it doesn't matter. What matters is the reason for my actions." He said. "Right, you're like dispelling the curse that Karsus left on the humans right?" Scootaloo asked. "Yes. I am repairing the mistake I...Karsus made. Humans are a sapient creature, but they are held in animalistic fury because of that ancient spell. When I took the Apple families humans and others, I was merely dispelling their curse and offering them a chance to find a new life with me. I didn't feel it was right to leave them back in Equestria where they would become some experiment or such. We deserve to make our own destiny and choices like you." "Well duh, I mean that makes sense. I don't think I would want to be left as a pet. And I've seen what they do to frogs in science class." Scootaloo said. Castus coughed, "Uh well...I'm glad you see it that way." "But still why fight Equestria?" Scootaloo asked. Castus sighed, "I don't wish to fight Equestria. I have ponies, like you Scootaloo, who I care for in the nation. But Celestia and her sister fear me, and I feel that their fear makes it impossible for us to approach each other. Celestia also wishes me to be severed from the Wind, and I would rather take my own life then let that happen." "But why?" Scootaloo asked. "Because...if I am severed from the Wind....its....it would make my life meaningless. No Valhruan who has lived has ever lasted more then day after being severed before commiting suicide." Castus said. Scootaloo looked at him confused and afraid. Castus placed a hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't say such things around you. But, as long as Celetia seeks this I cannot approach her without fear of a fight." Castus said. "Well if that's all, why not just tell her?" Scootaoo asked. "Because...she is afraid. The history of her people and mine is not a kind one. She seeks to protect her people, and so to do that she must remove what she believes to be the threat. Me...or at least my power." Castus said. Scootaloo frowned, "But...that doesn't seem right. You're not bad." "Bad!?" Tiara gasped, "He is holding us prisoner! His humans got blood all over my designer clothes and worse he has been killing ponies for months now! I heard it from my daddy and mommy." Scootaloo looked at Tiara shocked, then at him. Castus also looked surprise, but frowned and nodded. "Yes....my warriors have....killed ponies. It is a side effect of war, but we have only ever killed in defense for our lives. We did not actively seek a ponies death. Unlike Celestia's forces, who attacked our main base and slaughtered many of my people. Defenseless women and children. It was what forced us here." Castus said, staring at his shaking fists. Remembering the whole attack still left him feeling angry. "But what about the supply trains?" Scootaloo said then. Castus blinked, "What about them? I mean sure I've had a few deaths from those battles. But predominately we drove off the guards and drivers." "That's not what I heard. I heard that at least a dozen were burnt and every soldier cut down to the last." Scootaloo said. Castus looked at her oddly now, "Where did you hear that?" "My aunt. She is a soldier in the Equestrian army with my dad. She tells me all the stuff my dad won't tell me about their service. She has a lot of cool stories of battle she was in. Like one time during the war against the Dragon King she-" Scootaloo stopped talking when Castus raised a hand. "Hold on. At least a dozen? That can't be true. My forces have only attacked twenty in total before we came here, those numbers would consist of more then half that total and I was present for each one. I would have known if I had ordered a massacre." "Well that's what I was told. Maybe there were some humans who went out on their own?" Scootaloo asked. Castus shook his head, "Impossible. No what this is, is propaganda. Its a common tactic to turn a people against another." Scootaloo looked like she wanted to say something, but Tiara cut her off. "Look, not like this is all soo thrilling but my clothes are ruined and I need a bath." Tiara whined, fingering her blood stained clothes. "Oh right well, we don't have bathes. You'll have to bath in a nearby river." Castus said. "What!?" Tiara shrieked, the idea sounding abhorrent to her. "Yeah, as for your clothes." Castus held up his hand and channeled a thin strand of the Wind. Scootaloo and Tiara both watched with wide eyes as the blood slowly began to seep away from Tiara's clothes, leaving it once again spotless and the blood now floating around his hand. "There. Your precious designer clothes are fixed. Now, I have some things to do, but before I go do you need anything else?" Castus asked as he channeled open a hole in the ground and poured the blood into it and recovered the hole with dirt. When Castus finally left his quarters, he sought out Valen first. He needed someone to watch the fillies while he was gone, and surprisingly the boy had been the one to bring them to him. He found the boy eating with the other hunters, a carefully cooked roast of boar. Castus had to carefully construct a passage for smoke to leave the cave, without too much rising out to be seen from above or beyond. The smell of the cooking meat made him realize he hadn't had anything really substantial to eat in days and started to drool. He shook his head thought and focused on his objective. "Valen. Approach." He said to the young hunter. Valen looked at him, and the boy seemed worried, before standing and coming over. Around them other hunters watched them. "Yes Fire Man?" Valen asked. "About those fillies." Castus began. "I'm sorry Fire Man...I-I know you bringing them was wrong, but I-" Castus cut Valen off with a raising of his hand. "Enough. What is done is done. But now I have another problem. You doubt know the....feelings of keeping these ponies here has on our people." Castus said. Valen nodded, and he glanced at a group of hunters before looking back at him. "Yes." Valen said. "Their safety is a concern for me. While I don't doubt my peoples ability to obey my commands, I fear some might...forget themselves and I can't be watching them all the time. So....I have decided that you will be the prisoners caretaker when I am busy or gone." Castus said. "Me!?" Valen said surprised. "You did bring them here. Take responsibility." Castus said, giving the young hunter a look. Valen bit his lip but nodded, "Yes Fire Man. I will watch them and keep them safe." "Good. They are in my quarters, but one of them wishes to bathe. Take them to the nearby stream so they can wash and make sure none of them try to run away." Castus said. Despite those words he doubted the girls would try. Scootaloo seemed to be finding the whole thing to be an adventure, and Castus seriously thought she might be thinking she could get a cutie mark in political prisoner or something. Tiara though might try to run away, though he doubted it since they were in the Everfree and far from the border of the forest to Ponyville. "Bathe?" Valen said, confused. "Yes. Bathe. Now get to it." Castus said. Valen still looked confused, but nodded and began to make his way to his charges. "Oh, Valen." Castus said, causing the boy to look back at him. "Tell me, why did you save them?" Castus asked. Valen looked at the ground, deep in thought before saying, "I...can't explain it. It just....my head...I just...it felt like the right thing." "Even though they are ponies? Our enemy?" Castus asked. Valen nodded, "They are children. Not fighters. And even a pony doesn't deserve to be eaten by Garn." Castus couldn't help but smile at the children comment. Valen was about Scootaloo's and Tiara's age, maybe a year or two older. Still he didn't feel a need to bring it up. And he found the boys words to be...interesting. "You did the right thing Valen. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise." Castus said. Valen nodded, "Thank you Fire Man." And he walked off. Castus watched him go and smiled, old memories surfacing. 'That boy has the mind of a paladin. Even if he doesn't know it.' He thought, before walking off. He felt assured that Scoots and Tiara would be safe with Valen. Yet still his mind felt...ill at ease. Scootaloo's words on caravans massacred, though he was sure was nothing but propaganda, had him feeling. Uncomfortable. Deciding that, if only to assure himself, before he went to see the Huntmasters and begin their attack, he would verify his assurances with the only one who could know more personally about the supply raids. It was time to have a chat with Blueblood. Blueblood Blueblood looked up as he saw the roots that kept him in his tight cell separate, and he recoiled slightly from the presence of his captor. His hoof went to his stub of a tail subconsciously and he gave both a glare, and a look of fear. 'What is this animal going to do to me now?' He wondered. Ever since his capture, which he still could not believe, he had had his tail cut off and then left to rot in a cramped cell with only a hole in the ground for a toilet. It was simply not conditions a prisoner of his stature deserved and Blueblood hated humans greatly for it. He would think for hours how he could escape, but he had never been good with magic outside a few spells, so he couldn't teleport out and the humans had his sword so he couldn't fight or cut his way out. And so here he was, a prince of Equestria, cowering before a simple human. 'No, not a human. A monster.' He thought, remembering the magic that the human had shown. It hit him to his core at how wrong he had been. And now he was this monsters prisoner. "Blueblood. I trust the....accomedations are good?" His captor said. Blueblood scowled and spat at the human. The human leveled a glare at him, and roots shot from the ground and Blueblood found his limbs being wrapped and pulled to the point where it began to hurt. "Agh, stop!" He howled, fearing his limbs would be yanked out. "Then try to be civil. Or I won't." The human said, and the roots loosened their pull. Blueblood groaned, "Hello....Castus." he spat the last words but he said them. "Better." Castus said and the roots let go of him entirely. Blueblood rubbed at his arms and legs, before glaring at the human mage. 'How does he do it?' He thought. "Look, lets make this quick. I have things to do." Castus said. "You mean more slaughters to plan." Blueblood said harshly. "Pot calling the kettle black. But that word is why I'm here," Castus said, "Tell me. In total how many supply caravans had been sent to your camps before we captured you." "Why?" Blueblood asked, suspicious. Castus glared, "Just answer the question." Blueblood hesitated, thinking to not answer in a way of defiance and spite, but the look he got from the human told him that perhaps it was best he comply. "Thirty two. Happy?" Blueblood said. Castus was silent for a moment, before turning and walking off. The roots once more closing around his cell. "No. Not at all." Was all Blueblood heard him say. Valen Valen felt he had been cursed. It had not even been an hour or two, and already he was starting to regret saving the pony girls. Or at least the pink one. Though he could not understand her, the pink one would make something he was sure was whining as they walked. The orange one would sometimes say something, mostly to the pink one and before he knew it the two were snapping at each other like children. Though, all he had to do was glare and growl at them and that usually got them quiet. The pink one in particular would look at him with fear, and while Valen was glad it got them quiet, he would feel bad that he was scary the girl. It was not his intentions, he just....wanted them to be quiet in the forest. Even the stream that ran near the camp might attract dangers, being a water source, even with the hunters constantly clearing it and setting traps. Still, he wished the ponies could speak a real language. He didn't understand the strange words and something he was sure was neighing. Perhaps the Fire Man had a spell that could enable the ponies to talk to them. It would make things a bit easier for him in they could understand when to be quiet. When they reached the stream, Valen breathed a sigh of relief. He held up a hand to tell the ponies to stop, which they thankfully did. He then drew his bow and began scanning the area to be sure that nothing had shown up. Once he was sure it was safe he gestured from the girls to come out. The pink one said something, and looked at him with her hooves on her slightly wide hips in a way that Valen remembered his mother once taking with Marucs. She was demanding something, or lecturing him. Valen merely looked at the pony confued, and this only seemed to make the pink one angry and she started getting louder. The orange one said something to the pink one, which earned a glare from the pink one. But the pink one lifted her nose and walked to the edge of the stream, and tested the water. The pink one and orange one began conversing, with the pink one no doubt complaining. Valen watched, keeping an eye on their surroundings and the ponies. Finally, the two ponies seemed to accept the stream, which was clear and ran at a smooth gentle pace. Valen wondered why they needed the stream, but it was no doubt connected to this bathing thing. He watched, hoping to understand what it was. But what the ponies did next, shocked him. The orange one began pulling up her shirt, exposing more skin then Valen had seen on a girl. He had caught the briefest sight of something rainbow color over her chest, which still reminded Valen of a boys chest. He saw that pink one was also undressing, working her hooves at the front of her clothes, and causing them to get loose and showing more cleavage. More then Valen had seen before, in fact more then he had seen ever. Valen could only stare, before he saw the pink pony notice him and she shirked, throwing her arms around her chest. She began shouting and hurling rocks at him, while the orange one merely watched confused. Valen tried to doge the rocks, not sure what he had done, but finally he turned and ran to the bushes and leaped for their cover. He was glad when the pink pony finally stopped shouting and the rocks stopped flying. He sat a moment though, just to be sure before slowly taking a peek. He kept his face hidden in the bushes, using his skills in hunting to keep from being spotted and having rocks thrown at him again. He watched in wide eyed awe as the ponies stripped themselves of their clothes. The orange one had removed the shirt and pants she wore, and now was removing some strange rainbow coloring two piece garments that didn't do much save cover her chest and lower regions. He also learned that the orange one was not as flat as she seemed, but not by much. The pink one however wore something even stranger, and yet strangely something Valen found made his breath catch in his throat. It was black, and seemed translucent and see through in places and only barely covered the well rounded mounds of her chest. She wore a what looked like only a think piece of black cloth held by black strings that barely covered her lower regions, and strange black thin garments that went up to her thigh. The orange one said something, that made the pink one growl and toss a rock at her. The two then set their clothes, down on a clear rock beside the and slid into the river. The orange one went in quick, giving a slight shriek and shivered before ducking her head underwater. The pink one took slower, and Valen found he could not look away as she slowly slide one leg then the other into the water and slowly lowered herself in till the water covered her chest. Valen felt a slight tightening in his pants as he watched. He couldn't look away, and felt his mouth watering as he licked his lips. His breath deep as he gazed at the ponies. Was this bathing? If it was, Valen thought he could like it. 'So beautiful.' He thought, but shook his head in horror as he realized his words. "What no." he whispered and turned away from the stream, "I shouldn't think that. They're ponies. That's....its sick." And yet, even though he told himself this, a part of his mind couldn't get the images out of his head. Valen decided that he needed something to occupy his time, and his thoughts, and he pulled his dagger out and began whittling away at a piece of wood he found. He was in the middle of carving something when a loud shriek, and splash came from the stream. Valen jumped from the bushes immediately, bow drawn and ready to fire. What he saw froze him to his core. Something was grabbing at the ponies, with the orange one clinging to the grassy bank, trying to resist being pulled into the water, a black tendril wrapped around her legs. The orange one screamed, struggling to get free. Valen shot his arrow, striking the tendril, causing it to recoil and release the orange one. The orange pony quickly crawled onto the bank, and turned and pointed to the water shouting something. Valen looked and while it was difficult to see, he would see the shimmering pink form of the other pony under the water, and held down by something. Valen dropped his bow, and pulled the short spear from his back and roared as he charged into the stream. He stabbed into the river bed, where he believed the tentacles to be originating from, and was rewarded with a red stream rising into the water as the tendrils released the pink one. Valen grabbed her and lifted her from the water and flung her onto the bank, but before he could join them he felt something wrapping around his leg and pull him into the water, the force causing him to draw his spear. From the dirt and rocks of the river bed, he saw a small but bulbous body shape rise with the tentacles. It had no eyes he could see, but what he could was a vicious looking beak that opened up as whatever it was pulled him toward it, its tentacles tightening around his leg and reaching for more of him. Valen struggled, reaching for his dagger, but a tentacles wrapped his arm and kept him from pulling his weapon. He watched as the beak grew closer, and knew that he was going to die. That was until he saw a wooden shaft and black stone blade stab into the beak, and ushering up more blood from the beast. It gave a shriek as it released him and Valen had to cup his ears as he made for the surface. He broke the surface and pulled himself to the bank as he saw the orange one standing waist deep in the stream, and stabbing once more with the spear. Tentacles breached the surface, twisting and spasming before falling limp onto the water with a splash. A great pool of red now rising into the water. Valen gasped for breath as the orange one came to shore, and began pointing to the pink one shouting and screaming. Valen looked, and saw the pink one was laying still, and her chest wasn't rising. Panicing, Valen rushed over and immediately turned the pony over. He remembered the lessons the Fire Man had taught them after a young boy had drowned two years ago while playing by a river. He felt a shudder as he saw water pour from the pink ones mouth as he worked to get it out. He then flipped her back over and began breathing air into her mouth. Finally, the pink one gasped and coughed. She lifted her head and vomited before flopping onto the ground and taking weak breathes. Valen sighed in relief as he looked down at her, and she up at him with wide, yet...very beautiful eyes. Valen smiled and gently pet her head to show it was all okay. The pony placed a hoof on his hand, and Valen felt a tingle run up his spine. "What happened!?" Valen heard. He turned and saw the Fire Man appearing out of those tears in the air he always made when transporting the hunters to war. He looked around, expecting a fight before leveling a look at him. The orange one said something to the Fire Man, and the Fire Man then looked to him and the pink one. "Gather her up now." He said, before saying something to the orange one, who went to gather up the clothes. Valen did just that, lifting the pink one up. The pink one made a noise and gripped his tunic tightly. Valen went into the Fire Man's tear, stepping into his quarters back at the cave. The orange one soon joined him, with the Fire Man taking a few moments before appearing and the tear closing. "Set her down and wrap this around her." The Fire Man said, bringing a thick fur blanket over. Valen nodded and set the pink one down, and had to almost force her to let go of him, as he wrapped the blanket around her. She shivered as she held it tight around her. Valen looked to the Fire Man to see what to do next, when he realized that it was getting warmer in the room. The Fire Man wove his hands in a strange pattern, and the heat seemed to increase till it reached a level that was very warm, but still bearable. The Fire Man then sighed and walked over to the pink one. She recoiled from the Fire Man, but leaned closer to him. Valen was a bit confused, but placed a hand on the pink ones shoulder and nodded toward the Fire Man and kept her still as the Fire Man held a hand in front of the pony. After awhile he nodded and stood. "She will be fine. But keep her warm." He said. Valen nodded, "Fire Man I-" "Don't say. It wasn't your fault. The forest is...full of things we can't even imagine. Both on land and in water," The Fire Man said, bringing another blanket and wrapping it around the orange one. He held up a hand to her, before saying something and patting her head. The orange one swiped at his hand, but gave a smile. Valen then let the Fire Man do whatever it he was doing to check their health to him. The Fire Man gave a nod before saying, "Stay with them for a bit. I'll have some hot broth brought up for them. After that report to the central chamber and find your hunting squad." "My squad?" Valen said confused. "Marcus will tell you. Its time to begin our operations." The Fire Man said. "But what about-" Valen started, looking at the ponies. "I will have them stay in my room, and set up a spell to keep others out. They will be safe till we return." The Fire Man said before saying something to the orange one and leaving. The orange one waved as the Fire Man left, before looking at him with wide eyes and a wide grin. Valen looked at the pink one, who merely shivered as she held the blanket tighter around her. He kneeled down a bit to pat her head gently to reassure her, and blinked as she leaned in against him. He found it rather odd, but ignored it. That was until he felt the orange one, having moved over, now do the same to him, giving him a smirk. Valen looked between the two, and was rather confused and....uncomfortable. He was glad when the Fire Man returned with steaming bowls of food. The two ponies were left to eat, and Valen breathed a sigh of relief as he headed off to do something that made sense. It seemed that girls, even pony girls, never made sense. At least fighting was clear and not at all confusing. Scootaloo Scootaloo sat in the warm room, sipping at the broth soup that Castus had brought her and Diamond Tiara before leaving with Valen. She had been rather glad to learn the humans name, especially after he had saved both her and Tiara. 'That was so awesome!' Scootaloo thought, remembering the events. She had just finished watching Tiara drive Valen away with rocks and shrieks, calling him a pervert. Honestly she didn't see why Tiara had been making such a fuss. Frankly she had been a bit more curious about the stream. Where everywhere had snow, an area along the bank of the river seemed clear of snow, though it was still cold in the air. The stream also hadn't turn to ice like those back near Ponyville. 'Then again this is the Everfree.' She had thought. As if to prove this point, the water of the stream had been cold, but it was not freezing cold as would be expected. Even with this odd winter, the Everfree was still the Everfree. Its laws of nature were strange and its own. "Ugh, I can't believe that...that disgusting freak. He was looking right at me." Scootaloo blinked and looked over to Tiara, who gave a light yelp as she slowly eased herself into the water. "Ugh, this is disgusting. Only an animal bathes in a stream. This is simply barbaric." Tiara whined again, shivering as she eased herself further into the water. "Boy, do you always complain. You could try to appreciate it at least." Scootaloo said with a roll of her eyes. Honestly she wasn't surprised though by Tiara's attitude. "Appreciate it? Appreciate what?" Tiara asked, "Being kept hostage. Forced to bathe in a dirty stream, while being stared at by some human like a side of meat?" Scootaloo doubted the stream was dirty. In fact, the water looked rather clear, at least at the surface. The silt of the bed though did make it cloudy. "Aw I don't see why your getting all bent out of shape over that human guy. He was probably just curious." Scootaloo said with a shrug. "Ugh well maybe you don't mind having a human look at your body, not that there is much to look at." Tiara said with a smirk. Scootaloo gave the uppity filly a glare as she grinded her teeth. A bad move as Tiara saw the look and grinned before continuing. "Though I guess I can't blame him. Even a smelly human should know a real figure when he sees one. I'll bet he probably confuses you for a boy; what with your.....lacking assets." Tiara said, pushing up her breasts with her hooves. Scootaloo growled, glaring at Tiara, and her chest. She swiped her hoof into the stream, splashing water at Tiara. Tiara shrieked as she brought her hooves up, but Scootaloo grinned in triumph as she saw Tiara cough and wipe at her face, mane drenched with stream water. "You flat chested bitch!" Tiara shrieked, and splashed water back. Scootaloo laughed, sticking her tongue at Tiara, when she suddenly felt something going across her foot. "What the?" She said, looking down at the water. Had that been a fish? "Ah! What was that? Something touched me!" Tiara shrieked, looking around the water as she moved about. "It was probably a fish, try to relax." Scootaloo said with a sigh. Why did she have to get stuck with the drama queen? Tiara gave a pouty glare at her, but seemed to calm some, though still looking at the water. "Yeah...probably a fish." She said. Only to suddenly be dragged into the water with a splash. Scootaloo jumped, and then felt that same slithering across her hoof. Panic took over and she made for the shore of the bank, but she tripped and barely managed to grip the bank with her hooves as she felt something try to pull her into the water. "Help!" She screamed, looking back as she saw a black tentacle emerging from the water. At the location where Tiara had been pulled in, she could barely make out her pink form struggling against something. Scootaloo then heard a roar, and from the bushes jumped their human guard. The human shot an arrow at the tentacle around her hoof, and when it let go she crawled her way to the bank as far as she could from the water. "Tiara's still in there! Help her!" She shouted, forgetting that the human couldn't understand. She pointed where Tiara was, and the human seemed to understand as he grabbed up a spear tied to his back and roared, leaping into the water and stabbing down. Scootaloo watched as something red began mixing with the water, as the human reached down and pulled Tiara out and flung her to the shore. Scootaloo made her way over and pulled the filly onto the shore. Scootaloo then noticed that Tiara wasn't breathing, and she began to panic, looking to call the human over, only to watch him be dragged into the water, his spear lost in the pull. "No!" Scootaloo shouted, getting up and running to the stream to grab the spear. She looked around, heart beating rapidly as she held the spear oddly and tried to find the human. She then noticed two shapes in the water, one black and bulbous and the other like that of the human. Scootaloo knew she had to do something and with a scream she jammed the spear down with all her might onto the black shape. She almost gagged as she saw blood starting to rise into the water, and the human then broke the surface with a gasp and Scootaloo and he both ran for the shore. Whatever had attacked them seemed to go limp, as Scootaloo watched its tentacles flop onto the water and lay still. She then remembered Tiara, and pointed to her as she said, "Please, she isn't breathing." Of course she couldn't even be sure the human even knew what to do, let alone understand her. She was afraid that Tiara was going to die then and there. True she didn't like the filly, but Scootaloo didn't want her dead. She didn't want to have to watch somepony die. And it seemed that she wouldn't for despite her fears, the human seemed to know exactly what to do, and Scootaloo could only watch as he gave Tiara CPR, and she felt great relief when Tiara began coughing and gasping for air. "Thank Celestia." She said. Next thing she knew, Castus was walking out of a tear in the air, shouting something to the human, before looking to her and telling her to get their clothes. She could only nod and do as told, following the human as he carried Tiara into the tear. She was a bit hesitant to go herself, but followed beside Castus and into the warm surroundings of his room back at the cave where the Tree had been. Castus began saying some things to the human, as he brought out fur blankets for her and Tiara. The human was wet, but didn't seem as bothered by the cold as she and Tiara were. She also noted that it was starting to get warmer in the room as she wrapped the fur blanket round her. A part of her shivered at the thought of wearing another animals fur for warmth, but right now she couldn't care as she sighed feeling the warmth enter her body. She watched Castus do something with Tiara, then herself and then the human before nodding and seeming to become more at ease. Finally, Castus turned to her and said, "Stay here with Valen. I'll bring you something hot to eat. Are you okay?" Scootaloo shivered a bit, but nodded, "I am. Thanks to Valen." She gave a smile to Castus, before looking at Valen. Castus nodded and said something else to Valen before leaving. Valen then looked at her, and she couldn't help but grin. He had an odd name, but it was good to know his name. Especially his. Despite the dangers, that had had to have been the coolest, most exciting moment of her life. And even though he was a human, Valen had looked so awesome rushing into battle like that. Like a hero out of an action book. He hadn't cared he was fighting something of the Everfree, just like when he had rescued her and Tiara from those Cyclops wolf things. He had just gone right in roaring for battle and won. Scootaloo felt a bit of heat go to her face, and she had to admit it was rather manly of the human to do such a thing. She doubted any of the boys back in school would have done that. He was a lot tougher and cooler then them. Then Valen sat beside Tiara, who leaned against him as he placed a hand on her shoulder. Scootaloo felt a bit...agitated by that. She was sure he was just trying to comfort the filly, even a pony like Tiara didn't deserve to have to almost become monster food twice in a single day. But still she didn't like how close he was to her, and she moved herself over and leaned against his other side. Valen looked at her oddly, and she only smiled. She rather enjoyed it, but it was short lived as Castus returned, with bowls of steaming food. Soup she realized when she received hers. "This should help warm your insides. You two will stay here for the night where it is safe. I'll be back later to check on you, but you two should be fine. Do you need anything?" Castus asked. "I'll be fine." Scootaloo said. Tiara was just silent, and Scootaloo couldn't help but feel a little worry. Still she ate what she had been given, so maybe that was something. Castus frowned, but nodded as he stood and said something to Valen in that strange language he spoke. Valen nodded, and the two of them left alone. Castus again did that strange magic of his, as Scootaloo watched as a bunch of roots covered the opening to the room like jail bars. "Cool." She said. Scootaloo sipped her soup again, as she finished recalling the events. She looked at Tiara again, who had finished hers and now merely sat huddled in her blanket. "H-hey, come on Tiara we are fine." Scootaloo said, trying to cheer up the filly. Something she thought she would never do, but she found the silence from the usually whiny filly to be creepy. "Home..." Tiara said. "Huh?" Scootaloo asked, confused. "I just want to go home!" Tiara wailed, turning on her and cling to her as she began crying into her shoulder. "Uh..." Scootaloo said, trying to process the current events. She looked around uncomfortably as Tiara cried against her, clinging to her tightly. She tried to think of a way out of this rather...odd moment, as she lightly patted Tiara's back. "Uh...there, there. We're safe. We will get to go home soon." Scootaloo said. "How do you know!? We might be stuck in this horrible forest, with these humans forever!" Tiara shrieked, crying some more. 'Oh Luna help me.' She thought, patting Tiara's back some more. "I know Castus that's why. He is my friend and when he is done with...whatever he is doing, he will let us go." She said. Frankly she didn't know what Castus was going to do, but she was sure it was going to be something that ended this fighting between pony and human. She could tell that Castus didn't like this fighting, and she felt bad to have to see her friend be forced to do something he didn't like. "But what if one of those humans tries to hurt us." Tiara said, lifting her face to look at her with tear stained eyes. Tiara sniffed, rubbing at her eyes. "Y-you saw those humans out there. A-a lot of them hate us, I could tell. We're here alone surrounded by humans who want to hurt us." Tiara said, sniffling. Scootaloo frowned, "Yeah....but...Castus protects us. And I'll bet could kick any of those humans flanks out there. He did save us from that...whatever it was." Tiara seemed to blush slightly, but nodded, "H-he did....but...but he isn't here. He left us alone." Tiara seemed a bit hurt when she said that. Scootaloo sighed, "Look. We will be fine. Castus and Valen will be back, and everything will be okay. So come on, keep your chin up and stomp those hooves." Tiara didn't seem to believe it, but she sniffed once and nodded, letting her go. 'Finally.' Scootaloo thought. That had been getting...awkward. "S-so um....what do we do now?" Tiara asked, noticing her clothes and standing up to get dressed. Scootaloo blinked, getting up to also get dressed. She looked around at Castus room, noticing the lack of anything that could be used to pass the time. Not even a board game. "Uh....I don't know." Scootaloo said. Maybe she should have asked for a book or something. This could be a long wait. > Chapter 16 - Human: The First Strike > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Valen Valen found Marcus quickly after he had left the Fire Man's quarters. The Fire Man had gone off to the central chamber, where the other hunt masters were gathering with their forces. Marcus gave him a nod as he approached. "Valen. Get your equipment. We will all have bows and arrows, but we will be using the weapons we also captured from ponies." Marcus said, pointing to the sets of pony weaponry they had stolen in their raids so long ago. Valen nodded, and quickly acquired fresh arrows as he was already set with a bow and spear. But when it came to picking out the pony weapons, he was unsure. He saw many humans held the large knives, or swords as the Fire Man had called them. But others held ones with thick flat heads on the edge of the shafts, and others with crescent moon like blades. Others had weapons with a simple short shaft and a thick spiked orb at the tip. He finally chose a sword, though it didn't seem too different from his knife, if only just being a bit longer. He took a hide shield, and used the leather straps at his belt to hold the sword there as he joined the other hunters. "Hunter. We will be moving to confront the ponies at a strategic point set by the Fire Man." Marcus said, once he joined the others. Valen felt a steely resolve replace his former insecurity from the pony girls. War was something he could understand. When he was ready, Marcus led them all to the main chamber, where all the other clan Huntmasters had gathered their hunters for battle. Valen frowned, noting several groups were much smaller then before, and that several Huntmasters were new to the position. It would be years before the clans fully recovered. Valen spotted Rogan amongst the hunters, and the hunter gave him a deep glare of hate, as he fingered his knife. Valen glared back for a moment, before turning and ignoring the hunters. Valen looked up as the Fire Man stood up on a rock, set below the Tree of Harmony. As always, Valen felt a calming sense coming from the tree. Though Valen found the sensation odd, he did admit that he also found it enjoyable. A bit of clear peace in this chaos. But it was forgotten as the Fire Man spoke. "Warriors. In the next few hours, all our actions will spark the last flames in this war. We have lost many to the Equestrians, but now we must make them know that we will not be broken. Even now their forces gather, hoping to destroy us, but they will not find us on the lands we called our own. Now the tables have turned, and it will be us that invade their homes." The Fire Man paused, as the hunters all gave cheers, or stomped their spear butts to the ground. He raised a hand for silence before continuing. "Our attacks will be many, and spread out. Each of your Huntmasters knows their orders. I expect you all to obey their commands to the letter. I tell you now to be most careful, for I will be unable to be with any of you until I come to pick you up." This caused a stir. Even Valen felt uneasy at this information, for the Fire Man had always been with them in attacks. A number of hunters voiced their concern and asked. "Fire Man, if you will not be with us, where will you be?" One hunter asked. "I too have a mission which I must complete. But I must go it alone. But do not be afraid, trust in yourselves and trust in your Huntmasters. Now, let us begin our attack." The Fire Man said, before a number of tears in the air opened up before them. And one by one, Valen watched as the different groups of hunters went through one tear, as he himself followed his group through one as well. When he stepped out, he stood within a snowy field. Below he saw a town, with large wide buildings with strange pointed tops. As well, he saw some gleaming metal lines set in the ground. Valen and the other hunters looked at the town and the metal lines confused, before turning to Marcus as he spoke. "Hunters. Where we stand is a pony food storage center. In those towers hold much food that is spread out across the pony lands. Our objective is to burn these towers and the food within, just as the ponies burnt our food storages at the Moot." Marcus said. "And leave their people dead." One hunter said. "No. We are to not harm the ponies unless our lives depend on it." Marcus said. Many hunters found this order distasteful, voicing their disapproval. Even Valen felt it was a difficult order to continue to follow after so much that had happened. Yet if they hurt ponies who were not warriors like them, would that make them no better then the ponies who had killed their women and children? 'Would it make me no better then the ones that killed my mother?' He thought, finding the idea bitter. "I know it is difficult. But we must trust the Fire Man's wisdom. Now, let us move and be done with this business. Once we have finished, we will retreat to a specified location and wait for pick up." Marcus said, motioning them to follow. Valen nodded, and followed with the other hunters as they made their way to the town. "Marcus. What is the Fire Man doing?" One hunter asked. Marucs stopped and gave Valen a sad, and irritated look. "I don't know." Marcus said, sounding annoyed and worried. Castus Castus walked slowly, careful to avoid crowds and sticking to alley ways and empty streets if he could help it. Around him upper crust ponies, all unicorns, walked without a care, and a large number of them were wearing a similar style dress. Though a few other mares had other types of dresses. One unicorn mare in particular had a dress that made Castus think of Luna by its design. It suited the mare in his opinion with her dark mane and gothic like appearance. A sharp contrast to the mare beside her with a wild yellow mane and pink fur, and she wore a dress that made him think of Celestia strangely. 'Now those are some weird sisters.' He thought as he turned down an alley. It felt odd walking through the streets of the capitol of his enemy. But then again, no pony could see him so he didn't need to worry about causing a stir. Using the Wind, he had woven a thread of shadows and illusion around himself, allowing him to easily blend in the background and surroundings, as long as he avoided close contact with ponies or bumping into anyone he was safe. 'Not like they could stop me even if they did see me. The only ponies who could be a threat are miles away, and by the time they get back I'll have what I need.' He thought, smirking as he finally stood before his target. The Canterlot Castle. Celestia and Luna's seat of power, and if he was correct, the storage place of his peoples ancient artifacts. Castus smiled and began strolling up into the castle. He passed a number of guards easily, though he still had to keep a distance. Even if under the Shade Cloak, if he got to close even an unprepared eye might make out something. Ever since acquire Karsus memories, Castus had wondered where Valhruan artifacts might be found. Even after millions of years since the Empires fall, many Valhruan relics could and should have survived. The defective Amplifier he had acquired for the briefest moments back in Manehatten three years ago was testament to that. It was thus safe to assume that others might have survived, and if so, Celestia would have wanted to keep them safe from the general public. Or any pony beside her and her sister. So if he was correct, that would mean that she would keep them somewhere in the castle. 'All I have to do is find them.' He thought, looking around. It wouldn't be difficult. Valhruan crafted artifacts gave off a sort of feeling that only a Wind user, could sense. Once he got close enough that he could feel their presence, it would be a simple matter of tracking it. All he had to do was......walk till he felt it. 'This might be awhile.' Castus thought, turning a hall and seeing it stretch for lengths and lengths, with other halls leading out from the sides. Why did castles have to be built like mazes? "Hmmm...they made Twilight too fat." Castus muttered to himself, looking up at the stain glass window dedicating her ascension to Alicornhood. He had plenty of time to examine each one...considering he had passed the hall six times. 'This isn't getting anywhere....and I really need to go to the bathroom.' He thought, crossing his legs a bit. He had been walking up and down these halls for hours, and he had yet to pick up even the barest hint of Valhruan Wind craft. He slumped against the wall, feeling both irritation....and depression. 'Maybe all Celestia has is memories of my kind...maybe there isn't anything left of the Valhrua then memories...memories which will one day fade to dust...just like we did.' He thought, feeling a great sense of inner loathing. It was after all, in the strange sense, his own fault. By his, or Karsus, actions he had confined his own peoples history to the sands of time. A whole civilization that had spanned for nearly thirty five thousand years....all gone now. Castus sat there slumped and depressed before sighing, and standing up. 'I'm gonna find a bathroom.' He thought, and began walking down a hall that he knew led to the royal apartments. It was the closest place, and he was sure that either Luna or Celestia would have a bathroom near or in their rooms. Hmmm, maybe he could take a leak on Celestia's bed. He chuckled a bit at the thought. That be kinda funny. He turned, now walking slightly like a bird as his body made it known of its biological desires to relief; and he had a whole flight of stairs to go up. "I hate stairs." Castus said, as he began the climb up. It was only half way up, and feeling ready to explode, that he began to feel a sensation on his skin and mind. Castus froze, and looked up the stairs. "It couldn't be...." He said, and began running. Each step making the sensation stronger. He soon began leaping steps, his bladder pain forgotten only barely as he felt excitement. Reaching the top, Castus stopped as he stood before a small hall that ended with a fork. To the left was a room with golden yellow and aurora coloring at the door, with a sun over it. The other was midnight blue, with a strange star design patter and had a crescent moon over the door. "You're kidding me." Castus said, slapping himself in the face. Of course. He should have guessed that Celestia, and Luna would have kept anything of Valhruan nature close where they could keep an eye on it. He felt stupid not thinking at the start. He could feel a presence from both rooms, but decided to check Celestia's first. He made a brief check for any magical traps, before slowly pushing the door open. He stepped carefully into the room, looking around carefully. There were a number of crystals kept in candle holders that glowed with an inner light. A shelf of books, and surprisingly...posters. Some Wonderbolt posters, but also a number of old alicorn posters for bands and events. There was a large bed, with a sun design and a vanity desk and mirror with a number of bottles and jars. There was also a door to the left side, which Castus rushed to first and sighed in relief when it went into what he thought it did. A bathroom. 'At last. A real bathroom.' He thought as he went straight for the toilet. Once he had finished his business, Castus went back to his task. Finding the artifacts. He could feel them, but not their location. So Castus only had one choice. Turn the whole room upside down. A thought that maybe Castus was....too excited over. He upturned the bed first, expecting to find a trap door or something. Sadly nothing, but he did find a diary that fell from the pillows. He ignored it for now and began weaving wind brushes against the walls and floors, to seek out and possible hidden doors. It was then that he felt the wind streams he was making slip through a crack in the walls. He stopped and rushed to the area of the wall and began inspecting it. "Nothing...where is the....wait..." Castus stopped, thinking. There were holes for air to slip through, but it didn't seem to be connected to a door....so...did that mean. Taking a deep breath, he began pulling more of the Wind in to open a small Waygate. He felt his heart beat quicken and felt sweat on his brow as the power of the Wind made his whole body feel hot. He needed rest, and to stop using the Wind for a time, but he had to ignore it...just for a little longer. 'Come on body...just....hold out a little bit more....then we can rest for months.' He thought, opening a big enough Waygate to crawl through. As he expected, as he crawled through the Waygate, he entered into a sectioned off storage room, built within the walls and left without any opening door. Only minor air pockets to allow air within. Castus closed his Waygate and lay on the ground a bit as he let his body rest a few moments. He wiped at his brow, taking deep breathes. "I hope this has something I can use....or ...I don't think I'm going to last the end of this war." He said, before getting up and making a small orb of light, an easy and stress less weave. What the light revealed a wide circular room, with boxes and chests stacked around there and here. Old rolled up rugs and scrolls lay amongst the various objects, some small orbs or statues, and others large statues of beasts or people the size of carts. One in particular was in the shape of a giant stone man, carved armor and weapons adorning the stone body and sat in a crouched position. But even crouched the statue's head brushed the roof of the room. "Now that we could use....though I can't move it right now..." He said, and began looking for more easily transported artifacts. It was a perpetual treasure trove of history and objects of power. Castus found dozens of Amplifiers, Wells and dozens of Wind crafted weapons and armor. Castus began filling a small leather sack he had brought with as much as he could. He took several Amplifiers, though they were weak ones they would make his channeling easier and allow him to use a little more of the Wind he could use safely. He took a bronze plated and steel chained belt Well, each plate adorned with a simple large carved round quartz crystal. He found a spell ring and amulet, slipping both on immediately before grabbing for a statue of a man in a wide robe and holding up two unrolled scrolls. Once his hand touched the statue, big enough to fit in the palm of his hand, Castus froze and fingered the figurine. "It can't be...." He said, lifting the statue up and looking at it with wide eyes. He knew this statue. Though he could not believe it...it seemed too....too coincidental. But if it was....he had to know. Drawing on some of the Wind, using a small disc Amplifier to help make it easier, he slowly began recharging the statues magic. It began to glow a light blue in the eyes and the runes on the scrolls coming into view. "Knowledge is Strength." Castus said, and gasped as the runes turned from blue to silver and the eyes of the statue sent out a stream of silver light, which formed a wide orb from the stream. A blurry book image appeared in the light stream, alongside arrows that pointed left and right. Castus took the blurry book with a shaky hand and as he pulled it from the light, he felt it regain weight and another book appeared in the empty light stream. Castus ignored it as he gazed upon the golden Valhruan runes upon the book. He knew this book. It had been his...or Karsus....so very long ago. "My Repository." Castus breathed in awe, putting the book back into the light stream and cutting off the Wind stream. With the power of the magic gone, the runes went back to their blue color and the light stream and the book disappeared back into the statue. Castus shoved the Repository into the bag and tightened the clasp. Karsus Repository. A Valhruan device that allowed a mage to hold an endless supply of books or scrolls they wished to keep within. It was like a personal library at hand, or having an Iphone with a book app. But this was Karsus' and if Castus came out with anything from this, it had to be the Repository. If anything it was the most powerful and most dangerous artifact here. "You!" Castus jumped and turned, blasting with a Light blast toward the source of the voice, and saw a Light Shield go up and deflect the blast into the walls. "You!" Castus said, now seeing who it was that stood before him. It was Celestia. "What are you doing here?!" Castus said, taking a step back. "Stopping a thief. And catching a criminal." Celestia said with a glare. "You weren't even suppose to be here." Castus growled. Damn Blueblood. He should have broken off his horn and sent it to Celestia instead. "I suppose you expected me to be with the army, hunting you and your forces down." Celestia said, beginning to circle him. Castus circled in turn, never taking his gaze off the alicorn mare. He regripped the disc Amplifier tightly, slowly using it to draw further into the power and lessen its strenuous impact. "Kinda yes...that was the whole point." Castus said as he noted Celestia's horn glow brighter. "Believe me...I wanted to go. To hunt you down and make you pay for every crime you have committed against my ponies and now my family. You have a lot of blood on your hands." Celestia hissed, "But my sister convinced me to stay. I am glad she did." "You are one to talk about blood on hands. My people have suffered terrible wounds from your forces. I'd like you say that infront of the eyes of the dozens of orphans you created when your army attacked defenseless women and children." Castus spat. He shivered a bit. 'Is it getting cold in here?' He thought momentarily. "And what of the orphans you made. How many families did you destroy with your slaughters? The reports even claim you took their scalps. It is disgusting!" Celestia said, her breathing deep but controlled. "I don't remember that." Castus muttered. Celestia didn't hear him, continuing to speak, but with a softer tone as she spoke. "Yes...my general sent a report of my nephews....actions. I would never have ordered such a thing. But that gave you no right to take him prisoner and mutilate him as you did. Blood won't wash away blood." Celestia said, her voice pained. Castus huffed, "And what would you suggest I do? Turn myself in? Let my people be killed off or made into pets or slaves?" "I would never do that! But if you truly care for your people, then let me cut you off from the Wind. I will then work to give your people autonomy within Equestria and be made equal citizens. I will not do what Valhrua did to mine." "So I am to die in order for my people to live. Sorry but I'm not a martyr." Castus said. "I am not trying to kill you!" Celestia shouted, "I am trying to help you. You don't understand the delicate balance your power threatens to overturn. If any knowledge of the Valhruan Wind were to ever reach the public ear...there are many elements even today that would seek any sort of power to overthrow the peace that I, my sister and many others who have given their lives to accomplish. Once you are severed you will be safe, and free to live out your life as you wish. Don't you miss your friends in Ponyville? What about Fluttershy? I know you were close to her. She has suffered a great deal because of your actions." Castus clenched his fists, and felt his heart throb in pain at those last few words. He bit his lips, feeling regret. 'Fluttershy.....I'm sorry.' he thought. Yet despite this pain, he couldn't let Celestia have her way. No matter what the cost, he would not lose the Wind. He would rather die. "You really...don't know what you ask of me." Castus said, smirking, "Its almost funny how wise and yet innocently stupid you still are. I will not give up the Wind...and if you want to try you will have to do it over my cold dead body." Celestia glared at him, her hooves clenching tightly. He could see her breath flaring from her nostrils as she breathed. Castus glared back, also noting he could see his breath as he breathed out. Was it really that cold in here? "Then I have no choice. Forgive me." Celestia said, her voice hard as she blasted a powerful beam at him. Castus pulled on the Wind, clenching the Amplifier disk hard as he leaped back as the stone floor shot up to shield him from the blast. The blast tore the stones apart, and from the dust Celestia flew at him. Castus reacted fast, sending a blast of wind to send up scrolls and to throw off Celestia's flight pattern as she moved to avoid a number of scrolls and artifacts his wind blast sent up. Castus then opened a Waygate and jumped through and appearing into a snow covered field. He gasped for air, even with the amplifier such a jump was exhausting. He looked back to close the Waygate, seeing Celestia charging for the opening. Castus hoped that it closed before she got close to pass through. If it closed when Celestia was still half way through.....well it wouldn't be pretty. Luckily it snapped shut without hurting Celestia. Bad news though she was out the other side and tackling him as it shut. "Agh!" Castus screamed, the disk flying from his hand as he went back to hit the ground, Celestia's wings psuhing them forward and dragging him across the snow. Castus groaned as he felt the loss of the Amplifier take hold, releasing the excess Wind before it did serious damage to him. He was sweating now as he wrapped his arms around Celestia and channeling a weave of the Beast to give him greater strength he began to squeeze Celestia as he brought his legs up to dig into the ground and stop their motion. His bones and muscles ached as he fought against Celestia's speed. But she gasped and struggled to remove his arms from her body as he began trying to crush the life out of her. With a grunt she brought her leg up and kneed him in the gut. Castus coughed, spitting up as the impact caused him to less his grip and Celestia slippd a hoof out and punched him across the face, sending him to the ground with a vicious impact. He heard the sound of something cracking, and felt sharp pain in his shoulder as he struggled to get up. He pulled deeply on the Wind now, filling his body to the break point. One to power his strongest spells, and another for the numbing ignorance of bodily pain that the Wind could give. He needed focus, even if it risked his life. Celestia looked at him, surprised to see him still standing. Castus was going to give her more surprises as he lifted his fist and wove the Wind to create a giant arm and fist of snow from the snow around him and formed it into ice. He brought his fist down to crush Celestia, but she blasted it with a concentrated sun blast, melting the ice and splashing water all over her. Celestia yelped at the cold water splashing her, and making her white dress see through. Her arms went instinctively around her chest, and Castus used this moment weave a spell on the water and Celestia gasped as she found herself being encased in ice. She struggled, beginning to weave a spell with her horn glowing, but Castus worked fast to use snow to turn to ice to cover her entire body. He smirked as he finished, looking at the ice covered Celestia, frozen in time. His victory was short lived though as the ice suddenly broke apart, razor shards flying towards him and he brought up a snow wall to shield him from it. He lowered the shield to see Celestia, shaking and cold, but defiant and angry. Her horn glowed brightly as Celestia began her own ice spell, bringing up thousands of ice shards around her and with a wave of her hooves, shot them toward him. Castus responded with a large gout of flame to melt the shards. He then used more flame, sending a powerful stream of fire toward Celestia, which he then broke into spate streams to attack her from different angles. He gave as much power as he could, making the flames turn blue as they burned hotter. Celestia responded with a shield around her, keeping the flames at bay. Castus kept up the blasts though, as he saw Celestia begin to sweat. "You can stop the fire Celestia, but you can't stop the heat." He said, adding more power and feeling his legs shake as the flames went from blue to bright white. Celestia screamed, before her horn glowed brighter and her shield burst and sent the flames out in wide arcs. Castus screamed as he dodged one arc of flame that went for him; and screamed as he felt the searing hit blister his skin. He let himself fall into the snow to cool the blistered skin. He grunted as he got up, leaning on a knee was he breathed deeply. His grip on the Wind was weak and he was starting to feel the pain of his injury. But worse, he was having a hard time keeping clear vision as he looked up and began seeing two Celestias. 'I've pushed myself to my limits....I...I have to...escape.' He thought, struggling to pull together enough of the Wind to open a Waygate to drag himself through. Celestia was on him though in a minute and grabbed him by his shirt and hauled him into the air. "It is over Castus. I can tell you have pushed yourself too hard. Now this ends." Celestia said, placing a hoof to his head. Castus went wild, struggling to get free. She was going to do it! She was going to do it! "NO!!!" Castus screamed. Suddenly he felt himself flying from Celestia, and she from him. They both screamed and landed on the ground with grunts. Castus lay there, shocked and surprised. He reached for the Wind, and felt excited as he could still feel it and draw upon it. He took in a small sliver, despite it making his vision swirl, just to taste it. He then noticed the warm sensation on his chest, and with his good arm, pulled the Amulet of Harmony from under his shirt. It glowed brightly, and Castus felt joy seeing it. The Amulet had saved him. "Where did you get that?" Castus stood up slowly, still holding the Amulet, and he saw Celestia looking at him with wide eyes of shock. Or looking at the Amulet with wide eyes of shock. Castus didn't answer, trying to draw upon some of the Wind to finish Celestia while she was distracted, but the Amulet grew hotter and it nearly made him fall over as it suddenly gained several pounds of weight. He let go of the Wind and looked at it confused as it became light again. 'What? Why won't you let me fight her? I can finish her! End this war!' He thought, angry that the Tree seemed intent on hindering him from what he had to do. He glared at the Amulet, but spat as he drew on the Wind again; only this time creating a Waygate to leave. "Castus! Wait!" He heard Celestia say. He turned back to glare at her. "The Tree of Harmony gave it to me." Was all he said, before snapping the Waygate shut. He looked around, and saw that he was now in the meeting place of one of the hunter groups he was suppose to pick up once he had finished his mission. He hoped that they had all accomplished their missions. "I...I will have to....to get the others....can't...leave them....out here.." He said to himself, his pain and exhaustion now becoming apparent as he collapsed onto the snow, and stared up at the sky. Within the snow falling clouds....he thought he caught the sight of ghostly horses, moaning in the wind. He felt tired, and decided that...a little rest would be good. He closed his eyes, and let himself fall asleep. The hunters would wake him when they arrived. He hoped it wasn't Marcus group or he would never hear the end of it. Or maybe Fluttershy would find him....that would be nice. Valen Valen looked about the pony town as he finished setting the wood around the last food tower, and setting the burning torch to the wood. He stepped back and watched as the last tower joined the others in the fire. A part of him told him that the fires might risk spreading to the other houses, but he ignored it. He wouldn't kill the ponies, but they could rebuild houses. 'Besides...they burnt ours. They deserve the same at least.' He thought bitterly, and turned to walk back tot he center of town with other hunters who had helped him in the burning. At the center of town, hunters stood beside a group of ponies. Many had fled when they attacked, but others had resisted. A few hunters had killed a number of ponies, all looked like self defense, but Valen felt sure it only seemed that way. None of these ponies had been fighters, and so shouldn't have threatened their lives. "That is the last Marcus." Valen said. The Huntmaster, who stood to watch the prisoners to make sure no one else was....self defensed...nodded. "Good. We leave now." He said, motioning for the hunters to follow. The ponies began shouting stuff, struggling with their bonds. No hunter stopped to untie them. Valen ignored them and followed his group. The bonds were not too difficult. Even a pony could get them off after awhile. Besides, they didn't want any rear attacks. "We now go to the designated spot which the Fire Man will pick us up. He should be an hour or so as he must also gather Krul and a few others before us." Marcus said. Valen and the other hunters nodded as they began the long trek through the heavy snow. It was near evening, with the sun beginning to lower over the horizon when they reached their spot.... ...and saw the Fire Man sprawled on the ground. "Fire Man!" All the hunters shouted as they rushed toward him. "Fire Man. Fire Man." Marucs said, kneeling beside their leader and gently lifting his head off the ground. The Fire Man groaned, and opened his eyes to gaze at them with unclear and unfocused eyes. "Marucs....I'm off schedule...gotta....get the others..." The Fire Man said, before closing his eyes and mumbling to himself. "Damn it." Marcus said, Valen surprised by the words. The huntmaster rarely swore it meant that things were very serious. "There Fire Man is hurt!" One hunter called. "It was the ponies! They killed him!" Another cried. Hunters began wailing and moaning, others crying for blood. "Enough!" Marcus yelled. Everyone went quiet. "The FIre Man is not dead. But he is hurt. We must get him back to the Sanctuary." Marcus said. "But how? Only the Fire Man's magic can bring us back." Valen said. Marcus scowled, and looked around as if trying to find something. "We must....we must...." Marcus said, lost for words as Valen watched him try to figure out what to say. Valen looked at the Fire Man, worried, and spotted the Tree Amulet. "The necklace. The Fire Man used it to clear us of the Darkness. Perhaps it can bring us back to the Sanctuary!" Valen said, grabbing it immeidalty and pulling it from the Fire Man's neck. All the hunters gathered around, looking at him. Valen held the necklace, but realized that while it seemd a good idea, he had no idea what to do to make it work. Or if he could. 'No...No I can't give up. We need the Fire Man. We can't let him die out here. Please...please work. Work!' He thought, clenching the amulet tightly in his grip as he tried to will whatever magic it had to work. Nothing. Nothing was happening. THe Fire Man groaned again, and started to shiver. "Blankets, Now!" Marcus yelled, and hunters began tearing off their fur clothes, standing only in their pants, and placed their cloaks and fur shirts around the Fire Man to keep him warm. It seemed to work, but only barely as the Fire Man began thrashing about. Marcus lay on top of him to keep him still. Valen closed his eyes and tried again. Begging for the amulet to work. 'Please! Please! We can't lose him! He has led us so far! Given us so much! We can't let him die! So please! Work!' He thought. "Work!" Valen screamed, and felt his whole mind suddenly spark on fire. He felt as if burning molten ore was being poured into his body, washing across his body. Burning ice entering his blood. Pain unlike anything he could imagine, and yet through it all pleasure unlike anything he had yet to experience. He had not even yet lay with a woman, but this feeling...he was sure it was better. But then it was gone, as he saw that familiar tear appear, and beyond it the glittering light of the tree in the Sanctuary. "Quick. Gently lift him and get him through." Marcus said, helping to carefully lift the Fire Man." The hunters did so, some cheering as they took the Fire Man through. Valen stood, legs shaky as he followed. The tear in the air suddenly closed, and Valen stood in the Sanctuary, watching as the Fire Man was taken to his room and all around people making a fuss. "Thank you..." He said to the tree, before falling over and passing out. His hand gripped the amulet tightly. > Chapter 17 - Pony: Trust and Betrayl > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scootaloo Scootaloo was scooting across the floor, her legs pushing her forward as she just went in random directions in the room that she and Tiara was confined to. "Ugh, I'm so bored!" She said for the tenth time. "Will you stop whining." Tiara groaned, looking up from the part of the floor she lay on. Scootaloo stuck her tongue out at the filly and continued her scooting. She wished that Castus or Valen would get back. Maybe they could go explore the forest so. Or maybe he could show off some of his magic. Or at least talk with her, frankly she would take anything to end her boredom. She stopped though when she began hearing the sounds of a commotion on the other side of the root door. Her ears swiveled toward the direction, and even Tiara stood up to look toward the door. Scootaloo got up and dusted herself off, looked to the door expecting Castus or Valen. Either would have been nice to see again. But as the voices grew closer, Scootaloo saw a group of humans getting closer and carrying something. She felt a bit afraid, not seeing Castus or Valen in the group, and she backed up near Tiara. Tiara gripped her hoof and they both watched as the party of humans. The humans got to the roots, and began shouting, some turning to try and pull the roots away. The roots didn't budge, and finally two humans came forward with axes and began hacking at the roots. That was when the roots started attacking the humans, wrapping at their limbs and yanking them off their feet. The humans didn't stop, more starting to hack and slash at the wild roots, and finally cutting them to pieces to make a hole big enough to get in. "Their gonna kills us!" Tiara shouted, clinging to Scootaloo tightly. Scootaloo could only wrap her arms around Tiara as well, and watch as the humans came into the room, and immediately headed to the bed and placed whatever they were carrying down on it. Some of the humans turned and glared at them, but one that Scootaloo recognized pushed the humans away and began shouting something to them. The humans nodded and ran out of the room, ducking under some remaining root pieces. Scootaloo looked to the bed, seeing a few remaining humans kneeling beside it distraught and she gasped when she saw who was laying on the bed. "Castus!" She shouted and rushed over. "Scootaloo no!" Tiara called, afraid. Scootaloo ignored her as she rushed to her friend, but shouted as a human turned and grabbed her by her hoof ad hauled her off the ground and pulled a dagger. The human pointed the dagger at her throat and shouted something at her. Scootaloo could only stare in fear, before the older human gripped the humans arm and twisted it to make him drop her. The older humans shouted some things to the human with the dagger and the human sheathed the blade and looked at the ground ashamed, before nodding and leaving. Tiara rushed over and helped Scootaloo to her hooves, and tried to pull her back, but Scootaloo resisted and looked up at the human who saved her and he looked down at her. The older human looked at her for a moment, before looking sadly at Castus. Scootaloo also looked at him, and felt her chest tighten. He looked pale and he was shivering. His face was supporting a large bruise now on the left side. "What happened to him?" She said, forgetting that they couldn't understand her. The human didn't answer, turning as more humans approached. Scootaloo turned, and was forced to step back and stand with Tiara as a number of human males and females started coming into the room. Each had baskets or leather bags filled with stuff or planets and the like. The new humans, which Scootaloo thought were healers like Zecora, began crowding around Castus, pushing the other humans away. Some began crushing up plants in a bowl with a stone tool, and others began a fire to heat some water. Others began cutting off his shirt with knives and gently removing it; revealing the large bruise around his shoulder, where his arm was angled in an awkward way. "His shoulders broken." Scootaloo said, placing a hoof to her mouth. "How can you know that?" Tiara asked. "My mom is a nurse. She sometimes took me to work and I saw a few injuries like it. He needs a hospital." Scootaloo said, watching as the human healers started working. The boiled plants in water, or made Castus chew on herbs. Others began soaking bandages in strange liquids before working to tie it around his shoulder, moving it so his arm lay on his chest. Castus screamed though at the movement of his arm, and the humans were forced to hold him down as they tied his arm and shoulder. Castus continued to struggle, and Scootaloo rushed over to place a hoof on his head. The humans all looked at her, but Castus focused on her and said something in the human language. He looked at her with wide eyes that seemed to have trouble focusing, and seemed hazy. "Castus, please you need to stay still. They are trying to help you." She said. Though she did wonder how well these humans did know about medicine. They didn't have the magical potions like Zecora; maybe she could go get her. 'No, I wouldn't even get out of this room if I tried.' She thought with a frown. Castus didn't respond, only nodding, but his face contorted with pain as the humans finally finished binding him up and stepping back. Castus looked around at them all confused, before his eyes shut and his head went limp, his body continuing to twitch and shudder. Scootaloo frowned, and had to fight back tears. What had happened to Castus to cause him this much pain? She gently stroked his head, before stepping back as some of the human healers stepped up and began making Castus drink some of their herbal mixtures. Finally the healers stopped and said some things to the older human before leaving. The older human looked at her and Tiara before pointing to Castus and then pointing at his eyes. Scotaloo blinked, but nodded. She felt sure he was asking her to watch Castus. The older human nodded and left, leaving her and Tiara alone with Castus. Tiara and Scootaloo were silent, before Tiara said, "What happened to him?" Scootaloo frowned, "I don't know. But I hope he is going to be alright." But the way Castus body twitched and shivered, she didn't know if that was the case. She had to find a way to get him to Zecora, or to get Zecora here. But how? Stonewall In the days since the destruction of the camps, Stonewall had managed to bring together the regiments into a singular army, and had even managed to scrounge up supplies to feed and cloth and shelter his soldiers. He and his troops owed a great deal of debt to the local nearby villages, who many had been willing to just give food and blankets and any supplies they needed. And now it seemed kindness like that was in danger. When Princess Luna herself, along with the entire Equestrian army, had arrived, Stonewall had felt relief in seeing his princess. In fact Princess Luna and her forces had brought tons of supplies to make up for his own current reserves. But with relief came bad news as well. Their prince Blueblood, though at times an insufferable idiot, had been captured by the enemy and from the anger in Princess Luna's face when she spoke of the message that the human leader Castus had sent them, Stonewall felt partially responsible for the prince's current predicament. 'I should have tried to reason with him. The boy can be annoying, but he doesn't deserve that.' He thought. It had been the move to then return to the human camp, though it was suspected that they would have moved by now it would have been possible to track them. It was this move that showed just how powerful Luna was. Like her sister, Luna had powerful magics that even the most skilled unicorn battle mage could only dream of. She alone managed to power a powerful teleportation circle that had brought their entire force into the human camp area. What they had found was nothing but the burnt remains of old tents, and the remains of a large pyre, and the burnt bodies of the ponies who had died when the attack had been routed. But there was no sign of the humans, or any path they had taken. They had vanished. Or teleported. Unfortunately the attempts to track the residue was impossible, as Gleaming Light explained, for the human magic had a far shorter half life residue then unicorn magic. They could attempt to sense a direction, but they would be unable to pinpoint an exact location, and the greater the distance the harder it would be. "However I do think in time we can change this. The spell is after all still in its youngest stage." Gleaming Light said. "Very well. This is very impressive work Gleaming Light. You and your apprentice should be proud, this is a spell not even I or my sister knew." Luna had said when Gleaming Light explained the spell. Still all it meant to Stonewall was that they would have to spend who knew how long tracking them down the normal way, in this cursed winter that didn't seem intent on ending. This all changed however when a fast flier arrived with a message from Canterlot. To the surprise of all, the humans were somehow in Equestria, and attacking settlements. Reports and rumors of destroyed grain silos and fires spreading through small villages and towns were. Worse were the reports of a number of deaths already, which had many soldiers worrying for loved ones and family. It was so then that the army would head back into Equestria, but to move such a vast force in time to stop any more attacks, they would have to use the rail systems. The closest town with a working railway was many miles away, but Luna had ordered all the fliers to fly ahead, leaving the rest of the army to catch up. Hopefully the Pegasus units would be enough to stamp out any further attacks, or at least keep them busy till the main force finally arrived. Either way, Stonewall found it all left him in a sour mood. It might have completely consumed him if not for his....nightly companion. Scarlet Rose was a mare of sheer insatiability. She had a way of making him feel like a young stallion again, her rose like scent nearly intoxicating. He certainly didn't understand what the young mare officer saw in an old pony like himself, but she seemed intent on sticking around him. Yet, something felt...off. It must have been a night or so ago, after a particularly rough bout of passion with the mare that left him so exhausted and drained he had fallen asleep in her arms immediately after. He had felt a slight stirring of the bed that roused him slightly from his slumber. The night had been dark, but he thought he had seen the outline of Scarlet Rose leaving his tent, clad in only a robe. But he had fallen back to sleep before he could make much of it. In fact, the memory was so fuzzy he had previously written it off as just a weird dream. But he learned now that this was not the case, as he felt that same stirring of the bed and covers once more tonight. He opened his eyes only a little, and once more saw the faint black outline of Scarlet Rose leaving the tent. Curious, Stonewall pulled himself from his bed, his body giving some protest after the excessive work out it had had not a little time ago. He breathed through it all and dressed himself before walking out of his tent. In the distance he saw the outline of a pony, Scarlet Rose, heading away from the camp. Stonewall was confused, and rather suspicious. He wrapped his cloak tight about him and began to follow. Whatever it was Scarlet was doing, he was going to find out. Scootaloo Scootaloo watched as once more the human healers did whatever they were doing to try and help Castus, but as it had been for the past three days, nothing seemed to wake him up. And his body continued to shiver, and at times he changed from cold to a high temperature. By the door she saw humans looking in, all with hopeful looks that Castus would get up. She then looked up at Valen, who stood by the wall with her and Tiara. He had a look of fear and worry, as he looked at the still body of Castus. He fingered something constantly around his neck that he never took his hand off of. Beside him, Tiara stood next to him, leaning close to him and looking at a human near the door. Scootaloo looked, and saw that familiar human that had drawn a knife on them when they first met Valen. Like always he seemed more focus on them, his hand on his knife. Scootaloo leaned closer to Valen as well, finding his presence comforting under that hateful glare. Valen noticed this, looking at her and Tiara before looking over at the human. Scootaloo watched as the two looked stares, before the human turned away and looked at Castus. The glare went soft, and had a look of worry now. Scootaloo felt Valen patting her head, and she batted his hand away, though she smiled slightly. He did the same to Tiara, though she merely stood there, her ears flat in contentment, leaning against Valen. Finally, the human healers stepped back, and spoke with the older human before leaving. The human watched them go, before looking back at Castus. He didn't seem any better, still laying silent and shivering. Scootaloo couldn't tell, but she thought he also looked paler. The older human placed his hand on Castus head, and mouthed said something before looking to Valen and saying something to him. Valen responded, nodding. The older human nodded back, then nodded to her and Tiara lightly before turning to leave. As the human left, the sound of some rough words and the sudden scampering of dozens of feet could be heard for a moment. Finally the room was silent, and Valen walked over to Castus bed side. The sudden movement nearly caused Tiara to trip over herself, as she had been leaning heavily against him. Scootaloo chuckled a bit at her near stumble and ran off to join Valen. Partly to be next to him before Tiara got there and tried to hog him. Mostly to check on Castus herself. When she got there, her momentary joy was lost to sadness. Castus still lay still, shivering and his face looked paler now. Dark rings under his eyes, like he hadn't slept in days. She blinked her eyes to keep back some tears that started to appear. Valen started to say something, the hand which he gripped something being placed on Castus chest. Valen said something else and opened his hand, and placed a glittering amulet upon Castus chest. Scootaloo got a good look at the amulet then. It was beautiful, unlike anything she had seen. It was shaped like a tree and had six small different colored gems in its branches. All this held by a simple silver chain. It looked....like the Tree of Harmony. But before Scootaloo could wonder how or where it came from, the amulet suddenly glowed brightly, as did Castus body. "Ahh, whats happening?" Tiara said as she covered her eyes. "I don't know." Scootaloo said, also covering her eyes. The glow was so bright that it was hard to look at safely. When the light finally subsided, a low groan made everyone look once more at Castus. Castus groaned, and slowly his eyes opened as his good hand laid ontop of the amulet. He looked around, eyes half open and slightly glazed. He shook his head to regain focus. "Where.....am I?" He asked. "Castus!" Scootaloo shouted, and leaped to wrap her hooves around him. "Ow! Shoulder!" Castus yelped. "Ah, I'm sorry!" Scootaloo said, stepping back, "I just...you're okay again." Castus gently rubbed his bandaged shoulder, and Scootaloo smiled as he looked at them all, then her again. "I...how did...I get here?" Castus asked. Valen said something, which made Castus look at him with wide eyes. He said something to Valen, who responded, and Castus stood up shouting something that Scootaloo was sure was a swear word. But his legs nearly gave out under him, and if not for Valen he would have fallen onto the floor. "Castus, you have to lay still...I don't know what weird magic that amulet did, but you need to take it easy." Scootaloo said. "Amulet?" Castus said, confused before opening his hand to see the amulet Valen had placed on him, "Oh...it helped heal me? Why?" The last bit seemed more a question to himself, but Scootaloo shrugged, "Uh, cause its magic." Castus looked at her, then smiled, "Yes...I guess it is. But I can't take it easy. I need to get to the other hunters." "Hey uh, not that I really care, but you can't even stand." Tiara said, gripping Valen's arm with her hooves. Scootaloo glared and grabbed Valen's other arm in hers. This only seemed to make Valen go very still and look between them confused. Castus also seemed confused, looking between them all. He chuckled once before saying, "I don't have a choice....something is....I don't know yet...but something is wrong with everything. And I can't leave my warriors out there, they don't have the supplies for it. They could be freezing while I lay here. I need to go to them, but I need your help." "Our help? But why can't you just use your magic to heal you?" Scootaloo asked. Castus shook his head, "If I tried to heal myself now....I may end up doing more harm then good. I need outside help, and you know the only person would could give that. Zecora." Scootaloo blinked, "Zecora? Well that does make sense, but why would your magic hurt you if you tried to heal yourself?" "Maybe your not so good at is as you think?" Tiara said with a smirk. "Hey! Leave him alone." Scootaloo said. Tiara opened her mouth to say something, but stopped when Valen gave her a look. She wilted slightly under that look, but seemed to perk up when Valen patted her head. 'Gosh, why does he coddle her like that.' Scootaloo thought bitterly. Tiara needed to be knocked down a peg or two. "Well...she is partly right. I am not the best healer. But more importantly, Zecora is the only pony who might aid in my recovery...or maybe she can't. I won't know till I see her. I need you all to help me get to her; for I can't make the journey myself." "But what about your other warriors?" Tiara asked, "W-why do we need to go out in the woods?" "One, you three will be enough. Valen is a competent warrior. Scootaloo knows the way, and I doubt you want to be left alone here. Right?" Castus said. Tiara gulped, shaking her head. She leaned closer to Valen, and Scootaloo responded in kind. The two of the glared at each other a moment, before looking back at Castus. Castus just smiled before his face too a serious expression, "Besides...a smaller group won't attract a lot of attention. Besides, I can't think of any other I would trust my life with." Castus placed his hand on her head, petting her and Scootaloo smiled, before brushing his hand away, "Aww come on Cast, lay off the sappy stuff. If you really are set on this, I'll help. It will be cool to go exploring." "What? I...oh fine! As long as Valen is with us." Tiara said, before mumbling the last bit to herself. Castus nodded, gripping Valen's shoulder and lifting himself up. Valen placed Castus good arm around his shoulders to steady him, as Castus spoke to him in the human tongue. The two engaged in a momentary conversation, before Valen nodded and began helping Castus out the door. Tiara and Scootaloo followed. Stonewall Stonewall crouched behind a tree, looking down into the clearing where Scarlet Rose finally stopped. He had been following her for a time, and she had come far from the camp. He watched her, eyes wide when she cast off her cloak and stood naked in the night air. Stonewall went to move out and confront her on this strange ritual, when movement from above caught his eyes and he kept to his cover. From the darkness in the sky, flew down a figure cloaked in darkness. "The Equestrian Army gathers. The humans run wild in the Equestrian Heart. The Consort moves now on the Queens orders. Be sure that the Equestrians are in position when the forces arrive." The figure said. Scarlet Rose bowed, "It shouldn't be hard. My sisters are all in place in the ranks. The Equestrians will be weakened when the final battle comes. Though this winter will make it hard to move quickly." The figure nodded, "The Windigos are strong. Funny that the ponies forget. I will send word to the Consort. We will try to give you time. But do not dawdle. Failure here will mean punishment by the Queen." Scarlet Rose nodded, "I understand. I will return and see that the last bits are in place. I have my fangs deep in one of the commanding officers of the army. It should not be difficult." "Good. Oh and....dispose of the....spy." The figure said, flying off on buzzing wings. 'Faust!' Stonewall thought, he had been discovered? How? He went to make a break for it, but turned and stared directly into the red glowing eyes of a changeling. The changeling stood as tall as him, though wore nothing like armor or clothes. Its body was covered in black chitin and had membrane bug like wings. Its arms were shaped like razor sharp blades and it slashed at him. Stonewall yelped, and back stepped, turning to make a run in the other direction. But before he could move, something grabbed him by the jaw, making it impossible to scream or talk. He grabbed the arm holding him, and saw it was connected to Scarlet Rose. "Oh darling....why didn't you stay in bed." Scarlet Rose said, and with ease lifted him up into the air with her hoof. Stonewall grunted, and tried to struggle against the grip. But Scarlet's grip was like iron, and he could not break free. Scarlet Rose looked at him with humor and boredom. "Oh dear...still I guess this was inevitable. Its better to get this business done now. A shame really, but I found you delicious." Scarlet rubbed her belly with her free hoof before bringing it up. With a flash of red flare, her hoof transformed into a black chitin like blade. The blade arm of a changeling. Stonewall struggled harder, but stopped as he felt the sharp blade pierce through him. His eyes widened as he felt pain course through his body. He heard the wet sounds as the blade broke through the other side of his body. He stared at Scarlet Rose, as his vision started to get fuzzy. Her whole body was engulfed in red flame, and before him stood a changeling. He had been sleeping with a changeling!? Even as he bleed out, Stonewall felt dirty and violated. "Oh don't worry dear. No one will miss you. My sister here will take your place perfectly." Scarlet Rose said. From the darkness, stepped a changeling who the assumed HIS form. The other Stonewall smiled and waved at him. Stonewall was finding it harder to grip Scarlets arm, as his own went limp to his sides. He shivered as his vision went nearly dark. Scarlet smiled, and with a quick motion, pulled her sword arm out of his chest. "Ugh." Stonewall gasped, as Scarlet let him go and he fell to the snow, blood splattering on the white. The last thing he saw, was Scarlets hoof, crashing down on his skull. > Chapter 18 - Human: Herbs and Blood. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Valen Valen felt tense, and his grip upon his spear was tighter then ever. In his other arm, he gripped the shoulder of the Fire Man, who used him as a support as he walked. In front of them, walked the orange pony. The one called, Scootaloo. The Fire Man had told him that she would be leading them to the place where he could be properly healed. Though despite the Fire Man's words, Valen found it hard to put his trust in a pony. Still...it was nice to know her name. Even if it was....odd. The other pony girls name was just as odd. Diamond Tiara. Did it have to do with her and that odd sparkling head dress she wore on her head? Was that a tiara? Frankly it was a strange name and an even stranger thing to wear. What was the purpose? He looked to his side, where Diamond Tiara walked beside him. As always she clung to his arm, which in turn pressed his arm up against her breasts, which in turn only made him feel very, very uncomfortable. As if sensing he was looking at her, Tiara looked up at him and gave a slight smile. Her eyes half open in a look that made Valen gulp, and made even worse when she pressed his arm tighter against her chest. He looked away immediately, but a slight giggle from Tiara only made it worse. Still he focused on ahead, and saw that Scootaloo had stopped and was looking back at them. She had a glare, momentarily at him and then on Tiara. Frankly he couldn't understand why, let alone why she glared at Tiara. In the time he knew the girls, he could tell they were not friendly, but he didn't understand why. The Fire Man said something, before chuckling, and Scootaloo huffed and turned around and led them on. They were in the Everfree Forest, and it was best after all to be focused. Valen tried to stick to that principal of a hunter, and normally he wasn't distracted...but he was finding it hard to maintain his focus on....certain distractions. 'Why does she do this? Why do they both do this? They always stand close to me and lean against me and hold my arms like this.' He thought. Perhaps the Fire Man could tell him, but at the moment he seemed to need to keep all his focus on keeping up right and walking. So Valen held back his questions, though he hoped that wherever they were going would fix the Fire Man completely so he could finally get his answers. 'Still, why didn't the amulet heal him completely? It is the Fire Man's magic is it not? It opened the tear to the Sanctuary. Did I use it all up?' Valen thought. Still he could not understand how he could have done so. He still couldn't understand what he had done to make it work in the first place. And thinking about the event only reminded him of the pain in the back of his head which he finally started to forget. Though he knew he couldn't forget it completely. The moment he had passed through the tear back to the Sanctuary, his head had been killing him. Perhaps it was the amulet, and it would explain why he had passed out after. When he had awoken in the sleeping dens, tended to by one of the women and his younger brother, he still found the amulet clenched in his grip. That and he had felt extremely tired, and in a lot of pain. But it had passed after he had rested. It would be another question to ask, when the Fire Man was well. But did the place they have to go need to be in the Everfree? It was a person, Valen thought perhaps a hermit healer like in the stories, but who would be crazy enough to live out in the Everfree. Even the Sanctuary was in a relatively safe place of the forest. Whoever it was must be very powerful. Valen felt slightly uneasy, as Scootaloo waved them over around a bend of trees. Strangly enough, they had not run into anything, save a few small predators that Valen had easily managed to send running with a few kicks and waves of his spear. But the larger predators, Valen had yet to see one, but he had seen on a few occasions strange mask like things hanging from the trees. They looked rather creepy. And as he turned the bend, he saw Scootaloo standing before a tree with a door and windows. Strange tribal like decorations and more strange masks hung from the tree. "Finally. I was...starting to get a little drowsy. Valen, bring me to the door." The Fire Man said, his head lulling a bit against his shoulder. Valen frowned, but moved to bring the Fire Man closer to the imposing tree structure. Tiara clutched his arm tighter, and Scootaloo stood by the door before turning and knocking on the door. She said something and Valen blinked as the door open before him stood something he had never seen before. It was a pony, at least he thought it was a pony. But it wore its hair in a strange fashion, straight up and not down. It wore garments different from Scootaloo's or Tiara's, consisting nothing more cloth coverings of her chest and lower regions. The pony was also white and black stripes, or was it black with white stripes? It looked like a pony and Valen reacted immediately, pushing the Fire Man behind him, forgetting he couldn't stand and wincing slightly as the Fire Man fell. He also shoved Tiara back, who shrieked a bit as she fell back onto her rear and he lifted up his spear and aimed it at the pony. Scootaloo immediately jumped between him and the odd pony, her arms out as she said something. The odd pony stepped back and reached for something behind the wall, looking at Scootaloo then him intently, eyes narrowed. Valen growled, and looked right back. He tightened his grip, and felt that he could easily pierce the pony's heart if he jabbed quickly past Scootaloo's head. She was no doubt reaching for a weapon. "Valen. Stand down." Valen turned and saw the Fire Man standing up on shaking legs. He lowered a glare at him, which caused Valen to gulp and lower his spear as he wilted under that gaze. The Fire Man took a step, and nearly fell, if had not Valen rushed to catch him. Valen readjusted the Fire Man, but glared once more at the odd pony. "Take it easy Valen. This is Zecora....and if I am lucky....she can help me recover. But not if you act like you are going to attack her." The Fire Man said. "But Fire Man-" Valen started. "No buts. Do as I command." The Fire Man said, and Valen nodded. The Fire Man then looked over at the odd black and white pony and said something in the pony language. The pony responded, her hoof still no doubt reaching for something. The Fire Man and Black and White pony engaged in conversation for a time, with Scootaloo moving over and standing by the Fire Man's side and saying something to the pony. The strange pony seemed conflicted, before sighing and motioning them in. With some hesitation, Valen followed in, carrying the Fire Man. But he kept his spear at the ready, just in case. Entering the tree house, Valen came upon a strange room like he had never seen. A big strange bowl sat on a fire in the center, and around on the walls were wooden holdings that had perhaps thousands of flowers and plants. Valen could only look around confused and in wonder, he had never seen anything like this before. Even the tribe healers didn't have things like this. "What is all this?" He asked himself. "Herbology. More advanced then the simple herbs and roots the tribe healers self taught themselves. I had hoped that maybe one day they would learn stuff like this....but....we never got the time....and I must confess....I have had a certain bias towards the herbal arts with my powers. Now I must use them to aid me. The Valhruan Mage Irony plays out as always." The Fire Man said, as the Black and White pony approached. Valen didn't understand what the Fire Man meant, but he tightened the grip of his spear and watched the black and white pony with a critical eye. He didn't know who she was, but if she tried anything.... A moan outside that seemed to linger in the wind sent a chill down Valen's spine and the other ponies also seemed to have felt it. But it was forgotten as the pony soon began her strange plant work. Castus As Castus sat within the warm embrace of Zecora's hut, Castus felt a strange mix of uneasy and surprise. While he had known that Zecora was probably the only one with the knowledge he needed, he hadn't expected her to agree to help him. He figured her loyalties were to Equestria, even if she was a Zebra. It had been a close thing, when he thought back on it. Castus had to react immediately when he saw Valen push him and Tiara aside and level his spear at Zecora. The zebra herself stepped back and reached for something on her side of her hut, and Castus worried he would need to use the Wind to separate the two. But Scootaloo surprised him in putting herself between Valen and Zecora. "No Valen! Zecora is a friend! Back off!" Scootaloo said, holding her arms out. "Valen. Stand down." Castus said, as he slowly pulled himself off the cold snowy ground. Castus gave Valen a glare of authority when the boy turned to him. He would not be disobeyed in this. Castus nodded when Valen listened, and he took a step to approach Zecora, and nearly fell, if had not Valen rushed to catch him. Castus clung to Valen, embarrassed but grateful for the boys support. "Take it easy Valen. This is Zecora....and if I am lucky....she can help me recover. But not if you act like you are going to attack her." He said, hoping to put the boy at ease. "But Fire Man-" Valen started. "No buts. Do as I command." Castus said, and Valen nodded. As Valen helped him approach, Zecora spoke up. "Forgive me if I don't seem eager to greet you. But I did not expect to see an enemy of Equestria at my hut." Zecora said. "Sorry to intrude, and forgive my man's actions. Things are...tense. I apologize for any insult." Castus said. At least she wasn't attacking. "No insult given, but I must ask why you are here with Scootaloo and the filly there." Zecora said, motioning to Tiara and Scoots. "We're his prisoners." Scootaloo said with a smile, standing beside him. Zecora looked at him with a raised brow, and Castus sighed, "Look uh...as you can tell, I'm not in the best of conditions. Might we discuss this inside?" Zecora looked at him, then at Scootaloo and Tiara. Then to Valen and his spear. Finally she stepped aside. "Come in, but I will be watching you." Zecora said. "Thank you." Castus said. He motioned for Valen to help him inside and they all entered into Zecora's hut. Castus felt glad to be out of the cold and into the warmth of a building. The unending winter, it didn't seem right; and it only seemed to be getting worse. What would it take to end it? "What is all this?" Valen asked, as he looked around at Zecora's hut. "Herbology. More advanced then the simple herbs and roots the tribe healers self taught themselves. I had hoped that maybe one day they would learn stuff like this....but....we never got the time....and I must confess....I have had a certain bias towards the herbal arts with my powers. Now I must use them to aid me. The Valhruan Mage Irony plays out as always." Castus said, feeling slightly bitter. It was the downfall of many a tragic play and tale of old in Valhrua. A powerful mage brought low and saved only by the works of a simple herbalist or mundane doctor. And he had allowed it to happen to him, only this wasn't a story. Castus looked to Zecora as Valen helped ease him down to a bench. Zecora looked at him, and she placed a hoof to his head. "What is wrong with you? Youth." Zecora said. "Youth? I'm probably the same age as you...maybe older." Castus said. Zecora scuffed, "Maturity is not in age. You have the body of a man, but you act like a child." Castus scowled, "What is that suppose to mean?" "Children fight. Adults talk." Zecora said as she began lifting one of his arms and lifting it up and down. Castus glared, "You don't know what you are talking about." What did this simple potion maker know of war? Know of history. Know of anything that concerned him?! "Maybe. And maybe you are the one who doesn't know." Zecora said as she placed her ear up to the side of his head and tapped his skull with her hoof. She stepped back and looked at him. Castus glared at her, "Are you going to lecture me? Or will you help me recover." Zecora looked at him, and Castus could tell she was waiting for him to tell her what was wrong. "I didn't come here to debate. I've suffered something similar to a unicorns Magical Feedback Disease. Do you have something for that?" Castus asked. And now here he was, waiting. Zecora looked at him, then turned and began to mix something into her pot. As Castus watched, Scootaloo spoke up. "Hey, Whats Maical Feedback Disease?" She asked. "A magic sickness that all unicorns can get, when they push their magic to far without rest." Zecora said. Castus nodded, "Magic, even the filtered power of unicorn mage, takes a physical toll. Usually it is just an exhaustion that fades with rest. But if you push yourself too much without taking a rest, you risk hurting your body or passing out." "Oh, like if you keep running even after running for several miles and your legs are ready to give out?" Scootaloo said. Castus nodded, "Yes. Something like that. It isn't life threatening though." 'Usually.' Castus thought. "Pfft, what kind of idiot pushes themselves over their limits?" Tiara said. Castus and Scootaloo both looked at her with deadpan expressions. Tiara blinked, looking at them oddly. "What?" "Seriously?" Scootaloo and Castus said at the same time. Castus shook his head and looked to Zecora as she approached with a bowl of purple color liquid. He cringed, and had a good idea of how that stuff was going to taste. He took the offered bowl, pushing aside Valen's arm when he reached for it first. "Drink down every little drop." Zecora said, hoofs to her hips. Castus looked at the bowl and for a moment, wondered if Zecora attempt to poison him. He shook the thought away though, because while he didn't know Zecora well, he knew her type. She was a healer to her core, and a true healer never poisoned anyone; even the worse type of person. And so he downed every last drop of the offered potion, and nearly retched as the strong bitter taste assaulted his tastebuds. "Ugh...I knew it was going to taste bad." Castus said, before gasping and pitching forward. It felt like his body was on fire, and he hugged his sides as he spasmed some. Valen went to him immediately, shouting at Zecora. Scootaloo also bent to try and help him. But Castus ignored them until finally the burning sensation passed and he took a moment to take deep breathes. "What did you do?!" Valen shouted at Zecora. Castus placed a hand on the boys shoulder. "She helped me. Now be quiet." Castus said, making Valen go quiet and look at him confused. Castus coughed, and took a moment to center himself. He hadn't expected the medicine to work, but it seemed that the herbal potions to cure unicorn feedback still could work to cure Wind Feedback. He felt better already, made apparent as he managed to stand up on steadier legs. His head felt clearer as well, and he took final breath as he sighed. "Castus, are you feeling better now?" Scootaloo asked. Castus looked at her and nodded, "Better now." "Better, but not well. My brew can only take the exhaustion away, but you still must rest." Zecora said. Castus shook his head, "I can't. I've left my warriors alone to long. I must gather them now." "Whatever magic you use, if you use it again so soon, you will risk injury." Zecora said, not pleased at his words. "It is a risk I must take." Castus said. "Castus, maybe you should listen to her." Scootaloo said, taking his hand. Castus shook his head, and Zecora sighed saying, "Body of a man. Mind like a mule." Castus ignored that, as he drew on the Wind. He drew enough to open a simple Waygate back to his room in the Sanctuary. "If it makes you feel better, you will be right at hand if I take a turn for the worse." Castus said. "What?" Zecora said. "Castus?" Scootaloo said, tilting her head. "I'm sorry, but I can't let anyone who has seen me be left on their own. We are still at war, and so Zecora I must take you prisoner. Forgive me." Zecora looked at him with disapproval, but sighed and began gathering things, "If a prisoner I must be, at least let me take a few things." Castus frowned, but decided to allow it. Scootaloo had a frown on her face, and Castus avoided looking at her. When Zecora was finally ready, he herded everyone through the Waygate, and when it closed he rubbed at his head feeling relief. Castus reformed the root wall to his room, and went to his bed where he found his bag of artifacts waiting for him. Taking the strongest Amplifier he could find, a small simple orb with flower designs on it, he then put the bag within a hole inside the stone using a basic weave of the Wind before turning to everyone. With the aid of the Amplifier, Castus began filling the crystals of the Well belt. It was a slow process, to avoid any undo pressure, but eventually he filled the entire belt. Twelve crystals, each with enough juice to open a Waygate to crouch through. "Stay here." He said to the girls. "But Castus-" Scootaloo started, but Castus shook his head. "No buts." He said, then looked to Valen. "Valen, watch them." He said to the boy. "No." Valen said. "What?" Castus said, and he clenched his fist. "I will go with you. I don't want to disobey you Fire Man, but....but you need someone to watch you." Castus felt...insulted. Great, another Marcus. Would all his people start thinking he needed a nanny. Castus opened his mouth to tell the boy off, but when he looked at the boy, Castsu realized something he had forgotten. Valen was afraid. The look he gave him was one of pure horror and fear. Fear for him. Fear of losing him. Castus then remembered that, to his people, he was perhaps the equivalent to a holy savior. Someone whom his people looked to for guidance and leadership, now more then ever. If they lost him....they would be devastated. And that was what Valen feared, and Castus knew that was what was making him try to stay by his side. To protect him. Castus sighed, "Fine...you may come." Valen nodded, "Thank you Fire Man." "Let us go....I just hope the hunters have not done anything foolish while waiting." Castus said, as he opened a Waygate. Krul Krul sat by the fire, lounging in the strangely soft and squishy construct that all pony homes seemed filled with. They had four legs, and were wrapped in soft green coverings that didn't feel like fur. The homes themselves were a lot warmer then a tent, and filled with strange devices such as a cold box of metal in which food and strange liquids had been kept in. They were all just one of many strange things the ponies had. Krul stood up and looked around at the rest of his hunters who all sat or lay in various parts of the pony home; the only one that they hadn't burnt to the ground. In the time since the Fire Man had left them to their mission, the destruction of a large swath of strange lengths of metal and wood in which he had given them specially made tools to tear up the things he called, train tracks. Krul didn't understand why these things were important, but if it hurt the ponies he was willing to destroy all of them. They had finished their job, destroying a strange wide section of track that was shaped like a circle and spreading out in six different directions. They had destroyed the circle, but when they had waited at the extraction point the Fire Man had not arrived. So they waited. And waited, and when the sun soon began to set, Krul and the others knew that the Fire Man might not be coming. None could say why, and some had been worried, but Krul had to take care of his hunters, to shelter them from the cold. It had been a lucky break when they found a small pony town some distance away from the train track circle. The track ran through the pony village for and Krul knew that where ponies were would be shelter and food. And importantly. Ponies to kill. Krul hated ponies, and sometimes he felt as if that hate grew worse when the winds blew and the snow fell harder. He didn't care, anything to burn his fire for revenge. 'Leesha. My little Leesha. I will see you avenged, one pony at a time.' Krul thought, thinking upon his daughter. His precious, beautiful daughter. She had only been three summers, and yet the ponies took her from him. His wife had died from a snake bite not a few months ago before the war. To lose his daughter...Krul couldn't stand it. So...when he entered the town with his hunters, they did not spare a single resident. They would have resisted and tried to send them out into the cold if they hadn't. It was needed for their survival to remove the ponies, and to keep them from sending for help. Besides, each pony he cut down made him feel peace inside, if only for a few moments. Maybe before they left, he would look at where they left the one last time. They would after all have to return to the extraction point. 'That is if the Fire Man even does come.' Krul thought. Krul did not know why the Fire Man was late. Perhaps something came up, but sometimes....sometimes Krul wondered if the Fire Man had left them. He always tried to protect the ponies from their just repayment for the Moot, that it made Krul wonder if the Fire Man cared more for the ponies then his own people. Krul shook his head. No, surely such thoughts could not be so. The Fire Man was not like other men, and so could be expected to be side tracked. The hunters all saw he stood, and everyone began standing and getting ready. It was time to head back to the extraction point, and it was better to move now while there was still time left in the day. "We leave. Burn this place." Krul said, before heading out. The hunters all moved to follow, with some tossing over various objects of wood, and using strange short metal spears that the ponies kept beside their fire pits to begin tossing burning logs and coals onto the floor and flammable objects. By the time all of them were out, the house was already starting to come aflame. Krul felt a slight peace in his heart when he watched that house burn. It reminded him of his own tent that had burnt down. But he turned his back on the flames and began leading the march back to the extraction point. All the way, he heard a moan on the winds. That moaning, made him cold inside. He was use to it though. Valen Valen shivered as he heard that moan in the air. As always it didn't sound like ordinary wind. He looked to the Fire Man and he saw him looking around, as if expecting to see something that was causing the moan. "That moan can't be natural." The Fire Man said, but he continued on. Valen felt a bit uncomfortable at the thought of something out there, but he hadn't seen anything. Maybe it was just their minds playing tricks on them. When they had arrived at the extraction point, Valen saw that no one was there. The Fire Man had worried, but Valen had managed to find a set of tracks in the snow. With a little luck and work, he managed to piece together a path leading away from the extraction point. The hunters had no doubt moved somewhere to find shelter from the snow and wind, and so they now followed the trail. As they walked, the Fire Man began to speak. "You know Valen, I can't help but notice that you have gained some....attention." The Fire Man said with a chuckle. Valen blinked and looked at the Fire Man, "Attention?" "From Diamond Tiara and Scootaloo. Come man, I know you are young but I know you can't be stupid." The Fire Man said with a smirk. Valen rubbed the back of his head, feeling his face heat up, "They are...odd. They just cling to me. And....other things." "Ha, well attraction and affection can do that to people and ponies. Especially with young people like yourselves," The Fire Man said, "So, who do you like more?" "What!?" Valen choked, looking at the Fire Man with wide eyes. He was sure that they were ready to bulge out of the sockets. Had he said what he thought he said. "Don't get like that. There isn't anything wrong if you like one of them. Its only natural." The Fire Man laughed. Valen blushed, "B-but...that is...they are ponies! The enemy! They aren't human!" The Fire Man gave him a cold look, "And that means something?" Valen blinked, "I..well....it isn't right.." The Fire Man huffed and shook his head, "Valen...So what if they are. So what if we are. In the hundreds of years of memories and my own personal life has shown me, the desires of the heart negate all worldly obstacles. If you like one of them...act on it. Don't create yourself regrets. If it makes you feel better....there is a pony whom I care deeply for." Valen blinked, "Y-you care for a pony?" The Fire Man nodded, "Yes....at first I wanted to deny such things or feelings. Partly because I too felt it was wrong. But then it became a desire to keep her safe from myself. And now.....now I find I don't feel worthy to hold such thoughts or feelings. Yet I can't deny them." Valen looked at the Fire Man, and for the moment saw not the powerful leader of human kind, but a man. A powerful man, but a man none the less. It was odd for Valen. "What is her name?" Valen asked. The Fire Man smiled, and he looked more at peace then at any moment before as he spoke a single name. "Fluttershy. Her name is Fluttershy." The Fire Man said. Valen looked at the Fire Man, then looked at the ground. This conversation had made him confused now, and he thought hard on the Fire Man's words....and of the two pony girls back at the sanctuary. "I....they are....cute.....but I cannot speak to them. So I cannot understand beyond that I find them cute." Valen said. Of course, when he thought back to that moment at the river. Before the monster attack, Valen thought that cute might not be the best word to describe what he felt at times....but it was....a safe word. "Then I suppose I will need to teach you. It shouldn't be hard. If you can speak Ancient Valhruan, you can speak anything is the old saying." The Fire Man said. Valen looked at the Fire Man confused, "Teach me? Is it a good time? We are at war." The Fire Man chuckled, "War is the best time to learn Valen. Your mind tends to be more focused. Besides...it will make slugging through this snow go by a little faster." Valen didn't feel sure, but...well he supposed that they did have some ways to go. So he nodded. "Good. Then let us start with a simple hello first." The Fire Man said. And so, as they walked the Fire Man taught Valen the pony language. It was difficult, but Valen found that the words stuck with time. But as he learned, he could not help but feel...a slight tingling on his skin. For some reason he could tell it was caused by the Fire Man, as he had felt something like it when the Fire Man opened those tears from Zecora's and from the Sanctuary. Strange that it was only now that he started to feel that sensation. Valen had managed to grasp a few words, when from the distance he saw a large group approach them. It was Krul and his hunters. "Ah, good. I'm glad they are okay." The Fire Man said. Valen too was also glad to see his fellow hunters alive and well. But...where had they rested? He looked out to the horizon and....he thought he could make out a thin line of smoke. "Fire Man..." Valen said, pointing toward the horizon. "I know....I see it." The Fire Man said, sounding uncertain....and afraid. As the hunters grew closer, Valen saw Krul and his hunters wave to them. So he and the Fire Man waved and moved faster to greet the Huntmaster. "Fire Man. We wondered where you had been." Krul said. "I am sorry Krul. I was...indisposed for a bit. Where have you been?" The Fire Man said. Valen felt the air grow tense, and the Fire Man gazed intently on Krul. Krul looked back, his gaze tight. But before anyone could say anything further, a loud blaring noise from the west brought all eyes to attention. From the distance, closing fast, were mounted riders on cleft hooves. As well as figures in the air. It was a pony attack party. "Ponies! We're under attack." one hunter shouted. "Damn it!" The Fire Man swore, "Warriors prepare for battle." Valen looked to the Fire Man, to the ponies whose mounts and wings quickly closed the gap between them. He gripped his weapon tight and met the charge as the battle soon began. And the first crimson stains on the snow fell. > Chapter 19 - Pony/Human: The Horrors of War Pt. 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scarlet Rose Scarlet Rose lounged back on the bed, reading over the latest reports. Over by the table, her brood sister, Orchid Wings, was writing out orders; all at the express orders of the Consort. It meant that failure would not be tolerated, or forgiven. "Are you done yet?" She asked, looking over to Orchid Wings. Orchid turned, still in the form of General Stonewall, "Almost. Honestly, I don't know why ponies need all this paper." "Well, they can't communicate vast orders like the Hive can." Rose said. Orchid smirked, "True. It is perhaps the reason why we could so easily manipulate their forces." Scarlet chuckled, "Yes. I must say, that was rather genius of you, managing to convince their Princess to allow a mass teleportation. It will make ridding them of their magic advantage all the easier when the Consort arrives soon." Orchid smiled, "Well, I had some help. Our sisters amongst the mages was a big help." "True, but those vanguard scouts was a rather smooth move. Fewer cavalry to deal with." Rose said. "Oh stop, you are making me blush." Orchid said. Scarlet smirked and lounged back, flicking up her tail, "Why don't you come over here, and I can try to do more then that." Orchid laughed, "You are insatiable. I can see why you made it into the Infiltrator brood so easily." "It helps to have a health appetitie." Rose said, smiling as Orchid began to approach. Soon, soon it would all come to fruition. She might as well relax now. After all... ...The Consort would soon be here. Valen Valen fell back as a pony swung a heavy hammer at him. His rough leather hide shield only just barely brought up to take the brunt of the blow. It did little good, as he was lifted off his feet and he felt the bone crack. Pain however was a vague numb sensation, as the feel of battle took central focus. Around him, hunters fought with all they were worth, as ponies from the sky swooped down on them. On the ground, ponies fought them with spear or blade, though a few held huge hammers. Most worked to avoid those ponies, preferring to use their bows on the heavy hitters. Within the center of the conflict stood the Fire Man. Though he held no weapon, Valen knew that it was he who had sent the ponies animals into a frenzy and thus threw their riders. But Valen could tell the Fire Man was barely standing, even as he worked his arms to use whatever magic he could use, causing snow to pile onto ponies or for the wind to blow viciously upon the fliers; sending them into the ground. Valen was worried however, as he was sure that the Fire Man was in no condition for such a battle. They had to get him out of here. But the sight of the ponies hammer swinging for his head, one which he barely managed to avoid, made it impossible to worry about that right now. Valen swung his blade at the pony, but all he struck was the armor. The pony didn't stop, and came at him again with his hammer. Valen rolled away, hearing the hammer strike the ground. He leapt to his feet, but a misplaced step in the snow caused him to slip and fall onto the snow with a grunt. "Valen!" Someone shouted. Valen looked on with fear as the pony then stood over him, hammer raised to crush it down upon his skull. But before the hammer came down, an number of arrows pierced through gaps of the ponies armor near the shoulder, neck and side and the pony screamed as its hammer fell, but slightly off center. It was enough for Valen to roll to the side to avoid the blow, then roll back to square himself with the pony and leap to his feet, his blade out as he tackled the pony to the ground. The pony grunted as the fell, but Valen merely began to stab with his knife. He stabbed at gapes in the armor, twisting the blade each time before pulling out. He kept it up, till the pony lay still. Valen breathed heavily as he sat upon the ponies still body. A scream turned him toward a pony, a female, who rushed him now. The look in her eyes was one of murder, as she charged him with two sharp blades. But the female pony didn't get far as one of the hunters struck her across the head with his own hammer. The pony went forward, and into the ground. She did not get back up. Valen didn't focus long on this however, as he got back to his feet and grabbed up his spear from the ground. The fight, was still going on. The battle finally was over, though it came at a cost. Ponies and hunters all lay upon the ground, some dead. Others dying or injured. But they had won, and a few hunters who were not aiding the wounded up, were moving amongst the ponies, taking weapons or tail hair. "Gather up the wounded. We're leaving." The Fire Man said, helping a hunter to his feet. The hunter's leg hung at an odd angle that Valen was sure was not normal. "But what of the ponies? Some still live." Krul said. "Leave them." The Fire Man said, giving them all a hard look. Valen didn't like the look Krul got at those words, or from the other hunters of Krul's tribe. But they all nodded, and began to move toward a tear that the Fire Man made. Valen went to follow, but stopped as he caught a glint of something on the ground. He stopped, curious, and saw that the glint was coming from the pony he had killed. The one with the hammer. Or perhaps it was the amulet that lay around his neck and on the ground. Valen looked at the amulet curiously, it was not like the Fire Man's amulet. It wasn't bright and glittering, it looked more like a dull brown metal. Also it was not a tree at the end of the chain, but a simple oval, an oval that was open slightly in the snow. Valen reached down toward the amulet, and lifted it up to look at what was inside. He gasped, and felt his body go cold as he looked at the contents of the strange pony amulet. "Valen! Now!" The Fire Man called. Valen ignored him, staring at the amulet he held. His hand began to shake. "Valen! Valen!" Finally Valen turned his head, and saw the Fire Man standing over him. He looked pale and tired, and angry. "I gave you an order, what are you-.....oh my god." The Fire Man said, his voice going from hard to soft and horrified in seconds. "God. Oh god." The Fire Man said again as he knelt down and took the amulet from Valen's hand. The contents of the amulet were very odd to Valen. One looked like the images of two pony females. But the other half of the oval had an image of a pony he knew. A pony with purple hair and orange coat. An image of Scootaloo, holding the pony whom he had killed. 'What have I done?' Valen thought, as he looked at the body of the pony. Valen and the Fire Man stood before a pile of snow that the Fire Man had placed over the body of the pony. Valen clenched the pony's amulet in his hand, as he stared at the mound. He and the Fire Man had stood there silent for what seemed like forever, but in truth it had only been a few minutes. Finally, the Fire Man spoke. "Speak nothing of this. Don't show that amulet to Scootaloo. Do you understand." The Fire Man said. Valen looked at the Fire Man in shock, "What? But....but....she...I...shouldn't she know?" The Fire Man turned on him with a look of pure anger, that Valen stepped back in fear as the Fire Man spoke at him. "No! She doesn't! Now do as I said!" The Fire Man yelled, and began breathing heavily, biting his lip till it bled. "But Fire Man..." Valen started, but the Fire Man cut him off. "No buts! I am in command! I am in control! I always in control!" The Fire Man yelled, "I am commanding you to be silent, so be silent." The Fire Man brought a hand to his head, as he stumbled a bit. Despite his fear, Valen got ready to catch him if he fell. But the Fire Man straightened and shook his head. "Do as I said..." The Fire Man said again, more calmly, "I....I...we will deal with this later...when...when I figure out how to go about it. Do you understand?" Valen bit his lip, but he nodded, "I....understand." The Fire Man nodded, "Good....now...hide that thing," he said, pointing at the pony amulet, "and come on....we need....I need to see the injured before I get the other hunters." Valen watched as the Fire Man went through the tear, before following. But as the tear closed, he looked back to the mound of snow. "I'm sorry." He said. Luna Luna readjusted her cloak as another blast of biting cold wind assaulted her. It felt as if things were only getting colder, but...that couldn't be true. It was probably just her imagination. It had a lot of work to finally get the Equestrian Army back into Equestrian territory, but their marching was still not done. The human forces were widely scattered it seemed, but only in a single area of Equestria. The Bread Basket region. It was this region where most of the food was grown in Equestria. True other communities had local farms and orchards, but they all paled in comparison to the vast fields, and pastures that resided in the Bread Basket of Equestria. The only thing besides fields was the extensive train tracks which crossed across the region, and to every corner of Equestria, in short making the region not only where all the food was both grown, stored and shipped, but also the main nexus hub in which all trains of Equestria had to pass through to get anywhere else in the kingdom. So naturally, it was the most strategic place to hit if one wanted to destabilize the kingdom. Normally this was impossible, given its location at the center of Equestria. But Valhruan Magic threw impossible out the window. It was a bitter blow to Equestria, and Luna had to give Castus credit; he knew where to hit them. 'Even if we do defeat him, it could take months to fix the tracks and that will have a drastic effect to our economy.' She thought bitterly. But that before that, they had to defeat Castus. The main army was still some miles from the region of interest, but at the advise of her general Stonewall, Luna had sent nearly all their fliers, and a number of advance cavalry units to act as a vanguard. If they found any human units they would be the first to engage, and if they found any pony villages in need, to be the first responders. It made sense. 'Though the mass teleportation...I still question the wisdom.' Luna thought. True, by using both her powers and the all the battle casters of the army, they had managed to cut their march by more then half. But it had meant that the magic units would operate at half strength, if any. Even with her added power, the spell had been tough on all of them. Even she felt a bit light headed. Still, Castus was but one mage. "Your majesty. A scout returns with a report." A soldier said, bowing before her. Luna turned from her view of the horizon and looked at the soldier, "Bring them to me." "At once your majesty." The soldier said and went to fetch the scout. 'Hopefully some good news.' Luna thought. When the scout was brought to her, Luna saw he was Stonewalls Nephew. Path Finder if she remembered the reports, one of the armies best scout leaders. "Scout Path Finder. Report." Luna said, giving him leave to speak. The scout looked up from his bow, "Yes your majesty. As instructed I led my unit of fliers out to scan the area for any signs of aid needed or human movements. During our patrol, spotted what looked like a battle. When we investigated, we saw that it had been one of the vanguard units, and a small number of Pegasus scouts. They had apparently made contact with a human band, as we found a number of their dead amongst our own." Luna bit her lip, 'More lives lost.' "Continue." Luna said. Path Finder nodded, "We checked the bodies for survivors. We managed to find a few, and I had my units take them back to the main force here for recovery. But myself and a few of my scouts spotted something else...in the distance." "What did you see?" Luna asked. Path Finder looked at the ground, then back at her, biting his lip before saying, "It was a town...it was....it is gone....and....well...you should see for yourself." Luna blinked, and felt a cold feeling in her heart. But she nodded and flew off with Path Finder and her guards. They followed the scout for a distance of several leagues, and Luna saw as they approached the smoldering ruins of a small town. The scent of freshly burnt wood still lingered and assaulted her nose as she landed. "Animals!" One of her guards spat. "This isn't the worse of it. We looked for injured or dead, but we couldn't find any in the town." Path Finder said. "Then they are prisoners?" Luna said. Path Finder was silent, and he shook his head, "No....we didn't find them in the town....but....when we expanded our search outside....well...follow me." Pathfinder began walking off toward an area outside of town, and as they reached the top of a small hill, Luna caught sight of a lone great tree standing in the distance. Though the tree seemed overly bulky and its limbs were splayed out in ways that did not look healthy. As they got closer, Luna could see why the tree looked odd. Those limbs...had not been tree limbs. "By all that is holy..." Luna breathed, falling to her knees as she stared up in horror at the sight before her. "Faust." One of the guards said. Another turned and retched, and Luna herself felt ready to sick up. The tree before them had looked odd and bulky....because the entire population of the town lay nailed and impaled upon its branches. The bodies covered the tree from the trunk, to the very highest branch. > Chapter 20 - Pony/Human: The Horrors of War Pt. 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Castus Castus sat under the sparkling leaves of the Tree of Harmony, and tried to find a center of calm. He even tried reciting every passage of the Book of Winds, and the Tale of Malak, but nothing could help him keep his focus; or end the pounding headache that seemed to be consuming his head. 'Why is this bugging me? I've killed parents before. Hell, I've sent entire cities plummeting to the ground like low hanging asteroids.' 'NO! That wasn't me!' He thought then, snapping at himself as he gripped his head. Usually he could, if at times awkwardly, distance himself from Karsus' memories; his...past life he considered. But in recent days, he found that....it was getting harder to tell the difference between one and the other. It was perhaps the consequence of having two different men's memories in one head. His own, and his own. 'No! Stop! Those are Karsus memories!' He thought, gripping his head tightly, dragging his nails across his head. "Fire Man. Fire Man. Fire Man." Castus looked up, and saw Marcus looking down at him with a frown. "Is something wrong?" Marcus asked. Castus stared at Marcus, confused before saying, "I...no...yes....everything...is fine." He slowly stood up, and rubbed at his head. Marcus didn't look convinced, and Castus looked away to get away from that look. "What is the condition of the hunters?" Castus asked. "They are....healing.Some can already walk or use their arms again. That....what did you call her? Zebra?" Marcus asked. "Yes. A zebra." Castus said. "That zebra pony...Zecora. Her herbal potions....I and the healers have never seen anything like them." Castus nodded as he began to walk off toward the War room. He rubbed at his head, trying to will the pain in his mind away. 'I've killed parents before. I've burnt whole cities to ash and sank entire islands into the ocean.' 'No that wasn't me. That was......him.' Castus thought. "Some...so others aren't recovered?" He said. "Yes. All of Krul's hunters, and some of the other Huntmasters warriors you recovered are not willing to take any help from a pony." Marcus said. "Idiots. If they keep resisting, force the concoctions down their throats. We need every warrior up and ready for battle and I can't take time to heal them myself." Castus said, feeling irritated by his forces. 'Krul.....there is going to be a reckoning there.' Castus thought bitterly. He knew that something was not right. The smoke he had seen when he had retrieved Krul had him worried. Krul's tribe had suffered the most from the pony attack of the Moot and had the greatest hatred for the Equestrians. Castus was sure that Krul's force would be rather liberal in their definition of self defense. 'Maybe...maybe I'm wrong.' Castus thought, but the thought felt like a false hope. He had to know...for sure. "See to it that they all take their medicine. Tell them it was an order from me, and if I have to come in there and watch them take their medicine, I will not be happy." Castus said. Marcus looked at him, but nodded. Castus waved him away, but Marcus remained. "Yes Marcus?" Castus asked. "Fire Man....you need to rest." Marcus said. Castus turned on the man immediately, "And what are you my mother now!?" Marcus recoiled, and Castus only just realized that he had snapped at his most trusted commander and friend. "I....Marcus I'm sorry...I...I don't know why I did that." Castus apologized. He felt his headache getting worse. Marcus looked at him with wide eyes, and frowned, "You are exhausted....you try to hard to control everything." Castus slammed his fist down on the stone table of the War room, and he subconsciously channeled the Wind to crack the stone surface. "I control everything! I am the greatest mind of Valhrua! No other mage has had my level of power in several millienia and no other man has had as many military victories in war since the time of the First Triumvir! The Wind answers to my will, the very essence of all life upon this world. The very forces of creation, at my command!" Castus yelled, and breathed heavily as he glared all his frustrations at the man who so arrogantly seemed to put him at his equal. Marcus stared at him, eyes wide with fear and...worry. Castus then realized....that he had been talking not like himself, but like Karsus. He placed his hand over his face as he turned away from the man. "Leave. Do as ordered...I....need to be alone." He said, trying to keep his body from trembling. Marcus didn't say anything, but the sounds of feet walking away told him he was leaving. Castus soon found himself standing alone, and he leaned against the cracked surface of the table and covered his head with his arms. "God.....whats happening to me?" He said, and he channeled the Wind to seal the room and he began to cry. Celestia Celestia sat in her private quarters, and gently sipped from a cup of relaxing tea. Her head was pounding with the ache that only a long day of Kibtz schedules, could do. But now she could finally relax, and perhaps enjoy a relaxing bath to ease her stress away. At least, that is what she would like to do. Sadly, it seemed that even after all the official work, she still had so much to do. She had received a visit from Luna in her dreams, and had learned of the terrible massacre that had occurred within the Bread Basket region. The sheer thought that any creature could commit such a horrible act to defenseless ponies was simply too much for her. She had to banish the images away; or risk heaving up her tea. 'But did we not do something similar....' A voice in the back of her mind told her. Celestia bit her lip, and gently set her cup down as she placed her hooves on her table. She could not deny that her own forces had also attacked citizens of the human side. Granted however, she knew that none of her troops had nailed their bodies to a tree. But the underlining core still remained. 'Is this our fate. To keep playing out an age old conflict thought over millions of years ago? Is that what the tree wants?' She thought, thinking on another point that made he both confused and conflicted. That amulet, which Castus had; revealed sometime in their battle. Celestia could feel the power it had, and it had been similar in ways to the Tree of harmony and the Elements. That type of magic was not somepony who once wielded three of the elements forgot. That amulet was a product of the Tree, and the only way that Castus could have acquired it was if the Tree had given it to him. But for what reason? It was one of many questions upon which Celestia found weighing her mind. The other, why did Castus seem so intent in claiming her Severing spell was a death sentence. It was meant only to cut off his connect to the Valhruan Wind magic. It would do no bodily or mental harm to him, and outside of no longer being able to use the Wind, he would be the same. Or did Castus know something of the spell that she didn't? He did seem...honest in his words. Thousands of years had helped Celsetia acquire a skill in reading ponies, or in this case people, and Celestia knew that Castus had been speaking the truth. It only made her more confused. Celestia found the thought troubling, and finally she stood and cast a spell which caused an area of her wall to shift and open to reveal a staircase to her classified study. Perhaps, if she searched deeper she might find a reason for his words; and perhaps prove them wrong. But whatever the case, Celestia could not forget the fact that Castus had committed terrible crimes against the citizens of Equestria, and even if he had not ordered the atrocity her sister had told her of he still had to be held accountable for the billions of bits in damages and lives lost from his actions. Valen Valen felt his stomach turning as he sat beside Scootaloo and Tiara. For the one, both girls were leaned up against him, hugging his arms to their chests. Sometimes they looked up at him, before going to glare at each other. Valen could sense the hostility between them, and the fact that he was in the literally middle of it did not make him comfortable. But the other part, and the more dominate next to the soft firm feeling of Tiara's breasts against his arm, was Scootaloo. 'Stop looking at me like that...like....like a hero. I'm not.' He thought, casting a glance at Scootaloo. "Come on Valen, say it again." Scootaloo said. Valen frowned, "H-h-hel....lo." In the time since the battle....since his....his....murder....Valen had continued in his lessons with the Fire Man in the Pony Language. In that time, Valen had managed to get a basic understanding of the words. He could, partially, understand Scootaloo or Tiara, and he could in turn speak back to them. The difficulty lay in speaking the words. They were...odd. They didn't roll off the tongue as his natural language. Sometimes he had to speak slowly in order to be sure that he was saying each part of the word correctly. He felt stupid when he had to talk like that, but the Fire Man had said it would pass in time. "It is easy to learn to understand a language. The true task lies in speaking it properly. You will grow use to it in time." Had been his words. 'Perhaps I should not have asked to learn now...' Valen thought. If he couldn't understand, he wouldn't have to hear Scootaloo's near constant words of praise of his bravery; especially concerning the beast at the river. The words made him feel like a hero of tales, when he felt more like a villain. "Maybe you should stop pestering him Flank Blank." Tiara said. Valen thought the last word was odd, and when he thought about it he realized the proper term was Blank Flank. "Hey, he doesn't mind. Right Valen?" Scootaloo said, looking at him. Tiara also looked at him. Valen looked between the two, and felt he was stuck in a position where any answer wouldn't be good enough. 'Help me.' He thought, starting to sweat. "Valen!" The girls and Valen looked towards the entrance to the room, and Valen thanked the heavens that it was the Fire Man. But the look that he had on his face was....irritating. It was a slyful smirk. "Am I....interrupting something?" The Fire Man asked. Valen felt his face heat up as he did realize that he and the girls were in an empty room. Tiara made a sound and jumped from him, patting at the skirt of her clothes. Scootaloo just stood up and threw her arms behind her head. "Nah Castus, we were just talking." She said. Valen had to fight an urge to reprimand Scootaloo for her behavior. She spoke to the Fire Man so....freely. And he allowed it? Valen found it both confusing and at times disrespectful to the man who had united his kind and freed them from darkness. "Oh I'm sure." the Fire Man said, again with that smirk, "Well...I hate to interrupt your....talk, but Valen has somethings I need him to do." Valen stood up immediately, "Sorry. Talk later....yes?" "Just hurry back." Tiara said. "Yeah, there is still a lot we need to talk about." Scootaloo said, "I want to hear all your war stories, I bet you got a lot of awesome adventures." Valen felt like a knife was stabbed into his heart. "Right. Valen. Come." The Fire Man said and Valen followed as they left the Fire Man's special room he created to house both the zebra Zecora and the girls. When they had gone a distance, Valen slipped back into his natural language and asked, "What do you require of me Fire Man?" "Nothing. I just thought you might want to get out of a hairy situation." The Fire Man said. Valen blinked, "Y-you saw?" The Fire Man smirked, "Just enough." The Fire Man chuckled and Valen felt his face heating up. But as they walked the embaressment became guilt. "I...Fire Man...Scootaloo..." He began. "No!" The Fire Man said adamantly. "But...she gives me praise I do not deserve.." He said. "You take it and ignore it then. You will not tell her anything. It won't serve a purpose." The Fire Man said. "Serve a purpose!? Fire Man..I-!" Valen said, shocked at the words, but he stopped when the Fire Man turned on him with a deathly glare. "Speak nothing. When we have victory, then we can tell her." The Fire Man said, turning away and walking in a different direction. Valen gulped and said, "Can we even win?" The Fire Man stopped and sighed, Valen thought he heard something but he could not be sure. Finally the Fire Man turned and looked at him. "Go train or something....then stand guard over the girls room when Zecora returns. I have...I have something I need to do." "What is it?" Valen asked. The Fire Man was still turned from him, but Valen thought that the Fire Man sighed deeply. "I must learn....if I must pass judgment." The Fire Man said, before walking off. Valen blinked, and watched him go. He could not be sure...but....he had a feeling he knew where the Fire Man was going. Digging into his furs, Valen pulled a locket from its folds and opened it. He looked into the pictures of Scootaloo's father and her family. "Judgment...." Valen said, he put the locket away. Would he pay judgment too? He felt that....he should. BlueBlood Blueblood grunted as he worked his hooves. They were cracked, chipped and cut, but his freedom depended upon this work. He stopped and turned, sitting his flank over the hole he had made near the wall as he heard the sound of the guard doing his normal patrol. Despite his predicament, Blueblood had learned that the humans were not good in keeping guards. The one human male constantly walked past his cell, stood in front of it for a time, then moved on. Sometimes he didn't come back for a time. No doubt he believed that the roots, though certainly enchanted, would keep him caged. 'I'll prove the sweaty monkeys wrong.' Blueblood thought, waiting for the guard to leave before turning again to his work. A small hole, dug near the wall, and the lose stone he worked to pry from the ground. It had the right edge that, with some work, he could sharpen enough to cut the roots. He had done some tests and learned that the roots didn't seem to attack anything that came too close from the inside. If that was the case.... '...just....need a little more time and I'll be free....and then...then these smelly monkeys will pay.' He thought, and continued to work. They would pay for messing up his hooves and mane. Flying Brick Flying Brick groaned, and she gasped as she bolted up and was immediately assaulted by pain. "Hold still. Nurses over here!" A pony, dressed in a medics uniform said, forcing her back down. Flying Brick looked around, confused, "I...where...where am I?" "Easy now. You are back in the camp of the Equestrian Army. A number of scouts found you and brought you back. Your injuries aren't too severe but you need to rest and not move around a lot." The medic said. Flying Brick blinked, and looked around. She noticed the signs of an Equestrian Medical tent; she had been in one a number of times. "I...my team? Stout Heart? Where is Stout Heart!?" Flying Brick asked, grabbing the medics hoof. Stout Heart...where was he? He had been with her in the fight and.... "Oh no....No..." She said, finally remembering. The medic looked at her, and his frown deepened. "I'm sorry...." The medic said. "No......No!" Flying Brick said, her hooves going limp as she lay back. Stout Heart. Her Stout Heart. The stallion of her herd, and father of her loveable niece.....dead. Flying Brick was not normally a mare to cry, but in this....in this she could not stop the tears that flowed from her eyes. She covered her face as she cried, taking deep sobbing breathes. 'Who...who.....him!' Flying Brick thought, remembering the scene. That human. That human had killed Stout Heart! Flying Brick played the image in her mind, ignoring everything as the medics tended to her. She wanted to keep the image strong in her memory, and so that she could get a good idea of the human she was going to find....and kill. 'Stout Heart....I will see your killer dead...or die trying.' She thought, and knew it to be true. That human would die. And die painfully. Castus Castus stood once more upon the location of which he had picked up Krul and his hunters. His Well was nearly empty, with only enough to open a small waygate back to the Sanctuary. He would have to refill it when he got back. But till then...he looked in the distance, where he had seen the smoke trail. "Guess I walk......great." He said, and began the long trek. After a long walk in the cold and snow, and after some long bouts of complaining and swearing about how cold it was, Castus finally cleared a ridge and stood still as he gazed down. "Damn it all." he said, looking at the charred remains of the town. Steeling himself, Castus drew upon the Wind himself, and he nearly pitched over as its intoxicating power washed over his tired body. "Better make this fast...." He said, and wove a simple tracer spell. A tracer spell....for death. It didn't take long to find where the bodies had been lain to rest. Castus dug into the snow, and nearly retched when he finally unearthed the frozen body of a pony corpse. "Jesus Christ." Castus gasped, noting the damage. The pony was a young mare, and had hear scalp cut off. Her face still bore the marks of blunt trauma and her body stab wounds, with a large gaping wound in her side. She had not died painlessly. Castus had to stand and walk away, holding a hand to his mouth and trying to forget images of death that played out in his head. 'Why am I like this. I've seen death before.' He thought. 'No! That was him! Not me!' He then thought, trying to push away the memories of a dead man. Finally, taking a deep breath and holding it in, Castus turned back to the corpse and placed his hand on its head. This was a spell he was not very good at, but....he could get a decent enough image of the mares last moments....if he used enough power. Drawing on more of the Wind, and nearly hurling his stomach contents, Castus wove the spell and the last images of the mares death, soon played out in his minds eye. The humans came over the ridge fast, charging down into the village. Their large hulking forms, wielding terrible weapons as they cut down young and old, stallion and mare. Some grabbed ponies and impaled them on spears, still alive. Others smashed bludeons to the children or old, crushing their bodies, while others merely cut down any they passed. Some began setting fire to houses, after blocking any exits and standing outside to watch as ponies were roasted alive in their homes. The last thing then he saw....was the image of a human lunging at her, forcing her to the ground and cutting at her scalp, before his fists began raining down on her face and his knife her body. The end finally came, with the breaking of her neck. Castus released the Wind, staggering backwards and he hurled up his lunch. He fell to the ground, coughing and heaving as the power left him and he felt weak and lifeless. "Damn you...Damn you Krul.....we did not need this.....and we cannot afford what I must do." Castus finally said, wiping at his mouth. Castus took time to get his bearings, and to rebury the body. He also, with great care, drew upon the Wind to give the dead some last few comforts. A spell that would keep scavengers away. It nearly brought him to his knees....but at least they could rejoin the earth whole and not be made into meals. It was all he could offer for now. "I'm sorry....I ....I didn't want this......and I can't give you the justice you may seek...." He said, standing over the graves. He drew upon the Well and opened the Waygate. "But...I will give you justice....." He said, and turned to head back to the Sanctuary. > Chapter 21 - Human: Judgement(Castus) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Castus Castus walked into the Sanctuary, near the base of the Tree of Harmony. Around him, people worked to either sew fresh clothes, or to sharpen spears. Others walked in our out of the adjacent corridors carrying baskets of dried meat and root tubers. People stopped to look at him, but only momentarily before returning to their work. Castus felt a bitter bile rising up in him. 'What will be the consequences of what I do?' He thought. He could....he could ignore it. He needed the support and the troops. He could ignore it once they had victory, he had done it before. "NO!" He shouted, and he realized that he had shouted that for all to hear. Everyone stopped, and looked at him. Castus looked around, feeling embarrassed. He cleared his throat and then walked off. Not his....best save. 'No....they....that was...not...me.' He thought, and tried to banish memories of times he had turned the other check. Ignored the actions of his troops. He had done all that to secure victory and power. 'No...that was Karsus. That is not me!' He thought, and slammed his fist against the stone wall. He gripped the Amulet of Harmony with the other and took a deep breath. 'That was not me...and I am going...to prove it.' He thought. He would finally prove that he was NOT Karsus, or he him.....even if it cost him everything. It took Castus sometime to find the Huntmasters, and he had to restrain himself from lunging at Krul when he saw him. With instructions to gather all the people in the center of the complex, Castus then returned to his rooms to check on his...guests. As he neared his room, Valen once more trying to keep guard, and failing as both Tiara and Scootaloo hung on him. Both girls were looking at the boy, though at times glaring at each other. Over in the corner, Zecora sat working on some potion, using a small pot she had brought from her hut. Castus felt bad having to take the zebra prisoner, but at the same time he was glad he had. Her potion skills had helped heal many hunters who were injured, and even cured a number of minor aches and pains and even prevented a sickness from spreading amongst his people before it began. He hadn't even known the person had been sick till Zecora brought it up. 'I suppose I could have asked...but tough times require tough decisions.' He thought. Other people had also saw the good of Zecroa's remedies. Two hunters, both who had severe injuries, now acted as her guards willingly after she had healed them from wounds that Castus thought would be crippling. Though while many humans looked at Zecora with thanks, there were still others who still could not be trusted. They saw only a pony...and probably only would see an enemy. 'Like Krul.' Castus thought. "Not disturbing anything am I?" Castus asked as he walked in. "Castus! Hey!" Scootaloo said, getting up to wave at him and letting Valen go. Of course Valen didn't have any freedom as Tiara took this as an opportunity to pull him closer, cushioning his head between her breasts. Castus thought he would bust a gut at how red Valen's face got. "Scootaloo. Sorry I haven't had a lot of time to talk or hang, but I think I've been neatly replaced." Castus said, giving the filly a smirk. "Aww dont' say that. You're still the coolest magic human I know and my best friend." Scootaloo said, giving him a quick hug. Castus smiled, but....he felt like crap at the hug. He brushed it off though when Scootaloo let him go and he looked to Zecora. "Zecora." He said. "Child." Zecora said. Castus frowned, and he wanted to snap at her for saying that, but he ignored it and looked to Valen. "Valen. The people are gathering near the tree. I have an announcement to make and all should be present." He said. Valen didn't waste time to stand up, and Tiara gave him an irritated look, but Castus found himself getting the death glare. "Of course. Will go." Valen said, responding in the pony tongue. "Aww....hey can we come?" Scootaloo asked, "I bet your gonna give some big rousing war speech right?" Castus frowned, "Not exactly...and this is....a human matter. Stay here." "Awww." Scootaloo huffed and crossed her arms over her chest and turned away. "Sorry Scootaloo." Castus said. "Yeah, yeah." Scooatloo said as she sat down. Castus sighed and left. He walked with Valen as they made their way to the Tree. "So...were they soft?" Castus asked in the Valhruan language. The color of Valen's face took on a distinct tomato color then and Castus couldn't help but laugh. Valen grunted, "I...what is it that will be addressed?" Valen apparently was trying to change the subject now. Castus stopped smiling and sighed, "Krul.....he has much to answer for." Valen looked at him, "What?" "You will learn when I speak....and I fear that....it will be our doom." He said. As the two stepped out into the central complex, he saw that all the people were gathered. Warriors and women, and children. All looked to him with curious glances. Valen looked to him, and nodded as he moved to join his clan. Castus looked at all the people as he made his way to the base of a stone he stood upon when addressing the people. In the crowd he saw Marcus, and the two exchanged a nod. 'Whatever happens....I know Marcus will stand with me.' He thought, and though small it was still a comfort. "My people....I wish this addressment was of happier news....but in times of war, often it is not the case." Castus said as he begun. The people mummered amongst themselves, but Castus held up a hand and everyone went silent. "This gathering....is to address a most terrible of crimes. And it pains me that I must call one of our own to answer for this crime. But if we are to be a civil people....we must hold to our laws." Castus looked out amongst them all, and he looked at Krul. The Huntmaster had a hard look in his eyes, and Castus suspected that he knew what was coming next. Clenching his fist, Castus spoke. "Krul. Step forward." Krul looked at him with a furrowed brow, and standing straight he marched to stand before him. Castus looked at the Huntmaster hard, and knew now there was no going back. Castus looked at the Huntmaster, then to all the gathered people. Though he wished that it would not be so....he feared, in his heart, that these next few moments would tear apart all the work he had done. Three years of unity....to be shattered by justice. It was....an irony. "Krul....I hold you to stand accountable for the crimes of murder and slaughter. How do you plead?" Krul looked at him, and he saw both fear and anger in the man's eyes. "Fire Man....I do not understand. For what reason am I being so charged? Who have I murdered?" Krul asked. "You know damn well. I charge you with the massacre of an entire Equestrian village!" Castus called, loud for all to hear. The people began to speak amongst themselves, but Castus held up a hand and called, "Silence!" The people went quiet, and Krul looked at him shocked, "I..Fire Man..I was merely carrying out your commands." "My commands!?" Castus shouted, and against his better judgement he drew upon the Wind and hurled a weave of air at Krul, lifting him off his feet and dangling up in the air. He tightened the weave to make breathing difficult for the man. "Did I command you to slaughter innocents Krul?" Castus yelled. "Fire Man...I...agh!" Krul choked, trying to speak. "My command was to destroy the Equestrian Railroad system. Your orders were NOT to touch their villages! I gave you a command that they were NOT to be touched unless it was in self defense!" Castus shouted, now unable to hold back his rage over the atrocity he saw. "F-Fire Man. We needed shelter from the snow...you...had not arrived. The...the ponies resisted us when we entered their village. They fought us. We had to fight to survive." Krul said. "Do not lie to me Krul!" Castus shouted and slammed the man to the ground, releasing the weave and the Wind. He took a moment to steady himself, and he breathed hard. Krul coughed, and slowly got up. He looked at him with fear, but Castus could see...that anger also boiled under that fear. "My powers allow me to see what the dead have witnessed. I saw your warriors enter with fire and death. I did not see any Equestrian warriors stand to fight....I saw only women and children be slaughtered. You slaughtered a town of innocent civilians! You cannot deny this to me." Castus said, and he waited for Krul to speak. Though frankly...Castus wanted to obliterate the man. Krul coughed, and looked at the ground. He did not move or speak for a long time, and Castus and all around looked at him. Castus felt his heart beat with adrenaline and the unease of anticipation. "Yes....I did....I and my warriors slaughtered those ponies." Krul said, and he looked up and stared at Castus with a hard glare. "And I would do it again!" He shouted as he stood. Castus growled, clenching his fists. "We have lost brothers and sisters, wives and children to the ponies, and yet you demand that we not spill theirs in kind!" Krul accused, pointing a finger at him. The air seemed to howl and moan, and a few specks of snow seemed to pass through into the cave. "The ponies seek to destroy us, yet you demand that we not fight back save to protect our lives! Do you care more for their lives then ours?!" Krul shouted. A row of talk rose amongst the people. "Silence!" Castus shouted, and he swiped his arm about sending a trail of fire over the heads of all the people. Many fell down in shock from the display, and even Krul seemed to cow down from the show of power. It took all his will for Castus to not stagger. "I have always had our peoples best interest at heart, but we cannot let ourselves be made into the barbarians that the Equestrians see us as." Castus said, and he approached Krul. Though the man stood taller then him by a good two feet, Krul backed away slightly. "But you Krul...you disgrace us as a people in such acts as you have committed. You bring shame to us all!" Castus said, glaring as he used the Wind to force Krul to his knees. Krul growled and stared at him, trying to fight against the force that kept him kneeling. Castus kept up the pressure, though it made his head swim. "I should have you executed for such barbarity and insubordination..." Castus said, and earned gasps from the people. Many looked at him with shock and horror. Nothing like this had occurred before in their history after all. "But..." Castus said, "I am not without mercy. Swear that you will follow my commands from here on out to the letter. And swear that when all this is over, you and all your hunters who took part in the slaughter, will work to repay for the innocent lives you took in serving penance, and I will spare your miserable hide." Castus held his breath as the moment of truth came to its conclusion. What occurred next, would determine the rest of his peoples fate. Krul glared at him, and spat at his feet, "N-No." Castus sucked in his breath, "Then I pass the judgement of death upon you." With a wave of his hand, Castus drew upon the Wind to open a Waygate. He then pointed at it, and the snow storm covered lands it led to. "I banish you Krul from the Sanctuary. May the snow bury the fire of hate in your heart...and let the elements decide your fate." Castus said. Krul stared at him, then at the Waygate, then back at him. Castus and Krul stared hard and long at each other. Finally, Krul stood straight, and spat at him. Castus ignored the insult, as he watched Krul walk willingly through the Waygate. Castus sighed, and he prepared to close the Waygate, when from the gathered people, Krul's hunters soon stepped forward. They all glared at Castus, and all spat at him before marching through the Waygate. Castus watched shocked, and even more so as the rest of Krul's clan followed suit, spitting and leaving through the Waygate. Castus felt cold, but...he had suspected it would happen. But what he had not expect, was for other people soon to follow. Four Huntmasters stepped forward, all who had suffered greatly at the Moot attack, and whom Krul had a close relationship with. The Huntmasters all spat at him and followed through the Waygate; as did their clans. Castus could only watch in horror at it all, until the last people had passed through the Waygate. He turned to the remaining clans, and looked at them all. They all looked down at the ground, or at each other. Some of the Huntmasters merely bowed their heads and avoided looking at him. But Marcus looked directly at him, and nodded once at him. "We stay and obey Fire Man." Marcus said, and some of his clan nodded in kind. Castus nodded, and looked once more for any other....defectors. One or two people stepped forward, many of them younger hunters, and they went through the Waygate with Krul and his faction. But finally no more left, and with a heavy heart and troubled mind, Castus snapped shut the Waygate and he fell to his knees. Everything was silent, but Castus knew all stared at him. "This gathering...is dismissed." He said simply, and he didn't bother to look as he heard the murmurs and whispers of people as they talked, and their footfalls as they walked off. He heard the sound of someone walking to him, and Castus looked up to see Marcus stand before him. Castus stood and looked at the Huntmaster. "Yes Marcus?" He asked. Marcus was silent for a time, before saying, "I...cannot understand why this had to be.....but....I think I understand....why it needed to be done." Castus was silent, and he looked away, "Did I....do the right thing?" Marcus placed a hand on his shoulder, "Only you can say that....but I believe...that in the long run, you will lead us to the right path as you always have striven to do." Castus was silent, but he nodded. Though inside....he wondered if he was right....or if he had made a grave mistake. > Chapter 22 - Human: Judgement(Valen) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Valen Valen stood about with others of his clan, and other clans. At least.....the clans that remained. In the span of only a short time, the clans had gone through perhaps one of its most deeply felt historical moments. It would be a day that no one would forget. And many, were questioning. "Brother, why did the Fire Man punish Krul?" Valen's little brother, Franz, asked, looking up at him. Valen looked down at his brother, and took his hand, "I-" "Krul didn't do anything wrong. The ponies are evil, and deserve to die. They killed mama. Why did the Fire Man punish Krul for that?" Franz asked again, looking up at him questioningly. Valen bit his lips, and found he could not come up with an answer to such a...difficult question. "You see Franz, the reason the Fire Man punished Krul was..." Valen said, rubbing his head as he thought on it. "Because Krul became a beast." Valen and Franz both turned to see Marcus, and the other Huntmasters of the remaining clans, stand before them. "A beast?" Franz asked, confused. Marcus kneeled down and looked the child in the eyes. Valen watched them, and also wondered what the wise Huntmaster meant. "Child....It may be hard to fully understand...but the ponies.....they do not see us as beings of thought...of intelligence. To them, we are...like animals. As we were before the Fire Man awoke us from the darkness." Valen felt Franz shiver and move closer to him. Even he had to shiver when thinking of the 'Shadowed Ones,' the humans that still acted like animals. Valen had seen some, before the Fire Man had awoken them. It was not a pleasant sight for any human to see. Something that looked so alike him, and yet acted so....savage. "That is why the Fire Man demands so much from us when we fight. To avoid unnecessary death. He strives to prove a point to the ponies, that we are no long Shadowed Ones. But....that can't be done....if we go and commit acts as Krul did. When Krul slaughtered those innocents, he only made gave the ponies a reason to see us all as animals. And so, he became an animal himself." Marcus said, "Do you understand?" Franz bit his lip, and shook his head, "I...I don't know....I think....but..." Marcus smiled softly and patted the boys head, "It is alright. One day, when you are older....perhaps you will understand. But for now, trust that the Fire Man seeks only the best for us....and if banishing Krul was for the best.....then that is what had to be done." Franz didn't look reassured, but nodded. Valen knelt down to hug his brother once. Franz hugged back then left to join some of the other children of the clan in a game of Stones and Sticks. Valen watched him go, and then looked to Marcus, "Thank you Huntmaster...I...didn't think I could explain it to him." "I'm sure you would have found the words. You are wiser then you think Valen. And besides, even I struggled to explain it....as even I cannot fully understand." Marcus said with a frown. "You can't?" Valen asked confused. Marcus nodded, and motioned for the other Huntmasters to walk off. Valen felt sure they would be discussing the events that happened soon. Valen looked to Marcus as the old Huntmaster sighed. "It is....a difficult thing. Krul did....become a beast. I could see it in his eyes long before this happened. The Moot attack....it broke something in him when his daughter was killed. But its more....its....this winter....it is not normal...and I feel it affects us all in ways we can't understand." Valen thought of the ghostly moans he could sometimes hear in the winter air and shivered. "But, do you agree with what the Fire Man did?" Valen asked. Marcus nodded, "Yes. I know many might not, but what Krul did....it was abominable." "But...no we are smaller in numbers...weaker. If the ponies attacked us..." Valen started. "Then we will face it. And we will face it as men, not beasts." Marcus said, "We are men. And if there is something I have learned from the Fire Man's tales of old, that men must be held for their actions and crimes....even if the punishment will be hard for all." Valen frowned, and thought of that necklace of Scootaloo's father that he kept under his tunic. Marcus placed a hand on his shoulder, "Trust in the Fire Man....and trust in your sense of right and wrong Valen." Valen bit his lip, but nodded. As he did, he felt a shiver run up through his heart. Marcus nodded in return and turn to follow after the Huntmasters. But he stopped and looked at him once more. "Whatever happens now Valen...know that I think that these times shall be a moment of change for the clans. Let us work to see that the change betters us all as a people; even if it is difficult." Marcus said, and left. Valen watched him go, and nodded. He stood silently there, and his hand went to the necklace under his tunic. Marcus words playing in his mind. And the Fire Man's. 'Every man...must be held to his actions.' He thought. Trust in your sense of right and wrong. Valen clenched his hand tight, and felt a deep conflict in his heart. He looked down the hall toward the room in which Scootaloo and Tiara were. And he felt his conflict within boil over into war. He could not go back there, not again and continue to deny what he felt inside. If he did, it would tear him apart within. 'I am sorry Fire Man....but I cannot continue to lie. I will face my actions...and be judged for them. Even if I must disobey.' He thought, and with heavy steps, he walked down the hall. The walk made Valen feel as if he had several tons of stones tied to his limbs. He felt heavy and his breathing felt difficult, as he closed on the door to the Fire Man's room. He peeked inside, and was glad to see that the Fire Man was not within. It would be difficult enough already. His eyes then settled on Scootaloo and Tiara, both of whom were in a discussion. A heated one by the glares they gave each other. Valen could only catch a few words, but they were speaking so fast that it was difficult to be sure of the words themselves. Seeing Scootaloo made the amulet around his neck suddenly feel like it was a burning coal. He placed his hand over it and clenched his tunic tightly as he took a breath and stepped through. His presence was immediately noticed, with the pony healer Zecora looking up and giving him a simple nod before returning to her work on some potion. Valen nodded back, then looked to Scootaloo and Tiara. "Valen." Scootaloo said, and she shoved Tiara to the side. "Hey!" Tiara gasped, falling onto her flank. Scootaloo only stuck her tongue at her before rushing at him. Valen barely even had time to prepare himself for the tackle that took him off his feet. Valen had to admit, for small things, these ponies could be heavy when they came at you full speed. Valen hit the ground with a grunt and he shook his head as he looked at the grinning face of Scootaloo. Her hooves wrapped around him and she gave him a cocky grin before turning to look at Tiara and stick her tongue at her. "Valen, so what did Castus need you for? We heard some commotion outside, but tell us what happened." Scootaloo said, looking at him with a smile. "Ugh, get off of him Blank Flank. Its not exactly comfortable to talk when your odd him." Tiara said, yanking Scootaloo off. Valen got up to his feet, before Tiara went around his back and pulled him to a seating position, and pressed her chest against his back. "See, now this is much more...comfortable." Tiara said, draping her arms around his shoulders. Valen wasn't so sure if comfortable was the right word, as he felt his whole body going stiff. He felt his face going hot as he tried to stay focused on his task....or maybe he should run away now while he still had the chance. Scootaloo just glared at Tiara and grabbed Valen's arm and yanked him up. Valen had to admit these ponies could be strong when they wanted. "I doubt he wants to feel those on his back. Considering where they no doubt have been back in school." Scootaloo said with a smirk. "Are you calling me a-!" Tiara started, getting up and ready to leap at Scootaloo, but Valen put a stop to it. "Enough!" He snapped, surprised by his words. Still, he was getting tired of the fighting and he had a task to complete. Maybe both would be resolved here and now. Both the girls winced, and looked at him, then blushed and looked away ashamed. Valen sighed and took a step back from the girls. "Girls. I am...sorry. But...I must speak." He said, slowly. "Sorry Valen." Tiara said. "Yeah, sorry." Scootaloo said, "So uh, what did you want to tell us?" Valen nodded, "Forgive. There was gathering. The Fire Man...." Valen thought for the word for a moment, "yes, judgment. Fire Man passed...judgment." Both the girls, and Zecora both looked at him now, confused. "Judgment on who?" Zecora asked. "Whoa, did someone like break a law or something?" "I didn't think he punished a human for anything." Tiara said. Valen frowned at Tiara, but continued, "Hunters....warriors....they committed a crime. They were punished. And now they are gone. Banished." The ponies looked at him now surprised. "Whoa, " Scootaloo said, "what did they do?" Valen frowned, "Something terrible. But they have paid the price for their actions....." The ponies frowned, and seemed to want to know more, but Valen didn't feel it right to speak of this matter. So he looked to Scootaloo and felt his chest grow heavy. Now was as good as time as any. Though even with this in mind, he felt....fearful. He liked Scootaloo, and he knew that the news he would give her would hurt her. He didn't want to do that. Yet...would it not hurt her more when she learned on her own? She would learn when she returned to her clan, whenever she did. "...and...now I must...pay the ...price." Valen said, taking his time to recall the words. "What do you mean?" Scootaloo asked. Valen bit his lip, then reached into his tunic and slowly pulled out the amulet. He held it in his hand and held it out to Scootaloo and slowly opened it for her to see. Scootaloo blinked, looking at the amulet, but there was a look of slight recognition in her eyes. She slowly took it in her hooves, and opened it. She gasped. Tiara came over, and opened her mouth to say something, but stopped when she looked closer at the amulets contents. She then stepped back and looked between Scootaloo and Valen. Scootaloo seemed to shake, and looked at him. "Wh-where did...how did you get this?" She asked, her voice shaky. Valen frowned and looked down at the ground, "Found on body....that...I killed in battle. I...am sorry." "No......No! This isn't funny Valen!" Scootaloo then shouted, and she smacked at him, glaring. She looked at him now, with tears just brimming at the tips of her eyes, and Valen could only look at her in silent sadness. "You...you..this is.....no. No!" Scootaloo shouted and clutched the amulet to her and ran. Scootaloo didn't get far before running into someone at the door. "Whats going on here?" Valen saw it was the Fire Man, and he felt a bit of fear. The Fire Man looked down at Scootaloo, who looked at him. "Scootaloo? What is wrong?" The Fire Man asked, looking down at the distraught girl. Scootaloo looked up at Fire Man, "Tell me..tell me it isn't true. Tell me my father isn't dead!" The Fire Man's eyes widened, and the glare he leveled at him made Valen shiver, but his anger gave way to a frown and he looked away from Scootaloo. "It...I didn't want...." He tried to say, but Scootaloo pushed him to the side and ran. "Valen! Castus! I hate you both!" Scootaloo shouted as she ran. Valen winced, and when he saw the Fire Man approaching him, he felt fear. "I told you to say nothing!" The Fire Man shouted now, grabbing him by the collar of his tunic, "What drove you to disobey me?" Valen winced, but took a breath and looked the Fire Man in the eyes. "It was the right thing.....it wasn't right....to continue to lie." Valen said. The Fire Man blinked, then snarled, and threw him to the ground. Valen grunted and stared up at the Fire Man who raised his hand as a ball of fire appeared. Valen felt a sudden fear as he gazed at the flames that the Fire Man held, his eyes wild and filled with rage. But...behind that seemed a coldness that did not seem to be of the Fire Man. Valen waited for the blow, but the Fire Man just breathed heavily, shaking. Then his arms dropped and the fire vanished as he began staggering back and gripping at his head. "Agh!!! Stop it! This isn't me! That is you!" He shouted. The Fire Man screamed again, and then a tear in the air appeared that led out to a snowy area where a heavy snow storm raged. The Fire Man screamed and ran out into the snow storm and the tear slammed shut. Valen stared at the empty place where the Fire Man once had been before fleeing. He then noticed that Tiara and Zecora were now looking at him. "Did you.....did you really kill her dad?" Tiara asked. Valen frowned, and nodded. Tiara was silent. Valen stayed silent too. "Do you now see, what horrors war only brings?" Zecora asked him. Valen looked at her, and he looked at the ground. He then looked to where Scootaloo had run off and stood. "Where are you going?" Tiara asked, as he began walking away. Valen didn't answer. Because frankly he didn't have one. But he knew that Scootaloo would not be safe, running off like that. And with the Fire Man gone, lost in some strange madness, he would have to find her. And more then that.....give her the justice she deserved. And hopefully make things right. > Chapter 23 - Pony/Human: Making Amends and Escapes(Winters End 1) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Castus Castus staggered about as his body was assaulted by biting cold. His hands gripped his head as he tried to get the whispers of memories that told him to go back and kill Valen for disobedience. He was a Valhruan mage, a member of the High Caste, Lord of the Flying Cities of Undernfall, Kairos and his own personal city of Karsun! He was one of the Lords of the Second Triumvirate, and Valen was just a lowly Low Caste. A mere barbarian who barely knew even a fraction of the great glory of Valhrua! 'No! That isn't me!' He thought, and tried to dash away the thoughts. How had this all come about? In the past he had known that he sometimes confused his self with Karsus, but he had never felt that his own identity was at risk. He had always been able to differentiate the two memories that inhabited his brain, Karsus' and his. but now, now things were different. The war. It had to be the war. The stress. The worry. The fear. The anger. It was the only explanation that he could think of. It was the Equestrians fault! It had always been the ponies fault. Just as the alicorns had tried to keep them chained, now the Equestrians were trying to do the same. 'Fools! They exist because we made them! They should bow down and worship us!' He thought with bitter resentment. 'No! That is the past! And that wasn't me!' He shouted, and he staggered, only barely catching himself from going over the ledge. Castus stopped and stared down at the sheer drop of the mountain top he stood upon. His body registering the sheer cold which surrounded him, but he couldn't bring himself to think about it. The biting cold and the howling wind. But it was in its own way quiet, and peaceful. Which is what he needed to think. Stepping back from the ledge, Castus sat himself upon a snow covered rock, and thought. He needed to think, and he needed to bring this conflict within his head to an end. Before it tore him to pieces. Blueblood Blueblood leaned against the roots which barred his cell. He looked left and right, and saw that there was no guard. It had been a strange time, and he had to force himself to wait just to be sure. He had not known what had called away the guard that patrolled around his cell, but now that he was gone Blueblood felt a surge of excitement and anticipation. 'Now is my chance.' He thought, and he began using the sharpened stone he had worked on for days on the roots. It was hard work, the roots were thick, but for once they did not move like snakes. Blueblood kept up his cutting, clearing one root and beginning on another. His mane was a tangled mess, and his coat was blemished with dirt and mud. His hooves nearly chipped and dirty. Not to mention his dignity insulted by these brutes. But he would make them pay for this affront to his person. He would have preferred to use his magic, but he had tried twice in his early days of capture, and always the human Castus seemed to know. Blueblood suspected a magic sense spell. It would mean he would need to spare the use of his magic for the final push. Finally, Blueblood managed to clear enough of the roots to just barely squeeze through. He had to tear his princely garbs, but they were already filthy and tattered. "Yes." He said as he began stalking down the hall, keeping as close to the stone wall as possible. He went slow, keeping his ears up and turning at the slightest bit of sound. He neared the edge of the hall, when he heard the sounds of footsteps. Blueblood pressed himself up against the wall and peeked only slightly. He saw two humans walking his way, spears in hand. The two were in a discussion in their strange, and frankly crude language. Blueblood pressed himself against the stonewall, and held his breath. While he didn't doubt his own superior skill to that of these crude barbarians, they did have the advantage of something resembling a weapon. Even if they were just crude spears, and all he had was a rock. Keeping as still as he could, Blueblood watched as the humans walked into the hall in which he stood. For a moment he thought they were going to pass him without seeing, when one of the humans stopped and sniffed the air. Blueblood cursed, realizing that his lack of a proper bath must have given him away. He acted quickly and brought his sharpened stone down at the humans head. The stone hit the humans head with a crack, and Blueblood saw blood as the human fell. The other human turned, and moved to shout. Blueblood acted on instinct now as he dove at the human, head lowered and slammed his horn into the humans chest. The human gasped and gargled as he fell, and Blueblood fell with him. His head shook from the blow of hitting the humans chest and he worked to club his rock at the humans head as he struggled to free his horn. With a tug he finally pulled his now blood and gore covered horn from the humans chest, and looked down at the creatures beaten face. He breathed heavily, but smiled and gave the body a few vicious kicks, and a few to the other human who amazingly was not dead, but lay groaning on the ground. Blueblood though knew he couldn't stay, and though he hated having to touch such filthy weapons, he picked up one of the human spears and turned the corner of the hall. He came into another hall, but down one way he saw a wide opening and a tree of crystalline structure. The Tree of Harmony. Blueblood had only heard of the tree through court gossip, and while he didn't really pay much attention to it, after all what was so important about a tree when there were other important things like trade deals and dealings to be made with like minded nobles, he did know one thing of the tree. It was located near the old Castle of the Two Sisters. The humans were based right near the border of that little village where Princess Twilight lived. Blueblood could only smirk at the thought of returning home and giving word of where the last human refuge stood. Maybe he be awarded for finally ending the war, and he of course would lead the attack. With this in mind he now ran for the opening. As he ran he then saw that there were dozens of humans about. But Blueblood paid them no mind as he began blasting magical shots at any who got in his way, scattering the humans like cattle. He didn't care now of a Magic Sense spell, he was so close to the exit. Amazingly he managed to clear the room, and burst out into a snow covered area. It was cold and he shivered as he made for a staircase, blasting a wad of snow that hung over the entrance of the cave to cut off any attempted pursuit for a time. Reaching the top, he fought against the cold as he cast a quick guiding spell. He made a turn, and ran into the forest. He didn't stop running for a moment, both out of eagerness to return to proper civilization and one out of a desire to be out of the forest he knew he was in. The Everfree. Through his flight, Blueblood could see no pursuit, and when he finally cleared the forest to see down the village below, he laughed in victory. He tossed aside his borrowed spear and ran for the town. As he drew near, he put on a more frantic and staggering approach. It would do good for his image if he made his escape seem more harrowing and exhausting. A wounded and bloodied prince escaping the clutches of a barbaric race. Though he kept a look of exhaustion and feigned horror on his face at the first serfs to approach him, inwardly Blueblood laughed. He was finally free. Valen Valen ran through the woods of the Everfree. Scootaloo's trail was easy to follow, and she had made a commotion when she ran out of the Sanctuary into the snow. He worried that she would be hurt in her distraught state, either by the cold or the creatures of the forest. Though he questioned if his presence would make things any better. Taking a turn at a tree, Valen finally found Scootaloo in a small clearing. The filly was on her knees, hugging herself, shivering in the cold. She had run out without that strange thick tunic she wore over her other tunic, and Valen was sure the lack thereof was behind her shivering. "Scootaloo." He said, removing his fur cloak and drapping it on her. "Go away!" Scootaloo said, trying to brush his hand away as he laid the cloak on her. Though she did not push away the cloak, hugging it tighter around her. "Scootaloo, I-" Valen started. "What!?" Scootaloo said, turning on him with tear stained red eyes, "What do you want!? You already took my father from me!" Scootaloo turned on him and smacked at him with her hoof. The blow hit his chest, but Valen didn't really register it as more then a bump. She was after all a small thing compared to him. "You are angry. I understand." Valen said, ignoring another hit from Scootaloo. "What do you understand? You can't understand how I feel right now!" Scootaloo shouted at him. Valen sucked in a hard breath at that, and against his better wishes he grabbed Scootaloo's hoof in his hand and squeezed it. "Ahh!" Scootaloo gasped, and tried to pull free. But Valen yanked her, and made her look at him in the eyes. "I understand better most will!" He shouted, his tongue tripping over words a bit, "I lost best friend because of ponies!" Valen took a series of deep breathes before releasing Scootaloo's hoof. She held her hoof and looked at him with wide eyes. "You think you are the only one to-" Valen struggled for the word, now trying to stay calm, "-to lose someone. I watched my best friend die by pony magic. My mother died when they attacked our homes in the Moot. My little brother had to watch her die in front of him. And many others of my clan and others lost family from you ponies." Scootaloo winced, and looked at him with a mixture of anger, and sadness. Valen bit his lip and looked away. "But I did not come here to yell. The blood of my friend and mother are on anothers hands. But your fathers blood is on mine." Valen said, as he pulled his knife from his sheathe and got on his knees. He held out the blade to Scootaloo and gave her a serious look. "I can not give back your fathers life. But I can give you mine in repayment. If you wish it, I won't resist." Valen said, and closed his eyes. His life was the only thing he could offer her. It only seemed right for him to die for killing her father. Valen waited for the killing blow, and was glad once for the chilling cold that hid his shiver of fear. He only hoped it was quick. He did receive a blow, but....it was not what he had expected. "Idiot!" Scootaloo shouted and Valen felt a hoof smashing across the side of his face as hard as it could be thrown. He staggered and flopped onto the snow covered ground and brought his hands up to his face. "Yeouch!" He shouted, and thought he felt a tooth lose. He spat some blood, then looked to Scootaloo in time to see another punch at his face. "Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Stupid, stupid! If its pony or human, boys are always stupid!" Scootaloo said as she began smacking him over and over. Valen could do little now but hold his hands up at the assault and curl up. Scootaloo kept at him and kept shouting. "If it isn't boys being obsessed with big boobs back in school, now you come off with some dumb macho or something move of telling me to kill you to pay back for you killing my dad! Stupid! Even if I did do that, it wouldn't bring him back would it!?" Valen tried to say something, but Scootaloo began kicking him now along side slapping him. Frankly he was glad no one else was around to see this. "What about your brother? What would happen to him if you let me kill you huh? Did you think about that?" Scootaloo shouted. Valen felt a bitter bile in his stomach. He....hadn't really thought of that much. "And what would he do? Understand? Can anypony understand that!?" Scootaloo said, her eyes now filled with tears. She jumped on his chest and began hitting him there, but her blows were slower now and finally Valen grabbed her hooves to stop them completely. Though she struggled against his grip, Valen didn't let go; afraid that she might gain some new reserves of strength. "You honestly think dying will make it better? Make me forget about the pain? Faust, but your so stupid." Scootaloo gasped as she sucked in a breath and sniffled, looking down, "Dying won't do anything. It will just cause more pain." Valen bit his lip, and felt pain in his heart. Scootaloo began to slouch as she sniffled, and Valen wrapped his arms around her and fought back to keep his own grief now from bubbling over. "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I didn't....I didn't want...to hurt you like this...." Valen said, tears in his own eyes now, "I just....I just wanted...to make things right." Scootaloo sniffled, and slightly wrapped her hooves around him. The two sat there, and Scootaloo's sniffles finally seemed to calm after awhile. She stayed silent for a time before saying, "I wish this war never happened." Valen frowned and nodded, "Me too." He slowly removed his arms from her and stood, readjusting his cloak around Scootaloo. Scootaloo looked at him, and stood; taking a slight step back. Then without any warning, the snow around the stopped falling, and the howling cold breeze cut off. "Huh?" The two said, and looked up at the sky as the swirling dark clouds of snow suddenly began to clear, and show the bright warmth of the sun. "The sun?" Valen said, confused by the sudden change in weather. "What happened?" Scootaloo said, just as confused. Valen didn't know, but.....now that the snow was gone. The cold.....he suddenly felt....at peace. His mind seemed clearer, more focused. Like as if a cold weight had been removed from his insides. It felt like a good thing. Valen looked at Scootaloo, and for the first time he felt he was getting a clear look at her. She was....beautiful. This realization, only made him feel deeper pain for hurting her and while he did not know if he could ever repay for his actions he would try. By all the earth he would try. "We should go back. These woods are still not safe, cold or warm." He said, looking around as he remembered where they were. Scootaloo winced, and Valen frowned, "But...if you prefer, I can escort you to the edge of the woods where the pony village lies. You should be home, with your family." Scootaloo looked at him, and she shook her head. "No....I want to go home. In fact, I think I should but-but I need to talk to Castus." Scootaloo said, rubbing at her eyes. Valen nodded, and the two began the trek back to the Sanctuary. As they walked, Valen decided it would be best to keep some distance between him and Scootaloo. And Scootaloo seemed to prefer some distance. But every so often, he thought he felt her hoof brushing against his hand. Castus Castus sat in the howling cold of the snow storm. His body shivered, and he had fallen onto drawing upon the Wind to help him in ignoring the cold. It was perhaps unwise, and he was sure he would be getting frostbite. But frankly he could not bring himself to care of his physical form, while his mind seemed intent on tearing him apart. 'Who am I?' He thought, as he felt the pull of two mens memory on his brain. In one he could see himself perfectly as Karsus, greatest of all the Valhruan mages of his day. The most powerful mage. A leader of his peoples empire, and lord of a number of cities. A practical god among mortal men. And also the same man who brought his peoples destruction. In the other, he was Castus. A young man torn from his world by the chaotic and random desire of a being of chaos and the inheritor of knowledge and skill in an ancient power that had not seen a user in eons. A young man thrust into the position of a savior of the descendants of another man whose memories he now had from the clutches of animalistic madness brought about by Karsus' Folly. And in those memories, the face of a pony girl who stirred such chaotic feelings in his heart. Fluttershy. Two men. One body. Was he one or the other? Or was he both? It was a question he thought he would never have to ask, but now...now everything was different. 'If this war never happened we would never have to do this. The clans would be united still. Why couldn't Celestia have just left us alone!' He thought with bitter anger. Yet that anger seemed false, for he knew why she could not. Celestia did have a point. The Wind was dangerous. It was power, and while it did not differentiate between good or evil, if the ability to use it ever surfaced among others of ill intent, it would mean disaster. Castus already knew that at least one of his people could use it; and he would need to deal with that when the time was right. But that only meant that others would follow. And he knew that even if he did all he could to see that the Wind was never used as it had been in the past, he knew it would be impossible. Eventually it would slip out of his control. But that did not mean he was going to turn himself in to be severed. The Wind could offer so much good as well. At the height of Valhruan power, they had ended nearly all disease and hunger. So many discoveries and wonders had been made, and while it had only been for the Valhruan people, that did not mean they could be for everyone today again. And what of his peoples fate? Celestia could speak all she wanted of equal rights, but he knew that the citizens of Equestria would not be so eager to give the same. His own worlds history could paint a neat picture of how well it would go for humans in Equestria. And what of the other races? How would they treat his people? And what of the other humans still left as animals? It was all these questions and stresses that bore upon Castus mind. He had to protect his people, and himself. But how and as who did he do that? 'It would just be easier to destroy them. We did before. We can do it again.' A thought came. 'No! Stop it!' He thought, once more mentally sparring with himself. "AAGGGH! Both of you shut up! I can't think straight!" He shouted and felt a warmth on his chest. Castus paused in his mental battle, and dug into his tunic. His hands were shaking, as he held the Amulet of Harmony and looked at it was it glowed softly with a warm light. 'What? What do you want? I've done everything you wanted! I've freed my people from the darkness of the past. But now the ponies want to crush us and you seem to not want me to defend them now!? What do you want from me!?' He thought, and he tore the amulet from his neck to throw the bothersome thing away. Peace. Castus stopped his hand and he brought it down as he felt the Tree give an answer. It wanted.....peace? How could it ask for peace between humans and Equestrians? It was impossible! It was impossible eons ago and it would be impossible now. There was too much blood. Too many lies. Too much pain. 'How can we have peace?' He asked it. An image of a chain seemed to appear, and then the chain snapped in half. Then the half chains snapped again. And then again. And again, till at last there was no more chain. Castus blinked, and he found the image confusing. Break the chain? He laughed, "What can break the chain? The ponies attacked us. Now we have attacked them. It will always be thus, as with all races. it is impossible." The Tree was silent, and for a moment Castus thought he had finally shut it up. But then the image of a wide and dark road seemed to come to mind, and Castus felt himself taking a step onto the road. The step was heavy. The road was uneven, and broke in places. His foot was cut by the stone edges and sharpen points of gravel. The next step was just as painful and heavy, but with each step it grew lighter and easier. The pain faded and eventually, Castus found himself walking on a pristine and straight path. "The first steps.....are always the hardest." Castus said, feeling he understood what the Tree was saying. He felt a feeling of a yes coming from the tree. Castus bit his lip and shook. His mind rebelled, part saying to throw this foolish thing away and another to trust it. He gripped his head and he tried to find a focus point in his mind to think, but all he found was conflict. Fluttershy. Castus soon found Fluttershy's image coming to mind. Fluttershy. He had not seen her in three years, and he had hoped one day he would again. But the war had made it difficult, and now....he felt it would be impossible. He had done so much, he did not think she could forgive him...and no doubt she had suffered because of his actions. But if he continued....would that not make her suffer more? Castus clenched his fists and bit his lip till he felt the coppery taste of blood in his mouth. There was still so much conflict in his mind; but he could find understanding in one thing. He would never be able to see her again, if he did not end this war. And he did not wish to cause her more suffering for his actions. The air around him seemed to moan louder and the wind blow harder that Castus felt his body shivering and teeth clattering. The moan seemed louder and as if on instinct, Castus looked up at the sky. Above him swirled strange horse like creatures, whose moans seemed to spur the snow storm onward and harder. The cold growing colder, and the chill seeming to enter into his heart. But the chill gave way to warmth as he held the Amulet of Harmony tight. The amulet seemed to grow warmer, and the strange ghostly white horses seemed to moan louder as if in challenge to the amulet. Castus blinked, and held out the amulet. He did not know what these strange spirits were, but...if they were behind this unnatural cold then he would see them gone. Cause he was frankly sick of freezing his butt off. Drawing upon the Wind, its burning ice and frozen flame. Its searing white hot power coursing through his body, Castus channeled its energies into the Amulet and felt its warmth and power grow. The Amulet glowed bright before a beam of multi hued colors shot from it and toward the ice spirits. The ice spirits screamed and the storm seemed to fluctuate with their pain. Castus then felt rage and anger. Hatred and distrust. It seemed to swirl from the ice spirits within the cold, and in that he channeled more power to the amulet till the light grew bright he had to close his eyes. The ice spirits howled louder, before fading in a flash and the storm around him died. When Castus opened his eyes, he saw that the storm was gone, and the sky above was clearing to reveal the bright warmth of the sun. And with the loss of the storm, Castus felt a sense of peace wash over him. A sense of peace he hadn't felt in months. He still did not know what he could do. He did not think the war could end without bloodshed, and he still felt a conflict within his mind. But he did know one thing. He would take the first step. For himself. For Fluttershy. For his people. 'If this chain can be broken....please help me make it so.' He thought as he placed the amulet back around his neck. The Tree sent a sense of warmth through him. It would help, as much as it could. But it would be up to him, to willingly take the steps on the path, and to keep going through the pain. 'Very well.' Castus thought and he opened a Waygate back to the Sanctuary. He would have much to do....and much to apologize for. But it would be a start. > Chapter 24 - Human/Pony: Plans and Forgiveness(Winters End 2) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Twilight felt a bit uncomfortable when ponies bowed. It just still never felt right, especially from ponies in Ponyville. They had all known her when she first arrived in town, and since her ascension to alicornhood, it was like those years had never happen. Still, she knew from experience that the more she had tried to get them to stop they more they seemed to do it. 'As long as my friends don't do it, I guess its okay.' She thought, as she made her way through the large crowd which was now occupying an area of her castle near the royal apartments. Behind her, Spike followed after her. "I can't believe that guy is here." Spike said with some disgust. Twilight of course knew he meant Blueblood. The whole town was in an uproar at the sudden arrival of one of Equestria's royalty after the announcement of his capture some time ago. The news had been a shock to many ponies in Equestria, but for some the news had been more....uh....conflicted. "Frankly I can't decide if I should feel sorry for that vulgar brute, or for Castus to having to put up with him." Were the words Rarity had told her at the last Friendship Council meeting. But now the prince had somehow managed to escape his capture, if returning in a somewhat battered state. And as a member of the Equestrian Royalty, he had requested to be put up in the Castle of Friendship till he was recovered. Which of course was why ponies were gathered in the castle; as everypony wanted to hear of the great princes escape from the clutches of the human warband. "Ugh, this guy is so milking it." Well maybe not everypony. Twilight saw Rainbow Dash and her friends standing near a corner of the door to the apartments where ponies were crowded around. Within, Twilight could just barely hear Blueblood no doubt recounting his 'epic' escape. An escape Twilight felt was no doubt greatly embellished. "Now Rainbow Dash, I'm sure he is just adding a little flare to....make it more interesting." Twilight said as she joined her friends. "A little? More like a lot. Even I don't brag that much." Rainbow Dash said, looking inside. "And that's sayin' something." Applejack said, earning a look from Dash. "They are right darling," Rarity said, "That...ugh...braggart...is tying these ponies around his hoof. Ugh, I bet his escape was more of a intentional release." Twilight frowned, and looked within. She saw Blueblood, and rolled her eyes as he recounted some daring battle of his escape to a group of wide eyed young fillies just entering into marehood. The prince's body had an assortment of bandages about him, some Twilight knew were real; but others she was sure he had added on. She didn't recall him needing an arm cast. "The human guards came at me left and right. Their weapons aimed ready for the kill, and I was left with nothing but a dagger and broken arm to defend myself." Blueblood said, his voice heavy with dramatics. "But the humans didn't account for my magic, and as they came rushing at me with frothing mouths and snarling growls I sent them scattering with a flick of my horn." Blueblood finished with a flourish of his horn and caused a slight sensation in the crowd. "My way was clear, and with all my strength I rushed for the exit, leaving the battered and broken bodies of my guards in my wake when out of the shadows, cloaked in black and burning eyes stepped the evil himself.....Castus!" A gasp of freight came amongst the crowds of ponies. And Twilight saw, a flinch from out of the corner of her eye. Turning, she looked at Fluttershy, who was hiding in her mane. Twilight frowned and placed a hoof on her friends shoulder, "Fluttershy, maybe you should go home. Nopony would hold it against you." Fluttershy looked at her, and Twilight felt torn seeing the sadness in her friends eyes. In the three years since Castus had left, Fluttershy had not been treated well by some ponies in town; at least until Rainbow Dash made it clear she wasn't going to allow it. Still, she knew that Castus was a sore subject for the shy Pegasus. But it was the reason why everypony, even the was here. "N-No. I-I'll stay." Fluttershy said. Twilight frowned, but nodded and taking a breath to calm her nerves and prepare herself, she stepped into the crowded room. The ponies moved to make way as she stepped through. Some offering bows, and others a harsh glare towards Fluttershy as her friends followed after her. "Ah cousin Twilight. I am glad you have come to grace me with your presence. I do hope my dear aunt is on her way, as I have vital information for the war she must know. I would of course travel to Canterlot, but my condition does prevent me from travelling far." Blueblood said, noticing her. "Where is a sewing pin when you need one." Rarity muttered, and earned a giggle from Rainbow Dash. "Yes, well that is the reason I am here. If all of you could please leave the room, there is important royal business that I and my....cousin....must speak of." Twilight said, trying her best to speak with that air of authority that Luna had begun drilling into her. Ponies bowed, and though some gave some grumbles, most of them began filing out of the room. Most of them. "I say, I will not be asked to leave when it is our daughter who is no doubt being tortured by that animal as we speak. I think we have a right to know where he is at." Spoke one pony. "My daughter is also held captive, and now those horrible beasts have killed my husband! I will not leave till I know where they are and my daughter is safely returned to her home!" shouted another pony. Twilight groaned inwardly, and looked toward the other problem. Filthy Rich, and Spoiled Rich, Diamond Tiara's parents; and Scootaloo's mother, Caring Heart. When Applebloom and Sweetie Belle had shown up, and told her that Scootaloo and Tiara were missing after having a fight, Twilight had been quick to organize a search. The search had led into the Everfree, and when this news had been learned, it had been believed that the girls had found their end to one of the monsters in the forest. But then she had received a message. A message from Castus. It had been a strange orb like item that when smashed against the wall had created a shadow version of Castus. Twilight had tried a tracer spell, but it had failed. The shadow Castus hadn't spoke much only stating that he had Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara in his custody and would keep them safe till a time to return them was appropriate. In short they were his prisoners. Suffice to say, the news had not gone over well in the town or with the parents. Caring Heart herself had gone pale and fainted; and with the lose of her husband the poor mare looked like a nervous wreck. Twilight felt sorry for her deeply, but knew that any information on the whereabouts of Castus or the girls might spark unwise actions among the angry populous. "Mr. and Mrs. Rich. Caring Heart, I understand your worry-" Twilight started, till Spoiled Rich interrupted her. "Understand!? Understand!? How can you understand having to worry over a daughter who is no doubt being defiled by some disgusting monster of a human. And you! This is all your fault! If it wasn't for you, this never would have happened!" Spoiled Rich said, before pointing and turning on Fluttershy. Fluttershy flinched and hid in her mane. "Hey! Leave her alone!" Rainbow Dash shouted, instinctively coming to her friends aid, "It isn't her fault that Castus did all this. If you have to blame someone then keep it at him!" "Indeed, its simply barbaric to lay the blame of anothers actions on somepony who had nothing to do with it." Rarity said, standing by Fluttershy. "She should have gassed that mongrel. Her obsession with animals is the reason why that beast hadn't been gassed in the first place!" Spoiled Rich said. "Everypony stop!" Twilight said, casting a Still spell in agitation; and thus leaving everypony in the room frozen with only their eyes able to move. "I am the Princess of Friendship, and I will not have you insulting one of my friends; and members of the Friendship Council!" Twilight said, giving Spoiled Rich a stern look like Celestia would do. Spoiled Rich stood still, but her eyes showed she looked worried now. "Now, all of you will leave. When I have determined the value of Blueblood's information you shall be the first to hear of it, but the longer it takes means the longer before your daughters are returned." Twilight said, releasing them all from the spell. "But-" Filthy Rich started. "Now!" Twilight said, slipping into the Royal Canterlot Voice. The Riches shot away and out the door. Caring Heart looked scared, but gave a curtsey and left. Twilight took a slow breath, and let it out. "Wow Twilight. That was awesome!" Rainbow Dash said. "Ha, who knew y'all could speak in that fancy royal voice thing like Luna could." Applejack said. "Indeed Darling, I must say you simply radiated royalty and control there. Good show." Rarity said. "That was awesome! You were all like, RAAGGGH! and they were all like AHHH!" Twilight blushed, and looked at the ground, "Sorry, I didn't mean to do that. Luna had been teaching me on how to use the voice and I guess I just slipped into it." "Uh, not to interrupt but you did wish to speak to me yes?" Blueblood said. Twilight inwardly sighed, and turned to Blueblood. "Yes, Blueblood. Now if we could-" Twilight started. "Cousin Twilight, what of them?" Blueblood said, looking at the girls. Twilight felt her skin crawl every time he said that, but ignored it as she said, "These are my friends Blueblood and are members of the Friendship Council. They have every right to be here." "Ah, of course, the friendship council." Blueblood said, though his tone carried an air of uncaring as he blew a strand of his mane out of his face. "Good, Princess Celestia is on her way, along with a force of Royal Guards, but she asked me to ascertain the location of where you were held before she arrived. So....where was it?" Twilight asked. Blueblood looked at her, "In the most horrible of places. They kept me caged like an animal, feeding me scraps and letting wild hounds bite at my hooves for amusement. They-" "Oh just tell us already!" Rainbow Dash snapped. Blueblood looked at Rainbow Dash with shock, then huffed, "Oh fine. They were in the Everfree, at the old castle of the two sisters." Twilight blinked in surprise. Castus and his humans had been practically right next door to them. It was shocking, impossible and also a bit frightening. Twilight for a moment had images of screaming humans charging from the forest with fire and steel. But she shook those thoughts away. "Are you certain?" Twilight said. "Of course. They were living right next to that crystal tree thing." Blueblood said. Another surprise, but one Twilight couldn't say anything about as the doors opened and everyone turned to see Celestia herself standing before them. "So...that is where they are." Celestia said, as she gripped her golden halberd. Behind her stood a squad of Equestria's finest. The Royal Guards. The best warriors in all of Equestria; the only ones fit to guard the princesses. "Of course. Naturally I will be glad to lead the charge once I am recovered..." Blueblood said. "No. I am handling this myself. Stay here and rest Blueblood." Celestia said. "But-" Blueblood began. "No buts!" Celestia snapped at Blueblood, which shut him up. Celestia nodded to them all, and turned to leave; her guards following. As she left, Twilight felt a slight pang of worry. Despite his crimes and atrocities, she did somewhat worry about Castus. He had been so nice, and she could only wonder what would happen when Celestia arrived. "Twilight!" From the door, Spike burst through and was panting. "Spike what is it?" Twilight asked. "The-the sky. You got to see it!" Spike said, puffing and huffing. The sky? Twilight looked at her friends confused, and they all left the room and headed toward the closest window in the hall. The sun was gazing out down at them from clear blue skies. Twilight could practically feel its warmth and she stared up at the now clear skies as if she had never once seen blue before. After so many months of constant clouds and snow, to see the sun again. 'Is this a sign?' Twilight thought. Marcus Marcus sat with the other remaining Huntmasters in the war room. Despite his words to young Valen's brother, he himself also felt conflicted on the recent events. For three years the clans had always been united, but now a schism had occurred. And it seemed that schism was affecting the remaining clans as well. "What do we do now? With half of the clans gone, half of our forces are thus gone. Can we continue to fight?" Said Ulfric. "Why fight? The Fire Man has made it clear he won't tolerate pony deaths; despite the deaths they have given us." Grumbled Kraben. Marcus gave Karn a look, "The Fire Man will not tolerate innocent deaths Karn. You should be wise to remember that." Kraben scowled and spat, "What is an innocent pony? They are all monsters." "I agree. The ponies do nothing but hold our brothers and sisters as slaves and kill us who wish to be free. They are savages." Camus said, hitting his fist to the stone table. Marcus frowned, "If you think such, then why did you stay?" Kraben and Camus blinked, and both looked away from Marcus. Marcus of course knew their reasons. Despite their words, he felt he knew that the Huntmasters knew what Krul did was wrong. And on top of that, they were afraid. Afraid of what fate would await them without the Fire Man. Or perhaps the Fire Man himself is what they feared. Marcus knew that he feared the Fire Man, though not only of his wrath. But for his health. He did not tell others, but sometimes he would catch the Fire Man in deep mumbled conversations with...- -...With himself. A sign madness, and Marcus also could see that the stress of war and now Kruls betrayal was greatly affecting him. Frankly it tore Marcus within to see the man falling apart. "Marcus. What do you make of Kruls actions?" Mogrim asked. All eyes now turned to Marcus, and he frowned as he thought carefully on his words. "Krul...Krul became a beast." Marcus said, thinking on his words that he told young Franz. "A beast?" Theodric and Kraben said. "What do you mean Marcus?" Camus asked. Marcus stood up, and leaned against the stone table, "The ponies....what do you think they see us as?" The Huntmasters all looked at each other, then at him. None really had an answer it seemed, for they looked at him confused. "They see us, as animals. As savages. Think of our lost brothers and sisters who them hold. You have seen them, they act as animals. We are freed from the darkness, but the Shadowed Ones are what the ponies compare us too." Marcus said. Kraben scowled, "How can they see us like that? We act nothing like the Shadowed Ones." "One doesn't need to act. They just need to look." Mogrim said. "Indeed. The ponies see only a human. And for them humans are the Shadowed Ones. They won't bother to make a difference." Marcus said. Camus and Kraben were silent, though both scowled as they thought on the words. "We fight for our freedom. But we also now fight for our identity." Marcus said. "Our identity?" Camus asked. Marcus nodded, "We must not only fight to survive, but we must fight in ways that show our enemies that we are not simple animals that will attack without thought. Krul could not see that, and so he let himself become a beast." "But the ponies attacked the Moot. We lost dozens of children and women to them. if anything they are the beasts." Camus said. "And so we should respond in kind?" Marcus said. "Huh?" Camus said, blinking once confused. Marcus sighed, for all their wisdom, Kraben and Camus were often too straight forward thinking men that one could sometimes call them dense. "The ponies killed our innocents, but if we respond in kind we make ourselves no better then them. Are we like them?" Marcus said. Camus, Kraben, Mogrim and Theodric were silent. "No, I do not think we are. We are men, not beasts and even if it is hard we must continue to strive to be men. And I know in my heart that what Krul did was not something a man should ever do. Honor. Men live by honor. And beasts do not." Marcus said. "I know it is hard. The Fire Man knows this as well, but that is why we must trust him. He has always had our futures at heart, and even if his methods seem odd or confusing, I know he only wishes for us all to live in peace." All the huntmasters were quiet, and for a moment Marcus wondered if his words were correct. But in unison, each Huntmaster stood and looked at him. "I...don't full grasp your words, and I cannot say I understand the Fire Man. But I can understand you Marcus, and I trust you. If you feel that this path is right, I and my clan will follow." Theodric said. "And mine, even if I worry for its end." Camus said. "You were always the wiser of us, and the first of us. If you think this is right, I will agree." Kraben said. "I have faith. And I know that this is the path we must take." Mogrim said. "I question the Fire Man, but you have always looked out for all the clans Marcus." Ulfric said. Marcus nodded, "Good. Then this meeting is done. We should seek out the Fire Man and-" "Huntmasters!" Marcus and the others turned to the door as a young hunter burst through. "What is it boy?" Kraben said, scowling. "Th-the prisoner. The one called Blueblood. H-he is gone! He has escaped." The hunter said. "What!?" Theodric shouted. "How did he escape? Have you told the Fire Man?" Marcus said. "I- I don't know, but he killed two hunters and hurt others with his strange horn magic before fleeing out of the cave. We tried to give chase but he collapsed snow over the entrance. I tried to find the Fire Man but I cannot find him." The hunter said. This caused a stir among the Huntmasters. Marcus could only wonder where the Fire Man was and he worried. But more so he worried of what the prisoners escape could mean. If he found a pony settlement, then the Sanctuary would be in danger. "Clear the entrance to the cave and send out trackers. See if they can find him, he could not have gotten far in the woods. Now!" Marcus ordered, sending the hunter running. Marcus could only hope that the prisoner was found swiftly, for if the Sanctuary was found then the war would be lost. And so would the future of their kind. 'Fire Man. Where are you?' Marcus thought. Marcus paced back and forth in the Hall of the Tree. It had been some time since the snow blocking the cave had been cleared and the trackers sent. The wounded from the escape were tended to, and the bodies of the hunters killed were being made ready for burning, but still no word from the trackers. Marcus hoped they returned soon, with the prisoner in tow. And more then anything, he hoped that the Fire Man would return to wherever he was. But first thing was first, making sure the Sanctuary was still safe. A bird call soon came, followed by another and then another. A hunter near the entrance gave a return call, and Marcus walked up to the entrance, as he saw the trackers making their way down to the cave. Marcus frowned as he saw that the trackers were not carrying the prisoner. It caused him a greater chill then the snow. "Huntmaster, we tracked the pony through the forest but..." the lead tracker said. "But what?" Marcus asked. "He...there was a pony settlement near an edge of the woods. We didn't see it till we reached the forest edge and the prisoners tracks led right toward the settlement. We turned back and moved as quickly as we could to return." the hunter said. Marcus stamped the ground, "Darn it. Go and warm yourselves." The trackers nodded and moved back into the cave. Marcus walked back in as well as the other Huntmasters moved to stand near him. "So the prisoner escaped beyond our reach?" Ulfric said. "Yes." Marcus said with a nod. "We should pack up immediately. No doubt ponies could be on their way right now." Theodric said. "We should have killed him. He led the attack on the Moot, if any pony deserved to die it was him." Kraben said. "What is done is done." Marcus said "Agreed. But where will we go? This winter will make it impossible to travel by foot, and where will we settle down next? All the land seems lost to the snow and ice, will we find a place with enough food to feed our clans?" Mogrim said. "Where is the Fire Man?" Camus asked. "Wherever he is, he must have a reason. Till he returns we must decide what is best for the clans." Marcus said. "But what can we do Marcus? The snow continues to fall even when it should not. We will freeze if we leave. There is no where else we can go safely and prosper." Ulfric said. "Indeed. It may be, our end has come." Mogrim said. Marcus bit his lip, and he tried to think of an answer when a gasp from the entrance caught his attention. "Look." A hunter said, pointing outside. Outside where snow no longer fell. Marcus and the others blinked and they and many others all began moving to the entrance of the cave, and gazing up at the now clear blue skies and feeling the warmth of the sun shine down on them. "How...is winter at last over?" Marcus said. "At last." Theodric said. "But how? Why now?" Camus asked. "Because the powers behind it have been banished. But it was the cold in our hearts which brought them." Everyone soon turned, and Marcus nearly fell to his knees as he saw the Fire Man standing before them, a tear in the air behind him which soon closed. "Fire Man!" Everyone called. Marcus himself felt relief to see their leader, and as he moved closer to talk he also saw that the Fire Man seemd....better. There seemed to be a weight lifted from his shoulders, and despite the sad look in his eyes Marcus could see a peace in his eyes. A peace that Marcus had not seen in a long time. "What do you mean the cold in our hearts?" Kraben asked. "Where have you been?" Marcus asked. The Fire Ma lifted a hand, "At ease. I will explain." Everyone was quiet, and they listened as the Fire Man spoke. "I have learned, that the winter that seemed endless was caused by spirits of ice and cold. Windigos. They are spirits drawn by conflict and hate during the winter months, and while our war did not originally awaken them, as our hatred and anger toward the Equestrians and they to us grew, so too did the Windigos grow in power. The moaning we all must have heard in the wind and air at times....those were the windigos." Marcus shivered, and remembered when he too had heard a moan. Other too also shivered or looked out of the cave, no doubt remembering a time of a similar event as well. "But they are gone?" Mogrim asked. "Yes. I do not think they will return. But, their presence shows that this war we fight must end." The Fire Man said. Around him, Marcus could hear mummered conversation. But he stepped toward the Fire Man and spoke, "Fire Man. The prisoner Blueblood has escaped and made contact with ponies. I fear our presence will be in danger." The Fire Man frowned and Marcus saw new worry come over him. "Damn it. If we are found out, then we cannot stay." The Fire Man said. "But where will we go Fire Man?" Marcus asked, and all around grew quiet to listen. "We cannot stay, but we cannot run. If we run, the war will continue and to in frankness, I do not wish to run away any more. If we are to be free, we must stand firm now." The Fire Man said. "Are we to fight the ponies head on?" Ulfric asked. The Fire Man frowned, "Perhaps. Though I hope we do not, but we stand before them and end this war one way or another." "Fire Man, our numbers are too small and what of our clans. Where will they go while we go off to fight?" Theodric asked. The Fire Man sighed, then took a breath, "I know, you worry. And I know, I have not done much to allieviate your worries." Marcus frowned, but they all listened as the Fire Man continued. "I have not, in recent times been the best leader. And I have no doubt made you question me, made you fear me. I am sorry, so very sorry. But I ask you," The Fire Man said, and he got on his knees before them all. An action which took many by surprise. "I ask you. Let me lead you all, one last time. And I will do all I can, to give you peace." The Fire Man said. Marcus and everyone looked at the Fire Man. It was odd to see him do such a thing, and many grumbled inwardly to themselves. But Marcus did not grumble and he stepped forward. "You have always led us right. And I will follow you always." He said, and he knelt to the Fire Man. The Fire Man smiled at him, and then looked as the other Huntmasters and others in the room slowly all stepped forward and knelt. "Thank you." The Fire Man said as he stood up. And as he stood, Marcus saw his eyes widen. Marcus turned to see what the Fire Man was looking at, and saw Valen and the orange pony. He wondered what the two were doing outside, but he kept his questions in as he watched as the Fire Man approached the orange pony. And then fell to his knees and began to cry. Scootaloo As she and Valen made their way back to where the humans were camped, Scootaloo often found her hoof brushing up to Valen's hand, or her wing brushing his back. Yet at the same time, she did her best to keep some distance between her and him. It was a difficult challenge, wanting to be both close to him and yet she felt she couldn't at the moment. Not right now. The pain of losing her father was still too fresh, and while she knew in her heart that Valen had not wanted to it to happen, she still blamed him in some part of her mind. She wanted to forgive, but it wasn't and wouldn't be easy. It would take time. But she had made her peace with him on that. Now there was somepony else she needed to see. Castus. Scootaloo didn't know what she would say to him, or he to her. It was a worrying thing, especially since she had blamed him as well. But she needed to speak with him, and set things right. She only hoped he was there. Apparently he had run off after she fled, as Valen told her, and that had made Scootaloo worry a bit. She had seen Castus in the days past and she could recognize deep stress when she saw it. He had been stressing himself a great deal, and she worried that her outburst at him might have pushed him over the edge. She was worried about what he might do. And as the cave entrance to the human camp came into view, she had to take a deep breath to steel herself. "You don't need to go back. I can take you out of the woods still." Valen said. Scootaloo looked at him, and shook her head, "No. I can do this." Valen just nodded, and the two began the walk into the cave, and upon a confusing sight. There were a bunch of humans, all knelt before someone. When Scootaloo looked, she saw it was Castus. Their presence didn't go unnoticed as Scootaloo saw Castus look at her, and everyone looked to her and Valen. Scootaloo ignored the others though as she looked at Castus, and watched as he approached her. She stepped a bit closer to Valen, but kept her eyes on Castus. He looked...calmer. Sad, but calm. Like if he got something off his shoulder. "Scootaloo." Castus said to her, and to her shock he fell to his knees and began to cry. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Castus weeped, sniffling. Scootaloo blinked, and smiled sadly as she knelt down and wrapped her arms around Castus. "I know. I know." Scootaloo said, finding it odd to having to comfort someone again. When it had been with Valen it had been just them, but with all those other humans it felt kinda embarrassing. And yet, it seemed to remove one last weight away and so she let Castus weep as she held him, and he her. She knew it would be a long time before she could forgive him fully, but in this moment she felt glad that she could see somepony or someone she cared about again. Castus After his moment with Scootaloo, Castus took some time to compose himself before taking charge of the situation. He had returned with another big helping on his plate, and it would be the largest yet. Blueblood gone. The Sanctuary compromised. True the winter was over, but the war was not. Not yet. All around him, all the hunters the clans could gather, young and old, were gathering and clad for battle with thick hide and leather and now all wielded metal tipped spears, and held captured Equestrian swords, hammers and axes. Others with bow and metal tipped arrows, but the ones who stood out the most in this gathering of warriors were the women. Women stood apart from the men, but they too were dressed for battle; though they looked less comfortable in the wear. Never the less, Castus could see the fire in their eyes. The resolve, as they gripped spear, sling and bow. It had not been an easy thing, convincing the Huntmasters to allow the trained women to join in the hunters when they left. And frankly he had to compromise by saying they would only take volunteers, though he was not surprised when many women were willing to fight. The need to protect their families driving the to heights of bravery and resolve. It wasn't enough to make up for the loss of six clans, but Castus felt glad for the extra troops. He just hoped he wouldn't need them. 'I will take the first step. Even if it might be my last.' He thought. As the hunters got ready, family made their good byes. The elderly and those too young of the clans he would send to one last place he thought they might be safe, though he worried how she would react. The details of course he kept only to himself. As the last of the hunters were ready, and the clans ready, Castus turned to Zecora, Scootaloo and Tiara. Scootaloo was looking at him with a frown. "Are you girls ready?" Scootaloo walked up to him and gave him one last hug, which he returned. Then she let go and she and Tiara both rushed to be the first to hug Valen good bye first. Castus had to surpress a chuckle at the boy's flustered look as he uncomfortably hugged by girls, before they let go and stood beside Zecora and the clans. "Zecora, I am sorry for what I have done to you. I hope you can forgive me one day." He said. "I am only glad to see, that you are beginning to act like a man." Zecora said, and giving him a nod. Castus nodded, and handed his message to Scootaloo. "Give this to her when you see her. And tell her...tell her I'm sorry." Castus said. Scootaloo took the message, and said, "I'll give it to her, but you can tell her. You better come back. You both better." Castus smiled and nodded, "Pinkie Promise." Scootaloo smiled and nodded. Castus smiled and drawing upon the Wind, he opened a Waygate and slowly the clans walked through to a lone cottage, along with Scootaloo, Tiara and Zecora. When the last clan member was through, Castus closed the Waygate and turned to the gathered hunters. All eyes stared at him and he took a deep breath. "Warriors. We go now to end this war, and one way or another it will end. And let us make it an end that will be spoke of for years to come." He said as he opened another Waygate and he and the hunters all made their march. Their last march, one way or another. > Chapter 25 - Human/Pony: Deceptions and Meetings(Winters End 3) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy Despite some of the harsh looks, Fluttershy had wanted to walk home today and enjoy the warmth of the sun as it finally began melting away the snow. Even most ponies were too busy focusing on the clear blue skies and celebrating to really notice her. It felt good to have the snow finally stop, though there was sure to be plenty of work scooping the snow out into safe locations to avoid flooding. She had even heard some earth ponies talking of digging a new reservoir and fill it with the snow. It was a simple miracle, and but Fluttershy felt she couldn't enjoy it fully. It was a wonder to see the sun end, but it felt hollow knowing what was coming soon. Drawing closer to her cottage, Fluttershy looked to the Everfree, and felt a slight pang in her heart. Castus had been so close to her, and he never even bothered to visit? To say hi? To do anything? True, though Fluttershy didn't know what she would have done if he had. 'But still.' She thought, biting her lip. Fluttershy sighed, and felt that it was perhaps best if he had stayed away. He had done so many horrible things, and he was a wanted criminal if he had revealed himself she would have had to tell Twilight- -Even if it would have been difficult to do so. "Oh, why did this all have to happen? Why can't things go back to the way they had been." She said. But it was futile to think about what would, or should, have been. Fluttershy would have to accept that things were as they are, even if it tore her inside to do so. As she took the final turn to her house, Fluttershy stopped in mid stride as she nearly collided with Scootaloo. Wait? Scootaloo? "Fluttershy! There you are, I was looking for you." Scootaloo said. "S-scootaloo? How are-" Fluttershy started. "Ugh, slow down you blank flank. You are not leaving me with those smell things." Fluttershy heard another recognizable voice. Diamond Tiara? "Oh, so humans are smelly? Well I don't think Valen smelled." Scootaloo said, turning around. Fluttershy looked from Scootaloo, to see Diamond Tiara come down the path from her cottage. "W-well he is different!" Diamond Tiara said, her face flushing a bit as she gave Scootaloo a glare. Fluttershy looked between the girls. Who was Valen? And how did they-Fluttershy stopped her thoughts as she looked from the girls over to her cottage and saw in the distance, standing around her cottage were humans. A bunch of humans. The sight made Fluttershy worry, and she grabbed both girls to her and pulled them behind her. "Girls? W-what are you doing here? Why are those humans here? Is Castus here? Where is he?" Fluttershy asked, looking from the girls to the humans. "Fluttershy, take it easy." Scootaloo said, "Castus sent us too-" Fluttersht turned on Scootaloo then and gripped her shoulders, "You know where Castus is? Where? Tell me! What is going on?!" Fluttershy only just realized that she was shaking the poor filly and she stopped and stepped back, putting her hooves behind her back and blushing, "O-oh sorry." She said meekly. "Whoa...." Scootaloo said, her eyes rolling around as she rocked a bit before shaking her head and regaining her focus. "Whoa, here. He gave me this for you." Scootaloo said, handing her a scroll. Fluttershy looked at the scroll, and took it gently. "There, all done. Now I need to get to the spa, I need a serious hooficure and a hoof waxing, and hopefully they can do something with my mane. I'll not have my glorious home coming be remembered by me looking all disheveled." Tiara said, turning and walking off back to town. "Yeah, I should go too. I gave you the scroll like he asked, but I really need to go see my mom. She is probably worried sick about me, I just hope she doesn't ground me. See ya." Scootaloo said, and ran off. "Ah-w-wait I...oh, okay." Fluttershy said, before ending in a whisper when the girls were long gone. And so here she stood now, with a scroll from a man she was conflicted over, and behind her a number of humans she didn't know or could be sure of their motives. And frankly a whole bunch of questions that she had no answers for. Turning back to her cottage, Fluttershy looked at the scroll and slowly opened it. Dear Fluttershy, it is with a burdened heart that I write these words to you. I wish I could say them to you in person, but I am drawn by other matters that require my attention; and even if I was not, I do not think I could stand before you. I have done many things that would warrant distrust or hatred, and I would break if I saw such feelings in you to me, even if it is justified. However I can not go onward till I explain my path, and it is my hope that you will understand. Know that I did not wish for this war. I never wished for war, but wishes and reality do not always connect. I had hoped to end the fighting as quickly and as painless as possible, but as in war things do not always go as planned; with the war dragging on for months and with it the winter. My desire to protect my people drove me to great stresses, and the chill of the winter I fear also began creeping into my soul. The combination of it all nearly tore my mind to pieces, and it was only in my darkest hour that I eventually found peace. More so, I also learned of why the winter was lasting as long as it had. I do not know the full nature of its reasons, but somehow the fighting between your kind and mind brought those creatures from your Hearths Warming story back, the Windigos. If you believe me or not, know that it was they who were behind the never ending winter; but they are no more now. Though I wish I had known of their presence sooner, as I feel it was their unseen influence greatly affected my people, and perhaps yours as well. Know something, that Equestria committed terrible crimes to my people and inflicted wounds which will not heal fast. But in kind, my own people inflicted harm towards yours. But I have learned that responding to blood with more blood will do nothing more then continue a chain of violence that will never end until we both are destroyed; and so I now march to meet with the Equestrian army to put an end to this war, and stop the chain. I cannot say how it will end, though it is my wish that it will end peacefully. However, I do not think such will be the case. My people fought to preserve our independence and ability to decide our own fate. That is something I will not abandon, and if this war must end in a final battle I will fight it, for some things must be fought for; even if it means death. But if it does end with my and my warriors death, I hope that one day my people can still be free, and so it is why I have left you this message and remaining members of my peoples clans. Every human that stands before you is the clans children, younglings and elderly. They are not warriors, and though I do not have the right to ask of it, I hope that you will use whatever influence you have to at least keep them safe should this end badly. I have instructed them to do no harm, and to obey any command you give. To aid in this, I have given a small list of commands in Valhrua that you can say to them. It is the best I can do with so little time; but I hope it is enough. There is more I wish I could say. More I wish I had done. More I wish I could take back or do differently. More then ever, I wish I could see you one last time. I am sorry for everything I must have put you through, and I do not know if I could ever make it up to you. But, before I march to whatever fate awaits me I just want you to know one thing. I love you Fluttershy, and whatever the outcome of this war, I always will even if I am not worthy of feeling such a thing for you. Till all are one with the Wind again, Castus. Fluttershy sat in her cottage on her couch, and looked intently at the scroll, as if perhaps if she looked hard enough there would be some new words or message found. Within, many of her animals and Angel were huddled close to her, as a number of humans walked around in her house. Fluttershy looked from the note to the humans. Even though the snow was gone, it had still been cold outside and the elderly and younger children were freezing so she had brought them in; or as many as she could. Others, mostly the older children stayed outside, and even some of the elderly who seemed hesitant or unwilling to come inside. The children inside mostly looked around with curious eyes at all the animal homes she had, or even at her books or kitchen items. The elderly merely sat, sometimes saying words she didn't understand to the children or looking at her. It made Fluttershy a bit uncomfortable. It was certainly a strange thing though, to see humans acting like, like ponies. True she knew Castus was human, and wasn't a mindless animal, but he had been from a different world. But this humans were Equestrian humans, or they were. Could she still put them in the same category as the feral humans? As Fluttershy thought on this, a sudden gasp from the humans and many stepping back brought Fluttershy's attention to the sudden appearance of a bright ethereal image of her cutie mark floating from her to the air and out the window. "What? A friendship problem? Now?" Fluttershy said, standing. She felt she should follow her cutie mark, but she also didn't feel sure if she should leave the humans unattended. She took the note again, and looked through the commands that Castus had given her and used the one for stay inside, and then she noticed another one. Don't eat the animals. Fluttershy gulped and paled a bit, before saying it to the humans. The humans looked at her, some confused and others, mostly the children seemed to giggle at her. Fluttershy then looked to Angel. "Angel, can you keep an eye on everyone? I-I should be back soon." She said. The bunny gave her a look, but saluted and then turned to glare at the humans. Fluttershy still didn't feel sure, but when she saw her cutie mark image appear back inside and then go out she figured that whatever the map was calling her for was important and she took off to the castle as quickly as she could. What could the map want now at such a time? Celestia Celestia moved fast, perhaps too fast. Her Royal Guards were just barely keeping up, but she needed to move fast. She wasn't sure where Castus might move next, if he had already done so. But more so, she needed answers and she was going to get them from the cause of all of this. Even if that cause was a mystery to her. The Tree of Harmony. The Tree was suppose, at least she thought, to be a protector for Equestria. It had given her and Luna the Elements ages ago to defeat Discord. it had saved Equestria from the Plunder Roots and had aided Twilight and the other Bearers to defeat Tirek. So why, why for whatever reason was it seemingly to aid Castus and the humans, despite the threat they posed to Equestria. Landing near the entrance to the cave she silently signaled for her guards to scan the perimeter, while a few followed her in. She gripped her halberd tight, and slowly entered into the cave. And into the radient light of the Tree of Harmony. The cave looked the same, but Celestia saw several openings in the cave wall to show an expansion of sort that did not look natural, but the main chamber seemed empty. "Check those passages, but keep your guard up." She ordered, watching as the guards moved to obey. She waited, keeping her eyes focused on her surroundings; expecting an ambush. But when the guards began to return, and both within and without, Celestia was given confirmation to her fears. "Your Highness, we have scanned the other cave passages and have found only evidence of inhabitants once living here but no signs that they are still here." One guard said. "It is the same outside. We saw no signs that they left into the forest. They are gone." "Darn it. Then they have already moved." Celestia said. "Should we move out your highness? Perhaps return to the town or the capital?" One guard asked. Celestia shook her head, "No. I have some business here first before anything else." Celestia then looked to the Tree and walked towards it till she stood directly under its branches. The Tree of Harmony was perhaps the most beautiful thing in all of Equestria, perhaps the world. Just being near it, seemed to sooth her. In times past, before Nightmare Moon, she and Luna would spend hours under these branches after long days of ruling. So why, why was it aiding the humans? Why? To Break the Chain. Celestia took in a breath, and looked at the Tree with wide eyes. Had it...talked? No. It wasn't talking. At least, not in anyway one could call talking. But it was communicating. In a way. A feeling, that gave a message and an image. An image of a chain, snapping and breaking. the broken pieces of chain then reconnecting into a single straight line. What did it mean? Break what chain? Celestia gasped as her mind was then assaulted by images of death. Ponies killing ponies. Griffons killing griffons. Ponies killing griffons, and vice versa. Of minotaurs. Saddle Arabian horses. Zebras. Boars. And even humans, Valhruan humans. Images upon images of wars, atrocities, and destruction ever acted out by every nation in the present and the past. Was that the chain the Tree wished to break? The chain of war? Could such a thing be even possible? Celestia was then given another image, an image of a broken, rock littered and spike road. Thorn bushes blocked paths, and Celestia felt like she was walking that path. It was painful, and it hurt. Yet, with each painful step, with each step feeling like she couldn't go on, Celestia found that the path was only growing easier, more settled and less rocky, eventually becoming a pristine marble road and the pain seemed to finally end. The First Step, is always the hardest. But it is the most important. Celestia stood there, gaping at the Tree. It was almost impossible to think that this is what it wanted. And yet, standing under its branches, in its presence, Celestia felt a slight feeling in her mind. It could be possible. And it would even be better. But, to make peace with humans? She supposed she could, but what of Castus? He was dangerous. He was a killer. He had killed hundreds of ponies, and his own power could one day be a threat to all of Equestria. Golden Light. Celestia stopped her thoughts, and felt her heart go cold. Had she really been-been thinking as Golden Light? In her years of understanding ancient history of the first fall of the Alicorn Kingdom, she had always judged Golden Light. Believing that the matter of Valhrua could have been dealt with differently, even peacefully. She had certainly felt that, in a way, the Valhruan had been justified in waging war after such a betrayal. But, had in the years she ruled and strove to protect her people and her nation, that she had begun to think as he had? Had she let her own fears control her like that? When Celestia thought on it, she realized that she had; and that thought... ...that thought filled her with a shame. "What do I need to do?" She asked. The sound of hoof steps came from behind her, but Celestia ignored her guards. This was important. Celestia had an image of the Equestrian army, in a large field area. They stood ready for battle, with humans also ready to fight. But the two armies soon grew small as a great black mass began surrounding them. From the black mass opened to red eyes, eyes that looked greatly like that of a changelings eyes. Deception. Danger approaching. Beware. Behind. 'Behind?' Celestia thought. "Your highness!" Celestia turned, and just barely brought her halberd up to block the black chiten blade of a changeling arm from cutting her in two. The blade arm was attached to the body of one of her Royal guards, who glared at her with red eyes. Celestia snarled and thrust the changeling away and ran him through with the blade of her weapon. She opened her mouth to call her guards to attention, when other guards soon revealed their changeling nature and killed several of her guards before they could act. "Deception! Protect the Princess!" A guard called as he fought off a changeling guard, who now disposed of its disguise to show a large, thickly muscled build of a changeling elite. At least half of her guards were changelings, and Celestia had to work hard to fight off several as they attacked her. 'Changelings! But how? Chrysalis is locked up tight along with her hive!' Celestia thought, as she parried a strike, delivering another fatal blow to one of the changelings. Worse, if changelings had managed to infiltrate her elite guard, where else were they? Luna Luna looked out on the horizon, watching as the sun shone on the mountain tops beyond. It was a sight that she had almost forgotten. Not just from her exile on the moon, but from the near constant clouds that had for so long recently been in the sky; making it impossible for her to see her beautiful moon. But now they were gone, and with them a slight feeling of oppression. It felt good. Luna was of course disturbed from her view, by the approach of a soldier. "Your highness. I was sent to you by General Stonewall. Our scouts have spotted a group of humans out in the plains to the south-west. They-" The guard paused and seemed to be trying to decide if the next words he was going to say were logical or not. "But they want soldier?" Luna asked, turning and placing a hoof to her hip. "-They uh," The soldier said, "They are flying a white flag. A scout went to investigate, and when he returned he told the general that the leader of the humans is in the group and uh....asking to speak with the commander of the army. General Stonewall told me to seek you out and meet with him to consult this recent news." Luna blinked, and also felt her heart tighten. Castus was here? So close? Luna felt both worried, and excited. After so long looking for him, they had him in their sights. But a flag of peace? Or was this surrender? Or a carefully disguised trap? One thing was for sure, if Castus was here then she would need to becareful. The mass teleport had been more draining then thought, and while she felt confident she could take Castus in a fight if needed, it would be a close thing in her state. And she could only guess how much his strength had grown in the three years. Still, if he was going to attack, he would have done so. And the rules of war dictated that any enemy coming under a flag of peace and wishing for discussion be unharmed and met with. But after all he had done, did he deserve such treatment? Luna sighed, "Job well done soldier. Run ahead and tell the general I will meet with him shortly." The soldier bowed and ran off, leaving Luna time to think. In the end however, she knew that even to go against what divided civilized societies from the more primitive ones, should would have to respect those rules of war. With a sigh, Luna began her walk to the command tent to see with General Stonewall. Later in the tent, Luna met with her general and advisors; to decide how they would proceed with these strange events. "We should strike him now." One young mare said. "Indeed," another mare said, "He is here alone, with only just a few guards. He would be easily taken by the combined might of our mages and the humans left without a leader." Luna sighed at the bravado of the young, and looked to the older advisors and officers. "We shouldn't rush, he has evaded us for a long time, and we know of the debacle of Bluebloods attack." An older officer, one of the few stallions in the meeting, spoke up. Everypony went silent at that, recalling the news of several regiments of Equestria's finest being cut down that only by combining their remaining forces did they have enough to make one regiment. "He must have a limit. He is but one man, and even he should face the exhaustion of over using his magic." One officer said. Luna nodded, "He comes under a flag of peace though. The rules of war dictate that we meet with him." "Pfft, the rules of war. What do we need for such in dealing with creatures like that. Better we wipe them out before they spread like a plague." One officer said. "The Rules of War were set down by the Grand Council, they exist for a reason and apply to all matters of conflict." General Stonewall said. "Even to savages like that? They must have broken several by now. The slaughter of Sunbrook is more then a violation, its a war crime!" One officer shouted, bringing up the village that had been devastated by the humans. "Perhaps, but throwing aside things merely because somepony has already broken them makes us no better then them." Stonewall said. Luna nodded, sharing the thought. She trusted for Stonewall to be the more reasonable of all those gathered. "He is asking to speak with the general of the army. I shall go and speak with this Castus. See what he wants." Stonewall said. "No General. He asked for the leader. By all accounts, that would mean he must speak with me." Luna said. General Stonewall looked at her with wide eyes, "B-but your highness, it may be a trap. Surely it will be safer if I went in your stead. It might even be advantageous if he doesn't know of your presence; should things go bad." Luna shook her head, "No. My mind is made up. I will need to face Castus eventually. It is the reason I came here, and I will not hide now that he is in my sights. Besides general, I need you here to prepare the troops if this is ideed a trap. I will need your experience, and if this is a trap I am the best equip to meet it head on." "But-" Stonewall began, trying to persuade her against her course. "No buts. This is final. I will go and meet with Castus. Till I return, have the troops ready for battle and watching our flanks." Luna said, standing and heading out of the tent. Officers and advisors nodded, and everypony began setting out to their tasks. Only Stonewall followed after her. "YOur highness, I must protest the foolishness of this course. Forgive my frankness." Stonewall said "Foolish or not, I still must go. Castus is clever, and his magic devious and deceptive. You might return unharmed general, but not without possibly compromising our position or plans." Luna said. Stonewall grumbled, "I am not so easily deceived your highness." "You have not seen what this magic can do general. Only an alicorn could possibly resist it." Luna said. It was true, at least in part. Luna was sure that Castus would attempt some sort of mental attack. It was not an uncommon ability for Valhruan mages in the past from what little she and Celestia knew of them. "I suppose I can't convince you otherwise. Then at the very least, allow me to send with you an honor guard. If this Castus does have his own, it is only right to have some soldiers with you to aid you in case of deception." Stonewall said. "Very well. But only a few." Luna said. "Of course, allow me a few moments to gather them and they will meet you at the edge of the camp." Stonewall said. Luna nodded, and the general went off to gather her honor guard. Luna walked to the edge of the camp, and looked out onto the plains. Using a spell, she saw the faint sight of Castus standing out in the middle of the field. Beside him stood seven humans, all wearing what looked like hide leather armor and holding swords, axes, spears and one a giant hammer. Expanding the spell, Luna also saw not far behind Castus was a large gathering of humans. They stood in spread out clusters, and Luna knew then that must be the human army. It was not very big, and she saw both men and women mixed in. That was an interesting sight, for as far as she knew the humans had none of their females in their fighting ranks. An odd thing for ponies, but then again the ratio between males and females in humans was more equal then for Equestrians. But why the change now? Luna felt there was more going on then she could see, but she ended her Far Sight spell as she heard hoofsteps behind her. "Your highness, your honor guard." Stonwall said, present her with ten ponies. Three were Earth Ponies, and wore the thick plated armor and held the massive warhammers of the Knights Terra; elite fighting force of Earth Ponies. Three were Pegasus, and held the sharp sabres and insignia of the Wonderbolts military branch. And the last were three unicorns. Luna smirked. "Well thought out Stonewall. Now, I must go." Luna said. Stonewall nodded, "Take care princess. You watch her back now." Stonewall said, directing his last words to one of the pegasi. The pegasi mare nodded, and gave a wink and sultry smile to Stonewall. Luna did not miss the look and she blinked in surprise. She thought Stonewall too old to find a lover. Guess things had changed a lot in the thousand years she was gone. Getting into line, Luna began marching to meet with Castus. On the way she turned to the pegasi mare. "You seem to be familiar with the general." She said, "Though I trust your assignment to my guard has more to do with skill then....companionship." The mare smiled, "Oh, do not worry your highness. I was top rank in my classes and despite my affiliation with the general, I am more then qualified for the task given to me." Luna nodded, "I see. Well that is good. Tell me, what is your name?" "Scarlet Rose your highness." Scarlet Rose said, bowing her head. Luna nodded, and turned back to focus on the meeting ahead. Eventually, Castus and his guards were in sight, and Luna stopped a slight distance away. She decided to make Castus come to her the rest of the way. Castus seemed to recognize her move, and he and his guards began walking over. Luna was then able to get a good look at the man. His face was lined with deep bags, a sign of a lack of sleep. She could feel a small bit of familiarity with such a look. Being a leader, especially in times of war, was not an easy thing. But beside that, Luna also saw a number of items on his person that Luna had only ever seen once. Back in Canterlot in her and Tia's secret archive. "How did you get those?" Luna said immediately, eyes wide. Castu smirked and placed his hand on the buckle, then a few rings and an amulet. The other hand gripped the shape of a statue of a man that Luna could just barely see sitting in Lotus position. "Oh, just take back what is rightfully mine." Castus said, smirking. Luna glared, but she held herself in check. "If this is what you wanted, then this meeting will end quickly." Luna said with a huff as she slide a hoof to her sword. Castus held up a hand, "Peace Luna. I am not here to fight." Luna looked at the armed guards, then to Castus. "Not wanting, and expecting a fight are two different things." Castus said, his smirk gone and his face taking a serious look. Luna didn't feel so sure, but nodded, "Then speak. What is it that you want?" "This war has dragged on for a long time, and both of our people have suffered greatly." Castus said. Luna nodded, and felt that perhaps Castus was here to surrender. She wouldn't be surprised, his kind did not have the resources that Equestria had. A prolonged engagement was not to their advantage. "If you are here to surrender, know that I can't guarantee that you or your warriors will not be held to court for your actions. But I will try to see that things are fair." Luna said, and slowly tempted to see if she could place a shielding around Castus. She was blocked however, and in that brief moment could tell that Castus was holding the Wind. And as much as he could, and she could also sense that the statue he held was aiding him in his task. Luna was worried, and slowly pulled back. Castus for his part acted as if nothing happened as he continued. "I am not here to surrender. I am here to sue for Status quo ante bellum." Castus said. Stonewall/Orchid Wings Orchid Wings paced back and forth in her tent. She had not counted on the humans arriving in this location. They were not needed here, the Consort would arrive in any moment. She didn't like sudden changes in her careful plans. Luckily, she found ways to make it go to her advantage. With Luna gone to meet with the human leader, and hopefully start a fight, she had more free reign to get her agents ready. When the army arrived, the Equestrians would be weakened greatly. But as for Luna... 'I just hope Scarlet Rose does her job.' She thought. Watch the back. It was after all the weakest in defense. Perfect for a knife. Orchid felt a sudden brushing against her mind, and the sweet lyrical voice of the Consort. He was here. It was time. With a smirk, Orchid sent out the call to her agents. The sudden screams that came from the army and camp only made her laugh. Nothing would stop the Hive. All would bow to the Queen. > Chapter 26 - Human/Pony: The Changeling Tide(Winters End 4) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mane Six Twilight paced the Council Room as she waited for the girls to arrive. Despite the many distressing events, such also couldn't help but feel excited. She was going to get to go on another Friendship Quest! She had yet to have another since the HoofFields and McColts adventure, and she had already spent the last ten minutes coming up with all sorts of possible solutions and creating another friendship portfolio. 'This time for sure it will work.' She thought, clapping her hooves together with glee. When the doors opened, she practically leaped to her friends and picked them up in her magic. "You're here. Isn't this exciting?!" She said, setting them all down onto their respective thrones before seating herself. "Oh, Twilight darling," Rarity said, fixing her mane a bit, "I know this is your duty as the Princess of Friendship, but perhaps you could tone down the enthusiasm a tiny bit." "Yeah, its just a friendship problem. We'll have this done in no time." Rainbow Dash said. "But this is the first time we have all been called. Who knows what we could face." Twilight said, giving Rainbow Dash a wide eyed look. Rainbow Dash leaned back away from her a bit. "Now just take it easy sugarcube. True this may be somethin' involvin' us all, but getting overly excited won't do nothing to help us." Applejack said. "Um, so-so where are we going? Um because I have-" Fluttershy eeped as the map began to form, and their cutie marks appeared over Ponyville, and then began moving to a location on the map. "Hey, that place isn't that far? Usually we get sent to far away and exotic places." Dash said, frowning. "Now Dashie, its not the location that matters." Rarity said. "But what do you reckon the problem is? All that is there is just plains and fields." Applejack said. "Well girls, whatever the problem we won't solve it standing here." Twilight said, and she snatched up her portfolio as she and the girls all made their way to the Ponyville Balloon. Though as they walked, Fluttershy couldn't help but wonder what exactly was going on that they all had to be there? Castus "What do you mean? What right gives you such ability to demand such a thing?" Luna asked, her voice tight and her eyes hard. Castus crossed his arms, "Only the right of equal interest. This war does nothing but harm us both, and waste resources and lives. I claim that your forces pull back and return home. Mine will also be allowed to return to the lands in which we roamed for three years and claimed as our own before you so ruthlessly invaded us. We will stay there, and you stay here. We will not enter your lands again, and you will not enter ours." "Fire Man, what are-" Some of the Huntmasters began or gave him a look of confusion; even shock. But Castus raised a hand to silence them. "Trust me." He whispered to them, looking to them. Marcus looked at him, then nodded. The other Huntmasters looked to Marcus, then to him and nodded. Though they still looked confused. "You dare make such demands. After all you did!" One of Luna's guards shouted. "Silence!" Luna called. Your highness, you can't listen to this creature. He has slaughtered innocent ponies. He will surely attack us when we least expect it." Another pony called. "Silence!" Luna shouted, shutting up the ponies. But she then directed a hard look at him that Castus had to steel himself to keep from shivering. "My guards raise a good point. From the start of this war your kind have killed many, and commited crimes against my people. Do you think such atrocities can so easily be forgotten?" Luna said. Castus knew this would come up. It would be the biggest challenge to end this war. "If we must throw atrocities at each other, then you know as well as I do your kind have done similar deeds to mine. How many children did your forces kill? Women? Elderly? Or do you deny that it was your idiot cousin who ran that attack?" Castus said, giving Luna his own glare. Luna bit her lip, but retaliated, "So you respond with a similar attack? You are more barbaric then you let on then, if you try to deny the slaughter of Sunbrook?" Castus frowned, "I don't deny the actions of my warriors. But I never gave such orders, and I have punished the culprits when I learned of this atrocity." "Lies! You speak lies to deceive us!" Shouted a guard. "We can't listen to this beast!" Shouted another. Castus ignored these words, but it seemed one of his companions would not. Valen, who Marcus had brought with them, stepped up and gave the guard a hard look and said in the pony language, "I am no beast." Then spat at the pony guard. The guards all now looked at Valen, some stepping back. Luna herself, stared at him with wide eyes of shock. Castus had to smirk at that, guessing that none of them had figured that a human other then him would be able to speak to them. But he needed to stay on track, and motioned Valen back. "Tell me Luna, do your guards speak for you?" Castus asked, crossing his arms. Frankly he was finding the constant interruptions irritating. Luna scowled, "You will all be silent." She directed to her guards, who flinched from the harsh words. Luna then turned back to him, and opened her mouth to say something, but someone else spoke up. "C-Castus!?" "Princess Luna!" Castus, and Luna both turned their heads, as did all the guards and Castus felt like his eyes were gonna pop out of his head when he saw a hot air balloon coming down close to them. Within the balloon were ponies he thought he would never see again, especially one in particular. "Fluttershy?" He said, quietly, and turning to look at the mare. Fluttershy looked at him with wide eyes, and then slowly hid her face in her mane. Castus frowned, and instinctively he took a step to go over to her, but was stopped as Rainbow Dash, putting herself between them and leveling a hard glare at him. "Girls quick, take him down!" Dash called, and Castus immediately found himself under attack. "No wait!" Luna called, but the girls were already on the move. Twilight immediately smashed a shielding upon his connection with the Wind, and even while he was holding the power he felt himself being pushed back and he had to struggle to fight back. A part of him was rather impressed, though he was less impressed as he felt ropes wrapping around his arms and legs and yanking him down. "What the!?" He shouted, and saw AJ had hogtied his arms and legs with, four ropes. Holding two in each hoof. How did she do that? He opened his mouth to call them off, when Pinkie Pie appeared and shoved a....cupcake? into his mouth. The sudden attack had caught him and frankly everyone by surprise, but it wasn't long before the Huntmasters and Valen all shouted and moved to aid him; weapons at the ready. This in turn caused Luna's guards to respond in kind. Castus felt a burning anger building up, and he used that to pile drive through Twilight's attempts to cut him off from the Wind and pulled deeply from the Wind, filling himself to the brim. He spat out the cupcake and shouted, "Stop!" He wove stands of fire and incinerated the ropes binding him in a flash, making them go up in a puff of flame and smoke. "Whoa!" Applejack shouted, falling over from the loss of tension. He then wove a strand of air, and forced the Huntmasters and Valen back, and onto their rears, giving them distance from Luna's guards. "Enough!" Luna shouted, and wove her own spell, freezing her guards and the girls. Finally, crisis averted, He stood back up, though he kept himself full with the power to be sure that another attempt wouldn't get so far. He gave his own guards a hard look, "Stand down soldiers. This is all a misunderstanding." The huntmasters didn't look convinced, and Valen himself could only glance at the ponies in suspicion. "Indeed. Young Twilight, you should know better then to interrupt diplomatic neogtiations. It seems that we must expand your education in these matters; for it seems my sister has been neglecting her duties in this." Luna said, giving her own look to Twilight, then to Rainbow Dash. "And as for you, I think it is rather unbecoming of one who is part of the Wonderbolt Reserves to act on their own accord without first speak with a superior officer, or myself." Luna said. "But-" Rainbow Dash started, but Twilight interrupted. "P-Princess Luna, wait what do you mean negotiations?" Twilight said, confused. "Um, perhaps it is best if we all started from the beginning? Yes?" Rarity said, "And um perhaps not frozen. This is most uncomfortable." "Yeah, can I like be allowed ta get up now?" Applejack said, frozen on the ground. Castus and Luna both looked at each other, and Castus motioned for his guards to step back, while Luna dragged all the ponies back to her side. The two sides now stood apart, and at last Luna released her captives. "Oh much better." Rarity said, stretching slightly with a flourish of her mane. "Now, perhaps we can set things straight..." Castus said, crossing his arms. Scarlet Rose If there was one thing Scarlet Rose hated, was immobilization spells. They always made your muscles feel stiff. No she did not like magical immobilization at all. Now ropes, that was a different thing entirely. Mmm, the thought gave her some ideas of what she was going to do with the first pony she captured when the Hive conquered this land. But that couldn't happen while Luna was still around. The plans of the Queen required that the princesses of Equestria be eliminated, a task which Scarlet Rose was ready to take, but no self respecting Inflitrator Class just leaped for the kill for all to see. This had to be tactical, and in the shadows. She had thought when the purple princess, Twilight she believed the name was, arrived and caused that momentary scuffle, she thought for sure she had a good moment to do the job and lay the blame on a human, but noooooo. No, that damned moon butted whorse, and that filthy hairless monkey, had to ruin it by stopping it! And of course, trying to manipulate the Princess into attacking would be impossible. Were they really going to try making peace!? That was not in the plans for the hive! And now, now she could feel the sweet song of the Consort signifying his arrival. Soon, Orchid Wing would send the signal for the Infiltrators in the camp, and that commotion would grab the princesses attention! She had to die now! And so, going against her better instincts, she gave the call to her fellow Infiltrators in her group with Luna. 'Kill them. Kill them all.' She called to them, and as Luna and the humans finished explaining things to the newest arrivals, she morphed her arm into blades, and aligned herself perfectly with Luna's back. She would die first. Then the rest would follow. With a hiss, Scarlet leaped and stabbed her blade arm out. "Look out!" Luna Luna felt a slight headache coming on. This whole negotiations were not going easy, and the arrival of Twilight and her friends was only making things worse. She had worried their sudden attack would ruin the attempt, but thankfully that had been stopped. But that had only been the easy part, the hard part was trying to explain what they were doing to the newcomers; some of who were not able to believe it. "You can't be serious at trying to negotiate right?" Rainbow Dash said, looking skeptical. "Princess Luna, Celestia and yourself told me that Castus is too dangerous. You drilled me extensively on that spell to counter act his magic for three years because of it." "Hey, hello. Right here. In front of you." Dash, Twilight both blinked then blushed as they turned towards Castus, who stood behind them with his arms crossed. "Oh yeah, but come on!" Dash said, pointing a hoof at him, "After everything you've done. You even kidnapped Scootaloo for Fausts sake." Luna gave him a hard look, but Castus stood cool and collected as he nodded. "True, but I like to call it saving her from being eaten by Garn in the Everfree. Besides, it was Valen here that did the capturing, and frankly Scootaloo didn't seem to mind too much." Castus said, gesturing to a young looking human beside him. The one that had spoken before. The young human, Valen, gave Castus a strange look, and Castus only smirked. "In any case, Scootaloo is no doubt home by now. I released her and Tiara before arriving here." Castus said. "Now can ya expect us to believe that?" Applejack said, looking at Castus hard. "B-but he did...I-I ran into them at my cottage." Fluttershy said, causing Luna, and everypony, to look at the timid Pegasus. "Wait, he did? Why didn't you tell us this!?" Dash asked. Fluttershy made a slight eep sound and hide in her mane before saying, "I-I meant to but....but then the map called us, and-and uh..." Luna could see that Fluttershy was hiding something now, and the concerned look on Castus face told her he knew something concerning these events as well. "Enough, Castus and I are negotiating peace. That is what we are here for, and if ponies like it or not, this is what will be done." Luna said. Nopony made any further protests at her words, though Dash opened her mouth to say something, but closed it when Luna gave her a hard glare. "Good, then if all of this is settled..." Luna began. "Look out!" The human, Valen, called up, pointing towards her. Or, perhaps behind her. Luna turned in surprise, and her eyes widened as she suddenly felt sharp pain through her side. Her guard, Scarlet Rose, had a black chitin like arm, shaped like a blade, plunged into her side. The traitorous mare had a twisted smirk, filled with sharp teeth and red glowing eyes. "Princess Luna!" Ponies called. Luna felt her shock fade, and she reacted quickly with a spell that blasted Scarlet Rose back, and pulling her blade arm from her body. This of course only made the wound worse as she placed a hoof over the wound, feeling wet blood leaking out. But the next surprise came, as the rest of her guards leaped at her and the others, a red flare of flame surrounding their bodies, before revealing them for what they were. Changelings. Black chitin forms, hissing as their arms turned into sharp sickles, blades and axes. Every last one of her guards had been a changeling. Did Stonewall know of this? And how had changelings even managed to sneak into her forces in the first place? The changelings all rushed at those gathered, half towards Twilight and her friends, and the other half towards the humans. But for Luna, Scarlet Rose was not yet dead. The changeling stood up, and rushed her again. Luna drew on her magic, numbing herself to the pain as she directed a Moon Beam Blast toward her attacker, but Scarlet was fast, pivoting and keeping up her charge. Her bug like wings worked fast as they propelled her right at her. Luna snarled, and drew her blade as she parried several quick strikes from duel blade arms. But Luna had nearly several thousand years of sword experience, and was one of the few to hold the title of BladeMaster in Equestria and the world. Even with her injury, Luna easily worked her blade to cut across tendons and puncture through gaps in the changelings outer skin. With a single final thrust into the changelings heart chamber, Scarlet Rose, if that was her name, went stiff, then limp and with a kick, fell over dead. Luna, despite victory, breathed heavily and she placed a hoof to her wound again. She needed to treat it, but she needed to first deal with the remaining attackers. Some of the changeligns were in battle with the humans, some holding wounds or on the ground. Luna could not tell if they were dead or alive, but they were bleeding badly. Dash was in battle with one changeling, and even without a weapon, the quick Pegasus was punching and kicking at the changeling hard in trained style of Pegasus martial arts. But even she was not without injury. Two burnt husks laid on the ground, and Twilight breathed heavily as her horn glowed softly. But it was Fluttershy who was in the most danger, with a changeling coming at her for the kill. "Fluttershy!" Twilight screamed. Luna grit her teeth, and took off to intercept the changeling. But she feared that she would be too late. But before she could go any further, the changeling was soon intercepted by a bright electrifying wage of energy beams that formed a strange checkerboard pattern. As the beams passed through the changeling, and vanished in an instant, the changeling went still and stood there. Luna stopped, and turned to see Castus with his arm outstretched toward the changeling and a murderous look in his eyes. "You stay away from her you filth." He said venomously as he approached the changelings still form, and blew on it. Luna looked away, gagging as the changeling began to fall apart. In small little pieces. Luna tried to get the image out of her mind, and focused on the few remaining changelings. They too were soon laid low, by sword and Castus spells. "Fluttershy, are you okay!?" Twilight and her friends said in worry as they rushed to their friend. Luna walked over, "Dear Fluttershy, are you well?" Fluttershy sat on the ground, shaking but she gave a nod. "Oh, Luna! You're bleeding." Fluttershy gasped, and pointed to her wound. Luna covered the wound, feeling the pain some, "It is okay. It is nothing serious." "What are changelings doing here? I thought Chrysalis was locked up tight in that castle we left her in what that creepy talking Pinkie Pie suit." Rainbow Dash asked. "Hey, I worked really hard on that suit." Pinkie said. Luna shook her head, "I do not know, but if changelings have infiltrated my guards then-oh no." Luna turned toward the camp, and in the distance saw smoke rising from it. "Stay here all of you." She ordered, and she took off to the aid of her soldiers. Something was happening, and she feared that it might be too late to stop it. Castus Castus kneeled over Camus, who had several deep wounds in his side and across his chest. He pulled on all the power he could hold from the Wind, using three amplifiers he brought with him to ease the burdern of holding the power, and even using the extra he had stored in the Well belt he wore. It made him dizzy, and he had to wipe his brow to remove the sweat that appeared. He wasn't sure if Camus would survive the blows, but at the very least he could give him a chance. Still he cursed his lack in healing ability. But healing had seemed so trivial in Karsus past, especially when it was War Weaves that had won him so much power and glory. Still he would do all he could, but Camus was not the only one hurt. Ulfric sat beside Mogrim, whose arm had been severed by a changeling blade. Castus would need to heal the stump, it would end Mogrim's hunting and fighting days. Theodric was also hurt, but his wounds were not as crippling or life threatening. All the others, and Valen, sported only minor injuries and cuts. Valen though did have a hand pressed to his side. Castus would need to see to them all. But even as he finished Camus and move to the others, he could not help but wonder what had happened. Where had those strange bug like ponies, changelings he was sure they were, come from? "It was a trap. The ponies tried to kill us!" Ulfric growled, as Castus tended to Mogrim. "Don't be foolish," Marcus said, "those black bug ponies attacked them just as well. If this was a trick, why make one that would attack you as well?" Ulfric blinked and grumbled. "I agree-agggh!" Mogrim groaned, clutching the stump of his arm. Castus finished the healing, and sat back as he wiped his brow. "Fire Man, you should rest. The rest of us are not hurt as bad as it seems." Marcus said, though he rubbed at his shoulder, and was bleeding from a cut across the side of his face. Castus frowned, but shook his head as he stood, "I'm fine." Castus ignored the frown Marcus gave him as he tended to the rest of them. He then opened a Waygate and turned to Ulfric, ordering him to take Mogrim and Camus back to the camp for rest and healing. Ulfric nodded, and helped Camus up and carried him through the gate; Mogrim following behind. Castus then shut the Waygate and as he finished, he sat down again and took slow breathes as he let the Wind go. "Fire Man." Valen said, and he motioned towards Twilight and her friends as they walked over. Castus frowned, and stood up again as he greeted his....friends? "Twilight. Rarity. Rainbow Dash. Applejack. Pinkie Pie." He said, greeting each one with a nod, then looking to the last. "Fluttershy." He said with a frown, and looked away at the ground. Applejack was the first to respond, by walking up and punching him right across the face; sending him to the ground with a thud. "Applejack!" Fluttershy gasped. "Fire Man." Valen and the Huntmasters called. Valen himself stepped up and drew his blade; making Applejack and the girls step back. "Stand down!" He called, as he slowly stood up. He looked at Applejack and rubbed his face. "Okay," He said, "I think I deserved that." Applejack, seeing Valen and the others step back, turned at him and pointed a hoof at him, "Ya'll stole my humans! Do you know how many apples were left unstocked because of that!?" Scootaloo was right. Applejack was mad. "Look, I'll make it up to you." He said, backing up a bit. Applejack gave him a hard leveled look, "Ya bet your flank you will." "Applejack please. We have bigger problems right now." Twilight said, and looked at the bodies of the changelings. "How do we know this isn't some trick by Castus?" Dash said, pointing a hoof at him. Castus sighed, "One of my Huntmasters thought the same thing about you and I will tell you as I told them. Why would they attack me if I was behind this?" "He does make a point Dashie." Pinkie said. "Well if you didn't, then where-" Dash started, when the ground began to rumble. "What the-!" Castus said, as he caught Fluttershy as she almost fell from the rumbling. "Fire Man, what is happening?!" Theodric called, clutching his hammer tightly and using it as support. "Ahhh!" Pinkie screamed in horror, "My whole body is shaking! You know what that means!" An earthquake! But that thought went out the window as in the distance, Castus saw a large, worm or snake like creature break through the ground and screech with strange tentacles coming out as it fell back into the ground. Then a second one broke through the ground, then another. "Tatzlwurms!" Twilight shouted, as the shaking finally stopped as six of the Tatzlwurms in total burst from the ground, then retreated. "Aren't those the things you and Cadence fought against when you got that bogus cure for Discord?" Dash asked. "Yes, but I've never seen six together before. All my research says that Tatzlwurms are solitary creatures. That rumbling must have been caused by them moving through the ground." Twilight said. "But why are they-" Applejack began, before from the holes burst forth black shapes. Many taking into the air, but the multitude of the horde, clawing out of the holes and rushing forward and two legs or all fours. "Changelings! Hundreds of them!" Dash said. "Oh this is horrible!" Rarity gasped, looking faint. "But how?" Fluttershy asked. Castus looked out toward the changeling horde. He couldn't make a guess, but he would say there were thousands of them. Maybe near a million. The masses were like the ones they had fought, but mixed in he saw larger forms, shaped differently as well. War Beasts? This was an entire invasion force. And the entire force was charging directly for the Equestrian army. The Equestrian forces themselves seemed to have been rallied from whatever chaos was in their camp, and rushing to meet the horde. But even from this distance Castus could see that the difference in numbers was staggering. The Equestrians would be slaughtered. "Castus!" Castus looked from the massive horde, and looked at Fluttershy. Her eyes were wide, but she took his arm in her hooves. "Please, you have to help!" Fluttershy begged. "She's right. Y-you have magic unlike anything I've seen. There is no way that Luna and the Equestrian army can stand against that force alone." Twilight said, looking at him. "What!?" Castus said in shock, stepping back and pulling his arm back. "Are you just going to watch!?" Twilight demanded. Castus bit his lip, and looked at them all, then to the wide wave of Changelings drawing closer to the lined up Equestrians. "Fire Man?" Valen said, approaching him. Castus looked at the young man, then to Marcus. Marcus nodded, and gripped his weapon. Castus nodded back, and once more drew upon the Wind and opened a Waygate. Equestrian Forces Gleaming Light, High Mage of the Equestrian Battle Mages brigade of the Equestrian Army. Sat at his desk, working on several new spells. The appearance of this strange new human magic had opened up dozens of doors into study. And the failure of Prince Bluebloods attack on the human HQ was just a sign that they needed to do more study into defenses against this power. He was lucky to have Arcane Light as his assistant. The young stallion had a keen mind for magic, and while his stuttering and shyness did not help in him properly explaining all his discoveries, Gleaming Light found it was his most endearing quality. And it was rather cute. "Master Gleaming." Arcane Light said behind him. Gleaming Light stopped his writing, and turned to his young apprentice. "Ye-" His words were cute off, as he felt a sharp pain in his chest. He looked down in horror as he saw a black chitin arm, stabbed through into his heart. The arm was shaped like a blade, and it was yanked out and plunged back in. Gleaming Light looked up to Arcane Light, whose twisted smile held sharp teeth. The stallion pushed him to the ground, laughing as he stabbed him again and again. Gleaming Light tried to fight, but the blackness seemed so inviting as it engulfed his vision. The last thing he heard was Arcane Light saying, "For the Queen." Then the screaming across the camp began before all went silent. Luna arrived just as all chaos had begun in the camp. All across, changelings ran about, stabbing and cutting down Equestrian soldiers who were unprepared for the sudden attack of deception. Some had managed to get into some order to fight back, but it was clear the advantage was with the changelings. Luna got to work immediately, and she used her magic to blast apart changelings as she saw them. "You soldiers with me!" For Equestria!" She called to soldiers as she rallied them. She worked fast to clear the camp, and rally all the troops. As she went, she saw Stonewall amongst the battle; and two changeling blade arms cutting down Equestrians. "Foul creature! Deceiver!" She shouted, and rushed the imposter Stonewall. The Stonewall Imposter turned, and looked surprised to see her. Luna did not give the changeling time to react, and she swiftly cut it down. How long had this been so? From the start of the war? The changelings brought so many questions, but they would have to wait. Luna continued to lead the retaliation against the changelings, until finally the camp was cleared and the attackers dead. Surprisingly, there were not that many changelings, but each had been a strong combatant. No doubt elite warriors bred for this sort of attack. "Sergeant. Rally the troops, get everypony armed and ready." She ordered, wanting all her troops ready for battle incase another attack was imminent. The sergeant nodded and rushed to follow her orders. Another approached and said, "Princess, is this the work of the humans? Are they allied with the changelings?" Luna looked at the sergeant and frowned. A part of her did wonder on that, but she doubted it was the case. "I do not know. But whatever the case, we must be prepared for battle." She said. It did not take long for the entire army to be ready. It was battered, and there were many wounded, but surprisingly the infantry and cavalry were not severely harmed. But the real damage was among the battle mages of the army. Nearly 99% were dead, with only just four left alive, and none of them were of the elite. All raw recruits. The Air Knights and Wonderbult regiments were also down several units. In short, the changelings went for the two main advantages of the Equestrian army. magic and air support. Luna was sure now, that an invasion was occurring. Why else would they strike those areas of the army. Attempt to assassinate her, and no doubt others of the high command of the army. 'Oh Faust, how far does this go? My sister!' Luna thought, worrying now for Celestia. Was she safe? Or was she also dealing with changeling attacks? What of Canterlot? And just how had this all occurred? Then the rumbling began, and in the distance, Luna watched in horror as several Tatzlwurms burst forth from the ground, before retreating. They left large holes in the ground, and from those holes rose something out of a nightmare. Changelings. Hundreds, no thousands of them. The flew out and crawled out of the holes and rushed towards her location, hissing in a chorus that seemed to shake the air. "The changeling horde is upon us!" Luna shouted, getting over her shock and rallying her troops. She charged forth, shouting, "To battle! To battle sons and daughters of Equestria!" Luna and her forces charged, shouting their own war cries. Luna began shouting orders for a line up as they took a position at the high edge of the hill their camp had been set on. The spearmen took the front, laying their large shields down to form a wall as their spears were set out to stab in a phalanx formation. Behind, the heavy troops readied to charge forward in strategic gaps that would be opened up when the time was right. And to the air the pegasi flew off to engage the changeling fliers in aerial combat. Luna stayed back, shouting orders, and standing with the remaining unicorns as she and they prepared spells. Lunas wound throbbed, but it had at least stopped bleeding. Though Luna knew she needed to see it treated; but now was not the time for that. The changelings were drawing closer now, and Luna did not think they could stand against such a force without the battle mages support. Yet she would not back down. She was a princess of Equestria, and she would die to defend her soil against any foe. So she steeled herself, as did her soldiers, for the clash as the changelings grew closer. The changelings at the front snarled and hissed as they leaped toward the spearmen at the front, only to suddenly by caught in the molten flame of burning magma that burst forth from the ground and dove towards the changeling hordes, like snakes. "What!?" Luna gasped, and it was only the discipline of her troops that they did not step back in shock from the sudden event. The magma and the ground tore apart and rushed toward the changelings, turning into a wheel of molten fire and earth, swallowing and burning changelings alive. The magma soon stopped rushing up from the ground, and the ground went still. The changeling charge was slowed, but they kept coming. And that was when the next surprise began as a great tear appeared to the flank of the changeling horde, and out poured dozens of humans. The humans charged, screaming their war cries, as they smashed into the changelings flank, driving deep into the horde. Luna watched as humans kept coming, before the tear closed and at the back stood a single human. It was Castus, and the human held his hands up, and Luna could feel the power of the Wind he held in himself. Above the changelings, dark clouds began to form and swirl, and as Castus lowered his hands with a scream, great bolts of lightning shot down and blasted deep into the back ranks of the changeling horde. Others strike at changelings in the air. Then the clouds vanished, and Castus looked toward her, and she at him. Despite the distance, Luna could make out him nodding once, before he began weaving a new spell. Luna did not understand his reasons, but she was not going to question it. There was just one thing to do now. "Soldiers of Equestria. Charge! Drive the changelings back." Luna shouted. The spearmen lifted their shields, aimed their spears straight and with a shout charged into the broken changeling ranks. Heavy Earth Pony knights Terra charging in through gaps of the spearmen to strike at the changelings with their massive hammers. And in that clash, the battle of Equestria truly began. > Chapter 27 - Human/Pony: Winters End(Winters End 5) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Consort The Consort looked down at the field of battle, as the hordes of the hive met with the Equestrian forces. Like a changeling, his chitin was black as a moonless night, but unlike a normal drone bore red colored markings that created an intricate pattern on his skin. More so he was larger then other male drones, and far more muscular. He was also the only High Male that was allowed to mate with the Queen, an honor he had earned not only for his physical prowess, but also by killing and eating any would be challengers. All other changelings were his offspring. His displeasure could be felt within the minds of his guards, minor High Males who had failed in showing their physical dominance to be Consort; some of them his own sons. The Consort was not nice when he was displeased. The psychic message he had been sent by the Infiltrators had assured that the Equestrian unicorns were largely decimated, and key officers in their aerial brigades slain. This was the truth of course. But, the key objective had not been successful. That of the assassination of the Equestrian Princesses. One was far, but had destroyed the assassins within her guard. The Consort only hoped the wound she had taken, would be enough to hold her off till the horde had eradicated the Equestrian army. The other princess was a different matter. She too had been marked for death, but as the first the assassins had failed. The Consort was disappointed, as Scarlet Rose had been one of the Hive's best Infiltrators. If he had not sensed her death, he would go down and devour her on principal for failure. But she was hurt as well. Not a severe blow, but what his soldiers sent to him through their connection to his will, it could prove an advantage in combat later. Besides, even with an alicorn to aid in the magical front, the horde still vastly outnumbered the Equestrians. They would have been overrun in time. Would have. What the Consort had not counted on, was the appearance of the humans on the field of battle. The Queens spies had reported the hostility and distrust between the two races. And the Infiltrators had worked hard to further that divide when their little war began. They had not many plans for the humans after merely increasing hostilities; other then to wipe them out after Equestria had been conquered. But seeing them here, aiding the Equestrians? It took all predictions and threw them out. And then the fire from the earth, and the churning rocks that ate at the front ranks of the horde, before that vast tear in which dozens of sweaty, burly, humans came rushing from with weapons swinging. Even with his will giving the horde their steel resolve, he had felt in the drones minds the smallest sliver of fear. But he quashed that fear, and with his connection to the horde sent them further into a frenzy of battle. The humans though in numbers did not add anything significant to the total enemy force, and the Consort still felt secure that they would be over run eventually. But first, they had to remove the two most powerful enemies. Otherwise, if the lightning from the skies and the heavy blades of sudden ice that tore the fliers in half kept up, the horde would lose thousands of soldiers; maybe even enough to turn the tide of battle in the human and Equestrian favor. That was not something the Consort wanted. If he failed, it would put his position in jeopardy. The Queen might decide to devour him for failure, or his lower High Male rivals might take it as a sign of weakness and move against him. This was a grim time indeed, especially considering his other reason for displeasure. The Queen was close to laying again, and when the time came any High Male that could stand by her side alone when it was time for fertilization would be the new Consort. The Consort had for the past three years held that position, but now he worried for it. He did not like being so far away during this time, and it was why he brought as many of the lesser High Males with him; not for guards but to keep an eye on his rivals. But he had not been able to bring all of them. He needed to finish this battle quickly and return to the Hive as soon as possible. "Send in the War Beasts. Move them into the flank." He said, sending the words out with a psychic order to all of the Horde. He then turned, and looked out to the horizon, and in the distance a small town that sat overlooked by the Equestrian capital city. It would burn as a message to all of the Hives superiority. After all, the Equestrians and humans could not successfully fight on two fronts, and his command was sent out to a large section of the Horde kept in reserve. The air was soon filled with the hissing and shrieking's of the drones as they began moving off toward the town. Human Forces When Castus had gone through the Waygate, and rejoined his army, he had been unsure of what course of action he would take. Even with all that he strove for now, a small part of him told him to run. The sheer size of the Changeling Horde was beyond his imagining. He didn't think anything could stand against that. But he crushed that thinking. He couldn't say what the changelings wanted, but they were for sure not going to be friendly to him or his people. They had made that fact clear when they had crippled Mogrim and wounded Camus. He would have to fight them, and Fluttershy's face when she had looked at him, pleading to help, was firmly in his mind. He would lead his people to help beat back the changelings. Partly out of a need for survival. Partly because his heart told him so. And partly because his mind told him that, if successful it would be a good negotiating tool. Frankly he preferred to listen to his heart in this. And so it was, he stood amongst the troops, and the Huntmasters, save for Camus and Mogrim who were with the healers in a small glade for safety. Their forces would be under Theodric and Marcus command respectively, a plan he had discussed with them before marching. Now he needed to convince his people, to an action they would not like. "My people. You followed me here on a quest to seek peace. I know it was not a course of action many would agree with, but I thank you for trusting me. But that course has been lost to us." He said. The warriors stirred, looking at each other but made no sound. They all looked to him. "In that distance, you see a massive horde of dark creatures known as changelings. They had somehow come amongst the pony escort of their leader and tried to kill both her and me and the Huntmasters. Huntmaster Camus and Mogrim both were severely wounded by these deceptive creatures." He said, pointing out to the horde. It was growing closer to the pony army; who were rushing to meet them. "The Equestrians go to face this threat, and though their hearts are brave I fear that they will be overrun." He said with a frown. A few small cheers went up, but Castus shook his head and shouted, "No!" This silenced any warriors cheers, and Castus continued, "No. We must not cheer for this news. For if the Equestrians are defeated, what will happen to us when the changelings turn their gaze our way." The warriors, and a few of the Huntmasters looked off at the horde and fidgeted. Nervous. "If we are too survive, we must aid the Equestrians." He said, and many warriors shouted in protest. "We can't!" "Never!" "NO!" "Will you look past your anger and think on the larger picture!" Castus shouted, "Our survival may depend upon the outcome of this war. Of this battle. the changelings have already shown that they will mean us harm! And even I cannot successfully fight off such a horde, no matter how great my power." This made the warriors pause, though their faces showed they were not happy. "The choice is simple, the enemy we know. or the enemy we do not." Castus said, "You have followed me this far. Follow me just a bit more." The warriors grew silent, many looking toward where the armies grew closer. Others away or at each other in hushed conversation. Castus feared that he was pushing his peoples tolerance too far, as some of the Huntmasters seemed unsure. But then something...surprising occurred. Theodric stepped up, and looked at him with hard eyes. "You ask us to fight with the ponies. After all they have done. All they have hurt and killed." Theodric said, his fists clenching his axe tightly. Castus took a slow breath, and clenched his hands into tight fists behind his back. Theodrics words caused slight mummers among the warriors. It was obvious that Theodric's next words would probably determine the outcome of this whole battle. Either keeping the tribes whole, or breaking them once again. "The ponies can't be trusted. They will try to kill us all when our backs are turned," Theodric said, as he took a slow breath. Castus felt as if the air was very heavy now, and he feared the next words from Theodrics mouth. "But those bug ponies....they will try to kill us now. Have tried. They nearly killed Camus, and crippled Mogrim." Theodric said, looking back to the warriors and the other Huntmasters. "I don't like ponies.....but I hate bugs more." Theodric said, turning back to Castus. Theodric then knelt on one knee and said, "I will fight. If only to show to the ponies that we are greater in war then they think." Castus had to fight the urge to sigh deeply in relief, but seeing Theodric give his support, if only in his own way, lifted a mountain like weight on his shoulders. Marcus then next stepped up and bowed, and Castus and he shared a quick glance and nod. He knew he could always count on Marcus. Then the other remaining Huntmasters, and Valen both stepped up and bowed, before standing again. The warriors did not look happy, but they all bowed. Castus nodded, and gripping the Amplifiers he held had brought with him, he drew upon the Wind and looked out toward the battle. The changelings and Equestrians were almost upon each other, with the Equestirans taking a phalanx position. A respectable strategy, one that had one many battles in many ancient battles in ancient history of Equestria and his own world. But against that horde, it wouldn't do anything. The changeling charged needed to be broken. And raising a hand, Castus wove the Wind into spells that tore apart the ground from beneath the changelings tide, and gushing lava from beneath the surface out and forward. The spell had the desired effect, with the changeling charge faltering. Castus released the weaves, and taking a deep breath he opened the largest Waygate he could muster; right in the flank of the changeling horde. "Warriors of Valhrua! Forward!" Castus shouted, and with a roar Theodric and Marcus both rushed forward. Valen and the other Huntmasters remaining followed, and after them rushed forward the warriors. Castus followed suit, closing the gate behind him as he did and he felt memories of another life reminding him of thousands of battles he had marched into. And the weaves of power that he had developed for such battles. Weaving the Wind, Castus sent the weaves out across the battle and touched the inner beastly part of his warriors mind. He used the weave to fill their thoughts and emotions of glory and battle, and giving them strength and endurance by using weaves to stimulate and enhance their muscles and respiratory system. Then, raising his hands he gathered the clouds into swirling masses, and with a roar as he built up the energies of the lightning and the heavens, he brought his hands down and with them columns of thunder into the inner ranks of the changeling tide. He kept up the rain of electrical energy before releasing the weaves. He took deep breathes of air, as he felt the exhaustion of the weavings. But he could not let up yet, the battle was only just beginning. He looked back in the direction of the Equestrians, and caught sight of Luna. He gave a brief nod, before weaving another spell. This one was a bit more reckless, but with his forces now engaging the Changelings he couldn't risk using spells with a wide area of effect least he injury or kill his own troops. Weaving weaves of wind, Castus felt his body rising as he then wove weaves of fire within the weaves of air. Soon his body was surrounded by swirling streams of fire, even as air pushed against the heat to send it outwards and keep him from cooking his own hide. "Time to cook some bug." He said, and wove blasts of air to propel him forward and into the changeling tide, his Flame Wheel spell burning as he went through. Discord Discord sat upon his couch in his house, or well lounged would be the better word. His belly was extended and bloated, covered only by a large shirt with a 3 3/4 on it. His goat beard was a bit longer, and unkempt and on his head he wore a drink hat with chocolate milk bottles in place of soda. A bucket of popcorn was in his grip, and the coffee table was littered with candy, more popcorn, chips and other assorted drinks as well. As he scratched his belly, he looked at his t.v. screen and rolled his eyes. "Ugh, what a horrible line. Come on Castus, can't you think of anything cooler." He said. He reached for the remote, which was unfortunately on the table. It took some work, but eventually he managed to change the channel. The t.v. now showed Twilight and her friends. "Hmmm, wonder what this scene is?" He said, as he reached for a bag of Cheese Doodles. Mane Six Rainbow Dash was not in a happy mood, as she paced in the air above her friends, looking out to the battle field. "Gah, come on we have to do something!" Rainbow Dash yelled, throwing her hooves up in both annoyance and exclamation. "Dash, I know how ya feel. But we can't just go a runnin' inta a battlefield," Applejack said, trying to calm her, "We ain't got any armor or nothin' ta defend ourselves." "I must say I agree Rainbow Dash. We would only cause more trouble then aid, besides battles are simply filthy, and would destroy my dress." Rarity said, looking down at her latest ensemble for today. "Ugh! Twilight, you can't say you're just gonna sit here and watch while Luna and the army fighting off Chrysalis' changelings. Your magic could totally blast them apart with the rest of the unicorns." Dash said. Twilight looked at the battle, and she frowned, "Rainbow Dash, I don't think there are any other unicorns." "What?" Dash asked, "But what about that fire? What about that lightning?" "That was Castus' magic. I could feel it, but if the army had all its mages, then I would have sense it with my Sense spell," Twilights horn glowed slightly, "But all I can sense are three, maybe four. Luna is one of them. If the army did have all of its unicorn troops, then we should be seeing a lot more spells being used against the farther ranks of the changeling horde." The girls all looked at the battle now, feeling a sense of dread. But a sudden pillar of fire, made them all jump. "What was that?!" Dash shouted, watching as the pillar of flames fade. "That was Castus. I can practically feel his power from here. He must be using everything he can." Twilight said, feeling Castus strength in the strange magic called the Wind. Even after three years, she understood next to nothing about it other then what Celestia and Luna had instructed her in; which had not been much by their own admission. "Well, so what if the army doesn't have all its mages. With Luna and Castus I bet they don't even need them." Dash said. "No, Luna was hurt remember. A physical wound can really disrupt a unicorns concentration, as well as an alicorns. And even Luna has her limits, and she wouldn't dare use large spells with a wide area if the armies are engaged; the same for Castus. He has his limits too, and those are a lot of changelings." Twilight said. "Well, once we get air superiority we should-wait what are they? Oh come on, that is such an amateur mistake. I could pull off that evasion better back during the academy!" Dash shouted, pointing toward the aerial battle; particularly a unit of pegasi as they maneuvered into a changeling swarm of fliers. The maneuver however seemed to have failed, with the changelings getting into better angles of flight and attack. Twilight didn't know much in terms of military strategy, but she could tell that whoever was leading that unit was not the most skilled or experienced. "The Equestrian Air forces are suppose to be overseen by Commander Steel Wings, a former Wonderbolt and best flier in all of Equestria, alongside Tornado Blitz and Sky Thunder." Rainbow Dash said, watching another aerial maneuver be countered by the changelings. Twilight observed as the battle went on. Even with the human aid, the changelings were still largely superior. Yet in an ordinary battle, that should not have played a major factor. Equestria has fought many battles against superior forces, but the combined might of pegasi, unicorn and earth pony had always what brought them victory. Yet now it seemed like that uniform tactic of unity seemed broken, and poorly led. 'Changelings had managed to sneak into Luna's guard, and no doubt into the army camp as well,' Twilight though, 'if the changelings had planned this attack, then they would have gone after the key advantages of the Equestrian army. If so that would mean-' "Oh no." Twilight said, realizing to her horror the full complexity of the changeling plan. "Whats wrong sugarcube?" Applejack asked. "Think about it, we saw the smoke rising from the Equestrian army after those changelings tried to assassinate Luna and us. Well if they had been trying to kill one of the princesses, whats to say that weren't also going after the magical and aerial support of the army as well before they attacked. Its the only explanation for the lack of extensive magical support and the poor maneuverability of the aerial units." Twilight said, looking back to the battle with wide eyes. The girls all looked out to the battle, the changeling forces pushing harder into the combined forces of man and pony, despite the number of losses they suffered. A column of changelings were cut off by the charge of the Equestrian cavalry, From the human side, flanking the changelings and pushing in, a hail of arrows flew off like a dark cloud, diving into the heart of the horde; a few bringing low changelings that fought in the sky. It was in the course of the fight, that a small group of fliers broke off from the main battle line and began making a bee line in a direction away from the main changeling front. On the ground following them, road a unit of Knights Terra; elite earth pony fighters who wielded massive two hooved warhammers. "Hey where are they going?" Pinkie asked. The girls all looked to the breaking off forces. Deserter? Had the battle gone south? "Sweet Faust, look!" Rarity gasped, and pointed off in the horizon in the direction of the forces march. In the distance, smoke was rising into the sky. A direction that the girls knew well, having come from that direction to here. "Ponyville is in danger. That's it, you girls can stay here if you want but I'm going!" Rainbow Dash said and took off at top speed toward her endangered home. "We ain't gonna let her go alone are we?" Applejack asked, watching her impulsive friend already get out of shouting range. "Of course not. Stay together girls, this will be dangerous." Twilight said, as she charged a teleport spell. But before she could fully complet the spell, Fluttershy took off and began flying toward the main battle. "Fluttershy, wait! Come back!" Twilight shouted, her spell already beginning to complete and the energies now out of her direct control. Eventually in a flash, Twilight and her remaining friends soon were teleported to stand at the base Castle Friendship; and Fluttershy left behind at the main battlefield. But they could not focus on that for long, as they soon found themselves in the middle of a new battlefield. All around, ponies were running for cover; fleeing for their lives. Changelings rushed about, pouncing upon ponies and covering them in a green sticky substance, or otherwise cutting them down with their scythe like arms. A few flew above, spitting some sort of chemical from their horns which caused the thatch roofs to burst into flames. It was here now that Twilight felt a fire in her stomach, as she began casting beam blasts at the changelings, knocking them from the sky or to the ground. An almost instinctive need to protect the ponies of Ponyville, that went deeper then anything she had felt before. These changelings were attacking her home, her friends. She would not allow it. Equestrian Forces - Main Battle Luna parried and took down a changeling warrior, then blocked three strikes from three enemies. She stepped and swung her blade in an arc, taking them across the necks. Her movements and motions soon became a whirlwind dance of steel, and minor magics of ethereal blades joining her in her dance. Adrenaline making the pain of her wound a dull throbbing, but it was not the only one she had now. The changelings fought like creatures possessed, uncaring of their lives and willing to throw them away. The battle was going hard, with the horde pushing against the main line. The air was a chaotic mess, with untested officers now trying to lead their troops to a victory against a tough opponent. It would take strong hearts to see the day through, and the death toll would be high. Yet if every soldier had to give their life to keep this horde of love draining demons from pushing further into Equestria then it would be so. Luna herself was prepared to make that sacrifice. Her blade swung out in an upper cut, and cutting a changeling in two clean halves. Luna soon found herself in a moments calm in the battle, and she took it to enter the sky and scan upon the battle. The humans fought with no formation or extensive unity, fighting almost in separate battle groups. It was a messy, and by the few sights of dead humans on the field, a costly way to make war. One human though seemed to be trying to maintain some order, directing his group to aid other groups that were being pushed back by the changelings. Luna looked from those humans and sought out Castus, and saw him with a group of his warriors. The human was in the midst of a strong spell, which upon release created multiple loud booms of air that both made Luna cover her ears and have a slight ringing for several seconds, and sending changelings in the back ranks flying. "Your highness, look!" A Pegasus shouted, pointing to the horizon. Luna turned her head, and gasped in horror as she saw smoke rising from the horizon. She knew of only one settlement that lay in that direction, next to Canterlot. Ponyville was under attack! Luna didn't waste time, diving down towards a group of her cavalry as they moved around at the flanks for a charge. "Commander Gravel, a civilian target is under attack. Take your Knights Terra and go to aid the citizens." Luna shouted, pointing in the direction of the smoke. The commander saluted and mounted his Clefthoof, as he shouted for his contingent of knights to follow him. They rode hard, but Luna feared that they would not arrive in time to prevent any damage. It was risky, but as a princess of Equestria it was her duty to protect her little ponies. She flew up and found an officer of the pegasi regiments, and sent a small unit towards Ponyville to support the Knights Terra unit, and try to head off whatever the changelings were doing until the knights could arrive. A roar from the battlefield, brought Luna's attention back to the battle, and she felt her heart grow cold as she saw the large hulking forms of strange tusk like monstrosities of changelings plowing through the battlelines. These strange war beasts, perhaps as large as a two story cottage, willfully crushed changelings as they charged, before swinging their heavy tusks side to side as they plowed through her battle line, sending soldiers flying; or worse impaling them on its tusk spikes. Luna drew upon her magic, and angled herself before launching forward like a bolt from a crossbow, sword angled toward the head of one of the changeling war beasts. She struck it, with a spray of green gore and blood following in her wake. Human Forces - Main Battle The battle was not going well, at least not as well as it could be. Castus was with Marcus group, using spells to aid his warriors in forgetting their exhaustion. It was a dangerous spell, for it did not truly take away the exhaustion the body was feeling, only made it easier to ignore. If he did it too much, let his warriors fight to long without falling back for rest, they would just drop over dead without any idea that they were working their body to death. It was not a spell one did recklessly, or without consent among the troops, but this was a desperate battle and his warriors needed every advantage. Especially since they lacked any tactical advantage. Which was what Castus had feared. His warriors had never engaged in a full military engagement, and given time, location, and ability he had never properly taught them how to fight as a whole unit. Each clan was split into groups of warriors, each fighting their own fronts; with only partial aid being given when it was able. It meant his warriors were beset on all sides, and at risk of being overrun. All but the group he was in, Marcus' group. Marcus had seen the disorganization and had skillfully led his troops through the battle, sending his soldiers to aid the other clans when they needed the aid. Castus was impressed by the instinctive skill of his most trusted Huntmaster. He had joined up to give his own help, and tactical advise, as well as to give him time to rest after his spell work. "Marcus, Theodric's group is being pushed hard by changeling elite warriors." Castus shouted to Marcus, as the Huntmaster pulled out from a battle of changelings. Marcus nodded and shouted to some of his warriors in reserve, who moved to aid Theodrics warriors. Castus drew on the Wind, and with a spell ignited the steel blades of the warriors, causing them to burn with a bright hot flame along the blade and yet not melt. It took his warriors by surprise, but they adjusted at a nod from him. The true fear came from the changelings, as blades now both cut and burnt the wounds they made. Nothing made even the most ruthless of beasts fall back then watching its fellows being burnt alive by heated steel. Marcus approached him, his armor covered in changeling gore of green blood, mixed among the cuts and wounds that leaked his own red blood. Castus did his best to attend to the more serious wounds, but he was tiring himself quickly. If he had other mages, he would send them up while he went back to rest; but he had no other mages. Just him, and this battle needed every advantage possible. "They are too many. Can we even win this?" Marcus said to him, looking out to the battle. Castus blinked, and looked out to the battle. He didn't want to admit it, but...he knew that Marcus was right. There was just too many changelings, for every one they killed two came to take its place. They were like ants, swarming over them till they finally managed to get their mandibles into them and rip them to pieces; or eat them from the inside out. 'I should not have watched that documentary.' Castus thought. "Probably. Maybe. I don't know." Castus said, unable to lie to his friend. Not that he could, Marcus had a way of knowing when someone was lying that would make Applejack envious. Marcus looked at him, then nodded, "What do we do?" Castus bit his lip. That was a good question; what exactly did they do. In the documentary the ants usually always won. 'But these things aren't ants, there has to be something that we can do. But what?' Castus thought. As Castus thought of a strategy, he thought he heard something over the roar of the battle. Turning his head, and using the Wind to aid in his hearing, Castus then heard what he thought he had. "Castus!" Castus felt his eyes widen, and he turned toward the source of the voice. It couldn't have been... ...it was. Fluttershy. Castus saw the shy Pegasus mare flying toward him from the Equestrian ranks. If he had coffee he would have spat it out. He watched as Fluttershy approached, and nearly screamed in horror as several changelings broke from the battle above and dove towards her. "Stay away from her!" He shouted, and wove threads of flame, sending forth Flame Seeker Arrows towards the changelings as they neared Fluttershy, and pierced through them before bursting their bodies into flames and dropping them to the ground. Castus ran, meeting Fluttershy as she landed and threw his arms around her and held her close. "C-Castus-" Fluttershy gasped. "What the hell are you doing here!?" Castus shouted, clutching Fluttershy tighter before letting her go. Fluttershy seemed a bit flustered, fixing her mane before looking at him. "I-I had to find you. Castus please, Ponyville is under attack. Look." She said and pointed toward the horizon. "What?" Castus said and looked toward the direction Fluttershy pointed. In his horror he saw smoke rising, and all in the direction of where Ponyville would be if his geography of the location was correct. "Valen!" Castus shouted to the young warrior. Valen turned and rushed to him, "Fire Man?" "Go down to the back rear and take a unit of archers, twenty at least. The equestrian village is under attack and I need you to go and give them support." Castus said. "Fire Man, that would cut our ranged support in half." Marcus said. "We don't have a choice. Our young and elderly are not far from that village, and are in danger." Castus said. "What!?" Marcus shouted, his eyes widening in fear as he looked toward the smoke. "I'll go." Valen said. "Good go. Gather the archers, tell them it is by my command that they follow your lead and get back here. I will open a Waygate. Go! Now!" Castus shouted. Valen nodded and rushed to the back ranks. Castus turned back to Fluttershy, and he grabbed her hoof and pulled her close. "You stay with me. You understand?" He said to her. Fluttershy looked at him, but nodded and moved closer to him, placing her hoofs on his shoulder. Castus nodded and turned to the battle. He then focused his power onto the Spell Rings, deciding to use their prepared power and save his exhausted strength to open the Waygate for Valen when he came back. He thus used the prepared Flame Gust spells within the rings he had taken from Celestia's secret vault and ignited the air into swirling hell in the back ranks of the changelings. He kept it up, exhausting the power of the Spell rings and the amulet he had, with the last dropping a razor shard storm of ice which tore anything in its path, far in the back of the changeling horde, to pieces and swiss cheese. When Valen returned, with twenty archers, Castus turned to them and drew on the Wind, using the amplifiers, to open a Waygate. "Go!" He shouted, and Valen and the archers rushed through the Waygate, which Castus closed when the last was through. Castus didn't know if Valen and his warriors could do much, but it was all he could give. He just hoped it was enough. For now, he needed to focus on the battle he fought, and try to win what he could only call an impossible fight. He looked back to the Equestrian forces, and saw Luna in the air directing her forces. And then an idea came. 'She is an alicorn, only one, but one is all I need.' He thought. "Marcus, see to the troops. I have a plan." He said. Marcus nodded, and turned back to the battle. Castus took Fluttershy's hoof and she followed as he began running in the back ranks towards the Equestrians, and to Luna. The Consort The Consort smiled, a disturbing and animal smile to any other creature who saw it. Despite the small set backs, the battle went well. The Hive would soon surround and swarm over the human and Equestrian forces alike. It would be a great victory for the Hive, and cement once again his place by his Queens side. But then something seemed wrong, and he felt an almost instinct to look up take over, He looked up towards the sky and to his horror saw something falling. The sky object fell with great speed, and was of a great size that seemed to grow larger as it grew closer to the ground. Flames surrounded it as he grew closer to the ranks of the Swarm and with an explosion and roar the sent him falling to the ground and causing a buzzing in his ears he knew that whatever it was had crashed to the ground. The Consort laid upon the ground for a time, dizzy and disoriented. But he slowly stood back up, and quickly looked down toward the battlefield. What he saw sent his blood into a rage. A great hole, lay in rear of the Swarm, and nearly half of the entire force he could sense was dead. So many warriors, just cut down by something from the sky? The Consort roared, and he sent a mental order to his guards. He knew that it was the princess or the human magic user that was behind this. He would find both and slaughter them both personally for this embarrassment! To lose half of the Swarm, even if he attained victory the Queen would not be happy. It had taken three years of constant laying to build that Swarm and the Queen would not be happy to know all her pain and work had so easily been cut in half. He would need to save face, and bringing the broken bodies of the culprits might save his position; and hopefully his life. > Chapter 28 - Human/Pony: Peace's Price(Winters End 6) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia Celestia took heavy breathes, her halberd acting as a pole on which she could keep herself upright as he legs were shaky and weak. Her long white gown was torn and ripped in many places, and the once pristine white was now stained with red and green. About her feet, lay the broken bodies of the changeling elite assassins; the green blood pooling upon the earth. But among the dead were also her loyal guards, cut down to the last. Celestia herself knew she had only secured victory by the tip of her hooves. 'These changelings were not like the others. These had been bred for this single purpose.' Celestia thought with some disgust. To bred life only for the sole purpose of having it take another? Even a changeling didn't deserve such an upbringing. It was something else to add to Chrysalis' list of crimes. Celestia though let herself slide down the pole of her halberd, and took deep breathes as her legs finally felt like twelve ton weights. She just wanted to lie down and rest, but she knew that she could not. With a grit of her teeth, she clenched her halberd tight and used it to aid her up and walk towards the cave. 'I have to get to Luna. Then we need to get back to Canterlot. If the changelings infiltrated my guards, who knows where else they are.' She thought, worry for her sister coming at the forefront of all thoughts. Had she been attacked? Had changelings invaded her guards? Celestia had to see Luna, if just to reassure her of her sisters safety. Leaving the cave, Celestia spread her wings, wincing slightly at the pain, and set up into the sky. She would need to fly fast in order to reach Luna. But before she could even get a higher altitude, her sights soon came upon a scene of horror. Smoke was rising from Ponyville, and as Celestia flew higher she caught sight of black chitin changelings swarming across the towns streets, and in its air space. "NO!" Celestia shrieked, and ignoring all pain in her body or exhaustion she propelled herself towards the besieged town. Her worry replaced with anger. Tightening her grip of her weapon, and feeling the sensation of magic building up in her horn, Celestia prepared herself to enter battle to defend her ponies. And to vaporize any changeling that got in her way. The Princess of the Sun now flew to war. And her rage was that of the inferno. Luna "Send the third and fourth regiment to relieve the seventh and tenth. After that send orders to the air squadrons to put pressure on left flank sky space of the changeling hoard. Go now!" Luna commanded, the young Pegasus mare before her saluting and flying off. Luna turned her attention now to the unicorns before her. "Now, let us prepare the spell." Luna said. "B-but P-princess Luna. Th-the c-c-components of th-this spell r-require at least th-thirty unicorns." One of the unicorns, Scholar Scroll, stuttered. The poor unicorn was not really combat material, and was only in the army due to his teacher serving a term in the military. "And we are not even close to being strong enough." Another unicorn, a mare named Star Dancer, said. Luna gritted her teeth, "I know that the requirements and I know you are not experienced, but I will be able to more then make up for it. As an Alicorn I have a greater reserve of magic then you can even dream of." Luna said, hoping to quell their protests. Though even she wondered if they could pull this spell off. It was a high level spell, built especially for battle. And even with her own magic taking the front of the spell, Luna wondered if it would be enough. Power was not all that was required, but properly spinning and flowing the energies. That took skill that was built through time and practice and while she could try to take most of the burden herself, she questioned if her few mages would be up for the task. 'But we must do this. This spell could turn the tide of the battle.' Luna thought, looking towards the fight. She would not admit it, but she felt that this was a battle they could not win. They could kill thousands of changelings, but the swarm would eventually overwhelm them. It was just a matter of time. And so desperate times called for desperate measures. "Princess Luna!" Luna blinked, "that voice-" she knew that voice. "Princess look out! Its the wanted criminal!" The other unicorn mare, Loresong, called out and pointed. Luna turned, and saw that it was Castus, and surprisingly Fluttershy wrapped by one of his arms, approaching them. Loresong, Star Dancer and Scholar Scroll both positioned themselves between her and Castus, and their horns glowed with magic. "Wait!" Luna called, but the three unicorns were already attacking before the words left her lips. Fortunately, if unfortunately for the three unicorns, Castus was not so easily over taken by three neophyte battle magi. The unicorns magic beams flew at him, and deflected into the ground as they collided with Castus Light Shield spell. Luna could feel the power of the Wind in him, filling his body. Even if she wanted too, she didn't think she could shield him from it. But she wouldn't. For now, they were allies. Were they? "Stand down you three." Luna called again, getting looks from the unicorns. "B-but P-Princess-" Scholar stuttered. "I said stand down. In case you have forgotten, the humans came to our side in this battle. We are allies.....for now." Luna said, looking at Castus with a hard look as she said the last part. "For now, yes." Castus said, giving her an equal look. "But how can we trust that murdering monster!" Star Dancer called, pointing at Castus. "Please Princess Luna, Castus just wants to help." Fluttershy said, stepping up in front of Castus protectively. Castus placed a hand on her shoulder, and pulled her back into his arm. Luna was surprised to see a slight smile on the shy Pegasus mare's lips. But Luna put it aside and looked at Castus, "What is it you want?" Castus looked at her, and then magi with her, "I'm guessing I disturbed a spell in the making?" "Yes, we were about to begin the ritual when you arrived. If we wish to beat back the changelings we must act now." Luna said. Castus nodded, "True. It will take a miracle for us to pull off a victory. But I know alicorns, and I know desperation. I can see it in you Luna. You were preparing a spell you didn't think would work well. And with three unicorn mages that frankly wouldn't give a baby trouble." "Hey!" Star Dancer said. Luna held up her hoof and silenced her, "And what is that too you?" "Well I thought that instead of you possibly taking an unnecessary risk of a spell, we could try my own spell." Castus said. Luna blinked, and looked at him critically, "What sort of spell is this?" She did not know much in the ways of the ancient Valhruan spells. But she knew that any of the higher spells would be powerful. But also devastating. "It will wipe out a good chunk, maybe even half of the total changeling force. It might even buy us a chance at victory. Thing is, I can't do it alone," Castus said, "I need your help." "Our help?" Luna said surprised. "Yes. The amount of power required is far outside my ability to wield naturally. I could perform it alone, but I lack the proper Amplifiers to do such a task. And I don't think we have time to try and find one amongst that pile you have back in Canterlot." Castus said. Luna felt slight anger at that, being reminded of the violation to her and her sisters private quarters by Castus not long ago. But she ignored it as he was right. They did not have much time. 'And if he thinks he can pull it off....' Luna thought. It was risky. Dangerous. But as she had said, desperate times called for desperate measures. "What do we need to do?" Luna asked. "Princess you can't be serious!?" Loresong said in shock and disbelief. "I do!" Luna commanded, "And we will all do as he instructs. Our lives and the lives of all of Equestria ride on our victory here. And we will do whatever it takes to achieve victory. Whatever it takes, do you understand?" Loresong, Scholar and Star Dancer bit their lips, but all nodded. "Good. Then draw on your magic, but don't form a spell. Simply hold the energies in your horns." Castus began. Luna and the others did so, and Castus continued. "Good. Now hold still, and try not to scream too much." Castus said. "Wait, what!?" Luna said, but Luna suddenly felt as if her whole body was on fire, and yet chilling to the bone. Castus hands extended, as white beams of rope like tendrils went from his hands to her and the others horns. "It hurts! It hurts! Make it stop!" Loresong shouted, pulling at her mane as she fell to the ground, "I can't let go! I can't let go!" Luna saw that despite the obvious pain and distress Loresong was suffering, her horn still stayed surrounded by her magical aura. Whatever Castus was doing was preventing her from releasing the energies. What else it was doing, she couldn't even imagine. The burning chilling pain, became hotter and colder at the same time in greater force, and Luna sucked in a breath before releasing it all as if she was struck in her solar plexus. She fell to her knees, and tried to fill her lungs with oxygen again. "I'm freezing! I'm melting! What is this!?" Scholar Scroll shouted. "Its him! It's him! Faust! What is this power!? How can he bear it!?" Star Dancer shouted. Luna turned to Castus, and then realized that the same burning cold feeling she could feel in her body she could also feel in him. And its pain grew as Luna sensed him draw more and more on the Wind. His body was full of it, and growing further. But even more shocking was that she could feel it in her as well. It was then that she realized that some how Castus was using her as a sort of container of the Wind, her own body being filled by its power in a way that hurt in a way she never felt pain could exist. And yet, as the burning chill grew ever greater it also began sending pulses of pure ecstacy across her body. "Ahh! Aahhhh!" Luna now screamed, feeling as if in three parts pain, two part pleasure. Was this the Wind? The power of Valhrua in the past? Faust and any other gods above, how had the human mages not been torn apart or gone mad from it? It was like dipping herself into molten magma, or water from the highest point in the north. As if her very being was being torn apart, and yet through it all she felt a greater sense of life and pleasure she never knew till now. Luna felt her sight glaze a bit as she felt a sudden wave of intense heat shot across her spine and down toward her nethers. Blood rushed to her face as she realized what had happened, and she tried to focus her sight to distract from it. Castus was working his hands and arms in strange patterns as Luna saw the faint outline of multi hue colored tendrils play about him, stretching out into the air. Finally he extended his hand into the arm, and brought it down as he clenched his fist and within seconds the pure pain and pleasure vanished, and Castus fell to his knees as the Wind left his body, and with a sigh of relief; hers as well. Luna gasped, taking in gulps of air as she then noticed a parting in the clouds, and high above, descending fast, a burning ball of fire. "Cover your eyes!" Castus shouted, pulling Fluttershy to the ground and placing himself over her as he set his face down to the ground. Luna turned, feel a slight shiver run across her body as she lifted her wings over her eyes. The next few seconds were soon filled with a loud bang that sent her ears ringing, and the earth shaking. Luna couldn't hear anything for a few moments, but she then felt somepony shaking her, and over time the muffled noise soon became voice. -una! princess Luna! Get up!" The voice of Loresong said. Luna folded her wings, looking up. "Loresong?" "Oh thank Faust. I thought he had killed you too." Loresong said, tears in her eyes. Luna blinked, and caught a slight scent from Loresong. She blushed slightly realizing the same thing had happened to Loresong during whatever it was that Castus had done to them. But then Loresongs words caught hold in her head, "Too? What do you mean?" "S-Star Dancer...sh-she...." Loresong bit her lip, and pointed. Luna turned her head, and saw Castus kneeling beside Star Dancer's body. The mares eyes were wide, in an almost crazed way. Her mouth hang agape, drool leaking out. Her body, occasionally jerked about, but her chest didn't rise and fall with the motion of breathing. Castus slowly slid his hand down Star's eyes, and closed them. He looked at her, his head hung a bit and he shook his head. 'Oh Faust.' Luna thought with horror. She wanted to be angry, but her body felt exhausted to even feel that. "Was it worth it?" She demanded, her voice hard despite her exhaustion. Castus nodded, and pointed toward the battlefield. Luna turned her head, and saw the armies had all been blown off their feet from the impact. Warriors, pony and human alike, staggered to their feet, as did changelings. Beyond the changeling front lines however, Luna saw the sight of a crater. A large, deep crater which would become a large lake at one point in the future. A crater that had once been filled with millions of changelings. "Now! Drive them back!" Castus shouted, as he approached her on shakey legs and offered his hand. Luna looked from the crater to his hand, and slowly took it and with Castus' help, stood up. She lifted her sword, and using the Canterlot Royal Voice she shouted, "Onward soldiers of Equestria! Too Victory!" The cry to battle was responded too, as Equestrian forces charged the still dazed changelings and began cutting them down. The humans also followed after, and the changeling hordes began back tracking as the two forces drove them back. Luna felt a surge of relief and triumph at the sight. Now they had a chance. The feeling was so intense, that it was only till the last second that she saw the large hulking figure of a powerfully built changeling descend from the sky with a crash. The changeling was huge, and roared with a screech, smacking aside Loresong away with its arm, and striking her next. Luna gasped as she was sent flying from the powerful blow, and hit the ground hard. She gritted her teeth and stood. The changeling roared and then went after Castus, who put himself between it and Fluttershy. The changelings massive arms became like two hammers and began pounding away at Castus Light Shield, which he seemed to struggle to keep up as he was pushed back, and sent to his knees. Luna acted then, charging with her blade ready. The fight was not over yet. Valen Valen released the arrow, its metal tip piercing through the hard black skin of the changeling's back. The changeling hissed before falling forward, just before its strange blade like arms could claim the life of the weird cross eyed Pegasus pony and unicorn with her. "Go! Run!" Valen shouted at them, and the two ponies ran off. Though Valen wasn't sure if it was because he said so, or if they were running from him and the other hunters with him. "Valen!" Valen turned to see Caius run to him. Valen was glad to know that his friends clan had not been one to leave during the Schism. But that did not mean that Caius was friendly towards ponies. Valen had sometimes seen his old friend give him a dirty look when he spent time with Scootaloo or Tiara. Valen worried their friendship was strained, but for now they both stood as fellow warriors in battle. And in this battle, it was unsure if either of them would walk away alive. "Dareen and Korick see another group of changelings approaching from the southwest down that street. They are herding a bunch of ponies this way." Caius said. "Set up the hunters at the entrance. Wait for the ponies to pass, then fire at the changelings. Tell Gromgar, Noren and Gelt to charge them after. Their hammers should squash any of the bugs flat." Caius nodded and rushed to tell the hunters. Valen looked around into the sky and saw dozens of changelings flying above. Two descended on him, but his arrows brought them to the ground with a crash. He then rushed to join the other hunters in the ambush, as they all prepared their bows and waited behind bush and home. As expected, a wave of ponies rushed past. Behind them, the changelings rushed after them. But as they reached the opening into the square, the hunters all turned and fired a volley of arrows into their ranks. Changelings fell, from the first and second, and their charge was momentarily halted by the surprise. "Now!" Valen shouted, as the hunters parted and three of them charged, each of the hunter wielding a large hammer, and both each large for their age. The changelings eventually turned and ran, as their numbers were brought down, and crushed under the heavy weapons. Valen turned to see the ponies still running, and this time safe. But in the group he had not found any of the two ponies he hoped more then anything to find. Scootaloo and Tiara. He had looked hard for the two, but had not found them yet. He could only hope they were safe. "Lets go, move!" Valen called to the hunters, and they all moved out. They had moved off a ways, before suddenly from the paths between the houses, dozens of changelings appeared in front of and behind them. Valen leveled his spear, as did the other hunters in a circle, shields up. Valen knew they would all fight bravely, but this ambush had them out numbered. It looked like it was the end. Or so he thought until a purple beam blasted down from the sky, and sent the front changelings hurling, smashing into the houses with loud cracks or turned into burnt crisps. "Yeeeaaaah!" A voice shouted, and Valen turned to see a rainbow streak crash into the rear group of changelings, followed by an orange and pink pony. "Take this! And that!" a cyan, rainbow maned pony said, as a purple pony with a horn and wings landed at the ground, beside a white unicorn. "You won't find Ponyville ponies easy pickings ye darn vermin!" The orange pony said. "Weee! Hehehe! This is fun!" The pink pony said, as she strangely bounced about amongst the changelings, her hooves striking them about. It took Valen a moment to recognize the ponies as the ones that had appeared during the talks between the Fire Man and the pony princess. The changelings were quickly dispatched, and Valen and his hunters turned to look at the five ponies now before them. "Whoa! What are you doing here?" The rainbow haired pony said. "We are allies," Valen said quickly, not wanting a fight, "The Fire Man sent us." "Whoa! He talks?" The rainbow pony said. "Of course. The Fire Man taught me to speak your tongue. No time to explain now. Changelings still about, we need to fight back." The purple wing and horned pony stepped up, "He's right Rainbow Dash. We need to focus on saving as many ponies as possible." "Right." The pony Rainbow Dash said, saluting with a hoof to her head. The purple pony then turned to him. "I assume this Fire Man you speak of is Castus?" The purple pony said. "Yes. We are here to help." Valen said. The purple pony nodded, "Fine. I'm Twilight Sparkle. If you want to help, follow us." Valen nodded, "Hunters, with them." The hunters nodded, and they and the ponies began moving down the streets. Another horde of changelings appeared, and Valen and the hunters roared as they charged into close combat. Twilight and the other unicorn using their pony magic, as the orange pony, Rainbow Dash and the pink pony joined them in the fight. "Princess Twilight!" A pony called when the last of the changelings was brought low. Valen turned and saw a pony with a purple mane, wearing a gold necklace about her neck approach. Followed by a male pony with brown coat and black colored mane. "Tiara! Have you seen my Tiara! She was at the spa, and now I can't find her! You have to find her!" The mare said. Valen turned to her immediately, eyes wide. "Where is the spa?" He said immediately. The mare and stallion looked at him then and gasped, "Princess! What are these savages here!? Destroy them quickly!" "Where is the spa?" Valen demanded again. "Down that street there and to the left." The white pony with purple mane said. Valen nodded and ran down the street shouting, "Caius. You lead. I will be back shortly." "Valen wait!" Caius called, but Valen ignored him as he ran with all his worth. He took the turn as instructed, and saw a wide large building before him. Was it the spa? He didn't know, but it was in the direction told, and he saw changelings breaking down the door. Valen roared as he ran, drawing his bow and firing arrows before tossing his bow aside and drawing his sword as he closed in. It was perhaps foolish to engage what was perhaps ten changelings alone, but Valen ignored the danger as he fought his way into the building. "Tiara! Tiara!" He called, dodging a changeling blade and stabbing its heart. "Help!" A voice shouted, a voice Valen recognized. "Tiara!" Valen called, and her charged through a door into a hall. He saw a door and it led into a wide room with a strange pool of water. Near the water, was Tiara and a bunch of other pony mares, with only clothes wrapped around their chests and manes. They were cornered by a number of changelings that slowly approached them. "Valen!" Tiara shouted, seeing him. Valen roared and charged the changelings, taking the first by surprise and cutting it down quickly. The others were not so easy, and their numbers and speed hard pressed Valen to fight. He ignored the pain of blade arms cutting him, and he pushed himself to cut down each changeling he saw. Diving aside from a slash, Valen countered with a stab, before bringing his hide shield up to protect himself from an attack to the left. He felt a blade arm bite into his side, and another across his shoulder, but he kept up his attack till he cut down the last changeling. He gasped for air, as the feeling of battle dulled the pain he felt in his body. He brought a hand to his side, and felt warm blood on his hand. He looked at his shoulder and saw it red as well. But neither seemed serious. "Valen!" Tiara shouted, and rushed to him. Before he could react, she threw her hooves around him and pressed her lips to his. Valen had to step back to catch himself, and bring his arms up to catch Tiara slightly. His weapons falling to the ground forgotten as his eyes widened from the sudden kiss. For a moment, Valen forgot what was really happening. He also caught the faintest smell of berries coming from Tiara's mane, which was new. And he also realized now that she was right next to him in only strange fuzzy like cloth wrapped about her form, clinging to every curve and shape. It was only till a crash of wood from beyond the room that Valen remembered he was in a warzone and he pushed Tiara back, still feeling the warm feel of her lips on his, grabbed up his sword and turned and rushed to the door, peering outside then back to Tiara and the ponies. "Follow me. Stay close. We leave now." He said, getting gasps from the ponies. "It can talk?" One said. "We can't go out like this!" A pony called. Valen blinked, then blushed we he remembered that perhaps yes the ponies were indeed a bit.....underdressed. He quickly looked away and said, "Uh...w-where are....your clothes?" "In the changing room down the hall." Tiara said. Valen turned, and jumped as from the roof, four changelings appeared into the hall and hissed. "Forget clothes! Run now!" He shouted and jumped into the hall to block the path. Luckily it seems the ponies heard the commotion and Valen turned just a moment to see them and Tiara rushing out. Valen then followed, fighting back the changelings in the cramped hall. Valen parried aside a strike, kicked the changeling back. He then brought his shield up to block another blow, and stepped to the side to avoid a stab toward his gut. But with force, one changeling charged and plowed right into him, slamming him up against the wall. Its mouth snapped and snarled at him as it tried to bring its sharp teeth to his neck. The breath smelled horrible, and Valen struggled to push it back. The changeling snapped its mouth again, and Valen felt its teeth graze his neck, and then new pain as its blade arm sank into his arm. He screamed in pain, and brought a hand to the beasts chest to push away. In his struggle then felt a sudden new searing pain in the back of his head that washed over is whole body and then great exhaustion as the changelings body went stiff, and then slumped into him lose and lifeless. Valen also went limp a bit as his legs gave out, and his arm weakly pushed the changeling off of him. He grunted as he felt its blade arm slide out of his arm, and he looked down to see that it had pierced through the shield into the lower part of his arm above his hand. It hurt, but he found that he could still use his hand. But what confused him most, was the smoking hole that was now in the changelings chest. And where were the others? Valen looked up and saw a number of smoking holes in the walls, and floor, but also in the changelings that now lay dead, holes in their chests as well. Valen didn't give it much thought now though, as he struggled to his feet, picking up his sword and staggered out to follow Tiara. He joined her and the other ponies outside. Tiara saw him and rushed to him, one hoof on the cloth around her body tightly. "Valen, what happened you look so pale." She said, placing a hoof to his face. Valen didn't say anything, only looking at her silently. Though Tiara only seemed to grow worried from this silence and finally he said, "I-I'm fine. We need to get you out of the town. Now." Tiara nodded, and Valen directed them towards a path out of the town that he and his hunters had set up for other ponies to flee. The path was mostly clear, and as they reached the edge Valen stopped, and turned to go back. "Valen, where are you going?" Tiara called, grabbing his hand. "My hunters are still fighting. I need to find them. Keep running to the woods. You should be able to hide there. Go." Valen said, and pushing her back. Tiara looked at him with a worried look, but Valen gave her a look telling her this was not something he would falter on and she nodded and ran to join the other ponies, pointing to the woods. Once they were a safe distance, Valen took a deep breath and ran back into town. The exhaustion in his body was starting to fade a bit, but he still felt as if he was wearing stones on his arms and legs. But he forced himself to keep going, that was until six changelings jumped out and down from behind and above the houses and surrounded him. "Ah look, little monkey all alone." One hissed and chuckled. Valen held his shield up, turning so to not have his back turned to a changeling for more then a second. The changelings all laughed and closed in. "Valen! Duck!" Valen turned, as did the changelings, and Valen was glad for the heaviness of his legs as he dropped and a large wooden cart flew just inches over him and plowing into the changelings. Valen got back up, as the cart crashed into a strange water filled stone circle, someone screaming and then a splash. The changelings either crushed between the cart and the stone, or left lying on the ground; their bodies mangled from the impact. Valen blinked and moved toward the water stone circle, and saw a familiar figure pulling herself out of the water, her mane and clothes wet. "Whoa! What a ride. You okay?" Scootaloo asked, as she stepped out of the water and shook herself dry. Sadly for Valen, her shaking sent the water at him and he was left dripping and wet. "Oh...oops." Scootaloo said. "Scootaloo," Valen said, ignoring it," How...what....You're okay!" He said, and pulled her into a hug. "Ah hey, I just got dry." Scootaloo complained, but Valen felt her hooves wrap around him. "Geez, come on, somepony might see." She said, letting him go, and Valen did the same. "I tried to find you. Are you okay?" Valen asked. "I-" Scootaloo began, till another voice called out. "Scootaloo!" "Oh geez, I'm okay mom." Scootaloo then said, stepping in front of Valen and looking toward the path her cart weapon had come from. Valen turned and saw two ponies approaching. One a unicorn and the other a pony that made him take in a sharp breath as memories of a terrible event came back. She didn't have a helmet on, and her armor was tattered and broken in places. But Valen recognized her for the same pony. The same pony that had nearly killed him once after he had killed Scootaloo's father. A pony that had been in the locket Scootaloo's father had of his family. The pony also recognized him, and she pushed the unicorn back and shouted, "Scootaloo get away from that monster! Now!" And with that the mare hefted up a large hammer and rushed forward. "Auntie wait!" Scootaloo called, but the pony pushed her aside, and Valen jumped back, almost tripping over himself as the pony's hammer came down hard near where he had once been. But the pony was faster and not weighed down by exhaustion, and she tackled him back to the water in the circle and Valen felt his head going under the water and hooves grabbing at his neck. He struggled, grabbing at the hooves to pry them off his neck and get his head out of the water. But the grip was iron tight, and a knee to his gut forced his mouth and what little air he had open and out. Valen felt for sure he was going to die then and there, until the hooves released his neck and Valen brought himself up with a loud gasp and coughing fit as he tried to breath in air and get the water out as well. "Scootaloo, what are you doing!? Get off! Ouch!" The pony shouted, trying to pull Scootaloo off her back as she bit down on her shoulder, and yanked on her mane. "Scootaloo dear get off of her!" The other pony called, trying to pull her off. "Valen, run. Just run!" Scootaloo called, as she stopped biting, "I'll be fine. Just go!" Valen didn't waste time, coughing and running. Only just remembering as he turned a corner that he had forgotten his sword. But he wasn't going to go back for it. He just ran. Scootaloo Once Valen was well away, Scootaloo released her grip on her aunt Flying Brick. Her mother looked at with a confused and shocked expression, and when her aunt turned her gaze to her, Scootaoo winced deeply at seeing the mixture of confusion and anger seeming ready to bubble over. "Scootaloo, why did you do that!?" Aunt Flying Brick said, "Do you have any idea of what that monster even did!? He murdered your father! Took him away from us!" Scootaloo's mother gasped, and Scootaloo winced again, and felt the wound in hear heart from that knowledge open again. She bit her lip as she looked down and said, "I know." "Then why did you attack me like that? Why did you stop me from killing him!? Why?!" Flying Brick shouted. Scootaloo bit her lip harder, drawing blood as she shook. She knew the answer, a number of answers, but could she tell her mother? Her aunt? They would flip. "Scooty dear. Please....why?" Scootaloo heard her mother say, her voice soft, trembling slightly, but firm. She wanted an answer as well. Scootaloo clenched her eyes tight before opening them and saying, "Because killing him won't bring dad back. And even if it did, then someone else would lose someone they care about. Valen has friends. He has family. What do they do if you kill him? All killing him will do is just cause more pain." Scootaloo's mom and aunt looked at her with wide eyes, her aunts mouth slightly agap. Scootaloo steeled herself for the next words she would say, as they would be the most difficult. "And because....because...." She started, clenching her hooves tight, "Because Valen saved my life. He kept me safe when I was a prisoner. He protected me, and even he feels regret for what he did. And because....I love him." "What!?" Her aunt shouted, and Scootaloo gasped as she felt her lift her up by her hooves and look at her with wide, hurt, and angry eyes. "FB!" Her mother gasped, placing a hoof on her aunt's shoulder. Her aunt looked at her hard, before setting her down and pushing her into her mothers arms. "Go. Get out of here. The path is clear. I have to return to the fight." Her aunt said, before looking at her, "How could you betray your own father like that?" Scootaloo felt an intense pain in her heart in those words, but her aunt was already rushing off, in the path in which Valen had gone. She wanted to go after her, knowing in her heart what she was going to do, but her mother's grip was tight as she pulled her along. Her mother did not say anything, but a look at her eyes told Scootaloo even she was pained by her words. It was to be expected. They turned a corner, and in the distance, past a row of burning buildings, Scootaloo saw Equestrian soldiers leading another group of Ponies away from the town. Her mother pulled her along to join them when pieces of one of the burning homes began falling over them. "Mother! Look out!" Scootaloo shouted, and pushed her mother forward past the line of impact of the falling debris as she jumped back and covered her head. She heard the pound of the burning rubble falling and landing, and once it was done she looked up. Her first sight was of her mother standing up, just barely made out past the burning rubble. "Scootaloo, are you okay!?" Her mother shouted, worried. "I'm fine!" She shouted back, and noted that the house rubble had made a blockage to her path. "Dear, if you go down that street you can get across. Hurry! I will meet you there." Her mother shouted, pointing down a road. Scootaloo looked in the direction her mother pointed, seeing a clear path to go around. But then she looked back, in the direction of her aunts path. "Scootaloo, hurry!" Her mother shouted again. Scootaloo clenched her hooves, and looked to her mother. "I'm sorry mom. But I have to stop her. I have to stop the chain." She said, before turning and running after her aunt. "Scootaloo! No! Come back! Come back!" Her mother shouted, but was lost as Scootaloo grew further away. Luna Luna felt her self slam into Castus, as the giant Changeling tossed her into him. They both landed into the ground with impact, and luna felt pain in her wings with the sensation of bone snapping. Her left hoof was also neatly broken, and she was sure she was suffering some form of concussion. Blood running down her left eye made it difficult to see out of it, and her wounds from her attempted assassination had reopened. Castus did not look any good either. Blood ran down the side of his face, and nose looked broken. One of his legs looked bent in a way it was not meant to go. But they both grunted and worked to stand, with Castus using her for balance. "Castus, Princess Luna. I ..oh dear, oh dear." Fluttershy said, rushing to them from the side. "Shy, get out of here." Castus said, coughing. "Yes, you must flee. Before," Luna coughed and spat out some blood, "before that monster harms you." Fluttershy looked from them to the changeling, who slowly approached them with its arms shifted into a sharp blade and the other a heavy bludgeon. Fluttershy gave a shiver, but stood firm and stepped in front of them, hooves out. "No, I won't leave you two. I...I will fight." She said, her voice firm. Fluttershy stood firm, even as the massive changeling stood before her. But as it raised its arms to deliver a blow, it stopped and seemed, confused for a moment. Then, to her shock it stepped back. Flutteshy took a step forward, and the changeling stepped back. Luna was sure that Fluttershy was doing her famous Stare, and for a moment she felt sure it would drive this monster of a changeling back. Or so she thought, until with a roar and a shake of its head, it swung its blundeon arm about and struck Fluttershy, sending her flying to the side. "NO!" Castus shouted, and Luna found herself shoved aside as Castus stepped forward, a blast of fire firing from a swing of his hand and staggering the changeling back as it tore through its side. It hissed in pain, but another bolt followed. Then another. Then to her surprise a hammer of flame the size of a tree appeared in Castus hand, which he swung with wrath, and despite its burning substance, Luna heard the sound of impact. The changeling roared as it fell back from a blow, and Castus stepped forward, hammer lifted, before he shuddered and fell to the ground as he placed weight upon his injured leg, and the hammer of fire vanished in a puff. Castus caught his fall with his hands, but he soon vomited upon the ground and his arms gave out and he was left laying upon the ground in a puddle of his own vomit. Luna felt the Wind leave Castus body, and knew that he must have passed out. Or pushed himself too hard and killed himself. But she could not worry as she struggled up, and went to his defense as the giant changeling stood and walked towards him. Despite her bravery, the changeling's arm shifted to a claw and snatched her up before brutally slamming her into the ground. Luna coughed, and looked up as she grabbed the changelings claw and stared up as it lifted its other arm, now in the form of a giant spiked mace; ready to slam it down upon her and Castus both. Luna struggled, but her injuries and exhaustion from the spell that Castus had weaved, made any fight impossible. She looked up at her possible death, and instinct took control as she fired one last spell. The spell took the changeling by surprise, forcing it to let go and step back as a bright blue orb shot to the sky, and exploded like a flare. "Sister...." Luna said, before falling into the void of unconsciousness. Valen Valen clutched the knife in his hand tightly. It wasn't exactly a perfect weapon, even with its iron blade. He would have preferred the blade he had before, but he did not want to risk fighting Scootaloo's family just to retrieve a blade. His arrows were all used up, and a changeling had smashed his bow; but he still had his shield. Besides the sword had been an Equestrian blade, this knife had been made for him by Arvak , one of the first smiths of the clans. There was a certain feeling of pride in holding such a weapon made by his kind. Valen ducked behind a building and waited as a two changelings rushed past his position. He had had to avoid combat when he could, only attacking in ambush. At least till he reunited with his hunters. He just hoped they were okay. He was nearing where they had last been, but had to take several different paths due to collapsed buildings or too many changelings. He had also had to go around one battle between pony and changeling forces. But now he had a clear path, and he could only hope they had not gone far, and if they had had left a clue. Once his path was clear, Valen turned and ran down the path. He ran faster when he heard the sound of battle, and as he turned a corner, he saw his hunters and the ponies Twilight and her friends, along with a number of other pony warriors, engaging in battle with a group of Changelings. But what shook him to his core, was the sight of a number of his hunters laying dead on the ground. Howling a war cry, Valen charged into the battle, leaping at the exposed back of a changeling and plowing it into the ground as he stabbed at it with his knife, the blade slowly being coated green. He then rolled off of it and swung his shield to take a changeling across the head and knocking it off its feet. "Valen!" Valen ducked as a sword swung past him, striking across a changeling coming at him from behind. He turned to see Caius, pulling the blade from the now dead changeling, and gave him a nod. "Where is your sword?" Caius asked, looking at him with confusion. "I....lost it." Valen said, not sure how to best answer. "Lost it? No matter. We need to move. When you left another group of changelings attacked. The winged horn pony helped with her strange pony magic, but I lost four hunters in the fighting and more are coming. You need to talk to that wing horned pony. She seems to not understand that we need to go. And that group of ponies keeps yelling something." Caius said. Valen frowned, hearing the loss of hunters, but nodded, "Right. Get the hunters ready. We leave with or without them." Caius nodded and ran to a group of hunters finishing off a changeling. Valen turned to the ponies, seeing still Twilight and her friends. And that same group of ponies before, the two most prominent were, if he was correct now, Tiara's parents. “Twilight.” Valen said, approaching. Twilight turned from the conversation with Tiara’s parents, who looked at him with a mixture of surprise and disgust. “It’s you?” Twilight said in surprise. “Yes,” Valen said, “Now we must go. More changelings come and my hunters have lost too many. We need to leave and get out of town if we want to survive before more changelings come.” “I know, but-“ Twilight started, but soon Tiara’s mother interrupted. “Princess Twilight, will you stop talking to this….thing, and focus on finding my daughter!” She shouted, looking frantic. Valen directed a glare, making the pony step back before saying, “Your daughter is safe. She and others have already gotten out of town. Now get off your butts and move!” Twilight looked at him with surprise, and Tiara’s parents, surprise and shock. But before anything else could be said, Valen felt a rumbling beneath his feet and as he jumped back, two black blades closed about where he had been standing. Twilight flew up, and her horn glowed to push Tiara’s parents back as more such blades shot from the ground and following them, changelings. Around them, more changelings burst from the ground. They hissed, and Valen saw that they were surrounded. Slowly, he and his hunters, Twilight and her friends, and the pony citizens soon were slowly encircled by the changelings, and by the numbers Valen did not think they would not last long in a fight. But perhaps some sort of providence was on their side, for not a few moments as the changelings moved in for the kill, beams of bright shining light shot down from the sky, and each changeling soon became blacker, if that was possible, and also much more crispy; before falling over dead. Valen looked up to the sky, and he had to cover his eyes as a bright ball of light slowly descended. All around him others, human and pony alike, looked up with shielded eyes as slowly the light descended and stood at the center of them all. As it faded, Valen saw a figure stand before them all. Dressed in white, though stained now with red and green, and with a long flowing mane of strange multi hued aurora like color, and she was a pony. Another winged and horned pony, only she stood taller than him by a few inches. Though no doubt at eye length with Hunt Master Theodric. But the most striking part of this pony was the air of authority she seemed to radiate. Valen had only ever felt such an air from the Fire Man himself. But he could not gaze for long before he felt a sudden pressure upon his body as a golden aura surrounded his body and slammed him into the ground. He saw his hunters too were also dragged down, and his eyes looked at the regal wing horned pony, whose horn was now glowing gold as well. "Twilight, are you all alright? is anypony hurt? And why are these humans here?" The white wing horned pony said. "Princess Celestia!" Twilight called, running over, "We are okay. These humans helped us." "What?" Princess Celestia said, and Valen stared right at her as she looked down at him and his hunters. Celestia seemed to think for a moment before her horn stopped glowing, and Valen felt the pressure on his body fade away. With a grunt, he and the rest of his hunters stood back up and moved to stand by each other. Princess Celestia looked at them, "Forgive me, but I am curious of why?" "The bug ponies are dangerous to us as well as you. They wounded our Huntmasters, and tried to kill the Fire Man," Valen said, looking at this Princess Celestia with some unease, "The Fire Man knows that if we want to survive we need to beat them, and if that means joining sides with you ponies then we will." "I see. Then thank you. But the situation is handled now. The changelings in town have either run off now, or been slain. The army forces of Equestria are establishing control again. This battle is over." Celestia said, exhaustion becoming apparent now. "The main battle is still being fought. Both our forces still fight the main changeling horde." Valen said. "Look!" A hunter shouted behind them. Valen turned, and looked up at the sky where the hunter was pointing, and he stared in shock as a flaming ball tore down from the sky in the distance, and slammed into the horizon of where the main battle was fought. The impact of whatever it was, sent a blinding light up and near deafening roar, that Valen had to cover his eyes and look away from, and tried to cover his ears. When Valen looked up, his vision was a bit blurry. The light from that ball of fire from the sky had momentarily blinded him partially. And the roar had been enough to make his hearing a bit fuzzy. He rubbed at his ears, trying to clear away the fuzzy and as he did so, he thought for a moment he could hear the sound of screaming. "Die you murdering bastard!" Valen turned his head and he saw the fast moving head of a large hammer swinging straight for him. Impulse came to play, and he brought the shield on his arm up, but the blunt force of the impact sent shock running up his arm, and a pain of breaking bones as he sent flying off his feet and to the ground, sliding across it. "Die!" Scootaloo's aunt shouted as she charged, hammer raised to slam down on his chest and crush his ribs and body. The world seemed to slow down, and Valen felt as if things got a clearer view. He saw Twilight and Celestia, both still disoriented from the ball of fire from above, their horns just starting to glow. His hunters moved to intercept, but she plowed right through them, slamming them aside with one of her hooves while she kept her hammer lifted with the other. Valen got a feeling of lifting himself up as he got a closer look into the eyes of Scoot's Aunt. The hatred in her eyes seemed wild, and without control. Valen recognized it in the same look the Outcast Clans had. Valen knew watched as his assured death came close. He knew that if that hammer connected, it would crush his bones with ease. Like a rock on bone, like how he and the hunters had crushed the bones of the Hoofbeast with boulders. But what took him by surprised the most, was the sight of Scootaloo rushing from the side toward him. Eyes wide with fear. "Auntie stop!" She shouted, and Valen felt her body slam into his and push him away from his original position. Valen watched in horror as the hammer blow, once meant for him, now struck across Scootaloo's body. It sent her flying, her body falling towards him and he caught her in his arms, looking down in sheer panic. She was limp, and out of fear he placed his fingers to her neck. A pulse. He felt relief, but then white hot anger. Scootaloo now lay in his arms, body no doubt broken in ways he couldn't understand, by that blow. By her own aunt! He felt his anger building as he looked up at the now pony magic glow surrounded pony. Scootaloo's aunt stood still, body unmoving and unable to move. But her eyes were wide with horror, locked on Scootaloo. "Oh Faust no." She gasped. "Twilight, see to the child." Celestia said, stepping up. Twilight nodded and ran over. Valen didn't want to let her go, but knew that he couldn't do anything. He gently placed Scootaloo on the ground, and watched for a time as Twilights horn glow surrounded Scootaloo's body. "Can you heal her?" He asked, fist tight that he could feel his nails biting into his palm. It was all he could do to not rush over and strangle Scootaloo's aunt; but in his heart he knew that would not solve anything. Except maybe make him feel better. "I can try. There isn't a lot of magical healing spells, we need to get her to a doctor. But I can at least help her recovery." Twilight said, voice slightly uncertain. Valen didn't feel comfortable with that. Pony magic could not heal? The Fire Man had been able to heal others; though he had said he was not the best at it. Still, if she could do anything he would have to accept it. As Twilight worked, the rainbow maned pony and Twilights other friends all came over. The rainbow maned pony seemed especially distraught as she kneeled besides Scootaloo. "Hey come on squirt. You can't give out on me, I still gotta teach you to fly." The rainbow maned pony said. He looked back to Scootaloo's aunt, who now was no longer held by pony magic, but on her knees before Celestia, and seemed to be crying as she tried to speak. He could not hear what she said as his hunters came up to him. "Valen are you well? Your arm!" Caius asked. Valen looked at his arm, the one that had taken the blow of the hammer with his shield. It was then he noted that the arm was not fully straight, and he then felt the pain as he realized that his arm was broken and his mind was now apparent of the injury. He gritted his teeth as he gripped the bicep of his arm and clenched it tight to fight off the pain. "She attacked you!" A hunter said, pointing toward Scootaloo's aunt. "Enough," Valen said, "I'm fine. Just, agh, banged up. As for her....there are reasons. But those are mine to deal with." None of his hunters looked convinced, but nodded. One of the hunters, a young student of a clan healer named Adel, came up and said, "We need to bind the arm. Take the shield off." Valen nodded, and with some effort and help of Caius, he managed to get the shield off his broken arm and he sat down as Adel knelt down and opened a pack at his belt. Taking out some wrapping and a piece of wood which he broke in two he then passed a thick leather cord to him, which Valen took and bit down hard. "Hold him still. This should help till the Fire Man can heal it properly." Adel said. Valen only looked away and bit the cord harder as two hunters gripped him and his arm to hold it still. He had seen some clan healers set straight broken bones when the Fire Man was among the other clans. It had looked painful, and he had promised himself to never have to feel that sort of pain. It was as painful as he thought, as he felt Adel work to set the bone straight. He screamed, muffled by the cord which he bit further, before finally he felt Adel tying the splints around his arm. He felt the cord fall out of his mouth as he took deep breathes of air and wiped away at the tears in his eyes with his good arm. "It will do. Try not to damage it further." Adel said, finishing the last tie. "Trust me. This is the last thing I want to do again." Valen said, sucking in another breath as he stood up. "Look!" Caius called out, pointing to the sky again. 'What now?' Valen thought, looking up to the sky with hesitation. Another fire ball? He didn't think his ears could handle another. It was another light, and again over the area of the main battle. But this light was not of fire, but just a bright like. Like a star. Valen didn't recognize it as anything important. But it seemed that Celestia did. "Luna!" Celestia gasped, and before anything could be asked, she shot from the ground and was soon flying off toward the light. "Where is she going?" One of Twilight's friends said. A pink pony. "That is where the changeling army is." The blue rainbow maned pony said. "I don't know. But I don't think Princess Celestia would fly so fast if it was good." Twilight said, focusing again on Scootaloo. Her horn finally stopped glowing and she carefully picked the girl up. Valen could see heavy bruises appearing on her body, but she seemed to be breathing easier. "Rainbow Dash, take Scootaloo to the hospital. The rest of you go with her and see to your families." Twilight said. "But what about you sugarcube?" The orange pony said. Twilight didn't look sure but she looked toward the shining light in the sky, "I don't know what that light means. But if its bad, then as a princess of Equestria I have to do my part to help. Whatever the problem is. Go, I will be fine. Scootaloo needs a doctor now. I did what I could, but she needs proper medical attention." Valen could see Rainbow Dash looked conflicted as she held Scootaloo in her arms. But she nodded and took to the sky. Twilight's friends looked at her, but all nodded and followed after Rainbow Dash. Valen watched them go, and a part of him wanted to follow. To stay near Scootaloo. But a part of him told that, whatever that light meant, he needed to go to it. This pony town was safe, but the war was still being fought. "Take us." He said to Twilight. Twilight looked at him in surprise, "What?" "My people fight the bug ponies still. If you go to join the battle, we want to join you." He said. "Their changelings not, never mind." Twilight began with a sigh, "Fine. I can take you there. Just don't move too much okay." Valen nodded and he called his hunters to get close as Twilight's horn glowed. It took all his will to not panic when he saw a strange circle of light and strange symbols surround them all, and he had to shout at his hunters to keep still as they were soon surrounded by a deep flash of light. Valen felt as if his whole body was being twisted about, before the flash finally faded and he feel to his knees onto the grassy field and hurled up his stomach. Around him his hunters were all doing the same. "Sorry. I guess that was the first time you were teleported." Twilight said, stepping back a bit. Valen groaned, wiping at his mouth as he stood. He looked about and saw that they stood on a hill overlooking the battle. He saw the changeling horde, and his and the pony army in battle. But what surprised him was the giant hole that stretched far in the back of the changeling horde. It was a good surprise, as whatever had caused it had cut the changeling forces nearly in half. 'Was it that fire ball?' Valen thought. It seemed to make sense. "Valen! The Fire Man is in danger!" A hunter called. "Fluttershy! Princess Luna!" Twilight shouted. Valen turned toward and saw not far from the hill was the Fire Man, a yellow and pink maned winged pony, and another horn and winged pony, with midnight coat and hair that reminded Valen of a night sky. And, standing above these three with a huge arm shaped like a spiked ball, stood perhaps the largest changeling that Valen had ever seen. "Hunters! Charge!" Valen shouted, and even though he lacked a weapon, he ran to the aid of the Fire Man. His hunters all shouted and roared and ran with him. "Valen! Here!" Caius called, tossing him a sword. Valen caught it and shouted his war cry as he charged the changeling. From the sky, a streak of white fell and Valen saw Celestia once more, standing between the changeling and its almost victims. In her hooves she held a golden weapon that reminded Valen of a spear, but the blade was longer and angled down the shaft some. With strength that Valen hadn't expected, Celestia pushed back against the changing and sent it skidding on its feet across the ground. It roared, and waved a claw and from the sky, fell several changelings. The changelings all charged at Celestia, but he and his hunters met them half way and joined the battle. Valen directed three hunters to drag the Fire Man and the two ponies away. While he and the rest fought. Celestia joined the battle, even as the large changeling rejoined, charging to meet her. And above them, Twlight joined as she cast beams of magic at changelings that dove down at them from the sky. The Consort The consort roared with rage as he swung his pommel arm, striking one of his minions and three humans. He felt their bodies be impaled on the skies, and with a quick reshaping of the arm he flung them at others. He sent out commands to more changelings to arrive as he closed the distance with the cursed Celestia. He would cement his position for eternity with both Equestrian princesses and the human leader. He was somewhat angered that his assassins had failed both times, but it was obvious that they had at least weakened Celestia. Her movements were slow, and by the lack of magical attacks, it was clear she was exhausted magically. It would make the battle easier. He struck hard and fast, his weapon arms moving to cut and strike his prey. Despite the exhaustion, Celestia proved her experience in blocking his attacks and making repose attacks in kind. The Consort hissed in pain as he felt the halberd bite across his chitin, even breaking it and cutting into his flesh beneath. But he had learned and focused his development in his younger days to ignore pain in battle. He shrugged off the blows and kept up his assault. The sudden arrival of the new princess was a surprise, and so he had to direct dozens of fliers to keep her busy in the air; least she turn her magic on him. And the humans, while not a threat, had been surprising. This whole battle had given him too many surprises. He did not like surprises. It was then in the battle he saw his chance, as Celestia's step took a slight stumble, and with quick speed he swung a hammer fist across her body and sent her flying to the ground. "Princess!" From above, the new equestrian princess now dove toward him, beams of magic blasting at him. The Consort had to move quick to dodge, but one took him across the chest and sent him to the ground. He felt searing pain and saw smoke rising from a slight home in his chitin. Luckily it had not penetrated deep, and he roared as he stood up and struck three humans that attempted to attack him while he was down. It was in this then that the new equestrian princess learned the foolishness of her hasty attack as she was brought down to the ground by a tackling flier. The Consort sent a command to not kill her, as he would save that honor for himself. The changeling obeyed the psychic command and merely pinned the princess down, biting her shoulder to inject some venom into her system. It would keep her paralyzed for a time. Time enough to finish the job. Now all that remained were the humans, but he could leave that to his warriors as he turned toward Celestia. The sun princess groaned as she tried to stand, but the Consort kicked her and then planted his foot onto her chest to pin her down. "Now Celestia. Die knowing your lands belong to the Hive!" He said with a laugh as he raised an arm, shaping it into a blade. He would make a clean cut, so as to not damage her head. It would be his gift to his queen. As he prepared to make the blow, he then felt a stabbing pain in his side and he staggered back, kicking at the source of the pain. One of his claws went to his side, and came back with green blood. His blood. The Consort snarled, and looked to the creature that had so dared wound him. it must have stabbed into a damage in his chitin. It was a human! A furless monkey! Worse, the consort saw it had a splint about its arm, and only a blade. 'A wounded primate dare injury me!' The consort thought with pure hatred and outrage. "You have caused me pain. And I do not like that." The Consort said, and began to approach the human, giving a hard kick to Celestia's head to keep her down. He would kill her later. This was a personal matter now, one he was going to correct. The human stood, rubbing his chest, and looked at him with defiance. The Consort growled at this posture, and with a quick dash he closed the gap and swung hard with his blade arm. The human blocked, the force of his blade arm easily cut through the steel of the humans sword, and severed it near the hilt. The humans eyes widened with shock, and the Consort only smiled as he kicked the human back and to the ground. The Consort could have easily killed the pesky human, but the injury to his person was too great a crime. No. He would make this human die slowly. Painfully. "I'll crush the life from your very skull." He said, grabbing the human's head in his claw and began to slowly tighten his grip. He watched with glee, waiting for the moment when the humans skull would crack, and then break like an egg. The human's screams made it all the more enjoyable. Valen Valen screamed in pain as he felt the massive changelings claw tighten about his head. He could feel his head feeling crushed under the slow tightening grip. He knew that if he didn't get out of this grip, he would die in a most painful way. He kicked at the changeling and hit at its arm, but it was like hitting a rock. 'No! No! Not like this! I don't want to die like this!' He thought, hitting hard with the hilt of his broken blade. If he had a weapon he could perhaps get free. Cut the arm off. Or something. He just needed a weapon! 'I don't want to die!' He felt his mind scream, and in that scream he found new pain. But in that pain, new life. A burning feeling of power seemed to feel his body, and as his eyes snapped open in the midst of the sudden burning feeling of pain and ecstasy of pleasure all mixed into one, he saw that the hilt of his broken blade now heled a bright blue burning blade of light and fire. Without thinking, he brought the blade up and like a hot knife through butter, it cut through the changelings black armor like skin and severed its arm at the elbow. The pain in his head vanished, as the severed arm released his head and fell lifeless on the ground. Valen hit the ground with a grunt, and found the pain in his head was just a pale fuzzy sense in comprehison to the pain feeling his body. And yet he did not want to lose that pain. He looked at the burning blade of his sword with wonder and confusion. And then looked around him, wonder filling his mind as everything around him looked so much more....lively. Colorful. He could practically taste the sweetness in the air. He then remembered where he was, and refocused on the changeling. It howled in pain, arm gripping the stump of its severed limb. Looking to where he felt its heart was, Valen stood up and with a scream, he stabbed his sword into the changelings chest. The blade tore through its chest and burst out the other side. The changeling went stiff, before blue flames and light burst from its eyes and mouth. It screamed before falling to the ground as Valen tore the blade out from the side, tearing a wide open gash into the changelings body, and sending gore about the grass. Then a new scream came to his senses. it was amazingly clear, clearer then Valen thought a noise could be. He turned and saw the changelings about him had stopped attacking his hunters, and now either gripped their heads in pain as they screamed, or swung their arms about wildly as they ran around. And even more shocking, turning on each other and ripping each other apart. Valen watched it all, before finally the searing pain in his body seemed to vanish and he gasped as if being drained of air. The flaming light of his blade vanished, and Valen soon felt as if his whole body was filled with rocks. He fell to the ground, and stared up at the sky, as his vision went black. But even as his vision faded, and his hearing seemed to go fuzzy, he did hear one thing. A gentle ringing of tiny bells. Just dancing across his hearing in the wind. Across the field of battle, the changeling hordes fell back. The united armies of humanity and Equestrian driving them off, back to the tunnels which they appeared from. Though victory had been won, there were no cheers, or cries of victory. What joy could be found in victory, when all across the field of war, the bodies of the dead stretched as far as the eye could see. And where the once green grass, now shone red with blood. > Epilouge > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Castus Castus bolted up with a gasp, and was surprised to find himself not laying upon the ground; or waking up at all. He lay in a bed, within a tent. How had he gotten here? "Castus? You're up. Thank goodness." Castus looked at the opening to the tent and saw Fluttershy walk in. Her mane was a mess, and one of her hooves was in a cast. Bandages were wrapped around her wings, but despite it all she was perhaps the most beautiful sight in the world. "The doctors couldn't say when you would wake up. I'm so glad you-mmmph!" Fluttershy didn't speak long, for as soon as she was near, Castus immediately grabbed her into his arms and planted his lips to hers in a need stemming from both relief and joy. He wrapped his arms around her, careful to not touch her injured arm, and she did the same with her one good arm. The kiss became passionate in its own course, but even the best of things had to end and Castus pulled away, a thin strand of saliva linking their mouths for the barest moment. "I-I uh, I'm glad your okay." He said, rubbing the back of his head, blushing a bit. Fluttershy's face was red, and she fidgeted a great deal as she hid herself in her mane. But Castus could see the hint of a smile on her face, as she looked at him. "I'm glad your awake. " She said, smiling now and placing a hoof on his hand. The touch sent a shiver up his spine and he turned his hand to hold her hoof in his hand. He was always so surprised by the feel of Equestrian hooves. Soft and amazingly flexible, that allowed it to bend and grip in a slight way, yet at the edges he could feel the hardness under the fur that hoofed creatures had. It was only then that Castus realized that his current location was not what he remembered passing out in. "Where are we? What happened? What about the changelings?" Castus asked, his grip tightening a bit as worry now took control. He tried to get up, but felt pain stir in his chest and he placed an arm there as he hissed in pain. He looked down, noting his shirt was gone, and saw bandages tied around his chest. Now that he saw it, he also felt something wrapped around his head. He felt it, feeling another bandage. "Try not to move too much Castus. You still need to recover." Fluttershy said, a worry look on her face as she placed her hoof on his shoulder and edged him to lay down on the bed. "We are in a medical field hospital. The army set it up to help Ponyville Hospital deal with all the wounded," Fluttershy said, frowning as she felt her cast, "There are...a lot of hurt ponies. The humans are also being treated as well, don't worry." Castus felt relief knowing his people were okay and being treated, but then another bout of fear came over and he quickly reached for the Wind. His head spun, and he groaned as he placed his hand to his head, but despite the discomfort he head the bell like tone on his ears, and felt the energy fill his body in the barest trickle. He was relieved to know he could still use the Wind, but he had to let it go despite a strong desire to fill his body with the energy. His head stopped spinning when he released his hold; he knew he would need to take it easy for awhile. "Castus? Are you okay? Do you need water? Or some medicine?" Fluttershy asked. "No, I'm fine. Thank you." Castus said, giving Fluttershy a comforting smile and patting her hoof to reassure her. Fluttershy nodded and continued, "The changelings are gone. They either fled or were ran down by the army. Apparently when that large changeling that attacked us died, it sent some sort of feedback that made the whole horde go crazy. At least, that is what Twilight theorized." Castus found that a curious thing, but still the fact that the enemy army was now gone was a substantial relief. 'Wait, if the battle is over-' He thought, and then he struggled to get to his feet. Fluttershy tried to stop him of course, "Ah, Castus you can't move too much." "No. My people...I need to see them. I need to know how many we lost. Please, just help me walk." Castus begged, struggling to get out of bed. His legs felt weak and it hurt to move, but he clung to Fluttershy who held him in her arm. "But...okay. But please, take it slow." Fluttershy said, and helped him walk out of the tent. Upon leaving the tent, Castus saw that the camp was set around the hospital in Ponyville. The number of tents was beyond counting, and all around him he saw ponies running about with what he was sure was medical supplies, some dressed as nurses or doctors and others no doubt were just volunteers trying to help. They kept walking till at last they reached a section of the camp that held his people. Some men sat on benches or chairs, their bodies covered in bandages such as head injuries or casts for broken arms. All about he heard the groans of pain among his warriors. To see it all tore at Castus heart. His warriors had given so much, and their future was still as far as he knew still uncertain. "Marcus. I need to see Marcus." Castus said, looking around. "Marcus?" Fluttershy said, confused. "One of the Huntmasters. Clan leader. He was in charge of the warriors. Remember?" Castus said. "Oh, I remember. I think he is this way. I saw him in this part of the camp earlier, but only for a moment." Fluttershy said as she helped him keep walking. Finally, they did eventually find Marcus. Though he was not in the best condition. "Marcus. God." Castus said, entering a tent a young hunter had pointed them towards. Marcus lay on the bed, his body wrapped in bandages. Both legs were broken, and his left arm was severed in two at the elbow. But he was breathing. "Fire Man," Marcus coughed, "Glad you are awake. No pony speaks here, and could not figure out where you or the other huntmasters were. Luckily Valen found me here. Had him go find them." Castus nodded, "I'm glad to know you're alive." Marcus coughed, but grinned, "Alive. Though maybe a little banged up. Though...." He looked at his crippled arm with a frown. Castus frowned, but tried to change the subject, "When I left. How did the battle go?" "Poorly," Marucs said, "Those bug ponies, they were just too many. Only when that ball of fire from above came down did we start driving them off. But they just kept fighting like rabid beasts. We lost a lot of hunters, and in the battle I saw Theodric be cut down. Though he took seven of the bug ponies with him before they killed him." Castus frowned, and sighed. Theodric's clan would need to decide on a new Huntmaster, if they had any eligible candidates left. Hell, if any of the clans had any candidates left. God only knew the total final casualties. "Fire Man," Marcus said, taking him out of his thoughts. "Yeah?" Castus asked. Marcus looked at him, his usual calm gone and for the first time since Castus had first awoken him three years ago, Castus saw fear in those eyes. "What happens to us now?" Marcus asked. Castus stayed silent. Frankly he was not sure what happened next. "I'll figure it out." He said, "If Valen returns, tell him to gather the Huntmasters here if they can. We will talk soon." Marcus nodded as they left. After giving his best wishes, and telling him to keep Valen close when he returned, Castus and Fluttershy left to let Marcus rest. A doctor who came in to check told them he would recover. Castus was glad for the professional assurance. And wished he had members of the Order of the Red Heart healers from long ago here. But wishing for the past wasn't logical. He had to go forward, and to do that he had to think of a plan. But his mind was too filled with worries to think straight. "Fluttershy. Twilight and the others? How are they?" Castus asked. "They are fine. THough, Twilight got poisoned." Fluttershy said, frowning with worry. "What?!" Castus shouted, turning his head at her. Fluttershy made a squeak like sound she did when scared, "Sh-She is okay though. The doctors and Princess Celestia got to her quickly. Do..do you want to see her?" "Yes. Lets go." It did not take long to arrive at Twilight's location. She was kept in the hospital, and was from what Castus learned in stable condition. Apparently the poison was only a paralysis type, not a deadly. Castus was glad to know that, but still he worried. When they arrived at the door, Castus prepared himself. "Caaaastus!" Of course, even Castus couldn't prepare for everything. Especially not a half naked Twilight leaping at him as he walked through the door. "T-Twilight!? What are you-Mmmph!" Castus couldn't say much longer before Twilight planted her lips on his and pulled him into the room. Her body was barely cladded in clothes, only wearing a violet pair of panties and bra. She wrapped her arms around his neck as she pulled him about, her body going this way and that in a staggering sort of motion that made Castus feel, other then her breasts against his chest and her tongue sliding into his mouth, if she was drunk. "Twilight! Come on, get off of him!" Rainbow Dash called as Casts felt Twilight push him against a wall. Castus then felt Twilight being pulled away from him, her lips coming off his with a pop but her tongue ideally licking his lips as she clenched tightly to his neck. Castus looked from Twilight to Rainbow Dash, and Applejack behind Twilight. Both had their arms around Twilight and seemed to be struggling to pull her off of him. Castus felt someone grab his shoulders and saw Rarity and Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy all grabbing him and pulling at him. "Twilight, darling please get off," Rarity said as she growled, pulling at him and lifting her leg to push at Twilight's stomach, "This is simply unbecoming of a lady. Please put some clothes on." "But its soooo hot. Isn't it hot Castus?" Twilight giggled. And then her hooves went from his neck to his pants, and began pulling at them. "Agh! What are you doing!?" Castus said, and his brought his arms around to grab at the hem of his pants. "How in tarnation can this girl be so strong?" Applejack gasped as she yanked harder, trying to pry him and Twilight apart. And all the while Castus trying to keep his pants from being yanked off. "What the hell is wrong with her?!" Castus shouted, as he yanked his pants up before Twilight could pull it lower. Of course she only seemed to get stronger as she struggled. "Ahehehehe, come on Castus take them off. I want to see if your human anatomy is similar to the ones in my books. It's for science." Twilight giggled. "It's the poison darling." Rarity grunted, even as she tried to push Twilight away. "Yeah," Rainbow Dash grunted, flapping her wings as she tried in vain to get Twilight off, "Apparently the Changeling poison left some sort of side effect even after they got it out of her." "Yeah, now Twilight's friskier then a rabbit in the spring. It was all we could do ta keep her in the room." Applejack said, gritting her teeth as she pulled on Twilight harder, now lifting her up and pulling Castus pants out with her. "Oh! Is that all!" Castus grunted and pulled back and up on his pants, "Darn it Twilight will you cut this out. This is practically sexual harassment!" "Well it seems my student has not fully recovered." Castus immediately felt an aura around his body and every muscle going stiff. Fluttershy, and the girls all had the same aura of golden light about them. Then they were all pulled apart, with Twilight being placed on her hospital bed and several straps coming up to tie her down. Before she was released. "Princess Celestia." The girls all said, except Twilight who merely giggled. The aura on the girls all faded, but Castus saw that Celestia still kept it around him as she entered the room. Castus gave her a hard look, and she him. "Hello Celestia." Castus said. He tried to reach for the Wind, but found that Celestia had him shielded. Castus feared for the worse, "You look like hell." Indeed she did. Despite the new gown she wore, Castus saw she had her arm bandaged and in a sling. A bandage was wrapped around her head and eye. Her wings both had wrappings. "So do you." She said. "Ummm-" Fluttershy said, looking between him and Celestia. Castus ignored her, keeping his stare on Celestia and she on him. Castus felt sure that Celestia would cut him off then and there, but to his surprise.... ...she let him go and the shield faded. Castus felt the Wind, but tried to not draw on it. Part out of slight nausea. Part to not cause a scene. "Forgive my pupil. The changeling poison seems to affect a pony's mind, causing hormonal imbalances that cause heightened arousal levels and sexual desire." Celestia said. "Yeah, I noticed." Castus said, straightening his pants. "The effects will wear off in time. Till then, we need to keep her restrained." Celestia said, walking over to the bed and pulling the covers over Twilight's body to cover her up. "Are you the one who ordered the doctors to help my people?" Castus asked. Celestia turned and looked at him, as did all the girls. "Yes. Your people fought bravely and honorably. We even brought your healers and the other injured men you had here as well. The one named Valen told us where to find them." Celestia said. "I see. Thank you." Castus said, then added, "Later, in three hours we should meet. To set things right." Celestia and the girls all gave him a confused look, but Celestia nodded. "Very well," Celestia said as she walked to the door, "Later. In Town Hall." "Very well." Castus said, nodding as she passed him. He only stopped tensing his muscles when Celestia was safely out the door and walking away. "Geez, you could have cut the tension with a knife." Dash chuckled, though she looked uneasy. "Sorry. How have you girls been?" Castus said, looking at them all. "Very well darling, now that all this fighting business is done," Rarity said, placing her hoof to her head "I swear it simply did havoc with my mane, and I'll be spending weeks fixing my dress and getting the dirt out of my coat and hooves." "Those changelings weren't so tough. I could have sent them all fleeing in ten seconds flat if I wanted." Dash said, crossing her hooves and puffing her chest out. "Castus, I hope y'all don't think I won't be having a word with ya. Not that I ain't glad ta see ya up, but there is still the matter with those humans ya stole from my farm." Applejack said, giving him a stern look, "Now don't get me wrong. I've realized now, seeing them humans ya got, aren't the way I thought them to use ta be. But losing them affected our apple harvesting." "I can't really say I'm sorry. I did what I had to do." Castus said. "Look, I can't make a judgement of what ya did. Frankly this all is outside my reasoning. But it ain't right ta steal from a friend." Applejack huffed, "If ya had come ta me, explained what ya were doing, I would have given ya them." "You would?" Castus said, confused and surprised. "Well, maybe," Applejack said, rubbing the back of her head, "I mean, it is still kinda odd ta hear a human talk. Or even wear clothes at all." "A lot was going on. I can't return those humans, but....I guess I can offer my own services to make up for it," Castus said, "I wasn't trying to hurt your farm." Applejack seemed to think on that, then approached and patted his back, "Well that is mighty fine of ya. And I will be taking ya up on that." Applejack gave his back a rough, friendly pat. "Agh!" Castus said in response, kneeling over as pain shot up his back. "Oh, shoot sorry Sugarcube." Applejack gasped, helping him stand up straight again, "I forgot." Castus groaned, rubbing his back, but held up a hand and gave a weak smile, "It's cool. Just-Mmmph!?" "OhIcan'tbeleiveIforgottogiveyouyourWelcomeBackandThanksforBeatinganEvilArmyhug!" Pinkie said with glee, before spinning on the tips of her hooves, spinning Castus with her. "Pinkie!" The girls called. "Mphkie." Castus said, his voice muffled as Pinkie pressed his face further into her chest. His wounds ached, and his breathing was a little off due to his enclosed conditions about his head. He was just glad that Pinkie eventually let him go. "Nice to see you too Pinkie." Castus said, feeling dizzy as he leaned against Rainbow Dash and Applejack to keep himself up. Checking the clock on the wall, Castus decided it was time to end the reunion for now. He had a great many things he needed to do. And so with some last good byes, he had Fluttershy take him back to Marcus tent. It was time to set the plans for the future. "Thanks for the help Fluttershy, but....I need you to leave now." Castus said, when he stood at Marcus tent. "What? Why?" Fluttershy asked, looking a little hurt. Castus placed his hand on her cheek, "I don't want you to go. But, I need to discuss important plans with Marcus and the others. And while I trust you, they might not. Please try to understand." Fluttershy frowned, but nodded, "Okay. But don't strain yourself." "I promise." Castus said with a smile. Fluttershy returned the smile, before placing a kiss on his cheek and slowly, letting him go and walking off. Castus had to brace himself, but with a deep breath he walked into Marcus' tent on his own power. It wouldn't be good to appear too weak to his people. "Marcus." Castus said, entering. "Fire Man." Marcus said, looking away from the pony nurse tending to his bandages. In the tent as well, Mogrim and the other Huntmasters sat, or lay in cots that had been brought in. Valen stood by Mogrim, helping the elderly huntmaster get a cup of water to his lips. The nurse looked up, and gave him a hard look, "So are you the one who had my patients brought here? You don't have a right putting their health at risk you know. They need rest, but that one there," The nurse pointed to Valen, "said that someone called a Fire Man asked them all here. I suppose that is you?" "Yes," Castus said, giving the nurse a hard look of equal intensity, "And don't get in the way of the affairs of my people. Finish your task and leave. This is private." The nurse seemed appalled at his words, but nodded, finished wrapping Marcus wounds and left. Castus was sure he wasn't making any new friends, but he had to focus on the future. And if irritating one nurse was what it took; fine. "I'm sorry if my request for you all have caused you discomfort." He said to the Huntmasters. "Bah, these ponies treat us like children." Ulfric said, "I've had worse wounds from hunting." "Speak for yourself. I feel like I am going to fall to pieces." Kraben said, both arms in slings and his head wrapped in bandages on his left side. "I would not call you here if it was not important. I will try to make this quick." Castus said, he paused and looked around, "Where is Camus?" The huntmasters, all went silent and looked down. "He died of his wounds. I'm sorry." Mogrim said, before coughing. Castus sighed. It was another blow to the clans, leaving the total remaining Huntmasters to Marcus, Mogrim, Ulfric and Kraben. "Their clans will need to decide upon new Huntmasters in time, but for now I must talk with all of you." Castus said as he sat down. "Um, Fire Man..." Valen begen, but Castus cut him off. "Stay Valen. I need to talk to you as well, and you have proven yourself to hear this." Valen bowed his head, and listened. "In the next few hours, we will be meeting with the leaders of Equestria to sort out the future," Castus began, "and before that, we must discuss the future of our clans and our people." "While the clans have always been united, it is time that we come together in a more concrete union. We must form a nation, and change our ways. But more then that, we must all unite under a single banner and a single leader." "But who will lead?" Ulfric asked. "That you must decide for yourself. But it cannot be me." Castus said, causing a stir. "But Fire Man," Valen started, but again Castus cut them off. "You must understand this was meant to be. I have done my best to guide you, but in order for our kind to stand truly independent, you my children must learn to guide yourselves. More so, I cannot lead as I will not repeat the patterns of the ancient Valhrua. One of you must lead." The huntmasters were quiet, but nodded. "But, how do we decide?" Kraben asked. "We vote. Or, you vote." Castus said, standing up, "Decide from among you who will lead, and decide amongst yourselves. When Theodric and Camus' clans have new Huntmasters, they will vote as well." The huntmaster looked concerned, all looking at each other and back at him. "But-" Ulfric started. "No buts. I did not want to force this on you so soon, but time is of the essence. Decide. I will be outside." Castus said, "Valen, give me some help." Valen stood and walked over to him, helping him out. Behind him, Castus could only hear concerned muttering between the Huntmasters. He hoped he it would all work out. When they left the tent, Castus directed them to a bench near a burning campfire. Castus sat, with Valen beside and stared at the fire. "We must talk Valen. About your powers." Castus said. "What? My powers?" Valen said, confused. "Don't turn stupid on me boy. Your powers. The Wind. I know you can use it, I've sensed it in you for some time. It was weak then, but now its out in force." Castus said, giving Valen a look. Valen blinked and looked at the fire, "I...I...what is it? Is it from the Amulet?" Castus chuckled, "No. Though it does seem connected to it in some way. But no, the power came from you. Even when you opened that Waygate, though I think the Amulet did give you some help. That sort of spell is not one that is so easily done on need alone." Valen looked down and seemed unsure, "What does it mean?" "It means, that you wield the very same power that I do." Castus said. Valen looked at him with shock, then frowned again and looked at the fire, "It felt.....painful. But...alive." Castus nodded with a sigh, "Yes. Such is its nature. But you will need to learn how to control it, and to control yourself. Otherwise...." Valen looked at him in question, "Otherwise what?" "Otherwise, you will die." Castus said, looking at him. Valen seemed to pale. Castus pat his back, "Don't worry. I will teach you. Frankly, you don't have a choice though." Valen nodded, though he still seemed fearful. Castus merely patted his back comfortingly. After awhile, he stood up again and with Valen's help headed back to the tent. "Will I be able to do what you do?" Valen asked. "I don't know. It differs between each person. Even in ancient times, not all mages were equal in skill or power. But we will find out in time." Castus said. Valen nodded, and the two of them entered into the tent. "Have you decided?" Castus asked them all. The huntmasters all looked at him, then each other, then bowed their heads in a nod. Castus smiled, and too the surprise of all, knelt before the man that would now lead them all. Celestia In the course of three hours, Celestia had worked hard to deal with the problems steaming after the Changeling invasion. Social and Medical aid being brought down from Canterlot, gathering the dead for burial. She had ponies work on gathering both human and pony dead, as her bit of help toward Castus' people. Though the ponies who had been assigned had separated the two, with the humans piled up away from the lined up bodies of Equestrian dead. She would have to talk with them about that. Then of course there was the duties after this...meeting....that she would need to attend to. Chrysalis would need to be sorted out, and while she had sent guards to ascertain that the Changeling Queen was still in her cell, she wanted confirmation of this. Then she would get her answers of how a changeling horde had gotten free. 'One problem at a time.' Celestia thought as she sat at the head of a large table. Luna beside her, along with her commanding officers that remained alive from the battle, and though it pained her; her nephew. "Where are they? Honestly, must we really do this?" Blueblood said, fanning himself as he sat in his wheel chair. Celestia rolled her eyes, and though her nephew looked terribly wounded, she knew from the doctors words that he was perfectly able to stand and walk on his own. She found his need to over dramatize his injuries in some attempt to garner attention to be frustrating. "Yes dear nephew. Now be quiet." Celestia said, giving him a glare that finally shut him up. Finally the doors to the town hall opened and Celestia looked to see Castus walk in. He stood before them and bowed his head. "Greetings Princess Celestia. Princess Luna." Castus greeted them, and purposefully ignoring Blueblood. Blueblood cleared his throat, earning a look from Castus, "Oh yes. You. Hello." Castus added as an aside before looking back at her and Luna. Celestia had to fight a grin at the sheer look of indignation on her nephew's face from such a dismissal. "Listen you-" Blueblood began, but Celestia silenced him. "Silence. I'd rather begin this discussion and return to seeing to the wellbeing of my ponies." Celestia said, shutting Blueblood up. "Indeed. I too wish to see to my people. But I must ask that if it is possible to take these negotiations elsewhere." Castus said. "For what reason?" Luna asked. "I am afraid Emperor Marcus is too injured to arrive here in person. As are the other Lord Hunters. If we can, may we take this discussion to their tent so that they might partake in the discussions as true representatives of the people?" Castus asked. Celestia blinked, and she and Luna shared a confused look, before glancing at Castus again. "Very well." Celestia said, standing with her sister. "What!? Auntie!" Blueblood shouted in shock. "Blueblood, I think you should return to your bed rest. Your injuries no doubt pain you and I would be a poor aunt if I did not look out for your health. I will send a guard to help you to your rooms in the castle." Celestia said, walking with her sister and Castus out of the Town Hall. Arriving at the tent within the human part of the medical camp, and entering into the tent Celestia was greeted by a number of humans, all in states of injury and recovery. The sheer number of wounds on the men, one who was obviously elderly, was a sad sight. But despite the injuries, she saw that all these men looked at her with hard eyes. Untrusting eyes. "Princess Celestia, please meet Emperor Marcus." Castus said as he moved to a man laying in a bed and kneeling beside him. Celestia looked at the man, and was met by a different type of look. Hard and observing, but not totally untrusting or hostile. More cautious. But also, as Marcus gave a glance to Castus as he knelt, Celestia saw a look of uncertainty. "Before we begin, you should know that I will be acting as translator for the Emperor and the Lord Hunters." Castus said, as he stood again. "Very well." Celestia said. "Then to begin," Castus began, "We can agree that the changelings had some hand in influencing events in driving the conflict on." Celestia nodded, "It seems clear that our fighting worked to their advantage." "Indeed. So let us focus on the heart of the matter." Castus said. "Very well," Celestia said, "Then the first point deals with the total slaughter of a village in Equestrian territory. I call on you to answer for this war crime." Castus frowned, and Celestia could see a great pain in his eyes. Regret. Disgust. But more so, sadness. She watched as he turned to Marcus and conversed for a time. She saw a frown and a similar look of regret show on Marcus' face and in the eyes of the other humans. It spoke volumes. Finally, Castus turned to her and said, "We do not deny that it was by the hands of our kind that committed such an atrocity. But we dealt with them when the news of it came to light." "You dealt with them?" Luna asked, and Celestia looked at Castus with intent. She saw a hardness appear in his eyes now, as the man nodded. "Yes." Castus said, and it was clear that he did not want to talk about it further, "And if we are going to bring up such matters, I call on you to answer for the attack your nephew committed against the clans. He attacked the clans when they were all gathered, but there were little in the way of defenders, just civilians incapable of defending themselves. We laid to rest many families that day." Celestia bit her lip and looked at the ground, "I cannot deny this. Though I did not order it, I had placed him in charge. I am as much to blame for this as he." "Then we both have something to answer for. And reparations must be paid in equal value." Castus said. "Then state your demands. And in turn we will do so as well." Celestia said. Castus nodded, "We demand land. Good land, to start. Do you have a map?" Luna pulled a document from a collection of scrolls, brought for such needs, she had in her hooves and held it out with her magic. On it was a map of both Equestria and the nations surrounding her. Castus took the map, and pointed at a location in Equestrian territory. "Here. This land is the land the clans of my people have been living on for three years. We ask you cede us as a province to us, to use and rule as we see fit." Castus said, pointing at the region in question. Celestia looked at the region designated. It was uninhabited, only just barely bordered by small farming communities. The land had been that way for years, given that Equestria still had land to be expanded on within already established provinces, and the fact that her population was not large enough to warrant such an expansion into such territory. But it was still a part of Equestria, and to just merely hand over such a wide piece of land would cause any number of outrage among the population. "And what would you give in kind for such a massive acquirement?" Celestia asked, "How will you answer for your reparations?" Castus turned to Marcus, and they talked for a time. It became clear that, whatever it was they were speaking, was not to Marcus liking, and there was verbal outbursts from the other humans as well. But finally, Marcus nodded, despite a worried look. Castus turned back to her. "I offer myself." Castus said. "What?" Luna asked, confused. Celesita blinked in confusion at Castus offer. "I offer myself. I will personally see to the repairs of any damaged land and infrastructure. I also offer myself as a political prisoner, provided that you stop trying to severe my connection to the Wind." Castus said, putting his hands behind his back. Celestia looked at the man in shock. And then a question came to mind. Something he had said, when they had done battle. "Castus....what did you mean, when you said severing would kill you?" Celestia asked. Castus blinked, "You want to know?" Celestia nodded. Castus sighed, "I suppose you do. Know that I don't hold resentment toward you for not knowing this. To be honest, the Wind is....addictive. The power. The feeling it gives you, pulsing through your body. It is pleasure and pain unlike anything you can imagine." Luna seemed to shiver, and looked away as she crossed her legs. Celestia looked at her sister in confusion a moment, was Luna hiding a blush? "But it is addictive. Once you use it, you can't just stop using it. And to lose it...to lose being able to touch it. It does something to the mind. In the ancient days, mages who committed crimes were often severed. All committed suicide within twenty four hours after that." Castus finished, eyes hard and far off; as if recalling something. Celestia paled, and felt shock. Suicide? She could sense Castus spoke the truth, but to learn such a thing. It put her own actions in a different light, and she felt disgusted by it. "I see. I-I did not know." She said. "I know you are afraid of what I can do. You should be. I am." Castus said, "I know what the Wind can do, better then most. But it can do great good as well. Let me use it for good." Celestia was quiet a moment, and she looked to her sister. The two looked at each other, and a thousand years of kinship and silent conversation went into play. With a nod to each other, Celestia looked back to Castus. "Very well." She said. Castus bowed his head, "Thank you." After that, it was all about ironing out the details. As well as making minor additional demands. Celestia would give the humans land, and in addition cede several thousand humans from zoos around Equestria. Celestia agreed to this, and even learned of the cause for the human feralness. It was a shocking piece of info, and was another example of what sort of dangers the Wind could create. But she also learned of how it was being removed. This Amulet of Harmony, as Castus called it, seemed to use the Wind to reverse the effects of this long standing curse. A curse that Castus claimed a past life of his had caused. She was still confused on this bit of information, and she made a note to drill Castus for answers on it. One point that had some protest from the other humans and Emperor Marcus, was that of the human trade. They had wanted it to be ended, but when Celestia had made a point stating that it would be impossible to end it, at least so quickly, it had caused some outrage. But Castus seemed to placate them, at least in part. 'I will need to speed up my reforms.' Celestia thought as the final agreement on Equestria's human trade was finalized. Humans would stop being traded to zoos and labs, and to kingdoms that purchased humans as a food source. Merchants would howl at this, but it was an agreement Celestia was willing to make. In return, Castus would stop his raids in taking humans by force. And a final point, that was more largely political, was that Equestria would recognize the autonomy and independence of the Empire of Man, and grant them a seat on the Council of Nations. Castus would be made their chief ambassador to both Equestria and the Council. Of course this also meant he would have to travel between Equestria and the Empire; making his position as a political prisoner somewhat shaky. In the end, it was that agreement, titled the Treaty of Ponyville, that ended the war between humanity and Equestria at last. Peace was finally returned to the land. Though how long it would last, was another story all together. But it was a peace Celestia would work to maintain. Valen In a hospital room of Ponyville General, lay one pony in particular. Scootaloo lay in her bed, body wrapped in bandages as monitors watched her health. In a chair beside her bed, sat her mother. 'I have this power, but I can't do a damned thing! It isn't fair!' He thought. Ever since learning of his abilities, ones he still felt unsure of, he had thought he could help heal Scootaloo. The Fire Man had quickly shot him down. Stating his lack of skill or knowledge, would only risk Scootaloo's health rather then improve it. Not to forget, he didn't even know how to draw on the Wind. He had tried, but always it just seemed to slip out of his grasp as soon as he felt something. So all he could do was wait, and watch as someone he cared about lay in bed, injured and unconscious. "You can come in." Scootaloo's mother said. Valen leaned back, sucking a breath. Had she known he was there? He thought of leaving, but decided to be brave and with a deep breath, slowly walked in. Scootaloo's mother looked at him, tear stained and puffy eyes looking at him. She dabbed at her eyes with a piece of cloth, a handkerchief was what ponies called it. "Y-You are that human that can talk. Right?" She said. "Yes." Valen said, with a nod. Scootaloo's mother was quiet a moment, before looking back at her daughter. "She just ran off. I told her to stay with me, and when we got separated...." She then sniffled and cried again. Valen frowned, and hesitantly stepped closer. Scootaloo's mother sucked in a breath and looked at him again. "Flying Brick...she told me you were the one that killed my husband. Is that true?" She sniffled, looking at him. Valen nodded, "I'm sorry." Scootaloo's mother clenched her kerchief tight, biting her lip. Finally she said, "I always hated it when they went off. Even when it was just regular patrol work. I always feared that, one day, one of them would never come back. Or both." Scootaloo's mother wiped at her eyes before continuing, "I can't help but hate you for what you did. You took somepony precious from me. And yet, Scootaloo fought to protect you. Why?" Valen looked away to Scootaloo, "You have a right to hate me. Scootaloo does too. I even gave her my knife to kill me. I felt she had a right to." Scootaloo's mother seemed to gasp slightly, and Valen looked at her as she looked at him in shock, "She had the knife. She could have killed me. I wouldn't have stopped her. But instead, she slapped me and said, that killing me wouldn't bring back her father. It would only cause more pain. More hate." Valen looked down, "I-I have a brother. He is still a child, and we lost our mother in a pony attack on our camp." "Oh, dear." Scootaloo's mother whispered, and Valen felt a light touch at his arm. He pulled his arm away. "I didn't even think about what would happen to my brother if I died. But Scootaloo did. She made me realize what an idiot I was. If she had killed me, all she would have done was take the last bit of family my brother had left, and then what would he do? It would just keep building on the hate." Valen said, and he placed his hand on Scootaloo's head, gently petting her mane. Scootaloo's mother sniffled again, before saying, "That...that sounds just like something Stouty once told me." "Scootaloo is wise. But I wish now she had killed me. Then maybe this wouldn't have happened." Valen said. The next thing he knew, he felt a hard slap across his face. He looked at Scootaloo's mother, who glared at him. "Don't you ever say that!" She shouted at him. Valen blinked, and he clenched his eyes shut. "I'm sorry." He whispered. "Am I interrupting?" Valen turned and saw the Fire Man, standing at the door way. Beside him, was the pony huntmasters, Princess Celestia and Luna. He bowed his head, and saw Scootaloo's mother give some sort of pony bow, lifting the hem of her skirt up a tiny bit. The Fire Man walked in, coming over to Scootaloo's bed side. "Princess, what-" Scootaloo's mother started. "Do not worry my little pony. We are here to help." Celestia said, patting Scootaloo's mother's shoulder. "Are you sure about this. It won't be pleasant what you will have to do." The Fire Man said. "If it will help one of my little ponies, I will endure whatever I must." Celestia said. Luna nodded in kind, though for some reason she seemed edgy. Valen wondered why, and what for. What were they going to do? "Are-Are you going to heal her Fire Man? Can you?" Valen asked. The Fire Man looked at him, "I will try. You have my word." Valen nodded, and watched as the princesses horns glowed and then Valen felt a sudden feeling of energy and warmth stem from the Fire Man's body. He thought at first it was a trick of the light, but his body seemed to glow and swirl with strange lines of light, and then he felt that same feeling coming from the princesses. "Faust!" Celestia gasped as she and Luna clutched each other, "H-how can anypony even stand this?" Valen watched, the feeling of power growing that it made him dizzy to be near it, and from Castus hands he same strands of multihued colored threads come from his hands as he held them over Scootaloo. The Fire Man breathed deeply and quickly, his legs shaking. "Almost.....there." And with a gasp, the Fire Man kneeled over. Valen caught him, and the feeling of power quickly left his body. The Fire Man gripped his shoulder, and used him to help stand up. The princesses both seemed ready to fall over, breathing heavily and their faces flushed. "Ugh....what...where am I?" All eyes turned now to Scootaloo, who slowly opened her eyes and lifted herself from her bed. "What? Why do I have bandages on me? Castus? Valen? Mom? Princess Luna? Princess Celestia?" Scootaloo said, looking around confused before gasping and touching her bandaged side. "I was....ouch." Scootaloo hissed, touching her side. "Take it easy." The Fire Man said, "I managed to heal the injuries, but your body will still have bruising. But you should at least not be crippled." "Scootaloo!" Scootaloo's mother cried, rushing to her daughter. "Ah, Mom come on, cut it out. They are watching." Scootaloo whined, as her mother hugged her. Scootaloo's mother ignored her daughter, only looking up to the princesses and to the Fire Man. "Thank you.....thank you." She said, tears again flowing from her eyes. Sometime later, after the Fire Man and the princesses had left, some doctors came in to check on Scootaloo. The looks on their faces, seeing Scootaloo up and awake and peeling her bandages off, had Valen fighting back a laugh. Of course, when they had examined Scootaloo again, their faces then had a look at had sent him into laughter. The sheer surprise that, by their observation, wounds that would have been crippling were not only heavy bruising that would fade away in time without any lasting effects, seemed to be something outside of their comprehension. However, perhaps to reestablish their authority, they still demanded that Scootaloo stay in bed. To which she did not seem pleased. Worse when they insisted on keeping bandages on her, which she constantly complained itched. Valen stayed in her room, and in that time had reached a sort off reconciliation with Scootaloo's mother. He could tell she did not fully forgive him. But, as she had said, if her daughter was able to. She could. It was what her husband would have done. Of course, she eventually left to get Scootaloo something to read from her room, as her daughter complained of boredom; leaving him and Scootaloo alone for the first time since she arrived in the hospital. "I'm glad you are okay." He said to her. "Ah, I wasn't worried. After the times me and the girls have fallen from trees, this was nothing." Scootaloo said. Valen frowned, "Scootaloo-" "Don't tell me I shouldn't have done it!" Scootaloo cut him off, "It was my choice." Valen frowned, but nodded, "Very well. I'm just glad you are okay. I wanted to make sure of that....before I left." Scootaloo frowned and looked away, "You're leaving?" "Yes," Valen said with a nod, "The war is over. The clans have land. We need to go home...rebuild." "I see." Scootaloo said, looking down. Valen stepped over to her, "Scootaloo-Mmmph!" Before Valen could finish his sentence, Scootaloo grabbed him by the hem of his shirt and yanked him down, and planted her lips on his. Valen felt his toes curl and his whole spine shivered. The kiss was harder, and rougher then the one Tiara had given him, but it was still enough to make his heart skip a beat. When Scootaloo ended the kiss, taking deep ragged breathes, she said, "Don't you forget about me. You better come down and visit, or I'll hunt you down." Valen blinked, words momentarily lost in his mind, "Right." A sound of a throat clearing, made both Valen and Scootaloo look up to the door. There, looking at them with a surprised look, was Scootaloo's mother....and her aunt. "Mom! Auntie!" Scootaloo shouted, and pushed Valen away, "I-I-!" Scootaloo stammered as Valen caught himself from falling over. Valen felt his face flush, but he stood up straight as Scootaloos aunt entered into the room. She looked both surprised, but downtrodden as she looked from him to Scootaloo. Scootaloo also went silent, as she looked at her aunt. The two looked at each other, before finally her aunt rushed her and pulled Scootaloo into a hug. Valen watched the exchange, and smiled. Marcus Marcus, he still thought of himself as Marcus, despite all that had occurred, looked down at the map and copy of the Treaty written between the ponies and the clans. The map itself was a close up of the territory that the clans now could call their own. And it was only the beginning. SO much had changed, and more was soon to change even further. The clans would change, and in time the people would as well. Even he was being caught up in the changes. And not in ways he was comfortable with. "Permission to enter Emperor?" Marcus looked up and glared at the Fire Man as he entered. "Must you call me that?" He asked. "It is your new title. Might as well accept it. Denying it won't do you any good in political meetings." The Fire Man said, sitting down beside his bed. "It just seems....strange." Marcus sighed. The Fire Man shrugged, "What is so strange? You were called Huntmaster Marcus. That was a title." "That was a title I earned. The clan selected me. It had a purpose, a meaning. I was the leader of the clan. This Emperor. It feels so hollow. Why do the clans need an emperor?" Marcus asked. "The other clan huntermasters selected you. And when Theodric and Camus' clans have selected a new huntmaster, they will no doubt agree with them. Now you are not just a leader of one clan, but a leader of all of them. And as for your question." The Fire Man took a deep breath and sighed, "The clans came close to falling apart. This war, broke much of our old ways of unity. You saw it. I saw it. Despite it all, you made yourself the single point of unity, keeping the Huntmasters loyal despite all the pain and trouble. The clans need that unity, now more then ever. And there will come days, where we can't leave things up to a collection of individual leaders. In war, the clans...no, the people will need a leader. And that leader is you Marcus." Marcus went silent, and thought deeply on the words. Despite it all, it did little to ease his uneasiness. "I...don't think I am worthy." He said, then felt a pat on his shoulder. The Fire Man patted his shoulder one last time, "Just give it your all. That is all anyone will ask of you." Marcus nodded, and The Fire Man smiled. "And don't worry," The Fire Man said,, "I will be there every now and then to give you the advice you need." "Thank you Fire Man," Marcus said, giving a slight smile. The Fire Man smirked, "Please, just call me Castus. Or else I will start calling you Emperor Marcus all the time." Marcus frowned, and nodded, "Very well, Castus." Castus smiled, and despite his worries, Marcus smiled back. Celestia Following the signing of the treaty, Celestia left Luna in charge of the recovery and relief process in Ponyville. She now traveled swiftly to the maximum security prison of Equestria, where in stayed the most notorious of criminals. The Changeling Queen herself, Chrysalis. It was time to get some answers. Arrival at the prison was met with little fuss. No signs of a break out, and by the word of the guards themselves it appeared that Chrysalis herself was behaving rather well. Well, Celestia would put that lie to rest. Celestia was quickly escorted to the cell which contained the prisoner, and barged into the cell. Her hooves stepping into slimy green substances that made her cringe in disgust as she hiked up the hem of her gown. She had no desire to ruin two of her dresses in the span of a single day. Celestia looked toward, what she assumed was a couch of the same green substance, and leveled a hard look at the lounging creature on it. Chrysalis, Queen of the Changelings. "Ah, Celestia." Chrysalis hissed, leaning further back on the couch. Her back arching over one of the arms and her legs crossing in a sensual way. The black, green lined dress she wore clinging to every curve, though tattered at the hem. "To what do I owe this," Chrysalis gave a low chuckle, "Pleasure." "I have no time for your games Chrysalis." Celestia demanded, "Your changelings. Where are they stationed?" Chrysalis smirked, "My changelings? why Celestia, I should think it obvious. Right around you." Chrysalis raised herself onto the couch to sit normally, and raised her arms. Soon, the walls around her glowed, as bulbs of green slime became more clear and translucent. Inside each, moved in slumber a changeling. "The dears do sleep a lot these days. It makes me soooo lonely." Chrysalis said, as she rose and walked over to a low hanging cocoon and caressed it with a claw gently, even motherly. "Not those, the ones outside. The changelings you managed to keep hidden and active outside your cell. I have no desire to pry the information from you, but I will if it means avoiding any further attacks on my nation." Celestia growled. Chrysalis smiled, tilting her head, "Further attacks? Now that is interesting." Chrysalis began to laugh, "But, I am afraid I must disappoint you. You see, dear Celsetia, my entire Hive is right here with me, sleeping. And even if I did have small hives outside of my cell, they certainly wouldn't be able to reproduce, they would need a Queen and I am here and as you can see not at all in the egg laying mood." Celestia glared, her mind thinking on this. Was it a lie? She id have to admit, that there was little in the way of changeling biological knowledge. But it could all be a ploy. "Oh do stop that look, I have very little to gain by lying about this." Chrysalis said, sitting back on her couch, legs crossed. "And how can I be sure?" Celestia asked. Chrysalis laughed, "You can't. Deception is my nature." Chrysalis leaned back to lounge on the couch, "I'm growing bored. Be a dear and leave." Celsetia was galled at the way Chrysalis ordered HER to leave. But, by the changeling queens posture, it was clear that she was not going to get anywhere else now. With a huff, she turned and walked out of the cell. As the cell door closed, a laugh came from Chrysalis that seemed to follow Celestia all the way out of the prison. 'If she is telling the truth, then any changelings not with her should have been low in numbers. But the army we faced was at least twice the size of the invading army Chrysalis brought to Canterlot.' Celestia thought. If changelings needed a Queen to reproduce, then was there another queen out there that she did not know about? And if so where was she? And where did she come from? Chrysalis With her cell, once more firmly closed, Chrysalis again found herself alone. Her sleeping hive hardly suitable company. Even if she was not heavy with eggs, she did at times crave the raw stimulation of a male mounting her, or her him. Sometimes she even fantasized it was that Shining Armor male she had seduced in her attempt to take over Canterlot. But now, the news Celestia brought her, if unintentionally, had her mind thinking on other things. Things she had not thought about since she was captured nearly four years ago. 'Hmmm, what sort of mischief are you up to. My little Nympha.' She thought, before bursting into laughter again. Changeling High Male The High Male limped through the cavernous halls that led to the entrance of the Hive. His carapace was broke in places, his wings crippled and he was sure his leg wasn't suppose to be at that slight angle. But he was alive. Which frankly, was more then could be said about he Consort and many of the hive High males. He had known that connecting the horde to the Consorts mind, such advanced synaptic connection was always risky, but the Consort had demanded it. But he had been smarter and kept a way to break the connection at just the right moment. Where the Consort and the other High Males had died, he survived. But it had not been easy. But the rewards, the rewards would be great. The Queen would want to know the details, and if he was quick, then he could be made Consort. He wouldn't have to worry about competition, only the weakest High Males had been left behind. If it came to a fight, he could fight them. The Hive was still being built, but it had grown since the horde had left. Though only the most basic guards had been left; and now with the lose of the horde the Hive would need years to grow strong again. But he would help make it strong. He made his way quick to the Royal Chambers, though his progress was stopped by the Handmaiden Guards; who hissed at him and eyed him with a hungry look. "Who dares come to the Queen's Chambers when she is about to lay?" One of the Handmaidens asked. "A High Male. Step aside maidens, I bring news of the horde!" He shouted, partly to show his rank, and partly to perhaps get the queens attention inside. The Handmaidens snarled at him, and the High Male gulped in fear. Even his rank as High Male would be little protection if a Handmaiden decided that his presence was more a bother to the Queen then a boon. "Let him in." A voice called from beyond the closed passage. The Handmaidens looked at the door, then at him. With a nod, but a baleful glare at him still, the High Male was allowed within to the Queens Chamber. The male stepped in, and his eyes quickly gazed onto the beautiful form of the Queen of the Hive. Her body lay on her bed, heavy with eggs. Her body in its Breeding form to allow easier laying ability, her legs lost in the coils of the birthing passage. Her stomach bulging, heavy with eggs. The sheer sight was arousing to the High Male, and it was only the knowledge of what would happen if he attempted to mount her before the Queen gave permission was all that kept him in check. "Male. You went with my Consort and the horde to take Equestria for the Hive. So why is it you are back alone? And looking so beaten up?" The Queen said with a hiss of displeasure. The male gulped and kneeled, "M-My Queen. I regret to inform. The Consort is dead. The horde all dead. Any survivors are either mad or lost in the wilds. I alone survived, and came to tell you." "Dead?" The Queen said, though rubbed her chin with a claw, "Hmm, yes I thought I felt him die." The male looked up, "Y-you knew?" He now worried that his news would earn him little prestige as he thought. "Idiot male!" The Queen snapped, "I know what happens to all my children. So of course I knew!" The male groveled, and bowed his head. Heart racing as he feared the worse. "But," The Queen said, her voice calm again, "You managed to survive it all, and even came all this way to tell me the fate of my horde. That shows instinct. It shows perception. It is....favorable." The Queen said the last part in a husky, sensual breath. The male felt his blood race, as he slowly looked up. "All the other males, they are still young and weak. But you, you showed foresight. Determination, and perhaps a bit of strength to survive what killed so many others." The Queen said, and slid her claws down to her stomach, across his breasts. "I live only to serve you my Queen." The male whispered, just loud enough to be heard. "Yes. You do." The Queen said, and held out her arms, "Then come. Serve your queen." That was all the male needed, and with his body pumping with adrenaline to muster the needed stamina, he leapt upon the Queen and locked her in a mating embrace. Lips locking, tongues dancing, bodies pressing and sliding across each other. Despite his instincts telling him to mate, the male still allowed himself to feel every curve on his Queens body, exploring it impassionate relish. The Queens moans of pleasure, sending him further into overdrive. His mind was soon lost as he began to mate, letting himself be overtaken by the feelings and pleasures of the deed. His mind was so hazy that he barely even felt the sharp pain as the Queen sank her fangs into his neck, tearing through his carapace and ripping at the flesh beneath. Yet even as he realized that the Queen was devouring him, his body only worked faster now. Pain and pleasure mixing in ways that could not be described in words. And even though he knew he would be eaten, he felt more honored then any male before. Eggs needed nutrients, and a High Males body during mating was also a nutrient filled vessel, which would only serve to make the eggs he was now imprinting with his genes all the stronger. It was a rare honor, only given to the most loyal of males who had gone above and beyond the line of duty. Krul Krul stared into the fire, the warmth washing over his body as he pulled the Snow Beast hide cloak around his body. Around him, other clan members and members of the other clans, sat around the fire and others. The women busied themselves with making more cloaks and shoes from the hide of the great Snow Beast body who lay gutted upon the cave floor. Alongside, men cut of pieces of meat to cook. "We must find warmer lands. This snow will be the death of many." One of the Huntmasters said. "We must head south." One Huntmaster said. "We cannot go south. That is the land of the ponies! I will sooner go east then go back there!" Another said. Krul found all this noise however to be at the background, almost lost to the other noise he heard. The blowing snow outside the cave entrance seemed to moan all the louder, and though Krul could feel the cold on his body, he found that it did not bother him as it once had. Was he freezing to death? "The clans will die! This land is frozen and filled with monsters. We lost several hunters just slaying this Snow Beast!" "Krul! Krul!" Krul looked up, the moans of the snow lost now as he paid attention to the other five Huntmasters with him. "What say you Kurl? You are why we are here. Where do we go?" A Huntmaster asked. Krul blinked, and looked out to the snow and wind blasted outside. The moans seemed to grow again, and he wondered if others heard it. He caught sight of some of his hunters looking outside as well. Maybe they heard it? "North." He said. "What!? Are you mad?" A Huntmaster shouted. "We go north. North." Krul said again, and gave a glare at the Huntmasters. They all looked at him as if he had gone mad. But he wasn't mad. No, in fact he felt as if things were clear for the first time in his life. "I will not lead my clan to die. If you go north, I will go east." One Huntmaster said. "You are all mad to want to stay here. We will go south, perhaps find warmer lands not owned by ponies." Another said. And so it was, Krul watched as the Huntmasters all began arguing. But he ignored them. They were all stuck in the cave together till the storm grew less intense. And when it did, Krul still ignored them as he watched the five other clans all go off in different directions in the snow covered land the Fire Man had exiled them to. "Huntmaster?" A hunter said, stepping up. Krul looked at the young hunter, then to his gathered clan. Men and women, children and elderly. They looked to him for leadership. There was that moan again in the wind, and Krul pulled his cloak tighter, as the snow seemed to grow stronger and the wind blowing towards the north. North. "We go north." He said, and began walking in the direction the storm blew. Behind him, his clan followed and behind the clan any who watched saw the shapes of men slowly be lost in the white cold of the storm. The moaning wind their only companion. Castus In the days following the Treaty of Ponyville, Castus found his life filled with duties and tasks. He had finished releasing the humans that he had acquired in the treaty from their feral state. They were confused, scared even, but he had seen that they were all given homes in the clans. The clans all had Huntmasters now, and they had all sworn loyalty to Marcus. Though it was clear that they were still not fully sure of what these new changes meant. Castus felt it would come in time, and he would work to set things right. It was all the beginnings of a new government for the clans. Now they would begin to act as a unified people. But it would take time, and work. Of course, when he wasn't working with the clans and Marcus to set the plans for their new nation, he was working to fix the infrastructure damaged in Equestria in the war. He lost track of the number of new railroad rails he had to help make or fix. Not to mention the work he had to do in the fields. All the magic he had to use was exhausting, and when he was finally done for his necessary work for the day, he was ready to pass out. But now, now despite all the work, he felt more energized then he had in a long time. He was leaving his rooms in the castle for a more permanent home. A home he had not seen in a long time. Stepping up to the cottage door, he knocked and waited. The door quickly opened, and there before him stood the smiling form of Fluttershy. He smiled back. "Welcome Home." Fluttershy said. Castus brightened, "Thanks. It's good to be back." And as he entered, he quickly embraced the mare before him in his arms, and she him. After three years. Castus felt glad to be home.