The true Psychopath : Filly Chrysalis

by The Psychopath

First published

Chrysalis was turned into a filly by Psycho. How will she deal with this humiliation

Chrysalis, after trying to bring immense pain to Celestia, her sister, and the mane six, found herself under the furious and soul crushing gaze of The Psychopath. No one touches Tia-Tia and Woona while he remains. Having no sense of time, Psycho thought and saw Celestia and Luna as the little fillies he once looked over as a foal-sitter.

To teach the changeling queen that attacking defenceless fillies is wrong, he decided to turn her into one herself and smack her far away with a baseball bat. Instead of staying as a filly, he decides that it would be better to just return her to her own infancy instead of that of a pony.

Now he's watching her, making sure she learns her lessons right, indirectly taking care of problems that might prove a bit much for a little changeling.

This a mini-story after "The true Psychopath" and before the eventual sequel.

The invaluable lessons (Under construction)

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It was a very dark day. The winds of the cold thunderstorm outside were scratching on the skin of any who dared enter their home. To have their own reinforcements, the bladed air had the rains of the Windigo freezing up what little was left of the unfortunate passer-bys. A small cottage sat in the middle of woods not too dissimilar from the Everfree forest. Said forest wasn't as thick as the Everfree nor did it possess a plethora of the world's most dangerous creatures, but it still had inhabitants near it. Although they sat within the forest itself, hidden from prying eyes.

The small cottage was just the typical forest abode made from tree logs. Within it sat two ponies. One, a mare, was of a deep magenta with a raspberry mane and tail. Her tail performed a loop-de-loop, while the mane flew sloppily over her face and ended in curls. Her eyes were a deep, raspberry purple. Within them she carried compassion and caring and the glint of something else. Her cutie-mark was, surprisingly, a pair of boxing gloves. One could wonder what this meant. She was lying on the ground, bobbing her head to the music flowing through the air.

The cottage was almost entirely one room, with only three doors leading elsewhere. Its entirety was illuminated by the fire that flickered and cackled in delight in the fireplace. The cobblestone chimney climbed the wooden walls to the exterior of the house, poking out halfway through the wall. Nearly the whole floor was covered by an extremely large, colorful carpet, something that the couple had brought back from one of their visits to a faraway land. Two blue couches rested upon this carpet, with one currently having an occupant.

The occupant was a stallion with a sky-blue coat, and mane and tail that mixed dark-blue and yellow. The two colors crisscrossed each other as they flew throughout the roughed-up appendages. His eyes were lemon-yellow, and filled with stern confidence and strength. His cutie-mark was a plank of wood being sawed in two. He was reading a book on carpentry while his companion listened to her own music.

The rest of the area was decorated with a vast array of items from various parts of the world. Despite just being in their forties, these two had traveled quite a lot of terrain. Unfortunately, there was no traveling today as astorm outside was announcing its fury by creating evermore violent thunder and strong wings. It seemed that nature itself was trying to destroy everything in its path. However, there was a louder noise. A noise that was out of place. A noise whose provenance destroyed several branches and nearly tore down the entrance when it banged against it.
"What was that?" the mare asked out loud.

"I don't know. Perhaps we should check it out." the stallion suggested after putting the book on the couch arm and hopping down.

"Are you sure?"

"Berry, we never got those things that you see around us with being cautious." The stallion smirked.

"Hmph. Then let's go see." Berry replied with a smile.

As the couple waltzed towards the door, they prepared for the attack of a possible creature. Taking in a deep breath, they slowly opened the door, only for it to smack them both away with the strength of the wind and consequentially slam into the wall on the other side. The wind was powerful enough to blow out the fire on the other side of the room. The couple considered the situation to be too much and forced their way towards the door. The stallion started to push on it when Berry saw something drenched on the ground.

"What is that?" she struggled to say as she tried to shield her face from the sharp rain.

"I don't know and I don't care. Just get it inside. It’s hard enough to push this door with both magic and strength. Just get it inside."

The mare nodded and picked the little filly up in her foreleg and ran back inside. When the door finally shut, the stallion wiped his forehead while avoiding the horn. He turned around to see Berry sitting on her couch while holding the little black thing in her arms. He crocked an eyebrow.

"What is that?"

"I don't know, but it looks like a filly. She looks hurt and drenched."

"Hmmm. She has several cut and wounds all over her body. What bothers me the most is this green spot on her ribs. I think some might be broken. I'll go get a towel and some disinfectant for her cuts."


The stallion galloped towards a door to the left of the smoking fireplace, entered whatever room was on the other side, and started to fumble through everything. Berry was humming as she started to rub the little filly's head. It was a strange creature indeed. It looked like a pony, yet, it seemed to have holes in its legs and mane. Another feature was the two fangs protruding from its tiny little mouth. She still looked so adorable that Berry just wanted to squeeze the little thing against her.

"Here. First things first. We have to dry her off, but carefully. Who knows what other wounds she could have?"

Being very careful, the stallion levitated the wounded filly into the air while Berry dried her off. Afterwards, the mare wrapped the tiny creature around in the blanket. It winced a little, causing the mare to flinch. The unicorn levitated some cotton balls imbued with alcohol and wiped them over the tiny creature's cuts and scratches, creating even more wincing that was nearly muffled out by the storm.

"You know, Berry." the unicorn said as he placed the cotton and the bottle of disinfectant on the table "I find it curious that most of the time, when a child is found, it's usually during a storm or something stupid like that."

"I...never thought of that."

"I'll get Doctor Paraplex to come here tomorrow morning."

"Where can we put her? We have no other bed."

The stallion rubbed his head, and then gave a look of sadness and exasperation.

"*moan* Fine. I'll sleep on the couches in here."

"What? But-"

"I think a 'motherly' touch for her would be much more useful for this situation when she wakes up."

"Well, if you say so. Thanks dear."

The two ponies kissed each other on the lips, just before Berry went to the bedroom and closed the door. It was very dark in the main room, and the occasional flashes of light coming from the lightning outside was about all there was keeping the place from becoming dark forever. As he brought the couches together with some pushing, the stallion placed himself comfortably on the two couches. As he was about to go to sleep, in order to prepare for an early wake up in the morning, another flash of lightning caught his attention. It was near the window, but, there was something weird on it. It was barely viewable, but a squint could reveal the appearance of what looked like a swirl eyed stallion.

"Who are you?" the unicorn said quietly.

"Lesson one: Know how it feels to be a defenseless filly is done. Now for lesson two."

The loud yet strangely whispering voice faded away with what sounded like an exhale. The unicorn wasn't sure what that was, but now he was suspicious, and would be watching that black filly from a watchful eye.

It was quite early in the morning, and the stallion had already gone to the nearby town to get Doctor Paraplex. Paraplex was a white stallion with crossed bones as a cutie mark. He could be, as some would say, "distracted" whenever he did something, but he was a good doctor. As they walked through the forest, occasionally crushing sticks and other dried objects, the sound of yelling could be heard from within the cabin. Both stallions ran towards the house and the doctor bucked the door open, only to see the tiny black filly was talking about on the defensive and backing away from Berry and spewing nonsense.

"You didn't tell me that she was this feisty, Lumberjack."

"Yeah? Well I wouldn't know seeing as she was sleeping when we found her. What's she even saying?"

"I am the QUEEN of the changelings! You have no right to touch me with your unworthy hooves."

"Come on, now. Stop saying such a ridiculous thing. You're just a hurt little filly."

"No! I'm not! It's all because of that stallion...I will return to my subjects at once."

As Chrysalis turned around in a huff, she bonked her muzzle on the legs of the two stallions that now looked like giants compared to her. One was grinning while the other was staring at her in intrigue.

"Out of my way, peasants!" she shouted with a movement of her leg.

"My, my. Such an unruly little thing. If you want to watch over her, you're going to have to teach her some manners." Paraplex mocked.

"Yeah? Well here's something that will shut her up and teach her to be quiet."

The tiny changeling started to float in the air. Chrysalis began to flail her legs as she tried to free herself.


She was gently floated back to the ground. Lumberjack had poked her on her wounded side ever-so-gently. Her scream brought panic in Berry, who immediately galloped towards the tiny thing and held it in her arms. Chrysalis still tried to protest, but the pain was a bit too much to bear.

"Wow. What happened to her?" Paraplex said while fumbling through his bags which now lay upon the floor.

"I don't know. She just appeared after the storm. Although, I think I might know how she came there." the unicorn said as he stared at the window with a menacing glare.

"Well then, let's see what we have here. Let's use my stethoscope to see if her lungs aren't punctured or anything of the like."

Berry had placed the struggling filly on the couch and was keeping her down with her two forelegs. The little thing was squirming like a worm, but Paraplex still managed to examine the huge bruise on her side. He took the stethoscope off and rubbed the sides lightly. Chrysalis moaned a bit.

"I see. This child has three broken ribs. What I find strange, however, is her appearance. It seems to be from birth. Whatever it is, she won't be able to use any magics or fly for some time."

"How do you know she can use both?" Lumberjack asked in confusion.

"I'm a doctor. I've seen many patients. Now then, here are some prescriptions...dodododoo...that you can get at the pharmacy. This one is for avoiding blood clots, this one for disinfection, and this one for soothing the pains."

"Thanks a lot."

"It's my job."

"How DARE you restrain me. Let go!" Chrysalis started to yell.

"That's enough from you." Lumberjack told her.



Chrysalis flinched back as she was afraid once again by the shout coming from this character.

"Well then, I will return after getting the medications. Have a good day Paraplex."

"Same to you. Ma’am."

Both stallions exited the cabin to reach the nearby town, leaving the two mares within the cabin on their own.

"Well then." Berry huffed "We're the only ones left in here. Now, mind telling me where you came from?"

Chrysalis looked up furiously at the mare that was lying down on the largest of the three couches, right next to her.

"I told you, I am QUEEN CHRYSALIS! I am the ruler of the changelings. Now then, return me at once to Everfree forest. I demand it."

"Heh. You won't give that up, eh? Just so you know, I've never heard of changelings."

Chrysalis' jaw dropped in disbelief.

"Two, the Everfree forest is at least a three days walk from here...if you pass through the forest. It may not have the scariest creatures that that place has, but it still dangerous if you're not careful."

"Then escort me."

"With your wounds? I don't think so. You're going to stay here with me and Lumberjack until you get back to yourself and until we find your parents. Besides, aren't you hungry? A little filly needs food to grow strong."



"You were saying?"

"Fine. So I need food? So what. It's not like there's anything to extinguish my hunger pains."

"Oh really? I bet that I can find something you'll like."

"Pah! I doubt it."

"Tell you what. I find something that you like, and you promise to be a polite filly for at least today. Or, if I don't find something you'll like, I'll take you straight to the Everfree forest."


"Well then."

The mare left the room to reach another one of the "only" rooms of the cabin. She came back holding a white plate with what looked like a slice of cake. The interior was the cooked dough with some sort of reddish substance in between the layers. Covering the rest of this fine pastry was a delicious looking white cream. Chrysalis instinctively drooled at the sight, causing Berry to give a chuckle. The filly queen averted her eyes and pouted. As the mare put the dessert in front of the little filly, she said with a smile:

"Here you go 'Chrysalis'. Tell me if you don't like it." she said as she backed away with her ever-present smile botched onto her face.

Chrysalis sniffed the substance and pushed with her hoof, then looked up questioningly at the earth pony. A movement from her hoof, and Chrysalis forced a bite. She chewed in disgust, but her taste buds fought back. The changeling soon found herself wanting more and gobbled up the entire cake with a massive smile. After realizing what just happened, she frowned and pushed her lower lip out.

"Hmph. Fine. I'll be polite for today."

"Good. Now then, how about we go outside for a short while and take a look at the surroundings. You won't heal faster if you stay cramped up in here. Climb on my back. You still shouldn't walk outside with your ribs in that state."

Chrysalis stood up and walked carefully on the mare's back. This one nodded after the passenger was on-board, and slowly walked out of the house, making sure to lock the door right behind her.

The face of Psycho appeared on the plate upon which the piece of cake sat.

"Lesson 2: Humility...not exactly learnt. Oh well. HI YO SILVER! AWAY!"

The image of Psycho on a spoon shrunk little by little on the plate as he slowly disappeared.

It had been a full week, and Chrysalis was already fully healed. Even Paraplex was confused at this situation. It would have normally taken at least a month for the little filly to heal. Surprisingly enough though, the changeling had started to change in personality. She was becoming more attached to those who had saved her from a certain death, although she continued to try and get them to follow her orders. Lumberjack was NOT one that she could push around, and a few spankings taught her well to remember that politeness will get you ways ahead in life.

This time, it had not rained, so while Lumberjack had left the house for his job as a carpenter, Berry had prepared a backpack full of school supplies for the little filly. With a smile, the mare placed it on Chrysalis' back by surprise. The changeling was staring outside a window while resting her head on her arms. She was certainly wondering how she could return to her former appearance and retake control over her subjects.

"What is this?" the changeling queen asked angrily.

"It's a backpack. You need to get a good education."

"I have a good education."

"You're barely five."

"What?! I'm one hundred and thirty-five!"

"That's enough of your 'Queen Chrysalis' games. Cut that out before I get angry. You're going to school whether you like it or not." the mare said with a tone becoming extremely menacing.

"No. I will not do such a-"


Chrysalis fell off the stool she was standing on and stared at the hoof of this mare. She had furiously stomped the floor, literally creating a massive crater and cracking the floor.

"I believe we're going to the school. Any objections?"


"Good. Then let's go."

Chrysalis was utterly terrified at the immense amount of strength that mare demonstrated. She stared back at the crater, only to be called by Berry who was already outside.

One the trip towards the school, Chrysalis was busy cursing in the changeling tongue, making Berry laugh with every "inexistent" word that the filly came up with.

"I don't see why you won't like school. You'll meet lots of other ponies and learn a lot of things."

"I've learnt quite enough. I still don't see why I should listen to you and that stallion." Chrysalis started to pout.

"Hmhm. Because we're the ones looking after you. Because you're just the CUTEST thing!"

Chrysalis blushed and then started to stutter. She wasn't supposed to be cute. She was supposed to be feared!

"When I become myself again, I'll make them pay dearly for what they have dared to do and say to me."

"Besides complaining and proclaiming yourself as "Queen of the Changelings", what about looking at our little village in the forest?"

This place was indeed part of the forest. It was a village right in the middle of it. Of course, there were ponies standing guard at the limits to ensure that nothing dangerous got within. The buildings were all made from logs, and several of them had moss to decorate their exterior walls. It was surprising just how much these buildings were decorated with carvings in them. Several were built between the heights of the trees, requiring ramps, steps, and elevators to use. The elevators were just baskets that the passenger needed to pull up on their own by using a cord dangling within.

"The school is over there." Berry proudly announced.

This school was slightly larger than the one seen at Ponyville, but, all in all, it was the same design: brown and green and made with logs. Chrysalis squinted at this thing.

"Wow. These ponies really have no imagination. It's like looking at Ponyville. At least this place doesn't have a ridiculous name. Um, I've wanted to ask. What is the name of this town?"


"..........Mhm." Chrysalis' right eye twitched.

"Let's get you inside then. You don't want to miss your first day of school."


Once inside, Chrysalis looked menacingly at the colts and fillies who all stared at her in rejection. The teacher seemed to be a mare of green colors. A well-coiffed mane and tail, and a cutie mark of a tree. However, what set her apart from the greenery of her being, were her eyes. One was red and the other was magenta. She was starting to teach the students about multiplication tables. The changeling smirked. She knew those quite well along with the more complicated equations.

"Miss Greenery."

Chrysalis face hoofed at the name.

"Yes? Is this a new stu...What is she?"

"I don't know. She calls herself the "Queen of the Changelings". Between you and me, I think she's trying to hide something bad about how she arrived at our house."

"Oh really?" Greenery asked as she leaned over to get a better look at the "adorable" little monster. Chrysalis stared back with the same face of anger. "Hm. There's a place over there next to Tomfoolery and Toffee over there. Take a seat and we'll tell you about multiplication and division."

"Whatever." the little filly said with an evil smile.

"Okay. Have a good day Chrysalis. I'll come pick you up later."


The queen rolled her eyes and went to her seat in the third row of the class. She was going to have trouble with this teacher. Greenery never seemed to smile, and she only put on a face of anger. After a long stare share, accompanied by the confused gazes of the students, the teacher started to write something on the board.

"Great. A queen of my caliber reduced to naught but a student in a school full of cretins. I may have said this to myself several times, but I WILL kill that stallion."

"Here you go Chrysalis. Since you already seem to be acting smarter than the rest, why not tell me what five times four makes?"

"Hmph." the changeling said as she rolled her eyes. " Simple. It makes twenty."

"What? But you aren't even supposed to know that."

"Oh no! she smarter than me?" Chrysalis mocked.

"Grrr. Twelve times ten?"

"One hundred twenty."

"...Fifteen times fifteen?"

"Two hundred and twenty-five."

The other students were smiling at this smug little filly. She was doing what they never could; answer every question that Greenery ever asked them. However, the teacher wasn't done yet. Tapping her chin, she smile and wrote something on the board.

"There! Now try and do eight hundred thirty-six point five multiplied by two hundred eighty-seven point thirty three."

"Ha! Such simplicities! I thought ponies were smarter than this."

"Then you won't have any trouble with this?" Greenery said with a malicious smile.

Chrysalis scratched her neck a few times, and then said:

"Two hundred forty thousand three hundred fifty-one point five hundred and forty-five."

Everypony just stared at her, their jaws gaping wide open. Even Greenery looked surprised as she did the equation on the chalk-board and came out with that answer. She frowned and clenched her teeth in fury.

"Fine. It's recess now. How about you all go outside while I try and get over this issue?"

"Hmph. Please give me more challenging things in the future. I will be waiting."

Everypony ran out screaming in joy while Chrysalis proudly stomped out of the school and into the yard. She decided to go into a corner of the school yard in order to thin over subjects that were bothering her. Unfortunately, there were more things that were going to irritate her, most notably, the students who were happy with what she did.

"Hey. Chrysalis? That was awesome!" a colt shouted.

"What was?"

"What you did earlier. You must be a real smarty to know all that."

"Pff. I'm the Queen of the Changelings, something you could never know about."

"Changeling? Is that what you are?"

"Yes. Although it seems that my powers have disappeared."

"What could you do?" asked a filly.

"Transform into whomever I wanted to."

"AWESOME!" yelled the other few ponies behind the two already talking with Chrysalis.

"Hey, are those fangs real?" asked another colt.

"Yes. Why wouldn't they be?"

"So, do you bite others or can you suck their blood or something?"

"What? No! I use them for...more subservient roles."

"What does that mean?"

"I'm not going to explain it. You're too stupid to understand."

"That's not very nice."

"Well, I'm NOT very nice, in case you didn't notice."

"Well, we still like you anyways. Do you want to be friends?" a filly asked.

Chrysalis was confused. She never had "friends" before. What exactly were "friends"? To get a better sense at this, she agreed. The little ponies were joyful at the thought, and started to show the changeling all the games they knew about. It didn't take long for her to become the center of hatred for Greenery. Every time she tried to beat Chrysalis, the Queen would always come out with a proper answer with added details.

Yet, it was finally the end of the school day, and, with relief at the thought of not having to see that little monster, the teacher dismissed the whole class. Chrysalis walked out proudly, fluttering her bug wings a bit as her new "servants" followed her every whim. Unfortunately, though, the parents didn't have the same feeling. Some of them knew what a changeling was, and, after recognizing the creature following Berry around, decided to take matters into their own hooves.

"Chrysanthemum, stay away from her!" yelled a mare.

"You too Forklift." followed a stallion.

"Hm? What is the meaning of this? Why do you take away my friends?" Chrysalis asked angrily.

"Be quiet you monster. I know what you are." a grey stallion poked Chrysalis' head.

"Hey! Don't touch me!"


The changeling had smacked the stallion for his insubordination, but quickly realized the error she committed, as the stallion was lifting a hoof up to crush her. As she stared at her imminent strike, she closed her eyes in fear.

"Pfff. Like I'd let somepony harm you." echoed a voice in Chrysalis' head.


The sound of something very heavy falling and breaking was heard. Hesitatingly, the changeling opened her eyes to see that Lumberjack, with his atypical expression of pure rage, was standing atop the stallion who was trying to harm her. The unicorn had slammed one of his wooden planks on top of the attacker.

"Is there a problem here? Chrysalis, where is Berry?"

"What do you think you're doing?" an orange stallion shouted "She's a changeling? They are evil creatures that will suck out your life force!"

"And? She's just an infant."

"That doesn't change anything. Children are harmless unless they are modeled in a certain way."

"Either you get rid of her or I'll take care of the problem myself." the stallion grinned.

Lumberjack kept his furious frown and walked towards the pony, making sure to slam his head hard against that of the one who dared to defy him and pushing the stallion back with no effort at all.

"If you want to fight, try me." Lumberjack said at eye distance.


"Why not fight me?" a familiar voice resounded.

"Berry? It's good to see you again, honey."

"As for me, I believe that Sunscreen wants a fight. Why not try me?"

"Sure. What do you say?" Lumberjack grinned as he looked at the stallion.



Lumberjack smacked the stallion towards Berry, who stopped his tripping and got him back on his feet. All the other ponies around gasped and walked slowly backwards.

"F-fine. I'll fight you."


The mare stood on her hind legs and the stallion did the same. Before anything could happen, Berry was chaining punches and uppercuts against the poor stallion. Lumberjack just walked near Chrysalis and sat down. He still looked angry, but he also looked somewhat bored. Chrysalis looked up at him in confusion as they both watched Berry beat the stallion up with expert boxer moves.

"Chocolate?" Lumberjack proposed to Chrysalis.

"Sure." she replied hesitatingly.

The changeling took the chocolate out of the giant stallion's hoof and started to chew on it with glee. It was delicious! The orange stallion finally fell down, his face bruised and beaten. Berry, on the other hand, had barely sweated and cracked her neck several times, scaring the nearby ponies.

"That was a great workout. I haven't boxed in so long I thought I had lost my touch."

"Heh. No one knows boxing like you."

"I don't get it. Why would you defend me? A changeling. I thought we were hated by all."

"Don't get your hopes up kid. It's just because you are a child, otherwise we wouldn't have helped you."
"OW! Why would you hit me Berry?"

The mare shook her head. "Don't listen to him. You're just a child. It's not like all changelings are evil anyways. An entire species cannot be evil, as suggested by those idiots. Besides, I think it's time we go home and have you try that cake you like."


Chrysalis was starting to feel a change in her mind, but she had to suppress it. She was the fearsome Queen of the Changelings! She could not grow a soft spot. Yet, that seemed harder to do than to think. Either way, she was going to be able to eat that cake she loved so much, and she was being "escorted" by what were the most feared ponies of Barksdale. Even if SHE wasn't feared, at least these two were.

On a tree branch sat a weird pink and blue bird wearing a top-hat who watched the scene from afar.

"Hm. Lessons two, three, and four have been learnt all at once! Humility, friendship, and trust. Good. She still has a long way to go."

Psycho nibbled his wings a bit, and then looked upwards.

"I'm a bird. Oink Oink. Mooooo." he spewed as he started to float illogically upwards while tilting bizarrely from side to side.

Chrysalis still had many lessons to learn, but no one but her will know about them. She wasn't going to return to becoming Queen of the Changelings any time soon.