Dead Space 3: Heavenly Death?

by HellBreaker

First published

After defeating theTau Volantis Moon, Isaac is brought to Equestria for reasons unknown. What will this foresaken hero become to the inhabitants this world? Let's find out.

Author's note to viewer: I am not a good writer, so please show and tell me errors in my grammar, punctuation, spelling, and anything in the story that is incorrect. Thank you.

After defeating the Brethern Moon above Tau Volantis, our hero, Isaac Clarke, lets go of all his burdens, prepares himself for death, his true death, but something rather strange, very strange happens and Isaac crashes onto a planet with..... multi-colored horses, will this man's shattered mind cope with this world, or will Isaac's bad luck follow him to this world, only time will tell.

Dramatic Entrance

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As Isaac activated the Machine, a green-ish orb of light left the Codex and into the sky above them, beginning the process as it was always meant to, killing the moon, "CARVER" Isaac screamed at the top of his lungs as a part of the platform broke off, even if he knew that the both of them would die, he acted on instinct yelling his name, he came to know John, as another man that live the same amount of torture, he lost his family, to Danik. Isaac lost Nicole, to the Marker. They both shared the deep, seeping scars in their hearts that could never be healed. He himself fell off the platform.

As Isaac was falling, he pulled out the picture of Ellie that he pulled off Norton's corpse, looking at it with tears, with joy, and sorrow, knowing she was finally safe from the monsters that plagued countless species, if there were anymore at all, for eons, but not safe at each others side. As he was falling through the air, he loosened his grip on the torn picture, and let it go, he let her go, knowing that holding onto her would cause more pain in leaving her forever. The picture falling, flowing in the wind, away from Isaac, he felt a heavy burden being lifted off his conscious, he felt.... peace. Something that was foreign to him, and it was blissful, he knew it was finally his time to die. He felt no fear, no sadness, just glorious peace.

As he fell closer and closer to the planet's surface, he saw the moon, dead, finally dead after so much, "Sayonara mothafucker".

And with that the moon fell on top of him. It was over.

Until a bright light came into his sight.

Then green, lots of it. Then brown, and pain.

Ponyville 6:00 AM

Twilight woke up early, having been told of a fascinating occurrence, uncontrollable even by Luna, to happen at this particular time, nothing happened for several minutes, but then a small star appeared, "Oh, telescope time~", said Twilight as she levitated her scope towards her. Once she looked at the star, she could tell something was off about it, it seemed to be something other than a star, "That is very, very strange, that must be the anomaly Princess Luna told me about", she said. Eagerly scribbling notes down on her notepad, wanting to study and analyze the phenomena, but as she was turning the page, the "star" expanded to a very large size, out came many chunks of rock came out of the of star, which Twilight assumed was a portal at this point, one piece of debris falling in the alicorn's direction.

"EEEEEEPPPPPP!!!" was all she could say before acting on instinct: ducking, the stone was hot against her fur, it flew past her leaving her unharmed, almost, her mane was scorched at the end, but overall she was alright, she chose to look at the stone, as she examined the stone she found what appeared to be small bits of flesh, not wanting to take chances, she burned it.

"What the Tartarus was that, and where did it come from, somewhere bad maybe" she thought of what that "event" could have been, "Portal, wormhole, what the buck was it" she said to nopony but herself.

Knowing there were probably more of those stones, she decided to send a letter to Celestia and round up some guards in case of "dire" situations called for such. And with that she gathered her belongings and set off back to the castle.

Welp, that was just peachy!

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Isaac's POV 5:00 PM

"Ooooowww, my----", there was a short silence as he tried to comprehend why he was still alive and not dead, "WHAT, why am I alive, a fucking moon fell on me, my RIG wasn't supposed to protect me from that much, wha-- wha-wha- where the fuck am I anyway?", looking around, he found himself to be in a forest of sorts, "OK, I am in a forest. Where and why is the better question.... in all my 'adventures', the one thing I did most was get moving... so". Walking forward he found a meteorite with chunks of flesh attached to it, "Looks like a piece of that moon came with me" he muttered to himself. Thinking of the Feeders back on Tau Volantis in those military bunkers, unsure whether or not other animals would eat the flesh and start another outbreak, if there were any Markers that is, not wanting to take the chance, he burned it with his gun supporting a Pulse Rifle top, and a Magnesium Burner on the bottom, incinerating the decaying matter.

He stopped firing the superheated gas, "Kill it with fire, heh heh". He then pulled out his secondary holding a RPG on the bottom and Javelin Gun on the top, and blew up the scorched stone. 'Safe measures' he said as he lowered his weapon.

He paused in place for a moment, "Okay, movin' on" he said as he started jogging for a while towards what looked like an orchard, "Odd, other planets I know of haven't been able to get tree's growing in the ground. tree's? What planet has an environment that can grow natural apples." thinking about it only made him question where he was and why he was here only more, looking at the orchard he saw... a red horse pulling a wagon full of apples?

"What. The. Godforsaken. Fuck?"

Not wishing to add more pain to the headache was already having, Isaac then got behind a random tree and decided to sleep till night. Several hours passed, and Isaac didn't even notice.

And thought to himself, 'Why am I here, is Carver here too, what will these things do to me',

"Hopefully get that shit outta your head" said a voice that sounded all too familiar, Isaac sprung up and looked at who spoke the words. He felt like his heart stopped once he saw the speaker. It was truly then, his blood went cold, ice cold.

"N-Nn-Nicole?" said Isaac stammering, there stood a bloodied visage of Nicole, eyes and mouth glowing in the darkness.

"Hi honey", she said as if all was perfectly fine, but even with her mere prescence, imaginary or not, she stood there haunting him

"How the fuck are you here, there can't be any Markers anywhere near here, I destroyed the moon" whispered Isaac. He was unable to comprehend what was seeing, he had gotten rid of her so long ago.

"Oh, Clarkey, don't you understand that my death was your worst failure, and because of you I'm dead, and for that I won't forgive you for what you put me through, what you did to me, ever" she said, her voice, dripping with malice, literally, it was acid,"and so I will haunt you till the end of days, you selfish bastard, when will you realise, that this, is all your fault?" She said as her arm deformed into a blade made of bone, and covered in blood, while that was happening, she proceeded to lunge at Isaac, swiftly ending him with a stab to the throat, then the head.

"AAAAHHHHH", Isaac woke up, panting and covered in sweat, after calming down, he relaxed his muscles, "Just a nightmare, just a nightmare" he said to himself, he noticed that the sun had gone down, it was time to move, to move on to anywhere but there. He stood up and walked on into the open fields. As he scanned the open fields for those horse things, he sighed.

'Was she right, is all this my fault, if I just accepted my death on the Ishimura, would any of this happen' he thought to himself

"No, the bitch is trying to get to you, don't let her!", he muttered to himself. It doesn't matter if what happened could have been prevented, it happened.

'So it's time to shut up and kick ass!'

He smirked to himself, giving him the hope he needed, and with that he walked, toning down his visor lights in order not to be seen, as he was looking around he noticed a clock tower, being sensible enough for a sense of time where he was, he walked over and set the time, it read '10:34', obviously pm since it was dark out. He then noticed a small town, and chose to find a place to really get some rest, god knew he needed it.


In the Dream World, it was a sort of plain, one could walk through to see the dreams of others, hence the name, but few could access the plain, one being Luna.

Luna was going over dreams of the beings that lived in the world, many were pink, black, white, ect.

But one,one, dream in particular caught her attention among all the others. The door had bloodstains and gashes flew across the front, and was glowing a bright crimson red. One could say it looked.. evil.

Inside were two creatures that stood on two legs, red and black being the colors, one seemed to be covered in some kind of armor, while the other was clothed in a bloodied white uniform, it's face being bloodied as well, but the eyes and mouth, were shining an... almost taunting, light. It seemed they were standing in a forest, the Everfree, if the offputting atmosphere was any indicator. They were speaking, something was distorting they're voices making her unable to understand what they were saying, either they spoke a different language or some thing was interfering, all the while, a green liquid was dripping out of the bloodied ones mouth, burning and killing the grass, but she did hear: "You selfish bastard, this is all your fault", now as to why she got a bit of the conversation, the Dream world has a sort of , translator.

It was at this moment, the sickening sound of bone bending and breaking and the squelch of flesh morphing greeted her ears ,images of bodies, similar to the new creatures, being transformed, and mutilated, beyond recognition, then returning to life with an unsurpassed urge to kill and feed showed up behind her. The bloodied creature drove a sharp limb of bone into the other one's throat and head, the dream was supposed to end, she was supposed to have woken up, as a side effect, but the dream on her end didn't stop, the uniformed monster then looked at Luna, with hungry eyes, screeched the sound the would haunt her, and sprinted to her, then ended the dream, Luna woke up screaming, terrified, sweating, never before.


Collecting herself, and taking breathe exersices, calmed her nerves, when she was calm, she looked to the door, where the guard was looking at her with worry etched on his face, the other guard was still in the hall, but also looked with worry.

Putting on her calm face, she replied, "I am fine Shadow Shield."

"Are you sure ma'am, your covered in sweat, and yoh were panting."

Seeing he only meant the best for her wellbeing, she replied,"I am sure, thank you though."

"Can I get you anything?"

That caught her by surprise, looking to him with curious eyes,"What?"

He repeated, "Can I get you anything, some water, a snack, anything? I could go to the kitchen and grab something."

Mimicking a goldfish for a second, she gave an answer, smiling with appreciation, "Could you grab a Moon Pie, please?"

Smiling kindly, he nodded, and left the room to the kitchen.

She got out of bed and onto the balcony, she then said, before collecting her thoughts "Welp, that was just peachy". She muttered to herself, "What the hay was that"?

What Now?

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Twilight (roughly the time Isaac walked into the open fields), was still concerned for the security of her fellow ponies, when she had sent a letter depicting what the stone from the anomaly looked like, including the fleshy growth, and even after she sent the letter she was pacing back and forth the floors of the crystalline castle in Ponyville, a small purple dragon looked at the lavender alicorn with concern, even when he knew SHE had the right to be IMPOSSIBILY concerned.

The dragon, Spike, chose to speak, beginning with an exhausted sigh, "Twilight, calm down will 'ya, keep this up and I'll have to knock you out, seriously, it's been 5 minutes", she sighed, knowing he cared that much for her well being.

"Oh, Spike" she said lowering down in worry, "I just don't know if I can calm down, you heard what I told you to write down, this thing might be dangerous, contagious, toxic, who knows?" Spike stood there trying to come up with an answer, he snapped his fingers in victory.

But it was short lived, "Luna" Spike said confidently, Twilight stood there and face-hooved, "Celestia can't control the portal, not even Luna, and she's the alicorn of the Night, and the portal appears at night"!

There was a loud knock at the door, as Twilight opened the door she saw 20 or more guards, half being the Solar rRegiment, half being the Lunar patrol, the Solar in clad golden armor which was brightly shining even in the dim light, the Lunar wore a dark blue armor that blended into the night well, and there stood tall above the others, Celestia, Twilight's mentor.

Twilight took the chance to bow in respect to the cloud white alicorn, "Twilight, you are an alicorn now, you no longer have to bow in my presence", she said as she put a hoof, under her chin and pulling her face up to look up at her, she gave the most kindest, loving, caring smile, anypony could give it soothed Twilight, like her mother. She rose, and spoke "Sorry Princess, still kind of used to the bowing, you know, before I was a Princess", Twilight explained with a sheepish smile, Celestia smiled and giggled at the small mare's nervousness, "Twilight, why is it that when I come to visit, you are always so nervous, but from your letter, I could tell you were distressed, not from my visit, what is going on" she said in an elegant, but serious manner.

"Oh" she said as realization hit her like a speeding train, "it's about the anomaly that Luna told me about, it might not just be any sort of anomaly, and I have come to think it's a portal to another world," Twilight gave a brief shudder "a nasty and scary one." Celestia rose a brow in interest at her students description of what exactly happened, and what disturbed her the most was the "stone", with the dark, oozing flesh.

She stood there contemplating what the flesh could do to a number of the worlds inhabitants, she started to feel her heart thump, something that had not happened in a long time. She came back to reality, "Guards, I want every squad to look for any animals out of the ordinary in the Everfree, Ponyville, Canterlot, EVERYWHERE, they should also look for any stones with a fleshy growth, if they find one, tell them to burn it", the guards of both sorts stood there looking at each other, partially terrified, and surprised at her orders, they shook they're heads, and the Lunar flew off to inform many of both divisions, while the Solar went off to prepare weapons if needed.

Twilight sat there, looking at the princess, sensing a hint of fear, panic, and rage in her demeanor, she could tell she too worried for her subjects, and their well being.

Isaac's POV 1:46 am

Isaac was tired, his legs may have felt worse, but they still hurt none-the-less, he had made it to the town, it didn't take long, for him to find the market containing small, horse-pulled stands, there he also found what looked to be a small hotel, it reminded him of his small apartment back on the Lunar Colony, knowing he needed rest after his third Necromorph outbreak survival, which was harder then the last due to the fact he took down a moon with a Kinesis Pad, which hurt a lot, he went through tougher necros, like the alien, Medusa, and Feeder, although he fought the Pack that were similar, they were still harder and a pain-in-the-ass, but the Creepers were one he had not encountered, they were the tough ones, not counting the Aliens, and Medusa, or the Moon.

Overall, Isaac had fought all the known Necromorph strains and types, the most common were the Slashers. Snapping out of his thoughts in his kill count, he thought the options of getting the well deserved sleep he wanted, he thought of going through the front door, but due to the world's primitive tech, they would probably scream when they saw him, he thought of sneaking in, that would probably work, and get him in trouble, more trouble, counting the reaction.

He looked away and decided, "Engage operation: Breaking and sleeping", he said smugly, he hoped up, but it was too high, he hoped up again, and used his thrusters, to give himself some more height, and he reached the window ledge, looked for an unoccupied room, he came across an room with two horses..............mating?!

Isaac ducked his head down from the window, he had seen the dead rise and kill, but none of that could out scar what he had just seen, he moved on to the next room, thankfully it was empty, he opened the window using high tech against low tech, and climbed in, in the room was a small bed for those horses, and a plain looking theme for the room, he laid on the bed as best he could, ignoring the armor in case he didn't have time to put on, but the bed, aside from the suit, felt great. He slowly felt himself slip into sleep once more, not dreaming of death, necros, or the Markers, but something good.

But the mating scene was sure as hell gonna give him nightmares.

He woke up, groggily looking at the time. It was 3:56 am, he was so comfy... no NEVER, this bed shall NOT succeed in breaking him, reluctantly getting up, about to get into his routine, didn't matter where he was really, he then heard something drop, he looked to the source, in the doorway, was a horse, it had plate-wide eyes and was carrying luggage, it stared a him with shock and fear, mouth agape, Isaac then spoke, "Sorry about that, I'll be going now" he opened the window and jumped down.

Aaaannnd... he was out. 'WITH A SEVERE LACK OF SLEEP MIGHT I FUCKING ADD!!!'. So here he was, hungry, tired, and worst of all, in a mile deep shit-hole, '...FUCK!'

Giving a defeated sigh, he asked himself "What now?"

Not knowing what to do next. He spotted a group of horses, in armor, gold and blue, fur and hair in an assortment of colors, staring at him, he instantly knew what the were, law enforcement, or guards, or security. He also knew what to do, next, run like hell was flaming hot on your heels. A few minutes of running passed before he lost them, he found a good resting/hiding spot. "As I said," he said panting, "What now?"