> The Hardships of A Father > by MajorFrostwing > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Part 1: Fun Times of Strange Days > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Hardships of A Father Part 1: Fun Times of Strange Days By: Major Frostwing "Daddy Daddy Daddy!" A Small child about 5 years old yelled out running up to a rather tall man who just entered the room. "Oof." The man grunted as he was tackled to the ground smiling and laughing with the small boy. "Hey there champ you are getting quiet strong." He said ruffling the small boy's blonde hair. He giggled happily hugging the man. "Welcome back Mr. Harve I'll have you know your son was just the most well behaved boy today." The man laughed scratching the back of his head. ""I like to think I raised him right." The man said picking himself and his son up. "Ready to go home Sam?" The man asked as the boy nodded. "Good because tomorrow is Christmas. Don't want to miss Santa now do we?" He asked smiling. "No Daddy we don't want to miss Santa." The boy giggled again rubbing his face into his father's coat. "Well first get your coat and bag so we can go." The man set his son down as he ran to grab his stuff. Hello there my name is Jeremy Harve I am job hopper. I normally can only hold a job for a month or two before moving on to something else or I am fired. My son who I had with my late wife is Sam and he is just as cute as a button. He has her eyes which always brings a smile to my face. There were complications with my son's birth and they could only save my son or my wife. I told them to try and save them both but they couldn't. But that is in the past and I have a wonderful son now who I wouldn't give up for anything in the world. Anyway I am only 26 years old. I know not really old enough to have a son and care for him but I do my damnedest to make his life perfect. Even when I come home after an exhausting day of work I still play with Sam. Even if it is hard on me to wake up early to make him breakfast and his lunch I do it. I will stop at nothing to protect my son he is all I have left without him... I would rather be dead. "Daddy I am ready." Sam called out as I knelt down picking him up. "Alright champ let's get you home." I smiled to him as we waved good-bye to the daycare lady walking out the door. "I'm thinking burgers for dinner how does that sound?" I asked as my son beamed at me. "I love burgers." He said with that wide eyed stare of awe. I laughed picking up my pace back home. I didn't own a car since I sold it to take care of Sam. The car took more money out of my pocket than I could afford. Every expense went to him. I stopped drinking and even cut my smoking down so I could make him happy. I felt the cold nip of the winter bite at my hands but I didn't care as long as I held my son tight in my arms I would never feel cold in my heart. We turned down a road onto a bridge when a car came zooming by just as the door swung open I went to move. The door still hit me in the side knocking me to the railing. I tried to regain my balance but was instead fell over the railing. This bridge was right over a rushing river. I tightened my grip on my son adjusting myself in the air so when we hit the ice bellow I would take the full brunt of the fall. I didn't feel the sudden pain in my back but only continued to fall I had my eyes clenched tight. I didn't want to see the end when it happened I just wanted to remember my son and wife smiling happily in my memory. That's when I felt the pain I didn't have enough time to prepare myself as all the air was knocked from my lungs. I still had my son in my arms. He was crying I gave him a gentle squeeze saying I was ok. "But Daddy you're hurt." He said as I slowly sat myself up. Every bone and muscle protested the movement but I needed to get off the ice as soon as possible. "I'm ok Sam." I said with a weak smile. I got to my feet carrying my son. I looked around me for the first time seeing that I had not landed on the frozen river below the bridge. Instead I was in a forest covered in snow I let out a shiver and in turn my son shivered as well. I was worried I would either need to find a hospital or some sort of shelter. My son shivered in my arms again. I set him down taking off my own coat. I wrapped it around him tight picking him up again. "Here you go champ this will keep you warm." I shivered now that I was out in the snow with only a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. I wouldn't have to worry about my son getting frost-bite. If I got it I could deal with it. "But Daddy won't you get cold?" He asked the same worry on his face. I only smiled flexing an arm in front of him. "This cold is nothing to me." He nodded hugging me tight. "Now let's go somewhere warm so you don't catch a cold. "Ok Daddy." Sam said as I began running through the woods hoping to find at least some form of shelter or somewhere we could warm up at. I needed my bearings so I could find a way home for us. ----------------------- About an hour of the biting cold I found an exit to the trees. I could barely feel my hands. My feet hurt more than anything. My body racked with shivers as I looked around for some sort of reprieve from the cold. I looked down at my son who was shivering as well. I moved him slightly trying to keep him closer to me so he wouldn't be too cold. "Daddy I'm cold." He whined. I only tightened my grip on him. "I know champ but don't worry I will find us some place to rest." I said with a smile. My face hurt like hell. Hell my whole body hurt from that fall and this cold but I had bigger worries. How was I going to keep my son safe. I couldn't start a fire since my lighter was at home. Hell I didn't even know where I was. It was dark and snowing lightly. I just felt so cold. "Daddy I see a house." My son said pointing out towards a light in the distance. I smiled as I hit my second wind I powered through the deep snow making my way towards the home. "Don't worry son soon we will be in a nice warm place maybe I can get some directions back home just in time for Christmas. Don't want to miss him now do we?" I asked trying to brighten his spirits. Sam nodded into my shirt hanging onto me for dear life. I made it to the door raising my hand to knock on the door. I saw how black my fingers were. I had severe frostbite but I needed to get the people in this home awake so I could get some help. I lowered my hand moving my head closer to the door knocking on it with my forehead. It hurt but that pain kept me awake. I heard nothing on the other side of the door until I hit the door harder with my head. "HEY WE ARE FREEZING TO DEATH OUT HER!" I yelled hitting my head on the door again The light in the living room turned on catching my attention. "PLEASE MY SON NEEDS HELP!" I heard the door unbolt as it opened a crack what I saw I was not ready for. A woman of canary yellow skin... wait no fur was standing before me she had coral pink hair. She was looking at me like I was some sort of monster. My son peeked out from behind my coat at the woman. "Daddy is she going to help us?" He asked as I looked at him with a smile. "Of course she is." I said looking at the woman with a look of absolute desperation. She noticed my look seeming to be torn about helping us before she opened the door all the way. "Please come in out of the cold." I smiled crying out of happiness. Thank god she was willing to help us. I would have to make it up to this woman some way some how. "Thank you." I said as I moved into the rather warm and cozy home. There were many bird houses and small creatures gathered around the main room I didn't pay them any mind as I set my son in front of a fire place. A small fire was burning gently. I looked my son's hands over carefully. I also took over his shoes making sure his feet didn't get any frost bite as well. Once satisfied that he was not in any more danger I let out a sigh of relief. "You stay here champ and warm up by the fire I have to have a talk with the nice lady. OK?" I asked to see him nod smiling I could see he was already feeling better next to the fire. "I hope the poor dear is alright." She said as I walked up to her. "He'll be ok now that he is getting warmed up. But right now I need to ask some questions is that alright with you?" I asked seeing her fidget nervously. I raised both my hands showing her I meant no harm. "As soon as we are warmed up we will be on our way. I just need some directions back to Youngstown, Ohio." Her eyes locked onto my hands shocked. "Oh no you have frostbite. Just stay here while I get my first aid kit." She quickly moved up the stairs to a separate room. Just as quick as she left she was back holding the kit in her hands. "Let me see your arms. If you don't mind that is." I nodded holding my arms out so she could observe them. "Oh my this is not good let's get you to the table so I can get to work." I followed her still feeling rather cold from being outside for so long. We both sat down at a table so she could examine my arms. I didn't take my eyes off of my son. He was sitting smiling at feeling warm now. A small smile graced my lips as I saw him scoot back away from the fire using my coat as a pillow. I felt a hot sting on my fingers as my hands were put into a tub of luke warm water. "Hopefully the warm herb water should help the fingers recover. Sections of your arms have frostbite as well but not as bad. I can bandage them when the fingers have warmed up more." I nodded as I continued to smile at my son. He was sleeping soundly now. Pour guy must be tired after what happened. "How are your feet feeling?" I was jolted out of my thoughts as I looked at the strange woman before me. "I'm sorry what?" I asked confused. "Your feet are they cold?" I looked down at my wet pants and my shoes. "Yea they are a bit cold but these shoes are pretty nice. They warm themselves the more you move them." I took off my shoes and socks letting them dry out. My feet felt wet and cold but at least they weren't frostbitten like my arms. "That's good." She said as she placed a finger in the tub. "I'll get you some new water to relax your hands." I nodded pulling my hands out of the water. For the first time I noticed there were small leaves and herbs in the water. I glanced at my fingers seeing the black was slowly receding away. That is some kind magic cure for frostbite that I am ok with. Normally they would just cut the fingers off at this stage. "Thank you again." I said looking at my hands. "Without your kindness my son might not have made it through the cold." I said glance at his sleeping form. "Oh I couldn't just let you both freeze out there it would have been wrong of me to do such a thing." She said moving the tub back to the table I reinserted my hands into the water feeling the familiar sting. "Still I am forever in your debt." I said with a smile. "Oh how silly of me you are helping us but don't even know our names." I pulled my hand out of the water holding it out for her. "My name is Jeremy Harve and that is my son Samuel." I said as she took my hand giving me a gentle shake. "I'm Fluttershy." She said in a light whisper. I nodded returning my hand to the water. "In a few more minutes I will bandage your arms and you should be better in a few hours." "Thanks again Fluttershy." I said as we sat in silence waiting to get my arms bandaged. The silence was almost like a solid wall in my mind. "Ok I have to ask. If you don't mind me being rude but what are you?" I said bluntly. Hell I needed answers this wasn't my world from what I could tell even the animals here seemed to be smarter than my world's counterparts. "Oh... um... I am a pegasus and what about you and your son? If you don't mind my asking that is." I cocked an eyebrow at the pegasus thing but waved it off mentally. "We are humans. How old are you?" I asked interesting in meeting something new. "Oh. I am 26 what about you and your son?" "I'm 26 as well my son is only 5. He is the joy of my life." I looked over to my son seeing a few of the animals had curled up with him as if to keep him warm. I smiled at the scene at my son being so peaceful. "That's good to see. It is rare for colts to take care of their sons all by themselves." I looked over to her seeing her pull my hands out of the water so she could dry them. "Please leave the wraps on for at least a day so the skin can fully heal." I nodded still confused about her previous statement. She began wrapping my hands with all the care a mother would her child. Once she was done she stood closing up her kit. I stood as well to get to my son when a pain racked my back making my hiss through my teeth. I forgot all about that fall when I realized my son's like might have been in danger. Fluttershy took notice of this walking over to me. "Are you alright?" She asked concerned I went to stand again only to let out a whimper of pain. I remained rooted in my seat. "No my back hurts really bad." I said as she lifted my shirt to examine my back. she let out a small gasp as she pulled my shirt off completely. I winced at moving my body so much. "You have a deep gash on your back and maybe a few broken ribs." Fluttershy said pulling out a few medical supplies before getting to work. "I will have to sew the gash shut and clean it up. This may sting a teensy bit but please bear with it." I nodded moving my shirt to my mouth just in case I screamed in pain. I tightened my mouth as she began sewing my wound. Only a few grunts of pain escaped my mouth as she worked. The cleaning process hurt like no tomorrow but I kept my pain under wraps. After only a few minutes she began wrapping my entire torso making sure it was tight but still loose enough that I could move. "Hey Fluttershy can you tell me where we are?" I asked as she finished wrapping me up. I slouched over slowly looking down at the ground. "Oh yes you are near Ponyville." I winced shutting my eyes tight. I knew from my extensive knowledge that there was no place called Ponyville anywhere on Earth. "I guess we really aren't home anymore." I said with a sigh. "What are we going to do. I can't get my son back home... What am I going to do?" I asked myself gripping the sides of my head tightly. "Today is Christmas I had the perfect gift for him." I was distraught. How was I going to take care of Sam? "Oh today is Hearth's Warming Day I can allow you my home until you get back home." I looked up at her shocked. This woman. NO THIS SAINT! Was willing to go this far to help us I was stunned silent. No one would ever just take a family off the streets and help them like this. I took hold of her hand holding them gently I could feel the tears stain my cheeks. I didn't care if I looked pathetic I was so thankful for her help. "Thank you." I whimpered out as I continued to cry holding her hand. I felt something soft and feathery wrap around my body holding me close. "Shhh it's ok." She cooed softly as she pulled her hands away to wrap them around me. I hugged Fluttershy back crying into her sweater. Once my tears had subsided Fluttershy went back to her room to get back to sleep. I set out to at least make something for my son for Christmas. It wouldn't be anything fancy but I would at least try to make something for him. I looked around for anything I could use but nothing came to mind to make a gift. I couldn't just rummage through Fluttershy's home looking for something but I could at least give him one thing. I pulled my necklace up looking it over with a smile. "Normally this necklace would be reserved for when he turned 21 but I guess he needs it now more than anything." I unclasped the necklace looking it over with a smile. My Wife had given this to me when we got married. We traded necklaces instead of rings. I carried her necklace in my pocket always. I held it tight in my hand clenching it to my chest looking out the window at the snow that was falling gently. "Samantha I wish you were here with us. You would be able to see our son grow and would be trying just as hard as me to make sure he was safe." I shed a tear wiping it away with a smile. "You would know what to do in this situation. You always knew what to do. I was just the guy who protected you from all who would hurt you." I set the necklace down on the table seeing Fluttershy had left her first-aid kit on the table. I reached into my pocket pulling out a receipt looking it over. I wrapped the necklace up in the receipt using some tape to seal it up. I left it on the table getting to my feet. I picked up my son moving over to Fluttershy's couch I laid him down next to me. I smiled as he nuzzled into my chest. I closed my eyes deciding to try and get some sleep. I was exhausted from what all happened today. > Part 2: Meetings and Confusion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Hardships of A Father Part 2: Meetings and Confusion By: Major Frostwing I awoke to the smell of something delicious invading my senses. I slowly rose rubbing my eyes of their sleep. I looked around seeing I was still in Fluttershy's home. I quickly looked to my side seeing Sam still curled up next to me asleep. I smiled giving his head a small pet before getting to my feet. I rubbed my hair trying to get it as straight as possible. "Oh you're awake. I was about to wake you up if it wouldn't be a bother to you." I nodded to her smiling. "Happy Hearth's Warming." She said with a smile. "Merry Christmas." I said looking down at my son shaking his shoulder gently. "Hey Sam it's time to wake up it's Christmas." I said with a smile. Sam roused from his sleep slowly letting out a groan. "Oh don't be like that I even have a gift for you." I said with a sly smile. Sam's eyes shot open as he suddenly sat up looking at me with a smile. "You got me a gift Daddy?" Sam asked with that childish glint of happiness in his eyes. "Of course I got you a gift." I said with a smile moving over to the table Sam right on my heels. I picked up the gift kneeling down to him. "Normally I wouldn't give this to you until you were older but since you have been such a good kid I decided to give it to you now." I handed the small wrapped gift to him which he opened swiftly looking it over with awe. "But Daddy... This was the gift Mommy gave you." Sam said which put a pang of pain in my heart. Fluttershy also seemed to caught onto what Sam said. I flicked my eyes over to her giving a look that said I would tell her later. "I know champ but you need this more than I do. It will keep you safe since I know Mommy is watching over you." I took the necklace from him clasping it to his neck. "I want you to have my most important treasure." Sam held the pendant of a raven in his palm looking at it with a smile. "Keep it safe for me ok?" I asked seeing him nod vigorously. "I made pancakes if you two are hungry... That is if you are hungry." I smiled picking up my son moving him over to the table setting him down in a chair. I took my own seat smiling to Fluttershy. "Sorry to be intruding on you Fluttershy." I said as Sam looked at the woman before him as if he had never seen her before. "Daddy she has wings." Sam said pointing at her looking at me in shock. "Sam what did we discuss about pointing at people?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. Sam jerked in his seat catching his mistake. "I'm sorry Fluttershy I didn't mean to point at you." I chuckled ruffling up his hair. "Oh it's alright I don't really use my wings often so I often forget about them." I smiled to her as she set a stack of pancakes on both of our plates. "Oh I have plans later today with my friends sort of like a Hearth's Warming tradition. You can come along if you want that is." She fidgeted hiding behind her hair. "We wouldn't want to impose Fluttershy but I guess we can come along. It will help us get adjusted and I might be able to get a job in town." I said cutting a piece of my pancakes before taking a bite. I glanced over seeing Sam devour his pancakes he still maintained his manners but the speed he ate was... unsettling. "Yay." Fluttershy said with a girlish squee. I looked over to her before getting back to my pancakes. I was thinking about what all I could do to try and make my son happy and more importantly. I need to get Sam enrolled in a school he still needs an education. I stared at my plate as I ate my mind trying to possibly think of what I could do in this world. "Daddy you're doing the face again." Sam pointed out breaking my concentration I looked over to him seeing that he was imitaiting my concentrating face. I let out a chuckle at how childish it was ruffling his hair again. "After you are done Jeremy I would like to check on your hands... If you don't mind me doing so." Fluttershy said growing nervous again. "I don't mind." I said finishing up my plate. After I was done I stood though I struggled as pain rocketed up my back. I didn't let it show since I didn't want to worry my son. I picked up both my son's plate and my own moving them over to the sink I set them in the sink about to wash them when Fluttershy stopped me. "Let's get those bandages off." Fluttershy said leading me back to the table as she began working on my bandages. Didn't take long for them to be removed and soon enough I could see no black marks on my arms. Normally frostbite takes days to heal even months but in one day on this world I was fine. I moved my arms around examining every part of them before clenching my hand into a fist. "How is this even possible?" I asked confused. "Even though your arms are healed I still want to wrap them up so you don't get frostbite again." Fluttershy said pulling out a roll of bandages. I held my arms out so she could re-wrap them. Once she was finished I flexed my hands making sure the bandages weren't to tight. "Good as new." Fluttershy said with a smile. I found myself smiling back to her. "Daddy no longer hurt?" Sam asked as I looked at him with a smile. "I was never even hurt to begin with champ." I said ruffling his hair with a smile. "If you both are ready we can go and meet my friends... If that is alright with you two." I looked to my son smiling and he smiled back. "I think we would like that. Sam would be able to make new friends as well." Sam jumped out of his chair pushing it in behind him before running into the living room. He quickly got his coat on and his boots waiting for us to get ready. I smiled to him as he picked up us backpack. "He seems really eager." Fluttershy said getting up from the table. "Do you need any help getting up? That is if you want my help." Fluttershy said smiling behind her hair and... is that a blush I see on her face? I slowly got to my feet patting her on the shoulder gently. She let out a squeak at the touch I leaned close whispering to her. "I don't want to make Sam worry about me." I gave her one last pat before walking past her to get my socks and boots on. "Daddy you're sooooo slooooooow!" Sam whined I only chuckled moving slower on purpose. "Oh no Sam tiiiime iiiisss ssssloooowing doooowwwwn." I said slowing my movements and voice down he looked at me shocked as I froze in place. Sam ran up shaking my leg. "NO! Time speed up. TIME SPEED UP!" I suddenly moved wrapping him up in a hug. "Thank you Sam you saved me from time." He giggled as I shared a laugh with him. We were a silly family but it was moments like this I will forever cherish. I set him down patting his head as I finished getting ready. I threw my coat on adjusting it so it was comfortable. I knelt down picking Sam up to carry him with a smile. "Ready to go champ?" I asked as he nodded happily. "Good. Fluttershy if you would." I said motioning towards the door only to hear someone knock on it. "Daddy how did you do that?" Sam asked impressed that when I motioned to the door someone knocked. "Surprisingly enough that was not my doing." I said looking at Fluttershy run over to the door to open it. Who was behind the door was another pegasus but instead of being canary yellow she was a cyan blue with rainbow colored hair. "Sup Flutters Twilight told me to come and get you for the party." The cyan pegasus woman said with a smile. That's when she noticed Sam and myself. She looked at us with shock before dashing forward towards us. I wrapped my arms tightly around Sam turning so he wouldn't get hit. I didn't feel the impact which prompted me to open an eye looking over to see Fluttershy staring down the cyan pegasus turned missile. "NO Rainbow Dash. You will not harm my guests." She said getting right in Rainbow's face. The cyan pegasus aptly named Rainbow Dash cowered under her stare. "Daddy Fluttershy is scary." Sam said breaking Fluttershy out of her stare to look at us with concern. "Oh, my. I'm sorry about that I didn't mean to scare you." And just like a coin she was back to her timid nature. I slowly got back to my feet giving Sam's back a little rub to comfort him. "It's ok Fluttershy thanks though." I said looking down to Rainbow Dash. "Rainbow Dash I presume. I am Jeremy Harve and this is my son Sam." I extended my hand to her to help her up. She took it with a shaky hand as I pulled her up. I felt a sting in my back and a section of my skin popped. I probably popped a stitch. "Uh... Hi." She said confused. I slowly lowered my son to the ground pointing at a rabbit that was moving around the room. "Hey champ go play with the bunny the adults have to have a little chat before we head out. Ok?" He nodded chasing after the rabbit. I smiled to him before turning to Rainbow Dash my smile vanished. I took a step closer so only she could hear me. "I want to make one thing clear. Do not make me have to repeat this. If you ever put my son's life in danger again they will not find your body. We clear?" I asked seeing Rainbow nod vigorously. "Good now that that is cleared up. Sam let's go we have a party to go to." I called out seeing Sam run up to me carrying the rabbit in his arms. "Can the bunny come with us?" He asked looking at me with large puppy dog eyes I gave him a flat look in return. "Champ if you take the bunny outside how is that going to make him feel? It's to cold for him to really go out and play." Sam looked down at the bunny setting him down. "That's a good boy now come on." I knelt down so Sam could be picked up. He ran to me hugging me tight as I lifted him up. "Alright... Let's go." Rainbow said as we all left the house. The cold winter air bit at my face harshly but at least I knew that we had a place we could stay. ------------------------------- We all had reached the town of Ponyville making our way toward a large tree near the center of town. Turns out it was a library which was owned by one Twilight Sparkle. Rainbow Dash explained a little about their friends which was good since I knew what to expect. Apparently there were unicorns who can do magic and Earth ponies who were very good at growing food. Of course there was also Alicorns or as they I would call them. Goddesses Sam was enjoying the town but I kept noticing that everyone in town locked eyes on my son and myself. The silence was deafening I looked down at my son seeing him become uneasy with all the stares. I smiled to him giving him a pat on the back. "It's ok Champ they are just wondering who we are. We are new after all." I said as he nodded smiling back. I nudged Rainbow Dash nodding my head for them to pick up the pace. She nodded back moving a little faster to our destination. Rainbow stopped at the door to the library knocking on the door after a few seconds the door opened revealing a purple Alicorn who I guessed was Twilight from what Rainbow told me. She saw her friends motioning for them to enter. I was about to walk in with Sam when the door closed after Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash entered. I was shocked by the sudden closing of the door. "Daddy?" Sam asked as he looked up at me. I sighed knocking on the door to see the door open. "Um can I help you?" Twilight asked looking me over confused. "Um yea I am Fluttershy's friend and she invited me to come to the party." She looked me over before noticing my son she opened the door more. "I'm sorry I didn't notice you. I am sorry that I closed the door on you as well." I waved it off as just an accident. "Don't worry. Can we come in?" I asked as Twilight motioned for us to enter. I thanked her as I enter noticing all the other people in the room each of the new girls were staring at Sam and myself. I pulled on my collar a little uncomfortably. Today just got more awkward than it needed to be. > Part 3: Hearth's Warming Awkward Moment > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Hardships of A Father Part 3: Hearth's Warming Awkward Encounter By: Major Frostwing There we stood Sam in my arms and me feeling like I hard just walked into an active volcano. I sat Sam down on the ground taking his coat and boots off. "Hey champ go play with Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. OK?" Sam nodded smiling as he hummed a tune walking to the two pegasi. I turned my attention back to Twilight and the 3 other mares. I pointed upstairs. Twilight seemed to catch onto my idea nodding. "Fluttershy? Will you be alright down here with Rainbow Dash and... Him?" Twilight asked pointing at Sam. "Oh yes I will be quite alright. Sam is such a well behaved little boy." Fluttershy said getting a smile from me. Twilight nodded motioning for the other three girls and myself to follow her. We all moved me taking the rear of the group so I could still watch my son. The other girls kept their eyes on me which did not go unnoticed by me. "Ok Pardner just who are you and what are you doing with Fluttershy?" The orange furred mare with a stetson asked adjusting her hat. I took off my coat setting it on the banister. "I am Jeremy Harve and the little one is my son Samuel but everyone calls him Sam." I answered calmly. I had to play this Q & A as close to the chest as possible. "So why are you hanging around Fluttershy?" The cowgirl asked as I raised a hand stopping her. "Names first if you don't mind." I said seeing them nod. Well to be more accurate three of them nodded the last one. A pink furred pink haired woman got right in my face looking into my eyes with unbridled curiosity. "My name is Pinkie Pie and I help run Sugar Cube Corner. I am also the premium party arranger of Ponyville. We will have to have a "Welcome To Ponyville" party for you two." The way she spoke and acted made me take a step back. "Pinkie dear, please give this..." The purple haired woman said looking me over searching for a word. "Stallion some space." She kept examining me with a critical eye. Her eyes then locked into my own eyes. "My name is Rarity darling. It is a pleasure to meet you." I nodded extending my hand to her she hesitantly took my hand into her own shaking it before releasing me. "I am Applejack I run Sweet Apple Acres. Best apples you will ever find." The orange furred woman said tipping her hat to me. "And I am Princess Twilight Sparkle. Please just call me Twilight though I'm not comfortable with being called a Princess yet." Twilight said getting a smile from me. "Now can you answer my question?" Applejack asked with a tint of hostility in her voice. I shrugged the simple motion nearly floored me when I felt the sharp pain in my back. "The reason why my son and myself are with Fluttershy is simple. Somehow my son and myself were dropped into this world in a very dark forest. I took my son to try and find someway home or at least some place where he could warm up." I raised my arms looking down at them. "If we hadn't found Fluttershy's home we most likely would have perished out in that cold." "So that's why you arms are bandaged I'm guessing you got some frostbite?" Twilight asked as I only shook my head. "I more than likely had severe frostbite on my hands and arms. But I am ok with the pain knowing my son is ok. I even gave up my coat so he wouldn't be as cold." I smiled glancing down the stairs into the living room seeing my son playing with Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. I couldn't help but smile. "He is all I have left... I can't lose him." "How far are you willing to go to protect your son? Are you willing to do harm to others to keep him safe?" Twilight asked as I didn't look towards her. "If something dares to hurt my son... Or even take him away from me." I went silent which seemed to speak volumes about what I would do. "It's the same type of protection an older sibling would do for their own little brothers or sisters." "We understand." Rarity said placing her hand on my shoulder. "Girls I think it is time we go and enjoy the party now." Rarity moved down the stairs to go enjoy everyone's company. The other girls followed quickly I stood at the top of the stairs for a moment clearing my head of the questions and the answers I gave. When that was done I went downstairs to play with my son he always loved playing a good game of catch. When my son caught sight of me he gave me a smile holding up a bright red ball in his hands. I looked to Fluttershy seeing that same light blush and weak smile. I smiled back sitting down on the ground as my son tossed the ball to me. I quickly tossed the ball back watching him catch it. ---------------------------------------- The party was a lot of fun. Pinkie was willing to join us in our game of catch Sam didn't mind in the least. I kept noticing that Fluttershy would look at me when she thought I wasn't looking and Twilight seemed to be taking notes on me. I was treated very kind after the Q & A but that was ok with me. I saw them all exchange gifts and Sam looked a little sad at not being involved. I gave him a pat on the head catching his attention. "We did drop in without warning." I said with a smile he smiled back giving me a hug. he stayed like that for a little bit before I heard him snoring gently. I continued to gently stroke his hair I felt proud that he was taking everything so well compared to me. I had to study as much about this new world as possible. I looked up at the girls seeing all of them chatting and laughing with each other. I let out a chuckle think back on how me and my sister got along. "Something funny darling?" Rarity asked she seemed to catch my little chuckle. "Sorry I just think it's funny that you all say that you are friends but act more like sisters. Just reminded me of my sister when I was younger. She treated all of her friends like family and me as a friend." I said thinking back on all the good times I had with me friends and "sisters". "How many friends did you have?" Twilight asked me which gave me pause. "I... I didn't have many friends after I met Samantha. She had... a way with words." I said with a sigh. "But it's whatever." Twilight scribbled down some notes again which to be honest annoyed me. I felt like I was just an object to observe and record than a human being. Fluttershy must have caught onto what I was thinking because she stopped Twilight from writing anymore notes. "I think I am going to go home. Sam looks tired after all." Fluttershy said as she stood each of her friends gave her a hug I only picked Sam up carrying him. He continued to sleep in my arms. I remembered something when I glanced at the stairs seeing my jacket hanging on the banister. I mentally face-palmed at forgetting it. "Fluttershy." I whispered calling her over. She was quick to come over. "Do you mind holding Sam while I get my jacket?" I asked seeing her nod taking Sam from my arms gently. She looked so happy to be holding him in her arms. I quickly moved getting my jacket and sliding it on making sure to zip it up. I moved down the stairs seeing everyone watching Fluttershy with Sam. I watched the scene carefully. I then saw it something that made my very soul feel at peace. Fluttershy was smiling but it was the smile a mother gave to her children. I moved next to Fluttershy setting my hand on her shoulder. "Shall we?" I asked her with a smile. She looked up to me blushing before looking away hiding herself behind her hair I saw a subtle nod. I took Sam into my arms he shifted slightly hugging me around my neck. I moved my right hand down taking hold of Fluttershy's she let out a small "eep" at the touch but didn't shy away. We walked as one to the door opening it to leave. "Thank you. All of you today was fun and I am sure Sam enjoyed it as well." I saw a few nods and Pinkie waved good-bye ecstatically. I nodded as me and Fluttershy walked into the bitter cold. ----------------------------------------------------- The walk back to Fluttershy's cottage was quiet only a few people stared at us whispering but I ignored them. If they couldn't say anything to my face then they weren't worth the time. I glanced over to Fluttershy seeing that she was looking at me as well. She let out a squeak before looking away. I smiled thinking it was adorable. I then began to think about Sam's upbringing Sam never knew the love of a mother he only had me and I was trying everything I could to make him happy even turning to prize fighting at one point and time. Sam needed a mother in his life... Someone who could be there for him when I can't. I looked to Sam seeing him snoring in deep sleep. He shifted slightly in my arms smiling. Fluttershy was the perfect candidate to be a mother but I couldn't just throw all of this responsibility on her it would be wrong of me to do that. Maybe one day we could... I cut that thought process before it could get any worse. Right now I need to focus on getting Sam into school. We arrived at Fluttershy's cottage where she let us in. I moved to the couch setting Sam down and wrapping him in a blanket poor guy is exhausted. I sat down leaning my back against the couch letting out a sigh. "Jeremy?" Fluttershy asked catching my attention. When I looked up she hid behind her hair pressing her fingers together. "I just wanted to know if you were hungry... If you're not then that's ok I just thought it would be polite to ask... I hope you're not angry with me about it it's just... Oh my." Fluttershy ranted prompting me to laugh she looked at me confused. "Sorry you just remind me of how I acted when I first met Samantha. She told me the best way to get over my nervous nature." I said sliding my coat off of my shoulders before leaning my head back. "How did she teach you. If you don't mind me asking that is." "Simple. If I have something I want to say or ask I should just do it. Don't think about it." I slowly got to my feet rolling my shoulders slowly. "Anyway I could go for something to eat." I said as i looked around the room. I didn't really take the time when I first arrived. The home was quaint lots of browns and greens almost as if I was looking at a summer landscape I liked it very much. The room made me feel calm and as if I could just lay in the sun all day. I moved my attention towards her book shelf scanning through the titles with renewed interest. They all looked like those erotic romance stories. I picked one off of the shelf opening it up to the first page. The story looked interesting enough and has my attention wrapped. I closed the book moving over to the couch taking a seat reading into the book. It was a great way to pass the time while I think of what to do. "First I need to think about how I'm going to get Sam enrolled in school. Then a way to make money... What skills do I have?" I told myself leaning my head back as if to stare at the ceiling. "I can cook but not very good. I can clean but I absolutely hate it. I can fight plus I'm good at it but I would need to find a place that does prize fighting maybe boxing. I let out a sigh shaking my head side to side. "I don't want to worry Sam anymore than I already do but I guess I will have to as a last resort." I really didn't want to make Sam worry but money is money no matter how you earn it. Fluttershy entered the room when she saw what I was reading. She put the plate down and yanked the book out of my hands before I could even ask what was wrong. I looked at the book she now clutched to her chest. "I think I am going to skip formalities and just ask the obvious question. Why did you yank the book out of my hands?" "Um... Well... I'm sorry." She whispered out holding the book out to me. I could see the red on her face which made me smile. I reached out taking the book back. "It's ok Fluttershy I know it must be embarrassing for someone to find such a book just in a bookshelf in the living room." I said teasing her but she lowered her head. "Sorry I didn't mean to go through your stuff but I got curious." I set the book aside motioning for her to sit down. She sat down still trying to hide her face from me. "I don't get many visitors so I forget that all of my books are wherever I left them." I smiled leaning back into the couch Resting my arms against the back. "I have a important question for you Fluttershy. Is there a school where I can enroll Sam he still needs an education after all." Fluttershy put her hand to her chin thinking. "He can enroll at Ponyville Schoolhouse. The kids are a little older than him but he should be fine." Fluttershy said slowly easing back into the couch. "But you won't be able to get him into school until the break is over. Monday would be the soonest." I nodded smiling. "Good sadly I have one last question." I lowered my head steeling my nerves for my next question. "Is there a prize fighting club in town?" I kept my vision pointed at the ground. "Why would you want to join such a dangerous thing?" Fluttershy asked looking at me with concern. I glanced over with a little smile. "I used to do it back in my world for some extra cash I stopped when Sam asked me to but I don't have any skills." I moved my arms to my knees leaning on them. "What about your cutie mark that should tell you your special talent." I looked at her confused. "What's a cutie mark?" I asked confused she rolled up her sleeve showing off three light blue and pink butterflies. I looked at the mark closely. "This is my cutie mark it shows that my special talent is taking care of animals." She smiled fondly at her cutie mark. I looked at my own shoulder rolling it up to see a tattoo of a black crow holding a banner in it's talons. "Soar on Broken Wings" Is what the banner read. "See you have a cutie mark as well." I chuckled shaking my head. "No this is a tattoo. In my world we don't get cutie marks with our talents we have to figure out what we are good at through trial and error. Even if we find what we like it might not be what we want to do. We get tattoos, permanent reminders about anything we want." I rubbed my fingers over the mark remembering why I got it. "This tattoo was me telling myself that I will never let someone tell me how to live my life. Even though I have my dreams put down I will keep soaring. Hence the words on the banner. "I see..." Fluttershy said seeming to deflate at the thought. I smiled patting her on the shoulder gently. "It's ok I like the freedom of not having a cutie mark. Without one I can be anything I want. If I want to be an engineer I will be one. A police officer. I can do it. I hold my destiny on these broken wings yet I will continue to soar high." I said with a proud smile. "That sounds nice." Fluttershy said with a smile. "Anyway let's eat. I am starving." I said patting my stomach happily. She nodded setting a bowl of red soup before me. I eagerly ate the soup it reminded me of home. > Part 4: School Day Hardships > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Hardships of A Father Part 4: School Day Hardships By: Major Frostwing The weekend had passed without much incident. Fluttershy had asked us to help with some of her chores. Actually the conversation went something like this. Sunday Morning 8:30 AM I sat across from my son tossing a ball gently between the two of us. I heard a grunt making me look back towards the kitchen. Sam wasn't paying attention and tossed the ball hitting me in the side of the head. I glanced back at him picking up the ball tossing it back. "Hey champ I will be back in a sec ok?" I said getting to my feet walking back to the kitchen. Fluttershy was trying to lift a large bag of food onto her top shelf. I moved beside her taking the bag from her hands lifting it up higher into the cupboard. "Fluttershy you only need to ask me for help." I said with a smile. "But you are my guests I can't ask for your help. It would be rude of me." I waved off the complaint. "Fluttershy the simple reason that we are staying here for free should mean we should help around the house." I said turning back seeing a few more large bags. "So don't be afraid to ask for help we do not mind in the slightest." I turned back towards the living room. "Hey Sam mind helping me and Fluttershy put some stuff away?" I asked and a few seconds later Sam entered the kitchen. "I can help." He said with a smile flexing his tiny arms. I chuckled ruffling his hair. "Just tell us where everything goes and we will help." Fluttershy sighed nodding She told us where everything needed to be put. I dealt with the heavy bags, Fluttershy moved the medium bags, and Sam moved the small bags. I was proud that Sam was willing to help so readily. Made me proud to be a father. Anyway that's not the problem of today it's something even more difficult. "Dad what if the people at school don't like me?" I froze as I was zipping up Sam's coat. "Come on Sam why wouldn't they like you? You are a strong and cool guy just like your father." I said giving his hair a little ruffle. "It will be ok champ." I finished zipping up his coat standing up tall. "Just remember words are just that words. Don't let them bother you." Sam nodded smiling up to me. I looked over my shoulder seeing Fluttershy. "Ready to go?" She asked as we both nodded. She nodded back showing us the way to the school. It was going to be a long day. --------------------------- When we had finally arrived at the school I felt a little un-eased. Everyone kept staring at us which for some reason made my blood boil. I felt like an animal in a cage being gawked at. I felt a pulling on my hand breaking me out of my thoughts. Sam was pulling on my hand making me kneel down to him. "You ok champ?" I asked smiling to him. "I'm scared." He said fidgeting slightly. "Why would you be scared your mother is watching over you." I pulled on the necklace on his neck pulling up the pendant. "As long as you have this there is no need to be scared." He looked at the pendant holding it in his small hands before gripping it tight. "Stand tall and walk with strength." He looked up to me nodding before sliding the pendant into his shirt. I looked at the front door of the school seeing a teacher was standing outside looking at me and my son with... is that respect I see? I shrugged standing up taking hold of Sam's hand walking to the front door. "Hello I am here to enroll my son." I said with a smile. The woman in front of me was a real beauty as she just smiled at me. "Can you follow me so we can get his paperwork all dealt with?" She asked motioning towards the school. I nodded walking forward Sam was right behind me. I took a seat in the chair across from her Sam crawling up to sit in my lap. "I just need you to sign a few papers and clear up some questions for me." The teacher said as she pulled out a few forms. "Of course." I pulled a pen out of a cup on her desk as she slid the first form over to me. "Ok first of all what is the species of you and your son?" Cheerilee who's name I figured out by the name plate on her desk, asked while writing on a form. "We are both humans." I said nonchalantly as I continued to fill out the form including his birthday, sex, and of course my name. "Can you describe the diet of humans?" Cheerilee asked looking up to us. "We are omnivores we eat both meat and greens." I finished out the form as best as I could except the address and contact info since I don't know any of it. "Interesting." Cheerilee said with a smile but it looked a bit forced. "Ma'am if the fact my son is going to be attending I would like you to address it to my face instead of using a facade." I said sliding the paper over to her. "I'm sorry sir I have never heard of a human so I have concerns with how the children may react. I also do not know how your son will react to my class." I closed my eyes nodding to what she said it was an obvious concern. "Ma'am I would just like to say my son will cause no harm to your class. This I can guarantee without a second thought." I patted my son on the head as he let out a giggle. "Ain't that right champ?" I asked as he nodded smiling. "I see." Cheerilee said looking over the registration form. "Um Mr. Jeremy there are a few spots on the form that are blank." I nodded. "I don't know the address I am staying at but I am staying with Fluttershy for right now." "Also you did not write down his mother's information." I smiled. "Hey champ can you stand outside the door for a second while I talk with Mrs. Cheerilee please." I asked him as he looked concerned. "It's just boring adult junk." He still looked concerned but nodded as he stepped out of the room. "I'm sorry I can see this is hard for you to explain but I have to ask these questions." I let out a sigh running my fingers through my hair. "It's ok just wasn't expecting the question is all. My wife passed away in childbirth and I don't want him to think he caused it." She nodded with understanding. "Also I would like you to do me a favor if it is at all possible. If something does happen with bullying with my son I would like to be informed of the offender and their parents I don't want my son to be made fun of because he is different." I pointed out with a flat smile. "What would you do if it does arise?" Cheerilee looking as if she was caught in a corner from a large predator. "Let's make sure it doesn't happen." I said as calmly as I could muster. "O-of course." Cheerilee said as I stood from my seat walking to the door opening it making myself look as bored as possible. "Daddy you ok?" Sam asked hugging on my leg tightly. "I thought I wasn't gonna make it through that boredom." I said patting him on the head. "Now then I am going to leave you with Mrs. Cheerilee ok she will take you to class and teach you everything you need to know. Cool?" Sam nodded holding his fist out to me. I tapped his fist with my own as he released my leg. "Yes daddy." Sam said as he walked over to Cheerilee. "Remember Sam. you are the coolest kid don't let what others say bother you no matter what." Sam nodded as he stood beside Cheerilee smiling to me. "Have a good day Champ I will be by to pick you up at the end of the day." "School get's out at 3." Cheerilee said with a smile as Sam waved good-bye to me I waved back making my exit and back to Fluttershy's home to relax. -------------------------- Sam POV I walked with Cheerilee to the classroom. She was a very pretty lady and very nice to me. Though she would look at me a little weird every now and again but it would disappear when I smiled to her. "Here we are Samuel." Cheerilee said as she opened a door to a classroom a few of the other kids were sitting at their desks working on some type of activity. I looked at each of them as they looked up at me a few look surprised and maybe a little scared of me. I didn't feel comfortable at all here. "Miss Quill I have a new student for you." Mrs. Cheerilee said as I walked into the room she looked me over a little confused. "And what is the dear's name?" Miss Quill asked looking me over. "My name is Samuel but my dad calls me Sam." I said smiling to her she smiled back to me patting me on the head. "You can sit between Dinky and Rumble." Mrs. Quill said showing me to my desk. I sat down as Mrs. Quill handed me a sheet of paper. "Right now we are working on drawing right now." I smiled opening my backpack pulling out my crayons and got straight to drawing. I loved drawing. "We will introduce you after drawing is done." I nodded smiling. I didn't really pay attention to those around me I just wanted to draw something cool so I drew my hero. I drew my daddy he was so strong and always knew when I was in danger. He was like a super hero. After a while drawing class was over and I told everyone who I was. Now was lunch And dad had packed my lunch. Since Fluttershy didn't eat meat she helped him make me something to eat. I sat at my desk as I pulled out my sandwich and an apple. I ate them with happiness. It all tasted so good. I pulled out my juice box about to take a drink out of it when it was ripped out of my hand. I glanced over to see who had taken my juice when I saw a rather large kid who had wings on his back. "Thanks loser." the kid said drinking my juice. I was hurt but I looked away looking into my lunch bag seeing a note at the bottom. I pulled the note out reading it over with a smile. "Hey Champ, I had a thought that something might happen today so I left you a second juice in the pocket of your bag. Enjoy your day and know I love you. Fluttershy also says she hopes you enjoyed your lunch. Dad." I smiled as I pulled my bag up opening the outside pocket pulling out a second juice. I opened it taking a drink of it. The kid looked at me annoyed as he knocked the drink out of my hand. I looked at the fallen drink with sadness. "Whatcha gonna do loser? Cry?" The bully made fun of me as I glanced over at him. I was angry but knew I couldn't get in trouble on my first day. I turned away zipping up my bag getting up from my seat. I went to Mrs. Quill. "Mrs. Quill I dropped my juice on the floor." I told her pointing at my fallen drink. She was watching the entire thing not knowing how to handle Thunderhead but was surprised that Samuel didn't want to get him in trouble. "Of course Samuel I will get a rag to help you clean up ok?" I nodded smiling to her. She moved quickly getting the rag and a small bucket. Today wasn't so bad. ------------------------ Jeremy POV I arrived at school a few hours later where I sat down outside waiting for Sam to get out of school. felt a little uneasy about Samuel's first day. I just hope he enjoyed the little gift I gave him. I leaned my back against the wall of the school crossing my arms thinking. "Sir we got a report of a creature hanging around the school." I cracked an eye seeing a group of men standing before me wearing what looked like a suit of armor. I rose an eyebrow at him cracking a smile. "Most likely me if I had to guess." I said raising my arms above my head stretching. "Then would you mind coming down to the station with me?" The armored guy asked moving his spear to show he would do so with force if need to. "Sorry buddy I am waiting for someone." A spear leveled on me prompting me to glare at the guard behind the leader. "Lower the spear I am waiting for my son and the last thing I want him to see is him seeing his father being arrested." "Yeah right. I bet you were going to try to abduct some poor filly." The guard spoke pressing the tip of the spear to the bottom of my chin. I had every right to lash out and believe me I wanted to. "DADDY!" I heard Sam yell as he rushed towards me. I moved my hand smacking the spear away kneeling down as my son slammed into me with a hug tackle. I hugged him back lifting him up. "Are you ok Daddy?" Sam asked with a worried look in his eyes. "Yea champ I am ok just asked these fine gentlemen what it would take for me to become a cop." I shot them all a harsh glare that spoke volumes on how they should act now. "Yes your father had asked us to come over and answer a few questions for him." The leader spoke with a gentle smile. I nodded to him in thanks. "Sir are we even sure that colt is even his?" The guard who had his spear trained on me only minutes ago asked as I locked eyes on him. "Stand down Private Herald it is obvious now then. As we already said all you would have to do is come down to the station and fill out a few forms and go through some training. If you pass the tests then you become a guard. Shouldn't be hard for you." The leader said holding his hand out to me. I took his hand in a tight handshake he winced slightly before trying to return the same strength. "Sorry force of habit. My name is Jeremy Harve and this is my son, Samuel Harve." "Lieutenant Hawk Eye." He answered with a smile as I released his hand. "You try and keep your dad out of trouble Samuel." Hawk said with a smile. "But that's so hard he is always in trouble." I gave him a look of mock hurt. "You wound me Sam." I said with a tint of woe. Sam looked at me with a big toothy grin. I ruffled his hair with a smile. "You two have a good day." Hawk said tipping his head in a short bow. I returned the gesture watching him walk off. "So Daddy did you have a good day?" Sam asked as I began walking back to Fluttershy's cottage. "Not really I did boring adult things all day." In truth I was restless all day and decided to work out all day since it was the only way for me to work out all of my pent up energy. But all in all I think Sam's first day of school was successful . "Now tell me all about your day I want to hear everything." I said with a smile as Sam began talking about his day that when it dawned on me. I was raising my son right and it showed in that big grin he always wore I was doing something right with my life and it is all thanks to Sam. I decided to hug my son tight as he returned the hug. "I love you Sam." I told him. "I love you too daddy." I couldn't be more proud of him. "Let's hurry up Fluttershy is waiting for us." "Can we have burgers tonight?" Sam asked with a pleading look. "I will talk with Fluttershy and we will figure something out." We continued on our way to Fluttershy's house all in all today had turned out perfect. > Part 5: Babysitter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Hardships of A Father Part 5: A Babysitter By: Major Frostwing I sat outside Fluttershy's home sitting in the snow looking out at the frozen landscape a cigarette hanging out of my mouth. I took a slow hit blowing the smoke out of my nose. "It's so peaceful out here." I said taking a deep breath of the arctic air. I looked at the cigarette in my hand scowling. Smoking was how I dealt with the loss of Samantha and I feel as if I stop smoking I will forget I lost her. "Maybe I should put up a grave so I can go visit her." I said putting the cigarette in my mouth. "A grave for whom?" I heard a woman ask as I looked over slightly startled. Rarity was looking down at me with a smile. "Just my late wife I still need a place to go to for her birthday." I said with a sigh. "I just don't know where to put it." Rarity thought about it for a second before snapping her fingers. "Ponyville does have a cemetery over that hill." Rarity said pointing over a hill I nodded smiling. "I guess I have to get a gravestone and plot picked out for her." I said taking a hit on my cigarette. "That will cost me a pretty penny." I said with another sigh. "I hope it goes well for you Darling. Now then can you tell me where Fluttershy is it is time for our spa date." I raised an eyebrow looking down at my watch smiling. "At this time she is most likely reading." I said getting to my feet. "I hope you two have a good time at your spa date." I offered a smile to Rarity and she smiled back to me. After a few minutes Rarity and Fluttershy had left for their spa date I just sat outside enjoying the day and crisp cold. Sam was already put down for his nap so he should be doing OK for the next hour. I waved goodbye to Fluttershy and Rarity and they waved back as they moved into the distance. ------------------------------ 3rd Person POV Fluttershy and Rarity walked towards the spa with Rarity talking about her new orders and Fluttershy "listening" to her friend giving only little snippets that she was listening to her. What was really going on was Fluttershy was thinking about Jeremy she blushed at the mere thought of Jeremy and would move her eyes to her feet every time. To Rarity's trained eye for detail she noticed all of these signs and smiled. "So Darling how are things with Jeremy?" Rarity asked calmly adjusting her hair with a bounce. "Oh um, things are good." Fluttershy whispered hiding her blush behind her hair. "He has been such a help around the house even going as far as to rebuild a section of my home." Fluttershy smiled thinking back on how Jeremy came back from Sweet Apple Acres with a few things of wood and a set of tools. "He just does so much for me and every time I tell him he doesn't have to he looks at me smiling before going back to helping. Sam helps as well when he can." Fluttershy added as Rarity only smiled. "Well he does owe you a great amount for your kindness to him and his son." Rarity pushed open the door to the spa motioning for Fluttershy to enter. "It very simple Darling since he has no money to pay you back with he does whatever he can to make you feel as comfortable as possible." Rarity walked up to the counter signing her name down as Aloe and Lotus lead both of them to the back to get their usual. "I have to say I am a little jealous you find such a wonderful stallion." Fluttershy let out an eep hiding behind her hair tapping her index fingers together. "If you are not to careful darling another mare might just claim him for themselves." Rarity teased until she saw Fluttershy look up at her with anger. "They wouldn't understand that they need to take care of Sam while Jeremy isn't there." Rarity was startled by Fluttershy's sudden assertiveness. "If anything were to happen to Sam Jeremy would be crushed and I don't want to see that happen." Fluttershy's shoulders slumped at the thought of Jeremy being sad. "I don't want to see him sad or hurt." Fluttershy clutched her hands to her chest. "I couldn't bear it." Rarity placed her hand gently on Fluttershy's shoulder. "I'm sorry dear I was only teasing it was very rude of me to do so." Fluttershy nodded her head in understanding. "How about I make it up to you. You and Jeremy go out for a nice dinner my treat and I will watch Samuel tonight don't worry nothing bad will happen I promise." Fluttershy looked up conflicted on what she should do. "I don't know Rarity what if he says no?" Fluttershy sulked once again at the thought. "Well then I shall call him and secure your date tonight." Rarity flipped open her phone using her magic calling Jeremy on his phone. "No Rarity please I don't want to bur-" "Hello?" Jeremy answered his phone rather confused about being called by Rarity. "Darling I just had a wonderful idea for tonight. You and Fluttershy should go out tonight for dinner and I will watch Sam for you while you two are out tonight." Rarity said with a smile. "Hold on a second... Hey champ? Do you mind spending time with Rarity while I am at dinner with Fluttershy? ... You sure you don't mind? ... OK OK no need to be pushy... Yea I can go to dinner what time do I need to be ready by?" Jeremy asked as Sam yelled a "Yay". "Be ready by 7 and I will be over to watch Sam." Rarity answered smoothly. "Rarity please I don't want to burden him." Fluttershy pleaded blushing like mad. "Cool I'll see you then I will give you some tips on handling Sam when you get here... Ow Sam no punching my leg." The phone line went dead as Jeremy hung up his phone. "See Darling that wasn't so hard now was it." Rarity said smiling to her friend. "What am I going to do?" Fluttershy thought to herself unable to relax now that she had a date with Jeremy. --------------------------------------- Jeremy sat on the couch looking at the clock with a bored expression Sam was sitting next to him mimicking each of his movements. "It's almost 7... When are they going to get here?" Jeremy asked no one in particular. "I don't know Daddy but good luck." Sam said holding up his fist. Jeremy glanced down at his son bumping his fist with a cocky grin. "Who needs luck when you have skill?" Jeremy asked as his son giggled happily. There was a knock on the door catching Jeremy's attention. Jeremy stood giving one last stretch before going to the door opening it to See Fluttershy, Rarity, and a little filly that could not be much older than Sam. "Darling it is so good to see you once again." Rarity said giving a curtsy to Jeremy before making her way over to Sam. Jeremy looked down at the little filly who gave him a curtsy before following after Rarity. Jeremy only cocked an eyebrow before looking back at Fluttershy this time actually looking her over. "Well I feel a little under dressed." Jeremy said with a smile. Fluttershy was wearing a tight fitting green dress that accented all the right places with a small yellow and green spaghetti string purse. Jeremy on the other hand wore a black T-shirt with blue jeans and his classic black leather jacket. "I'm sorry." Fluttershy whispered shuffling her feet awkwardly. Jeremy smiled hooking his arm in her's. "Don't be sorry you look stunning." Jeremy soothed motioning for them to take their leave before a thought occurred to him. "Oh and Rarity a word of warning. Do not give Sam sugar he gets a little crazy. Sam you behave I will know if you aren't." Sam nodded waving goodbye to his father. Jeremy smiled pulling the door closed behind them as they made their way to town for their dinner. Once they had reached the restaurant Jeremy got a few stares but Fluttershy got more than a few she got some slack-jaws as well. "I think they like your dress." Jeremy whispered to Fluttershy who let out a small "Eep" gripping Jeremy's arm tighter. "Don't worry Flutters I won't let anything happen to you." Jeremy reassured her with a smile. "How can you be so sure?" Fluttershy asked a little nervous as they were finally sat down. "Simple." Jeremy looked behind them at their waiter motioning for him to come over. Once the waiter was at their table Jeremy whispered something into his ear he stepped back a little shocked before running off into the kitchen. "What did you do?" Fluttershy asked a little concerned for what Jeremy said to the waiter. "Oh nothing really just asked him if they sold meat here." Jeremy shrugged seeing the horrified look on Fluttershy's face. "Humans are omnivores we can eat both meat and greens but since I know you are a vegetarian. I will not eat meat in your presence or in your home it would just be rude." Jeremy looked over to see the waiter return. "Don't worry I was just kidding I will take a salad with balsamic vinaigrette extra croutons if you don't mind." Jeremy said with a smile. "I will have the same." Fluttershy whispered looking down at her hands. The waiter took the menus walking off. "Sorry Fluttershy I shouldn't have done that but sometimes I have to play the bad guy to protect those around me. I would never do anything that would hurt your feelings." Jeremy rubbed the back of his head a little uncomfortable about potentially ruining the night before it even really began. "No it's OK I just wish I was stronger so I don't have to worry those around me." Fluttershy looked up seeing Jeremy smile to her. "My mother was a tough woman could easily put my old man on his butt and has more than once put me on the ground but that didn't stop my father from being a tough S.O.B. to protect her." Jeremy let out a chuckle looking Fluttershy in her light blue eyes. "What I'm trying to say is no matter how tough you are it doesn't mean anything if you don't have people willing to back you up or even stand up for you when you can't." Fluttershy looked at Jeremy in a new light. "He is perfect." Fluttershy thought to herself as he food was set down in front of her. Jeremy had his food set in front of him and he smiled. "Hey can we get a bottle of wine?" Jeremy asked as the waiter nodded going to fetch the bottle. "I don't know why but I always enjoy wine with a salad." Fluttershy smiled nodding as the waiter returned pouring their drinks. Jeremy raised his glass to Fluttershy. "A toast to protecting what we love." Fluttershy lifted her glass tapping it gently to Jeremy's before taking a sip of the drink they both ate their salads every now and again telling a story about their pasts. After the bottle of wine was finished Jeremy was finishing up his story on his victory in the golden gloves tournament. "So I took the hit but returned it with an upper and a right hook to the guys jaw he went out like a light." Fluttershy was a little shocked on how Jeremy could take such a beating but still win. "Weren't you scared going into that fight?" Fluttershy asked her cheeks red from the wine. "Any real fighter will tell you going into a fight is scary. You are going into a fight that could potentially end your career or permanently put you down. Plus I was told by my coach how the first round of the fight went would judge if he would even let me back out there. So I told myself if I can only get one round I better win in that one round." Jeremy shrugged about to take a drink from his glass when he noticed it was empty. "I think we should get back home we did polish off a bottle of wine." Jeremy said motioning for the waiter to come over for their check. "Rarity said she was going to pay for this night." Fluttershy said standing up only to slip and fall. Jeremy moved quickly catching her. "You OK to walk home?" Jeremy asked seeing the blush on her cheeks. Fluttershy didn't make a noise except for a small almost inaudible squeak. The waiter walked over a little concerned. "We're good apparently Rarity has this covered?" Jeremy asked to see the waiter nod walking away. "Come on Flutters let's get you home." Jeremy wrapped his arm around Fluttershy walking her out the door into the frigid night. Fluttershy gave off a light shiver as the wind blew past Jeremy could feel her shiver so being the gentleman he was slid his coat off of his shoulders. "You must be cold only wearing that dress." Jeremy wrapped his coat around her smiling. Fluttershy was about to protest when Jeremy set a finger on her lips. "I will not let you walk home in this cold without a coat. I can survive much worse than this tiny cold." He smiled moving his finger away from her lips wrapping his arm around her walking forward. Fluttershy held the coat tight smelling his scent coming from the coat. "It's so warm and smells just like him." Fluttershy glanced up at Jeremy behind her hair smiling. "He is perfect." Fluttershy thought as she instinctively pushed herself closer to him. Jeremy tightened his wrap on her shoulder looking down at her smiling. The walk back was peaceful and without a doubt beautiful each stare shined brightly along with the moon which seemed to shine brighter just for them. When they got to their door they opened it to see Sam Rarity and Sweetie Belle all passed out on the coach. Jeremy and Fluttershy shared a small laugh at how adorable it was before pulling a blanket up for them to sleep comfortably Jeremy was about to lay down in a chair when Fluttershy stopped him. "J-Jeremy w-would you l-like to sleep in m-my b-b-b-bed... w-with m-me?" Fluttershy nervously stuttered out Jeremy looked at her seeing how nervous she was and a little unsure on how to approach the subject with him. He thought it over before smiling to her. "You don't need to push yourself if it makes you uncomfortable." Jeremy said pulling up her chin so he could see her eyes. "You don't need to prove anything to me." Fluttershy seemed to melt under his kind gaze. "I just don't want to be alone tonight." Fluttershy said with batted breath. Jeremy could feel her shaking fighting against her nature. "OK but only sleeping we both could use it." Fluttershy nodded showing Jeremy to her room. Fluttershy moved to the bathroom to change into her sleepwear Jeremy only took off his boots and T-shirt sitting down on the edge of the bed. After a minute Fluttershy entered the room wearing a long baggy T-shirt crawling under the covers of the bed. Jeremy slid in next to her rolling over so he was looking at her she rolled to meet his gaze. "Good night Flutters sleep peacefully." Jeremy closed his eyes smiling as he drifted off to sleep. Fluttershy watched him sleeping soundly before turning her back to Jeremy. She scooted closer to him as she felt Jeremy wrap an arm around her frame pulling her closer. She let out a content sigh as one thought prevailed before she fell into her dreams. "He is perfect for me." > Part 6: Royal Talks > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Hardships of A Father Part 6: Royal Talks By: Major Frostwing I awoke the next morning to the sounds of soft snoring and something warm and soft gripping me. I cracked my eyes open seeing coral pink invade my vision. I let out a small groan shifting to get more comfortable. My head felt fuzzy but I knew the reason why. "We did polish off an entire bottle of wine between the two of us." I mumbled as I gave up the futile attempt to go back to sleep. Once I spoke out loud I knew I couldn't go back to sleep. I untangled Fluttershy from me before getting to my feet stretching my body out. I felt cold when I left the bed but that was the price for waking up. I quietly left the room making my way downstairs to go and check up on my son. He was sitting by the couch tossing a ball back and forth between Rarity and her little sister. He smiled walking up to his son ruffling his hair as he opened a closet pulling out a new shirt. "Darling it is so good to see you up and about. How was your date with Fluttershy?" I looked over my shoulder seeing Rarity and her sister looking at me with big grins. "It went well." I said sliding my shirt over my self letting out a sigh. "Dinner was fantastic and we talked about what I used to do before Sam." I smiled as I slid the new shirt over my back. "Darling I never got to ask when I first saw them but what are all those black marks covering your body?" I stopped looking down at my arms and chest. "I really liked tattoos when I was younger." I said putting my shirt on. "I'm not proud of some of them but others make me happy." I leaned against the closet door smiling. "It just seems as if you have hundreds of cutie marks." Rarity said looking at the tattoos on my forearms. "What's a cutie mark?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. "It's a mark that shows our special talent." Rarity slid up he sleeve showing off her right shoulder. A trio of baby blue diamonds seemed to sparkle in the low light. "This is my cutie mark." "Looks like a standard tattoo to me." I said rolling up my sleeve looking at my blank right shoulder. "That's strange." I said running my hand over my shoulder. "What's wrong darling?" I ran my fingers over the blank flesh on my arm. "I used to have a crow on this shoulder and a raven on the other..." I continued to stare at the blank flesh. "I just got it a month ago..." Rarity looked at me confused. "Jeremy are you going to be alright?" I snapped away from the mark sliding my sleeve down. "Yea yea I'll be alright. Just wish I had an idea what was going on." I said looking over to Sam who looked concerned at me. "Daddy?" Sam asked getting up hugging my leg. "It's ok Champ I don't need all these tattoos anyway." I pat Sam on the head smiling as he smiles back. "Come on Champ I'll make you some breakfast. You are more than welcome to join us Rarity." I said as she smiled sweetly to me. "I would love to darling but sadly I have to take Sweetie Belle back home. Plus I have all kinds of work that I need to do." She walked over giving me and Sam a hug. "Treat her well Jeremy." Rarity whispered in my ear as she got Sweetie Belle leaving the cottage. "Oh well more for us. Afterwards we will feed the animals." I said as I went into the kitchen getting the materials to make pancakes. I could make a mean Pancake. After a few minutes Fluttershy made her way to the kitchen sitting down next to Sam. She looked exhausted so I poured her a cup of coffee passing it over to her. "Just how you like it." I said as I poured Sam a cup of juice which I passed to him as well. "Did you sleep well?" I asked both of them while flipping a pancake. "Oh yes I slept wonderfully." Fluttershy said taking a sip of her coffee. "I had an awesome dream Daddy I was a superhero and I could fly and stuff." I looked over my shoulder smiling at both of them. "Pancakes are almost done." I said as I pulled the last pancake off of the skillet setting it on the final plate. "Alright dig in." I set down the plates in front of both of them also pulling out the syrup for them to use. We all ate in relative silence. -------------------------------------- Later in the day we all decided to go visit Twilight. she told us earlier in the day that someone wanted to meet both Sam and myself. I didn't know who we were to meet but whoever it was seemed important. "Daddy who are we meeting?" I looked down to Sam smiling. "Maybe we will get to meet a Princess and you can sweep her off her feet." I said as he smiled brightly to me. "I think Twilight wants us to meet the Princesses." Fluttershy said as I looked over at her with a dumbstruck look on my face. "Wait seriously!" I placed a hand on my head letting out a sigh. "Oh dear. That's not good." I ran my hand through my hair letting out a low whistle. "I feel dizzy all of a sudden." "Oh no maybe you should sit down." Fluttershy and Sam quickly moved me over to a bench where I sat down holding a hand onto my head. "One fuck up that's all it takes... One fuck up and they will send us back to our world. Wait... wasn't that what we wanted all along?" I asked myself as I tried to get control over my breathing. "This isn't our world but... I'm finding myself not wanting to leave... Sam has friends a better home than I could ever give him. As long as Sam is happy there shouldn't be any problem." I nodded slowly coming to my senses. "Good. Very Good." "Jeremy are you going to be alright?" Fluttershy asked as I looked up at her smiling. "Yea Fluttershy everything should be alright." I said shaking the last of my fears and doubts from my mind. "Sam we have something worth fighting for so no matter what we are going to stay in Equestria." I looked down to Sam to see him nod a look of determination on his face. "Right." He said clenching his tiny fists. "Good now let's go meet these Princesses." I got to my feet picking Sam up. "Maybe you can still woo one of them with you devilish charms." I teased him as he tapped his fist against my jaw. "Daddy stop teasing me." I laughed as Fluttershy giggled at our antics. ----------------------------- We arrived at Twilight's in good time. I reached out to knock on the door when it opened up suddenly revealing a very frazzled Twilight. "Uh Twilight you got a bit of..." I began motioning my entire face. "Crazy on you." I pointed out as she twisted her head to the side letting out a loud crack. "You are LATE!" She said as her eye twitched. "Twilight you are making us more late by not letting us in." Her head snapped back to it's normal place as she smiled again. "Oh sorry." She gave us a sheepish smile moving out of our way as we stepped inside. What I saw gave me pause two mares stood in the center of the room they were both tall and had an air of Royalty about them. I swallowed my fear as I picked up my son walking forward. The two women before me were both beautiful stunning even but what really caught my eye was the fact they looked to be polar opposites. The first on was a pure white with long flowing hair of pink, sea-foam green, and gentle blue. She wore a long white flowing dress with golden sandles. She had a golden crown and necklace on her. I continued my observation of her noticing her white wings and large white horn on her head. The other woman was just like the white one just with negative color. She had blue fur and the hair of a night sky. She wore a black dress and wore a black crown and necklace. She had large blue wings and a long blue horn. "So you must be Jeremy and Samuel I have heard a lot about you from Princess Twilight. We have also heard of the lengths you went all in the name of your son." The white one said with a smile. "It's nothing really anyone would have done it for their own family." I scratched the back of my head embarrassed at the praise. "Sadly that is not always true most stallions can't handle the responsibility to take care of their own colts and fillies." She said with a sigh. "I would never abandon my son I would rather die than let harm come to him." I stated with confidence. "I'm sorry I get ahead of myself. May I have your names?" I asked as they both nodded. "My name is Princess Celestia I control the sun and I am co-ruler of the kingdom of Equestria." The white one said with a bow. "Our name is Luna. We control the moon we are co-ruler of Equestria." The Blue one said albeit a little louder than Celestia. "A pleasure to meet both of you Princesses. I am Jeremy and this is my son Samuel." I looked down to my son watching him stare at the two Princesses with wide eyes of curiosity. "Sam do you want to say hello to the Princesses?" I asked him to see him nod. I set Sam down to see him walk slowly over to them. The Princesses watched him with smiles. Sam walked up to Luna looking up to meet her eyes he gave her leg a hug. I couldn't help but chuckle as Luna picked up Sam holding him up in her arms. "Hello young one." Luna said with a smile. Sam smiled looking at her long flowing hair. "How do you get your hair to do that?" Sam asked flatly. "Tis but a spell." Luna answered with a smile. Luna looked to me. "Tis such a well behaved child how far would you be willing to go to keep him safe?" The room went quiet at that one question. "Luna it is impolite to ask such a question so forwardly." Celestia said before looking to me. "I'm sorry but it is a question we have to ask though." "How far am I willing to go to keep Sam safe?" I asked as Sam looked to me with a smile. "I won't lie to you Princess if you were to try and take my last bit of happiness away from me I don't know what I would do." I clenched my hands into fists. "But I know I would do everything in my power to get him back. I would rather die than lose my son." I let my hands relax as I heard a crash behind me. I looked back seeing that a vase had fallen off of a table shattering on impact. I looked back to Luna and Celestia to see them nod. "Sorry but we had to ask. I just hope you won't cause troubles in our country until we find some way to send you back." Celestia said with a smile. "Now then we only came today to find out a few things about you but we learned enough from Twilight's letters. We hope you have a good day." Luna set down Samuel as he ran back to me. Both of the Princesses disappeared in a flash of light. I smiled picking up my son. "I think they like us Sam." I said ruffling his hair with my hand. "Must have been those devilish charms of yours at work." He giggled trying to bat away my hand. -------------------------- -Canterlot Castle- "You saw it did you not sister?" Luna asked Celestia as they sat in the throne room. "Indeed I did sister. When Jeremy spoke about protecting his son he somehow lifted the vase and dropped it when he relaxed."Celestia said thinking back. "We should inform Princess Twilight that she should check on his magic levels and if possible see if he can be trained to use his magic." Luna stated with a sigh. "I could feel that magic he was using it felt dark and deathly cold." "It is the same as anyone who is willing to stand up to us to protect a loved one. but I will agree it does feel more malicious than anyone else I have met before. I felt as if he would try to strike us down if we were to try and take his son away." Celestia let out her own sigh. "As long as one of the elements keeps an eye on him he will be under control and not be a threat." "Agreed sister. Though I can feel it on the horizon... something is coming and I fear we might see how far Jeremy is willing to go." Luna looked out of one of the windows watching the sky. "It is almost time to raise the moon sister we should prepare." Celestia said getting off of her throne moving to her spot to lower the sun quickly followed by Luna.