Desire's Truth

by The Joeker

First published

'The number of the Riders shall ever be Four' I may have been, misled into thinking that, there are 5 Riders, as in death I have discovered the mythological fifth, when I was slain I was sitting in a dark room and there was a figure sitting there...

(cred to Blizzard Entertainment and LDAustin for the pic)
'The number of the Riders shall ever be Four'
I missed out 'Conquest' for a reason... he is but a myth to us, even I know not to believe it, Conquest was a fake identity...

Don't you judge me mortal! you have no right! for your information I have much knowledge...!

But the Nephilim kept even this from me, so begone!

No? you want a story I guess?
Let me continue(read short description first)
...the figure neither spoke nor moved until he asked me to recount history for him, I did just that, at the end he sent me to guide Death, why? I didn't know, when he sacrificed and I finished my tale he revealed himself as the fifth Horseman...

Desire... and there is peace right now...

But that will all change when Desire is sent on a mission, which I will account for you in these chapters.

(eventual clop, I will mark featured chapters)

Prologue(Introduction): Brotherhood and Sisterhood

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Some points to clear first:
1: I am the Crowfather for those who don't already know.

The 2nd and last thing is: Desire is NOT Nephilim, he is an Old One, he joined the Nephilim crusade for a reason, to find a purpose, it was he who suggested the Council to Death to stop the Nephilim, Desire was the only reason the Council even heard Death out, when they liked what they heard and the 5 were pledged in service to them.

Desire was the one to comfort Death after Absalom, due him being able to resist Death's punishment he acted as a punching bag for the elder Horseman for the best part of a decade, after Deaths anger was replaced with desire to protect his remaining siblings, and Desire was glad at that, Desire binds the Horsemen together, they all respect and admire him, but love him like a brother, and he feels likewise, even though he is not like them.

He has a group of Hellhounds known as The Vanquishers of Sin, when called he could hold them on a leash and they could sniff out sin a mile away(imagine CoD Zombies hellhounds) if he let them loose, they would jump at said sinners but rather doing any physical damage they would jump at them, and the person would appear to fall down dead and the hound would disappear, when really they have both entered the spirit world and the hound will drag their soul to hell.

Now for his arsenal:
He wields Black Mercy, after persuading Death to allow him to and Mortis fully awakened integrated with his gauntlet and Affliction, and lastly he wields a similar blade called 'Damnation'.

Damnation is a Grand Abomination and gives the soul of the one it kills necromantic power, turning it into a very powerful and valuable currency, an energy source, or a faithful servant bound to the wielder, when fully awoken it can affect the minds of those it is near even when not in combat.

It was the biological weapon of world destroyers, plant it in a realm when fully awakened and the populace would wipe themselves out, also when fully awakened it is only loyal to the one who wielded it last, Affliction & Damnation are not fully awakened until Desire takes on the form of the Headless Horseman (his true form=cover art: he gets bigger, green flames appear and imagine he has glowing green lines going through his armor vertically and he has a crown on.)

Desire also has the power to judge souls as he can see how pure their life and intentions, if he wishes to judge a soul he can summon his Abyssal Throne which gives him the judgement, none can disturb his court, not even his siblings or even the Charred Council, his ruling is final and often swift and brutal depending on the person, they expect to see God and they instead see a hooded human damning them or ascending them, it seems like he had much power, but in reality it is his ability to see into their hearts that the Council thought he should be able to judge any soul he feels is worthy, which isn't very often.

Remember, he is not invincible, nearly, however close but no cigar as you mortals say, why do you come to me for stories anyway? don't you have your INtranet now or whatever? an old man could do with some peace... anyway onto the real story now.

-A couple of hundred years ago, maybe more-
"come on brother! surely there is something you desire?" asked Strife with a laugh.

"I desire to be left alone by you little brother," laughed a humanoid creature, claws not unlike Tiamat covered by a black gauntlet or more like disguised, the gauntlet made it seem like his claws were part of the gauntlet rather than his actual claws.

Also he had rows of sharp teeth only visible when he smiled fully or tried to be intimidating , green glowing eyes and a black helmet(image on Chapter 4 when it's out) when he is on mission, he wears a hood and facemask when not, when he is in battle it was plated with black armor his hair was black and curly, wavy when he wants, he had the height and strength of War, the marksmanship of Strife, the temper of Fury and the agility, near invulnerability and heightened senses of Death, he could twist simple desires into cravings, a demon wants power in his heart? Desire will make the want a need and the demon will kill to get what he wants.

"That was a good one," chuckled Death, the only time they let their hair down was with each other.

"I don't see what's funny... we pick on Strife everyday," smiled War.

"Shut up brother," mumbled Strife.

"Leave him alone, he doesn't need us calling out his... many many... many many many many flaws do you?" laughed Fury.

"this isn't fair!" called Strife.

"Life isn't fair bro, get used to it, after a couple millennia you'd think you'd get it," Desire rolled his eyes.

"War is the youngest here! shouldn't he be the one getting lectured?" asked Strife.

"I may be young but I kicked your ass when I slaughtered those humans!" he pointed out.

Suddenly a familiar voice rung out.

"Oh Horrrrseeeeemeeeennnn!" called the Watcher Panoptos.

"Here we go," said Desire as the Watcher approached.

"The Counnnncil hasssss neeeeed of you allllll," he said in a jeering voice.

"Oh Infernum, here we go," sighed Fury as they all mounted their horses, Desire's horse was Guilt, as from Desire spawned Guilt.

"What? it won't be that bad, let Death and War listen, we can zone out and wait to hear the plan," said Desire with a half smile.

"If you do I will seal you in the Vault myself," said Death, deadpanning his face but his tone showed humour.

"Ehh, could be worse... and we need to ask for a pay rise," said Desire.

"We don't get paid!" said Strife who was confused.

"Exactly!" said Desire as they arrived.

"What would they pay us? souls? weapons? maybe they could replace Strife's ugly helmeted mug," chuckled War, but they all clamped up as soon as they were outside the Council Chambers.

They entered the Chamber for another day on the job as Horsemen...

That is all I can recount for now mortals, leave until next week possibly tomorrow, you will know when to return, because you will favorite this story... and comment with no flames and constructive criticism only, until next time mortals... if you live that long.

The Charred Council

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"Bloody Council... calling me in the middle of training... or was I napping...? screw it..." muttered Desire as he rode to the Charred Council's little slice of 'Paradise' he was alone and had no idea what they wanted, he could've sworn he heard the faint call of the seals, but that was impossible... right?

On to matters at hand, unless it was the Apocalypse... in which case he's missed it... shit... that would be bad, the Horseman are supposed to ride, but it would've been clearer if it were the end of times, right?

He was interrupted in his thoughts when he he entered the courtroom and stood before the Council.

"Horseman! late as always..." said one head.

"Yeah? bite me," he mumbled.

"Why do you make things so hard?" asked the middle head.

"Who knows? anyway I sense my youngest sibling had been here, I also heard the slight call of the Seals if I'm not mistaken, but it was too faint, but a whisper to my heightened senses," he affirmed.

"Unfortunately, your brother rode to Earth and has been accused of siding with demons" said the final head.

Desire took his hood down.

"What? you're accusing my youngest sibling of treachery? he is the most loyal after Death and I!" exclaimed the Horseman.

"We know he is not!"

"For do we not see all?"

"We are the all seeing power," said the three heads in that order.

"We have sent your brother to earth to find the one responsible for this, Abbadon!!!" said the angry head.

"Doesn't Death also ride?" asked the questioning head.

"Death has ridden? why wasn't I informed? more importantly, why haven't I rode? I need to be down there to save him!" said Desire.

"We have our reasons!"

"Yes, both your brothers are riding, Death seeks to exonerate War and War seeks to exonerate himself and serve the Council as always," said the just head.

"Worry not, your need to save your brother and to ride for them and this Council will be sated! because you will also be riding Horseman, but to another Realm, one untouched by our Makers!" said the angry head.

"How is that possible?" he asked.

"You wish to help your brother do you not? unfortunately the rumour he is working against us has spread and everyone wants to kill him, wouldn't you?"

"You will embark on a mission to help your brother, even if War exonerates himself, the Council will still be viewed as weak for not acting stronger to the threat. So we need you to find something to restore Harmony between the First and Second Kingdoms, unfortunately we only know the location and no specific details. We need a place untouched by your siblings influence, we have found it, find something to return the races to harmony and bring the humans back, now go, ride Horseman! equip yourself and good luck," he said.

"Do whatever it takes to restore the balance!"

"And try not to get killed would you?"

"Of course," said Desire.

:Desire's POV:
I exited the Council Chambers and called my steed.

"Guilt!" I said, he appeared beside me, The Skeletal Steed they called him, he was a bony white pony when not at full charge and when he was, he was a Horse made of shadow, with green flames making a crown, his mane and his tail.

"Take us wherever the Council leads us," I said, fully trusting my steed to lead us, eventually we approached the barrier to this other world, and it was made of rainbows... (wow, I can't believe Desire told me that...).

"I guess this is some kind of protection from Angels and Demons, set in place by one of the Old Ones, apparently it's as effective as wearing several condoms at once, VERY good at keeping unwanted things away," I said.

Then we both rode through the portal and all went black...

-meanwhile in Ponyville-

"Sunshine sunshine, ladybugs awake! clap your hooves and do a little shake! I can't believe you are here Cadence!" spoke Twilight as the Love Princess was visiting for the second time in a month, things were slow at the Empire currently, lots of paperwork, so she had time to kill for her sister-in-law.

"Yes, this time we will do something relaxing, and fun! I was thinking, the spa and then out to eat and maybe a party later?" said Cadence.

"That throws a wrench in today's plan..."

"Twilight I-" started Cadence.

"Which is superduper ok!" cheered Twilight and looked excited.

"Thats a relief, somepony else would also like to let their manes down," smiled Cadence as Celestia and Luna disembarked from the train.

"We could use a day off, no important meetings, just so much paperwork, so we threw today's letters in the fire," said Celestia with her friendly smile.

"Yes, we simply thought 'to Tartarus with this!' and came here for some fun, we hear Cadence has some very relaxing things planned," smiled Luna.

"Yes, all your friends should come to! it will be better with them!" chirped Cadence.

"Well-" started Twilight before a meteor was visible overhead, plummeting to Equestria at breakneck speeds.

"Did you-" started Twilight again.

"Nay, I did not schedule any meteor showers for this day, sister?" asked Luna.

"No, not any that were planned anyway..." she replied.

"This can't be good..." said Cadence as they looked at the meteor.

What they didn't know was that there was a Horseman in there who needed to save his brother and was willing to do whatever it takes. The rocky formation burned away in the atmosphere, so it was the Horseman riding the fire himself, but the fire covered his form so it still looked as though it were just a rocky meteor.

First Impressions

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Ah, you're back! and still alive... impressive for a mortal...

And who's this joining us? it's the Horseman himself, Desire, he wishes to tell you himself I believe, why don't you pick up where we left off Horseman, it was when you were falling...

-Desire's POV(including narration at the start of chapters with the Crowfather from now on)-
Ah of course, here we go mortals, do try and pay attention... and don't die while I'm telling the tale...

"Ah shit, this burns worse than when I first discovered 'fire' and tried to see if it was edible..." I reminisced, my armor suddenly left my body and Affliction left my holster on my back(Affliction and Damnation are crossed diagonally on his back when not in use) and flew to the planet, landing in a different location to where I was headed.

"3, 2, 1-" I stopped as I crashed exactly at the time I predicted.

You know, I'd like to say 'I'm a Horseman and that didn't hurt, haha!' yeah... but it hurt... like a bitch.

I wish the goddamn Council would provide layered meteors so we didn't burn up before we even set a foot on the planet, it's embarrassing to be killed in the atmosphere, revived by the Council, and turning up to battle late... yikes...

"I reiterate my point... payrise..." I grunted as I got up, a forest? how quaint... a dark forest(the Everfree after the Tree of Harmony Incident, so it's safe-ish), it must be my birthday- wait, when was I born? was I born? you know, I can't remember! I must be older than I thought, do Old Ones even celebrate birthdays? somehow I doubt it...

Now on a downer, I buggered off to the nearest sign of life, wait, technically there was life all around me as the trees count as... you know what? nevermind... being old is a bitch, being immortal can be a sonofabitch.

I digress, I was in the forest scanning my surroundings and guess what I saw!

Trees... lots and lots of trees, oh and trees! did I mention the trees?


I walked through the dense wooden trunks and looked for any signs of people, or at least sentient beings!

I could swore I saw a village on the way down, but I was also falling at about 5500 mph so my view isn't exactly the best one.

Eventually I just started cutting down trees in my way I was so bored, I saw wooden wolves sometimes but they just cowered away...

Ah the circle of life... and no, I'm not going to sing Elton John...

Eventually I could see the sky and smokestacks in the not-so-far distance, either from a town or the meteor, or both... hopefully it didn't destroy a town... that would be a shame.

My journey through the forest reminded my of my wanderings pre-Council era, wandering the Realms, some overgrown battlefields, where I would judge poor souls that were left behind.

Enough thinking about currently trivial things, right now I gotta wonder how in Hell am I going to introduce myself to these villagers if I find them? 'hi, I'm an ancient being seeking Harmony, do you know where I might find it?' sheesh, what the Hell is the Council thinking?

This better not be another drunk dream, if I wake up naked in Pandora's Realm again, so help me the Council...

Suddenly the trees parted and I could breathe less air because trees give off air and I was surrounded by trees... you get the idea.

I saw a town not far ahead, it looked like a Medieval humans town, where there humans here? maybe not all is lost after all...

"Guilt!" my horse came out of the ground beneath me and I was mounted within a second, better than the humans way of climbing up.

We both trotted into town (well, Guilt did) and I noticed it looked deserted.

"Where in Hell is everyone...?" I asked.

-meanwhile, Sugarcube Corner-
"What is it?" asked a voice
"Will it harm us?"
"How big is it? I can't see!"
"It's huge!"
"what is it riding?"

"calm down everypony!" whispered Twilight harshly, she looked out the window again and saw the things green eyes surveying the town sharply and coldly, as if it were judging it.

"Yes, we have this under control," said Celestia

"Indeed tis nothing we cannot handle," smiled Luna

"We will protect you," said Cadence, they all turned to Twilight who was observing it

"I think it's a Changeling riding a slightly bigger Changeling, judging by the eyes," said Twilight and looked back at the group to confirm they had heard her.

"Do you always make such assumptions before you've met someone?" came a questioning voice.

Everypony jumped and Twilight spun around and saw the figure looking in their direction.

"How did-" she started to whisper before shaking her head.

"How did you hear us?" she asked boldly.

"Enhanced hearing, you may as well come out," it said as it dismounted and it's mount sank into the ground.

"Princesses, back door, move!" mouthed Pinkie frantically to the four Alicorns.

Twilight went right next to Pinkie's face so she could whisper very quietly.

"Remember Zecora? We misjudged her, we shouldn't assume-" she stopped as Luna and Cadence were already out.

-in the square Third Person's POV-

"HOLD THERE BEASTS! YOU ARE UNDER ARREST CHANGELING!" said Luna in her Royal Canterlot Voice.

"HOW DARE YOU SHOW YOUR FACE AROUND HERE AGAIN!" exclaimed Cadence in her own Royal voice.

Seeing talking ponies startled him, but he'd seen weirder in his long life so it didn't show

"I think you both have me confu-" he growled before he was interrupted.

"Are thou resisting arrest?" asked Luna.

"Yes I am," he answered, if these... ponies wanted a fight, they'd get one.

"en guarde Changeling!" exclaimed Luna

He pulled Damnation out and got into a fighting stance

"Bring it on horsie," he said

Luna charged him and he just stood there, as she was about to impale him he moved to the right and swung his sword out to the left a she passed, he moved his blade with her movement, she slowed and came to a halt as he let his hand hand fall to his side.

Seconds went by as she just stood there, unmoving, Cadence never took her eye off the Horseman but moved to the left, going to her auntie as did the Mare 6 and Celestia.

They went to the front of her when they noticed a little cut on her neck, she wasn't breathing or moving and her pupils were dilated.

"Luna! are you ok? talk to us!" implored Twilight

"auntie? auntie?" asked Cadence

"Sister, wha-" started Celestia before Luna fell to her knees and her neck burst open in a stream of blood as she started choking and coughing as her neck bled and the full extent of the cut was revealed, it went halfway through her neck. They tried to stop the bleeding frantically with their hooves.

"Come on Lulu, don't do this! I just got you back! please! stay with us!" implored Celestia in tears as her sister choked on her own blood and the life left her pretty eyes.

They tried to no avail, Princess Luna bled out and was dead. (for those who are horrified and about to click off the tab, WAIT! look again and the sentences wording, and stick around)

Her soul seemed to leave her body and turn purple as it absorbed into his sword.

Celestia cried, no, wept over her sister's corpse.

Cadence then took up a battle stance.

The Horseman looked on, unfazed.

"You. Killed. My. Auntie!" She sobbed as she stood there.

He simply got ready again, she charged her magic and blasted him with all her power, sending him flying.

He crashed through a few buildings and groaned as he got up.

'What did they expect? that was self defence,' thought the Horseman

Suddenly a building collapsed on top of him and he was buried in rubble.

The End

Desire Is An Emotion...

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Before we continue there is something I wish to clear up Horseman.
Go ahead Crowfather, I'm all ears.
Why 'The Headless Horseman'? I've never seen or heard of you taking your head off.
Well, that name is not completely unfounded, it's more my cover up than anything but the blasted name stuck, I can take off my head as you'll see in a few chapters.
Last thing: so you were blasted with the magic of the Princess of Love?
Yes... I guess her love for her auntie made her magic go into overcharge, why?
Wait, so you got defeated by a pink pony, Horseman?
No! I got straight back up, it caught me off guard is all, then I got payback! plus a building fell on me and that's cheating!
I thought they were your friends?
That comes later! fucking spoiler... damn it Crowfather you're lucky I can cover that up! as minor as it may be...
Anyway, let's get on with it, I had just been blasted into a building and then said building proceeded to collapse on my head, got it? no? yes? good.

After about a minute of being buried beneath rubble, I thrust my hand upward and burst forth from it, seeing the surprise on those ponies faces was the best feeling ever, the fear, the confusion, the realisation they couldn't stop me, it was exhilarating, like when the Nephilim realised we had betrayed them and they were doomed.

"How... how did you..." started Cadence, I never answered as I walked towards her with a 'not amused' expression on my face.

She started to back away with a scared look on her face as I slowly walked toward her, the white princess had a blank expression on her face as she curled her fore hooves underneath her and nuzzled her sister's corpse, not caring about getting blood on her, her eyes red from crying, with 6 other mares trying to comfort her, not noticing me closing in on the pink one.

"B-b-back away or I'll..." the pink pony trailed off, truth is she drained her magic when she punched me through those buildings, she couldn't do anything except fly away, to which I'd shoot her or engage me in melee combat, to which she wouldn't last 5 seconds.

But seeing the white pony just tuning everything out and staying with her sister for as long as she could, either not believing she's dead or mourning for her.

Either way I'll admit... it brought me to some tears, if I lost my brothers or my sister I'd be in tears, before tearing apart the one who did it, I felt her pain and just couldn't bring not myself to do anything about it... I had to help her.

I sighed and dropped my sword and knelt down with my hands up, the pink pony cautiously approached me.

"look, I can heal the blue one, but I need your cooperation!" i said as I knelt there.

"why would you want to?" she asked.

I looked at the white one grieving over her sister "I have siblings, if I lost one..." I blinked back tears that threatened to flood my eyes, for those who think 'A Horseman shouldn't cry!' remember Desire is an emotion in itself, so don't judge me especially if you have siblings of your own as well.

I wasn't waiting for her go ahead, I picked up Damnation and walked over to them, the 6 mares were crying and got ready to attack, although it was suicidal as they were in no fit state to fight, the white one looked at me with an unreadable expression before looking back to her sister, a look of contentedness if I had to guess.

"Go ahead, do it..." she said, crying over her sister, honestly it broke my heart.

I knelt down beside them and put a hand on her 'shoulder'.

"I'm sorry for what I did look, I can help, but I also need your help, can you do that?" I asked her.

"Princess, it might be a trap!" said a rainbow maned pony, I used the 'close mouth' sign with my hand and her jaw was magically glued together.

"What more could he do to me?" she asked almost absentmindedly and stood up, not paying attention to anything or one other than me and her sister.

"You'd be surprised..." I muttered as I cut my hand "ahh".

"What are you doing?" she asked tearfully, when I looked at her, I was awestruck, I never thought I was incapable of much emotion, if any, although that was disproven 5 minutes ago, but back to the point, she was beautif- no! I'm a Horseman, the Skeletal Rider! The Headless Horror! The World Ender! The Council's Confident!(although considering I didn't know about War for 100 years or that Death rode, that title may have to be revoked) I have no time for the petty emotion of... love... but seeing her in pain also brought me pain... I couldn't explain it.

"My blood is self regenerating, it's also the reason I've died for less time than Bennie Wint(look it up)" I said and smeared my blood on her throat, making it heal, the others expected something to happen right away.

"Why isn't anything happening?" asked the purple pony.

"You really are all ignorant, did you not see me take her soul? which brings me on to my next point, bad news of all this is... I must hold court I'm afraid," I said.

"What? hold court?" asked the white 'Princess'.

"The Abyssal Court, I need to judge her soul, but I cannot be biased during the court so I cannot just allow her back into her body, there is the jury to consider but I have the final say, I need you to be on the witness stand for your sister, I also need the pink pony, and the purple pony, if all goes according to plan I won't need the other 5 mares" I said.

"The purple pony is Twilight my student and fellow Princess and the pink is my niece Princess Cadence, my name is Celestia, introduce yourself girls," said Celestia to the 5 mares, a little better now she knows I can will help.

"I'm Pinkie Pie," cried another pink pony, literally they were all crying, I unbuttoned the rainbow maned one's mouth.

"Rainbow Dash,"



"That's F-F-Fluttershy," said Rainbow in between tears.


"Good, now then I must summon the Abyssal Throne, you cannot let anyone know that I plan to let her off, not even her, I will get you my best causidicus, or lawyer as it were," I said.

"very well , I will do whatever it takes to get my sister back," said Celestia.

"Abyssum, Dolores inferni circumdederunt me judicii facultatem dare permitte mihi benevolum redde retributionem inferre indignum et si casus ferat, det vitam, da mihi thronus" I chanted, suddenly the world seemed to darken and a hill was made and my throne arose similar to the one below (from at the very bottom of the page with the images.)

I took my seat on my throne and prepared to render judgement for the first time in a few thousand years, it felt good, but if I get carried away I may forget just why and what I'm sitting judgment for, to free a soul and get it back.

Time to sit in judgement again.

...Love Is An Abomination.

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Well then Horseman, it appears you DO care for these ponies.
Yes Crowfather, I do, immensely but that is none of your concern, I performed my duty to the letter, and I intend to go back again.
Hmm, fair enough Horseman, the mortals are still with us at least.
Yes, they haven't withered away or died of starvation or disease or whatever else it is mortals get, I hope you're still listening mortals.
They are, their curiosity doesn't allow them to look or listen away.
Good, to continue then.

As the Abyssal Throne rose on it's 'pedestal' so did two black marble desks, one for the defense, the other for prosecution, the prosecution was none other than Samael himself, the Dark Prince along with the Watcher.

Me and the girls gathered around and prepared a plan.

"Ok, I've got you the best lawyer I know, and he wasn't cheap," I said as our friend appeared.

"Greetings ladies, Horseman," he bowed as he floated.

"Hello Vulgrim," I replied in kind, Vulgrim was a great friend to me and has helped me on numerous occasions, sometimes even for free, though he claims nothing is free.

"So, you wish to bring this soul back to life? mmm, very juicy, you should've kept this one," he said as he held it in his hand.

"Girls, meet Vulgrim, demon, merchant, good friend, information broker and for today lawyer, you know the plan?" I asked.

"Yes, but are you sure this is worth it Horseman?" he asked and pulled me to the side.

"Yes," I answered simply, the girls were awestruck at the room.

"Very well old friend, I respect your judgement," he said.

"Why don't we just take the soul?" asked Rainbow, me and Vulgrim turned to her slowly.

"You see my rainbow haired friend, there are certain laws to uphold, laws that your mortal mind could not comprehend," said Vulgrim and flew right up to her.

"As an agent of the Council and The Lord Of The Abyssal Plane(although that doesn't count for much seeing as it's mostly arid deserts with few inhabitants other than monsters, my role being to keep them from going to other Realms) I must respect these laws and abide by them, meaning I must judge it based on it's life and desires, one dark patch is cancelled out by a majority 'vote' of goodness,"

"So, you will judge Luna's life?" asked Celestia

"Yes, I saw a dark part in her heart, and a desire to be loved by her subjects through kindness, Vulgrim can use this as ammunition to say that her life was unfulfilled and she should be given another chance, as I said, the final decision is mine and mine alone, but the law dictates I must also respect the jury's Judgement and consider it, THE COURT IS NOW IN SESSION!!!" I bellowed "best get you and the girls in the next room to prepare"

(I'm going to skip to the end of the Court here, if you want another chapter detailing the case, let me know and I'll post one or if you just want the vital scenes I'll do a chapter on them as well)

As the court adjourned I took a deep breath and sank into my throne as the Courtroom dissolved, leaving the defense team(mare six, Princesses and Vulgrim) as the throne stood on a hill in the middle of Ponyville.

"I... I can't believe it... you did it!" said Twilight.

I chuckled as I stretched in my throne.

"Yep, I still got it," I said.

"Horseman, you had so much pull in there and handled the case so smoothly, even when things went awry, as a favour I will set up shop here for a while, if the Princess doesn't mind," he said.

"Of course not Mr.Vulgrim, you are quite welcome," she said as I got up and my throne sank.

He chuckled ominously and made a serpent hole to which he disappeared into.

"That was awesome!" said Rainbow, Pinkie had her mouth taped shut from when she annoyed Samael so much he zipped it shut something I can admire, he only zipped her as no violence was allowed in the Abyssal Throne Room, one which was almost broken actually, to conclude I unzipped her.

"Thanks! that was suerduperduperupercouper cool!" she exclaimed.

"I admit, that stunned even me," said Twilight.

"I gotta thank ya fer savin' tha Princess" said AJ.

"That was quite an ordeal, I do hope I never see that Samael again, ughh," said Rarity who shuddered.

"..." Fluttershy remained silent, I'm not surprised after what Samael and the Watcher did... I could of ripped him to shreds!

"That was quite amazing! I needed that excitement!" said Cadence.

Suddenly the white Princess stood on her hind legs and hugged me.

I froze up.

"Thank you," she whispered.

"What for? I killed her in the first place," I reminded.

"Luna acted like a stubborn brat, even when you tried to calm her, she just charged you, you did what anypony would have done, defended yourself in your own way, I thank you that you got her soul back even though she tried to harm you," she said and-

Did- did she just peck me on the cheek... Holy Hell!

Ahem, anyway.

I stood there for a second before going over to Luna's corpse and giving her her soul back, she shot up with a huge intake of breath and passed out- uh oh.

She started breathing really heavily, she was going into shock!

"She's going into shock, I must get her to your castle and have the doctors look at her, Guilt!" I called my steed.

"Ok, we'll be there soon, look for Canterlot Castle" said Celestia

"Go boy!" I said and we used a portal to get to this 'Canterlot Castle' we got there and I dismounted at the entrance with the Princess bridal style in my arms.

"Halt! what are you and what are you doing with our Princess?!" demanded a guard.

"She's going into shock, get her to a doctor ASAP!" I roared as my Headless Horseman form revealed for a second.

They nodded nervously and carried her in with magic, I followed them and waited outside the room for the others, waiting for news of Princess Luna, if I saved her soul only to lose her now, I'll punch her soul square in the jaw.

I closed my eyes and meditated to think on the days events, so much can happen in a day it's unreal, how are my brothers and sister doing I wonder?

(mainly character background stuff, you don't have to read it)
Death, War, Strife and Fury, I'll never forget the day I met them, when I saved Death's ass in combat on the Ravaiim homeworld, I threw Killrend, my old blade into the head of a Ravaiim that was about to turn him to mincemeat, from then on me and Death fought side by side, a bond forged in battle that could never be broken.

After that Death introduced me to his siblings, Fury, Strife and War, which I got to know very well, they were all wary of me at first, but Fury was the first to warm up to me and I admit I had a crush on her for the best part of a few centuries, War was next and then Strife.

Not long after, Death and I forged the Grand Abominations together, side by side, trading ideas excitedly, eager to test our creations and to see where this could lead us, and made our weapons, The Harvester and Damnation, I also had another blade at one time which I forged, Fate's Reaver(the sword on the cover art) as I called it, it feeds on the blood of battle similar to War's Chaoseater and the 'quality' of their life, the more importance or sin the better, and the more blood I spill the more frenzied the blade becomes and more accepting of whatever I throw at it and increases the soul value no matter the person's fate, although unfortunately I lost it sometime ago and chose Affliction as a replacement but it could never match up to the blade I lost.

All was fine until after we realised the Nephilim would never find a homeworld, so I suggested my old acquaintances: The Charred Council.

After convincing them to hear the four Nephilim out, I decided my friends were not going to face them alone and i also swore obedience, although I have more leeway. They were told that we were worried about the balance, and what they would do if not stopped, impressed by our admiration of the balance and having the stones and knowhow to meet them, they gave us the power we possess today, we faced down the army of Nephilim.

On the battlefield, with Reaver quivering in my hand at the blood spilt I'd never felt more alive, it was there that me, War and Death discovered our alternate forms and we cut our swath through the army, when all was calm and I stopped seeing green flame, Death watched his brother sink into the ground, we went back to the Council and informed them of our victory, the Council then told us they would summon us when we were all level headed, and me and Death blew off steam sparring for a century, and we were told of our roles as the Horsemen.

The Headless Horse

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Well then Horseman, here we are again, the mortals haven't died yet, is this a new record for them?
Yes Crowfather, I believe it is... haha.
So, you had just saved the blue pony's soul and life for whatever reason, so what happened next?
Now here is the weird part-
Wait... there's more weird Horseman? I think you've outdone yourself with weird... anyway, continue.
Well, the Charred Council decided to intervene, they wanted a little experiment done I suppose, whatever it was, they were responsible, but they have their reasons...

-The Charred Council-
"The Horseman is growing attached! this cannot be!"
"If it can't, why is it?"
"We must test the Horseman to be sure, wipe his memory, if the Horseman finds attachment once more, it is supposed to be."
"Fine! I agree!"
"Why don't we wipe the memory of the ponies as well?"
"That way we can be sure they won't remind him!!"

-Meanwhile in Canterlot Castle-
As Luna awoke she felt... strange... as if awoken or being born again...

Wait... she's been dead, she felt it, she knew it.

She then remembered that thing in black armour tried to rescue her soul after killing her- wait, she did attack him first... no! she is a Princess it is her right to attack possible threats!

Yet somehow she still felt guilty...

-Desire's POV-
As I heard the Princess stir I ran out and informed Celestia, the six mares and Princess Cadence as well as a new arrival: Prince Shining Armor. Who was more than pissed at me, but calmed his animosity after Celestia, Cadence his wife, his sister and the 5 mares convinced him I was within my rights.

We all went in but I hung back in the room.

"Luna!" they all exclaimed and proceeded to... nuzzle... *shivers*

"It is good to see you all, that was terrible," she said.

"I know he killed you, but you were being a stubborn brat Luna! he tried to tell you, but you attacked him anyway, he hasn't left your side since you passed out!" said Celestia, she was quick to defend me, strange...

"Bu- *sigh* I am sorry, sir! I meant no harm, I only sought to immobilise you so you didn't pose a threat, can you forgive me?" she asked

"What? no! there's nothing to forgive, I acted very hastily and killed you on spur of the moment instinct, fight or flight kicked in I suppose, so I ask can you forgive me?"

"Yes," she smiled kindly.

"Thank you Princess," I said.

"What is your name?" asked Celestia.

"I have many names, Desire is my preference then there is: The Skeletal Rider, The Black Rider/Knight, The Abyssal Rider or The Abyssal Lord or Lord of The Abyss or The Headless Horseman so take your pick," I answered.

"The Headless Horse? I thought that was just a myth!" said Twilight.

"As a Princess we learn to not take anything at muzzle value, all legends come from somewhere, did you say you were a Lord?" asked Celestia.

"For one, it is the Headless Horseman and to answer your question: Yes and no you see, I'm the 'Lord' of a desolate plane with nought but dangerous beasts that I must keep in line and don't get me wrong, I love it there and to me it;s beauty is almost unmatched *eyes up Celestia* however, the only way out being through me and my Skeleton Key, but anyone can enter(see what I did there with Skeleton Key, Skeletal Rider? no? nevermind. Oh, and that's my explanation of how War was imprisoned in Darksiders for 100 years, because Desire never visited the plane while he was there so War couldn't get out or ask his brother for help) also if someone wishes to use the beasts that reside there for a conquering army they must go through me first, without my permission they won't follow anyone, my brother and I each have a home there, across the far planes which you have to have permission or a key to get to," I explained.

"That sounds interesting," said Luna.

"It can be, what you saw in that court is what many beg to see, a soul being judged is a privilege to some to watch," I said.

"You seem to be powerful, almost as powerful as those Mary Sue's in that horrible Fanfiction I read about Starswirl the Bearded," said Twilight.

"Yeah, but they didn't get their ass handed to them by the Princess of Love did they?" I asked.

"Hey! I can hold my own!" exclaimed Cadence.

"I know, I felt it when that building collapsed on me." I mumbled.

"So anwa-" Celestia stopped as we all felt a power surge through the air.

"the Council..." I said and dropped to one knee as the three had surrounded us in the sky, they were transparent though as they were not physically there, they were muttering words in the Old Language, oh no it was a memory wipe spel-

Suddenly the just voice spoke to me in my head.

"Horseman, you have grown attached, we are worried this is affecting your destiny, so we will wipe your memory, if you're truly in love with the white Princess and it is meant to be, you will find love no matter what, if you kill her, feel complete and utter hate toward her in any way, you will be taken from the world, if you fall for her again, we will leave you be until we need you, but will allow you to make your home there, this is up to you Horseman, we will also take the ponies memories to be sure, and you won't be remembering this conversation unless you reclaim yours and their memories, farewell until we speak again Horseman," it finished, suddenly I felt myself faint as the voice left me with nothingness...

Who Do You Think You Are?

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So the Council used a mind wiping spell on you?
Yes Crowfather, they did.
I see their reasoning, as I'm sure you do.
I do, but that doesn't mean I agree with it.
Fair enough rider, fair enough, so what happened next? the mortals seem to be enthralled by your story.
Indeed they do, best not disappoint before they rot.
I have another question.
Shoot Crowfather.
You yourself have said before 'Love is an abomination' so why did you fall into it's trap?
I don't know honestly, I felt as I never have before, it was amazing honestly.
Hmm, but desire is an emotion, you'd think you'd be immune to it's effects or be able to suppress any others.
You would wouldn't you?
Anyway, do continue Horseman, this is getting interesting, ears open mortals, be sure they don't fall off from rot.

Whatever that was , it knocked me out... hang on... where am I? I must've already passed the atmosphere of the planet I'm on now.

Wait... I'm tied down! I can hear voices though...

"it... here... Princesses... woke up... to us... unconscious... strange creature..." I could only make out tidbits of conversation.

I groaned as I tried to roll out of bed to realise I was tied down.

"Bloody mortals and their... Councildamned rope!" I said as I broke my restraints as if they were made of melting ice.

So if I was on the planet, then how long had I been out? my memories all fuzzy... that can't be good, maybe the impact from the fall? that seems most likely.

I felt my energy ebb away so I decided to just lay down and rest to regain my strength and stamina for when I need it most... and it's a good job I did.

When I woke up, I heard the sound of fighting, and not sparring either, it intrigued me immensely, I was bored right now.

I bolted up and carefully moved to the door, opening it slightly so no one would see me.

I saw ponies in golden armour, obviously some kind of police, you'd figure I'd freak but I've been to many Realms and saw many strange things to be disturbed by a world inhabited by Equines and I mean strange things some I still shiver about when I think of them.

"I could disguise as a monk... but i'd have to get into the habit...(sorry I just watched the episode of Allo' Allo where the joke is made, if you've never watched Allo' Allo' and like comedy, I recommend it)

I saw the guards getting their asses kicked and retreating, some guards, if there was royalty here their guards needed an overhaul, and a better tactician.

"To the throne room!" one yelled, that confirms my royalty theory.

However, time to get away now.

As the guards ran away, these strange bug ponies followed them, soon there was nothing in sight and I took my chance and ran to where I saw windows leading outside, eventually there was a door.

But before I opened the door to the outside world I hesitated, these ponies need help... and I look to be the only one to do it.

"Councildamnit!" I cursed, suddenly I felt an energy calling out to me... craving my attention and it came from the top of this tower, so I decided to check it out and ran up 50 flights of Councildamn stairs.

As I got there there seemed to be a door in my way... amateurs work, I simply used magic to pick the lock.

When I entered I found the treasury, but what caught my eye was the centerpiece... a display case, I couldn't see what was inside so I got a closer look and-



Sorrow's Reaver! it's here! yes!

as I was about to smash the glass the door was kicked- sorry bucked in and a white unicorn stallion and a few guards ran through.

"Bar that door and keep them out as long as possible, I'll get the swor-" he stopped when he saw me.

"The intruder!? how did you escape!? and what are you doing here and with that case?!" he demanded, seemingly not interested how I got in in the first place.

"Reclaiming what is mine. I forged this sword eons ago, but lost it in battle, now I have found it, I am taking it back," I explained and broke the display case and wielding the sword as it reaclimated to my liking.

(here is the sword he usually uses, Damnation, minus the flames in his Abyssal Form)

"About time I got you back..." I said and flipped it in my hand, adjusting to the weight again, like finding a long lost friend.

"Well, what can we fight them with? that sword was the most powerful thing we have minus the Elements, which are guarded by Changelings and the Princesses, my sister and her friends are in danger and us three are the only ones left uncaptured" he panicked.

"Did I say I was leaving?" I asked.

"Well, no bu-" he stopped.

"But you assumed I'd leave you to your fate, I'm not that cruel-" I cut off as the doors were barged open and I jumped out of sight, if they were going to be captured we needed someone out here to actually do the rescue, and the less these 'Changelings' know about me the better, not that they'd know anything anyway but I needed to be stealthy, not easy for a 13 foot tall Horseman, eh?

I watched as the guards were dragged away, by the bugs, leaving me to wonder why they didn't just kill them...


No... although the Council did mention harmony... maybe violence is completely taboo here? so much that not even the evil practise it? this is a sight to behold, War would be devastated coming here haha.

War... I hope you're ok brother... I'm coming to help you... I'll help clear your name if it kills me, which it probably will...

Death... just keep on keepin' on bro...

Can We Just Talk This Through?

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Wait, you found Reaver?!
Yes I did Crowfather, Council knows how it ended up in Equestria, but it did.
How did you lose it again?
Last I saw of it it was impaled in Adriel, Abbadon's brothers torso, I left the battlefield critically wounded but when I got back it was missing.
It must not feel good to lose something so attached to you Horseman, especially a one of a kind blade you forged yourself.
It didn't, but when I got it back, it was an amazing feeling.
Better than love?
Nothing can compare to that Crowfather, nothing... anyway mortals, sorry to keep you waiting.

I crept through the halls of this castle, it was actually ominous without anyone roaming the halls.

"Ok, so every pony(not one word) in this castle is being held in the throne room, and those Changelings are either outside or in the throne room, there are none patrolling the halls," I said to myself.

"Hmmm, I could make a new weapon out of Reaver, and it would repair itself, but what could I make...?" I asked myself.

"Ha! got it!" I said, took a piece of the blade off which repaired itself, it helped to fiddle with things when I was thinking...

"Now... if I can remember how to..." I mumbled as I crafted an ingenious idea.

I heard some bugs buzz past, going outside, switching posts, if I can figure out a pattern...

They met with another patrol, definitely swapping shifts.

"Queen Chrysalis had ordered a guard change every 10 minutes to ensure all of us get a good meal first" buzzed one, the others nodded.

-In Canterlot Throne Room-

"I learnt my lesson this time Celestia, I separated you and Shining Armor, Cadence so you can't perform that 'love spell' you did before! because of you my children almost starved!" exclaimed who I assume is Chrysalis.

"cry me a river," I mumbled as I snuck along a narrow space between the pillars and the ceiling.

"You will not get away with again Chrysalis!" exclaimed the white Princess, presumable Celestia as Armor told me and Chrysalis just confirmed.

"How will you stop me this time? even Luna is captured!" she gestured to the blue pony next to the white one.

"They caught me off guard sister," said the blue one, Luna I'm assuming, both apologetically and angrily at the same time.

"It is ok Luna, she caught us all off guard," said Celestia

"There is no way out of this Celestia!" laughed the queen... there is a perfect point if I get them to stay... hmm, maybe... no...

-10 minutes of planning and reading and 5 minutes of learning to walk, trot, canter and run later-

i barged into the throne room, I had only planned my method of attack not how I'd get to that, so this was pretty much improv.

"Good evening all" I said in a form I managed to morph myself into (it fucking hurt and took a few minutes to get accustomed to) the form was an 'Alicorn' if I remembered correctly, which included wings, that hurt like hell to morph, I might keep them to save me the pain of morphing them away, I was in hooded robes though, the only thing visible being my eyes.

"What is the meaning of this interruption subject?!" asked the queen.

"I am no Changeling your highness, but an ally, I see you've managed to capture my old enemies, Celestia and Luna," I smiled wickedly as I threw the robes off, revealing my new form, all the ponies gasped, my horn changed colour frequently, from dark green to light green.

"Ah, so you've a grudge against them as well? excellant!" laughed the queen in a 'cute' laugh, everything here was 'cute' though...

"Ahem, yes I would like to talk with her and revel in your victory" I put on an evil smile, it shouldn't have been hard for a Horseman but it didn't feel truly in this form.

(This is his pony form, imagine his mane is flowing like flame though)

(and his cutie mark without his wings, sorry for my poor editing skills but I couldn't get it on his body without a little white background :facehoof:)

"Now if you don't mind I would like to have a word with my old 'friend'" I said evilly.

"Go ahead, in fact, I may just leave you to it" smiled the queen and walked out with her subjects, I held the evil glare on the ponies as she left, she then closed the door behind her and I softened my facial expression.

"Stupid bitch..." I said as I looked back at the door she left from.

"How many enemies did you Princesses make?" asked the rainbow maned one.

"Not this one, I'm not here as an enemy, not today, I hear you need a rescue, since your guards are in the dungeon and I'm your only ally out here, you'd be wise to listen," I said.

"Why don't you just take em' out? you're an Alicorn right?" asked the rainbow maned one.

"There are alternatives to fighting my rainbow maned friend," I answered(Star Wars reference).

"Truer words never spoken, if you could ungoo us..." said Luna.

"Yes, I yearn to get Chrysalis for showing her muzzle here." growled the pink Princess.

"No, I need you to remain like that for the time being, it's crucial I have your cooperation, so stay like that to keep up the charade, and we will get rid of every Changeling here, as I tell you the plan, if the queen comes in, look as if I'm telling you I'm going to torture you, when I back away, scream 'No!' so it looks authentic," I said.

"I have to deal with boring court all day, so much so I've become a master at faking facial appearances and reactions," she said.

I nodded.

"Ok, so here's what I want to..."(inaudible)

As I was finished the plan, Celestia looked at me in surprise.

"But that could mean..." she started.

"I know" I said.

"But you might-"

"I know!" I growled.

"Why?" she asked.

"Never forget, never forgive we live for honor, duty and valor. We breathe and we live for hope, peace and unity. Reap what you sow but remember from actions bring results and consequences. We are one nation, one people, formed from many, now as one. We are ever the best. We are the five Horseman... I need to help you or it goes against everything I believe... we're out of time, she's coming, just do it!" I whispered harshly.

Chrysalis came in with pretty much every Changeling in the city and Celestia started Phase 0 of the plan: Faking reactions, I backed away and she did as asked and screamed 'No!' and shook her head and tried to get away as I put my wicked smile back on.

"Oh! it seems you've spooked poor Celestia," said Chrysalis in a fake concerning voice.

"If I may can I start? I wish to make her suffer!" I said, a little more pleasure filled than I'd of liked.

Phase 1: Tuning.

I activated my horn, and tried to tune to Celestia's magic aura, it took me a few minutes but I found it and smiled when I did.

Phase 2: Taunting.

"I'm going to put you through so much pain you'll beg for me to stop!" I smiled as I let my eyes flare a little.

Phase 3: Begging.

"please... no..." said Celestia.

"Don't hurt her monster!" said Luna.

"I will exile you to the sun myself Chrysalis!" said the pink Princess.

"Oh, please, you couldn't exile your husband's fleas to the sun," chuckled the bug queen.

"Leave the Princess alone!" said the rainbow pony and tried to break free.

"Oh dear! so barbaric! stop!" said the white pony.

"Don't you dare hurt my friends!" said the yellow pony.

"Ah'd advise ya ta leave the Princess alone," said the orange farm pony.

"I'm gonna throw you the worst party ever if hurt my friends!" yelled the pink pony.

"Princess! you can fight back!" said the purple pony.

"Beg all you want, it just gives me more pleasure," I smiled

Phase 4: Project Sunburst.

As I tuned to her magic completely, I focused on the sun's energy and turned certain barriers down that protected the world from it's rays and positioned it so it's toward us, I turned the sun's energy up and all the unicorn and Alicorns minus Celestia focused their magic into a barrier around themselves.

Chrysalis watched in confusion a me while I worked and looked at the sun for the remainder of it.

(watch from 3:40-3:50 for the effect I'm going for, I'd recommend you listen to the whole video because I love this song, but I know it's a matter of opinion, all credit for the song goes to: Editors. The song is: The Racing Rats.)

I focused the energy here and increased the suns energy so it released a ray of massive heat as I let go of Celestia's energy and made every Changeling burst into little sparks and then dissolve as if they were never there, those who wasn't inside the barrier anyway.

It threw me into a pillar and I lost consciousness with a smile on my face.

You Talkin' To Me?

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(I may edit this chapter a little throughout the day)
So you risked your life for these Equines Horseman? Why?
Yes, and I'd do it again in a heartbeat Crowfather. But why? now that I can't explain.
But why? what have you to gain? you performed your duty.
No... not my personal duty...
You have something back there? Something you feel you owe?
Yes... I do.
We need to hurry up, the mortals are looking a tad cold.
Don't let your important parts fall off mortals.

As I awoke to a blurry vision I shot up into a sitting position, with my wings open in surprise, almost forgetting I was a goddamn pony... fuck!

"Woah!" said a pony(RD)

I looked at her with blurry eyes, so I didn't know who it was...

"His wings are huge! even bigger than yours Princesses!" said another voice(Twilight) which I also turned to, blinking rapidly.

I blinked a few more times and got my vision back, when I saw the 9 Equines surrounding me I almost panicked and freaked(basically I almost vaporised them) but remembered where I was.

"You talkin' to me?" I asked seemingly no one as my wings folded back into a relaxed position quoting a good mortal movie, Taxi Driver(that line was improvised by the way).

"You're ok!" exclaimed... Celestia! that was it, my memory came back to me, was I concussed? I did hit that pillar pretty hard...

"Of course... that was damn near suicidal, but it worked at least," I smiled with a victorious laugh.

"That was awesome! I admit, I don't know if I could risk my life like that!" said the rainbow maned pony

"We couldn't hear what the plan was, so those reactions to your threat were genuine," said the purple pony.

"I thought I'd be dissolved as well, wasn't expecting to have to deal with the after- ahh! burn," I said, and i meant it literally! there was smoke coming from my body from the blast.

"We should get you to Doctor Fahrenhorse!" exclaimed Celestia, wow, Fahrenhorse? dat creativity tho.

"Not so fast sister, I wish to question our new 'ally' first," said Luna with a cautious look in her eyes, I couldn't blame her though.

"Ah, so this is an interrogation now? I reckon you're too pretty to be an interrogator," I said without thinking, although it wasn't a lie...

I saw her blush.

"Err, err, we- we- we thank thou..." she said, if my phycology side could guess, she speaks in 'old Equish' as the book I read states, when she's nervous or flustered, wow, I just hit on a pony.

I saw there was a cute blush spread across her face, wait, cute? no no no, I didn't think she was cute...! no!

"Why do you have green eyes?!" asked the rainbow maned pony suddenly defensively, I doubt I could use my charm to get out of this one, I had to be careful about answering this.

"I... have no idea..." I answered, it wasn't the full truth, it was just my colour, and it identified me as a Horseman.

"Can you turn them normal?" she asked.

This froze me. I was quite offended to be honest, to me my eyes were normal, they were part of my identity, part of me and revealing their true colour was not something I did lightly. On the other hand, or hoof they didn't know this, so I nodded reluctantly.

I took a deep breath as my horn glowed with a bright light and when it died down, my green irises were gone, replaced with a variety of coloured irises, I took another breath.

"Wow! your eyes are really... nice!" said the rainbow maned one in surprise.

"Err... thanks..." I said.

"So, why did you save us? what is in it for you?" asked Celestia, a little warily.

"Nothing, as I said I expected to die from the blast," I answered with a slight chuckle.

"So thou ar- ahem, so you saved because you wanted to?" asked Luna, correcting herself, sounding surprised.

"Yes?" I asked more than answered with a shrug and a smile.

Then they all, all 9 mares wrapped me in an embrace.

"Thank you, if you hadn't save us, we'd still be trapped," said Celestia.

"Yeah well, you know..." I said as they let go, then I gasped in pain before falling on my flanks.

"The Doctor needs to look at you! come on!" said Luna, I got up and at my full height, and towered over Celestia by a foot or hoof at least.

I reluctantly followed them to the infirmary, limping behind them where the Doctor was opening.

"Ah! your highnesses! after the attack, I'm opening up to lend aid to ponies who need it," he bowed.

"Doctor, you must take a look at our friend! he's hurt!" said Celestia, I limped forward and collapsed, suddenly feeling drained.

"I'm... fine, I've taken worse," I said, which was true.

"Oh my, you are quite big! what happened?" he asked, he sounded genuinely concerned, not like the Council's Watcher 'Medics'.

"He hurt himself ridding us of the Changelings! he used the sun's rays to evaporate them, everypony in the city apart from the changelings were safe, but the throne room was the focus point, and we had a shield around us, he... didn't... he almost sacrificed himself for complete strangers!" exclaimed Luna, sounded on the verge of tears.

"Now please doctor, aid our hero quickly!" said Celestia, hero? never been called that before.

"Very well, lie down for me on the Alicorn surgery table," he commanded.

I complied groggily and had my fore and back hooves hanging in the air.

He looked at me for a few minutes before coming to a conclusion.

"Oh my... he has: discolored areas of the skin, called mottled pigmentation, sallowness or a yellow discoloration of the skin, telangiectasias AKA the dilation of small blood vessels under the skin and elastosis mainly the destruction of the elastic and collagen tissue luckily none of it seems permanent... somehow but will take a while to heal, I recommend rest," said the doctor, rest? the Horsemen never rested.

"Thanks doc, but that's not... necessary..." I finished the last word as I tried to get up lazily and as I tried to take a step I passed out again.

Frankly doc, I don't give a damn!

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So you had to go to hospital? mortal hospital nonetheless? and you collapsed?
Yes, I got blasted by the sun for Council's sake! like I said I've had worse but I still had to be patched up by the Watchers.
So you were rescued by the ponies after being blasted by the sun after saving them after a spur of the moment decision to do so?
Yes, and it was the best decision I've made believe it or not.
Very well, lets continue... Oh! I think one the mortals has croaked... no he's sleeping, someone wake him up.
I will continue regardless of his state of consciousness.

As he shoot up again I gasped for breath, apparently the sun also burned some of my internal organs... shit...

'I'm still in hospital, balls!' I thought.

I went to get up, but again forgot my new Equine nature and tripped, hurting myself and hitting the burn wounds.

"Ah dammit!" I cursed as silently as he could.

Suddenly the 5 mares and 4 Princesses ran in.

"You guys must have x-ray vision or something," I chuckled with a wince as he got up.

"We heard you fall and assumed the worst," said Celestia.

"Your assumptions are your windows on the world, scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won't come in," I said.

"I see" smiled Celestia, I found her smile... mesmerizing...

I caught myself staring and snapped myself out of it.

"Right, where's the fire? cause I'm heading to wherever the excitement is," I said as I got up and walked to the door, ignoring my legs pleas for me to limp

"You should be resting now back on the bed!" exclaimed Rainbow Dash, I woke up once before, where we exchanged introductions(they told me their names and they have yet to find out mine) and I passed out again.

"I'm sorry. where's your medical degree?" I chuckled, but complied and sat on the bd as best I could.

"What is your name?" asked Celestia, if I remember correctly all Alicorns are royalty here.

"Prince Caedes" I answered.

"Where do you rule?" asked Celestia.

"Somewhere very far away from here, err where is here exactly? I didn't really have my bearings," I rubbed the back of neck with a hoof, and it felt weird.

"You are in Equestria, Prince Caedes," said Celestia, Caedes was my old name, 'Slaughter' it translated to.

"You can all call me... Desire," I said, relieved at using my real name.

"Very well Desire, how did you get here?" asked Celestia.

"The sky, oddly enough," I answered.

"Itotallyhavetothrowyouthebest 'I fell out of the sky and am a Prince party and saved Equestria' partyever!" said Pinkie Pie

"What just happened? I'm confused... am i Dead? am I alive? what is life?" I asked.

"That'd be Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie, Pinkie, leave him be, he's had a tough time," said AJ

"That explains the crater in Ponyville and the Everfree, but how did you get to Canterlot and not remember?" asked Twilight.

"If I knew I wouldn't be asking," I mumbled.

"Anyway, we'd be happy to accommodate for now, wouldn't we sister?" asked Luna.

"No, not at all," smiled Celestia.

"Better than staying in a hospital," I said and hopped off the bed.

When we exited there were mostly guards getting treated and a few civilians.

"So... Changelings..." I said as we walked past.

"Indeed... they are so... uncouth," said Luna.

"Yeah, at least you didn't have to clean the mess up and they dissolved," I smiled.

"Yes, the cleaners would've cast an itching spell on you I imagine," laughed Celestia.

"Yeah... itching..." I mumbled as I remembered the time the other Horsemen put itching powder on my saddle when I first started riding Guilt, speaking of which I sense he is nestled comfortably underneath Equestria, quite snug in it's core.

Eventually the doc saw us.

"Wait! you shouldn't be out of bed!" he exclaimed.

"Sorry, thanks for everything you've done for me but frankly doc, I don't give a damn!" I said and walked out of the clinic.

Suddenly I was beset upon by a net, which enclosed around me.

"Yeah! Cutie Mark Crusader life savers!" yelled a group of young voices. I panicked, the last time I was in a net I was being tortured, the Demons did it to within an inch of my life before leaving me to recover, only to do it all over again, they used a special and rare material in the net to do it, which I destroyed every bit off in the Realms, I stormed into Hell and caused a massacre before destroying blueprints and anything that resembled a net.

I used my magic to get my blade out and swung wildly, cutting the net up, at this point anything was fair game for kill, my veins were pulsing green, threatening to break out into The Headless Horseman form, I backed into a wall as they all attempted to calm me, trying to ignore the voice telling me to kill out of fear and adrenaline.

I calmed after a minute and looked up.

"What in the Seven Bloody Hells was that?!" I asked.

Suddenly from the back of the mares 3 heads popped out, there was a white Unicorn with a rather nice mane, a cream white Earth pony ith a red mane and bow and an orange Pegasus with purple hair and very small wings.

"Now Sweetie Belle! apologise to Prince Caedes!" exclaimed Rarity.

"Yeah Scoots, that wasn't cool, from the way he reacted, I'd say he was scared, from a past bad experience maybe," said Rainbow, she was actually quite smart when she tried.

"Applebloom! that ain't Apple Family behaviour there!" scolded Applejack.

"Gee, we're sorry Mr. Prince Caedes," said Applebloom.

"We were just trying to get our Cutie Marks," said Scoots as Rainbow called her, they showed me their flanks, which were blank.

"Can you forgive us?" asked Sweetie Belle.

"Sure, it was just a shock, thats all, shall we adjourn?" I asked.

The Princesses nodded and we continued walking.

"So, how'd you get your Cutie Mark?" asked Sweetie Belle, a seemingly innocent question but it brought back memories, I slaughtered and almost annihilated a race of sentient beings to earn my title, and by extension, this 'Cutie Mark'.

"You don't wanna know," I replied a little more darkly than I'd of liked, Scootaloo as I found out her name was, opened her mouth to speak, but a glare from Rainbow shut her up.

We came to the Throne Room eventually and walked past it into the living quarters.

"This is where you'll be staying Prince Caedes" said Celestia.

I nodded to Celestia and entered the room, picking up the key on the table next to the drawer, the room was spartan in furniture but intricately decorated, one the side of the room with the sun next to it, the left side were yellow banners with a white blank pony (no discernable features that marks an individual, apart from a horn, it is obviously an Alicorn)

And on the right it was blue like Luna, with navy blue banners and a black blank pony these two obviously represented Luna and Celestia, in the middle of the room was a bed, split in two colours, the left side was white and the right was blue as if splitting the room down the middle, on the left were golden dressers and light furniture, on the right were black wooden storage cupboards. Facing the window and in the middle of the room was a desk, the left side made from again, bright wood but the right was black wood, yet again seemingly splitting the room down the middle, the fact the room was mirrored suggested this room represented the differences and similarities of the two sisters.

"This is perfect, I'll go to sleep for a while, see you girls later," I said.

We said our farewells and I shut and locked the door, reverting to my natural form, if you're wondering how I can morph here's the scholar's explanation: In the early days of Creation, the laws of existence were less defined, and the separation between animate and inanimate objects was less distinct.

As I reverted the cracking of bones and the tearing of flesh was heard as I managed to hold in pained shouts.

I left the wings on my back however.

I fell into the bed and fell asleep, wondering what awaited me in this world.

You can't fight in here! This is the War Room!

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How was it? Sleeping in a mortal's bed? in a mortals castle?
It was very comfortable, better than a hospital bed, I can tell you...
Those of us who are careful and don't almost sacrifice themselves for mortals tend to not need hospital's.
Yeah well... I did what I had to do Crowfather, don't dispute that and don't judge me.
Understood, Horseman, that mortal form before has woken up, he wasn't as dead as I thought, although he could be an undead...
Good, one less body to clean up after this is over either way.

I opened my eyes again, stretching in my real form, and feeling good about it, I needed this rest.

Now for the burning question, should I stay like this or revert to my pony form again?

I mean, they might be more comfortable with me being an Equine... but Shining Armor already knows who I am... maybe I could persuade him?

No... it's time to end this charade, if they judge me for how I look... well they're not the kind of ponies I took them for.

So I brushed and straightened up and I opened the door to my room and walked out confidently, startling the guards stationed outside.

"Easy boys," I said an held my hands up as they pointed their spears at me, they looked, then nodded at each other and lowered them.

"Princess Celestia is currently having breakfast and Princess Luna is having her tea, we are to escort-" started one of them.

"No, I will be fine, take a few hours off," I said, they nodded and walked away, I knew they were smiling.

I walked to where I sensed the strongest magic presence coming from, my two favorite Alicorn Princesses, well favorite so far anyway.

I opened the door and both of them jumped up in surprise and charged their horns ready to murderlise me, is there anypony who isn't out for my blod toda? even for less than 5 seconds? jeez...

"At ease ladies," I said and held my hands up in a 'I surrender' position.

"How dare you address royalty in such a way!" said Luna as she lowered her magic a little while Celestia lowered hers fully after hearing the familiarity of my voice.

"You look different..." said Celestia.

"Yeah, this is how I really look, so you know..." I said with a shrug.

"You should bow to royalty!" said Luna.

"You're not my Princesses," I said.

"We are immortal! we are Goddesses!" she replied.

"Goddesses? I'm sorry, but I never saw your portrait in the Halls of Heaven, immortality is a curse, I should know, I've been alive since before you world, or any worlds were even created, if you think you've led a long lonely existence, compare yourselves to me, for over 50 millenia I walked, for 50 millenia I was alone, with nobody to talk with, then I met my new siblings, I'm happy with them but we only see each other every few 100 years or so," I said.

"You've lived for a long time... even longer than Luna or I... have you seen... death and war as well?" asked Celestia seriously, but I burst out laughing at that.

"Yes... in the flesh! they are my brothers! Death and War, coincidentally they are both currently active on a world far from here," I said with a sigh. "Probably getting into all sorts trouble..." I chuckle and grab a drink.

"I never saw my sister for over 1000 years," said Luna sadly.

"Eh, siblings are sometimes more trouble than they're worth, sometimes I'd like nothing more than to be rid of them for 1000 years! but sometimes I miss them," I said.

"Yes, not seeing Luna for 1000 years had it's perks," Celestia smiled at me as her sister put on a shocked expression before seeing her sisters smile.

"I will get you back for that sister... just you wait..." she whispered so we both could hear but quiet enough so it was threatening, remind me not to get on her bad side... although from the look of those flanks she didn't really have a bad sid- no! bad Desire! and it sounds ironic to boot... great...

"I need to double my patrols, have guards on the tea bags and I won't be changing my sheets for a week," said Celestia, deadpan, I stifled a chuckle.

"I know how that feels... I still hate Blood Coffee because of you Strife..." I muttered to the air in memory of my brothers prank.

"Well, I must go to attend day court, Twilight and the others had to go back to Ponyville, and Luna has to go to bed after attending night court," said Celestia and got up to leave.

"Yes, court can be tiring," she said, didn't I know it?

"By the way, the wings suit you," said Celestia, glancing back at me as she walked out.

"Indeed... that's not all that suits you I assume?" asked Luna cheekily as she walked past. I stood stock still... what in the Seven Bloody Hells just happened?!

I think the Princesses just made a pass at me...

You know what? fuck this.

I shook my head and regained control of my body from my stupor.

I went back to my chambers and locked the door again.

"Ok, so two Princesses just hit on you, no big deal, they're probably just lonely... not in the mind set for a relationship... not that I'd want one! I... oh fuck it..." I said to myself, the truth was I did want a relationship, but the market for immortals isn't that wide, barring Angels and Demons, there was Fury but... we think of each other as siblings, not lovers... fuck it was complicated!

I sighed and laid back down, it wasn't my thing to sleep things off, but this called for it... I mean two ponies man! come on! that requires some serious thinking time!

I'll have what she's having

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So you're telling me two ponies hit on you Horseman?
Yes, but they later told me they weren't actually hitting on me, Celestia was just complimenting me and Luna was curious about my clothes.
Very well, I will take your word for it Horseman, and it looks to be spring outside...
How quick the seasons do change... where were we?
You had just gone to sleep again.
Ah, yes, let's continue...

I bolted up in bed after a nightmare, it was the end times, but we weren't there to stop it...

Anyway, I got up and headed to the bathroom, which might I say wasn't fit for bipedalism... anyway, I turned on the magic tap or whatever they call it here and splashed my face with water and stared at my reflection...

Heh, the Headless Horseman... the name came from when I was fighting the Nephilim and took off my head and used it as an explosive on them, it tore at least a few hundred apart, it is even technically considered a Grand Abomination, although Death may have been subtly teasing me there...

I sighed and shook my head, getting rid of some of the water.

Honestly, this place wasn't so bad, I mean I got some action within the first few seconds I arrived here... as much as I remember anyway, they said I must have travelled a few miles to get to this 'Canterlot' place, so I don't know what happened...

I shook my head of those thoughts and walked out of the bathroom, I walked over to the doors and opened them.

"Err, sire, her majesty Luna wishes to see you in her chambers..." bowed the guard, I would've told him not to, but we had to keep up the charade of me being royalty so... yeah.

"Thank you good sir" I said and turned left to Luna's room(from where he's facing left is to Luna's room but when he facing inside his room Luna's room is to the right of him)

I walked to the door and knocked... silence...

I was about to knock again when

"Coming!" was heard.

She opened the door and looked... dishevelled, she'd obviously been asleep.

"Ah, good you're here, I was asleep when I noticed a something, I wish to ask you about some things, would you care to sit?" she gestured to a chair that actually looked fit for a bipedal person.

I simply nodded and sat down.

"Thank you I wanted to ask you if have an occupation currently." she said.

"That wasn't a question... ok then, to answer: well... technically, but not here, mine is in a faraway place, so I suppose... no, no not currently"

"Hmm, ok." she said and jotted something down on a notepad. "I think I already know the answer to this but, colt or mare?" she asked.

"Neither, male." I answered.

"Ooookkk, place of birth? we have to make you a citizen of Equestria, do we not? so we will make you an official citizen with a certificate, do you understand?" she asked as she jotted down my previous answer.

"yes, and place of birth? I... don't know, I can't remember, it;s been so long... write... Ravaiim." I said with a hint of sadness.

"Ok, married or unmarried?" she asked.

"Unmarried." I stated.

"Colt or.... Marefriend?" she asked suggestively.

"None to speak of, is this question on the paper?" I asked when I noticed her not writing anything down after the Mare or Coltfriend question.

"Yes, of course! well that's all, thank you for your time." she smiled, I smiled back and got up and turned to leave.

"Have a good sleep, Luna." I said and closed the door on the Princess of the night.

As I walked out there was a guard waiting.

"Sire! her majesty Celestia expressed her wish to have you in court with her!" he said.

"Thank you soldier, you may go." I said, he nodded and marched off down the corridor.

I headed to the throne room and opened the door to see Celestia in a heated debate with some dignitary from somewhere or another, and by heated debate I mean Celestia was just sitting as cool as a cucumber and the other pony was yelling.

"And you need to raise the taxes! this is outrageous that peasants are only being charged 10 bits a month! and us rich ponies are being charged 20!" he yelled.

"Now Well Heeled(a word to describe being rich) you have more money than my less fortunate little ponies, so it is only fair." she said, as he was about to explode again, I stepped in.

"You heard the mare, leave." I said.

"And what is this? your new pet Princess?" he asked, now it was Celestia's turn to lose it for whatever reason, I mean I know I saved her kingdom but still...

"How dare you Well Heeled? how dare you insult the saviour of Canterlot?! he is the only reason we still have a kingdom" ok a bit of exaggeration...

-Celestia's POV-
"And he is not my pet" he is my C-" I stopped as I was about to say Coltfriend... was I about to say that? I don't know... but I look at him and I feel... uplifted...

-Desire's POV-
As I heard her speak with such authority I couldn't help but respect this Alicorn, she knew how to handle a situation... even if that did mean bigging me up a little.

"Saviour? hah! more like scourge! and you are unfit to rule Princess! your nothing but a whorse on a throne if you think I will jus..." he said, but I lost interest as he rambled, as soon as he insulted the Princess I snapped.

I grabbed him by his mane and tail and picked him up, I carried him to the door as he protested and kicked them open before throwing off down the stairs of the castle courtyard.

"If you ever insult the Princess again, next time I won't be so generous as to throw you off these steps so much as throwing you off the top of the spire!!!" I yelled and slammed the door.

"Desi-" she stopped as I stormed to my room and opened the door, going to the mirror in the bathroom.

Green lines were going through my skin, I was really pissed off, but no single person or pony insulting another has ever drove me to get like this, and be this angry about it, why was I feeling this way when he insulted her? again, just thinking about it made my blood boil.

I heard a knock on my door.

"Prince Caedes? may I come in?" came the soft, sweet voice of Cele- ahem, came the voice of Celestia.

I looked in the mirror and I had calmed down considerably.

"Come in," I said and walked out into my room.

I saw Celestia walk in.

"Hey." she said oddly informally.

"Hey." I replied awkwardly.

"I-" "Yo-" we both tried to talk at the same time.

"Go ahead Celestia." I said.

"Thank you, it's nothing, I just... what you did back there was the sweetest thing anypony ever had done for me." she said with a faint blush.

"It still isn't, I'm not a pony." I said with a smile.

"Of course." she said.

"And it's ok, thanks for sticking up for me." I said.

"it's fine, diner is in half an hour, will I see you there?" she asked.

"Of course." I replied as she left, she turned her head and smiled at me before walking out.

Let's go to the Winchester, have a pint and wait for all this to blow over.

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So you started flirting Horseman?
No! not exactly... and if I was?
All creatures a one point or another will experience love, whether material or any other type.
I see, and agree with your logic Crowfather, maybe some of these mortals have experienced love?
It is highly likely Horseman.
I now see the appeal mortals... anyway, lets pick back up.

As Celestia walked out of my room, I caught myself staring where she was for a little longer.

I spun around and made my bed to occupy myself for some time, I took my armor off and had a black hooded robe on, eating with a helmet on isn't the best idea in the world.

I walked out of my room and shut my door, making my way to the dining room.

Two guards stopped me before I went in.

"Halt, who go-" he stopped as I shoved past and entered, not bothering to explain to them.

When I went in I saw Celestia sitting there, looking at a menu, she looked up at me as I entered.

"Good evening, it was good of you to make it." she smiled, the two guards from before went to apprehend me but stopped when Celestia addressed me.

"Yeah, I wasn't gonna miss a chance to spend time with you." I smiled and took a sip of... Apple Cider?

"Thank you, that was very sweet of you to say..." she said and we looked into each others eyes rather than the menus, I couldn't even tell you how long we were staring, but her beautiful magenta eyes mesmerized me and I could've stared at them forever... but all good things must end as they say.

"What will sir be having?" asked a waiter, knocking me out of my stupor now I'm not a naturally dirty person, but the thought that swept through my mind at that moment was:

'Well, I wouldn't mind a piece of that ass...' as I looked at Celestia, I quickly drained my head of those thoughts and turned to the menu.

"Ahem, I'll have pesto pasta." I smiled slightly.

"Hay salad please." smiled Celestia.

"Of course" said the Waiter who bowed and left, and the food must have already been prepared because our food arrived not a second later.

As we ate Celestia struck up a conversation.

"So, tell me about your siblings." she said.

"Hmm, well, War is the youngest and most brash, but the most loyal to those we serve, Death is the most feared, but he insists that's because they don't know about me, Fury is our sister and keeps a cool head and friction to a minimum between us, Strife is the most questioning, and very headstrong." I said.

"Luna is like War then, very brash, but she is learning." she said.

"Yeah, War is in a spot of bother right now and I need to help get him out." now was the time to ask.

"Really how so?" she asked.

"Well, he-" I stopped as I caught her gaze, I couldn't bring myself to tell her everything... even though for some reason I wanted to.

"It's ok, you don't have to tell me, I kept Luna a secret for 1000 years and made sure the Nightmare Moon story became a legend, even though it pained me to do so." she said.

"You see... I seek Harmony, the ones who sent me here told me I must find Harmony, to restore the natural balance between the three worlds." I explained.

"Ah, I see." she said.

"If you know of anything... I would give them back, but I must restore balance between the three kingdoms, or I will have failed my life's duty." I said as I drank some cider.

"I do know of something which will help you, but you must give them right back." she said.

"Horseman..." came the Council's voice.

"What?" I asked out loud, Celestia looked taken aback. "Sorry, telepathic communication, ignore me for a minute." I said.

"Horseman, not yet!"

"Why don't we explain to him why?"

"Your brothers are doing fine, but they need to complete their quests before you restore Harmony, and time moves slower there, so you will be there for a while."

"Of course Council." I thought.

"Is there a message you wish to relay to War or Death?"

"Yes, tell War, I'm looking out for him and I'll be there soon, and tell Death to leave some action for me." I said with a smile.

"It shall be done Horseman, farewell."

"Farewell" I replied. "Done" I said to Celestia.

"Ah, have you finished your meal?" asked Celestia.

"Yes, thank you." I said.

"I don't need Harmony yet, it can wait a while, compared to outside this realm, time moves slow here." I said.

"Oh, well you should go to Ponyville, the girls once used the Elements of Harmony and are embodiments of them." she said.

"That would be most satisfactory Celestia." I said.

"Excellent, I'll arrange for you to take the train down." she smiled.

"Very well, let me get ready first." I said and got up and went back to my room.

I packed my armor and weapons into a suitcase, ready to go.

"You are going?" asked Luna from my door.

I turned around and saw her standing there.

"Oh, hello Luna, yes, I am headed to Ponyville soon." I confirmed.

"Ah, well we, ahem I hope you have a great time with Twilight and her friends, and Celestia and I hopefully will see you again in the future." she said.

"I'm counting on it." I smiled as she walked away.

"Ok, so I've got everything... time to go." I said and closed the door to my room for last time as I headed down to meet Celestia who was going to see me off.

Love... is the best abomination...

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So, you found Harmony, Horseman?
Yes, well not exactly, I found it existed and that there were ponies who knew about it and could help me, it was a lot easier than I thought... at first.
Indeed, nothing is ever simple, so what happened next?
You will find out, the mortals have been kind enough to not all leave us as of yet, 16 have left, they must have other less important things to do.
Indeed, Horseman.
To continue, this is where my... feelings, started to make themselves known.
Your... feelings, Horseman?
Yes, you'll see what I mean.

I exited my room, packed for the journey ahead, wondering what my future here held, it's the first time in a while I've felt... uncertain about my future...

It's quite nice, knowing that my path could take any turn at any time, it was exhilarating after years of being told my future for me by prophecies I get to decide how I proceed.

I walked down the hall to the exit of Canterlot Castle and prepared to see the city for the first time since I arrived here, well, apparently the first time...

I saw Celestia waiting for me and I walked over to her.

"Well, here-" I stopped as I caught her gaze, to this day I don't know why I did this or what possessed me to do this, but I walked over to her and captured her lips in a passionate kiss, guards who had been waiting in the corners started to move toward us, but Celestia raised a wing to stop them as we deepened the kiss slightly, suddenly I began to imagine myself feeling her up, making her aroused... doing things with her...

I broke it off shook my head and widened my eyes, what in the Council's name had I done? better question... what was I about to do?

I quickly walked away and back to my room, leaving a surprised Princess behind in my wake.

I slammed the door to my room again and sat down on the bed, burying my head in my hands in thought and slight shame at what I had done, this was not the way I thought my path would lead, and this was not what I meant!

"Ok, so you kissed her... tell her it's what your kind do! tell her... seeing her surprise made you worried so you left her to think! oh, who in the Council am I kidding? I just kissed her because..."

-Meanwhile, in the Council's realm-

"He's going to say it!"


"Will he admit it?"


"If he says it it will make it easier."

"Because..." I said.

"Because what?" came a voice, I spun around and saw Celestia who was looking a little flushed.

"Oh, Princess Celestia, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean..." I said.

"It's fine, it just caught me off guard is all." she smiled.

"Oh, good, so... ahem, when does the train leave?" I asked.

"In half an hour." she replied.

"Oh, good, be-" I stopped as she trotted over to me and kissed me, and I gladly returned it.

"I don't know why I feel this way about you..." she said as my face and her muzzle were in close proximity.

"And I don't know why I feel this way about you Celestia... but I think... for whatever reason or rhyme... I think that I may like you, more than a friend." I said.

"Really?" she asked.

"Of course Celestia, why wouldn't I? you are an amazing pony." I said.

"I... I never thought anypony, or anybody would like me for me, any stallion I dated never got past that first date, they were always after my crown or wealth, they didn't care about me, they only complimented my crown or how well I'd done with the kingdom." she said.

"Celestia... you are the most beautiful mare in the world to me, and I wouldn't trade anything for you." I said and stroked her cheek and wiped a tear away from her beautiful muzzle before kissing her soft lips again.

We embraced, she placed her fore hooves around my torso and I put my arms around her to deepen our kiss, tongues got involved and we fought for dominance.

We broke off the kiss and looked into each others eyes.

"We have to go..." she said and walked out, I followed her, wondering how my stay in Ponyville will be... and if I'll see Celestia again... I would do my best to, that's for sure

-In the Councils Realm-

"He does love her!!"

"How could he not?"

"We should give their memory back."

"Later, we will..."


As me and Princess Celestia walked through the streets of Canterlot, many ponies stared, but I was immortal, a Horseman, I didn't have time to give a single fuck about what they thought.

"I apologise for my little ponies behaviour." said Celestia rather loudly, so everypony could hear she was displeased.

"It's fine, I honestly couldn't care less." I said.

"That is a good attitude to have, ignore them." she whispered, rather closely I might add.

We got to the train station as the train was about to leave.

I turned to Celestia to say goodbye.

"Bye Celestia, I'll see you and Luna again sometime, yeah?" I asked.

"Of course." she said and kissed my cheek, I think I... blushed... I've never blushed before...

"Thanks." I said and embarked on the train, ready to see the 6 mares again and wondering how my stay will be...

Welcome to hell! a la, Ponyville!

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As the train screeched to a halt I was snapped out of my thoughts.

I disembarked as the conductor shouted this was indeed Ponyville.

It was... cute... like everything in this bloody world, although it was a better change of pace than fighting Angels and Demons 24/7.

Suddenly a familiar pink blur rushed up to me.

"Hello Pinkie Pie." I smiled as she smiled brightly in front of me.

"Hello Desire!" she exclaimed and wrapped me in a crushing hug.

"Hey Pinkie, great to see you." I said.

"You as well! come on! Twilight wants to talk to you!" exclaimed Pinkie.

"Of course she does." I chuckled as I was lead through Ponyville, receiving more stares, but they were less condescending and more confused, these were simple ponies trying to get by everyday life, same as me, I could respect them for that, unlike the noble who thought I was someponies pet, bastards.

Except the Princesses, Luna, Cadence and the beautiful Celestia... I was ready to admit it if I ever see her again, that I love her, I've decided it immortal or no this was something I couldn't avoid even if I wanted to...

"You ok?" asked Pinkie with a tilt of her head, as I realised I had been staring at the floor, damn she was fucking cute, like everything!

"Yeah." I said and tickled her chin and she giggled.

"Okeydokie!" she exclaimed and lead me with a bounce in her step to the center of Ponyville, where I saw the most literal interpretation of a 'tree-house' ever.

I knocked.

"Coming!" came a masculine voice.

Suddenly a dragon opened the door.

"Wow... you must be the 'guest' we've been expecting..." said the drake in awe.

"Yep, Desire's the name and the Apocalypse is my game." I chuckled as I entered the abode, after Pinkie zipped inside somehow.

"Ah, hello Desire, Pinkie." smiled Twilight with a nod as she was obviously sorting books.

"Good evening Twilight, I seek accommodation." I said.

"Of course! tomorrow is your tour of the town, the day after you are helping me in the library, the day after you can help Pinkie, the day after that, Rarity then Fluttershy, the Rainbow, then Applejack! and then we will see what Princess Celestia asks us to do next." said Twilight.

"Is she always this prepared?" I asked Pinkie.

"Yep!" he squealed and hopped around the room.

"Don't I know it?" groaned Spike.

"Tomorrow, after your tour, Sugarcube Corner, 10 PM, sharp!" exclaimed Pinkie and slammed the door as she left.

"Err..." I said.

"It's just Pinkie being Pinkie." Twilight rolled her eyes.

"Wow... you're huge!" exclaimed Spike as if some kind of revelation.

"Thanks little drake." I said and ruffled his scales.

"Stop! I'm not little..." he mumbled.

"Of course..." said Twilight and rolled her eyes as she sorted books out.

"So... I kissed Celestia." I said, I had to ask Twilight's advice, as currently Luna was unavailable.

Twilight froze up and the books in her magic dropped to the floor.

Spike even widened his eyes.

"You did WHAT?!" asked Twilight.

"I kissed her, I think I'm in love with her, I need some advice as to what she likes." I said.

"So she feels the same?" asked Spike.

"I'm not sure, she told me she didn't mind the kiss, I hope I can see her again." I said.

"Well, she is adaptable, but is also used to certain customs and may be impressed if you do them, for example, she has an empty sheath in her bedroom, I found it strange at first, however, upon further history research I found that it is a sign she is eligible, and if you put your own sword in there and she sends it in the sheath to you, she accepts a date, if it's without it's sheath... well..." Twilight laughed nervously.

"Rejection?" I asked and she nodded.

"Also, there are 'lovespoons' you craft a spoon and give it to her, she accepts, she loves you." said Twilight.

"Ok, I see, where can I craft this?" I asked.

"Black Smith." said Twilight.

"The blacksmith?" I asked.

"Yeah, but Black owns the place." said Spike.

"Oh, right." I said.

"He makes the best gemmed food!" exclaimed Spike and rubbed his stomach in happiness.

"He can help you, so you really love my mot- teacher?" asked Twilight.

"Mother? she is you surrogate mother correct?" I asked.

"Yes, sorry, sometimes I slip up, I sometimes do when talking to Princess Celestia herself, she says it makes her happy when I call her it."

"I never had a mother, I was born of particles forming to make something, and out I came." I said.

"Wow... no parents..." said Twilight.

"I have my siblings." I said.

"Yeah, siblings are always great!" said Twilight.

"They can get annoying, but that's why they're there." I chuckled.

"True." she said.

"Yeah, I love em' though." I said.

"My brother is married to Cadence." said Twilight.

"Oh, yeah, Shining Armor, right?" I asked.


"Right I should head into bed, big day tomorrow." said Twilight.

"Yeah, my big tour." I said.

"You can have our couch." said Twilight and a blanket and pillow materialised.

"Night." I said.

"Goodnight." said Twilight and Spike in unison.

I went to bed thinking on Twilight's words, the sword and sheath part could be done easily, the spoon... well, I've crafted a sword, who says I can't do a spoon?

Oh Creator I'm doomed...