A Sister's Love

by Rose_Fire

First published

Celestia bansihes Luna/ Nightmare Moon to the moon, realizing that she is to blame.

After Nightmare Moon attempts to take over Equestria, and Celestia has banished her to the moon, Celestia realizes who is to blame.

The construction of a Nightmare

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"I'm sorry, sister. I was so cruel and unkind. I am to blame!" I cry out. The tears roll.

"Luna, I-"

"Be gone!" she yelled. "I forbade you from here!"

"How dare you speak so sternly!" I shouted at her.

"Leave me be!" She shut slammed the door with her magic. I stood outside in the hallway, my hoof on the door. I can hear her weeping. I only trotted away, ashamed.

Little did I know what was really going on in her room.

Come, Luna. Your own sister cares only for herself, and not thee.

"She is my sister." I protest, the tears fall.

A true sister would help you through your pain. Join me! And we shall rule Equestria!

I lower my head. But Nightmare Moon is right. Knowpony appreciates my reign and power. But they will if I take over Equestria. I trot forward, remembering our arguments.

'Can I help, 'Tia?'

'This isn't your duty.' she'd wave me away. As if I'm not important myself.

'My only duty is to raise the moon, whilst you get your fame. I get no appreciation!' I said angrily.

'Do not be such a nuisance. I have to attend to my deeds.' she waved me away again. I trotted to my room and wept.
I am not appreciated for my duties. For my precious night. It shall be appreciated, I thought. They will accept me as a princess, unlike Celestia.

We shall rule Equestria! Precious Luna, you are not appreciated as thee should be. Join me! but I refused. Then, I would not allow Nightmare Moon to convince me to be so evil. As much as I hated this, I was jealous of her fame.

I let her wash over me. I shook with power, and almost collapsed. But a laugh ripped through my throat and Nightmare Moon was in full control.

"Luna, you must lower the moon." I said. I opened her bedroom door with force, only to find she wasn't there.

The Devastating Battle

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Dark magic washes over the lands. A new villain, but I do not know her. I call orders for the guards and subjects to protect the city. I pull my armor on and fly outside.

"Celestia! I refuse to allow you to defeat me!"

"Who are you?" I demand. She smiles and laughs evilly.

"I am Nightmare Moon!" Black magic fogs the lands. I recognize who she really is.

"Luna?" I say horrified.

"She is no more." Nightmare Moon shoots black magic at me, I dodge and launch myself toward her, "Luna, please!" I beg.

I blast my magic at her but she deflects it with a magical shield. I skim the lands and launch myself at her. I point my horn at her, my tears surface.

"Give up, sister! I have won!" she protests. "For I am to rule and Equestria shall be under the safety of the moon forever!"

Another wave of dark magic shot at me, I deflect with a magical shield. I shoot my magic at her, and she is hit and falters, but regains her height.

Flying towards her, I pray silently. "Stop this at once!"

"I do not take orders from thy selfish ruler." she growls.

She cast her magic at me and hits me before I can react. I land on my hooves on the ground. Launching myself back into the dark sky. We both summon our magic at each other. Our magic fuses together. But I lack strength, Luna's hatred was stronger, and my love for her wasn't. Nightmare Moon is difficult to defeat. Her magic strikes me. The next thing I know, I am launched into the sky, and I crash into a castle building, Nightmare Moon is in the distance, coming at me like a comet at amazing speed.

The elements.

I summon the Element of Magic first. The rest follow. I struggle, the elements circling me. I use the last of my energy for the elements. Before she can touch me, just a few feet away from me. "I'm sorry." I whisper. My magic deflects her, and I do nothing but watch as she is banished to her moon. The tears fall, one by one, a stream down my face. I shout in pain and anger and guilt. Is this how she felt when she didn't receive the love she deserved from me?

What have I done?

I Miss You

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Tears in my eyes, I lower the moon, due to Luna's absence. 1,000 cold winters without her. But I am to blame, it should be my punishment. Why didn't I give her what she needed, I watched as her jealousy and hatred grew toward the ones who had loved her. I look at the moon once more before it disappears behind the mountain. I cannot stop thinking about the night I had banished my own sister. I brought myself upon this pain. I sing her lullaby, as if she can hear me all these miles away.

I scream as loud as I can. She shut me out. Banished me to the moon because of her actions.

'Stop!' I shout again, debating with Nightmare Moon.

' 'Tia did her best for me. I brought my hatred upon her and attempted to destroy my own kingdom. And you are only making it worse!' I protest.

But we can still rule Equestria! They think less of you now, they must appreciate the calmness of night. They will bow down to us like they never have!

' I'm sorry, 'Tia, I have hurt you, I have made you believe that this fault is yours, but it is indeed my own. I love you, 'Tia.'

She does not love thee.

' I miss you.'

Why would she dare miss you if she sent you to the moon! Your own kingdom is your dungeon!

' But... I suppose you're correct. She ... she betrayed me! All I needed was love, I now know I have none. I ... despise her!'

I watch as the sun takes the moons place.
"Goodnight, sister mine."

1,000 years later

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"I'm sorry, sister. I do not know what had gotten in to me!" Luna apologizes to me.

I smile, happy she is back. "Come, I have something I must tell you." we exit the astonished crowd. I lead her into her room. She studies it, seeing it again, as if in new eyes. She lays on her bed.

I join her. "The fault is not on thee." I protest. She looks up, surprised.

"I attacked Equestria and harmed you!" she told me.

"You only did it out of jealousy and hatred. And with the way I acted, I do not blame you. I apologize for my selfish actions." tears well up in her eyes.

"I missed you, 'Tia." Tears well in our eyes. She hugs me tightly, of course, I hug her back. I feel her tears fall on my fur. I notice that a stream is on my cheek, we both wipe it away with our hooves, we look at each other. She laughs, an so do I.

"Now, are you ready to get back to your duties as Princess Luna?" I ask, a smile on my face.


"Come on, Lullay, I must show you our new chocolate fountain."

"That would be nice." she smiles.