Tarnished Silver and Clouded Diamonds

by David Silver

First published

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are banished to another world entirely, where they will have to use their wits to survive. With no money and no support, what are they to do? At least Pinkie Pie's on the way! Ponyfinder/MLP Crossover

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are banished to another world entirely, where they will have to use their wits to survive. With no money and no support, what are they to do? At least Pinkie Pie's on the way! Ponyfinder/MLP Crossover

Based on the events of The Apple Falls Far From the Tree but not requiring reading it to get right into things, as the characters involved have as little clue as you might as to why things are happening, they just are, and must deal with it.

1 - Sudden Arrival

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Silver Spoon tilted her head at Sweetie Belle. "I guess you aren't a blank flank anymore..."

Sweetie blinked in surprise at the words. "I guess not..." She smiled at Silver Spoon. "Does that mean you'll stop being mean and we can be friends?"

Diamond Tiara shoved forward. "Of course not! Don't be stupid. Your cutie mark is lame anyway!"

Silver Spoon flinched back, looking not entirely in agreement.

Applejack heard the exchange and something in her burned as the fell influence of her scythe pushed her to justice at any price. That filly wouldn't ever change. She would keep right on hurting everypony around her, even as an adult. Somepony should do something about it... Somepony like...

Applejack marched up to the bullying twins. "Say yer sorry, right now."

Diamond Tiara turned up her little nose. "Make me."

"Ya asked for it." She pulled her scythe free and it seemed to buzz wildly with power. She knew it could rid her of these pests, but killing wasn't the right answer. It rarely was. No, a better idea came to her, and she swung the scythe just in front of the little fillies, rending the space between Equestria and Everglow. The rift was short-lived but violent, drawing the two fillies away to lands far removed from their home.

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon had no idea what was going on, only that something was squeezing and pulling at them violently. Abruptly, they arrived in a bank of snow a few feet from one another, the world lost to the darkness of being covered in the frigid fluff.

Diamond Tiara kicked her way to her hooves first, glaring around. "When I get my hooves on that country bumpkin! My dad's going to take her farm away!"

Silver Spoon rose to the sound of her friend's voice and came up out of the snow bank with a soft sputtering. "Where are we?"

Diamond Tiara did a circle in place. "I don't know. It's cold. Fetch my jacket."

Silver Spoon rolled her eyes lightly. "Why would I have your jacket? I'm cold too." She tapped at her chin before pointing down the slope. "Maybe it's warmer off this mountain?"

Diamond Tiara growled softly. "Don't tell me what to do! I'm in charge." She sat on her haunches and crossed her hooves a moment before pointing down the slope. "Maybe there's a town down there and we can get some ponies to give us a hoof."

Silver Spoon climbed out of the hole she made as she nodded. "Great idea, DT."

Her sarcasm was noticed and Diamond shoved at Silver's shoulders. "Don't use that tone with me! There's nopony else around here. Somepony has to take charge."

Silver shrank back a little. "And, of course, that pony would be you."

"Of course!" Diamond threw up her nose. "Now let's get moving before the snow absolutely ruins my mane."

Silver pointed an accusing hoof at Diamond. "It's your fault we're here at all! Why'd you pick a fight with them? Why'd you pick a fight with a grownup!"

Diamond swatted the hoof aside. "They were 'offended' by the truth, like they always are. They're a bunch of nopony losers and have to be reminded of that. We're better than them, we don't have--"

Silver shoved against Diamond, knocking her into the snow. "Shut up shut up shut up! They're enjoying a party while we freeze our flanks off!"

Diamond scrambled to her hooves with a furious expression, clopping her forehooves together. "You did not just shove me into the snow!"

Silver moved to do so again, only for Diamond to catch her leg in her mouth and bite into the tender flesh. Silver Spoon squealed in pain before grabbing at Diamond's mane and tugging it cruelly with her free hoof. Diamond returned the favor, yanking at Silver's mane and sending the two tumbling into the snow. They punched and kicked at one another with building fury and frustration, until both were left bruised and tired, and all the more cold.

Diamond's eyes filled with tears as she lay there beside her friend, the gravity of the situation starting to become more clear. "Nopony's coming for us. We're going to die up here in the icky snow and nopony will find us!"

Silver pushed up to her haunches, wobbling a little from the dizzying blows she had received. "We... have to get moving. We're... We're going to freeze to death." Tears stung at her eyes with terror, but the same fear got her up to her hooves, and she offered one to Diamond Tiara.

DT accepted the hoof and hauled herself up, and the two fillies began trotting down the mountain, hoping for any sign of civilized life at all in the white sea of snow. The only interruption of the carpet were juts of grey or black rock that poked free. The wind howled softly through the peaks, stealing their body heat with every gust, despite the best efforts of their fur.

While the biting cold seemed to be their worst enemy, their quiet march of sniffles was interrupted by a soft growl, barely audible through the wind. Diamond pulled up short and flashed her teeth. "We're not alone."

Silver smiled, hoping it was somepony friendly, at least until the lean form of a wolf stepped into view. It wasn't a timber wolf, at least, but that didn't make its teeth any less menacing. It was covered in white fur, adapted to the snowy environment, and somehow its teeth shone all the more brilliantly. "S-should we run?"

The question wasn't as obvious as it could be. Neither filly saw anywhere they could run to that the wolf couldn't chase, probably faster. Diamond advanced on it with all her false bravado. "Go away! I command you to go away!"

The wolf seemed surprised at the aggression of the small prey animal, backing up half a step before it reconsidered the situation and gave a low rumble of a growl, stepping towards Diamond with a flash of hungry teeth. It jumped forward at the little filly, and Diamond barely had time to squeal before she was dragged to the ground. Only the wild flailing of her hooves kept the wolf away from her throat.

Silver acted without thought, charging the wolf and ramming it with her head. The wolf and Silver fell together off of Diamond Tiara, who hurried to her hooves and ran away with all the speed she could muster. The movement only drew the attention of the wolf. It sprinted after her with a frightful speed, leaving Silver to chase after both of them, leaving a trail of frightened tears behind her.

The wolf jumped for Diamond's delectable flank and she lashed out with her hooves with all the strength her earth pony body could manage, driving them into the jaw of the beast with surprising strength. Unpracticed in the ways of battle, the sudden buck ruined Diamond's footing and she slid down into the snow.

The wolf let out a yelp at the impact, shaking its head. Silver careened into its rump, and her teeth found the flesh as her friend's had found her leg before. The sudden counterattack was enough to convince the wolf this meal was too costly to pursue. It shook free of Silver and dashed off into the snow, quickly lost to sight and seeking easier victims. Silver Spoon sank to her haunches, panting for air and shuddering as every gasp brought in more frigid mountain wind. "D-Diamond, are you OK?"

Diamond pushed back up to her hooves, shaking the snow free from her fur. "Yeah, we have to keep going. I refuse to die on some dirty hill! Oooo, when I see those lame-o Crusaders..." The anger seemed to fuel her, and she resumed the journey down the side of the mountain, leading the way.

Silver pointed far into the distance. In the growing gloom of evening, she could see a faint light in the valley ahead. "Look! We're saved!" Both broke into hopeful smiles and began galloping down, half-sliding through the snow in their rush to reach warmth and safety.

As they approached, they saw the light came from a small cabin. It stood alone in the thin forest, isolated in the mountains. Smoke curled upwards from a chimney, promising blessed heat. Silver Spoon got there first and banged a hoof on the door. "Please open up!"

"Open!" Diamond Tiara reached for the handle and found that it wasn't locked. She shoved the door open and the two quickly hurried inside and kicked the door shut behind them. The warmth of the interior was an immediate relief, and they sagged to the floor.

Silver Spoon sat up when the immediate sting of the cold faded to a soft throbbing, and craned her head in a slow survey of the room. There was an iron stove with wood in it, burning with a quiet crackle and pop. It was the only source of light, making the room quite dim, but blissfully free of winter's bite.

Diamond sat up and pointed at a bed across from the stove. "I'm too tired to keep walking. We should get some rest, even if it looks icky." The bed was a far cry from their usual standards, being comprised of what looked like straw with a thin sheet covering it.

Silver nodded as she approached it, looking around. She let out a trembling sigh. "Are we going to be alright?"

Diamond tilted her head. "Why wouldn't we be? We're not freezing anymore. We can wait for daddy to come find us. Is there any food in here?" She rose up on her hind legs and peeked up onto the shelves, spying jars that she couldn't see the contents of.

She reached for them, scooping them with her hooves. It was easier grabbing them than controlling them, and several fell against her, balancing on her chest as others fell to the ground. Most thudded dully, but one shattered, and a pungent scent of rot quickly filled the air.

Silver twisted her face in disgust. "Ew! Whatever's in those has gone bad."

Diamond slowly fell back to all fours, letting the rest of the jars clatter to the ground. Closer to the light, she could see they all appeared to be filled with something vile and black. She pointed to the door. "Get rid of the spilled junk."

Silver Spoon shook her head quickly. "You broke it, you get rid of it." She turned for the door and reared up, grabbing the handle in her mouth and tugging it open. "There, like, just push it out."

Diamond gave a withering look to limited effect before kicking the filth to the door quickly, not wanting to let the heat escape. Once the jar was removed, the foul scent it produced faded, and with the door closed, the heat started rebuilding.

Silver shuddered softly. "Diamond, like... what if your dad's not coming at all? Where even are we?"

"You're in my home." A chill ran down both their spines and they spun around to find the source of the voice, but no one was there.

Diamond clopped a hoof on the ground. "Who are you and where are you hiding?"

"I'm right here." The voice sounded female, and a little old. "It's been so long since my last guest, and so young. So lost... Poor little things."

2 - Lost Foals

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Silver retreated backwards until she ran into the bed, quivering in fear. "W-w-what are you?"

The kindly voice seemed to drift closer to Silver Spoon, only heightening her terror. "This is my cabin, and your friend is hurt, poor thing."

Silver's eyes went to Diamond Tiara, who looked confused. "What?" She looked herself over and span in place until she found the bite the wolf left on her. She went rigid at the sight of it.

"Don't panic," urged the voice. "Poor thing, you're still in shock."

"I'm not in shock!" declared Diamond, and she wasn't entirely wrong. As time went on, the pain began to creep back in, and her flank stung with the ragged wound she had suffered. "Do you have any bandaids, stupid voice?"

"Only if you ask politely."

Silver sat up in place and put her forehooves together. "Please, miss, uh, voice? Can we have some bandaids for my friend?"

A soft dull yellow light led Silver to a small box under the bed, where old bandages and a sealed bottle of alcohol was hidden, as well as a needle and thread. Silver didn't even try to contemplate why one would need a needle or thread in a first-aid kit. "Diamond, come here and sit down."

Diamond bit back a retort and approached Silver, sinking in front of her with her wounded flank on display. "Just... be careful... OK?"

Silver smiled gently at her best friend. "I'll be super careful, alright. Just stay still as best as you can." Silver got to work, cleaning the injury with the alcohol poured onto a rag, then wrapped the bandage around a few times, securing the wound and biting the bandage free. It wasn't a professional job, but it looked a lot better than the blood getting all over Diamond Tiara's pretty pink fur. "Better?"

Diamond sniffed once, biting back the cries the touch of alcohol prompted. "Yeah, I'm fine." She sat up and rubbed her forehooves together. "Thanks..."

"Now that's more like two little angels I thought you were." The voice seemed to be beside Diamond Tiara. "I'm going to assume you were lashing out in pain."

Diamond gave a little grunt. "We're not supposed to be here!"

"I should think not. No one should be here, least of all little pony foals. I thought if anyone came here, it would be an elderly griffon."

Silver tilted her head a little. "Why a griffon? Like, are we in the griffon kingdom?!"

"Why yes, yes you are. What a smart little foal you are, if a little oddly-shaped... Oh listen to me, now I'm the one being rude."

Diamond pointed at where the voice seemed to be coming from. "Who are you? And do you have any food? We didn't get a chance to eat before they threw us here."

"You shouldn't worry too much about me. Just be glad you're so young and innocent."

Silver swallowed heavily. "Oh, uh... So, like, what would you do if we weren't fillies?"

"I'd rather not say."

Diamond clopped a hoof on the ground. "About that food?"

"I'm afraid I have little use for such a thing. You'll have to go get it yourselves."

Silver frowned quizzically. "Where do we do that?"

"When the snow isn't coming down so hard, you should be able to find the trail. Just follow it, and don't get bitten again."

Diamond crossed her forelegs. "I didn't try to be bitten."

Silver set a hoof on Diamond's shoulder. "She knows that, but she's right, let's, like, not run into any more wolves."

A soft knocking came from the door, which turned quickly into a pounding. A hoarse voice called out, "Please! Please open the door!" It was male, and an adult by the sound of it. The room suddenly plunged into darkness.

The voice whispered in both of their ears. "Not for your eyes." And sleep came for them.

Diamond awoke first, rolling upright and blinking open her eyes before she shrieked with all the power that her little lungs could muster. Before her was a griffon, eviscerated and quartered. Each limb was tied up to the wall in a different part of the house, and his guts were hanging free of the stove that wasn't on anymore. The room was cold as death, and besides Diamond's screaming, nothing else disturbed the deadly scene.

Silver woke up quickly from the noise, only to join her friend with her shrill cry. She got to her hooves and staggered towards the door before her belly emptied itself on the floor, choking her cry with her own bile as she battled vainly to make sense of what she saw. Diamond rushed up to her and thrust her head under Silver, picking up the nauseous filly and bursting free of the hut. The door slammed shut behind them, and the lock engaged with a dull thud.

They had apparently spent the entire night in the hut; the sun was high enough to put it at early morning. The snow had stopped and the bitterest part of the chill had faded, though that still left it distressingly cold. Silver half-fell from Diamond Tiara, shuddering but smiling a little. "T-thanks. You saved me." She hugged Diamond tightly, drawing some measure of comfort from the physical presence of her. Diamond was too shocked to do much but accept it and try to calm the thundering of her heart.

The moment passed, and Diamond nudged Silver back. "Get it together. Look, there's the trail that spooky voice told us about." She pointed to a faint trail that wove through the trees, leading further into the valley. "I don't want to be here anymore."

Silver bobbed her head quickly. "Let's get out of here." She led the way in a semi-frantic scurry, and they were soon out of sight of the hut, both actively trying to forget what they saw inside.

"It's for the best," whispered the kindly old voice, far too far behind for either of them to hear. "My fury won't find any peace around you, little ones. Good luck."

An hour passed with little sound but their quiet panting and the crunch of snow under their hooves. Their legs felt sore, especially around those hooves, the cold biting at the sensitive flesh there. Silver Spoon took a moment to adjust her large glasses, thankful they had managed to not be damaged in all the commotion. "Do... Do you think it could follow us?"

Diamond glared at her friend, but the expression softened as she looked away. "I hope not. I don't think it wanted us. Look!" She trotted off the path and picked up a weathered but still intact longbow. "It's like from the Equestria games! But it's missing the spike on the bottom. Maybe it broke?"

Silver approached it with a ghost of a smile, thankful for the distraction. "Oh wow, it's a real bow. I never held one before. Can I see it?"

Diamond held it by the mouth towards Silver Spoon, who took it from her and sat down, trying to mime its use, but hooves were not quite suited for marksmanship, or marksponyship. "How does it work?"

Diamond rolled her eyes. "Well that's what you need the spike for. You have to get it standing up, then you can use it. And we need arrows, stupid."

Silver spoke around the bow she didn't seem willing to drop, "I'm not stupid. Just keep your eyes out for some arrows."

"Like these?" Diamond pointed to a quiver that rested not far from where the bow was. "I bet somepony lost both of them together."

Silver grinned triumphantly and set down the bow. She quickly snatched up the quiver and slung it over herself before picking up the bow again. She had no idea how to really use the bow, but she felt better for having it. "Like, how do I look?"

Diamond laughed softly. "You look like a little ranger, like Stallion Hood, Silver."

Silver put a hoof to a cheek. "Aw, thanks. We better get going. I don't want to spend a night out here." With some trial and error, Silver found a way to have the bow slung over herself and leave her mouth open, and the two proceeded down the trail.

The sun was starting to sag, and their entire bodies ached from navigating the mountain trails, but it all became worth it when they saw signs of life. Equally important was the fact that it was multiple signs. No lone cabin, instead a small village of houses and some surrounding farmland. No ponies were outside, not that either of the two could blame anypony for staying inside. They hurried their steps, coming into town with an almost drunken shuffle, tired and worn.

Diamond pointed to a large building with bright lights. "That place looks good." She hurried as quickly as she could and mouthed the handle. It wasn't locked, and she pushed the door open easily, allowing warmth to escape over her cooled form. A loud chorus of voices complained about the chill, and the two hurried inside and shut the door. There was a wall between them and the source of the voices, but they sounded alive, with bodies capable of complaining of the cold.

Diamond nodded at Silver. "Let me handle this. I'll have them eating out of the soles of our hooves." Silver nodded, and Diamond advanced, turning the corner to find a tavern room full of griffons. She hesitated a moment before scolding herself internally for being surprised. They were in the griffon kingdom, they were told this already. "Play it cool," she quietly whispered to herself before she gathered herself up to her full, if diminutive, height. "I am Diamond Tiara, and this is my servant, Silver Spoon. We require lodging and food until my father comes to fetch me, at which time you will be well paid!"

Several curious pairs of eyes settled on her. The bartender raised a brow. "And who's your father that we should give a feather about?"

Diamond Tiara pointed at herself with a confident smile. "My father is none other than Filthy Rich, of Ponyville." Where she expected to get service and awe, she got only blank looks and mild confusion.

"Never heard of it," said the bartender. "Are you lost? You're quite a bit away from the pony lands to be idly lost. Get out of the way of traffic and have a seat." He reached across the bar and pat a stool. "Share your story and I'll consider it a fair trade for a drink. I have a feeling it's a good one."

Silver hurried up to the bar and hopped up onto one of the stools, swinging herself left and right on it with a simple enjoyment of its ability to swivel. "You wouldn't believe, like, half the things we saw! Right, Diamond? We're lucky to be alive!"

Diamond took her time taking her own seat, mounting the stool with all the dignity she could muster. "It wasn't that bad, just a hungry ghost that tore apart a griffon twice our size. Nothing we couldn't handle."

3 - Far From Home

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The bartender whipped up some light beer and set a mug in front of each of the fillies. Silver Spoon pulled hers over and slurped up some before making a sour face. "Um, excuse me, but, like, what is this?"

The barkeep looked confused at the question. "Never had beer before? It'll help warm you up and chase away the stiffness in your little legs."

Diamond Tiara pulled hers closer and sniffed it. "I can handle this." She upturned it and forced herself to swig it down without pause, leaving an empty mug behind. Her empty belly and small body made it hit her insides like a hammer, and she grunted a little as she slumped. Some of the ache of the journey to reach the town did fade away, and things just didn't seem as dire as they did a moment before. "Tastes awful, but it works."

Silver began to look worried. "You don't want to be like that creepy mare that's always getting drunk, Diamond. Be careful."

Diamond waved off the concern. "I said I can handle it." She flopped her head on the bar, looking up at the barkeep. "So, you wanted to know how we got here? Lemme tell ya! There we were, across from the Cutie Mark Losers, laughing at one of their lame-o cutie marks, and this big brute of a pony comes up, Applesquare, and bam, she waves a funny thing at us and we're up on the hill over there." She pointed in the vague direction they came from.

Silver rubbed behind her head a little. "Diamond Tiara challenged Applejack, and she punished us both. It was, like, not fair at all." She crossed her forehooves. "I didn't do anything wrong!"

Diamond gasped loudly. "You'd want me to be sent here alone?"

Silver recoiled. "What? No! I mean..."

"You do! You'd leave me to die in a mound of dirty snow." Diamond clopped the top of the bar with a hoof. "I thought you were my friend." She began to sniffle and cry, speaking each word with a choked sob. "Bump. Bump. Sugar... Lump..." She pushed her mug ahead. "Gimmie another!"

Silver reached out quickly, swatting the mug to the side and grabbing the dizzy Diamond Tiara tightly. "No! Enough! I am your friend and as your friend, no more drinks."

The bartending griffon claimed both of their mugs and tucked them away. "I think your friend needs to lay down for a little while."

Silver barely held the squirming and struggling form of Diamond Tiara. "Where can we do that? I don't, like, have any bits."

He hiked a thumb towards the stairs. "First door on the left is a common room. I'm not so heartless to tell a bunch of pony kids to take a hike. Just try to keep the noise down."

Silver bobbed her head as she tried to pull Diamond off her stool to the floor. Diamond suddenly burst into near-silent tears, clutching to Silver. While uncomfortable, the position was easier to carry her in, and Silver made her way quickly to the stairs with Diamond slung over her back. The stairs were a slow struggle against gravity and left Silver panting as she reached the top, tired but triumphant. "We're going to, like, take a little nap, Diamond."

Diamond whispered in an ear, "Will you sleep with me?"

Silver went red in those same ears as she pushed open the door. The interior of the common room was dark and quiet. She could see the slumbering form of somepony under a blanket and guessed it was another griffon. She whispered back gently. "Yes, Diamond, just be extra quiet, other ponies are sleeping too."

Diamond waved a hoof without coordination. "I don't see no ponies, just stupid griffons."

Silver set Diamond down on a cot and crawled in beside her, pulling up the blanket. "Well don't worry about them. It's bed time. Let's get some sleep."

Diamond snuggled in tight, still sniffling once in a while. "I'm hungry..."

Silver softly stroked through her friend's mane. "We'll get something to eat after we wake up, promise." She wasn't sure how they'd do anything without bits. She couldn't trust the griffon to just be that nice of a person forever. "Go to sleep, OK?"

Lulled off with a combination of alcohol and the gentle attention of her friend, Diamond Tiara began to fade away. She murmured sleepily, "Thanks, Silver Spoon. You're the bestest." Silver smiled at the kind words, and held Diamond close. The two found some desperately needed rest in one another's grip, passing the night by without further concern.

Come the morning, Diamond woke first. She hadn't drunk enough to leave her with a hangover, despite her lightweight ability to cope with the drug. She sat up in the darkness and looked around, seeing many sleeping griffons scattered around on cots or on the floor. The hazy memory of what she did last night caught up to her and she frowned. Silently, she slipped from her cot and trotted across the floor with only the light clip-clop of her hooves.

Soon outside the common room, she sat down and took a slow breath. "OK, you're far away from home, and Daddy's not coming soon. You can handle this, Diamond Tiara. You were raised to lead, and leaders need to be tough, and powerful! Silver Spoon is counting on us." She clopped her forehooves together. "No more beer! An embarrassed leader is a powerless leader, and a powerless leader is a useless leader. You can do this!" She pushed to her hooves and descended to the main room.

A different griffon was behind the counter, and there weren't any customers. Diamond hopped up onto the same stool she had before. "What happened to the griffon that was here last night?"

"My husband?" asked the she-griffon. "He's getting some sleep. Lazy bastard refuses to work eighteen hour shifts. Whattaya need?"

Diamond tapped at her chin. "I'm looking for administrative work."

The griffon raised her brows in unison. "That's a big fancy word that has little place in this town. The only guild we have are the lumberjacks. You could try checking with them? Aren't you a little..." She paused as she looked Diamond up and down. "Well, little? You don't look like you've done a single hard day's work in your life."

Diamond ran a hoof through her distressingly-tangled mane. "That's why I'm looking for the right kind of work. My daddy's a big business leader, and I'm going to do the same."

She shrugged lightly. "Best of luck to you, but I hope you have a plan B. Do you have some coin to back up that plan with?"

Diamond reached into a small pouch with her mouth and pulled out the ten bits she'd tucked away as spending money. "How much for breakfast and a hot bath? Uh, two breakfasts."

She smiled, a sly expression. "I was wondering if you'd forget your friend. The husband mentioned you two, how could he not? It's not every day some random ponies come in looking like they crawled all the way from Yi Sheng with nothing but a prayer, and so young too..."

She made a flippant gesture with a talon. "One of those gold coins you're holding will tide you over for two days, meals included. We don't serve fancy vittles here, you get the same slop everyone else gets, but it'll fill you up and keep you going."

Diamond set one of the coins down, but kept her hoof on it. "Does that includes hot baths and soaps?"

She snorted. "I'll show you how to heat the tub yourself, but that isn't nearly enough to get me to do it. There's a bar of soap next to it, have at."

Diamond didn't feel she was getting any better of a deal and she drew her hoof away, leaving the coin behind. The griffin snatched it up and pocketed it. "Now you just sit there and look pretty. I'll have breakfast ready in a few minutes."

Diamond tried to marshal herself, going over plans for how she'd approach the lumberjacks and amaze them with her keen business acumen. If she could win them over, they'd be comfortable for as long as they needed to wait to be rescued, and everything would be great! She'd get to tell her daddy how she succeeded and he'd be so proud! That would get his attention. He barely looked at her report card unless there was a bad mark on it, but a takeover of a foreign business and turning a profit? She was sure he'd bury her in praise and be so shocked...

Her thoughts were interrupted by the approach of Silver Spoon, adjusting her glasses as she went. She smiled at Diamond gently. "Are you feeling better?"

Diamond colored at remembering the night before. "Of course! I'm fine. I negotiated us lodging and meals while you were sleeping."

Silver Spoon climbed up onto her stool. "Wow, really? I didn't think to bring any bits at all... Thanks, Diamond, you're a lifesaver."

Diamond felt warm and good at her friend's praise, but her praise wasn't hard to get, and only went so far. "After we eat and wash up, I'm going to go to the woodcutter's company in town and see if I can't get a position."

Silver tilted her head. "What? Really? You're, like, gonna get a real job and everything?"

Her voice was full of wonder and amazement, which pleased Diamond. "Of course. We don't have enough money to last forever, and who knows how long it'll be before Daddy finds us, so we have to be big mares and handle it ourselves." She clopped her forehooves together. "You'll come with me, right? I'll look more impressive with an assistant."

Silver bobbed her head quickly. "Of course! I'll totally be your wingmare. Do you think they'll hire us? I bet they're all griffons."

Diamond waved a hoof lightly. "All the more reason. They won't know what hit them. Eat up and let's get washed."

A plate was set on the counter and a large ladle dropped steaming hot but not entirely identifiable food onto it. "Here you go." She slid the first towards Diamond Tiara, then a second plate to Silver Spoon. "House special."

Silver Spoon grabbed a spoon in her hoof, and the griffon peered at her curiously. "How'd you do that?"

"Huh, do what?"

"That?" The griffon reached and grabbed the spoon out of Silver's hoof, then set it back on the counter. "Go ahead."

Silver Spoon looked mildly irritated but reached for the spoon, easily holding it in her hoof. The griffon shook her head. "Is it magic?"

Diamond Tiara tilted her head before grabbing up her own spoon. "I don't see what the big deal is. Now kindly let us eat."

Despite the questionable service, the food was tasty and filling, and with bolstered spirits, they went off to the bathing room. It took some teamwork to get the fire going under the tub and to fill it with water, but the reward was well worth it. They soaked in the water for a time before washing each other off and tending to one another's mane and tail. Soon they felt whole and ready, and stepped out into the chill, prepared for their next challenge.

4 - Hello Lumberjacks

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The cold was as bad as ever, but facing it with full bellies and rested bodies made it seem much less daunting. They picked their way through the village. The pathways were not cobbled. Much like Ponyville, most of it was just worn dirt paths running between the most-used buildings.

A voice called down to them, "Who are you?"

Diamond looked up first, spotting a griffon that seemed comprised of a snow leopard and an eagle. It was massive, and it was looming as only a huge predator could. Diamond cleared her throat. "I am Diamond Tiara, and this is Silver Spoon. Do you know the way to the woodcutters?"

The griffon pointed a talon to a building up ahead. "You're going the right way, but you're both terribly tiny for lumbering work. Are you some kind of wizard, or priest? You aren't going to be able to do anything to those trees otherwise."

Silver advanced with her head held high. "Diamond Tiara's going to review their management and find all the mistakes. She'll, like, have it running twice as fast and profitable!"

The griffon pointed at Diamond's tiara, which had survived the journey so far. "You may have a crown, but that doesn't mean anyone's going to listen to anything you have to say. You're just a tiny, misshapen, pony. Why should anyone care?"

Diamond stomped, crunching snow under a hoof and accomplishing little else. "Because I know how to run things properly. My daddy's run businesses bigger than this whole town, and I paid attention."

The griffon crossed his forelegs as he sat up. "You've got confidence, I'll grant that. Alright, tell me one thing you'd change, and make it good."

Silver tilted her head a little. "Do you work for them?"

He chuckled softly. "Work for them? I own them. These arms have taken trees down in the time it takes others to get started, and I've been working the trade for two decades now. So, again, what do you plan to change that'd make it better?"

Diamond's defensive posture shifted once it became clear she was speaking to someone worth talking to. "I'd want to do a review of the current process first."

He snorted softly. "It's lumber. This isn't complicated, at least until something tries to eat some of my boys in the field. Wolf packs, mountain worms, or worse. They cut into productivity. You got a fix for that?"

Diamond Tiara reviewed the few tricks she knew, but precious few of them had to do with avoiding wild monsters. "Have you considered fencing off the area? Fence off enough so you can cut down some trees and plant more, keeps the wildlife out, which would attract monsters?"

He rubbed his chin. "That'd take an awful lot of setup time, but it might be worth it, long-term. Alright, you got my attention." He jumped off the roof and landed in front of the two ponies, towering over them. "Funny-looking ponies, consider yourselves hired, but I don't pay pencil pushers."

Silver perked an ear even as she shrank back from the intimidating griffon. "Who do you pay?"

He thumped his chest with a talon. "Workers! You'll accompany a team out, help them, and plan this fence. Your idea, you get to make sure it happens right. Since you're too damn small to work the saws, your job will be to do whatever else needs doing, and keeping an eye out for attacks while you're surveying. I'll pay 1 silver piece a day, and you can use the company bunks."

Diamond soured internally. That wasn't a leadership position at all! "Who do you trade with?"

He raised a brow. "Huh? What kind of question is that?"

Diamond pointed at the griffon. "I bet you're being played for a sap. Let me see your ledgers."

He looked a bit nervous. "We don't, I mean we trade with whoever needs wood in the area..."

Diamond looked to Silver, trusting her to follow along. "He doesn't even have a ledger. The money just being thrown into the snow!"

Silver Spoon gasped dramatically and put a hoof to her forehead as if feeling faint. "I can't even imagine it! We got here, like, just in time!"

He grunted and started to look angry. "You're pulling my tail! We've been running fine for years!"

Diamond adopted an expression of cocky certainty. "And you have no idea why. When things start to slide, you won't know where, or how to react. You'll go under with the first market shift, and someone else will become the source of lumber, just like that." She tapped at her chin. "Maybe I should go work for them. I'm sure they'd like somepony to look over their numbers."

He brought a talon down inches from Diamond, cleaving through the snow as if it wasn't there. "You'll do no such thing! You think you're so smart, fine!" His words were cut off as he noticed something, and looked at Silver Spoon. "Where'd you get that bow?"

Silver blinked in surprise before pointing up the trail they came in from. "It was laying there with the arrows."

His face contorted. "No way... Look, kids, foals, whatever you are. You want to look over numbers, fine. I'll pay you half the extra profit you pull in, if you can prove you did it. In the meanwhile, I need that." He reached for the bow.

Silver danced away from the grasping talon, almost tripping over herself. "What, why?! Finder's keepers!"

"This isn't funny," said the large griffon with a scowl. "Let me see it. It looks familiar."

Silver Spoon pulled the bow free and held it up with a sticky hoof, which confused the griffon a moment before he returned his attention to the bow. "Yeah, right here." He pointed a talon at a tiny maker's mark of two crossed talons. "This is Bright Feather's, or was. He didn't come back... yesterday..." His expression darkened. "How'd you find this again?"

Silver Spoon pulled the bow close. "It was just laying there."

Diamond Tiara stepped between the griffon and Silver. "That's beside the point. Nopony cares about a stupid bow. Where do you keep what little ledgers you do have?"

He pointed a talon at Diamond. "Don't test my patience. Bright wouldn't put down his bow for any reason. He practically slept with the damn thing. Hiring you two's gonna have to wait, seeing as you're prime suspects for his death."

Silver sank to her haunches. "D-death?! We didn't hurt him! We didn't even see him!"

Diamond scowled at the griffon. "Who are you to--"

"Did I mention I'm also the sheriff?" The griffon raised a brow. "Go back to the inn and wait. I'll investigate, and if you aren't there when I get back, I'll just have to assume you ran away to avoid justice and hunt you down." He pointed at the inn. "Get."

They sullenly turned back to the inn and began retracing their steps. The massive griffon took flight and vanished up the path. Silver glanced at her friend as she walked. "Do you think the ghost will get him?"

Diamond sighed softly. "We should be so lucky. Why'd you have to pick that thing up?! We were so close to getting it."

Silver shrank a little. "I just... I'm sorry. I didn't know it would cause trouble. I just liked the look of it."

Diamond shoved lightly at Silver. "You can't even use it!"

"Can too!" Silver pulled it off her back and drew an arrow. She knocked it and pulled it back with quivering legs, barely strong enough to bend the bow, and it didn't bend much. The bow was clearly meant for someone much stronger, and likely larger. With a loud twang, the arrow launched, sailing for about twenty feet before coming to a gentle landing in the snow. Silver smiled even as she tried to hide the wince from her lousy firing position and the sting it left in her leg. "I just need a little practice." She quickly fetched the arrow and put it away.

Diamond rolled her eyes. "Well if we end up in jail, I guess you'll have plenty of time. Oh, wait, they'll take your stupid bow away."

Silver frowned at the mental image. "But we didn't... kill... him, or anypony."

Diamond stomped in the snow just in front of the inn. "We were there! Who do you think that was that got attacked? He's going to figure it out, and we're going to jail."

With shared foul moods, they stepped inside, where it was, at least, warm.

It wasn't long before another griffon stepped in, a female with a raven's forebody and a housecat for a back end. She quickly found them in the main room and approached their table. "So it was you?" She pointed at Silver accusingly.

Silver rolled her ears back. "I didn't!"

"I should think not," agreed the griffon. "A final insult on his good name, telling me my husband was slain by a little pony whelp. What is he thinking?! You're not even large enough to fit his bow, let alone take him down. If you did, you deserve what you took, and he deserves to lose it, being killed so pathetically. No, I refuse to believe it."

She frowned at Silver Spoon. "And what kind of pony would butcher a griffon like that? That isn't how ponies behave, even in their darkest times. No, he was clearly slain by something with a much harder heart, twisted and vile."

Diamond Tiara tapped at the table. "Does that mean we're free to go now?"

"Not quite." She crossed her forelegs. "That bull of a sheriff's certain. Certainly an idiot, perhaps. I don't want this going to trial. The shame of it, no matter which way it is found, is too much to bear. My husband doesn't deserve to even be accused of being killed at the little delicate hooves of... this." She waved a talon at Silver Spoon. "Koidon would shove him free of the last nest for such an insult, and me after for allowing it."

Silver nodded slowly. "Alright, so, like, what should we do about it? You know I totally didn't kill him or anything awful like that."

The griffon's features softened slightly and she reached for Silver, patting her on the head. "Poor thing. You're just as much a victim, but you will recover, my husband is dead. His wounds won't heal. Tell me everything. Leave out no detail, no matter how small. He always said I was too clever for him, let's put that to work to get us out of this shameful mess."

Diamond began to recount the tail of finding the cabin, and the ghost they met, including the grisly end and their fleeing of the cabin. Silver interjected when they got to the part with the bow, and the griffon frowned.

"The bow is a gift, or a curse. You were meant to find it. It was put there by the angry ghost as a gift." She sighed softly. "I'm not arguing with a Koidon-damned ghost. If she wants you to have it, keep it. But I think I know what to do."

5 - Frontier Justice

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The griffon tapped the table lightly. "You two, we're going to get through this. Just stay calm."

Diamond raised a brow. "We are calm."

Silver Spoon squirmed a little. "T-thanks... So what do we have to do?" Her voice betrayed that she wasn't as calm as Diamond Tiara claimed.

Their companion hiked a thumb towards the door. "We wait for that big oaf to come back, then I put his head on straight."

Diamond waved a hoof lightly. "What if he decides we didn't kill anypony, but we stole the bow?"

The griffon shrugged. "That would be a lot less trouble for me, but I don't think you did that either. You both have the stink of aristocracy, which makes me wonder how you got outside the pony empire in the first place, to say nothing of all the way out in the middle of nowhere." She shook her head. "I'm Dark Streak, by the way. Not the best way to meet someone, but not the worst I've heard."

Silver rubbed behind her head. "What's the worst?"

Dark smiled. "Well, the big oaf met his lady friend by dropping a tree on her by accident."

Diamond rolled her eyes. "I'm sure his papers are going to be such a mess. We'll be rich by the time we finish sorting them out."

Silver Spoon smiled. "Do you really think you can sort it out?"

Diamond rose to her full height. "Of course I can! If that stupid birdcat didn't stop us, we'd already be half done by now."

Dark glanced towards the door, where the sheriff had not returned through yet. "What is it, precisely, you'd be half done with?"

Silver suddenly raised a hoof. "Wait, did you say the pony empire? You mean, like, Equestria?"

Dark frowned at Silver. "I never heard it called that before."

Diamond snorted softly. "You can't expect every griffon to know about Equestria. You've at least heard of Celestia? Moves the sun?"

Dark shook her head. "Do you refer to the Sun King, or is it Queen with the ponies? You horses are charmingly misandrist."

Diamond clopped a hoof on the table. "You take that back!"

Silver sat up. "Yeah! Uh, what is that?"

Dark rolled her eyes. "It means you favor females over males."

Diamond pointed at Dark. "Shows what you know. My daddy's rich and powerful. When ponies hear the name Filthy Rich, they know to get their act together!"

Dark focused on Diamond. "Well that explains that." The door slammed open to admit the heavy build of the head lumberjack that doubled as the town law. "And here's our oaf. Let me do the talking." She pushed away from the table and approached the other griffon. "Hey, Snow Drift, what'd you find?"

Snow scowled at Dark. "No griffon deserves to go out that way. You have my condolences."

Dark frowned. "What do you mean?"

Snow pointed back out the door. "We found your husband, in several pieces like he was pulled apart. Someone even cooked parts of 'im, but it wasn't eaten, just another sick twist on a grisly scene. Up at the cabin."

Dark shuddered softly. "They told me about the cabin. It was the work of Old Greybeak. She's still haunting the place, and apparently has a soft spot for chicks. She let the ponies stay, but ripped my husband apart."

Snow shrugged. "You sound awful accepting of it. That was your husband we're talking about."

Dark snarled. "Damn fool shouldn't have gone hunting. I told him to stay home that day, but no. That's what he gets for ignoring me. We should burn the cabin to the ground and salt the earth under it while we're at it. I know Greybeak had a rough time of it, but that's no excuse for hunting the living."

Snow looked past Dark to the two ponies, then back at Dark. "You sound fairly certain."

"I am." She pointed at the bow hanging from Silver Spoon. "And that's hers. Leave them be. Just two lost ponies with their heads full of fancy city thoughts. Koidon take me if I understand how they got here, but here they are. If you got work for them, it'd be a kindness."

"The way I see it--" He drew a heavy axe from his back. "You might have been wanting your boy dead."

Dark's brows went up together. "Come again? Say that one more time without that crutch of a stick in your arms." She flexed her fingers, showing off her ready talons. "Any griffon that'd walk into Greybeak's arms deserves what they get. Damn fool probably got lost in the snow. You want me to cry for him? I'll do that on my own time, and not for your pleasure."

Snow thumped his chest loud enough to be heard through the room. "We're a small town. We have to stick together, not throw one another out the moment they make a mistake." He scowled at Dark. "Which you might have been a part of. You keep your beak clean." He turned away and stormed out, leaving the few other griffons loitering around plenty to whisper about.

Dark returned to the table with the ponies and slapped it with the flat of a talon. "Sun King take him! Blasted fool's going to make my life miserable." She looked across at Diamond Tiara. "And good luck getting him to hire you. Pretty sure he just lumped the three of us in the 'trouble' category, and he's a mite slow about changing those."

Diamond sat forward. "Well fine, who are the competitors? We'll drive him out of business."

Dark raised a brow. "Competitor? He's the only one in town. You're out of luck, chicks."

Silver tapped her chin. "Well, say, if you're in trouble, and we're in trouble, why don't we find a better place together?"

Diamond looked at Silver skeptically before silently conceding the point and turning her gaze on Dark. "What skills do you bring to the table?"

She rolled her eyes. "I know when to not wander around in a blizzard, how's that for a start? I know how to hold my own in a scrap, which I imagine is more than either of you can say." She leaned in on the table. "I should be asking you why I should bother with you two sorry scraps of horse meat."

Silver smiled at Dark. "I feel like we should be together." She pulled her bow off her back. "Like I was supposed to find this. Please join us."

Dark tilted her head a little. "Huh. That's the least sensical argument you could have come up with, girl, but I like it. If Koidon's arranging an interesting way for me to meet her, I'll rise to the occasion, and not have to tell her I let two morsels go get themselves killed because I thought they'd be annoying."

Diamond held out a hoof. "Welcome to the company. We look forward to our mutual success."

Dark took the hoof and shook it firmly, to Diamond's clear distress. "Come on. We'll fetch my things, have a dinner worth talking about, and set out at first light. I was getting bored of this hole in the wall town anyway. Want to see the griffon capital? I hear it's a great place if you have some sense in you."

Silver slipped from her chair to the floor and moved to follow Dark. "Actually, if you could, you know, go towards the ponies? That'd be great."

Diamond nodded. "If we could reach my daddy, he'd pay you well and maybe we could get you a job. How'd you like that?"

Dark raised a brow. "I'm nobody's fool. You aren't from around here."

Silver nodded in agreement. "We're from Equestria, er, the pony empire as you called it?"

Dark pointed a talon at Silver. "I don't think we're talking about the same thing."

Diamond shrugged as they left the inn and started plodding through the snow. "Well, where else would we be?"

Silver tilted her head. "Maybe she sent us to the other side of the world. Maybe they're, like, talking about Saddle Arabia!"

Diamond frowned at the idea. "I don't think so. They wouldn't call that 'the pony empire'. It has a name! And I don't remember there being tons of griffons next to it."

Dark nodded at Diamond Tiara. "Exactly. Wherever you came from, it's nowhere near here. You don't look quite right either." She reached for Silver Spoon and picked up a hoof. "So flat, and round. You're like a chick's drawings rather than any pony I've seen. The barkeep said you had hoof magic, but didn't know any spells."

Silver pulled her hoof back, then picked up a rock easily with her hoof. "This?"

Dark swatted the rock aside. "That. It's not natural."

Diamond Tiara shrugged. "It's not that big of a deal. Fine, if you're sure Equestria's not close to here, we'll go where you want to go. Daddy's not going to come looking in this little backwater place anyway."

They soon arrived at Dark's house, a modest affair with one story, a kitchen, a bedroom, and a living room. She pointed around the living room. "You can stay here the night. I'll get some blankets." She vanished into the bedroom.

Silver leaned towards Diamond. "Do you think we can trust her?"

Diamond raised a brow. "I thought you said you 'felt' it was the right thing to do?"

"Well, yes, I still do..." She scuffed a hoof on the floor. "I just wanted your opinion."

Diamond threw a leg over Silver Spoon and squeezed her. "I have this under control, Silver. Don't worry. Just do as I say and we'll come out of this better than we went in."

Silver smiled, looking encouraged by the confident words. "I'll do my best, Diamond. This place, it scares me a little... I hope they come for us soon."

Dark returned with bedding, setting down two blankets and an equal number of pillows. "You two have any allergies? Can you handle meat?"

Diamond made a face of disapproval, sticking out her tongue. "Unless you're talking about fish, pass."

Dark shrugged and moved into the kitchen, peeking into cupboards in a quick search. "I have some potatoes left. I could bake those."

Silver clopped her hooves together. "I love baked potatoes. With butter and that green stuff?"

Diamond nodded lightly. "If that's what you have. So griffons eat meat?"

Dark clacked her beak together. "This isn't just for dazzling appearances. It's made for cutting meat. I'm not one of those prey-aspected sorts. I eat whatever I get my talons on. Tonight, that includes potatoes."

They ate together, filling their bellies with starchy goodness. Unlike their meal at the tavern, seconds were included, and the two fillies eventually retired with full stomachs and renewed hope for the next day.

6 - Arm Thyself

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"Time to rise, little horses." Dark nudged the both of them with a paw. "I want to be out of this town before trouble comes to find us."

Silver woke first, rolling upright and looking around blearily before she found her glasses and put them on. "What time is it? It's so dark..."

Diamond sat up with a wide yawn. "It's far too early to be bothering us. Come back when the sun's up." She flopped back onto her blanket, only to be rudely spun around when Dark yanked the bedding off of her. "Hey!"

"Less arguing, more bathing. We won't have time for that on the road, so enjoy the last opportunity. I'll have breakfast ready when you get out." Dark stalked away with the bedding, providing no opportunity to reclaim it.

Silver found a candle and picked it up, wandering with it. "Where are your matches, Dark Streak?"

"Matches?" Dark fished out a flint set and tossed it at Silver's hooves. "Here you go."

Silver sat and peered at it before reaching to pick it up. "It's like we're already camping." Eager to give it a try, she began working the flint against the metal, eventually producing a spark, and then aiming it at the candle. The room became less dark by a small margin, but the accomplishment seemed to please Silver Spoon greatly.

Diamond clopped her forehooves together. "Excellently done, now go ahead and get the fire under the tub going." A compliment and a command rolled together without pause, Diamond sat there and made no move to help at all.

Silver Spoon shook her head. "There's no reason, like, at all to get the fire going until there's water. Come on, Diamond, we have to fetch some."

Diamond made a dismissive motion. "I'm still tired. Why don't you do it?"

Silver put her hooves at her hips and glared at Diamond with all her fury, which was mostly a display of pouting. "You want a bath, you get to get water too! We don't have our servants."

Diamond pointed at herself. "You mean I don't have my servants."

Silver nodded. "Exactly, so get some water."

Diamond went stiff, realizing her words had failed her. With an angry grunt she pushed to her hooves, and the two went off to fill buckets.

Dark Streak watched and listened to the exchange as she got her supplies ready and set breakfast to cook. She counted her meager savings, ensured her blade was rust free, and otherwise tried to be prepared for the coming journey. She had no illusions about the two fillies being a huge help. A part of her considered ditching them at the earliest convenience, but she wasn't that kind of person. She'd protect them, even if only because no one else would. "You're too nice sometimes, Dark. It'll get you killed one of these days."

By the time the tub was filled and the fire under it was going, the sun was starting to peak up over the horizon, dispelling some of the worst of the evening chill. Dark came over as they bathed. "We'll try to get some last minute shopping done. You two need better clothing, or any clothing, for that matter. Your fur won't keep the mountain chill off your bones, you don't have any supplies, and only one of you has a weapon... that they don't even know how to use."

Diamond Tiara made a bit of a face. "Fighting, me? How uncouth."

Silver put a fetlock over her snout, giggling a little. "Is it couth to be gobbled up?"

Diamond glared. "No! Fine. But it better be something regal-looking. I won't be saddled with a brutish thing."

Dark turned back to the kitchen. "You'll get what's available and we can afford, unless you're paying?"

Diamond swiveled an ear. "That depends on how much it costs. I have a few bits."

"Fantastic." Dark tended to the food, making sure it wasn't burning. "You can help cover some of the supplies then. Do either of you know how to do things in the wilderness?" A moment of silence later. "I thought not, so, basic rule, if I'm not in sight, you're already failing. We stick together, even if we're being chased by something hideous." She dumped the fried potatoes and vegetables on a clay platter, satisfied with her work. "If I say to run, you run. If I say to stop, you stop. Whatever skills you have, they don't apply outside this town, so you're going to have to trust me."

Silver Spoon climbed out of the tub and looked around for a towel. "Miss Streak? Where do you keep your towels?"

Dark grabbed one of the rags nearby and tossed it to Silver, who caught it in her mouth. She got to work drying herself dutifully. "Can you show me how to use that bow? Then I could, like, help a little?"

The griffon smiled at her words. "That's very forward-thinking of you. I like that, but we don't have time to get you up to speed. Keep that attitude though, we'll make something of you yet."

Diamond flopped out of the tub and walked into the kitchen, claiming another cloth square for herself and getting to work. "Silver Spoon, you're forgetting you're a lady. We have to be dignified, and ladies of refinement do not fight monsters."

Silver Spoon held up a hoof. "I read in magazines that Oprah Whinnie practices archery! If a rich mare like her can do it, I can do it too."

Diamond rolled her eyes and tossed the rag aside before reclaiming her namesake tiara. "If it makes you feel better, go ahead. I'll get a real lady's weapon, if we must be armed at all."

Breakfast was eagerly devoured by everyone before they stepped outside into the morning air. Silver Spoon adjusted her bow and quiver nervously as she looked about. Dark turned back to her house and frowned. "I have plenty of good memories here, but that's all they're going to be." She drew out the flint set from before and set to work until a bit of the wood in the house could be coaxed to light despite the dampness and the cold.

Silver tilted her head. "Like, what are you doing?"

Dark encouraged the flame until she was certain it would grow on its own, already starting to climb and spread. "No turning back. We either make our fortune somewhere else, or die with dignity."

Diamond Tiara frowned a little. "That's a little dramatic. Let's go shopping."

"On this, we agree." Dark left her burning house. "How many coins do you have? You said bits? Is that gold? I don't dare to hope for platinum."

Diamond shook her head. "Right the first time, gold. I have five coins." She saw no reason to reveal her full inventory. "Is that enough?"

"For some choices. It isn't much." She raised a brow at Diamond. "You can't spend money if you're dead, little pony."

Diamond huffed softly. "Let's see what's even there to choose from."

Dark led the way without further prying. The town smith was a solidly-built griffon of the classic type, with a lion lower half and an eagle for the top. He paused in his pounding of what appeared to be a large iron nail. "Ah, Dark Streak! Your sword need some repair work done? Kettle have a new hole?"

Dark snorted. "I should wish it was that simple. I'm stuck chicksitting for these two brightly-colored ones, and one of them doesn't even have the decency to be armed."

He rubbed at the bottom of his beak. "Let me see... I gather you mean this one." His eyes fixed on Diamond Tiara, making her shudder involuntarily at the gaze of a true predator resting on her. "Does she know how to use a blade?"

Dark shrugged as she stood up on hind-legs easily. "She knows how to use her mouth, that's her specialty."

The blacksmith laughed at the jab. "Would that weapons could be powered that way. Come here, little filly. Let me have a look at you."

Diamond advanced cautiously, eyes darting to the hot forge, the heavy anvil, and the massive hammer that the smith apparently wielded with practiced ease. "I'm not a little filly."

"Oh? Well, wouldn't be the first mistake I ever made. I suppose you're a big filly then." He put a talon on her and began inspecting her with the other, measuring her body's length, her snout's width, and depth. All the poking and prodding made Diamond agitated, and she glared at him. "Oh ho! If looks could kill, I'd already be shaking talons with Koidon! Keep your pants on, if you had any to start. You're a bit smaller than the usual customer."

Diamond turned up her nose. "I want something refined and elegant, fit for a proper lady."

He smiled and thumped his chest. "You leave that to Bright Hammer. A fancy weapon for a fancy little lady. Now let's see." He set his hammer down and moved to inspect his collection hung up on the walls. "Something that requires more grace and less brute strength, and looks nice in that pink snout of yours... And is simple to use."

Diamond frowned. "I'm not simple. Don't treat me like an incompetent."

Bright shrugged. "You'll die like one if I give you something that you can't handle." He plucked a choice off the wall and held it out to her. "Here, a kunai. Its elegant in its simplicity, and it has its utility as well."

Diamond peered at the curious looking thing. "It's so small... It's like a strangely-shaped dagger."

Bright plucked a dagger off the wall and offered it. "Do you prefer a dagger? A classic weapon, and great at wedging between plates of armor or thick hide. Easy to conceal and light to carry. It's no brute's weapon."

Diamond looked between the two before her eyes wandered towards a longsword and she pointed. "What about that? It's big and nice-looking."

Bright frowned at it. "A longsword is a powerful weapon, fit for any true warrior, which you are not." He put the two dagger-like weapons aside and picked up the longsword, holding it out to Diamond handle-first. "Go ahead. Prove to me you're worthy of it."

Feeling all the more determined to prove herself, Diamond grabbed the sword in her hooves as she reared up onto her hind legs. Bright looked perplexed. "How are--"

Dark held up a talon to delay the question. "They just do. Accept it."

Diamond Tiara walked over to an obvious practice dummy and looked it over, then her new weapon. "I don't see what the big deal is. It's not that heavy..." She pulled up the blade and brought it down, slicing into the straw.

Bright shook his head. "Your stance is atrocious and your aim's worse. You have some muscles in those noodles you call arms, happy to report, but you're no warrior." He held out a talon. "You'll be better off with a weapon better suited to a novice, and not getting yourself killed."

Reluctantly, Diamond surrendered the blade. "I don't like the idea of having to get that close to something that wants to eat me. That sounds like a stupid idea."

Bright set the blade where it began and plucked a spear off the wall beside it. "Then try this on for size. It's simple, but a practiced user of a spear is no joke on any battlefield. Side benefits include it being cheap, and you can throw them in a pinch."

Diamond accepted the spear and returned to the practice dummy, giving it a few jabs. "It doesn't have the same... heft." She didn't speak it out loud, but she actually enjoyed the pure mass of the longsword. It gave her a sense of power. "It'll do, for now. How much?"

Bright gestured at Dark. "Since she's stuck with you, I'll do her a favor and only charge nine silver. That's less than the standard." He looked to Dark for payment, but she pointed him right along at Diamond.

Diamond fished out a coin. "Throw in a belt it can tie onto and you have a deal."

Bright burst into laughter. "You're in for a long trip, Dark Streak. As for you, little silver-tongued princess, you have a deal."

7 - Embrace of Mountains

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They picked up some saddlebags for the girls and filled them with rations, supplies, and general survival kits. Diamond Tiara's money was whittled away at, though Dark Streak tossed in a few coin to finish it off. In the end, they also secured some warm clothing.

Silver Spoon smiled. "It doesn't look that different from my winter jacket, does it?"

Diamond tilted her head at Silver, considering. "It's not quite as fluffy, but it's not a bad match, no."

Their warm coverings brightened their moods, and they followed after Dark as she led them away from the town. As they walked, Silver looked sideways at Diamond, "You know... when we see them again, we should try making friends."

Diamond Tiara scowled. "With who? The Loser Mark Failures?"

Silver Spoon shrugged. "Think about it practically for once. They're all close to Princess Twilight and her friends, and they're super famous. Even if they don't have a cutie mark...?"

Diamond let out an exasperated sigh. "One of them does. Singing, pfft, what a stupid talent." She turned her head away from Silver Spoon. "Mine's better."

Silver Spoon glanced away and back again as quickly. "What is yours, Diamond Tiara?"

Diamond frowned. "You don't know?!" She pointed a hoof at her rump, half-concealed by the warm clothing she wore. "I'm destined to lead. I'm going to be just like my daddy and make lots of bits telling other ponies what to do. They need me! If there isn't a leader, nothing gets done." She pointed at Silver Spoon's silver spoon. "What's yours, anyway?"

Silver Spoon turned red quickly as she considered that. What was her special talent? Did she have one? She looked back at the mark adorning her flank. "I... got mine at a party, you were there. My parents went all out for us and I felt so special."

Diamond Tiara nodded as she looked into the distance. "I remember that. They really did go through a lot of trouble for you." She felt a little rush of jealousy. Her dad was always too busy to put in that much personal time into any of her parties. Of course, he was a powerful, important pony. One day she'd be just as important, and she'd be busy too...

Silver Spoon's ears fell a little. "I miss them."

Dark slowed a little to be closer to them. "What are you two talking about back here? We should be walking more and chit-chatting less. The quicker we go, the less opportunities for trouble." She pointed ahead. "Cuachan's at least two weeks hard march. It'd be faster flying..."

Diamond rolled her eyes. "Yeah yeah, but we don't fly." She hastened her steps through the snow, and the conversation died out, replaced with the soft howl of the wind and the ever-present crunch of snow beneath hooves, talons and paws.

A soft growl was all the warning given as a cat as white as the surrounding snow came bolting out of the scraggly underbrush at Silver Spoon. As it charged past Dark Streak, she lashed out with a beak, grabbing one of its paws in a painful and distracting bite that sent it tumbling along the pass, its charge entirely foiled. "Don't run! Cats'll eat you just as fast running as standing."

Silver Spoon pulled her bow free, shaking like a leaf as she fumbled for an arrow. Diamond advanced in front of her, spear already drawn. "Don't worry, Silver Spoon, I'll protect you." The words sent a pleasant warmth through Silver's chest at the brave sentiments from her friend.

The snow cat was unimpressed, rolling up to his paws and snarling as it looked between the griffon and and the spear-wielding pink pony. Sensing its ambush was a bust, it suddenly bolted off the path, and left them alone. Dark moved to check on the ponies. "Everyone alright?"

Diamond tucked the spear away. "We're fine. I can't be scared of an overgrown Opal."

Silver tucked her bow back onto herself. "I was a little scared... It was coming right at me."

Dark smiled. "Good, you should be scared, but everyone kept their head together and it won't find an easy meal today." She turned forward. "Let's go. One more hour and we'll break for a snack."

Diamond Tiara moved to keep up with Dark. "Say, uh, good job. You reacted so quickly. How'd you do that?"

Dark snorted softly. "Practice. I've been in the wilderness as long as I've been in civilization. You want a lesson? You're getting it right now. Learn from everything."

Silver came up on the other side. "I thought you lived in the town back there?"

Dark shrugged. "Sure, for a few years. I let myself fall for that damned fool, and now I'm babysitting two ponies that barely have a clue between the two of them. As you can see, I've made some questionable life choices." She smiled. "But at least it isn't boring."

Silver Spoon gave a sheepish smile. "Well, sorry. We didn't mean to be a pain in the flank. We need to get home."

Diamond huffed softly. "You don't need to apologize, Silver. We didn't do anything wrong in the first place."

Dark shrugged. "So how'd you get here again?"

Diamond turned her nose upwards. "We were attacked by a no-brain country bumpkin."

Dark nodded slowly. "Alright, and he just came out of nowhere?"

Silver Spoon's head sank. "Well, we were kind of making fun of her little sister at the time."

Dark smirked a little. "People usually have reasons for doing things, even if they're stupid reasons."

Diamond Tiara stomped as she walked. "That didn't give her the right to send us here! I'll make sure she rots in a jail cell, and her farm gets taken away! She's just angry her sister didn't get a cutie mark when her friend did. That's not my fault."

Silver Spoon raised a hoof. "Well, like, if you--"

Diamond glared her into silence. "When we get back, they'll regret ever messing with me."

Dark shook her head as she walked. "I think your friend's just looking out for your best interest."

Diamond huffed. "Well if she knows how to get home right now, I'm listening."

"No..." Silver kicked a little snow as she went, defeated.

Dark decided to call a break for lunch, and guided the fillies off the trail to a small alcove in the mountain that kept much of the wind off of them. With some effort she got a fire going to relax by.

Silver Spoon rubbed her forehooves together by the fire, enjoying its warmth. "Say, Dark Streak? Why'd you burn your house?"

Diamond Tiara nodded. "That's a good question. You could have sold it for more money than you got burning it to ash."

Dark frowned sharply. "The house was never mine to start. It was his. And he's dead, and I'm leaving. It didn't feel right to sell it, even if the law said I had a right to. Bunch of pricks don't deserve another house anyway. You saw them, whispering and staring, but did even a single one of them question that big oaf? Of course not! It's safer keeping your beak shut and your head down and just let the rough spots pass you by." She pulled out some rations and tossed a packet at each of the ponies. "Eat up, we should get moving while there's light to go by."

Silver chewed roughly at the brick-like ration. It wasn't that tasty, but it was something to put in her belly, and she appreciated that even as she thought of better times. The smiling faces of her parents, her warm bed, and even the fancy drinks Diamond Tiara often served while she was visiting. Her thoughts turned more sour as she thought about her cutie mark. What did it mean? Was being rich her talent? Being pampered? What kind of destiny was that?

"Hey, what are you brooding about?" Diamond was staring at Silver Spoon while chewing her own food. "You look like you want to cry," she said with more acid than she intended.

Silver shrank back a little. "Just thinking about home..." She raised a hoof to rub along her pearl necklace. "Mom gave this to me... But if we... if we need to... maybe we should sell it?" The tears that had been threatening to escape broke free in a wave, and she closed her eyes, chewing miserably at her food.

Diamond felt her chest tighten. She didn't like seeing her friend so sad, but she wasn't sure what to do about it. What would her father do? What was expected of a leader? "That will not be necessary, Silver Spoon." She pointed at herself. "You stay with me, and it'll never get that desperate. We'll make it to that big city, uh, Cuachan? We'll blow them off their paws. They'll be feeding us grapes while we shower in bits."

Dark smiled at the exchange, pleased to see a sign that Diamond could have some feeling for another. "Keep those spirits high. Besides, you have me too, that counts for something, right? I've not starved so far, and I don't plan to break the trend now." She rose and paced away from the fire. "I'm going to have a quick look at things, see if I can't spot any trouble awaiting for us. You two stay here, finish your food." She spread her wings and launched into the air, enjoying the freedom of the sky.

If she wasn't shackled to the fillies, she could make the capital in just a few days going straight towards it. She threw aside the bitter thought and cast her eyes around for predators, both animal and thinking alike. Success! She saw a band of white-skinned goblins trudging along through the snow. Raiders, likely.

Dark came in almost on top of the fire, kicking it out and scattering the ashes. "Time to go, finished eating?"

Silver perked an ear curiously. "What did you see? You look upset."

Dark pointed ahead. "Raiders, coming up the trail. We need to get off of it and let them pass, unless you're suddenly feeling ready to handle over a dozen goblins."

Diamond stuck out her tongue. "I don't know what those are, but no, I don't want to. Lead the way."

They moved quickly away from the destroyed camp and slid down the opposite end of the trail down into a ravine. Dark led them further along the trail, giving them withering looks whenever they made the slightest noise. In just a few minutes, the goblins arrived.

The motley group of humanoids were easy to hear, loudly shouting with excitement, though their language was strange. Most sounded a bit nasally and a touch gravely, and they gestured wildly with their wicked weapons as they ascended towards the town. They paused at the campsite, poking around, and peeking over the side, but there was no one there for them to find, and they moved past it.

Silver pointed up the trail. "Shouldn't we, like, warn the town or something?"

Diamond waved a hoof. "What have they done for us lately?"

Dark frowned. "Let's get moving..."

8 - Peak to Peak

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Pinkie hit the descent of the circle and fell a bit faster towards the fire. "Ok, Pinkie, you're tied up to a pole over a fire. They're waiting for you to cook. You've been in worse than this!"

An angry grunt came from the figure rotating her. "Shut up, pink pony. Cook faster."

Pinkie frowned before a smile spread over her face. She knew how to escape.

Dark led the two fillies onwards for the rest of the day. In the evening, she refused to set a fire. "The goblins may come back through, and a fire will draw them here like mosquitoes, and we don't need to deal with that." She led them a good way off the trail before they set up their humble camp and ate some food.

Silver Spoon examined one of her hooves as she chewed, saddened and annoyed at the abuse her poor hoof had to endure along the rough mountain road. She raised the hoof and rubbed it against the soft fur of her cheek as she ate, letting out a quiet sigh.

Beside her, Diamond Tiara thought of the capital. "How large of a city are we talking about?"

Dark ripped her ration in half before tearing into it. "Mmm, big. Biggest city in these parts. At least fifty thousand? Everything a little city pony like you could want. They have performances, good food, fights, everything." She swallowed heavily and tore another chunk free. "Assuming you can afford it, of course."

Diamond nodded. "Of course, but we'll handle that." She hooked an arm around Silver, drawing her closer. "We've got what they need, they just don't know it yet." Silver smiled, distracted from her personal miseries by the determined enthusiasm of her friend.

Dark gestured to the ground. "We'll see. For now, we should rest. I'll take first watch. If the goblins come back, it should be soon enough that we'd notice them."

As it turned out, waking the girls for their watches proved difficult but not impossible. Silver accepted it with a miserable sullenness, staring out into the dark until morning came. With the sun rising, they broke camp and resumed their hike.

Walking down the trail, Silver looked aside at her companions. "I had the strangest dream. This white alicorn with purple mane and tail was asking me questions." She rubbed behind her head as she went. "She seemed so nice and calm, but also kind of excited to see me."

Diamond shook her head with confusion. "That's a strange dream, Silver Spoon. I didn't know you were that into alicorns. No wonder you want to be closer to Twilight Sparkle."

Silver blushed brightly. "That's not what I meant at all!" She suddenly tripped, stumbling over something on the trail and collapsing. Behind her was a tattered book. She gathered herself up and picked it up curiously. It was covered in a pidgin of writing that she didn't understand, defacing it with crude letters.

Dark peered at the book. "That's goblin. They're binding words to protect the thoughts in their minds."

Silver flipped it open and most of the pages were covered in more of the goblin scrawl, but she found one entry quickly that seemed to have been spared the goblin's wrath. It had a picture of the horse she saw in her dream. "Here she is!" She pointed at it excitedly.

Diamond leaned over Silver's shoulder to have a better look. "Princess Luminace? Shouldn't that be Luminance?"

Dark shrugged. "Not every name is a word. There's no law saying it must be so."

Silver read voraciously, consumed with curiosity. "She's a goddess of knowledge, magic, and friendship? She likes good people and--"

Dark gently folded the book shut. "Take it with you, chick, and we can read it over lunch."

Diamond Tiara nodded in agreement with Dark Streak. "We have a long way to go, and sitting in the snow reading isn't getting us there any faster."

Silver pouted a little, but tucked the book away, and their journey resumed down the winding trails. Dark pointed across through the mist that veiled one mountain and the next, to where the peak of distant rock could be seen. "That's our next target."

Diamond peered where Dark pointed. "That looks like a thousand miles away!"

Dark frowned. "It's not that far..." She sat and regarded her wards. "This would be faster in the air."

Silver smiled a little and pointed at Dark's wings. "Could you fly us? I mean, we'd all get there faster, and--"

Dark huffed. "You're not my chicks! I'm no wagon for little ponies."

Diamond tapped at her chin. "What if we made it worth your effort?"

Dark raised a brow. "Think carefully before you insult a griffon with payment for their dignity."

Diamond held up her hooves. "This isn't about dignity, this is about you spending weeks walking with us, when we could be there in a few days. And if we get there faster, we can get to work faster, and if we get money faster, you can get paid faster, and there's less chance of any of us being devoured by monsters or mugged by angry little green things. It's practical."

Dark let out an explosive gust of air. "You are correct, of course. It is the most prudent way." She squinted at Diamond. "But I will extract a heavy toll from you when all is said and done." She plucked up the two ponies and regarded them carefully before slipping Silver Spoon into her backpack with Silver's head peeking free. She launched with Diamond Tiara held in her arms.

Silver Spoon grinned widely. The backpack was fairly comfortable and felt secure, and she was amazed at the sights she was able to see from the back of the griffon. The mountains seemed to go on forever, with one mountain going to the next in an unending tide of stone and crags.

Diamond Tiara had a far less positive experience. It felt like she was dangling in the griffon's arms, and the ground far below only promised a sudden and painful stop if she slipped. She clutched tightly to the arms that held her, clenching her eyes shut and hoping it would be over soon.

They flew unmolested, reaching where they hoped to be in three days at the end of the first, and Dark touched down on the mountainside she had pointed to before. Diamond leaped from her grasp and kissed the snow, thankful to be back on the ground.

Silver Spoon didn't move. Dark craned her head. "Are you still there? You've been quiet."

Silver Spoon shuffled around in the backpack before peeking back out. "I'm fine. I've been reading the book." She adjusted her glasses before looking around. "Oh we're on the ground!"

Dark nodded with a light smile. "Come out of there. We're setting up for lunch." She helped Silver reach the ground, and all three got to work setting up a fire circle and soon they had a comfortable fire to sit beside.

As they ate, Diamond looked to Silver. "Why is Dark Streak being so nice to you?"

Silver tilted her head. "What do you mean?"

Diamond wobbled a hoof. "Don't act ignorant. She let you ride on top all cozy and safe, and she didn't yell at you. I'm not blind, Silver Spoon."

Silver tapped at her chin. "Maybe it's because I'm treating her nicely? She's going out of her way to help us. She could fly away and leave us behind."

"Don't tempt me." Dark raised a brow at them, still closeby at the small camp site.

Diamond's ears fell. She wasn't experienced with Everglow geography, but her peek at the mountains was more than enough to know they wouldn't survive abandonment, most likely. "Well... Sorry."

Dark leaned forward. "What was that?"

Diamond rubbed a hoof over the ground. "Sorry, and... thanks, for helping us. You won't regret it once we get real jobs."

Dark smiled gently. "You just became easier to put up with, but I don't think I have room for the two of you in my pack."

Silver raised a hoof. "I'll take a turn in your arms. Rest up, Diamond. Thank you again, Dark Streak. We made great time this way!" She took off her glasses and tucked them away. "I don't want to drop those while we're flying."

Dark picked up Diamond and dropped her into the backpack before cradling Silver Spoon. She felt the need to be more careful with the quieter grey filly. She was more trusting, and more delicate.

Diamond giggled from up above. "This is much better!"

Dark rolled her eyes and abandoned the camp with the ponies, ascending along the mountain and clearing its peak in a few hours. Enjoying the act of flying, and not having her arms being painfully pinched, she stayed up a little longer. She came down after the sun had already set, touching down in a clearing she could barely see. Fortunately there didn't seem to be anything else in the area, and they diligently set up for the night. Silver stretched herself out before putting her glasses back on. "That wasn't too bad, but I couldn't see anything."

Diamond clopped her forehooves. "I could. It was mountains, more mountains, and a lot of snow. You didn't miss much. I saw some green that way." She pointed. "Why aren't we going over there?"

Dark shrugged. "Because the capital is not that way. If you want a city, this is the way to go. Unless a field of grass is all you need?"

Diamond quickly shook her head. "No, let's stay the course." She looked to Silver Spoon. "What's the first thing you're gonna buy?"

Silver frowned a little with thought. "I think I want a nice drink. Something with a fancy umbrella, and is sweet and fruity."

Diamond bobbed her head. "That sounds nice. I hope they have that kind of thing, or we're going to have to pay a lot extra for it." She ran a hoof through her mane. "I'm getting a stylist. I want a full makeover. Manecut, hooficure, the works! It isn't proper for a leader to look less than her best at all times. I have to set an example, after all."

Silver tilted her head a little. "An example for who, Diamond Tiara?"

Diamond frowned at Silver. "My inferiors, of course. The ones I'm leading."

Silver frowned in a subtly different way. "Am I one of those?"

Diamond opened her mouth to give a quick reply, but caught herself. "You're... special, Silver Spoon. You're my right-hoof mare. My wingmare! You're not just any old pony, you've always got my back."

Silver smiled a little. "Bump Bump?" Diamond rose to her hooves and they did their little dance, leaving both giggling with companionable joy.

Dark rolled her eyes at the display, but kept her counsel to herself.

9 - Peaceful Sleep

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Pinkie crept through the bushes, her eyes on the cabal of humans gathered in a circle. She wasn't entirely sure what they were doing, but her Pinkie Sense didn't like any of it. They were chanting funny words of magic and raising their hands into the air as lightning and foul smells swirled in the area.

Pinkie pulled her party cannon free and aimed it for who seemed to be the leader of the chant. With a loud bang, it fired its payload of glittering confetti towards his face. He shook off the sparkles, but it disrupted his spell, and the ground began to shake and tremble.

"Foolish pony! Now the forces are uncontrolled!" cried out one of the spellcasters, bursting into a run before several tentacles burst free of the ground and grabbed at them, snatching up the wizards too slow at teleporting away. One slick pseudopod grasped at Pinkie, squeezing her and forcing a little squeak out her.

"Hey there, easy boy! I know what you need..." She fished out a cupcake and held it out as an offering, only to have it slapped out of her grasp by another tentacle. Perhaps this would be harder than she first imagined.

The next day passed smoothly, with Silver taking the morning backpack, and Diamond taking the afternoon. As they settled in for the evening, Dark pointed across into the darkness, to where the faintest glimmer could be seen. "Tomorrow, we arrive."

Her words inspired giddy celebration. Silver clopped her hooves. "It'll be so nice to be among ponies again, lots of ponies. Will some of them be rich?"

Dark raised a brow. "Very, very few of them will be ponies, but yes, some of the people there will be quite rich. They have a district set aside for only the richest and most powerful."

Diamond thumped the ground. "We have a new goal. We'll rise to the top of this griffon heap, and live with their best. When daddy shows up, he'll find us practically running the place." She gave an eager little giggle, mind whirring with wild thoughts of economic domination. She pointed at Silver Spoon. "And you have a special part to play."

Silver Spoon blinked in surprise. "Really?"

"Yes, really." Diamond rolled her eyes before leaning in with a growing smile. "I was thinking. Your first wish, your cutie mark, and how you got it. It makes perfect sense to me."

Silver's heart hastened as she rubbed her forehooves together nervously. "Really?"

Diamond softly batted at Silver's hooves. "You can say more than that, you know. You like talking with ponies, important ponies. Even that hillbilly thug, you knew what to say." She put a hoof over her chest. "As a leader it's important to recognize and encourage the talents of those in your care, that's you." And to exploit them, but she didn't say that part.

Silver Spoon developed a bit of a smile as she regarded Diamond Tiara curiously. "Alright, but how does that help anypony at all?"

Diamond pointed at Silver anew. "You are going to be my spokespony. You're going to hobnob, socialize, and get in with all the ponies that matter. You'll... be the grease that gets me where I need to be. When there's trouble coming, you'll hear about it. When someone's talking about me, good or bad, you'll be the one telling me."

Dark listened quietly to their conversation before speaking, "There are worse positions in life. Not my personal selection, but my preferences lie elsewhere." She looked at Diamond directly. "Now tell me how you plan to overcome the basic fact that you are a pony and most you deal with will not be? You have never struck me as a very cosmopolitan soul in this regard. Even your words are pony-centric. I ignore it, but it will be a mark against you every time you spew them in polite company."

Diamond frowned with obvious irritation, opening her mouth to complain when an arrow interrupted her, plunging into the soft flesh of her right thigh. Her words became a squeal of pain even as a shrouded figure with a reptilian snout poking free of a cape came into view. "You are in the sights of my friends. Put down your weapons and lay down, maybe we sell you for spare coin, yes? Do not, and we simply take what you have from your bodies."

Dark's response was to launch into the air. Arrows fired after her, unseen but heard in a chorus of bow twangs. Silver drew her own bow with quivering hooves and drew back an arrow as quickly as she could even as the reptile marched towards her quickly. She squeezed her eyes shut and released, afraid to even look. She could hear bows still being fired, and she hadn't been pincushioned. Did it work?

She was suddenly tackled to the ground behind the log they were resting on. Diamond's voice whispered harshly. "I don't know how you did that, but they're busy trying to get Dark Streak. Come on, we have to get out of here."

Silver opened her eyes and nodded to the pained expression of Diamond Tiara. She rolled to her belly and started scampering away from the fire. On the way, she caught sight of the strange creature, her arrow lodged in its throat. She cringed, but kept moving, praying silently in thanks. Maybe Luminace had helped her? Or she was just lucky. She didn't question it, she just kept moving.

Diamond collapsed behind her, and Silver turned to see her pass out, blood still oozing from her leg wound. Silver Spoon drew breath sharply as she backed up and shouldered Diamond Tiara onto her back and rose to her full height, galloping into the near-complete darkness of the night.

Silver could hear the occasional arrow land dangerously close by as she zigged and zagged, only to stumble over something in the dark and pitch forward. She started tumbling downhill, and grabbed at the unconscious form of her friend, trying to shield her from further harm as they rolled.

"You really care about her."

Silver pulled herself up from where she landed, looking around in the dark for the source of the soft voice. She drew Diamond Tiara close, tears falling on her responsive head. "She's my friend, of course I care about her. Help us!"

"I can't do that. You have to help yourself. But if you call to me, I may lend some strength."

Silver Spoon felt the presence fade, and grit her teeth. Diamond Tiara was dying in her grasp. What could she do? She cradled Diamond tightly and prayed. She begged the otherworldly presence she had only recently learned of, that she could mend the hurt in Diamond Tiara before it was too late. Suddenly a pain exploded through her right thigh, and she knew. She was taking the injury from Diamond Tiara, and she welcomed it even as she cried in pain.

There was no arrow in her leg, but the wound was just as sure. Diamond Tiara suddenly woke with a sharp gasp. "Where are we? Silver Spoon? What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

Diamond heard the approach of others, and a language unfamiliar to her. It was time to go. She nuzzled under Silver Spoon and lifted her up before rushing away from the voices, picking her way as best she could through the darkness with only the stars and moon to light the way. Diamond carried Silver Spoon in silence, save for their labored breathing, for many hours. Whether or not Dark Streak had made it, neither knew, and could do nothing about it save to keep fleeing.

Diamond's entire body ached, and she slumped to the ground, heaving for breath and her heart thundering, but she didn't hear anyone following her. She let Silver Spoon gently slide to the ground before sitting up to look down at her. Her grey fur was matted with blood around her right thigh, where Diamond had been hit herself.

Thinking on it, she looked at her own thigh. Though there was the stain of blood, she was whole and intact. She put a hoof on Silver Spoon. "How?" Answers were not forthcoming from her friend and she settled in over Silver Spoon, curling in with her and looking out into the dark, terrified of going to sleep, but feeling so tired. At least Silver seemed stable. She wasn't bleeding anymore, and her breath was quiet and relaxed. Diamond Tiara listened to that quiet breathing, and fell asleep despite her fear.

10 - Forging Towards the Light

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Silver Spoon woke first. Though she still felt the sting of the injury she took on herself, she was alive, and mostly intact. She smiled at the impossibility of it all and squeezed the slumbering form of Diamond Tiara on top of her. "Are you awake?"

Of course she wasn't, but the squeeze and question did the job of stirring her. "Huh?" Diamond was groggy at first, but rapidly came into focus as she remembered the situation. "Silver Spoon! Are you alright?"

Silver Spoon sat up as Diamond Tiara got off of her and the two looked around together as she replied, "I'm fine, mostly. How about you? You..."

Diamond Tiara pointed at herself. "Me? I'm not even scratched."

Silver pointed at the blood on Diamond's thighs. "You were scratched! You were bleeding so much... I thought you were gonna, like, die or something."

Diamond rubbed behind her head. "Well I'm not dying, today or anytime soon. We have big plans we need to be alive for, right?"

Silver bobbed her head. "Right!" She pushed up to her hooves. "I... I don't know how... I'm so confused."

Diamond shook her head slowly. "I'll agree with that..." She rose to her full height. "Tell me everything, Silver Spoon. Every moment."

Silver dug out a ration and Diamond slapped it out of her hoof. "Put that away. We don't know how long we'll be out here!" She glanced around suspiciously. "Go on, start talking."

After retrieving the ration and tucking it away, Silver Spoon began relating the tale of her run with Diamond through the darkness. "They were never that far behind, so I just kept running. When I finally stopped, you were..." She sniffed softly, rubbing at her nose with a fetlock. "You were so still. I was scared, like, more scared than ever before." She put her hooves on Diamond Tiara's shoulders. "I didn't... We're together, like, forever, right?" She smiled nervously.

Diamond Tiara's ears fell at her friend's confession of loyalty. Would she feel exactly the same way, had the situations been reversed? She decided it was unlikely. She was the leader. She nodded firmly at Silver Spoon. "So what'd you do? Why aren't I bleeding anymore?"

Silver clopped her hooves together. "I prayed. I thought about the book goddess, and she said she could help me help you. And then you got better, and it hurt so bad." She glanced down at her still sore wound.

Diamond frowned. "What? Are you sure you weren't just freaking out?"

Silver tapped at her head a moment then it clicked inside of her. "No, no I am very sure. It's still inside me."

"Inside you?"

Silver smiled. "Gifts. She's like you."

Diamond pointed at herself. "How is a book goddess like me?"

Silver sat on her haunches and nodded. "Simple. As long as I treat her like the boss, she'll be nice to me." Diamond raised a brow, but Silver continued, "She gave me gifts, to protect myself, and to know about things, and to heal."

Diamond pointed at Silver's thigh wound. "So heal that."

Silver reached for the wound, prodding it. "I got that for healing you. I can't..." She frowned thoughtfully. "I don't understand it all, but I can't."

Diamond did a slow turn in place before pointing uphill. "We need to get to a peak and see if we can't find the capital. Did you see what happened to Dark Streak?"

Silver shook her head. "It was dark, and I was just running. I was too scared to look back." She started for the peak Diamond had pointed to, hobbling a little on her injured leg. "Do you think anypony's coming for us?"

Pinkie swung down the side of the building, rappelling with the rope she had looped about her midsection and bottom. She peered into the darkened window and pushed it open carefully before slipping inside. "Phase one complete."

A thin voice whispered in her ear, "Good, proceed to the objective and wait for further commands."

"Okie Dokie Lokie." Pinkie creeped through the hallways, avoiding the lights held by the guards when they went by. She was a pink shadow of the night, unseen and unheard. She arrived at the target, an ornate door with golden and silver filigree decorating it. She settled on her haunches only for the loud ripe noise of flatulence to fill the air.

Guards came rushing from all directions as she rose to her hooves and looked under herself to find her missing whoopie cushion. "Oh that's where I put it!"

Diamond Tiara and Silver scaled the mountain quietly through the morning. Diamond asked as they went, "Do you remember that shot you did? That was pretty good aiming."

Silver flipped an ear back. "I had my eyes closed... I'm just glad we got out of there. What were those things anyway?"

Diamond didn't know, and silence returned to them until Diamond held up a hoof. Ahead of them stood one of those creatures, reptillian snout poking free of its cowl as it looked around. It appeared alone.

Silver pulled out her bow and held it up, Diamond shook her head quickly. "Let's try talking. It's alone."

Diamond pulled herself to her full height and approached the reptile-person with a thick armor of her bravado. "Hello there. What are you looking for?"

The creature drew a dagger almost instantly. "You can't have it! It's mine!"

Diamond held up a hoof. "Easy there, friend. We're here to help, not take your things."

"Help?" He squinted at her. "How you help Gneech? Just a stupid horse."

Diamond huffed softly. "Scoff all you want. If you show us the problem, my associate and I will have it solved in no time at all."

He waved his dagger at her. "And what you want? Gneech not rich kobold."

Diamond shrugged. "If it's worth all this trouble, we can share whatever you're going after. Whatever amount you think is fair."

"What Gneech thinks is fair? Huh, you are stupid horse, but OK. Follow Gneech." He turned and scurried along the trail, tucking the dagger away as he went.

Silver moved to follow with Diamond. "He's going to try and keep it all, whatever it is."

Diamond rolled her eyes. "Of course he is, that's why we're going to get rid of him first, the moment he shows whatever it is has him so excited. I'm no dummy, Silver Spoon."

They followed after Gneech, coming to a darkened tunnel. Diamond fished out a candle and a lantern. She lit the candle and placed it carefully in the lantern before they advanced into the tunnel by its dim light. He didn't seem bothered by the darkness at all, moving at full speed.

Soon, they arrived at a massive stone door with pictures of griffons and suns adorning it. It looks quite heavy and thoroughly sealed. "See, this is problem. Behind it, treasure. Gneech knows this. Open door, horses. Not try anything funny, or Gneech stab!"

Diamond waved a hoof. "Relax, we're on it." She looked around curiously as Silver Spoon pointed up at it.

"Hey, that's the Sun King."


Silver Spoon frowned. "Another god, I think. The griffons like him."

Diamond nodded lightly. "Does that translate into getting this thing open?"

Silver tapped her chin before looking to Gneech. "Do you have mirrors?"

Gneech started searching pockets and produced a mirror and some flat metal that reflected light well enough. Silver took them and got to work, setting them up to reflect the light from outside down the tunnel and up onto the icon of the Sun King. Nothing happened.

Gneech grunted with annoyance. "See, stupid horses." He reached for one of the mirrors just as a dull rumble came from the door. With falling dust and the noise of stone against stone, the door began to roll out of the way, revealing the dark tunnel behind. "Nevermind..." He left the mirror where it laid and scampered forward, leaving the fillies behind.

Silver and Diamond followed at a more sedate pace. They heard an odd noise of metal striking stone rapidly for a moment. "Gneech?" called out Silver Spoon. "You alright?"

"Gneech is not alright! Help Gneech!"

They found Gneech slumped over, perforated with darts from a trap. "Gneech was maybe little too eager..."

Diamond advanced on him, nodding. "We can help, give us that dagger."

"What for?" Gneech squinted at Diamond Tiara.

"For medicine, duh."

Gneech hesitated a moment before surrendering the dagger to her. Diamond Tiara hefted it up and down, glancing at Silver Spoon, then back at Gneech. Silver Spoon shook her head rapidly. "No!" She rushed forward and swatted the dagger free of Diamond Tiara's hoof. "We can help him, for real."

Diamond hissed at her, "What are you doing? This is our chance!"

Silver Spoon put her hooves on him and said a soft prayer, invoking a wash of positive energy that repelled the darts from inside Gneech, though he still seemed weak.

Gneech nodded at Silver Spoon. "You are nice pony, yes? Gneech is poisoned, will need to rest." He glanced ahead, then back at the ponies. "Gneech lose this time, but not forget nice pony. Take what you find. Gneech must return to warren or big trouble." He rose to his feet, wobbling, and staggered off.

Diamond Tiara moved to reclaim the forgotten dagger and tuck it away. "That was dumb, Silver Spoon. We could have put him out of our misery and taken his stuff."

Silver Spoon crossed her forelegs. "That would have been, like, completely wrong. Instead we made a friend, and you got a dagger."

Diamond glanced at the dagger. "Huh, so I did, but you shouldn't be contradicting me." She huffed and stepped forward cautiously, looking for trouble as she went. "Let's not be as stupid as Gneech."

Careful and methodical searching had them avoiding other pressure plates as they came across them, but care and time were of no help against magical deterrents. The ground beneath Diamond Tiara glowed a soft cyan before she abruptly shrank, becoming the size of a cat.

Silver put a fetlock over her mouth. "Like, oh my gosh! You're so adorable, Diamond Tiara."

Diamond Tiara glared at Silver Spoon. "This had better be temporary!" she squeaked in a higher pitched voice. "Silver Spoon, carry me" She held up her hooves and Silver faithfully plucked her up and tucked her in her backpack. "There, your turn."

With a sudden rumble, the door leading out sealed itself, locking the fillies in the tunnel.

Silver's ears fell. "Maybe there's another way out?"

11 - To Explore the Darkness

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With the passage sealed, the two celebrated their newfound entry into the adventuring lifestyle with a healthy round of panic. Looking around in the darkness, sealed away from the sun and escape, they trembled in one another's grasp a moment before Diamond Tiara asked, "Can you do some magic? You magicked the lizard thing, right?"

Silver Spoon ceased her trembling, frowning in the dark. "Maybe? G-good idea." She pulled her hooves back and pressed them together. "Luminace, can you hear me? A little light would be nice, please? Like, we can't read without light. That's important, right?" She felt and itchiness in her right hoof and waved it, accidentally bonking Diamond Tiara's currently-tiny tiara, which began to glow with a bright white light.

Diamond Tiara grinned widely. "I knew you could do it." She rose to her hooves as if she had never been frightened, and climbed up along Silver Spoon's hoof to get to her head. "Well, we're not going back, so we should go forward? Yes, we should go forward." She looked around the floor. "Keep your eyes open for more traps though."

Silver Spoon advanced with her Diamond Tiara headdress, looking slowly and carefully for traps, but they seemed to have tapered off as she went, giving way to stones with engravings of griffons in various regal poses. "It's too bad Dark Streak isn't here. I bet she'd recognize some of this stuff."

Diamond Tiara nodded. "Maybe, but she flew off and left us behind, so who cares about her?"

Silver swiveled an ear to face the tiny Diamond. "She did the best she could. I hope she's alright... They were firing a lot of arrows, maybe she got shot down?"

Diamond Tiara bit back her initial urge and pointed ahead instead. "We have to find the way out of here, or we'll never find out, will we?"

Silver nodded quickly and stepped further into the dark, thankful for the light coming from her friend's tiny crown to see by. "At least there aren't monsters in here."

Diamond sank to her belly on Silver's head. "You just jinxed it. I'm calling it here, monster in ten minutes or less. Take this." She held out her eency tiny dagger. Silver accepted it, and when it fell into her hoof it expanded to full size. "Huh. I'd better be careful of that."

Silver waved the dagger around a little before walking with it in hoof, clanging softly against the ground with each step. "I hope I don't have to use this."

Her hopes were dashed a mere few minutes later. The tunnel began to thicken with webs and Silver cut her way through when with her dagger until a spider almost the size of a pony emerged from the dark, fangs dripping with an unknown venom. With Silver's shriek of surprise, a bubble shimmered into existence around her just in time to turn the creature's fangs away, but it was already preparing for a fresh lunge.

Silver Spoon lifted her dagger and thrust it wildly at the thing, making it dance and bob around her blows. Diamond Tiara offered advice from where she sat on Silver's head, despite being swung left and right, holding on tightly as she hollered orders.

The spider ducked under an artless stab and reared up on Silver Spoon, sinking its fangs into her shoulder. She squealed and yanked back away from it as she thrust her dagger forward. The weapon sank into the creature, punched through its carapace and found the tender meat inside.

The two glared at one another, bloodied but stubborn. Diamond whispered in an ear, "Go for its eyes. If it can't see you, it'll be a lot easier."

Silver thought the idea was far more easily said than accomplished, but steeled herself. Being the aggressor wasn't working, so she shifted to the defense and prayed for her new god to help her, though it seemed it was mostly up to her to defend herself.

The spider circled around her as she turned with it, keeping it in clear view. Her glasses were skewed, making the spider only visible in part of her vision, but she dared not take the time to adjust them with it so close. It attacked, practically leaping at her. She dove forward, Diamond Tiara squealing as she fell to the ground, but Silver had no time to worry about that. She brought up her dagger as she jumped, and cut a new wicked line on the spider's underbelly.

Enraged, the spider wheeled around and attacked without delay, and Silver swatted at its grasping mandibles wildly. Her glasses fell free entirely, clattering to the ground and leaving the battlefield hazy. She could make out the large form of the spider, and that would have to be enough. "Diamond?"

Diamond Tiara had scaled the beast while it was thoroughly engaged with Silver Spoon. Grimacing at the thought of being in contact with the vile creature, she pressed forward anyway, quickly scaling to its head. The spider seemed to notice her in earnest then, looking up at her with all its eyes. She clenched her teeth and bore down with her hooves, pulverizing several eyes in a gooey spray of viscera.

The spider reared up in shock and pain, legs spasming wildly. Silver charged forward, running right into the beast and not stopping until all three of them crashed into the far wall, driving her dagger deep into the twitching and dying form of the spider.

Diamond Tiara slipped between the spider and the wall to collapse to the ground, panting. "Watch where you're shoving those things around..."

Silver Spoon pulled her dagger back, still not able to accurately see what she was doing. "Diamond Tiara? Can you find my glasses please? I don't want to, like, step on them."

"Yeah yeah... here they are." She picked up the glasses far too large to wear herself. "Follow my voice. So, hey, you alright? You got bit by that thing."

Silver approached the blob that appeared to be Diamond and settled in front of her. "It hurts where it bit me, but I'm fine otherwise. Did we win?"

Diamond laughed a little. "We wouldn't be having this conversation if it was still ready to eat us." She tilted her head before moving to clamber up Silver Spoon. "Stay still a moment..." Soon she dropped the glasses into place, restoring Silver's vision.

She smiled gratefully. "Thanks! Gosh, I was so scared. What happened?"

Diamond waved one of her gorey hooves. "I did what I said to do, mashed its eyes. Serves it right for trying to eat my right-hoof mare. Do you have any water? We're both icky to the max."

Silver frowned, and put her hooves together. "Luminace? I'm sorry for bothering you so much today, but if you could, like, some water? Just a little would be nice, thanks!" Her spell complete, water began to rain down on them in a gentle mist, but did little to clean them.

Diamond Tiara blinked. "I think you need some practice with that. Maybe make the water in a specific place?"

Silver spotted a clay bowl and brought it over before trying again, focusing on the inside of the bowl. A little raincloud appeared over the bowl and began to rain into it. She washed her hooves in the rain, then dipped it into the bowl and got to cleaning, with Diamond quickly joining her. "Great job, Silver Spoon. Maybe this, uh, what's it called? Whatever it is, it's useful."

Silver Spoon shook her hooves dry and nudged the bowl to the side. "When do you think that'll wear off?"

Her ability to predict the future remained as keen as ever as Diamond Tiara rapidly expanded to her usual height. "Now is good." She looked herself over for anything missing, then held out her hoof. "I'll take the dagger back."

Silver offered the gore encrusted dagger and Diamond pointed at the bowl. "Clean it first." After some scrubbing, the dagger was clean enough for her to slip away for later use. "So how do I do that? I want magic too."

Silver shrugged softly. "I have to pray and mean it." She glanced away then back at Diamond Tiara. "I don't think it's your kind of magic."

Diamond frowned, but the logic of it was not wasted on her. "Yeah... I want magic I control, not somepony else. Who is this Luminace anyway?"

Silver dug out her book and pointed to the illustration. "Her, remember?"

Diamond leaned in and peered. "Pfft, I'm not bowing to any princess."

Silver put her hooves at her hips as she stood up. "This princess saved your life, remember. You can at least be grateful."

Diamond rolled her eyes. "You saved my life, Silver Spoon. She just helped you do that. I won't give her credit for what my wingmare did. Was she there running from crazy lizard people with us? No? Exactly."

Silver frowned a little. "Well I'm giving her some credit. She's been really nice to me." She looked around the web-filled corridor and pointed forward. "Should we keep going?"

They advanced side-by-side, leaving the dead spider behind and soon all its webbing as well. They arrived in what appeared to be a foyer, with very fancy, but not very comfortable-looking, benches of stone and iron set up along the periphery, leading to double doors.

Diamond approached the doors, squinting. "Is that gold?"

Silver looked with her, nodding as she reached out a hoof and traced the delicate lines of gold that ran through the double stone doors. "Whoever owned this place must have been rich."

Diamond clapped Silver on the shoulder. "That's us, now! We just have to find a way out of here."

There was a heavy iron ring on either door, and they grabbed one each and pulled the door open with the dull rumble of stone against stone. Ancient air escaped from deeper within, and the only light remained the one that they brought with them.

Diamond pointed up at her tiara. "Why don't you use that spell again and make more light?"

Silver blinked. "Oh yeah." She looked around, then settled on her bow, touching it as she prayed for light. The bow began to glow brightly as the tiara snuffed out, going dark. "Aw..."

Diamond huffed. "Figures. Oh well, we'll have to work with what we have. What I wouldn't pay for a real flashlight right about now." She began to trot into the recently exposed tunnel, looking around the hallway as she went. "Come on, Silver Spoon! The faster we find the exit, the better."

Silver Spoon scurried after Diamond, and soon they reached a door to the left, a basic-looking wooden door. Time hadn't been kind to it, half hanging free of its ancient hinges. Silver gave a soft nudge, and it simply fell inwards, striking the ground with a loud slap. "Hello?"

A soft moan was her reply, and something moved in the darkness. Silver Spoon drew her bow free as Diamond Tiara pulled out her dagger. Shambling to greet them was the form of a griffon, long dead and far decayed, reaching for them with dried but still-rotting talons.

12 - Where are We?

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Diamond Tiara waved her dagger at the creature. "Get away, you nasty thing!" The animated corpse cared little for her feeble insult, reaching for her.

Silver sent an arrow into its ribs, striking deep into the decayed flesh. It barely seemed to recognize the injury, groaning with possible frustration as it turned its eyes towards her and began shambling towards her.

"Hey, you don't get to ignore me!" Diamond thrust her dagger powerfully, carving out a portion of its flesh with the mighty strike. That earned its attention, and it swatted her with a dull thump, knocking her back and to the ground, dizzy.

Silver grimaced and quickly nocked another arrow, landing the next in its torso, but it seemed to be having frightfully little effect. "Diamond, wake up! Hit it with your dagger!"

Diamond grunted. "Don't tell me what to do! I was going to do that anyway!" She rolled under the stumbling lunge of the zombie and brought up the dagger, hacking off the thing's tail to flop to the ground limply. "Ew, gross!"

With a discomforting sound of abused flesh, the undead griffon clubbed Diamond Tiara with an arm, and she collapsed in place, going still. Silver Spoon dropped her bow and charged the creature, succeeding in getting its attention as she ran close to it and then away, leading it away from the prone form of her friend. She noticed that it didn't move very quickly and led it out past the door before turning back and slapping the door shut in its face, actually having time to pick the door up and put it back in place before rushing to Diamond Tiara's side.

"Uh, like, so I know I've been kind of asking you for things all day long, and I'm really grateful, but can you help my friend?" She put her hooves on Diamond Tiara and warmth flowed from them into the limp form of her friend, who jerked awake with a yelp.

"What happened?"

Silver smiled. "You were super brave. It, uh, used a dirty trick to knock you out."

Diamond Tiara sat up with a huff. "Figures! I had it under control." She looked around. "Where is it?"

As if to answer the question, a loud banging came from the door Silver had shut, and the old wood giving barely any resistance before it fell apart, allowing the griffon zombie to shamble towards them. Diamond Tiara growled, "You messed up my hair, again!" She charged directly for the creature, to Silver Spoon's dismay.

Diamond met it dagger-edge first and drove it in and upwards, disemboweling the dead thing. It let out one last dry cough before it collapsed, talons feebly trying to pull its viscera back inside before unlife fled it.

Diamond tossed her dusty mane back. "Hmmph, that's what you deserve. She turned back to Silver Spoon. "Let's have a look around."

Silver gave a little nod. "Are you alright, Diamond?"

Diamond moved up beside Silver and bumped her. "As if anything could stand up to the two of us."

That brought a smile to Silver's face, and she began to look around the room. It appeared to have been some kind of office, some unknown time ago. There was a desk and a chair on either side of it, and a dresser. They rooted through it all, finding mostly the faded remnants of things long decayed. Silver poked the re-killed thing lightly, rolling it over and noticing it had something around its neck. She relieved the zombie of its necklace, staring at it. "Hey, Diamond? I think this is special."

Diamond Tiara moved over to have a look at it. She rubbed over its sooty surface and revealed gems hiding beneath the layer of grime. "Now we're talking! We'll walk into that city looking like we're in charge." She slipped the amulet around her own neck and turned left and right, showing off to no one in particular. "How does it look?"

Silver Spoon had seen the magic in it, but had no idea what that really meant, or how to decipher its aura. It was special, and that was enough. She nodded her head. "It looks, like, great on you, DT. I don't think there's anything else in here. We should keep going."

Diamond frowned at the otherwise-empty room. "Yeah, let's get moving." As they walked into the hallway, she swiveled an ear at Silver. "Just so you know, I will learn my own tricks. Don't think you're the only one who's going to come out of this with something new."

Silver Spoon nodded her head. "I'm sure it'll be really fantastic, Diamond Tiara."

Diamond smiled. "Of course it will be." They paused to do their little dance, then forged bravely into the corridor.

As they went, Silver perked an ear at her companion. "Are you sure coming in here, was, you know, a good idea? What if we can't find our way out."

Diamond shrugged. "We lost our guide. We either show up big, or we may as well give up." She poked at the amulet she wore. "This is big, but we can do better. We're going to crash that scene so hard, they won't have a choice but to recognize us."

Silver glanced back towards the tunnel they entered from before looking ahead and clip-clopping up to a door of stone set in the wall, almost invisible. She poked at it lightly. "Do you think there's something in here?"

Diamond hadn't noticed the door at first, but quickly located the cleverly-concealed handle and threw the door open without delay. Inside, a light without source flickered into being, revealing a room with a clean table on it, and a box sitting in the left and far corner. A voice began to speak from nowhere in particular. "If our defenses have failed this badly, take the weapons we've prepared for you. Let them take no prisoners, and pay dearly for any victory they find this day. For the Sun King." The male voice faded away, leaving the two fillies to wander into the room and start poking around.

Silver frowned a little. "I guess things didn't, like, work out well."

Diamond waved a hoof. "It works out perfectly for us." She approached that delectable looking box and began to poke over it while looking it over critically. It had no latch or keyhole, just an obvious hinge. "Silver Spoon, open this."

Silver came over and peered at the box. "It doesn't look heavy, why didn't you open it?" The response was a glare. "Fine..." She flipped open the chest and a fwoosh of flame greeted her. She shrieked and dived out of the way, rolling on the ground to put out the fire as quickly as she could. Despite minor scorches, she proved alright.

Diamond Tiara advanced on and opened the box, eagerly reaching in and producing a collection of hand axes, three in total, and some little glass vials. "Huh..."

Silver rolled back upright, pouting at her singed mane. "All that for some stupid axes? They're not even very big." She looked them over critically and could feel that odd 'special' feeling again. "The vials and that axe are special." She pointed at the left axe, decorated with a large symbol of the sun. The other two showed crescent moons.

Diamond quickly dropped the two inferior axes and hefted the handaxe with the sun on it, swinging it around through the air before she turned to the table and brought it down with both hooves as powerfully as she could. It bit deep into the wood and left angry scorches along the cut, glimmering with heat. Diamond looked quite pleased with her find and tucked it away and pulled out her dagger, offering it to Silver. "Now we both have a close-up weapon."

Silver tucked the dagger away with a roll of her eyes, though she had no particular desire to be close to any horrible creatures they battled with, so she saw little harm in letting Diamond have the magic axe. She pointed at the vials. "What about these?"

Diamond shrugged. "I don't really know. Let's keep them until we know more." Into a saddlebag they went. "I'm sure they're worth something."

Pinkie Pie raised a glass of wine high, the eyes of the other ponies in the room locked on it. "To a better tomorrow!" she called out, met with cheers and clops of hooves on the ground, stomping in approval." She swigged the dark drink with the others, and the dinner party could continue.

A stallion approached her with a cautious smile. "Madame, I haven't had the chance to tell you that your curious appearance has captivated me. Would you do me the honor of a dance?" He gestured to the ballroom floor, bowing his head.

She slipped to her hooves and nodded in kind, and soon they were moving to the the tune of the song. "Where have you been hiding all my life, exotic temptress of pink?"

Pinkie flashed a bright smile. "Planning parties and keeping my friends happy, mostly. Speaking of which, you wouldn't happen to have seen two little fillies that look kinda like me, have you?"

He shook his head in the negative, and Pinkie sighed, but it was dancing time, not pouting time, so she finished the song with the handsome stallion. Her search would continue.

A window exploded inwards, spraying the ballroom with shards of glass as ponies swung through them and dropped to the ground, swords already held in their maws. "Everyone get on the ground! Take your jewels off nice and slowly, and nobody has to get hurt."

Pinkie scowled at the party crashers. Sure, it hadn't been her party exactly, but seeing any party get interrupted made her blood boil. She'd have to take care of them first.

Diamond moved to leave the small room, but Silver stopped her, putting a leg in the way. "Maybe we should rest here. You're still bruised from that thing from before, and I'm kind of frazzled."

Diamond frowned and poked her head out of the room, looking left and right before closing the concealed door. "Maybe you're right. This room's pretty secure. We can't stay too long. Unless we find more food, we'll end up starving to death eventually, and I will not go out that way." She huffed and settled down on the ground. "What I wouldn't do for a real bed!"

Silver settled beside her. "And a real blanket, and maybe a pillow or two."


They sighed together in shared missing of their luxuries. Silver dug out a sleeping bag that she had packed away, at least providing some shelter from the hardness of the floor, and they ended up sharing it, practically sleeping on top of one another, and finding some measure of rest despite the unusual setting of their respite.

They awoke to the sounds of some things talking just outside their room. They had company, but who was it? They couldn't know without opening the door and revealing their presence. Silently, they looked at each other, considering their course of action.

13 - It's Just Us

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Putting an ear to the wall, Diamond heard faint talking coming from the other side.

"Are you sure they came this way?"

"Yes! Tracks come here, then vanish."

"They are little horses, not mighty wizards. Must be hiding."

Diamond drew her head back and frowned. "They sound like that lizard thing," she whispered to Silver Spoon.

Silver tilted her head. "Maybe they opened the door and they're here to get us out. We should talk to them."

Diamond crossed her forehooves. "There's no way they're just here to help us out of the kindness of their hearts. They want something, and it probably involves arrows or that dagger there." She pointed at Silver's kobold dagger.

Silver Spoon reached for the door, "I'm going to give them a chance." Diamond pulled her handaxe free and rolled her eyes with obvious disapproval, but let Silver proceed.

Silver pushed the door open on the surprised kobolds. They wheeled towards her with deep scowls, staring silently at first. Silver Spoon looked between them. "Like, hi? Did he make it back safely?"

One of the two kobolds noded. "He did. You are stupid horse for not killing him." He held out a scaled hand. "Give dagger back."

Silver offered the dagger out, and it was snatched away with a low hiss. She ventured a little smile. "Why would it be a bad thing to not kill somepony?"

One of the kobold's tails thrashed. "He failed, in front of a stranger. He didn't escape out of cleverness or smarts, or strength or durability. Only your stupid kindness. Why did you save him? Are you just weak?"

The other chuckled softly, "Maybe she just dumb."

Diamond Tiara threw a leg over Silver Spoon's neck, handaxe held at the end of the same hoof. "Maybe we're just giving an example."

One raised a scaled brow. "Example? What you mean?"

Diamond Tiara pointed at Silver with her free forehoof. "You see, follow us, and you get places. Work against us, and I get to try out this axe." She flashed her flat teeth at them. "Either way's fine by me."

The kobolds seemed cowed by the attempt to intimidate them, shrinking back. "You're not that tough!"

Diamond pointed back the way they came. "Did you see the dead thing, and the spider?" They nodded. "We put them both down, and if we have to, we'll put you down next, and I just might enjoy it."

Silver Spoon snorted softly. "I don't want to do that though. Wouldn't being friendly be nicer?"

The kobolds looked between the two different smiles, one with genuine warmth, and the other a sinister promise of pain delivered with a smile. "Um... Yes, we offer service, yes, no smashing."

Silver Spoon bobbed her head. "Did you open the tunnel back up?"

One of the kobolds pointed back where they had come from. "Yes, shown how to open, open. Come for dagger, and treasure. Is good treasure? Give it."

Diamond Tiara frowned. "Sell it, maybe. Give it, no. Out of the way, we're coming through."

They backed away as Diamond Tiara led Silver Spoon out into the hallway and past them. Diamond Tiara pointed ahead. "Go on, lead the way." Where they could be seen, she quietly added to herself.

Silver Spoon dug into her saddlebag and pulled out one of the unknown vials. "We can trade. One of these for a safe trip out. That's fair, right?"

One of the kobolds reached out and accepted the vial, looking it over curiously a moment before bobbing his head. "Good trade, yes, follow." They scurried ahead, leading the ponies through the hallways, then the tunnel, soon to emerge into the sunlight. One of the kobolds whispered something to the other, and they giggled before dashing off, apparently pleased.

Diamond peered at them scampering along the mountain trail before looking to Silver Spoon. "Whatever you gave him was worth a lot, or he wouldn't have been so happy about it."

Silver Spoon softly huffed, turning away from where the kobolds fled to continue towards the peak. "Let's just find which way's the capital. I'm glad we're out of that place. It was too dark and cramped."

Diamond followed alongside Silver. "I won't argue that, but just imagine what other kinds of treasures were probably hiding in there." She hefted her new axe, clearly enjoying it. "At least we got something nice out of it."

Silver reached for and swatted Diamond's necklace. "What about this?"

Diamond glanced down at it. "Huh, we should get it looked at, along with the other bottles, when we get to a real town." They ascended towards the peak, the stuffy mustiness of the underground traded for the crisp frigidness of the mountains.

As they approached the last crest, Diamond's ear twitched, and she swung around, axe coming within an inch of Gneech's startled face. "No kill Gneech!"

Diamond Tiara lifted the axe away from his head. "What do you want, Gneech?"

Silver Spoon looked Gneech over, noticing his clothes were tattered and torn. "Did something happen, Gneech?"

Gneech gave a slow nod. "Gneech is outcast of warren... Failure in eyes of others." He glanced away, then back at Silver Spoon. "You take Gneech in? Gneech will be good and loyal companion."

Diamond Tiara shoved in front of Silver Spoon. "You're making a critical error there, Gneech. I'm in charge. You want to join us, you have to ask me." She tapped her chest with the hoof from which the axe was stuck. "Why should we trust you?"

Gneech flinched from Diamond's anger. "Oh, Gneech is sorry, alpha female, most powerful of all horses." His words had a mollifying effect on Diamond Tiara. The actual scraping on the ground was a nice touch that she appreciated. "Don't send Gneech out into the cold alone. Gneech is useful, yes?"

Silver Spoon gave a slow nod. "It's my fault he was kicked out. They think he's a bad, uh, like... What are you again?"

Gneech pointed at himself with a claw. "Gneech is kobold! You are horses, yes?"

Silver Spoon shook her head. "Ponies. I say we take him."

Diamond nodded. "I agree. A servant will make us look better." She smiled at Gneech. "But don't forget, you're the bottom of our little organization. Work hard, excel, maybe you'll earn a real place for yourself." She leaned towards Gneech. "We respect results, but we do not tolerate failure." She licked over her lips. "You were kicked out of your last home for failing, let's see if you can't kick that habit."

Gneech bobbed his head furiously. "Gneech will be the best kobold you ever hired." Diamond doubted that would be hard. "But first... Gneech is very hungry. Do you have food for Gneech?"

Diamond grunted as Silver Spoon dug out some rations and shared with Gneech. Pony rations were not quite what a kobold most desired, but he accepted it and filled his belly with far better than nothing at all. "Where are you going? Gneech is good at above-grounding. Can go from warren to warren faster than others."

Diamond perked an ear. "Do you now? Do you know the way to the griffon capital?"

Gneech bobbed his head. "Oh, yes, big place, shaped like egg, full of bird-cats. Gneech usually avoids. They don't like kobolds any."

Silver spoon clopped her forehooves excitedly. "Can you show us the way there?"

Gneech stood tall and proud. "Yes! Gneech will be your guide. Gneech is very useful." He turned and began hiking back down the mountain, taking a subtly different route.

With a guide secured, the two followed after Gneech, feeling more hopeful that they would soon be back in civilization, and the comfort it could provide.

14 - Dreams of a Warm Bed

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It quickly became apparent that Gneech hadn't lied. He knew what paths to take, and how to set camps, and generally how to navigate the mountains while avoiding trouble. When they rested for the evening, Diamond spotted him fiddling around the campsite and approached curiously. "What are you doing?"

Gneech abandoned what he was doing to bow low before the alpha female. "Nothing important, your eminence. Gneech is preparing traps. If anything dares to interrupt your sleep, a nasty surprise, yes? Pull them upside-down with snares, then we poke them until they are dead. Maybe good lunch? Gneech is useful, yes?"

Diamond nodded. "I'll leave the eating of flesh to you, Gneech, but keep up the good work." She turned away to head back towards the fire. "That's exactly the kind of forward-thinking I like to see in our employees."

Silver Spoon tilted her head at the exchange. "You sound just like your dad."

Diamond felt twin surges of pride and fury suddenly explode through her. "Of course! I'm every bit the business-pony he is."

Silver bobbed her head in agreement. "You really are." She pulled out the book of facts about Luminace and settled to read through it. "Do you think we'll be able to set up shop in the capital?"

Diamond waved a hoof. "It won't be easy, or fast, but nothing worth doing is either of those." She smiled confidently. "But we will do it. Just stick with me, Silver Spoon, and we'll have the city eating from our hooves."

The book had a lot more information than just facts on Luminace. It was apparently some kind of primer on Everglow gods. Silver Spoon had to work to read through the goblin defacement, but she was quite persistent, and every time she learned a few new things about the greater cosmology that she had become part of. Before retiring to bed, she said her thanks to Luminace for giving her such a useful tome, and for their safe journey through another day. She didn't receive any direct reply, but they were making it, and that was good enough.

One morning they were awoken to the loud twang of Gneech's snare going off. A wolf dangled, snarling and struggling, but it couldn't quite bend itself enough to get its teeth at the rope while hanging upside down. Gneech capered and cheered. "Ah ha! Gneech's trap work good. Foolish wolf, trying to sneak in kobold warren!" He looked to Silver Spoon and pointed to her bow. "Kill it!"

Silver drew her bow as she scrambled to her hooves, peering at the wolf. Diamond softly cuffed her. "Go on. I think it's the same one."

The same one? Silver frowned. "It followed us this far?" Pushing thoughts about it from her mind, she pulled back and arrow and let it fly, piercing the dog with a pained yelp. She winced, hoping it would be fast and easy, but her aim wasn't true enough for that. She quickly grabbed for another arrow, fumbling and dropping several before she got another nocked and ready. With a soft twang from the bow that was far too tense for her to make full use of, the second arrow proved more effective, and it robbed the wolf of consciousness.

Gneech hurried over to where he had tied the snare and let the wolf drop to the ground as a limp sack of furry flesh. "Gneech will eat good today," he sing-songed cheerfully as he got right to work dressing the kill. "Alpha is sure she does not want any?" Diamond nodded. "More for Gneech!" And he continued his work with building cheer.

Pinkie was mildly annoyed. She'd checked the bigger cities and the little hamlets, but no signs at all of the fillies. Where could they have gotten off to?


Pinkie looked up to see a pony with adorably short legs and squat form. "Ma'am. Are you the Pink Pie?"

Pinkie bobbed her head and pointed at herself. "That's me! Pinkie Pie! What can I do for you?"

The small pony smiled brightly. "I had a vision! I was straightening out the library, you see, and I dropped a lot of things. I never drop books, ma'am, it's very bad to do, but I had a feeling it was intended. I tried to make sense of the words and maps, and it seemed to say that the Pink Pie had to go into the griffon mountains. Does that make sense, ma'am?"

Pinkie bobbled her head all the more strongly. "Sure does! That's great news!" She clasped one of the little mare's hooves between two of her own and shook it excitedly. "Thanks a bunch!" She dashed off before the little pony could speak further.

The small one sighed and rubbed behind her head. "I hope she knows how to survive there. She was barely dressed for the tropics." There was little she could do about it, so she turned back to Luminace's temple and the books that needed sorting and reading there.

That evening, they saw a sight that lifted their spirits. High on the next mountain, the lights of a city were clearly visible, shining as beacons of safety to the weary travelers. Silver clopped her hooves with excitement. "How long do you think before we get there?"

Gneech looked along the trails that seemed obvious to his eyes. "Maybe end of next day, or early day after. Faster if we hurry, but Gneech not sure good idea."

Diamond raised a brow. "And why wouldn't it be a good idea?"

Gneech dipped his head towards her. "We will go as fast as you want, oh great and powerful mistress, but trails look ready for avalanche. Slow, quiet, is better maybe? Less falling, less snow, less dying."

Diamond nodded. "I see." She clapped Gneech on the shoulder. "Just remember to stay behind us when we get there. We'll get you into the city. We have work to do, all three of us."

Gneech smiled, looking excited by the idea. "Gneech has never been inside city before. Do they have good food, and gold, jewels?"

Diamond shrugged. "They'll have all of those things, but we have to earn them. So I need you on the same page. Together, we're going to win this game. If we work against each other, then we all fail, and we get nothing."

Gneech bowed low before her. "Gneech will do as you say, wise horse mistress."

Silver Spoon offered a hoof to Gneech. "You don't have to keep bowing in the snow. That has to be cold." He accepted her hoof and stood up. "We're friends, right DT? We'll win, together."

Diamond waved a hoof dismissively. "Yeah yeah, friends. Partners. Those other kobolds will be so jealous of you when they see how much better off you are with us."

Her words pleased Gneech, and he grinned at the thought of turning his exile to wild success. "Maybe Gneech will return and taunt them with his vast wealth, and maybe get girl-kobold come with him? They go with Gneech if he is big winner."

With visions of upcoming success dancing in their heads, they retired for the night, secure in a dizzying array of snares and spike traps to ward off any creature that got too curious.

As they ascended the next day towards the city, they could see griffons in the sky. Most stayed in or over the city, but some would soar out over the mountains. Most ignored them, not even seeing them, but one flew in close to noon. "Halt!" She was dressed in heavy-looking steel armor that shone in the light, and despite its weight, she flew gracefully. "State your business."

Diamond Tiara stepped forward in front of her allies. "I am Diamond Tiara, and this is Silver Spoon, and Gneech. We've come to do business in the city above." She pointed up to it.

The griffon raised a brow. "Two pony fillies and a kobold? They'll never believe me when I report this in." She landed in front of them easily, long spear clutched in left talon. "Is this kobold forcing you to go? Say the word and I'll have him gutted, little ones."

Silver Spoon moved in front of Gneech, hooves spread wide. "No! He's with us. We made him come here, not, like, the other way."

Diamond Tiara snorted softly. "Is it that rare that kobolds would just trade?"

The griffon laughed at Diamond, much to her annoyance. "Kobolds don't trade often, at least in nothing that's considered legal in whatever town they choose to infest." She pointed the long spear at Gneech. "Watch yourself. It would be quite a shame to get your pony friends evicted for your mistakes." Her eyes moved back to Diamond and Silver. "You two look like you've been dragged on the back end of a cart for a few weeks. What do you have to trade in this sorry condition?"

Diamond hefted up the amulet around her neck. "This, to start. And the first thing we'll be getting is a nice long shower and maybe a change of clothes."

The guard leaned in, looking at the amulet before scowling. "There's something familiar about this... Come on then, we'll have it appraised and see if you can even afford a room, let alone to do any real trading." She turned away and began marching up the trail they'd been following.

Diamond whispered to the others. "We're in. Step one complete. Just stick behind me and we'll be fine."

They followed after Diamond Tiara, and ascended into the city. It really was shaped like an egg. The bottom, as their new guide explained, was the Lower District, home of menial workers, outlaws, and anyone else that didn't have the money to move up, literally, in the city. "It's getting late in the day, so you'll be staying here." She pointed to a small way-station where other guards seemed to be coming and going from. "On the positive, it's free, on the negative, only for tonight. We're not a rude people, but we expect people to stand on their own paws. Tomorrow, we get your goods appraised, and maybe you'll find better arrangements, or depart for less 'demanding' cities."

None in the group were quite up for arguing the point too much, tired from a full day of hiking. Silver Spoon asked as they were led through the hallways, "Say, there hasn't been a raven-headed griffon, Dark Streak, around?"

The guard tilted her head. "There are a lot of griffons in this city, even scavenger aspected. Is he or she a friend, guardian?"

Silver Spoon shook her head. "More of a friend. We got separated on the way here. I hope she's OK..."

Diamond Tiara nudged her. "Come on. If we got away, I'm sure she's fine. She'll find us if she hasn't already gone off somewhere by now."

The guard opened the room, showing a double-bunk bed, a dresser, mirror, and everything a little inn room should have. It looked like heaven compared to their wilderness beds, and they were quick to claim soft places. "Thanks!" chimed Silver Spoon. The guard smiled quietly and closed the door, leaving them to get their rest.

15 - Appraisal of the Situation

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Diamond Tiara awoke with a yawn. She stretched out her legs and rolled out of bed, looking around in the darkness.

"Good morning, mistress," came the voice of Gneech, unseen in the black. "Shall I get the light?"

Diamond nodded. "Go ahead." When he struck the candle up and she could see, she stood up and shook Silver Spoon awake. "Time to get our plan rolling. Let's see if they have a bath, and some food, before we go."

Silver roused quickly, but looked bleary. She grabbed for her glasses and set them on her nose. "Hello Diamond. That sounds great! Did you sleep well? Gneech?"

Gneech dipped his head. "Gneech is good. Ready to go."

Diamond perked an ear at him. "Soon we'll have a bigger place, with a bed for you too." She put a hoof to her chest. "Even my servants are treated well, you'll see." Her encouraging words did much to brighten Gneech's outlook on the day.

They emerged from their room and a male griffon was just prowling through, looking tired. Silver raised a hoof at him. "Hello! Can you direct us to a bath?"

He paused and regarded them, sniffing once. "That way." He pointed down the hall. "Third on the right, but be sure to check the sign. You'll make no friends marching in on them while it's in use."

They thanked him and rushed on to the door. A little sign hung there that read 'Occupied'. Diamond Tiara huffed and crossed her forelegs. "Figures." They waited and eventually a female tiger/eagle emerged and slinked down the hallway, singing a happy song.

The way cleared, they all rushed in at once, and closed the door behind them. Gneech made no approach to the generously-sized tub, instead standing guard as the ponies hopped in. Diamond grinned with triumph. "They have actual faucets!" With a twist, she was rewarded with a spray of hot water, and both fillies sank to their haunches, savoring the rush of almost boiling water, rinsing away the dirt and filth and in their fur and soothing some of the tangles that had built over their long journey.

Gneech glanced around before grabbing a brush and offering it towards the two. "Here."

Silver Spoon turned away and pointed at her back. "Thanks, Gneech. That's, like, really nice of you."

Gneech looked surprised. He had meant to offer the brush, not apply it, but since Silver seemed to expect it, he shuffled in closer and started to scrub her with the brush. Silver let out a happy sigh before looking over her shoulder. "You have to put some soap on it, Gneech." She pointed to where some jars rested, filled with soaps. "Just a little tab is plenty. Thank you, Gneech."

Diamond became a little jealous at Silver getting her back done and wriggled a bit. "Do me next!"

Silver grabbed for another brush. "I can do you while he does me." She soaped up the brush and began scrubbing Diamond with a happy smile.

Ultimately everyone got clean, Gneech included, and they felt better for it. Diamond and Silver felt more in control and just a little more... sane. With their manes and tails brushed out and luxurious, and their bodies cleaned and immaculate, they felt like real ponies again.

Emerging from the bathing room they found a short line had formed. They scooted out of the way and let the next grumbling griffon guard in. A familiar female griffon turned the corner. "Ah, there you are! All ready?"

Diamond Tiara nodded. "We are ready to go. Lead the way."

She nodded at them. "You're looking far better now." She turned for the exit. "Come this way, little ones, we'll see what value there is in what you've brought."

They marched out of the guard station and moved through the darkened lower portion of the city. The air smelled a bit of smog and smoke, and looking up saw a great plumes of it coming from higher in the city, creating great clouds over the city. She looked over her shoulder. "I am Sky Eye. What are your names again? Diamond and Silver was it?"

Diamond nodded. "Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, and Gneech."

"A pleasure to meet you." As they walked, Silver Spoon noticed eyes were on her. Griffons watched them as they went by. Sky noticed her watching them and softly huffed. "Pay them no mind. While you're in my company, they won't bother you. They're hoping for easy marks, and I am not one of those." She raised her polearm. "Buzz off! You won't find any business here." The crowd seemed to disperse slightly, though the attraction of two little ponies and a kobold couldn't be entirely erased.

Sky led the way to a store with a large stylized wand for a sign. "They deal in all manner of magical curiosities here. You'll get a fair price for what you have, if it has any magical properties, and if it doesn't, you'll at least know."

The store was brightly lit, and smelled of nutmeg and old wood. The display was all at the counter, before a portly male griffon perched on a cushion. The griffon brightened at the jingle of the bell above the door. "Ah, Sky! A rare treat. Who have you brought to me today?"

Sky waved back at the fillies and their kobold friend. "Some travelers. They claim they have things worth selling, and I thought of you."

He put a talon to his chest. "Oh, to be remembered. Come, come. Let's see what you have, little ponies. Aren't you both so young to be traveling alone?"

Diamond pointed at Silver Spoon. "I'm not alone, I'm with her."

Silver nodded in agreement. "And I'm with her, and we have Gneech." She pointed at the kobold.

The shopkeep chuckled softly. "My normal policy would be to chase kobolds out with a broom, but he seems very well behaved."

Gneech frowned at the insinuation. "Gneech is very good. He will not embarrass alpha horse." He pointed at the shopkeep. "You better give her good price!"

The shopkeep leaned forward, resting his talons on his counter. "You can trust Sharp Find to give you the straight deal. Now let's see what you've brought."

Diamond Tiara advanced, slipping off her amulet. "Here you are, recovered from the depths of antiquity, at no small cost to ourselves." She slipped the amulet up onto the counter. "The craftsponyship is exquisite, as you can see."

Sharp accepted the amulet and began to turn it around before fetching a rag and working at it to bring it to a full shine. "Hmm..." He flipped it over, then again. "This style went out of fashion quite a long time ago, but it's quite notable. Sun King dedicants would wear pendants much like this." He displayed the amulet to them, drawing a talon along some words. "'In his warmest fires,' a traditional prayer. That hasn't changed, but the icon has. I'm sure you could get something from a collector for that alone." He flipped it to the counter and said a few arcane words, staring at it intently.

After a few moments of quiet, he nodded. "Definately magic. Ah, that's why it hasn't been found in such a long time." He tapped the amulet. "It protects the wearer from magic that would reveal information about them, or locate them." A smile touched his beak. "You were right, little one. This is valuable, if you can find a buyer."

Sky rolled her eyes. "And that's what you're for, is it not?"

Sharp waved a talon. "Don't take all the fun out of it. Yes, yes, I know who would be interested, and all I want is a measly 10%. You could get twenty thousand, easily, with my cut, that's eighteen thousand in your coinpurse."

Sky whistled sharply, which was all the hint Diamond needed to know it was a good number, but that didn't stop her from wanting more. "We're the ones that had to fight dead things and brave deadly traps to find it. 5%."

Sharp frowned at Diamond Tiara. "Oh, so you have some fight in you? Well, being so young, and lucky, I'll let you off the hook this first time. Eight percent, and you should be thanking me for my services. Identifying items is something most people would charge for, little lady, so don't try to bleed me dry of my fair share." He snatched the amulet up. "I'll have your money to you as soon as we have a buyer, but, as an advance." He pulled out a small bag and set it on the edge of the counter. "This should keep you in the meanwhile."

Silver Spoon reached up and claimed the bag. She peeked inside and tilted her head. "It's all silver."

Sharp chuckled softly. "Not silver, platinum. A hundred. Worth a thousand gold. You should be fine while you wait for the amulet to be sold." He pulled out a quill and ink pot and got to scribbling on a piece of paper. "Take this, a receipt. We'll trade for the rest of the money when it comes in, or you can take this to the guard to get me arrested if I try to renege, which won't happen."

Sky huffed softly. "It best not. It's my reputation on the line too." She smiled at the little fillies. "Well, you're off to a great start. A thousand gold's enough to live like a pair of queens for a while. Since that's handled, I'll be on my way."

She turned to go, but Diamond thrust up a hoof. "Wait! One more thing. Can you show us to a respectable inn, maybe not in the bad part of town?"

Gneech nodded. "A place fit for an alpha horse and her servants."

Sky chuckled softly. "Fine. I can do a patrol up there while I'm at it. This way." She led the way through the Lower District and onwards to what she called the Martial District. "Plenty of griffons work hard around here to practice their art, sometimes literally." She gestured to the right as she walked. "That is the Theatre of Souls, right on the edge of the Lower District. The dancing they do in there isn't quite proper for such young eyes, but there are others like it where you can get your fill of refinement." She settled on her haunches and pointed to an inn. "And here's where we part ways. I hope we don't have reason to meet again. Sun King watch over you."

Silver and Gneech waved amiably as she spread her wings and took off.

Diamond was looking at the sign. "The Gilded Promise. I like it. Let's start making ourselves at home."

Gneech bobbed his head. "Gneech is right behind you."

Silver smiled broadly. "And me too. What do you plan to do with the first bit of money we got?"

Diamond clopped her forehooves together. "I have a few ideas..."

Pinkie dangled from a rope, held firmly in her mouth. Below her several large creatures circled, looking up at her with obvious hunger. She gave a sharp tug, hoping to swing herself, but the rope broke instead, dumping her onto the back of one of the shaggy beasts. That set off a frenzy as they bumped, jostled, and tore at one another to get at her as she squealed and fled across their backs. "Last time I trust a map somepony gives me on the street!" It was a lie, but a fine sentiment for the time.

16 - Finding a Market

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Diamond Tiara barely checked into the inn before she was guiding them out to the street. "First order of business? Food, but keep your eyes open. Our goal is to find where the griffons aren't doing things right. Look, don't talk. We'll compare notes after we've treated ourselves." She waved them forward and led her group with a confident walk to the first little cafe she saw.

She liked the look of it, with the griffons all being dressed well, the energy relaxed, and not a single vagrant in sight. This was a place for people with money and purpose, people like her. She strode into it and moved to an empty table, then hopped up onto a chair and settled herself. Her friends joined her, and they waited for service, which proved slow in coming.

With growing dissatisfaction, Diamond Tiara clopped the top of the table. "Maybe I was wrong. I thought this was a place of refinement."

A griffon approached. His dress made Diamond think more of a maître d' as opposed to a random waiter. "I'm afraid we don't serve... that." His gaze fell squarely on Gneech.

Diamond Tiara waved a hoof dismissively. "He is my servant and my responsibility. We are ready to be served."

Her thickly-entitled tone of voice and casual dismissal put him off-balance. If she was as rich as she sounded, perhaps... "Of course, madame. We will have to apply a ten percent fee, for the discomfort presented to our other patrons."

Diamond raised a brow. "Your other patrons are less cosmopolitan than I thought, but very well. Can we have our menus now?" She snorted softly. "I hope you aren't expecting much of a tip with the way this is going so far."

Silver Spoon lowered her glasses lightly and shook her head at the griffon. "Hmmph, I thought they would have better manners in such a deceptively classy establishment."

Gneech glanced between the two, wanting to help, but unsure how to do so and sound properly snooty. "Yeah..."

The waiter slid menus before them and retreated without another word, looking embarrassed and infuriated. Diamond smiled at her companions. "Gneech, you're getting more valuable. While you're here, they're focused on you, and not us, which leaves us the chance to observe, and act." She tapped at her chin. "Go ahead, pick what you'd like to eat. Today we eat like kings and queens."

The menu had a variety of foods, plenty to satisfy a pony or kobold's appetite with a selection of nuts, vegetables, fruits, and glorious meats for a very happy Gneech. "Gneech knew following you would be good idea. He had hunch, when was stupid and hit by trap he should have stopped and saw. Gneech, hunch said, pink pony is last chance. She will either kill you, or save you. So Gneech gave dagger, and you save Gneech."

Diamond Tiara didn't bring up that she had fully intended on murdering Gneech at the time. "It all worked out in the end, didn't it?"

Silver Spoon sipped at the citrusy juice that filled her glass. "Whatever the fault in service, the food is excellent, isn't it?"

Gneech bobbed his head. "Is good!"

Diamond Tiara gestured with her head subtly. "Now look around, what's missing?"

Gneech was the first to reply. "Gneech not sure..."

Silver Spoon adjusted her glasses, pushing them up along her snout. "Like, they're dressed kind of plainly."

Diamond nodded. "I'll wager if we went up to the really ritzy areas, they're dressed better. There's a supply issue, either in talent, or in dyes and pigments, so only the richest can afford bright colors around here, and you saw the poor ones. If we can resolve that, we're looking at instant returns." She lifted her glass of milk. "To profits."

Diamond and Silver clinked their glasses together. Gneech was slower in recognizing the gesture and hurriedly banged his mug in. At least he didn't shatter their glasses.

Silver Spoon tilted her head. "We should find out what the laws are about opening businesses around here."

Diamond nodded at her. "Great idea. Silver, that's your job after we're done here. I'm going to investigate where the tailors are getting their supplies, and who's in the business. We'll snatch one or two up to work on our side."

Gneech pointed at himself. "What Gneech do?"

Diamond frowned with thought. Gneech subtly gestured at a griffon. "Double stitch with single dye. Lazy manufacture. It'll fall apart too fast. Gneech knows how to tell."

Diamond smiled. "You talented little lizard! Your value keeps expanding. You're with me."

Gneech bobbed his head. "Gneech is dragon, more reptile, less lizard, but will come with, yes."

Diamond suddenly imagined Gneech as a red-scaled version of Spike and burst into a fit of giggles, much to his confusion.

Pinkie looked around the exotic oriental stylings of Yi Sheng architecture before approaching one of the unicorns that seemed to dominate the town. "Excuse me. I'm trying to get to the griffon mountains?"

The unicorn looked Pinkie over a moment before smiling. "Curious pink pony, may I trouble you to come with me for a moment?"

Pinkie tilted her head. "Um, sure? What's up?" She began to follow him through the streets as he led her towards one in particular, with large gates and a larger courtyard.

He shook his head. "It shouldn't take too long, but I'd be willing to pay. It's not often I encounter an outsider that so closely resembles a pony."

Pinkie stopped, frowning a little. "I am a pony! Just like you or anypony else."

He held out a hoof towards her. "This is a hoof." He used his magic to lift one of pinkie's. "This is a not a hoof. Where's the wall? Where's the frog?"

Pinkie became confused. "Hooves are supposed to have frogs? That's strange. Why would ponies have frogs attached to their legs?"

"I'll explain in further detail..." He led her onwards to his laboratory, where he could examine her better.

With lunch complete, the waiter returned, looking a little suspicious. "That will be six silver pieces, madame."

Diamond fished out a platinum coin and set it down. "I'll need change."

He was clearly surprised at the presence of the valuable coin, but plucked it up and soon returned with proper change. Diamond passed back one of the silver coins. "Can I have this in the cheapest coin available?"

"Copper pieces, madame?"

"Yes, thank you."

He returned with ten copper coins, bowed, and departed. Diamond set the one copper on the table. "That's what he gets for his attitude. We'll meet back at the Gilded Promise, alright? Let's go."

Silver hopped to the ground, feeling full and happy. She held out a hoof to Diamond Tiara. "Give me some coins, in case some hooves need greased, or for application fees."

Diamond raised a brow. "Be sure to get receipts." She slipped two platinum to Silver Spoon.

Silver shook her head. "They don't give receipts for bribes, but for everything else, I will." She tucked the money away and trotted out into the city, looking around for and soon finding a guard. She approached the armored griffon with a smile. "Hello! Can you, like, tell me where I'd go to get a business license?"

The griffon looked down at her before crouching to be on her level. "Oh, I recognize you. They were talking about you, little pony. Already going into business for yourself? Aren't you an industrious little soul."

Silver smiled kindly at the griffon. "Yes sir. I just need to make sure we have all the paperwork done properly." She raised a hoof. "We wouldn't want you to have to spend time with us because we broke a rule."

"Right you are," agreed the guard. "I wish some of my chicks had your attitude. Ready to go, but making sure your lines are crisp. Follow me and I'll get you where you need to be." He rose up to his full height, but stayed on all fours as he led Silver along through the streets. "Watch out for the pencil pushers. They think there's glory to be had in managing their little desks, and putting a crimp in your day just validates their belief that they have power."

Silver nodded as she followed after him. "I'll be careful, sir. Thanks for taking the time out of your busy day to show me here."

They nodded to one another before he moved off, leaving her in front of the large building that reported itself to be "Office of Records". Silver nodded at the sign before moving for the door, confident that she was in the right place.

The inside of the building reeked of paper, new and old, and ink. In direct view of the door was an aged pegasus. Her creamy fur was turning grey at the ends of her ears and snout. Silver perked, not expecting a pony. "Hello there, miss. Some business partners and I would like to open a business, and we wanted to be sure we're doing it properly."

The pegasus tilted her head. "You're mighty young-looking to be in here? Is this a prank?"

Silver held up a hoof. "Assuredly not, miss. I've been entrusted to make sure this is done properly, and that's, like, what I'm here to do."

She nodded slowly. "Right, I see. Well I'm Inky Quill. Let's see what we can do for you. What's the primary nature of your business? Were you incorporated in a foreign country and transferring to here? Doing business here? Or forming here today?"

Silver smiled with building hope. "Textiles, and local."

Inky raised a brow. "Textiles? Curious. You're dressed like you just came in out of the wilderness."

Silver internally cursed her lack of foresight in getting a new outfit. "How astute, Miss Quill. We just arrived and are eager to get right to business." Inky Quill pushed some forms across the desk at her and Silver picked it up, looking it over. It was as dense as she had expected, and she found a small desk to sit at and start filling it out, scratching away with the provided quill. "Miss? How long will it take for this for to become valid after I submit it?"

Inky shrugged softly. "New business incorporation? Upwards of a month, depending on how long it takes to get before the review board, and assuming they approve it."

Silver winced softly. "I... see. And what's the submission fee?"

Inky shook her head. "Oh, just a single gold piece. Hardly a trifling for anyone who's serious about doing business."

Silver nodded. "Oh, of course. In fact, that seems like far too little, especially with all the questions you have to answer all day long. Such a hard worker, like, deserves a bit more."

Inky huffed. "Preaching to the choir there, filly."

Silver slid from the desk and approached Inky. "No, I'm totally serious." She fished out a platinum and set it on the desk. "Here you are, for the submission and speedy processing, and for being a great pony to work with."

Inky slid the coin towards herself. "Oh, of course. Yes. We'll see if we can't get this pushed through right away. Leave your contact information and we'll get back to you as soon as we have answers."

17 - Supply Chain

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Diamond trotted along with Gneech trailing behind her. She held her head high and her tiara was polished to a shine. Though eyes were drawn to the sight of the small pony and her kobold companion, few seemed to want to outright challenge her with her confident walk. She belonged there, and she knew it.

They began a tour of the local tailors and seamstresses. The first was 'Stitch in Time'. When they entered, they heard the sound of clip-clops approaching, and Diamond though the owner would be a pony, but a lean hippogriff appeared instead. He looked at the both of them through his glasses and smiled. "Good day and welcome to Stitch in Time. Always nice to see a fellow pony."

Diamond tilted her head a little. "But you're not a pony." Half eagle, with the back end of an earth pony. The combination threw Diamond Tiara off her game a moment. "What are you, exactly?"

The hippogriff raised up to stand on his hooves, a talon on his chest. "I am a hippogriff. My father was a pony, and my mother a griffon, and this is what you get, a damn fine tailor. The name's Cross Stitch. Now what can I do for you, little lady?"

Diamond glanced back at Gneech. "What do you think? Spot review."

Gneech approached the closest rack of clothes and began to look them over critically. "Is not bad. Good stitches, durable. Has many pockets, Gneech like that."

Cross nodded his head. "Even a kobold can see the quality in my work, though I must confess this is the first time I've had one in my store."

He didn't make a disparaging comment about it, which gained him points in Diamond Tiara's mind. Anyone who valued business over little things like that had their head in the right place. "Show me the prettiest, brightest, almost-but-not-quite-gaudiest thing you have."

Cross Stitch vanished into the back, and came back with a cornflower blue dress clearly sized for a griffon and not a filly. "I can have it resized for you in no time at all, if you like the look of it, little lady."

Diamond pointed up at her tiara. "That's Diamond Tiara, now how much is that?"

Cross shrugged. "It's clothes fit for royalty, and it has a price to match. Three hundred and it's yours."

Diamond raised a brow. "Silver? Copper?"

Cross shook his head. "Gold, m'lady Tiara."

Diamond frowned a moment before her expression lightened. "Tell me, who do you buy your pigments from?"

Cross held up his talons. "Woah there, little lady. You can't just ask a fella things like that."

Diamond made a dismissive motion. "I'm on your side, my dear, what was that, Cross Stitch?" He nodded. "I'm on your side. It's obvious to me that some...one... is denying the good tailors of this city. I'm going to get to the bottom of it, and those on my side will reap the benefits in the form of cold, hard coin. So, are you with me?" She leveled an almost sultry look, but it promised no physical affection, instead the sweet promise of profit and success.

She left with Gneech, a name and a location added to her information. Gneech moved up beside her. "Gneech isn't sure he is convinced."

Diamond nodded. "He wasn't, but he's curious. When I have more to show, he'll come over with a smile. Let's weed out some of the competition. I'm sure someone had to make the piece of garbage you spotted yesterday, and I want to be sure they're not part of this."

They prowled the district, visiting every tailor and clothing shop they could find. Some turned out to be more armor and less clothing, but Diamond Tiara pumped them for information anyway. Surely the pigments for coloring armor were much the same, and when she could get a name, it always came down to the same place. All the pigments were in the hooves, or talons perhaps, of one company.

"They're smart." Diamond sipped from a brightly-colored drink, looking thoughtful. "They established a monopoly and not a damn single griffon even noticed it happening. If I were a lesser pony, I'd apply to work with them."

Gneech grinned, showing off his many teeth. "But you are alpha horse, greatest of ponies."

Diamond pointed at Gneech. "Right you are! The whole situation is ripe for us to take action, but we need a source. We can't compete without having something to compete with. I hate to say it, but I think it's time to study."

Gneech made a bit of a face. "Gneech not like studying. Books are boring."

Diamond waved a hoof idly. "Boring or not, it'll lead us to wealth and success, so put that pout away and let's get to work." She slurped down the remainder of her drink and left a few copper to pay for it before hopping to the ground. "Success waits for no pony." She led the way towards a library. She spotted a little crest set in the frame of the door, showing a familiar horse. "Huh, I didn't think Princess Luminace would be recognized with the griffons."

A librarian apparently heard Diamond and peeked out from behind a stack. "One can't hedge their chances enough to keep our books safe. She is not 'our' goddess, but she respects the books of all races. She has yet to begrudge our inviting her protection over the tomes here. How can I help you, little pony?"

Diamond rolled her eyes. "You know, being called little pony by everyone does get tiring after a while."

The librarian smiled as she set a book aside. "I am only speaking what I see clearly. What is your name, filly?"

Diamond pointed at herself. "Diamond Tiara, and this is Gneech."

"Hello." Gneech was looking around, overwhelmed by the sheer number of books. "You read all these books?"

The librarian shook her head. "Oh dear no. Not even I have read all of them." She looked at Gneech curiously. "Do you know how to read?"

Gneech huffed. "Gneech know how read, just don't like it much." He took a book off the nearest shelf and demonstrated his ability to read. "In year 105 AA, town of blah blah blah." He put the book back where he found it. "Boring."

Diamond pulled Gneech away from the shelf. "We're here for more specific information. Where would I find a book on the history of local dyes and pigments?"

The librarian led them through the maze of books and pulled several large books from a higher shelf. She placed them on a desk. "We do ask that those performing research donate a little to keep the library going."

Diamond was tempted at first to say something scathing, but realized before she got to saying it that it was a politely phrased standard fee, not a handout. She fished tilted her head the librarian. "What's the customary amount, good lady?"

"Oh, just a silver piece or two per day is quite fine," she said with a wave of a talon. "Some of our richer patrons put down more. Their names are over there." She indicated a plaque of contributors and donors that was displayed prominently. "They help keep the library here for everyone else."

Diamond slipped two silvers to the librarian, and they were left alone to get to reading. She learned where the major colors traditionally came from, with many of them being plants that didn't sound terribly rare, or hard to find. So what was the hangup?

Gneech had fallen asleep leaning against a shelf, the studying holding no interest for him. Diamond woke him up with a clop of her hooves. "Let's go. We're visiting a flower shop."

As she led him out, Gneech tilted his head. "Flower shop? You get boy pony friend while Gneech asleep?"

Diamond chuckled softly. "As if. No. We're still on the same case, Gneech. I'm getting the impression it's not a supply problem, exactly." She rubbed her forehooves together, pausing her walk. "I think someone pulled a fast one on half the city and nobody's caught on yet."

They made their way to a botanist. The inside of the shop was a riot of colors and scents. The griffon there took one look at Gneech and wouldn't have any of it. He pointed towards the door. "Your 'pet' can wait outside."

Diamond huffed softly. "Gneech stays with me. He's very well trained, and won't cause any damage. Now can we discuss business or are you that interested in him?"

As it turned out, he was interested in Gneech in all the wrong ways, and Diamond was forced to withdraw from that particular herbalist. She grumbled as she looked for another one.

Gneech nodded at her back. "Gneech appreciates it."

"Appreciates what?"

Gneech pat his chest. "Sticking up for Gneech. You are good boss, alpha horse."

Diamond smiled. Having a true toady was tickling her in all the right places. "Don't you worry, Gneech, we're all headed straight for the top."

Pinkie looked up from the bottom of the vast ravine she found herself caught in. The snow howled above in a flurry of white, and her clothing was torn and ripped in several places, offering vanishingly little protection from the elements. She was't ready to give up yet! "I promised I'd rescue you two, and I'm gonna do it!" she shouted against the winds, but they didn't reply.

The roar that came from behind her was not the reply she wanted, but she got that instead. She wheeled around to see a great figure, a yeti! It was covered in white fur and had a blue-skinned face. In its right hand it wielded a huge club that was as large as she was. It charged for her as she broke into a run, bouncing from narrow ledge to narrow ledge like a mountain goat possessed.

Just as she thought she had gotten away, the thing's club crashed against a ledge she was just coming down on, and she fell through the space it once was, into its waiting embrace. "Cupcake?" She tried offering a brightly-colored treat.

Diamond emerged from a new herbalist, a wicked smile on her face. "We are in business."

Gneech looked a little confused. "Gneech thought we were already in business?"

Diamond waved. "We had an idea, Gneech, but now we have a way to do it. We need a chemist, and a shop for him to work. Maybe we can get both at once. Come, Gneech. Greatness awaits us." The promise of greatness motivated Gneech to movement, and they trotted together in search of a chemist.

Gneech looked around. "Gneech not think working for alpha horse work out so well. Gneech is glad to be here."

Diamond huffed softly. "It is literally my destiny, Gneech. I have to rise to the top." She stopped and turned to face him. "I am an 'alpha horse' as you said. That is where I should be."

Gneech bobbed his head. "Gneech is sorry for having doubts. Where do we go next?"

Diamond looked around. "We find that chemist... This way."

18 - All According to Plan

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Diamond and Gneech met up with Silver Spoon back at the Gilded Promise that evening, as promised. They ate in there, sharing their stories of triumph.

Silver held up a document. "Congratulations, we're a company! I put us down as the owners, Diamond Tiara. There had to be at least two for it to be incorporated, and we're partners, right?"

Diamond would have preferred being the sole owner, but she smiled. "You did good, Vice President of Legal Affairs." Silver beamed at her new title, even if it would be inferior to Diamond's Chief Executive Officer position. "As VP of legal, are there any laws we need to be mindful of?"

Silver raised a hoof. "Oh! Yes." She pulled out a sheaf of papers and set them on the table between the plates of food. "There are a lot of laws on the books regarding dye and pigment manufacture, or, specifically, or is that, like, more broadly, um, chemical work. Clothes design and sale is mostly unregulated, but they are very picky about chemicals that can totally explode."

Gneech bobbed his head. "That make sense. Clothes pretty harmless."

Silver looked to Diamond. "How did your day go? Did you, like, find out what we need to do?"

Diamond nodded. "As if there was a shred of doubt." She tapped the top of the table before sipping from her drink, savoring the fruity wash. "There's no lack of the basic ingredients to make clothes dyes. The tailors just don't make it themselves, and that's fine, but only one company is making them, and they're taking everyone else to the cleaners. The rates they're charging are outrageously inflated, which is why only nobles can afford to have colors. I got us a tailor with skill, and a chemist that knows how to do it." She flashed a smile. "The chemist was amusing..."

The griffon peered through his goggles at Diamond Tiara. "Little horse, are you seriously suggesting I stop the serious investigation of the workings of the universe in favor of inks?!"

Diamond waved a hoof dismissively. "Not inks, dyes. There's a difference."

He slammed a fist on the counter. "I refuse! This isn't worth my time. You couldn't hope to pay my fees, even if I did want to engage in such frivolities!"

Diamond raised a brow. "Is that so? Do you know how much... this much..." She gently poked a tiny bottle. "Just this much dye currently demands on the market? If you know who to sell to."

The griffon hesitated. "How much?"

Diamond quoted a number. The griffon's beak broke, moving up and down without any sound coming out at first. "W-what? This is a most crude joke!"

Diamond rolled her eyes. "Doubt if you want, but I'm not here to joke. I'm here to do business. If you won't make these dyes, I'll find someone else who will, and they'll get rich, and you'll get to explore the mysteries with whatever few coppers you have to your name."

Diamond raised her brows. "You should have seen the colors he turned, but he agreed. We have everything we need. The supplies are almost trivial for most of the colors, so we'll start with the easily available ones. Some bright blues, deep yellows... Of course, we're going to need to get a model or two to show off what we have." She tapped her chin thoughtfully.

Gneech raised a hand excitedly. "Gneech has idea!"

Diamond pointed at Gneech. "The board recognizes Gneech. Go ahead."

Gneech grinned as he clapped his hands. "Make models pay, make contest for privilege of 'winning' right to buy. We pick best, take money, they model."

Diamond considered the idea. "I like that... We'll announce we have a new color line and let griffons compete for the right to be the first customer. They love fluffing their egos. The winners will crow and strut with their clothes." She reached across and pat Gneech on the shoulder. "Excellent work, Gneech."

Silver bobbed her head. "That's, like, a great idea Gneech. I'll make some posters to put up. Where will the contest happen?"

They hashed out the plan and enjoyed dinner before moving off to their room to prepare for the next day. Several days later, they occupied one of the theatres that they rented for the day. Cross Stitch stood on two legs beside his collection of tasteful but clearly brightly-colored clothing. Forming a rough line leading up to the stage were about a dozen well-to-do griffons.

All eyes turned to the stage as Gneech emerged, dressed in deep blues with yellow highlights. He looked as regal as a kobold was capable of looking, and the effect wasn't lost on the griffons. "Good day. We thank you for coming. We have new clothing line, limited supply. If it make Gneech look this nice, imagine what it will do on griffon. Meet judges. Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, and creator of clothing, Cross Stitch."

Each person bowed in time with their name before they settled in seats, ready to start the show.

The contestants came down from the higher portion of the city just to participate. Diamond quietly chastised herself. I should have charged them just to get into the contest, she thought to herself while keeping her smile. But not all the contestants were nobles and merchants. One in particular was naked and lean. The others avoided her entirely as they whispered among themselves.

Silver leaned in towards Diamond. "That one might be helpful, to show the clothes around the the middle and lower class griffons. She's, like, probably poor or something, and if she wins a set, she'll never take it off with pride."

Diamond raised a brow. "But can she even afford a set if she wins?"

Silver waved a hoof. "Be magnanimous. She'll pay for it with the advertising."

Diamond nodded, not disagreeing, but... "I have to make a show of being fair. We'll talk to her after the show."

The selected six griffons of middle and upper class and they bought a suit each with glowing pride. Cross Stitch looked almost beside himself with joy. He had only been promised 30% of the take, but with such highly-priced dresses being moved, even that was enough to make the day quite worth the effort, especially since he didn't have to pay for the, usually prohibitively expensive, dyes.

The winners showed off their new clothes with pride and poise, and quickly departed, likely to show off to friends and strangers alike. Diamond cut off the poor contestant before she could leave. "We'd like a word with you, if you have a moment?"

They escorted her out of sight and Diamond pointed at her. "We like your look. You have a certain... rough charm that we think compliments our line."

Silver Spoon bobbed her head. "We plan to bring some color to your district as well. Would you like to showcase it?"

She smiled hopefully. "Oh, I just wanted to see how I'd do. There's no way I could afford such lovely dresses. I can barely put food on the table."

Diamond wobbled a hoof. "We're offering. Two gold pieces, special discount. Send your friends, and we'll have some other colored clothes fit for griffons that do real work that won't break your coinpurse."

She become intrigued and considered a moment before digging out an anemic-looking pouch. She produced a handful of silver coins and sighed. "No, no. It's very kind of you, but food has to come before an outfit."

Gneech stepped forward and put two gold coins in one of her talons. She frowned at him. "I'm not looking for charity! I haven't lost all my dignity yet."

Diamond advanced and put a hoof on Gneech's shoulder, pulling him back. "Forgive him. He's just a kobold, you know how it is, but if he gave it to you, it's yours. Kobolds don't like rejected gifts."

She looked uncertain, but nodded a little. "Alright, fine. I wouldn't want to hurt his feelings, I suppose." She held out the coins. "So I'll just give it to you."

Diamond sent her on her way, dressed in the finery and glowing with satisfaction for having it. Diamond slapped Gneech on the back. "That was close!"

Gneech squeaked at the slap, but nodded quickly. "Alpha horse saved the day."

Diamond put a hoof to her chest. "As if there was doubt. Now come on, our work isn't done yet."

They got Cross Stitch to work. Properly inspired to the idea that there was money in it, a lot of money, he wasn't hard to motivate. They soon had a second tailor, a friend of Cross Stitch's, helping out to make new lines as quickly as possible. Some slack was had when they took their existing clothes and started re-using the materials, dying and coloring them before resewing them back into shape. Some colors were reserved for upper class, others for middle, and more natural colors for lower class, but they all looked nicer than naked fabric.

Stitch in Time became a busy place, but there was an immediate issue. Higher-class griffons didn't want to bump elbows with their inferiors while shopping for clothing. Cross and the fillies worked out a hasty deal with Cross Stitch's friend, and a new shop was thrown open with the new colors, capturing the lower end of the spectrum and leaving Stitch in Time to handle the higher end of the spectrum.

The chemist's eyes bulged when the first payment arrived for his work. He was making more money than he had been making alchemical creations, by far, and he stopped complaining and started making colors as a full-time task. Everyone involved was getting their pockets lined with wealth and coin, especially the fillies.

They weren't severely undercutting their competition, that was a losing game. They came in about ten percent cheaper for the 'noble' colors, and fifty percent for the middle class colors. The insult was perhaps the lower class, where they were charging barely more than uncolored clothes. Want a nice earth-tone brown? Just a few more coppers. A dazzling red would put a griffon back a lot more.

Word began to spread of this new business, and other tailors approached the fillies, inquiring about their supply of dyes and wanting to get in on the action. The fillies were quite willing to be the middle-ponies, selling the dyes to them at a slightly higher price than Cross Stitch and his friend were paying, but not monstrously so. They made more money, and their chemist was kept busy while his own coinpurse filled with coin he never knew he could make, just making simple dyes.

It was scarcely a week later that they moved out of the Gilded Promise and took up residence in an upper class inn. They ate well, dressed well, bathed, and even had a griffon servant that saw to their every need. Life couldn't get much better than it was.

Silver Spoon leaned back on her lounge chair, sighing blissfully as her mane was combed carefully by the butler. "This was a great idea, Diamond Tiara. Now we just have to wait for somepony to show up and rescue us."

Diamond raised a brow from where she lay. "Rescue us, from what?"

Pinkie had arrived! She looked up the slope at the huge egg-shaped city and clopped her hooves together with excitement. "Don't worry, auntie Pinkie Pie is here to save you!" She galloped up along the snowy path towards the city, to have a griffon crash down in front of her, wielding a long spear.

"State your business," declared the griffon with a frown.

Pinkie hopped up on two legs and pointed at herself. "My name's Pinkie Pie, and I'm here to rescue two pony fillies. Did you see them? One of them's about this tall." She held out a hoof. "Her name's Diamond Tiara, and she has a grey friend named Silver Spoon."

The guard raised his brows. "Huh. Everyone's heard of them. The two fillies with all the money. You know them? Are you their parent?"

Pinkie waved a hoof dismissively. "Naw! I'm more of their aunt than anything. Can you take me to them?"

"Right this way." The guard turned and began leading Pinkie up into the city.

19 - We Were Here First

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Silver Spoon looked out over her glasses at a griffon guard approaching with a pony behind him. Ponies were fairly rare in the city. This was the first earth pony they had seen -- other than themselves -- in the entire city. The others had all been pegasi. "Isn't that totally Pinkie Pie?"

Diamond rolled over from her massage to look where Silver was looking. She blinked in surprise before she sat up and hopped out of her chair.

Pinkie spotted the two and bounced past her escort to greet them. "I've been looking for you two forever! Gosh. You wouldn't believe the things I went through, but forget that. I'm so glad you're OK!" She looked between the two, and the curious reptile looking at her, and their servant.

The griffon guard nodded. "Looks like you're in the right place. Have a good day."

Diamond Tiara fished out a silver coin for a tip and sent the griffon on his way. "Daddy didn't come?"

Pinkie tilted her head. "Huh? No, just me. I don't think your dad even knows about other worlds."

Silver Spoon blinked owlishly. "Other worlds?"

Pinkie waved her hooves widely. "All of this?! This isn't Equestria! This is, um, Everglow, that's it."

Gneech bobbed his head. "Yes, is Everglow. What is Equestria?"

Diamond poked Pinkie in the side. "Before we get into that, we've got to get you looking better. Have you eaten in the last week?"

Pinkie perked an ear at Diamond, then looked quite thoughtful. "Um... I don't exactly remember... I was so focused on finding you two and making sure you weren't in trouble."

Diamond clopped her hooves, looking at their butler. "Get Pinkie some lunch, and a change of clothes immediately."

Pinkie let the butler measure her, though her eyes were locked on Diamond Tiara. "You have a new butler? How'd you manage that?"

Silver Spoon trotted up and held out her glass of bright red drink, and Pinkie slurped it down hurriedly. "This is not what I expected. You two are rescuing me." She pouted a little before breaking out into a huge grin. "Good job!"

Silver Spoon recoiled in surprise. "Huh?"

Pinkie bobbed her head. "Good job. You're doing amazingly! You have to tell me everything you've been up to! I always knew you two were a clever duo, but this, wow. You've blown me away."

Diamond Tiara felt a warm sense of satisfaction building in her. Having an adult, even a somewhat scatter-brained party planner, commending her activities just felt really good. "It's nothing, really," she said with false humility. "We've started a textile revolution and we're swimming in bits."

Pinkie threw up her hooves. "Is that all?" She burst into manic giggles. "I thought you two were being eaten by some terrible beast or something." The butler returned and started peeling Pinkie free of her clothes. Instead of putting her into the new set, she was picked up and carried away. "Hey, wait, where are we going?!"

"A bath, madame."

"Oh." Pinkie stopped wriggling and let herself be carried to a tub inside the building.

Gneech tilted his head. "You know pink horse?"

Silver Spoon nodded. "She makes really fun parties. We've been casual friends with her for a long time."

Diamond huffed. "Why did they send her to find us? I mean, not that I begrudge it, I guess."

Silver Spoon shrugged in reply. "I don't know, but did you see her? It looked like she crawled back and forth across the world a few times before she found us."

Gneech scratched behind his head. "She is stupid, but loyal, friend."

Diamond shook her head. "How am I supposed to show off what I've accomplished with just her knowing about it." She huffed and stomped a hoof before returning to her seat to sprawl in her dissatisfaction.

Silver moved to sit beside Diamond. "The most important ponies know." She pointed at Diamond, then herself.

Diamond quirked a smile at Silver's attempts to be encouraging. "Does she even know how to go home?"

Silver shrugged. "Let's ask her when she gets back? I mean, I like the bits and all, but it still isn't Equestria..."

Diamond considered that. They were living the fine life of the city, but it wasn't any city they knew. They didn't have many of the things she had started to take for granted back home. Silver continued, "Besides, we proved we can do it, like, we can do it again, together."

Diamond felt the warmth return and sat up. "Yeah, you're right. It's not the city that's important, it's us! We're awesome no matter where we go."

"Are you Diamond Tiara?" A wiry griffon had walked up to them and was looking down at them.

Diamond raised a brow up at the griffon. "I don't think there's many to confuse me with. What do you want?"

The griffon sneered in an uncouth fashion. "A message for ya." He dropped a box rudely on her belly. "Ta."

He walked off even as Diamond Tiara sat up in a huff. "He'd better leave, as if he'd get a tip after that."

Gneech scowled at the box and moved towards it quickly. "Gneech not trust, let Gneech see."

Diamond Tiara pulled the box away from him. "It's mine, Gneech!"

Gneech shook his head. "Gneech not take things from alpha horse. Let Gneech make sure is safe, then have box."

Diamond hesitated a moment before she surrendered the box to the kobold. Gneech dashed off with the box and set it down. He started poking and prodding it carefully, inspecting its hinges and peering at it like it was a deadly beast ready to pounce him.

Silver Spoon sat up and looked at him, then Diamond. "What's he doing?"

Diamond huffed. "He's playing with it. Your guess is as good as any."

Gneech worked off the screws on the back of the box and cracked it open from the wrong side while hunched over the box. "Ah ha! Gneech is right!"

"Right about what, Gneech?" Silver adjusted her glasses out of nervous habit.

Gneech put the cover back on gently, then backed away from the box. "Nothing but explosives. Go boom when you open. Someone trying to hurt alpha horse, but stupid. Should know kobolds master of traps."

Diamond scowled at the news. "Who would dare?!" Her expression changed as the situation sank in a little. "Are we talking like 'ha ha, ink all over your face' explosion?"

Gneech shook his head quickly. "Talking big boom!" He threw his scaly hands wide at the word. "Little pieces of alpha horse everywhere."

Silver Spoon shuddered at the imagery summoned. "Oh Celestia! Why would anypony want to do that to us?"

Diamond raised a brow. "Someone who doesn't like what we've done. We're costing them a lot of gold, taking their business, crashing the prices of some of their colors severely. They'll never be able to sell brown ink for anything more than a pittance ever again." She pointed at the box. "And that's how they say 'thanks'."

Silver Spoon shook her head quickly. "You don't blow somepony up over that! You send, like, an angry letter or something."

Pinkie popped out from behind Silver's chair, dressed in local fashions. "Maybe back in Equestria."

Silver squealed at Pinkie's abrupt appearance, and jumped from the chair. Diamond rolled her eyes. "Pinkie's right. This isn't Equestria, like she said when she got here." She slipped to the ground and pointed at the box accusingly. "Killing the competitor's as valid a method as any other."

Pinkie tapped her chin. "I wouldn't exactly call it 'as valid'. Only mean people would do something like that. Is someone bothering you, Diamond?"

Gneech pointed at the box. "Box full of boom. Sent to alpha horse to hurt her."

Pinkie approached the box and picked it up, giving it a little shake before she nodded in agreement. She pulled a hoof back before hurling it up into the sky, where it detonated violently but harmlessly. "To think someone would think that's the right thing to do to a couple of fillies. Well don't you two worry your pretty little heads! Auntie Pinkie is here to protect you." In a lot of ways, she looked happier to have come for a purpose than to have found them entirely secure and comfortable.

Gneech moved up to Pinkie, looking her over. "Who are you?"

Pinkie tilted her head at Gneech. "Oh hi! I'm Pinkie." She thrust a hoof forward and it was met with a clawed hand, and they shook in greetings. "Nice to meetcha. Thanks for keeping eye on those two."

Gneech shook his head. "They saved Gneech. Gneech would be sad and maybe dead on snowy mountains, but they took Gneech in, give Gneech purpose again. Now Gneech is doing good. Eat good, drink good, even sleep good. Alpha horse is best horse." He pointed at Diamond Tiara, who soaked up the praise with a smile. "You work for alpha horse too?"

Pinkie glanced at Diamond, then back at Gneech before she bobbed her head. "Sure thing. It's my job to keep her and Silver Spoon safe until my friends figure out how to pull us back to Equestria. It shouldn't be so tough this time, since Twilight has her book back and everything." She rubbed her nose with a fetlock. "I wonder how they'll do it..."

Diamond clopped the ground with a hoof. "Forget that a moment. I won't accept this outright attack laying down. If I go, I go on my own terms, not to run away from some cowardly griffon that thinks blowing me up is how to handle business."

Silver didn't look quite as convinced. "If we can go home, DT, what does it, like, matter?"

Diamond wheeled on Silver. "It's the principle of the thing! We won, fair and square. I won't have our final move being to run away scared. No, forget that. I'd sooner bring this whole industry crashing down."

Pinkie tilted her head. "How do you do that?"

Diamond wobbled a hoof. "Oh that's easy. Just get more chemists in on the action of making dyes. The more chemists are busy producing them and competing with each other, the more that level of the supply chain would collapse, until no one was getting much. The industry would collapse, and coloring would be a minor factor at best for pricing clothes."

Silver shook her head slowly. "How do you know all this, Diamond Tiara? You're, like, a genius!"

Diamond buffed a hoof against her chest, looking inflated and proud. "I paid attention when father was busy with his own work, and I read a few books. Now, who's with me?"

Gneech raised a hand quickly. "Gneech always with alpha horse."

Pinkie tilted her head. "Are we gonna hurt them?

Diamond raised a brow. "You don't think they deserve it? They tried to kill me!"

Silver raised a hoof timidly. "You know I'm with you, Diamond Tiara."

Diamond looked to Pinkie pointedly, as the only pony that hadn't yet agreed to help her plan of vengeance.

20 - Retiring Rich

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Diamond Tiara emerged from a chemist's store with a fresh bag filled with coin. Pinkie tilted her head at it. "How are you getting them all to pay you so much?"

Diamond waved a hoof. "Oh that's easy. Now that everyone knows there's money to be had in it, they want in on it." She moved to close the distance between herself and the others. "I'm just not telling them I'm selling out the secret to a dozen others at the same time. This industry's ruined, and we walk out with all the money." She waved a free hoof over the city. "Meanwhile, a lot of griffons get to not be overcharged just to have a yellow shirt." She smiled with supreme confidence. "And they say greed can't make nice things happen, hmmph."

Gneech burst into a fit of laughter. "Even Gneech manage to sell it to two. Here is money." He surrendered a heavy bag of coin to a grinning Diamond Tiara. "Bad griffons will be furious."

Silver Spoon tapped her chin. "They're, like, probably going to be super angry. Won't they try to hurt us, DT?"

Diamond pointed at Pinkie. "And here is where you come in. It's time to go. Summon up Twilight Sparkle or whoever and get us back to Ponyville." She set down the bags of money she held. "Chop Chop."

Pinkie gave a nervous giggle as she shuffled in place. "I can't... do that. I just came to protect you. I don't know how to get back."

Diamond colored with fury to learn her path of retreat wasn't as assured as it had seemed. "Well... fine! We have enough money, we could pay somepony to get us far away from here."

Silver Spoon suddenly thrust a hoof up. "Oh! We never claimed our money, from the amulet? Maybe that griffon knows someone else who can get us far away before things get too messy?"

Diamond agreed to the plan, simple as it was, and they quickly hustled to the magic salesgriffon. He smiled at them when they entered. "Ah, I had thought you forgot your claim. The money's still available."

Diamond slapped her receipt on the counter. "Good, we'll take it, but we also want to get a ride out of town. Know anyone who can get us out of here."

"Fast," added Silver Spoon.

"Today," added Gneech.

Sharp Find rubbed his beak as his other talon produced the bag full of platinum earned from the sale of the amulet, then noticed Pinkie Pie. "Oh, hello there. Your, uh, herd is it? It's growing."

Pinkie burst into giggles. "I'm just here to keep an eye on them."

Sharp nodded. "It's good to see they have adults that care for them, though I hear they've been terrorizing the town, not the other way around. Now, if you need a teleportation, I know a wizard up to the task. He has a powerful staff that lets him go wherever in the world he wants to go to, and he could take you along, for a fee."

Diamond smiled with satisfaction. "That sounds like exactly what we're looking for. Perhaps you'll get to keep that money after all." She held out a hoof. "How much?"

"Twenty-five hundred, and that includes my finder's fee."

Silver made a face. That was a lot of money, but they had it, so they surrendered it to Sharp Find, who eagerly accepted it and wrote out a quick letter. "Go to the address on the back, give him the letter. He'll know you've paid and that he can come to me for the money. We've done plenty of business in the past."

Pinkie leaned forward. "Could he send us home? It's kind of another world. It's called Equestria!"

Sharp shook his head. "Sorry, I don't know about that. The only spell I'm aware of that does that requires a tuning fork attuned to the plane you're seeking, and he wouldn't have that."

Pinkie pouted, but nodded. "Thanks anyway. Have a nice day!" As they walked through the city towards the wizard that would send them away, Pinkie tugged at her new light-yellow tunic. "Thanks for the clothes. I would have gone with pink though."

Diamond laughed a little. "You always go for pink. A little change won't hurt you."

"I guess not," agreed Pinkie easily. "So, um, besides becoming business ponies, what have you two been up to?"

Gneech hiked a thumb at himself. "Save Gneech and find ancient treasures."

Silver added, "Ran from a super scary ghost."

Diamond Tiara huffed softly. "Escaped from a band of angry kobolds before we found one worth keeping around. We also ran into a griffon that led us most of the way here before she ran off when we got attacked."

Silver Spoon tilted her head. "I wonder what happened to her..."

"She's been hired to kill you." They looked up as one to see a female griffon touching down. Dark Streak chuckled, "Don't get too worked up. I only accepted it so others wouldn't, for a moment at least. My my, I take my eyes off of you for a moment, and here you are, filthy rich and wanted dead by some very powerful griffons."

Diamond Tiara frowned. "Filthy Rich is my father, and we're leaving, so if you don't mind?"

Dark shrugged. "I won't stop you. This town's not my style anyway. I thought you two were long-dead."

"No thanks to you!" spat Diamond Tiara. "We managed, and we're doing just fine." She led the others away, but Dark walked alongside.

"No thanks? Do you have any idea how many arrows I had to pull out after that night? It was the fortune of the gods that got me here, and for what, to save two ingrateful pony chicks?" Dark waved a talon with annoyance.

Silver looked a little guilty. "We tried to look for you at first... Why didn't you find us? I mean we're, like, the only earth ponies in this whole city."

Dark Streak snorted softly. "Same story, other side. I checked for you at first, but I'm guessing you didn't come into town that quickly. Being in this city's not free, so I started doing odd-jobs, which eventually led to an offer for a generous sum to end your little lives."

Diamond Tiara paused her march a moment. "Hold on a second. Do you know who's paying?"

"Talked to them face-to-face, why?"

Diamond turned to face Dark Streak with a new grin. "Was it a mook, or someone with actual money?"

Pinkie shook her head quickly. "No no no! We should go. I'm supposed to keep you two safe."

Diamond snorted at Pinkie. "Pinkie, I'm surprised and shocked. You don't want to teach a valuable lesson to a griffon that clearly needs to learn the true value of friendship and laughter?"

Pinkie crashed to her haunches, her thoughts shattered by the sudden challenge. "Well, uh, I guess, yeah?"

Dark glanced at Pinkie before focusing on Diamond Tiara. "Is that your mother?"

Diamond snorted softly. "Just because we're both pink? Pinkie's alright, but she's not my mother." She threw a leg over Silver Spoon. "She's closer to my sister, and we're not even related." Silver Spoon grinned at the compliment and looked giddy. "But enough of that, tell us everything about who sent you."

Dark described a heavy-set griffon of the classical sort, an eagle-lion. "He seemed to be in charge of things, and he was furious with you. He knew you were skipping town and sent me to catch you before you could get away and make sure you never caused anyone trouble ever again." She chuckled softly. "He paid half up front. I'm using the money to skip town myself if you're running."

Gneech tilted his head. "And if we don't run?"

Dark shrugged. "Then I assume you'll be hiring me on, and we'll crack some skulls."

Pinkie stomped a hoof on the ground. "No! Enough. Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon. We are going. You already won. Let's just go." She bowed to Dark. "Thanks for being a totally cool griffon about it, and good luck. Thanks for watching over them." Pinkie started nudging everyone along the road.

Dark snorted softly before she spread her wings, launching out over the city and leaving the ponies and their kobold friend to figure things out.

Diamond glared at Pinkie as she was shepherded towards the wizard's home. "He's just going to do it again, you realize."

Pinkie perked an ear. "Who's going to do what again?"

Diamond waved a hoof. "The no-good creep that wants us dead. He'll find some new angle and try to exploit other griffons. He hasn't learned anything."

Pinkie licked over her lips, wracked with indecision and hesitation. "Be that as it may... We really should go. I'm sorry, but it's my responsibility, OK? Super serious time." She stopped pushing them and got to walking, and they followed behind her. "So, Gneech right? Hi! I'm Pinkie Pie. You remind me a lot of a friend of mine. His name's Spike and he's a baby dragon."

Gneech nodded his head a little, feeling flattered for being compared to a dragon, even a baby. "Gneech has strong red dragon blood. Nice to meet, Pink Horse. You know Alpha Horse?"

Pinkie looked over her shoulder and saw where Gneech was directing towards. "Diamond Tiara? Oh yea! I put together her cute-cenera and it was a hoot! Everyone had a good time."

Gneech looked confused. Silver smiled and offered an explanation, "Pinkie Pie is a party planner. That's her calling." She pointed at the balloons on Pinkie's flank. "See, her destiny."

Gneech blinked. "Huh, ponies is lucky. Gneech not have easy butt mark tell Gneech what best do." He looked over at Diamond Tiara's mark of a tiara. "See, Alpha Horse has mark of alpha. So easy. Gneech is little jealous."

Silver glanced back at her mark, the doubt that she'd forgotten welling back up in her. A silver spoon... She pressed close to Diamond. "Hey, DT, what do you think my cutie mark means?"

Diamond glanced back at Silver Spoon's silver spoon. "It means you're a rich pony and are meant to live the good life, which you will if you stick with me."

Was that good enough? Silver frowned a little, glancing back at it again. Gneech chuckled. "Gneech wish he had mark say he destined be rich forever. Good mark."

Pinkie waved a hoof. "Oh don't worry about it. A cutie mark's just a starting point, not an end. You can be whatever you want to be, Gneech. Right now that's being a cool little dragon dude!"

"Yes, Gneech is great dragon dude," Gneech agreed with a grin, clearly coming to like Pinkie Pie.

21 - Fleeing with Style

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As they marched through the city, burdened with bags of money, an enterprising griffon spotted them. "You look like you need a haversack, and not just any haversack!" He produced what looked like a normal backpack. "It fits many times its normal size, while being weightless." The griffon made a quick two grand, and the fillies were relieved to be able to pour the rest of their riches into the magic backpack and wear it easily.

Pinkie looked at Gneech as they approached the stately house that the wizard would live in. "Hey, Gneech?"

"Yes, Pink Horse?"

"Are you going to come with us, to Equestria that is? Or are you going to stay here?" She sounded quite curious, and tilted her head at him a bit.

Gneech gestured at Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara. "Gneech is with them. Where they go, Gneech follows, and Gneech have good life. Beside, you say dragons like Gneech are there, so Gneech make new friends, maybe?"

Silver Spoon threw a leg over Gneech. "You're the greatest, Gneech."

Diamond nodded. "Glad I didn't kill you back then."

Silver's expression soured a little, but Gneech didn't seem to mind at all.

They arrived at the gate of the wizard's house. Pinkie spotted a little button and pushed a hoof against it. A moment later, an elderly voice called out from the plate the button rested on, "Who is it? Why is there a herd of ponies on my doorstep?"

Diamond held up the note they'd been given. "We paid for a spell. Open up."

"Hmm, alright..." The gate clicked and opened a few precious inches. "Come inside, and wait in the first room. Don't touch anything."

They shuffled into the house, looking around curiously. The first room was designed for people to wait, with chairs and cushions. The walls were decorated with paintings of fearsome beasts, noble griffons, and other scenes that implied a life of adventure.

Pinkie looked from one to the next with soft oohs and aahs. "Whoever lives here has been through a lot."

Diamond nodded lightly. "Good, then maybe they can get us where we want to go without bungling it up."

The door leading further into the house opened and allowed a wizened griffon to emerge. He had a long white beard that hung from his beak. Silver Spoon wondered if that was normal, or if he had put it there to look more dignified.

The wizard rose up to his hind legs and threw out his talons. With a clap of thunder, a staff appeared in his right talon. "Now then, the note said you required teleportation? All of you, I gather?"

Pinkie bobbed her head. "That was a cool trick. Could you show me how to do that?"

The wizard arched a brow at Pinkie. "Perhaps another time. My fees for schooling are quite prohibitive."

Silver Spoon made a circular motion. "All of us, sir, and thank you."

"To where would I be sending you?" asked the wizard in imperious tone.

Pinkie raised a hoof and waved it manically. "Ooo! Can you send us back home, to Equestria? It's a different world."

He studied them carefully a moment. "Huh, so you are extraplanar. That explains some things... Your friend there is not." He gestured with his staff at Gneech. "I could banish you home, but he could not follow that way, being native to this world."

Diamond and Silver both agreed silently that losing their first and loyal servant was not acceptable. "Pass," they both said in unison without trying.

Pinkie pouted at the setback before tapping at her chin. "Do you know where Queenie Iliana is? She could get us all home."

He chuckled softly. "Finding that elusive pony would cost more than you've paid, to say nothing of then transporting you to her side. She is a spellcaster of no small means, and it would be a true challenge to thwart her wards." Whether he could pull off the task or not was irrelevant, as he was confident the matter of the cost would turn away the question.

Silver Spoon huffed. "We don't need to get home right this second, like, anywhere that's not here will do."

Pinkie quickly threw up her hooves. "Not anywhere! How about Viljatown? It's a nice pony city."

Diamond Tiara nodded. "Fine, that works. We'll live like royalty while we wait with better company."

The wizard gestured to the center of the room. "I need you all to gather together and hold hands, or hooves as the case may be."

They gathered into a circle and the wizard held his staff out. "You, small pony, take this side of the staff, while the older pink one, take the other end. I will transport us to the mythril map. I've been there no few times. After we arrive, I'll return home. You've paid for both transports. I assume you have no one that needs to come back with me?" They all shook their heads. "Very well, let's begin."

With a powerful intonation, the wizard bent the will of the universe to his whim. The staff pulsed with powerful magic, and they were no longer in Cuachan. They appeared in Viljatown, with the sounds of ponies clip-clopping all around them. The guards that stood before the mithril map noted their appearance, but didn't move from their post.

The wizard pulled his staff back. "Done. Here you are, Viljatown. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a book awaiting my attention, and I don't plan to linger." The griffon knocked the staff against the ground and vanished back where he came from, to that snowy city up in the mountains they couldn't even see anymore.

Pinkie threw her hooves wide. "Welcome to Viljatown! This is a nice place, mostly. I've been here a few times. Follow me and I'll introduce you to a super nice innkeeper I know. She's kind of funny. She's asleep all the time, but she's super cool."

Diamond raised a brow. "Does she have good service?" They followed after Pinkie as she led the way through the city. Their clothes were warm for the sunny city, and soon they were unbuttoning them to let some more air come in.

"Oh sure. Her food is dee-lish, and she's always happy when she brings it. She's super nice." Pinkie pointed to the inn before pushing her way in. "Drowsy! You here!?"

Drowsy jerked awake at the shouting. She looked around quickly. "Huh? Oh, Pinkie." She smiled gently. "I thought you would have been gone longer, perhaps forever, but here you are, drawn to me with the power of fate. It's nice to see you." Her eyes fell to Pinkie's guests, looking them over one by one. "Oh my, a dragonling?"

Gneech looked quite happy to be referred to as such. "I am Gneech. You are?"

Drowsy put a hoof to her chest. "I am Drowsy End, occasional companion of Miss Pie. Yours is the only spirit that does not softly sing the song of their world, but you have started humming along perhaps?"

Gneech didn't grasp the meaning and looked perplexed. Diamond moved around him. "Drowsy was it? Nice to meet you. I'm Diamond Tiara, and this is Silver Spoon. We want the best room you have, three meals, one snack between each, and drinks through the day." She clopped her forehooves together. "Let's make it happen."

Drowsy looked at Diamond Tiara quizzically a moment before she turned her view to Pinkie. Pinkie quickly nodded. "She has the bits to pay for it."

The sleepy innkeeper smiled. She fished out a key and set it on the counter. "Here you are. You get the one room we have on the second floor. I'm sure you'll like it. I'll get started on lunch now." She half-fell from her cushion and made her way towards the kitchen, sleepy but peaceful enough.

Diamond snatched the key off the counter. "Let's go have a look at our room, enjoy lunch, and maybe have a look around town. Maybe we'll spot another hole that needs filling."

Silver Spoon giggled at the thought of it. "Imagine that, going back to Equestria with two conquests to share. Everypony will be so amazed with us."

Gneech followed along. "They will also be amazed at powerful dragon friend, yes?"

Diamond nodded. "I can't wait to go back and tell them all about it." Clearly she could wait, considering she turned down the offer to go back without Gneech. They arrived at their room and Diamond put the key in with her mouth before twisting it unlocked.

Inside was a plushly-appointed room that pleased Diamond. The fact that it seemed to be the only room on the upper floor was all the more reason to enjoy the luxurious exclusiveness of it. "We have arrived! And this is a pony city, right?" Pinkie nodded with a grin. "Great! They'll have some real culture to enjoy. Silver, want to have a night on the town?"

Silver Spoon smiled broadly. "I'd love to." She trotted into the room only to end up slamming into the floor muzzle-first. She looked back and saw she tripped over a book, just as she had so long ago. She sat up and pulled the book over curiously. The book seemed relatively harmless, but she noticed it belonged to a library in the city, and asked to be returned there if found.

She held up the book towards Diamond. "Hey, I'm going to bring this back to where it belongs."

Diamond made a dismissive wave. "Yeah, yeah, go ahead. Just be back by sundown."

Silver Spoon tucked the book of folk cures into her saddlebag and trotted down the stairs and out the door. She hadn't been alone much since they started the adventure, and it felt a little curious to be walking alone through the strange city. Her unease was put to mild rest at seeing so many ponies around. Sure, they looked a bit odd, but they were definitely ponies, and they accepted her as a pony, and that was good enough.

She walked up to a guard. "Excuse me, where is 360 Divine Terrace?"

The guard pointed northward. "It's a bit of a trek. You have to take a few turns to get there. Do you have a map of the city?" She shook her head. "Well... I guess I can show the way. Come on, little filly." Silver smiled as she followed after the guard.

She noticed he wore a crest that showed a pony with outspread wings. She had a horn too, on closer inspection. An alicorn? "Is that your princess?"

The guard peeked at her, then the crest she was looking at. "Oh, no, she's a Queen, little filly. You've never heard of Queen Iliana?"

Silver put a hoof behind her head. "Oops. I didn't recognize her." True enough of a statement. The guard accepted it, and they soon arrived in the religious district of the city. The address pointed them to Luminace's shrine/library. Silver shook her head as it become clear to her. She was being called by her goddess.

22 - Her Sacred Library

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Silver Spoon approached the library curiously. Pictures of the goddess were set in stone and statues all around it, with a large symbol of her holy design, that of a hoof holding up a book, gracing the top of the place that served as both church and library. She felt a warmth deep in her soul that called her to enter that place, and she timidly stepped across the threshold.

Inside, she was assaulted by the many scents of books. New books, old books, leather-bound, stone-bound, and metal-bound. She was surrounded by books, and could see devout acolytes moving around to care for them and to read from them in fervent dedication to the very act of learning.

One of those acolytes approached her. The earth pony wore colorful robes that reminded Silver of Luminace's own coloring. "Hello, young one. How can I help you today?"

She fished out the book that had sent her there and showed it to the acolyte. The stallion spoke a brief spell that held the book in place as he looked it over. "Did you enjoy it, miss?"

Silver shook her head. "I didn't read it. I found it, and it said it belonged here."

He smiled at her. "You should read it. Luminace would not have placed it in your path if you weren't meant to." He pushed the book back towards her. "You're welcome here. Follow me, we'll get you a library card."

She followed after him curiously as she tucked the book away. "I... I think I'm a priest of hers."

He perked an ear back at her. "You're not sure, young one? To become a follower of a god is usually an active act."

Silver bobbed her head. "Then yes, I am... I... She saved me, and my friend. She was there when I needed somepony the most and I never gave her much in return."

He pushed into a small room and fetched a form from a desk and laid it out on the same desk, facing Silver Spoon. "She is a kind goddess, and is unlikely to begrudge you, so long as you are truly thankful to her."

Silver smiled brightly. "I am thankful! But she... I think she wants something. I feel like I came to the right place, but I don't know the right question." She advanced to the desk and looked the form over before she took a quill in her mouth and began to scribble in her information. "I don't think I've been a very good priest."

He tilted his head a little. "You are young for a priest. What has convinced you that you are in her service to begin with?"

Silver glanced around quickly as she put down the quill. She pointed at a book with a metal cover. "Luminace, bring me that please. Thanks."

The book flew quickly across the room and landed in her outstretched hoof, and she placed it carefully on the table. "See? She lets me cast spells. I can heal ponies and do other things."

The acolyte blinked in surprise. "That was the most informal spell I've ever heard, miss. But it is clear Luminace heard you, and favors you. You are twice blessed by her." He tapped his chin thoughtfully. "I know enough to know this is beyond me. Please, come with me. Let me introduce you to the head librarian. She is far wiser than I."

He took the time to place the book back, and he folded up the paper she had filled out and guided her through the library. "Please do try to be quiet. There are many people studying here at any time of the day." Silver nodded as her eyes wandered about, taking in the place of learning with a growing sense of awe.

He held up a hoof to her. "Wait here." He pushed into a small room and closed the door behind himself, leaving Silver to sit there with building anxiety. She considered her new lot in life and wondered 'What would Luminace do?' The answer came easily. She would read. Silver reached out to the nearest bookshelf and grabbed a book without reading the title.

The book was full of tips for passing an interview and getting a job. Silver Spoon browsed through it with a growing smirk. It was both appropriate and yet not, but she accepted it for what it was. She placed it back on the shelf and took a soft breath. She would accept what was to come calmly and naturally, as the book suggested.

The door opened and the acolyte peeked out. "Please, this way."

Silver trotted in to see an elderly female unicorn seated behind a large desk. She smiled at Silver in a kindly expression. "Blessed be her name. I am informed the Mistress of Friendship has seen fit to protect you, little one, when your own friend needed it quite dearly."

She gestured at herself. "I am the head librarian, and priest, of this," She gestured around, "Her sacred place, where knowledge is made available to all who would come seek it. But you are not of her world, are you?"

Silver shook her head a little. "How did you know that?"

The librarian smiled a patient smile. "Your appearance is the first tell, but your soul is not that of an Everglow pony. I have seen the like before. Tell me, do you know Twilight Sparkle?"

Silver bobbed her head quickly. "Oh, yes! I know Princess Twilight Sparkle."

"Hmm, she is truly a princess?" The librarian gestured away. "You may go." The acolyte bowed before hurrying from the room and he closed the door behind himself. "She needed our help some time ago, and we drew her back to the land of the living."

Silver's eyes widened. "She was, like, dead?"

The librarian raised a hoof. "Her body, yes, but her spirit refused to pass on. She experienced death for barely a moment in the end. Now, enough of her. I would hear of you, world walker. Did you follow her steps intentionally?"

Silver shook her head as she stepped closer. "I was sent here with my friend, Diamond Tiara. We were in a lot of trouble, and Luminace saved us. She let me use her power." Silver tapped at her cheek. "She said something about not being able to just do it herself, so she made me do it, with her power. Does that, like, make any sense?"

The head librarian gave a slow nod. "It does. It is the law of things. The gods cannot directly interfere. They must react to mortal will. It was quite bold of her to offer herself to you directly, but it sounds like you were in quite the situation. Still, she would not offer unless you meant something to her. Tell me, what of her powers have you mastered?"

Silver created light easily, and filled a small jar with water. "I can heal ponies, or protect myself." She reached out to tap the librarian and was allowed. Her mind was flooded with new information as she learned more about Everglow ponies than she even thought to ask. Silver shuddered at the powerful rush. "I... I can learn about things, by touching them. Are you all really born with your cutie marks?" When the librarian looked confused, Silver Spoon turned and pointed at her cutie mark. "This."

She smiled gently. "That is a brand of destiny. We are born with one, as decreed by the very gods, as placed by the original of the gods, Sheila, the Author." She set a pendant on the table. "Here is mine." It showed a bookshelf. The writing on the books were just squiggles. "I discovered it meant I should watch over books, and guide others towards their miracles."

Silver glanced again at hers, then looked back at the librarian. "Can you tell me what mine means? I thought it was... That it was just pretty, but now I'm not sure. It has to mean something, right? Does it really mean I'm just... pampered?" She sank a little. "That's a little destiny."

The librarian reached across the desk and rest her hoof on one of Silver's. "It means you have a blessed beginning, but the start of a journey is just that, a start. Will the silver spoon you were born with be the one you die with? Will you do something amazing with it? Only you can decide that. It has come to be here as well. The goddess gave herself to you, freely. The silver spoon slid smoothly over your tongue and comforted you in your birth. Now, a choice. Will you rise to this? Will you do something with that spoon, or will you simply enjoy it?"

Silver Spoon's breathing began to pick up as she thought over the librarian's words. They made sense and confused her in equal measure. "H-how? What do I do? I don't want to have a small destiny."

The libarian smiled that patient smile of hers. "I can't tell you that. Your destiny is not mine. I can say that you can pray to her, and do as she needs done. Be her servant, instead of letting her watch over you alone. Be her friend. That is how you can most sincerely thank her, and expand that destiny of yours."

Silver nodded stiffly as her mind whirled with how she could return the favor that her goddess had showered unto her. "Oh! Do you have a book of prayers for her?" She pulled out the original book she found. "This one is not specifically for Princess Luminace, and was all marked up by icky goblins."

The elder unicorn accepted the book. "I will see this is cleansed and housed properly. In return, here." She pointed to a book and it lifted from the shelf and floated down to Silver Spoon. "A travel-sized book of prayers and ceremonies that will please our lady. Because you deserve to know, you are a war priest. She has filled you with fervor and blessings in equal abundance, ready to be used in the thick of conflict. The gifts will protect you and those around you."

Silver rolled an ear back as she accepted the book. "I don't want to be a soldier."

The elder chuckled softly. "A beginning, not the end. Just because it has war in the name doesn't mean you have to go to war. Go where Luminace's presence is needed, and bring the word of knowledge, magic, and friendship with you. That is all the war she requests of you. Protect your friends. Protect knowledge. Protect magic. Be a protector, not a crusader. Do you understand?"

Silver Spoon went quiet as she settled to her haunches and considered the words. "I think I do. Will I be a bad, um, war priest, if I go back to Equestria?"

She laughed softly. "I should think not. If Luminace did not desire an otherworldly priest, she would not have welcomed you as she had. No, you go where you feel you are needed, and carry Luminace with you, proudly, with your head held high. Your destiny is as large as you allow it to be." She gestured with a hoof at the book. "Keep it, and the book you sought to return. They are yours now, until such time as Luminace, blessed be her name, sees fit to arrange their return."

Silver thanked her, and got a hug from her. The librarian smelled of ancient books and fresh coffee. Despite being a librarian and a sage, she gave an exceptionally warm hug, and Silver Spoon left with a smile.

23 - A Night on the Town

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Silver Spoon returned well before dusk. She rushed up to Diamond and began explaining the day to her. "I ran into this priest. She was kind of old, but super smart and nice too. She explained everything." She pointed at herself. "I'm a war priest, doesn't that, like, sound dangerous?"

Diamond nodded in agreement. "Why'd you come back with the book? I thought you went all the way over there to bring it back?"

Silver held the book close. "She gave it to me. Did I mention she's super nice? She said I could be anything I wanted to be!"

Diamond chuckled a little at that. "And what do you want to be, Silver Spoon?"

Silver paused, then sat in place. It was a simple question, but a fine one. "I... I want to be a better friend."

Diamond pointed at herself. "You're already my best friend, Silver."

Silver flushed brightly. She didn't remember Diamond ever actually coming out and saying that. She soon found herself being hugged by Diamond Tiara and quickly returned the gesture. For a moment, she felt good, just really good. "I love you too." Not in any romantic way, but as a sister.

The two fillies smiled at one another with a new sense of satisfaction in their relationship. Pinkie suddenly popped up between them and hugged both. "Oooo! Me too! I love giving hugs!"

Diamond burst into laughter and shoved Pinkie away. "You've got to work harder if you want to be half the friend Silver Spoon is." She drew herself up, looking proud. "Silver Spoon is a war priest of the god of friendship. That makes her as official as you get as friends go."

Pinkie gasped dramatically. "No way?! That is pretty impressive." She tapped at her chin. "So, I was thinking... We really should teach those meanies a lesson, but not you two." She pointed at the fillies. "So you tell Auntie Pinkie all about them, and I'll go take care of business. You two have enough bits to just hang out around here, right?"

Silver Spoon waved a hoof. "You can't go back all the way to the griffon lands for that!"

Gneech poked out of the kitchen area of their suite. "Huh, who is going back to griffon land?"

Diamond snorted softly. "I appreciate the sentiment, but who cares? We've already left them. I didn't mind the idea of kicking their shins on our way out, but going back?"

Pinkie shook her head. "You were right. They're going to be super mean to other griffons. They haven't learned their lesson at all."

Silver tilted her head. "I'm not so sure about that. They tried to play dirty, and Diamond Tiara collapsed the whole thing rather than give in to them. If they didn't learn something from that, they're pretty dumb."

Diamond nodded at Silver Spoon. "Exactly. I didn't leave them with nothing to remember me by." She pointed at Pinkie. "Why don't you put that energy into finding out how to get help here faster? In the meanwhile, I plan to go to a show." She moved for the exit and Silver was quick to join her.

Gneech hurried up. "Is Gneech invited?"

Diamond considered a moment. "You'll have to play up being a servant. "Kobolds aren't on good terms here, like with griffons, but less violent. Come on."

Pinkie noticed everyone was leaving but her, and that didn't sit right with her. She quickly joined the group and batted her lashes. "I can be a servant too if you need."

Diamond burst into laughter with sharp amusement. One of the former Elements of Harmony, her servant? "Sure thing, Pinkie. You can carry my parasol." She hadn't planned to bring it at first, but with the excuse available, she gave Pinkie the heavy thing to carry along. Pinkie handled it well enough, and soon had it tucked into wherever she hid things.

They headed out for the play. It was as lively as promised, with much more gore and explicit bits than either of the fillies were used to, though neither complained. Pinkie tried to shield their arguably-innocent eyes, but they weren't having any of that. Afterwards they went to a rather large party that many of the play attendees gathered at to share drinks and opinions in equal quantity.

Silver opted out of the drinks, and instead sat with one of her books, reading curiously as Diamond Tiara lived the life that her money earned her.

Diamond soon had Gneech involved in a drinking contest, and laughed with everyone else when he finally had too much and passed out. Pinkie, on the other hoof, stayed in the contest, until it was her and a local gem pony. The gem pony clopped a hoof on the ground. "I've never lost a drinking contest before."

Pinkie smiled brightly. "There's a first time for everything, but don't feel bad, we're here to have fun, right?"

The pony snorted with amusement and drunkenness before they swigged down another throat-burning dose of vodka. Diamond let out a loud whoop, cheering both of them on with clopping hooves and a big grin. She was far from alone in the large circle that had formed to watch the two drink off determinedly.

Silver sipped from the nicely-flavored drink at her side. It was mostly alcohol free, good enough to make the Everglow ponies not hesitate to give it to a filly as young as she was. She was captivated by the chapter she was reading about knowing the quality of a friendship, and what made one good or bad, and how to encourage them to become better. Some of its writings were a bit irritating. They described the behavior of Diamond Tiara as less than ideal, but Diamond had, in the end, always come through for her. "She's a good pony," she grumbled to herself, voice almost entirely drowned out with a wild series of cheers.

She looked up just in time to see the gem pony collapse to the ground. Pinkie had won their drinking contest, and the crowd was wildly cheering for her. The vigorous shaking of the sickened pony didn't turn out well, and Pinkie quickly lost much of what she drank, to more cheers and noises of disgust, but there wasn't any entirely sober faces in the crowd, and hard feelings seemed to be short in supply.

Diamond crashed down beside Silver Spoon. "Hey Silver. Why are you bottling yourself up here?" She pulled out a golden pendant, letting it hang and glitter in the light. "Tonight's paid for itself, and it's been a blast. Everypony's having a good time." Silver hadn't put down her book, which annoyed Diamond Tiara. "Put that down a moment." She reached out and pushed the book down out of Silver's view. "There's a time for reading, and a time for fun. This is fun time. Don't be a nerd."

Silver folded her book shut and tucked it away before adjusting her glasses. "Did you like the show?"

Diamond nodded. "It was alright. I liked the part where the star threw herself off a cliff to save her lover." She clopped her forehooves together. "The gods sure are more nosey than they are in Equestria."

Silver tilted her head curiously. "We have gods?"

Diamond Tiara shrugged. "What do you call Celestia and Luna? They're as close as we have."

Silver didn't look satisfied with the idea. "Luminace is a real god, and she trusts me."

Diamond perked an ear. "Yeah? You're her priest or whatever now, right?" She sagged against Silver Spoon, perhaps a bit more drunk than she should be. "How'd that turn out?"

Silver supported Diamond Tiara and got her up. She stood with Diamond on her back and made her way to Pinkie Pie. "Hey, Pinkie! I think everypony's too tired to keep up the party."

Pinkie looked up and nodded a little. "Yeah, I guess even I'm a little beat. I'll get Gneech." She staggered her way over to the fallen kobold and gathered him up, and they made their way home to the Drowsy Mare.

On the way, Pinkie looked at Silver curiously. "Did you grow up a little when I wasn't looking?"

Silver looked down at herself as she walked. "I'm not any bigger."

Pinkie waved a hoof. "Not... Not bigger, just, you know, more mature. Your parents will be sooooo proud of you." She staggered, almost dropping Gneech before she caught herself. "That was one heck of a party!"

They arrived home without being assaulted or collapsing under their shared weight and inebriation. Silver tucked Diamond into her bed and pulled up the blanket snugly. "We can talk tomorrow, alright? Like, for now, you should sleep." Diamond made some noises of complaint, but Silver's gentle insistence won out eventually, and Diamond fell asleep with loud snoring to commemorate the event.

Pinkie had tucked Gneech into his smaller bed, then collapsed beside him, too dizzy and tired to get much anywhere else.

Silver moved to the balcony and looked up at the night sky a moment before she settled on her haunches and pressed her forehooves together. She let her thoughts come in a gentle prayer she whispered. "Thank you for this chance. I will go home soon, I think but I'll be sure to, like, tell other ponies about you, and we'll make the world a better place, alright? I bet Princess Twilight Sparkle would be excited!"

Silver got no reply, but felt she had done right. With a final nod to the night sky, she returned inside and soon joined the others in sleep. It had been a busy day, and she predicted several of them would have a huge headache the day after that she'd have to help them through.

Being a good friend was not easy work, but she couldn't imagine trading it in for anything else.

Unseen by any of the residents, a letter was quietly pushed under the door for them to find the next day.

24 - A Little Help

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One morning, a soft clopping came from the door. Pinkie bounced over and pulled it open to reveal a little pony wearing priestly robes. She smiled brightly at Pinkie. "Hello. Is Silver Spoon in?" The blue pony sat up on her haunches. "It's very important, miss."

Pinkie tilted her head. "Oh sure, she's right over there. I'm Pinkie, what's your name?"

The short one smiled at the introduction. "I'm Blue. It's nice to meet you. Luminace bids us to make friends whenever possible." She held out a small hoof, and Pinkie met it with a soft clop. They were friends, and that was settled.

Silver looked up from her book. "Who are you talking to?" She saw the pony wearing a clear Luminace holy symbol and her interest spiked. She set her book aside and trotted up beside Pinkie. "Hi there!"

Blue smiled back. "You're looking well today, Silver Spoon. I've been bid to journey with you on a very important task." She pointed at Silver Spoon, then herself. "We are both servants of Luminace, so we should help each other out. The kingdom needs our help, or it will fall completely to darkness."

Pinkie frowned a little. "That sounds super bad. How can we stop that?"

Blue clopped her forehooves together. "We are defiances of destiny! We can change what was meant to be. The short legs should be dead. Equestrians should not be here, and Equestrians should not be worshipping Everglow gods, and yet, all of these things have happened." She placed a hoof at her belly. "There will even be one more generation of short leg. I'm not sure of it beyond that, but at least one more."

Pinkie gasped loudly. "We have to throw a foal shower! Wait, how young are you? You look way too small to be doing that..."

Blue giggled softly at Pinkie's concern. "I'm about as large as I'll ever be, miss Pie. I'm old enough to have a coltfriend, but that's beside the point. If we are to succeed, I will need the help of as many destiny defiers as possible, preferably those that side with friendship and goodness."

Silver pointed at herself. "I like both of those things. Luminace has been, like, really good to me. What do we need to do?"

Diamond Tiara was drawn to all the conversation. "What are you all talking about?"

Pinkie pointed at Blue. "We're gonna save the day, I think?" She tilted her head at Blue. "What do we need to do exactly?"

Blue was looking all the more excited as people rallied behind her cause so willingly. "The pony empire is facing dark times ahead, but we can help. We're not... We're not supposed to exist, but we do. We can change what should not be changed, to make everyone better." She glanced away. "Luminace is being a little naughty... But it's for a really really good reason."

Gneech joined the crowd, drawn by the ever growing nature of it. "Huh? Is big treasure?"

Diamond pointed at him. "That's my dragon. What's in it for us?"

Silver Spoon frowned a little. "It's for a good reason, Diamond Tiara. Everglow has given us so much already... Can't we give something back without asking for, like, money?"

Diamond Tiara grew an expression of distaste, but she could see Silver Spoon was adamant about it. As much as she liked her comfort and wealth, sending Silver Spoon off on her own... "Fine. I don't want my partner getting hurt the moment she's out of my sight."

Gneech raised a hand. "Where alpha horse goes, Gneech goes."

Blue clopped her hooves excitedly. "Good! We're all together! I'm very excited." She looked to DT and Gneech. "I'm Blue. Like Silver Spoon, I worship Princess Luminace. She's a very kind goddess that wants us to be good friends to everyone around us, so I'm looking forward to being your friends too."

Diamond Tiara pulled free the handaxe she never surrendered. "Someone has to keep this group moving in the right direction. So what's your plan, small pint?"

"Blue," Blue corrected without realizing the insult intended. "She talks to me through scraps of books I find, which isn't perfect, but it works. We have to find the Queen first. She is hiding, somewhere. Without finding her, we lose."

Pinkie frowned a little. "She helped us out last time. Why can't we get her to come to the big castle over there?" She pointed towards castle that resided in Viljatown.

Blue shook her head quickly. "She feels the... She's dying. She waited too long, hoped too hard. She will die with no suitable heir."

Diamond raised a brow. "She never got a king?"

Blue let out a little sigh. "Every stallion she met only wanted her attention because of what she could offer them." Blue dug out a book from a saddlebag and set it down. "Here, the collected thoughts on a historian that made it his life's ambition to follow the Queen at every opportunity. She tried dating a few times, and every time she ended up with a broken heart. She wanted love, but that's hard to get when you're the queen of the largest empire in the world."

Pinkie Pie frowned a little. "Gosh. If I was there before, I would have helped her out. She's a super nice mare. She deserves a good stallion."

Silver Spoon played with her glasses nervously. "It's totally too late for that. Our job isn't to get her a date now."

Gneech held up a finger. "So we find new queen?"

Blue pointed at Gneech. "Yes! You are a very clever person, Gneech." Gneech looked quite pleased at the compliment. "We must find out her plans for a successor, and help her as best we can, but first, we have to find her."

Diamond Tiara tucked her axe away. "Why don't we start by hiring the best wizards bits can buy and getting them to find her?"

Blue tilted her head. "She is also a spellcaster, and has become very talented at not being found."

Diamond waved a hoof idly. "That's why we pay big. I know you're not in this for the money, but she's a Queen. If we help her out, she'll compensate me the money." Or else, thought Diamond Tiara with a little frown.

Blue shook her head. "We have another idea before that... Princess Luminace has bade us to recover the book of my god."

Silver blinked at Blue. "I thought your god was Princess Luminace."

Blue put a hoof over her heart. "I have dedicated myself to her, yes, but this other goddess... She gave birth to the short legs. She is our god, of our entire race. I... can't argue that, but I know almost nothing about her. We have to rescue her book from her enemies. Kara has it, and she won't let go of it lightly. If we have it, we will further fracture destiny itself, and we may yet change the way things will flow."

Diamond leaned forward. "I'm liking the sound of this." She clopped her hooves together. "We're going to do something ponies say can't be done. I'm getting used to that. So where do all these 'Kara' folk live?"

Blue pointed off to the east. "Our first destination, the city of lies, Blevik. It is infested with doppelgangers, but not all of them, and not all of them are evil, but enough that we will... We should be very careful."

Pinkie looked to the other ponies with her. "Dopplegangers are kinda like changelings, but not really. They're a lot smarter, and not a..." she put her hooves close together. "What do you call it when they're all together? Like bees? Hive mind! They don't have any of that."

Silver Spoon shook her head a little. "I remember when they took over Ponyville, yuck, it was the worst. Do they make those icky pods?"

Blue shook her head. "They don't have any pods that I'm aware of?"

Diamond shook her head. "Look, let's just assume they aren't anything like what we know. It's confusing things more than it's helping." She pointed at Blue. "What do you know for sure?"

Blue smiled in agreement. "Yes. They're shapeshifting ponies. A lot of them live in Blevik. Many of them are just, you know, ponies, but you can't tell which is which. I don't know too much more, except their goddess is Kara, and she doesn't like my goddess, which is why her people stole the book away. The book was supposed to stay lost, another fracture of destiny."

Pinkie tapped at her chin a moment before she reached out and pulled Blue into the room and slapped the door shut behind her. "Well it sounds like we're going to have a big full day ahead of us! Join us for breakfast?" She didn't really wait to head a reply as she started guiding Blue towards the dining area and busied herself cooking for everyone.

Diamond slipped closer to Silver. "Good, let them worry about breakfast. Personally? I'm not going out without supplies. Come on, Silver Spoon, we're going to adventure like the rich ponies we are."

Gneech looked hopeful as he moved to follow. "Maybe Gneech get something good too? Gneech use it for alpha horse."

Diamond Tiara threw one leg around Silver Spoon and the other foreleg around Gneech as she walked along. "Yeah yeah. We can't have anypony in this group looking like a slob." She knew the value of a well-equipped minion, and she had no intention of being as underprepared as they were the first time they ran into danger.

Back in the room, Pinkie looked up to find herself alone with Blue. "Huh... They must not have been hungry. It's just you and me." She plucked up Blue and tossed her into the air. The little pony squealed in fright and excitement, but Pinkie caught her and set her back down. "I'll fill that little belly of yours up and we'll get ready to go, alright?"

Blue smiled brightly. "Yes ma'am, Miss Pinkie Pie. I think Luminace would favor you, miss. You're so full of friendship. Do you like to read?"

Pinkie tilted her head. "Not my favorite thing in the whole world, but I like a good mystery novel, and cook books let you make tasty yummy new things!"

Blue brought her forehooves together gently. "Good enough. It will be a pleasure working with you."

25 - Clouded Diamonds

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Diamond Tiara led her compatriots with a broad smile and a dignified pose. "We will show everypony just how prepared we are. We started with business, now we'll show up Twilight Dorkle and her fumbling attempts to adventure."

Silver Spoon tilted her head. "She didn't do anything wrong, Diamond. We'll do our best though, and everypony will be proud of us."

Gneech bobbed his head. "You have good magic, protect us from danger."

Before Silver could finish replying to Gneech, Diamond stomped on the ground. "I didn't forget my promise! I will have magic, I will!"

Silver reached for Diamond, but her hoof was swatted away. "No! I don't need comfort. I need magic. If you get to have magic, than I should too, and it should be better."

Gneech scratched behind his head with some confusion. "Are you going to pray to big gods like Silver Spoon does?"

Diamond huffed. "I think not! No. I'll get my magic my way. No stupid books. No stupid gods." She pulled out her axe from her loop and swung it around dangerously, causing ponies that were going past to offer a much wider clearance. "I have everything you do, Silver. I can feel it, right here." She thumped herself in the chest. "I just have to get it out."

Silver Spoon spread her hooves wide. "Calm down, please. Neither of us think there's anything wrong with you, Diamond."

Her face contorted with further frustration. "It's not good enough to think I'm not broken. I. Am. The. Leader." She brought down the axe and embedded it into the ground. She marched towards Silver, staring her in the eyes. Suddenly, Silver felt paralyzed with fear. Her heart thumped in her chest as her friend towered over her, at least mentally.

"You are my right-hand mare. I am supposed to be in charge, that means I should get magic if you do, and it should be good! That's how this works!" The sensation of dread spread through Silver Spoon as the words kept coming. "If I can't use magic, then you can't either!"

Silver felt the subtle presence of her god vanish, and all the words to her prayers, simple as they were, went with her. She was abandoned and alone. She began to sniffle and cry, which broke Diamond Tiara out of her raging fit.

Gneech was silent, unsure what to do or say, until inspiration hit him. "Alpha horse is still alpha horse, no matter what magic she has. Gneech knows."

Diamond nodded mutely at Gneech even as she reached for Silver and gently shook her, only to feel an intense stabbing pain run up her leg, only to be echoed by her other legs. She squealed in pain and fell over in front of Silver Spoon.

Silver's pain was quickly forgotten. Her spells returned to her and she hardly noticed in favor of checking her friend. "Oh my gosh, are you alright?"

Diamond began to bleed from the same place in all four of her legs, and the placement bothered Silver Spoon. The memory of the spot came to her and she recoiled with a loud gasp. They were like the injury she had drawn from Diamond all that time ago. "P-please! Don't punish her like this! She didn't mean it, she really didn't!"

Miss Tiara struggled to her hooves with a low grunt of pain. "Don't beg, Silver Spoon, you're above that." She fought to an upright position, sitting on her haunches. "I'm fine. Just a little cramp, that's all..."

Gneech shook his head in the negative. "Not look like any cramp Gneech see before. Means most respect for alpha horse, but not sure she is alright."

Tiara gave a nasty glare at Gneech and he felt his will crumbling before it. When had Diamond gained such a terribly withering look? He bowed his head quickly. "Gneech is sorry, alpha horse."

Diamond nodded with a satisfied look before she pulled herself fully upright. "I'm fine, and I mean it. A little cut like these won't slow me down." She turned away from her friends and began guiding them to the magic store she intended in the first place. She snatched up the axe on the way and tucked it in her loop.

Gneech moved beside Silver Spoon. "Gneech thinks alpha horse has changed. Big nasty glare, not normal nasty glare. Did Silver see it?"

Silver nodded in quick agreement. "I saw that, and those cuts... They're exactly what I healed when I joined Luminace, and now they're back. I think she really made her angry, maybe for attacking me?"

Gneech frowned and whispered, trying to keep quiet as they moved behind Diamond Tiara. "Your god is nice god, Gneech doubt do for naughty alone. What if lesson? Maybe... Maybe she have nasty glare, but her way of saying she Luminace friend still?"

Diamond suddenly spun on them. "I'm not deaf, you know." She thrust a hoof at Silver Spoon. "Is that really what happened? Tell your god to stop trying to slow me down."

Silver looked befuddled. "Are you still hurt? Stay still." She moved to touch the outstretched hoof and prayer for her friend's health. The gentle prayer eased the mild bleeding, but Diamond was just as hindered, and angered by it.

"It doesn't hurt anymore, but I just can't move them as fast as I should be able to." Diamond clopped the ground. "Whatever! I'm not going to stress out over some stupid book god and her spastic needs. This way." She started to step away then stopped. "I look like a mess." She shook a leg, then glared at it. The stain seemed to retreat from her stare, which made her break into one of confusion. "What the?"

Gneech pointed. "See! Alpha horse has magic!"

Diamond burst into a giggle before she lowered that hoof and raised another. A nasty glare sent the blood stain there scurrying away to vanish as well and her giggles broke out into a full on cackle of delight. Ponies in a wide circle found better places to be or walk, leaving the filly to laugh her maniacal laugh.

Silver Spoon rubbed behind her head before adjusting her glasses, quite unsure what was going on. "Do you... Do you feel alright, Diamond Tiara?"

Diamond grabbed her at the shoulders. "Alright? I feel fantastic! I told you I'd get magic of my own. I just had to have the right amount of confidence." She stood up with a certain grin. She stared at Silver Spoon a moment, grunting with futile effort before she found what she could move with her mind. She grabbed Silver Spoon's spectacles right off her snout and floated them over to atop her own head, working behind her ears with a huge grin.

Silver Spoon squeaked in dismay. "P-please give those back. I can barely see anything!"

The glasses floated serenely through the air before landing back on the nose of their owner. "There you go. Now who's the best spellcaster here?"

Gneech clapped his scaled hands excitedly. "Alpha horse is full of tricks."

Silver gave a less certain smile. "That's very good, but no tricks on each other. We're a team, right?"

Diamond nodded. "Right right, of course. I was just seeing what I could do. This is amazing! In fact... I bet my magic can beat out your stupid god's work." She closed her eyes and focused intently before opening them with a new gleam. "I can feel it. Race you!" And she dashed off with supernatural speed, rushing through the crowds with a trailing laughter coming back to greet them.

Gneech and Silver shared a look at one another before they moved to catch up with her, but not breaking into a run to do so. They arrived at the shop of curiosities well after Diamond Tiara, who sat there in front of it with a gleeful expression. "Beat you!"

Silver Spoon gave a tolerating smile. "You sure did. Your magic's working really well. Do you feel better?"

Diamond quickly bobbed her head. "I do! I really do! Even if I get a bit sore when it wears off, I don't care! I did it!" She approached Silver Spoon with a bit of a hobble that worried Silver, but the worry was nudged aside with a gentle and sincere hug. "I'm sorry for getting worked up before. Bump bump?"

They did their little dance, and all was forgiven between them. Gneech held out his arms for a hug of his own and Diamond peered at him. "You haven't quite earned that, Gneech." She smiled. "But keep it up."

With the promise of future rewards, all three proceeded inside to start shopping for their future venture.

Back at the Drowsy Mare, Pinkie was getting to know Blue. "Oh, wow, so you met Twilight? She's totally one of my best friends in the whole world! Um, two worlds now, I guess? That totally makes you a friend too!"

Blue smiled with building warmth. "It's nice to meet another friend of hers. She's mentioned you before, and said you could manage almost anything if you put your heart to it. Is this something you're ready for, Miss Pie?"

Pinkie gave a single firm nod. "You betcha! I'm not going to let those meanies get away with what they did." She crossed her forehooves a moment before she grabbed a cupcake and offered it to Blue. "Want another? Mommies have to keep their bellies filled with good and yummy things."

Blue felt content, but not full. Not wanting to dissapoint her new friend, she accepted the treat and nibbled at it. Pinkie's treats were specially good. "You were a baker before you came here?"

Pink tilted her head. "I'm still a baker, I'm just not baking right this very moment, just like I'm still a party planner. You don't stop being something just because you're not doing it right then, that'd be silly. You're still a priest, right?"

"Cleric," explained Blue. "But I understand what you mean. I'm one of Luminace's even if I do something else for a short or long while." She set the cupcake aside, half-eaten. "Are you sure the girls are alright? They had money... But do they have any experience? I mean, I guess I'm one to talk... I'm not the most experienced around, but they were so fast. They might get into trouble?"

Pinkie shook her head. "Nah! They're just shopping anyway. What do you think will happen? One of them will spontaneously develop psychic powers and be marked by the gods or something?"

Blue blinked softly. "That was awfully specific, but no, I suppose that's not terribly likely."

They exchanged some tea and shared news of the empire and the road that laid between them and changeling city. There was no rail going that way, though they could get partway at least, but the hike would be considerable and potentially dangerous, not that Pinkie seemed at all worried about it.

26 - Shopping Cures the Soul

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Inside the magic shop, they noticed a dizzyingly large variety of goods, including several suits of armor and weapons. Silver Spoon adjusted her glasses as she peered at an equine set of chainmail. "I thought they sold trinkets here, not weapons and things?"

The store's owner, a leather wing with large ears, smiled with exposed fangs. "We offer enchanting services, which means we get magical things of all types here, and if you have things you'd prefer enchanted instead of replaced, we can accommodate that." He glanced over the three and played it safe with assumptions. "Who is the financer of this little outing?"

Diamond Tiara raised a hoof. "That would be me, a pleasure to meet you." She pointed at Silver Spoon. "She's in love with that bow of hers, can you make it more magic then?"

The owner peered at Silver Spoon curiously. Her bow had no spike, and she wore no amulet of helping hands. How did she wield it? "I'm being rude. I'm Dark Flight, a pleasure to meet you all this day. I can certainly enchant the young lady's bow. Please come closer, and show me how you typically use it."

Silver Spoon trotted up towards the bat pony curiously. "Hello Dark Flight. I'm Silver Spoon. I never met a bat pony before."

"Leatherwing, one or two words is all the same, but leather wing, not bat pony." He snorted softly. "Now go ahead, show me."

Silver reared up onto two legs easily and drew her bow. Despite her lack of experience, it seemed to come naturally enough to her and she soon had an arrow in place and drawn. "Like this?"

He was impressed by what he saw, her drawing like that with flat hooves. "Yes, yes, that's all I needed to see, do let that go, gently." Too late. She let it go and the arrow embedded in the wall lightly. He sighed. At least it hadn't gone through anything. "How much were you looking to spend on it? Enchanting is one of the few things that have very formalized prices. There's really no haggling involved. It's a universal constant. As the price of the supplies shift, so too do the quantities required, and the final price remains the same. Praise unto Luminace. I can only assume it's her doing."

Silver Spoon smiled at the idea of her goddess being involved, but looked to Diamond Tiara to confirm price amounts.

Diamond rubbed her chin a moment. "Let's say five thousand, what can you do with that?"

He pointed at the bow and it gently tugged at Silver Spoon's grip. She released it and he pulled it over with his magic before looking it over critically. "Hmm, it's too taut for you. First thing is an enchantment that would let it flex just right, even if you get stronger later. One thousand. If you want to be able to take it anywhere, I could make it able to hide itself on command, an illusion. Four thousand, and you can take it anywhere. Even formal parties will be unaware."

Silver Spoon tilted her head. "Can you show me something that does that?"

"I can." He hopped off his chair and moved around the counter. "You, keep your hands to yourself," he chastised Gneech as he went by. The kobold hadn't filched anything yet, but it didn't hurt to remind him he's being watched. "Now here, take this." He plucked up a dagger and offered it to Silver Spoon. "Imagine it as a mane comb, but don't use it as one."

Silver Spoon did just as she was told, and was soon holding an exquisite mane comb, with no sign of the dagger she once held. "That's super cool!" It started becoming other things as she experimented with it.

Diamond Tiara nodded. "Alright, make her quiver part of that and you have a deal." She dug out her pouch of money and pulled out several gems she already knew the value of. "You do accept gems, I assume? Platinum was becoming too heavy."

Dark Flight's heart soared. All doubts vanished at those lovely words. She was rich, and would be treated like royalty. "Oh, of course, madame." Platinum, too heavy. That was just not a complaint spoken by any but those rich enough to enjoy his full services. He even patted Gneech on the head with a hoof. "You go ahead and look around. I presume you are all together?"

Diamond Tiara grinned at the obvious display. "Yes, the three of us are going to be going on a bit of an adventure, and we plan to be properly prepared. As the leader, I will be magnanimous and go last. Gneech, what do you prefer?"

Gneech pulled out his dagger and held it up for inspection. "Gneech good with most simple weapons, maybe short sword, if in Gneech's size. Make Gneech's dagger more better is also alright." With his free hand he patted his armor. "But Gneech is no good if Gneech is dead. Got protection magic?"

"Strangely enough..." Dark moved and plucked a small suit of chain off a humanoid mannequin. "A gnome ordered this and vanished before he picked it up. It's about your size, try it on."

Gneech quickly slipped the shirt over his clothes and shook himself out. It seemed to adjust slightly to fit him and was quite snug and proper. "Fits good, what else do?"

Dark smiled. "How do you feel about being able to get through very very small places, and never being grabbed by the slathering tentacles of monsters?"

Gneech bobbed his head. "Gneech likes the idea of that. How work?"

Dark rolled a hoof at Gneech. "The second part is constant. Watch." He approached Gneech and leaned in, grabbing him by the collar, but Gneech just slid out of it without trying. "It's not perfect, but it gives a powerful edge to getting away from things. Once a day you can even become like jelly, and squeeze through tight places." He looked to Diamond, the leader. "It would normally be a little over five thousand, but we'll round down to five thousand for such a good customer."

Diamond raised a brow. "Huh, that's two sets for five thousand now. Very well. What about his weapon?"

Dark accepted the dagger and brought it back to the counter to set beside the bow. "At least give it a basic enchantment. There are things that can't be hurt at all without it. Ghosts and the like will tear you apart unresisted if you try to fight them with mundane steel. Two thousand. It will also strike more truly and just that bit of edge to get you through a battle."

Gneech had no complaints about the vast sums being spent on him, and Diamond Tiara authorized it before she tapped her chest. "My turn. Now, I don't have a weapon, or armor, to start, but I want both."

Silver Spoon pointed at the axe hanging from Diamond Tiara's belt. "Don't forget that. It's pretty amazing, DT!"

Diamond blinked and looked down at it. "Of course. Apologies, I've had a very exciting day and it just slipped my mind. What do you think of it?" She pulled the axe free and placed it on the counter for him to look at.

Dark examined the weapon curiously. "Griffon iconography, basically enchanted, with a flaming spell in addition. A fine weapon. Just as valuable as Silver Spoon's bow, after I finish with it. You would be better served with some armor, you and Silver Spoon. Going out in clothing is... ill-advised. Even wizards have some protection."

Diamond Tiara smiled. "We want a matching set. Something to show the world we're all part of the same team."

He raised a brow appraisingly as he looked over the three. "I believe you would be better served with a matching icon, though any--" He pointed at Diamond Tiara. "--could easily match him." He pointed at Gneech. "But if we're going for the best, on the other hoof... We should test this." He pointed to a set of three pony-shaped mannequins. "Light, medium, and heavy armor. Try them out, move around, and tell me which you like."

Silver Spoon started wriggling into the full set of chain mail, while Diamond Tiara tried on the full set of plate armor. It required some help from Gneech, but he obediently helped both fillies into their armor.

Diamond took slow awkward steps with a frown. She tried to power through it, but felt incredibly slow and rigid. She could barely breathe, let alone get anything accomplished. "This is unacceptable!"

Silver Spoon was moving around in slow circles. The suit did slow her down, but she was moving, and it didn't feel too bad. "It's alright. Want to trade?"

They did trade. Silver Spoon did far better in the heavier armor than Diamond Tiara did, much to DT's annoyance. It was still a huge set of armor that slowed her steps, but she seemed to know how to move in it. "I am a war priest," noted Silver Spoon. "Maybe armor is a part of that?"

Diamond Tiara squirmed out of the chain mail. "Get me one like his!" She pointed at Gneech. "Something light and sleek, like me. I don't need any stupidly huge pieces of armor slowing me down!" Her anger turned against heavy armor in general as she turned up her nose at the situation. "And a great big stupid thing for Silver Spoon if she likes it so much, but don't blame me when you're too slow to get out of the way."

Silver Spoon smiled gently. "It's not a contest, Diamond. Besides, now we'll both be about the same speed."

Diamond thought about that. With Silver in the heavy armor, their entire team was about the same speed. There was a certain elegance to that. "I suppose there is a bright side to it. Carry on." She waved a hoof imperiously, and Dark got to work.

"Enchanting your weapons will take a few days, but you can wear the rest home if you like." He accepted payment with a smile and tucked it away. "Leave me your address and I'll deliver it myself when they're done." He had made enough to take that vacation he had been wanting. Maybe he would go to the beach...

Gneech pouted a little bit. "Gneech feel naked without dagger." He stuffed his hands in his pockets. "At least Gneech have good armor."

Silver Spoon moved over to Gneech and threw a leg over him in a hug. "I know how you feel, he has my bow and arrows."

Diamond drew her axe as she stepped out of the store. "I'll protect you both if I have to." Better armored, if not armed yet, they returned to the inn to report their success and plan for the next step.

Back in the shop, Dark Flight whistled a merry tune as he flipped the sign over from open to closed and got to work enchanting. It would be his full-time job for the next few days, but... "So worth it..."

27 - Dire Portents

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Diamond Tiara and the others arrived back at their room, full of good cheer from their shopping trip. The door slammed against the wall, knocking a book free from the shelf its peers rested on. Blue hurried over to rescue the book, but took note of the title and frowned. She sat down with the book, looking quite perplexed.

Pinkie bounced over to her. "What's wrong? Forgot where it goes? Let me help!" She reached for the book but Blue pulled it away. "Oh, reading it?"

Blue shook her head. "No, but I don't much believe in coincedence when it comes to books, Miss Pinkie. Luminace speaks through them, and this one seems to say we may be hurrying..."

Diamond approached Blue and Pinkie. "What are you talking about? We have the best equipment money can buy on the way." She huffed softly. "We are going to solve this problem like a snap." She clopped her forehooves together.

Blue smiled at Diamond. "I'm certain you would do your best, and well, but none of us are very experienced."

Pinkie pointed at herself. "I helped save your god thing. I've been to a lot of places!"

Blue seemed relieved to hear that. "Then you're the exception. The rest of us, I fear, are new to the, uh, adventurous lifestyle. We won't help anyone if we rush directly into this extreme peril just to get killed."

Silver Spoon joined the conversation, trotting over to the group. "What do you think we should do? This was your idea in the first place."

Blue set the book where it had fallen carefully. "An artifact of the gods will not wither away quickly. I do not think it is in danger, just being hidden. Time is on our side in this. We should learn how to work as a team, and what it means to be what we are. I have learned all I can from reading alone. I need practical experience."

Silver grinned. "That's practically sacrilegious."

Blue shrunk a little. "But true... Luminace would forgive saying that. Reading must be mixed with true knowledge if you want to learn things worth writing yourself." She smiled then. "Understand?"

Gneech shook his head. "Gneech not read much, but learn by doing, this Gneech understands. How you plan to do that?"

Diamond Tiara pointed at herself. "Let's not forget who's in charge here, and that's me! A team-building exercise is what you want? Fine. Half of us are new to this operation, so a few low-scale things to get us working together is probably a good idea, and I know exactly where to go."

The next day, after breakfast, Diamond Tiara trotted along with her team, heading to a manor that stood in the southwesterly part of the city.

Pinkie tilted her head. "Hey, I remember this place. What are we doing here?"

Diamond swiveled an ear towards Pinkie. "If you remember it, you should know why we're here, Pinkie." She strode ahead without waiting for reply.

Silver Spoon slid up beside Pinkie. "What is this place, Miss Pie?"

Pinkie pointed up at the manor. "This is where a bunch of adventurer types of ponies hang out. We stayed here once a long time ago. Fun times! I think I'm still technically a member..."

Gneech looked curious. "Member of what?"

Blue pointed to a small sign that announced 'Seekers of the One Herd, Chapterhouse'.

Diamond had reached the front door, signal enough to get the rest of her party to hurry up to her side, and they entered the building, paying little mind to the smattering of practicing people in the front courtyard.

There was a pony behind the desk that looked up at Diamond with a mixture of uncertainty and curiosity, but it slid away when Pinkie entered. "Pinkie Pie! I thought you'd left us."

Pinkie smiled brightly. "What me? Nah! I just had to take care of business on another world, but here I am!"

The mare raised a brow. "There aren't many ponies I'd accept that from at face value, but you happen to be one of them. Who are your friends?"

Pinkie pointed to the irritated-looking Diamond Tiara. "This is our new leader, sh--"

Diamond thrust up a hoof, cutting off Pinkie. "I'm here to get a job. Something for my group to hone our skills on."

The mare looked Diamond Tiara up and down a moment, then over the rest of her group. "I see... We are not a casual 'adventurer's guild'. We only assign tasks to members, and I'm afraid I don't recognize you, miss...?"

"Tiara, Diamond Tiara." Diamond flashed a smile, then pointed at Pinkie. "You just finished confirming she was a member."

She nodded slightly. "Oh, certainly. She is, but the rest of you aren't."

Pinkie hopped forward. "But they're with me! I'll take care of them, promise!"

The secretary put a hoof over her long face. "You haven't changed much, Pinkie Pie. Very well, let's try something simple." She reached for her filing cabinet and began running her hooves over the many folders within. "Mmmm, here we are." She pulled one out between her lips and set it on the desk. "The city is offering a bounty on k--" She pulled short and looked up at Gneech, then slowly put the paper back and began looking for a new one.

Gneech blinked. "What? What did Gneech do?"

The secretary pulled out a new slip. "Goblins are harassing the trade caravans running from here to Arcysus. The city has a small bounty on each, and a much larger reward on proven termination of whatever little town they've got hidden. If you manage to scatter the lot of them and set fi--"

Pinkie Pie gasped. "That sounds super mean. Why would we do that to anypony?"

The secretary chuckled softly. "Never change, Pinkie. All you have to prove is that the town is gone. If you convince them to move away, that's good enough. Most Seekers would just rush in and start hacking the place apart as soon as they found it, but, with you involved, I'm sure you'll figure something interesting to do." She pushed the paper forward. "I trust you all know what goblins are?"

Gneech bobbed his head. "Seen goblins before, yes. Green big teeth, two legs, no scales or tails."

Pinkie shook her head. "I don't th--Oh yeah! I ran into those when I first came to Everglow. They were funny!"

Diamond Tiara put a hoof on the paper. "Sounds like we'll take the case. Do we need to be carrying any proof or other bits of red tape?"

The secretary pulled the paper back from Diamond. "Simple as can be. Defeat the goblins, get proof of the ones you took care of, and turn them in at the castle, ditto for any proof of their town's removal. If they give you trouble about payment, you come to us, you do not argue with them. The Seekers take care of arguments over pay, not its members. Also, remember that you are representing us in this task, so keep it civil and polite."

Diamond fell back to all fours. "That's the way we do most things. Don't worry about it any longer, we'll have those 'goblins' out of the way of progress in no time at all."

Blue glanced towards Pinkie, then Diamond. "I'd rather they were convinced to move away, or maybe we could even get them to be helpful? They need friends too."

Diamond snorted softly. "Don't get yourself hurt with idealistic thoughts like that. We're a team, and we stick to the plan, and I have one ready to go..." She led them out of the manor and back out into the city, pausing a moment to watch an earth pony with a lance traumatizing a unicorn in physical combat. The earth pony was a mare, and she moved with clear skill and ease as she shouted commands and advice at the struggling unicorn.

Pinkie leaned in. "Oh, that's Fast Shadow. She's super amazing at fighting. She makes a lot of noise, but she really cares about her students. She's, uh, like Miss Cheerilee with a lance and permission to poke her students with it."

Diamond flinched with grit teeth at the idea of Miss Cheerilee chasing her around with that lance, screaming at her like Fast Shadow was doing. The very idea of it was terrifying. "Is she half as good as she is loud?"

Pinkie bobbed her head. "Uh huh. Sparring with her was a real challenge! She knows how to use that thing." She pointed at Fast Shadow's lance. "When I was here with Twilight, you couldn't claim to be a full member of the party without surviving a few rounds with her."

Diamond took a slow breath, then let it out. "Did Twilight do it?"

Pinkie gave a soft mmhmm. "She did. So did Spike, and me."

Diamond clopped a hoof on the ground. "Spike?! If Spike and Twilight can manage her, than I will too. Get her to spar with me." She pointed at Fast Shadow while glaring at Pinkie with her intimidating stare.

Pinkie shrugged. "Well if that's what you want!" She bounced towards Fast Shadow. "Hey, Fast!" Fast Shadow looked up and abandoned the unicorn, giving him time to recover as she met Pinkie halfway and they met in a fierce hug. "How ya doin'?"

Fast Shadow nodded. "It is good to see you well and whole, Pinkie Pie. I'm beating some sense into some recruits after getting back from an assignment. It went well, how about you?" She pointed at Pinkie, her dangerous-looking hoof-spikes on display.

Pinkie pointed back at Diamond Tiara. "She really wants to train with you. You up for a little more sparring?"

Fast looked past Pinkie to Diamond and raised a brow slowly. "Are you certain she's ready for that?"

Diamond proved to have quite keen hearing when it came to things being spoken about her. She advanced on Fast Shadow. "Of course I'm ready! Are you scared?"

Fast slowly smiled. "It would be a pleasure, Pinkie." She flicked her hooves, deploying her spikes. "I am normally gentle to first time sparring partners, but I can tell you're a very... advanced... student. You are clearly ready for me, and I won't hold back. I trust that is what you desire?"

Diamond nodded quickly before she hopped up to two hooves and drew out her flaming axe. "That's exactly what I'm talking about." If she could hold her own on the first try against Fast Shadow, that would make her better than Twilight and Spike. How did Spike even survive? He was a runt... Diamond bounced from hoof to hoof, ready to fight.

Fast raised a brow at Diamond. She was surprised like many before at how Diamond casually held the axe with her flat hooves. "Have you used that before?"

Diamond gave the axe a few swings. "Enough stalling. I'm ready!"

Fast shook her head. Diamond's posture was clearly that of an amateur, and her swings were wild, fierce only with eagerness, not any skill. Still... Fast smiled gently. There was potential there. Potential she'd bring to the surface through painful lessons...

28 - It's for your own Good

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Fast Shadow smiled at her would-be sparring partner. "Now, normally, I would offer a beginner with the option of removing my magic items." She was certain that if she phrased it that way, Diamond would rise to the bait, and she did.

"What? No, I'll fight you just the way you are. I don't need handicaps." She raised the axe, ready. "Don't treat me like a little filly. I've already made more money than you dream about."

Fast raised a brow. "Will that money protect you on the field? How curious, you aren't even wearing armor."

Diamond levelled her harsh glare on Fast. "You're mocking me. You'll regret that." She lunged forward suddenly, starting the match. Fast felt a presence behind her suddenly and glanced. There she was, somehow, snuck behind her. Before she could get her defenses turned around, she felt the burning cut of the filly's weapon, but it came from the front, not the back. The one behind her faded away into the ether. "Fight me like you mean it!"

Fast lashed out a hoof, catching Diamond across the belly and sending her back a few steps, enough to lower her lance into ready position. "A lesson well-learned, little one. Thank you for reminding me of it." The match was on in earnest. Diamond Tiara had a powerful desire to win, and was quite strong for a filly, but Fast Shadow lived up to her name, ducking around the inexperienced sweeps of that axe and jabbing painfully with her lance or landing a painful thud with her clad hooves. "Perhaps if you were as well-armored as me, I would be worried, but you have no protection, and are not quite fast enough." She ducked back under a wild swing. "Overconfidence leads to defeat, never forget that."

Pinkie Pie leaned towards Silver Spoon. "They're having such a good time! Diamond's doing really good for her first match."

Silver gave a slow nod, watching the battle with building worry and concern. "Are they going to be alright?"

Diamond swatted at Fast's lance before rolling forward. It was a bold and astounding move, but she didn't have the skill to pull it off, least of all against Fast Shadow. She leaped aside then brought down her hoof on Diamond Tiara's chest with a snap and the pained wheeze of breath being forced out of her. The fight was abruptly over as Diamond squirmed and struggled for air. Fast looked towards her friends. "Is one of you a healer?"

Silver was already hurrying forward. She placed her hooves on Diamond, tears flowing with abject terror. "Please, Luminace, don't let her be hurt!" The warm flow of healing energy rushed from Silver into her friend, and the broken bone was mended with an equally unsettling pop.

Diamond took a loud breath and flopped back, just catching up with her breath. Fast nodded lightly. "You have talent, but you need practice. Nothing is learned without it. I don't think you are meant to be a warrior as I, clad in steel and living only by the grace of her weapon." She leveled a hoof at Diamond Tiara's face. "Your eyes shine with a magic I don't recognize, but certainly felt. Hone that, and I am certain it will bridge the holes in your martial play."

Silver Spoon helped Diamond up to her hooves with a nervous smile. "Are you alright?"

Diamond nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine." She turned to Fast Shadow. "So you're an adventurer, huh?"

Fast nodded her head. "I am a Seeker, like most you will find here. I go where I am needed."

Blue waved her small hooves. "Please, can you come with us? We're still learning, and having such a skilled fighter with us would really help."

Fast raised a brow, then leveled her gaze on Pinkie. "You are the only Seeker of this group. Is this your request, or are they hiring me?"

Pinkie spread her own hooves, snatching up Blue and Silver Spoon. "Come on, it'll be fun! We're going to talk to some trouble-making goblins, but our real mission is way more important!"

Diamond Tiara frowned. "I don't need her to 'bridge the holes'. I'm getting better at this all the time." She shoved her axe away angrily, then thumped her chest. "I'm the leader of this group, Diamond Tiara."

Fast inclined her head and raised an ear. "A pleasure to meet you, Diamond Tiara. I am Fast Shadow. Ultimately, I am a mercenary. I will not take your group away from you, nay, Pinkie Pie requests that I serve under you."

That took Diamond Tiara by surprise. "Oh, of course." A minion such as the powerful fighter seemed appealing, but she wasn't sure if she wanted somepony so much stronger than her. "We'll continue these little... matches." She smiled. "And Silver Spoon and Gneech as well."

Gneech paled. "What?" Diamond Tiara glared at him and he sagged. "Yes, alpha horse. Gneech will train..."

Silver Spoon didn't look much happier about it. She shuffled in place. "I... I don't want to be hurt like that."

Fast raised a hoof and set it gently on Silver's shoulder. "None of us desire to be hurt, but one either learns to avoid that hurting here, among allies, or later, among enemies, and they will not wait while your pains are seen to." She smiled gently at Silver. "I will take care. I have sparred with far more fragile-looking souls than you."

Gneech flashed a hopeful smile. "You will be nice to Gneech too, yes?"

Fast raised a brow. "It is not common that I see one of your kind following a pony for any reason. Yours is a fascinating history that I am sure I will learn in time, but we should move. Pinkie." Pinkie looked up at her name being called. "When do we depart?"

Pinkie pointed at Diamond. Diamond smiled at being deferred to. "We have things being enchanted. Let's go when they're ready. I won't be such an easy target with my armor on me."

Fast nodded. "Very well, then we have time. Who shall be next?"

Gneech quickly backed away, leaving Silver standing there. She went pale as Fast advanced on her. "Do you have a weapon?"

Silver drew out a little dagger. "I normally use a bow, but it's being enchanted with everything else, Miss Shadow."

Fast nodded. "Then we will focus on defensive techniques. Your goal is simple, don't be hurt." Fast swung out a hoof with intentional slowness, giving Silver enough time to squeak and scamper out of the way. The first one was given freely, but no others. Fast harried Silver Spoon with rapid lashes and unexpected thrusts of her lance. She kept her strikes light of force, but she was frighteningly accurate, even going for light blows.

Every landed blow got a squeal or a squeak from Silver Spoon as she bobbed and danced around, trying to avoid being beaten around. "Tell me," asked Fast, "What profession do you seek, young one?"

Blue answered for her. "Princess Luminace has called upon her to be a war priest."

Fast's reared back with surprise. "Truly? An ill fit, from my view, but if the gods have decreed it, then it is so. What do you think, little one?"

Silver trembled a little as she looked up at Fast Shadow. "I think I want to do it right... I'll protect Diamond Tiara, and do right by Luminace. She really helped me out when I needed it. She said... I don't have to be 'war' like tons of ponies fighting. I can fight for her by sharing friendship, and knowledge."

Fast smiled gently. "I am glad to hear that. She is known as a kind goddess, and your words only assure me of that. If you wish to defend your friend, you will be between her and terrible things that will seek to harm you. If you are scared of me, they will terrify you to inaction. You don't want that, do you?"

Silver shook her head quickly. "N-no miss!"

Fast nodded slowly. "I thought not. Focus on my swings, and forget me, as a person. I am a challenge to be defeated, nothing more or less, as any enemy on the field will be." She pressed her attack, but Silver's eyes started to follow lashing hooves and weapons. She was learning, a little bit, and Fast was pleased. Perhaps Silver wouldn't perish so easily.

Silver collapsed beside the others, battered and bruised, but still in one piece. Diamond patted her lightly. "She went easy on you, but good job." Backhanded though it may have been, she seemed sincere, and Silver accepted it with a tired smile.

Diamond shoved Gneech forward. "Your turn."

Fast tilted her head at the Kobold. "Today is your lucky day. I have not yet had lunch, and a warrior works on their belly. Come, I know a fine place to take care of that, and they provide a reasonable price for Seekers."

Diamond hiked a brow doubtfully, but followed along. Whatever little dive Fast preferred would surely not measure up to her refined palate...

Gneech let out a loud sigh of relief as he ambled along behind everyone, looking quite pleased with himself for not being smashed to pieces by the skilled fighter, yet. "Maybe... tomorrow? You work really hard, very tired."

Fast waved a hoof dismissively. "I'll be fine after a snack. You'll have your turn, worry not little dragon."

Gneech stood up a little taller. He liked being called a dragon, but still... "Gneech is missing weapon and armor, all being enchanted. Gneech claws and teeth not very sharp for use in fight."

Fast nodded. "Then we'll both get some practice weapons, just to make it fair." Gneech deflated with defeat. "I will not fault you from trying to avoid battle, but this one has no escape, so you may as well handle it with dignity."

Gneech pointed at Blue. "Why is small horse not training too?"

Blue looked around as if some other pony could be the target. "M-me?! I'm a cleric, not a fighter!"

Fast looked down at Blue. "A cleric must know how to take up arms as well. Surely you were shown your goddess' preferred weapon?"

Blue swallowed nervously. "A quarterstaff, ma'am..."

Fast nodded. "A fine weapon, in the grasp of a skilled combatant, which you could be. You're after Gneech."

Blue paled and sank. She pouted at Gneech. "You're still going before me."

Gneech huffed at the truth of it. "At least everyone will be sore with Gneech. Is pink pony not training?"

Fast glanced at Pinkie Pie. "She has learned all that I can teach her. Only the field will yield more direct lessons. If she wishes to spar, she has but to ask, but worry less on the training of your fellows, and more on your own."

Pinkie threw a leg over Fast's withers. "Maybe later, OK? Thanks a bunch for helping them out! I'd feel really bad if I brought them back hurt and stuff, and there's nopony else around I'd trust more than you, Fast, to make sure they won't be."

Fast smiled, a hint of sadness there. "I will do my best, it is all I can do. Would that no one had to be hurt, but my ability to protect has limits... It is why I believe in teaching others to defend themselves." She looked down at her smaller companions. "I teach you for your own good, not my own. Learn well, and live."

29 - A Little Skip

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