> Why Earth Ponies Don't Fly. > by spideremblembrony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Story of Not Sonic Rainboom > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three days left until the Young Fliers Competition and Applejack felt no more prepared than when she started. It hadn’t been long since Rainbow Dash put herself in the hospital performing her Sonic Rainboom. And now, for some reason, Applejack had been asked to compete for her. A choice of logic that was completely lost to her. “I just don’t think this is a good idea, Twilight,” Applejack said. Twilight turned to her as they stood over the table, glancing at the designs below them. “You heard what Pinkie Pie said when she was translating Rainbow Dash’s gibberish. She wants you to compete in the Young Fliers Competition for her.” Applejack sighed as she looked down, as if to look past the table. “But usually, there’s a good reason why Earth Ponies don’t compete in the young fliers competition,” Applejack stated as she gestured with her neck and head toward her back, noting that esencial limbs that required for flight were missing. “I know,” Twilight agreed. “Which is why the rest of us are here to help you.” The rest of the group had arrived not too long ago and had begun gathering supplies. Tarp, planks of wood of various lengths, metal wiring, and large scraps of construction paper that filled the table in front of her with a number of designs. Some were large and abstract, some were small and yet, detailedly complex. All of which flew over Applejack’s head, ironically enough. “Twilight, are we sure we know what we’re doing? Twilight bit her bottom lip, answering Applejack’s question. Regardless, Twilight spoke. “Don’t worry, Applejack. We’ll find a way for this to work.” It wasn’t exactly the most reassuring comment she had ever received, but Applejack did feel a little better. Not much. But enough. The morning was filled with chaotic hammering, nailing, sawing, calculating, recalculating, sewing, stitching, and manufacturing. It was enough to drive anypony mad at the number of sounds being played in the barnyard. The constant hammering setting the beat, with the sounds of metal on wood or metal on metal adding the tone and feel of it. The clings and clangs, rubbing of the saw blades ripping the wood apart. Like a song was playing in their heads simultaneously. All at the same beat, all at the same time. All day they worked. Their entire day shot to the construction of this one piece of flying equipment. All for their friend. The group approached a hill with only Applejack standing atop it. Looking down, Applejack could see the slope she was expected to jump. She glanced backwards to see the new addition to her body. A large pair of artificial bat-like wings that stretched out from her body several feet. A light leather held together with metal wiring holding the shape. The wings stretched back far behind Applejack to a tail like design, as if to counterweight Applejack. It was more complicated a design than Applejack knew what to do with, but Twilight seemed confident in it and like Twilight had done in the past, Applejack learned to trust Twilight. She looked out to the hill. Waiting at the bottom, were her four friends that helped her get this far. She didn’t know what she would have done if she had tried to do this on her own. Still, she was no less nervous about her flight. Applejack took in a breath. Stretching out her hooves to either side of her, grasping the straps connected to the wings. Okay. All I have to do is flap these here wings and I’ll be flying. It can’t be that hard. A tiny voice came from the ground. “Yay.” Applejack couldn’t help but give a smile. Fluttershy was trying so hard to be the inspiration she needed. Still, she didn’t feel any less nervous about the whole thing. If Earth Ponies were meant to fly, they’d be born with wings. Then they wouldn’t be Earth Ponies in the first place. Looking off into the horizon, giving another short breath from her lungs, her hind legs took step after hasty step. Her heart bounded inside her chest. Her thoughts turned into a jumbled mess of her entire life flying before her. A sense of doubt grew within her, almost causing her legs to jam up. Regardless, her legs leaped to the air, passing over the edge of the hill. She could almost feel it. Gravity letting go. The wind brushing against her body as she soared. The feeling that she was no longer bound to the Earth or its laws. That she could be one with the sky, clouds, sun and moon. That there was nothing that could stop her from achieving any goal she set for herself. The world seem to slow down for her as if to savor every single moment. Then the momentum from her jump gave out. Gravity grabbed her and pulled her fiercely. Applejack pulled the leather straps frantically, like a bird on its first flight. Except Applejack was certain that, somehow, she looked even more ridiculous. One after the other, faster and faster, Applejack continued to flap her ‘wings’. But it was all for naught, as the ground found her with a thud. Four gasps filled the air, followed by a stampede of hooves rushing towards her. “Applejack! Are you alright?!” Rarity asked. Stuck between the flying contraption, which they really needed to reconsider the ‘flying’ part, and the grassy ground, her body felt like it had gone through Apple Buck Season all over again. Pain rushed through every inch of her body, tingling with her movements as she picked herself off the ground. Regardless, Applejack gave a smile. “I’m alright, everypony,” She replied. The four ponies took in a breath of relief as Twilight and Fluttershy placed themselves next to Applejack, helping her up to her hooves. “I’m sorry, Applejack. I guess the design wasn’t ready yet.” Applejack nodded, though she had wished that Twilight had chosen a smaller hill to jump. “Don’t worry, though,” Twilight exclaimed. “The next one will work. I’m sure of it!” Applejack forced a smile on her face. Her gut began to tighten at the thought of another flight attempt. According Twilight, the counterweight wasn’t heavy enough to balance Applejack. Before Applejack could even ask why they didn’t just make the tail end heavier, Twilight explained that it would only make the machine heavier and thus they would need to make the wings wider. Something they didn’t have time for. So they needed another way. A bigger machine means more time to build it. And time was certainly not on their side. The group made their way back to the barn, dragging the ‘machine’ as Applejack chose to drop its official title until it could prove that it wasn’t just that. Work continued throughout what little was left of the day and well into the night. A completely new design with new complex ways for Applejack to be confused on the mathematics and physics of it all. Fortunately, Twilight seemed to understand it. At least one pony did. All she did was hammer and cut. Rarity was their official sewer, with assistance from Fluttershy, since the length of the wings required more time spent on them. And Pinkie Pie did a number of various things, keep them awake with her seemingly endless supply of either energy or coffee, or assisted wherever she was needed. All while her mouth kept moving. Not that Applejack was particularly mindful at first, but as the night ran on, she found it more difficult to tolerate. Lack of sleep took the blame in her book. They had been up for a day and a half, and the competition was in just as much time. With the new designs completed, they group made their way to a slightly shorter hill to make the jump again. Approaching the top of the hill, Applejack couldn’t help but wonder what was going through Rainbow Dash’s head that would pick her to fly in this competition for Pegasi. She should have said ‘No, I won’t do it.’ That is what any other Earth Pony would have done. And yet, here she was, standing on this hill, a large pair of bat wings on her back, hoping she doesn’t face plant into the ground. She took in a deep breath as the edge of the hill beckoned her. Like a siren in the sea. After a moment of convincing, her legs finally burst forward. With all the strength she could muster, Applejack leaped into the air. The wind catching the wings causing her to soar. She flipped the wings with all her might, hoping it would keep her airborne. Higher and higher the machine took her, opposing gravity’s hold over her. Gravity eventually found her, but it took its sweet time pulling her back down to Earth. Applejack couldn’t help but look up and see the distant town of Ponyville. It looked so small from what she had previously expected. She was truly looking through a bird’s eye view of the city. All the little ponies in the town might as well have been specks. It was truly sight to behold. And despite, gravity steadily lowering her to the ground, there was a certain exhilaration as she glided through the air. She felt that she could stay in the air forever. Soon, the Earth and Applejack finally get, as she skidded her hooves against the grassy field only several yards away from the rest of her group. A conclave of cheers and praises reached her ears as four ponies rushed over to her side. “That was super-spectacular-awesomely-sensationalistic!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed. Applejack couldn’t help but give a chuckle. “It sure was.” She readjusted her footing, causing the wings to wobble a bit. Twilight gave a smile and an approving nod. “A few more technical modifications and I think we’ll be able to make it soar for even longer!” Applejack nearly gave a cheer of her own, but then, as if a stone had hit her, a question came to her mind. “Twilight, how exactly are we going to get to Cloudsdale?” The group looked at each other murmuring. It wasn’t surprising that nopony else had thought of this. They were so busy with trying to build this flying machine as quickly as possible that it must have slipped everypony’s mind. Much like it had Applejack’s. Twilight placed her hoof on her chin. “Well, there must be a spell that can do that. Let’s go back to the library and check.” As the group made its way back to the library, Celestia’s sun had begun to set in the distance. Another day gone by, another night to endure through. Applejack gave a heavy yawn as she continued to put one foot in front of the other. The weight against her back felt as if it was pressing down on her harder than it actually was. She blamed her sleep deprivation. Apple carts were tied to her back almost everyday and she had no problem moving those. Yet, this small flying contraption was enough to stall her movements, even slightly. Suddenly, Pinkie Pie, with a large smile, made its way to Applejack’s side. “So, Applejack, what was it like flying?! Was it fun?! Scary?! Annoying?! Boring?! Sad?!” A chuckle escaped Applejack lips. She shook her head. “Nah, it was actually… something else. It was kind of exciting, you know?” It was like stars had appeared in Pinkie Pie’s eyes as she leaped into the air. “That sounds soooooooooooooo-” As she held her vowel, she sprinted in a 50 foot radius before coming back to Applejack’s side. “-fun!” It wasn’t within her nature to question Pinkie’s uniqueness. However, Applejack couldn’t help but wonder how Pinkie Pie was still wide awake when she was struggling to keep her eyes open. Like some kind of magic, as they entered the library, Twilight knew exactly where to look for what she was looking for. As she opened the book and flipped through its pages, her confident face had turned into a raised eyebrow and a bite to her bottom lip. “Oh…” Twilight began as she approached her friends. “This spell looks really difficult. I’m not sure I can do it.” Rarity approached her. “You’ve got to try.” Twilight glanced back over to her other friends. “Okay, but who’s going to volunteer to be the test subject?” Without even a second's hesitation, Pinkie Pie’s hoof shot in the air. “Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Pick me! Pick me! Please, pick me!” She approached Twilight getting well within her personal space. “Pick me, Twilight!” Twilight gently pushed Pinkie Pie out of her personal space. “Okay, calm down.” Pinkie sat her flank on the ground, still maintaining her gigantic smile, like a dog who was expecting a treat in her future. Kind of reminded Applejack of Winona. Twilight gave a deep breath. “Here goes.” Applejack, Fluttershy and Rarity took steps back, allowing Twilight to do… whatever Twilight needed to do. Twilight pointed her horn at Pinkie Pie as it started to glow slightly. Her eyes closed tight and a strain came from her clenched teeth. Applejack admitted to knowing nothing about magic, but she knew that Twilight wasn’t kidding when she said this spell was difficult. Never before had she met a unicorn would could perform the most complicated spell with ease. And yet, she was struggling on this one. Would she be able to perform it three more times? Blue magical energy surrounded Pinkie Pie which only made her giggle. “Oooo, pretty!” Applejack narrowed her brow and whispered. “Pinkie, Twilight’s trying to concentrate.” “Oops, sorry,” She replied in a whisper, but still managed to keep her smile. The longer the spell was cast, the more blue aura wrapped around Pinkie’s body, like a cocoon, and the more beads of sweat rolled down the side of Twilight’s face, more grunts of strain emanating from her. It was all Applejack could do not to approach her and stop the whole thing, but she didn’t know what would happen to Pinkie or Twilight if she interrupted her halfway. Instead, she kept her mouth closed and hoped that Twilight knew what she was doing. Suddenly, a blue orb emerged from her horn, floating halfway between Twilight and Pinkie Pie. As it gave off a spark, Applejack felt Fluttershy hiding behind her, afraid of what was going to happen. It wasn’t long before Applejack felt her knees buckle. She tried to contain it as best she could, but it wasn’t helped by the orb shooting more bolts wildly into the room. Finally, with a scream from Twilight, the orb exploded in a violent light. The force of the magical energy sent Twilight soaring backwards in the air, right into Applejack who landed on top of Fluttershy. The light began to die out, but that didn’t stop Applejack’s head from spinning. She shook it off as best she could, seeing Twilight on top of her. Gently, she rolled Twilight off her and onto the floor. Picking herself off the ground, she noticed Fluttershy where she had been. Giving a smile and extending her hoof, Applejack helped Fluttershy back to her feet. “Sorry about that.” Fluttershy’s eyes widened and a smile appeared on her face as a collage of pinks, blues and greens appeared on her face, like a stain glass window reflecting on her face. Applejack turned to see where this reflection might originate from. As she looked up the spot where Pinkie Pie stood, she was no longer there. Instead, she was hovering a few feet off the ground with a large pair of butterfly-like wings extending from her back. “I think it worked,” Twilight said, her voice slurring a bit as she wobbled back and forth. “Now… for three…” Twilight started to tumble, threatening to meet with the ground, but Applejack stretch out her hooves and caught her. “Whoa there, sugarcube. I don’t think you’re up for another one of those spells.” Rarity made her way to Twilight, helping her keep her balance. “She’s right, Twilight. You look awful.” Twilight shook her head, her eyes not focusing on any particular point in the room. “You think so?” “Come on,” Applejack said. Rarity and Applejack escorted Twilight to a soft rug and set her gently on it. “I think we ought to find a simple spell.” A cheer came from high above them as Pinkie Pie floated above them, failing to notice any of them. *** The day of the competition had finally arrived. Thousands of ponies filled the stands. With the addition of two unicorns. The cloudwalking spell Twilight cooked up helped the three wingless ponies walk on clouds for a period of time. Back in the competitor's booth, Applejack sat in the corner, going over the last minute modifications of her flight patterns. They were nowhere near as intricate as anything any of the competitors might do. In fact, one could make the argument that even a Pegasus filly could mimic her routine. But considering that she only had three days to build the machine, make sure it worked, and come up with a routine that didn’t result in her plummeting face first into the ground, Applejack felt a bit of pride as she looked upon her wings. All they’re hard work would pay off when Rainbow Dash got to see her represent her in the Young Fliers competition. “Hi Applejack!” A high pitched squeal came from behind her. Applejack turned to see the smiling face of Pinkie Pie, staring straight at her. Applejack glanced away giving a nervous smile. “Um… Pinkie? What are you doing here?” She gently pushed Pinkie out of her personal space. “This room is for competitors only.” A giggle escaped Pinkie’s lips. “I know that, silly. That’s why I signed up!” Suddenly, Applejack’s heart stopped. Her mouth dropped as she took in what Pinkie Pie has stated. “Beg your pardon?” “Well, I figured that Rainbow Dash would super happy that one of us is competing for her! So, imagine how super-duper happy she’ll be when both of us compete for her?!” Applejack shifted her gaze as she readjusted the wings at her back. “I guess…” “Besides, flying is soo sooo sooooo much fun!” Pinkie Pie said as she bounced around the room. The announcement blared outside backstage bringing attention to Princess Celestia and the guest judges, the Wonderbolts. Applejack took in a deep breath, there was no turning back now. Whatever was going to happen today was going to happen whether she wanted to or not. She glanced over to Pinkie Pie who was leaped excitably off the ceiling, being propelled by her wings. “Okay, contestant number one, you’re up,” an orange Pegasus stated as she trotted into the room. Applejack watched as a young mare trotted through the curtains and flew off to perform her routine. She looked back at her flank to see a number 15 staring straight at her. She gave a sigh, noting to herself it was going to be a long day. She sort of wished she could get it over with right then and there. She thought about swapping numbers with another pony to get ahead a bit, but dismissed. Instead, she decided to wait it out. No matter how long it got. *** Pegasus after Pegasus had shown their stuff. The various routines that showed complex flying maneuvers as well as weeks upon weeks of practice it would take to perfect them. It was all spotlighted in front of three eagerly waiting ponies. “I loved number seven.” Twilight stated. “Doing 15 barrel rolls in a row can’t be easy.” “My favorite was number 10,” Fluttershy replied. “She seemed like such a nice pony.” Rarity looked back and forth. “Has anypony seen Pinkie Pie since the competition started?” Twilight and Fluttershy glanced at one another and shook their heads. “Where could she be? The competition is almost over and Applejack is about to go on.” “Hey!” a voice came from off to their side. The three turned to see a wheelchair bound Rainbow Dash floating on a cloud towards them. “What are you guys doing here?” Fluttershy fluttered up to her and pushed her towards their seats. “We came because we wanted to cheer you on.” Rainbow Dash raised her eyebrow. “Um… you do know I’m not in the competition any more right?” Rainbow Dash rubbed her side. “That cracked rib fixed that.” Twilight put her hoof on Rainbow Dash’s. “Speaking of which, how long until you recover?” Rainbow Dash folded her hooves. “Not soon enough,” she grumbled. “So, why are you guys here?” Rarity smiled. “Applejack agreed to compete in the Young Flyers Competition for you!” Rainbow Dash tilted her head as her pupils shrunk. “What?!” Fluttershy glanced over to Twilight before a saddened face appeared. “Oh… I thought you’d be more happy about it.” Rainbow Dash shook her head. “Why would Applejack agree to compete in the Young Flyers Competition?!” “Because you asked her too?” Twilight asked. “You said something about apple’s and pointed at Applejack.” Rainbow Dash’s jaw dropped. “I ran into an Apple Tree at Sweet Apple Acres. That’s it! I didn’t say anything about the competition! Who told you I did?” *** “Pinkie Pie!” Applejack snapped as she continued to bounce around the room. “They only have time for one more competitor. If we both want to go on, we both have to go on together.” Pinkie Pie appeared in front of Applejack with a gasping smile. “Do you mean we both get to compete at the same time?!” Without waiting for an answer, Pinkie Pie burst through the curtains and took to the sky, leaving Applejack backstage to mentally prepare herself. She took hold of the leather straps on each side of her and took a deep breath. “Just remember the routine.” Taking several steps back, she envisioned her performing her movements in her mind, all going off without a hitch. Of course, reality and fantasy are two different things. As she was well aware. After a moment, she rushed forward, gathering as much speed as she could before appearing through the curtains and leaping from the clouds. Suddenly, it became silent. Applejack wasn’t sure if it was because everypony was dumbfounded that an Earth Pony was in this competition or if her heart was bounding so hard in her ears as she looked down that nothing else could be heard. She didn’t notice how high up they were. REALLY notice how high up they were until gravity had control over her again. For a brief moment, all memories of practicing her flight patterns were gone. Only to be replaced with thoughts of falling. Fortunately, a quick jerk from gravity brought her back to her senses. A gust of wind blew from underneath her, giving her a slight boost. Taking advantage of it, Applejack flapped her wings as best she could giving herself some altitude. With that, Applejack angled her wings ever so slightly, giving her thrust. It was only as fast as a young, young Pegasus could perform, but it was the best she could muster. She knew she couldn’t perform for very long, her forelegs wouldn’t allow her. If only her hind legs were connected to the wings. They’d have no trouble keeping up with the amount of flapping required. She continued to ride the wind, slightly gliding back and forth with the grace and movement that might show up Rainbow Dash if both her wings were broken and not much else. Despite this, Applejack felt proud of the work her and her friends were able to pull off. She certainly didn’t think in a million years would she ever be a part of the Young Fliers Competition. Suddenly, a scream came from above her. Applejack looked up as best she could, but was only met with the blinding light of the sun. She finally realized what it was as a suddenly wingless Pinkie Pie fell uncontrollably through Applejack’s right wing, ripping through the fabric as if it was paper. The sudden weight cause Applejack to plummet alongside Pinkie Pie. Her screams and her beating her were all she could hear, despite Pinkie’s best attempts. Applejack, in desperation, flapped her only good wing, but it might as well be in the same shape as her right wing for all the good it was doing. Suddenly, four Pegasi appeared, catching the two in their hooves. A thunderous cheer came from the audience as the Wonderbolts brought Applejack and Pinkie Pie back to the stands. Applejack leaped onto the cloud platforms while Pinkie Pie was forced to hang in the Wonderbolt’s hooves. “Pinkie, are you alright?!” Applejack asked, examining Pinkie’s body as best she could. Pinkie gave half a smile, but her eyes betrayed her with her sad look. “I’m okay, Applejack.” Applejack ripped off the flight harness off her back and made her way forward to Pinkie. “What happened?” “We saw the whole thing,” Twilight said as she and the others appeared behind them. “Pinkie flew up too high and the sun drained the moisture from her wings.” Pinkie lowered her head. “I’m really sorry, everypony. I just… Applejack made it look like so much fun flying. And when I was flying too, I wanted everyone to see how fun it was.” She chuckled to herself. “I guess, it was kind of silly thinking.” Applejack smiled and put her hoof on Pinkie’s chin. “Pinkie, I’m glad you were having fun and all. But we came here to support Rainbow Dash, remember?” “I’m sorry. I guess I got wrapped up in my own little world.” Rainbow Dash rolled over to Pinkie Pie. “Hey, no sweat. The important thing is that you and Applejack are safe.” She glanced over to Applejack. “And thanks for joining the competition. A few more years and you might almost be half as good as me.” Applejack chuckled. “Thanks, but I’d rather keep my hooves planted on the ground.”