> I Dream of Aria > by OtakuBrony47 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Welcome to CHS > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The day I arrived at CHS, and saw her, was the day my life changed forever. I saw into her eyes and I saw, a vision. A vision that I was meant to be with her. She became everything to me. That day that I saw Aria Blaze was magical. I'll never forget that day. My name is Arron Canvas, and I am the new student at CHS. This is my story. It was a sunny afternoon. I had just moved in. I was the youngest child in my family, which was until my older brother died in action while serving overseas in Iraq. I am now the oldest, and the only child. It’s been a lonely 4 years since my brother had pass, but I learned to move on eventually. That's why I came here, to Canterlot High School, my parents thought it would help me make some friends. But I had no idea that this school would open up an entirely new chapter in my life. "New must be our new student." said Principle Celestia to the student sitting in her office. "I'm glad to make your acquaintance." "The feeling is Neutral." replied the boy. "My name is Arron, Arron Canvas." "Well, I'm glad to meet you Arron. I'm sure the two of us can be great friends." replied Principle Celestia. "Let's take a look at your previous records here." Principle Celestia reached into her filing cabinet. She pulled out a file marked with my name on it. "Let's see here. You have a pretty clean record Arron. Straight A's. Perfect attendance. You were Vice President of the Art Club, nice, very nice." "Thank you." "I'm sure you had a lot of friends." said Celestia. Arron paused. I froze. I didn't. I never talked to anyone. When I became Vice President, I was very distant with others. All I did was my artwork. "Actually, Miss, I never really have friends. I was pretty distant with the other members. All they knew about me was, I could draw and paint beautifully." The principle looked at me with a smile. "Well, then. I guess that means today is a new start for you." she replied. "You get to start over, and make friends for the first time in forever. I was told by your parents, that you're...a bit distant." She looked at me with smile as she stood up and handed me my class schedule. "Anyway, here. I have your scheduled. You like drawing, painting, writing, and acting, right?" "Yes." I replied. "Excellent." replied Principle Celestia, "I gave you classes in Creative Writing, Theater Arts, and Art I. I'm sure you can make some friends with some fellow artists and writers there. Won't that be fun?" I thought about it. My parents did say I need to make friends. And I do like theater arts and creative writing. This really was a chance for me to start a new leaf. I had always been such a distant person ever since my brother's death. But that's ancient history. I'm here in CHS, and I'm ready to start a new chapter. I wonder what kind of friends I'll meet here. I'm interested to find out. "Yeah, I guess." I replied to Principle Celestia. "You, guess?" she answered. "Uh, it might be fun?" "...Um, let's just get you settled." said Principle Celestia as he paged her VP. "Luna?" "I hear you." "Send Sunset Shimmer to my office, will you?" "She's on her way." "Thank you." 2 minutes went by and then the door opened. A girl game out. She was wearing a leather jacket and a pink blouse underneath. She also had yellow hair with red streaks and wore an orange skirt and black boots. I guess that must've been Sunset Shimmer. "You wanted to see me, Ms. Celestia?" she asked. "Sunset, glad you're here. This is Arron Canvas, he's our new student." said Principle Celestia. Sunset smiled and walked up to me. "Nice to meet you." she said, offering to shake hands. I didn't want to appear rude, so I accepted the offering, and we shook hands. "I want you to show him around the school. Help him get accustomed to CHS. You don't mind do you?" "Not at all ma'am. I'm happy to help new friends." Friends? She barely met me and she already thinks of me a friend? Wow, that was heavy. I wonder what new adventures this school will hold for me? "Follow me, Arron." said Sunset, "I'll show you around the school, and hopefully you can make some friends along the way." So I followed Sunset as she showed me around the school. She started with the classroom areas. The Fresh-men Wing, the Soft-more Wing, The Junior Wing, The Senior Wing, and The Gifted Talents Wing, which was a program for intelligent students, not yet at a High School age. After that, she showed me the gym area. Wasn't much, looked just like a regular gym. As we walked by it, Sunset was asking me about my past. "So, where did you live before moving here to Canterlot?" she asked. "Oh, uh, I lived in Manhattan." I replied (not Manehattan, because were in the human world). "Sounds exciting. I never thought of you as a kid who lived in the big city. What's it like?" "Loud, and boring." I replied. "Oh. Sorry to hear that. So, do you have any brothers or sister?" When Sunset asked me that, my heart sank. I was so emotional, I was afraid to answer. "Well?" she asked me. I began to tear up. Finally I swallowed and answered. "I'm an only child." I said. "Oh, okay." she replied. "Parents ever thought of having another kid. Maybe give you a little baby brother or sister?" she continued. This time, I got emotional. "I had a brother. An older brother." I said grunting my teeth. Sunset was stunned. "Oh my, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring back a painful memory you had with your siblings." I calmed down, and wiped the tears from my eyes. "Don't worry. Not your fault. You didn't know I had a brother who passed." Sunset was shocked. "OH MY! I'M SO SORRY, I DIDN'T..." "Forget about it. It's fine." Sunset apologized, but I assured her it was all good. After this little conversation was over, she went back to showing me around. She showed me the lunchroom, the band room, and finally, the football/soccer field. I had fun touring with her. I think I made a new friend in all of this. As she was showing me around the football/soccer field, I saw something that caught my eye. A group of girls were sitting alone on the bleachers. This one girl caught my eye. She wore dark make up, purple pants, a denim jacket under a white t-shirt, and she had darkish purple hair with turquoise streaks. "Hey, Sunset." I asked, "Who are they?" Sunset turned around. "Who are who?" she asked. I pointed to the girls sitting on the bleachers. Sunset let out a small gasp. "Oh, uh, N-Nobody. Just some school student." she replied nervously. "Well, can I know the name of the one in purple?" I asked. Sunset became suspicious. "Why do you want to know her name?" she asked me. I nervously began to sweat. "Well. I uh..." Sunset looked at me with a sly look. A look of suspicion. "Listen to me carefully." she said. "Those girls over there, are called, The Dazzlings. The one in purple is Aria Blaze. They are troubled girls. So stay away from them, Okay?" I was confused. Troubled? What did these girls do? I tried asking Sunset, but she denied that I brought up the conversation, and she told to "Stay Away!" I wondered. Were they that bad? But I wanted to see them for myself. Especially that, Aria character. She looked interesting. I've never seen a girl look so...Rebel, and Goth, but yet...so very, very, beautiful. I had to meet her. I we were walking back inside the school, I kept thinking to myself, would Aria be my friend? Just then the school bell rang. "Well, I guess this will be the end of our tour." said Sunset, "I can't be late for 3rd Block." She shook my hand, and asked me if I needed anything else. I said no. She said if I needed anything, to look for her. Then we parted ways. I looked at my schedule for 3rd Block. Art. My favorite subject. The room number said, 56, my teacher was someone called, Mrs. Brush. As I walked down the hallway to art class, I just couldn't get that girl out of my head. Who was she, but more or less, who were those other girls. And why are they troubled. What did they do, or better what DO they do that labeled them, troubled teens? I was suspicious of Sunset's words. "Listen to me. Just stay away from them, okay? Stay Away!" Well, I'm sorry Sunset, but whoever these girls are, I have to meet them for myself. Especially this Aria girl. Eventually, I found room 56. I walked inside. Everyone there was surprised to see me. I guess it was because they never saw me in school before. The teacher, Mrs. Brush, walked up to me. "Oh, hello. You must be our new student." she said. I replied, yes. "Why don't you take a seat over there." she said. I took a seat next to a student with blonde hair and crossed eyes. I didn't think much of here. "Hi, I'm Ditzy Doo, she said, "but all my friends call me Derpy." I smiled and told her my name. She smiled and we shook hands. I was about to ask her something else, but someone else walked into the room before I could. Someone I never thought to see. But I guess, now was my change to meet them… > Art Class. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The room grew quiet. Too quiet. As they walked inside the classroom, the teacher gave a suspicious look at the trio. "Adagio. Sonata. Aria. Glad you all could make it to my class." she said. So, those are their names. I assumed the orange haired girl wearing pink and purple was Adagio. Although my eyes were too busy focusing on that other girl from earlier. Aria, was it? I kept remembering what Sunset said: Stay Away. "Nice to see you again Mrs. Brush." replied Adagio with a seemingly sarcastic tone. Mrs. Brush didn't seem surprised by her attitude, so I assumed it was normal. "Take a seat girls." she said to them. As they took their seats, the whole class looked at them with a bit of fear and anger. I stared at Aria as she took her seat. She looked back at me, almost with a look of disgust. She turned away rudely, almost if I had done something to offend her. I was surprised about that. She didn't even knew me, and already she's treating me like if I was her arch enemy. But, for some reason, I didn't seem to bother me. If anything, I came to think...she's amazing. Such attitude, and yet...such beauty. Sitting next Aria was a girl dressed Pink and purple attire. She had light blue hair with purple hair streaks. She was different. She kind of smiled and waved at me. I wasn't really interested in her, so I turned around. "Hey, guys." whispered Sonata, "Who's the new kid?" "Don't know. Don't care." replied Adagio. "Ehh, the boy in the glasses. Who cares." replied Aria. At that point, the bell rang. Class was starting. "Alright class," said Mrs. Brush, "let's take out seats, we have much to do today." Everyone took their seats and had their eyes fixed on the teacher. Except for me. I could take my eyes off that Aria girl. She was just sitting their, with her head in the clouds. "Okay students." said Mrs. Brush, "Today, we have a new student joining our class, so what do you say we all get to know him?" At that point I turned to the teacher. "What?" I asked. "That's right," she said, "Come on up here, honey. Tell us about yourself." I nervously got up from my desk. I walked up to the front of class, everyone staring, everyone waiting. I wanted to make a good first impression. I slowly cleared my throat and began. I tried to be quick and to the point. "M-My name is, Arron. Arron Canvas. I lived in Manhattan, and I've just moved here yesterday. I'm the oldest in my family now, and...um, my mother works for advertising and my dad is a former service men. Served 3 years in the Air Force. I like drawing, writing, and acting. That's it." Everyone else was silent. I turned to Aria. She raised her brow. I could even hear her whispering. In fact, I heard everyone whispering. " What was that?" "Why was he so quiet?" "That was it?" "Wow. Manhattan. How amazing." The teacher walked up to me. "Uh? That was very great Arron. Now, take your seat and let's begin." she said. That was idiotic! I just made myself look like a zombie! I took my seat and burred my face on the desk. Derpy patted my back. "I thought you were good." she said in a comforting voice. I felt better, but that didn't change the fact that I blew it. "Alright, class. Today we'll be focusing on pencil art. Sketching shapes, and figures. So, I want everyone to take out a sheet of paper and practice sketching, and doodling. Draw anything you can think, of. Practice your skills." Anything I could think of, uh? I liked drawing things with my pencil. I reached into my backpack and took out some sheets of paper. I guess this was my chance to prove myself. I wanted to draw something...Out of the Box. But what? Something that interests me. Then I turned to Aria. I know what to draw. I couldn't get my mind off her beauty. I started sketching. I began with a simple oval shape. I sketched where I wanted some of the facial features to go. The whole I was drawing, I could feel some one was watching me. Sure enough, I turned the desk next to me and found Derpy watching me draw. She had a look of interests on her face. "Wow, Arron." she said, "You can really sketch." I smiled and blushed. First compliment I ever had. I kept drawing, I sketch the shape of the body and started drawing on the clothing. Derpy looked at me very closely. As she saw me draw she began to ask me questions. "Hmm." Derpy thought, "She looks familiar." I was a bit nervous when I heard that. "She looks like someone, but who?" "Heh, heh, w-who knows?" I said nervously. As I drew on the belt and worked my way up to the vest jacket, Derpy gasped softly. "You're drawing that Aria girl!" she whispered loudly. I panicked. "SHH! Don't tell the whole planet." I whispered. Derpy chuckled softly. I rolled my eyes. "Hey, Derpy, what are you drawing?" I asked. Derpy smiled and showed me her picture. It was a square shaped sketch with a half circle on top. "What is it?" I asked. "A Muffin." A muffin? Didn't really see, but if she said It was a muffin then, its a muffin. I finished sketching the lower half, and began working on the upper half. I drew the hair and hair clip. I noticed Aria wore a star shaped hair clip. I kept turning to Aria as I drew to focus on details. She didn't really notice me, but I could tell someone else did. Sonata, the little girl with the light blue hair and reddish eyes. "Hey, Aria." she whispered, "Don't look now, but I think the new kid is crushing on you." As I turned to look at her a 4th time, I saw she was staring back at me. I panicked and looked away. I could hear Sonata giggling. Oh, great, again I made myself looked stupid. I began to blush nervously. I took the drawing I was doing and placed in the back of the sheets of paper I was using. I began drawing anew image on the next sheet of paper. Aria slowly got out of her desks and was waking towards my location. I didn't notice her coming over, until I began to hear the class whispering and gasping. I looked up and there she was, Aria Blaze. The Angel of Shadow is what I called here, due to her dark makeup and hair color. I was nervous. I beat of sweat fell down from my brow. The whole class was staring. I was nervous shaking. Aria looked at me with a raised brow. She had a look of suspicion on her. "What are you drawing?" she asked me. I froze at that point. "Eh, What?" "What. Were. You. Draw-ING!?" she replied. I was shaking in my desk. Nervous of what she would think of me if I should her the image. Then I noticed the teacher walking up behind her. "What's going on her!?" she demanded. Aria turned around, and stepped away. No one wins against a teacher. Then the teacher asked me the same question. I didn't answer. Mrs. Brush took my sheets of paper and began looking through each one of them. "Blank. Blank. Blank. Blank. BLANK! Blank. Bla- Wait?" Uh oh. I'm dead. "Arron." said Mrs. Brush, "This is really good. You really captured her exact image." Mrs. Brush smiled and patted me on the head. "I have to show the whole class your handy work." "Uh, NO, Mrs. Brush I don't think..." Before I could finish, Aria slammed her fist on my desk. "Let her show us. I would LOVE to see your Handy Work." she said with a tone of anger, grunting her teeth at me. Mrs. Brush turned on the projection screen and placed the image on the platform camera. There it was. My drawing of Aria for the whole class to see. "Look at this class." said Mrs. Brush, "Isn't Arron magnificent. What an art work Arron. Well Done." She applauded for me. As did the rest of the class. However, I could hear some of the whispers. "Wait, is that...?" "Why did she drew here?" "Is that Aria Blaze? Why?" I began to blush in embarrassment. Oh, what will she think of me now. Aria, stared at the drawing I made of her. It was incomplete though. I didn't het to draw in her jacket and her mouth. Aria slowly turned to me. She had a look of disappointment on her face. She raised her eye brow at me leaned in closer. "Listen," she said, "I'm flattered, but you and I, are nothing. So stay away from me." Aria then placed her hand to my face an slowly stroke my cheek up and down. Then I felt her fingernail push inside my skin, scaring my face. Then she followed it up with, "Or else I'll MAKE you!" I looked in fear as she went back to her desk. She scared my check, and fir what? But for some reason, I didn't seem bothered by it. It was something out of the ordinary, but...I think I sort of liked it when she scratched me. At that point the classroom bell rang again. Guess that meant Art Class was over. Everyone packed up their things and went off. Derpy went to check on me. "Are you okay Arron?" she asked. I didn't answer. I stroke the cheek that Aria scratched and slowly smiled. "Arron." Derpy called out. Finally I heard. "Oh, what?" "3rd Block is over. We have to get to 4th." I looked at my class schedule. 4th Block was Gym Class. Derpy smiled and showed me her schedule as well. It seemed we had the same gym class together. "Better get going, then." I said. "We don't want to be late." As we walked down the hallway, I kept thinking about what happened in art class. How Aria looked at me, and the way she scratched me. How it felt both physically and mentally was something I had never experienced. What was this felling? > Gym Class. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was on my way to gym class. As I walked down the hallway, I could stop thinking about what had happened. I couldn't stop thinking about Aria. The way she stood over me. They way she looked at me, and spoke to me, the way she...scratched my check. And the fact that I found it enjoyable was...very peculiar. How could I enjoy being physically abused? Maybe it was just, something about her. But I didn't know what it was. As I walked, Derpy was by my side, talking to me about her favorite muffins. "Then there's apple muffins, bran muffins, and banana nut muffins. I mostly go for the bran, but theirs just something about banana nut, know what I mean?" "Yeah, I guess...I'm not really a muffin a guy." "You're not?" "Nah." But you guys don't want to hear about this. Let's move on to where I entered the gym. So we walked into the gymnasium and took a seat on the bleachers. Looked like a pretty small class. It was only me, Derpy, and 5 other students. Wonder who the gym teacher was? Students began talking to each other. I really wasn't paying attention to what it was they were talking about, so I just sat on my side, drawing on my sheets of paper. Derpy looked at me as I drew. "Do you always draw during class?" she asked. I replied with a nod. "Yes. It relaxes me." I said. Just then, I noticed the room get quiet. I looked up, and could see why. It was her. Why was she here? Aria walked inside the gymnasium floor and took a seat by herself in the bleachers across from ours. The students began whispering to themselves. "There she is again." "Oh great." "So she's one of The Dazzlings?" I stared at Aria as she sat there, soulless. She had one leg crisscrossed, sitting on top of her other leg's knee, with an music player at hand, listing through her earpieces. She was also alone. Were the other girls were, I did not know, nor did I cared. I was just curious to know about Aria. For some reason, she was just...different. At that point the gym teacher came. He was a well built man, with medium length brown hair, and mustache and sideburns combo. He wore a red headband, yellow shorts, a tank top, and was...well, pretty hairy. In his hand he held a clipboard. "Good afternoon class. I'm Couch Ace, and I'll be your gym teacher." he said. "I'm goanna start with roll call, when I call your name say here..." "Ditzy Doo?" "Here!" "Octavia Melody?" "Here!" "Bulk Biceps." "YEEEAH!!" "*Sight, a "Here" would do just fine Bulk. Fido?" "Here sir." "Amethyst Star?" "Here!" "...Oh boy, Aria Blaze" The whole gym class pointed across from the bleacher. As Ace looked behind, there was Aria, sitting by herself again listening to her MP3 player. "Of course." said Ace. He check off his clip board, "Let's see, oh, I see we have a new student today. Arron Canvas?" I cleared my throat, "Here sir." I said. Coach Ace looked at me with a face of hope. "Ah, a new kid, uh? Welcome aboard son. Welcome aboard." "Right...Oh Brilliant! Rainbow Dash!?" When that name out, no one said a word. Everyone began to look around the gym. "Rainbow DASH!?" "I think she's tardy again sir." said Amethyst. "Why am I not surprised." said Coach Ace. "Well that's that. Okay moving on..." Coach Ace took the floor and began with his today's lesson. "Okay everyone. I don't wan to hear any...Crying, Screaming, Cheering, Booing, Yapping, Barks, Squawks, or Woo-Hoo Whoopty-Fur-EAKIN' Do! When I say...It's Dodge Ball Day." *All scream and cheer. "Alright. ALRIGHT! Settle down. I need 2 volunteers for team captain. Any volunteers?" Just then, the gymnasium doors opened up, and out on to the gym floor walked a girl with rainbow colored hair. She was dressed in a blue jacket and a white t-shirt with a multi-colored lightning bolt on it. She was also wearing what I believe was a pink and white skirt over black gym shorts. A Skort. Who wears one of those now a days. Talk about tacky. Also judging by the expression on Coach Ace's face, I could tell she must be a sneaky one. "Ah, Rainbow Dash. How nice of you to Show Up." said Coach Ace. Rainbow dash giggled, "Come on coach, I wasn't about to miss Dodge Ball Day." "In deed, then why don't YOU be one of our team captains?" said Coach Ace "I'd be delighted." said Rainbow Dash. "Okay," said Ace, "Now, I need one more to play against RD. Anyone?" No one said a word. No one moved. No one even seemed to breathe. They were whispering to each other. "Against Rainbow Dash? Now way." "I'm not on a death wish today." "Oh great." Just then, a voice spoke out. I very familiar voice that had threatened me not too long ago. "I'll do it." The whole room gasped. Coach Ace was the one most shocked. The rainbow haired was surprised, for I think she knew her. "Oh No. Its YOU AGAIN!" she said with a grunt. Aria gave a sly smile and clenched her fists tightly. The two seem to have some kind of rivalry together, but why? What's the deal with The Dazzlings, and Aria? I turned to Derpy, "Hey, what's the deal with Aria and Rainbow?" I asked. Derpy gasped softly. She didn't want to tell me at first, but then she signaled me to come closer. She then whispered into my ear, "Rainbow and her friends, defeated The Dazzlings a few month ago in the battle of the bands. They've hold that grudge with each other ever since." I frowned. That was it? That's what this whole ordeal was about!? Talk about a waste of my time. Just then, I heard Aria and RD arguing. "I'M TAKING YOU DOWN THIS TIME, DASH!" "BRING IT SISTER! I DEFEATED YOU ONCE, AND I'LL DO IT AGAIN!!!" "THEN LET'S GO!" "FINE!" "FINE!" "GOOD!" "GOOD!" "FINE!!!!!" I could feel the tension in the room. I knew where this was going. But just then, Coach Ace blew his whistle. "Okay, calm down!" he demanded. "Save your energy for dodge ball!" he said. "Now, teams are set. Captains, select your teammates." Here's where things got interesting. Rainbow Dash went first. "I pick, Amethyst Star." she said. Amethyst had a smile on her face. She cheerfully got up and skipped happily towards Rainbow Dash's location. Aria gave a smug smirk. "Weak pick, kid." she said "Now then, I choose Fido." "Aw Man." Rainbow Dash smirked back at Aria. "Ditzy. Come up here, you too Bulk." "Coming." "YEEEAH!!!" Aria was furious. She slowly turned towards my location. Suddenly, by the look she gave me, I could tell what was happening. "Uh, Oh." Aria gave me a sly smirk. With a raise of her eye brow she pointed at me. "I choose, The New Kid!" Everyone in the gym floor was shocked. I was the one most surprised. What did she want me for? Especially after the incident in Art Class. But I didn't want to protest. In fact, this was my chance to start over, and get to know her. Whatever, her intention was for choosing me, I could tell something was about to go Down... > Dodge ball to the face > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Me? Why did Aria pick me? Still, I didn't want to protest, this could be my chance to get to know her better. So anyway, the teams were set. Rainbow Dash, Amethyst Star, Derpy, and Bulk Biceps, against Aria, Fido, Octavia Melody, and me. The teams had been set and things were about to ugly from the way I saw Aria and Rainbow Dash looking at each other. I was nervously sweating, and shaking, and biting my lip. But what really scared me was what happened just before Coach Ace blew his whistle. Aria turned to me, and blew me a kiss. A creepy, smug looking kiss. And she winked at me at the same time. She had something planned, I just didn't what. As well all lined on the gymnasium floor, Coach Ace was throwing down dodge balls down on the gymnasium floor. Aria walked over towards me, holding a dodge ball at hand. She gave me slight smirk, "Well, well, well, if it isn't lover boy." said, mockingly, "Mind if I, like, call you that?" she asked. I shook my head. Aria smirked and brushed her fingers through my cheek down to my chin, looking at in a daze. She leaned in closer to, nervously, I stepped back, but for some reason, she held my hand pulled my back. The gym was watching, looking at bit surprised. Smirking at me Aria closely leaned in and softly blew into my ear. A cold shiver ran down my back, and felt, really bizarre inside. Quietly laughing, Aria handed me the dodge ball she had in her hands. Frowning at me straight forward, with a bit of anger. "Don't blow this for me." she whispered, as she raised her hand and poked my scar with her finger nail, "Unless you want me to...paint you another one of my pictures." That there really scared me. What kind of girl was Aria Blaze. She was a mystery that just wanted to make me, well, go after her. Walking away from me, I turned around and found some of my gym classmates were staring at us. I began to blush nervously, "How long have you guys been standing there?" I asked. "The whole time." replied Fido. At that point, I heard Coach Ace blow his whistle. It looked like Dodge Ball was about to kick off. Every one gathered up around Coach Ace, so I did as well, listening to what he had to say. "Alright gang," began Coach Ace, "I clean game...so No Cussing. Everything else is legal, you're hit with a ball you're out, a person catches your thrown ball, you're out. Grab a dodge ball and get out there." Every took their stance on the gym floor. All was silent. I looked around to find the tension building up in the room. Arai and Rainbow Dash were looking at each other with angry faces. Fido was cowering on the floor, and Derpy was waving at me from the opposite team. I turned to Bulk, who had a pissed off look, and was holding a dodge ball in hand. He grunted and pointed at me, giving a thumbs down. Shit was about to go down. *Whistle blows. Coach Ace's whistle started the game, everyone moved out of the way as Rainbow Dash threw the first ball. Light lighting it zipped through the room, and it nearly hit me on the arm, and hitting the gym wall, slightly cracking it. I turned back to look at Rainbow Dash, who had a smug grin on her face. "I'm taking you DOWN new kid!" she yelled. As dodge balls began to get thrown, I was running around panicking. "Pull yourself together you idiot!" I heard Aria shouting. I quickly realized I was making myself look foolish, again. I didn't want Aria to think any more less of me than she already does. So, I picked up a dodge ball and threw it as hard as I could. The whole gym stopped what they were doing and stared at my thrown ball, which went...about 5 feet away. The whole class began to laugh. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!" Aria yelled from across the gym. "Hey Arron, nice arm!" laughed Rainbow Dash, "You should join the Marching Band!" Hearing the class laugh made me embarrassed. But mostly, angry. I never felt anger before, and hearing it come from someone I didn't even knew was just, infuriating. I looked at Rainbow Dash, laughing and pointing at me, as did the entire class. I was so angry I lost it. I went to Pick up my dodge ball, and I threw it again. This time, I whipped Rainbow Dashes face clean off. I swung my arm back, did a back step, and released. As RD kept laughing, I threw the ball and it went zipping by so fast, RD didn't even see it. She was laughing at first, and then the next minuet... POW! Right in the kisser! (I know...emotions aren't cool to add in the story, but trust me. This time it goes with it.) The whole class was shocked. Coach Ace blew his whistle and ran over to the gym floor. Slowly moving the other students aside, she squatted down to see if Rainbow Dash was alright. "Dashie!" he yelled. "DASHIE! SPEAK TO ME!!" Rainbow Dash laid on the floor with a bloody nose and seeing stars. "I like Pancakes." said RD in a daze. Coach ace slapped his forehead. "Time out!" he called. The whole class groaned. They all turned around and looked at me like if I just committed murder. Everyone had a shocked or angry expression on their face. I turned to Derpy, who was frowning at me, like if I had just ate her muffin. Bulk was right next to her crying his butt off like a 5 month old child. The whole class slowly shook their heads at me. Everyone took their seat back on the bleachers. As I was walking down, Aria passed by me, and tapped my shoulder. "Nice arm Arron. I missed judged you." I heard her voice telling. She just complimented me. I don't get her. I just don't get her. As the nurses arrived to take Rainbow Dash to the nurses office, couch Ace walked up to the class. "Listen up!" he said. "I'm goanna step out, no is allowed to leave the gym floor or do anything till I get back. Got it!?" The class nodded. As Ace stepped out of the gym, I began to hear the whispers of the whole class judging me. "What a freak." "I can't believe he did that." "Is Dash going to be okay?" At that point Derpy walked up to me. "Hey Arron." she said softly, "That was...uh, some arm you had their." I didn't answer. I had my face buried in my hands, blushing with embarrassment. "Are you okay?" asked Derpy. "...No." I replied, "I'm pathetic." "No you're not, you're just having an off day." "Really?" "Of course. You'll see. This is just a small case of bad luck." Maybe, Ditzy was right. I's just over exaggerating. As we sat together on the bleachers, I couldn't help but stare at Aria. Why game was she trying to play with me? I watched at the bleachers across from ours, watching Aria listening to her MP3 player. First her ordeal in art class and now she's this. I had to know what type of girl she was. I slowly stood up and walked up to her. "Arron?" asked Derpy, "where are you going?" I didn't answer. As I walked down the bleachers and across to the other bleachers the class stared. I slowly walked up the bleachers ad sat down next to Aria. She immediately noticed and looked at me. Not with delight. "Why are you here?" she asked. "Just thought I get to know you better." I replied. "What?" she replied. "Yeah, I want to talk with you." Aria looked at me with a confused face. Someone wanted to talk with her. A boy, wanting to talk with her. At first, Aria thought it was a joke. "You're kidding right?" "No, I want to talk. Tell me about yourself." I asked. The whole class was surprised to see me sitting next to one of the meanest girls in school, Aria. Aria looked at me like if I was crazy. "Are you on crack?" she asked. "Because if you are, I know a guy who can score some for you at cheap price." I laughed. "No, I'm sober. I just want to get to know you. Ya' know, like...friends." Aria froze up. "Friends? With me?" she asked. "You want to be my friend?" I nodded with a smile, and asked her about her favorite hobbies. But I just got more confused looks. "You want to be friends with me?" she kept asking. "Yes. Tell me about yourself. What's your favorite hobby?" Aria shook her head and slowly stood up. "Okay Arron. Listen to me very carefully." she said. "I...don't...like you. And I never will. So please leave me alone." At that point, I began to get confused myself. "Wait, what?" I began to question her. "What is wrong with you? What was all that awhile ago? Picking me for your team and...and, that kiss you blew me?" At that point, Aria's began to blush. "Well...I, um...Uh, um, Just because I felt like it, Okay!" At that point, I knew she had a crush on me. "Oh, I get it." I said with a smirk. "You like me, but you don't anyone to find out because it'll ruin your Bad Girl reputation!" Aria immediately panicked, got up from her seat and socked him in the chest. I gasped, and clenched my heart, as if I was having a heart attack. Her hard fist hitting me was like I had taken a bullet to the head. The whole gym class began freaking out. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" "Oh SNAP!" Aria grabbed me from my chin and lifted my face up to her. Face to face I saw the rage and fear in her eyes. "Listen to me carefully Arron." she grunted as push me down the bleachers onto the gym floor. She slowly walked down and picked up one of the dodge balls on the floor. As I slowly got and turned to her, I saw her eyeballing me with a evil like smirk. "You are nothing. And I can live without you." At that point, she threw the dodge ball at me. And the last thing I saw, was her smirk. But apparently, Coach Ace walked in as the dodge ball hit. He saw me go down, and the last thing I heard was his whistle blowing... > In the nurses office > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well that went well. Beaten up by a girl. What's going on. Where am I. Darkness. I found myself surrounded by darkness. It surrounds me all over, like a blanket. Pitch black. What's happening I...I think I'm slowly beginning to regain consciousness. The darkness is turning into blurred vision. Where am I. Wait, I...I can hear some one. "Is he okay?" "How awful." "Aria did this...Well, I'm not surprised." "Ha-Ha! Serves him right." "Rainbow Dash!" I had fully regained my vision and was conscious. It was Rainbow Dash, my friend Derpy, and two other girls. One girl pink hair and green eyes wearing a green dress bottom and white tank top. The other was a blonde and wore a cowgirl hat and boots, with farm-like attire. As I slowly picked myself up, Derpy leaned and help me sit straight. "Ow man. W-Were am I?" "You're in the nurses office." said the pink haired girl. "You were hit pretty hard." "So the Coach sent ya' here." said the girl in the cowgirl hat. Derpy shook her head. "I still can't believe she did that to you." she said, "What did you even tell her?" "Who did what to me now? Tell who what? Huh??" "Aria." said Derpy, "She punched you on the chest and then threw a dodge ball at you." "Mm-Hmm, that gal sure loves pounding people." said the girl in the cowboy hat. "Ya'll right sugar?" she asked. "Uh, Y-yes, I...I think I am...Ah, I...it surprisingly doesn't hurt." "Surprised you were able to take a hit like that and survive." said Rainbow Dash. At that point the nurse walked up to me. "Oh, good you're up." she said, "How do you feel?" "Uh? Never been better." I replied. "Good to hear. Well then Arron, you're free to go." she said. I slowly got up from the bed and slowly applied pressure to one foot. So far so good. I slowly stood on my other foot, slowly applying pressure onto it. With a little wobble, I then stood up straight, and was back on my own two feet. Derpy helped me out of the nurses office as the blonde girl and pink haired girl opened the office door for us. We were now outside of the office. I asked Derpy what had happened. "Hey, Derpy? What happened?" "I really don't know." she said, "All I know is that you decided to talks to Aria, and the next thing I knew, you were kicked to the curb." "More like ass handed to you on a silver plate." said Rainbow Dash. "Rainbow Dash." said the girl with pink hair angrily. "I'm so sorry." she said apologetically, "She's not usually like that. I'm Fluttershy by the way." "And I'm Applejack." said the blonde girl in the cowgirl. "Applejack? You mean like the-- " "Yes!" she said interrupting, "Like the drink. Its been done before, it's no longer funny." "I see. Well then, how long was I in the nurses?" "Nearly all day." said Derpy, school ends in 4 minutes." "4 MINUTES!?" I exclaimed. "Eeyup." said Applejack. "Here, we brought you your back pack and the assignments you missed." Applejack handed me a folder of paper, and my back pack. I thanked her and decided it be best to go home early. Derpy decided to walk with, so I wouldn't have to go home alone. I said good bye to Applejack and Fluttershy, and went off. Time to go home. The only place where I'm not smacked with a dodged balls or hit in the chest. As I was walking down with Derpy, we got to talking. "So, how was school?" she asked. "You were there, remember?" "Oh yeah. Well, can't blame for asking." "I guess not. So, where is your house?" I asked. "Just around the corner. And yours?" "Another 2 blocks ahead. Hey, Derpy, this Aria Blaze character...does she...does she have any friends?" Derpy paused for a moment. The she slowly turned to me with a scared look. "Don't tell me you still want to be friends with...HER" she said in disgust. "Yeah, I kind of do." "Arron, she hit and the threw a dodge ball at your face!" she reminded. "I know but, I...well, I don't really...care. I mean, there's just...something about her." "Listen Arron, don't get involved. Pleas, just don't." Derpy insisted. "I don't want you to start getting involved with bad people...Anyway, there's my house. I got to get going. See around." she said, waving good bye. I waved back and smiled. As I turned around and started walking home, I could help but think about what she was saying. "Don' get involved." "Don't get involved?" I repeated to myself. "Don't get involved with bad people. Bad people, eh Derpy?" I wasn't convinced about that. I don't think Aria is a bad girl. She's just defiant to accept that she likes me. Besides, I was going to make peace with her if it's the last thing I do... > "Welcome" home. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well that day could've gone worst. My first day of school, what was suppose to be a day of making friends and getting good grades, turned into a complete piece of crap! What the hell. It started I gym class, whit that damn girl. Aria Blaze. I didn't know much about her, nor did I do anything to her. I went to go talk her, and BOOM! She hits me with a dodge ball. And why? Why is it that I keep coming back to her and wonder...what is it about her that makes me so interested with her. Is it her mysterious behavior. The way she looks at me? Is how she dresses? Why am I so insisted to be her friend? Eh, I don't, maybe its just me. Maybe I's just being an idiot. Still, I need to make peace. Some way. Well enough of that, I'm here. Home, Sweet Home. I'll finally get some peace to forget about all of this and think of a way to apologize to Aria. Plus, I've been dying to play my new Fallout 3 game. "Mom! Dad! I'm home!" As I entered my house and walked into the living room, out of no where, without a warning, I suddenly felt my father's hand coming down and smacking me square, right in the back of my head. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN SCHOOL, SON!?" he barked. Great, as if the Dodgeball thing wasn't enough. "AH! WHAT THE HELL DAD! WHAT KIND OF "Welcome home, son" WAS THAT!" "DON'T CHANGE THE SUBJECT YOUNG MAN! YOUR PRINCIPLE CALLED!" "What?" At that point, my mother walked in and pulled my father aside. "Arron" she said softly, "The principle called us a while ago and told us something had happened." Knowing where this was going, I rolled my eyes and groaned. "Oh for the love of...YES! OKAY! I GOT MY ASS HANDED TO ME BY A WOMAN!" "ARRON!" my mom said surprisingly. She had never heard me curse like that before. "HA! SO YOU ADMIT IT!?" yelled my dad. "YES! OKAY! I ADMIT IT! I WAS Knocked OUT WITH A DODGEBALL, BY A GIRL!!" I yelled in anger. Mother pulled my father aside and asked me to sit next to her on the couch. Shit, now I got to talk about what happened. As my mom and I sat down together, my dad took a seat in the chair right across from us. He was staring at me like if I was caught with drugs. Jesus Christ dad, I was knocked out by a girl with a dodgeball, not caught in the locker-room smoking pot. "Arron" mom started, "Would you like to tell me what happened?" she asked. "NOTHING! We were playing dodgeball and I took a dodgeball to the face. End of story!" I said. "LIES!" my father shouted. "YOU DID SOMETHING TO PROVOKE HER!" "OH MY GOD DAD!" "ELLIE!" mom grunted. "Just ignore him Arron. Just tell me what happened before that. Okay? Did she have anything against you, this woman?" "No" I reassured, "We were playing DODGEBALL! And I TOOK a Dodgeball...TO! THE! FACE!" "Are you sure. You didn't do anything to her? Because principle Celestia said you provoked her in someway." my mom replied. "AH!" frustrated and angry, I began to burst with rage. "NOTHING! OKAY! NOTHING!" "Arron, sweetie, there's no need to yell." "DAMMIT! YOU WANNA KNOW! OKAY! I ASKED HER IF, I SAY, I ASKED HER IF SHE LIKED ME! SHE WAS BLOWING KISSY FACES AT ME AND I ASKED HER IF SHE LIKED ME! YOU HAPP MOM! I GOT KO'D FOR BE GORGEOUS!! THERE, I SAID IT!" After I had my little temper tantrum, all went silent. Mom was just sitting there with a blank emotionless face. My dad was shocked. I swore, he doing the Bad Poker Face. Dad slowly got up from the chair and slowly walked over to the kitchen. At that point mom slowly took a deep breath in and turned to me. "Arron" she said. She was about to finish her sentence when all of a sudden, we heard dad's voice screaming out from the kitchen. "I KNEW IT! MY SON'S A SOCIALLY AWKWARD FREAK!" I quickly got from the sofa and went to my bedroom. Well that was sure as hell was the most awkward and disturbing "Welcome Home" I ever got from my parents. I didn't even let my mom finish talking to me. "Arron, wait. I need to tell you some-- ." She was cut off as I walked out of the living room and went upstairs. As I threw my backpack on my computer chair, took my sweater, and jumped on my bed, I began to think about her. Aria Blaze. That one name that can't seem to leave my head. What was it about her that made her so...appealing? What do I see in her. What makes me comeback to every time? I mean, she's a dick to the whole school. She has some weird rivalry with that rainbow haired lesbian tomboy girl at school. And since I first met her, I was scratched, and now, she pounds in the face in the dodgeball, after she punches me in the upper chest. Still...there was something...just something about her that makes go back. What is this feeling, so sudden and new? I felt it that moment I laid eyes on you. My pulse is rushing! My head is reeling! My Face is Flushing! GOD DAMMIT, WHAT IS THIS FEELING! I guess the only way I'm going to get some answers is if I get some sleep and confront Aria in class tomorrow. I highly doubt she'll talk to me, but, it's worth a shot. I sure just hope that no one in school will bring up the dodgeball thing. > Confronting Today. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next morning I woke up early. Really early. It was 5 am. I got dressed, packed up my back pack and slowly went down stairs to make myself breakfast. I didn’t want to wake my parents up, so I crept as slowly as possible. I wanted to walk to school alone, and I knew my parents wouldn’t let me. My mom has always drove me to school, but I know for a fact if I let her, she’ll want to continue bringing up my incident with Aria, and I wasn’t in the mood to relive last night. Good my dad leaves for work at 4, so I only have one parent to deal with. I slowly crept down the stairs, trying very hard not to make noise, as I slowly tiptoed and made my way to the living-room. Unfortunately, my parent’s own a wooden stair case. And every wooden stair case has that one squeaky board that squeaks as loudly as possible no matter how soft you step on it. I quickly stopped in my tracks. “Damn!” I whispered to myself, slowly taking one step back. I knew that next step was that stupid little squeaky step. But I had to get to the kitchen. Slowly I stepped back down; turning back to see if my mom was awake, I slowly placed one foot on the step. The squeaky, squeaky step. As I picked my foot up and slowly leaned forward, resting it on the step of the stairs, well what do you know, it happened. SQEEEEEEAK! I flinched. As I was biting my lip, I quickly turned around to see if that had woken up mother. Luckily it didn’t. I could, hear her softly snoring in her room. I was relieved. “That was close” I thought to myself, as I wiped the sweat from my forehead. I made my down the last 2 steps, and finally was in the living-room. I slowly made my way to the door and placed one hand on the handle and another on the lock-switch. I slowly pushed the door forward and twisted the lock slowly to avoid it making a click. I opened the door and placed one foot outside. As I slowly turned back, I smiled and quickly headed out the door. As I shut the door behind me, I took the spear key my mother keeps under the welcome mat, and I closed and locked the door. Mission Accomplished. Of course, that was the easy part. The hard part was still ahead of me. Walking back to school to face the music. After sprinting away from my house, I casually meandered through the city. It felt like there were thousands of butterflies whirling around in my stomach. What do I say? Do? Feel? "Why didn't I just stay home?" "Why?" "Oh, right. Mother...Uuugh!" I continued walking down the street, making my way to CHS. Just another 3 blocks, which felt like almost 3 miles. I felt as if though the people who were walking by me were staring at me. A million little eyes that won't stop following you. I was getting nervous. I need to calm down. After all, what are the odds that people will even remember "Yesterday's Event"? Well, I finally got to CHS. As I crossed the street and made my way up to the front of the school, I could see my best friend, Ditzy Doo, A.K.A. Derpy, leaning by the side of the statue in the center of the courtyard. She noticed me walking towards her way, and smiled. She waved at me, to my response, I smiled and waved back. "Arron, Your back!" she exclaimed, jumping up and down with joy. "I thought you were going to skip today..." she said. "Skip? Why would I do that?" I asked her. "You know, cause of..." "Oh that?" I said rolling my eyes at her. It looks like people still do remember. "That was really bold Arron. No has ever talked t a Dazzlings since...the Battle of the Bands event?" Ditzy said, whispering into my ear. There it was again. What was all this about the Battle of the Bands? What was it about Aria and her Dazzling friends that everyone is going on about. But I really didn't care. All I wanted to know was why the hell Aria knocked me out rather than tell me truth. Does she love me!? I told Ditzy I wasn't done speaking with her, and I intended to try again. "Are you nuts!" Ditzy shouted, "After yesterday, you still want to try and make friends with her?" "Oh course" I replied back with a smile, "I need to know." "Know what?" asked Ditzy. I wondered if I should tell her about Aria, and the way she was winking and blowing kisses at me during gym. But I decided it was best to keep that hidden. "Nothing Ditzy. Don't even worry about it." I said with a nervous expression on my face. Derpy stared back at me with suspicion. She knew I had something up my sleeve. But she didn't know what. "Okay Arron." she said with a squint in her eyes. As she turned around and walk away, she slowly pointed at me, and then using her two fingers pointed to her eyes. Oh crap, I know what that means. She's watching me. Of course, I wasn't worried. It's just Derpy. What are the odds? As I walked down the courtyard and up the steps of the school to the front entrance, I overheard some students talking about something. Something interesting...ME. "Shh, that's him! That's the guy." I heard them whisper. "That's him?" "Pff, no wonder Aria knocked his lights out." Well, it looks it was time to face the music. I walked into the school and made my way down the lobby to the freshmen wing. As I walked down the hallway trying to find my locker, I kept hearing whispers coming from every student that passed by. Everywhere I went I kept hearing, That's him, that's the boy, that's Mr. Dodgeball, and Blah, Blah, Blah. Well, it could've been worst. Mom could've drove me to school, and given me...The Talk. As I reached my Locker and turned the dials to my lock, I heard a familiar voice behind me. As I slowly turned back, I couldn't believe my eyes. It was, guess who, Aria Blaze and her friends. Looks like faith keeps poking fun at me. First I share Art and Gym class with her, now I find out her locker is across from mine. Now was my chance. I could talk to her again. I looked around to make sure no one comings or looking. I took a deep breath in, and slowly began walking towards her. Her friends immediately noticed me. They all turned around and stared. "Ah, its you." said the girl with the orange frizzy hair. "You're that Arron guy, right?" "Yes." I replied with a confident tone of voice. "I need to speak with Aria." The girl moved aside. There I was now, face-to-face with her again. Aria Blaze. I was happy to see her again. But from the expression on her face, I could tell she wasn't feeling the same about seeing me. "Oh, hey." she replied. "Hey." I replied with a nervous smile. "Listen, about yesterday..." "Save it." said Aria interrupting me, "I know." "What?" "Hey, you guys mind if I speak with Arron, in Privet?" Aria asked her friends. "Ugh, If you must." replied the orange haired girl. "Oh I get it." said her perky blue and purple haired friend with a wink. "Ugh, I don't mean it like that Sonata." said Arai. So that was her name. Sonata. But I didn't really care. I was more interested in the fact that Aria wanted to talk to me in privet. What did she meant by that. I was nervous. "Whatever, Aria." said her friend with the orange hair. "Just do what you need to do. We'll be in the library." As the two walked off, Aria leaned in towards me and whispered in my ear. "Follow me" she whispered. Uh-oh, usually when a girl asks someone to follow her, it can't be good. Well, on the bright side, at least I was finally going to talk to her. I followed Aria down the hallway to an empty room by the end of the hall. I walked in, shaking in fear. After Aria closed the door, she grabbed me by the shoulder and turned me towards here. We were now face to face. "Good. Now no one will be able to see this." she said with an evil-like grin. "Wait what!?" I knew it, she's trying to kill me! Why did I follow her Why did I trust her!? WHY DIDN'T I STAY AWAY!? WHY DID-- Just then, It happened. Something I never expected. Without warning, she grabbed my arm and pulled me towards her. As sudden as the whole dodgeball event was, I never expected this. Towards her she pulled me. This was something I never expected to happen. And especially so sudden. Especially with the whole event from yesterday. Why all of sudden now. I can't believe it. She... She Kissed Me... > She kissed me...What is this Feeling? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My hands tightened as I slowly felt myself getting warmer. My pulse was rushing, my face was blushing; my eyes were wide open. I felt a burning heat coming from my body. My arms tightening harder and harder with every second. Whatever was happening to me, it was something I never felt before. I felt heavy, feverish, and yet, really good. Aria's arms slowly reached out and began to touch me. I felt her hands tightly gripping my back. Her fingernails scratching away at me. And then I felt her hands slowly sliding down from by back down to my lower body. And suddenly, I felt a tight pinching coming from my backside. My butt...she was groping my butt. I felt scared, and horrified, but yet, so ecstatic. I didn't what was happening, but I think I was enjoying it. Aria then slowly pulled away from me. We were now face-to-face with each other. I began to breathe heavily. The expression of confusion and shock were imprinted on my face. Aria smiled at me as her hands slowly went back up my spine wrapped around shoulders. She hen leaned in closer to me again. A shiver ran down my back as she whispered into my ear. "Appelle moi" Aria then slipped a piece of paper into my pocket, and exited the room. She told me not another world. Appelle moi? What the hell did that mean? I just stood there for a while. I don't know what that was, but...it was definitely was something different. I felt something I never felt before. At this point the school bell rang. I knew that meant first period was about to begin. I quickly got my head out of the clouds as I turned to look at my watch. 8:21. First block was in 9 minutes. "Whelp, better get going." I walked out of the room and made for my first block class when I suddenly realized something. I forgot my class schedule. What's my first block class? WHERE is my first block Class!? Oh great, now I have to visit Principle Celestia and ask her for another copy. This day just kept getting better. As I walked over to the Principle's office, I ended up running to someone. Someone I met before. It was that pinked haired girl I saw at gym and nurses office. *Thump! "Ouch!" "Oh, sorry" I said, "I didn't see you there." "Oh no it's..." she froze in her speech as she made eye contact with me. The she slowly spoke again, "Hey, its you." "Oh, hey, uh...F-Fluttershy was it?" "That's correct." she replied wit a soft voice. We were then interrupted by the girl with rainbow hair. Rainbow Dash I think. I didn't know much about the two. I could only assume they were either close friends or REALLY "Close Friends". Not wanting to sound stereotypical or anything, but she does have Rainbow colored hair, and she behaves and dresses pretty tomboyish. Either that's a huge coincidence, or you know... "Hey Fluttershy! Who you talking to?" "Oh uh..." "Hey...It's you!" said Rainbow Dash, "Your the Dodgeball boy!" "Yes. I'm the dodgeball boy. (Wow. That came up again quickly.)" "Oh man, dude! Every one is talking about you." RD continued, "I don't know what you said to that Dazzling freak, but man, It must have been completely harsh if she smacked your face with a dodgeball." "Rainbow Dash!" shouted Fluttershy, "Stop reminding him. He probably feels bad enough." "Sorry, I can't help it." she replied. "It was too damn FUNNY!!" Rainbow knelt to the ground laughing. God, what a bitch! I feel bad for Fluttershy. If they really are dating, then she's dating total A-Hole. "Whatever" I replied, "I need to get going anyway. I have to see Principle Celestia about my schedule." "What about your schedule?" asked Fluttershy. "I uh, misplaced it." I replied. "Oh I see." "Well, In that case, we won't stop ya." said Rainbow Dash as she grabbed Fluttershy by her arm. "Come on Flutter's, were late for Geometry." Anyway, after that encounter, I continued making my way to the principles office. As I walked down the hallway, I couldn't get pass what just happened between me and Aria in the empty room earlier. What was that. And why...what she did to me was uncalled for, but yet...I loved it. The sudden rush, the feeling of suspense and arousal. They way her lips felt against mine. The way she just suddenly grouped my ass and pinched. Her tongue inside my mouth. It was like, how she scratched me back during art class. I began to walk faster. Gripping my hands tightly, I began to feel my face burning like fever. I began breathing heavily again. What was happening? I...I remember everything. How it felt. Her face, the smell of her hair. Her lips against mine. Her tongue inside my mouth, rubbing against mine. Her fingers scratching at my back. I...wanted to feel it again. What! No! I can't. No. NO! "AH!" All of sudden, I felt myself kneeling on the floor. My throat was closing. I gasped for air as I suddenly began to sweat. And before I knew it, I felt a shiver running down from my nose. Rushing down and the drip. Blood? Am...Am I bleeding from my nose. I got on all fours. My nose slowly dripped blood. Then, I felt someone's hand behind me. I quickly got up and turned to look behind me. It was Ditzy. She stared at me with panic and placed her hands on my shoulder, shaking back and fourth. "Arron! ARRON! CAN YOU HEAR ME!!!" she screamed in a panic. "AH! DITZY!" I shouted, "I BLEEDING FROM MY NOSE, NOT GOING DEAF!!" "Ditzy, stop!" a voice from behind me said, "Your making it worst." The voice turned out to coming from a rather tall man with dark brown spikey hair. He wore a brown trench coat with an Hourglass pin on it, a blue tie, and white dress shirt. "Are you alright young man?" he asked. "Uh, yeah, I...I think I am." "Doc, quick, help me get him to the nurse!" said Ditzy. Ditzy and "Doc", I assumed since that's what she called him, helped me up and walked me over to the nurses office. Was it just me or, was it pretty convenient that they just happened to show up when I needed them. Doc and Ditzy walked me inside and sat on one of the spear seats while the nurse signed me in. "Oh no, him again" said the nurse with disappointment. "Him again!? What a bitch!" I though to myself. As I laid back on a bed Ditzy asked me what happened. I didn't know how to respond. What was I going to tell her. "I don't know" I said. "I just don't know." Ditzy placed her hand on my forehead. "Arron, you're burning up! And your nose is bleeding!" Ditzy was worried. I've never seen her so worried about me before. Why. We're not even that close to each other yet. Doc walked up behind her as she continued to check me for fever. "That's enough Ditzy, you're overwhelming the poor guy" he said. "Are you alright son?" he continued. "Yeah, I'm fine." I replied. "Good, you're lucky we found you." he said with a smile. "Alright, I'll net the nurses do there job now. Come one Ditzy. Don't want to be late for Chemistry, do you?" Doc and Ditzy left the room as the nursed walked up to examine me. She had a less than pleased look on her face. "Well, I'm pretty bumped to see you here again. Dodgeball boy." Again with this crap. Come on! Anyway, the nurse took my temperature and blood pressure. Afterward, she handed me some strips of gauze to stop the bleeding in my nose. Then, she took a ice pack from the freezer and wrapped in paper towels. And placed it over my forehead. "A temperature of 103 Mr. Canvas" she said as she began to rub the ice pack around my forehead. "What happened." I didn't know what to tell the nurse. What was I going to say. How was I going to say it. I don't even know why it happened. I just remembered something that happened to me not to long ago and POOF, instant fever and nose bleed! I don't understand! Why did this...Was it her? I couldn't get pass it. And that thing she whispered to me as well. "Appelle moi". Just then I remembered something else that happened. She placed something in my pocket. It was a piece of paper. I slowly reached into my pocket and pulled out a small piece of torn notebook paper. It read a number. "332-9801". A number. Could this meant what I thought it meant? "Hello! Arron! I'm talking to you!" repeated the nurse. "How did this happen?" "...I don't Know?" I replied. "I Don't Know?"