> Homesick > by SkycatcherEQ > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Singular Act of Compassion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Awe…some.” Rainbow Dash squealed as she and the others dropped their luggage in the spacious main room of an ocean-front villa. She fished a set of workout clothes from her duffel bag and bounded toward the bathroom, shoes echoing across the hardwood floor. “Dibs!” Rarity stood motionless, and speechless, her hands still hanging at her sides. At Sonata's mention of her own private bedroom, she shook her head slowly and blinked. “Y-yes. ‘Right this way,’ you say?” Following Aria and Sonata down the hall, she craned her neck for one last, longing glance at the full-length windows and vaulted ceiling. “I… shall be back in a moment.” Adagio crossed her arms and grinned widely to herself. Just as expected. She turned toward the front door as Sunset brought in the last of their bags and set them down. Sunset’s jaw dropped just as Rarity’s had. “Holy damn, Dagi, this is amaz—” She was mmph’d to a soft moan by a long, forceful kiss. “I know...” Adagio winked as she drew away, trailing a finger under her dazed lover’s chin. In a sultry tone, she whispered, “Now, get changed. I can’t wait to see.” Adagio picked up a small bag from the pile and then with her other hand smacked Sunset across the ass, evoking a yelp. She chuckled to herself as she strutted down the hall to the master bedroom. So worth it. *** Light from the rising sun filtered through the vertical blinds of the master suite, casting thin shafts across the king-sized bed. The soft light, and the observation that nothing in the room had changed since she'd last rented this villa, afforded Adagio a feeling of tranquility. Setting her bag on the bed, she took a relaxed breath and pulled out her purple swimsuit. While a one-piece, the suit had long been her favorite. It had been custom fitted to stroke around her figure in a way that both revealed and accented her personal, individual shape. As Adagio undressed, Sunset huffed through the door and heaved her suitcase onto the foot of the bed. She looked around the room and then peeked out through the blinds. “Man, this place really is sweet.” Adagio hip-bumped Sunset and flicked the purple one-piece against her chest with a raised eyebrow. “Just wait until you see the view from the patio.” “Right, heh.” Sunset returned to the bed and pitched an assortment of clothing out of her suitcase before locating her two-piece suit. She kicked off both boots, dropped her jacket to the floor and lifted her shirt. Adagio laughed softly and shook her head with a sigh. Oh, I have so much work to do. “Sunset, dearest. Moments like this are meant to be savored.” Sunset stopped mid-motion and looked at her. “Hmm?” Adagio gathered up the jacket and bikini, pressed both to Sunset’s chest, and shuffled her off toward the attached bathroom. Pushing her inside, she closed the door behind her and called, “Get changed in there, let me know when you’re ready, and we’ll do this right.” There was a laugh from the other side of the door. “I think someone’s been spending a bit too much time with Rarity.” Adagio chuckled as she finished removing her clothes and then folded them neatly on the bed. She slipped into her suit, and while fitting it around her curves, Sunset announced that she was ready for the reveal. Adagio sat down on the edge of the bed facing the bathroom door and crossed her legs. “Alright then, let’s see it.” The door opened slowly, and Sunset stepped out, sporting a dark grey suit with teal accents—and a light blush. Adagio placed one hand to her chin. With an appraising look, she lifted the other and twirled her wrist. Sunset’s blush deepened. She looked down at the floor and did a full turn. “I like this very much.” Adagio stood and traced two fingers down both sides of Sunset’s waistline. “Sporty… yet subtle enough to compliment your figure without drawing too much attention from it.” She brushed her hands against Sunset's arms and kissed her lightly on the cheek, bringing out goosebumps and a quiet 'mmm'. “Suits you well.” Sunset nuzzled Adagio's ear. “Thank you.” She wrapped her in slow hug, and with a half-lidded look whispered, “You look nice, too.” “Mmm-hmm.” “However…” Adagio said after a few moments, pulling away and breaking the tender silence. “The sun is shining, and I promised you that view. Now let’s go.” Sunset stepped back. Grinning with a flash in her eyes, she bowed and motioned toward the door. “After you.” Adagio swayed past with a sideways glance and—as expected—watched Sunset’s hand swing low to repay the gesture from earlier. Evading with a deft sidestep, she winked over her shoulder before rounding the corner into the hall. “Better luck next time.” She heard Sunset’s laugh from inside the room. “Oh, I will…” *** Stepping through the sliding door, Adagio held up a hand as her eyes adjusted to the sunlight and caught a glimpse of Sunset doing the same. “You two sure were gone for a while,” snickered Rainbow. Rarity cleared her throat with a warning glare. “What have we learned?” Dash tossed her frisbee up in the air and caught it. “Right, right… Sorry.” “Oh, it’s quite alright,” said Adagio, waving her hand dismissively. “But, ‘no.’” She glanced at Sunset with a wink. “Not yet.” Sunset brushed her fingers on the small of Adagio's back with a look that said the others weren't meant to notice. She then walked up and placed both hands on the balcony ledge. Taking in a deep breath, she ahhh’d as her shoulders fell. “You really were right, Adagio. This view doesn’t disappoint.” “I’m happy to hear.” Adagio stepped up next to Sunset and looked out over the waves. Below, on the beach, Sonata rested face-down on a towel with her top undone while Aria walked down the shoreline ankle-deep in the water. She watched as the water splashed around Aria's feet with each step. Her feet… Adagio looked back toward the horizon and closed her eyes with a slow exhale. Not fins. Not a tail. But feet. ‘We are creatures of savage beauty and majesty…’ Those words from her bitter months following their shattering flooded in as a wave rolled across the shore below, and Adagio shivered despite the warmth of the sun. I know we’re in a better place now. She glanced over at Sunset. I know I don’t want to go back to the way things were. But oh, to feel that majesty again… Turning to the waves once more, Adagio longed for the sensation of coursing through the depths, of the water parting as she glided along. The unfettered freedom. The sparkling beauty of the undersea landscape. All of that, now lost to them. Lost. She stepped back and walked over to the side ledge, leaning on her elbows with a steadying breath. She heard a flustered yell from Sonata below, but trained her focus on the rocky cliffside farther up the beach. A rising-tone debate between Rainbow and Rarity was swallowed by the sound of the surf. She closed her eyes and made an attempt to recall that feeling of freedom, to imagine herself—fins and all—gliding through the water as its vibrancy shimmered all around her. But the images in her mind were all shrouded in fog. Every memory of the ocean that drifted in was of looking out over the surface of this world’s oceans—their waters devoid of any mystical life or magic. Adagio lowered her head as her thoughts, and her eyes, began to quiver. She felt Sunset’s hands rest over her own. “Hey… What’s wrong?” “Noth—It’s nothing.” Adagio turned away and let out a breath, attempting to dry her eyes without Sunset noticing. “Nice try. What happened to miss full-of-herself from earlier?” Sunset turned Adagio by the chin, lowering her own head to look her in the eyes. “Please? What’s wrong?” Adagio closed her eyes as she grasped her upper arms. Where do I even start? I just don’t… She breathed in deeply and exhaled. “I don’t know why.” She stood up and took a step away, again wiping her eyes with a palm. “Why now? I’ve been to the ocean so many times. Looked out from this balcony so many times.” Turning back toward Sunset, she crossed her arms and looked down at the deck between them. “And then our two weeks on that cruise… Why is this just now hitting me?” “I… don’t understand.” “I can’t remember, Sunset!” Adagio stepped forward and struck the bottom of her fists against Sunset’s chest as she blinked back tears. “Equestria. Its oceans. Our home! It’s been so long…” Letting out a heavy breath, she opened her palms over Sunset’s shoulders and leaned into her. “I can’t remember.” For a few moments, the two stood together. Sunset’s arms encircled her. The shoulder Adagio was leaning on rose and fell with a deep breath. “I don’t… Adagio.” Sunset tightened her hug. “I’m sorry.” There was a startled, “Rainbow Dash! I said I am not—” followed by the shuffling of feet as the patio door slid open and then closed again. Adagio looked over toward the now-empty chair where Dash and Rarity had been. Her spirit brightened a little at Rainbow's gesture. Thank you… Drying her eyes again, she led Sunset by the hand over to sit side by side. She turned to face the water but let her eyes go unfocused. “They’re just… gone. There’s nothing left but this fog where my memories used to be. I suppose they’ve been drifting away for some years now. With our drive to get back to Equestria, my focus was always on the future, and those memories just weren’t as important. But now, without that future…” Adagio looked down at her hand holding Sunset’s. “They were all I had left of home. Why am I just now noticing that they’re gone?” Sunset leaned her forehead against Adagio's. “I wish I had the answers. Or even knew what to say.” “I wouldn’t expect you to. But this is helping… Thank you. I just have to accept that they’re gone. I know there’s no going back now. And really—” she lifted Sunset’s hand to her lips and closed her eyes. “—that’s alright.” Sunset took both of Adagio’s hands in her own and squeezed gently. She remained silent while looking down at them. “So much for our wonderful weekend, huh?” Adagio sniffed and laughed halfheartedly. “It’s alright. Maybe it was just time for you to work through all of this. And I am here for you, whatever it takes.” Adagio nodded and sat up straight. “But now, we have the whole day ahead of us. Care to go for a swim?” Sunset smiled and squeezed her hands again. “Lead the way.” *** Aria swatted Sonata’s hand with a pair of chopsticks as it reached for the last unopened take-out box. “Ow! Meanie…” “That’s Sunset’s, porky. Leave it.” With a pout, Sonata crossed her arms and grumbled something about “uneaten” and “statute of limitations.” Rarity employed a napkin as a makeshift glove and began collecting the empty cartons. “Is she still in the shower?” “Was wondering the same,” Adagio replied. “She should have been out half an hour ago. I’ll go check on her.” She walked down the hall and then slowly opened the door to find Sunset at the writing desk in her bathrobe, hunched over an open book with her hair up in a ponytail. Mmmmh. You're so beautiful when you get like this… “Hey,” Adagio said softly, closing the door. “Everything alright? You missed dinner.” Sunset raised her index finger in a ‘just a moment’ gesture as she pored over a script that was glowing onto the page letter by letter. As Sunset penned her visibly excited response, a pang of jealously fluttered in Adagio’s stomach. The feeling was quickly pushed aside by guilt, and she mentally shook herself. That’s ridiculous. Stop being stupid. “Alright.” Sunset closed the book and held it to her chest as she stood up. “Sorry I missed dinner, but…” With a broad smile and a light wiggle of her shoulders, she hopped onto the bed and then sat on her ankles, knees together, still clutching the book. “Come up here.” Adagio raised an eyebrow, but then did as requested. She faced toward Sunset and mirrored her pose. “Okay. So…” Sunset pursed her lips and looked down to the side, appearing to weigh her options for how to proceed. “You would probably say that things like this should be explained slowly. But I kinda want to just put it right out there… but then maybe I should ease into it. Or—” “Sunset,” Adagio interrupted with a touch on her forearm. “Deep breath. Whatever you think is best; just take your time. You know, I might have thought to be worried, but… this does appear to be good news?” Sunset nodded as she took the prescribed breath, the smile never leaving her face. “Alright. What you said earlier really got me thinking. That stuff about missing home, and wishing you could remember that feeling… just one more time?” Adagio’s breath caught in her throat. Her eyes fell to the book clutched in Sunset’s arms. She can’t mean… That’d be absurd… Impossible. She looked up again at the glowing smile on Sunset’s face. Could it? Sunset uncrossed her arms and held the book between both hands, all the while looking into Adagio’s eyes. “Well… What if I told you I could make that happen? Like a… vacation of sorts. Just for a few days. To renew some of those memories, just you and me?” Adagio nearly choked on the breath she’d been holding as she fell forward on one hand. "Wh-whoa!" Sunset dropped the book and caught her by the shoulders. “Hey.” “I-I just need a moment.” Adagio turned and slid her legs off the side of the bed, sitting up and taking a number of steadying breaths. “Y-You’re serious about this,” she whispered hoarsely, shaking her head. After all this time… Could this really happen? Sunset crawled over to sit next to her and wrapped an arm around her waist. “Yes. That’s why I’ve been in here so long. I guess I lost track of time. I’ve been discussing the logistics with Twilight, and we both think that it could actually work.” “Sunset, I…” Adagio placed both palms on her knees. She stared down at the floor as strained tears rolled down each cheek. In a soft voice, she whispered, “For hundreds and… hundreds of years we’ve tried to… And now. You’re just…” She lowered her face to her hands and focused on her breathing. “Yes. If you think it’d help.” Adagio again shook her head, scarcely able to believe this was real. And here, my first thought at seeing you so absorbed in that journal was… She cupped her hands around her face even tighter. Gah. Just what was happening here? Over all the years, the centuries. Two goals—adoration, and home. The path may have strayed, but it had never deviated. But then in the end, the magic and the manipulation—had failed. Spectacularly. And now this girl sitting next to her. This young, brilliant, marvelous girl—the very one who had shattered her, even. Fulfilling both of those longings. Aspirations that hundreds of years of scheming had failed to realize, now offered freely as a singular act of compassion. What in the stars did I do to deserve you? Adagio sat up again and rubbed her eyes, and then the sides of her face. She straightened her shoulders and placed both hands in her lap as she let out a long breath. Looking down at the floor, she said quietly, “Sunset… I love you. You have no idea what this means to me.” “I hope to, though… Soon.” Sunset wrapped both arms around Adagio and leaned her head on her shoulder. “And I love you, too.” She laughed softly. “So it sounds like we have some planning to do, hm?” Adagio closed her eyes, leaned her head against Sunset’s and nodded. Home. > Of Satchels and Solicitude > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adagio giggled at the narrow sheet of paper she’d picked up from Sunset’s desk. “A checklist… My, my. Aren’t we thorough.” “Hush, you. Heh.” Sunset rummaged through her closet, tossing some motocross knee pads and a couple of shirts out onto the floor. “Being a little organized up front saves on the headaches later.” Adagio leaned to the side as a pair of jeans sailed from the closet onto Sunset’s disheveled twin bed. Returning to the desk, she tugged at a bra strap hanging from the pile of unwashed laundry on the chair. Yes, heh… ‘Organized.’ Noting that the rest of the room was in no better a state, she pushed the clothes to the floor with a shrug and took a seat. “What are you looking for in there, anyway?” Adagio angled to the left and bit her lip at the view of Sunset’s rear-end bobbing up and down as she dug around the closet floor. “Hmm, actually…” She flexed the list between both hands with a grin. “Let me see if I can guess.” She cleared her throat and began reciting. “Do laundry.” She chuckled. “Hmm. Bits stash. Perhaps… Satchel. Ooh, maybe… Out of town notice to clients… Give journal to Rarity… Explain things to… Aria and Sonata.” Her voice trailed off. “Final safeguards with Twilight… Discuss precautions with Adagio.” Her smile faded. “Oh…” She lifted her eyes again to see Sunset looking back at her with her cheek resting on the edge of the closet door. “Yeah. There are a few things we need to talk about still.” Sunset paced over and sat against the desk. “And I was looking for this.” She handed Adagio a tightly-woven dark cloth satchel. “This was the saddlebag I had with me when I first jumped through the mirror in the castle. It came out looking like this. And having made the trip again, I know for sure that whatever’s inside comes through, unlike our clothing. Seems any sort of shoulder bag or satchel from here acts the same way. Twi tested it.” “So whatever we take with us needs to fit inside a pair of these.” “Right.” Adagio handed the bag back to Sunset. “I have… something that should work.” She let out a breath and hunched forward, looking down again at the checklist between both hands. “‘Final safeguards,’ huh?” “That’s… part of why we want to wait for giving Aria and Sonata their chance.” Sunset knelt down and crossed her forearms on Adagio’s lap. “We need to be ready to help you in case anything goes wrong. And if so, having to tend to only one of you instead of all three…” “There is some sense in that, yes.” “Luna and Celestia will be there too, ready to help .” Adagio turned to the side with a dispassionate laugh. “Or to ‘safeguard the realm’ from the monster that’s landing on their doorstep.” “Dagi… You know it’s not like that. Twilight’s met you.” “I know…” She crossed her arms and exhaled. “But still, there’s no way of knowing what’ll happen when I get—or even if I get—my old form back. Whatever that bearded dustbag did to us didn’t involve your portal. Will it even know how to translate us properly?” Sunset lowered her eyes and bit the side of her lip. “Well, whatever he did gave you the same forms as the portal’s magic. So we don’t expect anything life-threatening. It’s just… we know so little about your gems.” She looked back up at Adagio. “Have you thought about what might happen to you over there without them?” Adagio closed her eyes. She took a long breath as a chill settled in around her. Her words that followed felt slow, almost distant. “There was a time in our lives before those gems. So I’m certain we’ll be fine again without them.” She opened her eyes again slowly, and was met by Sunset’s endearing look of academic curiosity. With a small laugh, she felt her smile return. “You know I love it when you make that face. However…” She sighed and ran a gentle hand through Sunset’s hair before the smile faded again. “I’m sorry. I just don’t feel like talking about this right now.” “It’s alright. I won’t pry.” Sunset offered a soft smile of her own, and a bit of warmth flickered back to life within the room. “I want so much to tell you everything, but… another time, alright?” Adagio leaned forward and kissed her on the forehead. She sat up again and ruffled the edge of the checklist with her thumb and finger. “But now, back to this. I expect that, not being anywhere near open water, getting around may be a bit of a problem. Our ability for flight was part of the gems’ magic. So without them…” “Well, Twilight has an idea for that, if it comes to it. We’ll just have to see what happens first.” Adagio nodded. “And then you.” She rubbed her hands on Sunset’s shoulders. “You must be a bit nervous about seeing Celestia again.” Sunset lowered her eyes. “A little, yeah. But to be honest, it’s a lot easier than it would have been without that letter. I’m more excited than worried, actually.” Sunset rested her chin on her folded arms and smiled up at Adagio. “Have I thanked you again for that lately?” Adagio laughed as she brushed aside a few strands of Sunset’s hair. And I’m sure she’s just as excited to see you too. Her happy expression faded, though, and she found herself looking down at the floor behind Sunset. Of course, there’ll be no one there waiting for me. Not in that way, at least. “Hey…” Sunset said softly, tracing the back of her fingers along Adagio’s arm. “You’re making that face again. What’s up?” Adagio let out a breath. “It’s just… other than the two princesses, there’s no one alive who'd even remember me, let alone be happy to see me. It’s been so many years. I’m sure all that’s left of us now are the old myths. And there’s hardly anything positive there… Hmmph. I can just imagine the looks I’d get… Fear? Disgust? ‘What is that thing?’” She lowered her forehead into Sunset’s hair and took another long breath. “Am I really sure I want to do this?” “Well… Twilight’s idea that I mentioned. She has some experience with polymorphic magic. We could give you the form of a mare, but then…” Adagio sat back up. “But then, what I’ve been longing for the most is to feel the water again. And I know. Hooves aren’t exactly suited for swimming.” “I’m sorry.” Sunset took Adagio’s hands in her own and closed her eyes. “I know this seemed so exciting at first.” “Sunset. Listen to me.” Adagio waited until Sunset met her eyes. “That you even thought to share this with me is… It fulfilled a dream that goes beyond anything we might experience over there. Making this journey with you is what’s important to me now.” She moved her hands around Sunset’s and squeezed gently. “We’ll just take each step as we get to it.” Sunset nodded. She stood up and gave Adagio’s hands a gentle tug. Adagio stood as well, and the two of them shared a tender kiss. “Now to tell Aria and Sonata what’s up. I hope they take it well.” They collected their purses, and Sunset switched off the light as she walked out of the bedroom behind Adagio. “You’ve all come a long way. I think they’ll understand. And I really want to give them a chance at this too when we get back.” They continued outside onto the terrace. Sunset locked the apartment door and led Adagio down the steps. “And then… with everything we're gonna learn from this trip about how to make things better next time, I’d say they’re actually getting the better end of the deal, heh.” Adagio laughed as she fished out her car keys. “You and your solid logic.” When Sunset looked back over her shoulder, Adagio added with a mock pout, “Leaves no room for a rousing debate…” *** “You’re gonna what?” Aria’s sandwich halted midway between her plate and mouth. “Wait, she can do that?” Sonata turned from Adagio to Sunset with a wide-eyed look before an even wider smile spread to match. “We can do that?” Her rising energy state manifested into a rhythmic seat-bouncing, accompanied by a “Gheeeeeeee,” and it continued until quelled by Aria’s hand resting over hers. “Yes… We think.” Sunset covered her mouth with a short laugh. Composing herself again, she went on. “We’re still a bit unsure of how some things’ll work. We know at first there will be some… inconveniences, since Adagio says you won’t be able to fly without the gems.” “Yeah, that’s right.” Aria leaned back in her chair. “Huh…” She shook her head with a small grin. “First time I’ve even thought about this, honestly. Never would have imagined.” Adagio placed a hand over Aria’s and squeezed gently. Aria rolled her hand over and returned the grip with a smile. Sunset folded her hands on the table. “And then on the off chance that something does go wrong, Twilight and I thought it best if just one of you goes through the first time. Which is why I was thinking of taking Dagi with me. And then once we’re sure of how everything works, you two can make a trip of your own. Or… even with all four of us, if you want.” “You’re willing to do that, Adagio?” Aria turned to look at her. “Guinea-pig mode this, I mean.” “I got you girls into this, so… yes. This is something I need to do.” Aria took a long breath through her nose and then blew it back out. “Alright. You better come back safe though.” She gave Adagio a stern look, but then tacked on a wink. “We need our turn at this.” “Ohmygosh, ohmy-gosh.” Sonata hugged Aria’s upper arm. “I mean, my shiny dress was one thing, but to actually have our scales again, and feel the water, and… Ghehehe.” “Yes. We’ll see,” Adagio noted. “Like Sunset said, it won’t be quite that simple. But I think we’ll learn enough from this first go to make the next trip even better for you guys.” “So when are you going?” Sonata asked. “Sunday morning,” Adagio replied. “So we’ve got another day to get ready, and for Sunset to finish working things out with Twilight.” “As excited as I am about this, it is still a little scary.” Sunset leaned over and put her arm around Adagio, resting her head on her shoulder. “It’s just all this uncertainty with you guys… and then my own reasons too.” “I know what you mean.” Adagio rubbed Sunset's hand that held her other shoulder. “But now… let’s eat. And then I’ll get you home. We’ve got quite a day tomorrow to get everything ready.” *** Saturday had come, and yet was already nearly gone. Adagio had taken Sunset for an early morning coffee date. They had shared some extended journal time with Twilight and then finished off with a round of errands. The afternoon, meanwhile, had been reserved for a final stretch of one-on-one time at Sunset’s apartment. Had been. Sunset slumped into a chair at Rarity’s flat above the boutique. She dropped her head back and both hands to her sides. With an exasperated breath, she said, “I didn’t think we’d ever get out of there.” Adagio snickered as she set her purse down and took a seat on the couch. “So, what was it again? ‘Pinkie’s… Perfect Pre-Pony-Portal Party?’ Sunset groaned. “Don’t get me wrong, I love Pinkie, and that was a lot of fun. It’s just so hard to tell her ‘no.’” “Or, ‘goodbye,’” Rarity chimed in with a giggle of her own. She sat down next to Adagio and then looked over to Sunset. “So. You have something for me? I will do my utmost to keep it safe.” “Yeah. Thanks, Rarity.” She drew the enchanted journal from her backpack and placed it on the coffee table. “I figure this is the safest place for it, where it can still be used for communication.” “Yes. And I shall keep it up here, where Sweetie Belle cannot get anywhere near it if she visits. It makes sense now why you can’t just take it with you to keep in touch with Twilight while you’re on the road.” “Right. If both of these books wound up on the other side, we’d be sorta stuck there until the next thirty-moon cycle.” Rarity nodded and folded her hands in her lap. “So. Are you on your way then? Or do you have some time? I myself often require a bit of quiet and some soothing tea after one of Pinkie’s… events. You’re welcome to stay for a while.” “I’d like that, actually,” Adagio said with a look toward Sunset. “I know we have to be up early, but I think there’s still some time.” Sunset nodded. “Yeah. I could use some down time after that. And it’s gonna be hard to sleep tonight anyway. So many things going through my mind right now.” “Same here.” Adagio sighed as Rarity went to put the water on. So many things, indeed. After a moment, she perked up and called toward the kitchenette, “Oh. You’d said something about a new fabric idea, dear?” “Ooooh, yes.” Adagio heard a squeal from around the corner. “Let me just finish the tea, and then I’ll tell you all about it.” Sunset laughed. “Shop talk, eh?” “Oh, hush. You’ll manage,” Adagio said with a grin. Sunset leaned over, offered a kiss, and a chuckling wink. “Well, you know I’m nothing if not resilient.” *** Adagio held her arms as she stood in the center of her darkened bedroom. Night had fallen a few hours ago, and she’d just returned from dropping Sunset off following their time at Rarity’s. A light rainstorm had drifted in, bringing with it a renewing breeze through her half-opened window. She stepped over to her desk and switched on the lamp, providing just enough illumination for her preparations, while still preserving the serenity of the evening. Adagio seated herself slowly in the desk chair. Following a few minutes of silence, she opened the bottom file drawer and pulled out a large cracked-leather satchel. Closing her eyes, she brought the bag to her nose and inhaled deeply as its panorama of memories spread out across her mind. He had been a mounted messenger, some two hundred years ago. She recalled with a smile the many nights and places they’d spent conversing. At a corner table of the tavern where she’d been performing. Over a campfire up in the hills. Stories of drive and purpose. Lives of dueling ambitions—one striving toward honor and duty, the other commanding adoration and fame. He’d been one of a very few whom she might have called ‘friend.’ She'd known that nothing short of his death would have kept a promised delivery from reaching its destination. And in the end… it had. Adagio had made certain that this bag found its way into her possession after he was recovered from the field. She could count on one hand the number of these humans who had given her pause, given her reason to question the path the three of them had followed throughout the centuries. These few—some men, some women—had managed to instill in her a degree of fascination and respect which endured the test of time. And while Sunset stood apart and meant more to Adagio than any of the others, she had not been the first. Though it was through Sunset that Adagio now understood just how important each of these others had been to her. If only I’d realized at the time… She set the bag down on her desk and drew a long, slow breath. Yes. Sunset was her clarity. This time, the warmth she would make certain to hold close. It would never again be taken for granted. Her eyes opened and drifted to the far right corner of the desk, and to a small mahogany lock-box. Adagio moved aside a few pieces of unopened mail and took the box between both hands as her mind wrapped around the broken red shards inside. Had this opportunity presented itself within those first few months of its shattering, it would have been the one and only thing to accompany her through the portal. But now… With a soft sigh, she gently returned the box to its place on the desk, unopened. “No… No more.” Taking another deep breath, she closed her eyes and pushed up off the desktop with her palms. Into the satchel went a number of assorted hair bands and some old, rarely worn jewelry. From the desk drawers she added two smaller pouches, a few notebooks, and a case of pencils. She hung the bag over the back of her chair, switched off the light and prepared herself for the long night of anxious sleep. > Leap of Faith > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The rising sun peeked above the eastern foothills, casting a long, equine shadow across the school courtyard. Adagio gripped her arms and puffed another breath into the frosted cloud that hung about her. Taking a slow step forward, she touched three fingers to the smooth surface of the statue’s base and shivered as small waves rippled out toward its edges. Sunset hugged Adagio from behind and rested her chin on her shoulder. “I know. I still get goosebumps every time I come near it.” Adagio took another ragged breath in and out. She gripped tightly onto the shoulder strap of her bag. “So this is it…” “Yeah.” Sunset shivered slightly as well and tightened her grip around Adagio. “If it’s active now, then Twi’s got her device on and they’re waiting. I’ll go first. But give me a minute to get clear and make sure everything else is ready.” Adagio nodded and then rubbed her arms again as Sunset stepped away. Aria walked up and pulled Adagio into a firm hug—one that was warmly reciprocated. But when the latter loosened to step back, Aria persisted in holding the embrace. Adagio tightened her arms for one final squeeze. “Be careful,” Aria said softly. “I will,” Adagio replied as they parted. She turned toward Sonata and held her arms open. Sonata leapt at her with a few tears and a quivering voice. “You better have fun!” She released Adagio with a sniffle, and then in a softer tone added, “And write to us when you get there… yanno, after stuff settles down and everything. We’re gonna go to Rarity’s. Just let us know you’re safe.” “We will.” Adagio nodded. She then turned to Sunset, pulling her in for a long, final kiss—as she knew it’d be at least a week until they could do so again in this form. After sharing an intimate look, she whispered, “I’ll see you there.” Sunset hmm’d quietly and pecked another kiss. “You too. Seeya again in a minute.” She turned back toward the portal and then paused for a moment, running her hands through her hair. She then clenched her fists, took a deep breath and stepped through. Adagio walked back over to Aria and Sonata. “Alright, girls.” She adjusted the strap over her shoulder, making an effort to keep the flitter of apprehension out of her voice. “So, yeah… This is it.” “Crazy, huh?” Aria looked down and bumped the toe of her boot on the ground a few times. Adagio breathed deeply and then shook her head with a laugh. “All those years, decades, centuries… We tried to get this by force. And now, heh… just a simple invitation.” Sonata clasped her hands in front of her with lowered eyes. “So much really has changed, yeah.” “I know.” Adagio wrapped her arms around both of them and pulled them in. “But this does feel good… where we are now. Thank you again for helping me see it.” She stepped back with a chuckle. “Funny how things work out. And I’ll see you again soon, okay? Can’t wait to share this with you, too.” Following a round of parting smiles, Adagio returned to the statue. Again she placed her fingertips against the portal’s surface, this time pushing them through and marveling at the numbing sensation which spread across her hand. She took a steadying breath and stepped forward, diving her mind into a swirl of light and color. *** She’d expected the sensation to be… well, she hadn’t quite known what to expect. But the stretching, warping, flashing persisted for quite some time before her mind—and the light—began to dim. Closing in. Crushing. Fading to black… And then with a startle, physical sensation returned as she thumped onto a cold hard surface, feeling quite like a guest within the body she now inhabited. The darkness slowly parted to reveal a kaleidoscope of rainbow-hued light and glass. Adagio’s focus came to rest on a familiar pair of bright teal eyes wreathed in a flame of hair—now parted up the middle by a spiraled horn. Sunset’s eyes danced before her with a look of awe. Under the surface, however, lurked the apprehensive flicker of fear that Adagio had come to recognize all too well over the years. She raised her head up off the floor and found herself gazing quite a bit downward over her long snout at Sunset. When she glanced around the room, her eyes met Celestia’s—nearly at her own height—and then came across Luna and Twilight standing to her side. An expression of marvel matching Sunset’s hung on each of their faces. Adagio placed both hooves on the ground in front of her and took a deep breath. “H-how do you feel?” Sunset asked as she took a step closer. Adagio smiled softly at Sunset and let out a choked-up laugh. And then another. Growing louder, the sounds that followed might have been mistaken for sobs. “I…” She closed her eyes and shook her head. Drawing in a deep breath, she let out a final cry. At the warmth of Sunset’s nuzzle on her neck, she opened her eyes. “No words, I… Sunset.” She lowered her chin behind Sunset’s head. “This is me,” she laughed. “Myself again. I’m…” Stopping short, she let out a sad sigh and pulled back to look down at Sunset. Her true form. And then this small pony standing before her. Her smile slowly faded. I’d never looked at them as anything but prey. She could see the trace of fear that still lingered behind the warmth and awe in Sunset’s eyes. Was she staring back at the face of a predator? It pained Adagio to think just how easily she could have—and would have—taken advantage of this situation, all those ages ago. In a softer tone, she repeated, “Yeah. This is me.” She averted her eyes. “So now that you see the monster I am…” “No, don’t… Adagio. Look at me.” Sunset waited quietly until she obliged. “You’re beautiful. I mean, a little scary, yes, but… beautiful. Majestic, even.” Majestic. Adagio choked out a breath. That Sunset had arrived at that specific word led her to close her eyes again. A warm contentment poured into her as a few tears flowed out. Oh, my dear. You have no idea what it means to me to hear that. Eyes still closed, Adagio felt a gentle nudge against her coiled tail. She looked down and, gauging her lover’s intent, lifted the end allowing Sunset to settle into the middle of the coil and snuggle against her chest. Sunset then looked up toward Celestia, whom Adagio saw nod with a proud smile while drying her eyes with a wing tip. Beside her, Luna and Twilight sat smiling as well. “You do seem well, Adagio,” Celestia stated as she nodded again with a close of her eyes. “I’m pleased. Is there anything further I can do to help?” “I am alright, yes. Thank you.” She looked down at her hooves. “Though rather stuck here at the moment. And I don’t feel particularly graceful.” “Well, everything’s prepared,” Twilight said, as she stepped forward. “That is, if you’re ready for the transformation spell.” The sight of Twilight like this, and Sunset as well, was going to take some getting used to, for sure. Not to mention the thought of she herself walking on four hooves for the duration of the journey ahead. “Actually, would you mind giving us some time, Twi?” Sunset looked from Twilight up toward Adagio. “I’d just like an hour or so to rest, and to talk with her like this. Jumping through that portal is just as exhausting as I remember it, and we have all week.” She gave Adagio a soft smile and then leaned back into her. “This just feels good right now.” At those words, the warmth that had taken root in Adagio’s chest broke through and sprouted. For a moment, she just looked into Sunset's eyes, and then blinked away a few more tears. “So you’re really not… turned off? Not scared of this?” Sunset looked down and spoke softly. “Like you said... This is you. I know who I fell in love with. And, yeah. I can see that it is still you.” Adagio closed her eyes and gently rubbed the tip of her nose behind Sunset’s ear as she took a few calm breaths. After a few moments of silence, Twilight said, “We’ll check back on you guys in a little bit, okay?” Without opening her eyes, Adagio simply nodded. Following a few muffled whispers, the sound of hooves on crystal trailed out of the room and echoed down the hall. “Thank you,” Adagio whispered to Sunset. She lifted her head and opened her eyes. Sunset did the same a moment after. Sunset touched a gentle hoof against Adagio’s chest just below her neck. “I’d almost expected there to be something here… Like a scar, or a mark, or… something. With the way Twilight described the old pictures.” Adagio was silent for a moment and then closed her eyes again. “There would have been, I’m sure, had the gem not shattered. If I’d come through wearing the necklace, then yes… that gem itself would have been set here.” She placed one of her own hooves over Sunset’s. “But with how you freed us… it seems the portal returned me to the way I was, so long ago.” She let out a long breath. “I suppose now’s a good time to tell you more about that.” Adagio felt a sharp intake of breath from Sunset. When she opened her eyes, it was to that familiar look of excited curiosity. She giggled slightly and ruffled Sunset’s ear with a hoof. But then after a moment, she looked away with another deep sigh. “There were more than just the three of us, you know. All those thousands of years ago. Hippocampi, I mean… not sirens.” After a long pause, she added, “I wonder sometimes if any more are left. Though I imagine not.” She lowered her head with a frown. “Like any society, there was quite the diversity of life. Talents, interests… ambitions. Some noble in their pursuits. Others… Well. ‘Just like any society.’” She looked to the side and let out a breath. “One of the most secretive of those… less than ethical groups had been obsessed with finding immortality. And somewhere along the way, I must have caught the eye of one of their higher-ups.” Adagio met eyes again with Sunset. Sunset blinked a few times before looking away. “I think I know where this is going.” “Those gems. Their proudest moment…” Adagio said with a mocking flair. “The pinnacle of their research. I was to be the first perfect specimen.” She closed her eyes and added quietly, “I had no say in the matter, of course.” Sunset leaned against her. “They did unspeakable things to me, Sunset. That one who found me, especially.” She took in a long breath and let it out raggedly. “You don’t have to keep going…” Sunset wrapped her forelegs around Adagio as best she could. “Just come back to right now. I love you, and I want this to be happy.” In a whisper, she added, “Let’s just talk about something else.” After a few moments, Adagio chuckled to herself. “Pinkie Pie.” Sunset looked up at her and laughed. “What?” With a grin, Adagio glanced around at the crystal chairs encircling the table, including the one bearing three familiar balloons. “I wonder if the one here is just like ours.” “I’m sure we’ll find out, heh. Whether we want to or not.” Adagio laughed again. She breathed in and hmm’d contentedly. “You were right, though. That jump was exhausting. Even if it only lasted a few seconds.” Sunset curled up and snuggled against Adagio’s chest, murmuring, “Mmm-hmm.” Adagio found herself in a place of tranquility as peaceful silence then settled in around them. The rising sun cast soft prismatic shafts of light through the crystalline walls, bathing the room in a rainbow-colored warmth. It wasn’t long before she felt a shift in Sunset’s breathing and looked down to find her asleep. She slowly coiled her head down near Sunset’s and took a long, deep breath of her own. My beautiful little pony… *** “So you have done this before, you said…” Adagio raised an eyebrow toward Twilight as Sunset sat down about ten feet away. “Well… sort of?” Twilight grinned with a sheepish laugh. “I once turned my pony friends and myself into these little flying creatures not much bigger than my hoof.” She held one up to Adagio. “And it all went as planned. Though it took using one of them as a… ‘template’ of sorts. So I figure using Sunset here for the same spell should get you going on four hooves.” Twilight turned back to the book on her desk and flipped a few pages with a glow. “The effects should last indefinitely, so there’s no need to worry about ‘suddenly fins’ while out on the road.” She looked back at Adagio. “Though if a need does come up, Sunset says she’s more than capable of breaking the spell.” “Yeah,” Sunset said. “Breaking enchantments, seeing through illusions. That sort of stuff was kind of a talent of mine when I was younger. Twilight’s sent me details of how the spell works, so I’m sure I can handle it.” Adagio nodded. “Alright then.” Twilight cleared her throat. She looked first at Sunset and then Adagio. “Good?” The two gave an affirmative. Twilight’s horn took on a glow, which then expanded into a small, scintillating sphere. A narrow pink beam shot out, enveloping Adagio in a similar glow. As she raised off the ground, a second beam mirrored the same effect on Sunset. Adagio closed her eyes at the ensuing flash, and then felt a sensation not unlike the portal from earlier. Amid the ringing in her ears, she felt the ground touch her front hooves, then wobbled slightly when her rear came to rest. Opening her eyes, she lifted a hoof and pulled a familiar mass of orange hair to the front of her face. “How funny is this?” she said, laughing. “Ohmygosh, ohmygosh,” Twilight squealed. “It actually gave you a horn!” “What?” Adagio released her mane and brought the hoof up above her eyes, marveling at the feeling. Twilight smiled broadly with a giggle before she turned around and tapped her chin with a hoof. She paced once in a circle. “Is it because I used a unicorn for the template stage?” She stepped up to Adagio and leaned in, almost face to face. “Or maybe because you had such a strong magical connection in the past? Ooooh!” She pressed her eyes closed and hopped once in place, before trotting off toward a bookshelf and then levitating a tome over to one of the room’s numerous desks. Sunset laughed and nuzzled noses with Adagio. “I have a feeling she’s going to be a while… And you look beautiful, by the way.” “Thank you.” Adagio chuckled as well. “Remarkably down to earth for a princess, though, isn’t she?” “Yeah… Heh.” Sunset smiled back. The brightness in her eyes dimmed after a moment, though. Letting out a half-breath, her smile took on a forced rigidity. Her eyes drifted downward, and the smile fell away with a quiet sigh. “Oh… Sunset, I’m…” “It’s alright.” Sunset turned and slowly walked over to stand in front a mirror hanging on the wall. After staring at herself briefly, she took another breath and closed her eyes. “I still don’t think it’s fully hit me yet. Being back here again.” Following a few moments of silence, she shook her head and whispered, “The things I did…” She opened her eyes again and lowered them to the floor. “She really is everything I wasn’t.” Adagio cleared her throat and stepped over to kiss Sunset on the cheek. “We’ve been over this before. More than once.” “I know. I know…” Sunset sighed again. She gave Adagio a half smile and another laugh. Then in the tone of a child who’d just been admonished, she said, “That’s not who I am today.” “Very good.” After a moment, Sunset’s eyes brightened again. “Hmm… Can you feel it?” She tapped a gentle hoof on Adagio’s horn. “The magic around you?” “I can feel the ley lines and the energy… I’m familiar with that much, at least.” She squinted her eyes in concentration before letting out the breath she was holding. “But I haven’t the first thought of how to channel it through this horn instead of my voice.” “I wonder,” Sunset said. “We’ll keep trying. I’m sure there’ll be some time to practice on the road. If you can feel the energy, it means the connection is there.” “Ooh. Be sure to let me know!” Twilight poofed in suddenly. When Sunset jumped with a startled yelp, Twilight’s eyes quickly widened, and she stepped back with a timid laugh, as if observing a personal-space bubble. “Oh, sorry… heh-heh.” Sunset rubbed her ear with a hoof and then shook her head with a light chuckle. “Did you find anything?” “Nothing that would confirm one theory over the other.” Twilight looked at Adagio with bright eyes. “So I’ll be excited to hear if you can produce some sort of magic. But for now, I had a room set up for you two, so you can finish getting ready to leave. Or if you want to stay the night and leave tomorrow, that’s fine too.” “That sounds nice. Thank you.” Adagio collected her satchel off the table and flipped the strap over her head. Her eyes went wide all of a sudden. “Oh! I told Sonata I’d send her a journal message that we’re ok, and—” “Already done.” Twilight beamed proudly. “Took care of it while you were resting.” “Hmm. Well, then…” Adagio smiled at Twilight and walked up next to Sunset. “Lead the way.” *** Sunset’s glow faded from the borrowed map as it unrolled onto the bedroom floor. Adagio laid down next to her and glanced toward its left edge. She frowned slightly at the unlabeled expanse of water. She hadn’t expected anything different. Yet still… “So I’m thinking we’ll head west,” Sunset said, pointing a hoof. “Seems like a smoother trip, since we’ve only got a week. I know we can stay longer if we need to, but…” Adagio closed her eyes and nodded. “The southwestern ocean is the one I was hoping to see. It’s… where home was.” She felt Sunset's nose brush her cheek. The quiet moment was interrupted by a knock at the door, however, and she looked up. “Come in.” A pink glow enveloped the door and drew it open just enough for Twilight’s head to poke in. “Sunset, hey. Sorry to come right back, but…” She lowered her eyes. “Celestia’s leaving soon. So, if you were hoping to, well…” She pushed the door open a bit further and rubbed a hoof on her front leg. “Well, now’s your chance.” Sunset closed her eyes and exhaled through her nose. “Yeah… I need to go and do this.” She stood up and turned to Adagio. “You’ll be fine up here for just a bit?” Adagio took an unsteady breath, but then nodded determinedly. “I know how important this is to you. Go.” Sunset followed Twilight out. Adagio watched through the door as Sunset’s horn glowed and the two shared a laugh. A few softer words passed between them—she couldn’t hear what—and then Twilight leaned over a placed a wing around Sunset. Adagio became aware that her jaw had clenched. She shook her head and forced herself to take a breath. Gah… Stop it. She looked up again to see them round the corner into the spiral staircase. And then silence. Adagio sighed deeply and walked over to the window. She laid down on the floor, resting her head on the sill. Several stories below, a dirt pathway wound out of the castle and forked into a number of smaller trails. She closed her eyes for a few minutes and breathed in the fresh air. Hearing the mutter of distant voices below, she turned her eyes downward to see the expected orange and white pair walking along the main path, a differing sunburst pattern on each of their flanks. Out of earshot, they strolled toward a garden that sprawled beyond the left edge of Adagio’s window. She watched as Sunset’s head moved from looking up one moment to hanging low the next. This—and placement of a white wing around Sunset’s shoulders—occurred a number of times before they made their way out of Adagio’s sight. She hoped this would be good for Sunset. And, with as far as they both had come, how could it not? Adagio turned her eyes up to the white, billowing clouds that drifted slowly past. She then closed them again and took another deep breath. Despite the warmth of the sun on her face, the thought of the empty room behind her brought on an emotional shiver. Strange form. Estranged land. She’d been here for only a few hours, and now? Alone again. And if I was to remain here, back at sea, this would be my life there as well, wouldn’t it? She sighed deeply and rolled her head to one side. Even if Aria and Sonata were to join me. I don’t think I could go back to it just being the three of us again. Together, but… still so alone. “You appear troubled, little one.” ‘Little?’ Adagio scowled. The hairs on her back bristled as she turned. Just who do you… Oh. “Luna…” Hmm. Should I address her as ‘Princess?’ Adagio turned back to stare out her window. After all, not even you and your sister together could withstand us the last time we met. But then, feeling ashamed at the thought, she turned back to her guest and lowered her eyes. “Hello.” “I imagine you have a great many things weighing on your mind presently.” Luna walked over and sat down next to her. She looked out the window as well. “And not all of them encouraging, I see.” Adagio returned her chin to the window sill and was silent for a minute. “We’ve only just arrived, and now? I hate myself for feeling this way, but… I feel so cold right now. And alone. I used to feel this way so often, over all those years. But when I’m with her…” Still gazing down at the empty pathway, she slumped her shoulders as moisture tickled at the corners of her eyes. “I know this will pass. She’ll come back up here and we’ll be on our way. Things will be warm again. But… why can’t just being happy for her give me that same warmth?” “Hmm. It is… as if you were a mirror speaking back to me, in many ways.” Luna brushed a wing tip along Adagio’s back. “I know very well this place in which you find yourself. It has long been one of my deepest struggles. And one which I fear I am not yet truly free of.” She sighed and folded her wings again. “My sister is the light. The sun which brings warmth and life. It nourishes our plants and trees, and evokes a great many pleasant emotions.” Luna took a slow breath and lowered her head. “But the night, on the other hand, is often a cold and lonely place. Very few revel in it. It was this loneliness, and envy of my sister’s adoration, which led me to that place of true darkness. But I realize now that we are two parts of the same whole. And that this world is all the better for it.” Adagio sat up and nodded, an unexpected measure of respect swelling within her. Luna met eyes with her again. “And you have realized something very important, Adagio. She will return to you. Her time spent with others in no way diminishes her love for you. Have faith in her. Do not be afraid to trust her.” Her focus shifted, as if gazing inward. “It may surprise you just how much warmth she draws from you as well.” Adagio smiled softly as a bit of the weight crumbled from her shoulders. Again, she nodded. “Thank you… Princess.” Luna nodded in reply with a close of her eyes. She then turned to look back out the window. “And look here. She returns even now.” Adagio followed her gaze down to the path, and to Sunset and Celestia returning from their walk. Luna stood and bowed her head with another brush of a wing on Adagio’s mane. “Be well.” She turned and walked out through the door. *** Gah! “Damn it.” Adagio dropped to the floor and puffed the hair out of her face. She surveyed the half-dozen scarves and hair ties littering the space around her. At the creak of hinges, she looked up to see Sunset walk through the door, stop and glance around with a giggle. “What happened here?” “I’ll never take fingers for granted again, that’s what.” “Hehe.” Sunset stepped over and levitated one of the hair scarves with her horn, and then Adagio’s mane as well. The scarf floated over and wrapped, albeit a bit clumsily, around the mass of hair and tied itself into a bow. “Hmm. It’s not perfect. But I’m getting my dexterity back quicker than I’d thought.” “Thanks,” Adagio whispered as she rubbed noses with Sunset. “So, how did?” Sunset closed her eyes and nodded. “Yeah… It went well. Thank you again.” “Hm?” “For the letter.” Sunset turned around and sat down next to Adagio. “It… let me go into that expecting to find some peace. Otherwise, I’m sure I’d have been a wreck… If I’d even been here at all.” She lowered herself to lay down and smiled. “I really do feel better.” “I’m glad.” Adagio nestled down next to her and closed her eyes as a relaxed silence settled in around them. She inhaled the warmth of Sunset resting next to her. After a minute or two, she looked up again. “Hmm, so. Back to this?” She nodded toward the map on the floor. “Oh!” Sunset perked up and gave a quick laugh. The map took on a green glow, rolled itself up and drifted to the corner. “Forget that thing. You gotta see this. I don’t know how we missed it earlier.” She stood up and walked toward the door, gesturing for Adagio to follow. As they walked down the hall to the stairs, Sunset went on, “So I think I would like to stay around here today. What about you? And then we can get going at sunrise tomorrow?” “I was thinking the same, yes. It’s getting a bit late to make any real progress today.” “Twi said Fluttershy and Applejack are way out on AJ’s farm somewhere having some ‘critter negotiation’ problem, whatever that means. But she gave us a list of where the others are, and some things to see in town.” Sunset levitated a rolled-up parchment from her bag and unfurled it. Adagio chuckled. “You two and your checklists, I swear…” She gave Sunset a sideways grin and then looked forward again. “So what’s first?” “Carousel Boutique.” Adagio laughed heartily. “So even that’s here too… So funny, the similarities. And that they all live right here.” After a moment, she added, “Though this is going to be a bit weird, you know. Seeing them, but not… them.” “Yeah, I know what you mean.” They turned the corner and began descending the spiral stairs. Sunset chuckled as her eyes drifted down the list. “And I see she saved Pinkie for last. I think that all but answers your question from earlier.” > Hospitality and the Taste of Hooves > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Like I said… I dunno how we missed this.” Sunset led Adagio out of the stairwell toward the castle’s large central room. When its raised circular table came into view amid the ring of carved high-back chairs, she took off at a brisk trot. Hastening her own stride to keep up, Adagio stumbled slightly on her hind footing. At her grumbled curse, Sunset looked back with a small laugh. She walked over to Adagio and brushed noses with a smile. “Sorry… I’m sure you’ll get the hang of it quick.” Adagio puffed her frustration out through her nose, but after a moment looked up with a chuckle of her own and shook her head. The two then walked the remaining distance together to the table. An understanding of Sunset’s excitement took hold when Adagio realized just what it was that was laid out before them. “Is this?” “Yeah. An up-to-the-minute accurate map of the entire realm. I don’t even…” “I don’t either, honestly,” Twilight said, standing in a doorway across from the one they’d entered through. “And ‘Hi.’” She gave a light laugh. “I heard your voices from the other room.” Walking over to join them, she continued, “The Tree of Harmony created this of its own… ‘will.’ I’ve given up trying to understand how it works. Just that it shows us where help is needed from time to time.” Sunset lowered her eyes to the floor and asked quietly, “‘Friendship Emergencies’, you called ‘em, huh?” Adagio discerned again that familiar tone of regret in Sunset’s voice. She frowned softly at the hint of longing that was present this time as well and brushed her cheek against Sunset’s as a silent, ‘I know…’ This brought her to lift her eyes again with an eventual smile. “Well…” Twilight replied. “That sounds a bit more serious than they usually are. Though I guess a few have been kind of a big deal. The tree’s given us a lot, but it does come with some responsibility.” “So we’re thinking of heading west to the ocean,” Adagio prompted, stepping forward to the table with a purposeful change of topic. “This peninsula south of… ‘Las Pegasus?’ Heh… is where we’d like to get to.” She gestured with a hoof. “Any recommendation on where to spend the nights, or things to avoid?” “Well, normally there’s a train that goes right from here to Las Pegasus. But the tunnel west out of Ponyville has been blocked since Winter Wrap-up last week. Had some rock collapse at the entrance after a few, uh… complications. I mean, we cleared it up quick, but getting materials and repairing the track is taking some time. “However, you can take the train south to where it crosses Ghastly Gorge, and get off in Edgewood. A road goes west from there all the way to the coast. Then there are a couple of smaller towns along the way before Las Pegasus.” She pointed with bright eyes at the first of these small towns. “And I hear there are even some gryphons living in Rockridge. Not many places you’ll see them outside their lands these days. Kind of exciting, but I guess you’ll still want to be careful. All-in-all, they’re getting a bit friendlier lately, but… you never know what you’re gonna get.” “You know, that… actually kinda works,” Sunset said. “I mean, taking a train all the way there in one day sounds kinda boring anyway. Don’t you think?” She turned to Adagio. “I… Hmm. So much here has changed.” Adagio looked down across the map with a raised hoof. “Over all this time. That does sound nice, yes. And gryphons you say, hm?” A reminiscent smile spread to one side. “It never did take more than a little nudge to get a good meal out of them.” Looking up at Twilight’s raised eyebrow she added, “But yes, yes. Heh… Long time ago.” Twilight covered her mouth with a giggle before going on. “Alright. So if you take the first train at dawn, you can probably get to Edgewood by mid-morning, then make Rockridge on hoof by nightfall.” She gestured along the road. “Then another day and a half to Las Pegasus, with two smaller towns along the way to choose from. And… nothing else comes to mind as far as things to look out for.” “Thanks, Twi,” Sunset said. “That sounds like a plan.” She turned to Adagio, who nodded in agreement. “So where is Rarity’s shop in Ponyville?” “North side of town.” Twilight giggled. "Trust me, you can’t miss it." She smiled and then waved as the two offered their thanks before turning to leave. “Have fun today, guys. See you later at Sugarcube.” *** “Welcome to Carousel Boutique! Where every garment is chic, unique and magnifique.” A familiar singsong voice carried to Adagio’s ears, trailing the ring of the bell above the door. She shared a sideways glance and a snicker with Sunset before Rarity emerged from what appeared to be her workshop doorway. “Why hello! I don’t believe I’ve seen you in town before. And—” She gasped and trotted up to Adagio. “Oh my dear, your mane.” She fluffed one side with a hoof, mouth still agape. “Simply marvelous,” she whispered. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything quite like it.” “Mmm, why thank you,” Adagio drawled with a saucy wink as she flicked one of her forelocks. Glancing to the side, she took a silent, apologetic laugh at Sunset’s tightened lip. It’s alright dear, she thought, and then moved to kiss Sunset behind the ear, grinning as her expression softened to a smile. Rarity cleared her throat. “Now then. How may I help you? You two must be in town for a visit?” “Hmm… you could say that.” Adagio gave another playful smirk and a curt nod. “Adagio Dazzle.” Sunset nuzzled up against her. “And Sunset Shimmer.” “Very nice to meet y—Oh…” Rarity looked down at the floor for a moment, then back up, blinking her eyes. “S-Sunset Shimmer. Oh my…” Sunset gave a small laugh. “You’ve heard, huh?” “Uhm, yes. Though… Twilight says things are well now between you?” At Sunset’s nod, Rarity continued, “Well then. This is quite the… ‘visit’ indeed.” Her smile returned with a pleasant laugh. “And as I was saying, it's very nice to meet the both of you.” “Thanks,” Sunset replied. “And things are good now with Celestia too. And just… all around.” Turning to Adagio, she added, “So much really has changed.” She then returned her kiss on the ear. “For the better.” Rarity let out a squeal of approval. “That is wonderful, dear! And Twilight says you even played quite the heroine role in dealing with those dreadful siren creatures.” Adagio felt herself go rigid. She took a sharp breath in through her nose. What? Blinking a few times, she fixed her quivering eyes on the floor and felt her teeth clench. A long-suppressed anger began to bristle, and it took nearly all of her composure to remain silent. Should I? No. It’s not worth… But… Hearing that shouldn’t hurt like this. I’m not… She slowly became aware of the room again, sensing the stress Sunset was radiating next to her. The frantic aura calmed after a moment, though, and she felt a nose rubbing against her cheek. “Dagi…” Sunset said softly. Adagio closed her eyes and let out the breath she’d been holding “No. It’s... alright.” She looked up to see Rarity had fallen silent, her eyes moving back and forth between the two of them. “Rarity. Adagio is… ” “One of those ‘dreadful siren creatures,’ yes,” Adagio finished with a bit of a sneer. “Or… was.” At the sight of Rarity’s widening eyes, she deflated with another exhale. “But like she said, so much really has changed.” “Oh my…” Rarity shook her head and covered her mouth with a hoof. “I-I’m sorry. I didn’t—” “You didn’t know, yes. And how would you?” Adagio began pacing slowly around the room. “It really does feel like so long ago now. I’ve… put all of that behind me.” She looked up at Sunset for a moment before turning away again. “And I know you have too. I know I don’t want things to be that way again.” “And they won’t,” Sunset assured her. Adagio rounded on her, exclaiming, “Then why did it hurt like that?” Sunset blinked twice and bit her lip with a frown, and Adagio cursed herself for having now hurt the one trying to comfort her. She lowered her eyes to the floor and softened her tone. “Why? It shouldn’t bother me any more… Right?” Sunset took a slow step closer. “It’s because you know that’s not who you are any more. I know the feeling… And I can’t say that it’ll ever really go away. It still hasn’t for me, at least.” “I truly am sorry,” Rarity repeated quietly with her eyes cast downward. “No.” Adagio offered a soft smile when Rarity looked up at her. “It’s not your fault, dear. It’s just…” Turning away again, she sighed. “I did this to myself.” She looked down at her hooves and then up at Sunset, who had now turned to address Rarity. So much really has changed. “Rarity. I’m sure Twilight’s told you about how I’ve come to a much better place now?” Rarity nodded, and Sunset gave a warm look back toward Adagio. “Well. The three of them have too.” Hmm. For a moment, Adagio simply looked into Sunset’s eyes, breathing quietly. I really have. Haven’t I? She returned Sunset’s smile, feeling the warmth again take hold. Yes. Rarity spoke softly. “Then I am very happy for the two of you.” Recollecting her air of professionalism, she turned to Adagio, “And I stand by what I said earlier. You are very beautiful.” A purple scarf from a nearby table took on a sapphire glow and tied itself gently around Adagio’s neck. Sunset walked up next to Adagio, and Rarity looked between the two of them with a smile. “And I can see now that it comes from the inside.” With a twinkle of her eyes, her smile spread into an excited grin. “Let’s bring it out further, shall we?” Sunset let out a small laugh. Adagio hmmed and stepped over to a display table, lifting the ends of a few more scarves, “I believe we are in need of a few things. And what I see on display here is simply marvelous.” She turned back to Rarity with a wink. “So, where do we begin?” Rarity squealed and gave a light hop. *** An hour of light-hearted conversation—and a table of piled garments—later, the pair had settled on a number of scarves, an additional saddlebag, and a hooded cloak each. Their talk had flowed into Adagio’s own design work at the human-side Carousel, as well as the number of similarities between the two boutiques. “So Celestia did bring with her some of my old savings from the castle,” Sunset said, running a hoof along the embroidered hem of her cloak with a reminiscent smile. “What do we owe you for these?” “Oh, please, darling. Think nothing of it. It is the least I can do after my… comment from earlier.” Rarity lowered her eyes following a brief glance toward Adagio. “You know that wasn’t your fault,” Adagio assured her. “It really is alright.” She waited for Rarity to look up again before offering a half smile. “Well, we should give you something.” Sunset’s glow opened her old dark-cloth saddlebag. “You put a lot of work into making these.” “Hmm.” Rarity tapped her chin. “How about this, then? Would you two do me a favor instead?” “What do you mean?” Sunset replied. “You said earlier that you’re taking the road west to Las Pegasus. Might you stop at the Emerald Emporium on Seventh street in old town and pick up a fabric shipment for me? With the train held up, delivery has been a bit of a problem. I’ll give you the payment and a little extra.” “That sounds reasonable,” Adagio said. “But how would we…” Rarity levitated two white flip-top bags embroidered with her cutie mark. One floated over to Sunset and opened its flap. “I have five bolts of cloth there under my name. If you place them through the opening of that bag and then close it again, I’ll be able to retrieve them from this other.” Sunset’s mouth hung open for a few seconds, and Adagio had to bite an adoring laugh at the thought of that brilliant, beautiful mind she so loved wrapping around what had just been presented. “Rarity,” Sunset gasped. “Did you… make these?” Rarity nodded with a giddy smile. “Well. I did borrow a few of Princess Celestia’s old books which she’d sent to Twilight. But otherwise… Yes!” she squeaked. “It’s like teleportation magic, but… no. More like some kind of timespace displacement.” Sunset shook her head with a laugh. “That you thought to apply it like this… What a creative idea.” “Well, knowing our Rarity,” Adagio said, “I’m honestly not surprised.” “Your what-now?” Rarity deadpanned, before perking up with an, “Oh!” She then gave a sheepish giggle. “What are they like by the way? Quite similar it would seem?” “Well, so far we’ve only met you.” Sunset levitated the white bag into the other she’d acquired from the shelf earlier. “And I’m sure you’ve both been shaped by your own experiences. But you do seem to share a lot of the same core values.” Rarity sighed wistfully. “Oh, I would so love to meet her. Or… me? Or… hmm. Though Twilight has already explained to us why that would be a bit unwise.” Adagio laughed, and then with a flourish stated, “And I’m not sure either world is ready for that much… fabulosity.” “Hmm, quite.” Rarity covered her mouth with another giggle. “And where are you off to next? Or are you just taking in the sights today?” “Well, we have to be at Sugarcube by five,” Sunset replied. “It seems neither of the Pinkies needs more than a few hours to organize one of her events.” “By five?! Why, that’s only… hmm.” Rarity’s eyes narrowed as she walked over toward the door. With a shake of her head, her glow appeared at the floor and brought a sealed envelope up to eye-level. “I do wish she would knock at times.” Opening the envelope and skimming its contents, she said, “And it seems I shall see you both again shortly. However… this leaves not much time to put together an ensemble. I hope the rest of your day finds—” Adagio winced and saw Sunset jump with a startle as the front door burst open behind them, narrowly missing both their flanks. Turning around, she took a protective step toward Sunset, but then shook her head with a half grin as a rainbow-hued mane popped through. “Hey, Rares. Twilight asked if I’d pick up her dress or whatever for that thing tonight and fly it back to…” Wingbeats faded as Rainbow’s hooves touched the ground. Adagio watched her eyes fall on Sunset’s cutie mark. “Oh, heyyy. You must be Sunset. And then… Adagio, right? Guess I get to meet ya a bit earlier than tonight.” “Yes,” Adagio replied. “And you’re no doubt Rainbow Dash.” “Natch.” Dash looked at Rarity. “See? Even they’ve heard of me.” “Well of course they have,” Rarity stated flatly. “They’re friends with the other you, remember?” “Oh, right… heh heh.” Rainbow scratched behind her ear. “I bet she’s just as awesome as me, though, right?” “In her own… way, yes.” Sunset grinned with a laugh of her own. Turning back to Rarity, she added, “But we’ll be on our way so you can finish getting ready. Twilight has a few other places she wanted us to check out.” “Yes, I’ll see you both there. And I’m glad to have helped in your preparations.” After exchanging farewells, the three made their way outside. “I’ve got a few minutes to hang out too, if you want.” Rainbow said, flapping alongside them as they walked. “Got any questions about the town?” “Well, there are a few more places listed here before Sugarcube.” Sunset mumbled a couple of the names before chuckling. “Of course she has a store called ‘Quills and Sofas’ as a sightseeing destination.” “Yep, that’s Twilight for ya. It’s just two streets over by the lunch cafe.” “Thanks.” Sunset smiled with a shake of her head. Dash looked at Adagio and tilted her head toward Sunset. “Sooo. She an egghead just like Twilight?” Adagio chuckled and gave Sunset a sly wink. “Mmmmm-hmm. Even shares her penchant for a good checklist.” Sunset’s horn spread an emerald glow over the tassel of Adagio’s scarf, lifting it to tickle her nose. Laughing softly as Adagio swatted it back down, she returned her attention to Rainbow with a devious grin. “And are you a closet egghead just like our Dash?” “What?” Rainbow squeaked as her wingbeat faltered. “Hmm. I do believe that is a ‘yes’, Sunny dear.” “Hey! I’ll have you know that Daring Do is about the… non… eggiest of egghead things!” She punctuated the statement by doing a roll and striking the air once with a hoof. “Wow, so even those books are here too?” Sunset asked. “I’ve enjoyed a few, but haven’t read all of them.” “I’ve met Daring Do, yanno.” Rainbow crossed her forelegs with a smug grin. “You mean A. K. Yearling,” Sunset said. “Well, duh. Same thing.” Sunset narrowed her eyes with single laugh. “She’s the author, sure. But it’s not like there’s actually a Daring Do who ‘daring-did’ all those things in the books.” “Of course she did!” Rainbow squawked. “She didn’t just make up all that stuff.” Sunset gave another short laugh. “I’m serious! Like I said, I’ve met her.” “Alright, alright… I’ll take your word for it.” Rainbow gave a confident nod. Adagio grinned to herself. She’d long since learned to recognize Sunset’s tone of ‘I’m still not buying it. But I don’t feel like talking about this any more, so have your way.’ “Ah, crap,” Rainbow said, coming to rest on her hooves. “After all that, I forgot Twilight’s dress. I’ll see you guys there.” She took off again toward the boutique, hollering back, “Good meetin’ ya!” *** Sunset let out a ragged breath. “So. Here we are. And well, it’s Pinkie… So no telling how big this crowd’s gonna be.” “Mmm-hmm.” Adagio nodded. “You ready for this?” Sunset nuzzled Adagio with a half smile. “Are you?” “My dear…” Adagio winked, returning the smile with a flick of her hair. “Adoring crowds are my thing. Though we are a bit early.” She pushed the door open for Sunset to step through. “I’m okay with that. Probably a bit less overwhelming this way, to be hon…est.” Sunset stopped mid stride, her breath hitching in her throat. When Adagio stepped in beside her, Sunset let out the breath she’d been holding and lowered her head to the floor. Looking around the room herself, Adagio’s attention was drawn to the banner hanging on the far wall. ‘Welcome Home Sunset!’ She choked out breath. Welcome… ‘home?’ And looking around further, Adagio found that her own name was nowhere to be seen. She pressed her eyes closed and shook her head, high spirits from a moment ago plummeting. Everywhere I go… With a half-sob, she pushed past Sunset and back outside. “Dagi. Wait…” Adagio paused just out of sight around the corner of the door. “Hey Sunny!” Pinkie’s voice chirped from inside. “You’re early. Oh. Wait… Where’s your friend?” Sunset sighed. “Pinkie…” Adagio looked to the side with teeth clenched and then shook her head again. She trotted quickly around to the rear of the building where, finding a secluded alcove under some trees, she sat back against the wall, closed her eyes and focused on her breathing. Did I miss something in there? Or is this really just all about Sunset to them? She let out another long breath as a stillness settled in around her. Once feared. Now forgotten… Is that how it goes? She looked up at the sky through the leaves. Either way, there really is nothing left for me here, is there? And it seems whatever kindness they do show me is just for her sake... The silence hung in the air for a few minutes before scattering at the sound of approaching hooves. “There you are.” Sunset huffed in relief. “Thank goodness.” “Why am I here, Sunset?” Adagio didn’t lower her eyes from the cloud she’d been studying. “You were right, by the way. What you said back in your apartment. This seemed so exciting at first. But maybe it really wasn’t…” Sighing through her nose, she closed her eyes and then felt Sunset’s cheek brush against her own. “We’re here for a week of exploring and making some memories, remember? And hey… what was it you told me right after I said that? That making this journey together is what’s important?” Adagio nodded, lifting her eyes again to the sky through the treetops. “And I think we’ve found out why things have been kinda… ‘off’ in town here.” Out of the corner of her eye, Adagio saw Sunset turn and wave a hoof, and then looked over to see Twilight walking toward them, her own eyes cast downward. “I’m really sorry, Adagio,” Twilight said. “I got here just after you guys did. And after talking with Pinkie and Sunset inside, I think this is sort of my fault.” She appeared to take interest in a flower growing against the wall. “I mean, it’s nothing I meant to happen. I just didn’t give enough thought to letting everyone know what was going on with you two lately. Sure, I told them last year about Sunset and what happened to you at the school, but… I haven’t really let anyone other than Celestia know how things have gotten better for you guys since then.” She turned back to Adagio. “So… they just didn’t know how close you two have become. Or even who you really are, Adagio. I’m so sorry. And now Pinkie feels terrible, too.” Lowering her eyes, she added, “Some ‘princess of friendship’ I’ve been with all of this.” Adagio looked forward again and nodded. “I believe you…” she said softly. “That you didn’t mean for any of this to happen. And I do feel a bit better now that you’ve told me.” “Yeah,” Sunset said. “We all get so caught up in our day-to-day sometimes that it really isn’t… practical, even, to share every detail with our friends.” “But I knew you guys were coming, at least week in advance. I still should have told them more. I said something to Rainbow just this morning, but… too little too late.” After another long exhale, Adagio stood up and kissed Sunset on top her muzzle. “Well it’s done with now.” She turned to Twilight. “Shall we give this another try?” Twilight mmm-hmm’d with a soft smile. As they set to walking, Sunset edged in front of Adagio. “We’ll catch up in a minute, Twi.” Twilight closed her eyes and nodded before continuing around the corner. “Dagi…” Sunset sat down in the shade facing Adagio and motioned for her to do the same. They gazed in each other’s eyes for a moment before Sunset took a deep breath and looked down at her hooves. “When I first saw that banner in there…” she began. “All I could think about was what you must be feeling. I’m glad it’s been worked out, but…” Adagio leaned in and rested her head behind Sunset’s neck. Sunset sighed comfortably, then sat up and pulled Adagio into a hug. “For me, ‘home’ is wherever we are together.” She tightened the embrace and whispered, “I love you so much.” Adagio returned the hug and took a long, deep, cleansing breath. “Thank you,” she said quietly, and kissed the back of Sunset’s neck. After a few more calming breaths to smooth the crack from her voice, she sniffled and said, “Ready to head back in? Let’s end today on a happy note.” She felt Sunset’s nod against her neck. Pulling back, they shared a little smile, stood up and walked side-by-side around the building to rejoin the party. *** Party whistles and a burst of confetti greeted the two as the stepped through the door. Adagio’s immediate attention was drawn to the dual cannons near the left wall, from behind which popped the bouncing pink poof. Her first thought was then to inspect the place on the wall where the banner had been. She hmm’d with a warm smile at the hastily-scrawled “Happy Trails!” on what appeared to be an old bedsheet now hanging in that space. The kitchen double door swung open for two stallions gripping a cake tray between their teeth. An overly-large red with an orange mane hunkered down slightly to keep the tray level with his lanky partner in the baker’s hat. They rested the cake near the punch bowl on a table along the right wall. Standing in the middle of the room, all smiles, were Twilight and Dash, along with a small orange pegasus and a yellow earth filly with a bow in her mane. The baker made his way back into the kitchen, and the larger stallion joined the group with Pinkie as Adagio and Sunset stepped up. “We really are glad to have you guys here,” Twilight said. “I know how excited you are to get going tomorrow, so we all wanted to give you a good send-off tonight.” Rainbow nodded with a hoof-pump, followed by cheers from the two fillies. Pinkie blew another pair of party whistles. “Eeyup.” The front door swung open behind Adagio and Sunset. When they turned to look, Rarity struck a pose in her stunning, yet overdressed, gown. A smaller unicorn pushed in past her with a groan and joined the other two young ones at the punch table. After greeting Rarity, Adagio heard Sunset gasp. She turned and followed her over to the table as well. “Philomena!” Sunset laughed and lowered her head to the tabletop as a small red bird peered into her eyes with one of its own. After a few moments of apparent consideration, the bird hopped up into Sunset’s hair, bringing her to a giggle. The baker, and likely his wife, brought two plates of sandwiches out of the kitchen, and were followed a moment later by Celestia herself. Celestia walked up to Sunset and laughed softly. “I see you two have found each other.” “I’d almost forgotten,” Sunset said. “I remember she didn’t like me much before, but…” When Sunset let out another laugh, Adagio smiled as a comfortable warmth settled into her heart. “Oh. And how many times has she…” Sunset made a tongue-out croaking face. “Oh, just once,” Celestia replied with a small grin. “And poor Fluttershy…” “A phoenix, hmm?” Adagio remarked with a laugh of her own. “I can imagine. Are they back yet, by the way?” “They were, momentarily.” Celestia said with a slow nod. “But they were then called by the map almost straight away to Dodge Junction. It seems Applejack especially has been quite in demand lately. Her brother and younger sister are here, however. And the other little ones are accompanying Rainbow and Rarity.” From there, the evening’s festivities carried into full swing. Following the meal and a heavy dessert, Bic Mac took the crusaders off to the farm for the night, leaving the atmosphere to settle into a comfortable warmth. Adagio found herself seated near the fireplace, smiling as Sunset talked a bit with Rainbow and Rarity across the room. “Psst!” Adagio looked down as Pinkie snaked out from behind a nearby table, pushing a slice of cake on a plate. In a loud whisper, she called, “I saved you an extra piece.” Then with a furtive look to both sides, she added, “Us poofs gotta stick together.” “Hehe. Thank you, Pinkie.” “Lovin’ the smile.” She winked with a click of her tongue and slid back behind the table. Adagio shook her head with another laugh. But then looking up again, she quickly straightened her posture at the sight of Celestia walking toward her. “Hello, Adagio.” Celestia settled down gracefully beside her. “You seem at peace now.” She then looked over to Sunset. “As does she. I am very happy for both of you.” “Yes. I do feel better now.” Adagio relaxed again as she watched Sunset smiling amid her conversation. “Thank you, Princess.” “Twilight asked that I give you her farewell. And another apology. An issue arose which required her attention.” “I saw her leave a bit ago, yes.” Adagio lowered her eyes. “I know she means well. And she’s been nothing but hospitable. The two of them working together to give me this opportunity means a lot.” “She tries so hard.” Celestia said quietly. “They both do.” Adagio thought back on her conversation with Twilight at the harvest festival. And then to all of the stories Sunset had shared about her years in Equestria. Sunset and Twilight had never known each other, sure. But both had shared a mentoring—and in some ways almost maternal—relationship with the one now sitting beside her. To think that those two paths had tread so differently, yet had both circled back into a happy friendship. “I would like to thank you,” Celestia said. “As I now have the opportunity to do so face to face.” When Adagio turned toward her, Celestia lowered her eyes. “What you did for Sunset… and for me.” Adagio could hear a crack settling into her voice. “You helped with mending something that I once thought far beyond repair. And for that, you have my gratitude.” She bowed her head with a soft smile. “And my friendship.” “Thank you,” Adagio said again. She wiped the edges of her eyes with a few steadying breaths. “I’ve felt… a bit out of place ever since arriving. So to hear that from you… It does help. Sunset has done so much for me. She helped me find my happiness again. I just wanted that for her too.” Celestia closed her eyes with another nod. Adagio then followed her lifted gaze out the window to the reddening sky. “Though it appears I must be on my way. Luna can get… disagreeable when I keep her waiting for too long.” She smiled and stood, waving to the others as she departed. After sharing a hug with Celestia on her way out, Sunset walked over to Adagio. “You ready?” Adagio nodded. She stood up and gave Sunset a kiss. “We’ve got quite a day tomorrow. And a long one behind us. Let’s get some rest.” *** Adagio again stood looking out her window in the high tower guest room. Near the darkened horizon below, the moon was just embarking on its journey above the treetops. Sunset walked up beside her and brushed her cheek. “So here we are, huh? First step tomorrow morning.” She closed her eyes with a yawn. “What a day that was. Not quite what I expected.” “I know,” Adagio replied softly. “But after everything, I am happy with the way it ended.” She thought back on her conversation with Celestia, and to the glowing smile Sunset had worn throughout most of the party. “It was… a very warm evening.” “And I’m excited that we have a few days now to enjoy a bit of the mythical again,” Sunset mused. “I wonder what all we’re going to see.” “Even if I can’t feel it like I was hoping to, I really am looking forward to the ocean. And you seem to be enjoying your talents again as well.” “Yeah. I’d forgotten just how convenient it can be. And you know…” Sunset began pacing a slow circle around Adagio. “I can think of a few other… ‘benefits’ of having my magic again for the week.” Adagio’s eyes narrowed with an anticipation of where this might be going. “Oh, really…” “Mmm-hmm.” Sunset’s voice dripped into her ear, bringing a delightful shiver as she paused again beside her. “End the day with one last bit of Equestrian hospitality?” “Oop!” Adagio yelped forward as an emerald glow lit the room and an ephemeral tickle fondled the root of her tail. With a low chuckle that descended into a sensuous growl, she turned on Sunset. “Mm-hmm-hmm. Come here, you…” ~~~ > The Open Road > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mmmph. A rousing glow intruded through Adagio’s eyelids, disturbing her sleepy bubble of comfort. She shifted her weight on the straw-filled floor mattress. Nuh… Just ignore it, and it’ll go away. But then… no. The damage had already been done. What remained of her comfort slowly waned as the minutes drew on, and she resolved at last to open her eyes. “Ech.” A spear of sunlight from the corner of the window struck her, and she winced them shut again. Too earlyyy, her mind groaned. She tightened the blanket around herself and nestled into the warmth behind her. In response to the movement, Sunset muttered a few unintelligible words and mirrored her back-to-back snuggle. Adagio did not want to move. Here, in her little nest, it was warm. Here, it was quiet. Here, it was just her and Sunset, at peace. But then… Mmmmh. We can’t be late. With an now-audible groan, she rolled up onto her stomach. Nuzzling under Sunset’s ear she whispered, “Good morning, love.” All she got in reply were few more grumbled syllables. A soft gust from the window caressed her neck, and she shivered with a light laugh. “I know… I don’t want to leave the blanket either.” Her shoulders and rear-end arched up into a stretch. Setting back down, she brushed her nose along Sunset’s chin. “But we do have a train to catch.” For a few more minutes, they rested quietly together as the light breeze and the songs of early morning birds drifted through the room. Sunset stirred and rolled over to face Adagio with half-lidded eyes. The two shared a tender look, and then a soft smile appeared within that ruffled drape of fiery hair. “Hmmm… Morning, beautiful. Sleep well?” “I do feel rested… yes.” Adagio closed her eyes for a moment. She took a long breath of the fresh, cool air. “Given it was my first night sleeping like… this.” She brushed one hoof down her other foreleg. “Well, we both had some new… experiences in this form last night, hrmm?” Sunset lifted her head and offered a kiss. “Mmm-hm-hm. Naughty…” Adagio sat up, allowing the blanket to slide off her back. She rolled out the stiffness from her neck and shoulders with a deep sigh. “We have a long way to go today, though. So hup-hup.” She stood up off the mattress, gripped the fallen blanket between her teeth and flung it off Sunset. “Hey!” Sunset’s wounded, scrunchy-faced pout nearly brought Adagio to a giggle. Nearly. She held fast, however, to her smug, victorious grin. “Alright, alright…” Sunset stood up off her side of the mattress and then yawned into a long, cat-like stretch. “I’m awake.” She shot Adagio a sideways glance with another pout. “Meanie…” *** Steam huffed from the train engine as the yellow pair stepped onto the platform, draped in their cloaks with Twilight walking beside them. “Are you guys excited? I mean… yeah. Of course you are. Heh-heh. That’s kind of a silly question, isn’t it?” “Hmm. Well, I thought we were.” Adagio returned her laugh. “But now, hearing you…” “I know, I know.” Twilight rubbed her hoof with a blush and a grin. “I just hope you have a good time. I really am happy for you.” She looked between them. “Both of you. That all three of us can be here right now talking like this. It’s just…” She sighed. “Well, it’s a good feeling.” “I know,” Sunset said. “Thanks for helping me do this for her.” She gave Adagio a peck on the cheek. “I’m sure Aria and Sonata will love this too. And between the two of us, there’s gotta be some tech-trickery we can work with the portal to get something closer to the water next time.” She gave Twilight a sly glance. “Already innnn progress.” Twilight held her head high with a wiggle of her shoulders. Sunset laughed. “Well then. Though I guess I’m not surprised.” The two exchanged broad grins. “And you said you had something for us?” Adagio asked. “One final thing on my list, yes.” Twilight levitated a pale disc-shaped rock from her bag. On one side was painted a red cross. “I was going over all the possibilities trying to think of some means of communication. And then… ‘Rarity’s bag!’” She passed the rock off to Sunset’s glow. “I asked her to peek inside every so often. If some kind of emergency happens, just put that in the bag. And if she sees it, we’ll know to come looking.” “That is… quite clever.” Adagio gave a soft laugh. “Now, just pray we won’t need to use it.” “I really can’t imagine you would. But… just to be safe.” “Last call! Service to Appleloosa and Dodge Junction!” “That’s us.” Sunset turned to Adagio and shivered with bright eyes. “This is it! Can you believe it?” Adagio rested her chin behind Sunset’s neck with a quiet, “Mmmm.” She lifted her eyes to the southern horizon, and then off to where the tracks curved left out of sight around the treeline. This really is it. Two more nights and then half a day, and she’d find herself once again on that shore where the three of them had emerged. What a long, strange and bittersweet circle. Brought to closure now by this one here. “It is hard to believe, yes.” She nuzzled her nose in Sunset’s mane and took a long, deep breath. With everything I am now… I love you. Lifting her head again, she gave Sunset a kiss on the cheek and pulled away with a soft smile. Hugs were shared all around, and then Twilight took a step back with a smile of her own. “Bye, you two. Be safe.” “Thank you again, Twilight.” Adagio closed her eyes with a nod. “For everything.” With scarves wrapped snug and saddlebags full, they stepped up to the loading ramp. Sunset passed two tickets to the conductor. Following his nod and a hoof toward the door, they waved to Twilight, boarded and took their seats. A thin crowd of passengers filed in over the next couple of minutes. Then with a loud puff of steam and a jolt, the train crept forward and began to gather its momentum. The quaint architecture of Ponyville soon passed out of sight, giving way to grassy plains that stretched off into low rolling foothills. Small copses of trees dotted the landscape, and the occasional pond glittered in the morning sun. Adagio gazed off to the white-capped peaks framing the distant horizon. She settled into a comfortable sigh. Sunset scootched up next to her. “Beautiful, isn’t it? So much of this is new to me, even.” She looked down at her hoof with a frown. “When I wasn’t face-deep in some tome at the royal archives, I’d be either up in my room, or walking the palace grounds, lost somewhere in my own head.” She sighed. “Or in later months, suffering through another of Celestia’s grating lectures on humility…” She leaned her head against Adagio’s and looked back out the window with a long, deep breath. “I’m so happy with where I am now.” Adagio’s focus shifted from the distant landscape to Sunset’s reflection in the window. She took in the warmth that was snuggled next to her and allowed it to mingle with her own. “It hasn’t been easy for either of us, has it?” After a moment, she chuckled. “Of course, we do have to admit almost all of it was self-inflicted…” Sunset laughed and nestled in closer. Adagio hmmd comfortably. She wrapped her foreleg around Sunset. “But like you said… Here we are now.” She and Sunset spent remainder of the short hop to Edgewood nuzzled together in relative silence. And as the train huffed on, the grassland drifting by outside their window gradually succumbed to the deeper, thicker forested landscape. *** “Oh, wow. That’s pretty.” Sunset stepped off the short road leading from the train station to Edgewood, and toward a single blue flower growing just under the canopy of trees. “Hey! Lady…” Sunset stopped in her tracks. They both turned their attention to a thin, but deep-voiced stallion walking from the direction of town. “Wouldn’t do that if I were you.” He came to a stop about twenty feet up the road. A lighter grey earth pony of average height, his dark green mane was bound near its end in a tie. “Hmm? Why, what is it?” Sunset asked. “Called poison joke,” he said, taking a few steps closer. Adagio could now make out the weathered marks of age around his yellow eyes. “Unpleasant stuff. Usually keeps deeper in, but every so often a sprout makes it out here to the road. I’ll fetch Cotter to clean it up. C’mon.” He motioned for them to follow back toward town. Adagio nodded. She and Sunset fell in behind him. “We are headed there. But don’t feel obliged to escort us. We didn’t mean to interrupt whatever you were doing.” “Nah. Just out to collect a few mushrooms.” He gestured with his nose toward the worn saddlebags over his back. “Nothin’ that urgent. Taking care of that before it spreads is more important.” “Yeah.” Sunset laughed with a brush of a hoof behind her head. “Thanks… by the way.” He nodded without looking back. Adagio puzzled a bit at the mushroom comment, wondering also about the dense trees and what other dangers might lurk hidden beneath their dark canopy. She was curious as well at the name given to the blue plant, but didn’t feel like burdening him with the question and opted for a more general one instead. “So… why build a town right on the edge of the Everfree? I’d think problems like that plant—and worse—would be a regular thing this close?” Again he nodded and then glanced back briefly. “Turns out there’s good business to be had, if one’s daring or adventurous enough. Plants. Creatures. Even some rocks. Useful properties, the lot of ’em. Collectin’s not without risks, granted.” He chuckled quietly. “But we’re a town of hardy folk here. All of us make a living round the trade, whether venturing out, or supportin’ those that do.” Rather remarkable, Adagio thought… that an entire community would spring up around the supply and demand of quasi-magical materials. And dangerous ones, at that. “Name’s Hackseed, by the way. Wager you’re passin’ through?” “We are,” Adagio replied. “Just a little sightseeing trip from here to the coast.” “Well. News from the road’s fair as ever. I’d expect a pleasant walk for you both.” “That’s good to hear,” Sunset said. She snuck a playful nip at Adagio’s ear, who cleared her throat with a sideways glance—but then couldn’t hold back a giggle at Sunset’s ensuing grin. They were met with a sound of commotion when the road rounded the corner into town. Up ahead, a pair were dragging something grey and heavy out of the woods by a rope in each of their mouths. “Eh, crud. Got another stoner.” Hackseed sighed heavily through his nose. “And it’s only nine in the morning.” “A what-now?” Sunset asked. “Cocatrice eggs,” he replied. “Highly valuable. The shells, at least. High risk with that reward, though.” He muttered something under his breath with a shake of his head. “This is my thing, y’see… fixin’ these saps. And, well… potions all around. Hope I got enough crickweed left.” Sunset narrowed her eyes and bit the side of her lip. “Hmm. How much do you use?” “About ten grams, crushed. Why?” “Well… Dispelling magic like this is kind of a thing of mine.” Her horn took on a momentary glow.” I read about a spell for curing petrification. Haven’t needed to actually use it before, but… If you have two grams left, I think I can manage it.” “Hrm. I’ll have t’check.” At the sound of elevated voices from the gathering crowd, he lifted his head over Sunset and shouted, “Yeah, yeah. I got it!” Then with a grunt, he set off walking further into town. Adagio surveyed those gathering in the square and the nearby streets. She took note that nearly all were earth ponies, with just a small number of pegasi and even fewer unicorns. Huh, she thought. That so many would risk the dangers of the forest without the protection afforded by magic certainly spoke to their ingenuity and tenacity. “Gheh. Why do they even try?” Adagio raised her eyebrow with a curious look toward the condescending voice. A quick glance back at Sunset revealed a similar expression, with her mouth slightly agape. A taller gold-coated unicorn had walked up beside them. The hood of his embroidered and ornamented cloak was pulled back, revealing a clean-cut sandy brown mane. “I mean, really…” His eyes fell to Sunset’s horn and then Adagio’s. “You fine ladies must know what I’m talking about. These dustmanes venturing off into the Everfree, of all places, with naught but sticks and hooves. What do they think is going to happen.” Adagio felt her jaw slacken to match Sunset’s. I… what? “Ahh. Smitten, I see. But of course, where are my manners.” He bowed with a glaringly rehearsed flourish, the motion revealing a jeweled-hilt saber in a gold filigree scabbard. “Gilden Pommelroy, adventurer par excellence.” He gave a cocky, winking grin. With a twitch of her eye, Adagio pursed her lips. Ugh. You pompous, overstuffed twit. If I still had my power, I’d half a mind to— Sunset cleared her throat and edged in front of her. “Hmm, you know,” she said. “There was a time when I’d have said the same. Afterall, it’s not just any unicorn who can be the close, personal protege of Celestia herself.” Adagio indulged in a smug grin at Gilden’s split-second loss of composure. Sunset gestured with a hoof across the crowd and went on. “But now. When I look around, I see… ingenuity. Perseverance. Camaraderie. Friendship.” She rubbed the hoof on her shoulder and added quietly, “Imagine yourself living three or four years without any of your magic. Can you honestly say you’d have been able to accomplish what some of them have here?” Her horn glowed for a brief moment. “We unicorns often take a lot for granted.” Gilden grumbled something and turned forward again. “Yes. Well. They should be thankful that potioneer is around to patch them up. And… ah.” He glanced over the top of Sunset and then back ahead to the crowd with a formal nod. “Hackseed.” “Goldenrod,” Hack replied through one side of his mouth while holding a filled potion bottle in his teeth. With a hrmph, Gilden turned and walked off. Hackseed placed the bottle on the ground and said to Sunset, “Appreciate the offer, miss, but I did have just enough. If you’d actually used the spell in practice, then perhaps. But… rather not take that chance with a life on the line.” “Well, when you put it that way…” Sunset grinned at him. He chuckled. “And don’t pay no mind to Goldy, there. Don’t get me wrong, the sod is good at what he does. And his results fetch a high price. But the rest of us’ve come to just ignore him, mostly.” “I was actually just marveling at what you all have built here,” Adagio said. “We’re not ‘spoiled by convenience,’ a lot of us like to say. Forces a bit of creativity in getting’ things done.” Sunset laughed and lowered her eyes. “I know what you mean. Believe or not, I… have a bit of experience with that, myself. ” “I overheard. You got him good. And without one of his quippy comebacks, I think some of it just might’ve sunk in.” He shook his head with quiet laugh. “But now…” He gestured with a nod toward the unfortunate statue. “Nice makin’ your acquaintance. If you’re wanting a late breakfast, try Honey’s before gettin’ on your way. She’ll set ya up right. Just down that street on the left.” “Nice meeting you as well. Thank you.” Adagio bowed her head. After he had picked up the potion bottle and walked off, she turned to Sunset. “And I’m proud of you. Well played, my dear.” Sunset wiggled her shoulders and closed her eyes with a smile. “Thanks. That… felt good.” “So… breakfast?” Sunset laughed. “Oh goodness, yes.” They made their way down the street to a painted sign bearing a jar of honey and a loaf of bread. Upon stepping inside, the crackling warmth from the hearth and the smell of sweet pastries hugged Adagio’s senses, bringing her to a contented sigh. There was a simple charm, she thought, to the building’s rustic interior. The walls and furnishings all appeared cut from the same weathered brown wood. Sunset stepped over for a closer look at a set meadow paintings on one of the walls. When Adagio joined her, she spotted a photograph in one of the frames of a younger Hackseed kissing a smiling cream-colored mare with a golden mane. “Why hello there. Table for two?” “Yes, please.” Turning to follow, Adagio found the voice belonged to the very mare from the picture. And while she now bore the added years of a decade or two, the same bright smile still lit her face. “I’m Honey Briar. Just traveling today?” “Mmm-hmm.” Sunset nodded. “Adagio and Sunset. Someone recommended we try the food here.” Honey hmmd softly. “And I can only imagine who that might have been.” Adagio smiled and pointed a hoof to the photograph. “My husband, yes.” She laughed with a shake of her head. “I think sometimes he’s more proud of my cooking than I am. I do hope it doesn’t disappoint.” “Well, it smells wonderful,” Adagio said. She and Sunset sat down across from one another at the table. “Breakfast crowd’s already come and gone, so what’s left is limited. Though I could make you some lunch instead.” “Whatever that is that smells of cinnamon…” Sunset said. “If there’s more of that, then ‘yes’.” She laughed, and Adagio nodded her agreement with an mmm-hmm. Honey retrieved two enormous rolls on plates and set one in front of each of the girls. After bringing two glasses of water as well, Sunset paid her the noted amount, and she again beamed her earlier smile. “Enjoy, you two.” Both of them thanked her, and the following minutes were spent indulging in their sticky-sweet mountains of goodness. Sunset laughed softly and shook her head. After a few moments pause, she asked, “Should I feel bad that some… old part of me was actually a bit envious of that shiny jerk? I mean, not about who or what he was, but more… just that ‘skilled and I know it’ superiority, and not giving two kicks what anyone else thinks?” She looked away with a grin and another laugh. “Cause that used to be me. And I do remember just savoring it sometimes.” “So I wasn’t the only one, hmm?” When Sunset turned back, Adagio tapped a hoof on her nose, leaving a spot of powdered sugar. She giggled when Sunset magicked her napkin to dab it off. “Though seeing it now…” she said. “From this side. I couldn’t help but cringe a bit—both at him, and at those memories of myself.” “Yeah… I really meant what I said to him about having the same outlook back then. I didn’t just say that to make a point.” “But, where you are now.” Adagio said. “Being able to speak from that place. I think you did manage to get a little something through to him.” She hmphd softly. “Even if he didn’t really deserve it.” “Yeah.” Sunset said. With eyes on her plate, she took another breath and her smile fell. “But then, really… did I? Or you?” “Mmm.” Adagio closed her eyes and shook her head with a soft laugh. “Touché.” Honey stopped by to refill their drinks and ask if they needed anything else. Both thanked her again and stated they were fine. “And these really are delicious,” Sunset said. “Both of you do a lot for the town here, don’t you?” “We may not be the adventurous types any more, at our age. But everypony lending a hoof around here is what really keeps us all moving along.” Honey bowed her head and offered another smile. “And thank you. Pleasant journey to you both. I hope the rest of your trip finds you well.” After she had cleared the plates and gone into the back, Sunset placed a few more bits on the table. They both sat back with contented sighs and gave each other a small laugh. A few silent moments passed. And then Adagio found herself thinking back to the framed photograph on the wall. “Sunset,” she began. “Being here… Seeing that picture, and then how the two of them are now.” She looked Sunset in the eyes and then lowered her own to the table. “It’s had me thinking back. To our first walk together. Do you remember?” “How could I ever forget?” Sunset lifted Adagio’s chin with a hoof and smiled. “Even after everything we’ve been through, that’s still one of my warmest memories for us.” Adagio kissed her hoof and looked over to the picture wall again. “That day… when our mortality finally hit me.” She sighed. “I see the two of them in that old photo, so happy together. And then still that way now, even with all those years showing on their faces… Do you think that’ll be us someday?” She looked back to Sunset and caught her drying the edge of her eye. “I’d like to think so,” Sunset said softly. She sniffled with a smile. “But we still have a lot of years—and lot of memories—to get there, hmm?” Adagio returned the smile. “Yes. And a few big ones to make this week.” She laughed quietly and stood up. “And on that note… Shall we?” Sunset laughed. “After you.” *** A number hours on hoof came and went. And as the girls walked on, the dense forested landscape fell away and returned once again to sprawling grassland. To the northwest, the snow-capped mountains with their jagged, tumbling foothills drew ever closer as the road rolled on. Over the hours spent walking, they had encountered only two travellers heading eastward. And just up ahead, a third had come into view—a grey earth pony shouldering a pair of full, weighted saddlebags. The purple-haired mare walked with an impossibly effortless stride as she approached, Adagio thought, given just how heavy her load appeared to be. “Hello,” she said, not sparing so much as a glance toward either of them as she walked by. And then, “Beautiful day,” her monotone voice added, after passing. Once they had passed out of earshot, Sunset said, “Oooh-kay.” They turned toward each other with raised eyebrows and shared a grin. But then in unison, both their eyes widened. Adagio said, “Wait a minute….” “Was that?” Sunset replied. They both laughed. “I think so.” “Yeah…” Sunset looked back over her shoulder, bringing Adagio to do the same. “Pinkie’s old farm was just southwest of us on the map. So it had to be.” Adagio shook her head with a light-hearted sigh. “The more things change…” “The more they stay the same, huh?” Sunset gave her a wink and a shoulder-bump. And for the next few hours, the sun drifted ahead of them as they roamed on, painting the sky with its deepening russet yellows and oranges. “I know I’ve said this a lot,” Adagio brought up after a while. “But I really am looking forward to this. Seeing the water again. Real, magical, Equestrian water.” Her ears perked up as a thought occurred to her. “Have you ever seen the ocean, Sunset? Here. In this world?” “Not the part we’re going to. I grew in in Vanhoover, up by the northern ocean. I only went to see it once. But I was so young that I can hardly remember.” “Hmm. Another little thing we have in common then.” Adagio nudged her nose behind Sunset’s ear. Turning forward again, she took a long, slow breath. She knew there was so much more to her own lost memories and longing. But still. This new small similarity of theirs was one she found cute in its own way. “I’ve been thinking a little about my hometown, since getting here,” Sunset said after a few minutes. “That I really should go see my parents again one of these days. I know it’s not something that’ll work for this trip, but… I’m sure we’ll be back again.” She turned to Adagio. “I’d love for you to see where I grew up, too.” “Hmm. I would like that, yes.” Sunset kissed her on the cheek and gave a soft smile. She lowered her head again. “But yeah. Everything just sort of… ended when I stormed off through the mirror. I was their only child. They did so much for me.” She chuckled once. “Maybe a bit too much, considering how spoiled and arrogant I turned out. But like that guy back there, I really was damned good with my magic. And I knew it.” She looked off ahead again, and Adagio followed her gaze to the darkening western sky. “Celestia sent word to them that I’m alright now. I asked Twilight to have her do that a while ago. But being back here again… It just feels more real now, you know?” “I do. And for me, this week, it really does feel like… returning to my birthplace. Even if I can only just get to the edge.” She lowered her eyes and shivered a bit under her cloak. “We weren’t all bad, you know. Our race, our society. Song was so important to everyone, and every part of our lives.” She laughed softly to herself. “And it's not what you might think, either, given how song works up here. More than anything else we… ‘heard’ each other in our minds. It’s not like we could read one another’s thoughts or anything, but… it was more of a directed thing. Kind of like willing your expression into those around you.” She closed her eyes and let her mind dive into that reminiscence. Her consciousness drifted to that soft white light glowing deep within the place where her song found its source. “And even without any audible sound, each of us still had our own unique voice. It was… such a beautiful thing. I really felt like I touched that again, that night Aria and Sonata finally got through to me. I can feel it again now. Stronger. And it’s been easier to touch since we arrived here, if that makes any sense.” “It does.” Sunset said. “That’s kind of how my magic feels. Like this old lost part of who I am. Something that’s been sealed away for so long. And now it’s been set free again.” “Hmm, your magic.” Adagio tussled the end of her scarf. “It’s really starting to get cold out here with the sun gone. Would you?” Sunset gave Adagio’s scarf another wrap and snugged it gently before repeating with her own. “Yeah. It is. I hope we’re getting close.” For another hour, they walked in the chill air beneath the rising half moon, shivering more and more as the heat from the day drifted off into the cloudless sky. As the road climbed into the jagged northern foothills, a faint, warm glow began to light the horizon, lifting Adagio’s spirits for a final push. With an enthusiastic nod from Sunset, they both hastened their stride up the inclining path. When the two crested into Rockridge, a flicker of firelight could be seen pouring from the windows of a large building on the edge of town. The smells of wood smoke, cider and fresh bread drifted toward them on the night breeze, carrying the promise of comfort—and the lively tune of a piano. > A Glass of Water on the Rocks > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Warmth. Comfort. Food. In Adagio’s chilled and road-weary state, these thoughts were foremost when she and Sunset stepped up to the fireglow-framed doorway. She looked to the sign hanging above, which read, The Silver Key Inn. A flickering light glowed through the building’s windows, bringing with it the sound of one of the rare happy memories from Adagio’s long years under the influence of her gem—the sound of fast striking, yet masterfully played chords from an upright wooden piano. She closed her eyes with a long sigh. Her mind wandered back to the human world’s old west, just as her hoof found its way to the weathered saddlebag slung over her back. She smiled softly as a fuzzy bubble of warmth grew within her heart and held fast against the cold, nipping wind. Sunset breathed in deeply through her nose and let out a long exhale. “Oh… my. Why does everything today smell so good?” The aroma of hot cider, fresh bread and wood smoke swirled amid clinking mugs and the raucous off-key singing of the tavern’s patrons. Adagio tapped Sunset’s belly with a chuckle. “Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m famished after all that.” She winked. “Might have a little something to do with it.” “Yeah. You’re probably right.” Sunset laughed and pushed open the door. As she did so, the rolling tune from inside spilled out into the night, its lyrics finally rising above the clamour. …day and night I wish I may, I wish I might Have just one little thing Oh, would you please finally bring Me that tiny glass of water?! A chorus of cheers arose, followed by a round of laughter as mugs slammed down on tables. Upon stepping through the doorway, Adagio’s first aim was to discover just who was bringing the old piano to life in such a delightful way. She looked up toward the stage. And to her surprise, the musician wasn’t a pony at all, but rather a yellow-eyed gryphon with a white crest of feathers. His brown fur tapered off into a lighter beige toward his paws. With one yellow claw, he raised the aforementioned glass of water in a toasting gesture, eliciting another cheer from the surrounding tables. Sunset nudged Adagio and then dipped her head toward an empty table in the middle of the room. “Good catch, my dear.” Adagio wiggled her shoulders with a small laugh, and the two walked over to take their seats. It wasn’t long before a light brown waitress appeared, her yellow mane bound in a braid. “Welcome to the Silver Key,” she said with a bright smile. “I’m Barley. Is there anything I can get for you two?” Sunset returned her smile. “Bread, cheese, and some of that spiced cider would be wonderful… Thank you.” As Barley made her way into the kitchen, Adagio turned to Sunset with a raised eyebrow and a pleasant grin. “Food and cider, hmm?” “Our first night out on such a big trip? Heck yeah, we’re gonna do this right.” Adagio gave her a low chuckle and a kiss. A dark grey gryphon walked onto the stage and cleared his throat. “Another round of applause for our surprise performer this evening.” He bowed with an extended claw. Sunset and Adagio joined the others in clapping their hooves. “It certainly has been a pleasure.” Sitting back again, the apparent innkeeper asked, “And you have more for us yet, I presume?” The piano player looked out across the inn’s patrons—his eyes pausing for just a brief moment as they passed Adagio’s, she thought. “Oh, indeed I do. Shall we?” Another cheer went up, followed by the stomping of hooves under tables. Cracking his knuckles, he started into a lively instrumental piece. Adagio closed her eyes. She wondered… was there something more to that lingering glance? Perhaps it was nothing. Or perhaps it was just my stunning self catching his attention. A smirk spread across her lips. But then the music caught hold of her again. She took in a deep breath and let it out, allowing her mind to drift back. Back a few hundred years, to when performing in venues like this had been a true pleasure of hers. She unshouldered her time-worn bag from home and set it on the table. Placing hooves on either side, she rested her nose atop it and breathed in the memories it still held, even after all the distant years. The conversations she’d shared with its owner during their time together had possessed a certain… uncomplicated warmth. Nearly all had been uncommonly free of her ulterior motives and machinations. A peaceful feeling spread through her, and she soon found herself humming softly in tune with the piano. There was a brush on her ear followed by a gentle whisper. “Hey…” When Adagio opened her eyes, she was met with a giggling smile. Sunset asked, “Where have you been? You checked out a little while ago.” Adagio sighed heavily and rested her chin again on the bag. “Oh, Sunset. Just… memories. So many years ago in our other world. Have I ever told you how much I love the piano? I used to sing, you know… in taverns quite like this one.” She lowered her eyes to the table and smiled. “Aria and Sonata always thought I was such a silly romantic about it. But there was just this… something about the ambience, and the way the crowds of that time adored what I had to offer. Without my magic, even.” After a moment, she gave a single laugh. “But then… it wasn’t uncommon for those evenings to later end in bar fights and gunsmoke.” When Sunset narrowed an eye, Adagio winked at her with a sideways glance. “What? We did still have to get our fill, you know.” Sunset returned her laugh and placed a hoof over one of hers. “Mmmm.” “Though I don’t quite know how he’s doing it…” Adagio said. At Sunset’s questioning look, she added, “Hitting some of those notes so quickly, I mean… With just the claws. Some of those aren’t easy with hands, even. I can’t see how it’s possible.” “Huh. You really are a bit of a piano nut, aren’t you?” Sunset gave her a nudge. Adagio countered with a playful, wounded gasp. “You and Aria have your guitar passion.” She sat up straight and lifted her chin. “This is mine. And a few hundred years is more than enough to become masterful at it, I’ll have you know.” Sunset covered her mouth and snorted just as the waitress returned with their food and drinks. Sitting up again, she turned and said, “Oh, wow… This looks just as good as it smells.” “Yes, it does,” Adagio added. “I can’t wait to dig into it.” She then perked up and raised a hoof as Barley turned to leave. “Oh! One more thing. What can you tell us about this piano player? The other fellow implied he’s not a regular here?” “Mmm-hmm. Just showed up a few hours ago and offered to play. Though looking around at everyone…” She passed a hoof across the gathered crowd. “I do hope he comes back for more. That piano’s kind of our thing here, if you hadn’t guessed from the name of the place. Haven’t seen the crowd quite this lively in a while.” She tapped her chin. “He said his name was Sid. But that’s all I’ve got, hon. Sorry.” “Ahh… Thank you. We’re just passing through, but yes. It is delightful.” Barley bobbed her head with another smile. “Well then… Safe journey to you. And enjoy!” She turned to move on with her rounds. Adagio’s mouth began to water as her eyes fell to the herb-flecked cheese. She could smell the butter melting into the crisp, warm bread. “Mmm-hm-hm-hm.” “I know,” Sunset said with a flick of her eyebrows. “Have at it.” Matching bites were taken of each, quickly followed by another. And then another. Adagio spent the next few minutes in her own little slice of heaven. She opened her eyes for a quick glance at Sunset, and found her chewing and mmming with her own eyes closed. The food and hot cider swelled a comfortable warmth within her, and it wasn’t long before she was again humming to another instrumental song from the stage. The rhythm in her throat deepened and spread. As it did so, she felt it reach out and touch that soft light of her source. And in that moment, it felt as if her true song began to once again awaken. Her mind let go, standing aside for her heart take the stage. Seemingly of its own accord, her quiet humming rose into improvised lyrics, matching in time with the tune from the piano. This went on for a minute or so before she became aware that something in the room had changed. The din from the crowd around her had hushed. Adagio opened her eyes to see that those close enough to hear had turned their attention toward her with smiles, nodding or clapping a hoof along with the cadence of her words. Sunset sat quietly hugging herself, her wide eyes watering. She mouthed a giddy, ‘Yes!’ Adagio’s own eyes began to glisten. Here she was, in this moment, realizing another small—and entirely unexpected—dream. And as her growing happiness swelled, so did the power of her voice. A wave of hushed conversations and turning heads rippled through the room, with a number of hoots and cheers following in its wake. She looked up to the stage. The piano player himself laughed with a knowing nod and then brought his tune to a crescendo. The song flowed through its bridge, then another chorus. And with a few cresting strikes, it came to an end. The final note of Adagio’s voice hung on the charged, vibrant air. She huffed breathlessly as a cheer went up, marked by a few more hoots and hollers. Covering her mouth, she choked out a joyful sob. Sunset leaned in against her and said softly, “Wow… How did that feel?” “Oh, Sunset…” Adagio shook her head, unable to manage more than a quiet laugh. A few tittering keys from the piano slowed the clapping crowd to a hush. Adagio looked back to the stage, and Sid again nodded to her. “That was wonderful, my dear.” He motioned to the space beside the piano. “Do you think you might have just one more in you?” A few more whistles came from the surrounding tables. Adagio turned back to meet Sunset’s eyes. “This is what you want, isn’t it?” Sunset asked. “Go. Seeing you this happy right now is just…” She placed her hooves over Adagio’s. Adagio gave a very quick nod and a kiss. She looked all around her and then directed her attention back to the stage. So many wonderful memories tonight. Standing, she took the first few steps with a deep, shaky breath. And here I thought memories were all they could ever be. All eyes in the room trained on her as she walked. Genuine, adoring eyes. Gazes not clouded by magic. And now, a chance to actually live those memories again? She ascended the steps and turned to face the crowd. And then another long, slow breath. In… and out. Sid spoke up. “Time to tone things down a bit, folks. This one is my take on Thellion’s Adagio for Strings. Adapted for… piano.” After a round of chuckles from the crowd, he shrugged. “Eh. I do what I can.” He tapped a trio of keys to emphasize the punchline, drawing a few more laughs. Turning to Adagio, he asked, “Are you familiar with this one, m’lady?” She scarcely heard his question. Her mind was still caught on the title of the piece. And this was not just any common tune. Thellion had been an ancient classical unicorn composer, predating even Star Swirl’s era. As she slowly became aware again of her breathing, she took note of the silence that had settled across the room. Blinking twice, she turned to Sid. “I… am, actually. Yes.” They exchanged a nod. He then set into the slow, melancholy tune. Adagio closed her eyes. The heavy weight of this particular piece brought in a tide of sadness, carrying with it vivid images from her past—and the words to convey them. Her thoughts took the form of a small boat drifting amid a calm, moonlit ocean. She took a deep breath… and then set those images free. Far~ away, Soft keystrokes from the piano lapped against her like gentle waves. Long~ ago, Memories drifted in from her time of youth, and the heartache of innocence lost. Three voices rang bright In an endless blue. A deep connectedness to the world around her began to take root—through her memories, and through their expression in song. She heard a wave of quiet gasps roll across the room. Too proud, So blind, So foolish in kind. Their debt couldn’t be scoured from those seaside stones. She opened her eyes to see graceful trails of magenta-colored light swirling around her. Her first thought was, Sunset? But then no. When she glanced over, Sunset had her nose buried between both hooves on the table, looking up at Adagio with tears streaming down her cheeks. Adagio struggled to keep her voice steady as the depth of those loving eyes struck her. This moment. Her music. After so long… No water so pure Could wash them away. But with time they did learn. With age they did grow. Though their hearts~ so heavy~ remained. That empathetic look of joy in Sunset’s eyes. Adagio’s ache of longing for her lost ocean dreams. The freedom and beauty of the sea. All together, it finally overwhelmed her. Everything she’d been yearning for so long to experience again. Yet it still felt so impossible. So far away. And it hurt so much. She closed her eyes as a choked-up tremble gripped her voice. Can you hear my~ mother calling her Lost daughter home? Lifting her eyes again, her mind gasped when she found her own horn aglow with the same wine-colored light that was swirling about her. It was there. Magic. Through this deep, ethereal moment, she truly had connected once again with her ancient power of song. Uplifting thoughts flooded in from her life before the gems. Though they were quickly swallowed under a wave of deep regret, and her own tears at last began to fall. Ageless surf and sea forgive me. On land I must roam. Though I know not when we’ll meet again… Pressing her eyes closed, she poured her whole self into the words, knowing that all in the room were now being swept along with her. Memories of Aria and Sonata drifted in, and were pulled up into the rolling tide. Because of her mistakes… her unchecked arrogance, they had been forced to endure so much. We carry Your memory Wherever~ we go. The human world. All the hundreds upon hundreds of years they had weathered. But then came Sunset. Her presence had at long last shone a light of hope into their lives. And she had now brought Adagio here. There was still so much ahead of them. So much for them to experience together, and to share. Adagio’s heart blossomed as the song rose into a crest and then receded to its coda. May the sands of time… do what they may. And maybe one day… we’ll meet again. And sing of Your wild and wondrous Ways… The last lingering note of her voice joined with the final chord from the piano. They shared a parting dance in the air above the tables before bowing to one another and then fading into stillness. And then… silence. Adagio lifted her head and looked out across the breathless room. A good half of those gathered were found drying their eyes. She turned to Sid and caught him doing the same. He cleared his throat and took a breath. “A round of applause for our lady. Doesn’t her voice just shimmer, fillies and gentlecolts?” A slow clapping of hooves began and then grew into full-on applause. But Adagio could hardly hear it. Her mind was still hung up on his words. Okay… What? she thought. That’s twice now. Over at their table, Sunset’s open-mouthed expression revealed a similar thought. Sid took a long drink from his glass of water still sitting on the piano. When he set it down again, the glass clinked oddly. Adagio looked over to see actual ‘rocks’ in it, rather than ice cubes. I… don’t think that’s how that works. She quirked an eyebrow and followed him as made his way through the curtain backstage. But when she arrived behind the curtain herself, he was just… gone. After a good minute of looking through the hall and into a few doors, she sat down in the middle of the wooden floor. Her eyes went unfocused in front of her, everything that had just transpired still swirling around in her mind. She brought a hoof to her heart and choked out a smiling breath. “Wherever you went…” she whispered. “Thank you.” *** Adagio watched from beneath the comfort of her blanket while candlelit shadows danced across the exposed beams of the hardwood ceiling. She felt the bed sink to her left as Sunset climbed in and snuggled up beside her. Sunset placed a hoof around Adagio’s chest and nestled against her neck. “Dagi. That was…” Adagio let out a breath. “I know…” She rested her head atop Sunset’s. “Thank you again, love. For all of this. That was so wonderful.” There was so much she wanted to say. About her song. About the magic. About the experience. But then… that look in Sunset’s eyes as she had watched from their table. Adagio knew that nothing more needed to be said. It was almost as if words at this point would somehow cheapen the lingering sense of wonder. They would have time tomorrow to talk about Sid the gryphon and his odd behaviors. There would be ample opportunity over breakfast to discuss their next destination after leaving Rockridge. Adagio took another long, deep breath. For now, she was content to wrap her forelegs around Sunset and hold her tight. After blowing out the candle on her nightstand, she again rested her chin behind Sunset’s ears. The two laid quietly in each other’s embrace for some time, until Sunset’s grip at last loosened, and her breathing slowed. “I love you,” Adagio whispered. She closed her eyes and allowed herself to drift off to a peaceful, windswept shore. > Closure: Some notes on how I'd planned to end this. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My Rough Notes for the Remaining Chapters Have some action go down in whatever town Sunset is picking up Rarity’s shipment from. Maybe somehow include Daring Do? (heh) Make good on that 'Cassandra Truth' from the earlier chapter. In this case, Daring is actually the one needing the friendship lesson. Maybe Sunset teaches her something about empathy. It would fit with Daring’s characterization in that one episode. Make this a “friendship emergency” level of problem for Sunset to solve, with a bit of help from Adagio. Want something of the caliber of the friendship cases from the episodes.  Make it a problem that requires Sunset to show some strong empathy, since even Meghan said at a con panel somewhere that she’d love for that to be Sunset’s element, were she to have one. (2019 addition: I guess this actually came true, with the Everfree gemstones.) At the close of the chapter, show a small 'bonus' scene where Twilight comes into the map room and notices that Sunset’s cutiemark is no longer floating over the town. She smiles softly to herself and whispers something like, “Well done.”  — At the peak of the story when they finally reach the ocean, have a major scene when Adagio steps into the water and Twilight’s spell breaks, reverting her to the hippocampus form. When this happens, after the initial, “Oh shit... how are we going to get home now?” moment, lead to Sunset just saying "Well… it is what it is. Let's take advantage of it and have some fun?”  Adagio nods excitedly and slips fully into the water. The next paragraph or two is her exhilaration as she spends several minutes diving, spinning, jumping, laughing with a sense of freedom she never thought she’d ever feel again. When cresting out of the water, she catches glimpses of sunset laying down on the shore with her head on her forelegs and a soft smile and a few tears on her cheek. (Need to make it clear to the reader that these are happy tears at seeing her lover experiencing this much joy.) After Adagio’s had her moment, she comes to shore and rests her head next to sunset. (Need to state both her joy of this singular moment, but also using clever prose to hint at some prospect of her staying here for good, now that she’s finally been “restored”.  In her mind, she’s not considering that, but may want to bait the reader a bit into questioning whether she might actually consider it.) “Sunset… thank you for this. I never dreamed I’d experience this freedom again… to return to what I was.” Lowers her head onto the beach, closes her eyes, lets out a long breath. “But even with all of this…” Her tone and expression sadden. “There’s nothing I want more right now than to hug you. Pull you into my arms. Run my fingers through your hair and give you a long, soft kiss. And then just hold you for hours. But in this… condition...” she gives a bit of a bittersweet laugh. Sunset nuzzles Adagio’s nose and responds with something tender. Could lead into an, “I know what you mean,” and then Sunset describes her thrill at being reunited with her magic. If the two of them really wanted to, there’d be nothing truly stopping them from remaining here indefinitely… but at what cost, etc? Each of them might have an opportunity now to live out an individual dream, but there’s no way those dreams could happen side by side with the barriers this world and their respective forms would drive between them. And even if they could find some way to coexist with some permanent polymorph spell or something, the counterparts to their friends on this side of the mirror are still NOT their real friends from back home - the ones who have been through every step of the journey that led them to this point. — After a bit more conversation on that topic, the mood lightens again. Sunset says, “You know, we could spend some time together underwater, if you want,” with a leading grin. Adagio questions how that might work. Sunset is able to create a water-displacement spell around herself so she can hang on to Adagio and ride with her under water. Or perhaps Adagio's weak/limited magic has a means of keeping Sunset close to her as they move through the water. Add a few more adventure-y scenes within a chapter here.  One of the abilities that Adagio has regained with her true form is the telepathic communication her species used to employ to converse with one another. It takes a moment for Sunset to ‘get it’, but they eventually are able to communicate this way. Show Sunset taking brief breaks to "recycle" the air inside her displacement bubble with some visual magical effect - transferring the CO2 with fresh oxygen from the water. At one point Adagio has a feeling… she knows that they’re getting close to where the old ruins of her home might be. In her excitement she unintentionally tunes out Sunset’s growing concerns (and eventual panic) at the water pressure growing heavier and heavier as they dive deeper. The pressure is growing too strong for her spell to push back. Sunset’s spell fails and Adagio’s telepathic link is suddenly wracked by Sunset’s burst of fear and the crushing pressure of the water all around her. This snaps her immediately out of her focus on finding her home and into full-on panic mode about Sunset’s condition. Adagio has to act quickly to get her back to the surface. Perhaps the stress can result in a bit of a magical 'adrenaline rush' for Adagio. She bursts up through the water and lays Sunset down on the beach. Sunset is unconscious and not breathing.  After an agonizing minute of panic and grief for Adagio — thinking she’s just caused her love's death (as it seems hopeless to get her back from this non-responsive state) have Discord finally reveal himself. Adagio, still unaware of his change of heart, threatens him while assuming a protective stance between him and Sunset, even knowing that she's powerless to actually do anything to him in her current state. Discord rolls his eyes. "Oh, please. Time is of the essence. You've made it irrefutably clear that you wish for her to live. So 'shoo-be-doo' yourself over there and let me work." Snaps his fingers and Adagio teleports above the water at the shoreline and drops in. He starts playing a snake-charmer's flute which pulls all the water out through Sunset's mouth and into a drinking glass or something. The glass then tilts and pours the water onto the ground before winking out of sight. He snaps a small spark from his claw into Sunset’s chest. She coughs and comes back to consciousness. He'd been keeping an eye on their journey out of curiosity over a former fellow-creature-of-chaos, all the while comparing her change of heart to his own. Perhaps reveal that he might have happened to playfully "spice up" their journey to the ocean on more than one occasion and thus may-or-may-not have been responsible for a few of their trouble spots. At one point in the conversation, he’ll make a reference to the inn at Rockridge, and in the voice he was using for the gryphon, he’ll sing a few lines of Adagio’s song. “That was… you… I knew something was off. But the moment was just so wonderful. It had been so long since I’d felt that joy.” Then more quietly, she adds, “And it would never have crossed my mind that you… huh, or even I… would have ever done such a thing for someone else.” She recalls the feeling of joy from in that moment and lowers her eyes. “Thank you.” Discord starts explaining to Adagio that the way he came to understand friendship wasn't too much different from hers. He pulls out a wallet and releases its folding photo strip. It unrolls to an impossible length onto the sand with flashes of pink and yellow across all the photos. And at the last flip, Fluttershy herself pops out, bewildered. Maybe she’s holding a flower watering can or something and drops it out of her mouth when she yells, "Discord!"  "Oopsie!" He snaps his fingers and she winks back to wherever she came from, but the watering can is left behind. He picks up the can, kicks it around off his feet and elbows like a hacky-sack a few times before blinking it back as well. And then Sunset giggles with "Was that..." Adagio finishes with her and they both say, "Fluttershy?" And they both laugh warmly. Conversation continues about Discord and Fluttershy. — After the conversation winds down, a concern arises about how they’re going to get back to the castle, with Adagio now stuck in her land-immobile form. Discord clears his throat. “Are we forgetting present company?” Dramatically placing a paw over his heart, he moans, “You wound me!” They laugh. He holds up his claw in a pre-snap gesture and raises an eyebrow. When the both nod, he gives the snap. Show Adagio’s point of view of what the teleport looks/feels like. They wind up right in the portal chamber of Twi’s castle.  Could give this some funny timing with having them pop in on some embarrassing moment for Twi. Have a chapter of their closing conversations and experiences with Twilight and Celestia. Show the return home. Reunited with Aria, Sonata, and the others. Closing feel-goods that show some of the conclusions from the notes below. As an aside, here are some original ‘goals’ notes that I had for the story before setting into writing it: What purpose does the story serve for Adagio aside from making her feel better about homesickness? Serves to bring some closure to her longing for her old home and leads her to realize that "home" can mean a lot of things. The most important of these things is that home is where her friends are, and most importantly now, wherever she and Sunset are, together. And for a number of reasons, the best place to call home will continue to be the human side. This trip was necessary for her though - to work through these issues, to GET that opportunity to see her old home again, and to grow her appreciation for the way things are on the human side. What purpose does the story serve for Sunset? She really wants to be a knight for Adagio here - that's the main (initial) motivation. Along the way, I'd like to bring her more closure with Celestia, whether on or off-camera since this is Adagio's POV. By the end of the story, I want to have her reach the conclusions as Adagio about which world they belong to now. What will Adagio's mindset be at the end? Will she still miss Eq? Or conclude that she'd rather live out human side with Sunset? One of the big points I'm aiming for is that they both conclude that they'd be happier on the human side. Sunset's real friends are there. The equine counterparts, while possessing many of their same traits, are still not them. They’re distinct individuals. The human 5 have been the ones by her side for her whole journey. In Adagio's case, there are too many regrets on the Eq side. Not to mention, the species issue is a big one. For her and Sunset to really be 'together', their lives would be much more fulfilled on the human side. (Insert a joke about the many benefits of fingers? Lawl  ;) Do any radical changes occur? Still thinking. A few thoughts though: I'd like to have a portion of Adagio's magic restored via contact with the ocean. It won't carry over to human side any more than Sunset's has, but just knowing that she was able to feel it again and have it revived will be a lasting, good memory. It will cement the fact that their singing voices actually were sourced from within themselves, but were then corrupted by the gems, rather than being purely a product of those gems