Alicorn Awakeing

by BookMarkofCanterlot

First published

The fulfillment of ones destiny through a long adventure.

What will one have to do to fulfill their destiny? Long ago when pony cared not for each other, they let their selfish hate and distrust unleash the greatest threat peace and harmony. So two fillies will have to embark on a journey to find the only thing that will stop him and even become the most powerful creatures to ever exist.

Chapter 1

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As rain poured heavily down onto a dirt alleyway, two young unicorn fillies hid underneath an empty wooden crate trying in vain to keep the rain out. They were in a lesser part of the most populated, and only major, unicorn city of Marehaven. The older of the two was a bright off-white filly, whose radiance shone like a bright summer’s day, and the younger who was a dark bluish-purple, who shone like a beautiful, luminescent, moonlit night. The bright off-white filly gestured at her sister to try and sleep. Though she protested, they both laid down and wished for a good nights sleep.

When the rain subsided and morning came, the two fillies awoke to the sound of the dark filly’s stomach rumbling. “Celestia, I think we should get some food,” whispered the indigo filly.

“Okay Luna,” Celestia said with a sigh of relief, “We can go get some food, but this time remember to stay close to me. I don’t want to lose you.”

The two fillies had been orphaned for most of their lives, and could not remember who their parents were. They had been through several homes as foals, never having a permanent home. The last house they lived in was the home of Mr. and Mrs. Duskshine; they were the nicest unicorns Celestia and Luna had ever lived with. Unfortunately after several months of living with them the house caught fire and kill both Mr. and Mrs. Duskshine. Since then, the two fillies had not found a fitting home, so they lived in an abandoned shack, just outside of town which was owned by their adopted teacher Star-Swirl the Bearded. Although school attendance was not mandatory, it was highly expected and cost a nominal fee, which the young fillies could not afford.

As Celestia and Luna slowly walked down the busy thoroughfare, they approached a vegetable stand with a light green earth pony, with a red and orange mane and a trowel and carrots for a cutie mark, of which neither sister had. The earth pony was one of only five earth ponies allowed to enter the city, and this was only so they could sell their foodstuffs. The light green mare was Harvest Dawn and she had taken a liking to the two young fillies; she sympathised for them and tried to help in any way possible. As the two young unicorns approached her, she gave a gentle smile and pulled out a small paper bag handing it to them. It was filled with slightly damaged food, which was all she could spare. Celestia thanked her and Luna gave her a hug before they walked away to find a quiet place to eat.

Finally home in their small abandoned shack just outside of town, Celestia and Luna sat down to eat their dinner of slightly bruised apples, deformed carrots, stale bread, and old lettuce. To their surprise there were two perfectly whole and unmolested cupcakes hidden in the bottom of the bag, and with a note attached:

Dear Celestia and Luna,

I hope the sweets I baked for you were good enough. I just didn’t know what else to bake a unicorn they usually don’t eat such treats,but anyway. Harvest Dawn told me all about you two and after hearing how sweet you two were I just had to make you something, so I hope you like it.


Sugar Burst

P.S. If I accidentally baked too much I will try to send you girls some.

“Celestia,” asked Luna, “I thought earth ponies hated us. Why would they treat us nice?”

“I don’t know, sis. I just don’t know,” Celestia spoke softly, but firmly.


Inside a secret pegasus instillation based somewhere outside of Cloudsdale, four burly pegasi royal guard horses carefully dragged an unconscious aqua-marine unicorn, covered in a torn tweed outfit that covered his cutie mark, through long and dimly lit hallways. Once reaching a heavy wooden door they stop, the aqua colored pony began to awaken from the daze in time to hear the large wooden doors swing open and his name shouted. “RIGEL SEVERMOON! IS THAT YOU?” Screamed a very masculine voice, “Are you sure he’s awake?”
“No Commander sir.” firmly stated one of the guard horses.

“THEN WAKE HIM UP!” yelled the commander.

One of the guard ponies sat Rigel up in a chair and proceeded to give him a good thumping in the back of the head, almost instantly waking him. He lazily gazed around the room and saw the four guard ponies, who kidnapped him while he was studying rock formations in the mountains that surround Marehaven for the Royal Institute of Knowledge, and a large stallion in full decorated armor and with a prismatic mane.

The tall light blue stallion that stood before him, as he came into focus, which was a figure that he instantly recognized. Rigel had seen him many times in meetings with Princess Platinum. The unicorns opinion of him, besides being based off of personal meetings, is largely based off of unicorn propaganda; despite the propaganda pegging him as a ruthless tyrant and an evil stallion, Rigel feared that the truth was much worse. “So Commander Hurricane, what do I owe the pleasure of your company?” Rigel sarcastically belted while slowly raising his head into the only light in the room revealing he has a black eye and several cut along his face, “or am I just the latest in a long line of P.O.Ws, or is it that you just need a hug you idiotic horse-fly?”

“HOW DARE YOU ADDRESS ME AS THAT! I HAVE HALF A MIND TO...” the commander paused, “Listen here you are going to tell me EXACTLY what I want to know about Princess Platinum and her guard detail, or your lifespan will be shortened dramatically.” he stated forcefully.

“Good I would rather die than help a pegasus piece of trash,” the aqua unicorn retaliated. Commander Hurricane stomped his hoof and the guards threw him down the hallway, while the buff commander said under his breath, “Fine, that can be arranged.”


“The dark cloud of shadows and disharmony slowly spread over the land of the ponies, causing much hate and despair. The one who causes so much pain to all mares and stallions, the one who will bend the world to his will, the one who is nigh invincible;

His will,

His face,

conjure images of fear,

Permitting chaos to reign,

we curse his name,


- Unknown author, Predictions and Prophecies


After their delightful meal, Celestia and Luna decided to visit their teacher and since it was getting late in the evening they would get to see the sun lowered and the moon raised, which would be their first time. As they walked to the main courtyard that was just outside the castle, Star-Swirl the Bearded approached and greeted the two young foals. After gesturing them to find some place to comfortably sit, he took this place. In the center of the courtyard was a large chalk circle with numerous smaller circles surrounding it. Each circle was inscribed hundreds if not thousands of small intricate runes to add the magic. In the center stood the bearded unicorn and around in the outlying circles stood Twelve other unicorns all of which were the most powerful and most magically oriented unicorns in existence at that moment of time.

When Star-Swirl gestured at the other unicorns to begin,their horns began to radiate a luminescent white; as strong wind swept the area, magical lightning arced from their horns to the runes laid out below. The inscribed chalk circle started to glow and release an energy which flowed into the center circle. Then tendrils of pure magic reached out and grasped the light grey bearded unicorn, whose horn began to shine almost brighter than the sun itself. It slowly became dark as the moon had finally risen.

Usually exhausted from the ordeal,which now he felt reinvigorated, Star-Swirl glance over the see the two unicorn sisters collapsed on the cobblestone pavement. He galloped, as quickly as his old bones would carry him, over the check the girls to make sure they were not harmed. Though tired, they in fact were not harmed, because during the moon being raised the sisters watched in awe, amazed at the sight before them; but near the end as the magic lashed out to grab Star-Swirl the Bearded the young fillies’ horns began to glow with radiant magic and explode into a magical fit that completely out shined the elder unicorns’ spell circle.

When they awoke Celestia and Luna were in their little shack just outside of town, the old light grey unicorn was pacing back and forth.”ugh. What just happened?” groaned the bright white filly.

“Ah you’re awake. I something very important to tell you, so listen very carefully,” the old unicorn began to explain. “Back at the courtyard when we were casting the spell it almost completed, but it was interrupted by something very much more powerful than all of us combined. I need you to tell me what you remember now.”

Putting a hoof to her head out of pain Celestia began, “I don’t quite rem...” before being interrupted by a now awoken Luna.

“Our horns started to glow and there was this bright flash then we woke up here,” timidly stated the dark indigo filly.

“Well then I guess...” Star-Swirl started as he got lost in thought, “I want you two to visit me first thing in the morning and I might treat you girls to a good breakfast,” he said as a smile came across their faces. The old unicorn chuckled and instructed them to get some sleep.


Deep within the bowels of Château de la Licorne, the castle of Marehaven, in a large stone room, with the only door being barred, a long mahogany table sits proudly with only three occupants. Two earth ponies and one pegasus, firmly strapped to their chairs and slightly beaten, sat waiting as a obviously royal figure entered the room. The royal white unicorn strutted to the center of the table opposite of the ponies as she began to speak, “Alright gentlecolts I am going to ask you nicely, tell me everything you know about the pegasi and earth ponies rebelling and no pony gets hurt.”

“Please Princess Platinum lets us go we haven’t done anything wrong,” begged one of the more severely beaten earth ponies, “I swear we don't kno....”

“Blow it out your ass ‘Princess’ I’m not telling you anything,” interjected the dull red pegasus.

“Shut your mouth horse-fly you’re going to get us killed!” the other earth pony yelled.

“Look whose talking mud pony, I’m surprised she hasn't kill us just because there are two mentally deficient earth ponies here.”

“Ahem..settle down now all I need is....” the princess calmly spoke as she was interrupted.

“And another thing princess horn-head you wouldn’t be so bold if Commander was here and....” the pegasus spoke loudly.

“ENOUGH..Well that it if you won’t talk we will have to make you.” the prince said as she began to leave the room and whispered to one of the guards “Make sure they suffer.” the guard nodded and Princess Platinum went on her way.


“In the fires of hate and distrust he is bred,and born into a void of chaos from the womb of disharmony. He corrupts the minds of all within his grasp, so he can spread his malicious intent to all. In the eyes of mortals he is a beast like no other, in the eyes of gods he is a imperfection on their perfect world, in his eyes he is the natural state in which all shall return to. And through the whispers of vengeance his name is spoke


-Tome of Creation.


“Star-Swirl,” announced a, rather vibrant shade of maroon despite his age, unicorn, “Mind explaining exactly what happen tonight?” Clearly interrupting the old grey unicorn’s train of thought as he gazed out the tower window of his room in Château de la Licorne.

“Wishing Star I know about as much as you do regarding what happen earlier,” He responded while turning around glancing over his simple yet sophisticated room in the north most tower. It was lightly decorated with magical artifacts,most of which were covered in runes and runic markings, and tall massive,containing most every important book ever published up to that date, bookshelves the rose to the ceiling.

“Yes, but you are telling me something I know it. You know more than you say and I demand to hear it.” proudly stated Wishing Star.

“Accusations and nothing more. The others and us will do a full investigation in the morning. For now we all need rest.”

The disgruntled unicorn growled in frustration and stomped off to his chambers. Star-Swirl regained his composure, which you could hardly tell he lost it, and laid down for a sleep. “Hopefully everything will be solved in the morning,” the old unicorn said under his breath before passing out.