The Teal Changeling

by MrAlterad

First published

Princess Chrysalis was born a queen, but she has much to learn about becoming one. The war between her hive and Princess Luna may provide the lesson, assuming what follows doesn't destroy her kind...

The Changeling General, war hero, driven to win at any cost. The Moon Princess, Equestria's guiding light, seeking to protect her ponies from an unseen threat.
Between these two, a secret war was waged. Between these two, stood a young changeling princess: Chrysalis
Born of a different color from her mother's hive, Chrysalis finds herself being drawn towards the center of the conflict. With those she holds dear backing her, she'll march into the heart of this war, changing the fate of her race. For better, or worse...

Set in the Trio-verse, an AU where Celestia was banished, instead of Luna. No prior reading required.
Want to give my most sincere thanks to Seiya, Llyrisviel, and docontra for their help editing this tale.

Prologue - Color

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Hibernation. While ponies were knocking leaves from their trees, The Badlands south of their borders underwent a change of its own, unguided by pony hooves. The temperatures fell, bringing the flooding rains upon the scorched earth, signaling the need for the hive to seal their burrow, and sleep.

Every year it was always the same. Gather what food they could for the next clutch the queen would lay, and ultimately grow hungry over the four months that composed of the monsoon; their hibernation season. Fortunately, this year was different.

A lone changeling wandered through the deepest parts of the hive. He took in a deep breath, smelling the faint hint of sulfur as he took his time enjoying the moist warm air, hearing a steam chute go off further down the corridor. He then paused for moment, wiping dew from his decorated helm, a relic passed on from his predecessor; the helm of the general; the helm worn by the one named Mantis.

Entering the hatchery, he paused when he noticed his queen, asleep in the room's center; an exhausted, yet happy look hidden under her long dark orange mane. Behind her stood two of her royal guards, Bastion and Aegis; taller than the queen, they watched Mantis silently, still as statues. Laying around her, reaching to the walls of the chamber, were countless eggs in varying shades of amber, each of them half the size of the helm Mantis wore.

This clutch was thrice as large as last years. A fact that played through the changeling's mind, his chest swelling with pride. Thanks to a bold strategy of his own design, the hive now had plenty of food to support the new clutch, and even more. This year, no changeling would go hungry in the ‘spring’.

As he circled the room, he noticed that the queen didn't sleep alone. Curled in a ball close to her was a hatchling, one Mantis recognized; a royal guard almost two years old. While barely able to talk, he was already the size of a mature drone, and in another six years, this royal guard would reach his full imposing stature as one of the queen's personal protectors.

Seeing the hatchling made Mantis wonder if any new guards lay dormant in the clutch around him, making his eyes scan for any eggs larger than the rest. He took the clutch in slowly, seeing these eggs as the evidence of a brighter future. His future. He then paused when an unusual color caught his eye.

Nestled behind a part of the clutch, sitting apart from all the others, was an egg sporting a cool deep blueish green color. Teal. The color brought back memories that made the soldier pause, his good mood melting away as he took it in. The egg was easily twice as large as the rest, and its color quickly washed away the pride he'd been holding. It was different. He was the sire of this clutch, which meant he was also the sire of that egg. A teal egg.

Teal?” he stated under his breath as he approached the egg, “This- This isn't our color. It's a cold color. A weak color; a color better suited for ponies.” He then shook his head, glaring angrily at it. “We have no need for another color in this hive, this one is better left abandoned!” he declared as he adopted a disgusted look. When he reached the egg, he bent close to it, the telltale spots on it informing him the hatchling inside was female. His eyes widened as he took a step back, his mouth hanging open.

“A queen's egg!? I sired a queen?” he asked, his mind immediately sifting through the implications and the impact this could have on the hive's future. He stood there for several moments as his mind played it out, and all he saw was chaos. A hive needed unity to survive, and her color was the most basic of means of breaking that. A fact he could look past, if it weren’t for one thing. “Why teal!? Why couldn't it have been red? Even purple would have been acceptable!" he spat out furiously; he then placed a hoof atop the egg as he adopted a dark scowl. "No! Our hive has no need for a queen like this! Queen Amber is all we need, and with this large clutch, we can capture even more-”

The air was knocked out of him as she was sent sprawling. With quick reflexes, he rolled back into the wall, coughing as he sprung into the air, hovering there as he saw the queen's hatchling now standing between him and the egg. The royal guards simply watched in silence. Mantis stood as the second in command of the hive. It wasn’t their place to interfere with him, unless he threatened their queen.

“You would strike Mantis, you nameless child!?” Mantis spat, his body shaking in the indignation of being caught off guard by a hatchling. His eyes snapped to the egg, before his wings buzzed loudly as he charged the young guard, intending to smash him into the teal eyesore. Before he could reach his mark, he was slammed into the ground by an orange telekinetic force, making him let out a small groan as he saw his queen glaring at him, her horn glowing.

“Is there a problem, Mantis?” Queen Amber asked, punctuating her question by putting more pressure on him. “Child, bring her here,” she commanded of the young guard, who suddenly looked very sheepish as he gave a small nod.

“Yes mama,” he replied, carefully carrying the egg towards her. As he placed it next to her, she rolled it close, cradling it as she let go of her general. Mantis took in a ragged breath as he got on his hooves, while Amber gave the hatchling a small smile.

“It's 'Your Highness' now,” she cooed as she rubbed the egg lightly, getting a flustered look from the child.

“Umm, no name-” the hatchling let out.

"And you've just earned it,” Amber quickly replied as she pulled the hatchling close, getting a confused look from the young changeling. “Well Mantis, is there a problem,” she asked again as she gave the general a slightly detached look.

“Your Highness, the egg is teal!”

“I don't need your powers of observation to see that, Mantis.”

“But, it's teal!" Mantis let out in exasperation, put off that she couldn’t see what he saw. "It is a weak color! A color a pony would wear!” he let out in a heated rant, “That, and it's a queen's egg! You're in fine health, the hive doesn't need two queens, it'll only lead to chaos!”

“Mantis, are you suggesting that our future can't support two hives?” she asked coolly as she raised an eyebrow, getting a surprised look from him.

Two hives?” he asked, his mind immediately picturing the potential logistics behind the possibility, “I mean, if we can get all of Equestria under our hooves, then-”

“Then we could support three, or even four hives,” she pointed out, “Mantis, capturing that village was just what we needed, and the Moon Princess is none the wiser thanks to your clever ruse.” Mantis couldn’t help but smile at her praise, though the grin was short lived as his eyes fell back to the egg.

Amber then made a sweeping motion to the room’s contents, “This clutch is just the first; in a decade, our hive will be three times the size it is now!” she said, a glimmer in her eye that left the general in awe. “The time for another queen is coming, and she'll be ready when we need her,” she stated as she continued to pat the egg. Her brow then furrowed as she glared at Mantis. “And if something untimely were to happen to her, you can rest assured that you'll be following suit shortly after. Understand?” she asked, and Mantis returned her glare, before lightly kicking the ground.

“As long as I breathe, she will live,” he stated, avoiding eye contact with his queen as he did.

“I think you meant to say 'As long as she breathes, I will live',” Amber replied, before making a dismissive gesture, “Now leave me, I'm quite tired, and dealing with you isn't helping.”

“I understand, Your Highness,” Mantis replied as he bowed lightly. As he turned to depart, he gave a dark glare to the hatchling that got in his way, getting a glare in return as he left. Immediately after he departed, Amber let out a weak sigh as she collapsed, rubbing the small egg as she pulled the hatchling closer.

“That was a very brave thing you did,” she said in a kind tone as she looked to the young royal guard, who blushed in turn. “Tell me, why did you stop Mantis?” she asked, and the hatchling's face scrunched up as he pieced together her question, and his reply.

“I, dinna wanna see egg get hurt,” he replied, a small fire in his eyes that made Amber's heart swell with pride. With a warm smile, she indicated the egg.

“This little one is special, she's gonna need someone to keep her safe,” she added as she pointed to the hatchling, “You will be her shield, her protecting wall; your name will be Bulwark. Understand?”

“I- I'm, Buulwok?” he replied, getting a small chuckle from his mother.

“Close enough.”

“Who...?” Bulwark asked as he gently touched the egg.

“Her? Her name is Chrysalis, and though Mantis doesn't want to see it, she's our future,” Amber explained, that glint returning, making her own guardians smile at her mirth. “And with his aid, I'm going to make sure that all of you will have a brighter tomorrow, free of hunger,” she promised, and though the hatchling didn't understand what she meant by that, he smiled all the same.

“Buulwok keep Chrysalis safe...” The young royal guard said sternly, surprising the queen.

“You get her name right, but not your own?" she asked, letting out another small laugh, "Yes, Bulwark will suit you fine...”


“I'll be dead before I see that maggot become queen!” Mantis mumbled resolutely, before reaching his destination. Looking to the ceiling, his anger started to ebb away as he saw the fruits of his labor.

Lined up in a large series of amber cocoons were sleeping ponies, an entire town's worth. A town believed by Equestria to have been swallowed by the sea. “We don't need another queen, or another hive for that matter. We just need one. And with this, we won't know hunger anymore.” he stated, a confident smile punctuating his words. “With this, we have all we'll need to take even bolder action,” he added, his mind already at work planning the next harvest. The second, of many to come...

1. Genuine Sugar

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The hatchling princess bounded through the chambers, eager to reach her destination and get her fill before joining up with her companions. Despite her minute size, she moved faster than a fully grown drone; a fact she took pride in. As she entered the feeding room, her eyes went to the ceiling, looking for her favorite treat. She then frowned as she realized that her shadow had fallen behind.

“Come on Bulwark! How am I supposed to have breakfast if you're too busy being slow!?” she shouted into the corridor she came from, before looking to the hanging pods that were out of her reach.

Despite her wishes, a queen's body matured slower than other changelings. Her clutchlings were now full grown drones, yet she was still the size of a sixth month old hatchling. That, and her wings weren't strong enough to get her off the ground. Feeling the ground start to shake at her guard's approach, she stepped to the side as he trampled into the room, breathing heavily from the chase.

He, on the other hoof, was easily thrice the size of a typical drone, and if he stood next to the hive's queen, he'd stand just a little bit taller; which was about right for those born to be the queen's royal guard. Being tall next to a typical drone, he easily towered over the princess. However, since this size gap was present for as long as she could remember. It didn't bother or intimidate her in the least. Bulwark gave her a sheepish look before letting out a sigh.

“Your Highness—”

“It's Chrysalis!”

“Of course, Your Highness. I'm reminding you there's still nectar back at—”

“I don't like nectar!” she interrupted as she adopted a pouting look, “I like it better from here,” she added as she indicated the cocoons on the ceiling, “Now, your princess needs help getting up, take me to that one,” she ordered, pointing to her favorite pod, one that was giving off a weaker glow than the others around it.

“Yes, Your Highness,” he replied without hesitation, kneeling down so his princess could hop on his back. “If Queen Amber finds out-”

“I'll tell her I'm sorry and promise never to do it again,” Chrys replied with a dismissive gesture, “Up!” she finished as she tapped his back twice with a hoof, getting a small sigh from the guard as he lifted her closer to the pods.

Never having liked nectar, Chrysalis relished the taste of drinking directly from the source. Nectar always came in one flavor, and though it wasn't a bad flavor, it was monotonous to taste the same thing every single day. Her annoyed look became one of anticipation as they reached the pod, for of all the others she'd sampled, this was the only one that had a sweet taste to it. That, and the pony in the pod was pleasant to interact with, which was a bonus in the young changeling's eyes.

“Now keep us here for a minute, I'll be quick this time!” she explained, not wanting to keep her clutchlings waiting. Seeing Bulwark give an assuring nod, her horn glowed as her magic connected to the cocoon, making her awareness to her surroundings fall away...


“Come on gramps! You gonna sit in that chair all day?” The light blue unicorn filly asked with a smile as she circled around the old stallion, who had been quietly taking in the bright view of the ocean from the deck of his house before her arrival.

“As lively as ever, Star Shell,” he replied with a weak chuckle. “Let's see if this old bag o' bones can still walk,” he added as he stood up, his body groaning in defiance, which he ignored. “Well, will you look at that!” he let out as he gave the filly a smile, “So, what does my favorite grandfilly wanna do today?”

“Something short! My friends are coming and I don't wanna be late.” The filly's eyes then widened in excitement, “How 'bout a story?” she asked, getting a considering look from the stallion as he left the deck, walking to the beach with the filly at his side. He considered it for a moment, a salty breeze blowing through his silver mane as he nodded.

“A story huh? Give me a minute, I think I have one just'n mind,” he said with a weak smile. A look of pain flashed through his eyes, and the entire seascape briefly fluctuated and flickered, making the filly pause, her eyes flashing green as she looked around in concern. However, the moment passed, and the old stallion taking in a deep breath as he continued his slow walk.

“Let's see, how'd it go again? Ah yes... Once 'pon a time, there was a sly, shifty stallion that lived by the shore. This stallion had it all; he was rich, had lots of friends, and lived out his dreams with a smile on his face.” He then let out a strangely somber laugh, getting a confused look from Star Shell. “Despite all that, he wasn't a very good father. He and his son, they would argue all the time. They never saw eye to eye. Well, one day, his son became a parent of his own, and felt he was ready for change. So, he left our little town of Tampa Neigh with his wife,” he said, pausing for a moment to look to his home, a sad look in his eyes.

“Gramps?” The filly asked, unsure where this story was heading, yet eager to hear more.

“Huh? Oh, right,” he said as he shook his head, “Anyway, the old stallion was sad that his son left, and, he admits, a touch bitter." He then paused, letting out another short laugh, "Okay, very bitter. He ended up pushing his friends away, and spent all his bits to try and feel better. And wouldn't yah know it, just like that, the old stallion had gone and set himself up to live the rest of his days alone. Didn’t happen overnight, but happened all the same. As those lonely days wore on, the stallion found a new dream to help him sleep at night. He dreamed that his son would forgive him, and maybe, let‘m meet his grandfilly,” he finished as he turned to the sea, sitting down as he enjoyed the breeze.

Something was off. The filly looked up to him, a worried look in her eyes as she reached to touch him. He spoke before she could.

“I wanted to meet Star Shell in person, yah know? But I guess meetin' her in dream was fulfillin' in its own way,” he said, giving the filly a warm smile, making her take a step back in realization, her eyes wide. Don't know who, or what you are.” He then shrugged, “To be frank, I don't really care. I just wanna thank yah, for lettin' me spend time with her, even if was just a dream.” He then turned to the filly, giving her the sweetest smile she'd ever seen, a smile that wasn't meant for the filly named Star Shell, but the one wearing her mask. “Thank you. Yah've made the last few months of this old stallion's life, happy ones.”


Chrysalis' eyes snapped open as the connection faded. Her horn took in the last bit of love the pod was ever going to give, as the weak amber glow it gave off faded away. She stood there, on her guard's back, her mouth falling open as she placed a hoof on the lifeless pod.

“Highness?” Bulwark asked, noticing an unfamiliar expression on her face. She ignored him, feeling a tightness in her chest that made her frown.

“I-I'm done,” she said as she looked away from the pod, “Take me down,” she ordered, and he did so, bringing them to a pair of drones who'd been waiting for them; Chrysalis' clutchlings, Momo and Darrin.

While having hatched from the same clutch, these two were already full grown drones; making them noticeably bigger than the princess, to her slight annoyance. Momo was a female worker who had a slightly reddish tint to her wings and eyes. Darrin was a soldier, his eyes a fierce shade of yellow. He was stouter and a little bit taller than Momo, and when he saw Chrys coming down he took a step forward.

“You just couldn't help but get a snack in first, could you?” Darrin asked sarcastically with a smile, getting an unexpected jab in the shoulder by Momo, “W-What was that for?” he asked in mock pain. His question was ignored as Momo stepped closer to Chrysalis. Chrys jumped off Bulwark's back after he landed, and was caught off guard when Momo gave her a soft hug.

“M-Momo?” Chrys asked in surprise, making no effort to free herself.

“What's gotten into her?” Darrin asked impatiently, getting a small glare from the female drone.

“Chrys, are you okay?” Momo asked as she looked into her clutchling's green eyes.

“I, I don't know,” Chrys admitted as she glanced to the side.

“Your cheeks are wet,” Momo pointed out, making the princess rub her eyes in surprise.

“Highness?” Bulwark asked as Darrin took on a contemplative gaze, looking from Chrys to the pod she had just fed from.

“...Did your favorite snack die?” he asked, earning a glare from all three of them that made him take a defensive step back. “What? It's a legitimate question.”

“You could be nicer about it, she's clearly sad!” Momo proclaimed, getting an annoyed look from Chrys.

“I'm not sad, it was just, just, unexpected,” she replied, fooling no one as Darrin frowned.

“What's to be nice about?” he said coldly, “Food gets old and dies. That's just the way things are.”

“Yeah, but that means there's less food for the hive,” Momo pointed out, “Right?” she asked as she looked to the princess.

“Well, yes, but ... he tasted better than the others,” she said weakly, keeping the stallion's unexpected gratitude to herself. She then glanced to the pod, her chest hurting again as she did. She didn't like this pain. She didn't understand it. She wanted to know why it hurt to see that amber glow fade away.

“Sorry to say, Chrys,” Darrin began as he adopted a know-it-all posture, “This is why you shouldn't get attached to your food,” he said, making Chrys hesitate as Momo stepped in between them.

“Why did it die?” Momo asked, giving Chrys a concerned look.

“He was old...”

“Then it was simply his time,” Darrin added coldly, “It's always someone's time, sooner or later.”

“It is?” Momo and Chrys asked in unison.

“That's right.” He then adopted a more considering look as he glanced between them, “Chrys, don't let it bother you too much. Trust me, tomorrow, you'll forget all about it, and it won't be long before you find a new favorite, okay?” he assured, getting a weak nod from her.

“Maybe, well. I don't know, I guess we'll see,” she replied in an unusually uncertain manner, making the others share brief concerned glances. “Come on, let's go to our spot, like we planned,” Chrys added, hoping to get them off this topic, getting a small smile from Darrin.

“Now that's what I'm talking about! Let's get going!” he let out, moving ahead as Chrys followed, before she forced herself past him to take the lead, Bulwark and Momo sharing curious looks before following after. As the young princess continued to lead the others towards the surface, she found her thoughts constantly wandering back to the old stallion.

As the tunnels started to thicken with drones at work, Chrys got on Bulwark's back. Moving through the hive, drones moved out of the way of the lumbering guard and its passenger, leaving plenty of room for Darrin and Momo to follow in their wake. As they made their way, many of the passing changelings gave the princess curious looks.

Some had a fond look, while most simply saw her as an object of interest. However, there were a small number that saw her as a threat. Despite this, they all left the princess alone, protected by the queen, and by Bulwark.

“You don't suppose they closed off our spot, do you?” Momo asked as she hovered around Bulwark. “I mean, the rains are coming, so they probably did,” she added as her ears fell.

“It's fine,” Bulwark stated, “Made sure it wasn't sealed,” the giant replied confidently.

“Good job Bulwark,“ Chrys replied, eager to distract herself from her thoughts as she gave the guard a twisted smile, “See, you can do more that just stand around and egg-sit me!” she let out as she patted him on the shoulder in a condescending manner.

“Good thing too,” Darrin interjected, “This'll probably be the last time we can hang out here this year,” he pointed out, catching the princess off guard.

“What? why!?”

“I'm gonna be busy for the rest of the week getting the nectar stored,” Momo pointed out, giving her friends a sheepish grin. “I went and asked for too much work again,” she added, making Darrin shake his head in astonishment.

“Always taking on more than you can chew," he said, getting a nod of agreement from Chrys and Bulwark. "I'm gonna be on 'hatchling' duty for the rest of the week while the rest of the soldiers help with sealing the tunnels,” he added with a sour look, making Chrys let out a long sigh.

“You do know I can pull you both off of all that, right?” Chrys pointed out, getting a hesitant look from Momo.

“We know,” Darrin quickly replied, “But that'd be bad.”

Why?” Chrys asked, looking a little annoyed.

“We have jobs to do, Chrys,” He stated, “We can't just ditch them because you're lonely. You've got the big guy here, so you should be fine, right?” he asked, making Chrys appraise her protector with a disappointed look.

“Yeah, because having this stick in the mud with me all the time is just grand,” she replied as she glanced to the side.

“You could always talk to Lores,” Momo suggested, “Maybe learn something interesting?” Her eyes then widened at the idea, “Something queen-like, perhaps?” she added, and Chrys was about to poke fun at the idea, when a faded cocoon came to mind. She then paused, taking a moment to consider the option before nodding to Momo.

“Actually, that wouldn't be a bad idea,” Chrys said, getting a smile from her hovering friend.

“Really!? Lores will be happy to hear that!”

“You're familiar with that old worm?” Darrin asked, getting a nod in return. Before he could make any further comment, the group came to a halt, seeing that the tunnel leading to their spot had already been plugged by a large stone. Plugged, but not sealed.

Bulwark!” Chrys let out in disappointment.

“It's fine, Your Highness,” Bulwark replied as he kneeled down, letting his charge hop off before he moved to the boulder. With a small grunt, he dug his hooves into its side, and rolled it out of the way, letting in the light of day. Darrin let out a small whistle as Bulwark motioned to the now open passageway.

“Royal guards sure are something else,” Darrin said in awe as he walked around the stone, “This must have taken four workers to move!”

“Bulwark has his uses,” Chrysalis said matter-of-factly, giving the guard a small smile, which he returned. With the way open, the four of them went out onto a part of the hive reserved for the princess and those she chose, their spot.

The air was cool, the wind letting out a small roar as it brushed against the canyon wall. Halfway up the wall was the raised platform the four changelings embarked upon, enjoying the hot sun overhead as their eyes took in the Badlands before them. Momo let out a pleasant sigh as she hopped into the open area, sprawling out on her back, bathing in the sun with a smile.

“It's been a little cold lately,” she pointed out, 'a little cold' being a typical summer day to a pony.

“Well, the rains are coming soon, so that's only natural,” Darrin pointed out as he lay down as well, taking in the sun. Chrys wanted to join them in their sunbathing, but her mind wandered as her eyes fell to the horizon beyond.

Spread out beyond the cliff was a land of tan earth, scorching heat, and sparse vegetation. It was land so inhospitable, that only the changelings would dare to call it home. Anything else in The Badlands were simply monsters and small lizards. Still, to her mother, and all the members of the hive, this corner of The Badlands was home. This was their realm, where no pony would wander, no dragon would claim, and no snake would trespass. It fit the hive perfectly.

To Chrysalis, all she saw was a responsibility she couldn't wrap her head around. One day, she was going to be a queen. Whether of her own hive, or a successor to her mother's, she didn't know. What she did know, was that she didn't like this view. However, she did like its company.

“Something wrong, Your Highness?” Bulwark asked, getting an displeased look from the princess.

“Come on Chrys, join us!” Momo let out, before looking to Bulwark, “You too big guy, this'll be the last chance we can sunbathe this season, we shouldn't squander it!”

“Momo's right,” Darrin added, “Let's enjoy this while we can. Some of us have a busy week ahead.”

“You make it sound like all I do is slack around and eat,” Chrys said with a raised eyebrow as she started to approach the offending drone.

“I don't know about slacking, but I'm right about eating!” he declared, looking to the others, “Right?” he added, getting a small nod from Momo, while Bulwark simply glanced away.

“I do not eat all the time!” Chrys let out indignantly.

“What I wonder,” Darrin began as he ignored her reply, “is where you pack it all. I mean, it's not like you're getting any bigger.”

Darrin...” Momo let out warningly, which was ignored by the drone.

“Maybe she's as big as she's going to be,” Darrin let out teasingly as Chrys' face darkened, “Striking terror in ponies everywhere, beware, the Midget Queen comes-” he was interrupted by said queen pouncing on him. As he had been laying prone sunbathing, he was easy pickings. Momo and Bulwark watched as Darrin tried, and failed, to free himself from the mighty Midget Queen. Once she had his ear in her teeth, he started to slam the ground with a hoof.

“I give, I give!” he let out, being freed from Chrys as she adopted a confident pose.

“That'll show you, lowly peon!” she said as she let out an 'evil' laugh. “As punishment for insulting your queen, you must carry me around for the rest of the day!” she commanded, getting a sigh from Darrin as he reluctantly nodded.

“That's what you get for teasing her,” Momo let out as she rolled onto her belly.

“Yeah yeah, and all that stuff about humble nectar,” Darrin said dismissively as Chrys motioned him to rise, getting a smile from the princess as he stood with her on his back.

“Bulwark, I have a new carriage for the day, so you're free to take a break.”

“Your Highness, I'm always happy to protect you,” Bulwark said, his voice carrying a level of certainty that always managed to catch Chrys off guard.

“Well, I'd be happy if you left me alone for the rest of the day,” She mumbled, making the guard adopt a contemplative gaze as he looked to Darrin.

“Is Mantis still out?” Bulwark asked, shifting the ambient mood around them as each of them adopted a sour look. Momo and Chrys also looked to Darrin, eager for his answer.

“Yes. He's not supposed to return till tomorrow,” he replied. Being an aspiring soldier, it was natural for him to know what the general was up to. As a close clutchling to Chrys, it was only natural that he kept an eye on her biggest obstacle, and biggest threat.

“Then ... I guess Darrin can take my place,” Bulwark said reluctantly, making Chrys look to him in surprise, before adopting a wide smile.

“Really!? In that case, let's go!” Chrys let out as she hit Darrin in the shoulder, “Take me to Lores!”

“What? Now?” he asked, getting another jab in the shoulder for his trouble.

“No questions, I'm the queen and we do what I say!” she said resolutely, making Darrin roll his eyes as he waved to Momo and Bulwark.

“Later Chryssy, later Darrin,” Momo let out, giving them a smile that unnerved the soldier.

“Just so you know,” Darrin began as they re-entered the tunnels, “I'm going to make you regret this.”

“That's not how you talk to your queen—” Chrys began, being interrupted when Darrin halted.

“Chrys, we're inside again, don't call yourself that,” He quickly whispered, making Chrys's eyes widen in realization, before looking to the side, ears falling. Seeing that down look on her face made Darrin adopt a sour look, and they continued down the hall for several minutes before Chrys spoke up.

“...Darrin, if I were to leave, and make my own hive, would you and Momo come with me?” she asked, getting a small chuckle from the drone.

“Where's this coming from?” he asked, getting a flustered look from his princess.

“I just want to know, if this is something I'm gonna do alone.”

“If it came to you leaving the hive to start your own, we'd go with you, no questions asked,” he said resolutely, getting a small smile from the teal changeling.

“You sound very sure of yourself.”

“At this point, I think we'd end up surprising our fellow clutchlings if Momo and I left you up high and dry,” he finished, getting nothing from the young queen on his back as he continued down into the hive's bowels.

“Thanks,” she murmured quietly, and being the considerate clutchling he was, he pretended to not have heard it.

2. Taking a Step

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As the pair continued down toward the halls where Lores’ workshop resided, Chrys noticed the looks given by the changelings they passed. Without Bulwark, she felt more glances being cast her way, and she didn't like it. She briefly considered changing her colors to avoid their curious looks, but thought better of it; she didn't want to deal with the fuss Darrin would make of it. Unfortunately, her silence didn't stop him from making one anyway.

“So, why'd we ditch the others so early?” he asked, “Is there something you wanted to check out?” He then adopted a sour look as he glanced to her on his back, “This isn't about what happened to your breakfast, is it?” he added, getting a cross look from Chrysalis.

“My business with Lores doesn't concern you.”

“Fine, leave me in the dark, see if I care,” he replied dismissively, “So why'd Momo seem chummy concerning Lores? Can I get an answer for that one?”

“Hmph. You ask a lot of questions for a carriage,” Chrys replied with a sigh, “She wants to be a caretaker next year,” she said simply, making Darrin's eye’s widen in realization.

“So, she is going through with that,” he replied with a smile, “No wonder she's familiar with the lorekeeper,” he added, getting a small nod from Chrys.

“She wanted to be a caretaker for this year’s clutch, but now there isn't going to be one,” Chrys said, sounding disappointed as Darrin looked to her.

“You're still on about that? Her Highness will need her strength in the spring,” he pointed out, prompting her to glance to the side.

“I know. It's just, there'd still be a clutch this year if Mantis had kept his dirty mouth shut...” she said in an off-put tone, making Darrin consider her for a moment before adopting a small smile.

“So, Momo talks to Lores so she can learn how to look after hatchlings, while our Princess wants to ask about food,” he guessed, his smile widening as he felt Chrys' glare trying to bore its way through the back of his head. “Feels like I guessed right.”

“He thanked me, okay?” Chrys replied in annoyance.

“Huh?” Darrin asked, caught off guard by her somber tone.

“The pony this morning. He thanked me. He knew I wasn't a pony, and he thanked me,” she explained, making Darrin pause as he looked to her, an unreadable expression on his face. “I want to know why,” she firmly added, knowing it was strange to care about such a thing, seeing Darrin think just that by the slight shift in his eyes. They stared at each other for a moment longer, before he continued down the hall.

“We skipped out on sunbathing for a pony,” he said, letting out an annoyed sigh. “Still, if it'll help you feel better, then it is what it is,” he added in a slightly detached tone.

“You won't tell anyone, right—”

“Like I would do something so stupid,” He cut off, giving Chrys an insulted look. “Mantis would stir up trouble if he knew you cried for a pony.”

“I didn't cry!”

“If you say so, Your Highness,” he sarcastically replied, making Chrysalis frown at him. She considered berating him for it, even biting his ear in protest. However, her confusion born of the emotions tied to what happened to the pony kept her still, making her wish she had kept the whole thing to herself.

Before either of them could strike up a new topic to dispel the silence, they reached Lores' workshop. Having one entrance, Darrin stopped at the opening, looking inside to see that Lores was the only changeling in the chamber. “I'll keep an eye out for you. Make sure you find all the answers you're looking for,” he said, his oddly soft tone making Chrys pause as she entered, giving him a curious glance. "You skipped out on our the last chance to sunbathe this year for this. It's clearly important to you, though I don't get why," he said, letting out a small sigh. "Chrys, you're going to be a queen one day,” he stated firmly, getting a hesitant look from her, “A queen must be determined, and focused, just like you are right now about this whole … pony business. So, make sure you see it all the way through.”

“All the way through?” she asked, making Darrin glance to the side, before adopting a fiery look.

“That's right. You're determined to get your answers, and that gives you direction. Chrys, a queen leads, and a drone follows. A queen can't lead without direction,” he affirmed, making Chrys frown.

“That sounds like something Mantis would say.”

“They are his words,” Darrin admitted bitterly, making Chrys' adopt a slightly bothered look, “Just because he said it, doesn't make it any less true.” He then nodded into Lores' cavern, “I'll be here, so have at it,” He finished, giving her a small smile, which made her sigh as she looked away.

“You spout good advice when I'm down, and tease me when I'm up. Can't you be Nice-Darrin all the time?” she asked as she raised an eyebrow to him.

“What, I can't treat you like a pampered princess all the time,” he replied confidently as he pointed past Chrys, towards the female drone who seemed to be patiently waiting for them to finish. “For instance, it's rude to keep a valued member of the hive waiting,” he quipped, making Chrys blush slightly.

“I see how it is,” she said as she gave him a twisted smile. “I'll be sure to let Momo and Bulwark know how you treated me,” she added, getting an almost alarmed look from Darrin, before he decided to be completely focused on watching the hall, turning his back to her.

Putting away her smile, Chrys turned to Lores. As she did, she noticed a pegasus stallion behind a caged part of the cavern. As the princess approached, Lores noticed Chrys' growing curiosity, and addressed the princess after a polite bow.

“Don't mind the pony, Your Highness, he's just a dud that knows a lot, for a pony,” she added with a small smile, making said pony roll his eyes, wearing a small smile as he gave the princess a curious look.

“Dud?” Chrys asked.

“A loveless pony. They're rare, but they do happen,” Lores explained, her expression implying that she found the notion to be strangely tragic. “That aside, what brings you to my workshop?” she asked with a smile, making Chrys pry her eyes from the yellow pegasus to the oddly matching changeling.

“A pony thanked me. Why'd he do that?”

“What?” Lores asked flatly, completely caught off guard. She then shook her head, “Could you give me some more context, Your Highness?” she asked, prompting Chrys to eye the ground for a moment before looking Lores in the eyes.

“An old pony I fed on this morning thanked me for feeding from him. He knew I wasn't the pony I was pretending to be, but thanked me for pretending to be that pony anyway. I want to know why.”

“And I'm guessing there's a reason you can't ask this pony why?” Lores asked as she adopted a contemplative look.

“R-Right,” Chrys replied as she glanced to the side, giving Lores nothing more. Chrys could feel Darrin looking her way, and though she was curious about the expression he was giving, she chose to ignore him.

“Did his love taste ... sweet?” Lores asked as she raised an eyebrow, getting a nod from Chrys as her eyes widened.

“Is that why he thanked me?”

“Uh, sort of,” Lores replied as she started pacing, “The flavor of love varies on how you take it. Present yourself as a pony sibling and you can either get a sour or salty flavor, while you can get a tangy flavor if you're the pony's lover,” she divvied out, years of enjoying what she did showing, a glow in her eyes as she continued on. “Love only tastes sweet when the pony's affection is towards you, instead of the pony you're pretending to be,” she added as she turned to the princess, “This old stallion you speak of, his gratitude was genuine. It has to be, if the love you tasted was sweet.”

“Yeah, okay.” Chrys said as she nodded, before her brow furrowed, “But, why? I was pretending to be his grandfilly. It was all a lie. Shouldn't he have been mad?” she asked, and Lores gave her an apologetic shrug.

“Ponies are nice at times when it just doesn't make any sense. It's probably one of their strangest traits,” she explained, just at a loss as Chrys. “Maybe it would be better to ask a pony. I know a lot of things about them, but there's also a great deal I don't,” she admitted, prompting Chrys to eye the yellow pegasus, getting a small laugh from Lores. “Not that one. He knows a lot of things, but ponies he knows not,” she finished, noticing the disappointed look on Chrys' face. “Sorry I didn't have the answer you were looking for, Your Highness. Is there anything else you wanted to know about ponies?” Chrys shook her head, her dissatisfaction prompting her to go back to bathing in the sun. As she was about to turn around, a small curiosity did come to mind.

“...Actually, yes,” Chrys began, her horn flaring as her body shifted to the form she was most familiar with, the blue filly Star Shell, “Why do I always feel hungry after being like this? Mom- Queen Amber told me it’s because pony bodies work differently, but she didn't have the details.”

“Ah, you came to the right drone,” Lores replied, beginning her pacing anew, “Ponies have warm blood. It lets them stay awake in cold weather, but because of this, they need to eat more. Taking their form naturally makes us hungry faster.”

“How much do ponies eat?”

“Typically they eat four times as often as we do,” Lores quickly replied.

“T-They eat eight times a day!?” Chrys replied in amazement, “No wonder being like this makes me hungry,” she added as she returned to her natural form.

“Uh, actually, they only eat three times a day.” Lores replied, making Chrys look to her in a moment of confusion. Her ears then perked when she heard Darrin start to laugh.

“Our little princess eats twice a day!” he let out as his laughter escalated, earning him a glare from Chrys as she started to blush. “She almost eats as much as a pony, and yet she's still-”

“Darrin, don't,” Chrys said, her eyes glowing fiercely for a moment, her small stature failing to sell her threatening pose, prompting Darrin to lose his ability to speak, as his laughter carried down the halls. Luckily for Chrys, she had a trick she gained from her mother for such an occasion. Darrin's laughter was cut short as Chrys grabbed him by the ear with her magic, a small sneer on her face as she gave his ear a twist.

“Ow! Cheater!” he said, making her sneer turn into a smile, before letting go and turning back to Lores.

“About that,” Lores began, “from what the queen told me, having such an appetite is natural for a growing queen,” she explained. She then looked like she was about to get really technical, but thought better of it.

“Hear that Darrin? It's. Natural,” Chrys said proudly, only getting a small chuckle in turn from her clutchling. “Tch,” she let out, before giving her attention back to Lores, “So ponies eat more to keep their bodies warm. Can't we use that to stay up during the monsoon?” she asked, getting a nod from Lores.

“We could, but it would mean needing a lot more nectar.”

“Can't we eat pony foods?”

“Well, yes. However, there's little such food in our lands, and we still need nectar to feed our hatchlings. That, and our bodies can only manage foreign food other races eat while we're shaped as them. If we have any food besides nectar in us when we return to normal, there's a high chance of getting terribly ill.”

“O-Oh,” Chrys replied, wide-eyed. “That's good to know,” she added, hearing Darrin clear his throat.

“Soldiers such as myself are taught that before heading into the field.”

“Didn't ask you, Darrin,” Chrys said dismissively.

“And yet you were told all the same,” he said with a grin, “While it's not a big deal for workers like Momo-” He then paused as something down the tunnel caught his eye. His entire posture then shifted, becoming harder as his brow furrowed. “Mantis,” he hissed, making Chrys blink, ears dropping as she quickly took in her surroundings, briefly considering hiding, before looking back to her clutchling.

He was looking to her, waiting to see what she'd do. She hesitated for a moment, before looking to the ground, kicking it as if were at fault, before she stepped forward. Lores looked on curiously as Chrys reached Darrin's side. Glancing down the hall, the princess saw Mantis heading towards them, with his personal royal guard, Sledge, towering a pace behind him.

Mantis's eyes met hers, and she held his gaze for a second, before glancing away. Before Mantis could reach them, Darrin moved to place himself between Mantis and Chrys, to the princess' chagrin.

“General, you're back early,” Darrin said, making Mantis raise an eyebrow.

“Step aside Darrin, I have words with her,” Mantis said coolly.

“Then give them, she can hear you just fine like this,” Darrin replied as he frowned, “I am her guard right now, so you're going to talk over me,” he added, getting a small smile from Mantis.

“Go help bring in our haul. That's an order,” he stated, and Chrys could see Darrin start to shake in anger. There was a brief pause between the two of them, a pause that went on far longer than Chrysalis liked; a soldier that disobeyed suffered exile, at best.

“You heard him,” Chrys said as she pushed Darrin aside with her magic, “He gave you an order, so take care of it,” she added, getting a look from him, a mixture of hesitation and disappointment, before he turned back to Mantis. He gave the general of the hive a forced salute, before passing Mantis to carry out his orders.

“Darrin,” Mantis said, making Chrys' clutchling pause, “You shouldn't waste your time with this one, she'll only drag down your ambitions.”

“Is that an order too?” Darrin asked, a dangerous rasp in his voice.

“Merely a suggestion,” Mantis said as he waved dismissively towards him. As Darrin started to depart, he glanced over his shoulder, his eyes catching Chrys'. She gave him a subtle nod, which he returned as he left. “My little changeling,” Mantis began as he turned to her, “what foolishness led you to put away your shield?” he asked as he took a slow step towards her.

“What I do with Bulwark isn't your concern,” she said, a little surprised as she realized she'd just taken a step back from him. Without Bulwark or mother, this was her first time being alone with Mantis, and she was taking it about as well as she feared. Her heart was already pounding, and her head was starting to ache as he took another step forward.

“I'm gone for a month and you go and let your guard down. You should know that your life is important to the queen, so what you do with your shield is my concern,” he replied in a hollow tone, making Chrys resist the urge to scoff at his 'concern', “You need to be kept safe, after all,” he added as he took another step forward, bringing him into the room.

“I was safe, until you showed up,” Chrys replied as she again found herself backing away from his advance. She glanced to the side, seeing Sledge put himself in a position to intercept Lores if she chose to involve herself. To Chrys' annoyance, and slight relief, Lores didn't seem interested in such a notion, looking on with a contemplative expression. Mantis then stomped his hoof, making Chrys flinch, drawing her eyes back to him.

“Keep your eyes on the obstacle in front of you,” he said with a sneer as he lowered his head towards her, taking another step forward. She looked to him, wide-eyed as she felt her back hooves seem to move of their own will, taking another step back. Mantis was in control of this exchange, whether she liked it or not, a realization that brought Darrin's words to mind.

A queen leads, a drone follows. She wasn't born to be a drone. At the very least, she wasn't born to follow Mantis. He took another step forward. Imagines of what he might do to her flashed in her mind's eye as she resisted her body's desire to take another step back, which brought Mantis closer to her. His sneer seemed to weaken a moment, before it became a vicious scowl, his fangs exposed as his eyes seemed to radiate a promise worthy of her terror.

Mantis took another step forward.

Chrysalis stood her ground. Despite her body's wish to flee, she didn't falter under his suffocating aura. She wouldn't allow herself to back away any more; a resolution that empowered her, making the fear in her eyes trade out for determination she didn't know she had. Her head still throbbed, and she could hear her own heartbeat; despite that, she didn't give ground. Mantis blinked in surprise, raising his head as the scowl and glare gave away to an appraising look.

A queen leads, a drone follows. Chrys took a step forward, daring to take back the ground she lost. Before her hoof could land, she felt the air shift by her mane, causing her to step back. It took her a moment to realize that Mantis' hoof was right next to her head; he had lashed out at her, purposely missing, a cold look in his eyes as she met his gaze, her mouth falling open. She had taken pride in her speed, believing it would help her against him; a belief he had quickly shattered.

“Don't press your luck, princess.” He then moved his hoof under her chin, her bravado gone as he brought his head closer to her, “You're still too weak to challenge me; you'll always be too weak, it's in your color,” he declared, his gaze drilling into her eyes for a moment before he took his hoof away, stepping around her as a strange smile appeared on his face, one Chrys didn't recognize. “Still, holding your ground, I think you've managed to impress me-” He paused, his ears shifting as his eyes went to the opening to the chamber, his diverted attention making the world outside of their exchange return to Chrys in a rush of fresh air.

She resisted the temptation to collapse as she looked to whatever distraction had freed her from him. Her heart then skipped a beat when she saw Momo standing there in the opening, surprise evident on her face as she looked between Mantis and Chrys.

“You have no business here,” Mantis said to Momo, making her ears fall as he turned to her, “Leave,” he ordered, and Momo hesitated for a moment, before adopting a forced smile as she entered the room.

“Bulwark sent me to look after Her Highness,” Momo began cheerfully, a crack in her voice being the only evidence to her fear, “So here I am,” she added, but before she got too close to Chrys, Sledge got between them, his massive frame making Momo flinch as Mantis started to approach her.

“M-Mantis, shouldn't you be overlooking the troops?” Chrys said in an attempt to keep his focus on her, getting a side-glance from the changeling as he raised an eyebrow.

“Something wrong princess? Worried of something happening to your clutchling?” he asked in a cold tone.

“She'd make for a poor queen if she didn't care,” Lores interjected, getting a surprised look from the others, “Mantis, you're done here,” she added in a composed tone, getting a hostile glare from him. “Don't give me that look, you're well aware I'm not one of your soldiers, and neither is Momo,” she said as she pointed to the door. Mantis seemed to consider something for a moment, before he continued walking, passing Momo as she stood rigid. Sledge followed after him as he left the room, before glancing back.

“Princess, without your guard, you're a liability. A hive has no need for a queen that puts herself in danger's way,” he said coldly, before leaving, making Momo stick her tongue out at him, before coming to Chrys' side. Chrys, for her part, sat down, her legs feeling oddly weak as she looked to Momo, trying to settle her emotions. Over the fear, pride, relief, and frustration, one emotion won out over the others, as her brow furrowed.

“Momo, why'd you stand up to him!?” she asked, making Momo pause, before she rolled her eyes.

“Because the Big-Bad-Mantis was picking on my clutchling, that's why.”

“Momo, I'm protected by Bulwark and mother. I'm pretty sure Mantis likes Darrin, but what do you have?” Chrys asked, getting a sheepish smile from Momo.

“My go-get-'em attitude?” she replied, leaving Chrys speechless as she sat there, looking at Momo in astonishment.

“Seriously Momo, you shouldn't have done that,” Chrys said as she adopted a somber look, “And I shouldn't have left Bulwark behind.”

“Hey now, Mantis is gone again, and we all still have our heads, so no pouty face.”

“I'm not pouting.”

“Right... Do you want to get a snack to cheer you up?” Momo asked, and Chrys couldn't deny that the idea sounded appealing. She then pictured a cocoon, its light having faded away. She suddenly felt a little sick, and she wasn't sure if it was because of that image, or from the way Mantis cornered her, as she shook her head.

“There's nectar back home, I could go for that,” she said, getting a concerned look from Momo.


“I'm... not in the mood for anything else,” she said weakly as Momo came to her side, kneeling so Chrys could jump on her back. “I think I'll walk,” she added, forcing herself to her hooves as she looked to Lores, noticing the caged pegasus in the corner giving her an appraising look. “Lores, why'd you step in?” she asked, a little confused that the lorekeeper had been silent through the whole thing till the end.

“I wanted to see if our princess could stand by herself,” Lores said with a small nod, as if that was all the answer she needed to give, “Don't be too shy to come back later if you have any questions, Your Highness,” she finished with a smile, getting a small nod from Chrys as she turned to leave.

“...Did you find what you were looking for?” Momo asked as they left, staying close to Chrys.

“What? Oh, no,” Chrys admitted, before looking at her hooves, “But, I did learn something big, so it wasn't a waste,” she said as her eyes adopted a determined look, getting a curious glance from Momo as they went deeper into the hive.

3. Royal Treasures

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Throughout the hive's tunnels were small illuminating mushrooms. Just bright enough to light the way for the changelings, all these mushrooms gave off an amber glow. All except those in a particular room in the hive, which gave off a greenish blue glow. One of Queen Amber's personal guards, Aegis, was guarding the entrance of this room; looking out for the princess in Bulwark's place.

Said princess was laying on a heap of smooth rare stones; a small collection of pebbles floating in her magic. Having been taken in by a bout of melancholy, she bid Momo to take off after having a midday meal, and had kept to herself since, relatively speaking. The silence carried between the princess and the guard was shattered as the sound of stone breaking on rock rang from the room.

Glancing to the door's guard, a displeased look grew on her face. She didn't mind Aegis, but he was no Bulwark. She briefly wondered where her personal guard was before her mind wandered back over the day's events. Once again the pony came to mind, but thoughts of him were brushed aside as she replayed her encounter with Mantis. She frowned as one of the pebbles she held started to spin.

The sound of stone striking stone rung out again, prompting a curious look from Aegis as Chrys began to hurl another stone towards a changeling-shaped rock formation on the far end of her room. The structure was surrounded by debris and rock fragments from years of abuse. Another rock was hurled against its face, making the stone bounce off, letting its protest be heard before rolling to a stop.

Four more stones were cast before her frustration started to ebb. She let out a tired sigh as she rolled in her rocky bed, her eyes falling to the wooden bookshelf that held her things. She found herself thinking that the bookshelf once belonged to a pony, making her face scrunch up as she pushed the obvious notion to the side. She then eyed her collection of colored egg shells resting on the bottom rack; placed where she could easily see them.

Standing in the center was a mostly intact teal eggshell, hollowed out, sitting as a bowl. Next to it were seven shell fragments of varying hues of amber, as well as an almost complete eggshell. Each of the fragments had a name and number etched on them, names of their original owners.

When a clutch starts to hatch, each hatchling is given a number based on the order they hatched in; a number they wear as their name till they're old enough to give themselves a name of their own choosing. Of her clutch, she was the only one to start off with a true name. The mostly intact amber egg next to her shell was slightly larger than hers, Bulwark’s egg; she didn't have to look to know that nearly all of its pieces rested within, with only two fragments of the entire egg missing.

Levitating her own egg over, she smiled as she looked upon the two fragments resting inside: A spotted fragment had Momo – 1 written on its side, while another fragment bore Darrin – 77.

Chrys' heart ached as she looked to the other fragments resting on the shelf, picturing herself putting the two left inside her shell outside to join those seven others. She could clearly remember when all nine fragments were nestled happily in her shell. Her brow then furrowed as she recalled who had driven those seven clutchlings away from her.

The largest stone in her bed was cast, with more emotion then all before, causing a boom that caught even the stoic Aegis off guard. The 'face' of the 'statue' had shattered into countless pieces; dust swirled in the air as Chrys huffed at the target, her eyes itching as she placed her egg back on the shelf, falling onto her bed in a frustrated heap.

You'll always be too weak, it's in your color.

Another rock was sent flying across the room, but it failed to hit its mark, striking the back wall before bouncing to the floor. Looking to it, her eyes shifted to a teal mushroom rooted between her and the pebble that missed. She looked at that mushroom for several moments, before glancing to the side.

Her horn then glowed, causing the mushroom to brighten slightly in reaction to her changeling magic. Her horn's glow then shifted orange, slowly turning the mushroom a matching color in the process. Now it was a lone amber mushroom in a room of teal light, yet, she envied it. The other mushrooms didn't care about the color of their neighbors.

Her horn then brightened, and she felt her mane tingle for a moment, before her magic faded away. She ran a hoof through her hair, seeing a color matching the amber mushroom in front of her, making her let out another long sigh.

“If you're going to change your mane, maybe you can change that sighing problem while you're at it,” a warm voice suggested, making Chrys flinch, her horn glowing teal as her mane returned to its natural color. She then turned around, seeing her mother standing there with a mischievous grin on her face. “Oh, don't change on my account,” she said as she sat down next to Chrys' bed. “So let me guess; Mantis?”

“Mantis,” Chrys replied as she glanced to the abused statue in the corner.

“Hasn't even been back for half a day,” Amber mumbled as she shook her head, “What'd he say this time?” she asked as she pulled Chrys closer, making the princess blush as she adopted an annoyed look.

“He said that my color was weak, after I tried standing up to him.”

“You stood up to Mantis?” Amber asked in surprise, letting out a happy little cheer as she hugged Chrys, who was now trying to free herself, in vain. “Ohh Chryssy, you'll be a queen before you know it!” Amber let out, making Chrys slump in defeat as she gave her mother a confused look.

“What makes you think that?”

“Well, you're starting to assert yourself,” Amber pointed out, “An important queenly attribute!” She then nuzzled Chrys' face, getting a put off look from the princess as her blush deepened, before Chrys was put down. “Oooh~ My little hatchling's gonna be all grown up soon!”

“...I don't like being little,” Chrys mumbled.

“You don't have to worry about that. When you hit your growth spurt, you'll be as big as your clutchlings before you even realize it!” Amber then nodded to herself, “In fact, you should take some time to appreciate your size. Right now, the world is so big and mysterious, but once you become a bigger part of it, you'll realize just how small it is,” she said as she looked to the cold walls of stone, “Appreciate being little while you can, Chrys, cause you're only little once,” she stated with a sagely nod, getting an uncertain nod from Chrys in turn.

“Could you stop calling me a hatchling? I'm just as old as the others, you know,” she requested in an off-putting tone.

“Oh? So you're ready to set out and run your own hive?” Amber asked coyly, getting a hesitant pause from her daughter. “Don't let what Mantis says get to you. Your color is perfect! I wouldn't want you any other shade,” she added resolutely, getting an uncertain look from Chrys.

“How can you be sure? Have you had a teal hatchling before?” she asked, her eyes widening at the prospect, “Wait, I am the first, right?” she added worriedly, getting a small laugh from Amber.

“Of course you're the first, and I'm sure you're perfect because we changelings were a cool color before we were my color.”

“You mean purple?”

“That's right. My mother's hive was quite strong, so I can assure you that color has nothing to do with it,” Amber said with a nod. Chrys then gave her a very skeptical look.

“Didn't your mother also run off to fight a ghost, and never returned?” she asked, getting a bashful look from Amber as she glanced to the side.

“Yes... L-Look, the point is, your color doesn't matter. What you do, that matters. For instance, I'd have crushed Mantis years ago for his attitude towards you, but it just so happens that he's really good at what he does.”

“He's also really good at ruining my day,” Chrys retorted, disregarding the fact that the day already had a bumpy start. “Does he really hate me for my color?” she asked as she looked to the queen, who rubbed her chin for a moment before pointing the amber mushroom.

“Doesn't this mushroom grab your attention?” she asked, making Chrys look a little put-off as she eyed the mushroom, before nodding.

“It stands out since it's the only one like it in the room. So you're saying Mantis hates me because I stand out? But I'm a princess, I'd stand out without being a different color.”

“It's not because you stand out, but because you're different. So, can you tell me what he doesn't see?” she asked as she gave Chrys an eager look. The princess thought on it for a bit, before looking to her mother with a skeptical look.

“The amber mushroom is still a mushroom?” Chrys answered, being caught off guard as Amber gave her another proud hug.

“That's exactly right! You're a mushroom- er, changeling! Your color doesn't matter.” Her face then scrunched up in thought, “Well, okay, your color matters, but it doesn't matter,” she affirmed, nodding to herself.

“Huh?” Chrysalis asked incredulously.

“Chrys, this is your color,” she said as her horn glowed, turning the amber mushroom back to teal, “It's a part of you, and who you are. It's important because it's you. And you, are a changeling; a small one who will grow into a fine queen; of that I have no doubt!” she proclaimed, getting a small smile from Chrys. “And Mantis doesn't want to admit that. Unfortunately, he's a pretty stubborn one. Though, I guess you'd have to be pretty stubborn to earn the title of Mantis.” she said as she let out a sigh. “Either way, he'll be out of our manes once spring's past.”

“You mean after we capture the Moon Princess?” Chrysalis asked, getting a nod in turn.

“With the princess of the ponies under our power, the rest of them will fall into disarray, and we won't need Mantis anymore,” Amber said with a genuine smile, before adopting a contemplative look. “Maybe I should start looking for a replacement?” she considered, prompting an unamused look from her daughter.

“You're gonna get rid of him, but haven't planned his replacement,” Chrys said, letting out a sigh, “Maybe you rely on his schemes a little too much, mother.”

“H-Hey, don't get fresh with me,” Amber said indignantly, before adopting a sharp grin. “Shouldn't you be doing something other than laying about in your room casting stones?”

“But, Bulwark hasn't returned from whatever he's doing. And Darrin's busy-”

“Perks of being queen!” Amber interrupted, “Darrin will be here soon for you, I've ordered it so, and Aegis can protect you till Bulwark returns.” She then tapped her chin in thought, “Honestly, I can't see why he wanted to scout the Badlands,” she said, making Chrys blink in surprise.

“Bulwark is outside?”

“He didn't tell you? He informed the forward guards about it-” She then adopted a look of realization, before rubbing her temple, “The soldiers must have been told to keep him in the dark about Mantis' return.” She then let out a heated sigh, “Four more months...”

“And we capture the princess, and take Canter Town,” Chrys finished, her eyes widening in thought. “About that, erm, about ponies. Mother, feeding off of them doesn't harm them, right?” she asked, making Amber blink as she raised an eyebrow.

“Where'd that come from?” she asked, getting a sheepish look from Chrys.

“Just curious. A queen needs to know these things, right?” she said, giving Amber a smile, that the queen fell for.

“Already thinking ahead,” Amber replied as she adopted a radiant smile, her eyes glowing with pride, “It's completely harmless, dear. If it harmed them, then our food wouldn't last nearly as long,” she added, getting a small sigh of relief from Chrys. “Was that a sigh of relief just now? What's up, something bothering you?” Her eyes then narrowed, “Hmm, maybe I haven't been giving you enough hugs.”

“Uh, it would be bad if it harmed them, that's all.” Chrys quickly assured as she glanced to the side. “So, why does love come in different flavors?” she asked, getting an appraising look from Amber, winning a nervous smile from Chrys.

“Did you skip out on nectar to taste ponies again?” Amber asked, making Chrys wince.

“Yes, and you didn't answer my question,” she quickly replied, a determined look in her eyes. Amber sighed as she rubbed her head.

“Different flavors? I'm not sure,” she then nodded to herself, “There's a reason for it, but I've never actually considered it before.”

“'There's a reason for it?' That's what you always say when you don't know,” Chrys said in a disappointed tone.

“Well, it's true. There's always a reason for things being the way they are. If you're curious, you could ask Lores to look into it.” Her brow then furrowed, “So, you've been draining from the cocoons," she stated, making Chrys glance to the side. “You know you're not allowed to do that—”

“Says the one that ‘plays’ with her food,” Chrys quickly replied, almost instantly getting a flustered look from Amber.

“Th-They taste better when you mess with their dreams, is all,” she replied before glancing to the side herself. Chrys caught onto her words, considering them for a moment before nodding to herself.

“Do they taste sweet?” she asked, making Amber consider it for a moment before shaking her head.

“More like bittersweet,” she admitted, “I've never managed completely sweet, not for a lack of effort,” she stated, making Chrys nod to herself.

“We seek the flavors we like, and sweet is a popular flavor...”

“Oh? Looks like someone's trying to figure something out,” Amber said with a small smile, getting a sheepish grin from her daughter in turn. Amber's ears then perked as she glanced to the door, prompting Chrys' eyes to follow. Next to Aegis stood Darrin, who looked a little surprised to see the queen with Chrys.

“Your Highness,” Darrin began as he kneeled, “Permission to speak freely.”

“I'm not Mantis, Darrin, what's the problem?”

“It's just, while I appreciate getting back my day off, when Mantis gets word-”

“Don't fret over the small things Darrin, Mantis is in a good mood. I'll make it work,” she said with a sinister smile, getting a small nod in turn from the drone as he looked to Chrys.

“I'm at your disposal, Highness,” he said with a light bow, making Chrys frown for a moment before hopping to her hooves, heading out of her room as she passed Darrin.

Chrys paused when she saw Bastion standing in the hall, who gave her a warm smile, which Chrys returned. Easily her favorite royal guard besides Bulwark, Bastion was Amber's most trusted protector, and he was the strongest, making up the last of the four royal guards in the entire hive.

“Come on Darrin, let's go find Momo,” Chrys said, getting a stoic nod as he followed her, Aegis a step behind. “Later, mother!” she shouted, getting a small wave from the queen as they made quick work leaving the Royal Halls. Chrys was expecting Darrin to say something about what happened earlier, but he kept quiet as they left her home behind. She then stopped in surprise when she found Momo waiting for them outside of the queen's tunnels.

"Yo!" Momo said with a beaming grin, getting on her hooves to join the others.

“Momo, you were waiting for me?” Chrys asked in surprise, getting a sigh from Darrin.

“We were worried,” he said as he gave Chrys a side-glance, “Is it really that surprising?” he added, making Chrys' brow furrow.

You were worried?” She said as she stomped her hoof, “What were you two thinking!? Standing up to Mantis like that!”

“I was thinking something like: 'Oh shoot, Chrys needs my help,'” Momo said with an honest expression.

“I'll admit, I wasn't being all that smart at the time,” Darrin admitted, “But, it's hard to be rational when your blood is boiling. Sending me away was the smart decision, Chrys,” he said reluctantly as his brow furrowed, “It just ticks me off that that's how things are.”

“Mantis has too much power,” Chrys said as her ears fell, “The hive needs him. His schemes have done so much... I hate it, but that's simply how it is,” she admitted as she kicked the ground.

“Did I miss something?” Momo asked.

“I was on the verge of attacking Mantis,” Darrin explained.

“Oh, well, I'm sure you would have beat him!” Momo said with a confident nod, getting side glances from Chrys and Darrin. “Right?”

“I'd be dead,” Darrin replied, making Momo blink in surprise, earning a small glare from Chrys. She couldn't stand how blunt he could be. “His shadow would crush me. That, and I'm not as fast or powerful as he is,” he admitted as he looked to Momo. His eyes then glowed briefly as he added, “But I'm getting close,” he stated confidently, getting an appraising look from Momo as Chrys shook her head.

“That's why I don't want you two getting between me and Mantis,” Chrys said as she glared at no one in particular. “It was stupid to send Bulwark off.”

“True,” Darrin said, before quickly adding, “It was stupid of me to assume Mantis wouldn't return ahead of schedule.” He then gave Chrys a hard look, “And like it or not, we'll get between you and Mantis if it'll save you,” he declared, getting a small nod of agreement from Momo.

“Why!?” Chrys asked in frustration, “Is it because I'll be queen one day? There's a reason for everything, right? So why would you two put your necks on the line for me?” she asked as she stomped her hoof.

“Chrys...” Momo said, about to take a step forward, hesitating as her ears fell. She glanced to the side as Darrin stepped closer.

“Yes, we do have other reasons for risking our necks to be with you, but the first, and most important reason is the very fact that you're our clutchling,” he said resolutely, “You've been in danger since before we hatched. Even now, you're in more danger than myself or any of the soldiers on the field. Out there, they have each other. In here, you only have the three of us,” he said, making Chrys look between the two of them.

“I want to know those other reasons,” she insisted, her eyes carrying more concern than anger in them.

“Well, one is that good old 'hive bond',” Darrin said matter-of-factly, “Protect the queen, serve the queen. You're gonna be a queen one day, so that's probably part of it. There's more, but I think I'll keep that to myself for now,” he said as he glanced to Momo, who was eyeing her hooves for a moment before looking to Chrys.

“I promise, I'll tell you when I'm ready,” Momo said, giving Chrys a reassuring, yet sad, smile. “It's just, something that's hard to confess,” she added as she rubbed a hoof over her other leg, getting a curious look from Darrin.

“Hard to confess?” Chrys asked.

“It's like...” Momo began as she thought for a moment, “It's like telling someone you can't do sleep-overs because you still wet the bed. It's not something you can just blurt out on a whim.” she said with a confident nod, before her eyes widened. “Not that I know anyone that does that!” she assured as Chrys and Darrin raised an eyebrow at her.

“So ... where'd that analogy come from?” Darrin asked as he gave Momo a mischievous grin.

“L-Look, it was the first thing to come to mind, okay!” she replied indignantly, “What about you, huh? Aren't you gonna explain yourself to Chrys?” she asked as Darrin looked to Chrys.

“Pretty sure I said I'm keeping that to myself,” he said dismissively, “Honestly, I might just die before I bother to tell either you,” he added with a sharp grin, “It's not like you need to know why we cling to you.”

“I'd still like to know, thank you very much,” Chrys replied as she gave him a hard glare.

“Well, guess you're gonna have to wait then,” he countered, matching her glare, causing a moment of silence to fall on them. Momo then coughed into her hoof as she stepped between her clutchlings.

“The sun's still up. We can still fall back on our original plans!” she said with a beaming grin, melting the glares her clutchlings were sharing.

“You seem adamant on sunbathing,” Darrin said in an amused tone.

“It's not that often I get a day off,” Momo said with a nod, getting a sigh from Chrys.

“I'm sorry. I've really messed this all up-”

“You broke off early because of the pony this morning, but we can blame the rest of this frustration on Mantis,” Darrin quickly said, getting a nod from Momo.

“Let's not worry about that now," Momo stated, "Bulwark said he'd return to our spot when he got back, so let's give him a smile when he does!”

“Yeah, about that.” Chrys began, “Why'd Bulwark head into the Badlands? Isn't it dangerous to go alone?”

“He is a royal guard, Chrys,” Momo pointed out, “Though, I didn't really ask why when he left, I had things on my mind,” she admitted, before walking next to Chrys, offering her back to the princess.

“Just a moment Momo,” Darrin said, a bothered look growing on his face, “I'm Her Highness's 'carriage' today," he said as he motioned for Chrys to hop on. "Let's get going if we wanna catch what's left of the day.” He added, prompting Chrys to look between her clutchlings, her heart aching for a number of reasons, as she shook her head.

“Aegis, stay behind us,” Chrysalis ordered, getting a nod from the royal guard as she started down the tunnels towards their destination. “I'll lead.” She then looked to Darrin with a small grin. His eyes widened for a moment, before he let out a small sigh.

“Then I guess we'll follow,” he replied.

“Sounds good to me!” Momo let out, as they went to their spot on the cliff. As Chrys led them through the hive, she once again found her mind wandering towards what happened this morning. She then pushed it all aside, choosing to save it for tomorrow. It didn't take too long for them to reach their spot, and the way was still open for them.

“...You going to join us, Aegis?” Momo asked as she stepped into the sunlight, giving the unfamiliar guard a curious look.

“I'll keep watch, but nothing more,” he said simply, getting a disappointed look from Momo as he did just that. As Chrys walked onto the outcropping, she briefly looked out into the Badlands, wondering what her Bulwark was doing, before she lay down, letting out a long sigh as she enjoyed the sun's warmth.

The three of them enjoyed themselves for a time, talking about their latest acquisition from the land of ponies, helping keep Chrys' mind from anything other than their company. Near sundown, just before they were deciding to go inside, Bulwark returned, catching the others off guard as he flew up from beneath the outcropping.

“Bulwark!” Chrys let out excitedly, more so than she intended as her horn glowed, giving Aegis a small push. The royal guard took the hint, and left before Bulwark could notice his presence. “I mean, uh. What took you? Why'd you go into The Badlands?” she asked as she adopted a displeased look.

“To learn something.” Bulwark said as he limped to the princess, getting concerned looks from the others as he added. “No worries, Your Highness, I ran into a snake. Nothing I couldn't manage,” he assured as Momo and Darrin came closer. He didn't look injured, though he was covered in dirt. Before they could press for details, he looked to the princess. “Did you find your answer?” he asked, and Chrys looked to him, trying to imagine how big the snake must have been to cause him to limp like that. She then shook her head as she considered his question.

“No, but I have some direction now,” she replied as she looked to the horizon, spotting the first hints of the coming monsoon in the distance as she looked to the others. “There are things I need to learn, before I become a queen,” she added, a fire burning in her chest.

“You can say that again.” Darrin said, getting a small glare from Chrys as Momo let out a small laugh.

“He's got you there, Chrys. Don't worry, we'll be there with you. No matter what Mantis pulls.”

“Let me worry about Mantis,” Bulwark said with a determined glare, “Just do what feels right, Your Highness.”

“I think I'll do just that.” Chrys said as she gave Bulwark a big smile, “That's a lot better advice than what you said this morning,” she pointed out, prompting Bulwark to glance to the side.

“Do what feels right, as long as it doesn't get you in trouble,” he corrected, getting a small chuckle from her.

“No promises,” she replied, getting a sigh from Darrin and Bulwark, and a laugh out of Momo. “So, about this snake, are they as big as I've heard...?” Chrys asked as she looked to Bulwark, who adopted a smile as he told them of his encounter. A short story of peril and adventure that followed them as they returned to the hive, looking to call it a day.

4. Poisonous Answers

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Chrysalis stood on Bulwark's back, who was hovering in the air while the princess's horn glowed, its magic connected to a cocoon hanging from the ceiling. After several moments, her eyes opened as her magic faded, looking to the pod with a disappointed look on her face. She was starting to get annoyed, which Bulwark took note of.

“No luck?” he asked, getting a small shake of her head as she motioned for him to land. “That's the twentieth you've asked; well, don't worry, Your Highness, one of them is bound to know.”

“It’s Chrysalis,” she replied offhoovedly, “And I know that. I just keep getting the wrong ones,” she said as her brow furrowed, looking between the many pods. “One of them has to know his name,” she added, getting a confused look from Bulwark, which she noticed. “The name of the old pony from yesterday.”

“You fed off him for months, and you never got his name?” he asked in disbelief.

“L-Look, I was pretending to be his grandfilly, so he was just gramps to me, okay?” she replied in a flustered tone.

“My apologies, Your Highness, I didn't mean to upset you.”

“You didn't upset me,” she replied as she glanced to the side.

“Yes, Your Highness,” he said, getting a small sigh from Chrys. “Weren't you looking for why he thanked you when we started?”

“Well, yes.” She then hesitated, “But since the first four were a bust, I figured I wasn't going to find that answer here,” she explained as she indicated the cocoons. “They don't know what a changeling is, so they can't really give me a satisfying answer, not without ruining their dream anyway.”

“Have you given up?” That got a bothered look from her.

“Me? Give up?” She then shook her head, “No. I think there's still a pony I can ask...”

“Just point the way, Your Highness,” he said, and she looked to him for a second.

“Right, it'd probably be less wasteful to go there first. After all, we've got a few more days till the rains come,” she said with a nod, “I can find his name before then.”

“Why's the stallion's name important?” he asked with a hint of concern. She looked to him, briefly considering an easily believable excuse over the truth. And an excuse is what she gave.

“It's not important,” she lied, “It's just, with Darrin and Momo being busy, I need to do something to keep myself occupied,” she added, hopping off his back, “Come on, we're heading to Lores. There's a chance the pony there has answers.” Bulwark tilted his head in thought.

“Lores keeps a cocoon with her?” he asked, getting a small laugh from Chrys.

“She has a pony caged up in there, and she talks to it. Since he's well aware of us changelings, he may have my answer,” she explained, before leading them on, navigating through the busy tunnels.

With all the soldiers and their haul having returned yesterday, the hive was even more crowded. Tunnels were being sealed to prevent flooding, new food was being integrated, and extra nectar was being stored in preparation for the awakening when the rains ended. Despite all this activity, changelings still moved to give the princess space in the tunnels. It helped that she was easy to spot, even without her guardian.

Reaching Lores' chamber without incident, Chrys paused when she found the drone looking over several bowls of nectar, each varying in color from typical gold to glimmering scarlet.

“Ah, welcome back, Your Highness,” Lores said as she saw them, her attention caught by the sound of Bulwark's heavy steps, “Did you have more questions?”

“Yes, but not for you,” Chrys replied as she glanced to the caged pony in the corner. “I'm going to talk to him.” Lores blinked at that, giving Chrys an odd look, before nodding.

“Of course, just be aware that he's an ... odd one. And that's by pony standards,” she said with a small smile, getting a curious look from Chrys as she approached the pegasus.

Reaching his spacious stone cage, which was sealed by a large boulder, she eyed him curiously; he was letting out a strange sounding snore. His fur was dirty, his mane was a mess, yet his feathers were well tended to, a notion Chrys found oddly novel. Past the dirt, she could see that his fur was a lighter shade of yellow, while his mane was short and gray. She glanced to Bulwark, who gave her a small shrug as she looked back to the pony.

“Hey, get up, I got questions,” Chrys said as her horn glowed, giving the pony a nudge on the shoulder with her magic. The pegasus mumbled something about 'five more minutes', rolling over to see the princess with a sleepy gaze. He blinked for a moment, rubbing his eyes, before they widened in realization; he then rolled to his hooves with startling haste, giving Chrys an unexpected bow.

Getting a proper look at him, she now saw that he was younger than she thought. He wasn't old, but he wasn't a colt either. She couldn't quite place a pony's age between those obvious tiers, but she could at least guess that he was older than her age combined with Bulwark's.

“If it isn't the young princess from yesterday,” he said with a wide grin, “I didn't even hope to us having a conversation!” he added excitedly, making Chrys blink.

“Huh? You wanted to talk to me? Why?” she asked, frowning in suspicion.

“You're a changeling princess!” he let out energetically, “There's only one of you in all the world! And you've come to me for answers,” he added as he adopted the brightest grin she's ever seen a pony give her, making it clear to her what Lores meant by 'odd'. The pegasus then blinked, before adopting a composed look, coughing into his hoof. “How can I be of aid, young princess?”

“Uh, right,” Chrys replied, shaking her head in an attempt to rid herself of her bafflement, “There was an old stallion that thanked me yesterday, for pretending to be his grandfilly. Do you know why?” she asked, and he contemplated it for several moments before nodding to himself.

“Well, he probably assumed you were another pony pretending to be his family member, and was grateful. He probably didn't get to see his grandfilly often, but that's just a guess on my part.”

“You're saying that if he knew I was a changeling, things would have been different?”

“Maaybee,” he replied with a sheepish shrug, “Honestly, I shouldn't speak for the old fellow. I can't claim to know what he was thinking. I'm an rare species expert, not a pony expert,” he said with a proud expression. “What do you suppose, princess?” he asked, and Chrys raised an eyebrow at him as she contemplated his reply.

“I … don't think it would've made a difference, if he knew I was a changeling,” she replied, speaking only on a hunch.

“Well, from the sounds of it, I think he appreciated the fact that you stood in for his grandfilly, right?” he asked, getting a small nod from Chrys, “But you're not satisfied?”

“No,” she said, getting impatient with his questions.

“Your Highness,” Bulwark interjected, “Perhaps it would help if you gave some details?” he suggested, getting a conflicting look from Chrys, before looking back to the pegasus.

“Knowing more would help,” he admitted with a nod. Chrys considered doing that much for several moments, before nodding to herself. Her chest then tightened slightly as she recalled her time with the stallion, but she ignored the ache.

“He was very old. He liked to collect seashells and loved the ocean breeze. Moving wasn't easy for him, but he liked to tell stories. And ... thanking me were his last words,” she replied as she adopted a distant look. It took a moment for those words to register to the pegasus, who glanced to the side for a moment as he adopted a somber expression, lost in thought.

“Princess, are you sure you're asking the right question?” he asked, making Chrys adopt an annoyed look at the insulting implication. She then blinked as she considered his words, before her eyes slowly widened.

I just wanna thank you, for lettin' me spend time with her, even if was just a dream.

He was grateful that she had filled a hole in his heart. She knew this, yet, the entire thing still gnawed at her. He had passed away, thanking her, and it hurt. Just as then, her chest was hurting, and her eyes stung. She looked to the pegasus with a troubled look in her eyes. She had been asking the wrong question.

“Why- Why does his death bother me?” she said out loud, recalling the confusion her clutchlings shared at her sadness. “He was just a pony. All he did was thank me.” She then recalled how his love tasted, “And-” Her brow furrowed as she eyed the ground, the ache in her chest starting to become too much for her as she came to understand what had been eating at her since yesterday. “And, he's gone.” Her eyes started to water as she looked to the pony, then to Bulwark, “I'll never get to hear his stories again, or walk together on the beach, or ... or...”

“H-Highness?” Bulwark asked in alarm, seeing her on the verge of tears as she looked into his eyes. His brow then furrowed slightly as he moved around her, placing himself between her and the pony, before kneeling to her side. He gave the pony a warning look, who seemed to pick up on the unspoken message as he looked away from the guardian. Chrys looked to Bulwark for a moment longer, before hanging her head, leaning against his foreleg, as she started crying.

“Why?” she asked between small sobs, “He was just a pony- But, I feel like I've lost a clutchling,” she painfully whispered. Bulwark hesitated for a moment, before carefully giving her a small hug.

“You liked him, Your Highness,” he said as she grabbed his protective hoof, “So it's okay to be sad.”

“It- It is?”

“Yes,” he said softly, his words offering her strength, her shoulders shaking slightly as she let go of the frustration and confusion she'd felt since yesterday. She stayed in his embrace for a minute as she vented her emotions, neither of them bothered as Lores and the pony both kept to themselves, daring only to give the princess concerned looks.

Eventually, the ache started to ebb away, and her tears died down. She took refuge in his hold for a moment longer, before giving his hoof a small push, ending the embrace as he let go of her. Slowly stepping back, she rubbed her eyes as she looked to him. She then glanced to the side for a moment, before adopting a determined look in her eyes.

“I cared for a pony...” she said, before looking to her guardian. “Bulwark, I want to know his name,” she said, before eyeing the ground, “It feels wrong, not knowing that much.”

“I understand, Your Highness. I'll help the best I can.”

“Thanks, Bulwark,” she said with a small smile. A moment of silence then fell over them, before her brow furrowed in annoyance, “And, it's Chrysalis.”

“Of course, Your Highness,” he replied, mirroring her smile. She rubbed her eyes again, feeling as if the weight on her chest had gotten a little lighter.

“...I think I can understand now why mom didn't want me feeding directly from the cocoons,” she said as she walked around him.

“She didn't want you getting attached?” he asked, getting a nod from her as she eyed the pony.

“Look, pegasus. Thanks, for the help, I guess,” she murmured, getting a bright smile from him.

“Think nothing of it, princess!” He then scooted closer to the bars, an excited look on his face, “Since I helped you find your answer, sort of, may I ask you a few questions about changelings?” he asked, prompting Chrys to look at him for a moment in disbelief, before letting out a tired sigh.

“What do you want to know?” she asked in an off-put tone.

“Lores told me a lot about your race. Like, how you can only make nectar from pony love, the different kinds of changelings, and your shapeshifting limitations. Are you bound by those same rules?”

“Rules?” She asked as she raised an eyebrow, “You mean the weight and gender thing?”

“That's right!” He let out, before adopting a sagely pose, “As it goes, when you shapeshift, your gender and weight remains constant. This means you can't shift into the opposite sex, and the size of your new form is limited by your base weight,” he said with a nod, “So, are you?”

“Yes, I am. Because of the weight limit, it's bad to shapeshift into anything bigger or smaller than our true forms. Royal guards are too big to shapeshift into ponies, shrinking down makes it harder to move, and they can get sick from ... what was it? Irregular blood flow?" she asked no one in particular, before shaking her head. "At least, that's what mother- the queen told me. Haven't tried it myself. I don't like being sick.” She then rubbed her chin for a moment, “Not too sure why our gender is limited. The queen said she'd tell me when I'm older.”

“I- I see.”

“Another thing that separates me from drones, is that I can wield spellcrafting magic,” she added as her horn glowed, levitating several pebbles in front of her as she adopted a proud grin. Her grin widened slightly when the pony clapped his hooves together.

"Impressive, princess! Lores told me that beyond the common changeling spells used to make cocoons, nectar, shapeshifting and so on, that magic is different for royal guards and yourself. Can you elaborate on that for me?” he asked as he put his hooves together in a pleading gesture, making Chrys take a step back in surprise.

“F-Fine, but then you're done with questions,” she said with a hard nod, getting an agreeing nod from the pegasus, “Earth ponies have magic that makes them tougher, and lets them do weird things to the soil. Pegasi can stand on the clouds and control the weather. Unicorns can use spellcrafting magic like I can. A drone can't mimic these kinds of magic. A royal guard can mimic the magical qualities of a race, such as the earth ponies and pegasi, but they can't wield spellcrafting magic.”


My turn,” Chrys began as she raised an eyebrow to him, “Are you not right in the head? Pretty sure other ponies wouldn't be as … happy, if they were in your position.”

“Well, I guess I am an odd one, as ponies go,” he said with a sheepish grin, “You see, I love observing rare creatures!” He then puffed his chest out as he gave her a fierce grin, “Have you ever met a pony that's snuck into a chimera's lair? Well, you have now!” He then nodded to himself, “As a professional, I recommend against doing such a thing. They don't like it, and have a mean bite.” He then gave Chrys another smile, “And thanks to my 'captivity', I'm easily the most knowledgeable in the field of changelings; as a pony anyway,” he added as he noticed Lores raising an eyebrow at him.

“Does that have to do with why you're a dud?” Chrys asked.

“I suppose. I've never been too interested in ponies, and I never found one that matched my interests. I also travel a lot,” he added as he gave his wings a small flap, “It was just my good fortune that I was in Neighgarou when it was overrun with changelings!”

“...And you don't want to leave and continue looking at other rare things?” He actually paused to consider that one.

“No, not really. This is a pivotal time for your hive. I want to see how it plays out. That, and I enjoy helping rare creatures such as yourself.”

“'Creature'?” Chrys replied as she glared at him.

“Oops. Sorry, habit,” he replied as he blushed, “Still, it's more polite than what other ponies would call you,” he said with a nod, making her raise an eyebrow at him.

“And that would be?” she asked, making him hesitate as he adopted a sour look.

“A monster.”

“A monster?” she asked incredulously.

“I know, right?” he replied, frowning, “I mean, that's just rude! Sure, you can shapeshift, and yes, I suppose you lock us in cocoons and keep us in a dream state so you can feed off our love, but that's no reason for such a harsh label!”

“Calling us monsters,” Chrysalis replied as she glared at nothing in particular, a tingle running down her spine as she looked at the pegasus. “It's ponies that are the monsters. Earth ponies are twice as strong as our soldiers, pegasi can fly faster, and control the weather, and all unicorns can use spellcrafting magic! You can choose from a large palette of foods to rely on. You can stand in the cold like it's nothing. You're active all year round. There are a whole lot of you, and you frolic in the sun as if you owned it; and you'd call us monsters!?”

“No, I wouldn't,” he quickly replied, putting his hooves up defensively, “But they would.” He then coughed into his hoof, “Oh, and we kind of do own the sun,” he admitted sheepishly, making Chrys blink, her mouth hanging open for a moment in astonishment.

“How arrogant are you ponies!?”

“Hey now, it's the honest truth!” he replied as he took a step back, “Princess Luna raises the sun and moon every single day. It's what she does.” He then blink as he quickly added: “As well as look over our dreams.”

“Raising the sun and moon? That's just a silly pony belief,” Chrys replied dismissively.

“Yeah, I was skeptical once. But if there's one thing just as rare as you in all of Equestria, it would be Princess Luna.” He then leaned closer to Chrys, “When I was still a colt, I went out of my way, flew halfway across the country, to see her raise the sun on the Summer Sun Celebration in Canter Town.” He then gave Chrys a very determined look, “Trust me on this, Your Highness, I saw her raise the sun. Her power is genuine.”

“Says you,” Chrys said with a nod, before turning her back on the pegasus. “Come on Bulwark, let's return to the cocoons, I'm done letting this feather-brain waste my time.”

“...But, I'm not lying,” the pegasus murmured in a sad tone, getting a side glance from Chrys. She briefly reflected on their exchange, before letting out a small sigh.

“What's your name?”

“Princess?” the pegasus asked in surprise.

“In case I need to curse your existence,” she quickly added as she avoided eye contact with him.

“Dud,” he responded, getting an exasperated look from Chrys.

“That's not your real name, that's what you are!” she said in annoyance.

“I like it more than my real name. And, it was given to me by changelings,” he said with a smile, before letting out a small sigh, “Real name's Grumpy, Grumpy Gust,” he admitted, making Chrys raise another eyebrow at him.

“You don't really seem all that grumpy.”

“Right? I'm not even all that gusty!” he let out as his brow furrowed, “I tell you what, my parents were the worst. I'd like it if you called me Dud instead.”

“That name's not much better,” Chrys muttered, not caring if the pony heard her or not, as she left Dud to talk to Lores. “Lores, how much magic would it take to raise the sun?” she asked, catching the drone off guard as she looked up from her work.

“Uh, I'm not sure, Your Highness. The queen and yourself are the only ones that can answer that question,” Lores said, making Chrys think on it for a moment before looking to Bulwark.

“We're heading home,” She stated, getting a confused look from Bulwark.

“I thought you wanted to go back to the cocoons.”

“I did, but, Bulwark, what if he's right? If the Moon Princess can raise the sun and moon... Just how is mother supposed to fight against somepony that powerful?" Chrysalis then adopted a determined look, "She needs to know, we need to make sure if it's true or not, before we try fighting this 'Luna',” she explained, making Bulwark's brow furrow.

“Mantis isn't going to like this,” he pointed out, making Chrys hesitate for a moment.

“Even he'd be worried about mother's safety,” she replied as they quickly made their way to the queen's chambers.

5. Family Time

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“You sure you want to do this?” Bulwark asked in concern as they made their way to the Royal Halls, making Chrys hesitate for a moment. “Bringing this up could lead to delaying the attack on Canter Town.”

“I know,” Chrys said, a determined look in her eyes, “Which will tick off Mantis. But, what am I supposed to do? Just stay put and not tell her!?” she asked, scoffing, “Above all things, her safety is the hive's number one concern. Mantis will listen. He won't like it, but he'll listen. And if he's got a problem, that's what you're here for. Right?” she asked with a sharp grin, getting a solid nod from Bulwark.

“Of course,” he replied, a fiery look in his eyes.

Reaching the Royal Halls, they were informed by the guards that Mantis and Amber were in a meeting. Chrys hesitated on hearing this, frowning at nothing in particular as they made their way to the war room unimpeded. When they arrived, she peeked inside, seeing Mantis and Amber talking about their recent success over capturing Thundercloud.

The room itself had a number of maps on the wall, most of them being tunnel maps. The Queen and her general were standing around a large stone table that had a sprawling map covering it. Chrys noticed that Bastion and Aegis were standing at the queen's side, but Sledge was nowhere to be seen.

“Highness?” Bulwark asked in a quiet, curious tone. Chrysalis ignored him as she eyed Mantis, yesterday's events briefly playing through her head, before she took a step forward. Mantis and Amber paused when they noticed her enter, getting a frown from Mantis, while a surprised looked from the Queen.

“I need to talk to Her Highness,” Chrys said as she ignored the looks she was given, walking up to the table they were overlooking.

“We're busy Chrys, can it wait till later?” Amber asked in a warm, but impatient tone.

“No, it's important,” Chrys replied adamantly, getting a raised eyebrow from Mantis.

No?” he scoffed, “You think it's more important than our coming invasion of Canter Town?” he asked in a condescending tone.

“Yes, it is,” Chrys replied, prompting Mantis and Amber to exchange looks, “It's about the Moon Princess,” she added, making Mantis raise an eyebrow towards her.

“And what can you possibly know about her that we don't?”

“Silence, Mantis,” Amber stated coldly, getting a small bow from the General, before giving Chrys a subtle glare. “What's on your mind, Chrys?”

“I talked to several ponies in the feeding room about her," she lied, believing that to have more credibility than admitting that a crazy pony told her about the princess, "They all believe that the Moon Princess can raise and lower the sun.”

“We know of this already,” Amber replied, “It's just pony superstition,” she assured, making Chrys shake her head.

“How do we know that? What if it's true?” she asked, making the Queen look to Mantis.

“Ghost confirmed it,” he stated, “He's been in Canter Town for years observing her. By his words, it's nothing more than a well timed light-show,” he explained, getting a hard glare from Chrys.

“But how does he know!? He's just a drone! He can't use magic like myself or mother!” She blinked, “I mean, Her Highness,” she added, hiding her embarrassment to spare Mantis the satisfaction. Amber rubbed her chin as she appraised her daughter, before nodding.

“She does have a point," Amber said as she looked to the general, "Mantis, can we direct Ghost to do a more thorough investigation?” she asked, making Mantis' mood lighten slightly as he briefly considered it.

“It's not too late to send word to him. He can investigate during the winter, but we won't get the answer till we've opened up the tunnels again.” His brow furrowed as he looked to Amber, “We won't get his report until we're about to set out.”

“If that's the case, perhaps it would be best to postpone the attack,” Amber stated, making Chrys feel an unexpected chill run up her spine. She looked to Mantis, who was giving her a cold look, before he turned to the Queen.

“That's something we mustn't do, Your Highness,” he said, and Amber looked to him for a moment, her brow furrowed in thought.

Why?” Chrys asked as she took a step forward, getting a surprised look from Mantis and Amber. “Why can't we put it off for a month? If the ponies are right, Her Highness would be in danger!”

“...My Queen, may I enlighten your daughter on the importance of this attack?” he asked, surprising Chrys with his question as Amber looked to him for several moments, before nodding her head.

“Please do,” she replied, making Mantis smile briefly, before he washed his face free of emotion. He then adopted a professional stance as he looked to Chrysalis.

“Princess, we've taken Tampa Neigh, Iron Trot, Neighgarou, and just this week, Thundercloud. We've kept their suspicion away from The Badlands, but thanks to our recent attack, that's not going to last much longer,” He explained as he tapped the table with his hoof, motioning for her to look.

“I'm not a hatchling, Mantis. I know all this already!” Chrys replied in an annoyed tone.

“Knowing the outline doesn't let you see the whole picture!” he quickly replied, “You wanted in on this meeting, so you can enjoy learning what's needed to be a part of it,” he said resolutely, making Chrys frown as she eyed the table, which was taller than she was.

Reluctantly hopping onto Bulwark's back, she got a better view of the large map; a map that showed most of the continent. There were several markings on it, written in words most changelings wouldn't understand, but Chrys did; words written in the pony language. The map also had border lines, indicating the influence of pony magic on the land, and how its reach waned with the loss of those towns.

Mantis hovered to the east side of the map, indicating a marked spot on the east coast. “Tampa Neigh was our first ploy, where we dug a number of large tunnels under the town. It took three years to make those tunnels, and as they were made, my soldiers infiltrated the population. When everything was in place, we captured the ponies, called back most of our infiltrators, and collapsed those tunnels. Tampa Neigh was swallowed by the sea, and our infiltrators traveled to Iron Trot, spreading the word of the terrible disaster, being the 'sole survivors' of the town.”

Her eyes hovered over the eastern coast for a brief moment as Mantis moved along. Tampa Neigh was the home of the old stallion. It had been a small town, whose population was now mixed with all the other ponies in the feeding room. Seeing that town on the map made her chest ache slightly, but she pushed that feeling aside; Mantis was continuing on, and she didn't want to fall behind.

His hoof hovered over Iron Trot, a mining settlement that was close to The Badlands. Its location lined up perfectly between Canter Town to the north, and their hive in the south. “Three years later, we successfully repeated this strategy with Iron Trot, collapsing the mines that weaved through the area, claiming its population for our needs.”

Chrys could still remember the excitement following their success at Iron Trot. Any doubt to the risk behind Mantis' ploys were swept away with that victory. And shortly after his return, one by one, she'd had to remove the shells of her other clutchlings from her egg, leaving just Momo and Darrin.

Mantis then looked to Chrys with a raised eyebrow. “Naturally, losing two whole towns so close to each other was bound to raise suspicion, so we held off on the next target for a while.”

He then indicated the doomed town, Neighgarou, further north, which rested close to a large mountain on the western side of Equestria. “This time, we left no spies to tell the tale. We took the population overnight, added some features to shift the blame, then razed the entire town." He then pointed to the mountain overshadowing the town, "The general assumption the ponies agreed on was that a dragon attacked Neighgarou, as there was one sleeping in the mountain at the time.” He then adopted a rather proud grin, “We made that dragon our scapegoat,” he emphasized, making Chrys wonder if that dragon had anything to do with Dud's presence in the village. As Mantis indicated the pegasus settlement of Thundercloud, Chrys' brow furrowed.

“Why are all the targets southern towns?” She asked, “Isn't that stupid? Wouldn't that make it a bit obvious that something from The Badlands was causing this?” She asked, getting an impressed look from Mantis.

“Huh, I can't believe you noticed that. Yes, it is obvious, and I'm getting to that, Princess.” He replied as he looked back to the map. “Tampa Neigh, Iron Trot and Neighgarou were operations to secure resources. Because of those victories, the hive is the largest it has ever been.” He said with a proud smile. “Our attack on Thundercloud wasn't to secure resources. Which is good, as we only captured less than half of the population; what we really gained from it, was confidence.”

“Confidence?” Chrys asked in confusion, getting a smug smile from Mantis as he continued.

“The attack on Thundercloud served several purposes. Being a pegasus town, it was stationed on a cloud in the sky, making it mobile to the inhabitant's whims. This made it a perfect staging platform for any offense into The Badlands, so it needed to be removed. Doing so would also impact the weather in Equestria's southern region, dissuading any of its forces from crossing during the winter.” He explained as he looked to Chrys, raising an eyebrow, “The operation was also staged, to see how well we fared at an open assault against pegasi. See, we have a tactical advantage against earth ponies and unicorns, since we can fly. Pegasi can negate that advantage, so our mettle needed to be tested against the fliers.”

He then placed his hoof over the marker for Thundercloud, grinding it underhoof with a smile. “The outcome, was as expected. Only trained pegasi were a threat to our troops, and most of them were captured before the attack began, under cover of night.” He explained, making Chrys' head spin a little at all the information he was feeding her. She hadn't realized what amount of effort went into the victories her life revolved around, and thanks to his droning on, she was indeed starting to understand.

“And ultimately, Thundercloud was bait. We took it with force, disguised as ponies. Those that got away will carry word of pegasi from The Badlands attacking and destroying Thundercloud,” he said with a small nod, “And over the winter, the Moon Princess is going to strengthen the southern areas, and try and locate these ‘pegasi’,” he said with a small smile, “Leaving Canter Town exposed,” he finished as he lightly tapped the marked town to the north.

“So, all of this,” Chrys said as she indicated the whole map, “was so we can attack Canter Town while it's exposed?” she asked, getting a nod from Mantis and Amber. She looked from them to the map, having no words to offer. She was impressed, and she didn't want to admit it; not to Mantis, and not to herself.

“We need to capture the Moon Princess,” he emphasized, “Ghost believes that she loves all of her subjects. She is their greatest asset, their ruler, and with that much love, there's no telling how much nectar we can gain from her," he said as he leaned on the table towards Chrys, "Though we've made it appear as nature at fault, it likely won't take long for her to connect the fallen towns to what happened at Thundercloud.” His brow then furrowed as he looked Chrys in the eyes. “We need to capture her, before they discover what we really are. I have no doubt, even if we do nothing, that Equestria will learn of our existence before the end of next year.” Chrys eyed him for a moment longer, before glancing to the side.

“Okay. I get it, we need to attack Canter Town as soon as we can,” she reluctantly admitted, “But, if she's strong enough to raise and lower the sun and moon, then when the queen fights her, she could lose,” she said with a concerned look in her eyes. “We should wait, and learn more,” she added, blinking in surprise as Mantis gave her a caustic glare.

“Chrys,” Amber began, giving the princess a steady look, “it's a risk we need to take.”

“And, if the princess was that strong, then what?” Mantis asked cold tone, “We seal our tunnels? Hide away with what we have and count ourselves lucky!?” He then shook his head, “We've done that for far too long; it got us nothing but hunger and fear,” he said, a hint of shame flashing in Amber's eyes as Mantis swept a hoof over the map. “Thanks to my risks, that era is behind us!”

Your risks? Don't you mean the hive's risks?” Chrys asked as she gave him a glare.

“Then were my risks, my plans, my coordination, you little-”

“Mantis,” Amber interrupted, giving him a cold glare, “remember your place.” The drone glanced to the side, taking in several deep breaths.

“My apologies, Your Highness,” he said with a small bow, getting a smug smile from Chrys.

“Look,” Amber continued, “instead of postponing the attack, we should think of a way to better secure our victory,” she said, making Mantis blink, before giving her an agreeing nod.

“Yes, of course! I'll get on it immediately,” he replied, giving Chrys a sly smile of his own as he did.

“But Your Highness—” Chrys began as she stepped forward.

“That's enough, Chrys,” Amber said sternly, “If the Moon Princess can actually raise and lower the sun, then what does that mean? I've never tried such a task, there's undoubtedly a complex spell behind it. Maybe it's easier to do then we think. Either way, Mantis is right. I've abandoned laying a clutch this year for this plan, something I haven't had to do in decades. We're committed to this attack.”

“If you lose—”

I won't,” she said confidently, before giving Chrys a reassuring smile, “Don't worry, dear. If the worst does happen, and it won't, the hive will still have you,” she assured, making Chrys' frown as she stomped her hoof, on Bulwark's back no less.

“I don't want to be your backup plan!” she declared, getting a surprised, and almost pained look from Amber.

“There are a lot of things in life we don't want,” Mantis began, “But, if you don't want that, it can surely be arranged,” he said with a subtle grin, making Chrys take a small step back in surprise.

“Mantis, was that a threat?” Amber asked coldly, prompting the general to shake his head.

“Of course not, Your Highness, I was simply referring to securing our victory. In fact, I already have some ideas in mind if you're interested.”

“...In a moment.” Amber replied as she looked to Chrys, “Anything else you'd like to add?” she asked, making Chrys look between them, glaring at no one in particular as she shook her head, making Amber turn to Mantis. “Capturing the Moon Princess would be the best outcome, so make sure Ghost looks into this matter more thoroughly. We can go over better securing our victory over the next few months.” She then looked between Chrys and Mantis, before giving him a dismissive gesture, “We're done here,” she said firmly, getting a bow from Mantis before he made to leave, pausing a moment as he passed Bulwark and Chrys.

Mantis' eyes met hers, and for a moment, she was struck with a strong desire to step back; she felt as if he was about to attack her. But the moment quickly passed, and he continued on, Bulwark's eyes glued to him as he left the room.


“That's enough, Chrys. I'm happy that you're worried, but we've got to take risks if we want to have a brighter future. Understand?” she asked, making Chrys shake her head as she hopped off Bulwark's back, walking over the table towards the Queen.

“No. I don't understand,” she firmly replied, “How are we supposed to have a 'brighter future' if you fall in battle!?” she asked, getting a painful sigh from Amber.

“Look dear, before you were born, before I gave Mantis his title, times were rough. There was barely any nectar for the hive, and if something happened to one of the ponies we fed from, it was a big hit to all of us. Mantis, he took a risk, and thanks to that, we have the hive as it is now,” she said as she adopted a warm smile, “Now, the tunnels are bustling with activity, and there's hope for an even more plentiful tomorrow,” she added as she got closer to her daughter, “And, because of that risk, I also have you,” she said as she placed a hoof on Chrys' cheek. “Don't worry dear. We'll win. Just wait and see,” she assured, making Chrys glance away for a moment, before looking to Amber.

“...I want to help,” she murmured, getting a proud smile from the queen.

“You have no idea how happy that makes me. Still, I'd rather you didn't. You're just as important to me as I am to you,” she added, making Chrys blush as she glanced to the side. “So, do you understand?" she asked again, getting a small nod from Chrys.

"Doesn't mean I have to like it," she muttered under her breath, getting a small laugh from Amber.

"That's fine, I'd be concerned if you did," the queen stated with a nod. "...Now, I believe you mentioned talking to ponies earlier?” Amber asked as she raised an eyebrow.

“I-” Chrys began wide-eyed, “I may have been in the feeding room again,” she admitted, making Amber place a hoof on her head, as if trying to stave off a headache.

“Chrys, you need to stop feeding from the cocoons.”

“Why?” Chrys asked as her brow furrowed.

“Because ponies can talk and have feelings too,” Amber replied heatedly, “If you got too attached to any of them, it would cloud your decisions. You may even end up putting a pony's life ahead of a changeling's!” Her gaze then softened as she looked Chrys in the eyes, “Ponies are not pets, or 'friends', dear. They're food. I need to know you understand that,” she finished, looking to her daughter in expectation.

However, Chrys couldn't nod. She felt as if she would be betraying someone if she did. Her mother, the old stallion, herself? She wasn't sure who, but she didn't want to make that betrayal, so Amber got no reply from her daughter, no assurances that she wouldn't become attached. The silence between them troubled the queen, making her frown as she took a step back, a troubled look on her face. The continued silence prompted a confused look from Bulwark, who eyed his charge, before subtly nodding to himself in understanding. Amber however, didn't understand, and it drove her to action, making her turn to one of her guards.

“Aegis, deliver a message to Mantis for me. I want guards posted at the feeding chambers, Chrysalis isn't allowed inside.”

“W-What!?” Chrys asked in surprise, getting a determined look from her mother.

“No more talking to ponies, Chrys. If you want a taste, you'll have to wait till you've shown me you understand the importance of how we treat our food. Food is food. Seeing it as anything else, is dangerous,” she stated, before making a dismissive gesture, “We're done here,” she declared, and seeing Chrys about to object, “Chrys, that's enough,” she warned, making Chrys' heart sink as she closed her mouth, looking away as she felt her eyes start to itch.

Seeing that sad face, Amber hesitated for a moment, before steeling herself, and turned around, leaving Chrys and Bulwark to themselves as she left the war room. Chrys wanted to make her reconsider, but she couldn't muster the words. Amber was right. Food was food, and seeing it as anything else was dangerous to the well being of the hive. It was a fact of life, yet, Chrys didn't like it.

“Why does it have to be that way, Bulwark?” she asked quietly, wondering if she'll ever get the chance to learn the old stallion's name.

“I'm sorry, Your Highness, that's simply the way things are,” he said, making her frown as she directed him out.

“I don't like the way things are,” she replied, words she'd only say to Bulwark, or her clutchlings. She then hopped on his back, not feeling up to walking herself. "Can you take me to the others?" she asked, noticing the disapproving look he was adopting, "I know they're busy, but I really want to talk to them right now."

"I understand, Your Highness," he replied, carrying her off as they sought out Momo and Darrin.


"General Mantis," Aegis began as he gave the drone a salute, getting a curious look in return.

"Orders from the queen?" Mantis asked, getting a nod from the royal guard.

"She wants guards stationed at the feeding chambers, the princess is to be kept out," he explained, making Mantis raise an eyebrow.

"How did that happen?" he asked, and as Aegis explained Chrys' reaction to the queen’s lecture on ponies, Mantis' face darkened. "I see. Orders received, thank you Aegis," he replied, releasing the guard, who quickly left to return to Amber's side. Mantis then continued down the hall to his room, Sledge returning and taking a step behind him as Mantis' mind reflected on what just happened.

The princess had interrupted their meeting in order to assure the queen's safety. It had been annoying, and infuriating, but her heart was in the right place. She even listened to his words. Admittedly, she had almost postponed the attack, but that was, as the ponies put it, simply water under the bridge. Or at least, it would have been.

"You foolish little hatchling," Mantis muttered, his words heard only by Sledge, "Truly, a color fit for a pony," he added, his mind weighing his options for several moments. He then stopped, and turned around, his brow furrowed, "Let's go, Sledge, there's work to do."

"Work?" Sledge asked, a little confused, "I thought we were done with all that. What're we doing?" he asked, getting a cold look from his master.

"Culling the herd."

6. Between the Hammer and Wall

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**This chapter has an intense fight in it. Just a heads up.**

Chrys sluggishly opened her eyes, seeing the mushrooms in her room being dimmer than usual. The rains were coming in two more days, and the preceding chill was now making its presence known through the caves, dimming the mushrooms and making it difficult for her to wake, depriving her of energy to even get out of bed.

With the stature of a hatchling, she was just as affected by the cold as they were; tomorrow would be colder, signaling the start of hibernation for the young. Drones, however, having larger bodies, could manage the early chill far better. Chrys wasn't a drone, or a hatchling, and she had her own means of tackling the cold. Being semiconscious, she gathered her magic, and used it to heat the stones of her bed.

She let out a pleasant sigh as she felt her body take in that heat, and after several minutes warming up, she rolled out of bed, feeling ready to tackle the day. Her brow then furrowed as she realized she'd need Bulwark to wake her tomorrow, or she'd end up beginning hibernation with the rest of the hatchlings. She wasn't a hatchling, so that wasn't going to happen.

Reaching the doorway, she paused and looked to Bulwark, standing guard as always. He noticed her, and gave her a small bow.

“Sleep well, Your Highness?”

“Yes. Not like I had a choice in the matter,” she mumbled, the events of yesterday flying through her mind; cold air made falling asleep easy for changelings.

“Staying up this season?” he asked, making her tilt her head.

“Don't know. Momo's staying up, so I might,” she admitted, leading them towards a syrupy breakfast as she did. After the so-so meal, she let out an aggravated sigh. “Why'd she have to be so busy? I didn't even get to see her last night!” she stated to no one in particular, “I had to settle for Darrin instead,” she added in aggravation, his condescension playing through her head as Bulwark looked to her.

“It’s troubling,” Bulwark said, getting a curious look from his charge. “Aegis told me that Darrin's been reassigned,” he explained, “He's to guard the feeding chambers. The inside,” he emphasized, making her hooves tremble in anger.

“Of course he is. I'm sure Mantis gave the order personally!” she let out, reconsidering sleeping through the monsoon, just to pass the time till the hive was rid of him. The picture of the general being gone played through her mind, slowly diffusing her temper. She then let out a halfhearted sigh, “Momo, she's helping Lores today, right?” she asked as she looked to Bulwark, who gave a small nod. “To Lores' then.”

“They'll be busy.”

“Then we can help,” Chrys said in a considering tone, “At least, having you help should speed things up, right?”

“Right,” Bulwark affirmed, following behind Chrys as they left the Royal Halls behind them.

Traversing through the tunnels, they found it far less busy than the previous days. Many members of the hive were still rousing themselves to tackle the final two days before hibernation. The drones they did encounter were a little surprised to find her awake ahead of them, a fact that brought a small smile to the princess. Her smile then faded when she recalled something on a related matter.

“Bulwark … would you mind waking me tomorrow?” she asked as she glanced to the side.

“Of course, Your Highness,” he replied, as they reached Lores' room. Chrys was about to comment on him calling her by her name, but she paused when she noticed something missing from the room.

“Momo's not here?” Chrys asked in surprised, seeing Lores sitting impatiently next to several barrels of treated nectar, ready to last through hibernation for the small number that would remain awake to look after the hive. Chrys also noticed that Dud was sleeping in his cage; she then looked away from him in annoyance, seeing Lores shake her head.

“She's supposed to be helping me get these out of here,” she explained as she indicated the barrels, “What's up with her? It's not like her to be late,” she added, letting out a sigh, “Still, if you're looking for her, she should be here shortly.”

“Then we'll wait,” Chrys replied as she entered the room, Bulwark a step behind her, “Is this for the Sleep Watch?” she asked as she tapped one of the barrels, getting a nod from Lores. “...And what about him?” she asked, sounding disinterested as she pointed towards the caged pony.

“I'll be placing him in a cocoon tomorrow, there's still some things I want to ask him,” Lores said as she eyed the doorway in anticipation. “Did you have more questions for him?”

“No,” Chrys quickly replied, “He has nothing else I need; he's just a pony,” she added as she glanced to the side, her mother's words playing in her head. She then noticed that Lores looked like she wanted to reply to that, but thought better of it. “What? What were you going to say?” Chrys asked curiously, making Lores hesitate for a moment.

“I wouldn't discard him so quickly, Your Highness. It's true, he's a dud. There's no way for us to get nectar from him. But he has knowledge, and conversing with him isn't … unpleasant,” she admitted, making Chrys raise an eyebrow at her.

“Getting attached to ponies is dangerous,” she stated simply, getting a nod from Lores.

“I am well aware,” she said as she adopted a regretful look, “I've told him too much about changelings in the time he's been here. A small part of me worries that everything he's done around me is an act. That when the opportunity presents itself, he'll break out and take everything he's learned to Equestria,” she then slumped down as she let out a long sigh, “That old stallion, you enjoyed being with him, right?” she asked, surprising Chrys, who adopted a flustered expression.

“I-I guess,” she stuttered out as she looked to the side, getting a small smile from Lores.

“You're right, Highness. Getting attached to ponies is dangerous. I often find myself wishing our diet wasn't solely reliant on them,” she then let out another sigh as she glanced to the stone cage, “But, that's not how things are. We need nectar to feed ourselves, and our young. I have to tell myself that daily,” she said as she looked to Chrys, “It helps me remember what's important,” she added, getting a nod from Chrys.

“The hive is more important. We need them to live.” Her brow then furrowed as she looked to Dud, sleeping obliviously, “That's just the way things are,” she stated, not liking the sound of it.

“Highness,” Bulwark stated in alarm, making Chrys' eyes follow his gaze, seeing something else she didn't like. Mantis stood in the doorway, Sledge standing behind him. The general had a cool collected look about him, as his eyes met Chrys's.

“Ah, Her Highness is here too, this is convenient,” he said as Sledge entered the room after him, “Would either of you know the whereabouts to a young drone you're both familiar with, Momo?” he asked, making Chrys blink as she turn towards him.

“Whereabouts? What's happened to Momo?” she asked wide-eyed as Mantis raised an eyebrow at her.

“That's what I'm here to find out. My soldiers reported that she was last seen with you. Do you know where she is, or where she's gone?”

“Seen with her!? I haven't been with her in two days!” Chrys replied, glaring at him, “What's happened, is she missing? Who said I was with her last!?”

“By all accounts, she's missing. No one in the hive has seen her since last night,” he stated matter-of-factly, making Chrys' mouth hang open for a second, before she glanced to the floor, her mind racing at this information. “What about you, Lores?”

“I can't say, Mantis,” she replied in a worried tone, “I was expecting her this morning...”

“I see. Well, if neither of you know, then I guess that's that,” Mantis said dismissively, turning towards the exit. “Hopefully she didn't get caught up in something started by someone else,” he added, his words striking Chrys, making her heart skip a beat. She looked to him, her confusion and worry shattering when she caught a look in his eyes; they were smiling. She had no doubts as to whom had been the last to see Momo. In that moment, her emotions found direction, bringing a dangerous calm over her as she stepped forward.

“Mantis, what did you do to her?” Chrysalis asked in a quiet tone, her shoulders trembling as she eyed the ground. Mantis paused, his eyes aglow with that smile, as he gave her a speculating look.

“Whatever do you mean, Princess?”

“What did you do to her!?” she asked as she slammed a hoof down, her horn flaring in preparation as she took another step forward. Her gaze met his, his amber smile basking in her teal rage without a care.

“Now Princess, it's not wise to throw accusations like that around—”

“Bulwark,” Chrys interrupted as she glanced to her looming shadow, seeing a fire in his eyes that matched her own. “I can't stand him anymore,” she said coldly, making Mantis take a guarded step back as a tempered calm fell over him. Sledge stepped forward, an open smile of anticipation on his face as Bulwark moved in front of Chrys.

“Just say the word,” Bulwark let out in a low voice, so quiet that she almost missed it.

“Mantis, you will tell me what you've done with my clutchling,” Chrys said, making the general raise an eyebrow at her.

“You're seeking to cast the blame of her disappearance on me? How childish-” he was cut off when Sledge pushed him to the side, his large hoof lashing out and intercepting a barrel of nectar Chrys had hurled at Mantis. The barrel exploded from the impact, spraying nectar and wood fragments over Sledge, as well as the entrance of the chamber. He stood there for a moment, shaking his hoof slightly to toss off nectar, as if he hadn't even felt the attack. The four of them eyed each other for a moment longer, before Mantis let out a small sigh.

“Sledge, keep away from the princess, and keep her puppet away from me,” he ordered as he started to circle around the messy floor, his eyes on Chrys, her eyes on his.

“Bulwark, be careful,” Chrys said, not hearing a response from him, but feeling as if he nodded to her words all the same.

She eyed Mantis down for a moment longer, her heartbeat ringing in her ears. The image of the broken statue in her room briefly came to mind. Tapping the ground twice, her wings buzzing, she charged Mantis, feeling the ground shake behind her as she did. Barely aware of the thought, her horn glowed as she ran, grabbing wooden fragments with her magic. She crossed the distance between them in a breath's span, bringing her armada to bear as she lunged at him.

He effortlessly blocked her strike, fueling her rage as he rolled away and dodged the flying debris, seeming more concerned with that than her. Swipes, stomps, leaps, bucks, he took many hits in stride as his eyes followed her magic; in the several seconds she went at him uninterrupted, he had smashed her wooden weaponry, or knocked them from her grasp. Twice she tried to slow him down by grabbing him with her magic, but she found it difficult to focus while attacking magically and physically, making it easy for him to force his way out of her clutches.

As they weaved around the room, their spat was overshadowed by loud booms from the other combatants. The ground shook. The walls reverberated. Dust fell from the ceiling with each impact. It was simply noise to Chrys. Her eyes were only on Mantis; she had faith in Bulwark. Mantis jumped back again, but before Chrys could pursue him, Lores got in the void between, bringing their melee to an unexpected halt.

“Stop, both of you! Nothing good will come of—” she began, being cut off when Chrys shoved her to the side with her magic, to the drone's dismay.

“Stay out of this!” Mantis and Chrys said in unison, making the drone look at them wide-eyed, before taking to the air. Her ears fell as the two combatants continued their fight, all while destroying her cavern in the process.

Chrys' anger was starting to be fueled by frustration. All Mantis did was dodge, take hits too weak to harm him, and smile at her. He never once tried to counterattack. Her breathing and heart rate were elevated, but she was far from feeling fatigued. Yet, for some reason, she had a sense of foreboding, as if he was somehow winning this fight without having to raise a hoof against her.

There was a loud crash behind her, giving her reason to pause. She stood there for a moment, her eyes locked on Mantis as she tried to figure out how to wipe that smug look from his face. Seeing that attacking him with her hooves was simply a wasted effort, her horn glowed brighter as she grabbed anything loose on the cavern floor. She adopted a smile when Mantis looked past her, raising a surprised eyebrow as a large number of rocks broken from the guard's fight were now hovering in the air. She then hesitated when his smile returned. He picked up a large pebble lying next to him, before eyeing her.

This, is all I need to win the fight,” he stated, his eyes brimming with a level of confidence that shook Chrys. She then took a step forward, hurling her stones at him as hard as she could. As she did, he casually tossed his rock in the air, before pivoting on his hoof to buck the rock with his back leg. She was momentarily caught off guard when it flew on by her, easily missing, without any effort on her part.

She then grinned as he started to get peppered by her attack. He rolled as her rocks rained on his corner of the cave, staying close to the ground, keeping his wings tucked in as he weaved and dodged. Despite his efforts, she still caught him several times, broadening her grin when she heard him curse in pain. Her grin melted when she realised she was out of stones. With the last of them cast, he stood up, rubbing debris off himself as he readopted his smile, despite being battered, to her surprise.

“Looks like you remembered what I told you: 'Eyes on your obstacle'. A shame really, you had your eyes on the wrong target,” he said as he looked past her, making Chrys' eyes widen as she felt something large fly past her, crashing into the wall to her left. Again, the room shook, leaving a small crater in the wall that sent cracks spreading out.

Her heart skipped a beat as Bulwark slumped off the wall. He was beyond battered and bruised. He rose to his hooves, holding his neck as he did, his eyes focused on Sledge, who was just as battered. Bulwark had a pained look on his face, and something about the way he cradled his neck gave her the impression that he was holding his breath. Seeing that melted away her anger for fear, her ears falling as she took a hesitant step towards him. She then felt a chill run down her spine as a shadow loomed over.

Looking back to Mantis, she saw him almost standing over her, a hoof raised in preparation. As he swung, she closed her eyes, feeling nothing for a moment as he chuckled. She then flinched when he placed his hoof under her chin, lifting her head as her eyes opened to see his own peering into her.

“And a little distraction undoes you both,” he said with a sneer, “What did you hope to gain with this mess?” he asked coyly, “Did you even consider what you could lose by attacking me? How the hive would feel about this?” he added as his eyes adopted a sinister glow, he then looked up from Chrys towards the guards, his eyes shifting towards surprise.

Chrys felt something large fly over her, and in her wound up state, she immediately fell to the floor as what flew over her crashed into Mantis. Her eyes still locked on his, she saw him disappear under Sledge, who was sailing across the room, bringing Mantis along with him as they crashed into the far wall. The impact created a plume of dust and rock, sending more cracks snapping through the wall as Mantis and his guard were swallowed by the debris.

She got on her hooves, her mouth hanging open as she looked to Bulwark, his back hooves returning to the ground as she did. He bucked Sledge; a fact that played through her head as Bulwark approached her, slowly, a small smile on his face. He tried to speak, but his attempt only brought on a fit of coughs that brought him to his knees, prompting Chrys to move to his side in alarm.

“Bulwark!?” she asked as he tried to give her a reassuring look.

“You there, stop gawking!” Lores shouted, making Chrys look from her, to the doorway, where a number of soldiers had gathered, not sure what to make of the scene they'd stumbled upon. “Get Aid and his assistants! We've got injured here!” she ordered, making the soldiers glance to each other hesitantly.

“Now!” Chrys added, making them notice her, before they all stood tall, and nodded, leaving to do just that. “Bulwark, you'll be okay, Aid's coming, alright!?” she added desperately as she looked to him. He looked to her, mouthing ‘Of course, My Highness’. Her eyes widened as he passed out before her, slumping onto the ground with a heavy thud. Her heart skipped a painful beat. “Bulwark!?” she shouted desperately as she reached out for him.

As she touched him, she felt a chill crawl down her spine. Another shadow was looming over her, this one being far bigger than the previous. Looking over her shoulder, she saw Sledge standing over her, a fierce glare aimed at Bulwark.

He then lifted a hoof, preparing to stomp. She turned to face him, placing herself between him and Bulwark, her horn glowing as she tried to push his hoof away. His glare became all the more heated as his focus shifted to Chrys, and an odd sense of certainty fell over her when his eyes met hers. He was going to attack her, and he wasn't going to hold back.

“Sledge, stop!” she heard Mantis shout, but Sledge showed no signs of hearing it, his hoof coming down, easily powering through the magical grasp trying to keep it back.

The world seemed to slow down as that hoof came. She could dodge it; she knew it, but doing so meant letting Bulwark get hit instead, so she stood still. Abandoning Bulwark wasn't an option to her, making her come to understand just how important Bulwark, Darrin and Momo were to her. She then realized, if she were crushed right now, there'd be no one to stop Sledge from finishing him off.

She wasn't going to lose Bulwark, nor her clutchlings. Not while she could still stand, not while she could still fight. Her eyes glowed as she rolled to the side, her horn flaring with strength she didn't know she had as she lifted Bulwark out of the way.

The hoof came down.

Even though it missed, she felt pain course through her body as the ground cracked and shattered under the blow, knocking her away from Bulwark as Sledge eyed her coldly. Before she could recover, she found him standing over her again. She rolled, then winced in pain as her body lurched. The tip of her tail was pinned by his other hoof. Learning this caught her off guard, as Sledge brought his other hoof up, a smile on his face as his eyes met hers.

“Sledge!!” Mantis cried out, genuine fear in his voice as he crawled from the crater he'd been planted in, trying to close the gap between him and his guard as quickly as he could. Chrys could tell it wouldn't be quick enough, her eyes seeing Lores look on in horror, as Sledge's hoof came down.

Everything seemed to slow down again. Her eyes were glued to his hoof as it started to descend. Her horn glowed, but the strength she had to save Bulwark didn't answer her call, filling her with a sense of desperation as she vainly pushed against the coming blow. Why? Why couldn’t she make it budge? Was she really that weak!? Chrys suddenly felt the weight on her tail lighten. She moved before she could fully understand this fact, rolling to the side as the hoof hit the ground. The blow wasn’t as strong as the first. She looked to the royal guard, confused as the towering soldier toppled.

Her mouth fell open as she saw Sledge crash into the ground, his eyes tearing up in pain as a dirty yellow pegasus stood over him. Sledge twitched on the ground, his legs drawn in defensively as he shook in pain. The pony had an annoyed look on his face as he eyed the downed guard for a moment, before glancing to Chrys. Their eyes met, and he gave her a small smile, before taking to the air. All eyes fell on him, as he lazily flew back into his cage, through a large hole formed near where Mantis and Sledge had crashed.

Mantis eyed the pegasus with a completely baffled look, which Chrys noticed. Simply seeing his face dispelled her own confusion, as her horn quickly glowed, catching Mantis in the back of the head with a rock. The blow knocked Mantis to the ground, but he quickly got back on his hooves, rubbing the back of his head as he glared at her. He took a threatening step towards her, but stopped when Lores placed herself between them again.

“Both of you, that's enough!” she declared, pointing at Mantis, “You have a traitor to lock away,” she said as she pointed at Sledge, still paralyzed with pain, “And you-” she began as she looked to Chrys, being surprised to see that the princess had turned to Bulwark, looking over him with a scared look on her face.

His breathing was ragged, and he occasionally coughed, and he wasn't responding to his name. Lores’ ears fell as her anger was abandoned. “Princess, give him some room,” she said calmly, hesitating before placing an assuring hoof on Chrys' shoulder. Her eyes were wet as she looked to Lores, “Don't worry princess, Aid's on his way. Bulwark's tough, he'll be fine, alright?”

“R-Right,” Chrys said, not sounding completely assured as she rubbed her eyes. “I'm staying with him,” she said with certainty, getting a nod from Lores.

“Of course, just give him some room,” she added as additional soldiers entered her now mostly ruined room.

“Get Sledge tied up and locked away,” Mantis ordered coldly, getting a salute from the soldiers as they did just that. “Lores, about that pony-”

“He's my pet, and he's quite tame,” Lores quickly replied, with a hint of relief that Chrys took note of, as Lores turned to Mantis, prompting him to raise an eyebrow at her.


“What else would you call a pony that rescued the princess, and yourself in the process I might add, that returned to his cage?” she asked as Dud spun in place for a moment, before laying down, like a cat would, to Mantis' dismay. He then composed himself before looking back to Lores.

“Fine, fine,” Mantis replied almost dismissively, getting a small, curious look from Chrys as he turned to the guards gathered around Sledge, “I want three guards watching that pony until it's properly contained again. Bind its wings,” he ordered, wincing as he eyed his own wings, not quite working as intended, making him frown. “Not bad, Bulwark,” he mumbled as he passed Chrys, her eyes locked on him.

“Where's Momo?” she asked with an unsteady breath, making him pause, before looking to her.

“I don't know where your clutchling is.”

“Is that true, Mantis?” Lores asked, making him blink as he looked to her. Chrys saw an expression on his face she'd never seen before, hesitation.

“It's true, Teyra,” he assured her, before turning his back to them, continuing to the door.


“That's enough, Your Highness," Lores stated, "At the very least, he doesn't know where she is,” She added with certainty, getting an odd look from Chrys, “Teyra ... was my name, before earning Lores,” she added as she eyed the damage to her room, making the princess briefly wonder what history Mantis and Lores had, before resting her head on Bulwark, feeling the beginnings of regret start gnawing at her.

“Mantis!!” a familiar voice shouted out, making Chrys' eyes snap to the doorway, seeing Darrin standing there, a dark scowl on his face, “What did you say!?”

“That's not how you talk to me-” Mantis began, cut off when Darrin moved in close to him.

“What did you say to Chrys!?” he asked again, making Mantis give him a smile that made Chrys' eyes widen. She understood what would come next if Darrin persisted. “Well!? Answer-” He was interrupted when a small grasp of magic caught his ear, and twisted. He winced as he looked past Mantis, seeing Chrys giving him a fearful look, subtly shaking her head. He looked between Chrys and Mantis before glaring at nothing in particular. “...I'm not fit for duty, commander, permission to be dismissed.”

“Denied,” Mantis said coolly.

“Mantis...” Chrys let out in a pleading tone, her eyes cast down as he gave her an appraising look. She wanted to yell at him; tell him to stop, to let Darrin go. Bulwark lay before her, and Momo was missing. She was scared; scared of him. Yet, her pride kept her from asking him to stop. So, she had no more words for him, only a spark of hope. Mantis eyed her for a moment longer, before looking to his almost-insubordinate soldier.

“Darrin, you're being reassigned. The Princess has lost her guard, you will fill in until our Queen can decide on an alternative,” he stated, getting a surprised look from Darrin and Chrys, before Darrin gave a forced salute.

“Understood, sir,” Darrin replied, getting a small nod from Mantis, before leaving the room. Darrin looked over his shoulder for a moment, his eyes watching the general, before quickly moving to Chrys and Bulwark's side. “...How's the big guy?”

“Lores says he'll be fine,” Chrys weakly replied.

“And what about you?”

“I'm fine too,” she said, her eyes lighting up slightly as Aid and his assistants entered the room, seeing the two fallen guards, and at Lores' guidance, came to look over Bulwark.

“Yeah, not buying that,” Darrin replied as he sat next to her, “Dummy,” he whispered as he discreetly tapped her on the head, seeing her ears fall as her shoulders started to shake.

A haze started to fall over her as she looked at the events that had transpired in the last few minutes, her mind casting suspicion over nearly everything; seeing each moment as a thread coiled tightly around her.

He came, holding a weak accusation over her head. Momo was missing. He subtly goaded her, and she fell for it. He kept her attention on him, when she should have been helping Bulwark. He distracted Bulwark with a pebble, leaving the wounded form resting before her. He expected the fight to draw attention, he expected Darrin to come, and even attack him.

He left with a smile, because he could have easily taken Darrin from her too.

She saw those threads together, and saw a web that she was now trapped in. He wanted something from her, and she doubted it was her life. If she died, the queen would make him follow suit. He wanted something, and all that had just transpired was to deliver a message to her. He was going to get what he wanted, or he'd take everything dear to her, and crush it underhoof.

Did he plan on losing Sledge? What did he want from her? What would happen if she brought this to the Queen? What should she do? These questions followed her through that haze, trying to find direction, trying to figure out how to get free of the web he was spinning around her.

“Chrys,” Darrin said, drawing her from her thoughts as she looked to him in surprise, her cheeks feeling wet, “Whatever you decide, I'll follow you. I promise, I won't fall, or abandon you,” he said with a fierce look, a fire burning in his eyes that she dared to take strength from. Chrys looked on silently as Aid tended to Bulwark, lost in wondering what the next two days would bring, before the monsoon came. One thing she knew for certain, that made her chest ache; Bulwark wouldn't be waking her up tomorrow.

She'd need to ask someone else to do it, a fact that cast her thoughts forward, in the process making her realize something. Mantis made his move today, and he was undoubtedly waiting for her to make the next one. It was her move, and sitting around and crying wasn't going to make her situation any better. So she sat there, taking comfort in Darrin's presence for a moment longer as she looked to those in the room, her eyes pausing on Lores and Dud for a moment, before looking back to the door.

She then closed her eyes, holding a hoof over her chest, trying to calm herself and think of what she needed to do, taking several deep breaths. Thoughts of Momo and Bulwark came to her, and instead of pushing them away, she held them close, steeling herself for their sake; after several moments, she felt herself composed enough to take action, her eyes opening as she found direction. She then placed a hoof on Bulwark, muttering a small promise heard only by her heart, before forcing herself to her hooves.

“Darrin, I'm going to talk to him,” she said as she wiped her eyes, “Can you promise not to do anything … dangerous?” she asked as she looked to him, giving him a determined look.

“...I'll try my best, Highness,” he replied hesitantly, getting a frown from her.

“I want more than your 'best',” she stated sharply, not giving him a chance to reply as she ran out of the room. He looked after her for a moment, considering her words, before nodding to himself as he followed after her, to Mantis.

7. Seeing the Threads

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Chrysalis ignored the looks she was given as she ran through the tunnel, following the direction Mantis had left in. She ran with great haste, her wings flapping in an attempt to increase her speed, as if instead of pursuing Mantis, she was running from the worries that threatened to slow her down.

Bulwark was going to be fine. Momo was somewhere safe, and waiting.

With each step, she told herself this, ignoring all else around her. So naturally, she was caught off guard when Darrin managed to get in front of her and stopped, forcing her to run right into him.

He let out a small grunt as they collided, skidding back several paces, but managed to keep both of them from toppling over. Her momentum lost, she looked to him, seeing a troubled look, which made her frown as she hit him in the shoulder.

“Move it, Darrin, we need to get Mantis!” she demanded, her hit doing nothing, more to her annoyance than anything else.

“No. First, you're going to tell me what happened,” he said, his eyes matching hers as they glared at each other. She could feel the specter of her worries catching up to her, but she knew, if she was going to get anything from Mantis, she needed to be calm, and, she needed help. So, she glanced to the side, and surprised Darrin by jumping on his back.

“Keep going, I'll talk,” she said as she gave him a troubled look. He gave her a nod, and continued down the hall as Chrys recounted what happened. Her conversation with Mantis, the accusations they tossed, the fight she started, and how it ended.

Shortly after she finished, all she got from him was brewing silence, which held until they reached a split in the tunnel. Without even pausing, he turned towards the tunnel that lead to the Royal Halls, getting a questioning look from her. “Mantis went this way?” she asked, getting a nod from Darrin.

“If I were him, I would deliver what happened to the queen personally. It would make me look better,” he said coolly, before raising an eyebrow to her, “Chrys, do you really want to talk to him now?” he asked, getting a doubtful look from her.

“No, I want to stay with Bulwark, but I need to know, Darrin. He wants something from me, and I need to know what.”

“I can guess what,” Darrin said as he glared at nothing in particular, getting a curious look from her, one which shifted to annoyance when he didn't elaborate.

Well?” she asked, and he was about to reply, but his answer was cut off when he spotted Mantis ahead of them. “Mantis!” she shouted, getting a curious look from him as he turned towards them.

She then blinked when Darrin increased his pace, making Mantis raise an eyebrow as he adopted a defensive stance. Glancing over Darrin's shoulder, she saw his glare had shifted to hatred, making her eyes widen. He was going to attack Mantis.

Chrys did the first thing that came in mind to stop him. She bit his ear. In the same motion, she yanked her head to the side, catching Darrin off guard and making his direction change. She then closed her eyes when she saw him drive them towards the wall.

There was a crash, followed by the world turning white. Her ears rang for several moments as she clutched her head, rolling on the floor in pain, tears in her eyes. “Darn it, Darrin!!” she shouted over the pain, the world slowly returning to her as she saw Darrin standing over her, cradling a bump on his head as he gave her a very heated look.

“You run me into the wall, and yell at me!?” he said.

“Yes!!” Chrys replied as she bonked his muzzle, making him rub it and shake his head before glaring back at her, “I had to do something dumb to stop you from something dumber!”

“Says the hatchling that picked a fight with Mantis!”

He said the 'h' word. With her anger having plenty of fuel to propagate a lack of restraint, she tackled him, slapping and biting and bonking all while punctuating a fact of life.

“I'm! Not! A! Hatchling!"

“Are you two gonna wrap this up anytime soon?” Mantis asked as he let out an exasperated sigh, making Darrin and Chrys look to him, then to each other. She blushed slightly as Darrin stepped back, before helping her to her hooves. They both then adopted a determined look as they turned to Mantis.

“Mantis, we need to talk,” she said, composing herself as he looked him in the eyes.

“Oh, is that what you wanted? It was starting to look like you just wanted to waste my time. Again.”

“That was-” she began, before shaking her head. “Look, what do you want from me?” she asked, making Mantis adopt a disappointed look.

“I don't know what you're going on about, and I don't care. I need to tell Her Highness about what transpired,” he said dismissively as he started to turn around, making her slam her hoof down.

“Mantis. I want to know what you did to Momo,” she said, grinding her hoof as she tried to stay composed. “I want to know what you want. I want her back.”

“This again? I've already told you-”

“Mantis! Stop lying!” she demanded as she took a step forward, looking him in the eyes. “Please?” she added in a more composed tone, prompting a sigh from him.

“Words aren't going to get you anything from me, Your Highness,” he said with certainty, before turning his back to them, continuing down the hall. Chrys' shoulders trembled as she glared at the ground, her anger making her still throbbing head ache more. She then blinked, before gently placing a hoof on her temple, feeling the sure signs of a forming bump.

“Mantis,” Chrys began, grabbing onto a thread, looking to pull him close with it. “If you don't speak with me, I'll tell the queen that you hit me,” she threatened, making Mantis pause. He glanced over his shoulder, looking to her eyes. There he saw a fire burning bright; he knew she would carry through on her threat.

“And you think she'll believe you after what you did?”

“Do you think she'd believe you if you said 'she ran herself into a wall'?” she asked as she adopted a snide grin. He considered her for a moment longer, before turning them, surprising her as he gave an impressed smile.

“I suppose you've earned this conversation now rather than later. Fine, I'll hear you out, Your Highness,” he then raised a cautionary hoof, “If, and only if, we speak alone.”

“Yeah, that's not happening,” Darrin said immediately, getting a glare from Mantis and Chrys. “Glare all you like, I'm not budging on this one Chrys. If you two are gonna talk, it's where I can see you,” he stated, prompting another sigh from Mantis.

“If that's all, then we can talk in the Windtrap,” he suggested, “It's big enough and loud enough for you to watch us, but not overhear us,” he added, making Darrin look to Chrys, who gave him a small nod.

“Right then. Let's get this over with,” Darrin said impatiently, before turning around and going back the way they came. Chrys hopped on his back, and they both kept looking behind them as they went down into the depths of the hive, seeing Mantis several paces behind them. As they got closer to the Windtrap, Darrin looked over his shoulder to her.

“Chrys, keep away from the well, alright?” he whispered, a sense of fear in his voice that she'd never heard from him before. “Don't give into him easily, he'll hold Momo over you to make his plan come together, and don't keep anything from me. Okay?”

“D-Darrin...” Chrys replied, never seeing him this worried before, she then adopted a determined look as she gave him a nod. “I won't keep anything from you. Promise,” she assured, getting a small smile from him as they spotted the end of the tunnel.

Entering the chamber, the constant roar of air was prevalent. In the Windtrap's wall were over a two dozen drone-sized holes that either led to the surface, or to other parts of the hive. The scent of The Badlands clung to the room, and it was warmer in the chamber than the rest of the tunnels.

The room was shaped like a thick ring, having three tunnels attached to it, each of them linked to the ring by a small bridge. The tunnels each had a guard posted, a precaution to keep hatchlings out. At the edge of the ring, where it would connect to the walls, was instead a gutter where the run-off water descended during the monsoon.

When the rains came, the air vents would bring in water, which would drain away beneath this chamber into several places below. Most of the water would become stored in large basins to supply the hive's needs through the year, while a small amount of the water went into the well in the room's center.

The well was wide enough for two drones to fit side-by-side in it, and water that would fall into it fell down, down, down into the depths of the earth. Chrys could see the air ripple from heat coming from the well, dug down into a large chamber where the earth was so hot, the bottom of the chamber glowed red. Suffice to say, that well was a death trap for any changeling that couldn't fly.

When the rains came, the well would turn the water into steam, and heat up the lower tunnels of the hive. There, the hatchery would remain warm and moist enough for eggs to incubate comfortably. It was also in those lower tunnels where the Sleep Watch would reside, kept active by that heat while the rest of the hive slept through the monsoon's chill.

Hopping off Darrin, Chrys eyed Mantis, who eyed her, as they both entered the large room, leaving Darrin at the door so they could converse alone. As they got closer to the center, Chrys paused, not wanting to be near the well. Seeing this, Mantis adopted a small smile, before motioning the guards to back down the tunnels, leaving just Mantis, Chrys and Darrin in the chamber.

“Mantis, where's Momo?” Chrys asked as she looked up to him, getting an appraising look in turn.

“She's in my custody, under guard someplace outside the hive,” he answered coolly, making Chrys tremble in anger for a moment, making her take several deep breaths in an attempt to stay calm.

“So, you lied to Lores.”

“Why should I give her the truth?” he asked as he raised an eyebrow at her, making her shake her head dismissively.

“What do I have to do?” she asked, holding her head up as she glared at him.

Leave,” he said with a shallow sneer, his answer making her blink in surprise.


“Leave the hive. Run away, and never return,” he said with a cold stare, before letting out a long sigh. “That's what I'd like to say, but that's unrealistic,” he added, getting an annoyed and confused look from Chrys, making him raise an eyebrow. “If you left and never returned, Her Highness would likely force the same fate on me.” He then waved a hoof dismissively as he elaborated, “I want you to leave, and not return until after we've taken Canter Town.” He then took a step towards her, but she didn't budge as he lowered his head, “I want you out of my mane. I don't want to see you. I don't want to breath the same air as you. So, you will leave, and you will do so with the queen's permission.”

“...And Momo?”

“She'll be let back in, and as long as you stay out till summer, they'll all be safe and sound. Oh, and don't think you can take any of them with you,” he said as he raised an eyebrow, “I want them where I can see them.”

“To make sure I don't come back early?” she asked, getting a small nod from him.

His words, his demands, rolled in her head for a minute, her pent up anger starting to bubble over as she saw another reason for why he instigated the fight. He wanted Bulwark wounded, so he couldn't go after her when she left. He was holding her clutchlings and Bulwark against her, so he could get rid of her, and she didn't understand why.

He said it was because of her color. Her mother said it was because she was different. These were simple answers that didn't give what he was putting her through justice; she wanted to know.

“What did I do?” she asked quietly, her eyes looking to the ground. Over the roaring breeze, Mantis didn't hear her, making him bend closer.

“What was that?”

“What did I do to you!? Why do you hate me!?” she shouted at his face, making his brow furrow as he matched the glare she gave him.

Why!? Where do I start!?” he asked as he started to pace around her, “You have all the time in the world, and you waste it while everyone else is working hard. You're privileged, and the thought that you're going to inherit all the work of all those that came before you infuriates me! You're not fit to be a queen!” He then shook his head, “No, you're not worthy of being a queen!” He then pointed a hoof at her, “You don't know what it's like, to always be hungry. And I'm not referring to that 'appetite' of yours; I mean true hunger! The kind that eats at you, makes you weak and gaunt as you see the clutchlings you grew up with waste away and perish before you! The Queen and I know that feeling, it's what drove us! And, of course, I despise you because you. Are. Weak. It's in your color.”

“In my color? In my color!? What does that even mean!?” she asked as she took a step towards him, her glare matching his. “I can't help that your life was terrible, so you have no right to hold that against me! Besides, it's thanks to you that I don't know what 'true' hunger is!” She then shook her head in disbelief. “You say I do nothing with my time? What am I supposed to do? 'Queenly' things!? I haven't even reached your height, so just what am I supposed to do!? I don't have drones to order, I don't have responsibilities to fill, so what am I supposed to do!? You say I'm not fit to be queen!? What makes you think you get to decide that?” she shouted, before shaking her head again in disgust, “You, you're just full of it!”

His words weren't reasons, at least not to Chrys; they sounded more like excuses.

“Tch, I shouldn't have expected anything more from you,” he replied dismissively.

“You're not done!” Chrys replied, “Why do you hate me? Why have you spent so much time taking away what's dear to me? Why are you so bent on making me alone!?”

“Because I look at you, and I see the death of our kind,” he said coldly, leaving Chrys speechless as he turned to the side. “Little pest," he added, making Chrys tremble for a moment, taking all of her mental effort to keep herself from lunging at him. "Before you leave, you should keep this in mind. I have a number of loyal soldiers who share my grievances with you.” He then adopted a small sneer, “You see, Her Highness taught me something interesting when I saw your egg for the first time. You can place a lot of power over someone when you tie their life to yours.” He then raised an eyebrow, “If something happens to me, or if I lose my standing in the hive, those soldiers are under orders to get rid of you, and your precious clutchlings,” he assured, making Chrys' eyes widen. “So go ahead, tell Her Highness that I 'hit' you, and we'll just see how that plays out.”

There were soldiers that would follow such orders? She immediately found the idea ridiculous. Soldiers willing to harm her? She was a princess! However, harming the others was easier for her to see. That, and reflecting on how Sledge acted against her cast doubt on her assumption, making her put more weight into his threat then she normally would.

He then turned his back to her as he started to leave. “You have two days till the main tunnel is sealed, you better be gone by then,” he finished, pausing for a moment as she tugged his tail with her magic, getting an aggravated look from him.

“I want to see Momo,” she asked in a small voice.

“You're not in a position to ask for anything!” he shouted as he turned on her. “Oh, and you better leave Darrin in the dark. You can't control him as well as you'd like, and I don't need him tripping over my hooves in a vain effort to protect you.” He then considered something before adding, “And so would your guard, even if he's in no condition to do so. Now, make your plan, and leave,” he finished, before continuing on his way out, making her glare at his retreating back, hatred fuming in her eyes as Darrin came to her side. Her glare persisted for several moments after Mantis was out of sight, before she let out a tired sigh. She then gave Darrin a considering look, before hopping on his back.

“Well?” he asked.

“Give me a minute,” she quickly replied, Mantis' words played through her head; he wanted her out, and she had two days to do it.

But, leaving the hive? Right as the monsoon's about to begin? It was either that, or he would-

She then shook her head, not daring to consider that outcome. Leaving the hive meant she'd need to head to Equestria, and she also needed to talk to her mother about it. There was something else about this, something about this whole situation that gnawed at her, but she couldn't place her hoof on it. She then looked to Darrin.

You can't control him as well as you'd like...

The way he put that infuriated her. Darrin wasn't her soldier, he was her clutchling. Still, she could see it being hard to talk him into staying behind...

Her eyes then widened as she looked to where Mantis had left from. Mantis was setting down what she could and couldn't do, and she realized that if she played along, she'd never get one over on him; that she'd never keep those close to her safe.

“Darrin, don't let Bulwark hear this, not yet anyway,” she began, her chest aching when she pictured him back at Lores' chamber, “Mantis, he wants me to leave the hive,” she said, feeling Darrin's glare as she added, “He wants me out of here before we seal the main tunnel, and he also—”

“Wants you to convince the queen you want to leave,” he finished, getting a slightly surprised look. “He wants to make sure it doesn't fall onto him. If you left suddenly, he'd be the first the queen blamed.” He then glanced over his shoulder, looking her in the eye, “Chrys, once you leave, he'll get rid of you.”

Well, now she knew what had been gnawing at her.

“He'd really do that, wouldn't he...?” she said, feeling a little hollow at the realization.

“And, I bet he'll try to pin it on Equestria. That way he'll be free,” he added as her brow furrowed.

“Well, isn't that just great!?” Chrys let out, wanting to hit something. While hitting Darrin was a tantalizing idea, she simply let out a frustrated sigh as she rested on his back. “So, I need to leave the hive, and avoid whatever he's got in store for me...” she said as she glanced to the side, feeling as if some unseen weight had been added to her shoulders.

“If you need a plan, I can help, you know.”

“I don't need your help making a plan, Darrin,” she replied, feeling a little insulted. “I just, need some time to think...” she added as she glanced the way Mantis left. “Let's go back.” With that, he gave her a small nod, before carrying her off to Lores'.

As they went, her mind looked through a number of possibilities, trying to weave together something that could protect her from whatever Mantis had in mind. She considered taking Darrin and Bulwark and leaving the hive immediately, but quickly dismissed the idea. Mantis was likely waiting for that, Bulwark wasn't in any shape for fleeing, and of course, it meant abandoning Momo. That wasn't an option. Her eyes then widened in realization, her ears falling as she looked to her clutchling.

“Darrin, what about Momo? If I get away from him, won't Mantis-”

“Don't think about it,” he said in a stern tone. “We don't know enough, and going down that train of thought will blur your vision,” he said, getting a surprised look from her as she glared at him.

“But, Darrin, don't you care!?”

“Yes, I do,” he replied, sounding a little hurt, “But I have faith.”

“In who?”

“In Mantis,” he said with a scowl.


“I have faith he won't throw away a bargaining chip so wastefully,” he then paused, looking to her, “Outside the hive, if he does threaten Momo to get to you, it's a bluff. You need to get away from him. He'll still need Momo to keep Bulwark in line.”

“What about you?”

“I'm going with you,” he stated matter-of-factly, getting silence from Chrys, earning a curious look from him, before he continued on, letting her mind wander again as she considered what she'd need for leaving the hive.

She'd need to talk to her mother about leaving. She'd need a guide to Equestria, and she wasn't going to settle for a soldier; she couldn't trust them in this situation. She'd also need a royal guard to protect her in Bulwark's place, likely Aegis. Supplies for the trip. Knowledge to help get through the Badlands safely. And how to tackle whatever ploy Mantis had in store for her.

It was a lot to work out in two days, which Mantis was probably counting on, but she wasn't discouraged. She wasn't going to let him win.

She put her thoughts to the side when she noticed they were coming on Lores' chamber. The place was bustling with activity, and many paused when they noticed their arrival. The large number of workers then made the effort to avoid her gaze, undoubtedly hearing her attack against Mantis, who to the normal changeling, was something of a hero to the entire hive.

Several drones were gathering debris and leveling the damaged floor, while a pair were aiding Lores in replenishing the nectar the fight had ruined. Chrys noticed that the guards for Dud were gone, and to her surprise, his wings weren't bound; his cage however, had been 'repaired', with the broken side being filled in and sealed in stone. Her eyes then saw, on the far side of the room, nestled next to the wall, Bulwark, who was being looked over by Aid.

Bulwark was laying on an old pony mattress, with Aid covering certain spots of Bulwark's body with a waxy resin-like substance. When Darrin and Chrys reached them, Aid took notice, and motioned them back.

“Give him some room, it's difficult for him to breathe right now,” he ordered, paying no mind to whom he was talking to. Chrys was too concerned with Bulwark to care.

“How long will he be out?” Darrin asked.

“He'll be awake sometime tonight or tomorrow. His body will fully recover in about a week, but he won't be able to talk again for several weeks.” He then looked to Chrys, raising an eyebrow, “And he shouldn't exert himself, or it'll take even longer to recover his voice.”

“So, he's going to be fine?” she asked hesitantly.

“Yes, in time,” he assured, getting a small relieved smile from her. He then looked over his shoulder, “Lores, you want us to move him out of here?”

“No, he's welcome here." Lores replied, "Besides, after seeing what it took to get Sledge out of here...”

“What happened?” Darrin asked as he looked to her.

“He was sensitive after being hit in the, well, let's just say he wasn't in the mood to make things easy,” she said as she made a dismissive gesture, “Took a whole squad to get him out of here,” she added, getting a nod from Darrin as he looked to Chrys, who was eyeing the caged pony in the room with an odd look on her face.

“He saved you, right?” Darrin asked, getting a nod from Chrys.

“Stay with Bulwark,” she said as she got on her hooves, seeing Darrin get up too, “Please? I'm just gonna talk to Dud.”


“The pegasus,” Chrys added, getting up to move. Before she could start off, Aid stopped her, giving her an appraising look.

“Looks like you were hurt during the fight.” Aid pointed out as he tapped her on the forehead, making her wince in pain.

“No, this happened afterwards.”

“Whatever you say, Highness,” Aid said as he grabbed some of the waxy substance on his hoof.

“I'm fine Aid, you don't—”

“Not gonna hear it,” Aid replied as he tapped her head in annoyance, making Chrys wince as he expertly applied the stuff on her bump. It felt cool to the touch, before it started to warm, ebbing the pain as Chrys looked to the side. “And what do we say?”

“...Thank you.” Chrys mumbled, getting a nod from Aid as he stepped back from her, seeing Darrin trying to hide a laugh from her. She gave him an annoyed look, before turning to the hive's top healer. “Aid, Darrin's hurt too, you should be more thorough with him, he ran into a wall.”

“What's this?” Aid asked as he turned to Darrin, getting a surprised look from the soldier. Smile briefly, Chrys left him to his fate as she went to the sleeping pony.

Reaching his cage, she noticed that there was a bit of that healing wax spread on his forehead, giving her the impression that he must have had rocks fall on him when Mantis and Sledge crashed into the wall.

“Hey. Wake up,” she said as she poked him with her magic, giving her a sense of deja-vu when he sleepily looked over his shoulder to her. He blinked at her, before his eyes widened, and he rolled over to look at her with an energetic smile.

“Well met, Princess!” Dud let out, before his eyes went to her forehead. “Healing resin?” he mumbled in confusion, “But you looked fine after that mess,” he added before shaking his head, “Did you have more questions for me?” he asked, getting a short nod from Chrys.

“About earlier, you ... do know we're going to fight Equestria, and capture the Moon Princess, right?”

“Uh, yep!” he replied enthusiastically, making Chrys shake her head in wonder as she sat down.

“Then why did you save me?” she asked as she pointed at him, then herself. “You're a pony, and I'm a changeling. Doesn't that make us enemies?”

“No. That makes me a pony, and you a changeling,” he said with a flat look as he tilted his head.

“You wouldn't say that if you were a dud,” Chrys replied with an unamused look.

“I suppose there'd be a lot of things I wouldn't be saying if I wasn't,” he said matter-of-factly, “What with being in a cocoon and all,” he added, getting a slightly exasperated look from the princess.

“You haven't told me why you saved me.”

“I didn't? Well, sorry about that. Let's see, I guess there's lots of reasons, which do you want to hear?” he asked, and Chrys' brow furrowed in thought before letting out a small sigh.


“Oh, alright!” he replied as he took a moment to think, “Okay, you're a princess. You're a changeling. Like I said last time, there's only one of you in the world. You're young.”

“I'm not a hatchling,” Chrys replied almost on reflex.

“That you're not,” he replied, before blinking in confusion, “Where was I … oh! That brute woke me up from a nice dream. He damaged Lores' room. He had a look that rubbed me the wrong way. And, of course, because I wanted to,” he said as he gave her a stern nod, “If somepony in front of me is in trouble like you were, I'd want to help. That's why I saved you.”

“So, you didn't want something in return?”

“What, you mean since I helped, you owe me?” he asked, looking a little surprised, “I hadn't considered that!” He then shook his head, "I didn't want anything in return." His eyes then widened, "And don't get me wrong, I'm not some sort of hero-pony, but a rare-species-expert-pony," he reaffirmed with a nod.

“So you never thought of being let out? You didn't even once think about Equestria?” she asked, finding his lack of loyalty baffling.

“Should I?”

“Yes!” she said, frowning as she stomped the ground, “How can you not care about your home!?”

“I didn't say I don't care,” he quickly replied, getting a confused look from her.


“I care.”

“Then why did you help me? I'm not good for Equestria,” she asked, her head starting to throb from talking to him. He looked to her, his brow furrowing slightly as he considered her words.

“I think I can see what you mean. But, I'm not really worried,” he said, making her raise an eyebrow towards him.

“Was that an insult? Are you saying we'll lose?”

“Not really,” he answered bashfully, “I don't think you'll win, but I don't think you'll lose, either,” he said, making her shake her head in annoyance.

“And what about Equestria?”

“Equestria will win,” he replied, his confidence leaving her speechless for a moment.

“But, if that's true, then we lose,” she insisted as she motioned to her surroundings, getting a confused look from him.

“Equestria protects its own. Changelings want to prosper. Equestria will win by protecting its own, but I'm not sure about changelings. I want them to prosper, but as they are right now, I have doubts.”

“So, you helped me because you think Equestria will win anyway?” she asked, making him frown, as if she'd missed an important detail.

“No. I told you why I helped. Equestria had nothing to do with it.”

He helped her because he wanted to. He cared about home, but he didn't want to protect it from her. He's a pony, so of course Equestria was involved, just as much as she was involved in the hive for being a changeling. And trying to make sense of the way this pony thought was making her head ache all the more, bringing her hooves to her head in frustration.

“Ooh! Why am I wasting my time with you? Momo's in danger and here I am talking myself in circles with a pony that doesn't make sense!” she let out, getting some curious looks from the drones as Dud gave her a surprised look.

“What's that about Momo?” he asked as he edged closer to Chrys, a hint of concern in his voice that caught her off guard.

“Mantis, the hive's general, is holding her hostage so I'll do what he wants.”

“The fellow that was here earlier?” he asked, frowning, getting a nod from Chrys. His expression then became more neutral, to her surprise. “Oh, alright then.”

“What do you mean 'alright then'?”

“Nothing. Momo will be fine,” he stated confidently, making Chrys almost sway and topple over in confusion.

How do you know?”

“Because she's Momo,” he said as if that cleared up everything, “I don't see her sitting quietly as a hostage.”

“You know her?” she asked, prompting Dud to point at Lores. “So, you're not worried about Momo either?” she asked, and he appraised her for a moment, before his eyes widened in realization.

“I like Momo, so I do worry, but, I know she'll be fine. Just like I know Equestria will be fine.”



“Faith...?” she asked, getting a nod in turn as he raised his two front hooves, flats up.

“Equestria's been going strong for a little over five hundred years now, thanks to Princess Luna and us ponies,” he said as he bobbed one of his hooves, as if it was carrying Equestria in it. “I have faith it'll keep going,” he said as he looked to the other hoof, “Momo comes across as very loyal, stubborn, and dependable. I can see her finding a way out of her problem without anypony's help.”

“But what if she doesn't? What if she needs help?”

“She may need help, but what can I do?” he asked as he pointed to his cage, “If I could, I'd try and help her,” he said, making Chrys realize she was in a similar position as he was, only her cage was made of fear and threats.

“So, you'd help her, but not Equestria?” she asked, feeling as if she was starting to understand something about this oddity before her.

“There are plenty of ponies to help Equestria, but how many ponies are there to help Momo?” he asked with a serious expression, a small fire in his eyes that she took note of.

“...You're an odd pony, Dud.”

“I'm well aware,” he said, getting a small nod from Chrys as his words rolled in her head.

“Thanks Dud. For helping me, again.”

“Think nothing of it, Princess,” he said with a smile, before she turned back to Darrin and Bulwark.

She could easily see Momo trying to free herself from Mantis' grasp. But, she could also see Mantis tightening the reins on her. Her eyes then widened in realization as she looked to Darrin.

He had faith in Mantis. Was it because they were both soldiers?

Chrys had faith in Momo, but she feared Mantis more. In a way, she had more faith in Mantis than Momo, a realization that made Chrys' brow furrow for a minute, her anger aimed at herself more than anything.

Mantis was controlling her, making her stride to his beat, in more ways than she realized. Dud was right, Momo wouldn't want to be held as a hostage. She'd try to break free, and she was stubborn enough to pull it off.

Though this realization didn't dispel her worry, it did lessen it, giving her hope as she looked back to Dud. She then eyed Darrin and Bulwark, the threads of a plan coming together as she returned to their side.

The first thing she'd need to do, is talk to her mother...


Mantis let out a sigh as he left the Queen's presence. Informing her of the fight went about as well as he expected, being that he left with his head still attached.

As he left the Royal Halls, a soldier from his private unit saluted him. Mantis could tell by the nervous look the soldier was giving him, that he didn't have good news to report.

"Let me guess, we couldn't track her down?" Mantis asked, shaking his head in wonder as the soldier nodded.

"She turned into a pegasus during our pursuit, and we lost her in the clouds. We've been searching the area and haven't seen a trace of her. We can assuredly say she's nowhere near the hive right now."

"She went pony..." Mantis said as his mind raced, "We only have the main tunnel and auxiliary tunnel open right now, correct?"

"Yes, Mantis."

"Then inspect all that come in. She may try to impersonate a soldier."

"You think she'll come back?"

"I can't say. I thought I had her pegged down, but her escape has proven otherwise," he said in annoyance as he turned to the soldier, "Either way, she escaped as a pony, that kind of effort makes a changeling hungry, and the only nectar around for miles, is here."

"I understand sir, I'll pass on the orders," the soldier said with a salute, before leaving. Alone again, Mantis shook his head, feeling a light migraine coming on.

"Curse you, Momo. I should have known better!” he let out as he glared at nothing in particular, “Maybe she'll have the good sense to take my warning seriously, and stay as far away from here as she can."

8. Close Words

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“How are you going to convince the queen?” Darrin asked as they walked back to the Royal Halls, getting an odd look from Chrysalis. “I'm assuming you've got something in mind?” he asked, making her pause for a moment.

“...Darrin, it's the queen's job to lead the hive, right? To work towards a better tomorrow?”

“Well, yes.”

“If I'm being forced out of the hive, then I thought, perhaps I should start doing that,” she said, getting an amused smile from Darrin. Chrys adopted a flustered look. “What? What is it this time?”

“Isn't that why you argued with Her Highness about the Moon Princess' 'power'?” he asked, making her pause for a moment, realizing the truth of it. She then heard Mantis’ words from earlier play in her head, making her release an aggravated huff.

“Mantis. He said I wasn't fit to be queen. He never gave me the chance to prove otherwise.” She then looked to Darrin, a determined look in her eyes, “He didn't intend it, but once I get away from him, I'll finally get that chance,” she declared, getting an appraising look from Darrin.

“You mean, you're going to Equestria?” he asked, getting a nod in turn.

“I'm going to see if the power this 'Luna' has is genuine. And who knows, maybe I can do more once I'm there. Like, enthrall her, or something,” she added, half serious, half uncertain.

“Well, it isn't gonna be any safer than staying in The Badlands, living off of supplies,” Darrin replied, giving a small glare towards no one in particular. “You'll need to find Ghost in Canter Town. If you're caught by the Moon Princess—”

“I won't,” she quickly affirmed. “And besides, we need to know just how strong she is.”

“Right, but first you have to convince Her Highness to let you go,” he added, making her wave a hoof dismissively.

“Let me worry about that,” she replied, bring their conversation to a close, shortly before reaching the Royal Halls.

When they arrived, they were directed to the queen, finding her in the hatchery. Chrys paused at the doorway as she saw a slightly sad look in Amber's eyes, her gaze focused on the empty chamber, a look that melted away when she noticed she had company. She turned towards Chrys and Darrin, Bastion and Aegis standing close to her as she let out a small sigh, before composing herself.

“Mantis told me about the fight,” Amber began as she gave her daughter an appraising look, “Is it true that you started it?” she asked, making Chrys frown for a moment, before nodding. “And it's because Momo's gone missing?”

“Yes. I thought he did it.” She then shook her head. She wanted to tell the truth, but Mantis' threat was still fresh in her mind. “I still think he did it,” she added, before her ears fell. “And now, Bulwark's hurt,” she finished, prompting Amber to walk towards Chrys, placing a reassuring hoof on her shoulder.

“Don't worry Chrys. We'll find Momo, and Bulwark will recover.” Her demeanor then darkened, “Which can't be said for the other one.”

“Sledge?” Chrys asked as she tilted her head, making Amber scowl.

“Forget his name!” she stated coldly, a heated look in her eyes, “A royal guard that attacks a queen, or a princess, is a traitor to the hive, to his role, to his very self,” she declared, getting a heavy nod of agreement from Bastion, with Aegis' brow furrowing in kind. She then waved a hoof dismissively, “He'll be taking his last breath before sunset.” A fact that didn't bother Chrys, not after getting an uncomfortably close look at the bottom of his hoof.

Amber's gaze then softened as she eyed her daughter, “It's terrible that Bulwark was wounded, and I'll admit that I'm a little disappointed in you. But, your actions brought to light a terrible changeling, so, I'm not going to punish you,” she said as she nodded to herself, getting a surprised look from Chrys.

“You're not mad with me?”

“No.” Regardless, she frowned. “Don't get me wrong. Attacking Mantis was a terrible idea. He's done so much for the hive, and I know how much you two can't stand each other, but you must learn to control yourself.” She then let out a sigh, “Seriously, you couldn't even wait a few more months.”

“But, Momo-”

“Is being looked for by a number of our soldiers. I know you want to blame him, but Mantis speaks highly of her, and Darrin,” she added as she glanced to Chrys' clutchling, “I can't see him willing to harm either of them,” she added, making a chill run down Chrys' spine as she looked to her mother.

She then mentally cursed Mantis as she glanced to the side.

“...Is that right?” Chrys replied, seeing another thread being exposed before her. Seeing that thread led her thoughts towards the reason she came here, making her look to Amber. “Mother, about what we talked about yesterday,” she began, making Amber arch an eyebrow.

“About becoming attached to ponies?” she asked, making Chrys quickly shake her head as the old stallion, and to her surprise, Dud, came to mind. “Then what?” Her eyes then widened, “You mean about the Moon Princess?”

“Yes. I've been thinking about it since last night,” she then hesitated. She was used to feeding her mother white lies, but something about this one felt wrong; it felt heavy. Still, she needed to do this, so she took a deep breath, and continued. “I've been thinking, that it's about time I did something to help out,” she finished, making Amber blink in surprise, before adopting a big smile.

“My little princess wants to help~” she said proudly as she got closer, nudging Darrin back with her magic as he did. He took the hint, and quietly left the room, giving Chrys a subtle nod, which she returned.

“Yes. But, I don't think you'll like it.”

“Oh come now, what's not to like about it?” Amber asked coyly.

“Probably all of it,” Chrys replied, wearing a weak smile, before taking another deep breath. “I'm going to Equestria, to see just how powerful the Moon Princess really is,” she affirmed, and her mother's smile persisted for a moment, before it started to fade away.

“You're- You're serious?” she asked cautiously, getting a small nod in turn, making the queen shake her head. “No. Not happening.”

“Mother. I'm going,” Chrys said sternly.

“No. You're not.”

“Yes, I am!” Chrys insisted, holding a hoof up as her mother was about to repeat herself, “Capturing her is everything, right? We need to know. I can get into Canter Town and check, I can fit in with the ponies and fool them, but you can't!” she pointed out, “You're too big to fit in. And, you need to conserve your strength,” she added, getting an exasperated sigh from her mother.

“Chrys, I appreciate that you want to help, but we're sealing the main tunnel in two days. Once the rains start, The Badlands will be flooded! Just to get to Equestria, you'll have to cross it! Even by air, at best it'll take you a week to cross, which means dealing with the creatures that stay awake in the monsoon. Then, once you get past that, you'll have to deal with the Equestrian winter. And all that is before even getting to Canter Town! It's too dangerous, and I don't want my little girl going through that.”

“Mother, I know it's dangerous,” Chrys replied, almost sounding insulted, “But, I need to do this.”

“You … need to?” Amber asked in confusion.

“Everyone in the hive works hard, playing their part. What have I done? How can I expect to be a queen after we've won against Equestria if I don't contribute?” she then shook her head, “And it's not just that. We need to know if this 'Luna' is as strong as ponies believe. Ghost can try his best, but he'll never know as well as either you or I can.”

“But Chrys, if we lose you-”

“You can lay another queen's egg,” Chrys replied bluntly, getting a shocked look from Amber. “You're more important to the hive than I am,” she added, making Amber glance to the side, a sad look on her face as Chrys took a step forward, “Mother, we all have our part in the hive. We each have a stake in this, a risk. Let me be a part of it too. Let me take this risk.” She then gave her a hurt look, “Or, do you think I can't do it?”

“I didn't say that,” Amber quickly replied, bringing a troubled hoof to her forehead. “Mantis. What did he say? Did he put this crazy idea in your head?” she asked, getting a surprised look from the princess.

“No. This is my idea.” She was being forced to leave the hive, but she intended to be productive while she was at it. “No one else’s. I'm going to leave, whether you want me to, or not. Though,” she added as she adopted a sheepish look, “I'd like it if you let me...”

A silence fell over them for several moments, both of the looking each other in the eyes. Chrys with a determined look, while Amber wore a worried look. Chrys' eyes then widened when she noticed her mother's eyes starting to get misty.

“My little girl wants to go and do her part,” she said as she adopted a smile, her horn glowing as Chrys was levitated into her mother's hooves, to her slight dismay. “She wants to go face danger and help make sure we'll win against the Moon Princess,” she then hugged Chrys, who blushed as she tried to look to Amber.


“Chrys, there comes a time in every drone's life, when they stop calling me that,” she began, making Chrys' ears fall, her heart sinking at where she felt where this conversation was turning. “It's the day they choose their name, and pick their role in the hive. It's a happy day, and an auspicious day. But, it's also a sad day. On that day, I'm no longer their mother, but their Queen.” She then held Chrys out at hooves length, tears in her eyes as she continued to wear a sad smile. “Chrysalis, going out, into danger, to do this, means you're no longer a hatchling.”

“I'm not a hatchling,” Chrys replied as she glanced to the side, getting a chuckle from Amber.

“Indeed. Not anymore,” She replied as she wiped her tears away. “Sweetie, you can go. I won't stop you from wanting to make your mark, to play your part in our future. But, it's going to be dangerous, so don't expect me to let you go empty hoofed.”

Amber's brow then furrowed slightly as she looked to where Darrin had been, “The trek across The Badlands will be rough. It'll be cold, and wet. A normal drone would need to travel as a pony, or be driven to sleep by the temperature. Especially as they got closer to Equestria. Traveling as a pony means needing to carry more nectar.” She then eyed Chrys curiously, “You still know that heat spell?” she asked, getting a quick nod from Chrys, prompting Amber to adopt a contemplative look. “I'll need to teach you how to cast that spell as an enchantment.”

“About that, there's another spell I want to know before going, if you could show me,” Chrys asked, making Amber raise an eyebrow in surprise.

“Someone seems to have really thought this through,” she said with a proud smile. “As long as it's not too complex, you've got two days till the rains began, and the sooner you leave, the safer the trip.”

“Right,” Chrys replied with a nod, not intending to leave any earlier than right before sealing the main tunnel. She wanted the hazard the rains brought present when she encountered Mantis. Whatever he may have had in store, his efforts could be compromised by the weather, and she'd take any advantage she could against him. Even if that made the trek riskier, she considered it worth the risk.

“So, what's the spell you had in mind?” Amber asked, making Chrys smile slightly.

Just a little surprise in store, for the one driving her out of the hive. After all, another advantage she had over Mantis, that he had no chance at matching, was her magic.


“Why are you here?” an unfamiliar voice asked, pulling the sleeping princess out of her dreams. Okay, not entirely. The air was cold, and Chrys was having a hard time convincing her sleepy self to open her eyes. “...I see. She didn’t command you otherwise,” the voice added. Chrys frowned weakly. That was Aegis’s voice. Who was he talking to? “It’s fine. I won’t stop you.” Chrys shifted in annoyance. It’d be nice if Aegis would stop talking. There were heavy, mismatched hoofsteps approaching her. She then felt something warm touch her cheek. A hoof? There was a low, assuring grunt over her, making her frown deepen as the sleeping princess finally opened her eyes.

Standing over her was Bulwark. He had a drained look to him, and there were tan, glistening wrappings around his neck. Despite his haggard look, he was giving her a smile. He had come to wake her up, like she asked. Her drowsy state still hung over her as she took him in, her body cold and sluggish. He looked hurt, and she felt as if she were at fault. It didn’t make sense, and she didn’t like that. Her horn sputtered to life, her body glowing slightly as she warmed her body. With the heat, it wasn’t long before her drowsiness faded, being traded in for alarm. She blinked, eyes wide as she got on her hooves, giving Bulwark a flustered look.

“Wh- What are you doing, you idiot!?” she asked, her eyes looking over the bandaging Aid had imparted on him. He simply gave her a sheepish shrug. “Don’t give me that look!” she said, her eyes starting to sting as she hit him, “You’re supposed to be staying down and getting better!” she added, his ears falling as she hit him several times, her little slaps doing nothing to her loyal guardian.

She then shook her head, his body glowing teal as she tried to push him away. “Go back and get better!” she ordered, getting a small, unhesitant nod from him, as he turned away. She blinked in surprise as he left her side. He never left so easily. She looked to him, seeing him limp towards the door. A limp he was trying very hard to hide. And though he still towered over her, for some reason, he felt small. Her heart ached at the sight, a simple, unanswered question making her frown at nothing in particular. Was he ashamed of their loss? “B- Bulwark, wait!” she added, making the guard pause in confusion. She looked over him. Soaking in his injuries. Recalling the fight. Feeling the fear she felt when she saw him fall.

He was hurting. And not just physically. Despite that, he came to wake her up, just as she had asked of him. Any doubts regarding what came next were swept away by that act.

He mustn’t know of her plan. Not yet. Not in the state he’s in. The last thing she wanted to do was make things worse for him. But, she also didn’t want to just leave him high and dry. He deserved far better than that. She glanced to the side, silence falling between them as she considered what she should do next. She then walked up to him, eyeing the ground as she rested her head against one of his legs.

“I’m sorry,” she said quietly. There was a moment of silence, before Bulwark let out a deep, odd sounding laugh. Chrys’s face turned red as she frowned at the guard, who quickly succumbed to a fit of coughs. He raised an assuring hoof at her alarmed expression as he collected himself. He then took in a slow, careful breath, before mouthing something to her. She frowned, unable to understand his silent reply. Still, it wasn’t too hard for her to piece together his intent. “No. It’s not alright!” she added, making him glance to the side. He then mouthed something she could easily read, making her ears fall. “You don’t have to apologize…” she added, before adopting a determined look. “Next time, we’ll win. Right?” she asked, getting a fired up look from him as he nodded. He then swayed slightly, his eyes closing briefly, before he caught himself. He shook his head as Chrys slapped him. “Good. Now get back to Aid, dummy!” he nodded to her, giving her a small bow before turning back to the door.

“Bulwark,” she said again, feeling something dangerous nearly slip off her tongue: Please come with me. Instead, she said: “Thank you. See you later.” He nodded at that, none the wiser, as he limped out, an aggravated Aid waiting for him outside her room. Chrys eyed the doorway for several minutes after he left, her mind sifting through all manner of emotions over what she’d caused to her first friend. Sadness, regret, self-loathing, and anger flowed through her, before she settled on the one she found the most important to her.



What remained of the two days leading up to sealing the last tunnel passed at an alarming pace. Making plans, learning new spells, giving goodbyes, keeping her guardian in the dark, securing freedom. She had so much to occupy her time that she had little chance to sleep, making those two days seem as nothing more than a blur to her.

The time to leave arrived.

She yawned as she looked out towards the grayish light of day illuminating the far end of the tunnel. She then shook her head, the path ahead of her coming to mind as she tried to dispel her fatigue. Her horn was giving off the faintest of glows, her magic keeping her warm despite the cold breeze blowing down the tunnel.

Standing close to her was Aegis, her guardian on this trek. He had a barrel strapped over each shoulder, carrying enough nectar for their journey to Canter Town, plus a little extra, at Chrys' request.

The chill in the air made her departure a quiet one, with only her mother, and a small number of changelings seeing her off. Mantis wasn't there, despite her efforts to keep him locked inside while she left, making her let out a small sigh as she looked to her onlookers. Among those faces were the clutchlings she'd held close before, and seeing them standing there made her heart ache, a bittersweet pain of sadness and joy. Darrin wasn't among them, a choice she had enforced. She wanted him to stay behind.

She then eyed her mother, who was standing at her side, having just finished speaking of Chrys' reasons for leaving the hive. Amber then turned to her daughter, a smile on her face, tears in her eyes, which also made Chrys' eyes start to sting.

“You'll stay safe, right, Chrysalis?” Amber asked, getting a nod in turn.

“Yes, Your Highness,” she replied, making Amber shake her head.

“It's Amber now. Not highness, not mother. A queen is equal to another, and when we next see each other, it'll be as queens. Understand?” she asked, making Chrys' chest ache even more, making her rub her eyes as she gave the queen a fiery look.

“Yes,” she replied stalwartly, as Amber knelt down and kissed Chrys on the forehead, making her blush as the queen placed a hoof on her cheek.

“I'll see you, in Canter Town.”

“In Canter Town,” Chrys replied with a nod. Amber then turned to Aegis, who was silently watching.

“Her life is your priority, don't disappoint me like Sledge did,” she said coolly, getting a nod from Aegis. She appraised him for a moment, before turning back to Chrys, “Well dear, take care of yourself.”

“I will, Amber,” Chrys replied, taking a step forward, before hesitating a moment, “Take care of yourself.” She then raised another hoof, but hesitated again. There was something she wanted to say, something she'd never felt comfortable saying before. The very thought of saying those words made her features turn a shade of red. Despite that, she wanted to say it.

Because, a small part of her was afraid. Afraid that this would be the last time she talked to her mother. Afraid that Mantis would win, that the journey to Equestria would claim her. So the fact that her pride was getting in the way of saying two little words was starting to upset her.

“Chrys?” Amber asked curiously, making the princess flinch, before cursing her own pride, as she turned around to face the queen.

“L-Love you!” she managed to spit out, making her blush deepen further as she eyed the ground, her mind racing in embarrassment at having said that with a number of witnesses present. Lost in how flustered she was, she didn't notice the queen approach her until she was scooped up in her mother's hooves, being given a tight hug.

“I love you too, sweetie,” Amber replied, making Chrys' eyes water as she returned the hug. They held each other for a minute, both of them hoping for the best with all their hearts before their embrace came to an end.

Chrys was placed on the ground, and after standing there for a moment, collecting herself, she turned to the exit. Again, she hesitated. Her ears popped up when she was given a light push, making her look to Amber, who was giving a proud smile. Chrys nodded, and after taking a deep breath, cast her eyes forward, intending to no longer look back, as she marched forward.

Walking out, she passed a bottleneck in the tunnel. Nestled a little past it rested a large boulder, waiting to plug the entrance. She kept going forward, climbing closer to the light, and as she did, she felt a strong presence of magic emanating behind her. She didn't look back, as she heard the boulder shift from its resting place, and with a dull boom, closed off the main tunnel.

Continuing up the tunnel, Chrys took note of a small drone sized hole that'd been opened up on the floor recently. A tunnel that connected to the Windtrap, now open to receive the water that would soon come to flood this path. An alternative way into the hive. A fact that briefly played through her head, before she looked forward again.

Mantis didn't intend to let her back in once summer came, but she'd already planned for her return as well, and that hole was a small part of it. Keeping her thoughts to herself, she avoided the hole as she squinted at the growing light ahead of her. She then paused as they reached the tunnel's opening, her eyes widening at the vista before her.

It wasn't the same landscape she saw when she sunbathed with her clutchlings at their spot on the cliff earlier in the week. The land of cracked earth, colored orange and tan with stark blue skies, was now dully colored, the sky completely overcast by a blanket of gray clouds. She felt a drop of water hit her on the nose, surprising her by the small stimulation as she noticed specks of rain drizzling here and there. The rains were beginning, and somewhere out there, Mantis was waiting.

“Aegis,” Chrys began as she looked to her guard, but was interrupted when she saw someone flying towards them. A lone drone with yellowish wings whose presence confused Chrys, as she took up a guarded pose. The drone landed before them, and when his eyes met hers, she let out a small sigh, the glow in her eyes showing her that the drone before her was in fact her clutchling. She then gave him a harsh glare.

“Darrin, what are you doing out here!?” she snapped, him being the last drone she expected to see. Darrin eyed Aegis, who had a guarded look about him as Chrys looked to her guardian. “Aegis, can you hover around and keep an eye out? I want to talk with him alone.”

“Understood, Your Highness,” Aegis replied as he took to the air, prompting Chrys to give Darrin a bothered look.

Well?” she asked.

“I'm going with you,” he replied resolutely, getting a small glare from her.

“Come on Darrin! We went over this yesterday, and now you're gonna change your mind!?”

“Yes, I am. I had my doubts,” he then shook his head, “I still have doubts. Trusting a pony to protect you?”

“So he's out of the hive then?” she asked, making him nod, before he gave her a shrug.

“Assuming he isn't halfway to Equestria right now, he's hidden in the clouds. Watching you,” he explained in a skeptical tone.

“You talked to him, right?”

“I did. He's odd. Too odd. Chrys, what if he likes to collect rare creatures?” he asked, making her falter for a moment.

“I … didn't consider that,” she admitted as she glanced to the side, before shaking her head, “Look, if that's the case, I'll trap him in a cocoon after we're past Mantis. So, go back to our spot, and stay with the hive.”

“About that,” he said as he looked to the south, his eyes on a particular cliff face, “After letting him out, and seeing our spot on the cliff,” he said as he turned his back towards Chrys, “Seeing it all by myself, made me think about how our time together earlier this week may be the last time—”

“It isn't,” Chrys quickly insisted, making him turn on her.

“Saying it doesn't make it true!” He then shook his head, “Just because you can believe that, doesn't mean I can. I can't trust that wishful thinking will make it happen,” he said as he looked her in the eyes, “I don't want it to be the last time. That's why I'm going with you,” he assured, making her hesitate for a moment.

“Darrin, you need to stay and keep Bulwark from chasing me. He's too big to blend in with ponies, and he'd have a tough time finding me anyway.” Darrin let out a small huff at that.

“He'd know where you're going; the castle at Canter Town.”

“And what about Momo?”

“If Mantis has her with him, we can rescue her,” he replied, making her shake her head.

“No, Darrin. Fighting Mantis isn't the plan, it's getting away. He's not going to just let us rescue her!”

“I know that!” he replied, a frustrated look on his face. “It's dangerous. We both know that. That's why I'm going with you, to help even the odds.”

“Darrin, you're staying. You need to. I don't want—”

“You don't want me to get hurt? What about you? What about Momo?” he asked as he slammed a hoof down, “This isn't about what you want, Chrys.” He then shook his head, “You can't always get what you want, so stop making it about you. I'm going with you, and we're rescuing Momo. Then, we're all heading to Equestria,” he declared, his words racing through her head as she eyed the ground, her shoulders trembling.

“Making it about me? Always getting what I want?” she asked, before glaring at him. “This is about me! Everyone would be just fine if it wasn't for me! And I know I can't always get what I want,” she replied in frustration, “I want Momo to be safe. I want Mantis to just leave us alone. I want to know the next several days are going to be safe and free of scary things!” She then shuddered for a moment, before eyeing the ground. “I want Bulwark to come after me. And, I want you to go with me.”

“Huh?” Darrin asked as he blinked in surprise.

“I want all three of you to go with me,” she stated, her eyes stinging as the drizzle started to pick up, “I don't want to go to Equestria with a loopy pony and a guardian I don't know that well.”

“Then let us come with you,” Darrin said in a calm tone, a slightly guilty look on his face.

“I can't,” she said as she looked to him, “Mantis isn't going to sleep through the rain. He's going to be mad when I get away.” Her brow then furrowed, “And I will get away.” She then shook her head, “He's gonna keep scheming. He's gonna try and make sure I'm 'taken care of'. And, if he can't do that, the very least he's going to do, is make it very hard for me to come back.”


“Darrin. I need you to stay because I need a way back in,” she said in a calm tone, making him pause for a moment, before his brow furrowed.

“And you feel like telling me this now?” he asked, getting an annoyed look from her.

“I figured you were smart enough to figure it out!” she shouted at him, making him take a step back in surprise.

“I mean, yes,” he replied bashfully, “Before letting the pegasus out, I was thinking of what to do during the monsoon.” He then shook his head before looking back to her. “I'm still going with you.”

“You stubborn shell-head!” she replied as she tried to hit him on the head, slipping past him as he effortlessly dodged her, making her slip on the now slightly muddy ground.

“C-Chrys, are you okay?” he asked, getting a ball of mud in his face for an answer.

“You're staying,” she stated as he wiped his face clean, giving her a small glare.

“I'm going.”


“Going!” Darrin insisted, making Chrys tremble again as she glared at him. They held each other’s gaze for a moment, before she eyed the ground.

“You, don't trust me. Do you?” she asked in a small voice, making him raise an eyebrow at her.

“You asked a 'loopy' pony who knows a great deal about changelings to help you reach Equestria,” he replied flatly.

“Okay, that does sound a little bad,” she admitted, before looking to him, “But he's, well, different from other ponies. Do you really think anypony would take him seriously if he flew off and ditched me to inform Equestria? That anyone would believe him explaining what we are?”

“Honestly, I'm more bothered by the idea of him ditching you,” he then waved a hoof dismissively, “That aside, it's not that I don't trust you. I do. I think you've got a good shot at getting out of Mantis' net. It's just, I don't like the idea of you taking him on by yourself.”

“Well, he's my problem,” she replied, feeling a little relieved to hear that he trusted her. “You and Momo are in danger because of me. I need to do this, and I don't want either of you to be more involved then you are. So, you're going to stay behind, you're going to play 'nice' with him, and you're going to make sure that when we've taken Canter Town, I'll be able to return without a problem. Got it?” she asked, getting a frustrated look from him as he eyed the mud, as if it were at fault.

“You're not going to yield on this, are you?” Darrin asked as he looked her in the eyes.

“No. I'm not,” she replied sternly, making them stare at each other for a moment, before he gave her a smile, which caught her off guard.

“Chrys, you once asked me why I risk my neck for you,” he began as he took off his soldier's helm, looking to the hole in the ground that was the hives main tunnel, “The reason that I kept from you, is because I've lost faith in Queen Amber.”

“Huh?” Chrys asked, not having expected that from him.

“Mantis the hero. Mantis the leader. There are some that even whisper the word 'king'. Mantis has gained too much power, and it's because Her Highness can't control him. This is why you have to leave. This is why Momo is missing. This is why we're ‘risking’ the hive against Canter Town instead of waiting for more intel on the Moon Princess' power.” He then looked to Chrys, a determined look in his eyes, “These wins that Mantis gave the hive has made Amber complacent. She's even yielded to your demands,” he stated, making Chrys brow furrow.

“Darrin, don't speak poorly of her,” she said in a threatening tone, making him nod as he glanced to the side.

“My apologies, Your Highness. The truth is, I don't see my future as a part of her hive. I haven't for a long time now,” he said, looking Chrys in the eyes, before kneeling. “Chrysalis, with your word, I wish to serve under you,” he said, making her take a step back in surprise, “I'll be your eyes, ears, and strength. I'll help you through your hardships, and will give my life to see the future you wish come to be." He then looked at her in anticipation, "Will you have me, as your first subject?” he asked, his words making her falter for a moment, caught unaware by how happy she was to hear his pledge.

If it came to you leaving the hive to start your own, we'd go with you, no questions asked.

Well, she wasn't quite going out to start a hive, but his sentiment still came across, realizing itself at this moment. A moment that brought a silly smile to her face, before she shook her head.

“Idiot. You can't be my first subject,” she replied, getting a surprised look from him that got a chuckle from her, “Bulwark's already taken first.”

“Oh. Right,” Darrin said, looking a little embarrassed as he cleared his throat. “Then, as your second subject—”

“Momo beat you to that one too,” she quickly replied, a small lie that made Darrin roll his eyes towards the heavens.

“And what about third!? Did Lores beat me to that one? Or was it the pony?” he asked in annoyance, making Chrys' chuckle blossom into open laughter, her eyes watering up as she let out the first good laugh in what felt like weeks. Darrin looked on, his annoyance shifting to a smile as he saw her mirth.

“Y-You can be the third, slowpoke,” Chrys replied after managing to compose herself, her breathing heavy from laughing. “And as my first order, you must call me Chrys.”

“I understand, Your Highness,” Darrin replied, mimicking Bulwark's voice as his did, getting a hurt look from Chrys which made him instantly regret it. “D-Don't worry Chrys, he'll be fine.”

“Yeah, he will,” she replied as she nodded to herself, before adopting a small sneer, “As your queen, I order you to stay behind and make sure I can return later,” she said, prompting Darrin to look as if her words had physically hurt him.

“But, Chrys-”

“Darrin. You trust your queen, right?” she asked as she gave him a side glance, making his brow furrow for a moment.

“That's not fair—”

“Darrin. Please?” she asked as she looked him in the eyes, making him falter for a moment, before he kicked the wet ground in frustration.

“I'll … stay behind,” he said in a slightly defeated tone, getting a smile from her as she looked up to him.

“Thank you,” she said, almost in a whisper, making his frown melt slightly as he nodded.

“I'll make sure things stay good on this end, and that he honors returning Momo,” he said with a determined look. “So just be sure to stay away from him, and don't get caught by ponies,” he added, getting a nod from her as they both looked to each other for a moment, “Oh. You don't mind if I do some recruiting, do you?” he asked with a sly look, getting a confused expression from her. “I know a number of changelings who'd also like to follow you,” he added with a smile.

“I- Well- That'd be great!” she replied enthusiastically, the news catching her unawares. “Darrin, will you be there?” she asked, getting a curious look from him, “Canter Town, will you be there with the attack?”

“Count on it,” he assured. "And, will you see it all the way through?" he asked, reminding her of the last time he asked that question, making her give him a determined smile.

“You know I will," she said confidently, getting a small laugh from him. "Then, till Canter Town?” she asked, a hopeful fire beating in her chest as he nodded.

“Till Canter Town,” he replied with a nod, both of them wearing a smile. He then blinked, his smiling fading away as he looked past her to the raining lands beyond. “We both need to get going. This rain is making me feel sluggish, and it's likely to make Mantis impatient.”

“How are you getting back in?” she asked curiously as he gave his wings a few quick flaps to get water off.

“Lores and some of our clutchlings are holding the door to our spot open,” he said as he gave her a small grin, “Just in case you convinced me to stay a second time.” And with that, he gave her a nod, and jumped into the air. “Till Canter Town, stay safe, my queen!” he added, getting a nod from Chrys as he flew off.

Almost immediately after he parted, Aegis landed at her side, getting a confident look from the princess as she hopped on his back.

The rain had picked up during her conversation with Darrin, and looking to the west, she saw the clouds in the sky darkening further. The rain would only get heavier, and the wind would pick up soon.

“Aegis, let me know if you get cold, I can use my magic to keep you warm,” she said, getting a surprised look from him.

“You needn't concern yourself, Highness,” he replied, a little flustered, “Cold weather doesn't bother a royal guard,” he assured, getting a small smile from her as she nodded.

“Also, we're going to be ambushed by traitors soon, so keep your eyes to the ground,” she said, making him pause for a moment as he eyed her. Seeing the princess offering no more words, he raised an eyebrow to her, before taking to the air.

As they ascended, her eyes looked to the cliff, watching Darrin as he flew away, heading towards a familiar landing. Her gaze lingered for a moment longer as he disappeared into a passageway that was supposed to be sealed. She then nodded to herself, before looking back to the main entrance of the hive.

Within that hole in the ground, her home, a question still bothered her, nagging at her from the back of her mind. A name she wanted to learn; a name that would offer her some sort of closure for the old stallion that thanked her. Now, she wasn't going to be getting her answer for a number of months.

Her brow furrowed for a moment, before she let out a sigh. The answer was waiting for her down there, she simply needed to return safely to find it. This thought assuring her, she cast her gaze forward.

Her eyes then widened as she noticed the ground growing distant from them, broadening her view of the lands beyond. At that moment, she really wished she could fly on her own, because of how open and inviting the air and landscape was compared to the hive. A small smile on her face, her gaze found focus on the ground.

Mantis was waiting for her, and she was ready for him.

9. Badlands' Rumble

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Admittedly, Chrys didn't think that flying through the rain at a brisk pace would be an annoying affair. Her face being peppered by the water proved otherwise, prompting her to use Aegis like a shield as she looked down to the surrounding land.

The Badlands region was a large valley walled off by a ring of tall mountains, with the hive being nestled in the southern part of that ring. From the hive, the northern mountains were too distant to be seen, even if conditions were clear, and the mountains to the east and west were quickly lost in the thickening rain as they continued north.

The interior of the valley was rocky with almost little vegetation; the terrain being dotted with gorges and ravines of varying size, born from countless years of the earth being soaked and dried out. She kept a watchful eye out as they flew past those gorges, seeing small rivulets of water pouring into them. Mantis, and whatever he'd brought with him, was likely hiding in one of those holes.

“Highness,” Aegis began, “May I ask what you meant by being ambushed?”

“I meant that since I'm out of the hive, Mantis is going to get rid of me now that I'm out of sight of moth- of Amber,” Chrys replied bluntly, making Aegis frown slightly.

“He's not getting rid of anyone, Highness. He just doesn't want you, or the hive, at risk,” he assured, his tone troubling Chrys, making her eye him for a moment, before looking towards the direction they were heading.

“Take us to the right. Keep near the mountains, and low to the ground,” she said, eager to see how he reacted.

“But, Highness, that would add more time to our-”

“Aegis, it wasn't a suggestion,” she replied sternly, looking him in the eyes as he glanced towards her. They held the gaze for several moments, before his ears fell. Looking away from her, he kept his eyes forward as he continued north, getting closer to the ground as he did.

“...Aegis?” she asked in a worried tone.

“I'm sorry, Your Highness. I cannot do that. I do want to take you to Equestria, I really do. But, your safety comes first,” he said as he gave her a reassuring, and determined look.

Chrys's brow furrowed as she glanced to the side. She then took a deep breath, before looking to the clouds. He horn flashed brightly, twice in quick succession, a signal to the one flying above; a signal for help, assuming Dud wasn't out to betray her as well.

“Princess, was that a signal?” Aegis asked in a concerned tone, “You didn't have Darrin follow you, did you?” he asked, getting silence in response as she avoided even looking at him. She then noticed the barrels of nectar strapped to his shoulders, and gave them a suspicious glare.

Aegis was compromised, so what need would there be in carrying nectar to a destination he had no intention of taking her?

With a quick flip of her magic, she popped both open, seeing one half filled with nectar, and to her dismay, a soldier inside the other. The drone blinked at her in surprise, before it started to move. Chrysalis went into action, grabbing the barrel's side and giving it a hard twist, making it tilt over and drop the changeling within.

The sudden loss in weight made Aegis tilt unexpectedly, making her slide off as she saw the other barrel follow suit. What became of said barrel was lost to her. Mostly because she was now plummeting towards the ground.

Her heart threatened to leap from her chest as she frantically flapped her wings. They ached from the panicked effort, but managed to slowed her descent. Her efforts made her crash into the ground at an angle, making her slide across it, getting washed in mud, before coming to a ragged stop.

"...Off to a great start," Chrys mumbled as she rose to her hooves, her eyes falling to Aegis as he approached her, a concerned look on his face. She couldn't make out where the soldier was, or where the nectar had landed, but she did make out a yellow blotch in the sky that was quickly approaching them.

“Highness, are you alright?” Aegis asked in authentic worry as he looked over her, making Chrys avoid his gaze as she glanced north. Her eyes widened as she spotted the soldier that had secretly accompanied them, flying in that direction. She had little doubt that he was off to fetch Mantis and his cronies. This in mind, she turned to her former guardian, giving him a determined glare.

“Aegis. I'm going to Equestria,” she said sternly, taking up a defensive posture. “If you want to protect me, then keep me away from Mantis.”

“Highness, I can't do that,” he said with a focused, yet regretful look in his eyes, “The journey is far too dangerous. You're likely to fall to the cold long before reaching Equestria. It's my duty to protect you, and that's what I intend to do.”

“Said the guard who dropped her~” a certain yellow pegasus replied, making Aegis turn around in time to have an empty, cracked barrel placed atop his head. Distracted by his new headwear, Aegis was unable to stop Dud from effortlessly passing him. The pony then landed next to Chrys, “Not part of the plan I take it?” he asked as he nodded to Aegis, prompting her to glance to the side.

“You're not gonna turn on me too, are you?” she asked, making him raise an eyebrow at her.

“I don't really take myself as that kind of pony,” he stated, as if that alone was reason enough to trust him, “So, we staying?” he asked as he looked to Aegis, who was now managing to free himself from the barrel. Chrys shook her head, hopping on Dud's back.

“Let's go. Mantis has a royal guard backing him, we need to run,” she said, giving a glare to no one in particular.

“What about food?” Dud asked as he started to move around Aegis, who was now free of the barrel. “Didn't you want to talk to, uh, Mantis?” he asked as he started to gallop, making Chrys hold onto the pegasus.

“Too risky now,” she mumbled, getting a nod from him as Aegis gave them a surprised look.

“That's ... not Darrin! That's a pony!?” he let out, before shaking his head, “Let go of Her Highness!” he demanded as he charged after them, getting a small smile from Dud as he continued to gallop.

“Dud, why aren't we flying?” Chrys asked worriedly, making Dud hop in the air, spreading his wings out to glide as he indicated towards his destination; a barrel half-filled with nectar.

“You're going to need that, princess. I recommend grabbing it,” he said as he turned, curving around it as Chrys nodded. Her horn glowed, trying to wring the barrel out of the mud. It took longer than she liked, as Aegis had caught up to them when the barrel became free with a pop.

“Highness, get away from him, he's dangerous!”

Highness?” Dud mirrored as he gave Aegis a funny look, getting an confused look in turn. “Princess, he's not on our side, right?” he asked as he looked to Chrys, seeing her shake her head.

“Your Highness, it's for your—”

There it is again,” Dud said as he scrutinized Aegis. “Highness. Why do you call her that, when you're not on her side?” he asked, his question seeming to physically hurt Aegis, making the guard glance to the side for a moment, before his brow furrowed.

“Ponies are the enemy. You will release her!” he said, his horn glowing as his body was washed in amber flame. As his form began to change, an excited gleam appeared in Dud's eyes.

“Princess, you should hide. The one that left will bring back others,” Dud said as he stretched out a wing for Chrys to disembark. She rested on his back for a moment, barely hearing his words as she watched Aegis change.

Aegis's form became a head shorter, but his forelegs became bulkier. His body's color shifting to brown, his mane becoming bushy and encompassing his head and neck as his features became more feline; the body of a lion. His wings stretched out, becoming bat-like, and his tail grew more defined as it turned into a scorpion's tail.

“A Manticore!? It's been years since I've last seen one!” Dud let out excitedly, popping Chrys from her awe, making her shake her head as she quickly hopped off his back. The second she did, Dud jumped up, taking flight. Aegis watched him for a moment, before following after him.

She watched the pursuit, quickly understanding why Aegis changed. Manticores were fast; so fast that Dud wasn't even trying to outrun Aegis, but outmaneuver him. She saw him get dangerously close to the barbed tail several times, and wanted to feel worried for the pegasus. The fact that Dud seemed to be thoroughly enjoying himself didn't really help with that endeavor.

In fact, from how their fight was playing out, Chrys was under the impression that Dud was more aware of what Aegis was capable of as a manticore then he did. Dud's efforts to dodge the barb left him exposed to Aegis' claws several times, which the royal guard never took opportunity of.

“Hey Mr. Royal Guard. Did you know a single drop of the poison in your tail is enough to paralyze five adult ponies for days!? Isn't that incredible?” Dud asked excitedly as he narrowly dodged said tail, making Chrys adopt an unamused look.

"Really?" Aegis asked in a confused tone, "Wait. You- S-Stop talking!" he added, seeming to blush as he tried to strike Dud again. Chrys simply shook her head, before taking her eyes from the aerial bout to look north.

With Dud and Aegis preoccupied, there was nothing standing between her and Mantis, who would likely be here shortly. The smart thing to do would be to hide. However, she still had her trump card, and Dud was still close by. So, instead of hiding, she stood out in the open, placing the barrel of nectar to the side as she kept an eye out for Mantis.

She didn't have to wait long. As the rain grew heavier, she spotted several dark figures in the sky. Her focus was drawn to one in particular, that was larger than the rest, and as they got closer, her eyes widened. She gritted her teeth as she glared at the figure, cursing Mantis's name as she did.

Leading the group of soldiers was Mantis, riding on Sledge's back.

“Of course Mantis would have found a way to save that brute!” she let out in frustration, her words drowned out by the pattering rain. “He probably convinced mother it wasn't worth her time to witness the event! Great. Just. Great!” she finished as she slammed a hoof down, splashing mud on her face in the process. Now, instead of having to get away from Aegis, she had two royal guards to contend with. Honestly, the dozen soldiers flying with Mantis were nothing but an afterthought compared to that.

Still, she stood waiting, albeit less composed.

Three drones separated from the group, joining Aegis in his attempt to catch Dud. Her eyes followed them, noticing the yellow pegasus taking note of the additional pursuers. He responded by getting closer to Aegis, grabbing some of his feline whiskers with his teeth and pulling down, forcing Aegis to reel from the unexpected assault, being turned on his back mid-air in the process.

Suddenly falling from the unfavorable turn, Aegis worked to right himself as the drones behind him scattered to avoid colliding. Dud had bought himself several seconds, which he used to quickly ascend towards the clouds. It didn't take long for the pursuit to continue, and Aegis was quickly catching up. It was difficult to tell in the rain, but Chrys felt as though Dud was giving her an assuring look as he disappeared into the gray ceiling.

She then looked back to the source of her strife, who landed before her, hopping off Sledge as the rest of the drones surrounded her. Besides Sledge, they were all in the form of pegasi, to keep warm. Mantis, however, shifted back to his natural form as he approached her, a matter of pride, she assumed.

“Ah, Princess,” he began as he gave her an empty bow, “Good thing we were close by. Who knows what that pony would have done otherwise?” he said with a small smile, making Chrys take a step forward.

Several things came to mind that she wanted to reply with: 'Thank you for being close by'. The pony's with me. He's tame. Shut your stupid face. I'm not letting you catch me, or whatever it is you want to do with me!

“Where's Momo?” she simply asked, making him raise an eyebrow at her.

“You didn't hear? I suppose not,” he said dismissively, “She was found last night, and was returned to the hive. I guess the soldier who was supposed to inform you, forgot to.”

She really hoped that was the truth, but she knew better than to trust him. Still, that was all she needed to hear. She didn't want to waste any time talking to him. His words had no value to her. So, she glanced to the clouds, seeing Dud weaving in and out of them at regular intervals. It was time to use her trump card.

Mantis noticed her diverted attention, his smile widening as he eyed Dud.

“Don't worry about the pony, Your Highness, there are plenty of places to bury him,” he said snidely as he motioned behind him, indicating a gorge a short gallop away. Chrys simply ignored him as she channeled her magic, her heartbeat climbing in preperation, horn glowing brightly as she generated four quick pulses of light. “...What was that?” he asked suspiciously, getting a snide smile in turn as her posture shifted. Her heart was now racing as she patted the ground with her hoof, ready to charge at Mantis, her peripheral vision catching a yellow blur diving out of the clouds towards them.

She continued gathering her magic, storing it, letting it accumulate, and as she did, she began to charge Mantis. He had a cautious look about him, his eyes on her horn, wondering what she had in mind; wondering what trick she had to power the confident smile she wore.

Dud's dive continued, his pursuers hot on his tail as he came closer, earning a side glance from Mantis, who motioned to Sledge.

“Keep your eyes on the obstacle in front of you!” Chrys shouted, keeping their attention as she raised her head. Mantis' eyes then widened in realization, bringing a hoof over his face right as her spell went off.

The land and skies for miles around were soaked teal, her natural color. Her light pierced through the rain, reflecting off the clouds back towards the ground, making her horn a source of light whose intensity rivaled the sun. Her eyes were shut, yet the strength of that light still made them water. Still she smiled; the drones around her were crying out, their sight being stolen from them.

As her magic gave away, the teal landscape returned to its gray complexion, and she staggered on her hooves for a moment. She'd never placed that much power into a spell before, and it drained her more than she expected.

Her heart then nearly leapt out of her chest when she felt herself being scooped up, and carried into the air.

“Gotcha! Princess! … I think,” Dud let out, getting a small sigh of relief from her, “That sounded like the princess sighing. Excellent!” he added as he spun around in mid-air, making her eyes widen when she didn't feel him carrying her anymore. Before she could make sense to why, she felt herself land on something soft.

She blinked as she realized she was now on Dud's back.

“Let me know if I'm about to fly us into anything, as I forgot to close my eyes,” he said sheepishly, flying in an upward direction as he started to lead them from the others. “And princess, if you end up in a falling situation again, I suggest turning into a bird, or something.”

Even though she felt a little lightheaded, that didn't stop her from frowning at him.

“I'll save you, Highness!” Aegis called out, making Chrys look behind her, seeing that they were being followed by Aegis, with Sledge a little behind them, unaffected by her spell. Her eyes then widened when she saw Aegis' stinger closing in on Dud.

“Dud, dive!” Chrys shouted, feeling her heart cry out as they immediately went into a dive, the poisonous barb narrowly missing the pegasus as they did.

“What's wrong? Was that Mr. Royal Guard?” Dud asked as they plummeted, her eyes widening at the terrifying pace the ground was approaching.

Stop diving!!” What was the expression? Oh! “Level out, now!” she added, which he hastily did, narrowly avoiding the ground in the process. “The guards can see-”

The world flickered orange, the water in the air around them turning into mist as something big, heavy, and burning crashed into the ground behind them, creating an amber explosion. The blast washed past them, knocking them apart from each other, sending them rolling through the mud.

Chrys let out a groan as she got on her hooves, seeing Sledge standing in the center of a steaming crater, traces of amber flame sputtering out in the rain as he looked back. Her eyes then widened when she realized she was alone. Looking over her shoulder, she saw the lines Dud's body made in the mud lead over the gorge, now several paces behind her. Quickly hopping to her hooves, she ran to the edge, the slippery ground almost making her slide over into the dark crevice.

The depression stretched to both sides of her, barring her way a decent gallop's length in both directions. Far wider than she could hope to jump, she noticed a number of outcroppings littering the sides of the gorge's walls. Her ears fell as she looked as best she could; Dud was nowhere to be seen.

“Looks like the little princess has lost her pet,” Sledge said with a sneer, making her turn towards him with a hateful glare. His glare matched hers as he approached, his intent clear before he even reached her. He stopped however, when Aegis landed in between them, his scorpion tail stopping right in front of Sledge's chest.

What are you doing here?" Aegis asked, before shaking his head, "You will keep your distance, traitor,” he said threateningly, prompting a sigh from Sledge.

“Calling me a traitor,” he mumbled, “Right, right,” he added dismissively as he casually pushed the barb away. He then eyed Chrys for a moment, before turning around, “Master, are you alright?” he asked as he looked back to where they came from, his eyes on Mantis, who was walking to meet them.

Seeing Mantis walking confirmed a small suspicion Chrys had when she saw him riding on Sledge's earlier. His wings were still recovering from their fight two days prior.

“Don't turn your back on me!” Aegis shouted at Sledge, “You're supposed to be dead!” he added, getting a bored look from Sledge.

“Aegis, it's alright,” Mantis assured, getting a confused look from the guard.

How!?” Aegis asked as he took a heavy step towards Mantis, making the general take a cautious step back, “He nearly killed her! He's a threat to Her Highness, and he's an insult to what royal guards stand for!” he added heatedly.

While Mantis and the others were occupied, Chrys was busy plotting her next move. She had no food. No guard. Was completely outnumbered. And her only means of getting away was likely injured at the bottom of the gorge.

Her spell couldn't blind the guards, but it worked fine on drones. Thinking this, she eyed Mantis, then the gorge. She then blinked, and looked back to Mantis.

It looked like Sledge being alive had crossed some line for Aegis. He had a heated look about him, and wasn't buying into Mantis' assurances, which was making the general give short glances towards her, and Sledge. Sledge nodded in understanding, approaching Aegis cautiously from behind while the heated guard was focused on the general. Chrys felt a chill run down her spine when she realized what would come next, and shouted out for Aegis. All three of them paused, looking at her in unison, earning a glare from her.

Her eyes then shifted to confusion when she noticed strange movement happening off to the side of them. The ground itself seemed to be moving. As if a long tube of earth and rock was slithering over the mud, moving towards Mantis and the guards at a brisk pace. As she noticed it, she caught a sweet smell in the air, which made her sway slightly, making her shake her head. Mantis and the guards also seemed to falter for a moment, as if some unseen force had nearly knocked each of them off balance. They all shared a confused look, and before any of them could react to it, the tube of earth reached them.

Chrys took a panicked step back as it attacked, immediately reminding her of the gorge behind her. It reached Mantis first. The coil of earth hitting him like a whip, sending him flying flying through the air, a look of pain and shock on his face as he crashed into the mud with a wet thud.

Caught off guard, Aegis turned around in time for it to start coiling around him, making Chrys' eyes widen as the earth tightening around his fur started to change. Its texture and color shifted to better match Aegis' manticore coat. However, the parts of the coil touching the ground kept its earthly appearance.

With a majority of the tube anchored to the ground, Aegis let out a cry, before the coil rose up, carrying him with it, hurling him to the side. Aegis flew for a second, wings moving frantically to level out, for naught. He crashed face-first into the earth, sending rocks and mud flying. He lay there, unmoving, leaving only Sledge standing before the monster, who took a step back as the mass paused a moment, as if considering him.

Then, there was a flash of light that startled all of them. A trident of white that arced across the sky, touching the ground in the distance, its abstract fork-like pattern burning its silhouette on her eyes. A second afterwards, a deafening boom followed that skyward fracture, thundering for several seconds; a noise that made her jump in fright, making her hind legs slip into the gorge.

Her heart was racing as she flapped her wings frantically, aiding her as she pulled herself out of the gorge. As she tried to compose herself, her eyes fell to Sledge and the monster, her vision slightly out of focus, as the sweet smell seemed to get thicker with the 'thing' having gotten closer.

Another flash of light split the sky, this one to the south. Its light illuminated Sledge's and the monster's silhouette, making Chrys' eyes widen in understanding as she took in the creature before them. She had hoped her teal light she would summon unwanted attention. And now, it was here.

The coiled mass rested on the ground, gathering up like a bundled rope as it wound up for the next attack; the tube of earth was a snake. One whose body length was longer than seven or eight drones standing in a line, and being as thick as a drone's waist.

It struck out with terrifying speed, its scales shifting and changing as it did, working to blend itself in with its surroundings. Sledge managed to avoid the brunt of the blow as he jumped to the side, making the snake slide slightly in the mud as it poised its upper body to strike.

In another flash of light, Chrys was able to make out the rest of the creature's body. It had the upper torso of a pony, matching in size; it's mouth was open, revealing two large fangs, readying it to latch onto Sledge.

It was what the changelings referred to as a snake, but to a pony, it went by a different name. Lamia, a blood drinking monster.

There were many dangerous creatures in The Badlands, with Antlions and Lamia being among the most so. Chrys never considered her light drawing such a monster to them, as Lamia were supposed to sleep through the monsoon, just like changelings. Clearly, the one attacking right now didn't care about that.

The flash of light illuminating them ended in an instant, making Chrys lose sight of the upper body, its coat blending in perfectly with the heavy rain. One thought came to her, which was punctuated by the thunder that followed. She was standing on the wrong side of the gorge.

As Sledge tried to take flight, it pounced on him, coiling and wrapping its body around him like a vice. Sledge let out a cry of pain, bringing Chrys's awareness back to her as she turned around, eyeing the gap before her. She then stumbled slightly, the act of turning around being too much for her spinning head.

There were a number of things lamias were capable of, so she could only assume the sweet smell that was making her dizzy was its doing. Still, the notion of falling down, or becoming the snake's forth target, gave her enough drive to focus through the haze.

Looking into the gorge again, she took note of the outcroppings resting on the opposite side, her eyes wandering from left to right, till she spotted something she could use. Her horn then glowed, before she was wrapped in teal fire, her wings growing out and becoming feathery, her body turning white as she took the form of a pegasus filly she'd once seen in somepony's dream.

She then blinked as the change affected her eyes, making the world seem clearer, as if the rain wasn't even there. It seems the eyes of a pegasus were suited for heavy weather, a fortunate surprise on her part.

As the change ended, she felt her heat enchantment die off. Oddly, she didn't feel any colder than before, a fact she didn't take the time to appreciate as she could hear the struggle behind her getting closer. Giving her feathery wings an experimental flap, she took several steps back, before taking a deep breath and running towards the edge.

She closed her eyes as she jumped, picturing how Dud glided as she spread her wings out. To her relief, she didn't fall; not quickly anyway.

Her eyes opened, surprise evident when she saw the opposite wall quickly approaching. Her first 'flight' was rigged; she wasn't even daring to shift her wings, lest she send herself falling. Her heart then cried out when a breeze shifted her path, making her wings adjust involuntarily. She then blinked, as her shift had kept her on course, leading her to stumbling over as she landed on the outcropping.

Having landed safely, she let out a long sigh of relief, which shifted to a light fit of giggles brought on by that sweet, enticing smell. She then shook her head again, almost falling over in the process.

Something crashed into the top edge of the gorge, where she had been a moment prior, making her eyes widen as she looked for a place to hide. Spotting a large piece of rock, she rushed behind it, daring a glance around the corner to the source of her panic.

Sledge stood there, looking weak as he climbed to his hooves. He then hopped back, over the gorge, taking flight. Just in time to avoid the snake as it tried to reach for him. It glared at the flier, and with its shifting tail, picked up a rock as large as the one Chrys was hiding behind, hurling it towards the fleeing changeling.

Sledge managed to dodge it, flying back as he put distance between them. The snake looked to him for a moment longer, before it began to turn around. Chrys let out a sigh, but her lungs seized up as the snake paused, eyeing the ground before the gorge; eyeing the tracks. It then peered down into the hole, making Chrys pull her eyes from it as she waited. She was on the ‘safe’ side, but she still didn't want it to notice her.

Over the booming rain, the rivulets of water pouring into the gorge, she could swear she could hear the snake hissing as it looked down. There was a crash as rock shattered, making Chrys flinch as the hissing got louder. She sat there for a moment, listening with all her heart, waiting as the moments paused by at a painfully slow pace. As she heard the hissing get weaker, she finally let out the breath she'd been holding. After several seconds, she’d dared to glance around the rock, seeing a portion of the snake's tail driven into the opposite side's wall as an anchor.

It was climbing down into the gorge. She felt this was important, and terrible, but the sweet, sweet smell kept her from realizing why. However, she did find herself oddly curious to where Dud was.


Said pegasus was washed up on a ledge deep in the gorge.

At the bottom was a growing stream of torrential water, running down towards an unseen destination, and it had dragged him along when he splashed into it. Getting out of the water proved to be a struggle, taking longer than he liked. Pulling himself out from the ledge he grabbed onto, he took a moment to catch his breath, before taking in his surroundings.

It was dark. Water was pouring in from the rain, as well as countless small waterfalls that were illuminated by the gray sky far far above him. Unable to glean anything more useful, he let out a small sigh as he recalled how he ended up down here.

“So, royal guards can do a dive-bombing explosion. Neat. Wish Lores had told me about that one,” he mumbled as he got to his hooves, involuntarily wincing as he moved his hind legs. “Looks like galloping is out for a bit...” he added as he let out a small sigh.

Everything had been going so well, so he guessed it was inevitable for something like this to happen. Granted, only he saw it as 'going well', a fact that he suspected bothered the princess. Still, before being hit by that explosion, today had been the best day Dud had had since the first time Lores woke him up to ask questions.

He was let out of his cage, permanently, to help the princess reach Equestria. Now he was flying freely again. He even got to tangle with a manticore and a royal guard at the same moment. And very very recently, got his first bath in what felt like years. Today was proving to be a great day. Sort of.

He then stretched out his wings, a smile coming to him when the only protest they made was an ache born of fatigue. Living in a cage for several months didn't do his endurance any favors. His eyes then widened, brow furrowing as he glanced around again, wondering where his passenger was, not seeing her anywhere nearby. Okay, maybe today wasn't that great. Not right now anyway.

“Princess, you down here!?” he yelled out, his voice drowned out by the storm, making him aware that the water level was rising. His ears then fell as he tried to peer through the darkness, worry starting to settle in. “Okay. As I recall, the big guy exploded, and sent me flying over. The princess was pretty light...” he said as he looked back up, giving his wings a solid flap as he started to rise, “So, maybe she didn't fall in!” he assured himself as he increased his pace.

He flew up and up, making his way out of the gorge in a short span, returning to the now lightning ridden Badlands, pausing just beneath the clouds. He then followed the gorge the opposite way the water had dragged him, and it wasn't long before he spotted several dark figures gathering near the edge. The guard, the manticore, and their leader.

They looked injured, making Dud wonder if that was the princess's doing. Circling around them, he saw no sign of her, making him frown in thought. He suggested she hide, so maybe that's what she was doing. Nodding to himself, he eyed the changelings for a moment longer, before looking south.

He didn't know where the princess would hide. The gorge? That outcropping of rocks to the left? That antlion pit far to the right? He could guess all day, but instead, he flew higher, keeping himself distant from the changelings as he flew south, back where the nectar had been left.

Sooner or later, the princess would either light a beacon for him, or return to get the food. That's what he thought as he passed over three drones that were heading towards the guards and general. “Were those the ones that chased me?” he wondered out loud, getting a rumble of thunder in reply as he found the area all this had started in.

There, he spotted the other nine drones, standing close together as they tried fruitlessly to look around, their sight still lost to them. Dud's smile widened at seeing this, casually gliding towards the barrel.

He noticed the contents inside were getting rained on, with a small layer of water already resting over the nectar. Circling around, he spotted one of the lids the princess had thrown off resting a little bit back, and after pulling it out of the mud, returned to the barrel. He then noticed a extra drone, disguised as a pegasus, eyeing the barrel in surprise. As if she hadn't been expecting a feast to be lying in wait under the rain.

Dud didn't know where this newcomer came from, but he wasn't letting her take what was left of the princess' food. And, he was under the impression talking with a bunch of blind drones around wasn’t the best idea in this situation. So, he dove into her, sending them both rolling through the mud. She surprised him by how quickly she reacted to the attack. Getting out of his hooves in short order, she jumped back and adopted a defensive pose. She then blinked when her eyes met his, and Dud himself paused when he took note of her appearance.

She had a short, light red mane and matching tail, while her coat was a very light shade of purple. In fact, if it wasn't for the constant lightning sharpening her features every few seconds, he'd have confused her coat for gray. His eyes were drawn to her mane, the color and the way it curled around her ear reminding him of a certain 'missing' changeling.

“Dud?” she asked, making him blink, before his smile widened. Today really was turning out to be the best.


Chrys waited several minutes, thankful for the reprieve her hiding spot gave her as she let the sweet smell weaken, along with its effects. Light and thunder constantly lit up the sky as she collected herself, wondering how long it was safe to stay hidden.

She then noticed movement at the top of the gorge, the side she had abandoned. Mantis was peering down into it, with Sledge and Aegis at his side. All three of them were battered, and Sledge himself looked particularly weak, as if he could topple over at any moment.

Mantis was talking, but she couldn't make out the words through all the noise. Sledge and Aegis looked to each other, and after a moment, they nodded. Aegis went down into the gorge, and after a second, Sledge followed after him. Both were descending after the snake, and more likely, after her. The guards quickly passed by her hiding spot, Mantis's eyes on them as they delved deeper into the gorge. When she was certain they were out of sight, she peered around the rock, looking to Mantis, seeing a focused look in his eyes.

He was battered, and couldn't fly. He was still in his natural form, meaning he was tolerating the cold as he looked on, a fire in his eyes that made Chrys realize something about him. Once he set his sights on something, he didn't stop until he got what he wanted. He could have left her, taking the guards with him, leaving her fate up to the snake and the drowning rain. Instead, he waited. He wanted confirmation.

Chrys glared at him, her form shifting as she was wreathed in teal fire, which quickly sputtered out as she returned to her true form. The chill of the rain hit her unexpectedly hard, making her curse his name as she already felt her body's heat begin to leach away into the cold. She then stepped out of her hiding spot, eyes still locked on his. He looked on, his eyes not focused on her, making her realize he couldn't see her dark form through all the rain, while she could easily make him out with the cloudy backdrop behind him.

Her horn then glowed as she picked up a rock. Once again, a certain statue came to mind as she cast the stone, putting as much of her strength in it as she could. Mantis noticed the glow of her horn, his eyes falling towards hers in surprise, right as her attack connected.

The rock hit him squarely in the head. It let out a metallic clang that was clearly heard over the storm. The impact knocked the helm free from his head, Mantis himself toppling out of sight.

Chrys wore a proud, snide grin at the sight, which she carried with her as she appraised her side of the gorge. She had picked this particular ledge when she jumped in, because it had a path that led back to the top, it just required some jumping. With great haste and purpose, she got out of the gorge, looking back to Mantis, where he lay, in the mud.

She watched in satisfaction as he staggered to his hooves, rubbing his head as he noticed the dent made in his decorated helm. He then noticed her, and gave her a cold look, before picking it up. Chrys then took in a deep breath, really hoping he could hear her words.

“Good luck explaining that to Amber!” she let out snidely, seeing him tremble in fury.

Her smile then faded when she noticed that there, standing behind Mantis, were three soldiers. He made a small motion with his hoof, sending the drones after her. Her eyes widened as she turned around and started running.

The act of running reminded her of how cold she was. She wanted to blind them too, but she doubted she could dodge them in her compromised state. She wasn't running nearly as fast as she could. Stuck between casting a spell, and shapeshifting, she found the choice made for her when the first drone to reach her got a hold of her hindlegs.

She summoned her magic as quickly as she could, panic guiding her actions more than reason as she let out a bright flash that was only a third as powerful as earlier. Still, it was enough to disorient them for a moment, freeing her from the one that grabbed her. She then shifted back into a pegasus, the cold fading away as she started running again, surprised by the speed she was putting out in this form.

However, she still couldn't fly. After a few seconds, the drones were able to make out where she ran, and quickly caught up to her. They came close, ready to grab her, ready to give her to their general. Instead, they were sent sprawling when a pair of pegasi plowed into them.

She blinked as Dud and the mysterious newcomer planted the drones in the mud. It quickly became clear that the drones wouldn’t be getting up anytime soon from that. Chrys looked to Dud, then to the other pony with a curious, and confused look on her face.

The light-purple mare turned from her victims, striding up to Chrys. Their eyes met as the mare gave the heartiest of grins. Looking into her eyes, Chrys saw through the disguise as her mind's eye showed her the changeling hidden beneath the fur and feathers. Her eyes began to water, her chest aching from unexpected joy as she stepped towards the mare.


“The one and only!” Momo said with a warm smile, making Chrys leap towards her.

“Momo!” she let out as she gave her clutchling a fierce hug, one so tight and full of emotion that she didn't want to ever let go. Momo embraced her in kind, a serene look on her face as she did.

A small voice in Chrys' head was spinning with questions. How'd she get away? What was she doing out here? How'd she find her? That small voice that was pushed to the side, the princess simply happy in knowing that her clutchling was safe, and out of Mantis' hooves. Dud then cleared his throat as he eyed the onlooking general, making Chrys and Momo follow his gaze, before letting go of each other.

“We should go, before the rest come,” Dud pointed out, making Chrys adopt an annoyed look, before nodding in agreement.

“Chrys, hop on!” Momo said, getting no complaints as Chrys nodded.

“Let's go topside!” Dud shouted as he pointed up, getting a nod from the others, before they took flight. Chrys’s eyes then widened.

“Wait! We need to get the nectar!” she pointed out, making Dud look to her.

“Got it right here,” he said with a happy nod, pointing to a barrel sitting close to where he had flown in from. “So, let's shoot for the clouds!” he added as he scooped up the nectar, before ascending. Momo followed suit, making Chrys cling to her tightly as they climbed up.

As the ground became distant, Chrys looked back, seeing Mantis standing on the opposite side of the gorge, his eyes watching her as she escaped his grasp. He then vanished as they broke into the clouds, making Chrys tighten her hold even more as they did.

The rain in the cloud was so thick, that any trace of mud from their encounters was washed off them. Chrys' eyes clung shut as she felt small pellets of something hard bounce off her. For what seemed like an eternity, they ascended, the rumble of thunder, the crashing, the chaos born from the clouds over The Badlands washing over them as they did.

Then, unexpectedly, it all stopped.

She felt the sun on her fur, its light so dominant that she felt compelled to open her eyes, letting out a gasp at the scene before them.

As far as her eyes could see, in every direction, was a sea of rolling white clouds. The breeze blew through her mane as she looked to Momo and Dud. Both were soaked, just as she was, but they also looked incredibly clean. With the storm now beneath them, she took in the shifting cloudscape before her, looking to the sun with a growing grin. Despite the odds being stacked against her, she’d gotten away, with her clutchling at her side.

Now she could continue forward, without worry, to Equestria...

10. Bright Feathers

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Mantis’s head throbbed as he watched the princess disappear into the clouds. Were he younger, he’d likely curse her in some underwhelming fashion. ‘Go ahead, run! I’ll be waiting!’, or something to that effect. Instead, all he offered her departure was a scowl, his body feeling a little too cold for anything more emotive. He then looked to his downed and blind soldiers, before letting out a long sigh. He shifted, taking on the form of a pegasus, before picking up his helm.

“Hmph. Not bad,” he mumbled under his breath, a hint of pride in his voice. He wouldn’t admit it out loud, but there was something admirable in being bested by someone he thought beneath him. He quickly dismissed the odd feeling as he glanced to the gorge, seeing Sledge hovering out, alone. “Aegis?” he asked.

“Double checking. Looking for the runt,” he quickly replied. Mantis let out a small huff.

“Pointless. She got away,” he said, holding his helm towards the guard, whose ears fell.

“I- I should have stayed. I’m sorry, master,” Sledge said, shame written on his face.

“It couldn’t be helped,” Mantis said dismissively, “We had an unexpected interloper.”

“Cursed snake,” Sledge replied, rubbing his neck, wincing. “Should I hunt the princess?” Mantis tilted his head at that, briefly glancing to his most loyal soldier.

“If you wish. Capture or kill, I care not which.” Mantis considered the matter for a moment, “I want you to deal with the pony. He knows far too much.” He then gave Sledge a hard look, “But don’t forget your primary goal.”

“I won’t, master.” Sledge then frowned, “What of Aegis?” Mantis’s head throbbed more at the question, making the general sigh. Had she not gone away, Aegis would have been the perfect watchdog to the ‘tower’ Chrys would have been locked in.

“I’ll calm him down,” he said with a sigh, “Can’t have him running back to the hive.” He then gave Sledge a cold look, “Humor him until you reach Equestria, then deal with him.”

“With pleasure,” he replied, following Mantis’s gaze, looking north.


Chrys felt a tingle crawl down her spine. It was only natural, as the air was cold, and her fur was wet. Despite that, she was feeling pretty good with herself right now.

“So!” Dud began, “On a scale of five to ten, I'd give our escape top marks!” he let out happily, before wincing in pain, the barrel shifting slightly in his grasp. “Okay, maaybee a nine. It went pretty well, right?” Chrys let out a small sigh as she looked to the stallion.

“A nine?” she asked as she raised an eyebrow to him, “We don’t have enough food, and no Aegis to back us up!” She then blinked as she looked to Momo. Her expression then softened as she rubbed her cheek against her clutchling. “Yeah, easily a ten,” she mumbled, her words only heard by Momo.

“Thanks Chrys,” Momo whispered in turn with a warm smile, before speaking up. So… what did I miss?” she asked, making Chrys and Dud exchange looks.

“Who's going first?” Dud ask, the clouds beneath them rumbling as he did, their promise of danger lost to them.

“Going first?” Chrys asked.

“Well, Momo's here. That wasn't part of the plan," he replied before pointing to Chrys, "You somehow beat up those two big guys—”

“Their names are Sledge and Aegis,” Chrys said flatly, “Sledge was the one you took down a few days ago.”

“How could I forget?” he asked, before shaking his head, “Who’s first?” he added expectantly as his body shifted, his hooves working to get a better grasp on the barrel he carried.

“Momo, what are you doing here?” Chrys asked curiously, not in the mood to divulge her luck regarding the snake's attack. “Mantis told us you were returned to the hive. That was a lie, right?”

“Well, considering I escaped him several hours after he 'took me in'. Yep! I big fat lie!” she said flatly, getting a surprised look from Chrys. Dud however seemed to nod in agreement, as if he had expected it.

How'd you escape?” Chrys asked, briefly wondering if a snake had been involved. Momo actually gave Chrys a bashful look.

“Well, it wasn’t easy. Me against six soldiers... But, I managed,” she said before glancing away, "barely," she added under her breath.

You took down six soldiers?” Chrys asked, making Dud chime in.

“Eight, if you include the two she planted in the mud. You know, the ones that were chasing you,” he pointed out, making Momo blush slightly.

“I wanted to be ready when Mantis took me in. Guess all that effort paid off,” she said with a bright smile, making Chrys frown in thought.

“You knew it would happen?” she asked in an unfavorable tone, making Momo wince, as if she had unexpectedly put a hoof in her mouth.

“Y-Yes,” she replied weakly, before letting out a sigh, “I've known for a while now.”

“And you still stayed with me!?” Chrys asked, “You have any idea how I felt these last two days!? I was scared!” The princess then blinked at her words, blushing as she glanced to the side.

“The word you're looking for is 'worried',” Dud said as an aside, getting a small glare from Chrys as Momo's ears fell.

“I'm sorry,” Momo mumbled as she eyed the clouds, “Darrin told me this would happen. That Mantis would use me as a bargaining piece. But, I didn't want to leave you like the others did.”

“Darrin?” Chrys asked, getting a small nod from Momo.

“Chrys, you remember that big fight him and I had … about three years ago?”

“You mean the one that ended with you two having to be looked after by Aid for several days?” she asked in a curious tone, before giving a flat look. “No. It completely slipped my mind.” She then glanced to the side as she mumbled: “Idiot.”

“Eh heh heh,” Momo let out sheepishly.

“It's not funny!” Chrys quickly replied, before her eyes widened in realization, “Wait, that fight had something to do with this?”

“Yeah. Guess now's the best time to finally fill you in,” she said, pausing a moment, getting a curious look from Dud and Chrys, before she took a deep breath. “Before our fight, Mantis approached me. He told me it would be in my ‘best interests’ to distance myself from you.” She hesitated. “He, well, he said it in a very scary way,” Momo added, letting their imaginations fill in the gap. “When I told Darrin, he said I should do just that.”

“W-What!?” Chrys asked in surprise.

“That's exactly what I said," she replied with an annoyed huff, "He told me I'd just become a liability to you. A token Mantis would use against you.” She then let out a sad sigh, “He was right, of course. But, I didn't want to hear that. I didn't want to believe that. I told him that I'd never let that happen, that I'd protect you.”

“And he tested you,” Dud assumed, getting a surprised look from the others, before Momo nodded.

“He said that if I wanted to protect Chrys, I should have become a soldier, instead of a worker. He said that a soldier protects the queen, and that I didn't stand a chance against a recruit like him." She then adopted a proud look, "I was strong. I took on work even my peers couldn't. So, I was confident I could beat him.” Her pride was then exchanged for a bittersweet smile, “I'm the oldest of our clutch, so I've always wanted to set a good example. So I worked a lot, helped out, and tried to be there when the others needed me.”


“Darrin... He was focused. He never liked Mantis. He became a soldier so he could one day take him down. So when we fought, it came as a surprise to me, that I lost,” she admitted, getting a considering look from Chrys.

“Why didn't you two ever tell me this?”

“I was ... ashamed,” she said, letting her words carry in the wind for a moment before she glanced to the side. “I think Darrin kept quiet for my sake... When Aid was looking over me, I thought about it. How was I supposed to protect you, if I couldn't defeat a recruit?” She then let out a small laugh, “I only realized later that Darrin was beyond a simple recruit at that point, but the fact still held. I lost to a single soldier, so how was a worker like me supposed to win against Mantis?”

“Clearly, you got better,” Dud pointed out, getting a nod from Momo.

“I don't like giving up,” she said resolutely as she looked to Chrys, “Giving up on you wasn't an option.”


“That's-” she began, before her face flushed, “Still embarrassing to say. lLter, I promise,” she said, getting an appraising look from Chrys.

“Okay,” she said with a nod.

“Where was I?” Momo asked as she tried to recollect herself, “Right. After thinking about if for a couple days, I challenged Darrin to a rematch. I told him I wasn't going to give up, that I wasn't going to abandon you like Mantis wanted. It annoyed him, and I lost that time too, but I did gracefully,” she said as she glanced to Chrys, “You calling us idiots and crying kept us from taking it too far that time.”

“I- I didn't cry! But you were being idiots!” Chrys affirmed, getting a small chuckle from Momo.

“I challenged him. Again and again and again. I never won. He was constantly getting stronger. But because of that, so was I. And I guess, he was fine with that. After our first fight, he never tried pushing me away again,” she added as she wore a thankful smile. “When I saw you, standing alone against Mantis a few days ago, I was scared, but I was also ready.” She then blinked, before frowning. “A couple months ago, Darrin told me he could take on an entire squad by himself,” she said, making Chrys' eyes widen in surprise.

“And he said he's not strong enough to fight Mantis...” she mumbled.

“So, the guards that Mantis left to look after you weren't nearly enough!” Dud pointed out, getting an embarrassed smile from Momo.

“Darrin wanted to keep our fights a secret. Guess it worked, since Mantis underestimated me.”

“I didn't even know,” Chrys said, sounding a little disappointed, “Wait. You guys fought at our spot, didn't you?” she asked, getting a small nod from Momo.

“Sorry to keep you in the dark, and, sorry that I worried you,” she said as her ears fell, “I thought Darrin would tell you when Mantis made his move, but I guess he didn't.”

“The impression I got from Darrin was that he expects the worst outcome,” Dud said, “He had a couple of scary promises for me when we talked yesterday,” he added, this information seeming to surprise Momo.

“You and Darrin talked?” she asked in a quiet voice, before shaking her head and looking to her clutchling. “So, we good?” she asked, getting an appraising look from Chrys, before she rubbed her cheek against the back of Momo's neck.

“Momo, you're okay! Yes, I'm a little mad that I was kept in the dark, but I'm still glad you're safe!” she exclaimed, getting a small sigh of relief from Momo, before she adopted a bright smile. When it became clear Chrys had nothing more to add, Momo looked to Dud curiously.

“So. What's going on? What's Dud doing here? Did Lores let him out?”

“Well, Mantis wanted me to leave, or else...” Chrys said as she glanced to the side, making Momo's ears fall, “A- And Darrin guessed he'd attack me once I left, so I made a plan to get away.”

“Where is Darrin? Bulwark?”

“I made Darrin stay behind. Bulwark...” she began as her ears fell.

“He got hurt in a fight,” Dud finished, getting an annoyed look from Chrys. “What? It's true.”

“A fight I started,” she added, getting a concerned look from Momo.

“Is he gonna be alright?” she asked, getting a small nod in turn.

“Aid said he'll be fine, though he won't be able to talk for a while.” She then adopted a glare, aimed at no one in particular, “Mantis told me you were missing. I assumed he was behind it, so I fought him.”

“...And you called me an idiot,” Momo mumbled, making Chrys flush as she eyed the clouds. “Why'd you bring Dud?” she asked, before lowering her voice to a whisper, “I mean, he's a pony.”

“Huh, I never noticed,” Chrys replied flatly, rolling her eyes, “He helped me and Bulwark in that fight. I didn't know what Mantis had in store for me, but I figured having a pony on my side would help. Which it did.”

“So … I guess we're off to Equestria?” Momo asked, getting a nod from Dud.

“Your princess wants to talk to Princess Luna, or something like that.”

“And food, there's that too,” Chrys added. She then hesitated for a moment, before eyeing Dud curiously, which made him look to her, tilting his head in wonder. “Dud, come closer,” she ordered, which he followed without even a hint of a fuss.

She then looked into his eyes, her changeling magic shining through despite her pegasus form. She peered into his heart, and in her mind's eye she saw impressions, outlines of ponies, creatures, monsters, that Dud had encountered. There was nothing solid, nothing she could get a grasp of. She could feel that there was a number amongst those forms that he liked, but none of them he outright loved. No family. No special somepony. No ponies he held strong ties of 'friendship' towards. There was nothing solid in him for her magic to latch on to, nothing for her to feed on. He truly was a dud. “It'd be really useful if you decided to fall in love with something right about now,” Chrys said as she adopted a disappointed look, making Dud raise an eyebrow to her.

“I'm no relations expert, but I don't think love works that conveniently,” he said, before glancing to Momo, “Right?”

“R- Right?” Momo mirrored, just as unsure as he.

“So yeah, sorry Princess, but this nectar’s all we have for now.”

“Stop calling me that, it's annoying,” she replied dismissively, “Call me Chrys,” she added, getting a small smile from him as she paused, recalling something Darrin had implied earlier. “You like rare things, right?”

Do I!? Yes! Specifically, rare creatures!” he quickly replied, “Though I am fond of other rare things too.” He then adopted a look of wonder, “You'd never believe the things I've seen and been through. Oh! I should tell you about the time I was paralyzed in a manticore cave for an entire week!” he added enthusiastically, making Chrys hold a hoof up.

“About that. I was wondering, do you well, collect rare creatures?” she asked, his enthusiasm quickly winding down has he looked at her, before his expression became annoyed, even insulted.

“I'd never even think of doing such a despicable thing,” he said in a hot tone, turning towards them for a moment, his mouth open in preparation to add more. He then paused, before closing his eyes as he took in a deep breath, shaking his head before looking to them. “I'm not fond of such notions, Princ- Chrys,” he explained, making Momo and Chrys exchange concerned glances. His course then shifted, making Momo hesitate for a moment, before following him.

“Where are you going?” Chrys asked suspiciously.

“Turning north,” he said flatly.

“Wait, now we're heading north?” Chrys asked in surprise.

“Yep. We've been heading east this whole time,” he explained, making Chrys glance to the sun, centered in the sky.

“How can you tell?” Momo asked.

“The Badland winds move west to east. I've been following the wind to get us some distance from the others. They know we want to go north, right? So I went a little east to make sure they didn't stumble into us.”

“Why east?” Chrys asked, getting a sheepish smile from him.

“Honestly? Because it's easier to fly with the wind. Being in that cage for so long has well, sapped my stamina. In fact, I could really use a break right now,” he added with a small smile, before eyeing Momo, “You're hungry, right?”

“I-I'm perfectly fine,” Momo replied. Her stomach gurgled in protest, getting unamused looks from Chrys, and even Dud.

“Momo, how long have you been a pegasus?” Chrys asked.

“...Since I got free,” she answered in a small voice.

“Wasn't that a little over two days ago?” Dud asked, getting a weak nod from Momo, making Dud change his course.

He flew up towards the top of a large thundercloud, and after getting a small nod from Chrys, Momo followed. With a quick turn, Dud flew through the cloud, his wings spread out, seeming to cut off the top plume as he passed through it. He then looped around, placing his shoulder on it, pushing it away from the much larger chunk he separated it from. Once it was pushed away a distance Dud seemed happy with, he flew over it, gently resting his rump on it as he held onto the barrel.

He then let out a smile fitting for one that had spent the last five months resting on a stone floor. With the barrel still in his hooves, he stretched out the best he could, letting out a pleasant sigh as he did.

Seeing this, Chrys eyed Momo for a moment, the notion of standing on a cloud enticing her to motion her clutchling closer. When they were over it, Chrys hesitated for a moment, before jumping off.

She landed on the cloud, its soft texture giving and swaying slightly at her weight. It was soft, easily the softest thing Chrys as ever felt, making her smile as she followed Dud's example, and laid down too, eyeing the sun above as she stretched out her fatigued body. The fact that she hadn't gotten much sleep in the last few days was quick to make it's presence known to her.

As she lay there, she looked to the blue above, feeling the warmth of the sun. It's heat made her let out a pleasant sigh, feeling as if she was being congratulated for her success against Mantis. She then blinked when she noticed Momo was simply floating above the cloud, prompting Chrys to wave her over.

Momo hesitated for a moment, before flapping down to Chrys' side. She then landed, her wings pausing as she planted her hooves on the cloud. She promptly fell through, disappearing in a plume of white, making Chrys blinked in surprise as she heard Momo let out an indignant yelp.

“M-Momo?” Chrys asked, adopting a frown as Dud started to laugh. Momo popped out of the cloud, wings flapping, a flustered expression on her face as the changelings shared a confused look.

“A drone can't stand on the clouds. That's pegasus magic,” he pointed out, still chuckling a little as he sat up, propping up the barrel as he waved towards Momo. “We're gonna have to find shelter below the clouds when its time to sleep.”

“I- Well-” Momo began, realizing her presence would prevent them from resting where it was safe. “S-Sorry that I'm just a drone,” she said as her ears fell.

“Momo, you don't need to apologize,” Chrys quickly said as she approached her clutchling.

“She's right,” Dud added in an assuring tone, “Besides, the barrel can't stand on the clouds either. We'd need to rest on the earth anyways. I mean, I don't know about you, but I can't really carry this thing while sleeping. Also, I don't trust these clouds.”

“Huh?” Chrys asked, making Dud motion to the clouds around them.

“These clouds, they shift and change. They're nothing like the clouds in Equestria. They're wild,” he said with a slightly troubled look, “There's no telling what could happen if we slept on them,” he added, making Chrys appraise the cloud she lay on, before putting a hoof in it out of curiosity. Pulling it out, she scooped up a bit of the cloud in the process, making her eye the white puff-ball for a moment, before blowing it away with a short breath.

She watched as it caught on a breeze, flying off and out of reach. She then laid her head between her hooves as she eyed the miniature cloud. From the warmth of the sun, the soft bed, and fatigue that gnawed at her, it was only natural that she'd start to doze off. Without even putting up a fight, she closed her eyes, and was out like a hatchling.

Momo eyed Chrys curiously, flying around the cloud for a closer look, before adopting a warm smile as she realized the princess was asleep.

“Nectar?” Dud asked, making Momo blink as she looked to him, presenting the barrel to her.

“Pass. That needs to last,” she said flatly, before eyeing the pegasus. “Dud, why are you still here?” she asked, making him blink before tilting his head.

“Lots of reasons,” he began, making Momo nod in familiarity.

“Top three.”

“Okay, the biggest one is because I want to. Second biggest is because I told her I wasn't the type of pony that would abandon her. Thirdly, because Darrin is scary.”

“He threatened you?”

“No. He made promises,” Dud replied with a sense of weight, before giving Momo a smile. “Still want me to leave?” She considered the question for a minute, before nodding.

“Yes. You're free now,” she then hesitated, “You helped Chrys. Twice, apparently. So, thank you.” She then frowned, “And I really mean that.”

“I know,” he replied, his sincerity making her falter for a moment.

“You don't need to stay with her,” she added, making him consider her words, before shaking his head.

“I don't think leaving her is a good idea,” he replied, hopping on his hooves as he presented the barrel to her. She took it, her eyes widening at how heavy it was. “You'd have to carry that, and her,” he stated, making her frown as she looked at him.

“You think I can't do it?”

“How tired would you be after doing that for a whole day? What if an antlion paid the two of you a visit while you slept?” he pointed out, making her glance to the side with no answer to give. “I won't need much nectar, I can ration my portion. Besides, there's strength in numbers and all that,” he added with a small grin.

“I guess..." she conceded, eyeing the barrel for a moment, before her stomach growled, making her blush. "You're not gonna turn us in as soon as we reach Equestria, are you?

"Nope," he said with no hesitation, making her look over him for a moment, before letting out a sigh.

"...Thank you.”

"If you wanna thank me, then make sure you eat some nectar," he said with a coy smile, getting a flat look from her, before she let out a defeated sigh. She eyed the barrel for a moment, then looked to Chrys with a bothered smile.

“Wish I could lay on the clouds,” she mumbled, getting a small chuckle from Dud as Chrys flinched, suddenly springing to her hooves.

“I- I'm awake!” she stated firmly, getting nods from the others.

“That you are,” Dud replied, making Chrys rub her eyes as she looked to him.

“Don't worry Chrys, you weren't out for long,” Momo assured, getting a sigh from Chrys as she shook her head in an attempt to rid herself of fatigue. Her eyes then widened as she recalled that she was standing on a cloud.

Once again she dug her hooves into it, feeling the texture with a small smile. This was the first time she's ever had a chance to appreciate a pony's magic. She'd been taught that pegasi could walk on clouds, but she never considered trying it out herself.

She then eyed her feathery wings, recalling how she glided across the gorge. She was a young queen, which meant her shapeshifting was perfect, and it was her natural power that spared her from the snake, the guards, soldiers, and Mantis. A pegasus could glide. A changeling couldn't. Thinking this made her glare at nothing in particular, as she looked across the clouds.

She was outside of the hive, in a dangerous environment. If she wanted to make it to Equestria safely, she'd need to use whatever means she had available to do so.

Admittedly, she was just trying to persuade herself into doing something she's wanted for as long as she could remember. Flight. However, she needed to work through her changeling pride to accomplish that as a pony. Her changeling wings weren't strong enough to carry her. Did the same hold true for her pegasus wings? Regardless, she wanted her first time flying to be accomplished the way she was born, as a changeling.

“Something on your mind, Chrys?” Dud asked as he walked to her, making her realize he no longer had the barrel. She then noticed Momo had it, and was eagerly putting away her hunger with it.

“It's nothing,” Chrys quickly replied as she walked around the cloud, eyeing their surroundings as she did.

The entire cloudscape seemed similar to the ground, a notion enforced by the fact that she was walking on it, sort of. There were rolling clouds that were flat, while there were others that sprouted out of the white plain like hills or mountains. Clouds so big they cast shadows over the others, shadows illuminated by flashes of lightning.

“It's all so … different,” she said as she took it in, no sense of vertigo present to take away from it all. “Like it's a completely different world,” she added as Dud stood next to her, taking in the scene that was as much a part of him as his feathers.

“It feels like that because it's unfamiliar,” he stated confidently, “Dark forests with strange plants and creatures. Oceans and lakes deeper than the sun can touch.” He then adopted a small smile, “Caverns home to shape-shifting wonders,” he said, an excited gleam in his eyes, “There are many different worlds! There's so much to see, so many rare and unknown things just waiting waiting to be found!” He then blinked, before shaking his head, “Sorry. I ... got lost in the moment there,” he added as he rubbed the back of his head.

“You like exploring?” she asked as she raised an eyebrow to him.

“Naturally. After all, it's easier to find rare things when you go out to look for them.”

“...I suppose it's even easier when you can fly,” she replied as she eyed her wings again, stretching out her white feathers, feeling the breeze brush past them.

“Well, naturally.”

She hesitated for a moment, giving her wings an experimental flap. They were her wings, and if she flew, it would be of her own strength. But, doing it as anything other than a changeling just seemed … wrong. At least, for her first time. She wanted her first time flying to be special, something she did as her natural self. And while she wasn't in a position to get what she wanted, she didn't see a reason to simply throw away that sentiment. Not right now at least.

“We're done resting," she said as she turned to the yellow pegasus, "Dud, you can carry me.” She added, making him look to her in surprise as she hopped on his back.

Her body was briefly covered in fire as she changed back to a changeling, making Dud let out a surprised yelp from the heat. She then mirrored his cry, the cold air hitting her like a splash of icy water. Her horn quickly glowed as she recast her enchantment, making the sapping sensation vanish almost instantly.

“Momo, you good?” she asked as she eyed her clutchling, who eyed the barrel for a moment, before flying to their sides.

“Yeah, I'm good. Gotta make this last after all,” she replied, her eyes widening in surprise as Chrys took the barrel from her with her magic.

“I'll carry it. Since you couldn't rest, you shouldn't have to.”

“Chrys, I think Dud's the one that needs the rest more,” Momo pointed out, getting a small laugh from Dud.

“She's a lot lighter than that barrel, and carrying it with my hooves was awkward,” he pointed out, getting an annoyed look from Chrys.

“Did you just call me small?”

“Huh? I said 'light',” he replied as he adopted a confused look, “I'm no social expert, but most of the mares I've talked to like hearing that,” he added, making Chrys blink in surprise. “Won't carrying that tax your magic?” he asked with a considering tone, making Chrys recompose herself as she shook her head.

“I'll be fine.” Her magic wasn't spent yet, though she doubted she'd be able to carry it like this all the way to Equestria. “Now, let's get moving. The sooner we're out of The Badlands, the sooner we can stop worrying about food.”

“Right you are!” he let out energetically, before jumping off the cloud, making Chrys strengthen her hold on him in surprise. Her eyes widened as he fell for several moments, making her close them as she felt her heart trying to leave its cage. She felt him place a reassuring hoof on hers as he leveled out. Her eyes opened, seeing the horizon again as she let go of the breath she'd been keeping. She then gave the pony an annoyed look.

“D-Dud, don't ever do that again!” she let out in a flustered tone, getting a smile from him.

“Don't worry Chrys, when you can fly, you'll want to do silly stuff like that too!” he stated confidently, getting a skeptical look from her as Momo flew to his side. After Chrys regained her composure, she gave him an odd look.

“Dud, you do know what I meant about food, right?”

“Food is food. Once we're in Equestria, you'll need to stay looking like a pony, right?” he asked, getting a nod from her, “Then you can enjoy pony food instead of nectar,” he pointed out, making her adopt a skeptical look. Admittedly, the notion of not having to go through the work of siphoning love from some random pony had its appeal. But, eating pony food? “Don't worry about it too much,” he added, “We can fly over that river when we get to it.”

“River?” Momo asked in confusion.

“Erm, we'll deal with it when we need to,” Dud elaborated, getting nothing in return as his company thought on the possibility.

Ponies are food. Not pets. Not 'friends'. But, the very pony she was holding onto, couldn't be food. So, what did that make him? Once again, the old stallion on the beach came to mind, making her glance a little to the north east. The general direction of what remained of Tampa Neigh.

She then shook her head. She didn't know what Dud was supposed to be to her, and she didn't feel like asking right now. So she pushed those thoughts aside, glancing to Momo as she adopted a curious look.

“Momo, if you've been free from Mantis for a few days, that means you've been out here, right?”


“Have any stories?” she asked, getting a nod.

“Well, I managed to use a flaremander to get away from an antlion,” Momo began, getting an excited gasp from Dud.

“Flaremander and antlion!? I'm already liking this!” he let out, getting a small smile from the others as Momo continued her tale. Time passed as she shared her time in The Badlands over the last two days, the climax prompting Dud to tell a story in turn.

It was true, they were having a hard time believing the tale he spun. As his story concerning a daring escape from a cockatrice involving a tarnished silver spoon came to an end, they took notice of the sun hugging the horizon.

Night was coming. It was time to seek shelter.

11. Monsters

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Lores let out a tired sigh. It had been a busy week for her. Far busier than expected, thanks to Chrysalis.

Because of her, Lores had to remake a whole barrel of treated nectar. Had to oversee her chamber being repaired. Instruct the princess on the common dangers of The Badlands, and she had to part with a pleasant social partner, even if he was a pony. Oh, and let's not forget about having to prepare a batch of extra potent nectar, which Lores secretly switched out with what Chrys was supposed to leave with.

Yet, despite all that, she had a smile on her face. She may hold hidden disgruntlement towards the queen, but the princess was well worth her consideration. As she reached her private chamber, separate from the one she worked in, she found her smile fading away.

It was the only chamber in the hive that had books in it, resting on stone shelves crafted into the wall. A pony creation, Lores still saw value in them, and had quite a collection. However, the reason her smile was gone, was because standing next to her old stone desk, was Mantis; his decorated helm rested on it, which she couldn't help but notice had a large dent in it.

“Well, I'm guessing she escaped?” she asked as she approached him, trying to hide her satisfaction when he gave her a small nod.

“An entire squad loyal to my cause. Two royal guards. The perfect ambush. And she still. Got. Away,” he said as he started to pace around her, making her raise an eyebrow at him. “Why do I get the feeling the barrel of poisoned nectar I had prepared for her isn't the barrel she left with?” he asked as he gave Lores a neutral, yet appraising look, getting a coy grin from her.

“What are you implying?” she asked innocently.

“Teyra, I saw your pet pony helping her,” he replied, unamused. “Tell me, why'd you side with the princess?”

“Because, she's not her mother,” she replied stalwartly, her smile gone. “You saw the look in her eyes, when she held her ground against you. There was a spark in there. She stood up to you- She stood up to something standing in her way that she had little chance of surpassing. As far as I'm concerned, that makes her a far better queen than Amber. I'm not going to let her potential be snuffed out because of your petty hatred.”

Petty?” he said dismissively, “She was 'grounded' from the feeding chamber because she's shown attachment to ponies.” He then shook his head in exasperation, “And now you've gone and sent her off to Equestria with the help of one!” he added, getting an annoyed look from his old clutchling.

“Well, you weren't giving us many options to work with. I mean, you even poisoned her food on the off chance that she got away.” She then shook her head before letting out a sigh, “Honestly Mantis, there is such a thing as trying too hard.”

“Hmph. It would have worked had you stayed out of it,” Mantis mumbled in annoyance, getting an odd look from her.

“What's with you? You seem more, composed, than I expected you'd be.”

“The cold air gave me plenty of time to think over it,” he said as he fiddled with his helm, “Aegis and Sledge are following her. The Princess and her company have limited food. They need to cross through the mountains, which are snowlocked by Thundercloud. There's nothing more I can do on this end, besides sully her name. And Darrin is intent to keep that from happening.” He then let out a small laugh, “You know, he was waiting for me, when I returned. He threatened me; said if I harmed you, everything was off.”

“That was awfully sweet of him,” Lores said with a smile, before she gave Mantis a cold look. “You returned Momo, right?”

“There was no Momo to return, she made her escape with the princess,” he said dismissively as he looked to her.

“You're not lying to me, are you?” she asked skeptically.

“There are no secrets between us,” he stated confidently, “It is as I said. I didn’t know where she was when you originally asked.” She raised an eyebrow at that, “Momo helped the princess escape, and that's that. Now, as I said, I had some time to think about it. Chrysalis won't make it to Equestria. And if she does, it'll be after she's lost her clutchling, and your pet pony,” he said, his certainty making Lores falter for a moment.

“What makes you say that?”

“'There is a reason for everything'. That pony is a dud. He can't connect, at least not completely, to those around him. Whatever the reason, he won't be staying with the princess for very long. As for Momo, she won't survive the trek through the mountains, it'll be too cold for her, even as a pony. You think the princess will be in any state to finish after losing her clutchling?” he said with a small smile, making Lores frown.

“I wouldn't be so sure it'll happen like that, Mantis,” she replied sternly, getting a disinterested shrug from him, prompting her to sigh. “You don't see any value in her journey, do you?”

“Value? You mean assessing the Moon Princess' magic?” he asked, getting no reply from Lores, “That never mattered in the first place.”

“What?” she asked with an odd look.

“Don't sound so surprised. I've always had a solution for dealing with her. After all, drones, royal guards, ponies, princesses, and even a queen. All are the same, when you add a drop of poison...”


The three of them eyed the clouds beneath for a moment. Chrys and Momo shared a determined look, while Dud carried a haphazard smile, as they dived back into the storm. At his suggestion, Momo tailed right behind him as he weaved through the cloud, turning often, as if he was guided by an unseen hoof that helped him avoid the lightning within.

Breaking through, the world of white skies was traded in for one of dark and torrential rain. Already they were completely drenched, and in the fading light of day, it was hard to make out the terrain. Chrys' changeling vision could pierce the darkness, but not the rain, while Dud's could do the reverse.

From what they could see, The Badlands were flooded beyond recognition.

The gorges were gone, completely submerged, and the flat land had been traded out for bumpy, hilly terrain. Lightning gave them brief images of the drowned landscape, the arcs of light being mirrored in the growing lakes. In almost a day's time, half of valley was submerged, or, at least this part of it was, leaving pockets of raised land exposed, like islands.

From what Chrys had been told, over the next few days the rain would drown the valley, till only the highest outcroppings of land and rock were left. Then, the rain would begin to dwindle down, becoming nothing more than a constant drizzle that kept the water from receding.

Before the monsoon's end, The Badlands would become the largest lake on the continent. Most of the hive's entrances would be submerged, the one on the cliff being one of the few that remained above water.

“We need to find high ground!” Chrys shouted out, getting a nod from the others as Dud led them closer to the surface.

They passed a low hill. Then a flat hill... A hilly hill.... Hill with an odd shaped rock on it... Oh! A large pillar of stone with a flat top. Promising, but lacking shelter... Another hill... A small field of tall jagged rocks... Oh great, another hill...

After ten minutes of flying, something unique caught Dud's eye, making him circle around a large, dome-like island with a large number of tall jagged rocks surrounding it. Almost a minute passed as he made the full circle, before he pointed to a cave higher on the hill; its entrance looking almost like the mouth of a beast.

“Well, that'll probably do,” Chrys said warily, getting a nod from Dud as he approached it, slowly. He then paused, his eyes looking elsewhere. Following his gaze, she noticed movement around the large rocks near the hill's base, at the waterline.

He glanced to Chrys, giving her a curious look. She blinked as she realized he was waiting for her permission, getting a nod from her. He nodded in turn, and flew closer for a better look. He then frowned as they took in what the commotion was about.

It was a fight between two monsters.

One was a large insect-like creature twice the size of a royal guard. It had a flat body, its carapace covered by small spines that helped it dig through earth, and swim through water. On its sides were three flat legs, six total. It had a thin and long winding tail that cut through the water with ease, and from its six-eyed head were two large pincers, each easily as long as a drone.

An antlion.

In the dry months, it stayed in one spot, a constructed funnel of sand and gravel dug in the ground that it would rest in, waiting for a passing meal to wander by. It would then cause the funnel to grow, making the broken dirt and sand composing it draw towards the center, dragging its meal closer.

Now, with its trap flooded out, it took to the water as it did to the dry earth, becoming an aquatic hunter that made The Badlands no less dangerous to any thirsty denizen. In this case, that being a snake.

This one was different from the other, a fact immediately apparent to Chrys. It's scales didn't shift and change, and there wasn't any enticing smell on the breeze. By looking at its pony half, Chrys assumed it was a ... mare?

She wasn't as long as the snake from before, being about half as long, which made her the same length of the antlion she faced down, minus its tail. In the flashes of light littering the scene, Chrys could make out red and tan scales, with a darker diamond pattern following her spine. Her coat matched her tan scales, and she seemed to be putting a lot of effort in keeping herself between the antlion, and the cave far behind her.

“What's up?” Momo asked as she came to their side, her eyes widening as Dud pointed out the two below. “O-Oh! Guess this rock's taken,” she added, turning towards the next hill in their path. Dud however didn't follow, making Chrys appraise him.


“...I don't like this,” he said, eyeing the two monsters as they kept moving in a cautious manner. The antlion wanted to pass the snake, and she wasn't letting it. It'd shift to the left, she'd whip her tail towards it, cracking the ground in front of it. It would try to bite at her tail in turn, and she'd pull back in time to avoid those pincers.

“I don't care,” Chrys replied with a frown, “Let them fight, we need to find shelter!” she demanded, making Dud eye her for a moment.

“Momo, take Chrys,” he said, making Chrys blink in surprise as he moved to Momo's side. “I'm gonna help.”

“What? The snake!? Why!?” Chrys asked.

“There's something about this I don't like, so I'm going to help.”

“No, you're not!”

“Chrys, let him go,” Momo began, “We don't really need him with us, do we?” she pointed out, making Chrys look at her in surprise.

“I'm not leaving, I'm just helping her,” he said in an assured tone. “If you leave me, that's your choice,” he added as he glanced over his shoulder, giving her a small smile, “Though, I'd like if it you didn't.” He then frowned, as he shrugged slightly, making Chrys bounce on his back, “You should be with Momo, what I'm going to do isn't safe.” Chrys consider him for a moment, the thought of leaving him here playing through her mind. She then shook her head, before hopping over to Momo. Before he flew off, Chrys got his attention.

“Dud, why do you want to help her? She's a monster!” she stated, getting a surprised look from him.

“A monster? Just like a pony, or a changeling?” he asked, making her adopt a confused look, “I'm helping because she's protecting something important, just like you were,” he explained, confusing her all the more.

With that said, he didn't waste another moment as he flew down, circling closely to the antlion and snake, both beasts eyeing the intruder as he did. Chrys watched him for a moment, his words playing through her head as Momo considered her.

“Chrys, are we staying?” she asked, getting silence in return as Chrys' eyes went from the fight, towards the strange cave higher up. Indecision plagued her as she glanced between them.

Her eyes widened as the antlion charged forward, pincers spreading wide to bite the snake.

Dud dived as it did, ramming his shoulder into the side of its head, letting out a pained grunt as the antlion missed its mark. The snake blinked in surprise, quickly glancing to the yellow pony, before she acted. She spun her tail around, lashing out at the antlion. A solid crack, like a whip, rang out as she hit the snake in the side. The sound made Chrys wince, her mouth falling open as the large creature was sent rolling back into the water.

A terrified wail pierced through the rain and thunder, making all eyes look towards the cave. An antlion, half as big as the other, had come up from the other side of the island, and was making its way towards the entrance. The snake didn't even hesitate, she abandoned the 'shore', leaving the antlion and Dud behind as she slinked up the wet ground as fast as she could.

Chrys tapped Momo's back, ushering her to fly in for a better look. As she did, the larger bug sprung out from the water in pursuit. Dud took notice, frowning as he proceeded to hamper it in the process, constantly getting in its face, blocking its vision. Momo watched him for a moment, before nodding to Chrys. With her aerial advantage, as speed that caught the princess off guard, the two of them reached the cave's entrance before either monster.

Being this close, Chrys immediately found her first impression of the cave warranted. The mouth of the cave was exactly that, an open jaw of stone with crafted, jagged teeth lining its top and bottom. Several of the 'teeth' on the jaw were missing, letting entrance into what Chrys could only assume was the snake's den. Along the roof were a number of different colored rocks, strung together by string, hanging down in decoration, a notion she found strange.

Momo paused as they reached the mouth, her eyes widening as she did. Chrys shared in her surprise, heart skipping a beat as they saw something neither ever expected to see. The snake's hatchlings. There were two of them, both the same size as Chrys, being only a little bit longer. And, likely because of the pony resemblance, she found herself thinking of them more as a filly and a colt than lizards.

The filly's scales were shifting in color, the tones changing vibrantly in an expression of panic, instead of trying to blend in. The colt, his scales greatly resembling the snake rushing up the hill, stood between the filly and the approaching antlion, in her defense.

He was telling her to run.

Chrys!” Momo let out desperately, her tone asking that they help. Chrys looked back to the snake climbing up, realizing it was their mother. This played through her head, as if that detail was the most important factor of what was transpiring. She frowned as she eyed the cavern, the roof protruding from the surrounding rock offering a safe vantage for her to stand on.

“Up top!” Chrys ordered, pointing to the roof, getting a determined nod from Momo. As she flew by it, Chrys jumped off, placing the barrel down as she looked to the second antlion, just in time to see it reach the rocky teeth that separated it from the hatchlings. Her horn began to glow.

Mama snake let out a desperate cry as the antlion got its pincers around one of those teeth, making the rock crack from its strength. With a loud pop, the tooth started to tilt inwards, towards the hatchlings. As it leaned, it was wrapped in a teal glow, making Chrys frown in effort as she tried to make it fall the other way.

Her horn flared as the long rock petered, leaning in neither direction as she tried her best to knock it on the antlion. It was heavy. Far heavier than the barrel, bringing to mind Sledge's hoof as she felt her magic start to waver.

Momo then rammed into the broken rock, popping it out of Chrys's grasp, making it fall towards the antlion. It let out an alien cry as the rock crashed on top of it, making Chrys let out a relieved sigh.

Then, mama snake arrived. She slid to a halt, bringing her tail around, swinging high in the air before slamming it down on the antlion. Chrys felt the earth shake as the snake’s tail smashed through the rock, breaking it in many segments as she crushed the monster into the ground. She then planted her hooves into the mud, swinging her lower torso around, pulling her tail back, before whipping it into the antlion's side, sending it sprawling down the hill.

Seeing the antlion roll down the hill filled Chrys with a sense of accomplishment, making her adopt a fiery grin. The sound of several rocks being cracked like eggs killed that grin, drawing her attention back to the cave's opening. The larger antlion had arrived, despite Dud standing on its head. Its pincers took down the entire front row of teeth in a single bite, making the rocks tumble to the side.

“Lin, Ren, get insside!!” the snake shouted, her voice snapping the hatchlings from their shock, making the colt pull his sister deeper into the cave as their mother placed herself between them and the antlion.

Seeing her stand between the monster and those she loved reminded Chrys of when she stood between Bulwark and Sledge. Even though she was a snake, the reason she fought drove Chrys, making her understand why Dud wanted to help.

Her horn glowed as she picked up a rock as big as her head. The antlion lunged forward, making the snake coil up, preparing to take a hit as its pincers opened. As they closed, Momo came slamming down from a brief dive, bringing all four hooves to bear on its head, smashing it into the ground. The antlion let out a cry of annoyance as it scuttled back, whipping its head to the side, making the snake duck under the swing as the monster tried to attack the interloper.

“Momo, aim for the center of its back!” Dud let out, right before he landed into said spot, hitting with his forward hooves. The blow made the antlion's body twitch oddly, bringing its slick tail around towards the pony. Alarm flashed through Dud’s eyes as he pushed off the lion, barely dodging the tail. In its distracted state, the antlion failed to notice the snake slither around the rocks, bringing its tail under the beast. As she did, Chrys shouted at the antlion, dropping her rock on the monster's head, earning its attention as all six of its eyes looked to her.

The distraction presented Momo the opportunity to strike, which she eagerly took. Getting past its tail, she crashed into the same spot Dud had, eliciting a brief cry from the antlion, before its body went rigid. It was frozen, head held up, tail still coiled for another attack, as if time had stopped. However, its eyes were still looking around, hungrily, as it found itself unable to move. Dud hovered around the immobile beast, letting out an impressed whistle as he did.

“You pack a hard punch, Momo,” he said, making her blush slightly.

“Pony, get off!” the snake let out, making Momo's eyes widen in surprise as she saw the rest of the snake get under the antlion. With a hop, Momo flew to the side, and shortly after, like a coiled spring, the snake lashed out, sending the antlion sprawling down the hill. It crashed, rolling once, before sliding back into the murky water it came from.

The four combatants stared at the water for a moment, as if expecting it to burst forth with a vengeance. When it became clear that wasn't going to happen, the snake slowly looked to her unexpected guests, before slithering, as quickly as she could, towards the cave.

Momo returned to Chrys' side as the princess watched the snake return to her hatchlings, which were waiting for her right in the cave's entrance. Hopping on Momo's back, Chrys picked up their nectar as Dud joined her, a big smile on his face.

“That went pretty well too!” he said, prompting him to look towards the snake and her hatchlings, which Chrys mirrored. Her eyes then widened in surprise when said snake bonked both hatchlings on the head.

“What did I ssay about going outsside!?” she shouted, making them cower back in shame as the colt mumbled something under his breath. “What wass that?”

“Not when it's rainin',” the filly repeated.


“We won't do it again,” they both answered in unison, getting a cold, appraising look from the snake, before she brought her tail around, wrapping both of them up and pulling them close, giving them a hug.

“You better not, you nearly sscared me to death,” she said, making Dud and Momo smile, while Chrys looked on in wonder. The filly started to cry, apologizing repeatedly as she returned the hug, while the colt glanced to the side, his face blushing. The snake then ended the hug, looking over her shoulder to glance at the fliers, her eyes pausing on Chrys.

“Why'd you help? You're not hungry, are you?” she asked suspiciously.

“Because we wanted to,” Dud replied, before glancing to Momo and Chrys, “Right?”

“Right!” Momo let out energetically, her enthusiasm catching Chrys off guard. The snake eyed them for a moment longer, before looking out into the darkening surroundings.

“I don't want to owe a group of changelingss anything. You can sstay the night, if you wissh,” she said, slithering further into the cave without waiting for a response.

“Mama, what's a changelin'?” the filly asked, rubbing her eyes as they descended out of sight.

“Let's get going-” Chrys began, stopping when she saw the looks her companions were giving her. Both of them had a sparkling glow in their eyes, each of them giving her a pleading look.

“I've never talked to a lamia before!” Dud said as he flew uncomfortably close to her.

“Did you see the little ones! They were adorable!” Momo let out, “We gotta stay the night!”

“I completely agree!” Dud let out, prompting both to share a smile, some unseen bond forming between them as they looked back to Chrys.

“Can we!?” they asked in unison.

“W-What!?” Chrys replied, “That was a snake!”


“Whatever! Point is, no!” she said stalwartly, making both of their ears fall.

“I suppose you're right,” Dud said as he gave a dragged out sigh, “I mean, we helped save a snake, and now we have the chance to talk to her.” He then held up a hoof as Chrys was about to interject, “No no, I understand. I suppose I can wait till next time. You know, when I'm in The Badlands again, saving ‘snakes’,” he finished as he turned away, dejected. Chrys let out an annoyed sigh, before seeing Momo's face, on the verge of tears.

“M-Momo, I said no.”

“But, Chrys, hatchling snakes!” she said as she gave an even more pleading look, her eyes prepared to set off waterworks that would put the rain to shame. “Can we at least talk to the hatchlings for a little bit? I promise, if the big one attacks, I'll knock her senseless!”

“I can hear you!” the snake cried out from the cave, “I'll take you on anytime, featherbrain, jusst ssay when!” she added, getting a slightly alarmed look from Momo.

“Still, it would be nice, sleeping in a cave...” Dud pointed out as he looked out into the lightning riddled Badlands, night's shadow now in full force. Chrys then shook her head in annoyance, tapping Momo to put her down, making them land at the cave's mouth. “We're staying!?” he asked, his excitement mirrored by Momo. Chrys sternly shook her head.

“No. You don't get it. That's a snake in there! Look, you wondered how I got away from Sledge and Aegis. I didn't. A snake came, drawn to my light spell, and it knocked them aside. Like pebbles!”

“Oh,” Dud replied, his eyes widening in surprise, before adopting a considering look, “But, that was a different lamia.”

“Snake. It's a snake. And it doesn't matter if it's a different one. A snake's a snake!” she repeated, the fear from that encounter still fresh in her mind.

“Princess, it does matter,” Dud said calmly. “One snake is different from another, just like changelings, just like ponies.”

“No, it's not!” she replied, slamming a hoof down, “Snakes are monsters! They're no different from those antlions!” she said as she pointed to the broken teeth, “They both crushed those rocks like it was nothing.” She then shook her head, “If anything, she's the bigger monster, since she sent both antlions flying!”

“Chrys...” Momo said, looking like she wanted to say more, but simply glanced to the side.

“Well, actually, you may be right, about the antlions anyway,” Dud said as he glanced out into the waters nearby. “I'm not a creature expert-” He then blinked, before smiling, “Wait, I am a creature expert, well, a rare one anyways.” He then paused before adopting a sheepish grin, “Right, what I was gonna say was that I'm pretty sure one of them is eating the other right now.” He then shook his head, before looking to Chrys. “Princess, why would you help a monster?” he asked, making Chrys consider him for a moment. “Why would a monster help you?” he added, making her frown.

“She isn't helping us, because we're not staying,” she replied sternly, getting a small smile from him.

“A few days ago, you called ponies monsters.”

His words made her recall the heated rant she threw against him about ponies and changelings. He was right, she relied on a pony to escape, and she called ponies monsters. Her expression softened a little as she saw what he was inferring, making her glance to the side for a moment.

“Ponies have it easier than we do,” she said, eyeing the ground as she did, “But, I guess they're not really monsters,” she admitted, before looking him in the eyes, “But, snakes drink blood. It's all they eat. How can you say they're not monsters if that's their diet?”

“Wellll, you can choose your food, right?”

“Right. And what if she chooses us?” she asked as she raised an eyebrow.

“The three of us can take her,” Momo interjected, getting an agreeing nod from Dud. “She's not the only one that can smash rocks,” she added with a confident smile.

“We need to sleep, and resting in the open isn't going to be very restful,” Dud added sagely, his words punctuated by a rumble of thunder. “Besides, aren't you curious?”

“About what? The snake?” Chrys asked incredulously, getting a nod from Dud, which prompted her to shake her head. “Yeah, no,” she then glanced to the side.

“Come to think of it,” Momo began as her eyes widened, “Chrys, can't you shapeshift into the snake's filly?”

“What?” Chrys asked flatly, Dud's eyes lighting up as he stepped closer.

“That's right! She's the right size for you!” he added, making her lean back form him, looking between them.

“I- Well, that is-” Chrys let out, now feeling conflicted. The idea of being able to shapeshift into a camouflaging snake did sound appealing. “H- Hey! Why are you two ganging up on me?” she asked in an attempt to change the topic. “Just ten minutes ago, you,” she said as she pointed at Momo, “suggested leaving him!” she finished as she pointed at Dud.

Dud and Momo shared a look, making her briefly blush in shame, before coughing into her hoof.

“I'm over that. It's all behind us,” she said resolutely, getting a smile from him. He then placed a hoof on Momo's shoulder as he shook his head.

“Still, we should respect Chrys' wishes,” he began in a sad tone, “If she wants us to leave this comfy shelter for sleeping in the rain, then that's simply what must be done,” he added as he glanced away. Momo looked like she wanted to complain, but her ears simply fell as she let out a sigh.

“I get it. Come on Chrys,” she said as she walked close, presenting Chrys the opportunity to hop on her back, making Chrys hesitate.

For some reason, she couldn't help but feel like she was the bad guy in this situation, making an unwanted sense of guilt bubble up. She didn't want to stay, but what were the odds of them finding another cave anytime soon if they left? She was also tired, and having that guilt piled onto her fatigue was a little more than she was willing to tolerate.

“That's not fair,” she mumbled under her breath, before looking them in the eyes with a frustrated glare. “I'm going to have some very mean words for you two if the snake decides to have us for dinner,” she added, getting a big smile from her companions, their smiles dispelling her guilt, making her let out an annoyed sigh as she turned around, and entered the cave. Momo followed, moving to her side, while Dud followed from the other.

“She won't have us for dinner, since we helped her!" Dud declared, before glancing to the side, "At least, I sure hope so,” he added, before that curious glow returned to his eyes. “The mother and colt were constrictor type, but the filly was easily a slithering type! I wonder if the father stayed, or moved on?” he asked in wonder, getting Momo's attention.

“Constrictor? Slithering?” she asked, eager for an answer as Chrys rolled her eyes. Before Dud could answer, Momo gave Chrys a brief hug, making the pegasus pause as the princess blushed. “Thank you Chrys. I really mean it.”

“I-I didn't do it for you. I'm just tired, and I want to learn shifting into a snake, is all,” she replied, fooling nopony, as the three of them descended into the cave.

As they did, Chrys could make out a low glow ahead of them, feeling that it was warmer inside the cave than outside. There were many hanging stone decorations, some with intricate carvings made on them. After traveling a short distance, they came across an opening, where the snake was waiting with an impatient look in her eyes, her children sitting behind her, peaking from over her back to see their strange guests.

“You're fine with ssharing in a 'monsster'ss' hosspitality?” it asked sarcastically, getting a small glare from Chrys as Dud stepped forward.

“Quite so! I'm Grumpy Gust, but you can call me Dud!” he said with a nod, getting a slightly surprised look from the snake.

“I-I'm Ssarah,” she replied, before moving to the side, letting them into the chamber. After entering, she started to push on a large round rock, shaped like a wheel, with a hole big enough for a pony to squeeze through in the center. It looked quite heavy, and before her guests could complain, the entrance had been sealed. Sort of.

“Just to keep any wandering antlionss out,” she assured, spending a moment to make sure the 'door' was secure, a moment Chrys used to eye their surroundings.

The cavern walls had a number of paintings. Snakes of varying sizes and colors detailed with great care. There were small holes near the roof, where the source of light was coming from, and if Chrys had to guess, the heat as well. She then looked to the snake as she turned to them.

“Thank you for ssaving Lin,” she said as she indicated the filly, before indicating the colt, “and Ren,” she added as she adopted a brief smile, rubbing both on the head.

Momo had a look, as if she wanted to let out some sort of strange, d'aww inspired noise. To Momo, she found the mother's gesture towards her children beyond cute, and was having a hard time staying composed for it. Ssarah then opened her mouth, as if to say more, but no words came forth, only an annoyed sigh. “I can't believe a pair of poniess and a changeling hatchling helped—”

“I'm not a hatchling, snake,” Chrys interjected, getting a glare from Ssarah.

“That's Ssarah,” she said, before giving Momo and Dud a suspicious look, “You're all changelingss, aren't you?”

“Just these two,” Dud quickly answered, getting a brief look from Chrys. “What?”

Some discretion would have been nice,” she muttered, despite the fact that she was standing in front of Ssarah in her changeling form.

“Uhm, Sarah-” Momo began.

“It's Ssarah, not ssarah!”

“That's not what she said,” Chrys replied with a small grin.

“No, she said ssarah,” The lamia replied, before frowning, “ssarah.” Her frown deepened, frustrated by her inability to shorten her own name.

“So is it Sarah, Ssarah, or ssarah?” Chrys asked as she took a step forward, her antagonizing grin growing, which faltered when Momo stepped between them.

“Chrys, be nice,” she said in a calm tone, making Chrys eye her for a moment, before letting out a small huff. “Ssarah, I'm Momo. Can I … talk to your hatchlings?”

“'Children',” Ssarah replied.


“They're children, not 'hatchlingss',” she insisted, getting a confused look from Momo. "I don't like the word. If thingss were the way I wanted, Lin and Ren would've been born the same way as poniess," she said as she let out a sigh, "Don't call them hatchlingss. I don't like it."

“Same way as ponies?" Chrys asked, "Does that mean ponies aren't hatched from eggs?” she added, finding the concept alien to her. Momo looked between Dud and Ssarah, a curious look on her face.

“If not from eggs, then how?” she asked as she looked to the pony in the room. The others looked to him as well, making Dud blink as he realized the situation he was now in.

“Uhh, well, you see-” he began, his mind racing before his eyes widened, adopting a small smile as he nodded to himself, “It varies.”

“It... varies?” Chrys asked, finding herself more than curious to this question's answer. Lin and Ren were also interested, a fact Dud and Momo took note of.

“Well you see, for pegasi, a mare and stallion need to wish upon a rain cloud.” He then clapped his hooves together, his voice mimicking thunder, “Then bam! A foal appears, and if their wish was genuine that foal will live a blessed life!” His expression then softened a little, “But if it wasn't, the foal born will have a bumpy start.” He then blinked before shaking his head. “Now, for earth ponies, they have to plant their love into the ground and wait till the next harvest to get their foal.” He then nodded sagely, “Unicorns have a complex spell for it. I've heard it's quite a hassle, magicking a foal into being.” He then adopted a small grin as he looked to Ssarah, who had the look of one that was about to get unwanted attention. “Though now I'm curious, how does it work for a lamia? I mean, since you're half pony, that means there's more to it than just hatching from eggs, right?” he asked unabashedly, making his audience turn towards her.

“Yeah Mama, tell us!” Lin asked.

“What? I- Uhh. You ssee,” she let out, her face slowly blushing as she gave Dud a brief glare, “I'll tell you when you're older. Bed time!”

“Awww!” Ren let out in disappointment.

“Ms. Sara- Ssarah,” Momo began, “Is it alright if I … tell them a bedtime story?”

“A story?” Ren asked wide-eyed.

Momo gave Ssarah a pleading look, which the snake considered for a moment, before letting out a long sigh.

“I'll be close, sso don't try any of that love-eating nonssensse,” she said, getting an excited cheer from her children, the filly scampering off to her room excitedly as Momo followed after her. Ren watched them go for a moment, before turning to Ssarah.

“What do changelings taste like?” he asked. Bonk. “Ow!”

“Don't be rude to the oness that ssaved you.”

“S-Sorry,” he mumbled, before following after his sister and Momo. Chrys eyed them for a moment, glancing to Ssarah, then to where Momo went. She then eyed the barrel of nectar in her grasp. She placed it down near the door, and after hesitating for a moment, followed her clutchling, leaving Dud behind.

“So, how does it work?” she heard him ask Ssarah as she went deeper into the cave, seeing a small red lizard move from one of the holes in the wall to another. She felt a small surge of heat born from that lizard's passing, making her wonder if it was a flaremander.

Little lizards, gecko-like in appearance, that resided in The Badlands. Flaremanders were mostly harmless, as long as you didn't startle them. Their bodies generate a magical heat, and when spooked, they flared, burning anything that could threaten them. The hive once tried taming the lizards to keep them warm through the monsoon, but feeding them through the rainy months proved too difficult. Flaremanders didn't care for nectar.

Seeing it made Chrys realize how warm it actually was in Ssarah's home, prompting her to end her heat enchantment, feeling a small weight lift off her shoulders as she did. She didn't realize it until now, but her magic was pretty close to being spent, and she was beyond tired. She shook her head, trying to sway the fatigue as she reached a smaller room, where Momo and the children were.

The first thing that caught her eye, were the two little stone beds nestled in the corner. Seeing those piles hit Chrys with an unexpected sense of homesickness, making her glare at nothing more than her sentiment. She hadn't been gone for even a day, but after dealing with Mantis and antlions and now snakes? She let out a small sigh as Momo was about to begin her story, before noticing Chrys.

“Oh, Chrys. Did you want to … you know...” she said hesitantly as she glanced to Lin, who was giving them a confused look, making Chrys take Ssarah's children in.

Lin's scales were constantly trying to match the color of the rocks around them, even trying to mirror the shadows cast by the dim light in the room. Her short mane and coat were changing color too, but it was more gradual, subtle even. Because of their room, she was currently tan, with hints of gray mixed in. One thing about her that didn't change, that Chrys took note of, was her slitted blue eyes, as blue as the sky.

Ren on the other hoof, greatly resembled his mother. He even had a similar diamond pattern down his back. His eyes were blueish green, which Chrys couldn't help but appreciate.

Looking between them, she didn't hesitate, after all, it was a completely harmless thing to do, so she looked into Lin's eyes, her own eyes glowing as she looked into the filly's heart. There, she saw her love for Ssarah and Ren, but, that wasn't what Chrys wanted. Looking beyond that love, came a feeling of understanding, a sense of certainty. Feeling as if she'd become a little more than the changeling she was a moment before, Chrys broke eye-contact with Lin, dispelling the figures cast in her mind's eye.

“You're not up to anythin' funny, are yah?” Ren asked, making Chrys raise an eyebrow at him.

“Just changeling things,” she said, before calling on her power, being briefly wreathed in flame as her body shifted. She then let out an indignant yelp as her hind legs formed into a snake's tale, making her fall over in the process.

“Whoa!” Ren said wide-eyed as Chrys sat up. Looking over herself, she eyed her lower body curiously, finding herself having surprisingly little difficulty moving with a snake's tale. The ease of using an unfamiliar form made her recall gliding across the gorge, making her wonder if this ease of control was part of being a queen.

“She looks like me!” Lin said as she came closer, a sense of wonder in her eyes that made Chrys look to her with a proud smile.

“That's right!” Chrys said, her voice mirroring Lin's. They looked at each other, as if looking into a mirror, which Chrys couldn't help but find novel. She's taken the form of other fillies before, but she's never been face to face with them.

“What else can you do?” Ren asked excitedly, getting an annoyed look from Chrys.

“You're addressing a queen, you know,” she said, before adopting a smug smile, “So, you should count yourselves lucky to be in my presence,” she added as she returned to her normal form, “Have you ever seen magic before?”

“Was that what you did with the large rock?” Lin asked eagerly. Chrys nodded as her horn glowed, and before she knew it, she was showing off to the two of them. All the while Momo watched, a serene smile on her face, as Chrys' concerns about being in a snake's den faded away...

Meanwhile, back at the first cavern, Dud was nodding to himself sagely.

“That was very informative, thanks!”

“I sshould bite you for putting me on the sspot like that,” Ssarah replied, letting out a small huff as she did.

“On a related tangent, Chrys, she ran into a snake earlier today, a slitherer. It must have been large. It took on two royal guards and stood out on top.”

“Sslitherer? Don't you mean lurker?" Ssarah asked, making Dud tilt his head as she continued, "Anyway, royal guardss are the really big changelingss that never tire or get ssick, even when sshapesshifting, right?” she asked as she eyed a drawing on the wall, one of a green snake fighting a crude sketch of a changeling.


“Hmm, there aren't too many lurkerss around here. Sspecailly around the changeling hive. Ssouth... That, may have been my mate sshe ssaw,” she said, before hesitating, “Though, he sshould have been assleep already. He doessn't have a home like mine,” she added as she made a dismissive gesture.

“I was curious, why aren't you asleep?” he asked, “I mean, I guess you don't have to since it's nice and warm in here.”

“The heat'ss for Lin. She hass her father'ss blood, sso she'd get tired if it wasn't for the flaremanderss.” She then nodded to herself before cutting off Dud's next question, “And yess, we could ssleep through the rain if I drove the lizardss out, but I'd rather sstay awake. Givess me plenty of time to teach them,” she added, adopting a small smile. She then eyed the pegasus curiously. “Sso, what'ss a pony doing with a pair of changelingss? You don't appear to be their thrall.”

“Just helping them towards tomorrow,” he replied with a smile, getting a confused look from her.

“Thank you, for not calling uss monsterss. Poniess are sso sscared of uss, it'ss upssetting.”

“Drinking blood doesn't really help.”

“I'll have you know that we live on antlionss out here,” she said defensively.

“I know,” he said with a nod. An excited gleam then appeared in his eyes. “Is it true that once you get a taste of something, you're driven to drink all you can?” he asked, getting an uncomfortable look from her.

“N-No. Well, yess, but that'ss more like a rare trait than the norm.” Her eyes then narrowed, “Did my mate bite the little changeling?”

“Not that I'm aware of,” he replied as he considered Ssarah, “Chrys had scrapes and bruises, but I didn't see any bite marks on her.”

“That'ss good. My mate, Ssnare-”

“One 's' or two?” Dud asked, getting an bothered look in turn.

“...One,” she admitted in a small voice, before shaking her head, “Hiss name is Ssnare, and he doess have that trait. If he got a tasste of her, he'd follow her to the edge of the world to drink what'ss left.”

“I see,” Dud said, wondering if this Snare got a 'taste' of the royal guards.

The two talked for a little longer, mostly on the finer points of Ssarah's life in The Badlands. However, Dud did reciprocate, giving Ssarah answers to what Chrys and their journey involved, which, at the very least, she found interesting. When their curiosity was satisfied, Dud let out a long yawn, before glancing down to where the others went.

“Huh, I thought Chrys would stay in here,” he said, just now realizing that wasn't the case. Ssarah blinked as she looked down the tunnel, before wrapping her tail around Dud's waist, tightly. “Ack- Bit tight,” Dud let out as Ssarah moved around him.

“I don't like how quiet it iss. You better hope your princesss and her clutchling haven't placed my children in thosse creepy cocoonss.”

“They're fine,” Dud said confidently, giving Ssarah a smile. She eyed him for a moment, before letting out a small sigh, letting him go. “You sigh a lot.”

“I’m a mother,” she replied flatly. “And you're an odd bird,” she pointed out, as she proceeded down the tunnel. Dud rubbed his side for a moment, before letting out a small laugh.

“Yeah, I get that a lot,” he replied as he followed after her, pausing as she did when they reached the cavern.

Lin and Ren were sleeping soundly in their beds. At some point, Momo had returned to her changeling form, and she was laying next to the wall, sound asleep, with Chrys bundled next to her. Despite being in a 'monster's' cave, Chrys had a peaceful look on her face. Dud had no doubt they would be sleeping well, in spite of the dull thunder that managed to leak its way into the cave.

“Tch,” Ssarah let out in annoyance, “That little brat kind of lookss cute when sshe's assleep.”

“They're even cuter as pegasi,” Dud said with a sagely nod, “Though, I think that's just me,” He added as he looked over them, before glancing to the side, a sad smile on his face. “Have a good night.”

"You're not gonna sstay up and keep an eye on me?” she asked. Dud shook his head, getting a smile from her. “Good to ssee there'ss a pony out there that doessn't think I'm out to eat them.” She then paused for a moment as she looked over her children. “Thank you, for helping me. It … meanss a lot,” she said quietly, getting a nod from him as he picked a corner of the room separate from the others, curling up into a ball as he closed his eyes, letting his fatigue do the rest of the work, falling asleep.

12. Heritage

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It all changed again, for the seventh time. A different cage. A different occupant. A different villain. A different location. Between those changes, there was only one constant, and that was the pony carrying the cage.

He hurled his side into the glass pane as hard as he could, his hooves wrapped protectively around a golden birdcage. The phoenix inside let out a nervous chirp. The window didn't budge, making the yellow pegasus' eyes widen in surprise.

“Thief! Thiieef!! Somepony stop him!” a stuffy, self important voice called from the opposite end of the room, making the teen-aged colt slam his side into the window again, frowning in effort as it refused to give. As a pair of bulky butlers entered the room, the thief noticed something about the window that made him want to facehoof.

With a quick swipe of his hooves, he unlocked the window. With a simple push, the decorated pane swung open, making the colt flap his wings, jumping out of reach of the approaching stallions as he took to the air.

It all changed again.

He was now sitting in the corner of a back alley, the iron birdcage being home to a rare snow dove. He was several years younger now than the moment before, but it transitioned from one segment to the next without him even noticing. He was now covered in grime, dirty from a life choosing to spend his time in the shadows of Thundercloud.

“So, little fellow,” he began, leaning against the wall of an abandoned cloud-home as he took a tired breath, eyeing the white and blue bird, “Do you know your way back home?” he asked as he unlatched the cage's door. “It'd be really swell if you did,” he added with a small smile. The dove eyed him, shaking its head briefly. At least, Grumpy Gust was pretty sure it just shook its head. He considered the bird for a moment, eyeing the dark alley he hid in, before giving the snow dove a small nod. “Well then, luckily for you, I know the way. So, I guess I'll just have to show you!”

Before the next change happened, the dream seemed to freeze, as if some greater power was placing its influence over it. He paused, noticing a tall figure blocking the way out of the alley. It wasn't the fact that she was blocking his way that stopped him, after all, he could fly, it was more of who she was that trapped him.

Standing a head taller than most ponies, there was no mistaking that dark blue coat, or her star laden mane.

“Forgive me, Mr. Gust, for spying on your dream like this,” Princess Luna said, bringing a hoof over her heart, “I assure you, I wouldn't have done so without great cause.”

Dud blinked, her words making him aware of the dream, and as if waking up, his colt-self was switched out for his true self. The cage in his hooves was now empty, its occupant having returned home long ago. He put the iron trapping down, adopting a big smile as he gave Luna a brief bow.

“Think nothing of it, Princess Luna,” he said with a smile, “Is it ... before midnight?” he asked curiously, getting a very brief look of confusion from her as she nodded. “This really is the best day ever!” he said, his wings spreading out as he let out an energetic cry, making the princess raise an eyebrow in surprise.

“Mr. Gust, I require your focus,” she said, a hint of impatience in her voice.

“R- Right. Sorry about that, Your Highness,” he replied sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his head, “Didn't think I'd ever get to talk to Equestria's one and only alicorn,” he added, making her glance to the side distantly, before looking back to him with a determined look.

“Mr. Gust, you were among those missing since Neighgarou was destroyed, presumed dead,” She then tilted her head, “Clearly, that's not the case. What are you doing in The Badlands?”

“Well, I'm in The Badlands to get out of The Badlands,” he explained, making her tilt her head in thought.

“So, you're leaving. And you're coming home?” she asked, getting a confused look from him.

“If you mean Equestria, then yes, I am,” he replied, nodding to himself before pausing, realization dawning on him. “Wait, you know who I am?” he asked as he adopted a bashful look.

“Seeing your dream told me that much.” She then took on a slightly sly smile, “I also recall that a number of years ago, several ponies of high standing begged me to send the Shadowbolts to capture a certain yellow pegasus. One that loved to break into their homes and free rare pets.”

“You … seem a little happy to say that,” he pointed out as his grin grew, “Nopony likes being in a cage,” he added, before adopting a contemplating look. “Well, nopony normal anyway.”

“And were you put in a cage? Perhaps by a group of pegasi that reside in The Badlands?”

“What? No,” he quickly replied, before he frowned slightly, looking to her. “My friend's ... father? I think he's her father. Anyway, he did put me in a cage. Oh, and they're not pegasi.”

“Then what are they?”

“Afraid I can't say,” he added sheepishly.

“Why not?” she asked as she raised an eyebrow.

“Because I'd betray my friend if I did,” he added, giving Luna an apologetic look.

“Your friend? Did...” she started as she gave him an expectant look.

“Oh! Her name's Chrysalis.”

“Did this Chrysalis free you?”

“She did!” he added as he approached Luna, “She was caged too, but she's free now. I think she wants to talk to you,” he said excitedly, getting an appraising look from Luna.

“Where is she?”

“Um, like a few paces away from me,” he replied, before his eyes widened in alarm as he stopped moving. “Unless, she ditched me. Did she? She might have! She did not want to sleep in that cave, after all. Then again, maybe not,” he added, before looking straight to Luna. “So, what took you so long?”

“Huh?” she asked, before adopting a frown, “And just what is that supposed to mean?”

“Well, you haven't been in my dreams before now. I've been in The Badlands for a while...”

“You have?” she asked, before adopting a troubled look, “You're the first pony I've sensed inside those lands. Some sort of magic must have been hiding you.”

“Well, that’s interesting,” he replied, more to himself, thinking about how the hive's remained hidden despite having several towns of sleeping ponies in it.

“What’s that?”

“I can't tell you. Not right now anyway.”

Why?” she asked, looking none too pleased.

“Because, it's important to my friend. If anyone's gonna tell you, it'll be her.”


“Call her Chrys. That's what she wants her friends to call her. She's a princess, just so you know.”

“A princess?” she said in surprise, before shaking her head, “Mr. Gust, I'm gonna need more than that. Equestria is at war with some faction that we know almost nothing about!”

“Umm,” he said as he brought a hoof to his chin in thought, “This faction is desperate. Their very survival is at stake. They're scared of Equestria, and haven't even considered seeking alternatives to survive. Chrysalis' father has set her people on the edge. I can see her being the one that determines what side of the edge they'll fall over. I want to help her, and when you talk to her, I think you'll do the same.”

“What makes you so certain?” she asked as her eyes narrowed, making him give her a smile as he sat down, raising both hooves, their flats pointing up as if he was carrying something in both.

“Because, Princess Luna is a wise and loving pony who will open her heart to compromise,” he said as he raised one hoof up and down, “Chrys has a good heart, and her world is growing bigger with each step she takes,” he added as he shook the other, before gently bringing them together. “And when you two meet, something is bound to change for the better. It'll be interesting to see how it turns out,” he finished, giving a sheepish grin, making Luna think over his words for a moment, before glancing to the side.

“...These days, it's rare to converse with a pony that sees the glass as half full.”

“Having a glass in the first place is the most important part,” he said with a small smile, getting a considering look from her, before she nodded.

“Yes, I suppose so,” she replied, mirroring his smile, before adopting a more serious expression. “Mr. Gust, because of everything that has happened, I won't be able to send the Shadowbolts to help with your departure of those flooded lands. If possible, there's something I'd like you to take care of. You may trust your friend, and I'm happy that you believe in my integrity, but I have very little to trust you on.”

“You want me to prove myself?” he asked, before adopted a more guarded pose, “I'm not gonna turn on Chrys.”

“I'm not asking that,” she quickly replied, “There's a matter you'll have to deal with if you want to leave The Badlands from the north. In fact, I want you to use the north road.”

“A … matter? Can I talk to her about it?”

“You're free to tell her what you will. Now, concerning this task...”


Chrys awakened with a start. The back of her head then flared in pain, followed by Momo letting out a small cry. Chrys rubbed the back of her skull as she looked to her clutchling, who was cradling her nose, her eyes watering from the impact.

“S-Sorry Momo,” Chrys whispered.

“Why'd you do that?” she asked sleepily.

“It was an accident, go back to sleep, I'll do the same shortly,” she assured, making Momo eye her for a moment, before giving her a smile as she lay her head down. Chrys lay there, her side nestled next to Momo's, waiting as she looked over the others.

Lin and Ren were still sleeping in their beds. Dud was in the corner, dreaming the night away with that strange sounding snore of his. Ssarah wasn't to be seen. When Chrys heard Momo's breathing steady out, she carefully freed herself from her clutchling. She wasn't in the mood to go back to sleep, for it had been a bad dream that woke her.

A dream of being chased by monsters. Of the Moon Princess finding her hive, her magic being used to shake the earth, causing the tunnels to collapse.

She wanted to get that haunting experience out of her head, so she left her sleeping companions to reach the nectar she left near the cave's door. She was going to have a small snack to ease her nerves, a fact she didn't want the others to know.

When she reached the chamber to the cave's exit, she was a little surprised to see Ssarah. The snake's body was coiled into a circle, the center of it opened up like a ring. She had a small flaremander, half the size of Chrys, resting on her lower body, which she occasionally pet as she eyed the center of the ring. She seemed to be interested with whatever lay in that center, fiddling with the point of her tail in it, failing to notice Chrys' presence.

She eyed the snake warily, wondering if getting the snack was worth getting her attention. She then glanced to the side as she realized something. All three of them had been asleep. If Ssarah wanted them harm, she would have done so by now. She let out a small sigh, before continuing to the barrel.

Ssarah flinched when she finally noticed Chrys, earning an annoyed look from the snake.

“What? Can't ssleep in a 'monsster'ss' cave?”

“No, I can't,” Chrys snidely replied, trying to get a glance at what she was working on as she walked past. Since Ssarah's body was as thick as Chrys was tall, she had little luck with that endeavor.

Reaching the barrel, she popped the lid, taking a gander inside. Before she could help herself, she hesitated, recalling that this was supposed to last them till Equestria. Half a barrel of nectar, for two adults and a growing queen, to last them for another six days at best. After thinking about that a few times, she lightly thunked her head against the barrel, before plugging the top.

“Thought better of it?” Ssarah asked curiously, getting another look from Chrys.

Dud said she wasn't the same snake from before, and he was right. Ssarah didn't deserve the animosity she was showing her, a realization that made Chrys frown at nothing in particular. Lin and Ren were cute, and they were Ssarah's children. Could a mother be a monster? Her dream was still fresh in her mind, so she was still wary, but, after what's happened, Ssarah deserved some trust, or at least, consideration.

“Yes, we need it to last,” Chrys admitted as she eyed the barrel, before looking to Ssarah, “Why are you still up?” she asked, not quite sure what time it was.

“Not your bussinesss,” Ssarah replied with a frown, patting the flaremander resting on her side as she did. Chrys gave her an indifferent look, before turning back to where Momo slept. “But, if you want to know, then take a sseat,” she added as she looked to the side, making Chrys pause, eyeing her for a moment. She then turned to her, ready to say something disbarring. Instead, she simply walked over, a curious look on her face.

As she approached, Ssarah's body began to shift, her snake portion breaking the ring as she opened it up for Chrys to see what lay inside. The flaremander rested lazily as she moved, and when she was finished coiling her body around her like a bundle of rope, she pointed to the ground with her tail. There, Chrys saw several rough drawings made in a pile of sand.

One of Dud, his eyes being swirly lines, as if he wasn't right in the head. Another of Momo, a smile on her face. And the last looked very similar to Momo, albeit smaller, and wearing a terribly nasty frown. Chrys happened to be wearing a matching look as she saw it.

“Why are you drawing us?” she asked, her horn briefly glowing as she blew the look off of her 'portrait's' face.

“Getting a firsst passs down for later,” she said as she began to redraw Chrys' face. She did it with dexterity and practice that impressed the princess, her new version complete in mere seconds. “My children were ssaved by a changeling princesss, her clutchling, and a pony. That'ss ssomething worth adding to the wall,” she explained, before motioning to the drawings surrounding them. “That, and it'ss been...” she said as she looked between them all, before her eyes fell to one not too far from the door. A drawing of a snake wearing a crown, with another bowing to her in respect. “A little over ssix hundred yearss ssince my family'ss lasst converssed with royalty,” she added, making Chrys' eyes widen slightly as she saw the cavern in a new light.

“How old is this home?” she asked curiously, wondering if it was older than the hive.

“Three hundred and sseventy sseven yearss. My great-great-grandfather found it, and recorded our family hisstory in it,” she said, pride evident in her voice as she pointed to a drawing further along the wall that resembled the cave's entrance. She then let out a sigh, “Gonna have to replace thosse lower teeth in the morning,” she said, getting a confused look from Chrys. “Thosse teeth keep antlionss from wandering down the tunnel. That'ss why I'm sstill up, to keep an eye out. The door helpss, but having an antlion waiting at it iss nerve-wracking. Once there'ss light again, I can replace them,” she explained in an annoyed tone as she looked back to her rough sketch.

“Great-great-grandfather?” Chrys asked as she raised an eyebrow, “Shouldn't there be more 'greats'?”

“Heh. My grandpa wass quite the lamia, lived for over three hundred yearss. Rocksslide did him in,” she said with a bittersweet smile, making Chrys' eyes widen further.

“How old can you snakes get?”

“Keep calling uss ssnakess and I'm gonna sstart calling your kind bugss.”

“F-Fine,” Chrys replied, biting her tongue before she added something antagonizing.

“Now, for how old? Dunno. I heard there'ss an old mysstic out wesst that'ss been around ssince the lasst time we had a queen. Going off that, at leasst ssix hundred yearss.”

“There's a snake- a lamia, that's older than my mother?” Chrys inquired, trying to wrap her mind around the notion. “Is that common?”

“No, not really. It'ss rare,” she then adopted a far off smile, “Personally, I'd love to break one hundred.”

“Why's it rare?”

“Longer you live, the more likely ssomething bad will happen,” she stated matter-of- factly. “Though, it workss both wayss. There are good thingss too, and we lamia like to record both.”

“Working both ways?” she repeated, giving Ssarah a skeptical look, “It took far too long for something good to happen to our hive,” she added bitterly, before kicking the ground, “And that 'something good' wants me dead.”

“Ah yess, this Mantiss,” she said, getting a curious look from Chrys, “I guesss it'ss not eassy, being a princesss.”

“You called me princess earlier,” Chrys pointed out as she indicated the sand drawing, “So, what did Dud tell you?”

“Jusst about everything,” she replied, making Chrys let out an annoyed sigh. “Sso, it wass bad, before it wass good?”

“Yes. There was never enough food... I've never asked much about it, because no one wants to talk about it,” she explained as she looked off, as if trying to see what it must have been like.

“Sso then, it'ss not eassy being a changeling.”

“No, but it used to be.”


“The queen before my mother, Violet Widow, her hive had food. Supposedly, it was plentiful, and didn't involve ponies.”

“No poniess? What happened?”

“Violet, she left the hive. Went out to fight some sort of ghost. She left before mother's egg hatched. And she never came back. Months afterwards, there was an earthquake. A terrible earthquake.”

“My family knowss of a terrible earthquake,” Ssarah added, her eyes on the wall near the door, on a drawing of rocks falling over many lamia. “That wass right before Equesstria was founded. Ssound right?” she asked, getting a nod from Chrys, “Musst be the ssame calamity.”

“Anyway, the hive was practically destroyed. From what I've been told, only a few eggs, my mother, the royal guard left to protect her, and a small number of drones survived. Grandma's hive was the first, she was the first queen, and now, it's all gone.”

“But, now good thingss are finally here,” Ssarah said in an attempt to comfort Chrys.

“Assuming we win,” she replied, before adopting a determined look, “We will win. We need to.”

“Dud seemss to be of the mind that ssomething elsse will come from all thiss.”


“He sseemss to think that you'll find ssomething better.”

“He should mind his own business,” Chrys replied a she glared down the tunnel said pegasus was sleeping.

“Well, to each their own,” Ssarah replied with an amused chuckle. “Go back to bed, princesss, you're disstracting me from drawing your sstory,” she stated, making Chrys frown. She opened her mouth to object, and let out a yawn instead, making her blush slightly. Making to leave, when she was about to exit the room, she paused, looking over her shoulder. Her nightmare came to mind, and she didn't like the idea of going back to sleep with it waiting for her. So she turned to Ssarah, hoping to dispel this lingering fear that plagued her.

“Ssarah, what … do you think a monster is?” she asked, getting a surprised look from her, before she smiled.

“Hah! Up until a few hourss ago, I thought they were love ssucking sshapesshifterss,” she said with a beaming grin, getting a lovely frown from Chrys. “Now, not sso much.”


“Musst have ssomething to do with ssaving my children,” she replied sarcastically. “Assking me, I'd ssay a monsster is ssomething we're sscared of, ssomething we don't undersstand. Well, now I undersstand a little more of changelingss. And, it lookss like you undersstand a little about lamia,” she finished with a small smile, making Chrys reflect on her words, adopting a small smile of her own. Ssarah's tail then reached out, grabbing something hanging from the ceiling.

Chrys watched as she unhooked one of the string decorations, before it was presented to the princess. It was a thin ring wrapped in dried grass, with an interlacing spiral of string connected to a smaller ring in the center. From the outer ring's bottom hung several strands with beads and feathers attached to it. Chrys grabbed it in her magic as she gave Ssarah a curious look.

“Hang it over you before going to ssleep. It'll help you resst eassy.”

“What is it?” Chrys asked as she eyed the mundane trinket skeptically.

“A dream catcher.”

“...Why's it in here?” she asked a she indicated the lobby.

“To help me ssleep. But, I won't be needing it tonight,” Ssarah said as she adopted a distant look, before making a shooing motion towards Chrys. She looked from Ssarah to the trinket for a moment, before giving a small shrug as she continued down the hall.

Returning to the others, she glanced at Dud as she walked past him, hearing him mumble something as he adopted a smile. He was still asleep. Shaking her head in wonder, she returned to Momo's side, hanging the dream catcher on the ceiling before curling up next to her. As she closed her eyes, the last things she wondered as she faded into sleep, was a question. Just what was Dud dreaming about?


The slight giggles coming from Lin made Chrys stir from her dreamless rest. Opening one of her eyes, she saw Momo standing before the children, as some hot pink earth pony mare. Lin was trying to mimic the color, while Ren was looking away.

“That color hurts,” he said in annoyance, getting a small laugh from Momo as Lin let out a triumphant cry. She was now the same shade of pink, and Chrys had to admit, they were painful to look at. “Where'd your wings go?” he asked as he dared a glance.

“You know, I'm not really sure,” Momo admitted as she glanced at her back, “Never liked being an earth pony, I like flying,” she stated, before being wreathed in amber flame, returning to her very light purple coated pegasus form. “This one's my favorite, since the mane is pretty close to my natural one,” she said with a smile, getting an envious look from Ren, which was mirrored by his sister.

“Wish I could fly,” he said.

“Me too!” Lin added, before letting out a small gasp as she noticed Chrys was awake, watching them with a small smile on her face. When Chrys realized she was smiling, she quickly switched it out for a frown. “Can Chrysie fly too?” she asked wide eyed, making Chrys look a little taken aback.

“I-I see no reason to answer that,” she quickly replied.

“She can fly,” Momo quickly added, getting a disarmed look from Chrys. Momo then came to her side, nodding to her back as she gave Chrys a wink. She hesitated for a moment, catching the excited look in the lamias' eyes, as she hopped on Momo's back. With a few flaps, Momo stated hovering in the low room, making Lin clap her hooves together. Ren however, wasn't impressed.

“You're not flyin', she is,” he said as he pointed to Momo, who adopted a sagely look.

“And I can't use magic, but she can,” Momo pointed out, “We help each other, working together to do things we couldn't do alone. I'm helping Chrys fly, and her magic helps us in all sorts of ways. Understand?” she asked, getting confused looks from the lamias.

“Work together?” Ren asked, right before they heard a particular snake clearing her throat at the door. They all looked to Ssarah, who had a small smile on her face.

“That'ss ssomething poniess and changelingss do to be ssafe and happy,” she said as she looked to said outsiders. “Sso, how long you three gonna sstay? Ssun's been up for an hour.”

“Let's wake up Dud, we gotta get-” Chrys began, pausing when she noticed that Dud was in fact awake. With that grin on his face, she was left with the impression that he had awakened first.

“Before we leave, I need to tell you two something,” Dud began as he approached Momo and Chrys, “I just talked to Princess Luna,” he admitted unabashedly, making Chrys and Momo give him an odd look. When they realized he was being serious, their expressions shifted to surprised confusion.

“Wait wait wait, what? When? What did you tell her!?” Chrys asked, making Dud put his hooves up defensively as Ssarah and her children looked on curiously.

“I talked to her while I was asleep. She came to me in a dream,” he said matter-of-factly, as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

“In your dream?” she asked.

“Yes. I did say she looked after our dreams when I told you she rose the sun.”

“You … did?” Chrys asked, looking to the side for a moment before looking back to him. “So, not only can she supposedly raise the sun and moon, but she can also go into ponies' dreams?” she asked skeptically, getting a nod from Dud. “You're serious?” she pressed, truly hoping that this was indeed a joke. A shake of his head dashed said hope. “But, if she can actually do all that...” Chrys began, her dream of Luna crushing the hive with her magic coming to mind. “A- And you're sure it wasn't just a dream? You're not spouting some nonsense to throw me off, right?”

“Pretty sure it was her,” he said, doubt now showing on his face before his eyes widened, “I mean, I did feel awake in my dream when she appeared, so it must have been real. Oh! About your questions, I didn't tell her about changelings, or the missing ponies. At least, I'm pretty sure I didn't,” he added with a hesitant smile.

She stood there for a moment, letting his words sink in as she took in the new notion. Princess Luna could see the dreams of ponies? And Dud talked to her, and didn't give anything away. She looked to him, a confused look on her face.

“Why didn't you say anything?”

“Because that'd be bad for you,” he said as he nodded sagely. He then raised a hoof, “But, because I didn't talk, the princess doesn't trust me. So, when we're about to leave The Badlands,” he then hesitated for a moment, a bothered expression flashing across his face as he continued, “When we're about to leave, we need to make a stop at Thundercloud.”

“The pegasi city Mantis crushed?” Momo asked curiously, getting a small nod from him.

“The weather factory's been tampered with. It's gonna make getting into Equestria very hard if we don't fix it.”

“And you can fix it?” Momo asked, making him shake his head.

“Do I look like a weather expert?” he asked with a raised eyebrow, “Well, won't know till I try. If I can't fix it, then we'll just have to break it till it stops working. That, and there may be food there that'll help us get the rest of the way,” he pointed out, all the while Chrys looked on, her mind racing.

Thundercloud. Weather factory. Resupplying. It all went over her head as she looked between the pony and her clutchling. Was it all a lie, or was Dud being genuine? She couldn't tell. Some small voice in her head doubted him, his words, his affirmations. Momo didn't seem bothered by his words. Neither was Ssarah. So, why was she finding it hard to believe him?

He helped her realize her feelings for the old stallion. He helped her get away from Mantis. He even helped Ssarah, an act that earned them shelter through the storm. So, why wasn't she able to trust him? Hadn't he earned it by now?

Was it because he's a pony?

As she thought this, she realized the others were looking at her curiously, making her blush as she quickly glanced to the side.

“Er, you mentioned food in Thundercloud. I guess you mean pony food?” she quickly asked, trying to drive away her confusion as Dud nodded.

“Yep, and it's better than nothing,” he replied with a smile. “I told her your name, and that you wanted to meet her, but very little else.”

“I see...” she replied, before her eyes widened, “Wait, she decided to talk to you now? Why not earlier?”

“I'm guessing those cocoons in the hive do something that blinds whatever magic Princess Luna uses to sense dreams,” he replied, though he didn't sound all that convinced about it. “So, Chrys, are you okay with this?” he asked, his tone and the way he glanced to the side making her appraise him for a moment.

If she had to guess, she'd say that for whatever reason, Dud didn't want to actually go to Thundercloud. But, he still pitched the idea. Once again her suspicion was flaring up, casting doubt over his intentions again. She frowned at her own thoughts, making her take a step back as she closed her eyes. She then took a deep breath, pushing aside the unneeded noise in her head, before looking over the situation his information presented in a more composed manner.

Even if only for supplies, they'd need to go through that abandoned city anyway, before reaching Equestria. Coming to this conclusion, she opened her eyes, before looking to Dud.

“Where is it?” she asked, ignoring the concerned looks Momo and the others were giving her.

“Well, Princess Luna said that it wasn't too far from the northern mountains,” he then stood tall, his voice sounding more feminine as he tried to radiate a regal aura. “'You should be able to spot it, when you see it,'” he said, his act putting even more distance between her troubled thoughts as she gave him an unamused look.

“Don't ever do that again,” she said, getting a small chuckle from Momo as Dud gave a sheepish grin.

“Heh,” Ssarah let out, getting a 'what now?' look from Chrys. “Oh, I jusst pictured you being a pegassuss like the other two. You three flying like a little flock of birdss traveling through the sstorm. Ssoundss like a sstory worth writing,” she said with a small smile, “It would be a little better if that flock were a family though,” she added, a grin growing on her face as she watched their reactions.

“This joker would make a terrible clutchling!” Chrys pointed out as she indicated Dud, getting a small laugh from Momo as Dud nodded in agreement.

“I don't want to be a changeling,” he admitted, “If I was, then changelings would be less rare.”

“How's that?” Momo asked curiously.

“Well, being a rare thing isn't as rare as not being one. If I were a princess, I wouldn't consider myself being very rare, since I'd wake up everyday being one.” He then pointed to Chrys, “Do you wake up everyday thinking 'I am the princess!'?”

“W-Who would think something like that!?” Chrys said in exasperation as she blushed slightly. They must never know.

“That's what I mean.” He then indicated himself, “I don't feel all that rare, I kinda am, since I'm the only free pony in The Badlands right now,” he pointed out, making Ssarah shake her head.

“When I ssaid family, I wass more referring to the princesss being your daughter,” she said, her grin growing as she pointed between Dud and Momo.

“That's even less funny,” Chrys replied flatly, getting an agreeing nod from Dud, a frown on his face.

“I completely agree, me being a father?” he scoffed, “There are some things that you shouldn't joke about,” he added, before he blinked, his frown vanishing as quickly as it appeared, “After all, she's a princess,” he finished in a cheery tone, making Chrys and Momo exchange a curious look. He coughed into a hoof before starting to head out of the room, giving Ssarah a smile as he passed her. “So, shall we get going?”

“You're leavin'?” Ren asked in a disappointed tone.

“That's right,” Momo said as she turned towards the children, “But, sometime soon, we'll be back to visit, okay?” she asked, her eyes glancing to Ssarah, who gave a small shrug that got a smile from Momo and her children.

“Okay!” Lin and Ren said in unison, making Momo smile, as well as Chrys, before they followed after Dud.

In short order, the six of them were standing at the mouth of the cave, its teeth replaced. It was raining, but it wasn't as hard as yesterday's storm, and the lightning was less frequent. Feeling the cool air outside the cave, Chrys recast her enchantment, before picking up their barrel and hopping on Momo's back.

“I'm curiouss to hear the resst of your sstory. Don't be afraid to come back and fill uss in,” Ssarah said with a smile as she leaned on the cave's wall.

“We'll tell you, if I'm in the mood for it anyway,” Chrys said, not even looking at her as she tapped Momo's back. “Let's go,” she added, getting a nod from her clutchling as she took to the air, pausing and turning around to wave at the lamias, an act mirrored by Dud, which was returned by the three of them.

And without further delay, they ascended to the clouds, returning to the world of white as they made their way north.


Three days had come and gone since the princess left, and the hive had grown quiet. Hibernation was in full swing. But not all were asleep. The very drone that helped her escape let out a troubling yawn, one born of boredom. Lores glanced at the books on her shelf, considering taking another round at them, when the sounds of someone approaching caught her ear. She blinked as she took in Darrin, standing at the entrance to her home, a troubled look on his face.

“You and Mantis are clutchlings,” he said matter-of-factly, his tone making her ears fall.

“That we are,” she replied as stood up, “Does that bother you?”

“Yes. I wanted answers, so I went to the Silent Halls to learn of those he’d hold close to his heart,” he said as she started to approach her, “Consider my surprise when I found your name sitting next to his. Just what is your relationship?” he pressed, getting a sigh from Lores.

“The same as what’s between you and Momo. Clutchlings that respect each other, and care, in our own ways.” Darrin’s eyes narrowed at that, before he glanced to the side.

“If that’s true, then why did you help Chrysalis escape?”

“Heh,” she let out, her talk with Mantis coming to mind, “Just because we’re clutchlings, doesn’t mean we always see eye-to-eye,” she replied, letting out an amused chuckle at the small nod he gave. “I helped Her Highness because I like her. I see in her the potential of a bright future. And unlike my clutchling, her color doesn’t bother me in the least.” He considered her words for several moments, before taking a more casual posture.

“You’re an odd changeling, considering who your clutchling is,” he pointed out, making her tilt her head. “You kept a pony as a pet,” he then motioned towards her books, “You indulge in their knowledge, and you’re not afraid to stand up against Mantis.”

“We both know what we’ve been through,” she replied dismissively, before raising an eyebrow, “You saw the others, in the Silent Halls.” Darrin glanced to the side at that, before his brow furrowed.

“Lores, what do you believe Mantis wishes?”


“With the hive. With Amber, and Chrysalis.” Lores hesitated at his question, giving him a considering look.

“Where’s that coming from?”

“Curiosity. I want to know if I have the old drone pegged right. Who better to ask than his clutchling?” Lores frowned at that, before tilting her head.

“Mantis… He wants to secure the future for our race. He doesn’t trust Amber with the task, so he’s trying to do all he can while he’s calling the shots.” She then nodded to herself, “He wants to shape the hive into one that uses ponies as food. To be unafraid of Equestria. To be unafraid of the races of the world that frolic in the sunlight, and little else.”

“And Chrys?” Lores frowned, before glancing to the side.

“I don’t think he truly knows what to do about her,” she admitted, making Darrin raise an eyebrow at that. “He hates her, but he also respects her on some level. He doesn’t like that, which only makes him more irritated by her.”

“He respects her?” Darrin asked skeptically.

“She stood up to him. She beat him at his own game and got away. Say what he will, but he’s well aware that his blood runs through her veins. If she weren’t born teal, he’d probably have taken her under his tutelage.”

“And Amber would let that happen?”

“She let him have a Royal Guard. That’s never happened before.” Lores then frowned. “Mantis is smart, clever, and thorough, but when it comes to Chrys, he trips. His anger for her makes him act rashly, and no one is more aware of this than he.” Darrin gave her a small glare.

“If you’re looking to garner sympathy, you’re talking to the wrong drone,” he said coldly. “Hatred or not, he’s putting our hive at risk by attacking Chrysalis.”

“She’s expendable to him,” Lores said flatly, feeling a chill run down her spine as Darrin took a heavy step towards her. “It’s true. He doesn’t fear the Moon Princess. He’s confident in his schemes. Amber will be fine, and if Chrys falls in Equestria, he’ll be able to convince the queen that he is far from fault.” Lores then shook her head. “No, I don’t think Mantis even needs that. He’s a hero to our hive. Amber can’t just get rid of him. Not now. Not without causing an incident.” Darrin frowned at that, “...However, if something did happen to Chrys, I suspect it wouldn’t be long before Amber birthed another queen. Should that happen, Mantis will make sure she’s raised to be what Amber wasn’t.”



“...Why does he hate her color?”

“Mantis has his reasons for hating teal. In those regards, she is beyond blame.” She then frowned towards Darrin, “And his hatred is foolish, but I think I understand where he’s coming from.”

“And what reason is that?” he pressed, making Lores shake her head.

“That’s for the princess’s ears, not yours. Suffice to say, it involves a pony, and Mantis’ pride.” Darrin frowned at that, considering what she said, having confirmed a number of his suspicions. He turned to leave, but paused before exiting.

“Lores, when Chrys becomes queen, will you join her hive?” he asked, glancing over his shoulder. Lores was caught off guard by the question. Growing up with a clutchling that likes asking odd questions like that made her practiced in quickly replying.

“I shall, once what’s between her and Mantis has been put to rest.”

“I see. Then I guess she’ll be counting on you a great deal more, come spring,” he said ominously, a smile on his face as he left. Lores’ ears fell at his words.

“There is a great deal she’ll be inheriting when that happens,” she replied offhoovedly, getting a confused look from the soldier. “Let’s just say there are some things Amber and I prefer to keep to ourselves,” she assured, getting a considering look from the drone, before he left. She stared at the entrance for several minutes after he left, his ominous words floating in her head. Despite Mantis’ hatred for the princess, he was still her clutchling. She truly hoped it wouldn’t end in the way Darrin just envisioned...

13. Scent of Hope

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Hunger is a terrible thing. At least, that's what Chrys has been told. Over their travels to The Badlands' northern mountains, she never had the chance to experience it. A fact that meant someone else was abstaining their share of the nectar. Dud and Momo refused to come forward, both backing the other when she tried to corner them on it, making it difficult for her to pick out the 'culprit'.

Their food concerns at this point seemed to be their only concern. After all the trouble her first day in The Badlands presented, Chrys was a little disappointed, and relieved, that nothing noteworthy happened in the subsequent days. No lamia or antlion encounters worth mentioning. No run-in with pursuers. Just rain, and white skies.

Besides their food, there was another thing eating at her. Their journey north was becoming colder with each passing day, making her exert more effort with her heat enchantment than she liked. Dud seemed fine with the cold, while Momo complained every once in a while, before she stopped doing so entirely, never once hearing Dud do the same. It also helped that she dubbed herself the 'Official Princess Carrier', meaning she got to enjoy the warmth radiating from her clutchling's magic.

While feeling a little drained of magic at the end of the passing days, since the nectar was now almost gone, carrying the barrel had become almost effortless. A fact that worried Chrys, a worry that was shared between the three of them, but never mentioned out loud. That concern would only hold until they reached Thundercloud, where they'd get more food. Pony food; a fact Chrys was more than ready to settle with, considering their 'supplies'.

Knowing they were getting close, Chrys had her eyes on the horizon. The sun was getting close to setting, its low height starting to turn the white sea a lite shade of orange as their eighth day in The Badlands was drawing to a close.

The northern mountains were in sight, piercing through the cloud cover like islands of stone, their peaks topped with caps of white. The mountain range was thick enough to dominate the horizon, besides an obvious break in the stony wall. That break being the valley leading out of The Badlands, into Equestria.

With daylight starting to fade, they became more aware of what lay beyond the mountain range. Still a great distance away, they could make out a line of tall clouds, higher than any of them have ever seen before, being illuminated by flickers of lightning.

“Is that Thundercloud?” Chrys asked, eyeing the wall of white and orange with a raised eyebrow.

“Can't tell from here,” Dud replied with a frown, “But it's definitely not a good thing.”

“Why?” Momo asked.

“The clouds are too tall, even for me. Flying over them would be bad, if not impossible. If Thundercloud is stuck somewhere in the middle of all that, we'll have a really un-fun time trying to find it.”

“And here I thought all the hard stuff was behind us,” Chrys replied sarcastically, getting a small smile from Dud. “If it's gonna be like that, then we should worry about it tomorrow and look for a place to sleep.”

“I vote the mountains,” Momo offered, indicating the range that they were quickly approaching. “We won't have to worry about being rained on.”

“Yes, but it'll be cold,” Chrys mumbled, before looking to Dud, “So, you gonna tell us about Thundercloud now?” she asked, getting a sheepish look from him. “You've told a lot of stories in the last few days, but you've never mentioned Thundercloud, and I get the feeling you've been there before.”

“You could say that,” Dud replied. “Let's find a place to sleep first,” he requested, “I don't like talking about home,” he quickly added, making Momo and Chrys share curious looks.

Flying on, they continued north, reaching the mountain range as the sun started to touch the horizon. Before reaching the valley, Chrys caught something in the air. A sweet scent. It was faint, coming from the west, and for some reason, it made her feel nostalgic. She didn't understand why it made her feel like that. She was certain she'd never smelled this aroma before.

Though she didn't quite understand what she was smelling, any pony could quickly pick it out. It was the sweet smell of crisp apples.

“What's that smell?” she asked, getting a confused look from Momo.

“Smell? You mean the earthy mountainy smell?” Dud asked, making Chrys shake her head.

“No, it smells sweet, it's coming from the west.”

“I don't smell anything sweet,” Momo pointed out, getting an agreeing nod from Dud.

“How can you not smell that?” Chrys asked, taking in a deep breath before looking to the mountains on the left.

“Good question,” Dud said as he adopted a considering look, “Maybe only a changeling queen can smell it?” he asked, sound a little excited by the notion, “Wanna check it out?”

“Yes,” she quickly replied, making him bow towards her, while flying.

“Lead on, Your Highness.”

“Right. Momo, that way,” Chrys said, feeling a little energized as Momo shifted course. Was it the smell's doing?

As they shifted west, unbeknownst to them, several sets of eyes followed. Seeing them change direction, they left their hiding place in pursuit...


Chrys guided them for almost half an hour, following the scent where it was stronger, diving them into the mountain range in the process. Their path led them below the clouds, almost to the bottom of a small valley nestled between two large peaks.

The twin peaks had an odd shape about them, almost as if they had once been a single peak that had cracked and broken down the center, leaving a thin valley in the process. As if guided by an unseen hoof, Chrys' eyes spotted a cave's entrance, which they quickly reached under her guidance.

They paused when they reached the opening. It was an old, broken cavern nestled on an outcropping of stone. It was placed in such a manner that reaching it on hoof would prove quite difficult, if not impossible. Not that it mattered to the fliers. The cave was spacious, the opening easily thrice as tall as Momo or Dud. Having found the apparent source of Chrys' curiosity, they landed at the cavern's opening, prompting Chrys to hop off Momo's back.

“So the smell is coming from here?” Momo asked as she eyed the broken cave, getting a nod from Chrys.

“This is convenient, we can use the cave to sleep in!” Dud pointed out, before blinking, “Hey, feel that?” he asked, his mane blowing back from a breeze exiting the cavern. “There's an air current! This cave must have an exit somewhere further in.”

“You think it's safe?” Chrys asked them both, eyeing the broken rocks and cracked walls.

“Don't know. I'm not a cave expert,” Dud pointed out, making Momo take a step forward as she eyed the walls.

“These cracks look old. It should be safe as long as we don't go around breaking things,” she said confidently, looking to the others. “If there's a breeze, then it's probably not flooded. Though, we won't really know till we go inside.”

“Alright. Let's check it out,” Chrys said, the smell stronger than ever as she started in, being followed by the others.

“Since it's getting dark,” Momo pointed out, “how about sleeping here, then check it out in the morning?” she suggested as they took in the interior, finding little evidence of anything wild having decided to make this place their home.

“Let's go a little further,” Chrys said as she placed the barrel to the side, “if it goes pretty far then we can wait till tomorrow,” she said, her horn giving off a little glow to light the cave for Dud as Momo came to her side.

“We don't want to spend too much time on this,” Dud added, getting an odd look from the others as he joined them, eyeing the barrel, “We're almost out of nectar.”

“Right,” Momo and Chrys replied in unison.

The light leaking into the cave suddenly darkened, make them pause. Chrys look behind her, a little confused. Momo and Dud however, quickly turned around, eyeing the two figures that were entering the cave. There was no mistaking the fact that one was a royal guard, the other being a manticore. Dud started to crouch low as Momo took a step closer to her clutchling.

“Momo. Take Chrys and run,” Dud said, placing himself between them.

“W- Wait-” Chrys began, being interrupted when Momo tossed her onto her back.

“Be careful,” Momo said, getting a small smile from him, before she flew further into the cavern, leaving him alone with Sledge and Aegis.

Aegis charged after the princess, his tail swiping at Dud as he did. The pegasus rolled to the side, making no effort to keep Aegis trapped near the door. Aegis passed, and didn't stop. Sledge however, was eyeing Dud with a happy grin.

“Oh, I've been looking forward to this,” he said as he took a casual step towards the pegasus, getting a disappointed sigh from Dud. “And what's with that?” he asked as his eyes narrowed.

“I thought you'd try and go past me. I was kind of looking forward to it actually,” Dud said, before his smile widened, “Did you know you can take down a changeling royal guard in one hit if you catch them right between the legs?” he asked, making Sledge's face turn red. The guard answered with a heavy stomp of his hoof, creating several cracks that stretched to the wall. “Oh, I guess you do.”

“I'm going to crush you. I'm gonna take my time with it.” Sledge said confidently, slowly approaching Dud, before stopping a step from the pegasus. “Then, the princess.” Dud simply tilted his head.

“I'm not so sure about that. The other one, he likes to call Chrys 'highness'. I'm sure Chrys and Momo can deal with him.” His brow furrowed. “You're the more dangerous one,” Dud assured, before rolling to the side in surprise, a hoof smashing into the ground where he just stood, sending out more cracks from the impact. “I gotta give them time, by wasting yours.”

“Hmph, nothing wasteful here. Master wants the pony that knows too much dead, and I'm more happy to carry it out,” he said, grinding his hoof into the stone, before pulling it out, sending rock and dust flying at Dud, who jumped to the air to avoid it. “And I'm not going to be caught off guard this time.”

“You mean when you completely and utterly failed to step on Chrys?” Dud asked as he smiled, flying around in attempt to get behind Sledge, who slammed his hoof into the wall, sending more cracks and stone flying, keeping Dud back. “You know, I can keep doing this all night,” he added, Sledge's glare making him smile wider.

Truthfully, he could only keep it up until it was fully dark. Sledge had the advantage of sight, which was growing with each passing moment. He then rolled to the side, in the air, dodging another crunching blow. He winced as rocks crashed into his wings, making him flutter back, deeper into the cave. “So do you just like to smash with your own hooves, or are you unable to shapeshift into something cool like the better guard-”

Sledge charged towards him, narrowly missing Dud as he crashed into the wall, sending large cracks that split up to the ceiling.

“I'm guessing not. You're just a big wrecking ball, unlike the other one,” Dud replied, giving Sledge a flat look. “I mean, this would a lot more fun if you were a dragon or something.” He then sighed, “But you’re not. How boring.”

“Shut. Up! That fool is not better than me!” Sledge shouted as he charged again, his body being wreathed in flames as Dud's ears fell. Dud jumped to the side, eyeing the forgotten barrel as Sledge missed again. Not that it mattered. He plowed right into the opposite wall, creating an explosion of rock and flame.

That was when the ceiling decided it had enough of this abuse, and came down on them both.


Aegis was hot on their tails, and Chrys wasn't open to having a heart-to-heart with him right now. Dud was dealing with Sledge, alone. She wanted Momo to go back, so they could help. Instead, she clung tight as she closed her eyes, her horn glowing to light the way, as Momo delved deeper into the caves.

Dud is going to be alright. Get away. Meet up later, and get away.

Those words raced through her heart, before opening her eyes again. He was going to be alright. He needed to be. How else was she gonna yell at him for selfishly staying put to keep Sledge off of them?

“Still with me?” Momo asked, getting a nod from Chrys as she continued through the cavern. It didn't help that the cave didn't show any signs of shrinking. It twisted and turned, all the while Momo ignored broken areas of stone and cavern, areas that seemed more natural than the wide path they were following.

When Aegis was close enough to lash out at her with his tail, she also flew closer to the ceiling, keeping to the young stalactites in an effort to slow Aegis down, which worked.

Having gained a small lead, she hesitated when the cave opened up into a wide cavern. At the opposite end of the cavern was a collapsed tunnel, the only other exit, a pile of rubble and stone too packed for anypony to get through. As she moved into the room, towards the collapsed path, Chrys found her eyes taking in the place.

Scattered around the room's edge were a number of paper thin, broken, smooth rocks that had a purple tint to them. In the room's center was a small pool of rare stones, which brought to mind Chrys' bed. Seeing those purple stones and bed together reminded Chrys of home. This room wasn't natural, and demanded attention, and thanks to Mantis' schemes and cronies, she wasn't in a position to look into it. They needed to escape.

She then cast her eyes forward as Momo flew closer to the collapsed exit. There was a small break in the rocks, big enough for a hatchling to barely squeeze through, that the scented breeze was blowing through. Chrys then glanced behind them, seeing Aegis enter the room, charging towards them.

“Momo, get down!” Chrys ordered, her clutching responding immediately as she ducked, making Aegis fly past them, almost crashing into the collapsed tunnel. As Momo started for the exit, the way they came in, Chrys came up with an idea, and let go of her magic, covering the cavern in darkness. Momo faltered for a moment, before catching on Chrys' intentions. She then quietly landed, hoping Aegis would leave the chamber in a false pursuit of them.

With the only source of light lost, all three of them were just as blind as ponies. So Momo and Chrys stood there, in complete darkness, waiting.

Thanks to the small roar of the air passing through the tunnel. They couldn't hear Aegis, or each other. If it wasn't for the fact that she had a tight grip on her clutching, Chrys would begin to feel as if she'd lost track of Momo in the darkness.

Seconds grew into minutes as they stood there, both trying to hold their breaths as well as they could, waiting for some sign, some evidence that Aegis wasn't nearby. That he wasn't a pace away. That he wasn't breathing down their necks.

There was a flash of amber as Aegis shapeshifted, illuminating the entire cavern. He held a stone in his hooves. Momo took flight, but the sudden illumination blinded her from Aegis' attack. She lurched suddenly as his stone hit her, making her roll into the ground. Chrys was separated from Momo, her heart skipping a beat at the sudden absence. She rolled on the ground. Before Chrys could get on her hooves, Aegis's fire died down, casting them back into the dark.

“Highness, we need to talk,” Aegis let out, landing near Chrys, which made her scoot back from him, towards Momo. The cavern was illuminated again as Aegis shifted back into a manticore, revealing Momo rising to her hooves, clutching her side. Before she could jump away from him, he took a step forward, his tail coming around, before everything went dark again.

“Momo!?” Chrys let out, hearing a small yelp from her clutchling.

“It's okay, he just scratched me,” she replied, making Chrys eye the darkness, before hesitating.

“You want to talk, fine, but leave Momo alone!”

“That won't be a problem, Your Highness,” he replied hesitantly, making Chrys appraise where she heard him for a second, before something alarming came to mind.

Did you know a single drop of the poison in your tail is enough to paralyze five adult ponies for days!?

Chrys' horn glowed as she turned towards Momo. Her clutchling had a scared look in her eyes, her body standing rigid and unmoving. Chrys then hopped back, fearing she'd be stung next. To her surprise, Aegis made no effort to attack her. She eyed him carefully, before moving to Momo's side. She was trying to speak, her eyes looking to Chrys, as if telling her to run.

“I've scratched her, so it should only last a few hours,” Aegis pointed out, getting a glare from Chrys.

“You wanted to talk. Well?” she said as she stomped a hoof, “Out with it!” she demanded, getting a small nod from him.

“This last week, spending time with Sledge, has given me some time to think,” he then frowned, before glancing to the side. “Time to doubt. Mantis saved Sledge from execution. He recruited him to help apprehend you, and protect you,” he added, getting a small scoff from Chrys, “Your highness, you claimed Mantis intended to get rid of you. I should have listened more, but I had no reason to doubt his integrity.” He then frowned, mostly towards himself, “Not until I saw Sledge...” He then looked Chrys in the eyes. “Please, I know I'm asking for much, but could you shed some light on why you think that way of him?”

“Why'd you sting Momo, if you wanted to talk?” Chrys asked, giving him a dangerous glare.

“After you 'escaped', Mantis told me that Momo was a traitor that filled your head with lies.” He then looked to the side, a lost expression in his eyes, “I'm not certain if that's true or not. That's why I only grazed her.”

Chrys stared at him for a moment, her mouth hanging open. She then glanced to the floor, feeling herself trembling. Mantis called Momo a traitor? She wished she could smack the drone with a rock. She then recalled doing just that a week ago, the mental image calming her down a little, before looking to Aegis.

Now you want to be filled in?” she let out, pointing at him, “Dud's stuck with Sledge, Momo can't move, and you want to be told how stupid you've been!?” she added, before shaking her head. “Mantis hates me. He wants me dead. Gone. Out of his way. He threatened to kill Momo if I didn't leave the hive. I left because he pushed me! He pushed me because he wanted to kill me where mother couldn't see! And you're helping him do it!” she let out, getting a terribly troubled look from him.

“B- But, if that's true, then Sledge would have to deal with me first.”

“You think!” Chrys replied, getting an ashamed look from the royal guard. “And it is true! Amber trusted you to protect me, and what have you done to do that!?” she asked, before shaking her head. She glowered at him for a moment longer, before glancing to the side. She then took in a deep breath, looking back to him. “If you want to do that, then we need to deal with Sledge. I'm not a hatchling, Aegis. I had a plan, and having you help me was part of it. Are you going to take me back to Mantis, or help me reach Equestria?” she asked, a fire burning in her eyes. He looked over her for a moment, before giving her a nod, kneeling before her.

“Your Highness, I have made a horrible mistake, and am not worthy of your forgiveness.”

“You're right!” she bitterly replied, looking to the side as she did.

“Please, allow me to stand by your side, and protect you.”

“Even if that means fighting Mantis?” she asked as she raised an eyebrow.

“Mantis wishes you harm. He is not my master. The Queen is, and to wish harm upon her princess is unforgivable. I will help you fight Mantis.”

“Then prove it, by helping us save-” she began, hesitating for a moment, looking to Momo, before nodding to herself. “By helping us save my friend, Dud.”

“As you wish, Your Highness,” Aegis replied, a strong sense of resolve radiating from him, making her smile.

Her eyes then widened as she noticed an orange glow coming from the way they came. Aegis saw the glow reflecting in her eyes, making him quickly turn around to see an large amber fireball flying their way.

Sledge was at the center of that ball, and his course shifted when he spotted the princess, making Aegis place himself between them.

“Princess Chrysalis. Forgive my use of force,” he stated, sweeping a hoof around, catching the princess off guard as his tail swept her and Momo up, and hurled them towards the far end of the cavern. He then braced himself for the coming attack.

Sledge crashed into Aegis, coming to a complete stop as their collision rocked the cavern. Both were obscured in amber flame, which spread out in every direction, threatening to reach Momo and Chrys as they slid into the rubble at the cavern's end.

The blast sent cracks from where it originated, through the floor and ceiling. Rocks were hurled. Stalactites fell. The rocky bed in the room's center was cleared out and destroyed. The purple rocks cracked into smaller fragments. And for a moment, the breeze leading into the room reversed directions. As the force of the blast died down, Chrys got on her hooves, looking to the room's center with a pained look.

“Aegis!!” Chrys shouted, her ears falling when she saw only one royal guard left standing at the destruction's center. The flames started to die down, the cavern growing darker with their passing. However, the ground glowed and smoldered with magic where Sledge stood, looking over Aegis's form with an indifferent look on his face, before kicking the fallen guard to the side.

Chrys's eyes followed Aegis as he slid across the ground. Another royal guard, laying on the ground, thanks to Sledge. Her eyes then focused on said guard, a hated look brimming within them.

Sledge looked battered. Like a cavern had collapsed on him. Seeing him like that made her think of Dud. She then eyed Momo, her heart racing as she recalled her last fight with Sledge.

“So, princess, you going to make this easy?” he asked, before eyeing Momo, immobile at Chrys' side, “Or really easy?” he added with a sinister grin, his intentions not lost on her. She looked between him and her clutching, her chest feeling tight, before she gave him a hard glare, and took a step forward.

“R- R- Run.”

Chrys' eyes widened, her step faltering as she glanced to Momo from the corner of her eye. There were tears running down her clutchlings eyes, her mouth moving slightly, mouthing the message Chrys barely heard.

Pieces of the day she fought Mantis flashed through her eyes. Her fear in not knowing if Momo was safe. Of seeing Bulwark injured because of her failure to keep calm. Now, she was cornered again. No less so than when she stood between Sledge and Bulwark.

She'd been lucky last time. She couldn't count on luck again. She couldn't win a fight against him. She'd have to run. But, she wasn't leaving her clutchling behind.

‘Save yourself’. Those were the words in Momo's eyes. Chrys frowned, shaking her head. She wasn't running without her. Even if that meant that Sledge would be the only one leaving the cavern.

Leaving the cavern...

Chrys gaze went from Momo, to the small gap in the collapsed tunnel behind her, and her eyes widened. Her mouth fell open for a moment, seeing their escape, just ripe for the taking. Sledge's explosion had widened the gap.

Her magic may not be at full strength, but what she had would be enough. It needed to be enough. Turning her attention back to Sledge, she gave him a fiery glare, before charging him.

He blinked in surprise, before adopting a small smile. She jumped up high, hoof raised to hit him in the face, and he smugly let her have the hit. Her horn flashed brightly, sending out a blinding pulse of light that stretched out through the cavern, causing Sledge to let out a cry of annoyance as Chrys hit him in the eye. He then let out another cry as he swung his head, hitting her, and sending her flying back.

The air was forced out of her lungs when she landed, but she kept it together, her horn still at work with another task as she ran across the room, to get behind him.

Sledge held a hoof over his injured eye, vision in the other quickly returning as he turned to the sound of Chrys' hooves. There was then a brief flash of teal light, and a small burst of heat, before the sound ended.

His eye looked to where she should have been. Now, the princess was nowhere to be seen. He blinked in surprise. He spun around the room, a heated glare on his face as he tried to spot her. Even with one eye, the amber glow from his explosion still illuminated the area, and she was nowhere to be seen.

“You think you can hide!?” he asked as he crashed his hoof through the ground, sending pebbles flying in all directions. He was certain she still couldn't fly, and that she couldn't have left the chamber so quickly. “Guess you don't care what happens to-” he began, looking to where Momo lay, only, she wasn't there.

Nothing there but a collapsed, and completely sealed tunnel. Had Momo been faking it? Did they both fly out when he was distracted? No. She'd been crying. Oh yes, he saw those tears. So how'd they both disappear? Was it the princess's magic?

“Fine. Hide if you will. There's only one way out of this cave. Don't worry, I'll make sure your pet pony screams before I end it,” he added, strolling towards the exit at a slow pace, hoping to draw the princess out. He then paused, his nostrils flaring as a familiar smell assaulted him, making him rear back.

Chrys tried to watch him as he moved back, but it wasn't easy. Her back was pressed to the wall, her coat and scales making her perfectly blend in with it. The stone was cold, sapping even, but she didn't care. What she did care about, was how genuine his words had been. If he was being honest, then that meant Dud was still okay. For now.

Her eyes shifted, trying to see Sledge, but the eyes of a lamia were less suited to darkness than a changeling's, to Chrys's surprise. She'd heard that they were good at finding things in the dark, but that was proving to not be the case. All she could make out in the chamber, was the hint of burning embers at its center, which was partially obstructed by Aegis' still form.

She wanted to know more. She needed to know more. Why did Sledge fall silent? Why was he stepping away from the cavern's entrance? Her desire to know made her mouth tingle in anticipation. Then, almost out of frustration, she stuck her tongue out, to her own surprise.

Her eyes widened as she was given answers. It was the strangest sensation she's ever felt, from a sensory standpoint. She licked the air, as if tasting it, and felt as if she understood the layout of the four figures nearby. Wait. Four?

There was Aegis, in the room's center. He tasted a little crispy, but there was also stale air leaving his lungs. He was breathing.

There was Momo, her scent carried on what breeze trickled in through the hole Chrys had plugged. She smelled scared, terrified even, making Chrys' heart ache for her as she turned her head in her direction.

There was also Sledge, near the room's center, who seemed to be on the verge of panic.

“No! Again!? Again!? Why are you hunting me!?” Sledge let out, taking several more steps away from the cavern's entrance. He had a sickly taste about him, as if he were about to gag, and her confusion to his actions cleared up when she licked the air a second time.

A sweet aroma hit her. A familiar smell, that reminded her of hiding in a gorge while the rain fell. Only, this time it didn't make her head spin, making her wonder if that was because she was shapeshifted as Lin. In fact, the scent had a strange feeling tied to it, that made Chrys think of her mother. Must be a lamia thing.

There was a small, hissing laughter coming from the entrance. She couldn't see it, but she knew it was there, and so did Sledge. The lamia from the storm.

Wait. If she could sense where it was, that meant it knew where she was.

It was waiting at the entrance, while Sledge stood put, at an impasse. Chrys took the opportunity to move, working her way back towards the rubble. She didn't want to be in this cavern anymore.

She found herself licking the air as she moved, a natural habit ingrained with her current race that she embraced, and when she started moving, so did the lamia blocking the entrance. She knew that, but Sledge didn't. It was going right for him. What Sledge did know, however, was that something was moving around the room's corner. Something that couldn't shift its scales as quickly as his hunter did.

She heard Sledge take to the air, flying directly towards her. She closed her eyes and stopped, not that closing her eyes made any difference, as Sledge's hooves crashed into the wall around her, missing her. She let out a sharp cry as she was pelted by debris.

She could feel him standing over her, readying another attack. She dived forward as best she could, going between his legs as she was pelted by another near miss. He let out a frustrated grunt, she was still hard to see, even while moving.

Slithering away from him, she paused when she realized that the lamia was now right in front of her. It had paused too, taking in the figure before it as Sledge turned around. It then whipped its tail past her, catching Sledge in the face, making him stagger to the side for a moment.

Chrys stood there, caught between two giants. Momo and Dud seemed so far away, Aegis was down for the count, and now she was beginning to doubt she'd be able to escape the wall before her. It could see her, where Sledge couldn't.

She then flinched when she felt it rub its muzzle against hers. It was a warm touch. A reassuring touch. She was confused for a moment, before she recalled that she was shapeshifted as a lamia. Did it know Lin? Or was it simply the fact that she looked like a young lamia? She couldn't see its eyes, so she couldn't confirm such a connection. What she did know, or at least hope, was that the situation had just turned in her favor.

She was then surprised when it picked her up in its hooves, cradling her as it turned towards Sledge, who was moving from side to side, eyeing the darkness fearfully.

The lamia didn't speak. Not knowing if it knew Lin, Chrys kept quiet as well, fearing to alienate her guardian by saying something Lin wouldn't.

Sledge moved to the side, taking to the air as he tried to head towards the exit. The hunter grabbed Sledge’s back hooves with his tail, pulling down and slamming Sledge into the floor. The lamia then gave Chrys a brief hug, gently putting her down, and patting her on the head, before turning to give Sledge its full attention.

Chrys sat there, almost in a daze at the turn of events. Being pat on the head felt nice. She then shook her head, snapping herself out of the daze. She needed to get Momo out of here. As the hunter approached Sledge, Chrys approached the rubble. Quickly climbing to the top, she heard stone crash and break as the others went at it. She paid them no mind, moving the rocks she placed out of the way.

She crawled through an opening big enough for her, sensing Momo laying further ahead, before she hesitated. She looked back into the room, the breeze distorting what she could make out inside. The breeze was muddling her senses? Was that why the lamia didn't find her hiding behind that rock back in the rain? She then shook her head. Questions for later.

Though she couldn't sense him know, she knew Aegis was still in there, and there was nothing she could do to help. Talk to the lamia? Convince it she was friends with a changeling? She wasn't about to press her luck, but she still felt shame well up in her, as she sealed the way behind her, leaving Aegis behind.

Looking ahead, she sensed that this portion of the cave was significantly more constricting, barely high enough for a drone to walk through, and there were plenty of spots where a drone would need to lower their head to pass. Even better, she could tell that it sloped up a short distance away. Reaching her clutchling, she grabbed her with her tail, pulling Momo over her shoulder, moving as best as she could as she went further in.

“Don't worry Momo, it's me,” Chrys said in an assuring tone, “I- I'm sorry for leaving you in the dark. I'd try to light the way, but my magic's just about spent. But, don't worry, we're getting out of here,” she added, feeling Momo's head nod slightly in response.

She then glanced over her shoulder, trying to peer into the darkness beyond, seeing in her mind's eye Aegis and Dud, fallen, waiting to be saved. She wanted to go back. To help them both. But she was scared. Scared of what she'd find if she turned around. Scared of things getting worse if she did. So, she looked ahead, her chest heavy, her face wet, as she started forward.

Dud once said that he trusted Momo would be fine, because he had faith in her. Chrys was trying to do the same for the two left behind. But it was hard. So very hard, to believe. Still, she moved forward, Momo's weight on her shoulders reminding her of what she needed to do. They needed to get away. They knew where to meet up. Where they must go, even if it was never said.


And so she moved forward, noting the apple-like smell in the air, its presence trying, and failing, to comfort her. It was nothing more than an odd curiosity that drew them there, nothing more than a distraction from her thoughts. A distraction she wouldn't indulge, as she began to climb the dark tunnel, leaving the dull echoes of the clash between the hunter and royal guard, behind her.

14. What was Left Behind

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At the cave's entrance, buried under a small layer of rubble, was a cracked barrel. One a certain yellow pegasus was currently calling home, and who was trying really hard to vacate.

So that was the good news. Dud loved good news. He was still alive. Getting into the barrel in time was a stroke of luck, sparing him from a pummeling that would surely ground him for weeks, at best. Being trapped, on the other hoof...

His face was flushed, and he had a headache; mostly because he was upside down, blood rushing to his head. His back was resting on the barrel's bottom while he kicked up, time and time again, at the lid with his hind legs. His wing feathers were glued together, thanks to what was left of the nectar. He didn't know if Chrys and Momo were safe.

Naturally, this was far removed from a good day, assuming it wasn't tomorrow. He had blacked out at some point, and now wasn't sure when it was. All these negative facts tried to weigh on him, make his kicks falter, make him pause and wallow in doubt.

He never cared for such emotions. He wanted out. He wanted to make sure the others were safe. So he ignored those feelings, as he had practiced, over years of training his temper. But there was one emotion that he couldn't push down, one that made his heart race, one that made him distant towards others.


Not fear for himself, but fear for others. If the barrel survived the cave-in, so did Sledge. And though he had faith in Momo and Chrys when dealing with the royal guard, he knew what waited for them at Thundercloud. They'd need him, and even though it was the last city in all of Equestria he'd want to visit, he'd help them through it all the same.

So he continued to kick against the lid, his legs long numb from the ache, his efforts grown weak from exhaustion. And still, he kicked. Time was easily lost on him, and at some point his efforts ceased, his legs refusing to even try.

He didn't like being afraid, or angry. He tried his hardest to avoid indulging those emotions. He avoided the city he grew in. He maintained minimum contact between collectors, while trying to free rare creatures. And, he tried not to get too close to anypony that'd be put in danger's way.

Maybe it was because of that, as he felt his consciousness slip away, that an odd realization crossed his mind. He didn't want out simply to help a creature as rare as Chrys or Momo. He wanted out, to help his friends.


Chrys awoke to the sound of humming, and warmth. She blinked, her eyes taking in only darkness, as she slowly tried to put together what was going on.

She was in a tight embrace, nestled in Momo's hooves, and wrapped by her feathery wings, making Chrys feel safe and content as her clutchling's warmth slowly invigorated her. Momo was humming an old lullaby, one Amber once sang to them when they were still hatchlings. Chrys shifted slightly, her tail coiling around Momo as she sought more warmth, making the humming pause.

“...Did I wake you?” Momo asked, getting a tired nod from Chrys as everything started to come back to her.

She had dragged her clutchling away from danger, leaving two others behind in the process. She must have fallen asleep at some point, succumbing to the same weakness to cold most lamia shared with changelings.

“Wait, you can talk?” Chrys asked as she put a hoof to Momo's chest, gently pushing her away.

“Yeah, I can move again. It's been a while, though I'm not sure how long,” she explained, letting Chrys slither from her grasp.

She then shifted back to her original form, briefly illuminating the hall in the process. She had climbed some distance before succumbing to the cold, as the ceiling was now back to its original spacious height, the low point behind them out of sight. Her horn then glowed, feeling enough of her magic replenished to cast her heat enchantment, and let out a weak glow to light the cave.

Looking to Momo, she saw an unharmed, light colored pegasus, who was mostly just dirty from being dragged over stone. Momo squinted at the weak light, looking to Chrys, before approaching her, rubbing her face, to the princess' surprise.

“You were crying,” Momo pointed out, making Chrys glance to the side, before turning towards the direction they came from.

“I ... I left them behind,” she said, her ears fallen as she eyed the ground.

“Chrys, what were you supposed to do? Stay and fight?” Momo ask softly as she pulled Chrys close, making the princess eye her.

“I don't know. I was scared to even try anything else,” she admitted, to one of the few she'd say such a thing to. “...Momo, what should I have done?”

“What you did,” Momo quickly replied, making Chrys blink in confusion. She didn't know what answer to expect from her, but it certainly wasn't that.

“But, I left Dud and Aegis behind—”

“And they both would have wanted that, if it meant saving yourself. Aegis goes without saying. He's a royal guard. He's an idiot, but he's still a royal guard. He would throw his life away to save yours.” She then glanced to the side, a worried look flashing across her face, “Dud, he would do the same. He stayed behind to stall Sledge for us. I know it's not what you want to hear, but running away was the right option,” she affirmed, getting a frown from the princess.

“You wouldn't be saying that if—”

“Chrys, don't,” she interrupted, “If I were in Dud's place, it wouldn't be any different. I want you to live,” she added, getting a bothered sigh from the princess as she rested her head on Momo's chest.

“That's not really helping,” she replied, making Momo place her head against her clutching, making the princess blush.

“Chrys, I get it. You're blaming yourself for this. But, you shouldn't. Sledge,” she then shook her head. “No, Mantis put you in this position. Don't blame yourself for his malice,” she insisted, making Chrys glance to the side for several moments, before giving Momo a small nod. “Good. He deserves all the blame, not you. Now, since we're alive, and up and running, let's go back for them, alright?” she asked with a smile, making Chrys eye her for a moment.

“Momo, I don't want to lose anyone. Is that too much to ask?”

“No, it's not,” she swiftly replied, “But Chrys, you're going to be a queen someday, and that someday is going to be sooner, rather than later. It's not easy, but a queen must be ready for loss,” she stated, getting a pained look from the princess, making Momo pull her closer into a hug. “But that doesn't need to be now. I don't want to lose anyone either. I don't want to lose them,” she then shifted Chrys, so they were looking eye to eye, giving her a small smile. “Though, I have to admit, I'm a little more worried about Dud, over Aegis,” she added sheepishly, rubbing a small scratch on her side, before letting go of Chrys. The princess then hesitated, before hopping on Momo's back.

“It doesn't need to be right now,” Chrys affirmed, before adopting a determined look. “Thanks, Momo,” she mumbled, getting a nod from her clutchling, before Chrys started directing her back the way they came.

With Momo flying, it didn't take long to find their way back to the room where the battle took place. It looked nothing like before. There were several additional craters, and parts of the ceiling had collapsed from the battle between the lamia and Sledge. Aegis was nowhere to be seen, and there was no evidence to suggest he was buried under rubble.

Much to Chrys' chagrin, the opposite end of the chamber had completely collapsed. When she tried to clear the way, more stone came falling down, making Momo pull them out of there.

“Well, fine then!” Chrys shouted out, aiming her frustration at the decimated cavern, “We'll just take the other way out! Come on Momo, Dud said there's another exit, so let's find it.”

“Then we can come back around,” Momo offered.

“Or light a beacon,” Chrys added, her horn flicking in time with 'beacon', “Aegis must have gotten out, and he'll help Dud when he finds him,” she asserted, hope beating in her chest as Momo brisked past where they woke up.

The breeze they had originally followed was gone, its outlet plugged with the collapsed tunnel, so Chrys guided them by following her nose. That sweet smell's source had to be near the exit. And even though she didn't want to admit it, considering their current situation, she was still curious. After all, it had been that aroma that led them to these broken tunnels.

After flying for what felt like forever, but was closer to half an hour, they saw a light coming from ahead. It was weak, and giving off a purple glow. When they were close enough to see its source, they had reason to pause.

The tunnel opened up into a vast, decorated cavern, and at its center was a tall, broken tree that was covered in purple glowshrooms. They hovered at the entrance for a moment in awe, before Momo started into the room, moving in a slight curve towards the tree as they took in the chamber.

To Chrys, eyeing the cavern, it reminded her of the Windtrap back home, only significantly larger. There were several tunnels connected to the room, and several other points that may have been passageways, but were closed due to collapse. There was a breeze circulating in the chamber, and all around the cavern's edge were shaped rocks, given deliberate form.

They looked like changelings.

Some where simply standing upright, as if at attention. Others looked like they were in the middle of a task. A conversation. Walking from one moment of life to the next. The statues were crude, and varied in quality, with the ones closer to the wall looking more like sculptures crafted by an amateur. However, the ones closer to the tree were sculpted with a show of experience that made them look life-like.

The tree in the center was large, its trunk as thick as three royal guards standing end to end. It was broken. Snapped in two by a single chunk of rock that was bigger than any of the rooms in the Amber Hive. The tree's roots were anchored in stone, and several of them were wrapped around the slab that struck it down, as if it was trying to keep the rock from leaving after having shared its grievance.

“C-Chrys, are we where I think we are? Is this the first hive?” Momo asked, making the princess blink, not believing her eyes.

“We found the first hive?” she stated in confusion. “W-We found the first hive!” she added, her eyes lighting up in shock.

The way their words pierced through the silence made their ears fall. Hearing their echoes fall upon the abandoned chamber made them feel a small sense of foreboding, as if their voices would awaken the dead. They both felt it. This place was a tomb, and it was sacred.

The first hive. The abandoned hive. The forgotten hive. The old stories of this place didn't do it an ounce of justice. They had been left with the impression that the Violet Hive was the same size as their own, only with a more plentiful supply of nectar.

At Chrys' direction, Momo flew closer to the tree. As they approached, they noticed that the large tree-slaying rock was the only piece of debris in the room's center. There wasn't even a loose pebble to be seen. It was as if someone had cleared it out, dragging it all to the room's edge. Debris, that was used to populate the chamber's borders with its silent congregation.

Getting a closer look at the tree, their wonder didn't ease up. The tree's bark was black, its branches filled with circular holes that mirrored the ones they sported in their legs. The similarities drew their attention. This tree was connected to them somehow, just like the how glowshrooms were tied to their color.

The 'shrooms close to them brightened in Chrys' light, starting to turn them teal in the process, a fact that bothered her. She shifted the color of her light to match the glowshrooms, letting out a small sigh as they returned to their original, five-hundred year old purple.

Now under the tree's leafless canopy, they noticed a number of its roots fell into a well near the base, a well of stone. It was empty, and Chrys couldn't help but wonder what it was for. She felt that it wasn't for water, but something more important. Several dead roots were poised over it, as if seeking to reach for what used to lay within.

“Chrys, look...” Momo whispered as she indicated the slab of rock that towered over them. It was covered in writing. Etchings in stone divided into square chunks, each surrounded by sculptures of branches and leaves, among other things. The letters were as big as Chrys's hoof, written in pony.

“Take us to the top,” Chrys quietly replied, seeing from a quick glance that it was a record of some kind.

Reaching the top of the stone, her eyes fell to the first entry. Its outline was surrounded by sleeping changelings, resting on leafy branches, tears pouring from their closed eyes. At the top center was the queen, Violet Widow, a hexagonal gemstone radiating light from her neck. Her eyes were closed, and Chrys took a moment to take her in. Her grandmother, the first queen. She had a kind, loving look about her. Chrys then faltered when she started reading the passage, her chest aching as she did.

'Our queen is dead. We all felt it, as sure as if we'd been there to see it. I should have been with her. I should have insisted on accompanying her. Somewhere out in the world, she sought to defeat the Spirit of Chaos with the Queen's Gem, and fell. Even those trapped in Winter's Sleep felt it, many were crying. Our queen is dead, and her hive followed.'

Chrys took it in, one passage among many. Spirit of Chaos? Queen's Gem? Those didn't matter compared to the first line. The message carried a weight that didn't escape them. It was a fate she was working to spare her mother from. So, the words drew her in, and she read them out loud as they did, her voice trembling as she and Momo were exposed to their history.

She read on, continuing the first entry.

'Princess Amber felt it. A hatchling of a different color, she felt it all the same, and she balled her heart out. Mother Mountain felt The Queen's passing, and cried too. But the cries of the mountain were too much for us. Not long after feeling her fall, the ground trembled. Tunnels collapsed. Those resting in Winter's Sleep would never wake up. We were separated from the princess. I can only hope Aegis was able to get her out.'

An Aegis of a different color. A different time. But, reading his name made Chrys pause, recalling the two left behind. She felt conflicted. Her heart wanted her to read on, but it also wanted her to leave it for later, to find Dud and Aegis.

Still, she read on. This stone's been waiting for hundreds of years for this day, and she couldn't pull herself away from the answers it gave.

Momo hovered lower as they looked to the second entry. Its border was made of branches and leaves, but several of those branches had holes, tunnels, weaved into them. Within one of those tunnels, were two small changelings, barely noticeable compared to the vastness of the branches and tunnels around them.

'Woke up this morning with a hole in my heart. It was the same as yesterday, and the day before. Merrin feels it too. Each day we wake up feeling our loss. Our queen was dead, and for all we knew, we were the last two survivors of the mountain. There's no way out. Merrin and I have searched the tunnels, and we've found no exit. She wants to find the princess, and protect her. I've chosen to stay, exit be found or otherwise. Claire can't leave, and I can't stand the idea of leaving her alone in our abandoned home.'


The name felt familiar, but Chrys couldn't recall ever hearing it before. Seeing her confusion, Momo gave her a considering look. Chrys motioned her to continue on to the third entry.

It was wrapped in branches too, but now the leaves were wilting. The bottom of the entry's border was buried in a small layer of them. Merrin and the author were etched into opposite sides, a mare and stallion, looking over the wilting leaves with sad expressions.

'Claire is dying. It can't be help, being broken like that. Merrin told me that a mere “pebble” couldn't do her in. She insists Claire is dying of a broken heart. I can only suppose it to be true. She's lost so many of her children. We feel it when we wake up. But Claire can't sleep, her heart has no time to rest. And we have no means of consoling her. We've started storing nectar, for the inevitable.'

As Momo moved to the next entry, Chrys eyed the tree, at Claire. The next section's border was little different from the last. More leaves were gone, added to the pile at the bottom. Merrin had a smile on her face, standing over the author's shoulder as she eyed him crafting a poorly made statue. He didn't look all that amused by her reaction.

'Merrin laughs at my poor stonework. I'm improving, but she finds my insistence to do it myself worthy of teasing. I feel obligated to do this, it's that simple. Regardless, she's doing some sculptures of her own. Her skill is really amazing. The mountain cried again, luckily we were in Claire's chamber when it did. The sturdiness of this cavern is a testament to our survival. The nectar's come down to a trickle, but we've saved enough for a few months. We're both putting on a brave front, but we're worried. If I were to admit a moment of weakness, I'd prefer being buried alive, over starving.'

Chrys eyed the passage for a moment, lost in thought. They made due with what they had, and persevered. That's what she took from that passage as she eyed the next. The branches had no leaves, but the author and Merrin were looking to a six-petal flower, tears streaming down their eyes.

'Claire's being stubborn. Defiant even. Our hive provided her love, and she provided us nourishment. Her purple leaves have fallen. Her nectar has stopped pouring. Yet, she still stands defiant to her fate. A flower bloomed at her trunk. In all our years under her care, this has never happened before. The flower had no scent, but I felt energized when I took it in. It's beautiful. The color reminds me of the Princess. Is she still alive, somewhere outside? How would she eat if that were the case? Is she living the life of a pony? We don't know, and we likely never will.'

Chrys eyes started to sting as she read the next, holding a hoof over her chest as she took it in. Merrin and the author held their heads down in reverence. Merrin was holding something close to her chest. The leaves were gone, the flower's petals were laying before them, wilted.

'Claire is dead. The mother of our race shed her last petal this morning, but she left something unexpected in its place. Hope.'

“Hope?” Chrys asked, Momo mouthing the word as they continued on.

The frame of the next passage was wrapped in thinner branches, its leaves budding with new life as the two changelings glanced over a worn book. They both looked happy.

'Our Hope grows with each passing day. I'm certain the princess is alive, somewhere out there. I'm intending to leave a record of what happened here behind. Perhaps on that large stone. Merrin suggested copying my journal, instead of telling a story of our race. I told her that wasn't gonna happen. She convinced me otherwise. Nectar isn't a concern anymore.'

The next entry was shorter than the rest, most of its space devoted to a depiction of Merrin, her body covered in roots and leaves. The author looked over her from the side, tears in his eyes, a hoof rubbing her cheek affectionately.

'There was a cave-in when we were exploring one of the tunnels. Merrin was gravely injured. I stayed with her, and kept her company as she faded away.'

Chrys's cheeks were wet, but she ignored it as she kept reading, hoping the pain in her chest would fade away with the passing of the words. The next passage had no leaves. The author was all alone, surrounded by dead branches.

'I woke up today with a hole in my chest. It took years for the me to adjust to the queen's passing, but I had Merrin to help me through that, as I helped her. What am I to do, all alone?'

Beyond that, there were no more borders. Just words etched in stone, as if the sculptor had lost the drive to add any flare to it.

'Merrin is buried with our Hope. My love for them both should be enough to keep her going. Love is eternal, right? I want our Hope to live on after I'm gone, and I don't want her to be left alone.'

Chrys' eyes hovered on that entry for several moments. It was the last one. Had something happened to the author? Had he given up? Her ears were low as she glanced to the side, and Momo took in a sniffling breath as they let his final words hang in their hearts. Chrys then blinked when her eyes caught something at the stone's base, and with a hint of hope, directed Momo towards it.

There was one final passage.

'It's been so long since I've written in my journal. So long since the last message I've etched into this stone. I remember it being harder than this. Regardless, this is my last entry, and it's directed towards you. Be you pony, changeling, or something else entirely, this is who we were. This tree. This stone. These words. We cared for our queen, and for Claire. We cared for each other. And we lived happily in our caring mountain. We may look like monsters, but trust me, we are anything but. If you find our Hope still alive, please, give her just a little love. She is our future, and that's all the future needs to prosper. I'm going now, to join Merrin's side.'

Silence fell over them as Chrys finished reading. She then looked to the husk of Claire, her chest feeling hallow as her eyes traced over its branches. Once upon a time, her race and this tree shared in harmonic prosperity. The tree was dead, along with any hope of such a future bounty.

He stayed behind to leave a record. To leave a light for the future. So where was this 'Hope' he wanted to trust them with?

As she wondered this, she also noticed something about the air. The scent that she'd been following wasn't coming from the tree. Something else drew her here.

“Why'd we forget?” Momo asked, making Chrys look to the stone for a long moment, its opening line coming to mind.

“They lost their queen,” Chrys began, “And before they could come to terms with that, they needed to abandon their home, to save themselves,” she pointed out, placing a heavy hoof over her chest. “They didn't want to remember. Mother- Amber must have been too young to make sense of it, and the others must have been too ashamed to tell her about what was left behind,” she speculated, glancing to the side, before taking in a long, deep breath. She felt shaky, like she would stumble over if she tried to walk. “Let's, let's take a look around, that breeze is coming from somewhere,” she insisted, making Momo glance to her. She had a tired, emotionally worn look in her eyes.

“We're not gonna find his hope?”

“Unless it's on the other side of this stone, we're not,” Chrys said in a drained voice. “I, I don't want to see if it's ruined. I don't think I'd be able to take it right now," she admitted weakly, before glancing to the side. "We've spent enough time in here,” she added, making Momo hesitate, before nodding. They then circled around the stone, getting a better look of the cavern beyond. Chrys' eyes followed the stone as they rounded it, and Momo stopped when they were on the other side.

The rock's back face was completely decorated with changelings. Every single one of them had their own personality to them. At the slab's bottom, in the center, were several taller changelings. A pair of royal guards, standing each side to their queen, Violet Widow. Some of the drones around them looked like they were arguing with their neighbor, or playing with a clutchling. Some of the changelings were hatchlings, eyeing the queen, wide-eyed and happy. A majority of the changelings had a soft, caring look about them, their eyes directed towards their Hope.

Their eyes, directed to a small tree, several paces away from the stone.

Its bark was black, its branches no different from Claire's. It had amber leaves that gave off the faintest of glows. The tree was barely bigger than a sapling, by pony standards, and at its roots was a small pile of stone, and a small opening in the ground parallel to the stones, that had been sealed by the tree's roots. Two small graves, both with a marker. One for Merrin, and one for the architect, the author. Mantis.

Chrys eyed his grave for a moment, her chest aching as she felt conflicted. She took a moment to remind herself he was a Mantis of a different color. Of a different time.

Looking from the graves, sitting ahead of them, were two small statues. Merrin, leaning on Mantis' shoulder, as they both looked at Hope. They were smiling. Chrys found herself smiling as well, a bittersweet smile, mirrored by Momo.

The breeze shifted slightly, making the sapling's leaves rustle, drawing their eyes. They could have sworn they heard it call them. But as they stared at it, there was no other sound coming forth. It was just a feeling. A feeling that left them speechless.

The life before them was sacred. It was Amber's tree. They understood this, on some instinctual level, and both were filled with a sense of happiness, at seeing it alive and well. With little need for provocation, Momo landed before it, and as they walked under its thin canopy, Chrys' eyes widened as she found the source of the smell.

On the tree's trunk was a teal flower, in full bloom. It held six petals, the tips darker than the flower's center, where the scent sprung forth, calling the princess. Chrys couldn't resist the temptation. She walked up to the flower, bringing her face close as she took in a deep breath.

She felt a tingle travel down her body as she did, feeling a little lightheaded as she took a step back from it. She then shook her head, the lightheadedness fading, along with her sorrow, her apprehensions, and her fears. Her horn brightened, her magic feeling replenished. The flower instilled with her a positive feeling. She felt like she had, before entering the final dream of the old stallion. Happy, and worry free. She was full of hope.

“Chrys?” Momo asked as she moved to her side, eyeing her clutchling with a hint of surprised concern.

“This is where the smell came from!” Chrys pointed out, making Momo appraise the flower, before taking a whiff as well. She also staggered back, her form flashing from pony, to changeling, then back to pony.

“W-Whoa. That felt weird. It was nice, but weird,” she affirmed with a smile, looking just as reinvigorated as Chrys. “I guess it's the same for me as it was for Mantis. Well, this Mantis,” she added as she looked to his statue, “I didn't smell anything. It must be a 'queen only' thing,” she added, sounding a little envious as she did.

“I wonder what it means-” Chrys began, before she noticed something at the tree's base. “Momo, look!” she stated wide-eyed, indicating a small bowl beneath the flower, on the ground. The bowel had several roots poised over it, and every several seconds, a drop of nectar fell into the bowel. It was filled to the brim, “It's making nectar!” she exclaimed as she turned to her clutchling. “We need to tell Amber about this! We won't need to attack Equestria if we tell her about Hope!” she added, the realization being mirrored in her clutchling's eyes as she appraised the tree.

“Well … it's kind of small,” Momo pointed out, getting an annoyed look from Chrys as Momo blushed, “I mean, it's great! Really, it is!” she added as she spread her forelegs out, “This can change everything for us! But, it's not enough. Not right now,” she affirmed, making Chrys eye the sapling for a moment, before reluctantly nodding in agreement. Her eyes then darkened as another thought came to mind.

What would Mantis think about this tree?

She took a step back as she looked to it. It seemed so small, in the shadow of the watchful stone. In the company of Claire's husk. In the center of this vast, abandoned cavern.

Mantis would crush it. If only because it was an alternative provided by Chrys. She was pretty sure he was that petty. Thinking of the hateful drone soured the mirth the flower gave her, making her glance to her surroundings.

“Momo, eat up,” she said as she indicated the bowl, “We need to keep moving. We'll be back later, but for now, let's keep this between us,” she added, making Momo blink in confusion.

“Huh? Why?”

“If we went back to the hive and told Amber, Mantis would destroy it.”

“He would?”

“You think he wouldn't?” Chrys asked as she raised an eyebrow.

“R-Right, he probably would, since it's a good thing...” Momo affirmed as she eyed the bowl. “So are we leaving Dud in the dark? I mean, I can see him getting really excited, hearing about all this,” she stated with a smile, making Chrys consider it for a moment.

“Not yet. If Princess Luna can look into his dreams, well... It's not that I don't trust him. I don't trust her.”

“But we'll tell him later, right?”

“Well, I guess,” Chrys replied, looking a little put off as she glanced to the side, “But you're the one doing the talking. He gets overbearing when he's excited.”

“Heh, fair enough,” she replied, “So does that mean we're still heading to Equestria?” she asked, getting a considering look from Chrys, before she nodded.

“Yes, but I need some time to think on this. For now, let's find the others first,” she stated, getting a nod from Momo, before she approached the bowl.

“This is great, I was kind of famished,” she added sheepishly. Right before she could take a lick, her brow furrowed. “Wait, you should go first—”

“Momo, I know you and Dud have been starving yourselves for me. So, let's not argue, and just eat,” she stated firmly, making Momo look to her for several moments, before letting out a small sigh, lowering her head and taking a lick of the nectar. Her eyes then widened in surprise.

“It tastes different! I- I really like this!” she let out, getting a curious look from Chrys as Momo hungrily chowed down.

“Different?” Chrys asked curiously as she approached the bowl, which Momo presented, making the princess take a small lick from it. It was sweet. It tasted exactly like the love the old stallion gave her.

Love's flavor is determined by the intended recipient. Nectar has a flat flavor, it was made from pony's love with no intended recipient in mind. From a pony, nectar was neutral. However, nectar from Hope had an intended recipient. This fact played through Chrys's mind as she eyed the sapling. It was so small, yet well over several hundred years old, and its nectar was sweet, and nourishing.

After Momo had her fill, Chrys finished what was left, before returning the bowl to its place at the roots. They both then eyed the tree for a moment, their hearts in unison as they made a silent promise. They would return, and give this tree the love it needed.

Chrys then hopped on Momo's back. Before she took flight, they both took a moment to take the place in again. The watchers set in stone. The purple glowshrooms. The amber leaves. The teal flower. Here, their heritage lay, having waited patiently for half a millennium. What was another couple weeks or months compared to that?

With a light tap from Chrys, Momo took to the air, and after she flew a single loop around the chamber's center, they moved to follow the breeze. They found it coming from a tunnel halfway up the chamber's side, and Momo paused as they reached it.

In unison, they both looked back to what lay behind them.

“We'll be back. Without a doubt,” Chrys stated, getting an agreeing nod from Momo, before they continued forward.

They climbed and climbed, ascending against the breeze as they did. And it wasn't long, before they saw the light of day ahead of them.


Dud's eyes opened, his heart racing as his awareness returned to him. The sound of movement in the cave stirred him, making him thump against the barrel.

“Chrys, Momo? Any help would be nice~!” he said, adopting a hopeful smile. Silence answered him, making Dud's smile falter for a moment, before the barrel started to shake. He then flinched back in surprise when a barb pierced through the lid. With a wood-snapping twist, the lid flew away, revealing a manticore looking down at him.

There was a brief pause as their eyes met. Aegis looked like he'd been caught in an explosion, his fur was dark and covered in soot. Seeing a lack of being attacked by the guard, Dud gave him a small smile.

“You still call her 'Highness', right?” he asked.

“I always have, and I always will,” Aegis replied flatly as he stepped back from the barrel, letting Dud crawl out. Or, at least try to. His hind legs felt like limp noodles, so he found himself trying to twist around and pull himself out with just his forelegs, but he got out all the same.

“Great~! Where is she? Where's Chrys and Momo?” Dud asked as he took in the cave, looking a lot more broken than before the cave-in. As he sat himself up, his eyes fell to the entrance, the weak glow of an approaching dawn illuminating the cavern.

“I don't know,” Aegis replied with a worried look, “I think they went further in while Sledge was fighting. I wasn't able to go any deeper,” he stated, looking very disappointed in himself, “I couldn't clear the way, it only made more rocks fall,” he then glanced to the side. “I came this way to find another means into the mountain from the outside." He then gave the pony an unamused look, "I admit, I forgot about you. It's good you spoke up, her Highness wanted me to save you.”

“And for that, you have my thanks!” Dud let out, trying to stand up, and succeeding with some effort. He then gave his wings a flap, and winced. The feathers were stuck together because of the nectar, and didn't respond well to movement. “I don't suppose you'd mind carrying me to a passing cloud?” he asked with a sheepish grin, getting a distant look from Aegis.

Dud then blinked in surprise when Aegis' tail wrapped around him, placing him on the royal guard's back. Without saying a word, Aegis ran out the cave, and took flight, making Dud hold tightly to him as the guard started to curve around the mountain, his eyes peeled for any openings.

“So this is what it feels like to be Chrys!” Dud said energetically, getting an annoyed look from the guard.

“Keep an eye out,” Aegis said sternly, making Dud nod as he began doing just that, “I was supposed to kill you,” he added, making Dud blink in surprise, “The reasons were very simple, you know too much. Yet, her Highness is fond of you, so understand this, pony, I've got my eyes on you,” he stated coldly, getting a smile from the pony he just threatened.

“That's fine, as long as you're protecting Chrys, watch me all you like,” Dud replied, “You've got a better chance against Sledge than I do,” he affirmed, making Aegis hesitate for a moment.

“He isn't a concern anymore.”

“You beat him?” Dud asked, making the manticore shake his head.

“It wasn't me, it was someone else. Sledge was buried alive in the tunnels.”

“Oh,” Dud replied flatly, “Well, it's a good thing you'll be protecting the princess from him now.”

“Didn't you just hear me?”

“Yes? Sledge is buried? I'm gonna hold out that he's still in a position to make Chrys' life dangerous. Until I see him fallen with my own eyes, I'll always assume that.”


“It's safer that way,” Dud stated matter-of-factly, before adopting a small frown, “I should have been keeping an eye out earlier, but Chrys got a whiff of something strange, and I was a little too excited to stay focused,” he explained, getting a curious look from Aegis. “The princess smelled something in the air. Drew us here. Neither myself or Momo could smell it. Did you?” he asked, making Aegis shake his head, which got a small smile from Dud. “I wish I could have gone further inside. I wonder if those two found it?”

“Whatever this 'it' is, it better not pose a danger to them,” he replied with a slightly threatening tone, before glancing to the pony on his back. “Why do you need a cloud?”

“Oh. To get the sticky off my feathers!”

“Very well.”

“So, what fought Sledge? You make it sound like it wasn't you.”

“That is- He was- It was a lamia,” he quickly explained, making Dud appraise him. A lamia? Was it Ssarah's mate? Regardless, he doubted that the guard would know the answer to that one.

“Hey, Aegis,” Dud said, making the royal guard blink as he gave Dud an appraising look, “Welcome to Team Chrysalis~!” the pony added, with a beaming grin.

“...You are an odd pony,” Aegis said, a small smile on his face. “I'll get you a cloud in bit, so continue keeping an eye out for any caves,” he added, his smile fading as they reached the eastern side of the mountain, seeing an orange glow looking to break into the horizon.

It was the beginning of dawn. That moment, when the sun's light touched the highest peaks first, before crawling the lands around it.

As Aegis circled, Dud directed him to fly close a cloud hugging the mountain, and to the guard's surprise, Dud hopped off as soon as he was close enough to. He rolled around on the cloud for half a minute, his wings getting wet from the moisture. He then gave them a good flap, clearing what nectar remained away, before joining Aegis's side. As the line of sunlight climbed halfway down the mountain, something caught Dud's eye in night's fading shadow. A teal glow.

“Down there~!” he let out, practically shouting in Aegis' ears as he did. When the royal guard spotted the light, he didn't hesitate, diving towards it, and the pegasus followed.

“Chryss~! Momoo~!” Dud shouted, seeing the glow start approaching them, fading out as the two groups spotted each other.

“Highness!” Aegis let out, his greater speed making him reach them sooner. He paused before them, a relieved look on his face. He then blinked when Momo, with Chrys on her back, passed him, flying right towards Dud.

Dud and Chrys were caught off guard when Momo plowed right into him, tackling him with a hug.

“Dud! You're alright!” she let out, getting a surprised, almost flustered look from the pegasus as he nodded. The hug was brief, as Momo fluttered back a small space, letting Dud see them both, smiling, and getting a smile from him in turn.

“I have to say, you two are looking great!” he let out in awe. They looked like they'd spent the whole night resting and relaxing. And was it his imagination, or was Chrys just a little bit bigger than he remembered?

“You look like a mess,” Chrys replied flatly, before looking to Aegis. “Nevermind. You look like a mess.”

“My apologies, Your Highness,” Aegis replied, trying not to sound put off as he did.

“Still, I'm glad to see you're both alright,” she added, before adopting a small frown. “I was worried I'd have to find replacements for the both of you,” she added, making Momo roll her eyes towards Dud, getting a knowing smile from the stallion.

“I'm sorry to inconvenience you, Highness,” Aegis replied with sincerity.

“What happened to Sledge?” Chrys asked.

“I-” he began, before glancing to Dud, “can't say for certain,” he stated, making Chrys frown, before Dud grabbed their attention.

“You two wouldn't believe what happened to me!” he let out, making Chrys and Momo share a brief glance, “I got to ride a manticore! Do you have any idea how many ponies can say that!” he added, before adopting a sagely look, “I wouldn't recommend it, they bob up-and-down far too much.”

“I can imagine,” Momo replied, letting out a small laugh, which Dud mirrored. She then glanced to Aegis, adopting a frown as she hovered up to him, bopping him right on the nose, to everyponies' surprise. Aegis shook his head, rubbing his nose and backing up slightly as Momo got right in his face. “So, where's my apology?” she asked heatedly. “You didn't have to sting me, you know! We could have fought Sledge together!”

“I wasn't sure who to trust-”

“You still didn't have to sting me! Chrys had to drag me. In complete darkness! Do you know what that felt like!?”

“I- I'm sorry,” Aegis stammered.

“Sorry isn't good enough now! You'll have to pay,” Momo said with a heavy nod, getting a small smile from Chrys and Dud as Aegis appraised her.

“What would you ask of me?” he asked, making Momo look over him for a moment, before glancing to Dud. She then adopted a smile, one with only a dash of malice.

“You have to answer all of Dud's questions,” she replied with a nod, getting a gasp from the pony, who caught Momo off guard with a brief hug of his own.

“Oh thank you Momo! There's soo many things I wanted to ask, but he was all 'I'm gonna keep my eyes on you'!” he let out, before rounding on the royal guard with a beaming grin.

“I, I don't like where this is going...” Aegis admitted, getting a small, satisfied laugh from Momo and Dud.

“Stop laughing like hatchlings,” Chrys interjected, masking a smile of her own as the two did just that, keeping a warm smile in laughter's place. The princess then looked to her guard with a raised eyebrow, “Be sure you make up for your mistakes, Aegis,” she stated, making the royal guard look to her, saluting without hesitation, before giving Dud an apprehensive glance. “Now come on. There's someplace we need to go,” she added before giving Dud a considering look. “Dud, you're up. We need to find Thundercloud.”

“Yeah, I suppose so,” Dud replied with a nod, before turning around, eyeing the wall of clouds north of them. His smile then faded, before he shook his head, and looked back to his friends. “So, did you find your smell?”

“Yes. But we can talk about that later,” Chrys replied as she pointed forward, “First thing's first.”

“We're going into that?” Aegis asked curiously, getting a nod from the princess.

At her provocation, Momo started forward, and Dud quickly joined their side, with Aegis tailing behind them. As they proceeded towards the wall of thunderclouds, Chrysalis glanced over her shoulder, eyeing the broken twin-peaks behind them, as they grew distant.

15. The Skies Before Equestria

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Dud eyed the amber wall of clouds as they approached, painted by the dawn's light. Occasionally a bolt of lightning would escape the fabricated barrier between The Badlands and Equestria. Thunder was constantly greeting them, and it was only getting louder with their approach. Seeing where they needed to go, Dud veered to the west, the others exchanging looks as they followed after him, leading them on a path parallel to the storm-wall.

“Thundercloud's this way?” Chrys asked with a raised eyebrow, getting a nod from the pony.

“The clouds are traveling east,” he indicted with his hooves, “Thundercloud is their source, so the city will be to the west. We just have to follow this till we spot it.”

“How long will that take?” Aegis asked impatiently. “I thought Her Highness was intending to reach Canter Town?

“She is,” Dud quickly replied, “and I'm guessing it'll be a few hours at most. Heading to Thundercloud first is the safer way,” he added, his point punctuated by a crack of thunder.

“Agreed,” Chrys affirmed. “That mess looks even worse than what we came through,” she added, glancing back to the rolling clouds over The Badlands.

“Just was is that?" Momo asked, making Chrys and Dud share a look.

"When Mantis took Thundercloud," Chrys began, "he did something to it, making that storm to keep the ponies out during winter."

"Oh," Momo replied, frowning at the mention of Mantis, "So what's going on in there?” she asked, eyeing the storm apprehensively.

“If I were to guess, it's a nasty blizzard,” Dud offered, “One full of lightning, snow, sleet, and maybe even freezing rain.”

Freezing rain?” Chrys and Momo repeated in unison, getting a nod from him.

“It's rain so cold, it becomes ice when it lands,” he replied, a troubled look on his face. “I've never seen it myself, only heard of it. It's very dangerous, even to a pegasus.”

“Y-Yeah,” Momo began with a sheepish look, “so I'm completely on board for not going into that.”

“Same,” Dud replied, eyeing the the wall of clouds for several moments, before he decided to give his attention to the royal guard. “And speaking of 'going into that',” he began with a beaming grin, “Aegis, I've got those questions you owe me!” he added, getting an uncomfortable sigh from the guard. “Sooo, what happened before you pried me out of the barrel?”

“Barrel?” Chrys asked with a raise eyebrow, “You were trapped in the barrel?”

“Yep!” he declared, sounding quite proud with himself. “Sledge was smashing the tunnel, trying to squish me. Caused a cave-in, so I used the barrel for cover. But, I got stuck inside,” he explained, his smile faltering for a moment before looking back to Aegis. “Soooo? What happened?”

“...I woke up to an unsettling smell. It was the lamia's, the one that's been following Sledge and I since it first attacked us,” he hesitated for a moment, glancing to the side. “Its smell is noxious. More so to Sledge than myself.”

“It always smelled sweet to me,” Chrys pointed out curiously, before looking to Dud, “Why's that, Mr. Creatures Expert?”

Rare creatures,” Dud pointed out, almost sounding offended, before giving her an amused smile. “If it's the same one that kept Mantis from getting Chrys the first time, then that was probably Ssarah's mate, Snare.” He then adopted a more sagely pose, turning towards the others as he started flying backwards, “Snare is a slithering type of lamia, which means he can camouflage, has a poisonous bite, and noxious gas. From what I've read, a lamia's poisonous fumes are tailored towards a specific foe, so as not to inversely affect unintended targets. It smelled worse for Sledge, because that's the one Snare was hunting.”

“Why is he hunting Sledge?” Momo asked, “Why not Aegis too?”

“Ssarah told me he has a rare condition. He must have gotten a taste of Sledge's blood. He's driven towards drinking all that's left.”

“Yes. That must be it,” Aegis replied, looking off to the side as he did.

“So then what?” Dud asked, “You woke up, aannd..?”

“They, were fighting...”


Aegis stirred as another explosion wracked the chamber, debris bouncing off of him as his eyes opened. The crater he lay in had lost its fiery glow, but the cavern was lightened by a pair of new craters in the cavern's left wall. There were cracks snaking out from those impacts, and with another thunderous boom, Aegis saw those lines crawl further into the ceiling.

Looking to the source, he saw Sledge constantly moving, crashing and smashing into anything that he was close to, as if he were fighting an invisible foe. The almost nauseating smell in the air tipped Aegis off to the unseen monster, and he could see the fume's effects on the frantic royal guard. He wasn't just attacking at nothing. He was delirious, and afraid.

Aegis got on his paws, shrugging off the pain, his keen sense of smell making it easy to pin down where the lamia was. It was keeping within tail's reach of Sledge, waiting for the opportunity to strike. Thanks to the guard's erratic behavior, it was presented with plenty of chances, weakening Sledge, blow after blow. Because of Aegis' senses, he was able to pick out something that at first troubled him, before that worry shifted to relief.

He couldn't smell the princess.

Before he could start acting on this knowledge, Sledge started to charge, seemingly in a random direction. As he gained speed, his body was wreathed in orange flames, and another fiery explosion wracked the cavern as he plowed into the wall opposite of the other craters.

Aegis raised his tail as he stepped back, sensing the snake coming closer as Sledge started to recover from his attack. Aegis then paused when the lamia revealed itself to him, its camouflage melting away as their eyes met. The guard's mouth fell open, but a brief grunt of pain from Sledge made him close it, the manticore and lamia turning towards the delirious guard in unison

Aegis noticed the cracks of the new crater spreading across the ceiling at an alarming rate. Rocks started to fall from those wounds as Sledge turned towards them. Aegis wrapped his tail around the lamia, catching the snake off guard as Aegis started running towards the room's entrance.

His reasoning was simple. He couldn't smell things that were downwind of him, so the princess must have left through the room's entrance, making her downwind of the gust they'd followed to this chamber. He also saw the cracks of the new crater snaking towards the ones on the opposite end, and had a good guess at what would happen when they connected.

Indeed, as Sledge gave Aegis a surprised look, the ceiling started to come down behind them. Aegis adopted a small smile as he saw the traitor become buried in an instant. With the lamia in tail, the two stopped at the room's entrance as the cave-in pattered to an end. Everything went dark for Aegis, the only source of light now gone.


“You saved Snare?” Dud asked, a little surprised, “That sure was nice of you! We'll need to let Ssarah know next time we're in the neighborhood.”

“Why'd you save him?” Chrys asked, making Aegis blink, before glancing to the side.

“He was the one fighting Sledge, instead of you, Your Highness. I owed it to him.”

“So what happened after that?” she eagerly pressed, “He didn't turn on you, did he?”

“No. He left my grasp, and disappeared into the caves. I searched as best I could for several hours, but when I never found even a hint of your scent, I returned to the caved-in chamber where Sledge fell.”

“How'd you see in the dark?” Chrys asked.

“I followed my nose and ears, and occasionally shifted forms to briefly light the way, Your Highness,” he explained, “I tried to move the rubble. I recalled a closed tunnel in that room, and guessed that you made your escape through there-”

“You'd be right,” Momo interjected.

“But I couldn't get through the debris. The cave seemed content to pile on more as I tried to clear it. So I turned around and made my way out to find another means inside, finding him in the process,” Aegis concluded as he pointed to the pony.

“Huh,” Dud replied, “I thought the longer version would be more exciting,” he added, getting a slightly miffed look from the guard. “Next question! Does Sledge have something against shapeshifting? I wanted to see some cool creature while fighting him,” he said, before rolling his eyes, “but he was nothing but a let-down.”

“Dud,” Chrys began, “you have an obsession, and it's not a healthy one.”

“You think there are healthy ones?” he asked as he tilted his head, getting a flat look from the princess, before she looked back to the guard. Aegis eyed the pony for a moment, before addressing the question.

“Sledge is the youngest of the Royal Guards,” he pointed out, “I suspect Mantis hasn't given him the chance to go out and learn a new form.”

“Go out?” Chrys asked, before appraising the manticore, “Aegis, where did you learn that form?” she asked, and Dud looked like he was about to answer for her, but stopped himself, before he stepped on Aegis's paws.

“The Queen has always had two guards. She intended for you to have two as well, and she'd already set you as Bulwark's charge, which he eagerly accepted,” Aegis said, a hint of pride in his voice, “However, before Sledge hatched, Mantis convinced The Queen that he was important enough to have a guard of his own.”

“Okay, and how does that lead into you going out for a new form?” Chrys asked impatiently, the idea that Sledge having been originally intended to be her guard being discarded by the mental image of the bottom of his hoof.

“The reason for two guards, is so one can go out and find new forms, while the other can stay behind and protect Her Highness. We may be Royal Guards, but we're also changelings. Our greatest power is taking shape and using abilities of other creatures.” He then nodded to his wings, his tail swinging in the air for emphasis. “As a manticore, I can fly faster than a pegasus, and I can paralyze my enemies with just a sting. This was because I went on a journey long ago to find a monster, and learn its form.”

“And you found it in the Everfree Forest!” Dud let out, unable to keep it in any longer.

“The Everfree?” Aegis asked, “That- That must be the pony name for it. Bastion called it the Dark Forest. There are all kinds of strange and powerful creatures there that suit our needs perfectly,” he stated, before eyeing the wall of clouds. “Bastion made the journey long ago, before I hatched. Bulwark and Sledge haven't had the opportunity to make it.”

“So if Sledge is the youngest,” Dud began, “why is he able to stand hoof-to-hoof with Bulwark? Or you?”

“While he may be lacking in versatility, he did spend most of his life with Mantis. While Bastion and I stood stoically close to Her Highness, Sledge trained. He knows how to fight the way Mantis does, and he's very proficient with the fire-blitz technique. I believe Bastion is the only one of us that's stronger than Sledge.”

“Huh, isn't that something,” Dud said, glancing to the clouds as he did.

“Dud, what exactly are we looking for?” Momo asked, catching him before he asked another question.

“Huh?” he replied in a confused tone, “Uhh, Thundercloud?”

“Yes, I know that,” she replied flatly, “I meant, well, what does Thundercloud look like?”

“Oh. You'll know when you see it. It'll look like five clouds held together that don't look like clouds.”

“Five clouds held together,” she repeated, before giving him a nod.

“Aegis,” Chrys began, adopting a frown as she glanced to the side, “You know how to freeform, right?” she asked, getting a nod from the guard, and confused looks from Momo and Dud.

“Freeform?” they asked in unison.

“It's a kind of shapeshifting only The Queen and Royal Guards are capable of,” Aegis replied, before giving Chrys a curious look. “Why do you ask, Your Highness?”

“Because I wanted you to teach me how to do it. It was my intention to learn it while we were traveling together through The Badlands,” her face then darkened a little as she gave him a small glare, “but, someone, went and ruined that!”

“I-I, that is-” he stammered, “I mean, Queen Amber never taught you?”

“She wanted to teach me after I 'grew up', but with the sudden need to not be in the hive anymore, there wasn't enough time to pick it up. What with learning new spells and worrying about Momo and Bulwark and planning my escape and...” she let out in a heated rant, before glancing to the side.

“My apologies, Your Highness. I'll teach you right now, if you wish.”

“...After we find Thundercloud.”

“So once again, what is freeform?” Momo asked, getting an apologetic look from her clutchling.

“Aegis, show them,” Chrys ordered, getting a brief salute from the manticore, before his form was wreathed in amber flames. Instead of turning back into a changeling, his body shifted, appearing different from before. His mane was darker, his claws longer, his waist thicker, his legs thinner.

“Ooooh~” Dud let out energetically, “Freeform means you can change the attributes of your form? You don't need to simply mirror someone you've seen?”

“That's right," Aegis replied, "It takes a small amount of practice, and guidance, but once you've got it down, you can shift your look as I did,” he then glanced to the side, before letting out a sigh, “Or do something a little more ... undignified,” he added, before shifting again. Everyone's eyes went wide as they took in his new form. He was a sky blue pegasus with a golden mane. Only he was still the same royal-guard-size. He was a really big pony, and he was unexpectedly handsome.

“Well, aren't you a looker!” Dud let out, “Silly size aside, pretty sure there are a number of mares in Equestria that'd fall for that face,” he added, making Aegis blush at the notion, before he shifted back into his manticore form.

“Why manticore?” Momo asked curiously, getting an odd look from the others, “I mean, isn't that like why I'm always a pony, to stay warm? I thought the cold didn't bother royal guards.”

“It doesn't,” he replied curtly, “Truth is, I prefer this form more. I feel I can better protect Her Highness like this,” he added as he glanced to Chrys.

“But doesn't that make you hungry faster?” Momo asked.

“It does, but it's just a minor annoyance. Like this, I won't need to eat for at least another week, before my body starts to weaken,” he explained, before raising an eyebrow, “I grew up in the time before Mantis's boon. Bastion and I were no less touched by hunger than rest of the hive. I've grown used to tolerating it.” He then adopted a small smile, “Hearing Sledge complain over the last few days about his hunger, was satisfying.”

“Well, this is nice~!” Dud let out, getting a confused look from the others, “I mean, hunger is bad, but since he can turn into a really big pony, that means he can eat pony food!”

“You're right!” Chrys said wide-eyed, before adopting a small smile.

“That … is right,” Aegis replied, as if he never considered the possibility before. He then gave the pony an odd look, “Why did you say that? You could have kept that to yourself.”

“Why would I do that?”

“Because I threatened you?”

“Pfft,” Dud said as he rolled his eyes, “Like you're the first to ever do that,” he replied as he waved a hoof dismissively.

“He's just nice like that,” Momo added as she gave Aegis a small smile, “So Dud, what're we gonna do if Thundercloud is up there?” She asked as she pointed up, at the very top of the wall of clouds, “You once said that it's dangerous to fly that high.”

“Thundercloud won't be up there.” Dud replied confidently, before adopting a serious expression, “And it is dangerous. Don't ever fly that high.”

“Why?” Chrys asked.

“It gets harder to breath the higher up you go. Up there, it's hard even for pegasi. You could pass out, and enjoy sleeping through a long and intimate journey towards the ground.” He then eyed Momo, before adding: “That, and Momo would likely freeze over.”

“W-What?” Chrys asked in surprise.

“Momo taught me something new,” Dud replied, getting a confused frown from the princess, “Did you know that part of a pegasi's natural magic includes tolerance to cold weather? Apparently, it's colder the higher up you are,” he added, pointing to the white peaks of the mountains nearby, “And pegasi aren't bothered by that cold.”

“But Momo is,” Chrys continued, “because she can't use pegasi magic,” she finished, eyeing her clutchling, who was wearing a bothered look.

“Yep,” he replied, “She's got the warmth of a pony, but that's not enough to tackle winter-cold. Not without wearing something heavy anyways.”

“You mean clothes?” Momo asked, before her eyes widened, “Wait, were you planning to get me clothes when we reached Thundercloud?”

“The thought did come to mind,” Dud replied, “We need food, but that doesn't mean we can't get other things we'll need while we're there.”

“...So are you gonna talk about your home now?” Momo asked, getting a brief, bothered look from the pegasus.

“Well, what do you want to know?” he asked as he gave her his typical smile.

“What's it like, a pegasus city?” Momo asked.

“It's cloudy,” Chrys replied, “Like, it has buildings, but they're made of clouds,” she added, getting a surprised look from her clutchling. “What? I used to feed from the cocoons, after all. I saw the homes of pegasi in their dreams.”

“Did you see Thundercloud in those dreams?” Dud asked, making Chrys frown.

“I … don't think so. I vaguely recall this one mare who was from someplace called ... Cloudsdale?”

“I like Cloudsdale,” Dud replied with a nod, “It's small, but welcoming. Thundercloud... well, how about a story!” he let out, getting looks of anticipation from Chrys and Momo, which earned a curious look from Aegis as Dud cleared his throat.

“A long time ago, the three kinds of ponies were divided. Each race thought they were the best, and that the other two were trying to take advantage of them! Well, after one particularly bad winter, things got worse. But, three ponies, one of each tribe, opened their hearts to each other, and together, worked to unite the tribes under one banner in a new land; Equestria!” Dud explained as he spread his legs out in emphasis, before adopting a more serious look, “However, nopony changes overnight, and pegasi can be really stubborn. So, time passed, unicorns and earth ponies started making homes in the newly founded Equestria, however, Pegasi didn't need to make new towns. They could simply move their old ones across the sky! Though ... because of the winter, only one of their cloud cities survived well enough to bring to our new nation. That city, was Thundercloud.”

“So Thundercloud is really old?” Chrys asked, recalling the Violet Hive as he nodded.

“It really is,” he added, with a small frown, “Old, like an ancient grumpy stallion who doesn't like foals playing on his cloud.”

“So when you said pegasi were stubborn...” Momo prompted.

“Oh, right! You see, there were many pegasi in Thundercloud that held onto their belief that they were the best. Over the many years, that belief grew weaker, but there were ponies, powerful, rich ponies, that passed it down to their foals...” Dud then paused, taking a contemplative look. “Short version: Thundercloud was home to a bunch of bigots that looked down on just about everypony but other rich bigots.”

“Rich bigots?” Chrys asked, her confused look matching Momo's.

“Uhh, they're ponies with a lot of power that they didn't really earn that think they're better than other ponies, because of that power.”

“So they're like a princess,” Momo stated, getting a dark look from Chrys, which Momo countered by sticking her tongue out, “Just teasing Chrys.”

“She's is a lot better than those ponies,” Dud replied flatly, “she cares about others.”

“I don't want to be compared to these 'bigots',” Chrys replied, before focusing her attention on Dud. “Where are you in all this?”

“I'm right here, flying with a group of friends off on a journey to save their hive.”

“R- Right,” Chrys replied with a brief blush, “but I meant back before all this.”

“I'm … still not in the mood to talk about it. Maybe later,” he stated, getting curious looks from the others, that went unanswered. “So Aegis, anything fun happen on your journey through The Badlands?” he asked curiously, and Aegis looked to him for a moment, before giving a small nod.

Time passed as they exchanged stories, and in the process, Aegis opened up. He was quick to answer Chrys and Momo's questions, and hesitant for Dud's, but after a while he saw why the others trusted him. Not that it made him any less suspicious. He let trust put the princess in danger once, and he didn't intend to do so again. However, he did find Dud's presence, tolerable.


After flying for most of the day, it looked like they'd be leaving the mountains behind them before finding Thundercloud. With the white peaks now on the horizon to the south, their pace quickened when they spotted something odd ahead of them.

Sticking out from the wall was a collection of grouped clouds, small in size by the towering wall it was attached to. From this far out, it looked like the wall was being sucked into that small grouping, like a funnel. Dud knew that it was actually the opposite, the storm was being fed by that funnel.

Where that cluster connected to the wall, was a giant rift, something like a dark divide that cut the entire wall in two from top to bottom. Dud let out a low whistle as they got closer; lightning was crossing the rift every other second, the faint echos of their rumbles brushing against the breeze.

“What- What is that?” Chrys asked apprehensively.

“That, is Thundercloud,” Dud replied. “Now I can see why Luna's Shadowbolts couldn't reach it,” he added as he pointed towards the divide, “The clouds are being made there, feeding that massive storm, one side traveling west, and the other east. I don't know how far the western half goes, but it's probably just as long as the side we've been traveling along.”

“So those clouds to the side are the city?” Momo asked, getting a nod from him, “Isn't this a bit much?” she asked as she pointed to the rift.

“Can't say. I'm not an expert weather pony. I mean, Princess Luna told me about the Weather Orb, so maybe this is what happens when it's left to deposit a nation's worth of winter into one spot?” he suggested speculatively.

“We are not flying into that,” Aegis said stalwartly, “I can protect Her Highness from any manner of beast, but, that?” he said as he took it in.

“We don't need to go into the rift,” Dud pointed out, “The city is outside it. We just gotta turn off the weather factory and let the storm die on its own.”

“What was that about a weather orb?” Chrys asked.

“Huh? Oh! It's an old relic that used to be wielded by unicorns to help move the sun and moon,” he explained, “Then Princess Luna appeared, so the orb was retooled for the pegasi of Thundercloud.”

"Really..." Chrys said, wondering how true that was. An orb that helped ponies move the sun and moon? There must be some truth to it, considering the massive squall this orb was now feeding.

“Is it safe,” Momo began, “being that close to the storm?”

“Uhhh...” Dud replied, before adopting a sheepish grin, “I can't say. Guess we'll find out shortly,” he added, his eyes looking to Thundercloud, his smile gone as they continued on.

As they got closer, the changelings came to understand something. Distance is misleading; Thundercloud was in fact quite large. Composed of five cumulus clouds tied together by white chains, the four of them saw the damage that'd been wrought by Mantis' attack on the pony city a month prior.


Buildings, statues, streets, nearly everything had drone-sized holes driven through them. A statue of a pegasus general standing tall on his back hooves, a hole where the hind legs were, leaving the statue floating limply near its base. A cloud home floating on the city's outskirts, a hole drilling straight from the roof through to its base. Several of the chains that linked the five clouds together were broken, the ones intact stretched out and strained against the weight of keeping the city whole. The entire city was damaged.

Going through the ruins, they crossed the first of five sections. It had many tall spires that were lined with balconies. Pegasi homes. The clouds the towers were made of were given sharp shapes, angular roofs and lofts being supported by pillars, giving the illusion that the entire cloud was made of white stone. The spires were just as hole ridden as anything else they saw, and as they flew past, it became pretty clear that the entire city was deserted.

Chrys and Momo looked on, wide-eyed as they flew by. Dud looked through distant eyes, as if he was seeing it, but wasn't taking it in. A fact that made Chrys and Momo share a worried look for him. Dud guided them through all the same, flying towards a certain place with purpose, leading them to a segment of the city that had shorter structures, spaced out around roads and paths.

“The whole city is made up of five segments,” he explained, “four of them were made for pegasi only,” he added as he approached the road, motioning the others close as he followed it, “This section, referred to as Tradencloud, is for visiting earth ponies, unicorns, and occasionally other non-fliers. It was for trading and socializing,” he said with a hollow smile.

“Dud, are you alright?” Momo asked, making him blink, before he glanced to the side.

“I've never liked this city. I'll be fine. It's just a bunch of clouds,” he added as he motioned around, “Everypony that was here is either in the hive, or in Equestria. So they're all safe, and that's what's most important,” he said, his face still distant. Momo looked like she wanted to press him, but she hesitated, glancing to the side before looking around.

“So, the other segments don't have roads?” she asked, settling on changing the subject, for now.

“What does a flier need roads for?” Dud asked.

“Good point,” she replied as she eyed their ransacked surroundings. “Are we looking for supplies here?”

“In a minute, there's a welcoming station at the center square we'll want to hit up first.”

“Why's that?” Aegis asked suspiciously.

“So you two can walk on clouds,” Dud replied, eyeing Momo and Aegis.

“I can do that just fine,” Aegis replied, shifting into a large pegasus. The colors were different, but he was still unexpectedly handsome, getting a small smirk from Dud.

“Right, but there's a way that'll let you do it as a manticore,” he explained, “Ah, and there it is,” he added as he pointed forward, the path opening up into a large circular clearing.

The circle's outer ring was lined with stalls. Most made of cloud, but there were a few made of wood and cloth. In the circle's center was a tall solitary building, which Dud had pointed to. The building was just as ruined as the others, making Dud fly in through one of the holes in the front side. Momo followed after him, but Aegis paused, too big to fit in.

“H-Hey, wait a second!” Aegis let out indignantly, making Dud pause, looking back, before letting out a small laugh.

“It's just a cloud, Aegis. You can fly right through,” he pointed out, Aegis adopting a surprised look, before his face flushed.

“Won't that make another hole?” Momo asked, blinking as Aegis flew through the cloud, the wall reforming as he entered. “Wait, huh?”

“I think it was that fire-blitz trick that made the holes,” Dud said, a small glimmer of wonder in his eyes, “It's something drones can do, right?”

“Right,” Momo replied, getting a satisfied smile from him as he lifted up a turned over desk made of cloud, shuffling some debris aside as if looking for something. Momo watched him as he did, and her eyes widened when she saw some of the non-cloud items disappear into the floor.

“Dud, why are some things falling through the floor?” she asked, making him briefly glance over his shoulder, before he continued his search.

“Lack of magic. Unicorns have a spell that can let items and ponies rest on clouds like a pegasus. However, it needs to be refreshed every once in a while, or it'll wear off.” He then picked up a quill, and placed it on the turned over desk, where it rested. “This isn't enchanted, but the desk is, to keep things from falling through.” He then blew the quill off the desk, and they watched as it fell through the floor without even pausing to consider the trip it was about to undertake.

“Now,” he began as he returned to his search, “I'm trying to find- A-ha! Jackpot!” he let out with a satisfied grin. He then turned to the others, showing several, identical necklaces, each with a smooth white rock at its center. “These are Cloudstone Amulets. They let visitors walk on the clouds,” he explained, quickly placing one over Momo's neck, “Try it!” he added. She eyed the necklace briefly, before gingerly landing on the cloud, her eyes widening when she didn't plummet through it. “And one for you,” he said as he presented one for Chrys, who grabbed it in her magic.

“So I don't need to be a pegasus if I'm wearing this?” she asked curiously, seeing the smile her clutchling was wearing. She then donned the necklace, before hopping off Momo, landing on the cloud as if it were solid, puffy ground, making her smile too. “We can keep these, right?”

“I don't see why not,” Dud replied, eyeing the two amulets he had left, presenting them to the royal guard. “Here Aegis. You're a bit big, so it may take two to keep you on top,” he said, and the guard eyed the pendants for a moment, before placing them around his paws. His form then shifted briefly, making his paws a bit bulkier past the amulets to keep them from sliding off. He then landed, adopting a brief smile, before looking to Dud.

“Thank you.”

“Don't mention it!” he replied, before looking to Momo and Chrys. “So now we just gotta find supplies, and then head to the weather factory."

“Okay,” Chrys replied, before moving towards Aegis' side. “There's something I want to talk to Aegis about, I want you two to look for supplies while I do. Okay?” she asked, making Dud and Momo share a confused look.

“Are you going to...” Momo began, a tree coming to mind as she got a small nod from Chrys.

“...learn freeform?” Dud finished, making Chrys blink as she looked to him, before giving him a nod too.

“What about Sledge?” Momo asked.

“Did anypony see him tailing us?” Chrys asked, getting a 'no' from everyone.

“He's not going to be heading our way,” Aegis replied confidently, “Unless he somehow spotted us as we turned west, he'll assume we've gone north, into the storm.”

“What makes you sure?” Dud asked.

“Because that was the plan, before we ambushed you. We knew you were heading to Equestria, and I can follow your scent when you're close. It was my idea to wait at the valley for you,” he added, before adopting a guilty look, “Sledge hasn't a reason to think we'd come this way. I didn't even know you were intending to head towards Thundercloud till earlier today.”

“Sounds good to me,” Dud replied, “Momo and I will return before sundown, and we can call it a night before tackling the Weather Factory tomorrow. Is that the plan?”

“Yes,” Chrys replied, before giving Dud a small frown, “Now get moving, I'm getting hungry.”

“Oh. Right!” Dud let out, “You won't be able to practice if you've got pony food in your system, since shapeshifting like that will make you sick,” he said, nodding sagely before turning to Momo, “Well, we're up! Let's find what we can!”

“Right!” Momo replied with a firm nod, and with a beat of their wings, the pair flew out of the building. As Chrys watched them fly out, she stepped out after them, watching them circle around the area for a moment, before disappearing into the surrounding clouds. She then turned toward her guard as he came to her side.

“...Aegis, if this is the moment where you betray me, I swear on my mother there will never be another royal guard born for as long as I live,” she stated as she looked to him, making the guard look flustered as he took a step back, kneeling down, nearly placing his forehead on the ground.

“I would never dream of it, Your Highness! I swear, your word is my command,” he added, getting a small sigh from Chrys.

“You're more uptight than Bulwark,” she stated, a sad look in her eyes as she looked off in the distance. “I wonder how he's doing...”

“He's doing fine, Your Highness,” Aegis said confidently.

“How can you be sure?” she asked, and he hesitated for a moment, before nodding to himself.

“Because he's determined. He's probably already left the hive, and is flying to Equestria as swiftly as he can for you,” he said, and Chrys eyed him for a moment, before adopting a small smile.

“Yeah, he probably is,” she replied, walking around the guard as she took in the ruined marketplace. Her eyes then went further up, seeing another section of the city blocking her view of the stormy wall beyond, muffling the torrent of thunder it birthed.

She then paused, her eyes fixated in that direction. She could feel … something. It felt like a pulling sensation. But it was fairly weak, barely noticeable even. Was it the storm? The weather factory?

The wind shifted direction with a sudden gust, making her take an unexpected step back, the wind's chill briefly overpowering her enchantment. Aegis moved in front of her, cutting the breeze off, only it was a little late for that, as the gust was short lived. She looked to the figure towering over him, before her eyes widened.

The breeze brought something she'd only seen in the dreams of ponies. Little flakes of white; snow. She raised a hoof, catching a snowflake, which quickly melted in her grasp, making her consider the drop of water for a moment, before looking to her surroundings.

With the passing gust and the snow, Chrysalis was made more aware of how quiet this place was. It felt eerily similar to the caves she awoke in this morning.

“Dud said this place was old,” she began, her ears falling as she looked to Aegis, “And we destroyed it.”

“Highness?” he asked, confused by her dower expression.

“Aegis, what would you think if I told you none of this needed to happen?” she asked as she indicated the empty square.

“I don't follow, Your Highness. This is a pony city. They've lived their entire lives not knowing the strife we've suffered,” he said, before pausing, “I mean, the strife we endured before your time,” he added, before taking in the city.

“You don't feel anything, seeing an old place like this ruined by our hooves?”

“I feel ... out of place,” he admitted, “I feel there is something dangerous here. I feel a need to stay close to you, and protect you. All this, it's just clouds to me, Your Highness.”

“That's what Dud said...” she stated, pausing for a moment. “So, is our hive just a bunch of tunnels then?” she asked, adopting a small frown as she eyed him.

“That is...” he began, his mouth hanging open as he considered her words, before his ears fell. “Her Highness, Queen Amber, she wanted to keep you out of the feeding chambers, and now I see why. You've grown attached to ponies.”

“And is that bad?” Chrys asked in annoyance, not afraid to corner him on the claim.

“They're our food-”

“But what if they don't need to be?”

“I'd say that sounds like wishful thinking.”

“But, what if there was a way!?” she asked impatiently, giving him a fiery look that made him pause.

“Then, I guess we wouldn't need to war with the Moon Princess. But, wouldn't that also make all this, wasted effort? We've destroyed four pony towns to secure food. If there was an alternate means all along, what does that make our actions?” he asked, making Chrys' eyes widen, before she glanced to the side.

“Warmongering,” she replied, before looking back to her guard. “Aegis, I've found another way,” she stated, the look she gave him leaving him little room for doubt.

“I, I see... I'm sorry to say, Your Highness, but it may be too late for an alternative. We're committed.”

“I know. We're already committed. That's just the way it is,” Chrys replied, not liking it one bit. “Mantis will get in my way if I go back, and the means I found isn't strong enough to feed the entire hive. But, I have this feeling, that if we move forward on Canter Town, we'll be making a mistake we can't back away from.”

“May I ask why?”

“Dud. He's confident about Equestria's strength. I didn't see what he saw,” she said, before glancing in the direction of the storm-wall, “The ponies are capable of something like this, and our little hive is looking to pick a fight with them. Even if we capture Luna, it may not be enough,” she added as she indicated their surroundings. “How many ponies do you think lived here, before we cleared it out?”

“...About twice our hive's number,” he guessed.

“Aegis, do you think Mantis knows what we're up against?”

“Well, he did manage to clear this city out. You should have more faith, Princess, in what we're capable of,” he replied, making her consider his words for a moment, before shaking her head.

“Dud knows what we're capable of. He knows what Equestria is capable of, and yet he's certain we'll lose if we attack Canter Town.”

“Then he must know something you don't,” Aegis replied, giving her a fiery look of his own, “If you truly think he's worth our trust, then you must find out what that is.”

“Yes... You're right,” Chrys replied, looking in the direction Dud and Momo flew off in.

She had grown attached to ponies. Even now, she was thinking about how Dud felt, seeing this place like this. He said he never liked it, but it was clear that it still ate at him. Still, he knew something she didn't, and she found herself more worried about how this place was affecting him. A realization that made her frown at herself.

Aegis was right. When she next saw Dud, she intended to press him on what he knew. Thinking this, she glanced to the side, before adopting a determined look.

She then shifted into the form of Star Shell, the old stallion's grandfilly, who was a light blue earth pony. She found her new colors oddly matching with the cloudy environment, as she turned to her guard. It was time to learn freeform.

16. Broken Cage

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Momo eyed her companion as they flew a circle around the Tradencloud district. His smile from earlier had already faded, and his eyes retained that distant look. She tried picturing being in his hooves, her own home falling into ruin, and it made her chest ache.

He never really answered her earlier question, when she asked if he was alright. A fact that now ate at her as he lead them through the area.

Another fact that ate at her. It was cold. Very, very cold. Without Chrys' magic keeping the princess warm, and by association the one that carried her, Momo was completely exposed to the elements. Her body was shivering, sapping any desire to speak, feeling as if she'd accidentally bite her tongue if she did.

After flying for about a minute, they reached an unassuming building. It had wide, opaque, misty panes of cloud lining the front, showing a ransacked interior full of shelves and many assorted pony-wear.

“First stop, saddlebags and clothes,” Dud stated, not hesitating to fly through the cloudy window. Momo followed after, enjoying the lack of a chilly breeze inside as she eyed the garments littering the place. Her eyes lingered on a hole in the floor, seeing several articles of clothes nearby having been burnt, confirming Dud's theory to the hole's origins.

With speed that surprised her, Dud singled out something for her to wear, helping Momo put it on shortly after presenting her a coat intended for pegasi. The coat was cold, but that fact was short-lived as her body worked to heat it up.

“Feeling better?” he asked as he appraised her, making her look at the coat in surprise. It was starting to feel very snug and warm, which prompted her to give him a nod. He gave her a small smile, before he continued rummaging through the store. Momo then blinked, before shaking her head.

“Dud, how are you feeling?” The fact that he was worried about her, despite being glum, bothered her.

“...I feel like somepony that got what they asked for, but not what they wanted.”


“...I didn't like this city when I was a colt. In fact, I once wished this place would simply vanish from the skies,” he stated, pulling out a saddlebag from a toppled pile, eyeing it for a moment before discarding it for another.

“And now you feel bad because of this?” Momo then shook her head, “Dud, this wasn't your fault, it was our fault,” she emphasized as she placed a hoof to her chest.

“We both know you were at the hive when Thundercloud was attacked,” he replied matter-of-factly. “And I'm not really blaming myself. It's just a feeling, an unpleasant one.” He then lifted up a particularly large pair of bags, raising an eyebrow at it before slinging it over his shoulders, carrying it instead of wearing it.

“If that's the case, then, well... Dud, what is Thundercloud to you?” He blinked at her question, a slight frown on his face as he devoted more of his attention towards scavenging. “...Dud?”

“Don't wanna talk about it. It's not like you really need to know,” he replied, before tossing on a set of saddlebags that fit him snugly. He then looked to her, and she hesitated. He caught her off guard when he slapped a pair of bags over her back, making her look over him for a moment as he straightened her bags.

“Is this city why you're a dud?” she asked, making him pause at that, giving her a considering look, before he placed some articles of clothing into her bags.

“These are for you and Chrys, let's go.” He then slapped a thick scarf around his neck, before heading towards the door.

“Dud, I don't like being ignored,” Momo warned, a small frown on her face. “When you were talking about 'bigots' earlier, you called us friends. That means we trust each other, right?” she asked with a small sense of uncertainty.

He paused at her question, making him look to her for a moment, considering something. He then motioned her to follow, before flying out through the windows. She followed him silently, her brow furrowed as he led them to another ransacked shop. He stopped at the entrance, before looking to her.

“Momo, do you have a story? One you have trouble telling others? One you haven't told anyone, including your clutchlings?” he asked, almost making Momo stumble on her landing.

“Y- Yes...” she replied apprehensively. He was about to reply, but an unexpected gust of wind silenced him, making them pause as it brushed past.

“This city and me, it's one of those stories,” he said flatly, before turning towards the building. Momo eyed him as he moved away, feeling as if he had just placed a wall between them. A wall meant to keep hearts apart. A wall that bothered her.

But, why?

She wondered this as he entered the building, leaving her alone as it started to snow. Why did it matter? Why did she care? He wasn't her clutchling. He wasn't even a changeling. He was a pony.

She then shook her head. She was worried about him. She understood that much, which meant, to her, that it didn't matter if he was a pony.

This story of his, one he wanted to keep to himself, was that wall. It's not natural for a pony to lack love for others, and she had a strong feeling that this story was to blame.

He helped her clutchling. He helped her. He put his life on the line to help them get to Equestria. Because of that, she wanted to shatter that wall.

These thoughts in mind, she adopted a determined look, as he stepped out of the store with a disappointed expression on his face. His eyes met hers, making him pause.

“Dud, what if I told you?” she asked, making him blink in confusion.

“Told me what?”

My story,” she replied, making him look over her for a second, before shaking his head.

“It's not the same, if you can tell it just like that,” he replied flatly.

“It's not easy. I get that. Look, I haven't told Chrys,” she continued, taking a step forward, “I want to tell her, but it's embarrassing. My face feels hot, and I just can't seem to get the words out when I want to. It's important to me. It's not something I can tell 'just like that'.”

“Uhh," he started, a worried look in his eyes, "shouldn't this wait till she's here to listen then?” he asked, making Momo shake her head.

“I don't think I can tell her. Not yet. But, I think I can tell you.”


“Because Chrys is the reason for my 'story'. And, because we're friends,” she said resolutely, making him appraise her for a moment, before his ears fell. He simply stood there, glancing to the side in silence, making Momo's face flush. She took it as a sign of acceptance, prompting her to take in a deep breath. “Dud, do you have a dream? You know, a goal you're aspiring towards,” she asked, not quite ready to dive head-first into it.

“I did,” he replied, getting a brief, surprised look from the mare, before her ears fell.

“I see, you must have given up on it too.”

“Given up?” he asked in surprise, before shaking his head, “I accomplished it,” he added proudly, making Momo look at him, her mouth falling open at the notion.

“You- You did?”

“Yep!” he said with a smile on his face, “So what's that have to do with your story?” he asked, making her face flush further. Suddenly, she found the idea of telling him very unappealing, and it was because he had reached his dream, whatever it was, while she had abandoned hers. Still, she looked him in the eyes.

“W- When a hatchling knows what they want to do in the hive, they give themselves a name that they like...” she explained as she glanced to the side, knowing he knew this much. She was quietly hoping, and dreading, that bringing this fact up right now would make him figure out the rest.

Indeed, he considered her words for a moment, mouthing out her name, before his eyes widened. Momo could see it all playing out in his eyes, making her wish she could bury her face in the clouds. Actually, she could do that, but she resisted the urge as his ears fell in comprehension.

“I see. It's in your name,” he stated, pausing for a moment before adopting a contemplative look. “So why'd you give up on your dream?” he asked, his question acting like a bucket of cold water on her mood.

“W- What?” she asked, unsure if she'd heard him right.

“Why'd you give up on your dream? You're not someone that gives up,” he added with a confident nod. She knew he just pieced together what she hid from Chrys, so the fact that he asked such an incredulous question made her frown.

“Because my dream is impossible! It was impossible from the moment I hatched.”

“Momo, a dream is only impossible when you give up on it,” he stated, making her frown deepen.

“What would you know? Your dream was clearly easier to reach!”

“Was it?” he asked, mostly to himself, before faltering a moment. “I suppose it does look that way,” he admitted, glancing to the side, eyeing the city around him. He sat silently for a moment, gathering his thoughts, before looking her in the eyes, “Momo, when I was a colt, this city was my cage,” he stated, making her blink.

“But, but I thought it was your home?”

“To a bird locked in a cage, they're one in the same.”

“I ... don't follow.”

“Right, changeling,” Dud replied as he glanced to the side, “Some ponies like to keep pets. For pegasi, it's usually birds. Some ponies use cages to keep their birds from flying away,” he explained, getting a nod from Momo as she appraised the stallion.

“So this was your cage?” she asked as she motioned to all around them. Even in the shadow of one of the other districts, the city felt very open and inviting. “What am I missing?” she asked, and he appraised her for several moments, before taking in a deep breath.

“The rich bigots, those old-fashioned ponies that flaunted their power like a badge. I was the foal of such ponies.”

“...That doesn't sound too bad,” Momo pointed out, flinching when he gave her a harsh glare.

“Said the changeling to the dud.”

“R-Right. Sorry,” she replied as her ears fell, “Can you fill me in?”

“What's to fill in? I lived in a big, fancy home, that always felt empty. The ponies my parents wanted me to talk to were too infatuated with themselves to care about others. The ponies outside saw me as the foal of snobby bigots, and kept their distance from me. I felt alone in this city. I felt like a bird in a cage. I wanted to leave. To leave this city, my home, and my name. But I couldn't.”


“Because, I was the foal of a rich bigot. And that would never change, no matter where I went,” he stated, before he adopted a small smile. “That's what I felt; what went through my head every time I considered leaving. Escaping this cage was my dream, and it was out of reach, because I didn't realize I could fly,” he explained, and Momo nodded, considering his words as he continued.

“When I was still a colt, a blank-flank, my father purchased a rare bird, and kept it in his study. It was a sapphire phoenix, a magical bird that would explode into a plume of snow when it reached the end of its lifespan. From that snow, a new hatchling would emerge,” he explained, a glimmer in his eyes. He looked like he was about to go into more detail concerning sapphire phoenix's, but thought better of it, shaking his head. “Father kept Blue in a cage, and she became my first friend,” he said, adopting a warm smile as he eyed the falling snow. “I thought she was just like me. We were just two birds, trapped in our cages. I talked to her, all the time, though I don't think she understood me,” he explained, before he started to laugh, “One day, she somehow managed to open the cage on her own, and left. Just like that. She left the cage of her own will and strength. A fact that infuriated my father. He thought I did it, and I didn't feel the need to correct him.”

“...So you followed her example?”

“Not quite. A couple weeks later, father bought another rare bird. This time, I did set it free. It felt so good, helping another leave their cage. So much so that I went out looking for other trapped birds throughout Thundercloud. Eventually, after having freed a good number of rare critters, I found a Snow Dove. The little fellow had been kept since he was hatched, and he didn't know the way back to his native lands. So, I decided to show him the way, leaving Thundercloud without even a second thought. Can you guess what I found when I did?” he asked, and Momo shook her head as his smile widened.

“Nopony outside of Thundercloud knew who I was. I was just some yellow pegasus who knew a lot about rare critters. After I showed my feathered friend a home with others of its kind, I made my way back to this city. When I was close enough to the city to see it in the sky, I paused. I asked myself 'why am I returning?'.” He then nodded to himself, “That's when I figured it all out. My cage wasn't just a home in the clouds, but it was also in my heart. I thought I was always gonna be seen as just another spoiled rich pony. But nopony knew me outside of Thundercloud. I didn't need to come back. I didn't need to return to my cage.” He then gave her a prideful grin, “I got my cutie-mark that day, and I set out to see the world, and all the rare creatures in it,” he concluded, making her eye the mark on his flank, as if seeing it for the first time: An open, silver birdcage.

“So, you're glum because you didn't want to return to your cage?” Momo asked as she indicated the city.

“No, this place hasn't been my cage for a long time,” he said as he eyed the ruined surroundings, his ears fallen. “I may not have liked Thundercloud, but it was home for so many others. It's sad, seeing it being destroyed like this. A small part of me is happy that my old cage is like this, which only makes the bigger part of me all the more 'glum',” he said, making her appraise him for a moment.

Was this the first time he's ever told anypony this?

“You ... made friends after leaving. Right?” she asked, making him shake his head.

“If you mean pony friends, then not really. You and Chrys are the closest to having pony friends I've ever gotten.”

“Well, why?”

“Because nopony changes overnight. I … didn't like the idea of making friends, only for them to learn about who I once was,” he said, before giving Momo a worried side glance.

“Dud. I'll be the first to admit, that I don't really get all this bigot rich pony nonsense. What I do get, is that you're our friend,” she then hesitated for a moment, “But, I don't get why you see us as friends,” she admitted, getting a confused look from him. “When we first met, and I mean the very first time, you were in a cage in Lores' chamber. If you hate being in a cage, then why don't you hate … us?”

“I don't hate being in a cage. Hate is too strong a word for it. And I suppose there was plenty reason to dislike being trapped in your hive, but I never really felt like I was in a cage back there.”


“I don't know. Because I enjoyed it? Talking to Lores, learning about changelings, it was all, exciting. I saw a rare race on the verge of something big, and I wanted to see what became of it. So, when the princess of that race asked me for help in escaping her father, how could I say no?” He then shook his head, “I don't hate you, or any other changelings. And, I'm kind of glad, that you see me as a friend.” He then blinked, as if realizing something, making him glance to the side for a moment, a small blush on his face, before looking to her, “So, thanks, Momo.”

“W-What for?” she let out unexpectedly, his tone making her blush for some reason.

“I ... didn't want to get into it, my story, but now that I've let it out, it feels, lighter,” he explained, a hoof on his chest. He sat there for several moments, watching the snow fall, looking content, which brought a small smile to Momo's face. He then nodded to himself, getting on his hooves. He approached her, making her face flush further as he reached out with his wings, brushing the small layer of snow that's gathered on her shoulders. “Let's go. We've got food to gather.”

“R-Right!” she replied, having forgotten, which only made her face redden further. Desperate for a distraction, she quickly pointed to the shop Dud had looked into, “What was that place?”

“Oh, that's an alchemy shop,” he said as he looked back, “Was seeing if there was anything useful, but there wasn't,” he explained, getting a curious look from Momo as he walked past her, heading to a shop across the street. “Alchemy is about mixing things together to make magical things happen. I'm not too familiar with it, but finding some medicinal items would have been nice,” he added, giving a small shrug as Momo followed after him. “So, back to earlier,” he casually began, “Why'd you give up on your dream?” he asked, making her trip into the snow.

“D- Dud!” she let out in annoyance, picking herself up, brushing snow off of herself, “I told you, it's because my dream's impossible to reach! I'm a drone, and I'll never be anything else.” She then glanced to the side, “That's ... just the way things are,” she added, making him frown at her.

“Right. You told me it's impossible, that's what made me tell you my backstory,” he said with a nod, as if that cleared everything up. “I thought it was impossible to leave my cage, so I never tried,” he said as he shook his head, “I didn't like a single part of your reply, Momo. A changeling saying they'll never be anything else?” he emphasized as he approached her, “'Impossible to reach? That's just the way things are?', Did you even try?” he asked, making her face turn beet red, one part embarrassment at his final question, another part anger.

“It's still easy for you to say! Your dream was some sort of silly mental block-”

“And it's no different for you,” he interjected getting an exasperated look from her. “Momo, it's fine to have more than one dream.”

“W-What do you mean?” she asked, her anger temporarily defused by confusion.

“You believe you'd never be able to reach your dream. But Chrys, she can. I can see now, that's why you stick your neck out for her, more so than your other clutchlings. You let go of your dream, and latched onto her instead," he stated, before giving her a soft look. "Look, there's no rule that says you can't have both. You don't need to give up on it.”

“How?” she began, glancing to the side, “How can you say that so confidently? You think I liked it, giving up on, on...” Even though they both knew what she was referring to, she still couldn't say it out loud. She felt as if Chrys would appear out of nowhere, overhearing her if she did.

“Momo. You're a changeling,” he stated matter-of-factly. “That's 'just the way things are'? Why not, you know, change it?” he asked, before pointing to all around him, “You're walking in the sky right now, thanks to magic. Did you ever think that was possible before now?” he asked, making her shake her head. “Just because something seems impossible, doesn't mean it actually is.”

“...You think I could actually do it?” she asked, her eyes starting to sting, her head down, chest aching as she considered the prospect.

“I know you can,” he replied with a smile. “You just gotta pick it back up.”

Pick it back up?

She couldn't deny that she still wanted it. Even now, while following her clutchling across the lands, she still wanted it. Taking action when she saw Ssarah's children in danger. Speaking to Lores to be a Caretaker for the hatchlings. Becoming close to Chrys, caring for and protecting her. It all spiraled around the core of her dream. She may have abandoned it, but she still held pieces close to her heart.

I'm sorry, Little One. No matter how hard you try, you'll never be like her.

Words whispered by her mother, the queen. Words that shaped who she was now. Words that shattered a dream. Could she really pick it back up?

As she wondered this, she ran her hoof across the ground, seeing the cloudy road give slightly, quickly reforming in her wake. Seeing that made her pause. She couldn't deny, she was envious when she saw Chrys walking on the clouds, as if it were nothing. And now here she was, standing in the heart of a pegasi city, living a prospect she could never even imagine possible not a fortnight ago.

Thinking that, an ember that had long been smoldering in her heart started to find new life. An ember that never truly grew cold, thanks to her desire to follow Chrys. Raising her head, she gave Dud a determined look, which he replied with a smile.

“Dud, do you think there's a way? Some sort of Equestrian magic, that can help me reach my dream?”

“I'd be surprised if there wasn't,” he resolutely replied, making her look him in the eyes. She felt an urge to look into his heart, making her glance away, as she adopted a small smile.

“Do you think that's fine? Looking for help from ponies, after everything we've done to them?”

“I think that's fine. And if it's only me that thinks that, I'll still help, all the way.”

“...Thanks,” she replied, giving him a small smile.

Before now, she traveled with the others for Chrys, for the Queen's safety, for the hive's safety. Now she had another reason to go Equestria, one not driven by fear and worry, but something more inspiring.

So the two sat, letting the snow fall as each of them found themselves thinking about what lay ahead of them. It wasn't long before Dud's stomach broke the snowy silence, getting a small laugh from the stallion, which Momo mirrored. “I suppose we should get back to getting food, huh?” she stated.

“Well, yes. Now that serious time is over, let's do that!” he replied, hopping into the air and blowing off all the snow on him in the process. Momo shook her head in amusement, before mirroring his actions, following after him to continue their scavenging.


Chrys' body ached all over. She was in the form of a pegasus filly, but she had all the physical features of Star Shell, only with wings. She smiled as she gave her wings a small flap. It'd been several hours since the others left, and now she had freeform down, to Aegis' surprise. He seemed quite proud with her determination and effort.

Now she understood why her mother wanted to wait till she 'grew up'. The entire process wasn't exactly comfortable. She winced as she turn around, looking to the western sky, seeing the glow of sunset set Thundercloud ablaze.

Aegis kept an eye out as she shifted from time to time, her fur or eyes shifting color with each change. On a whim, she shifted again, her coat now a splash of different shades of blue, her mane a number of different colors. It didn't look natural. In fact, shifting into such a palette made her feel more than a little silly.

“They're back,” Aegis pointed out, making Chrys' eyes widen in panic as she shifted back into Star Shell's true palette, trading out the wings for a horn. Dinner was here, and shifting would be a poor idea from here on. Which was fine, as she didn't particularly see it as a wise idea to travel into Equestria as a changeling.

Rubbing a hoof over her unicorn horn, she couldn't help but frown. It was straight, and had more of a spiral feel to it. Shrugging off the distracting fact, she cast her heat enchantment, feeling quite snug as the chill in the air disappeared.

Giving her attention to the others, she saw Momo and Dud flying down towards them. Momo was wearing clothes, another notion the princess found strange, and they both had saddlebags that looked well packed. As they landed, she couldn't help but notice that Dud seemed a little brighter than when he left.

“Dud, we need to talk,” Chrys began, making him blink before he glanced to Momo.

“Is it time for serious talk, part two?” he asked almost whimsically, getting a confused look from Chrys as Momo blushed.

“Look, I want to know what you think about all this,” Chrys elaborated, almost impatiently as she indicated the ruined surroundings.

“Yep, that sounds like serious talk,” Dud replied, letting out an exasperated sigh in the process.

“Yes, it's serious,” she replied flatly, “Dud, do you still think Equestria will 'win', after having seen this?”

“This? Yes, I still think so,” he quickly replied with a nod, “Not all pony towns are made of clouds.”

“But Equestria's lost three cities, and this one's looking pretty close to a fourth,” she pointed out, feeling a little guilty at the fact.

“It's not like they were destroyed overnight,” he replied, before rolling his eyes. “Okay, it practically was overnight, but from what I've gathered, a lot of prep work was put into it. Like, years of prep work. A direct assault on Canter Town won't play out the same.”

“Look, you told me once that you had faith in Equestria,” she replied, looking him in the eyes, “Dud, what if Mantis won? What if he destroys Cantertown, and captures your Princess Luna?” she asked, making him tilt his head in thought.

“That would mark the point of no return. Your hive would fall,” he said without a glimmer of doubt, getting alarmed looks from Chrys and Momo, and a glare from Aegis.

“W-What!?” Chrys let out.

“You think to mock us?” Aegis interjected, getting a considering look from Dud as he read their reactions.

“Why do I get the feeling none of you have considered what happens after 'winning' against Equestria?”

“What do you mean?” Momo asked, stepping towards him.

“Dud, what is it?” Chrys asked as she stepped closer to him, “What do you see that we're overlooking?” she asked, making Dud adopt a confused look for a moment, before his eyes widened in realization.

“Chrys, you are aware that the world is bigger than just The Badlands and Equestria, right?”

“W- What are you implying?”

“The world is a big place. It's home to not just ponies and changelings, but also lamia, kirin and qilin, zebra, griffons, and so many others. If you capture Princess Luna, and also all the other ponies in short order somehow, you'll be making a lot of enemies,” he stated, before giving her a glum look. “Chrys, taking Luna means the sun would no longer be raised and lowered. All those races rely on her magic, including yours.”

Chrys' mind raced at this information, making her glance to the ground in thought. She knew of zebras, and lamia, but the others were all new words to her. The world is a big place? If Dud was truly right about Luna raising the sun and moon, which her mother and Mantis doubted, then capturing her would make untold enemies.

“Dud, why didn't you tell me this sooner?” she asked, unable to hide the accusing note in her voice.

“Never really came to mind,” he replied with an apologetic look, “Last time I talked about Luna's magic, you got skeptical.” He then put a hoof below his chin, “And mad. I definitely remember you getting mad.”

“Chrys,” Momo began, “we need to stop the attack,” she stated, giving her clutching a very worried look, getting an agreeing nod from Chrys.

The attack wasn't needed. A small tree in the broken mountain, as well as all the ponies they already had captured made that a fact. A fight they couldn't win wasn't what her hive needed right now. It needed something different.

“Dud... Do you know if Luna would be open to peace?” she asked, her eyes glancing to the surrounding ruins.

“Probably. She seems really nice,” Dud replied, “I can ask her next time we talk,” he added, getting a thankful look from Chrys.

“Highness, you put too much stock in his claims—” Aegis began, making her round on him.

“Aegis, I may have left the hive thanks to Mantis, but my desire to assess Luna's threat is genuine. When we get there, it won't take long for me to know for certain if she can actually do what Dud claims. If it's true, we need to stop the attack on Cantertown,” she stated resolutely, giving Aegis a small glare, “I'd appreciate it if you didn't doubt this pony.”

“That's okay Chrys, I don't mind,” Dud replied. “Did you have any more questions?” he asked, getting a considering look from her.

If she could talk to her mother, she could stop the attack on Canter Town. However, that meant having to deal with Mantis directly. Would he see reason if all this was presented to him? She thought on it for a moment, trying to picture what he would do with this knowledge.

He wouldn't give up. He'd probably work around the problems, and still insist on taking Canter Town. He needed to be dealt with. But how? Lost at that question, she looked to the others for a moment, before nodding to Dud. She needed to know more. Apparently, her mother had been wrong. The world wasn't small at all, and Chrys needed to know just how big it actually was.

“I want to know more about these other races,” she stated, before her stomach voiced a concern of its own, making her face flush. “While we're eating."

“Right!” he replied, and in short order he brought out the desk in the broken building. He then started pulling out all sorts of plants out of his bag, while Momo gave a stuffed saddlebag to Aegis, who eyed its contents for a moment, before simply slinging the bag onto his back.

“I'll pass for now,” he said, getting a surprised look from the others, “I'll wait until we're soundly in Equestria before taking food from our supplies.”

“You sure?” Dud asked, getting a small nod.

“Well, alright,” Momo added, going into the bag on her back, pulling out a scarf and beanie-hat, presenting them to Chrys, “Here, this'll help keep you warm, only without using magic!” she said with a smile, getting one from Chrys as she eyed another pony oddity she'd need to adjust to.

As she put them on, Dud started placing dry foods on the desk. It was mostly grasses and flowers, but there was also a small bundle of well preserved carrots, which he divided between each of them. “Eat up! We've got a busy day tomorrow.”

“...What's the weather factory gonna be like?” Chrys asked as she picked up a carrot with her magic, eyeing it apprehensively, before seeing her clutchling chow down on one of her own with an audible crunch.

“Don't know. Depends on how damaged it is,” he replied with a shrug. Momo then let out a very satisfied noise as she appraised her remaining carrots.

“These orange things, they're great!” she let out energetically, “Come on Chrys, you gotta try it, they're nothing like nectar!” she claimed, making Chrys eye her as she dived into the rest of her food, making the princess appraise her carrot for a moment longer, before taking a bite out of it.

Eating nectar for one's entire life made for a lacking pallet when it came to the understanding of dietary variety. Chrys' pupils widened as she tasted something truly different for the very first time. In short order, the carrot was gone, and her mouth watered as she eyed the rest of them. Okay, maybe pretending to be a pony for a while had its upsides.

Suffice to say, dinner was short-lived.

17. Thundercloud

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Strewn across the wall of the hive's war room was a large, crudely drawn map. Streets, buildings, notes of importance, targets, all pertinent to the coming attack in the spring. The conquest of Canter Town.

Unfortunately, the map was so densely packed with tactical knowledge that Queen Amber couldn't help but feel a little lost looking over it, and that was after Mantis had given her the bullet points. Since she would be taking an active part in the attack, she ordered him to inform her on all the details. An order she'd taken upon him once before, when he laid out his strategy for capturing Tampa Neigh years before. Canter Town was no small coastal village, making the queen of the changelings feel quite small compared to that map.

Mantis hid a smile as he took in how lost his Queen looked.

“Mantis, is all of this really necessary?” she found herself asking, getting a nod from the drone as he came to her side.

“As you're fond of saying, Your Highness, there's a reason for everything. I don't indulge in superfluous action. Everything here is necessary,” he assured, making her raise an eyebrow as she pointed to a small notation in the map's corner.

“Why destroy the Moon Princess's castle and the town after we've secured victory?” she inquired. “Wouldn't it be better to secure the location, and make it a staging area for the rest of Equestria?”

“If we did that, than the rest of Equestria will know where we are, and work against us,” he said as he shook his head, “They can manipulate the weather. If they know where we are, they can use it against us. No, we're destroying it, the heart of Equestria, and in the process instill fear, and provoke anger,” he concluded with a nod, getting a considering look from the queen as she nodded.

“I see. Those that fear us will cower, and the mad ones will act recklessly.”

“That's right. As I said, I don't indulge in superfluous action. Every notation has its purpose.”

“...I'll need some time to commit this to memory,” she admitted as she gave the map a displeased look, “You're dismissed, Mantis.”

“Very well, Your Highness,” he replied, giving her a brief bow, then leaving as the queen scrutinized the map.

As he left the room, he found his thoughts wandering towards the part of the attack he didn't privy the queen to, making him wonder if Sledge would follow through on his primary objective. His speculation was short lived as he took notice of a drone that'd been waiting for him. Mantis paused when their eyes met, making him adopt a smug smile, getting a glare from the other.

“General,” Darrin began, “Permission to speak freely.”


“What would Her Highness think if I pointed out to her that your attack on Canter Town doesn't have a single line concerning Chrysalis?” Darrin said, raising an eyebrow, “Does that mean she's superfluous to you?”

“What are you referring to?” Mantis asked coolly, “I simply didn't want to put the princess in harm's way.” Darrin scoffed.

“You're really full of it, Mantis.”

“And all you have are words, nothing more,” he replied dismissively, “If you don't like it, then do something about it. Just be sure you weigh the consequences before you do,” he added, getting a look of mock-surprise from the drone.

“You know, I never thought of that,” he replied sarcastically, “Alright, Mantis, in that case, I challenge you,” he said with a determined look, making the general blink in surprise, his cool demeanor faltering for a moment.

“You ... what?”

“I challenge you. Tomorrow, we'll duel. If I win, you must indulge in my request, and if you win, I must do the same for you.”

“And what is this request?” Mantis asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Our first recon group will be led by me,” Darrin replied, making Mantis smile at his forethought.

“So as soon as we open the tunnels again, you can go find your precious clutchling,” he chided, before giving the drone a cold glare. “Do you honestly think you can best me? To defeat me in a challenge, you'll gain so much more than that.” His eyes then narrowed, “You could even take my title from me. I know you're aware of what'll happen to you and your clutchlings if that were to happen, so what are you playing at?”

“What, can't figure it out on your own?” Darrin asked smugly, “You will accept my challenge. Or, would Mantis turn his back in fear—”

“Don't even try provoking me, you're not the right changeling for that,” he spat out, before giving Darrin an appraising look. “You will have your fight. Don't expect to be left in a state to walk away from it once the dust settles,” he replied, turning his back to Darrin, “I'll do you the service of informing Her Highness,” he added, getting a nod from Darrin as Mantis left.

Darrin's eyes followed the general as he continued down the hall. He was going to claim his prize, for he had a future to secure for his queen, and Mantis's thoughts on the matter were simply irrelevant.


Carrots. Stale pastries. Dried apples. Old apple pie. Dud and Momo's haul seemed to vanish as they indulged in the food they found that was still edible. Well, besides the hay. The princess still had standards, and the grass was too pedestrian for her. The pie they ate sent a delicious shiver down Chrys and Momo's backs, making them add dessert to their growing list of new experiences.

“That, that was something else,” Chrys said with a satisfied smile, leaning against a cloudy pillow as her eyes took in the glowing sky. “I can't recall the last time I ate like that.”

“It really was amazing!” Momo replied, laying next to the princess, mirroring her smile, “I wouldn't mind having that sort of palette everyday!” she said, before adopting an amused smile, “Though... I'm pretty sure you ate more than Dud or I,” she pointed out, getting an agreeing nod from the pony.

Combined,” Dud stated, wearing a confused expression, “I wonder where it all goes?” he added, making Chrys blush as she frowned at him.

“It was all so, so different, okay!” she replied, her stomach lurching threateningly, keeping her still as she glanced to the side. “You ponies. You really have it good, having such a variety of tastes and textures at your hooves,” she mumbled bitterly, not bothering to hide her envy.

“We have it good?” Dud asked, before shaking his head, “I'm sorry to say, it's more like changelings have it bad. The other races, at least the ones I know of, enjoy such variety as well.”

“Even lamia?” Momo asked curiously, getting an odd look from Dud.

“Probably. I'll ask Ssarah next time we see her,” he replied, seeming to make a mental note of it before looking back to the princess. “Have you tried adding spices and other things to your nectar?”

“I think the hive's been a little to focused on other things,” Chrys pointed out, getting a small nod from Dud.

“Highness,” Aegis began, reminding the others of the silent guardian's presence, “may I ask how we're entering Equestria? I mean, beyond what transpires here?” he asked, making Chrys frown in thought.

“Between Canter Town and The Badlands is a town called Dodge, right?” Chrys asked the pony, getting a nod in turn.

“That's right, Dodge, a place where everypony likes to wear a big hat. And right now, it's probably taking a beating from that storm,” he explained as he glanced in the storm's direction. “Or maybe not. If there's enough pegasi at work, the storm could be directed away from Dodge. I'm guessing the town's a day or less to the north. If you want, I can find out how close we are when I talk to Princess Luna tonight.”

“You can communicate with the Moon Princess?” Aegis asked with a raised eyebrow, getting an odd look from the others. “What?”

“She can talk to Dud in his dreams,” Momo explained offhoofedly, before looking to Dud, “So we'll head to Dodge, then to Canter Town?” she asked, getting a nod from him.

“Dud,” Chrys began, giving him a determined look, “I want to talk to Luna.”

"Roger! I'll let her know tonight!” he replied with a grin.

“I see,” Aegis said, his tone neutral as he looked to his charge. “Highness, how do you want me to appear? I'm assuming that we're keeping our true nature hidden?”

“That's right,” she replied, “Luna doesn't need to know that we're changelings. At least, it would be best if we could resolve all this without her learning that.”

“How come?” Dud asked, sounding a little disappointed, getting a flat look from Chrys.

“You once told me that ponies would see us as monsters because we can shapeshift, and that we feed on love.”

“Oh. Right,” he replied as his ears fell, “Okay then, it's your choice after all,” he added, nodding to himself as she started looking over her guard.

“Now, being a large pony would gather too much attention...” Chrys said as she rubbed her chin,

“...Can we pass him off as a pet manticore?” Momo asked, getting a considering look from Dud as Aegis considered it.

“That would draw attention too, but I guess it fits better than a super-sized-pony,” Dud pointed out, getting a nod from Chrys, which Aegis mirrored. The princess then let out a long yawn, her face blushing as she rubbed her eyes.

“Anything else we need to talk about?” she asked, looking between the others with a serious expression. Aegis considered it while Momo shrugged, Dud however rubbed the back of his head as he adopted a sheepish look.

“Do you want to be welcomed?” he asked, getting a confused look from the others. “Princess Luna knows we're almost there, do you want to be escorted to Canter Town?”

“No,” Chrys quickly replied, making him tilt his head, “I want to stay in Dodge for a bit, and I don't want her ponies watching us while we do.”

“How come?”

“...I want to see how ponies live,” she admitted as she glanced to the side, “Not in a dream, but for real. I want to talk to them. I want to know what it means to be a common pony.”

“Highness, why would you wish to know that?” Aegis asked.

“Because I want to, okay?” she replied, giving the others a look that implied she didn't care to elaborate. “We still have several months till the monsoon ends, so we have time to spare for this,” she added, getting a smile from Momo and Dud.

“I wouldn't mind learning more-” Momo began, before her eyes widened in realization, “There would be fillies in Dodge. And colts!” she added getting a small laugh from Dud as Aegis gave them a troubled look.

“...If that's what her Highness wishes. Hopefully masquerading as a manticore won't impede that desire.”

“Oh, that's perfect!” Dud let out unexpectedly, getting odd looks from the others. “I've got something in mind. A form you can use that won't draw nearly as much attention, but I doubt you know it. No biggie though! We can find one outside Dodge.”

“One what?” the guardian asked suspiciously.

“That's a surprise~!” the pony replied, getting an unamused look in turn.

“So we're all clear then?” Chrys asked again, getting a nod from the others, making her stifle a yawn, “Then let's call it a night.”

With no objections from the others, they took shelter in the main building of the square. Momo and Chrys cuddled up together as Dud moved some of the clouds around them, patching up holes to keep the wintry air out. And with Aegis keeping an eye out, it wasn't long before the others fell asleep.


As soon as Dud's dream began, it was hijacked. One moment, he was closing his eyes to fall asleep, and the next he was standing in the Weather Factory, a concerned Princess Luna looking over him as he tilted his head.

“Were you waiting for me?” he asked, a little embarrassed as she nodded.

“What happened?” Luna inquired, “I couldn't find you last night.”

“Well, I passed out, but I guess I didn't really have any dreams,” he replied, more to himself than Luna. “Bad stuff happened, we got ambushed inside a cave, it was … unexpected,” he replied with a sheepish grin, “But we're fine now. Even better, we're in Thundercloud, and we have a new friend to help Chrys!”

“Thundercloud...” she said, trailing off for a moment before shaking her head. “Who, or what, ambushed you?”

“It was two very strong guards who work for Chrys's father,” he stated, getting an odd look from her.

“What, is she a run-away princess?” Luna asked, a little surprised.

“I guess you could say that? Her father is sort of calling the shots these days, and they really can't stand each other.”

“And you said you gained a new ally?”

“Yep! The older guard, Aegis, he saw reason, and is helping Chrys now.”

“I see...” she replied, frowning slightly, “So I take it her father is the one that led the attack on Thundercloud?” she asked, getting a nod from the pegasus. “Show me. I want to see what's become of it,” she requested, making Dud nod, his dream shifting as the Weather Factory melted away, revealing the devastation outside. Her eyes faltered for a moment, before her brow furrowed. Dud's ears fell as Luna flew through the city, following after her as she took in all there was that he had seen.

“...It's worse than before,” she stated, breaking the long silence carried between them.

“It is?” he asked, getting a nod as the dream shifted again, by Luna's influence, showing a less holey city than before.

“They did more to it after the fact,” she stated with an angry breath, “Why? What reason was there for this?” she asked, more to herself. She then looked to the pegasus, a calculated look in her eyes, before she landed on a nearby spire. “Mr. Gust, I want to know more about Chrys' father. What is his name. Why did he do all of this? I need to know, and I have no intention of waiting to hear it from the princess herself.”

“T- That's fair,” Dud replied as he landed before her, briefly glancing to the side in thought, before looking to her. “Chrys' father is called Mantis. He's cold and calculating, and he probably did this to Thundercloud out of spite.”

“And where does this spite come from?”

“Envy? Jealousy? The grass in Equestria is greener,” Dud pitched, before frowning, “Or it's more like Equestria has grass,” he explained, making Luna reflect on this for several minutes as her eyes roamed over the clouds.

“So, Mantis is the name,” she said to herself, before looking to the pegasus. “Tell me, Mr. Gust, how did Chrysalis react to seeing this?”

“Well, she didn't like it, if that's what you're asking. Pretty sure she was very bothered by it. I think she was imagining what it felt like, having one's home ruined,” he added distantly, getting a considering look from Luna.

“I didn't know Thundercloud was like this. For that, I must apologize to you.”

“For what?”

“This was your home, I saw it in your dreams. Nopony should have to return to a home looking like this.”

“It's okay. I'm fine,” he assured with a smile, “I got to talk it all out with a friend.” He then looked over the ruins one last time, before giving the princess a determined look, “We'll be going into the Weather Factory in the morning,” he added, drawing the princess' thoughts back to what lay ahead.

“Very well. Be sure to proceed with caution. You remember what I told you about the orb?”

“Yep! Whatever we do, don't break it. Just turn it off,” he paraphrased, getting a nod from her, “You sure you don't want us to bring it back to Equestria? What if Mantis comes back for it?”

“He can't use it in any capacity beyond what it's doing now. And, it won't be of any use to him once you use the passphrase. It'll lock down and be useless until I personally unlock it. So once the old relic is inert, I couldn't care less what becomes of it,” she added with a frown.

“Princess?” Dud asked as he tilted his head.

“The Weather Orb is a relic of another age. It is ancient, not unlike Thundercloud. The orb is a tool capable of great, and terrible things,” she stated, emphasized by showing the storm that dwarfed the city. “It's always caused me some level of worry. Because of that, I've kept its existence a secret. Only three ponies knew of it, and two of them worked in the factory.” She then took up a contemplative look, “I'm curious to know how Chrys's father gained control of it.”

“He may have enthralled one of those ponies,” Dud replied absentmindedly, getting a concerned look from Luna.

Enthralled? So whatever these ‘pegasi’ are, they can use magic?” she asked, getting a flustered look from Dud.

“You'll need to ask Chrys,” he replied, getting an appraising look from her, before she let out a small sigh. “She wants to talk to you, I think she wants to form some sort of peace,” Dud explained, making Luna blink in surprise.

“Is that possible if she's running from her father? Won't that just make things escalate?”

“Mantis will have to be dealt with,” Dud said with a strong sense of certainty, making the princess raise an eyebrow.

“So there's an internal conflict at play,” she mumbled, before adopting a frown. “I've sent the Shadowbolts to Dodge, they'll be waiting there for you and Chrys. I'll inform them to protect each of you from your pursuers.”

“Chrys doesn't want to be escorted,” he quickly stated, making the princess' eyes narrow.

“Then she won't be, but she will be watched. This isn't up for discussion.”

“She's not going to like that,” Dud replied flatly, getting a small smile from Luna.

“She'll be watched, and nothing more. My soldiers will intervene if an incident occurs, but nothing beyond that, she has my word.” She then gave Dud a coy smile, “If you're so inclined, you can opt to not inform her of the Shadowbolts.”

“I'll let her know. I'm sure she'll understand,” Dud replied, getting an impressed look from Luna.

“Moving on, have you seen any sign of the enemy?” she asked, getting a confused look from Dud. “I doubt Chrys's father intended to leave the orb unprotected.”

“We haven't seen any others since we got here. Chrys was left under the impression that it'd been completely abandoned.”

“Still, be sure to advance on the factory with caution.”

“If anypony is there, they'll listen to Chrys,” he replied resolutely, getting a considering look from Luna, before the dream shifted again, placing them at the heart of the Weather Factory.

A large room littered with pipes and large vats that hung from the high ceiling, both made of enchanted iron. The vats easily dwarfed Princess Luna, each labeled with pictures of different kinds of clouds. Pipes connected the vats to two places, snaking around each other towards the center of the room, and the room's far end.

At the center was a small domed chamber, the 'core', which had a chimney that fed toward a large funnel above. The funnel connected to the rest of the pipes, which could be switched between them to connect to a single vat at a time as the core fed into it.

Rushing out of the chimney was a condensed stream of white mist, energy cracking through it, letting out small zaps of lightning that were received by small conductors around the funnel. Dud's eyes followed that mist, flowing into the pipes towards the 'Snow Storm' vat, before continuing through the pipes leaving the container out towards the large exhaust funnels placed outside the factory, where the storm spawned from.

“Assuming everything turns out for the better, show me you can shut it down,” Luna said, getting a nod from the sunny pegasus as he walked up to the sealed door that separated the Weather Orb from the world outside...


Chrys was clinging to Momo's back as the group flew, leaving Tradencloud behind them as Dud finished narrating his dream. Chrys frowned as she looked to him, not liking the idea of being watched while in Equestria.

“What are the Shadowbolts?” she asked, “I've heard of them mentioned several times by Mantis and Amber, are they dangerous?” she added as they started to ascend, flying up to the topside of the factory district, Cloudmake, ahead of them.

“Yeah, they're sort of like Princess Luna's royal guards,” Dud said as he eyed Aegis, “only pony-sized. It's a group of Equestria's most capable fliers, fighters, operatives, and it wouldn't surprise me if a pair of them were an equal match to a royal guard. No offense,” he added as he caught Aegis's incredulous glare.

“And you don't think Luna will order them to capture me?” Chrys asked warily, making Dud shake his head.

“As long as we don't cause trouble, that is,” Momo pointed out, getting a nod of agreement from the pony. Chrys was about to add something, but as they reached the top side of Cloudmake, she was cut off by a strong, chilly breeze that made all of them falter back. They exchanged looks, before they pushed through the gust, climbing higher, their eyes widening as they took in the district's state.

While the other districts were filled with holes, Cloudmake had none. The holes had been filled in, the clouds around them having crumpled inwards. The district was more cloud than city, yet signs of what it once was remained, giving it an uncanny, unsettling visage. It was now a city of white stone, that's been consumed by its own foundation.

And beyond the district, was the storm. A howling gust cried out from it, words of thunder laced through the air as the veil that split the storm east and west crackled with energy.

Even clothed, Momo and Chrys felt the biting chill as small flurries of snow brushed past them, making Chrys' horn brighten as she expanded her heat enchantment to cover her clutchling. Though Chrys wouldn't be bothered by the cold as a pegasus, she didn't want to be without her magic, which led her to settling on being a unicorn for this part of their journey. A decision that was already paying off, as Momo voiced her gratitude, her shivering settling down from Chrys's warmth. Or, at least she tried to voice her thanks, but it was drowned out by the storm's cries.

Chrys's eyes narrowed as they pressed forward towards the Weather Factory. Her horn tingled, the strange sensation from yesterday getting notably stronger as they proceeded. It felt like her magic was being lightly tugged at, being drawn towards the storm ahead of them.

“Does anyone else feel that!?” Momo shouted, getting looks from the others.

“Feel what?” Chrys asked.

“Like, something's pulling us in? It's, weird!” Momo explained, and Chrys couldn't help but agree. The winds were trying to push them away, yet they felt the strange pull regardless.

“I feel it too. My feathers are all tingly!” Dud replied, “I'm no weather expert pony, but I think it's the storm!”

“I suggest flying lower!” Aegis said, “The breeze should be weaker-” he was interrupted when a lightning bolt lashed out from the storm. Its arc flickered uncomfortably close, all but Aegis covering their ears from the ache its boom birthed. Momentarily deafened, it didn't take much provocation for the group to fly lower, following Dud's lead as they weaved between swallowed spires and chimney stacks.

They flew on for several minutes, weaving by spires and hills. Passing a particularly large outcropping, their destination came into sight.

“That's the Weather Factory!?” Momo asked, her surprised look mirrored by the others. Ahead of them, towering over the plumy hills was a large intact dome near the edge of the cloud. Raised above the back end of the dome were four large funnels, expelling thick clouds out into the sky, feeding the storm.

“Looks like Mantis didn't want it damaged!” Dud replied, another lightning bolt striking Cloudmake unsettlingly close to them. As they flew past where the bolt struck, Chrys noticed the cloud had darkened at the impact, but was slowly swirling back to white.

Closing the remaining distance between them and the Weather Factory was strenuous. Even Chrys found her legs aching from how hard she was clinging to Momo. As they were about to reach the front entrance, Dud was suddenly knocked off course, hitting an unseen wall of wind. The pegasus quickly recovered, giving the others a surprised look as he returned to them.

After appraising the factory for a moment, Dud came close to them, telling Momo and Aegis to ram through the wall, following his example. The three of them watched as Dud backed off some distance, curving around before diving towards the entrance at an odd angle. Once again, he was knocked off course by the wind, but the angle he came in at made him spiral towards the entrance, crashing through the cloudy doors of the factory, and disappearing from sight as the hole he made closed behind him.

Momo and Aegis shared a look. The guard flew over Momo, taking Chrys into his paws, to the princess' surprise. Momo gave her a reassuring look, before Aegis gave a sharp flap of his wings, diving towards the wall as Dud had. Chrys resisted the urge to close her eyes as she pictured that unseen wall approach. With an impact that knocked the air out of her lungs, Aegis and his charge spiraled to the side, before unceremoniously crashing into the factory as Dud had.

The interior of the factory was significantly more tame than the outside. The contrast was so different that it disoriented Chrys, making her wonder where all the noise and buffering had gone. It wasn't long before Aegis's movement made her aware of her surroundings, making her wriggle out of his grasp, landing on the floor as she glanced around.

Unlike the stony look of the other districts, the interior of the factory had a more metallic quality to it. The lobby was a mess, however it was clean compared to the rest of Thundercloud. Discarded factory uniforms and safety helmets were scattered about, as well as assorted junk like paperwork and odd-looking tools that Chrys could only fathom involved somehow manipulating clouds. Spotting Dud close by, she saw him eyeing the wall with a look of anticipation, which she mirrored as she glanced to the closed double-doors.

The slight rumbling of the storm answered their concern as they waited. Several seconds later, as Chrys was about to take a worried step forward, the cloudy doors gave way, Momo crashing through them with a surprised cry, before planting her head into the opposite wall. Chrys let out the breath she'd been holding as her horn glowed, pulling her clutchling out. Momo was shivering, prompting Chrys to hop on her back and spread her warmth.

“Well, that was fun!” Dud let out light-heartedly, getting a sheepish chuckle from Momo as Aegis shook his head.

“No, it wasn't,” Chrys replied, eyeing the pony. “Now that we don't have to shout, Dud, something's been bothering me since yesterday,” she began, getting a curious look from him, “The Weather Orb is causing the storm. It's a dangerous artifact, so why didn't Mantis bring it back to the hive?” she asked. “Amber could have used it against Luna, right?”

“I'd guess that Mantis was aware of the fail-safes Princess Luna placed on it,” Dud stated as he started taking in the hallway. “She was really worried about the orb falling into the wrong hooves. There's the phrase she gave me that makes it inert, and from what she told me, taking it outside the factory has the same effect.”

“So the only way Mantis could use it was by making the storm,” Chrys concluded, getting a confused look from Momo.

“How'd he make it do that?” she asked.

“My guess,” Dud started as he moved down the abandoned hall, waving the others to follow, “he found the unicorns in charge of the orb, and replaced their special somepony with a changeling. Don't know all the details, but I can see him pulling their strings through their love,” he finished, a small frown on his face as Momo and Chrys glanced to the side. “But that aside,” he began, scooping up a pair of abandoned helmets, “Let's stay safety conscious!” he added with a smile, bringing the hard-hats to Momo and Chrys. “It's a bit big, but it's better than nothing.” He then helped put them on, being far more amused with the act than Chrys felt he should be. She eyed the helm loosely attached to her head, before taking it off. It was irritating her horn. “No good?” he asked, getting a flat look from her, “Right then. So that leaves one for me and...” he continued, scooping up another abandoned helm, before pausing to look at Aegis. “You ... might be too big for these.”

“It's okay,” Chrys interjected, “His head is already hard enough,” she said with a sly smile, looking at Aegis expectedly, who offered little more than a glance to the side. Chrys gave him a disappointed look as she motioned them to continue. “You could have said something back, you know.” The royal guard gave her an appraising look, before shaking his head.

“Highness, I mean no disrespect, but I'm not your Bulwark,” he said, his ears fallen. She gave him a surprised look, her face flushing briefly.

“W- What's that supposed to mean?” Her eyes then narrowed, “You don't think you're better than him, do you?”

“As I said, I meant no disrespect, Your Highness. Bulwark is a fine royal guard, I am proud to count him among us,” he then smiled a little. “He earned that much when he protected you as an egg,” he stated, getting a surprised look from Momo and Chrys, which made him blink in confusion. “He ... never told you?”

“What did he do?” Chrys asked in a pleading tone, before she shook her head, giving him a hard look, “Tell me, who did he protect me from.” Before Aegis could reply, “It was Mantis, wasn't it?”

“Yes, Your Highness. Mantis threatened you, and Bulwark didn't even hesitate. He attacked Mantis. Her Highness was quite pleased with his actions,” the guard explained, before his smile faded. “Still, I am not Bulwark. I'm not comfortable with how casual he is towards you. I understand it's by your wishes, but I don't wish to adopt that level of … exposure.”

“Why not?” Dud asked.

“Aegis is very serious,” Momo added in an understanding tone, “When he looked after Chrys while Bulwark was out in The Badlands, he didn't join us in sunbathing.”

“It's more than that,” Aegis added defensively, “Highness, I am first and foremost, Queen Amber's guard. Should the time come when you'll leave the hive to start your own, I will stay by my queen's side. You have Bulwark, and he is all you truly need,” he stated confidently, getting an appraising look from Chrys, before adopting a frown.

“Aegis, right now, you're my guard. Not Queen Amber's, and definitely not Mantis's,” she said sternly, getting no retort from him, “That said, I...” she hesitated, unsure of what she wanted to say. She felt like she wanted to apologize, but she wasn't sure why.

“Not to ruin the moment,” Dud began sheepishly as he stopped in front of a large door, “But we're here.”

“R-Right. Aegis, it's okay,” Chrys stated, getting a confused look from him as she eyed the door. “...The Weather Orb. It's in there,” she stated, a concerned look on her face. “I, I can feel it,” she added, the pulling sensation stronger than ever.

“So it's the orb that's making us feel weird,” Dud said as he nodded to the princess. "You're right, the orb's in here, inside a dome in this room's center. It's probably gonna be a bit loud inside.”

“We'll go first,” Chrys replied as she indicated herself and Momo, “Mantis said he withdrew all our soldiers, but if he was lying, I can deal with them,” she said, making Dud tilt his head.

“Wouldn't a manticore going first be better?” he asked, making Chrys exchange looks with Aegis as Dud eyed the door, “Either way, let's go say the magic words then move on to Dodge. The storm should disperse quickly once the orb's turned off,” he said, about to open the door. His eyes then widened as he realized something, making him adopt a troubled look.

“What is it?” Chrys asked eagerly, making him glance to the side.

“I get the feeling Mantis may have left something behind for whoever came back for the orb...” he said as he eyed the door apprehensively.

“...Aegis, be careful,” Chrys said, getting a nod from the guard as he approached the door, making Dud step back from it. Instead of opening it, Aegis peaked his head through, easily passing through the cloudy wall. He then proceeded through, making Dud blink in surprise, before rolling his eyes as he opened the door, causing a gust of wind to greet them.

Dud was surprised to see that most of the room's contents were destroyed. He flew in after Aegis, eyeing the crushed vats and broken pipes that dangled from the ceiling. All but the one vat, and the pipes tied to it remained intact, and it was doing as Dud had seen in his dream. The small dome in the room's center poured out cracking white mist into the vat, feeding the storm outside. Aegis flew a circle around the room, avoiding the center, spotting no pony, or changeling within. Chrys and Momo eyed Aegis as they came to Dud's side.

“I'll admit,” Dud began, a relieved look on his face, “I was almost expecting a bunch of cocoons being clustered around the core.”

“That, would be...” Momo began, a dower look on her face as she eyed the ground. “Well, at least he didn't,” she added optimistically as Chrys eyed through the broken machinery.

“Mantis, he broke all this to limit Equestria's options,” she guessed, getting a small nod from Dud.

The pony then approached the dome's door, eyeing over it as he did, trying to find anything out of place. Not finding anything, he hesitated for a moment, before he placed a heavy hoof on the door, causing a metallic clang as he did. He tapped on the door several times, to the sound of an old lullaby, and after his final knock, the door opened up with a click.

As Chrys looked past Dud to get a look at the orb, she heard the sound of something snapping overhead, making her glance up to the vat above, seeing it coming down upon the dome. Her eyes widened as her horn glowed. She grabbed Dud's tail, pulling him back, while at the same moment Aegis moved, sweeping around and pulling Chrys and Momo away from the dome.

The vat connected with the dome. There was a snapping sensation that made Chrys's horn flare in pain. The vat crumpled from the impact, resting upon the dome as the torrent of white mist came to a sputtering end, along with the noise and wind that assaulted them. Chrys rubbed her horn as Aegis turned to eye the threat, seeing the ruined vat resting still, as if locked in place. He then moved aside, letting Chrys see that Dud was safe, if a little put off by the unexpected pull.

Getting back on his hooves, he paused, his eyes locked on the dome's interior. His mouth fell open as he quickly entered, and Chrys followed after him, a sense of dread building in her as she saw the orb. It rested on a dais, a glass sphere with an interior that looked like a rumbling cloud of lightning floating in the sky. A large piece of metal, sharp and pointed like a spike, had been driven through the pipe that led the orb's clouds out of the chamber, piercing the very top of the artifact. A small bolt of electricity arced out from where the orb was pierced, causing an ominous crack to form in the glass.

“T- Tia's favorite pie is filled with Cherrapples!” Dud quickly let out, causing the orb to flicker for a moment, before another bolt of lightning jumped out. This one was significantly larger than the previous, making Dud leap back, before turning to the others, wide-eyed. “Welp, passphrase doesn't work on a broken magic device. Time to go!” The orb crackled, as if to punctuate the idea.

Dud left the core, closing the door behind him as he did, flying towards the door to the room before pausing to eye the others. “Now!!”

“R-Right!” Chrys replied, hopping on Momo's back, before her clutchling took flight towards the exit. As they left the room, Chrys could feel something building behind her, filling her with a sense of urgency. Following Dud, he guided them through what he felt was the most direct escape route, passing through cloudy walls in a straight direction. Because of that, it wasn't long before they were back outside, the torrential gusts gone, with hints of sunlight trying to break through the shadows the storm cast.

After putting a little more distance between themselves and the factory, Dud slowed down, coming to a stop as he eyed the factory. It looked no different than before, but Chrys could still feel it. A building pressure where the orb was, as if all that it had drawn in was now seeking to escape.

“What's going to happen?” Momo asked in between heavy breaths.

“Don't know, but it won't be good,” Dud stated, “Then again, maybe the metal shell the orb is kept in will-”

A dull rumble emanated from the factory. They paused for a moment as they eyed the dome, and Dud's eyes widened as the white sphere started to turn dark. Lightning was starting to crackle from it, and a breeze was starting to tug at them, drawn towards the factory. The pressure was still building.

“Keep moving!” Chrysalis ushered, getting no argument from the others as they continued their flight.

As they turned their back on the Weather Factory, lightning started to lace out from it, clinging to Cloudmake with a crackle, changing the clouds dark where the lightning touched. The factory started sinking into its foundation as the nature of the district shifted. As the group left it behind them, Cloudmake was no longer anything resembling a piece of a once mighty city in the sky. It was now something more akin to that city's namesake.

The air that was pulled towards the thundercloud was gradually increasing in strength, giving the group all the indication they needed that they weren't far enough away. The booming thunder was growing louder as the pressure continued to build, making Chrys wonder in horror at what would happen when it stopped.

Cloudmake began to rotate, and as it did, Chrys could see it drawing the other districts closer, the edges of Tradencloud turning dark as it was licked by lightning. The princess flinched as she felt something snap, the pressure weakening briefly as an unnaturally thick lightningbolt struck out, crawling through the holes in Tradencloud, snaking by and exploding out from several of those wounds.

The district was starting to take on the form of its neighbor. Buildings began to melt into the cloud as its white disposition shifted darker, and Chrys could see debris, furniture, various things that weren't made of cloud start falling out from beneath the city. Lightning licked at that as well, causing small fires to tumble down towards the earth below.

Dud had a conflicted look on his face as he took note of Thundercloud's state. Aegis flew ahead of them, trying to break down the wind's strength so the others could follow in his wake. Chrys's eyes never left the city.

Tradencloud was now melding into what was once Cloudmake, and it wasn't alone. All the other districts were sharing in its fate, becoming fonts of lightning as the pressure kept building. She then noticed that the storm Cloudmake had been feeding was also being drawn towards the center, lightning bouncing between the two masses in a promise of untold potential.

As if passing some unseen barrier, the gusts that pulled them died down, making each of them exchange relieved looks, continuing to put distance between the city at a less panicked pace. After pulling several miles between themselves and the thundercloud, they paused to catch their breath, and witness the city's end.

Once a memento to an older time, home to pegasi of all flights of life, Thundercloud was now nothing more than a ball of black thunder, feeding on the storm it once fed. At least, that's what the others saw. Chrys saw something different. She could feel it, the broken Weather Orb, centered in that cloud, and her mind's eye pictured a light as bright as the sun, flickering with each megabolt the cloud sent out.

The pressure was still building, and Chrys was starting to wonder if it would ever stop. Would the orb consume the wintry storm? Where would it go? As these questions plagued her thoughts, she felt a calm come over them.

The pressure stopped rising. Thundercloud and the storm-wall seemed to pause, as if the winds that directed them had vanished. Chrys felt her magic begin to tingle, her heat enchantment flickering oddly as the hairs on her mane started to stand on end.

There was an electrical presence in the air, and before Chrys could wonder what it meant, everything seemed to vanish, the world turning white, as the sky became lightning...

18. Soldier On

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**This chapter has an intense fight in it. Just a heads up.**

The Weather Orb, an ancient artifact from a forgotten era. The Celestial Orb. Stone of the Sleeper. Eye of the Sands. It's known many names, and passed through many hooves. Its ability to draw in and convert magic had always given it purpose through the ages.

Now, it floated in the center of a swirling vortex. Cracked and fractured, it continued to draw in magic with abandon, taking in more than its compromised shell could muster. It drew in from the surrounding clouds, infused by pegasi magic. It consumed the essence powering the nearby storm the very orb birthed. It even reached out, tugging on a small changeling's heat enchantment.

It shined bright, a beacon of raw magic, the city it called home now nothing more than dark, energized clouds. As it was pulling power in, so was power escaping through the cracks, only to be drawn back in, only to escape again. On and on, the vortex of its old home spun and crackled.

Then, everything came to a standstill. It was full. For the first time in an age, the artifact was full. The crack in the orb grew, spewing out power, making the orb eager to be complete again. So it reached out to draw in more magic to fill that void, grasping out towards the heat spell several miles away, spreading out towards the storm and the magic-rich earth below.

But as it grasped on that extra power, what amount escaped had already been pulled back. It was already full, as it began to draw in more. It touched the ground first, and drawing that power in, the orb shined violently, before erupting.

The thundercloud was torn apart, cyclonic winds flying out as a pillar of lightning was born. It struck the earth in a thick bolt, which branched out into the sky, spreading out in all directions as a blinding tree of electricity.

One branch touched the source of the heat spell, causing it to flicker and dissipate. A cry of alarm shouted by a pony and royal guard was drowned out by the shockwave. The thunder, which buried into the earth, traveling through stone and sky at a pace only a rare few pegasi can match.

Tunneling, burrowing, rumbling, fracturing. The dull vibrations made their presence known through the rock, the destruction of the orb being carried beyond the horizon.


In the dark, abandoned underground of a long dead hive, the cavern shook violently. Rockslides within the caverns were born from that rumble, shifting stones forming where recently made piles lay. The tremors were powerful, but passed quickly. However, a pile of rubble in a half collapsed room was still moving.

With a desperate burst of strength, a hoof broke free from the pile, its owner pulling itself out, breathing raggedly, desperately, painfully. Sledge was free.

Distancing himself from the stone that sought to be his grave, he took several ragged minutes to collect himself. The darkness answered his reprieve, his gasps echoing off the walls, the only evidence given him to his location. The eye Chrysalis hit in her gambit against him ached, making him gently rub it, before looking into the darkness. Raising a hoof, he focused for a moment, before it was weakly wreathed in amber fire, flickering from his changeling magic, as he lit the cavern.

He saw no sign of the hunter, a fact that brought some reassurance. However, following that confidence, was paranoia. It was hunting him. The encounter in the caves was the fourth time he'd defended himself from the lamia. It was relentless, and likely still looking for him. Thinking this, Sledge looked to the pile of rubble that he'd been buried in, briefly wondering if that pile had in fact saved his life.

Glancing across the room, he noticed a collapsed exit, its small exposed hole at the top filling the guard with purpose. Hunter or not, there were things he still needed to do. Such as carrying out his mission regarding the Moon Princess, or hunting Chrysalis. Or, sating the gnawing hunger in his gullet. Approaching the exit, he started moving rubble out of the way, making the path gradually wider as he started to dig.


Not far from the royal quarters, was a circular chamber known as the Ring of Right. Here, changelings came to prove themselves worthy of gaining a title. For most, that required the consent of the previous title holder, as well as a demonstration of skill. For the title of Mantis, it usually entailed a trial by combat. Mantis stood waiting in the ring, Queen Amber looking from on high in anticipation, as Darrin entered the chamber.

The general had been curious to what the soldier had been scheming, but could find no evidence beyond simply besting him in combat, and that unsettled the old drone. He was certain Darrin was up to something. The small smile the queen adopted when he entered only fueled his suspicion.

“The two of you are to battle for your prize,” Amber began, “but you are to treat this fight as a battle for your lives. When I command it over, you will both stop so immediately, and no sooner than that. Understood?”

“Yes, Your Highness,” Darrin and Mantis said in unison.

“Very good. You may begin at your leisure,” she added, making the drone's eyes meet, before they started to circle the room. They eyed each other for several seconds, neither willing to make the first move.

“You do realize,” Mantis began with a smug grin. “That this duel isn't necessary. All you had to do was ask, and I would given you command of the scouting troop,” he chided, making Darrin quickly glance to the queen, scoffing.

“Mantis, none of us here believe that, not for a second.”

“Are you so sure? You didn't even ask. You just up and challenged me.”

“Yes, and that's because I have something to prove,” Darrin said confidently; to which Mantis rose an eyebrow.

Mantis watched with cool eyes while Darrin charged. Head lowered, horn forward. As the younger drone drew close, Mantis stepped to the side with practiced ease, his eyes following his passing opponent. Pivoting on a fore-hoof, Mantis swung his lower body around, catching Darrin in the shoulder and sending him crashing to the ground.

The general jumped up, hoof poised, his aim clear. He blinked as Darrin rolled to the side, avoiding the blow to the head; a small wave of fire spreading from the hoof's impact with the ground. Mantis paused, letting out a calm breath as he watched Darrin hop away. He didn't pursue, waiting for the whelp to make another foolish charge.

Darrin glared, rolling his shoulder for a moment, before readying another charge. Mantis let out a small sigh before taking a heavy step forward. With a buzz of his wings, he leaped over the charge, spinning in the air to keep his eyes on his foe, before casually landing. Darrin's charge continued to the wall before the younger drone hopped and rebounded back. Mantis blinked in surprise.

Mantis took the air again, and wasn't disappointed when Darrin did the same. Mantis spun head over heels, losing sight of the drone, but smiling when he felt his lower hooves connect. The general could feel the air shift as Darrin hit the ground, guiding the next strike. His hooves struck the ground, an irritated look flashing across his face as his opponent rolled out of away.

Darrin backed away, wearing a guarded look, shaking his head to clear it. Mantis considered him for a moment, under the impression Darrin wasn't intending to charge him again. The general's eyes narrowed as he took to the air again. Weaving from side-to-side, his course brought him higher before descending into a dive.

A confident look in Darrin's eyes made Mantis reconsider the decision. Before his dive connected, Mantis shifted around in an attempt to flank the other drone. His eyes narrowed as Darrin moved, his back legs preparing to buck the general. His wings buzzing louder, aching from stress, Mantis brought himself to a mid-air halt. In the same motion, he struck down with his hind legs, catching Darrin in the side.

Amber looked on in surprise. To Mantis, that maneuver felt like it took several seconds to accomplish, to her, it was dealt in less than one. Mantis had turned a dive into a swooping maneuver, avoiding Darrin's attack and striking him down in an instant. She may not be fond of Mantis, but she couldn't deny his skill. As a tactician, or a combatant.

Mantis was oblivious to the queen's awe; too focused on the younger changeling sprawled out in front of him, planning to finish this with a series of consecutive blows. Mantis' eyes widened in surprise as Darrin rose to his hooves and met the incoming attack with a tackle, knocking the breath out of the older drone

Both of them toppled to the ground in a heap. Mantis was the first to get his hooves under him and tried to take advantage; only for his opponent to dodge, to his growing annoyance. With some distance between them, Mantis forced his breathing to remain calm, giving the impression that the blow did little to him. Darrin on the other hoof, was breathing heavily from the damage he's taken. Seeing this, Mantis adopt a smug grin.

“What's wrong Darrin? Can't put a little fire in your attacks?” he asked in a mocking tone, getting a heated look from the younger changeling, who took to the air. Mantis's grin held as Darrin was wreathed in fire and began a diving attack. Mantis stepped forward, his wings buzzing as he took to the air too, looking to meet the charge head on.

That is exactly what he got. The pair crashed together, a blast of fire spreading out from the impact. Both of them fell like a sack of rocks, but Mantis had enough presence of mind to land on his hooves, taking several steps back as Darrin hit the ground. Mantis was seeing stars, making him shake his head. Darrin, also shaking his head, rose to his hooves.

Mantis' cheek was throbbing, and bringing a hoof to it, he felt the distinct impression of a hoof mark. He blinked, before his eyes narrowed upon noticing that no such mark was on his opponent's face. Darrin didn't seem to notice the distinction as he wreathed himself in flame and charged. This prompted Mantis to let out a heated breath; he was already tired of this game. With a quick swipe of his hoof, he kicked up some dirt, causing Darrin to reflexively close his eyes.

Mantis ducked low, his belly touching the ground, his hooves held close as Darrin's charge brought him above. He then hopped up, slamming his back into Darrin's gut, causing him to stagger back. Mantis smiled as he pressed his advantage.

Shoulders, legs, back, head, Mantis struck each in quick, satisfying procession, before bucking Darrin away; sending the warrior rolling across the floor and hard into the wall. Mantis took in several deep breaths, collecting himself before glancing to the queen.

Amber had a concerned look on her face, her eyes on Darrin. A fact that didn't surprise the general, though it still aggravated him. His ears then perked when he heard a chuckle from his opponent. He glanced to Darrin, who was getting to his hooves, wobbling slightly, before standing tall, still laughing.

“I fail to see what's so amusing,” Mantis said flatly.

“It's- It's just, my sparring partner hits harder,” Darrin said, making Mantis blink, before his eyes narrowed, “Won't she be surprised when I tell her.”

She?” Mantis said, before his eyes widened in realization.

“If you want me to stay down,” Darrin began, giving him a determined look, “you're gonna have to hit harder than a hatchling, you old spider.”

Mantis's eyes narrowed, a dangerous gleam shining through them as his wings buzzed in agitation. He stomped the ground, before charging. He saw Darrin lower his head, horn forward. As an experienced tactician, Mantis could see what the younger drone was planing; or so he thought.

He blinked as Darrin shifted his forward body to the side at the last moment, causing the general to crash into Darrin's side, halting the charge. Mantis tried to step back, but Darrin had gotten a hold of him. Before Mantis could figure how to break free, Darrin pulled him around, letting go unexpectedly, causing the older drone to lose his balance.

Mantis's wings flapped frantically as he barely managed to to avoid toppling over. He then staggered back, his eyes shutting as Darrin smashed his helmed head into the general's chin. Mantis fluttered backward while glaring at Darrin's smug look.

Mantis took up a defensive stance as Darrin closed the distance between them. Darrin feinted to the side. Mantis pretended to fall for it, his eyes following the direction of the feint. Darrin struck, believing to have found an opening. In a quick motion, the general shifted his head, bringing his horn directly into Darrin's path. Mantis felt his horn leave its mark on Darrin's leg, before said leg smashed into his helm.

Mantis was sent rolling across the ground; bouncing twice before skidding to a stop. He shook his head as he rose, his eyes briefly losing focus, before lining them up on Darrin. The younger drone was standing awkwardly, his leg clearly injured, a fact that brought a smile to the general's face.

He struck forth, his sights on that leg, intending to put Darrin down for good. Darrin's eyes widened, before he lowered his horn, looking to mirror what Mantis had just done. The general had to resist the urge to laugh, avoiding the horn with ease and nailing Darrin square on the head.

Darrin was sent sprawling back, crashing into the wall before slumping to the ground. He tried to stagger to his hooves, but Mantis was on him before he could fully rise, his injury slowing him down as Mantis pressed the advantage.

It soon became clear to everyone in the room that the battle had turned in Mantis' favor. Over and over, Mantis struck Darrin down, every time aiming for Darrin's wounded leg. And every time Darrin avoided further lasting harm, he obtained bruises all over his body instead.

Mantis had to admit, the beat-down was very satisfying to administer. It was like several years of pent up animosity were finally getting a small token of release. Sure, Darrin was no Chrysalis, but he made for an acceptable fill-in.

It was then that he noticed something odd in Darrin's eyes as the younger drone rose to his hooves, for the twelfth time since the bout started. Despite the fact that he was clearly losing, he looked empowered. Mantis's brow furrowed at that, raising a hoof once again to Darrin's wound. This time, the younger drone allowed the attack to make contact.

Mantis' eyes widened in surprise as Darrin let out a pained grunt. The general's shock grew as Darrin grabbed him with his good fore-leg. Their wings buzzing for dominance, Mantis found himself suddenly forced to come to terms with a surprising fact. Darrin was physically stronger than him. That thought seemed to paralyze the general in a moment of confusion, giving Darrin ample opportunity to smash the both of them into the opposing wall in a fiery explosion.

Both of them fell to the ground, still for several moments, before Mantis started to rise. The older drone noted the surprised look in his opponent's eyes at his recovery, before giving Darrin a quick pelt to his wounded leg. Darrin let out a cry of pain, his grip loosening, which Mantis took advantage of to free himself. He then knocked the drone to the ground, and proceeded to thoroughly beat him around, making sure the younger drone wasn't in any state to get back up.

After beating the whelp around the room for another several bouts, Mantis paused, his breathing heavy, his body tired and aching from all manner of bruising. Darrin was still, but breathing, making the general frown. His eyes then widened as Darrin tried to get on his hooves. Mantis shook his head, before charging into the drone again.

Darrin rolled, bouncing off the ground as he did so, before his body crumpled into the wall. Still, his legs shook as he tried to get his hooves under him, unfortunately his body was unwilling to stand. A hoof smashed into the ground next to his head, said hoof swinging to the side to smack Darrin and force him onto his back. The younger drone lay still for a moment as Mantis watched him, a satisfied gleam in his eyes. Still, Darrin started to rise once again while giving Mantis a determined look despite his inability to fight back. Mantis smiled as he raised a hoof, ready to end this.

“Darrin, you wish to keep fighting?” the queen asked, a hoof raised, making Mantis pause in surprise. The general frowned, but remained composed as Darrin nodded. “Why?”

“Because, Queen Amber, I have something to prove. And if I can't do that now, then I might as well never get back up.”

“I see...” Amber replied, a considering look on her face, before she nodded. “Very well, this fight is over,” she said, making Mantis lower his head, taking a step back from Darrin, a dark look hidden in his eyes. “Darrin, you've proven your worth, and I've given your words their due consideration.” Mantis blinked, feeling something was off, giving the queen a look.

“Highness, what words are you referring too?”

“Darrin has admitted to becoming a part of Chrysalis's hive,” she stated coolly, making Mantis look to her a moment longer, before his eyes widened in alarm.

“Then, that means-”

“Darrin, you held against my best fighter better than I thought you would. And your determination is solid. The princess has already accepted you, and I see no reason to keep you here.” Mantis shook his head, seeing where this was going, and seeing no immediate means of combating it. “When the tunnels open up, you're free to go after Princess Chrysalis. You may lead any that will follow you. I'll be expecting you to help her in her goals, and not get in the way of ours. Understood?”

“Clearly, Your Highness,” Darrin said with an accomplished smile, before giving Mantis a cold look.

“Now, let Aid tend to you, then all of us can go over all the details concerning the attack on Canter Town.” She then gave Mantis a smug grin, “Including what part Princess Chrysalis will play,” she added, getting a small smile from Darrin, who bowed, before he started limping out of the room. Mantis and Darrin avoided eye contact as the drone passed the general, both of them well aware that what was started here would be finished at some point. And both felt that it would be sooner, rather than later. After Darrin left, Mantis turned to Amber.

“Highness, this is an unwise action,” he began, turning to his queen. He then faltered, a cold look in her eyes.

“Mantis, it would be wise of you not to pursue this topic. I'm well aware of your contempt of my daughter.” She didn't know the half of it. “Our conquest is on the horizon, and she'll need soldiers she can count on, just as I do.” She then gave Mantis a considering look. “I can count on you, right?”

“Of course, Your Highness,” Mantis replied, keeping his fury held in as he bowed to her.

“Very good. You're dismissed.” He nodded, turning to leave, before pausing, his ears perking up. A weak rumble greeted the hive, knocking dust from the cavern ceiling as the queen looked around in confusion.

“Highness?” Mantis asked.

“Something ... happened. Something far away, and involving a great deal of magic,” she said, a worried look on her face.

“You don't say,” Mantis said, a knowing smile nearly creeping on his face.

“A- Anyway, you're dismissed,” she ordered, getting a nod as he turned.

Thundercloud must have been destroyed. That's what the general thought as he left, softening the minor defeat he found at Darrin's hooves. He then frowned. Another one was now out of his reach. They had slipped away from him. Every. Single. One.

Momo proved to be far stronger than the average worker, and broke free from her captivity. He understood it now, Momo and Darrin had sparred, in secret. Chrysalis had gotten away, backed by luck and unexpected aid from a pony, Lores, and a roaming lamia.

And then, Bulwark slipped away in the dead of night.

Now, Darrin was in a position of importance to the queen. He had no doubt the queen would do more than give Mantis a cold look if something unfortunate befell Chrys's soldier.

But, beyond them, his plans were still in motion. Ultimately, as long as Sledge completed his primary objective, the princess and her clutchlings were little more than bothersome distractions. Thinking that, a smile greeted him, which Darrin caught as Mantis passed where he was being tended, sending a chill down the soldier's spine.

He had faith in his royal guard. Sledge was, as far as Mantis was concerned, the strongest member of the hive.


In the center of Equestria stood a tall, isolated mountain. Halfway up its snow buried slopes was a castle, surrounded by a small number of wealthy estates. The castle jutted out from the mountain, its perch giving it a spectacular view of the surrounding lands. It also made the castle cast a protective shadow, which reached out over the village at the mountain's base. A village of stone and wood, covered in snow, Canter Town.

Princess Luna looked down upon it, a cool look in her eyes. To an onlooker, she was the spitting image of a composed leader. To those close to her, they knew just how troubled she was.

Tampa Neigh, Iron Trot, Neighgarou. Three towns lost in the span of a little over a decade. And now, Thundercloud's been evacuated, and out of reach. Luna frowned, the image of the city riddled with holes still fresh in her mind.

She then let out a sigh as she continued to her library. She paused when she entered, her eyes falling to a pegasus wearing a white robe sleeping on the desk. The desk had an assortment of flasks on it, a beaker in the mare's sleeping hoof. Despite being out, the pony had a tired look to her. Luna shook her head, a small smile on her face as her vision shifted, seeing that her knight was lost in a peaceful dream. With a minor spell, the princess continued on, her passing making no sound as she reached her desk.

Her ears perked up when a thunderous boom shook the castle. Her horn tingled, a wave of magic passing by that Luna immediately understood.

The Orb had been destroyed.

“I- I'm awake!” the sleeping mare exclaimed, her cry followed by the sound of glass breaking. “Aww … horsefeathers.”

The pony’s words were lost to the princess, whose eyes darted in thought, the reasons for the damage caused to Thundercloud now clear to her. Another city had been lost, in a torrent of wind and thunder. Princess Luna then blinked, her eyes widening in realization.

Fourth claimed by teeth of wind and thunder. Food's proud visage was torn asunder.

Luna quickly flew to her desk. Her horn glowed, unlocking a hidden cache, revealing an old book. She rubbed the embedded words on the cover, Poetry and Prose, before digging through it, finding the lines that came to mind. As she read through it, the pegasus fluttered over, a tired look in her eyes.

“Princess?” she asked, making Luna falter for a moment.

“Lady Pestle, could you assemble the Shadowbolts?” Luna asked, making the mare adopt a confused look, before nodding.

“You can count on it,” she replied, shaking off her drowsiness, before flying off. Luna then glanced back at the poem in question, Tree's Folly.

The desperate seeds of change to come. In amber leaves, their hunger spun.

Five meals their roots slowly claim. In their bark, born amber flame.

The first swallowed by sea and waves. Leaving naught but empty graves.

Second eaten by earth and stone. Making the black root's path now shown.

Third devoured by brimstone's flame. Meal's eyes scattered by stricken blame.

Fourth claimed by teeth of wind and thunder. Food's proud visage was torn asunder.

Fifth the driven leaves themselves are sent. And in their hunger the tree is rent.

Hope is lost as the amber leaves do fall. An insect's hated poison covers all.

Old leaves of change wilt and wither. Their doomed fate upon them hither.

And upon the sickened ground, a new seed lays. Where it will rest unbloomed, 'til the end of days...

The princess' frowned. She didn't understand all the plant metaphors, but she did pick up on one detail. The towns Equestria has lost were all connected.

Mantis, Princess Chrysalis's father, was he the insect? He set a trap in Thundercloud, ensuring the Orb's destruction, and the city too. Did this mean he also had a part in what happened to the other towns?

Luna glanced to a map of Equestria, expanded to include what they knew of The Badlands. She couldn't find the dreams of the ponies captured from Thundercloud. What of the ponies they never found, in the other cities? What of the dragon, that fervently pleaded innocent to destroying Neighgarou?

Luna had a strong feeling that Chrysalis and her companions knew the answers she sought. And she had just unwittingly sent them into danger, and triggered a devious trap. Luna stepped away from her desk, hearing the library doors open. Rounding the bookcase, she saw her knight, as well as three shadowbolts standing at attention.

Another town was lost, leaving countless ponies displaced. New homes would be needed, and preparations were to be made. The safety of Chrysalis and the others had to be assured. And, according to the poem, there was a fifth city that would be struck.

It was simply a question of where, and when.


“...What is this place?” Sledge asked the air, getting a breezy silence in reply as he took in the large cavern. The large forsaken tree, the purple glowshrooms, the statues, and the oddly serene, sacred atmosphere.

Did the princess find this place too?

As he circled the room, it didn't take him long to find the short tree, his eyes widening as he took in Hope's amber leaves. When he came closer to investigate, he found the half-filled bowl of nectar at its base.

His reverence was discarded as he reached for the bowl, hungrily downing it, feeling revitalized and energized by the pure sap. His eyes then fell to the teal flower. A dangerous gleam shined in his stare, and he was tempted to toss the bowl at the flower. The breeze picked up, making Sledge look around in alarm.

Did someone just call my name?

He then looked back to the sapling, only a little taller than he was. He frowned at the flower, before placing the bowl down. He dared not do anything disturbing here, not without notifying Mantis first. He would want to know of this place, of that, Sledge was certain. Glancing at the small tree for a moment longer, he then took to the air, following the breeze on instinct, before finding the cave that led outside.

He had no idea how long he had been buried. He had no idea how he'd be able to track down the princess now. But, that didn't matter. She wasn't his primary goal. He needed to reach Canter Town. But, he had a feeling, a fear, that the hunter was still out there somewhere, just waiting for him to leave his back exposed.

As a changeling, he was no match for that snake. He needed another form. He needed to make a trip to the Dark Forest, home to all manner of monsters. There, he would find the strength he needed.

With that thought fueling his resolve, he made his way out of the mountain, quickly flying north. And as he suspected, it wasn't long before the hunter started to follow him.


Darrin was hovering through the lower tunnels, looking for someone. He didn't have to look long, seeing Lores coming out of the Silent Halls. Their eyes met, getting a smile from the soldier, and a bothered look from the worker as she eyed his bandaged leg.

"I swear, is it just you three, or is your entire clutch violent and stubborn?" Lores asked Darrin, who gave her a flustered look.

"It's probably just us," he said with a small smile, before giving her a determined look. "Thank you again, for giving me a discreet audience with the queen. But, aren't you worried Mantis will find out?"

"That's my concern, not yours," Lores replied, eyeing Darrin's bandaged arm for a moment. "She's not gonna be happy when she sees that."

"Well, that's my concern," he assured. "Besides, this right here, is my trump card," the soldier assured, making Lores roll her eyes as she let out a sigh.

"...How do you think the princess is doing?" she asked, curious for his answer.

"Chrys? She's going to be a queen, so she'll be fine. Her body is tougher than ours," he then hesitated, "I'm a little more worried about..." he then shook his head. "Thank you Lores, for the help."

"Don't thank me, I'm just doing what I think is best for our future," Lores replied flatly, tapping Darrin's bandaged arm, getting a wince from Darrin, before Lores left, getting a considering look from Darrin. The future she was afraid of was getting closer with each passing day. Spring was coming, and with it, Equestria, or their hive, would fall...

19. Firstborn's Dream

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Featureless white void, flashes with red pain. Cold breeze. Distant echoes. Calm.

Falling stops. Void flickers red. Breeze weakens.

G- Gotcha!” A distant, energetically familiar voice. “Don't worry, I've got her. We need to...” The void fades, the voice growing distant, before the white returns. “...I can carry her. She's gonna be fine. Just trust—“

She's not going to be fine.” A cold, protective voice. “Not if it's you carrying her.

I may not be a Shadowbolt, but I can carry her to-” The world fell. For how long, who could tell? Then the fall ended, the void flickering red again. “S- She slipped.” The voice was heavy with shame. “I'm telling you, I can—“

Dud, I can carry them both. You're injured too. Think about Her Highness.” A pause. Trembling.

Momo and Chrys are- and Thundercloud- I- It- It's all gone!” Confused anguish. “Cloudmake, Tradencloud, Rafters, Horizon Park, Gold Lining, it's all, gone! And—

Calm down. You need to be calm. We need aid, and I don't know the way. They're trusting you in all this, so pull yourself together, and let me carry her.

A pause. There was a shaking, small, and sad.

You … can carry them both?” Silence. Movement. A flicker of red. A brief touch of reassurance. The voice grew distant. “Is it alright, carrying her like that?” Pained concern.

She's not as frail as you think. She may not look it, but she's one of the most durable members of the hive. It's why she eats so much, her body is tougher than a typical changeling. She is, after all—

“-a Princess,” Queen Amber said with a proud smile, looking over the group of clutchlings, the largest clutch in the hive's history. She then motioned to the titan that towered over the small teal hatchling. “And this is her guard, Bulwark.” Amber then eyed the princess expectedly, who glanced at her, fear flickering in her eyes, before she took a step forward, looking to her clutchlings for the very first time. “You are all clutchlings. That means you share a bond that will never fade. Even as time passes, and you choose where your path will lead you, that will never change.” The princess stood there for several moments, the hatchlings looking to her, glancing between each other in expectation. Amber then leaned close to the princess, a warm smile on her face, “Well, my Little Chrys—“

“I'm not little,” Chrys replied, despite being shorter than most of the hatchlings in the room, she then raised her head, before approaching the group. As she did, some of the more sociable of the clutch stepped forward, and it wasn't long before others followed, showering the hatchling of a different color with questions.

While the princess was assaulted with unaccustomed attention, many of the clutch were eyeing one hatchling in particular. A female, her eyes and mane gleaming a passionate tint of red as she hovered in the back, an odd considering look on her face.

She was the firstborn, Little One. No, that was her name, now she went by a new one. Momo. The first to hatch. The first to fly. The first to be praised. The first to help a clutchling in trouble. The first to choose a name for herself.

Many were waiting to see her reaction; waiting to emulate the stance she carried towards the princess, an outsider now being introduced to them. Unbeknownst to the clutch, Amber was also waiting to see what Momo would do, a hint of sadness in her eyes.

The Princess was going to get what Momo wanted most. And no matter how hard she tried, that would never change. She could deny the princess. Deny the impossibility of her dream. Deny what it meant to be a female drone. Deny the princess happiness, out of spite.

This possibility played through the firstborn's mind as she glanced to the side. She then frowned as she looked back to the princess, her gaze softening when she saw Chrys looking a little overwhelmed by the questions she was peppered with. Momo then recalled the brief look of fear the princess wore before taking a step forward.

Momo couldn't deny her own nature.

She flew forward, towards Chrys, a determined look in her eyes. Her clutchlings watched, ushering the others around the princess to make space, as Momo landed before her. She was a head taller than Chrys, and all questions died as everyone's eyes fell towards her. The princess wasn't oblivious to the shift in attention, adopting an apprehensive look as she eyed the firstborn.

“H- Hi. I'm Chrysalis,” she let out, looking Momo in the eyes. Everyone else seemed to be holding their breath as they looked to Momo. The firstborn looked over the princess coolly for a second, before adopting a warm smile.

“Hi Chrys. I'm Momo,” she let out energetically, getting smiles from the clutchlings around them, the group coming closer in response.

“You have a name too?” Chrys asked in surprise, getting a nod from her clutchling.

“That's right! Now, this is big, okay, so listen up!” Momo added, making Chrys blink, adopting a guarded look as Momo offered a hoof. “If you need help, just ask! We clutchlings look out for each other. Right?” Chrys looked a little taken aback, several other clutchlings nodding in agreement as the princess eyed Momo's offered hoof. Behind her, Amber and Bulwark were smiling as the princess took Momo's hoof, giving her a smile of her own...




White void. Rustling leaves on an unseen breeze. Comforting warmth. Turmoil.

Stay away from me!” A young, beloved voice. “I'm fine! Let me go! I want to see Momo!

Now look here missy,” unfamiliar voice, compassionate and stern, “you're hurt too, so just sit still and—”

I said I'm fine!

Chrys, Momo is—“

Shut up Dud! I don't want to hear it!

Chrys, put the bed down.

I said shut-” The voice faltered. A crash. A flicker.

High- Erm, Crystal, you need to behave.” A protective voice, an embarrassed, ashamed voice.

A- Aegis? Why'd you stop me!?

Your anger is only going to make things worse.

Make things worse!? What do you know, you traitor!? I bet you knew about the trap!


I said shut up, Dud.” Hesitation. “Come on Momo, get up.” Shaking. Desperation. Fear. “Please, get—“

“-up!” Momo heard through a red haze of pain, making her eyes open, seeing Darrin standing over her. “We both know that you're not done, so get up!” She glared at him as she got on her hooves, rubbing her aching jaw as she took a step back.

“I'm not leaving her,” she declared. “I made a promise-” Darrin charged towards her, and she was too hurt to dodge, so she stepped forward into his charge, her slightly bigger frame slamming into his chest, knocking the air out of both of them. Everything seemed to darken for a second, before awareness returned to Momo, seeing a recovered Darrin appraise her.

“A promise means little if you can't carry it through. Mantis will crush you, and toss your body in front of Chrys as a warning. So I'll crush your stubbornness here, before he does worse. You need to follow Mantis's advice,” he stated, a disgusted look on his face for saying such a thing.

“I won't. I won't be crushed, not by you or him. I'll be there for her, and I'm going to protect her.”


“Because...” Momo hesitated for a moment. Why was Chrys so important to her? Why was she more afraid of abandoning the princess, over protecting her life?


It'd been so long since she'd last thought of it. She just latched onto Chrys, and at some point, she'd forgotten why. Chrys could obtain what she couldn't, because Chrys was a princess, and she was just a drone. Now, seeing the reason for what she did, she found that it didn't matter anymore.

“Because, she's my clutchling. He's taking the others from her, and now she needs me, us, more than ever.”

“Hmph. She doesn't need a clutchling. She needs a soldier, and she doesn't need you, or your protection. She's already got a shield. She's got Bulwark.”

“Yeah, well, two shields are better than one,” she said offhoovedly, getting a surprised look from him.

“Well, I suppose you're right about that,” Darrin replied, a small smile in his eyes, before his gaze hardened, and he attacked again.

And so she fell again. She'd get up, and he'd knock her down. She was hardy, and didn't make it easy for him. Yet, each time she fell, it was harder to get back up, and at some point, Momo's body became numb, but despite that, she always got back up.

“D- Darrin,” she rasped out, making him hesitate, “Do you want to be her shield, too?”

“No. I will be- I am her sword. I will strike down anyone that stands in the way of the future she wants. Including you,” he declared with an adamant gaze. She looked into those fiery eyes, feeling as if she'd caught a glimmer of something she'd never seen in the soldier before. Compassion.

“...Sorry,” she let out as she eyed the ground, getting a confused, almost flustered look from him.

“What are you apologizing for?"

“I'm never gonna give up. So, you're gonna have to do it,” she said, giving him a coy look. “And I know you don't want to do that, so, I'm sorry.” He blinked at her, before adopting an angry scowl, his hooves trembling. “You don't want to give her up, right?” she asked, making him eye her for a moment, before walking up to her. The glimmer in his eyes seemed to burn brighter, making her close hers, a smile on her face as her body gave up on standing. The last thing she noted as she fell into darkness was the feeling of being caught in his hooves...




White void grows orange. Rustling beckons. Promises of peace rests in the wind.

...Momo, it's Aegis. There's something I wanted to get off my chest. You need to wake up. Her Highness hasn't been herself since she recovered. Before, she wanted to see the ponies of Dodge, and now that we're here, she hasn't left your side. Can you feel her? She's passed out next to you...

The Princess is still young. The Queen hasn't had the chance to teach her of the Queen's burden. The Princess isn't ready for it. The way she's acting is proof enough...

A queen's life isn't touched by time. That means she's going to always outlive her children, or in this case, her clutchlings...

Momo. You need to wake up. I don't think the princess will be able to take it if she loses you...


Can you even hear me?

...I know he's nearby, he could protect her in my stead.” Determination. “That's why, If I could, I'd switch with you. It'd be easier for her, if I was in your place.

...I really do regret it. Following Mantis, stinging you, putting her Highness in harm's way...

Momo. Please wake up. If- if you do, I'll gladly...” Confusion. Hesitation.

I should have been carrying Her Highness when the lightning struck.” Regret. “If only we'd swapped places...

The orange void gave way to an amber cavern filled with hatchlings, including Little One, their eyes on the drone teaching them, Teyra. On the amber wall, drawn in black chalk, were several diagrams of ponies, one of each type.

“Now that we're done with that, we have a special guest for today's lesson,” she said in an energetic voice, giving her class a smile, “And I know some of you were whispering about it earlier. Well, I can tell you that the rumors are true.” That elicited an excited murmur from the clutch as Teyra cleared her throat. “Please come in,” she said, directing her gaze to the door, welcoming the general of the hive, Mantis.

Even though something else was gnawing at Little One, she couldn't resist looking towards the door. Mantis was the clutch's sire. He was the hero whose daring action brought the hive food aplenty. He was the most important drone in the hive.

He entered the room, wearing the armor of his title. He walked tall, a proud smile on his face, his eyes aglow as he them in. He gave off a presence that struck the hatchlings in awe. A true hero stood before them.

A fact that only made that nagging feeling come back. One of the hatchlings was missing, and Little One knew where he was. Little Seventy Seven, the youngest of the clutch. She had a feeling he'd want to see this. So, why wasn't he here? Teyra stood to the side, letting Mantis stand center. The two shared a brief, familiar smile, before Mantis gave the clutch a determined look. He was about to start, and a clutchling was missing.

Getting up, Little One moved, intending to find Seventy Seven. Her wings buzzed lightly as she flew towards Teyra. She could feel Mantis's curious eyes follow her as she reached their teacher, instilling a moment of apprehension in the hatchling.

“Something wrong Little One?” Teyra asked.

“Seventy Seven isn't here,” she stated bluntly, “I'll get him.”

“You're Little One?” Mantis asked with a hint of interest, making the hatchling flinch as she looked to him, giving him a nod. “Her Highness has said a good deal about you,” he said with an assuring smile, making her smile back as he nodded to Teyra.

“Alright, make sure you come right back.” Teyra said, getting a determined nod from Little One. As she made her way towards the exit, Mantis cleared his throat, getting the attention of the class as he pointed towards the drawings of the ponies.

“What are ponies?” he asked, and before anyone could answer, he slapped the wall with a hoof, the impact causing a loud echo through the room, “They are food...” Little One heard him say, as she quickly scurried out, towards a place higher in the hive.

Going past a large number drones at work expanding the tunnels, she eventually found her way to a place her clutchlings liked to hide when they didn't want to be found. A small, forgotten hole that lead to the sunny landscape outside. A raised ledge on a cliff face that overlooked The Badlands. Not to her surprise, Little Seventy Seven was there, laying belly down, enjoying the sun's warmth to the point that he didn't notice he wasn't alone until she was standing over him.

“Hey, Mantis is teachin'. Don't you wanna see?” she asked, getting a surprised look from him, before it shifted to irritation.

“He's a soldier, not a worker. He shouldn't be teaching. He wants something. So, I don't want to be a part of it, and you shouldn't either,” he stated confidently, getting a confused look from Little One.

He was the youngest, and she was the oldest, yet she couldn't help but feel that he was always a little brighter than her. This moment was no different from the others.

“If he wants somethin', why not give it to him?” she asked, getting a small sigh from him.

“It must be nice, being so simple.” To her, that sounded like a compliment, so she gave him a big grin for his effort. “Don't give me that big grin. I can't stand that look,” he added, making her ears fall as she glanced to the side. “Tch. I can't believe someone like you is firstborn.” He then let out a sigh, “If only we could swap places.”

“Swap places?” she asked, eyeing the ground he rested on, making him roll his eyes.

“You hatched first. I hatched last. Because of that, everyone looks to you. Even mother,” his eyes then narrowed as he got on his hooves. “Hey, I just had an interesting idea. Let's trade names.”

“H-Huh!? We can do that?”

“Yeah, it's easy. You start calling yourself Little Seventy Seven, and I'll be Little One. And to make it fair, I'll give you some of my nectar. How's that sound?” he asked, making Little One consider him for a moment. Having more nectar did sound appealing, however, she still shook her head.

“My name is mine. And you are you. So nu-uh.”

Well, why not?” he asked, getting up close to Little One, almost making her take a step back.

“'Cause I know you don't want to do that,” she said, making him blink, before giving her a small glare. “You are you, and I am me. You don't really want to be me. Right?” she asked, making him blink, his eyes darting to the side as his head fell.

“I ... don't know who I want to be.”

“That's easy! Just be you!” she said adamantly, “You're smart, so do something smart,” she added with a sagely nod, making him roll his eyes, before laying back down.

“Isn't there a class you should be attending?” he asked, making her eyes widen as she turned to leave, before hesitating.

“You should come too...”

“Pass. I think I'll do what I'd do, and that's to stay here,” he replied, giving her a snide smile, getting a confused look from his clutchling. She then adopted a small frown, before moving, and sitting next to him. "H- Hey, what are you doing?"

"I'm not goin' alone. If you're stayin' then I am too!" she said, getting an annoyed groan from him.

Sitting along with the silence he offered, it wasn't long before she started feeling bored, making her start pestering him with questions. When he shied away from that, she tried playing with him, making him squirm in at her persistence. Totaled up, he held out for half an hour, before caving in.

"Fine! Since you won't stop bothering me, let's go back," he said, a bitter taste in his mouth as she gave him a warm smile. With her head held high, she led him as they made their way back, unaware that they'd both completely missed out on Mantis's 'lesson'...




Amber void, home to a large black tree. Leaves singing a calming song. Melody. Lullaby. Harmony of rest, and tears...


Flickering teal light.

The nurse said you're having sweet dreams. Are you? ...If it's not too much to ask, could you wake up? Dud and Aegis have been acting funny since I woke up. Aegis seems even colder than before, and Dud is acting as if nothing bad happened...

It's my fault. And I don't mean the trap. The lightning was drawn to my magic, and then you-


She said it may take a while for you to wake up. Weeks. Months. Y- Years. The longer you sleep, the less likely you'll-” Caught Breath. “I- I heard her, talking to Aegis a few days ago. She said- She said-

The void started to fade away, into darkness...

“Please Momo. Don't go. Wake up... Please, don't go...”

In the darkness, the rumbles of a battle between two monsters could be heard. Momo couldn't move, her body paralyzed, but she was aware of what was going on around her. Her clutchling was dragging her, to the best of her abilities, away from danger. There was a chill in the air. She couldn't see anything.

She was scared. Darkness was all around them, and there was no telling where Chrys was going, no guessing where they'd end up. Chrys was quivering, and it wasn't from the cold. A fact that made Momo want to cry, but the manticore venom kept her from even accomplishing that. So she lay there as Chrys grew weaker. Resting in the dark as her clutchling succumbed to the cold. Waiting...


It was raining. She was soaked to the bone, and she was famished. The air was cold, but her pegasus form was keeping her warm. She was lost. The Badlands looked so different without the scalding sun, features that she thought were familiar made her take a second guess at as she tried to find her way back to the hive.

The time to seal the tunnels had come, and she intended to sneak back in. But now she was starting to fear that it was too late. Chrys would assume the worst, and that would be that. Would she starve out here? Should she head to Equestria?

Suddenly, a teal light pierced through the gray skies, making Momo's mouth fall in surprise. The point radiated brightly for several moments, before fading. The spot on the horizon was locked in Momo's mind, and she charged towards it, hope beating in her chest, as the rain grew heavier...

In the dark bowels of the earth, each immobile moment passed, and as time ticked away, she could feel her numbness start to lose hold on her. Her destination was clear.

Momo, you still haven't told me. You need to tell me, why did you stay with me? Why do you stick your neck out for me?

Well, that's an easy one. It's because she loved her. Princess? Queen? These were just titles to Momo. Queen Amber was still her mother, and Princess Chrysalis was still her little clutchling. No amount of words or station would ever change that.

Nothing would change who she was. What she wanted to become. What she dreamed of. Just like so many changelings before her, when she came to chose her name, she knew who she was, who she would be...


Little One looked on as she saw her mother playing with her clutchlings. She saw the happiness in Amber's eyes, and it made her own aglow with awe. Unbridled happiness, born of a mother's love. She felt it when Amber hugged her. She saw it when Amber played with the others.

She wanted that. She wanted to play with little hatchlings of her own. She wanted to feel such joy. She wanted to be a mother of her own. And as if hit with a flash of inspiration, she knew what her name should be.

“Hey, mama!” Little One let out, flying over to the queen energetically, “Guess what, guess what!?” she asked, getting an amused look from the queen.

“You learned how to walk on the ceiling?” she asked in mock surprise, making the hatchling blink in confusion.

“I can do that?” she asked, before shaking her head. “No, that's not it! I have a name!” she let out, getting a surprised look from the queen, making her clutchlings look to each other, whispering about this development.

“Already?” Amber asked, before adopting a proud look, “First to choose your name too. Very well then, what is it?”

“It's Momo! It's like mixing mama and mom!” she said, making Amber's smile falter for a moment.

“Y- You're sure about that?”

“Yep!” She'd never been more sure of anything in her young life.

“So, you want to be a mother...?”

“U-huh!” she let out, making the queen's ears fall.

“I'm sorry sweetie, but a drone can't do that. Only a queen, or a princess, can become a mother.” Momo blinked at that, not quite understanding what Amber meant.

“Then Momo will be a princess!” she let out, making Amber adopt a pained look as she motioned to her aides, making them usher the rest of the clutch out of the room as she looked Momo in the eyes.

“You can't become a princess. A changeling doesn't become a princess. They're born into it, just like Chrysalis.”

Chrysalis, the princess no one else has seen. The only member of the clutch without a number. A ghost who was said to be of a different color.

“But, I can be like her if I try really really hard-” She was cut off when the queen gave her a close, apologetic hug.

“I'm sorry, Little One. No matter how hard you try, you'll never be like her.”

I'll never be a mama?

“You should think of a different name,” she said, getting a hurt look from the hatchling.

“No. I'm Momo,” she said sternly, getting a considering look from the queen, before pressing her nose to Momo's.

“Very well, Momo,” she said, a sad, yet proud smile on her face. “By claiming your name, I am now your queen, do you understand?” she asked, getting a sheepish look from the hatchling, which got a small chuckle from the queen. “Maybe you were a little too early to claim your name. Well, as your first duty, you must keep setting a good example for the others. Sound good?”

“Okay...” Momo replied, the weight of Amber's words still going through her head, still sinking in, as the queen put her down. And it wasn't long before a somber atmosphere fell over her, as everything faded away...

In the darkness stood a tall black tree. It stood alone, but it wasn't lonely. Its amber leaves sang a song that welcomed an approaching drone. She had a smile on her face. She felt at peace here, as if all the struggles that came before were a lifetime away.

Eyeing the leaves, she saw a countless number of them, each singing a lifetime's song. Each melody was different, yet they all weaved together seamlessly into a single note of harmony.

The song of the Amber Hive.

Walking under the tree's canopy, she started to hum a small note of her own. One that harmonized with the tree's song, spreading a sense of accomplishment from the drone. Her note carried words, expressions of her life which grabbed her attention as she sang them.

You are you, and I am me.

You'll never be like her.

There's more to our world than these small caverns.

That's just the way things are.

There's a reason for everything.

The words to her melody were swept up into the leaves' song, their meaning, weight, and life lost to her.

The image of a silver cage came to her. Words not born from any member of the hive making itself known in her song.

Just because something seems impossible, doesn't mean it actually is.

Her song faltered. The tree continued singing, and after composing herself, she began to join again, but the image never left her.

Please Momo. Don't go.

She paused as a flicker of light emanated from behind her, making her look back, curiously.

There was nothing there.

Confused by the odd occurrence, the drone looked back at the tree, blinking in surprise as she saw an unexpected figure standing before it. It was an old stallion. A pony, who smelled of the sea. He was staring past her, a look of great interest in his gaze, which prompted her to look back to where she thought the flicker came from.

Looking into the dark horizon, she saw the flicker again. A pulsing teal light, flickering like a heartbeat. Her gaze now intent to see more, she waited several moments, before seeing the beat again.

She turned back to the stallion. He was giving her a warm smile. She blinked, and he was gone. She considered the odd encounter for a moment, before looking back to the teal light, feeling a compulsion to seek it out. The song the tree sang shifted, the breeze coming down, giving her a gentle push, towards the direction of that light. She eyed the tree for a moment, feeling as if it was bidding her loving farewell. Adopting a determined look, she looked back towards the source of light, before taking a step forward.

How long was it before her second step finished? A second? Hour? Week? Distance gave way in this timeless place, bringing the drone before the source of her curiosity. A small teal flower, flickering at regular intervals. It lay rooted in a bed of cold stone, its head hung low, weighed down by a great sadness.

Unlike the tree, the flower felt lonely. It was young, far too young to sing. All Momo could hear from the flower was a quiet, sad murmur. Its voice was lost to the wind that carried the tree's symphony. The drone nodded in understanding, and began to hum the amber song.

She knew, the flower wanted that song, more than ever. Yet, no matter how hard she tried, the drone couldn't carry the note. The distance was too great, and her coming here had left her detached from the melody.

But the drone didn't falter. Instead, she started to sing a different song. One she felt would help the teal flower. It came to her so easily, for she had been singing the song for most of her life.


She smiled.

That's right. There was a life waiting for her. A flower, a free bird, a stalwart wall, a dented shield, a sharpened sword. They were waiting for her, across the darkness, in the land of light.

And still, she sang. She kneeled before the flower, and it wasn't long before her song harmonized with the flower's murmuring. In response, its petals started to shimmer, its stem straightening, its voice gaining strength, as it started to grow. Its teal flickering became steady, the light spreading out, enveloping the drone with warmth, as the flower began to raise its head...


It's warm.

That was the first thing Momo thought as she came to. Shifting her body slightly, she felt tight around the chest and back. She lay on her side in a soft bed, covered snugly by a blanket. The sweet smell of burning wood rested in the air, the slight crackle and pop of its source close by.

Opening her eyes, she became aware of a young unicorn balled up, resting with her, covered in a blanket of her own. Momo blinked slowly in confusion as her eyes took in the wooden room. On the far wall was a window, snow piled on the outside ledge, reflecting moonlight into the darkness beyond.

Next to the window was a desk. A middle-aged unicorn mare was fiddling with a pestle and mortar, working slowly and quietly as she hummed a small song to herself. Momo looked from her back to the filly sleeping with her. They were the only ones in the room.

Trying to recall how she got here, Momo closed her eyes, seeing the destruction of a city made of clouds in her mind's eye. She opened them in realization, understanding that her clutchling was the one tucked snugly with her.

What happened? Where were they? Who's the pony? Why do I feel so ... weak?

Questions raced through her mind as she shifted in the bed, trying to free her hooves from the covers without waking Chrys. Her wings didn't budge. They itched something fierce, and when she did try to move them, it earned her a wince in pain. Freeing a hoof, she was reminded that she was in a pony form. Finding something amusing about that, she adopted a smile as she rubbed Chrys' head.

“I don't normally let relatives sleep with my patients,” the pony said coolly, making Momo flinch as she looked to her. The pony had an indifferent look on her face, “That said, your little sister was suffering from nightmare induced insomnia. Don't know what Luna was up to.” She let out a passive shrug, “She sleeps like a foal when she's with you though. So, that's that,” she concluded, turning back to her tools. “Oh, I'm Joy, and congratulations on waking up. Name?”

“M- Momo?”

“You know your name, and your reaction appears normal. Prognosis: Looking better than I thought you'd turn out,” she said dismissively, a small smile on her face as she glanced at Momo from the corner of her eye.

“How long was I-” Momo began to ask, but paused when Chrys started to stir. She sat up, holding the blanket close to her as she looked to Momo, blinking slowly, before her eyes widened in recognition.

“M- Momo?” Chrys asked, her voice quivering as she looked her clutchling in the eyes.

“What's up?” she asked sheepishly, her eyes widening at seeing Chrys on the verge of tears, “Whoa, hold on, what's wrong?”

“Nothing's wrong. You're awake. There's nothing wrong,” she let out as she glanced to the side, a smile on her lips.

“...Is that a big deal?” Momo asked, a little confused.

“Yes. It's a very big deal,” Chrys replied burying her head between Momo's forelegs, making Momo wince when her horn prodded her chest. “It's gonna be okay now,” she said in a relieved note as Momo caught Joy wearing a small smile. Momo then became aware of moisture building between her forelegs, making her confusion melt away as she hugged her clutchling close. Tilting her clutchling’s head slightly to avoid a certain discomfort.

“Sorry, for making you worry,” Momo whispered, getting silence in return as Chrys hugged her all the tighter, her silent sobs lost on the pony in the room, as Momo patted her princess on the head. As she did, she started humming a song. She wasn't sure where she'd heard it before, but there was a serene quality to it, and in that warm embrace, it wasn't long before the princess fell asleep, holding to Momo all the while. Shortly after, Momo followed her clutchling, falling into a peaceful slumber, her body weak from recovery, as they both shared sweet dreams.

20. Smiles and Snowfall

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Under a warm, dark canopy, stood Sledge. His eyes darted from side-to-side as he made his way through the woods, occasionally dipping over the leaves to keep track of his direction. He’d spent three days her already, not getting a wink of sleep since arriving, and he wanted out.

He thought the monsters of The Badlands were dangerous, but the rumors he’d heard of the Dark Forest didn’t do these woods justice. He dared not catch up on his rest in this place, for he suspected he’d never awaken if he did. Despite the danger, and the number of scars he’s gained since arriving, he’s had the chance to add several forms to his roster. No longer was he a one trick changeling.

Finally seeing light through the trees ahead, he let out a sigh as he made it outside, revealing a cold rocky plain that seemed indifferent to the warm air hovering over the Dark Forest. As he was about to look for shelter, he felt a shadow pass over him. His ears darted up as he glanced to the sky, his heart starting to accelerate as he began to picture what new hassle had found him.

Flying up, he broken the canopy to take in this new threat, his agitation ready to give this foe more than it could hope to chew. That agitation instantly melted. Sledge’s mouth hung open, ears falling as the monster curved around towards him. And for one of the few times in the Royal Guard’s life, he felt a terrifying sensation.



A ray of light pierced through the clouds, melting its way through the frosty window pane, making its presence known on the changeling princess's face. Chrys's brow furrowed. Her eyes slowly opened before she directed a glare at the offending sunlight. Naturally, staring at the sun in protest only helped to dispel her sleepy haze, making her sit up. It was the first time the sun's ever greeted her from her sleep, and despite the abruptness of the welcome, it was still warm and pleasant, if annoying.

Chrys looked toward her clutchling, humoring the idea of waking her up, before hopping off the bed. She then winced from her loud landing, causing Momo to shift slightly, rolling onto her other side, but otherwise remained asleep. Chrys smiled at her, before quietly trotting to the window. With a passing thought, she brought a stool over, and hopped on it to glance outside.

To the left, she saw the furry back of her temporary royal guard, sitting, watching the passing ponies, ready to come to her aid at a moment's notice. Past him, were open, snow covered plains. There was a pair of large tents set up out there, past the northern edge of town, which was home to a unit of doctors.

To the right, she saw the buildings running parallel to the place she'd called home for almost two weeks, Joy's Clinic. They ran in a row south, each sporting a large wooden banner over their front balconies declaring their purpose. So and so's saloon, somepony's smithery, various shops, the line of buildings went on beyond where she could see from her perch, the buildings clumped together with barely any room left between them.

Buildings she'd never given the time to consider. For the last two weeks, the contents of this room was the only thing on her mind. She frowned at nothing in particular as that realization came to her. Turning back to the bed, a note pinned to the wall above it caught her eye, which she levitated over as she approached Momo. She wasn't too used to reading pony, so it took her a moment to process.

Out. Be back by sundown.

*Patient must eat slowly. Recommend soft foods.

*Bandages stay on. No exceptions.

*Don't make a mess.

*Taking a walk is encouraged.


Ps. Close the door this time!

Chrys eyed that final remark, rolling her eyes as she glanced to the door, a feature ponies seemed to love separating every single room in a building with. Levitating the note over to the desk, she noticed a pair of bowls left on it; a cold breakfast left by their hostess, and a small pile of bits. Chrys adopted a smile, before turning to her clutchling. She'd rested long enough.

“Hey, get up,” Chrys said, giving Momo a gentle push with her magic, causing her clutchling to roll over. She mumbled something, the sunlight catching her face as she began to stir. Propping herself up, Momo rubbed her eyes, appraising her location before looking towards Chrys.

“Morning,” she said with a smile, which Chrys reflected.

“How are you feeling?”

“Like I just finished sparring with Darrin,” she replied, stretching out, wincing and trying to rub her side. Pulling the blanket off, she got off the bed, appraising herself. Besides the bandages around her middle, she looked completely fine. Said bandages were wrapped around her mid-torso, completely covering her wings. “Am I ... grounded?” she asked, a worried, almost fearful look in her eyes.

“Only for a couple weeks,” Chrys quickly assured, “The nurse said that the feathers need to heal.” Chrys didn't even pretend to understand what that meant; pony anatomy wasn't her strong suit. “It'd probably be best if you didn't shapeshift while they're healing. The damage will transfer over if you do, and we're not gonna find any of Aid's healing resin out here.”

“Gotcha,” Momo replied with a sigh, before looking to Chrys. “What happened? Are we in Dodge? Where are the others?” she divvied out, prompting a slightly guilty look to flash by Chrys's face as she held a hoof up.

“One at a time,” she said, before glancing to the side, “You and I were hit by lightning, Aegis carried us to Dodge, and Dud led him here,” she explained as she motioned to the room, “Joy, the nurse who looked after us, this is her place. Aegis is right outside the window-” she indicated as such, seeing him looking into the room in time with her comment. Momo blinked as she took what she saw of him in.

He was a big furry buffalo. Though to Momo, he was just a big bundle of brown fur with two small horns on his head. After taking him in for a moment, she gave him a small wave, and though she wasn't too sure, she was under the impression that he was smiling.

“And Dud?” Momo asked, making Chrys frown.


“Oh, uh, okay,” Momo replied, unsure what to read from Chrys's mood shift. “So,” she continued, eyeing her bandages, “what's next?”

“Canter Town, but we're gonna wait a few days before leaving.”

“...Because of me?”

“Because I said so,” Chrys replied flatly, “I want to take a look around, and Joy recommends taking a stroll,” she pointed out as she waved the note, getting a curious look from Momo.

“I think I'd like that too,” she said, getting off the bed, stretching before letting out a sharp gasp. “You ... look a lot better than I do.”

“Guess I'm made of tougher stuff,” Chrys replied smugly, getting a small laugh from Momo. She then walked to where her coat and scarf were hanging, wobbling slightly.

“Well, this is an odd feeling,” Momo replied, trying to straighten herself out as Chrys came to her side, helping her balance. “Th- Thanks.” Momo then blinked as she gave her clutchling an appraising look. “Chrys, you've gotten taller!”

“I have?” she asked in surprise, realizing her gaze was higher than Momo's back, rather than shoulders. “I have!” she repeated excitedly.

“Looks like your short days are finally numbered,” Momo replied, getting a happy nod from Chrys.

“Amber said my growth spurt would be fast. Pretty soon I'll be taller than you!”

“Now there's a sad thought,” Momo said with a small sigh, getting an odd look from the princess. Momo then blinked as she looked to her clutchling, an odd string of memories coming to her attention that made her blush. “L- Listen, Chrys, there's something I want to tell you,” she began hesitantly. “I, I feel as if I almost lost the chance to ever tell you this, so I want you to know, before something bad...” she then shook her head as Chrys's ears fell. Momo then adopted a determined look, “Chrys, you asked me once why I stick my neck out for you. W- Well, it's because I want to see you become a mother, and that's because I want to be one too,” she admitted, her face taking a deeper shade as Chrys gave her a surprised look.

She wants to see me become a mother?

Chrys found herself blushing at the notion. It's part of being a queen, but it was something she'd never really given much thought. And Momo wanted to be a mother too? But, she's a drone...

“But, you're-” Chrys began, before shaking her head. “Wait, is that why you were talking to Lores about being Caretaker?” she asked, getting a small nod from Momo. Silence fell between them for a moment, making Momo shift in place nervously as Chrys considered her words, before letting out a small chuckle. “That's so you,” Chrys said, giving her clutchling a warm smile. Momo looked at her, a little surprised, as Chrys went to the table. “I'm surprised, I mean, I know you love hatchlings and-” she then shook her head, “What I mean is, I'm really glad you told me,” she added, before wrapping the two bowls of food in her magic. “I, I was scared that I'd lose-,” she hesitated, her eyes stinging. “Momo, we had a really close call at Thundercloud,” she said as her ears fell, “Tell me, is that worth it?”

“My reason for being by your side?” Momo asked, getting a short nod from Chrys, which made her clutchling frown. “What, that's not good enough for you?” she asked sarcastically, making Chrys blink, “Chrys, I love you. You're my clutchling. Even if I didn't have such an odd wish, I'd still want to come with you.”

“...Thanks, Momo,” Chrys replied, giving her clutchling a small hug, which was quickly returned, “So, you want to be a mom, huh?” she asked, making Momo blush anew.

“If possible...”

“Let's get through this whole thing first, then we can see what can be done about that, okay?”

“O- Okay!” Momo replied, caught off guard by Chrys's words, but being filled with happiness all the same.

“Now, you'll want to try this,” the princess said as she brought the food over, “it's called 'Oat Meal', and it's the best when it's warm,” she explained, her magic dying down as the bowls started to steam.

Indeed, Momo found the meal quite pleasing, though not quite as good as the desserts they had back at Thundercloud. After downing their breakfast, Momo gave Chrys a curious look.

“So, we can go out?” she asked, seeing the snowy land outside.

“That's right!” Chrys replied energetically, before turning to a coat rack next to the door. “Here, this is yours,” she added, levitation a new coat to her clutchling, getting a confused look from Momo.

“Where’s the old one?” she asked, making Chrys’s ears fall briefly.

“It was burnt beyond use, because-” she then shook her head, “Enough of that,” she added, tossing the coat, which Momo caught, “C- Come on, let's go see the town! It's a lot different from Thundercloud!”

“R- Right!” Momo replied, quickly following, and almost falling over in the process. “C- Can we do it slowly?”

“Just for you,” Chrys replied. The princess then put on some winter attire, before joining Aegis outside.

“It's good to see you walking again, Momo,” Aegis said in a cool tone, getting a confused look from the mare. He then kneeled down, letting Chrys hop on his tall back.

“Gah-” the princess let out, “There's snow up here!” she complained, her magic working to clear off the embarrassed bovine. It was snowing lightly as Momo glanced around, taking in brief shafts of dawn that broke through the clouds. She saw a large number of ponies further into town. Dud wasn’t joking. They liked to wear big hats. Many were wearing cowcolt hats, ponies that were busy doing this and that, leaving the changeling under the impression that the clinic was on the quieter end of the settlement.

Looking to the sky, she blinked when she noticed a flurry of activity. A large number of pegasi seemed to be at work, shaping and molding clouds over a wide area not too far from Dodge. The number of ponies in the air easily outnumbered those on the ground. And down on the far end of the buildings, Momo could barely make out a populated field of tents.

“What's going on?” she asked as she indicated the pegasi, making Chrys glance to the side.

“Refugees,” Aegis answered, getting a surprised look from the others.

“Ahh, Aegis!” a passing pony let out, coming close, taking in Chrys and Momo with a soft smile, “I'm glad to see Crystal's sister has awoken.”

“As are we,” he replied, trying to hide a blush, which got a chuckle from the pony.

“Try not to exhaust yourself dearie,” the pony added as she addressed Momo, getting a flustered look from her, “A lot of ponies will be happy to hear you're up and about.”

“Huh?” Chrys and Momo replied in unison, getting another chuckle from the old mare.

“You may not look alike, but you're definitely sisters,” the mare added, before nodding to herself, “We here in Dodge could use some good news. A lot of ponies were holding out for you, even though you came outta the blue.” Her warm smile persisted as she started to turn away, “If you two need any help, don't be too shy,” she said, before trotting off.

“...Ponies are too nice,” Chrys said in a bothered tone, before eyeing her ride, “You talked with them?” she asked incredulously.

“More like they talked to me,” Aegis replied, trying to look troubled by the notion. “I can't tell you how many inane questions I've been pestered with in the last two weeks." He then shook his head, "I can imagine Dud has had his fair share of questions too.”

“So what was that about refugees?” Momo asked, “Does that mean they're from Thundercloud?”

“That's right, the ones that got away,” he said, getting a frown from his company. “Need I remind you what ponies are to us?”

“Yes, but they don't need to be,” Momo said, getting an agreeing nod from Chrys.

“So her highness has told me,” he added, not sounding convinced.

“And now Thundercloud is gone...” Momo pointed out, making silence fall over them for several moments. Their mood then shifted when another passing pony offered them their congratulations.

“It's troubling, how well they've treated us,” Aegis added.

“What's that supposed to mean?” Chrys asked in a dangerous tone.

“I- I've said too much. Forgive me, Your Highness, think of it as over-concerned ramblings of a guard.” Momo and Chrys shared a look at that, but let the matter drop.

Continuing through the town, they took in the sights and sounds of a settlement that was a little stuffed beyond capacity. There were several buildings devoted to visitors, bars, restaurants and taverns that were packed for breakfast and brunch. Some ponies were helping clear snow out of the way, packing it in the thin alleys. Others were helping in other places, putting up odd decorations on buildings. It seemed there wasn't a pony that wasn't busying themselves with some task. Watching them, Momo started to notice something around the time they reached the town's center.

“Do you guys feel that?” Momo asked, her head raised as if she were trying to pick up a scent in the air. It felt very pleasant, like a floating warmth that seemed to be lingering everywhere, with a small hint of a bitter taste to it that licked at her body. “What is that?” she pressed, “It's really nice.”

“It's love,” Chrys replied, getting a surprised look from her clutchling. “It's always been there. I guess love is like this when ponies aren't kept in cocoons.”

“It's not like this for Dud,” Momo pointed out.

“He is a dud,” Aegis replied, getting an embarrassed look from her, “It's also the population. This is lingering love coming from everypony here. I doubt we'd feel this if there were a third as many ponies around.”

“...Ponies are really amazing, aren't they?” Momo asked with a small smile, getting a nod from Chrys.

“They're a lot like us,” Aegis pointed out, getting intrigued looks from the others, making him blink at his own words. “I mean, well, forget it.”

“Aegis, explain yourself,” Chrys insisted, getting a troubled look from the guard.

“In over the last decade, they've lost so many ponies. Those ponies are gone, and never coming back—“

“That's not true,” Momo quickly pointed out, getting an agreeing nod from Chrys, “They're still alive, we just—“

“We just need them to live,” Aegis stated, making Momo blink, before she eyed the ground. “To them, those ponies are dead. You can see it in their eyes. That old mare, she was smiling, but there was a familiar look in her eyes. A look I've seen plenty of, back at the hive.”

“...Loss?” Chrys finished, getting a nod from Aegis.

“We lost a great number to hunger,” Aegis said solemnly, “And these ponies have lost many to a number of 'disasters'. And here they are, working earnestly.”

“Like our hive?” Momo asked.

“Exactly like our hive. I'm sure they've all got their own reasons for being focused, just like every drone has their reasons for what path they choose.”

“...I don't like this,” Chrys mumbled, getting a confused look from the others.

“What was that, Princess?” Aegis asked curiously.

“I don't like this,” she repeated, louder. “It wasn't the ponies’ fault that our hive was starving. But, it is our fault that everypony has that look in their eyes.”

“...That is why I didn't want to elaborate,” he said as he glanced to the side.

And now that it was pointed out, Momo and Chrys started to notice it:

A mare with shadows under her eyes, a smile on her face as she helped repair a wagon. A stallion who paused for a moment, looking to the pegasi in the sky, his ears falling briefly, before shaking his head and continuing on his way. Moments of depression broke through their daily routines, if only for a moment, and it made Chrys and Momo feel guilty.

It didn't help that every couple of buildings they'd pass, somepony would greet them, and congratulate Momo on her recovery. The looks they wore caused Aegis to glance between the two of them, before he let out a small sigh.

“Princess, Momo, this isn't your fault.”

“Aegis, it's our hive's doing, so how are we not at fault?” Momo asked, getting a considering look from Chrys.

“You weren't a part of any of the attacks,” he said as he looked to Momo, “You stayed back and helped the hive. And Chrysalis, well, she isn't a part of our hive.”

“H- Hey!” Momo replied as she rounded on the guard.

“He's right, Momo,” Chrys said, “When I'm a queen, I'll have my own hive,” she added, trying to sound composed as she did. “We may not be at fault, but that doesn't make us free of responsibility.”

“Highness?” Aegis asked in surprise.

“...We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Tampa Neigh. We were born because of that. We may not be at fault, but we definitely benefited from their suffering. And we still do. I didn't think anything different about feeding from the cocoons.” That is, until the old stallion passed away. “Ponies are our food, and even though I could see them, and talk to them when I fed, I naively kept myself distant...”

She glanced around, eyeing the ponies they past, her ears low. “Dud once said that ponies would see us as monsters, and I told him ponies were the monsters,” she added as she rested her chin on Aegis' furry head. “Tampa Neigh was enough, we didn't really need to capture any more ponies after that to live happily, and yet we pressed on. We … really were the monsters in all this, weren't we?” she asked, getting no answer from her company.

Silence fell over the group as they continued their slow walk through town. Thinking to themselves, it wasn’t long before they reached the southern end of Dodge, revealing another large plain of snow with a scattered tree here and there. The three of them found their thoughts distracted as they took notice of what was in the field.

A large number of tents, arranged in an orderly grid. There were ponies wearing armor in the camp, their numbers easily larger than the number housing the town to their back. Many soldiers were practicing drills, strengthening up, and preparing for a coming storm. Not too far above the camp, an organized arrangement of clouds was parked, lining up with the setup on the ground. Armored pegasi were practicing aerial maneuvers, and utilizing thunder clouds on dummies. Their combined numbers easily out-matched the Amber Hive. Chrys frowned at the sight.

“Looks like Mantis' plan worked,” she said with a small sigh, “Assuming that's the bulk of Equestria's forces.”

“You think there could be more?” Momo asked, a little shocked and worried.

“If so,” Aegis began, “Hopefully they'll join up with this lot before spring,” he then blinked as a troubling thought came to mind, “Highness, you're not going to tell this Princess Luna about the attack on Canter Town, are you?”

“No, I won't,” Chrys quickly replied, “She has so many ponies under her, ready to fight. I'm not going to trust her with something so important just because Dud trusts her,” she added, giving Aegis a frown. “Did you think I'd ruin my moth- Queen Amber's plans so readily?”

“I- I'm sorry, Your Highness, I was simply concerned,” he replied, getting a small scoff from the princess. He then adopted a guarded look, his eyes focused on a pegasus approaching from the side. He surprised Chrys and Momo when he turned to directly face the pony, his posture lowering defensively.

“Whoa there,” the old pegasus replied, holding his hooves up, “I didn't mean to startle you, big guy.”

“Aegis?” Momo asked, the guardian not taking his eyes off the pony.

“Something about him feels dangerous,” the guard said with a small hiss, heard only by Chrys.

“Who are you?” Chrysalis asked, getting a small bow from the pony as he landed in front of them.

“Just a civil servant who couldn't help but notice that our guests were out and about.”

“And what do you mean by guests?”

“Quite the inquisitive filly you are,” he replied with an amused look, “What else would you call a small group of injured travelers that flew in from an impassable snow storm? A group whose arrival coincided with information that Thundercloud, my good home, was destroyed?”

“I'd call them guests,” Momo replied hesitantly, before glancing at the side, “At best.”

“Aye, guests at best. Lot of nasty rumors flew around with your arrival. Thankfully, Princess Luna dissuaded those rumors from taking root. Kind of considerate of her, if you ask me.”

“Who are you?” Chrys asked, getting a small chuckle.

“Name's Arrow Twine, and it's a pleasure to meet the three of you. Dud's talked a lot about you.”

“He has?” Chrys asked in surprise.

“Where is Dud?” Momo stepped in, making the stallion blink.

“He's helping with the cloud-shaping,” he said as he pointed to the cluster of clouds north of them, “They're calling it Lost Pegasus.” He then shook his head, “Hopefully they'll change the name before the new town is christened.”

“Why are you wasting our time?” Aegis asked in a guarded tone, making the stallion raise an eyebrow at him.

“Luna is anxious to talk to you,” he said matter-of-factly as he eyed Momo, making the changeling blink in confusion, “After what happened at Thundercloud, she was worried she'd lost our best shot at peace.”

“So, you know that we're—“

“From The Badlands,” he finished, glancing around to see if they were overheard, “Few do, and we'd like to keep it that way. Luna is aware of your injuries, so there's no need to rush. You can't rush a recovery after all, just don't be too...” he tilted his head in search of a fitting word, “You know what, I'm sure you know your timetable better than we do, so take your time. Just, do me a favor, and don't keep Luna waiting.” Chrys blinked at that, suddenly realizing he was the first pony she'd encountered that didn't refer to Luna by her title.

“...Are you a Shadowbolt?” Chrys asked, getting a small laugh from the old stallion.

“Oh goodness no! Me? A Shadowbolt?” he then shook his head, letting out another small laugh, before he started to lift off. “I retired years ago,” he added, giving them a confident smile, “Welcome to Equestria, Princess. We'll watch out for any troublemakers out to do you harm while you're here, so rest easy,” he then bowed again, and was about to fly off, before Momo stopped him.

“W- Wait,” she asked, making him pause, “Can you tell Dud I'd like to talk to him?” she asked, getting a small smile from him, before nodding, and leaving. Momo watched him fly away for a minute, before giving Chrys a bothered look. “They think I'm you?” she asked wide-eyed, getting a small chuckle from Chrys.

“It's because you're shape-shifted as a pegasus, while I'm a unicorn,” Chrys pointed out.

“But, didn't Dud give Princess Luna our names?” she asked, still flabbergasted.

“Perhaps they think you swapped names?” Aegis offered, before adopting a small smile. “If they think Momo is Chrys, than that gives you some breathing room, Highness.”

“They'll be watching me, instead of her!” Momo realized, a smile on her face. “Y- You don't mind, do you?” she asked, getting a considering look from her clutchling.

“Are you fine with it? It's not the same as being a queen,” Chrys pointed out, getting an odd look from Momo, before her eyes widened.

“Chrys, I want to be a mother, not a queen,” Momo pointed out, making Aegis blink at her words.

“Oh, right,” Chrys replied, blushing a little at that, “Well, it's fine. As long as I don't have to call you 'Highness',” she added, getting a mischievous grin from Momo.

“Aww, but why not?” she asked in a playful tone.

“Because that would feel weird!” Chrys replied, getting a small laugh from Momo. Her ears then perked when she heard laughter from somepony else nearby. Chrys noticed it too, the tone coming from a younger source. The clutchlings shared an intrigued look.

Chrys hopped off Aegis, landing expertly in the snow. She was immediately surprised by how it felt, and decided she didn't want to linger in the snow as she eyed Momo, who stood ready for her. Aegis placed a hoof before her, halting her hop, getting a flustered look from the princess. “Aegis, why'd you stop me?”

“Momo's wings are damaged, you'll hurt her if you ride on her back,” he pointed out, getting embarrassed looks from Momo and Chrys, who'd clearly forgotten that fact. Chrys kicked up some snow, blinking as she watched it scatter away in clumps, some of it sticking to her hooves. She considered enchanting herself with her heat spell, but discarded the notion. She made her way through the snow, following the source of the voice they heard as Momo followed.

As they rounded the corner, they were welcomed to the sight of a number of fillies and colts playing in the snow. Behind the line of buildings not too far from where the changelings stood, were two large snow forts. The one further away was bigger, a number of older colts calling home as they peppered the opposing fort with snowballs.

“What are they doing?” Chrys asked in wonder. Momo didn't respond, her eyes widening at the very sight of the children playing. Letting out an excited noise, she galloped off, leaving the others behind as she went to the closer fort. Chrys blinked in surprise, before following after her. Even without her wings, Momo was surprisingly fast; when Chrys caught up to her clutchling, she was already halfway through a conversation with a filly.

“-and then you throw the snowball as hard as you can!” the filly said, prompting to throw her snowball across the gap, a satisfied glare greeting her when she caught an opposing filly in the face. Chrys watched curiously as Momo gathered some snow, rolling it into a ball, before chucking it across the battlefield. It landed harmlessly into the opposing fort.

“H- Hey! No adults! That's not fair!” somecolt cried out, getting a slight blush from Momo.

“S- Sorry!” she replied, before adopting a playful grin, “Can my little sister join in?” she asked the opposing team, getting a flat look from Chrys.

“Momo, what are you doing?” she asked.

“What, that shorty?” the colt asked, making Chrys flinch, her eyes latching onto the colt in question.

“I am not short!”

“Shorter than everypony on this side~” an opposing filly replied, making Chrys' eyes narrow.

“Aegis, this is my fight,” Chrys began as she eyed the snow clustered around them, “So stay out of it.”

“Understood, Your Highness.” Chrys then grabbed two clumps of snow with her magic, and with startling ease, nabbed the two offenders in the muzzle, making them sprawl back in surprise.

“R- Return fire! Return fire!” the colt cried out, making Chrys' eyes widen in excitement as snowballs started flying her way. She considered capturing them and sending the projectiles back, but how would that be fair? So instead she dodged them, her heart racing as she left the others behind.

Momo watched from the sides, happiness radiating from her. Chrys wasn't taking up all of her attention though. Her eyes were constantly darting between all the children. Many on the smaller fort were blank-flanks, leading Momo to guess that this was a battle of the ages. And though she wasn't too sure, she was under the impression that if she and Chrys were ponies, they'd likely be fighting on the younger side of the conflict.

She let out a small sigh. Because she had the stature of an adult, she was being left out of the fun. The feeling of love in the air was present here too, but it was a little less bitter. It was cheerful, and Momo began to notice that her and Aegis weren't the only onlookers.

There were a number of ponies sitting with their backs to the buildings. Some were conversing, while others were simply watching, smiling. Momo's eyes drifted from the onlookers, to the camp of soldiers to the south. She then nodded to herself as she looked back to the snowball fight.

“The way the hatchlings-” she began, before shaking her head, “Children, play and laugh, it's like they're completely oblivious to all the gloom around them,” she pointed out with a smile, getting a small laugh from the guard.

“Curses, we really are too similar,” he added, getting a confused look from Momo. “Your clutch, and those that followed were no different. You were all happy, playing and enjoying yourselves often, oblivious to the sadness that came before. You eventually learned of it, but it never really touched you. We, all the drones that came before you, we made sure of that.” He shook his head as he watched Chrys let out a maniacal laugh, a dozen snowballs floating at her command. “I'm guessing the ponies did much the same thing.”

“...Aegis, do you think it's wrong to want both changelings and ponies to be happy?” she asked, making the guard shake his head.

“No, there's nothing wrong with that,” he added, getting a small nod from Momo. She then frowned when Chrys made a large snowball, as big as a pony, and hurled it at the opposing fort, destroying one of its walls.

“Stay here, I'm gonna surprise Chrys,” she said, getting a curious look from the guard as Momo trotted over to the older side. He watched as she talked to the older colts and fillies, getting eager nods from them. Chrys looked confused, which shifted to surprise when Momo threw a snowball at her.

Caught off guard, Chrys hopped to the left, right into a shower of follow-ups from the opposing team. Chrys dodged as best she could, before Momo's second snowball found its mark, knocking Chrys down as Momo let out a hearty laugh. Chrys blinked as she took in her clutchling's mirth, which the princess immediately mirrored.

And so the battle of the ages continued, and the royal guard watched, unable to keep himself from smiling. A smile that was mirrored by the other onlookers.

21. Weight of a Promise

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Deep within the Amber hive was a large collection of tunnels, separated from the Windtrap network. Because of this, the air was stale and cold year round. This factor alone was enough to give the typical drone reason to hesitate before entering. It wasn't dangerous or scary. In fact, it served a very precious purpose to the hive. Still, it didn't get too many visitors.

Lores once again found herself at that entrance. The opening to the Silent Halls. Having chosen to stay awake through the season, she now had more free time than she was comfortable with, making her a regular visitor. Her wings gave a soft buzz as she entered, traveling down the oldest tunnels of the hive; their age making her feel as though she was going back in time.

Following the primary path, her eyes darted between small chambers attached to it, each with a label etched over the opening. The way was barely lit, even by changeling standards, with only a small cluster of glowshrooms in each room, the light leaking out the only illumination for the hall.

The first few chambers gave off an unusual glow; purple. A color that the queen herself helped maintain. Beyond those rooms, the amber glow prevailed. Lores took the long path, choosing to take her time, instead of the shortcut to the more recently carved sections of the halls. Every so often, she'd shift into pony form to keep herself warm, before moving on.

She stopped when she found her final destination. 'Timid Clutch' was written on the arch. Lores took a deep breath, before walking in. Inside was a small circular chamber, smaller than the one she worked in.

At the room’s center stood a supporting pillar. At the pillar’s base, wrapped around it, were two adult sized holes, and six hatchling sized piles of stone. Spread around evenly, it gave the piles the look of an eight petaled flower. On the pillar were a small number of glowshrooms, illuminating names etched in stone, one for each petal.

Lores walked around the room slowly, a weak smile on her face. She spoke a few heartfelt words, addressing Timid One through Six, her eyes itching, before she found herself standing before the two open spots.

Unlike the others, Timid Seven and Eight had two additional lines under their names. She looked to the eighth name, 'Teyra' and under that, 'Lores', her features becoming more cold as she eyed the open spot. She then glanced to the opening adjacent, the bottom line for it reading 'Mantis'.

“We've come a long ways, haven't we?” she asked as she continued to pace around her clutchlings.

“Yes, we have,” an unexpected voice replied, making Lores flinch, her eyes finding Mantis at the entrance. “I didn't think I'd find you here, but I can't really say I'm surprised,” he added, coming to her side as she let out a sigh.

“With Her Highness occupying herself with draining as much love as she can, and there being no clutch of eggs to help look after, there isn't all that much for me to do.”

“Then why did you decide to stay awake?” he asked, getting a flat look from her.

“You know why.”

“So you could meddle with my affairs?” he asked, sounding more annoyed than angry, making Lores pause in thought for a moment.

“Can we talk about that some other time?” she asked as she looked to the stones, getting a small nod from Mantis.

“That, that is fair,” he replied, a distant look in his eyes as he took in the room.

Beyond that, the two had little else to say. Lores wasn't in the mood to leave, and neither was Mantis. So they simply sat silently, side by side, before Lores' eyes started to droop, her head bobbing sleepily.

He noticed her fatigue, separating himself for a moment, before becoming wreathed in amber fire, getting a surprised look from her. After several seconds, the fire dissipated, his body now radiating heat. He then returned to her side, getting a small smirk from her.

“Show off,” she said, seeing the hint of a smile in his eyes. “...Mantis, haven't you done enough?” she asked, making him frown.

“It'll never be enough. Not until there's absolutely no chance of our kind going hungry, ever again,” he replied, a fire burning in his eyes. “And I'll see it happen. Despite your meddling,” he added, making her glance to the side for a moment.

She wanted to talk to him about Chrysalis. Tell him about how foolish his contempt for her was. But, she knew Mantis. She knew how stubborn, how determined he could be when he set his mind on something. So instead they simply sat silently together, with the rest of their clutch, as the tomorrow they sought slowly approached.


In the field of ravaged white forts, Snow Queen Chrysalis reigned supreme. Looking after Momo for two weeks had admittedly left the princess feeling pent up, and the snowball fight worked perfectly to remedy that.

Besides her magic feeling a little drained, she wasn't particularly tired. That couldn't be said about all other parties involved. All the other fillies and colts were worn out, the last of them taking their leave, happy fatigue in their eyes. Well, happy for the younger ones. The older children were giving Chrys looks; promises of a rematch.

Momo was out cold. She was one of the few able to land consistent hits on Chrys, and playing in the snow after being in bed for so long quickly drained what strength she had. She was sleeping peacefully on Aegis' back, with Chrys at her side, horn glowing to keep her clutchling warm.

“...It feels like it's been forever, since I've had the chance to do that,” Chrys said, casually taking in their surroundings.

“...Have fun?” Aegis asked skeptically, getting a nod from her.

“Does Amber have fun? Are queens allowed to have such a thing?” she inquired, casting her gaze down.

“Yes, and yes. Her Highness is always her happiest when she's with her hatchlings.”

“Will I be the same?”

“My apologies princess, but I do not know,” he said, getting an annoyed frown from her. She then glanced up, before letting out another sigh.

“Let's head back.” With that, Aegis gave a small nod, and they left the ruined forts behind them. As he carried them, Chrys's mind wandered over what she'd seen of the town, guilt starting to itch at her, now that the fun was all said and done.

Her guilt vanished when they reached the clinic. A certain yellow pegasus was waiting at the door, giving them a warm, yet very tired look.

“Did you know that working three jobs at a time can be very tiring?” he asked, getting a small smile from Chrys, before it quickly shifted to a frown. He noticed that look, hesitating for a moment, before giving her a big smile. “I heard Momo was up!” he said, flying around them, before he frowned. “Though, it looks like I heard wrong,” he added, giving Chrys a concerned look.

“She was, she's just worn out from playing in the snow,” she explained flatly, getting a surprised look from him.

“Oh,” he replied, before glancing to the side.

“She wanted to talk to you,” she said, making the pegasus take on a considering look, glancing to the clouds being worked on by the other pegasi.

“I think I'll wait for her to wake up, if that's alright with you.”

“It's ... fine,” she replied, hopping off Aegis, and carefully levitating her clutchling inside. After putting Momo in bed, an awkward silence fell between the princess and the pony, while Aegis resumed his watch outside the window.

“So, you're still mad?” he asked as he gave her a quick glance, winning a frown from the princess.

“Yes,” she said curtly, getting a sheepish laugh from him. “It's not funny! You said you were going to take us all the way!”

“And I was, but...” he replied, his ears briefly falling as he quickly glanced to Momo, before looking outside. “You don't need me anymore. It's safe in Equestria, and, I should really be helping them. After what happened to Thundercloud—”

“Look, we don't need to go over this again,” Chrys said in a put off tone, “But, I'm not going to be the one to tell Momo you're ditching us. Got it?”

“Yeah, I got it,” he replied unenthusiastically, making Chrys’s gaze narrow at him, doubt in her eyes. Moving from Momo, she pushed Dud towards the bed, taking up his spot near the window, getting a confused look from him.

“I'm serious. You get to tell her yourself. And I'm not helping you,” she assured. She then let out another annoyed sigh, before glancing back outside, done with this conversation.

And so the awkward silence returned, and remained for over an hour, the princess and the pony each lost in their own guilt tinted thoughts.

Chrys's eyes were looking outside, causally moving from side to side, taking in ponies coming and going from Dodge as she thought. How long should they stay? What would be the best way to approach Luna? How do you make up for destroying four cities?

She found herself unable to focus, another question coming to mind before she could piece together an answer for the prior. As she started to grow frustrated, she found her thought process come to a screeching halt, her eyes falling upon a passing pony. An ocean-blue earth pony mare.

She looked familiar. Terribly familiar. Chrys propped herself up, hooves on the windowsill to get a better look, trying to place what was so striking about the pony. She then noticed that the colors of their coats, eyes and manes were a perfect match.

Chrysalis's mouth fell open, her heart skipping a beat as a small mystery was finally answered. The old stallion that died, whose love had made her start questioning everything. How did he see through her disguise? The pony she had disguised herself as was what his grandfilly had looked like, when Tampa Neigh fell into the sea. That was over a decade ago. By now, that filly would have grown to be a mare. The very same mare walking past the clinic: Star Shell.

She would know the old stallion's name, right?

With unexpected hope flaring in her eyes, Chrysalis ran to the door, getting a surprised look from Dud. “Look after Momo!” was all she had to say, leaving the clinic, a surprised Aegis following after her as she bound after the mare. “S- Star Shell!” she cried out, getting a confused look from the pony, whose eyes widened when she saw the filly and the large buffalo running in her direction.

However, Star didn't move, her confusion growing as she saw a unicorn filly that looked very similar to herself, when she was younger. She took a guarded step back as Chrys slid to a halt before her, Aegis pausing several paces back. The mare looked from him, to the princess, before shaking her head, as if to clear her confusion.

“I- I'm sorry, but do I know you?” Star asked as she appraised the princess. Chrys blinked, immediately recalling their position, making her glance to the side for a second.

“No, you don't,” she replied, making the mare tilt her head.

“But you know me?”

“...My sister said I looked a lot like you,” Chrys replied, adopting a determined look as she gazed into Star's eyes, peering into her heart.

There, she saw the ponies Star Shell loved appear in her mind's eye: A stallion she fancied, her parents, a younger brother, and grandparents. Chrys could make out the names of those ponies through her changeling magic, all but the grandfolks.

“Did she, now?” Star asked curiously, before adopting a smile, “Who's that? She a friend of mine?” she inquired, making Chrys frown for a moment, her mind racing.

“No, you don't know her. But, she knew your grandfather. The one from Tampa Neigh.” Star blinked at that, before glancing to the side, her smile gaining a sad tint.

“She knew gramps huh? ...So, how can I help you?” she pressed, making Chrys blink, “You came running after a stranger, so it must be important.”

“It is. It's really important!” Chrys replied, taking a step forward, “My … sister, owes your grandfather. But, she knows she can't pay him back,” she explained as she eyed the ground, “Or thank him. She doesn't even know his name.” She then gave Star a fired-up look. “Please, can you tell me his name? My sister isn't here, but I can tell her when I see her,” she asked, getting a surprised, and considering look from the mare.

“This is very important to you two.” It wasn't a question. “I'm sorry. I don't know his name. ...I'm going to see my father. You can find grandpa's name there. But,” she hesitated for a moment, before looking over Chrys, her hesitation faltering at the princess's determined look. “Come with me, I'll show you.”

“Crystal,” Aegis said hesitantly, making the princess look to him.

“I'm going, Aegis. If you're coming, then keep quiet,” she said firmly, getting a surprised look from the mare as the buffalo clammed up. “Please,” the proud princess said as she looked back to Star, a pleading tone in her voice, “I need to know.”

“Alright. It's not far,” she assured, continuing down the road. Chrys eyed the mare’s back for a moment, wondering why she said 'it'. She then eyed the snowy, muddy road, now aware of the mess her sprint had made of her. She frowned, before continuing forward, Aegis a pace behind her. After several moments, Star glanced over her shoulder, motioning Chrys closer. The princess blinked, before coming to the mare's side. “It's an odd thing, running into somepony that knew my grandfather today.”

“Why's that?”

“I don't live here,” she admitted with a small smile, “I'm from Canter Town,” she then glanced to the cloudy sky, “With everything going on, it felt best to visit now, before things got worse.”

“To see your grandfather?”

“No. I mean, yes, but it was mostly to visit my dad. When … they come,” she said as she glanced in the direction of The Badlands, “I may not be able to visit him for a while.” She then let out a small sigh, before giving Chrys a curious look. “What did gramps do for your sister?”

“They … were friends. They talked a lot, and he told her stories. She enjoyed them. He also showed her love. It wasn't something she expected.” Chrys frowned as her eyes started to itch.

No! No more crying!

Through her determination, no tears came. “My sister ... didn't realize how important he was to her, until after he was gone,” she admitted, her chest tightening, before she let out a deep breath. Chrys then looked up, her eyes widening as she saw they were about to leave Dodge through the eastern exit.

“Father's not too far out, he's just over that hill,” Star explained, indicating a path outside the town that had seen plenty of traffic, even though there was nothing but white hills to be seen.

As they left the town behind them, Chrys vaguely noted that Aegis had moved closer to her, a guarded look in his eyes. “I'll admit, that sounds like a pony a little different from what my father said about him. Not that I'm surprised. I don't think they got along really well.”

“No. they didn't,” Chrys said confidently, “I'm- My sister is pretty sure that he always wanted to meet you.”

“Really?” she asked, surprised.

“Really,” Chrys assured.

The changeling princess then hesitated as they passed a bend around the hill, revealing a large field. The area was boxed in, a short wall of stone separating the surrounding countryside from the sacred ground within. A field, littered with crafted rectangles of stone.

They were no taller than a pony, and were arranged in an organized manner, each with a slightly different shape from its neighbor. Chrys's ears fell at the sight, knowing well enough what it all symbolized. Indeed, there were no words shared between the two, silence falling over them, only broken by the sound of their hoofsteps.

Chrys silently motioned Aegis to wait outside the yard, his form too big for the closely placed markers. Any argument he had was cut off with a somber, yet heavy look from her. Following after Star, Chrys hesitated at the iron gate, words written on the arch above her.

'Nopony Is Buried Here, But Our Love Shall Always Be Heard'

Chrys's hooves felt heavier and heavier with each step, her eyes glancing between the stones. There were names, and little touches of love placed upon each of them: A sentence etched in granite, a bundle of flowers, mementos, even the occasional letter.

“My father rests there, along with some of his extended family,” Star explained, indicating his marker, a sad look in her eyes, “I'd like to be alone with him, so I'll show you where gramps is first.”

“...What happened?” Chrys dared to ask.

“He … was in Neighgarou, when the dragon attacked.”

Chrys felt as if she'd been hit in the chest, eyes widening, steps faltering. Somewhere in the hive, was a cocoon, home to Star Shell's father. He'd been there the whole time, perhaps even a stone's throw away from the old stallion, and Chrys never knew.

“Did you ... lose somepony too?” Star inquired in a concerned tone, moving close to Chrys.

“Yes,” she said, trying to compose herself, before shaking her head. “Let's keep going.” The air felt suffocating. Star hesitated, doubting she should be leading this filly along with her guardian stuck outside. But the determined look in the filly's eyes continued to press her forward, getting a small nod from the mare, as they moved further in.

“Here's grandma's,” Star pointed out as she stopped before another marker, “Which makes the one beside it grandpa's.” Chrys eyed it, her chest feeling as heavy as it had when she cried in Bulwark's hooves. She came around to the front of it, avoiding the name etched on it, as she looked to Star Shell.

“Thank you. You can go now,” she said coldly, making the mare blink.

“I'm not just going to leave you all alone here-”

“I'll be fine,” Chrys said in a calm, but commanding tone, “You came here for a reason. You should go. I'll be fine.” Star looked conflicted, glancing between the filly and her father's grave. “You said you live in Canter Town?” Chrys asked, getting a nod from the mare. “I'm heading there soon. Maybe we'll see each other again.” There was a note of finality in that statement that made the mare frown.

Chrys's eyes widened as the pony gave her a hug.

“It's clear that gramps was important to you too,” she stated, her embrace tightening for a moment. “You don't need to be alone. And, I'd like to meet your sister,” she said, radiating a small amount of love that made Chrys blush, and glance to the side.

Ponies are far too nice.

“She'll be there. I can promise that.” Chrys assured, before her horn glowed, surprising the mare with her strength as she was pushed off. “Now please, I want to be alone.”

Star Shell had lost two parents thanks to changelings. Chrys didn't want to be comforted. Least of all by her. So she gave Star Shell a cold look, turning her back to the mare, which made the pony's ears drop, before she slowly turned away. “And thank you. I really mean it.”

“...Think nothing of it.” With that, she slowly walked away, glancing over her shoulder for a moment, somber eyes on the princess, before making her way back to her father.

Alone, Chrys sat before the cold stone for several minutes, avoiding reading the name. Snow was starting to pile on her. Her breathing began to quicken as thoughts of what she's done since the old stallion passed on flew through her mind.

“It's not fair,” she said quietly, feeling the same confusion she felt when his last dream came to an end. “Why? Why'd your love have to be so sweet? Why'd you have to be so kind to a changeling? Why did I have to be that changeling?” She shook her head, seeing herself seeking answers, and finding things best left alone. “I- I wouldn't be here right now, if it weren't for you!” she accused, standing up as she glared at the grave, refusing to take in its name. “I wouldn't have doubted our hive's power. I wouldn't have wanted to leave. Bulwark would be at my side right now. Momo wouldn't have gotten hurt!” She shook her head again. “Look at me! I'm yelling at a rock, and it's all your fault!” Her throat was starting to burn. She was holding a hoof over her heart, a pained look on her face. “Why? Why does my chest still hurt! I've already cried for you! Wasn't once more than enough!” she vented, eyes stinging, face red. “Why!!?” She sat down, vision blurry, eyes taking in the surrounding markers. “It isn't fair... We don't need to fight. We don't need to steal ponies from their loved ones. We- We...” she faltered, ears low as she eyed her muddy legs. “...Why did all of this happen?”

There was no voice to answer her questions, only the sound of falling snow. Chrysalis rubbed her cheek, frowning as her hoof became wet. She then took in a deep breath, before raising her eyes, looking to the name etched on the grave. The name she'd been wanting to know for weeks. The name that would make her guilt melt away.

That name, was Shifty Shores.

She couldn't help but let out a small laugh. It was such a pony name. The name she'd wanted to know was such a simple name. And now that she had her answer, she didn't feel any different. The guilt was still there. It was funny. So funny, that she couldn't help but laugh, tears running down her face, as several of his old stories played through her head.

It wasn't fair.

Nothing about any of this was fair. Her hive had been starving, and Mantis stepped up to change that. Now, the changelings were the happy ones, and ponies were the ones crying.

There had always been a way for both races to be happy. It had been hiding, alone, in a broken mountain for over five hundred years. And only now, when open war was brimming between the two races, was it found. Now, it may already be too late for it to matter.

It wasn't fair.

Chrysalis's laughter had slowly shifted to quiet sobs. She desperately wished that Bulwark was with her. That Momo was by her side. That Darrin was mocking her, telling her to pick her head back up. But they weren't here. Each of them left behind, by her choosing.

And at that moment, the princess was overcome with loneliness. Her isolation overwhelmed her, eyes widening as she a terrifying truth came to mind. One her clutchling mentioned once before. A reality, a fact that a part of her had know for some time, that she didn't want to think about. She would one day outlive all of them. Each of them would eventually find themselves buried beneath hallowed stones, long before she would.

Because she was born to be a queen.

A queen was both mother and leader. Alone, yet loved by many. One day, she'd cry one final time, for her clutchlings, and her guardian. That was a queen's burden. This realization threatened to drown her already emotionally compromised state. It threatened to drag her down, to make her simply fall over in the snow, and wish to never stand again.

She couldn't stand that feeling, that sadness, that opened like a bottomless pit before her. It was dangerous.

Stepping away from that pit, she found herself recalling how she felt, when Momo awoke from her coma. The unbridled joy of her open eyes, the warmth of her beating heart. The darkness started to grow distant, her mind recalling the security, the safety she felt, when Bulwark sheltered her from her tears. She smiled, imagining the anger, and joy, that came with arguing with Darrin.

Those tokens of happiness were precious to her. One day, far in the future, she would be without them. But, that was then. Right now, those sparks of joy were being threatened. Not by her birthright, but by a simple fact.

It wasn't fair. This whole thing between ponies and changelings, wasn't fair. All of it, led by one changeling. She may have blamed the old stallion in a fit of tears, but there was no doubt in her heart who the true architect of her pain and struggles was.

Mantis. He was the source of everything that wasn't fair in this world of ponies and changelings.

That needed to change. And though there was no changing what he's already done, she could change what was to come.

It was true, she may very well outlive those she loves. That was a fact that as a queen, she couldn't afford to change. A fact she'd have to come to terms with. But, if that was the case, if that was the burden she'd have to bear, she intended to make sure they lived long, happy lives, before the inevitable took them from her. She would never forgive herself, if Mantis took them first.

Mantis had to go. That wasn't anything she didn't already know. But, it wouldn't be enough. If she wanted things to change, if she wanted both changelings, and ponies, to smile together, then something greater than Mantis had to be done. Something only she could do.

Something to make it all fair again.

That thought lit a fire in her chest, melting the pain away. Her tears died down, determination shining in her eyes, her breathing steadying. She was going to be a queen. She wasn't going to be one that spent her time crying, when there was something she could do about it.

Rubbing her face, she wiped away her tears, seeing muddy hooves as she finished. She frowned as she took the muck in.

When did a princess become a queen? Was it when her mother said so? If so, she was already one.

Was it when she had her first clutch? She was still a ways from that.

Was it when she had her first follower? She already had three.

No, all of that wasn't quite it. Chrysalis shook her head, eyes narrowing as she came to an answer. A princess became a queen, when she took charge of her destiny.

Her mother said that when they next met, it would be as queens.

With a flash of her horn, Chrysalis cleared away the mud. She was a queen, and she wouldn't stand being covered in filth. There were things she needed to do. Things only she could do. And she was going to see them done.

Standing up, she looked to the grave, before glancing to the side. She knew it was empty, but that hadn't stopped her from speaking earlier.

“I'm sorry for yelling... Thank you, for listening, and for all the stories, gramps.” With that, she adopted a small smile, before turning her back on the marker. She left with his name etched on her heart, her promise fulfilled, and a new one beginning to form.

Momo was awake from her coma. Chrys had no truly pressing reason to linger in Dodge any longer. It was time to move on. Making her way out, she paused as she reached Star Shell. The mare’s eyes were tinted red, but she looked composed as she glanced to Chrys.

“You're leaving?” the pony asked, getting a nod from the young queen.

“I'm off to Canter Town,” she said, before moving past Star. Chrys then paused, glancing over her shoulder. “You should talk to him. He really wanted to meet you,” she said, getting a confused look from the mare.

“You make it sound like you've talked to him.”

“Maybe I did, in another life,” Chrys said, before moving on, leaving a considering pony in her wake. She had no words for Aegis, and he had none for her, moving a step behind her as she continued on.

Princess Luna was waiting...


Momo rubbed her head against the feathery pillow, loving how warm it felt, a smile on her face. She then realized that she was back in bed. Her eyes popped open, a question coming to mind that probably wasn't that big of a concern, but was still important for her to know.

Did she win the snowball fight?

She frowned to herself. Since she was laying in bed, she probably lost. She sat up, feeling her body aching in protest, making her let out a sigh. She then glanced to the side, seeing Dud sitting by the bed, her heart skipping a beat at seeing him.

His head was hanging, eyes closed as he slept. She blinked, glancing through the room, seeing no sign of Aegis or Chrys. She considered her sleeping friend for a moment, wondering if she should wake him, before her brow furrowed.

“Hey, wake up,” she said in a raised tone, “I'm supposed to be the tired one here,” she pointed out, giving him a push that almost knocked him over, doing a sufficient job of startling him.

“O- Oh! Momo, you're awake!”

“Well, how about that?” she said with a small smile, “Thanks for letting me know,” she added, getting a small laugh from him. “Are you okay?” she asked as she tilted her head, getting a confused look from him.

“Shouldn't I be asking you that?”

“Mmaaybe, but I asked first.”

“I'm fine. I've just been … very busy,” he said, his hesitant response making her aware that he was avoiding eye contact with her. She looked at him for a moment, before glancing to the side too, ears falling.

“Thundercloud … is gone.”

“...That's right,” he replied, frowning at the ground.

“Are you okay?” she firmly repeated.

“Yeah, I'm fine,” he said with a weak smile, which she mirrored.

“Glad to hear it,” she then slipped out of bed, making the pony blink. “Where's Chrys?”

“I don't know,” he replied, his body language becoming a little more emotive, “She just ran off suddenly, like she found something rare and important.”

“Huh. I wonder what?” she considered as she tilted her head, before adopting a proud grin. “Dud, I told her!”

“You told her- Oh!” He then gave her that sunny smile he usually wore. “How'd it go?”

“She said that was ‘so me’,” she replied with a chuckle. “I'm … really glad that it's out in the open now. She said she'd help too.”

“Excellent!” he added. He then tilted his head as she made a beckoning motion.

“Chrys wants to stay for a day or two, but knowing her, she'll probably want to leave sooner than that. So, let's get ready to go.” To her surprise, he frowned.

“You're in no condition to be traveling,” he said flatly, waving the doctor's note in his hooves.

“I'm fit enough to fight Chrys with snowballs, so I should be good for walking. We just won't be flying. Unless Aegis carries me, anyways.” She then trotted past him, towards the door. “Let's go. We're going to need food for the four of us to reach Canter Town, right?” she asked, getting a distant look from him.

“About that,” he began as he glanced to the side, “I'm staying.”

“You're staying? In Dodge?” she asked, getting a nod from him, making her slowly turn to him. “How long?”

“I don't know. Until Lost Pegasus is finished?”

“And how long would that be?”

“Months, maybe even years.” Now it was her turn to frown.


“...Thundercloud is gone, because I screwed up.”

“That's an excuse,” she said with an annoyed glare, making him blink in surprise. “You're smart, Dud. You know better than I that Mantis is to blame.”

“It's not an excuse.”

“Dud, that is not the reason you're staying behind.”

“What makes you so sure?”

“Because you're not the first to abandon Chrys.” He stepped back, her words hitting him in the chest.

“I'm not abandoning anyone. I led you all here to Equestria. You don't need me anymore—“

“Was it your parents?” she pressed, making him frown. “The pegasi here, did they think you're one of those 'rich bigots'?”

“No. My folks took their fortune and flew to Cloudsdale,” he said, disgust in his voice. “My parentage... With what's happened, that sort of thing doesn't seem to matter anymore,” he admitted, making Momo tilt her head.

“Then why are you staying? I mean, I'm not complaining that you're helping rebuild, I just don't like you lying to me.”

“What makes you think I'm lying?”

“Because you keep avoiding my eyes!” she pointed out, making his widen as he glanced to her. “Do you know how many clutchlings I've talked to, how many have been pushed away from Chrys? They didn't want to leave her. They had a look in their eyes. And right now, you have the same look!”

“And it's because of Thundercloud,” he insisted, matching her frown.

“Dud—” He turned around, moving closer to the window.

“That's enough, Momo,” he said firmly, giving her a glare that put her at a loss for words. “It's because of Thundercloud, and that's all I have to say about this.” Her ears fell at his words. Once again, she felt a wall being placed between them. A wall that was significantly more personal than the one she tackled back in the abandoned city.

Momo blinked, caught off guard as Dud opened the window. He then glanced back to her, his face becoming softer.

“I'm glad that you're awake, and I'm sorry that we had an argument. I'll see you when you guys leave. Later.” With that, he jumped out through the window, wings spreading as he took to the air, making her heart skip a beat as he disappeared from sight.

“H- Hey! Get back here!” she demanded, jumping out after him.

His color was easy to spot in the gray backdrop of clouds. She saw him flying north, and she followed. It wasn't long before they were outside Dodge, her pace hampered by the snowy fields. She adopted a desperate look as he ascended higher. “Dud!” she cried out, jumping up, her bound wings twitching in their bondage as she failed to fly after him.

She was grounded. There was no chance of catching him. So she stood there, watching him retreat into the sky for a second. She then let out a steaming breath, adopting a heated glare. She'd seen plenty of clutchlings run from Mantis. She couldn't blame them for that. She knew who was at fault there. This was different. Momo took in a deep breath.

“Grumpy Gust, get your yellow flank back down here!!” she shouted, her throat aching from the effort. He faltered, his pace slowing as he looked back to her. She gave him a fiery look, before glancing to the bindings on her wings.

They were in the way.

Dud's eyes widened as she bit into the bandages. There was pain, but Momo was a little too aggravated to care, as she started trying to free her wings. Several seconds after she started, she could feel the bindings start to loosen. She was caught off guard when a yellow blur plowed into her, sending both of them rolling in the snow. When the world stopped spinning, Momo found Dud standing over her, a very angry look in his eyes.

“You feather brain! What do you think you're—“ She head-butted him, making him reel back in surprise. With practice no worker drone should be capable of, she crashed into the stallion, knocking him over. Before he could get on his hooves, she pinned him down, a hoof on each wing.

She wasn't as strong as she liked. The two weeks in bed definitely did a number on her. Thankfully, Dud didn't seem to be fit enough to fight back. His fatigue from working himself ragged was shining through.

So she stood over him, looking into his eyes, as he was looking in hers. They were breathing heavily, glaring at each other. The silent stalemate didn't last long; fatigue caught up with the changeling, her legs wobbling as she tried her hardest to keep standing.

“Dud. We want you to stay. So stay with us,” she pleaded, “Tell me. Why are you running?” she asked, his frown persisting as he glanced to the side. “Dud, please-” Despite her stubbornness, her legs gave out, making her slump on top of him. “D- Darn it,” she said, wanting to hit something, her body refusing to grant that wish.

Dud looked over her for a moment, unmoving. He didn't make his escape, or try to push her off. He simply lay there, quietly, as his temper slowly died down. “Was it a lie?” she asked in a hurt tone, her eyes stinging as he glanced to her.

“What was?”

“When you said you'd help me, all the way?” she pressed, making him shake his head.

“It wasn't a lie. But, look where that help got you,” he said, slowly sitting up, lifting her weak body so that she was leaning into him.

“So. That's the reason,” she said, frowning slightly as he nodded. “I get zapped by lightning, and my friend goes and blames himself.”

“As I said, you don't need me anymore,” he assured. She really wanted to hit him right now. “I can help you with your dream after it's all over. After I've...” he then glanced to the side.


“You don't seem to be in a position to stop me,” he pointed out. She weakly hit his chest. Her cheeks were wet.

“I said no. You think we don't need you anymore? We don't know Equestria. We have no friends here. You think we're going to count on that Arrow pony instead of you?” She shook her head. “And what about you? What about wanting to see how everything plays out? You're really just going to stay behind?” Oddly, she found the silence that followed reassuring. “Let's be honest here, Dud. Do you really think I'm giving you a choice?” He frowned at that.

“So if I stay in Dodge, you're just going to tear your bindings off and try to stop me, huh?” he asked with an annoyed look.

“Is staying with us really that bad?” she asked. Her eyes then widened as she realized that his body was trembling.

“I … I saw you fall.” Her eyes widened at that, making her limbs tightening weakly as she closed her eyes. “Ever since Thundercloud went up in a flash of light, I've been afraid that I- That I-” he frowned, tongue tied down with emotions he wasn't used to. “Afraid that I … killed you.” He finished, his legs wrapped around her in a hug. “It- It was too much! I worked myself ragged, just to distract myself from those thoughts!” Momo's chest hurt at those words. He seemed on the verge of tears. Where was the sunny Dud she loved?

Her eyes opened at the thought.

Weakly turning her head, she looked into his wet eyes, and peered into his heart. Her own skipped a beat, when she saw Chrys and herself in there.

Did this mean he was no longer Dud?

She let out a small chuckle at the odd thought. The pony certainly wasn't acting like his normal self. He gave her a confused look as she tried to wrap her hooves around him.

“So I fell. I got back up, didn't I? Can't you do the same?” she asked with a small smile, making him blink again, his mind racing to piece together what she meant. “If you're going to blame yourself, then go right ahead. I forgive you. Even though it was all Mantis' fault, I'll forgive you all the same. Just, don't leave us behind because you're guilty.”

“It's not that easy,” he said with a frown.

“Then let me help you. That's what ponies that love each other do, right?” she asked, making him blink again. His eyes then widened, face flushing as the dots connected.

“I, that is. Ughh—“

“Dud, we haven't reached Canter Town yet. Can you at least get us there, before deciding to ditch us?” she asked, a pleading look in her eyes. He looked into those eyes, his emotions switching from confusion, to apprehension, before settling on reluctance.

“You're … really not giving me a choice here...” he pointed out, glancing to the side, making her ears fall.

“Sorry,” she replied, “Darrin once told me that to win, sometimes you have to play dirty.”

“Is that what counts as good advice for a changeling?” he asked with a raised eyebrow, getting a small chuckle from her.

“Dud. I don't want to be the reason you stop smiling.” His face reddened at that, mouth hanging open. He looked into her eyes for moment, before looking away, a neutral expression coming over him.

“I'll see you three the rest of the way.”

“You’re not going to run away?” she asked hesitantly, getting a small nod from him.

“Promise.” Momo's heart felt like it was going to burst at hearing that, making her hug him with all the strength she could muster.

“That makes me very happy,” she admitted, reigniting his blush. “Now, can you do me a huge favor?” she asked, making him consider her for a moment, before taking in a deep breath.

“What is it?”

“Can you help me get back to that comfy, warm bed?” she asked with a weak laugh, getting a surprised look from him, before he started to mirror her mirth. Helping her stand, Dud worked on trying to undo some of the damage she did to the bandages, before slipping her over his shoulders.

“...You've lost some weight,” he pointed out with a frown, getting another chuckle from her.

“Then you've got no excuse if you drop me.”

“No. That won't happen,” he said with a determined look, “Ever again.” She didn't know what he was referring to, but it made her chest feel warm all the same. And as he carried her back, Momo couldn't help but feel a little giddy. She didn't want to ever let go of that warmth.

“Hey, Dud?”


“Do you regret helping us?” she asked, seeing his eyes glancing to her for a moment, before adopting a ghost of a smile. “...Dud?”

“No comment,” he replied, getting a playful frown from her.

“You're supposed to say 'no, not for a moment', you feathered jerk,” she replied, giving him a smile, which he mirrored.

“Did you know that Pegasi means ‘feathered jerk’ in griffin?”


“So I've been told,” he added with a laugh. Following their laughter, a serene sense of silence fell over them, as they returned to Dodge. When the Clinic was in sight, Dud paused. Chrys was waiting for them. She was standing at the doorway, an eyebrow raised at what she saw. “Are we in trouble?” he asked, getting a sheepish smile from Momo.

“Dud,” Chrys said, a determined look in her eyes, “Take this and get us supplies,” she added, levitating the small pouch of bits Joy left them. Chrys then glanced to Momo, picking up her clutching with magic, getting a disappointed sigh from the tired changeling. “We're leaving in the morning, so get some rest, and tell whoever you were helping goodbye.”

“You assume I've lost?” Dud asked as he tilted his head, getting a proud laugh from the young queen.

“Like you had any chance against my clutchling! Now get going. I want us out of here as soon as we can!”

“Understood, Your Highness,” Dud replied with a sigh, his eyes meeting Momo's for a moment, before he flew off.

“...Dud said you ran off, did something happen?” Momo asked, getting a small nod from Chrys as they returned to their room.

“Yes. I found something very important.”

“You did? What was it?”

“Closure, and resolve.”

22. Faith in Tomorrow

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“So, what do you think?” Dud asked curiously, a hoof gestured towards a fancy looking carriage, prompting Chrys to give it a second look.

It was crafted of sleek auburn wood, its edges lined with ornate plant markings that the snow clumped to. There were small windows on each side, with a door and small retractable steps on the back end. It had an silver lantern hanging over the door, giving off a warm glow that banished the coming night. The whole thing was a little bit bigger than Aegis, and Chrys couldn't deny, it sure was … something. She raised an eyebrow as she looked from it, to the excited pegasus.

“What about it? Is it yours?” she asked, getting a wide grin from him.

“It's yours now. You and Momo can ride inside while Aegis pulls it!” he explained, giving her a proud nod. “With this, you'll be riding to Canter Town in comfort.” She gave him a flat look.

“Dud, we didn't need a carriage. Let alone something so ... fancy.”

“Don't be silly!” he replied, “This is more than just fancy. Why, it's nothing less than a carriage fit for a princess!”

“Queen,” she quickly replied, making him blink. “I won't let anypony call me princess any longer.” He tilted his head at that, before rubbing his chin.

“Something good happen?” he asked, “You seemed kinda down, before you ran off.”

“Something did happen,” she replied, shrugging off his curiosity, “So how'd you get this?” she asked as she circled it, “Did you buy it with the bits Joy left us?” That got a short laugh from the stallion, making her frown.

“Those bits were only enough for lunch and dinner,” he assured, “This cost as much as a house.”

“I'm guessing that's a lot?”

“Very much so!” he quickly replied, before flying around the carriage. “Not only is it 'stylish', but it's also got good suspension, and the interior is extra cozy. And, it's enchanted!”

“Really?” Chrys asked with a raised eyebrow, her horn glowing, magic enveloping the carriage. What she could feel radiating around the cart felt familiar. “Is that … a heat spell?”

“That's right! The inside is snug and warm. And, in the summer, the spell inverts. From what I was told, it can even keep you cool and comfortable in the heart of a volcano!” He let out a small laugh, “An exaggeration I'm sure, but it's still nice!” He then gave her a wide smile, “The pony I bought it from told me that only three of these were ever made!” he added, getting a small smirk from the young queen.

“So you're saying that it's rare.”

“Yep!” he replied, before beckoning her to the door, “Also, there's a surprise waiting for you inside...”

“What kind of surprise?” she asked, her ears perking as she tried to look completely uninterested.

“Who knows~ guess you'll have to find out,” he said coyly, getting a forced sigh from the young queen, before she opened the door, pausing mid-step on the stairs.

Her mouth fell open, eyes aglow as her sense of smell was assaulted by all sorts of savory delights. The interior was stocked with a variety of food, and as she took it in, she felt her chin start to get wet. She blushed as she closed her mouth, wiping her lips before nodding to Dud.

“You did good. I have to admit, I'm impressed. So, how'd you get all this?” She then gave him a guarded look, “Was it from Princess Luna?” He shook his head.

“No silly, this is my Hearth's Warming gift for you and Momo!” he replied, getting an odd look from her. “I know, I know, it's early, but I figured, why not?”

“That's a pony holiday, an important one,” Chrys said blankly, before looking back at the food. “So how'd you get it all?”

“Well, I bought the food with the bits I've earned since we got here,” he explained, “Including what's stored away, there should be enough for the two weeks it'll take to get to Canter Town on hoof.” He then nodded sagely, “I made sure to get enough food to accommodate your continually growing appetite.”

“I- It's not growing!” she assured, glancing to the side, “So you were able to afford all of this?”

“No, just the food.” He then adopted a smile that Chrys could only call sinister, “I bought the carriage on my family's tab. Arrow Twine vouched for my authenticity.”

“You have a family?” Chrys asked, now a little confused.

“Oh, guess I never told you,” he said, looking a little embarrassed. “Can we talk about that later?” he asked, before letting out a long yawn, getting a small nod from her. He then adopted a look she could only call sheepish. “...How's Momo?”

“She's fine. Joy wasn't happy when she learned what happened, but Momo's fine. She's resting.”

“I see, that's good,” he replied with a small smile, before glancing to the queen, “Chrys… Am I still a dud?”

“No,” she stated flatly, making him blink. “You look surprised,” she added as she turned away from the carriage, “I've checked on your 'status' every day since we left the hive.” She then glanced to the side, slowly closing the door behind her, “Back when we were worried about food...”

“That makes sense,” he admitted, unbothered by the fact, “So... How long have I...?”

“Since Thundercloud,” she said, “Well, actually, I think it was since the mountain.”

“Huh,” he said curiously, glancing to the cart, “Maybe I should have saved my bits,” he added in a considering tone, making Chrys shake her head.

“I'd rather rely on pony food from here on. The hive only needs enough nectar to feed the hatchlings. We can rely on Equestrian food beyond that.” That got a curious look from him.

“Chrys?” he asked, getting a considering look from her.

“I've been doing a lot of thinking lately.” She then took a deep breath, before turning to face him. Standing before him, face to face, momentarily made her aware of her growth spurt. He seemed shorter since the last time she'd done this. “Dud, do you trust me?”

“Yep!” He didn't even hesitate, which annoyed her.

“You say it so easily.”

“It's an easy thing to say,” he said with a grin, winning a royal sigh.

“We changelings ... we've been raised to hide. To live in secret. No pony must know that we exist. No pony must know where the hive is. No pony must know about our plans...” she said, getting a hesitant laugh from him.

“Well, this pony happens to know all that,” he admitted, “Not that I'd spill the beans—“

“You would have already otherwise,” she replied, before adopting a determined look. “There's another secret we have. One only Momo and I know. I want to entrust it to you,” she said, making him tilt his head.

“Do I need to know?” That made her adopt a confused look. She eyed the ground, considering his question for a moment, before looking back to him.

“Somepony needs to know, and I trust you. It's important to us changelings, and if something terrible happens to us...” She then frowned, getting a curious look from the stallion as she glanced around, taking in their surroundings.

She didn't want anypony else overhearing this. “Aegis!” she called out, the guard moving away from his spot by the clinic, at the ready, “Make sure nopony eavesdrops on us.” He nodded, before Chrys turned to the carriage, beckoning her friend to follow. He joined her inside, and to the queen's surprise, the clamor of Dodge seemed to vanish as the door closed.

“Sound resistant wood,” Dud explained, before pointing at the windows with a wing, “Open one and you can hear everything again.”

“I see,” she said, her eyes widening as she got on one of the red velvet chairs. “W- Wow, this is really nice,” she added, bouncing on the seat for a moment, like the dignified queen she was.

“I spared no expense!” he replied, his chest puffed out proudly, but for why Chrys couldn't comprehend. “So, what's the important secret?”

“It's about something Momo and I found in the broken mountain...”


“...Huh,” Dud said with a considering look, “That's amazing! And, it kinda makes sense.”

“What does?” she asked, his reaction catching her off guard.

“Just the relationship between changelings and this tree,” he replied, “I mean, you make nectar out of love. Nectar is usually something a plant makes.” Chrys blinked at that. “I wonder what kind of tree it is?” He adopted a considering look for a moment, before noticing that she was giving him an impatient stare, which he answered with a smile. “Thank you, for trusting me with something so rare,” he added, before a fire lit in his eyes, “You've found a way. You've found a path like I had hoped. Now, you just need to get the hive out of dodge.” He then blinked as she gave him a confused look, “Err, I mean, to keep an open war from breaking out.”

“Yeah, I know...” she replied, frowning at nothing in particular. “Dud, if everything falls apart, you need to get this knowledge to Lores or Queen Amber.”

“You needn't worry, everything isn't going to fall apart.”

“How do you know?”

“Come on Chrys, I've already answered this one,” he said slyly, getting a frown from her. “I know it isn't going to fall apart, just like I knew you'd find some other way. I have faith in a better tomorrow.”

“Faith again?” she asked flatly, “You didn't seem to be that faithful when Momo was hurt.” And just like that, his smile was gone. “I remember. You made it sound so easy back then, when I was worried for her. Wasn't so easy now, was it?” she pressed, making him frown.

“It's easy to hold onto faith on something we can't see,” he replied, giving her a focused look. “Momo is strong, and was able to escape Mantis' clutches. Having faith in the future is just as easy. But, when she's lying in bed like that...”

“It's harder,” she finished, before letting out a sigh, “Dud, I'm putting faith in this Princess Luna. But, I'm not being given too many options here.”

“Hah, I know that feeling,” he replied, a troubled tone in his voice.

“Look, if I could, I'd just turn around and return to the hive. Aegis could break us into the sealed tunnels. He could protect us from Mantis. I could talk to Queen Amber. There'd be no attack on Canter Town. We'd give Hope the love it needs. And we'd never need another pony ever again.” She then glanced to the side.

“That doesn't sound like a bad idea, if it wasn't for Thundercloud...”

“It's not just Thundercloud,” she quickly affirmed. “I want there to be no more cocoons. But right now, the hive feeds on nothing but nectar. We don't have food like ponies do. If I want everything to be made right, then I need to work with Luna.”

“...You're trying to psyche yourself up,” he pointed out, making her blink, before giving him a small nod. “You want to tell her about what you really are, and you're afraid spilling that pot of beans will lead to ruin.” She nodded again, a worried frown on her lips.

“I don't want to be the queen that dooms her race,” she said, a determined, yet fearful look in her eyes, “If Luna knew of changelings, if it all went south...”

“That's not going to happen,” he assured, making her glare at him, abandoning her seat to get closer to the pony.

“Easy for you to say, you already have faith in her!” He simply smiled.

“Well, you have faith in me. Isn't that enough?” His words caught her off guard, making her take a step back, giving him an appraising look.

“...Are you willing to be responsible for what happens to the hive?” Now it was his turn to be caught off guard. “I don't think I'd be up for talking to Luna if it wasn't for you. She knows I'm coming. She has her shadowbolts looking over us, keeping us 'safe'. Dud, you said you wanted to just see how it all plays out, but, the truth is you're neck deep in all of this.” He blinked at her, mouth falling open as her words sunk in.

“Huh... How about that,” he replied, looking a little troubled by the realization. “I really dropped the ball on that one...” he said, brow furrowed in thought. He then looked to her, “Chrys, you'll be fine if you trust her. That's what I honestly think.” He then stood up, motioning towards the door, “First Momo, now this,” he mumbled, getting an intrigued look from the young queen. “I... need some time to think on all this. Did you have any more questions?” She shook her head.

“Dud, when we reach Canter Town, you can leave if you want—“

“Let's leave that one for later,” he cut off, making her frown.

“By later, I trust you don't mean 'right before we enter the castle'?” she pressed, getting a sheepish grin from him.

“That's two weeks away, I think I can come to an understanding before then,” he assured, “L- Look, I've already got enough to think over,” he added with a sheepish grin, “So, with your leave, Your Highness,” he finished, stepping out. She frowned at his retreat, horn glowing as she lightly tugged his shoulder.

“Dud. I'm not asking you to be responsible for the hive. I just want to know if I can have faith in her.”

“It doesn't seem like anything I can say will be able to reassure you,” he said, sounding a little glum by that fact. “Chrys, sometimes, to reach for what you really want, you have to take a leap of faith,” he said, turning towards her, a cool breeze brushing past them as she tilted her head.

“A leap of faith?”

“Yes. I know it's not easy, but sometimes, you've just got to jump, and hope. 'Will the dragon attack me if I enter her lair? Can she even talk to ponies?' I’ve had questions like that make me pause. But, I took a leap, and gained a great deal from it.”

“You're referring to the dragon at Neighgarou?” she asked, getting a nod from him. She gave him an unenthused look, “That 'leap' was the reason you were in town when the hive attacked.”

“Yep, it was a pretty good leap,” he said with a smile, making her shake her head in wonder. She looked to him for a moment longer, before her horn's glow died out. She then let out a small sigh.

“...Taking a leap,” she mumbled under her breath, before looking to the stallion. “Dud, thank you for the carriage and food,” she said flatly, “And, thanks for deciding to go with us the rest of the way,” she added, slipping him a small smile, which he hesitantly mirrored, before they both called it a day.


Early dawn, the following morning, the Queen's Carriage was on the move.

Momo and Chrys looked out the back window as Aegis pulled. The interior was warm, very comfortable, and both were more than satisfied with the breakfast Dud supplied. Besides waking early, it was the most pleasant morning they've had since leaving the hive. Momo smiled as she waved out the window, a certain nurse waving back, as they left Dodge behind them.

“Do you think Canter Town will be the same?” Momo asked, looking to her clutchling.

“It's a little more clustered and put together than Dodge,” Chrys replied dismissively, getting a curious look from Momo. “Unlike Dodge, I’ve seen Canter Town before, in a pony's dream.”

“Oh...” she replied, glancing to Dodge one last time, “Why not Dodge?” She asked, getting a small sigh from the young queen.

“It’s a new town, to fill the void left by Iron Trot and Tampa Niegh,” Chrys explained, making Momo’s ears fall for a moment, before she let out a small sigh. Momo then moved from the window, lazily falling onto one of the long chairs. Her mood shifted as she rubbed her face against the padding.

Soo soft... Is this what ponies call the 'spoiled life'?” she asked, stretching out on the velvet cushions.

“Don't tell Dud this,” Chrys began, getting a curious look from Momo. She then smiled when Chrys plopped onto the adjacent seat. “Sooo soft~” she practically cooed, getting a fit of laughter from Momo, which the young queen mirrored.

“It'd be nice if he were here too.”

“Hah! After trying to ditch us, he can learn to love the roof!” Chrys declared, letting out a haughty laugh.

“You sound real sinister when you do that,” Momo pointed out, getting a proud look from Chrys.

“Well yeah, that's the idea,” she said smugly.

“...This really is nice,” Momo repeated, a guilty note in her voice, which earned her a frown from Chrys.

“Hey, none of that!” she quickly chided, getting a curious look from her clutchling. “I'm going to make everything right, so no more of that guilt nonsense. We can make this all right again.”

“Heh, don't mind me. I just don't like these,” she said as she pointed at her bandages, “So, sorry if I'm a little down.” She hesitated, before giving a fired-up look. “We're almost there, Chrys. Canter Town. Will our journey be over when we get there?”

“No. But, I suspect the traveling part will be,” Chrys assured, glancing out the window, seeing the last visage of Dodge disappear behind a hill.

Finally, they were back on the path north...


The days flew by, carrying with them an unexpected sense of peace. There were no storms to slow them down. There was no need to seek shelter. There wasn’t any worry of some antlion attacking in the middle of the night. The only thing that caught them unaware, was the passage of time, six days since leaving Dodge now behind them.

Gone were the snowy, sparse plains. Now, they were a little east of Rambling Rock Ridge, on a path in a thin forest that bordered the rocky broken land to the west. The woods were just as white as everywhere else, snow remaining from a scheduled sprinkle two days prior.

The light of the seventh day was beginning to brighten the horizon, getting a small yawn from a silent onlooker, perched on a cloud high above Chrys's camp.

There, a batpony wearing the black and purple uniform of a Shadowbolt turned to his sleeping comrades, waking them. One was a mare, in the same garb as he, the other was Arrow Twine. The mare quickly stirred; the older stallion, not so much.

“Thank you, Whisper,” Arrow said as he rubbed his head, getting an affirming grunt from the batpony. “Let me tell you youngsters, getting old is terrible,” he added, his eyes looking over the cloud's edge to their charges below, “I highly recommend against it.”

“Understood, sir!” both Shadowbolts replied in unison, getting a sigh from the old stallion.

“I'm retired, you don't need to treat me like a captain.”

“Sorry, sir,” Whisper replied, getting a sigh from the mare.

“It’s too early to keep track of that,” she said casually, getting an annoyed look from the batpony as she let out a yawn. “So, they headin' out yet?” she asked, looking upon the camp.

“The younger one still doesn't like waking up so early,” Whisper pointed out, “They're getting ready to leave now,” he explained, getting a nod from Arrow.

“So, yah still think the filly's the actual princess?” the mare asked.

“Murmur...” Whisper said in an annoyed tone, getting a smile from the mare.

“Don't give me that, love. I'm still bettin' she's the real one.”

“Then that'd mean Mr. Gust lied to us,” he replied, shaking his head, “He seems like a good pony. Why would he lie?” he asked defensively.

“To protect his injured friend,” Arrow said, cutting off Murmur's reply. “Doesn't matter which is which. It'll sort itself out when they reach the castle,” he added, pacing around the cloud as his eyes took in the lightening horizon. “If you have a problem with it, you can talk to Grumpy Gust about getting the bits you're betting back yourself,” he added, adopting a smile as Whisper looked flustered. Murmur then gave the batpony a coy look.

“Yah think Arrow didn't know? He sees everythin'!”

“And I don't like what I'm seeing,” he said as he frowned, getting an even more flustered look from Whisper, and a concerned one from Murmur.

“I thought you were fine wit' bettin'...” she said, making the old stallion shake his head.

“There's smoke to the northeast,” he pointed out, his colleagues following his gaze, their eyes seeing nothing more than a horizon greeting the sun.

“Yah sure?” she asked, getting a laugh from Whisper.

“Didn't you just say his eyes could see everything?” he asked, getting an annoyed look from her.

“Yes, I'm sure,” Arrow cut off, his tone implying that casual hour was over. “And it's a lot of smoke, more than any campfire. Some trees are burning. The blaze is out of sight, beyond the hills.”

“How can yah see that?” the mare asked in wonder.

“There's a slight haze over what's supposed to be clear skies,” he said flatly, before looking to the others, “With everything that's going on, it's probably something we shouldn't ignore.”

“Want me to check it out?” Whisper asked, making the older stallion shake his head.

“You both got your orders. Look after and protect our visitors. I'll check it out,” he said, rubbing his chin in thought, “I’ll rendezvous with you at noon, over the trail.”

“Hah, 'rendezvous'. How romantic,” Murmur said slyly, getting a frown from Whisper, and a smile from Arrow. The older stallion then saluted them, which they mirrored, before he flew off. “Retired, but he still salutes,” she added in an amused tone, before giving her companion a mischievous grin. “Well love, we're alone now...” she whispered coyly, making the batpony roll his eyes.

“Another time. We've got royalty to protect,” he said sternly, making her sigh, before getting a small nod from her, their attention turning to the fancy, expensive carriage below.

It was on the move.


“...I wonder where Bulwark is,” Chrys said wistfully, looking out the front window, a cool breeze blowing through her mane as she got a glance from Aegis, head bobbing as he pulled the carriage. “We stayed in Dodge for over two weeks...”

“You think he's already at Canter Town?” Dud asked, looking into the window upside-down as he lay on the roof, getting a small nod from the young queen.

“Worry not, Your Highness,” Aegis said, “I'm confident he's doing everything in his power to aid you.”

“What makes you so sure? Faith?” Chrys asked.

“A good feeling. So, I guess so?” he said in a confused tone.

“With any luck,” Dud began, “he'll come bursting out of the woods at any moment!” Aegis stopped, a brief moment of silence falling over them, which ended with the sound of snow falling from a tree. “Hey, it could happen,” he added sheepishly, getting a sigh from the queen. “So, have you given Aegis the big news?” he asked, getting a curious look from the royal guard, and an annoyed glance from Chrys. “Oh...”

“What big news?” he asked, making Chrys frown more, before glancing to the side.

“I'm going to tell Princess Luna about changelings.” Aegis paused for a moment, unsure he heard right, before frowning.

What? Why?” he asked in a hard, tone, which Chrys matched.

“Because of that other way we found,” she said, not willing to trust Aegis with the truth just yet. His aid towards Mantis was still eating at the back of her head, “Let me explain...”


Arrow Twine had a focused look, his eyes sweeping over a devastated patch of forest.

Scorch marks made in long lines were scattered haphazardly, leaving burnt grass and underbrush caught in their path. It wasn't just lines either, there were several burnt craters as well, so deep that the earth beneath was exposed, the mud hot and dry. Trees lay scattered about, broken as if they were mere twigs. Some were burnt, while others remained whole. Arrow brought a hoof to cover his nose as he took it all in.

The air smelled of sulfur.

Accenting the charred lines was the surrounding snow, muddied and riddled with clues to the battle that took place here. Tracks. Circling around, Arrow affirmed that those that caused this were no longer in the area, making him come closer, hovering just above the snow.

There were three participants. At least, that's how it appeared, as there were three different kinds of tracks, but the longer the former shadowbolt stared, the more he started to doubt that number. He didn't like it. His gut was telling him it was just two, but the evidence proved contrary.

One of the tracks was of something pony-like. The hoofmarks however were far bigger than a normal pony, almost three times the size. By the long lines and the odd gaps between these tracks, he guessed that whatever this large pony-like creature was, it could fly.

One of the other set of tracks was harder to catch, something seldom few would be able to place. Snow crushed and smoothed out in long twisting lines, was the kind of tracks left by a snake. A large snake. A lamia. There were no traces of the lamia entering the field of battle, making the stallion assume that the lamia must have been here before the snow fell. However, there were tracks of its departure, marks in the snow implying that it left the battle wounded.

Arrow eyed those tracks, a considering look on his face. A lamia in Equestria was concerning, but it slithered off to the east. He could follow it easily, corner it, and press it for details, if it weren't for the third set of tracks.

Three-clawed footprints, scattered in an odd manner not dissimilar to the large pony. The smell in the air was its signature. It could fly, was large, fast, and it could breathe fire.

There was a dragon in Equestria. A small dragon, possibly a young one, but a dragon all the same.

Arrow Twine looked off to the east, eyeing the lamia tracks, hesitating. He needed answers. But, more importantly, he needed to tell the others. That, and he had a nagging feeling, that this was related to Equestria's important guests.

A determined look in his eyes, he circled the burnt scene one last time, before rushing west...


“I... don't blame you for not trusting me,” Aegis said, shame in his eyes, “But, it's another thing to trust the Moon Princess in my stead!”

“Aegis,” Chrys began in a calm, but stern tone, “I didn't just leave the hive because Mantis threatened my clutchlings. I left to make sure Amber wasn't leading our hive into a battle against some overpowered sun and moon moving ruler! If she is, we need to call off the attack. Dud says I can trust her, so it's just a matter of her trusting me. It's what I've decided,” she said resolutely, getting as close as she could to him despite their difference in stature. “If you don't like it, then just run on back to the hive. I don't need a liability looking over my shoulder,” she said coldly, getting a surprised look from the guard.

“I … won’t go. I am charged to protect you,” he then glanced to the side, “But princess—“

Queen Chrysalis! Don't make me repeat myself!”

“You are not my queen, young mare!” he snapped back, getting a surprised look from her, which he immediately mirrored, “M- My apologies, Your Highness, I didn't mean to shout.”

“...You're right,” Chrys replied, glancing to the side for a moment as she composed herself, “I'm not your queen, but I'm not a princess, either.”

“Understood, Highness.” Chrys eyed him for a moment longer, before letting out another sigh.

“...You really miss the big guy,” Momo pointed out, looking from Chrys, to Dud. Her gaze met his, and he glanced away, a distant look in his eyes that made her ears fall.

“Maybe we could ask the Shadowbolts to find him?” Dud offered, continuing to avoid looking at Momo, as he had since leaving Dodge.

“Whatever,” Chrys replied, getting odd looks from her company, “Bulwark will show up when he does. Let's keep moving,” she added as she got back in the carriage. Momo chanced another glance to the stallion, who perched himself on the roof. She frowned for a moment, before she hopped top. Dud continued to ignore Momo as she moved to his side.

“Keep moving, I'll stay up here for a little bit,” she said with a determined look, getting silence from the others as the carriage continued its trek. So in silence, she shared the roof with the stubborn pegasus, a little happy that he didn't decide to abandon it when she did.

“...Dud, are you gonna be cold to me all the way?” she asked in a worried tone, getting a glance from him. He looked to the side, considering her words for a long moment. He then let out a small sigh, as if he was letting go of something, before looking to her.

“You don't like being ignored," he said, getting a nod from her. "Momo, you didn't need me to come along. It's a straight road,” he said dismissively, pointing ahead with his wing, “The mountain that shadows over Canter Town is already visible, give or take obscuring clouds,” he added, making Momo look to the horizon, seeing something white and tall, that she was pretty sure wasn't a cloud. “So yeah. You really didn't need me.”

“You can't say that until we're there,” she said confidently, getting a flat look from him. “What? You can't!” He let out another sigh.

“...How are your wings feeling?”

“Cramped,” she said in annoyance, “Two more days until they're free...” she added, eyeing the sky longfully.

“...It's nice, isn't it?” he asked, his eyes following hers, wearing a small smile.

“Hey Dud... Is it too late to apologize for making you come along?”

“Depends, are you really sorry?” he asked, getting a flustered look from her, which made him chuckle. “I don't like that I was forced into it,” he admitted, making her ears fall, “But, I don't mind the company,” he added, wrapping a wing over her shoulder, getting a surprised blush from her. Her mind raced for a moment, tripping over what to say next.

“D- Dud, don't you think this is weird?” she asked, getting a curious look from him as her shade of red deepened. That was not the question she wanted to say.

“Well, let's see,” he began as he adopted an analytical look, “I'm a pony, you're a changeling. We're sitting on the roof of a royal carriage, like a pair of doves. We got into a fight, tackled and yelled at each other in the snow, and now I have you in a wing-hug. Yep, I’d say this is pretty weird,” he said sagely, getting a small laugh from her, “What's really weird, is that I kind of like this.”

“...Me too,” she said, leaning into him, making him blush. “...You know, Chrys told me the 'royal carriage' was a 'hearth’s heating gift'. What's that?”

“Hearth's Warming gift,” he replied, giving her a sly grin, “It's a holiday coming up that’s about being close to those you love and stuff. At the rate we're going, we'll probably hit Canter Town the day after the holiday.”

“Heh, sounds like a great holiday to be a changeling,” she said, before looking completely flustered. “T- That came out wrong—”

“It’s okay, I don’t mind,” he assured, making her bite her tongue in surprise.

“S- So, if it’s about love and ‘stuff’, why in winter? Why not spring?”

“You want to know?” he asked, sounding excited by the prospect as she nodded, “Well, it's a long story, about the founding of Equestria...” A story he had no trouble telling, having Momo's undivided attention.

All the while, Chrysalis eavesdropped on them, a smile on her face.

Seeing them like that gave her hope in this venture. A future where changelings and ponies sat side-by-side. She kind of liked the sound of that.

23. Eyes Afire

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Chrys was lost in thought, seeing the coming holiday in a more informed light. She really liked the idea of giving her clutchling a gift. The question was, what?

“...Does anyone else smell that?” Dud asked, pulling the young queen from her thoughts as she glanced to the window. Getting closer, she took in a whiff of the outdoor air, before adopting a disgusted look.

It smelled of sulfur.

“What stinks?” Momo asked, making Dud tilt his head, standing up as he adopted a curious smile.

“I haven't gotten a whiff of this since Neighgarou!” he said happily.

“What is it? Is it bad?” Chrys asked, prompting Aegis to stop the cart as she stepped out, a guarded look on her face. The odor carried a tint of danger.

“There's a dragon nearby,” Dud said nonchalantly, getting looks of confusion from the others, “Did you know that a dragon's hide can only be pierced by weapons crafted in mythril?” he added sagely.

“You're serious?” Aegis asked with a frown, getting a nod from the pony, prompting the guard to free himself from the carriage.

“I don't think we need to worry,” he added dismissively, getting troubled looks from the others.

“I think we do,” Chrys retorted, “Dragons aren't known for being friendly.”

“Well, the Shadowbolts are looking after us. If it was a bad dragon, then they'd be fighting it right now,” he pointed out.

His smile faded as a monstrous roar cried out from down the path. His ears fell as everyone's eyes looked ahead, seeing a line of fire and black smoke billow through the leave-less trees. Without hesitating, Dud flew off towards the commotion. Chrys hesitated for a moment, before adopting a determined look, chasing after him.

She wasn't going to just stand back and watch.

“Highness, it's not safe!” Aegis said, getting a cold shoulder from the queen as he followed after her. Momo watched them, briefly eyeing her bandages, before chasing them, leaving their carriage unattended.

Chrys ran with a speed that surprised her protector, passing a large rock leaning by the trail, revealing a slightly scorched patch of woods. The air felt odd around here, one moment freezing, the next warm, even hot, depending on where the wind blew. Chrys had to resist bringing a hoof to her nose. Her eyes widened, falling on a dragon, shorter than Aegis, but longer in all other dimensions. He had two horns on his head, arched back, with spikes lining his spine. The dark creature's eyes were watching the skies, a toothy scowl on its lips. He was looking at a pair of darkly dressed ponies, whom Chrys took to be the Shadowbolts. She briefly noted that one of them was a batpony, a kind she knew of, but had never seen before.

Admittedly, her attention was more drawn towards the fire-breather.

“Whoa there big guy,” the pegasus mare said in a put off tone, “What's with shootin' first? We just wanted yah to move on outa here!” The dragon hissed in response, before it noticed Chrys and her companions.

Its eyes met hers, and the young queen felt her heart skip a beat. For a moment, her emotions lined with the dragon's, who adopted a look of surprise. It didn't last. Chrys's hooves started to tremble, digging into the ground, a dark scowl growing on her face as the dragon's surprise shifted to amusement.

Sledge laughed.

“You survived...” Aegis said, his voice oozing with anger and disappointment as he placed himself ahead of Chrys.

“Are you kidding me!?” Momo added, stopping by Chrys's side.

“Oi, yah know this overgrown newt?” the mare asked, making Sledge briefly glance between the Shadowbolts, and Chrys.

“Wait a second,” Dud began, taking in his friend's reactions. “Sledge?” he asked, getting a brief glare from the dragon, “Huh. Well, I guess you found a dragon. Well done,” he said with mixed emotions.

“That's enough chit-chat,” the batpony stated, flying close to the dragon, who was taking in a deep breath.

Chrys's eyes widened as Sledge's chest and throat began to glow bright orange. Despite that, the Shadowbolt got shockingly close to his head. The batpony then let out a high-pitched screech, its grating noise making everyone step back, most covering their ears as Sledge let out a roar of pain, his fiery breath going off into the sky. Chrys could feel the heat from it, and the smell of sulfur was almost smothering. She frowned as the screech came to an end. The world was still ringing.

“Dang it Whisper, some warnin' next time!” the female Shadowbolt demanded.

“Sorry,” Whisper replied, glancing to the others, “You guys stay back, we'll take care of this,” he added stalwartly, deftly circling around Sledge, dodging a swing of the dragon's scaly tail. “Murmur, how about working up some Equestrian hospitality!”

“Yah got it, love!” she replied energetically, before diving up.

Chrys's gaze followed Whisper for a moment, before she realized that Sledge was sending a gout of fire her way! Aegis placed himself before her, and Chrys was caught off guard as Momo shielded her. The fire bore on them, the heat licking them as the conflagration shifted to the side, missing. Chrys and Momo let out a breath of relief, sweat forming on their brows as they looked to see Dud giving them an assuring look. He had made a gust of wind to sway the flame. Despite that, Aegis' fur was singed.

“Sorry about that,” Dud said sheepishly, getting a neutral look from the guard.

“Let those two take care of Sledge,” he said coldly, moving to usher Chrys and Momo back. That won a glare from the young queen.

“No!! Attack him!” she commanded, getting a frown from the guardian.

“I can't protect you from his fire if I leave your side,” he said sharply. All the while, Whisper was keeping Sledge occupied, the dragon occasionally breathing fire towards Chrys, only to be deflected by Dud.

“If you want to protect me, then we need to beat him down to the point where he can't fight back!” she decreed, horn glowing as she pushed the guard aside, to his surprise. Chrys bolted past Aegis, Momo a pace behind her, but they paused when they noticed darkness directly above Sledge.

A lightning cloud had formed. A dark blur was circling around it, squeezing and shaping the cloud, condensing it, making it almost pitch black as it crackled with energy. Whisper let out another painful screech, making everyone stagger back, including Sledge.

“Oi, newt! Get some!” Murmur said energetically, flying over the black cloud, before diving her hooves into it. A thick bolt of lightning struck down upon the dragon, getting a crackled scream from Sledge, before he disappeared in a fiery explosion.

It took several moments for Chrys's eyes to readjust after the blast, her ears ringing again, before an odd silence fell over everypony. They all looked to the cloud Sledge disappeared in, before Murmur let out a cheer. “Hah hah~! Works every time!” she mused, sticking her tongue out at the cloud. Whisper eyed it carefully, before glancing towards the others.

“Why are you still here? I said we had this!” he shouted in annoyance.

“Now now, be nice to 'em,” Murmur chided, flying closer to the stallion. Whisper's ears then twitched. His eyes widened as he quickly turned to the mare.

“Murmur, look-” he was cut off as a line of fire flew out of the cloud, passing right between the two. They both backed in surprise, before Sledge's tail whipped out, catching the mare in the stomach, sending her flying. “Murmur!” Whisper cried out, fear in his eyes as she crashed right into a tree. The whole tree shook from the impact, knocking snow off. Murmur's wings were splayed out, eyes open in surprise and pain, before she collapsed limply into the thin cloud Sledge was hiding in.

“Sledge, get out of there!” Chrys called out, frowning when no response came.

“He probably can't hear us,” Dud pointed out, quickly dispersing the cloud with a flap of his wings. Chrys's eyes narrowed, seeing Sledge preparing another breath towards the unconscious mare. The young queen had more than enough of this. Her horn glowing, she grabbed one of his horns, giving his head a sharp jerk as he let loose, his fire wasting away into the sky.

“Aegis, get in there!” the young queen hissed, heart pounding. The royal guard frowned for a moment, before charging forward.

Sledge grunted in annoyance, his head twisting free of her magic as he rounded towards her, just in time for Aegis to crash right into him. Chrys winced, feeling the collision though the shaking of the ground she stood on. The guards rolled over each other from the impact, crushing small trees in their path. With Sledge out of the way, Chrys ran towards Murmur, who was surrounded by Dud and Whisper. Momo hesitated, glancing from Chrys to Sledge, before looking to Dud, a considering look on her face.

“Is she alright?” Chrys asked, making Dud shake his head, looking towards the two royal guards. Sledge was starting to get back up.

“Dud,” Momo began, catching up to them, “How do we fight him!?” she pressed, getting a surprised look from Chrys as the stallion considered her.

“A dragon's weak spot is their eyes. Their scales are really tough, but they're still squishy inside, so really hard hits will still hurt.”

“Eyes and hit hard, got it,” Momo replied, giving him a hard nod.

“You, batpony,” Chrys began, getting a distant look from the stallion, worry in his eyes as he cradled Murmur, “We'll take care of Sledge, so keep her safe,” she stated, before turning towards Mantis's pawn, “And, thank you,” she added, seeing that the royal guards were staring each other down.

“Sledge, did Mantis truly order this?” Aegis asked. Sledge's eyes narrowed, his head tilted, as if trying to make out what was said.

“Don't waste your breath,” Chrys spat out, slowly approaching the two, avoiding the hot embers around her as she got a rueful smile from the dragon. “What are you smiling about, fool? Do you really think you've got a chance against us, after what happened last time?” Again, he paused, considering what he was able to make out of her words.

“You think you can best me here?” he asked, before letting out a deep laugh, “Last time I was poisoned, weak from dealing with that snake, and hungry,” he said confidently, giving her a toothy grin, “Not anymore.”

“You bested the hunter?” Aegis asked, sounding surprised, shocked even. His question fell on deaf ears.

Chrys's eyes widened at Sledge's words. Did that mean he had dealt with the lamia that'd been hounding him? The one that helped her get away twice now? The one that hugged her, in that dark, broken mountain?

Snare, Ssarah's mate, was defeated?

For some reason, she was finding this knowledge very distressing. She wasn't particularly fond of the lamia, but Sledge's words bothered her all the same. It aggravated her. It made a fire light in her eyes, adding more fuel to the blaze she directed towards him, a flame called hatred.

Sledge fanned that flame, before taking in a deep breath, his chest and neck glowing orange as he looked past the young queen. She could tell that he was looking towards the Shadowbolts, his intention clear.

Aegis charged him. Dud and Momo were by Chrys's side, both at the ready. Suddenly, Sledge snapped his neck, turning towards Aegis. Chrys's mouth fell open as a jet of flame, wider than the previous, caught the guard off by surprise. Everypony's eyes widened as Aegis was swallowed up in the conflagration

“Aegis!” Chrys cried out, surprised by her own worry. She could count the beats of her heart as she waited for the fire to pass, to reveal what became of him. The fire died, the smoke rose, leaving a line of charred, smoldering earth in its place. Aegis stood beside the line, his fur black, barely standing as he glowered at the dragon, getting a breath of relief from Chrys, and not to her surprise, Momo as well.

Sledge wasn't giving them time to rest. He flapped his webbed wings, sending a powerful burst of air into the ground, sending snow, soot and embers into the air. Aegis shook his head, before charging towards him, but before reaching Sledge, the dragon covered himself in amber flame, changeling fire. It mixed with the snow, instantly melting into steam, obscuring the area. Dud frowned, jumping forward into the air, advancing towards the cloud.

“Not again!” he decreed, his wings blowing the cover away, only to reveal a line of razor sharp teeth coming right for him.

Chrys's heart was pounding, the world seeming to slow down as those teeth came closer to her friend. Her horn glowed, brow furrowed as she grabbed something close, pulling it hard. As she pulled, Dud flapped backwards, inching away from those fangs. They were still gaining on him. Chrys closed her eyes, turning her head as Sledge's jaw clamped shut. The sound of crunching wood broke through the forest, the dragon's maw easily crushing through the branch Chrys had pushed between Dud and the dragon.

The branch was as thick as she, and he bit through it like paper.

The tinder caught fire as Sledge's head came low, eyes locked onto the Shadowbolts as he spat out the debris, along with a ball of flame. Dud pivoted in the air, beating his wings down, sending the flame into the ground, sapping its strength upon hitting the earth. Whisper pulled Murmur from the remnants of the attack, slipping her on his back, before taking to the air.

Sledge's eyes went from the Shadowbolts, his head tilting as he saw Chrys to his left, and Aegis charging towards his back. Seeing how quickly he acted, at that very moment, made Chrys realize just how dangerous he was.

He was the personal guard of Mantis. He had been taught how to fight by the hive's greatest soldier. He singled out the Shadowbolts in an effort to keep them from contributing further, and now that they were fleeing, his attention was effortlessly shifting to next largest threat on the field.

This wasn't a Sledge being caught off guard. This wasn't a pawn being weakened by hunger, or crippled by the element of surprise. He was a ferocious, determined, experienced beast. Once he had taken care of Aegis, she knew that she was next. That knowledge came together, forming into a single, paralyzing thought.

They were going to lose.

She hated that thought. The Amber hive couldn't afford her losing.

Chrys frowned, her startled state shifting into determination. Sledge started taking in a deep breath, his tail lashing like a whip, tripping up Aegis. The royal guard rolled past the dragon, surprise evident as Sledge smiled at the young queen.

With a swipe that appeared as a blur, he raked a claw across the ground, sending dirt and rocks flying towards her, Momo and Dud. Chrys was still caught up in her thoughts to react, being pushed down to the side by Momo, who shielded her.

Dud wasn't as fortunate, getting pelted by the dirt and rocks, debris flitting through his feathers as he let out a cry of pain. Sledge followed up with a breath of fire, his jet flying towards the pony. Momo got off her clutchling, picking something up in the same motion. Chrys quickly rose to her hooves, seeing Dud roll low, trying to get out of the burning path. Sledge followed his movement, making the line weave towards him. Sledge then let out a bellow of pain, his flame being cut off as he reached for his face, covering an eye.

Chrys and Dud blinked, looking to Momo, a heated look in her eyes as she picked up another hoof-sized rock. Chrys smile as her horn glowed. Sledge glared at Momo with one eye, which widened as she chucked her weapon. Her rock was joined by half a dozen others, each carried in a teal aura. Sledge brought a webbed wing over his face, deflecting the attacks. With an annoyed grunt, he dug his claw into the earth, everyone's eyes widening as he ripped out a rock half the size of a pony. His eyes narrowed on Momo as he spat upon the boulder, covering it in liquid fire.

Momo's surprise shifted to action as she jumped to the side, putting distance from between herself and the others.

“Momo, wait!” Chrys cried out, Sledge hurling his rock towards her clutchling. He threw it hard, cutting through the air with a loud 'whoosh'. Chrys's horn glowed bright, trying to hit the rock, but it was too heavy, too fast.

The rock missed its mark, crashing into the smoldering ground before Momo instead. She jumped, her instincts getting the better of her as she tried to fly out of the path. She couldn't. The impact upturned earth, the force of it knocking Chrys over as stone, fire and burning embers were knocked forward. Momo was swallowed by the debris. She let out a scream, her bandages catching fire as she disappeared under the scalding rubble.

“Momo!” Chrys and Dud shouted in unison. The stallion moved first, flying towards her, his focus lost on Sledge as Chrys got back on her hooves. She could see the dragon preparing another gout. She could see Aegis leaping towards him. She could see that Aegis would strike first.

But, what then?

Chrys blinked, before quickly glancing around. She felt the heat of Sledge's attack, her peripheral vision seeing it go into the sky as Aegis plowed into him, sending both rolling. She kept looking around. She needed a weapon. Something to hit Sledge really hard with. Something to shut that fiery mouth of his.

She paused, ears falling as she felt something large whooshed over her head.

Her heart skipped a beat as Aegis crashed into a thick tree past her, snapping it in two. The young queen lifted her head, turning to Sledge, the sound of a tree falling behind her making her breath catch in her throat. Sledge was smiling at her.

It would take several moments at best for Aegis to recover. The Shadowbolts were gone. Dud was frantically clearing hot earth off of her clutchling. At this moment, it was just her, and Sledge. There wasn't going to be any interrupting lamia. Bulwark was nowhere to be found. And the safety Queen Amber gave her was a world away.

Sledge took a step forward.

Once again, she felt the urge to step back. It was overpowering. She wasn't going to be struck if she didn't run. She'd suffer something far worse. He took another step forward. Sweat beaded down her head, her body caught between the chill of winter, the heat of his fire, and the fear in his promised malice. And despite all that, a single question stood on in her head. Do queens back down from dragons?

Her heart was racing, but she still adopted a fiery look. She still had one thing over Sledge. One thing he'd never have.

She took a step forward. Sledge's eye glimmered for a moment in confusion. Chrysalis wasn't going to lose. Her horn glowed bright. Beyond bright. The whole world was bathed teal, the orange fires in the forest yielding to her color, a radiant beacon of light that was brighter than it was back in the The Badlands. Sledge stepped back in surprise, letting out a roar, shielding his eyes as Chrys ran to the side, looking back to where Aegis lay.

The guard wasn't moving; part of a tree was resting on him. Chrys focused on the tree. With a twist that made her horn flare in pain, one of the larger branches snapped off, being carried in her power.

Sledge let out a frustrated cry, his body being wreathed in amber flames, making Chrys reel back from the heat, feeling parts of her coat singe from the contact. He rubbed his eye as he glanced around, making the queen smile. His hearing was still compromised, so he had no idea where she was, despite her less than subtle movements.

Her eyes were locked on him, a fire in her stare as she brought the branch to her side. It was as long as Aegis, and as thick as her waist. Her horn glowed bright as she glared at Sledge, his good eye starting to gain focus as he looked around. His eye met her glare.

He hurt Bulwark in the hive. Dud in The Badlands, and in the broken mountain. He's hurt Snare, Ssarah's mate, Lin and Ren's father. He hurt her clutchling. All of it, because of her. Each of those moments played in her head, filling her purpose, horn glowing brighter, as she brought the branch down. She put everything she had into, teeth gritting as she saw his throat light up.

That swing felt like the longest moment in her life.

She watched as his fire licked the air. Winced as her magic connected with his skull. Her eyes closed as his mouth did, his head being pushed towards the ground. Cracks spread through the branch, fracturing. His chin was slowly buried into the earth, his eyes widening in a moment of shock. With a loud crunch, the branch broke into countless pieces. Fire that was caught in his mouth leaked into the ground, his head disappearing in a blast of flame. Chrys brought a hoof to shield her face as splinters and fire pushed into her, sending her flying back, as time seemed to snap back to normal.

The hit birthed a loud explosion that rocked the nearby trees, sending snow falling all around, as the teal queen 'landed'. She skidded through the snow, coat and mane burning slightly, before crashing into a tree, knocking the breath out of her. Despite that, she quickly got back on her hooves, coughing as she looked to Sledge. His head wasn't visible, lost in a cloud of smoke, but the his body wasn't moving. Her eyes were locked on him, time lost to her as she waited for him to move. She knew it wasn't over. After all, the fool had a thick skull.

How much time passed since the blow, she wasn't sure. A few seconds? A minute? How long was this silence going to last? Should she be preparing another blow? Her horn glowed, making her wince as it's magic flickered out. Another blow wasn't an option.

She flinched when the tree resting on Aegis crashed to the earth, the royal guard rising to his hooves. Chrys let out a small sigh, before giving him an annoyed look. She was about to speak up, but a deep growl made her freeze. Sledge was getting up.

“Aegis, crush him!!” Chrys ordered, putting the guard into motion as he charged the recovering dragon. Sledge looked to him, his face charred, several teeth missing as he let out a loud roar. That roar was cut short when something from above crashed into his back. Chrys blinked, surprised to see Whisper standing poised on top of Sledge, a fierce look in his eyes. Sledge turned to him, forgetting about the one barreling towards him.

With a casual hop, Whisper was off of Sledge as Aegis plowed into the dragon. Aegis and Sledge rolled over in the snow for a moment, ending with Aegis on top, stomping several satisfying hits into Sledge's belly.

“Hey, big guy!” Whisper shouted towards Aegis, “Get off him, quick!” he added, getting a confused look from the guard, before he noticed the shadow that had fallen over them. With a final sharp jab of his hooves, he kicked himself off, knocking the wind out of the dragon, who immediately slumped over, gasping for air. Chrys's eyes looked above him, seeing a lightning cloud that was almost twice as large as the previous.

Which was natural, since there were two pegasi forming it.

Dud and Murmur drove their hooves into it in unison, making Chrys cover her ears as a pillar of light forked down into the dragon, getting a hoarse cry from him. Once again, Sledge disappeared in the aftermath of smoke. This time, the smoke didn't last, being blown aside by Dud, revealing the scorched, bruised, winded dragon within.

Sledge was done with all this. With a flap of his wings, he took to the air.

Before he could chose a direction to flee, he tumbled over mid-air. Something had plowed into one of his wings, letting out a loud pop that made Chrys blink, before her eyes lit up with pride and happiness. Momo spat at Sledge as he crashed into the ground, her discolored wings spread proudly as she hovered over him.

Sledge looked at them, then to Aegis, and finally Chrys. His wing twitched, getting an annoyed growl from him. Aegis, Momo, and Whisper charged towards him, getting a cry of alarm from Dud. Momo and Whisper paused, Aegis continued as Sledge wreathed himself in fire.

Aegis crashed into him without hesitating, hitting him square in the side, head on, sending Sledge barreling away. The dragon let off a wave of fire, lighting several trees, scorching the ground in a line to keep Aegis from pursuing, before turning around, and fleeing into the forest.

“Get back here you coward!” Chrys cried out, chasing after him. Aegis stopped her, getting an flustered look from the young queen. “Aegis, we have to finish this!”

“My apologies, Highness, but I must insist that we let them manage that,” he said, nodding towards the Shadowbolts, who were in hot pursuit. “We must to tend to ourselves.”

“They'll get him,” Dud assured as he landed close, Momo coming to his side, before faltering over. He caught her, giving her a mixed look, before glancing back to Chrys.

“I- I'm okay, just a little light-headed,” she assured, before looking to Chrys, “I messed up his wing, so he won't get very far,” she added, a sly grin on her face, “He's no Mantis, but making him grounded felt really nice.” She then looked Chrys up and down, “So, uggh, you okay? You look a little toasty.” Chrys gave her a flat look. There were remnants of burnt bandages wrapped around her waist, her light coat was extra sooty, and she smelled like a fireplace.

“So, I look just like you?” she asked, making her clutchling look over herself, before giving Chrys a sheepish look.

“I'm... gonna get a raincloud going,” Dud said, his eyes taking in the battlefield, several trees still burning. Momo eyed him for a moment as he took to the air, before looking to Chrys.

“So, not only did we just beat Sledge, but we beat him as a dragon!” she said proudly, making Chrys tilt her head, before giving her a smile.


Sledge let out a steamy breath, heart pounding as he trampled through the woods. He occasionally paused to spit fire at his pursuers, keeping them from getting too close. If they tried to tackle him, his fire would make them regret it. He kept moving, not letting the pegasus have a chance to call down another lightning strike. He moved with purpose, seeing the forest thinning ahead of him.

Rambling Rock Ridge was in sight.

Taking in a deep breath, he sent a sweeping line of fire ahead of him, burning the trees and creating a good deal of smoke. The shadowbolts weren't letting him get out of their sight, their wings blowing the smoke away as they followed.

Reaching the edge, he looked down upon a stony valley, a steep decline in the terrain before him. With several swipes of his claws, he sent several large chunks of stone falling down the incline, before following after them. The shadowbolts shared confused looks, as Sledge rolled down into his own avalanche.

They followed close, trying to get rid of the cover the commotion was causing. Their effort to clear the dust and snow only fueled the avalanche, creating more cover instead. When Sledge felt the moment was right, he grit his teeth, before shapeshifting. His eyes widened as his damaged wing disappeared, the pain only growing as his body shifted into something without wings. He clutched the ground, letting out a pained breath as he ended his roll, before curling into a ball. The dust and snow fell past him, the Shadowbolts following after, paying no mind to the rocky ball behind them. The camouflaged cragadile smiled.

Now all he had to do was wait, and he'd be free of pursuit...


“Yeah, that could have gone a lot worse,” Dud said, moving his wet mane from his eyes as he looked to the others, soot free and soaked to the bone. On the plus side, the water was pleasantly warm. Pegasi magic sure is convenient.

“Well, it would have been better,” Chrys added, “if he hadn't gotten away!” she said, getting sheepish looks from Whisper and Murmur.

“I have to admit, I'm disappointed as well,” the late to arrive Arrow Twine added, getting hurt looks from the Shadowbolts.

“L- Look,” Murmur began, “one second he was there, and the next, he was just gone!”

“I'm not disappointed in you two,” he added, getting confused looks from them, “Just at the situation in general.” He let out a sigh, “If he was able to hide from Whisper's ears, then there was no helping it.”

“Thank you for that, sir,” Whisper said, getting a nod from the old stallion, before looking to Chrys.

“So the dragon was after you,” he said, getting a bothered look from her, “If it's after you, then it shouldn't be too hard to find again. Equestria is a big place for a single dragon to hide in, but it's going to make a mistake if it continues hunting you.”

“Ah, about that,” Dud chipped in, “Sledge probably isn't the only dragon in Equestria,” he pointed out, getting everyone's attention. “There's another dragon too. Or else we wouldn't have had to fight him like that,” he added, getting looks of realization from the changelings, and confusion from the ponies.

“Explain,” Arrow said sternly.

“Not now,” Chrys interjected, matching his tone, to the old stallion's surprise, “It's something I'd rather keep between myself and Princess Luna.”

“...Very well,” Arrow said, letting out another sigh, “Is there anything else hunting you? A rabid phoenix, or a manticore maybe?”

“Hah,” Dud let out, getting a raised eyebrow from the stallion as Chrys shook her head.

“It's just Sledge,” she assured.

“Well, one threat shouldn't be hard to keep an eye out for,” he said, turning to the others, “Make sure all the fires are out, then continue watch.” He then hesitated, looking to Murmur, “How's your back?”

“It hurts, but it ain't keepin' me down,” she assured.

“Take it easy,” he said sternly, “Get yourself looked at when we reach Canter Town.”

“U- Understood, sir,” she said in a worried tone, before tilting her head. “What 'bout you? What will you do, sir?”

“See if I can track 'Sledge' down.”

“Be careful sir,” Whisper began, “He was able to light himself on fire. Never heard of dragons doing that before.”

“You needn't worry,” Arrow assured, “I am the pony caution calls when it wants advice,” he replied, giving the shadowbolts a salute, before flying off. Murmur flapped her wings, but hesitated when Whisper approached Chrysalis.

“Excuse me, Princess...”

“It's queen. Queen Chrysalis,” she said, making the batpony blink.

“So, you're not a princess?”

“Didn't I just make that clear?” she asked, getting a small smile from the pony, who directed it towards Murmur, getting a flustered look from the mare.

“Oh come on! That's a technicality!”

“Ah ah ah,” he chided, “technicals count. Pay up!” he said, flying to her side as she rolled her eyes, before both slowly took to the sky.

“What was that about?” Chrys asked, getting a shrug from the others. She then looked back to the shadowbolts, before taking in their charred surroundings.

The battle played out in her mind's eyes, placing each line of black, the craters, the heat. She frowned at it all, before looking to the others. Momo and Dud were giving her curious looks, while Aegis simply looked on coldly. “Let's … get back to the carriage,” she said, turning back the way they came, getting a nod from the others.

“Good thing we didn't bring that into the fight!” Dud pointed out, before eyeing the ruined path the battlefield took place in, “Though, getting it through this mess will be tricky.”

“I can manage,” Aegis said, before looking to the young queen, “Chrysalis, we need to talk.” She stopped at that, blinking as she slowly turned to the guard. “Alone.”

“Anything you have to say to her you can say to us,” Momo interjected, getting a frown from the guard.

“It's fine Momo,” Chrys assured, looking to her and Dud, “Can you guys get lunch ready? This won't take long.” Momo and Dud shared a look.

“Aegis, you better not hurt her!” Momo said, getting a sigh from the royal guard.

“That isn't my intention.”

“Come on Momo, let's let them talk,” Dud said, getting a troubled look from the changeling, before following the pony back to the carriage.

“...Well?” Chrys asked, “Out with it.”

“Highness, you were a fool for entering the fight.” Chrys was taken aback by his forwardness.

“I'm a fool for wanting to help? For wanting to get rid of Sledge? For wanting to protect Momo and Dud!?”

“You're a fool for getting involved,” he repeated. “There's nothing wrong with any of those, but you must understand the value of your own life.”

“What's that supposed to mean!?”

“It means that your life is more important than theirs,” he said coldly, getting a scowl from her. “Glare at me all you like, it's the truth. If Queen Amber were to fall, our future would rest on you. I am not exaggerating when I say that you are the second most important changeling alive. And I can't protect you if you throw yourself headlong into danger!”

“There aren't a lot of changelings that agree with your sentiment,” Chrys said flatly, “And I'm not frail. I recovered a lot quicker than Momo, and I was the one directly hit by that lightning. Sledge can hurt me, but it'll take more than being smacked around or burned to do me in.”

“Are you sure of that?” he asked, coming closer towards her, his posture giving off a sense of danger that almost made her take a surprised step back. “A queen is hardy, this is true, but you are not as tough as a royal guard. Not yet, anyway.”

“It doesn't matter. You were there, and we won.”

“And it could have very easily gone the other way. Highness, you must avoid standing on the front line in the future. Or, do you wish to make Queen Amber cry?” Chrys's eyes widened at that, ears falling as she glared at the muddy ground.

“That wasn't fair.”

“My apologies, Your Highness. I am a royal guard. It's natural for me to place my charge's life above my own. But, a queen must never do the same. Her life is the most important. If she values another more than herself, then she will ultimately fall.”

“...Aegis, the fight for Canter Town, is it the first time Amber's left the hive to 'join the front line'?”

“As I understand, yes.”

“So, she's stayed in the hive, where it's safe, while the soldiers and drones were sent out where the danger was. That's how my mother sees it?”

“Yes. That's how the hive sees it.”

“...I don't think I'm ready for that,” she admitted, water running down her face as she looked up to him. “I don't want to see things that way,” she added firmly, making him frown. “I understand what you're saying. So for that, I'm sorry.”

“So I take it you have no intention of making my job any easier?” he asked, making her glance to the side. He then let out a sigh. “You should talk to Momo.” Chrys gave him a confused look, “She knows how to fight, which she should be able to teach.” Chrys blinked at that, “Highness, if you intend to put yourself in danger, then the least you can do, is better prepare yourself towards managing it.”

“That's ... a really good idea,” she said, a considering look on her face. “Aegis, the next time I tell you to charge, you'll do so, right?”

“That depends on the situation, Your Highness,” he replied, getting a frown from her, “I am not your Bulwark. As I have said, I have no intention of replacing him, regardless of what fate befalls him.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“I mean what I said, and nothing more by it.” He then motioned back towards the carriage, “Highness, shall we continue?” he asked, making Chrys consider him for a moment longer, before turning her back on him.

“Yes, let's get going,” she replied, moving past him. “...Thank you, for keeping everyone safe,” she added, hearing his steps falter for a moment, which made her smile, as they returned to a waiting, warm lunch.

24. Day of Celebration

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As the battlefield was left behind, Momo couldn't deny it to herself, but she was kind of looking forward to returning to the carriage. She and Dud were flying back side-by-side, together. They didn’t have to go far to spot the lavish wagon, and as they did, Momo couldn’t help but catch Dud exhaling a breath of relief. There wasn’t a scratch on it.

After landing next to it, she spread her wings, letting out a pleasant sigh at the aches it brought. It was good to fly again. Dud looked over her as she stretched, taking in the slightly off-color of her wing feathers with a hint of wonder and concern. As far as the pony knew, that wasn’t how feathers normally healed. Perhaps it was because she was truly a changeling? Whatever the reason, Dud couldn’t deny that he liked the difference. To him, it was a clear mark of rarity.

The pleasure from stretching didn’t last. No longer in the warm, rainy-charred part of the forest, she was quickly feeling winter’s bite, making her shake off the rain water, before going inside the carriage. Dud eyed her for a moment longer, before mirroring her actions.

“So...” she began, making him pause from getting a meal together as he looked to her, “Still think we didn’t need you?” she asked with a sly grin, making him frown for a moment, before sighing.

“Did you know that nopony likes hearing ‘I told you so’?” he asked, making her chuckle. “How do your wings feel?” he added, making her blink.

“They ache. But it’s a good kind of ache. Like, the kind you feel from a nap after a gooood sparring session.” He gave her wings a considering look, which made her frown, “And we’re not covering them back up.”

“No argument,” he quickly assured, “Now, I can’t say anything about sparring,” he said, before smiling, “But I do know how it feels to finally stretch your wings.” She tilted her head at that.

“You mean back when you were a colt?” she asked, getting a short laugh from him.

“I mean when Lores and Darrin let me out of the hive to help Chrys. I didn't mind the scenery, but it was a little cramped.”

“O-Oh,” Momo replied, the pony’s former captivity making her smile melt.

“I’ll admit, when we left Dodge, I thought all the excitement was done with,” he added, pulling the mare from her thoughts. “Didn’t think I’d get to see a dragon!” he said excitedly, winning a conflicted look from her.

“That was Sledge,” she said flatly.

“And he lost,” he replied matter of factly. “Still, I guess it can’t be helped,” he said, giving her a sly grin, “Guess I really do have to stay with you guys.” That brought back her smile. “Wouldn’t want to miss the chance of seeing more dragons now, would I?” She gave him a short, playful laugh.

“Yeah, sure. That’s the reason,” she replied coyly, seeing his ears blush, before she started helping him get their victory meal ready.


On snowy, rocky slopes, a cragadile-shaped Sledge waited, still curled into a ball, lost in thought. Being in Equestria for almost a month presented him plenty of time to learn several new forms to shift into. Thanks to that battle, he could add batponies to the list. It wouldn’t make for a convincing disguise, but that loud voice could certainly have its uses.

Cragadile, manticore, and boa lamia. Those were the stronger forms he gained during his venture into the Dark Forest. The dragon was an unexpected, and quite fortuitous encounter. A happenstance that occurred as he patrolled the trails between Canter Town and The Badlands, looking for Princess Chrysalis.

And yet, it wasn’t enough. For whatever reason, the Shadowbolts were looking after the Princess, and they proved to be just as dangerous as Mantis warned. Aegis continued to be more tenacious and durable than Sledge expected. And the female drone and yellow pony were beyond annoying. He was really looking forward to breaking them. Then there was the Princess herself. Her magic had grown stronger since their 'fight' back in the hive. It was loathsome. Even as a tough, fire-breathing, hard-headed razor-claw dragon, it wasn’t enough against them. And now that they knew he was around, a second attack as a dragon wouldn’t be as effective.

To the wayward guard, it was starting to become clear to him that brute strength wasn’t going to cut it. He needed something with more versatility. His eyes widened as he recalled the hunter. The snake was physically weaker than he, but more flexible, and the invisibility and poison certainly gave it an edge over him. An edge that meant nothing against a dragon’s impenetrable hide and noxious immunity.

Through each of their encounters, he’d never had the opportunity to learn a slithering lamia’s form. In the ferocity of their fights, it was beyond impossible to meet the eyes of a foe that was practically invisible. If only he had that form…

He needed to find the hunter, if he wanted to complete the task Mantis left him. Coming to this conclusion, Sledge noticed the sun setting. Feeling no eyes upon him, he shrugged off the pain of his loss, but not the indignation. It was time to keep moving forward.


Arrow Twine frowned as the cragadile finally stopped pretending to be a boulder. His eyes spotted it immediately upon reaching the area, and he had been playing the waiting game too, hidden in the clouds above.

A dragon disappears, and suddenly there’s a cragadile in the area? Arrow was no rare creatures expert, but he was quite certain that cragadiles were cold blooded, and slept through the winter, in the Everfree Forest. Finally, after hours of waiting, his suspicions were justified, his eyes widening as the cragadile was wreathed in amber fire, its form transforming into that of a buffalo. Arrow had to admit, he’d seen a lot of things over his career as a Shadowbolt. Seeing that was easily a first.

His eyes narrowed as Sledge started heading east. From the beginning, something had felt off about this whole assignment. The fact that Luna couldn’t see the dreams of Chrysalis and Momo had caused the initial spark. Chrys’s growth spurt only added fuel. A pony doesn’t grow as fast as she has since he first saw her. His companions may not have noticed the extra height, but it didn’t escape his eyes.

Now, things were starting to make a little more sense. But, it didn’t dispel his foreboding. The Badland Pegasi were shape-shifters. What they were naturally, he wasn’t sure. Maybe he was wrong with his assumption, and it was simply some form of dragon magic he had just witnessed. He knew with magic, nearly anything was possible, but shapeshifting was too far above his training to understand. Still, as a Shadowbolt, he could immediately picture how such a trait could be used covertly. Looks like he had some troubling insight to report to Luna, when he next slept…


On top of a cliff of red stone, stood a black tree with amber leaves. Looking high over a field of flowers, a fierce wind blew from the tree, which descended downwards. Lightning split the sky as leaves fell, guided by the breeze with purpose.

Those leaves crashed against an opposing gust, a torrent that swept from a field covered in life. A gust that carried the petals of flowers, in all myriad of colors. The petals clashed back, their wind stronger, but numbers fewer.

Together both sides spun, swirling around in a vortex. In the center, a teal flower bloomed. In the sky, the light of the moon shined, breaking through the storm and winds. Lightning lit the clouds, and from the heavens a blue light speared down. It pierced through the wind, unabated, neither flower nor leaf crossing its path, as it sliced through the flower. Its stem was rent asunder, its petals scattering from the blow. And thunder crackled.


Amber woke with a start, heart aching, breathing heavy, her eyes wide.

“Highness?” Bastion asked with concern, getting a glance from the queen. It took her several moments to consider replying. After her breathing slowed, she rubbed her eyes, drying her cheeks as she composed herself.

“...It was that dream again,” she explained, getting a small nod from her guard as she looked to him. “Eight nights now, the same nightmare…” she added, wearing a troubled, tired look.

“Perhaps you are simply worried,” he assured, getting a doubtful look from her.

“I think it was said that my mother had troubling dreams, before the Violet Hive fell.”

“...You think it a premonition?” he asked, getting an uncertain look from her. “Is such a thing possible?” he added, a question that she gave some serious consideration. She then frowned, getting on her hooves. There was a matter she needed to get out of the way, before addressing this problem.

“Bastion, summon Lores. Have her meet me in the feeding chamber.”

“Understood,” he said flatly, passing her order along as she made her way through the hive, her steps heavy with foreboding.


On the edge of the sea stood a small village. The ponies that called it home always welcomed the glowing horizon in the dawn, and the fading light of day as the moon rose. Today, the sun was high, the villagers out in celebration. In the town’s center, gathered around a freshly constructed stage, stood Princess Luna.

She looked over the ponies, a tired, yet warm look in her eyes. Her audience was bundled up for the cold, as winter was now in full swing, and Hearth’s Warming was only days away. And with a level of practice polished through countless repetition, she gave a grand speech. One of the founding of Equestria, of how proud she was of her fellow ponies, and just how fortunate each and every one of them were.

She was showered with affection for her words and presence, filling her chest with warmth. Yet, through it all, she felt troubled. Her words felt hollow, and her smile was fabricated. Despite that, she felt herself growing stronger with their cheers.

Their affection given, she dismissed them back to their daily routines, and one by one, the ponies started to disperse. Luna watched them go, her chest feeling heavy. She lost herself in thought as she watched, wondering if this was all eventually worth it. If it would all come to success in the end.

She blinked, pulled from her thoughts as she noticed a lone stallion standing, looking to her. Unlike the others, her words hadn’t moved his heart. Not fully. He looked to her with worried eyes, getting a curious look from the princess.

“What is it, Low Tide?” she asked, “What troubles you?” The stallion hesitated, glancing to the side for a moment, before locking his eyes with hers.

“Where’s Shifty Shores?” he asked, getting a confused look from the alicorn. His question carried a level of clarity she hadn’t been expecting. Low looked confused for a moment as he elaborated: “He’s been missing, for months now. Nopony seems to remember him when I ask,” he pressed, sounding alarmed.

“Highness,” a deep, unseen voice spoke, “She’s here.” Luna glanced to the side for a moment, before looking into the stallion’s eyes. She frowned, before approaching him.

“Don’t worry Low, his disappearance hasn’t gone unnoticed. He’s simply gone to visit his family, in Canter Town.” Low looked into her eyes for a moment longer, before giving her a smile.

“Really? That’s good to hear,” he was genuinely happy, giving the princess a small bow. He started to turn away, and she mirrored his actions, but paused when he cleared his throat. “Have a happy Hearth’s Warming, Princess Luna, and thank you for gracing old Tampa Neigh with your presence.” The alicorn’s ears fell for a moment, giving the stallion a nod, before the world melted away.


Amber opened her eyes. Her body felt hot as wisps of orange magic floated around her, siphoned from the cocoons above. She took in a deep breath as the last traces of power were drawn into her. She eyed the ground, her company waiting patiently as the queen composed herself. She then looked to the pods. Even though the ponies within had no concept of time, they always seemed to know the seasons, and without fail, when Hearth’s Warming was.

“How was it, Your Highness?” Lores asked, giving the queen a small bow.

“Like being in another world,” Amber replied, her tone dower, getting a confused look from the others, before Amber regained her royal composure. “Equestria has a starting point, which the ponies will be celebrating in a few days. Because of this, their love is greater than normal,” she then adopted a considering look as she glanced to Lores, “We had such a thing, once upon a time, in the heart of spring.”

“Yes, I am aware,” Lores replied, before tilting her head, “Is that why you called me?” she asked, getting a nod.

“I’ve been seeing the same things in my dreams of late. Of the black tree, from the old tale.” She then nodded to Lores. “Recite it for me.”

“You wish to hear of such a fairy tale?” Mantis asked, getting an annoyed look from the queen as he entered the chamber, to Lores’s surprise. “Even if that story is between you and Lores, I find it troubling that you’ve forgotten it.”

“You know of it?” The queen asked, making him shake his head.

“Yes, I know of it, and that many an adventurous drone died fruitless deaths pursuing it. Beyond that, I lack details,” he explained, getting an appraising look from the queen for a moment, before looking back to Lores.

“I have not forgotten it, though I can’t claim to recall every detail,” Amber explained, giving him a cold look, “That’s why Lores is Lores, in much the same way you are Mantis,” she then waved a dismissive hoof at him, “Now Lores, recount the tale of the tree. Of the very first hive.” Lores didn’t hesitate, giving the queen a short nod as Mantis looked on curiously.

“Of course, Your Highness,” she replied, sitting down after taking several deep breaths, before placing a hoof over her heart.

“When our world was still being born, Chaos and Order always sought their ideal creation. They worked for one where only chaos or order ruled. Chaos ripped apart anything that had order, allowing things to just happen with no reasoning to it. Seeing this, Order would grab the broken pieces and would place them together such that no change happened, and order was absolute.

“But, they would both sometimes miss a piece, that would slip between them, where neither could see. Time passed, and these pieces collected to form our world. In its core, order was absolute. On its crust, chaos ruled. Together, they mixed, forming harmony. This is where we, and everyone and everything else was born.”

To Lores’ surprise, Amber cut her off. The queen had taken on the same posture as the drone, her eyes closed as the rest of the tale played out in her heart. She believed she’d forgotten it, but hearing it again woke the memory buried in her soul. She started to recount the rest. Lores was only a little put off by this.

“Our Mother, the mountain around us, was born where once Order sought to claim the sky. It pushed the rock up and up, raising our mother high, but the sky didn’t yield, for shaping the earth was Chaos's domain. Standing high, our mother could see greatly in all directions. In the distance, it could see places where other mountains grew. Yet despite seeing them, she felt sad, and alone.

“Then, one day, a piece of chaos came down, and created a daughter for the mountain, a daughter that would become the first Queen. However, she was born alone, without a heart. Because of this, she didn't understand the mountain's sadness. Still, the daughter wandered the mountain, learning how to move rocks, create caverns, and live as one with stone.

“However, one day, something strange was a found, a great gem, one that radiated with the power of chaos. The element of change. The Queen picked up this gem and infused a sculpture of stone with chaos, shaped in a way she wanted. From this, a son was born. This child would follow her, be with her, and protect her. The Mountain Mother was happy to see another one within her, but neither daughter nor grandson could understand her jubilation. Regardless, the two lived on, making a home in the mountain’s womb.

“Then, where crust and core mingled in the mountain’s heart, an odd balance of chaos and order came together and created something mountain and daughter and son had never seen before. Life. A tree grew in the dark, its bark blacker than night itself. A tree that became light in the pitch caverns. The living mother in the mountain. The gem of chaos bound the tree and the daughter, giving the queen true life, which she shared with the son. And from the tree, new life sprung. Leaves. Children."

Amber paused for a moment, her breath catching, eyes stinging. She took several deep breaths before continuing, ignoring the looks of her company.

“And then everything truly changed. From the union of tree and mountain and life, the Queen gained a heart. One filled with emotion. Suddenly, sadness, love, happiness, and all else made sense. The tree and mountain felt her love, and rejoiced in it. As the Queen and the Tree embraced the new feelings, they felt the heart spread to the children, and the feelings they felt were shared by all.

“From it, the Tree made sustenance for the now living children of the mountain. From the sustenance the children made life better for the Tree, and all were made happy. Nectar of Love flowed from the tree and Love of the Tree flowed from the Changelings. Such perfect harmony brought happiness to the Mother Mountain. The Queen raises her Hive and the hive comforts the Queen, and the Changeling life continues in prosperity and harmony."

Lores nodded to herself, wearing a small smile as she looked to the queen. She then adopted a look of confusion, as Amber continued on.

“Time passed, and to the Mother’s fear, Chaos came to seek out her daughters and sons. She spoke to her daughter, and the queen heard in her dreams. Visions that instilled fear, and purpose. So the Queen left Mother Mountain, leaving a new color in her stead, so the Queen could fight Chaos...” Silence fell over them as Amber slowly opened her eyes, getting concerned looks from Bastion and Lores.

“Highness?” Lores asked, getting an odd look from the queen, “I’ve never heard that last bit before.”

“It’s not your fault. That part was something the last royal guard of the violet hive told me. It’s an addition that was for my ears only,” she then waved a dismissive hoof, “Regardless, I had nearly forgotten it, until now.” She looked even more troubled than before. It was true. Her mother had a premonition, not unlike what she was seeing now.

“Did you hear what you needed to?” Lores asked, making the queen frown for a moment.

“Just what exactly was this dream that brought all this up?” Mantis inquired, his question hanging in the air as Amber considered the pods above her, and the dream she had.

“The Moon Princess is going to slay Chrysalis,” she said, without a hint of doubt, turning to Mantis with a cold look. “Mantis, I want our plans moved ahead of schedule. We’re mobilizing as soon as we can safely open the tunnels.” He blinked at this, before adopting a genuine smile.

“Understood, Your Highness, I’ll go get everything ready.” With that, he branched off, making Lores give the queen a conflicted look. Amber paid it no mind, closing her eyes as she reached out to the cocoons. She was going to need all the power she could get from them, for the coming battle.


Chrysalis stood upon a rock, looking down a high hill. Her shadow faded as the sun set, bringing the quickly encompassing darkness of night as she took in her goal. Canter Town was in sight, just a few hours away.

Just how long has it been, since she stepped out of the hive into the rain? It was weeks, but it felt longer than that. She was taller now. Her perspective was broadened. And the final stretch was in sight, letting her take it in with her own eyes. Surprisingly, it looked a little different from what she’d seen in the ponies she’d fed from.

For one, it was bigger. Buildings closer to the mountain had a reddish look to them, for they were homes made of brick. The homes closer to the hilly land around the mountain were of wood, resembling those from Dodge. Lights from the town became more prominent in the fading daylight, making the town easy to spot at night. The lights in the dark made the young queen aware of another presence ahead of her.

Halfway up the mountain, was Luna’s castle, and the surrounding manors of wealthy ponies. Chrys couldn’t help but notice the moon rising as she took it in. The castle was nowhere near as large as the town below. It jutted out from the mountain, standing apart from the grey stone, yet blending in with the surrounding clouds. A cool breeze brushed past Chrys’s mane as she took it all in, all while a single, encompassing thought weighed over her: Their journey was almost over.

She then frowned as she realized a troublesome detail. At some point, she’d have to make her way back home. This thought was cut off as she became aware of a shadow towering behind her.

“Should we press through the night?” Aegis asked, making Chrys’s muscles ache as she turned to him, seeing the carriage left several paces behind, Momo and Dud sitting on top, looking to her.

“We’re almost there, so yes,” she replied, getting a nod from the guard, while the others shared a look.

“Actually, can we stop here?” Momo asked, making the young queen blink, looking to her clutchling. “Not for sparring, I think we can pass for tonight Chrys. It’s just, uhh…” Momo added sheepishly, before poking Dud. “Pass!” He seemed all too eager to accept the trade-off.

“Alright, what are you two up to?” Chrys asked, her gaze narrowing suspiciously.

“Your Highness,” Dud began, “Today is Hearth’s Warming. In my professional opinion, we should set up camp and celebrate.”

“What profession? Rare Creatures Expert?”

“Lifetime pony,” he replied with a sly grin.

“So, that’s today?” Chrys asked, getting a nod. She couldn't claim to be too surprised. Aegis had made good time of their trek across the countryside, and they hadn't been accosted since Sledge's attack. “Well, it’s a bit late for that now. Besides, it’s more of a pony thing,” she added as she glanced to the side, “There’s no reason for the rest of us to celebrate.”

“Well, in case you didn’t know, I happen to be a pony,” he said with a beaming grin, “And, it’s more than a pony thing,” he firmly pointed out. “It’s not just ponies that celebrate. Sure, we formed the holiday, but that doesn’t mean it’s exclusive,” he replied, flying around Chrys, landing next to her, before pointing to Canter Town. “Can’t you feel it? It’s everyone’s holiday.” Chrys looked over the town again. She couldn’t see anything, but she could feel a warm ambience floating over the town. It felt similar to what she felt in Dodge. Ambient love.

“You really think we should just set up camp when the town’s right there?” Chrys asked in an annoyed tone, “We can put off talking to Luna tomorrow, but we’re going to call it a night in Canter Town.” Sleeping in Dodge had proven a far more pleasant time than sleeping out in the snow, despite the comfort of the enchanted carriage.

“Come on Chrys,” Momo said in a pleading tone, “Please?” she asked, getting a surprised look from the queen, who glanced to the side.

“He wrapped you into this, didn’t he?”

“A little,” Momo quickly replied, giving Chrys a big grin, “But, I want to rest out here. At least, tonight. This is the last night of our journey. We should celebrate!”

“We’re not out of hot water yet,” Chrys said flatly, “What if Sledge tries to catch us off guard while we’re distracted?” she asked, getting a small chuckle from Dud.

“This close to Canter Town? That isn’t going to happen,” he assured.

“Why’s that? More Shadowbolts?”

“Yep! Oh, and Princess Luna is one short glide away,” he added, making Chrys eye the castle. She briefly humored the idea of having the princess meet them the rest of the way, after everything they’ve been through since leaving the hive. She didn’t humor it long, glancing to her clutchling and friend. She frowned as she considered the matter, the memory of being talked into sleeping in a lamia’s den coming to mind as she let out a sigh.

“I guess it can’t be helped. I wouldn’t want to distract Princess Luna from her celebrating, which she is likely enjoying, by darkening her doorstep. So, we’ll wait.”

“Okay!” Momo let out, giving Chrys a brief hug. The young queen glanced to the side, a little happy for the warmth. That didn’t stop her from frowning at them.

“I kind of get the feeling you two weren’t giving me a choice,” she said flatly, “You better not conspire against me again,” she added with a raised eyebrow, getting a low bow from the pegasus.

“Of course, Chrysalis,” he said with a smile, as Momo mirrored his bow. “Now, shall I get our Hearth’s Warming dinner going?” he asked with a big grin, making Chrys tilt her head.

“You make it sound like it’ll be different from the other dinners we’ve had,” she stated, getting a sly look from the pony.

“It will be, just wait and see~!”

“Fine, be that way,” she said, letting out a small sigh before giving him a hard look, “You better not disappoint me!”

“We won’t!” Momo added, before Dud went into the carriage. “Aegis, can you get a fire going?” The guardian glanced to Chrys for a moment, before nodding. “Thanks!” she added, before joining Dud.

“They seem quite happy,” Aegis observed, getting some wood strapped to the carriage ready for a campfire.

“Dud’s gone and poisoned her with this holiday nonsense,” Chrys replied, glancing back to Canter Town. Her ears perked. She could hear singing coming from the village.

“Are you going through with it?” Aegis asked, giving the young queen a hard look, which she took in with a glance.

“Probably. I’ll know for certain after talking to Luna,” she replied, before rolling her eyes, “Tomorrow.”

“Queen Amber would not approve.”

“And neither would Mantis,” Chrys replied, adopting a dirty grin at the thought of it, before washing off with an assuring look. “Amber will understand, after I explain everything to her.”

“Of this, you’re certain?” he asked, getting a firm nod from the young queen. “Very well then. It’s to your discretion. Though, I wish you’d share what it was you found with me.”

“...I will, eventually,” she replied.

“Are you two done with your important talk?” Dud asked from the carriage, “Cause if so, we’ve got some celebrating to do!”

“You think to tell me what to do?” Chrys asked with a raised eyebrow, getting a sheepish smile from the pony.

“Sorry Chrys, just a little excited.” He then blinked, “Hey, where’s the fire?” he asked, making the queen look to Aegis, who briefly cleared his throat. With a bit of changeling fire, the guardian got the wood burning.

“Dud, are there other days like Hearth’s Warming?” Momo asked, following behind him with all sorts of veggies for the stew to come.

“You mean other holidays?”


“Well, there’s the Summer Sun Celebration, Tom-Foolery Day, Hearts and Hooves day,” he then blinked at their flat looks, “You don’t know about that one?” he asked, getting negative shakes from his company. “Huh, well, I guess it is a much younger holiday than the other two.”

“Ponies sure have a lot of time to goof around,” Chrys said coolly, watching as the pot was placed over the fire, before the components for dinner were added. Something was immediately different about it. It smelled a lot sweeter than the salty stews she’d tried before. Already, Chrys’s mouth was watering in anticipation.

“Yeah, I guess we do,” Dud replied, not sounding all that bothered by the notion, “Don’t changelings have anything like that too? I know every drone has a birthday equivalent for earning their name, but what about the whole hive?” he asked. Momo shook her head, while Chrys adopted a considering look.

“I think we used to have one.” That got an intrigued look from Aegis and Momo.

“Did her highness mention something?” Aegis asked, getting a small nod from the young queen.

“Amber always seemed down on the same day of the year, in the spring. I asked her about it once, and she said it was once a day of celebration. A holiday like what ponies have. She didn’t tell me more about it,” Chrys admitted, looking a little put off, “Said I wasn’t ready for it.”

“When was that?” Momo asked, making the queen tilt her head.

“Last year.”

“Well, that’s certainly interesting,” Dud said, stirring the pot, “Gotta ask Lores about that, next time we see her.” Chrys frowned at that. Would there be a next time? A silence fell over them as the food cooked, but it didn’t last long.

“Okay Mr. Guide,” Momo said energetically, looking to Dud, “How do we celebrate a pony holiday?” He adopted a mischievous grin at that.

“Songs and stories and warm fuzzy feelings~!” he said in a little jingle, making Momo’s grin widen, while Chrys wore a look of disgust.

“No songs,” she said flatly. This was one thing she wasn’t going to budge on. Ever.

“Stories it is then!” he exclaimed, before leaning close to Aegis, “Let’s start with the nest of flaremanders a certain changeling led us to.”

“Y- You don’t need to share that story!” Chrys insisted, faintly blushing, getting a conflicted look from the guard as his eyes switched between the two.

“You heard Her Highness,” Aegis replied, ending the awkward pause that was him considering the notion, far longer than Chrys was comfortable with.

“Alright then, how about a Hearth’s Warming story instead?” Dud asked, getting a quick nod from Chrys, making the yellow stallion smile wide as he took to the air. And thus their night of celebration began. Bellies were filled with warm sweet-potato stew. Voices were loud with tales, pony and changeling in origin being traded. And though the young queen was putting on a stubborn front, she couldn’t hide her smile.

And it wasn’t long before their stories shifted to reflection, as they looked back on what they’d been through ever since Mantis returned to the hive, almost two months ago. Their battles in the torrential rain. The company they shared with a mother snake and her children. The trials through the mountain. The destruction of Thundercloud, and the recovery and direction they found in Dodge. It all felt like it had happened just yesterday, yet at the same time felt a lifetime away. They laughed at their blunders, and the close calls. Because after everything was said and done, they made it. Canter Town was singing, and their hearts were close enough to hear.

As the night wore on, stories faded, being replaced with pride and the crackling of fire as the holiday gradually came to a close. Yet, through all the celebration, mirth, and pride, Chrys constantly found herself giving quick glances to the mountain looming ahead of them, to the lights of the castle. Tomorrow, she would meet the Princess of the Moon. And Chrysalis, was ready.

25. Between the Princess and the Queen

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The carriage lurched to a stop, making Chrys’s ear perk up. Glancing out one of the windows, she confirmed her assumption, so she took a deep breath, and stepped outside. Before the lavish cart, stood Luna’s castle. With the wagon's door facing away from it, Chrys found herself staring out at the Equestrian vista upon exiting.

To the left, hugging the sides of the mountain, was a line of wealthy looking estates. Homes that Chrys felt wouldn’t be too out of place, compared to her carriage. Looking to the right, far, far below, she could see Canter Town. It made her heart skip a beat. The last time she was this high, was in Thundercloud. South, far beyond the town, she could see a large dark forest, seemingly untouched by winter. The heavy greens stood out from the white, snow painted lands, making the young Queen’s gaze linger as she took it in.

Moving to the front, her eyes rose to the castle. A structure of white stone that stood taller than any other building the changeling had seen, it gave off a sense of pride that even she could appreciate. The castle had two spires. One that popped out of the mountain, as if half the castle was embedded inside the pillar to the heavens. The other was perched out over the far side, almost standing free of the castle, presenting a wide view of the lands around to anypony perched on top.

Chrys then looked to what was immediately ahead of her. The holiday adorned iron gates were open, with a pair of silver armored guards to each side standing quietly, their eyes looking off, as if there was nothing around worth their attention. Taking all this in, Chrys came to Aegis’s side as he freed himself from the carriage.

If the long climb up the mountain drained him, he hid it terribly well. She’d thought they’d have been here sooner. Indeed, reaching Canter Town took only an hour since setting out at dawn, but the climb had proven time consuming. It was now past midday. She heard Dud and Momo landing a pace behind her as she looked into the courtyard.

Was she supposed to simply walk inside?

She didn’t ask the question out loud, choosing to put it into action instead; she moved forward. The guards continued looking on quietly as she and the others entered the castle grounds unimpeded. As with everywhere else, the grounds were blanketed with a small layer of snow. There were buried bushes and small mounds of hidden life: the castle garden. The garden was also home to statues. Well crafted figures, that brought to mind what the young Queen saw back in the broken mountain. Only, instead of changelings, these were of ponies.

Well, mostly. There was a regally dressed minotaur that was posed heroically, as well as a stuffy looking griffin that was looking down on the garden around. There was even a tribal looking zebra, holding a sharp looking spear. While interesting, they didn’t draw her attention much. Her eyes were on the castle looming before her-

Her steps faltered when her eyes fell on a strange statue. It had a long, serpentine body, with a scaly tail, a feathery middle and a furry top. Each limb, including its two horns and wings, seemed to come from completely different creatures. A statue that seemed more like an expression of art than some tribute to history. The oddity was posed as if it were singing. For some reason, Chrys felt uneasy staring at it. It felt like it was staring right back at her.

“Highness?” Aegis asked, the first words spoken since they began their climb.

“It’s nothing,” she said, pulling her eyes from the statue, pushing the odd moment out of her mind as she continued on. She took notice of another set of guards standing at the main door of the castle, which towered over them. This time, it was a trio. The soldier in the center was shorter than the others, but he wore golden armor, and carried an aura of command about him.

Chrys couldn’t help but note that she was the same height as he, a fact that wouldn’t have held true a week ago. Even she was surprised by her growth. Her hunger had lessened as well over the last few days, reaching something closer to what a normal pony would eat. Chrys was quite happy for her height. No changeling would ever confuse her for a hatchling ever again. The weakening hunger left her with the impression that the spurt was winding down. Still, she was really hoping that she’d end up being a little taller than Momo when it ended.

Queenly growth-spurts aside, she climbed the stairs, eyes forward. She was here, and she was ready-

Out of habit, or perhaps as a display of dominance, she locked eyes with the distinguished guard in center, finding not a pony standing there, but a changeling in disguise. Chrys paused, her determination tripping over confusion. Aegis noticed the drone as well, stepping closer to Chrys as her mind began to race. A changeling, here? It didn’t take long, only a moment, for it to click. Ghost. The title given to the most covertly capable changeling. A soldier, spy, that Mantis called on for details about Princess Luna. A changeling that had infiltrated the very home of the Princess. A spy whom Chrys had completely forgotten about, with everything that’d happened since escaping Mantis. A changeling Darrin had suggested she find.

“Greetings, Queen Chrysalis,” Ghost said in a neutral tone, giving a small bow, which his pony subordinates immediately mirrored. “My name is Olive, captain of the Royal Guard, Princess Luna’s personal soldiers. I’m here for any questions you seek answered before your audience with Her Highness, and to guide you through the castle.” Chrys's eyes narrowed at him. Was he one of Mantis’s lackeys? Did he share the same sentiments? Was he a threat to everything Chrys wanted? Was he a threat to her? She found herself unable to keep the questions to herself, voicing the one that would raise the least suspicion.

“Tell me, Olive, will we be safe here?” she asked in a wary tone, getting a small nod from him.

“I shall personally see to it,” he replied. There was no emotion to his reply, only cold words.

“Fine. I have no other questions for you. I want to speak to Princess Luna. Immediately.”

“Understood, Highness.” With that, the other guards opened the large door, and Ghost started inside. Chrys watched him for a moment, before glancing to Aegis. She was safe with him close. Well, safe from Ghost that is. With that in mind, she followed Luna's 'royal guard', the others a pace behind her.

Coming in from a snow bleached mountain, she didn’t find the interior of the castle any less bright. It was almost amusing, how different it was from the dark halls and tunnels she grew up in. At least, she would have found it amusing, if it weren’t for the spy and what he represented. Captain of the Royal Guard. That meant that Luna trusted him. He was in the perfect position to undermine Equestria. But, that very same position also meant he could easily undermine what Chrysalis had in mind.

What was she supposed to do about him? Expose him to Luna? Convince him that Mantis was the threat to the hive, and not her? Work him on to her side? Could she even trust him if she managed that? If he could fool the ruler of Equestria, then couldn’t he do the same to her? These questions hounded her, a solution to deal with Ghost avoiding her grasp. It was starting to aggravate her. Thankfully, an odd distraction stumbled into them.

The sound of glass breaking made everyone stop, looking to Dud. A pegasus wearing a long white coat had stumbled into the sunny stallion, dropping a bottle filled with a purple liquid. The mare had a very tired look to her, with deep shadows under her eyes as she looked at the mess in confusion.

“Oh horsefeathers,” she mumbled, before becoming aware of the others. Her face deepened in shade as she took a hesitant step back, “We have visitors?” she asked. Chrys could swear she heard Ghost let out a sigh.

“Pestle, go to bed,” Ghost said sternly, getting a frown from the mare, whom Dud was giving an appraising look.

“You go to tired, because I’m not bed,” Pestle replied, making Dud smile. The confused mare then blinked, “Wait, oh…” she let out, noticing the mess again. “S- Sorry.” She let out a long yawn. “Welcome to Luna’s castle,” she mumbled, looking over Chrys and the others, before lifting with a weak flap, and hovered off, leaving the mess behind.

“That was…?” Dud asked curiously, getting a bothered look from the captain.

“Lady Pestle The Flask, Princess Luna’s knight. There will be a more ... proper, introduction later,” he said dismissively, before indicating a long hallway ahead of them, with another set of decorated doors at the end. “Her embarrassing display aside, this here is where the others shall wait,” he said, looking to Chrys, catching her by surprise. “I shall escort you to the door, but everypony, and buffalo, must wait here.”

“Unacceptable,” Aegis said sternly, getting a neutral, yet commanding look from the guard.

“Aegis was it?” he asked with a raised eyebrow, “This is the Princess’s wish. She wants to speak with Chrysalis alone.” The young Queen considered that for a moment, before looking to Aegis.

“Don’t worry. I can go the rest of the way myself,” she said sternly, making the guard give her a troubled look.

“You’re not to face danger alone,” he said adamantly, making Ghost let out a mock cough.

“Danger you say?” he asked, “If you cannot trust Luna’s protectors, then how can we expect you to trust Her Highness?” His question made Chrys blink, before giving him a hard glare. She looked from him to the door on the far wall, considering it all for a moment.

They’d have a brief window together, Ghost and her, alone. Would he gain anything by attacking her? He’d most likely lose his cover if he did, and Aegis would stop him before he really accomplished anything against her. Thinking this, Chrys looked to her guardian.

“Aegis, I haven’t forgotten what you said. Don’t worry.”

“You’re sure?” he asked, getting a nod from her.

“I need to take a leap of faith,” she replied, glancing to Dud, who gave her an assuring grin, “I’ll be fine.”

“I … understand, Your Highness,” Aegis replied, looking uncomfortable with leaving her alone, but giving her a respectful nod.

“Well, Olive, lead the way,” she said. He gave her a small bow, before heading down the hall. His back was exposed to her. A fact that wasn’t lost on the young Queen. She followed, her eyes locked on him. They walked past murals on the walls. Windows of stained glass. The floor was soft and carpeted. All of this registered in the back of her mind. Not a word was exchanged between them as they walked.

In unison, they stopped at the door. Chrys felt a chill run down her spine as he glanced over his shoulder towards her. He was radiating a sense of caution.

“We will talk later,” he whispered, so quietly that she almost missed it. He then turned towards her, the danger he instilled vanishing as he adorned his neutral mask. “Queen Chrysalis, I present you to the Princess of Equestria, Luna,” he said, bowing towards the door, motioning a hoof towards it. Chrys eyed it expectantly for a moment, thinking it would open itself for her. It quickly became clear to her that it wasn’t going to do so, looking to Ghost with an annoyed expression.

“You expect me to open it?” she asked, getting a small nod from him.

“That is what Princess Luna wished. I was simply to walk you down the path. It’s up to you to open the door, and manage the consequences for it.” Chrys blinked at him, his words conjuring up a great weight on her shoulders. However, compared to everything that had come before, it might as well be a feather. If Princess Luna wanted her to jump through this trivial hoop, then fine, she’d humor the Princess. If only because she must. Besides, it wasn’t like she was going to let herself be stopped by a closed door. Horn glowing, she swung the doors wide, stepping into the throne room in the same action.

It somehow proved to be even more spectacular than the rest of the castle. The red carpet lined forward. The walls to either side had colorful tapestries draped over tall windows. The ceiling was arched, painted with a mural of the heavens, with the sun and moon radiating beams of light to either end. The corners of the room were accented with a golden hue. All of it together drew a line towards the throne, leaving no doubt to where one’s attention was directed.

There she sat, on her silver throne. A matching tiara, shoes and necklace was all she wore, and it accented her dark blue coat and flowing starlit mane perfectly. She was a head taller than the average pony, but to Chrys’s surprise, still shorter than Amber or one of the hive’s royal guards. Luna was composed, dignified, proud and regal. She looked at Chrys coolly, her eyes judging, instilling in Chrys a feeling of lacking, yet at the same time, a sense of welcome.

First with Canter Town and now its Princess, Chrys couldn’t deny that you haven’t truly seen something until you’ve seen it with your own eyes. No dream could do the Moon Princess justice. She radiated a presence about her that kept Chrys from advancing. It wasn’t one of power or domination, like Mantis had called upon months ago. It was an aura of experience, understanding, compassion, and a sense of good will. Benevolence.

Chrys was snapped out of her awe at the sound of the doors closing behind her. She had a strong urge to look back, but she didn’t indulge it. Doing such a thing was a show of weakness. Thinking that, she continued forward, her steps muffled by the carpet. As she made her approach, she kept her eyes on Luna, and she on hers.

Halfway through the room, she found her gaze start edging in on Luna’s heart. Chrys hesitated, but only for a moment. She wanted the ability to shapeshift into an alicorn, and she was curious to what she’d find in the royal’s heart. So she took a dive, and peered inside. And what a dive it was, for within Luna’s heart housed a kingdom. Ponies of all kinds. Animals. Griffins. Zebra. Even a dragon or two. Luna’s heart was populated beyond anything Chrys ever considered possible. There were those she loved beyond count. Many were dark, departed from their mortal coils, yet in her heart they persisted. It was almost too much for the young Queen. She had to close her eyes, before her mind ended up getting lost in the countless faces, names, and identities.

She blinked, her breathing heavy as she realized she was looking at the carpet. How long she’d been standing there, she couldn’t honestly say. She found herself unable to look up. She thought she was ready to deal with this. Ready to talk to Princess Luna. She certainly did a good job convincing herself of that. But now it was beyond clear to Chrysalis.

This mare before her was not a normal pony. The idea of her being able to move the sun and moon suddenly became a frighteningly real possibility to her. Honestly, at this point, the fact that Luna was an alicorn seemed almost an afterthought. Just what was Chrysalis, compared to that?

An image of Amber came to mind, a warm smile on her lips.

Chrysalis looked up. The gap between her and Luna didn't matter. She still had to do what she must, to protect those she loved. She blinked again, her determination being traded in for confusion. The Princess was eyeing her with a concerned look. Chrys’s confusion turned to annoyance. Honestly, crossing a room shouldn’t be this hard!

She continued her march, and nothing else impeded her. She stopped at the stairs to the raised platform the throne rested on. Then, she bowed. Nopony told her to do it. She hadn’t seen another pony bow to Luna. Yet, it felt right, like it was what was supposed to happen in this situation. Luna bowed in response, and in unison, the two raised their heads. Luna’s horn glowed, and a small, lavish cushion was placed several paces from her throne. In the same motion, a small tray on a well crafted wooden cart wheeled out from behind the throne. A steaming teapot and two cups rested on it.

“Well met, Princess Chrysalis,” Luna began, her voice soft and warm. “Or, is it Queen now?” she asked, a hint of intrigue in her voice as she presented the seat, which Chrys coolly accepted.

“Yes, it’s Queen Chrysalis,” she replied, keeping a confident tone as she looked to the ruler of ponies. “Thank you for the audience, Princess Luna. There’s a great deal for us to discuss.”

“Indeed there is, but before that, may I ask how you became a Queen?” she inquired, making Chrys blink. Of all the questions she’d conjured up in preparation for this meeting, that wasn’t among them.

“I am Queen, for I was born to be one,” she replied resolutely, getting a considering look from the alicorn.

“Anypony can be born with a title, but, nopony is born a ruler. It’s something you grow into.”

“Well, I was born to be one,” Chrys replied sternly, giving Luna a small frown. “Whether I wanted to or not.”

“Oh? And you’d rather not?” Luna asked, making the young Queen falter.

“That’s not what I meant.”

“As I’ve come to see it, there’s nothing wrong with not wanting it. Being a Queen can be harder than being a Princess. And neither is a task just anypony can take up.” Chrys tilted her head at that. There was a difference?

“What do you mean?”

“A Princess guides. A Queen rules." Chrys was left with the impression that Luna was quoting somepony. "As a Princess, I look over all of ponydom, helping when the need calls for it. But, for the most part, Equestria runs itself. I just offer a guiding hoof. However, a Queen holds absolute authority. Any blunder of hers trickles down to the kingdom, and the source of the blunder is always found at the top.” Luna then nodded to herself, “It’s easier to gain contempt and mistrust, as a Queen.” Chrys’s brow furrowed at that, Mantis’s contempt for Amber immediately came to mind, souring the young Queen’s mood. “However, as a Queen, it is also easy to gain love and respect,” Chrys blinked at that.

“So wait, are you saying it’s better to be a Princess, than a Queen?” Chrys asked with a raised eyebrow, making Luna shake her head.

“Better or worse is a matter of circumstance and opinion. As a Queen, there’s no filter between your actions, and how they move the hearts of your ponies. I’m simply saying that I can see it being harder than being a Princess. Though, in all honesty, I can’t say for certain, as Equestria’s never had a Queen.” Luna then glanced to the paned windows, “To be frank, Princess or Queen, both are rather difficult stations to take up.”

“I, I can agree to that,” Chrys replied, her chest aching at what happened to Momo at Thundercloud. What happened to Dud in the mountain. What Mantis tried to do with her clutchings back at the hive. What happened to Bulwark… And that was just the weight of four lives under her crown. The young Queen found herself picturing what Amber must have gone through over the centuries of her reign. The famines, pain, and desperation that led to this moment. Chrys then took in Luna, imagining what the Princess must have gone through. Such as the loss of four towns…

“Let’s change the subject,” Luna added, getting a flat look from Chrys as the Princess’s horn glowed. “Tea?” she asked, indicating the pot as she started filling one of the cups. It had a sweet, apple-like smell to it. Chrys politely declined. The changeling then realized that nothing she came to voice had been spoken yet. “Did you enjoy your trek through Equestria?” the Princess asked, getting a flustered look from Chrys.

“Yes. I mean, no.” Chrys then shook her head, “It was peaceful, mostly, but cold.”

“I suppose winter isn’t necessary in The Badlands. But in Equestria, winter is an important part of life’s cycle,” Luna explained. Chrys considered it for a moment, before giving the alicorn a bothered look.

“Why did you even ask? You had your Shadowbolts watching me the whole time after all,” she pointed out, making Luna tilt her head.

“Just idle curiosity. They may have watched you, but that doesn’t make me omniscient. As the Princess of Equestria, I am your hostess during your stay in our lands. Is it not fair to know if I am doing a good job?” she asked, her voice carrying a tone of feigned hurt.

“Yes, I guess,” Chrys replied, before her eyes narrowed at her. “Princess Luna, just what’s the point of these questions?” she asked, “I came here to talk to you about peace, and yet you keep throwing all these- these- small trivialities at me!”

“Well, it is just small talk. Something to break the ice,” Luna replied casually.

Small talk!? Small talk is about the weather or how the tea was or-” Chrys caught herself from making a hive related comment. “Th- This is not small talk.”

“Oh?” the Princess replied, tilting her head, “I find this quite common when talking to individuals of importance. Would you expect small talk between two leaders to be anything but normal?”

“There you go again! Stop with those pointless questions!”

“You really think they’re pointless?” she asked, taking a sip of her tea. Chrys could catch a grin being hidden behind that sip!

“S- Stop doing that,” Chrys insisted, ears falling as she came to realize the truth in Luna’s smile. Chrys had absolutely no control over the conversation.

“Very well,” Luna replied, placing her cup down, making Chrys blink in surprise. “Since small talk is over, let’s move on to the matter at hoof.” Chrys eyed her for a moment in disbelief. Is she toying with me? Whatever, just keep moving forward!

“Y- Yes, well,” Chrys replied, quickly regaining her composure, “I wish for peace between my people and Equestria.” The Princess nodded in agreement.

“As would I,” she replied, a determined light shining in her eyes, “Such a thing would be … difficult, as long as you hold the ponies of Thundercloud in your custody.”

“Yes, of course,” Chrys replied, letting out a sigh of relief now that the conversation was on the topics she had prepared herself for. “I can return them to you, and I can also compensate for what’s happened to Thundercloud.” Luna raised an eyebrow.

“And just how would a young Queen without a kingdom of her own manage that?” Chrys was caught off guard by Luna’s assumption. It was a fair one to make, considering the circumstances, but she hadn’t expected the Princess to brazenly point it out. It kind of annoyed her.

“I can convince the Queen in charge of the Badland Pegasi, Queen Amber, to go along with it.” Luna’s eyes shifted at hearing Amber’s name, a note of curiosity in her gaze.

“Amber you say… Ah yes, and you need my help because of Mantis. Your father.” Chrys frowned at Luna, her composure tossed aside as she rose to her hooves, stepping closer to the Princess.

“Never call him that again!” she demanded. Her eyes then widened at her own outburst. Luna was taken aback. “I, I’m sorry. I- That is- There, there is no love between us,” Chrys assured, slowing sitting back down, face blushing slightly.

“Clearly,” Luna replied, her ears falling briefly. “He was the one that sent the dragon to hunt you?”

“Yes, that’s right,” Chrys replied, finally regaining her composure. “He wants war. It’s one reason he attacked Thundercloud. And, he’s managed to keep my hooves tied in preventing it.” Until now that is. She then smiled. All he had now to threaten her was Darrin, and she trusted that her clutchling was capable of keeping out of Mantis’s fangs.

“So, I help you lock up Mantis, and everything is settled?” Luna asked skeptically, getting a nod from Chrys.

“With Mantis out of the way, everything else will be easy.”

“Then, unlike Mantis, you have a good relationship with your mother,” Luna said flatly, getting a surprised look from Chrys. “A Queen mothers a Princess, who grows to be Queen. Am I wrong?”

“No. We’re very close.” There was no shame in her heart for admitting that to the Princess.

“Very well then,” Luna replied, adopting a considering look, “I’ll take your request under consideration,” she added, making Chrys blink.

Under consideration?” she asked flatly, “Didn’t you want peace!?”

“Yes. I also want answers,” Luna replied, giving the young Queen a stern look. “Ever since Thundercloud was attacked, all I’ve had are questions. Some of them, I gained answers to. But, I want to hear what you have to offer.” Chrys faltered at Luna’s revelation.

She had answers? What secrets did she know? Was it a bluff? Chrys could only ponder as the Princess continued. “Chrysalis, you and your nation are wrapped in a web of secrets. Am I to trust my resources to you to tackle a warmonger simply on faith, when you offer nothing to build a bond of trust?”

“H- Hey, what of me!?” Chrys replied defensively, “I’ve taken my own leap of faith coming into this room alone, with you!”

“Was it really a leap?” Luna asked asked with a skeptical look, “I’ve known where you’ve been ever since you were carried to Dodge. My word has protected you in more ways than you realize. I invited you here alone so you could speak openly without fearing unwelcome ears. I have given you my show of trust, yet it’s you who is offering nothing in return, other than your word.” She said it all calmly, but Chrys couldn’t help but feel guilty all the same. “You asked why I showered you with pointless questions. It was because I wanted to learn more of you. After all, second hoof accounts from an, eccentric, pegasus can only convey so much.” Chrys looked at her for a moment in disbelief. She then shifted uncomfortably on the cushion as she glanced to the side.

“...What did you learn?” she asked hesitantly.

“That you’re impatient.” Chrys winced at that, “Paranoid. Inexperienced. And unrefined,” she divvied out, raising an eyebrow as Chrys frowned at that floor. “But, you’re also brave. Determined. Loyal. Curious. And I suspect, compromising.” Well, now Chrys was blushing.

“You got all of that from ‘simple small talk’?” she asked, getting a nod from the Princess.

“I see in your eyes somepony that wants to protect what they love. We can be driven to actions we wouldn’t want to take protect such things. Would there be any other reason for you to leave home and seek my audience?” Chrys frowned at that.

“I was forced to leave, because of Mantis. I simply worked with it to help my moth- my kingdom.”

“Ahh, and you’re resourceful,” Luna added with a grin. “Surely you’ve learned more of me from this exchange too, have you not?” Chrys nodded. Though, if she were being frank with the Princess, she learned most of the important things about Luna when she looked into her eyes. “So, back to the matter at hoof,” she said, looking at Chrys expectantly.

The young Queen hesitated, glancing to the side. She had prepared herself to tell Luna about changelings, but with Ghost being added to the mix, she found herself unable to speak it. Not without dealing with the drone first. But, she couldn’t just walk away from this without giving the Princess something in return. The Shadowbolts played their part in the fight with Sledge, and Luna made their time in Dodge easier, a fact that made Momo’s recovery run smoother. Chrys couldn’t stand the idea of leaving her first encounter with Luna without giving the Princess something to form some mutual trust over. But, what could she give?

Everything Luna didn’t know about the Badland Pegasi could be explained with the changeling revelation. Explaining Hope meant little without revealing the changeling secret. Giving away the attack on Canter Town wasn’t an option. She had some trust for the Princess, but not nearly enough for that. Was there really nothing she could give her?

Luna looked over the pondering Queen, a hint of disappointment in her eyes. “I understand if you’re not ready,” she said, her words instilling a feeling of shame and failure in Chrys. “This is, after all, our first meeting. One I admit I wasn’t entirely prepared for, as I was expecting your arrival tomorrow.” She then adopted a considering look, “Forming alliances and agreements takes some time, and you haven’t had a moment to rest from your journey,” she added, giving Chrys an assuring smile. Chrys found no strength from it, not for Luna’s effort. “Olive can show you to your rooms. You are of course free to leave the castle at any time.”

“I … I get the feeling that this meeting is over,” Chrys said, her chest hurting at the growing pit in her heart.

“Only if you allow it to be,” the Princess replied. Chrys looked to her, mouth hanging open, words hanging on her lips. We’re changelings. We need love to live. We don’t need ponies anymore. It’ll all be okay. We don’t need to fight! But, in her mind’s eye, Mantis’s shadow loomed over her, a shadow named Ghost.

“...I need time to think. I’ll have a reply for you tomorrow,” Chrys choked out, her head low as she turned around.

“I look forward to it,” Luna replied, a weak smile on her lips as the young Queen started back across the room.

Her first meeting with the Princess, one where she was going to leave a good impression, and gain a powerful ally to aid her in peace, ended with nothing more than disappointment, and it was all because of Mantis’s machinations. Even if it was something the cursed drone hadn’t intended, Ghost’s presence had stayed her hoof. She’d lost. Even this far away from home, was she not allowed freedom from his malice? It was at that moment, when Chrys realized how daunting a task it was that loomed before her. Mantis had spearheaded the destruction of four Equestrian towns. A simple alliance and apology wasn’t going to undo that damage-

Chrys blinked, eyes widening as she stopped, her journey ending halfway between the Princess, and the exit. She turned back to Luna, a fire lit in her eyes. She did have something to give.

“Princess Luna, it was the Badland Pegasi that destroyed Tampa Neigh, Iron Trot, and Neighgarou,” she said resolutely. She didn’t find surprise in Luna’s eyes, only sadness.

“I see..." Luna replied, glancing to the side, "I knew that was the case. Still, I wish you hadn’t admitted to it,” she said, her ears falling, “How can I convince my subjects of peace when they learn the truth?” she asked. Chrys simply took a step forward.

“They’re all still alive!” the young Queen added. Well, all but a certain stallion. That caught Princess Luna by surprise.

“You- You mean to tell me that the ponies of those towns, families and friends, still live?” she asked, raising from her throne, a cautious, yet hopeful note in her voice.

“Yes. We have them. They’re safe,” Chrys assured, “We needed them to gather food, but on the way here, I found a better way. When everything’s settled down and we have peace, we’ll be able to return them.” This was it. This was the answer she found, filling the young Queen’s eyes the flame of purpose. That fire briefly sputtered. Luna was holding a hoof over her mouth, her eyes were wet.

“They’re alive…” the Princess repeated, giving the young Queen a teary, bright smile. A smile Luna hadn’t had a chance to indulge in since Tampa Neigh fell into the sea. A smile that signified a great weight on her shoulders being lifted.

After several seconds, she wiped her eyes, before regaining her composure. “My, My apologies, Chrysalis, that was news I wasn’t expecting.” She took several deep breaths, before considering the Queen. “So, it was a matter of food. I’m sure you had your reasons for why you did it, which I’d like to hear.” She then shook her head, “But not right now,” as she said that, something about her seemed to change. Chrys couldn’t pin down what, but for some reason, the Princess now felt more like a regular pony than some powerful leader. She then motioned to the tea, walking away from her throne, levitating its cushion, as well as the one Chrys used to her side. “We still have some time. Tell me, good Queen, would you indulge me with more small talk?” she asked, a small smile on her face, getting a confused look from Chrys.

“Why? Didn’t you get what you wanted?” Luna chuckled at that.

“Yes. More than I ever hoped. But, I was the one asking all the questions. Surely you have some of your own? Or, would you rather keep things at hoof's length between us?” Chrys was not expecting to hear that, nor the brief glimmer of love that came from it. The Princess walked up to her, placing both cushions on the carpet, before sitting down before Chrys. The young Queen frowned at her.

“How am I supposed to refuse after you go and sit in front of me like this?” she asked, trying to hide her flustered state with annoyance.

“It shouldn’t be too hard for a Queen such as yourself to refuse,” Luna replied, giving her a sly smile.

“Hmph. I suppose it would be rude to just leave you alone like this, since you clearly want my attention,” Chrys then cleared her throat, “Very well, Princess Luna—”

“Just Luna is fine,” the Princess said with a disarming smile, making Chrys blush.

“Wh- Whatever. Luna, since you want me to stay, I’ll indulge you. But, just this once!” Luna chuckled at that.

“I consider myself quite fortunate for it,” she replied. Chrys hesitated, before resuming her seat. This time, she didn’t refuse the tea. It was quite good. Easily the best she’d tasted.

“What kind of tea is this?” Chrys asked, getting a small laugh from the Princess, which made Chrys blush, “What’s so funny!?”

“Nothing, it’s nothing,” Luna assured, getting a bothered look from the young Queen, “It’s Honeycrisp leaf. It’s rare to have this time of year.”

“It’s really good,” Chrys replied. Her eyes then widened as she took another sip. It dawned on her just how small her small talk question was. Come on Chrys, you can do better than that! “You said that you guide Equestria. So, there’s nopony in charge?” Luna nodded at that. “How does Equestria even function?” she asked incredulously, getting a considering look from Luna.

“Ponies seek out a life of happiness in the system I’ve provided. If you want to make a lot of bits making clothes, then you can. If you want to make a name for yourself as a painter, you can. Ponies work for money and power, or fame and renown, or simply for prosperity itself.” Luna then nodded to herself, “Those that work for power create an infrastructure for those that follow them to pursue. They ultimately become the nobility, ponies that hold great wealth and sway in Equestria. Their power creates a platform for those seeking fame. Become the greatest at what you do, and the nobility with take notice of you, and shower you with attention. But, all of this cannot stand without the efforts of those that seek prosperity. The hard worker that sweats everyday with a smile on their lips, proud to provide, not just for themselves, but their friends and family and community. Together, these three different faces of Equestria work together. It’s something of a balancing act, keeping it all working in harmony. That, is what I do. In a sense, my job is to be Equestria’s wealthiest, most famous, most prosperous figure. I use the funds gathered from my rule and wisdom to balance the economy. I use my influence and smile to keep the greed of the nobility in check, and I stand as a goal for those seeking fame to reach. Become the best at what you dream of, and you shall catch Princess Luna’s eye. Through it all, I give my ponies the right of free will, to do what they wish, in the manner they wish. I enable my subjects to reach out for their hopes, and dreams. That, is how I guide Equestria.”

“...That sounds like a lot of work,” Chrys admitted, trying to picture such a thing, which made Luna chuckle.

“I've found ways of making it easier. Such as surrounding myself with capable ponies who have Equestria’s interests at heart.”

“Wouldn’t it all fall apart if something happened to you?”

“No, not immediately,” Luna said, taking a small sip from her tea. “It should hold without me for a few years. Plenty of time for a replacement to stand up and take up the weight.”

“That’s not a very convincing assumption.”

“Well, I would like to assume that I have at least another five centuries of guiding this land left in me,” Luna replied with a knowing smile, getting a confused look from Chrys.

“And what do you base that on?”

“A good feeling,” Luna replied, getting a flat look from Chrys. “What?”

“Sounds like wishful thinking to me. Being an optimist like that is gonna bite you in the flank, you know.”

“Oh? Speaking from experience?” Luna asked in a teasing tone, making Chrys shake her head fervently.

“N- No, that’s just how life is!” she replied defensively.

“Yes, I suppose there are times when life can be cruel,” Luna replied, before giving Chrys a very sweet smile, “And sometimes, you find out that a large number of ponies you once thought dead, are still alive.” Chrys found herself blushing again. This title-less Luna was proving to be harder to manage for the young Queen.

“I- I guess you have a point,” Chrys replied, before burying her nose into her tea, downing the rest of it in quick succession. She then flinched at the sound of a loud bell ringing, making Luna glance over to one of the walls. A well cared for grandfather clock was the source of the sound, a device Chrys had never seen before, and it’s ringing brought on a sigh from the Princess.

“It seems we’re out of time,” Luna said, looking a little disappointed to call it early as she put her tea down. Still, she kept wearing her bright smile. “But, I think we can agree that this was a very productive encounter, no?” Luna asked, getting an agreeing nod from Chrys. “Well, shall we continue this tomorrow? Along with more serious matters?”

“Yes, I’d like that,” Chrys quickly replied, before blinking, “Since it’s necessary,” she added, adopting a mock hard look, which Luna countered with a grin.

“Of course. Thank you, for trusting me with your secret. I do hope you’ll enjoy your stay in Equestria as we smooth things out with your people.” Luna then rose to her hooves, which Chrys quickly mirrored. They then bowed to each other. “Till next time, Queen Chrysalis.” Chrys frowned at that, glancing to the side for a moment.

“Chrys is fine. If you want me calling you Luna, then you can call me Chrys.” She then raised a hoof, “Only when we’re alone!” she quickly added, getting an understanding nod from the Princess.

“I’ll leave you to your companions. I’m sure there’s much you wish to tell them,” Luna replied, getting a nod from the young Queen. She then turned around, looking to the large double doors, before continuing on her way. Luna couldn’t see it, but Chrys was wearing a very accomplished grin.

She did it! She gave Luna hope. And not just that, there was something else she was taking from this meeting. Though, what that was, Chrys hadn’t realized yet. It wasn’t part of the plan, but Chrys was glad it came about. Now, the door to peace was open. As she was about to leave the throne room, a curiosity came to mind. A small thing, a question she’d nearly forgotten, that had ultimately led her here, to this moment of triumph. Before opening the doors, she turned to the Princess.

“Luna, is it true that you can move the sun and moon?” she inquired, making the Princess tilt her head.

“Would you care to watch my magic at work, at sundown?” she asked, catching the young Queen by surprise.

“I- Yes, please.”

“Be close, and I’ll send for you.”

“Right. I’m not heading out. Not today. Thank you, Luna.”

“Thank you, Chrysalis, for this opportunity.” With that, the young Queen left the throne room. Her steps were filled with energy, and there was a proud, happy smile on her face.

26. Changeling Developments

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It wasn’t long after Chrys entered the throne room to talk to Luna, before Aegis was pacing. A fact that Momo and Dud shared a grin over, their eyes following the ‘buffalo’ on his nervous stride.

“Don’t worry Aegis,” Dud said, “Chrys will be just fine. In fact, she’s probably in the safest place in all of Equestria!” The protector gave the pony an annoyed look.

“Words aren’t going to make me less … concerned.”

“I can understand the feeling,” Ghost said flatly, getting mixed looks from the others. He was standing between Aegis and the far end of the hall, unmoving, and un-intimidated by Aegis’s size. “The meeting won’t take long. Princess Luna’s been exceptionally busy these days, and you know why.” He then nodded to himself. “You’ll see your Queen shortly enough.” Aegis looked like he wanted to comment on the accuracy concerning Chrys being ‘his’ queen.

“Yah think it’s goin’ smooth-like?” a haughty voice asked, drawing everyone's eyes to a familiar Shadowbolt, who landed in their midst.

“You’re … Murmur?” Momo asked, getting a nod from the mare.

“Right you are love! So, how’s it goin’?” the pegasus asked, glancing to the throne room.

“Pretty well,” Dud said confidently, getting an agreeing nod from Momo.

“Ahhh!” Aegis let out in an irritated huff, “How can you be so sure?” he asked, making his companions share a look.

“A good feeling!” they said in unison, getting an unamused look from the guard.

“Aho~? What’s this then?” Murmur asked, looking at Momo and Dud intently, “Talkin’ like that makes me wonder. You two an item now?” she asked with a playful grin, making the pair blink, caught unaware by the sudden question. “I think yah are!” she added in a victorious tone. “You two really cozied up after that fight in Dodge, didn’t yah?”

“Y- You saw that!?” Momo asked, her face flushing.

“‘Course we did! Woulda butt in too, but I thought it’d be rude to intrude~” Dud wore a troubled look at hearing that, making him glance to the side. He then noticed a maid cleaning up the shattered potion on the floor, prompting him to pounce at the opportunity to change topic.

“So Pestle, she’s an alchemist?” he asked, looking to Ghost.

“As a matter of—” Ghost began.

“Yah saw Pestle?” Murmur interrupted, getting an annoyed look from the spy. The mare then noticed the mess on the floor, which she unwittingly stepped in. “Caught yer eye, did she?” she asked, casually wiping her hoof off her uniform as she gave Dud a knowing look.

“Well, yes,” he replied flatly. Murmur’s playful look shifted to surprise.

“Wait, she did?” Momo asked in a guarded tone, making the sunny pegasus look at her, confused.

“Well yeah. If she’s an alchemist, maybe she can help?” he asked, making Momo tilt her head. Murmur eyed the sunny pegasus for a moment, before she glanced to the side, looking as if something fun had slipped from her grasp.

“Aye, she’s an alchemist,” Murmur replied. “Made a potion that helped me back after that fight in the forest. Really eased the pain and set things straight.” She then gave them a sly grin. “Bit shy, but she’s got quite a mouth if yah can win her over!”

“When she’s not half awake, that is,” Ghost interjected, getting a considering look from Dud.

“Hmmm. I wonder if she could mimic nectar?” he asked out loud, making Momo, Aegis, and even Ghost blink.

“Nectar? You mean, like, from plants?” Murmur asked, making Dud give a hesitant not.

“It’s a food the Badland Pegasi need,” he explained, “Having more of it would help make peace.” Momo was watching him intently as he explained, the idea rolling through her head, before giving him a big grin.

“Dud, that’s a great idea!” she exclaimed. “We should ask her!” Ghost raised an eyebrow at that.

“Tell me,” he began, “Mr. Gust—”

“I prefer Dud.”

“Mr. Dud, how did you come to aid the Queen?”

“It’s quite the story!” he replied excitedly, before his ears briefly fell, “Which I can’t entirely tell. The short, secret free version is that I was a prisoner, and we talked for a little bit. Chrys wanted to get away from Mantis, and she needed a guide to Equestria.” Dud then tilted his head, “I guess she trusted me more than any of Amber’s soldiers.”

“Dud, wait till she’s back,” Momo said, giving Ghost a hard look, which confused the sunny pegasus, “So, Murmur, where’s the other one?” Momo asked, turning the topic away from Ghost’s inquiries, “You know, the batpony?” She’d know his name if she looked into Murmur’s heart, but she wasn’t as open about doing that as her clutchling was.

“Oh, me better half? Whisper’s out an’ about, keepin’ an eye on the castle!” she happily replied. Momo nodded at that, confirming her suspicion.

“So, does it work the same for batponies then?” she asked, getting a confused look from the others, which made Momo blush, “I mean, to have a foal, do batponies also wish on a raincloud, like pegasi do? Or do they like, hang from the ceiling, or something?” the questions didn’t dissolve Murmur’s confusion.

Wishin’ on a raincloud?” she asked incredulously. Dud’s eyes widened, recalling an innocent explanation to a lamia’s children over a month ago. He then adopted a sheepish look.

“Yeah. That’s how pegasi do it,” Momo said sagely, as if she were a pony expert. “Is it different for batponies?”

“Love, yah got it all wrong,” Murmur replied, looking a little bewildered. She then took on a more playful look, “Yah see, how it goes is—”

“Princess Luna is right down the hall,” Ghost pointed out, giving Murmur a hard look. She answered with a pouty face.

“Yah don’t expect me to leave her in the dark about this, do yah!?” she asked, glancing between Momo and Dud. Said stallion was looking like he wanted to be somewhere else. Before Ghost could reply, the doors to the throne room opened, Chrysalis stepping out with a satisfied grin, almost as if somepony had told her that Mantis had met an unfortunate fate.

“W- Well, somepony looks happy~” Dud said, dragging everyone’s attention to the queen, instantly making her smile trade for a frown. She was also blushing. “Went well?”

“O- Of course!” she replied confidently, her steps slowing to a halt as she looked to Ghost.

“Then, are you ready to see your lodgings, Highness?” Ghost asked with a slight bow, making Chrys’s eye twitch.

“Please,” she replied coldly, “Now that I’ve talked to Luna, I do have some questions I need answered.”

“I understand,” he then glanced to the Shadowbolt, “Murmur, you’re in uniform. Get back to your rounds.” The Shadowbolt let out a sad sigh.

“We’ll talk later, Momo,” Murmur promised, getting an eager nod from the changeling. The Shadowbolt then gave Ghost a salute. “Understood, sir! Over and out!” with that, she took off- “Oh! I almost forgot!” she exclaimed, making Ghost raise an eyebrow. “Arrow Twine has returned to the nest. He regrets to report that he lost sight of the target, somewhere in the Everfree.” Ghost frowned at the news, a look that was mirrored by Aegis and Dud.

“Clearly the forest is too much, even for his eyes,” Ghost replied, before nodding to Murmur, whose ears briefly fell, before she left, leaving the group with Ghost and his two guards. He then gave Chrys a small bow. “My apologies for the delay, Your Highness. Right this way.” With that, Ghost moved off down the hall. Chrys watched him for a second, before nodding to the others, Aegis standing close to her as they followed him.

“I feel like I’m missing something here,” Dud said, glancing between Chrys and Ghost. Momo moved closer to Dud, who had tilted his head in thought. Before she could whisper an explanation, his eyes widened, “Oh. I think I get it.” Ghost raised an eyebrow at that, before glancing to the young queen.

“What did you wish to ask, Highness?” She simply shook her head.

“That can wait until we reach my room.”

“Of course.”

“Oh!” Dud let out in alarm, getting concerned glances from the others, “What’s gonna happen to our carriage?” he asked, getting a small sigh Aegis and Chrys.

“It’ll be pulled into a small bay for such carts,” Ghost explained in a neutral tone, getting a small smile from Dud. Silence fell over them after that. Which lasted a few minutes. A little too long for Momo’s liking.

“Sooo, what was she like?” Momo asked Chrys. Her curiosity was shortly mirrored by Aegis.

“Highness,” he began, “Is it true that she’s taller than Queen Amber?”

“Does she really glow like the light of the moon~?” Momo pressed, getting a bothered look from her clutchling. Ghost had the faintest hint of a grin on his lips.

“She’s shorter than you, Aegis,” Chrys assured, “But, she feels a lot taller.” She then looked at her clutchling with an incredulous look. “Glowing? Really? Glowing all the time like that is really annoying.”

“H- Hey! How am I supposed to know what annoys a Moon Princess?” Momo replied defensively.

“She does glow,” Dud asserted.

“Yeah, in your dreams,” Chrys replied. Though, she couldn’t completely deny it.

“...Did you reach the peace you came for?” Ghost asked.

“Yes,” Chrys replied resolutely, her eyes locked with his. “We just need to talk to Queen Amber, and deal with Mantis.” She watched Ghost closely as she said this, but there was no reaction to be seen.

“I see. The refugees of Thundercloud will be happy to have their families back.” There was something odd in the way he said that line. Almost as if he were referring to somepony in particular. “Though, it doesn't change the fact that Equestria’s oldest city was destroyed,” he replied, before stopping at a pair of doors. “We’re here,” he added, his guards taking up station at either side of it. “This is for you, Queen Chrysalis, the room on the opposite end is for the others.”

“Just one room is fine,” Chrys said curtly, getting a small nod from the changeling spy.

“Understood. One room is easier to protect.” The way he quickly agreed with her demand aggravated her. “Did you have any more questions?” he asked, getting a nod from Chrys. Private, changeling related questions.

“No point standing out here with them, show me my room.” Ghost nodded, opening the doors, making Chrys blink in surprise. It was a single room, about half the size of the throne room. It had a pair of royal couches, a large lavish bed, a set of crowded bookshelves, and tall windows that separated the room from a balcony that overlooked the mountain. Chrys looked to Ghost for a moment, before entering the room, taking in its grandeur. There was a lit fireplace, making the room pleasantly warm, and welcome.

“It’s soo big!” Momo let out, flying past Chrys, enjoying the spaciously high room.

“I can bring in some clouds,” Dud said with a considering look, “So we can sleep without being in the way,” he pointed out, getting a confused look from Momo as Aegis entered the room as well. After he entered, Ghost looked to his guards, giving them a salute, which they matched. Ghost then entered, the doors closing behind him.

“I can answer any questions you have, Queen Chrysalis.” He then walked to a wall with a large, almost Aegis-sized mirror on it. “However, if it’s a matter that requires discretion, I know of a better local,” he said, before pushing in a small circle on one of the mirror’s corners, causing the wall next to it to silently slide open, “If that’s what you wish.” Everyone looked at him, surprised by the reveal.

“Our room has a secret passage! That’s amazing!” Dud said, an excited shine in his eyes. Chrys had the opposite reaction.

“H- How is this room safe if there’s a secret way in!?” she asked, making Ghost tilt his head.

“It’s a secret to you four, myself, Princess Luna, and a choice number of castle staff. As long as it stays that way, it’s safe. However, if that’s not good enough for you, simply move one of those in front of it,” he said, pointing to a bookshelf. “I suspect Aegis is more than capable of moving it. However, anypony else doing so is sure to make sufficient noise to alarm your guard.”

“Where does it lead?” Dud asked curiously.

“Many places in the castle. It’s part of a network of tunnels. My chambers are a short walk away, and if we’re to spill secrets, it’s there we shall converse. Otherwise, I shall simply take my leave,” he divvied out, making Chrys give him a hard glare.

“Ghost, do you really think I’m gonna yield to you?” she asked incredulously, getting a confused look from the stallion.

“Ghost? I told you, my name is Olive.” Chrys eyed him for a moment longer, before glancing to Aegis.

Carry him,” she ordered, and Aegis nodded, stepping towards Ghost. The changeling didn’t even flinch as Aegis grabbed him in a hoof. He kept his neutral look, even as he was being smothered against furry buffalo chest.

“I disapprove of this, Your Highness,” Ghost replied, only making Chrys more irritated.

“If we leave, won’t they wonder where we are?” Momo asked, pointing towards the doors.

“They may wonder, but they won’t act on it unless they feel you’re lives are in danger.” Ghost explained, “They’re among the best Equestria has to offer, and they take pride in it.” Chrys considered him for a moment longer, before staring down the path.

“Aegis, let’s go.”

“Understood.” With those words, the buffalo carried Ghost into the passageway. It was barely big enough for him. Chrys and the others followed. Even while muffled against the guard’s chest, Ghost gave directions through the tunnels. They spent several minutes in the tunnels, which started to make Chrys feel nostalgic. If only there were glowshrooms here.

“This is it,” Ghost assured, indicating a lever next to a dead end. Chrys flipped it with her magic, opening the wall to reveal a small, barely lit room. It had a simple, but comfortable bed, a pair of armor racks, distinguished medals and certificates of success on the wall, and a collection of weapons resting in a barrel. Chrys eyed the door to the room, her magic sliding a board across its laches, barring it.

“This is your room?” she asked.

“That it is,” Ghost replied. With a burst of movement, Aegis let out a pained grunt, briefly toppling as Ghost escaped his grasp. Chrys adopted a guarded stance, Aegis immediately regaining his composure as Ghost backed away from him. “Let’s not leave the door open, Highness, voices carry in those tunnels,” he said, getting a small nod from Chrys. The rest of them walked into the room, Aegis now keeping himself between Ghost and Chrys, as the hidden door closed. Ghost was then wrapped in amber flame, revealing his true form. “I was surprised to hear of you coming to the castle, Princess Chrysalis.”

“That’s Queen—”

“No, it’s Princess. You are not my queen. You have done nothing to earn my loyalty. Honestly, you’re not even my princess. But, you deserve to be called that for making it to Princess Luna’s castle. So, why are you here?”

“H- Hey, I’m the one asking the questions here!” Chrys asserted, making the soldier raise an eyebrow.

“Then first let me say this: I am not your ally. You should not trust anything I say. I serve only one cause, and it is not under your crown.” Chrys felt hot, her heart pounding, a strong desire to throw him against the wall building in her. But, she kept herself from lunging at him.

“Do you want me to crush you?” she asked, getting an appraising look from the drone.

“You don’t have it in you. You would have done it earlier otherwise,” Chrys glared at him, her horn glowing as he was wrapped in teal magic.

“Chrys, he’s goading you,” Momo said, putting a calm hoof on her clutchling’s shoulder. Chrys blinked at those words, a certain fight between her and Mantis coming to mind, making her glance to the side.

“You’re right,” she replied, her magic dying with a flash. Said flash also happened to push Ghost into the wall.

“Hmph,” Ghost let out, dusting himself off, “It seems you carry some wisdom about you, Princess.”

“I’ve been through a lot these last few months,” she said dismissively, before giving him a flat look. “In order to make peace between Equestria and our Hive. What do you think of that?”

“I think it’s a good idea.” Chrys blinked. “Though, the odds of it happening are slim. We’ve already taken too much, and have nothing we can give without cutting off our wings.”

“We don’t need the ponies anymore,” she assured, getting a small nod from the soldier.

“Yes. I can see the possibility,” he replied, glancing to Dud, “Quite an odd pony you have there. He wants to use alchemy to mimic nectar. Wish I had thought of that.” Chrys blinked, before looking to Dud.

“Huh? Why?” she asked. After all, he knew about Hope. He gave her a sagely look.

“It’s nice to have more options.” He then considered the notion, “Though, she’s probably going to need some nectar to figure out how to copy it.” Ghost simply shook his head.

“It’ll be for naught. In two weeks, the rains will stop. One week later, Mantis, Queen Amber and the army will be leaving, following the tunnels Mantis constructed over the last three years to sneak past the blockade at Dodge. In roughly five weeks from today, the attack on Canter Town will commence.” He then looked to Chrys. “Mantis has no love for you. The fact that he sent Sledge is evidence enough to me that he disapproves of this. He will sabotage your peace. It doesn’t matter what you or Princess Luna wants, if he drives Queen Amber beyond reason.”

Chrys was barely paying attention to what he was saying. She was well aware of what Mantis wanted from all this. Take care of Luna, and herself, and ensure changeling dominance. As soon as the spy mentioned his name, a small amount of disinterest fell over her, making her eyes fall to the barreled weapons, pulling each out with a note of curiosity.

“Luna knows about Mantis,” Chrys pointed out, levitating a strangely curved trident, before putting it back, “She doesn’t know about the attack, or that we’re changelings. I’m going to tell her the latter.” Ghost considered this for a moment, his face as neutral as ever. Chrys then grabbed a spear with her magic, one that was completely wrapped in cloth. It was heavy. Too heavy for her to pick up. Just what was the point of a weapon that was too heavy to wield? She briefly blushed as she turned away from the pile of weapons, looking to Ghost. “You have a problem with that?” she asked in a threatening tone.

“Are you going to divulge my identity?”

“Why shouldn’t I?” she asked with a raised eyebrow, “You stole all this from the real Olive, after all.”

“There, you are wrong.” For the first time since seeing him, he looked mad.

“And how am I wrong!? You’re posing as a pony named Olive—”

“That is true. But, Olive was a simple earth pony, a gem miner from Iron Trot. I took his place and became one of the ‘survivors’ when the town fell.” Ghost then took a step towards Chrys, making Aegis shift more between them, “I then joined the Equestrian Militia. I worked. I sweated. I bled, to end up where I am now. I had to contend with ponies that were stronger and faster than I, pulling my weight through wit and determination alone. And after all of that, this, is where I stand.” He then let out a heated huff. “I didn’t steal this from anypony. I earned it. Any changeling can steal a pony’s identity, copy their life, fool their family and friends. The one that bears the title of Ghost goes a step beyond that. They don’t steal an identity. They forge one.” Chrys blinked at him, her eyes glancing to all the medals on the wall, the armor and the weapons. “Princess Luna trusts me. As does everypony in Equestria. That, is what it means to be Ghost. Nopony sees me for the spy I am. Their suspicion simply passes on through.”

“But, Princess Luna can look into ponies’ dreams,” Dud pointed out, “Not changelings.” Ghost nodded to this.

“I am aware. But, Princess Luna has had her hooves full in regards to dreams ever since towns started disappearing. Lots of missing family means lots of bad dreams. I also work long shifts. I’ve learned that ponies that get little sleep don’t have dreams substantial enough for Princess Luna to dive into.”

“...So, you worked your way here,” Chrys began, suspicion written on her face, “You have everypony’s trust. You’ve earned every ounce of praise you’ve been given. All just to throw it away, when the time comes to betray Luna?” she asked, giving Ghost a disgusted look, which Aegis mirrored.

“Exactly,” Ghost replied, without a hint of hesitation, “For our hive, I will show Mantis the way to Princess Luna’s chambers, if that’s what’s required of me.”

“You’re scum,” Chrys spat out, getting a nod from the drone.

“No argument,” he replied. “Go ahead, tell her about us changelings. It won’t change much. She already knows the ‘Badland Pegasi’ are shapeshifters.”

“What!? How?”

“Mr. Gust hinted as much the first time she talked to him,” he pointed out getting a sheepish laugh from the pegasus as Chrys glared at him. “Besides that, Arrow Twine followed Sledge after he attacked you. The fool didn’t realize this, and transformed in broad daylight,” he said simply. He then gave Chrys a hard look, “Are you going to blow my cover? You should know that if you do, it will ultimately lead to Princess Luna learning about the attack on Canter Town.”


“Because she’s smart. I’ve been vocal about suggesting the fortifications of Dodge and massing our forces at the border. She’ll quickly figure out why should she learn I’m a spy.” Chrys frowned at that. Would it really be so bad to let Luna know about the attack?

Chrysalis then pictured the army she saw south of Dodge. If it fell on the hive’s soldiers, it’d be like a flyswatter catching a wingless bug. She couldn’t deny that she found Luna … appealing, but she wasn’t ready to trust her that deeply. The very last thing she wanted to be, is what Mantis always assumed of her. The weak color that would bring doom to the hive.

“Your secret’s safe, Ghost,” she said, begrudgingly. “But if Mantis or Sledge reach the castle without you warning me, it’s all off. Understood?”

“Clearly, Princess.”

“Good. Now lead us back to our rooms.” Ghost nodded, shifting back into his disguise.

“One last question, Princess,” he began, passing them as he reopened the secret door. “How highly do you value Queen Amber’s life?”

“She’s my top priority,” Chrys replied, without hesitation. Ghost paused, looking to her for a moment, before glancing to the side.

“Your life should be your own top priority.” His tone was neutral again, leaving Chrys wondering if he was disappointed, or warning her. “It’s back this way to your room.”

“Three lefts, one middle, and a right, then pull the chain,” Dud divvied out, getting a flat look from the soldier. “What? I thought it’d be a good idea to remember it.” Ghost was silent, continuing down the hall, the others following his steps. Several minutes later, they were back in Chrys’s room. After the secret door closed, Ghost looked to the others.

“If you have no more questions, then I shall take my leave.”

“W- Wait!” Momo said, “Dud and I want to talk to Pestle. Can we? As soon as she wakes up?” Ghost let out a short huff at that.

“Knowing her, she never went to bed. But, I don’t see why not,” he replied, getting a smile from Momo. “A messenger will come for you when she’s ready.” He then bowed to Chrysalis. “Princess. I sincerely hope you are not dooming Amber’s ambition.” Chrys had no reply to that, simply looking him in the eyes. He absently met her glare, before turning to leave. “If any of you need anything. Food. Books. A royal bath. Just ask the guards at the door and they’ll accommodate you. Please enjoy your stay in Princess Luna’s castle.”

“Sure, count on it!” Dud replied, which Momo mirrored, making Chrys roll her eyes at their enthusiasm. Ghost left immediately after that, prompting Chrys to turn to the others as the doors closed.

“We’re not here to relax, you know.”

“Don’t be like that, Chrys,” Momo replied, getting a bothered look from her clutchling. “He said a royal bath! When’s the last time we’ve any kind of bath?” The flooding Badlands immediately came to mind. “Besides, I don’t intend to goof around, you know,” she assured, getting a curious look from the young queen.

“That reminds me,” Chrys began, “What’s this about a pestle and making nectar?”

“Princess Luna’s Knight is an Alchemist,” Dud explained, filling her in on the entire idea...

“...And I was thinking,” Momo chipped in, “While you’re busy being friendly with Luna, Dud and I could help from that angle.” Momo then nodded sagely, “Now that we’re done traveling, I don’t intend to just sit on my flank doing nothing. Especially when my clutchling is busy in her own way.” Chrys smiled at that. The smile didn’t last long, making her give Momo a suspicious look.

“So, you get to spend more time together. Without me,” she pointed out, glancing between the two. She adopted a wicked grin when they both blushed.

“P- Pestle will be there too!” Dud was quick to point out.

“Ooh?” Chrys replied, “You’re looking forward to working with another smart pony?” she asked, taking a slow step towards the stallion.

“Yes,” he replied, getting a troubled look from Momo, “I mean-” he then frowned. “Chrys, are you picking on me?” he asked. He never got an answer.

“What do you mean ‘yes’?” Momo pressed, her tone carefree, but her smile hid a worried look. Yeah. Dud wasn't letting this snowball get any bigger.

“I’ll tell you, if you tell me why you kept smiling at Ghost,” he said with a raised eyebrow, making the mare blink.

“I, I was smiling at him?” she asked, before her face flushed.

“Indeed you were. I’m no changeling expert, but he looked particularly well toned,” he pointed out, making Momo’s blush deepen. “Soo, want to drop the matter?” he asked, getting a quick nod from her. They then smiled at each other, before they shared a little laugh.

“Who’s making the nectar?” Chrys asked, glancing towards the closed door, then the windows.

“Will I be able to see it happen?” Dud asked, his curiosity mirrored by Momo, who glanced to Chrys.

“What, neither of you know?” the young queen asked.

“I’ve never fed from a pony,” Momo pointed out, getting a sigh from Aegis.

“Dud,” Aegis began, “you’ll be in a sort of daze while either Momo or Her Highness extracts your love from you. They’ll then channel that love into a receptacle. When it’s over, you’ll be unaware that it even happened. At least, until we tell you.” Chrys nodded in agreement, before looking to her clutchling.

“Momo, you can do it,” she said curtly, calling back the blush Momo had just discarded.

“M- Me? But, what if I mess up? Or make a mess? Or screw up Dud somehow?”

“Momo. Just do it,” Chrys said, raising an eyebrow at her clutchling. “Honestly, you’re worried? You never hesitate when it comes to something new.”

“I- That is-” her face flushed further, making her glance towards the pony in the room, who was being quiet, for her sake. Chrys’s horn flickered, closing the curtains, before giving Momo a sly smile.

“Need some privacy?” she asked, getting an annoyed look from her clutchling.

“O- Okay. I think that’s enough from you!” she said, getting an evil chuckle from Chrys as Momo looked to Dud.

She hesitated for a moment longer, before looking into his heart, seeing his love for her. It was larger than she remembered, a fact that made her heart skip a beat. She stared for a second, unsure what to do. So, she simply did what felt right. Her instincts guided her, leading her along as she tugged on his love. She could hear her heart pounding. It felt sweet. As sweet as the nectar from Hope. After pulling a small amount, she led it out of his heart, becoming aware of the room again, and how close she was to his face. Between them, she saw a swirling mass of amber magic. Her gaze lingered on it for a moment. It wasn’t often she saw her own power at work. She found the sight enchanting.

Chrys then cleared her throat, snapping Momo out of her daze, seeing an empty vase in Chrys’s grasp. Momo syphoned the magic into it, which started to solidify into a thick golden goo. The small vase was half filled by the time the magic dissipated. She let out a deep breath, feeling slightly drained in some aspect she couldn’t quite grasp.

She found the entire experience very surprising. She thought she’d need to return to her changeling form to do it. She was kind of glad she didn’t have to. She’d gotten used to this pony form. It felt nice and warm, considering the cold days she’d been through. She then looked to Dud, who was in a slight daze. She waved a hoof in front of his eyes, making him blink, recognition returning to him. He then glanced between her and Chrys.

“When do we start?” he asked. He then frowned, before his eyes caught the vase, “Or did it already happen?”

“It happened,” Momo replied, her cheeks still a little rosy as she glanced into the vase. Dud looked into it, seeing the nectar inside, before adopting a contemplative look.

“It tastes the same as the ones back at the hive?” he asked, getting a nod from Momo. “Hmm. Would it be weird if I ate my own nectar?” The question hung in the air for a moment. An awkward moment. “Yeah. It’d probably be weird.” Chrys chuckled at that, giving the stallion a coy smile.

“So I guess you’ve officially graduated from being a dud,” Chrys said, giving the pony a condescending pat on the back. “Maybe someday you’ll be a normal pony.” He simply answered with a smile. “And Momo’s had her first real taste of pony love~,” she added, patting her clutchling in the same manner. Dud’s head then tilted, before his face flushed. Momo’s did too, making Chrys’s sadistic grin grow.

“Highness,” Aegis interrupted, getting a put off look from Chrys as they all looked to him.

“Can’t you see I’m in the middle of something?” she asked, getting a stoic look from him.

“Are we really going to leave Ghost alone?”

“Tch. Way to kill the mood,” she said flatly, kicking the carpet as Momo and Dud let out a sigh of relief. “I’m surprised that you’re the one asking that,” she added, raising an eyebrow at him. “He sounds a lot like you did when you joined our group.” She then gave him a focused look, “Aegis. Do you think he’s one of Mantis’s cronies?” The guard considered that for a moment, before shaking his head.

“If there’s one thing I know about the soldier, it’s that he’s fiercely loyal to Queen Amber. I don’t think he’d go along with Mantis’s wishes to harm you.”

“I’m with Aegis on this,” Momo added.

“Why?” Chrys asked.

“He seemed a little different whenever Queen Amber was brought up. And he kept referring to Mantis in the same tone he referred to you.” Chrys looked between Aegis and Momo for a moment, before letting out a bothered sigh.

“He’s trouble,” she said flatly, “Keep your eyes on him at all times,” she added, looking to Aegis, who nodded. Chrys then let out a long sigh. “Now that that hassle is out of the way, what now?” she asked. “I’m waiting for sundown, and you two are waiting for Luna’s Knight.”

“Weellll, we could get a bite,” Momo pitched, “Or take one of those baths!”

“I second the bath idea,” Dud replied, “Though, I guess I should point out that it might have been prudent to do the bath thing before talking to Princess Luna.”

“D- Don’t point stuff like that out now!” Chrys said, before raising her head, “Let’s get this out of the way.” With that, she turned to the guards outside, who led them off to do just that.

The bath proved to be far better than Chrys was ever willing to admit. Warm. Pleasant. Relaxing. It made aches she wasn’t even aware she had seem to melt away. She wouldn’t mind if this kind of pampering became a daily occurrence...


Somewhere in the Everfree forest, Sledge was sharing similar sentiments. He lay in a dirty, bubbling pond. He lingered for a moment longer, enjoying the heat, which soothed the aches and bruises he’d gained in this dangerous forest. He then looked to a pile of oddly shaped broken rocks, before smiling to himself.

Stepping out of the pond, he walked around to a less bubbly corner of it, his form shifting from his natural state, to the most recent weapon added to his arsenal. The world changed color as he did. Well, to him at least. Everything was accented in tints of yellow and red, making everything look hot. Movement stood out with these strange eyes, making things in motion appear bright yellow, against the still dark reds.

Admittedly, the creature he was posing as looked completely ridiculous. Even with the jump to royal guard size, Sledge found it difficult to pull off ‘intimidating’ with it. So, he looked into the calmer waters of the pond, looking towards his reflection. Might as well practice more free-form shapeshifting and take care of that matter.

He frowned as he looked to his reflection. His reasoning told him that it was there, but with the strange way the eyes worked, he couldn’t see it in the shifting swirls of yellows and reds on the water’s surface. Sledge briefly considered trying to toy with how his eyes worked in this form, but discarded the idea. They were the best weapon this form had to offer, and he didn’t want to dull them, just so he could better make out his reflection. Also, staring into the water like this gave him an unsettling feeling. A dangerous, uneasy feeling.

This creature truly looked ridiculous.

Looking up, Sledge considered spending a bit more time in the hot water. He then discarded the notion. Perhaps there were more dangerous creatures still in the forest, waiting for him to discover. Thinking that, he glanced up, giving his webbed wings a flap, before breaking through the canopy. The sun was close to setting. Seeing this, he glanced north, to the imposing mountain in the sky, his eyes falling to the castle halfway up its peak...


Chrys’s eyes were looking to the dark forest when a chill ran down her spine. Must be the mountain air. Shaking her head, she looked to the horizon, glowing orange with the radiance of sundown. She stood atop the tower that leaned away from the castle. The Observation Tower. Luna was at her side, taking in the view as well.

“It’s always different,” Luna assured, a smile on her face, “But, it’s always beautiful. Rain or shine. Storm, blizzard, or fog. Night and day. I’m ... really proud of this view,” she admitted. Chrys nodded in agreement. It was an amazing view of Equestria.

“Luna, there’s something important I want to tell you.”

“If it’s about the Badland Pegasi, then could you save it for tomorrow?” she asked politely, getting a troubled look from Chrys, “As much as I’d like to talk about it now, there’s matters I must attend to after raising the moon. I promise, I’ve cleared more time together for tomorrow,” she assured. Luna then adopted a focused look as the sun got closer to the horizon. “It’s time.” With that, she turned around, looking slightly past the mountain to the eastern horizon.

Her horn started to glow, and Chrys took a step back in surprise. The power radiating from her was incredible. Luna spread her wings, slowing rising in the air as the sun started to descend behind them. In the span of several seconds, the daylight quickly faded away, casting its hues through the sky. As it did, the light of the moon broke the eastern line, rising to brighten the growing night.

The entire process happened as quickly as Chrys had seen last night, outside of Canter Town, but with Princess Luna’s magic radiating at her side, it felt far more impactful. The rumors of her powers were true. And, it didn’t even look like raising the moon tired her!

As the moon broke contact with the horizon, Luna’s magic began to fade. She softly landed next to Chrys, giving her a small smile. “Satisfied?”

“Y- Yes. Thank you.”

“I trust you know the way back?” she asked, glancing past Chrys, looking to Aegis, who stood at the stairs leading back inside the castle. Aegis nodded. “Then, I look forward to talking to you tomorrow, Chrys.”

“Same,” the young queen replied, eyes following Luna as she flew off towards another part of the castle. As she watched the Moon Princess leave, a single thought ran through her mind. A troubling affirmation she hoped would be crushed today. That was not the case.

Luna. She must never meet Amber in combat. No amount of love the determined queen could store would be able to face the power of one that moved the heavens.


27. Echoes of Fate

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Luna eyed the sun for a moment longer, before she frowned, her magic fading, horn aching as the last traces of night faded away. Calling upon morning brought Chrys’s face to mind. Particularly, the look of fear in her eyes, after raising the moon last night. She tilted her head, before letting out a sigh, the glass fogging up briefly as she stepped away from the balcony doors. Walking past her bed, she went through the motions of getting ready as yesterday’s time with the young queen ran through her head. It wasn’t long before her frown turned into a smile.

Four towns lost, yet their keepers were all alive. And, by the way Chrys referred to them, Luna was under the impression they were not only that, but also safe and sound. Which made the fear in Chrys’s eyes more troubling. Luna didn’t like it. There was something familiar about those eyes, and she didn’t like seeing them tainted with fear. It just didn’t feel right. That, and she didn’t want their relationship to be sullied by it.

It was something that needed to be addressed.

Nodding to herself, she opened the doors to her chambers, any traces of fatigue washed away with centuries of experience and determination. That, and the promise of a warm breakfast. Outside her door stood the Captain of the Royal Guard, who promptly saluted. He had a troubled look about him.

“What’s the matter, Olive?” Luna asked casually, getting a hint of annoyance from the pony.

“Queen Chrysalis’s companions wish an audience with Lady Pestle. But, the Lady isn’t accepting.” That made Luna tilt her head.

“And you saw fit to inform me?” she asked in a curious tone, making the soldier raise an eyebrow.

“I believed it something you would wish to know,” he replied flatly, getting a nod from her as she started down the hall. After passing him, he followed, a pace behind.

“Why do they wish an audience with her?”

“There is a substance. Some sort of food the Badland Pegasi rely on,” he began in a disinterested tone, “They wish to know if Pestle can replicate it.”

“That … sounds like a pretty good reason to talk,” Luna admitted, ears falling for a moment. She had been hoping to keep interactions between her guests and knight to a minimum. “What of the other matters? Any word about the dragon, or Sledge?”

“Concerning Sledge, Arrow’s been keeping both eyes on the forest. If anything slips out, we’ll learn of it well before it arrives. As for the dragon, it seems to have made a home out of the mountain near the ruins of Neighgarou. Should we send him back to the Dragon Lands?”

“You said ‘he’,” Luna pointed out. Male dragons were particularly difficult to manage. “Find out if he has any relation to Stella. If so, I want to talk to him. In a polite, civilized manner. If not, he can stay, as long as he doesn’t cause trouble.”


“And, I shall talk to Pestle. Send for Chrys’s group as soon as they’re ready. Her companions can speak with the Lady in her lab. Chrysalis and I shall reconvene in the throne room. She need not come alone this time.”

“Understood,” Olive repeated, waiting a moment for any other orders, before giving the princess an unseen salute. He then broke away, heading to the guest chambers.

Luna reached the large double doors to the library not long after his departure. She paused before them, letting out a small sigh, before entering. After walking past the familiar shelves, she turned to a small alcove where room had been made, space given for tables and chemistry equipment. There, she saw her knight, nose buried in a book, eyes darting between the text, and a collection of materials gathered around her.

“Pestle,” Luna let out, her voice sharply breaking the silence, making the pegasus flinch. She then let out a cry of alarm, nearly knocking over a beaker filled with bubbling blue liquid. Quickly steadying it, she sighed in relief, before giving Luna a sheepish grin.

“M- Morning, Luna.”

“Pestle…” Luna repeated, her tone more considering, making the pegasus glance to the side.

“Olive squealed. Darn brown muzzler,” she quietly mumbled. “I- I don’t want to talk to them,” she quickly added, her eyes going over the collection of beakers and flasks on the table.

“Pestle, Thundercloud wasn’t their fault,” the princess said sternly, walking up to her knight, whose ears had dropped.

“They- Well. They should have waited for the Shadowbolts,” she muttered, getting a sigh from the princess.

“Pestle, I need you to look past that. I assure you, their reasons to speak with you are important, or I wouldn’t ask this of you. Let us help them, so they can help us get them back, alright?” she asked, making the shy mare look to her, mouth open as if to offer a rebuttal. But, only silence came forth. She held the look for several seconds, glancing to the side as Luna kneeled closer to her. “Pestle, please. Give them a chance?” she asked calmly, making the alchemist flush.

“Sorry, Luna,” she replied, fidgeting on the spot. “I’ll … try.”

“Don’t worry, Pestle, we will get them back, with Chrysalis's help.” Pestle didn’t look to Luna at that, simply frowning. Luna looked over her friend for a moment longer, wishing she could share her confidence with the alchemist. Instead, she simply eyed the floor, before turning to leave.

“I’ll try really hard. Promise,” Pestle muttered, making Luna pause in surprise. She gave the pegasus a proud smile.

“Thank you,” she replied, before leaving the library. Pestle’s word was as solid as iron. Luna had no doubt that the knight would find the resolve she needed to aid Chrys, and the answers she desired of the one that destroyed her home.

The architect of all the sadness hanging over Equestria: Mantis.

Chrys said they captured ponies for food, but that didn’t excuse what Mantis had done to Thundercloud, or the other towns. And from how things were looking, diplomacy with this stallion didn’t appear to be an option. She frowned as she considered how to broach the problem, but didn’t get very far. She was pulled from her thoughts as she was about to reach the throne room. Mr. Gust was walking towards her, with a young pegasus mare at his side.

“Good morning Princess~!” he said nonchalantly, getting a smile from Luna as she looked between them. The mare seemed a little at a loss by Luna’s appearance.

“Good morning Mr. Gust.” She then glanced to the mare, “You… I take it that you are Momo?” she asked, making the mare blink, before nodding earnestly.

“That’s right, your uh, grace!” she let out, “Thank you for being nice to Chrys- Chrysalis.” Luna had to resist the urge to chuckle. “And thank you for helping us get here,” she added, giving the princess one of her best smiles.

“Think nothing of it,” she replied, “I’m glad to see you’ve fully recovered from Thundercloud. Had I known about the trap—”

“It’s okay,” Momo quickly replied, before her face flushed. “Err, sorry for interrupting.”

“Princess, will Lady Pestle hear us out?” Grumpy Gust asked curiously, getting a nod from Luna.

“She is waiting in the library. And please, be patient with her. She has a difficult time with … energetic individuals.” That made the pegasi blink, sharing a brief look, before they let out a sheepish laugh.

“We’ll keep that in mind,” Momo replied, bowing to the princess, before flying past. Mr. Gust blinked at that, before flying after her.

“Momo, do you even know where the library is?” he asked, getting a small laugh from Luna as the mare gave her companion a flustered look. The princess watched them for a moment longer as Gust took the lead, before she continued down the hall.

“Well now, if those two are already up and about…” Luna said to herself, “Then that means that Chrys-” she rounded the corner, seeing Chrys, Aegis and Olive standing together. It seemed the three had no words to share amongst themselves. “Ah, my apologies, Queen Chrysalis,” Luna let out, a little caught off guard as she quickly approached the young mare. “It was not my intention to keep you waiting again.” Chrys simply gave her a cool look.

“It’s fine,” she replied, glancing to the side, “Woke up early. I’ve ... really been looking forward to this.”

“Had trouble sleeping?” Luna asked, masking a small grin as Chrys’s ears perked up in indignation.

“Th- That doesn’t matter,” she assured, shifting towards the door “Shall we?” she asked, getting a nod from the princess. Luna looked to the captain, who gave a subtle nod, before departing, the throne room’s guards following him. “Where’s he going?” Luna tilted her head at that.

“Something about Captain Olive bother you?”

“Just the way he stares….” Chrys quickly replied.

“Well, he’s seeing to our dragon problem,” the princess replied, before leading them into the throne room, Aegis following several steps behind them.

“...Luna, there’s a lot I want to talk to you about,” Chrys said, eyeing the ground for a moment, before giving Luna a fiery look. “There’s something you should know about the Badland Pegasi.” She was raring to go, which prompted Luna to adopt a mischievous grin.

“Can it wait till after breakfast?” Luna asked, making Chrys almost stumble mid-step.

“I- well-” Chrys frowned, “That wouldn’t be a bad idea,” she mumbled, before her eyes widened. “Actually, I’ll have to pass on food for now.” Luna blinked, curious to why. Still, she gave Chrys a small grin.

“Whatever it is, I’m quite aware that you wanted to tell me yesterday,” Luna admitted. “So, if you wish it, I won’t keep you waiting any longer. We can go over the finer details concerning everything else as I eat, if that’s alright with you?” Chrys didn’t even hesitate.

“I’d like that,” she admitted, stopping as they reached halfway across the room, making Luna stop as well. “Luna, we are-” Chrys then frowned, “Actually, it’d probably be easier to just show you,” she affirmed, getting a curious look from the princess. Chrys hesitated, glancing back towards Aegis. Their eyes met for a moment, before the guard gave her a subtle nod. The young queen smiled, looking to Luna, “The Badland Pegasi are shapeshifters. We’re changelings.”

Luna blinked at that. Changelings? She knew that they could use shapeshifting magic, but hearing Chrys label them as such meant it wasn’t just practiced magic, but a feature of their race. Her eyes then widened as Chrys was wrapped in teal fire.

The Princess stepped back as she took in Chrys’s transformation. It was uncanny. The way the fire wrapped around her, how her body’s shape and color changed with its passing. It stirred up old memories, leaving the princess confused as the light blue unicorn in front of her disappeared, replaced with a black mare just a tad taller than before, with a longer, curved horn, and a set of insectoid wings. There was something wicked, and oddly cute about her appearance. Still, Luna didn’t recognize the form Chrys now wore. But, she knew of her magic, a kind she’d never seen mirrored. She’d seen those flames of change before, a signature transformation witnessed dozens of times, in her youth. As a flame of a different color.

Now as Luna looked to the young queen, she saw a pair of teal eyes that felt even more familiar than before. A nostalgic feeling overcame the princess, the sound of crashing waves, the smell of saltwater, and the dew of dread and danger flashed by as her mouth fell open. The rush of the past made Luna feel light-headed, making her sit down, eyes closing for a moment. Chrys gave her a confused look as Luna collected herself. Through the crash of her past, one question hung over her, that needed to be asked. Composing herself, Luna rose, and took a step forward.

“...Chrysalis, do you know Violet Widow?” Chrys’s gaze faltered.

“You… knew my grandmother?” she asked hesitantly, looking dumbfounded, a look shared by Aegis. Hearing those words made Luna’s heart ache. Just like that, the connection was made. A ghost from the past now stood before her, and it brought a painful smile to the princess.

It was so obvious now. It was her eyes. Even though she never saw Violet’s true form, her eyes always had a gleam to them. A proud, determined, teal gleam. Eyes she once despised. And yet, eyes she also came to respect.

“Yes, I knew her,” Luna replied, a small smile on her lips as glanced to the window. She looked to the sunlight pouring through, wondering if her sister could see this, through the tinted glass. “Though, not as well as I wished. She was a companion of ours, long, long ago.” Chrys tilted her head, processing this knowledge, unsure how to respond to it.

“You were ... friends?” she asked, getting a sad laugh.

“No, we weren’t. Not her and I. And it wasn’t her fault either,” she admitted, a hint of regret in her tone, her reply calling forth several memories that tickled at her attention. Ones she hadn’t indulged in a long time. Luna’s eyes then widened as a wonderful idea came to mind. Her horn glowed as she took off her crown. Chrys watched in confusion as Luna left it on the throne. “Shall I show you, as well?” she asked, making Chrys blink blankly for a moment, before comprehension overcame her. Then, that fiery gleam of hers shined through.


“Very well. What you’ll see will feel almost like a dream, but I assure you, there's no reason for alarm,” she assured, horn glowing brighter.

“Highness—” Aegis said in a wary tone, stepping closer to them.

“It’s fine,” Chrys quickly assured, giving him an oddly respectful tone, which caught Aegis off guard. His eyes wavered for a moment, before locking on Luna’s. He then blinked, his stare losing focus for a moment, getting a concerned look from the princess. First Chrys yesterday, and now Aegis? What was it with changelings looking light-headed when they looked into her eyes?

“V- Very well. Princess Luna, I shall trust you won't take advantage of my- our … trust.”

“I assure you, what I shall do is completely harmless,” Luna assured, bending down as Chrys eyed her, more than ready.

“What will I see?” she asked.

“A memory. One that is older than Equestria…” Luna replied, closing her eyes as she formed the spell, touching her horn to Chrys’s head...


Chrys’s eyes were shut, expecting some weird tingle or magical feeling to come over her as Luna cast her spell. But, she felt nothing. When the young queen realized she couldn’t feel Luna’s horn on her head, she opened her eyes. At least, she was pretty sure they were open. There was total darkness around her. No throne room. No Luna or Aegis. Just... nothing.

“Luna?” Chrys asked, masking her worry with a frown as she glanced around.

“Sorry, there’s a complication. I wished to show the memory through the Realm of Dreams, but I can see now that isn’t possible.” Chrys tilted her head at that.

“Realm of Dreams?”

“It is a place I can travel to, where all dreams reside. Those of ponies, griffins, zebras, beasts and critters. Well, at least where all of them should be. I have been unable to see your dream bubble, or those of the ponies you’ve caught.” It wasn’t in her tone, but Chrys could feel a sense of annoyance radiating around her. “I can still show you the memory, but, it’ll be less … filtered, and more intense.” Chrys frowned. Like she was going to let that stop her.

“I’ll manage. Show me.”

“...Very well. Instead of projecting the memory, you will be pulled into it. You’ll see it from an onlooker’s perspective, but you will feel the sensations and emotions that I felt—”

“I said I can manage,” Chrys said confidently, getting a laugh from the disembodied voice.

“Alright alright. I’m starting…”

With those words, Chrys’s surroundings … didn’t actually change. There was still blindness in all directions. The young queen was about to point this out, when the crashing of waves made her ears perk up. Curious, she glanced to the source, calling on her magic as her horn glowed. To her annoyance, it didn’t seem to brighten anything further than herself.

As she turned to the waves, she felt a cold breeze send a chill down her spine. With the chill, she became aware of the sand she stood upon, pitch black, giving off small twinkles of teal light as she eyed it. Chrys felt dirty, and soaked to the bone. She stumbled as an unexpected pain in her chest made its presence known. It hurt to breathe, as if she just had the wind knocked out of her.

“I call upon Yaedra, brightest of stars…” a young voice spoke, casting away the darkness, making Chrys’s light weak in comparison. Chrys winced at the radiance, looking past it to see a young pegasus mare lying on the pitch-black beach. A mare that was slowly climbing to her hooves. Wait, Luna?

Her starry mane was gone, azure blue in its place. And, it was a wet mess, sticking to her coat, strands of green plant matter sticking to it. The light she called on radiated from a small crystal vial hanging around her neck, and she parted her mane, looking around warily. She was lacking a horn, which Chrys immediately noticed. That, and Luna was now just as tall as she was.

“Where’s your horn?” Chrys asked out loud, her voice seeming to vanish into the darkness, getting no response from the ragged mare before her. Instead, the young queen felt a strange feeling. An answer, delivered without words, as if the knowledge had simply flowed into her: Luna was born an alicorn, whose nature was hidden from herself and her sister, for their own safety. Chrys took this in, feeling a little unnerved by the lack of words. Then again, maybe that feeling wasn’t her own. The young Luna pulled some of the muck from her mane, a frown clear on her lips.

That frown slowly shifted to distress as she turned around, taking in her surroundings. Her heart rate started to pick up, her eyes darting across the beach. Where were the others? Where was she?

“Tia!?” Luna shouted into the dark, the only reply given being swallowed by the crashing waves.

The light around her neck didn’t reach far, swallowed by the grey waters and black sand around, limiting what Chrys could make of the area. Luna spread her wings, giving them a quick flap, before noticeably wincing, making Chrys feel a sting of pain from her own wings.

“Carry the light with caution,” a feminine, mature voice let out, making Luna and Chrys round towards the source, their hearts pounding in unison, “Lest you call on things most unpleasant.”

She was a unicorn. Or at least, that was the form Violet wore as she walked up to Luna, her vibrant purple coat and flowing mane covered by a heavy cowl. Her horn glowed brightly, covering Luna in her aura. Chrys blinked, being bathed in a comforting warmth as the pain in her chest and wings melted away. She glanced to Luna, who had a mixed look on her face. Begrudging gratitude.

“Where’s Tia? What of the others?” Luna asked, getting a hesitant chuckle from Violet.

“That is the question. Aboard the Nautilus, shall we say?”

“I … really hope so,” Luna replied, standing tall as Violet stepped closer. Chrys did the same, getting a better look at her grandmother. She wasn’t any taller than a full grown pony, which made Chrys tilt her head curiously. The young queen then noticed a small detail that made her just a tad happy. Violet’s eyes were tinted teal. “Let’s go.” Luna said sternly, making Chrys blink as the pony took to the air.

Violet watched her for a moment, before a small hexagonal gemstone around her neck briefly shined, and the mare was wrapped in royal fire. Chrys’s mouth fell open as the fire flashed in intensity, its heat making her take a step back. As the fire died down, it revealed a large winged monster, easily larger than a Royal Guard. It had a long neck, its body sleek, Luna’s light glistening off it. It almost resembled a dragon, only far uglier, with a much longer neck and tail. The cowl was gone, but the necklace remained, having also changed to accommodate the larger form.

Chrys stood in awe for a moment, her eyes lingering on the gemstone. She was drawn from her awe by an odd thought. Didn’t Violet just break one of the cardinal rules of shapeshifting?

No answer forthcoming, Violet took to the dark sky. Chrys eyed her own wings for a moment, before letting out a sigh. Like she was going to be left behind in somepony’s memory. With a steady flap of her wings, she flew after them, catching up with the only source of light with relative ease.

Chrys was flying. But, it didn’t feel real. She couldn’t feel her wings. She couldn’t hear the buzzing they made. It wasn’t real. She frowned, pushing those disappointing thoughts aside. They were distracting her. Focusing on the two before her, she tilted her head curiously. Why did Luna choose this memory?

“Silence the light,” Violet ordered, getting an annoyed look from Luna, “In darkness, thy eyes are stronger.” Chrys’s heart started to beat harder. No, not her heart, but Luna’s. “Take faith. I shan’t abandon you, if that’s your fear.”

“...You had that chance,” Luna mumbled, taking several deep breaths, closing her eyes as the vial’s light faded away. And once again, it all went black. Chrys had never been afraid of the dark, but experiencing Luna’s fear wasn’t helping her nerves. She could feel it. This darkness was a maw, home to monsters that were bigger and more dangerous than the one Violet wore. And they were not blind down here.

Down here?


Down in the darkest depths of the world. Beneath rock and mountain and soil, where sun and moonlight never fall. Where the waters drained from above gathered, forming a vast, spanless swath of roiling waves underneath the land that would be called Equestria. The home of the bat ponies, and other, nameless things; the Moonless Lake.

“So why didn’t you take it?” Luna whispered, her breathing heavy. A question of distraction, to keep her mind away from the things her eyes couldn't see. It … wasn’t working very well.

“Patience is my virtue,” Violet said simply.

“Tch,” Luna let out, “I can’t stand that about you. You’re just like my sister,” she added, getting a small chuckle from the queen, making Luna flush. “What’s so funny?”

“That is what your eyes see, but different, Celestia and I are.”

“...Are you toying with me?” Luna asked, not annoyed, but confused.

“At this moment? No.” Chrys could feel Violet’s grin. “Tell me, how are we similar?”

“Because you’re both kind, strong, patient, wise—”

“Hah. Luna, you barely knoweth me. You truly think me her mirror? Those traits be the ‘same’, but their light is different. You’ve yet to consider perspective.” Chrys found her curiosity in sync with Luna’s.


“Your sister is young and naive, just as you are. She is those things you say, for your sake. But I’ve seen her true self. She stands tallest for her little sister. A strong, inspiring older sibling. But, have you failed to notice her patience and wisdom lacking when it concerns Starswirl and I?” she asked coyly, making Luna frown.

“What about you?”

“I am as I am. I’ve lived years innumerable. Thou could say my wisdom is more authentic.” She then let out a short giggle, “A crone, I am. And the two of you, well, seeing you ‘get along’ brings old habits to the surface.”

“What do you mean?” Luna asked.

“...I have mothered many in my life. I’ve seen sibling bonds of all kinds, from the cute to the nasty. You two are no different. The protective big sister, and the younger that seeks to step out her shadow. ‘Tis strange to say, I suppose, but seeing that, is my happiness,” she replied, and even though Chrys couldn’t see it, she could feel Violet’s mirth. “I don’t hate you, Luna. I understand how you feel. But, I shall admit, ‘tis fun to tease you.” Chrys could tell Luna was frowning. “...I’d be pretty remorseful, if either of you fell to Discord.” There was a sense of surprise from Luna, as well as a feeling of shame.

“Even after the way I’ve treated you?”

“Would you name me a liar?” Violet asked in a sly tone, getting silence from her companion. Chrys could feel Luna blushing from Violet’s words. The pegasus was embarrassed, and it was trickling into the young queen. Chrys tried to separate herself from the emotion, with a simple question.


Yes, Discord. The spirit of chaos, whom Violet, Luna and her sister, among others, worked to defeat. Chrys frowned, still finding the unspoken answers unsettling. Still, now she knew the name of the one Violet had left her hive to pursue. Chrys then blinked, an image of the odd statue in the castle garden coming to mind for an instant. She shook her head, pulling herself back from the knowledge, directing herself back towards the memory, which seemed to be shifting.

“...We have a problem,” Violet let out in a troubled tone, making Luna’s heart start to pick up. “Call on your light, and back away from me.”

“What is it?”

“Fast, and big,” Violet replied, her body being wreathed in flames at the same time Luna called on her light. Chrys’s heart skipped a beat, ears falling as a large, open, beakish mouth hurried towards the mare bathed in fire. Her long neck and tail retracted, cowl returning as her form became more equine. But, before the transformation finished, Violet disappeared, the mouth closing over her with a loud click, taking her whole.

The memory seemed to slow down, Luna’s eyes widening, a name carried on her voice as she hovered there stunned. The monster hovered in place, only its eyeless face lit by the light, which shifted towards the stunned pony. Chrys was overcome by a strong desire, one that trumped her alarm and concern for her kin.


In unison, Luna and Chrys dived away from the beast. Its head turned towards them, its long snake-like body slithering through the air behind it as it considered the fleeing meal. The darkness briefly fell back as a purple blast leaked out of the monster’s beak, making the creature let out a bone chilling screech, coughing out smoke as Violet escaped.

Relief washed over Chrys as she saw Violet shift, becoming a pegasus, her cowl torn, her body covered in a thin layer of goop. She quickly caught up with Luna, and together, they flew like a bat out of Tartarus from the monstrosity that was now hot on their flanks.

“I really hate this place!” Violet shouted indignantly, quickly shifting between pegasus and unicorn to cast a spell. Chrys considered the tactic odd. Why not simply go to her true form? She only did this once, hitting the monster’s face with a ball of iridescent flame. The creature didn’t seemed that bothered from the attack, prompting Violet to shift back.

“No argument!” Luna spat out, sharply turning to the left, her brow furrowing as the monster turned to chase her, the less spicy meal.

Luna!?” Violet cried out, spinning out of the way as the flying snake’s body whipped past her to pursue the daring pony. The darker mare continued to curve around, wings beat as frantically as she could, flying towards the monster’s body as it opened its beak. Through it all, Chrys was by Luna’s side, getting an uncomfortable view of the monster’s maw as it closed around them. Luna planted her hooves into the creature's side, air being knocked from her lungs from the sudden stop. The beak failed to fully close around them, the monster inadvertently biting into itself.

Luna hesitated, chest aching, eyes darting to the opening caught between beak and body. She could feel the creature exhale as it’s jaw opened wider. She saw her chance, the warmth around her motivating her as she dived towards the exit, her wings grazing the beak as she made her escape. As soon as the sickening heat was behind her, a conflagration washed by Luna, making her let out an alarmed cry as the monster’s head disappeared in a purple fireball. She temporarily fell, before righting herself, letting out the breath she held as her companion came to her side.

“Well done young one!” Violet said, pride in her voice that got a sheepish grin from Luna. Her smile melted as the monster let out an enraged-skittery cry. It followed after them. Luna and Violet continued their descent, Yaedra’s light glinting off the waves beneath. Waves they were quickly approaching. Chrys then felt Luna’s heart stop for a moment.

Turn!” she shouted, making a sharp veer to the left, her wings crying in pain. Chrys saw it, but didn’t move in time to avoid the large form that had broken out of the water. Just as they had been diving down, this creature from the water, sporting the teeth-riddled mouth of a cragadile dove up. It was larger than what was chasing them.

The illusion flickered as Chrys passed through it, as if she were a ghost. The young queen blinked, being reminded of the fact that this wasn’t real. But, it didn’t stop the pounding in her chest. There was a sickening crunch as Chrys looked to where the new beast flew. It made dinner out of the monster chasing them, making the large beaked serpent crash beneath the waves, being pulled down as it let out a pained cry. She watched for a moment longer, waves frothing as the body and tail of the larger beast disappeared into the waters.

Realizing she was alone, Chrys looked around. She quickly spotted Luna’s light, returning to the stunned pony just as Violet did.

“...Was that the same monster that attacked our ship?” Luna dared to ask, getting a sheepish laugh from Violet.

“Let us not dwell to find out,” she said, starting to distance herself from the waves, which Luna quickly mirrored.

Afterwards, the pair flew in silence, both exhausted and wary. It wasn’t long before once again, Luna’s light faded, letting Violet shift back into the not-dragon creature. Several minutes after being swallowed by blindness, flickering images came to Chrys, passing thoughts and worries, coming from Luna. Her fear started to trickle over to Chrys, making her heart beat faster as in the darkness of her mind grew.

What if she were to fail? What if she lost one of her clutchlings? Or Bulwark? Or Dud? Or Amber? What if it was her fault?

Chrys’s chest started to ache, in time with Luna’s, fear threatening to overtake them. Their ears perked, when Violet started to hum. They turned to the noise, the shadows faltering to the melody. And after several seconds, Luna hummed along, and after a moment’s hesitation, Chrys did too. So they continued through the dark, humming that song, Luna and Chrys taking strength from Violet’s presence for several minutes, before the song trickled down. Violet let out a content sigh.

“Thank the mountain. I see our ship. To the left. Luna, can your eyes make them out?” she asked, Luna’s course shifting with Violet’s. Even with the darkness around them, it wasn’t easy for Luna to spot what Violet saw, but after a minute, it became obvious to the pegasus.

A bright blue light, bobbing over the water a ways ahead of them.

“It’s the Nautilus!” Luna let out happily, her fatigue seeming to vanish as her wings beat faster. Violet returned to her pegasi self, matching pace as she gave Luna a smile. Yaedra’s light was relit.

“Our luck remains strong,” Violet replied, and almost as if skipping to the important part, the memory rushed to the moment when they reached the ship, making Chrys pause as the sight.

It had the appearance of a conch shell floating on its back, with a wooden frame wrapped and melded around the front end that let the craft spear through the waters. The shelled frame had a number of long spikes pointing out from the side, the tips barbed, giving off a dangerous glowing green light. A radiant sphere floated over the ship, illuminating the waves around, soundly banishing the darkness, revealing rocks in the water, and large swimming forms that paid the ship no mind.

As the pair were close to landing, the crew took notice of them.

“Luna!?” a female voice let out, making Luna’s heart skip a beat as she saw a white earth pony mare, with a long pink mane running along the deck towards them. “Sister!” she added, getting a good look of Luna. The pegasus blushed as she landed, before being caught in a tight hug.

“Tia-” Luna let out, her eyes stinging, before openly weeping. “Tia…”

“It’s okay, I’m right here,” Celestia said softly, pulling Luna closing, running a hoof through her mane. Chrys could feel it, the warmth of their hug, and the honesty of their love. She watched, her own chest aching at the sight, recalling how she felt, when Momo woke up from her coma. To the side, she noticed Violet watching them, a smile on her lips that reminded Chrys of her mother. As the two sisters continued their embrace, more of the crew gathered around. Chrys paid them no mind, taking in the memory before her with a smile of her own.

Then, a little to her disappointment, it all started to fade away…


Chrys opened her eyes, finding herself back at the heart of the throne room. She still felt warm. That feeling melted away when she realized that Aegis was towering over her.

“Wh- Where’s Luna?” she asked, getting a sigh from the guard, who shifted to the side. Chrys looked past him, seeing the princess sitting next to one of the windows, which hung open. She had abandoned the rest of her royal finery, sitting as herself before the light, looking almost as she had in the memory. Chrys was caught in awe of the sight, shafts of sunlight falling around Luna as she looked to the sky beyond.

Aegis cleared his throat.

“You ... were crying,” he said in a hushed tone, making Chrys blink, rubbing her cheeks, finding them wet. “As was she,” he added, making Chrys frown, her chest aching. She completely understood how Luna felt.

“Luna… What happened to your sister?” she dared to ask. Luna’s eyes darted to the ground outside, before looking to the young queen.

“My apologies, Chrys,” she began, “I felt a little indulgent at the end.” She then took a deep breath, trying to compose herself. “My sister … was banished,” she added, a pained look on her face. “Locked away in the sun, never to walk Equestria, ‘til a thousand years her prison made.” Chrys hesitated, unsure if she wanted to ask who did such a thing. “It was a fate wrought on her, by a mare that was young, impatient, paranoid, and unrefined,” she admitted. Chrys stared at her for a moment, before comprehension dawned on her, ears falling in tandem. Luna let out a sad, tired sigh, placing a hoof to the windowsill as she glanced to the sun. “There isn’t a morning I greet where I don’t regret it.” She fell silent for a moment, before slowly turning to Chrys. “But ... that is my burden.”

“And… How did Violet die?”

“We were-” she hesitated. “A great calamity was triggered. She sacrificed herself to stave off the worst of it,” she admitted. “We knew of her nature, of her kingdom, but she was very coy about showing her true self to us. I think, my sister saw it.” Luna ears fell, “We- I owe Violet a great deal, and not knowing where her kind resided, or what became of her children, bothered me- us, for a number of years.”

“But, you forgot?” Chrys asked hesitantly.

“I cannot deny that. It was one concern amongst many, and when I came to rule Equestria on my own, I lost track of that wish. It was overwhelming, learning how to manage by myself.” She then lowered her head for a moment, before looking to Chrys, “And it seems fate has brought my negligence to the forefront, five hundred years later.”


“Indeed, fate, destiny’s misfortune,” Lune assured, before tilting her head, “You think it’s coincidence that we met like this?” she asked, making Chrys frown.

“No, it’s not. I want to save my mother's- Amber’s hive, and you are the princess of Equestria. This meeting was going to happen.” Chrys shook her head, “No fate or destiny about it.”

“Yes… I suppose you’re right,” Luna replied. “Chrys, I’ll help you in any way I can to save your hive. I owe it to Violet- To you.” She then raised a hoof, “But, the safety of my ponies is still my highest priority. Despite my wishes, it’s my responsibility to bring them home first.” Chrys frowned at that, but nodded.

“I understand.” She then glanced to the side. “Can you show me more?”

“I can, but not all of my memories are as clear as that, and it would take a couple of days to go through it all—”

“I’m fine with hearing the story,” she admitted. She didn’t like the idea of encountering more of those monsters, memory or not. Luna nodded.

“There’s a great deal to cover, secrets of our world that I’ve rarely shared.” Luna then frowned. “I want you to understand, Chrys, that I cannot tell you everything. But, I will tell you all I can.”

“Why not?” Chrys asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Because there are some secrets out there best left hidden in the dark, lest they bring peril to the whole world.”

“Y- You’re serious?”

“I assure you, your grandmother’s death was no small sacrifice,” Luna said sternly, walking up to Chrys as she pulled the cushions closer. “Were she here now, I believe she would wish these secrets remained so, unless their spread proved to be of the utmost necessity.” Chrys glanced to the side, feeling as if whatever this secret was, it was more important to Luna, than Chrys’s secret about the attack on Canter Town. “Now, I suppose it would be best to start at the beginning…” The young queen hesitated, before nodding.

And so Luna recounted the tale. A story about segregation between the pony tribes. Of the spirit of chaos that came to be one of the statues decorating the garden. Of the friends she’d made. Of the monsters they fought. Of the secrets of her and Celestia’s birth. And how, in the darkness, they found the roots of harmony...

28. Alchemic Bonding

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“...Dud,” Momo began, getting a curious look from him, “Will they be fine?” she asked, glancing back down the way they came. He tilted his head, before giving her an assuring smile.

“Chrys and Princess Luna? They’ll be more than fine,” he replied confidently, before giving her a confused look. “You’re worried? Weren’t you okay with this?” he asked, getting a sheepish laugh from her.

“I’m a little worried. I mean, she’s telling Luna that we’re not ponies. I mean, I’m for it, but it’s just-” She shook her head, “Never mind. It’s nothing.” She continued ahead of him for several paces, before stopping. She looked to him, “Don’t tell Chrys…” she asked softly, making him tilt his head.

“Being a pillar is rough, huh?” he asked, making her blink.


“You’re Chrys’s pillar. Her support,” he said matter-of-factly, making her frown.

“And you’re not?”

“Pretty sure she leans on you more,” he replied coyly, making her blush slightly.

“R- Right,” she replied, before letting out a small sigh.

“Hey, it’ll be fine,” Dud reassured. “Though, I kind of wish we were there. Seeing the princess’s surprise would be amazing!”

“Well, you could have stayed,” Momo pointed out, before her eyes widened. She didn’t mean to say that out loud...

“True,” Dud replied, rubbing his chin in thought, “Odd. Why didn’t I think of that?” he wondered, looking to Momo, before his face flushed. She couldn't help but smile. “Well, I’m here now, so guess I’ll just stay,” he declared. “We’re probably not missing all that much anyways,” he added offhoofedly, stopping and standing upright in a serious fashion. “Surprise, I’m a changeling!” he said, trying to mimic Chrys’s voice, “Now, let’s talk diplomacy!” Momo chuckled. He smiled at her, before pausing at an intersection. His smile faltered as he glanced both directions in indecision.

“Something wrong?” she asked, making him shake his head.

“Not sure where the library is myself,” he admitted, making her blink dumbly.

“You don’t?”

“Nope!” he replied happily, “But, he does~!” he added, turning to a guard they were about to pass. After a short list of directions, Momo took the lead.

“So Dud, after everything’s done. When there’s peace. What next?” she asked, glancing to him curiously as he came to her side. He tilted his head in thought.

“Hmm. Not sure. I can’t guess at the specifics, but I think it’s fair to say that things will brighten for ponies and changelings alike.”

“I meant you,” she said flatly.

“Oh!” He frowned for a moment. “Well, I suppose it’d be back to exploring, seeing the world, breaking pets free from their cages, and looking for rare creatures.” His eyes then widened excitedly, “I heard there’s a kind of bird called a Roc that grows as big as dragons in the griffin mountains.” Momo’s ears started to fall, which the stallion seemed oblivious to. “But, that will wait till I’ve taken care of our promise,” he added, her mood turning around as he gave her a smile.

“Y- You’re sure?” she asked, blushing slightly, “I mean, we’ll probably be busy- Chrys and I, with getting her hive together.”

“Well, that would be fun in its own way,” he replied, nodding. Momo tilted her head at that, but her coming question died as they found themselves before the library. “Speaking of fun~” he added, opening the doors.

Momo’s mouth fell open. She’d seen Lores’ book collection. It couldn’t even fill a shelf in this place, brimming with tomes of all sizes, thickness, and languages. It smelled of paper and knowledge. Dud’s eyes had an excited gleam in them as he dived right inside, his gaze all over the place as he hovered around the shelves, Momo fluttering in his wake.

“There’s so many!” was all she had to contribute.

Isn’t it great!?” he replied, his smile faltering as somepony let out a hushing sound. The pair looked to each other, before gliding around to the alcove Lady Pestle called home, her nose once again buried in a tome. Momo came to her first, pulling the vase hanging from her back around, before placing it on the table next to the mare. Pestle flinched in surprise.

“You’ll see us now, right?” Momo asked, making Pestle’s eyes dart from Momo to Dud for a second, before giving a small nod.

“Th- That’s right,” she mumbled, marking her page before putting the book to the side. “P- Princess Luna wanted me to help you with…?”

“Oh,” Momo said with a smile, “Can you make this?” she asked, tapping the vase. Pestle hesitated for a moment.

“A vase?” she asked, making Momo flush briefly.

“No no, what’s inside!” she pointed out. Pestle looked like she wanted to say no, but there was a curious gleam in her eyes that compelled her, making her glance into the container. She picked it up, swirling the vase slowly, before wafting some air with her wings to smell it.

“Um, what is it?” she asked.

“It’s nectar. Food!” Momo replied, getting a small frown from the knight.

“P- Please, not so loud. And, just food? How do you make it?”

“With magic,” Dud cut in, “Like, unicorn magic. We were hoping there was a way to make it without that.” Pestle blinked at him, before giving him a weak smile.

“Yeah, what Dud said,” Momo added, getting a briefly confused look from Pestle, before she nodded.

“If that’s what you want, then I should be able to do it,” she replied, showing a look of pure intrigue. “Let’s see what we have here,” she added, grabbing the vase before pulling some nectar out with a spoon. Then, she went to work on it, with practice and ease that betrayed the clumsy sleepy mare they took her for yesterday.

She placed some in a beaker. Made it change colors with some strange smelling pigments. She wafted it. Tasted it. She then slid her book to the side, before grabbing some parchment and a quill, and jotting down notes. It quickly became clear to Momo and Dud that the alchemist was oblivious to their presence now, losing herself in her work as she did all sorts of things to the nectar. Dud watched on curiously. He wasn’t an alchemy expert, but he had a vague idea of what she was doing. Momo however, was completely lost.

“Sooo, this is alchemy?” she asked skeptically, making Pestle pause. She looked to Momo, a little put off by the question.

“Y- You don’t know alchemy?” she asked, making Momo shake her head.

“Only what Dud told me,” she explained getting a confused look from the chemist, who glanced to the stallion. “That you mix things together to make new things.”

“Th- That’s a gross simplification,” Pestle replied, glancing to the side, flustered. “Alchemy is, a science. I mean, yes, the core premise is taking things, and from them making something different, but, it’s soo much more than that!”

“Do tell,” Dud said eagerly.

“It’s, well, complicated. To be good at alchemy, you must understand a whole lot of things: astrology, chemistry, biology, metallurgy; names of species, compounds, ingredients. What’s safe and what’s not,” she said excitedly, indicating to her flasks and the library itself. “There’s a great deal that goes into it. Knowledge, and work! With alchemy, you can make something as mundane as apple cider, or something as rare and incredible as mythril!” She then nodded to herself. “I mean, saying it’s just mixing things … doesn't do it justice,” she added. She was smiling, but with her rant over, she was reminded of whom she was talking to. Her ears fell as she looked away from them.

Momo tilted her head at that.

“...So, cooking is alchemy?” she asked. Pestle blinked at the question, her ears flying back up as she gave an eager nod.

“Th- That’s right! And just like anypony can cook, anypony can do alchemy. From a zebra or earth pony, to even a unicorn.” She then smiled, “Alchemy is everypony’s magic. That’s what I love about it. And one amazing thing about alchemy, is if you do it right, you can end up with something greater than the sum of its parts.” Momo couldn’t help but smile at Pestle’s enthusiasm. The knight then glanced to the beakers she’d laid out, eyes widening as she brought her attention back to them. “Oh dear, I- I got side-tracked.”

“So, can you cook nectar?” Momo pressed, making Pestle blush, her energy dying back down.

“It doesn’t seem very special.” She then raised her hooves at the upset look that got from Momo, “I mean, it’s clearly made from magic, but it’s no more complex than honey.”

“It is special,” Momo assured, “We- uh, Badland Pegasi, need it to live.” Momo then tilted her head, “Well, our young need it. And we need ponies to make it.” Pestle frowned at that.

“You need ponies…” her sentence hung in the air for an awkward moment, making Momo and Dud share a worried glance. She glanced between them, the awkward silence she brought on making her blush. “M- Magic is involved,” she stated flatly, “It- shouldn’t be too hard to replicate.”

“Really!?” Momo asked, making Pestle flinch.

“Library,” she murmured, getting a confused look from Momo.

“Not so loud,” Dud explained, getting a sheepish look from Momo. “Will it be easy to make?”

“This ‘nectar’ is mostly just syrup made from a particular kind of magic. It’s … love?” she asked, swirling some nectar in a beaker as it slowly turned pink, “Yes, love.” She then blinked, before her face slightly flushed. “Th- There’s magical residue in it. To completely mirror it, I’d need a small amount of similar magic to add to the mix.” She then adopted a ponderous look, “Perhaps from an apple tree?” she asked, mostly to herself. She dropped another pigment into the nectar, making it briefly shimmer a myriad of colors before stabilizing again. “Right, magical apples should work.”

“Apple trees mimic love?” Momo asked curiously, Hope coming to mind.

“Enchanted apples don’t grow like natural apples,” Pestle explained, “They require lots of attention and care to flourish, which is imbued in the plant’s fruit.”

“Dud, are those rare?” Momo pressed, her question making Pestle look to Dud.

“They aren’t common,” he admitted. “Would we need a lot for a batch like that?” he asked, indicating the vase.

“Hmmm. This is just a hunch; I’d need to actually make it to see if it works,” Pestle said, looking over her notes, before glancing to the nectar, “But one apple, Zap or Cindercrisp, would be enough for a barrel of this stuff.” She then tilted her head. “Cindercrisps are easy to get this time of year. Zap apples are hard to come by, since nopony’s figured out how they grow.” The stallion nodded.

“Still, it sounds pretty doable!” he exclaimed, sharing a smile with Momo. Pestle looked to her guests, fumbling with her lab for a moment in indecision, before glancing to the stallion.

“Y- Your name’s Grumpy Gust, right?” she asked, making him blink, giving a small nod. “Then ... why does she keep calling you Dud?” she pressed, fidgeting slightly in her seat, making Dud tilt his head.

“It’s his nickname,” Momo explained. She then blinked in realization, “I’m Momo. He’s Dud.” That won a small frown from the knight. Pestle considered him for a moment, looking torn between keeping her mouth shut, or not. She held a hoof to her chest, trying to soften the burning within. A fire that’d been smoldering since thunder boomed, weeks ago. The pain made her take a deep breath, before glaring at him.

“Wh- Why would the son of an Earl let himself be called anything other than his family name?” she asked sharply, “Th- That’s just, just, irresponsible!” Dud blinked, before his ears fell. Momo could feel the air grow colder in the following silence.

“Uhh, Dud,” Momo began hesitantly, “What’s a Earl?” she asked, his smile now lost to her.

“It’s a noble title. It’s not as high as a duke, but it’s still higher than most nobility,” he replied flatly. “An Earl is a pony who owns land, or in this case, clouds, and tends to it for the princess. A pony that allows others to live and work upon it. Of Thundercloud’s five districts, my family owned Tradencloud. If you wanted to open a shop, build a home, or any number of things in that district, you did so with my father- The Earl’s permission.” Momo’s eyes widened at that.

“That’s what you meant by ‘rich bigot’?” she asked softly, getting a small nod from him.

“Lady Pestle, I don’t care for that title, and have no claim to it,” he assured, looking to the knight. “I was disowned years ago, and I still want nothing of it.” Besides buying a carriage on their funds, that is.

“W- Well, Luna, and everypony in Thundercloud knew that,” she spat out, making the stallion blink, before his mouth fell open. “After breaking into places to free pets, it’s no wonder you were disowned! M- Makes a pony wonder if you didn’t destroy the city on purpose.”

“I did not,” Dud quickly replied, a heated look in his eyes that made Pestle step back. “I would never-” He shook his head, “Even at my lowest, had I the choice, I wouldn’t destroy it.”

“Dud,” Momo said in a concerned tone. Pestle frowned at him for a moment longer, before taking a step forward.

“That’s a lie!” she replied, shaking her head in denial, eyes wet, “Everypony talked about it. There’s no love between you and your family. You destroyed Thundercloud to spite them!”

“No, he didn’t,” Momo cut it, “When we first reached Thundercloud, he was sad at what’d been done to it!” she pressed, stepping towards the knight, who moved back, eyes wide.

“W- Watch it! I’m Luna’s Knight, I know how to fight-” she tripped over an abandoned book, falling unceremoniously on her back, her head knocking into a nearby table leg. “O- Ow-” She looked up to see several vials roll off towards her, making her yelp as she deftly caught them with her wings and hooves. She let out a small sigh, before her eyes met Momo and Dud’s. Her face flushed in embarrassment.

Momo glanced to Dud, her frown melting at the display. She walked up to Pestle, whose hooves were too tied up with vials to effectively stand up. Momo offered a hoof. Pestle swatted it away with a wing, sending two vials flying, before smashing into the stone floor nearby. “I- I don’t want your help!”

“W- Why?” Momo asked, ears falling.

“Because your kin destroyed my home!” Pestle spat out, “And- and you took-” She got on her hooves, her body trembling for a moment as she teetered between emotions. Anger, hatred, fear, they consumed her. It was too much for the normally quiet mare.

Like a cord snapping, her shoulders slumped, wings falling to her side, the remaining vials simply crashing to the ground. She let out several tired breaths, before breathing in deep. “You took my husband and son,” she said calmly, her eyes hidden by her mane. Momo took a step back, her chest hurting at those words. Pestle started moving around, brushing the broken glass, avoiding Dud and Momo as they digested her words, coming from it with the purest truth:

She was a victim of their making.

“I don’t want to help you. Either of you,” she said, a line of tears running down her cheeks as she cleaned her mess. “B- But, I have to, if I want to see them again.”

“I-” Momo hesitated, “Look, I’m really—”

“Sorry?” Pestle cut off. “Sorry isn’t bringing them back,” she added bitterly, before pointing to the exit. “Get out of my lab. You’ll have your nectar.” Momo’s mouth opened, words she wanted to say on the tip of her tongue. But, what was there to say, besides apologizing?

Lowering her head, Momo turned around, walking away from the desks. She couldn’t deny Pestle’s hatred. A small part of her wanted to, but it wasn’t strong enough to swim through the shame that was flooding her heart. She paused, when she realized she was alone. Glancing back, she saw Dud looking at Pestle, still in her lab.

“Momo isn’t to blame,” he said calmly, making Momo’s chest hurt for a moment. She turned towards him. Pestle did the same.

“You have no right to say that, city killer!”

“Yes, I’m a city killer,” he said flatly, “I triggered a trap set by Mantis, even though I knew something was off about the whole thing. Afterwards, I nearly lost two good friends. I had a lot of time to think after that, and the more I thought, the more I hated it.” Pestle was looking at him, confused by what he was saying. Momo’s held a hoof over her heart, bound wings and a flash of light coming to mind.

“I don’t like these feelings,” he added, glaring at the floor, “I can’t stand them. So I did something about it. I worked. I worked myself ragged. I wanted to fix it. Make a new Thundercloud. But, I’m no fool. I knew what I helped build would never be the same.” His eyes met Pestle’s. “You can call me city killer. I feel like one. But, there’s no reason to yell at Momo. She is not responsible for attacking Thundercloud. Nor foalnapping your family.”

“L- Like horsefeathers she isn’t!”

“Dud, it’s alright—” Momo was cut off.

“No it’s not,” he said sternly, giving her an annoyed frown. “Lady Pestle, where Momo comes from, you’re given a choice. Be a worker, or be a soldier. Momo chose to be a worker.” Pestle glanced to her for a moment.

“And you think that makes it right?” Dud raised an eyebrow at that.

“I think you just want an excuse to hate her,” he said flatly. She blinked at him, her frown gone, leaving confusion in its place.

“N- no. That is-” she glanced down, looking unsure of herself.

“...I ignored it,” Momo said quietly, making the others turn to her. “The ponies we brought in. I didn’t like it, but I ignored it. I didn’t speak up. I didn’t complain. I simply stayed quiet as we captured more and more ponies.” Dud’s ears fell. Her eyes were wet too.

“We need them to make nectar. We need them to keep us fed. I’ve never made nectar before, because I knew they were like us. But, I ignored it.” She took a step towards Pestle, who seemed unsure how to respond. “Pestle, I don’t blame you for hating me. I saw what our soldiers did to Thundercloud. I saw the sadness in everyponies’ eyes in Dodge.” She brought a hoof to her chest. “It hurts. Dud, he’s right, I chose to be a worker, but it wasn’t for ponies. I was ignorant. I wanted to be ignorant. Leaving home with Chrys changed all that. Now, I want to make it all better.” She then shook her head, “I want to make this guilt go away! I- I keep looking forward, distracting myself, putting on a strong look for Chrys, but it’s always there, in the back of my mind.” She gave Pestle a determined look. “So, I want- I’m going to make it better. So does Chrys, and Dud- Grumpy Gust.” She took another step forward. Pestle held her ground. “Pestle. I want to make this right. Not just to end the guilt, but because Equestria didn’t deserve what we’ve done. That’s why we came to you. To make things right.” And to make a better tomorrow. “...Pestle, even though you hate us, will you still help us?”

Pestle looked into Momo’s eyes for a long moment. She saw the tears in them, mirrored in her own. Her eyes looked away, unable to stand it. Momo’s words of ignorance resonated with her own feelings, making the knight feel shame well up from within.

“I- I already said I would do it,” she replied, letting out a ragged breath.

“Thank you,” Momo replied, her ears low as she glanced back the way they came. “If you have any questions, ask, and we’ll get out of your mane as fast as we can.” Pestle considered them for a moment, opening her mouth, as if ready to dismiss them. Her eyes fell to Dud’s, making her recall how she called him irresponsible. She was being very un-knightly right now. Her shoulders sagged.

“I- Need a small break,” she said weakly, fluttering past them. Momo looked to Dud, who had a strangely sad look in his eyes. “You can stay,” Pestle added, making the others look to her in surprise. “I won’t be long, I just… need some water.” With that, she quietly left, leaving the two alone. Silence fell over them for over a minute, neither quite up to striking a conversation. As they waited, what transpired played through their heads, eventually making them look to each other, the self blame the other held during that ‘talk’ making them frown in unison.

That frown shifted to worry for Momo. Son of an Earl? Owner of a district? There was nothing unimportant about that. One could even call it rare. It was clear to Momo that he hated this rarity. The weight of his past was present in this castle, and it called him by name. Was he going to try and leave again, now that they were here? Did she have any right to stop him this time? Her ears fell as she considered that.

“I’m not leaving,” he said assuringly, making Momo blink. Could he read her mind!? “It’s written on your face,” he added with a small grin, making her flush.

“Dud- I’m—”

“I’m not a Dud anymore.” She’d never frowned faster in her life. “My name’s Grumpy Gust-” she slapped him. Like she was ever going to call him by the name he hated. He was surprised. It wasn’t a particularly strong slap, but it still stung, making him rub his cheek as he slowly looked to her. Her eyes were tearing up again.

“You are Dud,” she said flatly, summing up paragraphs of what she wanted to say in three short words. “Okay?” she asked. He considered her for a moment, his expression softening. He then pulled her into a hug, making her breath catch in her throat.

“I must be having a bad day. Nearly forgot my name,” he said with a frail smile.

“Th- That’s right. You’re Dud, a rare creatures expert that likes changelings,” she said quietly, returning the hug, once again feeling his warmth. “...It’s all going to be okay. Right?”

“Absolutely,” he said faithfully, making her squeeze him harder. She then leaned back slightly, their faces close. She looked into his eyes. She could lose herself in them. Her chest was pounding, and as if it were only natural, their faces were slowly closing the gap between them.

“O- Oh!” Pestle’s voice let out. Momo’s heart skipped a beat, her and Dud’s eyes flashing towards the returning Alchemist. Her eyes were red, likely from crying. “S- Sorry, didn’t m- mean to interrupt,” she added, her face turning beet red as she stepped back. “Oh my gosh. I- I’ll just—”

“I- It’s okay.”

“Don’t go!”

Dud and Momo said in unison, their faces flushed as they broke the embrace, stepping back from each other.

“U- Using somepony’ else's lab for that kind of alchemy is-” She tripped over the rug, making her crash down in front of Momo and Dud. “O- Ow.” she added, slowly getting to her hooves, a moment Momo and Dud took to distance themselves from each other.

“N- No funny business going on here,” Dud stammered out.

“So, uhh,” Momo quickly added, before her eyes fell to the vase she’d brought in, “About that nectar!”

“Huh?” Pestle replied, before her eyes widened. “Right. Umm, you can stay, if you want.” Momo and Dud barely heard her. “...I don’t like you. But, I promised I’d try really hard,” she added, getting a confused look from the others. She paused, glancing between them, looking torn on a question she really wanted to get off her chest. “My family. Are they … alright?”

“They’re completely fine,” Momo assured.

“You said you needed them to make nectar—”

“From their dreams,” Momo added, “It’s made while they’re asleep. We make sure they have good dreams, about those they love.”

“Dreams? I- see. I guess that explains why Luna can’t see them,” Pestle mumbled, eyeing Momo for a moment, before glancing to the flasks. “Thank you,” she whispered, before approaching her tools. “Could you tell me more about this nectar, please,” she added, glancing between them. “Like how you made this batch, and any details that you have. Anything will help. The more I know, the easier a time I’ll have replicating it.”

Momo and Dud blinked at that, sharing a look as they recalled how the nectar was made. Suffice to say, Pestle’s Q & A had plenty of blushing to go around.


“This ... is a lot to take in,” Chrys admitted, pictures of monsters and lost cities floating in her head. Luna let out a small chuckle.

“Imagine living it.” Chrys didn’t have to, after having seen that memory. A memory born from magic she’d only heard about from stories her mother told. She’d would have to ask Luna how to cast spells like that. At a more appropriate time, of course. There was still things she needed to explain.

“Well, now it’s my turn...” Chrys replied, before going into great length describing changeling life, what state the hive was in before she was born, and details about the attacks on the four towns. She told Luna nearly everything, besides Ghost, Hope, or the attack on Canter Town. Hopefully, they could reach Amber before that…

“So you keep them in cocoons, and turn their love into nectar?” Luna asked with a raised eyebrow, getting a sheepish look from Chrys. “I- I see. This, this is also a good deal to take in,” she admitted, once Chrys had finished recounting their journey here.

Lunch had come and gone, and dinner wasn’t too far off. “Perhaps it would be best to take a break, and consider what we’ve shared.” Chrys nodded in agreement, if only because she was hungry, and had passed on eating earlier. Pony food is still not good for changelings if they’re shapeshifting. “Am I right in assuming your hive won’t move out until winter comes to a close?”

“That’s the plan,” Chrys affirmed, getting a small smile from the princess.

“Then it would appear that we’re not too pressed for time.” The princess then nodded, “I’ve arranged a banquet for tonight, for you and your friends. Shall you check on them while I attend to my other duties?”

“I suppose,” Chrys said with a sigh, before getting to her hooves, which Luna mirrored.

“Ahh, before you leave,” Luna began, looking to Aegis. “Thank you, loyal shield, for not attacking me.” Chrys blinked at that, looking to Aegis, who had a troubled look.

“What does she mean?” Chrys asked him, before looking to Luna, “What do you mean?”

“My guard was completely down while I was showing you the memory,” Luna explained, “He was a silent onlooker, who would never have had a better chance to strike me than that.” She then gave Aegis a coy smile, which made the guardian frown. “If you wanted to ‘subdue’ me, you went and wasted your chance.”

“I will admit, the idea came to mind,” he said.

“Aegis…” Chrys said, feeling oddly conflicted. She wasn’t sure if she should scold him for the thought, or compliment him for not acting on it.

“Hmm, I can see it in your eyes,” Luna added, making Aegis glance to the side, “You think me a fool for leaving myself exposed?”


“H- Hey!” Chrys let out, glaring at him.

“Chrys, allow me a moment. I suspect there is insight here which you should glean.” Chrys didn’t know how to take that. She glanced between the two for a moment, before letting out a bothered sigh. “Sir Aegis, I do not doubt your might. Arrow, Murmur and Whisper told me of your strength when you fought Sledge.” She tilted her head. “Am I a fool for trusting you? It’s possible,” Aegis was unsure of how to respond. “You are Chrys's shield. You wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize her, or the future she’s working towards. A future where your Queen’s hive can prosper without fighting or abducting ponies.” Chrys’s eyes darted from Luna to Aegis, seeing the royal guard’s stance slacken.

“Are all ponies so quick to trust?” he asked simply, making Luna shrug.

“Everypony is different, and everypony has the potential to be a fool,” she replied, “Truly, I didn’t consider the possibility of you attacking me when I showed Chrys that memory. I lost myself in the moment.” She then gave him a sly grin, “For not ‘subduing’ me, you have my gratitude.” Aegis actually blushed.

“I- I think this topic is done,” he replied, glancing to Chrys, “I’d rather not waste any more of your time, Highness.”

“Clearly,” Chrys said flatly, before turning to Luna, “Will we talk more tomorrow?”

“Of course.”

“Any chance we could practice magic, as well?” Chrys added, trying to sound like it was unimportant. Luna chuckled.

“If that is what you want, then I don’t see why not. We can practice some magic too,” she replied, getting a small grin from the young queen. “Though, next time, give me a chance to eat breakfast first,” she said, getting a sheepish laugh from Chrys.

“No promises,” Chrys said sharply, before wreathing herself in flame, returning to her unicorn form.

“You … prefer that look?” Luna asked, making Chrys scoff.

“It’s the dead of winter. Even if it’s warm inside the castle, it’s chilly by changeling standards,” Chrys said dismissively, before making to leave. Truth be told, she had a feeling her true form wouldn’t draw the happiest of gazes from onlookers. With that said, Chrys left the throne room, with Aegis a step behind. In the hall, Ghost stood waiting, and as soon as she left the doors behind her, he entered the room. Chrys glanced at him as he moved to Luna.

“Princess, there’s a, personal, matter I wish to talk about-” Ghost began, being cut off with the doors closing. Chrys tilted her head curiously, before continuing on. When the throne room was out of sight, she stopped, turning towards Aegis.

“You could have attacked Luna,” she said curtly. “Why didn’t you?”

“...Because I’ve decided to trust in what you’re after,” he replied. For some reason, that made Chrys’s chest ache.

“We learned a lot today,” Chrys added, getting a solemn nod from the guard.

“I consider myself quite blessed to hear it from the source.”

“It reminds me of what Momo and I found...” Chrys began, looking to him, “Aegis, I think I’ve kept you in the dark long enough.”

“You don’t have to tell me,” he replied flatly, making her falter for a moment.

“Come again?”

“The princess was right. I could have attacked her, but I didn’t. Pointing that out made me realize something important.”

“And that is… ?”

“As I said. It’s because I trust you.” Well, she hadn’t been expecting that. “I have to admit, I saw you as a hatchling. A young one that needed to be protected. That didn’t know what was best. That didn’t know what the hive needed. Whether that was true or not when we left the hive, now I see you for what you really are.”

“A queen?”

“A princess who’s becoming one. And from the looks of it, a strong queen. One without a hive, but a queen all the same. And though you are not my queen, if Amber wished it, I feel I wouldn’t hesitate to call you my own.” Chrys was touched by that, giving him a small smile. “You needn’t tell me what you found in the mountain. I don’t need to know, unless you feel that's the case.” Chrys considered him for several moments, before shaking her head.

“Took you long enough, idiot,” Chrys replied playfully, getting a firm nod from Aegis.

“My apologies, Your Highness. I’ll endeavor to not be so slow in the future,” he replied, wearing a small grin, which she mirrored. Feeling quite happy with herself, and what she’d learned and gained today, she continued on through the hall. After walking about for several minutes, that happiness hit a snag.

“Momo and Dud went to the library, right?” she asked, getting a small nod from Aegis. “Just where is that...?”


Several hours later, and some filling in of details led to Chrys’s gang, as well as Pestle and Olive sitting in the throne room. In the time since Chrys left, a fabulous wooden table had been brought in, with accompanying low chairs for each of them.

The table was long, with Chrys sitting at one end, Aegis sitting right behind her. Momo and Dud were to her sides. Opposite was Luna’s seat, with a nervous Pestle and a put-off Olive seated next to the princess’s empty spot. The captain clearly looked like he wanted to complain at being sat at the table like some sort of guest. Food hidden within silver trays were brought to the table as Dud let out a bothered sigh.

“Aww. We really missed out!” Dud exclaimed, his sentiment shared by Momo.

“Was that all true?” Momo asked, leaning into the table towards her clutchling, “Luna and Queen Violet sailed in some underground lake together?” Chrys raised her hooves dismissively.

“It has to be true. I mean, it’s a little too crazy to be made up,” Chrys replied.

“I’ll have to pester the princess for details!” Dud added, getting a small smirk from Chrys. “I mean, just imagine the rare creatures hiding down there!”

“You- You won’t have to wait long for Luna,” Pestle muttered, slinking deeper into her chair as the others looked to her. Indeed, it wasn’t long before Luna joined them at the table. And with her arrival, their food was revealed. Steaming plates of delectables. Meals fit for royalty, that would make even the most extravagant of nobles blush.

“Friends,” Luna began, looking amongst her guests and staff, “Long ago, when the divided pony tribes finally came together, food was scarce. Together, they often had to break, and share their bread. As time passed on, this act began to mean something more. A bond. A shared meal, blessed with the intent of prosperity. This meal symbolizes my promise to bring things right.” Luna then placed a heavy hoof on the table. “It won’t be easy. Stolen family and destroyed homes are a hard thing to forgive. And forgiveness is something rarely given for free. But, Chrysalis, you and your companions have made great strides towards that goal. So tonight, we feast. We break bread, for the promise of better days.” Luna then took her hoof of the table, her serious demeanor fading away as she gave them all a warm smile. “By all means. Dig in!”

And that is exactly what they did. As they ate, questions were tossed back and forth, between Dud, Luna, and all the others. Questions about the past. Questions about nectar. Sharing the changeling revelation, and the surprises it elicited from Pestle and ‘Olive’. Luna and Chrys watched on, lost in thought between the distracting questions. Halfway through the meal, a passage from an important book came to Luna’s mind. She frowned slightly, before looking to the young queen.

“Chrys, do you know your destiny?” Luna asked, making Chrys pause, another forkful of delight hovering before her open mouth. She frowned, the fork returning to the plate with a slight clink.

“Luna, I said earlier that I don’t believe in those sorts of things. I was born a queen, so I will be one. You could call that destiny, but it’s simply providence.”

“You’re mincing words,” Dud pointed out, getting a cross look from her.

“I’m not saying that you should believe in the notions of fate and destiny,” Luna replied. “But, you shouldn’t be so set in ignoring them.” Chrys had to hide her annoyance. Fate. Destiny. She didn’t like those words. They cheapened anything that they were tied to. Amber always said that there was a reason for everything. Chrys doubted the answer to everything was ‘fate and destiny’.

“Luna, I don’t care—”

“Chrys,” the princess said patiently, “In our world, is a rare kind of magic. A kind that glimpses into the future, and mark what’s seen as a prophecy. Or, a dream,” she added, raising an eyebrow, making Chrys glance to the side. After all, it was a prophetic dream that sent Violet Widow on her quest. “Fate and Destiny are irrefutably tied to those. To deny destiny, or ignore fate, is to ask for calamity.” Chrys played with her plate for a moment, stewing on Luna’s words.

“What do you all think?” Chrys finally asked, looking to those close to her. There was no immediate answer, appetites going quiet in deliberation.

“What are the odds,” Dud began, “of a pony like me being the one that opened the door to Thundercloud’s doom?” he asked, getting a troubled look from his company. He then looked to Luna. “I don’t believe I was ‘fated’ to cause Thundercloud’s destruction. It was doomed, regardless as to whom opened the door.” Pestle wore a pained look. “But, the fact that I opened it, makes me believe there’s something greater to this.”

“Dud…” Momo said, placing a hoof on his shoulder. He gave her an assuring smile.

“Princess Luna,” he pressed, “Can a prophecy be altered?”

“They can,” Luna replied confidently. “They would serve little purpose otherwise.” Chrys blinked at that, looking to her.

“So, if fate and destiny can change, then what’s the point in believing in them?”

“Because they can only change, if you know of them,” Luna replied, giving Chrys a very serious look, “Chrysalis, are you destined to become a queen, or are you fated to fail?”

“H- How am I supposed to know!?” Chrys asked, her patience at it’s limit. “I want to succeed. I want to keep the hive safe- Amber, safe. And that’s what I’m going to do,” she then hesitated, “With your help. Right?”

“Of course.”

“Then, fate and destiny don’t matter. At least, not to me. There’s a reason for everything, and we’re going to be the reason everything turns out for the best.” Luna blinked at that, before glancing to her food.

“Yes. Yes, of course,” she added, letting out a small sigh. “For the best.” She assured, raising her drink, which got an excited look from Momo.

“Oh, a toast!?” she asked, getting a smile from the princess. Chrys looked from Luna to the others, before adopting a fiery look, raising her glass too.

“I guess we’re toasting for peace, right?” Dud asked. Pestle eyed her cup as he said that, looking uncertain as Chrys nodded.

“For peace!” she declared, raising her cup. Luna lifted hers as well.

“For peace!” And one after another, the rest of the table joined in.

And as the dinner continued, Luna looked on, her grin masking a touch of worry. After all, she had a prophecy in her possession, and with the changeling revelation, many of the missing pieces were now clear to her. In fact, she was tempted to share the prophecy now. But, considering how adamant Chrys was in ensuring her mother’s safety, she felt it might be best to wait for a better time for the reveal, considering the fate it implied for Amber. She had a strong feeling it would lead to heated words.

Still, she had experience keeping these prophecies from coming to pass, and she had no intention of failing on Chrys’s behalf, or letting a fifth city fall to Mantis. Yes. There was still plenty of time, plenty of opportunities to come forth with it, when Chrys was ready...