> A Punk's Love: The Story of Straight Edge > by AC Punk > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to Canterlot It is a normal summer morning in the town of Canterlot. Everyone is going about their business, most of them dreading the end of summer vacation. In a house not far from Canterlot High School, an eighteen year old boy is asleep in bed; he arrived in Canterlot by plane late the previous night. Sleeping soundly, he is awoken by the annoying sound of his alarm clock. Groaning, he turns in bed and cuts it off, wishing to return to his dreams. As he begins to fall asleep once more, a loud revving noise forces him awake, causing him to fall to the floor; he groans in both pain and annoyance as he begins to get up. Upon reaching his feet, the blanket covering his face falls to the floor, revealing his long black hair. Getting to his feet, he walks to the bathroom and begins brushing his teeth. Afterwards, he grabs a tube of hair gel and gels his hair back to reveal his face. "Straight, Breakfast is ready!" a voice calls from downstairs. Straight acknowledges this and grabs a shirt from his room before heading downstairs. He enters the kitchen to find a girl, about the same age as him, in a purple t-shirt and sweatpants standing beside the countertop. She apparently noticed him, because as soon as he enters the room she wraps him in a hug. "Straight, I haven't seen you in so long!" she says while Straight begins to struggle for freedom. "Jess, I talk to you all the time over the phone." he replies. "We haven't seen each other since the seventh grade. When I say that, I mean in person." Straight sighs, jess releasing him from her grip, and grabs the food she had prepared for him. The two catch up and talk about their childhood until Straight decides to check out the town. Putting his plate in the sink, he puts on his everyday clothes and grabs his hoodie before leaving the house. After a bit of walking, Straight finds himself in front of Canterlot High, where he will be enrolling for his senior year. Upon first glance, the place seems pretty normal, Straight suddenly thinking the Magical disaster accounts jess had spoke of to be nothing more than a made up story. As he begins to walk away, Straight accidentally walks into a girl, both of them falling to the ground. "Sorry, my bad." he apologizes. "No, It's alright. I should've paid more attention." she replies. As Straight offers to help her up, he suddenly feels strange as the girls face comes into view. Once on her feet, the girl thanks him. "Well, thanks for the help. My names Applejack by the way." she explains. Straight snaps back into reality before the situation becomes awkward. "Uh, yeah. My name is Straight Edge." he says. Applejack then squints, looking closely at Straight's face. "I don't think we've met before. Are you new around here?" "Yeah; I'm originally from Chicago, but my folks sent me to live with a close friend because I was in a 'unhealthy' environment." "Well, pleasure to meet you Straight Edge." "I prefer to be called Punk, but that can wait for another time." The two say their goodbyes and Straight heads back to Jess's. Upon arriving, he heads up to his room, the girl he just met being the only thing on his mind for some reason. In an effort to get rid of the thoughts, he grabs on of the comic books he brought from Chicago and begins reading. After a couple of hours, his attempts to get Applejack off his mind end in defeat. As he leaves his room, he finds jess in the living room watching television. "Hey Jess." he says, grabbing a seat on the couch. "Hey Punk, how was your walk around town?" she asks. "Pretty good, I checked out the high school, but didn't get to head into town to check out the local stores." "Did you meet anyone?" Straight immediately averts eye contact. "Uh, yeah. I met someone when I was leaving the school." "Oh really; who was it?" "Some girl named Applejack." he begins to blush upon saying her name. "You like her, don't you?" Jess teases. "NO!" "You're face says otherwise." Groaning in defeat and annoyance, Straight heads back up to his room. Once inside, he falls onto his bed and puts on a set of headphones so he can listen to some music. All the while, his thought race through his head; a new school, a new town, and new friends. As the day draws to a close, straight climbs out onto the roof of the house to stargaze. Once there, he lays down on the roof and gazes into the star lit sky. Using the silence to think, he wonders if life had intended for him to come here, and if so, what else will it have in store for him. Putting his curiosity to rest, Straight reenters his room, proceeding to getting ready for bed. As he finally gets into bed, he goes to sleep with a smile, knowing whatever roadblocks Canterlot will put in front of him, he will get around while flipping off the people who put them up. As he drifts off to sleep, his eyes suddenly shoot open as the sound of fireworks exploding fills the area. Groaning, he places a pillow over his head in an attempt to muffle the sound, wishing whoever is shooting off pyrotechnics would stop. Early the next morning, Straight is out on a morning run. He finally manages to get into town and check out the local shops. As he makes his run, he smiles at the sight of a martial arts academy, knowing he will be able to continue his Muay Thai training. As he finishes his run, he stops by the school, the parking lot filled with teachers cars, a hint that school is about to begin. Shrugging the dread of summer ending off, he heads back to jess's for breakfast, ready to start his senior year of high school. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Making a Friend Today is the first day of school, students and teachers alike all returning to school now that summer vacation is over. Straight Edge is currently walking along the sidewalk towards his school. Today he is wearing a pair of denim jeans, his tennis shoes, and a shirt depicting a CM Punk logo on the chest; he is also wearing hand wraps with a black X on the top of each of them. As Canterlot High gets closer, his brown eyes making out the image of the dome that sits atop the school, Straight begins to think about what his friends are doing back in Chicago. "Hey, Wait Up!" a voice says from behind him. Turning in the direction of the voice, Straight spots a boy about his age wearing a World of Warcraft shirt, camouflage pants, and a sleeveless shirt over his black t-shirt. The kids long brown hair covers his face as he finally reaches Straight and bends over, panting from running up to him. "I waited for you, aren't you going to introduce your self?" Straight asks him. "Give me... a second," the boy says in between breathes, "Right, I'm Warhawk." "Straight Edge, but you can call me Punk." Straight then begins walking again. "I've never seen you around here before, are you new to town?" "Yeah, I flew in from Chicago three days ago." The two finally arrive at the horse statue in front of the school. As they head towards the door however, Straight is is suddenly stopped by a girl with light blue eyes, Dark blue hair which had been done up into a pair of pig tails, and silver skin. She was looking at Straight with a big grin. "High, I'm Solar Wind. What's your name?" she asks him. "Uh, I'm Straight Edge. And the guy with the beard is Warhawk." Straight replies. "Wind, don't go running off like that." a voice says. A boy then approaches the three, this one being about an inch taller than Straight, he has yellow eyes, Black spikey hair, and gray skin. He was wearing a black hoodie, a black t-shirt with the Japanese kanji for wolf written in green on the chest, a pair of dark green pans with a chain coming from the pocket, and a pair of strap boots. "We were both heading to the same place, Zero." Wind says to him. "I know, but you still shouldn't run off like that." he replies. "Can you please move?" Straight asks. the two siblings look to him at hearing this. "I am trying to have a conversation with my sister pal." Zero tells him. "Yeah, well she looks like she can take care of herself with out some crazy overprotective brother watching over her." "What did you call me?" "You heard me, now can I please go inside?" Zero then grins. "But of course, And let me be the first to say welcome to Canterlot High." he then slaps Straight across the cheek. Wind gasps at seeing this, but Straight chuckles before returning the favor by slapping Zero. A few seconds pass before the two speak, zero turns his head to Straight and smiles. "You know something," he says, "I kinda like you." "Wait, what?" Wind asks. "Same here." Straight replies. After the little fiasco is finished, Straight and the others head inside. Upon entering the building, they are met by two kids; One if them being a boy with white hair, blue eyes, Black pants,and a white hoodie; the other is a girl with Red and Yellow hair, she is wearing a ligt blue shirt with a skirt and a dark green army jacket. They both turn to Straight and the others and introduce themselves. "Hi, are you the new transfer students?" the girl asks. "Uh yeah, I'm Straight Edge." "I'm Zero Gravity." "And I'm Warhawk." "It's a pleasure to meet you all; My name is sunset shimmer and this is Soul Writer." "Welcome to Canterlot High." Soul says. The group continues to converse amongst themselves until the bell rings for school to start. At this point, the teens all leave each other and head to their first period classes, Straight's being Physics. As the day progresses, Straight is on his way to the cafeteria for lunch. Upon arriving, he is surprised at the amount of students eating. When he first arrived in Canterlot, he believed the school to have a much smaller student body, but he's been wrong before. Straight grabs his plate and food and sits at an empty table. He at first thinks he'll have the table all to himself, Until... "Mind if I sit here?" a voice asks. Straight turns to find a boy who appeared to be the same height as him with gray skin, black hair, and Blue eyes wearing a pair of jeans and a black shirt with a basketball on the chest, the basketball having a music note on it. "Sure, I don't mind." Straight replies. "Thanks, my name's Clyde by the way, what's yours?" Clyde asks while taking his seat. "Straight Edge, I transferred in from Chicago." Straight says while taking a bite of his food. "Oh that's cool, you got any plans for doing stuff here at the school. You know, joining a sports team, club, or anything like that?" Hearing sports teams triggers a memory to play in Straight Edge's head. It's back at his old school in Chicago; he's in the gym while the basketball team is practicing. One of them said something and Straight ends up spitting in the star players face. shaking his head, straight answers. "I have a couple issues with jocks so I don't think I'll be joining anything right now." he says. ' Oh, well if your ever interested, Coach Iron Will is looking for students to join the Track team." Clyde explains. "I'll keep it in mind." Clyde and Straight Edge continue to talk until a voice calls form the far side of the cafeteria. it belongs to a girl wth plae white skin, Blue eyes, and purple hair. "Clyde, could you come here for a second, please?!" she asks. "Sure ting! be right there." Clyde says. "Who's that?" Straight asks. "That's my girlfriend Rarity; now if you'll excuse me." Clyde gets up and walks to her table. Straight laughs as a faint memory plays in his head. "Some things never change." he laughs. As the day comes to a close, Straight Edge leaves the school and heads ]home. Upon getting inside, he finds Jess in the kitchen with her head on the counter top, she's wearing a dark burgundy Sweater vest and skirt. She groans before looking up at Straight. "Is everything alright?" he asks at seeing her. "You would be like this to if you went to crystal prep." Jess replies in an exhausted tone. "It can't be that bad." "I'm team captain for the Shadow Colts Soccer team. I have to make sure the team gets the practice schedule and I also have to get my parents to sign a bunch of papers and turn them in tomorrow or else I cant participate in any extra curricular activities." "Okay, maybe it is that bad." "I just want to get some sleep right now, I'll see you this evening when mom and dad get home." she begins to walk to her room. "Hey Jess, I'm gonna head into town and see about enrolling at the gym they have there." "Alright, I'll tell mom and dad." Straight Smiles at hearing this and sets his school stuff in a chair before leaving the house once more, this time heading into town. > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Heist of the Century The following week, Straight Edge has gotten a custom to his new life in Canterlot; the people are friendly, the atmosphere is welcoming, and the local martial arts dojo has quite the assortment of training equipment. He is currently walking through the hallways of CHS towards his locker. "Straight!" Pinkie pie exclaims, grabbing he back of his jacket. "Gah!" he exclaims in surprise, "Pinkie don't do that." "Sorry, but Zero needed to see all of us, pronto." "Why?, if I may ask?" "THERES NO TIME!!!" Straight is then picked up by the pink skinned teen and carried above her head in the direction of the meeting. "This is new." Straight thinks to himself. Upon arriving at the meting room, Pinkie throws, literally throws, Straight inside and shuts the door. After regaining his senses, Straight looks around and finds everyone to be waiting in the surprisingly roomy closet. "Hey Straight." Says Soul. "Why am I here?" Straight asks out loud. "Because you have been chosen to partake in a task no on has ever attempted before." A voice says from the shadows. Turning around, Sraight sees Zero sitting down, a flashlight hed up to his face, grinning. Sighing at this, Straight gets back to his feet and looks at Zero like everyone else. "Hello, welcome to my corner." Zero begins. "Just cut to the chaser Zero, why are we here?" asks Soul. "Ugh, Fine . We'll do it the old fashioned way." Zero then hits the light switch. "I gathered you all here to assist me in completing a task that just might help us get one up on those Crystal Prep snobs." Hearing the name of the school causes a little red flag to go up in Straight Edges mind, but he stays quiet and listens. "I'm sure you all are aware that we haven't beaten them in the annual Friendship games for the past several years." "What's this have to do with us cuttin' class?" Applejack asks. "Look, here's my idea... We're going to steal the crystal heart." "WOAH, HOLD UP!" Straight Edge exclaims, "I already got busted for larceny back in Chicago, I am NOT going back to juvenile." "You went to juvy?" Swift asks. "Getting off topic!" Zero exclaims, "Now, first were gonna need supplies fro Thieves r us, then we'll all meet up at My place to draw up a plan." Straight finally gets to leave after ten minutes and is approached by Applejack. "Hey Straight." She says. "Mind if I walk with ya to class?" "Not at all." he replies. As the two arrive at Study hall, they sit down at the same table. After a while, the two begin to converse. "So, mind if I ask a few questions?" AJ asks. "Shoot." Replies Straight. "Where exactly did you live while you were in Chicago?" Straight Sighs at first, but answers anyway. "I grew up in public housing, a place called the Bricks. Had a life changing moment when I turned ten then got put into a orphanage. Adopted a year later." "Wow, must've been hard for you growin up." "Nah, just have to know who's who and where to go and you'll be okay." "How come your folks aren't living with you here in Canterlot?" "Mom and Dad had to stay in Chicago for a little while, so I came on ahead to get my schoolwork settled while they find a decent house." "Who's you're folks; you're adopted ones I mean?" Upon hearing the question, Straight scratches the back of his head and answers in a uneasy tone. "I really don't wan to talk about them right now." He replies, "It's better if you meet them in person." "Oh; do you know when they will be moving to Canterlot?" Applejack asks. "Not a clue." Straight replies. As school finally comes to an end, Straight Edge is walking home when a dark green jeep pulls up beside him. Shooting it a confused glance, He has no time to react as he is pulled into the backseat. As Straight opens his eyes, he finds his arm pinned behind his back and his leg between the legs of an unknown person. As he begins contemplating a way to escape his kidnappers, his mind is thrown into a tailspin as the jeep hits a pothole, causing a certain girl to get thrown on top of him. "Watch where you're drivin' Warhawk!" a country voice exclaims. "Wait, Appleajck!?" Straight questions, "You got kidnapped to?" "I wasn't kidnapped." she says turning to face him, "But I wish we could have found a bigger car." Straight finally realizes that everyone of his friends are in the car, most of them playing a game of twister in the back seat of two door 4X4. The vehicle finally stops in front of Crystal prep and the group of teens falls out of the back, Straight himself gasping for breath. "Claustrophobic much?" Asks Soul. "Cut me some slack, for all I know, you guys were some group of kidnappers." Straight replies. "Alright everyone, lets get down to business." Zero says. "Our mission is to steal the Crystal Heart right out form under the noses of these prep school snobs." Straight shows signs of slight irritation at the insult, but he keeps them hidden from everyone. After explaining the plan, the entire group begins the heist. As they sneak inside and past most of the security, they finally arrive at the school's center and there target, the Most prized possession of Crystal Prep, the Crystal Heart. As Zero approaches the object, he begins to lower his guard in disbelief that his plan actually worked. Until... "Straight?" a voice asks. Straight Edge turns in the direction of the voice and goes wide eyed, his mind filled with fear. "H-Hey Jess." he replies weakly. She then looks at zero and look of dis approval appears on her face. "I thought Two months in Juvenile Detention taught you not to play pranks on the rival school." she says before Zero and the others bolt for an exit, the crystal heart still in it's case. As they arrive back at the car, straight climbs into the back area behind the seats and keeps quiet as the group all begins trying to figure out why the heist went south. Straight manages to avoid confrontation, until Rainbow Dash opens her mouth. "And lets not forget about You!" she exclaims, grabbing the back of his shirt and pulling into view for everyone to see. "Care to tell us why a Student at Crystal Prep Knows you?" "Her Name is Jess, she's my best friend and I'm staying with her until my parents find a house to stay at." Straight replies, trying his best to avoid eye contact. "Yeah right, for all we know you could be a crystal prep snob like the rest of them." Rainbow says. "Dash, there aint no need to be like that." Applejack says. "Oh, so now you're on his side?" "I ain't on no one's side, but you should at least calm down and think about this." "And why should I?" she asks in a very agitated tone, "It's obviopuslly clear that Backstabbing Spy cost us the ultimate prank." "Dash, I think I'm gonna side with AJ on this one." Rivet says. "You should calm down." "I am not gonna calm down, Straight is the whole reason we got into this mess, He obviously called that snob of a rich girl before we picked him up and told her that- GAH!!!!" All eyes turn to the back of the car, except for Warhawk, to find Straight edge holding Rainbow's arm in a very painful position, anger in his eyes. "I don't care what you think of me," he begins in a serious tone, "But I am not gonna let you insult the person that has been more of a sister than a friend." Straight releases the hold and opens the back door of the jeep. As the car heads down hill, Straight jumps out of the vehicle, landing with a thud and rolling to a stop after three seconds. Getting up off the ground, h grabs his arm in pain as blood trickles down it's length and begins dripping from his middle finger. Spitting in the direction the jeep went, he turns in the opposite direction and begins walking home. Later that day, Jess is in the kitchen preforming first aid to Straight Edge's bleeding arm. as she begins cleaning the wound with peroxide, a very awkward interrogation begins. "Mind telling me why you were at crystal prep?" she asks. "My so called 'friends' wanted to steal the crystal heart as a joke. You know me Jess, I promised to never do something that stupid after I went to juvey." he explains. "Yeah," she replies while placing ointment on the cut, "Still cant believe we won the Football game on a hail mary." "Same here." Staight Edges phone then rings. "Bets its my 'friends' calling to say they have another heist planned." As Straight answers the phone, his attitude changes dramatically and a lone tear falls from his eye as he mutters a single word. "Dad?" ' > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Family First, Friends Second "Dad?" Straight asks upon hearing the voice on his cellphone greet him. "Hey son." He replies, "Just calling to see how you're holding up." Straight wipes the tear from his eye as Jess applies a wrap of gauze to the cut on his arm. "I'm great Dad," Straight begins, "I made some friends and Jess has been all for me staying with her and her folks, even though they're in England for the next month." "That sounds like something those two would do." "Yeah; have you guys found a house in Canterlot yet?" "As a matter of fact... Yes." Straight nearly drops his phone at hearing this, but manages to catch it. "When will You guys be here?!" He asks in an excited tone. "Your mother and I are currently getting everything packed into the Truck, I'll send you the address of the new house so you can get accustomed to the new place. As for when we get to see you in person, I'm gonna say around next week maybe." "Thanks, Could I talk to Mom?" "Sure thing." The sound of a hand moving over the speaker can be heard by Straight as a feminine voice fills his ear, causing him to shed a few tears. "Son?" She asks. "Hey mom." Straight replies, trying his best to hide his emotions. "Oh it is so good to hear you sweetie. how have things been since you got to Canterlot? Has jess been driving you crazy like she did when you two were kids?" "No, but the kids I met at my new school might just be the next best thing." "Well, I have to get back to packing, see you in a few weeks." "Okay, bye mom." "Bye son, love you." Straight's Father then picks up on the other end. "Hey Son, I got a little Surprise for you." he tells him. "It isn't another comic book is it?" the sound of something being thrown into a wall can be heard in the background. "No, I was talking about your car." Straight's eyes light up at the mention of his car. "Your mom and I had it sent to you last week, should be at Jess's by tonight; The delivery guy was payed in full, so you just have to show him your ID." "Thanks Dad. See you and mom next week." Straight says before hanging up the phone. After he does this, he looks up to Jess, tears in his eyes, and wraps her in a hug. "My folks are on their way." he tells her. "That's great, now would you mind letting go of me so I can place the bandage on your arm." she says as Straight suddenly feels pain in his left bicep. "Great, now I have to start all over." Jess adds as Straight begins crying out in pain. The Next Day... It's Friday at Canterlot High, and most of the students are looking forward to the weekend. The ones that aren't are those participating in the Friendship Games next week against Rival school Crystal Prep Academy. One of these participants has just drove up in a Scarlet Ford Mustang with Gold trim. Pulling up beside her is a young man riding a classic Harley Davidson Motorcycle. "Morning Soul." Sunset greets her boyfriend. Soul responds by waving to her before taking off his helmet. "Hey Guys!" exclaims pinkie as se drives up in her Pink Volkswagen beetle. "TGIF, am I right!?" "I'm with you on that one Pinks." Applejack says while exiting the passenger side of the car. Rainbow dash then pulls up on her motorcycle, Rivet holding onto her back. "Hey guys," she greets them as Rivet jumps off and begins kissing the ground. "Rivet, I wasn't that bad." "YOU WERE DOING EIGHTY THE WHOLE WAY UNTIL WE GOT NEAR THE SCHOOL!" he exclaims. "What can I say, I like to go fast." she replies with a smirk. As she says this, Pinkie looks up. "Hey guys, does anyone else her that?" she asks. "Hear what?" Sunset asks. Her answer comes in the form of a engine roaring. The entire group turns to the location of the sound, and they are all stunned as a solid black car with a V8 protruding from its hood enters the parking lot. As it Pulls up next To Rainbow's Bike, the engine cuts off and, to everyone's shock, the right side door of the coupe opens to reveal Straight Edge. Today, he decided not to gel his hair back and instead let the long black fibers come down. "Hey guys... Dash." he says, still showing signs of hurt after the events that conspired during the failed crystal heart heist. "Straight Edge, where did you get this thing?" Soul asks, walking up to the black car. "My dad Bought me the thing when it was just some beat up piece of metal. I rebuilt the body and everything else and put last huge chunk of cash towards the engine and gearbox." Straight explains. "Straight, this is the Interceptor from Mad Max, you don't just rebuild it." Soul says while trying to find the latch to open the hood of the vehicle. Before they could say anything else, the bell for school to start rings. As the day goes on, Straight becomes distant towards the Girls and Their love interests, this becomes apparent as he sits in the corner of the Cafeteria by himself. Seeing this, Sunset begins to worry. "Hey guys," She says, turning to face them, "I think Something's wrong with Straight Edge." "Who cares, it's his fault we couldn't pull off the heist of the century." Rainbow states. As she finishes, She is hit over the back of the head by Applejack. "Ow, AJ what gives?" she asks in confusion. "That attitude of yours is what gives." She replies in a stern tone. "Straight Edge had nothing to do with us failing, and you pin the blame on him just because he's living with someone while his folks are trying to find a place here in Canterlot." "Why should I show him sympathy?" she asks in a very off tone. "You wanna know why. Straight Edge is a survivor." AJ states. "What the hell does that even mean?" "He had to live in public hosing back in Chicago until he was finally takin into a boys home. Ya'll remember back in the janitors closet when he said he went to juvey." The girls all nod. "The poor guy had to live on his own until he was eleven years old. As to who his parents are... he never said." As applejack finishes, half of the girls look in the direction of Straight to see him laughing at a comic book he is reading. Seeing him like this causes something to click inside of Sunsets head. "He's accepted what's happened apparently, but he still grew up hard." She says as Swift walks up to Straight Edge. "Oh man." Rainbow Says as the weight of this information begins to sink in. The sound of Swift Laughing can be heard in the back ground and him calling over Clyde and the others. "Rainbow, You need to go apologize for the things you said. Otherwise, you might as well consider yourself no better then those 'Crystal Prep Snobs' you keep wanting to beat." AJ says. Right as Rainbow begins to get up, all of the guys begin laughing at whatever Straight edge is looking at. As she approaches the table, Straight shoots her a look. "What do you want?" he asks, hiding whatever it is they we're looking at under the table. "I just wanted to apologize for what happened yesterday. I let my emotions get the better of me. Can we still be friends?" She asks. Straight runs a hand through his hair, taking in what Rainbow Dash just said. He finally smiles and extends his hand as a sign of approval and she returns the handshake. As she walks away, Zero walks up to the group of guys and looks at what they were finding so funny. "I don't get it." he says while watching the video. As the day draws to a close, Straight Edge is about to leave the school grounds when he is stopped by his friends. "Hey guys." He says. "Do you need anything." "We want to meet Jess." Sunset says. "Uh... I-I don't know if that's a good idea." Straight begins. "And why is it not?" Rainbow asks. "We're not really supposed to have friends over with out her parents knowing." "Come on Straight, It's only gonna be Dash, AJ, and me. And I think Soul said something about him, and Warhawk wanting to meet her." Sunset explains. Straight thinks for a second and sighs, getting into his car. "Alright, Let me ask her, I'll call you guys tonight with an answer." He says before doing a burnout in the school parking lot and leaving. "You think she'll want to meet us?" AJ asks. "Maybe." Sunset replies. > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- An Awkward First Meeting It's Saturday, which means Straight Edge is asleep in bed. Jess, on the other hand, is downstairs making breakfast. She is currently putting waffles in the toaster when the doorbell rings. Confused, she heads to answer anyway. "Why would someone be stopping by this early in the morning?" She asks herself. Her answer comes when the door opens. "And I'm telling you that we should've at least asked before coming over here." Applejack says. "Straight said it was okay for us to come over." Replies Rainbow Dash. "I don't think he meant this early in the morning Dash." Says Sunset. "And I'm pretty sure soul and the others didn't want to either. The boys say nothing as Soul quietly snores next to a very irritable Warhawk. Seeing them, Jess sighs quietly and speaks. "Uh, can I help you?" Jess asks. The group of friends all turn to her and are at first shocked to see the once uniformed Crystal Prep student standing in the door way wearing a tank top and Sweatpants, Tattoos imprinted on her right shoulder and bicep. "Is this where Straight Edge is staying?" asks Applejack. "For the time being." Jess replies, "Do you know him?" "We're friends of his from Canterlot High." "Oh yeah, he was telling me about you guys." Jess then gestures for them to enter, "Come on in, I was preparing waffles." The group all enters the house, the girls following Jess into the kitchen and Warhawk dropping Soul on the couch before joining them. "So how do you know Straight?" Asks Sunset. "We grew up in Chicago together." She Explains, "we first met when we were about six years old and have been close ever since; I guess you could consider us siblings now that I think about it." "Where is Straight if you don't mind me asking Jess?" asks Warhawk. "I think he's still sleeping; I usually don't wake him up on the weekends." She explains, "His room is upstairs on the left." Warhawk nods at this and heads upstairs, a now awake Soul right behind him. As they reach the second floor, they come upon a dor with several warning signs on it. "Is this the room she was talking about?" asks Warhawk. "I woke up like ten minutes ago, I wouldn't know." Soul says with a yawn. The two friends enter the room to find it empty, But are shocked when they spy a certain picture frame sitting on the night stand. "Is that Straight Edge?" asks Soul, picking up the picture in question. "Yeah, that's him all right." Replies Warhawk. "Its not nice to snoop around someone's personal belongings." a voice says behind them. The to friends turn around to find Straight Edge in a pair of sweat pants, putting on a t-shirt. Tattoos run the length of both his arms and the Seven virtues of Bushido are tattooed along his spine. Seeing the two boys in his room, he points to a lone kendo stick hanging on the wall. "We may be friends," he states, "but you have ten seconds to get out before I grab my little friend on the wall over there." "Wait a second, you don't really mean that do you?" asks Soul. Straight responds by placing his hand on the weapon. "Oh hell, he's serious." Warhawk says. "RUN!!!" The two friends run out of the room, dropping the picture in the process. Seeing this, Straight picks up the frame and sighs upon seeing the image housed inside. "Wish you guys would hurry up and get here." He says before placing the picture back on his night stand. Downstairs... "So, correct me if I am wrong, Straight Edge actually set himself on fire." asks Rainbow Dash in disbelief. "You'd be surprise at what Straight has done in the eleven years I've known him." Jess replies while showing the picture of Straight covered in ash from fire, giving a thumbs up and smiling. Before they could say anything else, Warhawk and Soul come diving over the couch. "Soul, what's got you so scared?" Sunset asks at seeing her boyfriend hide behind Warhawk. "That is what has me so scared." He replies while pointing to the doorway. The girls all turn to see Straight Edge walk across the hall and into the kitchen. "Morning Jess." he tells her, not noticing the other visitors. "You're scared of Straight in a shirt with no sleeves?" asks Sunset. "No, he was threatening us with a kendo stick." replies Warhawk. "Oh yeah," Jess says, "I forgot to tell you to knock first." The two boys look at her with annoyed expressions as the girls quietly laugh. Straight Edge then returns, a mug of coffee in hand, and heads downstairs. Seeing he teen disappear, Rainbow speaks. "Where is Straight headed?" she asks. Jess scratches her chin. "Well, seeing how it's Saturday, I'm gonna say he's going to Gym downstairs." Both rainbow Dash and Applejack beam at hearing this. "You have your own work out room?" Asks Rainbow. "Yeah, but my dad uses it mostly." Jess replies before standing up, "You wanna see it?" "UH, Yeah!" replies Dash. The group then heads downstairs to find a large room filled with body building equipment, in the far end is a punching bag and sparring target. Upon seeing it all, the group is shocked. "How did your folks pay for this?" asks Applejack. "I think it has something to do with my parents being journalists for ESPN, or something like that; I don't really know." Jess replies. The group then hear what sounds like punches connecting and follow them. The source is revealed to be Straight Edge in the middle of a practice session. "Does he always do this, Jess?" asks Sunset. "Every weekend morning, then he heads to the gym in town," She replies, "But you haven't seen anything yet." The group all looks confused until the sound of straight yelling fills the room and punching bag falls to the floor, the top of it torn open with sand coming out. the group, all shocked, looks to see Straight panting. He turns around and notices the group. "Oh hey guys." he says, "When did you get here?" "We've been here the entire time!" exclaims Dash. "And mind telling me why your not competeing in the Equestria Gams with strength like that?" "I don't really care for them." the group all ooks at him shocked. "What!?!" they all ask. "Hey, I live with a student that attends there, we get along just fine." He replies. "You should at least join your classmates in the games." Sunset says. "Again, I don't care for them. Now I have to get back to work so if you don't mind-" "Please?" Asks Applejack. Straight turns to see her with a pleading expression. "Fine," he says giving into the guilt, "I'll join the team." "GREAT!" exclaims Dash, "You can participate in the martial arts event." "Wait, martial arts is sanction by the school?" the grop nods, "WHY DIDN'T ANYONE TELL ME!?!" "You never asked." Replies Pinkie through a window. The group all turns to her as she removes her head from the opening and disappears. "How did she?" asks Straight. "It's Pinkie Pie." States Sunset. "Don't Question it." the rest of the group says in unison. > Chapter 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Shocking Family Revelation The Following Monday... It's the beginning of a new week at Canterlot High, and the entire student Body is preparing for the Friendship Games which take place at the end of the week. Students have just started arriving this morning, and with them brings an all to familiar Black V8. Straight pulls up to find the rest of his friends waiting by the statue at the front of the school. SFor some reason, he is in a very good mood this morning. His friends take notice o this as he approaches. "Morning Straight." greets Zero. "Good morning Zero. How was the weekend long punishment?" Replies Straight Edge. "I thought we all agreed to never speak of last weeks events." "I don't recall us agreeing to anything." says Soul. "Whatever, I got grounded for a month and can only leave the house to come to school or to go to the Friendship Games at the end of the week." "At least your folks are letting you come to the games." Pinkie points out. "My parent are strict, but they want me to have some sort of social life." As the group laughs at this, Sunset takes notice of Straight Edge being a lot more cheerful than usual. "Hey Straight," she begins," Why are you so happy on a Monday morning?" "Well," Straight begins," My-" His voice is silenced by the ringing of the bell. "Sorry, got to get to first period." Straight says before taking off. His friends are all left confused by the sudden change in behavior. "What do you think has him in such a good mood?" asks Warhawk. "Maybe he's going to Taco Bell after School?" Suggests Sonata. "I don't think that's it, he doesn't seem like the kind of person who would go to eat after school. I mean he has to stay to practice for the Friendship games." Says Soul. "Straight joined!?!" asks Rarity, clearly shocked. "Yeah, he's participating in the martial arts events. We got him signed up over the weekend." Rainbow explains. "Well, I guess I'll have to make another uniform for the Wondercolts." Rarity says. With that, The group splits up to head to class. Later... As gym class came around, Soul and Sunset were with their friends watching Straiht as Coach Iron Will set him against Rainbow Dash to see iof he was really the fighting expert he said he was. This became apparent as Rainbow Dash was quickly loced into the Anaconda Vise, Much to the Coaches surprise. "Is that legal?" asks Rivet. "It's a martial arts hold, of course it's legal." replies Soul. "I forgot you took Taekwondo." Says Applejack. "Is that what Straight is using against Rainbow?" Asks Clyde as Rainow finally breaks free. "No," Soul Begins, "Straight Edge is using a Form of Martial arts known a Muay Thai." "Whats the difference?" asks Sunset. "It's my first day of school all over again," Soul Says with a chuckle, " Taekwondo was Developed in Krea as a self defense tactic. Muay Thai however, Was developed further south in Thailand, it is often referred to as the 'Art of Eight Limbs' due to the eight points of contact." He explains. "Which are?" Asks Zero. "The fists, knees, elbows, and shins. There are two of each on the human body, so the name kinda sticks." "And how do you know this?" asks Clyde. "You'd be surprised what they have to read in a Thai restaurant's waiting area." The group then winces as Rainbow Dash I kicked in the head by the protected shin of Straight Edge. "So, Why do you think he was so happy this morning?" asks Sunset. "Maybe it's because the Friendship Games are this week!" Exclaims Pinkie. "Aren't you supposed to be in Physics with Swift?" asks Applejack. "Oh Right." she then disappears in a cloud of smoke. "Anyways; aside from Pinkie, no one is that happy on a Monday morning." Says Soul. "Do you think it has something to do with the photo we found of him Saturday?" asks Warhawk. "The one with-" Soul is cut off as Coach Iron Will blows his whistle. "Great Work mister Edge," he begins," It seems I underestimated your fighting capabilities." He gestures to Rainbow Dash, who is struggling to take off the protective head gear. "I've been fighting for Seven years Coach, use it for anger management and fitness mostly." Straight says while removing his mouth guard. "Is she okay?" asks Rivet. Iron Will looks to Rainbow Dash who is now on her knees. "She just needs to go through Iron Wills Rehabilitation Methods!" he exclaims while striking Hulk Hogan Like Poses. "Why are you Flexing?" asks Zero. "Because I pity the fool that questions Coach Iron Will's Training Methods!" Rainbow finally gets to her feet, Straight wrapping her arm around him to help her balance. "You okay?" he asks. "Can I have my order with extra fries, please?" asks rainbow. "Uh, I'm going to take her to the nurse's office Coach." states Straight who then leaves with a nonsense talking Rainbow Dash. "What do you think Caused that?" Asks Sunset. "The blow to her head?" asks Soul who is shrugging. Two Hours Later... As School drew to a close, Straight Edge was practicing with the Wondercolts for the Friendship Games at the end of the week in the gym. Sill curious about his behavior, Soul, Sunset, Warhawk, Sonata, Rainbow and Applejack decided to stay after school and get an answer, the latter two having to stay for archery and Motocross. As the practice started moving outside, Straight Edge was clearly watching the parking lot for something, what was the question his friends wanted to solve. "What do you think he's looking for?" asks Sunset. "Maybe Jess is coming?" suggests Warhawk. "No, she has practice with the Shadowbolts, and she wouldn't be caught dead at our practice." says rainbow, who has her head wrapped with an ice pack. "Says the girl who snuck onto their school campus to spy on their team." states Applejack. "Whatever." replies rainbow who begins rubbing the ice pack. As soon as they finished their conversation, a Black Cadillac Escalade pulls up to the practice field. Seeing it, Straight Edge bolts for the parking lot. "Guess our answer is in that car." says Soul. The group then heads to the parking lot to find Straight edge jumping like pinkie pie next to the SUV. "Who in tarnation can get you this happy?" asks applejack. "My Parents!" Exclaims Straight as the Drivers side door opens up. As the driver steps out, he is revealed to be six feet tall, tan skin, and Black hair like Straghit, he is also sporting a short beard. He is wearing a Gracie JiuJitsu Academy hoodie over his shirt and a pair of Jeans. When he sees Straight, he speaks. "David?" he asks. "Hi dad." replies Straight who wraps the man in a hug. Upon seeing the mans face, Straights Friends are shocked. "Is that?" asks Warhawk. "No way." states Sunset. "What about a hug for your mom?" asks a Five foot woman with Asian traits who steps out of the passenger side of the car. "Mom!" Exclaims Straight. "Uh Straight?" asks Rainbow. "Huh?" Straight turns to see his friends stunned expressions, "Oh Yeah!" he wraps his arms around both of his parents and smiles at his friends. "Guys, I'd like for you to meet my dad, Phil Brooks, and my mom, April Brooks. But they are more commonly known by the names CM Punk and AJ Lee." Hearing the names, Warhawk Faints, Rainbow begins laughing believing she is being pranked, Soul just stares with a shocked expression, Applejack begins trying to wake up Warhawk, Sunset tries to snap soul out of his trance, and Sonata just looks at the two parents with no knowledge of who they are. "Was it something we said?" asks Punk. > Chapter 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meeting the Parents and the Opportunity of a Lifetime Straight Edge is currently at his new house, a two story home that could be considered a small mansion when one steps inside, with his friends and their parents. Straight's Parents thought it would be a good idea to have an open house to meet the other parents in the neighborhood. While the adults occupy the upstairs area, Straight and the others are downstairs in the basement. As they all look at the wall of pictures, Zero and Warhawk are shocked to see the pictures of a Eight year old Straight on the shoulders of his father's best friend. "You got to meet Colt Cabana?" Warhawk asks in shock. Straight looks over at them, he and Rivet are preoccupied with watching Applejack and Rainbow Dash having a match on WWE2K16. "Uncle Colt?" he begins, "Yeah, I met him about a month after Dad adopted me." "YEAH, GET SOME OF THAT!!!" Exclaims Rainbow who just hit a finisher with her created character. "Uh Dash," Rivet begins, "You have to pin your opponent to win." "What?" she asks. It is at this moment Applejack locks in a submission hold and wins the match. "YEE HAW, looks like I won." she says with a grin. Rainbow can only stare at the screen as Applejacks character begins celebrating. Seeing this, Straight takes his leave and heads into one of the other rooms. As he enters one, he finds Rarity staring at a wall covered in awards, and championships. "Hey Rarity." he says, "Where's Clyde?" "YES, CAVS WIN!!!" Clyde exclaims from beyond the wall. "Never mind, what are you looking at?" "What is all of this?" she asks gesturing to the wall. "This is my dad's stuff from when he wrestled, mostly stuff from his days in Ring of Honor and a couple of things he managed to get from WWE as collateral when he tried to take them to court." "Not the plaques, that!" she points to a framed piece of clothing. straight look closely at it. "Oh, those are the pair of trunks my dad wore the night he won the WWE championship at Money in the Bank." Rarity turns to him with a shocked look on her face. "Your Father wore nothing but a pair of undergarments in front of who knows how many people!?!" "Your allowed to wear whatever you want to when you wrestle; My dad wore his trunks, a pair of kick pads, ad some knee pads." "I still don't see why one would something so revealing in front of thousands of people." "Says the girl who designed her own swim suit." Straight then begins to leave the room as Rarity turns to him in shock. "How did you know about that?" she asks. "Clyde showed me a couple of pictures from the summer. Nice sun burn by the way." Straight then closes the door, leaving a red faced Rarity to contemplate hos she will punish her boyfriend. The Next Morning... Straight wakes up the next morning and does his normal routine before heading downstairs, leaving his hair long to prepare for the cold days to come. As he enters the kitchen, he sees his dad looking at a newspaper, a diet soda on a coaster, and his mom placing bacon into the microwave. "Morning guys." he says with a smile. "Morning David." replies AJ. "Hey son," Punk replies, "Before you get to school, a letter came in the mail for you." Punk hands him said letter as Straight walks out the door, a V8 can in hand. As he arrives at school, Straight finds his friends waiting for him. As he exits his car, he looks at the letter his dad gave him. what confuses him is the return address. "Why would I be getting a letter from Tokyo?" he wonders. The thought is put to rest as he meets up with his friends. "Morning Straight, or is it David?" greets Sunset. "To you guys, my name is Straight edge; to my folks, I'm David Brooks." Straight replies. "Yeah, when were you going to tell us your folks were celebrities?" asks Rainbow. "I was, but fate kept me from telling you guys before they arrived." Rainbow then notices the letter. "What's that?" she asks reaching for it. Straight moves the letter away from her upon seeing this. "I was just about to open it until I saw you guys." Straight then breaks the seal ad opens the envelope. "Dear, Mr. Brooks..." Straight goes silent as he reads over the letter, his eyes becoming as wide as dinner plates when he finishes. "What's it say?" asks Soul. "I cant participate in the Friendship Games." Straight replies. "WHAT!?!" they all exclaim in shock. "What do you mean you can't participate?" asks Applejack. Straight then his letter. "Dear Mr. Brooks, we would like to cordially invite you to partake in a once in a lifetime event as we allow a specific set of individuals to undergo a three week training seminar at the New Japan Pro Wrestling dojo here in Tokyo. Also, a chosen few might just impress us enough to receive a Contract to further their career as a fighter. We wish you the best of luck and hope to here from you soon. All expenses will be paid for you, your adult handler, and two guests. The event begins next Sunday, we hope to here from you soon. Signed,‎ Naoki Sugabayashi (Chairman of NJPW)." Straight's friends can only look at him as he finishes reading. "You're going to Japan?" asks Clyde. "Maybe, My folks would probably send Uncle Colt as the Adult supervisor, but it says I'm allowed to bring two friends." Everyone's eyes light up at hearing this. "So, who are you going to take?" asks Warhawk. "None of the girls since they have to participate in the friendship games." the girls all groan at hearing this, specifically Rarity. "And here I was thinking I would get to sample some foreign fashion designs." she says. "If they can't go, then that leaves us." Swift says. Before Straight could say anything, the bell for first period rings and he makes a b-line for the class room. As the class begins, Straight asks to go to the principals office. Wen asked why, he says it's personal. As he arrives, he knocks on the door. "Come in." a calm voice replies. Straight does as told and enters the room to find a pale woman with multi colored hair sitting behind a desk. she is looking over student transcripts. "Uh, Principal Celestia?" Straight says in a nervous tone. She looks up from a folder. "Good morning Straight Edge," she says, "is there anything I can do for you?" 'Uh, yeah." he hands her the letter. "I need you to take me off the Wondercolts roster for the Friendship Games." As Celestia looks over the letter, she begins to understand the reason behind Straight's decision. "You're Going to Japan?" she asks while going to her computer. "It's a once in a lifetime opportunity, How could I turn it down?" he replies. she chuckles at hearing this before turning to him. "I have no problem with you going," She then grabs a picture on her desk, " I'm more concerned with who you will be taking with you on this trip." Celestia then hands Straight a hall pass and he leaves her room. As Lunch draws near, Straight is sitting at a table alone, looking over the letter. He is thinking about what the trip is going to be like, getting to see Uncle Colt after so long and spending it with two of his friends. His train of thought is derailed as he feels an arm wrap around his neck and pull him into a hug. "Straight, my main man. How are you?" asks Zero. "Zero, you and I get along about as good as Natsu and Gray from Fairy Tail," he explains. "How would I be your main man?" "Oh, we just mess around is all. Have you decided who is going with you to Tokyo?" "Why are you so interested, I thought you were grounded?" Zero then laughs at hearing this. "I don't want to go, I got plenty of Japanese stuff back at my house. Besides," He then pulls out his phone, "I have to take my sister to the orthodontist next week, something about her having a recheck since getting her braces off." "Well, who do you think I should take?" Straight asks. "Look man, it's your decision. I could care less who you take, but I would like it if you would bring me back a Blue Exorcist Manga." Straight laughs at hearing this. "And here I was thinking I'm the only guy that reads it in the entire school." Zero then gets up. "I'll see you in gym class, good luck with your decision." he says before heading to another table. Straight goes back to staring at the letter as lunch continues, wondering who he should take and how the others will react. > Chapter 8 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two Tickets, Too Many Friends As School drew to a close, Straight was in town at the local Gym. Currently hitting a tire with a sledgehammer, he is unaware of a certain girl walking into the building. After hitting the tire for what feels like the fifteenth time, he drops the sledgehammer and turns around to come face to face with Jess. "Jess?" he asks, somewhat confused. "Hi David." she replies with a smile. Her hair is currently done up in a ponytail, the rest of her hair being kept back with a Ronda Rousey headband; she is wearing a pair of workout shorts and a Black sports bra, a drawstring back pack hung over one shoulder. "What are you doing here?" Straight answer comes in the form of Jess pulling a set of Hand wraps out of her bag, along with a pair of MMA gloves. "Same thing you're doing." she replies, beginning the process of wrapping her hands. "When did you take up martial arts?" Straight asks. "I picked it up after i left Chicago, decided to see why you were so enthralled in it." she replies. Straight shrugs at her response and goes back to his workout. As it comes to an end, he returns home to find his parents watching television in the living room. Seeing them, he takes a seat on the couch. "Hi Mom, hi Dad." he says upon entering he living room. "His David." they reply in unison. David takes his seat and sees that his father is watching a Cubs game. "Decided who you're taking with you to Tokyo?" Punk asks. "How did you...?" straight begins to ask. "We're your parents, remember." AJ says before heading to the kitchen to grab a drink. "Oh, then no. I haven't decided." Straight replies. Hearing this, Punk sighs and pause the TV. "Listen son, later on in life, you're going to have to make hard decisions; and they will have both positive and negative outcomes. The best thin to do is get used to it now so you wont have to later on in life." He explains. Straight looks at him and smiles at hearing the fatherly advice and heads to his room upstairs, Which is Punks que to breakout the Soda drinking hat and exrtra large bowl of Popcorn. hitting the remote and changing it to a Blackhawks Game. "Alright Chicago, LETS GET IT ON!!!" Punk exclaims before shoving a handful of popcorn into his mouth, the other hand being occupied by a Blackhawks foam finger. The Next Morning... Something must have happened to Straight while he was dreaming, because Soul walked out of his house and bumped into him right as he was getting ready to go to school. "Straight?" he asks, shocked to see his friend out so early in the morning. "You think your mom would mind if you came with me to japan for the next three weeks?" Straight asks. Soul blinks at haring this, unable to reply. "As Long as there will be adult supervision at all times, He can go!" a feminine voice exclaims from the open window. "MOM, I'M SEVENTEEN!" Soul replies in annoyance. "Your Still not old enough to vote, therefore you're not an adult in this house!" his mom replies. Soul groans at hearing this, but changes attitude quickly at the sight of a Plane ticket. "We leave tomorrow morning, early. Pack what you need as soon as you get home, and be sure to pack gym clothes." Straight explains. "Why would i need gym clothes?" Soul asks. "Be prepared for anything the world has to throw at you. I have two pairs of pants in my car at all times in case these get ruined." straight replies, gesturing to his denim jeans. "Okay, TMI, but i get what you're saying." Soul replies," Any idea who else you're going to bring?" "I'm thinking Warhawk; He needs to get away from the computer monitor for a while. Plus," Straight pulls out a copy of Xenoblade chronicles from his jacket," I got this as a bargaining chip." "Where did you get that?" Soul asks in shock. "The place in own with all the punk rock posters in the windows; they sell a bunch of video games, movies, anime, and manga. Got this for about $20." Before Soul can ask for the address, Straight bolts to his car and leaves for school. Warhawk's Locker... Warhawk had just arrived at school and went to his locker to get his text books for the first class of the day. As he opens it, he finds an envelope with a black "X" sticker keeping it shut. Raising an eyebrow at this, he opens it and is even more confused when he finds a plane ticket inside with a letter. "Dear Warhawk," he reads," Straight Edge here; just wanted to let you know that you are coming with me to Japan. I know you want to probably turn down the offer in favor of Assassins Creed Syndicate being released while I'm in Japan, but I got a special present that might make you change your mind. Pack your bags, because we leave for the airport tomorrow at 4:00 a.m. Pack the essentials and a pair of gym clothes, sweatpants will also suffice. P.S. Your gift will be given during lunch. Signed, Straight Edge." "Well, I did always want to try a California roll from where it all started. Maybe I'll take him up on his offer if this 'gift' meets my expectations." Later... "That's for making Love you." Straight says after slapping an unconscious Warhawk, his friends looking at him like he is crazy. "That's for making me hate you.*Slap* That's For Never taking us to the prom, Uh. *Slap* That's for all the hot Pegasister readers out there, hey call me. *Slap* WAKE UP!!!" > Chapter 9 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Trip, Part 1 Friday Morning... It's early in the morning in Canterlot, and Straight Edge is wide awake. His watch reads 3:00 a.m. as he packs the last of his clothes into his bag. Afterwards, he wraps his hands and grabs his phone, headphones, and Passport. when he finishes, he looks outside to see a car pull into the driveway. Upon seeing this, he smiles knowing exactly who it is. "I haven't seen uncle colt since Dad's Surgery, wonder if he remembers me?" Straight thinks to himself. Straight hugs both his parents and leaves his house, locking the door behind him. As he turns around, he finds a tall man with brown hair and a leather jacket, he has a pair of shades propped atop his head. Straight smiles at seeing him and walks over to him. "Uncle Colt?" he asks. The man turns around at hearing the name and smiles upon seeing Straight. "David?" he asks, "Mother mercy you've grown. You used to be about five-eight, now your six foot something." Straight laughs and hugs the man before placing his luggage into the trunk. "So where are we headed now?" Colt asks. "To Soul's house, I can give you directions." Colt shrugs at haring this and follows Straight's directions. The two arrive at the home of the Writer family and find a light on in he living room. Seeing this, Colt raises an eyebrow. "Why in the hell would the entire family be up at this time of night?" he asks. "No idea, but I'm about to find out." Straight gets out of the car and heads to the door. He walks up to the door and knocks, waiting for an answer. When no one answers, he knocks again and is met by someone in a Darth Vader costume. "Who Dares Disturb Me!?" the person asks. "GAH!!!" Straight exclaims before executing a hip toss on the person, and locking in Lucky 13 on their legs. "AH, STRAIGHT IT'S ME!" The person exclaims, "IT'S SOUL, BREAK THE HOLD!" Soul takes off the mask to reveal his face and Straight breaks the hold. "Why are you dressed like Darth Vader when you should be getting ready for the land of the rising sun?" Straight asks. "Because, I'm trying to Explain to Treble that Space Balls is a Star Wars rip off and not the other way around." "Wait, Treble?" "I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE, I GIVE!!!" A voice exclaims. Straight looks inside to see the boy in question tied to a chair and staring at a projector screen, his eyes forced to stay open with tape. "Soul, this is technically kidnapping." Straight points out. "How is this... oh." Soul says. After untying Treble and getting him to sleep, Soul grabs his Luggage and joins in the car. "So, who's the last person we needed to pick up?" Colt asks. "Warhawk, but he said he would meet us at the airport." Soul explains. "Okay then." right as they are about to pull out, Treble throws himself onto the windshield of the car. "WHAT THE!?!" Colt exclaims. "Bring Me Back some sushi!" Treble demands before running back inside. "What the hell is wrong with the people in this town?" Colt asks. "I';ve lived here for two years now, and I'm still trying to figure that out." Soul says. One car ride later... As The group arrives at the airport, they find Warhawk waiting at the Checkin area. "What took you so long?" he asks upon seeing them arrive. "Soul was trying to torture Treble." Soul explains. "Oh... well alright then." "Come on boys, we need to board our flight to Tokyo international." Colt explains while waling towards the boarding area. After going through the luggage check, the group boards the plane. The seats are in rows of three with Colt sitting opposite of the boys who are sitting together. As Straight places his bag in the carry on slot above the seat, he is bumped into a boy about his age wearing a very familiar private school uniform. "Watch where your going idiot." the boy says with a hint of venom in his tone. "Why don't you go screw your self ass hole." straight replies. Hearing this, the boy grabs Straight by the neck of his shirt. "What did you say to me?" he demands. "Oh, I was just saying that this man is bothering me Flight Marshall." Straight replies with a smirk. "What?" the boy looks up to see a jacket wearing man with a Flight Marshal badge on his belt. "Is there a problem here?" the Flight Marshall asks. "No problem officer." The boy says before releasing straight. "Well if there's no problem, then I suggest you take your seat." The Marshall says before doing the same. Straight takes his seat as told and puts on his head phones, preparing for the seven hour flight to their destination. As the plane takes off, he dozes off to sleep with this song playing. Two hours into the flight... Straight is awoken from his dreams as he is shaken awake by Soul. Turning to his friend, he takes off his headphones. "What I it Soul?" Straight asks. "Well, I've been thinking..." Soul replies. "About what?" "Well, I don't know why I would be thinking this, but are you interested in anyone of our friends? The girls I mean." "What caused this?" "Well, for some weird coincidence, Everyone of the guys in our little clique are in a relationship with one of the girls; I'm with sunset, Treble has Vinyl, Rivet has Rainbow, Clyde has Rarity, Warhawk has Sonata, Night has Fluttershy, Swift has Pinkie, and finally there's me and Sunset." Soul explains, "It's either got something to do with the Illuminati psychopaths, or we were all destined to end up like this. Which brings up this, is there any girl that interests you?" Straight scratches his chin before shrugging and saying the one thing that comes to mind. "Your cousin." "... wait what?" Soul asks in shock, "I was sure you would've been in some kind of relationship with Jess." "Dude, Jess is like a sister to me. We were close friends growing up in Chicago, then I got adopted and she moved. We managed to stay in touch online, but the first week of school is the first face to face meeting we've had in like... eight years." "Okay, but why do you like Applejack? I mean, you two couldn't be anymore different." "Isn't there some old saying about how opposites attract?" "That's... actually not a bad answer." "Would you two mind, I'm trying to slay a dragon." Warhawk tells them before going back to his laptop, "Now you guys flank it to the left and we'll go right to catch it in the crossfire." he says into his headset. "Who is he talking to?" Soul asks. "Probably a group of South Koreans. They are the World League of Legends Champions, why wouldn't they be playing Skyrim online?" Straight replies. "Eh, point taken." As they finish speaking, the pilot comes over the intercom. "Attention passengers, we are currently Five hours from our destination. We will arrive on schedule to Tokyo international Airport at Ten O'clock in the morning." he informs. Hearing this, Straight once again puts on his headphones and goes to sleep, wit a new goal in mind thanks to Soul. Five Hours Later... "Talk about one hell of a flight." Warhawk says while popping his back in the food court. "I slept like a rock, How about you Soul?" Straight asks his friend. "I got some sleep and also called Sunset to see how things are going back home with the friendship games." he explains. "Really, how's it going." "Apparently, they're just now getting underway. I also heard them say something about Twilight being there." "Who?" "Oh right, you haven't met Twilight. She's this princes from another-" Soul is cut off as a tray of food is sat on the table. "EAT UP BOYS!" Colt tells them, "It's on me." The boys say nothing and dig in, Warhawk the most because he missed the food from the time he was in Japan. When they finish, they retrieve their luggage and head to the pick up area. Upon arriving, they see a Native man in a suit holding up a sign that reads: DAVID BROOKS AND COMPANY. Seeing this, the group approaches him. "Are you Mr. David Brooks?" he asks Straight. "Yes, are you from New Japan Pro Wrestling?" Straight replies. "Indeed I am; allow me to welcome you and your friends to Tokyo." He says while giving Straight a hand shake. "The feeling's mutual, Do you know where We're going to be staying?" Colt asks. "Well, Mr. Brooks will be staying with the other boys and girls attending the seminar at the Dojo. You three will be staying in a studio apartment, all expenses Paid." Hearing this, the group, minus straight, nearly drop there luggage. "Now, I do believe we have somewhere to be." the man says while gesturing to a Toyota Pathfinder. Straight picks up his bags while the others head to the car, as he does this, the same guy from the flight bumps into him. "Watch where you're going!" he exclaims. "Stupid is as stupid does David, keep your mind on your business." Straight Thinks to himself. Seeing the boy walk into a car similar to his own causes Straight to raise an eyebrow but quickly shrug it off as his friends are dropped off at the hotel and he is taken to the Dojo. Upon arriving, he is met by a older Japanese man in a light gray suit, his facial expression giving off a welcoming feeling. "Are you David?" he asks. "Uh, yes. Who are you?" Straight asks. "Oh, where are my manners. My name is Tatsumi Fujinami, I'm going to be the man in charge of your group for the entiretime you are here." Straight can only tare at the man as he follows him into the building, He is being placed under the care of possibly the greatest Japanese wrestler o all time. Yet, he can't help but feel something is wrong back home. Meanwhile... "WHERE'S THE PORTAL!?!" Exclaims sunset who wont stop touching the Statue in front of Canterlot High. "Sunset, The meet and greet is about to begin!" Exclaims Clyde. "Oh Clyde, I need some help with my uniform." informs Rarity. "GOTTA GO!" Clyde exclaims before taking off in a heap of dust. > Chapter 10 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Trip, Part 2: Week 1 As the weekend came to a close, the first week of the training seminar began. It is early in the morning and straight is asleep on a cot in what appears to be locker room turned into a makeshift living area for the boys attending the seminar. As the clock hits 4:00 a.m. a lone individual enters the room, his dark curly hair and trench coat being the only thing visible in the doorway to the room. While the boys are unaware of his presence, he pulls out an air horn from his coat pocket and gives them a wake up call. "RISE AND SHINE!!!" He yells at the top of his lungs, the air horn filling he room with it's loud and unbearable sound. Straight and many others wake up with confused looks while others roll out of bed and all to the floor in shock. Turning to the source of the disturbance, Straight can only stare in awe at who has woken him up. "AJ Styles?" Straight asks. "Yeah, that's me. Now get your asses ready, The Bullet club wants everyone in the dojo in ten minutes!" Styles then leaves the room. Hearing this, Straight sheds his sleepwear for his wrestling attire: a pair of Kick pads, knee pads, his wrestling tights (They come down to the top of his knees, fully covering his thighs), and his hand wraps. After getting dressed, Straight bolts out of the locker room and towards the dojo, leading the others who are close behind him, not wanting to be late as well. As he enters the dojo, He finds all the members of the bullet club standing in front of the ring, clearly waiting for everyone to arrive. When they turn to him, AJ smiles and looks at his watch. "You sir, have arrived with four minutes to spare. You are given this Saturday off to do as you please." he tells him. "Wait, by getting here early, I'm rewarded?" Straight asks as the others arrive. "Yes, if you want to be the best in this business, you have to be the first one to arrive and the last to leave." Straight keeps that in mind as the current IWGP heavyweight champion, Kazuchika Okada walks to the front of the group. Everyone in the room can only stare as he throws his belt over his shoulder. "Welcome," he begins," As some of you may already know, I am Kazuchika Okada. And I am the IWGP World Heavyweight Champion. I am here to give you a brief summary of what is expected of you while you train here. As some of you know, the New Japan Pro Wrestling Dojo is one of, if not, THE toughest wrestling academy in the world. Each and everyone of you are expected to do as told without question, you will be pushed to the limit the entire time you are here. Should you fail to do as told, or if you disobey the rules of this place, you and everyone you brought with you will be sent home immediately." an audible gulp is heard in the room after Okada finished his sentence. "Now, I will leave the rest to Mr. Styles as I have a press conference I must attend." Kazuchika then leaves the building and AJ motions for the Bullet Club to leave. After doing so, Several native wrestlers enter the room. "Now that introductions are out of the way, you will now be split up into groups and will begin a six hour workout regiment. Afterwards, you will have 45 minutes to rest, then we get in the ring." Styles explains and begins splitting up the group of about 30 teens. Three hours later... "Don't tell me one finger is going to keep you from finishing your rep!" Styles exclaims to an exhausted Straight who is bench-pressing 150 lbs. Styles has his index finger placed on the barbell, making the already difficult task much more than it should be. "GAAAHHH!" Straight exclaims as he begins to push the bar up. Seeing this, AJ smiles and finally removes his hand as Straight finishes his reps. Now panting heavily, Straight props himself up on the wall andbegins drinking his water bottle. "I wonder what Soul and Warhawk are doing?" he asks himself. Meanwhile... "So why are you buying that again?" a confused Warhawk asks Soul. The two are in a clothing store in the shopping district of Tokyo and Soul is about to buy a light blue kimono dress. "It's a gift for Sunset." Soul explains. "Arigato." The clerk smiles at soul before handing him the dress that has been placed into a cardboard box for safe keeping. "What now?" Soul asks as the two exit the shop. "Want to go see if we can find were they shot Tokyo Drift?" Warhawk asks. "Lead the way." Three Hours Later... The workouts have finally ended and Straight is exhausted. As he takes a seat in the floor, he looks around and finds a couple of guys getting IV's for dehydration because of the lack of air-conditioning in the well insulated building, the Trainers obviously had the heat on and didn't bother to turn it off the day before. "Hey, mind if I join you?" a voice asks. Straight turns in the direction of the voice and finds a boy in a Lucha mask standing there. "Go ahead." Straight replies. The boy complies and takes a seat next to straight. "Thanks, I'm Dominic." "David, Where you from?" "San Diego, California, what about you?" "Originally from Chicago, But my folks and I moved to Canterlot on the west coast." "Who are your parents?" "CM Punk and AJ Lee, I'm Adopted." "I can't believe you don't recognize me." Straight looks at the boy who then removes his mask. "Oh my god, is that you Dominic!?!" Straight asks in shock. "The one and only amigo." dominic says before putting his mask back on. Straight laughs and hugs the kid before getting up to his feet. "Man, I haven't seen you in what three years?" "Something like that?" "How Mr. Mysterio doing?" "Dad's doing well, keeps having to travel between home and Mexico city for work, but he's doing good." Before the boys could continue, AJ Styles blows a whistle calling for the groups to head to the rings. "Crap, See you later man." Straight says as he heads to the wrestling ring. Three Hours Later... "You think the NJPW Fans want to see that!?!" AJ Exclaims to Straight and the boy he had met on the plane. Straight responds to this by ducking a clothesline and running to the corner, preforming a backflip over the boy and delivering a roundhouse kick to his abdomen. Styles smiles at this but then quickly gets into the ring as Straight's opponent locks in a Boston crab (Walls of Jericho) and refuses to release it after straight repeatedly taps out. "BREAK IT UP, BREAK IT UP!!!" Styles exclaims while pulling the boy off of Straight, "What the hell do you think your doing?" The boy says nothing and charges at straight who is climbing the ropes to get back to his feet. The boy drives his knee into Straights ribcage ad sends him tumbling to the floor of the dojo. The boy smiles at this only to be slapped and turned upside down by AJ who hits him with Styles Clash. "You're done for the week, got the hell out of my ring." Styles says before going to Straight who is propped up on the ring apron, holding his ribcage. "You okay?" he asks. "I'm fine, just hurts to move a little." Straight relies before standing up, slowly. "I still want you checked out by the medical staff." Styles then motions for one of the trainers who then take straight to the doctors in the locker room. As the doctor examines his ribs, Straight turns on the TV and smiles as an Episode of the anime Fairy Tail begins. Thedoor then opens to reveal Warhawk and Soul who gasp a the sight of Straight having his Ribs taped. "Hey guys." Straight says. "What happened to you?" ul asks. "Lethal Legend is what happened to him." A voice ays behind the two boys. Soul and Warhawk turn to AJ Stles nter the room, a freshly cooked bow of Ramen in hand. "Hey teach." Stright says as AJ hands him the bowl of ramen and a pair of chop sticks. "Wait, AJ Styles is your coach?" Warhawk asks. "Yeah, I'm the guy in charge. Why, you want to get body slammed?" Styles asks. "No, no, were good." Soul say with a nervous grin. "Thanks for lunch." Straight says. "You're welcome" "Wait, I've heard that name." Soul says, "Lethal Legend... He goes to Crystal Prep!" "What!?" Straight and Warhawk exclaim as AJ looks at them confused. "What is crystal prep?" he asks. "Our rival high school that likes to brag about being the state champion in almost every sport they play, except Lacrosse." Soul explains. "Great, and just when I thought we would be able to get away fro all that friendship game nonsense." "It still doesn't explain why he would go out of his way to try and physically injure you." Styles says. "I bet he's sending a message to Straight." Warhawk suggests. "Probably trying to tell him that no matter what it is, Crystal rep will still b better than everyone else." "But the kid is terrible." Styles points out. "WHAT!?!" the boys exclaim at hearing this. "Yeah, the kid only got in because his School literally bought him an invitation. It happened about thirty minutes after we got the conformation from David that he was coming." "So what should we do?" Straight asks. "You need to focus on your training and recovery. Your friends need to focus on their tourist stuff." "Which reminds me, We're going to be late for the Attack on Titan live action movie." Soul says as he turns to the door. "But the reviews for the movie say it sucks. And Captain Levi isn't in it." Warhawk explains as the two leave. Straight can only laugh at the spectacle as his friends finally leave, he then begins eating as AJ leaves the room. > Halloween Special > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Canterlot Halloween It's the morning of Halloween at the Brooks Household, and Straight is in his bathroom getting ready for tonight. All of his friends are going to the school for a Halloween Party the school has decided to sponsor, thanks to some very unusual and possibly illegal negotiation tactics from Pinkie Pie. As Straight gels his hair back to its usual style, He grabs his clothes and heads downstairs. In the kitchen he finds his mom in a pair of sweatpants and t-shirt, she is sitting at the table with a cup of coffee. His Dad is also at the table, only he is drinking what appears to be a fruit smoothie and eating a breakfast full of nothing but fruit. "Morning Guys." Straight says upo entering. "Moring David." AJ replies with a smile. "Hi Son." Punk says before digging into his grapefruit. Straight laughs at the sight of his Father, who is a vegetarian, literally digging into the grapefruit with a spoon. Afterwards, Straight himself grabs some fruit and goes to the blender. After making himself a strawberry, Banana smoothie with a touch of spinach, he grabs some toast and heads back to his room. Upon placing his plate down, his cellphone rings. "Why would someone be calling me now?" he wonders before answering. "Hey Straight, you still coming to the Party tonight?" Soul asks on the other end of the phone. "Yeah, I'm coming as my Dad, I even grew out my facial hair for authenticity." Straight replies. "Your coming as which version of him?" "I'm coming as him when he won the WWE Championship." "Oh... Well me and Sunset are coming as Characters from the Nightmare before Christmas." "Interesting. Well look, I need to finish breakfast and get my stuff together so I'll see you tonight." "Okay, see you tonight." Soul then hangs up. Sighing, Straight finishes his food then begins drinking his smoothie. Afterwards, he heads to his closet to begin putting his costume together. He grabs a pair of wrestling trunks that have red six pointed stars adorning them, a pair of kick pads with a similar design, and a t-shirt that has his dads old logo on it. As he lays it out on his bed, he hears the sound of his door opening and turns to see his mom in the door. "Oh, your getting your costume put together." She says. "Yeah, did you need something?" Straight asks. AJ says nothing and opens the door to reveal Applejack. "Applejack came by wanting to see what you were up to, I decided it would be okay if she helped you put your costume together." Straight can only stare wit a slight twitch in his eye as his mom turns to leave with a mischievous grin. "Your folks are nice." Applejack says. "Yeah, nice." Straight replies before going back to his costume. As straight finally gets his costume situated, he leaves his room, leaving Applejack to snoop around and learn a little bit about her secret crush. As she does this, Straight heads to his parents room and finds his dad Watching a Blackhawks game. "Hi dad." he says upon entering. "I know why you're here." Punk says, not looking away from the television. "Then you know what I want." Punk says nothing and walks over to a chest at the foot of his bed. Upon opening it, a bright glow illuminates the room and an angelic choir is heard. "Really?" Straight says. "Sorry, I forgot to turn it off." Punk replies before flipping a switch inside the top that cuts off the ;light and choir. Punk then reaches inside and pulls out a WWE Championship Spinner Belt and holds it in his hands. After a couple of secinds, he sighs and hands it to Straight. "Guess it's time for a changing of the guard." Punk says as the belt is given to Straight. "Wait, you're giving me your belt?" Straight asks in shock. "I said when you were old enough, I would give you my most prized possession. That belt< "Punk points to the diamond encrusted chunk of gold in Straights hands, " is my most prized possession. I got that thing from WWE when I took tem to court and won. John gave it to me as a sign of no hard feelings after they paid for my lipoma removal, and then there was the treatment for the staph infection..." "Alright dad, I get it." Straight says. Straight then unbuckles the belt and throws it over his should, the buckl facing his father. "You look like I did the night I won it." Punk says with a smile. Straight laughs at this and hugs his father before leaving. When he arrives back at his room, he finds Applejack going through his photo album. "Doing a little snooping are we?" Straight asks. Applejack looks up at hearing him. "Just looking atr sme of the photos from when you only had your dad." she replies. "That can wait, we got to get ready for the Halloween party." Straight then plces the belt in front of her and Applejack can only stare at the title belt. "Is this thing-" she begins. "Real? Yes, it's gold plated and is made from both real diamonds and cubic zirconium." Straight finishes before grabbing his costume and heading into the bathroom. Forty-Five minutes Later... After what felt like forever, Straight exits the bathroom only to have Applejack stare at his trunks. "Uh, your not wearing any pants." she says with a slight blush. "These are wrestling trunks, And I have the build for it." Straight replies before heading to his bed where he begins wrapping his hands in both athletic and cohesive tape. Afterwards, he places the championship around his waist and heads to a mirror. "Good god, I've turned into dad." he says upon looking in the mirror. Applejack laughs at this and heads into the bathroom with a backpack. after a few minutes she comes out wearing a costume that makes her look like Rhonda Rousey. Straight blushes at the slightly revealing outfit and finally sighs as his clock rings signaling that the party is in a few hours. "Guess that means we need to get over to Pinkie Pie's House." Applejack says as Straight walks to the door of his room. As he opens it, he is blinded by an onslaught of camera flashes from his mom who wants to get a shot of her son dressed as his dad. "Mom, No Flash Photography!!!" Straight eclaims in annoyance as the flashes only get worse. AJ Replies with a laugh that is reminiscent of her wrestling days. Hearing this, Punk pokes his head out of his bedroom and smiles. "Like I said, I dig crazy chicks." he says before a buzzer goes off. "DAMNITT I MISSED THE GOAL!" he quickly heads back to his seat. After escaping his mother and her camera, Straight walks over to his car, only for Applejack to stop him form opening the door. "What?" he asks. "We're taking my pink-up." she says before pressing the button on her car keys. The headlights of a 4x4 pickup truck turn on in response to this and Straight's jaw drops at the sight of vehicle. Applejack smirks at the reaction and motions for him to get in. Straight obliges and gets in the passenger seat. After a bit of driving, the two arrive at the Pie household, which has several cars parked outside it. "Guess were late arrivals." Straight says. After getting out, Straight and Applejack walk up to the door of Pinkie's house and ring the doorbell. A few seconds pass until a girl with gray skin and purple hair answers the door. "How may I help you." she says in a clearly bipolar tone. "Um, we're looking for pinkie pie." Straight says upon seeing the girl. "She's downstairs with th others. Please keep the npise to a minimum," she then pulls a small stone out of her pocket, "Boulder is trying to sleep." She then walks away. "Who was that?" Straight asks. "Pinkie sister Maud, one of the smartest girls I know when it comes to geology, but she is kinda bipolar if you ask me." Applejack replies. As the two head to the basement, they find their friends sitting at the couches playing some kind of game. As Straight taes a step into the room, Everyone turns to the direction of him and He is suddenly met by rarity who literally appeared out of thin air. "Uh, hi." straight says to the girl. Rarity says nothing, she can only stare at the belt around Straights waist with intent. As straight attempts go around, Rarirty blocks his path. "Uh, Rarity?" Straight asks. "Where did you get it?" She asks. "Get what?" Straight replies. "The belt, where did you get the belt." "I got it form my dad." Straight replies. He finally manages to get around her, only to feel the weight of the fifteen pound championship leave. "What the-" He says before turning around to find Rarity stroking the championship, the logo in the middle spinning like it was originally made to. "Oh, what a wonderful piece of jewelry." Rarity says befire hugging the title bet as if it were a small child. The others begin laughing at the sight as Applejack takes her seat next to Soul. Straight then tries to get back his belt, only for Rarity to turn away from him. "Oh for the love of... Clyde, a little assistance please?" Straight asks. "Don't worry, I got this." Clyde replies. Two hours later... "How long have they been in there?" Sunset asks. "I have no clue; Clyde just whispered something into Rarity's ear and she gave me my belt back and followed Clyde into the closet." Straight replies. The door then pens to reveal a smiling Rarity clinging to the arm of Clyde who has purple lipstick smudges on his cheek, neck, and forehead. "What the hell happened?" Straight asks. "Worth it." Clyde says before falling to the floor. Forty Five minutes later... Straight and the others are at Canterlot high, the gymnasium to be specific, all of them in costume. As they enter the building, they fid several other students either dancing or sitting at a table talking with each other. The group splits up with Pinkie, Rainbow, Sonata and their boyfriends heading to the dance floor, and the others heading to get a table. Straight laughs at the decorations in the gym and follows Applejack to the tables. As they arrive, a certain blonde haired boy bumps into Straight. "Watch where your going you insolent fool!" he exclaims. "Why don't you go bet some more bleach for that hair of yours." Straight replies. He is then grabbed by the back of his short by one of the boys friends who came to the aid of his "friend". Turning straight around to face him, the blonde smirks. "I don't think we've been properly introduced." He says, "My name is Blueblood, and I am the nephew of Principal Celestia." "Is that supposed to impress me?" Straight asks in a smart tone. Blueblood says nothing as his goon takes Straights belt and shoves him to the floor. "Hey, That's Mine!" Straight says trying t grab it. He is then restrained by another one of Bluebloods goons as their boss looks over the belt. "My, what woul a commoner like you be doing with such an exquisite piece of jewelry?" he asks with a raised eyebrow. "I'm wearing it, what else do you do with a belt?" He is then slapped by blueblood. The sound is loud enough that Vinyl scratches a record as the entire room stares at the two boys. "FOOL!" Blueblood exclaims with anger in his eyes. "A commoner like you should not be in possession of something like this!" He then has his goon place it around his waist. "It belongs around the waist of someone who is equal in value to it." Seeing the belt around Bluebloods waist, Straight Roundhouse Kicks one of his goons into unconsciousness and Delivers an elbow strike to the head of the other, splitting his head open. As straight Runs towards Blueblood, He is restrained by Warhawk, Zero, Swift, and Night. "LET GO OF ME, I'M GONNA BEAT THE HELL IOUT OF THIS PIECE OF SHIT!!!" Straight exclaims as his friends hold him back. "Straight it's not worth it." Warhawk tells him. "Yes, Listen to your fellow commoners." Blueblood says. "It seems we have a predicament." A voice says. the group turns to see Coach Iron will drssed up as a referee. "Coach Ironwill, these boys were harassing me." Blue blood tells him in a scared tone. "Like Coach Ironwill would believe a lying, cheating rat like you. It is clear that you have stolen something that belongs to Straight Edge." "I did no such thing, I was merely putting something in the possession of someone who can truly appreciate it's worth." Ironwill then takes the belt from Blueblood and holds it under his arm. " Seeing how you two are going to fight no matter what happens, "He retrieves a device from his pocket, "We will settle this the old fashioned way." The sound of gears turning fills the room as basket ball court opens up to reveal a pro wrestling ring that rises from beneath the floor. "Tia, what di Coach say the fundraiser were for again?" Luna asks. "He said it was for the athletic budget." Celestia replies, not paying any attention to what is going on as she grabs multiple pieces of cake and places them on her plate. Back with the boys... "Here's what's going to happen, You two are going to fight for this here belt, and Coach Ironwill is going t referee. The belt will be hung above the ring and the first to grab it will be the rightful owner." Ironwill explains as a wire falls from the ceiling. Coach then buckles the belt to it and it ascends to its place above the ring. Straight smiles at seeing the ring and a couple of students moving some of the long tables to the side of the ring and a couple of ladders as well. His friends finally let go of him and he heads to the side of the ring. The bleachers unfold as Iron will enters the ring and several faculty members leave the gym, not wanting to be blamed for whatever happens. "This should be good." Rainbow says as the group of friends takes a seat on the front row. Blueblood finally enters the ring, a pair of mixed martial arts gloves on and a Olympic wrestling unitary covering his body. Seeing this, Straight breaks down in laughter. "What's so funny, are you laughing at your imminent defeat?" Blue blood asks as he takes an orthodox boxing stance. "I'm laughing at the fact that you think you have a chance." Straight replies as he puts in his mouthpiece. Seeing that both boys are ready, Ironwill points to ringside where Flash Sentry rings a bell. Forty-five minutes Later... Blueblood is atop a ladder, reaching for the belt. His forehead has been busted open by straight hitting him in the head with a chair. Straight is climbing the ropes trying to get back to his feet. Seeing blueblood with the belt almost in his grasp, Straight gathers what strength he has left and does the only thing possible as he spots two tables conveniently placed on top of each other. "What is Straight doing." Rainbow asks as Straight grabs the side of the ladder. "Oh god, He's gonna put Blueblood in the hospital!" Soul exclaims as he makes the realization. The others figure it out a little late as Straight pushes the ladder over and Blueblood falls through the two tables, landing on the floor with an audible smack. Students start cheering as Straight places the ladder back up and begins climbing. As he gets to the top, Blueblood somehow manages to recover and begins climbing the other side. Iron will can only watch as Straight grabs the belt as to the floor with it as Blueblood tries to grabs it out of the air. The student body goes crazy as Flash rings the bell for the match to stop and Straights friends help him to his feet. He is exhausted and has to be carried out by Warhawk and Clyde. Coach iron will smiles at the oucome and takes the belt form straight, placing it around the waist of the rightful owner. Straight raises hands in victory as exhaustion takes its effect on his body and he collapses to the floor, asleep. "Is this the end of the chapter?" Pinkei asks, "BUT WE DIDN'T EVEN GET TO GO TRICK-OR-TREATING!!!" > Chapter 11 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Trip, Part 3: Week 2 The rest of the week flew by as Straight underwent a very physical training regime. His injury healed faster than expected, so the doctor allowed him to continue full contact training. As the next week begins, Straight once again is in the Dojo with every one else. The group has shrunk since they all arrived, most of them have been sent home due to medical issues or because they disobeyed rules. As Straight finishes up his work for the day, Styles walks over to him. "David, I need to speak with you in the locker room real quick." He says. Straight says nothing and follows AJ Styles to the locker room. "What's up, Coach?" Straight asks. "I'm giving you the week off." He replies. "... Wait, what?" "You've put in more work than anyone here for the past ten days. I thought it would be a good idea to let you have tomorrow and Friday off, you know, to spend time with your friends as they tour the city." "But I thought it was important for me to not miss a workout session?" "Listen David, You and Lethal have been going at it since the incident last week. I want to give you two some space so I can try and figure out how to put an end to this without me having to separate the two of you during practice matches." Straight sighs at hearing this, but nods in agreement. "Okay, you are going to be with your friends for the next two days and I'll begin drawing up a plan to end this little 'rivalry' between you and Lethal." Styles then leaves the room as Straight begins to change clothes. The Next Day... "So why are you with us again?" asks Soul. "Coach gave me a couple days off for rest. That and I'm going to be pulling all-nighters with Coach Liger since Lethal Legend is targeting me." Straight replies. "What are you guys doing standing around," Warhawk asks as they arrive at the Tokyo Mall, "We have some tourist traps to raid!" Hearing this, The two friends join their third and head inside the massive shopping facility, ready to waste every single dollar they brought on merchandise they really don't need. As the group splits up to cover more ground, Straight walks upon a store selling Indy wrestling DVD's. Thinking something from his Dad's days in Ring Of Honor would be inside, Straight enters the store. Upon entering, Straight finds old shirts that have the logos of Either Prince Devitt during his stint with NJPW, El Generico and Kevin Steen from Ring of Honor, and old replica championship belts that adorn the counter behind the register. As he searches the store, Straight finds a certain posrter that makes his blood run cold. "What the hell?" he thinks upon seeing it. "Ah, I see you found one of my more recent pieces." a voice says. Straight turns to find a man, most likely a college kid, walk up to him. "Uh, yeah. What can you tell me about it?" Straight replies. "Oh the memories from that event in Chicago," the man begins, "It was the first ever show to be broadcasted live, via YouTube and Twitch, by the Underground Wrestling Federation, Cataclysmal Underground. Every title the promotion sanctioned was up for grabs that night. But I think the event was most watched because of the main event fight at the end, which was a non-title match." "Who was in it?" Straight puts his hands in his pockets, trying to hide his clinching fists. "It was a fight to end the two year rivalry between Chicago's Hometown Boy, 'Straight Edge' Brooks and his former tag Partner and friend, Nathan 'The Nightmare' Knight," Straight begins biting his lip, "Those two used to be the greatest tag team in the Great Lake region of the United States, then Nathan turned his back on Straight after a failed attempt at reclaiming the tag team titles." "How did it end?" "It ended with Brooks pulling off an amazing counter to set up a top rope Piledriver. Straight Edge won the match and later won and defended the UWF World Heavyweight Championship for I think the third time in his career. But he dropped it after leaving the UWF. It's quite the shame, I would of loved to see him and Nathan go at it one more time." "Yeah, how much for the CM Punk shirt?" Straight asks. Meanwhile... "And why exactly should Crystal Prep allow someone like you into our doors?" Principal Cinch asks a boy in a black hoodie. "Because I want to go somewhere that I will actually get noticed, unlike Canterlot High. The only thing they have that's any good is lacrosse, but who plays lacrosse on this side of the country?" the boy replies. "Well," cinch looks over his transcript, "You seem to meet all our transfer requirements. No discipline referrals, outstanding grades, perfect attendance." "You flatter me." "Alright, you will begin class starting next week, Mr. Knit?" "It's Knight, spellcheck wasn't working when I typed It." Back in Tokyo... Warhawk and Soul are walking through the mall, trying to find Straight. As they come upon the same wrestling shop, they see him leave in the direction of the food court. As Warhawk tries to Get his attenition, Soul stops him upon seeing the poster inside. "Warhawk?" he asks. "yeah, what's up?" Warhawk replies. "Do you notice anything strange about that poster in the back of the store?" Warhawk enters the store to find the poster Soul is talking about. "What, it's just an ordinary post- OH MY GOODNESS!!!" he pulls out his phone and sends a text to the guy back home, "Excuse me sir, how much for this poster?" > Chapter 12 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Trip Part 4: Homecoming The final week of Training went by and Lethal Legend finally got what was coming to him. Thanks to video surveillance, the coaches managed to discover Lethal using Anabolic steroids to make himself "bigger". Due to this violating company policy, Lethal was Sent home immediately. Afterwards, Straight finished his time up and was invited to go full time after high school, an offer he accepted with much gratitude. Straight and his friends then flew another seven hour flight home with Colt to Canterlot and headed straight home afterwards. Literally passing out on his bed, Straight stayed in a bent over position throughout the night as his Mom came into his bedroom and draped a blanket over him. The next morning, Straight woke up early as usual and went on a morning run, something he does regularly on the weekends. As he reaches downtown Canterlot, he finds an all too familiar group of cars parked outside Sugarcube Corner. Laughing, he enters the establishment. "Morning guys." he says upon entering. Seeing him, the group of friends all go slightly pale in expression. "What's wrong," he asks before looking down, "Did I put my pants on backwards again?" "You put your friend in the hospital." a straight haired pinkie pie explains. "What, I haven't done anything to harm Soul. The thing with the Dudley Boyz was Treble's idea." "HEY," Treble remarks, "I got raped by a pie, you have no room to talk." Sunset then pulls out the poster Warhawk bought in Japan. "Does this ring any bells?" She asks. Upon seeing it, Straight's expression changes to that of a cold hearted individual and he turns to leave, but not before Jess and Knock Out walk in. "Straight, you're back." she says upon seeing him. Staight pays the two no mind and walks past them,slamming the door with enough force that the glass window shatters. "What the hell's gotten into him?" asks Knock Out. Jess then turns to the others and grows pale upon seeing the poster. "Guys," she begins, "please tell me you didn't show him that poster." "Why, he put a guy in a neck brace for half a year because of a stupid belt." Rainbow Dash accuses. Knock out then slams his fist on the table, gathering the attention of all the patron in the building. "Listen to me you self centered egomaniac," he begins, "You have no idea what caused that match; so before you go around pointing accusations at people for things they've, why don't you look in a mirror first." Rainbow sinks into her seat after that. "Guys," they all turn to Jess, "We need to talk." Two hours later... The entire group of friends, minus Straight, are in the basement of Jess's house, the movie room the be specific. "You even have a computer projector!?!" asks Soul. "Yes, now sit down." she replies before inserting a DVD into her laptop. As the show begins, a logo appears in the screen bearing the name , UNDERGROUND WRESTLING FEDERATION. As soon as the first announcer is heard, the disc cuts to the end of the entire program. Straight is seen hugging a boy with blue reptilian eyes, jet black hair, and Light blue skin. As they break the hug, the boy opposite of Straight grabs a microphone. "And Straight Edge," he begins, "I just want you to know... I hate your fucking guts!" He then kicks Straight below the belt and hits him with a brain buster before going to grab a chair. By the time he returns, Knock Out has entered the ring and stopped him from doing any more damage. Jess then cuts off the projector and turns the lights back on, A lone tear rolling down her face. "It gets me every time." she says. The group of friends the turn to her. "Who was that?" asks Rarity. "That was Nathan Knight, Straight's former tag team partner and life long friend." Knock Out explains before wrapping an arm around Jess who begins to cry. "Those two were close, and I mean close. Hell, you could've called them brothers before that night." Jess then gathers herself and begins to explain. "David and Nathan were one of the best tag teams in the UWF," She pats Knock Out's shoulder, "Knock out here was one of he top singles competitors alongside Straight," She places a hand on her chest, "and I was the top female wrestler. We all worked for this insane, highly dangerous wrestling promotion called the Underground Wrestling Federation, or the UWF for short. Straight and Nathan were scheduled for a rematch to try and recapture the tag team titles that nigh and they failed. And let me remind you that this type of promotion didn't script it's storylines, They made a story by letting the competitors make a rivalry. Everything that happened was real when it came down to the Wrestlers, and the fighting was full contact like it is in japan. David and Nathan hugged it out after a little bit of hostility between the two, and then Nathan just snapped. All of our shows were on YouTube at the time and Straight went back stage after Knock Out saved him. The interviewer asked him for an opinion and he just grabbed me and lost control of his emotions." She explains, struggling to fight tears. "Straight was in a state of depression for a few weeks afterwards; he was very distant from Jess, me, his parents, you name it. I finally convinced him to come fight in a match he was scheduled for, and he ended up running out during the main event and attacking Nathan." "What happened to them, weren't they friends?" asks Fluttershy. "In this kind of business, you have do whatever you can if you want to be world champion. Nathan chose the easy way by taking out the top competition, and then he beat me the week after to line up a number one contenders match, which straight interfered in. The two would enter a rivalry that would gain international fame through social media. Everyone wanted to see them end it once December rolled around," he then puts another Disc into the projector. "What are we watching now?" asks Soul. "The match that ended it all, or so we thought." Knock Out replies before pressing play. Forty Five minutes later... "And Nathan places Straight on the top turn buckle." a commentator explains. "That's a dangerous place to be, especially for these two when you take into account all of the shots to the body and head with the foreign objects." the second one adds. Nathan then traces his thumbs along his neck as if he were saying, you're dead. Climbing to the top, he grabs straight in an attempt to DDT him from the top rope. Before he could do this, Straight low blows him Counters with a head-butt. As Nathan staggers to the ring's floor, Straight grabs him and positions him upside down while standing on the top rope. "Wait, isn't that the... oh my god." Clyde says upon realizing what's about to happen. "No way, Straight Edge is looking to end thus once and for all." The commentator says. The entire audience then cries out in a multitude of screams and gasps as Straight jumps with Nathan in position, landing knees first. "TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER FROM THE TOP ROPE!!! AND STRAIGHT COVERS!!!" The crowd counts with the referee as he reaches three and everyone cheers. Straight climbs the ropes to celebrate as a medical team arrives to tend to Nathan, who has to stretchered out. The projector then cuts to black as Everyone looks at jess and Knock Out. "What happened next?" Applejack asks. "Staight went on to win the UWF Title for a record third time and woul defend it for the next three years. Nathan would end up being hospitalized for a concussion and minor blood loss, but he just disappeared after that match. I don't know what happened to him." Jess explains. "Listen guys," Knock out begins," Straight and Nathan were as close as two people could be. After Nathan attacked him, the two of them were never the same. They have taked to each other since that night, and I don't think they ever will." "But, can't we do something?" asks Pinkie Pie. "Yeah, Don't even think about doing something." Jess says with a stern tone, "Nathan and Straight earned rivalry and match of the year for that, but that was the only good thing that happened. Those two went at it both inside and outside of the ring. Me and Knock out had to literally separate the two of them on a daily basis. They went from the best of friends to the worst of enemies. If you want to find out about their rivalry, feel free to stay and watch it from the beginning; Knock Out will put the DVD's in order for you." Jess then walks upstairs as Knockout arranges the Disc set. "See you guys Monday." he says. "Wait, you transferred to Canterlot High?" asks Sunset. "Yeah, Both jess and I did." Later... After watching the entire rivalry from beginning to end, Straight's friends all head home. While Applejack is walking to her house, she bumps into a boy in a hooded trench coat. "Sorry, my bad." she says before heading on her way. As she walks away, the boy removes his hood to reveal his jet black hair and Light blue skin. He stares at her for a moment, awestruck by her appearance, before an idea pops into his head. "I wonder if she would go out with me next monad after school?" he asks himself before continuing on his way home. > Chapter 13 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Rivalry Renewed Ever since learning of Straight's past, his friends have been trying to process all of the new information, especially when it came to Knock Out and Jess transferring to Canterlot high. As the week went on, Everyone was staying after school to prepare for a pep rally the next day to celebrate the Football Team beating Crystal prep playoffs semi-finals and making the state championship game. As Pinkie and the others hung Banners that read, CHS WONDERCOLTS NORTH DIVISION CHAMPIONS; everyone stopped what they were doing as Straight walked into the gym. "Hey guys." he says in a low tone. His appearance has changed drastically; his hair is not gelled back and hangs a bit over his eyes and the tattoos that are usually covered up by his hand wraps are visible. Straight says nothing as his friends watch him climb atop the bleachers and puts in his ear phones before pulling out his phone. As he begins watching videos, his friends begin thinking of what they should do. But before they could, the bell to end school rings. Hearing this, Straight leaves before anyone could say anything. As the group of friends all head their separate ways for the weekend, Soul and Sunset walk to the parking lot. "I hope Straight gets to feeling better. I cant stand to see a friend like this." Sunset says as the two arrive at Soul's motorcycle. "He'll get through it, trust me." Replies Soul. Before either of them could get their helmets on, a boy with jet black hair suddenly runs by them, Straight hot on his tail. Seeing this, the two give chase. When they finally reach them, Straight has already thrown the kid into a metal trash can and is walking away. Before he can leave, Soul stops him. "Sgtraight, what the heck is going on!?!" he demands. "What's going on is me getting payback for what that son of a bitch did." Straight replies. "Your still not mad about that, are you David?" the boy asks as he gets back to his feet and smirks. Straigh then tackles him and the two once again get into it. Jess and Knock Out then appear and go wide eyed at the sight before running over and pulling Straight off of the boy. "Well what do you know, the gangs all back together." the boy says upon seeing Jess and Knock Out. "What the hell are you doing here Nathan?" Knock Out asks with venom in his tone. "Wait, Nathan!?!" Sunset and soul ask simultaneously. "Oh you know, just getting the best education money can buy." Nathan replies, pulling out a crystal prep brochure. "Oh, now I have more reasons to kick your ass." Straight says trying to get out of Knock Out's grip. "Oh no, I have done something right again?" Nathan asks in a smartly tone. "Your lucky these two are holding me back, or else you would be in a coffin." "David, a much as I would love to see you fight again, I'm afraid I have to go get ready for my in ring return later tonight at crystal prep. I will get to show off my skills to the entire school while your banned from competing." Nathan then turns to leave as Knock out and jess drag Straight to his car. "Call the guys." Soul says. "Why?" sunset asks. "Were going to crystal prep tonight." Three hours later... As the sun begins to set, Soul, Sunset, Rainbow, Pinkie, Swift, Rarity, Clyde and Applejack all arrive at the Crystal Prep Gymnasium. The stands are packedwith local students and the group offriends are clearly out of place in the crowd of kids wearing school uniforms. "Has anyone seen Straight?" asks Soul. "Knock Out said that he three of them were competing tonight against the local competition. Don't know about straight though." Clyde replies. The group then gets quiet as a song begins playing and Knock out walks into the ring that has been set up for the event. He is wearing sleeveless shirt and a pair of gym shorts. As his match begins, he quickly ends it with swift kick to his opponents gut and a package piledriver. "Well, that was anticlimactic." Pinkie says. As the event continues Jess garners the audiences attention with her top rope n=maneuvers and Nathan finally enters the gym. from the bleachers, the group of friends can see his reptilian eyes and a very cocky smirk. "Hey guys." Knock out says. The group turns to see him and jess take a seat next to them, jess sporting an ice pack tapped o her shoulder. "Hey guys, good matches." Swift replies. The two can say nothing as Nathan grabs a microphone. "Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Nathan Knight. And tonight, I am issuing an open challenge for my in ring return. So, anyone in the back interested in taking on a former UWF champion?" he says. As the theme song hits, A masked competitor runs out and jogs to the ring, he is sporting a pair of tights with a weird logo on them, and Nathan seems a bit shocked that someone actually accepted his challenge. A referee rings the bell and Nathan immediately charges at the masked competitor. The competitor runs at him as well and base ball slides between his legs before rebounding off the ropes and preforming a tilt-a-whirl head scissor. As Nathan rolls out of the ring, he is clearly frustrated at the talent of his opponent. "Who is this guy, he's awesome!" Rainbow exclaims upon watching the masked wrestler fight. "An old friend of Straights." Knock Out replies with a smirk. Nathan reenters the ring and tries to get the momentum back in his favor. This back fires as he is immediately drop kicked back out of the ring. As Nathan gets back to his feet, his opponent gets out and throws him back into the ring. As Nathan climbs the turnbuckles to get back to his feet, he turns around to see a boot connect with his face, he then see's stars. "What the hell was that?" asks Clyde. "That's what we like to call a yakuza kick." jess says, smiling as well. Nathan can do nothing as the referee calls for the bell after being pinned. Now at a seated position in the corner, the masked opponent points to his mask, asking if the audience wants to know who he is. everyone replies yes and he looks directly at Nathan while placing a finger underneath the mask. As it comes off, Nathan goes wide eyed. "Hey buddy!" Straight says, the mask in his hand. "WHAT THE FUCK!!!" Nathan exclaims as he roll out of the ring. Straight doesn't follow, but smiles as he runs through the crowd and jumps in his car, driving home before security could apprehend him. After all, he was banned from the event. His friends all look to jess and Knock out as the two begin laughing at Nathan's reaction. "That was Straight the entire time!?!" Rainbow asks. "Yeah, Nathan's had that one coming for a long time." Knock out replies in between laughs. "Where did he go?" Asks pinkie. "Probably back to his house. You all can come with us, we're going to see him." Jess replies. "Sure, it would be nice to see him happy for a change." Applejack says in reply. Meanwhile, Nathan is backstage trying to get over his loss. Clearly frustrated, he punches a nearby locker and creates a dent in the door. "That no good punk has no idea what he's done." He says to himself. As he turns to leave, he smirks. "Guess Cataclysmal Underground wasn't the end of our little rivalry. Now I can end it once and for all." > Chapter 14 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- An Introduction to Violence, Part 1 About two weeks have passed since Straight had his match with Nathan, and it has clearly had a positive effect on Straight. The following morning after the match, he gathered up his friends and told them the whole story, with Knock Out and Jess's help of course. Afterwards, things went back to normal, or as normal as it can get around Canterlot High, for the group of friends. That is, until the following week. On Monday morning, the students of Canterlot high return to school after the weekend, knowing they are in the home stretch of school coming to a close. As the morning begins, Straight and his friends begin to arrive. "Hey guys," Soul says as he walks up to his friends, "How was your weekend?" Before anyone could answer, the familiar sound of a V8 roars into the parking lot as Straight arrives. Smiling, his friends hope to see him in a much brighter mood. "Morning Straight, feeling any better?" asks Soul. to the shock of everyone, Straight pays no attention and bumps his shoulder into him before continuing to walk into the school. "What just happened?" asks Clyde. "Maybe he's still mad at us?" suggests Fluttershy. "Or it could just be Monday?" states Warhawk. Before anyone could make more suggestions, the bell rang for first period sending the group into a frenzy to try not to be late. As the day went on, Straight continued to distance himself, sitting with Jess and knockout throughout the day. At lunch, his friends begin to grow suspicious. At the girls table, they ponder on what the group of old friends are doing. "What do you suppose they're talking about?" asks Sunset. a few tables over, Straight, Knock Out, and Jess are looking over several papers and laughing in between their conversation. "Maybe they're talking about last weekend?" Suggests Pinkie, "They sure did have a good time." "Nah, they're clearly plotting something. maybe its a senior prank." Rainbow says. "They dont seem like the kind of students to do that. And i highly doubt anyone will join you in rolling the principals house." applejack replies. "Man, you guys are no fun." Across from them, at the boys table, soul and the others are discussing the same thing. "So, what do you think we should do to figure out what they're doing?" asks Soul. "Why don't we go over and ask them?" suggests Swift. "No way, we need to decipher this on our own, or else we may never-" Zero begins before he is cut off by warhawk. "That clearly isn't stopping Treble." he says while pointing in the direction of Straight and the others. Treble is standing behind straight clearly asking for something, and straight turns to him with a look of distrust. "Great, no we'll never-" Zero is cut off again. "They gave him a piece of paper." warhawk states. Treble take the sheet of paper from straight and shakes his hand before pointing at Straights eyes and saying something with a smile. He then turns and walks towards the boys table. "Hey guys, you'll never guess what Straight is joining." he says upon sitting down. the group just eyes at him in shock, unable to respond after seeing him come back with something in his hand. "What, did Gaige put something in my hair again?" he asks, feeling for something that isn't in his head. "What are they talking about?" asks Clyde. "Apparently, Straight and his friends are reforming their old wrestling team to take part in a no holds barred tournament next week. they're just going over the details. He said that anyone can join, as long as they pay the application fee, and it must be a team of three." Upon hearing this, the group turns to each other and sighs feeling a weight come off of their shoulders. Until Zero opens his mouth. "How much is the fee?" he asks. "Like Twenty bucks per single individual so sixty per team. why?" treble replies. "Cause i'm gonna enter that tournament." everyone looks at him in bewilderment. "Uh, Zero, no offense," begins clyde, "But Straight has been doing this since he was probably able to walk. I dont think you could handle him." "Oh, please, everyone knows pro wrestling is fake, so as long as i act better than him, i'll-" he is silenced as a bowl full of pudding collides with his face. "Where did that come from!?!" asks Swift in shock. The looks at straight's table to see him smirking, jess laughing he head off, and Knockout with a satisfied look on his face. "I think they heard you zero." soul says. Later that day, the group informs the girls on the reason for straights actions and are relieved to know he's not mad at them still, but as for Rainbow. "So its sixty dollars per team, count me in." she says. "Uh, no offense dash, but you may be bitin' off more than you can chew with this one." applejack says. "I concur," rarity adds, "I for one am not about to subject my friend to something so barbaric and-" rarity says before being cut off. "You would be able to make the clothes we would wear." Rainbow says with a smirk. Rarity's eyes widen before she shoots rainbow an unamused look. "why must you always say the right things at the most inopportune times?" "Because it puts the odds in my favor. Now lets form up the team that will win this thing. Who's with me?" Rainbow looks around at everyone , but is only met with a response of cricket chirps. "Fine, I shall accompany you in this escapade. But i must ask, what is a wrestliers wardrobe made out of?" Rarity asks. "Spandex-" a voice says from behind her. The group all turns in shock from the suprise to find Straight standing behind rarity. "Wha-what?" she asks, still a bit shaken from his sudden appearence. "Spandex for the clothing, leather or some type of athletic material for the accessories. Why do you ask?" "Because were entering the wrestling tournament that your joining next week." Rainbow says with a confident smirk. Before anyone could fire off a dirty look at rainbow, straight does something he hasnt done in a long time. "PPFFFTTT, HAHAHAHAH!!!" he laughs, "Oh, oh my god, you're really gonna- PFFT, HAHAHAH!!!" "Whats so funny?" asks Sunset. Straight calms down before replying. "I mean, no offense, but you guys wouldn't even make it past the first round." he says, being as brutally honest and blunt as he could possibly be. "Excuse men," rainbow replies, clearly offended," what's gives you the impression that we would lose in the first round?" she asks. "Because out of all of you, for this specific tournament, i could on,y see... Clyde, Warhawk, Applejack, and maybe Zero getting past the first round. Possibly Treble if he can find some good teammates." "So just because we know nothing about this sort of thing, you think we wont be able to win it!?!" Rainbow states in an aggressive tone. "Don't get me wrong; your athletic, yes, but Knock Out, Jess, and I actually know what were getting ourselves into, If you want to get your head cut open with a fluorescent light tube, go knock yourself out," he turns to walkaway, "Its your funeral." As he walks away, The group all turns to rainbow who is clearly beyond pissed. "That no good, little... JERK!" she says. "Well, he isn't wrong Dash," Soul says, "Straight is probably the most qualified out of all of us to actually win. I mean, i've talked with his folks. From what i've heard, he's been put through tables, hit with 2x4s wrapped in barbed wire, slammed onto thumbtacks, and set on fire. All in random order." "I dont care about his resume, all i know is that i finally get to pay him back fir that kick to the head he gave me at the beginning of school." she then turns to walk away. "Oh boy," Sunset sighs, "And here I was thinking that we would be able to finish the year without anything else going wrong." "Knowing our luck," Soul states, "it would be weird if something didn't go wrong."